HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIGHORN 4TH ADDITION LOT 5A LEGAL.pdfl^.r-l 5 A - , tl^j!...rhc"-".-At c [ji]\ DEVELOPMEIiIT - -/ 'JOBSITB AT AIJIJ TIMES Permit #: 800-0171 Status.. Applied. Issued. . E>rpires. OhINER I,INDSETII VIRGINTA M 46155 FAIRMOIJNT BLVD, HI]NTING VALLEY OH 44022 DescripLion: UPGRADE EI-,ECTRICAL Valuation:2, 000. 00 PEE AUUMARY ISST'ED 09 / o7 /2OOO 09 / 07 /2000 03 / 06 /2001 TOV{N OF VAIL 75 S. FROIiTIAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2L38 APPLICANT CON'rRACTOR BlccCrical--- > DRB Fee fnvcstigaCion> will ea11----> TOTAL FEES.. - > DEPARTMEIiIT OF COMMUNITY NOTE:THIS PERMTT MUST BE POSTBD ON ELESTRICAL PERMIT .Job Address: L,ocation. . .: 4376 STREAMSIDE Parcel No. . : 2LOl-123-05-018 Project No.: CIRCLE BIG BEAR ELESfRIC, INC. P. O. E,OX 474, L,EADVTLLE, BIG BEAR EtECTRIC, INC. P. O. BO]K 474, LEADVITLE, co 80451 80451 Phone:. 970-390-922L Phone: 970-390-922L co so.oo .00 .00 3 .00 53 .0O s3 .00 .00 53 .00 53.00 .oo Tot.al CalculaEcd Peea---> Additional Fcc6--- ----- -> Total Pernit F€e--------> PafnnenEa-------- BA],ANCE DUE----- rEem: .06000 ELEgTRIcAt DEPARTMENT DepE,: BUTLDTNG Division: 09/07/2OOO JRI( AcI,ion: APPR APPROVED Itbm:'.05600 FrRE DEPARTI,IENT DepE: FrRE Division:09/07/2000 JRvl Acrion: APPR N/AA CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1.. FIELD INSPEETIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI,IANCE. DECI,ARATIONS I hereby acknowlcdgc thats I have read thi6 appLicaci.on, filled out in full the infornaEion required, cotqtlctscd an accurat€ Plot plan, end 6Latc bh.t all th€ inforrnation providcd a6 rcquired i6 corrccts. I agree t.o comply t ibh the inforiuEion and ploc PIan, to comply with all Town otdinancee and statse La*s, and to buiLd this Etsructsure accoraing Eo the Town's zoning and subdiviEion codae, deeigm revie* approvad, Unifonn Building coda atld oLher oldinancoe of the To*n epplicable th€r€to, REeUBsTs FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TwElIrY-FoIlR HolJRs IN ADTJANCE BY TELEPHoNB AA 4?9-2138 OR AT oUR oFFICE FROli, a:oo .A.t'l s:oo PM TOI$I OF VAIL, COI,oR,ADO St.atemnt **ll**.1*t**t!l*tl*tll*+*!l*!l**!t**:l**l**l******tt*t*jl***l:l**ail****t* gtateuurt Number: REC-06?4 AnouDt:53.OO O9/O7/OO L2-.23 Pa)nrent Method: CK Notat.ion: #1897/BrG BBAR Inj.t: Lc E0O-01?1 Tlrpe: B-BLBC ELESTRICAIT PERMIT 2101-123 - 05 - O1A 4375 STREAUSIDE CIRCIJB ToEaI Fees: 53.0O Total ALL Pmte: Bal-ance : 53.00 53.OO .00 Amount 50.00 3-OO Permit t'[o : Parcel No: Location I This Pa)ment **'l+*****+'r****a*****ar*+*t*****.ri.*********r*!}*')*****l***t*!t'l*t* Account code Deecription EP OO1OOOO311]"1O0 ELBCTRICAIJ PERI{IT FBES wc 00100003112800 wrLL cArL rNsPEqroN PEE AppLrcATroN f.. not BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpLEr] unrrnn.o Proiect #: Building Permit #: Electrical Permit #: 97 O- 47 9-2149 (Inspections) ,IVWTIAFYEN 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 zPllzJafotg Contact Assesturs Office at 97O-328-864O or visit '.com for Parcel # Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) a,/f)/- la3 _ OS - O/g Job Namei'-f I H\41 ttn,ulid*H,rob Address:4r1?b #wrslo ar!" Legal Description ll Lot: ll Block: ll Filing:Subdivision:fo{t U.il owners Name:-tbh/-\ Z*[<.Jrhll ood"tti'o,,rstdift,.,an+Blvl4g&llPhone:ztrro- 423 'oq.\ / Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: n I |.t]OqlaA*cr o-xi-=l-,rnd iler'lrrt^t Atzlrvr>,1o ru.to -\.. ,o. No,-tt ?no.il.,t 9zt ?a work"class: rf,"* t I U Addition ()Remodel ( )Repair ( )Temp Power ( ) ,.A other (y)>erui@ Work Type: interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Aoth ff)Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes | ) *o ff Typeof Bldg.: Single-family( ) Duplex{p Uutti-famlty( ) Commercial ('.) Restaurant( ) Otfif-l\ No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: 2 i'to. fTcco11@fdFis rnYlbuioin_: 2 Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) No (X)7 v Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Ves (N ) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) t'lo (X) COMPLETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (Labor & Materials) AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE:ELECTRICAL VALUATION: $ CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION Electrical Contractor: , n Bi,r fut {Jaklr. Town of Vail Reg. No. 27/^ E Contact and Phone #'s: . R"rlo Mt-' w\',hn a z Gz J tu?Et ContrHctor Sisnature: .l!.LA D f//ffi-a :i*********+*:?*****-J*r:**********:F*****+*FOR. OFFICE USE ONLY******'.!****,ir:******:tn*****'r***r:***:r** 0 5 2000 F:/everyone,/forms/elecperm t ..", !rf 0 a a ql o .'t APPLICATION DATE: DATE OF lRB MEETII'IG: DRB APPLICATION , . *****THIS APPLICATION I,IILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBI'IITTED**** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting !i!h-A pre-application meeting with-a planning staff membef !l :!"olgly suggested to deierriiil .ii any additional information is needed.. No application !i]1 fe.9t!9?!:t ;;i;;;';; i; ;;ilpiJie-(must il-clg9q all items required-bv ltre.19nipg l1T1li:!'1!9I)' be resolved before a building permit is issued. A. PROJECT D I PTION : i[ ii-ttrJ appiicint's responsibility to make an-appointment.with the staff to find out about aiditjonal submittal requirements. Please note that a C0MPLETE appl'ica- :: tion will streamline the approval process for your proigct by decreasing the number of-ionditions of approval that the-DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approva'l must B. LOCATION OF Addres s Legal Zon'i ng Descri pti on Lot C. NAME OF APPLICANT: Address D. NAME OF APPLICANT'REPRES ATIVE: Address tt l,*,4 tel ephone.1ao tel epho " 4lr"-4u4 Bl ock NAME OF O S i gnature Address F. DRB FEE: tel ephone The fee will be paid at the time a bui'lding permit is requested' FEE VALUATION $ o-$ 1o,ooo $1o,oo1 -$ 5o,ooo $:50,001 - $ 15o,o0o $150,001 - $ .500,000 $5oo,oo1 - $l,0oo,ooo $ Over 91,000,000 $ 10.00 $ zs.oo $ s0.00 $100 .00 $200.00 $300.00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meet'ing submittal requirements, the_app1 icant must stake the site to indicate property iines and building corners. lrges_ that wi1 I be removed should also be inartia. This work must be compieted before the DRB visits the . si te. 2. The review process for NE14 BUILDINGS will normally involve two separate meetings of the Desibn Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approval . 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be requ'ired to be republ i shed. TO: FROI.I: DATE: SUB.T: To l{hom I Peter Pat November 3, 1988 Stream Setback for l,lilliams Residence - Lot 5, Bighorn Subdivision cary Murrain and I visited the site today to field measure the stream setback (rrcenterlinerr of Gore Creek to foundation). We have received two conflicting property surveys regarding distance fron property line to centerline of Gore Creek. with the interpretation of centerline as the middle of the creek during the higher water nonths, we are comfortable that the building will be 50' from creek centerline. Centerline of the running water as of today would indicate a setback problem, but lre are comfortable with the more flexible definition of centerline as this is not specifically defined in the zoning code. cc: Gary Murrain Joe Norris Rick Pylnan o Project Application .l Date 3l)q[41 Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot -{ Block fif ns Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPBOVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Date: {t,"u Approval o o z Q {d c c) =o z !m F ={ -{ @ m Iq LO ,;tt l{l;o t<x a I -\' Y I lm: 6 19s 1 lT= g IEP o la{ itt O l<rl l-:m=l--r r: a It o< dP ;!l i;o ctt >I z.o (, f m.l o 'n ! m = -rx]|xl .--HH (, Tl _\t -J Ot- -71 ; >=g =6)6z l--1 ft c) E4 D.