HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIGHORN 5TH ADDITION BLOCK 1 LOT 4 LEGAL.pdfBtqhorn'-fl+l li* ,/, blk- t @r*r"srw FtELtrtEt{T Design Review Board ACTION FORTII Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 8L557 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web: wwrY,vailgov.rom Project Namer DEER RIDGE RES. CHANGE Project DescripUon: DRB Number: DRB070572 Participants: OWNER RNAL APPROVAL FOR A CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PLANS TO CHANGE THE CHIMNEY CAP DESIGN DEER RIDGE LLC LOlL2l2O07 PO BOX 4252 VAIL co 81658 APPUCANT DEER RIDGE LLC 1011212007 Project Addressr 5107 MAIN GORE DR N Legal DescripUon: Parcel l{umber: Comments: PO BOX 4252 VAIL co 81658 5107 MAIN GORE DR N VAIL Location: Loh 4 Block 1 Subdivision: BIGHORN 5TH ADDffiON 2099-182-0100-3 See Conditions Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTIOI{ Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approvalz LI10712007 Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: 113 All development applications submitted to the Town after the effective date of Ordiname 24 Sedes 2006 shall be subJect to the pending employee housing rcgulatlons ln whatever furm they are flnally adopted; prwided, holrwer, that if the Town falls to adopt tlrc pendlng emplo),ee homlng rcgulauons by Apdl 15,2007, this Odlnance shall not apply b such developnrent applications. Wanen Campbell DRB Fee Pald: S2O.OO \.Changes To The Approved Plans Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L28 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request: Location of the Proposa t= tott y' etock: I surltivisiont ,P /€ $-A,E N Physicaf Address: 5/f: -k-l/44 | 4a F )8. p",""lno'@(contactEag|eco'Assessorat97o-328-8640forparce|no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): F SJ g o h { _)$trzr! /l,\c* c tc- s>- Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: E-mail Address:f Type of Review and Fee: ,Eh Changes to Approved Plans Submitta I Requir€ments: For revisions to plans already approved by Planning staff or the Design Review Board. $20 3 Sets of Plans Addressing Project Changes Signature of Homeowner(s) or Association 16 05:11-2006.doc To"\NNQ-f -v4l5, f, os7 Ficdev\FORMS\Permits\Planning\DRB\drb_change_to_approvedJrlans_1 *+1.**+*t+++i***********r****+****i+++*++****i*****++++i******,*+r*r*****+f+tt***+******+af,{.** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Sratement +**tt++*i++***f,*'t*t******f*++++***'i**'1.****++***t*+*i***f***++*+lf+*fi++i'l"lt**'t *+*t *ft**t****+ statement Nuniber: &o7ooo22o7 Anount: $20.00 Lo/L2/2oo7o3:59 pM Palment Method: Check Init: iIS Notation: 4757lSORTL,AND CONTRJACTORS INC Permit No: DR8070572 Tl4)e: DRB-Chg to Appr Plan6 Parcel No: 2099-182-0100-3 SiIe Addre6B,: 5107 IIAIN GoRE DR N VAIIJ Lrocation: 510? MAIN GORE DR N TotaL Feea: $20.00 This Payment: $20.00 Total AlIr pmta: $20.00 Balance: 30.00 ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO3LT22OO DES]GN REVIEW FEES 2O.OO -----:----_ Ar'psc srrt E-Ev- 65earl COLOR SCI{EDULE Agt"Alt gttAKE ROOFltld r}REE-a',erl5lrri L -v€tr DeFrNioff a9r.fAl.t SraKE iooflNat ca-oi -.|leatlcRlt 9LAte aluulg1 p! P_rcs9s_!!l!9erE srEtra Ptaf6 nhoor€ -tlgtarE 5ER|E5 au.rxlx,tl ataD r.lcoo lrioa,!}cL00|l5 cotoR -1546€ 6iEEra sacr corrR F ^l.rFitarE rurgofl w,xrr4nuEF tS aroatal g@gt4tq 4ND_4Aa9 Slci€ vENEtR - roKr.ar€fi^ EFa|of slotz 0rc6 -.aL6aDo !,fir 9lOtll vaccR to EE aPPLtlD xttH a tIg^R.- RATDOT.i lsafirc LAf-1F.. 9w8!l4p/1lrt$ .a2tal'l -!A|.gA!, E Frc- LRV rs !r to8 ca.aR,v a|-rERr^l!|larrAarlRrR F |6 avat-ACt-E EAgE! .^|q-E!!!r,rlatct! -roAK Fa{a .r'@4 - 9€f4 - rFAt€PAFCNt gtalx ol.| R9,6e9At, er?. |.l3tll'ltl -rOAx iorrof ri€-@rr. ge|l - tF,Ar€PAEl|.r aratN ot{ i-t ctdrq |.ra J/+3*rt'la.E/, ct&6,ror @ aoollt*.a.r,llt' iC!/'l'; Cf ',iAlt- l-r::SICN Ri:VIf_'irt a'; Ir\ F I. Aplr f.l0v/\l_ l,Caal.lRt -!dAK *Aaa gtatr| oN i9. c!fla Et4 Fl,.\+tit€. ourIER9 Al{p oo||lFaul9 --Pir!9!9"119!s!!!- r93-qiqE!E99149q{q al'r'! a!!a710L aaE EAST ELEVATION l,/a-- I Lo'(RICHT StDE ELEvATTON FROII{ STREET) l0 l1:aJ_ _ til+ Bt'uers Residence Dccr Ridge L-,-!,C. 5107 Maln Gore Drive Lot 4, Block l, Bigborn SrbdivisioD Pifth Addition Towa of Vail Es8le Couoty, Colorado tn cAP (NoY cL,Pvet) -l o fl 872'r'! Poal: f AB( Co rlrt Y-a. &x coRB. r{ 64 7t} tr1 ,{qs'Dc /t}AL RboFnq To n{Tel O'inEL Roof,^'7 r*i i--- - s_E t_r | /4':l'-0" ION ''D /|l|ara arll tttvt !6!.10'Yror oi raof t+cA tttt \'\\-- t-Diwi oF vAu DISIGN REVIEIV' STAFF APPNOVAI. tl ^. : SECTION rrE'r i i i i H-=---;'r --l- l0'15\q) ttc t ! liu-erq Residence I Decr Ridee L.L.C. I 5I0? Main Gorc Drivc € Lot {, Block I, Bighorn Subdivi3ioD t Flfth Addiriou r I llln ./\oolltos t Town of Vsil x Ilgcle-iountY. Colorado X' Constructlo! Docutr|cnts frwLfa.df : ,ee t rst zt.r'a -ttta .t -l d t'- Arcr|tEcr OOri*Ur{A C'E!E!OF{.iE}{I Design Review Board ACTIOI{ FORM Department of Communaty Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tef: 970.479.2139 faxi g70.4tg.Z4SZ- web: www.vailgov.com Project Name: DEER RIDGE NEW SFR Project Description: Participants: OWNER DEER RIDGE LLC PO BOX 4252 VAIL co 81658 APPUCANT DEER RIDGE LLC PO BOX 4252 VAIL co 816s8 ProjectAddress: 5107 MAIN GORE DR N VAIL Legal Description: Lot: 4 Block: 1 Subdivision: Parcel Number: 2099-182-0100-3 Commentsl See Conditions FINAL APPROVAL FOR CONSTRUCNON OF A NEW SFR DRB Numben DR8060272 06/30/2006 0613012006 Location: 5107 MAIN GORE DR N BIGHORN sTH ADDMON BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By! Second By: Vote: Condltions: Pete Dunning Mike Dantas 5-0-0 Action: APPROVED Date of Approvall. 07 I 19l2QQ6 Cond: 8 (PIAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PI-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. C.ond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0008254 Fire sprinkler system required and shall comply with NFPA 13R(2002) and VFES standards. Cond: CON0008255 Monitored fire ararm system required and shail compry with NFPA 72(2002) and VFES standards. Cond: CON@08292 The appricant sharl revise ail prans, randscaping, ek., to reflect the new site plan layout, prior to submitting for building permits. Cond: CON0008293 The applicant shall revise the landscaping plan to iniclude a minimum of six aspens along the eastern property llne between the driveway and property line and remove the evergreen shown on the prans prior to submittin! ror uuiraing i,errits.Cond: CON0008294 The applicant shall adequately address all the concerns of the public works Depaftment idenufied in the correspondence faxed on Jury 14, 2006, prior to submitting for buidling permits. Planner: Warren Campbell ORB Fee paid: $650.00 ZONE CHECK '--ll-06 Lcgal dcscription: Lot Addrcss 5 to1 Bid,r^ SqL);';r:o^ il); n;n S' Pbonc Phonc Proposcd usc Brrildablc arca 10q Orrncr Architcrt Zonc district t Loc sizc Prinrary CRFA _+ (425) (675r) =.- Sccondary CMA .+ (125) (675+) =_ rotarGRFA !@ - Hcigbt Sctbacks + 675 = 425 crcdit plus 250 addirion Docs this rcqucst involvc a 250 Addition? | | ft Horv much of rtc allorvcd 250 Addition is uscd with Nrrrqurs? /UOna Sitc CotcngcpOo/o 1fis3 d Y/ @ oa It + tl - (30 Fron ! Sidcs Rcar '.. 20' .J 5' l5' 3L 15r'J1 '75 Garagc Crcdit Drir,ovay Conrplics rvirh TOV Ligtrting Orrlinancc Arc finishcd gradcs lcss than 2:l (50%) Enriron mcn taLlllazards c) Dcbris Florv Lanrtscping @'/.vrinimum 13 obo ?lrV1 - I',Jgl 21Q to Rctlining \Vall Hciglrs Parking 3,t6, !q!btl,nqui,.a-{- c 6 E*o*.. G00)@e00)(r200) 36!%84 hte)$o^ Wro PcrmincrlSlopc IO n proposcd Stopc % Ycs.--X- No_-..- Y*-X- No--- 2) Floodplain 3) Wctlands Prc\,iou5conditionsofapproval(chcckpropcrtyn'.l ls tbc propcrty non-conforming? OaUUc: /\l D l) Pcrccnt Slopc (< >30%) ,U A 4) Watcr Course Sctback (3 5) Gcologic Hazards a) Snorv Avalanchc b) Rockfall , ssJl3v cr!J. --_ t ""t """ 'l'' :. ''.rri :,. I.chdrols.aioug :_.,".,r,.._., (cped pue. ssrcre) ,(uarb,rdg .t ' .., ..,., ' , -\.1. , . snrpsd gtrrtrmJ.L, ]-, ' ,' . . suo$.Flscr r'ld c3eng78upFe4 -- . ., scl0EgEA . '?t' 'sroputoJ A\arA 11u11 SuJuPlca (puno.6rcprm) sapJp161 dols\aperc ctrs - PuYcPeqSlung uoP]ruuoccfure5.