HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIGHORN 5TH ADDITION BLOCK 3 LOT 10 LEGAL.pdfo ,-ffi Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: lS Properties re-roof DRB Number: DR8030422 Project Descriptionr Re-roof from EPDM to built-up flatroof topped with tar and gravel and Prestique High Definition SO-year asphalt shingle in "sablewood" Pafticlpants: OWNER GEJ AND FAMILY LP 09/2612003 Phone: PO BOX 2139 COLOMDO SPRINGS CO 80901 License: APPUCANT PLATHCONSTRUCION 0912612003 Phone:970-949-1905 P.O. DRAWER 5920 AVON, CO 81520 License: CONTMCTORPIATHCONSTRUCTION 09/2612003 Phone: P.O, DMWER 5920 AVON, CO 81620 License: 148-8 Project Address: 5187 GORE CR VAIL Location: 5187 GORE CIRCLE Legal Description: Lot 10 Block 3 Subdivision: BIGHORN sTH ADDffiON Parcel Number: 209918203008 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACIION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApproval:10/06/2003 Conditions:Cond:8 i (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building, Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Elisabeth Eckel DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO * *{.**+ ********+:1.*.*. ** *'t++**:lr***{.*.:}*:** * * * * * {. * :t + * * {. {. + * ,} * * * * * ***** *'} + * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * *+***+** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 09-26-2003 at09:14:47 09/26/2003 Statement :1. * * * ** * + + * * * * * *:t *ri* *'*,F** '1. * *r*** '! *:**{.*****{.*******,N.******++****t++{.** * * * * * * * * * * + * * * + * * + * 'fr * + * * * Statement Nudber I RO3OOO4775 Amount: $20.00 09/26/200309:14 AM Pa)rment Method: Check hit: DF Notation: cHEcK 30549 Permit No: DR8030422 Type: DRB-Minor Alt, SFR,/DUP Parcel No: 209918203008 Site Address: 5187 GORE CR VAIIr Location: 518 7 GORE CfRCL,E TotsaI Fees: S20 - 00 This Payment: $20.00 Total ALL, Pmts: $20.00 Balance; $0.00 +*.t *** * ++*{.*****,t * * + :} ,} * * * {. * * * * {. t t**:t*{.*,}**:1.****+*1.{.**+****+**********+***,t*******+**,}*{t'1.:}*+*'l ACCOTINT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REV]El,^j FEES - 20.00 /:.4-3 ,-ffi ^': f"ry',tu1ffi"ii,,.,rfi*lr' "* General lnformation: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Communily Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council andior the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences wilhin one year of the approval. ption of the Request: Location of the Proposal:f--- Atock: 3 Zoning: Iailing Owner(s) Signatu re(s Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: E-mail Address: fDnl L'L) Type of Review and Fee: . Signs . Conceptual Review . New Construction . Addition . Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) . Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) . Changes to Approved Plans . Separation Request Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. For construction of a new buildina or For an addition where square commercial building (includes For minor changes to reroofing, painting,additions, retaininj walls, etcl SIAFF: For revisions to plans already Design Rwiew Board. $50 No Fee $650 $300 or ) $2so ( $zol $20 No Fee I and retaining walls, etc. hr-p For minor changes to bdfiUrtfEF aodsite mprovements. such as. reroofi ng, painting, wjlplow additions;-.Izllltt*ap*€r.,-troces and Parcef No. : Zt;'fi l rf2lsn c' f (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Name(s) of Owner(s): For Office Use Only: Fee Paid: __ Check No.: Application Date: Planner: Page 1 of 12106123103 o o Building Materials PROPOSED MATERIALS Type of Material Asr.io// sl tn3 /a5 p ris lr quo /'/t5 fr )1F"u'rta't ' a y €z< .fa yaaz_ G;,/+uproo? Golor SAOLE t"oOJ Roof Siding Other Wall Materials F6cia Soffits Wndows \Mndow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Page 6 of 12106123103 o O H}-Kffiffi THE PREIv{lUN'I C H O I C E" I * N4 O P E T O T w H Y U U C T LK Yr) OD H E H T o N o U A sound root does more than protect the things you r.aiue. lt protects the people vc'u love. An.l lhen you feel safe, you're free to focus on the important things in life - Like entertaining friends and host- ing famil_v gatherings. That's whi' your choice of a roof is no small detail. lbu can take confidence in rhe wav Elk shingles are constructed. All of our roofing products are laminated for extra durability and protection (see page 12)- UL' u'inJ resrstant and Ciass "A" fire rated, they meet the current stan- dards of the most stringent local building codes. \,,I A N OOKS r\ E l' Prestique' premium ro..rfing shingles, ofi'ered in three configurations, all feature Lrur signature High Det'inition lcnk. Reminiscent of real s'ood shingles, the distinctive vi-.ual depth and texture oi Prestique is sure to improve the appeal, and often the market value, of your home. The slate-like appearance of Capstone' shingles 1.. the Ferfect crou,ning touch ftrr neu' traJiri.',nal- style h,rmes, as well ars the rdeal cL:rmplement to ir hi-storic home unclergoing renovirtion' Raised Profile" shrngles {eattLre a subtle, even-t,rneJ Lo.-'k u'ith the rv:rrmth of lvood. With rhe Jurability ofa larninated shingle, they are a clecisive alternative to ordinar-v shingles in botlr looks and pertormance. fir cr Gallerr (.i;llecrion irr Srenru Srinret Cal! n Dri 'slu:.\ J8Fr.r ra.\!l .JISLlq:- lsnnl lo plefuets io' trauali sr a:rs- ,al \ ,,zl r1{ll sllo-.$olq purl\\ puP slPal tsultEp unDrJt(ud Eltxe epl.\old srlilurtl:- a;!ru puB drq eBprg-y-1caq X1{ elnur:oJ q r1.tr ,a8prg-y-yeag .irrr) ^rr',J 1rJ i'ri.i :,'l)iri-.rd l.lDr), !;Vr Lrr rLl)tI,,ji1 , r,r.1uJr!if r lfDr Xtl Lr|x|l.x,j .1,r 'r r,tf'I-y-l',r\ 'sstt-l0t (888) rP IIE ller.ro.ro1 -JBrtLli.)l :no.r. >1se'uro: d:o:11a'm,n,u rsrl 'JLuotl .rno1 .rt4 Juo rapJo oJ '( 5l $ ) ue }r a:ariJ Burl:o,n e sl arre-\ l aqlP J.r J,1 lt luusl F sr r{1 'PrlulPd ptltsq fruP lelrL uI parjPr3 tI 'tual:-.\s tl()l.ltlllllJ \ lllltl s.lr)ol tl lo trp(l lr,ri;.rlul Lnr il |ulr u;ir.ap aliurqs a:at,.l-ltto t: \^Jlllll'q f sJJlJSf l! 'X'lJ I lnltllL\l tlll.\ ,)11t:ttl :l .l:rl'))iil'!U I,\'l :-lrl-f (r().$ Jsr:: t sl:r:elLLtt r;a:3:;iptg J() atuple:ddt-ql()()l.nr:s'ln!-tr: JLIf rsarJaSPlu paruan a1r1o:4 q3r11 'a;i;'tr,,,t, _lo ql;lual aql u,\\r)[r ] la,l,Ii iLlrl.\fl!trl aluLx.j-qBrq P satc..rr u;-rs.f fell(! 'anbrun slJ sJull_.lr)r)r ilttt:oq o1 fua up lnd trl Pa:luerun; sr aipry 7 e8plu pu? dr11 unrura:4 eEplu ,Z 'UOI ilil.l I ll(1,\ ur ,{rllrqppp,\E .rr)} IlaqJ '.,i.tut:rrr:,r f..alrLurl rEr\-o I e Llllr$ ,\\.Ll-tu.rrLl -lEarl PrEnnuIEls uI-llInq rn() r.-r,l]() a,\\ ,lllunol eql Jtr sfetE eulo:.- Lll .n|)]i](}'I]q.IlsI]ualu]EaJ].EFllPt1P..ltt1q:rq.rr](),]]t].l]L|()]:tltl,i:1sy..]]tOq]eS]aJlolIE,iqrrs.lr:q1',(1lllltllill,tu,l sarua:a.,;.l:da13urqsaEpupuedr11's:i1tl:;l13ult1sutltr:a11or,i.la11r.r :-rol()l ur elqElIE-\P :r,-ieq1 1r-rt-r1 sI 3ur,ro:Jrur '1oor rno,! J() sr;Pu Jrlt;u('lE lrr a.t:altId p uJq sJItUrqs e;Fu puu Jtq :ll3 :)l)(I II H V (l c):l LIIIr\\ uI ilur qsE L] .{ 11u r:ads 'J()()l lla ,\)Ll -tnr),\ puJI!i s-.ru()ss;):)lP -r:Lll() prrr: 'str,te.r J1:r11 ol l-\:lPlntut(rJ :-1 l(ilt?J .ir()\-s.rlrV -]ooN llg 1\vA U3H_Lvr1X\ )1E I\l\J .