HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIGHORN 4TH ADDITION LOT 11B LEGAL.pdfB,anYr,'4"' lrt lo Design Review Board ACTIO]T FORM Department of Community Development 75 Sorlth Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax1970.479.2452 webl yrww.vailgov,com Project Name: Project Description: DRB Number: DR8070435 Meyer dead tree removal Participantsl owNER O DORISIO, M. SUE &THOMASM0Bl22l2007 2518 COTTONWOOD CT NORTH UBERTY IA 52317 CONTMCTOR A CUT ABOVE FORESTRY 0812212007 Phone: 970-453-9154 PO BOX 7133 BRECKENRIDGE co 80424 License: 574-S APPUCANT MIKE KARIAS 08122/2007 Phone: 303-807-8815 PO BOX 142 LITTLETON co 80127 ProjertAddressi 4444STREAMSIDECRVAIL Location: 4424 Streamside Circle / Lot 10, Bighorn Legal Description: Lot: 11B Block Subdivision: Bighorn Sub. Add. 4 Parcel Number: 2101-123-0500-9 Comments: Please replace 1 tree Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Actionl STAFFAPR Date of Approvall. 081 281 2007 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Nicole Peterson DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 FRor.r :R ']r*=r*,Hus. 21 2Aq1 sLi?aPrt P4 lb FAX NO. :9?@45349L5 *m Locrdon of the prupoolr rotilCl\-Abc*!_€gL Phyrlcal Addrcaal 4 J\ o\B.o Soc>lp _ trionra* eaeu \udrAp-,.'t\,". \ ; t'rrr trrt L^fEt llrt Ar|'tit Sftrrf tt :Appfication for Dbslgh Review ryfiH"u['flTlT.?Hffir:r "tlnrffie"fy'#13ffir1 dffiTIiTffi uad thd @nrtrudqt comrmtcq wlthtn 'i?t '1 ,-\vFtv " !_/ t 11u FatcEl No.! v T\u \s $Zonlngl Namo(e) of own€r(f)l Malllng Addresl nsr"lsor * 970-32g-g640 for parcel no.) o gota? tobl Flgn qrq. u buitdtng or demq/rcbulld. ryu3t_phg9 ts added to any resulnrhl or 9#1-2!9 tsjq1s & lnertor ionrertonij. - and,Ctr lmprovctn€ng such !!,rddltloru, lsndrcrplni, fsnes and lll9Jl+ rnd.stte tmprovcrrEnb, such r!,wm(b{v rrldlfldnf, lrndsceplng, ftsncei ahd ,\4a Lrt\'1 Owner(e) Slgnaturc(r): Item6 of Appllont: MilllngAddrusl E-mell Addrelr; TYpe ol Revlcw and Fesl tr Slgn6 tr f4ncepftal Revlew tr ltlew Con*rscilon tr Addltlon lf, Mlnor Alt€rithn I (multl-tumtly/comrnarcht) Fllnor Alt€riflon (slnglFhmily/duptex) Chsngcs to Appfo/cd phns SeFdrstJon R€gu€Et I flss f1.00 per For coffitrucgon of d For an addftlon I root od I I :. sso I No Fee t6$,0 $300 I $2qo I $20 s2q @mmerchl bullduto For mlnor draryetl ntsruoflng, pslnumf rctalnlnE wrlls, Etc. ' rEEarnlnE w![3, dc. r For mlhor chrngd t ru-ruoflhgr palnUrc! retrlnhg walb, cts,tr 0 For rwlCons b Elrctr,y sppreved by Ftcnntng Srfi or the No Fee 'Dpaoz d'p{ 6t |lVtrN - lli 1 2007 ll/l U l-5 \, t'5 AUG 2 Dedgn Rcvl6,y 7- t(p0ru ", ( J.rr(? ,TOWNOF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL. co 81657 970-479-2138 I DEPARTMENT oF coMMUN,r" trrorru*t NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 804-0140 Job Address: 4444 STREAMSIDE CR W VAIL Status. . . : ISSUED Location.....: 4444 STREAMSIDE CIRCLE #l I B Applied . . : 0610812004 Parcel No...: 2l0l 12305009 Issued . .. : 0710712004 ProjectNo : pRle j o i-r 5 Expires. ..: 01/03/2005 owNER O'DORTSIO M. SUE & THOMAS 06/08/2004 phone: 2518 COTTONWOOD CT NORTH LIBERTY, IA 523L7 License: coNrRAcToR MrNrcK coNsTRucrIoN 06/08/2004 phone. 910-827-5924 P O BOX 4018 VAIIJ CO 816s8 I-,icense:. 224-B APPI-,ICA]flr MINICK CONSTRUCTION 06/08/2004 Phone: 9'tO-827-5924 P O BOX 4018 VAIL CO 81558 License : 224-B Description: ADDITION OF 2 NEW BEDROOMS.RECIJAMATION OF EXTSTING 1 CAR GARAGE,TMPROVEMEMTS OF THE EIiIIRY,NEW ROOF WITH NEW DORMERS Occupancy: R3 Single Family Residence Tvpe Construction: Vl\ Valuation: $391,062.00 Add Sq Ft: 700 Fireplace lnformation:Restricted: Y # ofcas Appliances: 0 # ofcas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 + * +,t * + + *,1. 'l '* ,* 't,*:i,t + Building--> i2 ,628 .95 Restuannl Plan Reyiew-> $0 . 00 Total Cslculated Fees--> i4 , 445 -71 Plan Check--> 91 , ?08 .82 DRB Fec---_----------> $0 - 00 Additional Fees-----> $0 . 00 Investigation> $0, 00 Recrealion Fee---*--> 9105 . 00 Total Permit Fee---> 54 ,445 -11 Wiff Calf----> $3. OO Clean-up Dcpnsit--> $0.00 Paymenls---2 54,445.11 TOTAL FEES-------> 54 ,44s .7'7 BALANCE DIJE-----> $0 . 00 Approvals:Item: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTMENT o7/oa/2oo4 GcD Acrion3 AP Ttem: 05400 PIJANNING DEPARTMENT 06/2L/2OO4 Warren AcLj.on: AP It.em: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS o6/L6/2oo4 Ls Action: AP +atl|a'a||l'|**'t*i,|:a+l+i'l:l*l|***r**r See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCII BY TEI.EPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR PAGE 2 +******'t*****dt**{.**************+********:t+**********'**{'***!***!****!*******{.{.,}{.**:t+++**:t *'t 't **+ ****,i,*** * **+* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 804-0140 as of 07-07-2004 Status: ISSUED * **** ** * * *** '1. t ****,1***+*******{.*{.***!********************************'t****r.***************************:t*+ Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied: 06/08t2004 Applicant: MINICK CONSTRUCTION lssued: 07/07/2004 910-827-5924 To Expire: 0110312005 Job Address: 4444 STREAMSIDE CR W VAIL Location: 4444 STREAMSIDE CIRCLE #l l B Parcel No: 2l0l 12305009 Description: ADDITION OF 2 NEW BEDROOMS.RECLAMATION OF EXISTINC I CAR GARAGE,IMPROVEMENTS OF THE ENTRY,NEW ROOF WITH NEW DORMERS ********i.x*:F************************************** COnditiOnS * * ***!t*+**++++* '1.'*!****** ******* * * *** **** ***** Cond: l2 (BLDG.): FIELD TNSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FORCODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: l6 (BLDG,): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.3IO.9.I OF THE 1997 UBC. Cond: ll (PLAN):NO CRAWL SPACES SHALL HAVE A HEAD HEIGHT GREATER THAN 5 FEET AS MEASURED FROM THE SUMACE OF THE EARTH TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL FLOOR MEMBERS OF THE FLOOR/CEILING ASSEMBLY ABOVE. Cond: CON0006516 (PLAN) THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRE A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY TO VERIFY RIDGE ELEVATIONS. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR A FRAME INSPECTION. * * * t * * * * * * +* * * ** *** * * * * + +** * ** * * ** + * +* * *** **** *f** t* * ** * * * *** ** !r*** + ++ + +***+ ++ * + ++ *i ******+ + TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ****i***++++*i********+t***'t ******* {. * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **'} + * *a* + ** * * ** * *** * * * t*+ ++**f****+*** St,atement Number: R0400051S9 Arnolult: 94,445.77 07/07/200409:12 AM Pa)ments Method: Check Init: DDc Notation: Minick Construction 113 02 Permit No: 804-0140 T!4)e: ADD/AIrT SFR BUILD PERMIT Parcel No: 2101123 05 0 09 Site Address: 4444 STREiMSIDE CR W VAIL tocation: 4444 STREAMEIIDE CIRCITE #11B Total Fees: 54,445.77 This Payment: i4,445.77 Total ALL pmts: 14,445.77 Balance: $0.00 * **+ f + + +++l ***a *** *** * * +l ** ''* ** ** * **t *** * * ** **t ** +*+***** f, t **+ + +** | + +* ++ +++* ++ + + *+ f,i * * * ** *** ACCOI]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descniption Curnent Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERHIT FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES RF i11OOOO31127OO RECREATION FEES l,JC 00100003112800 |IJILL CALL INSPECTI0N FEE 2.628.95 7.708.82 105.00 3 .00 o WILL ll 6tt.f V [: ti , ,J' IVWN0Flrt 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 APPLICATION NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIG Building Permit #: uired fo CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor: ftj tnl,rtZ (OrSf= r I )t4r,, t't> lh tancr-. Town of Vail Reg. No.:)a+B Contact and Phone #'s: r\ - €er qd{- s-a6 !/4 t/F c4 - P)z s-q2./ Email address: Contractor SigpatureT)l/a-.1r2+*-)1 COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDI NG PERMIT Labor & Materials BUILDING:$ :3ll.tg{3o ELECTRICAL: $ eZ, ,lZ, nc OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $ tl,SAr>.ia MECHANICAL' $ .39 %n, "c rorAl:$ "3?t O6Zq qor Parcel # Contact Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8610 or visit www.eaqle-countv.com Parcel # 2loilzsosz-nc Job Name: O' Do retsia /.€s |os a.r'F Job Address:u+4 SiRram sfiF (rniL. ,/4/L /0 Legaf Description ll Lot: I / _B ll Btocx: ll riring:Subdivisionl3 iefrtaa_ &nb 4 Owners Name:.sLtI= vTitv, A'l>t?^\, /)Address:2oa lh+*rt ; Di lo*nQn'. tot,a ,522y) ll i\i6 -2st-- zet z AtrbitecVDesiqner,J,'? P 4*7i+;w"r< nt Address:t'L'. fltl{ )dl 4vc',u ra klctl Phnno'' nil"4-4a2 'Fnninaar'-""ih".l5. tu1h;-,;t, (a F,i U{:'W; .,*, kihr ro ?t.re Phnna'"'-"-Iz1'-2(-,22 Detailed description of work: 14 lrto S ocfi Ctat t*ryorp *d/ eo,7?,/ - i?eI?QlD Pt4r. ft.nn tia,* -, "' Y3. -, d P4 a, Gt,,- *#-:"" Work Class: New ( ) Addition 1"4r'Cenoaet (*f Repair ( ) Demo (--), Other ( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both Up-l Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No (f Type of Bldg.: Two-family M nlulti-famity ( ) Commerciat ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildino: No/Type of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq l-.)--a No/Type of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ("f ll Does a Ftre Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No (-)-- For Parcel # Contact **r.******************************r.**** F O R OFFICE USE O N LY************************************** Planner Siqn-off: \Vail\data\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM.DOC 07 t26t2002 o o tl ,ffi ffirffi r0n'N orl,'1lltHv Questions? Call the Building at 479-2325 o Team Department of Community Development Project Name: Project Address: / This Checklist must be completed before a Building Permit application is acceoted, cr- All pages of application is complete tr Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form o Condominium Association letter of approval attached if prqect is a Multi-Family complex a' Complete site plan submitted tr Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) q Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumoster,parkinq or material storaqe allowed on roadways and shoulders without written aoorova! E Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring D Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) a Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(S sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial Buildings) Window and door schedule Full structural plans, including design criteria (i.e.loads) Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated Smoke detectors shown on plans Types and quantity of fireplaces shown Applicant's Signature: a EI E. 0 U g D Date of suunlitta;: -jk/4 Received By(ft- \\Vail\data\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM.DOC 04t02t2003 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Depaftment review, and a review by the Building Depadment the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeKS, All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this depaftment to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed toby: D*utg l4ltnc(< Print name A,' ;,-(Signature / Project Name: 0'f'>o&ts,O f-a Date: QlSldV F:everyone/forms/bldperm3 WHEN A *PUBLIC WAY PERMIT" IS REQUIRED PLEASE REAB AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A .PUBUC WAY PERMIT": tr D tr o tr tr Does demolition work being performed require the usgof the Right-of-Way, easements or public propefi? YES_ NO r/ Is this a new residence? YES NO Is any utility work needed? YES Is the driveway being repaved? NO 1 ves r/ No Is a difFerent access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? YEs No/ Is any drainage work beiqgdone that affects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public property? YES- NO ./ Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required?YES NO -of-Way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing?No----z' If answerjp NO, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Public Works?YES NO If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development (a sample is attached). If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Works at 479-2198. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL THE ABOVE OUESTIONS. lLttvrer(- glanT LQ Company Name Is the Right YES Contractor Signature Job or Project Name: Date Signed: F :/everyone/forms/bldperm4 __4s1tr_ PUBLIC WORKS AND THE PUBLIC WAY PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: Fill out the attached check list with the Building Permit Aoplication. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" permit is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. Notice sign-offs for utility companies, ALL utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper, An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc,), This plan will expire on November 1st and will need to be resubmitted for consideration for approval through the winter. Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review, If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail electricians and irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or deny the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. As soon as the permit is approved, the Building Depaftment will be notified, allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit". NOTE: The above process is for work in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. Re-application each November 15th does not mean an automatic renewal. I have read and understand the above. I i' ?/a, Date Signed F:/everyone/forms/bldperm5 pRATNAGE ANp CULVERT INSPECTTONS ARE REOUIREp By pUBtIC WORKq! Please read and check off each of the items below: o The Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. o The Town of Vail Public Works Depaftment will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Department for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at479-2198 to request an inspection from the Public Works Department. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. u Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Depatment will be approving all final drainage and culvert installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to any Final Ceftificate of Occupancv issuance. Agreed to by: Sft .n mnnr/e Print Name Project Name: O'OoR, s,n flEsr o€'rce- Date Signed:c/ f/ry F:/everyone/forms/bldperm6 Please read and check off each of the items below. (Copies of complete te)C are available upon request) CODE 5-2-10r DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITED q/ Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. o..4lotice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notify and require any person who violates or ' causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereot or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the notified. u-,.8trmmons and Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hergunder be punished as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this code. y' Notice and Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 5 (1979). CODEST-3A-1 AND 7-3A-3T PARKING OBSTRUCTINGTRAFFIC&IMPOUNDMENTAUTHORIZED o t1e'fierson shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other place within this Municipality in such a './manner or under such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper street or highway maintenance. (Ord, 2(1968) g 1) zd Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle attended or unattended, standing upon any portion of a street or upon any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to constitute a violation of any seqtion of this Atticle, or left unattended for a period of twenty four (24) hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by Colorado Revised Statutes section 42-4-1102, as amended, the officer shall require the vehicle to be removed or cause it to be removed and placed in storage in the nearest garage or other place of safety designated or maintained by this Municipality, and the charges for towing and storage of such vehicle shall be charged to the owner of the vehicle in addition to a ten dollar ($10) impoundmentcharge. (Ord. 2(1968) $ 3: Ord. 28(1981) 5 1) I have read and will complv with the above code orovisions: Position or Relationship to Project:CE/yFrtn-L Covv?tcr'E Date Signed: blR/f + F :/everyone/fi-rnns/bldpenrrT Proairco, Inc. Po. 8or lt9 wHt^r RtDot. co 0003d'0179 (303) 4s8-026d May 20' 2002 l4s. Sue 0'Dorisio Z5l8 Cottqnwood Ct. North Liberty, IA 52317 REr Limited examlnation of a home in Vail for accessable surface a'sbestos and 'lead. L0CATION: 4444 Streamside Clrcle tdest Vail, Colorado SURVEY: Per request by l.ls. O'Dorisio and l.ls. l{ilhelm, 0n 5-15-02 scientist John -iiyfo.-p*iiorireO a'limited lnspection of the'older sections of the home unit. The following samples (i'A" for asbestos, "L" for lead) were taken: Fir* lloor; A4444-l Tecture caot, kitchen ceil{ng, S.ll. corner' at wood beam' 14444-1 Texture coat, kltchen ceiling, S.|1. corner, at wood beam. A44+4-2 Drywall mud, kitchen, N. wall' at light switches' A4444-3 Texture paper, kitchen, N. wall, at light switches' A4444-4 lall ter(tur€, laundry room, S.!f. corner' at phone box' L4444-Z lla'l I texture, laundry room, S.l{- corner' at phone box' 14444-3 Popcorn coating, "renovated garage" hall, random composite from ceiling. A4444-5 Popcorn couflng, "renovated garage" ha11, random composite from ceiling. A4444-6 Popcorn coating, "renovated garage" bathroom, .random composite from cei1in9. 14444-4 Ceiling texture, center stairs, at !.E. corner of kitchen. A4444-7 Ce.l 1in6 texturei center stairs, at S.E. corner of kitchen. 14444-5 Ceiling coating, living room, E. slde' at wood beam' A4444-8 Ceiltng coating, living room, f. side, at wood beam' 14444-6 Ceiling coating, 'l iving room, S.E. corner.l. Proairco, Inc. PO, got 179 WltG^r ltoet. CO C00ld.0t ?9 (303) 458-0264 A4444-9 Ceiling coating, living room, S.E. corner. 14444-7 Ceiling coating, living room, N.ll. corner' at.wood.bsam. A4444-10 Csiliig coatiii, llvlng room, l{.1{' corner' at wood beam. S*qcond Floor; A4444-ll llall texture, S. bedroom, S. wa'll, at light switch. [4444-8 l{all texture, S. bedroom, S. ra'll, at 1ight switch. A4444-le Ceil{ng texture, tl. bedroon, l,l,E. corner, near rlndow. A4444-13 Uall texture, t. bedroom, S. side, at light s*itch' 14444-9 t{a'l 'l texture, E. bedroom, S. side, at light switch. A4444-14 Drytall, E. bedroom, S. side, at 1i9ht switch. AI{ALYSIS: Anrlysis was perfonned by polarized 'light microscope and instiumental hethods as pei EPA requir6ments by Quantem Labs, Inc- of 0klahoma City, 0K. RESULTS OF ANAI-YSIS: See enclosed 'lab report. OBSERVATIONS; l. t{o lead was found in any of the samples. 2. Low amounts of asbestos were found in two of the samples' both on the flrst floor. 3. During a renovation snall amount of asbestos found would be probably be an easily solved lssue, solved with spot removal. 4. If a full lnterior demolltlon of the house should be done (during renovatlon) then additional sampling shou'ld be performed. Colo. Certlfled Asbestos Inspector z. W" 20iF rlctrE F|fi ofrr / firlrm Clt'' d( lfleo / (rs) 79t??72 / Frx (405) 756'205U Polrrtmd Liglt Micrurcopy Arbcatot Anelyrlr Rcporl golff / Dqcrildon Ahos($) Ffe I c2 NrI|-ArFflm Fiba (?t) QumTEM Lo No' 020JPB]lt106 DrteRrtcivodl 0Jll6f2m? Fwrircd BY: Krn Hdliskr DnrAndYDd: g5n6n007 l,ptyzrd by: Eub|Il TrYIor MrtMohgY: EFA600 QllgrTgM Clint irmplc lo SmrPle lD cdtPo'hioo Clioit Proalrco' Inc' Accourrl Numbon 82l 5 Proj?.r: Vril' Arbcrtog PlojccLoc.$on: N/A flojccrNurnbcri N/A Crllulor <l Whit. CrillntT.x$$ wLiic Texhrra 'lllrtntc TGxturr Whits l'c\tur+ Whir Crilfut l'qturr lYllitc C.illoB Tcxnne Whitc T:rnirc T$ Tcrtutt Arhe|or No( PGSCOI 001 Ail,l{l-l tlsttolpncau! uJ2 A1111-2 tlomoSoncour 001 A444a,l Homogellfous llomogffilts A{444-f Ail4r{-I Honlo r,cnEo!! A,{44{6 Hornoltnlo|r' 001 005 000 007 0$l Arbc*or Nol frc*lt Arbcsros Nol PtEEs Arbcrt* Pwnr chryt6||c Athtlo$ Not ltrcictll Arbdot Not Ptttnl Arbcstol Nor Prcslrt Albtrto! Nol )hctt tt Ccllulotc Ccllulss! Ccllr oto frlIrhltt C€liub|! CCll$tott!<l Alarr-7 a a.'(4{ Hantcgcncous Hornoegrcnr QuoaTEM rr r NYLAP *c,erlihrt rEM Inrl ttl1lt9q9!! lLf q* i0.:?:91 ftld tltott Trhkr d't-to thc qicmc tci! lrls'' NVLAI selrairdho erl''F oolt lo a;1E1A rd,.ir [4oCFt ch. | (1.1.t7.3d) lhn-rOf ipit'Ctii it iite-t' E rnl Ft'Tt'lr "'pcr rny nqr bc ugd to -rirr"-r,-r*ioannrircut, "n,,rnJ'llTti""Hr*T;53frlffi-*r.rviotrtlonr"-recrbirl't'rth.'dttic ffi" 2mg H iq. Pri. odve / o$rhqm t'lv' OK tgtzo / (|[t) tSlt-?2z / Frr {{051 765'20nU Polrr{zcd ljglt Miororcopy Arbcrlor Andyrb Roporl ProJoct LoEathui lv^ Prqi.st Nunb€r: N/A eo|trl P'{/cl0[l Nd}AIDGii|lS F'lt t('lt{) QurnTEM LrbNo. 0205P821540{i D$pR!$!ircd: 0S/l6fr0d, Rcceivrdgp XrttHtdllekr Dete Andyzd' 05ll6n00.z Anrlyzd &y: grb$r TrYlor Marhodolotyi EPA600 Clistt: Prorirco. lm. Aocount Numbal BZl5 ProJcct Vril . Arbolor QurnTDM Srmplc ll) Cll l sntplc lD Ceirpoidon Dprcription r\sbcoor (9t) m9 Aa.li{,l.g Hcnrycncour A'144,1-tC Hontogcncour *ala,.tl llonrngrnoou! t fl||3e Asttqtu,r Ns{ PIE|tnt Tlfi$rc $lluloro NA 0t0 Multl*olrr 'lvhdorr Glrrhr Whitc Tcr(urr Whiil Tcxnrt lrtila TGTtTJru Whilc Tcrturt A.bcalo8 P$F0t (lry$oL l,5 Arb€stor Nol PtgtBnt 0tl 0tl 014 Alla4.l2 A.el44-r3 Alul.t4 ItomoBcrEour Homq$t|rout Honlog.'rcous Arbcrtor Not Plcsta arb.ltor Not Pr!s( Arbcrhr Not Prfdrt s, I r{/07. Ddc of R.Porl Calluloic Cclluloit Cellulosc <l (:cllslo$ -)-6^M Rcvlcw.d rtd AFtov6.l J qr|AnTEM k TNVLAP rcc$ditrd TEM .0d pLM l.tor.ro" (t b Codc; l0l9!9i. Thia t:p0n rchlcr q|ty lo rh. rFclnc h.tlt r.rl.d. NVLAI' accrudhrtloo r!|rllG5 qnly io AHETU Htlyrr. trrcff Crr- t ti.i.l? cd.f PIt ?61, Agprndir A sr E,rtr.ir t&ld Fl. Thit rcpat m.y ncr bc sttd to drin rmd{ll qndnrtrrufl ht trlYt.Apormy othcr rs{ ry oftlt lr|! Oovoruul- Thlt tcpon ftry rcl bt rcrud$fld tr!.pt in ftil. whllout ric $rlico rFintvd olUr l$oru9rY. fiffi| e 'El:EEgfliEiE s 3 *HE H EH T E€€!-€t5'UFI'!IBlPT c F $e A o $ p E k ,! -=t l.r l'\\b 5a+5 ttts i" a f., do v i* F Eb'B!CIELO.E gF 5a $sg,g ocroo 9€eo tr FFFFFF - SE$EEI E t fr::J a H d o El E.o ?6 6' .s > E s,r< 9,o n (! E !r EEEErnf .oocc,i3.F c[tr ts.F -E i ece ttc EEE UIJtr l* l+ r'f i,r (lrl tA rt() ea BS FF*ss$ t: ri iT ir !4 i:ri li !l il ii I$ ti ir i; i$ i!ar rf !l a-!fl ti tl Ftn Fn n rg r3f HqfIf,fri I girF E il " FEFj 8 >t rt I bLr {A B FJ F Fl a o E' Dr 5 ET (! !.IA -2 5 cD q IA w F o \t o ;r >t FH g t E R* z o ,,n E .' t n V I l' !t I o 9 a 8 q ct t B c F -F cf € I 9 \,! = s E E++ !a E$E 5 g g -q 3'E $ € $ $$$ r+ F F -:*&H urtJl(^l F" F" E'F-H E F $ $F d E $ $E 6 h, o hr e e u nru E FE <t a b $3 do $ E 'n 5,F {t F i F s E r s$ a a A Sf 3 E E EF -€l .- :f a J o t p vl {' t It , .rrt - P.tl-'- Orr " March 18,2006 James Wm Stovall, PC 202 Benchmark Plaza Building 48 East Beaver Creek Boulevard PO Drawer 5860 Avon, CO 81620 Dear Mr. Stovall: We have received your letter dated March 9, 2006, sent on behalf of Albert and Victoria Belsky, regarding the emissions from our neatinjunii in the east half of ihe duplex located at 4444 Streamside Circle, Vail' Colorado. we are aware that steam is released from the heating unit located in the crawl space near the pa{ wall,oJ this duptex. We understand tnat you have asked theiown of Vail to inspecl the site and have confirmed that our side of the duplex meets all city codes. Copies of tnat inspection, including the placement and operation of this heating unit are held by the Town of Vail. We have been assured by Town of Vail inspectors and by our contract-or, David Minick, that the steam will not ;;;;T;" on the Belsky's property. Thus, neither existing Torrtrn oJVail ordinances nor environmental @ncerns dictate "ny "n"nd"i io Jur froperty. Neverthelessin the interest of maintaining good relations with G e"fJff", we Oo ptan iolxtend thi emissions pipe from our heating unit and also erect a fence on the party wall propery tine in oroeiio i.ou"" "*posure of tieLs on the Belsky's property to any-steam exhausted from our unit. We discussed these plans wiitr trlr. Minick in December, 2oos anO again in F9bn1ary, 2006' on both occ""ion", we were told itrat these modifications will require drilling into the rock near the foundation of the Orpf"t and should not be attempted until snow melts and the ground thaws' We ask that you allow us to pr6ceeO with these plans before pursuing further legal actions' please be assured that, like Albert and Victoria Belsky, we want to preserve the beauty and the financial security of the litile piece of heaven that each of us owns in Colorado. We share not only a party wall with the B.i"kttlt"" also share their love of Gore Creek with its elegant Colorado pine and spruce trees' TOM & SUE O'DORISIO 2518 CorroNw@o Cr- NE Sincerely, (-, Irl ,/* C'Dr;.a M! Sue O'Dorisio T,-- 7 o;/--*a I Thomas M. O'Dorisio CC: David Minick John Perkins b "r- 7b "t'' { 2*t t </\"' t,tU?/ &funJ'tf*' t, ,i . :,T t tl HEPWORTH . PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL April26,,2004 JMP Architects. Irrc. Attn: John Perkirs P.O. Box 2007 Avon, Colorado 81620 Project: Presumptive Soil Bearing Capacity Addition, 4444 Streamside Circle, Dear Mr. Perkins: I l"pr,,rt',, 1"k (le.rcchr)icirl, Inc. I O. I)ruu cr l tl87 Silverthonrc, ( i,k,ratlt' fi0493 I'lr,lre: 9?tr-4(rii- I tlSt) Frrr : 97tr--1(rii- j,!9 l cnr.ril: lr p{t', 14 rit) 14. !t ( p t c c h. c, )ln Job No. 404152 and tateral Earth Pressure, Proposed Vail. Colorado As requested, we reviewed the available subsoil data o provide a presurnptive soil bearing capacity for foundations at the subject site. The review was conductd in accordance with our agreement to provide presumptive soil bearing recommendations dated April 21,2004. Our recommendations are based on observation and testing performed on previous projects within close vicinity to the subject site and our experience in the area. Assumptions presentd here may require additional analysis based on the site observation or the excavation and bearine strata at the time of construction. We understand that the proposed construction will consist of installing a new stfel grade bearn in the crawlspace of the existing residence. Thre new point loads will be required including two 25,000 pound and one 75,000 pound point loads. In addition, the north side of the residence, in the vicinity of the front door and landscaped area will require a new tbundation and stem wall. The excavation cut is expected to be about 4 f'eet deep. The review of available data indicated that soils within the vicinity of the subject site consist of medium dense, sand and gravel deposits containing cobbles and boulders. Based upon similar soil types, footings placed on the undisturbed natural soils should be designed on an assumed allowable soil bearing pressure of4,0(X) pounds per square (psf) foot for footings greater than 4 feet wide and 3,000 psf for smaller width footings. We recommend that the bottom of the footings be embedded at least I foot below the ground zurface. Based on experience, we expect settlement of footings will be about I inch or less. Exterior footings and footings beneath unheated areas should be provided with adequate soil cover above their bearing elevation for frost protection. Foundation walls acting as retaining structures backfilled with granular soil should be Glenwtroil Springs 970-945-7988 . Parker l0l-.S4 I -7 ll() . Col,rrirdo $r'rri'ros 7lt)-rr I l-5567 JMP Architects, Inc. Apfl26,,2004 Page 2 designed to resist a lateral earth pressure based on an equivalent fluid unit weight of at least 55 pounds per cubic foot for on-site soil as backfill. Resistance to sliding ar the bottoms of the fbotings can be calculated based on a coefticient of friction of 0.45. Passive pressure of compacted backflll against the sides of the footings can be calculated using an equivalent fluid unit weight of 400 pcf. The coefficient of friction and passive pressure values recommended above ass'ume ultimate soil strength. An excavation observation of the footings should be performed prior to placing concrete to verify the soil bearing conditions. The conclusions and recommendations zubmitted in this report are based on observation and testing performed on previous projects within close vicinity to the zubject site, the proposed rype of construction, and our experience in the area. We make no w:rranty either express or implied. Our findings include inteqpolation and extrapolation of the subzurface conditions identihed at sites in close vicinity to the *rbject site and variations in the subsurface conditions may not become evident until excavation is performed. If conditions encountered during construction appear difl'erent from those described in this report, we should be notified at once so re-evaluation of the recommendations may be made. As the project evolves, we should provide continued consultation and field services during construction to review and monitor the implementation of our recommendations, alrd to verifu that the recommendations have been appropriately interpreted. Significant design changes may require additional analysis of modifications to the recommendations presented herein. We recommend on-site observation of excavations and foundation bearing strata and testing of structural frll by a representative of the geotechnical engineer. If we may be of further assistance, please contact us. Sincerely, MPWORTH - PAWLAK GEOIECENICAL,INC. Ronald J. Uhle. P.E. Associate Reviewed By: GWB 28161 / J<.4 o' 0 o gttNO RE: Open Hole Observation 4444 Streamside Circle Town of Vail Eagle County, Colorado Proiect No. 04107 At your requcst, on August 6 and 10, 2004, we visited thc construction stte at 4444 Streamside Circle, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. The purpose of our sitc visits, was to observe the soils exposed in the foundation excavation, and compare them with the Presumptivc Soil Bearing Capacity and Lateral Eafth Pressure Report by Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc., Job No.404 152, dated April26,2004. The proposed rcmodel is on the east part of an existing duplcx. Most of the old building had been demolished and only the existing footings and foundation walls, and thc master bedroom suite on the east side, remained. The excavation consisted oftrenches and holes for isolated footing pads on the intcrior and on the south side ofthe exterior, ofthe existing foundation. Portion of the interior trench was within an old fill area. This area was excavatcd down to the bottorn of footing elevation. The soil exposed in the intcrior excavation, was consistent with the assumptions and rccommendations of the above-named soil's report. It consistcd ofsandy gravel to gravelly sand with very large boulders. The excavation for the proposed footings on the south side ofthe existing foundation was about 4 feet deep and was adjacent to Gore Creek. The soil exposed in the excavation during the first sitc visit was too wet and pumping. We recommended that the bottom of the excavation be extended down to the gravelly soils and backfilled up with minus 3/4-inch, clcan crush rock. This was done, as observed during the second sitc visit. The soil exposed at the bottom ofthc excavation is suitablc for the recommended bearing capaoity of4000 psffor the large footings and 3000 psf for footings smaller than 4 feet. Ifyou have any questions, please do not hesitatc to call. Sincerely, \' go(,0,$Engineering, Inc. CIVIL/GEOTECIINICAL August 11,2004 Mr. Dave Minick Minick Construction P.O. Box 4018 Vail, CO 81658 Dear Dave: LKP Engineering, President ,M,r.47fu",)luiza Petrovska, P.E. P.O. tsox 2837, Edwards. CO 81632, (970) 926-9088 Tcl, (970) 926-9089 Fax 7 o v ! TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMEN 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2r3s OV{INER O'DORISIO M. SUE & 25L8 COTTONWOOD CT NORTH IJIBERTY, IA s231,7 License: Elecfiical-----> DRB Fee----- > Investigation--- > Will Call--------- > TOTAL FEES-- > VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ALARM PERMIT Job Address: 4444 STREAMSIDE CR W VAIL Location.....: 4444 STREAMSIDE CIRCLE #llB Parcel No...: 210112305009 Project No : Pii 50 .i oi13 Permit #: 405-0006 3OV -6 l((0 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 0212512W5 Issued. . : O3ll7/2ffi5 Expires. .: 09ll3l20f'5 Phone:THOMAS 02/25/20Os COMIRACTOR Alert Security, Inc. 9894 Rosemont BIdg 2, #zoL Lone Tree, Colorado 8OL24 IJicense: 694-S APPIJTCANT Alert Security, Inc. 9894 Rosemont Bldg 2, #207 Desciption: Valuation: 02/2s/2oos Phone: (970)926-L804 02/25/2oo5 Phone:(970) 926-]-804 I-,one Tree, Colorado AO724 License:694-S ADD SMOKE AND HEAT DETECTORS THROUGHOUT $7.507.00 $0.00 $o. oo $0.00 $515 _ sr- FEE SUMMARY Toal Calculated Fees- > Additional Fees-------- > Total Permit Fee'..''' -> Payments--------------- > BALANCE DUE-------- > 15ro.9I s0.00 )llo, Jr $0.00 Approvals: Item: 05500 FIRE 03/L5/20Os 03/t6/2005 DEPARTMENT mvaughan mvaughan Action: DN Acti.on: AP see conment s section conditions have been met CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR TNSPECT|ON SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS rN +brvAtrcE BY TELEPHONE LL U4/ t,u ,/479-2135 FROM E:00 AM - 5 PM. TURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF *+******++++++++*+*****+t++*******f**********'t ******t*****+****l+++*+++++++i*++f*+*****+**** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement **+*+********+++++++*++******++t*****,r**'ff*****i**************tt*********+*f++++*+f**+****** St.atement Nuriber: R050000245 Payment Method: Check 1-0040 Amount: $515.51 03/L't /2OOso9:0? AM hit.: LT Notation: Alert Securitsy / cq1< R1 * ********** ** * * *********** **+*** * * ***** **** ** ** ** * *** * * * * * ** ******* * ** ***** ********+ *+ +* * * ++ ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Current Pmts Permit, No: Parcel No: Site Address : tocation: This Palment: BP 0010 0 0 03111100 PF 0010 0 0031123 00 wc 0 010 00031128 0 0 405-0006 2101123 0s009 4444 STREAMSIDE 4444 STREAMSIDE T)PE: AI,ARM PERMIT CR W VAUJ CIRCIJE #118 Total Fee6: Total AL,L Pmts : Balance : $s16.51 $s16. s1 $0.00 FTRE PLAN WIIJIJ AIJARM FERIIIIT FEES CHECK FEES CAIIJ INSPECTION FEE 281.51 232 . OO 3,00 AppLrcATroN l. *o, BE AccEprED rF rNcoMplErlh rnrrnn,,B-OA3 Project #! Building Permit #: Alarm Permit #: PP CONTRACTOR INFORMATION 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81651 lgs are require Hilir Fire Alarm Contractor: 4l e,. !,,(,, ft+t fr,' Town of Vail Reg. No.: b4q -s Contact and Phone #'s: 3ut/u71tttr fir 4at7'73 E-Mail Address:-> Stnr(t 6t4tL,nCf :/04 lhanl. D o,ta6 *t, : q 7o -qz$ -/'yoT Contracg{ Signature: t9i14 kno COMPTETE VALUATIONS FOR ALARM PERMIT (Labor & Materials) Fire Alarm: $ Assessors Office at 97O-328-8640 or visit for Parcel # Parcel #> /'il)3, ': too V)b*, ,u o fto5 , rl*,', , I {1 rorra .r,,1g (,, tf , f. l,/a,L, t o Job Address:,t+tyt Legal Description Lot: ff Block:Filing: 4 subdivision: hglnfft ownersNfme: c'D'rrst o llndaress{"1''l'lS/,n^n1,/.. (ruL< llenoneqlq-(,tl-4ts) Ensineer: lhtl, fluelrt llAddress:''il t Al p,,*,\i,(,(u ll'nonttrl7o t7//-)uz-7 Detailed Location of work: (i.e., floor, unit #, bldq. # ) 1/e,el5 14s4o1ii,; ";:;-J;;"Jt,i* /o{o,La /h".,7A'""f,(vuutir,,ttti,tttll,,h,i )trL Detailed descriotion of work: fr"-w,i< stnoLe /0 J,v',al<.t lt\,5, lf ;.r Dt{, ) 31;o4t + SPartrl JlY(^ .'o',"(. le^1 /de-E:(rcn /uop ilre,r4onf + r,, r/^t: WorkClass: New(2$ Addition( ) Remodel (;/) Repair( ) Retro-fit( ) Other( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single-family( ) Two-familyp{ Muti{amityl ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: ') ll No. of Accommodation units in this building: 2_ Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No (X) ll Ooes a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) ruo OQ Fez u't I r \\VAiI\dAtA\CdEV\FORMS\PERMITS\ALRMPERM. DQC . ... . .. x71261200? t .- .:itr :,$':-',ifJ-'' '.';'{ d o {,r ' t", F ft' {hp. .\t, qtI ": 'rt..lha'r'''i:ll ,. t/ --7 \-/ l/' t' \/---!-1 ,/' i./' L/ i ,/' .t{ rllrr . \ ^1A) .-i i\rtL TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT PROCESS FOR COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS Commercial and Residential Fire Alarm shop drawing requirements at time of submittal must include the following: A/" A Coforado Registered Engineer's stamp. KoT (arLQ" Device locations on reflected ceiling plans. Typical device wiring diagrams. Battery calculations. A list of specific device model numbers. Equipment cut sheets of each type of device. The number of each type of device. Information indicating the specific zones. Circuit diagrams, Point to point wiring diagram. Wiring type, size, and number of conductors. The source of AC power circuits. Fire alarm panel locations. Knox Box location. Information indicating monitoring method and monitoring agency. Information regarding property managers and contact numbers. Owner's primary residence location and contact numbers. v./ Instructions for fire alarm system operations and any peftinent code numbers for proper operations. This check list has been provided to ensure that our review process may be handled in a timely manner. I have read and understand the above listed submiftal requirements: f - .n Project name: (lt Lttr t to K'pt' tl d*<rt nl Contractor Signature: l> u"l'+ Yry> /r-\ ,- / i .. /'DateSigned: i b l-tb 0: }| TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMEI{T GUIDELINES FOR PREVENTING NON.EMERGENCY FIRE ALARMS In order to prevent a non-emergency response from the Vail Fire Department Suppression crews to the construction location you may be working on we ask that you perform the following tasks: ta' Determine what kind of fire alarm system exists within the structure you are working in with the owner or the manager of the propefi involved or by contacting the Vail Fire Department. Determine with the owner or manager of the properfy, which alarm company services the system for them. Become familiar with the different components that are associated with the fire alarm system and how they operate before the DEMO begins. Never paint a smoke detector, thermal detector, or any other component of the fire alarm system, and never paint a sprinkler head. For small projects bag detector within the area you will be working in before you start, and remove the bags after work is done for the day. For larger projects, please contact the Vail Fire Department so that we can work with you in determining what needs to be done to alter or "Zone Out" specific areas of the alarm system for the structure. i."' i..-' u-' Please contact the Town of Vail Fire Marshall, Mike McGee at 479-2L35 or the Town of Vail Fire Prevention Officer, Mike Vaughan at479-2252. I have read and understand the above guidelines. Project Name:0'Io (t rt'0 /2or,/*',^? // Contractor signature: $"lU lr""---7----- Date signe a' ? 3 f'ob O f F: \Users\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\AIarmperm.doc ' 0812312004 t*r,o* INF'RMATT.* rr"tf VAIL FIRE & EMERGENCY SERVICES BUILDINGINFOIsvUT^*TION: .t 'lt'/t/ fl rno"-r,olo (.r{o / | //- (,gt - {r; z Knox box location:{ront troo. Alarm panel location: Alarm silence & reset "oa.t, J ) 3'l BBS'i_NAMeq & PHONE IIIUMBERS (work & home): owner: 6r- fltfir1 {to 3tr-&3/-yfe7 Property ^ n^g.r, b arl e [Yl, nn rc'k ? 6 4 'fo| / Property maintenance manager, Duvt fn,nn'r'tc lo Ll-{d6 ( Alarm service company: BUILDING UTILITIES: Gas: Irf t l" / Main locatlsnz lN A 51 t-{T(tte'" 0'f 66'a t < other locations: l/10 Electric: 'r t f f /'t i Main locatisa3 EXlp,t"T tAr4*p TActta/ Sfteet .. A ,^. t y' rt t , "sub-panel locations: llffi lli Al q L?u't L - iitnrli,' '>1 ttt r t Water: Mainvarve ro"^tion N\u4\ Wei (0rru, CrwL lfnt< Main fire valve location: Buildinp name:('btrts,'o (oo'{u'''t Street address & phone #: fif15f 6,ner Secondary water valve tocations: lVf h .TOWN.OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Job Address: Location.....: Parcel No...: Project No : Llectrical-------> DRB Fee-----> Invastigadon----> WillCalf----> 'r'o1'AL FEES--> E04-0096 \ia,t( . c, ('( ISSUED 06/08/2004 1011412004 04/12/2005 (,,) CRW VAIL CIRCLE #118 -.) $414.00 50.00 50.00 $3.00 s41?.00 s417.00 s0.00 s417.00 s417.00 s0.00 Total C'alculated Fe€s-> Addirional Fees---------> Total Permit Fcc-----> Payments-----------------> BAI,ANCE DUE-_--> Approvals: ftem: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 07 /0L/2004 ccD Action: AP -l-..:*;...0.?.69.9..1**-:l:*11111TI.,..,..,,,:*,*:.,1,,*,i,,,:,,*,i.* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 .!?,.1P.9.;1.;-.ll-l!,?-..1T-l1"*9li-gll:..11.1.,T.19.YI*1?,-T-9..9-t119.T..1.91..9,o.?.:,.-c-gy.l.llHFg*****"****.*"**. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the infonnation as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this struchre according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. ot*rr"*r oF coMMUNrry DEVEL.T?".,, NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #'. 4444 STREAMSIDE 4444 STREAMSIDE 2l0l 12305009 ]?R--t6 5-u, _i 1 OWNER O.DORISIO M. SUE & THOMAS 2518 COTTONWOOD CT NORTH LTBERTY. TA 06/08/2004 Phone: 5231,7 LJ.cense: CONTRACTOR FRENCH ELECTRTC, ]NC P.O BOX 2017 EAGLE, CO B 1631 License : 225-E APPLICANT FRENCH ELECTRIC, INC P.O BOX 2017 EAGLE, CO OIOJ-L Li-cense: 225-E 05/08/2004 Phone:910-328-6216 05/08/2004 Phone: 970-328-621,6 Desciption: ADDITION OF 2 NEW BEDROOMS.RECLAMATION OF EXISTING I CAR GARAGII,MPROVEMENTS OF THE ENTRY,NEW ROOF WITH NEW DORMERS Valuation: $22,477.00 :*:r * * * l ** * *,r * *,t,t** REOT'ESTS IOR INSPEC]TION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVAN9B'T AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFITICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. *'i*++**********+**f********+**++***+t*****++++***********f+*+**********ff***********+******* TOWNOF VAIL. COLORADO Statement *******f*++***r*****t*+*****i.