{ #d lxltxtllt --t I <tr9 2== !) > r- oz tq m; Iol ta tH 1\| \,,lNr -o lo<fo lr- a \o at 9ri (r! { I o t! m x m -l o z C.o @ L -t m a"''/ './;t ;t1 /./ ,,2 G,,r c (:-- (^, c: .L, ^@ z !l H -. H al F F r-m l- 9p -lc p< 5@ d6 fi ,,/ E) OLI --1 1f\nt-,, ^a Y,-b- o z9) n2 >m i> I =m €z m o Z-\m o .T z z i --t -r'l =z o H F,z s,Fl H z {j U,c) F F z { H r-r-H F 3 ct) or !Fl O ld l+l{ l=lzl lo t3 lrr l>t< tF l> ll- t; to lm l1 lo lY lz lo lo lE tl tto | '-13 I LNI|n I +-ls)lrl I r!l tl tl tl s' D.s. I B F F f,J p rn Y l'{IH IH lrd lFn lcl I rrr I Il|(t€t tt4 tt(Itt IF I i-r o = rq z I -{ l-l mlo rl= lo l-rl t<l>l- lm lF,lz le I I I I I l H H r tri P H z H E lz 5-lo s.- l-n s-t<tt>5l-Flr Flm *la lz lo l,- l@ IL t- I I H g, a r 3 H z ll to l€ lz }.lo -J l-n o, l<rt>NIF le lr 5lB lz le l--I t\.)ll,ll l* I l-r l{ lz to ln l<l>IF lr lm t!, lz t9 I lE t? l- (OO- d3E o9d no0 (_,, ;. \< R iir l=x -P{{Eo- Id.oo *6(D o:a= f*+ o:a i:Jot ;- < =oo -r-- o(D o6= ! + (/, OXo) -;E !l o!d== _f +i;..6 1.o _. \r ?rf(D .= It o.-. =. =.9 P otdr =s.;i r.r =-1 =-(JX* =;e {=;eE=3 a'3 PRA o:€(,)(D=. €I 5 = 6' o ot o o F dr L € N -' (o E c[ U'I ot ;' x' 5 o ^o 1r,. o 6' € 0) o o t = 3 l.l1 s. -(o o F o o o E x FI c)r z € \i: \\ ...,....' ] r-; -', * ' ,.- -\ :..': \, \ >U,z; l>I{mc 6tr >m zO mfl €z m z -l .'l = m T "11 -l l o z t- _0 m = z m m m l<' 1z lz lr It m o I x z o @ t- a z a o c X X X X z <n c l- -t z i I z m a -c m -l o<'Tl _o m -n m J € ta l, > IO tl = le -l IX t)< I Fl H H z t. H H z I F I s. IO tr€OI -z ZA al-'z = 1 z>9R .''a; 4<r.j.t < >0 o>ml CDO z c z -.1 far tl F4 l tl tl z m € F x E t---l m ,l =z =z {r+{o .'T o u 'n c --t z z2 N :--g; E:,!t;8F !e zot;U?S 6U F9 ;a E:" 3 i Hos E b =,2 I -: 4'nzz {I !< = N H P F I tl tJ !5' tJ s.5. N) s 5.\o z z o F @ c a- 2 z o {m a z z =2 --l -l -i m :|- AZ c) !,xo 'n ,:0 tr,} P z ; s F F z c) i --{ f- 1'm - '11 m m (t U) m -{ x o t-m 7 _9 m I m z m m € m c) m =z n m {R f.J !s' X m o I z = = m t-ln -l ; z -m x =- m --t m n ='Tt m m u, VALUATION H tri m z l- t t-c @ z m t-trl c) o t- @ =c 2 }.5 l.J F.!m n =- z o o tl \J I\J !N) NJ F.l\) \$\\\\se e fv f't l+\ -r Hl ara. r.1 g Ir|r fg tl f{t a EI'Ft {-l tri r1 g ar+Fl |.t far \- cl E1 -. -H a+ -A E9 Ft E g3 -0 F{ H l- --.FA v -.F !f rEl E lg 11 3t f.t f+H -f flt r+ -a+ t<o!***I *xl-#:;o =>s*nol!X2vrJ-r! r \-./ "-.1 A E=S5 F9q'..i XXr -zi.'.i <8 (1ca '.-<o+E an F-,=\./ -!: -.J t-8t=i -'1 "' i-9o2 < -tJ -l Z-r =€c Xb-l ->+F-fi >lrt* -J i!cn z xfo \,/ (./j \- UJ U'! 2d a- ! rrt =xt>F-|t ;- !- lrt Ya2 z=r ,.\t--t/)"2J ^oorV 6; "z;=v! a; '{-rn 32c -,^z 'i rJ \ \,-'i 'r'i \,/ ,l o<v F{? TEE v r,l F ^ "r a'l x<; --iA \- .-l1 \,kro - '-.j \J ^rr\v C .) F rq U' Irl z H tr{ F I z t^) Or @ \o -l o {3 {H r.l F H E ?)) F ts Fr F o- s (f,) ! U) FJ B IA H rll Cr H F Fr f'l F tJl E z U) H H v)H z s,H H H z v)tl,ro F.] 3 |Jl \o \o : :: = c =:iEi l::1 a1 =--la=3.i:-::=; s s 1i:--? , + c :i:! !E I .. =7 i.:r 5 i -. i !' 1?Z ; 2 =- ?127 !a I a i a-:2ii1= =2-: = 7. ? I s I1: ii:sil-l:r - =.= - < =:,a :: t i ; a:T; e-: l: s1-7'=-a-ra 6./';=i 4ra3 i I t =7'P';i: =.4 11 =r # i 7': z 3 z z vt o f D o tn TO: To Whorn It ylahe,onc,ern FRoM: Peter pattet{,4//W r-/u (/ DATE: November 3, 1988 SUB,.T : Stream Setback for Williams Residence - T.,ot 5, Bighorn Subdivision Gary Murrain and I visited the site today to field measure the stream setback (rtcenterlinerr of Gore Creek to foundation). We have received two conflicting property surveys regarding distance frorn property line to centerline of Gore Creek. With the interpretation of centerline as the niddle of the creek during the higher water nonths, rde are comfortable that the building will be 5O' from creek centerline. Centerline of the running water as of today would indicate a setback problem, but we are cornfortable with the more flexible definition of centerline as this is not specifically defined in the zoning code. cc: Gary Murra5-n iloe Norrisy' Rick Pylrnan MESA ENGINEERING & SURVEYING CO., INC. P. O. Box 1287 - 33O South 5th Street Montrose, Colorado 8140 1 249-7771 November 29, 1988 Frontier Log Homes 60813 I'lest Maple Grove Road Montrose, C0 81401 Re: t,Ji l l i ams Home - East Vai 1 , Col orado Gentl emen: This date I inspected all floor and roof purlins and all but one would grade No. 1or better. The one log js stjll No.2 or better. A11 my design ca'l culations are based upon No. 2lodge pole pine. Si ncerely, MESA ENGINEERING TVH/ rj Chen 5080 Road 154 Consulting Geotechnical Engineers Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 303/945-7458 'ctober 2l{, 1988 Subject: Agreement for Professionaf Engineering Services. Job No. 4 139 89 Marlborough Homes Attri: Mark Churchill 4885 Riverbend Road Boufder C0 80301 Gent.lemen: This letter wi]I serve as an agreement between Marlborougb Homes and Chen a Associites, Inc. (Chen). Chen agiees to perform the work outlined below for ih" "ompunsation indicated. Paymint of the compensation is expecfed.within 3O Cays'from the dale of the invoice, and j.nlerest at the rale of 11/2% per month'will be charged after that time. Other lerms and conditions are sbated on the reverse sidi of our fee schedule which is atLached. If payment is to be made by a third party, fhis should be noted on the return copy. project Name: observation of Excavation Client: Marlborough !9mes. .-- and Foundation Inspections, Attn: Mark Churchill Proposed Log Home 4885 Riverbend Road Boulder C0 80301 Casper Colorado SPrings Denver Ft. Collins Phoenix Rock Springs salr Lake city San Antonro Location: Work Scope: Faa . Streamside Circle Vail, Colorado Observe building excavation for the Purpose of evaluating the exposed soils for foundatlon support and perform inspectlons of thl reinforcing steel and foundation drai.n. Subsurface explo- ration to evaLuate the soils within the loaded depth of founda- tion influence is not requested. The findings of the work will be presented in a letLer report. We are proceeding with the work based on verbal authorization from Mark Churchill. Attached Fee Schedule and General Condltions. Expected fee of $300 for excavation observation and $75 for eaeh addibional trip. Daniel E. Hardin, P.E. Title Proiect Engineer Date October 24, 1Q88 Chen&Associates Consulting Geotechnical Engrneers Subject: Observation of Excavation and Foundation Reinforcement Steel Inspection, Proposed Residencet 4376 Streamside Circle West' Bighorn Subdivision, 4th Addltion, Vai1, Colorado. Job No. 4 139 89 Marlborough Homes ALtn: Mark Churchi.ll qoo) f{lveroeno fioao Boul-der C0 80301 Gentlemen: As requesteci, we observed the excavation at the subject site on Octo- ber 26, 1988 to evaluate the soil-s exposed for foundation support. We under- stand the residence will be a 1og structure with a strucLural floor above crawl space in the living area and slab-on-grade in the garage area. The findings of our work and recommendations for the foundation design are pre- sented j-n Lhis report. At the lime of our site visit, the bullding excavalion had been cuL to a maximum depth of 4 feet below the adjacent ground surface. Most of the exca- vation was cut between 2 Lo 4 feet and daylighfed at the southwest corner where the topsoll depth had been removed. The soils exposed in the excavatlon consisted of slightly silty sand and gravel with cobbles and smal1 boufders whi.ch appeared relatively dense. The soils were slightly moist and no free waLer was encountered. The results of a gradalion analysj,s performed on a sample taken from the excavalion bottom (minus 3-inch fracti.on) are presented in Fig. 1. Based on the soil conditions exposed in the excavabion and the proposed type of construction, we recolnmend spread footings placed on the naturaL soils and desi.gned for a maximum bearing pressure of 3000 psf. The footings should have a