\)l .'-::l .')V J.-'-U I \ i l\ lYl YI . rl X V Ll Il N Iv I5- H -)n C)E N tl I l)1,, '1r1.r,,\ 'r j ril)rr',i.U 1,, lr / ni,i , , I r.r'uU]' rrr;r,' Lu, ilD' r'..r )]lPt)l i)ri 't.,yrvi rr frr./ .nrlrif)rJ rrLll' .,rf )l - ir,?prr! ,r rv;{uns rralp q patl.'\nv\t j&t uou?urJ"O {trH rrlhrs'd p4otr]'palal'al^ V 'a.rc\) .LoI@ lpult D Eu1\Du anJaq sal8utys patp x\ati 1|,od puaauo.at s{.Dirlo,n1 ssalaqlauoN 'stjl^ojlq i8opu\xa1 SuttutL! utapow ro {,'PlpMfiD sa stoltn pnpoL"d no luatat4at 01 14waup Krafi pw aA LrrrO:sqtJ.\ '{rluq"lFn" .to; 91 a8ed uo lrEq) {f,eqf, - sJolor lle ul alqelre^B strnpo:d 11e lo51 r rll1,',d li\ r)j 'r.t,rritrrt! r,'\) pDL,11.r.!pa{ (\"! i ."rru5rr(l iur ,11{, f:,r !. rtgq,iri).1.1,r urd\y !l{]'.'.1.Dil ) suo103 3-llloud cSslvu atrs prrilrrr,ll r.rsror( n1luir S oNV 3nolrS3Ud rsa-tj ,|rtleg NOITCSlrOC AUallVC 'tarltEa,t\ teA\ ro suolllpuotr lsefJalo ul saop tr uBqt tqBrluns tleJtp ul luar{}lp readde llr,^\ tr 'afuBtsul :oq ',{up -1o etulr pua suollrpuof, uo Surpuedap .rte,r ,(eu :o1o: alSurqs u ;o rluereadde arlt purur ur daa;1 su:atred pue s:o1o: 3o Surpuelq aqr -lo nedul .11n; arqr ra8 ot aruelslp e re lr{8ll^ep lerrueu ut salSurqs IlnJ xls Jo a^r] ,,!\al.\ plnoqs no.{ 'uoltlalas ItsuU E SulIEul alo]ag slolol rured :o/pue Poorr 'auols ':lluq s rlxor{ lnoA qrl^r puelq lll^r rl ,roq raprsuol 'rolol B Bulsooql uaqAvrolJatxa s,:uroq :no.( tuauralduo: Plnoqi Jool .$eu lno^ 'sllnseJ lseq roJ --)o c H o N :)o u '<Dp 1s1t1oiro 1m ro '1!to3o l.fi! avlo9 a\f \too'rtlv altt 2'(, I,'lrfip urr li'{ ur Jor]-l .1!!'s P0oi1ri,i,g r.c1],H INOISdV:) O Raireo' Projilc rhir.eles fectrr.e ri sutrrl: rrpn.rc'neri look r. irh rhe rlrnrli ry'lr,i . ORI)I\ARY SHINCLES VS The Jirtrn.tile risrlriJd/rrh a rerrr.rre ifPresa4les Hrgh Definitron ()lv{ lA R sOx RAISED PROFILE PRESTIQUE HIGH DEFINITION ..^OFSHIT.\T l(,rl rr rcniirircenr .I redl u.ood shingles. WOOD SHINGLES VS E L-t-r,il:n'. rl;.,:'ral siungls arr sr /Lr an.r rhr ri er ,rll r. rnt jccl imle,"lrc' l,,nr l( \1. ,1r l/nr,ri;l[. LK L IN,I IT Eli< l'r,:rn4re Pir,r Hr3-[ D..lin,ror:h,n- qii, ,r,,rI r(,r;JCc.l r]ni'ergcrionr ,rnC ertt rtu rrnr iro'a.'a rrorr Ji;nncrire hx;l CapsroNr ELK 40 years l0 years non- prorated coYemge for material and labor rvith pro- rated covemge for remainder of limited warranqr period 5 yrs, up to 110 mph* l\i,'xi shing;es. trroagtr rn,,rr t.gtr- srre, .ar. hrm, splil, n d'1, luL1.1lrl /-rnL Ltonler rnn,,rrr,l l,r,rl /r.* n,, Ei.l slunei:s iuLe a 1!t'rgt!s. hut anl rnrer -4Sl D J462 snnriarCs \r.,1r- rannld tilr 4 !o -50 tears, thrl aror.l tl.e yobbms rLf unnearzd uood ar"C or LiL Clars "A" 1;re rard. ELK Rarsr.n PnorrE 30 years 5 years non- prorated coverage for material and labor with pro- rated coverage for remainder of limited waranty period 5 yrs, 70 mph Et) WARRANTY CON4PARI-SON LrMrrEL,' WARF-{NTr UTIBRELL{ Co\tRAcE ITTITftt-II ni|l|nm. ;;;,;; Gar-mi" C-ollscnoN ----s\/'-^ \ I ( )u yean //\--_ _--,' 5 lears non- prorated coverage for material and labor with pro- rated coverage for remainder of limited warranty period PRESTIQUE I Hrcs Drpwrtrotl 40 years 5 years non- prorated coverage for material and labor with pro- rated coverage for remainder of limired warranty period 5 ,.-c qn --h x PResrreue Htcir Dsrn'moN 30 years 5 years non- prorated coverage for material and labor with pro- rated coverage for remainder of limited warranty period 5 yrs, 80 mph \YIND CovERACE 5 yrs, up to 110 mphx See ,roduct m,:ed warranties;or celaik. The Conparison Chad above rs n0t a wa-rant, Produal m ted warrafties !a r be cbla n€d i0n lhe distr bLrtor or w!^/w e kcorD.cor. L miied \a'anarties nray be reqistered online of throLrgh the mail. applicab e 10 the shrn0les. See appllcal cr instrucl ons pfinted of the sh ngle wrappBr for additiona requir€rne1t9. t; PRoDUCT luorLABILIrrO jux as foliage and building materials vary from region to region, so does the preference for certain roofing colors and ridge products. Elk manufactures select products to meet the needs of specific regions. Cokns are axatLable n alJ hexique ad RoiseC Pto/ile pnducts lnless ori entbe noteC beiow. Producr selzctias anL cobr o$erilqs me sulject to cfrange u'ithour norice . CnpsroNr, all colors (p. 10) GRr-r-sRv Collsc-noN, all colors (p. 9) Pnesrteus, Rarseo PnortLg: Weatheredwood (p. 5) Antique Slate (p. 3) Shakewood (p. 7) Sablewood (p. 4) Forest Green (p. 7) Hickory (p. 6) Barkwood (p. 11) Birchwood (p. 11) Wedgewood (p. ,t) Sandalwood (p. 6) Aspen White (p. 5) SratNGuaRo trearmenr Z RIDcE htp & rtdge Sral--A-Rtlcs hip & ridge RncrCnrsr hip & ridge ARIA 1 a a a a a o o a a (R^sd Hoflk dn ) a a (Nor cBila.l'l! in Rdd &dl!.) a AREA 2 a o o o a o a a o a a lNb! @dlzlL m R isd RoiL) AnEe 3 a a o o o a a a a ARIA 4 o a a a a a o a a Olctudclq qsbbu,tt, @ qedb i" R sd AoJti.J a,,4* ^ryd.\tu a(^:_@iR g.ldr. 6E ft.tt1@. I6utl du 1164l! r .n J, O {.,E.Ltd 4kihhuryJ * l.tucl Ji' duhrtl.r) a a a akJcdto Ndhtl[rt) o O tdv& lo artlt;Lq'J ateltrttld tufl't}a, * Swn3uard a+ajiabb anll u.ithin tJre states oJ Tercs, Arkansas, T6np6, A. 8F791€{5 t||dn Tr 4I}288-6789 Indiaripolis, In al|.ffill l Dululh, Ga fln-94t5551 frlys'stowr. Pa N[9{+(,{4 F)r1jrela:estLpJal€stotrisifl0:rnaj.f,visi1$l..^€bsi1ea hea!.eP!arc€ritcriacjA.]27The|c80tVa|Lahorso.Jccapproia:nubif]rP6tiqLe mee: all ne latest Melo Dade bJildirE ccd?s Caplone- Presriqre anc fuised )oi ? shingles .ieel 'J|e Canacral Slan&riJs AssccEron {CSA} coc€ A123.5 o20c2E|kccBodo1o1Drlas.A|llrademark.@.a€l9gisleredt?dema'ksa,E|kc0Qodonof|a||as,arELc0Fio of ElkCorpo€bof oloallas.lJLis a €gls1€|edtcdema* oi Lnier['ril€rs Labor;lorr€s nc Pr r€d ]r LISA ELKi The Premium Choice' BMS 09/02 Conf i rma.t i on Job numbe r Date To Number of pages I Start t ime End t ime Pages sen t Status Job number : 588 Report - Memory Send pa9e Date & T ime - ine I E-mai I Mach ine lD 588 0ct-06 09:30am 893285520 004 0ct-06 09:30am 0ct-06 D9:32anr 004 OK o 001 0c t-06-03 09:3 2 am 9ta4792152 TOIVII OF VAIL COM}i4UNITY DEVELOPMENT \ +** SEN D - 75, Sor-rrtr Frorrta,Ec F-oad,- Vs-iI. CO A 1657-970-479-2r=A 7 A:t 970-479-2452. c @IvrI\4rftl\[r -I'!a DE 1.EL Op]\,{riEr{T FA-T( T5T3}ISN4TT:T.A,I- ,S:EE'E T SUCCESSFUL *** .T'R'OI|.I: DATE: .F*:<-5: a:^,-: 7 fS-a-- |r. oF PA.GES IIy DOC:fIn/EE:I{T (}ror ]Er*cl-ripnre co\zER. =**->___s5__rLE.sPoNSE lR:E QrrrlSD ?_ SE]\{T I}Y To.t .!r O:F \ZA,II- Collnzrf,r}irl:fY DErrrEI-OPI\lEa\l-T FA:t< *. TO'9I.II{ OF \'I..8, COI\{ErIr TT\TTTY:I>E-TZJEI.OPI/EFT:[' Z:EI.EP]ETOf{E i' ,sPE CrA,I- Coh4rvtEFr:rs Af\rrr l{oa:tas Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81557 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: JS Properties re-roof DRB Number: DR8030422 Project Description: Re-roof from EPDM to built-up flatroof topped with tar and gravel and Prestique High Definition 50-year asphalt shingte in "sablewood" Pafticlpants: OWNER GEI AND FAMILY LP 09/2612003 Phone: PO BOX 2139 COLORADO SPRINGS CO 80901 License: APPUCANT PLATHCONSTRUCTION 0912612003 Phone:970-949-1905 P,O. DMWER 5920 AVON, CO 81520 License: CONTMCTORPLATHCONSTRUCTION 09/2612003 Phone: P.O, DMWER 5920 AVON, CO 81620 License: 148-8 Project Address: 5187 GORE CR VAIL Location: 5187 GORE CIRCLE Legal Description: Lot: 10 Block 3 Subdivision: BIGHORN 5TH ADDfiON Parcel Number: 209918203008 Comments: BOAR"D/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApproval:10/05/2003 CondiUons: Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Elisabeth Eckel DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO o o z a {n c o =o z T m F ={ GI -- m 'tl ^EllHJHl r -E* Ffi= F E I EiY 19 c 1 =o6l; E s !