**,it**+********t**+++*******+***f++*t*****+*+**++************** Statement Number: R040006893 Amount: $417.00 1,0/14/20041,0:34 AJvl Payment Method: Check Inc.5485 Init: DDG NoLation: French Electric T\PC: EI,ECTRICAL PERMIT CR W VAIL CIRCLE #118 Total Fees: TOEAI ALL PMTS : Balance :***** *t*+* + ** * t* *******+i,t*** ** ** ******++ ***** * *** ***++**+ * ********* * * +++**** * *+*f f f ++* * * ** * ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descript i on Current Pmts Permi. t. No: Parce] No: Site Address: Location: This Pa].ment: EP 00100003111_100 wc 0010000311_2800 804- 0 0 95 210 r- r-2 3 0s 0 09 4444 STREAMSIDE 4444 STREAMSIDE $417. oo $417.00 $417.00 $0.00 TEMPORARY POWER PERMITS WILL CAI.,L INSPECTTON FEE 414.00 3.00 ApprrcATroNl.. no, BE AccEprED rF rNcoMplErl* ,n* TVWNOFYAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Electrical Permit #: FOr( -Oof (, 97 O- 47 9 -2149 (Inspections) Icil|/Eti l4 ,,"" CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Contact and Phone #'s:<-,/ 0f ( ()nvi i'4t-r1.i tl E-Mail Address: COMPLETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FoR ALL OTHERS (Labor & Materiats) AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE:ELECTRICALVALUATIoN: $ za+zz 6 Contact Assessofs Offrce at 970-92g-8640 or visit for Parcel #Prrd # eicU:SO ,- Job Name: O' lblt isia /<t:]f,t pf4<Ja Job Address: Legal Description ll Lot: tt O Block:Filing:Subdivisionl,SiC Wni,- rHr\ir Owners Name:S:L.E* tAn Ct{)Y?'s'tt Address:2"n ***tt {s k fa"t2 l,t*+ c,t, /^rvl Phone:>,q -3sL -z?71 Engineer: ltAddres$Phone: Detailed description of work: fu(,V ktz l,,tr.q,f t€-h D ;nrn oo- work class: New ( ) ry$i"l( J.-"Remodel (r--)-Repair ( ) Temp power (.-f- other ( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Bofh (f,Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No (-7 Type of Bldg.: single-famity (-,)'4uptex ( ) Mutti-family ( ) commerciat ( ) Restaurant ( ) other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildino: Is this permit for a hot,rb, Does a Fire Alarm Exist:Yes( )No (-f Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist:Yes( ) No(.f t(:t*************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLy***********************rr*************.(p' \\Vail\dala\cdev\FORl\4S\PlrRMITS\ELECpERM. DOC t*E*f 07 /26/2002 o o +- fl Amendment to the 1999 N.E.C. Town of Vail Ordinance 10-1-6. Overhead services are not allowed in the Town of Vail. Underground seryices have to be in conduit (PVC) from the transformer to the electric meter, main disconnect switch and to the flrst electrical distribution circuit breaker panel.g The main disconnect switch shall be located next to the meter on the exterior wall of the structure easily accessible. o ,.All underground conduits are required to be inspected before back-filling the trench. c/ In multi-family dwelling units, no electrical wiring or feeder cables shall pass from one unit to another. Common walls and spaces are accepted. d_.t',ttut Cable (Romex) is not allowed in commercial buildings orstructures exceeding three (3) stories.y' No use of aluminum wire smaller than size #8 will be permitted with the Town of Vail. TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT GUIDELINES o All installations of exterior hot tubs or spa's require a DRB approval from planning. This application will not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval form attached (if applicable). g/"It this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 30" above grade, you must also obtain a building permit. y if this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on any existing deck or elevated platform,' a structural engineer must review the existing condition and verify that it will support the added concentrated load. Please provide a copy of the structural engineers wet stamped letter or drawing with this application. "d" If this is a remodel in a multi-family building with a homeowners association, a letter of permission from the association is required. /" If this permit is for a commercial space, two (2) sets of stamped drawings are required. I have read and understand the above. r-l +lk//Fz Date Signed If you have any questions regarding the above information or have additional questions, pfease contact the Town of Vail Electrical Inspector at97O-479-2L47. The inspector can be reached on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings between the hours of 8am and 9am. You may also leave a voice mail and the inspector will call you back. 'TOWN.OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 ?rro*r"r"T oF coMMU*r" oruilpMENr NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT PErMit #: MO5-0028 I o of_or(o Job Address: 4444 STREAMSIDE CR W VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 4444 STREAMSIDE CIRCLE #118 Applied . . : 02l2tl2h5 Parcel No...: 210112305m9 Issued. . : 02124/2N5 ProjectNo:7r,1 o3-o273 Expires..: 08123/2N5 olrlNER o'DoRISIO M. SI]E & THOMAS 02/21/2005 phone: 2518 COTTONWOOD CT NORTH LIBERTY, TA 523L7 License: coNrRAcToR sWEDE'g METATT FAB O2/2I/2O05 phone: 97O-39O-IL75 P.O. BOX 801 MINTT]RN, CO 81545 I-,icense t 239-M APPI-,ICAr\IT SWEDE'S METAL FAB 02/27/2005 phone: 97O-39O-LL76 P-O. BOX 801 MINTI'RN, CO 8L54s License z 239-NI Desciption: VENT KITCHBN RANGE HOOD, VNET 2 DRYERS, VENT 7 BATH FANS Valtration: S1.200.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: Y # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 FEE SUMMARY Mechanical-- > Plan Ch€ck-- > Investigation- ) Will Call----- > 54o - oo Restuarant Plan Review- > $10. 00 DRB Fee--------------------- > $o. oo TOTAI FEES--------> s3.00 go. oo Total Calculated Fees-- > so. oo Additional Fers------ > $53.00 Total Permit Fe€-------> Payments------------ > BALANCE DUE--------- > ss3.00 $0.00 $s3.00 ss3.00 $0.00 Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEIirr 02/2!/2005 ,JS Acrion: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMEMI CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: L2 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IANCE. Condz 22 (BI-,DG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE L997 VMC, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond:23 (BLDG. ) : INSTAILATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTTTRES INSTRUCTIONS Al{D TO CIIAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 I'MC, CIIAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond:25 (BLDG. ) : GAS APPIJIANCES SIIAL,L BE I/ENTED ACCORDfNG TO CHAPTER 8 AIID SIIALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF THE ].997 I'MC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE T997 IMC. Cond:29 (BI,DG.): ACCEBS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPIJY WITH CHAPTER 3 AND SEC.1O17 OF ,Tr{E 1992 rMc A}rD cHAprER , Iro 1992 rMc.Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOILERS SHALL BE MOIINTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. ITNLESS IJISTED FOR MOI'NTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FI.,OORING. Cond:32 (BL,DG.): PERMIT,PITANS AND CODE AI{AIJYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECITANfCAI-, ROOM pRroR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond: 30 (BLDG. ) : DRAINAGE OF MECHANTCAI-, ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-wATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHAIJIJ BE EQUIPPED WITH A FITOOR DRAIN PER SEC. LO22 OF THE 1997 IIMC, OR sEcTroN 1004.6 0F THE 1997 IMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOIJR HOURS IN ADV PM. 149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 l-2. OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET +*+********************+++i.+***+'*************+**+**a+t*+*********,!***rt**********+*+++f****** TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement *+*+*+ ++**++ * *** * ** **********f** *** l****+**** ****** * ***'*******+++tt ++++* ***+***t**+ **** ***** Statement Number: R0500001-71 Amoun!: Pa)rment Method: Check Meta1 Fab $s3.00 02/24/?OO'Lo:32 AM Init: DG Notation: 1445 S$redets $s3. oo *********+***********+*+******+*t+*+*+**********+**********++*********+++**t+++++*+********* ACCOLINT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmt6 Perni! No: Parcel No: Sit.e Addreaa: Locat ion : This Palment : MP 0 0100 0 03111100 PF 0 0 r.0 0 0031123 00 wc 00100003112800 M0s-0028 210112305009 4444 STREAMSIDE 4444 STREJAMSIDE Type: IIECHANICAL PERMIT CR W VAII., CIRCIJE #118 Total Fees: Total AL,L Pmts : Balance: $s3.00 $53 .00 $0.00 MECHANICAIJ PERMIT FEES PLA}I CHECK FEES WTLI, CAI,I., INSPE TION FEE 40.00 10.00 3 .00 AppLrcATroN r"r?no, BE AccEprED " 'nto""""- Q'1o 3-o273 Building Permit #: Mechanical Permit #: 97 O-47 9'2149 (InsPections) include: Permit will not be Heat Loss Calcs. Equipment Cut/SPec Sheets o, ,-i .i;- \' i- f:-) ,. l-r'l '"r -t : i l ;l { .1 r [:\.1 . l I I I i i I I I I ! MWNOFVAIL 75 S. Frontage Ko.u",'."".ffiq accepted without the following; CONTRACTOR INFORMATION COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT Labor & Materials Assessorso@ for Parcel # Contact ffi*tn<-rc,|t- @.,e q1, -!c Qr';tr) Filingl Oiln-ers Name:'1;.1 i'P ,-'^ D--etailed descriPtion of wPrk: C( 1e.s- 2 tsAlr. F"t_,.. Work Class: New ( ) Addition Alteration( ) RePair( ) o]he!! l ffition' Yes( ) No( )ffiExterior( ) 0ther( ) Type of Bldg: Single-familY (X @( ) Restauranr( )other( ) il6]of-.o*modation Units in this building: t'lffi e*itting Dwelling Units in this building: ffip" "f Fir"taces Proposed: Gas Appliances (@od Burnins (Nor ALLowED) e? Yes ( )a wood burning fireplace to ,/ aaaaa**ifir*11-**t*********FOR-OII-ISE !'-S-E-qNLY****11*'**1rr::rrrar:*********TtannEiS@--r --^-+6,1 Err. '\rh-r E-ac' -Da-te Receive4 DRB FCCS:{1 I ail\dflta\cdev\liO I{M S\PERMIIS\M ECI-IPERM' DOC 01t2612002 I Lno*rr"*, oF coMMUNrr" o"utpMENr TOWN'OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 816s7 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT PCrMit #: MO4-0376 j6t1_cl({O Job Address: 44,f4 STREAMSIDE CR W VAIL Starus . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 4444 STREAMSIDE CIRCLE #11B Applied . . : I2l2tl2W4 Parcel No...: 210112305009 Issued. . : Oll26/2m5 Project No : 1 (To3 -O41 3 Expires . .: 0712512W5 owNER O'DORISIO M. SIIE & THOMAS L2/2L/2OO4 phone: 2518 COTTONWOOD CT NORTH IJIBERTY, IA 523]-7 License; CONTRACTOR GRAIIAMTS PLITMBING, INC. LZ/2L/2004 phone: 9i0-949-480L P.O. BOX 1040 AVON, CO 8L620 License:146-M APPLICAISI GRAHAMTS PLITMBING, INC. L2/2L/2OO4 phone: 97O-949-4A0r P.O. BOX 1040 AVON, CO 81_62 0 License: 145-M Desciption: ADDITION OF 2 NEW BEDROOMS.RECLAMATION OF EXISTING I CAR GARAGE.IMPROVEMENTS OF THE ENTRY.NEW ROOF WITH NEW DORMERS Valuation: $34.500.00 Fireplace lnformation: Restrictedi Y # ofcas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 *****:************)r***:*****:r*:******i.**i!*****,tit*.t*:r:*;*,**********+****'i'tt FEE suMMARY Mechanical--> S?00 - 00 Restuarant Plan Review- >$0.00 Total Calculated Fees--> $8?8.00 Plan Check---> $1?5.00 DRB Fee----------- > So-00 Additional Fees------ > So.o0 Investigation-> $0.00 TOTAI FEES-----------> $8?8.00 Total Permit Fer----- > $8?8.00 Will Call----- >$3 .00 Payments---------- > $8?8.00 BALANCE DUE--------- >$0.00 ITEM: O51OO BUIIJDING DEPARTMENT 0t/25/2005 ccD Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMEIC| CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAITCE. Cond: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 UMe, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 : (BLDG. ) : INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES IIISTRUCTIONS AIiID TO CIIAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 I]MC, CIIAPTER 10 OI' THE 1997 IMC. eond: 25 (BLDG. ) : GAS APPIJIANCES SHAL,L BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER I AND SHAI-,L TERMINATE AS SPECIFfED IN SEC.806 OF THE t99'7 VMC, OR CHAPTER I OF THE 1997 rMC. cond: 29 ,(BI,DG* ) : ACCESS To HEATTNG #rn"r* MUS' coMpl,y wrrg cHA THE 1997 I]MC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 3L o PTE (BLDG.): BOILERS SHA[,L, BE MOInflIED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UNLESS I.,TSTED FOR MOI]NTING ON COMBUSTIBIJE FLOORING, Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PITANS AND CODE ANAIJYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECI{ANICAI-, ROOM PRIOR TO AN TNSPECTION REQUEST. Cond: 3O (BIJDG. ) : DRATNAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOIIJERS SIIALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAfN PER SEC. 7022 oF THE 1997 UMC, OR SECTTON r_004.6 0F THE 1997 IMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this strucrure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQI]ESIS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOL,TRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. 7t SIGNA OF OWNER OR CONTRA AND OWNEF R 3 AND SEC.LoL7 0F FOR **********++,t+*++******+******+++*+++t*********t ****+**+++*+*++*'***********+*************** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement **********+***++*+++***+{.**************++**+*****************+****+++**********************t Statement Nunber: R050000063 Anount: . Pa)ment Met.hod: Check Plumbing/ck L6 96 $8?8.00 ot/25/200sr2:48 PM Ini!: LT Notation: Graham's PermiU No: Parcel No: Site Address : Locati.on: ThiB Payment: M04 - 03 75 2L0L123 05009 4444 STREAMfTDE 4444 STREJAMSIDE $878.00 DescriDtion Type r MECHANICAL PERMIT CR W VAIIJ CTRCLE #118 Total Fees: Total AIJIJ PmTs : Balance: $878.00 $878 . 00 $0. oo ++***+**************l**++*+***l******t****+**+**+++*+t+*t*+**'***************+**+++ttf******* ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Current Pmts MP PF wc 00100003111100 00100003112300 00r.00003112800 MEC}IANTCAL PERMIT FEES PI,AN CHECK FEES WII,IJ CAIJI.' INSPECTTON FEE 700.00 175.00 3.00 AppLrcATroNO-r no, BE AccEprED rr rnaorrrrrf* TVWNOFYAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vaal, Colorado 81657 03-aL73 Building Permit #: Mechanical Permit #: 97 O - 47 9 -2149 (Inspections) Permit will not be accepted without the following: Moff*ffiffru CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Mechanical Contractor: G0A4hr"s Qtunbde.n/C. Town of Vail Reg. No.: /{(,-n\ Contact and Phtn67"i Gct*twx Gza) 3z o - 3gor e-tl,l.al Aaaretst *^r,l"a,t/r*-@ Cm*q+t,tt f ContractorPntr' " .'MPLETE uor(o,N MECHANICAL: $ 34. sDD ON FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT Labor & Materials **********************x*FoR oFFICE USE ONLyx**r(******************r****** Other Fees:Planner Siqn-off:AcceDted Bvl DRB Fees:Date Received: M IIS\MECHPEIiM.DOC Lrt-,ir 0 ContaLt Eagle Counv Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit for Parcel # Parcel# Jt0tleEdSoO? Job Name: 0, bofu s r a ks, bet) c^p Job Adilessiy',t g,{ Sft&rt^lltrrE c1 tt). tJ *,o Legal Description ll Lot: ll Btock: ll riting:Subdivision: Owners Name: p ' bO&r S ra ll Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: He*r Fac I eD/ k cr*t rnetr ks,l:etlce WorkClass: New(Y) Addition( ) Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Boiler Location: Interior (,,g ) Exterior ( ) Other ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg: Single-family 1{ Ouplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) fther( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: I No. of Accommodation Units in this building: I Noffype of Fireplaces Existing: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (X ) Noffypeof FireplacesProposed: GasAppliances( ) GasLogs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurning(NOTALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) ruo pg) \\Vfl il\data\cdev\FORMS\PEl{f""> {+1ft'-{6.-'.)ur TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 g',t0-479-2138 PLTA{BING PERMIT Job Address: 4444 STREAMSIDE CR W VAIL Location.....: 4444 STREAMSIDE CIRCLE #l 18 ParcelNo...: 210112305009 ProjectNo, prl o 3 _OS_ZS OI/9NER O'DOR]SIO M. SUE & THOMAS 2518 COTTONWOOD CT NORTH LIBERTY, IA 12/21/2004 Desciption: PLUMBING FOR NEWRECLAIMED RESIDENCE Valuation: $ 17,500.00 Fileplace lnformation:Resticted; ?? # ofGau Appliances: ?? orQ*rr"*r oF coMMrrNrrv osvnro;ENr NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #:P04-0175 52317 License: CONTRACTOR GRAHAM'S PLLMBING & HEATING 12/2L/2004 Phone: 970-949-4801, P. O. BOX 1_040 AVON, CO dl-o.zu License:173-P APPLICANT GRAHAM'S PLUMBING & HEATING 12/2L/2004 Phone: 910-949-480L P.O. BOX 1040 AVON, CO 81_620 License: 173-P # ofGas tngs: ??# of Wood Pallet: ?? Total Calculated Fees--> Additional Fees------> Total Permit Fce-----> Paymcnts-------------------> BALANCE DUE......-..> Ttem: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have r€ad this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agee to comply with the infonnation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. 2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. Plumbing--> Plan (lheck--> lnvestigation-> Will Call---> s0.00 s0.00 s340. s0 S340.50 So. oo s.140.50 $340.50 $0.00 $270.00 Restuarant Plan Review-> S67.50 DRBFee-------------> s0 . 00 ToI AL FEES--------------> s3.00 1,2/21,/2004 JS It.en: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT ga('ar/o Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 1212112004 Issued..: 12122/2004 Expires . .: 06/20/2005 Phone: REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SITALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN AD ANCE BY TELEPHONE A 5 o * * + * *** {' t* * ** *+**,t***** **** ** **********f +***,1.**'f * ****+f *+* **********++f ** * * + * ******++f +** *** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement ***** * *:it* ** *:t+** * * * ++**'!***+*+***** {.* *+*+**** ******f **t*+++t t**** *+t*t,,}+*+**+,}* *** * * * +***+ * Statenent Number: R040007290 AmounE.: S340.50 L2/22/200403:31 pM Palzment Me.hod: Plumbing / ck#1684 Check Init: LC Notalion: Graham's T]4)e: PLUMBING PERMIT CR W VATL CIRCLE #1],8 Total Fees:Total ALL Pmts : Balance:***++*********it*****+**********+++++*******l*+*++++***f**'l*********++**********t++*++++'***** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts Permit No:Parcel No:Site Address : Location: Thls Payment; PF 00100003112300 PP 00100003111100 wc 001000031-12800 P04- 0175 2101123 05 0 09 4444 STREAMSIDE 4444 STREA},ISIDE $340.50 s340. s0 $340.50 $0. 00 PLAN CHECK FEES DT .T TMII T T\I': DE PMTnr T'FFC WILL CAJ-,I., INSPECTION FEE 67.50 27 0 .00 3.00 AppLrcArroCLL Nor BE AccEprED IF INcoMpLEC* u*r, Project #:.oz)J Building Permit #: Plumbing Permit #: 97O-479-2L49 (r MWNOF 75 S. Frontage Vail, Colorado 657 CONTMCTOR INFORMATION Materials) Contact and Phone #'s:6tu** (fzoS i7c- 59ot Town of Vail Reg. No.:Plumbing COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (Labor & PLUMBING: $ 17, €tra, - Contact Assessorc Office at 970'328'8640 or visit www. Parcef # At7ttaSO-tOo1 Job Name: o' &,e'sro Rzs,neilea lob Address: 4,/ # funaartst be eL'd.l,at LegalDescription ll Lot: ll Block: ll Filing:Subdivision: Owners Name: ,, \nR-tStO Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: Ptunt,t)A Eac NED/ Pzecpnel R.esrbetae - WorkClass: New(x) Addition( ) Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Type of Btdg.: Sinqte-famiry (S Duplex ( ) Multi{amily ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: t No. of Accommodation Units in this building: ase Il device? Yes ( ) ttto (2{ for Parcel # ***********'(*****************'f*********FoRoFFICEusEoNLY**********************************:k** Other Fees Date Received: DRB Fees:Accepted By: Planner Sisn-off: ED --,'trV' EC--r:v ilLU z I .trO\d-Ut-ri' ll/t8/2001 F:\t Jscrs\cdcv\FORMS\PERIVIITS\PLMIIPLRM.DOC 4wy 1 U- ir i..?0$5 ir! $psstioyl Fleqr.resr R*pcrtir r g "r*1L. S$. filty tJt. liag€i ?3 /i,1p ilu Fn:rkeste{J llrs$acl []siE r fdcrtt-la"'. ,-:rt.;'|]er l*. ?0{:5 inspei:h('n s rd.i. {;t: i)glii! 4.1{i1*s: '.:'i,r's -rl R5--Sffi51i.i- i:i+ Y{ \/All- .:n4.{ S iiiEA/dSiL,Li Itaf Ll: *t ., *i .!FIi;rrl..trq-q!-::r Aiiivitr!. 30r*ii;.10 1rjF.6. j{.!:u-,li-f_, i";f'15f Trp€ f)rf!.ilr\ri\c y {lr4;*t. J;ri}riiSlL) M -1)dS & Il.l#ht4'i .J rlpii;hrr.i \dihit(.id c,Jt lt, I:i [.r,:. ilr ]], R81l:€!stci Mlf.lr,.in i:,::t ls TFi.!;-:Tlf]ll ,\ssjqn6.|i i (] .lh'lf ;'lnfi 'rl:if;r.!A'J:tnir, Tir,lrr i:r D .:;t.rb IyF,;, f,$ffi tr54 ',, i\i Statirs, ,li;tj[i- Itr:i l) Af,r:r- i:-!i:{-1 i{r,,, ra i?{.i'itl':'- !19.14 :t.rn-82 7-{jlg?4 1 ::AE GAilAi:i: iMPKI r'.'llftiF- r.l [i .iif' '-r:rrrai:!r)r: tvithll(H r.()fi{jl FLr;Ti,)fJ ei;e{io irfi r-'jripliofr_ ,1DrJiTifii.t $r;).rjF-w B[ t]l{cxllJs iif;{ Lirlr4ATlfli\j r:ri- tlkl!,Tllljr'r: ntn IN'tT?'r f,,li:- i/v Ftc,LlF w1'['t f'tEw t_rcRM[F?l; i\i,ltlce: Rsv.,cabh.; f"(-1\4r It,iinI re{tuire.i coFl'!r!en t{r {i6ntrncl?: tLld,.,.." ivl.! i-$Al{Lv:}UAL r-!rf$r(ier't' l{0{-:1EC"i{,) ]]i{lo tiF-;,ltKL^ dl'{}"li{-.i i ,':dtdpfi{.-i-L A}lt) Pus: !11 flr.rJtit([- L9,i.f,tr-!.)\j,'..'!r),.)mfn{rnt ;TRUi:Tt.lft,,\r f lJcrf lE:-:flEf_' i]R.A!YINGS; f_r fi{ivllt r/..i Fii r[.E!-.r- [i{.ilJ f {!F t.'lMAtil i=,]. Fr_i{iR' . trl'rt.t'l t. SUtlA.,ii'rT?:n Al{[:, iirji-'rtsf,, l$ fllij; tjil^Jl XL;, . .rfir'jlH]:11 coff;msni: llc itJB!;I1': ri:.r.r &Nt-i; ttilt.lTfjlj: T.) "{{Rltgl'; {:rtsfrB,c:i-I. . J$u i'ijti;. 1.tu$t4:-i i'49-Li:xgqggriiri rt+rn: gL i,ir-.li(; r.ina{Rf iir Ertr.: ii:)le: il:3i FNi l:r,r.n€ gi ll-: fi? 7.59n 4 ,f f'rl]"rri FV r;i,irJi.J.r*.f,i l{ ?}'";lnit, l rt,lrr !:!il ,-;i; rti',1 rj ill i 4f,5.iii)['jtt* lTtriir t.1r':r ; ; "U,-,t ,'" i it.' t I ll l"r t' i1J.!iE;l,t-l!*ii li-Y :rt*rl iC B- -JG f .,,Ji,..ji Strc. ' ,\+f)rJv.-.1! ' 0& ir ,'; .):F€ilL, ri,\l {;ofiIt nu ri( ilenl: jl0 l3l t:6-Fi"r(datic,r.r5tssl '. Appr.rv&{ , ' 08r 1S,O.r t'lstsctof lfttvt ,1 ; .nCil,,ti \i r a.r!''',.rt' f.ri; r'l Acut'r, Al? APPi.-i )vED r-;cmnen?: ;r+ir. ic. glfrG-f*r8mlhri " Aloro're.: '' rJ3 02'Dt -insF*rtcr ,lGUNtOfr Action. r'.F (:r);tfli":t.: rrQN FEOUrif.rl L.ommenl. I r FOST..,t-\8 SICN Al.llt ADDRE$S :T ATT'IC i.\4C€SS RECI,IRED FOR UPPIF l4ff::,1.8[DR()OM ATTIC 3I DRILL dE NOTCH $i}FFIT ELIf,CKS TC AI|OI{/ FOI+ VENT1NG OF RAFTERS CUT BACK ROOF IJI:HI'TII,ICi AT RIDGES TO ALLOW FOfi RIDGT VENT 4) AO0 Brit.rA0i-, F;{,.(lctr,$ iN "{r-}{sT SPA(;E FT {3r ?Xti f'OST Nf ,{T'tO STAIFfVAY 5) i:'RYVer\Lt Jo'ST $PACrS Al MAIN LFVEL FAkTY WALL Ar"\rF iiflYwAll- i)aR l-\ ly'rlAl-r. B€HIT.!I) i.IJRRED VVAI-L A ThE UPPER LEVET t1r ADti LAG BOLT:' AT GAFIGF- ROOF lf-DGER 1€' OC. PEli IiLANIS tr ADn $trl.JACl-l i1L(.)CKS li.J fRAlr'r,t- SPT.CE LJNDER {?) zxr: FSST NEXT fO Tg TiOL.JMN t} CR{lr{- SPACE TO BE VEI.|TIID *EP CODE OF .|.)LASTIC :i]JiIALLETI {J\"'ER (iiADF ANLT i"l$ qIEn PER IRC t?.EOUlREi,,,t[N1': ili.,{j!4iff. ;{t:i\d;aiof: Aft }:L',ili AP AFPF r"f Etr i'r.);i:'ent,qFtr'qCVEt)COftlnt{;]lONSFlCl:-:i;,i.}r!FflEVlOLirl; i},lSFEr.rlilNASi::".11.1-!:;1..,1$I ,.!a-19 $:GN Al.lf. d,L;'OtlES(. DarSl[It I .' i ,,'' t,l i,l I I REp?i3i.Rt:n IC.: 3812 fl I gg : pr r:"rx Ti: I,rdr8 il i I -' I :li,r'iilL*{'''i fl lft{.-,blqri1Y ,id lj{,i]fr.' uFjr3rlnt,, r 1;.l4cs'*' $3,{:ti:0i ,_. gert,$iq.lt .. il:) irdl,.il: " l^.lV'ld r"l x dux::u FJY-I,L I 'luau:uig-i '., -. r ', r;:lt1fii1,:l,.db'rld ufi|:i{ u4jr;l14 , .i)t:rt.1gu' go,.g.:ii.O .' par,'lJfidv ", i''?iri al'S J lt"Nv-td X,.j:f-, .i f 9i* irJr.J/.- "3, .,l.Jt,4CHci, :tr..,aujt.ul,l') {:l3.!ll'}{i:l}i t\lc;i.t :il.rjt{C'1il H'l i.i+iliv O ).i, f',ls.isui t0/flf .Oi lcri-:l-fJ*T-l '?slr'{-w-!s :Ll. jl-l:Jfvfi'J )t:XlU-l.I3H:1 "tuB{lliuc J fil/,Oi*+ciy ,..Iv .u$rl;1v li,Hr ."!stlsd$ur ,!(l&{,rpc lP$ ."j.itrljVH: .?6 -]llh'r il.3Ll"l:idSt'l: iJIHIO r;,l.li/ !,t:i1r'iULir1h,;d il!'!"tHA Flqttt)3{j$t'{r :;iJt)1{ ll,l{J r."]iic svSH!'flttfilH ji{I) {}irJlJ\, i. ii"ipM ii.i.*il(.t*ri $t .:*O gi I I sghl;]";:lnnd \11flY{ l'lflrils rliJ qilC,l,L3:id$hlt il:r0t{i A3i-i:i 1v:ii:jv{i }C l,N$3ft:.4$.1 3HI :l{r&$tuf3 i,lfiij.ilrj*liN]']VL.tiJ?cjld :i,loliif .. (jilit tol.ri]'Jrui 11fi],t,!0 -., pftA(';o(rrv .. ,!El.l :,{1 ,rl9,r,lf -i{lil I t-! .lli?;r i:;l__ti . ir;jii{ rv:' :;ilRli i)tr .1.$:.li fiy' :iJFll ,r:)$ [iaij W . (tJall :l)]Arutt O? fi3AON.C,-{V <jV .solJx't Q3s :idir8dst.rl so,t.creo , lB,lcritd\t - u{rllplnsul-cifi'1Et r:i3CiAOUd f l(:li.l" VIUN !A'it'lli\t Vi.{ f 3}llt I otclclv 3|i$1A sxi,c'1fl tjsvfl,S$ t o.T-t1vr9'ft, :1tt|3g 3Li:i{A u3sf,t ioo}, 3$vHws,.,.v $J"io{] o\fl 't} ,-!f"1-l\rM.\)ic r\3:tl :Avi{ '}"lVtA ttUVd "13/\3-1 f{iwJ IV,n3J'c(JS lgt.Jr" 'E $:tonv Nt3ff SnvH f,?i)o][,t hsvnc]$ ? 3ll-s l,.io ilrv iil.f.l.:l;\ :Jiloi*. 'i ir{f,i"l. v -rli.N3,n l0tAillj'i ilt (!:1iiito i\t"l3r-r :lAr!l I ,;X;.r(lls J"ujot 't fJ3WleJi f.{-{l3s sl s93}'.r'rr "JtL!.}'I :14$"uu.r,f:. :r18ilu|li.]n,:l 1S17-2005 Inspccton Request Reportlng Page?A 4:07 pm _ Vall. CO - Clry Ot - Requesbd Inspec't O!b: Tuesday, October 18, 2005 Inspecuon A16.: GCD Slb Addro$: 4.{44 STRANUSIDE CR W VAIL 'l44rl STREAT{SIDE CIRCLE fllB ArPrD Inlbrmt0on Ac{tvltf E04-0OS Tlp.:BELEC Const TyIa: Occupcncy: Ofln€r: ODORISIO M. SUE & TFEIIIAS Appllcant FREIICH ELECTRIC, ltlC.Appllcant Coirbaclor: Dmcrlp{lon: Sbhls: ISSIJED lmpA..s: eCO Phone: 97G32&6216 FREIICH ELECIRIC, lIlC. Ftpne: 97$'328.6216 ADD{NON OF 2 NEW BEOROOfIIS.RECLAf,IAI.IO$I OF EXIS]II{G 1 CAR GARAGE.IMPROVET'ENTS OF THE ENIRY,NEW ROOF WITH NEW oo,RMERS EeouesH Insp€cdon(sl Itemr lg0 ELEC#lnal Reque$or: ODoft,b CorimentB: rll olhaE schcdulcd bo. wlllc.[ 440,81]7674 Assbn d To: Sl.b\lSl - Actton: Tlme Exo: Comrn nt [EVrunTETlNBATHRooM. SE Requecbd Tlme: 08:30 At - Pibn : 44+81+767,1 Enbr.d Bf DGOLDEN K CT'ffiRDGS, INSTALUHo(X UP EX F6t,sT FAN IN KITCHEN. /O - /?- Jco-r |nsoecdon H|sbrv fbm: {1O ELEC-Temp. PorY3r nem: 1A) ELEC-Rough " Approved "V2t72l6 lnlp.cior: .g Acflon' APPR APPROVED Commrnf tlem: 13) ElEC.condrlt Item: 14O ELEC-Mhe. *fuproved- lzlg2t$ Inspecbr: LPl/- Acilon: NRI{OTREADYFORIIIS'PECTIOiI Commrnt CONTRACTOR CAiICEL IU0fl/0d. lnspecbt eg Ac0on APPRAIIPRO\GD comrnent n€w sarvlce ftem: l9O EtEC-Fhrl FnS/06 InsD.&r: EG Acdon: ON OENIED Comnrnt MCwE OT TLET lN BAT}IRCTO*|. SEeURE BOXES. ll.lSTAtUtbOK LP EXI-IA( ST FA|,! lN KtTCr€N. 4f",ctco-c7z/ f/fr> REPT131 Run Id: 3799 iG2t+ffif - -tnspectton ncqnqiineporung _4.1_stp{!___ __va[" co- clry of _ ' Request"rl !nipect DaF: Inspecuon Area: Site Address: Page 27 Monday, October 24. 2005 GCO - 4444 STRE.AITISIL]E CR W VAiL 44./14 STREA'TTS|DE CIRCLE f118 ro_bfor&!]!so Acthtty: MO4-0376 Typ€. B,MECH Sub Typ€. NSFF Status ISS{JED Conrt Tvp€. SccuDencv UCe Insp Ar€a GCD Clp.nsr: O'OORISIO M. SUE & THOMA5 Apdkant GRAMM'S PLUMBING. lNc Phone 37O 949-48o'i conuactor. GRAHAM'S PLUMBll"lG. lf!C. Phon€. 97C.949.4801 JsstrlFtlon: ADDITION Of 2 NFW BEDROOMS.RECI.AMATILTIJ Oti aXISIING 1 CAR GARAGE.lr,JtPROVEMgl.,i"tS OF THE ENTRY,NEW ROO{: IMTH NEW DORMERS Ecsueste!-1$les!9dsl Itern: 390 iIECH-Final Reeu€slor: GRAFIAbfS PLUMBIhIG & HEATING Asslgn€d To: JMONORAGON Ent€red By: DriOtDE N K Aclicn: ,'lme Erp. Co mm€ nI: ITE[T5TT5{,5ARE coR RECT6 D. ITEILqMOT C otItPL E TE. AOOI'I-IONAL ITEMS FROM INSTRUCIIONS l.CONDENSAIE DRAIN REOS LOOPFOR IRAP. 2.SEE PAGE 19 TO SECURE AND SEAL TERMINATION, 3.FILL OUT RECORD OF STARI UP, CoInnEnI: 1.GAS PIPE IN GARAGE REQS VEHICLE PROTECNON. 2,PROVIDE tsOILER INSTRLCNOTJS AND INS-IALL tsOILf;R FRO}IT.S 3.BOILER VENTS REQ CONOEIJSATE DRAINS. 4,SECURE AND SEAL BOILER]IRMINAIIONS, S.PROVIrJE S IUDOF VENT lNg rRtI:nCNS, 6.REMOV5 ALL TRASH AND COMBUST'IBLE MATERIALS FROM CRAVIh-SPACE i Requester, Tlme: 01 :00 PM Pt&ne: 970"949-4801 f -.- r.l "" tr ..l\.r't, t r ' ;'', i r i'. t' 'll | ,ta, fnsoecflon Hfstorv t ll' tbm: 2OO MECI-FRouoh }, , i hem' 310 MEcH-l'ha[ng " Ap'proveq - I \ , ],,.' 01Rlj(F rnsp€clor: JRM Actbn. APAPPROVEO I r N I Comm€nt IN FLCOR HEAT VAR|OUS ZO}IES AIR TESTAPPROVED I ., I,I 08/26/05 Insp€ctor: JRM Actlon: Dl,| DENIED \' Comment DRIVEWAY SNOVNTELT OENIEO LOOP INTO PAN NO AIR TES1 SEPEMTE ZOiIE BEYOND PROPERTY LINE Itsm: llBm: Itcm: llem: n€m: 093ry05 Insp€ctor: Art Ac{on: AP APPROVED COMM€NI: APPROVED ROJGH MECI-I,ANICAL HEATING 31$ PLMFGaS Plolno 320 MECH-Exhau'st Floodg 330 MECIj-SupplyAlr 340 MECt{-Mbc. 39C' MECI-l-Rnal i0118/OS Insp€clor: C'CC} Comrn€nt 1.645 PIPE lN GARAGE Acllon: CR CORRECION REQUIRED REOS VEHICLE PROTECTION. RET}T131 Run Id: 3ALz tl -aIBf :Bl {rnu 'i" -- . --.-if l:igs RGq|G3fd|nsE otDfb: Frld.v.Osbtcrt/t.2005 ' Inspcctqr Arcr: @D-'SlbArtlrr$: Lfa STREAflSIOE CRWVAL a4.4 sTffi/urs|DE ctRctE tfi B REPTl31 Affitlntbnna0o'l : FOt$Ol?5 Raoucofid lmpacdon{.I }!il! zql PLtB#lnd R.$nDf: GRAI{Alf,SrurilBr{qA}EATNO Coflm.ilr: wltcr[37$300rl Rrn Id: 37Ea SUt|: lsgt ED InrpAm: @D sor|6; m*n Phom: Fhom: 970€.1$.lEOl 97O€'l${01 R.cucobdnmc: Ol:@t ' P[Dm: 97u9.1].lfltl d- 37& 3eor CELL Enb||d* DGCLTEN f Arlgrl.(lTo: .tloif,rRA(x]+l ;ffi FTREDyFTR '''ililHEdfiL- p \ Ardon: A.too: Acilon: APAPPROT/ED APAPFROIiED APAPPRCruEO A:ry6 fiUrcbc Att Acilon: I{R}'ICITRE DVFORII.ISFECIIOiI Colilil* IIIOTREADY FOR PLIffiNOFNAL Project Name: O'Dorisio Residence Project Description: 10 GREENTREE PITTSFORD NY t4534 License: APPLICANT JOHN PERKINS AIA BOX 2007 AVON 81620 License: Project Address: 4444 STREAMSIDE CR W VAIL 4444 STREAMSIDE CIRCLE Addition to an existing house. Pafticipants: <\(JSa-..^:rO OWNER : Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 Iel: 970.479.2139 f axi 97 0.47 9.2452 web: www.ci,vail.co.us DRB Number: DR8030312 08/04/2003 Phone: 970-949-9322 Location: Legal Description: Lot: 118 BIock: Subdivision: Bighorn Sub. Add.4 Parcel Number: 210112305009 Comments: See Conditions Motaon By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTTON Action: APPROVED Date of Approval: O3l 17 12004 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0006334 That the applicant shall submit a Town of Vail revocable right-of-way permit for all improvemetns within the public right-of-way prior to submitting for a building oermit. Viele Proper 4-0 Planner: WarrenCamobel DRB Fee Paid: S3OO.OO TOI4'Nffi Planning and Environmental Commission ACTION FORM Depaftment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, C-olorado 81657 teli 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: O'Dorisio Stream Setback Var PEC Number: PEC030039 Project Description: ADDmON OF 2 NEW DORMERS (BULK AND MASS) ABOVE EXTSITNG GRFA WITHTN THE 50- FOOT GORE CREEK SETBACK. Participants: OWNER SEGAL, JOAN - BERGER, BRUCE 08/04/2003 Phone: 10 GREENTREE PTTTSFORD NY 14534 License: APPLICANT JOHN PERKINS AIA OBlO4l20O3 Phone: 970-949-9322 BOX 2007 AVON 81620 License: Project Address: 4444 STREAMSIDE CR W VAIL Location: 4444 STREAMSIDE CIRCLE Legal Description: Lot: 118 Block: Subdivision: Bighorn Sub. Add,4 Parcel Number: 210112305009 Comments: See Conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Chas Berhardt Action: APPROVED Second By: George Lamb Vote: 4-0 Date of Approval:. 0912212003 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: CON0006158 That the applicant is not permitted to perform an interior conversion of this space at a later date as the dormer additions would not have been constructed prior to August 5, 1997, as required by Section l2-L5-4,Interior Conversion, Vail Town Code. Planner: Warren Campbell PEC Fee Paid: $500.00 Block O^rr, l"?'!4 Lcgal dcscription: Lot Addrcss Grncr Architcct Zonc district 6 LOt S17X | ) sitc co',cngcQO'fo Hciglrt Sctbacks ZONTE CHECK Phonc =t*t '%k"r't'I)fi Existin e Rcmaining rorarGRFA qlfte. Sg_=5317j.r Qs! I r tl UJ es1 Uyt#-. (1:5) (675*) =)oS . = 53ry 1,aH SosS + 6'15 = 425 crcdit plus 250 addition Docs this rcqucst involvc a 250 A,ddition? Horv much of rhc ailorvcd 250 rr dd.irion is uscir with ttris rcqucst? . A)r'4c- /rr\(30{33) ) Front Sidcs .Rcar Mirimrm 13,bg 4,LtTLl !a_>_= \sle A.r{h wors+cas-3}' V 9lae.,w\ o*..,&o( 2 ) |'"1"uuy639t-l , EncioscC Lasf 4a+. aggt (300) (doc) (e00((12c0) ) tJe*lr,ri - t;{ i pcrmittcd stop" 8 y" proposcd sJop" 4 8 , ?0' l5' Landscaping ("O"L Rctaining \\,all Hcig)its Parking Caragc Crcdit Drivcrvay Coniplics tvith TOV Lighting Ollinancc Arc finishcd gradcs lcss than 2:l i50%) Environmcn !al,4Ia"ards Prcvious conditions ofapproi,al (chcck propcrty filc); 2o/ lS'tloo' lL,os 2lA1 3',t 6',non€. v., X No Y.r---)( No l) Pcrccnt Slopc (< >30%)130"( 2) F)oodplain Y.. 3) Wctlands l, O - . 4)WatcrCoursesabact OOl@ 6rre Crek - 5) Gcologic Hazards . No,r , a) Snorv Avalanchc A) l ' 4) Watcr Course Sabact 5) Gcologic Hazards b) Rocldall c) Dcbris Florv AJ a ^s *fProvQl t^ i9t,ed. a Varic^trcc +lre aAr\t*ior, o+ ua,^ltel )o'*t5 rn stfL",l A"itl ns*rr"v*i. 5o-6,*Se+b^.k. fQ.-{\, +,. oa 1.la- ot . Ar r DESIGNI{EyTEIYCHECKI.,IST Projccc l/ m40 --_-__..-.- Q suR'rEy SlTFFIttry L-i--',,. $plc I I Scalc Benclrnark Lcgal dcscription Lot Sizc Buildablc Area Eascmcnts .' Topography { '_ri ! 't'. \' .!qt"-, il':c'-' j CRFA I1 ^r F., .. . _ t_r..250 addition+l CRFA {1,..r ia . ' '. I -.' i,., 'i .'.,i'__ Crarvl\Attic Sp4cc '. t .{ 3HU . tr BUrLDrNcrLEVATioi{s _- i I rees Utility loca'tions ..-l . ^ _. *Spot clcvations -. \,: icalc ll.oof pitch ri'l 'tr...r Q p\DSCAPE PLI.N ' I.xisting bccs I :oposcd trces I cgcnd ,r ryflscELLANFtO,lS : 100 1r. flood plain Watcr Qounc.S.,l1.+ rn'"ili'n*.nur Hrrrra. :.'1': \1 . a Building Height Encroachmcnts .L ta#&". -r'.'.1. i1,i I p t';:.: {ir'l t{e*j Sitc Covcrage EavcVovcrhangs (4) DcckVBalconics ' \ (.t 'Li, rL .__ f .:' .. C cndo Approval T tlc icport (A & B) U ility.vcrifi cation form Pl,otos ofsitc Brrilding material sarnplcs C. f. Vcrification Su'r\Shadc AngJcs Ut,lities (undcrground) Vi^rv Corridors va.'lanccs ?la- restictions Sitc Gradc\Slopc !!1 R*Firnne rv*ts -- FCnCcS t'.r .: i. '. '.'|. rar lonorl irrr d^___-.o, vss6w , \ .'t -Iuming Radius Drivcrvay (acccss and gradc) . . -;i\ \ ".i i c1er:i.'-4--\ r',SnOrvSlor-jg1).lt "-'. \. *. ' 'j "'i g--rl1r..i'.,., , ,i-a-''.a',rFf*Acccssr ',r. { *\' ":"f, ' "| ." IOI,|rNI Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 97Q.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All poects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please reter to tne submittll requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted untii all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission' b"rign ."ri"* approval tapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the aPProval. Location of the Proposal: t-ot: lI Block:- Subdivision: Fl//rIL Description of the Request: Physical Address: Name(s) of Owner(s): Addrpss: ibe..rl.r Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Phone: Phone: Fax: J)qrr- ArZa J ) nf'2- Arza!+ e fv\tt {=ffAlF..l,tt4A/-, NErf Type of Review and Fee: E-mail Address: tr Signs Conceptual Review New Construction Addiuon Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/duPlex) Changes to Approved PIans Separation Request ! ! * tr tr D $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions)' $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, sucn as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee ruo.' lklk ay' JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER TOI4TN I,(printnameajointownerofproperty|ocatedat(address/|ega| description) provide this letter as written approval of the plans OateO JULY, 1 , 2.O3..' which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: I fufther understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. ir, ('srgnature) D- r\ rv \o)ffi Page 2 of 12102107102 ***** ** * * * * * ** * * * ** ******************+***************,i***********t+**+++t+*f*++'tlt*** *'i****** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprlnted on 08-04-2003 at 15:34:20 08t04/2003 Statement ***+* +******** * * * * l. * * * * * * * * * t * * * * +* * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * ** * * * * * * * ** * * * * ++* + ++ * * * * * * * ****'l*** **** ++ Statement Number: R030004433 Amount: $300.00 Og/04/2OO3O3:34 pM Pa),'ment Method: Check Init : DF Notation: CI{ECK # 1525 Permit No: DRB0303L2 Type: DRB - Addit.ion of GRFA Parcel No: 2101-123 05 00 9 SitE AddTEgg: 4444 STREAMSIDE CR W VAIIJ LOCAI1ON: 4444 STREAMS IDE CIRCIJE Total Fees: $300.00 This Payment: $300.00 Total ALL Pmts: $300.00 Balance: $0.00 ++***l******+*******+********+*+***t*'1.**************t ***+**************************+*+t***** ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI^I FEES 300.00 Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co. us November 13,2003 John Perkins P.O. Box 2007 Avon, CO 81620 Re: O'Dorisio Residence Final Review Submittal 4444 Stream Side Circle/Lot 118. Bighorn Subdivision Addition 4 Mr. Perkins. It has come to my attention that the Design Review application that you submitted to the Town of Vail for a proposed addition and exterior remodel al 4444 Streamside Circle has been inactive for a considerable amount of time. On October 1, 2003, you went before the Design Review Board for a conceptual review. On October 7,2003, lsent you a letter summarizing the Design Review Board's comments. lf you have decided not to pursue the new addition and exterior changes I can withdraw your application. Please contact me and let me know what your desire is regarding this application no later than November 19, 2003. lf I have not heard from you by this date lwill assume you do not wish to pursue your application and will withdraw it from active projects status. I look forward to working with you to reach a conclusion of your application. Please feel free 10 contact me directly at (970) 479-2148 if you have any questions. With regards, nll A ltilH /\ I' ll l/ll (,tJtutto'n Warren Campbell , " Planner ll Cc: File {g ru"r"""o rnr"* 1 Department of Community Deve lopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2 t 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us October 7. 2003 John Perkins P.O. Box 2007 Avon, CO 81620 Re: O'Dorisio Residence Final Review Submittal 4444 Stream Side Circle/Lot 1'lB, Bighorn Subdivision Addition 4 Mr. Perkins, This letter is being senl to summarize the comments of the Design Review Board meeting of October 1,2003, regarding your proposed architectural changes and driveway relocation al 4444 Streamside Circle. The following ilem shall be submitted prior to scheduling for your final design review. . Please submit complete elevations of the proposal and the adjacent duplex in order to show contexl. The reason being that the Code requires duplex homes to appear as a single family home with shared architectural features. The concern of the Design Review Board and staff is that while your proposal conceptually looked fine, lhe remaining half of the duplex is not proposing to perform any renovations which would be compatible your proposal. . Please show the location of the proposed boiler in a ditferent location which is more hidden and will not require the removal of mature vegetation. r Please also verify that your driveway relocation and parking area are not going to require the removal of additional trees on the site. lt appeared that the parking area would be removing an existing tree. e Some suggestion made by the Design Review Board to make the home appear to be a single-family honie is to potentially utilize the same style ol windows, install some architectural features on the neighboring duplex which match the proposal, and maybe use shed dormers in place of the gabled dormers. The primary concern is that the proposal needs to be harmonious with other half of the duplex as required by Code. Please review these comments and if you have any qubstions regarding this letter please contacl me at 970-479-2148. In order lo remain on the October 15, 2003 Design Review Board agenda the revisions listed above need to {g *nourr r"* T. be received in the Community Development Department no later that 3:30 p.m. on October 13,2003. #tr-;M Planner ll Cc: File TOW OF VAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 r 38 FAY 970-479-2152 wtrtw. ci.vail. co.us September 25,2003 John Perkins P.O. Box 2007 Avon, CO 81620 Re: O'Dorisio Residence Final Review Submittal 4444 Strcam Side Circle/Lot 1 'l B, Bighorn Subdivision Addition 4 Mr. Perkins, This letter is being sent to inform you of the necessary information needed to complete your application for an addition and driveway relocation at 4444 Streamside Circle. The following item shall be submitted prior to scheduling for your final design review. Please submit a revised site development plan, Sheet C1, which makes the following revisions.. The proposed parking spaces are shown to be 8.5 feet wide by 19 feet long. Code requires parking spaces to be 9 feet by 19 feet please revise. , Please remove the snow Storage area from the Town's righfof-way. The area of the driveway measures 1,469 square feet. Per Code an area measuring 10% of the driveway area needs to be provided for snow storage. The snow storage you show measures 169 square feet not including the area located in the right-of- way. Therefore you meet the Code requirement with the removal of the area located in the right-of-waY. . Please place hatching in the driveway area located between Stream Side Circle and the property Iine designating it as a separate heating zone. Also include a note that the driveway area located in the Town of Vail's right-of-way will be on a separate zone. . Please change the note for the concrete pan to read "New 4-foot wide concrete oan with a 2 inch invert. Pan is not to be heated." . Please describe how you plan to re-vegetate the area of the driveway removal with a note. . A revocable right-of way permit will need to be submitted for all improvements constructed in the right-of-way prior to submittal for a building permit. . Please show where the boiler is going. lf it is outside please show how you plan to screen it from view. . please place a limits of disturbance fence on the plan to protect areas not to be disturbed. . Also please submit hard-line drawings of the elevations of the building. {g *"n""ro ror"r Please review these comments and if you have any questions regarding this letter please contiact me at 970475-2148. ln order to remain on the October 1, 2003 Design Review Board agenda the revisions listed above need to be received in the Community Devefopment Department no later that 3:30 p.m. on September 29,2003. Cc:File TOI,{N Z ACTIONFORM - EMI Departrnent of Community Development }FI/AILT 7s south Frontase Road, Vail', Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax:. 