HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIGHORN 5TH ADDITION BLOCK 1 LOT 1 PRJ99-0139 & LEGAL DOCS.pdf\,.o+l, B\k \' - Ji,,k,--^ ...'-L, DEPARTTqENT oF coMMt NrrY DEVEIJoPMENf -r ,r\ .t.( i NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT JOb AddTCSS: 5047 MAIN GORE DR NORTII iocati-on. ..: 5047 Main Gore Dr' North Parcel No.. : 2099-L82-01-001 ProjecE No. : PFtitg9-0139 TOWN OF VAII, ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81557 970-4"19-2L38 ON JOBSITE AT ALt TIMES Permit #: B99-0119 APPLICAI\TT ANGEL, S PI.,ASTERING 2?OO WEST EVANS AVENUE, CONTRAqTOR ANGEL'S PI.ASTBRING 27OO WEST EVAT.TS AVENUE, SUITE 4OO, SUITE 4OO, Phone: 303 -727-8833 co 80219 Phone: 303 -727-8833 co 802L9 DEIIVER, DE}IITER, OWNER BOWEN PETER G 5047 MArN GORE DR, VAIL' co 8L657 Description: Stucco plasEering on Occupancy: R3 upper floor exterior TOV/Comm. Dev. Ctean-irp Depopit Refund approved T)lpe Construction: V N Valuat,ion:g, 000 *of ca! Loga r *of wood/Pall.t: Fir.place InfotEationl Re6tricLcd: y ptan. and Et,.b! Ehat all Ehe informasion provided aB requircd.i6. l?ltll! . --]-iglll^ll i" ""*pfv with rl1 To|,n ordinanccE and 6tace la$s, and !o build thl6 structule "Iu."l'il.i* """1." ""pt"""a, unifo!-m Bulrding code and oche! oldj'nancos of thc REQUBATS FOR INSPECTIONS S'IAIJ!' BE MADE TWEI{TY'FOUR HOURA IN ADVANEB B1 AE&I r.quirsd, 9. eieh the Lo- In" ro"tt'zoning and accura!€ plog and pLot PIan, subdivi6ion gr00 Al.l 5: oo PM Single FamilY Residqtlq?Ou tt Type v Non-Rared rJate Add Sq FE: *of oa6 APPIiances: t*'ir'tttt*tr+it FEE suxMARY i**tit**irr suildinE----_> 135.oo RestlraranE Plan Reviet_-> 'oo Total calculated Fce6-_-> 34s'?5 Plan cllcck--'> a1 '1s DRB foc-------- 2o'oo Additlonal Faos---------> 'oo In?adtigalion> .oo Recleacion Fe6---_--_-__> 'oo Total Psrttlib F'o--_'__--> 345'?5 wilr carl----> 3.oo cle'n-up DePodic--------> 100'oo Payncnt6-------- 145'?5 ?oTAl, FEES----- 345'?5 BAI'ANCE DUE----- 'oo rEem: 0s100 Bq-rliDrNG DEII*TE$T. i7Lh7. / t?t^8 o *$Ifl* t*" DE'ABTMENT IEB*: B;e88 555f'8'fi8*ff"* DePt: BUILDING Division: APProved $;SEY"Fii"*rNG Division : B:BE ; $68**o** BiYi8i3f, : '''.'".,.'-'..- see page 2 of this Document for any conditions EhaE may apply to Ehis permit ' DECLARATIONS I her.by acknoflkdgs the! I hav. read thls applle'bion' fillad out in full chc inforoation , R::. rec"a.)n ortrleE 10Il statue...: ISSITED Applied..: 05/L7/L999 r-s-sued. . ., 05/L7 /L999 Extrrires. . : LL/L3/L999 Send clcan-UP DepooiL To: Ang€I'E P1adccllng oi owwaq oR coMRAcroR FoR HTMBELF AND owNER o *******************ir*****************???i*3************************************* CONDITIONS Permit S: 899-0119 "s-tt os/L7/gg sLatus---: rssuBD **********************************************************t********************* Permits Tlpe: ADD/Ar,T sFR BuILD-PERMTT {nnflea- -t o5/L7/L999 Applicant-- , eneili's PL,AsTERTNG riGued- - -: 05/t't /L999 303-727-8833 ' To Expire' LL/L3/L999 ilob Address r 5047 IIAIN GORE DR NORnI Locaeion--- 5047 Main Gore Dr' North Parcel No--: 2099'L82-01-001 DescripLion:-iEuccb plasEering on upper floor exterior * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * :* * * * * * * * * * * * * :r * * * CondiLions * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I. FIELD INSPECTIoNS ARE REQUIRSD To clIqqI-IoR CoDE CO!4PLIANCE ' 2. SMOICE DETEmoRs ARB REQUinrn ru ALL BEDROOMS Ar{D EVERY SToRY AS PER SEC.310.6.L 0F THE 1997 IJBC' o **********************************************************+***** TOWN OF VArt, corJoRADO . --r!!.,.-&*. statrernnt ****************;;t********************************************* statemnE Number: REc-0521 Amount: 325'75 o5/L7/99 L6232 -:ir:li T:iYl r::T:-Y:::::1 - !-'-'1' Permit No: 899-0119 T)pe: A-BUrL'D ADD/Ar''T SFR BurL',D PE Parcel No: 2099-182-01-001 Sit.-AAAiEsS: 504? MAIN GORE DR NORTII ----Locatsion: 5047 Main Gore Dr' NorEh Total Fees: ***************************************************:t************ This Palment 325.75 ToEal ALI,, Rnts: Balance: Description gUTLOTNC PERMIT FEES PI-,AN CITECK FEES CLEANTIP DEPOSITS WILL eALt INSPEqrION FEE 345.75 345.75 .00 A$punt, 135. 00 87.87.75 100.00 0.00 3.00 Account code BP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 AD D2.DEPO8 v'lc 00100003112800 .00 F oia .o IH az OD .o O:E 94 .j FI n21 i8 FrU 8*oo e?,.lE oo E E I a ql 6 c 4 L F qr l{o o -H 1t ti bo |4q oro a c !q ( o t o v I a q a ({ c i d EI 'il FI U a tl OF.zn ko frl :c( E. ET 2Z q!t EO H'arc a AE rlD ro HA o H F|F Hia (/lb oo AE Hd t 4 4 E a x H 2 6. H !tc r(){ql 2& g F !E !{o oE Fr Cc|I S8 O(J FI q| o q * F H z E F. q : n' !.