/ P tm !Pr ln F 6 l= -i r t- m =nm,b4r' < =, _L-lL ll!<l I 5 H af 6 €5 =- 4 o.>= d E X o@ a E e >= -a o ts='a F E sz 3 g itm,. m -.t 'Tl l-z i.a z H e z lt z v) z 14 E F z c-{ z z z tJ) c)E =F <F t>d19 =|r bt3 I r, IFU c/, |q _lx tF IUJ l\o I I I I v:_ aA c)> o aa >m c)n -t> a =m i 9p --r c p<5s A=n m l-m --t o t- o z i o i Z r'1 Cr m o - z z --i --l 3ll >lr -l<>l m lFl a12 l'd F l\\F. l(n l,J IFI r', lp IH ?tz !l> Et tlt t. I ; >H r T o\ I (, l-l l€ lz lo II t> lF l$lz l-1 lo l€ lz lo ll t> r- l# la lz' L t+Itt)tf lo t+ lo l;t<l>l-ll tm P tz lr to l€ lz lo P l>l- H lc,,lz -i ti mlO rl= IO li t; lfl l- I I ^l! € ll,-z F-n 7 zz --t --1 I o z c m =z t- ! m =q) urq Nr i 02 P1 oT IH LF io >-n 'Y z at >K Q9 UXa6 FIo d2 H^=c: =zq 4i z z >=ZY vx .J@= Sm= I< = z m { trl J 2 2 m c 'n t-c z ;i qr o -5H3a ' oE-d 3 6'99 ir ii*6'is* L..< c) t arPd =j[eo ; +OrY (, o:al' i = -*I3i=63--< ^. --o'u 5ol: ci? Dt -3 *ct =ro9+@ *Ol1 ot o*=E -lf gr!6i-3 ;6 9. o'inl-=qr3l-- qEis i=9P g .= g ,its= F= 33 <o-: 0.4 P 6' r 6 =. I 8 i 8i $u a =-'33Q *ol:):srO=. ,=qr-o o { o t 3 c = 5' o o f J o ,d. H fr !t a a z c) z Fi i,l// r/),a '',,/,/? I a m l-_n VALUAIION --{ t- m 3 =-n m m a o tn z i -tt m o I -{ m I z m s { ?-t\) oo m o m -J z m m @ z m --t c) c z m = m =_-.t '11 m m a I I h E EiP N) ,ts { tF.-t- \D l\o o lo I F z n z H a z x z z 9. .o z o z o m a tJ @ N *a\ $$s 9z {Y m; .l dn ;4O 'o N< -n EH - -.1 o qt m x m -1 z (- I -t m r ts z H z F-5 .'r1 H ",I _r I r.,'t14 I I I It m zt = z.o tS roulh fronl,ag. road r|ll. colondo t1657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 !I!O3 EROM: DATE: suB.rEcT: offlcr ol conunutltt devrlopmrnl AI,L CONTRACIORS CI'RREIITLII. REGISTERED NIIts TIIE TOTJN OF VAIIJ TOI{N OF VArL PUBLTC WORKS/CO!,IMUNITY DEUEIDPUENT UARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRU TION PARKING & T,TATERIAL STORAGE Town of for your In sunnary, Ordinance No. 6 states that Lt is unlawful for any person to lltter, track or deposit any soil , rock, Band, debris or aaterial , lncluding trash durnpsters, portable tollets and rorkmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town of Vail streets and roads is approxinately 5 ft. off pavenent. This ordinance will be Btrictly enforced by the Town of VaiI Public Works Department. Persons found vlolating this ordinance will be given a 24 hour written notLce to remove gaid naterial .fn the event the person so notifl.ed does not conply with the notice sithln the 24 lrour tine specifl.ed, the Public Works Departnent ulll renove said naterial at the ex;lense of Person notified. The provlsions of thls ordl.nance shall not be applicable to construction, naintenance or repalr proJects of any Etreet or alley or any utillties ln the right-a-way. to review ordinance No. 6 ln fuIl, please stop by the ValI Building Departnent to obtain a copy. Thank you cooperatlon on this natter. (t.e. contractor, ownerl '' 3;,iift1,,:-ii?,_l;33",Ht"#[-+?,11,**, o3"loH["]' o==5[ ' -r r41 ' Ld 1'o vAearroN At{D ABaI{DoNUENT oF EAsEnlErgr r? t/n This vacation and abandonment of easernent is made this ' t 'AY day of 6' 'l , rs 10, by the Town of Vai1, a colorado 0 DDtr A. Ata ,t urunicipal corporation (the trTowntr) (the rrOwnerrr) . and G.E. Jqhnson Construction Co. , WHEREAS, a certain easement on ttre recorded plat of Bjqhorn Subdivision, more fully described on Exhibit r.Arr attached hereto and incorporated herein by referenle (the trEasementrr), is currently encunbering a certain parcel of real estate (the rrPropertyrr) more fully described as follows: lot 10. Flock 3 Righnrn Srrhdiviqion Fifth Addition Town of Vail, County of Eagle' Colorado' and WHEREAS, the easement allows the Town the use thereof for ;u.'i construction, maintenance, and reconstruction of till3j-nage and WHEREAS, the Easement is not presently used for construction, maintenance, and reconstruction of drainage /'r! ; and WHEREAS, neither the Owner nor the Town realize any beneficial use in allowing the easement to remaint and NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF TEN DOLI"ARS, the rnutual covenants and promises contained herein and other good and valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged by the parties hereto, the Town and tite lwr:er covenant and agree as follows: 1. The Town, on behalf of itself, its successors and assigns, by this instrument hereby forever abandons, vacates, releases and terninates the easernent and herby conveys all the right, title, interest in and tc the easement to the Owner. 2. The owner hereby accepts and ratifies the vacation, a-bandonment, release, f,ermination and grant of the easement. 3. This vacation shall be binding upon and "rure to the benefit of the Town and of t!:e ov/ner anc tl^ci';' respective successors and assigno' |. 43t487 E-535 tr-333 ,"r0r* 1s: 17 EXECT'TED ON THE FG e OF 11 DATE AND YEAR TIRST ABOVE WRITTEN. Gilbert E. Johnson' President G. E. Johnson Construction Co. this , Town cler COUNTY OF EAGLE )) ss. ) H CJ] \l The foregoing instrurnent was acknowledged before me this &day or STATE OF COIORADO )) ss. COI'NTY O? MNW EL PASO ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me 29 day of Mav -, 19.1]!, by G. E. Johnson Construction Co- , oltner' Wj tness rny hand- and ef f iei'a! seal ' My commission exPires: 310 South 14th S!Ee! , L9fu., by Kent R. Rose, Mayor of Dlanager of the Town of Vail, colorado and was attested to by Pamela A. Brandmeyer, Town clerk of the Town of VaiI , Colorado, a Colorado nunicipal corporation' Witness my hand and official seal . My commission exPires: Notary Pub Address C ee. O$rner t name ) _..i,.: F'a, .