HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIGHORN 5TH ADDITION BLOCK 3 LOT 8 LEGAL.pdfTOI4N# Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 telt 970.479.2139 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co,us Project Name: Cocchiarella change to approved plans DRB Number: DRB030267 Project Description: MINOR EXTERIOR CHANGES Pafticipants: OWNER COCCHIARELLA, CARL A. &KATEO7lLSl2003 Phone: 5198 GORE CIR VAIL CO 81657 License: APPLICANT COCCHIARELLA, CARL A. & KATE07/15/2003 Phone: 5198 GORE CIR VAIL CO 81657 License: Project Addrcss: 5198 GORE CR VAIL LocaUon: 5198 Gore Circle Legal Description: LoB 8 Block: 3 SuMivision: BIGHORN 5TH ADDmON Parcel Number: 209918203006 Comments: see conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApproval:08/06/2003 Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 Oelign review approval lapses unless a building permit Is issued and construction @mmences within one year of the appmval. 1a/1ctc.s t, e^fe f r'c f, .J-.) Descriptionof thegequestz.A4tpoL cllanqes tp QAfLI-t c i crc{cc..vr D'Ltc.k-' -i{'"--tu{Lcr4 Cc*<'qft;15 I 'Sec , c\ tl-clchocd_- ,:\r--'n Location of the Proposal: Lot: I\ Bbck: -5 Subdivision:E,,+t- a !f Attachment to Application for Design Review Cocchiarella Residence 5198 Gore Circle We are requesting approval for 3 minor changes to the exterior of our remodel due to structural concems that have arisen during construction. l) eliminate chimney which previously vented furnace - new boiler allows for a direct vent which would be protected by a low shed roof, the roofpreviously leaked at chimney and we are hopeful that leak will be eliminated with chimney 2) a) eliminate upper windows in kitchen (north and east elevations) - actual height of new wall does not accommodate windows that were ordered b) placement ofthese windows, which were special ordered, in master bedroom flanking large sliding door and in lower bedroom resulting in more light and increased views in both rooms 3) addition ofone log post for increased back deck support and extension oftops in order to incorporate the log motif more fully into the deck railing We feel that these changes stay true to the design and intent ofthe original proposal, and hope that the planning staffwill agree that overall design of the house has not been extraordinarily affected. No changes in colors or materials are requested. ,n9.".lyour time a / tf /w Kate and Carl Cocchiarella c-^alq ) *****************+********************************************************'t****:*******t ***** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 07-15-2003 at 11:12:58 0711512003 Statement ***** * * *** *t * ** * * * * * ** ** * * t. * * t ************* ********* * * * ** * * * * * * + * +** * * * * * ******* *******+*+** Statement. Number: R0300043i-4 Anount: $20.00 07/15/2OO3]-L:12 AM PalmenC Method: Check Init: DF Notation: CHECK # 3 077 COCHIA.R,ELI,A Permit No: DR8030267 T14>e: DRB-Chg Lo Appr P1ans Parcel No: 209918203006 Site Address: 5l-98 GORE CR VAIL L,ocation: 519 8 Gore Circle Total Fees: $20.00 This Payment: $20.00 Total ALL pmt's: $2O.OO Balance: $0.00 * ** *** ***** *****,1.**** ** * ** * * * * * * * * * * + * + * * * * * * * * * * * * '* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + * + * *+******* **** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REV]EI^J FEES 20.00 o,t'rr"*r oF coMMr.JN,t" o"uurot*,TOWN OF VAIL 75 S,FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 U,.-o{ u, - ts\(( 3 'E>3k^-n' s!5 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PROJECT TITLE: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 803-0053 Job Address: 5 l98 GORE CR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 5198 Gore Circle Applied . . : 04/14/2003 ParcelNo...: 209918203006 Issued. . : 05106/2003 ProjectNo : Expires. .: 1110212003 owNER eoccHrARELLA, CARL A. & KATE04/L4/2003 phone: 5].98 GORE CIR VAIL CO 81557 License: CoNTRACTOR COCCHTARET_,r,A - KATE & CARL O4/L4/2O03 phone: (97O) 476-2234 5198 core Circle Vail, Colorado 81557 License: 27 3 -I' APPIJICAI.IT COCCHIAREIJIJA - KATE & CARL 04/1.4/2003 PhONC: (970) 476-2234 5198 Gore Circle VaiI, Colorado 81557 License z 27 3 -I-' Desciption: Addition and remodel Occupancy Type FacLor Sg Feet Valuation Totals... 2,350 $322,000.00* Number of Dwelling Units: 0 Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: $322,000.00 Fireolacelnformalion: Resftict€d:# ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Loes: 0 # of Wood Pallet: 0 FEE SUMMARY Building---> $2,236 .95 Restuamnt Plan Review-> Plan Check--> $1, 454 . 02 DRB Fe?----------> 50.00 Total Celculated Fees--> 93,928.91 S0.00 AddirionalFees--__->$0. 00 lnv€stigation-> Will Call----->S3.00 Clean-upDePo5il--> TOTAL FEES------> i! ,928 .91 BALANCE DUE--->$0. 0o Approvals:Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARI14ENf o4/22/2oo3 ,JRM Action: AP Item: 05400 PIJAIINING DEPARTMEIfT 04/24/2003 Matt cennett Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Item: 05500 PI'BLIC woRKs 04/22/2003 ls Action: DN Awaiting for Pw Permit fee and Revocable R way permiu fee. o4/22/2OO3 Ls AcLion: AP s0.00 Reqeation FeF-.--> $235.00 Total Permir F€€._--> $3,928.97 $0. 00 Payments--> $3 , 928 . 97 PAGE 2 * *****+******'t* *'t***,i**'***'s****!*+* *+********t*t* **t ****'*'t't***+***+*+** ***!*****,*,**{.***,t ti***'tr:t:t *******+++{. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit#: 803-0053 as of05-06-2003 Status: ISSUED ******:lt***********'1.**+*+*****:*******r&*,r*r.**'*:t ****++**,!*+*+ **** **+*** *,|,** * t!*********'t *** *,r*+i. +****,** *,**,f * Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied: 04h4lZOO3 Applicant: COCCHIARELLA - KATE & CARL Issued: 0510612003 Job Address: 5198 GORE CR VAIL Location: 5198 Gore Circle ParcelNo: 209918203006 * ***:f****** * 'lr rt*{' t**+*+*+*********************,}r( **** ** *!t** **t * {.+** +*** ********* ** * **** * ** * * * * * * * 't:* * * * * * * * CONDITIONS ,i*****************:t************,1**+*+*+++*******************{.***,r*******:r*******:t:*++!*+*+*'}*'t **!t********* Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: l6 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER sEC.3r0.9.l oF TrrE 1997 UBC. See page 2 of this Document for any.t.ron, thatmayapply to this permit. O DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable jlrereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY 8:00AM-4PM. SIGNATURE OE WNER OR CONTRACTOR HIMSELF AND OWNET * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + * +**** + * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + * ****** * * * * *,1* {. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Sratement ***t'r** * * ******* *********+++ ******** ********* **** * * * * + * * *,t * *,*,t * * * * * * * *,i * * * * * * * * * * * * *+'|+**+* * Statement Number: R030003925 Anount: $3,928.97 05/06/200311:39 AM Payment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: Cocchiarelfa 507 Permit. No: 803-0053 T}rtr)e: ADD/ALT SFR BUIITD PERMIT Parcel No: 209918203005 Site Address: 5198 GORE CR VAIL L,ocation: 5198 Gore Circle Total Fee6 r $3 ,928 -97 This Paymen!: #3,928.97 Total AlL Pmts: $3,928.97 Bal-ance: $0.00 *rl.* * * {t * * * * * 'i t * '1. * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + * * * *,t !t * * * * * ****** +:t*** * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * + + + * + * * + * * ******* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code 0escription Current Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERM]T FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHICK FEES RF 111OOOO31127OO RECRIATION FEES hJC OO1OOOO3112BOO WILL CALL INSPECT]ON FEE ?,236.95 r,454.02 235.00 3.00 l-:d =<o H F H H rql H o D H H o EI o o o FI Ll F z o K z Al E x ta 1 EQG g $FF E H 9u': [t E r*X E Fil5 F 3il8 I E B's ls FHF Ig FFE IF EFI IF HSF 15 6.@ F.IB 3 FEl I eEg'I F si I F*F I gE$ | $ E'*I RA | ;'u I aE I DCr | !t-I BE | +i I E'3 lri o {u .D ; F) ts o AI F) F ?, I I lx F IF IF tx ti ID IF I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I gE rr6 7E 5a ri'b€i' 6-ti IE IE t6 l l-t tl |l FI !:.I OU s F. :t oa -(< a t!x E.;i (n (! d R (,! ('r 5';r s I iluS b$E s*R- S u'S F$$ H $*"\I s 6 ;l' -l -tt o !a E n b'5 tD .F FI tr ar : iE 3 6 f E g:r't' I +'R E n g l< 9'B e.E 3 lz $frFE I 5 s8 F^a' I H'B.F:; I tis:F I E.BEXS I Ff EE€ I !f h e,6 --. I E5-d'< 'lLFa --t E'-i q c n. EH$8.€sBF.i Efs$t AFg-E eFRFe ET [- 6-a.p o oE .rn e Et tf x oE' o D o o D ! o a E o o o WILL SrLr 'g NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNEN -- -'- P;i;iiii-'-i*r N -ooa ll APPLICATION Building Permit #: 97 047 9-21 4S (lnspections) TVWT,IOFVINW 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING Separate Permits are required for eler CONTRACTOR INFO n P P ATIO ,)/,, General Contractor: Cf,DNgiz I Bo rcr€12 Town of Vail Reg. No.: 9-t= -t-|ltntact and Phone #'s: L,+reCx, d tN?r| tt A \l')b' z zsY Email address:S.P (.1 r)r>;l , v1-(,'::::'E)r L-Q- RMIT Labor & Materials BUTLDING: EI4O,OAA ELECTRTCAL: $ tr.,C7J orHER:$ l2.f . ,ttt,) PLUMBING: $ ,5 , 0,) c MECHANICAL,$ Ar7 OlO rorAl:$ ?aa. 00o COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PE For Parcel # C c Assessors ***********+************jr*********r**FOR OFFICE USE O N LY********i*********!t***************** Fees: DRB Fees:nner ontact Easle Coun Office at 970-328-8640 or visit Parcel #)oq1 l6L o 3c, ob rou ruame: f6y6 l+ I 4 P1LL *(t stu,v c e Job Address: 5i'i "o 6oe .z( | gc t a Legal Description lot: fr Block: J Fitins: $ i6 ikp4j 6#- ll Subdivision: E,c, i+,Je ni ,IM.}c",YXEI C ocr ltAnr< te ll 49,pf? rr=J?-r: a, ,zt t-E VA t r_phone.V.)1, ?2 3,/ fliASELKTffitot ,of ll4',o&?- (,zEEt, \\(L t.ttrL c.' Erbrl Phone:t1r, >L"; F919,"' f ir n:sOcr4r':i-j llAjdJ"f'' Lt s1L r/A lL Brb,r+ll Phone: 9 ,14 .t <.t I Detailed description of work: DErrrO FDPr,oU dF OCt giToreU&; . B."n.:bec Jo?r E tuu?,o( Coosr\Cuk- AJt'r WorkClass: New() Additionlq-nemoOet (1 Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) tf O€,rt OtJ Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both (yJ Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No 0<) Type of Bldg.: SingleJamily fi Two-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:I No. of Accommodation Units in this buildinq: r6Y _<) Noffvpe of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Appliances (o) Gas Loqs (o ) Wood/Pellet (p) Wood Burninq (l No/Tvpe of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances (2J Gas Loqs (o) Wood/Pellet (o) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) t'to ()Q Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No 0() \Wail\data\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM.DOC 07 /26t2002 F**m"ffififfi I0tryry 0r I'ilt Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 Project Name: Project Address: A LT u- IJ ( -Cenfn€rcie+--' u Window and door schedule ' u Full structural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) - u' Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) g,/Smoke detectors shown on plans - a Types and quantity of fireplaces shown ..,' Applicant's Signature: Date of submittal: ( Depaftment of Community Development Sioe'Jr'r- r' This checklist must be comoleted before a Building permit aootication is accepted. o All pages of application is complete E- Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form / --{}-4eFdorniniurn Association letrer of approval attaehed if project is a Multi-Family complex . € Complete site plan submitted \/ (fI Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) ta- Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumpster,parkino or material storaoe allowed on roadwavs and shoulders without written aoproval Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurrino v/Aot Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi fa Full floor plans including building sections and elevation **: r^/\ct F :/everyone/forms/bldperm2 Received Byl BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Depaftment Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeKs. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for, Agreed to by: Print name Project Name: Date: F:everyone/forms/bldperm3 Signature DRAINAGE AND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED BY PUBLIC WORKS! Please read and check off each of the itcms below: ur The Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. '.u-'The Town of Vail Public Works Depaftment will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Department for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at479-2198 to request an inspection from the Public Works Depaftment. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice, *' Also, the Town of Vail Public and culvert installation with Agreed to by:TE o(((ktzt&/t- Works Department will be approving all flnal drainage resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval Final Ceftificate of Occuoancv issuance. Project Name: Date Signed: F:/everyone/forms/bldperm6 3 - iL/- aJ S( OT MC€ MATERIAL STORAGE AND CONSTRUCTION PARKING Please read and check off each of the items below. (Copies of complete text are available upon request) CODE 5-2-10: DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITED o Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dift, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. tr Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notiff and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the notified. u Summons and Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this code. u Notice and Penaltyr It is unlaMul for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979). CODES 7-3A-L AND 7-3A-3: PARKING OBSTRUCTING TRAFFIC & IMPOUNDMENT AUTHORIZED No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other place within this Municipality in such a manner or under such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper street or highway maintenance. (Ord. 2(1968) 5 1) Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle attended or unattended, standing upon any portion of a street or upon any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to constitute a violation of any section of this Article, or left unattended for a period of twenty four (24) hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by Colorado Revised Statutes section 42-4-1102, as amended, the officer shall require the vehicle to be removed or cause it to be removed and placed in storage in the nearest garage or other place of safety designated or maintained by this Municipality, and the charges for towing and storage of such vehicle shall be charged to the owner of the vehicle in addition to a ten dollar ($10) impoundment charge, (Ord, 2(1968) $ 3: Ord. 28(1981) 5 1) I have read and will cornolv with the above code provisions: Position or Relationship to Project: Date Signed: 3 ' t:t' O' Ii :/everyone/tbrnrs/hldpcnlT 6iu rR.s cEo,rca.,clit1L a-^LO r,L". 303,477-255s i*#l^#t,*li*G4tt Do.7 v- ;";, i3irlr-*'; B* Elgrr,4rg or nflLR l_sB gll'og srxpr.r lxlivsrF |rv Ftr?.lR?zrra r.rcFr rrtrRoscopv aDr.xl rpl-6oo./R-oa / t 16 Lab No. :1O6325 Page: L of 3 P.rc.Dt Sample Asbcator Date DescrioEion ,gD*, / / Livi.no room walls & ceiling same linfo from samole containerl Idr]rwall, texture and paint. I A IAI VDt. / / llnseparable white text.ure nat.erial and off-white oaint I A tB]NDt* / / lWhite drvwall with inseparable orav cardboardl T?r,c. / / Dininq room kit.chen wal-l-s two--double wall Iinfo from sample containerl Itwo samoles of oainted drvwalL l B IA'I ND* | / | tof f -whi.te painul _ tnrlyi€3 (percents determined by visual estimation) Sample Number: A* A tBl Irq€r P€rc-nt: 100 100 AsbesEos Minerals : Arnos i Ee Anthnnhrr] I i to Chrysot i 1e Croc idol i te Tremol i Le-Ac Linol i te Trace <L* TOI[lIr AgBEStrOA llDi r !D** !lD** Traco <1* Drr Client; Project ID: Samole Nunbef Ai O!.her Fibrous Materials: Fibrous Glass Ce11ulose 3 3 91 2 Synthet i cs OEher : Nonfibrous Material 95 100 95 97 100 _ * Composite analysis (multilayered sample, see individual layer analyses).** ND means None Detected- Analyst: Kenneth C. Shaver Date:03/24l03 dt 4. ,'l- ryiJ.- T'IA': rRg crorrcH, ruc. 144:" W. 46th Avenue, Suite 14 Denver, CO 80211-2338 ' Client: Project ID: Sample Nurnber B IBI B TCL Phone: 3O3 / 477 -2559 800/385-3L36 Fax: 303/477-2580 gnr.4rF or Etilr rgBEg||roF Fr.rsr.E rNtr-vsrF By' IXrt.rnTtIEn r.TGEIr XTtttogtYrpY (pIIl rpr-60o /R-q3 /116 Lab No.:106323 Pagre: 2 of 3 Perc€ot Sample lEb€Eto8 DaEe Description M.. / / lWhite drvwall with i,nseparable orav cardboard 1 5 / / flnseoarable black painE and white surface maEeriall WD*, / I lwhite drvv,/a11 wiCh inseparable ean cardboard I 'gtrr. * / / Master bed/closet bath wal1s & finfo from sample cont.ainerl Ipaint and drvwalLi W.. / / Ifnseoarable of f -whiEe paint,and. qreen undercoat or sealer l c* B TDI lnrlyror (percents deEermined by Sample Number: B tBl visual estimation ) B tcl B rpt c* c rAt -- q JAI IJqraf P€rc''lt t Asbestos Minerals: Amos i te Anthophyl l" i E.e Chrysotile Cro cidol i te ?remol ite-AcEinolite roanlr rsttsBos [Di. OCher Fibrous Materials: 100 5 5 llDr * tlD* * uDr . 49 49 Fibrous Glass Ce1lulose Synt.het ics Other: 2 ?1 Nonfibrous tr{aterial 97 95 * Composite analysis (multilayered sarnple,** ND means None Deteceed, 97 100 Iayer analyses). 9'7 see individual enatvsc, /h,* 1t2/:u-:--- Kenneth C. Shaver Date:03/24l03 tn8 cECf'!!EcE, I!lC. phone: 3A3/477-2559 1441 W. 45Eh Avenue, Suite 14 800/386-3136 Denver, CO 8021-1-2338 Fax:. 303/477-2580 gttr.lls ot Bltt r lFBts|nns Flrpr.r tttaL1'sls By Dar.rtrzlh l,Tcir'|l lf,?aiF.lFcatpy (pr.fl rpr-5on/p-q3/r t5 Client: Project ID: PrrsGlrt sample Samp]- e Number AsbratoE Date Description U IEI D IAI D IBI Lab No . : 1O5325 Page: 3 of 3 D* NDr, / / fWhit.e drvwall with inseoarable orav cardboar:dl !f.trr;c,. / / Kitchen ceilinq €ininq area ceilino finfo from sample containerl Idrvwall. paint and surface material l 5 / I fOff-white paint with inseparable white surface materi-all ND** / / tWhite drvwall with inseoarabLe Ean a:rnlrar vrl t llrlya€a (percents determined by visual esEimaEion) Sarnple Number: C tB] IraltEr Paro€nt t 99 100 Asbestos Minerals I Amos i Ce Ar. i h,'!7th\' l I i r-6 .r!.*,^^F: I^vrrr J D(JLrrs Crocidol i te Tremolite-AcEinolite Trace <1* |!O|Eft lAalS|[O{l lDr* |rf.ce <11 5 IDt* OEher Fibrous MaLerials 3 Fibrous Glass 1 99 Cel1u1ose SlmtheE ics 2 Nonfibrous Material 9'7 95 95 96 * Composite analysis (multilayered sample. see individual 1ayer analysesl.** ND means None DetecLed-2 Anaiysr, [{arn-t &*-- Kenneth C. Shaver Date:03/24l03 FRS Geotech, Inc 1441 West 46th Ave., Suite I Denver CO 80211-2338 e-mall; This report is concerned only with results oftests pcrformed on samples submitrcd lo and tested by FRS Geotech,Inc. E$lk Siluolc Amlvtlcal Procedurg Bulk samples of construction nraterials are anal)rrcd accorrding to the Merl od for rte Detetmination of Asbatos in Bulk Bullding Materktls (EPA/6001R-93/l t6) which the EPA recommends as the "preferred substitut€'to the old Interim Methoct. kr rrcas whcre hc "new" Method is silcn! FRS follows thc 'bld" Interim Meihod and/or specific rulings issued by thc various regulatory agencies. Each scparable laytr or porrion of tle sanrple is indivkfually analpcd rnd reported, alorg wiih eech lapdr volunc per€qtt as a part ofite total sample. Additionally, an aritlrrntic compositc for tre otal samplg a$ rcceived by the lab, is reportd for |aprod samples. Information on thc naturc ard quantity of mabrials at the sanpliqg sitc" which is unarailabtc to FRS, must bc uscd by ttre client to dctermine whethcr or not dris arithmctic composite ofthc sanple is rcprcsenhtive of thc matcrials, as they exist in piace. This same information must be used by thc client o dcermine whcther or not any layered material, as it exists in placc, should be treated as scvcral differcnt matcrials or as a composile mrtcrial. Each sample laytr is prepared and analped in refractive index oils th.t are ccrtified by rhe manufachrer, Cargille laboratories. Refractive indiccs are measured by thc Dispenion Staining Beckc Line, m Obliqrc Iltumination mctro&, acconding to which me&od is rmst applicable to the $ample rnatffhl. A$bestos cont€nt is reportcd as a perccnt ofthe sample, and is a visgal estimation based upon gross sample exa rination and conparisons with publishcd catibration charts during PLM analpis. Srmqle Ashhs Ashing is a preparatory procedrc canicd oltr to climinate many intcrferarts ard asbcstoo 'lmk-alikcs.t, A ponion ofthc samplc is placed in a fumace at 500 degrees Celsius for between I and 4 hours; thc actual time varies according to ssmplc b/pc. The arnount of asbestos present in $e original samph is calculatc4 bascd upour the woight loss drrc to ashing, if tf" ontpf" ma a 50olo weiSht loss, and thc visual cstimation ofasbestos pres€nt wss 207o, lhe amount ofasbcstos reportcd would be l0%. An ashed samples are so notcd on thc Final Rcpon. Non-Asbcotlform Amphibote Mincrels Particles of NON-ASBESITIFORIU anthophyllite, trcmolite, and actinolits witlr lcngth to width ratios equal to or exceeding 3: I and overall lengttrs grpatcr than 5 microns arc occasionatly dcecbd in some butk samplcs. Whilc such particlcc do meet tlrc 'bld" legal definition offibers, they do not nrc€t thc classicat dcfinition ofasbestos because ttry do not occui as bundlcs ofpamllel fibers (oftcrr oduaiting spb$ ads), nuted masses of individual ftas, or lcng; flexible, and/or currcd irdivitlual fibcn. Thc majority of mineral fibets in a sample must disphy these characeristice as wcll as exhibit a lcngth to widttr raio of ot teast Z0: I for thc mineral to be designatcd "sbestos." These guidelines are spec,ified in 0re Wcw" Mcthod: EPA/6{X}/R-93/I 16- Our Final Report refers to non-asbestiform antlrophyllite, tscrnolite, and actinolite ss cifier 'tlon-asbest. trem-/actin.,,, or'Non-asbest, anthophyl.", whichever is appropriate. QA /QC hoccdurcs and the Unccrtdltv of Anatvses All laboratory tcsts are performcd accordir{! to rigid QAIQC guidelincs, and analytical rcsuls are traceablc to known reference standards and procedures. In addition to ttre legal requirernant that l0o/o of til samptes received be re-analyzed, FRS Geotcch rc-analpes all sampl* for which a trace b 3% asbestos is rqport d. The New Method (EPA/600/R-931 I I Q contains thc following Suggested Acccptrablc Enor Table for Pltvt analyccs wittr quantification by visual cstimate over 100 fields ofvicw: Arcal Percent Asbestos Acccpt&le Rangc of Asbestos Reponcd lo/o 8/oto3Vo Sa/o lo/olo 9s/o lOYo 5o/o ta lSVo 20olo (or more)plus or minus | 0olo r-303-f?7-2559 r-800,3863136 r-303477-2s80 FAX frsgeo@lx.netcom.com Cocchiarella Residence - building permit notes window schedule - as noted on plans - Eagle Windows - Low E coating and tempered where required by code Door schedule - man door between house and garage to be either 20 minute fire rated or I 3/8" solid core fire resistive assemblies and penetrations - man door into house from garage - as per code and noted above drywall in garage - 5/8* type X drywall as noted in plans smoke detectors - new locations noted on plans - to be wired into electrical system existing smoke detectors - all locations per code, battery operated Fireplaces - locations as noted on plans one existing wood burning enclosed unit two new gas appliances - in living and in master - both units direct vent Asbestos report attached - samples of drywall taken from all areas to be demolished, either trace or no asbestos detected, no extraordinary abatement measures required ryF:- IOI4'Nffi Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2139 fax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Cocchiarella Remodel DRB Number: DRB030046 Project Description: Addition and remodel to a preexisting, non conforming residence. Participants: OWNER COCCHIARELLA, CARL A. & KATE03/10/2003 Phone: 5198 GORE CIR VAIL CO 81657 License: APPUCANT Pam Hopkins 0311012003 Phone: 476-2201 Snowdon & Hopkins Architects, PC Box 3340 Vail, CO Pam@snowdonhopkins.com 81658 ,/' License: Project Address: 5198 GORE CR VAIL Location: 5198 Gore Circle Legal Description: Lot: 8 Block: 3 SuMivision: BIGHORN 5TH ADDffiON Parcel Number: 209918203005 Comments: Try to move two trees to a new locatio BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Bili Pierce Action: ,APPROVED Second By: Margaret Rogers Vote; 5-0 Date of Approval:, 04102120O3 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0005769 The two trees (to be removed) must be moved to a new location, if at all possible. Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paad: $3OO.O0 MAY-34-2443 69:39 H-P GEOTECH a c'5&ecn HEPWORTH - PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL ;lxglQ*r:eotechn rcai' Inc Gteurvood Sprtngs, Colorad,r 81,601 Phone; 970.945.7986 F*:9?0.945,S154 cmail, hpgco0lrpgeoteclt.ccm May 29,2003 Kate Cochiarella 5198 Gore Circle Vail, Colorado 51657 pi;3,-- coss Job No. 103 318 Subjccr: Observation of Excavation, Proposed Addition tO Residence, Lot 8, Block 3, Bighorn Subrlivision - 56 Filing, 5198 Gore Circle, Vail, Colorado Dear IvIs. Cochiarella: As requesred, a represcnlative of Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnicai, Inc- observed the excavotion at the subject site on May 22,2003 to evaluate the soils exposed for founiation support. The findings of our observations aud recommendations tbr the tbundation deSign are presented in this report. The services rvere performed in accordance with our agrecmeff for geotechnical cngineering services to you, dated Mair 74,-;003. The addition will be attached to the north side of the existing residence and be two story wood.frame coustrucdon, Ground floors will be a combinarion of slab-on-grade and structurally supported over crawlspace. Spread footings sized for an allowable soil bearing pressure of 2,000 psf were assumed for foundation suPport of the addition. f'he existing resiclence was reportedly built in 1958 and has had several additions since then. We understand the residence and additions are founded on shallow spread footings and rhere are no indications Of excesSive foundation Settlement and distress. At the time of our visit to the site, the foundation excavation was nearly complete and had beeu cqt in rhJee levels from about 4 to 7 feet below the adjacent ground surf'ace. fie soils exposed in the borrom of the excavadon consisted of relatively dense, slightly silry sarrdy gravel with cobbles. The results of a gradation analysis performed on a sample of rhe sandy gravel soils (minus 3 inch fraction) oblained from the site ore preseutcd on Figure 1,. No free water was encounlered iu the sxcavadon and the soils were generallY moisr. Considering the condirions exposed in the excavation and the nature of the proposed construcrion? spread foorings placed on the undisturbed natural gravel soil designed for an allowable bearing pressure of2,000 psfshould be adequate for support of the proposed addition. Ttere could be some differential setdement with rcspecr to the u*i"ting residence which should be considered in the design. Footings should be a mininrum width of 16 inches for continuous walls and 2 feet for columns. Loose and disrurbecl soils in footing areas should be removed and rhe bearing level extended dorvn Parker 303-8 4l-?llg . Colorado Springs ?19'633'5562 r Silvenhome 970'468'1989 P.A2/44 NRY-3A-2843 a,9144 H_P GEOTECH o P.A3/@4 \ Kate Cochierclla May 29, 2003 Pagc 2 ro rhe uadisturbed aatural gravel soils. Exterior footings should be providcd with adequate soil cover above their bearing elevations for frost protection. Continuous foundation walts Should be reinforced top and bonono Io span local enOmalies such as by assuming an unsupported length of at least 12 feet. Foundation walls acting as retaining structures should also be designetl to resist a latcral Earth pressure based on an equivalont fluid unit weight of at lcast 50 pcf for on'site soil as bacKill. A perimercr foundation drain shOuld be provid.ed to preveut temF)rar.v buildup of hydrosiatic pressure behind foundation retaining walls and prevent wetting of the crawispace' 'smrctural fr[ placed within floor slab areas can consist of the on-site sand aad gravel soils compacrcd to at least.97% of standard Proctor density at a moisture conteff near optimum. Backfill placed around the structure should be conpacted and the surface graded to prevent ponding within at least 10 feet of the building' The recommendetions subnitred in this letter are based on our observation of the soils exposed within the foundation excavation and do not include subsurfece explorarion to evaluate the subsurface conditions within the loaded depth offoundation influence' This study is based on the assunpdon that soils beneath the footings have equal or befter support than those exposed, The risk of foundation movement may be glenter than indic-ated in rhis reponbecause of possible variations in the subsurtacc conditions. In order to reveal thc natute and extent ofvariations in the subsurface conditions below rhe excavation, drilling would be required. Ir is possitrle the data obtained by subsurface exploration could change the recommendations contained in this letter. lf rhere are any rluestions or if we rray be of further assista.nce, please let us know' Sincerely, i{EPwoRTH - U\WLAK GEOTECHNICAI+ INC. David A. Young' P Rev. bY: DEH DAYikstil anachoent - Figure 1 - ResuIF of Gradation Analysis cc: KRM Consultairs'Atrn: Tller Aldrich Town of Vail Building Dcpt. - Atfir: Charlie Davis (Fur only) Job# 103 3tE c&&ear qAY-3g-zF,A3 A9t4B H-P GEOTECH P.g4/44 SqJTRE E tlrdtGt 2L o4a 7rt ts ttlt t v ff r ,oo ,ls 6 1 6 s t!d. Fe0 z td a E, lrJ o.E .osr .ocl ffi - r,i! ar (- ,'r*rlo e." fr:t t#z' dt D]AMEIER OF PARTICLSS IN MILUMETERS arY nt gLY GRAIEL d' Z UQUID UMIT Z SAND ++ z slLT AND CtlY 13 Z PI-ASIICITY INDEX 7 SA[,lPll OF: gightly Sltty Sond qnd Growl FROM: Bottom of Addition Excavction GRADATION 1EST RESULTS HEPWOFTTH-PAWLAK GEorEcHNtcAL, lNc.105 316 JUL 01 2OO3 4: loPll HP LRSERJET 32OO p.2 (970) 9{S93e'l (FA)0 94&1577 I met with Jay Livrain today at 3:15 pm to deFrmine true8-trtruss connections not suppllad by the furs manufadurof.'We recomm€nd Slmpson connecbrs (or €quivahnl) br the bllowing tueaes: RECORD DATE: ThnCns PRQJEQT: CocchiarelleResklonc€ I na E rremve rorrs X ResPottss lGte Cocchhrolla: Botbm Chord: LS30 TopChord: LS50 Hlp Gfder (CJl and sim.): Boltom Chod LSSUZ8 Bofom Chord: LSSU21 b-a piit out one sue of thc truss wilt a 2S block JOBNUfiI9ER; 030901 O curuncaneilEHAvca COPYfO: Arch. S€rv.: Jenniler Buck Snowdon/Hopklnr: Pam HoPkins filrffffiori,u,, aig, DOSl Hip J*ks (J6 and sim.): E"rni'#ti1lt'r3hjiii,' ! Town ot vrfl :ffi::HolJ#l*,, 0FFfcE coPY ll b the indusby shrdard that trusE manubcluren eupply the fu8s-tefuse connec{one. We havB r€viswEd lh8 uuis snop Anar1ng6 only fur fie imssing conneotions and not fot cllflrenslons or qvantltle8 3upplled' lf you have any queelions aboul lhee recornmendalions, pleaso do n9l tEgitate to call. SIGI{EO; {' 'rl 4 1F, .t t , #t .n,trr {**_rI ,f 'tr' .l $ JUN 20 e003 l2!23P1'l HP LHSERJET 3200 KRM CONSULTANTS, INC. P,0. Box 4572 Voil, Colorodo 81658 (s7o)"94e-s391 Fox (970) 949-1577 ${EET [0. OAI.CULAIE BY 1 lFA oF- | Q6/?Q103 OA'IE DAlE CHECK $cAr.E 3/4" * 1'*0 t $I I (\l -J IL- l--*- LOO COL. PER FLAN KNIFE er 1/4x4xA'-B w/{ (2)-3/4"6 THRU-BOLTS Bfrc. e t"x6xo'-6 w/ (2)- 1/2"A x 5" EXP' ANCH'S z =€ I h 12" 6 CoNC. PIER lo (2)-#3 DV\LS x l.l l=.J o (rF P|ER HEIGHT EXCEEDS 4'-0, ADD (2)-#5 \ERT. BARS FULL HEIGHT OF PIER) SEE SCHED. FOR REINF, Fh*Vl t/ LzJy Ytb trD \Fov- JUH OA 2003 2:4?Pfl HP LNSERJET SEOO KRM CONgULTANTS, INO' p.2 P.O. BOX /|{i72 vAtL coLoMDo 81658 870-949-0391 (F$q$s-1$? FIELD REPORT fo: tGte CocchiarElla ATfENTION: ffiOJECT: Copchbt€lla Residenca Dfie 6nnoa3 ARflW: 8:00am DEF-ART; 8:20am WEAfiEFc SunnY/Cool JOENUNBER: 030341 PRESEfVI AI SIIE: TylerAldrlch STAIUS OF COttPtETtoIv" Condnulng Defio' naw footinge fomed At vout roqmst I visibd ho stto refurenccd ubone b obsene the exi lng concreb r,ralllhat hed nol brrn fimoved and o iisdrss ihe neu, fuoting in fic crrvrlspece belrr Tuckefs bedtoom' t nrwiouely visilsd he rile on 5/20/03 to dkt ss op-$om wih Ksto Cocchlsrslls b minimko lhg remwal of oxistinB iffi"ifi: wi declded trat sorl iirnJriiirng #its couto f€matn and thc ner/vwglls rlould hs doweled lltio th6m. I ffi;il;,i thd rcLE wih .r",irmi oecGi 6'rct ot R rhkcural scrYlco$ v{ho polnted .oul tl6. pobntal dr6inaga ilhjfr; ffi; ixisttni warh *orio'ireii.r, ino tr! dccHed thal the orieffng toundtion rvallr thould b€ tsnovod and ilffi;;;ir*; on-rtre *u.nrnal Gil.g;, qh"tt q I rolum€d to the tita and cxplained th6 dminago PmblEm to cerl cocchlar€lla anO ut" p,*."toi, anA nry-uitiantanahg $'as 0rat $e r Elb utould b€ r€moved sE shown on Plan' The sccllon of edsiing u8ll b tho nodh ol fie otd shf8 golng down lo ths lo\i'Br bv0l was not mmow-d ' Wo tgcommcnd ilo:fi 0r;;ti iieririousry Uiiruri..i,-ano u"iu"j, thi new bunrlaEon ae rhown on rh€El s2. This wtll eimpllfy ii" nar,"con*maion anA a,loUiporying C*ifs h Ut. ixlsting unll to naise lhe rvall heigtrt and Join thc ncw foundeton demont!. The new froting tholrnr on shoel E2 in he crarvlopact urec hionded h iupport lhe {elextp !911 wttldr Euppo& lhe floor snd roof. Thi$ erorung bcai-tl sigifiiliiuidemaed end,our inGntton uae b ruduce th€ bendlng EttoBe by ffiid; ;a"ttptrn et td ,id6d-ii [lls gnnor ie ?clTlhrrcd by |lrsomblc nrcan0, lhon u/€ |lcommend ;ilrlilrd th. tdi, wiln a r6"t"db*€ poat bgrlng on th€ large rock wtrkh wao discovared atl6e new ftotng locallgn' Thls It et least 8n |tptwm.m on itJ i,oEung stlJb,rs, hour&er, ws must 6xp€cl thrt romc o[lament wlll oocur if tr d€slgn loeds rrc m€t or surpasred. coPYfo: Arch. EoMter:Jcnnibr Buok JUN Oe 2OO3 4!O7P1'l HP LFSERJET 32OO KRM CONSULTANTo, INC, p.2 te70) s49.0391 (FAJ() 94$15ri F.O, BOX 4S?? vAtL, colsnADo 81858 OATE: PRQJECT: Inn 6/2n003 CocchiErella Residence f, resruvoruores REGORD JOBNUfiBER: 0303-01 I nrsrorsr ffi cr-lruacefloflrcHritce @PYTO: JennibrDecker Buck Thls record is to fullo,t, up on $e field reportbsuEd €arl'Er today, ln thefeld report, wE recommended remo/ing the exl6{inq concrete wail as shown on ihe structural drawingp, eheet Sa. Anolher optlon l$ ta eut thd wall back iJ Ginsde Ace oi the n*r bundatron com€r which ls at he intersectbn ol the kitchen and nEw €ntry (?9.{ anO'a'< ciirensfonally from the norttreast comer of Tuckefe Fedroom. The now concrst6 walls should b€ doweled into lh€ e(lsting as described on SheEt $2. t'lRY 23 eOO3 1l:lORl'l HP LRSERJET 32OO KRM CONSUUTANTS, INC. P.2 (970) 949-9391 (Foq 949-1577 P.O, Box 4s72 vArL. coLoRADO 81658 RECQRD DAfE: PRQJECT: STGTVEO.' Tyler F. Aldrlch REWEIIED: 5/2U2003 Cocchiarella Resldence I msgrucrorgs JOBNUMBER: 0303'01 Enn X Rrspotsr J cunncnrov/c,tAvcE Kate Coceigrella: This is in response to our dlscus$lons Pgarding th9 lnterfacE between fi6 new slab at t\e low€f level and the J.tf 'nl *r"irt. watt and t"tinS at ihe iiistiniomce. According to lhe measuremenB ltrbt you described over tn. pf'6ne mir morning, usf ng thi itisting upp6r floor top of ply^r'ood as the benchmark 100'4' he echial top of .*iriini concrete iootiib etevltion n g0'-6 ttitO" and the adull top of dre existing.office. slab elet/ation ls 91' -1 ile;. fnJ nev,, lower le-vel S" concieti sfaU is at 8n elevation of 9O'-3 1/Z', approximately.B 1/4" down from the top of mr "*irttng looting. Tniretori, he neur shb may be poured 4ainst the adsting footing and no underpinning wlll be required' lf you have any questions about lhqse obeervalions, please do not hesitate t0 call. coPvfo: J€nnifer Decker Buck The above meeting nore3 are our underctanding ol,discussions held and shall be deemed acceptable to all partles unless we are notified wltrin 5 days of receipl' A-27-243 2,46PM FRoM U L761141 Cocchiarclla 5l9E Gore Circle Vail, CO 81657 970 4762234 TwlofVail Chrlic Dsvis RE: nnalframing Chsllie I beliffi tbst I brye dmped offcopics of all othc eoginosiqg rportr. This is tlp fiql orcl Wc arc gsrthg all of the iteos L"." care dand rto eogirc€r sigEod otrotr th. plunbcrs holer- Tltct ale OfevelrifmrtcctulcallytonanuftctEcrsryecs, IlooLforwardtoso€lrtgyouordlctst''oursiSnmlrc otr our inspes-tim $port fire u"w O*iAua to run ncrv ptrons linos and put ltcm in conduit lfyorn Aieod oottld help us _ o.pedite the hsralarion of ncw liues on* wc get the condrit in thc grou!4 I wurld appccioe atry hElP I c8n ggt, Thants for cwryhing. I page follorvs P. 1 8-27-2@,3 2:46PM FROM SIP o 4761 141 KRTT'I P,o, Bgx{6zl VAIL,COK'RADO OONSULTANT€. INC. r- z, F.z s7&9{t-830t (FAX)9.$16r. NELD REPORT t?: l€G Co6tt',arEllr AflEil?lcwt Fno.rEIi CooddardhRestmcc PRESHII rlTSl?El lQtB Coodlirelb, JayLiyntn SfAfl/S OF COtPlE tgwi Rcilloh Fradng nesfly oonplGb A( your tr$|r{t I vlsb{ he glb refrtencod sDc'ye b oDnefl,e fi6 cornDbH lit]ttn0. I o606wEd ttrs frltorvlng frroc Items whhtr shouU bo SeE|ad: I ' The tZ)'t 3lf : 'l I 7/B L\A thor sn 9" .!ffi, qt1 gar4e rnd thr medar bdrmom rhann on strcct 33 cantibvra 7p,t1 ovd a built-W F)|.zx{ porl" The posl b mis*rg End should -De infttbd. 2' Tl|! cad_crd.of ths (sll 3l{ r 1l 7tr LvL ttor bsm In hr imr 0f !l. mnts dorct ttlow'r m dnoi si} b bearing on toflF Lt/!. ehina appufnetrV lr{- 0'llolc We rrconrmrd r$noyhg thc nood emno ad ro6acfrg fran "l0,-*oJi CrinE 3' Tln odsdngzrr O.ded( Ioldslo the 6ast of lhs ltEbrlsdoorfr hevr bccn olt bedr b [o rel lino rr tha mg0l cd and stl.dl|s y unbrsd agohct roliry. We teoorrEnd lmh|fng 2xl0 blrcHng frrb betrr*n thc j('itfr a tri bcsrhg locilbn fn tddilfon io llF llcrrts aboro, hc 7 3l4x 11 7€ L\A gsngo jcish harrE b€an diltad rrytlh tm 1 lif hoho aooroxirnrdv "-0lFdn g ngrr d$tbttE. _Tha csnbr! of fre nobt e o $podnEbfy 2' fom thE boftt n ot tho JohG mO neer dt; .rw8 qnd bee{tg ml: In thh tf,se, u,e bol-r,$,l het ilto hobr do not &mprqtilsf fis rnErtret frftary *m Ltlt-t tnougb b rtquit rulnbrcunenl or eplecanpnl, housvcf, tre bcalhn of tlt6 hobr lr not Wlilrh 0rc ra&ri''rnacd rlg hr hoh,t in LVL mmberr Phaae ocsrfl lho mertrdrdrreds mrnurl lbr rqnrnonb8oru pbr b drffhO hdco h Srudrr€ln|qnla|L One tlnre thno itr|tr| .|r lddlrrad, F belierr€ thst lhc cfuctud frrmlrrf 'rI uc conplcb. @wfch Eo3-oo53 DA'F.: AMEff)3 ARmE t0s5.m DZ?ARft 1l:40 sn YtEAtltffi: Fuyckyfwffn JOANIilftR: I k tl MiTe MiTek Induslries, Inc. 7777 GREENBACK IANE sutlE 109 cmus HEtGHrs cA 95610 USA FAX (9r6) 676 1909 IETEPHONE (916) 676 l9m Re:M238OWEB The truss drawing(s) referenced below have been prepared by MiTek Induskies, Inc. under my direct supervision based on the parameters provided by Overholt-Delta,Co Pages or sheets covered by this seal: k9432927 thruR9,l32950 My license renewal date for the state of Colorado is September 30, 2003. The seal on these drawings indicate acceptance of professional e,ngineering responsibility solely for the auss components shown. The suitability and use of this component for any particular building is the responsibility of the building designer, per AI.ISVT?I-I995 Sec. 2. #T#q #p ?#5ftil""1J rRUSs co'LLc I Delta, Co 81416 Phone: (970)87/+-7070 Fax: {970)874-7068 )ll*o*o BUTLDTNG 'ENTER I P,O BOX 190 EDWARD. C.O 81632 I Deliverv List -Job Number: Page: Date:06-1 1-2003 - 8:27:38 AM Project lD: M2380WEB Project:LHC Block No: Model: Lot No: Contact:". fltt*,Deliver To: COCCHIARELLA RES. 5198 GORE CIRCLE VAIL, CO Account No: 363503695 Designer: IIIKE LAHOE salesDerson: MIKELAHOE LOADING 8G,1G.10 Name: Phone: WILLIAM 970-926-3381 a7n-qrA-??dq Tenlatlve Deliverv Date: Profile:Qtv:Truss ld:Span:Truss Type Slope LOH ROH Load By: a1fu 3 T1A 225 lbs. each 39-3-2 2X6nX6 ROOF TRUSS 18 Rows Lal Bra l-5-13 {.50 d.00 0-0-0 0-0-0 z&I Tlc 229 lbs. each 39-3-2 2X6t2X6 ROOF TRUSS 6 Rrxrrs Lal Brec t-t-J 4.50 0.00 0-0-0 5 T2 71 lbs, each 16-t -0 2X6t2X4 ROOF TRUSS t-6-c ,f.50 3-00 0-0-0 .41FL-1 V,I 51 lbs. each 18-9-0 ROOF TRUSS t-6-3 4,50 0_00 0-0-0 0-0-0 Above listed i to right). Received by: Date: Thank You for your Business. R9432927 ]M2380WEB icJl -Overh-it Tfust-D€tta, Co &TG ooo ROOF TRU 74"2 '|1-tr5 -2-9- r 5 3-$.13 _____-____--_1__ 3-S-13 2-9-15 lr:-1t-t 1't-115 3-9-13 3-9n 3 O{{ 10x10 t LoADING (ps0 TCLL 80.0 TCDL 10.0 BCLL O.O BCDL 10.0 SPAC|NG 2-S.O Plates lncrease 1.00 Lumber Increase 1.00 Rop Stress Incr NO Cod€ UBC97/ANS|95 DEFL in (loc) Vert(LL) {.04 &9 VertCIL) {.15 1 Horz(TL) 0.01 7 1st LC LL Min Ydefl = 240 PLATES M 20 Weight 59 lb Shgathed or 64{ oc purlins, excepi end vsrlicals' Rigid ceiling dkec'tly applied or 600 oc bracing. Udefl >999 >242 nla GRIP 169t123 LUMBER TOP CHORD 2X6SPF'I65OF 1.5E BOT CHORD 2X4SPF 1650F 1.5E WEBS 2X4WWStud 'Except' s'7 2 X 6 SPF 1650F 1.5E BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD REACTIONS (fb/size) 10=17OS\O-7-12' 7=11 31 /Mechanical Max Horz 10=263(load case 5) Max Uplift 1O=-370(load c€se 3),7=-'1s2(load case 3) FORCES (lb) - Firsl Load Case OnlY roF cxonri 2-1o=-1o4g, 1-2='t37,2'3=-1glg,3-4=-1060, +5=-141, +0=-16, $7=-345 BOT CHORD 1c11='30, 9-11='30 , s-12=1194' 8'12=1't94, 8-13=979' 7-13=979 WEBS 2-9=1251, 3-9=-208' 34=-239' 4-8=247 ' 4-7='1170 NOTES rl-inis truss tas u"en designed lor the wind loads generat€d by 80 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level, using ' s.o psirop ct'oro aead lo;d and 5.0 pst bottom chord dead ro+, ]0,0-TlJl9:1".1fi3-t*311'1";313i "" 2) 3) 4) s) 6) 7) ;#;;il;G;;1, .i"iitioi i"-"Jr"J buitdins, or dir€nsions 45 fi by 24 ft wirh exposurs c AscE 7.93 p"i tigCS7/ANSiSS f end verticals or cantilevers txist, they are exposed to wind. lf porches exist, ihey ate not !i*""0 to t"ino. The lumber DoL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1 33 Design load is based on 8O.O psf specified roof snow load' Oveirang has been design for 2.OO tirnes liva load + dead load' it ir t,,"i t ii U*n Oesi[ned lor a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcunent with any othor llve loads per Tabl6 No. 16-8, UBC-97. Refer to girder(s) tor truss to truss connections. c."io, ,il.*,.].i*t-nnection (by others) of truss to bearing ptat€ capable of withstanding 370 lb uplift at joint 10 and 152lb uplift ai joint 7. i-p""iir h"ng"i6i ot connection(s) required to support concentral€d load(s).36 81b up at 2-9€' 36 81b up at 1 j.s-sft;r6J,il".nd 15.0tbup;t +z-2, sa.grd i,own and 15.0tbupat $7-7, and 74.91b down at &g+, and 74.91b down at g-5-6 on bonom chord. Design for unspecified connaction(s) is del€gat€d to the buildlng deslgner. #.}''[m $ffiie$ WARNINc - Verifi'tlatign ptrameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND REVERSE SIDE BEFORE USE Design valtd lor use onty with lfTal connactoB. Thlg d€sign is ba56d only upon param6te6 lhown, aad la lor an Indlvldusl bulldlng componont lo ba Install€d and lo6d€d vortically. Appllcebllhy ot d$lgn ptrlmaloll end ptopgr lncoryorallon ot compononl l! rolponJblllty ol buttdlng d€slgner - not tru66 doslgnlr. Br8clng ghown 18 lor lalsral support ol Indlvldual Xi3,illliilijll;iTl:,i1::1i1"":X3,:lijll1ff",Jli"'::$#,111ffi:llT',L',ni:::',""'j:?Ti:flj["::","jll Iii- rogarding labricatlon, qual y cont'ol. 6torege, deliv€ry 6rocllon, and bracing, consult OST{8 nou.llt:rij:l"Tri;"Tt- Itlll 89 B.rclng Sp.cltlc.llon, rnd HlB.et Handlln! Inrtalllllon .nd Braclng R.connandat Pr!t. Induur., sB3 o'onorrro D v., lr.dr.on, wr s37re MiTek IndUfhie5, lnC. June'19,2003 o !Nt- X--t\2 hl ln ;]e6 ' x.d l x =!+ =oX :./ro v,9 <aoo =J= ^v {m v lp v o z o = ctl =.<Te 6('Io Our z z I o ?m z -l 6 z | -o, go lO f\u oo d'r o5' <_ (, o x Fe' soo ..=x4.ni5 xx@ 6'{' v3' .i C) +q cr'g> sx d€ rlt at l'lt 4 z o n ^ i oa i 94-^ +q: 6;'= Fiix q.ii* o <l'''] Q ob ? qq PR'= iae *=X 53 o' ix 5 b F'p d s+ 6rs ;.\e y o o j' 8.o'o !.! f -'o rg :1 l oo o ti oo aQ qa. O^ o c - -{o -nl =9. =tD o =EI F o t d :r| ID tt o o - I 5 (rr z c 3 ct o =.=GI Cr', TA rts o 3 E EB? '^ <ii i.*ii 1va Z a\-O d +2= u r4s -T' >>A4A <az tr ><-l "{q ^- -v \-, ;m 60.}i {x --.r x h{zii n A a 3 I I \.,, ln =o *6 a !/(r.o.o.*,-l o.o.o.-oo.m -BqQr,16 N".-6 iSS;H ;Y-at >!y-60 o<22 TOP CHORD TOP CHORD o d F 6 S : 6 P so ) r e I s'r f') ;5+> f; $F 6ii $f ;96 ggi Fg AnE se +i+ s*r ilr;r qio t5 nui 6[; g gt Ei i3 iii -** Ei,*' 3a Fii tFi [$ i$ uiF e FF$ li l ' i u* - gs EE ug *i gi grl ,+g $[ gu il E$g* -i g d :(!?t Job M2380WEB T russ G'1 Truss Type RooFrRo oty 1 Ply .roulence roprionaD ",432927 s tuss, LOADCASE(S) Standard 1) Snow: Lumber In$eas8= 1.00, Plate lncrease=l.00 Uniform Loads (Pl0 Vert l-2=-180.0, 2-F180.0, F 180.0' 7nG-20.0 Concsntated Loads (lbl VerL l1=5.1 12='Us 1*'74.9 A WARNINC - vcrify dcsign paranerers and READ NQTES ON THIS AND REVERSE SIDE BEFORE USE Darlgn valld lor usa only wllh lllLl connoctors. Thli d€rlgn lo basod only upon perrnoLrt ahown, rnd lt lotm Indlvldurl bulldlng oompononl to bo In6t.llod snd loadod venlcllly. Appllcrblllty ol d.rl9n prnm.l96 end p.op6r In@rporatlon of componont l! ro6po.llblllty ot bttldlng d..lg[.. - nol lrui. dodgnor. Brelng rhofl. 16 tor latorll 8uppod ot Indlvldud wob n€nbaaa onv Addltlonal lempo.ary braclng !o Inauro 6iablllty durlno coGtructlon lt lhg ratponllbllny ol tha ataclor A(Hltlonll permanont braclno of thd ova.all tlfirc|uri la tha ratpondbllly ol tha bulldlnC darlgnor For genarrl Culdrnc. ,tgtrdlnC feb.lcedon, qudlty control, |toruge, d€llvary, sractlon. and bracln0, cooault OgT{l O|l.l||y SLnd|]d, D33- a0 Bnclrg S9.cltl.rtlor, .nd HlB"01 Hindllng In.t.llrllon .nd B!.clng R.codn.ndrtlon avrlllbl.lroo Trsrr Pl.t. Inrlltut , 5Eil O'Ohotrlo Orlv., l.dl.on, Wl 53?i e t !1\F x# N,4 N Itr ".'o x ti q;' x =!+:.:r t :o o Yd= =' 2 ll !3 (D 6i5=.AOo- o o.- ,1-, - 1r|- F F - o z o I cll i<m- F{ 5Ct tg O lrr z z 0 o 4 ftl z { 6 z a qo lo f\y 6'r o5' J= !D \oo €a*. *, rr5 xxo q=r! d=' 9=. ,.r o =o C:"a> 5n o.<- :€ i l*-i 6;= *i; -qai+ o is Q od : qq Pn = ?ae ==* 53 o vi\ 8cq s+ irs ;(u Y o o 58d o lo t^o =l oo 'd E m =z o {f 3:3 6ii ;-9 o:oo o c tll -{o * m =L a o o =.5 rO F o .D o f o t 5 o o rt - t-{ a $ t, z c 3 u o -t.5 (o ct7 an -F o 3 E iBg n !4i z .)-0 c -im^ ; *PX H aEX a )2n 'n )>F'42 Y7Z h ><-..t -rg A -?9 ro i9 50(.)-:F 14.) h€>n ftz=n389 b-'=-o *6 v !-('.O.O(r.2 o\O\O..Oo\ln -H,aSeR txsFH ;i-Ql >!FE 2? TOP CHORD TOP CHORD o 6 i 6 F = 6 p !o ) 9 1,. r' s,) !') ,;5$>E 88,:18 aB +qi Fil Es'n*a5 g# g;g Egd;f ;f glfl i? fr$F d3; E iF 'ii i$ F3g *gi $3 $$* +E lei iFc i$ Es $$F .i i$a r$ H F +H Eq ii ,4; flig gg 'ii iF g5e gii [a iil '€i q :f;i is a F te g+ $F +i .g$ :m ftE ii ilaa ee* *+ aF 3$ F$g6 sF H . 33, I a3 +E 89 +F Es$gf qEjg gF AF ?Fi? .5 g E &ii6 d'it$al e4*aefr qA 4'g' gF i- 9, 11-1-15 .2-915 3,9-13 2-9-15 $9.13 Scale: l/2'= 1'b4 tl I J 1 l1-1-15 7-1'4 39-t3 3-9.15 3$13 LOADING (PSf) TCLL 80.0 TCDL 10.0 BCLL O.O BCDL 10.0 SPAC|NG 2-0{ Plates Increase 1.00 Lumber Increase 1'00 Rep Stress Inct NO Codo UBC97/ANS|95 DEFL in (loc) Vert(LL) 4.01 I V€rt(TL) -0.15 1 Hotz(TL) 4.00 7 1st LC LL Min l/defl = 240 BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD udefl >999 >232 nta PLATES M 20 Weight: 59 lb GRIP 169/123 LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF 1650F 1.5E soT cHoRD 2X4SPF',1650F 1.sE WEBS 2 X 4 WW Stud 'Except' 2-102x4sPF 1650F 1.5E, &72X6SPF 1650F 1 5E Sheath€d or 6{-0 oc purlins, excepl and verticals' Rigid c€iling directly applied or 6+0 oc brecing' REACTIONS (lb/slze) 10=131 1/G7-'12, 7=3ooiMechanical' 8=1 188/07-12 Max Hoz 10=263(load case 5) Max uolift lo='31s(loao case i), z*gt(load casa 5)' 8:250(load cass 3) FORCES (tb) - Flrst Load Case Onlv ioF cibnri -' z-'to=-126s, 1-2=1:37,2-s=-554. s4=t10, 1J=:1.16' ?f=-16' 5-7=-314 eor CHORD 1o''1 1=-202,, g-1 1=-202, 9-12=415, 8'12'415' 8-13='40' 7-'1 3=-40 WeeS - 2'9=631, $9='74, &8=-508, 4-8='81 8' /t-7=n NOTES iiinl]t.." t'". u"an dosisned for tha wind loads ssnerated bv-qo.TRlylgi.T:::'::9n::oi:* *tn ' ' - f-u"itot citoto Osad load' 1 00 mi from hunlcans oceanline' on an 5.0 psf top chord dead load and 5.0 ps -!--- ,. a r.. o, .r x,rrx ^.-.,.o c AscF i #ffi"J'UHfi:lJliliiiilii;i5"l"o'i,irai"J'"iJi.1*"'i";:.::1lf:11,nl#::i"":i::"5"1f ct(:juparrcv qarl'sur v ' ""*"*i'iil""iti Eli"r, trtay arB expo"tdio wind' It porchss exist' lhey are not p€r UBC97/ANS|95It end verticals or' ^;^ i^-d6.A i. I a1 ;;:;ilffi."il;l;;6;;Doi ;-*se is.'t 33, and the prate srip inc{ease is 1 33 2l 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) o.i.i* fo"o it o"t"o on 8O.O psf specmed roof snow load' ou"ii"nJr'". o""n ossign fo;2.00 tirnes live load + dsad load ;;; il; ;;; b;;; ;esi6neo ror a r o.d- p"roottom ctroro tive toad nonconerfrent wlth any other live loads p€r Table No. '16-8, UBC-97. Refer to girde(s) for truss lo truss connections' pmvtde mechanical crnnection (oy orie-J).rliiruss to uearing ptate capabls of withstandlng 315 lb uplift at Joint 10,9l lb uplift atjoint 7 and 250 lb uplift atjoint 8' Speclal hanger(s) or connectionls; requiiiio "uppo'r "on""nrrated toad(s) 36'8lb up at 2-98' 36'8lb up al 2-9-8. 34.91b do\.{n and 1s.olb upat #:;. j; 'gifiil;;Jts oto 'p at-+z'z' and 74 91b down at. g-ffi' and iziriliiiJr-is+*ootro-ctoro.6esijntorunspecineaconnsction(s)isdetesat€dtothebuilding designer. #.}.fi:m hmi'# aEvr^gElvrs ete'v-- A WanWtNO', vetih' lesign ptra,neters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND REVERSE SIDE EEFORE USE Dorlgn valid lor uso only wlh lllt k conn6ctor6. This deEign 16 ba36d only upon param€ls6 shown, and 16 tor an Indlvldual buitdlne componenl to bo Insta €d and toadod venlcal'y. Appllcebltlty ot doslgn param€tols snd propar Incorporstlon ol component io r€sponribl ty oi bullding dollonsr - not tru!6 dssloner. BncinO rhown lr lor latol8l gupporl ol Indlvldutl wob meftbers only. Addltlonal t€mpoGry braclng to insuro Eteblllty du ng constn cllon ls lhe ro8ponslblllty Ol $e oldclor' Additlonal psrmansnl bracing ol the ovoreti 6tructur6 ls th6 rgsponslbillty ol the bulldln! closlgn€r For gan€ral guidanco roga.dhg labricalion, quallly conttol, llortge, dsllvory. orsction, end br&ing, conaull OST_I! Ot'allty Slandrrd' DS8' 8l Brachl Sp.clllcatlon, rnd HIB-91 Handllng In.t.lhtlon and gl.cln! FGomfi.nd.llon avallrbl' lrom Trutr Pl.t. Inrtltut .5S:l D'Onolrlo o.lv., ll.dl.on, Wl 53719 June 19,2003 = a/,{.<mi { dcr I9.Ot^z z 0 o 4 ltl z 6 z r,.l =J J { =t3l flg fis;;{+73 4E F5'H;'u ='d5'3xgj ai6d* I*3,i1 5n 6 o<-' n ^ i oo r!9n;' lo Y i.C6 :a!6;'= iux e33 iEi RR = lag x+* 5.3 d i':i gcq a: iFb 1* 'R 3 r 6-{u o T l\F {,A.]ll -u, N lfl ;=Ed ' x.x l x =!+o =X :oo Y;" = ".r :3 'u di5{.AOo. oo- ^-v F {m - E 7 a z o ox -o X. (o !.'6 rlr @ 1ll =z o {r oo 9(D dii a9 oo Oo o c =-{(D -lll : e.3 o o =.3 IEl F o d (D J |.!o ttl t o o l+- t{I 5 l.l z c 3 ct o f.5 (o 3/r TN -1.o 3 E idg '; i) <^e ea> z a\-o c -im^ ; #4* 4 1aA d J26 n !>4 i9 YAz iar ><-t -{@ d te z -O ^Oo i =F qJo -2\h€ 1ii nA n I sg U-- l-j , =-o *d 3 ('l .o -o - ol Or o\ o. \O O. ltl rOo\O g:iiH =bSdH ;y-Qt :!!1 -t HP 22 TOP CHORD TOP CHORD 6 F r" F = - P P :'r F !n I e l'') :. T$> sa eis rY fi;i ffig 3E F*t g$ $f3 EFF dr;r qa$ +5 i5F ,i t s3 s:; a; ;&3 a* .:.r a$ gn€ ggi $$ g$3 FF lgl i$g 3* Ef arF il ?B$ I $ I Efi Ee i3 i;*3n ir :3=63 ffig af 'E; 33 qiE +38 nE ii t€i q ifi+ gi e ag ta *; qi -s* d8= if; :+ fs B$ $; g$ EF is Eg. E+ $$F *$E +i B$ i; E sig EF t .,a eg gs;. a.1e= ifr €5 fiil3 ?e4A ;$ ffi [a;.* ,{€ E: #iq'g3i a+aegE H-"g EA o_,io+g, @ to (o (.1 ={o -@ -g B t |q o t o Jeltw trn{ qro,r etqq'^E uor,"ou",,o"., .u,f. ".,,tlir"l,lir,1il,1t"",llJ:lf ;,11ffi:"fi:"il11il,X'l: .dSO'pr$url9 rq .no t|.lso tFr0o9'iutgtrq puB'uo[oar.'tuo^Iop'e6!rol!'to,luoo /$[9nb 'uo[Ecuqat 6utpJs6o.l o.ueplno Fraue8 Jol rruolr.p 6u!p nq aql to AtEtguodeer eql ol .rnlcn4B [&.ro .ql p ouprrq lu€r.t'ured Fuo lppv '/op€Jo arll lo iq qlguodse, eql q uofirn4ruoc 6uunp A[n$t .ln||rl oloupBrq L8rodwgl lBuolltppv /quo irsqusur qe^l Fnfi^lpul lo Uoddni lrro|Bl rol sl urioq! ouFlJg r€u6t!€p rrn,l lou - rsuotsop oulp|mq p AllqFuodser 3l luauodu/oa lo uolqooocq rado,rd pu. $qeuBrrd uoFop ,o /0tlqBqtddy l 6c|ro^ pep€q pu3 po[rl.ul cq ot l!.uoduo3 lutp{nq Fnp$pul ua rol q pua 'ur|oqs eropuaod uodn lpo pe6rq !l 06Fap tlql srolrauuog rlallll qu'r &uo osn rol p[E u6peo ZSn gAOtSB 1OIS ZSUSA7V ANV SIHJ NO S1JON OvgA puo statauotud u31sap ifua1 - 91t11l,1yy6 | 9' le-41 6'W-=Zl l'9=lI eA (q0 sPeol P€la|uecuoC O'OZ--0r-r'O'O8r'=99'0'0Sr:9-Z'0'081-=Z-l :ua^ 0F) speol uuo$un o0'!=ssgoJcul eletd '00'!=gsesJCul laqunt :ntous (! prepueF ($3SVC OVO1 s (teuotdo) sualapu qof 8Z6Ztt6U ^J , ,(!n ssnul Joou od,(1 ssruI vrcc ssru! €fi 08ezn qof a) o !t ! o I o F =o o o @ u,oo o5 2E gsEgIF:: EEfi EEP ;f ;$+ggE g5gE E; ;t; 93 $E 5sr* *E t ec s -E s- a6E g IE fi.=" gf 'H,E E*; €s ;# ,; iB Es :, g{ Eg i !g Eit i !t i€ fiH fEc EEi EE *i fi tf,_ EE iE sg E!E €E =tE e ;i^ €: €* E;i :€E :E I; fi g i$ Eg: : :gs csE igg ig ii ggE lFi $i lgE gi iii gii ii ii i; i4 =3 XF t5,.'.t:H{$Fi uqsbii-ul \o o. \o \o \o 3"..o.o.(rl I ou FI UJ !ln Zi }Y ^vt-wt4 Y=+oo9 o:u E]- E I l.t =,2 x 4e &. 96tr Q ts,4q E XE-H 3 ATIJ Z 3Ea * QYK =' cuoHc dor E o rl-ra ./, c,}tr L o lt E 3 z cuoHc dol tYt tt ti E o u o q,(, E t a, g| o {, o| Ir :o E rk&o != = l U L'O '56 oo -)o- cg, 9Q) n- .q .()o-c c] ()z e, rtl aa () d)9 o.o U:I ;: P.S :(J o z U e la e ul F J -! q) ;HF a6Y .- l: c Xnr t ;i':fr*:: y.x g ,i-i e .i4 €-oo ; q).= ^ |lt Hs ..tX is 4 --o fiEo ''i xlg 0) 5:r/.9 3 ti !48 Ei,i o EF *'i*6€: E E=.bb E 9E b "u) 9 Eet xr!A i.E q F8E f g8 .2'O g *F e'7ii 9Fnl == 9-- o+; .!g.c n - o.=.x X E Et*E66Yx : F F: H ..x.;: >.9;5a9 s€Esg z o F z lll E o o z z utO oe ltH FJ -|I.r ^7<-,t lrl russ M238OWEB GRl russ, Delta,814 LoADING (psf) TCLL 80-0 TCDL 10.0 BCLL O.O BCDL 10.o R9432929 ,l 2 5.000 s m 2002 Jun '19 08:37:20 Pago 1 .2 I f-1-. | 7n1-. i 2:\1 -_+--ll-l!- 2til{ I 2d&11 --+------ 1!--+ !g!!z -l-----lC}l- +i!!-r 2{.{r +1{ 3-s1. +g3 a"l-\ +7'7 +7'7 '9! 3-+l' +l'a 2#r . r,zr.r 20 2t 18 30 la 3tr0 = ad = l,$il ll , +1,n | 7-114 | i.a.7 | l?'+!a | 2i-1t-'' | 25'oll I !!:al!----1---!1!!---- - ltC3-----------l +1{ }Ela +$3 t|'l ..l'7 +7'7 l-t3 244 *2'12 SPACING 24-0 Plates Increase 1.00 Lumber Increase '1.00 Rep Stress Incr No Code UBC97/ANS|95 DEFL in (loc) V€rt(LL) -0.37 20-21 Vert(IL) 4.s2 N-21 HotzOL) 0.13 15 1st LC LL Min Udefl = 240 Ydefl >999 >778 nla GRIP 169t123 LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORO 2X4SPF 1650F 1.5E WEBS 2 X4 WW Stud 'Excepl' 3-22 2 X4 SPF 1650F 1.sE, 11-10 2 X4 SPF 16sOF 1 5E 11-15 2 x 4 sPF 1650F 1.5E, 2-24 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E 2-23 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E,'t2-14 2X6 SPF 1650F 1.5E 11-142X4SPF1650F1.5E Weighl 389 lb BRACING TOP CHORD Sh€athed or 644 oc purlins' except end verticals. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiting direclly appli€d or 'l 04-0 oc bracing, Except 4-1&1 oc bracing: 1$16 644 oc braclng: 1'l-15. WEBS 1 Row at midpt 9-18 REACTIONS (lusize) 24=4600/0'5€, 15=7'185o'$14(input 0-98), 14=-1395/Gsa Max Horz 24=49(load caso 7) Max Uplift 24=473(load case 5), 15=-592(lo ad cass 7r, 14=-2239(load case 2) Max G€v 24=5214(load cass 2), 15=7465(load casa 1), l4=g(load case 7) FORCES (lb) - First Load Cass OnlY TOP CHORb 1-2=136, 2-3.6955, 3-4=-7870,4-5=-74s0, 5-6=€848, 6-7=S648, 74=€648' 8-9=-4325' 9-10=-31' 1O'l1=-224, 1'l -12=1300, 12-13='141 ' 2'24=4477 ' '12-14=44 BOT CHORD 2124=762,22-29=6907,22-2#8702,25-28=8702,21-26=8702,21-27=8702,27-28=8702,20'28=8702' n.n=l117,19.8.7117'19-30=7117,18€o:7117'1E.31=7'|17,31-32=7117'17-32=7117.17.33=4325' 33-34=4325, 16-34=432q 1S16=-7700, 14-15=-3449 WEBS3|23=-'l'152,3-22=123y,+2=1710,122=1592,t21=196,$20=-69,6-20=492,&20=1940'8'18=220' A17=3537,g-'17=242S'9-16=-5448,1C16:'585'11-16=8830'11-15=4300,2-23=5654'11-14=2a2s NOTES 'l ) 2-ply truss to bs connected together with 0.131'x3' Nails as follo /s:- Too chords connected as follows: 2X4 - 1 row at 0-9-0 oc,2 X6 -2 lows at 0-94 oc Bottom chords connected as follor,/8: 2 X 4 - 2 rows at o-fu oc. Webs connecled as follows: 2 X 4 - 1 rov', at 0-94 oc. z) ftris rruss tras been designed for the wind loads gsnerated by 80 mph winds at 25 ff above ground level, using s.opst top chord dead load and 5.0 psf bottom chord dead liad, 100 mi-fom huricane oce€nlino, on an occupancy category l, conOition t enctoseo tuilding, ofdimensions 45 fr by 24 fl with exposure c ASCE 7-93 psr UBcg7/ANstgs^f end verllcals or ;ngt€vers exist, they are eipos€d to wind. lf poaires oxlst, th6y are not exposed lo wind. The lumber DOL inctea8s ls csl TC 0.56 wB 1.00 (Mat ix) #+ffiffi June 19,2003 1.3:t, and the plat€ gtip increa66 ls 1.3:, .4) Overtlanq has been design fot 2.q) tmes lNs loao + oeao |oao. Aon!flXmRWg'S44 r ift tlesign paraneters ard READ NOTES ON THIS AND REVERSE SIDE BEFORE IJSE Do9lgn valld lor ose only wllh lllLt conn€ctor6. Thl6 d€slgn 16 besed only upon palamatsrs 3hown, and ls loran Indlvldual buildlng componont to bo In6tallgd and lordgd v€rliBlly. Appllc8blllty ot d9slgn paramolors and prop€r Incoeomllon ot compoo€nl ls r€Bponslbilhy of building d6si0n0r - nol lru68 dedgnor, Braclno Bhown 16lor leterol support ol Indlvlduel w€b members only. Addlllonal temporery breclng to lmur€ steblllly durlng conalructlon l! tho r€sponllblllty ollha orgctor. Addlllonal porrunont braclng ot th! ovcrall structur€ ls the r€sponllblllly ol lh€ bulldlng dgsigner For genofal guidanco rggarding labrlcatlon. quality conlfol. storag6, delivery, grocllon, and bracln9, coo6ull OST-8' O|||lhy Strndard, DSB. le Bi.clng Sp.clflcatlon, .nd H18-91 Hlndllng In.hlhtlon and Braclng nacom.nandltlon avallabto llom tiuar Pl.t. In.tllul., 543 D'Onolrlo Drlv.. Iadl.on. Wl 53719 -vl i.<lll .a r{6c' =9.Otr z z I o =In z { _{o z tlr !Nt- Xil t\9 FI m o-lXO OO9=t d2 !g a ' x.d:Y =!+; E.l :o o Yd= ;?@ di5{. ^oo =f=o o- ^-,U ltl - tp v a z o E rn 4 z o 6rnfli ER;;s-+;3 4g x'=' t, - s ='t5'ieg{c:"o;h-a z7a 9€E o<' o x J. *^-9 ay@ += -'6;'= ivx O ^ I ^ -N q06 lqq PR t ia9 *+* 53 6' F 5 ij Q's d'^=$+ irs "R9 :l (o* (u o vl ]U o= !1 l 6o (os.'d {: 6'6' o6 6ct oo On o c -{o -Itl f 9. o o f ro -o d o .|o (t o o - l-{ $ z C 3 ct o -4.5 (o (/, ta o 3 E iag '' -cl i E6;- z = --r !.1 6 ifiPA R 4aP a J96 -n !>A4P <<z b ><-.{ --r P A -4. al9 nOO i:tr vto x€ =n n A n I 8I E-'=-o f<fio =sxxsx=rOo\O s.\.\:H iXSFH ;Y'at >!9-t F9 2P TOP CHORD TOP CHORD I 6 F F F = - P sD :. F sn f !^' Ii ,;5$>E 38 P18 .s ?:+ n'+ E' B+* ig +il; E*f ?f;q qafl ?' i=F EF; g li'ii [$ ?