HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIGHORN 5TH ADDITION BLOCK 3 LOT 5 LEGAL.pdfI TO\,I/N OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 | (-- 'T>(1,. v O 'i-o*>-' ls\\cs DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT i n , r .$rq[c-'--n:j- !, Add S- THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES NOTE: OUINER CONNEI-,LY, MICHAEL 5148 MAIN GORE CIR VAII-, CO 815s 7 License: CONTRACTOR FRISCO FIREPIJACE & P O BOX 1330 FRTSCO, CO 80443 L,icense: 101-M APPIIICA}IT FRISCO FIREPI,ACE & P O BOX 1330 FRTSCO, CO 80443 License: L0L-M Desciption: INSTAI-L CAS STOVE Valuation: $2,881.09 Fireplace Information: R€stricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 & sALr_,Y LL/ 06/2002 Status . Applied Issued . Expires Ptrone : sTovE sljolt/06/2002 Phone: 970-668-3760 sTovE sHoll/06/2OO2 Phone: 970-668-3760 Job Address: Location.....: Parcel No...: Project No : 5I48 GORE CR VAIL 5I48 GORE CIRCLE 2099r 8203003 ?Rs02d11 MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M02-0236 9L 0L-r z- ..: ISSUED . . : ll/0612002 . : llll2/2002 . .: 05lll/2003 # of Wnod Pellet: 0 s?8.00 50.00 s?8.00 s78.00 $0.00 Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEIC| II/L2/2002 GcD Action: AP Item: 05600 FfRE DEPARTMEMf CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BI-,DG.): FIEL,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIAI{CE. Cond: 22 (BI-,DG.): COMBUSTTON AIR IS REQUIRED PER sEC. 701 OF THE L997 rWlC, OR SECTTON 701_ oF THE 1997 IMC. Cond I 23 (BL,DG. ) : INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTITRES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CIIAPTER 10 OF THE ]-997 I]MC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE ].997 IMC. Cond: 25 # ofcas Logs: 0 Mechanical--> Plan Check--> lnvestigation-> Will Call---> Total Calculated Fees-> Additional Fees------> Total Permil Fee*----> Payments-----------> BALANCE DUE---> $60.00 Restuarant Plan Review--> S15.00 DRBFee-----------> $o. oo TOTAL FEES------------> $3.00 $0.00 $0.00 s78.00 !:.1.8I .: r,! (ei,oc. ) ; GAS ApprJrAllcgs a*t"" vmf,rED AccoRDrNc to cnepil e TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O5 OF THE 1997 I,ME, OR CHAPTER Cond: 29 (BL,DG. ) : ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER THE 1997 I]MC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE AI{AIJYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAI-, ROOM PRIOR TO AI\T INSPECTION REQI]EST. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure accordins to the towns zonins and subdivision codes. desisn review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of RIQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS applicable thereto. SIG TURE OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF AIID SIIALIJ 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. 3 AI{D SEC.1017 0F 149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. ** * f, ** **** * * i ** * * * f, ** * * * ** t + + ** **** * *l * +* ++ ++*t * +*t ++ + + +*** *a*** ** * ** ** * * ** ** * * ** i. ***** * *** * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 11-12-2002 rt 12:35:50 tttt2l2002 Staiement l.*************t * * * * * ** * * ** * * * * * *** * **11++ * + ++ * * * * * * ++ * +* * a * * *** * * * * * * * ** * * * ** * * * * * *** * * * !t**,* Statement Number: R000003388 Amount: $?8.00 LI/06/2OO2O9:01 Atrt Palment Method I Check Init: DF Notation: CHECK # 2714 9 Permit No: MO2-O236 Type I MECEANICAT PERMIT Parce1 No: 2 0 9 9182 03 003 Site Address: 5148 GORE CR VAIIJ Location: 514 8 GORE CIRCIJE TotaL Fees: $78.00 This Pajrment: $78.00 Total ALL Pmte: $7S.00 BaLance: $0.00 + + * +*+ +* ++ + * * +** * lt * *** * * * * * * * ** ** * * * ** * * + * * **** * * +* + ++ * * + +* ** **+ * + * * * *** * * ** ** *** * * * t *** * * ** ACCOT]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriot.ion Cunrent Pmts l'1P OO1OOOO31113OO MECHANICAT PERMIT FEES 60.00 PF 001000031i2300 PLAN CHECK FEES 15.00 I,IC OO1OOOO3112BOO |,jILL CALI INSPECTION FEE 3.OO +i-.{ MWNOFYAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd, Vail, Colorado 81657 WN OF LME Pe rmit will not be accepted ical Room Layo Room Dimensio LPE T APPLI fl:?iff,":t,: Equipmentcut/specsheets kpprro) lr- rz- oz Art) Pl+tect #:I_jl.r v4 Building Permit #: Mechanical permit #: thout the follovrrjpg: Parcel # (Required if no bldg. peimlt *ls providea aUoG ./ot\r,n d],fr" fnnni ll, Legal Description Filing:Subdivision: ownet_s Name:Phonc: llctailed descf iption of work: Work Class: Ncw ( )Repair ( ) BOiler locatinrl lntnrinr/ \ tr\1fari^r / \ n+r1^. ,rrLLrrwr \ / L ^Lc'r(Jr \ / \-/Lltcr ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: yes ( ) ruo ( I |ypc ot Blcr0: Sjnule f.rnryQJ ,Duplex ( ) rviurtr'fanrily ( ) conrmc'ciar ( ) Rcstaurant ( )other( ) No. of Existing Dwellirrg Units in this builcling:No. o1' Accomnrodation Units jn this building: of FJfeplaccs E;<is oqs ( ) Wood/pellet ( ) woorl Burni Noirype of Fireplaces proposed: Gas Appriances ( / ) Gas Logs ( ) wooalp.rret ( )Wood Burnrng (NOT At TOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood tilr,rng frreplace totffi Contact E,Assessors Office qt 920-J2B-A640 or visit COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT (LAbOT & MAICTiAtS) for Farcel # MECHANTCAL: $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Mechanical Contractor: Fr tf ninr, Town of Varl Reg. No.:ntact and P,fuone #'s: ll,r,lr,, i,', /u n , Contractor Signatu x***x******:k*********xx*FOR OFFICE tlSE ONLyx**r<*:{<;*:F4aa******i<****:r)k***** F: / everyone/forms/mechperm .& ,I ****+*'**+ *+ t*+ s***a** * * ++++ + t * * * * * ** * 'tt' **,t **'*i* * * ** **l * +++*** * * * r * * * * r* i * l * t+ * f + * * * * * * * * * **** TOWN OF VAIL. COLORADO Statement **i*++***+*irt **t**r* f,**t*++lf+ti*f*at+*l'*al'* t*r****it +++******* * ************t*+**tt**+****{.* St.alement Number: R000003388 Alnount: $?8.00 !L/05/2oo2o8:01 All Payment Method: check Init: DF Notation: CHECK # 27149 Permit No: MO2-0236 T)4)e: I\GCHN'IICAIJ PERI{IT Parcel No: 2099182 03 0 03 Site Addreas: 5148 GORE CR VAIL Localion: 5148 GTORE cfRCLE Total Fees: $78.00 This Payment: $78.00 TotaL AIJIJ PrntE: $78.00 Balance: $0.00 * + * t 'r*+ + * * * | t** a** * *a+tt f *++ f t + ** | * + * *f ** * * r,* t * | + * * *** * * **t** *** {l*+++t+t t *l t*'t f,al t+ t*l a + * **+ + ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Current Prnts MP OOIOOOO31113OO MECHANICAL PIRMIT FEES 60.00 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEIS i5.00 WC {)O1OOOO31128OO hlILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO TOI4'NM Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Connelly residence DRB Number: DR8020159 Project DescripUon: Re-roof shakes to Gerard stone coated metal roof. Participants: OWNER CONNELLY, MICHAEL & SALLY 05/2912002 Phone: 5148 MAIN GORE CIR VAIL CO 81657 License: APPUCANT CONNELLY, MICHAEL & SALLY 0512912002 Phone: 476-0633 5148 MAIN GORE CIR VAIL CO 816s7 License: Project Addrees: 5148 GORE CR VAIL Location: Legal Description: Lot: 5 Block: 3 Subdivision: BIGHORN 5TH ADDffiON Parcel Number: 209918203003 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Bill Pierce Action: APPROVED Second By: Charlie Acevedo Vote: 4-0 Date of Approval: 06105/2002 Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0005325 That the applicant comply to all staff conditions. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 { Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail. Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental C-ommission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request: dtocation of the Proposat: Lot .5 Block: -Z subdivision: Physical Address: -J, Parcel tto.:AO ?? /tr&N 003 (contact Easte Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcet no.) zoning: S,a/C fr ,,1 Name(s) of owner(s): /tc' , 5//l / i MaifinsAddress: .r't - 6rne ('. lar/, (a. tt|s2 Phone: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: E-mail Address: Phone: Fax: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs ! Conceptual Review tr New Construction tr Addition tr Minor Alteration ( multi-family/com mercial) Minor Alteration (single-fa mily/d u plex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request $s0 No Fee (6qn $300 $2s0 /920 ) $20 No Fee c tr Plus $1.00 per Euare foot of total sign area. For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. 5::d:[i*'-t30:l.xl' ''"uot approved orc'fl8t rl?E ff t* For Office Use Onlv: Fee Paid: 3A o rt- Date: Planner: No.:L-fi MAY ) s )fl0?' r- lr -'!- Co4I*u' gDcails Alt Gcnrd products rrc cooscuccd ofe brsc oradd of prc,paiood gdvlrf4d or Gaftnluacr. rcl. Tbc usiorr Crrud Tilc profilc providcr 6e acsdctia of urditioa:l dlc rftbout -.&c r-eic.c aEitbc Tbc Gcr.rd Shi&e b.s r seppcd rod gniacd prodb rhich sioulrres tbc letunl &grrcc of urditood hd.eptit sbefr. Gushcd .Dd grldd gs.!trl6 arc boodcd o tbc stccl paocls rri6 ra ioer.oetioarlly ptovco rrrylic rcsia formulr A &er acrylic wergkze b rppId rod 6sd ovca odqg conplctcs tbc pocss. lbc uld.rsid.s of rhc poocb lrc prctcced wirh r rcd coat ofconosivc rcsbrror polyester. tuttdlilc .fctrul Sizc 457r' s, tJ *7' /rctnrl lxposnre 43 Yt" t 14 tA" Tilc Covcragq 22.6 tilcs paacb pcr squert (100 rquare ftct) Wcigh$ Apprciorrly 5.83 lb. e.cb / 132 Ib. per squert (l(X) sqnere ftet) futldS},th Acnrel Sizc: 4{7r'x,15 b7' Acanl E4ocunz 42 Yt' r 14 ll' lilc Covcnge 232 $.b p.lcls Fr squn (t(X) rqult ftet) Wcighc epprdortcly 5.69 tb. c.ch / 132 lb. pcr qurre (f00 rq. ft") aloril"d""'Ij}.ealils -;' Crcnrd ro0619 pdscb oey be iostdlcd oo e plpvood dccl spoccd rbcarhiog or dircctly over u airtiry roof (otbcr rh"'r 66p3s 6 6lgy' tilc). Thc paocb &sn to a rnrdy wood or stccl bamco gid eyscn. Efip*Advzaego Ezbtzcielt. O- l.a ponods pgr squere 6or. (Apprc.) A Populicddoc 6t qto6t,rotk oa - Eassa"ds, spiochcs or eocrscncat of "{* f** roof oe,tcdrls.'. . IIziI Rrrlilrrat .::. A IrL2218Ch${rcd. O Hril rernan uD E lY.-. . ,. NE V /rrtirtrd uP Ao l'5 'Eis@s*A Crcrrrd FEls rre drss A'ftc irardrat roodag rscnblb es dcrcficd ia r,bc 1997 Usibrn Buildhg Codc Sccdoo 15O41 vhco rPPlhd ovcc Acci6rd Eac.-r-fn.cat. Wiod Rrsisaat O Gcnrd F[cb rrt pcdrneoce porra urdcr hnrrisoc 6rc coodhioos eod ?arrrosad !p to 120 -ncs pcr bour. IfantSneI& O Thc Gcsrd toof meo has bcco acd o ruppon 22i.5 pou& pcr rqurre 6ot bc&re roy poocl dc6 cboqirs. Sszauzllawrin O Gcnrrd FEb ere rccurcd is sbear, led|r3iqg tdulcs.w*hdnrd ia lfgb wiod mditioos O Iodcpcodcat sa mcet tbat tbc frIly rsscotilcd Crcrrd roof systco provilc sftctud sbcer sutq$h grttcr thra brtf trL pfywood Vaytiie A TbG Gtcdd soof rfteo cao be ulcd with rcod rs *dl ls cocveoriood wod $n|Eqrc3. O ltc udpc nof rystco dcsigo .lbws 6r sriqgLF Gl to be bokcd rld rcowld orqnirtd wfthour " dbqdo! of 0tb.1 6cld Focb - svicg BDdua dac rod oeadrl c" O Scd hlr r 'ncnory' aod cra be crrrly ' murocd to b or$ioel gcrscd sbrgc f, dcocd - -rhqg rtFirs e "ralp'. Madu Gcnd oo6og plodocts bcve recdved aprfut ocdfoc rod rpprweb rs blbn Tat cport cogls rc rreilablc ulro6 ttqul't: N-ES. Nrsiood Bnlurrba S.rrioe nrytE #Aj . Glifomia - I'cAlSdcs Ciry Rcccarh B+on. # Z4t2 Florit - Dede Couory . ElPdt # 9t-0t01.02 Bawiful Uoda Aay Qadftioo A Crcnrd roofis oot ooly bceudirl, it is a bceutifully rclirblc s,c.rhcr tesisear bgrricr *"t is werrlared 6r tbc lfuEc of tbc origia.l booc orqncr rod !0 yces 6r coouctdd pojccts. Tbc rnrnaty is firlb' ttrn&nblc, covcts bod me,terid aod lebor m rad prwidcs corrcragc 6r hril soc up o l7r" rndviod;o ' f20 apL A cogy of this wrrreary is redbbL op@ rtqucst. HA;L g 1.5 -'b:r. Qtstoclia&tildrctiu Gerud brs c*rHthcd r otbrl ctlor& of mFrra oorectots vho rrr crycdcoccd iostrllcs of fu Gcrud mof rynco, A &cory ueiaiag pmgna is dro $nilrbtc for iantrlcrs o g.iD b.o.b{o i.ci-tl.tioo c4ericoce eod corapahcasive re6rtoce h.!..i4t. fos iondtlog Gcnd products. ill E:.|E'- at!|.tGCaF a- rrtrtl|r.r iEr- -iaE E r-r tttrF r Grt! E rE-, --rr{--E--rr|EG 6...lc3bb,rrF, a|||firrF-6t.F--larr,hnt-tErIqE.FltCd ll*. .DrE-Errrlr.i.|Ea---tar[l.aarb EGE|.Er- rM. d I i'E = t ---ErE.t -E rtr. ..G LdBFbIiDCrqlEri.r.d.klt 4E!--r.rIG-rr-E rDrlEr -E lEE aF -rE rlrtr!. aCllr-it- r-tt {lE - 3.ht.|tt|||lFnrntll€r*1 W:-r1*!r'arr-.-:.-. GE-EI C..fd $aal todtrg $N| t brilJi''tkn nt gltta'. Sla ,*a }IORN BROTTIERS ROOFING 7r7 W.d 6fi Av.. U.il E L*!rcod. Colofldo t@r16000 Doug Mason n9',r.€f,,,lt |tt Otlie: (303) A4-1111 Fs: (303) {6?