HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIGHORN 4TH ADDITION LOT 6 LEGAL.pdfT-) 'r ,+ft, Design Review ,"r::ftr; ACTIOH F(}tlrt Department of Conmunity Development 75 south Frpntage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fg,x: E79.479.2452 web: www.vailgov,com ffiiltr1tfil ffi,trdJti{rY D6}EL*ilEltl Project Name: STREAMSIDE 4367 Project Description! Project Address: 4367 STREAMSIDE CR Legal Description: Parcel Number: C,ommentsi DRBNumber: DR8060004 Approval of new duplex; all specifications on file with 4327 Streamside Circle; approved with seven conditions Participants: OWNER STREAMSIDECIRCLE PARTNERSHIO1109/2006 3033 E 1ST AVE STE 815 DENVER co 80206 APPUCANT STREAMSIDE CIRCLE PARTN ERSHIO1 I 09 I 2006 3033 E lSTAVE STE 815 DENVER co 80206 4367 STREAMSIDE CR VAIL Location: tot: 8 Block: SuMivision: BIGHORN 4TH ADDilON 2101-123-0501-2 See 7 conditions of approval BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditionsr Dorward Hanlon s-0-0 Action: APPROVED Date of Approval: 03/15/2006 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made wlthout the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review commiftee(s), Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB appmval does not consUtute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and constnrction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CONffi07899 At the time of building permit submittal, the applicant shall provide an engineered anallrsis based on AASHTO for sight stopping distances per the Town Code sight distance requirement of 250 feet. Cond: CON0007900 At the time of building permit submittal, the applicant shall provide a site plan which indicates a parking turn-around at the eastern edge of Lot 8 which complies with the twelve foot (12') width requirement specified in Title 14: Development Standards Handbook. Cond: CON0007901 At the time of building permit submittal, the applicant shall provide a landscape plan which designates that all existing or proposed landscaping along the Streamside Circle right-of-way will be trimmed up to se\ren feet (7') in height and all o<isting or proposed landscaping with limbs overhanging the Streamside Circle rightof-way shall be trimmed up to eleven feet (11') in height. Cond: CON0007902 Prior to release of the building permit by the Town of Vail, the applicant shall submit a revocable-right-of-way permit for each lot for approval by the Town to allow for the proposed landscaping to be located along the northern edge (Bighorn Road right-of-way) of the development site. Cond: CON0007903 Prior to release of the building permit by the Town of Vail, the applicant shall record with Eagle County and the Town of Vail language for a permanent easement to the Town for that portion of Lot 6 which is located within the Town's rightof-way along Streamside Circle, Cond: CON0007904 Prior to issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy by the Town of Vail, the applicant shall record with Eagle County and the Town of Vail nevrr plats for each of the lots which designate easements for both parking and cross access and an easement for the proposed drainage between lots 7 and 8. Cond: CON0007905 Prior to issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy by the Town of Vail, the applicant shall comply with all restrictions specified by the Town of Vail Fire Department. Planner: ElisabethEckel DRB Fee Paid: t65O.O0 .l I I r. -Nb +*++++***++**'i*'t*******+***++**+******+*+***************,i***********************+++**+**+*** TOWN OF VAIL. COI,ORADO Statement Statement, Number: R050000020 tunounE I $550,00 0L/09/200602:03 PM Payment. Metshod: Check Init: iIS Notation: 27473 /oz ARCHI TE TURE OF BOI'I,DER Permit No: DR8060004 I14)e: DRB - New Construction Parcel No: 2101- 123 - 05 01-2 Site Address: 4367 STREAMS IDE CR \fATL., Location: 4357 STREiMSIDE CR Totsa1 Fees: S550.00 This Palment: $550.00 Total AIJL [rrnts: $650.00 Balance: S0.00 ****1.{.**** **+********* *t ******+****************'1.**.1.*****rt{.f t** * * * * * + * {. * * * * + * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DegcriDtion Current Pmts DR OO1OOO03LLzzOO DESIGN REVIE$I FEES 5s0.00 m Land Title Guarantee Company CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION Date: 09-23-2005 Pmperty Addrcss: 4367 STREAMSIDE CIRCLE VAIL. CO 81657 Our Order Number: V50010539-5 SLIFER SIVIITH & FRAMPTON EAGLE RANCH P.O. BOX 1630 EAGLE, CO 8163r Atur: HENRI STONE Phue: 970-777 -7786 Fax2 970-777-7778 Sent Via Fax SLIFER SMITH & FRAMPTON-BRIDCE STREET 230 BRIDGE ST. VAIL. CO 81657 Ath: CHRISTIAN GMMM Phone: 970-476-2421 Fax: 9?0-470-2058 EMail: cgnmm@sllfer.net Se Via EMail MINER STREET PARTNEFS, LLC 30$ E. TST AVE. SUITE 8I5 DENVER, CO m206 Atm: ERIC POLLOCK Phone: 303-327-8161 EMail: eric@rdnersrreetsarlners.com S€trl Via United Parcel Service SPERBERG & ASSOCIATES 70 BENCHMARK RD SUITE 205 PO BOX 3420 AVON, CO 81620 Ath: ROB SPERBERG Phone: 9?0-845-0200 Fax: 970-845-7339 RAINER GERNCROSS 4367 STREAMSIDE CIRCLE VAIL. CO 81657 Phone: 970-4?6-4740 EMail : rainerski@aol.com Sert Via US Postal Sffvice LAND TITLE GUAMNTEE COMPANY 108 S FRONTAGE RD W #ZO3 PO BOX 357 vArL. co 81657 Attl: Aim€€ Dupont Phon€:9?0-476-2251 Fax; 970-476-4534 EMail; adupont@ltgc.com If you have any inqullrtes or requirc fitrther assistmce, plea* contact one of tIrc numbers below: For Title Assistance: Vail Title Dept. rO8 S FRONTAGE RD W #203 PO BOX 357 vArL. co 8165? Phone: 970-476-2251 Fax: 970-47S-4732 For Closlns Asdstarce: Aimee Dupont 108 S FRONTAGE RD W#203 PO BOX 357 VAIL, CO 8r6s? Phone: 970-477-4529 Fax 970-{76-4534 EMall: adupont@ltBc.com F LandTitle Land Title Guarantee Company CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION UUARANTTf COIIIPANY Date: 09-23-2005 Property Address: 4367 STREAMSIDE CIRCLE VAIL, CO 81657 Our Order Numbcr: V50010539-5 HOCHSTADT STRAW STRAUSS & SILVERMAN 2043 YORK ST DENVER. CO 80205 AttN: RICTIARD STRAUSS Phone: 303-3?9-922? Fax: 303-333-7127 SLIFER SMITH & FRAMPTON.AVON OO3O BENCHMARK RD #IO7 PO DMWER 2E2O AVON, CO 81620 AtIn: JAN JOHNSON Phone: 970-845-2030 Fax: 970-845-2050 EMail: iiohrson@slif€r. net S€nt Vla Courier*** 10,07.05 Er.rvrln.o (6/2003) F l-and Tith Land Title Guarantee Company Date: 09-23-2005 OurOrderNumber: V500f0539-5 GUARANTtf CO*IPAIIY Propert5r Addressl 4367 STREAMSIDE CIRCLE VAIL, CO 81657 Buyer/Bormwer: MINER STREET PARTNERS, LLC, A COLORADO LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Selhr/Ovrner: RAINER GERNCROSS Wire Inforuation: Bank: FIRSTBANK OF COLORAID 10403 W COLFAX AWNUE LAXEWAAD. CA &t215 Phone: 303-237-50(M Credlt: LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY ABANo.: ilnMfiM? Account: 2160521825 Aftenlion: Alm* Drpont :r:i '+ 'i + t ,l *:* *:lr t * 'f :r:i 'i, i*:r * 'r {! * * 'r*,r * j|l t * * * 'r * i.t + * *:r,r * + 'i,l.,i ir:r 'r:t + | + * t *,i {,1. *dr:t + Note: Once an original commltment has been issued, an5r subsequent modiffcations wlll be emphasized by underlinlng or comments. * *,t:3r* *:l * * '* * + a,i * ra,tr.:* *:l 'l:i:c 'f:t * rl * *:* * * 'i:1.,1*.11r *:* * + *,i *.t1. *:t + * * *,1*,1. * *,1* * *:c +,f Necd a map or dircctio_ns for your upcomlng closing? Check out Iand Title's web site at www.ltgc.com for directirins to anv of our 5i[ officdlocatioirs. - tod ccllrc! oaloa THANK YOU FOR YOIJR ORDERI ESTIMATE OF TITLE FEES Alta Owners Policy 10-17-92 Deletion of Exceptions l-3 (Owner) Deletion of General Excepdon 4 (Owner) Tax Report #R011350 $3,22s . 00 $30.00 97O .00 915. OO If Ltd. ?iU. Gutr.at.. Cqt ty rU- b. cloaiaE tbia tteasactlor, &ore t6€a iiIT ba collecc.d .t tirt eie. TOTAL s3,2eo.oo Chicago Title Insurance Company ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule A Pmperty Address: 4367 STREAMSIDE CIRCLE VAIL. CO 81657 Our Order No. V50010539-5 Cust. Ref.: l. Effectlve Date: Seotember 07. 2005 at 5:00 P.M. 2. Policy to be Issued, and Proposed Insurcd: 'ALTA' Owner's Policy 10-17-92 $1,600,000.00 Proposed Insured: MINER STREET PARTNERS, LLC, A COLORADO LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY 3. Thc estate or lnterest in the land described or referrcd to ln this Commltment and covered bercin is: A Fee Simple 4. Tltle to the estate or lnterest covered hertln is at the efrective date hereof vested in: RAINER GERNGROSS 5. The land referrtd to in this Commitment is described as follows: LOT 8, BIGHORN SUBDTVISION, FOURT}I ADDITION, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, COT]NTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Sectionl (Requlrenents)Our Order No. V50010539-5 1. The followlng are the requirements to be conplied with: Item (a) Payment to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors of the full consideratlon for the eslate or interest to be insured. Item ft) Proper inshlment(s) gr€1ling the estate or interest to be insured must be executed and duly flled for record, to-wit: Item (c) Payment of all taxes, charges or assessments levied and assessed against the subject premises which are due and payable. Item (d) Additional requiremmts, if any disclosed below: FURNISH TO LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY THOSE SECTIONS OF THE OPEMTING AGREEMENT FOR MINER STREET PARTNERS, LLC, A COLOMDO LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY THAT DISCLOSE WHO MAY CONVEY, ACQUIRE, ENCUMBER, LEASE OR OTHERWISE DEAL WTTH INTERESTS IN REAL PROPERTY FOR SAID ENTITY. NOTE: ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS MAY BE NECESSARY UPON REVIEW OF THIS DOCUMENTATION, NOTE: ARTICLES OF OPERATIONF FOR MINER STREET PARTNERS, LLC. A COLOMDO LMITED LIABILITY COMPAT{Y FILED WITH THE COLORADO SECRETARY OF STATE ON JANUARY 12,200r. RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST DATED JUNE 13, 2O()5 FROM RAINER GERNGROSS TO T}IE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNry FOR THE USE OF LEHAMN BROTHERS BANK, FSB, A FEDEML SAVINGS BANK TO SECURE THE SUM OF $15O,O()().OO RECORDED JI.JNE 22, 2005, UNDER RECEPTION NO. 920229. RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST DATED JI,JNE 13, 2()()5 FROM RAINER GERNGROSS TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NA TO SECURE THE SUM OF $200,000.00 RECORDED JUNE 22, 2005, UNDER RECEPTION NO. 920230. EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TO THE COMPANY THAT THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. WARRANTY DEED FROM MINER GERNGROSS TO MINER STREET PARTNERS, LLC, A COLORADO LMITED LIABILITY COMPANY CONVEYING SUBJECT PROPERTY, , ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Sectionl (Requirements)Our Orden No. V500r0539-5 Continucd: THE FOLLOWING DELETIONSA'ODIFICATIONS ARE FOR THE OWNER'S POLICY. NOTE: ITEMS 1-3 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS ARE HEREBY DELETED. UPON THE APPROVAL OF THE COMPAT{Y AND THE RECEIPT OF A NOTARIZED FINAL LIEN AFFIDAVTI. ITEM NO. 4 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS WILL BE AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: TTEM NO. 4 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS IS DELETED AS TO AI{Y LIENS OR FUTURE LIENS RESULTING FROM WORK OR MATERIAL FURNISHED AT THE REQUEST OF RAINER GERNGROSS. CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPAT.IY SHALL HAVE NO LIABIUTY FOR ANY LIENS ARISING FROM WORK OR MATERIAL FURNISHED AT THE REQUEST OF MINER STREET PARTNERS, LLC, A COLORADO LIMITED LIABILITY COMPA}.{Y. NOTE: ITEM 5 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS WILL BE DELETED IF LAND TITLE GUAMNTEE COMPANY CONDUCTS THE CLOSING OF THE CONTEMPLATED TRANSACTION(S) AND RECORDS THE DOCUMENTS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. NOTE: UPON PROOF OF PAYMENT OF ALL TAXES. ITEM 6 WILL BE AMENDED TO READ: TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS FOR THE YEAR 2OO5 AND SUBSEQUENT YEARS. ITEM 7 UNDER SCHEDULE B-2 WILL BE DELETED UPON PROOF THAT THE WATER AND SEWER CHARGES ARE PAID UP TO DATE. +r++*:|!*{.'r+ NoTIcE oF FEE CHANGE. EFFECTM SEPTEilIBER l, 2002 **tli*r+**{. Pursuant to Colorado Revised Statute 30-10-421, "The county clerk and recorder shall collect a surcharge of $1.00 for each document received for recording or filing in his or her office. The surcharge shall be in addition to any other fees permitted by statute. " { ALTA COMMITMENT Scledule B - Section 2 (Excepdons) Our Order No. V50010539-5 The policy or policies to be issued will contaln exccpfions to the followlng unless the same are dtsposcd of to the sadsfaction of the Company: l. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the pubtc rrcords. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by dre public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for servlces, labor or material theretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, ifany, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date lhe proposed insred acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitrnent. 6. Taxes or special ass€ssments wbich are not shown as existing liens by the public records. 7. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. 8. In addition, lhe owner's policy will be subject to the mortgage, if any, noted in Sectlon 1 of Schedule B hereof. 9. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UMTED STATES PATENT RECORDED NOVEMBER 17 . 1902.IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 492, IO. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED NOVEMBER 17. 1902, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 492. II. RESTRTCTTVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANT OR RESTRICTION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, HANDICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS OR NATIONAL ORIGIN UNLESS AND ONLY TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT (A) IS EXEMPT UNDER CHAPTER 42, SECTION 3607 OF THE UNITED STATES CODE OR (B) RELATES TO TIANDICAP BUT DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE AGAINST HANDICAP PERSONS. AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED DECEMBER 20, 1962,IN BOOK I74 AT PAGE 403 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRI.]MENT RECORDED FEBRUARY 6, 1964, IN BOOK 182 AT PAGE 3I. 12. EASEMENTS, CONDITIONS, COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONSANDNOTESON THE RECORDED PIAT OF BICHORN SUBDTVISION FOURTH ADDTflON. LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS Note: Pursuant to CRS l0-11-122, notice is hereby given that: A) The subject real property may be located in a spedal taxing district. B) A Certilicate of Taxes Due llsting each taxing jurisdiction may be obtained from the County Treasurer's authorized agent, C) The information regarding special districts and the boundaries of sud districts may be obhined from the Board of Count5r Commissioners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or the County Assessor. Note: Effective September l, f997, CRS 30-10-406 requires that all documents recelved for recording or liling in the clerk and recorder's office shall contaln a top margin ofat least one inch and a left, rtght and bottom margin of at least one half of an inch. The clerk and recorder may refuse to record or file any document that does not conform, except that, the requiremenl for the top margin shall not apply to doctments using forms on which space is provided for recording or filing lnformation at the top margin of the document. Note: Colorado Division of lnsurance Regulations 3-5-1, Paragraph C of Article VII requires lhat "Every title entity shall be responsible for all matters which appear of record prior lo the time o[ recording whenever the title entity conducls the closing and is responsible for recording or ffling of legal documents resulting from the fansaction which was closed". Provided that Land Title Guanntee Company conducts fte closing of the insured kansaction and is responsible for recording the legal documents from the lransaction, exception number 5 will nol appear on the Owner's Title Policy and the Lenders Policy whm issued. Note: Aflirmative mechanic's llen protecllon for the Owner may be available (typicdly by deletion of Exception no. 4 of Schedule B, Section 2 of the Commitment from the Owner's Policy to be issued) upon compliance with the following conditions: A) The land described in Schedule A of this commitment musl be a single family residence which includes a condominium or townhouse unit. B) No labor or materials have been furnished by mechanics or material-men for purposes of construcdon on the land described in Schedule A of this Commitment wilhin the past 6 months. C) The Company must receive an appropriae affidavit indemniffing the Company against un-filed mechanic's and material-men's liens. D) The Company must receive paymmt of the appropriate premium. E) If there has been construction, improvemenb or major repairs undeflaken on the property to be purchased witftin six months prior to the Date of the Commitment, lhe requirements to obtain coverage for unrecorded liens will include: disclosure of certain construction information: financial informatlon as to the seller, the builder and or the contractor; payment of the appropriate premium fitlly executed Indemnity Agr€ements satisfactory to the company, and, any additional requirements as may be necessary after an examination of the aforesaid informadon by the Company. No coverage will be given under any cirqmstances for labor or material for whlch the insured has contracted for or agreed to pay. Nole: Pusuant to CRS l0-11-123, notice is hereby given: This notice applies to owner's policy commitments containing a mineral severance instrument exception, or exceptions, in Scherhle B, Section 2. A) That there ls recorded evidence that a mineral estate has been severed, leased, or otherwise conveyed from the surface estate and that there is a substantial likelihood that a lhird party holds some or all interest in oil, gas, other rninerals, or geothermal mergr in the property; and B) That such mineral estate may include dre right to enter and use the property without the surface owner's pennlssion. Nothing herein contained will be deemed to obligate the company to provide any of the coverages referred to herein unless the above conditions are fullv satisfied. FoEn JOINT NOTICE OF PRIVACY POLICY Ftdelity National Financtal Group of Companles/Chicago Title Insurance Company and Land Title Guarantec Company July 1, 2001 We recognize and respect the privacv exDechtions of today's consumers and the rtquiremmts of applicable federal and state orivacv laws. We believe that frakiirg vou aware of liow we use your non-pubfic personal infoimation ("Personal Infofiation"'), and to whom it is discloseif, will form the basis for a ri.ilationshiti of trubt between us and lhe public that we servd. This Privacy Statement provides that explanation. We reserve the right to change this Privacy - Statement frorn time to tirde consistent'with applicable privacy laws. In the course of our buslness, wc may collect Personal Informadon about you from thc followlng sources: * From applications or other fonns we receive from vou or vour authorized r€pr€sentative;* Fmm ybir transactio4s with, or from the servlces being performed by, us, oir affiliates, or others;* From bur internet web sites:+ From the pullic remrdr paintained- by gove-rnmental entities lhat we either obtain direcdy from those entities. oi from our affiliates or otheisiand + From cbnsumer or other reporting agencies. Our Poltdos Rcgarding the Protecdon of the Confidentialig and Sccurity of Your Personal Informadon We maintain physical, elechonic and procedural safeeuards to Drotect your Personal Information from unauftorized access or intrision. We limit access tri the Personal liformation onlv to those emoloyees who need such access in connection with providing products or services to you or for other lagitimate busfirest purposes. Our Policies and Practices Regardtng the Sharing of Your Personal Information We may share your Personal t4fon4q$on, with ouq.afiiliates, sqqh as tnsrgqrce co-mpanies, agents, and other real estate s-etdemerit service providers. We also may dlsclose your Personal lnformadori: * to agents, brokers or reDresenlatives lo orovide vou with services vou have requested:+ tg tfiird-party contra-ctg_rs or.service proi,iders who provide servicis or perforni marketing or other functionis od our behalf: and * to othprs- wilh whom we enter iinto joint marketing agreemenb for products or services that we believe you may ffnd of interest. In addition, we will disclose vour Personal Information when you direct or give us nermision, when we are required by law to do so, or when we'suspect fraudulent or criminal activities. We a6o maytisclose your Personal Iriformation when otherwise peniritted by applicable Drivacv laws such as, for exainple, wheh disclosure is needed to enforce our rights arising but ofany dgre'dmenl, trusaction or relationship with ybu. One of rh! impgrtant responsibilities of some of our alliliated tompanies is to record documents in the public domain. Such-documents may contain your Personal Information. - Right to Acccss Your Personal Information and Abtlity to Correct Errors Or Requcct Changes Or Deletion Certain slates alford you the risht lo access vour Personal Information and, uader certain circumstances, to find out to whom your Persoial lnformltion has beei disclosed. Also, certain states afford yott the risht to requesl correctiori, amen_d_me-nt or deletion of your Persond Informa{on. We rqerve the right, wherE permittbd by law, to charge a reasonable fee to cover lhe c6sts lncurred in responding to such requests, ' ,{l_ryquests submltted _to lhe Fidelity Nalional lina4qal Group of Companies/Chicago Tide Insurance Company shall b'e in writing, and delivened to'the following address: Privacy Comoliance Officer f6gtt8#f $?# Financiar' Inc' Santa Barbara. CA 93110 Multiple Products or Servlces If we provide you with more than one linancial product or service, you may receive more than one privary notice from us. We ailologize for any inconvenience this may cause you. - - Form PRw.POL.CHI ot.'P -?x){e an (: \t q"" tt'..\,i\ ,2 x' ,P'* ri\i s( rtttllllll tf | | lt r r-t I | | tff t'tt-t t'l HIFt L-t llE f[rrrrt--t HHE rnt.l H tli tf L__t tii lFt'l rl l,-, ll! //l A 6l P \. trl Et+it6 i l-r q t'rl t5 I If' TIP 113 II Jl r/'T\ "\t-l !!EffE;rEffE ii ii F;i EiE E k'ii l.| ,// l' Etl,'' {r d;--- . tr !!l i El,-.\ l:s ,r** lli =s EAST VAIL TOWN HOMES STREAM SIDE CIRCLE VAIL, COLOMDO I E I 6 ; frFi$l:g 'g F4 Et EI fit H DfiH ac Bi; r;or-; Lcgal dcscription: Addrcss Ogncr Architcct Zonc distri Lot sizc ZONE CFIECK Pbonc Phonc Proposcd usc Allorvcd Existing .-_ + (425) (675.) -r,/ $w) Front Sidcs Rcar .j-uL-= 4s 4baa /ln lrz ,,=3/- ,/ \l( a(,,t k,nu't//'- o, at V$-,--u,tt ;in- r/ . Proposcd ('tffl Rcmaining Total Total GRFA ilTntul|R =-h'11L o *= 6re 5 4ot I lz /'(-- /4- 4) Watcr Course Sctback (30) (j0) - 5) Gcologic Hazards b) Rocldall c) Dcbris Florv / Sitc Covcragc Lfni-lr Sctbacks L:ndscaping Rcnining Wall Hcigha Parki ng + 675 = 425 crcdit plus 250 addition Minimum ll,4f 3',t6', Rcouircd p ttrln . Garagc Crcdit Drivcrvay Complics witb TOV tiglting Ordinancc Arc finishcd gradcs lcss tnan 2:l (50%) Enrironmcn taL&Iazatds Prcvious condirions of approval (chcck propolv filc); Is thc propcrty non-conforming? Dcscribc: lsoo{@rtoo) (r2oo) l4 ')ncrntneayuc ? ' /Z U" proposcd Slopc Ycs F --N /Ycs_I__ Nq 2) Floodplain 3) Wctlands rz.uwtzr*7zta'fu Projcct: fiu/ QI SURVEY Scalc , ' Bcnchmark I ;- Lcgal dcscription Buildablc Area Eascmcnts Topography 100 yr. flood plain lVatcr Coursc Sctback Environmental Hazrrds Tqees Utility locations .._- JPo! clcvahons IJSITE PLAN /// JCSJC Building Height , /t'v Encroachmcnts Sctback Sitc Covcrage .: EavcVOvcrhangs (4) Dccl:sBalconics Garagc conncction __l Sitc Gndc\Slopc Rctaining Walls E_ ---a \rtui'J -___=- Ttxaingp6;u, Drivcrvay (access and gradc) Snotv Storage Firc Acccss Q FLooR PLANS Scalc UKfA _ 250 additionat CR-FA EHU Q BUILDn.IGELEVATIoNS Scajc -:- Color\Vatcrials Roof pitch Q I-ANDSCAPE PI.A,N Existing bccs proposcd tces Lcgcnd MISCELLANEOUS Condo Approva.l Titlc rcport (A & B) Utilily.vcrifi cation form Buil ding matecial samplcs C.O. Virification Sun\Shadc Ang.lcs Utilitics (undcrgro un d) Vicrv Corridors Varianccs plat rcstrictions East Vail Duplexes Final Review: 03.15.06 DRB06-0002, DRB06-0003, DRB06-0004 Desiqn Review Board comments from 02.01.06 meetinq / Each member of the Board encouraged further treatment of the duplexes as unique structures, exhibiting unifying features without displalng mirror image or substantially similar design. ,/ lt was mentioned that the use of the same slone on each of the duplexes will be an effective unifying feature. { lt was suggested that a roof/drainage plan be implemented which takes into consideration preservation of the entryways and landscaping below. / The Board encouraged continued study of the solar effect to which these residences will be subjected. / lt was commented that further study of steel vs. clad window applications may substantially rede{ine the facades of the structures. r' ]-he Board requested that 11" x 17" elevation drawings be submifted which clearly depict all three duplexes as they are located upon the lots. Each member is most interested in understanding the massing of the residences in their adjacent locations. r' The Board requested that a sample of the Kalwall @ system be brought to the next meeting. Suqqested conditions offinal approval for DRB06-0002. DRB06-0003. and DRB06-0004 1. At the time of building permit submittal, the applicant shall provide an engineered analysis based on AASHTO for sight stopping distances per the Town Code sight distance requirement of 250 feet. 2. At the time of building permit submittal, the applicant shall provide a site plan which indicates a parking tum-around at the eastern edge of Lot 8 which complies with the twelve foot (12') width requirement specified in Title 14: Development Standards Handbook. 3. At the time of building permit submittal, the applicant shall provide a landscape plan which designates that all existing or proposed landscaping along the Streamside Circle right-of-way will be trimmed up to seven feet (7') in height and all existing or proposed landscaping with limbs overhanging the Streamside Circle right-of-way shall be trimmed up to eleven feet (1 1') in height. 4. Prior to release of the building permit by the Town of Vail, the applicant shall submit a revocable- right-of-way permit for each lot for approval by the Town to allow for the proposed landscaping to be located along the northern edge (Bighorn Road right-of-way) of the development site. 5. Prior to release of the building permit by the Town of Vail, the applicant shall record with Eagle County and the Town of Vail language for a permanent easement to the Town for that portion of Lot 6 which is located within the Town's right-of-way along Streamside Circle. Prior to issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy by the Town of Vail, the applicant shall record with Eagle County and the Town of Vail new plats for each of the lots which designate easements for both parking and cross access and an easement for the proposed drainage between lots 7 and 8. Prior to issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy by the Town of Vail, the applicant shall comply with all restrictions specified by the Town of Vail Fire Department. 6. 7. TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail. Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 FltX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us March 20,2OOo Mr. Will Hentschel OZ Architecture 1820 Folsom Street Boulder, CO. 80302 (Fax) 303.449.3886 Re: 4327,4337, and 4367 Streamside Circle/Lots 6, 7, and 8. Bighorn Subdivision 4n Addition ORB06-0002, DRB06{003, and DRB06{004 DearWill, Thank you for attending Wednesday's Design Review Board meeting for flnal review of the referenced lots. As you know, the Design Review Board approved each of the applications with the following conditions, which are listed below in order of needed date of completion for your convenience. 1. At the time of building permit submittal, the applicant shall provide an engineered analysis based on AASHTO for sight stopping distances per the Town Code sight distance requirement of 250 feet. 2. At the 1me of building permit submittal, the applicant shall provide a site plan which indicates a parking turn-around at the eastern edge of Lot 8 which complies with the twelve foot (12') width requirement specified in Title 14: Development Standards Handbook. 3. At the time of building permit submittal, the applicant shall provide a landscape plan which designates that all existing or proposed landscaping along the Streamside Circle right-of-way will be trimmed up to seven feet (7') in height and all existing or proposed landscaping with limbs overhanging the Streamside Circle right-of-way shall be trimmed up to eleven feet (1 1') in height. 