(t E> 9{ iE qr E'{ O 4X ae' rl EO t fra o AAIT TowN oF vArLt**r*ucroN pERMrr orr?"o'o* ,off*- olq Contact the Eagle County Assessors Ofifrce Parcetrt J ('f LEL OtOo i oa"' 5'/ t +/f f Permit # Parcel # lloaNarne: 9}*tQil Reri,t,,o're tobAddress:.Soll y'/*i 6t,rE d,rCre Building ( ) Plumbing ( ) Electrical ( ) Mechanical ( ) l.egal Description: Lot T I Blocklfj Filine Subdivision I 6srE Other ( ) ownersNante: PeTCf (), futa.tet Address:5Oq7 t/^; r) Golt C tr('te phone{lgle)fi116iD9l Architect:Address: Description of Job:Re, s,di,lc, Work Class: New ( ) Numbcr of Dwelling Units: Number and Tlpe of Fireplaces: Gas Applianccs p0 Additional ( )Repaf ( ) Nurnber of Accommodation Uruts: Gas Logs VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $ Alteration a- Other ( ) Wood/Pellet BUILDING: S EACO-O.g- PLUMBING $------7--MECHAMCAL $ OTIIER: $ TOTAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Address: Phonc # Addrcss: Phone # Address: Phone # FOR OFFIGE USE BUILDING: Generarconrracro. AOcrz/tS Plt-rer;lg3(Address: J+Do w 6vA^is sA!D, DeNJer4Sg{.I Town of Vail Registration No. I frk- B Phone # Electrical ContrNctor: Town of Vail Recistration No Plumbins Contractor: Town of Varl Reeistration No. !{CghanlgdlSrtraclgl: Town of Vail Regrstration No. SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WIT:I{ THE TOWN OF VAIL .|OWN OF VAIL PI,JBLIC WORKS AND COMMI.JNITY DEVELOPEMENT JANUARY I. 1999 CONSTRUCTION PARKING AND MATERIAL STORAGE CODE 5-2-l{l: DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITED A. Unlawful deposrts: Sub1ect to subsection C thcreof, it is unlantrl for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered. tracked or deposited, sand, gravcl. rocks. mud, dirt. snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street. sidewalk. allcy or public place. or any portion thereofl B. Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notify and require any person who violates or causes anothcr to violate the provision ofsubsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a p€rson who violates or causes anothcr to violate the samc. top rsmove such sand, gravcl, rocks. mud. dirt. snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after reccipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event tlte person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein spccified, the Director of Public Works, or othcr authorized agent, may causc any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud. dirt. snow. ice, debris or any other material to be removed liom any strect or alley at the cxpense ofthe notified. C. Exceptions: The provisions ofsubsection A hereof shall not be applicable: I . Within thc immediatc area of ary construction. maintcnance or rcpair project of any street or alley or of any watcr main. scwer mam. clectricity line, gas line. telephonc line or any appurtenance thcreto; 2. To deposits of sand. dirt or materials neccssary for the protection ofthe public safctv: and 3. To public areas designated for thc dumping or depositing of said materials. D. Summons; Penalty: As an altcrnative to thc notice for removal provided in subsection B above. any pcrson who violates or causes another to violate the same . may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of thc Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty ofa violation hercunder be punished as provided in Section l-zl-l of this code. E. Notice; Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refusc to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof. and any such person shall, in addition to palrnent of thc expensc of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hercof, upon being found guilty ofa violation hcreunder. be punishable as provided in Section 14-l ofthis Code. (1997 Code: Ordinancc 6 (1979) Rcad and acknowledged by: Position or Relatronship to Project: oate:6/rTi7f (r.e. col.lEactof or ownef) TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Developme nt 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 FAX 970-479-2452 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME X'RAME If this permit requires a Torvn of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Work) review and approval, a Planning Departmcnt review of Health Departnent review, and a revrew by the Building Department. the estimated time for a total review may takc as long as three (3) wecks. All commercial (large or small) and ail multi-family permits will havc to follow the above mentioned maximum requircments. Rcsidential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. Howevcr, if rcsidential or smaller projccts impact dre various above mentioned departments with rcgard to neccssary review, thesc projccts may also take the three (3) week period. Evcry attcmpt will bc made by this departmsnt to expcditc this pcrmit as soon as possiblc. I, the