{(. I lrlta-rttrll- Address I,EGAI DESCRIPTION A ten foot wide ditch easenent, to be abandoned, lying within Lrot 10, Block 3, Bighorn Subdivision Fifth Adalition, according to the map thereof recorded in the office of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk ancl Recorder, tbe centerline of said ten foot vide easenent being ilescribeal as follows: Beginning at a point on the northerly line of sairl Lot 10 vhence the nortb- vesterly corner of said Lot 10 bears l{89o30'00"I| 40 feet; thence, departing said nortberly line, S45o5O'29'E 144.85 feet to a point on the easterly line of saiil IJot t0 whence the southeasterly corner of said Lot 10 bears S00o02'00"E 53 feet. )'r cn cD The sidelines of said 10 foot to terminate at the northerly Date:-6i33O- dltch easement are to be shortened or lengtheneil and easterly lines ot said L,ot 10. @A/OB/9A 15:17 pci 3 0F 11 431447 B-535 p-333 Dannie Corcoran Colorado P.t.S. 431487 B-535 tr-SJB AB/AA/9A 1S:17 F,G 4 OF 11 briner/strain architects 5O0 s. trontage road suite 112 vail, colorado 81657 303-476-3038 Danny DSlsw Enclosures June 13., 1990 Mr. Kent Rose, Mayor Torsn of VaiI 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 8L657 Re: Lot L0, Block 3, Bighorn Subdivision, Fifty Addition Ditch Easement Dear llayor: Attached please find an application, easement description (Exhibit irarr;, title policy, original subdivision covenants, improvement survey and proposed site plan. These naterials have been subnitted for your review to consider vacating the above referenced easement. As the proposed site ptan indicates, the addition to the existing structure will encrouch into the ditch easenent lte wish to have vacated. If you look at line 9 of Schedule.B, page 5 of 6 of title policy, this easement hlas recorded in \goz. This was long before the Town of Vail existed and probably had an agricultural purpose. - At present, there is iro plrysical evidence of a ditch on this or the adjacent sitL lf,ot rr). Based on the present use of land around this easement, it seems unJ.ikely a ditch will be needed in the future. For tlrese reasons, we htould like you to consider authorizing the vacation of this easenent, thus allowinq our client to pursue having an addition to his residence approved by the Design Review Board- sinueLY, t/4"'-7 F.gi -rtTG Po ut cY COMMITMENT FOR TIIIJE INSURANCE ISSUED BC COMMONWEALEH L'AND EIIIJE INSURANCE COMPANY AMOUNT PREMIUM Comnonwealth Lancl Title OWNER S150,000.00 $733.00 Colorado Sprlngs Offlce MORTGAGE $ S 121 E. vernijo I.IORTGAGE S $ Coloradlo SpringE, CO ADDIEIONAI CHARGES S COST OF Te)T CERTIFICATE $ TS.OO SURVEY COSTS S Your Rsference : Connltnent No. F238375 C-2 CC'e To: Connonwealth Other County No. Eagle County coultg to isrug ltg policl or policier ol title ilsuralcs, ar ideatified ir Scledtle l, h farot ol the ploposeil ilgured nared i! $ctredlle l, ar omer or lortgagee of tle Estate or ilterEst covereil lerebl il tlE laad described or referreil to il Scheduls l, upol paylelt of tle preriull aill clargel t[erefor; all rulject to the provirlolr 0f Scledrlei I aad I ald to lle colditiors and stipulatiolr attacled. !. cfl CugtomEr Contact! tc/Phon€: 757-5500 I88uo Date: tiay 24, 1990 By KarI E. Dietrich luthorireil Sigaatue trhe eff,ectlve ilatE.of thtg coutnitmeat le May 14, 1990 at 7:00 A.l,t. At wblch tiure fee tltlE was vEgtedl ln: LARRY R. JOHNSON 4314S7 8-835 Fr-333 @A/AA/9A 15:17 trG 5 DF 11 o : tr gl SCHEDUIJE A t- 1. Pollcles to be lgeuedr (A) Owner'e: G.E. JOHNSON CONStrRUCTION COMPAMr, INC., a Colorado Corporation (B) Uortgagse'.: +3L487 B-SBE p-B3g AS/AB/9A 15:17 p6 6 OF tt F238375 C-2 PAGE 2 OF 6 o SCHEDIIIJE A - Continuedl 2. Coverlng the Land, ln thE State of Colorado, County of Eagle. Degcrlbed ae: Lot 10, Block 3, BIGHORII SUBDIVISION FIFTH ADDITION County of Eagle, State of Colorad.o 43L4A7 B-835 tr-333 Q€./@S/9A 15:17 trG 7 OF 11 F cr N PAGE 3 OF 5 F238375 C-2 43L4A7 8-535 p_3J3 AA/AS/9A lS:17 pG s oF 11 - Continued,SCHEDUTE A REQUIREMENTS 3. Ehe follow1ng are the requlrenente to be conplied, wtth prior to the leauance of eald pollcy or polj.clea. Any othet lnEtru,nsnt recordledl eubsequent to the ilate hereof, nay apPeat aE an exceptlon under ScbedulE B of the pollcy to bE lgeued. Unlese otherwlge noted, all dlocune[tE nuat be record,edl ln the off,lce of elerk anal recorAEr of, the county 1n whlcb aald, property la losatEd. A. llarranty Deed fron : LARRY R. JOHNSON to : G.E. JOHNSON CONSTRUCTION COI,IPANY, INC., a Colorado Colporation NOTE: Section 38-35-109 (2) of the Colorad.o Revisecl Statutes, 1973, requires that a notation of the purchasers legal adclress, (not necessarily the same aE the property address) be includeil on the face of the deed to be recorded. House BltI No. 1288, effective .7u1y 1, 1989 requlres that the attachecl Real Property Transfer Declaratj-on acconpany any conveyance document presented. for record,atl-on ln the State of Coloradlo. Said d.eclaration shall be conpleted ancl signecl by either the grantor or gfantee. NOTE: If the company conilucts the owner's closing under circumstances where it is responsible for the recording or filing of legal d,ocunents fron saicl transactlon, the Courpany will be cleenecl to have provicledl "Gap Coverage". P ot PAGE 40P6 F238375 C-2 o ' 43t487 E-535 p-333 6A/AA/9A tE:17 pGi 9 OF tl =-tr 9t SCHEDULE B T EHE POf/ICY OR POTJICIES fO BE ISSUSD HEREUNDER WILL NO! INSURE AGAINSET 1. Rlghts or clalns of part,ies ln possession not shown by tbe publlc recordg, 2. Easeurents, or clalnE of easenents, not shown by the public record.s. 3. Discrepancles, conflicts ln bound.ary Ilnes, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and. inspecti,on of the prenlsee would disclose and which are not, shown by the public records. 4. Any llen, or rlght to a lien, for services, Iabor or naterial heretofore or bereafter furnished., inposed by law and not shovm by ttre publlc records. 5. Defects, llens, encunbrances, adverse clains or other matters,if any, created., f,irst appearing ln the public records or attachlng subseguent to the effective date hereof but prLor to the clate the propoEed insured. acguires of record for the value the estate or intereet or mortgage thereon covered by this Corunitnent. 6. TaxeE dlue anct payable and any tax, specj.al assessnentE, charge or lien lnposecl for water o! ser{e! gerviee, or for any other special taxing iU.strlct 7. Covenante, concllt,ions and Restrictions, which do not contaln a forfeiture or reverter clause, but onj.tting restrictions, if any, basedl on race, color, religion, or national origln as contained in instrunent recorded. Novenber 25, 1955 as Reception No. 105001, and any and, alJ. anendments ancl supplements thereto. 8. Reservation of right of prbprletor of any penetrating vein or ]-od.e to extract hj-s ore, ln U.S. Pat,ent recorded. September 13, 1902 Ln Book 48 at Page 491. 9. Right of way for ditches or canals constructecl by the authority of the United States as reserved. in Unitecl States Patent recorded Septenber 13, 1902 in Book 48 at Page 491. 10. A strip 5 feet wlde along alL interior lot lines is d,ed.icatedl as utlllty easenents for use of public and. prlvate utillties andl clrainage srays as reserved on the recorded. Plat of Bighorn Subdivision Fifth Adclition. 