__ uoperuur^'O.3 ' scldurrs Jegrluur ?urppng .- . . . . . , (1) s?reqrr^O/sc^83 '_- ctlsJo sotoqd _: . s{rsqlcs S{rzr ruro3 uoqerguaa {ir;un (g ?F Y) Uodq'1pr1 slurunlrPorf,ug 1q?rag Surfpng prord(y opu63 sno3N\macsltil 3lers pucFcl srJ4 pcsodo:4: - scr-q Sunsrxa NV'Ida.IIS D suoqU,trlc lOdS slropBlol A!lpo srall ..':'.'Nv.rdsdvSscNn D rtilldJoot sPrc'zeH lButuruorr ua IJEqlJs csmoS JrlcA\ uruld poog .:,{ gg 1 ,(qde6odo1 slurutsEll E?rv clqEplFq . ,zrsto.I _; uopdrnscp pfjl -.'i :peuJqluJg JIEJS . ra^xns D lrcfo:4 ISITXJXI{D ATSIAtrU NSISXq New Construction Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 Sou$ Frontage Road, Vail, Colondo 81657 tel: 970.479.2128 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. please refer to tfie submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application ior Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Locationof theProposal: Lot: 4 elock; I sudivision: flhFZN Physical Address: ntact Eagle Cp. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.)Parcel No.: Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: E-mail Address: Type of Review tr Signs lr', ,F w o o o E\) \,\r tr N D E tr Conceptual Review Ne'ur Construdion Addition Minor Alteration (muhi-family/commercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot oftotal sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee tr tr For Office-Uge Only: Fee Paid: b5O Meeting Date: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: (Jc- LLC 15:14 9794688947 KEVIN W REEDER ARCH PAGE ETITI PROP'O6|ED I{ATERIAIS Tfor of }lefiqdal Colqr lulumilafredah Roof Sdmg OtlrerWa[ lhtsrlab Fa6da Soms Wlrdottr //WlndorTrln A \Y Au4.a/D tfutu> DoorTrlm t Hond or Deck Ralls F[s Fashlng Cttmnefi Trsh Eldosures Greenhoces Ftetalnlng walls E fterbr UgltUng Odter ilG: Eusu- i P|easecifythcmanufacfu'€|,s|filc,thecohrnameandnrrnrbcranda0adracobrdt|p. PW7 c't4lrllrqos ,a-lo.lF , land Title Guarantee Gompany Date May 03, 2006 DEER RIDGE, LI.C, A @LORADO IIMITED LTABIUTY @MPANY P0 BOX 4252 vArL, co 81658 Enclosed please find the title insurance policy for your propcrty located at 5107 MAIN GORE DRIVE NORTH / BIGHORN 5TH ADDITION BIJ(:I LOT:4 VAIL @ The following endorserents arc included in fis policy: Deletion of Exceptions l-3 Deletiou of Cieneral Exception 4 Please rcview this policy in its entirety, In thc eveat that you fiod any discrepmy, or if yon have any quc$ions regarding your final title policy, you nray contact Title Departnent Phone:97U476-2251 Fax:9704764732 Please rcfer to our Order No. V50013368 Should you decide to so[ fre propeffy described in this policy, or if you are required to purchase a new titlc commitment for mongage purposes, you ruy be entitled to a crcdit toward funre titlc insurance premiums. r ^nd Tide Guarantee Coqany will retain a copy sf rhis peligy so we will be able to pmvide frmre Fodrrcts and services to you quictly and efficiently. Thank you for giviag us thc oppornmity 0o srve you. Sincerely, laod Title Gnrantee Coryany Ameican Land Titlz Associatiotr OWNER'S POUCY (10-r7-92) CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY slrsJ8cr T0 IHE EXCTU$ S fn0r C0VERACE, IHE EXCEPTI0ilS rno CoV€FAGE 801{TAlllE0ll{ SCIIOUU B A1{0 THf 60lt0tTr0ilS Ailo STtpuunot{s. cHtcA60 TITLE lflSUfiAtCE C0 PA[Y, r Mirouri corporation, hlrsh crlhd the gomprny, insun!, .s 0t oato of Poliry rhown in Sdedule A, a0ahit lo$ o] dams0o, nor .rcsodh0 tts Arlrurt 0f hsoru.s stat d h Sct duh l, $itafud 0rhcunsd by tlu hsursd ty nai0n 0f: l. Tith to th.6tatr.r intrnrt rhrsted in Echedub A brig vartrd other than at tlalad lhtnin; 2. Any d€fsct h 0ilirn or0ncumbrsrcs on the titlo; 3. Unna*ohbility of ths titb; 4. Lacl of a dghl ol accssr lo d lrom thr hod. Tho Comprny will aho pay tho roils, attomryr' tEEr End 0xpsnrer incuned in dsfan$ 0f ths titb, 8r inturod, but only l0 thr oxlrnt providld in iir Conditionr and Stipulathnr. lll 1IyITIIESS WHERE0f, tho nid CH|CA60 TITIE II{SURAIIICE CoMPANY has cau:ed lhir policy lo br rignrd and roahd ar ot oals ot Policy riown h Echeduh A, rlc poficy to lmone vaH whsn countrdgn0d !y En tuthorhsd iignalory. EXCt Ust0its f RoM c0vERA6E The lollolrhg nsttsr: al3 €r9rersly orcludrd from lhs covorags 0t thir policy and lhs Conpony will not pay loss or damag6, ro t, stlormyr'tess or erponros which adrs bY naton ol: |.|a)Anyhw,odinancsorg0t,tnm€nta|rgula|i0n(inG|udin0butIot|initgd|0tui|din0and.oninglawr,ordinancer,orngul.ti0ns)rrrtdcth0,IEgU|atin0,prohi|h0 or nhting to 0l thr .ac{prrEy, ut , !r .riov'm0nt 0f thr hnd; (ii} lho sharictsr, dirundons 0r locathn ot rny hlroyrnsrl novr oI h0natllr rnclrd or tl|! hn4 liil a:eparalion in owner*b 0a a chsr0s ir thr dinsnri0nr $ lraa of lhs land or rny parcolof wbirtr tho hnd ir 0rw.r I part:or (vlonvkonmgntal protsclbr, orlho €ffoct 0f ary violatiol of tluse lawr, ordinanc$ or govarnmontal mgulalion !, orc0pt l0 lh6 sxtErl that a notico 0f lho 0nforcqmsnl thsrrot or a notics 0t I d8t0ct. hr or gncunbrancg nsulthg ff0m a violsti0n or alhC0d vhlalion attactin0 ths land har bosn ncordcd in l|lc pubtc ncodr at Dals 0f Poli.'y. lll Any govrrnmrntal gofm poworn0t orcludrd ty (alabovs, sxctpt t0lla sxl0nt that E r0licr 0f th€ orerci:s thsnof 0r a noli:s qf a d{[sct. fen or sncumbra0cr osuthe fion a vi0laLn 0r rL0rd viohiion atfsctiry lhs land har tron orord€d h tho puth r€cord3 al Dals of Policy. 2. Rhhtr 0l |mh|.t domi mletr 00tic. d thr .rsrcits lhenof har boen rocorded h thr pubtc rscordr rt Dalr 0f P0licy, bct nol sxchdh0 from covrraos any lalin0 which hai 0ctrrn0d !d0r t0 Date !f Polcl which would bo bhding 0[ th! ti0htt 0f a punhaor lor valuo without lnowhdgr. 3. ortrclt &nt, !|rcufnbnrcss, rdy!|rs slains, or othst malltr!: {al craatrd, rufforgd, asttsnod 0r agnod t0 by tto insured clsimant; 0l not lnown to th! Cmprnt, not rrc0rdsd in thr pub[c Eco]dt Et oats 0f Policy, b|'t krown t0 tho hrund cbinant and not discbtsd h wdtin0 to tho Company by lhs hflnd chinsnt pdrrlo the dats lho hrurod clainant tscatne ar hlund nrd€r thir potcy; (cl nlulliBg ir [0 l0rr or damag0 t0 ths inlutld claimanl; {dl ittrdbe 0r cr0at6d $bsoq|tlrt t0 0.h ot Poucy;0r hl rssufrig in b$ or dlrr0D wti.$ would not havo bern ru3tained il thr hruod clainant had paid vlll. for th! ldrto or hlorsrt h$nd by lhit Colicy.4. AnV chh, whful rdsrr lut 0f ths tran$ctaon $rting ['r ths Intursd lh! .rtals 0r int0r63t int0rsd ty tti: !o[cy, by Br30n 0t lhs oplrltim of fsrh]al ba0lroptcy. rt.lr htelv€ncy, or drbf ctrdilor'rightr lawt, thrt it b!ttd 0n: fil the tnrraction cnaling thr aitalr or htrrui inrund by thir polcy bcing d00rn0d r frauduhnt conveyance or fnudubnl Innlfei 0r {i}lh€ transaction cEalhe ths 0ttals 0r intsrEsl insur8d by tiit pohty bsitg &€msd prsfsr€nlill tra|rrfu rxcspt whet0 lh€ ptstsl! isl Innrfor mtllt3 trom ths faifun: {6lt0lin0ly ncod thr btlrunBnl of lranrtsr';0r 0) 0f trch l?clrdatkn l0 inratt notic! to ! tltchasor for vain or r irdgmrl or b! $sdilor. cHtcAGo flrtE fi{sunAftcE cot PAitY lsrwd tlrough thr 0ffice ol: IANO NIU CUARAI{TEE COIIPAIIY r 08 s rR0l{T^6E f,D ltv 1203 vAtL c0 8t65i 970478.?251 k^t lupa.L tarl un . trlut-ttp,t Authodrod Signrtur€ A0.CH| lFom 82551 Covrr Pagr I ol 3 -/*/ c0tiDtTl0rs AilD snPuurl0ils Ths foll0vrhl l|mts whsn [$d h thh toEry msan: (al 'h$Ed': th inru.rd n.mod h sdLfut A, and, tf,bisc,t to rry {lhtt oI drtlotlt lhr c0tt|Dany wodd isrt h.d {ahd tt rua hr|tr.,lhr! wh. trcc.3d to th8 htsrs:t 0l thr nam0d hs|l'd by 0psnlhn ol bw is dittingui*.d fron Durd.to hchdh!, lut not hilrd t0, hlh dbtlSdeor' dovi$rr' tryiv0n, prrtoml ntm$tlrtiurl is ol lh, 0r cat'otrL !I ftdrcidv fltts.tst- 0l "h:ucd dainrnt': re lrond clrbip lo* ol drmrgr. h) 'lnowledp" or 'lnowl': acturl lnoBldg:, not c0n.lruclfos tmwhd$ 0r [otb! which mry t! htutrd l0 rn hsurd by 1r.!o0 of lh. e||blc [c.Id! at deliEd h thit lolicy or any olhrr ncodr which inD.rt coartflE{i|c nelicr !f n ttut rffsdh! lhr hfrd- ldl 'bnd': lh. hd dltr|ild .t rbtt a lo a sdcd& l" d blnurr|lt .lf@d lhorEto which by liw conrlitutr nll Drutony. Th. lrm 'hrd' doos nol hfidr ty lroC€rtY t{vond tis ll|6s 0l ths anr ds:cdbsd or trfrmd t0 in sclEduh A. nor any *tht, tilh' hteorl, r3talo or oa:a nl b rt|tlthi $trtl nadr, .w r& alys, htc$ uavt !I vratoMryt but nolhhl henb rtral nrodily or lnil tho orlatt l0 *ldd a ri$l ol rcEltr t0 and lrom tho lsnd ir irrund by this Poli"v. (rl 'm0dna$': m0rt0a0., &rd 0l trutt.lausl d.!d,oroth] sscurity hstnm.nt- {fl 'public ncordr": ncordt ottlblithsd undot tlal. tlalrttr rl D.t! 0f Polcy for llu psDors 0t inp. h! corrlflcliys n0licr 0l trNtt|n nLlb! t0 nal plotllty t! eurS.