-1176 O ltlobilc: (303) EEa-71a4 fp rrrv.g3rerdust.cor -J.,. lYrw.iblool.com A OERIRI {F; , 75 7t1t iryad 60t Al.G. UM E Lrxr*ood. Cdotrdo l0?r 5.50OC Doug Mason R.pntant2liw Oftr.: (3oq 44"111t F.x: {303) a8a.r176 EreEtE O tJ.r.ic'.3.:3i a8e-7:i.. a6r.rA gr'{,t Rd.E S.tas t tn'autt'.,!i l?6 wryv.grradus8,Com /r 6{,,|.r.rs SrrE ;98.! ...!... Wvrrv.rD'oO{,COm LIGHnIvEIGHT FrRE lcE SNow HArL WIND W€ATHERING EARTHOUAKE EiluRoilnENT Tue Gennnp Roor Comparing manufacturers' specifications, a Gerard roof weighs less than hall (40o/o of the average composition or wood shake roof. So called 'lightweight" fiber cement roofs are more than four times (4X) heavier than Gerard. Added weight means more stress on framing and trusses which contribute to settling and develops into cracks on walls and ceilings. To limit the chances of roof collapse, all national building codes require additional support for any roofing system that exceeds 600# per square. Because it is made of steel, Gerard panels are incombustible and safe from exposure to airborne burning cinders. The patented interlocking frastening system prevents the panels from lifting and allowing blowing embers to ignite the roof deck. Where Class 'A' is required, Gerard should be installed with specified underlayment, as tested ASTM E-108, U.B.C-15-2 and U.L. 790 Class'A' fire tests. Gerard roofs have excellent compatibility with snow and ice. The stone-coated steel panels do not absorb water and readily shed snow. Freeze / thaw cycles do not cause the panels to raise because ot the 'in-sheai fastening pattern. Comparative independent tests, conducted at Terra Lab Engineers International, demonstrated that Gerard panels withstand simulated hailstones as large as 3" inches (75mm) in diameter. All of the other tested materials (fiber cement, conclete tile, clay tile, composition shingles, and medium cedar shakes), suffered "severe damage" under the same conditions. Gerard's interlocking panel and batten-mounting system offers extraordinary resistance to wind uplifi. That is why Gerard completely backs up its claims with a separate wind warranty. Other manufacturers may refer to wind{riven rain tests but they remain silent with regard to waranty protection. They categorize "wind' as an 'Act of God" and do not cover any damage that it causes. Gerard panels will not split, break, crack, curl, warp, or absorb water. Stone granules provide protection against prolonged sunshine or rain. Fiber cement with cellulose filler may absorb water that leads to early failure. Concrete tiles fade unevenly under the elements, while composition roofs decompose over time and have comparatively short wananties. Only Gerard offers a lifetime limited weatherproof warranty to the original homeowner. Gerard roof panels add structural strength to the roof. Many other listed roofing materials cannot offer this. Instead they rely upon the underlying deck for structural integrity. Additionally the superior lightweight features provide safety and reduce the threat of roof collapse. The death of several thousand people during the Kobe, Japan earthquake was attributed to the collapse of buildings roofed with heavy roof tiles. In its survey of roofs afrer the Northridge, Califomia earthquake (Jan. 17, 1994), the McMullen Company found only minor damage to 2 of 15 homes covered by stone-coated steel roofs. In crntrast, more than half (50%) of the concrete and clay roofs were observed to have stgnrficantdamage. Steel is 1000/6 recyclable. There is little waste and it can be recycled an infinite number of times without degradation. Most onen Gerard can be installed directly over an existing roof which eliminates tearing off of the old roof and burdening over capacity landfills. Reat estjate professionals consider Gerard a premium roof that adds value to houses listed for sale. The appearanc€, long life, and fire resistance are of major importance to the prospective home buyer. Beautiful Under any Condition Gerard Roofing Technologies 955 Columbia Street, Brea, Calilomia USA 92821-2923 Tel: (714) 529-0407 Fax: (71415296643 Intcmct: http:/h,wt.gcnrdusa.com Efiril: info@gcradu3..com RESALE r!v. 3i97 grbllg.tcqnp.4d o o Gerard Makes an Comparison Gerard Tile & Shake Excellent 1.4 lb./ Sq. ft. Average Roof: /1,200 lb. Excellent Excellent Excellent Poor Good . FArr Excellent 1%' Haibtone Wananty ,, F,aii ' ,'FQQr Excellent 120 mph Wananty |t^:- **ratl ratr , Poor, l Excellent Lif€timc Wananty Good Fair Fair Poor Excellent Lightweight + Add6d thear str€ngth Good Excellant No Tear-Of Roquired + RocyclabL Far Excellent Fair ratr Ratings based on comparison with Gerard, as determined from manufacturers' specifications, indepenclent testing laboratories, and published industry studies & statistics. " Requires additional nails, clips, and/or wiring in high wind areas. +*t*** **i't * t* *t *t*t**** * +,i | + * * + +t i * * * * | * r+ 'i * +*{.'t'***t * **f*rt++**{*** * +*t * ** + f * + t t t + + + f t * t ** ** * * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement +**+***f** * f*+* t+**f,t* t* + * * * * + ++ + + {. * ** * * * * *,t * * * *'} * * * * *l | *++ | | f* | * f t f I * * t + * * ++ | lt + +t f + * *t*.'*t * slatsement tilunlcer: RoOOoo24?o Amount: $2O.oo 05/29/2o,2o9:45 Alit Pa:ment Melhod: Check Init : .IAR Notatsions 4X9 Connelly Permlt No: DRBO2O159 Type: DRB-MLnor AlE,SFR/DUP ParceL No: 209918203003 Site Address: 5L48 GORE cR VAIL LocaEion : TotaL Fee6: $20.00 Thia Payment 3 $20.00 Total ALL Pmtss: 520-00 Balance: 90.00 Ir*f**+i+**+,tri**i***+*a*++t*tr*!+'t**+********'l+*+***++++**:lr.+,t** **+***tal+t+f+**+*l.*** * f***+**a ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Cunrent Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DISIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 FtLt c0Py Deportment of C ommunity Deve lopment 75 South Frcntage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail,co.us July 12, 2001 Michael H. Connelly and Sally Schclby Connelly 5148 Gore Circle Vail, CO E1657 Re: Physical address change Dear Michael and Sally: This is written notification that your request for a change ofphysical address has been approved by atl required partias. Old Address: 5148 Main Gore Circle. Vail. CO New Address: 5148 Gore Circle, Vail, CO ParcelNo. 209918203003 Ifyou have any questions or concenr.q, please do not hesitate to contact me at 970479-2 | 48 or *ieruE@.c_iJo.i_l,ee..xs. Sincerely, ,{tk#*+ AnnKjerulf \' Planner II/GIS Specialist Town of Vail Attachments {g *onuor^ro o o oo Notification of Physical Address Change 2 A..._ . 5090 ", 1-4 , N ;ttt,,\+ Parcel No.: 209918203003 LegalAddress: Lot 5, Block 3, Bighorn Subdivision, Sth Addition Cunent PhysicalAddress: 5148 Main Gore Circle Proposed PhysicalAddress: 5148 Gore Circle Owne(s): CONNELLY, Sally Schelby & Michael H. ,-m Jul-10-01 l0:16ar FrorEA0LE -ffi c0'tttrsultilc e709e65235 T-708 P.0t/01 F-335 srrEET -{AD8-ESS cs$KittilrNr s"rD cga\-cE FOR}!&!ilE:rrlrErDittr-l'o6aDgo:ra ofc.Ech,ry|Fr u ?; !a4 $rnryz &* vo,€o srrff tnprrOncrNrrr- lfdlhSAecsr I nrpaq/orlrstprnrcX fc$oan+rwd. *f. StrEQy- r' llkehattH,z WLa ,{96t AcrwtV t-tlrlDc*ntFbr: Csrrr.lr&ac: , , LD.IE C*4!4t t;qry,t gvrp;v;s;rl silplfu Snle yg,lrt loe iiaa+ '_- Sro?ondAd&er* Jltrya !"o+ UlAg_7tufrItorcryaillasvilat,r,qd{r111'fugr: Rd; xy..1fit1gg,qg ErylCoWanDcmosDtssi iomdtrilgitDca"1ud l|sF9Tq A.uorsotuc To*rrr!-rlh[sr6ffid Elbf$rrnb:rrdsrcqiuDr'sirr i'Cnnrfs-,n :1|qT8_Ergic.l:"gt'cgFr?8tr_ tjlS$,n n,rycgcrvioccoqqv _ rdls4xtrkrs,qr'gc..Egll(bqrdsarr Hcsrrriccllfuhnr=scgc tffifr.r*1." fri#lEfi Fffi Etr#nffi #str;?r#H,fi ffi *aahd61l-rqt'.rr*i*finre l-U_r-EE{- --r.-!it-' #e, - _c*++qe.w,yru-nw+Jnfuft nt*$ rqeild^GFq# !@ryrry_+u-nGG _-_$tb+Dll$ &r*ri*xn **;-''-*---tkl=li.FE*tt-4t0 nE €rt€rti m|e}Vcr$ :Iqq!.}+rEr hr4+2i66 hfbcor*yAdlblcg 'tErr76{t|55 Fb(iEttj EIU Scrriorg tre.nll..U6l ErtErGi *tQ ' A:]'n.*)- t'.-:*xl,. ,} rvwnirvnilY' STREET ,ADDRf,SS ASSIGNMENT AND CHANGE FORM Please rsturn this form to the Department of Community Development at 75 South Frontage Rcxxi, Vail, CO 81657 v /lltchwl H,Property Owner Name: Mailing Address: Properly Owner Signatru'e: f, Action Requested: Legal Description: Current Address: Proposed Address: TheJbllowing agencies will be notified of the change: Eagle County Ambulance District Eagle County Assessors Office Eagie River Water and Sanitation District Holy Cross Electric. Engineering Dept. Publis Service Company Pubiic Service Hish Pressure Gas A ortniy 'pt*1N( ftbDlgSS Lor S, Er-ock3 t 8t6tcy'.,*l gubivt'Sior,) st|nWin'q.. '?Nru, t.,u . lcti4 tJz- r-rJ o'i Town of Vaii Fire Department Town of Vail Police Department U.S. Postal Service US West Johnson, Kunkel & Assoc., E9l I Coordinator 'ICI Cablevision Town of Vail requires the appropriate address be conspicuously posted on the prcmises. Multi-ftmily dwellings shall be assigned a siugle numaic address. Agarmrmts, suites, duplex units, etc. shall have an alpha, a.lpba-numoic or directicnal designation in addition to thc single numaic addrqs. Required Aonrovals Ccmrnunify Development: 5t48 MAt,-t qoPE cjp.ClE Phone479-2138 Fax479-2452 I o Fire Department: ayL Phone 479-2250 Fax 479-2116 Police Dispatch: Phone 479-2200 Fttx 479 -221 6 Public Works: Phone 479-2158 Fax 4i9-2166 Eagle Counfy Ambulance: Phone 476-0855 Fax 926-5235 E9tr1 Services: Phone 328-6368 Fax 328-1035 Jun-25-01 02:48pn FToTEAGLE c0rf lnUL^llG 0700265135 O T-675 ? 02/03 F-245 w] -rr.-/ T(fiNEnily 's-- gfRaETADDRf,ss AssIGNMENT AND cHANGE roRM ?tcase rsl|lD tbis foa n ilie Dcpnmar of cmlty Dsvercpst !f 75 scrrh Ftwgp nco4' vait' co 81657 hop€myownrrNams ldailing Mdrest: * lltnhatt H, thsv |onntV .I,egalDegcripto$ - 0urent Address: hposedAddress: T6,gu dVait r€quire ibe agoprira ertrt€ss bo cmpfttrsrsly pead o rbc pailP-. Multi-fiorilv dvdliryr GU t"."igrO'ar$ogtenuicic !d&€se A}.nffiils. srilct, @laEi6' fic. sbill bffGa elpba alphaouaic a rlirer*icrel ddgeado b addftio to lhs ringle EuBErtu od&css- , ,orAffuUsehtY ErgleGomty lhme476O&55 FropertyOqrner rr*^*".X l(.44 AaionReqncsred: gll$Ec DTSgeL PbDq€e< /rlAtt1N$ Fllfi663 loag Ercct f,--Ejcro$t gobii9'a1 5.r^ prl,iqu,t Tbsfoilor$he agerrcies wtII be noaTvd olrhe chuge: fur$t t*!p ' 1ffl4 r&- oa O f"g;t"CormtymfUarceDistrict TownofVailFtreD€par@t Eagb oortfyAsscrsors office TowE ofVs.il PolicE Depr@trt tragte R-ur'lVmff aud Ssrftstioo Dittrict U-S- Postd Snreice HotyCrossEhcriqEueiEeerineD€pt IlSWcst puttic Sewice Coqrny Johuoq Kunkel & Assoc,, E9l I Coordiurtor hrblic Ssrrico HiglPressu?Ces TCI Cablevirbn RFuircd A.Fnrovels CoumuitYllw&Itucae tcr479-213E W479-u52 IircDepertm:nt: lhoc 4?}'7250 Ftx 4?9'2176 Pofico Dirpatch; tut479-T20/0 Fax479-T216 hbEclYorlrt gbsoc 179l?l sE Fax 479-2766 f,911Scnlcer: Ihrnc128{35t FEr32&i035 5,18 t4nr^J oBE gl$tlE uh& Fax92G52ils JUN-2A-AI gL =A7 PN JAHDK 974524I435 I D. s?B{OcEr P- At FACE 2/3 5-f REET.{DIIRbSSASSIG\TIE}TT.{\DCII.{\GEFORU ?lcgst :carn Ji ir rbrn c 6e D?gtrr:an ot'(inrnr',i-v Develornar u ?5 grq.L hnrEc ttd* v.r,co grc5.i PrOpcrry Ouruer trrirnr. \reitingAddress:' - c'oat+te'+v'sig)/ saegr-- * /Tltc-hatt#,-.--%rOsr |cuxlts -----------^ A il":"Xff;""s**x_ffi"_A[J/ry Propoq, Or:o.r Signrnrrc X _ c*s # . eystL nruw_ / ie,t,"< ni*st lrgal &sc'riFrion: LAr < a, ^.u csre*Addresc, * t9'r s' ELQ4'5 r..8irrrqe/v..eu,a';rist'a^l stl nbDin',,,/ ----E!fi-Att^spee ei naa, hoposcd Addresr: irre ;:;:}:--. .51fr .({E_ uiq,z ft{'f1ffiruru1T#n* o! *' **-. - ^- - -R'*d'i rrs. 164 ti}r aroi :lg[a.Go;d;1#J* I;H:'utFircDcp&'rEnr trtriffi:}ffi#ffif i,i;ffiil; :T' L..rd na,.r ffi*?ffi"*.ffi ffi#,ffi ffi lsra;.,x-riailHffi,"ffi Hfi .,, -- - Fo,()trce_Ltn_w- f,rqlrd,tguTol.il! hblicWorkr: a4 l,+gAt^-oo-C-t:aa:__ __f'?rac a7g-2t JS F,q 4?9_2i6o E4b Counry Anbutrnccr ,lcEc/t?6$si Far 9265l3J E91l Scrrhrs;Itcc 3ll*{i35lt Fr;t i!l-!(tJ5 e!/&, *tQ Department of Commtmity Development 75 Soulh Frontage Road Vuil, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us May 17,2001 Planner II/GIS SPecialist Town of Vail Sally SchelbY ConnellY 5148 Gore Circle Vail, CO 81657 Re: Physical address change Dear Sally: The Town of vail community Dcvelopment Departrnent has been investigating the addressing discrepancy rhat you i"tu;;i ilil'il;lt "fioot. rn. recorded plat actuallv shows Main Gore Drive where Gore Circle exists today. I assume that several years ago, the Public works Departrnent renamcd the cit*fuipotti* of Udn Gore Drive to Gore Circle-11f,a new plat rras never recorded. Hence, - il,;#ird;i;il;; Eag_lc county Assessor was_misinformed of the change resulting in u air"."prr"cy-6.i*rJn nftvjical Jdresses in the Town of Vail and those r.""tLa Uv ,t ."zule County Assessor- Tire^ Community Development Departrncnt ts continually trying to minrmize the number of addressing discrepancies between the Town of vail and Eagle County so rve would encourage you to pursuc a change of address' Inordertochangeyouraddress,youmustsignthcenclosedaddrcsschangeformandretumitto the Community o.u.roprnini n"ip;tffi; Saff will seek the required npptudi and ifthere are no diffrculties, we can direct the county Assessor to changc your address. Thc communiw DevelopmentDepartmentwouldsubsequcntlycontactalloftheotheragenciesthatwouldbe impacted by the change i*iuine tl," post office, emergency service providers. and utility companres. Ifyou have any questions or concerns, plcase do not hesitate to contact me at970479'2148 or alij erulf(Qlci. vai l. c'o. us. Sincerely, {g *r"r"tto r^nt 6)t*rrl T}r/N}Fvtfl!', "/ STREET ADDRESS ASSIGNMENT AFID CHANGE FORM Plcase retum this form to the Department of Community l)evelopmeot at 75 South Frrntage Road' Vail' CO 81657 Property Owner Name: Mailing Address: Property Owner Signature: f Action Requested: Legal Description: Current Address: Proposed Address: th57 The fotlowing agencies will he notifi'ed of the change: tagie County Ambulance District Town of Vail Fire Department fagte County Assessors Office Town of Vail Police Deparfment Eagle River Water and Sanitation District U.S' Postal Service Holy Cross Electric, Engineering Dept. US West pubiic Service Company Johnson, Kunkel & .A,ssoc., E91l Coordinator Public Service HighPressure Gas TCI Cablevision Town of Vail requires the appropriate address be conspicuously posted on the premises. Multi-family dwellings shall be assigneda single nu:neric ad&ess. Aparmrenis, suites, <iuplcx units, etc. shall have an alpba' etlpha-numeric or directicmal designation in addition to the single numaic address. MAttt qoPE cjPrrc Reouired Aonrovals Community DeveloPment: Phone 479-2 138 Fax 419-7452 Fire Department: Phone 479-2250 Fax 479-2176 Police Dispatch: Phone 479-2200 Fax 4'79-221 6 Public Works: Phone 479-2 158 Fax 479-2166 Eagle County Ambulance: Phone 4760855 Fax 926-5235 E9ll Services: Phone 328-6368 Fax 328-1035 o FEBRUARY 27TH,2OOI EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO --t- ,A\ b!-!4'\i t{A,l,u'^il!'-wMY SALLY SCHELBY CONNELLY 5148 MAIN GORE CIR VAIL, CO 81657 Dear Voter: We recently received your voter registration. In the recording show this street as Main Gore Cir. Until e plot maps in i: are noiified by the town, Sara J Fisher Eagle uounty Clerk and Recorder Election Dept. (970) 328-8715 Date 1212712000 Voter lD#:. 1900001228 CONNELLY SALLY SCHELBY 5148v#t GORE CIR Vail, CO 81657 For Primarv and General Elections: Precinct #: A14l Polling Place: Address: Gity: CongressionalDistrict: 3 Senate District: I House District: 56 W 5 t,l8 6oB.t A e&- Name CONNELLY, SALLY SCHELBY Date 1212712000 Date of i(egistration 0312911996 ID Number f900001228 Cunent File Number 1900506498 Residence Address 5148 coRECrR vail, co 81657 rU+ lr4hltJ 6Ozz,tu* 6ouOeL&. Mailing Address 51 CIR Vail, CO 81657 DOB 08/2711953 Sex Female ssN 58540-6476 Telephone (97 0147 6-8327 U.S. Cirizen bv Birth Party Affiliation Unaffiliated Affiliation Date 03/29/1996 Confi dentiality I ndicator/Date City Code/Precinct / School DistricVPrecinct RE50J /County Precinct 014/ WARHING: lt is a crime to aflirm falsely as to your qualifications to register to vote. I certify the above facts are true. l, SALLY SCHELBY CONNELLY do solemnly affirm that I am a citizen of the United States and that on the date of the next ensuing election I shall have attained the age of eighteen years and shall have resided in the State of Colorado at least 30 dayslnd in my precinct at least 30 days before the election. lfurther affirm that the present adflress I lishd herein is mlz$ole legal place of resid€nce and that I claim no other place as my legal residence. )nilr(yjtlttq bru/L sALLyscHELBycoNNELLy Elector'$ S-rgnature (s[n name in full) ./ Name Sara J. Fisher County Clerk I Yes, I would like to be an election day worker. Acs44 lBa 03 c'u'3 t'1', L 5, PtMrtr- Deputy Clerk trntr r-li Etl trD! 6 @ m Ig l-o l-..h E I<X f tf;i a l9s J lri g ItrP o l^, h o l<-{l 1-1 m =t-taJ o<1o.6P a9 (io ctt >t ="9 .rl m 5 i 3trq :r-lv 44== /^\ ,^ox">-r o o z a {7 c c){6 z !m F ={ -n! z= >= = ri, z c)z tq mt tl t'lXo t<o lF- l,lr$ < l-'- o 15 Tl 1J m I =-l {o (p m x m !