11. A 20 foot wid,e strip along the property lines shown along Gore Creek, is reserved as a peilestrj-an easenent for use of the oltners of lots in any Bighorn Subclivision as slrown and reserved' on the record.ed. PIat of Bighorn Subdivision Fifth Addit,ion. PAGE 5 OF 5 823E375 C-2 ; t2. Ditch easement 10 feet in wiclth over a portion of subJect propertri aa sbown on the plat of said Subdivlslon. I Ite 0rler'r lolicJ of title ilsualce couitteil for Il t[ic Collitlelt, if u1, llall coltah, h additlol to tle itcu aet fort! il Scheiluls l, ttro follorirg itelt3 ll) Us Deed of lrust, if aly, regired uds! sclsduls I' [2) lhpateltsi lhilg c]aila; reservatiolg or ercegtiolr i! patuts or ir lct! ruthoritiry the lrsuuce tlsrEof. (3) fll ad all ulpaid tatel, asser eltg aftl uueilseled trt lalet, 43L487 B-535 tr-333 A€./?,g/gtr 15:17 PE la OF 11 PAGE 6 OF 6 F238375 C-2 Istcd by Commonwealth. Land Title Insurance Company Commitmcnt For Title Insurance Commonwcalth Land Titlc lnsu'..rtcc Compary, a Pcnnsylvania corporation, hcreia called thc company, for r veluablc con sidcration, hcreby commiB to issuc it! policy or policicr of titlc iniurancc, ar identificd in Schedulc A, in fayor of thc proposrd Insured namcd in Schedulo A, ag owncr or mortgagcc of thc estetc or intcrcat covcrcd hcrtby it thc land describcd or rcfctred to in Schcdulc A, upo! psymcnt of the premiumr rnd charger thcrcfor; all subject to thc provisionr ofSchcdulcr A and I aad to thc Condition3 and Stipulatio$ hctEof. This Commitrncnt shdl bc cffcctive only whcn thc identity of the proposcd lnsrred and tlc anount of the policy or policica committcd for hrvc bcen bs"rtcd in Schedulc A herrof by the Compsny, eitlrcr at tic timc of thc irsu.nc€ of thir Commitncnt or by subscqucnt cndorlcmcnt. Thi! Commitmcnt ir prelininary to thc issuarcs of such policy or policicr of titlc iasurancc .nd a[ tiability rnd obligetionr hercunder shall c?.!G and tcnninatc 120 dayr aftcr thc cffcctivc d.tc hcreof or whcn the policy or policicr comnittod fo! rhall bc issucd, which!ryct fust occurr, provided that tbc failurc to issuc suci policy or policica is not thc fault of thc company. IN V'ITNESS WHEREOF, thc srid Comprny har causcd iB Corporatc Namc |rrd Scd to bc hcrcurto dfrxed; thi! in3tnrEcrt, including Comnitmcat, Conditionr a.!d Stipulatioru attachcd, to becomc vdid whc! countcniSlcd by ar Authoriz.d Officcr or Agcst of tho Compuy. COMMONTYEALTH IAITD TITLE INSUMNCE COMPANY Conditionr and S tipulationr l. The tcrm mortgata, whcn uscd hcltir, shall i[clud6 dccd of trurt, trurt dced, or otlct r.curity itrltn mcnt. 2. If thc propo!€d L utld hNt or acquiJct lctud knosl€dtc of any dcfcct, licn, cncutnbranca, advcrra chin or othfi mattas affcctinS tha crtatc oa intcrcst or mortgaga thcrcon covcGd by thir ComnitEc[t othcr thar thosa shown il Schedulc B hcGof, aDd sbdl fail to dilclosc auch knowlod& to thc Conprny i! wfitint. ttrc Comp.ly shdl bG r€ticycd froE lisbility for any losr or darn4o rcruttin3 from rrly rct of rclirnca hcllo! to thc cxtcnt the Comprny ir prejudiccd by failurc to 3o dirclo{. such knowlcdge. If thc proposcd lnsrrcd drall dirclosc such ktrowl€dgc to t!€ Compaly, or if thc Compaly otlcrris! lcquirc! rctud knowlcdgc of aay such defcct, lic!, cncutobnacc, advcrsc ctrin ot othcr mattcr, thc Compaly .t iB optio! may alncrd Sci'odulc B of thir Comnritmcrt .ccotdbtly, but ! ch anrcnd.nrnt sbrll tot r"li€vc tho Coarpuy fron liabilitt plcyiou3ly ilcut:ld pur$.nt to paF$aph 3 ol thsc Conditionr rnd Stipulatiolr. 3. Li.bility of tie Compsny undcr thir Commitrncnt shrll bc only to thc nrnGd ptoposcd lnruFd ard iuch prrtio includcd undct thc dcfinition of loarrcd in thc form of policy or policics committcd for asd olly for ecnal loss incurcd i! relfurca hcrcon in undcrtaki!8 i! food faith (a) to cornply with tb€ rcqutrmcnts hctlof, or (b) to elirninatc cxcaptiou rhovn ia Schcdulo B, or (c) to rcquirr or crcatc thc crtrtc or irtcrst or mortSrgs tlcreon cov€r"d by thi! Commitnenl h no cycut shdl such liabiliw .rccrd thc anrount strt.d in Schcdulc A for thc policy or policicr conmitted for and suc! lhbility ir subjcct to tnc indrrins provisionr, t!,c Conditiolr aad Stipul,.tion$ and thc Exclusion! &om Covcngp of t[c fonn of polic' or polici6 corarnittcd for is fivor of thc proporcd tnsurad which arc hcreby incorporetcd by rfcrcncc a.nd rtc madc a prrt of ttrir Comaitncnt sxcspt ar crprllsly modilied hcr!i!. .0. Any rction or rcdonr or ritbtr of rction thrt thc proposcd Inrsred mey hrvc or rney brinS a8ai.o!t thc Cotnp.ly .risint ort of &c rhtur of tho titb to ti,G cttato or int.tst or the statur of th3 morttrtc ticrton covered by this Commitmcnt must bc bas€d on rnd .I! subjccl to thc provisionr of thjr Commitmcnt l'r cn v. TL -l (n tr f. u't a @ a (!a f0 rrl tit I a n tl n I E r.(l $ f.l + PA3 An.rlc|n lrr|d Tlda Aarddloo Co|nmltm.fit - tgdt Corr Pryr Form 1004-8 TItle hty.tmtse $rcc 1876 HOME OFFICE EIGHT PENN CEN1ER PHILADELPHIA, PA 191&2196 httn 75 soulh frontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 47$.2138 (303) 47!F2139 July L2, 1990 oflice ol community development Danny Swertferger Briner Strain Archi"tects 5OO S. Frontage Road, Suite l-L2 Vai1, CO 81657 RE: Lot L0, Block 3, Bighorn Subdivision' Fifth Addition Dear Danny: The Design Review Board reviewed the Johnson project yesterday. They approved it with the condition thatrrif power to structure needs to be increased the board highly recommends that the service line be buried underground; but if the Town Attorney determines that Design Review Criteria apply to utility service Iines for remodels, then the line must be buried.rt After discussing the issue with Larry Eskwith, the Town Attorney, staff concluded that the Design Criteria do apply to remodels such as this. As a result, the service line must be undergrounded for this project. Staff believes the undergrounded utility line will be a significant improvement to the area as this house is one of only two on the street with overhead service lines. During the review, I met with Ted Husky froru the Holy Cross Electric Association and if you have any questions about alignrnents or easemenLs, he is farniliar with the lot and should be able to answer questions. I an also available to answer any questions and explain the boardls decision to the owners. I understand they have been out of town recently, but when they return, please tell them they can reach me at 3O3-479-2L38. Sincere 6*UA\ en r't .,_ i, ".r}i,,. ' . t'J',/'t I Town PI er AK/pp cc: GE Johnson Construction conPany o^," 4',, ti 3, / ( va Proiect Name: Project Application t\/.-1)1)C \i/I,'5rll ,Y-ct Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Zone - Comments: Design Review Board o^," /f ,,i- J, , ,7 ?,) Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL . .- ,-, ^, \^ v ProjectApplication -pt.D,ue 7 /tzf q b lI/1 'Proiect Name: .rla l'n sz;>l Vos,r{+\c <- t"l a pt 4o,t^l i 3 E1 z, -^* Lt /o s /v^cfr,t< Phone Project Description: Contact Person and 6'3a Owner. Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legaf Descriptio n: tot /O Block '7 \),u,^n Bin ,(r,t .f ul 5 A. zon. s FK D J,. commenrs: Vlu /'' ,rl h--'( o" f'ri /{0.* t^,,k ff . arckik, Design Review Board L44E Motion by: s-tt{ne€ L Seconded by: 4-o D ISAPPROVAL Su mmary: Date: D Statt Approval o o AppLICATI0N 9419. .June 18, i990 I)ATE 0F DRB MEETI'I'IG; JulY 11, 1990 DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION I'IILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBIIITTED**r*:T I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-applicatjon meet'i ng with^a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determ.ine if any"ai;iii;;.i information is needed. No application will. be.accepted un1ess it is compi"i.-(trtt ilglygu uil it.*t required uy tne zoning administrator)' It is the uppri.lni;i iuiponriuiiiiv to make an appointnrent with the staff to find out about aaaltilnaf-trntittut requirements. Please note that a COMPLETE applica- tion witt streamii;; lh; approval process for.your projgct by decreasing the number of conditions of'app"Jrir tirat the'DRB may sti.