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: D'Orisio Stream Setback Vari PEC Number: PEC030039 Project Description: ADDITION OF 2 NEW DORMERS (BULK AND MASS) ABOVE EISITNG GRFA WITHIN THE 50- FOOT GORE CREEK SETBACK, Participants: OWNER SEGAL,IOAN - BERGER, BRUCE 08/04/2003 Phone: 10 GREENTREE PTTTSFORD NY t4534 License: APPLICANT JOHN PERKINS AIA 0810412003 Phone: 970-949-9322 BOX 2007 AVON 81620 License: Prcject Address: 4444 STREAMSIDE CR W VAIL Location: 4444 STREqMSIDE CIRCLE Legal Descriptionr Lot: 118 Block: Subdivision: Bighorn Sub. Add.4 Parcel Number: 210112305009 Comments: See Conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion Byr Chas Berhardt Action: APPROVED Second By: George Lamb Votef 4-0 Dateof ApprovaF 0912212003 Conditionsr Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: CON0006158 That the applicant is not permitted to perform an interior conversion of this space at a later date as the dormer additions would not have been constructed prior to August 5, 1997, as required by Section L2-I5-4,Interior Conversion, Vail Town Code. Planner: Warren C.ampbell PEC Fee Paid: $500.00 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department September 22,2003 A request for a variance from Section 12-14-17, Setback from Walercourse, Vail Town Code, to allow for a residential addition in the Gore Creek setback. located al 4444 Streamside Circle / Lot 11. Biohorn 4th Addition. Applicant: Thomas O'Dorisio, represented by John Perkins Planner: Warren Campbell t.SUMMARY The applicant, Mr. Thomas O'Dorisio, represented by John Perkins of JMP Architects, is requesting a variance from Section 12-14-17 (Setback From Watercourse), Vail Town Code, located at 4444 Streamside Circle / Lot 11, Bighorn 4th Addition. The variance is requested to allow the applicant to construct additional bulk and mass within the required SO-foot Gore Creek setback. Staff is recommending approval of the requested variance as a physical hardship exisls on the property and the granting of lhe variance will not result in a granting of special privilege to this individual property. DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST The applicant, Mr. Thomas O'Dorisio, represented by John Perkins of JMP Architects, is requesting a variance from Section 12-14-17 (Setback From Watercourse), Vail Town Code. The lot located at 4444 Streamside Circle backs up to Gore Creek and therefore is required by Section 12-14-17 (Setback From Watercourse) to have all structures maintain a sO{oot minimum setback from the cenlerline of the creek. A vicinity map is attached for reference (attachment A). ftThe applicant proposes to construct two dormers on the south side of the house 't above existing vaulted areas of the house. The proposed dormers would not increase the Gross Residential Floor Area of the existing unit as the proposed dormers would remain open to below. Proposed floor plans and elevalions are attached for reference (attachment B) il. BACKGROUND This property was annexed into the Town became effective on November 5. 1974. Residential zone district. of Vail by Ordinance 20 of 1974 which The property was zoned Two-Family ilt. lv. According to the files the existing house was approved by the Design Review Board on January 7,1975, and construction was completed in 1977. Staff has researched the legal files and is unable to ascertain how the house was approved in iis current location. The duplex structure received zoning approval on April 28, 1975. On September 3, 1986, the Design Review Board approved a 460 square foot addition. On September 8, 1986, a building permit was issued to construct the 460 square foot addition. f n May 12,1994, a Duplex Subdivision Plat was approved by the Town of Vail on Lot 11, Bighorn +th Rddltion. The existing residence, a duplex, was approved January 7, 1975 and therefore subject to the Town's land development regulations. Stalf has reviewed the Town's file and found that the existing residence was approved in is current location. Staff was unable to determine the circumstances behind the location of the structure 15 feet into the Gore Creek setback. Staff has determined that the improvements constructed on the property were lawfully approved. ROLES OF REVIEWING BODIES The PEC is resoonsible for evaluating a proposal for: Action: The PEC is responsible for final approval/denial of a variance. The PEC is responsible for evaluating a proposal for: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulalion is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity, or to attain the objectives of this Title without grant of special privilege. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and tratfic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. 4. Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems applicable to the proposed variance. Desion Review Board: Action:The DRB has NO review authority on avariance, but must review any accompanyi ng D R B applicatio n. Town Council: Actions of DRB or PEC maybe appealed to the Town Council or by the Town Council. Town Council evaluates whether or not the PEC or DRB erred with approvals or denials and can uphold, uphold with modifications, or overturn the board's decision. Staff : v. The staff is responsible for ensuring that all submittal requirements are provided and plans conform to the technical requirements of the Zoning Regulations. The staff also advises the applicant as to compliance with the design guidelines. Staff provides a statf memo containing background on the property and provides a staff evaluation of the project with respect to the required criteria and findings, and a recommendation on approval, approval with conditions, or denial. Staff also facilitates the review process. APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS Town of Vail Zoninq Code Section 12-14 Supplemental Regulations (in part) 1 2-1 4-17 : SETBACK FROM WATERCOURSE: Minimum setback from a creek or stream shall be not less than thirty feet (30') from the cenler of the established creek or slream channel as defined by the town comprehensive plan base maps; provided, however, that the setback from Gore Creek shall be fifty feet (50'). Natural creek or stream channels may not be rechanneled or changed. (Ord. 19(1976) $ 15: Ord. 8(1973) $ 17.800) Section 12-17 Yariances (in part) 12-17-1: PURPOSE: A. Reasons For Seeking Variance: ln order to prevent or to lessen such practical difficulties and unnecessary physical hardships inconsistent with the objectives of this title as would result from strict or literal interpretation and enforcement, variances from certain regulations may be granted. A practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship may result from the size, shape, or dimensions oI a site or the location ol existing structures thereon; from topographic or physical conditions on the site or in the immediate vicinity; or from other physical limitations, street locations or conditions in the immediate vicinity. Cost or inconvenience to the applicant of strict or literal compliance with a regulation shall not be a reason for granting a variance. B. Development Standards Excepted: Variances may be granted only with respect to the developmenl standards prescribed for each district, including lot area and site dimensions, setbacks, distances between buildings, height, density control, building bulk control, site coverage, usable open space, landscaping and site development, and parking and loading requiremenls; or with respect to the provisions of chapter 11 of this title, governing physical development on a site. C. Use Regulations Not Affected: The power to grant variances does not extend to the use regulations prescribed for each district because the flexibility necessary to avoid resulls inconsistent with the objectives of this title is provided by chapter 16, "Conditional Use Permits", and by section 12-3-7, "Amendment" of this title. (Ord. 8(1973) S 19.100) 12-17-5: PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION ACTION: Within twenty (20) days of the closing of a public hearing on a variance application, the planning and environmental commission shall act on the application. The commission may approve the application as submitted or may approve the application subject to such modifications or conditions as it deems necessary to accomplish the purposes of this title, or the commission may deny the application. A variance may be revocable, may be granted for a limited time period, or may be granted subject to such other conditions as the commission may prescribe. (Ord. 8(1973) S 19.500) 12-17-6: CRITERIA AND FINDINGS: A. Factors Enumerated: Before acting on a variance application, the planning and environmental commission shall consider the following factors with respect to the requested variance: 'l . The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and struclures in the vicinity. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity, or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and tratfic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. 4. Such other factors and criteria as lhe commission deems applicable to the proposed variance. B. Necessary Findings: The planning and environmental commission shall make the following findings before granting a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The slrict or literal inlerpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with lhe objectives of this title. b. There are exceptional or extraordinary circumslances or conditions applicable to the site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. (Ord. 8(1973) $ 19.600) 12-17-7: PERMIT APPROVAL AND EFFECT: Approval of the variance shall lapse and become void if a building permit is nol obtained and conslruction not commenced and diligently pursued toward completion within two (2) years from when the approval becomes final. (Ord. 48 (1991) $ 2: ord. 16(1978) $ 5(c)) VI. SITE ANALYSIS Address/legal description: Zoning: Land Use Plan Designation: 4444 Streamside Circle/Lot '11, Bighorn 4lh Addition Two-Family Residential Medium Density Residential Residential Duplex Current Land Use: Develooment Standard Lot Area: Setbacks: Front: Sides: Rear: Building Height: Density: GRFA: Site Coverage: Parking: Allowed 15,000 sq. ft. Existino 22,172sq.ft. Proposed No Change No Change No Change No Change No Change No Change No Change No Change No Change 20' 20'15' 157100' 50'Gore Creek 30' 33' 27', 2 units/acre 2 units/acre 5,317.2 sq. ft. 4,184 sq. ft. 4,434 sq. ft. (20%) 3,878 sq. ft. (17.5%) 5 spaces 5 spaces vil. North: South: East; West: SUBBOUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING Land Use Residential Residential Residential Residential Zonino Residential Cluster and Low Density Multipfe Family zone districts Two-Family Residential zone district Two-Family Residential zone district Two-Family Residential zone district VIII. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS A. Consideration of Factors Reqardino the Setback Variances: 't.The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. Staff believes that the proposed setback variance request is compatible with and comparable to the surrounding development along Streamside Circle. Many of the existing homes in the vicinity of the applicant's property have Gore Creek setbacks of less than 50 feet such as 4542 Streamside Circle. Due to the shape of the lots and the presence of Gore Creek, several of the homes in the Two-Family Residential zone district have front yard setback variances which help to reduce or eliminate encroachments into the S0-foot Gore Creek setback. On September 8, 1986, a front yard setback variance was approved for the existing home at 4542 Streamside Circle to allow for an encroachment into the front setback. The staff memorandum makes reference to a redesign of the proposal which initially would have required a stream setback variance and ultimately resulted in a front setback variance request and approval. The existing home at 4542 Streamside Circle encroached into the stream setback approximately 5 teet. Staff believes that the applicant's request for relief from the SO{oot Gore Creek setback requirement will not have any negative impacts on the existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity of the applicant's lot as the proposed dormers are above existing Gross Residential Floor Area which encroaches into the s0-foot Gore Creek setback 15 feet since its approval in 1975, The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without a grant of special privilege. Staff believes that the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. As stated above, staff was unable to identify any granting of stream setback variances in the Two-Family zone district; however, many properties along Gore Greek encroach into the S0-loot stream setback and variance requests have been granted to other properties which prevent further encroachment into the required 50{oot selback. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the 50{oot Gore Creek setback would result in a practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent wilh the objectives of this title as the location of the proposed dormer additions are above existing Gross Residential Floor Area which currently encroaches into the stream setback. tx. 3. The etfect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. Staff does not believe there would be any negative impacts associated with this proposal, if constructed, on the above-referenced criteria. 4. Such other factors and criteria as the commission deems applicable to the proposed variance. The Plannino and Environmental Commission shall make the followino findinos before orantino a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistenl with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends approval of the reguest for a variance from Section 12-14-17 (Setback From Watercourse) to allow for the addition of additional bulk and mass within the required S0-foot Gore Creek setback above existing Gross Residential Floor Area currently located in the required setback al4444 Streamside Circle/Lot 11, Bighorn 4th Addition. Staff's recommendation of approval is based upon the review of the criteria in Section Vlll of this memorandum and the evidence and tesiimony presented, subject to the following findings: 1. That the granting of the watercourse setback variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties in the Two-Family Residential zone 1. district as the applicant is proposing compliance with the applicable elements of the Town's planning documents. 2. That the granting of the watercourse setback variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for the following reason: The strict or lileral interpretation and enforcement of the parking lot surface and landscape area regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the Two-Family zone district given the amount of hardscape area required on the development site to comply with the applicable planning documents of the Town of Vail. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this variance request, the Community Development Department recommends the following condition: That the applicant is not permitted to perform an interior conversion of this space at a later date as lhe dormer additions would not have been construcled prior to August 5, 1997, as required by Section 12-15-4, Interior Conversion, Vail Town Code. ATTACHMENTS A. Vicinity Map B. Floor plans and elevations C. Publication Notice x. /l tl tl / er. / ir5 t)l/ /-<-Go--. ,, la a/ Ul ' l:t 'ilfl I I l t,l if tl /t IT 'tl a Attachment: B -v, oi trl \) fl F t'}I oi \)](i 9l ILI Fi o1 z, ei t.x lxigi i$g$i 5f9!: $!$iir ;ii llt! tr r dt: t{iq?:6itE::r Ellh*l @ lp zlx {t$ d$ ut{ otd ot! J_".1 u-lu l'l ug >ts ulE --! I ulg tul. tLF lUt f{i :l ;r -l I I I i I q rl..l =o )'( J Li tLt E: dl_! .,rry;w;:3 '2fl1\e).4at2a4 a a e4s'alpp tav/-+a Hma+ :#i11i-{."w3"1fl =?N=qsea olelde4to tr q JL _0_ 'l ftl utl +il $il {|l .Jl -,tt ll tl :rll fil l{ll 0tl 1l tl _0il lrll .nlt u ( ll$xll$ .$tF a,ll"* 4 -1a2 t1l</, { tltfia+ #,lx"y*ry"J#Zq#li+4a ol+laqta Zn4b 'Wa 'aLb .aqa,7u11E 'q1l'+n4il?41 Adr 7 1{ v//3l/ Jg /& /.tl u.I ti $l tl Itt {- il) s II .\\J $)n N s f rrrv'iIAi,['fiHBH- enoefr NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Vail Town Code on September 8, 2003, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for a variance from Section 12-14-17, Setback from Walercourse, Vail Town Code, to allow for a residential addition in the Gore Creek setback, located at 4444 Streamside Circle / Lot 1.1, Bighorn 4th Addition. Applicant: Planner: Thomas O'Dorisio, represented by John Perkins. Allison Ochs A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council of a proposed amendment to the FORD PARK MANAGEMENT PLAN - An Amendment to the Gerald R. Ford/Donovan Park Master Plan,lo allow for the constructlon of a public parking facility and structure, a request for a variance from Title 14, Chapter 5, Parking Lot and Parking Structure Design Standards for All Uses, to allow for a deviation from the minimum landscape area requirement and to construct an unpaved, gravel parking surface, and a request for a conditional use permit to allow the construction of a public parking facility and struclure atop the athletic fields at the Gerald R. Ford Park, located at 580 South Frontage Road EasVFord Park Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by Greg Hall Planner: Warren Campbell A request for a variance from Section 12-6D-10, Landscaping and Site Development, Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of a new primary/secondary residence, located at 2319 Chamonix Rd. / Lot 9, Block A, Vail Das Schone Filing 1. Applicant: Brian Reske Planner: Allison Ochs A request for a variance from Section 12-6D-6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, to allow for the modification and enlargement of an exisling deck, located at 3120 Booth Falls Court/Lot 7, Block 2, Vail Village 12tn Filing. Applicant: Halide Gazioglu, represented by Sheppard Resources Planner: Matt Gennett A request for review of a minor subdivision, which resubdivides part of Lots L and K, Block 5E, Vail Village First Filing, to create Lots 1 and 2, Block 5E, Vail Village First Filing, resulting in the Sonnenalp and Swiss Chalet on separate parcels. Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties, represented by Braun and Associates Planner: Warren Campbell The applications and information about these proposals are available for public inspection during regular business hours at the Town oi Vail Community Development Department office, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend the project orientation held in the Town of Vail Community Development Depafiment off ice and the site visits that precede the public hearing. Please call (970) 479-2138 for additional information. Sign language interpretation is available upon request with 24-hour notitication. 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for additional information. This notice published in the Vail Daily on August 22,2003. Please call (970) 479- I Attachment: G @ TOI4AItrWW tr Rezoning $1300 tr Major Subdivision $1500 O Minor Subdivision 9650 C Exemption Plat $650 tr Minor Amendment to an SDD $1000 tr New Special Develgpment District 96000 D Major Amendment to an SDD $6000 tr Major Amendment to an SDD 91250 (no exterior modifications) Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 97 0.479.2L39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail,co.us General Information: All projects requiring Planning and Environmental Commission review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit ?pplication. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the pafticular apprwal that is requested. An applicatiorf f6i Planning and Environmental Commisslon review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Design Review Board. Type ofApplication and Fee: tr Conditional Use Permit tr FloodolainModification E Minor Exterior AlteraUon tr Major Exterior Alteraton D Development Plan E Amendment to a Development Plan tr Zoning Code Amendment El Variance D Sign Variance $6s0 $400 $5s0 $800 $1500 $2so $1300 $s00 $200 Description of the Request: Physical Addressl Parcett'to.: 2lC Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s); Owner(s) Signature(s): ! Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no,) AnaztD ?Lr E-mail Addresst U rv\P- ABc t-\ @. MDUNX\iN [/\AIV\ - f{ff For Office Use Only: Fee Paid: Check No.:_ By: Applicatiori Date: Planner: Page I of6-01/18/02 JOINT PROPERW OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER TOI4IN I, (print ..mel AJ-EHZ| EEl-SklYu joint owner of property tocated at (address/teeal description) provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvemenE include: i fufther understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. [\.--,1-rl or (Date) which have tllE @rZe CZ,ppg SfgEiann Sr.fe.nct< Page 2 of6-01/18/02 o Application for a Variance Submittal Requirements GENERAL INFORMATION Variances may be granted in order to prevent or to lessen such practical difficulties and dnnecessary physical hardships as would result from the strict interpretdtion and/oi enfbriementbf the'zoning regulations incofi$stent with the development objectives of the Town of Vail. A prastical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship may result from the size, shape, or dimensions of a site or the location of existing structures thereonl from topographic or physical conditions on the site or in the immediate vicinity; or from other physical limitations, street locations or conditions in the immediate vicinity. Cost or inconvenience to the applicant of strict or literal compliance with a regulation shall not be a reason for granting a variance. I. SUBMITTAL REqUIREMENTS n Fee: $500.00 D Stamped, addressed envelopes and a list of the propefi owners adjacent to the subject property, including properties behind and across streets. The list of property owners shall include the owners'name(s), corresponding mailing address, and the physical address and legal description of the properfy owned hy each. The applicant is responsible for correct names and mailing addresses, This information is available from the Eagle County Assessor's office. s Title Report, including Schedules A & B B Written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. o A written description of the nature of the variance requested and the specific regulation(s) involved, including an explanation of why the variance is required and why the strict or literal interpretation of the specific regulation(s) would result in a physical hardship or practical difficulW. o A written statement addressing the following: a. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential,uses and structures in the vicinity. b. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulatlon is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. c. The effect of the variance on light and air, distribution of population, transpoftafion, traffic facilities, utilities, and public safety.d. How the request complies with adopted Town of Vail planning policies and development objectives. o Stamped Topographic Suruey (Four complete sets of plans). a Existing and Proposed Site and Grading Plans (Four complete sets of plans). D Existing and Proposed Architectural Elevations (Four complete sets of plans). D Existing and Proposed Architectural Floor Plans (Four complete sets of plans). o All plans must also be submitted in 8.5" x 11" reduced format. These are required for the Planning and Environmental Commission members' information packets. o Additional Material: The Administrator and/or PEC may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials if deemed necessary to properly evaluate the proposal. Paee 3 of 6-01/18/02 Parcel Detail Elected officials v Countt se rvice s 't Visitq rs ?Community.t Page I of3 I vant 1 EAGLE C NTY r'"**lr ll site indenltr county contactsll SEARCH I Eagle County Assessor/Treasurer Parcel Detail Information Assessor/Treasurer Property Search I Assessor Subset Query I Assessor Sales Search Basic Building Characteristics I Tax Information Sales Detail I Value Detail I Residentia l/Com mercia I Improvement Detail I Land Detail Tax Area Account Number Parcel Number R012581 DORTSIO, M. SUE & THOI4AS M. 18 COTTONWOOD CT NORTH LIBERTY , TA 523T7 Owner Name and Address Legal Description Location http://www.eagle-county.com/Goodtums/assessor/p{ucel.asp?ParcelNumber:210112305... 0810412003 BK-0226 PG-0808 WD BK-0232 PG-0970-1 QCD BK-0236 PG-0938 WD BK-0244 PG-0534 BK-0253 PG-0010 BK-0581 PG-0389 SWD 05-29-92 BK-0581 PG-o144 MAP BK-0581 PG-0145 DUPTEX SUB LOT:114 8(-0223 -0962 WD BK-0225 PG-0615 WD DEC BK-0550 PG-0304 MAP BK-0640 PG-0305 DEC 05-16-94 R646076 SWD 1-19-98 R754666 R801334 BSD 07- 10-02 Parcel Detail Page 2 of3 Property Tax Valuation Information Basic Building Characteristics Residential Building Occurrance 1 Characteristics HEATED AREA:2,847 MAIN FLOOR AREA:2,225 FIN OPEN PORCH:44 DECK:258 ONE STORY:622 ABSTMCT CODE: EFF YEAR BLT: I 1978 WD SID AVG 1,4 CARPET INV CERAMIC TL WOOD FRAME STREAMSIDE CIR VAIL BSB DUPLEX SUB rovements: Number of Residential Buildi Number of Comm/Ind Buildi http://www.eagle-county.com/Goodturns/assessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumber:210112305... 0810412003 Parcel Detail Page 3 of3 Tax Information UsE CODE: SUPER NBHD:EAST VAIL / BOOTH FALLS Tax Year Transaction T Tax Amount Tax Pavment: Whole Tax Amount Tax Pavment: Whole $2,591.66 Tax Amount Tax Pavment: Whole Tax Pavment: Firsl Half Tax Pavment: Second Half Tax Pavment: First Ha lf Tax Pavment: Second Half $L,Jo.l.f,z Tax Amount Tax Pavment: First Half $r,434.28 Tax Pavment: Second Half $1,434.24 Top of Page Assessor Database Search Options I Treasurer Database Search Options Contact us by phone: (970)328-8640, in Colorado (800)225-6135 By mall: Eagle County Assessor, 500 Broadway, PO BOX 449, Eagle, CO 81631 Or by e-mail: markc@eag le-county. com The Eagle County Assessor and Treasurer's Offices make every effort to collect and malntain accurate data. However, G Software and the Eagle County Assessor and Treasurer's Offices are unable to warrant any of the information herein cor Copyright O 2001 Good Turns Software. All Rights Reserved. Database & Web Design by Good Turns Software. http://www.eagle-county.com/Goodturns/assessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumber:2101 12305... 0810412003 ** * * +** * ** * * ** +* * t** + +* * ** **+ ++ + * * * ** * t** + *t *** **** *** + +*t * * ******** f+ +*** +*l+ *+ f+ | ** **** ** * TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Starement | + * * * * * ** ** ** t+ +** +* *** *'l* +* t *+ + ++ +* ****+ +* + + +,ii + * * + + * ** * * * *** * ** +* + ** +'i * i. * 'l +f +* * * * * + * * * * * * * Statement Number: R030004434 Amount: $500.00 Og/04/2OO3O3:39 pM Palment Method: Check fnit: DF Notation: CHECK # 1625 Permit No: PEC030039 Tytrre: PEC - Variance Parcel No: 2101123 0500 9 Site Address: 4444 STREAMSIDE CR W VAIL Locaf ion: 4444 STREiAI4SIDE CIRCITE ?otal- Fees: $500.00 This Payment: $500.00 Total ALL Pmts: 9500,00 Balance: $0. o0 * +* * * * ****** ** + * + **+ * *+ + * * * f * * * ** ** ** * * * * * ** * * * * i * *** * * * ** * * ++** ** * ** **t+ ** ** ** * * * ***t + + + * * + ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts PV OO1OOOO31125OO PTC APPLICATION FEES 500.00 .Parcel Detail l)o*,d A)1ou*'Page I of3 Eagle County Assessor/Treasurer Parcel Detail Information {s.:c:isolTr'q41urcIfropeLly 5ea'ch I Asses,su Subret Quely I Asrcsxrl Sales Se.4lch Rasi,qllui[irirg Cliaracte!:i5!ics I laXlalbrpratiou $aIs$elail I Yalue Dctttil I Rcside-11laU(lsllrtlcrctaLllnproycmsulDelai] I Lald lelarl Account Numbcr Parcel Number R012680 210112305008 45.853 BELSKY. AI,BERT' & VICTORIA 5205 E LINDEN CT REENWOOD VILLAGE. CO 80I21 Owner Name and Address Legal Description Location Property Tax Valuation Information SUB:BSB DUPLEX SIIB LO'l':l lA BK-0261 c-0197 BK-0581 PG-O144 MAP BK-0581 PG-OI45 DEC BK.O632 PG.O986 WD 02-18-94 BK-0640 PG-0304 MAP 5-16-94 BK-0640 PG-0305 DEC 5-16-94 Phvsical Address:STREAMSIDE CIR VAIL BSB DUPLEX SUB Subdivision: Actual Valuc Assessed Value I m nrovem ents: http://wwv.eaglc-county.com/assessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumber:2l0l 12305008 8t4t03 Parcel Detail Page I of3 o Eagle County Assessor/Treasurer Parcel Detail Information AsSsSfqd'heaSggrP_4i2lg41y .lCaIEh I Asse_ssor Subset Query | Assessor Sales Search Ilasic Builcling Charactelistics I Tax laltqrmation Sales Detai-l I Value Detait I Residentia-llCommercial hngovement Detail I Land Detail Tax Area Account Number I Parcel Number Mill Levy SCI03 R011860 I ernr 1')?n<nnr 45.853 ll !r\Jr Lz-JwJwwv YER, JOHN & VICTORIA -JT OOI SOUTHWESTERNBLVD ALLAS, TX75225 Owner Name and Address Legal Description Location Property Tax Valuation Information Actual Value Assessed Value Land:275,000 21,890 Im provem en ts:lf- 388j8olt 30,920 Total:663,380 52,81 0 lr Irl http://www.eagle-county.comlassessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumber:2I0I 12305006 :BIGHORN 4TH ADDITION LOT:10-A BK-0184 PC-0328 BK-0469 PC-0607 10-87 BK-O546 PG-0940 12-29-90 R803109 WD 06-11-02 Phvsical Address:24 STREAMSIDE CIRVAIL IGHORN 4TH ADDITION Subdivision: 713U03 Parcel Detail Page 1of3 Eagle County Assessor/Treasurer Parcel Detail Information AU.seisqri'Tr,-itsu,Lq PropqjL$eiuch I A5igfsa$nlrset Query 1 a55gssor.Sales Search ltasic Btri]llilg Chalactcristics I Taxlntbruratrqn SalcsDetail I VallreLlctail l&esidential/Con1l]1el(:i_itllx1provcntgnlj)clarl lLaqd!e!4rl Account Number Parccl Number ROll86r SCI03 2t01t2305007 45.853 IJSCH,II. LOIS & JAY R. % TzuAX COMMUNICATIONS 752 E LINKS PKWY LITTI,ETON, CO 80122 Owncr Name and Address Lcgal Description Location Property Tax Valuation Information http://www.eagle-county.com/assessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumber=2l0l 12305007 UB:BIGHORN 4TH ADDITION LOT:IGB K-0236 PG-0682 WD 08-30-74 K-0272 PG-0463 WD 06-30-78 K-0283 PG-0880 BK-0332 PG-0253 WD l1-01-81 BK-0384 PG-0328 BK-0437 PG-0410 D 02-01-86 BK-0453 PG-0860 D 03-01-86 BK-0586 PG-0600 D 07-15-92 BK-0599 PG-0727 OCD 0 t-04-93 Phvsical Address:24 STREAMSIDE CIR VAIL Subdivision:IGHORN 4TH ADDITION 7 t3t/03 Parcel Detail Page 1 of4 Eagle County Assessor/Treasurer Parcel Detail Information {gsessor/Tleasui:qPrupdy Sg0i:qh I Assessor S-ubset Query I Assessor Sales Searcll Basic Br.rilcJing Characteristic-s I Tax Inlbrmation Sales Detail I Value Detail I Regidential/Llomrncrcial lmprovement Detail I Land Dctail Tax Area Account Number Parcel Number ll wtitt t-"vy SC 103 I R039439 - 2lofmloo4ll- 45.853 Owner Name and Address GALBREATH, JAMES H. I4 VILLAGE RD ENGLEWOOD, CO 8Ol IO Legal Description SUB:FOREST GLEN LOT:4 BK-0587 PG-0376 MAP 08-19-92 BK-0587 PG -037 7 DEC 08- I 9-92 BK-07 39 PG-0642 DC 05-13-97 R669632DBC 09-17-98 Location rct 4445 GLEN FALLS LN VAIL rcI FOREST GLEN re 0.4t3 Property Tax Valuation Information A.t""t V"t". --ll Assessed Value Lnnd 43,780 55U,OUU I Improvements: I 418,490 33,3 l0 Total:968,490 77,090 lrttp://www.eagle-county.com,/assessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumber=210112313004 7/31/03 Parcel Detail Page I of3 Eagle County Assessor/Treasurer Parcel Detail Information Asrcssr ulr:.:&!!Uer Pq9p91't-r, S-carc,lt I Assq$a! Subset Query | AsSessOrSales&iUch li as ic-tsui1d reg C'h4r!lc teListic s I Tax lr:lir1rut1r q Sales l)etail I VLLluc-Dctail I ltesidcntial/Co[uqqial Irrutcrvqrrgn! Dctai] | Land Detail Account Number Parcel Number 210il2313005 45.853 ASSENMACHER. GIjzu IARD . LANDRY. ROBYN - JT 55 GLEN FALLS LN AIL, CO 8I657 Owncr Name and Address Legal Description Location Property Tax Valuation Information :FORLSl' GI-EN LOT:5 BK-0743 PG-079e QCD I l-14-e7 Phvsic:rl Address;55 GLEN FALLS LN VAIL FOREST GLEN Subdivision: Actual Value Assessed Value 43,180 I m orovcm en ts:I ,I 68,570 Total:I ,71 8,570 Sale D:rte:U8t1993 http://wwr.l.eagle-cor.rnty.com/assessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumber=2 I 01 123 1 3005 7t3v03 Parcel Detail Page I of3 Eagle County Assessor/Treasurer Parcel Detail Inform ation AssessorlTrcatuglPte!91), Sealch I Assessor Subset Query | Asse_Ssor Sales Search Basic B'lrrldrqgllqlasle!$1ill I laxlutbrma,trsl Sales D_cl4ll I Valtre Detail I Residential/Qomrnercial I-mprovement Detail I La[d Delatl Tax Area Account Number Parcel Number lL-14!,nry- SCl03 R010r93 210112305015 45.853 OOTE, MAX E. & JUDY C. I23 N LAKE DR EVILLE, LA70448 Owner Name and Address Legal Description Location Property Tax Valuation Information SUB:BIGHORN 4TH ADDITION LOT:12 ESC: UNIT A Phvsical Address:STREAMSIDE CIRVAIL Subdivision:IGHORN 4TH ADDITION Actual Value Assessed Value Im nrovements:5t4,47 '789,47 Sale Date:12t5t2002 http://www.eagle-county.com./assessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumber:2 I 0 I 1 23050 I 5 713U03 Parcel Detail Page 1of3 Eagle County Assessor/Treasurer Parcel Detail Information A!se55t[/T..-,*,Lcl Pr:qpqr1! $errcb I gseqsef ,SLLbsct Query I Assesrql Salc,s Se4rc_h Blsic Lluilclin_u eharaclqurlc,s I T4x Lr:lbttralr_crl Salcs l)elqil I Valuc Detlll | (csicle$iaVC_alltnrerpi4l hnprovemc'rlI DgtLail I Lancl!ctail Account Nurnbcr Parcel Nurnber SC IOJ R010194 45.853 2 I 01 1230501 6 I,AUMANN. EDWARD O. & ANNE E. -JT 754 S DUCI,ID AVE CHIC]AGO. 11,60649 Owner Name nnd Address Legal Description StlB:BIGHORN 4TH ADDITION LOT:12 IDESC: UNIT B BK-069-5 PG-0140 P]'D 05-22-96 Loczrtion Property Tax Valuation Information sical Address:STRI]AMSIDE CIR VAIL Subdivision:IGHORN 4TH ADDITION Actual Valuc Assesscd Value 275,000 551,410 Im nrovern ents: 826,41 0 Total: n4t200l http:/hvww.eaglc-county.corn/assessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumber=2 1 0 l I 23 050 1 6 7t3U03 Parcel Detail Page 1 of4 Eagle County Assess orlTreasurer Parcel Detail Information Assessor/TreruuglPtepgllLy,learclt I Assesser Subset Query I Assessor Sales Search Basic Blrilclin-s Charactelistics I Tax Information Sales Detail I Value Detail j Residential/Commercial Improvement Detajl I Land Detail Tax Area ll Account Number Parcel Number Mill Lew SCI03 R01233l 210r12304001 45.853 Owner Name and Address IWHEELOCK, G. zuCHARD, SR, MARYE. & G. RICHARD, JR 4506 SPRUCE WY 1 lvAIL, CO 81657 Legal Description CONDO: RIDGEVIEW SQUARE TOWNHOUSES IL|NIT: 1 BK-0922 PG-0398 WD 1 l-19-71 IBK-0266 PG-0085 WD 1r-30-77 | BK-0596 PG-0597 PTD 12-14-92 BK-0605 PG-0406 WD 03-17-93 Location Physical Address:14506 SPRUCE WY VAIL Sutrdivision:zuDGEVIEW SQUARE TOWNHOUSES Acres:0 Property Tax Valuation Information Actual Value http://www.eagle-county.com/assessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumber-210112304001 7t31t03 Parcel Dctail Page I of3 tragle County Assessor/Treasurer Parcel Detail Information ,{slsssltlr'Trertstu'sLl)r'opel'l!-,Ss4rch I Asses*tal$rbse(XrcIy I Assessol tialeuSearclr ['lr i c B ui I cl irr.g (- lraractelis t ics I TOlufouurlirr n Sales Dst-ai.l I Vatu" Bc'tail I ResidqtrtiallLlenrmclqid h:rllrovctnc$ Dctarl I Laed D tail Parcel Numbcr Account Number R012332 45.853 2t0112304002 SCI03 OBERTSON. ANNE 506 SPRUCE WY 2 AIL, CO 81657 Owncr Name and Address Legrrl Description Location Property Tax Valuation Information CONDO: RIDGEVIljW SOUARI] TOWNHOUSES T:2 sicrl Address:I08 ASPEN LN VAIL Subdivision:RIDGEVIEW SQUARE WNHOUSES Actual Value Assessed Value 23,01 Im D rovcm ents:171,58 Total: Srtle Date:t21311996 lrttp://www.eagle-cor.u.rty.com/assessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumber=2 I 0112304002 7 t31t03 Parcel Detail Page 1 of3 Eagle County Assessor/Treasurer Parcel Detail Information Assessor'/Treasurer Propelty Search I Assessor Subset Query | AsScrsp1$alCc!€aryb Basic Buiiding Charactelistics I Tax Information Sglgils1ail | Value Det4ll I Residential/Commercial Improvement Detail I Lanr! lcIarl Account Number Parcel Number R012333 210112304003 45.8s3 Owner Name and Address COLzuCK, MARY ELLEN ATTN: PROPERTY TAX DEPT 744 N 4TH ST MILWAUKEE, WI53203 Legal Description ONDO: zuDGEVIEW SOUARE TOWNHOUSES UNIT:3 BK-0251 PG-0572 Location Physical Address:108 ASPEN LN VAIL Subdivision:RIDGEVIEW SQUARE TOWNHOUSES Acres:0 Property Tax Valuation Information Actual Value Assessed Value Land:23,010 1,830 f I.p""""-"rt"l7l,580 13,660 Totd:194,s90 15,490 It http://www.eagle-connty.com./assessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumber:2 1 0 1 1 2304003 7t31t03 Parcel Detail Page I of3 Eagle County Assessor/Treasurer Parcel Detail Information .