4. Prior to release of the building permit by the Town of Vail, the applicant shall submit a revo€ble- right-of-way perm'rt for each lot for approval by the Town to allow for the proposed landscaping to be located along the northem edge (Bighorn Road right-of-way) of the development sile. Per our conversation this moming, fhls lb a permit that will need to be submitted to and apprcved by the Town of Vail's PublicWorks Department since this ight-of'way k no longer subiectto the Colorado Depaftment of Transportation (CDO|. Prior to release of the building permit by the Town of Vail, the applicant shall record with Eagle County and the Town of Vail language for a permanent easement to the Town for that portion of Lot 6 which is located within the Town's right-of-way along Sheamside Circle. Prior to issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy by the Town of Vail, the applicant shall record with Eagle County and the Town of Vail new plats for each of the lots which designate easements for both parking and cross access and an easement for the proposed drainage between lots 7 and 8. Prior to issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy by the Town of Vail, the applicant shall comply with all restrictions specified by the Town of Vail Fire Department. 5. 7. Please don't hesitate to inform me with any FRalBigSJltF.$Dns or concerns. lwill be away from the office until April 1orh, but will plan to review tfrl[n]lding Fdiri'lt submittal upon my return. 3"1 I have enclosed a copy of the design review action form which will need to be attached to that submittal. fqr your patience in what is not always a simple design review process. beth Eckel 970.479.2454 enclosure fi *,t*rritT qE\GLC*rmgUl SrqMn +r^ Design Review Board I lofr" ACTIOH fO*U Department of Cammsnity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 t€l: 97t,.{79.3139 ta;x: 97o.479.2452 web: wvrsr.vrilgov"com Project l{ame: STREAMSIDE 4337 Project Description: Project Addr€ss: 4337 STREAMSIDE CR Legal DescripUon: Parcel Number: Commentsr DRB Number: DR8060003 Construction of a new duplex; all specifications on file with 4327 Streamside Circle; approved with 7 conditions Participants: OWNER STREAMSIDE CIRCLE PARTNERSHIO110912006 3033 E lSTAVE STE 815 DENVER co 80206 APPUCANT STREAMSIDE CIRCLE PARTNERSHIO1 I 09 I 2006 3033 E lSTAVE STE 815 DENVER co 80206 4337 STREAMSIDE CR VAIL Locataon: Lot: 7 Block Subdivision: BIGHORN 4TH ADDfiON 2101-122-1300-4 See 7 conditions of approval BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: Dorward Hanlon 5-0-0 Aetion: APPROVED Date of Apprcval= O3/15/2006 Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written @nsent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constihrte a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities, Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, Cond: 202 Approval of this proje€t shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0007892 At the time of building permit submittal, the applicant shall provide an engineered analysis based on AASHTO for sight stopping distances per the Town Code sight distance requirement of 250 feet. Cond: CON0007893 At the time of building permit submittal, the applicant shall provide a site plan which indicates a parking turn-around at the eastern edge of Lot 8 which complies with the twelve foot (12') width requirement specified in Title 14: Development Standards Handbook. Cond: CON0007894 At the time of building permit submittal, the applicant shall provide a landscape plan which designates that all existing or proposed landscaping along the Streamside Circle right-of-way will be trimmed up to seven feet (7) in height and all existing or proposed landscaping with limbs overhanging the Streamside Circle right-of-way shall be trimmed up to eleven feet (11') in height. C.ond: CON0007895 Prior to release of the building permit by the Town of Vail, the applicant shall submit a revocable-right-of-way permit for each lot for approval by the Town to allow for the proposed landscaping to be located along the northern edge (Bighom Road right-of-way) of the development site. Cond: CON0007896 Prior to release of the building permit by the Town of Vail, the applicant shall record with Eagle County and the Town of Vail language for a permanent easement to the Town for that poftion of Lot 6 which is located within the Town's right-of-way along Streamside Circle. Cond: CON0007897 Prior to issuance of a Temporary Certifrcate of Occupancy by the Town of Vail, the applicant shall record with Eagle County and the Town of Vail new plats for each of the lots which designate easements for both parking and cross access and an easement for the proposed drainage between lots 7 and 8, Cond: CON0007898 Prior to issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy by the Town of Vail, the applicant shall comply with all restrictions specified by the Town of Vail Fire Department. 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'r * * * ,i Z00Z 'I UASniildiIS IIAffiAJCA 'IICNVHC AA{ {O AOLION **+**,t+*{.* 'arvc or dn cIVd lrf,v sgcuvHJ uilmas cNV Ugrv/v\ iIHt rvHr Jooud Nodn cg$Ilac gs 1.Im z-8 g'InoaHcs ullqNn l, ruau suvir J,Nanbsssns (Nv 9002 uvirA iIHr uod sJ.Nawssassv oNv sgxvr :(rVgU OI CIIONAI [V AS TIUvt 9 l^leil 'SIIXVI llv {O INgItAVd dO dOOUd NOdn :SION .II:UA\AUilII NOIICiINNOC NI SINIIWNCOC STTI SOUOJITf, CNV (S)NOIICVSNWI qilIV'IdNiIINOJ AHI dO CNISO'I3 ATII SICNONOJ ANVdI^IOC AIIINVuVNC :ponuBuoc (sfueuor.mbag) Iro$ras-geppaqts INiII^{IIWNOJ VI'IV t-69€0I009A 'oN ropro rno 'ls acvd rv z8r voos NI'?96r '9 Auvnu{ad oa(nlocfiu JNENnUTSM NI (gONiII {V SV qNV mt ACVd rV t/I XOO{ M '2961 '02 UASWACfl( OIICUOCSU JNII'{NUISNI NI O:INTVINOS SV .SNOSU!Id dVCICNVH ISNIVCV SIVNI^IN3SI( ION SAOC InS dVCTONVH OI SATV.IAU (o UO ACOS SITJVIS Olr.rrNn AHI dO /O9T NOIJSAS .Z} UIIJ.dVHJ UAONN JdT^IgXg $ (v) INVNIIAOC OIVS IVIil JNAJXII IIHI OI A'INO ONV SSII'INN NIOIUO ]VNOIIVN IIO SNIVIS IVI'IIWVC ''TVSIONVH 'XIIS 'NOI5IIflU 'UO'IO3 'irCvu NO OASVS NOIICIUISI|U UO INVNAAOS ANV OMruI4lO rng 'IISnV'IC USIUAAilU UO AUnIIgCUOd V NIVINOJ ION Oq HCIHIy\ SJNVNIIAOC IIAIIJIUISIrU 'z6t acvd rv 8' voos NI '2061 .II UAgWflAON (iI(UOCilU J,N'!ilVd SIIIVIS CIIJINN NI (SAUIISSU SV SSIVIS OIIJJNN AHI iIO AJIUOHINV IIHI AS dSTSNUISNOC SWNVC UO $IHJJJC UOJ AVAA dO IHCIf, 8' yoos NI'206I 'r,I ussnil^oN oilouocau rNarvd siilvrs oauNn * "lTrl?X$tY sgsmtaud gtlt JcgsuarM uo grruirNild or cNnod a8 iII [Vs aIil o'InoHs l^loudauaHr auo srH lt^ohrau oNv rJYuJxa or soo'I uo Nrlr^ v do uoffIludoud do JJI9IU .ANV dI .SSICNVNIII ONV SASVII'I CNII$XS '6 'JoaJaq g alnpaqrs Jo I uopres q pa;ou '{uu ;q 'a8uEl.roru aq o1 1rafqns aq mn ,{r1od s,Jeui$o eql 'uoSIppE uI '8 ',{wI 'saE"reqr Ja,nes ptre .re1an p;udm ro; suar'1 'spuora.r cgqnd aq1 fq ma.q Sups.ue se uaroqs lou aru qrlq,rr sluoussesse lqrads ro saxul 'uauqlruuroJ sgl ,{q pa.raaor uoa:aql atuEuour Jo lsaralul ro afEsa aql aq? roJ proror Jo mr;nbre pe.rnsul pesodord aql e1lp eqt ot ropd 1nq yo3raq olup e^SreJIa oqt o1 luanbasqns Suqcupe ro sploJar cgqnd aq1 ur Eqruaddu Nrg 'patsarr 'r(ue;1 's.reDeu raqlo Jo surIEIr asraape 'soJrrprqumJua 'suaq 'qJeJaO 'sp.rocar rqqnd aq ,Q ua,rolqp lou pue nel ,(q pasodurr 'paqqurry reu?aroq ro aroJolarotl| Iqjalsur Jo Joqul 'sasl ras JoJ 'ral ? ol;qEp ro 'ua11 ,tuy 'sp:oca.r rgqnd aq Iq u,raoqs lou eJu rpFp pus asolrslp ppom sas.nue.rd arygo uopmdsu; pue fa,r"ms lreuoc u rJr;q,r,r slrey fue puu '$uauq)sorf,ua 'par? u.r a8elrogs 'saq1 ,trcpunoq q slJllJuoc 'sapuedanqq 'S 'sp,rocer clqnd aq; ,{q unoqs 1ou 'Euoruasue Jo sruFIJ Jo 'quauassll 'sprom: rgqnd arp fq u,noqs 1ou uoyssassod u1 sapred;o supp ro qq8gg :,fuudruo3 er$ Jo uoSrEJsSEs .rg ol Jo pmodsp o.ru orles eql ssqun tqinopg rql o; suogdarxa qquot run pensq aq o1 sapgod -ro .tegod ery, r-69t0I009A 'oN Jopro rno (suosdetxg) zuopJas-gaFpeqrs JNgI^[IINruOC VJ'IV 'zl .II '0I ,L '9 '9 'v C .I ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 (Excepdons) Our OrdcrNo. V50010369-4 The policy or policies to b€ issud wlll contaln excepdons to the followlng unlcss the same are disposcd of to the satisfacdon of the Company: 13. EASEMENTS, CONDITIONS, COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONSANDNOTESON THE RECORDED PLAT OF BIGHORN SUBDWISION FOURTH ADDITION. OTEMS 9-13 AFFECT PARCELS A AND B) LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY DISCLOSI,]RE STATEMENTS Note: Pursuant to CRS 10-l l-122, notice is hereby given that: A) The subject real property may be located in a special taxing district. B) A Certilicale of Taxes Due listlng each taxing jurisdiction may be obtained from the Count5r Treasurer's authorized agent. C) The information regarding special districts and the boundaries of such districts may be obtained from the Boad of County Commissionen, the County Clerk and Recorder, or the County Assessor. Note: Effective September l, 1997, CRS 30-10-406 requires that all documents received for recording or filing in the clerk and recorder's office shall conlain a top margin ofat least one inch and a left, right and bottom margin ofat least one half of an inch. The clerk and recorder may refuse to record or file any document that does not conform, except that, lhe requtement for the top margin shall not apply to documents using forms on which space is provided for recording or filing information at the top margin of the document. Note: Colorado Division of lnsurance Regulations 3-5-1, Paragraph C of Article VII requires lhat "Every title entity shall be responsible for all matters which appear of record Fior to the time of recording whenever the tltle entity conducts the closing and is responsible for recordlng or filing of legal documents resultlng from the tr"nsaction which was closed'. Provided that Land Title Guarantee Company conducts the closing of the insured fansaction and is responsible for recording the legal documents fmm the tmnsaction, exception number 5 wlll nol appear on the Owner's Title Policy and the Lenders Policy whm issued. Note: Afllrmative rnechanic's lim protection for the Owner may be available (typtcally by deletion of Exception no. 4 of Schedule B, Section 2 of the Commihent from the Owner's Poliry to be issued) upon compliance witl the following conditions: A) The land described in Scledule A of this commitrnent must be a single family residence which includes a condominium or townhouse unit, B) No labor or materials have been furnished by mechanics or material-men for purposes of consfuction on the land described in Schedule A of this Commitrnent withln the past 6 months. C) The Company must receive an appmpriate alfidavit indemnifying the Company agalmt un-filed mechanic's and material-men's liens. D) The Cornpany musl receive payment of the appropriate pr€mium. E) If there has been consfuction, improvemenls or major repairs undertaken on the property to be purchased within six months prior to the Date of the Commilment, the requirements to obtain coverage for unrecorded liens will include: disclosure of certain conshuction informatiop; financial information as to the seller, the builder and or the confactor; payment of the appropriate premium fully executd Indennity Agreements satidactory to the company, and, any additional requirements as may be necessary after an examination of the aforesaid information by lhe Company, No coverage will be given under any circumslances for labor or material for which dre insured has contracted for or agreed to pay. Note: Pursuant to CRS l0-ll-123, nodce is hereby given: This notice applles to owner's policy commitments conhining a minenal severance instnrment exception, or exceptiom, in Schedule B, Section 2. A) That there is recorded evidence that a mineral estate has been severed, leased, or otherwlse conveyed from the surface estate and that there is a substantial liftelihood that a third party holds some or all inlerest ln oil, gas, other minerals, or geothermal enerry ln the property; and B) That such mineral estate may include the right to enter and use lhe property without the surface owner's pennission. Nothlng herein contained will be deemed to obligate the company to provide any of the coverages referred to herein unless the above conditions are fullv satisfied. Fos\ DISCIOSURE A9/O].{O2 JOINT NOTICE OF PRIVACY POLICY Fidelity National Financtal Group of Companies/Chicago Title Insurance Company and Land Title Guarantee Company July r, 2001 We recoenize and resoect the nrivacv exoectations oftodav's consumers and the requirements of applicable federal and state nriiacv laws. We believd that drakiirs vou aware of liow we use vour non-public personal infonnation ("Personal Inforination"), and to whom it is disdoserf, "will form the basis for a r6lationshii of trrl'st between us and the public that we serye. This Privacy Statement provides that explanation. We reserve thd right to change this Privacy - Statement from time to tirde consislent with applicable privacy laws. In the course ofour buslness, we may collect Personal Information about you fron the followlng sources: * Fmm applications or other forms we receive from you or vour aurhorized rtpresmtative;* Fmm ybfur transactions wilb, or from fie services being p6rformed by, us, o'ur a-ffiliates, or others;+ From -our inlernet web sites:* From the pqblic record-s^rnaintained_ by gove-mmental entities that we either obain direcdy from lhose entities. oi from our alfiliates or otheisiand * From cbnsumer or other reporting agenbies. Our Pollcles Regardlng the Protection of the Confidmtiality and Security of Your Pcrsonal Informadon We mainlrin phvsical, electronic and procedural safequards to Drotect your Personal Information from unauthorized access or intrision. We limit access tri the Personal Iiformatioi onlv to drose employees who need such access in connection with providing products or services to you or for other l6gitlrnate buslneis purposes. Our Policies and Practices Regarding thc Sharing of Your Permnal Informaffon We may share your Personal Information with our affiliates, such as insurance companies, agents, and other red estate stfilemeit service providers. We also may disclose your Personal Informatiori: * to agents, brokers or representatives to provide you with services you have requested;* to tfiird-party contractors or.service pmi'iden wlo provide servicds or perforni marketing or other function's ori our behalf: and * to othgrs with whom we enter into joint marketing agreements for products or services that we believe you may find of interest. In addition, we will disclose vour Personal Information whm vou direct or give us permission, when we are required bv law to do so, or when we-susDect fraudulent or criminal aclivities. We abo mav'disclose your Personal liformation when othenvise penfuitted bv aoplicable privacy laws such as, for exainple, wheir disclosure is needed to enforce our rights arising out of any a-gnlement, tansaction or relationship with ybu. One of the important responsibilities of some of our affrliated companies is to r€cord doctments in the public domain. Suchtocumenti mav contain vour Personal Information. ' Right to Access Your p.oorr"t fnforrnation and Ability to Comcct Ermrs Or Request Changes Or Deletion Certain states afford you the rieht to access vour Personal Information and, under certain circumstances, to find out to whom your Persorial InformEtion has beei disclosed. Also, certain states afford vou the right to request correctiori, amenilne^nt or deletion of your Personal Information. We reserve the right, wherE permitl'al by law, to charge a reasonable fee to cover the c6sts incurred in responding to such requests. " All-lequess submifted -to- the Fid-elity-Nalional Finaqcjal Group of Companies/Chicago Title Insurance Company shall b-e in writing, and delivered to-the following address: Privacy Compliance Officer XittuS'T""u*1f SHfJiH' "' Santa Barbara. CA 93110 Muldple Products or Servlces f we pro-v_ide yog with qrore than one financial.product or service, you may receive more lhan one privacy notice from ris. We alologize for any inconvenience tliis may cause you. FolfN PRIV.POL.GII ttrrtttltlll tllttl nFt I t{ | H t'tt-t t'l HIH t_t liE EfrE llf f, --iir Et - fTr i' I l,.1 ili 'l F t_l lli 'l H il rl t'l |ll rn \ /E\ 6\-__- t*j il_r ild tl;tr' tx llE s {,"t.,..\ ,i, \ -t)${* [o'li t.| ,./ lrlrt Eil Eil E ri il t tlFli E *?)s,{ iii ss EAST VAIL TOWN HOMES STREAM SIDE CIHCLE vAll- 0oLoRADO a t E I $F FFI:* '!Hi gr*43 l\)b o) Datc: Addrcss O*ncr Block ,'kchitc€t Zonc Lot sizc _ Total GRFA __- -r }rJnFn _+(a25) (625+)= -GR-FA + (j25) (675*) =_',t/ Total Rcmaining / ,../--< 14. 4t-= (/.,/ /. / "// q ///n ,/fa-? /ao tilo Pbonc Phonc 0 A b . Proposcd . /iifa .,ftff Allorvcd + 675 = 425 crcdit plus 250 addition Sitc Covcralc Hcigbt Sctbacks Sidcs Rcar .tt:l.n I 1,4 -----jiF--- I t6t/ ' ln l-ULf [rq' Linosc3prng Minimum 1rt , /7 -l _ RctainingwarlHcighs :AA= SfrV iA.rrt(s f nad<_ DL_Prrking Rquiicdjfqnwcfu# :ee / b D-tl.t\ '(y: >frF h,,it,( s r fr-od<_ '2_l]i*"..*, nq':"'d;L% Etu-:e€IJ-nQ-'aa*"( trn)7;u .Goq(;ofioo) (r2oo)t,a U-' ,1 ,Drivcrvay Y"*;n"ys(or" fl ' 17 "r" proposcd slor"P /.5/ , Conrplics with TOV Ligbring Ordinancc Vu !_,, Nn Arc finishcd -cradcs lcss than 2: I (50%) ycs ! _ No.- Enr.ironmcnraL4Jazards t\ D^-^^_. e,-l) Pcrccnt Slopc (< >30%) 2) Floodplain 3) Wcrlands '4) Watcr Course Scrback (30) (50) ( atzt 5) Gcologic Hazard s *.-1/7.a/h,u , b) Rocl,fall c) Dcbris Florv Pro'ious conditions of approval (chcck propcrty filc); Is thc propcrty non-conforming? Dcscribc: 5Fr 14'{t.( s L-.'r'u L.1.2, Furrzzr.zzyaa,ffi DESI REI'IEIV CEECKLIST \._.----- Jgalc . . Bcnchmuk I . _ Lcgal dcscription -:- Lor Sizc -UF zsoadditionat GRrA L( Cnvlutric Spacc /- ffsrre pr-.q.N /. Buildablc fuca Eascmcnts Topography 1001r. flood plain Watcr Coursc Sctback Environmcn al Hazards Trees Utility locations Spot clcvations Scalc /k EHu Q BUILDI.TG ELEVATIoNS ./, t/ Scajc /tl ColorU\4atcrials ,./t/ Roofpirch E] LANDSCAPE PLAN ,/- Existing trccs ,/proposcd fces 7;#: Sitc Covcrage WVl bli /f*"ttOvcrhangs (4) !n""*tndconics -4ou^rconncction -lsitecnoc\slopc /n wanglat, /'F^"", n lL' / ,urnsc^ { Ng*) TumingRadius Nf{h Drivcrvay (acccss and gradc) SnorvStoragc ft{trTb FircAcccss fVF:,Zb Titlc rcport (A & B) ta Utility vcrification form ',/' pbotos of,sitc t/ Building matcrial samplcs lt C.O. Virificarion 0/" SuntshadcAnglcs -/. l./ Urilirics (undcrground) /'/ f Vicrv Corridors Al- Varianccs "/ ,,r, r.*"nor,, East Vail Duplexes Final Review: 03.15.06 DRB06-0002, DRB06-0003, DRB06-0004 Desiqn Review Board comments from 02.01.06 meetinq / Each member of the Board encouraged further treatment of the duplexes as unique structures, exhibiting unifying features without displaying mirror image or substantially similar design. ,/ lt was mentioned that the use of the same stone on each of the duplexes will be an effective unifying feature. / lt was suggested that a roof/drainage plan be implemented which takes into consideration preservation of the entryways and landscaping below. r' The Board encouraged continued study of the solar effect to which these residences will be subjected. / lt was commented that further study of steel vs. clad window applications may substantially redefine the facades of the structures. r' The Board requested that 11" x 17" elevation drawings be submitted which clearly depict all three duplexes as they are located upon the lots. Each member is most interested in understanding the massing of the residences in their adjacent locations. r' The Board requested that a sample of the Kalwall @ system be brought to the next meeting. Suqsested conditions of final approval for DRB06-0002. DRB06{003. and DRB06-{1004 1 . At the time of building permit submittal, the applicant shall provide an engineered analysis based on AASHTO for sight stopping distances per the Town Code sight distance requirement of 250 feet. 2. At the time of building permit submittal, the applicant shall provide a site plan which indicates a parking turn-around at the easlern edge of Lot 8 which complies with the twelve foot (12') width requirement specified in Title 14: Development Standards Handbook. 3. At the time of building permit submittal, the applicant shall provide a landscape plan which designates that all existing or proposed landscaping along the Streamside Circle right-of-way will be trimmed up to seven feet (7') in height and all existing or proposed landscaping with limbs overhanging the Streamside Circle right-of-way shall be trimmed up to eleven feet (1 1') in height. 4. Prior to release of the building permit by the Town of Vail, the applicant shall submit a revocable- right-of-way permit for each lot for approval by the Town to allow for the proposed landscaping to be located along the northern edge (Bighorn Road right-of-way) of the development site. 5. Prior to release of the building permit by the Town of Vail, the applicant shall record with Eagle County and the Town of Vail language for a permanent easement to the Town for that portion of Lot 6 which is located within the Town's right-of-way along Streamside Circle. 6. Prior to issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy by the Town of Vail, the applicant shall record with Eagle County and the Town of Vail new plats for each of the lots which designate easements for both parking and cross access and an easement for the proposed drainage between lots 7 and 8. 7. Prior to issuance of a Temporary Certificaie of Occupancy by the Town of Vail, the applicant shall comply with all restrictions specified by the Town of Vail Fire Department, - TOWN OFVAIL Department of C ommunity Deve lopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2I38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us March 20,2006 Mr. Will Hentschel OZ Architecture 1820 Folsom Street Boulder, CO. 80302 (Fax) 303.449.3886 Re: 4327, 4337, and 4367 Streamside Circle/Lots 6, 7, and 8, Bighorn Subdivision 4th Addition DRB06-0002, DRB06{003, and DR8064004 DearWill, Thank you for attending Wednesday's Design Review Board meeting for final review of the referenced lots. As you know, the Design Review Board approved each of the applications with the following conditions, which are listed below in order of needed date of completion for your convenience. 1. At the time of building permit submittal, the applicant shall provide an engineered analysis based on AASHTO for sight stopping distances per the Town Code sight distance requirement of 250 feet. 2. At the time of building permit submittal, the applicant shall provide a site plan which indicates a parking turn-around at the eastern edge of Lot I which complies with the twelve foot (12') width requirement specified in Title 14: Development Standards Handbook. 3. At the time of building permit submittal, the applicant shall provide a landscape plan which designates that all existing or proposed landscaping along the Streamside Circle right-of-way will be trimmed up to seven feet (7') in height and all existing or proposed landscaping with limbs overhanging the Streamside Circle right-of-way shall be trimmed up to eleven feet (11') in height. 4. Prior to release of the building permit by the Town of Vail, the applicant shall submit a revocable- right-of-way permit for each lot for approval by the Town to allow for the proposed landscaping to be located along the northern edge (Bighorn Road right-of-way) of the development sile. Per our conversation this moming, fhrs a a pemit that will need to be submitted to and apprcved by the Town of Vai!'s Public Works Department since this right-of-way is no longer subject to the Colorado Department of Transpoftation (CDOI. 5. Prior to release of the building permit by the Town of Vail, the applicant shall record with Eagle County and the Town of Vail language for a permanent easement to the Town for that portion of Lot 6 which is located within the Town's right-of-way along Streamside Circle. 6. Prior to issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy by the Town of Vail, the applicant shall record wiih Eagle County and the Town of Vail new plats for each of the lots which designate easements for both parking and cross access and an easement for the proposed drainage between lots 7 and 8. 7. Prior to issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy by the Town of Vail, the applicant shall comply with all restrictions specified by the Town of Vail Fire Department. Please don't hesitate to inform me with any iqalgtqg,.gyF^igpns or concerns. I will be away from the office until April 1Oth, but will plan to review tn$J'ildii$'Fdimit submittal upon my return. l.' I have enclosed a copy of the design rwiew action form which will ne€d to be attrached to that submittal. fqr your palience in what is not always a simple design review prooess. s70.479.24il enclosure 8,it*f lWc b'7 7 Design Revierr Eoard ACTIOI{ FOR]I,I Departmefit of Commufl ity Develogment 75 South Fmntage Road, Vail, Coloradc 81557 tel: 970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web: www.v*ilgoncom o&frLfdaY ElELst&t*! Project Namer Project Description: TRILOGY DEMOUTION DRB t{umber: DR8060155 RNAL APPROVAL FOR THE DEMOUTTON OF 3 HOUSES LOCATED AT 4327, 4337, AND 4357 STREAMSIDE CR. (See file for bond, letters, etc.) Participants: OWNER STRFAMSIDECIRCLEPARTNERSHIOS/12/2N6 3033 E lSTAVE STE 815 DENVER co 80206 APPIICANT R,A. NELSON &ASSOCIATES, IN05/12l2006 Phone: 970-949-5152 PO DMWER 54OO AVON Colorado 81620 License: 170-A Project Address: 4327 STREAMSIDE CR WEST VAIL Location: 4327 STREAMSIDE CR Legal Description: Lot: 5 Block Subdivision: BIGHoRN 4TH ADDmON Parcel Number: 2101-122-1300-3 2101-122-1300-4 2101-123-0501-2 Comments: Motion By: Second By: Vob: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACflON Action: APPROVED Date of ApprovaL OSl L9|2OO6 C.ond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Minor Exterior Alterations ,,*m Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail. Colorado 81657 tel: 97 0.47 9.2128 f axi 97 0.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design rcview approval lapces unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Descrip6on of the Requesr DF-t-4oLLT't2^t eF llcDt€2 E( 4327 AV77 ^4> 4zb1 =IzE/J1=>tv€ <p_. Location of the Proposal:Lot b,TtbBlock:Subdivision: Bl6/+eeL] 49 physicalAddress: A7Z?.4?27 4 4ZOZ slPanetW cet- V*t- fo. z-let t 4-z-r t. Application for Design Revie Parcel No,: z-Lb at ZZL)oA (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s)of Owner(s): g1-6AI'l9LP€ ae- APr.qFae9 .-L-L-? Mailing Address:5j1$ DE*uEr2 .o €ez Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address:W DEr'rY..(€/2- 54eC' Avc,t-\ co EIbzO Phone: E-maitAddress:@Fax: Type of Review and Fee: $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painung, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee v N @ c C b \h ^t D Signs E Conceptual Review E New Construction tr Addition E Minor Alteration (mu lti-family/commercial) Minor Alteration (single-fam ilylduplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request tr tr zLcLl z 3o5o L2- 9'rc./ 471 - z For Office Use Onlv: Fee Paid: --Z^ll - check No.:- By: Meetino Date: S ' l?'do DRB No,: DI(BOO O t"ff ) av oo 'doo*t JOINT PROPERW OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL TETTER I, (print name joint owner of property located at (address/legal desctiptioiA?27, provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: I further understand that minor modificaUons may be made to the plans over the course of tre review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. (Date) F:\cdev\FORMS\Permits\Planning\DRB\drb_minor_alt_1 1-23-2005.doc Page 2 of 13 rllz3l?gos MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterations and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water features, grading, or the addition of retaining walls. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS** B Stamped Topographic Surveyx B Site and Grading Planx d Landscape Planx o Architectural Elevationsx o Exterior color and material samples and specifications. tr Architectural Floor Plans* o Lighting Planx and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures o Title report, including Schedules A & B to verify ownership and easements* o Photos of the existing site and adjacent structures, where applicable. tr Written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable o Site-specific Geological Hazard Report, if applicable* o The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawingt specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (i) copies of the materials noted with an asterisk (*). x*For interior conversions with no exterior chanqes, the submittal requirements include a complete set of existing and proposed floor plans, a tide report, and written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. I have read and undenstand the above lasted submattal requirements: Project Name: contractor sisn^tun''Wq'fu) q oatesisna 5- lz-o{a ( F:\cdev\FORMS\Permits\Planning\DRB\drb_minor_alt_1 1 -23-2005.doc Page 3 of 13 rrl23l200s Topographic surveyl o Wet stamp and signahlre of a licensed surveyor . Date of survey o North arrow and graphic bar scale o Scale of 1"=10'or 1"=20J . Legal description and physical address . Lot size and buildable area (buildable area excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 40o/o, ?nd floodplain). Ties to existing benchmarlj either USGS landmark or sewer invert. This information must be clearly stated on the survey . Property boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01) of a foot accuracy. Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. Show existing pins or monuments found and their relationship to the established comer.. Show right of way and property lines; including bearings, distances and curve information.. Indicate all easements identified on the subdivision plat and recorded against the property as indicated in the title report. List any easement restrictions,. Spot Elevations atthe edge of asphalf along the street frontage ofthe property attwenty-five foot intervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on either side of the lot.. Topographic conditions at two foot contour intervals . Existing fees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more, as measured from a point one foot above grade.. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streams, etc')'o All existing improvements (including foundation walls, roof overhangs, building overhangs, etc.).. Environmental Hazards (ie. rockfall, debris flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils). Watercourse setbacks, if applicable (show centerline and edge of steam or creek in addition to the required stream or creak setback). Show all utility meter locations, including any pedestals on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site. Exact location of existing utility sources and proposed service lines from their source to the structure. Utilities to include:r Cable TV Sewer Gas . Telephone Water Electric o Size and type of drainage culverts, swahs, etc.. Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250' in either direction from property. . Site and Grading Plan:. Scale of 1"=20'or larger . Property and setback lines . ftisting and proposed easemenE . Existing and proposed grades . *isting and proposed layout of buildings and other structures including decks, patios, fences and walls. Indicate the foundation with a dashed line and the roof edge with a solid line.. All proposed roof ridge lines with proposed ridge elevations, Indicate existing and proposed grades shown underneath all roof lines. This will be used to calculate building height.. Proposed driveways, including percent slope and spot elevations at the property line, garage slab and as necessary along the centerline of the driveway to accurately reflect grade.. A 4 wide unheated concrete pan at the edge of asphalt for driveways that exit the sbeet in an uphill direction.. Locations of all utilities including existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the Structures.. Proposed surface drainage on and off-site.. Location of landscaped areas.o Location of limib of disturbance fencing r Location of all required parking spaces F:\cdev\FoRMs\Permits\Planning\DRB\drb_minor_alt_11-23-2005.doc Page 4 of 13 Lll23l2q05 Suruey/Site Plan Review Checklist Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel 970.479.2128 fax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.vailgov,com *This checklist must he submitad prior to Public Works review of a prcposed Owners/Project Name: 5/A€&tn=t/E <t?" Pt(P7,<-'e/9 z-z-z-P- -fpJ Project Address 4Ez 437 4>b-7 Sfe;-c/*,1 51pg developmenL Le47 npptrcant: PA )rL€caz-l - P J HeA> rfe- phone Number: zV t - 7Z= 1 o Landscape plan o Title Report (Section B) Submittal r Stamped survey of property o Civil/Site plans Survev Reouirements: a Surveyor's wet stamp and signature J Date of survey f North arrow e Proper scale (1"=10'or L"=20') a Legal description c Basis of bearings / Benchmark J Spot Elevations r Labeled right of way and property lines; including bearings, distances and curve information. o Lot Size e Buildable Area (excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 407o, and floodplain) Site Plan Reouirementsl I. Access (check all)3 Driveway type and finished surface are shown on the site plan. o Unheated o Heated (portion in ROW in a separate zone)tr Snow storage areas are shown on the site plan within property boundaries (30o/o of driveway area if unheated; 10o/o of driveway area if heated)e All driveway grades, dimensions, radii are clearly noted on the site plan and conform to Development Standards, p. 11. Steepest Section Driveway Grade (not the average grade):_ o Parking spaces and turning radii are noted on site plan and conform to Development Standards, pp.12&14 II. Construction Site (check all)o Location of all utilities and meter pits are shown on the site plan. o Limits of disturbance construction fencing is shown on the site plan. tr I am aware that approved Staging and Construction Traffic Control Plans, as per the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, will be necessary prior to construction.o I am aware that a Revocable Right of Way Permit will be required prior to construction. o Environmental Hazards (ie. rockfall, debris flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils)o Watercourse setbacks (if applicable)D Trees o Labeled easemenb (i.e. drainage, utility, pedestrian, etc...)o Topography o Utility locations o Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250' in either direction from property. F:\cdev\FoRM5\Permits\Planning\DRB\drb_minor_alt_11-23-2005.doc Page 11of 13 rrl23l2o0s III. Drainage (check all that apply) a The required Valley Pan is shown on the site plan as per Development Standards, p. 12. o (Note: Valley pan must not be heated)tr 4 Foot C.oncrete Pan o B Foot Concrete Pan a Positive and adequate drainage is maintained at all times within the proposed site. o Culverb have been provided and are labeled and dimensioned on the site plan. o A Hydraulic report has been provided. (As requested by Town Engineer) Iv. Erosion Control (Check all that apply)o Disturbance area is greater than one half acre.u A separate Erosion Control Plan has been professionally engineered and PE stamped.y( Less than one half acre has been disturbed, and proper erosion conbol devices are shown on the site f, plan. V. Floodplain (check all that apply)o The project lies within or adjacent to a 100 year Floodplain.o 100 year Floodplain is shown on the site plan. o A Floodplain study has been provided. (Required if floodplain is within construction limits or as requested by Town Engineer)o The poect does not lie within or adjacent to a 100 year Floodplain VI. Geologicaf Environmental Hazards (check all that apply)o The poect lies within a Geologic/Environmental Hazard area. (See Development Standards, p. 20)o A Hazard Report has been provided tr The project does not lie within a Geologic/Environmental Hazard area. VII. Grading (check all that apply)o Existing and proposed grades/contours are provided on the site plan.o All disturbed areas have been returned to a 2:1 grade. o All disturbed areas not returned to 2:1 grade have been Professionally Engineered w'rth slope protection and/or stable soils. PE stamped details are provided within plans. o Only existing contours are shown on the site plan, there is no proposed grading. VIII. Parking (check all)o All residential and commercial parking spaces conform to the Development Standards, pp. 12&15, IX. Retaining Walls (check all that appty)a All retaining walls conform to the standards in the Development Standards, p. 19.o All retaining walls and combination walls over 4 feet have been Professionally Engineered and a PE stamped detail has been provided within the plans. D All retaining walls are shown on the site plan, with labeled top and bottom of wall elevations and type of wall construction.D No rebining walls are required for this project. X. Sight Distance (check all that apply)o Proper sight distance has been attained and shown on site plan as per Development Standards, p.12. o Proper sight distance has not been attained. Explanation why:- Additional Comments Please provide any additional comments that pertain to Public Works Review. Applicants Signature F:\cdev\FoRMs\Permits\Planning\DRB\drb_minor_alt_11-23-2005.doc Page 12 of 13 |tl23l2O0s I t w X Ttrt ro tG nEffovED tiEt tigtlcttof, FExctxc t10 al at actD rt Dl,P tiDGE O; lFnxe tt!!t rrfl,rr c o,truil/l cElEoF f,ucttox iltillltrur lEZl Fol6 So..a loold.q f.I*.|,i &@ !b.:IE a,l9.lg(l Itof, }lo. l5c{.00 DlArrVl* cl cfit(e CADO H.E o rE 5r0lr0a ia,aoNs Ooz AicHrEcruRE LOTS 6. 7 18 PEFM]T SET SHETT]TIE EX!8I|MI Co|{ofr|oiE' IREE PROIECTTX{ ruN ,/ J 'S\N qN Detb-fClrtEwia 1O vE E,ryyllTrl-rfl PPA'EVAYS. o o CE o o o j I tIJ J ()(r () IU o 6 = UJ E F a (5 o J E F tr->;, 11.-\ii1q.1\R-*\sa '-),. 'r.\".---\r. -'\\'.r:\.t'l:'-)'',J\'\i:1.)... i( t- '>rQa \ \ tr1 'Pp6PfPu4'. nh rq U9\"' v{y4-- ,.r.s r--:-::S S "t."."o.-rm Dlcrx .\,, "'^#"f .*,' l,-€|lDtrl€l 5't;z-ob I )$frA.$nr nxrgr €trl{Kr F|rtTr$*t s€u (Jr .4:YAilHVt$f€ -$tusffqHEKf 'm PL.I€ffi-J LS o ?J5oa .{ \i\.-T \; h. w tl3ilttltlllr (urrr) ERO9ON CONTROL NOIES: r. 4r txnta no tlf@ aaErlt r Pldncr lllt lta ,!cr oansr[A| 't^t! ||rvf sat lro(.d ^trto/E t.fr ioltdn ||ttrulD tid rD l, stllt@ @arFxrua orfiarEE (Er4on^fY Ql lA CO68,ctlOl OlrlAlL!/'UAI nfqjr@. I Ar Sll[ x.fit l{A!! x |f td 914 ro lr.lor tlt 5Tn,.o c sr€|l 'lq lo oEordol6 rlo l|{ cagE 4 rt3tE^l O,tlllE IAE 9rAr & tr€n|It ^r r nqa cuatn,cDor rll^ arEtE PtrdFrt- r/6t f !{391gl |o griirt rf,$Er rlfl crPnc cttaotr !t A \aait oPDa r !- @trr c,|u l.lrar ttYott gtorl. Ellt lro {I oig xtun mlr lloa atlE- rra grEa larlt antDr ou|'a ^u calro(FC^V^ttl{ !Lrcrr!. tsira. anra t otxEl coatE|gtn FEr^ro.t nul ^aa P ft of 116 ahtct, rE coatf, cru. a.o/6 Do AlDsrE El:l i{rrl. e rqrditt fC @|^llor t afY ro$nn r9lclt l! lo/rol.I t rErArl tatras crq Rtorq atc, 7 'r6/tD €6 L- @it cotllo- 'Esl r r*cEro.r rrrda.s (Lr rrar E |loaoa! tr D- Od rcn r5 a{ar t r xnt6 Ao atlY trr€tn ! F nt dral0t ot DG frracT, I rcqfr^D iDadt r|0 063 trat !l Ero*D rn i9 r}|or dadt ra!o- ta^tta3 oa hat lt{ t€arf c ff F q raYlta ft^t 40at (a oafra AovElg,r r,raE na rl|r||lrF 0a l'( D. ro codlit/cn Aqi|ctrc r Y aKlrtt ldFat a?rs fl) r roID At dt Da. lt!ftlt $lu E tacrE q-E aoatf,Etn E m utrtt it adfB. \ sro'+r'oo'w - 1J.oo'\ s€E llr*rorl !H 6ao ; \ lur tr!v. - 0.52r '):i N!El|' (l] EIIV - 8aat.a rrvt|t (Or1) tLEv. r a..1.2 L*,. lgl0 Foh6 S|! .t 0ouB.., Cdo.ido Eo3(Il phoo.36.149.800 Ooz ARCHrrEctuRE 0,7e8 sgr STA&JUZED 1r lNlCRl - 4,|.5.2' o o E.o J o C)j ! u-l () E.6 UJ o 6 =ul E F U) :i.Ts . uaa.s 1 |- uze, I I L cv lr. i|v (ll{) E Ev. i{ltaT (qJD €LEv. \i -:u CD o J -E F A3 (n*x€ ${crr FLofl occr.R-s m^l|^c[ ||or xc^afi ffr) PRtrt lll t50810(] DRAV]* GLA cl€crcD L|t CAlo FILE| 1106-SIlE.Dvl DATE, 5/01/06 i.K nfixNrnrr 3as-)-1*"'iaf i' ctEc|( oxas -\\ ".>"\\ sfrai lrlr$ort *r o5oo (oRoP)-\ !nl/ ElEv. - Eaao.t "ilJilEfY:3.'$::==:"--"--/ r; '#ryi?.T: nsta! stR^w 6ALE o€c( oxas -.__.__.--*jl}=-lr*, o=hsnucogx ; co*Jp^n-l|-'--''=--q3 --<i. / ;:;t;tt .---\' I r'-e+lo*J-./** r^* r" o.oo \\ Rtll| EEv. - A{7.9 i- r_,, SHEET TITLE. EROSION CONTROL PLAN tt't"\"\'.%:t\N \ *)t".* _- -\ I\:\ -'- - "\' "tT /-t...--t .:1 r slAVVe€D Ft-rfP-A u cE, / I t\517'( LLIE>,Lff-,V ryvA -o "-){ !!ERI (rN) altv . 6.lea n\frl ( ) ELw. - aal0,7 {PROICT EiCrnlFX) {) sorcs*I 2et9e Q.t*l 5.2-a- 4 q I.EGEIfD: X ttll tto tt nEflovED tic! rifrlst or| Ilrrcrrfe to l€ PltcED ^to''PF.n d EX''nXGTnEE3 rjflrr:r or oFruLarrGE/COt{STnUCtfOfl illilltSlllt rtql ftL6 Sul.* rddcr,CdE&aIt{E r&@S/aller96 rnql No. l5cr.00 DMllrlt o.h clrEcxD CADD HI,E DA1E 5r0lro3 iar6lotG @oz AAcHnEc-ruRE LOTS 6, 7 18 PERM]T 8ET SITEET TITIIE EXSllt{O co olrof€, IREE PROTECNON ru sflr{asr|ucturl0n\ \\t--r",r*-\'Lf'A -ra 99 DltTuLBr|D ?EseefrD o o tr o J o C)j a I UJ J () E.o tU o 6 = UJ E F U) *"'*-r"T..K- (t o J E F \ d'"-.*""""N: ',t *. /1,., l ",^) "=\=x **d \r:\ ,taftD X-t'rs \i$ '..-r.l-{ 'r*'.- .) QSh Status: fi Approved Comuunffy DEVELopMENT Rounnc Fonur I Approved with conditions I Denied Routed To:Georqe Chalberq. PW Date Routed:05112t06 Routed Bv:Elisabeth Eckel Date Due:05t17t06 Description of work:Demo of three existing residences Address:4327, 4337,4367 Streamside Circle Legal:Lot:6,7,8 lBlock: I lSubdivision:Bighorn Subdivision 4'n Addition Comments:Date Reviewed: Fire rtment lssues. Need additional review bv Fire Need to k to a min. 1 From: George Chalberg To: Elisabeth Reed Date: 05/16/20064:34:43 PM SubJect: Re: Trilogy The road and drainage easement ne€d to be taken care of before TCO. The other items should happen before building. Thanks Goerge >>> Elisabeth Reed 05/16/2006 3:4921 PM >>> Thanks...are these things that n6ed to bE addressed before building permit release or before demo permit release? Thanks, E >>> George Chalberg 05/16/2006 8:55:06 AM >>> Here are a couple of things that need to be addressed. Units 1&2 need to get an easement for the street. Units 4& 5 need to realine the drainage easement to match the new culvert. All units need to meet the sight distance. Have the trees limbed up min of 7 feet. (PLC Line of sight diagram EXHB) Will need to rip rap end of new culvert if not already existing. That is all I have right now. Thanks George May 19, 2006 Mr. Russell Thrasher RA Nelson 51 Eagle Road #2 Avon, Colorado 81620 (Fax) 970.949.4379 Re: 4327, 4337, and 4367 Streamside Circle/Lots 6, 7, and 8, Bighorn Subdivision 4th Addition PRJ05-0557, PRJ06-0007, PRJ06-0008, DEV06-0004, DRB06-0155 Dear Russell, Thank you for submitting an application for the demolition of the referenced lots, now known as the "Trilogy" project. I have staff approved both the Design Review Board application for demolition and re-seeding and the Building permit application for the same. Additionally, I received a bond in the amount of $1,875 from the Streamside Circle Partnership signifying that the re-seeding of Lots 6, 7, and I will occur no later than September 1, 2006, at which time the Town of Vail will return the bond payment to such Partnership. Finally, the Public Works Department asked that I clarify with you the following conditions: 1. Prior to Temporary Certificate of Occupancy, units 1&2 must drafVrequest an easement for the street.2. Prior to Temporary Certificate of Occupancy, units 4& 5 must realign the drainage easement to match the new culvert.3. Prior to Temporary Certificate of Occupancy, the driveways to all units must meet the sight distance requirements listed in the Vail Town Code, Chapter 14, The trees must be limbed to a minimum of seven feet (7', see PLC Line of sight diagram EXHB.)4. Prior to Temporary Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant shall rip rap the end of the new culvert if not already existing.5. Prior to Temporary Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant shall rip rap the end of the new culvert if not already existing. Finally, I have enclosed copies of the necessary approval form as well as a copy of the final Developer lmprovement Agreement. Please don't hesitate to call with any further questions or concerns. cc : trlelergslAv_ai|ya lle]rdp_sjgn-esrn enclosures STFEAMSIDE CIRCLE PARTNERSHIP LLLP 3033EAST 1ST AVENUE 303-322-1200 Q(NVER, CO 80206 4LL *XestStar Ball O|rw, Colo...ro tu bn].| hro r -a8a-46&6400 1-?>24 l0l lOl I lq':8BOD aq Iq58il' WHERI4S, the Developer. as a condirion of of the Temporary Certificate of O,ccupancy for (address, legal description, and p0ect number) wishes to enter into a Developer lmprovement Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Developer is obligated b provide security or collateral sufficient in the judgement sf the Town trc make reasonable provisions for completion of cerbin improvements set forth in the attached estimated bid(s) in accordance with the approved phns and specifications tlled in he oflice of the Community Development Department of the Torrn sf Vail; and WHEREAS, the Oeveloper wishes to provide collateral to guaranlee performance of this Agreement, including completion of the all improwments refened to in this Agreement, by means of the following: The Developer agrees to establish.a -cash account with the Town of Vail. as escrow agent, in the amount of $as collateral for the default under this Agreement by the Developer. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the following mutual covenanls and agreements, the Derreloper and the Town agree as follorc: '1. The Developer agrees, at ib sole cost and exp€nse, to fumish all equipment and materials necressary to perform and complete all improwments refenod to In this Agreement. The -.Developer agreas to complete atl improvements refened to in this Agreement on or before the lf ; d.ayot ltsTfnqq\ .|VQ. The Developer shall complete, in a good workmanlike manner, all lmprovremehts rcfened to In thls Agreement, in accordance with all approv,ed plans and specifications filed in the ofiice of the Community Development Deparlment of the Town of Vail, and to do sll work incidental thereto according to and in compliance with the following: a. All said work shall be done under lhe inspec{ion of, and to the satisfaction of, the Town Planner, tho Town Engineer, the Town Building Official, or other otficial ftom the Town of Vail, as affected by special districts or servlce dlstricts, as thelr respectlve Interest may appear, and sl'lall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as completed by lh€ Community Denelopment Department and Public Works Oeparknent of the Town of Vail. Frcdev\FORMSIOlA\DlA cash tofinar_t 12002.doc P.ge I d 5 1055 / 82.311A021 oercy'4our,r,ryv/" - ,\ . \ 4./ $ /47?\, A i::riji',|lJ c':i'' - il'O0 lO 5 5il' Vail (the Town-). deposit '0sr16a0 Frqn'T0[t{ 0F tlAIL C0nruillTY 0EVEL0PIG||T Receipt funds to: A r\ Leoal Descr NamegVCt#rl'oLV.fll*I-Y4(tr7l'nttfi l$u6division: Address: Derreloper: Project Number: sI017s?152 T-gl3 F.002/006 F-295 a.l,v,LE , fVJo6, M2 lmprovement Completlon WHERESS, The Developer.as a condition of the Temporary Certificate of O-ccupanry tor + (address, legal description, ancl project number) wishes to enter into a Developer lmprovement Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Derreloper ie obligated to provide security or collateral sufficienl in the Judgement of the Town to make reasonable provisions for completion of certain imprcvements set forth in the attached estimated bid(s) in accordance with the approved plans and Bpecifiaations filed in he dtice of the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail; and WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to provide collateral to guarentee performance of this Agreement, including completion of the alt improvements refened to in this Agreament, by means of the following: account with he Town as collaieral Agreement, in the event default under this Agreement by the Developer. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the following mutual covenanls and agreements, the Dereloper and the Town agree as follows: 1. The Deraeloper agrees, at its sole cost and expense, to fumish all equipment and materials neoessary to perform and complete all lmprowments refened to In this AEreement. The,- Developer agrees to cohplete atl improvements refened to in this Agreement on or before he trt aayot 4tqttnprql+ ,Zbl/. The Dereloper shall complete, in a good workmanlike rhanne@dto|nthlsAgreement.inaccordancewitha|lappror,edp|ans and specifications filed in the ofiice of the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail, and to do alt work incldental thereto according tq and in compliance with the foltowing: a. All said work shalt b€ done underlhe inspection of, and lo the satisfaction of, the Town Planner, the Town Engineer, tho Town Building Official. or other official ftom the Town of Vail, as affected by special districts or servics distric{s, as thelr respecth,e lnterest may appear. and sfiall not be dcemGd compleE unttl approved and acceFted as completed by the .community Devilopment Deparhnant and Public Wort<s Departnrent of thc Town sf Vsil. F;\cdrrv\FORM$OlA\DlA €sh bfrnar_112002.doc Pa€o I d 5 of Vail, as for the there is a I Vail (the Town'), The Developer agtees to esiablish.a g1s!dep_osit escrow agent, in the amount of $ 5 08;16an Fron'T0llTl 0F VAIL ConruillTY OEVEt0PtfllT 0I017e2152 T-et3 P.003/006 F-295 2. To secure and guarantee performance of the obligations aE set forth herein, the Developer agrees to provide collateral as bllows: A czfshndep-osit account with the Town Of Vail, as escrow agent, In the amount of s as collateral for the completlon of all improvements referied to in this Agreement, in tre evenl there is a defautt under this Agreement by the Developer. 3. The Developer may at any time substilute the collateral originally set forth above for another form of security or collateral acceptable to tie Town to guarantee the faithful completion of those improvements refened to hetein in this Agreement and the performance of the terms of this Agreement. Such acc€ptance by the Town of altemative security or collateral shall be at the Town's sole discretion. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any offic€r or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occuning to the work specifled in this Agreement prior to the completion and acceptance of the same, nor shall the Town, nor any ofiicer or employee hereof, be liable for any persons or property injured by reason of the nature of said work, but all of said liabilities shall be and are hereby assumed by the Devetoper. The Developer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless lhe Town. and any of its officers, agents and employees against any lossas, claims, damagcs. or liabilities to which the Town or any of its officers, agents or emplolrees may become subject lo, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilltles (or actions in respect thereof) arise out of or are based upon any performance by the Developer hereundet and the Developer shall reimburse the Town for any and all legal or other expenses reasonably Incuned by the Town in connec-tion with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage. liability or action. This indemnity provision shalt be in addilion to any other liability which the Dewloper my have. 5. lt is mutually agreed ttut the Developer may apply for and the Torm may authorize a partlal release of the collateral deposited with the Town for each category of improvement after the subject amprovement is constructed in compliance with all plans and specitications as referenccd hereunder and accepted by the Torn. Under no condition shail the dollar amount of the collateral that is b€ing hEld by the Town be reduced below the dollar amount necessary to complete all uncompleled improvements refened to in this Agreement. 6. lf the Town determines, at ib sole discretion, that any of the impro\rements refened to in this Agreement are not construc-ted in complianc,e with the approved plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Depar[nent of the Town of Vail or not accepted by the Town as complete on or before the date set forth in Paragraph 1 of this Agreement, the Town may, br.rt shall not be required to, draw upon the security refened to in this Agreement and complete the uncompleted improvements refened to in this Agreomenl. Pursuant to Seciion 12-11-8. Vail Town Code, the Temporary Certificate of Occupanry rcfcned to In this Agreement may be revoked until all improrrcments refened to herein are completed by the Dewloper or the Town in ac@rdance w'tlh this Agreement. F:\c{cv\F0Rlris\DlAtrll caeh furmaLl 1 zom.doc Pagc Z of 5 Fron-Tofll 0F \|Alt C0m,illTY DEVELOPICIII l701Ie?15?T-013 P.001/005 F-295 lf the cosls of completing the uncompleted improvernents referred to ln this ,{greement exceed the dollar amount of the deposit, tfie excess, together with interest at twetue percent (r 2Ye ) per annum, shall be a lien ag^ainst the groper.ty ano may be collected by civil suit or may Oe certified to the treasurer ol Eagle County to be mllected in ihe s"re mannLr. as detinqueni -a valorem taxes levied against such prop€rty. lf the Developer fails or refuses to complete the improvements refened to in this Agr6ement, such f,ailure or refusal shall be conskjered a violation of Title 12 (Zoning Regulations), of the Vail Tonn Code, an<l the Developer shall be subject to penalties pursuant to Secfion 12-3-10 (Molations; Penalties) and Chapter 1-4 (General penalty), of the Vail Town Code. 7' The Derreloper shall warranty tha work and materials of all lmprovements refened to jn this Agreemenl located on-Town property or within a Town t'ght*t*ay,'pursuant to Chapter 8-3. of the Vail. Town Code, for a period of two ),ears afler the Townis acceplance qf said improvements. B. The parties herolo mutually agree that this Agre€ment may be amended ftom tlme to time, provided that such amendments be in writing and e<ecutecl by ali parties hereto. FiCdeV\FORMSIDIAIDIA casfi tomat_t 12$O2.doc Fage 3 ol5 00:16m Frorn-TOtil 0F VAtI COHuilTy 0EVEL0pt€ilI Dated the day and yearfirst aborre written- STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE Wilness rny hand and fficiat se4t. I My commission expires: b I 3d lL| 0l rl rt I {"}l^),,- \lu*to P.005/00E Tftilgregoing Deveroper rmprovemeni Agrgemg4 rrfis acF€tglgg! lgfore me this lscn Day ot lYlnL - ,oaa * Witness my hand and hciat seat. U l)) o My commission axpires____BilOg /(A STATEOFCOLORADO ) couNry oF EAGLE 1""' t4ru:l Devprf oper lmprovement Agreement ,20 0b by {rll..P_9S.1,.\ 1"..t 1'; .j v rrut Ee,H i i xernueN i k# F:\cdivlFORMS\DtAlDlA 6h forrfl.r-i lZOOZ.rtoc psge 4 o, 5 ,iora*z 5400 co 81620 IhITLE: DemolitionReseeding PROJECT:Trilogy TO: Attn: Jeffpetersen Stream Side Circle Partrership LLLP DATE:5/1512006 JOB:38-05-00 CONTRACT NO: Unit Cost: Unit Tax: Lump Sum: Lump Tax: Total: CEANGE ORDER No.00001 Number: $0.00 $0.00 $1,500.00 $0.00 $1,500.00 The Ofiginal Contract Sum was Net Change by Previously Authorized Requests and Changer The Contract Sum Prior to This Change Order was The Contract Sum Will be fncrcased The New Contract Sum Including This Change Order The Contract Time Will Not Be Changed .............. The Date of substantial completion as of this change order Therefore is $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 {CCEPTED: ltream Side Circle Partnership LL RA Nelson and Associates 1.,.ry; Bv: )ate: {.diaioo o By: Date: JeffPetersen Date: Russell Thrasher Eiqn* fn loEQ, t ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 tel: 970-479-2138 fax: 970-479-2452 web: www.vailgov.com Project Name: TORZETTO DUPLEX SUB Application Type: DupSubPl ADM Number: ADM070015 Parcel : 2L0I-t22- 1300-4 2101-122-1300-3 2101-123-0501-2 PTOJECT DEscT.pt.on: FINAL APPROVAL FOR A DUPLEX SUBDIVISION FOR THE Pafticipants: OWNER STREAMSIDECIRCLEPARTNERSHIll/02/2007 3033 E 1ST AVE STE 815 DENVER co 80206 APPLICANT JEFF PETERSEN PO BOX 2459 AVON co 81620 Project Address: 4337 STREAMSIDE CR VAIL Location: Lots 6, 7, & 8, Bighorn 4th Addition Legal Description: Lotl 7 Block: Subdivision: BIGHORN 4TH ADDffiON Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approvah LLI 1212007 Meeting Date: Cond: B (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: CON0009606 The applicant shall revise the Administrator Certificate language per the standards outlined in Chapter 13-11, Vail Town Code. Cond: CON0009607 The applicant shall add the plat note "For zoning purposes, the two lots created by this subdivision are to be treated as one entity." as required by Section 13-8-1, tt10212007 Phone: 970-471-2919 Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: Vail Town Code. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $100,00 -/--\-4f4^\ epfcrUon forAdnhiffiiYe $}H, Subdivieion Plrt Rwieut TffiEU&,iF -mmffiu,,d:9to-{;!lffIl.W.* emr.llrftmrtlbi: n b rrlnta 1r nl '',gt hfi, a €Fdm E *l- rt d lh g'itEr d rit 8, lff Tsr Codc s 3 ttr*r, ra, LE g rolc fp rl a lG, J 14, g.q, Fq, *, 5+r* iEGt fnalflg a Hdd @, F|gG* h orrnsl smmhhrn hE rrt, lfi|Edr!.ce,' fr.cofiJ E a |fnc{trt ||G, s tly c*s dltlbn wtlttn . s.6orthn $t*t 6t Torvn |.rfr] sLdt s.bd*lon hr' bcfi a{Fsvtd ft u,Yffig by t|c r.trEdr, F,bfirE rd h,|a :rrd cgl,'56r r{ror t'r Cotd (rn|dilr | rylcalc) nd r Ci l'Eld csrE lr tr db d0r Egts Cqttt ffi td fffi- rfprdeOfhmardb: Dfkg,lfrffinHi gnCG rqilry gbdr/Flm Pbt lls lr@ 0 ^dil|tsffirn tcfi€cthn llm O Cdrffiun/founftor.E Hlt 1100 r'silr-rbr# Yt grnr2>rurZt- - L^Z ca ,.t/ \rprcn L*-h-i-- drrrrcrf tdirr: hzLl Hh 4 ld I lzrLlz C,tn (ffi E4bco. w aicrvsF.,,re,rlftr prtd m.) tffil l&rr: onr(r)gn*tlr(r): hJAfo= frftgfdirc h F:bidtroiffi\Fr|rrF ftnnhel dr{r*dvr-^doJlubt i.v$d||,1tr-3$-||tLi..roc her I ot4 'A.OG fgpficedon lbr ldninisFatire SuDffif,on Plat Revi€w fDttEtdcrrrl|r4E4rert tlthfiFstgcM,Ua*Cffi 81tr Et!ZL.9!UE:B e,gn1r9-;,dt|,*rrr*Fsl ffiFnr||h ItE||tffil irry p!ffit bdE s[Ffrr b*ta rrydorprtudTtb la lfid Tcrrrgc, q.D@, t4 hEigrrt!cb rrlsl!!aq, -vli, trc, f.!!l, J|!, spr.l!r|En*(frr-"a EI5 r@, |rrEe h drmqt sdomfrtfi 'rE !*, nme{fi|t GtrE, f'ra3rC Fq alfrr+rtnr! 0@,6 ry drcr dvftBr *l|hl| a $odrfthn wflfih tr To|wr uro rdt flffid| |ta! lcat €mcyqf h rttE by tu ,W,9ffi!g td gr*sff ffir rlrbr tr OrI! gf*|lvc E ffi d a ,m ffi rd htrdlbt'fr E kc0*rtcbt ril tErh. lfp dappllcztbn and Fs.! Dd"(EffifibrPbt g{lg|c FotsVei*nsmnfiat *t0 u00 Ir00 *r00 tr tr lfirhlrffi|!Phtsrrffir CorfriltrlunfiGnrtro|'sffi b:ffifhlrFts ff <,fi0lr'rtrr C r 7 t^r:/ D.trpct-*-. /o tt nt Hqdcrfffir= -iLfr-I fHl:(WWE 6, ffi aalrlo'!tu 8A b d rn') ArllgE ffirG orilG)ftrftr(rF ht ilffilgHrrG h t( rn{rlthr{iF Frrfrlilcs hrybru*q-t$Jr|.ific htr I df la'ltc ffpotlfnfrerrrdFs.! !