undersigned" undcrstand the Plan Chcck procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permrt is not picked up by the expiration date. that I must still pay thc Plan Check Fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for' Agrcedtoby: G' 1rr,"g Project Name: oae, 5//T/fg Work Sheet was turned into the Comnuniw Development Dept. {S run"uo" r"* TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Mf,MORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS JANUARY I, 1999 WHEN A ..PTJBLIC WAY PERMIT: IS REQURED JoBNAME: F.iUeAJ Reo'.te,",Ce Nox J. 4.NOX NO 8. A. Is the Right-of-Way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing?YES__ NO p( B. If NO to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Communit_v Development?YES NO ol;tn, VrTlff PLEASE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONNAIRE F€GARDING THE NEED FOR A *PUBLIC WAYPERMIT': l. Is this anew residence? YES 2. Is demolition work being perfonncd tlrat requires the use of the fught-of-Way. easements or public property? YES Is any utility work needed? NO >< YES NO_L Is thc driveway being repaved? Is a diffcrent access needed to the site other than the existine drivewav? YES 6. Is any drainage work being done that alfects the Rightof-Way, easements. or public property? \€S NO< 7. Is a "Rwocable Right-of-Way Permit" required? YES No b< If you answered YES to any of thesc questions, a "Public Way Pcrmit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications nuy be obtained at the Public Worft's ollice or at Community Dwelopmcnt. If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval from Public Works at 479-2198. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL TI{E ABOVE QUESTTONS. Company Name out", V,/*/6 c Design Review Action Form TOWi\ OFVAIL Vttv -o)4 Project Name: Bowen Residence Project Description: Re.siding of 2od floor of house Owner, Address, and Phone: Peter G. Bowen 5047 Main Gore Circle Vail, CO 81657 476-2701 Architect/Contact, Addrcss, and Phone: Seme as above Project Street Address: 5047 Main Gore Drive Legal Description: Lot 1, Block I, Bighorn 5th Parccl Number{ Comments: _) Building Name: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Na Conditions: Town Planner: Allison Ochs Date: 319199 Board/Staff Action Action:StaffApproved Na Na DRB Fee Paid: $20 Project Nanre: Bowen Residence VAILDATA\EV ERYONE\DRB\AP PROVALS\ I DRBAPPR\BOWEN t\ Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Project Name: Bowen Residence ProjectDescription: repainting Owner, Address, and Phone: Peter G. Bowen 5047 Main Gore Circle Vail" CO 81657 476-270r Architect/Contact, Address, and Phone: Same as above Project Street Address: 5{M7 Main Gore Drive Legal Description: Lot I, Block 1, Bighorn 5th Parcel Number: Comments: Colors as submittted Building Name: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Na Conditions: Town Planner: Allison Ochs Date: 319199 Board/Staff Action Action:StaffApproved Na Na DRB Fee Paid: $20 Project Name: Bowen Residence VAILDATA\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVALS\ 1 DRBAPPR\BOWEN '? t\ $z la o | 4t*4gy 4?0rrvq; t,ff !13"-,,, 5047 Main Gore Circle Vail. Colorado 81657 MEMORANDUM TO:ALLISON OCHS, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNIry DEVELOPMENT, TOWN OF VAIL FROM:JEFF BOWEN SUBJECT: PAINTING OF 5047 MAIN GORE DRIVE Now that the stucco has been completed and as soon as work to repair and sand the decks is completed, we wish to paint the balance of the house to follow the color scheme which was initiated by the stucco siding. Painting contractor will be Daum Design, and following are the colors which we wish to apply to the house: hl t 'vDaw 72rar f&ves LO "ttt Z llt+,u rlovit Dt.< + Tet kr Wsqq'D6 Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL PLoject Name: Bowen Residence Projcct Description: Re-siding of 2nd floor of house Owner, Addless. and Phone: Peter G. Bowen 5047 Main Gore Circle Vail, CO 81657 476-2701 fuchitect/Contact, Address, and Phone: Same as above Projcct Street Address: 5047 Main Gore Drive Legal Description: Lot l, Block l, Bighorn 5th Parccl Number: Building Name: Comments: Motion by: Na Secondcd by: Na Vote: Na Conditions: Board/Staff Action Action: Town Planner: Allison Ochs Date: 319199 DRB Fee Paid: $20 Project Name: Bowen Residence VAILDATA\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVALS\ I DRBAPPR\BOWEN StaffApproved 2,/ 5 This appiicadoo is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcvicrv approvar. Any projccr rcquiring dcsip-revicrv musr rcccive pssign Rcvic.w appmvat prior to sibnritti-ng for a buitding pcrrnit For speciffc infomra0on, sce thc submjfial rcquircnlcnts for thc particulu apJrroval rhat is reqriestcd. Thc alipiicarior, *rii ti-....prcd unrir alr the requircd .infomradon is submittcd Thc projcct may also n..d to b. rcuicr"cd uy rr,c ronnr iouncil a,rvor thc plaruring and Environrnental conrnlission._ ocsign Rcvierv.norr,r ,pplourl crpircs onc ;,car efrcr final approval unlcss e building permlt ls issued snd construcdoo is startcrl'.' AppLrcATrON FOR DEsrcN REvtEw AppHgtg, Fiecgive.. t{AR 0I rc99 TllE REQUEST: -Z L: >r p t,,+*saC__:_L! e *_O_Epe-*__, GENERAL fNFORMATION ,{. DESCRIPT'ON OF TOWN OFYAII u. c. D. t. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: ZONINO:/a&t!1 rt--t NAME OF OWNER(S): I\'IAILINOADDRESS: fo * r nr_*t-(-jo.2_a- ,^4r1\ .-t.zlcL qt b_jlZ_-_ __bt t"r t TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE:E Ncw Corrstruction - $200 O Addirion -$50 t4 --.lr\iurnor AJteredon - S20 H. F. C. PIt ' c' DATE Construction of a new building. Includx arry addition whcrc quarc footagc is addcd ro any rcsidential or comrncrcial building. Includes minor changrs to build,ings and sire improvcmcnrc, such as,rcroofing. painfing. rviodow add.itiins, Iandscaping. fenccs anc rciaining walls, ctc. RECEIPI{; Ihe Tovm of Vail ,,r1q per .t tt N9 49468 RECEIVED FROM Li-.a- <- - /j o ^-t,nt Permit Numbers How PArD-cash-che "x 91f)L o o z a {v c o {o z T m n ={ z=o@ 2=oo z --E {o m lq t-o hE >rt :6 x-YO i8 -{: <=3= o.<1o-dE .!g (io ctt >l *g ii -- o 'rl m ="1 Nt- m@ l+ E= II n= l\9' lx '- ll l=!! t 7 ,Fn n Oz aq mt tl IE F-O NO |. l,L-<IrO t'n m t { -t o @ m x m !-{ z c o @ 2. -.t m O O l\)O (..) -.1 R<zi l'l 4 ;>-^2 --.{ ^Y>4t- o o--z.;-lc 3= 1Z c -tm 'r im | \.| ;n ro r>tl- 2n v2 >m on -1 > n n I =m -t €z m n t z 3 !T t-c (n -m -m TI m .IJ r m f gf,utA o>,r u =m T =o t- tr -nr rY zl "l (tr ts OI E, l tffl l*F FT FI HT rDl tl r-l m T m t= lz le t<t> IF In lo la l= t? l- l U1 o (D ct' =(D (-T -{ m -m E l€z o I : m o .Tt €z o 1t 7 n {o €z o -lt t- m , -{ m l- F {t! , tl b .{ l_n ol;€13 zl n#;f.<#>x F+ !=na t,I z t'9 rl'r fr I HI lol IJI t-l rl I I o : 1l .n 3 a < (D 5 Or n l )s f !\l F (tl \o -{ =z >F =l=>lt ol 9+- =P.@l I u)F (np .rD vt rD 'l ol (r. I €l -l I I ;E3d - o9d 3d9g ;q ii eEiB =:EF *i*r' (/, O:ar F 1:: 5i.3{ nai;o^.(/,: +a$ I (og+a 6s1€ ag; il a'a !.3 3ri'' uiia i =.9I ar^.^f 3.=i.a E;'F; Es ilq <o-f E:A P 6" ;3d+ SH a'; ::3qE ):(,o=. o s.o t A' o t = =t! = ='(o o o-o o 5' e) z -l I m €z m @ -l z o z I o z t- m =a z m m 0 m 0 l< lz l= l>lr- z @ r- -t z !m -t I x z n U)(, t- m I q I I 2 J z tr m a- o m a o €m =z c z -l a o = -l z c z -l a z m { t- m P ; z =z m x --{ m o -n f' ^2 Or.re 9o-<E Ri 4-m F io F>.n =zo iiiQo ()<z vc)<4 !rr A v 6= E 5 29 - I 'nzz t I P>- N@= Nm= !< = D o o, 5 -n 5 ID qJ o o ep lh I Cr) t\) o =z F o F =z o +m o z =o t>o =6. > I F [- rD P l"P t P E c') Fl 0l 2',ol ll Ol -l I I I I I I -{l n{.-r 1\ -+. q I I -{ -t t- !m = ='Tl m m at, c o m -{ x o t-m ? m ! I -t m I z m m € Itl o m ;z '|m m =m I 2 o f- |- 3 z m t-m o o t- t- z m , @ =z m = .It m =-{'n m m (, 5 VALUATION !m , =-{ z o o - =m z |- t- 3 P z o m t-m I 2 t- E |- 2 f\)\) \ sJ $r J rsl .l tr t Er\, cB 33qAb,A't @ =:o I (D O) = N \tr r' '-.fm :il i-. -,.: .' EX-.1 tr'=-*l=-ss3!i 4^9llz-'cr'"t' 3 =r::E 3,:r' O:J o: S ==I d. f 9IP-:rP *l\r - 9: 'i -: '-:. i:1 ::i lr i=\l-j-. :J \ .? 3 3;5i... E?I' l3'"9:.x:;:= = t, - 11 ri iJ -r\<.5 rrq.Ea*5 I-r'.ls \l\ 9J :l- r (U\ 3 a =E r- L '.r J)'1)-6elE=lr.': :P \ ./''Fg.Hc;t :1.N Ee;sitr,l:-,N'\ Fgsg?.*E \\\ \ Li a ct' 4_E q \\\ 3qei93E \$\\ aa4:lie .) - E,E qfr;FE .\ eE -"i I e 3 \\\ dFEeFe a \r\\\N\s\ \ 1 3 = Fe. 9qt =ct ?o :94 e = al Trrl{o uleDI lunH v-/ffl a ti6,z'5outg 'sepoo eq1 pu€ sTBTJex€In 'uTa.Itnl/il f,reo 01 sT 11u.rad aq1 +s€l Lltjg ,roJ TT€A Jo u.(i{,oJ, Jo elqTlsnqnoo o+ q1Il"1 pessncsTp go asod.rnci aq; 41ur.rad 8u1p11nq uoTlBIoT^ uT aJ€ sJro+Oe4ap e{ouls sadld nIJ eq1 uorJ secuernoTo eq; sB epoo o'1 dn acelda.rlg aqq 3u1.rq 'opBJoToC 'If eA :e^TJg aJoC uT€l^l e 4sanbe.r SSSIHdUS,INS .{TOl.l USSI^1I,1 :JTs J€eo L;gte ocworoc 'TrvA ,lsgl,l 'Gu soy,lNoud 's 9l''Jdsc lNlqllns TIVA ,{O NI{OJ a$I€'9/'at :gN0Hd gSgIB ocvaoToc 'TIVA 929(' xoa SESIUdES,INS d-JOl'l USShIII,596T '92 rladv n'l O :) ct <D ct &t ntr rAq It t\l 5.-/Y I (D LJ L-l s) = l.r fi.-\ I $.) \ I \] \i \\\\t\\\ \\\\',\- N i) -;:--1-'-'=diJ|:^f.j.9 S ='i :: ':. ji lzFg.ege l*84sIJ 5 s's -sT {*l :+:iiqE s- s?sg:I;. H-a- ;aEfrtl. :.; -;l .'1pi r1 's:F _-=:t.? . ..-t E45ir-. t +3Ii5 '' .,s53id:';;3i3ll HE q * i.d;:a':ii!s;ia'::33d -{ct {a 8q 6f o-j Ecr g3 c, =. UIaII lunH v/ffi " d laraculs rsapoclI€AJoul'lojlj;ouoTl.aloT^uIeJ.asJolce}ape}iouls aql pue sleTJalect aTqTlsnquoc 01 sadld nIJ aL{f uloJi sscu€r"olc eq5 'uTBJrn:.1 f.rei r.