*3 lai a3 *Ei +[ igl ifg i$ f$ $$q .i +Fa il n F in a3 ;3 'g; aifl s$ i; =fr $;i l*4 ta ifi '€i 3 $flf el A F ;A gt *3 gt -q$ ig 4E es r+a '$F x$ i1 *g ; $;$ eF H 'au 3* s ge *E 8s *g ge $[g 3i $i gg *e a *i? -i ;39, 5) Provide adequate dralnage lo prevent water ponding- ei 1,i" tru"i t'"s o""n oesiineo ior a r6.ii pJi iottor ""r,oru riue load.nonmncunent with any other live loads per Table No' 16-8' UBg97 7) WARNING: Requlrad boating size at ioint(s) 15 greater than input boanng.sEe B) provide mechantcat conneaion tuy oirrersi& mis o uearing itate c€pabte of withstanding 473 lb uplii atroint 24, 592lb uplift atioint |5 and 2239 lb uplift atJolnt 14. 9) Uplift for firsl LC exceeds limits 1O) Speciat hange(s) or connection(s) required to support concentrdted load(s) 1167.91b down and 161 81bupat h1-4. 112.9tb down at 10-$2, 'l12 glb down at 12-$2, 112.etbdownat r+-s-2, rri.e'6 jJ"iiiii?il, rri.gruo"* ai is-$zi ttz.stu oo*n at 1s-s-2, 1l2.etb down at 21-42, 11291bdownat 233.2. 112.9f b down at 2S3-2, 1iz.glb d;; Z{ Zl-iZ,'ana lt'Z.elb down at 29-}2, and 336.91b down and 10'l.slb up at 313-2 on bottom chord. Dosisn tot Truss GR'I -ouetholt-."s.;iG;e;61416 NOTES unspecjfied connoctlon(s) is delegated to th6 buildir LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Snow: Lumber Increase=1.00, Plato IncEase=1.00 Uniform Loads (plO Vert 1-r=180.0, 24=180.0, 4-10='180 0, 1ol2=-180.0, 12.13= '180'o,1+24=-m'O Concentrdted Loads (lb) Vert 19=-50.5 22=-1.167.9 16=336.9 25=-5e.5 26=-56.5 27=-56.5 28=-56.5 29=-56.5 30=-56,5 31=-56 5 32='s6 5 33=-56 5 34=€6 5 A WARNING -lbrify lesign prraneters und READ NOTES ON THIS AND REVERSE SIDE BEFORE USE D.6lgn valld tor uss only w{th MlT.k conn€clorG. Thls d€sign 16 bee3a, only upon paran€!9r! shown, and ls lor an Indlvldual bulldlng componsnt io b6 installad and load6d vortlcally, Appllcablllty ol d€Blgn pgramolgrs and propor lncorporatlon ol compongnt 15 responslblllty ol bulldlng d€slgnef - nol truso de6lgn6r Eracing 6hown 16 lor laloral 3uppon ol hdlvldull w6b lhsmbo|s only. Addllional lemporary braclng lo In6uro 6tabllny dudng conatruc on lr tho llspon6lblllty ol th€ orsctor. Addlilonel permanonl brlcing ol tha ovorall stucturc ls tho re6ponslblllty ol th€ bulldln! d6slonor. For g.naral ouldanco rogardlng labrjcEtlon, qusllty control, llorago, dolivory, oroclion, and bracing, consutt OST.IB Ouallly Standard, OS8- 19 Braclng Spcclllcdlon, .nd l{18.91 Hrndllng In.tlll.llon and tt|clnf Raco|nn|ndallon avEllsblg liom Trurt Pl.l. In.lllulc, 583 0'Onofrlo Drlvc, Iilrdl.on, Wl 53719 a(t i\<m F 6Ct lo Ota z z I o 4 ln z 6 z 8E93q aq9gE < o 6'6'o Fxa;q +=o5o ' J e o.o F;8;Y 5'6 i'o rio l -;6 +:eF6* i * E.i;5n 6 o<' .,; -l oo:!en;. ld-Y 6;= Ei;; x qii+ o {N 9 o6 : qq Pn'= iag ==* 53 6'u: "- 8'e q' a= iag-{* 'R3 r 6'\e o !NF {.2\ m t\2 FI m " ='o: ' x.d l :o o n :"-di5{..iOo. oo- - m - E - a z o -'o 6O o= =l H6 o E m ?z o {5 o'd' so' ,EB aQ oo lJl oo O6 o c tlr =o -m f € 3 o o =Gl F o |D TD 3 6 o t5 =rD o !?-FI 5 (lJ z c 3 cr o -a!.:t @ V' ta o 3 F 549 ; Azd n =zi z =-{!_l a fia* n ;Y:n u t4s a >>A4e 7Az b ><_:t -r @ ^"{ + ii a i9 5Oo i{F an6 h: ft:=HaH8 SOL,'Y2 +Q fro i or \o \o C, -E o.o.o.\oo.m -8qQ."o N".-al iXSx*;B'al >!ax R:22 TOP CHORD TOP CHORD 6 F 6 F = F P so > e sn I s,, N -T$> nF €+q eq *si Ft$ er'aa5 l# *fg $flfi A* 5* s3g +; iFF 6i n i['ii +$ gF$ i$E Bi ugF gg igi glg ;g lg $gi t +gg li $ i4 ;a +$ .q$ 8F €+ 3E:3 F3$ ailr ;; ifi 41 F$gg gF u f,4 1g a; $4 ei il e' a* H[+ $$ j[ 6t *s Ecs:=-Fs .e aB z sa +c q; iF €9 fiil$ aa qe *$ Af fil:* r{" E ri dbA"gfli aain.t44E'EA qv-g'oTg, @ (o (0 (., =o -@ E o q- t (o I I o T[ssType-R9432930 RooFrRo q-i r-d 16-413 22'10'5 4-9.14 6-tg :f$30 2003 Pase 10_04 29.3.14 34-t-12 4r3-2 4-9-14 5-t-8 244 Scale ' 1:73 0 JI 11 .oJ I 10x16 Mll2oH -- 0.0-0 , tl€ sl€ 9-lt-4 __+-- 1-9.14 39-3-2 19-7-9 ,2-12 LOADING TCLL TCDL BCLL BCDL LUMBER TOP CHORD BOT CHORD WEBS SLIDER BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD WEBS (psO 80.0 10.0 0.0 10.0 SPACING 244 Plates IncJ€ass 1.00 Lumber Increaso 1.00 Rep Stress Incr YES Cod6 UBC97/ANS|95 2 X 6 SPF 2100F 'l.8E 'Except' 5.8 2 X6 SPF 1650F 1.5E 2 X 6 SPF 2100F 1.8E 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E 'Except' $16 2 X 4 WW Stud, 6-15 2 X 4 WW Stud 7-15 2 X 4 WW Stud, &14 2 X 4 WW Stud Left 2 X 6 SPF 165OF 1.5E 2-8-9, Right 2 X 6 SPF 1650F 1.5E 2-8-9 Vert(LL) -0.36 1t16 VertOL) -O.47 1116 Horz(TL) 0.12 13 lst LC LL Min Udefl = 240 in (loc)PLATES M[20 M[20H weight 21 I lb Shoathed or 2-7-0 oc Purlins. Rigid ceiling directly applied or S04 oc brecing. '| Row at midpt 6-16 2 Rows at 1/3 ots 7'14 Udefl >999 >877 rua REACTTONS(lb/size)2=3591/0'&10(inputO-54),13=53320-8-6(input:G$8),11:352/0-to Max Hoz 2=6(load caso 6) Max Uplift 2=-3a90oad case 5), 13='376(load cass 6), 11='11sg(loadcase2) Max G;av 2=4204(load caso 2), 13'5332(load casa 1), 'l 'l =300(load casa 3) FORCES (lb) - First Load Case OnlY TOc CHORti 1-2=18,2-3=-5872, e-a=-soeg, +s='s624,54='5271,67=-5694,7-8='2125' 8'9='2428' $10=2&9, 10-1 1=2373, 1 1-12= 18 BOT CHORD 2-17=5035, 16-17=5035, 1$16=6138, 14-15=5'101, 13'14='2143, 11-13='2143 WEBS4-17=-119,4-16=233,5-16=705'6'16=-1052,6-15=-?36,7-15=981,7-14='3596'8-14=-135' 9-14=4804,9-13=-5015 l,-IL WARNING - Verifl lesign paranerers and READ NOTES ON THIS AND REVERSE SIDE BEFORE USE De6lgn valld lor uss onty with MlT.k connoctors. Thl3 doslgn ls basgd only upon param€ter6 6hown, and 16lor an Indlvldual bullding component lo bs ln6lallod and loaded v€ ically. Appllcabllhy ol d€slgn paramstol3 and propEr lncoryorallon o, componsnt ls responslbllity of building deslgner - not tru66 d€signar. Sraclng ahown ie tor laloral 6uppo.l of Indlvldurl wob membors only. Additional tohporary blacin0lo lnsuro stabilily durlng con6lrucllon la lhe ralponsibillty ol lho olector Addltional pornen6nt braclng ol tho ovsrdtt slructur€ ls the rosponElbllily ot lhe bulldlng doslgner For gsn€rel guldance rggardln! labrlcallon, quality conlrol, slorag6, dollvary, €r€clion. and btaclng. consull OST-88 Ou!llty Sl.nda.d, OSg- 89 8rlclng Spaclllclllon,.nd Hl8.9t Nandllng Inttalhtlon lnd Brrclng nrcommandallon avallebla kom Trurr Plaie In.tllut€.583 D'Onofrlo Drlv.. M.dlton. W|33719 #*f,:m mi''w June'19,2003 a(t =<rn- -6('lo o3n z z I o 4 f z =o z rlt !IF xil Ng t{tn ;iqd oO9=l ' E.X l 5F+ t=^ =vX I - ;' ;?o di5{.AOO oo- ^-. -I ftl v F tt - o z o E m =z o 6P9+R A =J J X aq9gE < o 5'6'o E s;; s-g=o=o ' J n ao x. l.6'r *J O -n'-lo=' *; =::li5<J f*i.ti 5n 6 o.<-' 9i5; lo Y I EE l1:a";g ! Ee ea = ?as ++= Y3 o'l':+ 8eq :{ a5;6-l 96-6 ;(u Y a O x=I (ou \u o rltr oo oo oo (o!.'d {l oo 9(D ,:x oo o:oo On o c =.{o r m J |o 3 o o :. GI v o F o a o t , ID o - l-{ I (, z c 3 cr o I.J (o c/, ln -F o 3 = i*b i 402 :' -et h 43; z ^-O 5 tnx E ahi,U lsa .n >>A4P <42 h ><J --{ @ arQ 60.)i :F <4O h€ Zn fr=HnE8 '-oxoltz E---'=FO +d =crr.O\o(r.E O\ O. o\ \O O. rn -8tQilo N"--t1 iX$**;B'ct >!v-30 s<+> a/, TOP CHORD TOP CHORD @ d F F ; = 6 p 9o :'J $ !n ts p l., ;5+>n rF,q:5 *s ffi g$q 3i rit ig 3fr? EFfi tr ;F saF *:;=F Ei; E iF 'Fi a$ ra* aFi $e frn3 *E iEl i5a +i Ff g$g a *Eu 3d E E +[ E$ $i ?rl a3s a$ 'g$ =* isa s3E nil ifl '€l q iB+ gi e F t; Bg $$ *a .B[ xe tE 4i fiaa a$i $i ;; 3n 4 F+ is + s* Ea cs iF g$ rn$ 3;{$ g$ ai F$Eg *A e i 8: '6 4 gt $gA sa ii EF i+ 4oir g; o tn Joo | | russ M238OWEB IHl Trusslp€ RooFrRro aty I Ply I R9432930 NOTES ifinii truss t'as oeen designsd for a 10.0 psf bottom chord liva load non@ncunent wiih any other live toads p€r Table No. '16-8' uBG97' 8i WARNING: Required b€ating size at ioin(s) 2, 'l 3 greater than input boaring size' ei erouioe recrrarilcat connaai-on (by otirer5i6t rru"ito uearing plaie capabte-of withstanding 349 lb uplift at iolnt 2, 376 lb uplifl at ioint 13 and 1159lb uplifl at joinl 11. 10) Uplifr for first LC excaeds limits LoADCASE(SI Standard l.a WARNING . Verifi design purameters ard READ NOTES ON THIS AND REVE&SE SIDE BEFORE USE De6lgn valld to. us6 only wlth Xllit coonactors. Thi3 darbn l! b|rad only upo,l prranatars aho n, and ls lof an IndMduat buildlng componont to b.Inslelhd lnd lordrd v€dlc8lly. Appllclblllty ol d€olon 9!r6mol.r6 end propor In ono.rdon ol cotnpononl l. rorponllblllty of bulldhg dsrlgner - not tru8. doilCnor. Br.d.r!.hown l! lor lrl..rl rupport ol Indlvldurl vraD motnbor8 only. Addltlonal lompo.ary bnclng to lruuro llgblllty dlrlng corslruolion b tho ro6ponalblllty of lha 6ractor. Additloarl pumlnanl bracla! ol tha ovarall lhuclure ls tho rorponslbillty of tho bllldlng darlgner For lrnaral luldtnca rogetdhg fabrlcstlon, qusllty conlfol. rloraq6, dotlvary erootlon, and breclno, contult ost{t Ourllty Siandrad, 056. It Brrcln! Spacltlcdlon, and HIE-tt H.ndllnt tnaldhtlon a|id Bndng Racoirnandatlon avallabls trom Truaa Pltlc In.tllut , sal O'Onolrlo Drlva, XrClaon, Wl 5lr7le a c/,t<Itl rr F{6U lo o.A z z o o ?ln z 6 z tEE I * -'o lo !2. r 3'o oJ o=' =a qo' <e 6'o HEY !oo +-6 :o6' f{ R-;';d II :J 9=. .,!O =O c?a> ^fl 5n o< qE r 383 6a'5 *ux ttg : Eil PR = ;d"9 Y5!4 !g l =aiX^ -+Jr I5 ij Q'P d $; i.'g 3- "83 o !Ntr d 1ll N2 FI nt v-o* i;qa x' a) ^Y =:+ +-o 5 .l 6- -' 'uro XP:H l.a i. o o- ^- - |'tt v w - o z o rlr E 1ll 4 z o o^ 50 Y'^@o v_a oo H6 o o'6' yo .=x oo oo Oar o c ;. ={o F m J Gt =o o f.f Gt F o a a f o o a (D rD a!-ti A ql z c 3 c'o =.t GI u7 3n +a 3 f; TAE 6 =Y1 > fi>,n 2 30> 4 iaq 'd )t/'i^.TI >>422 z7; in >< ^-r +:'ii l,,;m a -O i:tr .40 x: PO 90 9Z PZ m o {o -T ."1 o\m <io .-o .oE'+rn a* !a o =zs-''i9' oR !o\r I t-.f n (n 'o \o (t o. O. O. \o lAorO o!\l N;;!-\-o .ass \o>\o o (r) +z TOP CHORD TOP CHORD @ 6 F .d il : - P eo :.r tr s'' I e N ;5$>E 38:38 a8 +sa;r$ E!- Ea5 qg 3fr3 qFr **s* 916 t3i+F .Hl; E ig 'ii [$ i+6 t,ti ea t$[ *g 1E3 igg +i a*ita .a iae 3d q E eg gq 53 iri Eal E* dlr ii 35i $ffi is *$ 'gA f F1ia $s e F sn a* ;1 EF qF sH 3i l3 ai* [gB fri ta uil i *B* ai a F 'i Eg ** gg EF eg lF Ea HII ,+g ii *[ ra g$gg *[ 6 a ae i : s-i l.-teu$gi ea;i sF i[ [':3 g; -9 Job M238OWEB Truss H2 TruJs@ RooFrRo Qty Ply 1 R9432931 s ]J 11 I E t DEFL in (loc) udefl Vert(LL) -0.30 1+15 >999 Vert(TL) 4.38 1+15 >999 Hoz(TL) o.'12 12 r/a 'lst LC LL Min Udefl = 240 Plates Increasa 1.00 Lumber Incrsase 1.00 Rep Stress tncr YES Code UBC97/ANS|95 LOADING TCLL TCDL BCLL BCDL LUMBER TOP CHORD BOT CHORD WEBS SLIDER (psf) 80.0 10.0 0.0 10.0 PLATES M[20 M 20H Welght: 215 lb Sheath6d or 244 oc Purlins. Rigid ceilhg directly applied or G0'0 oc braong' 1 Row at midpt A t 5 2 Rows at 1/3 pts 6'13 GRIP 169/123 148/108 2 X 6 SPF 2100F 1.8E 'Excepf $72X6SPF 1650F 1.5E 2 X6 SPF 2100F t.8E 2 X 4 Ww Slud *Exc€Pt' 6-15 2 X 4 SPF ',l650F 1.5E, 613 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.sE &t3 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E, 8n2 2 X4 SPF 1650F 1.5E Lefi 2 X 6 SPF 1650F l.5E +34, Right 2 X 6 SPF 1650F l.5E 3.1r2 BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD WEBS REAcT|oNs(|h/size)2=3653r'0611(inputo.$8)'12=4816/tr7.9(inputo.fi')'|0=103/0.s8 Max Hotz 2=7(load case 5) ft,|ax Udin z=-iszttoad cas€ 5), '12=-329(load cass 6), 10--fi 7(load. case 2) Max a'rav z=a265(baa case i), 12=4816(load case 1)' 10=754(load case 3) FORCES (lb) - First Load Case OnlY i5i;ii-onrj-''j-2=1-3,2G+lss,3-4=-5883,+5='5464,56=-5075,8-7=-3136'7'8=-351s'8-9=1831' $10=1621,1Gl1=18 BOT CHORD 2-16=5S02, 15-16=5307, 1&15=5315, 1$',14=5315, 12'13='142, 1Gl 2=-1483 wEBa - +16=42, +15=-2a1, +is-asz, o-15=-45, &14=139, &13=-2622, 7'13=-25' 8-1G3632' 8.12=47'lO $ weavtt'tC - Verify tlesisn parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND REVERSE SIDE BEFORE USE Dealgn valld tor uso only wjli rl.k connoctora. Thl6 daslgn 16 bsg€d only qpon paramotor6 shown, and ls lor tn indlvldull bulldtno componenl ro bo In6trllod snd lo.d€d vsrtlcslly. Appllceblllty ol do8lgn param6l€6 md prop.r In lporsllon ol compononr b respon.lblllty ol bulldlng doslgnor - not truso dodqn EriclnO .hown b lor lalorll iuppod ol Indlvltual wob memb€l! only. Addlllonrl tomporary brrclno lo Inlura ftablllty dudng conEtruclion l! the o8ponlibfllty ot fia aractor. Addhlonal pormanont brecing ol tha ovaaall structuro ls th€ rgcponslblllly of the bulldlng da8lgn€r, Foa ggn€ral guldrnce rlgrrdlno hbrlc.tlon, quEllly conkol. slorego. dotlv.ry eroctlon, and brrclng, consult OOT-ll Ou.llly 6t.nd..d, OSB. tA Brlcl|rg Spcclllcrllon, ind Hla-01 Hanalllng Inrtrlhllon and Btacln! Flcommandltlon avalbble lrom Tnraa Pl.t. Indltut ,583 D'Onolrlo Drlv.,|l.dl.on, Wl 5371a #s,R June 19.2003 I ltl 5.<rrr i 6Ct _l 9.Oul z z E, o 2 m z { 6 z ld J =o lO f^ f\u gs oJ o' -' o q d6 Y-A A;3 xxe' :---?=- tTi 9='6O r!q cY'a> ^Ti B-=e ., " i oo i 9€ t l*l 6 ;= i v x gii+ o {N I o6 I eq e.d t ?xQ qge o5= ri ='^ -+J v Y Y b_ Q'e 6' i= 6#g Aw Y o O I (O* (u o ! m 2 FI fll A X s E F o z 0=61 o =;3:;: E;'' x.d:x =!*(,:; =o X )-= '- ai a,l .206 u*d= J' I n?w xvt Y !.1 =.r.lvlr =:l = =o o= =l 5d '6 F m 4 z o oo :.X (oo oo ol oo O6 o c rlt 3 -,1 o t- m =g. f ID o =€ F o F d 5 o o ( o o l!- 5 q, z c 3 cr o =.5 ((l t/, tn o 3 fr 4i,= n 20>z 610 = tEx * ntrY s r4e n >>P.qP i7z iT ><J -t@ x =H ai9 11)Oo i€F 14.) F? l arl rtA H I89 E-',=-o +6 a ! s x x s 8H -8aqcl.r61 |.)".-ar fO.O\^=5bSdH ;y*tl )!!Y-EO $<i> TOP CHORD TOP CHORD @ 6 E 6 J : 6 P Po ) e sn F s,, t ; F$> f; i[ 6ii $i ;i6 ggi E; gAE se *r+ $Fr a*sr sra +5 ;ui E[; F gn Ei ii +aF *iB Bi uF; 1} i5i glE fr$ E$ gefl [ qEq il n il fi Bi $; *a 'Eg ifi flfi ;i F$t FfF $; ifi id g $E* es E 3* 3 ss ag as *i gi g6g ,$g 3[ g$ ii a$$* ,$ $o'O ?rn Job M2380WEB T russ H2 Tiruss Type RooFrRo Qty 1 Pty 1 l"nce (oprionat) *t'* russ,s NOTES }j-inii truss fras te"n dest',?ned for a tg.g pst botlom chord livs lo€d non@ncunent with any other live loads per Table No. t6-B' UBC-97' 8i WARNING: Requirsd bearing size at joint(s) 2, '12 grealsr than input bearing slze' Si pilid; 'ggtran-ic"iconneaion (Uy otirer") 6t i.ss-to bearing ptaie capabte of wlthstanding 357 tb upliff at,oint 2, 329 lb uplift at jolnt 12 and 717 lb upfin at ioint 10. LOADCASE(S) Standard A 1 WARNI/VG - Verify design porameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND REVERSE SIDE BEFORE USE Deslgn vrlld lor u6a only wlth M]Ial conn€c-tors. Thls d€610n le basod only upoo paramalerc ahown, and ls lor sn Indlvidual bulldlng conponqni to b€ Inrlallgd and loadod vortlcally, Appllcrblllty ol dealCn prnm€t9rs and paopEr ln@rporatlon ot componont 18 rsspon6lblllty ol bulldhg d6ai0naa - not lru8! d€tlgnor. Bndng shown lr tor lrtaBl support ol Indlvldurl woo nlmbal8 only, Addlllonal l€mpolgry bnolng to Inruro etablllly (rurln0 conllrrctlon l3 tha roBponslbllltt, olth9 €r€ctor. Addlllonal psrmanonl braclnO ot the ovorall 8tructur6 b lho raiponllblllly ot tha bqlldlng dsllonor. For gonoral guldanct rtgBrdln0 labrlcatlon, quatlt contrcl, 6lor!gt, dallvery, ar€cllon, and braclng, consult OgT{8 Ouallty Sl|ndaid, DSB- It Br|clng Sp.clllc.llon, .nd HlB.ol H.ndllne In.llll.tlon .nd B..clng Racomnand.tlon .valhbl. trcm Trurt Pl.t. lhrutut., 5E3 D'Onotrto Ortv..I.dl.on, Wt Sl?te = 3t,{<m- 6Cr _rg O(,!z z 0 o ?m z 6 z 6 q='='E aq99q xiY5X xxq@=++9=1 (. (u =i + r'8;.(..?o=' O9n+ -x ==iitlJ- ?z?u 5n6 o<' n; i oo i qn;. t6-Y I R: l:: o o6 : eq PF i iag +=* X-3 o' iX I X d'a i ':= iiEY ;" {xx /1- r O h-X -'\u Y rn O =' Oct -(o o 'tt |\-+xil t\ 14 I{m ; i'q d o-o!:r af g;' x.x l 5F= f ^- li.-**= ^ ?s)E3! ^oo oo" .-. v m v r F - a z o o tlt E m 4 z o r-.4 l JO 6O 6o o o t5 fo 6' o' o; ='x 6ct !o 8d 9-A O.r o c ={o F ln tal :o o -l :ro F o 6' o 5 .l o o t o o t?- I 5 q) z c 3 ct o =.=(o (/, aa o 3 5 ;*b 'A 7^=-' -ct "n E6t = 6i_o z = --r !-J 6 rt1*$ =EX E 345 n >>F'44 >z; q 13 : rm a i.i 0 60c)i{F 6O h:Yi;zii --.1 frA a I89 uh -o +d v ! (n'o.o'.4 6O.O\.O6rn -8aQ-o !x$.*9 ;l*ct d;H?2P TOP CHORD TOP CHORD o 6 i 6 il -i 6 P sD > e s^ | P N ;5+>d s8 eiv 'B ?qe;d* E! Eal ig $f3 Eg5 i*;r g16 +3i+F .fr3; E iF 'ii g$ qsE $EF ga Fsq qE iEi $rg i{ F$ $[i .F *gq ffin F $fi Ef 3l =na aiE sr ;f =* eii sia ffi ii .i3 g ;[= is E F ;i HB $3 ti a$ 3$ *E ai il$t Filr $[ ifi is 3B;A sr r n+ [* -q gg eF Eg +F E$ ffi1 $? ei Fs ad €nE3-a4 E" a'='= *g is $gi ra ;i sF 3[ [ 'g* g; o an 1.50 w 4xB -- 8x12 -- 12x18 Mll2oH Scal6 . 1i74,2 Ic E DEFL in (loc) Udefl Vert(LL) 4.50 13 >933 VedCrL) {.63 13 >743 Horz(TL) 0.25 10 nta 1st LC LL Min udefl = 240 SPACING 244 Plales Inct€ase l.0O Lumb€r Increase 1.00 Reg Slress Incr YES Code UBC97/ANSI95 LOADING TCLL TCDL BCLL BCDL (psf) 80.0 10.0 0.0 10.0 2 Rc$/s al l/3 pts PLATES M[20 M 20H Welght 228 lb 6.14, &12 GRIP 169/'123 148/108 LUMBER TOPCHORD 2 X 6 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD 2X6 SPF 1650F I.sE WEBS 2X4WWSIUd SLIDER Left 2 X 6 SPF 1650F 1.5E S15, Rlght 2 X 6 SPF 1650F 1.5E 5-&12 BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD WEBS Shoathed or 2-9-13 oc Purlins. Rioid celling directly applied ot'lS0-0 oc bracing. 'l Row at mldpt +14,V12 REACTION$ (luslz6) 1o=3g',tzs6-4 (lnput:- o'v9l' 2-429510-7-6 (input G$8) Max Horz 2=14(load case 5) Max Uplift 1o=-300(toad cass 6), 2=-403(load caso 5) Max Grav 1o=3988(load case 3),2'4686(load cass 2) FORCES (lb) - First Load case OnlY roF cHond 1-2=18,2-3=-7619" g4=-7252, 4-s={j612,54=t144' 6'7=-6164, 7{=-6634, 8-9='7353' 9-10=-7666 BoTcHoRD2-16=6597,1'16=6597,1+15=6692,1}14=6709,12.13=6709,11.12=6722'10.11=6691 weas}16=21,3.15=108'+15=39,+14:.783,$1g1za4e-14=-823,6-13=60'&12=.794'7.12=1275 , 8-12=-7916, 8-t 1=58, 9-11=82 NOTES 't')-in]J truss t'as been designed for the wind toads generated by 8! mph winds at 25 ff above ground level, using ' S.0 psf top chord dead lo;d and 5.0 psf bottom chord dead load, lgg-mi.from hunican€ oc€anlins, on an ianpaniy glt4ory l, condltlon I snclosad bullding, of dimensionB 45 ft by 24 i with exposure c ASCE 7-93 o"i decg'7/nNstss lt end verticats or cantilevers exist, lhay are e)eo6€d lo wind. tf porches exbt, they a€ not Lioosed io wind. Th€ lumber oOL incrsase is 1.33, and the plato grip increass is 1'33 2) E}sdgn load is based on 80.0 pst specified roof snow load. -3) Unbatancad sns{ loads have be€n considered for this design' 4! Overhang tras ueen design for 2.00 tlmes live load + dead losd' 5) Ptovide adequats drainage to prev€nt water ponding. 6) All plates ar€ Mll20 pletes unl€ss otherwisa indicated. ii rr'ii iruJs t'i" o*n designed tor a 1o.o psf bottom chord llva load nonconorn€nt with any othar live loeds per Tabls No. 1&8, UBG97. WARNING: Required bearing slze atjoint(s) 10, 2 gratarthan input beadng she' #;trffi June 19,2003 ^.-A WARNINC - Verify design ptratneters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND REVERSE SIDE BEFORE USE D6Elgn vrlld lo. us. only *llh rlak connecton. Thl! d€slgn lE ba6od only upon pal'metolr ahow\ cnd 18 lor ar Indlviduel bulldlno compon6nt to b. InilEll€d and loadsd vortlcatly. Appllcrblllty ol deslgn p.r.h€lors.nd prcpor IncoDoraUon ol compononl l,r fesporufbi{y ol butldlng d.slgn - 4ol trus! d.r,yrrf. Dracing rbow'| l! tot l,tte'll tuppor ot |tdlvldu.l wob nemblf. onty. Addltlonal lemloaary bnolng lo Insuro Elablllty dudnq con8tructron la th€ rgsponllbillly ol lhe saeolor. Addlllonal p€rmanent baaclng ol lho ov6rall ltirclui6 ls ths rosponllblllty ot tha bulldlng do8lgn.r. Fo.0ener6l Ouldenca rogardlng lab catlon, q0ality control, slorag6, dtllvary al.cllon, and braclng, oonsuh OSl.a3 Ouallly Stahdard, DSB. 69 Br.clng Splcltlo.tlon, .nd HlB.gl H.ndllne lhd.lhtlon lnd 8...1n! S.conrn.ndrllon av.ll.bl9 irom ltu.! Fl.t Indllul.,583 D'Onolrlo Drlv!, tl.dl.on, Wl53710 IU, =.<PI 6Cr __E g O3ro z z o o 4 1ll z 6 z RrJ oo-c)i5oi-q sE-0q*..sxi *i *iY5X vxw6=450 5 (D ' J; OO =. :. d'r }:J OF'u l o'=' d!: d"e :*{.8 5n6 o<' .,; i oo i 9,8 d' ld-Y 4cj6 FFA d6: Ea^3** e;X Pii ?ad X=X 53 o'FYq 8'e6' o='f go 6 -. ^=:r d'tu o T xt-+x# N?I{tn u-lXO dExl Y =!4 ;.'i1 =O Y ERI -6d o oJ .-. v 1ll v E n o z o ,,.4 l ]Q ol !4 1 oo o o @ m 4 z o {5 oo 9(D 6ii ^o 1'o r]3 O.l o c rlr =-{o F m J -rlt,=o o =.3 ro v o d o T (D t o o B l-l 5 lr, z c 3 ct o =.=(cl an IN o 3 =;*b e eOZ 'R 26> z .)aCJ c -1m^ = trx 4 nAP U fzv -n >>A4A ZAz in ><J --r @ =ia z -O 60c) ={F eiO h€ =i;zfi --t =,A=fr,n88 -'oxo\tz \., h FO *o' ! .,,.o.o-'oI o\ o. o\ .o o. rn -8AS<io N"--al !X$;s ;l'sl )!!!:t EO +<i> la TOP CHORD TOP CHORD o 6 F F G - 6 p so ).{ P e' 5 sD r'r ;5$>g $i H.g* ffi g;e [Hg aE rit gg $f; qEF ir $F EiE *; iFF .H F ; $ i; ,Bi i$ iac ?e'3 *t iil* gfi iE5 igE 3F mg $#g i leu 3il q F $$ Eq is 'a; fl38 aF 'Ef ia aFi giE flil Er '€i q irr ii I i ;? ia gg +i .Eg ifi $E sg $+a qf# $+ i$ 3g fgfl6 FF I Fe gE .g sF E3 gs ;a e3 *fl$ ii i$ sc if ?Fg$ -3g s 8-i?6 r{i'$Bi Y!'4icF qq 4 E6 gg Job M238OWEB T russ H3 Truss Type RooFrRlo Glty 1 Ply 1 R9432932 .to lnce (oprionat) s NOTES 9) provide mechanic€l connec{on (by others) ot truss to baaring plats capable of withstanding 3oo lb uplifi at joint 1 o and 403 lb upliff at ioint 2' LOADCASE(S) Standard A A WAfiNTXC - Verifi,design paraneters ard READ NOTES ON THIS AND REVERSE SIDE BEFORE USE Dgelgn valld for rl3a only wlth [ITak connoctofa. Thl6 dedlgn lB bated only upon palamglers 6hown, and lo lor an Indlvlduol bulldlng compon€nt lo bo Instatlod and loadad v.dcally. Appllclblllty ol dollgn psramols6 tnd propar Inco.gor.don ot co|hponont ls rosfonslbllity of bulldlno d€rlgn€r- not trus6 doelonor, Sraclno shown la tot laloaal luppon ol hdlvldual web nembar3 only. AddltlonNt lomporory braolno lo In6ura aleblllt dudng coosfucuon l8 ths reeponslblllly of lho 6roctor. Addlllonll pgrmanenl braclng ot tha ovsrall rtrucluro ls th€ rsgponslblllly ol lho bulldlnq dedgnar. Fo. genel.l tuldanco ragardlng labrlcailon. queliv contfol, gtorege, dotlv€ry Iroctlon, and baaclnq, conaull 05T-66 Ourllty Standard, DBB- t9 Braclng Spaclllcrtlon, lnd Hl8.el Handllng Inatallatlon ihd Sraclng Racoirnandrtlon avallablo lrom T.uaa Pl.t |t||tllub,5!3 D'Onolrlo Drlyc, .dlron, Wl53710 r c/, =\<m-{ 6Cr lo Oo z z I o 4 m z { d z t x d' 3'-'o !ooo+g*a a: I s';; {+=o 5'o ' J A oo *' :. 6'r *J O:'Xeqi *6 +: ?PZ:i 5n6 o<-' qE # 3Bq a5x Es:rits 3 EE eF r ?ag *=* 3.3 d i':+ Bcq 6-T 96-6 d'u Y q 9 = .o*.D o !5F XH Ng t{rlt ;-E6 lQH +' x.i:x =!+ +95 =v: ***= - !3 (e 6i5{.AOO o o- -,v ltr v D E 7 o z o Yo. 5'o xo (,o -o =f oo H6 o qt Ill =z o {5 o6' :,Y a3 oo ol oo o c ;a tlr =-{o r m =rEt a o o ! rO v o tD I o o vt t o o rr 3 l{ 5 (, z c 3 cr o -4.5 (o t/, ta o 3 = Ilb s ig7 A "6>-C -.raa z = --{ !.1 a fr=^ 7 iy;a g lsS -rt )!N2=zz; - lrc T IT ^- -r-(J ;m nia .)Oo i :F ao x{ =6 n A n I 8I D-'a FO *d v ! <r-o.o(r-l o. o\ 6. \o o. tn rOo\O S'\):H iXSrH ;i'a+>!H6 o.<+> TOP CHORD TOP CHORD tq:+s fri 3qi rE* ai r*i 9s gri EFF ai ;r sag f,* iFi .Fi :A3 dg3 [3 EaH iE.Ee q$ iliE gE* g3 FEF *$ lE3 FFa ig Fg g$E iiBg q; I *$ E5 +$ gfi; fl3g EF 'g* 33 asi egB ffl ;il 'ce rif;3 fis a *+ ifl gi ';* B$ ;s $n Fi tga +i* la ifi Ea g $gr ;F H ',8* s* 3 e;. as q= iF €g. aas iE' it ai 1; € sEq 'E 4 u . E 6 .3, fi$i qe $i gF i[ [';; ;{e ; gnu + J;e ) g g1 o t, o €(D t, =o F @ I o q. =(E -tt I o JOD M2380WEB T russ H4 rru-C-m- RooFrRo Qty 1 Ply 1 R9432933 l"nce (optional) s .9e^ Scal6 . I 174.2 h E DEFL In (loc) Vert(LL) {.45 11 Verl(TL) {.57 11-13 HaE(TL, O.25 9 1st LC LL Min Ydefl = 240 Ydefl >999 >83'l nla SPAC|NG 24-O Plates Increase '|.00 Lumber Increass 1.00 Rep Stress tncr YES code uBc97/ANSl95 LOADING TCLL TCDL BCLL BCDL (ps0 80.0 10.0 0.0 10.0 PLATES M 20 MI20H Weight; 221 lb Sheathsd or 2-95 oc puriins. Rlgid csiling dheclly applled or 10+O oc bracing. GRIP 169/123 148/108 LUMBER TOP CHORD 2X6 SPF 1650F 1.sE BOT CHORD 2X8SPF'I65OF 1.5E WEBS 2x4wwstud SLIDER Left 2 X 6 SPF 1650F 1.5E 6{'6, Righi 2 X 6 SPF 1650F l.5E 6-0€ BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORO WEBS 1 Row at midpt 2 Rows at 1/3 pts 4-t3,7-11 613 REACTIONS (h'/size) S=3917/O{'2 (input G$8), 2=429trG74 (input 0-5'8) Max Horz 2=15(load c€se 5) Max Uplift 9=-301(toad casa 6)' 2='405(load c€sa 5) Max G;av 9=3g11load caso 1), 2=4614(load case 2) FORCES (lb) - Flrst Load Case OnlY roF cnonrj 't-2=18,2-3=-'1744i st=-tzae, t-s=+231, 56=-5749, &7=6235, 74='7339' 8-9='7790 BoT CHORD 2-'14=673a,1$14=6529, 12'13=5752,11'12=5752' 1$11:6565' 9'10=6842 WEBS ;L'14='121, +14=247, 4-13=n061, S13=869, 6-13=-4, 611=883' 7'11=-1105' 7'10=306' 8'10=-176 NOTES 1) This ttuss has been design€d for the wind loads generated by 8o mph winds at 25 ft above ground level, using ' s.o psf rop chord dead ldd and 5.0 psf bottom chord dead load, lry-Ti.f'T.lj.lnl9a* 9111'Pi :l3i ^";,;JAil/;i,t"q/ t, mnoition I anilosed bui6ing, of din€nsions 45 ft bJ 24 ft wilh exposure c AS6E 7-93 o"t figCSTlANS-tgs f end vedicals or cantilevers €xist, they ara exposed to wind. lf potrhes 6xist' they are l Table No. 1SB. UBG97. 8) WARNING: Required bearing slza atjoin(s) 9, 2 greater than Input bearing sizo' 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7l p€r porches 6xist, they are not !i*""Oio "tnO. The lumbet DOL incraase is 1.33, and the plate grip Increasa is 1'33 Dasign load ls based on 80.0 psf specifi€d roof snow load. Unbalanced snow loads hav€ b€€n considared lor this design. Overhang has boen design for2.00limes live load + d8ad load. Provido td€quete drainage to prevant water pondlng' Ad plates a€ Mtt20 plates unless othenvlse i'4djcaled. Tht; hras has beg1 designed tor a 1O.O psf bottom chord liv€ load non@nciinent with eny other live loads psr #sffi A- A WARNING - Verifi' design pararnerers and READ NOTES ON THIS AND REVERSE SIDE BEFORE USE Deslgn valld loa uso only wiih tllTak coarnactoB. Thb dgglgn i6 besod only upon param6l6fs 8hown, end ls toa rn Indlvldual bulldlng conponont lo b€ installed snd loqded vortlcally. Appllcrbfity ol dc8lon pr m.t r3 .nd prcp., hcorporauon ol conpon€nl lr rocponstblllty ot bulldlng deBlgner - nol lru3a dallgnar, Brlclng rhown h lor lalorql auppon ol hdlvldual wab momberl only. Addlllonrl tamponry braclne to lBur6 slablllty du n0 co{|struotlon 18 th€ ratpon8lblllty of tha aractor, Addltlonll perhtnsnl braolng of lho ov€ra[ structuro lo lhe ro6ponalbillly ol lha bolldlng dsslgnsr For gonal.l guldanca rogardln! labrlcatlon, quallty control, 610r|g6, d6llv€ry arecllon, and braclng, consull O8T{8 Ouallty Standard, OS8- 89 Bt.clng Sp.clllc.tlon, rnd HIB-el H.ndllng ln.l.lllllon.nd Bt olnl Raconm.nd.llon svsllabls hom Tru.. Pl.t. lhrtltut .583 D'Onofrlo Drlyc, .dl.on, Wl5371t June 19,2003 . lt, =\<m{ 6cr lo Ot z z o o 2 m z =o z rlt T NF'+ -t /\ ln I\9 hl m o-liO -6E *#f !g a ' x.d l x =!+ =O X aoc's.a =+ - !3u xv< AOO o o- -.v -l m - F - o z o E m 2 z o d qt'= q aq9$q ai93E ==3 aq F ='8;.u ='o- 5'iagi ei-a-^r* =.i;5n6 o..<-' o x:. *Fig 6;X E u '.qh* o {N Q od I qq *R =', x d 5 *=* 53 6"i':g ged :? f x'=.i= qo H 6'tu Y o Q /\=I (o* (u o Q' ]H o'i =a x: o o {i o'6' oi6 @O ol oo o c - |D -|lt =|lt f o o =,=Gt F o d o :o o an t |D o - s (rr z c 3 5 o I.J (o at', vl -I o 3 E 839 > Hz-d A sa>z di5 i +PX P 4--P fi JUr )a v.--l -':r'r >>A'42 Y2: h ><x =,r-x -Q n oo i {F v16 r7\ h=-4 fr=HAE8 '-oxo!)z t:--.,>z =o ?-l to i (n\o.o(r-E o.o..o.\o6m - € S S sR iX3*s ;y*at d=H9 i> TOP CHORD TOP CHORD ," F - F = - p eD :.J F e'r I F rt, - T$> +f, ;i* i5 AAf gai Fg $nF gg *f? sEr ;r;fi s;g +; iFR Er "a+=Ea q* ilaE gq3 $3 3$g HH lEi F$E 3# Ff, Fqa * aft€ ro 0 F[ g5 4g st; 3gg EF 'g+ 3+ qsl s3q na iF 'cg g if;* ii e i3 3a B; i3 aF *+ 3E :* da3 f$* i+ 3e Ad $ $;$ =;i ; E+ fi$ *; $4 qi ig qg 43 $ilA .Fg j[ fr3 ?i E aEg 5fi a d eF + s- ee e3 ifl €s ail+ 3e ie +$ if It;* ;3 " € sr oHq $ile qd3r se - g 96.qt-g-rg, o €(o 4., ={o -@ E o 4 J (e o J o Job M238OWEB Truss H4 T russ Type RooFrRuo aty 1 Ply 1 .rou l*e (oprion",, *notttt' s NOTES 9) Provide rnechanical conn€ction (by oth6rs) of truss to b6ati ng plete r;r1able of wilhstanding 30J tb uplift at joint I and 'tos lb upln at ioint 2' LOADCASE(S) Standard A lL WARNING - Verifi' design ptraneters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND REyERSE SIDE BEFORE USE Daolgn valld tor usg only with XlT.k connoctor6. Thls doslgn ls bas€d only upon panmotor6 6hown, and i6lor an Indlvldual bultdlng componont to be Inrtlllad rnd loldod venlcally. Appllqeblllty ot d98l0n ptrenalal. and Fropla Inqorporauon of componont is roaponslblllty ol bulldlnC de6l0ner - not trusa doBlgner. Bleclng 3hown 18lor latonl sqppon ol Indlvldual vlsb |hemb€ra only. Addttlonal lemporary br|clng to Inlura rtsblllty dudng comtruction 18 the lo6ponllbllily ol lha aractor Additlonal permsnont b.aclno ottha ovorEll ltructur€ ls lhe .espon6lblllty of lh6 bulldlng d€3l9n0r Fgr gsneral guldanog tggardlno lab callon, quallly control. stong6, dotlvery orectlon, and brucln!, consult 06T{l Oulllty Shhdtrd, DSB' 19 Eraclng Sprclflcrllon, and HlB.0l Hrndllng Inatallallon rnd Braclng Faoodnandallon avallablo llom Truat Pht. lr|.tltut.,583 D'Onolrlo Drlv., ll.dl.on, Wl53710 c Ct1 i.<nri 6Cr 39.otn z z c o 4,rfl z 6 z rlt !|\F {-,{ ln Ng N |tI " ='o * OO93 i;3 4 Q*s -=6 +:l l ;*a 6iit.aoo o o-- -,-v m v F v a z o E m 4 z o x d-3 = o oqHHd xlY5X xxo@:a ++^q =:*.I.6':*J Oii' tx ?' o' 5'O lln * li;:J-h.!co :*{.3 5n6 o<-' Sn;' tro Y 6 6': B ix'go* o<N 9 ed t e9. PR = ;d"9 x=x' 53 6-F5q F'96'.i .ri !a :- l ;1 t H"-?1-:t O 7h- X YrnO x-f (o* (u o 5'd (,o :1 J oo oo o {5 d6' o!; dci ;9 oo o c :r =o - EI 3 |lt o o =.El -o (D o I c|o o 5 o o :-+ 3 FI A (.r z C 3 u o =.f CI 3rl vl o 3 E 449 z a=i = i;? 2 ^i;2 ci ;r9;T >>P.14 az2 b ><-l --r P A14 60c)i :-^ u1o h€;A A=HFE8 '-.)xol)z \J tn -o =o I ssxs85 JO6O s:.r].'-=H iS3+*;y-q+>!2V tso $<2= TOP CHORD TOP CHORD gg tgi ffi ggH $Fi aE gai ;$ isi pE$ g$ ;r E;H 'i inu Et f [g fi.; ig i$i tF+ i; e3; *l i+; Efs ;A ai rq; 3 5Eq fi il *i ii ai **-gg gg iE ii tiF #iu $a ifi '*i F $gE EF i ',e* 3* s g* rc s= ifr €s i$$ $l i$ gE i1 A *g; .$g " E E: dbA.ggi qAgr tq 4 A' gq q-i''5g, o (o (o t, = o F @ E o c. I aa -o I o Job M2380WEB Truss H5 Truss Typs RooFrRo oty 1 Ply ,loulnce (opttonat) R9432934 s 0{{' S.ale = 1i71.6 6x8 = 87 4.so F DEFL in (loc) Vert(LL) 4.44 12'13 Verl{TL) 4.58 12-13 HozCrL) 0.23 't1 1si LC LL Min l/defl = 240 Ud6fl >999 >817 nle SPACING 244 Plales lncreasa 1.00 Lumbsr Incr€asa 1.0O Rep Stress Incr YES Code UBC97/ANS|95 LOADING TCLL TCDL BCLL BCDL LUMBER TOP CHORD BOT CHORD WEES SLIDER BMCING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD WEBS PLATES MI20 M 20H Weight 225 lb $15,8-13 (psr) 80.0 10.0 0.0 10.0 2Xo SPF 1650F 1.5E'Except' 7n12X6SPF2100F 1.8E 2 X 6 SPF 1650F 1.5E 'Except' t 1-14 2 X6 SPF 2100F 1.8E 2 X 4 Ww Stud 'Except' 6-15 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E, 7-13 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.58 LeJt 2 X 6 SPF 165oF 1.5E 6-8'15' Right 2 X I SPF 19s0F 1.7E &3-5 Sheathed or 1-10{ oc Putlins. Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10{4 oc braclng' 1 Rofl at midDt 7-15 2 Rows at 1/3 pts REACTTONS (ldsizs) 11=3917/M-2 (input o'ffi),2=4295/G7-1 (inpul o-ffi) Max Hoz 2=16(load cass 5) Max UDlift 1 l=-303(load case 6), 2=-406(load case 5) Max G;v 11=3917(load case 1),2=4521(load case 2) FoRcES (lb) - First Load Casa OnlY ToC cHoRrj 1-2=18,2-g=-782o: u4='7217, 4-5=6871, r6=-sn7,6'7=4271'7-8='s7Tl' v9='7't16, $10:7452, 10'11=-7724 BoT CHORD 2-16=6831, 1+16=6370, 1+15=525s, 13'14=5258, 12-13-6415' 1'l-12=6739 wias g't6:329, &16=443, $15=-'1476, s15=1067,7-15=32,7'13=115o, &13=-1554, &12's11' *12=-232 NOTES i ifr,ir tr"" rrr" o*n designed for the wind loads generat€d by 8! mph winds at 25 ft abova ground level, using ' s.o pJ top cmo aead b;d and 5.0 psf bottom chord dead toad, loo_mlJrom hunicane ocaanline, on an oilpu".V ""r"g".y r, condition I enctosed buildlng, of ditr€nslons 45 ft by 24 ft with exposure C ASCE 7'93 p"i tigCSZANS:tSS fend verticals or cantilevers exist, they ar€ exposed to wind. lf porches sxist, they are nol lioosed to wtno. Tho lumb€r DOL increass is 1.33, and the plate grip incrsass is 1'33 2) D;sign'load ls bas€d on 80.0 psf specifled roof sndr load. .3i Unbalanced snow toads hevs b€en @nsldsred for this design. 4i Overhang has b€en dosign for 2'00 tifi€s llve lo€d + dsad load' 5) Plovide ad€quate drainage to prsvent wal'gr ponding. #nru June 19,2003 Mll2O otates unless otherwis€ Indicated. l--"" --- -.' .-"- - A WARNING - Verily design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND REVERSE SIDE BEFORE USE De6lgn vslld lor u36 only wllh rIat connoclorE. Thl6 deslgn 18 barod only upon param6lsr8 ahown, end 16lor an Indlvldurl bull<llng compononl to bo Instrllod aM loadod venlcally. Appllceblllty ol d$lgn p.r!n.t r| .nd prcprr IncoDordlon ol componenl lt raspomlblllly ol bullding de3lgmr - not trui8 d€llgnar. Blsolng rhown 18 tor lalonl Bupport ol Indlvldual wob mombors only. Additloosl temporary braolng to hrure rlablllly durlno coflSitudlon 18 tha rolponslblllty ol tha aractor. Aaldltlonal pormanont braclng ol lho ovorall atrucluro 16 lha rospooslbillty ol tha bulldlng daslgner Fo. gon€ril guldanca rogadlng f.brlcallon, qualhy control, stonlo, dollvery, er€rcllan, |nd bl.cln!, conoull 06T{! Ou.llty 6t.nd.rd, OSB- 0l Br|clng Sprcltlcdlon, |nd HIB-91 Sandllng Inlhlhtlon ahd Braclng naoonnanalallon avallablo taom Truaa Pl.t Inrtltut., 581 O'Onolrlo Drlv., I.dl.on, Wl !3710 - a/, =\<mi 6U !o OQ z z 0 o 4 m z { 6 z r,.l YJ 5 X Aq9$q E;9 38 a=o 5'o ' J A oo 9.:.6 r :ar o;'u = d='o !l ,., * *6 ==).i<J- f*=.i4 =ii K d_.<= )" ., r i oo i :€ t l*1 6;'= Eux q6* o {N o 0-6 I qq *R= xd5 F*X, 53 6"lt:+ eed ;1 t x; o T E rl-'6 -"\u Y o Q 3' .ood o .u Nt-{-.{Arn I(/'{: Fi ]n o-lYO ' x.i l =O X :o o I sl. r-' !3 \D xxJ aoo o o_- rlf YLI -.1 x']H =:t oo o E ftt =z o tr oo =x 6ii a9 130 99. O^ o c tll ={o ,tr41 =o -rll f ro o o t ro a o a d f o ID o 5 o o i! I $ q.t z c 3 cr o I.5 ct U' tn -t o 3 F iag -' -cl 4 a=":i; lva i =1?@ m:^ 4 |m:g;3 U )zu -T' >>4 4.4 zz;a ><{ -JE F-4 n:9 50() = €tr h6 -7\h€ =a 6=F,AE8 '-oxo\tz E-'=+a 70 =.,\o\o(r-[c'.4.O\\OO.m -SeQrio N)"--al l$.O\^=5 b s dH ;y-al d=HO o.<i> TOP CHORD TOP CHORD @ ; i 6 s - 6 p eo )'r $ e }' P t.) ;5+> E lr 'gi $i ilE egi $1 gsE iE igi iFe *F EF $ii ,i ffit il il E +[ a* $i *[$ F$g gg -$f +E 5;g $ig g; -* ,eq s=,ur is a ' al ig $$ gg FF eg i* Ei Ffla '$g ii ig ii F$gg -[ E -aF = 3 e.,:6 *lir$B3 {4$i EF ua 4oi* gF TA NOTES 7) This truss has been designed tor a io.o psf bottom chord livo lo€d nonconcunent with any other live loads per Tabls No' 16'8' UBC-97' gi WAiN lNo, i.quirett bearing size at joint(s) 1 1 , 2 greater than inpul bearind sizs' 9) provide rnechanicat conneclion (by others) of truss to bearing ptate capauiJof withstanding 303 lb uplift atioint l l and 406 lb uplift at iolni 2' LOADCASE(S) Standard ^.{\ wenlrlC - Verifl tlesign paraneters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND REyERSE SIDE BEFORE USE Deslgn vslld lor use only wlth xIT.l connaclors. Thls do6l0n 18 ba86d only upon plramalors lhown, and 18lor aar Indlvldual bulldlng componont to bo lnsl6lled end loedod v.nlc.lly. Appllcablllty ol deslgn pafamelgre .nd proror In@Doradon of componsnt I! roaponslblllty of bulldlng dsslgnor - not huss do€lgnor. Bllcln! Shown 18 lor lalotal suppon ol hdlvldull wgb metnbglr only. Addttlondl lemporary braclng lo Insuro alablllty durlng construcllon l! lhE rcspon8lblllty ol tho orootoa. Addltlonal pgrmanont braclng otlha ovarall strucluro 16lhe rrsponslbllftt ol th6 bulldlng do8lonsr, For gonotalouldanc€ rsgardlng Lbflcltlon, quallty control, slorags, dallvory olootlon, rnd braclnO, con6ult OST'43 Ourllty Standard, DgB' 69 Braclng Spaclllcatlon, and HIB-01 l.ndllnC Inatallatlon and Braclng iaconnandallor avallsblo fiom Ttutl Pl.la hdltut., 5!3 o'Onofrlo Orlv., Irdlron, Wl 5371e av,i.<m-a 6Ct to O0 z z I o 4.ltt z 6 z Hagail Ei39E a5o5o ':dse += 8*.lx - d=' js J: I * E.!B igF n ^ -l oo i sn;. l6-Y 8EE T1: q 0.6 f eq ^eP l' x d 5 ==* 53 6'UYU Q'qd'n R !l!:' 6= i8g 1- .P3 f 6'(u o !NF X#t\2 l{m o-lXO ' x.i l x =!4 +g 5 (u -6' *-d=J'< HP: =xi. o oJ QJ =U 4O =l oo rXC o tp lfl 4.z o {5 6o' O dr- ='x dii !o !:oo ::- a O.l o c tlt -{o F tll :L 5 o o |o u o d ID J o o a t o o t?. A lrl z c 3 cr o -4.5 GI at', t o 3 fr Xie 6 =Y3 x *it,'H ?:ot ? = --r !-l a ;=*. H aBE 'n )>A44 = az-E ;= A -2. a |0 60(.)i :F -q6 h{ =4 G=frF88 .-oxo!)z E-'1 FO +d ,t ! (r.O.O(ral o.o,o..o6ln -8AAc,,o N)",-6 iX$x*;Y*a+)!!9-HP i> TOP CHORD TOP CHORD @ d i; F = d p P ) I s'' r s,, rQ ,;53> i l* €ei [i r+a eFl *l flfli iF lgl iEa l* Fg $iE 'il ffi$ gl q E +[ gs $i sili il3g a$ 'Ei ;i aE* giB fil ia '€i q 5[+ gi e ' ti et -; fri .ge is $g Fi F$* u$g Ifr fl$ ti g gig gF a a 3*=g**E ge *i g9 $$3 3a $i g* $[ a*i. a6 3g Job M238OWEB Taruss H6 Truss Type RooFrRro aty Ply 1 loolnce (oprionat) R9432935 s 0-o{russ, fi4S 17-5"O 21-10-2 27-6-10 S.al6 . I :88.e 8x8 = 5x12 = 56 ll l.l t1 tl I i .el | | 'r'1 l" -[ DEFL ln (loc) Vert(LL) 4.43 't1'12 Vert(TL) {.56 11-12 HozCtL) 0.21 10 lsr LC LL Min udefl = 240 Vdefl >999 >841 NE SPACING 244 Plates Increass 1.00 Lumb€r Increass 1,00 ReD Stress lncr YES cod6 u8c97/ANSl95 LOADING (pso 80.0 10.0 0.0 10.0 TCtL TCDL BCLL BCOL LUMBER TOP CHORD BOT CHORD WEBS SLIDER 2 Rows at 1/3 Pts PLATES Mll20 Weight 2'15lb 4-14,7-12 2 X 6 SPF 2100F 1.8E 'Except' $62X6SPF1650F1.5E 2 X 6 SPF 21OOF I.8E 2 X 4 WW Stud *Excepr $14 2 X4 SPF 1650F 1.5E, 6-12 2X4 SPF 1650F l.5E Left 2 X 8 SPF 1950F 1.78 S2'3' Right 2X8 SPF 1950F 1.7E $2-3 Sheathed or 'l-9-2 oc Purlins. Rigld celting directly applied or 1G0{ oc bracing. I Row at midpt 6-14 BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD WEBS REACTIONS (lt/siza) 1=3926/0{-3 (lnput G3+), 10=3926/0-6-3 (input SFFS) MaxHoz 1=10(load case 5) Max Uplilt 1=-305(load case 5)' 1o=-305(load cass 6) FORCES (lb) - First Load Case OnlY rop CHoRci 1-2=-772,2-3='tiss, *t='ttss, +5=-5928, 5'6=-5413, 6-7=-5920' 7-8=-71s5' 8-9=-74s6' 9-1O=-7723 BOT CHORD 1-15=8734,1+15=6484, ',13-14=5403' 12-13=903, 11'12=6185' 1G11=6735 wegs .L15=-174,4'1"t=2ig, +14=-',1443' 514=1088, 6-14=19, G12=1093'7-12='1457 '7'11=253' 8-11:171 NOTES 1-ir s truss tras Ue6n designed for the wind loads generatsd by 80 mph winds at 25 ft above ground leval' using ' i.<i-"i:t-i*.lr"c oeaO oid ano s.O psf bottom chord dead load, 100 ml fmm hunicane ocaanllne, on an ;;;;;i;6",y t, J"Jiiio" i"niro""o buitdtng, of dirnansions 45 ft by 24 ff with exposure c ASCE 7-93 o"i tigCSTlANSjeS fend v6rticals or canlitevers 6xis! they are exposed to wind. lf porches exlst' they ars not !i"o-"J to "inO. ihe lumbgr DoL increase is 1.33' and tho ptate grip increase is 1'33 2) Ddsign load is bas€d on 80.0 psf specifled roof sno'/.load'. 3i Unbilanced snove loads have b€€n considersd tor this design' 4i Overhang has been deslgn for 2.00 tirnes live load + dead load' 5) Provide adequate dralnago to prsvent water ponding. 6i iffi fi;-td; b"€" oesidn€d ior a 1o.o psf 6ottom -ctDrd livo load non@nsrtrenl with any oth6r live loads per #'q-.q June 19.2003 Tabta No. 1&8, UBG97. 10 greater than input beating siza. A-''-"--- -'.-"--tl VARNINA - verif)'design pordneters ard READ NOTES ON THIS AND REVERSE SIDE BEFORE USE Do6lgn vatld loi uso only wlth ftak connaatoar. Thls daslgn lr brled only upon peraneteE 6hown, end 16 tor an Indlvldual bulldlno compon€nt to b6 Inslalt€d snd loadod ve lcally. Appllcablllty ol d€rlgn psrsrh9lol8 and propir Incotporallon ot cornpon€nt b rosponglblllty ot bulldlnO d6slrnor- nol truas deglonor. Eraclno ghown 16 for lat6ralsupporl ot Indlvldual web mombors only. Addlllonal t€mporary balclng to Inlura steblllty during con ruc on 18lho ra6porulblllty ol lhe abclot Addltlonal pomanont bracino ot tho ov€rell slructurs t6 tho rospon6lblllty of the bulldlng d68l9nsr Far gsnorgl guldanca rcgardlng labrlcatlon, quallty control, 6torago, dollvsry, argctlon, and braolng. consull OSt{8 Ouallly Standard, DS8. al Br|clng Sp.clllcrtlon, .nd HIB-01 H.ndllng In.l.llrllon .nd Br.cln! Facomm.nd.llon avallablo iiom Tru.r Pl.t.In.lllut.! 56:t D'Onolrlo Drlvc, N.dl.on, Wl Sit e = 3tr {.<m-r{ 6Cr !9.Ott z z E, o 4 m z { 6 z eatil+ A s;;6 +=o -'o ' J A oo F ='H;.!t = d5' =-9 -jg *i :t{.s 5n 6 o--<-' qii;. tr6'Y < c o F tr 6;'= Eixx o X J I -x:d;g 5be PR = lag =+X i3 o'F5U Q'sd,n F !a=-l fi {H^6'f qo 6 1- YE9 J (o* (Y o .! NF +X#t\9 N m ;=q6 *i q;'' x'd l x== =OY z *""qI= o o-J -. -7 m v E v a z o \!=Yo- +U =l oo 'd tlr @ m 4.z o oo 9(D ; l.l -o oo o-1 oo O^ o C 3 -{o T4l - o -m GI I o o f El -o t o f .|o o =o o 'l - t{ 5 t, z c 3 ct o f.J (o t/, tn o 3 f; *aE 6 +Ya h Tzi z 61.6 C -.m^ = trx fr AEZ ; J ar;a -n >>A2^272 tr >< -! --{ @ = #S nio 60(.)i :F .,;. O h{ >.n 6=HFE8 '- o x o lrz o--"=FO *d =s33ss5 -gSS.on iXsrH ;l-c+>!9F ao +<2> IOP CHORD TOP CHORD 6 F 6 F = F P so : r sn I s,, N :- T$> se eiv # i:i ggi Efl g$; gg *fa $6f ;r;5 si5 +; i5; fri., iF 'Ei 1$ $19 sqi $3 BF+ F$ 3ei $Fg +* Ef, dqF a iE$ ru o $$ l; +s iEF fl:t ai 'e; 3+ qsr ssq n$ Ei '€i E *[+ gF e is i4 +i i3 sF €+ 3E :3 lifl *fr ;a 19 i[ q $:F sr a F4 Eg F; $4 qr il qg 3+ aF; {s 4F Eq ie g tgg 5H A F eH + 4" gg e; iF eB fif,3 3i ii 3g ii 6il:* ,{€ 8: dia'$ai qa3Ft44g"g6 sv-g.'+g @ |o ao a.t ={o F @ E 9.c 5 .€o 3 o NOTES ffiivUe mecrranicat connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate c€pable of withstanding 305 tb uplift al joint I and 305 lb uplift at Jolnt 1 0' LOADCASE(S) Standard A WARNING - Verifi design paraneters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND REVERSE SIDE BEFORE USE Doalgn velid lor u66 only whh lllTrl connsctors, Thls degign ls bag€d only |rpon pelenolars 3hown, and la lor an Indlvldual bullding componant to ba Inrtall€d end loadod venlcally. Appllceblllty ol d6slgn prratn€ts|! and propat Incorporatlon ol componont 18 r6sponslblllly of bulldlng dsslgnor - nol lruaa dodlgnor, Blaclng 6hown la for laloralsupporl ol Indlvldual wsb membsra only. Addltlonal temporary bnclng to Insure llablllly du nO con6$ucdon la lhe ro8pon6lblllty ot ths sroctor. Addltlonal p€rmananl braclng of lha overell 6iructuro l8 ths ro8ponalblllly ol th6 bulldlno do8lgnsr. Foa gananl Ouidance r69ardlno tabrioellon, quality control, Btor8g., d€llvory, or€cllon, ,nd braclng, con.ull OSI-lg Ou.llly Sl.ndlrd, DSB. 69 Braclno Spaclllcatlon, and HIB-Il Hrndllng Inahllltlon and Brtclng Racomnahdatlon avallablo trom Trurr Pl.l! lrrtltut , 583 o'onolrlo Drly., I.dl.on, wl 5371t o !I\F X-- Ng hl lll "=ox QQE =' x'i :x =!+ +Q 5 @_;: J' J^ n ?,v 63t. ^oo o o_- v {m 7 EP z a z o a a,tl 5.<mi 6Cr to Ota z z o o =ltt z =o z rlr it ltt =z o 8E33q aq9g4 ;9q q^s qx66g +=o5o a q.*e t+r o;'ll ='d 5'Y+O --;6 += CI'O/n- f * <.r,5r6 o<-' o;= ool 9n; l6-s 6;'X Fiix O X J ^- -xr a';8 ! Eq PR i' iae Y--!4 :g: X v3d Q'ed, ^= llgr ;2 { fr.-5'f qo--6 titu Y o O = tod o r-]l -o =l uo 5d o o {r d:3 =.H (oo a9 oo 99.g-t o ;r =-{o -m 5 L =o o J Ill F o a o J o o o o o - I 5 lr, z c 3 q o I.7 (ct v, vr *o 3 = T>h F ?A>"' -c,l A ea> i i;9 fr '.*fr? E 74e,:!r >>* 4.A =44 tr ><-i.t -rg =in v-m ai9 60c)i {x .n C\ h€ zii fii-FRH9 : >=L/ ni FO *d -! .,'.o.oo-l Q.O.O\.O(Xm ..8qScb6 lu".-f.)i$$*s ;l'sB >!:/-HP i> TOP CHORD TOP CHORD F F s" F = 6 s eo > $ tr | s^,' ftr - Y$>[F €i5 $5 fi:i iiq es- F]( ?d ia *E$ a$ ei' ggi AE ga$ 3* *ra sEr rr ;F +3d ?3 3-3 q I ; +g s* +i ?ri $lg Ei BE$ 3* iii gqE fi$ tr $e[ qiflg li i Ag i; 33 qi sF ?+ 3E :p F$3 gi; $; is tg 3 $if Fv "n+ ir *; ;A q* i: qi a: ggH .fls jF Fg id g sEg €8 a ,d aE r 4- *fl43 1F*s ail+ aaqe +q ?fr [tg.* i<- € H3 ti e'$ffi qv-g.,5g @ €to 4., ={o r @ E o e : ao o J n 33.7.7 28+13 1$g)19-7-9 4-10-1r 4-1011 Saale = l:72.9 -F DEFL in (loc) Vert(LL) 4.43 11-13 VertOL) -0.56 l1-13 Horz(TL) O.24 9 'lst LC LL Min Ydefl = 24O Udsfl >999 >835 nla Plates lncreass 1.00 Lumbor Increas6 1.00 Rsp Stress Incr YES Cod6 UBC97/ANS|95 LOADING TCLL TCDL BCLL BCDL (psf) 80.0 10.0 0.0 10.0 PLATES M 20 Mlt20H Weighe 221 lb LUMBER TOPCHORD 2 X 6 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOTCHORD 2 X 6 SPF 1650F 'I.5E WEBS 2X4WwStud SLIDER Lefl2 X 6 SPF 1650F 1.5E$10-2' Right 2 X I SPF 1950F l.7E $9€ BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD WEBS Sheathed or 2-10-1 oc Pudins. Rigid ceiling directly applied or 1G&0 oc bracing' 1 Ror, at midpl 3'13, +13, S11' 7nl REACTIONS (lb/size) 1=3880/06-2 (input: c&8), 9=3880/04'l (input G$8) MaxHoz 1=-g(toad casa 6) Max Uplift 1--300(load case 5)' 9=-300(load case 6) Max Grav 1=39'13(load case 2), 9=3880(load case 1) FORCES (lb) - First Load Case OnlY TOP CHORD 1-2=-7675,2-3=-7iAZ, +q='azs, c-5='57s2, '6=-569',1, 6-7=€162' 7€=$9zA' 8'9--'7297 BOT CHORD Fa=6729,13-14=6537, 12-13=5955, 11-12=5955, 10-11=6328' 9'10=6291 WEBS2-14=-106,$14=236,3-t3=r085,+13=1209,113=-381'$11=493,6-11=1194'7-11='904' 7-10=68, 8-10=99 NOTES I ) Thls truss has been designed for the \ind loads generaled by 80 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level' using 5.0 psf top chord dead lofd and 5.0 psf bott'm chord dead load, 1pq_mi.from hunicane oceanline, on an occJpa'ci categort l, condition I eniJosed buitding, ol din'nsions 45 ft b./ 24 ft with sxposure C ASCE 7-93 p"r deCsznrus-tss ti end verlicals or cantilovers exlst, they ara exposed lo wind. tf porches exist' thoy are not Lxoosed to wind. Th€ lumber DOL inctease is '1.33, and the plata grip incrBase is 1 33 2' 3) 4) s) 0) 7) Dasign load is based on 80.0 psf specifi€d roof snow load. Unbalancad snow loads have b€en mnsidered fror this deslgn. Overhang has bsen design for 2.00 times live load + dead load. Provide ad€quats drainage to prevent waler ponding. All plates are Mtl20 plates unle$ otherwise Indicated. ftrli iruss tras Oeen designed for a 1O.O psf bottom chord livg load nonconq,nent with any othsr livs losds per Table No. 16'8, UBC-97' 8) WARNING: R€qulred baaring siz€ at joint(s) 1, I greater than Input boaring slze' #i.'iffi a--'--'--- -"'-'- A WARNING - Verifi,design porarneters snd READ NOTES ON THIS AND REVERSE SIDE BEFORE USE De6lgn va d lor usg only wllfi fTak connector6. Thl6 doslon 16 ba6od only upon param6loG shown, and lE tor m Indlvldual bulldlng componont to bo inslallod and loaded vonlcally. Appllclblllty of d€8lgn paramotors lnd propor Incoryortllon ol componont ls reBpon6lblllty ol bulldlng doalonor - noi lruss d68lgner. Braclng ahosm b tor hta6l rupporl ol Indlvlrtual wob mombqrc only. Addlllonai lomporary br.clng to In8uro stablllty durlng consiruollon l! lhg rglponttblllty ol tha araclor. Addltlonel pomansnt br€clno or lh6 ovorlll slruclure b tha tosponalblllty ol tho bulldlng dgslgnor. Fo. gonorol guldance rooa.dlng lab catlon, quelity control, 6torag6, dollvary orocllon. and breclng, con8ult OST.88 Ouallty Slandrrd, oSE. 89 Brlclng Spc.ltlc.llon, .nd HlB.el Hrndllng In.t.ll.ilon .nd 8r.clh! F.com|n.nd.llon svsllab,o from ltu.r Pht. In.tltul., 5!3 o'Onolrlo Drlv., tf.dl.on, Wl 53719 June 19,2003 a ar',{.<:l 6U to Ot z z I o =m z -l 6 z oO o+fo ^'7l f /1- oJ o3' J=!!o <a 6',o x -='!oo -.=^ F'x i5 xx6 i*+Y lx -' oQ iO c9 a> 9€o< o; = o1l f'9i5;. ldY <c6 Ftr 6;: B; x 338 :EI PF - iag x+F 53 6'i':i geq -=.-e+ a*g i* Y E 1 r d're o jo !al Hd o o tlt !sF X# N2 FI m '='o x OOV=;lf !! a ' x.i l x =14 =OX o dii -*A= 4H: o o_J -.U {ln 7 -@ - o z o E rn =z o <i oo =.Y ,:x oq ]f,l oo O.r c ;: 3 -l o -m lt! 5 ID (!.l J a t o F .l o o ]n o o t+ 3 t-l s td z C 3 u o lI. =(o alr UI *o 3 ; tib 9 =QZ n 46t z .)-0 > +rd- n Av:e -n )!Aan =Az tr >=J --{ @ =i7 ai9 60c)i :tr qO h€ nA n I89 tr.--r=FO *d u !F (r.o\o(rrl O.O.O..O(ln -gSS.eB iXS**:B'AB d;F9 +> vl TOP CHORD TOP CHORD n, I F F = F P so :'r $ e r s' N "T$> qa ei: f5r:+ gii pg $;; gg *$a g6f ;*;5 s;5 a3 i5# Ar o +F'ii [[ r4E $E* $i E$f +E fg3 $Fg i$ Ef, dqF a f,a€ ia o +$ a* +l =ri att g$ .F; i6 1Eg ggE ili q+ 'ir g t[f gi i aq 3; *; qi =aF sq 3E :* aAF *fF $e 3g Fi F $$81 :s g n4 Eg $; gg gii$ ag.5+F[e $93[ fr$ l; gfiE$ =ae s a* + 4- rc q= +[ eg fifl+ Sa ia +E ii Fai* r{€ e"r n{q'$3i -:qa3frt44g'ga qa-g'oig o (o (o (.t = o F @ E o o.g to o I o Job M238OWEB T russ H7 Truss Type RooFrRo oty I Ply 'l R9432936 s NOTES 9) provide mechantcat conn€ction (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of wthstanding 3OO lb uptift atjoint I and 300 lb uplifl atjoint 9' LOADCASE(S) Standard A A WARNINC - Verify design pordmeters ond READ NOTES ON THIS AND REVERSE SIDE BEFORE USE De6lgn vrlld loa u6o only wlth lillTal connaoloc. Thls doslgn b based only upon prl.nalel6 ahown, and Ir lor an Indlvldual bulldlng compononl lo b. lmt ll6d and loadod v6rllcslly. Appllcrblllly ol dcsign pgrgm.lsG md prop.r lncorporatlon of componont k (Esponslblllty ol buftdlng d.rign r - not truds d.6lgnor, grqclog .hown l! to. latqql gspFon ol hdlvftCs.l w€b m€|nber3 only. addhlonal lemporary brlclng lo Insuro ltablllly dudng condflrcton la lht re3ponslblllty ol tfto oroctor. Addlllonal po.trrrnsnl braclng ol lho overell 6tucluto 16 th6 fosponslblllty of th€ br.llld|ng doslgnor. For gan€ l guldenc6 ragrrdlng l6b callod, quallty control, stofs!€, dollvary eroclion, and braclng, concult OST-88 Ou.llly Sland.rd, DS8. 19 Eraclng Spaclflcatlon, and HIB-01 H.ndllng Inrblhtlon and Eaaclng Racomnandatlon avallablo hom truaa Pl.l! Inrlllut . 583 o'Onotrlo Drlv.. X.dl.on, Wl5371E o !tF tsD -{,\m .9r FI ttt - ='o * *i q;' Y =!4 _.1 1 =ox " do' -,1 *w EX{. o o-J v m - G'7 o z o a ct,5.<fni 6Cr !o or^z z g o 2 rn z 6 z rlr E ltl =z o aa=gq =a*l fl*q nsi;I Y+o ='o ' - a oo E. :. 6'f :ar ox' [As -1 *fi +:c:,oa=i*3*5n 6 o.<' 9n; l6-Y < c o F;'a sFE r1:a";8 iEe EBa 6qi ri = ^ 1r Y i5 5 ii a='s 6'o d !. >,r d.i * cia 3d Ffi I f (x* (u o go =x (,o =f ('o 6o o o {5 66' =.H 6ii oo o:oo --d Oa r)c ;r 3 -{o =l.l,| =e.5 o o f,:(o F o d r!5 o IA 5 o o ; l-a T w z c 3 ct o =.f (o tll tn o 3 = i*b e aoz "A E6t z =-r!l 6 ft,V* A iY/,2 o J26 n >>A4n =44 b ><J --r @ 7ia Yix -q6 h= 4=HFE8 --O.iO{-tz u'--'=FO 'f{-o -! (|r\o\o(t-l o. o, o\ .o (x rn -gSS.sB iX$+s ;X*$t >!H6 q 22 TOP CHORD TOP CHORD @ t" F 6 S : 6 P Po :'{ I S'' + ? l" ,j5$>s 38 r18 ,B ?;a rxa al a*F i$ Fr? g6F Fr;F a:n fr3 ;+r €l o t ia 'ii r$ aa€ a,i *a asl +F 3gg i5g ii E$ gig .l l*' ;$ H ; +[ EF ii ?fri il59 ei 'g; =* iii ssE fia ia .€i q i[= as d F ;i fl+ ** $1 .gg XA flE gi Faa a$f $; q$ in 5 nir Ei a F 3B 3 s3 *E $g {* Ea eig $? d[ gi ir a$E* '5 3 ; E::; 4 1'$aA se qi EF ea a g' E i 'i'g RooFrRo Scal..l:70.2 8xE =4x4 =45 f7t- I l" t9 hl pl 6xl2 --g 4x8 1x1o ll 4xA 2- 6xg '- 4x10 \\ 2 DEFL In (loc) Vert(LL) 4.54 '13 VedffL) -0.67 13-14 Hotz(TL) 0.31 10 lst LC LL Min Vdefl = 240 Ydefl >869 >692 nla SPACING 2-GO Plates Increase 1.00 Lunber Increase 1.00 Rep Strcss Incr YES Cods UBC97/ANS|95 LOADING TCLL TCDL BCLL BCDL LUMBER TOP CHORD BOT CHORD WEBS SLIDER (psf) 80.0 '10.0 0.0 10.0 PLATES M 20 M 20H weight: 239 lb 2 X 6 SPF 1650F 1.5E 2 X4 SPF 2100F 1.8E 2 X 4 WW Stud 'Except. +14 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E, 7-12 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.sE Left 1.5 X 1 1.88 LSL Truss Grade 5.S1' Right '1.5 X 11.88 LSL Truss Grade 5'$3 Sheathed or 2-104 oc Purlins. Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10'0{ oc bracing. I Row at midpt 3'14' *'14' 6.12 BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD WEBS REACTIONS (th/size) 1=3880/044 (input G&8), 10=3880/0'6-3 (input 0'3-8) MaxHoz 1=-8(load casa 6) Max Uplift 1=-298(load case 5)' 10='298(load case 6) Max Grav 1=3978(load case 2), 10=3941(load cas8 3) FORCES (lb) - First Load Case OnlY ToP cHoRd 't-2.-7g72,2-g=-7ds3, 34=-6533, +5='6071, s6=-6623, e-7='5971' 7-8=$420' 8-9=-6728' 9-10=-6982 BOT CHORD 1-15=6366, 1+15=6559, 13''14=6621,12'13=6588, 11n2=6310' 10-11=5907 WEBS 2-15.i240, y15=-52' V't4=-716, 4'14=1410, $14=-961, $13=9' 6'13=104' 6-12=-1076' 7-12=1381 . 8-12=-524, &1 1 =-235, 91 1 =',14:l NOTES r iinis mss nas uean d.signed for the wind toads generat€d by go mph winds at 25 ft abov€ ground tavel, using ' s.o pst top cr,"ro o6ad t;d and 5.0 psf bottom chord dead load, ,loo_milrom hunicans ocaanline, on an ocrifancy category r, condition I eni.losed ouitding, of dimansions 45 ft bJ 24 ft wllh_ exposure c AscE 7-93 p"iligCg'ZAtts'tsd f6nd verticals or canillevers sxisi, they aro exposed to wind' lf porches exist, they ars not iiooseO io *ina. The lumber DOL incf,ease ls 1.33, and lhe plate grip inqease is 1'33 2) Design load is based on 80.0 psf specified toof snovr' load' 3i Unbalanced snow loads have been considered for this design' 4i Overhang has been design for 2.00 timss live load + dead load' 5) Povids adequate dralnag€ to prev€nt water ponding' 6i A[ plaiss are Mll20 plates unless othsnrYiso indlcated. ii ff,i! t "-J". G"n'destgnad for a 1o.O psf bottom chord livs load nonconcunent with any other live loads per ##& June 19,2003 L-'---'--.-"--A WARNING - verih design paraneters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND REVERSE SIDE BEFORE USE D€slgn vdld foa u8a only wlth [fTak cdnn€ctorE. Thl! doslgn ls bassd only ut]on param€l€G shown, lrd ls toa an lndlvldusl buildlno compononl to bo Inslallod end loadqd verucally. Appllcoblllty of drslgn ptr.ln!i..a and propor Incoeor.lion ol componont 18 re8ponslblttty ol bullding doslonsr - not tru68 do6lgn6r- &aclng ohown 18 tor laloral Suppon ot Indlvldual wob m€mborr only, Addltlonal irmporary baaclng lo Insura Etsblllly dudng con8truqtlon 19 lh9 r$ponslblllty ol ths orEcto.. Addltlonal perman€nl brlclng ol lh€ ovonll gtructuro le tho rsaponslblllty ot ths bulldino deslgnor. Fof O€nonl guldanct rogeadlng lebrlcatlon, quallly contfol, storago, dsllvory, eroction, and breclng, con8ull OST-80 Quallly Strndrad, DSB- l9 B.|cln! Sp.clflc.tlon, .nd HlB.gl H.ndllng In.l.ll.tlon .nd Br.clng R.comn.nd.llon .villablo lrom Trut. Pl.t. In.tltul., tE3 D'Onotrlo Drlv., ll.dl.on. Wl53719 =v,=.<mi F{ 6Ct Io Oul z z E' o =tn z -{ 6 z IJ lr\- o4 ro f,ii lrv 6'f o;'o-' 9c :tf {.8 o xEo x -=' ovrl = o'3'X rrf xxo i--i=-lli 9=' /1 O 8> o< n; i oc i 3€ r i*l 6 X'= i;x O X J I - x.>d;g iEe PR - ?as't+* 53 d r:"= 8eq -=--E= ABF =' .oot o rlf -'ii 6-o e3 =l x: 69. o ip |TI 4.z o {5 66' o; .2 '.,t oo o:oo .-;. On o c tll !l\F rli-, -{/\ ltt N2 N 1ll ; ='q d -hD -;i q;' -;'^: x =!+ =O Y f -;. : vrA 8Rr Aod oo- I U m F E v o z o - -{o -ln t ct .D o =,Gt a o e -t o a (tl o o t!-F' A L, z c 3 ct o -3 (o a/, ta -t o 3 E 449 "z Ee; z a\-o 5 IEX n ;7: V E r4S ! >>442 <<z - rr, G b ><Jr@ d=f;:o io 60c)i:F <4O -x h: zi; 6=HOE8 '-oxo!)z \Jtn -o *d -.! (n-O.O(,r-E 66O.\OO.rn -8aQ<,,o N-.:-al !SS*s ;y-q+>'!97t EO o.<i> vl TOP CHORD TOP CHORD o 6 i F il - 6 p eo : 9. e'5 P ri ;5+>H nn c+i 15 q;e *fq Ei Fia ge $f3 EB* Fr sF s3F +3 i+$ .Bfl; E i* 'Fi A$ F'€ t:i ue t'* +i iEi ife *t Efl 3flg g g$E i+ H F gp gl ii ?ffi [;E $f -$; =* ai+ li* fa ia '€q q s*F ii d - ri Eg $3 gg ?F eg ig gi ffi1 ,$g ii iE il F$Eg *fl 6 6 iF + E. t'1 s' 3i gr $gl da gi ef ea q *i* $; Job M238OWEB T russ H8 Tiuss T-ype RooFrRO Qry Pty 1 l,."n""(optiona,, *1* s NOTES S) WARNING: Requirad bearing size at joint(s) l, 10 $eater than input beering siza' gi proviae mechanjcat conneaion Fy;ih;rsi6f i."iro odrring plaie capable of withstanding 298 lb uplift at joint I and 298 lb uplifr at joinl 'l0" LOADCASE(S) Standad l.A WARNING - Verify design paraneters ard READ NOTES ON THIS AND REVERSE SIDE BEFORE USE Do3lgn v6lid lor o8s only rlth llTal oonn€oton. Thls dodlon 16 brs6d only upon paramotaB 8hown, and ls for En lndlvidual bulldlng oomponsnr to b6 In6tslled end loed€d v.nlcllly, Appllcsblllt ot dqslon paramoler! and prcpor Incoeorstlon ol compononl k rosponalblllty ot bulldlng d€rlgnor - nol trur6 doslgnor. Bfaclno shoyvn lo lor lalaral 8uppod ol Indlvidual wob nomb€6 only. Addltlonel tqmporary bracing to In6urs 6tablllty during conllructlon lr ths rsiponslblllty of the oroclor Addillonal psmanent breclng ol lhe ovolall structuro ls thg rggponslblllty ol lhq bulldho doslgner. For goneral guidanco rooardln! lebrlcallon, quallly contrcl, rtorage, dollvory, oroction, and br6cln0, condull OST{8 O||rllly Strndard, DSB. tt B.rctng Spacltloatlon, and Bl8-81 Hrndllng Inatallrtlon .rd Braclng Pacomnandallon ryaiiabL trcan Tn ra Pl.t. In.illut..583 0'Onotrlo Orlv., H.illron. Wl53719 a rt,5<Er- 5U =o Om z z E' o 4 m z =o z ! F -l r ,1, = ill i; ttt tt A x N v ='o * sg€3 q4e -. ;.: < +gj : o' 6' *-a'= H8: o o-- o^ =8 PL v'o O= !1 l o-oo o ttt ttt 4 z o {l oo 9(D (JV aQ oo o *-l oo O.1 o 8EY+S aqe e d T;3 9E "*=o ='o ':ds9 *= 8i.l{ i'd =' EF6* 1* E.ii 5r 6 o<' 9€ i i*i 6 il'= ivx go+ o {N Qob ?eq PR i iag +=+ i, l o'r': * ggq *i {H^df gob 1- 'P I f ro*.o 3 o -ftt 3 rcl :o o :,J IA F |D e !o =o o ltr 5 o o ; t{ 5 lr, z c 3 ct o =.5 (o a/, tn ..F o 3 E 4Ae -' LC 71 \ rn 7"'.4 =o> C -.m^? =-+!6 frP*, fu ;Y:F E IsS T >>4fra <Az in >< x=i' zlo 60.)i{R ircl a'^h{ 1m z.s6xQ 'Ra85!S:J->Z l. tn +q nO T *88€x=-8aQ&o N.'.-.t PP*.o6 ti;Nj+ttt ;l-qt d=FP 2P TOP CHORD TOP CHORD I 6 S 6 F = F P tr ) l Fn I eo ri ; g$> e i*'ii ii aee $gi $i $$+ iE $gl iFg +* e* gii,$ lFg gE q g e$ ae il iua *;E sr iE :* Asa +ge [[ ti '€i A ffii gi e F ?3 :* se fia e+ ie +E 5i $ig ,*g $i 6$ 3[ g$i$ *[ E '* $* '9 e5 ae s* *$ g* $gi dd ii iF ia a*g. g fr Sc€le = 1:10.2 I r 8.. tl 2{'7 | DEFL in (loc) Vert(LL) 0.00 6 Vert(IL) -0.06 1 HozCrL) 4.0o 3 'lst LC LL Min Ydefl = 240 Udefl >999 >449 a SPAC|NG 2-0-O Plates Increase 1.00 Lumber Increes€ '1,00 Rep Stress Incr YES code uBc97/ANSl95 LOADING TCLL TCDL BCLL BCDL (psO 80.0 10.0 0.0 10.0 PLATES M 20 Weight: 12lb Sheathed or 2+7 oc pudins, except end verllcals' Rigid ceiling directly app'ied or 10{{ oc bracing. LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF 1650F I.5E BOTCHORO 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E WEBS 2X4WWStud REACTIONS (lb/size) 6=798/0-F8,3='80/Mechanical'4=lTiMechanlcal Max Hoz 6=88(load casa 5) Max Uplift 6=-165(load casa 3), 3=-80(load c€ss '1),4=-27(load case 5) Max Grav 6=798(load cas€ 1), 3=50(load casa 3)' 4=35(load case 2) FORCES (lb) - First Load Case OntY TOP CHORO 24=-781, 1-2=136, 2'3=''139 BOTCHORD $6={,4-5=0 WEBS BRACING TOP CHORO BOT CHORD NOTES t ) This truss has b€en designed for the wind loads gansrated by 80 mph winds at 25 ff above ground level, using 5.0 psf top chord dead b;d and 5.0 pst bottom chord d ,ad load, 1gg-mi.from hurdcane oceanlin€, on en *,lp"nJy ot"gory l, mndition I enctosed bullding, of dimensions 45 tt by 24 .ft wiill91p"-Y" qlq3-E 1n^ 2' 3) 4l 5) 6) Der UBCaT/ANS]95 fand verticals or cantilevers exist, thsy are exposed to wind. lf porches axist' they are not Lxoosed to wlnd. The lumber DOL inqeaso is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1'33 Deslon load ls bassd on 80.0 psf specitied rool snow load. Ove;rang has besn design for 2.OO tirnes llve load + d€ad load. This trus; has been designed for a '10.0 ps{ bottom chord livs load nonconcunent with any other live loads per Table No. 16-8. UBC-97. Refer to girde(s) for lruss to truss connectlons. pm"iaa ilcfralrief "onnectlon (by others) of truss to beadng plato capable of withstanding |65lb uplitt at ioint 6, 80 lb uptift atjolnt 3 and 27 lb uplift at ioint 4.#ffi"R A WARNING - ve rifr desisn parcmetert und READ NOTES ON THIS AND REVERSE SIDE BEF0RE USE Dgslgn valld lo. use onty u,lth Sfl'k oonnoctors. lhl6 d$lCn lB bt8od oily upon palemebr! thown, and 16 for en Indlvldual bulldlng compon.nt ro bo In.tell6d and load.d v6nb.