| neal!*lrlcrnat ,/U gflderan{rys|lDrftsbnflat fep|icttion ftr fdministratiYe ldnhFE6!|rn t$trarfrr Gcffi*n/fqrrrfut-ffi t$6dvHon ?tilnpYiew Ilpffinerc d coYrnrry E#terr f5 Srttr F'cr'g! b4 t€{, C*S 8ilffi d: 97&{79Zl3} tu 9&+}92-+52 r*tr*r{ovca.n ffiDin|rlh If A qtffif tu 'r fffil h*Eq, ia crdm 3 **a ra d th Ftu dirttr la td Tcr r.ae q S trtctt .4 Et C rgr!! b r!' c E rt ff t'|e, f,G, JE Src hr!!!* @Cp a Hdd tt'tff),ilGh(r*ilrFQ @rdorfittr|@, ffirrlcsEtE ho|bnil lbe, athadElfct*, sr?d:r rivtCon rv *r a siloah,t$ho ;fift|r ilr Totrr |rl| f,d| sffrlfrlon t6 trg| ryod h nid'n ry O|r W, ?ffi!g. ta Erft'lElil cb||r|rbr '''csr lr' Oud (rf*lx | ffi rl r f !ff|d rrfictbd'|! ttlGriltet rf 'Et- Ito 1100 tr tr sfi 110 ffiJlF ?l <,.rr.q.,'/(nt ( 16 -.hr/ b,,Pcf2L lnfnJrblf* d* W(ffi Esk e ffi rt ''o.ilEsf tr !d m,) a!''ea', hfildmr{rts Ar$r*r*...5u' 'l rrr('tsrc'|l(.F hdatillrt rrfthgH-s* Fnf,H- l@tutJ|tiltrific hlr l.ta fra,G **********,f*+***+*+ta******+*+******{'****f+++*+*++t+t*{.****ta'****+**+**t+t++f*+**+t'*******+* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement **** f *+*** ** * *** **********aSt $+*** ***{r** * ***'r.** ** +++*++**++ ********+******+*+++** t+++ t * t + *** Statement Number: R070002418 Amount: $100.00 LL/OZ/2OO7aL:27 Atrl Palzment Method: ca6h PETERSEN hit: aIS Notation: $/,fEF'f Permit No: Parcel No: 2101-122-1300-3 2101-123-0501-2 Sit.e Address: IJocation: This Payment: ADMo 7 0 015 2rot-t22 -L3 00 - 4 TIT)e: Administrative 4337 STREAMSIDE CR VAIL 4337 STREN4SIDE CR, T'NITS 3 6.4 Total Fees : Total AIIJ Pmts : Balance 3 $100.00 $100.00 $0.00 $100.00 *****+*********+a****++*++*+***************+**'l********++++*****+l**f*'r*f***************t*** ACCOT]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts PV 00100003112500 Administrative Fee 100.00 od!tt.!{Tf cEl,EtomrEl*T Design Review Board ACTIO}I FORM Department of Community Developrnent 75 South Frontage Road, Vail. Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 laxi 970"479.2452 web: www.vailg{tv.com Project Nanre; TORZEITO 4327 CHANGE Project Description: DRB Numben DR8070049 RNAL APPROVAL FOR A CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PLANS (WINDOWS, DfiERIOR MATERIALS, RIDGE HEIGHTS) Participants: OWNER 5TREAMSIDE CIRCLE PARTNERSHIO2/LZIaOO7 3033 E 15T AVE STE 815 DENVER co 80206 APPLICAI,|T STREAMSIDE CXRCTE PARTNERSHIo2/LZ|ZO07 3033 E 1ST AVE STE 815 DENVER co 80206 4327 STREAMSIDE CR VAIL Project Address: 4327 STREAMSIDE CR Legal Descrlptlon: Parcel llumber: Comments: Motlon By: Second By: Vote: Condltlons: Location: Lot: 6 Block Subdivision: BIGHORN 4TH ADDffiON 2101-122-1300-3 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Actlon: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: 04L6|2OO7 Cond: I (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). C,ond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not consUtute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Buildlng personnel prior to construction activities' Cond; 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this proJect shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: 113 All development applications submitted to the Town after the effective date of Ordinance 25, Series 2006 shall be subject to the pending employee housing regulatlons In whatever form they are finally adopted; provided, however, that if \ '. the Town fails to adopt the pending employee houslng regulatlons by April L5, 2007, this Ordinance shall not appty to such dwelopment applicatlons' Ptanner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: S2o.oo I ,\Changes To The Approved Plans Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L28 f ax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailoov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design r€view approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the apprcval. Description of the Request:B a1r...rl $r -. r.e,f ."1..-l+. ^ a$ U.r-J.., 1?rs Location of the Proposal Physical Address:I 327 =fF--t.-L €rr.-(e. Parcel No.: 2 to lt ZZl3ooa (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no,) Zoning:Z- fl-o.taa. Name(s) of Owner(s): Maili Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr/chung* to Approved Plans Submittal Requirements: 3 Sets of Plans Addressing Project Changes Signature of Homeowner(s) or Association trt €, g o o A -.o $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Desion Review Board. <tr?-^t..d Owner(s) Signature(s): est1/1. lgflT*g2g',v' rn",o *o.7Zr !rv, oz- EEIEflVG FEB 0 7 ',tlt)l \DRB\drb chanqe to' N OF VAIL __plans_1 _page_ 1 0- l 8-2006.doc t f-d. , ;". .ili a+ .r ''-$ t ^' l; ': r ,{" I,J l[ -,J e.. .l t- G.-P l'tf"l. " ' , ''J'.' 1 t' t* a .'t ***+*****++*++t't*+***++++**************++*+*****+*********'l**l*+**+**'i********************** TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement *l***+***** ******** ++*+** * ***** *****+ ****+*+* *** * *** * * f* ****** **** ***+*** ** *** ***** * **** * * +* Statement Nuriber: R070000166 Amount: S20.00 Palment Method: Check ARCHTTECTI]RE OF BOI'LDER 02/L2/2oo7o4:34 PM Init: cR Notation: 33991/OZ DR8070049 fype: DRB-Chg to Appr Pfans 2101-122-1300-3 4327 STREAMSIIDE CR VAIL 4327 STREJAMSIDE CR Total FeeB: Tota1 ALIJ Pmts : Balance :**********++++t********+*+++**+******+*****t+t***********t*+***************f*+*i*******+*++* ACCOT]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code DeBcription Current Pmts DR 0 010 00 03 Lt2200 DESTGN RIVIEW FEES 20.00 Permit No3 Parcel No: Site Address : IJocation: This Palment 3 $2o. oo $20.00 $20.00 $0.00 t|r||-il-Ot 0!:{6rn Fron-l0ttl 0F vAlL cffifitlTY DEfELomilT 0r01r92152 T-il3 P.002/006 t-?e5 Recdptfuncl3 to: Addrcss: Chvdoper: Prq€ct Numbrr: lmprovement Completion DeE:_ DEl'EL RITPROI'E AGREEIIE by and WHEREAS the Developer, as a condltlon of the Temporery Certificate of O-ca.rpancy for (addr€s6, bgal description, and projec{ number) wishes to r intq a Developer lmprovement Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Derreloper ls obllgatcd provide judgament ol the Town b make reasonablc for co forih in the attached eslimated bid(s) in the fllod in ths oftice of the Community /-4VLE , uo$Wb the set ,0b WHEREAS, the Dewloper Agreemenl, including completion of he of the followlng: The Derebpor agr€es to estEbliGh.a Ote Vall, es escrow agent, in the amount of $as collats for the completion of all impmvements refedred to in this in the thera ls a default under this Agrccmcnt by the Dcrrrloper. NOW THEREFORE. in considaraton of the fottmving mutual cqwnanls and agreernents, the tbrclopef and the Town agr€e ars follows: 1. The Dewloper agrees, at its sob cost and expense, to fumish all equipmcnt and materlals neogssary to perform and complet€ all improvementB r6lsn€d to In thls Agreement. The _ Ilerrelopgr agrees to complete all improwmsnte referlBd to in this Agreernent on or before the fi deyot 4L4t+tflfdL .|blz. The Derebper shatl oomplete, In a good rrvorkmanlike menngr, all lmprorcment! re,f€ned to In hb Agr€ement In aooordance wlft all epproved plans and specificalirns filed in the otrc€ of the C.ommunity Dewlopment Departnsnt of the Tovvn of Vail, and to do all notk lnddenhl thereb accordlng to ard in csmplianco with the folkowing: a. All sald rrprk shall be dons urderthe impccibn of. end io the satisfacfion of, ths Town Plannsr, the Town Engineer, the Tqrrn Building Ofildel, or olher offldal ftom the Tovrn of Vail, as gffected by special dbtrids or scrvlcc dlatrlctlr, as thek ?aspecdlB Intersst may appear. and shall not be dccm.d compleb unlil apppvod ard acoepbd as coftphtcd by thc Comnunlty Development Dcpertncnt and PuHic Works Oeparbncnt of thc Town sf Vail. F;r.o6AFORilSt\OlA\OlAC.dttuftttsl_t120@@ Pegcl C6 'yi:b6 \t i -'. l- {t .. I t\.1 rli 'r.'|1}rl lf I l"\ i ,l.- t t) it {\..r {'"'{ir !', :. hd ';t }(. t8' \.tr $t 'rr"t \ti "t ".1 ,nr.t . !'. thv-|5-00 0N:16m Frm-T0[i 0F VAlt CmlfilTY 0El/Et0PEtlT et0lree$2 T-il3 P.003/000 Fe05 2. To secure and guarantee perlormance of the obligations aB aet forth heroin, thc Developer agn:cs to provide collateral as bllows: stt rd3qos! ac@unt with the Tgt rn Of Vail, as esdorw agent, in the amOunt of ss collateral for the completion of all improvements r"ferfud to in this Agreement, in the e\renl th€r€ is a ddfault under this Agrgem€nt by the Dernloper. 3. The Developer may at any time $"6stitute the collateral orlginatly set turth above for another iorm of seu.rrity or collateral acceptablg to fte Town to [mrantee ths faithful Oompletion of those impnrvements referred to hcrean in this Agrcemcnt and the performance of the terms of this AEeement. Such acceptanc€ by the To$'n of altematirrc secunty or collateral shall be at the Toum's sole discrstion. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any o'fficer or emptoloe thsreof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occuning to thc uor* specilied in this Agr€cmcnt pr'or to the compbtion and acceptanoe of the same, nor shall the Tot rn, nor any offtcer or emplolee thercof, be llable for any peruons or prcperty injurcd by reason of the nature of said work, but all of said llabilitles shall bc and are hereby assumed by the Derreloper. -- The Dweloper hereby agncs to lndemnit and hold harmbes thc Torn, antt any of its offic€6, agents and cmployees agalnst any losses, claims, damegas, or liabititiee to wtrlch the Town or any of its officers, agenb or Emplo)€es may become subject to, insofar as any such losscc, dalme, damagcs or lbbilitca (or adions in resporl lhereof) sdse out of or are baled upon any performance by thc Ocvcloper hereunder; and the Oeveloper ghall reimbunse lhe Town for any ard all legal or other e)penses reasonably Incuned by tre torn in connedion witr inv€stlgatng or debnding any sucfr loae, daim, damage, lhbility or aclion. This indemnity provision shall be in addilion to any other fiability wirich the t]eroloper my hare. 5. lt is mutually agrecd that thc Darcloper rnay apply for and the Town may authorlze a perdal rclsasa of the co[ateral <teposited with the Town for eecfi category of lmprovement aftar the subicd lmpmternent is constructed In ompllance with a[ pbns and speciffcations as refotnccd hGGunder and accepted by the Town. Under no condison 3lull the dollar amount of ths colblcnl thet i! being held by the Tqvn be reduced bebw the dollar amqrnt neceesary lo compbb all uncompleled improvemenb rtferred to in thb Ag€cment. 6. lf the Town dotsmines, at itE sole discredon, that any of the improrcmcnts rcfened to in thio Agroement are not consfuded in compliance wllh tte approved phns and specifications filed in the offfce of th€ @mmunityDewlopment Departnont of the Tonn of Vail or not accaptcd by the Tovn as comphte on or bsfolu lhc datc rct foillr In Pangreph 1 of this AErutmcnt, the Totrr may, but shall not bc requirud to, draw upon the sccurlty rufcrrcd to in thls Agrcement and complctc tte unoomplatad hnprcwmenu dared to ln thls Agnement Pursuant to Sec{ion 12-11-8, Vail Torn CodG, $c Tcmpaary Cortilicete of OcaDanry ruf"rcd to In this Agrccmenl may be cvokcd until all improwmenls rsferd to her€ln arc compbted by the Oewloper or ttu Tdun in ecco|tlance wilh this Ag'lgm€nt. Ficdc{tlEORMtilDlA\Dl Ghtumot-ltAxE.doc F{oZol5 tlry-ll-08 0l:16an Fron-T0ll{ 0F llAIL COnfflllY OEVE$ntffi 0t0{tellte T-9r3 P 001/006 t-?95 lf the costs of completing the uncomplebd improvements refensd to in this Agrecmcnt exoeed the dollar amount of the deposit, the excess, togcther with intercst at tu,etu; percent (12%) per annum, shall be a tien ageinst the property and dray be colleolcct by civil suit or may be cgrtified to the treasurer of Eagla County to be colleoted in the same rnanner as delinqueni ad \ralotem bxes levied agalnst such property. tt $e Devetoper fails or refu6€6 to comptete the improwments refened to in this Agreement, such failure or refusal shall b€ considerecl a violation of Title 12 (Zoning Regulations), of the Vail Tonn Code, and the Developer shall be subject to penallies pursuant to Section 12-3-10 (Mohtions: Pcnatties) and Chaptcr 1-,4 (General Pena1y). of the Vail Town Code. 7. The Developer shall warranty the uork and materials of all improwments refen€d to in ihi! Agre';ment ig,FrEd on Toan property or wihin a Toln rlght<f-'rrvey, pursuant to Chapter 83. of the Vail. Town Code, for a period of t^,o )reers afrer the Town's acceptance of said improvements. L The partbs heroto mutually agree that this Agreement may be amerded ftom time to lime, provided that such amendmenb be in writing and exccuted by all parties hereto_ F:\cdev\FORMS\DlA\DlA cEsh fofiflat_112002,doc Pag3 3 of 5 Hrrlt-06 08:45an Frur-T0flll 0F Vt|lt C0millTY DEI/ELOPICilT Dated the day and ),earfirst above wrltten. STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE 0r017fl15t T-et 3 P.00t/000 F-2e5 Thi fgegolng Developer lmprovement Agresm,m}ayof \|'latl. ,zoeb.by Witness my hand and oflicial seal. tt My commissionaxgires O7fO9 /rB STATE oF CoLoRADO ) )ss.COUNTYOFEAGLE ) The frregoing lBtDay of Witness my hand and c{tcial seql. I My commission exeires: b I3d {Zd 0 7 oper lmprovement Agreement ,lL. .. , -,20& W _ fle:rvr-} i' 6lqlttuEEN it i nuanes i.9 lT:. 'St Ka;# F:\od3\,\FORMS\DIA\D|A cash forrar-112@.doc Psgc 4 ot 5 nv-tS-OO 08r10un Fron-T0ttl 0F VAIL C0fltllTY 0EVEt0PlEtT F:\cde$FORMS\DlAElA caEh to mal_112002,doc Page 5 d 5 e70{re2152 T-el3 P.000/005 F-tes IIUATED BID(S RA Nelson and Associates 5l Eagle Road #2 PO Drawer 54fi) CHANGE ORDER No.00001 Avon. CO 81620 TITLE: DemolitionReseeding PROJECT:Trilogy TO: Attn: JeffPetersen Sfream Side Circle Parhership LLLP DATE:5/15/2006 JOB:38-06-00 CONTRACTNO: RE: To: From: Number: DdscRrPItoN oF CHANGE *.eseed {i(twbed areas of lots 43 27, 4137 and 4367 Strrmside Cr after demolition operations \ ,./ Unit Cost: Unit Tax: Lump Sum: Lump Tax: Total: $0.00 $0.00 $1,5oo.oo $0.00 $l,5oo.oo The Origlnal Contract Sum was Net Change by Previously Authorlzed Requests and Chrnges The Contract Sum Prior to This Change Order was The Contrrct Sum Will be Increased The New Contract Sum Including This Change Order The Contract Time Will Not Be Changed Tbe Date of Substantial Completion as of this Change Order Therefore is $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 By:By:By: ACCEPTED: Stream Side Circle Partnership LL RA Nelson and Associates Date: El(pdition O JeffPetersen Date: Russell Thrasher Date: D epar t me n t of C o mmun ity D eve lopme nt 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-179-2 t38 MX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us May 19, 2006 Mr. Russell Thrasher RA Nelson 51 Eagle Road #2 Avon, Colorado 81620 (Fax) 970.949.4379 Re: 4927, 4337, and 4367 Skeamside Circle/Lots 6, 7, and 8, Bighorn Subdivision 4'h Addition PRJ05-0557, PRJ06-0007, PRJ06-0008, DEV06-0004, DRB06-0155 Dear Russell, Thank you for submitting an application for the demolition of the referenced lots, now known as the "Trilogy" project. I have staff approved both the Design Review Board application for demolition and re-seeding and the Building permit application for the same. Additionally, I received a bond in the amount of $'1,875 from the Streamside Circle Partnership signifying that the re-seeding of Lots 6, 7, and 8 will occur no later than September 1, 2006, at which time the Town of Vail will return the bond payment to such Partnership. Finally, the Public Works Department asked that I clarifo with you the following conditions: 1. Prior to Temporary Certificate of Occupancy, units 1&2 must drafUrequest an easement for the street.2. Prior to Temporary Certificate of Occupancy, units 4& 5 must realign the drainage easement to match the new culvert.3. Prior to Temporary Certificate of Occupancy, the driveways to all units must meet the sight distance requirements listed in the Vail Town Code, Chapter 14. The trees must be limbed to a minimum of seven feet (7', see PLC Line of sight diagram EXHB.)4. Prior to Temporary Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant shall rip rap the end of the new culvert if not already existing. 5. Prior to Temporary Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant shall rip rap the end of the new culvert if not already existing. Finally, I have enclosed copies ofthe necessary approval form as well as a copy ofthe final Developer lmprovement Agreement. Please don't hesitate to call with any further questions or concerns. cc: jpe!e!'Sen @vailvall evdesiqn.com enclosures Elisabeth Eckel Reed {g rrrrr,.rornr"* Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 S. Frontage Road Vail. CO 81657 \\ -\ r /), t Na'e: tNe,rv (i{.e(9,r-nr' (-ZlG.fV€.,-(Jrl Address: - \ Receipt No. Project:Date OF VAIL (t t4 /rt ) lt r luv Please make checks payable to the TOWN Account No.Item No.Code #Cost Each Total 001 0000 314 1 1 10 Address Maos ZA $5.00 001 0000 3141110 Zoning Maps ZA $20.00 001 0000 319 4400 Custom Maps 001 0000 3141112 Other Code Books 001 0000 3141211 Blue Prints/Mylar Copy Fees BF $7.00 001 0000 3141111 Xerox Copies XC $0.25 001 0000 314l1',t1 Master Plan MS 001 0000 3141111 Studies. Master Plans. etc.MS 001 0000 312 3000 Contractors License Fees CL 001 0000 240 3300 Oeveloper lmprovement Agreement Deposit D2-OEPI 0 AD I'O +5-.() 001 0000 312 -4^^^ ro^^.^.'-^-t I r-^--- r-- /-^\,\ 001 0000 230 2 I 10 oooo 314 1 RL JA MS IMS I lrrr. I :, IMD I i '; ::: :' -TMs---f--- ,;i : +, :il IMS I , tfts I lryrv I :ll 001rco00201 f ,i'- i , :' -l=fP---- 001 00003101 i I :l ': ': ln I ,!,,i . : I lrorAl: l:uJ - all items charg No speed code Comments: Cash _ Money Order# 'l ,"r,- ( Check # LU> ) Received by:L-,(- I -A6\'tl^.661-A6"^/--ta- a^li^^ a^4 rnna ,i F o lrl NAFI F4U E .q (o >o o.tr Fl 2 o gl E st (J U al gl ,l (, ;t F,F' ;-2 40 lr(J tsH Q(,|20 EFI E Hql ffo EE ZH lr qh {0 ON !{.{ n q,(J> d!,HQ U' t{OA Et {, >oo t< to El (.1 E lta o cgl F F, Ct vr (., u)o t{ e. OF 2Z tso Elt F tF zz t'l D EO F= az dD 'O FI l' FI FT FI H2 v|b oo AE F1 Er 4 o F 2 o l. t4c 5U zlt FI :!q F lto cl) {o (J(J q| B H 2 FI F FI ; =>o Ertrr.r (c ao rl HO t cc o AAli /cfltrl-L LUUNII, LU TEAK J SINONTON 173 Pgs: 2 03 ! 43:3tPr REC: St t.B0 DOC: 6 a@96er66t' 08/09/2A06 | ffiil| ll|il ilil il|il ||ilt iltil iltil ||ilt ]ilt til ||till til ||] EXIIIBIT 6'A'' LEGAL DESCRIPTION AN ENCROACHMENT EASEMENT LOCATED tN LOT 6, BIGHORN SUBDIVTSION, FOURTH ADDITION, TOWN OF VAIL, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO AS RECORDED FEBRUARY 4. 1964 AT RECEPTION No, 98774, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FoLLOWS: coMMENcING AT THE sourHEAsr coRNER oF sAtD Lor 6: THENCE ALONG THE sourHERLy LINE OF SAID LOT 8 N 53"17'OO'W A OISTANCE OF 88.50 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 6 THE FOLLOWING THREE (3) COURSES:1) N 53'17'00' W A DTSTANCE OF 1 1.50 FEET TO A pOtNT OF CURVATURE;2) 39.27 FEET ALONG SAID CURVE TURNTNG TO THE RIGHT HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 9O'OO'00", A RADIUS OF 25.00 FEET AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS N 08"17'OO' W A . DISTANCE OF 35,36 FEET:3) N 36"43O0. E A DISTANCE OF 8.75 FEET; THENGE DEPARTING SAID SoUTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 6 THE FOLLOWING TWO (2) COURSES:1) S 01"3443" W A DTSTANCE OF 26.84 FEET:2) S 24"00'IA' E A DISTANCE OF 24.13 FEET TO A POINT ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 6 ALSO BEING THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID PARCEL CONTAINING O.OO8 ACRES MORE OR LESS. 77 BRENT BIGGS PLS No. 27598 FOR AND ON THE BEHALF OF t(L & "6/e a/ Lor?, 4r4hrrr 3a.{ f . ' 77-nnrk ! gz r ,'l r3-.-Z;i) ti,t fuJ;irN PEAK LAND CONSU LTANTS. INC. /' /- -jifuz-\,; L: r DL L t ile s; F z = -rFl I EIJ I lrDI;i I lelA I t6t,ol I t6|l I t-H I ls'ld I l-11 I ET-l I l"3lEj h.rl*| I t -J t---r-T I@t-t I lSIf li'l lslqlgl loal I I t: I--T-'l l'lgl"l lEq lm I l*ld lldlS I totbt t |"1 lltl tTn I lEl-l ||'I \ .'l .\:-+:...\\\sb "]+o' /*' /,-$i+f /.$ *+g +."9j'e.'p' /n'/ sel /;21 ,/-zt/g,/1./ --./J 4 6l *l UI EI e FO E3 <6 EEd " AEE *?aE FEAH * 36s EEi E3 o-g F.-q Des-gn Review rd ACTIOT{ FO Departmsnt of Commufl ity Develapment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 t€h 970.479.?139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.veilgo%com I Boa Rlrt Bt4h^n +"llf a ffi$fitrY mlELwlElF Project Name: STREAMSIDE 4327 Project Description: DRBNumber: DR8060002 Final review of a new duplex located on Streamside Circle: for all specifications, see file and plans. Approved unanimously by DRB with seven conditions, listed in order of desired fulfillment. Participants: OWNER STREAMSIDECIRCLE PARTNERSHIO110912006 3033 E lSTAVE STE 815 DENVER co 80206 APPUCANT STREAMSIDE CIRCLE PARTNERSHIO1 I 09 12006 3033 E 15TAVE STE 815 DENVER co 80206 Project Addresst 4327 STREAMSIDE CR WEST VAIL 4327 STREAMSIDE CR Location: Legal Description: Lot: 6 Block Subdivisionl BIGHORN 4TH ADDffiON Parcel Number: 2101-122-1300-3 Comments: see seven conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTIOT{ Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: Dorward Hanlon 5-0-0 Action: APPROVED Date of Approval: 03/15/2006 Cond: I (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PI-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building, Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond:201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward mmpletion. Condr CON0007885 At the time of building permit submittal, the applicant shall provide an engineered analysis o"Jn MsHTo for sight stopping distances *t" ro"rn Code sight distance requirement of 250 feet. Cond: CON0007886 At the time of building permit submittal, the applicant shall provide a site plan which indicates a parking turn-around at the eastern edge of Lot 8 which complies with the twelve foot (12') width requirement specified in Title 14: Development Standards Handbook, Cond: CON0007887 At the time of building permit submittal, the applicant shall provide a landscape plan which designates that all existing or proposed landscaping along the Streamside Circle right-of-way will be trimmed up to seven feet (7') in height and all existing or proposed landscaping with limbs overhanging the Streamside Circle right-of-way shall be trimmed up to eleven feet (11') in height. Cond: CON0007888 Prior to release of the building permit by the Town of Vail, the applicant shall submit a revocable-right-of-way permit for each lot for approval by the Town to allow for the proposed landscaping to be located along the northern edge (Bighorn Road right-of-way) of the development site. Cond: CON0007889 Prior to release of the building permit by the Town of Vail, the applicant shall record with Eagle County and the Town of Vail language for a permanent easement to the Town for that portion of Lot 6 which is located within the Town's right-of-way along Streamside Circle. Cond: CON0007890 Prior to issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy by the Town of Vail, the applicant shall record with Eagle County and the Town of Vail new plats for each of the lots which designate easements for both parking and cross access and an easement for the proposed drainage between lots 7 and 8. Cond: CON0007891 Prior to issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy by the Town of Vail, the applicant shall comply with all restrictions specified by the Town of Vail Fire Department, Planner: Elisabeth Eckel DRB Fee Paid: $650.00 o A pplication for Design Review New Constructi{ Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2128 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www,vailgov.com F{HCEIVED .iAN 0 I General Information: 11,:-r:t"f ::::11p,aesie1 review must receive approvat prior to submitting a buitdins ::t"":j"J".::*:Yl,::trl',:11-F-j9r.the particular +p'.ou"itt'"t irl"qu-ii." n."j'priniliiffiffiilffi ::::"j n.:T:l:1j":l flL'-"Jylr"d information is rieived uv tn. CJrrunitv iilr"5r[p,il,.i ilff;il|=H; f:l;11TI_:IT_11"9!9.t reviewec, oy the r.own councit and/or r," piunnin6 il E;;;;;##i'i"iiri*i"" T:lq:_::.J-apprcra!.tapses untess a buitdins p"-,iiii'i*rii ;il;;i;uii#ffi#;1il'*il;;one year of the apprcval. Locataon of the proposal: tot: 6 abck:Ll 3J1 Subdivision: o p Gl Physical Address: : ""_:'':r'hwrrns)f3f n Type of neview ani /"il'ret stt"etparfners .ort- V tr Signs $50 plus g1.00 per square foot of total sign area. ^^.E Conceptual Review No Fee '' JYqqrE rvul \rr Lurdr 5r9rr dred' a\ d New Construction $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. lJ tr Addition $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or n Minor Arteration g2s0 ::1ilf,:li,llltiJ ffiiil1fi,'::r":f5'lJ;,:J::Tt::ffi':::*) t l I (multi-familv/commercial) re-roofing, paiiting, *inao* iooitionr, ianarcapin6, t"niu', uno f D Minor Atterarion $20 i:T[il3li:ffiT to buitdinss and site improvemenb, such as,(single-family/duplex) re-roofing, painting, *inao* iaaitio"s, -tanascaping, fences and tr chanses to Approved ptans $20 i??'illto'|ilti"ttf,i"ns drooy approved by prannins staff or the D separation Request No F". Dttign Review Board' Parcel No.:A I o I I a a I -A oo 3 (contact Eagre co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcer no.) Name(s) of Ourner(s): Mailing Address: MaitingAddress: 3arlf F. F'...J Auon,'", S,,,L g)F,ilnuor, co godoA n rmne _iQt3at_?lf. l Vl E-mail Addrcss: eh l c Q srax: 3O3-3?E a llc Name of Appli""nt, ,*1 Br,Vel S , LLC For Office.UseOnlv: Fee Paid: 6 s;-0-cr,".r ro.&1172 ey,Ot MeetingDate: z- l,.oh \6 000 o '}" - !rr"i r.:r',a.,r r? r i ,4;\ O New Constructiol ffifyl Application for Design Review L\ "/rl F ;t Department of comr.nlnitv Deveropment [--ng,e r *\{ [i,l]Ul yfllL',,/ 7s south,Fronrase Roao, vaii orlrili,"Ciisz I tel:970.479.212A tax: glO.Clg.iC, -'' I weD: www.vailgov.com | ;Atj Generallnformation: I -__-..All projects requiring design n ri^r l^ -,,,._:B:_ I TOV-qqU:tlv. rerer ro the subminat |."or,..rn:""I fl:T,:.::,::.ilprovat prior.to submitring a buitding per/nrraD.-ofiealionl.%"."rerer to the submtrar ,"qri*r*s_ro'.-ti.i;il;rj;i';oi;*#.*.:r::'fiT'#,i tlf'Hrn#ffR1fi *1.;cannot b€ accepted until all required inroriiti-"n'is iJJ.i"".o_0v,ff. c,irrr.itv o""5rt"pment Department. The proJect may also need to be reviewed oy tne iown a*1,."lgl.ol-,he. pranning and Envrronmen..r commission.:HfJ"fJlil.*o?11*,j"0'* unrd i Luiiiiis ;;* is issued ana dnstrucrion commences within Location of the proposar: t-ot: ? etock:4331 subdivision: Parcel No': al(\l lla I 3ooq (contactEagre co. AssessoratgT0-328-8640forparcer no.)Zoning: l, ,,,.. \irr.,,).., R^.i ^\-,-,Ji^\ Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signaturc(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: U 7a sJ 5ro , (i- "rUQ o o l,^| - l-n'rryCmrryars Type of Revaew and feE:tr Signs fl Conceptual Review { uu* Construction D Addition E Minor Alteration (m ultFfamily/commercial) E Minor Alteration (single-famity/du plex) tr Changes to Approved plans tr Separation Request |t_ Plus g1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee l!:9 For construction of a new buitding or demo/rebuitd.$300 For an addition where square fo6tage i, ffi; i; any residential or commercial buildino (includes ZSO ajOitions a inteiio, conversions;.$250 For minor changerio ouitoings iro-iii"'#prir",i,=l'nts, srcn as, 1qr99nns, painting, window additioni, -r.nol.Jp,"g, fences and retaining walls, etc.$20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as,re{oofing, painting, window additionr, .funO-r..-p,ng, fences and relaining walls, etc.$20 For revlsions to plans already approved by planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee ;--_rui_rq {reetilarfrrets ccr-h Fs,H*#TeoY ,nury.,uo.'7)47f "r. Planner, ffi -ooo7 ,-_ t'\ ./l '/,z/'/, H..,/- /, EAST VAIL TOWN HOMES STREAM SIDE CIHCLE VAIL. COLORADO ri fl6 r 'l?lu) f r:) il: rl= il,n itr =s H* E*a;: 'sH : f;;Fgfl g ; '[ 'ol '/. ./ i/ A Ft5 'l:la # ,, )rs)'i ''/,.'I EAST VAIL TOWN HOMES STREAM SIDE CIRCLE VAIL, COLORADO \l t' r-) fl: lt= l< 11, 5:f ilr =s >!E =ri i x I E P 499 E fiF FEI:F E '! o o ll --r_ I il .tl rl tl rl fl6 ili # \_.r /:\ il: il= il,0 f :t x *Fl?E =ie a;l itl =e EAST VAIL TOWN HOMES STREAM SIDE CIRCLE VAIL. COLORADO a E t fiFigt: E *! I ! + ll I HoRIZoNTAL l"-50' GRApHIC SCnt,[imkJi*-;J (sE ) HOnttol{T*LB, } 50' TREES T0 BETLTMBED TO A HEIGHT OF f ABOVE GROUND I 1' )f ,t.-h'rN /( tr* \ fs -./_/ _'- .. a 'r tl (,J \,\). ...rr} t tl I I I I \ Ir / .