|srt Ior vrluo and without lno!rbd0.. With nstsct lo s.Gtio I hlfrl 0t thd Errbdo|lt fr!|r Govrngs. 'publh ncordr" rhal also inclrrh rnvkonm.ntsl pr0tlrtion hnr nsd h th ncordr of the chrl of ll|3 Unitod Stalot ditlri{ c!|ln f.r |[! dttldct h wlii th! h||d b loceted. bl 'u|l[r rtslflly ot lh€ titb": in abo€d 0|apD.nnt nst&J affsclhg lho iith to tl|3 hrd, ml .rcld.d or sr.r0tsd fm{$ co|.trg!, whidl rrould lDtitb a puc$arsr of lho sstah 0r intan dotcttrd h sclrduh A t0 b. obltsd from tlE obligation l0 punhass !y {ilulg 0f a contractual conditba nqtlhg the &fivary 0t msttrtatls tith. 2. Conthuati0n 0f In$r0ncr AItsI C0nY anc! of Tith. Thr foiowhg covengc 0l thb pohv Sd carlhu. i forc! a! 0t ort! 0f P0hy ir fruot ol an in;und only ro long r: tln hund olahs ra |ttak 0r htorsst h lt! hnd, orhs5r:n iadebtrdness :octmd by e purchss. morsy mongago giwn hy r prrcharer fnm th! hturBd, or orh so lont ar lh€ hwnd dra! hrvo hbihy by natoc ol caYemnlt of rvrrrd Y f,ad! by thB hsund h rry tra|lrfur 0r conyoyarcr .l lh. rrr.t rr hl,m1. ltir p0ftV $rl oot conthu0 h forcs h lavorof any lurchrrer from tho hs0Ed of xithrr 0 an rdalo 0r intenst h tho lsnd, or r} ar hdolladutt ttulnd by a purtao nenrv nortgtgo liv8n lo tfu itlrund. 3. llotic0 !, Ghin to tr Gilrll bY Inso|3d Cbipiil. Thr h:wrd $r[ notfi tb! comprny pmmetly in writb! O h ta$ tf .tt nldit as 3st torlh h Slction ,l{ol bohw, ftl h carr lnowbdls tt co|E t0 |! hsulrd honundrl ol any clain ol titb or intlntt which it Ddlrn to th! tiib t0 tht .tt|l| or hl!n1. .l insund, and whhh mfuht crulr lett 0I datr.Co fot wti{| lhc ComD y naY i. Ittl tY vit|r ot 0f lhb polhl, 0r lal il litb le th! r3l|t! er i||nd, .t hurd. it llidrd at lnutolabb. lf 0rompl nolics shal rot ho tiylr to th. comPrt|l. tl$n i3 lo lbe ha||!d sl fab&0 of lhs Comp8ny rha$ temhato with n0ard l0 ths m.llol0t mrtton forwhici Dronlt tic0 i3 roquind; pmvihd, howrv.r, that lailun t0 nolily Ihs Cnter! $al h m mts l]rldbe lhc dthtr 0t any htopd un&r lhir Feiry mb3: th! Gompany rtal bc pnfudiEd bY tll! fafurE ird thon onh to tho srtsnt 0f tho p[idicr. 4. Delen$ and Protac{thr 0t Aclion{ Dutv ol InqrEd Chhrnl lo Co$!rd|' lal [JDo! writt|! ]r{usst by llE htr|Ed aed fltitcl l0 the 0lthri corleiNd h $clbD 6 of ttrtr C0ndititm rnd Stiruhlis , ths c nt y, tl itt twn clst and rdlhIut lrtr.$orbl dolay. al provitlo for ths ths d.fm$ ol an h3uBd in ttioalbn in whidt V thi{ Ilrly r$.rlr s daln dnrts lo lir lib 0I htr[tl athrrod,lt|rrh |slolhtt drtdc t't ol actim rlghl r rhfrcl, bn 0r rncullntr !. ctbr natlu htrfd tlrhd It da t0lry. llo Comoany chrl havo l1l| dght to |!bct c0untal 0t ilt d0icc k!6Fcl t0 lln ffi rl tltc iasund lo obict lor rer3onath laltll lo nlntsnl lho icllnd |s l0 thot datsd ciut0r of acthl and $al not b tltb t.r ud wl i.t Dlt lhr f|.! of my othr coursl Ib C!.!ny wi! not lay rny fr$, cottr !r uprntct hcuttl by tir h$nd b rlf, d!f!!:r ct lhrr c.urst 0l aclioe wtridr alcctr mrtlrn rll htuEd rg.hn iY thb FhY. lblTls Company drri h.vs tl|s tiCht at ilt own cort, t0 irstituts .|ld Fltrcut8 any nction 0r pnI|sdh0 or to d0 ary othrl .st wlhi h it3 afhion nay br necs$rry 0r dcrilabb t0 lilalfdl tt|g titb to th! €tl.t! 0r htrntl, rt i$Ed, .t to t|!v. rt trduc! lorr 0r drmsgs t0 the h$r[d. Tb Cqn0ary nly l|lt ltty DmDi.r rdhn wfit tts tsmr ot thh policy, wbthr] or not it fial h tsbh horoundsr, aod thall mt tlu|rby conc-ode fabfrty orwaivc y pr! ti]r .l lhh po!q.ll lbr G-9.!y d|altrsrdt! it! dghtr urdor thir parngnth, it drll do :o dip lt. lclWhem{or tho Comgany rhallha$ hrought sn actior 0r intorDond r drt|||r3 rt roqui|Ed or pnnittrd by thr proyitiln! 0f lhir pofiEy, thr Cffipa[y miy puriu0 anv litligation t0 linal d€lsrminslion by r court 0f compslont iurisdirii0r snd €xpDrrly Btcm3 thr dghl, i[ itt tlb ditc1rti,o, t0 aposal frur any adrrrso iudgment or otdrr. (dl In sl catsa wisE lhir poliq pnnitr or mq*ot t|u Comp.ny to trolsc{rlo 0r pnrlh lor l|I dlbors 0l erl rctiol 0r pnc.rdh& thr bluBd rhrl t0cut! |! ths Cmfaf lh qAl lc rr tro|r. ! r tmrb lf.ct. - |lr actbn r ploort&q, rnd rI apprrb thrnir, and pcmil lhO courry to 0tr, at ilr 0tth[, thr |l.r|| of th. hiurd f|] thh purp!t!. Wh€n.wr rqu. !d ly lho Cm0my, thc h$Ed, at tl|s Contp5ry'3 srpsnsa. drr| dr |l. C[pry .l nrrnrll rl $ i .|y rcrb or pocrrdng rocurilg avidarra, tfibg rlnsar' fmrr.rl-! rr frhtdhg lho aclion 0r ptoclidhg, 0t 0fleclh0 dtltnrlt, rDd fil h eav otlurbsfulact which h tho opbion 0f th6 ConFEnY mry !. trcrs!ry or dcsir$h tr.thbbt lll fib to lho arltt! or htin at hrurad. lf ttc cmgroy ir pnirdird by lls fatn ol rla h{rBd lo fumhh th r0qrilsd cleFr.lin lh Cqrt! obl$lio|r lo lb iruld m& tb poLY sftal trmirats. h6tdh0 !ry hbnl or rtlgrtfur |! &tud, lrorrn la. 0r Gantinu. any [tilalion, with n0rd to lhr ninsr or n0ito]t nquiirl rucl cooprmtion. 6- Pnot of lrrl or Drnr- In additi0r l0 ,nd .ft.r thr nol'rc's lrquhd u dor &ction 3 of lhste C0nditl0ns rd stiruhtionr hars Lln tmriLd tio CooUrrV, a pmof ot hr: ordamage signed and lwom l0 br lh! irmd dell'nl rld b. fun$.d to tho Gornpany within 80 doyt sftsr tho insnl drinart drl rrrn.i lto hclt 0liu irN tr th! lott 0t ddnaCs. Tho []0ot 0l lo$ or dina!. !f,al attctite tl|g drflcl h, aa ln at rncmlnncr 0! ths tith, 0t otho. mdtsr ht|r|ld rorhrt by thb polcy wtidr conrtitrhr thr baiit of loss 0r damage and {.1rl.te, tr tb rll|d l!$If,, ll|o b.t.. 0f caL{htir! ll. ouot o, lhs l0tt 0r ddna0.. lt lla Cmpany ir pnldiBd by ths lahn ot thr h$Ird chinant t0 Cmvid. tig nquind roof ol brt $ ddnag0, th€ Cqrysny't oblieatbm t0lho hrund lndor tho t0fq dril l.tr|htt., bdlrlhl any liability tt othrtior to dof3nd, pr0tldts, 0. contbu! rnv higrtldl, witi Elard to ths nattor or mattr]t oqoidtu tudt pmot ot lorr or danagr, In addithn, thc hruEd chhlnt mny |oaronably bo EquiEd t0 tulmit lr rxlnhrti0tr ur&r crth h anv a||lariul np[rrntrtir ct tlr Gmpaq |rd :iel ploduto folonnimtion, hsteclh .rd clfvi& .l gcl naonrll tirst rd ;hcet rr any be thrignatsd bY any aulhoirrd rrlnsGnl.liu! of tb Ce4rny, al ncordr, hot+ hd$tr, c||e*s, c0nsrPendonco andnrn0n[d., tf,llrtht harh! a date bofln or aftsr oats 0t P0lit"y, whict nasonably D.rhb t. tL h$ .r ar{t. furbr. I q.rdd lV my rrltodzod nplosontltim 0f Ito cee|!t, lh. ird 6i|rd d.l rrut lt Fri$iotr b |r|lit lot any authoriad npllt|nl.iire 0f th Conpa0y to rr! irr, h:pect and mpy rll lec0rd$, b00ls. hd!!rt, cicdt, com$ontlrg ud mnonnd. h ll|6 cuslody or contr0l0f a thid pany' wt-lr nrrordly pcrtah le tb bt! oJ dur|1 Al hfonnatioo &rfunatrd a3 confidsntitl by ths intuBd cirit t pnvfud t0 tis Comptly pu[usnl lo thb Ssclion thal ml b0 db.trl tr o$on ubt+ h th nrromlh idlmlt rf tla Cornpaly, h ir mcersrry in th arhririnntin ol lh d.i!. F.l||t of th issa 6i|anl lo tub it for srdminalion undor o!tl, tnduce olhr |ramnab[ EqlF3t0d hfo.n ion oa e]all pol|rit.i0n l0 sicum nrroarbly necerul hlotnrtioo fnor tiid panior as [quitd h thb laragmph S.l lr h.ts any blny 0t lis CmIary 0l|hr tlb p0tq !t lo that clain. 