-{ o z L o @ I -{m O cl P (, O t\) z; 3= 1Z (,c) o 2a -{m vz >m o--t>or u I =m -.'| c)(Jl -.EO ;fi€---'- Z (D C)m -t o z IT = =IJ'o (D I -J o o -it o 1o "'1 -{(') n (D l- 'Tl r 2 (o z TI = m z.o V' f\) rr1 - -o PJ o = rn (o o €o o c) l-{lo l€lz lo u l>lr tm lP lz l{ l€ l6 t;ll-lr lm lc-, tn t lq,lo lr IF l' l@ l5 lo lul t' lo lo l-tr t= l-r to l= lz lo t:l> lF llt lm lo lz P I I I'J | (tl lco l- I t$(c| Ol I (,(Jl r l-{mlO Fl= to l'rl t<t> lF lm lo lz l9 I I I I I H to l€ lz lo ll t>IF lr l$tz f J E. (OO-dlQ o9d 6',R.9 R iiP l=x =Er O '<q{€Eo-' i Br' o:aJ =+* 'a!)f i.=? =i- 9t 'e I ad r eB.aHi E *v, e- gg ! or!!r -;'-f +ii =6F o ?. -r OO+ J-i='65o -<=30 s3I r6r =s.P :l*=I E+5ot6 att -,o-: = f.i :ET s;e 38d o=:(,,o=.694 A'{I qt o. cr =o. 6', at c o A' o o s f _-1 o t=tJ- ah N =' A) v,c o -.?. 2. o o.o I (D 2. o { qt o t o t! -' o o-o AI o o o :t o -l o { o T' A' = d (rF 5 ooJfD ('r.o c+('ru) c z,o =o-r -5(D r) c+:'@(D -t o, =o=q., tn Utr . E J'io 5() c+(oo O Ct _+t .. O -.,, r(O (f (Dc) =o (D - N) or o €z m =CI'm t- "r1 z^ -t 'r ..4 mc 0 m o 7 ! t(! !l> ^ |o) =t=-'lo 2 o >tl :r Oll o ol - ol zl >l Il gl *oAl e =l qrs I =:4 5--l --+=,\-|P.. I 1:11_ |tzl t=l tli I -__tr- | I -{o<'rl 1t m x I lf,* l9r I \s sJs I I m I z U' l- -{ z -1 I x z m -c m a g o J 2 I z I m ! m (,, o €I'! =z c z =Q' o = 0 I z c z i z m € |--i m l z _f o z m m n 'Tl I R z le !-x<A -tt io >_n zo 99 o.4 o6! = sb ttt - --l 6o zz N@= rA, r *tgr€ ;z 'is 5>'or- +m =_-{ z .tl € x t (,.) 2 a F @ c F 2 z o {m a = =2 --l i m :iR rll iJ h-rN It ii rl grl JI ml l_ lq r\N .- N.. -t -{ rr .It m = ='Tl m rfTl u, o m -{ x m z m g i m 2 2 m m € @ m m z -n m m =m - z r a @ z o m |-m 6 t- t- z x t- 2 m =I !m n =-l 'Tl m m U' VALUATION !m 3 -.1 2 9 li li l( It 3 m o z o t- t- = = tn m t- @ t- 2 (JI $ '- 4 c)-k: o o <l 1\) (tl N)(tl (tl o :(l\ jBc3 \.o l't-.1(9 +1- Pu chen and associates @NSI'LTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS r& Fo. la/a OLENWOOO 8PnlNGs. COLORAOO 816{)1 3os/galfTGt S€ptsrber L6, L982 Subject.: E<cavation ObservaLior, Prcposed Resi-dence' Iot 5, Block 3, Bighorn Subdivisiqt, Filillg 5, Vail, Colorado. Jd No. 24'4L?A Austi-rFRose Construction 2985 Booth Creel< Drive Vail, @ 81657 AttI: l4r. IGnt bse Gentlqen: As reguested, we observed ttle excavaticrn at tlre sulcject site on Seplsnber I4, L982. We previously coducted a sr1bsoil irnrestigation for tlre snbject residence reported rrder Job l(a. 24,4L2 and dated July 15, 1982. At t}re Line of our site visit, eccavatiqt to apprcn<imate footirg grade was essentially ccnptete. The excavation was toraced in several levels frcrn rprtlreast to south.test, resulLing jl cut depths of about 4 to 9 feet rpslcpe ard 2 to 6 feet at the lcner erd of t}re e><carmtion. Free \^rater was not encountered within tlrc er<cavations, hcnever, t4> to 1 foot of water was st-ardilq in a graded area irrnediately belo,v the prcposed building locaticn. Sards and grarrels with c&bles arxl occasional boulders sirnilar to ttrose descrjlced in our origiral report were e<Ipsed throughout the eccavation. A str"allcx^r depttr of disturbed soils rsnained to be cleared frncrn the Lpper nrcst tevel. ltre loose soil appeared to be the resul-t of excavation. The sand ard gravel deposit e><posed should be suitable fon ttn recrcnrnended 31000 psf maxfuun soil bearirg pressure. Prior to @ncrete placarerrt, any loose nraterial ecistjng at ttre bottsn of ttre foLing locations should be rsnrrred. Ot}er remnnerdaLions trxesented in our origirnl rqort wtrictr are applicable shcul-d also be obsenred. If 1ou or if we can be of further service, Veqr trulY Yors, GIEN AND ASS@IAIES, ]NC. please call FW/dc Rev. By: ffi5"4m b-j."- -..;i 15222 i ":p" -*qJ @#r.ls . COLORADO SPRINGS . OENVER . SALT LAKE CITY HYDBO-TRIAD, TTD. July 19, 1982 Mr. Kent Rose 2905 Booth Creek Drive Vail, Colorado 8f657 Dear Mr. Rose: lle have examined the site plan and topographic survey maps for Lot 5, Block 3, Bighorn 5th Addition to ascertain the location of the Goie Creek 100-year floodplain with respect to this property. The topographic survey map used was dated November 14, 1978 and the site piai mip used was transmitted to us on June 23, 1982. Flood- ptuin' intormation was obtained from "Gore Creek Floodplain-Information" hui.a tny, 1975, as prepared by Hydro-Triad, Ltd. for the Colorado llater Conservation Board. As indicated on the site plan, the proposed bui'lding has been moved back approximately 10 feet from the orig'inal proposed building _line. Since'the site p1 an revision is not dated, we have approximately .identif.ied the location of the new buildjng line with respect to the souiheast corner of Lot 5, Block 3, Bighorn 5th Addition. From the site olan. the southeast corner of the proposed building is located at a boini approximately 56 feet northwest of the southeast lot corner on a bearing of ipproximately S 61" 35' 00" E, and approx'imately 55 feet northeast of tne-southeast 'lot corner on a beari ng of approxi- mately N 25" 45, 18', E. This information is not a field survey or iegat-description, but is presented to reference the site plan used for the floodPlain information- Using the revised building line shown on the site plan' the building is located approximately 10 to 15 feet outsjde of the iOO-veai floodplain bbirndary. Further, the elevatjon shown for the walk-out floor, elevation 8557, is 3.5 feet above the estimated flood level and the e'levation of the main floor, elevation 8567 is 13.5 feet above the estimated f]ood level. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at your convenience. Si ncerelY, mk. P.E'F.nqr neer .I2687 WEST CEDAR DRIVE. SUIIE {OO LAKEWOOD, COLORADO BO22B PHONE 303-989-4264 lb: "\ I ,I chen and associates CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS $tto.rg ol.C,|roootr taol.co|.oilootr.ot {t/r{&raga SOIL AND FPUNDAIICbI I}I\ESTIGAf,ICN PROffiD RESTDENCE, I-0:r 5, BLOCK 3, BIGICRN grBDrVISlCt{, FTT.TNG 5,\a,ll, @roRAm Pepared For: Alrstin bse Construction 2985 Booth Oreek Drirre Vail, O 81657 Attn: Ient bse Job Nc, 24,4L2 o?Flcr& cat cn . coloFAoo tpntxo! . oEl{yEB . 3ArT LAXE CITY July 15, 1982 L TABLE OI' COI\IIE}OIS @NGNSICNIS I S@PE I STTE @{DITICNS 1 SJBSOIL CCbIDITICX{S 2 IOL]ND}TICN RECCI4MEIiDATICD{S 2 GRCIIND TT.OORS 4 IJ}IDERDRAIN SYSTEM 4 SIRFACE DRAINAGE 5 IJI4ITATIONS 5 FIqJFE I - IOCATTO}i OF HELORITTORY PITS FIqJRE 2 - I&S OF HGIORFfIORY PfTS, I,MiD & NCr|BS - t FTGURE 3 - GRADAI,ICN TESI RESTLT TABI,E I - SIJI,N4ART OT' IABORPTIOR:T TEST RESULTS 5- ,u q l @IU,;USICAIS Ite p:oposed residence sbuld be fourded with spread fotings placed on ttre natr-rral granular subsoils ard designed for a r ncjmun soil bearing pl:essure of 3,000 psf with design details and precautions as d.issussed belcrrz. S@PE T|ris report presents tlre results of a soil and fourdation investigation for a [rc1nsed residence to be rocated on r-ot 5, Block 3, Bighorn subd,iwision, Filing 5, Vail, 6lorado. ftre report presents the reccnnerrded t1pe fotndation ard alloriable bearfug pressures, general sulc.soil cqrditions togettrcr with otter soil related design and constnrtion details. grd:rclogic aspects of ttte site axe not included in thj-s report. STTE @NDIMONS At the tine of or:r field r,ork, tlre site was racant and covered with grass, beeds ard pile trees. several e:=atic boulders \,vere present on ttre site to about 7 feet in dianeter. The gror-rrd surface was gently rolling r,rith a npderate slope dcrv,n to ttre r.rest toroards core creeJ<, rocated about 35 feet lrest of tte lot. l4aximnn elevation difference was abouh 20 feet across the site and about 15 feet wittr-in ttre hrildirg area. A sro,r, rortherly flo,ring stream about 3 feet w-ide arri sevec.al inctes deep oossed the lrcstern corrrer of the lot. An o<isting 2 story vpod frane residence with a half-basqent rocated to the aFst atrpeared to be irr gmd repa.i-r. i I -2- g.IBSOIL @NDIIICS{S Subsoil cqrditions rryere investigated by e<cavatilg 2 exploratory pits at the apprcxinnte locations strok/n on Figure 1. Graptric logs of tlre subsoil profiles are preserted on Figure 2. In general, the subsoils onsist of L/2 to I foot of torpsoil overlying sards and grarrels with obbles and occasicnal boulder size materj-a.l, to the naxirnm deptn exavat€d, 12 feet. Tte gravels r.t€re descibed as veq/ sandy, nediun dense to dense, and increased. anC boulder content with depft. uaxinu-m subsr:rface boulder size noted r,*as 2 feet. Gradation analyses perforned on the ninus -inch frastj-on of tnrlk sarples obtaj:rect ft:crn tte test pits are presented on Fign:re 3. trbisture @ntent was deseiled as being rrcist to r,'et belcor the water table. Ftee water was encountered at a depth of 9 feet irr Pit 2 at ttre tfue of pit e:ccawation. Fluctuation in qnowrd r,nter leve1 can be o<pecEed. Fq]NDATION RM4MS{DATIONS trltre wderstand the proposed structure will be 2 stories of wcod frane construction with a r.c.lkout basererrt. Fourulation loadings for t}.is tlpe of onstnrction are generally light to ncderate. !b recomend the use of spread footings placed on tlre caarse granular subsoils belcw any topsoil for tlre srpport of the structure. Tte fouovring design ard constnrction details stpuld be observed: (f) Fotings shculd be placed on tle natlrral @arse granular subsoils belolv a1l topsoil and designed for a nru<inrrn bearing pressure of (2\ (3) -3- 31000 psf. Urder ttrese pressures, settlefiEnts should be relatively rnilor, I inch or less ard essentially occur during construction. l4injrnLrn fooLing width stprrld be taken as 16 inches for r,salls and 2 feet for @Iums. Continr.pus for.u'rdation l.ralls stould be reilforced top ard bottom to q)an an unsrpported. lerrgth of at least 10 feet. For.ndation walls acting as retaining strustures strculd be designed to resist an equivalent lateral earth pressure of 40 psf per foot of depttt. ttris is for a orpacted. giranular bad<fill having a posiLlve slope away frcrn tle stn:gEure. TtE orsi-te soils free of topsojJ and oversized rek are suitable for use as bad<fill. DJe to proposed bassrEnt level cut and close proximity to surtace strearrs, free vraten nay be enor-rrter.ed in t]re e><cavation. Daratering can probably be acccnplistted by drajns, at:d/ot srnrp prnlq)s wit}l-in ttre o<cavation for shallot"r grrourd water drar,rr down. Cuts sttould be sloped at a l:1 (horizontal to vertical) grade to prevent sloughirg or cavjlg of the occavation. Any locally soft trndcets of soil ard/or topsoil fourrd at the base of the excarration sfould be rgrpved ard the footilgs e)*erded to the lor,ver ffnpetent grarrular soils. A retrxesentative of ttp soil engineer stpuld obserrre tte ccnpleted excavaticn to verify bearing conditions. ?[[ footings stpuld have adeguate frcst protec-ion. (4) {q) (6) -4* GROJND FIOORS The on-site soils other than topsoil are suitable for ttre sr.pport of floor slabs. fn required subfloor fill areas, r,e reonnend al1 topsoil be strip@, tle oq:osed subgrade scarified, rnristr:re content adjusted to near optirm-m, ard the soirs orpacted to at least 958 standard Proctor density. The on-site granular soils free of orrcrsize rock are- suitable for use as structural fill berreattr froors. corpaction should be to at least 958 starrlard proctor density at a npisture cont€nt near opti-nnrn. Tb reduce the effect of scne differential nEvsrEnt, slabs shcu-Ld be separated frcrn bearing nErnbers wittr a positi-ve o<pansion joint and adequately reinforced. A rnirrinnnn 4-inch layer of free draining gravel should be provided innediately beneath c-,oncrete slabs to prowide adequate drainage, herp distribute loadings and facil-itate concrete placerent. UNDERDRAIN SYSIEM wc reocnnend an underdrail systen be pnovided artrurd the structure to prevent wetting of the lorr:er leve1s due to high gror:nd water corrditions axfr'/or possible perdred grorndvu:ater during seasonal n:noff . rf water is encotmtered &:ring excaration, ttre rnderdrain shourd be instal-red as early as possiJcle in the c.onstrustion sequenc€. rtp drain should consist of a perforated pipe instarled in a gnavel firred trenctr placed at reast 1 foot below tLre rovest adjacent fl-oor slab lerrer ard sloped. to a suitable gravi-ty outlet. rtre gravel beneath the floor slabs slpuld connest to the underdrail system. Interior laterals and,,/or greater drain depth nay be reguired depending on tlre gror:ndwater conditions encor:ntered durinq onstruction. -f,- SJRFACE DRAI}GGE Tte follo,v:jng drairnge precautions stpu-ld be observed during onstruction and maintained at alt tinEs after the buildilg has been wrpleted: (1) Excessive wettirg or drying of ttre foundation er<cavation should be avoided dr:rjlg oonstnrstion. (2) ittiscellaneous bad<fill arowd the buililing shculd be npistened and copacted to at least 908 of stardard Proctor density. (3) Tte qrcund surface surr:ounding tlre e><terior of tlre br-iilding shculd be slo@ to &ain araay. frcrn ttre buildilg in all directions. (4) Roof dot^rnspouts ard drains stpuld discharge vre11 beyord tlre limits of all bad<fiII. IJMITATIONS Ttris reporb has been prepa.red jn accrcrdance with generally accepted soil and fourdation engileering practices in tb-ls area for ttre use by the client for design tr>r.rrtDses. TLe conclusions ard recrnnendations su}f,dtted jn ttr-is reporb are based r4nn the data obtained fnqn the test pits excavat€d at the locations indicated on the test pit plan. Ttre nature ard o<Lent. of varj-alions bet\^reen the test pits nay not becrfTe evident ullil o<cavation is perforned. If duriag constnrction, soil ard grourd water conditions aplnar to be d.ifferent frqn those descrjlced ,-iF -6- herein, tflis office should be advised at once sq tla! rre\raluation of tlre reccnnendations nray be made. l.le reqcnnrend on-site obsenration of o<cavations and for:ndation bearing strata b1z a soil engineer. CHEN A{D A.SSM]ATES, ffC. DAY/dc si;;ila tu;;$ o n 85 70 tllt l r. 8568.5 8565 8560 I WC = 7.0 1200 = 10.0 PI=NP d555 8550 Top Soil Gravel (GM), with cobbles and occasional very sandy, slightly silty, nediun dense below water table, light brown. Undisturbed Bulk SampJ.e d555 8550 boulders, subrounded to dense with depth , Er.'';;ui.P 8570 8565 8560 +)o q) ll. 