minimum width of 16 inches for continuous walls and 2 feet for columns. The footings should have adequate depth or soil cover for frost protecti.on. Continuous foundation walls should be reinforced fop and bottom to span an unsupported length of at least 10 feet. The foundation walls acting as retaini-ng structures should also be desi.gned to resist a lateral earth pres- sure correspondlng to an equivalent fluid unit weight of at least 40 pcf. Backfill should consist of predominant granular soif like the on-site material fess oversized rock and topsoil and should be compacted to at least 901 of standard Proctor density at a moisture content near optimum. The backfill surface should be graded to prevent ponding wilhin at least 10 feet of the 5080 Boad 154 Glenwood Springs. CO 81601 303,'945-7458 Cascer Colc'aoo Sprrngs Denve' Fl ColIns Phcenrx Rcck Spr ngs sali -ake crly San Antcnao 0ctober Marlborough Homes October 31 , 1988 Page 2 building perimeter. Backflll placed beneath slabs should be compacted to at IeasL 95% of standard Proctor density. Steel reinforcement for the footings and foundation walls for the build- ing was observed on October 26 and 28, 1988. 0n October 26' 20-inch wide footing forms had been placed and two #4 reinforcemenb bars with a 1O-inch spacing between the bars had been plaeed in the bottom of fhe footing. The reinforcing bars had been placed continuous wibh acceptable Iap length. 0n October 28, the steel reinforcement for the foundation walls of the east unit and garage was observed. The steel reinforcement observed was as shown on the plans and specifications. The recommendaLions submitted in this letter are based on our observation of the soils exposed within the foundation excavation. Since we did not conduct subsurface exploration, we have assumed the conditions observed in the excavation represent those within the depth of influence of the foundation. In order to reveal the nature and exten! of variations in the subsurface conditions below fhe excavafion, drilling would be required. It is possible the daLa obtained by subsurface exploration could change the recommendations contained in this letter. If Lhere are any questions or if we may be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to conlact our office. Very truly yours, CHEN & ASSoCTATES, rNC. (.g$-bi@ 6fii;i'";;fuc\ i*, ""'ni rul*,r-,t$$Steven L. Pawlak, P.E. Chen &Associates cA-2-79 90 2! BR ?FR 65 MtN 15 MIN r03l--6C MtN 1-o MrN 4 MlN 1 MIN chen and associates, inc. 012 2 z z (.) z z z 70 80 CLAY TO SIL'I GRAvEL 48 "t" LIOUID LIMIT sAMPLE oF sand and DIAMETEFI OF PARTICLE IN MILLIMETERS sAND 47 o/o gr ave 1 O/O SILT ANO CLAY 5 % PlAsrrcrrY tNDEx rlo FRoM footing grade 'i6 1g MtN ! MrN. 1 MtN '50 '40'30 7 frR 15 MIN .TIME 50 MIN o a 50!t z 50() 70 1 76.2 127 CLAY TC SILT GRAVEL Oh LIOUID LIMIT SAMPLE OF 4 139 89 o42 ?.0 DIAMETEF OF PARTICLE IN MILLIMETERS 06 SILT AND CLAY PLASTICITY INOEX FFIOM SIEVE ANALYSIS HYDROMETEF ANALYSIS SIEVE ANALYSIS GRADATION TEST RESULTS Fig 152 .-l 'r -l F uj z tj i! E T o UJ z z o F o F z o t E z tr Z\. = -J uJ qr Ol t,() F-r t,|.{ cd.,i 3O d) ao {J t{-i qi(! F|r qqr +.r o C) o.?.r 'ho l|3 .rfi3 iDtr Fl(d ()cs +J Fi o3 .'.1 O Or Fr .c h3 P+J $q) +J q) O f.,t qr PO o 'o c)o+,+r u)o o =. F1rd fr (,d <(i uJx >a. zo 5'= -tt 4 A.A I ={J F z IJJ =5 o uJ F F z o n Q t4 IIJ cc f F n ut IJJ F o z a z E z llJ I F u,l 3 +J Eo c-z x cE q) X (,'-i E OU cn .€lr .: '.{ o <-.F Fr o .= tFl r-. q E.q 9Q E : ri-O )< +r .'-r q vol d Yt t! (J > .9.O +,=_ €F- |n o (/,+d qq \J :' GlE qJ ur a=aa^<€€3 s= ()s I ! o € !e I z oro EJZ!O O fr Cco =.o =Fr>O=..i F" =t- Fr =!n-t !€ =cl 9€ o =<s3 |- N x x 'r (! ul nr F cE lrJ =[!F o z o z E z Iu I F UJ 3 o F z uJ o- uJ o r'l-o F z o o (nx tr Fr Fi o E .r{ +) ..{ =o"c +J E ObO (B ..{.t-{ tr O X bo.-r o o (! =.r{ E Fr .O (|) .O td o+r U)OU)f.rO tr O A*J l|qr€ o O tr +J rJ xd!)E-( |n tr O O 6 .