{1Tra pessncsTp stl epoc o1 dn acelda*1.,;l aq1 iiul'rq ol sT 11u:ad €q1 Jo esodlnd eq; 'oprrroloC'TIeA:o^TJg aJoC uTei'l 1.sq. l,iOi roJ lTui'red iulplTnq e lsanba; SSSIlidIiS,l\iS dTol4 EEqt':I,i i Jrs JBocl L;gtg octrto'Ioc "IrvA JSEl,l '(ni gtvL\OEt 's 5L ',idAC lNICnIng fIVh dO N!'O'l \9Tt-9Lt :3NCi{d 85919 ocvuorcc 'TrvA 929€ xos sssrudHs,rl{s drct'l tissi{r,l 9a6t '92 rr-rcit/ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST ' TOWN OF VAIL CATLER READY FOR LOCATION: B tr tr o tr tr tr tr UILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND EI ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr B FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL ,F,APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR tmt 6. O PEc s/26/s3 -4- Jim Sayre explained that by rearranging the lot lines, there would be no change in the square footage of elch propeityl Viele moved and pierce seconded to approve the r uest for the subdivision the staff recommendation.e vote was Corcoran a staininq. uest for rezoninq and resubdjvisigrf'of Lot l, glock I Biqhorn First ition to c ange trom one Two Fam sidential zone strict to t Fami I zone district lots.p I i canbs-:-#e--fieEEa n-ocky Christopher Peter,Patten presented the request. Corcoran reminded the board that they were only t0 recommend the zone to the Town council. Eskwjth itutuo that the ippiiiation for the rnlnoi-sut-orvision "ut iJnting.ni on the rezoning. pierce fert that he Itu9 lp problem, Piper was generally incljned to pr.i", i singie family structure,but there was more tendencv for thi staff io ;o;.-i;; irpj""ut. piper fett that though the applicants' reason staled "mass created by two single-family structures will be less than that required by a duplex;, he felt that th6 in..uusu in square footage made it difficult to agree. The reason "The heighi;"q;;";; by two houses wiil be less than that required uv a oupjei.', Ripei-rE;io;;;; io-uv stating that usually the height has little regard as to whether or not a house is single family or dupiex."The large stand of treei can be left undisturbed by the use of two houses.,, piper stated that there would be increased siie coverage, increaseo arivewivi,-uno un''increased footprint, therefore he disagreed with-th.is .uuron for the request. Donovan agreed with Piper and added that,thi:,w?s.spot zoning, and that the community would not gain from this change. she aaa.o thut thbre was no qruruntee that there 19utd p!. be. a request for a iezone jn the future. she felt the present zone fit the neighborhood. sheehan responded that he wourd not have to have the maximum GRFA or g99g-a- th,at the PEC couid^pla_c-e restr.ictions. sheahan stated that he accept the restriction of'17d0 sq-ii',="uin. - patten eipiiinli tnut , ,was restricted to 3.|25 sq ft. heights. Eskwith was wi I 1 inq to ingle fami Iy Viele moved and pierce seconded rove the r uest for a minor subdivision r the staff memorvt--Til urther restrictr'on at the mited to 3500 s vii eacn luE ano wr ^:_.::_:r__,_ . . rne lurther restriction thit recommendation of minor sub to Counc contingent uoon rezoninq.vote was 2 in favor ete and pierce 3aqainsffi e seconded to amer uun ,.7 o Uppen EnelE V #ff(, flr( ALLEY WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTS 846 FOREST ROAD e VAIL, COLORADO 81657 (303) 476,7480 SepEember 23, I983 Peter Patten Town of Vail Planner P. O. Box 100 Vai1, Colorado 81658 RE: Sewer Line Relocation Bighorn Subdivision Filing 1, Lot I, Block I Dear Peter: Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation District has no problem with the relocation of a 10" sewer line Lhrough this lot. The sewer lines passing through the middle of the lot have adequate slope, allowing the line to be relocated over to the east property 1ine. MH B-53 would need to be relocated west to esnure a minimum slope of. .40%. Naturally, District specifications would need to be followed in the construcEion of the sewer line. A 20 foot wide easement centered on the sewer is also required. Sincerely,g-;fu--/ David Krenek, P.E. Technical Director DK: pd II PARTICIPATING DISTRICTS _ ARROWI]EAD IVETRO WATER. AVON METRO WATER T BEAVER CREEK -.--'-.