[y. Appllceblllty of derlgn perafioter! md prcp.r Incomorrtlon ot compononl ls r$ponrlblllty ol bllldlng d€rlgn€r- nol trus! d€slgn6r. Blaolne thown lt for lalorglsuppod ol IndlvlduEl wab mamborc only. Addltonal lomporary b6cln! lo lnsur€ lrlablllly duing oon6tructjon 18 fia rosponglblllly ol tho aroctoa. Addltlonal pormanent bllclno ot the overall ltnrctura la tha rasponslblllty ot lho bulldln! dollgnar. For ganalll guldancr rogardlng fabrlcation, quallt conhol, sloraqe, dolivory. oroctlon, and braclng, conruft OST{I Ouallly Slandrtd, DSB- 89 Braclng Spaclllcrtlon, and HIB-01 Handllng Inatallatlon md Braolhg naoommandlllon avallablolrom lruar Pl.lr Inrtltut , 583 o'Onolrlo Orlv!, Mrdl.on, Wlsttle June 19,2003 LOADCASE(S) Standard a(t i.<r|li 6Ct =g o.A z z E, o =m z { 6 z rlt .1' l\t- {1\ lll -v,5F Itl " ='o x ;i a;''x.;l Y =:4 =oY 7r X'"dii!..ioo o o-- -, - ltr v w v o z o E m 2 z o 6 Pggfi,(,.1 =J J i aq99a < o d'd'o Er;;q =+^s:3 6 \e =<F5 8;. ix 5 d=' 1J 3E aF6t fP3.i3 in 6 o<' As; iBq <cq F;'E d6': Eu"9o* o<N I ob ? eQ *F i iae X*ts 53 o'i':+ 8Pq :" { x.= ^-r O ;i'X ;'u Y rn O =' ii6' o fo =l cto oo (o :, o {r oo 9(D (bo oo 'o:oo o c 3 -{o f, m t 9. =o o :,a ct F ID F ID 5 o ( =o o !1 3 t{ A ul z c 3 ct o =.=(o cll t o 3 f; *iq 6 +Yg H 2a>z dAA C -ima = tEx e ,1Y;e a J9];.T| >>P'42 <k4 ill ><-l +g xr- z rQ 60(.)i €tr 'ut a\ h€ -4 =23oXQ n8R66y E-'=-o Ad =s33ss5 -Saacio s;;-_9 ibs;H ;Y-at >!9-ao s<+> TOP CHORD TOP CHORD @ 6 F 6 E = 6 p P > e e }' s,, r$ ;5$> ; la t;i ai aig eal gi fnl afi lsi l$fl ia Ea EiE ** ig$ qt q F $[ is +g ?fri $5s E* 'g; 3+ agr gsB $$ iil u€l E $il+ gf g ; i3 sq *e ;i ";g ig gm 4i t+a +sr $i iH *q 3B;E gF H ' * g* *q s* *g $g *i $9 $$3 33 $i g* fe Eug* 'i E 'oo ?vr RooFrRo Scale ' l:10.2 , r5.. tr 2+7 | DEFL in (loc) Udefl Vert(LL) 0.00 6 >999 VertfiL) -0.06 1 >449 Hoz(TL) -0.00 3 n/a lst LC LL Min l/defl : 240 SPACING 244 Plates lncrease 1.00 Lumber lncrease 1.00 Reo Stress lncr YES CoOe UBC97/ANSI95 LOADING TCLL TCDL BCLL BCDL (psf) 80.0 10.0 0.0 10.0 PLATES Mlt20 Weight 12lb shealhed or 2-O-7 oc purlins, except end vertic€ls. Rigid ceiling directly applied or 104'0 oc bradng. LUMBER TOP CHORO 2X8SPF 1650F 1.5E BOTCHORO 2 X 4 SPF ',1650F 1.5E WEBS 2X4WWStud REACTIONS (tb/size) 6=798/0-!8,3=-80/Mechanical,4=17lMechanical Max Hoz 6=88(load case 5) Max Uplift 6.-165(toad case 3),3=-Eo(load case 1)' 4=-t(load c€se 5) Max Grav 6=79s(load case 1), 3=50(load cas€ 3), 4=35(load case 2) FORCES (lb)' FiIst Load Case OnlY TOPCHORD 2'6='781,1'2=136,2-3=J139 BOTCHORD s6={, +5=0 WEBS 2-5=0 BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD NOTES 1) This truss has been designsd for the wind loads generated by 80 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level' using ' 5.0 pst rop ctroro daad b;d and 5.0 psf bottom chord dead load, 1o.o-miJrom. huniS!"-9T?111";3i3i ^-oiii'lpi"ii *t"g"ry t, condition | €nctosed building, of dirnenslons 45 ff by 24 fl with exposure c AscE 7-93 pei tigCSTANStS6 rf end varticats or cantil6vers ;xist, lh€y ere exposed to wind' lf porches exist, they are not bimseO to winO. Tho lumbor DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate gdp increase is 1'33 Design load is based on 80.0 psf specmsd roof snolr' load' Ovefrang has been design for 2.OO timss liva load + dead load. itris ms5 tras Ossn Oestaned for a 10.0 psf bottom chord liv€ load nonconcunent with any other live loads per 2) 3) 4) Table No. 16-8, UBG97. 5) Refer to glrde(s) for truss lo truss connections. Oi p."io" ,i"*"].'*l connection (by others) of truss to bsaring plai6 cspable of withstanding 165 lb uplift at ioint 6, 80 tb uplift at ioint 3 and 27 lb uplifl at Joint 4. LOAIICASE{S) Standard ffi{W A WARNING - Ve rifl' design ptraneters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND REVERSE SIDE BEFORE USE Dodlgn valld tof u6a only wllh llIT.* conneclors. Thla do6lon lE basqd only upon prnmotsrs 5hown, rnd h for an Indlvldual bulldlng compon€nl lo bs In8tallsd and loadad vartically. Appllcablllty of de6lgn panflolol8 8nd prcper Incoryoratlon ot component b rorpoorlblllty ol bulldlng d€slgner - nol trus6 do6lgnar, Bllcino shown l! lor ldortl cu9port 0t Indlvlduql wob ln€t|tber! only, Addidonal lemporary braclnC to In6ur€ stablllty durlng constructlon lr tha ralponaiblllly ol th6 oaoctor. Addltlonal p€rmanenl b.rclng ofth€ ove|sll ltructura i3lh6 rosponslblllly of tho bullding doslgner For gsn€ral guldanca r9oardlng tabdcatlon, quallty conrol, rloraoo. delivEry, €r€cllon, and bncing, conBult OSI{0 ou.llly Sl.nd..d, D68" 89 Brrclng Spaclllcrllon, and HIE-gl Handllng Inatall.tlon rnd Er.ch! Rlconnlndrllon avelleblolrom Trurt P||t Indltu!..563 D'Onotrlo D.lv., *hdl.on, Wl53710 June 19.2003 rv,{.<mrt 6c'tg O tf z z I o ?Itt z o z REgSS aqegA xl35X yxoo:+++9R* =J O;'I:d1 sJ9c f iq:r !':co u>Ja HX k d..<= ]" 9i5;. l6-Y 6H': *ux go* o {N I 0.6 ? qq E-R = To=9'tl +!4 :ga= di ^ ^ 1J e :"i9 88q <11^-o-7 q6'6 Yoq =' 8.'o T NF +Xil Ng i{m ;-Ed *iq;' Y =!4 +95 " do' E;; n *,v d8t Aoo o o-- .-, -|- -{m F E v Q z o o tlr E m 4 z o ro o= =:l oo oo 'd {5 o'5' 9(D dii DO ol oo q= O^ o c =-.1 o gSr 3 =m =to =o o t rO u (D d o =6 o a o o =H 5 lrl z c 3 CF o =.=GI ct7 tn o 3 t ilb i q6; - #zx tr I;9 'n >>A4e z7l tI] >S J -{@ = iE 60c)i {F ""1 X x{ zzsdxQ nAoxx9 5 !r " >= =o fio v ! or\o.o(t.l o, oi, o, .o o\ trl -gssln iX$+*;y-s+>!u-30 o.<i> IOP CHORD TOP CHORD @ 6 I d il : 6 p 90 > 9 rh I s' f') ,;5+>E 3s:18 a8 fie *f$ 3i F** ge $fe gF* td;F s3n +5;+$ E[; E i+'gl ig $eg g;* ge $frfi qf $gi ifg ;i +i gEfl .* *gq il n E FE i$ eF gF -E$ ;g i$ ii FEi $$g $i ig ii F $g$ eiE o uF 1a'fi'1 ''*3 Jr$93 daii gF ga a';r gF Job M238OWEB Truss J4 Truss Type RooFrRUo Qty 2 Ply 1 tu Once (optionar) ,r,,. *not"oo s Sel6 = 1:13.4 LOADING (psO TCLL TCDL BCLL BCDL LUMBER TOP CHORD 2X6 SPF 1650F I.5E BOTCHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E WEBS 2X4WWStUd WEBS 2-5=0 REACTfoNs (lb/size) 6=871n'*s,#226lMechanical,4=3TMechanical Max Hotz 6=128(load cass 4) Max Uplift 6=-136(load casa 3), 3='24(toad case 4)' 4=-s(load case 4) Max Grav 6=871(load case 1), 3=226(load case 1),4=75(load caso 2) FORCES (lb) - First Load Case OnlY TOP CHORD 2€.434, 1-2=13t6' 2'3=-157 BOTCHORD 56=4, +5=0 DEFL in (loc) Vert(LL) 0.01 5 VedFL) -0.05 I Hoz(TL) 0.01 3 l st LC LL Min Udefl = 240 Udefl >999 >553 da sPAclNG 2-0-0 Plates lncreas€ 1.0O Lumber Increas€ 1.0O Reo Slress lncr YES Cobe UBC97/ANS|95 GRIP 169/123 80.0 10.0 0.0 '10.0 BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD Weighl: 19 lb Sheathed or /rc-7 oc purlins, except end vertlcals' Rigid ceiling directly applied or 104'0 oc b|acing. NOTES iJJtrrs truss t a" ueen daslgned ior the wind toads generat€d by 80 mph Mnds at 25 ft abovs ground level, using ';:dFt"p;;;de,Jl;dands.opsf botomchordde€dload, lqo-Tiry["1fT^T11I13i3i". ;,ffi;;"Ji il;" ,, ii"ii[i" ii-"6"r"0 buitdins, of dirnensions 45 n by 24 n with exposure c AscE 7-e3 oei tiaCg'zANstsd rend v€rtlcals or cantitevsrs ;xist, thsy ar€ exposed to wind. tl porches 6xist, thoy are not !i"o"Jio w"a. Tt'e lumb€r DOL increass is 1 33, end ths ptate grlp Inffease is 1'33 Desion load is based on 80.0 psf specjfied roof snov{ load' Oveirang has been design for 2'00 $fi€s live load + dead load' ir'ir i."i nii o""n oesiined for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcunent with any other livo loads Par 2) 3) 4l Table No. 1&8, UBC-97. 5) Refer to girde(s) tor truss to truss connec'tions' Oi i'i"iO" ft.t'"].i*r connection (by others) ot truss to bearing plats capabls of withstanding 1 36 lb uplift at jolnt 6, 24 lb uplift at Jolnt 3 and 5 lb uplitt atjolnt 4' LOADCASE(S) Standard #ffim lL WARNINC - Verify design paraneters ard READ NOTES ON THIS AND REyERSE SIDE BEFORE USE D€slgn valld lor u6o only tvlth laffak connectors. Thl6 d€siqn lB besod only upon panm6le6 lhown, and b lor an Indlvldual bullding component to b. In6tallod and loadod vodlcrlly, Appllcablllly ol d€.19n pErametors d prop€r Incgryor.tlon ol componont b rssponslblllty ot bultding doslgnar - nol truss dorlonor. Braclng ahown l! for laleral 8upporl ol Indlvldual wob m6mbor6 onty. Add onat temporary breclno to inrura stablllty du ng con6lrucilon 16 tho te6pondblllly ot tha eractor. Addlllonrl pormaneol krclng ot tha ovgrall slrulturs lc th€ rgsponrlbllltt ol thq bulldln0 da8l9nor. Fo, g€nsral guldanco rageidlng ldbrlcatlon. qustlly @ntrol. etoraoo, dollvory orcction, snd braolng. consuh OSI'I! Ouallly Stlnrtaid, D3B' 00 Br.cln! Spaclllo.tlon, and HlB4l Hrndllng tn.lallatlon lnd Brlclng Racommandatlon rvellablo kom T raa Pl.t! In.tltut., 583 o'onolilo orly., lhdl.on, wl 5371e June 19,2003 = 3t, =\<rfl-i 6Ct t9.ot,^z z c, o 4,m z 6 z tsi I f(D lo lrv 6r o-' == 6' (D !oo ..'o'F' X rfl xx6 ;o F=:6=6O *O c?u>^-5n o< ., e i oo i o x J. -iig <c6 PX5'6;= F U x oXJ ^ .. r'.:q;A XEE PR I ;d"9 *+* :i3 6"i':.= 8gd'v (u -=.'ai a8g f (r' Y q O*5 ,8o o rlt !|\F Xil .vl "r Fl tn 6-ll{(D €QH + O O..i :o o (o* *: = thO 9(D< abd o oJ fU O:t lo =f,tto oo o o. @ ttt 4 z o {5 d'6' 9(D dq a9 o: Qo. O .,1 o c 3 {o r m =rEt f o o 5 Gt F o o o 6 o tn =o o -t{t-{ F 9J z C 3 5 o =.5 (o tll t o 3 = 'tb v, 192 i 4".t E Yfi:< i=Y @ m;^ S ls"S 'T| >>AaA <42 - lr/ G itr ><J --r @ =-fi z io 60c)i {x h: 1ft =2A-RQ nBR862 H8 f{no 3 (r\o\oco-!o\o\o..oo.m rOo.O s::iH ibsdH ;l-at >.o 3X 8X 22 TOP CHORD TOP CHORD l as E;i $i ;+6 eFi $+ nfi[ i$ ggl i$# ii Ei EiF ** iE$ qi s 5 +p EA ii ?ffi ffig Ef 'f; i$ sFi $r; ri ;; 'ea r t:r lr t i Fi Ei $; $$ .g$ ig iE i$ il$t Fi; i? EF Fg F ggE EF F i*'$s *E qF *i E$ ffi3 $1 $i g* *e e'i* .g g 6O ?vr Scals = l:13.4 80.0 10.0 0.0 10.0 OEFL in (loc) Vert(LL) 0.01 5 VertCrL) {.05 1 HorzOL) 0.01 3 lst LC LL Min Yd6fl = 240 Udefl >999 >553 nla SPAC|NG 2{-0 Plates lncrease 1.00 Lumber lncfease '1.00 Reo strsss IncI YES C,ods UBC97/ANSI95 LOAI'ING (psf) TCLL TCDL BCLL BCDL LUMBER TOP CHORD 2X6 SPF I65OF 1.5E BOT CHORD 2X4SPF 1650F 1.5E WEBS 2X4WwStud REACTIoNS (b/sfze) 6=871t}u8, kn6Mechanlcal, 4=37lMechantul Max Hoz 6:1280oad case 4) Max Uplift 6=-136(load cass 3), 3:-24(load cass 4), 4='5{oad case 4) Max Grav 6=871(load case 1), 3=226(load caso 1),'l=7s(load case 2) FORGES (lb) - First Load Case OnlY TOPCHORD 2-6=€34,1-2=136,2'3=-1s7 BOT CHORD $6=4, +5=0 WEBS 2-5=O NOTES fJ-inis trss rt"" u.en dssigned for ih6 wind lg3ds gsnerated by 80 mph winds at 25 ft above gmund lav6l, using 's.opsftopchordd€adb;dands.0psfboitomchorddeadlo+'1ry-Ti.froln,lynlflg-Y11r'ltlll3i"" PLATES M[m Weighl 19 lb sh€athed or 4-0-7 oc Durlins, except end verticals' Rigid ceiling direc{y applied or lGoo oc bracing' GRIP 169t123 BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD 2' 3) 4) 5) 6) ;G;-d;;6;ry1, "onoiiion r eniro""a buitding, ot din€nsions 4s ft by 24 fr with exposure c ASCE 7-93 p.i tigCa'zAN{tsd r end verticals or cantilevers &ist, they are €xposed to wind. lf porches exist, they ar€ noi liposeO to winO. Ths lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plai6 grip inctease is 1'33 Design load ls based on 80.0 pst specitied roof sno\', load. Overhang has been design for 2.00 ilrnes livs load + dead load. irti" r,rri traa l*n oesiined for a 10.0 psf bottom chotd livg load nonconcurant with any other live loads p€r Table No. 16-8, UBG97. Refer to girdg(s) for truss to truss connecllons. p-uia" ftcflafnic"f -nneclion (by others) of truss to b€aring plate c€pable of withsianding I 36 lb uplift al ioint 6, 24 lb uplift at loint 3 and 5 lb upliff at jolnt 4.#:'#m A WARNING . Ve rify design paranetcrs and READ NOTES ON THIS AND REVERSE SIDE BEFORE USE De6lln valld for u!6 only wllh lllTal oonnoctors. Thle do8ion 16 baoed only upon paramdl€n drown, md b for rn Indlvldual bulldlng comFononl to bo Inrtallod and loadod vedcelly. Appllclblllty ol drslgn param9l96 and prcpor Incorpo6uon ol componsnt ts r€spomlblllly of bllldlng da8lgnar - not lrua8 deslgnor. Blaclno shown b tor latoral 6uppon ol Indlvldusl web nenberr only, Addlllonal tEmporery bracing to Iniuro stablllty drfiln9 consaucflon i! lhs rotponrlblllty of lh€ argolor. Addlllonal p€rmenonl bracing ofiho ovorall Btructuro 16 th€ farponslblllty ol tha bulldlng dsslonor For gonoral0uldonct r6gardlno tab crtlon, quallly coolrol, itorag€, d6tiv6ry, sroctlon, and bracing. oonsufl OgI-88 Oulllty Slandard, OSg- 69 Braclng SFasltlcltlon, rnd HlB.gl H.ndllng Inatallrllon and tllclng Racomm.ndallon lvelleblo lrom Truar Pl.tt ln.tltut .503 o'Onolrlo Dtlv.. .dl.on, wl $7le June 19,2003 LOADCASE(SI Standard = c/,{.<ltl rr F 6U Tg o3n z z g o 4 m z =o z 8n"33q aq93q '< c' 6'6'D Fx;aq-Y+o 5'o ' J a oo H. :. 6'f *J O:'u ='o'='i6 +=aF6*l*:.!l 5r6 o<-' ra o x J. --c Ir; f*s 6 fr= Aa x O X f ^ -N)9ob lqq *P =' i d 5 ^Y+* 53 d ixSH Q'sd ^=1r; : X'= et = q6-E a.y ).oo -, ^=J (o* (u o !i.t-+'{ 1|r -ul FI m o-lXO ' .i'd; +95 Y;= ;?o xxt .lOo. ooJ ^-.v ltl - |- E - a z o QJ =U e1 0 !4 1 oo 5o o o w ttt =z o {f 66' ou .tx ;'9 oo 9-; Oar o tlt 3 f (!-m I E. o o f.3 rEt F o a |D :.|o (A :'o o ; l-a 5 (.1 z c 3 ct o =.=(o v1 Vr o 3 TOP CHORD f; *ag 6 lYa \;=(4 '* e6> c -.m^d +=X 2 i-u:A | )ut>a 'n !>44n <Az h ><-t -{q = -1'rE - eO Y =X h€ '7, ii =28dRQ i7a86y ;:-r->=+Q -o =*8*s85 -FSSeR PP*-U tCrNj+m ;l-qt d;F9 22 (- --t @= TOP CHORD 9 d F 6 F = - P P > 9 !" I P N ;5$>B rF €:5 aY e;i Aia Et 3+t ?* B;q Hs; +{;F gai ?5 ;FF E[ ; E i; 'Fi i$ 1ig i€* gi HEi *E iEl F$E 3+ a* r*F t 3ec 3d q F *g li ig'ri *;g g+'ig ii aa* +l; gi l*,ii g ggg gF I ' '' 3+ -g g5 +a sg t* Ea Fia 1? i+ gn iF 3*E* .3g E E3='rifl'$gi e4iiEr q4 a"a'gi .g Job M2380WEB russ J6 Truss Type RooFrRto Qry Ply 1 R9432942 loo lnce (oprlonat) s Saal8.l:17.7 LoADING (psf) TCLL TCDL BCLL BCDL LUMBER TOP CHORD 2X6SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD 2X4SPF I65OF 1.5E WEBS 2X4WWstud WEBS REACTIONS (lb/size) 6= 1 033/G$8, 3=445lMschanic€1, 4=s7lMschanical Max Hoz 6=155(load case 4) Mex Uplift 6=-138(load caso 3), 3=€7(load case 4) uax Giav 6=to33iload case 1),3=445(load case 1),4=11s(load case 2) FoRCES (lb) - First Load Case OnlY TOP CHORD 2-6=-975, 1'2=138' 2"T12o BOTCHORD s€=4,4-5=0 DEFL in (loc) udefl Vert(LL) 0.06 4'5 >999 VertCIL) 4.12 +5 >565 HorzCrL) 0.04 3 n/a lst LC LL Min Udefl = 2/O Platas lnseass 1.00 Lumber lncrease 1.00 Rep Stress Incr YES tue UBC97/ANS|95 80.0 10.0 0.0 10.0 PLATES M 20 Weighg 25 lb Sheathed or 6{{ oc purlins, except end verticals. Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10+0 oc bracing' BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD NOTES ij-inrs truss r,as ueen designed tor the wind toads generafed by 8o mph winds at 25 fl above ground tevel, using ' S.O p"t t"p "ir",U Ueed loid and 5.0 psf bottom chord dead toad, lqg_mi.fmm hunicane oceanline' on an occrlpancy category l, condition I enc.losed building, of dimensions 45 tt bv 24 ft with 9y".t!f 9l:9-!.1--'g-1- 2) 3) 4' ilUfidsilAN-s'tri f eno verticats or cantitgvers ;xist, they ars expos€d to wind. lf porches exist, they aro not !ioo""a to *inO. The lumber DOL inffeass is 1.33, and the plate grip Increass is 1 33 Dedgn load is bas€d on 80'0 ps-f specifled roof snow load. Oveirano has been design for 2.OO tlmes ltue load + dead load. ini. irG n"i u""" oesi;nsd for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcursnt with sny othar live loads per Table No. l&8. UBG97. 5) Refer to girds(s) for truss to lruss conneclions' Oi p."lO. ,i*t "].iot conn€ciion (by others) of lruss to b€aring plato capable of withstanding 138 lb uplift at Jolnt 6 and 67 lb uPllfl at ioint 3. LOAD CASE(S) Siandard #lh& , WARNING . Verif,l d.esign pnraneters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND REVERSE SIDE BEFORE USE De6lgn valld lor uso only vllh llf|'* oonnoctors. Thlo dsrlgn Ir ba6ed only upon peramoto.s ohorn, a.d lE toi an Indlvldual bulldlng componont to bo In6lallad and loaded venlcally. Appllcrblllv ol dealqn prram6lel3 and Foper Incoeofadon ol componsnt l! r€aponllblllly ol bolldln0 dotlgnor - nol ku8r dallgrcr. Braclng rhown l! lor lslerol supporl 0l indlvidurl wab memb€rr only. Addlllonal temporary braclno to Insure slablllly durlno conslrucllon l! lho ro8ponslblllly ol lho oroctor. Addltlonal pomanont braclno of tho ov€rall structuro ls the respomlblllty ol th6 bulldlng da8lgnar, For !€nahl guldanca rogardlng labdcallon, qulllty conlrol, slorage, d€llvery, erecilon, end br.Elng, €on8ult OST{I qu.llly st.ndrtd, DSg. 89 Br.clne Spaclllcallon, rnd HIB-e1 Handlln! Inatrllatlon and B.aclng naoommandatlon svallablo hom Truaa Pl!t. In.lltul., 5!3 o'Onofrlo Drlv., $.dl.on, WlsgTte Jun€ 19,2003 . 3/,t.<mi 6Cr 19.ot/|z 2 E, o =m z =o z | --(,, on -o- f,o !2, -oo l\e oJ o5' J]qo-la 6'o HO O x -=' =oo ==xE' oo: ;o d5' 9=' ^O c"a> g3 o< {e X O r Y,!4.l'Y-O c +Q - 6 6E E ix)< !lo* o<N O n X f oO FE=. iag *=x i3 d'F54 n'ed' o f go-d =' .oot o F |'lt =z o tt d'6' o6 =o (6q a9 C-EO EJ oo On o c tll ! NF /\ lll .an FI ltl '-o:!aJ-= re *9Ed ' x'd:x =!+ =O Y J' I n?w xvt .iOo. oo- ^I v |- ltt 7 E n o z o Yo.-a A'fU PL oo =l oo (o !.'d =-l o -Ill : Gt 5 o o 5 Ill -o 6' r!3 o o (t o o =t{I 5 L, z c 3 ct o f.f ct vr ta ..tr o 3 = i*b i 402 > -,n2ut 4 3(,t z da3 C -im^z = --{v a rtP* H sae i J att;'^-Tl >>N2a =Az h ><J --r @ A -4. a:9 l:]Oo i {F 1X h€ frA H B 89 b-'=-Q *d v ! .,.o.o.,t-l O\ O. O\ .O O. rn "8q4,cr \l:^'---o i5S3H ;Y'st >!Y-xo $<i> ]OP CHORD TOP CHORD O s"- F 6 S : 6 P 9o > $ S' I S' l'r ; 5$ >; a$ E.e3 ffi g;e FE$ E{ r*a qg 3f3 qFn ffi;q 9if ?; iFF .H[; $ i* ,3i iF ra6 +33 ua f'* ?t ffig. $Fe *fl Eg $flg i +$g i$ *, i lg li il fli *i[ g$'ifi ii flii $iF $i Ffr'ii g EgE Ei I ' ng fi$ ** g* es ea $s d* 3t; g4 ii i sF i g* +e cF *g g* gffi 3a $i sg 3e i*i* if 39, RooFrRro S.ale = 1:17.7 DEFL in (loc) Udefl Vert(LL) -0.06 +5 >999 Vert(TL) 4:12 +5 >565 HorzCfL) 0.04 3 rva 'lst LC LL Min udei = 240 SPACING Platss Increase Lumber Increase R€p Stress Incr 2{-0 1.00 1.00 YES code uBc97/ANSl95 LOADING TCLL TCDL BCLL BCDL (ps0 80.0 10.0 0.0 10.0 PLATES M 20 WeighI 25 lb Sheath€d or s0{ oc pudins, excspl end verticals. Rigid ceiling direcrtly applied or 1Gtro oc bracing. LUMBER TOPCHORD 2 X 6 SPF 1650F 1'5E BOTCHORD 2X4 SPF 1650Fl.sE WEBS zX4WWStud WEBS BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD REACTIONS (fb/size) 6=103vtr$8' 3=rt4tM*Aanicail, Es7ll:rledr.anical Max Horz 6= 1ss(load cas€ 4) Max Uplift 6='138(load casB 3)' s=€7(load case 4). .. Max G;av 6=1o33iload case 1), 3=445(load case 1),4:11s(load case 2) FORCES (tb) - First Load Case OnlY TOP CHORD 2-6=-975, 1-2=1!q 24='t2O BOTCHORD 5.6=4,4-5=0 N OTES I ifnt" t-ss tras Ue6n designed for the wind toads generated by 80 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level' using ' ;:o;;f io-j;"'d ;;ad 1o;11and 5.0 psf bottom chord d6€d toad, loo-miJmm hu;ricano ocaanline' on an ;6;;;i;i,t"'y I,condition len;osed buildins, of dimensio* 45lqIi4Iytl::S:f^9i:,"^1.1-:t-" 2' 3) 4) ;ift6'?/ANl"td r "no u"Jca6 or cantitavers aist, they are sxposed to wind. lf porches exist' they are not !i*-Jio rninO. The lumber DOL incr€asa is l.33, and the plate grip inctease is 1 33 D€sion load is bas€d on 80.0 psf specifled roof sncnfl load' Ovefrang has been design fot 2OO titnes live load + dsad load' irti" r-"i rr"a U""n oesigned for a '10.0 psf bottom chord livo load noncongJnent wlth any other live loads p€r Table No. 16-8, UBC-97. 5) Refer to girde(s) for lruss to truss connectlons. 6i'il;id;;;";i*tconnecrion(byothe;)oltrus$tobsatingplat6capebleofwithstandingl3Slbupliftatloint 6 and 67 lb uplift at jolnt 3. LOAD CASE(S) Siandard ##,m I weANtnO - Verify design ptrraneters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND REZERSE SIDE BEFORE IJSE Da3lOn vs d foru6o onty wlth l|ffat connoctors. Thig d6slgn lr bos6d only upon pa6motor6 3hown, End b lor !n Indlvldual bulldlng componont to b€ Inrtallod and loadod venlcally. Appllclblllly of de8lon puanot€rs and propd Inconoradon ol compon€nt ls rosponslbillty of bulldlng dorloner - nol ku33 dadgn€r. Brlclng rhown 18 lor lalaral lufrpon ot Indlvldud wab m6mb6r6 onty. Additlonsl tomporary blsclng to insuro 8tablllly durlno oondruclon ll lha rasponGlbmty of ltra aroclor. Addltlonal pafmanonl bracing ol tho ov€rsll slructuro 16 tho ro6ponllblllty ol lha bulldlng de6lgnof, For gsnoral guidanoo tegardlng labrloatlon, qualily control, slorrgo, alallvary arocllon, thd brsclng, consult OST.SO Qualny glandard' OSE. 0e Balclng g!'acltlcrtlon, and Hl8-91 H.ndllnl Inrtalldlon .nd Bl.clng Faconmandrllon rvallrbla hom Lurt Pht. lhrtltut., 589 o'Onofrlo Orlv., U.dl.on, Wl 53710 June 19,2003 I a c/,5.<m 6U tg oo z z I o 4.m z =o z tlr t IF +XH N'4 hl ltl ;xqd QQH =' x.; l =o X "-r X' '-6i5{..ioo _=J =o o- QJ ]]O c:_ =:l 8a (o !.'d o @ nt =z o tt 3* 9o (d ii oo oo o c FR9+['!..i =5 5 <\!saE*ij--:d '6 \ E i9 3*"Y=o = o ' J A oo 9. :. d'f,!+f, o;' tx j' ;' =.^ar--=-\4-+O -*6 =\gY'qo-- :*{.8 5n6 o-.<-' ., r i oo rl g[d' iq:6;: E u r O X f ^ .- t\)q;g XEe *P -' x d 5 *+X 53 o' U Y X 6'n l ':+ iiEq s+ aeF g" "g* o - -{(D F m 2 |a a o o =.3 Gt v o e I o 5 o t =o .D fi -t{ A lr) z c 3 u o =.5 (o v, tn rr+o 3 fr *ib 6 +Yt n fi> vt 2 2a> Z a'\-O > +Er n aaq 'n >>F'44 <<z in ><J --r @ t+n |, ;;m nitJ 60c'i EF h= z6 =29-,xa n8RB6i \-,, an -o -r{EO i (n\o\o..o[0.o.o..oo.m -ESSSR Fp*-U 56NiSm ;ts-$l >!Y-HP ,.2 TOP CHORD TOP CHORD F F.; F = F p eo : e sn I P I$ -T$> rE €;i ii ;ia FFi ge gfig it rg$ $E$ [+ E$ ai$ ** isg tl E +l E5 +i i;; fl5g ar 'c* 3[ aii sg; fil ii -c[ F if;$ $s il lFi *i ii He ri Fe *; $n E3 ig $ff F+ F$' afr -i ifi Eg F $;f gF *'- iB'\ 'u *E -F *$ E3 $[$ il $i gF ra B*g* .i g q v gnu $ 5 g @ (o (9 g, ={o -@ I o 4 I (E -o t o S.al..1:17.7 LOADING TCLL TCOL BCLL BCDL (psf) 80.0 10.0 0.0 10.0 PLATES M[20 Weight 25 lb Sheathed or 64{ oc purllns, excapt end verticals' Rlgid ceiling diteclly applied or 1trGO oc bracing' LUMBER TOP CHORD 2X6sPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD 2 X4 sPF 1650F 1.5E WEBS 2X4WWSTUd BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD REACTIONS (b/size) 7=1015/0-$8, 3=445/Mechanical' 4=40/M€chanical' 5=15Y0'$8 Max Hoz 7=155(load cass 4) rr,l|ax uplift z='136(oa'di; i), g=-67(toad casa +)' 4=-160(load case 2)' 5=-16(oad cass4) Max crav 7=1015(til-oE!-"ii, i=ndtroio ca." ii, +za(uad case 4), 5=311(load cass 2) FORCES (lb) - First Load Case OnlY TOP CHORD 2'7='975, 1'2=13t6' 2'3!t20 BOT CHORD 6-7=-0, sF6=0' +5=0 WEBS NOTES iiinllm." r,". u"en desisned for the wlnd loads sen-eraled bv-90,TtlY*:",1'?.i::P:".9:::ol:"^"1 *ltn - - 'f oonom ciorO aead load' 100 mifrom hufiicane oceanlino' on an 5.0 psf top chord dsad load and 5.0 pr ,! a a.,,, .r x;fh 6vmcrrra c ARCF i #,|il"d;;il;fi], J""or[i,ii i.-"J6l"o Li,iroine, or qig'ensroT.lllgy:i.l$::f:::"-:3:::"i-f ff.iftE?,X'i3# 'i Jiiilj,tilr!'iiLiiri""*-"!i"t, !ry1 ry^ryS^:?:lll rr porches e\ist' thev ers not DEFL In (loc) Udefl Verl(LL) 0.02 6 >999 Vert(TL) 0.05 1 >528 HozCtL) 0.01 3 rYa 13r LC LL Min Udell = 240 Plates Incr€ass 1.00 Lumb€r Increaso 1.00 Reo Stre$ Incr YES Cod6 UBC97/ANS|95 2',) 3) 4) s) 6) ;;;#ffi:"il;l;il;-Dol i""*"ss ls 1'33' and th; phte stip increase is 1'33 Desion load is bassd on 80.0 pst specified roof snot'\t load' Oveiiang has been aesign for 2.OO tirnes llve load + dead load' it is trusi tras Oeen Oesigned for a fO.6-pJt Uottom crrorO live load nonconcunent with any other llve loads per Tebls No. 1&8. UBC-97. Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections' provide m€chanical connection 1oy o6re-ij ;iruss to beadng plats c€pable of withstending 1 36 lb uplifr at joint 7, 67 lb uplitt atjoint 3' 160 lb uplift atioint 4 and 16 lb uplift atjoint 5'#s'R $ We,nWtnC - Verifi. design paraneters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND REVERSE SIDE BEFORE USE Daslgn va d tor u6o onty wtth lllLl connocton. Thls d€3lOn l! brsad only upon pErangtrrs showt. and ls lor an Indlvldual bllldlng componanl to br Inslallod and losd€d v€rtlcslly. Applloablllty ol dostgn pa6m6t96 and propgr Incolpora on of compononl is rgEponslbilty ot butldlng doslonor - not tru6e de6l0oo.. Bnclno thoin la lof letanl ruppon of lndlvlduEl wab mombers only. Addt onet trmporery braclng to Inrure 3tablllty duino conltucdon ls lh€ r6sponElblllty ol tho srsotor. AddttlonEl parnsnont braclng of thr ovsrall skucluro lB tho rosponllb ty ot tho bulldloo doalgnor. For gonoral ouidanca regardlng ldbrlcrllon. quellty conkol, storage, dsllvgry, 6r€c on, and braclrg, con6ult O8l{8 Ourllly St.nd.d' DSB' 19 Bl|clhg gpaclflcatlon, and HIB-01 Handllng Inthll.llon and Bnclng Raconnandallon svglllbl6 fiom Tru.! Plrt! In.tllut , 583 D'Onolrlo Otlvr, ll.dlton, lrrl 53719 June 19,2003 LOAn CASE(S) Standard = 3/,5\<ltl !t { 6Ct _r 9.ov|z z I o =tn z { 6 z tlr .1, t\F xil N2 N m ;=q6 oO9-r ;?:g;q+s 6 =;=O X o o' ii' =' < 8Rr aod o o- v m u F - o z o E tn v z o HE9S6'\a9Q*v-:d d \: o 5 60 *.rl:J;i X^tr@4 4=o ='o 'J:.l^ *.:.6-'5 *J OX'-?o5'99q J =i;:J I * 3.Ll 5n6 o<' aE # 384 6 =: F U x 3** 4;x in-i ?is x+* 53 6' ': R aq9 =i; z !4. 'ti Eeg ;"., ), .rt o - 8d o =:J Y: 'd {r oo 9(D 6o ^o !o ol oo On o c =o -lll 3 e. =o o =,=Et -o e I o :o \tD t (rt .-rD (D - 5 u, z c 3 ct o f.5 GI u7 an o 3 ; Iib e f,yz-.* *Y<zt 4 ilir > +'jr E I4S 'Tl >>X4n z7; in >=-1 -t* ^+ -r- ii (J ;m aia A Ol.\Y ix 5= =ZENRQ n8R3b: \J ttl -o *d =sxxsx*-8SQ,io !ss!9 ;f;*at >!\1 -F9 2> aa TOP CHORD TOP CHORD 6 F F F = - P eo : P s'i I P r.i = gFx $a *ag f5 f;+ a{+ Eg R*; sa *fre EFF Fr;r saE ?; tF# 63; ;g $gg t6 ;g€ e€3 $e Efi* +E ssr +Hi{ i* a+ gqg * iE€ i, a 3q €i +e ai3 iqE E* -ff i$ qeg ii; *E. qi ,gfi F+frg di d i+ ii i$ [+ *ir ir $a ia $4$ +i$ 3; 5+ ;i 3 g$g E3 i E4 g* ug g$ Fs 89 +F Eg af,$ 3i i[ g$ ?i mei# sc " € e., '3 1$gi qaEb ee j g g6 q;g'osg o €€(.t ={o -@ E o c J .e o f o 7.1t4 Scale = l:20.s J i 7-114 DEFL In (loc) Udell Vert(LL) -0.19 5 >480 Verl(TL) 4.38 5 >24 HorzCfL) 0.08 3 a lsi LC LL Min Vdefl = 240 Plates Increase 1'00 Lumber lnctease '1.00 Rep Stress Incr YES code uBcsT/ANSlgs LOADING (ps0 TCLL 80.0 TCDL 10.0 BCLL O.O BCDL r0.0 PLATES M[20 Weighl: 32 lb Sheathed or 4-1G14 oc pudins, except end verllcals. Rigld cailing directly applied or 104{ oc bracing. LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF 1650F 1.5E 80T cHoRD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E WEBS 2X4WWStud REACNO S FORCES (lb) - First Load Casa OnlY ToPCHORD 2-6=-1'129,'t'2='136,2'3=174 BOT CHORD 5-6=4,4-5=0 WEBS (lb/size) s=12osn-+8, Y,UlMechadcal, 4=76'lMechanical Max Hotz 6=18o(load case 4) Max Uplitl 6=n45(losd case 4), 3='102(load case 4) Max Giav 6=1205(load caso 1),3=634(load case 1),4='1s3(load case 2) BRAGING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD NOTES 't-1-itl] truss tras Oeen destgned for the wind loads generated by 80 mph wlnds al 25 ft abovs grcund lavel, using ' s.o psr rop cloio oead b;d and 5.0 psf bottom chord dead load, 1gg_ml.from hunican€ oceanlins, on an occipanci category r, condition I en;bssd buildlng, of dimensions 45 ft bf 24 fl with 9l?-o:llP^9119: 1--'g^3-^ p", deCSZfnruSiSS ti end verlicals or cantilevers exist, they sre sxposed to wind. tf porche. exlst, thsy are not expos€d to wind. Tho lumber DOL inctsass is '1.33, and the plate grip Increass is 1 33 Design load is bas6d on 80.0 psf specified roof snow load. Overhang has been design for 2.00 tinres live load + dead load. 16r" tt""i rt"" G"" ossilned for a 10.0 pst bottom chord live load nonconcutrent wilh sny other llve loads per 2l 3) 4') Tabl€ No. '16-8, UBG97. 5) Reter to girder(s) tor truss to truss @nnecrtions. Oi provfOe iecfrdnicat conneclion (by others) of truss to beating plate c€pable ot withstanding 145 lb upln at joint 6 and 102 tb uplift at joint 3. LOADCASE(S) Standard #''W eili$s L tL WARNINA - ve rif) design pqra elers snd READ NOTES ON THIS AND REVERSE SIDE BEFORE UsE D6llgn valld lor useonly w[h m|Tlk oonnsctors. Thl6 da8lgn 16 bEs€d only upon paGnstgrs rhown, End 16 toran Indlvldt/al bulldlng conpohent to bo In6tall6d end loadad verllcally, AppllcEblllty ot doslgn palalnoterB and proper Inconol.llon of componant i! rclponslblllty ol bulldlng deslgner - nol iru!6 designer BraclnC shown 18 lor htaral support ol Indlvldual wob mamboo onty. A(btttonat t€mporary braotng lo ln8ur6 Btiblllly dudrB conrlructlon l! tho ro8ponddllly ol lho orector Addltlonal permqnonl braclng ot th6 ovarall atructur! b th€ rgsponsiblllly ol tha bulldlng d68lgn€r. For gane€l guldanc€ regardlng labdcstlon, quallty oonlrol, storago, doliv€ry oroctlon, and baclng, con3uh OS1.88 Ourllly St.nd.td' D6B. ll Brlclng Spacltlcltlon, rnd HIB-01 Handllng Inatallallon lnd Eraclng Racomhlndallon avallable kom T.uaa Pl.t. In.lllul., 583 D'Onorrlo Drlv., !dl.on, Wl53710 June 19,2003 Fsr =.<=I 5Cr !g o(^z z c' o ?lll z 6 z rlr !t|F { ^ lfl N2 I{m ;=Ed OOV=;f !g a ' x.; l x =i4 =o X ,Ioa' :''?--'*,v 6i5:. o o-- ro (,o =f uo ^-oo o E m 4 z o {l oo ,dH a9 oo o:oo :) il o c HEYgP Eqesa < o 5'6 E 9X6;a Y+o ='o ' - A oo x. :. d'f xJ ot'o?o5'q !+o l c:"o.r\-I*i u YX I d..= Y o x :, --9 rr; F*s 6;= F ix x '1 ii* o <N Qob ?qq PR I iag *+* 53 o'i':9 8e{i? i#g A'u Y o o = (O* (u o ={o TEI 3 -t o - lrl to 3 o o Gl v o a o .|o U'5 o o 3 A Ir, z c 3 u o 5.f GI 3A tn i+o 3 A nlc > A>v,a 2a> z .,-0 d *2x m --v P, 8"";=n Jut;a 'n >>A4T >z;E ;=J -r@ dtn ro r0 60c)- =tr 40 -7\h€ zri 63HFE8 "s o o e= -o *d ! (r.o\ooi.oI 'H$€tfi I X S rH ;y-qt d;HP 22 vt TOP CHORD TOP CHORD o d ; ; s - 6 p so > tr s'r | !' I'J ;53> fi ir 'gi ii F+t aea g1 gn$ ifi lgg iFg +F gt $iF ,B lBi il I E +$ Eg iq ?i; fl;g g$ '$; :* ?;* ria na ia '€i l :n= is a i ta ai -; ca *g al *1 ga g3g ,+e ii gg 3[ g*gg ,g g 6(D PTA 34-,t.10 t1€9-fi€19-7.9 $r{4-10{4n 0-0 Scal6 ' t:7'1.6 4.n lr Ie 4-10{ 'l Vert(LL) 4.46 14-15 VertOL) {.sB 14-15 Hotz(TL) 0.24 '12 1st LC LL Min udsfl = 240 (loc)DEFL ln l/defl >999 >810 nla PLATES GRIP Mf l20 1691123 M 20H 148,/108 Weighl: 229 lb LOADING (psO TCLL 80.0 TCDL 10.0 BCLL O.O BCDL 10.0 sPActNG 2-0-0 Plates Increase 1.00 Lumber Increase 1.00 Reo Stress Incr YES CoOe UBC97/ANS|95 csl TC OU WB (Matrix) 4.57 0.92 0.95 LUMBER TOP CHORD BOT CHORD WEBS SLIDER BRACING TOP CHORO BOT CHORD WEBS 2 X 6 SPF 1650F 1.5E 2X6SPF 165OF 1.5E 2 X 4 WW Stud 'Except. 7-152X4SPF 1650F 1.5E Left 2 X 6 SPF 1650F 1.5E S-5, Right2X6 SPF 165OF 1.5ES5 Sheathed or 2-10-2 oc Puriins. Rigid ceiling dkeclly applisd or 10'0'0 oc bracing. I Row at midPt 2 Rows at l/3 pts ,t'16, 10-14 6-1s, 8-15 REACTIONS 0b/size) 2=4295/06-15 (input 0-5-8), 12=391706-2 (inPut 0-$8) Max Hoz 2=17(load case 5) Max Uplift 2=-407(load case 5), 12=-304(load case 6) Max Gr?ry 2=M27lload case 2), 12=3917(load case 1) FORCES (lb) - First Load Case Onll TOP CHORD 1-2=15,2-v-7665:34='U 1, +5=-6638, S6=€475, 6'7=-5327, ru-5327' 8-9=€466' 9-10=4659, 1A'1 1='7361' 1 1 -12='7721 BOT CHORD 2-17=6644,16-17=6639' 15'16=5827, l4-15=5842, 1$'14=6680' l2'13=6756 WeeS ?Jt7=5g, +17=65,4'16=-974, &16=936' 6-15=n563' 7'15=2647' 8'15=-1586' 8-14=961' 10-14=n007' 10'13'13s' 11-13=5 NOTES 1l This truss has been designed for the wlnd loads g€nerated w 80 mph winds at 25 ft above gound l€vel, using ' s.o pirtop ar,oro oead b;d and 5.0 pst bottom chord dead load, loo_mi.tnom hunicane oceanlin€, on an occ,.rpanci, category t, condition I enilosed building' o, dimensions 45 ft bJ 24 fl with expo€ut€ C ASCE 7'93 p"i tigCgTleHdlgd tf end yerticals or c€ntilevers exlst, they are exposod to wind. lf porches 6xist' they are not Lxoosed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1 .33, and the plate grip increass is I '33 2) oesign load is based on 8o.O psf specified loof snol,v load. 3) Unbalanced snow loads havs b€en considered for this design. +j Overtrang has been design for 2.00 timos livs load + deed load. 5) All plat€s are Mll20 plates unlass othotwise indicatad. oi rrri" tru*s tr"s ueen d$lgned for a 1o.o psf bottom chord live load nonconcunent with sny oiher llve loads per #frTffi June 19,2003 a--------'-"--A WARNING - verih design paraneters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND REVERSE SIDE BEFORE USE Da8lgn valld lor u5e only whh LllTak clnn€cton. This dsslgn 18 bagod only upon paramglers 5hown, end i6lor en Indlvidurl bllldlng compon€nl lo bs lnstall€d rnd loadgd v€rtically. Appllcablllly ol doslgn lerdmolall lnC prop€r Inconol.llon ol conporerf ta re6porsjbrlty ot bullding dadonar -nol lrut6 daslgnar. Blaclng thown l! tor lal€lalsuppod ol Indlvlduol wob mambara only. Additlonal Lnpora|y bracing to Inlurc atablllly durlng conatrucllon l! lho ro8ponllblllly ol lhr araclor. Addltlontl paamanont braclng ol the ovolall slrucluro lr tho rsspon8lblllty ot lhe buildlng da3lgngr. For larsrtl guldrncr .6Oarclln0 labdcatlon, quality contol, itorego, dellvary aractlon, and blaclng, conrull OST.ll Ouallty 8land6fd, 098- 89 Brrclng Sp.clllcllon, rnd Hl8-9t H.ndllng Inlhlhllon rnd Bt.oht F.oomm.nd.llon avallablo hom Tru|r Pld. In.tltulc, 583 D'Onolrlo Drlv!,l||dlron, W|53719 t a c/,i.<lrr rd F{6(t 3o OvD z z tr, o 4 m z -l 6 z tll T D ttt u, FI m r ltt f, @ 7 o z o It m =z o s .N ;=q6 oO9= .i'd.; :o o .l 6- ;' ;eo 6X{ o o- d qr'l E ^\!DqE*v:dd\ ..< o 6'd o E *;; q ==3 a3 x. :. 6'r :*J O:',":o=' O lLn * :*1.3 !x k o<-' e-d; lo q 6;: iux O X 5 ^ -N)d';8 i Ee - ='= s=6'*x ? -< o:X*F :13 o'i':g geq "*= Aeg -. ar= o 5'o :af 6o o o {5 JQ 66' =.Y .: i.t a9 oo i: ;i Oo o c 3 {o F m (o o rD ro F o r! o o o o o 3 l.{ 5 t z c 3 cr o =.5 (o v, vl o 3 =;*b i. uf, u Z r'\-O < =+Y @ m=A A iaq a Jg,;-n )!P.42 <<z h ><J --r @ = -lla a:9 .)OO i €tr v1.] h{ zfi =ze.Ha i8R8FH \Jt'|+Q fio =(,,.o\o.,)-E O'O.O'.OO.m - H S 3 ",n F P 5;U 961-+trt : i * qt >!9-FP i> at TOP CHORD TOP CHORD d i F F = F p so ) s rD I s, i$ = T4> +1 Hai *i ffi+ $E$ FE E*A gg +fA $B* ffiI$ siE d; iFF,F ; i* ,*i i+ afe g;1 $r $$* HF iE3 $FA 3$ Ff, air a aal q: s il ii a$ 4i siF E* 'ifi i$ FaF $;* [g i$ 'iil e fi+i gl I gi F* ai ;e s'ig tg a*Fd* n,E3srg # e$€e:gs '.,u ffi g $; *e e= +q €g [il+ ia ie +E if fr #;* 3E € Ei riA'$gi qesFqiig'EA qv.iaig, @ .o (o (, = o - IE,) o c I €o 5 o Job M2380WEB T russ T1 -Truss Typa RooFrRusf aty 4 Ply 1 R9432946 tonl(optionat) s NOTES iiwenruf r,,re , Required bearing size at ioint(s) 2, 'l 2 greater than input beadno size' 8t provide mechanicat mnnect'on (oy oihers) i* irusito Oearing plaie capautJof withstanding '107 lb uplllt at ilint 2 and 304 lb uplift at ioint 12' LOAD CASE(S) Slandard a WARNINC . Verifi'design paratneters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND REVERSE SIDE BEFORE USE Doslon valld loa u66 only wi$ f|Tak connocloG. Thls dasign l8 basod ooly upon paramotsls 6hown, and lt lor en Indlvldull bulldldg componantto b6lrulellod and loadod vorllcelly, Appllcrbllhy ot deslgn palamet€a8 8nd prop€r IncorporEtlon ot componsnt l! rclponrlblllly ot bullding delllnsr- nol truss d6signer. Braclng shown i8 tor laloralrupport ol Indlvldurl w€b memborc only. AcldltlomllempoBry braclng to lmur6 Blablllly durlng conslrudlon la the r€6ponelblllty ot lhe areclor. Addlllonal pomrnant brrcing ol iha ovarall 6tmctrrra is iha rGpondblllty o, tha buildlDg do9l0n9r. For ggngrgl grrldanco rggardlng tab cation, quEllty control, storsgg, d€livory €roclion, and braclng. consult O5T-ll Ouallfy Stlndltd, DSg. l9 Enclng Sprcltlartlon, rnd HlB.gl Handlln! Inatallallon rnd Brlclng Raaomm.ndallon avallablo ftom Trual Plrl.Inltltuta, 583 D'Onolrlo Drlva, H.dlaon, Wl53719 o o 53t =<nr- F{Hu r9.Otn z z 0 o 2 1ll z 6 z )! ^-= ='.n aq99d *i55*\!x6@-+++o 5 (D ' J A oo *J O;l: dl :4+O -_:; ==cl"oa- ?x1.t'5r 6 o<-' 9Ei' lo H 6;'X Eux gd+ o{N q 06 ? qq *g = x d 5 *=* 53 o- l! v'-l =^=':H- Uig 3= a8g q- 'P?r (6- - o t LF'r+-'xil Nt4 --i{lfl "=o* ;i q;'' x.- l 1=o " 6' 6' f F;'(o*;- : v1O HQt Y r-.:r =' =l=o o-- m v E v o z o oo =f oo oo (o :. o E m =z o oo ou; (6o oo qa. O. o c ;a tlr 3 o - m |a o o ro ,o o o o o an o o 3 l-l t{ 5 q, z c 3 cr o =.f (o v, vl o 3 = s*b i 402 "' -cl h 46; n ;Y:A E isg '7' >>Aan <42 - !, c tr ><+ --{ g ^- an U;ln ;o io 60.)i {F .40 h€ =t36Ha ^3RE6Y |. m +9 FO =(r-o,oc,J-E o\ o, cr. .o o. rn rOo..O s:"r-\:H N P *.oE 56Ni9m ;y-a*>!!J-FP 22 ToP CHORD TOP CHORD 6 s F F = F p eo > e t -rsE:;g;99;FE> +1 ;s; al gaf Aii FE gfrF ig 3f3 qEfl er ;r gar ilr a+3 .di; ig *93 aA a5€ a,:i+ $a Efi* # 3Eq 6ss agr? eqa * *fri la e 3q li 3a aie;;+ ia ci'; $n ifl; $fg 1fi €fr gili 3 tgs Hs d ig Fi a3 =[E -df ?$ .Fi i$ *aF ffiF [$ iF ";e E d$e Ei *g* Fil +; ;a gr ii qg .i+ *eB n€3sn$ if ggEq5ss 'F 3* gEE +a qF irgH [t+ 3aiA gE ia rai* 3e " € ei diA'EE; -=qegF t1 u g' E6 qo9nua -g @ €|o gl - o 7 @ r o c I aa o Job M238OWEB Fruss T1A Trussfype I RooFrRust Qty 3 t'ty 1 R9432947 lou nI (optional) a 0-o-0 , s-r+ , e-rra , 1,0+-g , 1$7-9 I 24-ts 1 2s+9 | s-1-10 | 3s-2 | s-r* 4-r0-o 4-to4 4'10{ 4-10{ 4-10-0 4'104 sl€ s€b = 1:70.g 4.5o FT h E 1 LOADING (ps0 TCLL 80.0 TCDL 10.0 gCLL 0.0 BCDL 10.0 SPACING 244 Plates Increase 1.00 Lumbsr Increase 1.00 Rep stress Incr YES code UBG97/ANS|95 csl BC WB (Matrix) o.54 0.92 0.95 DEFL in (loc) Udefl Vert(LL) -0.46 1$14 >999 Vert(TL) -0.18 13-14 >806 Hoz(TL) 0.25 11 a l st LC LL Min Udefl = 240 PLATES GRIP M 2o 169/123 M 20H 1,18/108 Weight 226 lb LUMBER TOP CHORD BOT CHORD wEES SLIDER BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD WEBS 2 X 6 SPF 1650F 1.5E 2 X 6 SPF 1650F 1.5E 2 X 4 WW Stud 'Except' 6-142X4SPF 1650F 1.5E Lefl 2 X 6 SPF 1650F 1.5E S'5' Risht 2 X 6 SPF 1650F 1.5E 5+5 Sheathed or 210-1 oc Purlins. Rigld ceiling direclly applied or 1044 oc braclng. I Row at midDt $15, 9'13 2 Ror/s at 1/3 Pts 5-14,7-14 REACTIONS (lb/size) 1=3926/0&3 (inpul O'$8), 11=3926/0-6'3 (input: GS8) Max Hotz 1=1l(load case 5) Max Uplift 1=-3o60oad case 5), 11=-306(load case 6) FoRCES (lb) - First Load Case OnlY iop cnonrj 't-2=-7741,2-s=-zdgt ' g+=-ooaz, +-s=6489, $6-5351, 6'7='5351, 74=6489' 8-9=4682' 9l 0=-738 1, I Q-l'l ='77 41 BOT CHORD 1-16=6774, 1&16=6700' 14-15=5863, 13'14=5863, 12-13=6700' 11-12=6774 wLes 2-16=8, $i6=132, a'15=-1006' $15=960 , *14='1584, 6'14=2664' 7-14='1584' 7-13=960' 9-1 3='1006' 9-12=132, 1G'12=8 NOTES i1-inii t,u." r,"" u"en designed for the wind toads generat.d by 80 mph winds at 25 ft abore ground level, using ' S.o pJ op "tt"tO Oaad loid and 5.0 psf bottom chord daad load, 'lgo-miJrom hunicane o."anline' on an o*lpa"irl *t"g"rv t, condition t en6bsed building, of dirnensions ,15 ft by 24 ft with e,\posutE c AscE 7-93 oe|' UgCgTfeNdlsd f Bnd v€rlicals or cantilevers exlst, they are oxposed lo wind' lf porches exisl, they ars not !i*""0 t" "i"0.-fi'e lumber oOL increass is 1.33, and tha ptats grip increas€ is 1'33 2) Design load ls based on 80.0 psl specified roof snow load. 3t Unbilanced sno^l loads hava been considered for this deslgn' 4i Overhang has been design for 2.00 tin€s live load + dead load' 5i Att ptateJare t"tttZo plates untess otheMlsa indicated. Oi ini! trr-.s frij G"'rleslgned for a t0.0 psf bottom chord live load non@ncunent with any other liva loads per #"}ffiffi June 19,2003 Tabls No. 16-8. UBG97. 1, II groator than Inpul b€aring Eize. a--A WARNING - ve rih' desi|n paranercrs snd READ NOTES ON THIS AND REyERSE SIDE BEFORE USE D6eign valld tor ulo only wlth tllLk connrctors. Thls doslgn i3 be56d only opon paramotof6 6hown, and 18 lor an Indlvldual bt lldlng componenl lo bo inrtalled and loadsd v€rtically. AppllcEblllly ot doalgn pafamstol3 and pfopaf Incoryolellon ol componanl b lo6ponslbltlry ot bullding ds3lgno. - not tru83 deelon6r. 8lacln0 showo is lor lrlor6l ruppod ol lndlvldual wob mombolr only. Addltlonal tohponry blsclng to insuro stabillty dudno conctructlon i8 the rosponslblllly of lhe Irocto. Addltlonal pemenont braoing ol lh6 ovolall Btructuro ls th6 rggponslblllty ol tha bulldlng da5lgn6r. For 06neral luldanca rogsrdlng labrlcrtlon, quality conlrol, 8lolaga, dallvory, 6rection, and braclnq. oonsult OEI-IE Oulllty 6hndard, DSB- 89 Er.clng lp.clfk.tlon, rnd Hl3"g1 H.ndlln! Inrldl.llon .nd 6r.clng naconnr||d.tlon avallsblo lrom Ttu.. Pl.t ln.tltut., 68il D'Onotrlo Drly!, illdlrcn, Wl 637t9 o o F ltt = ctl =.<=I 6U lo Or z z tr' o 2 1ll z 6 z n tlt .o nt ?N m s x s trt m =z o aE99t', :9qQ*lra;d; x EisgE aYoio x 9.*g xJ o;' a4g=*6 +\eF6* ixZ.u 5n 6 o<-' S-d; lo Y 6;= E u x qd+ o<N q 0.6 ? qq pn'r iag \\4 :gf ,x-(D -'o :,' \P5o a96'n fi g-: r ;1 {H-dr 96-6 ;.u:,oQ - 8o'o E - o 1 v --.o *o 36!: ui:r=91 q+d 6 =;i +9 5 " o' 6' ,=\)6 \Y;a+ _ g, ru xx5 :ixi.a'\ v ra 6-6 r fo o= =l oo 'd o oo ea oo E]9o. O6 o ={o FBll 3 -{o x m ro o o f. r!,o r!.l o o o t o o 3 H 5 t z c 3 u o lI.5 cl 3/' ta rF o 3 { T>h n ^x=6 i.Y3 'B f,t@ '- th2* = -.r\J '- z = --{ !-.1 a frP-^ e izS r ))X4H z7z in >< = +;ii a]o 60c)i{F aao :.n ts€ =zSdXQ n 8 R 6 62 D-'=FO _f -l -o =o,.o.o (n -E o.o.o\\o9.m iOO.O R:.-.=U i5s3H ;Y*ct d;F9 +> TOP CHORD TOP CHORD 6 F ,6 F = F )o so :'' tr s^ | P N - T$> $i EEi [3 iAF gEi FE ffii ig Ffr EFf FF;r s;$ +: isF .ii ";3 Hig li 69€ eie i+ Eti *r es: e** *3 ;+ iq$ e 1q€ la o i$ €* Fa age e;r Ea c6g qs [q; A;g i6 c; rd: 3 at.t de i; sg a; g3 ;[t ft:E d* 3d =* qie g+E fifi ff 'IH r db-j qs a is, ll +; ql sr ift Fn ia idt at; ;i i[ ii e t:fi Et ; E4 Ag ;l; gE sr rl [t. a* g[# .4g j[ H3 f,d E qg: -H A '3s + a. ac*= i[ €g. fiil+ ?i ii i+ g[ gti* ,{' = Ei rii'ggi aaia d s g6 qv-g'*g, aa (o €0t = o t @ -o A I t!o o NOTES B) provide mechantcat connection (by others) of truss to bearing plata capeble of withstanding 306 lb uplift at ioint 1 and 300 lb uplift at joint 1 I ' LOADCASE(S) Standard I WanfVlruC - Ve rify desigu paranteters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND REVERSE SIDE BEFORE USE De6lgn valid lor us6 only yvith MlTak connectors, Thig d€919n ls bas6d only upon pa6m6lors 3hown, and lalorrn Indlvltlull bullding componant to b€ Inst6tl€d and toadod vonically. Appllcablllly ol do6lgn perah6te6 md prop€r Incoryorrllon ol component le rosponslblllty ot bultdtng doslonor - not lru$ de3lonor. Bfaclhg rhown l9 lor lal3lal lupport 0l Indlvldual w9b m€mb6r! only. Addltional tomporrry braclng lo lnsurs gtablllty durlng con8trucllon Ir lhe r68ponslblllty ol lhe 6reclor. Addltlonal psman6nl bracing ol th6 ovs.att gkucturo ls lh€ recponslblllty ol th€ bullding d€llgnoa. For g€nsral guldanc€ regardlng labrlcatlon, quallry conlrol, 6tora9a, dollvory, arocllon, md braclng, Eonrult OST.U ourllty Standard, DBB. 89 B.aclng Sp.clflcrllon, and HlB.9l Handllng lnrlllllllon lnd 6r!oln9 Facomhandstlon svSllablo Lom tru.a Plrt. Inrlllut., 583 D'Onofrlo Drlv., llrdl.on, wl53719 o o c./r 5< =I 5Cr lo Or,-z z I o 4 m z =o = go lo lo !?. -oo f\u o.o or o5' l'f G'o :oo :o6'qs; ';d 6'='9;'6O =O e> ^Tl 56 o< +t€q 3€i i*i *)q; 6n= Bux ' X'd: o b-a ^.-N 3b.9 qsg XE_s.lFd PE = iag 6 iX. #xX' 53 4 qi: I:* BPq q*3 :Y { F:+i f 2=i|'a qt go- I s8e g- ".e# o o-J t tll g t{ltl r X s m - E - a z o @ ltl =z o rlt !Jl 9o' ro u'o =f uo oo o o {5 d'6' ,EH oo 6E' tt o c ={o x$l 3 {o F Il| to o o |e v G o o f o o o o o 3 FI n A g, z c 3 u o =.(o tt lrt o 3 =;tb i 202 : *9a -- d;*t i; 4e a z r]-Q ? + -{:i 6 fr,P^ H 4aA -r- -! Ut .'^-n >>4 n.^ <<z in ><J -r@ ^-r +rit ai9 60c)i {F --{ x h: n A n I 8I L/ tn -o -r{nd =Rxx**t -.8 A Q,io N-'--at iX$;H ;B-st ;IT )<-tso o.<22 TOP CHORD TOP CHORD @ ; i 6 il ' 6 P so > e !n I s' t ;5+>g g$ 5.gi ffi f,qa F;: E! Ea5 gg 3f3 ggg ilr;r gaE ft; iFF frF; $ iF ,gt 4$ r*€ $€3 $a nn* *E ig3 iFa 3g E* $Fg .i *gu 3d q g +g le +g ?il; ast Eg 'E; :3 ?E* Fia fril {il '€l q f[+ gi s ? i: ie *i 5; .gg 3fr iE e3 I+$ ddF $a 3a Eq ? rls e r ,4 ' e+ gg +; sF E5 Eg 5A 5fl fiqi .ig i[ fr+ ir caE: -f,$ 'a aF 5 +. F'==; 3g e' $$i ea +i EF f[ g 'i* gE =$ Job M2380WEB T russ Trus.Type r RooFrRus|l ury 1 Pty I R9432948 .ru Rlce (optionat) s 0{{ a.so F .el .i LOADTNG (psO TCLL 80.0 TCDL 10.0 BCLL O.O BCDL 10.0 SPAC|NG 2{-0 Ptales lncrease 1.00 Lumber lncrease 1.00 Rep Stress Incr YES Code UBC97/ANS|95 csl TC 0.57 BC 0.92 wB 0.9s (Mattix) DEFL in (loc) Vert(LL) 4.,18 1$16 Vert(TL) 4.58 1$to Hoz(TL) 0.24 'l1 1st LC LL Min Udefl = 240 Vdafl >999 >810 n/a PLATES GRIP M 2O 169/123 Mlt2oH 148/108 Weight: 229 lb LUMBER TOP CHORD BOT CHORD WEBS SLIDER 2 X 6 SPF 1850F 1.5E '2X6SPF16s0F',l.sE 2 X 4 WW Slud tExcePt' 6-15 2 X4 SPF 1650F 1.5E Left 2 X 6 SPF 165oF 1.5E ffi-s, Right 2 X 6 SPF 165OF 1.5E &6-5' BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD WEBS '| Row at midpt 2 Ro$rs at 1/3 pis $16,9-14 $15,7-15 sheathed or 2-1 &2 oc Purlins. Rigid ceiting ditectly applied or 104{ 0c bracing' REACTIONS (lb/size) 1=3917/0-6-2 (input 0-5-8), 1'l =4295/06-15 (input: 0-5-8) Max Horz 1=-17(load case 6) Max UDlift 1=-304(toad case 5)' 11=-407(load case 6) Max Grav 1=3s17(load case 1), 'l l =4427(load case 3) FORCES (lb) - First Load Case OnlY roF cnonri 1-2=-7721,2-3=-7i61, 34=€660, 4-5=6466, 56=-5327, 6'7=-5327 ,7-8=447 s, 8-9=€638' $10=-7271, 1 0-1 1='7665, | 1-12=18 BOT CHORD 1-17=6756,16''17=6680, 1$16=5s42, 1+15=5827.1$14=6639' 'l'1-13=6644 wles 2-17=5,3-i7=135,3-16=1007' s16=961' $1Fn586' &1s=2647, H5=-1563, 7'14=936' 9-'14=-974, 9-13=65,'10-13=59 NOTES rfini, m$ r,"" o"8n dssigned for ths wind loads generatod by 80 mph winds al25 ft above ground tevet, using ' 5.0 psf top chord dead to-ad and 5.0 psf bottom chord d€ad load, loo_mi.from hunicane o@anlina, on an oo,lpanci i"t"qoty f, condltion I enclosed building, of dinEnsions 45 ft by 24 ft with "*po.t'I-q1:9-!-1-93--.oer ogCSZnHSlgs lt end verticals or cantitsvers exlst, th6y are exposed to wind. lf porches exist' thsy at6 not exoosed to wlnd. The lumber DOL Increase ls 1.33, and th€ plate gtip increase is 1'33 2) Design load ls based on 80.0 psf specified roof snow load.. 3i Unbalancsd snof, loads havo been considered for this design. 4i Oveftang has been dssign fol2.00 tir€s live load + daad load. 5) All olatss are Mtl20 platss unless otherwiso indicated. di it'i! tt"." f'". U"en'd6signed for a 1O.O psf bottom chod llve load non@ncunent with any othBr llve loads p€r #'hR ;ffii'# June 19.2003 l-- -----.''-'- A WAn //VG - Verift design parameters snd READ NOTES ON THIS AND REVERSE SIDE BEFORE USE Oo6l9n valld for lsa only wlth lrlTak connoctorS. 'fhlr de8lgn l$ basod only upon paEmotors ghown. end lo loran Indlvidual bulldlng conponentto bs Instaltod and loadrd vedlcally. Appllcrblllly ol d€slgn paranot€rc and prcpor Inco4orallon ol compon6nl Ir rolponstblllty ol bullding de3lOnar - nol trug8 deslgnor, 8lacino 3hown lr tor latenl auppori ol Indlvldual wob memb€r3 only. A(tsllloml tmporrry braclng to ircuro stablllty dudng conrlruclion b lh€ laspondbillly ol tho oracloa. Addltlonal psrmrn6nl braclng ol lho ovorall Btructur€ b lha lesponslblllly ot lho bulldlng do6lgnor. For genorel guldanca rsgardlno labrlcatlon, qualhy control, ltorago, rlollv€ry €roctlon. and bracing, consuh OST.08 Olallly Sttndrid, DSI- 80 g.rclng Spaclllcrtlon, md Hl8-gl llandlln! lrrlall.tlon and Braclne nacomdanddlon gvallablo kom Truat Phl. Itrlllul., 583 D'Onotrlo Drly.,ll.dlron. Wl597'lt I tr (/t =< =I 6U lo O ltr z z tr, o =lil z 6 z tlt 'tt 1 2 t{ltt r X F E m 4.z o H8938 :!!9q=!L:-d d c < o 6 6o E x;; q ==H aB x.:.6 f *r o:'lx = d5'9iio l ct"oh-i *:. il :n6 o<-' o; = o! rt 9i5;. lo q I RE i:: O a X I @O _ ='- L,t- - ;*R = x d 5 *+* 53 o-'!':* 8gg ;1 *Fi 6-f 96-6 d\u Y o O <' o- .h_:' (o-o E - o t- -=O;o ad*5 a=:ur ' x.d l x =!*6 =^ .- .i /.\ .: o- 6' J' 4 .^ ?,v xxf i)]=' o o- 50 xo n6 oo 6o o g {r 66' dii io ltl 99. ".+ - 9o o c Fffi.ry41 3 o F tn to o o f, lE F o e o o o t o o =ti I I t z c 3 ct o =.:'(o vr .A o J ; rib q aQz ", aC) N E6; z c,-o z = -+ !-.1 A d.PA E ab1 a )?6 r >>tu ilQ A <Az b ><J --r @ ^"r + ii a i9 60c)i :F {x x: 6=frn88 " S ii o Y= -o -, Ci -! (.rr.o\O(r-I 1B$€Bf, N).-.-al iX$;g ;l'at d3 F?22 TOP CHORD TOP CHORD 6 F d F = F e eo ) 9 !'' | !' Ir :-T$> +g EEi a3 laf 1i$ Fl sFF i$ *fa EEr ;a ;$ s3g d; iFt Ei ., iF ,g+ e* +gF [eF gi *ta 4E' iei aHg *a Ei uflH [ $Hq ii fr $n 3E 33 =ff3 fi:E g3 3; =F g3t ggg nf, EF €q r 3n; ii a as ia +a 9* -s$ gf, ;E ;? FBF efi sa iE ag ? fl:t F+ a j+ e* :i3 rq €-3 ;* *9 +4 g*9 =$$ Hf _ai li F $;,e1 5I g Ei [g a; gg :R :i dll Fg ,F aF + 4" aE + iF CH fraf q?' ;[ Ei ad €sEE'Aq - F E3 tbq'fi$i ea*i Ea 3[ a'u*$;q a.gnu a o |D (o (., =o - @ .s 4 5 (o p o NOTES 7) WARNING: Raquired beattng size at joint(s) | ' 'l 'l greater than input bearing size' Ai prouide rnechanlcrr conneaion (Oy oriers) 6t truss-to uearing plaie capabla of withstandlng 304 tb uplift at ioint 1 and 'rc7 lb uplift at joint 'l 1 ' LoADCASE(S) Standard I WARNTNC - Ve rifl design purlneters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND REVERSE SIDE BEFORE USE D68lgn valld lor rrs€ only wlth trllTak connoctor8. Thi6 d€slon ls bassd only upen palameters ahown, and ls loran IndlvlduEl buffdlng cornponofl ao bo ln6lalled rnd iordad vratically. ApplicaDlflty ot doslgh paamoLts ahd ptopar hcorpofallo, ol compononl b reaponalblllty of bulldlng dosign€r - not trure dqiono.. Bracln0 !ho$,n lr tor lal9lal ruppoft ol Indlvldual wsb mambod only. Addluonel tohporary bracln0 to Iniura 3lablllty durlng coEkuclion lr lhe rosponslblllty of the oroclor. Addlllonal poamanont b.acing ol tha ovalall ltructur€ l! ths rosponrlblllty ol lh€ bultdlnO doslOner. For ganaral guldgncg ragardlng fabrlcatlon, qulllty control, 8lor6ge. dslivory, orection, and b.dcing, conault OST'08 Ouallty Strnd.rd, D88- !9 Bflalng Spaclflcdlon, tnd Hl8-01 H.ndllnl Inalallrtlon and Sract[g Frcomfiandrllon 6vailablo trom Truaa Pltl. Inttltul., 58g O'Onolrlo Drlv.,l|rdl.on, Wl53719 5 .t {.<m-{ 6Cr !o Osr z z I o 4 m z 6 z i5 o- ='='a FsEgd < f =.x.;6s;;6 q:1 ^ - O ' J A oo d ] t,i;.): = *=. ; 'o ': -t -6 += ePdo=:*{.3 5n6 o<' coa 3'x oiN d -:.<^:i Ei* =-a - =.-{ x';g 6.6 YoO .*o o qn;. 6;'= O.,X *x: a- ^'F F5b oo fru 5' !\.F +Xil -v,+F lll ; ='E 6 oQH +' x.;:Y =!+_.; I +q 5 e-" i :qa HP{ ooJ {m v F - o z o !.t f,Yo. lo u1 0 =f,oo oo o F I 4 z o {i Oo 9(D (6o oo oJ oo :.:. Jl o c rlt E i o f ln Gl o o =. Gl v d o 5 o o o o o 3 I A t, z e 3 u o =.:' GI a/, atl o 3 F tib z 'i9z 4 AA'> Z a\ao < +=Y n i.6P a i26 n !>xaA <Az irl ><_:r --r @ :4m F'-4 60c)t €F :X h: zin ztE-xQ i8R6b: vrn =o _T_ -l .o I (r.O\OOi-E ol, o|. C!, \O O. ttt -gSSeR tx$xH ';f;''rs+ >!!?v FP 22 TOP CHORD TOP CHORD 6 F F F = F p so > 9 e 5 !' N') - T$>qf .g+S t5 ;;i aii:i g*; gq E;q;aF 5il 3q saE a; iFF cs "i* 'gi 3$ 3is F?* ge frr* +F Fgg iFe i* Es gtg =i igg i" 3$ a; qs 5Ei ;3$ Efr -g; 3i q5r s3q fia ir 'ea r iI+ f ';i4 FH +; 13 s.q ?+ 3E :* aaF uf* $; i* *[ FggF Ei a f,i a$ 3; tq e' ig t! q* aHA.f93[ frb *s EEs?-FE 'F= sH gEE acqg ii' €5 gil$ Aii; Bg ?[ frai.; ;g " = o_e.d gfli $-3r i+ * g $|..si-qo*ig, o to (a gc 3 {o - @ I 9.c 3 @ o t o Jo M238owEB lt, OveiFAiffi russ,L-ertarcq91If il RooFrRUSO -244 |_-_ 244 4-1-13 ------EI00 s Jun 11-10-8 . i3.5-1 16-l{ --i 3.10-5 +1-13 SPAC|NG 2-04 Plates Increass - 1.00 Lumber Increase 1.00 Rep Stress lncr YES Code UBC97/ANS|95 Lt::='--- Scale = 1:34.1 6 2r4 // 6 3x4 -- 4.60 FT J 1 't0 0 ull ff 3x8 = sx6 = 0J$(16 MllzoH = . 4-1-13 1-1-13 11-'t 0-8 16-1{ 310-5 LOADING (psO TCLL 80.0 TCDL 10.0 BCLL O.O BCOL 10.0 csl TC 0.70 BC O.71 wB 0.75 (Matnx) Verl(LL) 4.15 Vert(TL) {.'18 Hoz(TL) 0.05 1st LC LL Min Udefl = 240 PLATES M 20 M 20H Waight: 74 lb (loc) 9-10 9n0 7 Ydeil >999 >999 nla LUMBER TOP CHORD 2X6SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 'I.5E WEBS 2 X 4 WW Stud 'Except' 2-11 2X4SPF 1650F 1.5E,2-10 2 X4sPF 1650F 1 5E WEDGE Right:2X4WWStud BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD Sheathed of4-1-3 oc purlins, except end verticals. Rigid ceillng directly applied or 10-0{ oc bracing REACTIONS (lb/size) 7=1568/0-&8,11=2006/0-5'8 Max Hotz 11''172(load case 5) Max Uplift 7=-130(load case 5)' 1 1=-225(load case 5) Max Grav 7=1568(load case 1), l1=2580(load case 2) FORCES (lb)- First Load Case OnlY rOp CXORO 1'2=136,2-3=-3zo9, ge=-gtgS' a's=-2057, 5'6=-1930' 6"7=-2081' 2'11="1982 BOT CHORD 1O-11=267, 9-10=2968, 8-9=2977' 7-8=1805 WeaS 3'10=-531, 3-9=9, 4'9=79, 4-8=-1149, 5-8=642' 6-8=96' 2-10=2636 NOTES t I fni" trss tras Oeen designed for lhe wind loads generated by 80 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level' using 5.0 psf top chord dead b;d and 5 0 psf bottom chord de-ad load, 10.0-miJrom huniSiS-Y11'ltl3i3", "";il;;:i;6",y t, *noiiion I en;osed buitding, ot dirnensions 45 ft by 24 fr with exposure c AscE 7-93 p"|' tiscslnNsiss li and verticals or cantilevers exist, they are exposed to wind. lf porches exist, they are nol lioosea to winA. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33' and the plate grip increaso is 1 33 Design load is based on 80.0 psf sp€citied roof snou' load' Unbalanced snow loads have besn considered for this design. Overhang has been design for 2.OO ttmes live load + dead load All plates are Mll2O plates unless otherwise indicated. iiii! tir-J"" u""n'aesigned for a 1o.o psf bottom chord liv€ load nonconcunent w1h any olher live loads per Table No. 16-8, UBC-97. 7) B;aring at joint(s) 11 considers parallel to grain value using ANSI/TPI l-1995 angle to grain formula Building designer should v€rify capacity of bearing surface. 2) 4l s) 6) ffi.}iirii f.ssgq+ g* $;;ffiirs a-- -" --- - '--- -A WARNINC - veriJ\'.lesig l parcnetets and READ NOTES ON THIS AND REVERSE SIDE BEFORE USE De6ign valld lor us€ only with UlT.t conn€ctols. Thlg dosign is based only upon pa6mol9rc ghown, and is for an indlvldusl bulldlng componenl to be inslallod and load€d vertically. Applicebility ol do5lln parameters and propor IncoQorailon ol component i6 responglbllily ol bulldlng d€rigner - not truss do6lgn€r. Bracing shown js tor lalofal support ol individual web mombor! only. Addltional tomporary bracing lo Insor€ slablllty during codstrucllon lr lh€ rosponsibility of fi€ eroclof. Addltlonal pomanont bfacing of lha ovalall struclure i6 the ro6ponslbillty ol lh€ bullding desioner. For genorai 9uldanc€ r€garding ,ab catlon, qlality convol, slora0g, dellvery, €rectlon, and bGcing, con6un 05T.68 Ouallty Slrndard, DSB" l9 Brrclng Spaclrlcrllon, rnd HIB-91 Hrndllng Inthllatlon and Br.clng nccomnandrtlon avalldblo kom Ttu.! Pl.l. Inllllut., 583 D'Onolrlo Orlv.,ll.dl.on, Wl537'19 June 19,2003 !U r (/f =:r 5Er lo Our z z 0 o z m z =o z m - E v o z o F rfl ?z o 8."53q ;es9d ^<- d =.x.;Es;;I aYo 5 o ' - e oo I 5'U;. x eql c: o^-l*3.u 5n6 o<' O X:. .",'r=9 aY - +4.d;E * u{ r qd=. o iN 9o6 lqq *R =' x d 5 Y+!4 g I R I g 8 i', d ^= L.1 L -.!L, ry -=a a1 X eia o: )+ (D o i- 'gP f (o*' o !lf ta 4J Xl'i o o {t oo O.; .AU c-oo E-l O. o c rlr !|\t-+-,Xil Ng FI m --,txo qQX= d):vl q*s +Q 5 " o' 6' u-f = 11 A' '"6X{ =X=' o or 3 -.1 o f m 9.J o o f, to o o o I o tt o o n 3 l-l D (r, z 3 (t o =.J (o tt, an ..+o 3 F {49 .s f,z-ti A ed> Z ar IO z -- --r !-? 2 ivlP a )26 n >>A4n zAz E ;=_it --r @ ^"{ + rd aio 60(.)i:R AX h€za a=fr c E8 ^ s b o 9= -o 'T -a =o v ! (rr\o.Qa-I o. o' o. \o o' irt -3ss:s i X $;s ;Y*al d3 H9 2?. att TOP CHORD TOP CHORD s" F F F = - p eo ) F rn I P N :- T$ts gt eei [; gAI AEi ag s;i ig *$a sEr ;F;fi sag ?3 iF# di., i3 *E: [A F9€ die a4 Eea ni ,n i+ =H aga 6;* Ea dilq qE lai $gA i* Ef, uqt * aF€ la 0 +H 1; ii =[F qE A$ ]f =a iFi +ie fri ti 'gfr r F*s Es;LgE ds ;e *a q3 Ee E$ *; n4 E$ ig qs F+ $$i *$E lr i[ *$ E$gq sF H F aB" i 4- *c e= iF E5 fide aa qa +d if A *i* 3g = Ei aiA'g$i qaEF6aug"EA oF_6,oig, @ (o (o 0, = o t @ I o e I 6 -o 5 o russlwe i , NOTES b#iiioe mectranical connectio$ (by othe6) of $uss to beartng plata caPabte of withsianding 130 tb uplift at ioint 7 and 225 lb uplift at ioint 1'l' si e"u"Lo pl"i" ot "him required lo provide full bearing surface with truss chord at loin(s) 7' LOAD CASE(S) Standard A }Ve/?NfNc - Ve rify design purqntekrs a,td READ NO?ES ON TIiIS A/VD REVERSE SIDE BEFORE UsE De6l0n valld lor us6 only wlth MfTak clnneciord. Thls doslon lB basgd only upon pallmolors 8hown, and 16lor an Indlvldu6l bulldlng compononl to b€ Inrtalled snd ,oadad vortlcally. Appllcablllty ol de8lgn para|ngters and pfoper lncorpo€llon ol componsr{ lB tesponllblliiy ol building doslgfiBr - nol lru8g dsslgnar. Brtclno shourn ls lor latsral Buppon ol lndlvldull wob memb8ru only. Addllonel tempol.ry brrcing to Insuro Elablllly dudng conllrucllon li lho rosponslblllty ol lhe erector. Addillonal polmanent braclng ot lh€ ovarall atruclura Ir th6 rosponoiblllty ot the buildlng ds8lgnof, For gonoral Ouldanca rBgardlng tabrlaltlon, quetlty control, rtorao€, d6llv6ry, €rscllon, tnd breclng, con6ull 087.68 oulllty Stlndard, DS8. t0 Eraclng spaclllcdlon, and Hlg-01 Handllng Inatallallon lrd Eraclng Racomm.ndtllon avallablo l.om Trurr Pl.l.In.lllut ,583 o'Onolrlo Drlv!, M.dl.on, Wl53719 ffi4 E AOUI I6-i=b' z s's'qq* > ;"gq qi 3 5+e:f I =.=.o r l f;RE: =sSAe I A;i=s 9 5n 6 o<' o in: = ort l si5;. ld-Y < c o F;.!6 X= F U x q6+ 61t:O n X :l coo r =:4 /1 ;:.FR: ;6"9 *:,* 53 d F:+ 8Pq 6f go*; =' o6' o "=o:!1 f:a \u ogo JOq t') =;-i= l f ^ =' t v'6 9(D<uos.AOO ao' o E!-.ln I t,/\lr4./ , (\ *rrllfrzz \ \D U|lll to \ \ -1 U- \J- =I t./ B l/-t ,** i*6 Jo 5 o eo Eg xa =o bO j6 ,E-g a= O*z'9 dg ! o oo !l al qs. 6a r* ) ='-o -q (O =.9o 6 o*c 3 I o r ltt lo o o |o F o t o o o o ,o o 3 f + 9' z c 3 u o =.3 GI u, v,+o 3 259l^ Eo =ttb $tsnEH9 9,492 :->z>i,zut E ff 4==i * d zq*: = ;*nX F m - )= \./s33ss* alug -ESS3R X iE i $$;H 7 el ;l-c+ i I*BAo=H F P Ti:228:X IJI - EF h{ z--n IOP CHORD \ E 7 o o =o rl g vr o rh o z o +a vl @ G i ; E -1 A p 9D :'r 9 9r }. S' f') :- 8d g $g H.c; ffi lsa r*=* E!- Ea5 g$ E;q Esa 3F;q s3fl +; aFF dl B aF .Ei eF $sE i€i g4 {fll +9 3gl *frfr 4a +i ggF =* iA; ls F F$ Ef ii'[F il;E E$'$i 3[ AEi giE [a ae *€i q i[3 il ; t; $$ $5 fra .gF i$ $E F3 $$F u[e $F g[ $} E $iq EF EF ffi i:; #ac= iq €g gil$ 3i*q +s ?fi Fdi* d ; -5 '39 $a3 cd38 se + g g Scale = 1:29.7 DEFL in (loc) Vert(LL) rla Vert(TL) nta Horz(TL) 0.00 7 1st LC LL Min l/defl = 240 Udefl nla nla rua Plal€s lncreass 1.00 Lumber lncrease 1.0O Reo Stress lncr YES Code UBC97/ANS|95 LOADING TCLL TCDL BCLL BCDL (psr) 80.0 10.0 0.0 10.0 GRIP 1691123 LUMBER TOPCHORD 2X4SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD 2X4 SPF 1650F'I.5E OTHERS zX4WWStud BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD Weight 52 lb Sheathed or 644 oc Purlins. Rigid c€iling directly applied or 6+0 oc bracing. REACTIONS (lb/size) 1 =230/1 8.9.O, 7=230/1 8-9-0, 1 O=40/ 1 8-90, 8=828/1 8-94, 9=677/1 8-94, ',| 2=82U1 8-9-O ,11=677118-9{ Max Hoz 1=-4(load case 6) Max Uplift 1='1o(load case b;, z=-tOlload case 6), 10=-40(load cass 1), 8='88(load case 6)' 9=-64(load case 6)' 12=€8(toad case 5)' 11=€4(load cass 5) -. Max Grav 1 =277(10 ad ase i1, t=ztllload case 3), 1 o=4g(load cass 6), 8=993(load case 3)' 9=805(load case 3), 12=993(load c€se 2)' t 1=805(load cass 2) FORCES (lb) - Firt Load Case OnlY TOP CHORD 1-2.127,2-3.128, 3-4'-BB, 4-5=€8, 5'6=-125' 6-7='127 BOT CHORD 1-12-5, 11'12=-6,10-11=4, 9-10='6, 8'9=-6, 7-8=6 WEBS 4-10=39, 6{=-719, $9='615, 2-12=-719, 3'11=€ i5 NOTES fj-inis t.ss nas Oeen designed for the wind loads generdted by 80 mph wlnds at 25 tt above gmund level, using ' 5.0 psf top chord dead load and 5.0 psf bottom chord dead load, 1oo_milrom hunicane oceanline, on an oo[p"n"V Lt"gory t, condition I enctosed buitding, of dimensions 45 ft by 24 ft with exposura c ASCE 7-93 o., dgCszANSjSS f end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are exposed to wind. lf porchss exist, they are not exposod to wind. The tumber DOL Increase ls 1.33, and the plate grip increaso ls 1'33 2) Gabl€ rsquires continuous bottom chord beafing. 