-r h0 .Fl > .Fl .Fl P.r'r O O Ul ,Ft aJ E |, ().o(dd "o C-i k q) o @ bo,.c th Otr +J b0 OIH g O ''i >o.Hp +J F 1Jtr O O€ O..{ O raOO qr €{Jtrtr ot, o'o .F{ {J .rl tn oU|.!P q) +Jtr d h o }'tr A P Ur.r +r V).rl l/) q)oo5tr (| .r.l -'r O O O > ..{ .Fl g O> +)O(aOP tr +, 1.. (n O .d boao trr tt, E tr tr"..rl t q.r F+,dt{O vtl.'l (d >€ o OOIrO !A d-oop o0).d(/|ClNtr E O.O C)Eo> oin CF O P:J d ok (tO ...{ Fr A 5..r (J ..Ft q->.Fr O O.C O C)C{J (, O t li .Co .i-r dA O lr ()-g o oE 3 o tr 030 no o o \t t-{ +)tr.-r€O <|i o =',.POfr o qd{JFr O (n O lF'n- .-E {J \r, E-C E.Fi oO Fi C)oq)ul (tE ou +J.F{E d('t trO \Fr.'-r o o o .OA F PO Fr G! (l|Fr €o.d F O +r .i-{.< v)+, tr€ (}(!(/| Fl o.H E oO+JB 6lL t..r (! F v)d lr E'O 604 o0r o ro ll o F{ 5o O 'r{ O u)O ob0<> o < cF o b0 l.)'r{otr |l 'H t{.{O.91 +rO ,n.{.r O 3 OO i,1 > qik F EF{+J Evl |- -r tn >C)t: o! tr h Y OCO Otrr d-c o ? Fl F Fb4 ^ o€ o H =.riC'H F trd ot{C) o t/)co -c d I +r co F-o cc tr ^t P F '.'r >\-r O +J rr:Z !-r | ..-1 aJ o.i.r o o O qr oF1 U) c.r^ -- €*. ?' (,-"# uJ z 3 F o llJ E T o cc CE LrJ lrJ z 6 z ut oi '. F z .l E 3 z I |- = == (D E lLl ,J6 -1 +J oq)^s=* = tEq)c5 E n:6 =i .z .,r o 9- E Or .\r \olr co F.o o | .Y .r.{ ."1 g ^ EE3 ; :(d | & 99 ^rr t : HFr O ii+r'rr + 'v s') rd ofi6> 1 q E ;ufi o IJJ o o (Jl o ct)q) q) (h v1 € q) k'(J E Oti ora EJZ'OO o h tro :E.o E lro bo oL):h>O E '.i Fl El l. Fr Cl./)F{h poc t 6 P0c o =<sca F MESA ENGINEERING & SURVEYING CO., INC. P. O. Box 1287 - 330 South sth Srreet Montrose. Colorado 81 401 249-7771 November 29, 1988 Frontier Log Homes 60813 l.lest Maple Grove Road Montrose, C0 81401 Re: Williams Home - East Vail, Gentl emen: This date I 'inspected all grade No. 1 or better. The one All my design calculations TVH/ r j Col orado floor and roof purlins log is still No. 2 or are based upon No. 2 Si ncerely, MESA ENGINEERING and all but one would better. 'lodge pol e pi ne. enH Mailing Address: P.O. Box 3071 Vail, Colorado 81658 Olfice Location: Vail National Eank Bldg. 1@ S. Fronlage Road Suite #307 Vail, Colorado 81657 Ph. 36-476-3529 December 4t L9B4 Mr. Tom Braun Torarn Planner Building DepE. ltoron of Vail 75 So. Frontage Rd. Vai1, CO 81657 Dear I{r. Braun: 'r; ;,,. Please be advised that the r:ndersigned residents of Li4in Drive in East Vail trave ttre follor.v"ing concerns relatj-ng to the properties at (A) Biqhorn Subdivisiqrr; T-oL 2, (3986 Lupin Drive) ; and (B) Bighorn Subdivisioni iots 4 ardE*_--- \r*. Propertv A 1) ltre landscaping and asphaltj-ng have not been onpleted- 2) i6re tJ-al the nrmrber of renters are renting ttran the zoning allotrs. 3) Ttris oondition has exi-sted way beyond the terqrcrary occr-4ranqf permit period (approxjmately three years) . Properby B 1) Foundation hole dug out and foundation partially insta1led- @n hole and pertruding rebar are extrerely hazardous. 2\ old Airstream trailer (w"indcws broken out) parked on properby. 3) PiLes of o1d boards and general jurk 4) Itris condition has existed for three years. We reqr:est that these properties be conpleted and the o\^/ners reguired to perform in accordance with the regnrlations. We look forward to you-r constructive thoughts and actions. Thank you, 4on h^*; Bv:,rr- t/uj 6 &asv Sincerely, Q.Zhu,.**"- As Nare tA 3'7q/ K-.--"'* " \ Mdress q Mdress 7 'r €,& g/As" Address Mdress Qqq' t"t A.NAME OF MAI LING ADDRESS NAME OF Ol.,NER'S MAILING ADDRESS LOCATION OF PROPOSAL r-or 5 alocr FEE $100.00 E. F.MATERIAL TO 8E SUBMITTED 1. D. G. H. PROPERTY S I GNATURE 2. ? o*rs lEft? APPLICATION FOR DUPLEX SUBDIVISION REVIEl.l APPLICANT Kal Cor 7o 6 o Braot + ?ot Q3q -q#t B.NAME oF AppLrcANls REeRESENT orrrrDapjd S" hcrwtrLtr ut puoruE 6 ) 13q'q$f tvpe )ltt: t ,Corz tl Dlpt #loa fn, (q ti?7b 5td.awtilc Cinolc Fa3o > SUBDIVI S ION eno ,re=([{/et ey l' '(l;aht E€./t\ hap, Two my1 ar copies of the duplex subdivision plat following the requirements of Section 17.16.f30 (C), 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,'l 6,'l 'l ,.