HomeMy WebLinkAboutDocuments - 1977 -2001o See Bighorn 2nd Addition, Lot 15 for additional information on the rezoning of lots 15 & 16. Questions, O *u Planning Staff at 479-2138 APPLICATION FOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION APPROVAL GENERAL rNFoRMArroN COprr This applicttio"ils fot a'.ry project requiring approval by the Planning and Environmental Commission. fo, spectc information, see the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. The application can not be accepted until all required information is submitted, The project may also need to be reviewed bv the Town Council and/or the Design Review Board. A. TYPE OF APPLICATION:tr Bed and Breakfast tr Conditional Use permit tr Major or E Minor Subdivision tr Rezon ing tr Sign Variance n Special Development District tr Major or D Minor Amendment to SDD B. DESCRIPTION OFTHE REOUEST:Please refer Employee Housing Unit (Type: _) Major or E Minor Exterior Alteration (Vail Village) Major or Minor Exterior Alteration (Lionshead) Varia nce Zoning Code Amendment Amendment to an Approved Development Plan to the attachment. tr tr tr tr tr tr C. n E. F. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT: 15 & 16 BLOCK:- FIUNG: Biehorn Second Addition pHySICAL 4pppg55; 3880 & 3896 Lupine Drive ..210r-111 H. PARCEL #:(Contact Eagie Co. Assessors ffice at 970-328-8540 for parcel #) ZONING:Prinary/Secondary (1ot 15), Agriculture/Open Soace (lot 16) NAMEoFowNER(s): To* of v"il owNER(S) srGNAruRE(s): s:rne NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILING ADDRESS: PHONE: FEE: See submittal requirements for appropriate fee PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAI|- COLORADO 81657. MAIUNGADDRESS: 75 S. Frontage Road. Vail- Co 815s7 o o o { Department of C ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us July 30, 2001 Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) C/o Department ol Community Development 75 S. Froniage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Lots 15 & 16, Bighorn Second Addition Dear PEC members: The Town of Vail's application involves the following requests: . A request for a final review and a recommendalion to the Vail Town Council on a proposed amendmenl to the Vail Land Use Plan to allow for a change from a "Low Density Residential" land use category 1o an "Open Space" land use category, located at 3880 and 3896 Lupine Drive / Lots 15 & 16, Bighorn Subdivision Second Addition . A requesl for a final review and a recommendation to the Vail Town Council on a proposed rezoning from "Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential" to "Natural Area Preservalion District" localed at 3880 Lupine Drive i Lol 15, Bighorn Subdivision Second Addition . A request for a final review and a recommendation to the Vail Town Council on a proposed rezoning from "Agriculture and Open Space" to 'Natural Area Preservation District" located at 3896 Lupine Drive / Lot 16, Bighorn Subdivisio4 Second Addition. c,!, The circumstances and rationale for the proposed amendments are cohtained within the staff memorandum. Please refer to this memorandum for complete delails of the .. proposals. a Brent Wilson, AICP Senior Planner Sincerely,e-+ tP *"uo'n'* REiIMA( Hlghlard Prcpertieq tLG December3, 1999 65 Market P.O. Box Eagle, Co. 328-3050 81631 Fax:328-3051 Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Co, 81657 Dear Sir or Madam: In preparing information for a client of mine, I would like to document some zoning inbrmation you nave ih yoJr file on Lots 15 and 16 in the Bighom Subdivision, Second Addition. According to the informatibn povided to me by The Town of Vail, Lot 15 and Lot 16, Bighorn Subdivision, Second Addition. are in the "YelloW' or Possible Avalanche Zone in your Avalanche Study done in 1984 and amended in September of 1990. lt is my understanding that this Yellow Zone is less hazardous than the Moderate Blue Zone and l6s hazardous than the High Hazard Red Zone on your Map Legend. This'yellow, "possible'Avalanche Zone nqyri€cd further quantification of building hazards to be done by a geological engineer ancl structural en$leer before a building per can be issued.uuril f,gf.rlag The client has requested confirmation on this zoning sb he can move forward with the purchase o'f these two lots. Pliase sign below that this is the information you harae on the public record on Lot 15 and Lot 16 of the Bighom Subdivision, Second Addition I appreciate your clarification and cooperation in this matter. Please have