{ssc'-si;t)L'Tt'ra-surcr Pj(rlrcit) Senrch | {s5e.ssor Srb_set_Qug]y I AssEssql_Sdlqs Searclt E.Urc Lluilciing tl4n4lqllstics I l'ar Iniirrnratioq Sirlcs Detail I UalLrc Dclall I Rcsiclcntial/Cornmcrcial lmprcvqtrcnt Detail I Lrlrd Dctail Account Numbcr Parcel Number R0 12334 210112304004 45.853 ROSSI,.IOHN A. 506 SPRIJCE WAY UNIT 4 VAIL, CO 81657 Owner Name :rnd Address Legal Description Location Property Tax Valuation Information IONDO: zuDGEVIEW SOUARE TOWNHOUSES T:4 BK-0504 PG-0723 QCD I l-02-88 Phvsic:rl Address:I08 ASPEN LN VAIL Subdivision:DGEVIEW SQUARE OWNHOUSES Actunl Value l7l,58 Im n rovem cnts: Totnl: Sale Datc:l9il985 Itttp ://www.eagle-county.com/assessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumber:2 I 0 l I 23 04004 7/3U03 Parcel Detail Page I of3 Eagle County Assessor/Treasurer Parcel Detail Information Assessor/Tlej5uplPlopejq_Sgarch I Assessor Strbset Qucry | aSseSsallalcg Search Easic nuliaing Chff ql I Tax Informatiorl Sales Deta:il I Value Detail I Residential/Conmerc Detail I Land Detail Account Number Parcel Number 210n230400s R012335 SCl03 45.853 Owner Name and Address JONES. DAVID CLEEVE ]701 FLORENTINE CIR LONGMONT, CO 80503 Legal Description Location Property Tax Valuation Information Actual Value Assessed Value I Lnnd: ll 23,010 1.,830 |--lr-I Improvcments: ll 171,580 13,660 TotalN 194,590 15,490 r r-rr tl ,,llll http://www.eagle-county.com/assessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumber:210112304005 CONDO: RIDGEVIEV/ SOUARE TOWNHOUSES :5 BK-0267 PC-0764 R651695 OCD -03-98 108 ASPEN LN VAIL OWNHOUSES Subdivision: '7t31t03 ,Parcel Detail Page I of4 Eagle County Assessor/Treasurer Parcel Detail Information Assessor TlclsLu'q,!gr1-rclt) Scarc! | {ssessol Subsct Qgery I AsrEssor Sales Se4rcli Rasi_q_l l ui I d i n g eltatacteu{tcr I Tax-l nfbr'.::utjon Satesj)strrLl I YalueI)sfqrl I ResicteuliaUeorulr_ctrqril Impreyeuent Detail I Latlll lclqil Account Nurnber Pnrcel Number SC 103 2r0l r2304006 R0 r2336 45.853 ARGUELLO. BENJAMIN A. & BARBARA DAVIS 6200 MONTVIEW BLVD DENVER. CO 80207 Owner Name and Address Legal Description Location Property Tax Valuation Information ONDO: zuDGEVIEW SQUARE TOWNHOUSES UNIT:6 BK-0281 PC-060e BK-0284 PG-0765 BK-0287 PG-0464 BK-0324 PC-0732 05-29-81 Phvsicll Addrcss:I08 ASPEN LN VAIL Subdivision:RIDGEVIEW SQUARE OWNHOUSES Actull Value Assessed Value Land: Im nrovem en ts:171 ,58 Totrl: http://lwvw.eagle-county.com/assessor/parcel.asp?ParcelN umber=2 l0l 123 04006 7 t3t t03 Parcel Detail Page 1 of3 Eagle Parcel Detail Information Asssrsqflrgeiurgl p1qpery SeA1pb I Assessor Subset Qrery I AsscsEal Sales J€aIEh Basic Brrildirrg Charcgtcds1la! | Tax Infornation Sales lelarl I Value Detaii l Resi l Land Detail oa Countv Assessor/Treasurer Parcel Number Account Number 45.853 2l0l 12304007 SC103 R012137 Owner Name and Address ANDERSON, TODD - NORQUIST, PAUL PO BOX 2047 PARK CITY, UT 84060-2047 I Legal Description IcoNnO: zuDGEVIEw SQUARE TOWNHOUSES I LINIT:7 BK-0322 PG-0637 QCD 05-05-81 IBK-0425 PG-0355 PTD 09-17-85 | BK-0441 PG-O1 l6 05-01-86 Location Physical Address:I08 ASPEN LN VAIL Subdivision: I RIDGEVIEW SQUARE TOWNHOUSES Acres:0 Property Tax Valuation Information Actual Value Assessed Value I Land: I I 23,0101 I I R ?nl Improvements:I 7 t ,5801 :I l? 6501 Total:194,590 15,4901 http://www.eagle-county.com/assessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumber:210112304007 7t3v03 , Parcel Detail Page I oI4 Eagle County Assessor/Treasurer Parcel Detail Inform ation .,\1scssoli"l'r'c'asurel Pfqpe$ Sqru:clt I AssEr.atfubreLQu"-ry I Asscssor Sales Scarch Bqrrc BrLrlr..linC Ili4r4$E\tics I Tax Ilfirlnration Sales Dctail I Valnq D-efatl I [lggidential/C]onrnrercial Irnproveqqrrt Dctail I Land Dctail Account Number Parcel Number SCI03 R012i38 210112304008 45.853 GRLNER, LIANSI & SIIELI,Y-JT BOX 38i3 AlL, CO 8r658 Owncr Name irnd Address Legal Description Location CONDO: RIDGEVIEW SOUARE TOWNHOUSIS UNIT:8 BK-0286 PG-0287 BK-0378 -0135 r2-02-83 BK-0500 PC-0r81 cD 02-08-89 BK-0500 PG-0959 BK-0504 PG-0234 OCD 04-03-89 K-0538 PC-0895 QCD 08-03-90 BK-0538 PC-0896 QCD 09-18-90 K-0538 PG-0897 OCD 07-02-87 R702250 WD 06-23-99 l{702249 WD 7,06-99 Phvsical Addrcss:506 SPRI]CE DR VAIL DGEVIEW SQUARE OWNHO1JSES Subdivision: http://w'ww.eaglc-county.com/assessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumber=2 I 0 1 1 23 04008 7t3v03 Parcel Detail Page I of3 Eagle County Assessor/Treasurer Parcel Detail Information ArsersQf/Tleasurel@ | Assessor Subset Query | Assessor Sales Search Basic Br.rilding Llharacteristics I Tax f lt,lrmation Sales Detail I Vaiue Detajl I Residential/Commerqjal Improvement Detail I Land Detai-l Account Number Parcel Number SCI03 R012339 210n2304009 45.853 Owner Name and Address CCIA. JANICE EILLEN 506 SPURCE WY APT 9 ArL. CO 81657-4788 Legal Description Location Property Tax Valuation Information NDO: RIDGEVIEW SOUARE TOWNHOUSES :9 BK-0334 PG-0914 t2-24-8r K-0357 PG-0878 WD 02-28-83 K-0403 PG-0720 SWD 03-23-84 Phvsical Address:IO8 ASPEN LN VAIL DGEVIEW SQUARE OWNHOUSES Subdivision: Actual Value Im nrovem ents: http://www.eagle-county.com/assessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumber:210112304009 7t31t03 Parcel Detail Page I of3 Eagle County Assessor/Treasurer Parcel Detail Information r\.:ielr9llTre4[trcrPniElL$lrch I Arsersru,SulLs-e-t-QnEtyI AusssprS_'dEsJEarc! Ll as ic l,l Lr iJgl urg_C.bLuac ter ist i cl I !r.r l_rtiu1]ralri)l] Sal-qs Letarl I Yolrre DetLril I llcuiil-c-ttrallCourut-crcral lupqre,urqlltJ)etar1 | Land Detail Account Numbcr Parccl Numbcr SCiOJ 2l0l 12304010 R01234 r 45.853 BIGELOW, MARCUS - ELKINS, WILLIAM 506 SPRUCE WAY IO AIL, CO 81657 Owncr Name :rnd Addrcss Legal Description Location Property Tax Valuation Information ONDO: RIDGEVIEW SOTJARE TOWNFIOIISES :10 Phvsical Addrcss:108 ASPEN LN VAIL Subdivision:RIDGEVIEW SQUARE WNHOI]SES 171,580 13,660 194,590 Actual Valuc Assessed Value 23,010 lm nrovem en ts: Sale Date: lrttp:/iwww.eagle-connty.com/assessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNurtrber=210112304010 7t3U03 Parcel Detail Page I of4 Eagle County Assessor/Treasurer Parcel Detail Information Assessor/Tleasurel PropertJ, Search I Assessor Sr.rbset Query I Assessor Sales Search Ilasic BLrilding Charactelistics I Tax Intbrmation Sales Detail I Value Detail I Resiclential/Commercial Improvement Detail I Land De_tail Account Number Parcel Number R0r2342 2l0l 12304011 45.853 Owner Name and Address SANDERS, LEA PO BOX 2829 AVON, CO 81620 Legal Description CONDO: RIDGEVIEW SQUARE TOWNHOUSES UNIT:l I BK-0i70 PG-0312 WD 102-10-83 BK-0391 PG-0181 WD 27 -84 BK-0401 PG-0898 PTD t2-07-84 BK-0414 PG-0357 SWD 12-85 Location Property Tax Valuation Information Physical Address:108 ASPEN LN VAIL Subdivision:RIDGEVIEW SQUARE TOWNHOUSES Acres:0 Actual Value http://www.eagle-county.com/assessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumber:21011230401 I 7/3v03 ,Parcel Dctail Irage I of 3 Eagle County Assessor/Treasurer Parcel Detail Information ,:\r,ss$adTlqa!!ucr PL'opern Sea_r'-c'h I Agre-gsor Subset (Xrgty I AsseSrcrl Sales S_qarch R as ic lJ uilcling eluraeler1rtrcs I T_rUlLrliUlatrOl Sdlq!Dltlail I Value Dctail I llcsideutial/CorlmqrslalluprayentsnlDql4i! | Lancl,lIQUil Account Number Parcel Number SCI03 210112304012 R012343 45.853 ITICHMAN,IIERMAN K. I695 S EMPORIA WAY DENVER. CO 8023I Owner Name and Address Legal Description Location Property Tax Valuation Information le-county.ct'rm/assessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumber=2 I 0 I 1 23040 I 2 ONDO: RIDGEVIEW SOUARL TOWNFIOUSES UNIT: l2 BK-0704 PG-0794 -08-96 Phvsic:rl Address:IO8 ASPEN LN VAIL DGEVIEW SQUARE OWNHOUSES Subdivision: Actual Value Assessed Value Im nrovem en ts:r7r,580 Total: http:/iwww.eag 7 t31103 Parcel Detail Page I of4 Eagle County Assessor/Treasurer Parcel Detail Information AssessoriTleasurer Properbr Seerrch | {ssessor Subset Ouery j Assessor Sales Search @ lTaxlnibrmation Sales Dctail I Value Detail I Residential/Comnercial Improvement Detail I Land Detail Account Number Parcel Number 2101123040t3 R012385 45.853 SHAW. DAVID L. & CAROLYN 71 S CHESAPEAKE ST GHLANDS RANCH, CO 80I26 Owner Name and Address Legal Description Location Property Tax Valuation Information ONDO: RIDGEVIEW SOUARE TOWNHOUSES :13 BK-0221 PG-0575 WD 8-19-71 Phvsical Address:108 ASPEN LN VAIL EVIEW SQUARE OWNHOUSES Subdivision: Actual Value Imnrovemcnts: http://www.eagle-county.com/assessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumber:210112304013 7131103 Parcel Detail Page I of3 Eagle County Assessor/Treasurer Parcel Detail Information .{55eg1r'r_Tr;easLrrel Pr1211c{l ,Scalch l A-ssgssq Sqlrret Qllery | Arsp-ssorSales Search Birsic Bujlcling Choracterirtlcr I TailUtbrmation Sales Dctail I VabeDetajl I Rcsjdetll4VealuerclallrtprovclraltDetall I Larrd Dclarl T:rx Area Account Nurnber Parcel Number R0 r2344 SC I03 210n2304014 45.853 S, C.E. 789 S WESTBUT{Y CIR GHLANDS RANCH, CO 80I29 Owner Name and Address Legal Description Location Property Tax Valuation Information CONDO: RIDGEVIEW SOUARE TOWNHOUSES UNIT:14 BK-0455 PG-0641 l2-06-86 Phvsical Address:I08 ASPEN LN VAIL Subdivision:DGEVIEW SQUARE OWNHOUSES Actual Value Assessed Value 23,0 1 0 I m nrovem en ts:I 7l ,580 S:rle Date:t2/18/L986 http://wrvw.eagle-county.cour/assessor/parcel.asp?PatcelNurnber=2 l0 | 12304014 I t31t03 Parcel Detail Page I of3 Eagle County Assessor/Treasurer Parcel Detail Information Assessor'/Treasurel Plopert), Sealch I AssEsssr SlbsclQugry I Assessor Sales Search Basic Building Char.acter.istics I Tax lnfouraliatl Sales Detail I Yalue Detail I ResidentiaVCommercial Improvement Detail I Land Detail Tax Area Account Number I Parcel Number ll Mill Levy SCl03 R012345 | 2l0l12304015 ll 4s.8s3 ERLICH, A. DALE - LEVIEN, PAM 4 LEMON GULCH DR ASTLE R co 80104 Owner Name and Address Legal Description ICONDO: zuDGEVIEW SQUARE TOWNHOUSES LINIT: l5 BK-0250 PG-0553 BK-048 I PG-0932 QCD 02-07-85 BK-0624 PG-0887 QCD 1l-12-93 Location Phvsical Address:108 ASPEN LN VAIL Subdivision:zuDGEVIEWSQUARE TOWNHOUSES Acres:0 Property Tax Valuation Information Actual Value Assessed Value I Land:I ao nrn I z)-v lu I l,830 l- t3^560 Improvements:171,580 Total:l- r%Jeo l[-r5rrd http://www.eagle-county.com,/assessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumber:2 I 0 I 1 23 040 1 5 7t31/03 ,Parcel Detail Page 1of3 Eagle County Assessor/Treasurer Parcel Detail Information r_\.-s!cs-t111,'Tlq4surcr Plol"reltl terUfl | {5ge.ss,or Subset Qr-rery | ,{ssessor Salcs Searlh l3 asic B iL i lclin g C haracteli-s-t ics I TeLl ltelr1rtlr!4 Salei.Dglrril I ValLrc Dc'tail I Reiulqr!&Ugqnmercial lrrrprove rlent Dctail I Land Dctail Tnx Area Account Number Parcel Number SCIOJ R012405 2l0l 123040 r 6 45.853 T, AMELIA M. BOX7407 AVON, CO 81620 Owner Name and Address Leg:rl Description CONDO: RIDGEVIIIW SQUARE TOWNHOUSES 03-29-71 BK-0251 PG-0630 WD 12-31-76 Location Property Tax Valuation Information Phvsicnl Address:I08 ASPEN LN VAIL Subdivision:EVIEW SQUARE OWNHOUSES Actual Value Assessed Value Im nrovem en ts:171,58 Totrl: http://www.eagle-county.com/assessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumbcr:2l0l 12304016 7t3U03 Parcel Detail Page I of3 Eagle County AssessorlTreasurer Parcel Detail Information Assessor/Treasurer Property "Sparch I Assessor Subset Query | Assessor Sales Search Basic Builsling Cl.raracteristics I Tax lntbrmation Sales Detail l Value Detail l Residential/Commercial lmprovernent Detail l Land Detail I Tax Area Account Number Parcel Numbcr Mill Lew t scro3 R0r2286 2t0112304017 45.853 ELSON. DAVID P. I6I AVE C ALACHICOL A,FL 32320 Owner Name and Address Legal Description Location Property Tax Valuation Information ONDO: RIDGEVIEw SOUARE TOWNHOUSES UNIT:17 Phvsical Address:108 ASPEN LN VAIL Subdivision:EVIEW SQUARE OWNHOUSES Actual Value Assessed Value Improvements: 15,490 n6/1977 http://www.eagle-county.com/assessor/parcel,asp?ParcelNumber:210112304017 7t3ll03 . Parcel Detail Page I of4 Eagle County Assessor/Treasurer Parcel Detail lnformation .'\rlg.s.soriTreusulcr' f'l4rertl Se,]rclt I Assessogqbret QUeIy I Asscssru_S,ales Search lla-siq t3trilqling Ch4l4qlelistic$ | Tax Intbrqration SalesDctail I Valuc Detail I ReslclentialiComrl1er{rial lmpleyerncrlt Dl1ail | Lartd Dctail Account Number Parccl Numbcr SCI03 210112304018 ItO 12465 45.85l Owner Name and Address Legal Description Location Property Tax Valuation Information http://www.eaglc-cour.rty.corl/assessor/parcel.asp?ParcclNumber=2101 123 0401 8 KLEID. SIISAN M, 2I JASMINE ST ENVER, CO 80207 CONDO: RIDGEVIDW SOUARE TOWNHOTISES UNIT: 18 BK-07 I 3 PG-0887 12-t1-96 Phvsical Address:I08 ASPEN LN VAIL Subdivision:zuDGEVIEW SQUARE OWNHOUSES Actual Value Assessed Value Im nrov em cn ts:171,58 15,490 Tot:rl: 7131103 Parcel Detail Page 1of3 , Eagle County Assessor/Treasurer Parcel Detail Information AssessqdTlqAlurel ]tIqAEIly Search I Assessor Subset Ouery | Assessor Sales Search Basic Building Charaslglislits I Tax Infornation Sales Detail I Value Detail I Residential/Comnrercial Improvement Detail I l,and Detail Tax Area Account Number Parcel Number Mill Lew l-c103 -I R012295 2t01123040t9 45.853 TIN, SUSAN G. BOX 186 GLE. CO 81631 Owner Name and Address Legal Description Location Property Tax Valuation Information CONDO: RIDGEVIEW SOUARE TOWNHOUSES ;19 IO8 ASPEN LN VAIL Phvsical Address: EVIEW SQUARE WNHOUSES Subdivision: Actual Value Assessed Value I ::- Land:23,010 1,830 Im provem ents: : 171,5801 | 13,6601 Total:194,590 15,490 Sale Date:8/5/1981 http://www.eagle-county.com/assessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumber:2101 12304019 7t3U03 .Parcel Dctail Page I of3 Eagle County Assessor/Treasurer Parcel Detail Information {sre.ls-ttl{rEit5urel Plopcrtl' Searc'Lr I AEsqsrtLllbset Qgcry I AssessolSalcs Seqrull Baiiq R_uijllilrgllrruiufqlrsllcr I Ta1_lnfblmltiort $olps Detail I Val4e Dqtail I Rc,u{qlrttqvclamnrqrcial lllp4qye4lc_[t Detail I Lallll)etsrl Account Numbcr Parccl Number 2l0l12104020 R010995 45.853 SITZMARK A1'VAIL INC I83 GORE CREIK DR ArL. CO 816_57 Owner Name and Address Lcgal Description Location Property Tax Valuntion Information ONDO: RIDGEVIEW SQTJARE TOWNHOUSES Il':20 BK-02,19 PG-0749 BK-0447 PG-O132 08-20-86 l'hvsical Addrcss:108 ASPEN LN VAIL Subdivision:RIDGEVIEW SQUARE OWNHOUSES Actual Value Assessed Value 23,010 Im orovemcnts:171.580 194,590 Totll: http://rwvw.eagle-county.com/assessor/parccl.asp?ParcelNumber=2 1 0 1 1 2304020 7t3U03 Parcel Detail Page 1of4 , Eagle County Assessor/Treasurer Parcel Detail Information Assessor/Treasurer Propelly_Sleleh I Assessor Subset Query | Assessor Sales Search Basic Building Characteristics I Tax Information Sales Detail I Value Detail I ResidentialiCommercial Improvement Detail I Land Detail Account Number Parcel Number R046368 210112331001 45.853 Owner Name and Address ANNE L. ESSON LIVING TRUST ANNE L. ESSON TRUSTEE 4503 SPRUCE WAY VAIL, CO 81657 Legzl Description SUB:SPRUCE WAY TOWNHOMES DESC: UNIT lc BK-0736 PG-0r46 MAP 09-03-97 | Location Property Tax Valuation Information Actual Value Assessed Value Land:I l8l,500 l4,4s0l Improvements:a ssL63o 43,990 Total:734,,130 58,440 http://www.eagle-county.com/assessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumber=210112331001 Phvsical Address:503 SPRUCE WAY VAIL Subdivision:SPRUCE WAY TOWNHOMES 7/31103 Parcel Detail Page I of3 Eagle County Assessor/Treasurer Parcel Detail Information ,\:re$ru ll.c.U1qglP_ropert) Seruch I Alsq_ssol Subset,Qucrl I Arsrsrq!SAbs Search Br-sic BLrilditrs Lbalacteli$tus I Tox Infirmraliqq S'rlelpetail I Vahrq Dctail I Rc.stcleutrallCllrlUereial Inrprovement Detail I LaneLDeAjl Account Number Parcel Number 2l0l12331003 R048393 45.853 WARING, ROBERT & FIEATHER RAWFORD. MARSFIAI,L & KARIN KEARNEY ST ENVER, CO 80220 Owner Namc and Address Legal Description Location Property Tax Valuation Information le-cor.rnty.corn/asscssor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumber:2 I 0 I I 233 I 003 SUB:SPRUCE WAY TOWNHOMES DESC: T]NIT A R678645 MAP r2-0i-98 R683118 DEC 1-11-99 Phvsical Addrcss:5OI SPRUCE WAY VAIL Su bd ivision:SPRUCE WAY TOWNHOMES Actual Valuc Assessed Value 14,450 Land: 4r,650 Im nrovcm cnts: 'fotal: http:iiwww.eag 7t3U03 Parcel Detail Page 1 of3 , Eagle County Assessor/Treasurer Parcel Detail Information A_sse,,s*sor/Treaslrrer P l Assessor Subset Query | Assessor Sales Search Basic Building Charaetclislias I Tax Information Sales Detail I Value Detail I Residential/Conmercial Improvement Detail I Land Detail Tax Area Account Number Parcel Number Mill Lew I SCI03 R048394 2l0l 12331004 45.853 ARTOS, ruDITH WARREN BOX 1330 RGREEN. CO 80437-1330 Owner Name and Address Legal Description Location Property Tax Valuation Information SUB:SPRUCE WAY TOWNHOMES DESC: I-INIT R678645 MAP 12-03-98 R683118 DEC l-11-99 Physical Address:45OI SPRUCE WAY VAIL Subdivision:SPRUCE WAY TOWNHOMES Acres:0.1 87 I Actual Value Assessed Value I l 81.500 t4,450 I 534,070 42,510 Total:l- ?r5J?o 56,960 vtv1999 http://www.eagle-county.com/assessor/parcel.asp?ParcelNumber:2101 12331004 1t3U03 COP Y FIL T Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us August 14,2003 John Perkins PO Box 2007 Avon, CO 81620 RE: O'Dorisio Residence, located at4444 Streamside Circle / Lot 11, Bighorn 4s Addition. Dear John, The Community Development Department has received your application for the variance request at the O'Dorisio Residence, located at 4444 Streamside Circle / Lot 1 1, Bighorn 4* Addition. The following comments and concerns must be addressed to staffs satisfaction prior to final approval by the Planning and Environmental Commission and/or Design Review Board: The survey must clearly indicate the entire 50 ft. Gore Creek setback. Please indicate all setbacks on the site plan. Please indicate all existing and proposed roof ridge and eave elevations on the site plan. 4. Please indicate all existing and proposed decks, patios, etc., on the site plan.5. Please provide floor plans in accordance with the Design Review Board application submittal requirements so staff can determine GRFA.6. Please provide sections through both of the proposed dormers. All of the above items must be provided so that I can perform a thorough review of the project. To remain on the September 8, 2003, Planning and Environmental Commission agenda, please provide the above information to me by no later than noon on August 21, 2003. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 970'479- 2369. Sincerely, Al n 4{Ltu'UA Allison Ochs. AICP Planner ll Town of Vail 1. 2. 3. {S on"""or ro DEPARTMENT OF COMMI.JNI DEVEI-OPMI]NT NOTE: THrS PERMITMUSTBEPOSTEDONIOBSITE ATALLTIMES l^',-)-] I \ ADD/ALTSFRBLIil.DPERMIT permit #:801-0025 jobAddress: Status..-: ISSUED Location.....: 4444STREAMSIDECR Applied..: M/76/Z(/i/I Parcel No..-: 210112j05008 Iiiued. ..: UlZSlnOt Proiect No : Expires. ..: tOlnlZ1x1t owNER BELSKY, AITBERT & VICTORIA O4/L6/2OO1, phone: 5205 E IJTNDEN CT cREENwooD VTLLAGE co G- - 801-2L .L,icense : collTRAeToR G & c ROOFTNG ,4/L6/2OO1 phone: g7T_668_5s52 P.O. BOX 8l_7 FRTSCO CO 80443 License : 7-24-S APPLTC]AI{|:T G&GROOFING P.O. BOX 817 FRTSCO CO I0443 L,icense: L24 -S Description: Shake- to Asphalt {r TOWNOFVAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 e7u479-2138 Occupancy: R3 Single Family Residence Type Corutruction:V N Type V Non^Rated Valuation: $19,000.00 Add Sq Fr 0 IJireplace lnforuntion: Restri.ted: y I 04/16/2oo]- phone: 9?O - d68 -5 5s2 G-.- f of Gas Applianccc: 0 f of Gas Logs: 0 tf of $0 .0o Total Calculated lie€s--> g4to . ?5 S50.00 AdditionalFees->5o. oo S0.00 Total Pennit Fceq--> 9{{o_ ?5 S0,00 Payments---> 9t4O - ?5 Wood Peller Building-> S2t5. 0o R(rsluarant Plan Review-> Plan Checl-> S1s2. ?s l)RB Fee+-> lnvestigation-> will call-> S0. 00 Recreation Fee---_-> S3 . 00 C-lean-up Deposit-------> .*......Y11.T.11;;::.........*._...:u.1;.ti_...-..ii.Tltitii.;t so 0o Approvals:IEdm: O510o BUfLDING DEPARTMEIi|IT O4/1"6/2ooL JRfir Action: Ap Item: 05400 PIJAI(NfNG DEPART!{ENT Item: 05600 PIRB DEPARIITTENT Item: 05500 PI'BLIC tfORKS see page 2 of this Docurrient for any conditions that may apply to this permit. 4-I DECI.ARATTONS I I hereby acknowledge that l Yv.c read this application, filled out in full the information required,/completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the infonrration as required is correct. I agree to comply witfl the inforsration and plot plan, to comply with all rown ordinances and state laws, and to build tlri! "tt";t*J;..-;il; the towns zoninp and subdivision codes, design review approved, uniform Euilding code u"o "tt,"t "to-io"i."" oJprr" r"*" applicable' REQUES'IS FOR INSPECI'ION SHALI, AS UAPS TWEMTY-TOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8fr AM . 5 Send Clean-up Depocit To: N/A G*- OF OWNER OR EONTRACTOR FOR (_ PAGE2 *t***t******@rttt***ttt*i***it**lhH****t***,}**ffi r**rtr'r!*l|'lr*t******i* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit#: 801-0075 asof 04-2&2001 Status: ISSUED tta***i*ffi******{r**f*Sr******r**M|hh*l*#'***fi rffi ***r*ffi ffi *rt*}1***ffi ffi *fi rt** Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BLIILD PERMIT Applicant c&GROOFING 97046tr5552 fob Address: Location; Tt4,t4STREAMSIDECR ParcelNo: 210112305008 Applied: M/16/20ft Issued: 04/26/200t To Expire: 1|/23/2ffi1 G-.- Description:'' Shake to Asphalt *r#tf*tt"ffi* tr trr+*'rrr* ffi Conditions ***********i:*****rrffitffiffirtffi111ffi Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONSARE REeURED TOCHECK FOR CODE COMPUANCE. Cond: 15 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDRooLTs AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.6.1 OF THE 19q7 Urc.. < G-- *+f *ttt'rt*+**ttttr*,t*tf * TowN oF vArL, coI-oRAJ*+++++f *ttt+**++*+"t++******+***+rre + +'i + t + t + " t+ ]-:;-#;t irf++l*tff*laaaaff*+**+*++*+r+r++*ltf t++t+++rti+******++altfltttt++++++*+f+++a++*+ t+++++++++ Statement Number: R000000642 Anrourrt: S{{0.?S 04/26/2OOLOL:43 pM Palment Method: Check fnit: RA I Notation: 2t4A6 ---------k-- Permit No: 801-0075 TIT)e: ADD/ALT SFR BUIID PERII{IT ParceJ- No: 210112305008 Site Addreee : Location: 4444 STREAT/ISIDE CR Total Fees: S44O.75 Thia Pal'rtlent: $440.25 rot6}.ll,L pnts: g44O-Zs ail".t"", So-oo | +* * a*a a lr 1r +a + t t + a | + +++ ** * 'it+ + a * *f +f+ +++ +++ tt + + +l*+ rtt+ +* r aa* a+ ?t a + a+ | t ++ * *+ + a a rt. I tr I r ar* | ACCOIJNT ITF,M LIST: Account Code Descrjption Current Pmts DR OOIOOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEII FEES 5O.OO PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES r52.t5 t.lc OO1OOOO31I28OO hIILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO G-'- G-.- AppLrcATrehrLL Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMplt oR 'N'TGNED Building Permit #; 97 O- 47 I - 2L49 (Inspections) TVWNOFYAIL Separatc Pcrmits are required for electrical" plum mechanical. etc. ! ol;6015 for Parcel # 75 S. Frontase Rd. Vail, ColoraEo 81557 Contact Assessorc Office at 970-328-864O or visit COMPTETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) Parcel # 2r0112305008 Job Name: Al Belsky lob Address: 4444 Streams j-de CircIe Owners Name:41 Bef sky Address:5265 g. Linden Ct Phone: (303) 885-7750 Detailed description of work: Remove and InstalI l/2"osb board decking.dispose fnst alI of exi-st ing W. R. Grace roof. Build Ice & Water cold roof.Shield over Work Class: New( ) Addition ( ) Remodel ( ) Repair( ) Demo ( ) Orherf< ) reroof Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior (x ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commerciat ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildino: of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Aopliances ( ) Gas let ( ) Wood Burni let ( ) Wood Burnino (NOT ALLOWED Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ) BUILDING: $ rS, OOO. O0 ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $TOT^ L: $ Rl-.r.rJNDCLEANUpDtspoSITTo: G & G Roofi-ng, Inc. PO Box 817, Prisco'CO 80443 CONTMCTOR INFORMATION General Contractor:G & GRoofing, Inc.To*trf4V_.J Res. No.:co ntaglgr"d j h So.r, fi 'E o'668- 5ss2 **:t*****rr******)k**r.******t"t************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**:k*i**'rr******rk****** Occupancv Grouo: Date Received: F:/everyone/forms/bldgperm fr '{'i ''',..,:rr-jirr,s 4F l Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparunent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vaif Colorado 81557 tel: 970.479.2739 fax: 970.479,2452 web: www.cl.vail.co.us DRB Number: DR8010088 Location: ProJect Name: Belslcy reroof Project Description: Belsky - Reroof; Change shake to asphatt shingle Participants: Proiect Addras$ 4494 STREAMSIDE CR EAST VAIL ,+444streamside Circle West half OWNER WESTWOOD HILLS 04/18/2001 Phone: 141012TH STAVE GMFTON WI 53024 License: APPLICANT Bryce 0411812001 Phone:390-3698 G&G Roofing License: L€gal Description: Lot: 13-A Block Subdivlsion: BIGHORN 4TH ADDffiON Parcel Number; 210112305013 Comments: lrlotion By: Second By: Vot€: Conditionsl BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: APPROVED Date of Approvah 0a231200L Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made withoutthe written consentofTown of Vail staff and/or the Design Review Board. Planner: Judy Rodriguez DRB Fee Paid:s20.00 g5-07-?0i,': 6snecilon fr+aue-rt Reoortlnu d;q-q en_--__- __uarL ccri.rnumlhr_* - Flequested Inspect Dab: t!t$Fcctlon Ares; Site lddru$r: S01-00?$ IYg*. ,a-Sr.llLD occuPcir11 ?1011?3060(18 tsst$|ft. ALBE|iT & ucT0ftlA G&GROOFI}'IG G & B ROOFIhIG Sheke to Acsfrf,fl FST SAidE.T.CR SAi'E .CBA'VLq ORB Epprovol rtr*s glrrGn to glc frofir ef's*s t0 ErpftFfi. . nD$4S l0em: Roquclor: Asclomd To:- Aclbr: !mr: 3O ftnrn: 7O Af.I}lnlFrmrtqn A(tv{y: t:ond Tltrit: Paicct: Ourn€r: AoDScE rl: Codbactor: D6$+dFlbn: Cofit'ncrf: {)on||D!fri: $cg#fsk*|ft!@egt$l &-DC-Frarnlno Bll:,(iMhc. - g0 ELDG-F1n l G E G ROOF1iIG/BRICE "W4rjvttlZ *nu * Appfovcd - Ac rllr: hlgEpc'floN morr,mry 07,2o0{ <ilono ustrd;r {44r STREAilSTOE Cft Sttblype: AD{JP tlse: VN R€quesbd T|mc: 08:00 At ' Phonc: 97f)€6&5662 Enttralj By FRO{rrT X ilh.F I$SUTD JRM 1 PaEe Slrtr6; krEpAtRl Ptpm: 970€6&56C? PhonE: 97$6ttB"666l lr'saesdsntlEsrr 0&01101 Comttrentii GfincE SOFFIT Sotn: 90 ELDGFff|d (Roqtiir€d) t-I(evised s/2/'2J n::.:T;:i;"t,iffi,,f:,o*u.t., a"'u APPLICATION FOR ^,1. u DUPLEX SUBDMSION REVIEW ..re.'(Chapter L1 .24 VaiI l,junicipal Code) ...S''N"(PLBASE PRINT OR TYPB)A. APPLICANT_ :!!!erlpel€ky, Victoria Belsky, Arthur J. Sega1, J oan Jega[, r]ruce w. berger ano lonr berger MAILING ADDRBSS_2009 S. Quebec, No. 1, Denver, C0 80231 pHONE 758-1843 B. PROPERTY OWNIJR Albert Bels APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE Diane R. LaTsen 47 6-87 Lt ADDRESS 953 S. Frontage Rd. W., #105 PHONE valI. LU dIO)/ Victoria Belsky, Arthur J. Segal, Joan Segal , Bruce W. Berger and Toni Berger OWNER'S SIGNATURE-g9g:Qy49Iq: qiglairure page pflgNf At tached MAILING ADDRESS See Owners? Sisnature Pase Attached LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: STREET ADDRESS 4444 Streamside Circle LOTI I _BLOCK_SUBDIVISIO1 Bi ghorn FILING Fourrh Addjrion V-l\t- S Condominiums Amended APPLICATION FEE $100. OO MATERIALS TO BE SUBMITTBD: CHECK # F. PAID Two mylar copies and one paper copy of the subdivision prat shalr be submil-ted to tiie Depari-ment of community Development. The plat. shall- include the folLowing: a. The final plat sha11 be drawn by a registered surveyor in India ink, or other substintial solul-ion, on a reproducible med.ium (preferably mylar) with dimension of t.went.y_four- by thirty_six inches ancl shalr be at a scare of one i,"nJieo ruut to one inch or larger wit.h margins of onu-unO on"_haLf to t.l.ro inches-on the fett anO one_half inch on al"I other sides. b. Accurat e ciimensions to the nearest one_hundredth of a foot for _all- lines, angles and curlres -useO to describe boundarj.es, streeti, set.backs, alleys,easements, sLructures, areas t-o be reserved or dedicated for public or. common uses ancl other j-mport.ant fea.tures. Afi curves shaIl be circul_ar arcs and shall be defined by the raclius, ce"iraf anqle, are scored distances-anct bearing. ;ii dimensions, bot.h linear and angular, aie to be det.ermined by an accurate conl_iol survey in itre fietd which must bal"ance and close witnin-a iirit of one in ten thousand. c. NorLh arrow and graphic scale. d. A systemat.ic identification of a1l existing and proposed buildings, units, loLs, blocks, uid.-nu^u"for alI streets. e. An identif ication of t.he streeLs, alleys, parks,and ol-her pubric areas or faciritiu" u"-"ni"" ""the plat, and a dedication thereof to the puU1i"use. An identif icaL.i-on of the easemenl-s as shown on the plat and a grant. thereof to Lhe p"Uii- u"u.Areas reserved for- ful-ure public ucq"isi.iion srra:.f also be shown on the plat. f. A writ.ten survey description of l-he area including the total acreage to the nearesl appropriat.e significant figure. The acreage of each lot or parcel shall be shown in this manner as wel-L. OWNER'S .gIGNATURE.PAGE APPLICATION FOR DUPLEX SUBDIVTSION REVIEW Albert B61sky 2609 South euebec,Denver, Colorado No. 1 80231 Victoria Beleky 2609 south Quebec,Denver, Colorado No. I 80231 Arthur J, segal 10 Greentree Plttsford, New York 14434 Joan Segal 10 Greentree Pittsford, New York ).4434 Toni Berger 1.0 Greentree Pittsford, New York 14434 Bruce W. Berger 10 Greentree Ftttsford, New york L4434 Fr'om: Nofm Helsio To: Diane Lar!.n r'.r a.F -- ? l-:- e + . ln a F- Frc6: No'Jn H-.'<ra Jr gua-:g 22c/'y z -(.|LI5I\SE,_ PIt I N.! OIt u.yPE )n. J\FPLIc:,\t,.t I Ar!r--.,i,r;i,,i.-";lJJS-g- Oale: 3,21/94 Tim€: l5:13:56 D F -. = T =. T |.. =.:.. _ _=_- r,At-: at,trraa f t6.t lattatl-,3i: : r t\';;:,'1 ;'3. FI.- t*E.,8?"'^- ^'. " " tr:'pLtC:aE:tOli FOR ,.', "-.r'?3i'iT . : ?'3:Yi ";:X,.X;lt*. oo., a Pao. 1 ol I A?Eltur- J s-8.1 eo23t tgNrj;- 75€l- 1 814 3 a\PPLIQ./\N f , s firE !r l{E !'rrN.t,?!,.l.I vr:: !, 1an- E. t_,-r.3c1r l::1T=" +*t+-€r-"-Ei-e{a !t<r ' w. ' , r os r,lroN" 426-871r E'floPEl<.rY Ot^,N&:tr. At.l S;x.FIjE-.r-!;:f.i$:L'H#i***-.r!'*!rt !?r4!!-9<'r''kv' Arr'!uF J' sa'.,'r. l.lJ\I! I t.rci n CrD !.,lti.S.S_ sa.! Ow,r(rr.g, s.t L()C-aril. IoN Olr t,,l1o!,c)ai.a\r, : sTRelIl'! ,rDDfr.Eisi ti rlc (:LreL L()'r';o-'"51ffi,,-1o.t-!6;-r,,=,,t* t'.,t"=.lo--!j_4Lrl--------G'| r L rNc; F.ruirh ad.r 1c.on co Da a D. L.-a-u\ z'!;rq I A.L S Z-!7 Bt €lJ|.rMI.I1.rrD t rrr)2I a,r. ) a'wo m5,. t ar eopLo.. .:19. or.].. palle-|; c;gt>y of ch. culrclLvl,raorr l>.Lat !ra., 1I .bc subnrlccc.C t-o-f.rl6 6;irbru.,,9r,r" oi--J,i.i.i..,rt5,I'cv(!ro!>rrrerrri. .I.t:o l>l.rc err.rrf - inEfL<.- r_ r..- f<r.at orrLAs,,4..il'lre f irral 5'larL .rI:arJ.- I- Lr<a Glr:.lwn l>y a .EegLsEe!r gEf JtI:,f - ':,..l.::^I11., -e.;--Juiioi-s1,,.co''c ior r n cr i ii _- i'i r. I - o,-: - : f ;j .' ; t " 3,, i E 3 * 3 r. S i. d aur\.<ey<rr. l_^ rn€rLa^L"n, -"a-_-Juii.i-"IrriE3;;i:i.- E <r,r rr t. r<r!1, or.r a !.aF.ro<ri.r<j ibI ; -iiJJ r i,i. (t>rrr f cr.E.aE,:_r.,Ir'r)2r. a,l., wisrr <lir'.or.',.llo-. oi L;.eict:;;uE ,>y CrrlEr.-y_ai'.t:.5:: i1.3,,*Iiti-!:_:.*:, :;i]iI;ir.c,rr<i r.tt-,ner!.e<r. fecc .r o <l\r <j i b l.t nrccl i rJ ||r - 1 1>-r o icr r: E l' :_ 5,:.1_ o5 !!_eg9v-1o,.,E b), cr,l;Cl_ a r_t:.::: l:!,-*l:i+-'E6'le-i ;:;i:r--E.E;-";',,..:l*!;,F:f -:!FE_i;i$:5t:i't,'i:;,-Iil="ii:'IF.iiiIi:$;L,i l.gr f _ r:o ui-J L;<rii;;'on arI otrl:9r- €|id.rs.li.i,t--tlj:.-_lf:l:: _ -.' r.r,d--rL"E;"i;; Ei.3f;iri"f-E,,ls_ AF':';::"d;g;n;ri9'r3, uo t rtc' ,'or!rq.9 . o ', <! - r., !, r,, <r r e c L lr cl.J cc !-l Ire -rro,li.f --i + .l'l rl Grs, r'1 ql-L€rt a ncl cu r1ze J -t] EEi' -U o ; ; :i i';: r :.:;" # ;!s-i $ t:i - : : r ;E : 3' " 3'93'; 55a. 5 il ;! : ; "' J.nriPo* e .,rr C i;;cf;::1t iit '-?AT-o-l - uses^ 9.-r<t '-Gt;o;-- .r.r..jo o.rrl arrari_G.__ 1 ,r..r (;\rr-\16s sh.rtr Uo C.l.iEurrerr- gf r-=:mii:$,*5i,-=iiit:=ssi;i:'i;,";F,ii;t,{: c. <r. No!'{:la a r.-L. o r., ancl g.L_al.rl:,l.e sea1c. i::rSiFIif J:..$5F;3.'.,1.,:,..f -.:,,,3f _1,*,..f *i,"rt.?",oi.:1^-. llS"".:*:-:u.*;tsi'..rF";Fgr*rf.i.+isii:i,:!"'3tiiF!El<t. .:' il.*i,;tiil,::*:r**i;'S,ir" t. S ; ; ;,-_ ;i i r 5 i fr e i'" i E I "' i.. I * S !, - l: I^; ;i i I : ;.' 3 " i .FS,! r i;rg.;$;;";E"a"s'.:8f ;$r"f 1_aif r"l"-"tf "-f f i'_tir?*.j5:,*,*,'o-o''r, E t S,t s;F"] J;, ig ;#; i I r i c J-r,i:5';5;f '.f .i,,f '_:i;"4. ;;Eir-o -i.53i-iy? :ii. i t I ="i, 5 :f i":#s ji 5'ii 3' r*.EF:Fj:'iE-i iE:: r i il ;', -, ', i :_-'-?::-"_: ::j.' E -i;e-;;. : ' ,:i3 I D('PI-E:. g!JEDI.\'IS IO\T AEI''I Elv EeIs)<!.2509 Soqttt Qt.r-l5cci. No. l-Dah\re r, CcJ.orada aO23.]. Jtf El-ur .:-. g-grl- 1O CFr! eaCr.E.: v:-<:EorIa. E€ l sr<:/2509 solrttt Q!rebee, No- :.Det11/er, Co:.oEado t3O231- .to- rr Ei-gtat I .! O Grr.5r.r.tCrrDa Plterf ordl,, N€rr YeE:<7-4434 t 4434 tj z--2.-.2' 3*-b\' .F.zp;Q7*u v\--{ L, z-, { fJ;T-s:Eeg-:- O Gre€'ltE Pl-€t Yorr< t-4434 f"".rtpcron or- ari survey |rr^encs, boch founci and set, which mark the boundl?l'ries of the subdivision, and a descript.ion of alL monunents used in conducting the survey. Monument perirneter per Colorado statutes. Two perimeter monuments shall be est.ablished as major control monument.s,the materials which shal1 be determined by the town engineer. A statement by the land surveyor explaining how bearing base was deternined. A certificate by the registered land surveyor as outlined in Chapter t7.32 of t.his t,it1e as to the accuracy of t.he survey and plat, and that the survey was performed by him in accordance with Colorado Revised Statutes 1973, Tit.Ie 38, Article 51. A certificate by an attorney admitted to practice in t.he State of Colorado, or corporat.e tit.le insurer, that the owner(s) of record dedicat.ing to the public the public right-of-way, areas or facil"ities as shown thereon are t.he owners thereof in fee simple, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances except as noted. The proper forrn for filing of the plat with the Eag1e County clerk and recorder. Certificate of dedication and ownership. Should the certificat.e of dedication and ownership provide for a dedication of Land or improvements to the public, all beneficiaries of deeds of trust and mortgage holders on said real property wiII be required to si-gn the certificaLe of dedication and ownership in addition to tfre fee simple obrner thereof - m. AIl current taxes must be paid prior to the Townrs approval of plat. This includes taxes which have been billed but are not yet due. The certificate of taxes paid must be signed on the plat or a sLat.ement. from the Eagle County Assessors Office must be provided wit.h t.he submittal information stat.ing that aII t.axes have been paid, n. Signature of owner. 2. The plat must contain the following st.atement: "For zoning purposes, the l_ots created by this subdivision are to be treated as ore lot with no more than two dwelling. units allowed oi-Tne combined area of Lhe two lots. " The statement shall be modified to indicate the number of units and l_ots proposed.rr 3. A copy of the declarations and/or covenants relating to the subdivision, which shall assure the maintenance of any common areas which may be crealed. The covenants shall run wit.h the land and shall be in a form suiLable for recording wit.h the Eagle Count.y Clerk and Recorder. 4. Schedules A & B of a Litle report.. APPROVAL PROCESS, REVIEW CRTTERIA upon receiving two copies of a complet.e submittar aronq wit.h paynent of the appropriate fee, the zoning adrninistrat5r shall route one copy of the site map to the town engineer for his review. The zoning adninistrator sharl l-hen conduct this review concurrently. The town engineer shall review the submittat and return comments and notifications to the zoning administrator who shall transmit the approval,disapproval or approval wit.h modifications of- Lhe plat within fourleen days to Lhe applicant. The zoninq administrator shall sign the ptat if approved or iequire modifications on the prat for approval- -or deny approvar due h. I. k. G. Revised 5/L/92 H to.i."or,"lencies wit.h trhe originarrfpproved plan or fairure to make other required modif iFti-ons or lhe p1at. FILING AND RECORDTNG The Department of communit.y DeveropmenL will record the plat and any related covenant.s with t.he Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. Fees for recording shall be paid by the applicant. The community Deveropment D-epart.ment will retain one myrar copy of t.he prat for t.heir records and will record the rernaining mylar copy. Revised 5/L/92 PARTY WALL AGREEMENT AND DECLARATION OT' COVENANTS FOR BSB DUPLEX SUBDIVTSION WHEREAS, Lot 11, Bighorn Subdivision, 4th Addition to Vail,(the - trPropertyrr) is subject to a condominiun Map recordeil December 18, L975, in Book 243 at page 722, as modified by Map nodification dated ylay 22, t-992, recorded June 1 , rgg2, in nooi ssi at Page 144, and to a Condominium Declaration of V-M-S condorniniums, recorded on January 30, 1976 in Book 244 at pages 533 and 534. as amended by an arnendnent to the condominiurn Decliration for v-M-s condominiuns recorded June r-, L992 in Book 5Br- at Page 145 of the records of the clerk and Recorder of Eagle county,Colorado (the "Condominiurn Maps and Declarationr'); and WHEREAS, Arbert Belsky and Victoria Belsky are the owners of the rear property 1ega11y described as unit t, V-u-s condorniniurns;and WHEREAS, Arthur J- segal, Joan segal , Bruce w. Berger and Toni_Berger are the ohrners of the rear property described- as unit 2,V-M-S Condominiums; and .WHEREAS, the.building which is located on the property consists of two units, each of which is designed and intendea fo;use as a separate dwerring unit, and which residential units are connected by a cornmon wal1 (rtparty Wallr); and WHEREAS, Albert Belsky, Victoria Belsky, Arthur J. Segal , Joan segal , Bruce w. Berger and Toni Berger (coltectively referred to as the rrDeclarantstr) desire to vacate entirery the condominium Declaration for v-M-s condorniniurns, and to subject the property to this Party wa1I Agreenent and Declaration of Covenants. NOW, THEREFORE, Declarants, being al1 the or^rners of the V-M-S condominiums. hereby vacate the condominium Maps and Declaration and hereby ma.ke, publish and declare that this pirty l{all Agreement and Declaration of covenants shall be a burden upon and a benefit to the Property, and that this party waI1 Agreement and Decraration of covenants shalI run with the land and be binding upon and inure to the benefit of Declarants, their successors and aisigns: l-- Division of Rear property into Two Lots. The property is hereby divided into two lots (sometirnes hereinarter referred to individually as r'Iot'l or collectivery as rlotsrr), each of which is a separate fee simple estate consisting of the 1ot designated with the corresponding nurnber and letter together with arl iriprovements thereon, including but not rinited to a residencef and arr easements and rights located thereon or appurtenant thereto as provided herein, as follows: Lot 1l,A Lot 11B such lots being shown on the Final Plat of BSB Duplex Subdivision,A Resubdivision of Lot l-l-, Bighorn Subdivision FourLh Addition,depicting the subject property as recorded in the records of the Clerk and Recorder of Eag1e County, Colorado (the rrPlattt). 2. ow4ershin and Description of Lots. (a) Each lot shal1 be inseparable and rnay be leased, devised or encunbered only as a residential unit. (b) Title to a 1ot nay be held individually or in any form of concurrent ownership recognized in Colorado. In case of any such concurrent ownership, each co-or.rner shall be jointty and severally liable for performance and observance of all the duties and responsibilities of an "osrnerrr with respect to the lot in which he owns an interest. For all purposes herein, except for paragraph 11 (c), there shall be deemed to be onl-y two or^rners, the owner of Lot 11A and the owner of Lot 11B. The parties, if more than one, having the ownership of each such 1ot sha1l agree among themselves how to share the rights and obligations of such ownership, but aI1 such parties shall be jointly and severally liable for performance and observance of all of the duties and obligations of an rrordnerrt hereunder with respect to the lot in which they o$rn an interest. (c) Any contract of sale, deed, Iease, deed of trust, rnortgage, will or other instrument affecting a lot rnay describe it by its lot designation and by reference to the Duplex Resubdivision Plat, substantially as follows: Lot l,l-A or Lot l-1B, BSB Duplex Subdivision, a replat of Lot 1l-, Bighorn Subdivision, 4th Addition, according to the Plat recorded on l-994 in Book at Page _,County of Eagle, State of Colorado (d) Each 1ot shall be considered a separate parcel of real property and shall be separately assessed and taxed. 3. Landscaping. Each owner shal-l be responsible for the expenses, liabilities and general upkeep responsibilities with respect to the landscaping and outdoor irnprovernents located in or on his own lot. The o\dner of one 1ot shall not unreasonably darnage the value of the other 1ot such as by shoddy upkeep outside, and both owners shal1 make a1I reasonable efforts to preserve a harmonious common appearance of the lots. 4. Partv WaIl. (a) Each owner of a separate l-ot shall have a perpetual reciprocal easernent in and to that part of the subject property ovtned by the other owner and on which the Party Wall is located,for party wal-1 purposes, including rnaintenance, repair, and inspection; neither owner sha11 alter or change the Party Wal-I in any manner, interior decoration excepted. and the Party Wa1l shall always rernain in the sarne location as when erected. The costs of maintaining the Party Wa1l shall be borne equally by both owners. (b) In the event of damage or destruction of the Party Wall frorn any cause, other than the negligence of either or^rner, the then owners shaIl, at joint expense, repair or rebuild said wa1l, to its prevj-ous condition, and each owner shaIl have the right to the full use of said walI so repaired and rebuilt. If either owner,s negligence shal1 cause darnage to or destruction of said hra11, such negligent owner shal1 bear the entire cost of repair and reconstruction. (c) Each owner shall have the right to break through the Party Wall for the purpose of repairing or restoring sewage, water,utilities, etc., subject to the obligation to restore said waII to its previous structural condition, at his own expense, and to pay the adjoining owner for any damage caused thereby. Each owner shall have the right to rnake use of the Party WalI provided such use shal1 not impair the structural support of the Party WaIl. 5. Alteration, Maintenance and Repair. (a) If any improvement of Lot lLA or Lot l"l-B is darnaged or destroyed, such damage or destruction shal1 be promptly repaired and reconstructed. Repair and reconstruction neans the restoration of the irnprovements to substantially the same condition in which they existed prior to such darnage or destruction. The cost to repair and reconstruct any improvement on Lot 11A or Lot 1l-B shall be the sole expense of the owner of each respective lot, without prejudice, however, to any rule of Iaw regarding liabifity for negligence or wi11fu1 acts or omissions. Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, if the negligence or willful act or omission of any owner, his agent or invitee, shall cause danage to, or destruction of any irnprovernent on any 1ot, such olrrner shall bear the entire cost of repair or reconstruction. (b) Each owner shall be solely responsj-ble for all maj-ntenance and repair of the exterior and interior of his residence, including all fixtures and irnprovements and all utility lines and equipment located therein or in, on or upon his lot (Lot l-1A or Lot 118 on the Plat), and serving such unit only. (c) Utility or service connections, facilities or other utility equiprnent and property located in, on or upon either of Lot 1LA or Lot 11B which is used solely to supply a service or utility to one lot shall be owned by the owner of the 1ot using such utility or service and all expenses and liabiLities for repair and maintenance shall be borne solely by the or,vner of such lot who shall have a perpetual easement in and to that part of such other lot containing such property for purposes of maintenance, repair and inspection. (d) No owner shall rnake or suffer any structural or design change (including a color scheme change), either permanent or ternporary and of any type or nature wttatsoever to the exterior of his residence or construct any addition or improvement on his tot vrithout first obtaining the prior written consent thereto from the other owner, which consent sha11 not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. (e) Where the owner of either lot, in compliance with the other provlsions of this Declaration, desj-res to buiId,renovate, excavate, improve or otherr,rise alter the structures or inprovements located on his Iot, and where the owner has obtained the written consent thereto of the owner as provided in paragraph 5(d) above, the owner of the other lot shal1 cooperate to the extent necessary to enable that owner to obtain any reguired building pernit or similar permit or license. It is understood and aqreed, however, that should the Town of Vail or other governrnental agency of competent jurisdiction, allow an addition or rnodification to be made to either Lot 11A or Lot 1l-8, the owner of the lot not rnaking such addition shal1 not unreasonably withhold his consent pursuant to this paragraph 5(e). Any costs or expenses, however, associated with the obtaining of a building or similar pernit shall be the expense of the or,ener desiring said permit and shall not be a joint expense of the or^rners of both lots. (f) In the event that either Iot, or fraction thereof, is taken by erninent dornain or in condemnation, the owner of that lot shafl receive any suns payable with respect to such taking. fn the event that both Iots, or any fraction thereof, are taken by erninent domain or in condemnation, the ohrners shall divide any suns payable pursuant to such taking in proportion to the relative values of the 1ots, or fractions thereof, taken. 