|3 and l4 of the Subdivision Regulations. The plat must contajn the following statement: "For zoning purposes, the two 'lots created by this subdivision are to be treated as one entity with no more than one two-family residence a'l lowed on the combined areas of the two 'l ots.,, itre statement must be modified according to the number of lots created. A gopy of the declarations and/or covenants proposed to assure the maintenance of any common areas. The declaration and./or covenants shal 1 specifically address the painting of the exteriors of the units so that the units wi] I be painted the same color and maintained in the same manner. APPRoVAL PRoCESS, REVIEt,l CRITERIA These can be found in chapter 17.24 of the subdivision Regulations. FILING AND RECORDING The Department of community Oevelopment will be responsible for promptly recording the plat and accompanying documents with the Eagle county cleik and Recorder upon Town of Vail approval . lrarn FoYrrr f,tt0 stP 0 6 i9Bg APPLICATION DATE: DATE OF DRB MEETIi.IG: DRB APPLICATION Y *****THIS APPLICATION I.IILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBI4ITTED***** A. PROJECT DESCRIPTiON:cr,.u /a* hb*t i. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting with-a planning staff member is strongly suggested to Jeiermiirb if any'aliiiionut information is needed. No application wj1l. be.accepted untess.it is compi.i" (-rit include al'l items required by the zoning administrator). il is ttre applclnlii iesponsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about aooitionit submittal requirements. Please note that a C0MPLETE gPPlica- tion will streamiine the approval process for.your proigct by decreasing the number Jf-londitions of ipp"o"it lhat the'DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued' t ctt B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Legal Description Lot 5 Bl ock Aadr"r, 431 L |TRlAtu9rDt c'TEc/'E butt r 7a-Filing /tDDz rral Zonins t? f/f {c enlcE tre /C. NAME OF APPLICANT: Address 3o7 2t teleP L>s-5t V y;J Sc/rtrlotr/,""u ) fo'{"1"pnon" tzt -rrlt F. IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addit.ion to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake the site to indicate property Tines and building corners. lreel that will be removed should also be marXld. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the site. 2. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS will normal ly involve two separate meet'i ngs oi tf'" Design Rev'iew Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approval' 3. Peoole who fail meeting and who reoubl i shed. to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled have'irot asked for a postponement will be required to be D. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATTUTZ VNUTD (C NXAIACETIAPM Address E. NAME OF 771 * glt h lvn f,r1'n ".ephone 42E:-{{ 7f OI,JNERS: S'i gnature Address DRB FEE: The fee will VALUATION $ 0-$ 10,000 $10,001 -$ 5o,o0o $50,001 -$ 15o,o0o $150,001 - $ 5oo,ooo $5oo,oot - $L,ooo,o0o $ 0ver $1,000,000 Ue paid at the time a building permit is requested. FEE $ i0.00 $ 2s.00 $ 50.00 $100.00 $200 .00 $300.00 4. The following items no longer have.to be presented-to.the Design Review Board' iiiuv,-tro*uuJi, 1iu. lo u" p""t"nted to the Zon'ing Administrator for approval: a. windows, stcylights and similar exterior changes that do not alter the existing Pllne of the building; and b. Building additions that are not viewed from any other lot or public space' *ni.n tiu" nii iliteit-sultiitea from adioining property owners approv'ing the addition;-unaloi ipp"ouat from the agent for, or manager of a condom'inium association. 