one of your employees confirm tfris information by signing on the line below. tZl*/n connrmed/Date Sincerely, Teri Lester. Broker Associate Qnro, TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2I38 FAX 970-479-2452 Wednesday, November 10, I 999 Claudia Delude 3916 Lupine Drive Vail, Colorado 8l 657 Rr,': Lot i6, Bighorn Subdivision 2nd Filing Dear Claudia, As promised, I.researched the Town's property fiie for information on the development potential of Lot 16, Bighom Subdivision 2'" Filing. The purpose of this letter is to provide you with written documentation of the results of my research. According to the Oflcial Town of Vail Zoning Map, Lot I 6 is zoned Agricultural & Open Space. The lot was given this land use designation in January of 1977 following iur approval by the Vail Town Council ofa request to rezone the lot to agricultural liom primary/secondary residential. Pursuant to Chapter 8 of the Town of Vail Zoning Regulations, the permitted uses allowed in the zone disfict are plant ard ree nurseries, row crops, public parks, recreation areas, opcn spaces, and singie-family residential dwelling units. With regard to residential development, not more than one dwelling unit shall be permitted for each thirty-five (35) acres of site area, ofwhich one acre must be buildable ( as defrned in the zoning regulations); provided, however, that one drvelling unit shall be allorved on a lor or parcel ofless than thirty-five (35) acres which contains one acre of buildable area. Such dwelling unit shall not exceed trvo thousand (2000) square feet ofgross residential floor area (GRFA). Additionally, site coverage shall not exceed fir'e percent (5%) of the total site area. Unfortunately, the recorded plat for the Bighom Subdivision 2nd Filing does not contain information on the size of the lot or buildable area. This inlbrmation could be provided by a licensed l:urd surveyor. According to the Official Town of Vail Hazard N1aps, Lot [ 6 is located within a higb severity rock fall zone, a high hazard debris flow area, and a possible avalanche influence zone. Thc exact avalirnche hazard is dependent upon further qu;urtification of the hazard in a detail study. Any developmenl upon the lot is subject to, and may be rcstricted b-v, thc Torvn's adopted hazard regulations, a*s outlined in Chapter 21 of the Zoning Regulations. Copies of thc Zoning Regulations sections cited in this lener are ai'ailablc at thc Tor,r.n of Vail Office of Community Dcvclopment upon request. In addition the information conttrined in the To,,rn's file on Lot 16, B ighoni Subdivision 2nd Filing is ofpublic record irnd can be revicived and,,br copied at your rcquest. Shouldyouhare rny questions or need additionaL infbnnation. plcasc t1o not hesitato to uall or stop by thc otflcc. ti nocessiuy, you cin reach rne by telephone at 479-2145. Sincerelv. t**?,^rl*a Gcorge Ruther, AICP Senior Special Projects Plrnncr Town of Vail {,7 *"n"'o'u" Af't't lC/i I l(tll I r)ii VAll lAl'lct. It 1,1 / t\ s COIJi)ll IOIJAL llli t: I)l:Rl'1 lT Crdinancc: l,lo. 8 (:ieries of 1913) Ap p I i He a r i ca i ion nE [-.a1.e [)ec is i Publication D llo:.,rinn Fr.a r tna I on date {or .--d// *r,vc) ,/U/Ai/ //a a (Applicant) (Addres f-stat'e) (citY) ,nnnrnr'/h/^r.?do l're reby request permission to appear beiore the Vai I Fllanniig Cc,rrnr ission J'o request ihe followin5l: ) \'l eriance f rorn /rrticle ' '-' Section ,-t'ioni ng Clranqe f ront ) t'nr king tT6rianct:fu6 f,7/..( ) Condifional Usc Pcrmil- io allovt i r' Zcne. .4rz' 5-' f ol lorving described property: Lat/truct ,/6 -, ,#!'77tn.For -ihe i-i iiirg C lea r^ ly ilurlri,e r '2 / a-{J- srafe o u rpose and int o{ this ap nr I icat icn '// e a\- !l irai do yo u the hasls fcr hardship in this case'l 4/alza;re a..r -76 ,4u Zz: IrJ B.UJt!-.,-- ican t k 0)-t ! : a! {l l! q Fl rt ^-.c{ t- q !.oorcr,,r oloZ,<A q..l-{odlrr .drdq-E !..1 o \}\rJ-rE ooo..{o}io..r Nrr..{rr!tt!dci '!tqq-ro>5.o r.O!rt-(lrOEdo .1 ,C r.r c) v, & |! o qi.rr .q+JoAb.qo-H.;OTAF . rlrc4 "1 4 tr.r O, E Fo4rroll.rJ .ro .i € € d o > r{ i "Eo,{c.-rzd-r {cr .{ o q H 5 d tD r--q.,.,r . b. 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O r3o.