3i Ttris trusi has been designed for a 1 0.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcutrent wlth any other liv€ loads per Table No. 1&8, UBG97. l) proviOE mectranical connection (by others) ot truss to bsaring plats ca,pable of wilhsianding l0 lb uplift al.ioint 'i,iOiUupriftarpintT,40tbuptiitatjointiO,sstbuptiftatioints,64lbupliftatjoint9,SSlbuplnatjoint12 and 64 lb uplift at joint 1 1. LOADCASE(S) Standard #"ffi -A A, WARNINC - verih design paranerers and READ NOTES ON THIS AND REVERSE SIDE BEFORE USE Dgslgn valld lor uss only wlth l,llLk connoctors. Thl6 d$ign li ba66d only upon paramolor6 ahown, and 18 for an Indlvlduat btrlldlng componsnl to b6 Inslallod end loadsd vqrtlcally. Appllcrblllty of doslgn parlmatoas and proprr IncoForatlon ol componanl la rosponalblllty ot bulldlng d€slgnor - not truse deslgnor Braotng shown ts for lalol3l 6upf,ori ol Indlvldlal wsb mombsd only. Addltloml tampollry braclno to In8uro Etablllty durlno con6tructton is lhe ru8ponalblllty ottho orsctor. Addltlonal pemanont braclng ot tho ovorall Bkucluro b lh€ rgsponllblllty ol lhs bulldlng d$lgn€r. For genefel guldanca rggardlng tabrlcellon, quellly control, 6to€96, dallvgry oroctlon, afld bractng. conEult O6T.lt Ouallly standa.d, D58- l9 Brrchg Splcltlcrtlon, and l{lB-gl Handllng Indallatlon lnd Brlclng Rccotnmandatlon avallable ho|h T.0a! Plrt lnllltut . 5E3 O'Onotrto orlvc. t rdl&n, Wl 53719 June 19,2003 - Clt =<Ti 6Cr to 6A'z z 0 o =llt z 6 z '|d oo i'o fv oo oJ o3' =) ?H 6 o x --' !oo :!--G Hs; ;cd 9=' C14 g> 98 o-<- ** O X 2. -.'-9 ex'< Es;o X 5 ^ -N da8" iEe - ='- u *;' ^eR = x 6 5 :i+!+ Y I;i i;5ii Q9d,o o' !l:f ;" {Hx o-f qo 6 ;-,e :. o o = .oot o T F D m vr hl t s X A E 7 o z o+Hl 1r laf 5 tu {, q q H =vir?:X\^ O o..r h =;=OX )1=:oo .o*;: _ (A \V 9(D<xR:. o or !l @o i= oo o o E m =z o {5 fo o6' =.H (oo (,= a'9 cJ !o oo -* o c rlr 3 {a - m 9. o o :, IE F o o o o t =o o :? 3 ti 5 UJ z c 3 C'o =.J (o v, TA .+o 3 N) _! ^l co n FI =;*b i+ iro a\=-' -c,)A E6''z AiF. > +nr 0 t4e 'rr >>A==<Az in ><_t -{ aD :f i-a z-[].\0.)i=R t4O h{ fr=HCF8 '- a d o 9=\-,, nr -O -o a ! O..O\O(r-l o. o\ o. .o o. In -ESSeR Fp*LE tt;$+rrr ;Y-at d;ao q-<22 :I-OP CHORD TOP CHORD 6 F s" F = F p so ).. e s' I P Io - j$> nF,Eiq sq *si Afi EI **3 s{ 3# qgg 6f ;f sJ5 3; iF; frg "ie *il ai ;?6 e,!i $e Ef;* +f lEi *qE 3a la sqE il iEs lu a ig EF +$ efii il5g $f *g; 5+ i5i gsE fil rp 'sa freti ry i ls l; ia a* s$ ii *E aa elt Fii ;a i[ af +*lH Ei;ai E+ i;: d.9 n+ Fe "f ne sF i9 tl. 3* 3gF.F9 +F F$ Fe Et5.i €s A . aH + 4- tg e= i[ €5 [il$ 3i ie $a ?fi fril;* r{- = Ei diA'gfli +agHt4iE'.46 s v _ g ,o i g @ a0 €o, = o t @ I o a ,€ -o o OW.,. :HOLT TRUSS CO,LLG 1796 HWY 50 Delta, co 81416 Phone: (970|874-7070 Fax: (970187/t-7068 )ro:- EDWARD BUILDING CENTER P,O BOX 190 EDWARD. C.O 81632 I Deliverv List -Job Number: Pagie: Date: 1 06-11-2003 - 8:27:38 AM Pmject lO: MZ380WEB Prolect:LHC Model: llock No: -ot No: Contaot Site:Office:DeliverTo: AT1'. COCCHIARELLA RES. ' I I slgscoREcrRcLe T vAfL, co Q Y Account No: 3635t'3695 Designer: MIKE LAHoE salesDerson: MIKELAHoE LOADING 80-1S10 Name: Phone: WILLIAM 97S926-3381 o7n-q?tu1140 Tentative Delive[ Dale: Profile:Qty:Truss ld:Span:Truss Type:Slope LOH ROH Load By: ffi 1 cJl 1t -t -15 ROOF TRUSS 4-2-3 3.r8 0.00 2-9-15 0-0-0 6 ,|CJlA 11 -t -'t5 ROOF TRUSS 4-2-3 3.18 0.00 2-9-15 0-0-0 2 (1) z-Ply GRl 198lbs. 6ech 39-3-2 2X6nX4 ROOF TRUSS t-2-9 /1,50 0.00 1 H1 39.3 - 2 2X6t2X6 ROOF TRUSS 3 Rotr\rs Lal Brec 4-11-9 4.50 r 0.00 2-O-O 1 H2 39-3-2 2X6t2X6 ROOF TRUSS 3 Ror'rE Lal Brac 5-8-9 4.50 ,0.00 2-0-0 1 H3 39-3-2 2X6nX6 ROOF TRUSS 6 Ro$rs Lat Brao t-5-9 4.50 0.00 2-0-0 0-0-0 .-<ffi"-' , 1 H4 39-3-2 2X6|2XB ROOF TRUSS 4 Row6 Lal tsrao 7 -2 -9 4.50 , 0.00 0-0-0 1 H5 220 lbs. each 39-3-2 2X6t2X6 ROOF TRUSS 5 Ror,\,s Lat Brao t-11-9 1.& 0.00 2-O-0 0-0-o -<'%>=1 H6 39-3-2 2X62X6 ROOF TRUSS S Ro\ rs Lal Brac t-7-14 4,50 0_00 0-0-0 0-0-o ffi'N I H7 221 lbs. each 38-9-10 2X6/2X6 ROOF TRUSS 4 Ron s Lat Brac ,-10-1 4.50 0.00 0-0-0 0-0-0 1 H8 38-9-10 2XMX4 ROOF TRUSS 3 Rovvs Lal Brac 5-1-14 4.50 0.m 0-0-0 0-0-0 ,'< 2 J2 2-0 -7 ROOF TRUSS 2-0-1 1.& 0.00 2-0-0 o-0-o 2 J2A 12 lbs. each 2-0-7 ROOF TRUSS z-0-1 4.50 0.00 2-0-0 0-0-0 4 2 J4 4-0-7 ROOF TRUSS 2-9-1 4.60 0.@ 2-0-0 0-0-0 4,2 J4A 4-0-7 ROOF TRUSS z-9-1 /f.5O 0.txl 2-0-0 0-0-0 z.1 J6 6-0-7 R@F TRUSS 3-6-1 tl.5O 0.00 2-0.o o-0-0 z.2 J6A 28 lbs. sach 6-0-7 ROOF TRUSS !-6-1 /1.50 0.m 2-0-0 0-0-0 "<. 1 J6B 6-0-7 ROOF TRUSS ,-g-t it.50 o.m 2-0-0 0-0-0 z 13 J7 35 lbs. each 7.11 -1 ROOF TRUSS 4-2-9 4.60 0.00 0-0-0 1 T1 229 lbs. sach 39-3.2 2X6/2X8 ROOF TRUSS 24 Ro'r,8 kt Bra r-7-3 4.50 d).m 2-O-O 0'0-0 $ 0 $ 0 I 0 0 I TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Job Address: 5198 GORE CR VAIL Location.....: 5198 Gore Circle ParcelNo...: 209918203006 Project No : obINER COCCHIARET,LA, CARL A. & KATE05/20/2O01 5].98 GORE CIR VAIL CO 8]-657 Lricense : COITTRACTOR R & H MECHANTCAI-, LLC 1047 CHERRWAIE ROAD BOT'IJDER, CO 80303 I-,icense : 184 -M APPLICA}IT R & II MECHANICAI-, IJIJC 104? CHERRYVAIJE ROAD os/20/2003 Phone: 303-s43-9894 05/20/2Oo3 Phone: 303-s43-9894 # of Gas Ings: 0 # of Wood Pellet: ortrrrNT oF coMMUNrrv onvB'o#*r NOTE: THIS PERMITMUSTBE POSTEDONJOBSITE ATALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: Status . . . Applied. . Issued . Expires . Phone: M03-0056 : ISSUED : 05/20/2003 : 06/2412003 : 12/21/2003 BOTIIJDER, CO 80303 IJicense:184-M Desciption: install new radiant heat Valuation: $10,000.00 Fireplace lnformation: Restricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 ll**+*:|,lrt*:t:t*,*'rl*,***[*']:]']']*:t**t:i*t't**t**:*:t****r'r'rt*,r,rar**'r,r,t!**:*,tti,t+a FEE suMMARy Mechanical--> Plan Check--> lnv€stigation-> Wilt Call--.-> $200.00 Restuannt Plar Review-> $50.00 DRBFee--.-----------> $o . o0 TOTA! FEES**--*-> $3.00 $0.00 $0.00 92s3.00 $253.00 $0.00 9253.00 9253.00 $0. 00 Totral Calculated Fees-> Additional Fees-------> Totral Permit Fee----> Pa)T nents----"-----> BALA}ICE DUE-> IICM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT 06/24/2003 cCD Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT Cond:12 (BI,DG. ) : FIELD INSPECTIONS Cond: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIoNAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE L997 IIMC, OR SECTTON 701- OF TrrE L997 IMC. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANITFACTURES INSTRUCTTONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 OF TIJE 1.997 I'MC, CIIAPTER 10 OP TIIE 1.997 TME. Cond: 25 CONDITION OF APPROVAL ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI,IA}.ICE. (BIJDG. ) : GAS APPIJIA}ICES "*,.I" VENTED AccoRDING To CHAPT.S A}ID SHAIJIJ TERMINATE AS SPECIFTED IN SEC.8O6 OF THE 1997 T'MC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond:29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CIAPTER 3 AND SEe.1o1? OF THE 1997 IIMC AND CIAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BLDG. ) : BOII-,ERS SHALIJ BE MOIINTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. IINI-,ESS IJISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. Cond:32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLANS A}ID CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAI., ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond: 30 (BLDG. ) : DRAINAGE OF MECHANIEAL ROOMS CoNTATNING HEATING oR HoT-WATER SUPPIJY BOIIJERS SHAIJIJ BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. L022 OE TI{E 1997 UMC, OR :::::f-::lj--i--l-l-"l1l--1ii-].-I-Tj;-|''.*|t+|t+|t,t+f||*||t|***:l,t**.t*:t:}**li*|t**.:|.,}*|at++|l|i|*++,l|||ll****| DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS I:OR INSPECI'ION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR IIOURS IN AI'VANCE I]Y OR AT OIJR OFFICIL FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SICNATURE F OWNER OR NTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF +**'t** * * *,f * + ** * ** * * **++!*'********** ******** ++** *** ******** * ** * * + + * ** * * ** + *********+********** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement +***** +****+*** ***+*+++*+******++*******+*********+++********+**t***********!**+**!t******+*** Statement Number: R030004225 Amount: 9253.OO 06/24/ZOO3O2:02 pM PaymenL Method: Check Young INit: DDG NoUation: 2521David Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address : L,ocation: This Payment:$2s3 .00 M03-0056 Type: MECI{ANICAL PERMfT 209918203006 519 8 GORE CR VAIL 5198 Gore Circfe Total Fees: ToEal A.I-,L Pnts : Balance : $2s3 .00 5253. oo $0. 0o :1.'f *.*++*'l ***'l*********** *+,t** **************+****** **+*+*************,*+*******,**+************* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descri pt i on Curnent Pmts r"lP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 l,']c 00100003112800 MECHANICAL PIRMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FIIS I^]ILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 200.00 50.00 3.00 !Mas 16 O3 O6:26a p.? APPLICA o gill'mfr3-roo3 ffi N{t/ film{0F uAil,,ly I I | 75 S. Frontage Rd. I Vail, Colorado 81657 \f Building Permit #: Mechanical Permit #: 97 O - 47 9 -2149 (I nsPecti ons) be accepted the following: Layout Slze Spec Sheets CoNTRACTOR INFORMATIQN CoMPLETE VALUATTON EOR MECHANICAL P. RMrr Labor & Materials Contact and Phons #'s: eJ&-2t?Town ofVail Reg' No.l (l+r\fxcr\s-i ...\ ' Address: c\t--+c'c. Assesso,s Office at 970-for Parcel # Job Address: grt l${e Jgb Name:Ccc\io*e\". Work Class: New (X) Additlon ( ) Alteration ( ) Repair 1-l- oth"r ( -j ffiil. EHU e-ist at thls location; Yes ( ) No ( )do'iiffiatior': ttterior( ) Exterior( ) other( ) mif( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) ffi. of Accommodation Units in this building: No. of Existing Dwetling Units in this building: i I I I I I o o |r,.,*u o*r-A"---.. ' I '.: ..: \\EXI5T I /-,if t a F !LL--- \4)= o t*c.{ I o \D EXI9TIN6 u=e!=Raav Flcpi lrn4l-5ez'l Sr.{b-P LE6ENP +@ Jun 2O O3 O9:28a U-Values: R-11=,090 Hert Lo$ Calcda||o'rs p.l a- ^ln- :c*tz€,\\c--(-Ta:sai=ae c/A4h' R-19=.052 R-30=.033 cg{,t,ado,e*-s.:===(R\\s-S sruryoulEq "lfj' ttr- -- -- Address: Address: r_noJe: Job Name: Address:Snowmelt:,\), &. Area(Sq. Ft.)R-Value U UA DT -Reqtired Output (B rU/H) Floors 2rlKo (\4o ;}gs)1o 1 bAlt'K Ceilinq 21gb 3c aa3 1a,o (o z<7ko Walls eKs Icl ,o5;.btg 1o 21,3>> Windows t0)D /tv ,39 3L4,1 tc 3>,Jbq Infittration fl,bw tCw .1i lrl 9o 24,4>o Permit #:'TotalBTU/H:?a oC- ;-".-*"-\ \\\qs.h-Nr).^rnr f*-- \-ASrs S;*'=€-t-S- 1 f-t ,. e' .\s-Q Fs TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL. co 81657 970-479-2138 orl'rrrrr oF coMMUNrry DEvELotu, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT PCrMit #: MO3.OO99 Job Address: 5198 GORE CR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 5198 Core Circle Applied . . : 06/Zil20O3 Parcel No...: 209918203006 Issued. .: 07lll/2003 ProjectNo : fr1"-\1 | 6'L.e i9 Expires. .: Oll}7l2004 owNER COCCHIARELTTA, CARL A. & KATE06/27/2OO3 phone: 5198 GORE CrR VAII, CO 81557 L.,icense : coNrRAcToR HEARTH EXCr{ANGE, rNC. {'IHE.) 06/27/2003 phone: 970-827-9623 P.O BOX 670 MINTURN, CO 8164 5 License': L'7 4 -\[ APPLTCAT\Ir HEARTH EXCHANGE, rNC. (IHE) 06/2-7/2003 phone: 970-827-9623 P.O BOX 570 MINTITRN, CO 8L545 Iricense t L74-14 Desciption: CONVERSION OF WOOD TO GAS FIREPLACE Valuation: $5,647.00 Fireplace lnformation: Restricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 Mechanical-> $1.20. 00 Restuaranl Plan Revie\y--> $o, o0 Total Calculated Fees-> $153 . 00 Plan Check--> $30.00 tlRB Fee-----------> S0.00 Additional pses-----> g0-00 lnvesrigation-> $0 - 00 TOTAL FEES-----> 9153. Oo Total Permit Fee------> $L53 .00 WillCall---> $3.00 Paymcnts-----------> gx53 .00 BALANCE DUE_> 90.00 Itern: O5L00 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 06/2'l/2003 DF Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIAIICE. Cond: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 Ol'THE 1997 IIMC, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BI-,DG.): INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTTRES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 I'MC, C}IAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG.): GAS AppLrAlIcEs sr*olr vElrrED AccoRDrNc to "*rrl' AND 'HATJL TERI{TNATE AS SPECTFTED rN SEC.806 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR CIiAPTER I OF THE tggT Tt{C. Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMEMT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 AI{D SEc.1o17 oF THE T997 I]I\{C A}iID CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BLDG. ) : BOILERS SI{ALL BE MOI'NTED ON FI-,OORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBIJE CONST. I'NLESS I-,ISTED FOR MOI]NI]NG ON COMBUSTIBLE FI,OORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PIJANS AND CODE ANAI-,YSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRrOR TO AN INSPECTION REQTTEST. Cond: 30 (BI,DG. ) : DRATNAGE oF MEcHANTcAT RooMs coNrArNrNG HEATTNG oR Hor-wATER supprJy BOrI-,ERS SHALT BE EQUTPPED wrTH A FLOOR DRArN PER SEC. ]-022 OE THE 1-997 IIMC, OR sEcTroN 1"004.5 0F THE 1997 IMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHATL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELFAND OWNEF :t**'f**********'******** *****++***+++++**+i**********+***************+******+*** *++++++++++*** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Sratement **1.***'t*********'i************** *+*+++***+*+*++**** *****+** ***i***************tf,+t+++++++*+** Statement Nuiber: R030004293 Amounts: g153.OO 01 /tt/2OO3t1 :56 AM Payment Method: Check Init: LC Not.aEion: #2097 /Cory Dennissen for Hearth Exchanqe Permit No: M03-0099 T14)e: MECHANICA! PERMIT Parcel No: 209978203006 Sit.e Address: 5198 GORE CR VAIIr Location: 5l-98 core Circ1e Total Feest 3153.00 This Payment: $153.00 Tot.al AIrIr pmts: 9153.00 Balartce: S0.00 *++*+** ****** * *** *. {. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * ************* ** * + * * * * + + lt * * * * * * * * * * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descnjptjon Current Pmts MP OO1OOOO31111OO I4ICHANICAL PERMIT FEES i2O.OO PF 001000031i2300 PLAN CHECK FEES 30.00 l,lc 00100003112800 I^JILL CALL INSPECTI0N FEE 3.00 Buifding Pennlt #. .r2o 3 - e / 7 Mechanical Permit #: mv[WWn 75 S. Frontagc Rd. VaiL Colorrdo Bl6Sz Permit will not be acceptert wlthout the following; Room CoM&{CTORTMORMATTON Mechanical Conhacbn Town ofVail Reo. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: 7- 76 27 / 4pV CoMPLETE VAL#aE9!.EBUECHANTaL pEffin tulpr & Materiats) Ofreatg70-?visit Parcel # areo oescnption of work: ,?s y'r,?,Ao-Zat/< t/a ltba o./ a lln*t ueal -< g>5; ;r/- A/4, f lari !I!ot*t Nu"( ) Mottionw) rut""!qn( I Repair( ) ofier( ) Boiler Location: Interior l I erturio, 1 1Gur. 1 1 Does an EHU e<tst atthis location: yes ( ) No (I<) Tvpeof Bldg: single-hmih0d Duplex( I mrrt+tnirvt ) commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) oher( ) No. of B<istlng Dwdling Unie in mS UuitOtng:No. of Acconmodation Unlts in tfils buitding: Nofiype of Fireplaces prporuO Wmd Buming (NOT AIJ_OWED) a conrrersion from a wooO Fr / cvaryon6/hnil/ nFdrpGrm Yt*,t,|.!r*t:rrl **:r:f **!trl.*t,t,f ,t,*d.,r**rtrt:t * r* * ri rr * rt d3*,r * * * * r. * r.,r,r * *,t *,r FoR OFFICE USE o o A& ULJ A a @^ArlALoN Direct Vent Freestanding Stove Natural Gas or Propane Vent Horizontally or Vertically Standard Residential Mobile Home Approved Tested and Listed bv Omni-Test Laboratories, lnc. Beaverton, Oregon Report # 028-S-28-5 ANs|z21.88, CSA2.33t\498, CAVmA2j71V91 ARNING: lf the information in these instructions is not followed exactly, a fire or expl may result causing property damage, personal iniury or loss of life. - Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this or any other appliance. WHAT TO DO IF YOU SMELL GAS . Do not try to light any appliance.. Do not touch any electrical switch; do not use any phone in your building.. lmmediately call gas supplier from a neighbor's phone. Follow the gas supplier's instructions.. lf you cannot reach your gas supplier, call the fire department. - Installation and service must be performed by a qualified installer, service agency or the gas supolier. This appliance may be installed as an OEM installation in a manufactured (mobile) home and must be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and the manufactured home construction and safety standard, Title 24 CFR, Part 3280 or Standard for Installation in Mobile Homes, CAN/CSA 2240 MH. This appliance is only for use with the type(s) of gas indicated on the rating plate. A conversion kit is suoolied with the ance. Prairie Owner's Manual - August, 2000 - Installer: After inslaliation give this manual to the homeowner and explain operation of this stove. $10.00 Part # 93508115 . IF YOU SMELL GAS: * Do not light any appliance * Extinguish any open flame * Do not touch any electrical switch or plug or unplug anything * Open windows and vacate building * Call gas supplier from neighbor's house, if not reached, call fire department This unit must be installed by a qualified installer to prevent the possibility of an explosion. Your dealer will know the requirements in your area and can inform you of those people considered qualified. The room heater should be inspected before use and at least annually by a qualified service person. More frequent cleaning may be required due to excessive lint from carpeting, bedding material, etc. The instructions in this manual methods or compromise in the and safety listing. Look for this label: Forl-PConh I Poul ll" W.C. must be strictly adhered to. Do not use makeshift installation. lmproper installation will void the warranty This heater is either aooroved for natural gas (NG) or for propane (LP or LPG). Burning the incorrect fuel will void lhe warranty and safety listing and may cause an extreme safety hazard. Direct queslions about the type of fuel used to your dealer. Check for the label shown to the rioht. lf the label is present, the heater is equipped for LP (propane). lf the label is absent, the heater is equipped for NG (natural gas). Contact your local building officials to obtain a permit and information on any installatron restrictions or inspection requirements in your area. Notify your insurance company of this heater as well. It is imperative that control compartments, screens, or circulati ng air passageways of the heater be kept clean and free of obstructions. These areas provide the air necessary for safe operation. Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable liouids in the vicinitu of this heater. lf the flame becomes sooty, dark orange in color, or extremely tall, do not operate the heater. Call your dealer and arrange for proper servicing. Do not operate the heater if it is not operating properly in any fashron or if you are uncertain. Call your dealer for a full explanation of your heater and what to exoect. Do not use this appliance if any part has been under water. lmmediately call a qualified service technician to inspect the appliance and to replace any part of the control system and any gas control which has been under water. Travis lndustries 93508115 130700 . Do not place clothing or other flammable items on or near the heater. Because this heater can be controlled by a thermostat there is a possibility of the heater turning on and igniting any items placed on or near il. . The viewing glass should be opened only for lighting the pilot or conducting service.. Any safety screen or guard removed for servicing must be replaced prior to operating the heater.. Do not operate with the glass removed or damaged. . Operate the heater according to the instructions included rn this manual. . lf the main burners do not start correctly turn the gas off at the gas control valve and call your dealer for service. . This unit is not for use with solid fuel . Do not place anything inside the firebox (except the included fiber logs). . lf the fiber logs become damaged, replace with Travis Industries log set. . Do not touch the hot surfaces of the heater. Educate all children of the danger of a high- temperalure heater. Young children should be supervised when they are in the same room as the heater. . Instruct everyone in the house how to shut gas off to the appliance and at the gas main shutoff valve. The gas main shutofi valve is usually next to the gas meter or propane tank and requires a wrench to shut off. Light the heater using the built-in piezo igniter. Do not use matches or any other external device to light your heater. Never remove, replace, modi! or substitute any part of lhe heater unless instructions are given in this manual. All other work must be done by a trained technician. Don't modify or replace orifices. Allow the heater to cool before carrying out any maintenance or cleaning. The pilot flame must contact the thermopile and thermocouple (see the illustration to the left). lf it does nol, turn the gas control valve to "OFF" and call your dealer. Do not throw this manual away. This manual has important operating and maintenance instructions that you will need at a later time. Always follow the instructions in this manual. Plug the heatcr into a I 20V grounded electrical outlet. Do not remove the grounding plug. Don't route the electrical cord in front of, over, or under thc heater . Travis Industries, Inc. grants no warranty, implied or stated, for the installation or maintenance of your heater, and assumes no responsibility of any consequential damage(s). Y Travis Industries 9350811s 130700 Introduction Introduction & lmportant Information................ 1 Safety Precautions Safety Precautions .............,....... .................2 Features & Specifications Features........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Installation Options......................................5 H€ating Specifications...................... -........... 5 Dimensions........ ......-..........5 lnstallation Installation Warntn9................ -.....................6 Packing 1ist....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Additional ltems Required for Installation..........6 Installation Overview....................................6 Installation Hints.......................................... 7 Stove Clearances . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . .7 Mobile Home Requir€ments..... ...............,.......7 Heater Placement Requirements.............,....... I Floor Protection Requirements..... ...................8 Gas Line Insta||ation.....................,.... "..........9 Vent Requirements....................................... 1 0 Approved Vent Confi 9urations........................ 1 1 Restrictor Position...................,............... 1 1 Measuring Vent Lengths........................... 1 1 Vertical Term. with 0,2, or4 45' E|bows .......12 Hor. Term. with 1 90" E|bow........................13 Hor. Term. with 2 Elbows..... ......................1 4 Hor. Term. with 3 E|bows........................... 1 5 Vertical Term. with 2 90" Elbows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 6 Vertical T6rm. with 3 Elbows..... ................. 17 Vent Termination Requirement$ ...................... 1 I Finalizing the Installation Leak Test.......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 I Pilot Adiustment (if necessary)............... -....... 1 I Air Shutter Adjustment (if necessary)...............19 Che6k Flame...... .................20 Glass Removal (& installation).... ....................21 Log f nstallation... .................22 Operation Before You 8e9in..............,..........................23 Location of Conlro|s .....................................23 Starting The Pilot ................. ........................24 Starting the Stove for the First Time.................25 Turning the Stove On and Off...........-..-.....-....25 Adjusting the Flame Height.............................25 Ad.iusting the Blower Speed (optional) ..............26 Normal Operating Sounds..............................26 Maintenance Maintaining Your Stove's App earance ............ ..27 Yearly Service Procedure.......... .................. -.27 Troubleshooting Table.................................,.28 How this Stove Works.................. .................29 What Tums the Main Bumers On and Off......29 What Prevents Gas Builduo....... ......,.........25 Wiring Diagram ....................30 Replacement Parts List...............,.................30 Safety Label Safety (Listing) 1abe|.................................... 31 Warranty Warranty ........... .................32 Optional Equipment LP Conversion Kit ........................................33 Blower . . ...... .. ... . .................37 Fireback............ .................39 Wall Thermostat.. .................40 lnstallation Addenda Class A Chimney Convorsion........... ..............,41 Interior Masonry Chimney Conversion..............41 Index Index................ ..........,.......42 Features: - Works During Pow€r Outages (millivolt system) - High Efficiency - Optional Thermostat or Remote Control - Realistic "Wood Fire" Look - Ootional Blower for Quicker Heat Distribution - Convenient Operating Controls - Variable-Rate Heat Output - Low Maintenance Installation Options: - Froestanding Stov€ - Horizontal or Vertical Vent - Residenlial or Mobilo Home - Straight or Corner Placement - Bedroom ADproved Heating Specifications: Approximate Heating Capacity (in square fee$.............500 - 1,750 with Blower, 500 to 1,200 Without Maximum Input................ ........................31,000 Output from Low to High (in BTU's per hour).......... . ........16,608 to 26,815 Steady State Efficiency......... ...................up to 86.5% AFUE (without blower)............ .................Up lo 67.2o/o . Heating capacity will vary depending on the home's floor plan, degree of insulation, and the outside temperature.** Efficiency rating is a product of thermal efficiency rating determined under continuous operation independenl of installed system. Dimensions & Weightr The flue collar Drotrudes 1" NOTE: Measure side, corner, and back clearances from the stove top. 29-112 weight: 215 Lbs. Electrical S ifications (for onal blower Electrical Rating.............. ...................115Vo|ts, 1.3 Amps,60 Hz (150wafts on high) Fuel: This heater is shipped in natural gas (NG) configuration but may be converted to propane (LP) using the included LP conversion kit. The sticker on top of the gas control valve will veriry the correct fuel. Travis Industries 93508115 130700 ln stal lation Warnings: ! Failure to follow all of the requirements may result in property damage, bodily injury, or even death. ! This heater must be installed by a qualified installer who has gone through a training program for the installation of direct vent gas appliances. ! This appliance must be installed in accordance with all local codes, if any; if not, in U.S.A. follow ANSI 2223.'l and NFPA 54(88), in Canada follow B-149. ! ln Manufactured or Mobile Homes must conform with: In USA, Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standard, Title 24 CFR, Part 3280; In Canada, CSA 2240.4 and Gas-Equipped Recreational Vehicles and Mobile Housing. This appllance may be installed in Manufactured Housing only after the home is site located. I This stove is designed to operate on natural gas or propane (LP). I All exhaust gases must be vented outside the structure of the living.area. Combustion air is drawn from outside the living-area structure. ! Notify your insurance company before hooking up this stove. ! The requirements listed below are divided into sections. All requirements must be met simultaneously. The order of installation is not rigid - the qualified installer should follow the procedure best suited for the installation. Packing List Additional ltems Required . Propane Conversion Kit . Log Set . 4" Pipe,8" Pipe, and 90" Elbow (for gas inlet). Glass Latch Tool (to unlatch glass frame). Touch-Up Paint lnstallation Overview Vent (see "Venting Requirements" for d€tails) Gas Line Equipment (shutoff valve, pipe, etc.) See "Gas Line lnstallation" See "Floor Protection Requirements" Travis Industries 93 5081 15 130700 o lnstallation Hints: . lf converting to LP, convert the appliance prior to installation. . The blower is easiest to install prior to installation. Because the blol er is located near the gas inlet location, we recommend using the included pipe and elbow to route the gas inlet around the blower position. . Install the logs last - they are ft'agile. r When determining the location of lhe stove, locate the wall sluds (for horizontal penetrations) and ceiling trusses (for vertical penehations). You may wish to adjust the stove position slightly to ensure the vent does not intersect with a framing member. . Fumes and smoke ftom the paint curing and oil burning off the steel may occur the first time you start this heater. This is normal. We recommend you open windolvs to vent the room. Stove Clearances Straight Installations Gomer Installations Mobile Home Requirements lryit| thb clearance the t/€nt b ce.rt€r€d d7l$ from ths back wall. 291lZ frcm the sHe wall. !ryifi thb clearance, fi€ \,ent is centq€d lall8" frcm th€ wall. When the stove is installed in a mobile home, it must be bolted to the floor and the appliance grounded (use the optional blower with a grounded circuit or other suitable grounding method - current ANSUNFPA 70 or CSA C22.1). Travis Industries 93s081 1s 130700 Heater Placement Requirements . Heater must be installed on a level surface capable ofsupporting the heater and vent . Due to the high temperature of the heater, it should be located out of traffic and away from furniture and draperies. Heater must be placed so no combustibles are within, or can swing within 36" of the front of the heater (e.9. drapes, doors) ? When placed in a location where the floor to ceiling height is under 7 feet, the installation is considered an alcove and must meet the following requirements:. The alcove floor to ceiling height must be at least 58" tall . The alcove must nol be more than 45" deep before the ceiling returns to 7'. The alcove must be at least 47" wide . The heater must not be placed so the vents below or above the door, along the sides of heater, or along the back of the heater can become blocked. . This heater may be placed in a bedroom. Please be aware of the large amount of heat this appliance produces when determining a location. Floor Protection Requirements When the stove is installed directly on carpeting, vinyl or other combustible material other than wood flooring or a high pressure laminate wood floor, the stove must be installed on a metal or wood protection panel extending the full width and depth of the heater (Minimum 28" wide by 18" deep). Make sure these rubb€r tipped bolts on each leg contact the floor (they dampen any noise that may transmit through the hearlh). Do not adiust with weight on the legs, th6 rubber tips may tear. Travis lndustries 935081 15 130700 Gas Line lnstallation The gas line must be installed in accordance with all local codes, if any; if not, follow current ANSI 2223.1 ot NFPA 54 in the USA and the current CGA 8149 in Canada. The heater and gas control valve must be disconnected from the gas supply piping during any pressure testing of that system al test pressures in excess of 1/2 psig (3.45 kPA). For pressures undet 112 psig (3.45 kPA), isolate the gas supply piping by closing the manual sh uloff valve. This heater is designed for natural gas but can be converted to propane. Check the sticker on top of the gas control valve to verify the conect fuel is used (see page 2). Leak test all gas line joints and the gas control valve prior to and after starting the heater. The gas inlet accepts a 3/8" F.P.T. Fitting The location of the gas inlet rs shown below A manual shutoff valve is required for installation (it must be located within 3' of the heater) Gas lnlet Pressure . With the heater off, the iniet Dressure must meet the reouirements listed in the table oetow ? lf the pressure is not sufficient, make sure the piping used is large enough and the total gas load for the residence does not exceed the amount supplied. The supply regulator (the regulator that attaches directly to the residence inlet or to lhe propane tank) should supply gas at the suggested input pressure listed below. Contact the local gas supplier if the regulator is at an improper pressure. Standard Input Pressure Natural Gas 7" W.C. (1.74 Kpa) Propane 11"W.C. (2.73Kpa) Travis Industries 93508115 13070r Vent Requirements Always maintain the required 1" clearance (air space) to combustible materials to prevenl a fire hazard. Do not fill air soaces with insulation. The gas appliance and vent syslem must be vented directly to the outside of the building, and never be attached to a chimney seNing a separate solid fuel or gas-burning appliance. Each direct vent gas appliance must use it's own separate vent system. This appliance is equipped only for altitudes 0-2000 ft. (0-610m) in USA; in Canada, 0-4500 ft. (0-1370m). However, our ln-house testing has shown that the unit operated at altitudes to 8000 ft. Failure to adjust the air shutter properly may lead to improper combustion which can create a safety hazard. Consult your dealer or installer if you suspect an improperly adjusted air shutler. When the vent passes through a wall, a wall thimble is required. When the vent passes through a cejling, a support box or firestop is required. When the vent passes through the roof, a roof flashing and storm collar are required. Follow the instructions orovided with the vent (from Duravent@) for installing these items. Straight Lenaths 9088 6- P,pe Length, Black ( nisrior)g07B 9- P pe I ength. Black (rnt€tor) 906 12" Pipe Lengih, Galvanized 9068 12'Pipe Lenglh, Black (int6nor)904 24" Pip€ Length, Galvaniz€d 9048 24" Pipe Length, Black (interior) 903 36" Pips Lenglh, Galvanized 9038 36'P.pe Length. Black (rntBflor) 902 48 Pipe Lenglh, Galvanized 9028 48" Pipe Length, Black (intsrior) 9118 l1'to'14 5i8" Pipe, Adjustable, Black (interior) {Duravenl Part # 991) Use a roofflashing and stom collar whenever passing through lhe rool - (Dlravenl Part t1953 & #943 or #9435) pa66 ng through a cerling (0uravent Pan #963) Use a ffcstop spacer whenever l[ainlain a |hinirrum l" (25 mmlclearance trom vantto any combuatible (vent l! 6 5/8" (170 mm) diamele4 Minirnum ftaming for fire slop - -- Us€ a walllhimble whenever passing thro!gh a wall (Ourcvenl Part 1€42) Use N4odel GS Direct Vent manufactured by Simpson Dura-Vent on ly (or the Chimney Conversion Kit - see Addendum #2). Follow the installation instructions included with the vent. For the nearest Simpson Dura-Vent supplier, call (800) 835-4429. Part numbers and descriptions are listed below" cl€arance frofl venl to any conbualibla {vonr is 6 5/E_ (170 mml diaanet.r) Vent Terminations Horizontal Temination i0uravent Part 1€84) Penetration, Supoort Parts 942 Wall Thimble 940 Optional Wall Thimble Cove.941 Cathedral Ceiling Support Box 943 Flashino,0/12 lo 5/12 Roof Pnch 9435 Ftashnat. 7112lo 12!12 Root Pitch 953 Slo.m Colla.963 Ceilino FirBslop 988 Wall Strap Apply a l/8" (3 mm) bead of high. tEnperalure slllcone to the Innerar|d outer pipe, Th. sillconc muat roal the inner pipe frcm the outer pips. 981 Snorkel Terminalron (36- rise) lfor basemenl insiallationsl 9A2 Snorkei Terminalron (14' f se)(fof basement installations)984 Horizontal Square Torminalion 950 Vinvl Sidrno Standoff 991 Veircal Teimrnation E lbows 990 9908 945 s45B . Apply h igh-tem perature silicone to the inner and outer pipe before assembling the sections (on the male, upper section). This seals the inner pipe from the outer pipe. Slide the sections together and turn 1/4 turn until the sections lock in place. Install three metal screws through each joint to lock the outer seclion in place (see the instructions included with the vent for further details). NOTE: You may screw the first section of vent to the appliance without silicone. Horizontal sections require a 114" rise every 12" of travel Exterior Vent Diameter = 6-5/8" , Inner Vent Diameter = 4" Horizontal sections require non-combustible support every 36" (e.9.: use + 90. Elbow 90' Elbow, Black (inleri04 45'Elbow Travis lndustries 935081 15 plumbing tape) 130700 Approved Vent Configurations Restractor Position . A restrictor is built into the appliance to control the flow rate of exhaust gases. This ensures proper flames for the wide variety of vent configurations. Depending upon the vent configuration, you may be required to adjust the restrictor position. The charts for approved vent configurations describe which position the vent restrictor must be in. Measu ring Vent Lengths To Adlust the Re3trictor Remove the nuts holding the stove top in place (see the illustfation below). Lift the stove top offthe stove. @ Lifl the cott6r pin out. Replace the cotter pin Inrou0n tne co ecl hole dn the restrictor adjustment rod- re ^t |I.-..#lf_' in poGitbn # 6 ni""#flr-n $ta ""'.'&' @ Height --- \-1 | with 1-112" (37 mm) 8-44" Q20 mm) wide to 3-3/8" (85 mm) of Vent sections -ov^erlap each I N- \<.'\ ovenap otherb'rl/2"(37mm) llN# r<l ffi*{fl,:'*-, lW ffi @ :di3lailt"gl"lsi o Restrictor Positions #6 3/8'Nutdiver (measure from the closest Elbows add 3" (75 mm) to the edge of the starter section to length ofthe vent system. Vent Height is the end ofthe t€rmination)_,, -t Vent Vent Horizontal Run Travis Industries 93508115 130700 Approved Venting Configurations for Vertical Terminations with Zero, Two, or Four 45o Elbows 10' Minimum System Height (with or without offsets) 40' Maximum System Height 24' Maximum Offset The termination must fall within the shaded area shown in the chart. Use the indicated restrictor position. lf using offsets, use the table below to calculate the vertical rise and horizontal offset 40' (max) 35 teet 30 feel 25 leet 20 feet 15 teet '10 teet EEE5E9 E;P€RN ||l|l|l|||||||ll lllrrllrl ttttttttl lD d)rD !t)roo ttl ttl 6 p I _40, (max) - 35 teet - 30 feet - 25 feet - 20 feet - 15 feet - 10 teet - 5 feet Oftet Lsngth None 1' Section 2' Section 3' Section 4'Sedion 4' + 'l' Section 4' + 2' Section 4' + 3' Section 4' + 4' Section Hor. Ofbel 5' 1' '1' 9" 2' 5" 3' 2" 39" 4',6" 5' 2" 6' 5 feel Vert. Rise 1 1',7', 2'4" 0 feet 3',g', 4', 4', 5' 5' I' 6',I' l-0reet E :' Travis Industries 93 5081 1 5 130700 Approved Venting Configurations with a Horizontal Termination and One 90' Elbow . lf using a Snorkel Termination (14" or 36") add the snorkel height to the vertical height (snorkel terminations are used primarily for basement installations). . The termination must fall within the shaded area shown in the chart- Use the indicated restrictor oosition. 19' (max; - tsteet l 10 feet - ?666E OOOOov (I)(I)olr)osf o|r)(\N ltllllllltttttttrtrtrrrrl lt tttt ttl ttttt tttttl ttttl rrrtttrtrrttttttttttttttl tttl rlll 6 e N o 0) () - 19' (max) - 15 feet ]totu.r NATURAL GAS: l\4in. 2' Section Required PROPANE (LP): Min. 3' Section Required - 5 feet r-Ofeet I I (! c ]'s N tl c) '0J 0) 0) Travis lndustries 935081 15 130700 Approved Venting Configurations with a Horizontal Termination and Two Elbows (one 90" vertical and one 90' or 45" horizontal elbowl . lf using a Snorkel Termination (14" or 36") add the snorkel height to the vertical height (snorkel terminations are used primarily for basement installations). ' The termination must fallwithin the shaded area shown in the chart. Use the indicated restrictor position. 19' (max) -- 19' (max) - tS f""t - 10' (min) 5 feet 0 feet 15feet- NATURAL GAS: Min. 2' Section Reouired _- - - - PROPANE (LP): Min. 3' Section Required x 66EE ooooJ!:"0io o'I)=:NN llllllttttttttttttttrrrrl ttttttttltrrrrrrrrrtttttl tttttrttttttttttttttttttl '1 0' (min) -'ltf1f,E. I c)o rlll ||l ||l |ll tl tl 6 q) q) .q) o tl tl lf) ttltl ttttl IDX o$ i( :-s N Thas is consrdered a horazonlal elbow (ii does not matler whelher it turns righl or len). It may be a 900 or45o elbow. Horizontal lenglh (max. 24') is calculaied by adding both lenglhs ot horizonl,al run (Horizontal Lenglh = Hl + H2). This is considefed a verticalelbows Travis Industries 935081 15 130700 Approved Venting Configurations with a Horizontal Termination and Three 90' Elbows (all vertical) . lf using a Snorkel Termination (14" or 36") add the snorkel height to the vertical height (snorkel terminations are used primarily for basement installations). . The termination must fallwithin the shaded area shown in the chart- Use the indicated restrictor oosition. 21'(max) - ?bEHg oooo oo olr)0+o()c{N tttttrrrttttltttttttttttl tttttttttttttttttlttttlll 15feet_ - l l' (1n6x) - ts t".t - ., o' 1r,n1 - S t""t rur | | | | | | | | | | I | | | | | | | | | | I l-.feet ?:-YOOOO ,gqJ.o.oo x o -t These are vertical elbows. This is a horizontal elbow - NOT ALLOWED FOR THIS VENT CONFIGURATION Travis lndustries 935081 15 130700 Approved Venting Configurations for Vertical Terminations with Two 90o Elbows . The termination must fallwithin the shaded area shown in the chart. Use the indicated reslrictor position. ? EEe.Es:- tttttltttttttltttrrrrrttl ttrrrlttrrrttlttttttltttt 40'(max) - ss teer ] 30 reet I 2s feet I 20 feer - 15 feel - 10'(min) ] s teet I 40'(mar) _35 feet - 25 feet 20 feat _ 15 feet -10'(min) - 5 fe€t I ll l-o'""' : These sre veflical elbows. Travis Industries 93s081 15 130700 Approved Venting Configurations for Vertical Terminations with Thfee 90" EIbOWS (Two 90" Vertica! and One 45a or gO" Horizontat Etbow) The termination must fallwithin the shaded area shown in the chart. Use the indicated restrictor Dosition.? -$qr(roE sE,eee::-:orfJor o|.)(\N tttrtltrrrrtttttttttttttl lllllllllllllrrrrrrrrrrrl 40'(max) 35 feet JU IEEI 25 feet 15 feet '10'(min) 40' (max) _ J5 leel 30 feel 25leel Izot "t 15 feet l,o' 1''ny tl , , _ 0 teet tl i rtl ttl E ltl ttl ttl ! This i3 considded a hoddial ' Hon:o.nat l@qrh (nd 24 ) 13 eldsred -.-.-.-. by add'no borh rdolrs ot ho.rc.rd run dbo* (l do€s nol nahd *hehq h tums nght f bn). {Hmzq1ld Leigfl . H1 + Ha n nEy b , 45' d 90' elbow. Travis lndustries 935081 15 130700 Ve nt T e rm i nation R e qu ire me nts ( x e illustation be low) r H ! Venting terminals shall not be recessed into a wall or siding. A Minimum 9" clearance tom any door or window B Minimum 12" above any grade, veranda, porch, deck or balcony C Minimum 12" fron outside corner walls D Minimum 12" from inside corner walls E Minimum 1 1 " clearance below unventilated soffits or roof surfaces Minimum 18" clearance below ventilated sofflts Minimum 6" clearance ftom roof eaves NOTE: Vinyl surfaces require 24" J K M Minimum 18" clearance below a veranda, porch, deck or balcony (must have two open sides) Minimum 48" clearance from any adjacent building Minimum 84" clearance above any grade when adjacent to public walkways or driveways NOTE: may not be used over a walkway or driveway shared by an adjacent building Minimum 48" clearance from any mechanical air supply inlet, 72" for Canada Minimum 36" clearance above and 48" below and to the sides of non-mechanical air supply inlet Minimum 36" from the area above the meter/regulator (vent outlet) Minimum 36" from the meter/regulator (vent outlet) Minimum 12" above the roof line (for vertical terminations) * Note: In Canada the vent termination must be a minimum 2' (.6 M) tall and 2' (.6 M) above any portion of the roof wlthin 10' (3 M) of the vent. Minimum 24" horizontal clearance to any surface (such as an exterior wall) - for vertical terminations NOTE: Measute clearances to the nearest edge of the exhaust hood. Use the vinyl siding standoff (#1250) when installing on an exterior with vinyl siding. Vent termination must not be located where it will become plugged by snow or olher malerial These clearances meet UMC-1994 and the CNA/CGA-B149 code standards. FG D,-r-rtrr Travis lndustries 93508115 130700 Finalizing the lnstallation ! Make sure the gas control valve is "OFF" and the heater is cool prior to conducting service. 1 Remove the face and glass (see page 21) 2 Install the log set and coals (see page 22). ! We recommend you purge the gas line at this time (with the glass removed). This allows gas to be detected once it enters the firebox, ensuring gas does not build up. 3 Replace and secure the glass and face (see page 21) 4 Turn on gas to the heater. Leak test all gas joints prior to starting the appliance. Start the pilot. Start the main burner. Leak test all gas joints again. 5 Check the pilot flame lo make sure it looks like the illustration below. Adjust the pilot flame if necessary. To adjustthe pilotflame, turn this screw (NOTE: if totally unscrewed gas willcome out of this port). Clockwise lowers the flame while counter-clockwise raises it. The pilot fleme must contact the thermocouple and thermopil€ (see the illustration below). Adjust the pilot up or down as necessary. 6 Let the heater burn for thirty minutes. Adjust the air shutter, if necessary, to achieve the conect looking flame (see the illustration below). . The air shutter adjusts the amount of air that mixes with the gas before it exits the burner holes. lt is used to fine-tune the flame for differences in altitude and vent confiouration. Standard Screwdriver ADJUSTING THE AIR SHUTTER Pushing to the lett gives the flame less air (making it more orange). Pushingtothe right gives the flame more air, maklng it more blue. For flne adjustments use a screwdriver to tap the air shutter. NOTE: lf the air shuner is all the way open, yet the Jlames remaln sooty, shul off gas to the fireplace and contact a qualified gas service technician. Correct Flames should b6 blue at the base, yellow-orange on the top. NOTE: The logs must be installed correctly to monitor the flame while adjusting the air shutter. Not Enough Air lf the flames are over 14" tall or sooty on the 6nds, open the air shutter- Too Much Air lf the flames are all blue and short, close the air shuiter. o lf the vent configuration is installed incorrectly the vent may cause the flames inside the heater to lift or "ghost" - a dangerous situation. Inspect the flames after installation to insure proper performance. lf the vent configuration is correct, yet the flames are lifting or ghosting, shut off gas to the heater and contact the dealer for information on remedying the problem. Failure to properly adjust the air shutter may lead to improper combustion and a safety hazard. Consult your dealer or installer if you suspecl an improperly Burner Pan The flames should burn right ofi lf the flames are liffing, yet the the top of the burner ports (if they vent configuration is correct, are too blue. adiust the air control). contact vour dealer. lf the flam€s are ghosting, yet the venl configuralion is correct, conlact vour dealer. Turn the flame adjust knob to its highest position - the flames should be a maximum 9" to 10" tall. Check the flame on low position. The flames should burn off of each burner hole. lf the heater does not work correctly, contact your dealer for a remedy. Give this manual to the home owner and fully explain the operation of this heater. Travis Industries 93s081 15 130700 Face and Glass Removal ! Make sure the L9 R6rnovethe nuts holdlng the sbve top in place (see the illustration be ow). Lin the stove top off the 3/8' Nutdriver gas control valve is "OFF" and the heater is cool prior lo conducting service. @ handle until it disengages. Swing @ Insenlh6 included glass latch tool into the hole on the glass frarne atch. Pulllhe latch out then up to detach h from the glass frame, @ Ljse bolh hands to grasp the glass frame and Iift it up untilboth the tabs at the bottom disengage fiom the slotted holders. Feed the glass frame upward to \9 When re-installing the glass, make sure the tat6 on the glass frame ass€mbly in3€rt lmo the brackets on the 9tove.f=M n ffi Travis Industries 93508115 130700 Log Installation ! Make sure the gas control valve is "OFF" and the heater is cool prior to conducting service. ! Failure to position the parts in accordance with these diagrams or failure to use only parts specifically approved with this appliance may result in property damage or personal injury. NOTE: The burner must be correctly positioned. Grasp the burner, lift it up, position the gas inlet tube over the burner tube, and slide the burner all the way down (see page 33 for details). Place the rear log so the pins on the bLrner insen into the l'oles in the log. Place the front left log so the \ pins on the burner insert into the holes in the log. Burner The installed log set should look like this. Place the front right log so the pins on the burner insert into the holes in the log. Travis Industries 93 5081 I 5 130700 ?t Belpte Yq! E9gin Warning: Read this entire manual before you use your new stove (especially the section "Safety Precautions" on pages 2 & 3). Failure to follow the instructions may result in property damage, bodily jnjury, or even death. Warn ing: Do not operate appliance with the glass front removed, cracked or broken. Replacement of the glass should be done by a licensed or qualified service person. Location of Controls - See exDlanation below The Pilot Flame can be found below the back log. An instruction ca.d for operating the fireDlaco is attached to the insid€ ot the fireplace her€. Replace it for easy fei€renc€. Pilot lgnit6r cas Control Knob FlamE Adjust Knob On/Off Switch This control is used to turn the flame on and off. Optional Blower Control This knob controls the speed of the internal convection blower that pushes heated air into the room. Knob This knob controls gas to lhe slove and pilot. There are three positions: ON, OFF, and PILOT. The indicator line is to the left of the knob. Knob This knob controls the flame height from low ("LO") to high ("Ht"). The indicator line is above the knob. The pilot igniter is used only to start the pilot. When pressed, il sends an electrical charge to the pilot assembly. This creates a blue spark directly next to the pilot, igniting the pilot flame. ? lf uslng a remote conlrol or thermoslat, the On/Off Swjtch must be lefi 'OFF". Turning the On/Off Switch "ON" will keeo the stove on alwavs. Gas control Flame Adjust Pilot lgn iter The on/off switch and optional blower controlare located on the back ofthe heater. Swing the controlcover down to access the gas control valve and pilot igniter. Travis lndustries 93508115 130700 Ile#,ifrtl[-rn Starting The Pilot Flame The pilot flame is required to ignite the main burners (it also plays a saf€ty role). lt should be left on once Iit. lt will stay lit unless the gas control valve is turned to "OFF'. However, the pilot will go out if the gas is shut otf, the propane tank runs out (or low) or if the stove maltunctions. lf th€ piiot turns offfrequently, call your dealer for information. To start the pilot follow th6 diroctions below: WARNING: Wh€n lighting or re-lighting tne pilot, the glass must be removed (see page 21 ). a Remove the glass (see page 21 for details). b Push the gas control knob in slightly and turn it to the "OFF" position. The knob will not tum from "ON" to "OFF' unless the knob is deoressed slightly. Wait five minutes to let any gas that may have accumulated inside the flrebox escape" lf you smell leaking gas, follow the directions on the cover "lF YOU SMELL GAS". c Turn the gas control knob to the "PILOT'position and press the knob in, this will allow gas to flow lo the pilot light. Press the red button on the pilot igniter repeatedly until you see the pilot light. WARNING: lf the pilot does not light after 15 seconds, release the knob and call your dealer for service. Do not attempt to light pilot until service has been performed. NOTE: You may wish to remove the log set to gain a better view of the pilot {see page 221 . d Keep the gas control knob depressed for 30 seconds once it is lit. e Release the gas control knob. lf the pilot goes out, repeat step C. lf the pilot retuses to stay lit, call your dealer for service. Wth the pilot lit, proceed to step "f'. NOTE: lf the gas control knob is turned to "OFF" after the pilot has been lit for several seconds, the knob will not turn. This safety feature prevents gas from entering the firebox. f Replace the glass. g Turn the gas control knob counter-clockwise to "ON". The orlot is now lit and the heater can be tumed on and off. m€? @ ffi eU@s ,rIE) ffi 3osecor @ ilfiFffiffi' kli q@ -uu @ ffi'@,q6,u-{tesg VW A * uU @ @ @ o @ Travis Industries 93508115 130700 Starting the Stove for the First Time Fumes from the Painted Surfaces Curing Burn the heater at a medium setting for approximately one hour the first time. This will cure the painted surfaces. Fumes from the paint curing and oil burning off the steel may occur. This is normal. We recommend you open lhe window to vent the room. Condensation Water may appear on the glass each time you start the heater - this is normal. Blue Flames The flames will be blue when first started. Afier fifteen minutes the flames will turn a more realistic yellow and orange color. Turning the Stove On and Off After the oilot has been started... See the instructions included wilh the remote for details on operatlon. For systems with wall thermostats. use this switch to control the iempeEturc (right is hotter, left cooler). Somo systems roquire th€ on/ofi switch to be on, Use this switch to t!rn the main bumer on and off manually- See the instruciions included with the remote for changing the baftery, Warning: Do not place combustible items on top or directly in front of the heater, even temporarily. The optional thermostat may start the heater causing a combustible item to ignite. N ote : lf the heater turns on and off frequently while using the thermostat, you may want to adjust the flame height down until it produces just enough heat needed. Adjusting the Flame Height + Your stove has an adjustabie flame to tailor the look and heat output to your specific needs. lt is adjusted by turning the middle dial on the gas control valve. Turn counter-clockwise to adjust the flame higher, clockwise to lower. Travis lndustries 9350811s 130700 Adjusting the Blower Speed (optional) The blower helps hansfer the heat from the heater into the room. lt will not turn on until the heater is up to temperature (approximately 10 minutes after starting). See the illustration below for instructions on adjusting the blower speed. OFF Turn the dial all the way counter- clockwise until it clicks off. Normal Operating Sounds HIGH The high position is all the way counter- clockwise, withoui clicking off. LOW Turn the dial all the way clockwise. Blower This heater uses a blower to oush heated air into the foom. You will hear the sound of air movement that increases as the sDeed is Increased. Pllot Flame The pilot flame, wntcn rematns on, makes a very slight "whisper'' sound. opening up and shutting down. The aooliance mav -- creak with chanoe ,-.t of temperature. - -'' THIS lS NORMAL. i.,::.,, ...,-- ".,J: F.lower Snap Dlsk I nts oan can oroduce a clickino lound as it turns-the blower on and off. Travis Industries 93s081 15 130700 M4lntaining Your Sfove's Appearance Painted Surfaces . Painted surfaces should be cleaned with a duster. lf scratches occur, lightly sand th€ ar€a with fine sandpaper. Clean the area and, wrth the stove cool, apply one or two thin coats of stove paint to the area (mask the area to avoid overspray). Allow the stove to dry, then turn the stove on to cure the paint (1 hour on medium). Glass . Clean the glass with soap and water (do nol use abrasive cleaners). To remove the glass, follow the instructions on page 21. Yearly Service Procedure Failure to inspect and maintain the stove may lead to improper combustion and a potentially dangerous situation. The following procedures must be done by a qualifled technician. Check the pilot flame. lt should touch approximately 3/8" of the top of the thermopile and touch the top of the thermocouple (see illustration below). lf it does not, contact your dealer for service. Shut off gas to the stove by turning the gas control knob to "OFF" (see step A under "Starting the Pilot" on page 24). Let the stove cool for 15 minutes. Remove the face and glass (see pages 21). Remove the log set (NOTE: the logs arc vGry fragile - see page 22). lf severely deteriorated, replace. Check the logs for sooting. A small amount of soot along the bottom of the logs is normal. lf excessive sooting is found, the stove will require adjustment. Contact your dealer. Inspect the firebox for the following:. Check the burner for cracked, plugged, or deteriorated holes.. Check the frebox and area around the pllot to make sure there is no warping or damage.. lf any problem is found, discontinue use and contacl your dealer for service. Check the walls and ceiling of the firebox for deterioration. Befor€ Disassombly - Check the pilot flame. It should touch the thermocouole and thermooile. Thermopile Thermocouple Check the burner holes Make sure the burner is not warped or damaged. Replace the log set. Replace the glass (if the glass is damaged, replace it). Make sure the gasket along the perimeter of the glass contacts the face of the fir€box and forms an air-tight seal. lf it do6s not, re-align or replace the gasket to insure an air-tight seal. Replace the face. Inspect the area behind the access door. Clean if necessary. Check the gas control valve and all of the gas lines. lf any damage is found, discontinue use and contact your dealer for service. Follow the instructions for starting the pilot and turn on the main burner. The flames should be orange/yellow and not sooty. lf the pilot or main burners do not burn correctly, contact your dealer for service Insp€ct the vent section. Damaged sections should be replaced. Remove any debris or veg€tation near the vent termination. Contact your dealer if any sooting or deterioration is found near the vent termination. Travis Industries 93508115 r 30700 Troubleshooting Table Problem: Possible Cause: Don't Call for Service Until You: Pilot Will Not Light A gas shut off valve rs turned off____-_--_-_ The gas control knob isn't turned to "PlLOT" The valve control knob isn't pushed in-.. _ _ - The igniter wasn't pressed repeatedly____-- No ProDane in Tank Check all gas shut off valves See "Starting the Pilot Light' Step C Se6 "Starting the Pilot Lighf' Step C See "Starting the Pilot Lighf' Step C Check Tank Level Main Burners Will Not Sta rt The pilot light has gone out._.