6.Mechanic' s Liens- Indernnif ications . (a) If either owner shall cause any rnaterial to be furnished to his lot or any labor to be perforned therein or thereon, the other owner shall not under any circumstances be liable for the payrnent of any expense incurred or for the value of any work done or material furnishedt alL such work shafl be at the expense of the owner causing it to be done, and such owner shalt be solely responsible to contractors, laborers, materialmen and other persons furnishing labor or rnateriaLs to his lot or any irnprovernents therein or thereon. Nothing herein contained shalI authorize either owner or any person dealing through, with or under either owner, to charge the lot of the other owner with any rnechanic's lien or other lien or encunbrance whateveri and, on the contrary (and notice is hereby given), the right and power to charge any lien or encumbrance of any kind against the other or^rner or the other ovirner's lot for work done or rnaterial furnished to one owner's lot is hereby expressly denied. (b) If because of any act or omission or either o$rner any mechanic's or other lien or order for the paynent of money shall be filed against the other owner's 1ot or any improvements therein or thereon, or against the other owner (whether or not such lien or order is valid or enforceable as such), the owner whose act or omission forns the basis for such lien or order shall, at his own cost and expense, cause the same to be cancelled and discharged of record or bonded by a surety company reasonably acceptable to the other owner, within 20 days after the date of filing thereof, and further shall indemnify and save the other owner harmless from and against any and all costs, expenses, claims, losses or damages,including reasonable attorney's fees, resulting therefron. 7. Use Restrictions. (a) The improvernents located on the subject property sball be used for residential purposes only as a perrnitted use, and conditional and accessory uses shall be as defined by the Town of Vail Zoning Ordinance or by the Ordinances of any other governnental entity of competent jurisdiction. No structures of a temporary character, trailer, tent, shack, garage, barn or other out-building shall be used on any portion of any of the subject property at any tirne as a residence, either ternporarily or permanently. (b) No animals, livestock or poultry of any kind shatl be raised, bred or kept on any of the subject property, except that dogs, cats or other household pets may be kept provided that they are not kept, bred or rnaintained for any connercial purposes and provided further they do not unreasonably interfere with the guiet enjoynent of the other lot by its owner. (c) No advertising signs, billboards, unsigThtly objects or nuisances shall be erected, placed or pernitted to remain on the subject property, nor shall any lot be used in any rrray or for any purpose which may endanger the health or unreasonably disturb the owner or resident of the adjoining lot. (d) A11 rubbish, trash or garbage shall be regularly rernoved from each lot and shall not be aLlowed to accumulate thereon. A11 such expenses are the expenses of each individual ovtnerf and are not a joint expense of the owners. (e) An owner shall do no act nor any work that will impair any easement or hereditament or do any act or allow any condition to exist which will adversely affect the other Lot. B.fnsurance. (a) Each owner shall keep his 1ot, and all improvenents and fixtures located thereon or therein insured againJt loss or damage by fire and extended coverage perils (including vandalisrn and malicious rnischief ) for the maximum replacement val_-ue thereof ,and covering such other risks of a similar or dissirnilar nature as are or shall hereafter customarily be covered with respect to sirnilar properties issued by a responsible insurance company or companies authorized to do business in the state of coloradb. The insurance for each 1qt shal1 provide that the policy cannot ne cancelled or substantialry rnodified untir after lrrirty 1:01 days prior written notice is first given to the ohrner of b-oth Lot liA and Lot 1l-B and each first rnortgagee of record. (b) Each owner shall provide and keep in force for the protection of hirnselJ generar publ.ic riability and property damage insurance against claims for bodily injury 6r aealn -or [rop".iy darnage occurring ]n., on or upon his 1oC and the imprbvelnents thereon, in a limit of not less than one t'li11ion Dollars ($1,000,000.00) in respect to bodily injury or death to any number of persons arising out of one aecident or disaster, or foi darnage to property, and if higher limits shalr at any tirne be custornary €o protect against tort liability, such higher lirnits shall be carried; and each ohrner shal1 name the other owner as an additional insured party under such policy. (c) Each ohrner shall deliver to the other owner certificates evidencing all insurance required to be carried under this paragraph 8 upon request, each containing agreements by the insurers not to cancer or nodify the policies-wi€hout giving the other owner written notice of at reast thirty (30) days. Each ohtner sha1l have the right upon request to inspect and copy all such insurance policies of the other o\,rner and require evidelrte of the payments of premiums thereon. (d) Nothing provided in this paragraph shall prevent the owners fron jointly acquiring a single poricy 1o cover any one or more of the hazards reguired in this paragraph B. such prerniurns shall be apportioned according to the rerevint coverage to each lot. (e) Each owner nay obtain additional insurance at his ohln expense for his own benefit provided that all such policies sha11 contaj.n waivers of subrogatj-on and, provided further, that the liability of the carriers issuing poricies covering the lots hereunder shall not be affected or diminished by reason of any such insurance carrj-ed by any owner. (f) fnsurance coverage on any personal property items stored within the irnprovements located on each 1ot shall be the responsibility of the owner thereof. However, nothi-ng herein shall be construed to require such j-nsurance. 9. Enforcenent. (a) If any owner, at any tine, shall- neglect or refuse to perform or pay any obligation required hereunder, the other owner may, but shall not be obligated to, after twenty (20) days written notice to the other owner unl-ess the circumstances require immediate action, rnake such payment, ot, on behalf of such other owner, expend such sum as may be necessary to perform such obligation, including but not limited to, the payment of any insurance premiums required hereunder or the undertaking of any work requi,red for repair, restoration or maintenance, and such other owner shall have an easernent in and to that part of such defaulting owner's lot as is reasonably necessary for such repair,restoration or rnai-ntenance. (b) AII sums so paid or expended by an or.rner, with interest thereon at the rate of eighteen percent (1"8?) per annum from the date of such payrnent or expenditure, shall be payable by the owner so failing to perform (the ildefaulting ownerrr) upon demand of the other ovrner, (c) A11 surns so demanded but unpaid by the defaulting owner shal-I constitute a lien on the Iot of the defaulting owner in favor of the other owner prior to all other liens and encumbrances,except: (i) liens for taxes and special assessments; and (ii) the lien of any first mortgage or first deed of trust of record encumbering such 1ot. The lien sha11 attach frorn the date when the unpaid surn shall become due and may be foreclosed in like manner as a rnortgage on real property. To evidence such a Iien, written notice of the lien shall be prepared, setting forth the arnount of the unpaid indebtedness, the name of the defaulting owner, and description of the lot to which the lien shall attach. Such notice shal1 be signed by the owner in whose favor the lien shall be filed, and the lien shall be recorded in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of the County of Eagle. In any foreclosure or other collection proceedings, the defaulting o\.rner sha1l be required to pay the costs and expenses of such proceedings, including reasonable attorney's fees. (d) The lien provided for herein shal1 be subordinate to the lien of any first mortgage or first deed of trust, including all additional advances thereon. Sale or transfer of either lot as the result of court foreclosure or a mortgage foreclosure through the public trustee, or any proceeding in lieu of foreclosure, sha1l extinguish the lien as to payments thereof which become due prior to such sale or Lransfer, but shall not relieve any former owner of personal liability therefor. The first rnortgagee of such lot who acguires title by way of foreclosure or the taking of a deed in lieu thereof, shalI not, however, be liab1e for any past due amounts and/or obligations due hereunder and shall only becone liable for future amounts and/or obligations on the date it becomes the owner of such 1ot. No sale or transfer shall relieve such lot frorn liability for any amounts and/or obligations thereafter becoming due or from the lien thereof. fn the event of the sale or transfer of a fot with respect to which surns shall be unpaid by a defaulting o$rner, except transfers to a first nortgagee in connection with a foreclosure of its lien or a deed in lieu thereof, the purchaser or other transferee of an interest in such lot shall be jointly and severally liable with the seller or transferor thereof for any such unpaid surns. (e) Upon written request of any owner, mortgagee, prospective mortgagee, purchaser or other prospective transferee of a Iot, the owner of the other lot shalL j-ssue a written statement setting forth the amount he is owed under this paragraph 9, if any. Such staternent is binding upon the executing owner in favor of any person who may rely thereon in good faith. Unless a request for such staternent shal-l be cornplied with within fifteen (15) days after receipt thereof, all unpaid sums which becone due prior to the date of rnaking request shall be subordinated to the lien or other interest of the person reguesting such staternent. (f)Each provision of this Declaration sha11 be enforceable by any owner by a proceeding for a prohibitive or nandatory injunction or by a suit or action to recover damages. If court proceedings are instituted in connection with the rights of enforcement and remedies provided in this Declaration, the prevailing party shal1 be entitled to recover its costs and expenses in connection therewith, including reasonabLe attorney's fees. (S) Each owner hereby agrees that any and all actions in equity or at law which are instituted to enforce any provision hereunder shall be brought in and only in the courts of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. (h) Faifure to enforce any provision of this Decl-aration shal1 not operate as a waiver of any such provision, the right to enforce such provision thereafter, or of any other provision of this Declaration. (i) Any exercise of any right granted hereunder by one owner with respect to the other owner's lot. including but not limited to, the use of any easement gtranted herein, shall be exercised in a manner \^thich shall not unreasonably hinder, impede or impose upon such other owner's use of his Unit. 10. Easernents. (a) Each 1ot shaIl be subject to an easement for encroachments created by constructj-on, settling and overhang, previously existinq or as a result of any addition or improvement pursuant to this Declaration. A valid easement for such encroachments and for the maintenance of same, so long as they exist, shatl and does exist. In the event any irnprovement is partially or totally destroyed, and then rebuilt, the owners agree that minor encroachments of parts of an adjacent 1ot due to construction shall be pernitted and that a val"id easement for said encroachment and the maintenance thereof shall exist so long as the improvements shall stand. (b) Each lot is subject to a blanket easement for support and a blanket easement for the maintenance of the residences and other structures or inprovernents presently situated,or to be built in the future. on the Iots. (c) There is hereby created a blanket easenent upon,across, over and under the unirnproved portion of each of the lots for the benefit of the lots and the structures and improvements situated thereon, including the Party Wall, for ingress and egress, installation, replacing, repairing and rnaintaining utilities, if any, including, but not linited to, water, sewer, gas, telephone, cable tv and electricity. Said blanket easement includes future utility services not presently availabl-e to the lots which rnay reasonably be required in the future. By virtue of this easement,it sha1l be expressly perrnissible for the cornpanies providing utilities to erect and maintain the necessary equiprnent on any of the lots and to affix and rnaintain electri-ca1 and/or telephone v'lires, circuits and conduits on, above, across and under the roofs and exterior wal1s of the improvements, all in a manner customary for such cornpanies in the area surrounding the subject property. Notwithstandingr the foregoing, all such utility equiprnent , wires,circuits and conduits will be placed on the lot benefitted thereby to the extent practicable, and if placed on the other 1ot, will be placed underground if possible. and to the extent practicable will be placed as close to the lot line as practicable. Either owner shall have the right to relocate within his lot any utility at his sole cost and expense. l-l-. General Provisions. (a) Notice. Each ordner shal1 register its nailing address with the other orirner and aI1 notices or demands intended to be served upon or^rners shall be sent by certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed in the name of the owner at such registered mailing address. In the alternative, notices may be delivered if in writing, personally to owners. (b) Duration. A11 provisions contained in this Declaration shall continue and rernain in full force and effect until March L in the year 2Ol4 A.D., and thereafter shall be autornatically extended for successive periods of ten (10) years eachi unless this DeclaraLion is amended or revoked by recorded instrument signed by al1 nortgage or first deed of or Lot 118. ohrners and all lienors holding a first trust of record on any portion of Lot 11A (c) Anendment or Revocation. This Declaration nay be anended or revoked at any time upon unanimous written approval in recordable forn of all or,rrners and aII Lienors holding a first mortgage or first deed of trust of record on any portion of Lots l-l,A and l-L8. The covenants and restrictions of this Declaration shall be amended or revoked only by an instrurnent which specifically refers to this Declaration and which is signed by each of the then existing owners and first mortgagees or deed of trust holders. Any easement rnade must be properly recorded at the office of the Clerk and Recorder of the County of Eag1e, State of Colorado. (d) Effect of Provisions of Declaration. Each provision of this Declaration, and any agreement, promise, covenant and undertaking to comply with each provision of this Declaration, and any necessary exemption or reservation or grant of title, estate,right or interest to effectuate any provision of this Declaration:(i) shal1 be deerned incorporated in each deed or other instrurnent by which any right, title or interest in any portion of Lot 11A or Lot L1B is granted, devised or conveyed, whether or not set forth or referred to in such deed or other instrumentt (ii) shalI, by virtue of acceptance of any right, title or interest in any portion of Lot 11A or Lot 1L8 by an ohrner, be deened accepted, ratified, adopted and declared as a personal covenant of such ordner and, as a personal covenant, shal1 be binding on such owner and his heirs,personal representatives, successors and assigns; and, sha1l be deemed a personal covenant to, with and for the benefit of each or^tner of any portion of Lot l-l-A or Lot 118, and (iii) shall be deemed a covenant by Decl-arant, for themselves, their heirs, successors and assigns, and also an equitable servitude, running,in each case, as a burden with and upon the title to each and every portion of Lot Ll-A and Lot 1-l-8. (e) Severabilitv. Invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this Declaration in whole or in part sha11 not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision or any valid and enforceable part of a provision of this Declaration which shall remain in full force and effect. (f) Captions. The captions and headings in this instrument are for convenience only and sha11 not be considered in construing any provisions of this Declaration. (s) construction, the shall include the plura] , and vice Construction. When necessary for proper masculine of any word used in this Declaration feminine or neuter gender, and the singular the versa. L0 (h) Governinq Law. This Declaration is made and executed under and in respect wilL be governed and construed by the laws of the State of Colorado where the property is situated. fN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned collectively being the Declarants herein have hereunder set their hands and seals this day of I r994. OWNERS, Lot 11A Al.bert Belsky Victoria Belsky STATE OF COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument r{ras acknowledged before rne this by Albert Belsky. cial seal . day of , 1-994, Witness my hand and offi My Cornmission Expires: ss. STATE OF COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument , L994, Witness ny hand and offi My Comrnission Expires: Notary Public )) ss. ) was acknowledged before ne this by Victoria Belsky. cial seal . Notary Publj-c day of L1 STATE OF COUNTY OF The foregoing instrurnent , r994, Witness my hand and offi My Cornmission Expires: OWNERS. Lot l-18 Arthur ,J. Segal Joan Segal Bruce W. Berger Toni Berger ss. was acknowledged before me this by Arthur J. Sega1 . cial seal. Notary Publi-c ss. day of STATE OF COUNTY OF Subscribed and strorn to before me this day of , 1994 by Joan Segal . Witness rny hand and official seal. My comrnission expires: Notary Public T2 STATE OF COUNTY OF ss. Subscribed and shrorn to before me this day of , L994 by Bruce W. Berger. Witness my hand and official seal. My comrnission expires: Notary Public STATE OF COUNTY OF ss. Subscribed and sworn to before ne this day of , 1994 by Toni Berger. Witness ny hand and official seal . My comrnission expires : Notary PubLic LENDER, Lot 11A Anthony D. Ashnoore Christie Shuller 13 STATE OF COUNTY OF The foregoing instrurnent , J_994, Witness rny hand and offi My Comnission Expires; ss. was acknowledged before rne this by Anthony D. Ashmore. cial seal . Notary Public )) ss. ) was acknowledged before rne this by Christie Shuller. cial seal . Notary PubLic LENDER, Lot ].].8 CHASE MANHATTAN FINANCIAL SERVTCES, INC. day of day of STATE OF COUNTY OF The foregoing instrunent , L994, Witness my hand and offi My Comrnission Expires: By: L4 STATE OF ss. COUNTY OF The foregoing instrunent was acknowledged before me this day of , L994, by , as of Chase Manhattan Financial Services,Inc. Witness my hand and official seal . My Conmission Expires: Notary Public 15 , l', / -- .. ,,r - r'-I TOWN OFVAIL n'r"nnb!1 /[u) CHF4KS MADE PAYABI-E TI) TOWN OF VAIL 0l 00004241 CODEBOOKS | 0000 41332 PENALTY FE ES IBE_.I NlPqcf I oI PLAN REVIEWRE_CHECKFEE I: ARKINGFUND 0l 0000 4141 3l 0000 45110 01 0000 4t MO.#t "*O' il/""*-.2,fi// Revised 5/ I/ 92 Date Received by the Commun:ty *"":;1":T.: Depfimen'L : coNDordrNrur,t/Tot{NEoltsE pr.Ar RrnfrEtl (Chapter 11 .22 Vail Municipal Code) (PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE) A. APPLICANT 6APK OF Tft€ ..OF:..>i-. MAlL]NG ADDRESS Wncti.r CBret (o Qqs?e pnonn 5tt, -qqt- gL.Yt' TcrtuL p- 1't t z- -.-<-c:,t) PHONE lzf- zaot' C. PROPERTY OWNER Otr{NER'S SI MAILING ADDRESS fuNA lE NQ{LiC,/Lf LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: STREET ADDRESS {q4q !=iP€-ArE:rOE OtP<tE- 5tc-/iz- 16,/B LorJ1-BtocK--s -)/ APPLICATION TNIST PAID- (DATE) 'l . r H'ti )tu:t t.? | 44 F ILING CHECK MATERIALS TO BE SUBMITTE *6' Two mylar copies and one paper copy of the subdivision plar shal1 be submitted to the DepartmenL of Community Development. The plat shall include a site map with the following requirements: a. The fina-l plat shall be drawn by a registered surveyor ln India ink, or other substantial sofution, on a reproducj-ble medium (preferably b. mylar) with dimension of twenty-four by thirty-six inches and shall be at a scal-e of one hundred feet to one inch or larger with margins of one and one-half to two inches on the left and one-haIf inch on all- other sides. Accurate dimensions to the nearest one-hundredth of a foot for all 1ines, angles and curves used to describe boundaries, streets, setbacks, alleys, easements, structures, areas to be reserved or dedicated for public or cornmon uses and other important features. A11 curves shall be circular arcs and shall be defined by the radius, central ang1e, arc scored distances and bearing. All dimensions, bot.h linear and angular, are to be determined by an accurate control survey in the field which must balance and close within a limit of one 1n ten thousand. Nort.h arrow and graphic scale. A sysLematic identification of a1I existing and proposed buildings, units, lots, blocks, and names €^- r'1 I An identification of the streets, a1leys, parks, and other public areas or facilities as shown on the plat, and a dedication thereof to the public use. An idenlification of the easements as shown on the plal and a grant thereof to the public use. Areas reserved for future public acquisition shall also be shown on the plat. A written survey description of the area including the total acreage to the nearest appropriate significant figure. The acreage of each Iot or parcel shaII be shown in this manner as well. c d s100.00 g. A description of aL1 survey monuments, bot'h found and :il::1;l'li'5,'li'T:13fi :i: l:.:"i""::ilI:: i:l' .f,:o survey. Monument perimeter per Colorado statutes. Two perimeter monumenLs sha1l be established as major control monunents, the materials which shall be determined by the town engineer ' h. A statement by the land surveyor explaining how bearing base was'determined. i. A certificate by the registered Land surveyor as outlined in chapter L7 .32 of t.his tit le as to the accuracy of the survey and plat., and that the survey was performed by him in accordance with Colorado Revised statutes ]-9'73, Title 38, Article 51. ). A certificate by an attorney admitted to practice in the State of Colorado, or corporate title insurer, that the owner(s) of record dedicating to the public the public right-of-way, areas or facil.ities as shown Lhereon are the owners thereof in fee simple' free and clear of all, liens and encurnbrances except as noted. k. The proper form for fiting of the plat with the Eagle County cferk and recorder. 1. Certificate of dedication and ownership. Should the certificate of dedication and ownership provide for a dedication of land or improvements to the public' all beneficiaries of deeds of trust and mortgage holders on said real property will be required to sign the certificate of dedication and ownership in addition t.o the fee simple owner thereof. m. All currenL taxes must be paid prior to the Town's approval of pIat. This incLudes taxes which have been billed but are not yet due. The certificate of taxes paid must be signed on the plat or a statement from the EagIe County Assessors Office must be provided with the subrnittal information stating that all taxes have been Paid. n. Signature of owner. 2. The condominium or townhouse plat shall also include floor plans, elevalions and cross-sect ions as necessary to accurately determine individual air spaces and/or other ownerships and if the project was built substantially the same as the approved plans. 3. A copy of the condominium documents for staff review to assure that there are maintenance provisions included for all commonly owned areas. G. APPROVAL PROCESS, REVIEW CRITERIA Upon receiving two copies of a complete submittal along with payment of the appropriate fee, the zoning administrator shalI rouLe one copy of the site rnap to the town engine,.-r''cr lri:.; review. The zoning administrator shall then conduct this review concurrently. The town engineer shall revi.ew the'submittal and return comments and notifications to the zoning adr".nistra':o: who shal1 transmit. the approval, disapproval or approval with modifications of Ehe plat within fourteen days to the applicant. The zoning administrator shall sign the plat if aPproved or require modifications on the plat for approval or deny approval due to j-nconsistencies with the originally approved plan or failure to make other required modifications of the plat. H. FILING AND RECORDING The zoning adninistrator shall be the final signature required on the plat so that the Department of Communit.y Development will be responsible for promptly recording the approved plat with Lhe Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. Fees for recording shall be paid by the applicant. The Conrnunity Development Department wil]retain one mylar copy of the plat for their records and will record the remaining mylar copy. Revised 5/l/92 Form 1756 Commltmont Face Pago COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE ISSUED BY First American Title Insurance Company FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, herein called the Company, for valuable consideration, hereby commits to issue its policy or policies of title insurance, as identified in Schedule A, in frvor of the proposed lnsured named in Schedule A, as owner or mortgagee of the estate or interest covered hereby in the land described or referred to in Schedule A, upon payment of the premiums and charges therefor; all sublect to the provisions of Schedules A and B and to the Conditions and Stioulations hereof. This Commitment shall be effective only when the identity of the proposed Insured and the amount of the policy or policies committed for have been insened in Schedule A hereof by the Company, either at the time of the issuance of this Commitment or by subsequent indorsement. ThisCommitment ispreliminary to the issuance of such policy or policies of title insurance and all liability and obli- gations hereunder shall cease and terminate six (6) months after the effective date hereof or when the policy or policies committed for shall is$e, whiche\rer first occurs, provided that the failure to issue such policy or policies is not the fault of the Company. This Commitment shall not be valid or binding until countersigned by an authorized officer or agent. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company has caused this Commitment to be signed and sealed, to become valid when countersigned by an authorized officer or agent of the Company, all in accordance with its By-Laws. This Gommitment is effective as of the date shown in Schedule A as "Effective Date." First Americen Title Insura'n'ce Compny ArrEsT lful; 'c,1ryL/. sEcnETARY Vait As<niabs Attn: lih. .Utlr F. Nilssr 286 hidge VaiI, 6 8L657 Eag1e Cqrtty Tttle Oulutrticr 953 S. Fhtage bad, #100 vArL @ 81657 FN( (3O3) 476-6426 (3O3) 476-6423 Eper 572-L4n -t- A1ril 1. 1992 ATIN: Vail AssLates ErEIed lur wIII flrd qrr OcnmilrrErrt I.b. 3O5488-C3, issued try FIASr AIY|ERICAN TITLE I}EURAI,,E cMpAt{f, fravirg an effec€lve date of l,brch 23, 1992. lE appreciate tle oppaturdtlz to participate with lu.r in tfrls lxars€tiar. Sfulld ltol tne any qr-Estl-as G @rerns, p.Leae fel free to qrtd us at ttE a&ress G pfsE nmbers listed belcor. With best regnrnds, lwman E. I€rt{futs mleure ef S tO: Atb:I: lilr. .rotn F. frf{reLeCrr rs/Jp 2. ALIA G,rets Folicy pr,+osea Insrsed: ARIITI.,R J. SEGAL aTd JOAI.I SMAL BRI.|CE W. BERGER aTd TcsII BERGER COMI.{ITMENT SCITETT'LE A Vail AsscLates Attn: Ih. Jchn F. Nilsscn 286 kidge Vail, @ 81657 1. Effective Dab: It4arctr 23, L992 at 7:00 Al'1 Order No. 3O5488-C3 tustcner Referere Segal/Eerge Arcutt: S 4O5,0O0.0O 3. ALln l-oan Folicies gnqosea Insued: CIIASE I4ANIIATTAI{ FII.IA}EIAL SEF$iICES, II\C.,its Sucuosgs ard,/or Assigns Arq,nt: $ 303,750.00 Pn*osea llsred:nunrt: $ 4. Itte estab c lntrcst ln tlte ]ard desclbed c refercd to in tbLs Gmttrerrt ard qrtrelled terein Ls: FEE SIMPLE ad title therefto is at tln effective date lmof veshd in: BANK OF TIIE hlEST, a Ca].iforrtia corlnraticr tssrcd try:q|lrEr's hemiun: $ il7.00 Eagle Acunty Title Oalmticn Lerdenrs hnirn: S 5O.0O 953 S. Fbqrtage Road, f100 Addf l Lder Ctg: $ ranl-, @ 81657 Addrl Olarpes: $ FN( (3O3) 476-6426 Tax Oertiflcate: $ . 10.00 (W) 476-6423 De$,er 572-L49O EndffisrErtt Chg: S Is Charges: $ IOInL OnRGES: S 607.00 FIRST IMERICAI.I TITLE II.|SURATG CMPA}{Y o COMMITMENT Plat id lib. \87 SOIED['I.,E A (crtinred) Order tb. 305488-C3 5. Ihe f.ild refen ed to in the Ocmdffiit is overing ftE land in tbe State of Oolsrado, Oq.rrty of @te , described as follqus: Omdsniliun lrr[t 2, V-M-S O{m,IINIUvg, amrdJ.rg to the }aap ftled Deenber L8, L975, in Bodr 243 at We 722 ard amrdirg to the Cqdcniniun Decl-aratlqr reooacded Januaqir 30, 1976, in Bod< 24 at Pages 533 ard 534. EIRST AI,TERIEATI TITT.,,E I}6URAIG CCMPA}W o COMUITIIENT SCHEDULEB @1b.305488€ Sestian 1 nrotlrREl@rTs TITE FOIJOHI}G NRE TTIE N4UIRE{E$TS IO BE OMPTJED VITI}I: Itsn (a) Payrlerrt b or for tle aoocunt of tte grantors or ncrtgagsrs of tle full ssideraticn fo tle "-** of j-nter€st to be irsured. Item (b) Prcper insUuent(s) creatirg tte esEate or interest to be insured rust be scarted ard duly filed for re@rd, to w'it: 1. Release by tt€ Pnlclic TSrustee of Eagle Colnty of the Deed of Tn:st fron Re lbsser ard Rlth Ann lEssEr fq tfe use of fbtre Federnl Sarings ard Ioan Assrciatiqr of Tte Rekies, to secure S60,000.00, datecl Febnuaqr 28, L977, and reoorded l.{arc}r 2, L977, ln Bod< 253 at Page lL ard re-reoomded l"brctr 24, t978, tn Eod< 268 at Page 381 ard re-remrded }priL 27, 1978, in Bod< 269 at Page 470. 2. Deed frqn Banl< of the $IesE, a Cal-ifornia oorlnraticn to Arbhur J. Segal, Joan Segal, Er:ce lf. Berger ard'I!crd. Berger. IiDTE: DuIy exeorted real properby transfer dec'laratiqr, executed by eitlEr tlE G:.anttr d Ghntee, to amtq:arry the Deed nenticred abo\re, prrsuant to .article 14 0f Herse Bill l.Io. 1,288 - GA 39-14-102. 3. Eviderce satisfactory to tte Ccngarq; or its duly autforized agerrt that tle "real estate t-ansfer tax" inqnsed by Ondlnare }trf,. 26, Senies of L979, of the ltcr^rn of Vail, Colqado has been paid, ard tbat tte lien fuposed by Sec*ict 11 tlrereof has been fuJ.ly satisfied. 4. Deed of Tnrst frsn Arttnrr J. Segal, Joan Segal-, Ebruce W. Berger ard Tlqri BerEer to ttE Pulclic nrustee of Eagle CqnW for tte r:se of Orase }Aantrattarr Finarcial Senri€s, IrE., to seolre S303,75O.0O. FIFST A"IERICN.I TITIIE Il.lgJRAl,E CCI|PINY o COMMITI.{ENT SCHEDTIT.E B Sectio 2 E@rtO{S 6der }b. 3O5488-C3 Ihe policy c policies to be issued will qrtain to tlE follouing nrtters r.rd.ess lle sre are diqosed of to the satlsfasticr of l*re Cqrany: Ar&f los-s e damage, irEludirg atto:rglz fees, blr reastrr of tte nralters stsrn belcr.r: L. Ary f€ts, rights. interests, or clafuis vrtridr are rpt sfscn by tle ptrlcltc remrds hrt r.Jtrich olld asertailed bry an ]lqpecticn of said lard u btrl neking lrquiry of Belcscns in lresessicr tlereof. 2. EasenEnts or clains of eassrerrts, rot stnrnrr bry tle p:blic records. 3. Disceparnies, ocnflists in borrdary lirEs, sbrtage in area, ermorctnerrts, ard arryr other fads wfddr a @rr€st sw\relr werld disclose ard &rtrich ar€ rEt shcr'rn blr the gnilic reoords. 4. Arqr lien, c right to a lien fc senvies, labtr or materiat teretofre c tereaf@r ftrrnished, tgea bV hvr ard rnt strcr,n try the g:lclic remrds. 5. DefesEs, IJ-ens, ertcxnnb:arrcs, adrrerse claims or otter matbers, if arp', @ated,first appearirg lrt the grbltc rccords or attahirg subsequent to tte effestive date tereof, hlt pritr to ttE date the progoseA jnsured aoquires of reord fc value the es'tate or j-nterest c nortgage tlErecn ccnrcred blr tlds CcnmitnErrt. 6. Taxes dr.e ard palable; ard arryz ta:<, stEcia]- assessrents, cllarEe or l-ien lnposea fon water or ser€r senri€, or for arryz otler special taxirg districE. 7. Fttght of tte Prcprietor of a Vein or Iode to er.trast ard renrae his ore tlErefrun, shcuLd tle sare be fqrrd to peretrate or intersesh tte prenries herebry gran@I, as reerved lrt Utited States Patent reorded Ncniernber L7, L9O2, in Bod< 48 at Page 492. 8. Right of way for ditches or canals qrsbrrcted bV tte of tte llr{ted StaEs, as reserved ln Lt'Lited States Patat rercrded }b/ernber L7, 7902, ln Bod< 48 at Page 492. 9. Resb.tctitrls, r^,trictr do rrct Grtajn a ftrfslture G r€,tErEer clause, as qrtained ln insbilrEn'E reoorded in Bod< ]-74 at, page 403 ard ln Bod< 182 at @e 31. 10. Itre orcnants. uditicns, cbligatians, easenEnts ard restrictians wtrich are a hrrden to tie Candcrnirdun llrrit &c.'ritFd in Schedule A, ard €t faoith ln the Oandqdnium Declaraticn reorded Jaruary &, L976, in Boct< 24 at Pages 533 ard 534. 11. (rtifit1l ard drainage and redestrian easqEnts as strcpn cn tte Plat of said subdittrisicrr, said eserEnts bejrg tl,Er'1y feet in rctdth atcng sortnerly lot l-fu. ard ten feet jrr widt}r a-1cng Easterry ht 15.rE. (Oantinued) FIRST AITIERICA}..I TITT,E II.|STJRAIW CO4PAT..W o Order L2. E@ftClE (qrtirnred)!b. 305488-C3 An!' lcs u damage resultfug fron tte failure of tle Insured to pay tle "rea]- estate transfer ta:<" lnqnsed bg Orttimrce lib. 26, Series of 1979, of tte Irovn of Vail, Colwado, ard arry lien lnpoed bV SecUim 11, tlereof as a result of tle d\etrarE frqn Rrnld re l&ssEr ard Rrth Ann lbssEr to Bank of tle lrbst, remrded I'lat, 15, 1.991, in Bod< 554 at Page 65. Any ard all unredesed tax sa.Ies. IioIE: IJpan reeipt of a Cer-tificate of Ta:'@s Dle enddercirg that there are rp existing qsr tar( sales, tle above s@eetfcn nrill rpt appear qr the pollcles to be issued iem.nder. 13. FIRST AI'IERICA}I TITLE I}.ISURAIS OCMPAI.TY DISCLOSURE STATEMENT REOUIRED BY COLORADO REVISED STATUTES sl0-1 1 -122 Colorado Revised StatutesS'l0-1 1-122 requires that "every title insurance agent ortitle insurance company shall provide, along with each title commitment issued, a statement disclosing the following information: (a) That lhe subiect real property may be located in a special laxing district; (b) That a certificate of taxes due listing each taxing jurisdiction may be obtained from the county treasurer or the county treasurer's authorized agent; (c) That information regarding special districts and the boundaries of such districts may be obtained from the Board of County Commissioners, the County Clerk and Recorder or the County Assessor." OF SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES (PURSUANT TO INSURANCE REGULATION 8e-2) A. "GAP'' PROTECTION When First American Title Insurance Company or its authorized agent, (hereinafter referred to as "Com- pany"), is responsible for recording or filing the legal documents creating the estate or interest to be insured in a single family residence and for disbursing funds necessary to complete the transaction, the Company shall be responsible for any deeds, mortgages, lis-pendens, liens or other title encumbrances which first appear in the public records subsequent to the Effective Date of the Commitmenl but prior to the Effective Date of the Policy, provided the following conditions are satisfied prior to the Company's disbursement of the funds: 1. Properly executed documents creating the estate or interest are in the possession of the Company. 2. A fully executed Affidavit and Indemnity form signed by the seller and satisfactory to the Com- pany is in the possession of the Company. No Coverage will be afforded against deeds, mortgages, lis-pendens, liens or other litle encumbrances ac- tually known to the proposed insured prior to or at the time of recordation of the documents. Public Records as used herein means those records established under state statules for the purpose of imparting constructive notice of deeds, mortgages, lis-pendens, liens or other title encumbrances to purchasers for value and without knowledge. B. MECHANICS'LIENPROTECTION lf you are a buyer of a single family residence, you may request coverage against loss because of unrecorded claims asserted by construction, labor or material suppliers against your home. lf no construction, improvements or major repairs have been undertaken on the property to be purchased within six nror*hs prior to the Date of the Commitment, the requirements to obtain coverage for unrecorded liens will be payment of the appropriate premium and the execution by the seller of an Affidavit and lndemnity form satisfactory to the Company. lf there have been construction, improvements or maior repairs undertaken on the property to be pur' chased, within six months prior to the Date of the Commitment, the requirements to obtain coverage for unrecorded liens will include: disclosure of certain construction information; financial information as to the seller, the builder and/or the contractor; payment of the appropriate premium; fully executed Indemnity Agreements satis- factory to the Company; and, any additional requirements as may be necessary after an examination of the aforesaid information by the Company. No coverage will be given under any circumstances for labor or material for which you have contracted or agreed to pay. NOTHTNG HEREIN CONTATNED WIIL BE DEEMED TO OBLIGATE THE COMPANY TO PROVIDE ANY OF THE COVERAGEd REFERRED TO HEREIN UNLESS THE ABOVE CONDITIONS ARE FULLY SAT]SFIED. *!1", ro PRosPEctvE BUYERP C-3 (Commitment Notice) Colorado TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMLNITY DEVELOPMENT SALES ACTION FORM o^n{daqz- ZONINC AND ADDRESS MAPS 0l 0000 41540 UMFORM BUILDING CODE 01 0000 42415 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE 0l 0000 42415 01 0000 42415 01 0000 42415 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE 01 0000 42415 0t 0000 42415 01 0000 41548 XEROX COPIES / STUDIES 01 0000 42412 PENALTY FEES / RE-INSPECTIONS 0l 0000 42371 01 0000 41332 PLAN REVIEW RE.CHECK FEE [$40 PER HR" OFF HOURS INSPECI'ION FEES 01 00c0 42322 CONTRACTORS UCENSES FEES 0l 0000 41412 01 0000 41330 SIGN APPUCATION FEE 01 0000 41413 ADDITIONAI SIGNAGE FEE [$I,OO PER SQ.FT.01 0000 41413 vTC ART PROJECT DONATION PRE PAID DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FEE 01 0000 41331 0l 0000 41330 01 0000 41330 0l 000041330 01 0000 41330 0r 0000 41330 0l 0000.11330 iv 01 0000 41330 0l 0000 41330 o ? .h wr3 clNDo|ttllur|.rssoctrtr9l ,i.1,1, , : ,:ii,i. oqJect l. tt| PurPot lor Yhlch tored lr to gov€rn !h.L condoelnluq ot lrgla, gt!t. ol Colorrdo, knoYn !t har bicn'rublllt.at to th. Provlrlonr of tha 8tat. of oolorada bl' rccatded tbir non-proflt coqPratloo la proFrty rlturt tn tb. Ool|ltt \n|3 Conddlntu!|t ruch PaODaAly of lha Conddlntr! ortnrrrblg Ast Condcalnt ra Dtc lrtrtton. rl ng I tho rc l. uen'b€r5htp. HetnbershiP ln thl! Astoclrtlqr' erc'Pt lor nernberohig l;-TEc-I.niE Bo.rd of Dlrcctort. lhrll bG llltts'l- to ,.."i0' 'ornur"' o ! the condc.rinlua unltr end aubject to tha Cendo''lal.a Declarrtton. on" ,ottttrtu t ih ip ln the Assoclrtlon rhltl bG l"usd to ti' i.i"ii-."^"t ot each canderinllrla untt. Th€ record ovnert of lll l"iJ""fnf"t unttr collcctlvely shall con3tltut' all thc lEtrbcrt' In ;il-;;;;;"t'"uctt-"ntt ir ouieo by it'o. or tnore Person!.' Yhether by- lolnt tonanci. tenlnqy rn cQ{r\ttEn, or othervlse,-th' !|enbcrlhlP rr to. iJ"ii-.6"J""ii'iun unlt'tttiti ue Jiint and r EinslB Ner'6er!hlP lor ruch ;i; ;h;ii be lssued in'ir]. ni"6s of rll the oi'nerr' rnd they rh'll i.iiqnlt" to the AssocidLton in tritinq.i the tin*' cf 1!tltanc€' one l"i.3ii-rr." -"f,o t i lora the-r"jrnuursrtip .rnd h'tt'e tlre Powar to vote slld ;;;;;"hi;'- No ncnbershiP shlll b€ issued to any other P€rlon ot. ^r!i"o.i eicept ar they ri;i bc issued in substitu'Ion tor outtlandtng GiiJJir,ii" it"sign"d io nirv rccord ornerr of ca:ldc'orintu' unitt' l. Voll n9.:. Each ticnb!'r bL'ing Prcscnt in P+r5on 9r by' : prexy sh! I I . cxc6pl-Ti-nay be prov ided i1, tirc. ggnaon inlur Decldratton' b. entttled to ono votc for cach condc.llnlutl unr! ovnGd by srld nonber' iLuiit iru votlns ls ProhibiLB'd. !. Cuorun. Thc prt';.'trcc' oitlr!'r ':n Ptrrson or,by prory of- ona t,undrcd pcrL-6 t of-t he n,.ibcrs of rer'ord 6h'll conrtltrrtc i quortE Ji-t ro''i""""'iution for llt purposcs. Proxica. votc! thny bo crrt in peraon or by f-'r'rxy' itffiitrr'irt" scci,ctrry bcf or!'- the 'rPPointed tin' of 2, All prfr.nt or tulur. evD.r.. tcnrntrr .19 Ty^9CPl oersonr vho night ug-o such PtoPGrtY in any arannrr.rr' r-ubj'ct to ti'iii.iiit"ii i"I io, -h tn th;se- ay-!avrr l!s:l'l!.1o1.of.: 1?1.T,-,* perronr.Hho night us- :uclt. ProP:ItY fl i::;:;;il"i"i;;.;i' i; oi iiii-'iuri oicupucv'ot anv. o!