-pulati:. ALL condjtions of approval must Ue ieiotvea before'i uuitoing permit is issued' A. pR6JECT DESCRIpTISN. The additj_o_.!r of41g GRFA to an existing 1234 GRFA single farnilv residence. Thp arldition will inelude a mastet hpdronm/hath B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: 3_Fi lindiq Horn Subdivision --r_--r_r_-'i.__5tn Aoo l rl on C. NAME 0F APPLICANT: G.E. Construction ComPany Address P.0. Box 2139. Colorado Sorings, f0 ,qnqnl telephone 7L9-473-532I D. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENIAIIYS' BTiNCT/SITAiN ATChitCCtS Address 500 s Frontaqe Rd. #112- vail, c0 81657 telephone3!3:42G3038 E. MI'IE OF OI,JNERS:Z:: JtL'=e.y' /-.'>r. <2 Signatwe..=Fe-S Address 5187 Gculg .C-i crl e. Va i I , r'fl R1657 t"t"pnon@a/55 F. DRB FEE: The fee wi'l 1 be paid at the tjme a buildj ng permit is requested' Add res s Legal Descripti on Lot-- t0 - Bl ock Zoning Sj ngle fami ly residence VALUATION 0 - $ 10,000 10,001 - $ 50,ooo 50,001 - $ 150,000 150,001 - $ 500,000 500,001 - $1,000,000 0ver $1'000 '000 FEE $t ) $t $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ so.oo $10o.oo $200.00 $300 .00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the_appl icant must stake the site to indicate proplii' iir.t ..J-Urttding corneis. I"9"s- that rvjll be removec' should also be marked. This work trii"U"-.otpleted before the DRB visits the si te. 2. The review process for NEI,J BUILDINGS rvill normally involve tt{o separate meetings of the Design Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approval ' 3. peopie who fail to appear before the Design Rev'i ew Board at their scheduled meeting and who nau.'i'ot asked for; ;;;i;;.;ent will be required to be rePubl i shed . t (r it[Fr:5,iii!F!la-, i ti on STREET AODRESS:5 187 Go re C i rcTd , Va i I .-eF--- ' DESCRIPTION OF P exlstlnq s LIST OF }IATERIALS The follo_wing information is_required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Rev,Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING I4ATERIALS: TYPE 0F MATERIAL COLOfl Roof Si di ng Other |rJal I l'lateri al s T T I o Fascia Soffi ts l,Ji ndorvs }'lindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashi ngs Chimneys Trash Enc'l osures Greenhouses 0ther Metal clad wood grorln - Match e-isting To ma,tq[q,xisting NI I tr-l . NA Metal Rrruvn. . Match e-istino . Tfr match e.icting B. LAN0SCAPING: Name of Designer: pnone: PLANT I'{ATERIALS: PROPOSEO TREES Eotanical Name Conmon Name Quani tL._Si ze* No ne Pi ne Trep -JJ> for conifers. ' (over) EXISTING TREES TO BE REI'IOVED *Indicate caliPer for deciducious trees'lndicate height DATE: qlAtqn LEGAL DESCRIPTIOi'l: Lot ADDRESS I OI.INER ARCH I TECT 5187 Gor Con ZONE DISTR PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE ZONE CHECK FOR sFR, R, R P/S ZoNE DISTRICTS Bl ock Fi I j ng Bi q Horn . 5th Addi ti on Phone 719-473-5321 rnone 303-476-3039 Propos ed 22' 1552 (EXISTING -PR0P0SED )1234 (EXTSTTNG) 419 (PRoPoSED) + 91' + 60"{ 70' ! 22' NA L s..3% See plant materjals NA N4 NA Height TOTAI GRFA Existinq. , GRFA Proposed . GRFA Addi tion Setbabks: Front Sides Rear Water Course Site Coverage Landscapi ng Fence./Retai ni ng ilal l Parki ng Credi ts: Garage Al I orved (30)(33) +- 4,023.0 20' 15' 15' (30)(50) Heights Mechani cal Ai rl ock . Storage Solar Heat Drive: Slope Permitted Envi ronmental /Hazards : (300) (600) (eoo)( 12oo) @(too) ( 25) (so) (2oo) (4oo) 15 NA NA NA Slope Actual Flat (minor slope) Aval anche NA Flood Plain NA Sl ope NA l,letl ands NA Geologic Hazards NA Conunents: Zoni ng: Date; Approved/Di sapproved S faTT-Si gna ture . PLANT IiIATERIALS: (con't) ( rJo||Q q Botanical Name NA. Common Name Quani tv Size EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REI.IOVED GROUND COVERS NA Tvpe NA Square Foo ta q. s0D NA SEED NA NA TYPS OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR I'IETHOD OF EROSION CONTROL NA C. 0THER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please speci This site is highly fo.ested with ttle or no grdsS;gf9lllg jn the area of add'i tion. Two trees are to be removed and unless the Design Review Board uests it. no trees will be added I -\ !Ur briner/strain architects 5OO s. f.oitage road grle 1t2 vail colorado 81657 303..76.303A June 11, 1990 ur. Kent Rose, tlayor Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd.Vail, Co 81657 Re: Lot 10, BLock 3, Bighorn Subdivision, Flfty Addition Dltch Easement Ilear l{ayor: Attached please find an application, €asenent description (Exhtbit iAn), tltle poli-y, origlnal eubdlvision iovenants, itnprovenent survey and proposed site plan. These uaterials have been subnitted for your review to consider vacatinq the above referenced easernent. As the proposed site plan indicateE, th9 ad$it-fon to the existing slructure will encrouch into the dltch €asement we wish to-have vacated. If you look at llne 9 of Schedule-B, page 5 of 6 of title policy, this easenent was recorded in isoz. This was long before the Town of VaiI exieted and probably had an agricultural purpose-. At present, there is iro pnysical evideice of a ditbh on this or the adjacent stti ir,ot rr;. Based on tlre present use of land around inis iasenent, it seemE unlitcely a ditch will be needed in the future. For these reasons, we vould lIke you to consider -aulnoiizing the vication of this basenent, thus alloring our client to pursue havLng an addition to his residence approved by the Design Review Board. DS/sw Enclosures a Yf,CATION AIfD TEAIIDONIIEIIT OF EISET,IEIS Thl.s vacation and abandonnent of easeuent ls nade thls day of , 19_r by the Town of Vall, a Colorado nunicipal corporation (the tTown() and , (the nounestt). WIIERE,IS, a certain easenent on the recorded plat of Bi qhorn Subdivlsion, nore fully descrl.bed on Exhibit nAtr attached hereto and Lncorporated hereLn by referenre (the iEasenentrr), Ls currently encunberl.ng a certain parcel of real estate (the 'Propertyr) nore fully desqribed as foltows: Iot lO. Rlnck ? Righorn (rrhdiviqinn Fiffh Addifinn Town of Vail , County of Eagle, Colorado, and IIIIEREAS, the easement allows the Town the use thereof for constructJ-on, naintenance, and reconstructlon o1 drainage -t and wItEREAs, the Easement ls not presently used for construction, naintenance, and reconstruction og drainage t and WIiEREAS, neither the Owner nor the Town realize any beneficial use in allowing the easement to remaint and NOw, rHEREFoRE, IN CoNSIDERATIoN OF IEN DOIJaRS, tbe nutuaf covenants and promises contained herein and other good and valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged by the parties hereto, the Tortn and tlre 4wner covenant and agree as follorrs: 1. The Town, on behalf of itself, its successors and assigns, by thls Lnstnrment hereby forever abandons' vacates, releases and tetoinates the easenent and herhy conveya all the right, title, Lnterest in and tc, tlte easement to the Owner. 2. The owner hereby accepts and ratifies the vacation, abandonnent, release, ternl'nation and grant of the easement. 