-"____ The gas control valve is turned to "PILOT" or "OFF' The ON/OFF switch is lurned to'OFF"____--,-,___ The remote control is not working correctly....- - _ The thermostat is set too low_ _.. __ _ See "Starting the Pilot Light" see "starting the Pilot Light" Turn the oNloFF switch to "oN" See th€ remote control instructions Set thermostat to higher temperature Remote Control Not Work The pilot light has gone out__ _ __ _ __ _ The gas control valve is turned to "PILOT" or "OFF' oN/OFF switch is turned to "ON" (stove stays on). The remote is too far away fom the slove. _ ___ __ _- The remote control receiver is turned "Off'_ -___- _. One of the two remote control batt€ries is dead See "Starting the Pilot Light" See "Starting the Pilot Light" Turn the ON/OFF switch to "OFF Use the remote closer to the stove See lhe remote control instructions Seo the remote control instructions Does Thermostat Does Not The pilot light has gone oul___-__-._ See "Starting the Pilot Light" Work The gas control valve is turned to "PILOT" or"OFF' See "Starting the Pilot Light" ON/OFF switch is turned to "ON" (stove stays on). Turn the ON/OFF switch to "OFF' The thermostat is set too low_ __ ___ _ Set thermostat to higher temperature Optional Blower Not Work The stove is not getting electricity-_ The stovo is not up to temperature. _ Check the breaker switch see "operating Your stove" Does pilot Goes Out Once g The gas supply has been shut off - _ _. Keep the gas supply turned on Month Or More Flames Are Too Blue The stove has just been started---This is normal - see "Starting the Slove for the First Time" Adjust Air Shutter - conlact your deal6r lmproper air shutter adjustment _ _ Tum the flame height to "Hl" - Se€ "Adjusting the Flam€ H€ighf'Flames Are Too Short (Under 5") The flame height may be turned too low_. Thin Layer of Soot The logs or coals are placed incorrectly..----.---- See'Log Set Installation & Removal" Covers the Glass lmproperair shutter adjustment-.-- Adjust Air Shutter - contact your dealer Travis lndustries 935081 15 130700 How this Stove Works ! This stove was designed with safety as the primary concern. Many of the components inside this stove are for safety purposes. Therefore, only certified gas service technicians should service this stove. What Turns the Main Burners On and Off This stove uses a millivolt system to control its operation (a millivolt is a very small amount of electricity). The thermopile and thermocouple generate electricity when heated by the pilot flame. This electricity is used to operale the gas valve. Without enough eleckicity, the gas valve will not turn on. That is why when starting the pilot the gas control knob has to be pressed in long enough for the thermocouple to heat up and generate enough electricity. The thermopile provides power for the ON/OFF switch, remote conlrol, or thermostat (see the illustration below). Because the thermopile generates the electricity needed to turn the stove on and off, this stove can be operated when the power is out (although the blower will not run). when heated, the thermopile This electricity is generates electricity (a very small used to operate the amount measured in "Millivolts"). main burn€rs. Th€ main burners are switched on and ofi using the electricity generated by the thermopile. The ON/OFF switch, remote control, or thermostat control the circuit to the main ourner. What Prevents Gas Buildup + This appliance utilizes a high-technology gas valve in conjunction with a pilot flame to ensure no gas builds uo inside the firebox. + The thermocouple (next to the pilot) senses when the pilot flame is lit. lf the pilot flame goes out, this thermocouple no longer generates electricity, causing the gas valve to automatically shut off all gas to the heater, preventing the pilot from spilling gas into the firebox. Pilot Flame The oilot flame is a time-oroven component that eliminates the possibility of gas buildup inside the firebox. Gas Valve This high-technology valve automatically shuts off all gas if it does not receive a signal from the thermocouple. lf any component is damag€d or sensing a malfunction, or if the wiring is damaged, it will shut off all gas. Thermocouple Ceramic Glass % FffiII t !Et E OFF Ext€mal Shut Off Valve This valve is placed on the gas line to shut off gas to the applianc€ during maintenance procedures. The thermocouple generates a small amount of electricity. lf the pilot flame goes out, the gas valve automatically shuts off all oas. The glass in your heater is the most durabl€ glass available. lt has b€en tested to be exiremely resistrant to breakage from temperature changes. Travis Industries 935081 15 130700 Wiring Diagram Caution: Label all wires prior to disconnection when servicing controls. Wiring errors can cause improper and dangerous operation. Millivolt Wiring (for gas control valve) 120 Volt Wiring 'b Gro!nd iattached to slove) --J--lJ,*;, /i\l -:cas.conror I l,/:edl, -.")\l ,l W i-va've lt v,l\\irli- tl6l= -.i ; -5"- Optiona I Regulatof &-- Bl!. Soienoid &- 8tu. Replacement ?4rts l.igt It'.ftprapt !!!!!gd! ptao to.[.. t4,i Ej tbrad) ei ?l gt dt - r*k-l ,.\ Il RheosEt Bb*tY_J, g{owet Snap Di6k Caution: Use only Travis lndustries replacement parts. Do not use substitute materials. Description Part # Air Shutter Assemblv 93006512 Air Shutter Conkol Rod 93006514 Burner Assemblv 93006510 Bumer Mixino Tube 930065'l'1 Control Valve, Natural Gas 93006506 Control Valve. Prooane 93006507 Conversion Parts, LP s3006503 Conversion Parts, NG s3006502 Knob, for Rheostat 99300657 Loo. Left 93006901 Log, Rear 93006902 Log, Right 93006903 Loq Set 93006900 Manual. Prairie 93508115 Piezo lgniter 98900751 Requlator. Natural Gas 93006500 Regulator, Propane 93006501 Rheostat, Blower wl Off Position 93006504 Wirinq Harness 93006505 Travis Industries 9350811s 130700 The safety (listing) label is on back of the stove. A copy of the safety label is shown below. *m:Y" AVA&ON*,Jm:- Reoort Cedilied fol USA & Canada Tested tor Ailsl ZZ1.88b.1SSSOSA2.33' 99'Vensdcrs tirqhc0 Hentefl, CAI{8GA 2.17.t191 'Cas.tird Appliaftrs tor use High Alriudes,, afil Ul30tbt905 "Gas Bumhg fleaing Appliarces for llanulotured tlons" l'l[st be installed in accordrnoe nith ttle manufacure/s inshllation instructions ind all local codes, if aly il not, tollow d|rent AI{SI 2223.1, lltPA 54 ard CGA 8149. This vented gas liruplace heater is equipped at lhe factory lor use with naual gas ll conversion b tropane (tP) fud is desired, Ue 0ptionsl lmtory c0nv$sion kit rfirst be used. This appiance uses a millirolltype co ol systen consisting ol a gas cbntrol valvdreg. ulato(, a sallding pilot hmer assemblt a thenn0pile, a piezo ignitor, and he oltloFF sritch. illB UMI DoES Il0T REQUIRE 110 VotT potYEn T0 oPERATE" All exhaust gas€s mu$ be v$tcd ontside lhe suudure ol the lMng-area. Conbustion sir is drarn from odsidc tholiyin0.area strucue This applia0ce is only l$ use with lhe type 0l gas fudicated 0n the rating plate and may be inshlled in an aftemrket, pamaiendy located, manulacured (mobile) lmme wh$e not prohibited by local codes. See omer's nanual lor deuils, Ihis appliancc is not cohvenible foi use with other gases, unless a certilied kit is us0d. flay bc inshlld in a bedroon - in Canada instrll trith a lishd ernostd, in the USA i $t ll pe.localcodes. This vqrcd gis lireplece lrcater is not for lss f,ith air lilten {TARMNGS: Inpropet inshllati0n, adjusttnenl, alteration, seruice or maintenance can cause injury or F0perty damage. Reler t0 he i$f$nati0n in the owner's and installatlon manual provided with this eppliance. F0. rsistance or additional infomation consult r quamed in$.aller, ssn ics agencl or the gas supplier. Instellation and repair should be perf0md by a qualified sewlce person The appliance sh0uld be inspeded before use rnd aileast ennuallt by a qualilied service prson. llore fiequent cluning nay be required wheE excessive lint lmm mrbrial like caDeting and bcddinq is fiessnl The conuol compartflenl lhe burnet compartment and all cilculating air passagsways of the appliance must be hpt clean E I cldet at rll times, See in$hlleton instructions accompan$ng appliance Due t0 high tenperaturet the appliance should be located out of Uafic and away fi0m futnitufe antl drapedes. Ihis appliance must not be connecbd to a chinney flue selicing a separate solirl fuel buming appliance. operation of this appliance wte0 not clnneded to a properly installed and maintained venting sy$em 0r bmpcdng with tlE uo*ed ve shutotf syshm can result in carbon monoride (Col poisoning and possible ded.h. Uented gas fircplace heater . Itot for use with solid fud. childten and adults should be al€rted to the harards ol high surlace tenpereture rnd shorid stay away to avoid lle$ bums fi dohing ignition, Young children should be camfully supervired at alldmes wlren they a(e in ft same r0om as ths appliame. CAUIION: 0o not operate ihis appliance dh glass renoved, ctacled or broken. Replaceme of the panel(sl should be done by a licensed 01 qualified $fvice oorson. Hot trhile in operaton. D0 not huch Ke+ childre0, cl0tling, fumiure, gasoline and other liquids having flrmmable vapon a$y. Risft ol electical sho*. Suitch the househ0lrl breaker off or.eflove fuse befo.e seohing unit. use Simps0n DURA.VEI{I direcl vsrt syskm (llodel GS}l0 vent Ois appliance b the efledor (dircct disdurge only withod duct connectio . Minimum Glearances to Combustibles Stove Top to Sidewall ...................... 9-t/"' StoveToptoBachrall........................ 5" StoveToDtoCornenilall..................... 5" GlassFrontolunh..............,............... 36" Alcove Min. Heiqht................... Alcove Mar. Deith.................... Alcove Min Wifih 45" 47" lnpu Rate on "Hl" (BTU/Hrl' ...... lnput Rate on "LO" (BTU/kf . . . , . illinimumlnlet Pnssure {inches W.C) ........ iraximm hlet PressuB{ind|es Ilr.C.),....... ilanifokl Pressure on "Hf (indles WC.) . . . . . . This rppliance is equipped only for ahitudes $2000 fi, (0-61 0 m) in USA; in Canada, 0-4500 ft. (Gt 370 m). Elecrical Raling: 1l5V 1.5 Amps, m Hz t.P. t{.c. 11" 5.5" 13" 10" 3.5" L& N.G. 3lnoo 31,gto 23,000 24,910 6qn*,{H**ffi*r.I zooo f lan. I np.. I lut. l oct.I zoot I Feb. I May I Aug. | ilw.I zooz I mar. I lun. I Sep. I Dec Manufacture Date: 0380 To register your TRAVIS INDUSTRIES, lNC. 7 Year Waffanty, complete the enclosed wananty c€rd and maillt within ten (10) days ofthe appliance purchase date lo: IRAVIS INDUSTRIES. lNC., 10850 117th Place N.E., Kirkland. Washington 98033. TRAVIS INDUSTRIES, lNC. wanants lhis qas appliance (appliance is d€fined as the equipment manufactured by Travis Industries, Inc.) to b€ defect-fre€ in matedal and workmanship to the orbiial purchaser lrom the date of purcfiase as follows: Yearsl&2-COVERAGE: Burner Assembly: Burner Pan, Mixing Tubc, Ah Shul(er Assembly, Main Burrbr Oifice Firebox Assemblv: Adiustable Ar REslriclor. Pr66suro Relief Mechanisms {drlad vcnF only). Gl,rss Atachmenl Mechanism Gas Control Assembly Adjugtable conlml vafue, millvall wiirE and connectors {localed within the melal heator slructurc). thelmopile, lhefmocouple, pilo{ hood, orili@s. pibl gas line, Feio 0nilor Exclusions: Parnt and Gasketinq PARTS & LABOR ceramic Glass Glass {break4e lrcfl ItEmalshod) Ceramic Loos Log Set Electrical Assemblyi Elower, wiing harnes9, sr€p d|scs, deostat speed conloi Convection Heat Exchanger Re-lnstallation Allowanc€ In cases where heater nust b€ removed flom home fr' repaifs, a partal cost of rc-inglallat'on E covered (prc- aullrorizal,on €oui€d) On€-Wav Fr€ight Allowance Oic-vv?y fi€ighl allov/soc€ on p€-€uthodzed €F€k cblE d Years 3 THROUGH 5 Firebox Assemblv: Adiustable Arr Reslflclor. P.essum Relief i\,{dclbnisms (dtred venis oo{y}, Gl3ss Atlachme Mechanism - COVERAGE: PARTS & LABOR One-WaLFreight Allowance OrErray feohl allolvanc€ on preaulhorized rcpai chre al Convection Heat Exchanger Excluslons: Paint, Gasketing, BurnerAssembly, ElectricalAssembly, Gas Control Assembly, Ceramic Glass, Celamic Logs, Ro-lnstallation Allowance Years 6 & 7 - COVERAGE: PARTS ONLY Firebox Assembly: Mjusbblc Air Restdctor, PressLre Rel|cl Mechanrsms, Glass Attachmenl Mechanism Excrl,sions: Paint, Gasketing, Bumer Assembly, Electrical Assembly, Gas Control Assernbly. Ceramic Glass, Ceramic Logs, Convection Heat Exchanger, Re-lnstallation Allo,,vance, On€-Way Freight Allowance, Labor CONDITIONS & EXCLUSIONS .'Th|snew9sappl,ano:'nustbelnsbahedbyaquald.dg6appl9ncelechnioanllmJ9be|rE|aEd'@efaled,anomal|ndaia Manual. Any r,lle|al.o4, willlJlabuse, ecldcnl, negl€cl, or misuse ofthe prodlct shall nullfy th's wa/ranty. 2. This wananly i9 mntrarEferabl€, and is made to lhe ORIGINAL purchaser, provided that lhe purchase \^/as made lhrough an aulhorized TMVtg deater. 3'oi9colc,ratonandsom€mimrorpa^s'on'Lonlrac1'bn'orrnovemenlo'certainpadsanJ|es|,llil1gnoisc'|s {ys|ensLrelhe'rppl'ateisbL,n|ngaspetthe'a1ingbgat|hc|rnedi4stallat6n.ov€l\nng[opelatlonato lDswaraanlY. 4'Thewafay'asoUtlinedDh1nlhis&cUmen|doesmLa.pp]ItothechimneycomPonenlsoloth6lNon'TlaVisacceodesUsdinj to |ne ' rlentof th|s wr'lanly. codacr yourauthoucd TRAVIS ,e(airer belore installaton. 5T'Evis|ndL6|neswi|lnotbercsponsiblefor'nadequetepcdomancecaUsedbyenv|ro,lmena|cond||orEs,Jcnasn6oyt|€€6'bui|ds'foilop3'wm'hbq or otnef tn$uGrces rlDm mecnantar 9ystems sucn as ij.nr(es. tatE, clotres orye.s, etc This War€nty is void il:a The un has been op€raled in atmosphercs conlamiMtad by chiorire, Il|0dne of otha( damaging cl'emhab.b. The unit is slbjeci lo silbmeGron in waler or prcbnged pErilds of dam pness or cooderrsation. c.Anydarnascio1heunn.combL6tionchadbel'h6aleIcha.Eelololhe|componenlsdue|owater'orweathel&magewhichisthe6sUltof'blltnotlimedto'idp Ejc|us'onsIo|lns7Yearwdrranty'ncJude'njJf'|osso|use.darrege'lai|urtofUrx|'ondLjeto'1.-4Cleot.negwn@'m6u8e'i $anuielLrois r,Lllings of componenB, lecl\ ol proper and '€ular marnlenJnce, dam4c;ncuned whrlc lhe appliarrc $n lrarsi, alle€tioo, or acl ol God Th;s7Yearwdfarxye.c|udes(bm4e€u3€dbynofmalr,!ealandlca''suchaspa|nld|scobra|Dnorchipp|ng'womoltolng:Bket|l€'.ondoickd&s'em dama9etolhcun'tc€Us€obyabuse'irr'prpel|nste||,ldn.modifc€IonoIlheun.Jl||hngoftodg'q{h ndualgasand m!61be converied lo popane using lhe iiclldcd canvemion kil. Confirm ,ucl configLrar D'r with yoorinslaller Dam,ge|ogold'\c|el'o(brd9ssUrtaccscaL6sdbyhngerprintE'sdalche5'melbdilems'ofolherexlelna|so o|c|eane6ol|er|handenelLlcda/coho|ongo|dolnicle|6rDtcoveiedinlhiswafanlyDa(ag6tromlheus6o|abra3ivecbafrrsonbrass'srElco\€reo|nthisw;rrary. TMV|S|NDUsTR|Es'|Nc'isf€eo|liabihyfolanydamag6caUsedtJytheapphan@'asw)]|a3inconvenjenceexpensesandmate{iats.lickhnta|oicon$q!afti#faied@wEd by lhis wedanly. In sa$e slales, tFe exclusion ot,rcidenlalor @nseqL€nlial damag. rnay nol apply Thiswad.anudoesmlco!eranyiosso|damage]ncu[9d.byt!cweor.Grno€{ofanycomponefiolaPpaElLlstoolltomthegasapp|jancewitdtheexpr6sw|fe INDUSTRIES, lNC. and bearing a TRAVIS INDUSTRIES,INC labelof approvar. Anyslatem6nlo'rePresemaionofTMvlsprdudsandfcilpefolmandrcontain€d/nTMV|9ad!tdising'paclagin9|iteretule'orprint€dmateria|isnolpaofh Thiswal€ntyisadornalicaltyVoideditth€applianca'sselia|iumbelhasbgenrmovedolaltc€dinanyway'lftheapplian|s6dfg6 Nodea|e|.di6lriDutor'olsimi|arpeEonhasl|Eaulholitylo€prese0torwarrantTMV|Spt!dgd3*yond$et6lfYlscobimdvlhlnthis liabrlly for such wafianlies oa rspreserilaliorF. Ttavi$ IndrJst((]s will m( covcr the coal of lhe removal or reinstal)ation ol heanhs, iaong, manteb, venlirE or other components. It for any rcason any seclion of this watanty ts declared invalid, the bala^ce ol the waranly remairE in elfeci ancl all otier Cla6es shall lefilain in effect. THIS 7 YEAR WARRANry IS THE ONLY WARMNTY SUPPLIEO BY TRAMS INDUSTRIES, INC., THE MANUFrcIURER OF THE APPLIANCE. ALL OTHER WARRANrES. WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, ARE HEREEY EXPRESSLY DISCI.AIMEO AND PURCHASER'S RECOURSE IS EXPRESgLY LIMITEO TO THE WARRANTIES SET FORTH HEREIN. IF WARRANTY SERVICE IS NEEDED: 6 7. I g. 10. 11. 12. 13. 15. '16. 17. 1. 2. 3. |fyo!disco\,etaprblemlhat}oubelleVei9cov€ledbylhiswafanty'yot,MtlsTREPoRTnbyoulTRAV|sdea|elWTH|N30DAYs.givingth€mpoofofpxcfse'theprrlcna&b.aii lhe mod6l nine and senaliumber T6vis lrdustries has Ihe option of either repairing or replaciru the ddectivo aomponenl |lyoUdeal€lisunabletolepa'ryo!rapphancc'sdefect,hemayploc€ssav'/EraInycb|mhoughIMV|s|N0UsTR|Es.||,|c'|ncJUdinglhena(neoftl|€deahp apdiance'acopYdyod€c€iplsi0winothe6teoflheappl|anca'spurhase'ardllbsefia|rmb6ronr0ul.opliance.At|lEtt|me'von prepa|d'loTMV|s|NDUsTR|Es'|Nc'7MVIs|NDUsTR|Es'|Nc..alitsopton'witllepadolrepbc€'l€eclchaEe'}ouTMVt9applianc€dEioUndt6bcd;hctiv€;nm5telloi uor\man'h|pwithinthelimchamestaledwi|hinln|s7yealwa'rantyTMV|s|NDUsTR|Es'|Nc'wi|lretumyoUr€ppbnce.lrebh|chaiges(!Qlrs1ta5)plepabyTMV|S|NoUsTR$' INC , to your rEqonal dlslribulor , or dealeGhp. chec[w|thyouldBe|erinadvancefolanycos6tJyot],whenalrangingat{a.fantycall.o€ale6fgyrequlreyouiopayas€Mc€olldpchagestoranyiEd@ Travis Industries 93 s081 I 5 130700 LP Conversion lnstructions lnstall the conversion kit prior to installing the gas line to ensure oroper gas use. Remove the face and glass (see page 21). Remove the log set (if installed - page 221 Remove the burner (see illustration below). Reach into the firebox and lift the burner upwards. Do not lift burner out by the prns. Pull the burner forward, out of the firebox.This tube on the burner inserts into this tube on the When Installing, make sure the burner rests on the two ledges at the sides of the firebox. Travis Industries 935081 15 130700 3 Follow the directions below to remove the natural gas orifice. Apply thread sealant to the LP orifice ( it has ".062'stamped on it) and tighten in place with a'112" open end wrench. Replace and secure the mixing tube. Remove the {our scfews @ noning the mixing tube in place. 1/4" Nutdriver Remove the mixing tube from the air shutter by sliding it to the left. Air Shutter @ Slide the air shutter to the fully open position (see page 19). Burner Orifice Manifold The new LP orifice has ".062" stamped on it. Use a 112" open end wrench to unscrew the burner orifice. 1 ffi/'A \t> /2" Wrench 6W A>.,.,v@ Apply thread sealant to the new oritice and install. The old NG orifice has "37' stiamped on it. 5/16" NOTE: Screw the LP orifice in so the orifice shoulder protrudes 5116" (indicating full insertion). Travis Industries 93508115 1307 00 @ :;,'ffJ:'*" @ assombly. w Remove the regulator from the front using the new gasket and screws i the heater is installed, gas is @ Remove and @ Remove and discard the regulator, diaphram, spring and center post. NOTEr when re-attaching, this pin llnes up with the notch in the pilot hood. of the gas control valve. Replace with the propane regulator, ncluded with the regulator. NOTE: Leak test this area after connected, and the main burner is lit. NOTE: Make sure the regulator gasket is correctly aligned before installation. label on top of the control cover near lhe gas control valve. 4 Remove the pilot orifice following the instructions below. Replace with the propane pilot orifice. The propane conversion kit includes pilot orifice with "35" stamped on it. Replace burner pan. Remove the oritice and feplace wilh the LP orifice, Screw the orifice alllhe way in and replace the pilol assembly. Orlflce ldentflcatlon: LP {Propane) Onfce trqJ* @ Place the \ srotred \ screwdrivor \ {or T-20 Torx\\ '-, I Travis lndustries 935081 15 --T3DTIO- 6 Make the gas line connection, bleed the gas line (if applicable), start the heater and thoroughly leak- test all gas connections and the gas control valve. Check the pilot. Adjust if necessary. WARNING: When lighting or re-lighting the pilot, the glass must be removed (see Page 21)' To adjust the pilot flame, tum this screw (NOTE: if totslly unscrswed gas will come out of this port). Clockwise lowers the flame while counter-clockwise raises it. Install the log set (see page 22). I Replace the glass and face (see page 21). The pilqt flame must contac't the therrnocouplo and thermopile (see the illustration b6low). Adiust the pilot up or down as necessary.Standard Screwdriver Travis lndustries 935081 r 5 130700 Blower fuart # sso00r5o) WARN ING: Turn the gas control valve to off and make sure the appliance has fully cooled prior to conducting service. 1 Attach the two black wires at the rear right of the stove to the snap disk (orientation does not matter). Then slide the snao disk into the holder underneath the burner Dan. ,-/ Snap Disk Bracket (attached to stove) Snap Dsk Wires (Black - orientation does noi riatter) 2 Place the blower near the rear of the stove. Attach the black and white wire to the two oosts on the blower motor (orientation does not matter). Attach the molex connector. Slide the rubber grommets (with spacers) over the right side of the blower mounting bracket. Attach the blower wires (one black, one white wire - orientation do€s not matter). Attach the molex connector- I I Sqc) Slide the rubber grommets (with spacers inserled inside) onto lhe fan mounting braGket. DO NOT PLUG THE STOVE IN UNTIL INSTALT.ATION IS COMPLETE. 3 Slide the left side of the blower mounting bracket over the grommets on the left mountjng bracket attached to the stove (see the illustration below). Then insert the stud plate through the right side grommets and through the right mounting bracket on the stove. Secure the stud plate with the included washers and nuts Make su re the bracket Left Mounting slldes Into the groove on t'""*"t ton 'ttou"' '--' ' the rubber grommets' Right Mounting Bracket (on stove) Loosen the hvo screws holding the control box in place. This allows access to the back ofthe control box. Attach the rheostat wires to the two quick connects inside the control box {orientation does not matter). ffi-;;3;;, NOTE: make sure the fiberglass heat shield is in place lvhen re-attaching the control box. / stud Pri -,1M./W]t,\ Blower Mounting Open the control cover following the directions below. Remove the button plug and install the rheostat. Atiach the rheostat to the control panel with the included nut and starwasher. 112' Wrench the knob. NOTE; this tab fits into the hole on the mounting bracket. 5 Plug the blower in. Let the heater achieve operating temperature and test blower operation. Travis Industries 93508115 130700 Fireback (Part # ss6oo22o) WARN ING: Turn the gas control valve to off and make sure the appliance has fully cooled prior to conducting service. 1 Betore installing, remoe the face, glass, and logs. lnstall the firebacks following the directions below. Fireback Clip Remove the screws at lhe top of the firebox walls. Place the rear fireback (it rests on the two ledges on each side of the firebox). The side firebacks keeo the rear fireback from tilting forward. 5/16" Nutdriver Side Fireback Rear Fireback Place lhe side firebacks on the ledges at each side of the firebox. Thermostat NOTE: WARN ING : Turn the gas control valve to off and make sure the appliance has fully cooled prior to conducting service. Do not connect 120 VAC to the gas control valve or wiring of this unit. Run lhe thermostat wires throuoh the wall fcut otl excess wire, Ieavrng 6' oI slackj. wire and two posts. 1 Cut the quick-connects off of the thermostat wire. Expose a pproxim ately 114" of wire from the wires and attach to the upper and lower terminals on the gas control valve (see the illustration below). Thermostat Wire Determine a location for the thermostat that is within range of the 50' length of thermostat wire. lt should be centralized in the room and away from the heater. The wire may be routed externally on the wall or behind the wall (preferred). Cut the thermostat wire so there is approximately 6" of slack (NOTE: Do not splice thermostat wires together-this leads to too much electrical resistance). Follow the directions below to install the thermostat. Pullthe lhe thermostat @ covef ofi o Expose 1/2" ol atlach to these Re-attach the cover removed in step "a".ffiE=- Slandard Screwdrlv6r 4 Set the on/off switch on the stove to "Off'. lf turned to "On" the stove will remain on alwavs. Attach the thermostat wires to the top and bottom posts on the oas controt vave. Travis Industries 93508115 130700 ADDENDUM #1 CI4ss A Climney Conversion Kit Simpson Duravent provides a conversion kit for those wishing to use an €xisting wood stove chimney to vent this direct vent stove. The illustration below gives an overview of this type of installation. See the instructions included with the kit for details. Do not exceed the maximum vertical rise (see the section "Approved Vent Configurations" starting on page g) allowable. Remember to s€t the restrictor position to the correct position (based upon the vertical rise height - see the chart on page 10). The conversion kit do€s not work on interior masonry chimneys. Chimney Conversion Kit A (# 931) lvetalbestos 6' l.D. Security Chimneys 6" l-D. Jackes-Evans 6" LD, Hart I Cooley 6" l.D. Pro-Jet 6" 1.D. Chimnev Conversion Kit B (# 932) Srmpson Dura-Vent 6 1.D. Aif-Jet 6" 1.D. Metal-Fab 6" and 7'1.D. Amef. MeLajs 6" & 7" l-D. Metalbestos 7' and 8' l.D. Jackes-Evans 7" and 8" ,.D. Hart & CooleyT" and E' l.D. Pro-Jet 7'and 8" LD. Security Chimneys 8" l.O. Chimnev Conversion Kit C (# 9331 Simpson Dura Vent 7" and 8" l.D. American Meiajs 8' LD.AirJel8 1.D. Mslal Fab 8" J.D. American lvetals 8" LD. Each Kit Contains: Retro Connector Retro Vertical Top Additional Required Eouipment: 4" Flex (#711 ot U.L. 17771 Termination (#991) Co-Axial Sections ADDENDUM #2 Interior Masonry Chimney Conversions Scr€w the Retro YerltGtl Top to the Flex rrp6 ---\ Type A Chimney fiJA98,Rt" ffi t!Re(ro Ve(tcal Too ,.- (screw lo chimneY) I Cut the Fl6x PiDe to (he chimnev hdiqht plus 3'(75'rnm)- Screw the Retro Conneclor to the Fl6x Pipe . Follow the requirements and use the equipment listed in the illustration to the right to install this appliance into an interior masonry chimney. . Maximum vertical rise is 40' . Minimum verlical rise is 10' . See the chart on page 12 for determining the corect restrictor position. NOTE: these restrictor positions are based uoon lab tests. The ideal restrictor position may vary slightly. The entire chlmnsy system must be air-tight. Make sur€ to seal th€ flashing, clean-out, and thimble connection, and to inspect the chimney. Make sure the coaxial pipe maintains a 1" clearance to any €ombustible. The vent must be sealed air-l,ghl. ----,_-\ #990 90' Elbow Co-Axial Straight Lengths #991 High Wind Termination - Flashing (induded in t934 Masonry ConverEion Kit #711 Flex Liner (4" dia.) (or other UL 1777 Gas Liner) Connector with Covsr (included in #934 Masonry Conversion Kit lnstallation Options ........................................... 5 Items Required for Installation............................6 Leaking Gas..... See Inst. on Cover Listing Information ............................................3 1 Location of Controls....... ...........23 Log Set lnstallation and Removal .......................22 Maintenance.... ....... ........... ....27 Measuring Vent Lengths............. ................ .... 1 1 Noise (see Normal Operating Sounds) ...............2 6 Normal Operating Sounds......... .......... .............26 Packing List................... ...........6 Pilot Flame Inspection......... .... .. ........... .... ....23 Piping Installation (see Gas Line Install)...............9 Reslrictor Position ....................1 I Safety Label..... ........................31 Safety Precautio ns ............ -..............................2 Starting The Pi|ot.......... ............24 Starting the Stove for the First Time........ ...........25 Thermostat Instalfation ........ .......... ........... .......41 Therfiostat Operation................. .....................25 Turning the Stove On and Off............. ...............2 5 Vent Length (see "Vent Config.")................... ".. 1 1 Vent Part Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 Vent Requirements .......................................... 1 0 Vertical Vent Termination Requirements ............1 8 Warnings.......... ........................2 Wananty........... .... ..................32 Water on Glass (see Condensation) ...................25 Weight (225 Lbs.).............................................5 What Prevents Gas Buildup..... .. .... ..................42 What Turns the Main Burners On and Off...........25 Wiring Diagram.. ........................30 Yearly Service Procedure........ ..........................27 Travis Industries 93 5081 1 5 t 30700 FRmracE )ffnor<nwan." 35 Custom Builder (CB) Orne/s Manual March, 2001 Tested and Listed by Omni-Test Laboratories, Inc. Beareton, Oegon-Repot# (286356 Aflslz21.88, csA2.33 t\49 8, CAMCGA 2j7.t\81 ' Direct Vent Fireplace . Natural Gas or Propane . Standard Residential . Mobile Home Approved nformation in these instructions are not followed exactly, a fire or result causing property damage, personal iniury or loss of life. - Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this or any other appliance. WHAT TO DO IF YOU SMELL GAS . Do not try to light any appliance.. Do not touch any electrical switch; do not use any phone in your building.. lmmediately call gas supplier from a neighbor's phone. Follow the gas supplier's instructions.. lf you cannot reach your gas supplier, call the fire department. - lnstallation and service must be performed by a qualified installer, service agency or the gas suoplier. This appliance may be installed as an OEM installation in a manufactured (mobile) home and must be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and the manufactured home construction and safety standard, Title 24 CFR, Part 3280 or Standard for Installation in Mobile Homes, CAN/CSA 2240 MH. This appliance is only for use with the type(s) of gas indicated on the rating plate. A conversion kit is su with the aooliance. f nstaf fer: After installation give this manual to the home- l1l\ Zl_- .r.- h ownerandexprainoperarionofthisfireprac". tnllffdvrt t.N#y'/Sfn8f'rhtr' $10.00 @ Copyright 2000, T.l. Part # 93508116 - 10850 llTth Place N.E. Klrkland, WA 98033 . IF YOU SMELL GAS: n Do not light any appliance * Extinguish any open flame * Do not touch any electrical * Open windows and vacate switch or plug or unplug anything building 'Call gas supplier from neighbor's house, if not reached, call fire d epa rtme nt . This unit must be installed by a qualified installer to prevent the possibility of an explosion. Your dealer will know the requirements in your area and can inform you of those people considered qualified. The fireplace should be inspected before use and at least annually by a qualified service person. More frequent cleaning may be required due to excessive lint from carpeting, bedding material, etc. . The instructions in this manual must be strictly adhered to. Do not use makeshift methods or compromise in the installation. lmproper installation will void the warranty anc safety listing. Look for this label: For l.PG only I Pout lI" W.C, This fireplace is either approved for natural gas (NG) or for propane (LP or LPG). Burning the incorrect fuel will void the warranty and safety listing and may cause an extreme safety hazard. Direct questions about the type of fuel used to your dealer. Check for the label shown to the right. lf the label is present, the heater is equipped for LP (propane). lf the label is absent, the heater is equipped for NG (natural gas). . Contact your local building ofiicials to obtain a oermit and informalion on any instal lation restrictions or inspection requirements in your area. Notify your insurance company of this fireplace as well. . lt is imoerative that control compartments, screens, or circulating air passageways of the fireplace be kept clean and free of obstructions. These areas provide the air necessary for safe oDeration. . Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable liouids in the vicinity of this fireplace. . lf the flame becomes sooty, dark orange in color, or extremely tall, do not operate the fireplace. Call youi dealer and arrange for proper servicing. Do not operate the fireplace if it is not operating properly in any fashion or if you are uncertain. Call your dealer for a full explanation of your fireplace and what to expecl Do not use this appliance if any part has been under water. lmmediately call a qualified service technician to inspect the appliance anc to rcplace any part of the control system and any gas control which has been under water. Travis Industries 935081 16 031 000 Do not place clothing or other flammable items on or near the fireplace. Because this fireolace can be controlled by a thermostat there rs a possibility of the fireplace turning on and igniting any items placed on or near it. The viewing glass should be opened only for lighting the pilot or conducting service. Any safety screen or guard removed for servicing must be replaced prior to operating the fireplace. Do not oDerate with the glass removed or damaged. Operate the fireplace according to the instructions included in this manual. lf the main burners do not start correctly turn the gas off at the gas control valve and call your dealer for servtce. This unit is not for use with solid fuel Do not place anything inside the firebox (except the included fiber logs). lf the fiber logs become damaged, replace with Travis Industries log set. Do not touch the hot surfaces of the fireolace. Educate all children of the danger of a high- temperature fireplace. Young children should be supervised when they are in the same room as the fireplace. Inslruct everyone in the house how to shut gas off to the appliance and at the gas main shutoff valve. The gas main shutoff valve is usually next to the gas meter or propane tank and requires a wrench to shut off. Light the fireplace using the built-in piezo igniter. Do nol use matches or any other external device to light your fireolace. Never remove, replace, mod ifi/ or substitute any pan of the fireplace unless instructions are given in this manual. All other work must be done by a trained technician. Don't modiry or replace orifices. Allow the fireolace to cool before carrying out any maintenance or cleaning. The pilot flame must conlacl the thermopile and thermocouple (see the illustration to the left). lf it does not, turn the gas control valve to "OFF" and call your dealer. Do not throw this manual away. This manual has important operating and maintenance instruclions that you will need at a later time. Always follow the instructions in this manual. Keeo all furniture or other combustible items at least 36" away from the front of the fireplace (this includes drapes or doors that may swing within 36" of the front of the fireplace). . Travis Industries, Inc. grants no warranty, implied or stated, for the installation or maintenance of your fireplace, and assumes no responsibility of anl consequential damage(s). Travis Industries 935081 16 031 000 Introduction Introduction & lmDortant Safety Precautlons Safety Precautions ...................-..................2 Features & Specifications Featur6s........... .................5 Installation Ootions...................................... 5 Heating Specifi cations..................................5 Dimensions........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Installation Installation Warnin9...................................... 6 Packing 1ist."..... .................6 Additional ltems Reauired for Installation..........6 lnstallation Overview.................................... 6 Fireplace Placement Requiremenls..... .............7 Minimum Framing Dimensions ....................7 Clearances........ ..........-,7 Corner Insta||ations ................................. I Raised Fireplaces ............8 Hearth Requirements....................................9 Facing Requirements.................................... 1 0 Facing Detail for 35 CB Faces......................... 1 1 Facing Detail for 36 DV Fa6es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..........12 Face Installation - 35 CB Face . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3 Face lnstallation & Sizing - 36 OV Face.............14 Mantel Requirements.................................... 1 5 Vent Requirements.........,............................. 1 6 Altitude Considerations ............................ 1 6 Clearances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 6 Part Numbers (6-5/8" Dia. Vent).................. 16 Vent Installation.. ............17 Approved Vent Configurations.................. "..... 1 8 Restrictor Position................................... 1 8 Elbows.............. ............18 Measuring Vent Lengths........................... 1 8 Vertical Term. 0, 2, or 4 45" Offsets.............19 Horizontal Term. with One Elbow................. 20 Vertical Term. with Two Elbows..... .......,......21 Vent Termination Reouiremenls.... ...........,...--.22 Gas Line Requirements............................ ".... 23 Fue|.................. ............23 Gas Line Connection................................23 Gas Inlet Pressure ..........23 Finalizinq the Installation Glass Removal (& installation).... ....................24 Log Installetion... .................25 Leak Test.......... .................26 Pilot Adjustment (if nec€ssary)....,..................26 Air Shutter Adiustment (if n6cessary)...............26 Check Flame...... .................27 Explain Operation to Home-Owner. - .................27 Ooeration Before You Begin.........................................28 Location of Controls .....................................28 Starting The Pi|ot.........................................29 Starting the Fireplace for the First Time.............30 Turning the Fireplace On and Off.....................30 Adjusting the Flame Height.............................30 Adjusting the Blower Speed............................ 31 Normal Operating Sounds..............................31 Maintenance Maintaining Your Fireplace's Appearance..........32 Yearfy SeNice Procedure.......... ....................32 Troubleshooting Tab|e...................................33 How this Fireolace Works............... -...............34 What Tums the Main Bumers On and Off......34 What Prevents cas Builduo......................-34 Wring Diagram ....................35 Replacement Parts List.............................,...35 Safety Label Safety (Listing) labe|....................................36 Warranty Warranty........... .................37 Optional Equipment LP Conversion Kit ............................,........... 38 Thermostat........ .................42 Remote Control Thermostat............................43 Blower.............. .................43 Index Index................ .................46 Travis lndustries 935081 16 031 000 Featu res: - Wo*s During Power Outages (millivolt system)- High Efficiency - Optional Thermostat or Remote Control - Realistic "Wood Fire" Look - Optional Blower for Heat Distnbution - Convenient Operating Controls - Variable-Rate Heat Outout - Low l/aintenance Installation Options: - Residential or Mobile Hom€ - Straight or Corner Placement - Flush or Recessed Fac€ - Raised or Floor Hearth - Intemal or External Chase - Horizontal or Vertical Vent Heating Soecifications: Approximate Heating Capacity (in square feet)* BTU Input Per Hour (from high to low) Efficiency'- AFUE (Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency) Dimensionsr Welght: 250 Lbs. 1/2" Stand offs Natural Gas 400 to 1,350 24,000 to 14,342 76.7 a7q Propane 400 to 1 ,350 24,000 to 13,708 78.6 68.6 . Heating capacity will vary with floor plan, insulation, and outside temperature. .. Efficiency rating is a product thermal efficiency rating determined under conlinuous operation independent of installed system. Make sure to bend lhis heat shield up (it must be perpendicular to the floor). Vent has externalr of 6-5/8' ,t\\\ Travis Industries 935081 16 03r 000 Installation Warnin Failure to follow all of the requirements may result in property damage, bodily injury, or even death. This fireplace must be installed by a qualified installer who has gone through a training program for the installation of direct vent gas appliances. This appliance must be installed in accordance with all local codes, if any; if not, in u.S.A. follow ANSI 2223.1 and NFPA 54(88), in Canada follow 8.149. In Manufactured or Mobile Homes must conform with: In USA, Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standard, Title 24 CFR, Part 3280; In Canada, CSA Z,240.4 and cas-Equipped Recreational Vehicles and Mobile Housing. This appliance may be installed in Manufactured Housing only after the home is site located. The 35 CB is designed to operate on natural gas or propane (LP). All exhaust gases must be vented outside the structure of the living-area. Combustion air is drawn from outside the living.area structure. Notify your insurance company before hooking up this fireplace. The requirements listed below are divided into sections. All requirements must be met simultaneously. The order of installation is not rigid - the qualified installer should follow the procedure best suited for the installation. Packing List Additional ltems Required . Propane Conversion Kit . Log Set (Log Set, Coals, & Glowing Embers). Flex Tube with Pipe Adapter . Glass Latch Tool (to unlatch glass frame). Black 35 CB Face (with touch-up paint). Cove Covers lnstallation Overview Direct Vent (Simpson Dura-Vent Ph. # 800 8354429) Gas Line Equipment (shutoff valve, pipe, etc.) Electrical Equipment (min. '18 gauge, grounded line) See lhe sedlon "Acceptable Venl Lenglhs" // l\ The fireplace enclosurc must not be less than 42" above the base of the fireplace. lf using a remote control or thermostat, route the wire io a location near the gas ,- line (include an extra 3' length for hookup). Route the electrical line to a position at the left front of the fireplace. Fireplace Placement Requirements Minimum Framing Dimensions f he 112" stand-offs along the sides and back, and the 2-112" stand-offs on top of the fireplace separate the fireplace from combustible materials (e.9.: combustible framing members, plywood, sheetrock, paper-backed insulation). The stand-offs may contact the framing members but no material may be placed between the stand-offs. This fireplace may be placed in a bedroom. Please be aware of the large amount of heat this appliance oroduces when determinino a location. 3S-7 With an elbow directly off the top of the fireplace, the vent is centerd 36" above the base of the fireplace. Wall Thimble (required when passing through a wall) Gas line (3/8" M.P.T. or 'l12" F.P.T.) should be routed 4-1l2" behind the --ts framing opening and 3-1/4" above the base of the fireplace on the right side (see "Gas Line Connection" for details). . Fireplace must be installed on a level surface capable of supporting the fireplace and vent . Fireplace must be placed directly on wood or non-combustible surface (not on linoleum or carpet) . Due to the high temperature of the fireplace, it should be located out of traffic and away from furniture and draperies. Clearances . When installed, walls in ftont of the fireplace must be a minimum 8-112" to the side of the fireolace facing (drywall standoff). . Fireplace must be placed so that no mmbustibles are within, or can swing within 36" of the front of the fireplace (e.9. drapes, doors) . Fireplace must be placed so the venls below and above the glass do nol bemme blocked t8" \_.-'. Travis Industries 935081 16 031 000 Corner lnstallations A typical 45" installation uses the minimum framing dimensions shown in the illustration below (NOTE: all clearances still apply). Raised Fireplaces . The fireplace (and hearth, if desired) may be placed on a platform designed to su (approximately 300 Lbs.) and vent. . The fireplace may not be raised so as to place the base of the fireplace within 42" reduce the fireolace enclosure to less than 42". pport the fireplace of ceiling or to H INT: H INT: Hearth Requirements . The fireolace must be placed on a wood or non-combustible sub-floor. . No hearth is required. N OTE: Carpeting or other floor covering (e.9. linoleum, wood flooring) must not protrude 314" above the base of the fireplace. The fireplace must be raised to accommodate any flooring thicker than 3/4". We strongly suggest using a tile or non-combustible hearth in front of the fireplace. This protects the area in front of the fireplace from heat dis-coloration or off-gassing. Travis Industries can not be responsible for floor discoloration in front of the fireplace. lf uslng a 36-DV Face, please be aware that a 1-1l8" gap will appear below the face. We suggest a non-combustible hearth in front of the face to conceal this area. Carpeting or other floor covering (e.9. linoleum, wood flooring) must not orotrude 3/4" above the base of the fireplace. The flreplace must be raised to accommodate any flooring thicker than 3/4" Maximum 3/4" Travis Industries 93 5081 1 6 031000 Facing Requirements . Drpvall may be butted up to the drywall standoff. N O T E: Drywall or other combustibles may not be placed over the drywall standoff. N OTE: No drywall or other combustible may protrude farther than 3/4" in front of the drywall standoff. Any material that protrudes 3/4" or more trom the drywali standoff must meet the mantel clearance (if located above the fireplace) or sidewall clearance (if located to the side of the fireplace. H lN T: Holes are provided in the drywall standoff to attach the standoff to the framing members. This stabilizes the standoff and allows the drywall to be anchored to the framing members. Framing No drywall or other combustible material may protrude farther than 3/4" in fmnt of the drywall standoff. Any material that protrudes 3/4'' or more from the drywall standoff must meet the mantel clearance (if located above the fireplace) or sidewall clearance (if loc.\ed to the sid€\ of the fr€olace. \'\\ Maximum 3/4" Use the holes in the drywall standotf lo secure the standoff to the framina. NOTE:Mask off the front of the fireplace to keep drywall dust from entering the fireplace. These particles, when heated, may cause odors or cause other problems. Travis Industries 93 5081 1 6 031 000 Faql4gDetail for 35 CB Face Flush Facinq - Top View Orywall Standoff Tile Facinq - Top View Flano€ on Frarnhg Drywall Flange on Drywall Slandotl 12 Drywall 1t2" Orywzll NOTE:Th€ framing musl line up wilh th€flange on the dr}1l/all standoff - lhis providos slaibility for th€ slandoffand the drywall. 31-1 DIMENSIONS OF ORYWALL STANDOFF; st- -'4,ao-i,a:, Recesaed Tile Facinq - Too View DrywallStandoff Travis Industries 935081 16 031000 Faci Detail for 36 DV Faces Tile Facinq - Top View I'IOTE: The press-nut on the mounting bEcket prottudes behind the b.acket and interfeaes with tile placement. 36 OV Face !gIE: The framing must line up with the llange on the drywall standoff this provides staibitity for the standoffandth6 drywall. 114" to 3/4' {adjustable) Do not tuck til€ into the l/8'air space below the access door. This spac€ is roquired to open the access doof, 'l12" D.ywall Facing Cover see the section " Fece Inslallation & Si.ing 36 DV Fac€s' for deteils. 1,1,1119,3'# 0,u",""' tile thickn€ss€s) We recommend placing a 7/Sthick headh in fmnt ofthe f€ce tic concealthis opening. Face lnstallation - 35 CB Face t\ r, 4bQ :trgJ:f; :3f.? ln?"i"0",*ff"Ti?,H 1,, |.ry drywall standoff. Secure the face with these two screws screws are attached to the fireplace). (the 935081 16 Travis Industries 031 000 Face lnstallation & Sizing - 36 DV Faces (requires part # 9BS00SJ6) St6ps for installinq 36 DV Facos ', With the fireplace in place, install the tile stop for the type of face used (see illustration to th€ right) - included with kit # 98500536. lnstall the face mounting brackets (included with kit # 98500536). Install the tile (or other non-cDmbustible facin). Make sure tile does not interfere with the press-nuts on back ofthe mounting brackets (see pag€ 12). Slide the mounting brackets allthe way back against the facing. Install the face using the instructions included with the face, disregarding any bracket instructions. Refer to the illustration of the bracket (b€low right) to determine the correct hole or slot for attachino the face to the brackets. b) o) ,/ The til€ st6s attach to these holes .-.t (EF:: 1/4" Nutdriver Rioht Side Face Md'unting Bracket Classlc Arched (Gold, Black, or A Ban.) Dstail of Mountlng Bracket These holes in the mounting brackets are slotted to allow for different thicknesses of til6 {or oth€r non-combustibl€ facing). Reclanqular Bevel Faces Classic Arched Faces (except amsan) Arch itec-tural Faces Artisan Faces Travis Industries 93508116 031 000 Mantel Requirements Any combustible material above the face must not protrude more than 3/4". lf it does, it is considered a mantel and must meet the mantel reouirements listed below. (from base of fireplace) Travis Industries 935081 16 031000 Vent \eqglrements ! The vent must maintain the required clearance to combustible materials to prevent a fire (see "Clearances" below). Do not fill air spaces with insulation. ! The gas appliance and vent system must be vented directly to the outside of the building, and never be attached to a chimney serving a separate solid fuel or gas-burning appliance. Each direct vent gas appliance must use it's own separate vent system. Altitude Considerations This fireplace has been tested at altitudes ranging from sea level to 8,000 feet (2,400 M). In this testing we have found that the fireplace, with its standard orifice, burns correctly with just an air shutter adjustment. I Failure to adjust the air shutter properly may lead to improper combustion which can create a safety hazard. Consult your dealer or inslaller if you suspect an improperly adjusted air shutter. Clearances 2-1t2" 1'Clearance Clearance When using an elbow directlv off the top of the fireDlace, the following requirements applv: . A wall thimble is required when the vent passes through the first wall (frame 9" tall by 10" wide). . Minimum 2-112" clea?nce above the vent before the wall thimbl€ (1" clearance to the sides and bottom of the vent). . Mimimum l" clearance (in all directions) to the vent afier the thimble. 1" Clearance With vertical vent (or a 45' offset) directlv off th top of the fireplace, the followinq requirements applv: . Firestops or other non-combustible means of support may b€ used when passing through a wall . Mimimum 1" clearance (in all directions) to the vent. Vent Part Numbers . Use Model GS Direct Vent manufactured by Simpson Dura-Vent only. Follow the installation instructions included with the vent. For the nearest Simpson Dura-Vent supplier, call (800) 835-4429. Vent part numbers and descriotions are listed below. Straight Lengths 9088 6'Pip€ L6nglh, Black (interior) 9078 9" Pipo Length, Black (int€rior) 906 12" Pipe Lenglh, calvanized 9068 12" Pipe L€ngth, Black (inl6rior) 904 24" Pipe Length, Galvanized 9O4B 24" Pip6 Length, BJeck Unlatiot)903 36" Prpe Lenglh, Galvanizod S03B 36' Pipe Longth, Black (interior) 902 48" Pip€ Lsnglh, Galvanized 9028 4a" Pipe L€ngth, Black (lnle.iof) 911B 11" tq 14 5/8" Adjustable, Black (intefio.) Vent Terminations 9E'1 Snork€l T€rmrnation (36" rise) (for basement or raisad termination inslallations)942 Snorkel T€rmtnatron (14" nso) flor basem6nl or raisa# i€f minalion installations)944 Horizonlal SQuare T€rminalion 950 Vinyl Siding Stand,olf 991 High Wind Vertical T€rminalion Elbows 990 90' Elbow 9908 90' Elbow, Btack (interior) Penetration, Support 542 Wall Thimble 941 Calhedral Coiling Suppod Box 943 Flashing, 0/12 to 6/12 Roof Pilch 9435 Flashing, 7112 lo '12112 Rool Pttch 953 Storm Collar 963 C€iling Fife-slop 988 Wall Strap Travis Industries 93508116 031 000 Vent Installation . In addition to the requirements below, follow the requirements provided with the vent. Verlical Termination Use a roof flashing and storm collar when6ver passing through the roof Use a fireslop whenever passing through a cei,ing Vertical Vent Requirements Horizontal Vent Requirements Maintain a minimum 1" clearance from vent to any combustlble Minimum traming for fire stop Use a support box on exposed vent UEe a wall thimble whenever passrng through a watl F Minimum Framjng 10" \lz ,---j Maintain a minimum l" clearance 1z-ltz"- /.<-Horizontal Terminaiion in some cases . see "Clearances") from vent to any combustible Apply high{emperature silicone to the inner and outer pipe before assembling the sections (on the male, upper section). This seals the inner pipe ftom lhe outer pipe. Slide the sections together and turn 1/4 turn until the sections lock in place. Install three metal screws through each joint to lock the outer section in place (see the instructions included with the vent for further details). Apply a l/8" (3 mm) bea.l ofhlgh. tsnpomturs silicone to the inner rnd ouler Pipo. nro lhs innor pipe fiorn the oubr pipa. . Horizontal sections require a 1/4" rise every 12" of travel . Horizontal sections require non-combustible support every three feet (e.9.: plumbing tape) Travis Industries 93508116 031000 Approveg! Vent Configurations Restrictor Position . A vent and intake restrictor is built into the appliance to adjust the flow rate of exhaust gases. Depending upon the vent configuration, you may be required to adjust the restrictor position. The charts for acceptable vent configurations detail the correct vent restrictor position. TO CHA r{GE T llt RESr RTCTOR (boln i.t!t. a mt r.akicto. nu st b. st ro rh. cn.ct F.r!on):ItFsdelhcEli- 4 R€m ove lhc lwo sseB hordnO rhe vent .6hcrd plale. 3) t6ove tbe @1 rcslrizbr p,€le so lhe clr.ecl fde ,ins up wjth lhe holes i, rhn bact ot the fr.box 4) Reprace the lw. wews. R€prac€ lhe baille 5) Remove ihe rwo sews hordin! lhe irnake restndor plrle 6) rvo@ fie Lnlakr €sr.tr)tDr pr6le e lh6 corecl hire rina. up wlf' rhe hole3 in be bact oi rhe trebox.n Re)hcalhe rwo se*s VENT RESTRICTOR The reslriclo. i3 siigped The re3siclor i3 shlppcd €e.< Elbows See the venl configurations for details on how many elDows may be used and in what manner. Measuring Vent Lengths Vent Height is calculated to lhe top of the venl on horizontal terminations and to lhe top of the iermination on vedical teminations. Elbows add 3" to the length ofthe Vent sections ovedap each other by 1.12" 8</4' wlde wlth 1-1/? to 348' ot ,,/l ffi I alc,) I Vertical Terminations with Zero, Two, or Four 45o Offsets The termination must fallwithin the shaded area shown in the chart. Use the indicated restrictor oosition. Zero Offsets Two 45o Offsets o€ tttttttrtl rtttttttt I Offset Length None 1' S€ction 2' Section 3' Section 4' Section 30 feel - Hor. Offset 5' 1' 1'9' 2', 5" 3',2 Vert. Rise 1' 1' 7" 2' 4" 3' 8" Four 45o Offsets 5gli ,r') : -,:tttttttttttl ttrltttttttl 40'(max; - Restrictor 40'(max) --40'(max) 20 feet - 25 feel - 35leet - 30 f€€t - 20 feet - 15 f€el - 10 feet - 5 feel - - 35 feel - 30 fe€t - 25 feet - 20 feet - 15 tst - 10leel - 5 feet 0 l€et -, Ior"r- I iD? E lltllrl ttttttl EE |r)o ' r-Oleel tl i)? E Restdc'tor Position # 7 - Travis lndustries 9350E1 16 031000 Horizontal Terminations with One Elbow The termination must fall within the shaded area shown in the chart. Use the indicated restrictor position. 66F?.8,98-a o ro 3 Str l||l|||l 10 feet -(max) 5 feet - - 10 feet (max) - 5 feet - 0 feet 0 feet - x o E ttttl ttttl ttttl oc)oo ON l- r- ttl ttl ttl 6 .(I) rr) tl o .o tl NOTE: lf an elbow is used directly off the fireplace, a 2-112" clearance above the vent is required. NOTE: Horizontal sections require a 1/4" rise every 12" of travel. Travis Industries 935081 16 031000 Ve ftia I Te rminatbns with Two 90' Elbows The termination must fall within the shaded area shown in the chart. Use the indicated restrictor DOSition. 40' (max) - 35 feet - Is8ge*r N dt9 lllllllllllltttrrtrrrrrrrl rrtrrttl'trlltttltltltllll 30 feet -- 30 feet - 25 feet 25 feet - 15 feet - '10 feet - - 20 feet - tS t""t - tO i""t - u **, NOTE: A min. 10' of vortical vent must be used. NOIE; Horizontal sections lequire a 1/4'aise every 12' o[ travel. li t t | | | | I I r I I | | | | | | | I | | | | t-'reet 4-s66667 eegeeeF arrlorrlo,oE (\ C\ Termination R uirements see the illustration below ! Venting terminals shall not be recessed into a wall or siding. A Minimum 9" clearance from any door or wrndow B Minimum '12" above any grade, veranda, porch, deck or balcony C Minimum 12" from outside corner walls D Minimum 12" from inside corner walls E Minimum 1 1" clearance below unventilated soffits or roof surfaces Minimum 18" clearance below ventilated soffits Mrnimum 6" clearance ftom roof eaves NOTE: Vinyl surfaces require 24" Minimum 18" clearance below a veranda, porch, deck or balcony (must have two open sides) Minimum 48" clearance ftom any adjacent building Mrnimum 84" clearance above any grade when adjacent to public walkways or driveways NOTE: may not be used over a walkway or driveway shared by an adjacent building Minimum 48" clearance from any mechanical air supply inlet,72" for Canada Minjmum 36" clearance above and 48" below and to the sides of non-mechanical air supply inlet Minimum 36" from the area above the meter/regulator (vent outlet) Minimum 36" from the meter/regulator (vent outlet) Minimum 12" above the roof line (for vertical terminations) *Note: In Canada the vent termination must be a minimum 2'(.6 M) tall and 2'(.6 M) above any portion of the roof within 10'(3 M) of the vent. Minimum 24" notizonlal clearance to any surface (such as an exterior wall) - for vertical terminations F H I J K L M NOTE: Measure clearances to the nearest edge of the exhaust hood. Use the vinyl siding standoff (#1250) when installing on an exterior with vinyl siding. Vent termination must not be located where it will bocome plugged by snow or other malerial These clearances meet UMC-1994 and the CNA'/CGA-B149 code standards. W fr m. Gas Line Requirements ! The gas line must be installed in accordance with all local codes, if any; if not, follow ANSI223.1 and the requirements listed below. ! The fireplace and gas control valve must be disconnected from the gas supply piping during any pressure testing ofthat system at test pressures in excess of 1/2 psig. For pressures under 1/2 psig, isolate the gas supply piping by closing the manual shutoff valve. ! Leak test all gas line joints and the gas control valve prior to and afier starting the fireplace. Fu el . This fireplace is designed either for natural gas or for propane (but not for both). Check the sticker on the top of the gas control valve to make sure the conect fuel is used. Gas Line Connection . A manual shutoff valve is required within 3' of the fireplace. It should be placed upstream of the flex line (ifused) and may be installed behind the acccss door inside the fireplace. A 3" wide by 2" tall access hole is locat€d 3- 1/4" above the base of the fireolace and is centered 5" behind the faceDlate. A shutoffvalve may be placed within the fireplace Gas Control Valve 3/8" M.P.T to 1/2" O.D. Fitting (Factory installed) --oR- @ .