-tb' - cond1lTl- iirii-'ii-ttt. psoJGct, hcrjinafter reterred- to .t tht 'uDttt'. tbrll .""i[iiitJ t"iiiic.tior. and accePLtncc of th€r. Dy-I&3 '$d 'tl .grl.eEnt t0 cqly hercYith. ARTICIE rr I r.enbershlp. v-ot I ng ,-0).!9I!9.r-l.oxl9!, {. Proxlo! nust b€ ea( h [loellng. :.i li"ifilfinl'riiirti"ii ind ehrruro ot ruch trdrb't rlar' ::t . .1 |',. .n*{+##',.tnin3"lH,li,!:i!l[:t:$iii]-.i*tt I :l'.il'i::Jll.tlll"i"a-;i-oJrrr 3uch'ct3'ii-[t'tne''r'-"''not--, I Drohiblted bv lre or iitil'ri:ri"l. iiil"tol-to ti 'xrrctt'd rn' 6on' :r.'* ifln:!'..T":,fli:t;F;ililf:i!-fr .ii:tl;l':Ui':iil$l$i: I !t rc! torth elrevhcrr i; ;ilt;-;t:i!vr 'nd tttc Lrttclo ol lncorPotrtron and ln th. D?er'ration i'ipiil'lrc't; tb' ProP;Xi;i::lTlt:: :* :;;t"'-tton and 'hrll rl'o rnctlle thc Poulr-t9 P:*ul:"::,'l!"oll*5 i5ollt-ul.tiont P.rtrlntng ti-i'ir' i'iirtii -it|o ou'ttcr ii nrv bc decacd propcr lii-,iil,'ii. "on'i'tuni-'itr' ir'" loreeoine' rt!:.1*:t."ltoli3"ill!"t.'il; ;;i;";; "uch duticr ".!PP'ar ln th' bert tiln-ina't6 tnr cxteni-ienltila uv tav' ' ,':t;ji.[i6n-."a'to Lhr Gx!.nt Pcrrttt'rt by rrY' ,lt:.-r:iir": I fhr Borrd of Dlrcctorr FrYr otr contr'ct' drlcga?' th' - 'Iti' l routlnc operatlon rno- rqaiigGGii -oi - ut"- ig"oc t a I ion a!frlrr to ' $1nr91tr9 1| Aqent to be G.lectcd ti-ir'3*iiiia i! Directorr' such lt'nrglng lg'n! I shalf bc resPontiblr to iiit go"ta o! Dlroctorr' rnd sh'll tub'itt 3 cooprehensrv. ,"por. on iii iiii"lii"i-.i 6ach annual scctlng ] _ _-- , ,i, na.. ed i n . i : ^',*i:i!"*aioit'ff tq?*ffi I I'ii "ll iil" hii :? i i,:$l i 1,, -'' "i"-i!t"-iii' ""et tng or - untll the lr succe! rorr :t:":::{ ;;i:;.-;; i;;---rhcir ruecesrors Ehrlr'ti'iriiiii ii-ir't tirtt-innuci ocetiog ol lhl nenb€rt o! the AEsocr"iEn].'i-t""-ioard of Directorr eh'll b€ electc't ' bv thc ne$be o" tttt''i!g'lr"i iniuif neeting-ti"rer{tcr rnc edch Dlrc€tor sirat l hclit or!ice for. a ili"-or -o'u vu"'or'u"il l,i";li;:t;15";::l: T"' lllli.i-i;a-"trirr quatifv excePt'3 F'erein'ttcr ;lurnb€r o! Directorr t";-it-;i;;;ti-f:os tine to tirae by thc un':rlacul consent of th! nenberttoi-tiu-eii"ci'tron at-anv rcq":lrt ot sPecrrl xiliF"?:li*"i:i':*'"1* *:;il-ir"t*,q:pii #i"il::"Fi:ii":ii.".iiii[i"i-"i"r l be cleqted bv the t!'en 9?tttl -?I utlrtl hlr ruscttsor ,"'Ii"!iti"ini'irratt qurtlfv' i,'1':,'' l' vscancre3' Vacancler on lhe 'Bo'rd o( Dlrcctort cautld by -' .i' rer8on rhrrr-5r-frii"d'ii-""ti ol a nrJortii ii itrr r.ratnrng Drrscrorr c.in tboush tr':ev nay.cliliti'"i-i!"i '-han i-quoiur rnd 'rcb n"nb" ro etected .h. 11 b' " o"I'ioi -unir t' r'i'.'Y:'f:::"i"lri;Igt;*;:i:tY"lli* : ;;;;;; ol ile essocirtlon at lha nsxr rnnuar '.:.,r.rDsibef t €|i Ene T etvs ' " ,lr -l :. called for tuch l,urPolr' .,:-itfti' 5. . t?Te"" !.i r;*ltigi; .?'.i3'oi ilS l $'"i:;:ii' ii$i::' lit;'"Ti o! th€ A5r;i.ET6n,_-ini, +r_- x' rh. rf f tri.lrrrr;-J;;; li'ths c n t i ra -ne,rberl.;{i !i,X'li"ll.l?l';^3'"';i.;;!.i'^if ii" i"r:i"i::i l:"i::I'li lil'**o.,''iiliI Ii.ii.a. Anv Director uhose r'--r:"'3r :l:.::"1.";'il]ia-it-ir'" of the Aesoci:tron snaii ; Iiton on !:;!'1rt\rnttY to bo hcrrd a! th' ''',;;*. i' ncet lng. i '-'- ' e . qs'F,ls_a-rls,!.. x? r.,l:e:s::1.1i,;fi}.11,1.,Y. l:,:ti3'i:.I, ' ['l.,lll]'ri:'::;ii.:: 31;?ll)li'o'"lt: :l;..::l ll:::i:l;i?3"'.,.'.:lli.;:l; i::lli:*.:i'i;'.;.'il:l:':?^"'ii::i:;l'il3'"'li"'i'l'J;"iiiil'"i" ':*'*:'o r. o-.qr..i:niio3orriii.lrii,,,Tl',li;l; iil:'3i,:!.illi:li:lilii:",."' l:;:u":l 3'::;'::'";;ii't'J'rii'"i 6i 1;1s ir"c!tnti.;lninl'5i':1.:l:i":" ' i:i: rii:i 6 ; iilir"*ir iii.,i:iii.::'i::: :::r'"::' i'il'' T,,1d..,, *,',' r; :''l.tJoritY oi tha r'lrarc ,' 'r' ,1.,'F..m;'#iffi" i:,-..,,-i: .. .. ,-. - ,. ,",ii1,. r .d-{{r.qrF!.lldt{l+.r}Ahr{rr,r:rxid.rra*liarJd.c*:n1,;,..,}, Dtrrctorl trco lhr rlull bo Eo.rd of t lapboa.tsottlg. l. lequlrr Nr.tlngt. lcaulrr rcrtlt{t ol th. fo'rd ol ii" tsi E-i tri;i ".r.S-tt"c ind Pl.c. r!- rbrll be drtrnln ii" ts*fiiii;i *;f,-ir""-ina plrc- rr-rbrll be drtrnlnodr to'ttr'., by I NajaEtty of tha Dlractorr, but-at l"lt on' iia-i"ii"a'oich iItcal vcar. rotlc. ot rcgrl'r r6'tlngr- o iltrfi.]"$ I''.i iJl'r ii'lr -li.'oiii"ii'1, fr t-it- ii.'t on' rGtt lDe niia'i-'-l i "g' oi.r, i r i Jii vi"i. - ioiii- -oi' "g" r'r'::!11'-:l-:l:Eo E unr ' er - n,qJv. - !, -atlDgr ol tha niia-auii"g'orch ilucal yoar. iotlc. ot rcanlrr iiiil"I"ii ir'irt br eiven'io crch Dlrcctor, gcrpnrr|1-gt,:y Hll D.y D.t lro sonrlly or bY nal l,lractort rhrll b. glven to Grch Dllcctoa, P€rsonrrry 2t ^ct :' ;;-;;i;ri;b; rt liact t.n dtv. Prtot lo tL' dr:f nu6d tor th' t. 6pcc f!!-!!et f r'gf . SPGcl.l Dc.tlngr o! tha Eo't, d - ot-Dlr'ctort t. 6pcc1.l .€tljg!. sPCc try ba crllad bt tba-tr.sldcnt on ten apcclll Dcatrngl ol Er|! 4.rs r,. v" on ten dtyr' ttotic. to c.ch Dlrcctort,iii.i"riiiiil t ii ii-ul- ii iil"i. i.pr'ono "i- !"1:!:?ll,'l11I, St:::, ?* lr :iffi 6:Iiii i"i'pil"l-i,i i"ii5l"";t-!rc ioitti'g' .gPccret Dcatr'e' oi tlc - Sorta of Dlrlctorr strait Ll called by tht Pr"ldcnL or S"crct'r oi'tlc-Corta of Dlrictorc sttaii !r celled by th. Pi"ldcnl or secrct'r)t i; iil.;;;.;-ia-oa rlic-nJiici-"n rh vriltrn t'gu"t ol 't le3tt tlttt D.rc.nt ol tha Dtrrctors. lo. rrlv.r o! Iotlcr. E.!or. or .t 'ay ao'tlng 93 tht lo'r9 of otrrctoii, ..lt.6Ir.AEr Dlyt tn Yrttll{, rttv' aotlc' ot luc!: ECCtrng iio-liii-i"ri.r irt rr b.'ao*'ii "g"tt"lcni-to tlr glvrng-of. lucb notlc'' fri"il."".-Uy'. Dlr.ctor rt ray-njottng o! th' Eo'rd !h!ll bt a vrlvlr li-i6-udi-ui'r,jr of thr tine ria pl.cG-ti.r.of.. rl rll th. Dilectorr Ii.-iiii"l'.f .nv "c"trig or-ite'roera, no.nottc. atrell br rcgulred rnd r'|y iurlnerl Day ba trrlllacted .t ruch D€'tlng' Il. quortJr. A r.Jorlty o! th. Eo'rdt of Dlrcctorl shrll co6- ,Lltut .'ilo.fi=if-tr'c tii"loctr"n o! buslneer' b.rt l! 't rny $eotlng ii-iu.-r..ia tbarr b. tett tban I guo.ru.t prer"nr, I t iorlttr of lho3. pr3a.rt lly adJourn lh. rG.tlng fror tiDt to tllrc' f2. Mlournecnta. Ths Eoard of Dlrectorr nay adJourn lny a'ctl!|g frc dry to atl-o-i_?6i--EGh oth€r tin'c ar nly b' prudent or necelsrry rD th. l:rLrrort ot thc lssoci"tiJi,-pioria.a thit no-nccting n.y bc .djourncd for I Frlod longer thln thirly dsyr. l!. fldelitv Bon.lr- Th3 Board ot Directort n'y roquirc.thrt rII offlcers aiil-6!'I6lE-ea o-f tho ls3oclrtlon h.trdllng ol resltrn!lbl. i"i ici".i.tfon funit ?urnlch adequltc fldclity bondt ' Th' Prerniu.ct on iuch bona s thrtl b. gatd by the Asrocl'tlon' AIITICLE V olfIcera L D.!lqn.tton. rlt prlnclpal of!lc'r! o' !h' '\3toctrtlon rhrll ba I prcaldentl-iiEioEry a.rd a tre, iurer. tll o! vha rhall b' cl'ctcd iJ i"[-iioo th. Bc.rd ol Directora. fh! Dlrector. nay appolnt .n lrsta- ii"i"i.i.ri"ii-.nd oo AsslstAnr tre.aurlr. rrd such oth.r ottrce!r rr ln thrlr Judg&ont o.Y bc ncceasary. 2. Etectlon of offlcer!. Thc oftlcerr ot thc lsloc{'tton shlll bo olectc{t rnn-uiilly E -5;-To11E-;f Dlrectort, .t th. orqanltatton mo.ting ii "i"f, n." Boardr-ani ahill hotd o!flce a! th' Pledsurs ot th' Bo'rlt' !. Removrl g! offlcers. uPon an afftrnatlva votc of tvo-thiril! ot .hc ne"io tr?'tf;-ia-"-ia -"l1Tro"tb.", any of f icer 'ti;y br -':'3"'ed 'eitne-itt or vlthJut cnu:'€, l!:d his succcssor el('cted a! anY-rq9ul'" ;;;;i;r'oi''dle aorta o! DirecLorc. or a! qny special nceting of th: ilonrd crllcd for ruch PurPaac. a. Prestdent. tha Presldent chall be ttrc chle( cxecutiv' o.ticer ot';hG-ffii'iion.'-xo ihall prcside at alt ncorlnqr of :ho ro..i"it and of tht tsoard oi Dir.ctcre' no sh'll- hovc all ol the ?('ner'rl *:roir-.,ta dutle! tJhich aii no."alIy vcstcd ltr thc vf I ri'' uf tl"' ir"r!' Siii'ir-i-"o,r,iiitrli.'-ri'ii'aine t ui not llmlted.to tho. Po'der to 'ri'P.,t'rt connlttcel frol anong lho l:rrl.brr! frofl ttne to tln€ j:3 he rnoy' ln nrr lih t -a- dl3cr.!lon, dccldr lr epproprtrb to a.rtt! t!ol th. A[ocl.tto.tb cosd$c! ct t. gccr.t sa. tho lccr.t.tt rb.tl l.f tlt rlDEt" o! !.u ':'? acrttncr ot thiFfiilr h. rhrll brvo th curtorly of the 5.u ot- tDt- lrroctitlonl h. ah.ll b.v. eh.rg. of tb .r.b.rrblP boolt -.trd rucl-och" boohr lnd pap.rr .r th. Soerd ot Dlr.ctor. r.t l!-lt.c!r..ns l.-l!!ll:-- Thr A3soclltl9n lhrll lr,de nlty svcry olrcctor ot oltlctrt. ' ri' hlr helrr, exocutorr, rdntnistt.torll and representttlv!!. :grl[lt''r''ioir. .orLr and axPensea, tncluding couns.l feet. relron'bllt ticurrt' i"-il:r fn conncqtlon vith any acti5n, ruit, ot prrrcecding to uhlch h' iiy be rtadr I P.rty by reason of hir be tng or hrvlng been I Dlr'ctor-oa "l?i.i. o! thi'Ase;cl;tlon, cxcePt !3 to ;'tter3-r'-to vhlch hc rhr!t be , ;i;;iiy Ji:"i-iJ'i. such aitlon,'cutt, or-Proccedins to.b{ ltrblt fot ;;;;; -'n"; i i;;ici or vtrrful-rntscondusi. tir thc cvent o! r 3cttlcncnt' ire"r.-i i i.. i ioi rhall br Providcat onty in con;:c;tlon elth tuch rr'tt'll i"".r.i-Uy ahe sc:tlonent rr tg Yhlcb the Aslocirtlon lr ltvi3ed by io",rsel iiat the Perron to ba indepnifrcC l'-s no! b'en-gullll o! grorl ;;;ti;;r.;c or- "iitful rnieconduct in th€.perfornancr ot his 'luLy :B "iiit-i.""g"r or officer ln relatton to thi n'ttor lnvolvcd' thc fotc- iiiio .tofits 6hall not bc exclusive o! other rlghtt to uhtch such nrnlgcr 3i:';iciiil-t;.v r"-"^iiti"a. $l liabiIitv, !oEr.,'d'nagG' ccstr.!nd ;;r;;;;';;".;ictt-or s,'rfered b! the lrsociation.by rcrson o! 'rlrlng out ;i';;'i.-;;;;iilton vi*r'irt. I6t<.g"r'"g in3'':r'!fis'-rtton erovlrioll--1|'-rlr ii iicatcO .nd handlcd by the Assocl.tton rt coFJion €rPontq3i Provrceu, t"irri. - tr,.i-n"lttt"9 f n'thir .lrtlclc vt containtd shrll b' c!'oirea - to. $i;;;i; iiii-r".""t.Iton i"-tnJ*"tiiy any r'enbcr -ot o.ncr o! r ccndonlnlur ;;i;:-;;"-i3 li-h"r boon i-aiiu".ot ir oif {c!'r of rhc Atsor:ntlcn' elth ;;;il"; ;"-;"y-dutior "r "t'iiiiiio"s i'c':n"d or ll'rbiltties lncurrad bY ;l;-;;;";-";J'by vlrtue oi thi co"d''niniun D*clcr'tton at c iit;r'b!r! (tr or':r:r of a condinlnlun unit covcrcd t|"lrcby. ln genoiir', iirlon rll tho atutt.r lhcld.at ta tL olftc. ot &ca't'at' 6. tra.lurar. tho Traaturaa tbrll b.va for Assocl at I o6'-?mi':nd mcurltie. .Dd rh.ll ba koaplni full rrd rcculrte rccorda of .!l rtcalPtl boolr Salonqlne to tba A!8ocl.rtloa. l. rhrll b.porit o! ati aoncyr .nd-othcr v.lu.bl. ctt"ctt tn Lrcdtt. of tha lr-tocl.tlon ln ruch dePorllolla. al bG designrt.d b!7 tba Eo.rd ol Dlt.ctorr. 7. Cdnp€nslllon. l.o lor thoir ecrvi&-s--el6 f fTcerr.7. Cqip€nsltton. Ng coopcnr.tton rblll b.-P.ld to -offlccta lor thoir ecrvf&-s--eI6f-fTcerr. tio- renuncr.tlon rhrll-br P'ld to an off{cer for tervlcea Perforn?d by hi! for th. A3locl.tloT la 3ll.o:!aeaeeltv- unlegl I resotqtlon authorlulnE tucb tgluneratlgt fnltl n'iiiiJli-ioi-tut"i.ea plrforned by hrl for th. A3locl.tloT ia 3l.o.g:!capaeity, unleet I rcsotqtlon a u thor I u lag -rucb. .tenY?erl! 1?t-:lt-ll,:n i-[n-iilptJ by-ttrr roard ot Dlr.clott bcforr thr rrvlcer .r. urdsrt*.g. ^krlelr vl I ndsE'nl t lc. t I olr ol ol t-l_cg l{r.Lc!P -!''.t: l. T'hr Assoclation and its t|lcnbcrE sh'rll.hrTc all.lh: ilfil?:rr.hrs. ouii".'ifu^Jiiie"iiJI"-;'it'i;.1; t; it' fl:i:l::-":..1l:.llf.Iillll iJ'"1il;;;;:;"ii;^;-;i"1;;-;;::t;il. iuioc-o"o i.:!:tl:.,."1: iilI.'::l:..::lt;'::"r., rris 'tJJvtr"\'-"t -"-tin-ini'ni'""y t.,i ttt* o"ic niy bc 'l'rl}- :'|!\al"ri o:lll--:::'!t'J:':'i.::?l::':l rn.,;:rbi.rshio in the rss<ri.rfii,n-ir'itt'tc ',ia"rrr. L:jllsr-.r!,r,r i.rtrbn shrll t)c n.rd.iili.,t"J. Ns t:.1ns(err of urt:i:rbi'r ship in the-lssoc :I;:;;";" ;;";i;e;'h;;.ii "iJ-'o-",il'n'ir",'srer Fhrrr hc Fr'!i" qi'in ths b)ok3 ot thc ;1ssoc.raElon ,i[t,fi ton dtty! next pt !'cadltrg i'he nnxu'tl n*.cl rn9 ot thc A:i$2el'rt lon. -_ lr,.ill;i,ii::,,,.'-i |raIl ed .n rrll rtn9 i rds :al ,rrlt I AFITCI,€ Vrrt Corp31g6 5611 . l. th. Eorrd of Dlrrctor. rhrtl provldtr a..l cont.tnlnt th. n|!. of thc A.socutlon-, yhtcb thc A.soclrtlon, yhtcb raal fhall curtody lrd conlrol of !h. Sccr3trr)'. rlord by tha lorrd of Dlslcto.(.htLori, rnd rhsll br rubJcct Co ly-Laxr rnd tbr Daslarrtion. a, lba c€rporrta lnrcrlbrd th.rcon th! na.oa t$ tlr. clrch arld th. rord by th€ Eorral of Dlrcctolr,gftlcar aE oLha8 plrron .a th. Artlcl.r o! hcorposatlon, thc.a .,. .'i tort rhall Da la ctrculrt totr. rh.ll D.va.,i:of th. Arsoctrtlon ard tha rJord rcotorrdo.nsealr la tbr nlddl.. tt rnd yb.n to dlrGct.d Ib. ! dupllcrt. .crl n6y bc k.pt and ut€d by such thc Sorrd of Drrecton thrll naar.. ANTICLE II Hlrccllaneour to bc turnichcd ?.. 3!P99.!t93-d-99.oL9. rin.ncl.l re l6nco, anO Cne nenb€rshlo r.cr1rdr 6f r l. loota and lccountr. Bookr rnd rccountr of tha laroclrtlon ..1''ibrll bG tept [frIe-i-T&-ilTE'dTTdn of rh. rretsurcr and i"-;;;;;;;;;-;Iin.ttl ,tb. rcraonablr rtandards of rcuountlng proccdura tnd prudenci. --''-- --:" ol_ Bg'kr. fin.ncl.l reportt. ruch rt rrc rrqut;ed nenb€rshlp rccordr ol the Arroctltton rhall 5. or r z i tlon i ; rffiil,-ilaiti,**ti*H"#i*F: * " :l :o " :1.^r: I :r- r u th' I . I' othar -obl19a r lonr- rharl b. executed on tehlt! 6t tttc irioctitrdn uy-aiy, ..;.,,ri",;tso offlcers ol th: lssoclatlon. .--- - --- -: ,, 1 #fj -{-. L!!g s t__lggt. The f I scll year of th, Atsocl.tlon rhell *. a.tr' oeternrned by tho Board of Director! Ehould A3s3clrtlon prrctlce rubsc.guently neceatlLata ruch change. ; ,i: ;.i,,. :::ll:!ll_.t,:!: F:lrlclp.r afflces-or urr eaaociiiior roi iaitc.-diop ri rotSontDla t!!at by any ncnbers or lny flrrt Eortn.qr..rotgonablc ttncr by any'ncnbers or lny flrrt ooitg.gr. ABrrcl.E t l$ e-!i {r-eA L_ 9t_I!}: :LjrJ! lct I tll ootr .lt. I tha .va :ec ld SUab 'lr I :t;:.,. . -i trr"!" , )li'":'-'1. ''atlon rr.' . vl tb t cq.r I tc4 .rl be 'rF at .1'. :,1j' au tb- lf uf y any l, tct An otner sholl tra obliqr:(r':l to rclnburrc the Asr"slr'll: , prcnptly upon rer';rPt ;i'-tit-;;;;.;.''lt roi rrv ':iF;;it'uie- tnJu:rcl uv'r rn roprlrlng o, ,up,."ing-iiy'io"]'tif or -lir'ti'"1 ii-"':ron olt':'c:lt dr-r;"i .'' ;; iri l-;;;i ig.'nri ir uy itn i'ogtl.;srnr'g of h:t tr'rrnlt' lavlt"or; or rt'.'n:: ,:ffu$t {. tl sa s-.o-f .-gql-t 3. .- rntcrn.rl.chrn{o-1. ,l lt) All unlt! rl:.rll hc : . j:-' utili...{ ' (bt ,rltr.r.lt il.):rs to hi3 h.l It t,..:r ,ri r.l.1v,rl ot ,\n oBncf Fhr I I not rl;r uDit or {nst.|I| |'.r.n5 thC n.r,rr (l (tl nl rrrcl!'r13. ,,.''..., i,. r.,, i.;iiii i.: ur l hrrul ! :'l I r'.'tr'rt I r,;"i ;l:ll.H. Tl'fi:"J:,r:;';?,::,:I.'nt.nir.d Gonvcvencet and Encunbnncer IN TtTNE9g h.rdr thtr day of"t*Ot, the under c l gned ,h!v.Ghcreunto aat thrt the abcvs o;d forcgoi,., - il,li"", - I DirsuLors of s.id corioraIloi as the ol DirsuLors of s.id coiirora the dly of r l9?{, Dodl ltcrtlonr 't Xlr)H ALL.UEN By "HESE pREsENTg, r'( lporJtier, _dccc -heroby cert t fy u.,rc duly ndopted by thc Board'Et,-Lrvr ol sajd corporatlon on and thlrt they do nou constttute Da ted r ,!t,.. ''.li i i;'l;r:: ;. ll:i ',,,:i,i .il':-{l;:''i , {,r j ', r l, .r:. ,ri;l:ril&1,, . oorrpoqltr u{ , pEclLR rrq! 9t y$_-sstggrNI-ES. XNC!| AtL frEX Ey THITFE ptaE8F}Ir8, thr! - _ta}it:nEJ\s, Rr.l3 ltc!sn-or |nd Hltltu t. Vl9or, hcr€lnafter riiferred to ar ,Declarant,f, and ttr o""l.ir'"f if,i rorrorrno dercritcd roal esrstr Ettualo ln ir,e doin ti -o i"i"iill -ii"i. "r Colorrdo r lot rlt Blghorn SuMlvlrloi, tth tddltton to Vsll, Elglo qounty, Stlta of Color.do. - IfiTEEEAS, trocl.rant, derlre to 6ltrblt3h a condoxj.ntua pI"J::t. und€r and purounnr to th. C(;hdt6ln i,r-clr"nriir,ip--ril "f tha Statr of Cc!.oredo, aa anendodl r,|d - . -,.,,tftlERElg.. n€clarrant! hlv. conpl€t€d thc ccrnrtructlon of .- purJ.qlng and othor lnprovoment, appurtcnant lhereLo gn tha :bove -dercr t t eat proper t.! vh tch vtll' ioni ili'iC -i"o t2) - ieliiauc ty doatgnated condogrinlrn url !r, ar€ WHERIA.g, Ddcllrrntr.do^her€by €rt.bll!h r pl.n lor th.ovotrthtp of. soFar atE fee. etrpto eriirJi-conJiitini or ttrc aiJa ?.:^:l:1: !f,r"lned. {n ear:h ot-the untr! in tnc luriAing r-\|proi.:ii,€nt, co.t ths cc-o"rnerahip by the tndividuat an{ aeparnLe (',,rJ',er I il eroof , irc te;rants tn cc,l,i,roi. of cciiiin-ot tf,C r..i"aining i6rl Nr,J perqonal pri,pL.rry heretnalter datf;;-;nd lerer'ed !o a,Llta 9en6l. il coriTton aleEant!. - !9tr TUEFEFOR', Declarant.r do hGreby publlrh and d€ctlra that tb6.follarlng terrns, cowrantr, condttioirr, eas€nentr,restrlct lons, urer, llmlt-drionr and'obtigiiioni'"r,"rf b. dcen6d to run-ylth the land, shall.b€ a UurOen ' ina'U.nlii t -t" Doctar.ntr,tiolr luccegeorg and s8slgna .nd_any p"i"on"i"gufrIng or orrnlDg an l:!::::: ln thc reat nrope!!y and trnpiovenentrj tneir auccc6sor!,9rAntee!, h,..,lrs, cxccutors, ad,r,irrirtiotore, dcvrlCcg, ana aasiini. l. Deflnltlrrns. - Untesg thc context rhalt axprcarly prevl de orhe;Ti;;;-Th1--ro I i;;i;; jii r "iiiiil iiiii r opp rv, (!) .Incllvldual Atr S?acc Unttr neanr an!, sp.c!(vhether enclos.rd or orhe;tsa aof f nea -on tfr!'rniii- - gcgypytng all or part o! i ftoor or flooir rn a bu{ldtn9. subJect hereto, anA vrtrictr-fn-n6-casc ertenCr .l€yonq trls portmctcr uallg, celllng. ftoorr, windoe,dnd doors thercof as dasignaiod ;;'ih;-;;;. . . (!) iCorrdonlntun Unit' or ,0nit. oeanr an JrrdtvJcucl,:tr slrace c,,it-tofotrrei-.lttn-ii.,o lnrercst rn tDe gener!l and Ilnitad cornrnc,n elenentt appurtenan!to such unll. (cl 'Grner. ncans r p{rr6on, flDn, corporntlon.p. rtne lsh tp, DErocl.tton,'or.othcr t.i"i iiiiii,-"r en!,.cotnblndtlon thcreot, ounlng on€ or !:roro condooinlur Dn.l Lr. iriii:]jj\ (!) Al I .xl rt l bg for l.)-ra B€aEn t !trulldingrr norxal!.y ln thc inprovorncnia, (r) .Buildino' cornprising a parq oi (Cl 'C').,il.,rninlut! ililil:i'i;l: initin,rv .rr or(fiu ;:iffilr:* llooont.'E.ar rnd lncr'dor ,n',oJll" i:l^illi;i frl'[,i.,ll,if roo! arc. ", onJll ",*nilf,ilo 'll"ln:a;t tdtne rt rocrtGd -dpprrtur. egul ffient eDd! natortals crrrsi€'n uee lncldental t" lfr. Uuiii_g, 'o..o.Jil.';".:i:j':''!'.;l:iesr | ^.'PreDrsct','proJect. or lsl:::*':;. tf , : :i::ilj::'*ihiii:lllij l'lli;.i l' .n.. r.,lll",'l*lj:;".i:Hl- "ler*n tr' Ecr* thos" parts or o! rh. oun.r "r i.."i^i",ii,li"i.fflfo lor thc erctirsivo usc Cr]ruhon utc t ProJ ect. r.icrnE ahd I \rbs equen t I y (h) 'Corr,ro<,n Expcnser. !€ut rnd At I other tnd r 19h t! ex I st enct , P.rtE Of tha D€c€ asi!ry or F.alntenanc€ s d'" i n ! s t r. t iorl I ep l,.rceDc n t o! proPcrty lnd convenlcnt to tha rnd latcty, or .ll ot thc ldnd ahd suLri t tcd to thi. In€!uder: ng.i|irr tha of Dt rec t ort .nd narsgcnent,t::C IL'i-.efal _^__.. (l) All Suhs ldufully .sse!s"d ::';t'.:ff;:i^iUTl::"i:;.;; ;;;; - (?) Expcnles of Ita j n lc na nce, rcpd i r or cc{r,ri.on €l-lntr1ts. ,_it j:_lo.::Fnser declarad c\orrlnon cxpsnsos bt rhe {I) rlsaoci.rtion , i*" * ili: {i* tii :ii Ht ; ili;1 :f i,;ir;:::r r, :jFr : I i * i::.rjrii:"; ij, il ri ?'r I ri' :itj iii. ri::j i;1.";,r'r;; ; . - ;;' i;3 j : ::j::t" ..i ::,. :l ; i" - r ".i "'ii.i i"i" j':i ".;::" llI-_'I:rt. or'ptnns. h,,..rns and , nct u.:cs t he jllli::"::i.: ; .: l:-r i :s.';d "r"ini:: "i' :l:'::; f ;:"iff ,::":::e' " ..' i t i; r: i;^' il u il i il,,'j "ii,i"lr nC.tirs .r b,.r j )..1ir,.. t hu. propo y1y.I nFrc,,.aii. irt .ll of tho J:1!' Ot hcr or tll of '" u, l: -, FFo-nl ht-g1_Igl:,- rhc ,Frp rhrtl br frl.d for recrord lrl ll ::- :li.'r rtffi#fr#l"%,r. J;""HL; l;i ilT" f i : *,f:; ;:;:$l-t..:":: r :I_of - :td Jei" ii, irr i rj"ir,i-iiiiii "iil.Iiiii"n"Ji'.ff EurracE or rla land. tooctr,."i "iir, iiiiriiiii.;-;;.;fi.;;;;.;l'logal iloscrlptlonr ot ariy gi,norar """rroi e iuil"irl (r) th. ! ln6rr Il:l -l::::1"313n1_ ; r. f ;v l ; ;";;i"";il;;"i ii#"ii,' iir r.r s u rc'cn rr -snd loca r toir I'rr ur icioriiJo-lJ'Tij'lriii r"J Douhd.rtc. of th. ldni!, oi ttre uuttai;;-;";-,;'' Alrr-, r_-boundarlcr or tlo,_iaii,_ .s.s.!rrr!,!r ce sr! lrErrlor Durlr 6" l- ri- \,.rr. ^. 9!,!h9 bul.ldtng and lll other- iilrovcrnentr *:':,:j.:?^p-u"rii Ji^iiri"i"il';;';:"i#";t; iii"'riXll'liffl lll ::il":::?^tl:r-"1_t;i-u,iiJi"i' ti.;;;'lil"i# d:T;":iiH,'ll:. ::l !. _u:"-t 9i,1.t I op. a1o rb; -t ; ;;;; ii;ili"il:;"l,Jt.uiii"lii"ir,.doslgnatlon oi thG tr;ia e'gG'"r'u'r' ( or rho un!inrstoa r"r,,,r'll ::l:H:^:l:y:j!,-.(.) thG-Glovattont !tntsted tntertor'rrracer 9!-tr,i. rj#rr;';iii;;:j;lnear uaaauren€n!r rho!rlng tha thlckne3a o, thG l)erlBe illr:1," r r near ucaaur""enio or,o*iii *,"''diriilTii li.fil.iiliil.",of t eall!. th. l,laD shrll contrln t_c6rtlfl,:jrta of reglatrrcd .rchlt ct or llc6nsod orofesston;'l'iigi,,."l-J"Ittfytns that ll" Ifp thererolorc t{ied, _or_ ttre o.erla;.i -iai-or xrp ffled rrFultaneously th.r€ytth,- ruffy anJ i"""i"[iiy-aup, ct, tlr.r.yout, EDi6urements rnd loqatfon of aii-oi-itr figrovermntr.99 errl co&.ion oter.antr, t!,e.unii i;.i;;";i";;; and the dirocnctonr ot such unltr and tho cievatlon, "f tfli'ii"ori,rnd cctltngr. tn lnternretlng t.ho fi.p t}o exlatlng phyrlcrl boundlrta,ot e.ch untt .s coirgtruefed "r.,iii uj-cJi"i;;ii"iy prc, urlcd tcl bq ltr tounda r t cr. i ii i.s. ff lj",#dffi #,* f if; 5l j*$#t :rsi*EF**+. Trro (?) seFarate feo E.{,nrpl e eatatcr, erch such llnalstlng of one unli tolether vlth rntercst ln and t6 th. .'a^A--t ^^-^^rntercst ln and to tho general conron I::^l:to"lod. Exhlbtt_ A.t hich by thls hereof, nach conao,it n t "i-,ii t i' "rr., i i b)r ths nunrber at shor.,n "" ri"rrtt,il"i. fhc of e genernl corn:ion e I cloent s condoniniua unlt.shrlL be held In csnqon each s uch i1,1.*fi Fiiilrl-1!L-!#J. j*H?'*:#l+ii,"",.l:"1"1^li..nd r h6' "l i ", u #:i' FtIl ::i t ir" .ii#J'.93i:? r*: llnrlted co"oon clerenti a p!.irr r le na n t thcreto rhall ba irfi :ii [:!';"i;..yi !i;*t;I:1.,]iii i;f,;,Jilu';"i;".yI ::J:,?l;I::.":ii:"u, encurnbercd, devrsed or H: : pis:,. i::*l#*qifu i:.rii:i;ii i{+s;?it+., il!:r,;ooo,,. " "", 5. dcscrjEe a condomtnirln ;"ii ;; ii;"id;;;i'r;i';;."X'i{ ;:Hil Iii]:::l"rL.l:-T:g:j._. _ vHs condonrnrwrs vrth rurrher :;ill.lj"" j: "i:.^i::; :::. o. Ifi ,!??i?.litdTj:p . *.,""1 ll illll,* .: ::::,::;l_;::. : il; i : i :; i"?"1"1,'i"F;,olE;".:'::nf:;:' I p,, "n trinr rer, < ncunbir or o trrcrvi sc - i i i"li' tf, i' gi;:g:i":.".,1";"liil.:r,,!ndl th€ Jir. lrr:d conrorn et,.mont= ,."..",-^i'i^:-:::- ...-.St:.I:.:: .reecrved foi rrse ,rtl *""tr -""njoiirron ;li "., " :lf l::,, *: :::y:i., li- ;;ri ;-; i "ilo;:;,".iio'l j?"11"t"":;i"?i ::saId unrt and rhs iiiitlo-.J".ii"Jrli,.iiH'I'ii.:fi..lf:;:.:: Declarnnt rerervei tho Eo tttDa, to sonfon aaDa to Lhe coraCructed lEprovanont3 lnd to rr tc ra tI oDt. right to ameDd thc Xap, fror tlnc lctur-l phyclcal locatton ol tha any ch.nger, edl ll c.tl onr or Th. hereby crtrtt dn nPPurtenrnt unol vl ded elcncnt! ac set forrh in feferencc {g rnadc a part be J Cc,r tified on thc-tt.p by thc o;n€rs (. - t.- or record ,ch H.p ,f th. r.ta e I i n"rr 0velnant3 pl.nB cdt ion, t and the tions rn9!t sriElclcr i:an3lon5 rnderles to on tin? tht or rh. e hcreby Lr'/ 'to ra t h an t i,&On. Or tn any I'ea I ProPs rty of Col or ldo, 6. Scpar8t.., As 3 e s-g-c-lt- snd trx.tlgg - llotlc€ to l s r r, s r o r I - cri-el ; r-" ;l i' ; t' ; tf -iTv-e- Er-l EE snloETc- !o-t}T-Fa g r r 66n-t!-'jEtar cor of tho crer[lon o! c$ndorrlntr'tl ounorrhlP ot thlr -prop+rty, ar lt provldcd by lav, ro thlt c.ch unlt rnd Itr a!-,purtinant undlvlded lntarsst ln th. gonarrl cat.lon eleueirgs rhall be clucapd a a€parlto Prrcal rnd lubract to rePtrrto alalgallent and t rrx rt lon. 7,?ltl€. A condoBlnlu! unlt n y bo halal and ot.'ncd irne perron 16 Jolnt t€n&rltt or r! trnantl ln tenrncy r.l.tlon6hlP rocogn t 3ed '.,,3er ths lawr I i. NonD.rtltlonabttttv of Gcneral eon'non Elencnt3. Thc gcnerrl cofinon ell'5ent3 shall' b0 ovned ln codtron Dy En! orrneig of both th€ unltr and Ehall renaln undivlded .nd notthcr (dn€r rblll brtng any a('tlon lor Prrtltloi or divtllon of tha geoorat coruron eleroentt, NothIng cont.incd hercln 6h.ll ba ionstruod as a linitrtlon ot tha rlght of P.rtltlon of I curdorrlnlum unit bet,recn the ovnerr-thcrcoi. but tucb Partltlon $ball not aflec! rf'y other condomlnlu.B unlt' t, U3e o! General lnd Ltrnlt"d Cotwnot! tteDentr. Elch o/ncr sr'a i r r;i;firt'r;r-r-EiEl-trclVE-6iE?-e-ETp--rE-T6E3:esslon of hia unlt. Each ouDer has the oxclusivc !l9ht Lo usc thc lhited coftrnon eletocnls !n acc-ordanco with th€ PurPoler for rhlch any cuch elerncnts nro intended rlthout hlndcrlng or ancroachlng uPon lhe latful rlghlr ol tho othgr ovnert' 10. (tse lnd o. <uF,tnqy, lll unlts shall be uscil .nd o,:cr-rpled 1,rinilf atly fot- ra-siEent i.I Pu(Poses by th? ot'ncr, by the ownerit f3nily .Jr t'e ca'netrt guoslr and teDlntc' ll. Easer.reits for tncroacbhentt! tt any Porllon of tha qene re I ccl':oo5ir-ET-.-iiiTij ri 6w o?-lieEl-f tGI e ncroachc r upon r iond,i,rnt n iul unlt or unltE, I vtlld e!rencnt for lhc encrorchJa€nt 6nd tor lhe nalntur,anc€ of 3am€, ao long at lt rtandt, sh!lI and dotr cxl"t. If rny PJrtlon o! a unit no,J or here'fter encroachet qeon the qeller.l ctrrunon elenrentt or uPon an adjoining unit or u'nltc, a ialld casenent for the encroachtnent and for Lho r,.:lntcisice c! sailr, !o l4.ng lt lt !tand5, !h.ll Ind doe! exltt' Por tltle or othsr purposcs, such encro.ctlt|lents r'1d e'senrentt shnlI not be consid":rei or deterrnined to be encutibroncer either on the gencrrl c'onrtlon etcnentt or thc ccndorniniu,{ unit!' 1 2, leln ! !-! t--lr]l- e L.lteS!t-9I&l!--L iln,E&h !!-'"d r n s.'nn i i i " u t i6; lr t--L-;S "r-7; : ;l;'il-6:- ::'r r I t l-s-Tlin i s he d a nd frrcor po?atGd -in-a untt eith- the consen! or rL ths reqlcat of thc o*ner'thcreo! or htB rgent or hls contractor or subcontrlctor uft"f i 6" the basis for-fillng o! r Iien agaiost the unit ot tho oLher ovner not exPrcssly conscntlng to or rcquesting :he 6alno' or agaln-*t th!' gcnarrl ca/nYron el!.lnent8 crincd by.3r'ch othcr qunel or hia a';cntr' -Eiclr tr'.'no r shaMn,lc'nnify and hold hrrnlcst tho oltt"t o"n"t And tho i'ssocioti"n from nnd .gajnst 'll li'lbility iif"inq lrolrt thc clal'r of any lien dgaitrst tha unlt of thc othcr o"""r 6t against tlrc ,jcncral !'oi.ton;lcicnta for corstruction ".ii"r."a Jr for l-tLoi, r'.ltcrlal, rcrviccs, or other l\rodt'Fta lncorpor.rLc.d in or ot!:cl.!:,c Jltrlt'utat't" to thc ovrer'! condonrnrutr unlt at auch o\.ncr's rcqucst. ch n !P in trrrit 'd the re tor od, !erse, rthcr cY, a:r<io -. i i. i t.,r ''t.:i , r o! '.'; It. rd*tnl |!-r, {-qn -I4-,I4!99t!l9nt r th'. ldrlotttr'cls ."o *'' ";**WtRi:!W,#*##ffi lEi-,tr..5:iifr ili urd snratrnEliiFtf,'I-r-Fl'elnlua P:r')Porty by tb. Afo tclc.-of ttrcorlr)n!19!-n"l- Il;ll:l!-fai. o! q5 Conitc.lnlury.fnll:"X;i;';r;;.i;"&Ffi;;[ii", -n'iitnic:;:. nf:'1d,::-1^*3.3:l.i;tl$':'i'!ll.iiiii'$f 6rTr,!"i;illitlf !;-e! 11ie1poratto rlrtoclatlont. I ccEtltto'l cgl'l' ot-glu L:'rEtElcsE! 1'r "rri{,. lry ollii-li6oirt'i""-iriiii-ue- iil* 11. rrel: 99YltI^::::::l:1t "iliJi-Jrpoiettoa shall b. fiLd ln.!rgl' county Gte'ntttrlt -if-riiariouifv or prlor to-ttrr rccarratoi -ol t}llt- r''cl rr'tloa' la -^.-r a. i .*hr.itn{rrn t rt. "upon ba':':nlm rn (l'n't, Shrll D";;;';i-;';ioErf, i ui- "i it, -upor' ga''c"'tne'" 9!I'!f ' .1!'ll- T^:fr$:'";fd;"iiiiliiirii-iia--si;ti ;;;r; 6 r'oab'r tot tt.' P'rrcd 6f f,ii o"".i.t ip. No Pcrss rhrll b' | lntnD'r unl"t bt t' "ouaar, sn *on"l!i. *mi;ifl*iiir4iii"o;"i*$5i*3!ffi#tffii ffi#fffi-Ei tiir-a."i"a-oi Directors o! th' ltlcoctltloll' to hcv' ;;;;-;; eicb unf t !r'r. tlac to- tlllo durlng reaoorebl' hourr t' lrv-;; ;;c;;;;rv lor ths inapectlon, nalnteinnc'e' rcprlr or EiriLi'*ii-ii-i"i- "l thc qe'neral cc.non ol8$ent r thtrcln noccarrtl li.piJtltt dla6!9G'to thc ginoral or linltod core.'on eleinortt or to th. otb.r urlt. Da!.g€ to tha.lntcrlor of any part of a unlt rcrulllng lro tha ratollnrtrcc, rcP.lr, ;;;i";ty ;;Pirlr. or-replaconont ot 'ny ol ;; ;;;;;;i;il"n LrooJ,"ir'oi o"'t rtsult o! a;'ersency reP'rtt ;iihG";;;h;; "nlt-it ttre -rnitaoc'c ot tha.rrrocl'iton rhrrl De r ;;i; ;;;; oi i*'en ot-tr'o-"niiir i'rovllcd'-houcvor' that lt ;;;;il-;;t-ittoll b. re .Poatlblc tor rll-ol euch datrgr' - - -iGlbiit i"o ot thr itanaged- Ibro""",an cr lhall. b'-to rub3trntlrlly ;t;;;-;"eitiJn ar ttiai or'rrrcr' bprovGDcntt prlor to Lho da!49' ' o* * "",' l i,Sffi :.r, $*',.':-HS F,giiitiri i i:F li{ f i"&!h"' li.:1. - - . ^ -;;;-;;.ii il-.ii*i"a to l"i iii firttone of thc lnr.rlor and sxtorloa ot hts urlt inaludlng uut-nlc-fi"it"d to rl1 tnterlor curfacet' end lll foundrtlonr and euppor[i^9-;;ii'' 'i]'s oonot. lhlll nat Lo dc'tocd ;';.ai;-;;[ro"i "t'Lr,e cofoon '/rll b€twc€n th' unlLr neccaarrv to tlc rupport ot both unt..-"*".pi rt l. t€n' nt 11-:*ton ellh tho other untt ot ncr. Such rtght to-rnp'tir, altsr and rerri'de I sball crrry th' #iiqiii; t" replac- oni-riniirting naterl!l! retroved YIth !brlrt il-iir,ii-tvi."-oi ttnd" irr rtnirhr"g rtterlals o! equal or b'ttcr qu.!ItY. Each oryner shall nalntrtn and lecp t})o-lntcrlor rnd 'rtcrlor incruafn!-iii,r-f lxturea, o?-tlf i-o'n rrnf t ll good trstc rnd roPrlr' lll fl\Luros ana equrprneii i""ririta r'ithin-the -unlt convrenclng rg I *rii.ii"i" - tn" uerfrt! llno8, PIP€3, r'1res, sonduits or.!ystetl! fidi;;";;; iiJtiii-iti, herenitir' rcierred to'-r.'!rtlritier'l !ntat ,il"iil iGrlii ""i","n .re".nii- ippt'rt'rnont to hlt unit rh'll b' ilri'tl..i-."a itpi In repelr by- thr o'ner ther!'of ' th. oener! rhatl ilo no lct nor any !9ll thrt vlll-lmP'lr th' ,tructurcl ,o{^dn.ir or lniegrtty of tho Lutldtng or ltPalr .try arronBnt or her€dltrnent. . 16. . sr.+!.sq=_:31:+*l#Etch cPner 5h.ll conPry - : Declaratton, tno provraroii-"i-tl" Articlci ot tncorPorrtlon and .. ;:i;;;-;;'ih;' i,,!octatlonl ono-it't dccialons rnd re8olutlon! ol thc ii"SiiitiL-iiaopccd Purg,ii-it -[r,t i" i " rt the r".o Dav b'. lrYfullv li*""i.0 iro. ttio to'tlnc. trllur€ ro-to coqPly rhrll be groundr for rn actlon tt recover sung duc and for darnagoa 6r lnJunctlv' ililli Ji-i"'drtl nrainiatnar:tc by the Bo' rd ol Dlrcctort' !n tho nrDo ;;-;;; ;;";i;i.on on u"lraii o'! tho ovn€rt'or. ln r ProP'3 c'a€' bt an aggrlev.d o!,n er. t?. novoc.tlon or tuocndncnt to !o-c-I! rlltl on ' fhlr Doclrritlon ,r,"tl noi'i" ii:uffi'-a-ny -dt -Ehia -frov lif-oii hereln bo .nendod unio"" onu irundrcd P€rcent (l0orl o! the ovncrt (bascd on n99rca't'' .i]"ii"ttip-r.-irto ptblect toutu.ui L'y on€ votc for erch untt) anrl all oi'in" f,bfa"t" of'on| r"cotOed nortg'rgcr or-dec'd! ol lrust covcrtng or iir"lir^i any or all-corrdonlntun uniti unlrrlroously coneent !nd ngrco io sucfr icvoioIlon or atncndmont by tnstrurr("nt(s) duly recordcd ' rade u; ca6h t. ^!rocl i condoo:the pal oonnccl cormon thc fo: !ateScl ortgnd(wltlr cr repl !c. publ lc crrG ol roprl rt chargca lncurra Dacl!rr p.rtod, 0r rurt tba get Do.rd t vllver,obllgdt !,rtnLaI brrclnr dlralnl @vored Ggu rFne end uao bur lnet cgvorrg a l eroen t tl|. Aec ftlcnt I ( provide ol each cance I t con day :.c -5- I rtlon nod inlurt. a3 th. orporatlon rlly gn. l!be.e porlod t afl ll. lBsoR,,ur,ont tor C!&nron Er9cn3ot. tia rtg€tfi€nla Fode upon tha-b-r,r:n-eiji by f}i-Tr;soEI-dTT6il';EETf b. b!3od ugon caah re<;ul reunnt,s !.sl: lr4nte,i by tha Eoarat of Dlractort of tha Artoclatlon froa tllro io tlioc ar plyabl. by .ll ol lh.cond6lnlur unlt otrrorr, lncluding Dcclcrr;t, to prgvldr lor th. paynsnl oa rll GrtlB.tod Gr,p€nror groulng oot of or oor,noctod rl.th tio nalntenuca dr}d ofont toi o( tD. gcnctrt oomron elstantt. Sald sur r|y lncludr, arcng ot!.r thlngt,tho follovlngr oxp{Jnr9€a of n{noganGntt t.rrot .nd rpcctal uagossmcntt, untll aiiprrrt6ly asseseedl tlra tnturrrlca vlth qxtsndsd coverago ond vandallurn rnd lallctour rlrchlct lnturanca ulth endi'rscrtents .ttoch€d lcsued tn lha anount of tha D.xtnur rcplace&cr)t val.uc of all of the condonlnluE unltt, c!3ualty lnd publlc llabt llty and other lnsuruco pretllu t lrndrcrplng rnd cara of groundt, snoy relpval, cofi|nlon llght.tDg rnd b€rtlng,rtpalru aDd rcnovatlolrt, garbrgs colloqtloor, va9€t, r.tar ch.r'geat l€g!l and accountlng fcer, exp€neog ard llrbllllle3 lrlcurrsd by the Borrd of Dlroclors under or by rrason ot thtt D€cloratf.on, the pat'IT.€nt of any ateftclt roralnlog trc. I prevloul perJ.oilI {.'.'ra crl'atlon of r resaonabts contlngeDcff dr ot}!r rereryra or ourgluc fund as v€ll !s othe! costs aod exi,rrnsct rcl.tlnq tO tlto general coffon elcrnenta, th€ onisston or trllurg o! the Boa)"d Lo llr th€ a3safrs|leDt for rny rcDth thrll Dot b. dceDed a uslver, E€dlflc.tton or e reloase of tha crfiarr (roa thelr obllgltlon to pry. 19. lnsurancG. ?}rr Borrd of Dlrectora rh.ll obtrln .n.l D.lntaln at aITTJ6EI'TnEur..Jrce of Lho lyp€ and lrlnd provi.ie3 berelnabov!, and ptotectlng for guch ot.her rltlt, o! a altlllrr oa dlgslnilar natura, a! are or sh.lI herc.ftcr ca.tonlrlly ba coverod vith reEpirct to other condonlnlur! bulldlnga, !ixturct, ?gulpm€nt and pqrsonrl proPcrry slnllar ln coDttructlon, de3ign a'd use, ltrued by responulbtc in3urrncc corprnlct authorized to ito burlness ln thc st!t. of colorado. fhe batic flro atlil ext!':1dcd coverage lnrurance on condc,.rinlrno unltt rnd tha gcnerrl coi:!!on Gl?n€nta lnsuralcc thatl bs carrled ln blanxet Policy forl! nnning the Assoclatlon ar tha lnsured, vhlch D'ollcy or poriclct 5h!lI tdtotl(y the lnLerest of.ach L-ondoml nl |,Li:r unit oiner ir,d rLlctr tlrall provide for I standrrd, non-contrlbutory nortglgc clausc ln tavor of eoch flrst nortg.gae, and shall further provide th.!t lt csnnot ba cancelled by eiLhcr tlre lnsurL'd or the lnrurancs co6pany until rftar ten days' prlor erlttcn notice to cach and to b€ hav. ur3 13 I neceaSary rorto t lng frd ,f any of .pa l rr rll be r '.t It la.|ntlallY .h. d.Daga . For l, each and exte r lor :acet, ond : be dee,t'ed tecessnry lo :h the otber t cirry Lhe r sirrilar t better rd €xterlor rcpair, rncl ng at a I'stellll ,') enter lll bg l|tlPllr th. lr rny I By - l,19's ,h-1:'-- ion ond ions ot the !vfully grounda nct I v€ n lho n arno r co:re, by s Dccl;rrntlon in bc.rricndcd J9.' rcg.lte ir) ,'nd ^ll t qovc r t rr(l of t.1nd.r,Jrca ctrrk'd.-6- iflEfi i:l$$ *$*,,,*:':$:;*'friil;iliiriiHhil^1" ffiffiffi " ur ou r r e o t 33' t, H?!tili*$+iiu::*H:#" "ilh:i:,]J :F:: ".. - Iii;TF:Lti' :t.;*ii :;tli"i'lll iiqiFifi ilii5,*: :i}fi '. 3ffi ;' *ltrilir*;ffi -**'llu*i;fi.,,, iillt;iffi i{li:;iff i:iq:l*+r:*liil.rn ;nr i"ri u"l; r; ii"' @^'r +l"l1"l' "i:,:"R?ltHt"ii:"::ffi:::'"'n:1"*fi;':lit"[nll'.ifiill i'di !r-i"'o^*'' not I c€ bv ff ,F!i:ii:lil,i,",'1","1, "1.'1fi fli,ii*:iF;', tlpr Lgagor faill tg-PaY aI dayr oI the duo d'ta' con'irlbu'irx lFii: ii"i,ilh'l'li3il#;E:lliilii'k'il.'*' $.:ll#;t'"?'nil'..li. l' "=*l-'i"iml-i:l$iffir:*-r*fl s5:#:inil::-" ',lcn thereon BuPerlor rY r:(c eP t t . ,,i rfx of anY loe;oartr'; and spcclal assecsm€nt tlens ln fovor unlt; and "ct lnc!,uclag 'itt snPiu ob by ruch riouEbtanqa. rF lhrnon p!!o.r. ro utr -0 '!o .vld€nco ruch. llen th. !c.rd o! DlrccCort ''" t;I". il#,ry Ilcy, but rhlll r'"1 bs ragutr.d,- to Pt.Prt'-1. - it ':', .,"nrttion noclce eeillng forlh chc rr,lunt o! ruch unprld - I r'Slbt!6- i yrltlon noctce Getcln9 torch Eng lr'lunE e- lucn elrtr{' -'L-!r-E 'li ilii.-lni nano of th€ -o{nrr o! ihc conaonlntue unil 'nd r 'ltt- "- 'l liiiilrii'"i-li"-ioieotinlut "iri.- s"ti a noclse rhall bE rlgti{:'.:ii bv Lne of the Loard o! Dlrccto:s rao iiv-ti i.""tcca in tne offlco o! the clerk and Reco:ctr o3 thr''' Co'unty of Eagle, s:!ta o! Coloredo. such llgn for th' c":r'totl ;;;;;;";-"h;i1 ittrch tton l'o !a:e c! tl-'c !aiI'u!e of Dc":rnt of thc assecsnen'-, anc tnay b€ enfo;ced by foreclosure on ihi d3t8":IClnt ofrri;t condoninlun 'rttlt by the ;ssoclatlon 1n li!:c:tlnn€t It lolcclosure on a rort?.gs ir decd of trust on re'l proPcrEy' fn rnv auch forsclo6urr tha owner 5h.11 be r€quir"d co p'y thc cotEt ;a ;;;;.;;a-oi oucrr pr-oceedinEs, t;ra costi and expeascr for fIIing- the notlce or c1.'ln or llGn rnd aI:' reaso|ldbre aEiornly'r i""".' rtu ovner shall a Eo be regui:ed to Pay tre Aasoclatlon I ieoionollo rcntrl for the cor:Jc':iiiu--r unit du:in9 -thc peri<.l3,o!- for€closure, anC th€ Assoclatlor, 6halI b€ enlltlad Lo a recel'Jtr i"-".ii".i-irle sars. rhc A5soc:a!1on shall have Lhe gotlr eo-5id G tfti-a"ra""j nir.rt .rttit !t forecl'os'Jre saie and to acqu:;e !tr6 hold, lot6e, rFlcaage arrd con;ey sa:s' tt€ a:nount of thc coffror evPense3 assessad agains: srch condoralnLun unlt lhall also b3 a delt of the o't:er rhe:e"i ae the lilqe the a6scs5:rent is ri-j3 SJli to reccvg:' r ncirey jud?e- ritru fot unpa!d con-:on eYpenses shoil be n'lntained .'r!ihc":-' fo:- closlng 9;' rraiving the Iien sc:.r:lr,gi 5aia ' Any encunbrancer holding a Il€n on '.condoninir]-lt unit rray pay ani unpala-.oot.lo" ."p..!es payable !t1 th resgec" te such unit, ina ugon such palrreni iuci encui:5:ance! shalr have e lie;! "n-iu"n uni! for the ancunts Paid oi Lhe sane rank as the llen of hia enculrlrance. 2?. Liabll t tv for cotn;non - E7it "i5 -' U?cl '!': + ? 5:e.fgl-!9.1!": hlnlurn Unit. upon Pa)'i-enc or a rc'l9onaoie iec - and- uocin Che r'rr! it.:n rggues! of any orii:-'5 or &ny mortgagee or ProsPecErve morLg!tirg o: a cqni;ii":iun unlc' th: iii"oiritl"", Ly ii" Board of Di!L-c:crs' shal:' Lssuo a vrltten scatsnent seL'.ing forih ihe alrcunt of Lhe unPaj'd lini,J"-.*p.".es, if any, rvitt reiolJt to rhe srtbject unj'i.' the aJrount 0f L\e current :ilonthl)' as:'i 5-?nt ard th' Ca''e such 'sscs3-ment becor.ea d!tc, any cre.ii - i9: a( '::c1-' Fd.\'ii?n:5 ot f or ?rePf,l'i iiems, inctuoiig bul noi Iinj t:i r:o !i:'iIr'::'c' ;r-:''i r'-; .::'i such B!atenent shall be conclusive \:9on !:re /\s$.,3intlon in fnvo' of ;il-;;;;""; !/ho rely thereon ir 9oc'i faiL\' ri such sr::r:r3nB oi t'na"St.rO.o:s is not issllcd '::::rl'1 tcrl r'r.r, i oi tlre rciu 5f ' tll unp.rrd cci:::on c)4pc:rs'_ri !;iL'l ;"::'rit "o tf '1 ::'i5j'lcL urit.Cue iii"i'i"-ti" d-rcc o( :lch :.'q':r:: r;"'I1 b: s'rr-r'ji-trt(' !o rne ilen of the p."r5on re!:uesting :-:clr : L;:';eit ' The gr.rntcc of i| unit sl'aIl be jointl: 'inJ scver':lly !lable r.ri th the qronlor for alI unP'r!c" Ls"t'"t'ti''ttu ''ini-sc the iilt"a f". hi:; proplrliorr.rtn lrli.r:c- ('f i5c coi'--.-,n c: frtr5ei uP co tiaC tirno of tirc gr;rrt or co'lr'/c:'dn'i':, "ri titr>rrt' :)r'cjrrii i(:c !o iia- ql.i^nlec's f r.jnl Eo rct.!!'r: 6r'r: l:: l"'rt i i ' Lr 'rr:1"": l:id bv 'i;;";;;.;";-ir,,toin.; provicir':r hc -'j'cr, " rnt ':con p";r'r''r: ot n f!o"in!6ls ree o"d uPolr rriLLtn ..r')i] agquctt, rny ProDP.cttva grrnte'-thrll br rntltlgd to ! alrtsl€nt frct urr ttii-iii-ot iltiorr ' rcttlnc lorth the anount ot ff":r";10.f, ! "ff fl :t i';ii;ri*li*litiljfi.'H.i"li::"lli':':::'' nnt bcc@cr dus, rny iiJii'r"t rdv'nc! Pryrnt' or lor prcP'rd ltetrt' ,. lncluding but not rr*riei-io lngurrncl PrGnlyrt ' rnd rucb Et'lelanl rhart bc conclurtve ,pii'ti! ii"o"tatroit' rf ructr ttrtelornt ot lndebt- cdnorr la not tssued ;it;i; ;;;-d;;i-"i tuctr requott' then rucb 6r.ntot rlirll not t,r riiiii"liil ioi-rtrall th' u;lt c'nveved bG rubjecs ' i;'ii;;t-;;;-",,v -""ru"linliit-iiiti'ii itn iuuJect unlt unp'ld rt th' aat. o! the ruquos!. r:r'i"ii"t i " ii't -oi itlll.!"tt9trph-shalr not rPPly iiii ti"-i"rliir ttun"i"i Li condorlntun unltr trv Dtcl'rlnt' 21. 8r-.JglgSi{-.--.sate o! Uq-t!' tn th"vcnt of any rale undcr tor.cloEur. 1l n" ruo, n9-tiiTii;7-o7 !-deed to-tht tlrtt Dortgrget ln' ll6s of ruch foroc rosutii -up"n' O ti"ol t on th'-Prrt ol any ownor' calc rball bc rrade frco ona .io"? ot tht Provlllonr of parrgraPh 2l' but thc p,rrchaler ot tn" gtluiJ" uua'r-gi"rr deed ln lllu ol fo(eclolurc' rherl ba therauPon o""' iiiiiloi'tli' "iijlti - i" tho provlalonr ol thlr Doclarrtlon 8nd tht EY-Lavt ' lt . y?l+!:t ge,.?,J;-i'.- ; o+i,t"t*t""#H***il*t;"^*I ii:' i " !}i : l.L{vr tht tlghL lrctr Lr L,v Jeed o! t.-urt, t".'.a'igo-"i-oit'*i tt"uil[y lnstru'hcnt' A flrEt fi , iiii.- "r" i i -u,! "i. ]t'iir,-i"i -iliai-ina piratoount Pr t or i tv, under aDpllcabta IaY. Tn" otn.t of r c€ndofilni"p unl! D'y creat' Junlo:--- $;;;;;;:-";-irtc i"iro"i"f ionditlonrr.. (tl !y ruch Junior nortsaect ahelt arwayr ut o,,rr,o.uiu"ie -io irr of thc tcrli' condlttoni' coventntt' r?strlctlonr, uru", rt^iiiiroisl-ouiig"ttonr, ,llons lor conunon exPcnscl and oth6r obllg!tions ;;;;;; ;i-11o p""r"rit1on' thc certlflc!t' ol Ir,corF)ratton .rd the ;t:;;;;t (2) Thc nortgagee under any Junlot tprt- ;ij;;'fi;ii-;;l;;;", r";'t;;-;':'PJ;; oi-rcstoiailon o( cDt' r'nProvenentt upon thc nort9a96 pt"rni"ui,'iii o! htr rtght' titta rnd lntcrett ln rnd to thc proceoot "'lii-iir-ii""ioi'"i poii"itt-uPon 3rid Pt"Tl:::, Jiii.t - r iiJ t'"^ce porrcier-weii ettectei aird p-laced uDon tha mort9!ge<t prtltser by the laaoctlirli'' i"ii-iii"i"e "t'"rr b''furnl6hcd forthvlth ttr . Junlos nort9a96. tiit""ttitii ieguert o! th' Atroclatron' 11, -W"-i;'ll,iT,iil"U ::{'11'i I condotnfiillifE-f ncludlng thc -Dec 8h to sell or leaae ' qe'.,!Er"rs- "''- '"----;;;ti""a-i-u"nt fidc ofler thcreror fro. I tl,o rarnr, lnd shllt hrvo -xr! r rrr dtva I13 "i,t5 i"lli,';:il ;,';';; i;iil!;_*l-:l;: :::ll-::::: :1" :1"1""? l::'.;;; ';;;1it;";uilrti '" i -"i linant, tho rc'natnlns ovnert aharl b€ erven ;rtrlsn notlca thlroor u.iiitl'i'"iiii i" "*!"iii"a "??I-:I :?:l-"::':'i^d fi:'l::.1";i:;;i:'1;";'l;;i;; ;;;"";;r-.ir'iii u'' dilnred e tven t'o a I I rui-.lt o$n€rt 1! dcllvcrcd fi-;;; ;;;'d ;i Lll:::t1:"i,..lll:.?i ::": :::ffi:':*:-:Yirl ;, -l lil'Jg' :;: ;:"o,:"3{ illll* ff "l ""lii, ";;'i" ;; ;i;' ;iil ;;'ff ;;;i; iil' ;;;ia -li'oustr th: -P:::"^:r, ::::":ff "l,,li.:.":lil"ilii.'"ir"i!,'ff:ii'il:";'i;:.*ili_i:_;:::ii::.:",1"i;: l??":"ii!:!,lll'nar'cd by lt, &h.l'r havo tn rrsnE ee Pur.;lq" -'fi-iii oii.i ifleiefor,ieoi-tni iii'e t.:rna.rod condltlonr ::, :: l.:":,::^i"^.. -. ri,.',,- {! qrvcr ;::ldli ftilr:r-{riii^i;^iiii:i::;:;l.l:"i*"*:: tt,i;;;""l"oli;3l ilii:':.iiiil"LT;;:i";' ";ii';,';;; " ;-;" !:'l:i, ::"1.:"Il:l: "::^3o* " ".: :$"i;#1; ii.';;iii;r-;r-i!'"ing-o"n"-oYil'i ths tvrcntv-dnv *rl.oa im*e trr rv ror rovl ni' tii-oii i"iii 9t - t|1^ ;:l l:: -g f *:l:, :";;;t tL-i.it'tfu ot lierlng oriner -du.rlns ths tvcntv-dnv iiE'e iitiii iii io'il "g- tr,e-Joi i"u'v 9t. t19. ":: l::.: t.:::, :"::liiiT'iifi ii:;ilv';;;;;li3.'";h;;i;;;'"i, !l;:'.::l'::', :::" I l"l'll::y iilir"iir!'.illiv'i5'riijlii'i"'"oilii""uil-r,avtne a tcrn of le6' than thrce tr|irdr*! rlrtv-lu daYa.trordr*C rlrl!--tr daYr. of ' tn tha avcnt Glthcr ouner shr! l-atte'int to sell or lccso hll cor,lorrtnlus unlt "rtr't ii'io'ipiito-cottplIancc'r'ith thc right o( rirst rolucal brrrln Provld"n, iJih'JJil-oi i""i" rhtll bo uhollv 'rull and vo16 .t|.t lhcll conlcr no iiiio-oi-fnleicst vhatsoever uPon tha intcndod Dlrcha..r or latoaa. tbs tuble!