8- 091'brr t0 Pav !r olt itr &nL Chh$ lc.mh 'rr ot L.btftY. In cara ol a clrin undsrthir !0licy, ths C0mlrny shal havo ths f0[0wing additi0nal ! imc hl T0 P rr T fu Pamdr 0t tb lf,rul .t hs c.. T0 pay or ls rr paym,nt 0f thr drount 0l hrunncs [ndsr this polic'y t0g!lh?I witt rnv clatr, altenryr'frer rad rrponrrr hcurnd by t|l! inrund clainant, whbh woru authldd It rhr CflDmv, o, to tb lir .l ,ryi6it .f terdrr ol paymonl and which thr Coml'oy b oth{rd t! pry. tlpon th rnrcir tY llrr Smt'my 0t lhb oDlixr Lbfit rnd otlgatlons lo th0 hlund untr thb eolct, olhr th to nrls pafm nquird, $all t6minat0, bctnllrl ry trll]y er oble.thn t. d.lu4 '|i|.G1rtr, .r conli |e any lithrtion, ard tu fotf *{b mdr|tdl. thoertt r flc.Bli!. 0lT! Plv oroth in &ttb ffti hrtir orhr Il tl5 litorld orw'nh tho Ir$nd cbirrtt O to p.y or oth.|ri|r rtlh rlh rtbr prrll lor ot b lh. orrn 0f an i${Bd d&.!t .ry &h irrNd alein rar $i tol4, l{rtlor with ary c0sls, rtlonryr'hlr ad |rr.i:rt brr|nd ty itr it|nd &in ritt wr]! .sthodnd ty thr Cruany up l0 tlx linc 0t taF.rt red xltit lt€ Cn{arl i5 ohh.hd to p.l; 0l (iil t0 p8t 0r 0thrrwb ettb wiul lh| bnmd chitrart tho hrt 0r drnlg. gmidcd fo| lidrr t$r po&f, teirib s'tt rf ctit, .tl.nrfs' frlt acd srtontcs hcnmd h lh hnnd *irrn $i$ f,|n rrrt.|ind h th. ca|lp.ny $ l0 thr line 0l trynrrl and rvhhh thr CoT.ly i! oltreat.d to psy. Upor tL rnnir by tL Gqny d ritlrr of tb oDthnt lroyid.d lor h lan0npht 6lfl rr fl th Ccpryt oll.tirt l0 lL irfd ndr tlrir polcl lor lhr cbinsd h$ !r dr3!!, !lb. Or lb pryr|rtr nltrd t. L ra&, dnl ldminatr. hchdho any liablty or obbotbn lo dotrnd, protsrxrts, or contius any fitigstion. A0.cHt.2 Cover Pago 2 of 3 ?. thtfinhrth|L ftl|trt d tirlar lrd Cebllnrce. -ni r*cv i: r ccrlr.cl .t icnrlY .;airsl rctcd rrrdrl1 hrr t dt4! sustainod ol inonrrl by the htujld china wio hrr rufhnd hrr or dmr;n by n!i0n 0t mlll3rt ittttLd rmhd tY thb Cotcv rrd edv t0 lhe rnrnt holgin thrc|ibrd- (.) ns hbltf 0t l|r conpany urdrr ltL prlry thal rlt,rc d ti' hatl0f li) lh! ADltnt of Ingtr.ocr sribd h Sd.*b ^; tt liiltha difhrr|lc€ bstws€n tho v.ftx of tlr! inru|"d ssiitr 0] intsirsl as hrursd rnd ths vatn ol tho btu[d o{at. or iot t rubioct l0 thr dshct' bn or encrtnbnncr hared agahn bY thit polry. 0)li ths 0r0nt ll|6 Alloml 0f ln$r.nc. ttatld h SG duh A rt lhl Dats rf PoSry is loEs thln m oelcert 0l tho vdu 0f ths hrund.strtt or inlsrttl orthr frll conridordtim pdll l0r th hn4 whidevrr b b$, oI il tub$q6rl to the oais of Policv an imDlowrpnl it snclrd 00 ths hd wl&i i!ns.$t th. rdrr !t the b$tGd cstat0 or inlrntt by rl ha3t 20 parrnt oY|] th6 Anou of Intunnco stalrd lt Schedub A, thn thb policy b subilcl to th! frbwino: fi) wlure no subuqurnl in0rcv3mr||t hrr ti€n n.do. as lo mv Filtial lota the Compsny tt.[ 0nly pal thE htt !]0 nt! h tho Pr0lo{ri.n that lhr ur||nl !f h$rancs at o.te ct P05Ey hern t0 tho totC rab ef th h$nd .drts or hllnd at oals of Pof,cy; ot {i}wh.(r a sutscq|Fnt hlror uel trrt boen ntd., it lo mY P.rlhl lorg th6 ComDriy $ lrty DeY ll|s h$ Pn rrl| h tlE enlo isn lirl lmPs|D.mdthc lmounl ;f h$r.rcs {rt!d i S[!rltd! A be.]t l. lb 5 .f thG Amoual o[ hrnn'atcg nal0d h SchodulE A and ll|0 anount rrFuhd for lii irProlrr0nl. Th€ provition3 0f lhh lati0taph !h0lt not tpfly l0 cotlt, atlomryt't8rt rnd srg€nilr for tyhlt tha Cmptry it lrlb uarh lhir prlicy, md shal only apply to that portion ol any h* rlrir$ ttcrdt, h tbe r|ltlgEtr, l0 FrDe ot r ^nou 'l lO$r'nc! datsd in Schedtdo A. (c) Ths Company wi[ pay 0nly lhosr cotts, altomey!'lsas lod |rDeosot incurrd in ascordancs wilt Srctilo 4 0l thrse co lniont ard Slhubtbm- 8. Apporliom5nl. tt thi lind dssdfrrd h Sdrdub A coorirtr of two of ncn ptrctls which slt nol usod rr r riotb :itr, rnd . hrs it lstabkhrd ?tfocth! ![ .t mo|! 0t lh! ,r'E.b htl not all lhs l0ir $al i. Golpul0d and $lthl o|| . to nla badr r! il tt {Donl 0l hrurEncs lndor thit p0lcy wit dlvil0d pc nl. it lo lle u.hr on 0 . of PohY of srch loFirrt. p|tccl t0 th€ whoh, rrdltirr 0t an! inplM.rlr nrd! $b!'qrEnt to 0'l! of Pofci, unbir o labtty 0r vrho hat othrmb. brrr .!nrd u90r .t lo sach t]Etl by ths C0mDstY and ltE h$nd 8t llE th! ol th 'F .nc! 0, thb PolEv .nd shown bl !n orprutr {al0n!nl 0r ty ||| rdo.dmlnl .tlrd|rd lo tfu pefcy. g. Linitathn ot LiabitlY.- taililtt-i-c*p.nv mtabld$ thr lilh, 0r Eotovcr lhr rlegrrl rhfect' ba or 0ncumbrarca. 0l culgt lho hcl 0f a d$t ol tc{rrt l0 ot frrn tha hnd' or Eust s claln ol unma*clrbllity of titlo, rt rr in:und, h a nstoorhlY d$I6nlnannirtV any mothod, ilcbdho ttig.tbn and th. fnmlbti0n 0l y amrslr the|glmll il S.ll hrw fuly perlomod ilr othttiolt wilh nt|lct tr lh.l a lrr.f,d t.l nst bs latb for aay lorr or drmaga causcd thnby. {blln th, rvsnt 0l rny litbalion includhg hitalhn bl lhr Conpllly 0rwith l||r ComDany'r coos.rl, th! cnD v Sal h.Y| rl Intfily for h:r or durrgr unfl lhen lar been a lhrl dElrmhrtior lY t crurt 0f clolFtrrl irdrdclin urd fttpotfrion ot all appoals lhonfmrn, rrhene lo lhe titb !t h{rDd. (cl Ths Com0eny shat nol br labh for hrr or dnn{o lo ary hsuEd for li.biftY voluntufu $rurrd b! thr iotund h trtthl .q chh or ttlil without th. Fior writton consent of t|,|r Conp.nY. 10. Rlductien 0f ln3uranc0; Redustioo 01 Trmhatios 0f liatiliiv. A[payments !nd0r this loicy, srcoPt PrYms|rt3 mEds f0.cotts, attorneyt'ferr and sxmnror, :fiallteduco iho rmouni 0t ths intunncr trlo lanto. I l. liabnY lofirmrht-tw.- lt is anndv unfunio0d th.l th€ ooutl of hflr.no InLr tlit p0ky d h reducd by any amouni thc Compnnv nly Pry undrr arY Pofty h$litle a mo]tqa!.l0 which ercrplhn is lalton h sddub I ef lo I}i$ tlr hnnd hr: agngd. r:msd, or lakon subircl, or wtirt b honattor rrrurtrd ty an hruo{ rd tlii b r darqc or &r on th. stlat! or hlsJEtt d0rcttrrd 0r drlrrd ta h S.S.duh A. d thr .|r0[ll so prid :hal be deoned a paFrrl u &l {lb pobl to tls h30nd owmr. 12. Psvnent ol loir.-ltl" fcvm"nlm !r rrrb r |ln poar-; lth polcl tor ldottm t ot I lrym.it urler! ths Cohry h b.rn htt tl dattfolad. h rlil cen pmol rl hrr ot &slflrction ihrn b0 funithrd to lh! trti{rclioo .t lb cort.rl. Ol Whon litbililY and rhs ut.nt 0l h.r or drma0o hat bo.n dttinitsly firsd h accordrnca with thaso Cordiliont atd Sth0ht'FDl thc lo$ ol dama!! $rl tr p.Yrbh within 30 days thetrtltsr. A0.CH|-3 CovuFrp 3 of 3 13- StDlllltln lhu Pryttot 0f &tlhlnl (elThr Gmruvl Rirlrt d Sulnnlir lflE|||It] lh! Gd|lpeny $at htvi tstLd ild Dald a dain uldrr thir polcy, al dght 0f tubm0.tfur rhsl $ h tbr cflrcrny !.tfirctrd by any acl 0f thr intund &bd.n Crt.|y dd h dtlf.ld lr aa b .|fibd lo rl {filr rnd nardlel which thc in$[d r{lharl woM havr had rgahrl rny Drn0n or pmoorly ill .Espscl lo lh? diin had thit D0lict iot trrn itixd. ll nquoslrd tV tho ComD y, tho insurud direrl dall !al.0. ertr|||Y al filtt dnn dlt {shtt ary P.r$r !1 propefi morary h ui|r It p.rf|ct di.t tiir rf $tngatbl. It hdt|ld 5{ahrnl rhrll 0rrrit ths corUlny t! $r, c0mDr0nkr oa $tlh h th6 nms 0f t|tc hrund chinant md t! uts thr nrns ol th! ht nd china h snY transtclion 0r fithati0n i0rohht lh.tr iFb a |Idir. lf a Fryf|ml on accolt|t d I dlir dort tot fdl soro] lh. htt 0l lhc hdltrd chin Dt, th! Compant tl.|tr tutE!.trd l0 tlBrD rfohlt d rrmod'p! h lhi pmD0nbn wtii tlt C0||'8nl'3 D.Yttrnt terfi lo ths t'Ytoh en0unl of th! los!. It h$ {|eU ru* tra rey .d of li. blnd dlbrrt, at rltlsd abov., th.t act dl.l not tdl ttit Doflry, !01 tb Cof my, h tht lvtnt, dlrl b8 nqu'md lo D.y ody thrl pd !l rny Iornr hrnd rgrir* !Y thh tolcf vrtici :hrl orord th. &rrd, [ .ry, hrr lo tt CI|tmI by ]ra&n 0f thr i|s|iErrt by tho ht0Ed d*r t of lh Cq l't {tht .l t$Io[.|ftnl. DlIb Cnarvl f,ilts A.