-rl\ MErRo wATER o BERRy cREEK METRo wATER r EAGLE vArL METRo wArER o EDWARDS wmta I ctElN \ ^lll LAKE cREEK MEADows *ATER . uPpER EAGLE vALLEy sANtrATtoN . uo,. uo.ilt' @ f ff coNsoLlDATED wATER r VAIL WATER AND sANlrATloN 9[;F-- o tgs sFg =o!EdB =*l -a cl o: o o 1t 3 o 3 <cocJ >ro>,'-r @ <l- 6 F-{ ar-o oc>.E @H ?l -rZ >ormG)qt \= ee c,- |..rrt rfl = n r =cf ll:45 am 2:00 pm t. 2. T0 BE TABLED 4. tu. PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION September 26, .l983 S ite Inspections Publ ic Hearing Approval of minutes of September .l2, l9B3 Appointment of PEC member to DRB for 0ctober, November and Decemoer. A request to anend the vail Municipal code to add a new zone district entitled ski Base/Recreation District. Also, a discussion concerning the Golden Peak redevelopment proposal wil I take p1ace. Appl icant: - Vai I Assoc iates 6. Request for an exterior alteration to the Lionshead Arcade in order to build a commercial addition. Applicant: Lazier commercial properties. A request for an exterior alteration to the Village center project at 122 East Meadow Drive to add a new retail additioi on the east-end, to revise the entrance to Toymaker's Trai1, to construct additions to the retail shops, F!d,!o constluc! a.new 5idewalk along the north side of the project. Appl icant: Fred Hibberd A request for aminor subdjvision to realign the lot line between lots 27 and 28, Block A, Vail Das Schone, Filing No. l. Appl icants: Bjll and Pattj Anderson, Russell Motta Request for rezoning and resubdivision of Lot 1, Block l, Bighorn First Addition to change from one Two Family Residential to two Single Family lots. Applicants: James E. Sheahan and Rocky S. Chrjstopher Request for a GRFA variance and a variance from setback requjrements to build a greenhouse on a deck in unit #2 of the Tyrolean Condominiums at 400 East Meadow Drive. Applicant: Stephanie Kennington A request for a conditional use permit in commercial core II in order to construct commercial storage units in the lower level of the concert Hal I Plaza. Appl icant: tagle Vai iey investments, Inc. A request to amend Section .|8.24.065 Exterior Alterations or Modifications-Procedure to exempt sma11 changes (defined as 100 square teet oi reisi - - in the review process that occurs only two times per year. The intent is to enable additions or deletions o? enclosed fi oor"area of of .l00 sq ft or less to be reviewed at any time of the year. Applicant:Vail Associates, Inc. Request for amendments to sDD 6 (vai1 village Inn) to increase GRFA allowable, modify permitted and conditional uses, request a parking exemption, modify language concerning height restrict.ions, expand iommercial space allorvable. Furthermore, a rezoning-has been requested for the existing Amoco station site to rezone from Heavy service to public Accommodations and to be included in the vajl vlllage Inn sDD#6 District. Appl icant: Piccjdil ly Square, Inc. ';' ior'/' 7 ' 8. o ll TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJ ECT : MEMORANDUM Planning and Envjronmental Commission Conmunity Development Department September 2l , 1983 Request for a ninor subdivision and rezoning Resjdential to two Single Famtily lots on Lot Applicant: James E. Sheahan to t,convert one lot zoned Block l, Bjghorn lst. It would be diffjcult in this matter to discuss the two requests separately due to their reliance upon each other. Thus, the memo will treat the two requ-ests basically as one to better understand the impacts and merits of the overall effect. The statistics of "before and after" are as fol lows: # UNITS ALLOt,'JTD ZONE SQ. FT GRFA ExistingLotl R 42,253 2 5862 New Lot A SFR 21,126 1 398i New Lot B SFR 21,126 I 3987 (Note: The proposal results in a net increase of GRFA of Zitlll sq ft.) The proposal also jncludes des'i gnated building envelopes for each new lot which keep structures out of the "blue zone" avalanche hazard on the south side of the lot. One access drive off of Lupine Drive is a1 so proposed. The applicant's reasons for this request are attached. Note that he does not proposed ahy special development standard restrictions other than those jn the SFR district ani that he would relocate the exjsting sewer iine and associated easenent that runs through the m'iddle of proposed Lot A. CRITERIA EVALUATION The subdivision regulations state cri,teria which are suitable to evaluate this proposal as a whole: "The burden of proof shall rest with the applicant to show that the application is'in compliance with the intent and purposes of this chapter, the zohing ordinance and_other pertinent regulations that the PEC deems appiicable. Due consideration shall be given to the recommendations made by public agencies, utiiity companies and other.agencies consulted under 17..l6.090. The PEC shall review the application and consider its appropriateness in regard to Town of vail policies relating to subdivision control , densities proposed, regulations, ordinances and res6lutions and other applicable documents, environmental integrity and compatibility w.i th surround ing I and uses. " t. 9/21/83 Lor it l, Brgnorn isr -z- from the Upper relocating of the rezoning Dens i ty The number of units resulting in thjsproposal are the same as the existinq situation. However, potentially, there could be an increase in GRFA of 2112 square feet if both single family lot owners built to the maximum.It should be noted here that this lot could easily meet the subdivision regulations concerning minimum lot sizes for the Residential zone resulting ]l !