$tr'g or rubrsntlng-o!. rny. lntcrcst sh'rll-bc'subjcct to tlrc salo"ilnitatit',," ie iro-upprtco6tr-to thc lc6sinq c.'r rcnt rn9 thcrrot. comPtlshc. riti.'tiltio-iigtti-oi'rrt"t reIusal j>rovisions sl''rl I - t- ba rsnd.tor)r ln cvory cao., not'rl ths t lDd lng ln oncrt, Drtor l.r.. oF rentrl of t.ld lnlor.tt aa Prgvi.:ed bcrrln. tn no caec ch.ll thc rlght of ttrrt rclutal rorcrvrd hcrela rf!.ct th. rtght of rn otJDsr to su6Jcct hl. lnt.ratt la tb. ProroqC to a trurt daid, r*ortgrgo or other cacurlty tnttrulont. thc frllurs of or r.rfural by tho Eoord of Dlr.ctora to ererclgc thc rlgh! ot ltrrt refus.l' rh;ll fiot condtltut. or ba alseFd to b. ! vafvcr 6! such rlght ul.th roaPoct to .ny subs{tgucnt Do fida oflrr froo r protpectlva PurchaBer or ten.nt. ft|e rlght of flr3t rcfuoall rs Provlded hereLn, anit run for ths liver o! t{illla,r'r P' Vlgor, Fo€ ,Lrrncr, ltrd rurvlvor of thci! Plut tv.nEy-olrc yslr3. rh.l I crttnd P.tcr ttohat Eic{rpt !t lr otherwlsq Provlded ln P.r.gr.Ph e3, |nd 3rctPg EDon a transfer-of tl[lo to a Public ?rultes or to a firtt Drtgrgca, clch grantor of I condomlniun unlt, uPon tranrtGrrlng ol convoylng htr lnterqst shall lncorPorDtc ln such lnttrunent of convcylnca 'D ^oqrccrocnt th.t lhc arantea carry ou! tho Provillon! o! tha 'rlght o! firrt relural' .r Provldcd ln thls Prrlgr.Ph. ?hc follovlng trantfert rr! !lao eteinPt troo tha ProvlDlont of paragrrph 25s (at ?hs t!.n5fer by operatlon of lrY o( r jolnt ten'nt't lntercE! to Lhe 6urvlvtng Joint ter)rnt(51, (bl The trlnsfer of . deceased's lntercat to I devite' or devitccg'by rill o{ hls helrs at lav under lnteltacy lrv3' (c) The trantfer ol rIt or any Pnrt of ' Part;terrt lnterc't ea a rlrsuLL of vlthdrtt'!I, dcilth or oLhcrt'l!c, to thc re'rrrnln9 oartncrs carrvinq on thc pdrtncrshiP busin.'55 and'/'or 'l Por5on ot . [":i.iiil-ui"l",i;;'p;;'.oi"] o tr.nsfer ot !II or p'rt of .a P'rtnrrrr 6i partnera' inieiests bct'-cer) or\c or nore Partnert and/or to persona b!'comI n9 Portnersi (i) The tran5fer of a corPora.-ion'! 'lnterett to the Personl forrneri otninq thc stock of thc'!-orF!'rdtion 15 the rcrult of 'd168olu:ton'A!rr'inafcrtothercsu'ltin9!'ntityfol:cringr-cor- Porate norgcf of consot idJt ioni IroYidcd, hrrr'rver' thJt 't lcrsl ilftu I-'.,t<lnt of the siock of tlrc r.''sulting ('ntity i5-rr:lsJ.by irr"'ltl,.ii'.ii.rs of tho cor['ar'ltion forn.:rl]' ouning !h(' condo' rnlnium unit. If tho ovner of a condomlnirtn utrit cJn cJtnblish'c lhe sntisfactlon of tho Fonrd of Dir(rt(lrd' tlrrl 'l - l0 - I Dropolcal 3ubrrntln9,'' provlclonl trrnsf.r lt thetr luoh a of Plrsg r.Ph tar glvan th.t th. arorclra i:.:"i:l'.;:ri'i;i' ol'&i*l'i:t?fl'* 3,1 . r t . co rl r f r-e :r t s= =o! :99:':l*++*++. " :f *:#liif 3fr H*e :nr-:' : :' ll' : :fi iif:-:;gftffi t *xI;l #:miWF :H:":'l:':l ::l:ii;'";"";'*I;;;ii;;:':l'ii,:l.3ll n',$:tanant Or_an v' r'--'-- goard 6f Dlrsctorl ot tn i:3*?.U::',ilir ro. cr,,r u' : :.:. :*Fl!it"liif:::1"*tt iinlur urrltr -thc ^r'oo1. tlon shrll for L ;rt'r ll illtli'.ii-i"i"Ji"agoit c.stl tlcrt. thr end of thr tlrBt ls's il-tlijira"ur" tore, evlilenctngr HltJ| rcsp€ct to a ProPoted le!s' or "1,1,:^-..i'r' rr, that propar notlc' -""rn,lil.'"pi':. ii"F - ir, tl"i -t-:t*"^::ll'! (r) t'.n"l:l "fi* il"frE'*l"rlli i:;:LYi:::lcare, thet tnt'it'"itir"i iirt- "ot bc arrbJcct ii-Iil pt"Jt"lonr of Prr'9r'Ph 2r' Such certlflcrtc thrll bc conclullve evidancl ot t}rc iactr contalned thoraln ' ,r . r_"jes.q*\i**.di+3..ffifi*r: "ti?::::"""*::fi:I"l:l;: '::tu l:"fl" i";r ii- ir'" ' p,op"ri'i"'pon ^or obsolescence' t tltr' to arry cond)rolnlut!'unit-hcrcunddr cltall b' axeroesly subJcct to tr'o*d'o tii"i 'ct co-nditton116lqqf and i;*":i;":,:L" :il. ? i': ;!:"ii"i"ii :f^:;:lrll!l?":i3'i lir;i:':*'illiri"i'I"1ila. 1.) "I":::"?;tff: ll:::?:i?il,-;";;i;..do non- i!t?i t'",.0" J: :':: iT*ii"ii;;,;[l-:l:ii i,;:l$t:;.' l,:]:ii'"iF; it:":":tl":t:li 5?'"i13'il;:;; ; ; i s - hcr6a r tcr uslt',ilf,li t ilv" r,,' iii"r".i-r" fr"t-, tha Assoclctlon' by Its Presr' rnd conplrte' utno" "otiii:';i;;t' ";a Po';e'r. to-rnakc' execut' rtro detlvcr .ny c' ntracE, "tIi'"t-i"v otlre'r.lnstrurncnt ncccaaaty or H,[;t'i :t:.:'j.":;' : ];".ili.iilig i,ii"]r:rill,.i{i:":li;":,"-**::;:' r :^: ":'j1":T:;"lil' illn'i"iill"il" ilJ-'i-i - cona r I t on, iubstantiall; tl)e s'rn,c ;;'P;iat to tho'd'rn'a9e' vtth cach unit an6 ili"i:x ;:i,:f Jlrii:t.l"Pi+liia::li:;ii:::l:,:r,:"i.i 1'!i::r" iiilr :':":u::,?:.";i" i:|!r::^ll;"^i':::ii:i::. i::':il:i- '31," ff?ili;"liilltll"l"l'.'i'liiilt'li"ir ;;i' ;;'i;t'g"i; i:l:i"l?i,'::rebuild ln ,iccoto.ttco wrLh tho Prcvi 5lorls 5et lc ui"li3' iSir ii'i ;!, i.:: t;1, ::';"i.'"'r ';il. i;i";-;;;oir drd- not cl-e\:E- Lo ii.it"6iit"t to P'rrchsa' or rtr3" (b) Hlth rergcct to ' decd lo llcu ot ro'u"iilo.li-io I rint'*'t3'1?1-:'j5--..;:iil;";;; i-aiJ-ii"".0,":oil :::^S';!:t";i'J;-";;i";cl-iureu'"t T ryl il'?lh, ?:: ';;;-i; lact itven ln rletr E":^3t:., :::,i: ::;"::"'il: :i;;'iJ";'H"of forccloeul'c ;;.;i;i;;t ot P'orseraPh 2rr - ll - srl. rata ot ,ratlon .,,r{i! r,ti;$itir?::iiillii'i:iil,:1il,:il;:., 1l e'ilii:li3*Il;l,ll:ii*i;ilt?$ktil,:,j,"' I H"3:t$l:'. ;;:i i'i:":T"ii"l:i:i*:t i,':'l:;.if ffiL"ul:*li;iltit;'i*;13^lltll u"s "'---,cicnr 1 il,uril*lll?irruit*f",':lii,i$t',',;li*',fl". i H$#ii1liiffi rr*'*[l-IH:;*ii' fj;il$*ffi ,';''-l*''1tg1.11i'i;f'i*r"::il" ffit+*ir;ffi**tjr,,, .on tffi*t$**$fixffi by thc Aseocltti""'^"*-="t o! thc bal'rrc6 e! the (f ) For Pot'--i llen of arrY ftrst nar tgage t "o""" ".o,,. t il"^:'i.oit;l;:t":t^:i-":::":iiit llt t t' ' (3) For Phynent of 'urrp'rid co:r'-'Dn crPinsctt .,,.u*,n n"iX ) r "t:i"n:l::'J t"? t"i!' l:" l':'li'llt " t thclr nrio(!tY; '1no n",u,.o .ni'1,,i'J'.'l-l;11::;;';i'"'l:i:"re' ir ar"v' srrrrr bo .,,,. ",:1 " Il, Tl Ii", llil il:., illil."i,' ::,'i;';l: I ;''liil::iirl " rt,il'ili ;:ur:"": ll1.;iuii'riil:iii lil;,il :i;:'"i;;" r(-con6trusLlon, vlrI(jn P rct 1d :lon- ngne,, uPOn t Jve f ul I a rrd or r,lt :iub- i,-n t J r\d icil -}|:trt ' I r'cc \n.io o ( ic )l- I o .t,,r, r2 - o .PProvrl or conro-nt of ovarT I ff6ot.d ftrrt lortgrg..th..lraoc-Isrlon rh.ll forLh;tth rceord . rcttcc ic€tin9 Iorch tuch fact or foutr, lnd upon tlrr rccordlng of ruEb :i_tl:: !y tho- Assoclatl_on.r- preitdcnr, tho cntlic rernalninT frotrrsot-ahrll-br_sol<! by tha Asro€l.tlon, aa .ttornoy-rn-laqt tor all ol th€ ovncrr, !rc. rnd ctarr of tha -provlrlonr contllned ln thlr ieclorrtlon, tf,i x"p .rra tna sy-Ialrr. Thl lnsurancc sottlcDant procoedr rhell Ds collectod by thr tssoclatlon, rnd lucb proce.d, 3h.ll Erlr olvtded by thc Asrocletlon accordlng to €.rch untt ::":::t lnterort- (.t such tnterett appcarr on Lhe pollql ?:.fll:1."1 ,. and auch dtvtdcd proccods sh!ll bc pifC 'rnro | 3cp.rrntc lccount reprerentlng cach condonlirtul !ult.. Each suc-h n.,)uunt sirall bc ti tlc narl-of tfrr Asroctrtlon, ar,d shrrl ue furirrei fa""tirlid-Ui' tt,o $u!s.r of tlrc unlt and ttr. "-m of-tfri "rnii.-'r"o.?!cI- s:Fr.! to- tccount, the- eg gocto tt Jn, - ri-i it"."uy-lr-flct, uhall uso .{ Dd dleburs. tfrr tolri-anouii oi crcl of ruch fundr, rlthout contrlbutlon iro.-orro-i..o,loc to .notb.r, toyard the partirl ;; f"li tifii[-oi-ir,. rren ot_rny tlrrt. nortg-agi aglrnlt th. coDdodnl u.5r unlt r€pr€rgntoo by such sepdrrta tccount. thcro ahall ba adocit to each such acc6ult -ttro .pporif oi"i'Idirit "C tho procoeds ccrlved fron ti-c saii ot u,r -rnilr;e -irlJpcrty. such apportionment sh a I l^_b-e_ :-"iJa -uii, tii;:;;.;..r, ovncrshi6 ol th. goner.l co.rulon elenontr. rr- provtd-E ii.ill.9rapr, :0.rh. totrt furrdg ot orch .ccount "r,iri-ur-iali rii ar"uur"oo,yrthout contributlon froo ono .ccount tJ Ji6irrJij-uv th6 tssoc-clrt lon, at attorney_ln_: Bane order ar provlitcd tftlll-1:: th'. s''!'. Purposii ana tn ir,c ot t}llt p"..;r'";;.--" rr auc'PrragraiDhr (b) (l) through (5) Il thr ovners o! ono hnl! o( tbc .rfoct.d unltr, or :::lj_:dgpt c plan for leconsrructton, vtrtch-frin ha! t}rr undnlnour approvrl of alI flrrt aortgigeas, 'tf,ei aff ol t}te ovners shnll ba bound by U,o [. i"i - inj"olr,ur pruvlslona of such plan. e"y is s"s "ren;-";d'; i; connectton rrl ti auch plan shali b6 | cor lon €xp€nsr- rnd, aade pro r:t1 ::c_erding t: -the-pGrcentage. o,ln€rrhlp ot th€ generat cor,r:.:l:1":ts-::.-9l:Ytgt'. l" puaeriph 20 and lhril L i". "na iiy:.Drq ac Provlded by the terht of suoh ptrn. but not rooner thi!._t0 d.yr rftor qrltien rrotlca thereof. ' rfrt 'flr"c f " t ton sniti-'-' ;ry:_.^.-t-ho llrbortty -r: c:ur-. t},e iip"ir ii-"uliJi.tr"n o! th.lnproventsnt uslng rll of -tha_lnrurllcg proqccds for srrch p::t*:? r6t1rirhErrn,ilng rhc fatlurs oi ln-""nui t" eoy Lrr oasoEsii€nt. fh€ ases5gn 1,!-provtd€d foi-'hireIn. sfiaff br-r debt of each ovncr and-c ttln-;;-;ir-;r,ii,llnrun untt rnd 'o|t' bc enforced .nd cor t e" iJ""i -'r " 'irJJiiJi i.D.ragrrph 2t. rn 6ddition ttre-re[o, - rrre GiJ"iiii"", .,rttornoy-ln- tdct, sh.ll hnvo rhc "6""f uriiiif,i-and pover to s.ll thc condontnlua untt "t.;t-;;;;; ili"iins ".frtllng to poy such .sssrlnent vleiln tho tl|Fe plovidod,rDit it not io patd, tho rrrociaiiJn-JrrJii Ji'.i""." u.rc'cordsd I notlce th.t the "o"a"i i ir Ji-uir i-J i'ti.dlllguont-ol,ner shall b! !ol,t bt, th; -ir;;; io;i";. Thc procoe.ts dcrrvu-d frorn rh6 ..re ir -"J.ii-iJiji; i ii"" "nr.rhell bo usad .rld arauursed b| I;.-;;;.;i;;i;i'j'o,..,.,,n,..y-ln-frct, for the arr|c purpossg rnd ln thc Jarnc order .,t:::lg:..l" eubsoresrrlhr' tui - tii-o,i""gi i jj'-oi .r,i.Fr.grrlur. .-. ldl otrDcr! of ona helf or iore of the unitt arlocftxl, upon t}lo unanlrnour opp(oval or coDscn: of all aftoctod ?tirt norto:oe ..iiJi' !r.iii;,;; ";;:";:;p::{r":;:".*::l^ il."li "iiil,,,"ra'. rhould be rcncwcd or -rccotrutructed. In such inst,rrrcc.then tbo oxpenso thcreo! "h;ii";;';;;;;io uy iir or tr,o - rt - I dr ii ' I v I t'i !1 ot t.L : stloo :ril. ,ncrahlF 20. raod,lr !oc-ln tb. (5) ,ll '...i ttrc lrtanca, :ha rlt ccstot rnd p.Y- ooar thal rb.lt ot th€ ;|ch '!!,1 '.|.lt '' uDlt rt w!r .dr a tt torn€y- ta orarrr o! auch gan.rrl clDB atcrta rr corD! rrFtf-rll-; provtdod, borrcvir, thrt rny orrFr Dt.rgt..f!!,9 :!tt:rll:iinirii-6r-i.oirnrlructlon fuy grvc urltiro noitor to ttl ,'brool.tlon Bbrt tucb unlt !h!ll t|. Frrch.3cd b!' ttL b.ocl.tlon tor Ura trlr Darkat valui tiercof. ll aug! ovno r and tho llaoclrtlon cln ogtqo on tha lalr !.rkat vrluc thGr€ol, thon tuch ralo lhall b. contuntatad vlthln thrrty dayt thsralttcr. rt gh3 partl.t ar. unrbla to rgros, tho dato lJhen elther Party notlli€r tba othar that-ho or it l! unable to agres vlth the othar rhalt br thl 'corsnenclng dato' froE rrhich .Il pariodr of tlB xntlon.d h€r€ln shrll b€ &6.rurad, t{ithl'n tan d.yr toll,ovlng {,ha coqutsnc lng dato, each PdrLy thall noatnatc ln appnirer ln vritlng, lnd rhall gr'va notlca o! tuch nonir.atlon to th! other p.!tyt dny auch appratlcr 3hall be ! re.rltor and qualtfled to nako appratallr ot condonlnium rnd ainildr ProPerty ln Eagle County, Colgtldo. Il oither parlv foIls to rnaks such nornlrrotlon. th.' lppralsor iroolna'-od 3hall, vlthin ftvc dcyr altor doflutt by thG other p.rty, aPPoint .nd asrociats-vitl| hlE rnothcr slnl'tarly qualifiod rPPralsor. It tha tro rppralserr doslgnated by tha Partl€r. or aGl.ct.d puraurDt hareto ln th6 €vant of the dcf.ult of ona P.rcy. aro unlblG to Agro€. thcy sh.Il rPPolnt anothe! rlnll.rly qualft€at apprlirar io bs rrbitrator b3ltrson thaD. lf th€y can agreo on euch peraon. fl they arc undble to agroo upon Euch arbltlator, thcn thQ natter shll1 bG rittted'pursuant to the .ules of the Arerlcan Arbltratlon lssoclatlon, The deeision of thc apPralser! r! to thr frlr rnrrk€t valuo. or 1r. the caEe of their draagreenent, Lhen such declsion of Ll^,c albitrator ah.lI bo final lnd bind1n9, Ths expenses a::d feos of such apP(alsara e! rrbitr.lor or bath shali b! borne equally by thr Assoclatlon rnd tho owDer. Th€ a.le Ehall be "onsunuo.tod vlthin i fifteen daya thereafter, and the AEaociatlon, aa attorney- ln-fact, shall dj,sburre such proceedg as is provldld ln rubparagraphs (b) (l) through (5) of this Parag!.Ph. (s) Orn€ra of all ol tho afiocted unlta |oly ograa that the gonerdl cgrNnon elchents of the ProPerty are obaolote dnd that ths aanc should be sold. Sueh d:rcerDent Eust have the uDaninrous aPproval of every affected firlt nortg.gec. rn guch lns .nc6, the Asgociatjon shalI forth-ytth record ,r notlce se::ing forth such facEs, dnd uPcn the recordlng of such notice by thc Associ.rtionrr prosidcnt, thc entlrc affcctad prcnises sl^.aIl bc sold !Y the Assoetation, as aLto.:i('y-itt-fact for aIl of the .ffectod orinqrs, frce ond clcar o! tho Pravisions contlirled in thia DecI ration, the lldp nf.d thc By-Liwg. The ssles Proccedl shall be apportioncC Llattcen su.h ovners ot: the bnsia of eaclr ovner's Pcrcen!.r.je intcrost in the g('rl.'ral ccr-ion elcrnents, anci such a?rtcl"'ioliec p:'occeds :jh.rII be nJrd lnto aeparat? accounts rePresenting cdch corlci.-,ai.l1liun \rrllt. Each auch account 3h.rl I bo in tho n.rnr'-- of lhc A.;soci.ltion, and shall bc f urther ir1.-..tr f ioC b) '.hc ;.ur'!cr of t\L' unl! and thc nane of tho o! rca, FroF cich sJP.\l'rie racorlnt. the A!tsociaLr,o11, is ntLoine)-rn-fdL't, slr.rl I us. 'r'rd Cisbur$c the totdl rlmo\ll-'t oI such d._cotrttts, witlloLlL .utrtl il,.t ion (ron ottc accouliL lo .rlla':::ol . fot tlc 5'lrl'] ;\rirb6:^5 and in the 6.1.ne orocr os jr; l,rui'i,l(..i in s l;1.. -.r9rlphs (b) (Il throu.Jh (5) ot Llrj.s para.ir'rPh. n, Poraonitl PIgP,or.!)1 l!o !-Coi:r'on.lr- '-: Prior to tha !lrst convey.rncd-ot ,,rry :ottri"rrrrrrrrrn trnrt, Dt'!( \.'rnt sh.rll cxocutc iraa aaf irrat- a blll of i.rlo Lu th.r i\!i:;o.i.Ittor., ratrsIorr irrq aIl ii"nr of P€rsonll properL)' loc',r'"ci on th(! ('nt ' I prc'riscs 'rnd turnishgd'by Dcctaiant. ull.ich propcrty i$ itltct lcd for thc ccdoon rl -l{- uto rld anjoyn€nt ol tha condollnlul unlt ovnrrr lrd gccuPrntl. '!hc Arcoclat-lon ahall hold tltlc to tucb ProP€r ty lor Lh. ura and cnJoynrent ol t!'o condominltro unlt oenr.'rr atld occuPantl. flo oencr'shall have cny othor lrrteraat or rlght thersto eut! rll such right and lntcregt shall 6'irsolutely ternlnata upon tbr osJrcrrl tonloatlon of ownershlp o{ hlr condoninlu unlt. !o. ne.l, Tdnqtble a_]ld__l_titanglbl. , ersolrl ?r?Frw.ttra ltroclltlon nay acqulre and hold (or ths i",'nef !t ol tra condod ntun GtwnQr! real lnd t!nglbla cnd lntarrgtble personrl I'ropar Ly and nay dl3posa ot tha t.n€ by ralc or othcrvlra, ina- tlu benellcleI lntcrolt ln any ouch ProPerty shlll b. orrircd Lry tlre condominlql! ovners ln t.he s5r0a ProPortlons .t tbelr lcspecttve tnterorLt ln th€ ge[eral colurron elsuentt rnd rball-noL be transforablo excep! vtti a tr.otfor of r coDdoGi nl. ujl unlt. l Llrnrfer o! r con6ornlnluE unlt sh.ll trlI|ifor to thr tronsferec ovl'srshlP of tho tra4eferor'l-bcmftclal lntare:rt ln sucb rrol or-peraonal Proerty wl tbout latr rclcrcncc th€rLo. E ch ohner uy usc such rerl and poironal proparty ln accordancc vlth th. PurPoa. for ehlch lt la lntended,- vtlhoui hlnderlng or encroachln,t u!'on tho lavful rlghtr of ttro othor ottnort. 6ala of tha cendonlnlu'! unlt undcr tlrr foreclogure ah.ll thoreby ,ent.ltl.! the purcharer to thc bsncfictel lnterelE ln the rerl and-Personal proporty oesoctatad Yltb tha lorcclosed condoninlul! unlt, 31. Hclllnq o! ltotlcer' Eash oencr lhrll regtttc! btr lalftnq addie s ri- vlfh--tEc-i-s;;Al I tlon, attd oxcePt for enth:'t' rtrtencnts and other routlne notlceg, all oLlror notlces or den ndr lntendod to be served uPon an owncr chall bo s€nt by eltjtcr roglgtered or certlfied n!ll. Poitag6 PrlPald, addresscd ln thr nrio ol the ounrr at such reglstered nalllng addrrt!. Any flrst rprtgagee. uPon requcat, Sh8lt bc .ntltled to notiie ftoro thc -i.siociatlon und.a tlrc saDe cirquJnstancea 13 itt nortgagor. 12. Arbltratldn nL'qulred for any clalt! Here'rnder.- Except as "irrur"i "u ilrF"in-p,-6ule;d;--"y-"-"n c rover sy oi ? IETn arlslng out of or relatlng Lo thls Declaratlon, or the bre..ch thereoi, shall Lra sc!tled by arblLration ln a,:cqrdanqe Ylth tlrc rulcs of the Arnerlcan Ai-bitration ,{ssoci.tlon, and Judgrnent upon thc avard rendered by tho Arbltrator(s) tnay ba er,lered tn any Court. havlng Jurlsdlctton thcreo(. 31. Period of condontlrirrm Cxnership. Thc scPrrtta concornlnl run e: tiFe-s -tr;;t;-d-5t-Tlii c- b-a;Ir-i;Eidi- and thc lt.rP chall cortlnu(, until Lhls D:claration ls rcvoked Pursuant to parograph I7,.rf thi, Daclrration or untll tcrrnina!cd Pursuant, Lo sut:pirogtuphs (c) .rnd (c) of par.rgraph 27 oa thig D'clnrrllon. Declt STAT' couN, tht s noo I la. ora the such (al If any of tho provlslons of thit D€clrratlon any P.rrdgraph, scntcn(:c. clausc, phrase or vord, or appiicaiton thcrr:o( tn .rny ':lrcuinstanccs bc lnvalldalod.invnlidlty shal.I not d(fcct thc vnl i(ltty of Lho rcrnalndcr of this Decl6ratlon, .rnd thc .rppllcatton of ony s.rch provlsion, pi'rograph, :icntcnce, clausc, 1,lrr.:sc or word In any othcr ctrcurn:it.rnc-cg slrall |lot bc offcctod thcrcby. _ 15 ErlrDrt 'lr. to l,rs coNDoa{rf,It t{ la8oclrtroi 14S895 $9n or csst6 l-A{lfr. C uou t-Itsrai Ftt ld fr r.D.- -flLrdridr|a JAil 301976 /*-oo RatsrD tot l. t. Vltot 9600 vtaa r ffi?#.',1"- l- L.!ryr .yut rrt ;i ifl r.nt : ita.l r ir r.iaa ca JAil ilo tgn lil.oo ScturB to, !iof'rI*!"13.oolllar, t ry)-17)t" COMMENTS NEEDED BY:{/z.u PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: Reviewed by: FIRE DEPARTMENT THE PROPOSAL: ,4t,'/{. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF il,trL" H^/ Conments: ,) ,u *1- -T s /"-'^., "^'1 /)r* /a4-- I "'U"''i- Reviewed by: Comments: Reviewed by: Comments: POLICE DEPAR?MENT Date: oo INTER-DEPARTMENTAL P€VI EW ' fl. z DA1E oF PUBLTS HEARTNG -/.2 Jr/-", wnee J/: Fh,''' /-'J t - Date: Date: /' r / Jt C-'( ,LlvI 6 44 / 4.3 vf u . -/PUBLIC WORKS . -n J',( -z<-L'<'t-tz,*"-,-_ n v 7u, "1L1, .-.r?.tt-ZV . a ,'{ ft*' '-s Date: zz 'fl r,'Tr\,\c4 ^ ,./Plqgl RECREATION DEPARTMENT '. Reviewed by: Connents: C,t/ 5/z 2-/, /4(',5- 2-Z INTER-DEPARTMENTAI, REVI EW PROJECT: DATE SUBMTTTED: J COMMENTS NEEDED BY: FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: POLICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: RECREATION DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: ' 4- = DArE oF puB1,rc HEARTNG r/zz {/?-{"- Date Date 0,r/ q/z z- Date /o /t(. B. o o 2 q 7 c o { 6 z !m n ={ -l @ m Is r-..h I l<x f l ati t- ,a l::tf IYR =lr= g lli s l=t :x=.6€3r E$>l fi9 q !m t { =FF T \{; iv= =c)c,!., >P-- ft-r-1 t-r t__J t t F x=s =F o >=(, 9@ F\7 F = rr,E: H H ntE 5 t or 4o 9n o o z -l -{o u o 9p -{c *E H6 () 2a {m FZ >m o:0 -{>or-7 -o =m o -l (_o (D z =!T F 3 F rq fifi o>'r :! ==o H lo F E E F H F Hlg l9 H to l{ lz It tm ! 3 c) E C) H E z rq ld t: l'r! t;F IH 19,lz lo I I IH lur li I r/J I 5 I co UJ .t |. z m X 3 P tr! U)H F i,( oz lq mt l>l lEo l.o t!lw<F-o | 'Tl i^'o alt m \OI f -{o @ m x m !-{ o 2 L o ID g -{m O O C) ctl oo- EA$6*g gii =or O :8=. =F6 dp.=-.o s 5.+* dP. - e:g Q 3.a ieB 3B= E*6' e- d€E qrE 5=il a9.t o L-5 oo<. gaE 3e g =!, -.odt =s.F g$= q-. O-f 4.9 0 ;*+ 3qE (l'o=.s =o d:-o E t o ;J o. o o =o. 6' o c o o D o o a 5' GI o o -l { at' N o :t o f o. o c ct g: s. 9.o c'o CL o lt o.o 12. GI J o s.o { 0)!! .o o t :. o 3 TD =-' (o o o.o 0) o o o. /,) ,.tt \z /t t,',a 2'"{ ' n '/' ('. / \ :;'' ' ,t7 ,..-|r rlu a /.. IP -/. >o =6 v2 -t>I-{mC a!:rn 20 m1l Po €z m t o o o z -t ! o I o t 'rl o ! i o m |-.tl @ - at, =z o I =z t- m =o z dr m o m o l<' lz lz li t>lr- llfro1 l[ ,: ll*l'ill lm tx t;t>Ir- l.D l t- I I It l'. to l- I I I 1- I z (t, r _3 o z -.t T m J o x z m -r m tr€otr 4i =6,'' z ;v, z>9R rd I<T< >o o>m:qro z z i a I t\ 2 m t f. m u 6 z -..:= z l- m =n t1t o ! ! I t- 6 2 H P z !e:R1 Pf,io >'n Zo ?9 Oo.:ge -l 66 22 m= E< = Fln ?a EF r.1o l-m F?(,,-o <P Pi 92 FO |<rr { E* F;' :_l ;jl Hl rl frl FI ol EI o o €o o =z o F @ F I z o z o {m o z =z - 0 m 0l ol 3i 9l l-l I I I I I I I I ill I I I I I C.r z F H a ts \o @ \o -t o -l t- !m E = ='n m m (n c (t m -t x t- an ? 1t 0 n 3 I -.t o an U' c)z v m =3 o o v 0 E t n 6 -tt m m 3 m o 2 d - t- =o z m t-m o {v o ? !|- z m o 7 @ . =6) !m F = !m u 3 -{'n m m 3t) vAtuATroil !m 7 3 -{ -o H F] tri 3 m o -,o - '0 - 3 q z c, m t-m o x o - @ F 9 -G' @ @ N 5,\o ts (,\o \RS Chim Ch:inenee Chimney Sweeps Ltd. P.O. Box 2758 Dil1on, Colorado 80435 August 3L, l-989 Torvn of Vail, Reqrest for Permit at 4444 Streanside Cjrcle (Tony Astrore Residence) East Vai1, to rebuild danaged flue. Cost estirrnted at 8,000.00. Chim Chinenee Chinney Srreeps Ltd. wil-I install an "A" rated IrEtaI fh:e in place of flrre cr.n=ent1y used. Size of fh:e to be used will be determined by rnanufacturers reccmlendation. (See attached charL ) Q6adi a'l ]y,l4tu Jim Kornita General l\danager Chjm Chjnenee Chirney Seeps Ltd. I' g {!9 s a F $;BE r .€E€F€S gE gEF gtEgt $sEEEf; EF*it 5FiEB.; ,t€.96:F iF !s e 1.> !:.g lE-. i t-6i E I rD .CE i F.-5E81,',F8fi5:e $e=FE EE€EfligE€ffi ttiiE 6eErtr'5:8f,;: 5.8x85 gi$IE $$E H Ee E IEE{ IiiFEFEEiFeFiIl€* iiiifujFEffEs EFSEsF !E., e 6YE I tra of 6F ks je <(o 9Er EEg il tg rgE fiiE E * I$,$ :E ffiffi ffiffi \F\=INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST' VAIL NAME \r\-.S -N \ READY FoR INSPE\ON\\ Mo\ . ruES [/:o '..l..!HJ. ^rnr *\ ' \ i U!/!.) pM LoCATIoN: '\i\\ J\ .t i'r'.ti'j :..s- , \l- .'t (-,G CALLER TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI D FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND ON / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. N BOUGH / WATER - ROOF & SHEER " pLYWooD NAlt tr GAS PIPING X;G,.;;;N;tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D D |--l D tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr D FINAL $+eenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED 9q EE_!NSPECTON REOUTRED NSPECTOR ,^r, %z//,C'c I h"iftsnop t PE t. 'I CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL '0 \'Q JOB NAME MON CALLER r\rl\:\i PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPEC TUES WED,THUR AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS D FOUNDATI D FRAMING PLUMBING: / STEEL D UNDERGROUND E ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL ,"-,, ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSUMATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK o trOFINAL T-l tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:. D TEMP. POWEB MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr tr o ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr tr FINAL Ft,enoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR },i I NSPECT!^9N. BFOU EST', T JOB RM 'lE NAME tr1,,,2, READY FOR LOCATION:'illt,Jt, CALLER TUES. / '/,// BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEF " PLYWooD NAILTNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ,,^o,_ /k -ha 1l )dt/rar )d!r,*o, LECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL F<4PPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED onre 1 1- Zl-k\ rNSpEcroR pnifrsre A Commercial Builderc of Kaasas lze. 450 i{. l59tt Eart . l{iclita. Katnr 87230 Ploae(310) 733-0799 December l, 1987 Ms. Kristan P'rLEz Tovrn of VaiI 75 South Frontage Road Vail, C0 82657 Dear Kristan: RE: Illegal Kitchen at Lot 11 Bighorn 4rh Addition I received your letter of November 25 with reference to the above and was pleased to receive it. Thank you for working with us in regard to the kitchen. Your patience is appreciated. tt"":.::)t'/v- Roe Messner ilM:ls 75 soulh lronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 offlce of communlly deyelopment November 25, l9A7 Mr. Roe Messner Comrnercial Builders of Kansas, Inc.450 North 159 East Wichita, Kansas 67230 Re: I1lega1 Kitchen at Lot LL, Bighorn 4th Addition Dear Roe: r wourd rike to thank you for rernoving the kitchen at your residence located in Bighorn. r hrant-to ernphasize tnat any type _of cooking unit beyond the existing r.ain riichen in y6ur residence is not a110wed through the zoiing ""d". r an aLso writing to rnake sure that you rlnderstand that an additional unit cannot be made out of the space where the i1lega] kitchen was located. Once again, thank you for your cooperation on this issue. Sincgrely, , Kirlrn i/'+,r^ Kristan Pritz Town Planner KP: br 75 soulh frontage road vail, colo;ado 81657 (303) 476-7000 offlce of communlly development November 25, L987 Mr. Roe Messner Commercial Builders of Kansas, Inc.450 North 159 East Wichita, Kansas 67230 Re: Illegal Kitchen at Lot 1-1-, Bighorn 4th Addition Dear Roe; I would like to thank you for removing the kitchen at your residence located in Bighorn. r want-to emphasi_ze thal any type of cooking unit beyond the existing.rn.in kitchen in y6ur residence is not allowed through the zoiing code. r am also writing to make sure that you rinderstand. tiat an additional unit cannot be made out of the space where the ilregar kitchen was located, once again, thank you for your cooperation on this issue. KPtbr S incqrely, V"I. P,A f lY t\ t,/ tt\ lt | 1.1 '1rr'lturl\ ' \l Kristan Pritz Town Planner o A Commercial Builderc of Kadsas, Iile. 450 At. l59tt East . t{icfiita. Kansa.s 67230 -Ptone/3/6) 733-/308 . 733-2461 - October 5, 1987 Ms. Kristan Pritz Tovrn of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Dear Kristan: I received your letter dated September 30, 1987 and called your office on Friday but you were gone. T nm sorrw f^- {-L^ r^1--. i- romine to Vail to remoVe the ! j !(,r Lrrg Lrs!aJ trr r,\Jur!r16 burners from our wet bar in our bedroom. However, if you have been reading the papers, ]ou will notice I have been spend- ing all my time the past few months in the "Carolinas. " I think this should qualify for some relief in your time frame. My wife and I come to Vail two or three times a yeat. L don't see how the burners can possibly hurt anyone for a while longer. We agree to remove Ehem. If you must cite us for a violation, we rvill deal with it. Sincereiy, i.--7 | s--"'- Roe l.{essner Rl,I: ls , 0,1 eCt. 75 soulh trontage road Yall, color'do 81657 (303) 476-7000 otllce of communlty developmenl CERTIFIED LETTER Septernber 30, L9a7 Mr. Roe Messner Commercial Builders of Kansas, Inc.450 North l59th East Wichita, Kansas 67230 Re: fllegal kitchen at l_,ot ll, Bighorn 4th Addition Dear Roe: r received your letter dated septernber 23rd. The retter did l:t 399r_"ss my TSgues! rhat you organize a prornpt i"rp"-tion or the kitchen facility by Septernber 25, LgB7. fnitead,'you state that trsometime yet this farlr the second kitchen will be removed fron the unit. This solution does not meet our departrnentrs need to deaL with the zoning "oa" "i"ration in a tirnely manner. our original approach was to try to work out a convenient date for. you to arrange lhe inspection. The op"n "r,a"a tirne rine that.was suggested in your-retter dated slpternuei 23rd does not provide a specific deadrine for remedying trr.-':.il"nen probrem.4s a result, we have no choice but to stite ttrai-ir tnl ritctren i." "?t removed by october r-4 and an inspecti-""-"ri""geat before the deadline date of octobet L4, we wiri trave no-choice rui io cite you for the violation. Th; staff hopes that a citation wiII not be necessary. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, - Ar t/ I l./. I tKt^'-l-. ^ {f rcFl lYu'l0I\ rrlfc Kristan Pritz Town Planner KP:br fi Commercial Builderc of Kaasas lile. 450 i/. l59tl, Ea . Aiclite. Kanset 07230 Plon /3t6/ 733-1308 . 7&9-2401 September 23, L987 l"ls. Kristan PriEz Office of CommuniLy Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 816-57 Dear ltls. Prltz: I received your letter to it. I olan to be in Vail I am there- I will remove the in Ehe master bedroom. When know so you can inspect it. of September 77 and am responding sometime yet this falI and while range unit from the "kitchen" this is completed, I will let you Sincerely, .? ',.\J 1\l^-/\ Roe Messner Is !4..V h S- N .N ;!!\s ,- $' iF ;$ !,q &-S ;\q$' .N \iL 5: {l b si iliiii \!?r' i t.r.lijj /tilij \ILlL\ {'li',',i,ii ii;ililt:t 4ffrff t:;iii r::.tiql <__roE P Ln Fh(n H' Ht' PCDFl.:i- - OOn ::: c) c-t H.i:: C)piO U) -^! ^F{:: HO O :-- o,5 d Fd '- Lr rr c rl ::-' -{ fD d H. '.._F{j :_. uv P I' :: (D H'N ild< a1 0)tJ Q.o ,) o ts o F.t iD { rt CERTIFIED #P 553 586 550 75 soulh trontage road Yail. colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 offlco of communlly development Mr. Roe Messner Commercial Builders of Kansas, Inc. 450 North 159th East Wichita, Kansas 6723O Re: Kitchen, Lot 11. Bighorn 4th Addition Dear Roe, Since June, the staff has been trying to work with you on resolving the kitchen probrem in youi unit at Lot li, Bighorn 4th Addition. r feer that more than adequate time has been arlowed to rernedy this situation. rn a letter dated July 29th,r outlined the work that rnust be completed in order to remove the kitchen. At this time, r have not heard any requests from you for an inspection by our Building rnspector to ieview the kitchen situation. rf you do not carr our office to organize a pronpt inspection of the kitchen facility by september 2s, LgBi, r wirl irave no choice but to cite you for the zoning code violation. The staff has tried to_work with you on the situation, and we hope that a citation will not be necessary. Thank you for your cooperation. September L7, L9A7 Sincerelv,., #*J^ 'V L lllt' lLtr ,lY)l+ Kristan Pritz' KP:br 4,a*,,-- lmn n ||flI 75 soulh tronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 August L1-, L9a7 Mr. Roe Messner offlce of communlty developmenl Certified Mail Commercial Builders of Kansas, Inc.450 N. 159th East wichita, Kansas 67230 RE: Kitchen, Lot lL Bighorn 4th Addition Dear Roe: r received your retter dated August 5th arong with the survey.I must reiterate that the kitchen adjacent to tne masEer bedroom; east study must be removed by August l_7th as previously stated in my July 29th retter. The kitchen meets our definition of a kitchen and must be removed. A kitchen deterrnines if a unit is considered to be a dwelling unit. r,,ot tt is allowed two units. Two units already exist on the property. For this reason, the kitchEn lnuit be removed. rf the kitchen is not removed, the staff wilr have no choice but to cite you for the zoning violation. Thank you for your cooperation on this natter. Sincerely,v,\ 0l 1tr51an f{i!-Kristan Pritz Town Planner fi Commercial Buildew of Kaasas, Iae. 450 L l59tt East c ltlichta.Kaaps 07280 PhonelSl0) 733-1808.789-246t August 5, 7981 Kristan PrLtz Town of Vail 75 South Front.age Rd.Vai1, Co 81657 R.e: Messner Residence 4444 Streamside Dear Kristan; Enclosed please find a copy of the site plan for my property at lot 11 Big Horn Ath Subdivision. This plan clearly shows the ability to park 3 vehicles on my property. In regrad to the referenced kitchen, this is in fact not a kitchen buE a wet bar. I feel Ehat this area should remain for convenience in as much as it is not a kitchen. T f worr shor r I.ci please cal1. have any further questions, Sincerely, v&, tW*,* R.oe !'tes sner M o < --r Fl -j S UrO m ts. :l FLn:l C) c1 Hr P'o:i a <r} '- to 0) F-O ts U1 rt fl --J Pi H'Oc ef ON vi o tr o- : t T I .ri ,1,,rrli iIL 75 soulh frohtage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 475-7000 July 29, L987 Mr. Roe Messner 450 North 1-54th East Wichita, Kansas 67230 RE: Kitchen and Living Space Additions ottlce of communlly development Certified Mail Dear Roe, on July 24th, Joe Norris and r inspected the kitchen and living sp_ace at ygur residence in Vail locat,ed on Lot l_1 Bighorn 4th subdivision. we have reviewed the situation witfi the staff and must ask you to renove the kitchen by August 17, LgB7. If there is a 220 vort electrical service, this-service must be removed. rn^respect to the new riving space added in the gtaragte, you may utilize this space_ as rong is |ou can show that €hre6 falking ' spaces are available.on your property. I am asking thit you-subnit _a survey showing where ttre ttriee parking "fac"" .re located.- .Each parking space nust be 9 feet wide by 19 feet long. This information shour.d also be submitted by August L7. rf you have any further questions about these requirements please feeL free to carr me. we will also need i" inip-"i tn.removar of the kitchen after August r.7th. Thanks for |our cooperation. Sincerely, t/. I ft'r l\nstan ttrtt Kristan Pritz Town Planner cc: ;Ige Norrls KPldkd I SenOSn, Complete i.^qs t "na Z *n.n "aOi Put your address in the ' ;uRN.To" spac. on the reverse side. Fairure to do r ,,,ilr prevsnt this :j',!i"=fl.i!!!@*:l{i,u -i postma8t€r tor iee6 and check box(6s) for additional service(s) requested, xrhhow.to whom derivered, data, and eddressee's address. 2. D Restricted Derivery. 3. Article Addressed to: Mr. Roe Messner Commercial Builders of Kansas, Inr 450 N. 159th East Wichita, Kansas 67230 xr 4. Articlo Number P-s75 9s4 926 ' Type of Servicsr fl Fegisterao X.,llbenified LJ Express Mait Q tnsurao LJ COD Always obtain signEture of addrsssee or agent and DATE DELTVEBED. 5, Signatur€ - Addrgrsqp x\-8. Addressee's Address IONLYi requested ond fee paid) 6. Signature DAgena ^ n -x l\ of /vlYtzs':r,tlu 7. Date of Delivery 8-rz-8r kr- P€+ FS Form 3811, Feb. 1986 DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT 3 n o 3 to O .. L t to O 3! E't g !o ,It {c t a t 'l o ;t ! ! SENDEB: Complct itcms 1,2,3and1. Put Vour acldras6 in rhe "R€ TU RN TO" tpaco on tho ravgr!! tido. Ftlluro to do rhir will p.gvent thi! ca.d from boinc'.ru'n.d ro vo". II!4!gt!_!gie!-!914!!p!@g you lfic name of tha Danon daliwrad to and th. d!!r of !E!!:!:I: For.ddirion.l f... tft. tollowine rarvic6 ara tvlihblo. Coniilt portmoirer tor feor snd chack box(ct) tor lrrvica(r) raquattad. ' : :::::H :,.::' """ *o'"""'' y^"g, * 3. Arriclc Addr6sed to: ROE MESSNER, COMMERCL 450 NORTH I59TH EAST l'IICHITA KS 67230 rl. Type ol Service: H 3m',1* E iHJ"o LJ Exor6! Mail Articlo Numbet P 553 586 550 Ahvovs obtain signature ol addresseeqaganr and OATE DELIVEREO. 5. Signgture - Addrcsee x /(o t h /4t Ea1-- 6. Signaq{re - Agenr " l()0 #l Oata'ol Ctdiveiv 6)..t t. 9= 8. Add..rri.€'r Add,.ts (ONLY if rdiuald.rd Isc Fitl) { @ m l!. q !-o t--.. h E l<x :IHH ;f9g =-lr= g 14[ I l< -r t l=E 5 f5 o<To.dP -s* CE >l 7E i'i =o _n _tt m ; <I@ rn:L -i\J ia2 =/-r^eE',r- trDrl Tl!Or z=0(!22 z Z-\ an d=ZA 'r- >-^2 \., > \., !z--{c p< A7 I 8,4i ;: --{ o o> o 2a nz >m -t>or- o f -m -t {z m J @ z 3 m o |-n =m v)(tl =m rn tJ) l,-Xm uiA o>,r -nr t- \,i zl ol IH IFIP -l trl l"l t5l l=P l*x tol tol t'l tl tl tl tl I m f-F t\) O) I (,-{ F tc t;t<l> lF lr fl z I I = c)c 4 m l- m l-l l9 lz lo II : m a z 9 I = l+lo t€ lz le t<t> ;m lo z ! = ; =z o -rl z t- m z o 'r| = i ! I Or I (, f\) n\) l-r t€ lz lo l: F !m 9)z I 3 ==m r c t- rn 2a i 3 z |- m I - t I E D E r lo I' rD lo yt 3 |- 0 0 m 5 s 5 F nntr T m F ={ q6 i mt I (o'..\o O a'r -\= 5<o 'n T m =l -1 -1 o @ m x m n -1 o z (-o @ 9.-{^e z'1 , t/v .i,;( ,/'(4 ^,0 u,./ ',.)7 9J o !m , =-t 2 9 lcr l(f I r\) | (r,Its l(D I t- a/", / Cf o o z a {n c o =o z dll plH ell +l!''.:All l -t m -l I x z |n t-c m slilal; EllEei f l= l= ill ONP -go<ffi Rf g EB tr -; = e9 i'Eeg #: eH =zg - -i oooo CJNzZ ffi s- €Ea;[; i 66iEx >a z^ {>r-t mc m z o -t o o .r =m -'rt P:-t.,-I XiE3a s:: ti E EIqia O o atu '- rJ m -a dp--gs=+5;ii #fr=3n ei;.+=99q,96.Ud ; oB 3 6Q .+FrOO^'oX e n9=a*e = i.ltE* 5(op=(/'o*96or F8i8:4$t,ia= *:Hqs or. p lf=.9 - r- m Hb *o .{ l, qrf Fil-X l 6l F: ..,1=z l='. +L ;I;E|;i=r .'l-l ' !PlEl ' I |.-.lc:ll | |-q(,l H9l , t t-ut I 3-l ,; 9l -F:' nl H5 I€R ! L r-lr\)m F{ | CDtN)44 | \\''\(/tct @t6 I r-1 | 0) rOl tct | | 36 l3r t:t6 l"l *l s+l ' r trli i VALUATION 4t o7o Q aa, t, By:@ An Ind'ividual pri nc i pa1 0rri ce : . !+, ..: .rl, . t.f 1..F. . . L+ i tZ Lil, . /o, rrr. (. t +.i g, EXPqRIEN9F QUESTIONNAIRE (AIA Document Number A-305 79 Edition may be useo In Il eu ot) l. How many years has your organization been in business as a contractor under your present business name? ..{r,...c.q ..flr:tt1....t:t.Q.7. 2. How many years experi ence in the proposed type and size of construction work has your organization had? ..t(4i€ ...(.?/.Y.. 3. List the most construction work recent projects similar in type your organization has had in and size: C 1,.1i, c( lJ\crLL\ ll r L*,* ' \ ."-"i. -. lt "** When have licenses and current status : 5. What other important projects of similar magnitude has your organization compi eted? !Jhen Completed Name & Address of Owner Type and Class of work tlt 4 //tL-tt a{ a(t(. .'4 . . . .. . . . i. . . . . . (ct'lf lo (t991 6. Have you ever failed to complete any work awarded to you? I:9-- If so, where and whY? ' 7 - l'|ame the Surety Compan-v, bondi ng capac j ty, and the name and address of the local agency you expect to use: ...t(.qr{: 8. What js the construct'i on and experience of the principal individuals of your organization and those jnd'i viduals to be directly involved in any project in the Town of Va'i'l . ' Present Yrs. of Con- Magnitude Individual's Position struction & T-vpe of In llhat Nanre or 0f f i ce Experi ence l'JoI!- Capaci ty? a,. t-.f., I 10. List the major jtems of equipment which you, or your or corporation own or_rvill be used j-n the Town of Vail:r corporat'l on Own Or,l^/1 | | 0e uSeO t-n the lown Ot Vai I :/.t/+: /:).lt gt* . . .-. . (+, .€. . J4 p*.,.]ns. . I : y{: . t- : :! . .-.ze rK,. . . . . . company, 11. List below the Contracts which you, or our corporation were party to, during the previous that were involved in 'l itigation of any type: company, ten (10) or years , 12. The following is for all contracts which you, or your companyr or corporation were party to during the previous five (S) years. A) Percentage of projects completed wjthin schedule.'44o1 ...t.(.........ta i3. 14. \v[2,,]'t.'nL,,lf "b,":;),17*"t':,?':ltd"T:ilLfi"t],;l2I']iI2El, Banking References A. f,^11 A/J,LJ B ^*P , Ltt '1.-f ^, 1,,^, ,, B. f ".rt, .."f NJ;,{' tr*4 1[-.):"-[,J^, !--*- 1(Trade References A- 51^' l-"'''l-o (.'*"7'""'7 B. C [,.^-' ,,n O, ,4 U' / c. Cu j,J ,i,J I'- D. F u oo fl,o,4J,'-g 2(b Urrf taf<' 3 t5 So-urrx/ X , Lt-r..U^ , (1n AJ'**r,4 'il/,JJ^',K' : l'. 16. Have you ever had a license under any name that was: in our area or any other area :l ::::::'I c) suspenaea .r/ If so, please explain: N l7) If registrant is Corporation or Partnership, please state appl icant relationship/posi tion :' /1 .fr ft tt -# \ . . .l!q. r42.o.r:{:. . ) s...s d.+v./.,/ l8) What is your postion in this registration? al(grrs>-' B) Stockhol der C) Pri nci pa1 D) 0ther l9) Social Security #:+,{{, -1-f-/1/1 -ra Certificate of Insurance THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUEO AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY ANO CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON YOU THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER, THIS CERTIFICATE IS T{OT AN INSURAT{CE POLICY A1{O OOES NOT AMENO. EXTEND. OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFOROEO SY THE POLICIES LISTEO AELOW. This is 1o Certify thot FA..,AGT LIBERTY IEGI MIITITAL R6ry.I Commercial Builders of Kansas, Inc. 450 North 159th St. East Wichita, KS 67230 L_l is. ol the issue dole of lhis (erliticole, insured by the Compony under rhe polrcy(res) lisled below. *The insuronce offorded by the tisred policy(ies) is subiecr ro oil their rerms, er.lusions ond conditions ond is nor oltered by ony requiremenr, lerm or conditron ot ony conlroci or olher document wilh respecl lo whlch rhis cerlitrcole _l Nome ond oddress of lnsured.rdrsr rslr^mf cofr{rrft-84s 0l r^ TYPE OF POLICY CERT. EXP. DATE POLICY NUMBER LIMITS OF LIABILITY WORKERS' COMPENSATION L-27 -87 wc2-LgL-O25L20-L96 COVERAGT AFFORDED UNDER W.C, I-AW OF THE FOILOWING STATES: AZ, CO, FL, GA, rL, rN, rA, KS, KYr l{D, MI , MS, MO, MT, NE NM, NY, NC, OK, PA,qc Ttr vA COV, B BODITY INJURY BY ACCIDENT $ 100.000 EA. ACCIDENT BODILY INJURY BY DISEASE $ loo-ooo EA. PERSoN BODILY INJURY BY DISEASE $ SOO _ OOO POl,rCY LIMIT ->U.- 76 E< - COMPR€HENSIVT LX FORM n scrrouLr rop,Lt - PRODUCTS COM, L& LETED oPERATToNS T -. INDEFENDENT CON. LII TRAcroRs,,coNTRAC, TORS PROTECTIVE r--r CONTRACTUAT Ll{ LTABTLTTY T t-27 -87 Lc1-191-025L20-026 BODILY INJURY PROPERTY DAMAGE EACH OCCURRENCE AGGREGAIE $ $ EACH OCCURRENCE AGGREGATE COMBINED SINGLE I.IMIT BODILY INJURY AND PROPERry DAMAGE $ 1,000,000 EACH occuRRENcE $ 1,ooo,ooo AGGREGATE FJ l6 I owreo ] uoru-owNeo ] H nro $ EACH ACCTDENT-STNGLE UMrr-B.r. AND P.D. COMBTNED EACH PERSON EACH ACCIDENT OR OCCURRENCE o EACH ACCIDENT $ on occuRRENcE e _r F o TOCAT ON(S) OF OPERATIONS & JOB d (lf Applicoblei RE: Building Extention DESCRJPIION OF OPTRATIONS: 'NOTE You *,ll NOI be aol l,ed onnuolly of lhe conl,.uo"on ol rh'5.ove.oge You w'll be no 'lred I 'r,s coveroge 6 ierd'^ored or 'educed NOTICE OF CANCETLATION: THE COMPANY wltt NOT TERMINATE oR REDUCE THE INSURANCE AFFORDED UNDER THE ABOVE POI-ICIES UNTESS DAYS NOTICE OF SUCH TERMINATION OR REDUCTION HAS BEEN MAILED TO: ft The Town of Vail Building Department ctRTrFrcATr vai1. co 816 57 HOTDER --} L I DATT ISSU€D Wichita 979 Ih's c€d'i.core 's ere.!r€d by LIaERIY MUTUAL roip€d! slth ,lt3lonce 6 ii offor& by Ihor ComFony. ., ,s 6recur6d by tlAtRIY INSURANCI CORPORAIION os .