5. You may be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studjes on your property. You should check with a Town Planner before proceeding. a APPLICATION DATE:9/3/85 DATE OF DRB I,IEETING I 9/T8/85 DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION I^IILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBIIITTED***** I . PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-applicat.i on meeting with,a planning staff member is strongly suggested to aeieimihb if any additional information is needed. No application will be.accepted unless it is compieie (must include ail items required by the zoning administrator)' It is the applicint,s responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additjonal submittal requirements. Please note that a C0MPLETE applica- tion will streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of cond.i t.i ons of approval tnat tne DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued' A. PR0JECT DESCRIPTIONi Sinpfe familv attachedr duplex. Fwo story vith ll'^lk nrrt ha<crnen+. t^lnnd fr.alnc nnnc+rl.r.tinn +n conlly with annlicable buildinq Coriae rnd znninlr r^egrl l qiinrL.c. B. LOCATION OF Address PROPOSAL: Streanside Circle, Vail , Colorado Lega 1 Zon'ing Descri pti on R | /'r f ' oi - ;I^r- Qrrlrzl i r b tocK , rr ..v^ [ -*-*- e. Fi i i ng Fourth Addition C. NAME 0F APPLICANT: The Danar Cornoration. Daniel- J. liaus Address 158?1 I- yansfield cir.. Aurora. co 80ot-3 telephone 59:-9f:q D. NAME 0F APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: Daniel J. ilaue Address t-58?1 E. itansfietd cir.. Aurora. co 800L3 telephone 5e3-q139 E. NAME OF S i gnatur Address telephone 5o3-913q F.DRB FEE: The fee will VALUATION 0 - $ 10,000 1o,oo1 - $ 5o,ooo 50,oo1 - $ l.5o,ooo 50,001 - $ ,500,000 oo,oo1 - $l,ooo,ooo Over $1,000,000 be paid at the time a building permit is requested. FEE ( 1n nn $ 25.00 $ 50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $300 .00 $ $ $ $1 $5 $ IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addjt'i on to meeting Submittal requirements, the applicant must stake the site to indicate property iines and building corners. lt9.t- that wilI be removed should also be irarfia. This work must be completed before the DRB vjsits the site. 2. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS rr|i ll normally involve two separate rneetings oi-tne Des,jbn Revjew Board, so plan on at least trvo meetings for their approval ' to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled have not asked for a postponement rvill be required to be 3. People who fajl meeting and who republ i shed. o I 1, I THE DAMAR CORPORATION DANIELJ. HAUC PRfSIi)fNT 1687r tAsr MANSFttLD ( rR(.tt. ALRoRA. (OLOi{ADO 8001l ( ]01)| 691-9119 UTiLIfi I,OC.\TiON VI]R II: iC,iTION SUBDIVISI0N gig Ho"tr Sr.btll"t"ioo JOB NAtIE Uoo"rea t"sid"ntl.l d LOT__S__BL0CK none FILING Fourth Adlclltloni ADDRESS _ Strea.rnsitle Clrcle, ValI, C0 The location of utilities, rvhether they be nain lrunk lincs or propose..i lines, must be approved and veritied by the following utili.ticr for th-. accompanying site pJ.an. Authori zed Siqnature Mountai n Bel l I -634-3778 tJestern Slope Gas Harry Moyes Public Service Company Gary Hal l Ho'ly Cross El ectri c Assoc. Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Vail Cable T.V. Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Vailey Water and San'i tati on Di scri ct David Krenek J.J f- FJ- 7'trt l-, F lt' * For ncw const ,a r' -\2 ,v-/t 439lease rl I I ou: al;:ched sheer.fA /,t,-, J:/r{ ,. /s- s 3- N0TE: These verifications do no-' relieve che ccniractor or his responsibility to obtain a street cur per:ni.t fron the Town of Vai-l, Department of Publ j.c ltor-(s and to obtain utility locatlons before digging in any publj.c right- of-way or easernent in the To rvn of Vail. A building pernit is not a street cut permit. A street cut pernit rnust be obtained separate I y. firis form is to verify servicc evaileblity rnd location. This should be used in conjunction with preprring your utility plan and scheduling installations.