'r.l {J g.l -200 = 9 PI =NP .|J q. I LEGEND: to subangular flio i st to wet tj 'F Deptlr at which free water was encountered at time of excavation. NOTES: l) Pits were excavated on June ZS, IgB2 with a backhoe, 2) Elevations are approximate and were estimated frorn contours on site plan provided by client (see Fig. f). 3) WC = Water Content (eo) -200 = Percent Passing No. 200 Sieve pI = Plasticity Index (%) NP = Nonp l ast ic #24,4L2 Logs of Exploratory Pits, Legend 6 Notes Fig. 2 - _ ! 1,, / / t, I \ \ \ \ t \N\wl \i \t \ I -),, 8t.2 lrsaf I 1 I -j I l Proposed Drive and Parking Proposed Residence of Exploratory o 2_ t-z tr o z_ F z (.) chen and associates, inc. . u2 20 DIAMETER OF PARTICLE IN MILLIMETERS z =F F z o a 50(l z 60() 70 6RAVEL 56 olo SANO o/a LIOUID LIMIT SAMPLE oF slightly s i lty, sandy gravel CLAY IO SILT TIME 60 MIN 19 MIN { MIN. I MIN CLAY TO SILT GRAVEL 54 ok LIOUIO LIMIT 34 x srLr AND cLAY PLASTICITY INOEX very FRoM Pit STANOARO 10 oh olo at 10-12 feet CLEAB NP I 7HR 15 MrN 24 45 rm '50 '40'30 '16 'rq-3- 56" a76 952 19.1 38 1 74.2 12f 037 At4 149 297 042 20 OIAMETER OF PARTICLE IN MILLIMETERS SAND 37 % SILT AND CLAY % ,aott'crrY rNoEX NP 9 2at 4-8 feet sAMPLE oF slightly silty, very FRoM Pit sandy gravel GRADATION TEST RESULTS HYDROMETER ANALYSIS SIEVE ANALYSIS HR MIN 19 MtN 4 MtN #24,4r2 Fig r52 c..l o.r z o J :f o ul (E o UJ : () o o o a trJ F (r o IJJ J ro t-o @ lr o fE q) o z z IJJ - o c o6 o -t 4 o-o !.o l-t f t<:tffig l9; l#q l=i fri-t o.o I o E 3 o 5 fiF o>'- 2"--l m az >m of,t -{>Ol-I, n o I -t m o -{ o o z +n o -t o m n 1o .-.l-{ xfi \,i n o ft 8i d9 io t- o 9p P= 1Z O6)n m - z EE utrtr z =m o o z (n {n c c, =o z !m F ={ FHE i$: 'Tt -O Or-CC z=0(!22 oC,z z r o t I I I (I,t- l tr z o =P >P =E 5r BF mD+3,6 hl Fi H p H. DT F I I a { I ts F t>lo B t>F F p <l.n PEO rF >l EH HR r H I H bt ts" v\ ID F I I I OB =F E p F m v I I !l -l I I CO (,t \](o o I m T n o C-m o -.1 z o t\ C' F>_ No= fit --@o = f)NF 9or F 8f ZP io {e = X FH 3Z I.r o I i Po= Sb ilz a - {Xo o o it: = 2 :t - ozr oom S-ncl nv+mm oP2 ;ni x a/'2 o t- t. H frF.I.LB zo> Qa=TET u."g *:x'+z o !@ mmo v,.oo = 6=I s5 zuro --r >a-1 m-\> -c, z a=>F >=Elt €* o>qr- <o t::i;iiizrag > - o>a g!!Ei :z Fto>", Q>o Ei;;i t-Y2zY 9zO>: iri;H insll 3i:1f Eo;;"orro>-lJ 3ir =;IE; z I z' = l3l I I I ol .l -l I T m n =z o H. o APPLICATION FOR EXEMPTION FROM EAGLE COUNTY SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS Pursuont to Section 6.01 of the Eogle County Subdivision Regulotions | (we) hereby opply for exemption from the provisions with soid regulotions os to my (our) proposed development known os . .9a.c.hq. ap.q.Py.a.4€. ii.e.s1+g.nqe.. Locoted: . . Lqt . 5. . . .-Blp.e.Ii . 3. . . .Blehqrn. .5tb. A4dl tlqn. And comprising . .o.49:11a.1{. p.c.fg. divided into opproximotely ... tno interests for the following reoson '..dupJ.er.... It is understood thot ony oction by this Commission gronting soid requesf for soid regulotions exemption opplies only to the proposed development os shown on the sketch plon or other informotion ottoched herefo . (Must be signed by oll the record owners of the property) Dofed . Received 8y ... . RESOLUTION TheforegoingApp|icotionhosbeenconsideredbytheBoordthi,..3.4 .,.) / a"v ot (/.-h,. .... l9 .4. *hi"h finds ond determines thot this Division 1/ of Londs is not within the purposes for which the subdivision regulotions were odopted ond iherefore soid Applicotion is-I (denied). Boord of County Commissioners Recommended for denial by the Eagle :;t : lf" Tilxi :ffi elw s,,," f F.Q^;MA\ LI,is14 -/-- .-/ l/' J5a0 . .,/ _r/rr/ r/ S I ifer. Chai rman ' OePt' 0l Planntn3 a u"'-' Esglo CountY' colo' Pooe 3l '1974 Me"eting.*"Qt;;/; Thomas W. Sachs Reccrnmendat ion conf irmed at BEFORE THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO Objection of Mn. Robent Osbonne (Ready Mix Conponation of colonado Spnings) and Mn. G. E. Johnson (G. E. Johnson constnuction co.) to use of Lots in Block 3, Big Honn Subdivision, sth Edition fon an5rthing othen than single family nesidential lots. Geddes, spanks & Mac Dougall, P.C., attonneys fon Mn. Robert osbonne and Mn. G. E. Johnson, who ane ownens of single family dwellings on Lots 1O and 11, Block 3, Big Honn Subdivision, Sth Edition, Eagle count5z, colonado, heneby enten thein formal objection to the use of any lot in Block 3, Big Honn Subdivision, Sth Edition, fon an5rthing othen than a single family nesidential lot and nespectfully request that the Planning Commission of Eagle County deny penmission fon any such use upon the following grounds: A. The Planning Commission at its meeting of June 19, 1974 denied such use and the matten has been decided; B. As shown by the evidence intnoduced at the Planning Commission heaning on June 19, 1974 a majonity of the ownens of the lots listed in panagnaph B of the Declanation of Pnotective Covenants fon Big Horn Subdivision, Sth Edition, want to keep the lots single family lots; C. That there ane no standands set fonth in panagnaph 3 of the afonesaid Declanation of Pnotective Covenants to guide the Planning Commission in deciding whethen to gnant penmission to use a single family nesidential lot fon multiple family nesidential punposes except the genenal punpose declaration in paragnaph 2 of said Declanation. The gnanting of penmission to use of any of said lots as multiple family nesidential lots would not pnomote the genenal punposes set fonth but would instead oppose the genenal punposes; D. That paragnaph 3 and panagnaph 2 of the afonesaid Declanation of pnotective Covenants must be intenpneted fnom the language theneof and not fnom any pnesent statement of the Gnantons intent. Unless the language is cleanly ambiguous the afonementioned panties object to the admission of any evidence concenning the meaning of the pnotective covenants. Wherefone, it is nespectfully nequested that the Planning Commission deny any application to use any of the lots listed in panagnaph 3 of the Declanation of Pnotective Covenants as multiple famity nesidential lots. Dated this 17th day of JulY, 1974. Respectfully submitted, GEDD By: :.. . o lna p -t-,i / 'r.' / '{-./t 'i *f, x r I I I i ll i' I / I I I I t.^l. i_ ; . 'fi?3 - spES: rH;iiiii s Jc i-i3 s3';:.i E! EEa il*E ,igE*l;iiEi 1l . r''o I oJi fl t'J ', l :N I 2\5 ,= ! ;B I z ttl tz o< i .-|?c z-J aO !P- c-B E1 rB L !9 2.6 + t -Fb z.;-fE {s za 3 tCO fi v t{ -c.ee- ""Sn:gs A t, ;4 1: rle ;lor "tl lzl /4,'tEl tt l?'tr r {'z \a\ i-."----tts \ Vr ', (: "'* -\ r\# ,','ii tfAr '.,,9.--.). w - ,/7 t v." tt/ "(//-l ///.c I _____v/L_ _ \ -___J -.i trt --V - -oo-'o:- T - -\: - -.,., - al,il!"\ t rr n rq DECLARATiON OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS FOR BIGHORN SUBDIVISION FIFTH ADDITION EAGLE COUNTY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ("Grantor") , a Colorado corpo-lation' is the owner of all that real property within the subdivision named Bighorn Subdivision Fifth Addition in Eagle County, Colorado, the plat of which was fil.ed with the clerk and Recorder of Eagle county, colorado, on Novernber ?5, 1966, under receptron numbet 105002, and recorded in Map Case 2, Drawer I of plats. Grantor hereby makes and declares the foll.owing limitations, restrictions and uses upon and of such real property as restrictive and protective covenants running with the Iand' and as binding upon Grantor and upon all persons clairning under Grantor and upon all future owners of any part of such real property, so long as these restrictive and pro-tective covenants shall rernain in effect: l. DEFINITIONS: As used herein, follorving rneanings: the following words and terrns shall have the Subdivision - Lot - SingIe tr'amily Multiple Farnily Residential Lot purpose s only and taining not rrrore . outbuilding rnay be 3. USES: Each lot in Blocks I, IA, Z Lot 9 andJblltock 5 and Lot l8 and Lor I farnily residential lots; provided, howevcr, Eagle County is obtained to use one or rrrore Bighorn Subdivision Fifth Addition. A lot within Bighorn subdivision Fifth Addition rvhich rnav be used for residential o! colr.lTtercial purposes. Residential Lot - A lot rvhicir can be used for residential Durposes only and upon rvhich onI1' one single family re sid.ence building together with one outbuilding may be constructed. Commercial Lot - A lot v,'hic h . can be used for aparfi-nents, retail shops, - service shops (excluding, horvever, automobile service staticns),restaurants, hotels, lodges, professional offices and medical clinics. - A lot rvhich can be ':sed for re sidential upon which only one drvelling building, con- than trvo apartrnents, toge the r with one constructed. and 3 of the subdivision and Lot l, Block 4, t, Block 7 of the subdivision shall be single if permission of the Planning Cornmi ssion of of those lots as a rnultiole family residential Outbuilding - An enclosed, cove rccl building to be used as a garage or for other storage purpose s not directiy attached to the main struc _ ture rvhic h it serves. 2' GENERAL PURPOSES: These covenants ar'3 rnade for the pulpose of creating andkeepi''@ofaraspossib1e,desirable,attractive,bcneficialanc euitable in architectural design, rnaterials and aopeararrce: ::rd guar<iing againstfires;.nd unnecessary inte:!erence with the natural beautT of the subdivisioni all for the rnutual benefit and protection of the owners of lots in the subcliv-isio.. A -?+li _' t.:-- I : I i I j I I I lot, thei1 the lot or lots for which such perrnission is obtained may be used as a multiple family residential lot or lots. Lots 1, Z an.d 3 of Block 8 of the subdivision shall be com- rnercial lots. All other lots in the subdivision shall be rnultiple farnily residential lots' 4. APPROVAL OF CONSTRUCTION PLANS: No building or other structure shall beco.,strrshaI1anyadditiontheretoorchange or alteration therein be rnade until the cornplete plans and specifications' (including, bul not lirnited to, the floor, elevation, plot and grading plans; the specifications of principal exterior rnaterials, color schemes and the location, character and rnethod of utilizatior of all utilities) have been subrnitted to Grantor and by it approved in writing. At the tirne plans and specifications are subrnitted to Grantor for its approval, the pe1'son or persons submitting such plans and specifications shall also submit to Grantor evidence satisfactory to Grantor that the Public Health Departrnent of the State of Coloradc or the appropriate official of Eagle County, Colorado has approved the cornplete plans and specifications of such person or persons for an individual sanitary sewage disposa. sy s tern. Each building or other structure shall be constructed, erected and rnaintained in strict accordance with the approved plans and specifications' . ln passing upon all such plans and specifications, Grantor shall take into consider- ation the suitability of the proposed building or other structure and the materials of u'hicl lt ie to be built to the lot upon which it is to be erected, the harrnony thereof with the surroundings and the effect of the building or other structure, as planned, on the outlool frorn adjacent o! neighboring lots. Grantor agrees to use reasonable juCgrnent in passine upon all such plans and specifications, but Crantor shal1 not be liable to any person for Grantorrs actions in connection with subrnitted plans and sPecifications, unless it be shorsn that Granccr acted rviiir rr:alice or rn'rongful intent. 5. EASEMENTS: Easernents and rights of way are hereby reserved as shorvn or d"sc"ibed-;T;;;rded plat of the subdivision. There are in addition easement: reqerved in the right of way of each road for water and all other utilities. 6. FENCES: No fence, wall or sirnilar type barrier of any kind shall be con- structei, -rected or maintained on any lot, excePt such fences or walls as may be approved by Grantor as an integral or decorative part of a building to be erected on a lot. 7. SIGNS: No signs, billboards'or other advertising structure of any kind shall b( erected, i-onsttocted or rnaintained on any lot for any purpose whatsoever, except sucf comrnercial signs as have been approved by Grantor either for identification of residence: or places of business or other commercial uses' tr 8. WATER: connect *lIE.Gt private wells shall Each structure designed for occupancy or use by hurnan beings shal f acilitie s rnade available at any time in the future by Grantor. N( be used as a source of water for human consurnPtion or irrigation 9. TRASH: No trash, ashes or other refuse sha11 be thrown or durnped on an) land ,1^-i th.i-ilire subdivision. There shall be no burning of refuse out of doors except ir incinerators installed w1 th the aporoval of Cr.intor. Each ProPerty owne r shall pror-iC. suitable receptacles for the ternporary storage and collection of refuse and all sucl receptacles shall be screened frorn public view and protected from disturbance. -z- A )r f'" r' lO- LMSTOCK: No animals, Iivestock, horses or poulty (except dogs, cats and other pets i!] h""r.troid enjoyment and not for cornrnercial purposes) shall be kept, raised or bred in the subdivision. ll. TREES: Trees naturally existing upon a lot, except to the extentnecessaryfor c oos t..r. tioi-!-,r.po s e s , shall not be cut, trirnrned or rernoved from the properties, except that Grantor may aPProve sorne thinning or trirnming if it seems desirable. LZ. SET BACK REQUIREMENTS: There shall be no general rule for the location of irnprovements with relation to property receive the advance approval of Grantor. lines, but all actual construction sites shall 13. LANDSCAPING: AII surface areas disturbed by construction shallbe returned prornptly to-Jf,EITiT"E'f condition and replanted in native grasses; but Grantor rrray approve construction of gardens, lawns and exterior living areas. L4- TEMPORARY STRUCTURES: No ternporary structure, excavation, basement, trai1ero'@esubdivision,excePtasmaybedeterrninedtobe necessa1'y during construction and specifically authorized in writing by Grantor. 15. CONTINUITY OF CONSTRUCTION: AII structures commencedinthe subdivision shal1bep'andsha11becornpletedwithintwelvemonths of cornrnencement unless solTre excePtion is granted in writing by Grantor. be carriedon rvithin the sub- constitute a oublic nui sanc e . -d.