*q duplex lots and four un'its. Thus, this proposal could be actually " limiting density by proposing two single faimjly lbts rather than two aultex I ots. Proposed Site Plan The s.i ngle access off of Lupine Drive is a good solution for the tllo new lots. However, the proposed building enveiopes should be eliminaiea inO the siting q! lhe houses left until the DRB level when they can be more closely studied accord'ing to all constraints and opportuni"ties. Sewer Line and Easement As of this date, we have not received any written approval Eagle Valley Water and San'itation Distrjcts concerning the the sewer line and easement. This must be obtained b6fore goes to Council. 2. 4. Compatibilitv with Surrounding Area The entire surrounding area is zoned Residential with very few lots having the buildable site area of Lot l. The houses in the area are generally duplexes contained-'i n, a single structure or attached structurei. tne lroposal of two single family buildings on this site of nearly an acre will not be incompatible with the neighborhood in terms of densiiy, scale,'lot size or remaining open space. RECOMMENDATI ON The Community Development Department recommends approval of the minor subdivision and rezoning proposals. The benefit to the town ii a potential aecreaie-in density-if one considers that^it.gppears this could mebi-ifie requirement for two duplex 1ots. The single fginily structures proposed will be compatible with surrounding development and will be sited accoriing to future Dnr alprovai.Conditions of approval are as follows: The sewer line and easement vacation and relocation must be verified in writing by upper Eagle valley water and sanitation Distr.icts before the proposal goes to Councjl for rezoning approval. 2. The building envelopes must be eliminated. August 29, 1983 Mr. Peter Pattefl Zonlng Administrator Town of Vail Vail, Colorado 8L657 Mr. Patten: Attached ls an application for resubdivision and rezoning for Lot 1, Block l, Bighorn Subdivision, First Addition. I am requesting a change from two f arni ly residential (42,253 sq. ft.) to ttro single f arnily lots (2I ,126,5 sq. ft. approxj.mately). The reasons for the request are as follows: l) The mass created by two single farnily houses will have much less impact on the site than the nass created by a duplex. 2) The height required by two houses will be less than that required by a duplex. 3) The large stand of Erees can be left undisturbed by the use of 1crr) houses 4) Much more attention and detail can be glven to landscaping while retaining the general- feel of the surrounding area and its vegetation. 5) Duplex home sites across the stream have less street frontage than r,re are proposing. In closing, we feel as long-time Vail residents there is a shortage of single farnily homes; prirnarily due co the high cost of land. We feel that this is one of the few si.tes that lends itself to resubdivision. Sincere /tltt \ ////- / .,/ tr/lk'1/<',\'--..---Shealiarl Rocky Chr is topher I s JES /RSC : dyb o llDr"IEilT OR Pet, j.tion 1Jt-. I'ETITION I'OIU4 FOR /''i}i TO TI]tr ZO}I]NG ORDTN/:IiCE RNQUEST FOR A CIIA}iGE IN D]STRICT BOIINDAIrIDS I. This procedure is reguired for any.amendrnent to the zorring orclinonce ' or for a request for a district boundary change A. NAI'18 OF PETITIONER James E. Sheahan 925 Fairway Drive Val1, Colorado 81657 PHONE 476-4500 PETITfONERTS RIPRESENTATIVE Rockv S. Chr{stoDher Box 1155 Vail, Colorado 81658 PfiOitE 476-4500 ADDRESS B. NA}18 OIT ADDRESS SIGNATURE A(((l ADDRESS Box 7O2 t., Rancho Californla 92067 PHONE 6L9-756-5705 D.LOCATION OF ADDRESS PROPOSA], ,.t t/,t ' .t" I E.ErErE. (". A lisr subject LEGAL DESCRIPTION 1ot I block 't fili-ng Bishorn Sub. IsE Addirion $100.00 plus an amount equal to the then current first-class posrage rate for each property ohrler to be notified hereunder. of the names of owners of all property adjacent to t,ire Property , and their mailing addrc-sses. D l' o ZONING \E.28.120 Covcragc. Not rnore than scvcnt),-t'ive pcrcent oI tlr0 total sitc area shall be covcrcd by buildings. (Ord. 8(1973) $ 10.607.) 18.28.1,t0 Landscap!ng &nd sitc clcvctopnrcnf. At lcast twcntv pcrccllt of the total siic shall l:c landscaped. The minimum rviclth and lt:ngth o[ any area r;r-rlli[1ing as land- scaping shall bc lil'tccrr lce t rr ith a minirnulll irrca no[ lcss than threc hundred squarc fcct. (Ord. l9(1976) g llA (part): Ord. 8(r973) $ r0.60e.) 18.28.150 Pnrking aud loading. Off-strcct parking and ldading shall be proVidcd in accor- dance with Chapter 1S.52. r\t lcast onc-h:rlf of the required parking shall bc located rvithin thc main buildinlr or buildings. No parking or loading area shall be located in an), r'cq'.rired front setbackarea. (Ord. l9(1976) $ I lA(part): Ord. 8(1973) g I0.610.) Chapter 18.29 ARTERIA T, I}USINESS DISI'ITTCT Seclions: 18.29.010 Purpose. 