3. Thls vacation shall be blndlng upon and -'rure to the benefit of the Town and crf i'he Owner anC tlrt i.i. respective successors and assigns. EXECTIIED ON ITIE DATE AI{D YE.AR AIRST IIOVIN OF VAIL' a ABOVE NRITTEN. DunLcLPal coporation )) ss. ) instrument was acknowledged before ne this day , L9_t by Kent R. Roae, Uayor of the Town of Vall, Colorado and Rondall V. Philllps, Town uanager of the Town of Vail, Colorado and was attested to by Panela A. Brandmeyer, Town Clerk of the Torrn of VaiI' Colorado, a Colorado nunicipal corporation. t{itness ny hand and official seal . My coromission expires: ttotary Public Address STATE OF COIORADO )) ss. COT'NTY O8 EAfrTP EL PASO ) The foregoing Lnstrument was acknowledged before ne this 29 day of , 1910, by Gilbert E. Johnson. Presldent G. E. Johnson Construction Co- , Owner. Witness ny hand and afficlal eeal . My coumission expires: 310 South 14th Street Address Colorado Springs, Colorado 80904 Kent R. RoEe, Uayor ATTEST: Pame1a A. Brandrneyer, Town Cl.erk STATE OF COIORADO COI'NTY OF E.AGIJ The foregoing of Gilbert E. Johnson, Presldent G. E. Johnson Construction Co. LEGAT DESCRIFTION A ten foot cide ditcb easenent, to be abaniloneal, lying rithin l,ot 10, Elock 3, Bighorn Subdivision Fifth Addition, according to the nap thereot recorded in the oftice of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recortler. the eenterline of said ten foot ride easenent being tleecriDed as tollors: Beginning at a point ou tbe northerly line of saiil l,ot 10 rhence tbe nortb- vesterly corner of eaiil Lot 10 bearg N89o30'00'I 40 teet; tbenee, deDarting said trortberly liue, 845050'29"E 144.85 feet to a poiut oa tbe easterly Une of gaid Lot 10 rhence the Boutheasterly corner of aaiil l,ot 10 bearg S00o02'00"E 53 feet. The gldelines of gaid 10 foot ditch eageuent are to De shortened or lengtheneil to terninate at the nortberly and easterly linee of gaid tot 10. Date:_(c-1]:3O- Dannie Corcoran Colorado P.L,.S. 16827 -rlTta poLt cY COUI.IIS!{ENT FOR TITI,E INEURANCE ISSUED BY COUIIOUIIEAIJIH IrAND TITIJE INgURtltCE COUpelW AI,TOUNT PREI,TIUM Coauronwealth Landl Tltle OINER $150,000.00 S733.00 Coloradlo Sprlngs Off,lce IIOREGACE $ $121 E. VernlJo l{ORtrClOE $ $Coloradlo Sprlnge, CO IDDIEIONIIr CHIRGES $costr oF ttlt cERaIFIclEE s 15.00 EURVET COSTS $ lour Batcrlncc ! Connltaent No. F238375 C-2 CC'l To: Connonwealtb Otber County No. Eagle County couurluENtr so rNsuRE an4qL TI Couoarsrltl ltri tlth llrlnlcg CorguJ, lrrrh crllld tlr CorprlJ, for r rlmlh coulirntiol, lUrely couits to irrus itr jolicl or poticier of title hsurllco, u ldsltiflei io tcledule I, h frror of ttre groposeil illlreil lrrail ll Sctrrdrle l, lr orler 0r rortgrgls 0f tbe ertato or htcrsrt corrrri lcre!1 il tlc lud dsocrlhd or nferred to h Scieduls l, rpol prJrclt of tte grcriurr rd clrrgot tlcnfori rll rllject to ttrr groririou of Scleduler A ud ! ald to tle corditlolr ald rtigllrtlolr rttrctrtl. Curtoner Contactr tc/ Phone: 757-5500 8y Karl E. Dletrlch lut[orlrrd Siprtur Ilsus Datel nay 24, 1990 llhe cffeotLve datc ot thle colultnont 1r May 14, 1990 at 7:00 A.M. At rrhlch tlne fea tltls tta! vsgt€A ln: LARRY R. JOHNSON 8CHEDUITE A 1. Polloirr to br lrrurdlr (A) Grncr'r I G.E. ,IOHNSON CONSTRUCTION COI.IPAN':f, INC., a Colorado Corporatlon (g) uottgago.r.r F238375 C-2 PAGE 2 OF 5 j SCHEDUITE A - Contlnued 2, Covrrlug tbr land la tbr 9tatc of Colorado, Couaty ol taglr. Drrarlbrd rr: Lot 10,Block 3, BIGHORN SUBDIVISION FIFIH ADDIIION County of Eagle,Strt€ of Colorado PAGE 3 OF 5 F23E375 C-2 3. SCHEDUIJE .l - Contlauefl BEQU!nEUBNtrS lDbc followlng trc tbc roqulrcrratr to bc oongllcit wlth prlor to tb. irruenor of rald golloy or gollolrr. rny otbu lnrtn:n.nt rccorded urbrcqucnt to thc datc burof nay aDDsar !r tn rxceptlon undler Eobriluh B of thr polloy to bc lrruedl. Untrrr othcrwlre !ot.a, ell doaunrntr nu.t br ncorilrd la tbr oltloo of olrrh ead ncordcr of the oounty 1n wblob rald proprrty lt looatrd. A. Tlarranty Deedl fron : IARRY R. ,IOHNSON to : G.E. JOHNSON CONSTRUCTION COI,IPANY, INC.,a Coloradlo Corporatlon NOTE: Sectlon 38-35-109 (2) of the Coloraflo Revlgedl Statutes, 1973, requirea that a notatlon of the purchaeere legal adldresg, (not necessarlly the Bane aB the proBerty adldlreae) be lncludled on the face of the deedl to be recordledl . HousE BlIl No. 12E6, effective July 1, l9E9 requlree that thE attachedl Real Ptoperty Transfer Declaratlon acconpany any conveyance docunent Itreaentedl for recotdatlon ln the State of Colorado. Sald deelaratlon shall be conpleted and slgnedl by either tbe grantot or gtant€e. NoTE: If the colrpany conducts the owner'e cloeing under clrcunstancee where lt 1s responel.ble for the recording or flltng of legal docunents fron eaidl transaction, ttre Conpany wlII be dleenedl to have providledl 'Gap Coverage". PTGE 40F6 823E373 C-2 SSHEDULE B EHE POITICI OR PODICIE9 8O BE ISSUED HEREUNDER lfM. NOE INSURE AGAINSTT 1. 2. 3. Rlghte or clatna of parttee 1n posseesloa not ebolrn by tb€ publlc records. EaseDsnts, or clalna of saae[€nta. not shotrD Dl8crepanclea, conflictg ln boundlary llnea, encroachn€nts, andl any lacts wblch a eorrect of the prenltea would dlrcloae and wblch are recorde. by tbe gubllc recordg. ehortage ln area, aurvsy and laepectlon Dot lborlr by the publlc 4. 5. Any l1en, or rlght to a lLen, for servicea, labor or naterial heretofore or hereafter furnisheal, lnposed by law and not shown by the public records. Defecte, liens, encunbranceg, aalvsrBe clalna or otbgr natterB,lf any, created, flret appearlng ln tbe publlc records or attachlng aubeeguent to the effectlve 6ate hereof but prlor to the dlate thE proposed lnsur€d acqulres of recordl for the value the estate or intereet or nortgage tbereon covered by thie Cornnitnent. 6. Taxes due ancl payable andl any tax, special asseesnenta, charge or lien lnpoeed for water or aetrer eervlce, or for any other apecial taxing dtstrlct. Covenants, CondlltlonE and Restrictlone, whlch do not contaltr a forfeLture or reverter clauee, but onltting restrictlons, if aay, baEedt on race, solor, rellglon, or natlonal orlgln as contalned ln lngtruuent recordedl Novenber 25, 1966 ae Receptloa No. 105001, and any andl all aneadnente andl eupplen€nta thereto. 8. 9. Res€rvatlon of rlght of proprletot of any penetrating to extract hle ore, ln u.s. Patent recorded SePtenbet ln Eook 46 at Page 491. veln or lode 13, t9o2 Rlght of way for dltcbee or canals constluctedl by th€ autbotlty of the Unltedl States rE reservedl ln Unlted States Pateat recordedl Septeuber 13, 1902 ln Book 4E at Page '191. 10. A Etrlp 5 feet wldle along all lnterlor lot l1nee ls dledicatedl ae utlllty casenents for use of publlc andl prlvate utllltlee andl dlralnage waya a8 reserved on the recordsd, Plat of Blghorn SubdUvlelon Flftb Afldlltlon. 11. A 20 foot wlile etrLp along the property llnos thowrr along Gore Creek, is reeervedl as a pedlestrian easenent for uge of the otlners of lots in any Blghorn Sulatvteton ae Ehorn and reservedl on the reoorcledl Plat of Bighorn Subdlvlslon Flfth Additlon. P}GE 50F6 9238375 C-2 12. Ditcb €aaenent 10 fEet 1n wldtb ov€r a Dortl'on of subJect Property as shonn on tbe plat of said Subdltvlalon. tlr 0nrr'r Poltcy ol titlc tltutrlcr coulttr0 lor I! tLlr Co|ritrllt, ll u1' rlrll coltrh' l! rliitlol to tlc ttru rrt lor$ h Sclcdrlr !, t[c lollorl4 ltut:(tl llc Dec! ot lrlrt, ll uy, rrqllrci udu Sclriulo l.