|iut llorisrl llllorre Itr Ccngany's f$l ot rutn0iti0o ng.brl n0n'h$nd lihltr dlal0ri8t lnd rhrl incldr, without hritalhn. t||r rioht 0f th inlwed t0 bd0imithi, 0uaranlior. ot[$ tolcb: .l bt0nnr! or bordr nolrfflrlaedirl ut trmt u corditi0ns containod h Oot hfilrrdt nffi potih frr rdrqrtin filtt bI Jrtaoo rf tih p0licy. 14. Aditntion. Urf:r l|tflUf fv filcrbb hw, rihu lle Grqrry 0] lh. intursd nay dsmand aditdin rr$.fl || tt! ffi h'|f c| &|lnlir Rtt !t lL ladc l Aditnthn Atrocktio[. Attilnbk il|llm mrt hckrh. hul rrr not initod lo' any conlmv.I:v 0r chin trlwrcn tb Company and lho htrnd ditho oul of 0r rohiing t0 Itir Fhf, rrt trrvb .f llr Grnprny ir collrdi.l with itr issalo or tb| bnach of r golcl poririn or r{fi .tbrlhl Al $ir.lh matllrt wt|r ti. Amoud !f h$nrc' 0l tl,mo,mo rr hn dral bc {tilntrd al lho oplir .f oilhsr tho Comp y or r h$||rd. Al dilnbl mttrlt whon tto A|r|oIrt 0l h r.ncs it h srcttt 0f !1,0(n,0m S.I b iiitnttd mty rteo .lmd t0 by holh lb C6ltarf Nnd th! insl]!d' fullntin eu|| art to llir pclcl md urdor tlr Rlbr h offscl o! ihG dalo tho demand lor fllitnlhr it n h ir,.l lh. Ol'rn.t tt hsd, tto Rtt h ltlsct rt oalc of Polcl rhrl he lhdhg ugon lh. p*tiot Tlo award nry hdrde rlton.y!' fs€! onh it tho hwr 0l ths rlaro h whic:h tht hld i: locatsd Pltmil I coutl l0 awatd attoruV't fl.3 to . lnvt&f prltt. J0dlmof uPol l||. rrrad nlth;od by tht Artfrr.tlr{tl nry h .nLaa i .rv c||,1 bri{ iridui.r tlrttof. I1! hw 0t thr litut 0f the land $ai apply to ao rditnlion un&r tlt! Titb ln$ranct futitrdtbr Ruhr. A colY ot tln Rubr may i! obl.inEd fron tho G0mPanY rfsr nGart 15. Lhtilty Linilrd t0 thir Poh$ P0[cv Entir conlncl. hllhb Dohry tonthrr with a|| snd01|!0untr, if rny, a||adnd hltlto bY ths C0nFrt L th.rli! t ftt ||a c!|lract l|tr6r lir btll|d rd the Comprny. ln ht orli| ||v []ld*n ef $b ptY, tti prlcl *rl b! c.rtlrud is . wi0h. 0l Ary chh 0t lo$ or d r.!s, veh3lhrr o. mt ta'd on nsoloonce, and which .rit$ o{t 0[ lho tl.lut !l ths tit| to th $t.lt er -ltntt c,ovetod hocby 0] bY ery aai.l art|rri6 udr chh, $.1L [lri:t a to tiit P0Iq. (rl lh alorhrnl oI or e0donnsil lo thi! Fo&v c$ b! nad! srcepi bV a writing snd0r$d hsrE0n or attached hrnto ignsd by ?itherlhs PEddrnl, s Viet Plotid.|||, ths Srfirtary, an Altiitfit Slcrelary, 0r Yrlidsth0 ctficel0I aulhotiad tiotlalrry of the Gonpany. l& Srnnunv- -u ttr rrrn q prtor d th polcy h lrll ivald or urnforo&b undol lpDbabh hw, lh tdcy $!l b| d!6r!d nol t! irdltls lhal prouision and al0lh0r nmyidoar {rl rnrh h ftl foltr rrd rtfrsl. 17. orhtr Wh SnL lf rrtia: nquirf te h lim lL CmP|nV dd rty drtomrnt h writh0 nquind t0 b. flni*rd th Cfrf t i.l i.hd. tb rmbof 0t thi tohY ard |b br .dd]!rt.d lo lh CrF!? .l t ittril ollb tr t.: Cli nb h$nrrl ct|r.t thi||| llttrnmltl ul llodh cbd( Stml Chi:rgo, l$noir 00801 .3294 LTG ndhy lfo. CTAI500I3368 Form AO/CEI Chicago Folicy No. 72106-1388408 Our Ner ltb. V50013368 Schdule A Amurt $975,m0.m l. 2. property Ad&es: 5107 MAIN GloRE DRM NORTH / BIGHORN 5TH A-DDITION BLK:I L]OT:4 VAIL CO 81657 Folicy Date: Name of Instrtd: April 12, 2006 at 5:00 P.M. DEER RIDGE, LLC, A @IJORADO LIMITED LIABITITY @MPANY 3. The estate or intercst in the land descrlbd or referred to tr this Schedule ard which is covered by ttls poltcy is: A Fee Simple 4. fttle to the eslate or interest covercd by thls policy at the dnte her,eof is veded in: DEER RIDGE, LLC, A COLORADO LIMITED LIABILITY MMPANY lte land referrcd to in this policy is described as follDws: rOT 1, BLOCK I, BIGHORN SUBDIVISION, FIFTH ADDITION, ACCORDINGTO THERECORDBD PLAT THEREOF, @UNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COIJORADO. This hllcy voltd ody if Sctcdule B b attarlcd- Iand Titlc Goennec C-omPnY Rcpcsenting Chiregp fitle hmnncc Coopny LTG hlicy t{o. CTAI500I3368 FormAO/CHI Chicago Folicy No. 72106-1388,108 Our Order No. V50013368 Schedule B This policy does not insurc agaimt loss or damrge (and the C-ompany will not pay costs, attorneys' fees or expenses) which arise by reason of: Gercral Exceptions: I . Righrs or clainn of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, or claim.s of ea"sements, not shown by the public rccords. 3. Discreparrcies, conflicLs in boundary lines, slrortage in area, encroachnFots, atrd any facs which a correct survey a[d iuspection of the premises would disclose and which arc mt shown by the public rccords. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for service.s, labor, or material herelofore or hereafter fornished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. 2006 TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS NOT YET DUE OR PAYABLE. 6. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR trODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOTJND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RFSERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 8,1M2,IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 49I. 7. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANAI.S CONSTRUCTED BY TI{E AUTHORITY OF THE I.JNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN IJNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED SEFTEMBER 13, 1902. IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 49I. 8. RESTRJCTIVE COVENANTS. WHICH DO NOT @NTAIN A FORFEITTJRE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMTTING ANY @VENANTS OR RESTRICTTONS, IF ANY, BASED UPON RACE, COI.oR, RELIGION, SEX, SEXUAL ORIENTATION, FAMILI,AL STATUS, MARJTAL STATUS, DISABTLITY, FI-ANDICAP, NATIONAL ORIGIN, ANCESTRY, OR SOURCE OF INCOME, AS SET FORTH IN APPLICABLE STATE OR FEDERAL LAWS, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT OR RESTRICTION IS PERMITTED BY APPUCTq.BLE L"q.W, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RBCORDED NOVEMBER 25, 1966, IN BOOK t75 AT PAGE u5. 9, EASEMENTS, CONDITIONS, q)VENANTS, RBSTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS AND NOTBS ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF BIGHORN ST'BDIVISION, FIFTH ADDITION. I0. DEED OF TRUST DATED MARCH 31,2W, FROM DEER RIDGE, LLC, A COIJORADO LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGI.E COUNTY FOR THE USE OF COT,oRADO BUSINESS BANK TO SECURE TIIE SUM OF $78O,0(N,OO RFTORDED APRIL I2, 2006, UNDER RECEPTION NO. 200609257. LTG Folicy No. CTA60013368 FormAO/CEI Chicago Foltcy No. 72106-l3E8,tOE OurOrderNo. V50013368 Schedule B ITEM NOS. I THROUGH 3 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS ARE HEREBY DELETED. ITBM NO. 4 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS IS DELBTED EXCEPT AS TO ANY LIENS RESULTING FROM WORKOR MATERTAL mNTRACTm FOROR. FTJRNTSHED AT THE REQT.TEST OF DBER RIDCE, LLC, A COTORADO LIMITED LIABILITY @MPAT.IY. FRd C---r t'raita| -fiir3io.l lt€5 26 OG l2:35p <TU€ttaAy rrc 2opt laro'a/-a'l'-. lErar!/}b.7@6,{'{'C|Ia.' F s7o_326_AO97 ?.? ---- .1-(o: K(ll qecN-b KN SOFEI ANd *m uru_rry AppRovAr &, vERrFrcATrox FL: Snr^-:fsuL€l rsed imsovcnrcnB witt not impad any existing a proposed &7rkffi;6"{6;Ylo I-5 furzn serves to v€rify thet u|e prcposed irnprovcrncnB will nd impad 8ny existing a proposed QWEst 5lm rv*r 6g26 S 97058.7189 $d) e70JS4.02s7(fd) 970.687.0722 (cell) conBcs: $eve wotc6 swBt€rrocwest.com vcrifv s€rvlce rEilabllity and lo€don for ne$ onstrudon and *ould be usei lr conirrcdor'wnn prepaifrg yorr rxility dan and scheduling tufttbuons- A + ttan, irctg<lnC gratrog pt n, floo(.flaO rnd ers4tlons, draf be gOrUdri O Urc ltilfuhC ufilhias for approvrl and verifiCadori, Colnmr s TB{e6 (t A q,o{€o Wt wl s*.({e,Lat1c-g ^a "dq.l'"1 ill. ecosveG l"A{ dc At se e&gztf qfido{-- Lft.A4 + R*d Drtc 6lzh( UCEL HtrGH DRfSSURE 6A5 970.262..f076 (td) Jet-4077 970.468.rt0r (fao @ntact: Ridr Srsnctos IIOLYCROSS ELffiRIC 970.947.S42s (El) 970.945.a0s1 (bx) C.onbct: Jctr Vroon lytccry@H&&rg.c9o EXCEL ENERGY 970.X2.4038 (fax) Conl.cs: Kil SogEn 970:62:402,f Xatlrcrine Eogen EAGtf RIVERWATEA,& sAr{traTtotr DISTRICT 970.ry6.7480 (tej) 970.476.1089 (fax) Conta6: Fld ltdcc ftilsleeoerw#.atrt col.rc/tsTcA8l.C 970.168.2659 oc. 1100 (tcu 970.468,2672 {fax) Conbch Srad Dorcs W 1. r thc l^itttl, appfo\,lr & vcrir€atin for'rl h6 sigmtlrcs frori eaclr of ttE ud.ty 6||p.rJa5. and n r gqnmenG tt tooo directly ot1 th€ fofii, thc To$n wll preflme thd t?rcrc are no prcbkns md the dadogmrt al pro@cd 2. If a utlhy compiny has concenr nlth the prqosaO consfudon, thc utllfy rrprcseAativc $atl n& diredly on the utiliry \,srnqaoon for.n $at tbere is a problcfi whiah ne€(fi to be rpedved- The iss.re should then be dcblltd h an .ttached lctt€f . !o thc Torrn of valL Hory€rcr, plar:c keep h mhd tfia! it is tie reiponslt ilV of the utltty cornpany and tnc .P9llc|||t to nsohe idsttlfi ed puqb{nrrr. 3. Thesc vcrifioti:as do not rcleve the aontsacu of the rcsponCbitiv to ob6in e Ptlub Way Pemit ftor|l U|e Oe9artnent of fublc works rt the Tom of Vail. €ement wirhin tic Town of Vrll, in arry puHk tight of-rryay or Thc Devcloper i5 r€qdrr.d and agr€cs tO 3ubfilt arry rcvis:d drdwines to the rrtililies for re,apgr'ovat & t€-Yerlfi69on if d|. irt}|nfftcd glans are atercd in any way r{ter Ore au$rori*d signature d€t€ (u^le6e othenrise spccilrcally mted lrniln fic @nnEnr arca of thi.s tom). ttrr eG OG let3?p *m Xfi 9ort I and urLITY app1qy11 M RlFIC.TtOfl AulhcTir.d Slonrlur! 