18.29.015 Ilequircrncnts for estrblishmc'nt of a general cir- culation anrl acccss plan. 18.29.020 Pernr!ttcri'rrscs. 19.29.030 Conditiorr:rluses. 1B.29.040 Accessoryuscs. 18,29.05C Lot rrea rrntJ sitc dilnensions. 18.29.050 Sctb:rclis 18.29.070 IIeight. lB.?r.0il0 Density control. 18.29.U90 Covcra!:c.'t8.29.I00 lilooi n;crr ratio. 18.29.1l0 Landscr,pinc, and sitc rlcvelopnrrnt. (vril t.l$ti),368 A. X oonrr?r*r ,,--r:g1 APPLICATION FOR MlNOR SUBDIVISiON REVIE|,l (4. or fewer lots) APPLICANT Jernes E. Sheahan PllONE 476-4s00 ADDRISS qzS r"irray Drtve Vail, Colorado 81657 NAMI OF MAiLING NAMI OF MAILING NAME OF otJN ER' S MA IL ING APPLICANT'S REPRESTNTATIVE .no"kv s. chrr"top _ ADDRESS Box 1155 - Vai1, Colorado 81658 PH0l.lE47 6-4soo I pH0N E619-756-s7os ADDRESS Box 702 Ran/ch/tanta Fe,California 92067 D.I.OCATiON OF PROPOSAL LOTS 1 BLOCKS 1 SUBDIVISI0N Blghorn lst Addltlon FILING F. E. FEE $100.00 MTIRIAI. TO BE SUBMITTED The subdivjder shal'l submit three (3) copies, two of which must be mylars,of the proposa'l fo1 lowing the requirements for a final plat as found in Section .l7,.l6..|30 of the Subdivision Regul atjons. Certain of these requirements ntay be t,vaived by the zoning administrator and/or the Planning and Environinental Conrmjssion if determjned not applicable to the project. An environmental reoort nay be required if so stipulated under chapter .l8.56 Environmental Report of the zonjng code. The Departrnent of community Development w'i ll be responsible for seeing that the approved plat is promptly recorded with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. Include a l ist of alI adjacent property owners and their mailing addresses. /t PAID f/t-q/r) /'oo,6.---r-/-- u. n. August 29, 1983 Mr. Peter Patten Zonlng A&ninistrator Town of Vail Va11, Colorado 81657 Mr. Patten: Attached ls an application for resubdivision and rezoning for Lot 1, Block 1, Bighorn Subdivision, First Addition. I am requesting a change from trnTo family residential (42,253 sq. ft.) to two single fan11y lots (21 ,L26.5 sq. ft. approximately). The reasons for the request are as follows: 1) The rnass created by two single family houses will have much less impact on the site than the mass created by a duplex. 2) The height required by two houses will be less than that required by a duplex. 3) The large stand of trees can be left undisturbed by the use of loucr houses . 4) Much more attention and detail can be glven to landscaping while retaining the general feel of the surroundlng area and its vegetation. 5) Duplex home sites across the stream have less street frontage than we are proposing. In closlng, we feel as J-ong-tirne Vail residenLs there ls a shortage of slngle farnily homes; primarily due to the high cost of land. We feel that this is one of the few sites that l-ends itself to resubdivislon. Sincere !t Chr is topher JES/RSc:dyb ADJACENT PROPERTY OI.INERS LIST FOR Lot l, Block 1, Bighorn Subdivision, First Addition Bighorn Subdivision: Lot 8 Robert F. Keller Val1 Developrnent GrouP No. I 31 Hidden Val1ey Rocky River, Ohio 44IL6 Bighorn Subdivision lst Addltion: Lot 2, Block I Hewit & Siegal c/o Davis S. Siegal 2121 South oneida - Sulte 612 Denver, Colorado 80224 Lot 2, Block 2 Raymond Cote Box 644 Vail , Colorado 8I658 Lot 3, Block 2 David A. Fagin & ChYleen MarYland 3988 Luplne Vail, Colorado 8L657 Lot 4, Block 2 Valarie Lynne Arnaral Box 2394 Vai.l, Colorado 81558 Gore Creek Park Subdivislon : Lot I Walter Kirch Box 1088 Vail, Colorado 81658 Lot 2 ORA Enterprlses N.V. c/o Edrnund C. Granger, Jr. 501 Fifth Avenue Nevr York, New York 10017 O SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL AND RESIDENTIAL ZONING CHECKLIST Architect,R. -fi.--Zone District: )FK_ Proposed Use: l2r.r 7t--Lot Area:Z$uiuus Hazard Area, fuglet*.t) "i)f,r1c' Equals Buildable Area: Legal Orrner: Eelght: Aetua1 Setbacks: Required - Front 20 I Actual - Front Distance Between Buildings: G.R.-F.A. AlLowed: Buildabte Slte Coverage: Allowed - Lot Landscaping: Eequired - Lot Parking:Required 'ft?rrr..J Lt'l/*'-4 L .--""'- ,Rear2o'+ , Rear T 7 , Sides , Sides ,-t 50 10t + Required Area Area Area Actual Actual % * 7a* *60*= Actual Drive: Slope Permitted Parking and Drives Must Environmental / Hazar d : Slope Actual Be Paved Avalanche Slope Distance From Trees Removed {o' Rea'D Comments: Creek Zoning Approval: r/4 8&/A A s-if, @gfltr dh't Srye z,.au{f