*"""* I \I \r .c' r\lr, \r\l#4 \, ZfiS vl$''{i >11 \-{ a{'#/ tf,lf 'E t( t lo cote[TAtrs [G 'It!!x@flr6 3,fr o,,, 5Es 6 =H^E F OE^Y r ifi: fi ,ro uJz = 6 E z DRAfr i Gl-A DEEC TD BY: CLA REVEIfD: PLC JOofi 1106.1 oA.IE: 3/s/o6 SHEET EXHB !! f E il (o 8 N b c:l ri B d l.i H at2 I 3 T' (o (D (D 8 4 --4 Design Review Board Hearing Dec. 7,2005, Staff Comments Regarding the Streamside Duplexes Staff has the following comments from performing an initial review of the conceptual plans. Fire Department o The units may need to have fire sprinkler systems and monitored fire alarms. The information provided was not detailed enough to make a determination. Public Works Department . Site distances must be met for all driveways.r The sidewalk needs to be tied into the driveway so that it is not in the ROW.r All required parking shall meet town standards for dimensions and number.o Snow storage areas which meet town requirements will need to be shown on the site plans. r Drainage will need to be address as plans progress.. A plat will need to be recorded to establish the cross-access easements for the shared driveways. A,D o The Driveway turn-arbUnd'areas will need to meet town requirements. Planninq Department o All development standards will be required to be met. lt appears that site coverage and landscape area on the conceptual site plan willcomply,. Staff realizes that the footprints shown are conceptual. However, there is a concern that the conceptual footprints will lend themselves to a mirror image design which is not permitted under the Code. ln addition, the thEffiotpffi are identical and staff has concerns that they may take on a "cookie-cutter'' appearance on the street. Care should be taken to differentiate the designs. December 13.2005 OZ Architecture Attn: WillHentschel Eduardo lllanes Re:43274367 Sheamside Circle/Lot 6, 7, and 8, Bighorn Subdivision Addition 4 Mr. Hentschel and lllanes This letter is being sent to inform you of staffs and the Design Review Board's comments regarding the application submitted for the construction of three new duplexes at the above addresses. The comments are as followed: Fire Department . The units may need to have fire sprinkler systems and monitored fire alarms. The information provided was not detailed enough to make a determination. Public Works Department r Site distances must be met for all driveways.o The sidewalk needs to be tied into the driveway so that it is not in the ROW. The sidewalk makes it more difficult for Public Works to maintain the drainage ditches encourage parking on the public road.. All required parking shall meet town standards for dimensions and number.. Snow storage areas which meet town requirements will need to be shown on the site plans.r Drainage will need to be address as plans progress.o A plat will need to be recorded to establish the cross-access easements for the shared driveways.r The-Driveuraylurn-around areas will need to meet town requirements.. A(€llsement will be required to be granted to the Town for that portion of Streamside Circle which is located on Lot 6. Planninq Deoartment All development standards will be required to be met. lt appears that site coverage and landscape area on the conceptual site plan will comply. Staff realizes that the footprints shown are conceptual. However, there is a concern that the conceptual footprints will lend themselves to a mirror image design which is not permitted under the Code. In addition, the three footprints are identical and staff has concerns that they may take on a "cookie-cutte/'appearance on the street. Care should be taken to differentiate the designs. The Town of Vail determines where the front setback is by identifying where access to the site is being obtained. On theweslgfOmos.Llot there are two curb-cut locations shown which results in two front setbacks on this lot. lQppears that there is a 20-foot setback shown along the southern I 'L_ additional and will portion of the site and a 15 foot setback along the western property line. Please adjust your site plan to show a 20 foot setback along all property lines where access is taken. Desiqn Review Board . Cautioned against using towers and turrets as they are becoming less distinctive in East Vail.r The Board was favorable of the chosen building materials.o Cautioned the architec! against creating minor imaged structures and against creating three identicalstructureg.---' _47,/U*,f6a . Requested an.76orists report to-{iip['ay which trees are healthy and those which are not. Also provide a plan nergrcfecting and ensuring the survival of the trees to remain. One member suggested that it looked like this would make an excellent cluster development. Encouraged taking the design to the level of true cluster development. Suggested the sidewalks to the street did not make sense as no parking is permitted on the street nor where there existing sidewalks in the right-of-way. Discussed the practicality of patios on tfe-horth'si$es of the structures in rgg-a-rd to the sun/shade in the area. Suggested a "linea( opgn spAp6 wfth undulations along th-6.north side of the structures. Encouraged the incorporatiofflarigdr trees op the Qerm between B$ise1 pe"6 and the proposed structures. =-=:- - =--' 'l e Requested verification on the turning movements of the proposed turn-arounds at the termination of each driveway. Suggested that traffic movement may not actually work as designed as it takes only one vehicle to park in the circle to disrupt the vehicular circulation. Please review these comments and if you have any questions regarding this letter please contact me at 970-479-2148. Please incorporate these comments into your future submittal. With regards, Warren Campbell Senior Planner Cc: File Status: I Approved co""utw DevelopMENr Rounfr Fonu I Approved with conditions fi Denied Routed To:George Chalberg, PW Date Routed:01t11t06 Routed By:Elisabeth Eckel Date Due:01/18/06 Description of work:New Two-Family Residence Address:4327 Streamside Circle Leqal:Lot:Block:Subdivision:Bighorn Subdivision 4'n Addition Gomments: Fire Date Reviewed: 1-24-06 nt lssues. Need additional review bv Fire rtment. _-? a Provide a stam and title reoort o Provide detailed d LA:,,t Pl t t--tt Show location of snow storaoe areas per TOV Standards 7 L Address siqht distance issues for drivewa No obstructions (trees, etc.) within 10 fot of nd walls from ROW Parki must conform to TOV standards 12 ft min width for 20 ft min centerline tuminq radius required for all drivewavs and oarkinq areas. t VrllLL uttt Provide 4'concrete pan (non heated) at edqe of roadwav/drivewav. ) D ep artm e n t of C o m munity D eve lopm e nt 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2 t 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com Janu5ry 13, 2006 Mr. Will Hentschel Mr. Eduardo A. lllanes, AIA OZ Architecture 1820 Folsom Street Boulder. CO. 80302 (Fax) 303.449.3886 Re: 4927,4337, and 4367 Skeamside Circle/Lots 6, 7, and 8, Bighorn Subdivision 4th Addition DRB06-0002, DRB06-0003, and DRB06-0004 Dear Sirs, Thank you for submitting an application for final design review of three new duplexes at the referenced addresses. I have completed the initial review of the application on behalf of the Planning Department. Please review the following comments, which must be addressed by the applicant prior to this proposal being heard publicly by the Design Review Board. submit a wet-stamped topographic survey of the three lots. The survey submitted did not ET:.;X"^^p or the signature of the survevor' /4'11r-rrry /,|'utz J' c ' /? /*// /^/r{,/ ---=_Z//^*1 ,/ Please indicate the foundation of the residences with a dashed line and the roof edge with a solid line. This will allow me to calculate the proposed site coverage of each residence upon the Lot. Please indicate all proposed roof ridge lines with proposed ridge elevations. Indicate existing and proposed grades shown underneath all roof lines. This will be used to calculate building height. Please indicate the location of the limits of disturbance fencing which will serve to protect the site at the time of construction. lf specific kees will be saved, the limits of disturbance fencing must be indicated as surrounding such trees. Please show the location of all required parking spaces. Please delineate snow storage on each Lot in the equivalent of 10% of the total paved area on that Lot. Per the Vail Town Code, snow storage is defined as follows: All required pafting and access areas shall be designed to accommodate on-sile snow storage (i.e., within boundaies of lot and not within the rightof-way). A minimum functional area equaling 30% of the paved area shall be provided contiguous to the paved area and designed to accommodate snow storage. Tui arcas and other areas without trees may be utilized for this purpose. lf diveways are heated, then the minimum snow stonge area may be reduced to 10% of the required parking and access areas (Sectlon 14-5, Vail Town Code Deve lop me nt Stand ard s H a n dbook). Su rvey {p ^".r.,'"o , .r^ Please revise the west setback upon Lot 6 to a front setback of twenty feet (20'). The Town of Vail deciphers a front setback as any setback that is located along a property line which provides access to the lot. In this case, Lot 6 will have two front setbacks of twenty feet each. Please revise the footprint of the buildings so that absolutely no Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) is located within any side, front, or rear setback. Please note that roof overhangs will be allowed to encroach by no more than four feet (4') into any required setback. Please indicate the installation of a concrete pan at each proposed driveway cut. It is my understanding after speaking with Warren Campbell that the site walls located within the front setbacks of Lots 7 and 8 will be allowed to remain at a height of six feet (6'). However, please submit drawings of these walls for further understanding by Staff and the Design Review Board. Please be aware that a Revocable Right-of-Way permit will need to be acquired from and approved by the Public Works Department for any improvements (stone steps, site walls, etc.) that are proposed outside of the property lines of any Lot. c*kff, /4t / 2 /./// Architectural Floor Plans r' Please verify that each of the three duplexes proposed for Lots 6, 7, and 8 will be constructed according to the same floor plan. I am assuming this is the case since I received only one set of floor plans within the submitted materials. Please submit new plans detailing the proposed lowest floor level GRFA deductions after reviewing the following section of the Vail Town Code which details the manner of calculating Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) upon the lowest level of a residence. I have also included for your review the directions for calculating GRFA within a vaulted space as this may affect the square footage of the upper level of the residence. (6) Basements: On the lowest level of a structure, the total percentage of erteior wa surtaces unexposed and below existing or finished gnde, whichever is more restictive, shall be the percentage of the horizontal area of the lowest level deducted from tha GRFA calculations. The percentage deduction calculations shall be rounded to nearest whole percent. The lowest level's exteior wall surface area shall be measured from the finished floor elevation of that level to the undercide of the structunl floor members of the floorheiling assembly above. For the purposes of these calculations, retaining walls and site walls shall not be considered part of the lowest level's erterior walls.2 -'(7)-/'u'c" F -' -'(7) Vaulted Spaces: lnterior vaufted spaces and areas "open to below' with a fl@r to ceiling ?<1d lV2 height /ess lhan sirteen feet (16), as measurcd from the finished fl@r to the underside of the t "'' //14'-' structunl members of the floor/ceiling assembly above (Section 12-15-3, Vail Town Code). a rnt, {./fo" \7*/ Liqhtinq Plan / Please submit a lighting plan (this may be incorporated into tt6ilD landsctpe plan) which indicates the type, location and number of fixtures being used upon each lot. &.//</ / Please include th"jlgY:""P", lumens output, and luminous area. 6-y'/7 ) / / ./ 4- /1 /r.zzr ,atzczaratTt b/e /rkz * U **zz4iz-- I OL (//.0 L14 | . / ,Additionally, please be aware that separate heating zones for all heated improvements will be ,t ,h7/reouired at the property line upon each Lot. \ ,a. .,- /(9 { Several retaining walls located at the south side of Lot 8 are without complete elevation numbers. / ahllfu, tr 3/ Please provide top-of-wall and bottom-of-wall elevations for all walls. r' Please attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. n4nf Other r' Please submit a color or sample board detailing the materials proposed for the duplexe s. '&i'{ r' Please submita complete UtilityApproval and Verification torm. pffi €6;b 0r,,1fi-pay4, "--..'=4 :" - / Please prepare to have the project sites staked and taped to indicate property lines, proposed buildings and building corners. All trees to be removed must be taped. All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the day of the Design Review Board meeting, at which the applicant or their representative shall be present. Please do not be overwhelmed by the extent of these issues as I am certain that we will be able to resolve each and every issue in good time. Often, additional information is needed following additional submitted materials as well. However, please note that in order for the Design Review Board to review this proposal on Wednesday, February 16r, all requested items must be submitted to me no later than Monday, January 23, 2006 at 9 a.m. Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have.,-) OZ ARC o 1|ITTCTUR[' Site Issues l. Please revise the west setback upon Lot 6 to a front setback oftwenty feet (20'). '[he Town ofVail deciphers a tiont setback as any setback that is located along a property line which provides access to the lot. In this case, Lot 6 will have two front setbacks of twenty feet each. Please note that the footprint and building design for the western end of lot 6 has been modified to accommodate the 20' setback. This building footprint differs from those on Lots 7 & B. 2. Please revise the footprint ofthe buildings so that absolutely no Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) is located within any side, front, or rear setback. Y Ail buildings have been modified so that the GRFA does not encroach beyond the buitding selbacks. 5. Please note that roof overhangs will be allowed to encroach by no more than fbur feet (4') into any required setback. All roof overhangs have been modified so lhose no longer encroach more than four feet into the building setback. Please indicate the installation ofa concrete pan at each proposed driveway cut. The Site Plan has been modified to accommodate the concrete pan at the end of all driveways. Additionally, please be aware that separate heating zones for all heated improvements will be required at the property line upon each Lot. Currently all driveways are to be asphaft without heating. Additional snow storage ahs been added to accommodate this, Prior to construction, the client may choose to add snowmelt. Separate heating zones will be added at that time. We would like to know what the procedure is for adding snowmeltaftertheDRBProcess. 1_,, , , ,., /: oTr,rrvr-{ pU, ) -/ 6. Several retaining walls located at the south side of Lot 8 are without complete elevation numbers. Please provide top-of-wall and bottom-of-wall elevations for all walls. P/ease see Site Plan for oreviouslv absent information. 1820 Fobom Street Boulder. Colorado 80302 phone 303.449.8900 fax 303.449.3886 C:\15084.01 East Vail Towphonres\Correspondence\L€trerWatl Communlty D€velopment.doc q J. A DlrYtR r toutott . IUIIII CoUIIY It is my understanding after speaking with Warren Campbell that the site walls located within the front setbacks of Lots 7 and 8 will be allowed to remain at a height of six feet (6'). Howevcr, please submit drawings of these walls lor further understanding by Staffand the Design Review Board. OZ will submit drawings of the wall/entry to the Qommunity Development Department prior to the 1/30/06. Please be aware that a Revocable Right-of-Way pcrmit will need to be acquired fiom and approved by the Public Works Department for any improvements (stonc steps, sitc walls, etc.) that are proposed outside of the property lines of any Lot. This has been noted. Architectural Floor Plans Please verify that each of thc three duplexes proposed for Lots 6,,7, and 8 will be constructed according to the same floor plan. I am assuming this is the case since I received only one set of floor plans within the submitted materials. Please note that two sels ofplans have been submitted. Lot 6 is now a different building footprint than those at Lots 7 & 8. Please submit new plans detailing the proposed lowest floor level GRFA deductions after rcviewing the following section of the Vail Town Code which details the manner of calculating Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) upon thc lowest levcl of residence. I have also included for your review the directions for calculating GRFA within a vaulted space as this may affect the square footagc of the uppcr level of residence. (6) Basements: On the lowest level oJ'a slnrcture, lhe total percentage of exterior vall atrfaces unexposed and below existing or.finished grade, vhichever is more reslrictive, shall be lhe percenlage of the horizontal urea of the lowest level deducted Jiom the GRFII cala alions. The percentage deduclion calculations shall be rounded to the neurest whole percent. The lowest level's exterior wall surface area shall he measuredfrom the.finishedfloor elevation of that level to the underside of the structural foor members of the floor/ceiling assembly ubove. For lhe purposes of lhese calculations, retaining walls and site walls shall not be considered part of the Iowesl level's exterior walls. (7) Vaulted Spaces: Inlerior vaulted spaces and areas "open to below" with afloor to ceiling height less than s*teen feet (16'), as measured Jiom lhe Jinishedfloor to the underside of the slructural members of thefloor/ceiling assembly above (Section I2- I 5-3, Vail T'own Code) Revlsed GRFA drawings have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development. atin. Elisabeth Eckel. z 8. l. 2. l/17106 pagc 2 of 3 Lightine Plan I . Please submit a lighting plan (this may be incorporated into the site or landscape plan) which indicated the type, location and number of fixtures being used upon each lot. A Lighting Plan has been incorporated into the Site Plan & resubmitted. 2. Please include the height above grade, lumens output, and luminous area. Atable with this information can be found on the Site Plan. 3. Please attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. Ihis has been completed & submifted. Other l. Please submit a color or sample board detailing the materials proposed lor the duplexes. A colored rendeing with mateial specifications has been submitted. 2. Please submit a complete Utility Approval and Verification form. This information has been submifted. 3. Please prepare to have the project sites staked and taped to indicate property lines, proposed buildings and building corners. All trees to be removed must be taped. All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the day of the Design Review Board meeting at which the applicant or their representative shall be present. This will be completed by the 01/31/06. q l/17106 page 3 of 3 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 970-479-2138 FAX970-479-2452 COMMUMTY DEVELOPMENT FAX TRANSMITTAL SHEET TO: Eduardo Illanes COMPAIYY NAME: Oz Architecture FAX TELEPHONE NUMBER:303 449 3886 F"ROM: Elisabeth Eckel DATE: 02 03 06 TIME: 9 am # oF PAGES rN DOCUMENT (NOT TNCLUDTNG COVER SHEET) RESPONSE REQUIRED? SENT BY TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FAX # 970479-24s2 TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TELEPHONE# 970479-213s SPECIAL COMMENTS AND NOTES: Eduardo, I have attached the notes that you transcribed during Wednesday's meeting, which were left in the Council Chambers. Ilopefully they are helpful as the design progresses. Thanks again for the presentation. Elisabeth q DAIi PAGI il0. () Z A B T II I T E C I U R I@ q :,'ffbP) I t v_r t t''$':ArJ- r-fiy C?Vtr- f,l(fir [ 'n r' / \ tl^J- / ',.-g>r1F I-nM \4 /W1il7\ l.r-. ( \ ri .i l ]\:rl 't 'a-\V\ Nry 'I l li li ,' ,,/l t./>(/t Il I tt I fV r Aa^ r nl,-,I APcq 'f um\W tD. r J-.v n' :atr/J >.r F=.6-tV"-u-f Ch>.-Gtr -r-n 7/l d-/|,r,-r--' ff Cb).vc)f) ;f r1 Z/l v ,Ul i I l o z A R c H I T t I I u fl t' z : I 1n)^a,tl It 1=)A /t | | I v ,ll I \\-/ Y>htcffi Y>rutcrc ll .l r l.e+c lf|,d!l,4 l. Lr \A(J--\I\PV a i\ - A -i rl Ud tn\^.fz . l.'-.:: - fi:n^r (F(<\:e^- *J v ,lttZ4*thG o z A R c [ | T t c I u R t' PROJECT OATE PAGT II(l. q .:. NJt / {-\ I : :l PF 00' .( W t1 nvl lvl \/| [-,\ \ r hn, s\Te W a/ lafftz-tn^t-z{r. \r v x'^zr^-oao^-ul r-ll W>44lf-\' btG ,f"c- e> Oh ,b\r r\ \ 'l i)1 {€r r,lhryF - who+r FllW i . . " I : :il O Z A R C H I ] E C I U R I, f fUv€D au.r iZ"len afi.u.tbt tt€ I oP 6F {ht4.0tti'l-( -/p'- o o /z ,r{t're tu/fta-( / tuiM-4h,,'4* /r"-'6 7-tu o G",\ 1\ fty$l usr'tt t {$[\\ r\ ilftt\ Ntr!-\ t.xts -$st \srs-S\\rr$$h b '\$l I ensr d\sNNS, h$ril \lA\\Il 1$'Th$t$u ,sCs\ tlr\ q I 0t ABCHtTtcTtJRt '.'. li',,'-i;'ffi'i::rr., phone 303.449.8900 fax 303.449.3886 cillanes@ozarch.com Re: 4327 , 4337 , and 4367 Streamside Circle/Lots 6, 7, and 8, Bighorn Subdivision 4th Addition DRB06-0002, DRB06-0003, and DRB06-0004 DearWill, Thank you for submitting changes to an application for final design review of three new duplexes at the referenced addresses. I have completed the secondary review of the application on behalf of the Planning Department and have also received comments from the Public Works Department, which I have attached for reference. Please review the following comments, which must be addressed prior to final approval by the Design Review Board. Survev r' Please submit a wet-stamped topographic survey of the three lots. The survey submitted did not ' bear a wet stamp or the signature of the surveyor. This will be necessary prior to the final review on February 1st. Site Plan / Please indicate the foundation of the residences with a dashed line and the roof edge with a solid line. The site plan does not indicate every foundation wall upon Lot 8. Please revise and re- submit. / Please indicate the location of the limits of disturbance fencing which will serve to protect the site at the time of construction. lf specific trees will be saved, the limits of disturbance fencing must be indicated as surrounding such trees. This will be necessary for the Design Review Board to see in order to correctly evaluate the Landscape Plan. / Please show the location of all required parking spaces in the form of a 9'x 19' rectangles upon the site plan (inside or outside). Each duplex is required three (3) parking spaces. / One of the site walls located at the south side of Lot 8 is listed as sixteen feet (16') tall. I am assuming the top-of-wall elevation should actually read "50". Please revise. / Please be aware that a Revocable Right-of-Way permit will need to be acquired from and approved by the Public Works Department for any improvements (stone steps, site walls, etc.) that are proposed outside of the property lines of any Lot. Since this has not cunently been received, it will be attached to the proposal as a condition of approval. wril. HtilISCHtl- (}Z Afi[HITTCTUBI I tl.ll) Irolsom 5trect UoLrldcr. ( ,,rlor.tdo tlO i0l PIronc 30.1.411().13()0t) f:r\ .t0.3.,,i19..1lt1'}6 r,, lrcntschcl('z',rzlrch cour 'rl!,,101,'o H lllfriltl {+t+q January 27,2006 Mr. Will Hentschel OZ Architecture 1820 Folsom Street Boulder, CO. 80302 (Fax) 303.449.3886 Architectural Floor Plans r' Please verify the site coverage for each of the residences. I noticed that there are several cantilevered living spaces on each of the duplexes that are not accounted into the site coverage calculations. Please contact me if further direction is needed concerning this problem. { Pleas provide at least one set of dimensioned plans. This will allow me to decipher exact calculations for site coverage, etc. / Regarding the top level of the duplexes, there is a 255 square foot deduction from the total GRFA that I am unclear about. Please verify if this is a deduction for double head height ceilings that are 15'1f in height or less. / Please clarify the meaning of the hatched areas on the upper level. I am assuming these are areas that are greater in height than 16'0". r' Please note that a three hundred (300) square foot deduction is allowed each parking space, not each parking garage. Therefore, I have deducted the entire garage spaces (since all are less than 600 square feet) for every unit. Other '/ Please note that the concerns of the Utility Companies will be resolved as conditions of approval outlined by the Town of Vail. { Please prepare to have the project sites staked and taped to indicate property lines, proposed buildings and building corners. All trees to be removed must be taped. All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the day of the Design Review Board meeting, at which the applicant or their representative shall be present. { Please submit the owner's signature, as none was present on any of the three applications. This will be absolutely necessary prior to final hearing by the Design Review Board. Please note that in order for the Design Review Board to issue a final approval for this proposal, all requested items must be resolved. Please don't hesitate to contact rne with any questions or concerns you may have. Best regards, Elisabeth Eckel 970.479.2454 enclosure f February 2,2006 Mr. Will Hentschel OZ Architecture 1820 Folsom Street Boulder, CO. 80302 (Fax) 303.449.3886 Re: 4327 , 4337 , and 4367 Streamside Circle/Lots 6, 7, and 8, Bighorn Subdivision 4'h Addition DRB06-0002, DRB06-0003, and DRB06-0004 DearWill, Thank you for attending yesterday's Design Review Board public hearing of a conceptual review of the referenced lots. Overall, the Design Review Board commented favorably on the design of the sites and residences. I have summed up the Board's comments below for our guidance as the project progresses. Desiqn Review Board comments r' Each member of the Board encouraged further treatment of the duplexes as unique structures, exhibiting unifying features without displaying mirror image or substantially similar design. / lt was mentioned that the use of the same stone on each of the duolexes will be an effective unifying feature. r' lt was suggested that a roof/drainage plan be implemented which takes into consideration preservation of the entryways and landscaping below. r' The Board encouraged continued study of the solar effect to which these residences will be subjected. / lt was commented that further study of steel vs. clad window applications may substantially redefine the facades of the structures. ? ,, lrln / The Board requested that 1 1" x 17" elevation drawings be submitted which clearly depict all three w" duplexes as they are located upon the lots. Each member is most interested in understanding , 1 the massing of the residences in their adjacent locations. ,.Jnty'' / The Board requested that a sample of the Kalwall @ system be brought to the next meeting. lu t" Survev / Thank you for submitting a stamped survey of the lots, which I received today. Per the Board's ^l,, request and the Town's submiftal requirements, please be sure that either the site plan or survey " includes all existing trees of four inch (4") caliper or greater as measured one foot above grade. Site Plan r' Please indicate the foundation of the residences with a dashed line and the roof edge with a solid line. The site plan does not indicate every foundation wall upon Lot 8. Please revise and re- subm it. ' y' / Please show the location of all required parking spaces in the form of a 9' x 19' rectangles upon " the site plan (inside or outside). Each duplex is required three (3) parking spaces. r' One of the site walls located at the south side of Lot 8 is listed as sixteen feet (16') tall. I am '-\ assuming the top-of-wall elevation should actually read "50". Please revise. /'1,)./tl .' ,n llP U Please be aware that a Revocable Right-of-Way permit will need to be acquired from and 4,t " t approved by the Public Works Department for any improvements (stone steps, site walls, etc.) that are proposed outside of the property lines of any Lot. Since this has not currently been received, it will be attached to the proposal as a condition of approval. Architectural Floor Plans , gk { Please verify the site coverage for each of the residences. I noticed that there are several cantilevered living spaces on each of the duplexes that are not accounted into the site coverage calculations. Please contact me if further direction is needed concerning this problem. ) Plgisfrovide at least one set of dimensioned plans. This will allow me to decipher exact cd@alions for site coverage, etc. -ln ,V, '/ Regarding the top level of the duplexes, there is a 255 square foot deduction from the total GRFA that I am unclear about. Please verify if this is a deduction for double head height ceilings that are 15'11" in height or less. '/ Please clarify the meaning of the hatched areas on the upper level. I am assuming these are areas thal are greater in height than 16'0". { Please note that a three hundred (300) square foot deduction is allowed each parking space, not each parking garage. Therefore, I have deducted the entire garage spaces (since all are less than 600 square feet) for every unit. Please note that the concerns of the Utility Companies will be resolved as conditions of approval outlined by the Town of Vail. oL.