{rr{rrdo \1 -\\ ;< \$,=l -\ MEMOMT.IDUM T0: Planni ng Conrnission FROM: Department of Conrnunity Development DATE: December 9, 1976 RE: Request for Rezoning of Lot 16, Bighorn Second Addition Mr. and l4rs. C. 5tan1 ey t,lilson have requested that their property located on Lot I6, Bighorn Second Additionl be rezoned from two-family residential district to agricultural. The site is 131,567.75 square feet (3.02 acres) and is presentiy zoned for two dwelling units. The requested down-zoning would not perm'it any development on this piece of land. The rezoning is requested as the applicant feels that the topography of the lot is not compatible for,devel opment purposes. The lot is in an avalanche hazard zone and at the bottom of a waterfall, making it virtually unbuildable. Since the lot is unbuildable, due to natural hazards, and the reduction in density is in line with the on-going Grorvth Management Study, the Department of Community'Development recorrunends approval of the requested down-zoning. I PUBLIC NOTICE N0TICE IS HEREBY GMN that C. Stanley and Martha B, |,lilson have applied for rezoning of IqL_l6Jiqhorn-24{.Sdditiol from the existing two family residential zone djstrict to agricultural. Application has been made in accordance with Section 2l .500 of the Zoning Ordinance, Ordinance No. g, Sereis of 1973. A Public Hearing was held on December .|6, l976 in accord with section 2.|.400 of the Zoning Ordinance before the Town of Vail Planning Conmission. The reconmendation of the Planning Conmission was forwarded to the Town Counci'l for final decision. A meeting will be held on January 19, 1977 at 7:30 pM in the Vai'l Municipal Building. T0I,JN 0F VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT \t \,, // ////J/.ut / a- \/. [/rufl,'{-/ Diana S. Toughill ' Zoning Administrator Published in the Vail Trail December 24, 1976. o PUBLIC NOTICE NoTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT C. Stanley and Martha B. wilson have applied for rezoning of Lot 16, Bighorn 2nd Addition fron the existing two family residential zone district to agricultural. Application has been made in accordance with Section 21.500 of the Zon.ing Ordjnance, Ordjnance llo. g, Series of .|973. A Public Hearing will be held on December g, 1916 in accord with Section 21 .420 of ttre Zoning 0rdinance before the Town of vail planning commission at 3:00 PM in the Municipal Building, The decision of the planning commission will be forwarded to the Town councir for finar decision. TOt.lN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Zoning Adnrinistrator Published in the Vail Trail November I9,1976 iiiiiiff;ic'rFiFg i;s.iiic95;l:i :E;;iisF::€i'gu €E ;E ct6 iF :E qd F ,t, !E !! 3 di : z ul ul ul 2 UI 9 F z o o t-F o q:t E () arE D!s El|{& f\l nl t-{ .i o I sl l-.1 i < I xl cfl I HI |.|l FI al \JI \)l 6t I a F ! tr= a/ Oq >i a, E|;gi:;;E: E *.p esE;:€ fl f$$eE;FE :l'-tE: g E ! # :;g: til; *;; r i€E!€ ; X:.-d ;.j- c E:AEEEgS€ i iI;;E;;fl:: :HE st * sf ? E !:a3;E rEr B +i;*:;;;f E isi::3;E: I e€EE His rE E q) (l) - q) cl -tl t- ' 6)' .i < 5 o) t F o,) c) <l) I a, (D B o t R t' a e :<l !d {, B 6),'o 9e E- !rl -l F{t ^a\ |*l \'I ad>l ,-6Ol 7aI o ^^^ +l \ rl k J+-1 r-arl I /'-1 \/ I YAal tY ri ,l ' ^) l\\ |l.i \1, I e; ll = rd Dr'l ii .- -<l -xF*k\"1 !!t t-. I Ezl sR I -,(J t I \\ \t Fo.'l q) o o) i|, x Q' E.o o.J-e.J .q \rt _<..,f i{B-?v : B E t4 o!, C--r\ |r)l €(J ;1 €.g tr€ e€5g -6 rr c)J: Slc €E <n v) r-l '^.1 tl c', i o a(l € 1t a! o cr. B F 4) € r.] F, -l LIJ F PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that C. Stanley and Martha B. l,tilson have apptjed for rezoning of Lot 16, Bighorn znd Addition from the existing two family residential zone district to agricultural. Application has been made in accordance with Sectl'on 21 .500 of the Zon)ng Ordinance, Ordinance No. g, Sereis of 1973. A Public Hearing was held on December .16, l976 in accord with section 21.400 of the Zoning Ordinance before the Town of Vail Plann'ing Commission. The recommendation of the Plann'i ng Commission was forwarded to the Town Council for final decision. A meeting wjll be held on January ]|B, IglT at 7:30 pM in the Vail Municipal Building. TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT \ i ,/ t trj \ - / 4 / ,/i/ f..)i.l/r? a - rt /,t';: ;/'-zt / Diana S. Tough'i 11 ' Zoning Administrator Published in the Vail Trail December 24, j976. itEiiEEliiEi;iiEFiEl siiigli;iil;iii,=i o 0 tGt *c o f!'t eta (} aa::!l Bsrl *s tl43 Dir E3 E .g 5) is, --\, 'i oi .J E CL X or t o 3 E It o o = o '= t!o <.:f, < -d lvl i < I Arl gl dl sl R tl I I I o €'t &*.8o 3c qro !8 d=vt .o OA (|] o G' F q, al IE o E' d * it) 9 c o C,l (l) q t {) B 3 b o q) a E ;iE:EiEE € ggffiiEg€ ; :iii;iiE; ?;e:?iiagi FtiE€ l:i€ e ;iilI:!E:fl iuaE?tlaEI t \ I F q) <l) 0) ,l F FI F Ni \)l Jl vl JI .fil ts o), tr o Fr Fl f- k E< T :o rr{ 491 lL \J ot H E2 3R -aQ