970-946-809? Gommtnb O.tc P.2 That trrn ,JGrr,lt to r,ch'y rnlt na p.tFoaad ||ntrct |tn$ltr w noa ifiprt riy rr0 tut, e '//rys.d aftv J.n (r5, rm dro F vlnty raflts |t ribttihry rrd locr an tor r|Cn tonstructlo.t md ftqdo be ulei tn conirncrcr-wiA ?rcgilrne you. rrllt, plarr-!t{ *h.rhdln9 inrt.rlLdori'' A rilr d|.\ andufiiq gralng Dtm, noor pwr, and d.rrri.n1 fd Dc erbrft;d to Ura ririring |ll|llcr tor aoprot rl and t.tntlca$o||. Q}lftsT 970.5t3,r1e0 (N) 970.J8{.0IS7(t!r, 9m.6ut 07zz (dr) CortrcE; Storc Watcrc srvX.rlfrqqflrcom EtcEL ilrc|| PtCgsrrr€ GAs 9u0.2fi1..076{tel) t eZ-ctO77 90.i68.r.0t (lor, Cdtxt: Rldr Sisnsros rnrtv cRoss Er.fcrolc 9f.9475425 (t{D 9t!,94S,.081 (far) Coouct: Jrff Vrem I4ncoe!!@!tleo EXCET tXtiGY 9tu.262.1030 (hr) CdIrds: xt 3o$c 970.2€2.{02{ filhdinc Eoearl crcl.E nnrcn warEP. a sAnlTrltoil olstRlcr 9r0.i|76.7.80 (rt'D 970..u6.4089 (t r) Cont3s: trtrl He3€! Ea!csfosng{,.e€ clotrcAsY caalC 970..68.2669 .rt. lr00 ocu 97o,a68.7572 (rztl Contrct: o|ld Dofqrs I,-r'' ffisc L tf rte uttty rp0rwrl B vrrillooon tq i t 9191116 fhm :rdr of Uc u$rw cdnprrriar, arrl no (rrrnqr.t rc nuh dl/|f6t 6n lhc form, thc Tryn uil 9|aarlr!. that tiarr a|| do gflalarru ila 0n davdopng{ ci|n gtocra4 1, I r udlity company har corrca.|t didt fir proposc6 c€I19ttuc!p|r. tha |'fct rag,rs.ntrtivr $a[ mta di rdy c| drc utilrty €riftluo|r tor,r thr! tt.ro rt I g.obl|'n whiri madr to ln GlGlvad. thr i39rt0 rhorrlo hcn Dc dcotlc.t n tn rtlodlc{ lcltcr 6 Tovn ot VaiL tlo.rcvcr, glc!3c t(p in ,nind rf0t t ir thc crDonrihlrV of UE udirt o.r9!r'ry rrd ttr rF$lor{ F ,cfolt c fdcnfilcd l'?.rlit;t'!t. 3. Th..c t,t'ificatiorE (h noi rdlcr{ tm cq*rxfor st thr rrtponlulrty to oti|fi .r pudic W.y Fernft Ito,n th O!9!4tlcfi of Puuic WorlS at ths rg,*r 9f Vril.in ,ny 9{alic rEnt-d-ny u cerncnt rd n thc Yot|n of vdt, Th. O6rtlotar it "Gqu,rllri trld tr7cor to n bm[ rrry rcvitcd drtreir,rgt lo tl* Uttlrrer ,!r c.rego.,rl I aa.vtritlc$oi it tt|a arunroed tbns arr *crcxl n tny wlv altcr thg tulhorlroo lgtroltrtc d,!!c (unlett otiiawta a9.afialt mrad v,ln|| tha Cdnnront tro! Ot thE fo?m). ffi;ffifiiaE" F :l4rlptFofrHl.rEfllfr&$r ADC|torEl-1 2.1.03 rc r &+2oot ' lir{:qv,26.20062 l:39PM K||OLY CR0SS I|tlERGY anhorEc{ tl!trqg[p UTILITY APPROVAI. & T'ERIFIqATTOII l--rtt N#.EULV flfrbffiiencs u v.nty U.t na proDoF.t fn$u'Jcfn('tl5 |I|f rFt iG|p.c! r|y c,|ifftg or,ropofed uily rc*la a|(l al* ro wrlt! scrvlce avaibbiliry'r0.t tocrfin fpr nsw @rufrrdon arrd ihosb bc tE d ln @n otdon rfih pr€pstltu your udky plalr ara iarcfifng h$dL{m* A tb Dbn, hchderg 9'dhg gbr, fiocpbn, dnd dciotlc$, dlr! b. $rbml!..t !o rn tolhJing uHfrrcafo. lpPrEtd ann vatffilolr. awEstr t7o5$.n89 (El) -970.:rGE5r(fbrt {6 g -06 7 L 970.687.022 (clD C.ontrclt: Sve Wfiett $aF6tw.c.com SCEL TIIGH PIRESq.'RE CAS ito-uz.*zd.1slt'1 2 62*uol7 970.{€91{ol (6x) ffittRftfiSltcra HOLYCBOSS RSCTRIC 970.9+7.t4?5 (ED 9Z).95.4061 (fiar() Co'|tr6r: Jeff vtpqtl !rl(ro,n6.lrp|vgosloatr E(CELEilERGY 970.262.03E (irr) Cor|uas ldc oogan 970.262.{02{ l(|thcrine loglrt EA6|I RrVEn UtAtEBa, sAnrT/['rIoN Dlsl"Jcr 9to-,96.74E0 (d) 9n.ry6.{0e9 (fax) Conbch F Ed tl.Cee hadeederwsd.oro coHcasr cASlx 9ru,468.2569 orc rt00 (td) 9m.&.26;n|.6x't Conbch 6rod Oorces eaoatnc't rYfthln rhc Town of VDil. W {efr^ 6?o-ea6-aoll0, li5 P, I p. e Co|'rrcfltl 9s! ffi iTffi uollv aoorwal g E'illdbn lbm hat d$Bujlt3 firom |.dl d tr. r*-v rarmrdcr, lrd lb cottmdrts rtt ttlrdc ai,".ty - Od fo"n, tnc town wltl prcsrne dret thire are no gdtms and rhc &udo9tn&E oan ,roce€4 2, tr I ublity @mtst|y h6 concen|6 rrigl Ure propored {n@lbnr d! "q.y r€fca('tladYe sbafl not dircdy on thc- dlhy ilrfid;-im {r*'U1grc B a ;.Et cnr brhidi nicdr ro Uo rcrotvd. fto fdre OrotlC $.n be d&trt d h an atodred locr E OE Toern of vriL Ho$,gvr. dcrrc t<ec9 In mltrf 0|!t it ts ttE rrrpontbllry of f|. sdlty onpany rnd thc !9d6nt b |!$lvs tdcnuftd prollcrna 3. trerc vcrhothas do not ,ollgtn dl. conta@r 6t ttr. rcapongultly to obBh !_Pr66G !t ry ?('fih ftom $t Dcparunatt of il,#:ffii;; til io'.n of vl-i uullure<afl"". 'n,.* ri oq$,ia mttr,c ry.-no .'n ellr rybtc-{sFd-1y 91^ - - Tha ltel/cbger it n{t rod aill aerraf to r{E|* rrt rc}fta6 dtilrirBi I I'E qtd.tlot re'aegroval & Grrct{ncldon lf thc ;;-#;-il;;. il;i;J tn r'ii wuy altci urc r&hodzcd ten$rfo rsE (u'rhte dran 'Ec a9€dfiollv notrd wl'ft thc corwnd!! |.r| of th|B fom). Devebgct" Sgntorrc f :tcca\.lFOdU, ggttt\UUtty ArDacrttLlZ44atao r2"s-2003 . XCEL SL}T'IIT CW ll.9 EE oE lZt+?P Fax=9742f,2&87 Kn 50rt l an€ Ar0todre(lbiirrra l'laq 30 2ffi 14:10 P.01 - t?0-Ee5-SO97 ?.2 uuurY A,?ROV L Avttiltc^trorr n-ttD ut t-t 1tl3bfrlrrarvrtlt0lrficproted iruutgnrngrlrui|lu.a|''tstilng srrwort rrtnrttilc, rid rbob yctlfy $wb rvibuht.nd bcrdc! fr nfr (Inlrucdon end $orid D. urad in CUrfincfion r{6 !n .lirro 'qt irufity Cm-lnd tdtct dng intiildola. ,A gt? 9lrr, irrdudl,U $dto C.n, t6? 9ttt, Ixt ttrrt6o.r+ dEll bo $lrili t [ilG idf|;lfttg ut${t for lPFrurd nC va0ction Ccmrrar{r g||a oilrtt ,t05tt.t1t0 (d) tmJ$.0r57(f|[) ?m.r''.0r?2to'r',efltld: stcv3ttm'! @QSTrafiO ,rctl HEil rrt$r,tr c^s 9t!.2[2.f 0t6. (rt n b2-//07 7 tr0.r6ata0r flho €oirb€c Rcn sbn sr lfotvcrGs tr.tcrtls En,9ar,s12s (r{t 970,915.1081 (fix) Conbc! J|t vtoont i4osD@Ecsfio CICCI. FTIT T 9o.ro.{038 (tu) Ofltat: & Boemt70.261{oL fdEdrc logrtt ttcttllwtwAfiRi srf,rArlof.ErucT t70..t5.trr80 (!n) 910.416..1081 (lb) c0fr6c! Filt Htgcc D*l9s|lrod.ers GOHCTSTGr]ru 97t {6&2t€9 .!c. rroo (u) ,m.q&26n(iu,&nlr(t lral DoGrt .6,J0 au sDk I lr'c L tf df wrlrt rrtrlr,tj c vErrE[sr tum rrr Jgnatunu frorl| cecD o, $r! uutry conlptttct rnat r! oofinfitl aG ma&dt|d,6n it. tbtlfi, tir TdO wil ttrtunct|l( thfil rr no ltnbmt ld t,tt dlrclopmcnt CI| p|Erl, 2, ll c udlfy onprny h.t srcctr wldi dl. gfitpor.al contrrrdoi, tha l,t[ty c9r!tef!!0v! 1!dt naa dirtdy oat U||e {r0f0 urdficlic,l fgm gbt tierc I D FllDnm whldt nc€dt to !a iltlolvt4 Tha rtrre $ould thcn b detlilcd in rn ttodld trsi to rra Tofrn 0f \ril Horrrflr, dorrc l4t h mil! orlt it E t n rcopcrribl,iv d lhr utrn oopclrl zrd !!c tgdcot bl rIllvE xlcntlScd prDl lrmr. t. Th.tr vadfictt'fit do oot Elirv. rn cttn@r of t'ra ilpoaioiltty E oloiD I Puulc wty Ferrrit ft!,n Utc oc0!l!|r't ct fu6fe llbflr r h Town ot vrl. r|'snsrt $tt[n tfic Tcvn of Wll. ffiF'-ffiffi- F:l.do6f.ORliligRltrfiil lrrrorol-tt€{t oc tgJ E ,6 LSrZ? h .t|' psuc ttFof'|rft t TltC OC,ttOprr F fOrifa! !t! aeratt b ttrbr* afv rt lrg, dnni0G b !r. utlitct tor fgattld I .r.trcrtrafui il!t.$t|'i!d Cm arc Eltord in lty ry0y db tho sut rortal {06&n! rtrtc (unb6t cdr?rf|3. gF,rbty ied wilin irr. dtrllorr rr!. C $N b r. r2.6,aoc ?ftE.ql sa 9a wl 061,04_12006 6Ur 20: !5 nr ,?ottt9tt! Cororrr nry ag OE OtrOSp KH SoFGlahd Arlto+ircd Slmanrn --.Hld uEurYAPrRonA[&rrERrFlstEor |!l|5 Ent :F rrs E ruify dq gE pBarrd ftrqrrmenE d ril ffi n,a.i,iiit,-# fi,ffi,*_ffi H""grfi6cc tor lopuot * t-ot*F inddng !/adttg ebq tea nuo ma 'aofiE-JJ*i?lDnrnrt o ttra t*orrlng !'?O-9e6-6tl9? Coinlncntr at0n2r 00t P.2 9r&omsr 9n strz89 (!d)gZO:er.ozs4f.ri 97o,67frra(dt C{filtc* SEt,t $rer sraGtlAilrEi.(Drll qCELIMfl ?IES5|'RECAS '##ffii'W, 1624077 6rtad! fich S$lrot HOLY€nOSS €tEcrRtc cm,$7&25(d' 970.9{s..|08r (,b4 Cbobct Jd Vroqn lvllotnOhotsqroq SCELEillNGY 970J62.4qtE (tar) Corttcts;&,w,9m262fit fal'|erfra Eog€a CTGffiTIWTWAfil'E srr{lt^rlofl Dlttrtct 970.476.7fi.fuf' 9m.476..r009 (fq) cntrc.. fu Hrdr ft$cftcdq Ed.oro GI TGASICTff 970.