- / Please submit the ownefs signature, as none was present on any of the three applications. This will be absolutely necessary prtor to flnal hearing by the Design Review Board. Please note that in order for the Design Review Board to issue a final approval for this proposal, all requested items must be resolved. Most of these are issues which have existed since the letter drafted on January 2ln. I will relate to you further issues, when and should such issues arise. P/ease plan to submit all remaining items to the Community Development Depaftment no later than ten busrness days pior to the desired hearing date. Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have. I look forward to continuing work with you and your colleagues on this project. Best regards, Elisabeth Eckel 970.479.24s4 February 3, 2006 Mr. Will Hentschel OZ Architecture 1820 Folsom Street Boulder. CO. 80302 (Fax) 303.449.3886 Re: 4327 , 4337, and 4367 Streamside Circle/Lots 6, 7, and 8, Bighorn Subdivision 4th Addition DRB06-0002, DRB06-0003, and DRB06-0004 DearWill. During this morning's review of lhe site summary which was presented to the Design Review Board on Wednesday, I discovered the following inconsistencies that must be addressed: r' Please note that the allowable Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) upon Lot 6 is 6,888 square feet, not 6,877 square feet, as listed. r' Please note that the allowable site coverage upon Lot 7 is 3,606 square feet, as opposed to the 3,598 square feet that is currently listed. Please correct this within each applicable table. r' Please note that the area of Lot 8, according to the survey dated January 31, 2006, is 17 ,249 square feet. That area results in 3,446 square feet of allowable site coverage instead of 3,598 square feet of site coverage, which is currently listed within the'Town Code Revievy''tables. Please correct this within each applicable table. Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have. I look forward to continuing work with you and your colleagues on this project. Best regards, Elisabeth Eckel 970.479.2454 From: To: Dats: Subjec{: "Will Hentschel" <WHentschel@OZARCH.COM> <eeckel@vailgov.@m> 03/13/2006 10:34:34 AM East Vail Lots 6, 7 & 8 Deliverables Elisabeth, In response to pur e-mail on Friday, I will aim to have a copy of the site plan w/ridge heights .pdf to pu by the end of the day. I will send a hard copy for delivery on Tuesday. In addition, I hope to have the preliminary drainage report by the end of the day today/first thing in the morning. lwill pass along a copy as it is received. Please call me if you foresee any additional requirements or problems with these deliverables. Thank you. witl Will Hentschel OZ BOULDER 720-2'14€060 direct 303449'8900 general 303.44$3886 fax East Vail Duplexes Final Review: 03.15.06 DRB06-0002, DRB06-0003, DRB06-0004 Desiqn Review Board comments from 02.01.06 meeting r' Each member of the Board encouraged further treatment of the duplexes as unique structures, exhibiting unifying features without displaying mirror image or substantially similar design. { lt was mentioned that the use of the same stone on each of the duolexes will be an effective unifying feature. { lt was suggested that a roof/drainage plan be implemented which takes into consideration preservation of the enhpvays and landscaping below. r' The Board encouraged continued study of the solar effect to which these residences will be subjected. ,/ lt was commented that further study of steel vs. clad window applications may substantially redefine the facades of the structures. / The Board requested that 1 1" x 17" elevation drawings be submitted which clearly depict all three duplexes as they are located upon the lots. Each member is most interested in understanding the massing of the residences in their adjacent locations. / The Board requested that a sample of the Kalwall @ system be brought to the next meeting. Suooested conditions offinal aooroval for DRB06-0002. DRB06-0003. and DRB06-0004 1. At the time of building permit submittal, the applicant shall provide an engineered analysis based on AASHTO for sight stopping distances per the Town Code sight distance requirement of 250 feet. 2. At the time of building permit submittal, the applicant shall provide a site plan which indicates a parking turn-around at the eastern edge of Lot 8 which complies with the twelve foot (12') width requirement specified in Title 14: Development Standards Handbook. 3. At the time of building permit submittal, the applicant shall provide a landscape plan which designates that all existing or proposed landscaping along the Streamside Circle right-of-way will be trimmed up to seven feet (7') in height and all existing or proposed landscaping with limbs overhanging the Streamside Circle right-of-way shall be trimmed up to eleven feet (1 1') in height. 4. Prior to release of the building permit by the Town of Vail, the applicant shall submit a revocable- right-of-way permit for each lot for approval by the Town to allow for the proposed landscaping to be located along the northern edge (Bighorn Road right-of-way) of the development site. 5. Prior to release of the building permit by the Town of Vail, the applicant shall record with Eagle County and the Town of Vail language for a permanent easement to the Town for that portion of Lot 6 which is located within the Town's right-of-way along Streamside Circle. 6. Prior to issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy by the Town of Vail, the applicant shall record with Eagle County and the Town of Vail new plats for each of the lots which designate easements for both parking and cross access and an easement for the proposed drainage between lots 7 and 8. 7. Prior to issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy by the Town of Vail, the applicant shall comply with all restrictions specified by the Town of Vail Fire Department. TOWN OFVAIL Department of C ommun ity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www. c i. vail.co.us March 20, 2006 Mr. Will Hentschel OZ Archilecture 1820 Folsom Street Boulder, CO. 80302 (Fax) 303.449.3886 Re: 4327 , 4337, and 4367 Streamside Circle/Lots 6, 7, and 8, Bighorn Subdivision 4'n Addition DRB06-0002, DRB06-0003, and DRB064004 Dear Will. Thank you for attending Wednesday's Design Review Board meeting for final review of the referenced lots. As you know, the Design Review Board approved each of the applications with the following conditions, which are listed below in order of needed date of comoletion for vour convenience. 1. At the time of building permit submittal, the applicant shall provide an engineered analysis based on AASHTO for sight stopping distances per the Town Code sight distance requirement of 250 feet. 2. At the time of building permit submittal, the applicant shall provide a site plan which indicates a parking turn-around at the eastern edge of Lot I which complies with the twelve foot (12') width requirement specified in Title 14: Development Standards Handbook. 3. At the time of building permit submittal, the applicant shall provide a landscape plan which designates that all existing or proposed landscaping along the Streamside Circle right-of-way will be trimmed up to seven teet (7') in height and all existing or proposed landscaping with lirnbs overhanging the Streamside Circle right-of-way shall be trimmed up to eleven feet (1 1') in height. 4. Prior to release of the building permit by the Town of Vail, the applicant shall submit a revocable- right-of-way permit for each lot for approval by the Town to allow for the proposed landscaping to be located along the northern edge (Bighorn Road right-of-way) of the development site. Per our conversation this moming, fhis is a permit that will need to be submitted to and apprcved by the Town of Vail's Public Wo*s Department since this right-of-way is no longer subject to the Colorado Depaftment of Tnnspoftation (CDOT). 5. Prior to release of the building permit by the Town of Vail, the applicant shall record with Eagle County and the Town of Vail language for a permanent easement to the Town for that portion of Lot 6 which is located within the Town's right-of-way along Streamside Circle. 6. Prior to issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy by the Town of Vail, the applicant shall record with Eagle County and the Town of Vail new plats for each of the lots which designate easements for both parking and cross access and an easement for the proposed drainage between lots 7 and 8. 7 . Prior to issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy by the Town of Vail, the applicant shall comply with all restrictions specified by the Town of Vail Fire Department. Please don't hesitate to inform me with anyt tAqiA,qSqltp.glpns or concerns. I will be away from the office until April 1oth, but will plan to review thSfil'df;b""p'diffi submittal upon my return. I have endosed a copy of the design review action form which will need to be attached to that submittal. lour patience in what is not almys a simple design review process. onp p r i Jfil :: B':: fiit","* Departmentorcommunity Deveropment I REeHiVHD 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 91657 |tel:970.479.2t28 tax:97\.479.2452 i,n, web: www.vailsouiiin'''-" | 'f nU u v i TOV.COIVI.DEV. All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building o"*,, .oof'oo"r|. ,*r* :::T",18"":::9y1,::11',i1":p-j:,,!!::_*,:l'll.gn,*.1 that.e requesied.- n. "ijn..tio" for Desisn Review cannot be accepted untir arr required information i, ,*"i"J ;y-iil a;;;;;,, il5ffi;:;i;llrF;1;J'"fi: fl3:*TL:::_119.9,P9,:Tq by the rown council.and/or the ptannin! inJt-,iuironr.ntat Commission.Design review approval lapses unless a building pemit is issued ana cJnJrucion commenc€s within one year of the appmrral. rv'rrrrr=r.'E rY'rrrrlr ,- , ?:i"-t,p..i "l the Resuest P I s, ie inprave,no,.+ ,il-I-lF-zoilA -;.,,., lhr,.,l..r 'r\',"rE^'/ o(rro \Z -t fi,, Dlrrraiarr ^)j..--- \11{-l C\. :\ n I V I -,Phvsicaf Address: 43( * lrlreav-ns\,Ae Crrcle - 7A t ParcelNo'! a)Ol l:?().qola (contactEagleco,AssessoratgT0-328-8640forparcel no.) V- Zoning: -|,r.,., F,-'"ri\r, 8e=id.nli*\ /) Name(s) of Owner(s): fpfs, LLQ_I/ Zoning: T, . ,r ., Farn r Iv l,e s r der.J 't^ \ f l r.srrrEfr/ vr rrwrrcrfsr; LLe{ ""i,,nn odor*", \\ Owner(s) Signature(s): TfiIMJOTllfiT General Information: Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: hc.rrv€ rnr6p15ft Type of Review and Fbe: J r-ee\ Dqflnet J.Cor!.\ tr Signs E Conceptual Review d w"* Construction i Addition D Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) E Minor Alteration (sin gle-family/du plex) fl Changes to Approved plans ! Separation Request $50 Plus 91.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild.$300 For an addition where square foobge is .oaea to any residentiar or d.c^ commercial,building (includes 2S0 additions & interior conversions).$z)u For mtnor changes to buildings and site improvemenb, such as,re.rgofng, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc.$20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as.re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc.$20 For revisions to plans already approved by planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee o LLC O o Phone: _383 3e E-mail Addrcss: et rcQ For Ofrice Use Onlv: Fee Paid: / Src) -cn"rxno.?l ! ev, o*r*o., QZB6C 006- *r***i*****++*+******++++t*+++*+**********t*******+**f**********a****+*+++f++'i+++++++******** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement +**tt+*****l***********r*************+******a*tt+++++ff*+*f+t******************************* Statement Number: R050000018 Amount: $650.00 Ot/09/2OO5O1 :50 pM Palment Method: Check ARCHI TECTT'RE OF BOI]IJDER Init: iIS Notation: 27 47L/OZ Permit No: DR8060002 Type: DRB - New Construction Parcel No: 210L-I22-L300-3 Sit,e Address: 4327 STREAMSIDE CR WEST VAIIJ Location: 4327 STREMfIIDE CR Total Fees:This Payment:$5s0.00 Total A[,IJ Pmts : Balance :*+++**+*'|!*f***+*** ***************** * ***** *** ** * * * ** * * ** **** ** +** *+***+ * *+* *******i +* + *** + +!t* $6s0.00 $5s0.00 so. o0 Current Pmts 550 - 00 ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Accounl Code DR 00100003 112200 DescriDtion DESIGN RSVIEW FEES o o Land Title Guarantee Company CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION Land Title GU RANTEf COMPANY Date: 09-23-2005 Property Address: 4327 STREAMSIDE CIRCLE VAIL. CO 81657 Our Order Number: V50010524-2 SLIFER SMITH & FRAMPTON SITZMARK I83 GORE CREEK DRTVIE VAIL, CO 81657 AUn: HEATHER LEMON Phone: 970-479-2020 Fax: 970-479-2029 EMail : hlemon@sllfer.net Sent Via EMail SANCTUARY INTERNATIONAL INC. P.O. BOX l93l VAIL, CO 8t658 AIUI: JOHN LOGAN Phone: 970-524-58fi) Fax: 970-524-5801 EMail: duewest@ cennrjtel. net Sent Via US Postal Service SLIFER SMITH & FRAMPTON EACLE MNCH P.O. BOX 1630 EACLE. CO 81631 AtIn: HENRI STONE Phone: 970-777 7786 Fw<: 970-777-7778 Senl Via Courler*** ERIC POLLOCK EMail: eric@mineEtreetpartners.com Sent Vir EMail LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY rO8 S FRONTACE RD W #203 PO BOX 357 VAIL, CO 81657 Atfir: Almee Dupon( Phone: 970-476-2251 Fax: 970-476-4534 EMail: adupont@ltgc.com SLIFER SMITTI & FRAMPTON.AVON OO3O BENCHMARK RD #IO7 PO DRAWER ?820 AVON, CO 81620 Atm: JAN JOHNSON Phone: 970-E45-2030 Fax: 970-845.2050 EMail: jtohnson@ slifer. net Sent Via Couri€r*** If you have any inquiries or requite further assistance, please contact one of the numbers below: For Tltle Asslstance: For Closlng Assistance: Vail Title Dept. Aimee Dupont IO8 S FRONTAGE RD W #203 IO8 S FRONTAGE RD W#203 PO BOX 357 PO BOX 357 VAIL, CO 81657 VAIL, CO 81657 Phone:970-477-4529 Phone:9?0-476-2251 Fax: 970-476-4534 Fax: 970-{76-{732 EMail: adupont@ltgc.com o o ,l F l-and Titb land Title Guarantee Gompany CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION GU RANIII. COMPANY Date: 09-23-2005 Pmperty Address: 4327 STREAMSIDE CIRCLE VAIL. CO 8T657 Our Order Number: V50010524-2 SLIFER SMITH & FRAMPTON.AVON ()OSO BENCHMARN RD #TO7 PO DRAWER 2820 AVON, CO 81620 AIIn: RAYMA ROSE Phone: 970.845-2025 Fax: 970-845-2050 EMail : rrose@sllfer.net Sent Vla Courler*'* 10,0t.05 Errllru.o {./2oo!) o o Land Tifle Guarantee Company ntb l-and Date: 09-23-2005 Our Order Number: V50010524-2 Property Address: 4327 STREAMSIDE CIRCLE VAIL. CO 81657 Buyer/Borrower: STREAMSIDE CIRCLE PARTNERS. LLC. A COLORADO LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Seller/Owner: SANCTUARY INTERNATIONAL INC.. A COLOMDO NON.PROFIT CORPORATION Wire Information: Ban*: FIRSTBANX OF COLORADO IAB W COLFAX AVENUE LATGWOOD, CO 80215 Phone: 303-237-5ltW Crcdi|: I,AND TNLE GAARANTEE COMPANY ABA No.: 107M5047 Account: 2160521825 Altenfron: AIme Dapont d!* 'i,t ,t,t )i:t ,r )i( !* * *,r**** t+t + **,*:r+:r + ++*++!.,t ++ +!t +'tttrt ,i i*t**,t*,t,t:t * *** **1.r<** Note: Once an origlnal commltment has been isrued, any subsequent modificationr will be emphasized by underlining or comments. +****t,r:t,t tttt ,i* ** f *** ****'t* * 'i * ,* ,r ,*,r ,* ,t | + *+:Ff 'rrr+rr++++1.* t*,tr t,r+ | *tt !i * i+ Nee4-a nlp or dlrtctlo-ns fol youl upcoming closing? Check out Land Title's web site at www.ltgc.com for directions to anv of our 5,I office locatlois- - too corflrct 06/0a THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDERI ESTIMATE OF TITLE FEES Alta Owners Policy 10-17-92 (Reissue Rate) Deletion of Exceptions l-3 (Owner) Deletion of General Exception 4 (Owner) Tax Report #R010986 $2,066.00 $30.00 $70. o0 sLs.00 If L;,Jrd Titl"a Cuaraataa Cgqraly ril.l. !o cLorint this txtasaotion,abova taaa rtll be coTlecbad at t-hit ti.Ea. TOTAL $2,727.00 o o Chicago Title Insurance Company ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule A Property Address: 4327 STREAMSIDE CIRCLE VAIL. CO 81657 Our Order No. V50010524-2 Cust. Ref.: 1. Effective Date: Sentember 07. 2005 at 5:00 P.M. 2. Policy to be Issued, and Proposed Insured: "ALTA" Owner's Policy 10-17-92 $1,300,000.00 Proposed Insured: STREAMSIDE CIRCLE PARTNERS. LLC. A COLOMDO LIMITED LI,ABILITY COMPANY 3. The estate or interest In the land described or referred to in this Commltment and covered herein is: A Fee Simple 4. Title to the estate or Interest covered herein is at the effectlve date hertof vested in: SANCTUARY INTERNATIONAL INC., A COLORADO NON-PROFIT CORPOMTION 5. The land referred to in this Commitment is descrlbed as follows: LOT 6, BIGHORN SUBDMSION, FOURTH ADDITION, ACCORDINGTO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. o o ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB^Sectionl (Requirements) Our Order No. V50010524-2 The following ar€ the requirements to be complied with: Item (a) Payment lo or for the account ofthe grantors or mortgagors of the full consideration for the estale or interest to be insured. Item (b) Proper insfument(s) creating the estate or interest to be insured must be executed and duly filed for record, to-wit: Item (c) Payment of all taxes, charges or assessmenis levied and assessed against the subject premises which are due and payable. Item (d) Additional requlrements, if any disclosed below: 1. FURNISH TO LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANYTHOSE SECTIONS OFTHEOPERATING AGREEMENT FOR STREAMSIDE CIRCLE PARTNERS, LLC. A COLOMDO LIMITED LI.ABILITY COMPANY THAT DISCLOSE WHO MAY CONVEY. ACOUIRE. ENCUMBER. LEASE OR OTHERMSE DEAL WITH INTERESTS IN REAL PROPERTY FOR SAID ENTITY. NOTE: ADDITIONAL REOUIREMENTS MAY BE NECESSARY UPON REVIEW OF THIS DOCUMENTATION. 2. EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TO THE COMPANY THAT THE TERMS. CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. 3. RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST DATEDJANUARY 13, 2OO4 FROM SANCTUARY INTERNATIONAL INC., A COLORADO NON-PROFIT CORPORATION TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF FIRSTBANK OF VAIL TO SECURE THE SUM oF $482,000.00 RECORDED JANUARY 20, 2004, UNDER RECEPTION NO. 865314. 4. RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST DATED JUNE 18, 2OO4 FROM SANCTUARY INTERNATIONAL INC., A COLORADO NON-PROFIT CORPOMTION TO THE PI.ELIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF FIRSTBANK OF VAIL TO SECURE THE SUM OF $5O.OOO.OO RECORDEDJUNE 21, 2004, UNDER RECEPTTON NO. 881261. NOTE: THE ABOVE DEED OF TRUST SECURES A LINE OF CREDIT. 5. RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST DATED DECEMBER 02, 2()()4 FROM SANCTUARY INTERNATIONAL INC., A COLOMDO NON-PROFIT CORPOMTION TO THE PI.JBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF FIRSTBANK OF VAIL TO SECURE THE SUM OF $7(),OOO.OO RECORDED DECEMBER 03, 2004. UNDER RECEPTION NO, 899595. o o ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Sectionl (Requlrements)Our Order No. V50010524-2 Contlnued: NOTE: THE ABOVE DEED OF TRUST SECURES A LINE OF CREDIT. 6. CERTIFIED COPYOF RESOLUTION OFTHE GOVERNINGBOARD OFTHE SANCTUARY INTERNATIONAL INC., A COLORADO NON-PROFIT CORPOMTION (AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AND THE EXECUTION OF NECESSARY DOCUMENTS) AND RECITING THAT THE BOARD HAS BEEN DULY AUTHORIZED IN THE PREMISES BY THE CONGREGATION. SAID RESOLUTION MUST BE PROPERLY CERTIFIED BY AN OFFICER OF THE CORPOMTION. SAID RESOLUTION MUST BE SI.DMITTED TO AND APPROVED BY LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY BUT NEED NOT BE RECORDED. 7. WARMNTY DEED FROM SANCTUARY INTERNATIONAL INC., A COLORADO NON-PROFIT CORPORATION TO STREAMSIDE CIRCLE PARTNERS. LLC. A COLORADO LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY CONVEYING SIjBJECT PROPERTY. THE FOLLOWING DELETIONS/MODIFICATIONS ARE FOR THE OWNER'S POLICY. NOTE: ITEMS I.3 OF THE GENEML EXCEPTIONS ARE HEREBY DELETED, UPON THE APPROVAL OF THE COMPANY AND THE RECEIPT OF A NOTARIZED FINAL LIEN AFFIDAVTT, ITEM NO. 4 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS WILL BE AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: ITEM NO. 4 OF THE GENERAL EXCEFTIONS IS DELETED AS TO ANY LIENS OR FUTURE LIENS RESULTING FROM WORK OR MATERIAL FURNISHED AT THE REQUEST OF SANCTUARY INTERNATIONAL INC., A COLORADO NON-PROFIT CORPORATION. CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPAT.IY SHALL HAVE NO LTABILITY FOR AT{Y LIENS ARISING FROM WORK OR MATERIAL FURNISHED AT THE REQUEST OF STREAMSIDE CIRCLE PARTNERS. LLC. A COLORADO LIMITED LI.ABILITY COMPANY. NOTE: ITEM 5 OF THE CENERAL EXCEPTIONS WILL BE DELETED IF LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY CONDUCTS THE CLOSING OF THE CONTEMPLATED TMNSACTION(S) AND RECORDS THE DOCI.JMENTS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. NOTE: UPON PROOF OF PAYMENT OF ALL TAXES, ITEM 6 WILL BE AMENDED TO READ: TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS FOR THE YEAR 2O()5 AND SUBSEQUENT YEARS. ITEM 7 UNDER SCHEDULE 8.2 WILL BE DELETED UPON PROOF THAT THE WATER AND SEWER CHARGES ARE PAID UP TO DATE. o o ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Sectionl (Requlrements)Our Order No. V50010524-2 Continued: *++*T+++++ NOTICE OF FEE CHANGE, EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER I, 2$QI *+****X*AA Pursuant to Colorado Revised Statute 30-10-421, "The county clerl and recorder slnll collect a surcharge of $1.00 for each document received for recording or filing in his or her oIlice. The surcharge shall be in addition to any other fees permitted by statute. " o o ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 (Exceptlons) Our Order No. V50010524-2 The policy or policies to be lssued wlll contaln exceptions to the following unless the same are dlsposed of to the satlsfaction of the Company: l. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the publlc records. 2. Easements, or claims of easemenls, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts whlch a conect survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the publlc records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for servlces, labor or material theretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, frst appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. 6. Taxes or special assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the public records. 7. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. 8. In addition, the owner's policy will be subject to the morlgage, if any, noted in Section I of Schedule B hereof. 9. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED NOVEMBER 17.1902.IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 492. 10. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED NOVEMBER 17. 1902, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 492. 1I. RESTRICTTVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANT OR RESTRICTION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, HANDICAP, FAMILTAL STATUS OR NATIONAL ORIGIN UNLESS AND ONLY TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT (A) IS EXEMPT UNDER CHAPTER 42, SECTION 3607 OF THE UNTTED STATES CODE OR (B) RELATES TO HANDICAP BUT DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE AGAINST HANDICAP PERSONS, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED DECEMBER 20, T962, IN BOOK I74 AT PAGE 403 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED FEBRUARY 6, 1964, IN BOOK 182 AT PAGE 3I. 12. EASEMENTS, CONDITIONS, COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS AND NOTES ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF BIGHORN SUBDIVISION FOURTH ADDITION. o o LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS Note: Punuant to CRS l0-l l-122, notice is hereby given that: A) The subject real property may be located in a speclal taxlng district. B) A Certificate of Taxes Due listlng each taxing jurisdiction may be obtained from the County Treasurer's authorized agent. C) The information regarding special districts and the boundaries of such distrlcts may be obtained from the Board of County Commissioners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or the County Assessor. Note: Effective September I, 1997, CRS 30-10-406 requires that all documents received for recording or filing in the clerk and recorder's oflice shall contain a top margin of at least one inch and a left, right and bottom margin ofat least one half of an inch. The clerk and recorder may refuse to rccord or file any document that does not conform, except that, the requirement for the top margin shall not apply to documenls using forms on which space is provided for recording or flling information al the top margln of the document. Note: Colorado Division of Insurance Regulations 3-5-1, Paragraph C of Article MI requires that "Every tille entity shall be responsible for all matters which appear of record prior to the time of recording whenever the title entity conducts the closing and is responsible for recording or filing of legal documents resultlng from the transaction which was closed". Provided that Land Title Guarantee Company conducts the closing of the insured transaction and is responsible for recording the legal documents from the transaction, exception number 5 will not appear on the Owner's Title Policy and the Lenders Policy when issued. Note: Aflirmative mechanic's lien protection for the Owner may be available (typically by deletion of Exception no. 4 of Schedule B, Section 2 of the Commitment from the Owner's Policy to be issued) upon compliance with the following conditions: A) The land described in Schedule A of this commitm€nl must be a single family residence which includes a condominium or townhouse unit. B) No labor or materials have been furnished by mechanics or material-men for purloses of construction on the land descrlbed in Schedule A of this Commitment withln the past 6 months. C) The Company must receive ar appropriate aflidavit indemni$ing the Company against un-flled mechanic's and material-men's liens. D) The Company must receive payment of the appropriate premium. E) If there has been construction, improvements or major repairs undertaken on the property to be purchased within six months prior to the Date of the Commitrnent, the requirements to obtain coverage for unrecorded llens will include: disclosure of certain construction information; financial information as to the seller, the builder and or the contractor; payment of the approprlate premium fully executed Indemnity Agreements satisfactory to the company, and, any additional requirements as may be necessary after an examlnation of the aforesaid information by the Company. No coverage will be given under any circumstances for labor or material for which the insured has contracted for or agreed to pay. Note: Pursuant to CRS l0-l l-123, notice is hereby given: This notice applies to owner's policy cornmitrnents containing a mineral sevemnce instrrment exception, or exceptions, in Schedule B, &ction 2. A) That there is recorded evidence that a mlneral estate has been severed. leased. or otherwise conveyed from the sudace estate and that there is a substantlal likelihood that a third party holds some or all interest in oil, gas, other minerals, or geothermal energl ln the property; and B) That such mineral estate may include the right to enter and use the property without the surface owner's permisslon. Nothing herein contained will be deemed to obligate the company to provide any of the coverages referred to herein unless the above conditions are fullv satisfied. Fom DISCLOSUBE 09/AI/02 o o JOINT NOTICE OF PRIVACY POLICY Fidelity Nattonal Financial Gnoup of Companles/Chicago Title Insurance Company and Land Tltle Guarantee Company July 1, 200r We recoqnize and resDect the privacv exDeclations of todav's consumers and lhe reouirements of aoolicable federal and state priiacv laws. Wb believd that rirakiirq you aware of liow we use voru non-oublic oersonal infdimation ("Personal Informatioril'), and to whorn it ts disclosed will form the basis for a r6lationshiri of tru'st between us and the public that we serve. Tlis Privacy Stalement provides that explanation. We reserve th6 right lo change thls Privacy' Statement from time to tinie consistent'with applicable'privacy laws. In the course ofour business, we may collect Personal Informadon about you from the followlng sources: * From applications or other forms we receive from vou or vour authorized reDresentative:* From yb r transactio4s with, or from the services being p6rformed by, us, o'ur amliales. or othersi * From bur internet web sites:* From the prr]rlic records-paintained. by gove.rnmental entities that we either obtain directly from those entities. oi from our affiliates or otheisland * From consumer or other reporting agencies. Our Policies Regardlng the Protection of the Confidentlality and Security ofYour Personal Information We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safequards to Drotect vour Personal Information from unauthorized access or intrirsion. We limit access tti the Personal Iilformatioi onlv t6 those emnlovees who need such access in connection wilh providing products or services to you or for olher l6gitimate busineis purposes. Our Pollcles and Practices Regarding the Sharlng of Your Personal Informatlon We may share your Personal Infon4ation with our affiliates, such as insurance companies, aqenls, and other real estate s-ettlement service providers; We also may disclose your Personal Informatiori: to agents, brokers or representatives to provide vou with services vou have requested: to tfiird-party contractois or seryice providers wlo provide servicds or perforni marketing or other function's ori our behalf: and to othprs- wlth whom wd enter into joint marketing agreements for products or services that we believe you may find of interest. In addition, we will disclose your Personal Information when vou direct or qive us permission. when we are required by law to do so, or when we -suspect fraudulent or criminal aciivities. We aFo mav?isclose vour Personal lnformation when olherwise penilitted bv applicable orivacv laws such as. for exainole. wheh disclosure is needed to enforce our rights arising 6ut of any dgrde:ment, transaction or relationship with ybu. One of th^e impgrtart responsibilities of some of our alliliated companies is to record documents in the public domain. Such-documenti may contain your Personal Information. ' Right to Access Your Personal Informatlon and Ability to Correct Errors Or Requert Changes Or Deletlon Certain states afford you the right to access your Personal Information and, under certain chcumstances, to find out to whom vour Persofial InformEtion has beei disclosed. Also, certain states allord vou the risht to reouesl correctio , amendme^nt or deletion of your Personal lnformalion. We reserve the rfght. wherE permittbd by law, to charge a reasonable fee to cover the c6sts incurred in responding to such requests. ' All.reguests submitted 10_ the Fidelity-Na^tional Financial Group of Companies/Chicago Title Insurance Company shall b'e in writlng, and delivered to-the following address: Privacy Compliance Oflicer ldgtug.iL"Hlfl $iiff ifd' " Santa Barbara. CA 931l0 Mulriple Pmducts or Services l. we proy_ide you with grore than one financial. product or service, you may receive more than one privacy notice from tis. We a-pologize for any inconvenience lhis may cause you. - - Pol:In PRIV. POL.CHI a ftHt lti I t-- ff t.t t'tf_-1 t'l E|H !