-oR-I I The included fitting accepts a 3/8" M.P.T. or 1t2" F.P.r. F 10" Flex Tube (shipped with the fireplace - min. bending radius is 3/4") Gas lnlet Pressure: Standard Inout Pressure Nalural Gas 7',W.c. (1.74kPA) Propane 1 1" W.C. (2.73 kPA) . lf the pressure is not sufficient, make sure the piping used is large enough, the supply regulator is adequately adjusted, and the total gas load for the residence does not exceed the amount supplied. . The supply regulator (the regulator thal attaches directly to the residence inlet or to the propane tank) should supply gas at the suggested input pressure listed above. Contact the local gas supplier if the regulator is at an improper pressure. Travis Industries 935081 15 031000 Remove the face (see page 13 or 14). Remove the glass assembly following the directions below. Warning: The appliance must be completely cool before removing the glass. Warning: To prevent damage, do not abuse, strike, or slam the glass frame. Note on Arch Covers (both sides) The arch covers (included in ownefs pack) block lightfrom exitlng the scroll work on arched After replaclng the glass frame, hang the arch covers over the glass frame before attachino the face. Swing the glass frame outwards then lift the it up and off the tabs at the top of the fir€box. The glass frame hangs on tabs above the firebox. Insert the included glass latch tool into the hole on the glass frame latch. Pull the latch out then down to detach it from the glass irame. Glass Rsplacement Hang the glass assembly on the tabs at the top of the firebox. Secure the glass trame with the latches. Travis Industries 93508116 03100 0 ? lf converting this unit to propane, do so nou, (see the instructions on page 38). ? lf installing the fireback, do so now (see the instructions on page 41) 2 lnstall the log set, kibbles, and glowing embers (see the instructions included with the embers). Warning: Failure to position the parts in accordance with these diagrams or failure to use only parts specifically approved with this appliance may result in property damage or personal injury. Place the rear lo9 at the back of the burner pan. Place the front logs in place. Note how they do not til directly over the burner holesa-- The loqs should look like thls when in place, Place the €mbers on this ledge at the front of the flrebox . Oo not placethe embers ovet the burner holes. Travis Industries 935081 16 031000 ! We recommend you purge the gas line at this time (with the glass removed). This allows gas to be detected once it enters the firebox, ensuring gas does not build up. 3 Turn on the gas to the fireplace. Turn on gas to the fireplace. Leak test all gas joints prior to starting the appliance. Start the pilot (see page 29). Start the main burner. Leak test all gas joints again. 4 Replace the glass frame. 5 Check the pilot flame to make sure it looks like the illustration below. Adjust the pilot flame if necessarv. To adjust the pilot flam€, tum this screw (NOTE: if totally unscrewed gas willcome out ofthis port). Clockwise lowers the llame while counter-clockwise raises it. The pilotflame must contact the thermocouple and thermopile (see the illustratbn below). Adjust the pilot up or down as nec,essary. 6 Let the fireplace burn for fifteen minutes. Adjust the rear air shutter, if necessary, to achieve the correct looking flame (see the illustration below). . The air shutter adjusts the amount of air that mixes with the gas before it exits the burner holes. ll is used to fine-tune the flame for differences in altitude and vent confiouration. Standard Screwdriver ADJUSTING THE AIR SHUTTER Pushing to the left gives the flame less air {making lt more orange). Pushjng to the right glves the flame more air, making it more blue. Forfine adjustments use a screwdriver to tap the air shutter. NOTE: lf the air shutter is all the way open, yet the tlames femain sooty, shut off gas to th€ flreplace and contact a qualified gas service technician. Correct Flames should be blue at the base, yellow-orange on the top. NOTE: The logs must be lnstall€d correctly to monltor the flame while adjusting the air shufter. lf the air shutter is in its fully open position, yet the flames remain sooty, and contact your Travis Industries Dealer for a remedy. lt the tlames are ovef 14" tall or sooty on the ends, open the air shutter. Too Much Air lf the tlames are all blue and short, clos€ the air shutter. shut off gas to the fireplace Not Enough Air Travis Industries 935081 16 031000 lf the vent configuration is installed incorrectly the vent may cause the flames inside the fireplace to lift or "ghost" - a dangerous situation. Inspect the flames after installation to insure proper performance. lf the vent configuration is correct, yet the flames are lifiing or ghosting, shut off gas to the fireplace and contact the dealer for information on remedying the problem. This fireplace has been tested at altitudes up to 8,000 feet. In this testing we have found that the fireplace, with its standard orifice, burns correctly with just an air shutter adjustment. lf local codes require resizing the orifice, in the U.S.A. refer to ANSI 223.1, Appendix P, in Canada B-149.1 or B- 149.2 Failure to properly adjust the air shutter may lead to improper combustion and a safety hazard. Consult your dealer or installer if you suspect an improperly adjusted air shutter. Burner Pan { ,e#vAd W#art" lf the flames are ghosting, y6t the vent configuration is correct, contact your dealer. Turn the flame adjust knob to its highest position - the flames should not lift or soot. Check the flame on low position. The flames should burn off of each burner hole. lf the heater does not work correctly, contact your dealer for a remedy. Give this manual to lhe home owner and fully explain the operation of this heater. The flames should burn right off lf the flames are liffing, yet the the top of the burner ports (if they vent configuration is correct, are too blue, adjust the air control). contact your deal€r. Travis lndustries 935081 16 031 000 elflff"Jsl$i BeIQre You Begin Warning: Read this entire manual before you use your new fireplace (especially the section "Safety Precautions" on pages 2 & 3). Failure to follow the instructions may resull in property damage, bodily injury, or even death. Warning: Do not operate appliance with the glass front removed, cracked or broken. Replacement of the glass should be done by a licensed or qualified service person. Location of Controls - See e anation below The pilot tlame is located below the front log. An instruction card Ior ooeratinq the llreolac€ s attachEd to the nsrde of the lireplace here. Replace ri for easy feletence, :@ On/Otf Swilch lgniter Optional Blower Knob This knob controls the speed of the internal convection blower that oushes the heated air into the room. This control is used to turn the fireolace on and off. The pilot igniter is used only to start the pilot. When pressed, it sends an electrical charge to the pilot assembly. This creates a blue spark directly next to the pilot, igniting the pilot flame. This knob controls gas to the stove and pilot. There are three positions: ON, OFF, and PILOT. The indicator line is to the right of the knob. This knob controls the flame height from low ("LO") to high ("H1"). The indicator line is below the knob, ? lf using a remote control or thermostat, the On/Off Switch must be leff "ON". Turning the On/Off Switch "OFF" will keep the fireplace off always. door to Open the access Optional glower Control _=-----=:- Gas Conlrol Valve Pilol hnitet On/Off Switch Pilot lgniter Gas Control Knob Flame Adjust Knob Flern€ Adjust Knob Gas Control Knob Travis Industries 93 5081 I 6 031000 Starting The Pilot Flame The pilot flame is required to ignite the main burners (it also plays a safety role). lt should be left on once lit. lt will stay lit unless the gas control valve is lurned to "OFF". However, the pilot will go out if the gas is shut off, the propane tank runs out (or low) or if the stove malfunctions. lf the pilot turns off frequently, call your dealer for information. To start the pilot follow the directions below: WARNING: When lighting or re.lighting the pilot, the glass must be removed (see page 24). a Remove the glass (see page 24 f or detdls). b Push the gas control knob in slightly and turn it to the "OFF" Dosition. The knob will not turn ftom "ON" to "OFF" unless the knob is depressed slightly. Wait five minutes to let any gas that may have accumulated inside the firebox escape. lf you smell leaking gas, follow the directions on the cover 'lF YOU SMELL GAS". c Turn the gas control knob to the'PILOT" position and press the knob in, this will allow gas to flow to the pilot light. Press the red button on the pilot igniter repeatedly until you see the pilot light. WARNING: lf the pilot does not light after 15 seconds, release the knob and call your dealer for service. Do not attempt to light pilot until service has been perfo rmed. N OTE: You may wish to remove the log set to gain a better view of the pilot (see page 25). Keep the gas control knob depressed for 30 seconds once it is lit. Release the gas control knob. lf the pilot goes out, repeal step C. lf the pilot refuses to stay lit, call your dealer for service. With the pilot lit, proceed to step "f'. Replace the glass. Turn the gas control knob counter-clockwise to "ON". The pilot is now lil and the fireplace can be turned on and off. o @ tffiK€? to"@-1hl ,j,!.,g" ,.\!-- @Jil @v€:: ffi)T hfu 3o36co' L- ll ll lt{9:-, ', 1 f'tl\- i/1(o)\ lt ,t ffiJllll r'#r" |,fl'tfi-sc€s I llll q ./,qE| j6ll 'rgiflr'g I tll I L rLl\ ll aa lL,-;)- | l__)) | I @ @ o o Qt UBs @ t s Travis lndustries 935081 16 031 000 llstfflq,[SJ& Starting the Fireplace for the First Time + Burn the fireplace at a high setting with the blower off for an extended period (up to 48 hours). This will cure the painted surfaces. Fumes from the paint curing and oil burning off the steel will occur. This is normal. We recommend opening a window to vent the room. + Dust may accumulate inside the convection area of the fireplace when lefi idle. Once the fireplace is re-started, a "smoky" smell may be created (similar to a baseboard fireplace when it is re-started). + Condensation may appear on the glass each time you start the firepiace - this is normal. + Blue Flames will occur on the fireplace when it first comes on. After fifteen minutes the flames will turn a more realistic yellow and orange color. ? Certain installations use a remole "wall switch" to turn the fireplace on and off. lf this is the case, leave the ON/OFF switch "ON" Iryqing the Fireplace On and Off After the oilot has been started... op€ratiofl, See the instructions Included wiih the rcmote for changing the battery, See the inslruc{ions included with th€ remot€ for details on For systems with wall th€rmostats, use this switch to mntrcl the temperature iright is hotter, left cooler). Some systems require the on/off turn the main bumer on and off manually. Do not place any combustible items on top of or directly in front of the fireplace, even temporarily. The oplional thermoslat may slart the fireplace causing a combustible item to ignite. lf the fireplace turns on and off frequently while using the thermostat, you may want to adjust the flame height down until it produces just enough heat needed. Acljysting the Flame Height + Your fireplace has an adjustable flame to tailor the look and heat output to your specific needs. lt is adjusted by turning the middle dial on the gas control valve. Turn counter-clockwise to adjust the flame higher, clockwise to lower. Travis lndustries 935081r6 031000 I$glSEI{rcriffitn Adjusting the Blower Speed (Optional) The internal blower helDs transfer the heat from the fireplace into the room. lt will not turn on until the fireplace is up to temperature (approximately 10 minutes after starting). See the illustration below for instructions on adjusting the blower soeed. Blower Knob Tum the knob allih6 way counlef-clockwise to turn the blower off. One cllck clockwise turns the blower to high sp6ed. Tuming ihe knob clockwise from lhe high position d6crease6 the speed of lhe otower. Normal Piloi Flame The pilot flame, which remains on, makes a very slight "whisper" sound. Gas Gontrol Valve As the gas control valve is turned on and off you will hear a dull clicking sound. This is the valve opening up and shutting down. Optional Blower This heal€r uses a blower to push heated air into the room. You will hear the sound of air movement that increases as the speed is incr€ased. The appliance will creak with change of temperature. Blower Snap Disk This part can produce a clicking sound as it tums the blower on and off. Travis Industries 935081 16 031000 Maintaining Your Fireplace's Appearance Fingerprints or other marks lefi on the optional gold surface may becom€ etched in pleoe if they are not wiped clean prior to turning the fireplace on. Clean gold with denatur€d alcohol end a soft cloth (make sure the flreplace is coof). Other cfeafiers may leave a fllm that may become etched into lhe gold. Clean the glass with soap and water (do not use abrasive cleaners). To remove the glass, follow the instructions on page 24. Yearl Service Procedure Failure to inspect and maintain the f replace may lead to improper combustion and a pot€ntially dangerous situation. The following procedures must be done by a qualifi€d technician. Check the pilot flame. lt should touch approximately 3/8" of the top of the th€rmopile and touch the top of the thermocouple (see illustration below). lf it does not, contact your deal€r for service. Shut off gas to the fireplace by tuming the gas control knob to "OFF" (see step A under "Starting th€ Pilot" on page 29). Let the Rreplace cool for 15 minutes. Remove the faceplate (se6 page 13 or 14) and glass (see page 24\. Remove the log set (NOTE: the logs are very fragile - see page 25). lf severely deteriorated, replace. Check the logs for sooting. A small amount of sool along the bottom of the logs is normal. lf excessive sooting is found, the fireplace will require adjustment. Contact your dealer. Clean the burner tube (especially the burner holes) and inspect the following:. Check the bumer for cracked holes, warpage, or corrosion.. Check the firebox and area around the pilot to make sure there is no warping or damage.. lf any problem is found, discontinue use and contact your dealer for service. B€tore Dlsat6ernbly . Check the pilot name. lt should touch the thermocouple and thermopile. 5 Replace the log set. Replace the glass (if the glass is damaged, replaco it). Make sure the gask€t along the perimeter of the glass contacts the face of the firebox and forms an airtight seal. lf it does not, re-align or replace the gasket to insure an air-tight seal. Replace the faceplate. 6 Inspect the area behind the access door. Clean if necessary. Check the gas control valve and all of the gas lines. lf any damage is found, discontinue use and contact your dealer foi service. 7 Start the pilot and tum on the main burner. The flames should be orange/yellow and not touch the top of the firebox. lf the pilot or main burners do not burn conectly, contact your d€aler for seNice. Monitor the blower operation. 8 Inspect the glass. lf damage is found, replace th€ glass (with frame) with Travis Industries glass assembly (glass installation is on page 24). 9 Remove any debris or vegetation near the vent termination. Contact your dealer if any sooting or deterioration is found near the vent termination. I 0 Inspoct lhe vent sections. lf any sections are disconnected or require replacement, make sure to seal both inn6r and outer sections of pipe and secure the sections together with three Bheet metal screws. Check lhe walls and ceiling oflhe firebox lor Travis lndustries 935081 l6 031000 Troubleshootin Problem: Possible Cause: Don't Call for Service Until You: Pilot Will Not Light A gas shut off valve is turned off __ _ _ - _- - _ _. The gas control knob isn't turned to "PlLOT" The valve control knob isn't pushed in.--__. The igniter wasn't pressed repeatedly--____ No Propane in Tank -. _ _.- _ _- _ _. _ Check all gas shut off valves See "Starting the Pilot Lighf' Step C See "Starting the Pilot Light" St6p C See "Starting the Pilot Light" Step C Check Tank L6v€l Main Burners Will Not Start The pilot light has gone out__ _.- _ __ - The gas control valve is turned to "PILOT" or "OFF' The ON/OFF switch is turned to "OFF" - -. _ - -.--_ _- The remote conlrol is not working correctly_-_-___ The th€rmostat is disconnected or set too low See "Starting the Pilot Light' See "Starting the Pilot Lighl" Turn the ON/OFF switch to "ON" See the remote conlrol instructions See "Thermostat Op€ration" Remote Control Not Work Does The pilot light has gone out The gas control valve is turned to "PlLOT" or "OFF' The ON/OFF switch is turned to "OFF" _ _ _. _ _.___ _ _ The remote is too far away from th€ fireplace. _ _ _ - _ The remote control receaver is turned "Off'- -_ _.- - - One of the two remote control batteries is de€d See "Starting the Pilot Light" See "Slarting the Pilot Light" Turn the ON/OFF switch to "ON" Use the remote closer to the fireplace See the remote control instructions See the remote control instructions Thermostat Does Not Work The pilot light has gone out--__-_--___._.__._.____ The gas control valve is turn€d to "PILOT" or "OFF' The ON/OFF switch is turned to "OFF" The thermostat is set too low_._ _ -_ _ See "Starting the Pilot Light" see "starting the Pilot Light' Turn the ON/OFF switch lo "ON" See "Thermostat Operation" Check th6 breaker switch S€e "Operating Your Fireplace" Fireplace Will Not The fireplace is not geiting electricity- - Distribute Heat The fireplace is not up to temperature.- pilot Goes Out Once A The gas supply has been shut off . - -. Keep the gas supply turned on Month Or More The fireplace has just been started. - lmproper air shutter adjustment " __ __ This is normal - see "Starting the Fireolace for the First Time" Adiust Air Shutter - contact your dealer Flames Are Too Blue Tum the flame height to "Hl" - See 'Adjusting the Flame Heighf' Flames Are Too Short (Under 6") The flame height may be turned too low _ Thin Layer of Soot The logs or coals are placed incorrectly. See "Log Set Installation & Removal" Covers the Glass lmproper air shutter adiustment - -- Adiust Air Shuttor - contact your dealer Travis Industries 93s081 16 031 000 How this Fireplace Works I This fireplace was designed with safety as the primary concern. Many of the components inside this fireplace are for safety purposes. Therefore, only certified gas service technicians should service this fireolace. What Turns the Main Burners On and Off This fireplace uses a millivolt system to control its operation (a millivolt is a very small amount of elechicity). The thermopile and thermocouple generate electricity when heated by the pilot flame. This electricity is used to operate the gas valve. Without enough electricity, the gas valve will not turn on. That is why when starting the pilot the gas control knob has to be pressed in long enough for the thermocouple to heat up and generate enough elechicity. The thermopile provides power for the ON/OFF switch, remote control, or thermostat (see the illustration below). Because the thermopile generates the electricity needed to turn the fireplace on and off, this fireplace can be operated when the power is out (although the blower will not run). When heated, the thermopile This electricity is generates electricity (a very small used to operate the amount measured in "Millivolts"). main bum€rs. The main burners are switched on and off using the €lectricity gen€rated by the thermopile. The ON/OFF switch, remote control, or thermostat control the circuit to the main burner. What Prevents Gas Buildup + This appliance utilizes a high-technology gas valve in conjunction with a pilot flame lo ensure no gas builds up inside the firebox. + The thermocouple (next to the pilot) senses when the pilot flame is lit. lf the pilot flame goes out, this thermocouple no longer generates electricity, causing the gas valve to automatically shut off all gas to the fireplace, preventing the pilot from spilling gas into the firebox. Pilot Flame The pilot flame is a time-proven component that eliminates the possibility of gas buildup inside the firebox. Gas Valve This high-technology valve automatically shuts off all gas if it does not receive a signal from the thermocouple. lf any component is damaged or sensing a malfunction, or if the wiring is damaged, it will shut off all gas. Thermocouple Ceramic Glass %ffi Effi = oFF Exlemal Shut Off Valv€ This valv€ is placed on the gas line to shut off gas to the appliance during maintenance proc€dures, The thermocouple generates a small amount of electricity. lf th6 pilot flame go6s out, th6 gas valve automatically shuts off all das. The glass in your heater is th€ most durable glass available. lt has been tested to be extremely resistrant to breakage from temperature changes. Travis Industries 93508116 031 000 Wiring Diagram Caution: Label all wires prior lo disconnection when servicing controls. Wiring errors can cause improper and dangerous operation. Millivolt Wiring (for gas control valve) rh.mo@ode th.moFll. Ftuo tgnttr 120 Volt Wiring o7*/ \ or,-, H1 oor*a n*oL. \ / / rh6mGr,, / cd'!l 4j o< Optional Blower ,r-/'n'*'ffi}X/<-'ili; ." \- "'El (bradl)g 0l 6l t 4l - cas Control Optional Regulator €l- srus- Solenoid &- Btu. Replacement Parts List O.totf Ssitch n"a+\e- Caution: Use only Travis Industries replacement parts. Do not use substitute materials. $m6512 Air Shutter, Assembly s900747 OrVOff Switch, Small, 1996 & Later Gas Models !IJ006912 Arr Shutler Control Arm s{106855 urmce, tsurner. *43 - 3$(.;ts, DvL l/ll 9ln-D691',I Air Shutter, Control Bracket sBm6856 umce. Bumer. #54 - l-PX 3$ts $m6s10 Air Shutter Sleeve 98Stcr/s1 Piezo lgniter, All Gas Units 989m7554 Blower, Convection 9306616 Pilot Assembly, LP (S.l.T.) - DVS Ull, DVL l/ll. 35-CB CJUJfl17 tslower. Uonvechon, Rubber Grommets soo6515 Prrol Assembtv, NG ts.t. | .) Iterftshtre/Praine $m67m tsurner Assembly s006523 Pilot Electrode, S.l.T. Pilot Assemblies soo651'l tlumer, Mixing Tube 90006517 Pilot Hood, Removeable - S.l.T. Pilot Ass€mblies 2000 $m66m ControlValve. Natural cas (NG) SIT 2000 t'JUr6509 Prlot Injector, LP (#35) - S.l.T. Pilol Assemblies 2000 93006607 controlValve, Prcpane (LP) ' SIT 2000 rxruj66{B Pilot Injector, NG (#62) - S.l.T. Pilot Assemblies 20@ sum53 Embers. Rock Wool Fiber 93tn66u Hrlot lube, S.l. l. Prlot Ass€mbli€s 91UJ:&Ftex-ptpe, ]/ztx lur - InEt to vaNe urJJLb5tt Power Cod dMolex ConnectoT 91UJ25tX)Flex-prpe, J/ut x lut - vaNe to Manrtotd sm6525 ReguEtor, LP - Modulahng Remote ODton sm6-/6 Flue, Staner secnon - l-PX 35-cH gJ{D66m 899!lator, Natural Gas (NG).6i SIT valve 93{n6-/B uas, Humer L)-Kng - uvs ull, 3b-uB sm6526 t{egulator, NG - Modubting Remote Opthn sm6621 Glass. Latch Assernblv g )6501 Itegulator, Propane (LP), for SIT valve sm6"/04 Glass w,f Frame Assemblv 9ESO758 |ft€ostat, tslou€r - W Otr, Gas & Wood - isouar€i s:rJ(}ls Copper Face Cl€aning/Anti-Oxidation Kk 993Om5/RheGtat Knob, Convection Blolvgr svr6851 Log, l-ront, 2000 FPX 35-B spfol?0 snap usK, lzu Lregree - z Prong $006452 Log, Lett, 2mO FPX 3SB :xJtrrbl6 Sto\€ Pacl(. FPX 35-GE Firedace#192 93m6853 Loq, Rea( aJ00 Ff,x lt5-t|s{J06619 I hermo-genarator (Thermo-pil€), S.l.T. Pilot Assemblies sfixa54 Loq. Right, 2000 FPX 35-B !iq$6618 I nelmoc{xiDle. 5,1, | . Prlot Assembhes $frj6a50 LOq 5et - zwu t-ts^ iJ$ ts siul6/05 Wire Hamess, FPX 35-CB sJ$8116 Manual. FPX 398 2O0O 91@1516 Wiring Hamess (Pig Tail), Gas, Exrernal Power Travis Industries 935081 16 031 000 The safety (listing) label is on a plate chained to the gas control valve. A copy of the safety label is shown below. r.rd rd.rd(*d rt ofrLr.n tiionbnn, r.( ro rh..ontrrioi r.rl.n.tr( rd..6rrdtrr rrirr.lrt. d rrsrtnrcsr lll .tk!t ss.l ul l01l |n Cr|]CGl I lt.l'll r ^rsrt^ att, rii rtr| !l{rO, m c.Di,. ur]cCr I nd $td rdr h uil, htrtlllid HG c.6dai rd !Ji! sEs( t x cfn t:i !a; h *#-- q;flffi,:ff"Jilff cnhitn|dlhii.t rr rrd b 'h tud or 4r !trh.r rr!.orun rnd rr d, b md rbi hJh c Lbdr[ itu Yoq .irFi !t4! tr o'tnrt i,{.M.d nrrri*r rir trr :f . iD un hn n ir rmr&' Ihis apdisrEG is a Veflled Gas Firedace Heater. ]{ot lor us€ with Solid Fuel. D0doFniErdrHilr!d!itrord rkkdtu toF4ndft Fnl!rbdhhhtrk.Mdq/rh{*EFM.4.b{x}n-h,Fyrrr'nd!hdrt ar,-'!rrr@Dtxt*rr*F .Fdu s.1+ trsr F trF.d FD' b orr.lq E 4c.E.. r.r oiixtuGiaL h.i h !qt d !i.rn ol o' i|w ftN rror tri4 rd llr&q DuFr VEII di*r M t(6llr.l'.rc9 $sn h! 4rr'' b ft 6r'i. |6.d d:!.4 rd!{dxj (q|sit. 'S..otrr! lrr! ror lffiilld trld Clr'rtlsrd oiioii. InputR.t40n"Hl"lBTU/Hr).........21,0O 24,00 l{lnl||um Inlol Prossun lincies tY.C.)............. fl.5" Input RrL on '10' (BTUfi 4 ,,.,,.. t3,tO 11,312 ll'rinun Inlel Pressurc linches |Y.C)........_.. 13' [.in Eumer odfice (D[s)........... 15| tl3 trnitold Pressure on "Hl.llncha, W.C.)........ 1l' This spplirnco is cquipped lor inslrlhtion in Canrdr rl0.l5a0lt (0.1370 ln)r In uS4,0.20{0 lr. 0.610 n). In llSA, l0r altiturhs sbove 2,otttt lmt lie vent conliguntbn, odh., or coDblmtlon 0l boti mry neod lo be chnqed. See lhe oxner! nrnuslforinlo natlon on nrling thrs. chrn{es. fo register vour TRAVIS INDUSIRIES, lNC. 7 Year Warranty, complete the enclosed warranty card and mail it wiihin t€n (10) days ot the appliance purchase dale to; TRAVIS INDUSTRIES, lNC., 10850 117ih Place N.E., Kirkland, Washington 98033. TRAVIS INDUSfRiES, lNC. wanarts this qas appliance (appliance is defined as the equipment manufactured by Travis lMustries, Inc.) to be defect-free in material and workmanship to the origiial purchaserfom th€ date of purdrase as follows: Years 1 & 2 . COVERAGE: PARTS Burner AssemblU Burner, Bur^e' ean. AirSnuiler Aisembly, Marn Bune( Firebox Assemblv: Adjusl,able Air Restnclor, Pressure Relief l\/lechanisrns, Ba/omeiric Conlrol lvlechanEm (tor modcls with Remotc H€61 Ducts), Glass Attachment Mech8nism Electrical Assembl)L{wthin fircprace srtucrurer: Blo\i/€r, widng harness, smp discs, fieostal spced contlol Gold E Nickel Platino Face & Door (see Condfiiorc ald Exclusions'# g) Exclusions. Paint,Gasketing & LABOR Gas Control Assembly Adiu<tabb @ lol €tue, rnil volt a'nm and connecto€ {loant€.d wihin lhd rrell|lfrlepla€ $rucrur€). lhAmoi e. thermocouple, p'lot hmd, oifices, pibl q6line, piel! iqnilor Ceramic Glass Glass {brcakage trom tiemalshock) Ceramic Logs Log Sot, Coals, Ember Slrip (SlcelFibed Accessories Casl Btc,( C€sl Fifebacls Convection Heat Exchand€r Rejnstallation Allowance In cases wtEr6 iteplace must be lemo/ed tiom home for rcpails, a parlial cost of re-installatioo is covered (pre- aultsriaaion €olrred) Op{AhvFeEEAlosce Om-way lreighl allowance cn prGadlbnz€d rcp6r (k)lb at Years 3 THROUGH 5 Burner Assemblv: COVERAGE: PARTS & LABOR Burncr, &rrner Pan, AirShutter A"ssembly, Main Eumer oi{ice Convection Heat Exchanger Exclusiona- Paini, Gasketing, ElectricalAssembly, Gas Contfol Assembly, Ceramic Glass, Ceramic Logs, Gold & Nickel Plating, Acc€ssories, Re.lnslallation Allowar|ce Years 6 & 7 . COVERAGE: PARTS ONLY Burner Assembly:Fir€box Ass€mbly: B_umer, Bumer Pan, Air ShLller Assembly, ndJuslableAr Rostnctof, P/cssx/B Relief Meclanismt Ba'ometic Contml Mectlanism (for Matn Burrer Onrce e models \xiih Remde Hed Ducls), Glass Atachment Mechanism Exclusions: Painr, Gasketing, Elecirical Assembly, Gas Control Assembly. Ceramic Glass, Ceramic Logs, Gold & Nickel Plahng, Accessories, conveqion Heat Exchanger, Re-lnstallation Allowance, One-Way Freight Allowance, Labor coNDtTroNs & ExcLusroNs 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Firebox Assemblv: Adjustable Air Resirictor, Pressure Rellet li.lecharisms, Baometric cont(t Mechan6m (for modelswrth Remole H€at Ductsl. GlassAn&nmcnl Mechanism Onet hv FedtAlc/raEe OrE.way freighl allowan@ on prc-authorized rEFar *)ne al lhlsnew9FisappJE'ce'rJs1bei'EI,a[edbyaqUa|i{Fdgasapp|bncetcchnbEn.hnuslb6irFtAlled'ope|ated.andma|ntainedata|llm|na&nGw[htEin Manu,rl Any allerdl'o., wrllfulabuse, eodenl, ncglecl. or misusc oflhe prcducl shallnu iry th|slarafiy. This waranty i6 mntlalFfe|.abic, and is msde to lh€ ORIGINAL p.rrchas€r, povjded that the pLrrchrse e/ss rnacle houqh an authorced TFIAVIS dealer. Dscojo.a|iDnandsomem|noleXpansion'cor€ction'olmovemenloIce{ainpalFard|esuhin9noise'6no{malandmladeledand'lher'rl@vei€dunderw mustens!ifetheapp|iareisbumirrgaspeltheratin9tagalhetimeofnsta||ationove|-fling(operationabol,ethellstedBTUBte)ofthi9appliaese@f6 Tt€wafaniy'6ot't||inedwh|n|hisc|ocuma4l'desnotapp1ylothech|moeycomponentsolotleINon-TravA lo the cnent of this q,arr,rnty, Conrel your adhori.Led TRAVIS lela cr b€fore inslai,ut|on. T|av's|ndGtdeswdlnolbelespons,b€fD/ln'deq.ra'cFedo'm3n-r4caUsedbyenv'mnmema|cono|l'olssuchasn6yir€'bud|ngs'i@ or olnet ..1Id.'tces Ircf mecnan,car sy$ems sucn as turiaces, tar6, dolfrcg drye€, elc. This Warranly is void it a. Thc mn has been operaled in almaspberes conlamiMted by chlofim, fllbrine or other damaging cfEmicab,b. The un(is Buqect lo submc6ion n waler or pmlonged perbds ol dampness or condercalon c'Anydamagetomeuni['combus1ionchamb6r'heatexCfang€lolotlelcomponen|sdUcic[ate.'orwoalh6'dama9ew}xchis|heGs E.xc|Usionsloln|s7YcalWal€ntyinc|uoe|nlur'|osso|].s€.@magc'ta||uletol.iclondueloecdcrn'negli9encc'm6use.'rnpfoper n'and&tu'e'! ccfllng6 or componenis. €ck or propar and rcgular fiahle@f.!:), dznage incuded ohile lhe applianc€ is in trarEl. alleratim. or ad of God.rhis7Yea'w,llantyexc|udcs&magecaLscdbynofna|wcarandtear'sUch3spa|ntd6co|olat'onold|pping'wornotto(ng5kel|ng'codoicEcbd|qs' damagclolheUndcaLsedbyabuse'|mprop€lin9a||a|on'.nodfcalDnoftneUn('dri|l|ngoftneoflic€s'oltl|edId|o|br| $tu€l oas and mlsr be conrc.led lo oooane usire lho included conversion kd. cor!fimt fuelconlelnaDn with voLa nstalter. Damag6rgo|dolncKelsurlacf6ca!6edby||ng6iplints'scra1ches'mehediems'orotncrexlemi|sor':rccsbltontt\ego|dornicke|fIDmlh€useo|cleaGd not cov€ed In lhLs waranlv TRA!1s|NDUsTR|Fs'|Nc'isfrEeoljEb,d}liclanyoama9escaUs€dbytheapphancE'asv€llas|nmr]venienceGpensesandmale€ls'ltrcinb|o@n*qwn by lh|s wafiantv. In some states. lh€ exclusicxr ol Incrclenlal or coos€ol€ntial damaoe mav nol aoolv. Ih6wEf€nlYdoesnolco!cranybssoIdam,gencurredoyhe6eorremovalofanydnpoidn.otappantusIooihD'nlhegaBspphamiMdlhcelprsswrfn INDUSTRIES,lNC. and bearjng 3 TRAVIS INDUSTRIES, lNC. labelol approvar. Anyst,i@meor|epesedal0noIIMV|sprduct6andth€npedomamaconba|redhTMv|Sadved|s|rg'pe|,0ingliteEiUre'orpdntedmate.dlisnatpadot| ln6a6lEntyAaLIomaraIly!o'd6od(ieapplan@sserlaln./moelha5bean6mo@do'ajleiBd',1aoyl^ay'|r Mdealer'c|sj.,bUto1or9marp€NonhasllEaulho.nyloeprsentolwafran|TMV|spmdUdsb€yond|helelmg(jonLaldwh|nth liabilllv lor such wEfianties or rcores€fitatiorB. T€v|s'lndl6trres w l mt cover lie @st of the remo!€lof ferns[alal}dn of madhs. tacJno. osntels, ventino or olher comoonerls ll lot any rcason any secton ollhlswafianty 6 declar€d invahd, the balancc ot tki war;nly remairE ine6cl and allotft:r cla66s shall €marn in effect. rHIS 7 YEAR WARMNTY IS THE ONLY WARMNTY SI]PPLIEO BY I RAVIS INDUSI RIES, INC., THE IT,TANUFACTURER OF THE APPLIANCE. ALL OTHER WARMNTIES, IVfIETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, ARE HEREBY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED AND PURCHASER'S RECOURSE IS EXPRESSLY LIMITEDTO THE WARRANTIES SET FORTH HEREIN. IF WARRANTY SERVICE IS NEEDEO: 1'|lyoUdiscovelapmb|emthaLyoube|ieveiscove€dby|his$a'ranty,youMUsTREPoRTnloyoUlTRAVlSd6a|el!^.{TH|N30oAYs,giving6emprofofpUrchase.thepurd*, am ne m@etname ano senatnumDet.2. Travis frdusl' i€s hae the ogl h d enlEt tc@tnno or reDlacrDc the defecltve comoorEnt.3|fyou(dea|el6Unat|etolepailyoUappliance's-deled'hefayprc€s6awafariyc|aimhoughrRAMs|N0USIR|Es'lNc''|ncjudngtiensmeo|ihedealehpkfe@pUrdh app||anc€'acopyo'you.Gc€|ptsnowngheda@olh6a9plEncesp.lrlEae'and||Eserlalr|{xnDe/ol1yo4 prepa'?.|orRAV|S|NDUSTR|ES'|Nc'TRAV|S|NDUsTR|Es'|Nc.'3lGoE0n,wil|repa|rolreplace.Ireeolchalge'tourTMV[sap9|anceitillsIoull6be wo*mansh|pwnhin|hetiml'fiame91a1edwithinthi97ycalWaitanty.TRAVls|NoUsTR|Es'|Nc'w|l|felUrnyoulapp|6ice'freghtcha(F0e-ac1|o lNc.. to your €gbnal d6lribu{or, d dealeFhip. 4.checI.w,hJouIde6jerinad\,?ncelolanycoslstoyou,whenarangingau/ar.amyca|l'Dea|eismay€quireyo!!opayaseNceortlipchalges'lanywlB flsm sloro to store- 2. 3. 9_ 10. 11. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Travis Industries 93s081 16 031000 LP Conversion lnstructions Install the conversion kit orior to installing the gas line to ensure oroper gas use. 1 Remove the glass (see page 24). Remove the logs and kibbles (if installed - page 25) 2 Remove the burner (see illustration to the right). Remove the burner pan.This tube on the bumer ircerts into this tube on the mixing tube. 1/4" Nutdriver Remove the burner pan base. 1/4" Nutd.iver Travis Industries 935081 16 031 000 @ Remove the four screws 2N @,^< \ \ - nolding the mixing tube in \J,'- \ \11 \ >. / Ptace. l:lE- +il -\9 / 1/4" Nutdriver tit /v/ 3 Follow the directions below to remove the natural gas orifices. Apply thread sealant to the LP orifices and tighten them in place with a ll2" open end wrench (make sure to install the orifices correctly - see the illustration below). Slide the adiustable shutler back in olace over the orifice. @ Remove the mixing tube from the air shutter by sliding it to the left. Air Shutter Slide the air shutter to the fully open position (see page 26). Burner Orifice Manifold @ Use a 112" open end wrench to unscrew the burner orifice. The new LP orifice has ".054" stamped on/it. 1S, -l Apply thread /.r )>. -A sealant to the ''{@ neworifice and install. / F>X rhe old NG \-tr/,^- WCI orifice has "43" stamped on it. E!1fs -"-"-=(s /2" Wrench NOTE: Screw the LP orifice in so the orifice shoulder protrudes 5/16" (indicating full insertion). Travis Industries 93s081 16 031 000 4 Remove the pilot orifice following the instructions below. Replace with the propane pilot orifice. The propane @nversion kit includes pilot orifice with "35" stamped on it. Replace burner pan. @:1,'ff;;:1-". @ assembly. W Remove the regulator from the front of the gas control valve. Replace with the propane regulator, using the new gasket and screws included with the regulator- NOTE: Leak test this area afte r the heater is installed, gas is connected, and the main burner is lit. Remove lhe orilice and replace wiih the LP orlflce. Scr€w the o fice all lhe way in and replaDe the pllol hood. Orlfl c. ldantlf lcatlon: LP (Prcpane) Orifce (€E:- i&liUHLr @ lab€l on ths base of th€ fi.eplzrce n€ar Ins gas trqJ* llglE: when re-attaching, thls pln lines up with ihe nolch in the pilot hood. NOTE: this illustration shows the gas controlvalve with the inlet to the left. On the FPX 35 CB the valve will be rotated 180'. \s,, Remove and discard the thr@ screws using a sloll€d scrowdrv€r \:,, Inslallthe LP r€gulator. Us€ th6 s{rou/s included wnh lh€ LP reguralor Tigilsn to approxlhal6ly 25 Lbs ttrqus \ *, "r*" "*",n.r€gulslor gasksi is con€ctly allgn€d b€,Ise installatlot 6 Make the gas line connection, bleed the gas line (if applicable), start the heater and thoroughly leak- test all gas connections and lhe gas control valve. Check the pilot. Adjust if necessary. WARNING: When lighting or relighting the pilot, the glass must be removed (see page 241. To adiust the plot flame, tum thb screw (NOTE: if totally unscrsirsd gas wilconle out of this poft). Cbd(wbe btflers the flame while counterdodwiee raises it. Th€ piot flane rll 6{ contad tho lhgnnocouDle and th€rnopil€ (6€e lhe ilustralbn b€lol^r). Adiust the ptot up or oown as necessary. lnstall the log set (see page 25). Replace the glass and face (see page 24) and face (page 13 or 14). Fireback (Part # 98500675) Stardad Screldrivef 7 8 ! Install the fireback prior to installing the log set. __--€ LocatB th€ foor dimpb3 on the firebo( wdb (two on the back ona on oach sltc). Us€ a po\'rEr drfll with a 1ll's@ket and lf|e indud€d s€fdri[ing screw3 to preirill (and lhrEd) the hol6- QeJdl dD lh. tler!& by ovsr{oquing the scre\E. Ramovo lh€ acaer* ISOTE: on €arlier models lhes€ hole6 aae not pre.eni - thcy wlll rsquke pbcemem and ddlllng - s6€ lh€ compatlbihy nole above. lmLll tho froback fi@r oic al th6 from otthe fir€bol. You mey ne€d lo lifr up on the grEte rt lhg front oflhe buner to indallth€ floor fi-q Tuc& tho trol1t b.ic* srop bet etl the ftont of the jlreback and the ftDnt ot lh€ firebor - S! _J : \" -1_ )-1( l/4'sctd I I t\lh.ghtr. Phce l}lo loar llGback Eo it b cer €r€d againat 'O the resr vrsll of the firsbor. Sodrrs wilh tw! firebck cliB and the Bcrsws,. Pbce lhe sile filebdcks ln pbce- SecurB wlth a ffick cfip and eca€w. R6pet for thg oppcilg slde. Travis Industries 935081 16 031 000 Thermostat (Part # 99300650) Do not connect 120 VAC to the gas control valve or wiring of this unit. Attach lhe thermostat wire to the on/off switch and route it through the grommet located on eilher side of the fireplace (see the illustration belor,v). Pull through all the slack. @ Rsno/€ ths imp€. wae oi fio bdal of$a orvoflsa an and da:ad @ Co.rnecl tho lhirnodal ra6 lo b6d( ol tn6 on/of sr;h (d.|t€tioo lro.. dmrrbo. @ R(M6lho tlrsnEdal *iE out tt. goffiEt-tird trrto6iel hob (ffi b.fir|d the id. tb. tn€ gas lib oti dnr- cd.). JFlp.. Wl€ o{Vofi stdl (ss€I "rE) Determine a location for the thermostat that is within range of the 50' length of thermostat wire. lt should b€ centralized in the room and away from the fireplace. The wire may be routed exiernally on the wall or behind the wall (prefened). Cut the thermostat wire so there is approximately 6'of slack (NOTE: Do not splice thermostat wires together-{his leads to too much elecbical resistiance). Follow the directions below to install the thermostat. Pull the lh6 lhormo!|at @ cov6r ofl Run the thermosiai wlr€s lhrouoh lh6 wall (. 1ofl excess wirc, Ieaving 6' cl6lack). --[ Travis lndustries 935081 16 031 000 Remote Thermostat # 99300654 I Do nol connect 11U120 VAC to the gas conlrol valve or wiring system of this unit. . Follow the instructions included with the remote thermostat for installation. IMPORTANT OPERATIONAL NOTE FOR REMOTE THERMOSTAT USE: lncluded with the remote thermostat is a set of instructions that should be given to the homeowner. Please be aware that the remote thermostat has a 1 to 2 minute lag time between the time the thermostat is turned uo and the fireolace turns on. Face Mountins Kit (for mounti 36 DV Faces # 98500536 See the instructions on page 14. BlOWer @art # s9000155) ! Do not connect 1 1 0-'l20 VAC to the gas control valve or wiring system of this unit. 1 Attach the rheostat brackel to the fireplace following the directions below. 1 /4" Nutdriver -.t 'f .. \ \ I Secure the rheostat bracket to the fireDlace with two screws (note how the rear of the bracket has a slot that accepts the screw already installed in the fireplace). NOTE: This snap disk must contact the bottom of the firebox - bend the bracket, if necessary to ensure contact. Remove this screw and attach the ground wire from the wiring hamess to the fireplace. 2 Instali lhe bushings into the grommets on the blower following the directions below. Insert the bushlngs into 3 Install the blower following the directions below. Slide the blower into place, behind the gas control valve. Aftach the blower to the studs at the back of the fireplace with the two jncluded nuts. NOTE: Make sure the wires attached to the blower are in place. Position the wiring along the floor of the fireplace so it does not contact the firebox or the moving parts of the blower. 4 Attach the onloff wires to the valve followinq the directions below. Attach these two wires to the front of the gas control valve. 5 Install the electrical connection to the fireDlace Remove the covar trom the fireplace junction box. directions below. Inserl the shealhed cable from the power source through this cable clamp. Once the wires are atlached, lighlen the clamp to secure the cable. following the @ )l .: fiz Llllt /.\ Attach tne commor (whrte), ground (exposed or green) ^ Replace the €,) ru;g'.:;::'"','":i1ffi"'jr,'ff,ffii"'#; "'* (O f:iJr'T** 6 lf using the modulating remote, install the heat shield following the directions below. @ B€nd lhe labs D!e. lD iDc& the l$o Aecas lo€el'|er Placethe lop porlion ol ihe heal shield orer the Lower porloi WARNINGT Make sure power ls off from the power lead before conducting any wiring. et@ -== co, l\ w=--. ,a\ Posilon the rectLverheat shicld al lhe fronr of (9 the treplace near lhe q.rs conrror !arve. Travis lndustries 935081 16 031000 Installation Options .......................................... -5 Items Required tor Insta||ation............................6 Leaking Gas..... See Inst. on Cover Listing Information ...................... ..... ...............36 Location of Controls....... ...........28 Log Set Installation and Removal .......................25 Maintenance.... ... .......... ........32 Mantel Requirements... ".................................... 1 5 Measuring Vent Lengths-... ........18 Noise (see Normal Operating Sounds) ...............3 1 Normal Operating Sounds.................................3 1 Packing List................... ...........6 Pilot Flame Inspection.......................................26 Piping hstallation (see cas Line Install)....... ........23 Raised Fireplaces .............................................8 Remote Control Insta||ation................... .............43 Remote Control ODeralion ................................4 3 Restrictor Position........... .........18 Safety Label..... .........................36 Safety Precautions ................... ..................,.....2 Starting The Pi|ot..............................................29 Starting the Fireplace for the First Time...............30 Thermostat Installation....... ........42 Thermostat ODeration. -..................... -............... 3 0 Turning the Fireplace On and Off .......................30 Vent Length (see "Vent Configuration")............. 1 8 Vent Part Numbers.......... .........16 Vent Requiremenls .......................................... 1 6 Vertical Vent Termination Reouirements .. ..........22 Warnings.......... ........................2 Wananty........... .......".................37 Waler on Glass (see Condensation) ...................30 Weight (250 Lbs.).............................................5 What Prevents Gas Builduo...............................34 What Turns the Main Burners On and Off............34 Wiring Diagram.. ........................35 Yearly Service Procedure..........................".......32 Travis Industries 93508116 031000 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 ot*r*r*T oF coMMuNr- o.uu"o**, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P03-0054 3-3-cr-)5 3 Job Address: 5198 GORE CR VAIL Sratus . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 5198 Gore Circle Applied . . : 06/11/2003 Parcel No...: 249918203006 Issued . . : 06/12/2003 ProjectNo : ?RA 3 -o@3 Expires. .: 12109/2003 OI'INER COCCHTAREI-,I,A, CARI, A. & KATEO6/LL/2OO3 PhONE: 5198 GORE CIR VAIL CO 81657 I-,icense: coNrRAcToR cAsEy PITITMBTNG & HEATTNG 06/LL/2003 phone: 970-553-4300 P.O. BOX 1S30 EDWARDS, CO 8L532 I-,icense: 213-P APPr_,ICAr{I eASEy PLIJMBING & HEATTNG 06/L1"/2A$ phone: 970-653-4300 P.O. BOX 1830 EDWARDS, CO 8L632 I-,icense:273-P Desciption: addition to and remodel of existing residence Valuation: S20,000.00 FireDlace Informationr Restricted: ??# ofGas Appliances: ??# of Gas loes: ?? # of Wood Paltet: ?? $0.00 Totalcalculated Fe€s--> S378.00 Plumbing--> 9300.00 Restuarant Plan Review-> Plan Check-> S75 . 00 DRB Fee-------> lnvestigation-> WillCall-->$3.00 $0. 00 Add t'onal Fees--------> BALANCE DUE.__> Paynent5---------1 $3?8.00 S0 .00 TOTAL FEES----_----> S379. 00 Totcl p€rmit Fee-_--> S379. 00 s0. o0 90.00 IIEM: O51OO BUIIJDING DEPARTMENT o6/tt/2oo3 df Action: Ap ITeN: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEI{IT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FrELD fNSPECTfONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IAI{CE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. _ REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALLBE MADE TWEhITY.FOUR HOTJRS IN OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. APPLICATION 97 O-479-2L49 (Inspections) MVTiOFVAIL 75 S, Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Town ofVail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: AJ ( P'sev 66J - Y3ao E-Mail Address: COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) PLUMBTNG: $ eo,6O O Assessorc Office at 97O-328-864O or visit OD rob Name: Cocc*r+ p,ECC+ ?ESr $eruCE,robAddress: St16 6otE CQ.cCL Filing: 5-A Subdivision: 3re *Ogf./ Phone: .1r5 ZZJ Phonet nll qEqt Detailed description of work: A"Ur#ou tD and pe,*olcl F exist-;fes; dtrtcg WorkClass: New( ) Addition0Q Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-famif f4l Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No, of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ***************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY************************************* Dther Fees:Date Received: DRB Fees:Accepted By: Planner Siqn-off: \Wail\data\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\PLMIIPERM.DOC l J { . b'd lr f "? l \. l tjl : !\t "ii $ .t o Page 30 B0i}.ff)53 Type: ABUILD coccHr RELLA cafff.THFe COCCHIARELLA. KATE & CARL COCCHIARETLA " I(ATE & CARL SubT\De: ASFR tft€: VN Phone: (970)476t234 Phone: {970)47&2234 SmJD: tnip Area: tsstrED JRM Addluon and remodcl ttsc repocb and KRM englneerfng_elte. vlst ldots and recommenda0onc add€d to h. - JITOIIDR OON |Cb.8roc rert F| flb. not-iound - IDt IN ROIITED fO JRM, MATT At$D |.€OI'IARD - ADIION 1i a ! Btggc.txl In*ocoton(s l lbmi e0ADC+lnsl , n" i .'i { Requsior: CoeCHIARELLA - KATE & CARL 4 EXTERIOR ffiRS. Itorn: 30 BLDGFramlno O8E&03 -lrrspGctoc cefii Ogt(Im kup€do{: COAVIS Commddr: rhedroer cqnddc bm: 70 BLDCr.Mhc. Cofirmentg: Fina! anolnaorho moort for fhlrnho rEcbt €d sf,a lte O&,29TJ3 IncDoctd: GCb - Ailon: APCR r 0&,291]3 h3poctd: ecD - A.ilofu APCR APPRC GDPORRECTIO0TI REGD Cornmanls: ADheAgTm MlL PI-ATESA]DREilChE STRAPSASREAUESIEDOI.IOT2StFiPL|.iffi]XI INPSECTION. Al"L FFAfifl|lfG lS APPR$TGD. 0S/0304 hspector: JR[l &lnluLllon ' " ADo{r* Actbn: APAPPROI/ED 50 BLD&lnlulstbn Appcurtd * 0€n9/tx} h3p€dor: GCD Acilon: l.lo !,,loTFED commot{s: CHECK FOR GASTffi HA|. PIATES SEE FRAlf.|O hfiBl4"A'tItl t SED FOR FREELOOI(IIft}.'mmods: CHECK FOR 6A5 qyg3p-s ltF.Clgbr: .rR$. 60 BLDGshedroc*Nail " Apprc^rcd "o9/(gfit InsDoclor: ,lRM ' 'fnmflsr: APPRoVED sTLSco os/(Evtit |nsDoclor:corimflSr: APPROVED r{rdon: l{o t{oTFlED Actbn: APAPPROVED A.don: AFAFPROVED ACilOIT: APAPPf,OI/ED .tt S" r*, 11-21-2W3 tnspecton Requcst RcporUng _7:10_em_ _____JAIL,CO_:TOWI'I_OE_____ Reguesbd lnrpcct DaE: Inspec0on Areii Sit Addrtss: Frldly, ltlovember 2{, 2txl3 5198 GORE CR VAIL 5lS8 GoftClrcre A/PrD lntbrmlton Actlvily: Conc Typ€: ownef: A&Dlkrrit: Conbedor: Deecrlptlon:tftlhs: Coffin.r|t Cornrn€nt ,l .\i -\i;..^-R€qt6ebdfl|fte: 08:00 Afl ,j Plrone: l87ot47fi?zu ot- 376 I .n3{ C.ffitmfib: rcqu€st€d finol CO Ar*hnodTo: JMONDRAGON - Acdcfl: Tlrne ExF; tHn Co.nmenr3. ffiFCFIFEFEDURT.. WALKTHHLTFUFI?E:BJPAT.|eY A'PffOL,AL OWNER/CONIRACTOR WILL COMPLETE rrEi'S ,\. ,. * ,r \, ", ll :-1r I ': \"\', tnso€cron Ht.brr \ i \" .' , .,.' ., i i' ,," { " ^' ttem: 1o BLDGfoc{lnoa/Slcbt i h nmo"o " i'.. \*' i'' ' ' ^ 05f;$r03- lnsloclfr: cdar/ti ' 'ACbn:- tJO l.lOTFlEO QOMMENb: SOILS REPC}RT RECIEVED AhTD OI't FILE 06/02103 lnsp€c1or: ctlwb Actoo: DN DENED Comments: No{ rmdy for lnsf*thn ? | | 11 Ufh$."ffip*mfojrnd FtuuJe4 tn bnr,tr f Sfendlno rvd.r and rctumtsd subor8dg |n toffir subqradh sbughlng o{f ln tocatlori.i, undemnlnlng footf,rg 06/04'03 lnsr€clo.: JRl, Actlon: APAPPRO\GD CdN'NENID: APFRO\GD FOOTERS A}ID F.XIERTIO D€CK SI.'PPORT PAD6 ON SOT'TH SIDE Oi[Y 0S10/03 Inspector: @D Ar-llon: PAPARTUI APFROVA COTNMENIs: 2 INTERIOR PADS. 0li/2SrJ3 inspocto,r: JRM Ac0on. APAFPROI/ED . Commnt3: APPROVED2 PADS AT ENtfl Y ItGtn: 20 BlOC'Foundslrorvshd * Appror/Ed " OG/1O(B lnto.dor: GcD '- A.ffon: TPAPPROVED Cornrnsnb: ALt P€Rh/ETER AllD IN1€RIOR FOISDAT!0N WALLS REPT131 1a39 ii 'b,vj"e.{l':: ,,0i I 'P;r.,f! 6€tT :pI uriu T!-T'I'JETI .lj34Cllidri!.lv :I'il;:( '.lllirf )bt,jCb {:[V :r'1' 4!;]{it (:.:"ri.il|lcj€h' r;V .udtl.')'t f.l3liii+J'-'{v rJV :u$!i:\ ovr{:*j;Jr{v 4{v r t,atr}r, :l " jitlir,e'd\,!l r:fl,ii[/il I 1.1;ririj'1rt{T7 t}D lYl,ttj'rr"trci tijii .dj$ii il ,l"l;JadS, il tt'dJli:] I .. oEnrlii.li\i {).,,\ cri,rt!j-i9..<j ili$ :urill tr ' .r,f,! l:+{'ri:.:; e$,gai}l ,.,, F+',.*Jijiy ," rit]i;ri-(&'tr.+r{tf.r iSUi;!-M{, "r:€E :U,dit '..ilB.{l; Ai..ra\.]r.ilf, i&ttt;.1'utr.r t6 :LJa]r 3tj.Ca{:i :}.,l}$d!ul tii.'l;/0i, .., t-,i:\t1i.iiJ.3v . . ,.f,/;.; lvfrit - i.tg,'i.l !,!j!i 'J6li reill$A.l -iollldisiii tfurtri.?tll)ritt Gt-:6 l.*l i i l;-,. iel'rdll ilei"l ':;i pir'ri+.i l)'il A.s af)illlit,t i:fildtiih$1:' 0:JlJlJ ilf'l f-\i{ r.tgf}:}?i !F.{fi?ft.r .(}i:j€{l}-1.rt i:l't/ i. 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LiiAL'i$,t oeiillont: ROIJTEP T(] l:F'rARLrLj 5Llit REWElri Of LCRF.:I C(,tnnrenl: DARCEI T(} FAX OV€P SPfCIi CN RASilttlT liSAT DfrfiES $s-r l!sss$!i /t--O-)'< /I z-- \J " --) ,,Item: 3!!0 ?rtf;Cf{+iflat lle rresteci Tlme: 08:00 Affl .>( '; j,. Reque€lor: ft d H M:CFiI{CAL L!.t: Phone. 37f.4231 ." '{ --7--- Assrgfid fc Cf)4!'iP y\. i- i-nqsrcd ft'/: CGOt.DEit R ,/,(\" Acdon. ._* _ -:LL- i:rr6ExF: __-___ ' \r . ":,,/-lrSEegEoo.tltslgtl R$m. 2(n MECH-,qqrqn " Approvro ' fr&?ryog ipbDrd-nlt rlllAVIS idieil. AP APPtiISvFD co{nmanls: $AltJ f--AtJfi. .tu,lD DUCrs :: fiRECT ut},lf i-"ryi. soprtfFt ltrsTALLAT|ont n^!m; J10 MEC.H-Hrati;tu " ADotrtJe: " Ogy??,trj ri.sleclo: COA\ilb Af,4tc aF F.rlFrtt.;iVED Cofiln-'rnls. uFAr tlt,les it'l t r\lN LEVEL d G.AlXiL S AtL $C-lfi# AFiTliSl iiem: 315 PLMI!"GaF f'ri]rho tr.m: 3X) MECH Exh?L#, floodr. kem: ?3{l MECH-Sr:pp},.I 4r' - .Approled - t)€V22.'rrf In;i',icl.:;: +DtlJl$ Arfbl: r,t'.r;;tFPOYEf' Comfl$fri$: S|JplPLf AiR FOR gEAt.e.D iOMBiJ'STnN *.])tFR Al{D TEFMIIVATI$]IS OF P{Flh{3 itemi 34C MF.CH-Miri ir A ro!/xi ''t 0&'25ri]f, incrleclori JR{, ' F\{'&oflr ij} ,lpPFiO\tED . Comm€i$s: lll FLOCtft FtfAl'l OVJnF l-51#L 3 M..1h1F(ii{i1l di$# Fff{ IEST 08/OSi 63 tns!€tter. GCD A.r,tron: l,.l; APF'ROVED C..rmmcnts: GARAGC rN SL.i6 H'? nRi.l$i{: S Eops! 'ff:Sl. Itsm; 390 MECH-Frnal .,i ( riEpT:1,'tt Run Id: 1438 o 11-F2003 Inspecfi on Request Reportlng --- -VAIL CO:lQWll9f- -. Requested hspect Oab: Iqurdsy. l{overnbcr 20, ZXXI lnspegflon Ar?!: GD Slt€ Addrers: srgt GORE CR VilL 5l 98 Gore C lrcle Page 23 7:10 sm ArPrDJrlbrm!tlon Acltultv: Cooe{ Tnir: o1,t n0f : Apptlconl: Corilrsctor: D€Ecrlpllon: llem: It€m: It6m: Itern: n8{n: ftam: *lo3-0099 Tne: &MEC rt sub rlH: ASFR Pron€: 970-827-9623 Phone: 97O8,27-9623 s{.trs lnsp Are.: ISSUED GD Occupsnc'!t: COCCHT/ARELTA, CARL AJ & KATF HEARTH EXC}.I,A}.IGE, '}.IC. ffFE} HEARTH ExCl-lAt\GE, ll{c. (THE) CONVERSIISN OF WOOD TO GAS FIREPLACE Requested hspm{qn(li It'm: 390 MEci'{-Fanrl Requ.Cor; HEARTH EXCI-,AI{GE lhlc. fftlE) AssionodTo: GD€}JCKLA /Ar,- Actbn: ,nT- Tlmo Exp: / l- 2r2 - C3 J^,.^ Requesterl llme: o8:oo AIU ,tf4fi- Phon€: 970-827-9523 t I Enbrid By: DGOLDEN K \J |nspecuorlHlgbfl ftem: ?00 MECH-Rouch *AoorovEd* 06i13/(Ii- kreNtor: JRM '' Arthfl. AP APF{iOVED Comm€nts; RCRJEH AFPROVED (I\IO GAS LINE YET} TERMil{AT}3}IS A'.8 CLEARiAI{CEIS APPROVED 31C MECH -l-lstlno 315 PLMB-Gas Pipinq 3?0 ilEc l.l-E xhilLt Floods 330 MECI-l-Supply A,r 340 M€CH-Mlic. 390 MECII-Rn l lr 1.. F r,' I \.. <\ REPT131 Run Id: 1438 )i 1-20-2003 ffinficetlon Reque.:it Repofilng l.10ep ..-.. -llfAtt,Cs,'rowrf-bf -*- Page 2E R€quast's{l lnsiJ€,r:t $6tei i tritrsd,6y, f'lerrrembsr 20, 2OO3 lnsp€ctl4r! Atea; itsn Slte AslCre*s: 5tgt GOilE i:Fi vAil^ $Xgtt Gcre Clrcle &glpic'br'ls&E ,\ctr!,!iv F{t:$S.lF}J 1,;* i-pt ii/tF tj*\|-<t TUD6 oCC$narr.l'{}r.rei: fjcX;*H[AREL.'-A r..:ARL p.. & KA i{- ApF-riccnl. cPsi y PLLr[1!]r]|..] a HE,{i lf i,"; Ccnirailo:: iAliEY t"t L'iiljll4c l, HEATIf'(.i lfes{,rlFl6n; EdrjitiL.rr io i3nd r+ffiit(.l$l of &!ir.ih rg tesirS*ncr, 8{$!q.gtgl lrilrcg.$illgl iferfl: "i90 irL{ri8-F ral irequostu'r: SASEI' irLUMEilN{:i & l iErr l lir}i3 A.ssipnedTo: JIdONDRAGOITA, f_- "..*^. .- 1 <A{tlonr ,r- ' tt j"rms Ll&. ,, - ,r ,l a.. i ,/) ,/./vY,\-) ',/,./ linb Typq. ASFR Pli':tto: lr7$€5$43tX) Pir',{:s: 3:r}65S140 ,Jt6tus: igSl-.,EO Insp rraa: Jrm ll- .t:)'(-/', :teques |ed Tlme: 0$:0 AM Phon6: :i7ti-4231 frlt€rod By: DGOLDEIJ K !!s@-W!ffr tlsm ? i0 PLft B-Ur,,jcifltnun'i *'AcGrs'vrC * OClf lAJQi 'in igectot: &t ' ,4r*r'n: ,'+P f.PPROV(D ilorB''nants: nr.PESVEil tiNf#RGRiii,iNg R-U{ilBt}lG S AIR TEST fi#i 16Mi},1 llem: ?i0 pt.MB Rou{h,D.W.V " nlr'r{r.'Hrl " 07/23,0f !nsoti.'l::;. (:cii ' ,lilh.x, rlF AdPRCflEil Corrment3 i i.6i iL:$ i JN tliTl'; S': slEMS. t!em: J3O PLi B RuutlvlnJate, " iipp{$r6c " O7l'tA05 it$c+rtD{: GcD - ' A.tF1r,: Afr JlpFROtrED Comm€nt6.'ifxi$el f[gT Item: 240 PL M6-G+s Pipi:r0 *' Apfxorrsd '" O7i26l03 lnlrtsi:lr't G$O A*h:n AI.r..Q AFPROVEf.VCO'RRECTiTf,N REOD l':omrfierr'i3: ADl.) i,iJ{fl FLA_TE."i "f (i CSST pF:R GAi, r t'fL. Mpn:,ii r.i.L Spsr Tt-$T. C4/03/0:1 ln$osCor JRi{ !vlr.dr. A}'opPPtftr€O commonb: APpRO\Jf'lJ ADC'ri'JG F,'*ATES qtjrr€FE itEnt),:n. lF i: 1/2 CLEARATU:E TO PPhtG CANi.|CTT 8T MF-T nsm: 290 PLMRFlnal ,{ qdi l"- *' l- na RgPTtS:t_Run Id: 1438 ruWfiN Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departrnent of C-ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Cocchiarella Remodel DRB Number: DRB030046 Project Description: Addition and remodel to a preexisting, non conforming residence. Participants: OWNER COCCHIARELLA, CARL A. & KATE03/10/2003 Phone: 5198 GORE CIR VAIL CO 815s7 License: APPUCANT Pam Hopkins 03/10/2003 Phone:476-2201 Snowdon & Hopkins Architects, PC Box 3340 Vail, CO Pam@snowdonhopkins.com 81658 License: Project Addressr 5198 GORE CR VAIL Location: 5198 Gore Circle Legal Description: Lot: 8 Block 3 Subdivision: BIGHORN sTH ADDmON Parcel Number: 209918203006 Comments: Try to move two trees to a new locatio BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Bill Pierce Action: APPROVED Second By: Margaret Rogers Vote: 5-0 DateofApproval: 04/02/2003 Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff andlor the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN); DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0005769 The two trees (to be removed) must be moved to a new location, if at all possible, Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: 33OO.OO ,*ffi Application for Design Review Depaftment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design rcview approval laps unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Location of the Proposal:r-ot: B ebck: 3 suuaivision: Er'6l-[oP-rr.) Physical Address:5tq oaL C-rzcv-- parce|no.:W(ContactEag|eCo.Assessorat970-328-8640forparce|no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address:Stqo 6oer (ircl< Bg Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Phone: lL- $50 Plus $1,00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board.NoFee RECEIVED E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: fl Signs E Conceptual Review D New Construction )( Addition tr Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) tr Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans C Separation Request 'ilrlo' zz3 For Office Use Only: Fee Paid: Check No.: No.:r,{'(, Cnr;ltx.,.t-c * 3,=r Den'rc4 - { *rQ6v sps(s PROPOSED MATERIALS Tvpe of Material Color fsp#r+r r Stf tNe'€J ruv+rr H Fx rsI,ruj 1^,p Fo.taDf It3 BAff-"''" .--1 - R.s-Ce\ti' Sr0CC o Buildinq Mat€rlals Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trlm Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashlng Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhous€s Retaining Walls Exterior Ughting Other Lo6 PDST5 nAATzd P^rSrr^J6 Ct=qp @Eeo,iJ @ sFteul,.J 3 oo 7 witt,a..l.. - [obC>G BPowrJ SF 3ooz ^ Looee Req,rp Taow - CWy (,ilr.lon Si^r 3oo -r N Aru'?/lL -tp rna-+r[-- t,r'l^Cnl \rT t3zo'^Jt\] Suo 3oo 7 FRorU f Dooe - tr.) O o i> G4en6,g *gt.oEe*o^i - nterAL }t\c P" s . C€.)A p_ 9r-2 Prck+s - q, Sh..^)^ir/tt tv llT ^AET,4 L uJA( fJJT R?O\^J^J N/4 N /,A N(h 3€4- CoI s fE D Aus ( 6tf-Tt N 6 Spe( s /Eer- C'b AP- 2xb P.s. C6DAL T(. t+ b,l'{ sTr^J f4Arc d S,Dr rJg I\lATUaAt Itotes: Please speciff the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Pase 6 of tA02lo7l02 /a (occ r1 rnnntc+ (f rEucE- PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS Botanical Name Lo n ice rc- in vrr I uC rccfa- A nr etan ghtcr a"l"'rLFolr'a- PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Common Name rbreyt l.ae .orU De?-qi!9--ql-qal- Y 4e1l ','SH-u; ,sh ls ,5rq , br d,a,^- ^f OuantiW 3 'li< ee- e ngelna na ; i g_^pCc ^a_Up_-be, Leoc-.>ore Pnrg ..