^.... )l L7. EFFECT AND DURATION OF COVENANTS: TIre conditions, reStriCtiONS, "tipol.tio.r shall be for the benefit of and binding upon each tract in the subdivision, and each orvner of ProPerty therein, his suc- cessors, representatives and assigns and shall continue in full force and effect until January I, 1999, at rvhich tirne they shall be autornatically extended for five successive terrns of ten years each. 18. AMIINDMENT: The conditions, re strictions, stipulations, agreements and covenants ;""t"i""d h"r.ein shall not be rvaivecl, abandoned, terrninated, or arnended except byrvritten consent of the owners 'of. 75% of the privately orvned land included within the bqundaries of the subdivision. f 9. ENFORCEMENT: lf any Person shall violate or thrcaten to violate anv of the f 6. NUISANCE: No noxious or offensive activity shall diwision, noiT[Jt a]tything be done or permitted which shall the r e in. provisions of this instrument, it shal1 be la'.vful for any property in the subdivision to institute Proceedings at larv wisions of this instrurnent, to restrain the person violating and to recover darnages, actual and punitivc, together rvith such violations. person or persons os'ning real or in equity toenforce the Pro- or threatening to wiolate thern, reasonable attoroey's fee s, for ZO. SEVERABILITY: Invalidation of by judgment or court order or decree sLrall which shall rernain in full force and eff e c t. any one of the Provisions of in nr wise affect any of the this instrurne nt other provi sions -3- /'t rl :D L DoucL*s HoyT surrE 1632 I660 LINcoLN STREET DENVER, CoLoRADo ao2o3 303 . 255.3463 JUN z | 1974 Dlpt, ur r illirilg & uevel. \rl8to countl. cuo June 24, L974 Board of County Gommiseioners of Eagle Gounty County Building Eagle, Golorado 81631 Gentlernen: Mr. Thomas W. Sachs is the current owner of Lot 5, Block 3, Bighorn Subdivisioa, 5th. Addition, Eag1e County, Colorado. Mr. Douglass C. Cogswell is the owner of Lot 6, Block 3 of the sarne eubdiv.ision. The l.egal counsel for Messers. Sachs and Cogs- weLl has requeated that I state in writing the reason that Lots 5 and 6 of Block 3, along with a lirnited number of other lote in the sth. Addition, were each restricted by the protective covenants to a single family use, while all other Lots in the subdivision were permitted a two- farnily use. I have been asked to cornment on this matter due to the reason that I was the preaident of Eagle County Development Corporation, the eubdivider, at the time the subdivision was created. In1966, when the subdivision was being planned, there was no sewerage 6ystem constructed which could pro- vide sewerage service to the north-east end of the Gore Valley. In accordance with the applicable regulations of Eagle County and the Colorado Departrnent of Health percolation tests were made of the proposed subdivision area to determine the adaptability of the eoil for septic tank treatrnent of domestic sewerage. While it had been initially contemplated that all Lotg were to be used for duplex units, the percolation tests revealed that certain areas, such as Lote 5 and 6 of Block 3, did not have soil conditions which would accomrnodate eeptic tank treahrrent of the domeetic aewerage for rnore than a one-family Btructure. In negotiations vrith the Planning Cornmiesion of Eagle Gounty and the Colorado Department of Health it was concluded that Lote 5 and 5 of Block 3 and other lote which t had a similiar soil condition,would be reetricted by the pro- tective covenants to a single family use, rather than a duplex use, until such tirne as the Planning Commission became satisfied that adequate sewerage service for the higher density was available. (It should be noted that at that point in time Eagle County Developrnent Corporation had pledged to the Planning Cornrnission of Eagle County and the Colorado Departrnent of Health to work toward the creation of the Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation District. Initial work on the formation of the dietrict had been cornrnenced, but the date service would be available to the east end of the Gore Valley rernained uncertain. ) If I can furnish you with any additional inforrnation on thia matter, I will be pl.eaeed to do so. L.Douglae .e,[e-*t\*t-Hoi't J rely your s, .{ EAGLE COUNTY EI.IT OF PLANNING AND 'OOURTHOUSE . P; O. Box 789 Ea|le, Coloracb 8t631 18 July 1974 ;. oevEtprueNr Ptpno 3?8-6338 Mr. Thomaa Srche Elox 523 Vall, Oolorado 81657 R€: Fllo No. S6-68-74 Exemptlon . Sachs/€vens At thelr regular meetlng on 17 July 1974, the Eagle County Plennlng Commlsslon recomrnended d6nlal of your roquest for e><cmptlon from the Eagle County Subdlvlslon Regulations btcalrso of the follorvlng reasons: (1) Town of Vall lettr of J.rne 19, 1974 lndlcath'rg a dealre ,ffnete tamlIy ncldcntlal ; (2) djacent property ownera doelrs to (3) crltical ssnltatl; problems; (4) Eagle County Master Plan whlch la deelgned to dscrease dcnsltlae. have tl€ lote rsmain to see thc lots remaln slrBle feml ty; The recommendatlonr wlll bo preecnted thelr speclal meetirg on 26 July 1974, cprectlono, please contact thls offlce. to the Board of County Commlesloners at beglnntng at 9:00 A.M' lf you have any 1i .: i I .,,i ,' 'l' r, ., :i:ffi i. i,;;,*.i'gili ,o :'.'' ,"*;i:.r.' '*; -i'; ,"., .l .: [ " f:'\"::i ''r' . '' 'ldi.'iT.':d. ::, r,- :: )ni,rtfftii,;;J.l :i i". " ;. . . . ..;. , ,r,';..::. " ;!,, , . . t f il0 . : ' :'rr{.ff:.!i.". i''. ,r.l[fi$,f ;1.57fr,5r tirr+qlfi, iiri . : t,.: . Tr;r.$,i" i,,."1.S''$riru;&'$r ijlqp$,i:,,*+:i'*{*l ',, , .or,1;iixu. ;i'4;: ;t*ft,'*'',*r,,,i$t hl The Board of County Commissioners-Eagle County, Colorado EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 Phone 328-6377 iluly 15 | L974 DANIEL F. KOPAINIKAR District No.1 A.F. "AT'ORLOSKY District No.2 CLAUDE L. GERAFD District No.3 !lr. Mlchael, Blalt Eag1e County Plan$lng Dlrector Eagle County Courtbouse Eagle, Colofado Ret Cogswell - Sachc Exemptlone D6ar Mlke r An inqul.ry has been tltade a6 to whether tha reetrl,ctive covenants runnl.ng with the land on whtch the propoaed duplexes arG to be conatructed prohlblt the ptannlng Conmlsolon f,rou grantlng the requestg for exenptlon. In ny opLnlon the cqysnlnt8 do not prohlblt tha grantlng of an exenptlon. Nelther dlo they lnpose a duty on the ConnlseLon to grant the exempt:[on. rhe applloatLons shouldp therefore, be coneJ,dered ln the light of,the regulatLons wLthout regard to the provlslon ln the covenants. V6ry ttuly !our6 1 l,l-"rlrcila^/-gugh R. Warder County Attorney HRW I n6 cc r AJ. Orlosky RECEIVED JUt 1 E'tst4 "01,.',1 o;;;;' ;,r*.,. iIAXWELL R. BARZ - County Cl€rk HUGH WARDER - County Attorney Mootlno of Bo!.d - Flrrt Mondry ol ilqnlh lr/' Qahaddn S rfuiarerc fiar*nnadc.oeo -fl,nfu5 since our corporati.on is owner of six lots in the Bi.ghorn Fifth Adilitioq,present_ly Ls owned singre family, and also holds lots of higher densities in the Fourth Addition and the Gore Creek Addirion, we wouli like ro maintaln the slngle fanily zoning of thls prestigious location. rt is our opi-nion that so fer.r good single faraily lots exist in this area that the irmediate surroundings can best be maintained \./ith the origi-na1 density specified in the covenants. rt was with this assumption hre purchased these lots and will do our best to achieve high quality single resideaces in this area. rt is quite obvious to any observer there are plenty high density areas surroundirg Val1 that can better meet that particuJ.ar need. colorado Bighorn corporation is the present owner of the following properties: Lot 1A, Block 1A, Bighorn Fifth Addition Lot A, Block 3, Blghora Fifth Addition Lots 4 & 5, Block 2, Bighorn Fifth Addirion Lot 5, Block 1, Bighora Fifrh Addirion Lot 10, Block 5, Bighorn Fifth Addition the irnmediate area, we have two lots in one 1ot in the Bighoro Fourth Addition. l4ay 30, 197 4 Mr. Bob Voliter P. 0. Box 881 Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Voliter: In additlon to the above in the Gore Creek Addition and Sincerely, Colorado Bighorn Corporation CII: j g RfC;i,r.o Jui\l 2 c tqru 4opt cf r,--- " / *t \&gu co'rnl;:r:;",,^ COLORADO CLUB BUILDING, SUITE 1OO7 O 4155 E. JEWELL AVE., DENVER, COLO., AO2?2. PHONE 303/758.3335 ? iWi;,l,$, :'l5i#.'li'r?,,i :ii: Ir.4' ,r.'iii,.. ', )r;,',,fl;il.* l* 1l;,.,, t;.,i;.'fi '*':i .ri 1:; ,,: tti vu''4 Board of Ccrsnissicne:rs Eagle County Pldudng Corunissior Eagle, Colorado Gentleren: By lhis letten r auttrorize }tr. Thonas w. sachs of vail to represent my intenests befor"e the Eagre county pj-anning connissicn in ieeking approval fon the constnrction of a two fanily (duplo<) residence on lot 5, BLock 3, Biglorn Subdivision, Fifth aaaition. Base.-t on al_I :xi!t{g and prtposed requirer,rents fon the Bighorn Subdivision and Eagle county the lot is of more than sufficieit size to acccnrnodate such a buildfug. Thark yor for^ your consideration in this rnatten. Best r"egards, fu*tz /*e'*f € RoBEm F. FAICKNEy, III 1-42 Oysten Creek Drive Apt. 23 Lake .Iacksonr, Texas 77566 8U!8C8ItrD AD Emlt lll BlForl t|I uts lu 5rf, DaI ot rm 1974. BELLE D. PARKER Notary Public, In And For, Irazoria County, Tex8s a RECEIVED JUN 7 . rc74 Best r"eg,ards, W'72;-a-rz' RoBERf F. FAICKNEr, rrr v "*Xl!ffffi;,i.*i /* t, Y- r4 j-42 Qysten Creek Drive Apt. 23 Iake Jackson, Texas 77566 tuttcuttD AD t|olt 1l' ullo|t t tltt t[ tIf, Drl Ot IrI t9?4. BELLE D, PARKER . N6tirV Ptrbli., In And Fct, BfJtolir COtnty, [8i,3 Board of Ccrunissiqrers Eagle County Pl-anrring Corunissicn Eagle, Col-orado Gentleren: By lhis letten r auttrorize lb. rhcrnas w. sachs of vail to represenr rny irttenests befcnre the Eqgle cor:nty Planning conrnission in ieelcing appnovar fon the ccmstnrcticn of a two faniry (duplex) nesidence cn tot 5r Block 3, Bighorn sr.rbdivisionr Fifth Additidr. Based on all gdltttrg and prrpeed nequir"enents fon the Bighorrr Subdivision and Eagle county the rot is of mor"e than sufficient size to acccnrnodate such a building. Thank yan for yotr cqrsideraticn in this rnatten. Box 386 Eagle, Colorado 81631 June 10, l-974 i/iilre BIair, Planning Direc tor Box 789 Eagle, Colorad.o 81651 Dear lililcei The Sachsr/Evans request for exemption was submitte.l to the Eagle County SoiI Conse:vation District for revie , and corrulent. Liste,:l below arc our comlrrents ! l'ie would suggest that the owners subnrit the type of drainage system that is to be rrsed.iltrat measures w111 be rrsed to prevent erosion and sodiment pollution to Gore Creek? 100 year slorm information shor.ild. be supplied 1n r"elationship to G.ore Cneek. A nevel;etation plan shorrkl be subrdtted. 'r,4rai t measures have been consid.ered. concerni nq size of culver"ts and. roadsid e drainare? ]. 2. 4. Si- nc ere ly, ,l . f ,4,(r.o..',lct-- h44'/ t-7 Ross Il. Chambers, President RICEIVED JUN I 21974 Dcpl. 0! F;;;;,;_ ,. ... Eagle County,'CiJlLr o ed Unit o States Department of the lnterior IN REPLY I'EFET TO 1785 BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT Glenwood springs Resource Area P.O. Box 1009 Glenwood sprirtgs , Colorado 81601 Jnrre 5 , L9'7 4 Michael B1air, Planning Director Departnent of Planning & De\re 10 pme nt Eag1e County P.O. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 816 31 Dear Mike: we have reviewed Tom Sachsr reque st for exemption for the Sachs and Evans f,luplex (se-68-74) and have no conments or objections to approval of the request by the Eagle County Board of Conunissioners. Sincerely yours, ./ ./.r'A- *- /t z42- -z.r';rt Ua'a",'t L1' e' Stewart A. I{heel-er, Area Manager RECEIY/ED JUN 7 - 1974 Dopt. 0t Ptanning & urval, rrgh Bunu. coto c4 ?sM*rileqE*)t JOHN D. VANDERHOOF Governor GEOLOGY STORY OF THE PAST. . . KEY TO THE FUTURE A: ./'? COLORADO GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 254 COLUMBINE BUILDING - 1845 SHERMAN STREET DENVER, COLORADO 80203 PHONE 892.2611 June 4, 1974 l{r. Michael S. Blair PJ.anniog Director P. 0. Box 789 Eag1e, Col-orado 81631 Dear l4r. BLair: RE: FILE N0. Se-68-74 SACHS/EVENS EXEMPTION A review of avallable infonration on this project leavee some unansnered questlons. We feel analrers are needed on the fo1lowlng before we woul-d have no objection to this exemptLon. 1) PosLtion of the structures 1o relatlon to a 100 year flood on Gore Creek. 2) The anount of expected surface runoff and whac means s"ill be used to prevent erosion and sediment pollutlon of Gore Creek. A eubdivlslon plat showing existlng atructures near this Lot would be helpful ln eval-uating thls site. Sincerely, ,r' fl ._/ />_/Lffi L. R. Ladr'rlg Associate EnglneerJ-ng Geologlst LRL/crs cc: Land Use Comlsslon JOHN W. ROLD Director RFCEIVED JUN 7 - 1974 Dept. 0t plannrng & Devsl. futa couty. coto. EAGL= COTJNTY ' DE'AO4=N' oF *^-ril'Gi*o'o=ufpr,,1ENr : . COURTHOUSE P. O. Box 789 Phona 328-63?8 ,, Eagle, Colorado 10 June 1974 Tom Sachs Box 523 Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Flle No. Se-68-74.Exemptlon Sacha/Evana At ttrplr meetirrg on 6 June 1974, the Technlcal Revlew Commlttee (a group of technlcsl dviBcrg from variotrs publ lc agenciec) reviewed your appllcation and offer the fol lowlng :': comments and recornmendatione to you' and tho Planning Conrmisslon for conslderlng approval and use ol the properly: 1. reetrict development and use to one duplex building (2 dwelling unlts) on the lot; 4 3. not later dralnage pollution lmprove than the time of yoUr.bluilding permit appl lcatlon, submlt a proper slte plan for Infiltratlon of surface watar into the lot wlth no discharge into or of Gore Creek; the publ ic road and (es€ County Englneer); 4. show the oosltlon of These etatements wlll CommlsEion for their yout ro very welcama Rccpectfully, Mlchael S. Blalr Seerotary, Tecfrnlcal MSB,/Kt cc: . BoErd of County Obmmlaslonerrq Plannlng Commlcalon and hqve I' of Gore Qreek. Plarning any questlona, Eagle County Planning Dept, P. 0. Box 635 Eagle, Colorado 81631 OneParkCentral - l515 Aropohoe Srreer P. O. Box 840 Denver Colorodo 80201 (303) 534-1261 May 31, 1974 Re: Preliminary Plot Plans Gordon Exemption Lougharan Exemption Alpengoo ApartmenEs Exemption Almond Exemption Big llorn Junc tion Go gsweIl- Frary Exemption__-- Sachs-Evans Exemption r' Eagle-Vail Go 1f Club Condominiun Gentlemen: We have examined the above captioned plot plans and find that at this t.ime Western has no facilities on Ehe land to be plotted. Please note that we are a gas transmission utiliEy and our approval does not reflect our ability to serve subject subdivisions. ' f\ VerY trulY Yours, -[',. n; li'\ t 1.1/ 1. r'4^1) ttri nt{.ft N.Or,_.1!, i\ ., ILJY. _ \a-, w .