|E rl|E |tF ii : H I I t-r I l'l tl !' '|''| - 'i H I I itl lI E'' IE |tl il rr! ' (a) ,@112 .tm I:D lr -lq IF 1tH tti .'6 z (, 9ra r s^;{,P orl x. ^.,iV.- ,'{t.. ) /Y >fr t€t '..'rX' 6 '1b"\P s.-;(. P ql Y., ^-ltt,/ >{ \ | "e-.- / \- I P \ \,4 O---;lx- o--- (?)_____ d -l €HE g'i*E; _fts o---t'.\ (a) \ ,,'.'.. -_ !i X{. Ei | ,,.' ;E::' ;: E il E:: E I -... \ \!, GJ iti =P EAST VAIL TOWN HOMES STREAM SIDE CIRCLE VAIL. COLORADO 4 2 , g:!E:l ; ;E BE Datc:--r+ii----:.- ./1 /r t1 Lcgal dcscription: Lot t Block_Fitinl Addrcss Orrncr Architcct Zonc distri Lot sizc Totat CRFA , t /+) piffiety IRFA ZONE CHECK ,'/ Pbonc Phonc Proposcd usc Buildable arca ;,lt/3/'/; tua /e -.f/za . Proposcd Total -_-+ (425) (675r) =-- Existing /'. |futr, = 1t,. - t ,_/../ "/./ 2 .4u.? a -/ut/ t 5,M=j,/E = ,'}.' .i&baglclRrA + (125) (s7j+) Enr.ironmcn taL4Iazards Sitc Covcrage Hcight Sctbacks Landscaping (t,U /)l. Muimum lU RctainingWall Hciglts,ffgAr,tl; ) Parking Gamgc Crcdit (r 200) Drivcrvay pcrm;fte.l "t^ " fr- lL /.'"/ /,,,l.<-"4,5//4 /', *Lilz 5L* 4= l) Pcrccnt Slopc(<>3}%) | /V?/-'-V-/a 5) Ceologic Hazards b) Rocldall un'clvay p crmittcd )tropc O - (L V" Complics Mrh ToV Ligbring Ordinancc fu "", / -.rNo_-Arc finishcd gradcs lcss than 2:l (50%) Zt ---V"r- Z No- 2/z,rrrz,"r / -d'k" Kal Encloscd / < ,. /.'/ Proposcd Slopg r" - ' .. 1/ c) Dcbris Flov ,4tt Allorvcd * 675 = 425 crcdir plus 250 addition 2) Floodplain 3) Wctlands Pro'ious conditions of approval (cbcck propcrty filc): .4 )fi1,2-=-_,/ Is thc propcrty non-conforming? Dcscribc: w e Projcct: - t/ Scalc ' / , Bcl:chnuk !_ Lcgal dcscription -/ .,*ro",rlf rr 250 additionat CRFA Crarvl\Atti c Spacc P) V Topography \,/ru- 1001n. flood plain .4 \Yatcr Coursc sctback v Environmental Hazards _/ ,,,,, v Utility locations EXisting fca 7;:":;;:" .-/ Lcgcnd MISCELLANEOUS {a*) Deck.Ealconics Garagc conncction /' / il,? al- L.r.J. y cntlcau on Sun\Shade AngJcs Lt_ tuil i 1-t-.. DESIGN RXVIE}Y CI{ECKLIST a/ Spot ctwations Condo Approval 0? u rrrocs (undcrgroun d) -M YicvComdo* Vuianccs Plat rcsfictions ,/- Rchining Walls I{EW CONSTRUCTION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS ceneral Information: The review process for new construction normally requires two separate meetings of the Design Review Board: a conceptual review and a final review. Applicants should plan on presenting their development proposal at a minimum of two meetings before obtaining final approval. L SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS'** d All pages of Application is complete gf9hecklist is completed and signed az 9lamped Topographic Survey*()ite and Grading Planx f Landscape Planx ef Architectural Elevationsx , {Ext"rior color and material samples and specifications,' A Architectural Floor Plansx (Rt-ignting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures lcf,-o fitle report, including Schedules A & B to verify ownership and easements*af Photos of the existing site and adjacent structures, where applicable.t* D Written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable D Site-specific Geological Hazard Report, if applicablex P+ tr The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of the materials noted with an asterisk (*). xxFor interior conversions with no exterior changes, the submittal requirements include a complete set of existing and proposed floor plans, a title report, and written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. I have read and underctand the above listed submittal requirements: Project Name: Contractor Signature Rt.-r\) Date Signed F:\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\Planning\drb_new_construction_1 1-23-Z005,doc Page 3 of 14 ru23l2o0s o o /a*nuy,/r,* thnnrt t<fhlrl*/nu75 I ,l n' 1 'Y tr/' /) rj Buildinq Mabrials PROPOSED MATERIAIS Tvoe of Material Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures G:ggDhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: Please specifo the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. a Sf^J1 S.--^ h.lr=-t fL"+ ' Tr:>ffi.1*-, _. 3-!z ,-,[ ),2" el-^.n( <uf Lp - <,L^- t, h-LL UJ^*l SL-.Ls 1- ab-\ l,PPr F-k,=[ S,+.-.- Ue.^c. fBb l)-|'...- [ :f'< \r.a..r a o o a F:\cdev\FoRMs\F€rmits\Planning\DRB\drb_new_construction_11-23-2005.doc Page 7 of 14 7112312005 Suruey/Site Plan Review Checklist Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teti 970.479.2t28 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com *This chelclist mufi be submitfud prtor to Public Worlcs reyiew of a popsect ctevelopment Owners/Project Name:E-r{ u-..1 T]r-.^ Lo- -\ Project Address: g-didscape plan o T'itle Report (Section B) f Environmental Hazards (ie. rocKall, debris - flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils)sf Watercourse setbacks (if applicable)f Trees cr Labeled easements (i.e. drainage, utility, pedestrian, etc...)t' Topography a/ Utility locations / Adiacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadwav shown for a minimum of 250' in either direction from property. I. Access (check all)o Driveway type and finished suface are shown on the site olan.o Unheated { Fieated (portion in ROW in a separate zone)o4now storage areas are shown on the site plan within property boundaries (30% of driveway area if ._ unheated ; 10o/og[3lgiqglglglifEgted)a All orlveway graoes, olmensions, radii are clearly noted on the site plan and conform to Development standards, p. 11. steepest section Driveway Grade (not the average grade):( Parking spaces and turning radii are noted on site plan and confornitobeveiopment Standards,pp.12&14 II, Construction Site (check all)D Location of all utilities and meter piG are shown on the site plan.tr Limits of disturbance construction fencing is shown on the site plan.tr I am aware that approved Staging and Construction Traffic Control plans, as per the Manual of Uniform Traffic control Devices, will be necessary prior to construction.vl am aware that a Revocable Right of Way Permit will be required prior to construction. rr lr.& cr nnnricant: O: IrrL.lrt[*- I* phoneNumber. !€ls-q1? -6nto9 Sttarrrrlr C,lrr\ F.r[.r rr Submittal a Stamped survey of property o-Civil/Site plans Survev Reouirements: o Surveyor's wet stamp and signature r Date of survey a- North arrow ct-?roper scale (1"=10' or L"=20)ar Legal description {Basis of bearings / Benchmark f Spot Elevations a/Labeled right of way and propefi lines; including bearings, distances and curve information. e/ tot size g/ Build able Area (excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 40olo, and floodplain) Site Plan Reouirements: F:\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\planning\drb_new_construction_ I 1-23-2005.doc Pag€ 12 of 14 7U23l2O0s -.rl FASCIA SOFFITS wlNoows WINDOWTRIM DOOFS D@RTFIM FLUES ./'( FLASH|Nq--,/\ CHIMNEYS RETAINING WALLS EXTERIOR LIGHTING PROPOSED BUILDING MATERIALS BUILDING MA'ERIAL TYPE OF MATERIAL ROOF STANOING SEAM METAL BOOF ASPHALT SHINGLES CLEAB CEDAR CLEAR CEDAR SIDING OTHER WALL MATERIALS RUSTED COLD ROLLED STEEL PANELS CEMET{T BOARD PANELSI DOUGI.AS FIR CEMENT BOARD METAL CLAD METAL CLAD DOUGI.AS FIR wooD DOUGIIS FIR HAND ANO DECK RAILS} METAL AND TEAK COLOR MATTE BLACK DABK GREY DARK GBEY LIGHT GRBT RUST LIGHT GREY DARK GREY LIGHT GREY CRANBERRY BLACK BLACK AND DABK GREY STAIN PAINTED METAL NATURALSTO{E NATURAL STONE BRUSHED MFTAL ANO TEAK PAINTEO METAL AND TRANSLUCENT GLASS o I - .Es^ E s.E Is* *c €;F i! gEgE Eg El, E i,ffir# *ffi15 : cU E=s .E:H *'=o: ('5pt E u If I € E lth 6:=.= r!?l .! I! O L EE !D (J O.O Utl|J Ii I-€T II b a =g I HI 004 Descriplion: Shode Color: Body Finish: Lomp: Wotloge: Dimmer: Dimensions: Q-bic exierior woll sconce feotures o stoinless steel ond teok bodv. One 35w l2v MRl6 hologen lomp included, Tronsformer not included. LJL listed. Mode in Belgium, TEAK MRI6/BIPIN/35W24V 35W LV MAGNET 3.00(L) x 0,00(Vv) x 4.00(H) O(o 'O-99 ol <r)s@ .O(r) oi <.j F r.\ CT' F\xx tl .ll o- F\o s <.j $6 O, co c.,i c't -t\(r) F\oo oo a. o. oq 38 .O .O J! oct oo E8 SE (J() o e_ s€oo €F 3:9f, EE R9 58 96 AO Shode Colo.:EocV Finish: E o o o)o p .c. .a) ; F 5 Specificotions Guide: Lightology VendorCode: Deportment: IBIO EW Descriplion: OBIC TK SS Compony:Fixlure Type:Dole:Jon 18, 2006 Projecl:Approved By: Descrlptlon: Q-bic up-down exterior woll sconce feofures o stoinless sleel qnd teok bocv. Two 35w 12v MRl6 hologen lomps included, Tronsformer nol Included, ADA compllont. UL listed. Mode in Belgium, Slze 3w8h4d lO-()(r,.O-99 Ol (O s@ €@ oi c'i FI\(')N xx ,9p 8=o--9 s(o XE c.,l "'i FT\(t r\ so oo €.6 Shocle Colon Body Flnlsh: IEAK Lomp: 2XMRI6/BlPlN/35W112V Wotfoge: 70\il DImmET: LV N,AGNET Dlmenslons: 3.0o(L)x 4.00(W x 8.00(H) oq €€ J-l o' ci'oo 90 8g ob €_ 8g E$ 3= 9T C!F E$ Specmcdions Guide: Llghfdogy Vendofcode; Deporlrn€nl;Descdplbn:SlEde Cokr:Eody Flnlsh: E o o o)o p c .g)t = Fsro Ew l-l oilcup l--l ss TK I 028 HI Compony:Fixfure Tlpe:Dole:Jon ]8,2006 Project:Approved By: I-ETTER 11F TRAIISMIITAt OZ ABC]|ITECTUREO 1820 Folsorn Street Bouldcr, Colorado 80302 phone 303.449.8900 fax 303.449.3886 Tr Elisabeth Eckel Town of Vail 75 Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 (970) 479-2454 hr: Lindsay Mydans SaiEt ct lhb: January23,2006 hFl East Vail Townhomes Prtdfr 15084 Flet q Wotnnilhnwit Vh: Overnight Delivery hyu trAmnl Ertmmtrrrr+Nd trbnrctu lnniwtnrrr Eserrr b|i| lhiltl ht lll|diltor l. Revised Site Plan 2. Revised Landscaoe Plan 3. Lot 6 Floor Plans 4. Revised Lot 7 Floor Plans 5. Lighting Cut Sheets 6. Utility Verification Forms (3)7. Material Sample Board (!) Et.tr-la*L , \l". r3 {L P*'tr1e. TL 6=.-F A '-te s u,ll Sllo-.r rrrr.- ce.trrlF + c-n."\. FL*r- c;t[ lFo .of X-.,tl,-u^t . tt-L- \. - . - (J.1l Gt15084.01 East Vail Townhomcs\Cbrrcspondence\Trensmitnl\Elisabcth Eckcl 012306.doc 0 E I Y t I ' I0 || l.0 t [ . S|l I I lT c 0 U I Tt K\Ix trr*or"RovAt&vERrFrcArlor O c\Y,'d P#gf"l#K*,o verify that the proposed improvements will not impact any existing or proposed utility services, and also to verify service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. A site plan, including grading plan, floor plan, and elevations, shall be submitted to the following utilities for approval and verification. Authorized Siqnature Gomments I-r Date QWEST 970.513.7r89 (tel) 970.384.0257(fax) 970.687.0722 (cett) Contacts: Steve Waters swaters@owest.com EXCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.262.4076 (tel) 970.468.1401 (fax) Contact: Rich Sisneros HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC 970.947.5425 (rel) 970.94s.a081 (fax) contact: Jeff vroom ivroom(oholycross.com EXCEL EI{ERGY 970.262.4038 (fax) Contacts: Kit Bogart 97 0.262.4024 Katherine Bogert EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT 970.476.7480 (teD 970.476.4089 (fax) Contact: Fred Haslee fhaslee@erwsd,oro COMCAST CABLE 970.468.2669 ext. r100 (tel) - 5ee ATrAcHAteur #a r--r - see ftT'TACftNe^rr +z - See Alrac6g2rT d 3 r--r - lee nfincftM€tw#2 l--l 6€e h/|,ficttrtteu,T # 1 €ee nfittcarrlcNT d 5 NOTES: f. If the utility approval & verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed. 2. ff a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the uUlity representative shall note directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified oroblems. 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department of Public Works at the Town of Vail. Utilitv locations must be obtained befiire diooino in any public right-of-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A buildino permit is not a Public Wav permit and must be obtained seDarately. The Developer is required and agrees to submit any revised drawings to the utilities for re-approval & re-verification if the submitted plans are altered in any way after the authorized signature date (unless otherwise specifically noted within the comment area of this form). Developer's Signature F:\cdev\FORMs\Permits\Planning\DRB\drb-new-construction-11-23-2005.doc t 970.468.2672 (fax) Contact: Brad Dorcas bradelv dorcas@cable.comcast.com Date Page 9 of 14 rLl23l201s 0z A$Cbr IECIUnF u o 1820 Fobom stlsct Bouldcr, Colondo 80302 phonc 303.4{9.8900 fr,( 303.4493886 Dqcumc[tl !:lftl t0ul[Ir s||trlt r0l|trY I .i i - z, z @ ?,',,.t r^*.orolrvERrFrcAlril O {BffiK*, t r.ttift tffi tl€ p.oc6€.1 hr|P.ovcna|ts yrll not impsct any cd3ting or proPed u6tty seryices, and abo b vetry stt h! af&Uty md b('tin b nlrt cngrction .rU $ddd be used h q[|tr|da|tl0r prcprrhg ]rqr utitty pbn d sdledultE iEtsbt,olts' A sft. Fb4 hc||,ldrng gradhg phn, froor phn, snd de€tbng shal be $bmErd b fie tutonriri u&les E=-p'*'ndrcrrncrtbn' r-E€ft/qer o€ crDcLrd u9 A-/ 6 jYS ArtHz,cd Siqn.t|]. Co|r|nxntt ;:b Alltroriz.d Siqn*rr. Co|t|nxntt . Sge ltfu"-*, bt' HsBrl s.r6prvrsroJ fr$g-t| MDrftaJ 5t$ffi, LdTr 6 y1^4, I vru<. CocorzAao tni:Fconcj 5lErll..tsre $ffi**",@ _l4re _e70.le".m?6(t.r) Qw67 -D6d{ HA*/F fAquTtE[ Av*ttn&tE e70.468.1{1 (ru) ^ lL .--?ffi'Jllg}* G- laeve =*, wvtLept^p,t( l*ffi&*" irr 97tl,9fr5rr5 (td) t-ruevs-\a EiE, I l+E 4c, ,*L (7 _E3JJ, "rr{E L '\€gzo.s{s.a$rihi) od -f.*€ fiaAc-ery feAh^ttEurt-(N6 ffiffi ,, l';,.riiJe r,-7tld 1al'tu paurae ETcELErtRcY ?rfdNfrI6;-?@FW6JT ?ffi.f"t*, dAD LUr\A- ge B*cABt€. Kt BqBn 9r052.{0},t Kitf|eriE &gErt EAGTE RTVET WATEN T SATIITATIOTI OTSTRICT 97(!,f,6.7afl) (td)r t.{r6,{081, (f*) Conffi Fltd tldee thade$snd"om coHctsrcAllr 970.458.2569 c{t. 1Im (d) 970.{68.26n Gar)&nEd Srdd OcEs brdctv dorcasaabk,omxt.com ---------------l- IO.rES: 1. f ttE uEtt A|loEt & tsificaton form tns Canatres a?fii erdr dr|t utifty o(|panacs, drd rD @mrlents are rnade dtrecw on the fuir , the Torm vdtl pr€sJn|e thrt there are rD proHefirs and tle devebprEnt can pro{-ad, 2, lt a udfv oomPny hls clrEerns wfh dt€ prepo6cd constsucuon, Ote dility |tpl€ssrtrue shJ n& <tirccdy m tE riifty verifrGtbn fufi $Et $ene F a pmblcm whidr r|e!6 to be r€sclved. The is8ue *lould ttEn ba dlblcd h an athhed lettsr b ttE Town of \tal. Hd|.Ev€r, pbe laep in mird th3t t b the rcsponiHfy of tte Ldity cdnpiry and ttle r9Fltafit b re$tve ilertiFed g.dte|tF. 3. Thete Edficatims do rm rellarc tlp crnraanr d thg .csponlblv to obt*l a Arblic $hy Prtmit t un ti€ Dcprtrn!'t ca Plruc Wodas*!teTffnofvallt|{Ih,lGtsoEmu*t.lbtrlocdffii!dloohEharypublcdgttd-{ny'orGosnenrdhil th€ Toirn 0t VeiL l hdlld&E lGrt|tltrt Et . IrAltc [i, nnrlt ]rl trr|lt bc ohbirEd 3rEetaln. Tt|e oll €bo€r b tqlir€d s|d !9rr.5 b stbmtt rry rwi*d dnnhgE b tlE uEitics tur rGaDrElal & Herhcatirr tr $e ln ant ury & the .utffi slgnatJe daE ( unhs othetrvlse gdficlty mted rnfnn the rdnmcrlt eltr/n F:\dcvlFoRlrs\PEflrb\Pb.rtr!\Df,A\drb-.Er_oGbr.do.r_11-23-206.dc pa9c 9 of 14 ryt3l200s 0z ABCUTEcIUnP w 2. Excel Hish Pressure Gas n 1820 Folsom Strcct Bouldcr, Colorado 80302 phonc 303.,{49.8900 fzx 303.449.3886 !tIYtt 'I 0 u t D t I 8U I r ll c 0 u llt JAN IY .ZUUO Y;UU T.UZ o .-,Tk-ENAsOtt UTIUW APPROVAL & VERIFTCATIOiI rut}J0Fv,t&l This form !ffil?[H'i.'.' t verirv that the PruDosed im?rc]em9F-1!i PI [ry^1:il :]fl:g :1.*f,.:*:i]*il*fl":111,1il"'l This rorm seryEb u'r vEr"v "'" """,i5i-i,iii* cbniiiu.tio" rna should'be used in mnjuncfion with preparing your utility plan and verlfy Servlce avallability a d locEl ^r-- .^^, -rrh !^,{ .larstiAnc (hr he <rrnmined to- tire foliowin0 utilltier fl'grTfi'T#ffi:: l;ffi;; ilir;^sft;'s ;ian, floor pran, and erevation;, $harr be submitted to the roriowins utirrties for aporoval and verlRcation' Aulhorlzed Sionaturc Se@!o!c D$e ALLL )UI"II" I LIT r ax; Y ( v/0./4vJ ( owE9f gio.sr3.ne9 (tel) 970.3E4.0?57(fax) 970.5E7,0722 (cell) @ntectsi steve waGrs swaiers@owqs,egtro EXCEL HIOF PRESSURE 6Ag 970.262,a075 (tel) 970,468.1401 (fax) Contrtcti Rich Sisnetos flOLY CROS6 ELECTRIC 970.947.5425 (teD 970.945.4081 (fax) contact: Jeff vrooll lvlslEl@ngulls$cen EXGL ENERGY 970.262,4038 (far) Contacts: Ktt Bogart 970.252,4024 Katherine Bogert EAGLE RIVER WATER E SAIITATIOI{ DISTRICT 970.475.7480 (teD 970'476'4089 (fax) Cnntactl FGd Heslee ftraiteeloerwsd.ora n - | K-'*'J,c"lr e+u4*'' oe:JAN 19 toffi uq ob COTICAST CAELE 970.468.2669 ext. 110c (t'cl) 970.468,2672 (fax) conEcti Brad Dorcas @ ffi *u," seerov:l & verification form has signatures. frcm each of the utllw--compal*:lld no comments are made directly in U.,ii'i"i-, tna f"wn wil] piesume that there are-no problems and the devel.pment can Proceeo' z, If , utitity company has concerns with the proposed constuction, the utiliV representative shall note directly 0n the utllity verification form tha! tnere o u otoii"rn'*ii.ft;;;; il;" 1s56lvgfl.', The issue should fien be detEiled In an attached leter ho $e rown of vait. Ho','r'er, p,** -*i'ii .i"a ii ri t-i ii" ""p"rsiuitity oi tLe utilitv companv and the applicant to resolve identified oroblemS, 3. These verifications do not relieve the contrachor of the responsibillty to obtain I Publlc Way Perrnit from the Department of public il.rl;'r;#'i;; or viil. utrri*, r*"tilJ t*o! !"ilt"'io.a+F"reiisd9g h.a.ny pubiic risht-of'wav or easeftent wi:nlr i='i"' ";Vr,,. fbuitdi@ mustlc abtatned .eoararetv' Tne Developer is required and agrees tO Submit any revEed drawlngs tO the utilitie5 flr re-approvel & re-verlflc?tlon if tne submiBed 9l6lr$erc ahered ,n rnvi.v'r[o tne iutnorizea signatuie date (unless otheru/ise 9p€ciFically not€d within the comment J#hI* 5ig i;\Coev\FORMS\Permits\Plannrnq\DRB\dA-new-construdion-11'23-2005'doc Pacc 9 of 14 1!ztl2o0s ALLL JUfIfIl I LII r dx 'Y ( vz.o/4u) ( o APPLICATiON 1) Dimensions of Lot. 2) How structrle sits on the Lot. 3) Propssed Meter iocation(s). 4) Direction the roof slopes. 5) Obstructions - to include: o water and sewer lines o changes in elevation . well & septic systems r trees and/or rocks . driveway(s)r fences O Includa an elevation sketch of the sidb(s) of the building on which meters wiii be piaced. www.xcelenergy.com O *"elEnergy Tech nl cta nlDeel g n M o u ntai n 200 W,6th St,, P, O. Box tglg , Sllverthornr, Colorsdo E04gg-lgls phone: i?0,t6i!.{gi}l ( 1 Fax:9?0.162,4039 tathryn.bo gert@-ncelenergy,oom 0t ABcUTEcIURF w Utiliw Aooroval and Verification 1820 Folsom Strcct Boulder, Colondo 80302 30r.449.8900 fr* 303.4493886 DItftl r l0ut0tl 5[II|I C0UlIl f, I ffi O'**'RovALevERIFrcArroN O ffiHffif.** ," verFy Fiat the proposed improvements will not impact any er('rsfing or pmposed udllty s€Mces/ and abo to veriry ser-vice availabilify'and locadon for new onstructi6n atd should be used in conjundion widl preparing your utility plan and sch*ufing installatiom, A site plan, Includang gradirg plan, Roor plan, and elevations, shall b€ submtEd to tre following utilities for appmval and verification. JAr!, y. llJ(]0 +:J0lvl NULY I11U)J INt|1\]Y Autfiorlzed Siqnatugl NU.4/J Co$menta Dste QwESr 970.s13.7189 (tED 970.384.0257(f4x) 970'687'0zze (celD Contactsi Steve Waters srvaters@qwest.com Ef,CEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970,262.4C76 (b,l) 970..168.140r (tux) c-ontr|cr Rich Sisneros *o.rc*oo## 970,947.s42s (eD 970,9a5.4081 (fax) Conbct: Jeff Vroom iwoom@hotvctoss.com EXCEL ENERGY 970.262.4038 (ftx) Conbcts: Kit Eogart 970.262.11024 Katherine Bogert EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANTTATION DTSTRICT 970.476.74E0 (t€l) 97Q.a76.4089 (fax) Contacf Fr€d Has{ee fhaslee@e$lsd.oE COIICA'STCABLE 970.468,2669 ext. 1100 (t€l) 970.46E.2672(bx) Conbd: Brdd Dorcas br6dev-dorcas@(aueraEca$.an k7-06 'yfrvc'{r-rres r^4t .Yw) c $;es"; "l i* '+-o vgwr-n' crc | (,. I J- eJlS A',4 e.rt, o l.4etoad)^^elA I Alteq"+'t€.n\ s i5a g4*" NO:IESr f. ff tne utitlty approval & verifirauon form has signatures frOm each of the utility companies, and no comments are mad$ directly on the furm, the Town will presume that there are no proHems and tfte developmenl can pro<eed. Z. if a ud11ry company has concern5 witr the proposed construCtionr the utility represendive Shall note directly on the rutility verifrcation furm ftat there as a prodem whioh needs to be resolved, The issue should then b€ detailed in an afiached letier to the Town of Vall. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utillty company and the appliont o resolve ider,rtfied problems. 3. These veriFtcafons do not relieve the confacbr of $e resporl.sibllity b obhin a Public Way Pennlt from the @arffrent of Public Works at the To$'n Of Vail. Uuliiv locations must !$.obtaln€d b€for€ diooinq in any public righttf.way or eNement wilfiin the Town of Vail, A buildine-permit is not a Public Wav . The Developer b requked and agreer to submit any revised drawings to fie utilifes for re'apprOwl & re-verification tf the submittetl Dlarg'ac;ftered in any way after the authorized signature date (unless otherwise speclfically noted wihin the comment #ilP6- buil,TAe buildings Tfu--',{ tt -1_ta Oncrach om &Se*'4,a1 '$a.f',t eem I o'fs z+ A. u7 e- ,AJ e a^ av.efhea e\ \DRE\drb-jev,/-constructron-l 1-23-2005.d 0c Page 9 of 14 fllaP0o5 ^ll 9 2(Jt,b 1:;bfiVl HU:Y (jfiU55 tNIIUY o ,.'3ff1,'9J,';lYl" S3Y\OH NAf\OI -IIVA ISV] |!U. 41i t. l sla E F a E9 eiflie AI Y: .lI >l >l rlq ztl =ti f,/ }," ,i ---.-.(t-. w*"',/ / ,l'" /' ,/t ,14 JAN. 9.2CC6 4:illtl f0tY cqcSs !\E[0Y N0.473 rll . Eil'' ,,,*rF ,/ t /,t \l \' ,h Irl r ,/l 4f 'r... ,(/, /Wt) //',,1t't V' /' ' t', ,t",i-'v \ ,'4' ,,ll,iiiiidrli, lliiliii;rliill iliirii!;iliii! lll!lllr:,! "":,#j'r,h lfiimru a*"' / '{ . i"l^\.r \l "4r.)'..fto \l ll lti ti: 5\ ,/l P I t" li fi l!r ri E sll,i giii$ iI| !q {P le o 14 F.i h, h/ '-l'L5 ! \ €-$t Q/ \ *ir s a, t L R o E. FH qr* H siF S=i sNE E.F tK.i {.i e H3 -l:t {E c iii . ii r 1i ,' "*^ / i/l ll i, t. :l /1 1820 Folsom Strect Bouldcr, Colorado 80302 phone 303.449,8900 fax 303.449.3886 ABCUTECTURE f)ocumentl 0z q e River'Water & Sanitation District roval and Verification 0rtYtl 80ut0tl SUXTITCO|ITTY J an-ut "lu ub tb:J3 from-EKYi)u The DeveloPer is T-361 P 002/gg2 F-089 Dale for approval and verification' QWEST sto.513.7189 (tel) 970,384.0257(rax) s7o.687.0722. (cell) Contacts: Steve Waters swatErg9ll4$lSgn EXCEL HIGTI PRESSURE GAS 970.252..1075 (tel) 970.468,1401 (fax) contact: Righ Sisneros HOLY CRO5S ELECTRIC 970.947'5425 (tel) 970.945.4081 (fax) Conract Jeff vroom ivroom@-bolg;!Q55,l8!o EXCEL €NERGY 970.262.4038 (fax) Conhcts: Kit Bogaft 970.252.402'l Katherine Bogert EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATIOIII DISTRICT 970,476.7480 (tel) 970.475,4089 (fax) ConEct: tr€d Haslee $eScggcrrffi" COIiICAST CABLE 970.468.2669 ext. 1100 (tel) s70.468.7572 (tax) conbct: Brad DorCAs Al-ddelv dgllaE@cade,trameisr.cam 9704764089 F_u4 Ur*loWrv#M o : {w 3 wE e I KIE Kti ' 'itfiurY APPR.VAL & vERrFrcArIoN p#ERK"r, verify rhat rhe proposed improvemenE wit Tt rmpad any exi+jng or proposed utility s€rvices, and also to verify seruice avaitabitiry ano ,".-i'il"ilffii[;;*;lll.Hi:rrl-0"-rol rn conlunCion wrtr preparins vour utilitY plan and sch€duling instaltauons. n srre pran, iniiuorng grEding plan, floor pfJI' u"ii["to"ti' shall be suomitEd to the following utilities Authori?ad SiqE!U!q CommsntB NOIESii 1. ff the utility approvat E( verrnsdtion form has signatures.from each of the utilw !9ryll:sr^id no commenE are made directly on the fortn, the Town will p"t"tlhut tit"'u are-no problems and the develoPment can proceeo' z. If a utility company has concerns with the proposed consuuction? the uulity representative Shall note direcuy on the utilrty verificarion form thar rnere ,, u oroui.r *niif', .ta! g 0.931"-"1' 'ini is*i iht"it then be deEiled in an atEded letGr to the Town of vail, Hoi,ryever, ptease Keep in mind that it ts the responsibliitv ii ini rt 'ty *mpany and $e applicant !o resolve identified Droblerns. n il,"t*l''l'/, and agrees to sub.rn anv revised dralvtngs to the utilities Jor r*,-tlflou"l & re'verificauon if lhe I in anv wav after tne autnon,"o ,igiatuii o"tt (unless otherwlse specificatly noted within the commenr 3.rheseverrncationsdonorrerievetn..pltqto:-ol!15f:ibJpj.'j1i:i:tl:*Xtf.'iiliti?*hn:ffiSJ;llii"t Works at tl1e Town of Vail'ininy pu'Otic tigtrt'of-way or eassrent wlthin the Town of vail. F:\cdev\FoRM5\Permib\Plsnning\DRB\d 6-ne$/-construction-11-23 -2005 'd0c Pago I of 14 rv23lzoo5 0z ARcoTECTURF q 1820 Folsom Strcct Bouldcr. Colorado 80302 phonc 303.449.8900 fa, 303.149.3886 0ttvtt l0ltt 0tl 3 U I I II I O U II Y rffio . L'-\rI71 -UTILITY APPROVAI & VERTFTCATION NwWriil/ I n|5- iorm serves to verify that the proposed lmprovgfi1gng Mfl ..1 verin/ service avair.orriry unJtiirron,io, n*;.;iili;;ilt;;iJilT"",il[fi$ll.T,rfiffifirrllffi?ll,?;iffi.Ji.".,:,'0 i"T#ll9r":TJ ?::11,ff1* ptan' rncruains e'i;l;il-d;, ffi;.n, ana ererationilii:irr'o.liil[i,n o ro the ro,'wrns u',ries J NU. blU P.t/C Commsnis egte Authortzed slqnnturq QwEsT 970.511,7189 (tet) s7o.:e+.oxz(iaxj 970.687,0722 (celt) Corltacg: Steve Wafers swptersrOowest.com EXCEL TIICH PRESSURE GAS 970.262,4076 (tet) 970.458,1401 (fax) Contact; Rich Sisneros HOLY CROSS ETECTRIC 970.947.5425 (tel) 970.945.4081 (rax) contscti .leff vroom {vroom.tOlrO lwroFs.Com E(CEL ENERGY 970.262,4038 (fax) Conbcts: Kit Bogart 970.252,4024 Katherine Bogert EAGLF RTVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT 970,475.71€! (tel) 970.475.4089 (fax) conract: Fred Haslee ftaslee(aerwsd.og GOMcest olarr 970,458.2669 ext 1100 (tel) ilHHTAg.Jl_. *%__br4delv dorcasdcable.comcast,c, NOTES: 1. Jf the utility approval & veriflcation i3qn nas $ignatures from each oF the utillty companles, and n on the form/ the Town will presume rhat rh.re .i. nii ir.|riin, ,l"d m" ouuulop*ent can proceed, o comments are made dtrect{y 2. If a uUllty comDa4y has concerns wlth the p.ooosed constructort, the ufllify represenbtive shatl note directly on the utillty verlflcation form tlrat there ls a orootem wrriitr rJeiiiir.ii.'""ilJa , rne issue irrou'li rrrl-;,.', i. i'.rir,.o in an aftrched tetter to thi Town oflall' However' Pleas€ ieeo rn rnind thtf [ ; i-d;.'.r;;riifli,y or,n. utifity company and'iie aopricant ro resorve iden fied 3, These verifications do not reliev wn?kF.arrhaT^rh^.,,-u.,.,-__,i_tle-contractoroithe.esponslbllitVtoobtaina Works a! the Town of Vall. the Town of Vail. l-lo:!6 Puolic way,Perml! frorn tne Depaffinent of public ln,any DuDllc r19h!.of-way or easement wthin The Developer is reqpired End aqr submised prans,aatrefed t^ .*ffiL,1::fl:Tli::9:d jl*jlg: P!9 utilities for rc-approvar & re.verificaton ir the ;iilffidiffirtered In anv wav arter lhe aurhorrzed "sili;i; dail i;l;!ii;;il=;1i5#fiffi,f;'#l.fl'i,?1.'t#..0*.o.n, lu re #4-!a- eris*in5 Fr\cdev\F0R!1S\Psnnt[e\plann hg\DRB\orb_new._conslructlon_11_23.Z00S,doc Page 9 of 14 ( PRELIMINARY DRAINAGE REPORT x'oR EAST VAIL TOWN IIOMES STREAMSIDE CIRCLE W. VAIL, COLORADO . Preparcd X'or: Streamside Circle Partnership 3033 E. First Ave Suite 315 Denver, CO 80206 Prcpared By: Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. 