{5rL2660 oc lrm (u) 910..68.2672 (td) S.hd: Bilt Dorcas e$flstrfir*n ttn TQm otv l. ffi L lf [lc ttdtt-.lD'ud a t.GrfllFbn ftfln lrr dgtfirct ftoru ctdr d 0r rrftv oapre+ ru m 5;firrts dr 11bd.ffiy dr o'c 6oi. drc Tun rL psrnc o,* r,6i ri no-iomr .d urc-d;t ogile ,A ;*d. L If r *ilry tltrgety har ersrrrrrlr thc FsE t or$rdo4 tE ,iSV .rrctE {adc $|| notc tfrr[y oD fh udty I{!99" 5ry-9$ ticc b r gmltoar u,fld ni6 0 or-rr"or,cr. rh i8r. cEutd sF|r ie tbilcd h il elbdrcd tcthr 9-!.nt T.g-of ytl'. rtomcr, plcue locp h cft.r ffi t r up rrrm*uEr c tto -u*r cre"w er !r rrer4r b nsdtaft|enffad fft anB 3. Thc* *rlttodors do rrd rcltc|rc tfr ontrr.tr dtt c rtlDo.rlbiw ur- ohtr I Alblc Wry prcmn fiut, $c t cpitnatt d hblc I'tttr |s d nrc Towrr d ttbil lrdlru f""U"". -.JiJIil:.... r...-- r{-:-- r- ..,h any FrDfc dgm.of'sry of Thc D6'spa h t€sli€d rt aiccr o lurnlt ily ravis.t drau,hoc to tic uffier frl rcriltrlrr.l t r€{rilld[q1 r ur so!ry{ ntru 3-rLrd in drt stf aftrr the adhorkl tF,m* @E au"h--o6iilffiny ncco nltiln cil O.rrtrrt rre dt|tir |bfi). DrtrEbpart Silgrutu r! F:\&da^FqFfi ::rr:fi 'Jtwry Aptrot d_t?-Z{Ei,thG DE f+m06 f+t+*l+++****+********:************************f+***l++*+t*+++t**t************{.,r,r**+********* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Shtement *+++**l+++*+*********+********t*********1++*+**t+*****+***********+********+fr;'rt ************ St,atement Nunber: R060000908 Anount: gd5O.O0 06/30/2006!0:40 At4 Palment Method: Check Init: .JS Not.ation: L1l-4IDEER RIDGE #3 I.,LC Permit No: DRB05O272 Type: DRB - New Const,ruction Parcel No: 2099 -].82-0]-OO-3 Site Address: 5107 MAIN GORE DR N VAIL I.,ocaLion: 5107 MAIN GoRE DR N Tot.aL FeeE: 5550.00 This Payment: 9650.00 Tota1 AIIJ pmta: $5SO.OO Balance; 30.00 * *l** **** **** * *****+*** * ******** ***** **** ********* **++*f *{.* ****+*** ******** ** ********* + * *+** ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current pmte DR OO1OOOO3LL22OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 650.00 Warrel CaqObell --Deel Ridge LLC Comments From: Warren Campbell To: karchty@earthlink.net Date: 0711112006 2:21:36 PM Subject: Deer Ridge LLC Comments Kevin, Here are my comments after performing my review. Please have the site staked with the buidling footprint by July 1gth. Please address the following comments in revised sheets prior to July 19th. 1 ) In our meeting you mentioned that you caught a small grading error in the southwest corner of the site. Please correct and submit a revised sheet. 2) Please review your site plan and make sure you show all the exterior light fixture locations. lt appears to me that you may not be showing all the lights on the exterior. You get one exterior light for each thousand square feet of lot area. 3) Please bring to the me by no later than Wednesday morning July 19th a materials samples board. 4) According to my calculations you need a minimum of 600 square feet of snow storage on your site. 30% of the driveway area. Please revise your site plan to show snow storage. There should be no substantial landscaping in snow storage areas. 5) Please place a urning radius on the driveway for cars exiting the garages. Staff is curious if there is room for turning movements. You area allowed to back out so whatever the outcome staff just wants everyone to be aware fo the situation. 6)You are currently showing a partial covered deck on the southwest corner of the building. You are showing this deck going into the side setback which is in compliance with the Code. Roofs can only extend into a setback by 4 feet. Please verify that your roof over the deck does not go into the setback more than four feet by showing the roof on the site plan. 7) Please examine closely the landscaping along the east property line. Placing an evergreen which will grow to have a span of 20 plus feet so close to the driveway will cause problems in the future. Please look at planting some more aspens in this area. Also please examine your ability to screen your driveway and garages from the adjacent property. The DRB has had concerns with this in the past. Sometimes applicants ask their neighbors if they can plant some vegetation on their property to aid in the screening. Please revise the landscape plan to take these commetns into consideration. 8) On the house you are showing a corrugated metal roof on several accents roofs. The small accent roof on the garage above the windows is not shown as corrugated material. ls this intentional? Thanks Warren P--?se.1 Status: I Approved -ftr&'il;r. t[A €,*,,\ A, cJn[1 ConannuNtry DevelopMENr Rounxc Fonm f^rl 1_ lt/-Of, I Approved with conditions fl Denied Routed To:George Chalberg, PW Date Routed:06/06/06 Routed By:Warren Campbell Date Due:06t12t06 Description of work:Propsed new single family home Address:5107 Main Gore Drive Legal:Lot:+Block:1 Subdivision:Bighorn Sub 5tn Addition Comments:Date Reviewed: 6/14106 lssues. Need additional review bv Fire Department. Driveway is encroaching on easement. What utilities are there? Will drivewav be heated? Provide site plan at 10 scale. Show 4'concrete pan with 2" invert no heat. No grading out of side of limits of disturbance fence. Provide erosion control detail. Show slop of drivewav with soot elevations. Move drivewav out of drainaqe easement. B4tr-n 5h ' hr{, Hb / ccntuMTY c€tElopltElir Design Review Board ACTION FORl,l Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax:97O.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.corn Project Name: DEER RIDGE CONCEPTUAL Project Description: CONCEPTUAL REVIEW FOR A NEW SFR DRB Number: DRB060150 Participants: OWNER DEER RIDGE LLC 0s/09/2006 PO BOX 4252 VAIL co 81558 APPLICANT DEER RIDGE LLC 05/09/2005 PO BOX 4252 VAIL co 81658 ProjectAddress: 5107 MAIN GORE DR N VAIL Location: 5107 MAIN GORE DR N Legal Descriptaon: Lot: 4 Block 1 Subdlvlslon: BIGHORN 5TH ADDmON Parcel ilumber: 2099-182-0100-3 Comments: DRB Was Generally pleased BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: CONCEPT Conditionsr Cond: 200 A conceptual review is NOT a Design Review Board approval. Cond: CON0008064 Fire sprinkler system required and shall comply with NFPA 13R(2002) and VFES standards. Cond: CON0008065 Monitored fire alarm system required and shall comply with NFPA 72(2002) and VFES standards. Planner: Warren Campbell Conceptual Review Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2128 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval pilor to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submitbal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission' Delign review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Parcel No.r .2 o ? ? t,f Z tS / o o3 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant:( ((:- Mailing Address: Phone: Fax: Location of the proposa tt tot: ( Btxk: I subdivision: E f-'y'lf*r "ftt/3. :{4 445, physicaf Address: {/z>7 - trl '\ 6',c28' -l\rt "tP o -il Ilr,t,t ->l c 6 o ,?\a o */J /t,t/,€"Qtt Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs .E! Conceotual Review tr New Construction tr Addition tr Minor Alteration (multl-family/commercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site re-roofing, painting, window additions, retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved Design Review Board. No Fee $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot oftotal sign area' No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild' $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions)' $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements' sucn as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and sucn as, tr tr D;a E-mail AddresslT l'11""-lll",q ing Staff or t4AYq, oK For Office Use QnlY: Fee Paid: "- Check No.: ?