\_-.., Daniel L. Tekavec Assoc, RiBht-of-Way Agenr DLr/jr f-i j -'- I/-:\ -l'l lt tAr ^uu,iv ;j - iQ7,l ,,J/J fepi- 1;1 ,',-, ,..rg.,e ccuag. cl!i.-'.,, fibfi^rL t gi,r"*, o 0*. Kqnnclh E. Richords Mr. Michael S. Bl-air Dire cto r Planning Department P. O. Box 789 Eagl-e, Colorado 81631 Re: File No. Se-68-74 Sachs / Evans Upper Eagle Valley Dear Mr. Blair, CIVIL ENGINTERING . PIINNING . sURVEYs SUBD|VIS|ONS . WATER & SEWER SYSTEf\S Box 1908 Voil, Colorodo 81657 Phonc 476-5072 Dcnvcr 2rl4-1521 l(ay 29, L974 Rcgisfercd Profcrsionsl Enginccrt Regisiored Lond Survcyors lines in AdditLon, uPon Paynent problens ln Exemption Sanitatlon Dlstrlct The Upper Eagle Valley Sanitatlon Distrj.ct has existing se\rer the street and in an easement acrosrs Lot 5, Block 3, Bighorn Fifth the Sachs/Evans property. Service can be provided by the district of the standard tap fees and servlce charges. With our treatrEnt plant expansion undenray, there will be no serving these additional units. Since rel-y, RICHARDS ENGINEERS, INC. --<2.-"' ^/, ,-) (..-)fr,-,,,,74 fl4.1*_*( Kenneth E. Richards :\ Engineer 'for the District KER:ln cc: A1 Flewelling, Janes Coll-ins , U.E.V. S.D. Thomas Sachs, Supt. Mgr. Owner /--, , . ,, _': _-.. t. _ ,_{ri€D .J | .^o*: , ' lY/4 cd;ie r , ...rr+: ei:rrrl CC Box JZJ Vall, Colorad.o YIay 1"7 , L9? 4 Eagl-e County P1annlng Connlsslon Eagle County Eagle, Colorad-o Dear Slrsl f would llke to request an exemptlon from the Subdlvl-slon Regulatlon of Eagle County on the enclosed slte plan known as Sachs/Evans E,esldence for the followlng reasons t 1. We are keeolng ln llne wlth the proposed mester zonlng pJ-an for Eagi-e County ln that lve have nore than the 81000 square feet of land. per unlt requlreil. We have over 111000 square feet for each un1t. 2. The bu1ld1ng ls set back more than 2J teet from all oroperty l1nes. 3. The ualn sewer 1lne of the Upper Eagle Va}ley Sanltatlon Dlstrlct runs through the property. 4. We have a four car garage plus three spaces for parklng cars. 5. The Town of Vall has thls partlcular property zoned for duplex on lts proposed. master zonlng plan for when and lf lt becomes annexed to the Town of Val 1. We wllL appreclate your consld.eratlon of thls matter. Thank you very much. Thonas W. Sachs TWS/nc /^^/:/4*-d./*1- RECEIVED MAY I 7 i974 DePt. 0l ar}i!! t ,t :..i{. Eagle equnty, Colo. oe pl',,r e *, oF 3:ifi ,u:R: T'J" or|lo ", = *, COURTHOUSE P. O. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 8t631 21 May 1914 Phone 328-6338 Re: File No. Se-68-74 Exemption Sachs/Evans Appl icant: Tom Sachs Box 523 Vai I, Colorado 81657 Enclosed herewith is anappl ication and plan submitted to the Eagle County Planning Commission for review and recommendation at their regular meeting on 19 June 1974. In accordance with C.R.S. 106-2-9, 106-2-33 and 106-2-34, 1963 as amended and Eagle County Subdivision Regulations Section 6.00 1972, you have 24 days from date mai led in which to respond or the request will be deemed to have been approved by your agency. The Planning Commission would sincerely appreciate your comments and recommendations prior to the meeting date. lf you desire additional information or time, please advise this off ice. Thank you very much,/z- Mi/chael D irector S. MSB/kt <{>t F|l b>;i It TT Po zs !a<qt I i t t E I 14 :S -\ 0.P p @l$ _1', { ET it tt 95 l$r :l! iffi ii rtV -n-$f2- E FL {frf, FI tf1 k n)-b') !!'-'.-sr fiL dJ ?1 ri r e, Z €\s:c -->t --_> -5 5-- -j/ \ sao.\ F:" \ts M --E -l d @ m Ea tiEE l9s 3 lai: g l3d q l-t 7 f5 o<To.d8 a3 SE 6g +m ! = 2^8=zA iY {'>6z ;P o 9p lc f=o= ae n il zt^ ;C) = --.1 --t o o>nr o -tm vz >m of,,-t>ol- n T =m o -t €z m I t @ z 3 !T =o an o (D U' e (D c)(D t_a-) | oO o>'r t _t1 l-r-Y zl "l l- 1.1 l Er, h,r t-l l"l-tl tl rl --{ m r m -{ F o 'rl - m o 2 o I = -l €z n F m I l-{ l€ lz lo I F m 9)z -n = IJ lo l€ lz o l F m o t 'n 3 l-{lo t= l6 l: lF m z 'n 3 c, UI cr I o tn (D C)o UI cf a = o o m I - T I z m E D r m ,I J a fiflP r:i o iv2 FF't- nd, 3P z=o(D \2 oo 2 !m F 3 -{ 9z lq m; r€|rO t$n t; fi< 'Tt 1' m =I i TD m x m -l z c o q, 9 -{ m c:r cf ts ts O o o z a {fr c o -{o z o)o-@O-630 op.d 6Rg 8 *t f=- =o o '<Q{{E6- i *t'f--o:ar -'O 0)f+- i-'P Ast o e 3.a re.B f,o,odl - -o e- ds E qrE d== -r +ii a9.d o 1-r OO*J-i= Eil8 3e g ordr =< = "-'' F = :' sf io)o o-J si59 ? s.i :ag s;9 3qs (2O=. 0) -o 0t {I 0t o. = =at, 1t, 6 o 4 (o o o { { u, N o ='(o o) o. AD q =:9.o o o o.o v o.o 2.(o o s.o { qt o t =i : (! = 5' @ o o o-o 0) o. J o ! z -|! o o .n o =(t, m -'n { m m I >< '1' m PIP e;g 6 z a,c t- i ^z 27c)G)0 9H 9*;*T;'E P-e e il17 =v'2= tn v' | | | lsl co@>6398 AEgE il a ="2 lllt" 2 m { i m I z 0 _f z t- m m I _n -l l ^z Ni o-{Ri F|'|io > .Tl zo e9 oq e- ?e :;o -t 6o zz NtD= 1G, -*eG m z m ! m =j z n €o t I n -rl t D D 1 D I G)o,(-t (T CT --l !m t\)O) I =z m l,t (,.) \l \l o N) o O o o (l) @ I lo t- m 0,o (- (? o ftZ -z ao i5 e.(! c+C oF 0 r; z +m o -o cf (D a+o o n -o o o UI ct -J o I I z 2 =z 6 n m -itf 9N o(\ iN N r I I N I I I I -l ,;r !m u 3 5 'n m m U' (t, m x o m z m ! .4. i m L 2 t m s m € @ u m m --t z 'n m m m o z a) t- t- z o m t-m i o r z o m o x @ r = ln 3 = T m n ='Tl m m U' VALUATION =m o 2 o - z m t-m c) 6 t- z (tr o o o (tl o o o 1\)o o o o \) 3 f 3 !m t = =z o F o (f,, P o F o o o l\) o o o O Or (n (.rl c o (o o o F (o H tc' (, o o Ip lgq46 9-s-a\ .)'Project Application proiectName: NCLU 5 a"ry S Jet .L f4Ntl V Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Descriptio n: ut f , Btock j , rrting t1/ 6H o,a-j{- faq Zoning Approved: Deslgn Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL OISAPPROVAL Summary: To Ii4T<-q t,-;'N r N r{"-t t17- f-wgtt Ho)Aff.'a Zoning Admi Chief Building Oflicial rl-'t/ ':*llr-ll-;7- Kkfil ['r_ rc p_ itn D J uA' ,'rl D- Llt I , -_l | :\I i.*/ r l*' 1l- ;#@m 'VOVAN COLLECTOR MOUNTING svsrEMs Novan's Optima Series solar collectors can be flush mounted (the top and the bottom of the collector are the same distance up from the roof), or stand-off mounted, (typically, the top of the collector is further from the roof than the bottom). See Figure 4-6 for an illustration of each type ol mounting system. Five basic components make up the mounting kits: . 3/8" diameter, hex hed bolts, 1" long, with lock washers and nuts INSTALLATION 3/8" cliameter, hex head bolts, 2" long with lock washers and nuts 3" x 5" aluminum angles, two 3/8" holes in one side, one 1/2" hole in the other 1" square by 1/8" wall aluminum tubing (BK stock)r 3/8" f lat washers The 1" bolts are used to connect angles directly to the collector mounting channel, and to connect lwo angles together. The 2" bolts are -.. used to connect three angles together or to make any connection with the BK stock. Every bolt must have a lock washer before the nut is threaded on. When making connections using the 3/8" holes in the angles, no tlat washer is needed. However, any bolted connection involving the 1/2" hole rnust use a tlat washer against the larger hole to insure mechanical integrity. (See Figure 4-7). ,\ TYPICAL FLUSH MOUNTING APPLICATION TYPICAL STANDOFF MOUNTlNG APPLICATION BK .lock +5 INSTALLATION r.{ ATTACHING THE MOUNTED COLLECTORS TO THE ROOF STRUCTURE lf mounting on a root, and in an area where snow will not build up to a depth greater than 3 or 4 inches, and winds are not expected to be high, 2 x 4's or pressure tteated lumber or rcdwood may be laid across the roof and lag bolted into each and every raller they cross using 1/2" diamete( lag bolts at least 3%" long. The "feet" angles can then be lag bolted through the 1/2" hales to these 2 x 4's. Use 'l/2" diameter lag bolts 2,/2" long. Pre-drill all bolt holes with a 1/4" bit, and fill with a silicone sealant before inserting the bolts. A line of silicone sealant should be run along the upper edge of the 2 x 4's next to the roof. DO NOT USE THIS TECHNIOUE lF EITHER SNOW DEPTH OR WINDS ARE EXPECTED TO BE HIGHER THAN MODERATE. In aieas where deeper snow.is anticipated, but a finished ceiling or other building features prohibit any other method, flashing the entire 2 x 4 into the shingles will reduce the ice damming. Be sure the flashing exlends at least one course of shingles above the 2 x 4. A better technique actually ties the mounting system into the roofing structure more strongly. See Figure 4-19 f or details. The long bolt can also be a length of threaded rod. In either case it must be at least 1/2" diameter. The spanner shoufd be at least a 2 x 4. Figure 4-20 shows how this system will look from underneath the ratters. Do not omit the spacer blocks above the spanner since they prev€nt the roof sheathing from caving in when the nuts are tightened. Roof tlalgr Mountlng angle lf a finished ceiling is planned, (or exists) under the rafters, the method shown in Figure 4- 21 will work well. The spanner is actually right up against the roof sheathing, and has been secured to the ratters by at least two 16 penny nails into it from each side. Some installers prefer to use a 2 x 6 for this spanner, to allow more nailing into it. For systems to be installed on tile or slats roofs, or on roofs requiring a greater amount of clearance due to climate, etc., the following method is working well in the Pacific Northwest. Basically, the mounting "foot" is elevated several (3-4) inches above the roof surface on a longer piece of threaded rod. As seen in Figwe 4-22, tour sets of nuts and washers are required to keep all pieces in position. Again, at least two 16 penny nails into at least a 2 x 4 will be required. To waterproot the penetration, use a lead roof flashing, of the type used for vents on slate roofs. Twist the lead "cone" around the threaded rod slightly using pliers, after coating the rod and lead with silicone sealant. lf the flashing is properly installed under shingles or slates above and to the sides, and over shingles or slates below it, all that would be required is small amounts of silicone at prospective trouble spots. On flat roofs with a built-up surface, we recommend the installer hire an experienced roofing contractor, and have him add either roof curbs or pitch pots to the mounting hardware and Slllconr lerlanl She!lhlng Frltrt Wood tprcar blocl(r, llred lo lll mugly belHe.n 3p!nner rnd root rhcrlhing Wrrhoi 2 nult Spanna? Roof rldge 4-19 4.11 o 9\il PITCH POT II{STALLATION 4-24 piping penetrations. Whatever method of physical attachment is used should be appropriate for the expected wind loads. Remember that the malor problem with wind is the lifting of panels upward, and plan accordingly. In the case of ground-mounted collectors, we suggest either walls or piers of concrete, extending downward to below the frost line for the area. Anchor bolts extending from the piers can hold a redwood or pressure treated 4 x 4, or "unistrut" or an equivalent material. The mounting angles can then be bolted, using 1/2,, bolts, to this member. lf using piers, be sure to hold the weight of the array without the horizontal member sagging. Keep the bottom of the collectors far enough off the ground so they will not be buried in the snow. This depth will include the snow which slides off the glazings after a storm. Plan erosion control in front of the array, also. The water shed by the collectors may cut into soft soils. These soils could be reolaced by crushed stone, or a more decorative material. FPOSTl.trJE GROUND MOUNTING ON WALL GROUND MOUNTING ON PIERS +24 alsE OF WALL BELOW WASHER ROOF CURB +12 7W icry- ffi1-, *Jt g['l I ,.:t".:i *il,"1'-fi:"-'"r'#"- PA le ffi 11,,. 7-Tnnn"o'" a y#,?i,",ffi:: ;ro;ff., #ffi;**il"*tg'*t':" *t'*gif"+,*f','i;lln r-u^a{e AP,vt-Vttt Fising ffifF ffiru€ffiGYSffifrI NOVAN ENEBGY, Inc. P.O. Box 340, Bouldot, CO 80306 (303) /u7-9193 A Pubuctt Ownd Comp.ry - NOVN (NASDAO) HYDBO-TBIAD. LTD. July 19, 1982 Mr. Kent Rose 2905 Booth Creek Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Rose: l.le have examined the site plan and topographic survey maps for Lot 5, Block 3, Bighorn sth Addition to ascertain the'location oi tfie Goie Creek iOO-iear floodplain with respect to this property. The topographic surveymap used was.dated November 14' 1978 and the ,ii" piun m'ap used wai transmitted to us on June 23, 1982. F'l ood- pjiin' informatjon was obtained from "Gore Creek Floodplain-Information" 'daied llay, 1975, as prepared by Hydro-Trjad, Ltd. for the Colorado I'later Conservation Board. As jndjcated on the site plan, the proposed building has been moved back approximately 10 feet from the original proposed building _iin". Since'the site pian revision is not dated, we have approximately jdentified the location of the new building'l'ine with respect to the southeastcorner of Lot 5, Block 3, Bighorn 5th Addition. From the sjte plan, the southeast corner of the proposed.building is located it i'poini approximately 56 feet northwest of the southeast lot .o"ne" on a'bearing of ipproximately S 61" 35' 00" E, and approximately 55 feet northeast 6f tne'ioutheast1ot corner on a bearing of approxi- mately N 25" 45' 18', E. This information'is not a fie'ld survey or f.gil-a"sc.jption, but is presented to reference the site plan used for the floodPlain information. Using the revised building line shown on the site plan' the building is located approximate'ly 10 to 15 feet outside of the iOO-V.ii floodplain bbundary. Further, the e'levation shown for the walk-out floor, elevation 8557, is 3-5 feet above the estimated i'lood'level and the e'levation of the main f1oor, elevatjon 8567 is 13.5 feet above the estimated flood leve'l . If you have any quest'ions, please feel free to contact us at your convenience. Si ncerelY, 12687 WEST CEDAR DRIVE - SUITE 4 OO LAKEWOOD, COLORADO 80228 PHONE 303 989-1264 Project Application i1 ,( -i tr'{ " 4ai+ " ''- 'ti/),{,,Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: r ption: Lot ) , Block Legal Descri Comments: Design Review Board .'/t ., '(t .' i) Dele : ,' L /r {t Motion by: -).1 / c'/ ,''\ Seconded by: l' i t.\i!',i ,'l)'' ,., '1 ,' 1 DISAPPROVAL (. .) / Ld<i p.ti , ^1.ir_. , Su mmary: Towti Planner E statt Approval Prolect Appllcation I o^r" 5//7 /EZ ,/ Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: 4.i/4.J.f ',^/ - {0.-i'; C( )NJr ,1't.{: f,/ . hlt / Li\: -. aP{ t^--k' ,'iF V.Alr^ ':(-,} ,;/(."i') '/,'d,*':)tr ,) ,-...- Legal Oescription: Lot ----\l- Block ,u,^n R/€lt{itt/ J'i"tr , zon" JEI:.