$p€.ts skh iGu,ofte os 's offdd by Ihol ConFony 85 745 Rl 75 soulh fronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 May 28, L987 Mr. Roe Messner 450 North L59th East wichita, Kansas 67230 offlce of communlty developmenl CERTIFIED MAIL Re: Lot 11, Bighorn 4th Addition remodel Dear Roe: It has been brought to my attention that there are two zoning code vj.olatj-ons at your residence on Lot 11, Bighorn 4th Addition in Vai1, Colorado. The garage has been turned into living space and a kitchen has been added in the area of the recent remodel . Your project requires three parking spaces according to the zoning code. Your lot is also located in a duplex zone district which allows for not more than two unj_ts.The additional unit due to the kitchen is not allowed. This work was never j-ndicated on the plans during the construction process. I am askj-ng that you allow the building inspector and rnyself to inspect these two areas to confirn the zoning code violati-ons. In addition, the building inspector and electrical inspector have not revi-ewed the kitchen area. One only need look through the garage windows to see that the unitrs garage has been converted to living space. However, I would like to make a record of our inspection. I would like to hear frorn you in writing by June 1"L, Lgg7.Please indicate in a letter that you will a1Iow the Buildinq and Zoning Departments to inspect the two areas in questioni I would also appreciate it if you could arrang'e for some way for us to get into the unit to rnake the J.nspection. perhaps Ray Neace could meet us at the unit. If I do not hear frorn you in written forrn by June 1I , L98'7 , I will have no choice but to cite you for the violation. Even though I will noL be able to see the kitchen fron the outside of the building, I am abLe to see the converted garage at this time. I hope this will not be necessary and we will be able to rectify these zoning problens. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, $,'hth Toh/n Planner KP:br cc: Peter Patten Gary Murrain Joe Norris I INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI O FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL D tr E tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL o D tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: D TEMP. PO O HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPBOVED CORREGTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR --INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr O FINAL tr FINAL tr.APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME INSPECTION TOWN OF , REOUEST VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES BUlLDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. 'r,l U ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL fr ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION C] SHEETROCK N POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr tr o tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr o FtftAL tr FINAL VED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED RECTIONS: F,Al coR INSPECTOR.DATE INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND C BOUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE trl 6F trC D- CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o tr FINAL N FINAL F APPROVED ,' tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTION TOWN OF VAIL REQUEST PERMI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: T NUMBER OF PBOJECI INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES WED THUR FRI JOB NAME PM BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - BOOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: O HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR E;-FINAL O FINAL 'tr',Appnoveo /CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT UMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE rt o JOB NAME MON CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:TU BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUIIB ING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr tr UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETBOCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL " cl^r-rL- {or rcrrwa0u.{ it\AqulL.,tJo,^" tr FINAL g FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR o_ z#lrnl,at tr FINAL m T] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED INSPECT PERMIT NUMBEH OF PROJECT INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST.VAIL i '/ |' . DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR AM FRI LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION i STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr EI FINAL D FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR /_""." 75 south trontaga road vdl colorado 81657 (3eil 4792138 (3Gl) 4792139 ofllce of communlty dev€lopment August 7, 1991- Re: Lot 11, Bighorn 4th Addition To Whom It May Concern: It has come to the attention of the Community Development Department that a residence on the above property contains a bedroom which does not have a legal egress. A bedroom without. lega1 egress is considered unhabitable, and this room cannot be used except for storage, Gary Chief Building Official a ARTHUR I. MEARS, P.E", tlatrnl Flrzn& Canulrm Zl2FrGdtAvc. Gdro, Cohado El2r0 nt-6il.12% September 1k, 1986 l.lr. J.D. Flnney 450 lf. lJtth St. East llltidE., Kansas 5?230 Dear lilr. Ftnney: At your request, I connunlcated. wlth the Torn of ValI re6ard.lng rlebrls-flow anil a\alariche hazard to property located at Lot 11 , Blghorn Fourth Aildltlon,valL (tr4tr4 Streanrsld.e Clicle) . - Thls conrnunl-cation resulted ln a slte lnspei-tlon conclucted on Frlclay, Septenber 12. The folIowlng concluslons result fron thls slte vlslt. Debris Flows Debrls flows d.o not affect the exlstlng bulld.lng or the paroposetl ad.dltlon as presently stakecl. The flows wlll stop ln Gore Gbeek antl H1II not have sufflcient clepth or energy to cllrrb the strean enbanknen t to the stnrcture. Snow Avala^nches Snow arralanches al-so occur here ancl are lateral-ly conflned by two parallel berrns nhlch were bullt by the Tinberfalls Development in the nld 19?0's. Large clry-snow a.vala.nches wlII cross the Tinrberfalls terurie eourts an4 pool and n111 cross Gore Creek. Howeve!, the arralanches rlll- lnpact the north slile 'of the creek a short cllsta.nce to the east of your stnrcture. Consequently, avala^nches do not constltute a bullcllng constralnt for your exlstlng bullding or proposed atld.ltion. I will provlcle thls lnfo:rnatlon by phone to the Tonn of Vall tonorrow (Septenrber 15). PLease contact rne lf you have any questions. Slncerely, Arthur I. Mears, ?.E. AM:1c EncL. INC. -1 I CrlLr'' 4 fl1r n+o ,u trtol Wqriq o Aa1fo1cha . A67anc;".fa1,tpl$'lnrr* : -n\q\ -\\ '\a-,, V __L-1u,( \\{_)\" :., i lll Joali J I t. -r -l'-tbd- -rr\>\ .' ... | 4Fv J A-' i t ,. / z ' )'j APPLICATIoN Qfill:. d.t' t-., rr r: It DATE OF DRB }IEETII,IG. :I ": tjld"l1l' l)Dtr' .;: DRB APPLrcArioN HIL --\3i .0Tl ) i. *****THIs AppLIcATI0N l'llLL NoT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFoRI4ATI0N tt trut*t****{ ir' ' ' . t' I. PRE-APPLICATION I'IEETING: A pre-application meeting with^a plann'in9 staff menber is strongly suggested to . a-eieimihb if any"aaJitionat information is needed. No applicatjon will be.accepted . unless it is compieie (must include al'l items required by the zoning administrator). it is-tf1" appliclni;s iesponsibility to make an_appoir,tment with the staff ta find . : out about additional submittai requirements. Please note that a C0I'IPLETE applic:' tion will streamline the approva'l process for your proi99! by decreasing the nunber . of condjtions oi'ipprovat iirat the'DRB may sti-pulatb. -ALL c-onditions of approval must be resolved before a build'ing permit is issued. .'.,',. .4 .''.'' B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address z/ Legal Description Bio,', ..*1.-, r Block +t/ o7,1 ,/,,'t Filing R- z ++'-Ftz*Lot ./ ,'' Zoning | - '''..,,t; tt t, ) o.j 1/ar/ l-o.- d't- c.NAI'IE OF APPLICAIIT: Address *5c ) ':. .1, . v'7 /- - -3 LTo telePhone 3i' --,-i!'' 'i'-/ D.NAI4E OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE :,/ /' Addres s telephone 77:::'' E. NAI'IE OF OI.INERS: S i gnature Address pernrit is requested. $ 10.00 s 25.00 ," $ 50.00 tl nn nn $200.00 $300 .00 F.DRB FEE: The fee wi.'ll VALUATION $ o-$ 1o,ooo $10,001 -$ 5o,oo0 $5o,oo1 -$ 15o,ooo $150,001 - -$ .500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000 $ 0ver $1,000,000 be paid at the time a building FEE II4PORTAIIT NOTICE REGARDiNG ALL SUEi.iISSIO|IS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meet'ing submittal requirements, the applicant must stake the site to indicate property lines and building corners. Trees- that vtill be removed should also be markbd. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the site. ?. The revjev/ process for llEil tsUILDIIIGS ujll nornally involve trro separite iie=:jigs of the Design Revievr Board, so pian on at least tl'ro meetings for thejr approval. 3. People r.rho fail to appear before the Design Revie';r Board at their scheduled meeting and vrho have not asked for a postponement vti'l I be required to be renr rh I i < horl tE|,gv. .., L '"':r','.r.;k 4. The fol lowing They' however, items no longer have to be. presented have to be presented to the Zoning to the Design Revievt Bc:rd' Administratoi for aPProval i a. l.li ndows, skyi ights existing plane of anci stmiiar exterior changes that do not a'lter the . the bui I di ng; and - "- . b. Bu'i lding additions that are not viewed frOm qny other lot or public space' , "'." . which hive had letters submitted from adjoining property owners appro"'lng . ._ the addition; and/or approval from the agent for, or manager of a condomtnrum . : association. , . .,, l' i .. i. ' 5. .You may be ""Ortr"O to'conau.t'Nutrrul Hazard Studies on your property. You should check with a Town Planner before proceeding . ...: I I. NFl,l A. MATERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED CONSTSUCTION Topographic map and site plan of site containing 1. Licensed surveYor's stamP. the following (2 c.oPies): . "2. Contour intervals of not more than 2' un] ess the parcel consists of5 - more, in shich case, 5' contour intervals wi'l I be accep.ted. 3. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4' .acres or or more "; 4. Rock'outcroppings and other significant natural features ('large boulders, "r'" .-.1 5. Ava'l anche areas, 100 year flood p1 ain and slopes 40% or more, if applicable."' 6. Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark-or sewer invert, -': . one foot above grade. ser,Jer gas water e lectri c 7. Locations of the fo1 lorvinE: a. Proposed surface drainage on and off cul verts , swal es , etc. b. Exact locations of all utilities to inc'l ude service lines from sources to the structure. site shorving size and tYPe of existing sources and ProPosed Utilities to inclucie: cab'le TV Te1 ephone c. Property lines shorving distances and bearings and a basis of bearing d. Proposed driveways with percent slope and spot elevations e. Al I easements Existing and finished grades Al 1 existidg and proposed'improvements including structures, landscaped.areas' serVice areis, stbrage areas, walks, drivevlays, off-street parkjng' loading areas, retaining wal 1s (with spot el evations), and other site improveaents. Elevations of top of roof ridges (with existing grade shoyn underneath) to determine height of building. A statement from each utility verifying location of service'and availability. To be.submitted with site P1an. preliminary title report to accompany a1l submittals, to jnsure property o"lnersh'ip and all easements on propertY D. Landscape P'l an (1" = 20' or larger) - 2 copies 1. Shorv the locatjon of 4" diameter or'l.arger"tre€s,'16!lgp'shiubs'ana-iietiVe p'lants t are on the site and the location and deiign of proposed landscape areas rvith the varieties and approx'imate sizes of plant materials to be planted. ir 2. Complete landscape materials list. ' 3. Designate trees lo L: saved and those to be lost. N0TE: As much of the above information as possible should occur on the site plan, so that the inter-relation of the various components'is clear. The landscape plan should be separate. The existing topographjc and vegetational characteristics may be a separat, map. The appljcant muit stake the site to sholv lot lines and building corners. Tree: that r.rill be lost during construction must be tagged. The work shouid be completed before the DRB site vis'i t. 8. o 10. B. c. o Btt =-E.Archi tec:ura'l Pl ans ( 1/I' or larger) 2 copies i. Must jnclude floor plans and all elevations as.they wi'll appear on completion' Elevations must shoiv both existing and finished grades. Z. Exterior surfacing materjals and colors shall be specified and submitted for' review on the maiEriaii lisi availabie-from the Department of Community Oevelop- men;. Cotor cirips, iialri-iumptes eti., should be'presented at the Delign-Review Board meeting. F. The Zoning Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional Plans.'- drawings,-speciiiiitionr, iihpr"i ind other material (including a model) if deemed necessiry tb determine whethei. a project will comply with design.guidelines- II. MINOR ALTERATIONS TO iHE EXTERIOR OF.BUILDINGS Photos or sketches that ciear'ly indicate what is proposed and the location (si'"e p'l an) of proposal may be subrnitted iir ljeu of the more formal requirements g]ve1 above, as lonb ai they p'rovide a1l imporiant speciiications for the iroposed iniluaing colors and materials to be used. . III. ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR CONI'IERCIAL . A. Origina'l floor plans with all specifications shor,,n P. Floor plan for addition - 2 copies C. Site plan'shovring .*rrrrnn and proposed construction - 2 copies topos D. E'levations of addition : E. Photos of existing structure F. Specifications for a'l I materjals and color samples on materials'l ist available at Departrnent of Communi ty Development At the request of the Design Reviel Administrator you may also be required to subnit: G. Statement from each uti'lity verifying iocation of service and availabi'l ity. See attached utility location verification form. H. Site improveaent survey, stamped by registered professional surveyor. I. preliminary title repor.t, verifying ot'rnership of property and lists of easements. IV. FINAL SITE PLAN --After a buildinq permit has been issued, and when the project is undertray., t!".19'ltbw'ing will be requirei 6"for" any building receives a framing inspection from the Building deparitent: A certified improvement survey shot'ting: A. Bu.i Iding Iocations with ties to property corners, i.e. djstances and angles. B. Euilding dimensions to nearest tenth of foot' C. A'l 'l uti'l ity service'l ines as-builts shorting size of lines, type of material used, ' and exact iocations' 2 coPies D. Drainage as-builts' 2 coPies E. Basis of bearing to tie to section corner' F. All property pins are to be ejther found or set and stated on map. G. Al I easements H. Bui'lding f1 oor elevations and roof ridge e'l evatjons ' It[F.05=!l3iFflo" ' SliEFLi?3ft',3i'' The folloling Board before A. BUILDING Roof Si d'ing LIST OF }lATERIALS q+4 information is required for submittal a final approval can be fiven: MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL -/ -aL"/t-'' by the appl icant to the Deiigir Review COLOR . Other l,lal 'l I'lateri al s 4w*' Fas ci a . Soffi ts l,li ndows }lindow Trim Doors Door Trim 'Hand or Deck Fl ues Fl ashi ngs Chirnneys Z7-a./'za-"a-'a-'*'--' l( ,l' 4,4"/c-+1,.4 r't'^- (e- !-r-7-i lr fue'.4 ' /'- ' ,,2'..A/,,r'//&<-l"'-/* (a-rL*"+-'' l1 @ I Rails i/Z--.4'2r-t1 .!..4-.t t,- --7L-o-n--*-- Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther B. LANDSCAPIIIG: PLANT I AI S . PROPOS ED IKEt5 /'fur2'L-t:.--- 4a--f2uQ*,- /*i2....-.dzn)k,,_t Name of Designer:' Phone:q4? -/?47 D^+:-r'rel N:ma t\rLurrl Common llame F---L^L Quani ty Si ze* /': 2 L?, ('-tr ' / /2-" *' A (o Indicate height for coni fers. / ^,,^ - \ f,@e-a-g" EXISTING TREES TO 6-,\-rr,.1rr-n TJ E. KE.I.IU V L U A4dLt-- _ *Indicate caliper for deciducious irees. . PLAiIT I-IATERIALS: (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REI'IOVED GROUND COVERS s00 Botanical Name Con"non llame Quani tv 7 Si ze TJpe Souare Footaqe 3 6a'o SEED --'7'L-4-74.-4- TYPE OF IRRIGATI ON TYPE OR I'IETHOD OF EROS IOiT COIITROL C. 0THER'LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining vrails, fences, sr,rimming pools, etc.) Please specify. Proiect Name: Pro.iect Description: a Project Application Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: lii Block Filing '. Zone - Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Town Plan ner F Datei Staff Approval Pe)4 - - /t",h"JA 31"-6wa -S--o Sruc' [\lnlrrr'rrt 6' \.lRh _ [lfo^, Iqini*,,1^ t0..ier f' ,'"$g'ff,._- 'r- orl - r-) 'v^. ;- ; t- \ '\'a! a - r'. a::> +). j rl lr \J '\ r-;.'' ,/ Q*t .t | .'/| (.'l',l I I 't;aF;oilt' t) \l !.*- *v' I I -/.t* ./-*fth f *-- t -1 tr '') | | /' I e E==t=!-=::-:-=':=t':-*=-:-- '- --:- l. t ' 't ' ' " v o a;{SitnEH .,i,'r> 4 u a a!{ .J on r.| L iii$!i€i; cl?5 Qrlo!5gBs s5.:,:! r q - q r| r 6 . oE<tr! Cal rUa, r{o rj6HiiaEr iE:; ^"3*9.'fl*' tt. H tgFrEg:sr 3$g,.3i:iqt!59 i.g5 -EtE€E€gi €83* 3s 9g sl ,6 'gb gs N% r)(o \s o lrt o s \o B (r) l{ d t o l{a 6 =t F (/) o l-o C).a) (l i\ K z' \ L- s $ \ \. tr\g' ,1j*\(r*,s '$l \'F \t -it. i ,I \N io\ ?n\ a a \ 'oon \*I- \ \ \?i#, 'fffi -.,. /J9t ,nil- -i F_ 2 2 T"e' F l-s g o o..\i tl ,ol $r t-tll \i \s I $ 4 -- I l \, *, *' bterDlouotrln Elglncerlag r.ta. September 2, 1986 Roe l4essner 450 N. 159th East l.lichita, Kansas 67230 Re: Lot 11, Bighorn Subdivision Fourth Addition Dear Roe: As requested, our offjce has investigated the floodplain infornation for the above-referenced lot. To determine floodplain levels, vre used field information col'lected by this office, and "Gore Creek Floodplain Information" prepared for the Colorado l.later Conservation Board by Hydro- Triad, Ltd., June 1975. It was found that the 100-year flood elevation at the east property 'l ine of the lot is 8451.3. The floor elevation of the existing house at the entryway is 8458.3. The elevation of the creek bank at the east line of the existing house is 8451.5. The 100-year floodjng of Gore Creek is within the banks of the creek, and the elevation of the house is above the 100-year f'lood level. If we can be of further assistance, please ca1l. S i ncerely, J,%*/m/ G. -fdonas Al l en, P. E. Project Engineer GTA: cjn cc: Tovn of VaiI Box No. 978 Avon, Colo,rado 81620 949507 2 Denver 893-1 531 142O Vance Street Lakewood, Colondo 8(P15 Phone:232{158 g 0J +, G, .r- sz (F o !.cs =+,o+t F< 6p #s $c sS aE !:E gE gq t E II E E go !E s5 E€ TH$t::E$E I oftlce ol oommunlty developmenl address i ng further 75 south fronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 August 29, 1986 Mr. J. D. Finney 450 North 159th Street l,Jichita, Kansas 67230 Re: Lot 11, Bighorn Fourth Addition Dear J.D.: Enclosed is a map of your lot plus the ordinance geolog'ica1 hazards. Please call if you have any questi ons. Si ncerely,/'4 D /Lu-, /rt, t/l t rZ/)e Kristan Pritz Town Planner KP: br Encl os ure Legal DescriPtion: Lot /O:i - {i:l LK for. R, R P/S 70ilE Bl ock qFD \l DI STR 1 o CTS Fil in9 u q n^ orner ll'h*\,Lt\\0/\ Archi tect Zone District Proposed Use Lot Si ze He ight To'r.al GRFA Primary +RFA &tl tlfu( Secondary IRFA ilUl U'!-t Setbacks: Front 5tces Rear l'Ja ter Course Si te Coverage Landscapi ng Parki ng Credi ts : Garage aLll,T ,llzv ,l6v Ll t31 fula'{+Ctl t/r) | atl -vr - -r Pro po s ed ,/60 7 _D) bL bL bL_ l'lechani ca'l Ai rl ock Stora ge Sd] ar Heat Stora ge 15' 15' (30)@ 110 | (3oo) (600) ( eoo) (1200) (50) ( loo) (25) (50) (2oo)(4oo) otg;1----/ada ltzt d*t---dk!,fu< .) Drive: Slope Permi tted )/7n Slope Actual Env i ronmen i.a I ,/Ha za rds : Cor::i:nts: Av a'l anche F'l ood Plain Sl ope Zoning: ApProved/DisePProved Da te: s{,gi\') r'lr;n-:tril1T.,1:'. T^| -.1 -.r. ::.-Lr::-,".-. r,',i r lhL rrSVJ l:., PROJECT: DATE SUBMiTTED:DATE OF PUEL I C COI'II{ENTS NEIDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: Da te 9 e< t,,e.{ t(a'r*4arr'€o, ut /a-w-*trz Ata,+''-. ' ' /./aj7 U,.-rc\ s/aar, 6N Stza 4 nru /+Z€ Z_i ofp FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Conments: POL]CE OEPARTI4ENT Rev'i ewed by: Connrents: ::a::l':'-,';l '.!al: --,,.r r _:_::j_:-l_1j.1' - :i:i , ,. :., i F.ev;ewed by: i:;;:rrts: LIC I^JORKS Revierved by: Comments: /-'\:) Da te n- + ^ LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COI,IPANY Representins Title Insurance Companv of llinnesota THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER August 28, 19A6 Our Orden: V9503 EUYER! REE IIE$SNER SELLER! ADEIRESSI o COMMITMENT TO INSURE This commitment was produced and issued through the office of LAND TITLE GUARA}ITEE COMPANY 108 South Fronlage Road P.O. Box 357 Vail. CO 81 658 t303t 476-2251 j / i I Countersigned: i a i., \, : '. .. , .-.',-.- - validating Ofticer Representing: Jrl-e lrusunnr.rce fiorvrenruv or ffirruruEsorA JelaJJ0s ',{roleu8rs pazrroqlne roqlo to recglo 8ur1epr1e,,r e fq pau8rsrelunoJ uoq,r\ pIIE^ oq ot 'V eppaqcs uI u,troqs alep aql uo srarIJJo pezlJoqln€ ,(1np s1r Xq pexgge olunoror{ oq ol [p6s pue auuu elurodroc sll pasneJ ser{ ?losouulw;o ,(ueduo3 aJusrnsul otlll 'jOAUAHA SSEN.LI/11 NI 'tuorulnuruoJ slql ^q paro^oc uoaraqi e3e31:oru ro lsarelur ro ol€lse eql enF^ JoJ proJar .;o so.rrnbre parnsut pasodord aql elep aqt ol rotJd tnq Jooreq elpp o^rl.eJJo eqt ol tuanbesqns 8urqce1le ro sproJer rrlqnd aql ur Eurreoddz lsru 'peleorJ',{ue Jr'sral1?ul Jar{lo.ro surrEIJ osre^pe'saruerqurn3uo.'suell_'sloaJac 'S 'sprolar srlqno oql ^q u,roqs lou pu?,rsl fq pasoduu 'peqsrurnJ louearoq ro aroJotorarll IBua]?u ro roqel 'sallues roJ iuorl e ot tq€u ro 'uer1 fuy 'n 'sproror rrlqnd aql ,(q u/$oqs lou are r{Jru^\ pue asolrsrp ppo,tr sasruo.rd aq} go uorl:odsur pue .{a,rrns lJarJof, B qJrq^i stJeJ ,tue pue 'sluat.uqf,eorrue 'eer€ ur e8el.roqs'saur1 ,{repunoq ul slJruuor 'sat:rueda:rsrq 'sp:ora: rrlqnd aql Iq u.tror{s }ou 'sluauaseo Jo srurelc ro 'sluoruos?g 'sp:ocer crlqnd aql Xq ultoqs 1ou uorssassod ur serlred.;o su:rep ro s1q8ry :EumolloJ aqt ol lce[qns oslE sr luaulnuuoJ srui 'o1 par:e;o: o,roqe a8ero,ro3 uo{ suorsnlrx! pue suorlelndrlg pue suor}rpuoJ eqt w pau?luoJ srallsu eqt ol uorirppe uI 'luaulnuruo3 sT,rll;o suorsnord aql ol lcofqns ole pu? uo possq oq lsnur lueulrurluoJ s!r{l ,(q paroiroc uoeraql ateSlrou eql Jo snlsls eql Jo lseJolul ro elPtso oql 01 allll oql Jo snlels oql Jo }no Surslre Iueduo3 eql lsunE? Stnrq ,{eu: :o eaeq ,{eur parnsul pesodord oql l?ql uor}.e Jo slq8rr ro suorlJ? Jo uorlce ,{uy 'i 'urareq parJrpotu i(lssardxa se ldacxa luorulllxruoJ slql Jo ired I spelu puB acueraJer ,{q palerodrocur ,{qareq an qtrq^\ psJnsul pasodojd eql Jo ro^EJ u JoJ pel}nu -uroc sarcllod ro ,(c11od .;o urroJ eql Jo aEere,lo3 ruor; suo$nlcxa eql pue suorlBlndng pue suorlrpuoJ aql pue suorsr^ord Sumsur eql ol lJefqns sr,{11gqeJ1 l{cns puu roJ pe}}Iuruor salcrtod ro i(ctlod eql roJ V elnpeqts u pol?ls lunou? aql poacxa ,(lt[qeq qons Ipqs lua^a ou ul 'lu3rutrturuo3 sqr,(q pore oJ uoaraql aSeSlrou.r ro lssralu ro e}?lse 3ql eleorJ ro arrnbcu ol (J) ro '8 alnpaqJs u! u^roqs suorldacxa olBultxilo o1 (q) ro goereq stuouennbar oql ql!/r ,{ldtuoc o1 (") qtt"J pooE ur tuqelrapun ur uosraq oruerl -ar rn poJrncu ssol lenlJe ro; ^luo pue roJ paltruluoc sercrlod :o ,{or1od Jo ruroJ ar{1 ur pernsul Jo uorlrur;ep eqt rapun pepnlc -rn satl-tud qrns puE painsul pecodord paurru oql ol ,lluo eq [Fqs ]uoru]rruruoJ sr-ql repun Aueduo3 eql Jo /tlnrqprl 't 'suotlepdpg pup suotltpuoJ asoql Jo E qderEered o1 luensrnd porrntur ,{lsnouard ,{111tqe11 u:or.; i(ueduo3 eql e erlar lou IIBr{s tuelxpuau? qcns lnq ',{lSurprocoe luerrllrunuoJ sql Jo g elnpaqrs puau:e feu uorldo s1r 1e ,(ueduro3 or{l'Joll?ur roglo ro runlc asreAp?'aJuerquncua'ue['lJeJop qcns,{ue Jo aEpal^\oul 1en1ce sarrnbce ssvn -reqto trueduoC eql JI ro'fu?duoJ ar{l 01 a8paymoul qcns esoltsrp [er{s pornsul pasodord eql JI 'o8pal^\ou{ r]Jns esolosrp os ol parnsul paodord aql go ornge; Xq pecrpnfa.rd sr fueduro3 oql tuelxo eq1 ol uooroq aJuEIar Jo 1ce ,,(ue uro:g 3ur11nsar a8eruep ro ssol ,{ue rog ,{i1pqe11 tuo{ pe^allor aq leqs ,{wdu:oJ aql'Eur}u/r\ ut ,{ueduro3 aql ol eEpal^\orDl qrns asolcsrp ol IreJ llerls pue 'Joareq g elnpegcs ur unroqs asoql ulql reqlo luorulrunuoJ sr-ql ,{q palo,loc uooroq} o8eS}roru ro lsalalu ro al?lso eql 8ur}laJJ? rall?u.raqto Jo rurelc esra^pE 'acuerquncuo 'uoJI 'lcaJop ,{ue ;o eSpeJ/l'rou1 1un1ce sermbre ro ssli pojnsul pasodord eqt 31 'z 'luaunJtsu! ^luntes reqlo ro 'poap lsnrl 'lsnrl Jo paap apnlcur IEqs 'uleraq pasn uaq,n ',,a3e31rotu,, urrol oql 'l ',{uedruo3 aql Jo llneJ aql lou q sarcflod ro ,{cqod qcns anssr ol emleJ er{l l?lp popl^oJd'srn]co lsJrJ ro^aqf,Iql\ 'anssr lleqs JoJ pellrl'uruoc selJlloo ro Aclloo ar{l uar{^\ ro Joereq olep a^IlcaJJe ar{l Jaus sqluoru xls el?uurrel pu? asDec lleqs rapunaroq suorl -e311qo put flmqell IIE pu? erutrnsu app 3o sarcllod ro ,(r11od qcns Jo ocu?nssl eqt ol ,{:eurunlard sr lueurlluuroJ slql 'iuauasaJopuo luenbesqns /(q ro luolulnuuoc srql Jo ecusnssr oql Jo eurrl aql lE raqllo 'xwdruo3 aql trq Joerer{ v etnpeqcs m pouasur uoeq a^?q loJ pellruluot setcllod.to ,{cr1od aq1 ;o }unouJe el{l pue pernsul pasodord oql Jo i{U}uapl aql uaq,rl ,{Juo e,rrlce33e eq fieqs luoulruJuroJ sIqI 'Soeraq suorlelndns pue suortrpuoJ aql ol pue g pu? v selnpeqcs 3o suorslaord 3ql ol lrofqns [E :roJoregl saSrerp puE surnFusrd aqt 3o tuaufed uodn 'v alnpeqrs ur 01 po]raJer lo paquJsep pu?l aql q ,{qe:aq pereaoc lsololtn Jo alElse eql Jo aeSeSlroul lo tauAro sB 'v alnpsqJs ur peur?u parnsul pasodord eql Jo ioAEJ ut 'V elnpoqJs ur pagrluapr se 'eJu?rnsul elllt Jo sarcllod ro ,(c11od slr anssr 01 slruuroJ fqaraq 'uorluroprsuoc alqenle^ e ro3',(ueduo3 aql pelpt ureraq 'uorlerodror elosauuhl e 'VIOS3NNU4I JO ANVdl4lOJ AJNVU1SNI A'IIII eloseuull l 's!lodeouulw lo Aueduroc l3ols e 't .I '^au 0461 'IN3hlItWWOC NOTMCOSSV 3'lltl ONV'l NVClUttjV 8L/Z zsg7 Lr.lloJ t/! tf ALTA COI.II'IITf.IENT o Arpl ication No. V95O3 For tnformation Onlv I SCHEDULE A I I I I I - Charges - I Ouner Pol icv PRELII.I REPORT *100. oo --TOTAL-- *IOO.OO l.f ith vour nenittance please nefer. to V9iiO3. l. Effective Dater Auguet 14r 19S6 at AIOO A.f'i. ,2. Policv to be issued, end pcoposed Insuredr "ALTA" lluner's Pol icv Fonm B-197O (Anended 1O-17-7O) Proposcd Insur€dt 3. The estate on interest in the land described or referred to in thie Comoitment and covered h€e€in is! A Fee :4. Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at the effective date hereof vest€d in! ROE T.IESSNER 5. The land referred to in this Cornnitment is described as fol lorusl CONNOHINIUI.I UNIT 2, V-T.I-S CONDOI,IINIUI.IS ACCORTIINS Tfl THE CCINEOI'IINIUH I'IAP RECORDED DECEI{BER I8, 1975 IN BOOI{ 243 AT PAGE 722 ANN AS DEFINED AND DESCRIEED IN THE CCINDCIFIINIU},I DECLARATTON THEREI]F RECOREED JANUARY 30, 1976 IN BOOK 244 AT PAGE 534, COUNTY OF EA6LE, STATE OF COLORADCI. PAGE 1 o v A L'l' A C O 1.1 I'l I T l-l E N T SCHEBULE B-I (Requirementsl Arplicetion No. V95Og The f ol I orrrins are the requirements to be compl ied uithl 1. Pavment to or for the eccount of the grantorg on morteaEors of the ful I consideration for the egtate or interest to be i nsured. 2. Proper instrument(s) cneatine the esta.te or interest to be insured must be executed and duly filed for record' to-uitr THE COUNTY CLERK ANB RECI:'RDERS OFFICE RE&UIR€S R€TURN ADTIRESSES BN EOCUT'IENTS SENT FOR RECORDING ! ! PAGE ? o ALTA COT,II,IITI.IENT SCHEDULE B-2 {Exceetions) Application No. V95O3 The policv or policieg to b,e issued urill contain exceptions to the follouine unl€se the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Conpanyl 1. Standand Exceptions 1 through 5 pninted on the cover sheet. 6. Taxes and assessments not yet due or payabl e and special assessments not vet certified to the Treasuner's office. 7. Anr unpaid taxes oF assessments asainst s*id land. A. Liens for unpaid uaten and seurer charges' if anv. 9. RICiHT IIF PROPRIETOR CIF A VEIN CR LCINE TO EXTRACT AND REI'IOVE HIS ORE THEREFROI,I SHOULN THE SAHE BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREI,IISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STA].ES PATENT RECORNED November 17' 1902' IN BOCIK 4A AT PAGE 492. 10. RIGHT OF NAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CON5TRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITEE STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECCTRBED Novembcr 17' 190?, IN BO0K 4S A1' PABE 492. 11. RESTRICTIVE CDVENANTS, I.IHICH NO NET CONTAIN A FI]RFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, AUT OHITTING RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASEE ON RACE, CBLCIR, RELIGION, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN' AS CONTAINEE IN INSTRUFIENT RECORDED December 20' l?62' IN BOCIK 174 AT PAGE 4Ct3 AND AS AMENFED IN INSTRUf'|ENT RECORtrED FebnuaFy O6' 1964, IN BI]OK 182 AT PAGE 31. 2. PEDESTRIAN, DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASE},IENT TI"IENTY FEET IN T.JIDTH ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LCIT LINE CIF SUEJECT PROPERTY AS SHOI.IN ON THE RECORDEtr PLAT OF BISHORN SUBBIVISIC]N FOURTH ANT}ITII]N. ,{9. UTTUTTY AND DRAINAGE EAsEf"tENT TEN FEET IN I.IIDTH ALSNG THE S0UTHEASTERLY LOT LINE OF SIJE!|ECT PROPERTY AS SHOI.'N ON THE RECQRDED PLAT OF EIGHORN SUBTIIVISION FOURTH ADDITICIN. 14. EASEI,IENTS, RESERVATIONS ANE RESTRICTIONS AS SHOI.'N OR RESERVED ON THE RECCIRNED PLAT OF BIGHORN SUBDIVISION FCIURTH AEDITITIN ANE THE CONDOI'IINIUM f4AP 0F V-t{-S CONDOHINIU|{S. 15. THO.5E PRffVISIONS, COVENANTS ANN CONDI'I-IONS, EASH}'IENI S AND RESTRICTIONS. HHICH ARE A BURDEN TO THE CfiNNOHINIUI'I UNIT TIESCRIEED IN SCHEDULE A, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUT'IENT RECTIREED Januarv 3O, 1976' IN BOOK 244 A'l PAGE 534. PAGE 3 o o ALTA COf.II,IITI,IENT $CHEBULE B_2 . (Exceptions) Applicetion No. V95O3 16. DEED CIF TRUST NATED February ?8, T977, FftJN ROE I.IESSNER AND HUTX EruH I.IESSNER TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE C'f,UNTY FOR THE USE TTF HOI,IE FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF THE ROCKIES TO SECLIRE THE SUI.I OF $60,000.00 RECORDED IVIanch O2' T977, IN EOOK 253 AT FAGE 11 AND RE-RECORDED I'IARCH 24, 1974 IN BOOK 268 AT PAGE 381. 17. EEED OF TRUST DATED Februanv 28' 1977' FROII ROE I,IESSNER AND RUTH ANN I.IESSNHR 'TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE BF EAGLE CCIUNTY FOR THE USE OF HO]'IE FEDERAL $AVINGS ANN LOAN ASSDCIA]'ION OF THE ROCKIES TO SECURE THE SUI.I OF 16O,000.00 RECORDED Aeril 27, 1978, IN B0OK 2o9 A'l PAGE 47O. I I I' I o STREAMSIDE CIRCLE s530 'oo"E t84.63' e 10 q LOT t2 LOT IO r hercby certtfy thar th18 lqrovec.nt loclllon cerclfr.erre uas prepared for thc rcrtgage lender and the.rltlc insurance coEpsny, that lc ia not a liod survcy plet or lDProveEcnt aurvly plat, and thal lt ls noc to be rcllcd upon for thc catabllch-unt of fcace, bulldlng, or olher future l'proveoenr rlne8. i furthci ccrtlfy thrr'the l'provc'enlg on the above descrlbed parcer on thls d!te, except uirrlty con-trecEions' arc entlrely nlthln che boundailes of the parcei, '"r..pi -r"'rhowrr, lhrt there are no encroachnents upon- lhe desdrlbed pre'lses by loproveuenrs on rny rd-Jolnlng preslses' crccpt aa r.odlcared, and thsi there 1s no lppareni-e"roence or slgn of any eascDent crossln! or burdenlng any part of sald parcer, ercept a, not€d. Tlrls certlflcare does not conatltute a rrtle eearch by rntcr-l,tounta 1ti Engtneertng to delernine - omershlp or easeaents of rccord. For eil lnforei,tlon iegararng easenents, rlghta-of-way_ o.I -Elr_Ie_ 9_f ,rec_ord, Inter-llounlaln rngrnearini retr-a upon THE FINAL pLAT oF V.M-S COilDOi,tillUits. e to 196 6 UNPLATTED ,'lo*rf It'= 3O' a 0t\t$1\ . =\ur'llf -r g \-ffif /. o""'no' I fuIPROVE M E NT LOCATION CER T I FICATE :;ruT3..."" llptcr-Dlountefn .iffi""AE,e-';E:I .i:rco;r.--!ro?. llEnglngcrlnqrra .3=3;a:i--3-54 UNITC V.M.S CONDOMI NIUMS TOWN OF VAIL, EAOLE COUNTY, COITORADO , ^, r .? - t )"!")' F"-i8' I F I o 3 fi 'h " i 5 I i J' o I 3'i 1 5 Fr -l r4A I N TA I N Fence !.la l1 Landscapi ng 7rs 0ther OWNER OF NAME OF PROP E RTY APPL I CANT ADDRES t/Al/ LEGAL DESCR]PTION OF (If necessary, attach Corner lot ri nt PROPERTY TO BE SERVED: descri ption on separate Inside lot il l l.\'rl I LUI' bLULK 5UbU. sheet. ) W.i(l ll.fam, DESCRIPTION OF STRUCTURE OR ITEM(S) INTO RIGHT-OF-WAY ;I ,. )Attachp1ansshowingencroacnment,property1ine,SidS, meters, manholes' any other affected apurtenance in the project artsa (to tiit."ot dimensioned) and section(s) as welI as qlevations (lt apbl.i cable). Does structure presently exist? Proposed date for commencenent of con ruct ion In consjderat.ion of the issuance of a revocable permit for the structure above jndicated, appl icant agrees as fol lovrs: l. That the structure herein authori zed on a revocable permit basis is restricted exclu-sively to the land above descrjbed.2. That the permit is iimited specifically to the type of structure descr.i bed in th.i s appl ication.3. That the applicant shall notify the Town Manager, or his duly authorized agent, twenty four hours in advance of the time for commencement of construction, in ord6r that proper inspection may be made by the Town.4' That the appiicant agrees to indemnjfy and save harmless the Town of Vail from and against ali claims,-suits, damages, cbsts, losses and expenses in any manner resulting from'.arising out of' or connecied with the erection or maintenance of the above identified structure. 5' That the permit may be revoked whenever jt js determjned that the encroachment, obstruc-tion, or other structure constitutes a nuisance, destroys or impairs the use of the rElgh!-of-wav by the public' constitutes a traffic hazard, or thi property upon rdrich ilf.:n:l0achment, obstruction, or structure exists is requlred for uie oy the public;- 9f lt may be revoked 9! any time for any reason deemed sdfficient by the-Town bt vaii.6' That the appl icant will reilove, -at-iris expense, the encroachment, obstruction, or structure within ten days after rece'iving'notiie ;i ;;t revocatlgl of said permit.7' That. the,appl icant asrees to maintain an! ranoicapir; ;t;;;;;l3fliin inJ-"l.roachment &ffolfii.;ll;I.{;,,rerr:l,alcfih:.;...;.;=;'.'';:..;N;';lished within ten days, the Town is trereuy-irireaiiilFEr.rane ancr ii6p.iiy-ini-.0 iiei ts of s iffiffi.lfii,'i[", TillE', *.ii*itl,i3;i:, T;.ii ii::i:, ",,,. ",.lH.rs i sned l0' That.thc:rppl icant has read and understands all of the terms and gnaitions set forth in thls rpplication.ll. Special cbiroitions: perty s i gna own Manager >- c\+= FJ \-+_-t. i{ \)a -cr Fa-tsF \ t.' .+... +-t ,_\ q. \ r a-o €G.\F {\+-I I f I rl liti I\tgriv- fs'ilu^tt !1r Y fi4,'x.,rilr- C"'['t fufurv tlalt T'\ N \.N t''.N FT .N ;\i I !,/ h\"\' t: \' .\t n I N c.t+ t \N w N c $ l'F G, ,n 0 , €€ \==. l--,: -=' l=_ E 'i=> l/' 6'\' iL --r" - -|5,--6- .: '' 15 )rlJ i r- t7'l--r--'; i(=;-: '1E ,t:- , rFf lr I | | ,z'-t! -" I I '. | -- --'1 /l t^l | . // I t -_' / e- /\ -./ 75 south lrontage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 May 28, L987 Mr. Roe Messner 450 North l-59th East Wichita, Kansas 67230 L--- "a7 \--" oftlce of communlly development rilt )-Izi) Re: Lot I1, Bighorn 4th Addition remodel Dear Roe : It has been brought to my attention that there are two zoning code violatj-ons at your residence on Lot 11, Bighorn 4th Addition in Vail, Colorado. The garage has been turned into living space and a kitchen has been added in the area of the recent remodel. Your project requires three parking spaces according to the zoning code. Your lot is aLso located in a duplex zone district which allows for not more than two units.The additional unit due to the kitchen is not allowed. This work was never indicated on the plans during the constructi.on process. I am asking that you allow the building inspector and myself to inspect these two areas to confirm the zoning code violations. In addition, the building inspector and electrical inspector have not reviewed the kitchen area. One only need Iook through the garage wi-ndows to see t.hat the unitts garage has been converted to living space. However, I would like to make a record of our inspection. I would like to hear fron you in writing by June 11, L9B'1 .Please indicate in a letter that you will allow the Building and Zoning Departments to inspect the two areas in question. I would also appreciate it if you could arranqe for some way for us to get into the unit to nake the inspecLion. perhaps Ray Neace could meet us at the unit. (u.;) CERTIFIED MAIL If I do not hear frorn you in written form by June lL, L987, T wiLl have no choice but to cite you for the violation. Even though I wiII not be able to see the kitchen fron the outside of the building, I am able to see the converted garage at this tirne. I hope this will not be necessary and we will be able to recti-fy these zonj.ng problems. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, i). I 0 t {ttttac\ t't}Kristan Prit'z Town Planner KP: br cc: Peter Patten Gary Murrain Joe Norris (L Commercial Baildets of gag lile. o Kan Kristan PxLLz Town Planner Town of Vail 75 South FronEage Road Vail, CO 81657 Dear l'[s Pritz z 450 il. /59th Ea.s( " Wichita Kansas 67230 733-2461 _Plore1316) 733-/308 . June 5, 7987 DF. r^+ 11 P-'-Lorn 4th ACdition Remodel I received your letter regarding zoning code violations and want to respond to your concerns. First, you menlioned that a kitchen has been added to the home. No kitchen has been added. There has always been a kitchen in the home and we just put new cupboards, etc' in to update it. The garage is not living space but is a ski storage room so that when we come in from the slopes we can take the skies, coats, etc. off without tracking all the snow into the main part of the house. I would be glad to let the Building and Zo9lng Department inspectors look it the house. My wife and I will be spending aboit six weeks there this sunmrer and we will contact you when we arrive to make arrangements for them to come and look at the house. I trust the above ans\,,ters your questions Qi rrnar-al rr vlrrvv!vrJ t ) /' f --'''- Roe Messner RM:1s 75 south lronlage road vail, colorado 8'1657 (303) 475-7000 May 28 | L987 Mr. Roe Messner 450 North L59th East Wichita, Kansas 67230 olflco ot communlty developmenl CERTIFIED MAIL Re: Lot II, Bighorn 4th Addit.ion remodel Dear Roe: It has been brought to my attention that there are two zoning code violations at your residence on Lot 11, Bighorn 4th Addition in vail, Colorado. The garage has been turned into living space and a kitchen has been added in the area of the recent remodel . Your project requires three parking spaces accordingi to the zoning code. Your 1ot is also located in a duplex zone district which allows for not more than two units.The additional unit due to the kitchen is not allor,,red. This work was never indicated on the plans during the construction process. I arn asking that you allow the building inspector and myself to inspect these two areas to confinn the zoning code violations, fn addition, tlre buitding inspector and electrical inspector have not revie\,red the kitchen area. One only need look through the garage windows to see that the unitts garage has been converted to living space. However, f would like to nake a record of our inspection. f would like to hear fron you in writing by June tL, 1987.Please indicate in a letter that you wiII allow the Building and Zoning Departnents to inspect- the two areas in questioni t would also appreciate it if you could arrange for some way for us to get into the unit to make the inspection. perhaps Ray Neace could neet us at, the unit. o ff I do not hear frorn you in written form by June 11, 1987, I will have no choice but to cite you for the violation. Even though I will not be able to see the kitchen from the outside of the building. I arn able to see the converted garage at this tirne. I hope this wilL not be necessary and we will be abte to rectify these zoning problems. Thank you for your cooperation. KP:br Peter Patten Gary Murrain Joe Norris Sincerely,i) I nl l/' I l/. I NllTdo t)llt Kristan Prit2 Town Planner e5 | ia. a'f e "-.: {. €o '-a !-Z---'^.r r.r,_ a-:a _.' S utll iA P / rii t II [,o,,..,.4ve c+( /t/t" oT slz. -3-9,8ZJl-; FRorlrAGE Je? "EreAc(s: Qcquirec - Fronr '?a , Sideso /o!i')' /t*J{'. lt,"; 4Z!1 { ETBACKS: Rcquired - Front 40 t sides^ -!::JE ,^!?G_, Acfual _ Froni "?" , ,_,0.!*49__ (:K.:,- ,,Mka:;,K,t:"ier*7::---z Acruar i fEIGHT: Average Grade Height Allowed -' Actua t t2 I t ;.R.F.A. , .2f Ratio, Allowable sq. it ' .7' 4'6 ' Actua' tfu'L#. EGAL OESCRIFT iCN SE ZOTIE ?ROPOSED U5E(S) )Ul LDlt'lG BULK CONTROL: Allowable naxinum length LAND SCAP IIIG: )ARK lllG AllD L0ADlllG: No' qui red fi ZON INC APPRO VA L it. - , :Ol.ll.:EliC IAL FLOCR AREA: PerceniaSe allotrable---' Alloliable sq' Actu a I sq. ft. , Dl agona I lequi red Of f sets itTE COVERAGE: A|owab 1n - -|f 1, Allowabte sq. f t. JLzst , Actual 'l4- I ' Actua I sq. rt ' q/ 72- i ' JSEABLE OPEN SPACE: Requi ,ua 7oC sq' ft" Actual - sq' ft' ' Ground Leve t. , - -,1, Corimon -1 ; p.ecuired ,bo l, /7.312 tr' ,T''l ^"ruur 8l $ e4'('tl sc'ir' Requ I re No. ; DES IGN REVIEU BOARO APPROVAL UTI-L,I TIES APPRC VA L ENV I RONI.IEiITAL I !'1PACT APPROVAL Chairman, 0esign Rev'i ew Board /-?- 76- ----Ea', "--. l.layo r Date Subnitied Date Subni I ied Dato Subnitted Zon i ng Rev i ew Des i gn Review Envi ronrnenl-a I for for for 0ead I i ne Dead I ine Da'te Date Inpact Review +o Dead I i ne as Fer:i',iti€:Exte ns-i on of item date 8 (Se r ies of | 973)by Sect i on c0l.tiriElJTS: t-' 0rdinance ft/,, /.n-n' 9- ( V-at'zo 1.t -l-- '4'- R'-taz*' ,'u*fu1Tffi,4!tEav. ,rai.\1ir; .,67 ,, ( rt * qa.zs- -q.'.'Jr a4/tuvth- ,2fr.*ara,t tz x /o -- /'o /7 u ta iQG 'qo .12: tlf c 14 t e'e *,Y6c q r zf th.+'.1< ,J{ 't't ^( t'// /3fo, tl !t-'et- f/)' t5 at,.l{ 9r 7. t{ 6ff"'a^-, a El't-ta J-4/. rL/t t x 'z- 3 ?o74. tz- /Lb e^.r-'.-y, dd ,..*fat <z'r tr' tt''L = 6 ?2- " -dulu ,t./, '9 ' /lcl 4 a1'2- t'L 37ftL:C5-o /-'4J (/',."., t t'nn7*" )'70 a./ r1 r 8c-/75- /7 .1r/ /7 /-fqo = e2'