< I , :p.r \os -'l rozn..lo r f e.s O:rArur,J:ggl- t C&Slg-f ^Lr+;vf jrass(S r ht.b: i a /,'s/u.urJ \e+b^LK -1o a*+t <ts+;s ----7 nalcL ex-,s'h',y )SO f ,znd a-rbor/ b.k ---------T T (o-,v_pu# la_x ^,,Au- EXrSfrruG SpZiN f 'gP- i^r-rlFl TUWEQ-* - tnnrn) €\tV reqf€^rce Aezurur:TLi,"\trtQ- o r 106 Please specify other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) ilo{ ea+;tta- €ru li 4ps5--,=^. C lnr, brrn,l^ EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED P,u*, r.>,'.{o"fc- 4a , laJ, Fat ; c,- Pse.'ciotsugc'.-'m €nai €s5 i }rseG+lafll-t)- "6 Minimum Requirements for Landscaping:Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Square Footage Tvpe GROUND COVER 50D oR LAwd SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Size Page 7 of IA02loTlOz UTILITY LOCATION CATION This form is to verify service availability and location for new and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling llations. The location and availabilitv of utilities, whether they are main trunk lines or proposed lines, following utilities for the accompanying site plan. ust be approved and verified by the Date QWEST 970,384.0238 (tel) 970.384.0257 (fax) Contact: Jason Sharo EXCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.262.4077 (tel) Contact: Brian Sulzer HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOC. 970.949.5892 (tel) 970.949.4566 (fax) Contact: Ted Husky EXCEL ENERGY 970.262.4024 (tel) 970.262.4038 {fax) Contact: Kit Bogart EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT* 970.476.748A $el) 970.476.4089 (fax) Contact: Fred Haslee AT&T BROADBAND 970.949J224 x 112 (tel) 970.9a9.9138 (fax) Contact: Floyd Salazar xPlease provide a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when & Sanitation District. Fire flow needs must be addressed. NOTES: ning approval from the Eagle River Water 1. If the utiliW verification form has sionatures from each the utility companies/ are made directly on the form, the Town will pres development can proceed. 2. If a utility company has concerns with the proposed , note directly on the utility verification form that there , the utility representative shall The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter a problem which needs to be resolved. the Town of Vail, However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility compa problems. and the applicant to resolve identified 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the re:iponsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Depaftment of Public Works at the Town of Vail. Utiliw locations must be obtained before diqqing in any public right-of-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A buildinq permit is not a Public Wav oermit and must be obtained seoaratelv. Page 8 of 12102/07/02 that there are no ancl no comments problems and the I Cocchiarella Residence Lighting Specifi cations Exterior fixtures for side ofhouse near new doors - 4 - one at each new exterior door Maxim 8041 IRAU - (see cut sheet) honey iridescent glass burnished finish 60W (maximum) florescent long life bulb 840 lumens 6'0" from grade - as shown on elevations Exterior fixtures for sofit down lighting - 6 (3 pairs) across front ofentry and garage doors Halo recessed down - lighting can - (see cut sheet) black trim 90W halogen (maximum) 1260 lumens 8044 IRBU, IRCS, IRPE 11.25.W x 13.5"H 1-MB,100W '.; ',. ;' 'r, i i\l l 8045IRBU, |RCS, |RPE 11 .25"W x 12"H 1-MB.'t00w (f"L 8047IRBU, IRCS,IRPE 1 0.25'W x 9.75"H x 7.5"Ext HCO 2" 1-MB,100W 3l'v 8048 rRBU, tRCS, |RPE 1 0.25'W x 1 2.5'H x 7.25"Ext. HCO 2' 1-M8.100W JkcdrAftP(tA- #r=eL f-l*q Trri dorcwl 6ls*" =- B.rcN'slted 8042 rsBU, |RCS, tRPE 11 .25'W x 16.75'H x 12.25"Ext. HCO6.5'' BP5"W x 9"H 1-MB, 100W 8041 IRBU,IRCS,IRPE 5.25"W x 7.75"H x 4.25"Ext. HCO 1" 1-MB.60W @ .@ @ Dec. 1999 Maxim Lighting International, Inc. o Page 30 B0i}.ff)53 Type: ABUILD coccHr RELLA cafff.THFe COCCHIARELLA. KATE & CARL COCCHIARETLA " I(ATE & CARL SubT\De: ASFR tft€: VN Phone: (970)476t234 Phone: {970)47&2234 SmJD: tnip Area: tsstrED JRM Addluon and remodcl ttsc repocb and KRM englneerfng_elte. vlst ldots and recommenda0onc add€d to h. - JITOIIDR OON |Cb.8roc rert F| flb. not-iound - IDt IN ROIITED fO JRM, MATT At$D |.€OI'IARD - ADIION 1i a ! Btggc.txl In*ocoton(s l lbmi e0ADC+lnsl , n" i .'i { Requsior: CoeCHIARELLA - KATE & CARL 4 EXTERIOR ffiRS. Itorn: 30 BLDGFramlno O8E&03 -lrrspGctoc cefii Ogt(Im kup€do{: COAVIS Commddr: rhedroer cqnddc bm: 70 BLDCr.Mhc. Cofirmentg: Fina! anolnaorho moort for fhlrnho rEcbt €d sf,a lte O&,29TJ3 IncDoctd: GCb - Ailon: APCR r 0&,291]3 h3poctd: ecD - A.ilofu APCR APPRC GDPORRECTIO0TI REGD Cornmanls: ADheAgTm MlL PI-ATESA]DREilChE STRAPSASREAUESIEDOI.IOT2StFiPL|.iffi]XI INPSECTION. Al"L FFAfifl|lfG lS APPR$TGD. 0S/0304 hspector: JR[l &lnluLllon ' " ADo{r* Actbn: APAPPROI/ED 50 BLD&lnlulstbn Appcurtd * 0€n9/tx} h3p€dor: GCD Acilon: l.lo !,,loTFED commot{s: CHECK FOR GASTffi HA|. PIATES SEE FRAlf.|O hfiBl4"A'tItl t SED FOR FREELOOI(IIft}.'mmods: CHECK FOR 6A5 qyg3p-s ltF.Clgbr: .rR$. 60 BLDGshedroc*Nail " Apprc^rcd "o9/(gfit InsDoclor: ,lRM ' 'fnmflsr: APPRoVED sTLSco os/(Evtit |nsDoclor:corimflSr: APPROVED r{rdon: l{o t{oTFlED Actbn: APAPPROVED A.don: AFAFPROVED ACilOIT: APAPPf,OI/ED .tt S" r*, 11-21-2W3 tnspecton Requcst RcporUng _7:10_em_ _____JAIL,CO_:TOWI'I_OE_____ Reguesbd lnrpcct DaE: Inspec0on Areii Sit Addrtss: Frldly, ltlovember 2{, 2txl3 5198 GORE CR VAIL 5lS8 GoftClrcre A/PrD lntbrmlton Actlvily: Conc Typ€: ownef: A&Dlkrrit: Conbedor: Deecrlptlon:tftlhs: Coffin.r|t Cornrn€nt ,l .\i -\i;..^-R€qt6ebdfl|fte: 08:00 Afl ,j Plrone: l87ot47fi?zu ot- 376 I .n3{ C.ffitmfib: rcqu€st€d finol CO Ar*hnodTo: JMONDRAGON - Acdcfl: Tlrne ExF; tHn Co.nmenr3. ffiFCFIFEFEDURT.. WALKTHHLTFUFI?E:BJPAT.|eY A'PffOL,AL OWNER/CONIRACTOR WILL COMPLETE rrEi'S ,\. ,. * ,r \, ", ll :-1r I ': \"\', tnso€cron Ht.brr \ i \" .' , .,.' ., i i' ,," { " ^' ttem: 1o BLDGfoc{lnoa/Slcbt i h nmo"o " i'.. \*' i'' ' ' ^ 05f;$r03- lnsloclfr: cdar/ti ' 'ACbn:- tJO l.lOTFlEO QOMMENb: SOILS REPC}RT RECIEVED AhTD OI't FILE 06/02103 lnsp€c1or: ctlwb Actoo: DN DENED Comments: No{ rmdy for lnsf*thn ? | | 11 Ufh$."ffip*mfojrnd FtuuJe4 tn bnr,tr f Sfendlno rvd.r and rctumtsd subor8dg |n toffir subqradh sbughlng o{f ln tocatlori.i, undemnlnlng footf,rg 06/04'03 lnsr€clo.: JRl, Actlon: APAPPRO\GD CdN'NENID: APFRO\GD FOOTERS A}ID F.XIERTIO D€CK SI.'PPORT PAD6 ON SOT'TH SIDE Oi[Y 0S10/03 Inspector: @D Ar-llon: PAPARTUI APFROVA COTNMENIs: 2 INTERIOR PADS. 0li/2SrJ3 inspocto,r: JRM Ac0on. APAFPROI/ED . Commnt3: APPROVED2 PADS AT ENtfl Y ItGtn: 20 BlOC'Foundslrorvshd * Appror/Ed " OG/1O(B lnto.dor: GcD '- A.ffon: TPAPPROVED Cornrnsnb: ALt P€Rh/ETER AllD IN1€RIOR FOISDAT!0N WALLS REPT131 1a39 ii 'b,vj"e.{l':: ,,0i I 'P;r.,f! 6€tT :pI uriu T!-T'I'JETI .lj34Cllidri!.lv :I'il;:( '.lllirf )bt,jCb {:[V :r'1' 4!;]{it (:.:"ri.il|lcj€h' r;V .udtl.')'t f.l3liii+J'-'{v rJV :u$!i:\ ovr{:*j;Jr{v 4{v r t,atr}r, :l " jitlir,e'd\,!l r:fl,ii[/il I 1.1;ririj'1rt{T7 t}D lYl,ttj'rr"trci tijii .dj$ii il ,l"l;JadS, il tt'dJli:] I .. oEnrlii.li\i {).,,\ cri,rt!j-i9..<j ili$ :urill tr ' .r,f,! l:+{'ri:.:; e$,gai}l ,.,, F+',.*Jijiy ," rit]i;ri-(&'tr.+r{tf.r iSUi;!-M{, "r:€E :U,dit '..ilB.{l; Ai..ra\.]r.ilf, i&ttt;.1'utr.r t6 :LJa]r 3tj.Ca{:i :}.,l}$d!ul tii.'l;/0i, .., t-,i:\t1i.iiJ.3v . . ,.f,/;.; lvfrit - i.tg,'i.l !,!j!i 'J6li reill$A.l -iollldisiii tfurtri.?tll)ritt Gt-:6 l.*l i i l;-,. iel'rdll ilei"l ':;i pir'ri+.i l)'il A.s af)illlit,t i:fildtiih$1:' 0:JlJlJ ilf'l f-\i{ r.tgf}:}?i !F.{fi?ft.r .(}i:j€{l}-1.rt i:l't/ i. 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I irli'lffiilli8 gs, ir,s:$ _".ur€ {)f :/ -$3Q9:d ' - d$ f'{m&*i;"#3'xlgA -' 8u n"l*v$a tq 1.$sn b-"1# !!{rl}r,f, d $ut gfi0r-ri-!. t ..1* rr-fl2o-sf /10am inopecdon Reque-a,t iqeportlng - VAILC-0 :-T-!llfftL-QF" - Requested ln{p€ct Dale. ltorstlay, f.loveinbe. ilo, i{l$s tnsoecticn Area: cc Slte Addrcs$r 51$8 GrJRe CR VAll- 5'188 6srre Clrcle Page 12 : td$FF Stnlus' ISSUED : Insp Are€: Ct Snq!:LornrSlgl Mti3^4,:J5s 'ryp€: S-ilfcil $ub ccr;c HIARF:LL'\,xiitli.T?i{tE R & H ['lEcl'fAhri*,4J' i- Li,i tl & H lrllEcflAl#?lFl_ t-Lt: irhone: -{C:9-543-9S94 Fhone: .:,t)3-54ilg834 lnstall ft6w {ediant t}6'i:1 RQIJTED $PEC.S TO {:F{A|TLIE FCR RE''TTW - CDAVIA PIJAN REVIEII'/ tfiii;.'JliTr,ltjED OL,; TC) i.ACK ',.\F if{FQRmATll}.t S|..|AM!TTED R&l{ lfiEc.!'l hlOTlFlED s/23103 - CilAvlil .:0mrrer!t: itsu'rED HEAT Lr)si CrNLv fl.if.O Tff (:]lAiiLlE . LiiAL'i$,t oeiillont: ROIJTEP T(] l:F'rARLrLj 5Llit REWElri Of LCRF.:I C(,tnnrenl: DARCEI T(} FAX OV€P SPfCIi CN RASilttlT liSAT DfrfiES $s-r l!sss$!i /t--O-)'< /I z-- \J " --) ,,Item: 3!!0 ?rtf;Cf{+iflat lle rresteci Tlme: 08:00 Affl .>( '; j,. Reque€lor: ft d H M:CFiI{CAL L!.t: Phone. 37f.4231 ." '{ --7--- Assrgfid fc Cf)4!'iP y\. i- i-nqsrcd ft'/: CGOt.DEit R ,/,(\" Acdon. ._* _ -:LL- i:rr6ExF: __-___ ' \r . ":,,/-lrSEegEoo.tltslgtl R$m. 2(n MECH-,qqrqn " Approvro ' fr&?ryog ipbDrd-nlt rlllAVIS idieil. AP APPtiISvFD co{nmanls: $AltJ f--AtJfi. .tu,lD DUCrs :: fiRECT ut},lf i-"ryi. soprtfFt ltrsTALLAT|ont n^!m; J10 MEC.H-Hrati;tu " ADotrtJe: " Ogy??,trj ri.sleclo: COA\ilb Af,4tc aF F.rlFrtt.;iVED Cofiln-'rnls. uFAr tlt,les it'l t r\lN LEVEL d G.AlXiL S AtL $C-lfi# AFiTliSl iiem: 315 PLMI!"GaF f'ri]rho tr.m: 3X) MECH Exh?L#, floodr. kem: ?3{l MECH-Sr:pp},.I 4r' - .Approled - t)€V22.'rrf In;i',icl.:;: +DtlJl$ Arfbl: r,t'.r;;tFPOYEf' Comfl$fri$: S|JplPLf AiR FOR gEAt.e.D iOMBiJ'STnN *.])tFR Al{D TEFMIIVATI$]IS OF P{Flh{3 itemi 34C MF.CH-Miri ir A ro!/xi ''t 0&'25ri]f, incrleclori JR{, ' F\{'&oflr ij} ,lpPFiO\tED . Comm€i$s: lll FLOCtft FtfAl'l OVJnF l-51#L 3 M..1h1F(ii{i1l di$# Fff{ IEST 08/OSi 63 tns!€tter. GCD A.r,tron: l,.l; APF'ROVED C..rmmcnts: GARAGC rN SL.i6 H'? nRi.l$i{: S Eops! 'ff:Sl. Itsm; 390 MECH-Frnal .,i ( riEpT:1,'tt Run Id: 1438 o 11-F2003 Inspecfi on Request Reportlng --- -VAIL CO:lQWll9f- -. Requested hspect Oab: Iqurdsy. l{overnbcr 20, ZXXI lnspegflon Ar?!: GD Slt€ Addrers: srgt GORE CR VilL 5l 98 Gore C lrcle Page 23 7:10 sm ArPrDJrlbrm!tlon Acltultv: Cooe{ Tnir: o1,t n0f : Apptlconl: Corilrsctor: D€Ecrlpllon: llem: It€m: It6m: Itern: n8{n: ftam: *lo3-0099 Tne: &MEC rt sub rlH: ASFR Pron€: 970-827-9623 Phone: 97O8,27-9623 s{.trs lnsp Are.: ISSUED GD Occupsnc'!t: COCCHT/ARELTA, CARL AJ & KATF HEARTH EXC}.I,A}.IGE, '}.IC. ffFE} HEARTH ExCl-lAt\GE, ll{c. (THE) CONVERSIISN OF WOOD TO GAS FIREPLACE Requested hspm{qn(li It'm: 390 MEci'{-Fanrl Requ.Cor; HEARTH EXCI-,AI{GE lhlc. fftlE) AssionodTo: GD€}JCKLA /Ar,- Actbn: ,nT- Tlmo Exp: / l- 2r2 - C3 J^,.^ Requesterl llme: o8:oo AIU ,tf4fi- Phon€: 970-827-9523 t I Enbrid By: DGOLDEN K \J |nspecuorlHlgbfl ftem: ?00 MECH-Rouch *AoorovEd* 06i13/(Ii- kreNtor: JRM '' Arthfl. AP APF{iOVED Comm€nts; RCRJEH AFPROVED (I\IO GAS LINE YET} TERMil{AT}3}IS A'.8 CLEARiAI{CEIS APPROVED 31C MECH -l-lstlno 315 PLMB-Gas Pipinq 3?0 ilEc l.l-E xhilLt Floods 330 MECI-l-Supply A,r 340 M€CH-Mlic. 390 MECII-Rn l lr 1.. F r,' I \.. <\ REPT131 Run Id: 1438 )i 1-20-2003 ffinficetlon Reque.:it Repofilng l.10ep ..-.. -llfAtt,Cs,'rowrf-bf -*- Page 2E R€quast's{l lnsiJ€,r:t $6tei i tritrsd,6y, f'lerrrembsr 20, 2OO3 lnsp€ctl4r! Atea; itsn Slte AslCre*s: 5tgt GOilE i:Fi vAil^ $Xgtt Gcre Clrcle &glpic'br'ls&E ,\ctr!,!iv F{t:$S.lF}J 1,;* i-pt ii/tF tj*\|-<t TUD6 oCC$narr.l'{}r.rei: fjcX;*H[AREL.'-A r..:ARL p.. & KA i{- ApF-riccnl. cPsi y PLLr[1!]r]|..] a HE,{i lf i,"; Ccnirailo:: iAliEY t"t L'iiljll4c l, HEATIf'(.i lfes{,rlFl6n; EdrjitiL.rr io i3nd r+ffiit(.l$l of &!ir.ih rg tesirS*ncr, 8{$!q.gtgl lrilrcg.$illgl iferfl: "i90 irL{ri8-F ral irequostu'r: SASEI' irLUMEilN{:i & l iErr l lir}i3 A.ssipnedTo: JIdONDRAGOITA, f_- "..*^. .- 1 <A{tlonr ,r- ' tt j"rms Ll&. ,, - ,r ,l a.. i ,/) ,/./vY,\-) ',/,./ linb Typq. ASFR Pli':tto: lr7$€5$43tX) Pir',{:s: 3:r}65S140 ,Jt6tus: igSl-.,EO Insp rraa: Jrm ll- .t:)'(-/', :teques |ed Tlme: 0$:0 AM Phon6: :i7ti-4231 frlt€rod By: DGOLDEIJ K !!s@-W!ffr tlsm ? i0 PLft B-Ur,,jcifltnun'i *'AcGrs'vrC * OClf lAJQi 'in igectot: &t ' ,4r*r'n: ,'+P f.PPROV(D ilorB''nants: nr.PESVEil tiNf#RGRiii,iNg R-U{ilBt}lG S AIR TEST fi#i 16Mi},1 llem: ?i0 pt.MB Rou{h,D.W.V " nlr'r{r.'Hrl " 07/23,0f !nsoti.'l::;. (:cii ' ,lilh.x, rlF AdPRCflEil Corrment3 i i.6i iL:$ i JN tliTl'; S': slEMS. t!em: J3O PLi B RuutlvlnJate, " iipp{$r6c " O7l'tA05 it$c+rtD{: GcD - ' A.tF1r,: Afr JlpFROtrED Comm€nt6.'ifxi$el f[gT Item: 240 PL M6-G+s Pipi:r0 *' Apfxorrsd '" O7i26l03 lnlrtsi:lr't G$O A*h:n AI.r..Q AFPROVEf.VCO'RRECTiTf,N REOD l':omrfierr'i3: ADl.) i,iJ{fl FLA_TE."i "f (i CSST pF:R GAi, r t'fL. Mpn:,ii r.i.L Spsr Tt-$T. C4/03/0:1 ln$osCor JRi{ !vlr.dr. A}'opPPtftr€O commonb: APpRO\Jf'lJ ADC'ri'JG F,'*ATES qtjrr€FE itEnt),:n. lF i: 1/2 CLEARATU:E TO PPhtG CANi.|CTT 8T MF-T nsm: 290 PLMRFlnal ,{ qdi l"- *' l- na RgPTtS:t_Run Id: 1438 ruWfiN Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departrnent of C-ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Cocchiarella Remodel DRB Number: DRB030046 Project Description: Addition and remodel to a preexisting, non conforming residence. Participants: OWNER COCCHIARELLA, CARL A. & KATE03/10/2003 Phone: 5198 GORE CIR VAIL CO 815s7 License: APPUCANT Pam Hopkins 03/10/2003 Phone:476-2201 Snowdon & Hopkins Architects, PC Box 3340 Vail, CO Pam@snowdonhopkins.com 81658 License: Project Addressr 5198 GORE CR VAIL Location: 5198 Gore Circle Legal Description: Lot: 8 Block 3 Subdivision: BIGHORN sTH ADDmON Parcel Number: 209918203006 Comments: Try to move two trees to a new locatio BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Bill Pierce Action: APPROVED Second By: Margaret Rogers Vote: 5-0 DateofApproval: 04/02/2003 Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff andlor the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN); DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0005769 The two trees (to be removed) must be moved to a new location, if at all possible, Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: 33OO.OO ,*ffi Application for Design Review Depaftment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design rcview approval laps unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Location of the Proposal:r-ot: B ebck: 3 suuaivision: Er'6l-[oP-rr.) Physical Address:5tq oaL C-rzcv-- parce|no.:W(ContactEag|eCo.Assessorat970-328-8640forparce|no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address:Stqo 6oer (ircl< Bg Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Phone: lL- $50 Plus $1,00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board.NoFee RECEIVED E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: fl Signs E Conceptual Review D New Construction )( Addition tr Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) tr Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans C Separation Request 'ilrlo' zz3 For Office Use Only: Fee Paid: Check No.: No.:r,{'(, Cnr;ltx.,.t-c * 3,=r Den'rc4 - { *rQ6v sps(s PROPOSED MATERIALS Tvpe of Material Color fsp#r+r r Stf tNe'€J ruv+rr H Fx rsI,ruj 1^,p Fo.taDf It3 BAff-"''" .--1 - R.s-Ce\ti' Sr0CC o Buildinq Mat€rlals Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trlm Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashlng Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhous€s Retaining Walls Exterior Ughting Other Lo6 PDST5 nAATzd P^rSrr^J6 Ct=qp @Eeo,iJ @ sFteul,.J 3 oo 7 witt,a..l.. - [obC>G BPowrJ SF 3ooz ^ Looee Req,rp Taow - CWy (,ilr.lon Si^r 3oo -r N Aru'?/lL -tp rna-+r[-- t,r'l^Cnl \rT t3zo'^Jt\] Suo 3oo 7 FRorU f Dooe - tr.) O o i> G4en6,g *gt.oEe*o^i - nterAL }t\c P" s . C€.)A p_ 9r-2 Prck+s - q, Sh..^)^ir/tt tv llT ^AET,4 L uJA( fJJT R?O\^J^J N/4 N /,A N(h 3€4- CoI s fE D Aus ( 6tf-Tt N 6 Spe( s /Eer- C'b AP- 2xb P.s. C6DAL T(. t+ b,l'{ sTr^J f4Arc d S,Dr rJg I\lATUaAt Itotes: Please speciff the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Pase 6 of tA02lo7l02 /a (occ r1 rnnntc+ (f rEucE- PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS Botanical Name Lo n ice rc- in vrr I uC rccfa- A nr etan ghtcr a"l"'rLFolr'a- PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Common Name rbreyt l.ae .orU De?-qi!9--ql-qal- Y 4e1l ','SH-u; ,sh ls ,5rq , br d,a,^- ^f OuantiW 3 'li< ee- e ngelna na ; i g_^pCc ^a_Up_-be, Leoc-.>ore Pnrg ..< I , :p.r \os -'l rozn..lo r f e.s O:rArur,J:ggl- t C&Slg-f ^Lr+;vf jrass(S r ht.b: i a /,'s/u.urJ \e+b^LK -1o a*+t <ts+;s ----7 nalcL ex-,s'h',y )SO f ,znd a-rbor/ b.k ---------T T (o-,v_pu# la_x ^,,Au- EXrSfrruG SpZiN f 'gP- i^r-rlFl TUWEQ-* - tnnrn) €\tV reqf€^rce Aezurur:TLi,"\trtQ- o r 106 Please specify other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) ilo{ ea+;tta- €ru li 4ps5--,=^. C lnr, brrn,l^ EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED P,u*, r.>,'.{o"fc- 4a , laJ, Fat ; c,- Pse.'ciotsugc'.-'m €nai €s5 i }rseG+lafll-t)- "6 Minimum Requirements for Landscaping:Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Square Footage Tvpe GROUND COVER 50D oR LAwd SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Size Page 7 of IA02loTlOz UTILITY LOCATION CATION This form is to verify service availability and location for new and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling llations. The location and availabilitv of utilities, whether they are main trunk lines or proposed lines, following utilities for the accompanying site plan. ust be approved and verified by the Date QWEST 970,384.0238 (tel) 970.384.0257 (fax) Contact: Jason Sharo EXCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.262.4077 (tel) Contact: Brian Sulzer HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOC. 970.949.5892 (tel) 970.949.4566 (fax) Contact: Ted Husky EXCEL ENERGY 970.262.4024 (tel) 970.262.4038 {fax) Contact: Kit Bogart EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT* 970.476.748A $el) 970.476.4089 (fax) Contact: Fred Haslee AT&T BROADBAND 970.949J224 x 112 (tel) 970.9a9.9138 (fax) Contact: Floyd Salazar xPlease provide a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when & Sanitation District. Fire flow needs must be addressed. NOTES: ning approval from the Eagle River Water 1. If the utiliW verification form has sionatures from each the utility companies/ are made directly on the form, the Town will pres development can proceed. 2. If a utility company has concerns with the proposed , note directly on the utility verification form that there , the utility representative shall The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter a problem which needs to be resolved. the Town of Vail, However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility compa problems. and the applicant to resolve identified 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the re:iponsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Depaftment of Public Works at the Town of Vail. Utiliw locations must be obtained before diqqing in any public right-of-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A buildinq permit is not a Public Wav oermit and must be obtained seoaratelv. Page 8 of 12102/07/02 that there are no ancl no comments problems and the I Cocchiarella Residence Lighting Specifi cations Exterior fixtures for side ofhouse near new doors - 4 - one at each new exterior door Maxim 8041 IRAU - (see cut sheet) honey iridescent glass burnished finish 60W (maximum) florescent long life bulb 840 lumens 6'0" from grade - as shown on elevations Exterior fixtures for sofit down lighting - 6 (3 pairs) across front ofentry and garage doors Halo recessed down - lighting can - (see cut sheet) black trim 90W halogen (maximum) 1260 lumens 8044 IRBU, IRCS, IRPE 11.25.W x 13.5"H 1-MB,100W '.; ',. ;' 'r, i i\l l 8045IRBU, |RCS, |RPE 11 .25"W x 12"H 1-MB.'t00w (f"L 8047IRBU, IRCS,IRPE 1 0.25'W x 9.75"H x 7.5"Ext HCO 2" 1-MB,100W 3l'v 8048 rRBU, tRCS, |RPE 1 0.25'W x 1 2.5'H x 7.25"Ext. HCO 2' 1-M8.100W JkcdrAftP(tA- #r=eL f-l*q Trri dorcwl 6ls*" =- B.rcN'slted 8042 rsBU, |RCS, tRPE 11 .25'W x 16.75'H x 12.25"Ext. HCO6.5'' BP5"W x 9"H 1-MB, 100W 8041 IRBU,IRCS,IRPE 5.25"W x 7.75"H x 4.25"Ext. HCO 1" 1-MB.60W @ .@ @ Dec. 1999 Maxim Lighting International, Inc. o o 9,) E=6 (t-) ?v -x g 3r1 -t'c 6 7 o + 7 I at- q/ \, *91 d 3 -)e s -s U o o a lr +,>. .t' 6 .(-t\- !,,.r! r\rJL o \-, I L -E 6J a O Ts a,/v E -,.t ]A ng 3 -c,6 .s v a t DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA Wednesday, April 02, 2003 3:00 P.M. PUBLIC MEETING RESULTS PUBLIC WELGOME Qttcepy NEW MEMBER ORIENTATION 11:30 am PROJECT ORIENTATION / LUNCH - Community Development Department 12:00 pm MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT Clark Brittain Bill Pierce Hans Woldrich Margaret Rogers David Viele SITE VISITS 'l . Cocchiarella - 5198 Gore Circle 2. Turilli - 2960 A Manns Ranch Road 2. Cook - 1012 Eagles Nest Circle 3. Potato Patch Townhomes - 770 Potato Patch Drive 4. Rosen - 1 150 Westhaven Circle 5. Beaver Dam - 363 Beaver Dam Road 6. Mountain Haus - 292 E. Meadow Drive Driver: Warren 2:00 pm PUBLIC HEARING - TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 3:00 pm 1. Swearing in of re-appointed DRB member Bill Pierce (4rh term) and appointed DRB member David Viele - Lorelei Donaldson. Town Clerk. 2. Election of 2003 Chair - Clark Brittain MOTION: Margaret Rogers SECOND: David Viele VOTE: 5-0 Vice-Chair - Bill Pierce MOTION: Clark Brittain SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE:5-0 3. Rosen residence DRB03-0051 Final review of proposed new single family residence with Type ll EHU 1 150 Westhaven Circle/Lot 39-2, Glen Lyon Subdivision Applicant Robert Rosen MOTION: Bill Pierce SEGOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 5-0 Allison APPROVED WITH 4 CONDITIONS: I I 1. That prior to submittal of the building permit the landscape plan shall be revised to add additional screening along the berm. A minimum of 5 trees shall be added and the landscape plan shall be revised to appear more natural, with staff reviewing the changes for compliance. 2. That prior to the submittal of the building permit the drawings be updated to reflect the details as presented at the meeting. 3. That prior to the submittal of the building permit there be a detail for the transition between the log siding and the wood siding.4. That prior to the submittal of the building permit all Public Works and Planning issues be resolved by the applicant and approved by staff. 4. Whiterock LLC DRB03-0036 Bill Final review of oroposed e)derior alteration 1249 Westhaven Circle/Lot 35, Glen Lyon Subdivision Applicant: White Rock LLC, represented by Tab Associates, Inc. MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE:5-0 TABLED UNTIL APRIL 16, 2OO3 5. Turilli residence DRB03-0065 Bill Final review of proposed addition 2960 A Manns Ranch Road/Lot 8, Block 1 , Vail Village 13th Filing Applicant: Penny & Steve Turilli, represented by Peel/Langenwalter Architects MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE:5-0 DIRECT STAFF TO STAFF APPROVE WHEN COMPLETE 6. Cook residence DRB03-0054 Warren Final revieW of piopoSed neW StuCCo wall and fende. 1012 Eagles Nest Circle/Lot 2, Block 6, Vail Village 7th Filing Applicant: Sam Cook, represented by Fritzlen Pierce Architects MOTION: David Viele SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE: 5-0 TABLED UNTIL APRIL 16. 2OO3 7. Sun Vail DRB03-0053 Final review of proposed grading, landscaping, and new pool house 635 N. Frontage Road/Sun Vail Condominiums Applicant: Sun Vail Condo Association, represented by Design Workshop MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE: 5-0 CONSENT APPROVED WITH 2 CONDITIONS: 1. The applicant shall satisfy Public Works and Fire Departments concerns, prior to issuance of a building permit. 2. That it is recommended that additional shrubs be added on the south side of the berm with sprinklering. 8. Potato Patch Townhomes DRB03-0063 Warren Final review of proposed exterior alterations 770 Potato Patch Drive/Lot 6, Block 1, Vail Potalo Patch Applicant: Potato Patch Townhome Assoc., represented by Prima Associates MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE: 5-0 Warren I ( CONSENT APPROVED 9. Cocchiarella residence DRB03-0046 Matt Final review of proposed remodel/addition 5198 Gore Circle/Lot 8, Block 3, Bighorn stn Addition Applicant: Kate & Carl Cocchiarella MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED WITH 1 GONDITION: 1. That the applicant relocate the 2 trees to be removed to a suitable location. 10. Mountain Haus DRB03-0055 Matt Final review of proposed sign program 292 E. Meadow Drive/Block 5D, Vail Village 1" Filing Applicant Mountain Haus Condominium Home Owner's Association MOTION: Margaret Rogers SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE; 5-0 APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: 1. That the sign color be neutral and submitted to staff for approval. 11. Town of VailDRB03-0079 Allison Final review of proposed recreation path guardrails Town-wide Applicant Gregg Barrie, Town of Vail Public Works Department MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE:5-0 CONSENT APPROVED WITH 2 GONDITIONS: 1. The railings shall be painted black. 2. That each railing location must be approved by the Planning staff prior to construction. This approval does not apply to the Village or Lionshead. Staff Approvals Vail International DRB03-0020 Exterior modifications 300 E. Lionshead Circle/Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1't Filing Applicant: VaillnternationalCondoAssociation McClusky residence DRB03-0039 Deck enclosure 1476 Westhaven Drive/Lot 53, Glen Lyon Subdivision Applicant: Dorothy McCluskey Hamelin residence DRB03-0068 Change to approved plan 5167 Gore Circle/Lot 12, Block 3, Bighorn sth Addition Applicant R. Hamelin Matt Warren Matt ,, Hyatt residence DRB03-0076 Judy Replace retaining walls 1200 Ptarmigan Road/Lot 1A, Block 8, VailVillage 7h Filing Applicant: Eileen Charles Hyatt Ferguson residence DRB03-0058 Matt Replace balcony railing Meadow Vail Place, 44 West Meadow Drive/Lot 1, Vail Village 2nd Filing Applicant; John Ferguson Timberfalls DRB03-0045 Matt Re-roof Building 20 4564 Timberfalls CourUTimber Falls Condos Applicant: William & Linda Ragland Pattison residence DRB03-0077 Bill Change to approved plan for 23 sq. ft. addition 5126 Black Gore Drive/Lot 2. Block 12. Gore Creek Subdivision Applicant: Pete & Carol Pattison The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign fanguage interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356,Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. r,{.? copy D e part m ent of C ommunity D eve lop ment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 MX 970-479-2452 www. ci.vail.co.us March 26, 2003 Kate and Carl Cocchiarella 5 198 Gore Circle Vail, CO 81657 RE: Cocchiarella Residence - Addition/Remodel, Lor 8, Block 3, Bighorn 5s Addition. (DRB03-0046) Dear Kate. The Torvn of Vail Staffhas recently reviewed the Design Review application for the proposed modifications to your residence. The following is a summary of the preliminary comments fiom that revierv: . Per sections l2-11-3C.2 ofthe Vail Town Code, and 10.D.6 of the Town of Vail Development Standards Handbook, the entire roofofthe whole structure must be done using the proposed asphalt shingles at a weight ofat least three hundred (300) pounds per roofing square foot. r A staging plan is required by public works showing the new location ofthe proposed, temporary structure to be moyed and used for staging. Please be advised that an ILC will be required at both foundation and fi-aming inspection to verifo building location and height. This proposal has been tentatively scheduled for review by the Design Review Board at its Wednesday April 2,2003, public hearing. This public hearing is scheduled for3:00 PM in the Council Chambers of the Town of Vail Municipal Building located at 75 South Frontage Road. lfyou have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me directly at (970) 479-2140. Hfu*a- Planner II Town of Vail {g rt"r"""o "ort* Feb-26-O3 L?.52P VAIL L IGHTS rTAtl' DESCFIPTION 97o screw for hangor bare end clttouts f(.tf crimPing harrg€r bars in position. . Prs'inst8ll€d, caPttvB balr harrgers allow houslng to.llP oosttionad al anv polnl wlrnrn a 24" ioist span Scor€ lin€s provided for easY fiold shon€ning for 12" ioisls. Unique arrowhead desrgn providet "Nailoss'" instsllation. Bar hange's carr b€ rePosilioned 90' wr'-hout tools. Hangers {it ontoT Bar spline for q!ick slignment and cgn be PermananllY s€cured wilh opti(|nal T87 T-Bar cljp. . Sockel Plug Provids|. protecllon agalnsl p6lill overspray lnsidlstion Feltu|.G3 . 7 112' heighi allows u;e in 2"x 8" joist constrocrr)n. . HTICT adius(s for cailinqs uP to 2" {HTICAT uP lo'1") thiek Listings . UL O8rnp locstion lnsttlhion f?attrl€5 . 7 1i2" h€ighl allo\rl6 tlse !n 2"x8" ioi$ construclion' . lntegral ilange securBs {ixture against ceiling. . Four remodelcllPs secure housrnq and scco.nfno'lale ceiling ihictness frorr 3/l" to Lbtings . UL DamP locatron . UL Fae.l Through . CSA Cerlilied . UL listed for dirsci cJntact with insulalion . Mo€ls State of Calift)iniaTitle 24 raquiramenlg . lP Rated . H?FICAT mgsts Stat€ of Wsshingron Restricted Air Flow requlrgments 949 o D 3342 I M EN SIONS P -OZ HTICT lC H,f, US lN G a--- HTICAT Arff-TITE i lc Housll\t-; . For insulaled ceilings atrd dirsct contact with insulation . Int€gaal rhermal Proteclor HTRIgT F€MODEL IC HC USING HTFICAT FEMOOEL AIR TITE'" IC HOUSINC . For insulst€d ceilings and direct contaci wlul ingulstion . C€n be installed lrom b€low the ceiling f{rr installatons wher€ the housing will be in tlirect cootlsl wi(h ceiling insulatron, Integlal thermal protectof Prov|oes oositive P(oleclion agslnsl ov€rlsmPing.The HTICAT Altl-. TITE housing meats Restrict{'d Air Flow resltrem.lnrs. Houslng Fcdulot . Integral thsrmal Prot€ctor guards against irnProPer lamp|ng. . H /ICAT ho(rsing is gaskett'd to preverrt air flow from heal€d or air collditioned 9pac6s. . Adiustable soclet bra*et as-sures Ptopsr and cgnsF t€nt lamP Positioning . Junclion bot is list€d lor through brandl circuil wir ing and has seven 1/2" knocj< luts lrith true Pry-ottt gois . Slide'N-Side'' cannectors allow non'matallic sheatl rad clble to be install6d with'tul tools and withoul rgmovlng knqckouts. For remodeling installatior s where housing will bs in d 'ect contact with insulation. Inl tgral thermal proleclor Provider oosilive Protectton agatnsl overlamping. AtR-TITF ho 'tsing Dtevenls airllow bgtwcer attrc and living areas llousino Fc!tutGs . Integfal thermal ProteclDr Oudrds againsl overlaml)loq- . Adiustable soctsl brack')t allows lh€ u9e ol diffcrent lamp typos aod sizes as well as assurlng Propgr and consistet lanlp postttot ttng' . Junction box is list€{l for through brancfi circuir \''iring and has sovell 1/2" kno *ouls with true Pry'out slots . Four Romex Pryouts wlth integfal strain reliel sin PlifY Romex installation 1 7 1f2 I I dr/z' I {165d!ni . UL F€edThrough . CSA Celtif ied . UL lisred lor direci contact with insulataon . lP rated . Meets State of Calitorni6Title 24 reqtrtlemerrls . HTICAT meets Stst€ oi washington Festrict€d Air Flow requirements ,,t']1 | tt,2" I jl ll I rlermmr ; _- l,l_r I ro r;r" -l -.t I I tn'd, llgln.hl I t.l ClilFtq DP€nr19 67n' Itt _-l I -=d- 14 t*=l r 131,4' _. i:A71)ml 12 {t ?s 6"1 20 q? Fr;:*lffr'sl{""'r:i,sg.^w.n!.r o,. ^r qr drPry J Plrller lramo indudos lo J(ing tqo" / Cooper Lighting Corc itf)'/z?ctrT Fitc i 8S292E5800 FIRST AMERICAN HERITAE TTTLE CO 318 Brordway P.O. Box l98O . Eagle, CO 81631 . Phone (970) 328-5211 . FA)C (970) 328-5252 COMMITMENT SCttEDItLE I co'nltreD! No: 8S29285800-3 ' l. coELt[stlt Dater June 23 ' 2000 at 7:29 A.M. Z. pollcy o! PollcLe5 to be igsued: Pollcy hount (r) ortacrs Polisy - Proposod rasured: 5 715.000.00 Catt A. Cocchiarella and Kate Cocchiarella (b) Loen goltcy - ItoPotcd rnsua.d: $ 55S,000'00 To Be Determined 3. Fee g{Dplc LnterBat ln the land descrlbad in thle CollitlenE is ololed, rt tbe c@LtDeat Datse ItY: Paula Canning and Dr. Jobn Canning a. ltrr land r.!.rr3d to ln thls coryrltDcot lc dtersribed as followc: L,oE I Block 3, Bighorn Subdivision Fifth Addit,lon, according to the plat recorded Nov€rnber 25, 7966, county of gagle, state of Col.orado. (for informalional purposes only) 5198 Gore circle PREMIUM: Owner's PolicY $ 590. 00 Tax certificatse S 15 ' 0o Mortgage PolicY S 85.00 Forft 130.2 - oEc Endorsement $ 35.00 Form 130.3-Inflation 5 A7 /06/00 15: 02: 14 kc LI"11289 d7 /a6lao 15:02 : 15 kc LM1289 . UECEAT$C ' S IJIEII PROIIECIION Ifyouareabuyerofasinglefamifyresidenceyoulnayrequest' coverage to be lssued on your policy of insurance' ff the property being purchased has not been the subjecE improvements or repair in the last six months prior to tshe date of therequiremenbswillbepa}mentoftheappropriatepremiumandthe Affidavlu and Indemnity bryr the se1ler' Ele|, ES292t5Eo0 flOIfIcE TO PROEPECE]IVE OXITERg (A STATEIVIENT MADE As REQUIRED BY coIJORADo INSURANCE REGUTATION} CAP FN,OXECTION ftlhen this company conducts the closing and is responsible for recording or fiLing Ehe Iegal dacuments resulting from the bransaction, the Company shal1 be responsible f,or all matsters which appear on Ehe record prior Eo such time of recording or filing. mechanic's I ien of construction, this coNniEment completion of an If the propercy being purehased was constructed, improved or repaired witbin six monEhs prior to the date of this comnitmenc the requirements Inay invol-ve di"scLosure of certain financial inforrnatsion. pa]&ent of premiums. and indemnity, among others. Tlhe general reguirements stated above are subject to the revision and approval the company. SPECIAL InAXING DTSTR,ICT NOTICE {A Notice Given In Conformity With Section LO-!!-L22 C'R'S') ?he subJect land may be located in a speciai t.xittg districu; a certificate of Eaxes due listing each taxing jurisdictlon shall be obEained ff,om Che county treasurer or tbe councy Ereasurer,s authorized agentr and inforrnacion regarding special distsricts and Ehe boundaries of, such districts may be obtained frorn the board of county conmissioners, the county clerk and recorder, or the county assessor' d7 /A6/00 15:02:16 kc LM1289 Fo::a Ao. 1344-81 (CO-881 I'E!B P1ala l.aEgruege cc@LtroDE SCHEDI'LE B . SECT:LON 1 orider No. 8529285800-3 R€quir€rtr€nts fbe folloslng requlB.u.nts rtuit be Bet: (a) pay the agreed alnounts for the intrerest in Ehe Iand and/or for the mortgage to be insured. (b) Pay us the pretniuns ' fees and charges for the policy' (c) Obbain a certificaLe of taxes due from the counEy treasurer or the counEy treasurer's authorized agint ' (d) Che following documents satisfactoly tso us must be signed, delivered and recorded: 1. Warranty Deed sufficient to convey the fee simple estate or interest in the land described or referred to herein, tso Ehe Proposed Insured, Schedule A' Item 24. Z, Deed of Trust sufficient to encusdcer the lee simple estate or interest in the Iand described or referred to herein for the benefit of tshe Proposed Insured, Schedule A, ILem 2 b- 3. Release of ttre Deed bf TrusE from Canlo Colorado Enterprises. Ine., a Texas Corporation to the Public Trust€e of Eagle County for the benefits of Peoples National Bank tso secure an indebtedness in the principal sun of $136,459'00' ' and any other amounts and/or obligations secured thereby, dated october 27' 1992 and recorded November 5, L992 in Book 593 at Page 523' 4. Release of Ehe Deed of Trust from Faula Canning and Dr' John canning Eo the public frustee of r1.agle County for the benefit. of Canlo Col-orado Enterprises, Inc. E,o secure an indebcedness in the principal sum of $327,500.00, and any other amounts and/or obligations secured thereby, dated !{ay. 1998 and recorded May 21, 1998 a! Reeeption No. 65?325. The followingr nraterial, which may not necessarily be recorded' must be furnished to Ehe company to i-ts saEisfaction Eo-wit: (e) Evidence that all assessmenEs for cormnon expenses due under the Decl'axation referred. to as Item No, 9. of Schedule B, section 2 have been paid. (f) Compliance with Ehe provisions of Section 39-L4-L02, colorado Revised Statutes, requiring completion and filing of a Real Property Ttansfer Declaration' {g) Evidence satisfactory to Ehe Company of Compl iance with an ordinance enacLing - -Cont inued Filc I ES2%E5 800 o O'7 / 06 / UD 15: 02: 19 kc LldL289 For'd No. L344-B! (cO-8S) Itrt} Platrl f,rngiuage C@l'Crleng oraor No. 8s29285800-3 gcttedu:.. B - ge(ltioa 1 coBtLau.d a real estate transfer tax within the town of Vail together with all amendnents thereEo. NOTE: The plain Language Policy will be issued provided the atstached Affldavit and Agreement is properly execuced and returned Eo Ehls office' NOTE: IF t'HE SA],ES PRTCE OF THE SUBJECT FROPERTY EXCEEDS $1OO.()OO.[)O THE SELI'ER SHAL,L, BE REQUTRED TO COMpLy WITH THE DISCLOSURE OR WITEHOLDING PROVISIONS OF C.R'S. 3s-22-604. 5 (NONRESTDENT WTTHHOLDTNe) . tr10# 8s29tr85800 oi toS/od 15:02:18 kc LM1289 trota No. !3 44'BZ (co-88) fl.ttr tlriD lJa.[gua!l. co@itn'nt Elc, ES292tiB00 O SCIIEDUfTE B - g€ction 2 oldrr Ho. 8529285800-3 lny policy so lstue rrtll hav' ube to our EatLcf,actLon: 3- 4. Exc€Ptlong f,ol1owing exc€ptlona qalerr ehsy are tah'n car6 reserved on cbe Plat of not. limiEed to: over all interior lot o! 1. Taxes and Assessments not certified to the Treasuret's office' 2'Anyfacts,rlghts,interestsorclaimswhicharenotshownbythepublicrecords bucwhichcouldbeascertainedbyaninspectionofEhelandorbyrnakinginguiry of persons in possession tltereof ' Easements, OI Claims of easements, not shown by public records' Discrepancies, conf ].icts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachment's. and anyfactswhichacorrectsurveyandinspectionoflhelandwoulddisclose,and which are noc shotm by the public records' Anylien,orrightEoalien,forservices,laborormaterialheretsoforeor heieaft.er furnished, imposed by 1aw and not shown by the pubric records - Any and ai.I unpaid taxes, assessments and unredeemed tax sales' Reserva'tionsandexcepEionsinpatentsandinactsauthorizingtheirissuance as the s4me may affecE ehe subject property and spacifieally. the riEhts of the fropriecor of i vein or lode to exEracts and remove his ore therefrom should the sa&ebefoundtopenetrateorinlersectthepremisesassetforthinUnitsed stat€s PaEent filed in the Eagle County records' Reservationsand.excepEionsinpatentsandactsauEhorizingtheiri.ssuanceas thesamerlg;yaffecEthesubjectpropertyandspecifically,EherighE*-oditches andreservoirsusedinconnectionwitshvestedandaccruedwaterrightstogether with the r€servauion of a right-of-way for ditehes and canals consEructed by ttleauthoritsyof,tbeUnitedstalesassetforthinunitsedstatesPatentsfiled o. 7. in the Eag:l.e county records ' g. covenants, conditions and restrictions, whlch do not include a forfej'ture or reverler clause, set forth in Ehe instrutnent recorded in Book 1?5 at Page 445' provislon6 regardlng race, color, creed, and national origin, if any, are de letsed ' 10. EasemenEs, reservalions and resttictions as shown or Bighorn Subdlvision, Fifth Addition' including' but a. An easement for uEilities and incidental purposes lines being 5 feet in width of the land' 11 . Any right, ticle or interest of and/or the United States in and - - cont inued the g'eneral public, Ehe to Ehe bed and banks of StaEe of CoLorado Gote creek. Fdc * 8529285800 Al tostdA 75202 20 kc Lll1289 lorn No. ]344-82 (cO-88 ) tJtlif, Pla:tn L.'ugfurg. Coeitl! n'g Sctredule B - gsctsioE 2 contLnued Ordst Ro. 8529285800-3 72, Any increase or decrease in the area of the la$d and any adverse claim to any poition of Ehe land which has been created by or caused by accretion or relietion, wbeeher naEural or arLificialt and the effect of the gain or Loss ofareabyaccretionorrelictsionuponthenarketabilityoftheEitteofEhg 1and. 13. EncroactunenE of Portable wood frarne garage into 10 foots drainage and utility easem€nt,andencroachden!ofsplitrailfenceintoroadrightofwayasstrown on the Irflprovement Location certificate prepared by Inter-Mountain Engineering dated MaY 3L, 199L' * ******* '1.+'i***'l*+* * * * + * * * * + * * * + * + * + * * *.1************* *+:1.**'f ** *'t *******,*+*****+*,i***'l********* TOWNOF VAIL, COLORADO Statement +*++* * **** * *+* * ******+ * ***** ***** ** *** {.* * ** * *** * * * *,} + * * * * * * * * + + * ** *****d.:1.*** + ** * * * * + * + {.'1. + * * '} Statement Nunrlcer: R030003692 Arnount: $300.00 03/l-0/200303:03 PM Pa]rment Met.hod: Check Init: .TAR Notation: 318 3 Kate 6. CarlCocchiarel- La Permit No: DR8030046 qT)e: DRB - Addicion of GRFA Parcel No: 20991-8203006 Site Address: 5198 GORE CR VAfL Location: 519 8 Gore Circle Total Fees: 53 00.00 This Payment: $300.00 Total ALL Pmts: $300.00 Balance: $0.00 * **{.'* ***1. +**** **** *** * *++* *,* * ** * ** *****+*** ** ***:t:} * **{.+**** * ***** ***+* * + * * + + * * +,1. * + * * * '1.:},} * * ** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Curnent Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DES]GN REVIEI,I FEES 300.00 Lcgal dcscription: Lot I Block S-Fir,s F' ,sA "J)r'l'e- ZONE CHECK Phonc Phonc Proposcd usc Buildable arca Ad drcss Orrncr Architcct j Zonc district Lot sizc . hoposcd + &E6f- = Total (.ilrf Rcmaining, g3.S F +(4 A .+(1 Cangc Crcdit unvcway Conrplics wirh TOV Liglring Ord.inancc Arc finishcd gradcs lcss tban 2:l (50%) EnrironmcnhL/llazards Previous conditions of approval (chcck propcrty filc); * 675 = 425 crcdir plus 250 addition | ) Pcrccnt Slopc (< >30% 2) Floodplain 3) Wctlands 4) Watcr Coursc Sc-tback (30) (5 5) Gcologic Hazards a) SnorvA b) c) Docs rhis rcqucsr involvc a 250 Ad Atnon? ye g Horv much of tlc allorvcd 2j0 Addition is uscd r#rn rhis rcqucsr? n .l ( Sitccovcragc tlrnOzi JZ/Hcigbt eo(p ?b' eS' ]---:-_-_Sctbacks Front :. 20, _S_4/at,.ante /7Vnx"l sidcs .Ji, .,p:\ l/at-/O<W"9 sid.. .r5, _J4\ | /2, .. .R"a. li, V Landscaping Nrinimum 6f"6 tt " 6 f % _622 ,uX Rctaining Wall Hcigis 3. / 6, ParkingRcquirca?33^*. Encloscd GoovdmDeoo).(r2oo) 2Ol RocLfall Dcbris F I AA Existing Pcrmittcd Slopc \- froposca Slo --. "Z:,/Ycs- t/ - No-- Y*-J4- No t o (ape6 puu. ssacce) dd,rbau6 . r .t: ,-..' ' ,.',/: . :'' . f:i'it . suorrc!$rrlsrd + ' t. \' r' sccmgeA {t" - , sropFroJ ^ii!A -T (puno6:cpun) sanJl1n + scp'yapeqglun, + I uogecgur1.O.C t_ scldrussFi,leuriurpllsg + jir'r.rosorosd a: rrlloJuoqPrgur^',(lllgn - ) .' I (g rp V) u.?dor tnrr 1 p,ro.rddyopuop Z ,." snoaYlgrsln puaicl -l- sto4 posodord -f sco-q SupsJxS NvldsdvrsqNv/t suoqe,rclc lods sloou:o1 l(tr1n11 sp][zBH lEtruauru on^uE {JEqlrs csmoJ lilcy'r\ uJe 1d poog .:,( gg I ,tqde.6'odo1 slusrucsP:l E?rv clqspllng uopdpcscp pfi,1 :lJEruqlusg aFcs rl'udJoou -l- slsprlehlvotoc l-CFCS T sNorrv^s-r3 cMq.Irng4 nHs -1- / credg cp141aru3 v$t9 lEuoqlppe 092 vc{0 CPJS s,v'/l.d10or Planning and Environmental Commission ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Variance from front setback Variance application (from front setback) OWNER COCCHIARELLA, CARL A, & KATE01/06/2003 Phone: 5198 GORE CIR VAIL CO 81657 License: APPLICANT Pam Hopkins 0U0612003 Phone: 476-2201 Snowdon & Hopkins Architects, PC Box 3340 Vail, CO Pam@snowdonhopkins.com 81558 License: 5198 GORE CR VAIL Locauon: 5198 Gore Circle Lot: 8 Block 3 Subdivision: BIGHORN 5TH ADDffiON 209918203006 Project Name: Project Description: Participants: Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: PEC Number: PEC030003 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Vote: Gonditions: Chas Bernhardt George Lamb 6-0 Action: APPROVED Date of Approvalz OI/2712003 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond; CON0005724 Driveway to be redesigned per redmarked set of drawings. Planner: Matt Gennett PEC Fee Paid: $500.00 l'/'of Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www,ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring Planning and Environmental Commission review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Planning and Environmental Commission review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Design Review Board. Type ofApplication and Fee: tr Rezoning 91300 tr Conditional Use permit tr Major SuMivision 91500 tr Floodplain Modification tr Minor Subdivision $650 D Minor Exterior Alteration tr Exemption Plat $650 tr Major Exterior Alteratjon E Minor Amendment to an SDD 91000 fl Development plan tr New Special Development District 96000 E Amendment to a Development plan tr Major Amendment to an SDD $6000 tr Zoning Code Amendment tr Major Amendment to an SDD $1250 E! Variance (no exterlor modifications) O Sign Variance physicat Address: 5 lclA 6o fZ E C t ec cL Parcel No.:(Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zonins: 4lNbw rAHu2tl $6s0 $400 $650 $800 $1s00 $250 $1300 $s00 $200 Description of the Request: Locationof theProposal: Lot: b ilock: 4 Name(s) of Owner(s):(gre /4^rI Caz. (.'<<Flt4iaeL14 Mailing Address:1q g, C, u eA- C i zc' t-L vA tL_ ?o -( r+ Phone: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: ,Pe' E-mail Address: r"'om*.SflUD check No.: Application 'Date: Planner: Page I of6-01/18/02 \N Written Description of the Nature of the Variance Requested and the Specific Regulation(s) Involved Fronf Set Back Variance: . The existing residence and existing free-standing garage were built in the early 1970s. Their locations are non-conforming by Town of Vail standards. . The existing garage will be demolished. lt is in both the front and side set backs, and is on the Town of Vail right of way. r The existing entry and living room are down a half level from the main floor level. We are proposing to demolish this wing and then build a new entry and a two-car garage both level with the main floor. The proposed garage addition will not protrude into the 15'side set back and will not be on the Town of Vail's land. The new entry will still be in the 20'front set back - it is in the same location as the existing entry, but raised to the main level. This will allow a minimum remodel of the existing residenoe. The entry is approximately 80'from the edge of Gore Circle. The three new proposed bedrooms are not in the 20'front set back. PO Box 3340 r Vail. Colorado 81658. Phone:970-476-220 1 e Fax:.970-476-749 1 Written Statement a. This proposal improves the distance between the garage and lot 9 as well as relocating it off the Town of Vail right of way and out of the side set back. The entry location remains in the front set back and 80'from the edge of the road (Gore Circle). b. To relocate the entry out of the front set back would require extensive interior remodeling of the existing house, the removal of some wonderful stands of pines as well as the long-established gardens, and would necessitate pushing the garage 90'from the street. c. The requested variance would have no effect on light, air, distribution of the population, transportation, traffic facilities, utilities, or public safety. d. The requested variance complies with the Town of Vail's objectives by reducing the two buiHings on the lot to one upgraded building with only one variance, the front set back lzve-l ,l a^Crri4 ,, irtc,/<.^"-l 6^a^f,r-:1, J*"*r*l) b^{ uAnl ts l/*- t /",ttUl - lVb Saow s lual z llly 5o ,t,c l^ /rtt'e^4 7 / a\/ 'Jo{,.L os,v-s- PO Box 3340 o Vail. Colorado 81658. Phone:970-476-2201 . Fax:970-476-7491 PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL PUBLIC MEETING RESULTS Monday, January 27,2003 PROJECT ORIENTATION / - Community Development DepL PUBLIC WELCOME o COMMISS MEMBERS PRESENT George Lamb Erickson Shirley John Schofield Chas Bernhardt Doug Cahill Gary Hartmann Site Visits : 1. Cocchiarella residence - 5198 Gore Circle 2. Vail Valley Medical Center - 181 West Meadow Drive Driver: George reX NOTE: lf the PEC hearing extends until 6:00 p.m., the board may break for dinner from 6:00 - 6:30 Public Hearinq - Town Council Ghambers 2:00 pm 1 . A request for a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-9C-38, Vail Town Code, to allow for a tourisVguest service related facility accessory to a parking structure, and a request for a variance from Title 1 1, Vail Town Code, to allow for proposed signage and setting forth details in regard thereto, located at 181 W. Meadow Drive/Lots E&F, Vail Village 2no filing. roN FILE COPY 12:00 pm MEMBERS ABSENT Rollie Kjesbo 1:00 pm Applicant: Stan Anderson Planner: Bill Gibson MOTION: Doug Cahill SECOND:Gary Hartman VOTE: 5-1 (Schofield opposed) APPROVED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT WITH 6 CONDITIONS: 1. The applicant is permltted to provide up to 100 existing parking spaces in the Vail Valley Medical Center parking structure for short{erm public skier/guest parking on Saturdays and Sundays from November 1 to April 30 annually. All business transactions associated with providing this skier/guest parking shall be limited in duration from 8:00 a.m. to Noon daily on Saturdays and Sundays from November 1 to April 30 annually. During the operation of business transactions for this public skier/guest parking, the applicant shall keep the parking structure entrance gate open and staff the entrance to prevent traffic congestion on the South Frontage Road. 2. 2 The applicant shall operate all business transactions for this public skier/guest parking at the Vail Valley Medical Center parking structure entrance located on South Frontage Road. The applicant shall not operate any business transactions for this public skier/guest parking at the Vail Valley Medical Center entrance on West Meadow Drive. 3. Prior to providing any pubic skier/guest parking, the applicant shall erect adequate signage internal to the parking structure to direct pedestrians from the parking areas to the Town of Vail In-Town Shuttle bus stops. 4. The applicant shall receive Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT), Town of Vail Public Works Department, and Town of Vail Planning Department approval for the erection of any signage located within the South Frontage Road property or right- of-way prior to the erection of said signage. 5. The Town of Vail Director of Public Works may revoke this conditional use permit by written notice should the Director determine that any activity permitted by this conditional use permit negatively affects traffic with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the street and parking areas. 6. This conditional use permit shall expire on April 30, 2006. MOTION: Doug Cahill SECOND; George Lamb VOTE: 5-1 (Schofield opposed) APPROVED - VARIANCE A request for a variance from Section 12-68-6 (Setbacks), Vail Town Code, to allow for an addition in the front setback, located at 5198 Gore Circle/Lot 8, Block 3, Bighorn Subdivision 5th Addition. Applicant: Kate & Carl Cocchiarella, represented by Pam Hopkins of Snowdon & Hopkins Architects, P.C.Planner: Matt Gennett MOTION: Chas Bernhardt SECOND: George Lamb APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION (including a revision to the condition, as noted on the approved plans) 1 . That the applicant reduce the width of the proposed driveway, upon building permit application, by at least ten feet from west to east on the western side at the first point of angulations after leaving the edge of pavement from Gore Circle (as shown on plan). A request for a worksession to amend Chapter 12-15 (Gross Residential Floor Area), Vail Town Code, to discuss modifications and/or elimination of the Gross Residential Floor Area regulations in all zone districts, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Vicki Pearson, et.al. Planner: Bill Gibson WORKSESSION - NO VOTE VOTE:6-0 3. 4. A request for a worksession to discuss incentives for Employee Housing Units in the Town of Vail in all zone districts, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Vail Local Housing Authority Planner: Russell Fonest WORKSESSION - NO VOTE 5. A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council of a proposed text amendment to Section 12-10-9: Loading Standards, Vail Town Code, to amend the size requirement for loading berths & setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Allison Ochs MOTION: Doug Cahill SECOND: George Lamb VOTE: 5-0 (Bernhardt left) TABLED UNTIL FEBRUARY 24, 2OO3 6. Approval of January 13, 2003 minutes MOTION: Doug Cahill SECOND: Gary Hartman VOTE: 5-0 (Bernhardt left) APPROVED AS AMENDED 7. Information Update * Reminder: A public meeting in the Vail Library Community Room on 2l4lQ3wilh the Town Council, the PEC and the DRB to discuss a format for communication among the governing boards. The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign fanguage interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Gommunity Development Department Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us January 14, 2003 Pa-rn Hopkins Snowdon and Hopkins Architects, PC 201 Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado 8 1657 RE: Cocchiarella Residence - Variance Application, 5 198 Gore Circle, Lot 8, Block 3, Bighom 5ft Addition Dear Pam. The Town of Vail Staffhas recently reviewed the Variance application for the proposed modifications to the Cocchiarella residence. The following is a summary of the preliminary comments from that review: l. Please depict a limits ofdisturbance fence around the site; 2. The 100 year floodplain needs to be shown; 3. The proposed materials lor the driveway and whether it is heated needs to be labeled; 4. Erosion control on the south property line must be shown; 5. A revocable right-of-rvay is required by Public Works; 6. Front setback required in the SFR zone district is twenty feet (20') from the property line: 7. A four foot (4') concrete pan is required at the edge ofa plowed road per town standards; 8. A Design Review (DRB) application will be required for the exterior modifications. The applicant's proposal has been scheduled for review by the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) at its Monday, January 27,2003, public hearing. This public hearing is scheduled for 2:00 PM in the Council Chambers of the Town of Vail Municipal Building located at 75 South Frontage Road. ln order to remain on this schedule, revised plans and the additional information noted above must be submitted for further review by no later than Noon on Tuesday, January 21, 2003. Ifyou have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me directly al (970) 479-2140. Sincerely, Planner II Town of Vail {g *"n"uo onro el*.lu*^dvv WffiJd,^n alrc & -ytit*uoplt., ryry,Lai 4540{ luudrala &/4 hyatl+ bl4h l,ltea Qetr ///ab l)il,h htost MarLn ftblaow, ,,, ' +i t'z 40, flaatPd' Afr/4 funuvTt h h,zl I \a \r r. \\ tf, 'r.r MAY AFFE.T "or* ,*or#" PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on January 27, 2003, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for a worksession to discuss incentives for Employee Housing Units in the Town of Vail in all zone districts, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Vail Local Housing Authority Planner: Russell Forrest A request for a worksession to amend Chapter 12-'15 (Gross Residential Floor Area), Vail Town Code, to discuss modifications and/or elimination of the Gross Residential Floor Area regulations in all zone districts, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Planner: Vicki Pearson, et.al. Russell Forrest A request for a variance from Section 12-68-6 (Setbacks), Vail Town Code, to allow for an addition in the front setback, located at 5198 Gore Circle/Lot 8, Block 3, Bighorn Subdivision 5' - Addition.I $t?cpptlcant, Kate & Carl Cocchiarella, represented by Pam Hopkins of Snowdon & Hopkins ,a Arcnitects, P.C.Planner: Matt Gennett The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published January 10, 2003 in the Vail Daily. ., l\-ti' TrrLE DEPARTMENT - nI WERY TRANSMTTTAL o FIRST AMERICAN HERITAGE TITLE CO 318 Broadway P.O. Box 1980'Eagle, CO 81631 'Ph: (970) 328-5211 'Fa;L: (970\328-5252 DATE: JIJNE 22' 2000 ORDERNO: 8S29285800-2 PROP. ADDR: 5198 Gore Circle, VaiI, Colorad.o 81557 OWNER/BUYER: Carl A. cocchiarglla and Kat€ cocchialella PLEASE DELIVER TO THE CUSTOMER LISTED BELOW: th. C. tqa.r th4 Ol.d Y.. ft ADVANTAGE CLOSING OFFICE * COPIES: ['irst ADerican Heritage Title Co Avon EEcrow of,fice P.o. Bot 5690 100 w. B€aver Creek B1vd., #234 .Avonr co 8152 0 .t ATTN: Sarah Taylor PHoNE, (97 0 ') 949-440G FAX: (970) 9{9-4069 ROUtING IIETEOD: DEL'MR To: Robinson, Mitchell 100 E- Meadolo Driv€vail, co 8!657 * COPfES: 1 & Assoclate6 *7A ATTN: Robby Robinson PHoNE:1970) 477-2!53 FAX: (970) 477-2155 RouffNc METHoD: FAX TO: Vail 22L7 Vail , coPIEs: 1 Reaort Property Brokerage V€rmont Court co 81657 ATTN: connie Kincaid-Strahan PHoNE: 970-390-8850 FAx; 970-476-5421 ROUTING METHOD: FN( Paula canning D!. ,John canning P.o. Box 25 01 Edwards, co 8!632 PHONE : FAX3 | * coPIES: 1 RoufING MIrLoDj ryaIL l TO: Carl Kate 1948 vai1, COPIES! 1 Cocchi arel1a Cocchi are 11" a vertnont Rd.co 81557 ATIN: PHONE: FAX: RoIIIING MEftloD 3 MAIL TIIE ABOVE Is A LrST OF cIJIEll'IS TO WIIoM THE ATTACHED MATERIAITS HAVE BEEN DELTVERED. SHOULD YOU HA.IIE ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THESE NTATERIAIJS, PLEJASE COITTACT FIRST AMERICATi' IIERIIAGE TITIJE co Ar THE ABovE PHoNE NII{BER. PIJEiASE REVIEW tHE EIICLOSED MATERIAL CAREFUIJIJY AND TEI(E NOTE OF THE E OIJI'OWING ITEMS CONTAINED THEREIN: SCTIEDUI,E Ai NEW EFFECTIVE DATE, ADDED BIryER, S, NEW PURCIIASE PRICE AND T.OAN A!4OUNT, ADDED ENDORSEMEIiIIS TRA.\S MIT File + Es29285B00 a FTRST AMERICAN HERITACE TITLE CO File # 8s29285800 Policy emounc $ 7L5,000.00 $ s58,o0o.oo 318 Bmarlway P.O. Box 1980 'Eagle, CO 81631 ' Phone: (9?0) 328'-5211 'FAX: (970) 328-5252 COMMITMENT SCHEDITIJE A commltm€nt No: E,529285800-2 1, CommiEmeDt Date: June 8, 2000 at 7:29 A,M' 2. Policy or Polici€8 to be issuedl: (a) ovrners Policy - Proposeil Insuleil: CarI A. Cocchiarella and KaEe Cocchiarella (b) IJoan Policy - Propoeed Inaured: To Be Determined 3. Fe€ Simpl€ interegt 1n the land degcribed Ln this coffnitment ls owned' at ths CommitDent, Date bY: Paula Canning and Dr. ,.Iohn canning 4. fhe lancl lef€rred to in this comitsment is deEcribsd as follows: Lot 8 Block 3, Bighorn Subdivision Filth AddiEion, according co the plat recorded November 25, 1956, r/-^,rh |1, a€ E'ac 1 o State of Colorado - (for informaEional purposes onlyj 5198 Gore circle PREMTLTM: owner's Policy S 590.00 Tax Certificate $ 15.00 Mortgagfe Policy $ 85. 