- Comments: Architect, Address and Phone: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: PA):b./:"1//t4( \t,.XFi,fOUir) f-_-,--=-DISAPPROVAL 'f-- rt summary: r'?E- c"- r'E- 4r,<'lE, CJNP L€ TF: E Statt Approval o.,-. rncnreERtHc cHEtx tlst I (Acceptable) (t{ot AccePtable) Subdivision Lot B'lock Fil ing l. Submittal Items A) Topo Map [ ' Si te P'lan c) utility Plan D) Title RePort E) Subdivision Agreement (if applicable) al Ktr-iloe^- -< 5r4 LPotT>tt 3 -7-./ - 9,'? 2. Enqineering Requirements I I ] 3ll uI;,'Liioalii#,P 3. Source of Utili!ies ,t B c D t F E'lectri c Gas Sel.rer l'la'uer Tel ephorie T. V. V r. 4. Corrunents: t/ Approved: Z/t/62-tl Di sapproved Bil I Arr d:'e:*s sFR r z0l'lE cllIcK for R, n P/S ZoNE DISTRICTS Block 3 Fi 1 ing - 0rmer Not-uClJ nrchitcct LotAr.ea%ei.ghtAl1olled3Q;Proposed3.z r:- '. . -.' .--:-..-.--.-.- -- ,.. - --l- 3 ?Setbacl<s: Front-Required 20' -pr6-[osed o< Sides-Requircd .|5, proposed Rear -RequireC'.|5, proposed l'laterccurse-requi red , .-O ' Proposed Zone District Sta/1; proposcd Use a< | ,. -l Al1 ot';ed | "l lof . proposed J??O . - Primary A'llor,red N, Primtry propcsed _ Secondary Alloried _ N4 Secondary Propcsed Site Coverage: A'l'loived Landscaping:Required Requi red Parlling: Drive: Slope Permitl-ed Environinental/llazards: .Ava'lanche Flood Pl ain ' S'lope Legal Description: Lot f )-, t3 GRFA: GRFA: SIope Proposed Propos cd Propi;:r ed Actual o,< oE h Conntents.: - loo o TITLE INSURANCE POLIGY AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION OWNER,s POLICY FORM B - 1970 LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY P. O. Box 357 Vail, Colorado 81657 AC 303 476-225r ITLE NSURANCE OMPANY OF Home Oflicer 400.2nd Ave. So.. Minneapolis, Minn.55401 INNESOTA . 6121371-1111 lContinued frcm inside front flopJ of the Company shall cease and terminate in tegard to the matter ol malters far which such prompt notice is required; provided, how. ever, thal failure to notify shall in no case prejudice the rights of any such insured under this policy unless the Company shall be prejudiced b], such failule snd then only to the extent of such prejudice, (c) The Company sh?ll have rhe right af its own cosf ro institute and withoul undue delay plosecute an), action or proceedrng or to do any other acl which in its opinion may be necesssty or desirable to establish the title to the esiate or inleresr as insured, and the Company may take any appropriate action under the terms of this policy, whether or not it shall be liable rhereunder, and shatl not thereby concede liabilily or r+aive any provision of this Policy. (d)Whenever the Company shall have brought any aciion or inl€rposed a defense as required or permitted by the provisjons of tiis policy, the Company may pursue any such litigation to final determination by a coult of competent jurisdiction and expressty leserves the right, in irs sole discretion, to appeal from any advers,e judgment or order. (e) ln all cases where this policy p€rmits or requires lhe Compsny to prosecute or provide for the defense of any aciion or proceeding, the insured hereunder shall secure to the Company the right to so plosecute or provide defense in such action or proceeding, and all Eppeals therein, and pefmit the Company to use, at ils option, the nadre of iuch insur€d for such purpose. Whcnever requested by the Company, such insured sball give the Company all reasonable aid in any such action or proceeding, in effecting s€rllement, securing evidence, obtaining witnesses, or proseculing or defending such aclion o! proceeding, and the Company shall reimburse such insured for any exp€nse so incurred. 4. Notice ot Loss - Limitation of Action ln addition io the notices required under p$agxsph 3(b) of thesc Conditions and Stipulations, a statement in writing of any loss ot damage for which it is claimed the Company is liable under this policy shall be furnished lo the Company within 90 days after such loss qr dsmage shall have been determined and no right of sction shall accrue to 8n insured claimant until 30 days after such statemeni shall have been furnished. Failure to furnish such statement of loss or damage shall terminate any liability of the Company under this policy as to such loss or damage. 5. Options to Pay or Otherwise Settle Claims The Company shall have the option to pay ot otherwise settle for or in tbe name of an insured claimant any claim inlured against or to terminate all liability and obligatlon6 of the Compsny hereunder by paying or lendering payment af ahe smount of insurance under this policy together with 8ny costs, attorneys'f€es and expenses incurred up lo the time of such payment or tend€r of payment, by the insured clairnant and authorized by the Company. 6, Dstsrminstion and Psyment ol Lols (a) The liability of the Company under this policy shsll in no case exceed the least of: (i) the sctual loss of the insured claimanti or (ii) the amount of insurence stated in Schedule A; or (b)The Company will pay, in addition to any Io$ insured againsi by this policy, all costs imposed upon an insured in litigation carried on by the Compsny for such insurcd, and all costs, attorneys' fees and expenses in litigaiion carried on by such insured wilh the writlen authorizatlon of the Company, (c) When Iiability has been definitely fixed in accordance \4'ith the conditions af this policy, the loss or damagp shall be payable within 30 days thereafter. 7. Limitation ot Lisbility No claim shall arise or be maintainable under this policy (a) if the Company, after having received notice of an alleged d€fect,lien or encurnbrance insured againsl hereunder, by liligation or otherwise, removes such defect, lien or encumbrance or establishes lhe 1ille, as jnsured, wilhiD a reasonable time after receipr of such noticei (b) in the event of litigation unlil rh€re has been a final determination by s courl of cqmpetent jurisdiction, and disposilion of all appeals lherefrom, adverse to the title, as insured, as provided in pa.a8.aph 3 hereof; or (c) for liability volunlarjly assuDed by an insured in settling any claim or suil without prior writt.n consent of lhe Company. 8. Reduclion of Liabilitv All payments un'der this palic),, except pavmenrs made tor cosrs. altorneysr fees and expenses. shall reduce the amount of the insu.ance pro tanto. No payment shall be made \r'ilhout producints this policy for endorsement of such payment itnless lhe policy be lqst or destrol'ed, in e,hich case Droof of such loss or destrucrioh shall be furnished to the sarisfacrion ofthe Company. L Liability Noncumulative It is expressly understood that the amount of insurance under this policy shall be reduced b], any smount the Company may pay under any policy insuring either (a) a mortgage shown or referred lo in Schedule B hereof which is a lien on the estate or interest covercd by this poiicy, o( (b) a mortgage hereafter executed by an insured \r.hich is a charge or lien on the estate or interest described or referred to in Schedule A, and the amount so paid shall be deemed a payment under this policy. The Company shall have the oFtioD to apply to the psyment of any such mortgages any amount thai other$'ise would be payable hereunder to the insured owner of the estate or interest . cove red by this policy and the amount so paid shall be deemed I p6-yme'rt undga this policy ta said insured owner, 10. Apportionment If the land described in Scheduie A consists of two or more parcels which are not us€d as a single sile, and a loss is established affecting one or more of said parcels bur not all, the loss shall be compuled and settled on a pro rata basis as if the amount of insurance under this polic], 1vas divided pro rata as to the value on Date of Policy of each separate parcel to the whole, exclusive of an]' improvements made subsequent lo Date of Policy, unles8 a liability or value has otherwise been agreed upon as to each such parcel by the Company snd the insured at the time of the issuance of this policy and shown by an express statement herein or by an endorscment attached hereto. I l. Subrogation Upon Payment or Settlement Whenever the Company shall hav€ s€ttled a claim under this poticy! all right of subrogstion shall vest in the Company unaffected by any act of the insured claimant, The Compsny shall bc subrogsled to 8nd be entitled to all rights and remedies which such insured claimant would have had against any person or property in respect to such claim had this policy not been issued, and if requested by the Company, such insured claimant shall iransfer to the Company all rights and remedies against any person or property nccessary in order to perfeci such right of subrogation 8nd shall permit the Cornpany to use the name of such insured claimant in any tlsnssction or litigalion involving such rigbts or remedies. lf the payment does not covcr the los6 of such in$ured claihsnt, the Company shall be subrogated ro such rights 8nd remedies in the proportion which said payment bears to the amount of said loss. If loss should tesult from an:/ act of such insu.ed claimant, 6uch acr shall not yoid this policy, bul the Company, in that event, shall be tequired to pay only that pdtt of any losses iDsured agajnst hereunder which shall exceed the amounl, if any, lost to the Company by reason of the impairmenl of the right of subrogation 12. Liability Limited to this Poticy This instrument together with all endorsements and other instruments, if any, attached hereto by the Company is the entire policy and contract between the insured and the Company. Any claim of loss or damage, whether or not based on negligence, and which arises out of the status of the ti e to the estate o. interest covered herebt. or any action asserting sucfi claim shall be restricted to the provisions and conditions and stipulations of this policy. No amendment of or endorsetnent to this policy can be made except by wriling endorsed hereon or attached h€reto signed by either the President, I Vice President, th€ Secretary, an Assistant Secretary, or validating officer or authorized signatory of th€ Company. 13. Notice!, Where Sent Atl nolices required lo be given the Company and any statemet t in witing required to b€ furnished the Company shall be addressed to its Home Office, Minneapolis, Minnesota 5S40l, Note: Thi.s policy valid only if Schedules A and B are attached. F o'rn 2575 Rev. I /78 o Jrrr-e lr.rsuRANcE Co*pANy or [l/|TNNESoTA a Stock Company of Minneapolis, Minnesota ENDORSEMENT To be attached to and become a part of Commitment No. V-2961 Company of Minnesota. THE CHARGES UNDER SCHEDULE A ARE HEREBY AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOI.JS: OWNER POLICY $337.00 LENDER POLICY $ 2O.OO ENDSMT. #100.29 $ 33.70 ENDSMT. #110.2.' $ 33.70 T0TAL $424.40 THE EXISTENCE OF MINEML EXCEPTION AND/OR RESERVATION SHO!,||N AS ITEM NO. 9, SCHEDULE B.2 I,lILL NOT AFFECT OUR ABILITY TO ATTACH COLORADO TIIOONSEUENT NO. 100.29 TO OUR OWNERS TITLE POLICY l.lHEN ISSUED. THE CHARGE FOR SAID ENDORSEMENT IS $33.70. THE EXISTENCE OF THE EXCEPTION SHOWN AS ITEI'I 10, SCHEDULE B-2 l,.lILL NOT AFFECT OUR ABILIil TO ATTACH COLORAOO ENDORSEMENT NO. 110.2 To oUR OwNERs TITLE POLICY WHEN ISSUED. THT CHARGE FOR SAID ENDORSEMENT IS $33.70. NOLLSCH/FAICKNEY/LOT 5 BLOCK 3 BIGHORN SUB. 5th ADDITION The total liability of the Company under said commitment and any endorsement thereto shall not oxccr.:d, in tltc aggrcgatc, tho face anount of sajd cornrnitnrcnt and costs which thc Company is obli- gated under the Conditions and Stipulations thereof to pay. This endorsement, when countersigned by an authoriz,ed officer or agenr, is m::ie a part of said commitment as of the commitment date thereof and is subject to the Schedules, Conditions and Stipulations and Exclusions from Coverage therein contained, except as modifred by the provisions hereof. DATE ISSUED:8/27/81 r l.- - n- lrn-e lrusuRANcE fiorrrearuv or fff rrur.resorA THIS REPLACES ENDORSEMENT SENT 8/25/8r :E*_ of rittJlcr{lurance Secretary Jmr-e l*ruRANcE Co*pANy "o MTNNESoTA : a Stock Company of Minneapolis. Minnesou E}.IDORSEfiNENT To be attachcd to and beconrc a part oIPolicy No. Errs l\2232649 Company of Minnesota. .. Th. company-hereby insures the Insured against loss or damage vrhich the Insured shall sustain by reason of the enforcement or attemited enforcement thereof against the land in connection wjth Item g, ,Schedule B. Jrrl-e lrusunnruce Thc total liability of the Company under said policy and any endorscment thcreto shall not excced. in the aggregatc, thc face antount of said poLicy and costs which the Company is obligated undcr the Conditions and Stipulations thereof to pay. This cndbnemcnt, when countcrsigncd by an authorizcd officcr or agcnt, is marle a part ol said policy as of the Policy date thercof and is subject to the Schcdulcs, Conditions and Stipu.ations and Exclusions from Coveragc thcrein contained, cxcept as modificd by the provisions hcreof. o[Title trnsurance f, orrr enr.rv or ffi r ru ruesorA -E+.Y*:E-- - Authorrecd Officer or Agcnt Sectctrry TlM For l00.29 Jrrr-e lHrsuRANcE Co*pANy oo MINNESoTA a Stock Company of Minneapolis, Minnesota E$SDORSEMENT To be attached to and become a part of Policy No. pA232649 Company of Minnesota. The Cornpany hereby insures against loss which the Insured shall sustain by reason of: damage to existing improvements, including la*'ns, shr.rbbery or trees, resulting from the exercise of any ri glrt to use the surface of said land for the extraction or development of the rninenls excepted from the description of said land or shown as a reservation in Schedule B. The total liability of the Company under said policy and any endonement thereto shail not exceed, in the aggregate, the face amount of said policy and costs which the Company is obligated under the Conditions and Stipulaiions thereof to pay. This endorsement, when countersigned by an authorized officer or agent, is made a part of said policy as of the policy date thereof and is subject to the Schedules, Conditions and Stipulations and Exclusions from Coverage therein contained, except as modified by the provisions hereof. Jrrue lNsunnr.rce or ffirrur.resoTA flonenNv of Title Insurance President -&*.yr+Z-=_ ort!!jrr6 gB.e[. Countersigned: Officer or va lida r ing A Sccreury Tl.fi't){.ir'{:f- l'-nrrrt 1i.1 J.,l O I le Nc" tJ0Ll{li?irl1 1 !iCl"lF:t)L,!1.-E ft Thi: p,r:I i,rg do*: ncL ingr,rr^* eg:in:t Loeg nr daritsg* hg r,:;;scn rr lt the {ril}cilirrql 1, fi i..