(il !ryrtutri rhhg ctrhri rctcrrrtlolt o! rtctDtlou h ptrilt or h lctr utlorlrlag tlr lrrulcc ti[rof . lll fry rd rlt urjrMult, unrttutr rd rm&urd tu rrtrr. PAGE 6 OF 6 F238375 C-2 IstdW Commonnralth. Iand Titlc Insurancc Company Comnitment For Title Insurancc Commonwcdth t.|l|d TiUa lnr|r|lcr Comp&y, e Pcnnrylvralr corpontion. hcrci! c.llcd tir conpury, for I vdurbtc con- ddcr.tion, hcFby cotulitt to iru. itt polict os policicr of titlc inorucc, rr identiliad in SchcduL A, in hvor of thc Arcporcd Innred auned ir Sch?dub A, |r o?n3t ot lrortlat3c of tlc a*rta or btrtt!]t covcrcd hcrcby b tbc hld &rcsibcd or [tfct'3d to h Schcdulc A, upoa g.trrcBt of th. pscmlunr rnd ch|rlcr tlcrcfori dt $bjcct to tlo prorldoar of Seirdub: A ud I rad to tb3 Co.ditiotrr rnd StiDubtionr hcreof. Tlrb CoDnitm.Itt rhdl bC .ffsctiv3 only rhca tis idcnfty of th. propord ln'lEd &d tL !troust of tbc golict or pollci.s coDnlnGd for hrrr bcca ilrnrd h Sclcdub A lrttof by thc Co[9.ny, cilhcr rt tho tine of tbc irrr|lcc ol tiir CorrDitacnt or by nbccquoot cadottmcnt. Thb ConEita.nt lr prthiury to tt ll||16 of erci policy or polkbr of 6tlc ilerreaco grd |u lirb'lity &d obli|rtiom hsttuldcr rhdl ccur .td tcrninrtc t20 dryr rftcr ahc cffcctiw drt bsrlof os ?bcn thc policy c polHd cmnitt.d lor rhdl b. ho$d, rhkhct?r tirrt ocann. fwidcd tlrt th. frilutr to i|nre |rcb polict or poucb b not tlr teult of tio cornpmy. lN YTTNESS WHEREOF, tnc rdd Compray h.r cruld itr Cor?ont Nuc ud Scd lo bc hsrcuato rforcd; thir |lnnrasrt, lacludi{ Commitnelt, Cooditoat rnd Stipulrtioar rtt.chcd, to bccooc vdid sh3! coult rdtrcC by |l Au0odt.d Ofnccr or A&!t of t!. Cornp&y, COMMO}TflEALTH TTND TITLE INSI'|RII{CE COMPAIff ^'""' fio*no / P /N* * %U Z,Z *,,U Condltionc ud Stipul,rtioru l. Tbr tcrar norE t!, vhra u*d hsrri!. thdl bcludo dc.d of tnut. tnBt d?cd, or otht r.ardty |lrtuD.lL 2. It tlc prlpo|cd ha|ttd hs or rcqulFr rcturl taorhdp of |at .bfcct, lica, eaornbrracc. .dFrt drlo q o|!cr uttcr dfcctinl tbc crtrta or intsFr3 ot norttrlo tlGrmn cdoltd by thir Comtdtaeat otlcr tlta tic 6orn ln SchcduL B tcrrof, rad fidl fril to dirctocc ruch tnorbdF to ttrr Conproy la rritlnt, tbc Conp&y .b.I bG rdlgrld froa U.bility fot rny lsr or drrr{p rcru,ltial frora ray rct of rcu|!G3 h3tto! to tb3 ortcDt tic CoEpuy ir pttjudicrd by frlurr to ,o dirclsta n|ch LnovlcdF. lf thc D'oDo$d lnnr'3d drll dirclor r|ci klorlcdtp to tic Congroy. or lf tho Compray otb.trb. rcquta rcorl knorlcdt of ray rucb dcfcct, lba, cnourbnaco, drsrr clde os othas Drttcr, tlr Coopray rt itr optio! tnrt |rtrmd Sclrsdulc E of tllr CoDsrittncrt rccordiady, but .uci rDcad8.lt rirll aot rclicvo tlr Goupuy fru lbbility 9slviouly ilautld putarut ao 9| |r|ph 3 ol tic|. Cotditioar rad S$ulrtlo4 l. U.bility of ttro Conpuy snd.r tiir ConnitE3trt |bdl b. ody to tt aurod progocd l!3urd |!d iucl trllr bcb&d uadGr ab dcnlitlo! of lllrntl h tl. forn of policy or polidd coodtt d for |!d orly for rh|d lo bc[rrrd b rrliracl hrrcoa ia undcrtrlirp t! toorl fdth (r) to compty vitb ths rlqu|t3mcnB h.ttof. or (b) to cliDi! . 3rcardoE dota i! Scbdub 8, or (c) to acquir! or crtatG tl3 6trta or irtrrcaa ot rnostr|F tiattd clnattd bt tii| ColatrtitEGrt. I! ao cvttt |hrll ruc,h lhbility orccod ah. uoutrt Jtrt?d i! Scboduh A for 3l3 policy or policicr coanittcd for ud r|ct U.bilitf ir tr|bi.ct to tbc i!3lti!| prwidoor, tlc Coadltioor .rd StipulrdoDr, rad tte Ercludoar &oD Cortr{! of ttc fo|! of plicy or polici' coonift3d tor i! frvor of tis proporcd lnnllcd rhlcl rn bccby bcorpotrGd bt Ff3r3lc. ud .r. Drd3 r P.n of tii CooEitDcnt .rqlpt |r .rpc.dy aodilled bcrtb. a. Aly *do! or rcdoot ot dlltt of &dos thrt tt! Dropo*d lan[rd ary hrrr or Bry bslnf t!d!t tlc Coapny rririnl out of thr rlrtu of th. tltb to tla strts os lntrtt t or tic rtrtur of th! oottt||3 tberrol cd?Ird by tlil Cotllritac.t Dutt br b.rd on lrd uG DbjGct to tb. provisiod of tiir Coamittncot. tAt Ifi.rlom lrra tlt |Ioddcr Os. n|lnrtr. tF Ag|tFtp Fotrn 1OOl.8 fttblnlgllrrl&tcc Ie76 lorrtE trFlcE EIOHT PEiII{ CENTER PHIIIDELPHIA. PA IEIq}219E u+ -M \ 0-) t^ I ,5 *\ NN I ':.c ')\i! s J\{> -Js {\ o dT q r-j /r{--h y'lr"6t1 . ,)k o $ .an-/s : 7ry"*\- a,')r<-z) tkJ \ o-L-- q cr*J*-. I. I f 6+ #i ss/) ,,.-z-r/,*/.J t-./ v1*.- /* 6vd a4/- ?-o - rr> lv fa /* f,- Aqu,z,c- /,7. {'Atlq [Lr'L/ [1"{';' / t-""*l t/ */- ./ /-"'t* /LJL*'/;* FW, { gi teAt \wo q 77.o l;v--^t W 6*'R'l.6- tGo sWL / tLc y ( c<Z+1 ""V L.t'- * J'*ful( t W b;rc a4/ l'''u {''l oitl d qf*," dtl ,; 6 yV.J,-/, /*-j t'i ld, tn/ ;,"*r\,. qo,r/ $"' l")'L l";J4 / /-4 r 4-- nrbLl/ d m Tr r-',h E I<X f IHE E 19s 1 lri g ItrP o liq I l=E 5 i=.o<1q d8 a9 ari O ctt >:7E ii:o "r,l rt m = uflc <trq m !_ {- ti== /-\ /-\ YF r c)o z o {n c o { 6 z !m 7 ={ 'Tl -It z=oq,2-oo z !!t] C,z lq mt l5 r lr--- o lG, o l;-- !t=<to |'ll m I -{o @ m x m !-{ o z (-o @ o f m C'c) N:i ()\ o o zO i --l an m o -T' z. C) z --{ 2;-rc 3=o=12 od m l-m -! = r- 2"-.{ m nz >m C)I -{>=m -t (- z 3 IT =,U) =. m c)7 o o --t =, gf,uiA o>'r- .Tl r z d' to l=t- l(Jl lc+ l= I + l-{mlO II€ttz lo t:l> lF t: I I I I I l-t to l€ lz lt t>l-llt tm lo lz l-r t€ lz lo ll t> lF lf,rn lP tr = - (D 5 U7 o cf cf ot =b <F t p r71 w Y I =l I z m 'rl - -+ c)Ea =F <F r F' tm r =l I I l-l to l{ lz lo ll l> lF l!tm ll t> lF It lm tf, tOO-d30 oqo ?o cr l, H' \<q Eo>9--O I:F -R€€E6- + il,*;66 o:1 :t =+-o= lr9, ^i- < =ot o ;r- od=a -6'g. ile Psg _f +i; 63.o ?tf(D .= 9, o-\=r9P =s.P i*=vx-5 sf n)==:Eg iia3 38A ol-"(,'o=. gsg o -sl E{ t c+,X * cio !r =-cd O(/) f (,, EE E.9 -'o (oD) oB oo od or 5'f(o o-+ aa-.t= -=,96 ol .43 rD ,; c)N _(Do / atr a ro5 ,-(O 3s,Of oid 0 ?e. , ^,o tE=. 9.9. o)J Ua (Do +F 6_(/, YA Io f O.>< rrl N) CJ .-r o q)-(o :z a -)o o= Oa)o <tr z EUI -{ U't 1 >a z^vz JI aflc >m zO mn €z m -.1 o I 'n =a m T -n II ls il-il,ll o il! tl ti ti |€li o O il" I lt o l o z t- 'T) m =--i a z m m m l<' t= t>lr :r c -t 'n t@ > lr-! t> ^ | .Jr.z= m ol -{o<_n -o m o o m J € f- t-z a,c t- =o z -l m I I o z m a r r r c tn IO tr€otr ri- =z z.a '' z : @ z>9R rd T<'+< >o o4 m=aho z c z : tl tl tl tl z m { t- m z - z t- m F I --t m c o I c - ^z ONP 4x.1 gX!4-m F io ^>'n :2.)iiiqo o<z n q2 Xo d4.o< E b z9 'l 12z €o u x N-=so: @ N ) ) s- 0 ! f 1 I ) s- N) z' =l gF# = F., IE qF YE 5r: =E rt+ F Nl ,l Il I i'-'o lr l--lo rN) lrJ F\ lcD -,@ sD Xi-i l(n rril -rl z z F F 2 o z o m a -l o -t -!m = =TI m m <h m { x t-m z e m J m L o z m m € m u m --{ z n rn m 3 m o - 2 o >t- = =a m t-m o x t- z o -m c) ^ - z m 3 -.{ m ='Tl m m U' VALUATION T m u 3 -t z o 3 m o 2 6 t- z t1]t- tTl |- z \J 5 ) o O O F Ol t\) c n f) 6 a5s78 Lrl , Project Application JaA 2aA,fuihrn Pro,ecl Descrip tion: 4 ./a!a x /al? loop /a . ta -8:- Project Name: 4-t4/&nt-' Contacl Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Archilect, Address and Phone: etocx J , rr,^n 8'ff#/u5"//F/i/ryrone - Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPBOVAL Su mmary: Date: Town Planner EI Stat Approval