-tf- O,6 DRBNo.:Meeting Date: L) F { pranner: \NJ(i Poect No,: Status: I Approved Cotvt luutttry DEVELopM ENT Rourrnc Fonna fi Approved with conditions I Denied Routed To:George Chalberg, PW Date Routed:05/10/06 Routed By:Warren Campbell Date Due:ost17106 Description of work:Propsed new single family home Address:5'107 Main Gore Drive Legal:Lot: l4 Block:1 | Subdivision:Bighorn Sub 5'n Addition Comments:Date Reviewed: 5/10/06 lssues. Need additional review bv Fire Driveway is encroaching on easement. What utilities are there? Will drivewav be heated? ^ /"-t/ gyooL I t Brqho.n Srtt/i,g,o,/4z"lrt;ng- r0nnv# Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Cornmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci,vail.co.us ProiectName: CUMMINGSRESIDENCE DRBNumber: DR8040610 Project Description: CONCEFTUAL TREE REMOVAL Participants: OWNER BOLEN, JAMES L. 12103/2004 Phone: 2320 NORTH OMNGE ORLANDO FL 32789 License; APPUCANT CUMMINGS,GREG L210312004 Phone:476-3254 5135 MAIN GORE DR VAIL co 81657 License: Project Address: 5107 MAIN GORE DR NORTH VAIL Location: Legal Description: Loh 4 Block 1 Subdivision: BIGHORN 5TH ADDffiON Parcel Number: 209918201003 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: CONCEPT Conditions: Cond:200 A conceptual review is NOT a Design Review Board approval. Planner: Bill Gibson General Information: Conceptual Revi o ew Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 97 0,479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov,com All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. please refer to.the submittal requirements for the paticular approval that is requeslted. an algication for Design Review cannot be accepted until all requlred information is received by the Community Develbpment Departnrent. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission.Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and c6nstruction commences within one year of the approval. RH$triV[:[i,] TOV-COlvl.DEV. Description of the Request: Physical Address: (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no,) Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: D Siqns tr-tileptual neview E New C-onstruction D Addition ! Minor Alteration (multFfamily/commercial) n Minor Alteration (single{amily/duplex) D Changes to Approved plans tr Separation Request //ct u." /b,-tbn/lu P.^/'sL Phone: 7 7O * 't 7 /, .3 ? S' -/ Phone: $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee o or OF.ruf cuPr IUM.IOFI/AII Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Tail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 r 38 F/lX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com December 16,2004 Greg Cummings 5 135 Main Gore Drive Vail. CO 81657 RE: 5 107 Main Gore Drivellot 4, Block I , Bighom 5'h Addition Dear Greg, On December 15,2004, the Town of Vail Design Review Board reviewed the conceptual design review application for potential tree removals at 5107 Main Gore Drive in conjunction with the construction of a new single-fbmily residence. The majority of the board was supportive of removing the existing trees from the center of the lot to accommodate the construction of a new residence. This opinion was based upon concems about the health of these trees and your stated intentions to preserve the existing trees at the rear ofthe lot and to plant new trees along the sides and front ofthe lot. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to coRtact me directly at (970) 479-2173. Sincerely, 44*4,.771. Bill Gibson. AICP Town of Vail {pl"""""ro ,n,"^ l department of community development vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-5613 Febrrrary 22, lr979 lrllr. Isaac Kinsey, Jr. 1762 Alpine Dr. Vail, @ 81657 Re: Brilding pemit 21:6-78 issued 6-21-78 Dear Sir: Since no constnrction has been initiated on your Iot 4, B1k 1 ffi'"ll#'Ll3.ffiff:ruETH'loffi?**previously paid fees would be applied to the nor permit. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to 1et us larcnt. Sincerely, ,fUa^,L/D' aflualu<-' lr,laxk 1{. I'darctrus f?a),Chief Building Official 'J caj l|tl I READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON rNs 7,) l REQUEST VAIL ' -!. i.i ' 'f ryfloN TOWN OF DATE FRI AM PM TUES WED THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING tr INSULATION O GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELEGTRlCAL: B TEMP. POWER MECHAN!CAL: D HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL D APPROVED CORRECTIONS: E DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR I -{o =-, e -l l- E s t-I z o E m D 3 -{ J i r., n_ -n D m'D.. -t -l l- t- m 1',||- m n m m z -l r.d>F >=trl'1;A>('-<5 :o>' = -' iji'Ag > _o>*:;:*rt YZ;,i":znoj,', Q>o Eo'llx ==>6=-Yzz>9zc>:?>-z;!o=6u9 rH*Eli Z ti-r ttt ..rdiI -lzA:> c or o(/)ol-l:3'il ^a!-l>i;Til; z .l c z z c z i +' t- .z m o t- \i tb/t r Project Name: Proiect Oescription: Own€r Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: ;} I -.1) t';r?,a tI j Legal Description: Lot -/ , Block / , Fiting Zoning Approved: t Design Review Board fla/zr Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL ,/J. t't., dJV .t -Lt^-t-.--t , 'r- t ' ,o f) L^ E ' ;Je summarv: f x 4etrio,r (ta'avt,:ie o6 p;ldai Sa-1h S Zoning Administrator o^r", 6f !178 ,^r", Chief Building Official lnwn box lfi! vail, colorado 81657 (s031 47F5613 Isaac Kinsey, Jr. 1762 Alpine Dr. VaiI, Colorado 81657 Dear IUr. Kinsey: In reply to your letter to the construction project Bighorn Subdivision. I was of July 13 and checked the and the building is located Also at that time, r talked with the contractor and advised hin to exercise extreme caution and not disturb any of the vegetation on your lot. If you have any further questions in r'egard to this matter, please feel free to call me at the telephone number as given above, ' department of community development 13 July 1978 of July 11, 1978 in regard now in progress on Lot 3, Block I, on the job site on the morning side yard on the northeast side where it was approved. Sincerely,@4 Mark W. Marchus Chief Building Official t'lWM/gew cct Fred Streich t E c -F-l 9=z-,Oo -l !.- IIT I=3'I n !,m =m z ()t RF !:#I z St\FI 6I *l I D ! > l- iJ:o'{o<o! >Y z^;i, Y7 ;d _-l z 9>So t2 \-.!b.ft -t\L : -'t; 'ri < ;$ (-, t < \'-i ARCHITECT VALUATION ;,I.t)=- lq, { ?.' * t '-'''Proiect Appllcation Project Name: Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Descriptio n, ut 4 , etocr ,/ , riring I o7 //5 3<t- 7^< Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Motion by:-T"Arl seconded ov, (L ,>w t' ( APPROVAL ('.", tG , t; - -T o '4' l" DISAPPROVAL P., - l- e- € >a!, -+o {,'* xt - ' 'Project Application Project Name: Proiect Descript Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: ,/ r Legal Description:Lot 7 ,Block / , Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board ,^," c-Jur- l, lld -----7- DISAPPROVAL Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL Sum mary: Date: Zoning Administrator Date: Chief Building Off icial I /r t-r SINGLE FAIUILY RESIDENTIAL AND RESIDENTIAL ZONING CHECKLIST Legal Onner: Setbacks.: Required - f'ront Actual - Sront Distance Between Buildings: G-R.F.A. Allowed: Buildable Slte Coverage: Allor';ed - Lot Landscaping: Bequired - Lot Sides 10' +,Rear2O'+ , Sides , Rear Actual O *r'Required Area = \9)o x @( Actual l11l d-F- Parking:Required --a--Drive:' Slope Permitted Parking and Drives Must Environme nt aI I Hazzr d : Slope Actual Flood Plain (:) i( Slope o€ Area Area Be Paved Avalanche x %=o( .)( Distance From Creek Trees Removed c)L Comments: /Description, / ^f q, ftt< t, E;nh""^ s4 t-' .t,. F.- rtn 5a \/ Architest: I D" X+o, Zone District: S F Proposed tlt.3 S ' r\d lo €" "- ,l ) rot Area?-..,[tPMinus Hazzrd. Area: Equals Buildable Area: 2 (,Ao O Eeigbt: Actual 20' Zoning Administrltor Date Zoning Approval: 111.'/ o t"- 1"t' 9o fiw"q. It ko,,n"-tf ABX)3,s,= 6Vq ti"st Floo,-- 6 YY .- 6o7 78Xez =- -( 3x 3.>) = - (a ^ 9-r) = (1 X. o?r l F foon _ l7 )- X tt-5- = ll.rxr= I9-asx l3-ir= 3-5 X I =g}.Y X 3.f = /Tf - |llni"a( Fl,^on lxs = lf-?5 YtJ-=-------\ lr X3_zr-_ 6 1,t _AE 7 7.o t. I -:r f-7-y ao>.E2 2 ll,sa 2 t?--r tIo l?6. a s Lll - e9 Me,rr-L, 5e, t4 F-*t* l,//o>f It*;-1^; I t t .. .i' SEr)e*r 3o x ztt \'FlzO P*+ +14ob 307<21 : \ZO ft*^*ll I Lt/ Z4 lii*- x t t,-7 11 rz/ tO : 334 bqc zta = Z\b ZZnZ.b @ -+di -F,Yruo lli /a * tz js - 'l 9s.l I W 3D 2 .3ao zeoa zzt \z^2qb Qz t9< 33. ?g 'l I