{lh{.E ctt^ cleirrre c,f Far{. i*s: in p'1,s,5',,- s inrr nr-rt. glior,,rrr 1, r.1 tlre f,uf., lic rectrr'ds. :-!, f:aF,etrrent,E, {--, r clairrts of *es*rrrents, not -...hc,r.rn [:r g the p,uhlic necnrds, 3 " D iscnepenri i*s, conf'I icts in boundarU 1 ilrEs, Ehot^tsg* irr ar*a, * r' c n n F c h trt e n t s , and anU f Ec{.s. uhich E c: or'rec t. surv*g *rir{ inspec t icin t:f th* pr*rliE*s r,,, o r.t 1d rJiEcloe* enci which ar* naL sirswrr hg th* FuhLic r.*cor.rjs,. 4" Anr-; 1i*n, or righl. 1.o a I i*rr, for. ser.vicEs, 1;:hor', r.r r rrra{.er ial ih*t^,:: l,af ol^* or hen*efler fr,rrn i!;h*d, irripased bg lar,r enrJ noL shor.rn hg the p,lrhI i c necords " 5" 19{J1 TAXEti }.10T Yf:T DUE AND l-'AYAP,l-8. &. t-IINS f.0t,i uilFA10 UATER AilD.iEl,'ER t:HARtiL$, IF Aily. 7. KIGHT OF F.ROFRlETOR OF A UEIN OR L.ODE TO EXTRA{]T AND RF.'IOVF- HIS ORE IHI.fiEFHOI'1 .<iHOULD THE SiAf'IE F.E FOUND TO F.EI.IETRATI TIR It{TEA$ECT 1HF F,IlEf'IIIiEl; AS RESERVED IN IJNiTED STATF-:$ FATENT OF RECORD IN INSTRIJI'IEI'IT I{F-il(}Rn[.0 SEFTEflIIEn 13, 1?O? Il'l B00l{ 4t} AT FAfiE 4?I. 8. RItJHTS OIJ IdAY FOft DITC[.IES OR CANAI.l' CONSTEUT,'TED P,Y THF: AUTiiORITY OI; TtlE l.lNlTF-ft $TATE!i, AS RESIRf,ED IN I.INITED STFTTES tLATEl.{T RIC0f{DIf) SEFTHfiLlER 13, 1tLl?, IN p,OOK 48 AT F.AGE 49J. Y" liF-!iTRICTIVF. C0VHNAl,,lT!i' I'JHICH D0 N0T t)0NTAIN A FOTiFEITURF- 0R ttIUF-ttTER {:L.AUSE, AS C0NTAiNED IN INSTRtJfIHNT RE{:0F:DED N0UF-l''lp,Eti ?5, 1966 IN . [r0(]]( 1.74 A1 F'AtiE 44tj.v IV lltt, llTIl.iTY [iAliHf'1tai'iT :i FtiF:T ]N bJIttTl'l At"(tNii At-t. Il..lTIR]trFi L0T l lNF!i A$ nEs'LrivEQ 0i.i Tfrt- FL.AT 0f--P,rLlH0RN SUP,DIUISTT)i.l f--:fr-Tli ADDITT0N. ,Sr Jt1. LlTlt. ITY EALiff'iEliT 1{l FEET 1N tIInTil fiiltr t-'Ii]LtjTfilAN EFrti[.t']F-N1 :.](,! FIET IN ItiDTll 0UER TFiE S0UTHERLY F0RTI0N 0F L0T f+ti $tl0l,lN 0il 1'HH FLAf,0F HliiH(lfiN !iUP,t)1VMI0t'l l- IFTH At)DITI0N, 1:1. DL.LD 0t- TRUST DATED AUGIIST 3'., tt$1 FR0fl tJit t.IAfi E. il0t_L.tjcH *nrJ t:Att(tt- t-. N0t-L$CH T0 THf: PUBLIC TftUSiTEE 0F tiAtil"-[ t:0tll-lTY F0F( THH UIiE 0F lr0P.F-R1'f--. FAICXNL.Y T0 bECURE THE $Ufl 0F $63,fl0Ll.t-l{-1 REC0RDEt) sEf.'lEtlP,LH 1fJ, 1?ti1 l.N p,00t{ .i:1fi AT F,Atit 73:r. ' t 1l:,ti '{.lr.rn*:r'g l nr.r,r :.31:! o I, I i r: !,1 lirr . h7;!32i:'4f U ,ArnounL $l 0U,D{l{1. iiu A''.:idr'*:il F i 1,: l,,lu. VOl.]{J!l?f} 1 !il:llLilUl,t: A 1, F'olicg [)ate: $fjFTEIYIF.,ER 11, J.9€l 1 ai t]:LlO Fr,f,l , t. Narrr* of IfisLrr*d: lllt-t"IAll F". N0Lt-!it:ll and CAf{0L L. I'l0L.t-$C}{ *1 . Th* *sL*'h* or int'rn*sl, in the lend d*scrib,rd in l.h is 5ch*dri1* and r,lhich is; * n c u rd l: e r' c..: ql hg tl-r ie g,olicg is: A f.EE 4 ' T it. 1* to t.h* e*t.tt,e on int.eresd covered Lr,J tfr is po1 icg af tl'le det.e hereof is vest*d inl hlIt"LIAtl E, N0l.LSCl.l and CAFt0L t-. N0LL!iCH :i, Ihe terrel r*f errEd to in 'bh is p'61 1r':g is s i'buat,ed irr EA0LF- {lountg, Ca l orado, and is cle"-cr.ih*d FF f o1lor^rE i L0T 5 r.L0Ci{ 3, P,IGH0tll.t SUFr}MSI0N, FIr--TH ADDITI0N, AC{:0RltIN{i T0 THE l{liC0F{Df:D F L-trT THF:ltE$F . C0UNTY (tF f:AGL ti. $TATE 0F C0LttltAD0. ii'rrfl{.j I thi:. I'crl icr; r,elid nrriLt iri $clredL.r 1e li iE at.taclred, CONDITIONS AND 1. OEfinition of Terms The following terms when used in this policy mean: (a) "insured": the insured named in Schedule A, and, subject to 4oy rights or defenses the Company may have had against the named insured, those who succeed to the inlerest of such insured by operation gf l8w 8s distinguished from purchase inctuding, but not limited to, heirs, distributees, devkees, suryiyors, personal representatives, next of kin, or corporate or fiduciary successors. (b)"insured claimant": an insured claiming loss or dsmage hereunder. (c) "knowledge": actual knowledge, not constructive knowledge or notice which may be imputed to an insured by r€ason of any public records. (d) "land": the land dcscribed, specifically or by refer.nce in Schedule A, and improvements affixed thereto which by law constitute real property; provided, however, the term "land" does not include any property beyond the lines of the area specifically described or releffed to in Schedule A, nor any right, title, interest, estate or easemenl in abutting streets, ioads, avenues, alleys, lanes, ways or lltterways, but nothing herein shall modify or limit the extent to which a right of access to and from the land is insured by this policy. (e) "mortgage": morlgage, deed of trust, t(ust deed, br other security instrument. (f) "public records": those records which by Iaw impart constructive flotice of matters relatins to said land. o STIPULATIONS 2. Continuaiion of Insurance after Conveyance of Title The coverage of this policy shall continue in force as of Date of Policy in favor of an insured so long as such insured retains an estate or interest in the land, o. holds an indebtedness secured by a purchase money mortgage given by a purchaser from such insured. or so long as such insured shall have liability by reason of covenanrs of warranty made by such insu.ed in any transfer oa conveyance of such estate or interest; provided, however, this policy shall not continue in force in favor of any purchaser from such insu.ed of either said estate or interest or the indebtedness secured by a pu.chase money mortgage given to such insured. 3. Defense and Pros€cution of Actions - Notice of Claim to be given by an Insured Claimant (a) The Company, at its own cost and without undue delay. shall provide for the defense of an insured in all litigation consistint of actions or proceedings commenced against such insured, or a defense interposed against an insured in an action to enfo.ce a contract for a sale of the estate or interest in said land, to the extent that such litigation is founded upon an alleged defect, lien, encumbrance, or other matter insured against by this policy. (b) The insufed shall noiify the Compary promptly in writing (i) in case any action or proceeding is begun or defense is interposed as set forth in (a) above, (ii) in case knowledge shall come lo an insured hereunder of any claim of title or interesl which is adverse to the title to the estate or inierest, as insured, and which might caus. loss or damage for which the Company may be liable by vrrtue of thb policy, or (iiD if title to the estate or interest, as insured, is rejected as unmarketable. [f such prompt notice shall not be given to the Company, then as to such insured all liability (Continued on insia'c back flttt) PoLrcYNo. A7_232649 a ICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION OWNER'S POLTCY FORM B - 1970 (Amended 10.17-70) NSURANCE OMPANY OF INNESOTA a Stock Company, of Minneapolis, Minnesota SUBJECT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE, THE EXCEPTIONS CONTAINED IN SCHEDI,JLE B AND THE PROVISIONS OF TI{E CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS HEREOF, TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF MINNESOTA, herein called the Company, insures, as of Date of Policy shown in Schedule A, against loss or damage, not exceeding the amount of insurance statid in Scheduie A, and costs, attorneys' fees and expenses which the Company may become obligated to pay hereunder, sustained or incuned by the insured by reason of: 1. Title to the estate or interest described in Schedule A being vested otherwise than as stated therein; 2. Any defect in or lien or encumbrance on such title 3. lack ofa right of access to and from the land;or 4. Unmarketabilty of such title. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Title Insurance Company of Minnesota has caused its corporate name and seal to be hereunto affixed by its duly authorized officers as of the date shown in Schedule A, the policy to be valid when countersigned by an authorized officer or agent of the Company. ITLE NSURANCE OMPANY OF INNESOTA Authorized Officer or Agent EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE The following matters are expressly excluded from the coverage of this policy: 1. Any law, ordinance or governmental regulation (including but not limited to building and zoning ordinances) restrictinB or regulating or prohibiting the occupancy, use or enjoyment of the land, or regulating the character, dimensions or location of any improvement now or hereafter erected on the land, or prohibiting a separation in ownership or a reduction in the dimensions or area of the land, or the effect of any violation of any such law, ordinance or governmental regulation. 2. Rights of erninent domain or governmental rights of police power unless notice of the exercise of such rights appears in the public records at Date of Policy. 3. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims, or other matters (a) created, suffered, assumed or agreed to by the insured claimant; (b) not known to the Company and not shown by the public records but known to the insured claimant either at Date of Policy or at the date such claimant acquired an estate or interest insured by this policy and not disclosed in writing by the insured claimant to the Company prior to the date such insured claimant became an insured hereunder; (c) resulting in no loss or damage to the insured claimant; (d) attaching or created subsequent to Date of Policy; or (e) resulting in loss or damage which would not have been sustained if the insured claimant had paid value for the estate or interest insured by this policy. l-- o AMERICA ' \ ITLE t\ \JoL ':' -t L a..,^ Form 130 2/J3 3OM 't!t/ Copyrishl 1969 American Land Title Associarion I LT o o the writer corporotion May 10, 1982 To Vllron It May Concern: This letter is to info::nr you that Ur. Kent Rose of Austin-Rose Construction Corqpany is our representative in matters pertaining to the constructi.on of our home at Iot 5, nlock 3 in the Bighorn Subdivision. Yours truly, \})tr-"-[s]'-,^- Yf,illian E. NoILsch 27 frAmffiSs mWE EAST / Efl(Blnw0oti], Go[0aAm Emlz / $08"771"m?0 tj'l't I.l'll' l,(lr;A1'10:.1 |rjil I i; I.CA'I'l()ii sur.)Drvr:jroN_ 5 \2 ?,ort" / nvNnru_. NOll_€CH ,?ES/D4-. NCF urocr S___r;rLrNG - -5_rI2DD/7/AN 'i'he locati.on of utilities, whether thcy bc nrain trurtk I ines or pr-oposed 1ines, nrust be approved and verj-ficd by thc following utiliti-es for the accornpanyrng sitc plan. Nlountain Bel l Western Slope Gas Publ j,c Service Cornpany Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Vail Cabie T.V. Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation District NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibilily to obtain a street cut perni-t from the Town of Vail, Department of Public ltrorks and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public ri"ght- of-way or easenent in the Town of Vai1. A building perrnit is not a street cr.rt permit. A str:eet cut pernit nust be obtained separately. This form is to verify service availablity and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. Authorizcd !ignatur'c Dat e ,_lJrz.- /-rtLikz (4F- Not)TcH RE1/oENcd I ; r , '.',. "5. .. I ri r :t; fi/g/-fr.ft1{ C TSAQD4VON NGL € fr\/V//- y K E ;/AENC E.__ 'l'ltt: fol 1r'i;1p1, irrl lir*:rL i'rr j,, llolrrcl irr jL)r'r.r il J: in:rl alllirovu I A. lill ll,lr Iii(; l.t\'fl;tl1A.l,S Roo f Sidirrg 0t l:cr l',a11 lvla1, cri al s lasr: ia Soffi t s Windo',rs l{indow ]'rirn Doors Door'l'rin Hand ol Dcck Rails F lues Flashi.ngs Chir:ureys Trash luclosures Grecnirolrs es Other: B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PLANT MATERIALS Botan'ical Name TREES ]'c(lr)j l'r'(l {<lr' :;trirt,, r t L;lj c.r ri lrc ,livcn: 1 ltc itJrtr l it';r r; i 1 o Lhc l)c:; i llrr ll"v.i t. t, (,o Itlr _D2q_!i1, .iti:r 1,i. r' i ir I NEP-AU7.Z-QEDARFT4KE.--ilAZUKZL_ 6--&eHV:QK@UEJED4R-UM/ZaD--{.2 /' -1_&4t6{f,t '- ,"-, =. . 'r' - t(tpr41E-Vkll5// 6bv_areza____ML\/,____ Common Name Quant'ity Size N,47/VE AU44P LOLLOIL' .t€4L /o ti&oc,tt- 476 -O//a SHRUBS i;noLliii; COVIR5 SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION O EN^//CK/&MCK S(Jflr\fll, l-00fi\(,1: _ €O-__ /12/Et1/X rrcrure szra /va^l F _SQUARI FOOTAGE ///L JFL+s TYPE SQUARE F00TAGE ,./" -W.lT7 4EEAI /67. ERE" ' ,(YE 6fA<5 'A.a' o7qh.\-'' nzAUE ':(o .A-/4W /'"'4- 70 :rE I'P ' " "- IltF*3i,[fitl3fir*, y'/r- '4i,'< 2,/s7' "R"- \ luD aEEpFi) ,' 8E q/LC//z) 4)/'' ' .1-/"^4K tr6">4u)" KoVg/ C. 0ther I-andscape Features (retaining wa'l 1s, fences, swimming poo'ls, etc.) Please specify. 'A///eF ze{= KoCK-- tffiilffi s IIfiI box 100 vail, colorado 8'1657 (3O31 47 8^ffi1* t ac',: departrrrent of comnrunity developnrent Dear Design Review Board App1icant: Enclosed is your Design Review Board Project Application shorving the approval/disapprcval of your project includlng comments from the Board. If you received approval from the Design Review Board, you must make any corrections stipulated by the Boat'd and bring the revised plans to the Town Planner before applying for a Building Permit. No site rvork may'be conr"nenced until the revisions are approved by the Town P1anner and trvo sets of working drawings are submi.tted to the Building Department. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call the Town Planner at -476--7000. ext.102. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPT{ENT o SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL AND RESIDENTIAL ZONING CIIECKLIST Legal Descrlption, L, 5 6/1 3 fitl i'-rloN o,wner. RF FAtC(lv€y/ Architect, \./ i?;,,t.np h1*u*€\ ''-s: Zone District: .2f-1!_ Proposed Use: Lot Area ,> ryZ/Minus .a-,(.{/znc.) Eeight: Setbacks:Required - Front Actual - Front Distance Between Buildings: G.B.F.A. Allowed: Buildable Actual ^6, +i Slte Coverager Allowed - Lot trea7231l x 20 % = Landscaping: Required Parking: Required Drlve: Slope Permitted / Zh Slope Actual Parking and Drives Must Envi ronme nt aL / Ilazar d : E,azard Area: Equals Buildable Area: 20 1 , Sides , Sides /1, f z|,5- arL- A to' +4,5:, Rearz--o' -14. f , Rear Actual Required Area x% - Lot Area Be Paved Avalancbe : a { a-b -#tW Zoningry; Zoning Administrator "-60*= /3131?-- Actual Slope Lstance From Trees Removed Conments: fu*n1*4%,:// Eo**'a: Zhts/e /0. -7 a ?o {ur,.ilz./ ;+s G63 4fril -_-_f...-/ , t,_ p #€A I zL.-1zt / Z'fu:o 78 4/ /o% A!4r"Fftd &fl : - *%'d stz{' 7sL for+4- 4g=e-,31 ) 2e, z{ 7?, - ?'oe(s4 >t.i 3 t-d zb^f fu,{.- b gt.,{ >",{ L0--2.6.7r 28.QL 2L, f- z5:,7? 2(.C.b 84s-+,>u,41 '3/. lf 4zT >l .z-3- Lr,7i 2L 1)-\/1 r(,-( arcog- l7 lR t2,2,f>- I gr tdrq.J> L F'Jr ^ /,f = ry.--,/f3.7{ 44?, 37 372.7{ J?,f r> /f,,97 /o{bfr y,l> 8.21 ^ 2l.t ( ,,,3 x t?,f*( //fx 27.>d- \n,z{ , 7,n- = ??,t( t7g7L F----- 2t4r+{ 6v,zr &+4 -f, sTfu C*f'A I o t