1000 Lion's Ridge Loop Vail, Colorado 81657 March 2006 r t.PTJRPOSE OF THE STUDY The purpose of this report is to examine the pre-development hydrology of the site and prepare a post development plan to safely convey the design-storm. This drainage study analyzes how the proposed hydraulic structures' design alters the existing on-site drainage pattems and demonstrates that the proposed design will adequately convey the design flow for the proposed improvements. GENERAL LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION LOCATION The E,ast Vail Town Homes site is located on Streamside Circle West, south of Interstate 70 and Bighom Road, and north of Gore Creek in Vail, CO (See Exhibit A). DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT AND SITE The project entails replacing three existing residences with new construction of duplexes on Lots 6,7 and 8. An existing 36" corrugated metal pipe (CMP) crosses Bighorn road into the property, adjacent to an existing utility and drainage easement. Existing discharge from the 36" CMP flows over the ground on Lot 8 to an existing 18" CMP that passes under Streamside Circle into Gore Creek. The proposed duplexes on Lots 7 and 8 will share a driveway, and the garage for unit 8A is proposed just downstream ofthe existing 36" CMP (See Exhibit B), in the historic flow path. To minimize the possible flood damage to the structure, a storm sewer system is proposed from the outlet of the existing 36" CMP extending (including the replacement and up-sizing olthe existing 18" CMP) to Gore Creek. HYDROLOGIC ANALYSIS - PEAK FLOW DETERMINATION DEVELOPMENT OF BASIC DATA AND CONSTRAINTS The SCS method was used to calculate peak flows for the off-site drainage basin north of the interstate which drains to the 36" CMP, approximately 483 acres (See Exhibit C). The on-site basin will have a positive drainage pattern. Peak flows, including snowmelt, were approximated for the 50 and 100-year events (See Appendix A). Q56= | 02 cfs Q166=132 cfs A. B. III. March 13, 2006 East Vail Tovw Homes ry.DRAINAGE FACILITY DESIGN GENERAL CONCEPT I . Historical condition: overtopping at Streamside Circle may occur during large rainfall events because the existing 18" capacity is approximately I 1.3 cfs (See Appendix B). The existing 36" inlet is in a sump and may pond during large events. The open channel capacity without headwater is approximately 34.8 cfs (See Appendix B). As the inlet sump fills and pressurizes the culvert, the capacity approaches 100 cfs (See Appendix B). Overflow at the inlet of the 36" CMP flows to the low point at the intersection of Streamside Circle and Bighorn Road and then to Gore Creek. The 18" CMP under Streamside Circle will be upgraded to a 36" regardless of the overtopping issue due to the invert geometry (See Exhibit D) as it is considered poor design practice to constrict a pipe and risk ofclogging due to debris being trapped at the constriction. 2. Preliminary hydraulic calculations show; Qr=l I I cfs Surcharge may occur at inlets and manholes in the 100-year event, and this condition will be further analyzed in the final report. HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS AND DATA The engineering software utilized for estimates of head losses and associated hydraulic grade lines will be StormCAD v5.5. The software calculates losses both directions (downstream to upstream and upstream to downstream) and accounts for backwater effects. Existing hydraulics (surcharge estimates) - Appendix B Proposed hydraulics - in Final Report WATER OUALITY DESIGN AND IMPROVEMENTS No specific water quality treatment is proposed. Inlets with sumps upstream should collect sediment. A. B. C. March 13, 2006 East Vail Town Homes V. D. CONSTRUCTION STORMWATER OUALITY CRITERIA During the construction process silt fences, straw bales, and check dams will be used to minimize sediment transport throughout the site. Silt Fence shall be used to filter sediment fiom small disturbed areas in sheet flow. Gravel check dams and straw bales will be installed to dissipate velocities. Sediment buildup will be periodically removed from behind straw bales and stone check dams during construction. Flow from dewatering operalions may be tested to ensure cleanliness before being discharged. A Stormwater Management/Best Management Practices Plan will be implemented during the construction process. CONCLUSIONS The proposed design will convey the design flow (50 year event) and not impact adjacent properties. Proposed structures will be designed for positive drainage for circumstances in which surcharging will produce some over-ground flow in the biggest runoffevents. This condition will only exist in 100-year or larger runoff everus. hepared By: Grant L. Anderson. PE Peak Civil Engineering, Inc March 13,2006 East Vail Town Homes oovuotoc IvA 31CUt3 30tS !'tVlUrS sSmoH NMOI_'ilV rSV3 t /s .F/ oy\. )b / **'A T-/n?^\ I =6 I /i9 .d)4. n T-F-ri c.Joco j Z. f'l',n :"V^ LIJ Fr=QT trJ(,r)O az@ =.,l_ \-./ z. E lttrr9 \td $tWZ EOOZ/et /8 '6ap gJIS-eOtI \6{p\eot I \66r l -0grl \:C r@5 :{d est€ru sozlEI /a '6rp3.lrg{orr \6{p.€ot t \€8tt {otI \:d ttJ A rilr f"illoudltvrd r{uols oo\niolm IvA 3l3ut3 30tS ril\€uts S3NOHNMOT_-IVA rSV3 a tr tis lll!i ho gx 6ut ''r/.2' ' ,.. .; i.i --tttttr';1iP.' , Y rl ) 'l \ /.1! -)"-::-- ,*- I '' ,,,| l \lr ,,:: tl l: ,i I' ili'ul; rl r i li.i I tt l lLr-J *-Yi "..<r-rrrrN,, ti: \ :<i i;1il ,) :h'- r 1'" *' rls L 'l'^"-\z^' ll r- -/ -' I)}-rik ,._$ Yfi\ l-:9"np-",-* Iil ifi ---tr Il1 ul |Lr 9 ||ld 80!818 sozlEt/8'6,rp Js€otl\6^p\9otl\66tttotl\:d o o APPENDIX A HYDROLOGY 1406-offsite & YEAR VAIL Type ll 24-hr Rainfall=2.20" Prepared by {enter your company name here} Page 1 Hy-droCAD@ 6.00 s/n 002040 O 19E6-2001 Applied Microcomputer Svstems 3/13/2006 Time span=5.00€0.00 hrs, dt=0.05 hrs, 110'l points Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Type ll 24-hr Rainfall=2.20" Reach routing by Stor-lnd+Trans method - Pond routing by Stor-lnd method Subeatchment lS: o,ffsite florw TcrtM.4 min CN=70 Area=483.000 ac RunoF 66.79 cfs 12.895 af Runoff Area = '183.000 ac Volumo = 12.895 af Average D€pth = 0.3?' 1406-offsite 50 YEAR VAIL Type ll 24-hr Rainfall=2.20" Prepared by {enter your company name here} Page2 HydroCAD@ 6.00 s/n 002040 O 1986-2001 Applied Microcomputer Systems 3/1 3/2006 Subcatchment 1S: offsite flows Runoff = 66.79 cfs@ 12.54 hrq Volume= 12.895 af Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 5.00€0.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs f y pe ll 24-ht Rainfall=2.20" Area (ac) CN Description 483.000 70 Tc Length Slope Velocity Capaclty Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (fUsec) (cfs) 13.3 300 0.2700 0.4 Sheet Flow' sheet Range n=0.130 P2=1.00"9.6 1,500 0.2700 2.6 Shallow Concentrated Flow shallow Woodland Kv= 5.0 fps 7.6 '1,500 0.4300 3.3 Shallow Concentrated Flow, shallow Woodland Kv= 5.0 fos 9.3 1,500 0.2900 2.7 Shallow Concentrated FloU shallow Woodland Kv= S.0 fps 1.2 2,000 0.3700 28.9 540.36 Channel Floq channel Area= 18.7 sf Perim= 15.8' r= 1.18' n= 0.035 0.8 1,500 0.4400 31.5 589.26 Channel Flow, channel Area= 18.7 sf Perim= 15.8' r= 1.18' n= 0.035 2.6 2,700 0.1300 17.1 320,30 Channel Flow, roadside ditch Area= 18.7 sf Perim= 15.8' r= 1.18' n= 0.035 44.4 11,000 Total 1406-oflsite 50 YEAR VAIL Type ll 2tl-hr Rainfall=2.20" Prepared by {enter your company name here} Page 3 HydroCADO 6.00 s/n 002&0 @'1986-2001 Applied Microcomputer Systems 3/13/2006 Subcatchment 1S: ofisite flowe 8 10 12 14 18 18 20 22 24 ?6 28 30 32 34 3E 3840424,4. 4648 50 52 54 56 58 60 Tlme (houF) Hydrograph Plot 1406-offisite 100 YEAR VAIL Type ll 24-hr Rainfall=2.40" Prepared by {enter your company name here} Page 1 HydroCADD 6.00 s/n 002040 @ 1986-2001 Applied Microcomputer Systems 3/1 3/2006 Time span=5.00€0.00 hrs, dt=0.05 hrs, 1101 points Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Type ll 24-hr Rainfall=2.40" Reach routing by Stor-lnd+Trans method - Pond routing by Stor-lnd method Subcatchment 1S: oflBite flov'6 fc=44.4 min CN=70 Area=483.000 ac RunofF 93.19 cfs 16.438 af Runoff Area = t183.000 ac Volume = 16.438 af Average Depth = 0.41" 1406-offsite Prepared by {enter your company name here} 100 YEAR VAIL Type ll 24-hr Rainfall=2.40" Page 2 HvdrocAD@ 6.00 s/n 002040 o 1986-2001 Applied Microcomputer systems 3/13/2006 Subcatchment 1S: off,site flows Runoff = 93.19 cts@ 12.52 hr$ Volume= 16.438af Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 5.00€0.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Type ll 24-hr Rainhll=2.40" Area (ac) CN Description 483.000 70 Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description mtn 13.3 9.6 0.2700 0.2700 0.4300 0.2900 0.3700 0.4400 0.1300 300 1,500 7,6 't,500 9.3 1,500 1.2 2,000 0.8 1,500 2.6 2,700 fUsec cfs 0.4 2.6 e2 2,7 28.9 31.5 17.1 Sheet Flow, sheet Range n=0.130 P2=1.00" Shallow Goncentrated Flow, shallow Woodland Kv= 5.0 fps Shallow Concentrated Flow, shallow Woodland Kv= 5.0 fps Shallow Concentrated Flow, shallow Woodland Kv= 5.0 fps 540.36 Channel Flow channel Area= 18.7 sf Perim= 15.E' r= 1.18' n= 0.035 589.26 Channel Flow, channel Area= 18.7 sf Perim= 15.8' r= 1.18' n= 0.035 320.30 Channel Flow, roadside ditch Area= 18.7 sf Perim= 15.8' r= 1.18' n= 0.035 44.4 1'1,000 Total I'O6offsite 100 YEAR VAIL Type ll 2*hr Rainfall=2.40" Prepared by {enter your company name here} Page 3 HydroCAD@ 6.00 s/n 002040 @ 198&2001 Applied Microcomputer Systems 3/1312006 Subcatchment {S: offeite flows Hydrograph Plot 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 m 28 30 32 34 36 38 ,O 42 4,44648 50 52 54 56 58 60 Tlmo (houn) oo lL t!oo c) tt .. u? oq J F F og nl (o (t,(o o, @u)lL t! =oo Luco* =\q 393 z u> O (') @ rlt oo s{@a).. tl- lL U)()C)6NB F:O 6o o F J U nY =dy\6B= o o APPENDIX B HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS Existing 36" CMP Worksheet for Circular Channel Project Description Project File Worksheet Flow Element Method Solve For D11 400- I 499\1 406\fl owmasteil 406.frn2 exlsting 36" CMP Circular Channel Manning's Formula Full Flow Capaciv Input Data Mannings Coeffident Channel Slope Diameter 0.024 0.008100fufi 36.00 in Results Depth Discharge Flow Area Watted Perimeter Top Width Critical Depth P€rc€nt Full Critical Slope Velocity Velocity Head Specific Energy Froude Number Maximum Discharge Full Flol , Capacity Full Flow Slopa 3.00 ft 32,51 c.fs 7.07 fr 9.42 ft 0.00 ft 1.85 ft 't00.00 0.016501 ft/ft 4.60 fUs 0.33 ft FULL ft FULL 34.S8 cfs 32.51 cfs 0.008100fuft 03/13/06 Gl:29:18 PM Flow l.at6. v6.16 P.ga I ot I Hr$t8d M€lhod!, lnc. 37 B.oolrHr Rord W.t rbury, CT06708 (2oil,75e1668 Existing 18" CMP Worksheet for Circular Channel Jroject Description Project Fi16 Worksheet Flow Element Method p;\1 400-l 499\1 406\fi owmaster\1 406.fm2 existing 36" CMP Circular Channel Manning's Formula Solve Egr Full Flow Capacity Input Data Mannings Coefficiont 0.024 Channel Slope Diemeter 0.034000fufr 18.00 in Results Depth Discharge Flow Area Wetted Perimeler Top Wdth Critical Depth Percent Full Critical Slope Velocity Velocity Head Specific Energy Froude Number Maximum Discharge Full Flow Capacity Full Flow Slop€ 1.50 ff 10.49 cfs 1.77 ft' 4.71 ft 0.00 ft 1.25 ft 100.00 0.033261 fUft 5.94 ft/s 0.55 ft FULL ft FULL 11 .29 cfs 10.49 cfs 0.034000fuft 03/r 3/os 03:29148 PM FlowMlat r v5.'15 P.Oo I ot 1 Htlr||d Mcthods, Inc- 37 Brook8ldc Rord Wrtcrbury, CT 06708 (203) 755-leOB PROPOSED 36" RCP Worksheet for Circular Channel Pmjoct Description ProJect File Worksheet pl1 400-1 499\1 406\fl owmaster\1 408.ftn2 exisling 36' CMP Flow Element Circular Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Full Floriv Caoacitv Input Data ManningsCoefflcient 0.013 Channel Slope 0.024000fufi Diamet6r m.00 ln Results Depth Discharge Flow Area Wetted Perimot€r Top Width Critical Depth Percenl Full Critical Slope Velocity Velocity Head 0.021110fyft 14.62 fug 3.32 tl 3.00 't03.32 7.O7 9.42 0.00 2.91 100.00 h cfs ft2 fr ff 03/r 3t08 O3:3O:31 PM Specific Energy FULL ft Froud€ Numbar FULL Maximum Discharge 1 11.15 cfs Full Flow Capacity '103.32 cfs Full Flow Slope 0.024000 fUft FlowMartlr v5-13 Pagc I of I H.rlLd Mcthodr, Inc. 37 BrooksH. Rord W.terbury, CT 00708 (2O3) 755-166E CULVERTS .il'f r i,? ,l.r{i j,"{" DRA|NAGE CR|TER|A MANUAL {V 2),' t --. {t ,' { Y ! e: t i.; i .' ,v'J $lt r'1,#r fl fl ,r "t {t {. {4. :., * *"".'".-*'lp lo,ooo e,o0o 5,OOO 6,OOO {too0 3,OOO 2,OaO t.ooo 800 600 toQ aoo too aoo , too y' r .' ;'{''r,\7 ,a. - 1- llar -t- 50 !o {o !o to ' l8o *f r58 |166 |r{{ j rl ,- I 'eo d 'os i t.i g ".i I I l?. I I I 60 --l- 3a Fror|t BpR exAllPL.E !:lalr.r.r l!.O t..lf trrS!t. Hr' 0 lrl l.l tt l.r m a,a 't ir trrt E'{IRA CE lYPE Ilr trrll Slhra l. lar,..r lral.clirl z {3}5. r6" I Lr rt. a. 5. 4, t. z-2- t.! t.;t,$ l"o t.o t.o .t .Y ,a .8 -a .7 .l .E .6 ,c .1 e. flr {t..O t.{ Lt a.a ./,./ .'. -t$/.+E'7 .N ta tt to 2' za 2l si* se Lg lll aa $l f. r|r qr.l. (t| rr all t'tl.lt i.rrt.rlrllt t. *d. ltt, itr|r r.. rrt.},tl trtlht ilft l|]tr||il D atl 0 taatar, at rtttrrr tl d:r\rri{' ryY ! t,5 *r i* pl{;** ; !:1. t.'' r"l t rr' FIGURE CU.26 Headwater Depth for Com.rgated Metal pipe Culverts With lnlet Control ,l wl cu-tl 06/2001 Utban Drainsg. end Flood Controt Dlstrtd UI tl,5 o =3 A ;G J 3 ct 0 I I I t I t I I I T I I I T I I I I t I I VAIL FINAL DESIGN REVIEW BOARD THEWOODS AT STREAMSIDE CIRCLE 0l/r5/06 OI ARCHITECTURE @ I00! q I I I I t I t I t t t t I I I t I I t I I o o o I '*J.t"r" ," ,M,-ffil \/#f $<\'X F"'"-*'---^**"'l 8{ - tu/r,{l1Ea suNils€G / - i(/RLLor6 \ -.._-..--)..\\ i ---l \\r1l4g-- s-'';{X\,/'\,",i *')\I\6fl !' ,}tXX '.-r6 I I I I I fr rt-l 'r- SITE SURVEY SITEANALYSIS ILTI,'ICSY U]]D TIILE SARYEY LO?S 6, 7, AND 8 DIAAoRN StnDmSroN toAnn ADtrIaN **----a *-"-- 03/r 5/0610t ARcHtTEcTURE SITE SURVEY& SITEANALYSIS q VIEl,vS FROM SITE LOOKING SOUTH VIEWS FROM BIGHORN ROAD LOOKING SOUTH THROUGH THE SITE 03/t5/06 ARC1|ITECTURE SITEVIEWS q VIEWS FROM SITE LOOKING SOUTHWEST VIEWS FROM GLEN FALLS LANE LOOKING NORTHWEST VIE\/VS FROM STREAMSIDE CIRCLE LOOKING NORTHEAST 0l/t5/06 ARCllITECIURE SITEVIEWS GLEN FALLS LANE q I I I I I I t I I t I I I I I I I I t I I \.:R\ . ,:a :^ ,\ GUEST DRIYEWAY LANDSCAPE EDGE LANDSCAPE SCREEN _ i:.loulDEf,s FouNDouRl CONSTRUCTION SHAIL BE oEcoi^nvrtY THouGHouT TH€ LANDsCAP€ 0 ENTRY SITE WALL SITE COVERAGE: AVERAGE BUILDING: FOOTPRINT HARDSCAPE: MAX COVERAGE: 3,s70 sQ FT s,22s sQ FT 20% BUILDING IO% HARDSCAPE 60% |-ANDSCAPE(20% STONE MAX.BLDG FTPRNT: MAX HARDSGAPE: PAVTNG) 3,s98 SQ FT s,326 SQ FT FRIVATE FATIO LANDSCAPE SCREEN AUTO COURT @ t00t SITE PLAN q 03/| 5/06101 Alcfl tIEcTURE I I I t t I I I I I t I I t I I I T I I I , ".,:. raJ :..i1, : r '? ^: i LOOKING NORTHWEST FROM STREAMSIDE CIRCLE '*i r-,'+l 03/ t5/06 ARCHITECTURE LOT A SITE PERSPECTIVE q I t I I t I I I I I t I I I t I I I t I t 4337 BACK LIGHT ADDRESS NUMBERS -) LANDSCAPE VIGNETTE AT'.A UNIT' FRONT PATIO SITE LIGHTING L I TALLER IJNO WALL SCONCE STAINLESS STEEL, WALNUT & ACRYLIC L2 WALLMOUNTEDUP/DOWN STAINLESS STEEL AND TEAK L3 STAINLESS STEEL STREET NUMBERS ON STANDOFFS. BACKLICHT WITH LOW VOUTACE WARM LICHT. MOI"]NT AT 4'ABOVE GRADE COLD ROLLED STEELTOP SHEET GLOWING TRANSLUCENT CONSTRUCTION STONE PILLAR TO MATCH HOUSE STONE 2'O" X 4'6" BOULDERS FOUND ON SITE. RANDOM STACK 2'€" H|GH X tO'O'LONG it S 3 '-\- PATIO WALL./WALL SCONCE o t00t SITE LIGHTING AND SITEWALLS SITE WALLS AT DRIVEWAY ENTRY O3/I 5/O6IOI ARCHIIECTURE q o o WINDOW ELEVATION./FENESTRATION MATERIAL JUXTAPOgITION q o3 / | 5 t o e 13,10, A tcH I TE CTU tE I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I LEGE}ID , . EXlSt tfc JTnUCTURE (tf)IREE tO tE i€trovED tt€E Pn€TECTrOft fE tc,|,c to ,t PtlcEo Af DR'P ED€,E OT g'S''NG 'REES x I I I I I \ f--- I {._rt t u urs of CONsTRuCTroff (t'?) A I l,< (tl lrjl | , ,l ll I rl | ,x. )l-'S-''\6/ ='.5 -:-\N/Y ,,,' --- - Lttttts oF COXSTnUC'ION (ttp) ri ,{ t{D orc ,r{ rHrs tRE \\\.. \'.. \ta \.. \i ta \ \\,&a -.rJ a 'l I I I ll J ----"i .- --1 ----r_ / -- ---- orrvfw^r ,'/ --*/ ---- r c,rrSTlNG CONDITION9 \. I r PRoPoSEDTREEPRo@. I I sc LE r'=204" -F \-L 0t / | 5 /0 6 10,10, A RCH TTECTU R€ --'4-' -r<*ai!#d:?r " ,Pd-i SITE PERSPECTIVE LOOKING NORTHWEST ARCl|ITECIURE OVERALL SITE PERSPECTIVE q LOOKING NORTHWEST FROM STREAMSIDE CIRCLE 03/ r5/06 ARCHIIECTURE LOT 7 SITE PERSPECTIVE q T I t I t I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF 2 ASPHAUT SHINGLE ROOF 3 CEDAR SIDING.WALNUT 4 CEDAR SIDING-LIGHT NATURAL 5 RUSTED METAL PANELS / COLD ROLLED STEEL 6 CEMENT BOARD PANELS 7 STAINED DOTJGLAS FIR FASCIA 8 LIGHT CEDAR / CEMENT BOARD SOFFIT 9 METAI CLAD WINDOWS IO METAL RAILINC W HARDWOOD CAP II NATURAL STONE I2 KALWALL SYSTEM i TRANSLUCENT PANELS AT SIDES 13 DIRECT SET WOOD WINDOWS 14 CEDAR SIDING-MED BROWN 15 COPPER PANELS I6 WINDOW SYSTEM w/ WOOD TRIM WEST ELEVATION PARTIAL NORTH ELEVATION - A SIDE SOUTH ELEVATION @ ?00! (HIIECTURE PARTIAL NORTH ELEVATION - B SIDE LOT6 ELEVATIONS EAST ELEVATION I I 03/t5/06t02 AR q o o I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF 2 ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF 3 CEDAR SIDING-WALNUT 4 CEDAR SIDING-LIGHT NATI]RAL 5 RUSTED METAL PANELS / COLD ROLLED STEEL 6 CEMENT BOARD PANELS 7 STAINED DOUGLAS FIR FASCIA 8 LIGHT CEDAR / CEMENT BOARD SOFFIT 9 METAL CLAD WINDOWS IO METAI RAILING W HARDWOOD CAP II NATIJRAL STONE 12 KALWALL SYSTEM / TRANSLUCENT PANELS Atr 13 DIRECT SET WOOD WINDOWS 14 CEDAR SIDING.MED BROWN 15 COPPER PANELS 16 WINDOW SYSTEM W WOOD TRIM SOUTH ELEVATION WESTELEVATION PARTIAL NORTH ELEVATION. B SIDE PARTIAL NORTH ELEVATION - A SIDE EAST ELEVATION q I I I I I z J 5 6 STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF CEDAR SIDING-WALNUT CEDAR SIDING-LIGHT NATI-IRAL RUSTED METAL PANELS / COLD ROLLED STEEL CEMENT BOARD PANELS t I I I I I I I t t T I I I I I I 7 STAINED DOUGLAS FIR FASCIA 8 LICHT CEDAR / CEMENT BOARD SOFFIT 9 METAL CLAD WINDOWS IO METAL RAILING w/ HARDWOOD CAP II NATURAL STONE 12 KALWALL SYSTEM / TRANSLUCENT PANELSAT SIDES 13 DIRECT SET WOOD WINDOWS 14 CEDAR SIDING-MED BROWN 15 COPPER PANELS 16 WINDOW SYSTEM W WOOD TRIM vl/ESTELEVATION PARTIAL NORTH ELEVAT]ON. B SIDE PARTIAL NORTH ELEVATION 'A SIDE SOUTH ELEVATION @ l00t C}|ITTCIUIE LOTS ELEVATIONS EAST ELEVATION I t 0l/15/0610r AR q o P r\ 4\ROOF PI.AN /T\ l'''tsl-?. noE-nt r,*,":--l I I r!'r I I oo TIUPPER LEVEL PI.AN /T\%H7 KA\ tr)&.1 <//'r /m -I //* \///,/\,, _ _/_v/\Z-\.V \ tr- \ Lo{x .,r,, sPrcr \.\ \ ror tfl xloc ]rD '..) \.\ " " ,/,>a ..",,,,.2Y, // t'l,an I // \1s' I t/ . I / rtant*^ 4\LOWER LEVEL PI.AN /T\%w t LOT6 FLOORPLAN ..-\FIRST FLOOR PLAN /T\%w q TI I 0l/ | 5/0610I ARcHTTECTURt I a 2oot t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I /;\ ROOF PI.AN /T\%w \\.,, -. tlJ ,/" \,, ^\\ G)---l-- 6 /9.t6 0{ cllrtE \// Er8 0|r ceAD€ \ r* * r"*/ Yl= ^*y / llrsaon I / lxrl*' I It Enr I I I \\ .4/'v' 3- \ lomtE \ NOI YEI Z.\ - --.\../ ,z ffiffiffi\ \. ,/'X' ,/- /A UPPER LEVEL PI.AN /T\f*,"'"-'- t-l-.1-lffi 4\LOWER LEVEL PI.AN /T\%w (rl /, //t )'; "a {-/ }.<n/" '.../ If \</\\\ q, /?\ FIRST FLOOR PI.AN /T\%w q o 3 / | 5 t o e l3i,, A R c H tT r c T u R E LOT?FLOORPLAN T an '/,/' /\,X .AROOF PI.AN /T\ d-]:f',! n*-o /;\ LOWER LEVEL PLAN /T\%w ..\FIRST FLOOR PLAN /T\%w $8 0$ cn 0t \// tr\ "*n Jr ,/ ,{\\,Jr!/-,/ c..\7 )<- / --,,w- \,oro,rro**,/ '-:= -*Y / lli6oFr I / 1trlr'' I Y lrrrn*r I -I ll I O3/I 5/O6IOI ARCHITECTURE lo rool q I LoTaFLooRPLAN I I T I t t I I I I I T T t I STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF 2 ASPHATT SHINGLE ROOF 3 CEDAR SIDING-WALNUT 4 CEDAR SIDING-LIGHT NATURAL 5 RUSTED METAL PANELS / COLD ROLLED STEEL 6 CEMENT BOARD PANELS 7 STAINED DOUGLAS FIR FASCIA 8 LIGHT CEDAR / CEMENT BOARD SOFFIT 9 METAL CLAD WTNDOWS IO METAL RAILING WHARDWOOD CAP II NATURALSTONE 12 KALWALL SYSTEM / TRANSLUCENT PANELS AT SIDES 13 DIRECT SETWOOD WINDOWS 14 CEDAR SIDING-MED BROWN 15 COPPER PANELS 16 WTNDOW SYSTEM w/ WOOD TRIM I I T I I I I t OT AR @ 100t 03/ t5/06 C}|ITECTURE OVERALL SOUTH ELEVATION ./ MATERIAL BOARD q 6rqn*, zudir*+t | '+s 0,7,6 Design Review Board ACTIOI{ FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Project Name: STREAMSIDE CR NEW DUPLEX Project Description: CONCEPTUAL REVIEW FOR A NEW DUPLEX AND S|TE IMPROVEMENTS Participants: OWNER SANCTUARYINTERNATIONALINC PO BOX 1931 VAIL co 816s8 APPUCANT STREAMSIDE CR PARTNERSHIP, LITI2g I2OO5 Project Address= 4327 STREAMSIDE CR WEST VAIL Location: 4327 STREAMSIDE CR - WL1 Sften-rdc G. Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: l-ot f Block: Subdivisionl BIGHORN 4TH ADDflON 16,(s 6,1rtt 2101-122-1300-3 DRB Number: DR8050523 BOARD/STAFF ACTIOI{ Action: CONCEPT Conditions: Cond: 200 A conceptual review is NOT a Design Review Board approval. Planner: Warren Campbell AQ/# 7,,n1 i,if6 | Gonceptual Review Application for Design Review Department of Oommunity Development 75 South Frontage Fload, Vajl, Oolorado 81657 lel: 970.479.2128 taxi 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Inlormation: All projects requiring design review musl receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please reter to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requFted. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Ommunity Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Oouncil and/or the Flanning and Etvironmental Oommission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request:(.^,r.t I.-l R"""..r 4 Pc-) Drp It t.tr t-prow.r.c-l'r- o^ .. ..,s1 rot za^..t {.rr F..-.1 \ E .' -'.y'-Li-[ Location of the Proposal: l-ot G $oac fu ? S.rbdivision: Physical Address:q 3ZV 5{ r..^ r il+ L.rt-Lc Parcel No.:-Zt.tl zZ l3eoq (Oontact Eagle Oo. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) a fl 6t o \ D 6\ N w +- Zon ing: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address:..r{,..r\ LL4 30 ja E. Ft.rl {v.S., Jti Owner(s) Signature(s) : Name of Applicant:rcall <> FL ttr- ls Fhgrnc: D.- il''r- ! q go ?o L V'j - azA -glal Mailing Address:Se< .L... E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: Phone:3t'a- j2? - e.IC| 3o3- 3?2 - l?zc (otr eus $1 .00 per square foot of total ggn area. For construc{ion of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversons). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements. such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, lences and retaining walls, etc. 2 $50 M Fee $650 $300 $250 $20 $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Flanning Saff or the Design Review Board. tlo Fee ? 9sry.----\? QTceqllglrgie&' New Oonsruction Addition Minor Alterat ion ( mult i-f amily/ commerci al) Minor Alterat ion ( si ngl +lamily/ duplex) Changes to Approved Hans Separat ion Requeg F;'Jgiii""'g'"---Check No.:- @'l -65 r'ueeting oate: IZ 1 DSO AL3 Hanner:ac-Project No.: -"\ rr{,, t, { t; From: To: Date: SubJect: Mike Vaughan Wanen Campbell 1113012005 4:43:13 PM Streamside duplexes.. Hey mano. Not enough information for us to make the call. lf they need it now, I would say yes, count on sprinkling them. When they provide a more accurate site plan, we can take a look. Mike. JR Rulapaugh; Mike McGee _) Status: I Approved Colurltu ury DEVELopMENT Roun ruo Fonur I Approved with conditions fl Denied Routed To:Georqe Chalberg, PW Date Routed:11/30/0s Routed By:Warren Campbell Date Due:12t07t05 Description of work:Three New Duplex Residence Address:4327 -4367 Streamside Circle Legal:Lot: 16,7,8 lBlock: I lSubdivision:Biqhorn Subdivison Addition 4 Gomments:Date Reviewed;1211105 lssues. Need additional review bv Fire Tie sidewalk into d so that it is not in ROW. Meet site distance for all drivewa meet Town standers. Show snow storaoe. will need to be looked at as plans qet further al Easment for road. Design Review Board Hearing Dec. 7, 2005, Staff Comments Regarding the Streamside Duplexes staff has the following comments from performing an initial review of the conceptual plans. Fire Department . The units may need to have fire sprinkler systems and monitored fire alarms. The information provided was not detailed enough to make a determination. Public Works Department e Site distances must be met for all driveways.. The sidewalk needs to be tied into the driveway so that it is not in the ROW.o All required parking shall meet town standards for dimensions and number.o Snow storage areas which meet town requirements will need to be shown on the site plans.o Drainage will need to be address as plans progress.. A plat will need to be recorded to establish the cross-access easements for the shared driveways.. The Driveway turn-around areas will need to meet town requirements. Planninq Deoartment o All development standards will be required to be met. lt appears that site coverage and landscape area on the conceptual site plan will comply.. Staff realizes that the footprints shown are conceptual. However, there is a concern that the conceptual footprints will lend themselves to a mirror image design which is not permitted under the Code. In addition, the three footprints are identical and staff has concerns that they may take on a "cookie-cutte/' appearance on the street. Care should be taken to differentiate the designs. December 13.2005 OZ Architecture Attn: Will Hentschel Eduardo lllanes Re: 4327-4367 Streamside Circle/Lot 6, 7, and 8, Bighorn Subdivision Addition 4 Mr. Hentschel and lllanes This letter is being sent to inform you of staffs and the Design Review Board's comments regarding the application submitted for the construction of three new duplexes at the above addresses. The comments are as followed: Fire Department e The units may need to have fire sprinkler systems and monitored fire alarms. The information provided was not detailed enough to make a determination. Public Works Department r Site distances must be met for all driveways.o The sidewalk needs to be tied into the driveway so that it is not in the ROW. The additional sidewalk makes it more difficult for Public Works to maintain the drainage ditches and will encourage parking on the public road.r All required parking shall meet town standards for dimensions and number.. Snow storage areas which meet town requirements will need to be shown on the site plans.. Drainage will need to be address as plans progress.. A plat will need to be recorded to establish the cross-access easements for the shared driveways.. The Driveway turn-around areas will need to meet town requirements.. An easement will be required to be granted to the Town for that portion of Streamside Circle which is located on Lot 6. Planninq Department r All development standards will be required to be met. lt appears that site coverage and landscape area on the conceptual site plan will comply.. Staff realizes that the footprints shown are conceptual. However, there is a concern that the conceptual footprints will lend themselves to a mirror image design which is not permitted under the Code. In addition, the three footprints are identical and staff has concerns that they may take on a "cookie-cutte/'appearance on the street. Care should be taken to differentiate the designs.. The Town of Vail determines where the front setback is by identifying where access to the site is being obtained. On the western most lot there are two curb-cut locations shown which results in two front setbacks on this lot. lt appears that there is a 20-foot setback shown along the southern portion of the site and a 15 foot setback along the western property line. Please adjust your site plan to show a 20 foot setback along all property lines where access is taken. Desiqn Review Board . Cautioned against using towers and turrets as they are becoming less distinctive in East Vail.. The Board was favorable of the chosen building materials.r Cautioned the architect against creating mirror imaged structures and against creating three identical structures.. Requested an arborists report to display which trees are healthy and those which are not. Also provide a plan for protecting and ensuring the survival of the trees to remain.. One member suggested that it looked like this would make an excellent cluster development. Encouraged taking the design to the level of true cluster development.. Suggested the sidewalks to the street did not make sense as no parking is permitted on the street nor where there existing sidewalks in the right-of-way.. Discussed the practicality of patios on the north sides of the structures in regard to the sun/shade in the area. Suggested a "linear" open space with undulations along the north side of the structures. Encouraged the incorporation of larger trees on the berm between Bighorn Road and the proposed structures.r Requested verification on the turning movements of the proposed turn-arounds at the termination of each driveway. Suggested that traffic movement may not actually work as designed as it takes only one vehicle to park in the circle to disrupt the vehicular circulation. Please review these comments and if you have any questions regarding this letter please contact me at 970-479-2148. Please incorporate these comments into your future submittal. Senior Planner Cc: File IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT [- 3 ]E t! t$ 3o E]E ta E] r:t 8 t$ ta ti l.t !t to E o o ffiw,'ilffi r\ #s?di // fffi i$ffir ,ffi,' "-L'_:--''\ iriiiiii!it, iii lriiiiiii iiii ll,,r,tiiifiti,r I I l"iil,l iili iiiliiiii iiii hl Ii ilitilt jil lliliil ri tiliirliiiiiiil,i:ii llillitr I tljjl t IIII IIIT IIIII I I II N t> I z E o d t{ f o !,1 E lt N o ; H ul F o I I I I I t: te t- t- t-:l-" : IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Hfl o 'Irl E o I I I I I I I t* t- I t-" : : IIIIIIIITTIIIIIII lr,l z J 3 J f z 5 o 6il E 'E lrJ UJ o o z 3 o I I I I I t*l:t: t:t- l*=l-; : : I I I I I I t I I t I I I I I T ) o6 E€ .ES gt (,d .o c o2 o-9 aa od o", -6 iE .E: Ad ia Ie! :EE g3i !=6 P !C \e :5 !i EE ;{ sF E : ;g E 5 E5 ,: 6: ,if EP -5 E! t I t P a I I P t I R 6Ai s F^u..Y (r()a FF P:H 6i$ gg ::|r) -Lq \to R - $d+ NA o * :-f/NO E 3 H3 (,) otL O FF ai !q < 9U U H d 5;P X';i H U =- o z o F o d,F o lrJ t lrl F o //'lt.i,'//,ti lt;/tti ,/tlilt ,''//tlii ,'/ ,1" !fi ;tii t:!t r\*.,---:u ,i ii l' i,'ii\' t8,'',,' '''1 "';tt'tq 711 Lr FI zu o< lth RH YO UI s9 oo 6 i! 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