00 Form 130.2 - oEc Endorsement S 35.00 Form 130.3-fnflation S 06/22/D0 L0: l-5:1-2 kc LMl-289 05/22/00 10:15:L3 kc LM1289 The subjecE land may be located in a special due listing each taxing jurisdiction sha11 be the county treasurer's authorized agent; and and lhe boundaries of such districts may be commissioners, the county clerk and recorder, taxing district; a certificate of taxes obtained from Ehe county treasurer or informaEion regarding special dis triccs obtained from the board of county or the county assessor. File# 8S292E5B00 NO4TICE TO PROSPECTI\IE OIINERS (A STATEMEMT MADE AS REQUIRED BY COLORADO INSURANCE REGULATION) GAP PRCfIECTION When this Company conducts Ehe closing and is responsible for recording or filing the Iegal documents resulEing from the transaction, the Company shall be responsible for all magters which appear on the record prior to such time of recording or filing- MECHANIC' S I,IEN PROTECTTON If you are a buyer of a single family residence you may request mechanic's lien coverage to be issued on your policy of insurance' If the property being purchased has noE been the subject oE consErucEion, improvemenEs or repair in the last six months prior to the date of this commitment Ehe requirements will be payment of the appropriate premium and the complet.ion of an Affidavit and Indemnity by the seIler. If the property being purchased was constructed, improved or repaired within six months prior to the date of Chis conunitment the requirements may involve disclosure of certai-n f j-nancial information, pa)rment of premiums, and indemni-ty, among others- The qeneral requirements stated above are subject to the revision and approval of the Company. SPECIAI, TAXTNG DTSTRICT NOTICE (A Nocice civen In Conformity With Section IA-11-L22 C'R's.) 06/22/OA tA:L6:15 kc LM1289 For:to No. 1344-BL (cO-88 ) ALTA Plaln Langnrag€ Comro.itment SCHEDUL,EB-Sectsion1 oriler No, Es29285800-2 Requirem€nta Ttre followingr requirements must b€ met: ta\ p^\r rhc aoreed amounts for the interes! in the land and/or for the mortgage to be insured. (b) Pay us the premiums, fees and charEes for the policy. /^l n}-\r-^in a -o-r-ificate of taxes due from the county Ereasurer or the country Ereasurer ' s authorized agent.. (d) The following documents satisfactory to us must be signed, delivered and recorded: 1. Warranty Deed suffj.cient to convey Ehe fee simple estate or interest in the land described or referred to herein, to tLIe Proposed Insured, Schedule A, Item 2A. 2. Deed of Trust sufficient to encumber the fee simple estate or interest j-n the land described or referred to herein for the benefit of the Proposed Insured, Schedule A, IEem 2 b. 3. Release of the Deed of Trust from Canlo Colorado Enterprises, Inc., a Texas Carporation to the Public Trustee of Eagrle CounEy for the benefit of Peoples National Bank Eo secure an indebEedness in the principal sum of $136,459.00, and any other amounts and/or obligitions secured thereby, daled october 27, 1992 and recorded November 5, 1992 in Book 593 aE Page 523. 4. Release of Ehe Deed of Trust from Paula Canning and Dr. John Canning to the publ-ic Trustee of Eagle Councy for the benefit of canlo Colorado Enterprises, fnc. to secure an indebtedness in the principal sum of 5327,500.00, and any other amounts and,/or obligations secured thereby, Cated May, 1998 and recorded V,ay 2L, l-998 at Reception No. 657325. rlho f a1 I auri na m:rari: I whi r.h mar; n.JF hc.eqsari lw be rer-ovded . mt'sf L)F I!9 ..rqeg- -*-furnished co the company tso its satisfaction to-wit: (e) Evidence that all assessmenEs for common expenses due under the Declaration referred to as ltem No. 9, of Schedule B, SecEion 2 have been paid. (f) Compliance with the provisions of Section 39-L4-I02, Colorado Revised Statutes, requiring completion and fiting of a ReaL Property Transfer Declaration. (g) Evidence satisfactory to the Company of Compliance with ar- ordinance enact.ing --Continued File * ES?92E5800 05/22/00 10: 15: 17 kc LMr289 For'm No, 1344-81 (co-88) AL'TA PlaLn Larrguage CotllBitm€nt schedule B - sectsion 1 continued order No. ES29285800-2 a real estaEe transfer tax within the Town of Vail together wiEh all amendments thereto. NOTE: The Plain Lanquage Policy wil-l be issued provided the attached Affidavit and Agreement is properly executed and returned to this office together wiEh a survey determined by lhe Company to be satisfactory; provided however Ehat specific excepcions may be made based upon matters disclosed by such survey. NoTE: IF THE sALEs PRICE oF THE SUBJECT PROPERTy EXCEEDS $100,000.00 THE SELLER SHALL BE REQUIRED TO COM?LY WITH THE DISCLOSURE OR WITHHOLDING PROVISIONS OF C.R.S. 39-22.5A4. 5 (NONRESIDENT WITHHOLDINA), File # 8S292E5800 File * ES29285800 06/22/00 l-0:15:l-5 kc LM1289 gorm tilo. L344-82 (co-88) ALrA Plain Language conmitment SCHEDULEB-section2 OEder No. 8S29285800-2 Except i on6 Atry frollcy we iE6ue will have th6 followlng exceptiotra unleaa lhey are taken care of t,o ou! satsiefaclion: 1,. Taxes and Assessments not certified Eo the Treasurer's office. ') r\F'. r---- ? r ^r-trc rnfaraqi.q nr nlai6s which are noc shown by Ehe public lecords z. !]rry r q.r' L> , !r9rr-e, but which could be ascertained by an inspection of Ehe land or by making inquiry of persons in possession thereof. 3. Easements, or claims of easements, noc shorarn by public records. 4. Discrepancies, conflicls in boundary Iines, shortage in area, encroactrments. and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of the land would disclose/ and whlch are not shown by the public record.s. 5. Any lien, or right tso a lien, for services, labor or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 6. Any and all unpaiC taxes, assessmenEs and unredeemed tax sales. 7. Reservations and excepEions in patents and in acts authorizing their issuance as Ehe same may affect the subjecc propertsy and specifically, Ehe right of the proplietor of a vein or lode to extract and remove his ore bherefrom should Lhe same be found to penetrate or intersect the premises as set forth in United states Patent filed in the EagIe county records. 8. Reservations and exceptions in patents and acts auEhorizing their issuance as the same may affect the subject property and specifically, the right to diLches and reservoirs used. in connecti-on with vested and accrued water rights Eogether wj-tsh the reservation of a right-of-way for di!ches and canals constructed by tl.\c allthori tw of the United States as set forth in United SEates Patent filed in che Eagle county records ' 9. Covenangs, conditions and restrictions, v?hich do noE include a lorfeiture or reverger clause, set forth in the instrument record.ed in Book 175 at Page 445' Provisions regarding race, color, creed, and national origin, :.f any, are de Ie ted . 10. Easemencs, reservations and restrictions as shown or reserved on the Plat of Bighorn Subdivision, Fifch Addition, including, but noE Iimited co: a. An easemenE for utilities and incidental purposes over aI] interior lot f.ines being 5 feet in width of the land. lL. Any right, girle or interest of the general public, the StaEe of Colorado and/or the United SEates in and to the bed and banks of Gore creek' - - Cont inued 05122 /00 10:16: L8 kc LM1289 Fo:m No. L3 44-82 (co-88) ALTA Plain Lajrguage coMitr(ent Schedule B - section 2 contsinued ord€r No. E529285800-2 12. Any lncrease or decrease in the area of tshe land and any ad.verse claim to any portion of the land whlch has been creaEed by or caused by accretj.on or relicEion, whether natural or artificial; and the effect of the gai.n or loss of area by accretion or reliction upon the marketabitity of the tit.Ie of the File# ES29285800 File # ES29285B00 ENDORSEMENT Attached to Comnitment No. 8s29285800-2 Issued by FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Said Commitment is hereby amended by deleting Paragraph 2 of the CondiEions. The Company hereby insures against loss or damage by reason of bhere being recorded any deeds, mortgages, lis pendens, liens or oEher title encumbrances which firsE appear in the publ j-c records subsequent to the effective Date of CommitmenE, buE prior to the effective Date of Policy. "Public records" as used herein means ttrose records in which under statutes deeds, mortgages, judgment liens or lis pendens mus t. be recorded in order to impart constructive notice to purchasers of the land for value withou! knowledge ' This endorsement does not insure against such loss or damage if the exisEence of such deeds, mortgages, J-is pendens, liens or oLher title encumbrances is actsually known tso Ehe proposed insured prior to or at the time of the closing. The closi-ng is defined herein as being the time of the execution and delivery to the proposed insured of the documenEs creating the interest of Ehe proposed insured. protection under this endorsement is conditioned by the following requirement: a. We must conduct the closing of the transaction to be insured under this CommiEment or properly executed instrument.s creating t.he estate or interest to be insured must be detivered to the tsiEle company issuing the Comnitment within 24 hours of the closing. b. Affidavit and fndemnity attached hereto musE be fuJ.1y executed by the party or ent i tv descri lp.l i n Dara^r-=nh ? '-'' Schedule A.srr ur uy The Commitrnent is hereby amended further by Ehe deleEion appearing on Schedule B - Section 2 ExcepEions. An ALTA Plal"n issued. A Colorado Form 13O.3 Endorsement wi-11 be attached Eo Ehe automaticaLly increasing Ehe policy amount by L0* of the face five anniversarj-es of the policy date. of items 2-5 inclusive, r.ar.r,,:.ra Dn l r nv will be AITA Plain Language Policy amount on each of the first colorado ForDr No. 130.2 ( R.v. 2/95) Owner's Excncted Coveoge Co$xriErEnt Ercbrs.rncnl Protection under this endorsement is Eo be afforded to Ehe proposed insured owner shown on Schedule A when the land is a 1-to-4 family residential lo!- This end.orsement is made a parc of the policy and is subject co aI- of the terms and provisions thereof and of any prior endorsemenEs thereEo. Except co che extentr expressly "t.t.d, it neiEher modif i-es any of the terms and provisions of Ehe policy and any prior endorsemenEs, nor does it extend the effectsive date of Ehe policy and any prior endorsemenEs, nor does it increase the face amount thereof - Dated: June 8, 2000 F IR ST AM ERI CAN TITLE IN S U RAN C E CO M P ANY Aut.hor j. zed s ignatory LrTt30.2 tuodurofrrul a&ngtap uoQauv ts4[ a: oo t. ******* *********,1***'l**********,t*+t**,i+**++**+***********'$********************,|************* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ***lt*+*+r t +**++***,i:t++i,ir*a**+****t*************++rftt*+****+***f****++++f*tr*t+*****+***** Statement Number: R030003595 Anount: $500.00 07/06/2OO3O1 :21 PM Palments Method: check Init: JAR Not.ation: 329 Kate cocchiarel la Permit No: P8c030003 I:t)e: PEC - variance Parcel No: 209918203006 Si-te Address: 5198 GORE CR VAIL L,ocati"on: 519 8 Gore Circle TotaL Fees: $500.00 This Palment: $500.00 Total ALrr Etnts: $500.00 Balarrce: So-0o **+t**++*** ++****+'l'l+*************+**+t******* *+++{.***+**'}**+t***************{.{ti++++*lil***+ ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Cunrent Pmts PV OO1OOOO31125OO PEC APPTICATION FEES 500.00 ,F ',f' j( TOWN OF VAIL ( gnPy Deprtrtment of Communiry Deve Lopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-21-?8 FAX 970-479-2452 June 15,2000 Paula Canning 5198 Gore Circle Vail, CO 81657 Re: 5198 Gore Circle / Lot 8. Dear Paula: Lot Size: Zoning: Allowable GRFA: Existing GRFA: Available GRFA: Block 3, Bighorn 5'n Addiiion 24,015.61 square feet / 0 55 acres Single-family Residenlial 4,701 .5 square feet* 2,462.0 square feet 2,239-5 square feet- Pursuant to our discussion this morning, this letter wiil summarize development issues on the above-referenced property. This information is based upon a survey of the property by Intermountain Engineering dated 9120190. These figures are subject to additional verification via surveys or floorpians. Allowable Site Coverage: 4,803.0 square feel Existing Site Coverage; 2,657 .0 square feet Available Sile Coveraoe: 2.146.0 souare feet Required Setbacks: Front: Sides: Rear: Stream: Max. Height: Min. Landscaping: Required Parking: Geologic Hazards: 20 feet 15 feet 15 feet 30 feet from mean centerline 33 feet 60% of total site area 3 spaces None (small portion oi lot within 1OO-year floodplain) "This figure does not include the bonus 250 sf credit this unit may receive once the total allowable GRFA (gross residential floor area) has been utilized. {i o"n"*o 'n'u' The existing garage encroaches onto town right-of-way and the required front and side setbacks. The construclion of new garage parking at this location will require the romlirrTowrcf rmftannlng-a Commission. lt has become apparenl to town staff that unique circumstances may apply to this lot and that.some relief may be necessary from the strict interpretation of the zoning regulations in order lo prevent a practical hardship. for the owner. Please be advised, however, that a new garage would have to be located entirely on private property as the town right-of-way is intended for public uses only. Perhaps the biggest issue facing the potential for new garage parking is the location of the existing drainage and utility easements along the eastern property boundary (some title work is necessary lo determine exactly who the easements are dedicated to). The town could not permit construction over these easemenls without a written encroachment agreement between the property owner and the easement beneficiaries. lf you would like 1o discuss this matter in greater detail, please do not hesilate lo contact me at (970) 479-2140. Sincerely, E'-4'- /'//'4*- Brent Wilson Planner ll 'it.*tiq{ DRB APPLICATION - TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO /.r r-,Ll I q4 DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED: '1/ t> n l a I f DATE OF DRB MEETING: t f - szryr zttEpy0 Z//6// -r^; i ' rn1 A. DEscRrpT roN : ,/"(e ino u<^ LL? r '. e lr r,,J - t ,vr s t'cS-.v revised 6/L8/9L B.TYPE OF REVTEW: New ConstrucLion ($200.00) K Minor Al-teration ($20'00) Addition (950.00) T:-qr".l Review ($0) I. r'rs ePPLr*r#ililliJot "t A..EPTED UNTII, AI,L REQUIRED INFOR!{ATION IS SI'BMITTED t*********rr*rirrr*r 4/t€ Al 'bdq'nryctu1 PROJECT INFORMATTON: _ Ll C. n I. ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION:f,ot K Block 5- ' ,*l Subdivi sion If property is'described by a meets and bounds legal description, please provide on a separate sheet and attach to this application. ZONING:\-" "\ LOT AREA: If required, applIcant must provide a current stamped survey showing fot area. NAME OF APPLTCANT: Maifinq Address: Phone NAME OF Mailing APPLICANT, S REPRESENTATIVE : Address: Phone NAME OF OWNERS: SIGNATURE (S) : Mailino Addre Phone Condorninium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at the time of subrnittal of DRB application. Later, when applying for a building permit' pl-ease identify the accurate valuation of the proposal . The Town of Vail- wj-Il adjust the fee according to the table below' to ensure the correct fee is paid. FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION ,t ,oro, , n"'u6,r, cn YV $ 10,001 $ 50,001 s150,001 $500,001 $ Over s 10,000 s 50,000 I 150,000 I 500,000 s1,000,000 $1,000,000 FEE I 20.00 $ s0.00 s100.00 9200.00 s400.00 9s00.00 *NO APPLICATION WILL BE PROCESSED WITHOUT OWNER'S SIGNATURE . ^t-v Project Application c/rCA/ ?Zrh- -/?/q/// zb onunyr/,' I ,^" /a// eroiect Name: 5/ Project Description: Contact Person and Phone arJ Owner, Address and Phone:.e/- Ja/>b(t rr/aztr dn- lt/ A/e ,4 c daar h a//azrr,trzd?d- ax (trr /7L -Z Architect, Address and Phone: ririns fur.7 54 . zon" VJ --v-Legal Description, Lot f4 , Block Com ments: Design Review Board """ ?//6ft/ Motion by: Seconded by: A PPR OVA L DISAPPROVAL Summary: Town Plan ner Staf f Approval l j .i-r -:--. 1 ''1 rl 1l}1 ra\ll i:-t l: "r. x I tsx;r It; t i xq14 I I t:s*[ I i i(t I i ! ll rl ll ll ri ti --li ++ lr tl i I ,l rl I I f I I I I ) --l i\ rJ ul -z 2- \) (\\) -1 (, r$r I L-- tr r -d- \5 z. LI t)7 tt\-z I :-\ 1- -+-J "l ---{' tl rl +-+ ( d ? "-J cgt lf1 si 3 \J f \ l- -s K ii g { I lJ- $ E 't I i 1 I I , I I I if I i I I lr i td 5 fl fir (ls*.id {l-dr <] ${r.JT ro l-r. o _t) d -o o -e ?t t-l I Y .4 I I 9t ir\li \ ll rr\li 'Ni -i--J '-/ I - -'#1r;'-tjrj: 'r I ' I | 1 I ' i I 11''i Lri I i r r;l I r l.| ., r ;lirS ! r il'' iii'lJ r ill r:!l ilit illt -j., ! --l Ln - l 4 a I t-1 -1 I I -t +- \h- )fr \ -.- 4;'i f'z ,I $ ,$l zt E6 li < C lll $n "s F ' ll.'x \$$ s -.;. tg a \ ., o 't .,.r 6gr \i 11'\ "lt \-i-- -! .i \ OI'rt' HfHwz2l-1 1ae*t'-r, + ilgf. 9'@ *t, ) ,/' t ; tl ,/ LJP /l / llgl 9ur t. /rt , -$' ' ' ././ ,), ,r,' a/,, 4u,, ,r! t' I I -1 I J Wtef y,t.g{g;s audl'l , 6v16fi, O I i I I L_____ . o o o*t /_oi >--+t'\ }$$FF -tr$ F- r.l irs r: ii{ =.' t-- z= rV0 Nd\ tsx X tl'fl* Pir 2 $l {)p.t is v\ t- I \ \ \y -1 Bii \5-J 9 Er{:) Ur \)ssz .lt _,I d' t\\ ,. it K ,.t/t- 0\ :"\ I .I r.l !t ,l: --x \\ i 7 I I I I ^l u l! : \_-\.l ul o n tr d L:+ d T l!tr (| n \r liujr b -': -r,rl I rv il t I {;:Jl I uurj L l IrS -'r :_ll #\t :ffE s{ K$ o o J <z TJ U)2 -) t $ R +N d ( i{ ( \i u s's v \ N t\\rf,-- | $$$ $$5 v $t ti T{C $r E %,h $i$ Fr$I r-E \*s N x-ll *lt o ^#{,tm - 121*7t'V '- qA ::.,-O.bl llxz''a ffiTtau aa^A*&tYrP :1"'tz1,vuV*l-4 az()l A'H oltT,'a - tr x )7 s L z s J \z F r ^ ^#,lW# \'r--':': | ).il2{d4 hg v - -:=-;%7,;*^ \{fr ?*\. Lt@g t{Ag w9 tl-6p\\ da+aw\e c)o z CN {F c o o z !m 7 ={ --l m !q l-o .:-tt l.{ li o l<x f ITY:lm5 d 19* 3 l.li q lqP o l.v irr O l3r 3 l-r il 3 '<c o.< dF ;9 -@O ctt >l 16 () :t m-)o _rt !m -.t an Il Or z= Q(Il 2z oo z m o 'r z o =-a-7->\.ttt / /.\\ =l{/ r, \ =\g-'I v.-'=r.^ 7 Ft*arFt H}4-<!(D zn= = L ,, tr, YF r- r-r r-r rX tlt ttx z -t -l -m r,u q,z =q m; lr l,/ll Eo Ij9 l<No tr 'rl FP \O+t< =a-l m x m TI o z 2 -l m r€ L z v, H z xg c') ,E '{l I 'l ---\. I ft=s o (- z m P z r g x a H F '71 I z OE? =bt><trI<F|m tlg R>f'F tz E- t, tt->l(, lo (,tl . I Nlc)I r-lO FJ | l.oiF r(l Fio tt'd I crl>- | >ttt i I zlo tl I c{lE | >lz I C)rH I o lf4 I HIE rtH 2n vz >m -r> f,) c)I --t m --l z;--.t c I= -tz O6) f-m o --t o t- z -{n -{ e H X &&$( HK *qE oi rt*rx e ry o €z 'n l- m c-) z o I P K H < E l>F F o m I = H F I I 3 F H t. rr t. r E H z l-i to l{ lz t:t>l-E! tm lp lz le I I l*Ir- t?l' 5 I !.! 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'F; E= -.4-d =P to =->-n z(1 -a r{ \J =4 cE r'X o 64 <;e c:'zut o5 o 'nzz €o x I ,+ l.J o\ 5 z 2 F g l- z o z {m (n z z =z -.1 i = t2 Fo t(T E; >; Om 3 c) 14 r. € H P i.\ tJ \t) -t J t- !m 3 ='Tl m m (t c U'm I x o m z c 'It I --t a m a z m m € @ o m m --t z -n m ll1 m o I z o c z tTt t-m c) o z o T m o x g 2 m = = m = =TI m m (t) VALUATION !m =2 o € ri >t- =m I z a) c 2 6, m t-m --t 6 t- 2 o A'(rl uJ lu) o lN)t\)5. l.J \)N !s'5. t,6 tv 7-- W*/ gL+' |/aa/,, tD;L f\rr Town of Vail Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Va j-1, Colorado aI657 (303) 479-2]-38 Plan Analysis based on the 1988 Uniform Building Code Project Number: 92690 Name: cANLo REMoDEL/ADDITToN Address: 5L98 GORE CIRCLE Date: November 28, l-990 Contractor: IIIRRY CASTRUITA Occupancy: R3 Architect: RAY STORY Type of Const: v-N Engineer: ? PlaNs EXAMinET: MICHAEL WHITAKER NOTE:The code items listed in this report are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code reguirements in the L988 UBc. It is a guide to selected sections of the code. Portions of the material contained in this program are reproduced frorn the Uniforrn Building code ( l-988 edition) with permission of International Conference of Building officials FI, NAME AREA MTN.LTGHT MIN.VENT NO.EXITS EGRESS 2 Master bedroom 257 25.70 1-2.85 1 Yes 2 Master bath 1A7 0.00 5.85 1 No 2 EXISTfNG FLooR L289 0.00 0.00 1 No TOTAL FOR FLOOR ].663 1 . L ExfSTrNG BEDRooM l-58 15.80 7.90 l- i Yes I Bath room 40 O. oo 2.Oo 1 No l- MECHANICAL ROOM 39 0.00 0.00 1 No 1 EXISTING FLOOR 777 O.0O O.00 1 No TOTAL FOR FLOOR BUILDING TOTAL 101"4 2677 I 1 FOOTNOTES: 1") EGRESS - An operabte window or door that opens directly to the exterior is required frorn this room. The rninimum clear openable area must meet the following. -- Sec. L204. 1) The minimurn clear height is 24 inches 2) The minimum clear width is 20 inches 3) The minimurn clear area is 5.7 sguare feet 4) The rnaxj-mum si11 height is 44 inches 2) The nurnber of exits is based on TabLe 33-A (Dwe1lings) 3) A nechanicaL ventilation system rnay be used in in lieu of exterior openings for ventilation. -- Sec. 1205. (c) (ro INSULATIONREQUIREMENTS :1) Insulation required in floor of addition supported by piers with open area be1ow.2) Vapor barrier in floor to be set to inside of structure. GLAZING REQUIREMENTS:1) AII glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safety glazing material. -- Sec. 5406. (d) 2) Note wj-ndows and doors in a tub or shower area are required to be safety glazed reqardless of the height above the floor. -- 5406(d) 5. SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS: A smoke detector is required on the ceifing or wall at a point centrally Located in the corridor or area giving access to each sleeping area. -- Sec. 12Lo.(a) 4. The smoke deteetor is required to be wired to the buildingts power source. -- Sec. 1210.(a) 3. A smoke detector is required on all stories. -- Sec. 1210.(a) 4- If the upper level contains sleeping roon(s), a srnoke detector is required in the ceilingr of the upper level close to the stairway. --Sec. l-210.(a) 4 STAIR REQUIREMENTS: A stairway in a dwellinq must be at least 36 inches wide. -- Sec. 3306. (b) The maximum rise of a step is g inches and the mininum run is 9 lnches. -- sec. 3306. (c) exc. #1, Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 ta 38 inches above the nosing if there is 4 or more risers. -- Sec. 3306. (j) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimum height :36 inches, maximum opening size - 6 inches. -- Sec. I7LL. exc 1 The rninirnum headroom is 6 ft.- 8 inches. -- Sec. 3306. (p) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected as reguired for thr fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 3306. (n) ATT]C REQUTREMENTS:1) Provide an access to all attic areas with a clear height of 30 j-nches or more. The minirnun size is 22 inches by 30 inches. There rnust be 30 inches or more clear height above the access. -- Sec. 3205.(a) 2) Provide ventilation in a1t attic areas. The net free vent area is to be not less than l square foot for each 150 sguare feet of attic area. The vent area may be L/3Oo if at least 50? of the reguired ventilating area is provided by ventilators located in the upper portj-on of the attic. The upper ventilators must be at least 3 feet above the eve or cornice vents. -- Sec. 3205. (c) ADDI Tf ONAL REQUIREMENTS I For R3 occupancy THIS PROJECT WTLIJ REQUTRE A S]TE TMPROVEMENT SURVEY' SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR FRAME INSPECTION. Town of Vail Community Development 75 South Frontage Road VaiI, Col-orado 8L657 (303) 479-2L38 Plan review based on the 19BB Uniforru Building Code Project Number: 9269A Address! 5L98 GoRE CIRCLE Occupancy: R3 Type of Const: V-N Portions of the material contained in this Uniform Building Code ( 1988 edition) with conference of Building officials Name: CANLO REMODEI/ADDTTTON Date: November 28, 1990 Contractor: IJTRRY CASTRUITA Architect: RAY STORY Plans EXarriNer: MTCHAEI, WHITAKER program are reproduced from the perrnission of International # SHEET TDENTIFTCATION CORRECTION REQUTRED PAGE 2,3 ADDITION ******** Pp. 4 Pp. 3 FOUNDATIoN PAGE 3 I'{ECH ROOM PAGE 3 MECH ROOM STRUCTURALS within the Tovtn of Vail all roofs shall be designed for a mininurn 80 lb. per sq. ftr. snow load. AII exterior decks shalf be designed for a lj.ve load of L00 Ibs. per sq. ft. All electrical work to be complete to the requirements of the l-987 National Electrical Code. This project wilt require a site improvement survey. such survey sha1l be subnitted and staff approved prior to a request for frame inspection. AII foundations including decks pads shalL be set to a minimum of 48" below grade to prevent frost heave damage. A bond bean shal1 be constructed j.n concrete masonry units at a rninimum of every 4 fl . in el-evation and at top of wall, reinforced with nin. of 2 #4 reinforcement & solid grouted. For heating or hot-water supply boilder applications a floor drain sha1l be supplied for suitable disposing of accunulated fluids. VUIC 2IL9. Tn buildings of unusually tight construction (all new construction within the Town of Vail), combustion air shall be obtained from the outside. Such cornbustion air openings shall be as per UUC Ch. 6. Include a copy of the soils report for the site to be built on. -- Sec. 2905. (b) & (c) ,,***PROVIDE o Page # 2 Required corrections for:Project Id. : cANL,o REIqoDEL/ADDITIoN Address: 5l-98 GORE CIRCLE # SHNNT IDENTIFICATION CORRECTION REQUTRED I **** **** Fgrnaces nOt listed for closet or alcove installation shall be installed in a room or space having a volurne at least 12 tines the volume of the furnace. A boiler unit will require a space 16 tirnes larger than the boiler. UMc 504(b) 9 **** **** Supply a mechanical drawing indicating design of system, size (BTU and volume) of equiprnent, vent location and termination, and combustion air to be suppLied. s1 RtC'[ D';0 3 $s0 November 29, 1990 Ray Story Architect 3230 Katsos Ranch Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Structural Design of Canlo Colorado Enterprises, Inc. - Residence Gentlemen: Ivlonroe Engineering Consultants, Inc. , has provided structural consulting services on the Canlo resj-dence remod.el project,which is located at Lot B, Block 3, Bighorn Subdivision Fifth Addition, Vail, Colorado. Our design was based on a roof snow load of B0#/so.ft and an assumed bearJ-ng pr:essure of 1"500 psf which will be verified by a soils engineer. 2 x framing lumber shall be Douglas !'ir-Larch, Structural If, rvood beams shall be Dougi-as Fir-Larch, Structural r, and floor sheathing shall be 3/4" T & G Sturd-I-wood plywood. The basement CMU wall sha11 have vertical reinforcement at 2'-0 o.c. in grouted cores. Horizontal reinforcement consists of Dur- O-Wall joint reinforcernent at 16' o-c.- The reinforcement con- forms with U.B.C., Section 24A7 @) 3. (iii) . If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to Very Truly Yours, Ir | \V *#'\ Hannes P. Spaeh, P. E, HPS,ZhM PO. Box 1597 48 E Beaver Creek Blvd., #307 Avon, Colorado 81620 303-949-7768 FAX 303-949-1959 onroe Engineering Consultants, Inc. $nfirT sorl,s P. O- Box 195?Dillon, CO 80435 (303) 468-1989 CA}IIO COIfBADO ENT. INC. 5198 ffiBE CIRCI,E TOnN OF VAIL, OO. 81657 ATTII: JOHN CATINING APRIL 26,199I SII&IECT: FOUIIDATION SOILS FOR I|EST SIDE ADDITTON SUBJECT SITE: I,oT 8, BI,OCK 3, FIFTE ADDITION, BIG EORN STTBDMSION vArL, co_ PEaurT No. a4697 Dear John, As requested I, visited tbe subjeet site on April 26, 1991 to obserrre tbe erqrosed foundation soils. he Irurpose of the visit was to deternine the adeguaey of tbe e:rIrosed foundation soils as to tlre desigu bearing capacity. The addition area ras exeavated to a depth of ?' to 1O' below existingi Erade into a nediuu dease silty sand and Eravel with occasioaal cobbles. Based on the soils observed the footincl areas are adequate for support of tbe desiElr bearing capacity of ZOOO pouads per square foot. Prior to concrete placenent all loose disturbed soils should be renoved or tborougbly eoulncted. Bespeetfully, Ifalter o onroo Englneering Consultants P.O. 80X 1597 48 E. BEAVER CREEK BLVD., f3O7 AVON. COLORADO 81620 303-949-7758 April 30, 1991 Canlo Colorado Enterprises, Inc 5198 Gore Circle Vail, CO 81657 Attn: Mr. John Canni ng Re ! Canlo Residence (tqEC i/1627) GentlemenS As discussed, it is the opinion of ants, Inc. that it is acceptable wood basement wa11 systern for the cated on the drawings The wood construction shall be done 1et "Permanent Wood FoundaEion" by Council. Monroe Engineering Consul t -to substitute an all-weather concrete masonry syatem indi- in accordance wi th the Wood Produc t s the book- Promotion The current footing shall remain as shown at 1'-4 wide and 10 inches deep. the reinforcing shall be modified to 2-{15 continu-ous top and bottom. ff you have any questions, please call Very truly yours, i ,\ 'R{lr'.\cm\\'kr-vr..- Pe ter D. Monroe President -...$$u'& i"i. t zacz ':.i .'. ff o o o*t /_oi >--+t'\ }$$FF -tr$ F- r.l irs r: ii{ =.' t-- z= rV0 Nd\ tsx X tl'fl* Pir 2 $l {)p.t is v\ t- I \ \ \y -1 Bii \5-J 9 Er{:) Ur \)ssz .lt _,I d' t\\ ,. it K ,.t/t- 0\ :"\ I .I r.l !t ,l: --x \\ i 7 I I I I ^l u l! : \_-\.l ul o n tr d L:+ d T l!tr (| n \r liujr b -': -r,rl I rv il t I {;:Jl I uurj L l IrS -'r :_ll #\t :ffE s{ K$ o o J <z TJ U)2 -) t $ R +N d ( i{ ( \i u s's v \ N t\\rf,-- | $$$ $$5 v $t ti T{C $r E %,h $i$ Fr$I r-E \*s N x-ll *lt o ^#{,tm - 121*7t'V '- qA ::.,-O.bl llxz''a ffiTtau aa^A*&tYrP :1"'tz1,vuV*l-4 az()l A'H oltT,'a - tr x )7 s L z s J \z F r ^ ^#,lW# \'r--':': | ).il2{d4 hg v - -:=-;%7,;*^ \{fr ?*\. Lt@g t{Ag w9 tl-6p\\ da+aw\e c)o z CN {F c o o z !m 7 ={ --l m !q l-o .:-tt l.{ li o l<x f ITY:lm5 d 19* 3 l.li q lqP o l.v irr O l3r 3 l-r il 3 '<c o.< dF ;9 -@O ctt >l 16 () :t m-)o _rt !m -.t an Il Or z= Q(Il 2z oo z m o 'r z o =-a-7->\.ttt / /.\\ =l{/ r, \ =\g-'I v.-'=r.^ 7 Ft*arFt H}4-<!(D zn= = L ,, tr, YF r- r-r r-r rX tlt ttx z -t -l -m r,u q,z =q m; lr l,/ll Eo Ij9 l<No tr 'rl FP \O+t< =a-l m x m TI o z 2 -l m r€ L z v, H z xg c') ,E '{l I 'l ---\. I ft=s o (- z m P z r g x a H F '71 I z OE? =bt><trI<F|m tlg R>f'F tz E- t, tt->l(, lo (,tl . I Nlc)I r-lO FJ | l.oiF r(l Fio tt'd I crl>- | >ttt i I zlo tl I c{lE | >lz I C)rH I o lf4 I HIE rtH 2n vz >m -r> f,) c)I --t m --l z;--.t c I= -tz O6) f-m o --t o t- z -{n -{ e H X &&$( HK *qE oi rt*rx e ry o €z 'n l- m c-) z o I P K H < E l>F F o m I = H F I I 3 F H t. rr t. r E H z l-i to l{ lz t:t>l-E! tm lp lz le I I l*Ir- t?l' 5 I !.! I € z td fc,l!F trt irt r c)H H l-{ t€ lz \O l.\F-l;it;wt=s'T o. l:D -lB I lz le I I l-lr lr4 I -{J mlO 5t€:tz lo ll l> lF lfl lz le I I I I I l H F F F tri * l{ t€lz \o ln F-l; \9 l<il> -i Il- trlB 'I lz lo I I I lF Its II F! I ;;: s 3iF:od i6 ()f:r Y =D O '.-< Q {.5EF 3=gq'; +O re o o !af cJ*- 5:"3{^-;o, (u i Q 3.a ci:9*5 *o Z to94@ O -=E -! o! :? o, -:'--f=i; ;'a !.3'{ o f- -r (/r3l= dE48 ==33 I =: =i re-: E=sI <O-f 0.aR 6' ;5;4 gB a 5 -,39d *ot:):qro=. I (D --* o (D { 9r o t :i f m E ='o o l o +cr +F + lrt +ts +z +cl +Fd +B ( )..\x N F 6\ A I F h( R\ \.{ |i'. I. >g)z^ --t > mc :lm 20 m_n Po o z o o 'n o = U' m t- l= I I r-l I I a -t z t a z fro<>'n-0 --t m o l; l" {o o o -l l z l-_! m t =--l U)z m m |-l m l< ' lz 2 t: t>tr- l; l= I I l o ! z C t- --{ z -.1 ! -t I o z m , c m I IO !€OT :I -z : N NJF z>e8 Io I<'+< >o ol m:@o z C 4 z € {m l z i z X a 'J ft -9 I z m P I 'frc) f.) 'F; E= -.4-d =P to =->-n z(1 -a r{ \J =4 cE r'X o 64 <;e c:'zut o5 o 'nzz €o x I ,+ l.J o\ 5 z 2 F g l- z o z {m (n z z =z -.1 i = t2 Fo t(T E; >; Om 3 c) 14 r. € H P i.\ tJ \t) -t J t- !m 3 ='Tl m m (t c U'm I x o m z c 'It I --t a m a z m m € @ o m m --t z -n m ll1 m o I z o c z tTt t-m c) o z o T m o x g 2 m = = m = =TI m m (t) VALUATION !m =2 o € ri >t- =m I z a) c 2 6, m t-m --t 6 t- 2 o A'(rl uJ lu) o lN)t\)5. l.J \)N !s'5. t,6 tv 7-- W*/ gL+' |/aa/,, tD;L f\rr Town of Vail Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Va j-1, Colorado aI657 (303) 479-2]-38 Plan Analysis based on the 1988 Uniform Building Code Project Number: 92690 Name: cANLo REMoDEL/ADDITToN Address: 5L98 GORE CIRCLE Date: November 28, l-990 Contractor: IIIRRY CASTRUITA Occupancy: R3 Architect: RAY STORY Type of Const: v-N Engineer: ? PlaNs EXAMinET: MICHAEL WHITAKER NOTE:The code items listed in this report are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code reguirements in the L988 UBc. It is a guide to selected sections of the code. Portions of the material contained in this program are reproduced frorn the Uniforrn Building code ( l-988 edition) with permission of International Conference of Building officials FI, NAME AREA MTN.LTGHT MIN.VENT NO.EXITS EGRESS 2 Master bedroom 257 25.70 1-2.85 1 Yes 2 Master bath 1A7 0.00 5.85 1 No 2 EXISTfNG FLooR L289 0.00 0.00 1 No TOTAL FOR FLOOR ].663 1 . L ExfSTrNG BEDRooM l-58 15.80 7.90 l- i Yes I Bath room 40 O. oo 2.Oo 1 No l- MECHANICAL ROOM 39 0.00 0.00 1 No 1 EXISTING FLOOR 777 O.0O O.00 1 No TOTAL FOR FLOOR BUILDING TOTAL 101"4 2677 I 1 FOOTNOTES: 1") EGRESS - An operabte window or door that opens directly to the exterior is required frorn this room. The rninimum clear openable area must meet the following. -- Sec. L204. 1) The minimurn clear height is 24 inches 2) The minimum clear width is 20 inches 3) The minimurn clear area is 5.7 sguare feet 4) The rnaxj-mum si11 height is 44 inches 2) The nurnber of exits is based on TabLe 33-A (Dwe1lings) 3) A nechanicaL ventilation system rnay be used in in lieu of exterior openings for ventilation. -- Sec. 1205. (c) (ro INSULATIONREQUIREMENTS :1) Insulation required in floor of addition supported by piers with open area be1ow.2) Vapor barrier in floor to be set to inside of structure. GLAZING REQUIREMENTS:1) AII glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safety glazing material. -- Sec. 5406. (d) 2) Note wj-ndows and doors in a tub or shower area are required to be safety glazed reqardless of the height above the floor. -- 5406(d) 5. SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS: A smoke detector is required on the ceifing or wall at a point centrally Located in the corridor or area giving access to each sleeping area. -- Sec. 12Lo.(a) 4. The smoke deteetor is required to be wired to the buildingts power source. -- Sec. 1210.(a) 3. A smoke detector is required on all stories. -- Sec. 1210.(a) 4- If the upper level contains sleeping roon(s), a srnoke detector is required in the ceilingr of the upper level close to the stairway. --Sec. l-210.(a) 4 STAIR REQUIREMENTS: A stairway in a dwellinq must be at least 36 inches wide. -- Sec. 3306. (b) The maximum rise of a step is g inches and the mininum run is 9 lnches. -- sec. 3306. (c) exc. #1, Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 ta 38 inches above the nosing if there is 4 or more risers. -- Sec. 3306. (j) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimum height :36 inches, maximum opening size - 6 inches. -- Sec. I7LL. exc 1 The rninirnum headroom is 6 ft.- 8 inches. -- Sec. 3306. (p) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected as reguired for thr fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 3306. (n) ATT]C REQUTREMENTS:1) Provide an access to all attic areas with a clear height of 30 j-nches or more. The minirnun size is 22 inches by 30 inches. There rnust be 30 inches or more clear height above the access. -- Sec. 3205.(a) 2) Provide ventilation in a1t attic areas. The net free vent area is to be not less than l square foot for each 150 sguare feet of attic area. The vent area may be L/3Oo if at least 50? of the reguired ventilating area is provided by ventilators located in the upper portj-on of the attic. The upper ventilators must be at least 3 feet above the eve or cornice vents. -- Sec. 3205. (c) ADDI Tf ONAL REQUIREMENTS I For R3 occupancy THIS PROJECT WTLIJ REQUTRE A S]TE TMPROVEMENT SURVEY' SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR FRAME INSPECTION. Town of Vail Community Development 75 South Frontage Road VaiI, Col-orado 8L657 (303) 479-2L38 Plan review based on the 19BB Uniforru Building Code Project Number: 9269A Address! 5L98 GoRE CIRCLE Occupancy: R3 Type of Const: V-N Portions of the material contained in this Uniform Building Code ( 1988 edition) with conference of Building officials Name: CANLO REMODEI/ADDTTTON Date: November 28, 1990 Contractor: IJTRRY CASTRUITA Architect: RAY STORY Plans EXarriNer: MTCHAEI, WHITAKER program are reproduced from the perrnission of International # SHEET TDENTIFTCATION CORRECTION REQUTRED PAGE 2,3 ADDITION ******** Pp. 4 Pp. 3 FOUNDATIoN PAGE 3 I'{ECH ROOM PAGE 3 MECH ROOM STRUCTURALS within the Tovtn of Vail all roofs shall be designed for a mininurn 80 lb. per sq. ftr. snow load. AII exterior decks shalf be designed for a lj.ve load of L00 Ibs. per sq. ft. All electrical work to be complete to the requirements of the l-987 National Electrical Code. This project wilt require a site improvement survey. such survey sha1l be subnitted and staff approved prior to a request for frame inspection. AII foundations including decks pads shalL be set to a minimum of 48" below grade to prevent frost heave damage. A bond bean shal1 be constructed j.n concrete masonry units at a rninimum of every 4 fl . in el-evation and at top of wall, reinforced with nin. of 2 #4 reinforcement & solid grouted. For heating or hot-water supply boilder applications a floor drain sha1l be supplied for suitable disposing of accunulated fluids. VUIC 2IL9. Tn buildings of unusually tight construction (all new construction within the Town of Vail), combustion air shall be obtained from the outside. Such cornbustion air openings shall be as per UUC Ch. 6. Include a copy of the soils report for the site to be built on. -- Sec. 2905. (b) & (c) ,,***PROVIDE o Page # 2 Required corrections for:Project Id. : cANL,o REIqoDEL/ADDITIoN Address: 5l-98 GORE CIRCLE # SHNNT IDENTIFICATION CORRECTION REQUTRED I **** **** Fgrnaces nOt listed for closet or alcove installation shall be installed in a room or space having a volurne at least 12 tines the volume of the furnace. A boiler unit will require a space 16 tirnes larger than the boiler. UMc 504(b) 9 **** **** Supply a mechanical drawing indicating design of system, size (BTU and volume) of equiprnent, vent location and termination, and combustion air to be suppLied. s1 RtC'[ D';0 3 $s0 November 29, 1990 Ray Story Architect 3230 Katsos Ranch Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Structural Design of Canlo Colorado Enterprises, Inc. - Residence Gentlemen: Ivlonroe Engineering Consultants, Inc. , has provided structural consulting services on the Canlo resj-dence remod.el project,which is located at Lot B, Block 3, Bighorn Subdivision Fifth Addition, Vail, Colorado. Our design was based on a roof snow load of B0#/so.ft and an assumed bearJ-ng pr:essure of 1"500 psf which will be verified by a soils engineer. 2 x framing lumber shall be Douglas !'ir-Larch, Structural If, rvood beams shall be Dougi-as Fir-Larch, Structural r, and floor sheathing shall be 3/4" T & G Sturd-I-wood plywood. The basement CMU wall sha11 have vertical reinforcement at 2'-0 o.c. in grouted cores. Horizontal reinforcement consists of Dur- O-Wall joint reinforcernent at 16' o-c.- The reinforcement con- forms with U.B.C., Section 24A7 @) 3. (iii) . If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to Very Truly Yours, Ir | \V *#'\ Hannes P. Spaeh, P. E, HPS,ZhM PO. Box 1597 48 E Beaver Creek Blvd., #307 Avon, Colorado 81620 303-949-7768 FAX 303-949-1959 onroe Engineering Consultants, Inc. $nfirT sorl,s P. O- Box 195?Dillon, CO 80435 (303) 468-1989 CA}IIO COIfBADO ENT. INC. 5198 ffiBE CIRCI,E TOnN OF VAIL, OO. 81657 ATTII: JOHN CATINING APRIL 26,199I SII&IECT: FOUIIDATION SOILS FOR I|EST SIDE ADDITTON SUBJECT SITE: I,oT 8, BI,OCK 3, FIFTE ADDITION, BIG EORN STTBDMSION vArL, co_ PEaurT No. a4697 Dear John, As requested I, visited tbe subjeet site on April 26, 1991 to obserrre tbe erqrosed foundation soils. he Irurpose of the visit was to deternine the adeguaey of tbe e:rIrosed foundation soils as to tlre desigu bearing capacity. The addition area ras exeavated to a depth of ?' to 1O' below existingi Erade into a nediuu dease silty sand and Eravel with occasioaal cobbles. Based on the soils observed the footincl areas are adequate for support of tbe desiElr bearing capacity of ZOOO pouads per square foot. Prior to concrete placenent all loose disturbed soils should be renoved or tborougbly eoulncted. Bespeetfully, Ifalter o onroo Englneering Consultants P.O. 80X 1597 48 E. BEAVER CREEK BLVD., f3O7 AVON. COLORADO 81620 303-949-7758 April 30, 1991 Canlo Colorado Enterprises, Inc 5198 Gore Circle Vail, CO 81657 Attn: Mr. John Canni ng Re ! Canlo Residence (tqEC i/1627) GentlemenS As discussed, it is the opinion of ants, Inc. that it is acceptable wood basement wa11 systern for the cated on the drawings The wood construction shall be done 1et "Permanent Wood FoundaEion" by Council. Monroe Engineering Consul t -to substitute an all-weather concrete masonry syatem indi- in accordance wi th the Wood Produc t s the book- Promotion The current footing shall remain as shown at 1'-4 wide and 10 inches deep. the reinforcing shall be modified to 2-{15 continu-ous top and bottom. ff you have any questions, please call Very truly yours, i ,\ 'R{lr'.\cm\\'kr-vr..- Pe ter D. Monroe President -...$$u'& i"i. t zacz ':.i .'. ff FROM: DATE: RE: Planning and Enviroilrental Connission comrnunity Development Department (**,*4 ljrllil-.Fif*'it$;*:gt1#i:tri'*:#:'n" li$ :""11'-i";-;;'tes that ,, n Bed lrt ^?'iit:iil :- gi*5i,i1i',""ii*$l!n "ll"'3"u ?l;,H::::="':;J,*'ii:'"'.1":tt::t """^ j"*,n .o, I j::"i:" """ :'l"x=':"*"'"'=836' "li# "'?ll'" 3?'[f,l" ll'" ti t"n unit. {iiq*i*-,,"'ti'"lul5hliili,*'s:#:""i1; I. fT II A. 'l il?i:tl,:'#rr ::":T:?:;;Bi:?}i""'.?"t:e;t;n'" cons:uXs::qe!-!9! j IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Conmunity Development staff recommends approval of this application for a Bed and Breakfast operation. Staff finds that all applicable review criteria and findings have been satisfactorily net. O' Item No. 1: Approval of minutes from June 4. 1990 and June 11. 1990 rneetings. A notion to approve the ninutes from the June 4. 199o minutes as written was made bv Jirn Shearer and seconded bv Ludwig Kurz, VOTE: 6-0 IN FAVOR Chuck Crist stated that on page 13 of the 6/LL/9O ninutes the vote should be adjusted to show that he had abstained. Kathy Warren also had changes to be made on tlre 6/LL/90 rninutes and asked if she could make them later and have the minutes resubnitted for approval at the next meeting. ftem No. 2: A recruest for a conditional use permit to allow for a Bed and Breakfast at Lots 6 and L^/2 of 5, Block 5. Vail Villaqe Seventh Filino. 1119 E. Ptarnigan Road.Apnlicant: Monie S. Beal. There were no public conrnents and the applicant was not present A motion to approve the request ner the staff memo was made bv Dalton Williarns and seconded bv Chuck Crist. VOTE: 6-0 fN FAVOR Item No. 3: A recruest for a conditional use pemit to allow for a Bed and Breakfast at Lot 8. Block 3. Blcrhorn Subdivision, Sth Addition, 5198 Gore Circle. Applicant: John and Paula Canning There were no pubtic comments and the applicant was not present A motion to approve the request per the staff rnemo was made bv Chuck Crist and seconded bv Ludwiq Kurz. VOTE: 5-O IN FAVOR The meeting was adjourned at approxinately 7:oo p.m. 2L "1.u^ oYf ** I tt ,{)i I {1., o BED AND BFJAKFAST APPLTCATTON Nane of Physical ttail ingr Otflner I s aoner | 9 Phone Nurnber: Eignature: Nane of Property owner: (*uL &lor^Jn En/r"Pr;^et Go ' lfailing Address of owner:.1lr\ $u T.,l^L 5F.^s ll d)at-r t'--'lDil - olo.c c 6.1 | 1(a{*,176- 73t Dt{- rt{- sguare footage of 9Oo sguare feet Up to 3 bedrooms or of the dwelling rnay operation. ,E<. / \r a naximun 1. be utilized for a Bed and Breakfast (B&B) Please provide a floor ptan of the dwelling unit with the rooms to be used for the B & B highLighted. Please provide a site pLan and indicate the designated parking. The required parking is as follows: 1 space for owner/proprietor, plus 1 space for first bedroom rentedt ptus 1/2 space for each additional bedroorn rented. ff a Bed and Breakfast operation ProPoses to use Property or facilities owned in comrnon or jointly with other property owners, such as parking spaces or a driveway in a duplex subdivision, the written approval of the other property osrner, owners, or ownerrs association shall be reguired. Address the adequacy of the unitrs trash facilities (i.e. enclosed trash facilities/reg:ular garbage removal service/etc. ) Attach an application for a conditional use pernit and check for 9l-oo.o0 for the Conditional Use application fee. fnclude a title report to verify ownership. 2. Y n'tf 'P2 _, r" .l v 3. 4. 5. ./u l""t ntJ13 fl ",,6'Cruu' ' {/q * 4E s /Ll - 16 t u^( tt+' '- il ).r^ -*- 6f to ' ,^'Lt"'l '<'e- Z" oo Date:l./- ;18 {D (Applicants j Address: 5tqff GoRe- 9i,."\ €- , t/.a{;0' ttSjt/ock4/ ,?,i loyr.,. Address: *o.ff\ e *JJ:!'-'n , ftl /*Jd;hq L t\r\\ tI\ t na TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Planning and Environmental Cornmission Cornmunity Development Department June 25, 1990 (*'t o uAa4,-4r,v\ A request for a ConditionaL Use Permit to a11ow for the operation of a Bed and Breakfast on Lot 8, Block 3, Bighorn Subdivision, 5th Filing, 5198 Gore Circle. Applicants: John and Paula Canning I. DESCRIPTTON OF PROPOSED USE In Decenber of L989, the Vail Tor,rn Couneil passed ordinance No. 3l-, Series of l-989 to allow Bed and Breakfasts in the Town of vail $rith certain criteria. The definition given in that ordinance states that rrA Bed and Breakfast neans a business which accommodates guests in a dwelling unit in which the Bed and Breakfast proprietor lives on the premises and is in residence during the Bed and Breakfast use.ll A Bed and Breakfast nay short tern rent separately up to 3 bedrooms or a rnaximurn of 900 square feet of the dwelling unit. The Cannings have applied for a conditional use pennit to allow them to use two bedrooms in their home in a Single Farnily zone district for a Bed and Breakfast rental . The bedrooms contain a total of 300 sq. ft. Two gruests could stay in each bedroorn for a totaL of 4 guests. II. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Section 18.60, the Community Development Department recomrnends approval of the conditional use pennit based upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1, Relationship and irnpact of the use on developrnent obiectives of the Town. The Town Council encourages Bed and Breakfasts in the Town of VaiI as a favorable type of lodging for touri-sts. 2. The effect of the use on liqht and air.distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities. schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities needs. Four guests can be acconrnodated at one tine and it is unLikely that there would be more than two guest vehicles. There is a bus stop one block away. It is felt that the inpact on the use of parks and recreation facilities and on transportation facilities would be minimal. 3. Effect upon traffic with particular reference to conqestion, automotive and pedestrian safetv and convenience, traffic flow and control , access. maneuverability. and removal of snow from the street and parking areas. It is likely there would be two additional vehicles driving to the Canning residence. Staff feels that this would be an insigmificant irnpact upon traffic. 4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, includinq the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surroundinq uses . The staff feels that the character of the area will not be negatively inpacted by the addition of a Bed and Breakfast in this area. No exterior changes to the residence are proposed to accommodate the Bed and Breakfast. 5. Bed and Breakfast operations mav be allowed as a conditional use in those zone districts as specified in Title l-8 of the Vail Municipat Code for ordinance No. 3l-, Series of 1989. Bed and Breakfast operations shalt be subject to the followinq requirenents : a. Off-street desiqnated parki-nq shall be recruired as follows: I l.t one space for the owner/proprietor plus one 1," space for the f irst bedroorn rented pl-us l-/2 -r^. - \space for each additional bedroom rented. 'v' The Canning property contains more than the required 3 parking spaces. b.Enclosed trash faciLities and reqular garbaqe removal service shall be provided. The Cannings have trash facilities in covered containers in an enclosed trash facility and regular garbage removal serrrice. Renoval of landscaping for the provision of additional parking is stron<tlv discouraqed. There will be no removal of landscaping. Each Bed and Breakfast shaLl be allowed one residential name plate siqn as defined and requlated bv the Town of Vail Sictn Code. The Cannings are not applying for a name plate sign at thj-s time. If a Bed and Breakfast operation shall use propertv or facilities owned in common or 'iointly with other propertv osrners such as parkinq spaces or a drivertav in duplex subdivisj.ons bv way of examole and not limitation, the written approval of the other propertv owner, owners, or applicable owners I association shall be recruired to be submitted with the application for a conditional use permit. Not applicable. d. III. FINDTNGS The Planning and Environnentat Cornmission sha1l nake the followinc findinqs before qrantinq a conditional use permit for a Bed and Breakfast operation: A. B. That the proposed location of the use in accord with the purposes of this ordj-nance and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrinental to the public health, safety, or welfare or rnaterially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the proposed use would conply with each of the applicable provisions of this ordinance. c. IV.STAFF RECOI,TMENDATIOIV The Conmunity Development application for a Bed and that all applicable review satisfactorily net. staff reconmends approval of this Breakfast operation. Staff finds criteria and findings have been a' Item No. 1: Approval of minutes from June 4. 1990 and June lL, 1990 neetings. A notion to approve the minutes froro the June 4, 1990 minutes as written was made by Jim Shearer and seconded bv Ludwig Kurz. VOTE: 6-0 IN FAVOR Chuck Crist stated that on page vote should be adjusted to show Kathy warren also had changes to be nade on t-h.e 6/LL/90 minutes and asked if she could make them later and have the mLnutes resubmitted for approval at the next neeting. Item No. 2: A recruest for a conditional use permit to al1ow for a Bed and Breakfast at Lots 6 and l-,/2 of 5. Block 5. vail villaqe seventh Filinq, 1119 E. Ptarmicran Road.Applicant: Monie S. Beal. There were no public cornments and the applicant was not present A motion to approve the recruest per the staff memo was nade bv Da1ton Williarns and seconded bv Chuck Crist. VOTE: 6-0 IN FAVOR Item No. 3! A recruest for a conditional use Dermit to allow for a Bed and Breakfast at L,ot 8. Block 3, BLghorn Subdivision. 5th Addition, 5198 Gore Circle. Appticant: John and Paula Canning There were no public comments and the applicant was not present A motion to approve the request per the staff merno was made bv Chuck Crist and seconded bv Ludwicr Kurz. VOTE: 6-0 IN FAVOR The neeting was adjourned at approxinately 7:o0 p.m. o 13 of t-};'e 6/Lf/90 minutes the that he had abstained. 2L ct "()i b\ l {ftn {,/q - +b Li. r BED AND BREAKFAST APPLICATION '1, - ; t h w'.(.^:-+'' ).r^ -ut 6l,n - ,o.l'P'-l n, z'or Date:'/- )3 -to l,? *ilo C rr..,.^Narne of Physical MaiIing Name of ltailing owner r s aorrDgr | 9 Applicant: Address: Address:S.c. vrr €- \ 7 J lo \S /o ,o Property Owner: Address of owner: Phone Number: 8iglature: sf.cl^{ 73 .\ c. 6* 7i. hrE Up to 3 bedrooms or a maximun sguare of the dwelling nay be utilized for operation. ^+ -fL footage of 900 square feet l. a Bed and Breakfast (B&B) Please provide a floor plan of the dwelling unit with the rooms to be used for the B & B highlighted. Please provide a site plan and indicate the designated parking. The reguired parking is as follows: I space for owner/proprietor, plus 1 space for first bedroorn rented' pJ-lJs l/2 space for each additional bedroorn rented. If a Bed and Breakfast operation proPoses to use property or facilities owned in common or Jointly with other property olrners, such as parking spaces or a driveway in a duplex subdivision, the written approval of the other property ouner, olrners, or o\.tner I s association shall be required. Address the adeguacy of the unitrs trash facilities (i.e. enclosed trash facilities/regular garbage removal service/etc. ) Attach an application for a conditional use pemit and check for $1Oo.oo for the Conditional Use application fee. Include a title report to verify ownership. 2. > tu.66'* r'^e 4 | P.,, I'.rr- " )t1 (lrito- L U,| I | 3. : 4. 5. , I qlq' F ",t 6' Crn.u' ' 6JJiuisi'n A.u;],,,t s-J.at r 1, '-')D r f -olo.o,'uqY {'(t LL' '8<. 0/ st&&oa" 0i"i' L"f B ,B/o"k B iJi.,ho',. SoLJiui s)m s-ih AJdi*i o n O .llt = 2'Ig*, NT s_g]1+ L_:l* !Iga. !"v.[ Ki{ch.t D1"',n1 Kocrn tnrr{er BrJvcrtn ,( a.rer Lr.uc L I AV, Oqt 6-n" oi*\*oil+ +.\\l. \-qs\t'r\ e. Gra-.,-\ta1c- S*la i,y'J+ DriYc- Co' L{r-E.;il'Gt.u-L I atv C>llr-1a .l ft 't /tl,ri r> i. I .;" I t ll t(r ' .5i ' j\ f ^L',', i -1 .'?.. f-,+ A Bt".\. 3 B,1ho'n 5"0Ctvi ri o'r S1{ *fdi{' on E.o\4..\+C 0'tlc.-{ian tsi pt .l'* f.i p1$s.1n1: a) L{ a)t 3pac.e t o n ttr'r: 6r^ tc SrcR+ otpA.H J"ive qnue-\ ".\iar r*{ Ql. '.te ( i?o-JdJa) $ \*r.'n.n $ Bo"J^-1 lccord.d at ,.lrc"Ft iqr lo THIS DEED, uoc bctfaan JAcl( w. tiANIS courty ot Eagl e rficc lcgrt !ddr.33 ll SPECIAL I{ARR,ANTY DEED orr thir dly of Octrber 20, 1999 of th! , St.t! of Col,or.do, gr!ntor(r), Jld ENIERPRISES, INC., A TD(AS 7 5?0r , St!t. of Cotorado, grantc€(s): for end in conside.atin of thc sr.n of cExl s hefeby .clnoytedged, has granted, barg€ined. 6otd afd contirD. r,nto the grantce(s), thcir h.irs srd 2121 SAI{ JASINIO Sr. 1600 g$i tiFmti6 Tcx{R I8 71 r DALLASI Tx. of thc t Courty of I{TINESSEIII, rhlr thc armtor(s), l{tEE rulDtED rfia,s^m DftLARS A}O 00 thc r6.ipt end sufficicncy of rhich is sents do€s grant, baresin. ecl[, cmvey plop{-tl, togeth?r rith irprovenents, if .ry, situlte, tying ard being in thc E8i-tu; . St6tc ot Cotorldo, described !s fot to.s: IgL qr_Br4eKg_ plqQBl_r_suEqD4slqt, ruFllr ADDnroN, AceoRDrlG ro rHE RE@RDED pi.{r T?IREOF, qlrrC OF EAGLE, SE|IE OF brORAD. r[3o ktDyn by sr.€t rnd nr.nber rs: {Sf *&r* €&I €4* tsI(flORDI *g.tsDnil6iil0}l * rbEH*.lDDEf[QN 5198 Gore Cjrcle, Vail, Co 81657 ctajqilqlhe r!gt9 o! anJ grrt thereof, by. thro€h o|. urder the llU !L!le rlgr! o! anj Errt ther€of , by. thror8h o|. trder th IN IIIINESS VJHREOF, thc ar.nror(s) hrv! €xecured this rbova. lGEIHm. rith 6lt 6rd singutar the hereditarEnts and apFrrtenances thereto bel.or€in9, or in anyrise appertainjng,lnd thc leve.sion sd reversior€, refiainder a.d remairders, rents, issr.,€s srd profits thereof; and att th" rsiate.rigbt, titte. inlerest, cteirn ard demand xhatso€ver ot the granror(s). eith€r in taH or equity, o{, in ard to the abov_c bargained pc€qt se9! yi_th thc her€ditJEnts and appur tenarra(s ) ;IO mVE AllD IO IloLD tte said prerni ses ard d*cribed rith the appu.tena^ces, unto the grante€(s), their heirs rd assigns forever, th" grtntor(s), lon thenEelv€s, their h€irs ar6 personaL repcesentativis or srcci"ro.s,do.s corenant ard rgrec thlt they shltt .rd ritt UAiRAII AND FOREVER DEFEID thc sbove-bargairied prenises in thc qjiet lnd p€acesble possessidl of the gr8nt?e(s). their heirs ard assigns, against ett ard every persori or perso.rs d**s,300r000.00 ) md conveyad, ard by these pre. assigns forever, rlt the reat County of or(s). th. date set tor L4212V st^tE ot rsJofiM Texas coultrY of Dal las Th! forcaoir€ instrnent ras acknortedg€d w JACK t{. TANIG JEANETTELMMUE forr?t|qt||jb lihdrl{ra{ll rlf in Denyer. i nsert lcity andll Octcber 20, 1989 offic befo.c m on this day of a o .;r,DtrtrMRrMtrNT @F tr@MMUNITV DtrVtrL@FMENT XXXXXXX sALEs AcTroN FoRM XXXXXXX 01 0000 41330 COM. DEV. APPUCAT]ON FEES 1 0000 41540 ZONTNO AND ADDRESS MAPS 01 0000 42+15 1988 UNIFORI/ BUILDTNC CODE : 0000 42+15 1988 UNIFORI,{ PLUI{BING CODE 1 0000 42415 1988 UNIFOR}/ MECHANICAL CODE 01 0000 42415 1988 UNIFOR}I RRE CODE 1 0000 42+15 1987 NA]'IONAL zuCTRICAL CODE 1 0000 42115 OTHER CODE BOOKS 1 0000 41548 E PRINTS (M'njRs) 01.0000 42+12 XERoX CoplES / SruOrEs 1 oooo lzszt PENALTY FEES / RE-|NSPECTIoN 1 0000 +1322 OFF HOURS TNSPECTION FE= CON]RACTORS UCENSES fEES 1 0000 41330 ot 0000 4r4r3 ,SIGN APPLICATION coMMENTs: 64 . ,t-. Udr, Cr- t"-'r (L* '{n[rc Ra: st?& Go;aa Ar^& Q"ft-e-*M6** ) }Li=l ' ft/- JOHN A. CANNING, D,V.M. 5198 Gore Orcle Vail, Colorado 81657 TcleFl|odr: €03) 47ffi !t58 ULlo-.'-^-[ %f--\ c*r,\!^s Bi1\..'.-- g-t/-,$=[[i-H"-. R*\ 3^. L.t 7; T,n E.^-0b s-t ?Y G*n Qr^.Q ,U.l-$,Q. &t ! rz a.r 1r ,Ti: *b*.^ sl-- + b"-"^r"^1Q- t-olr o B["{t a PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE Is HEREBY GrvEN that the Planning and Environrnental Cornrnission of the Town of vail will hold a public hearing accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the municipal code of Town of Vail on June 11, 1990 at 3:00 p.n. in the Town of Municipal Building. Consideration of: i-n the Vail 1. A request to apply High Density Multi-Fanily zoning to the Marriott Mark Resort, a rnajor anendment to Special Developrnent District No. 7 (Marriott Mark) and for a conditional use pernit in order to add 58 tineshare units and I employee housing units.Applicant: Marriott corporation. 2. A request for a front setback variance and a creek setback variance for Lot 6, VaiI Village West, Filing No. 2 ' L755 west core Creek Drive.Applicant: Dan and Karen Forey 3. A request for a height variance for an addition to Condominiun Unit E-6, Lot P, Block 5D, vail village First Filing, 141 East lleadow Drive. Applicant: H. william Surith, Jr. 4. A request for a height variance for an addition to Condorniniun Unit E-5, Lot P, Block 5D, Vail Village First Fiting, L4L East Meadow Drive.Applicant: Robert Snith 5. A rnajor amendment to Special Development District No- 4, Area C, Section L8.46.LOO' Paragraph C: deletion of the following sentence rrNo residential lot shall contain more than 42Oo square feet of GRFA per the Glen Lyon subdivision covenantsrr, which amends the GRFA requirenent to conform to the Prinary/Secondary zone district, Section 18'L3.080, Density Control .Applicant: Greg Arnsden for 75* of the property owners. 6. A request for a setback variance in order to add a bay window at Villa Valhalla, Unit No. 3' Lot JI' Block A, Vail Village sth Filing.Applicant: Harry Davison 7. A request for a major subdivisionr a request to approve the preliminary plan, a request for a variance to the maximurn height for retaining walls, and a request for a variance to the maximum percent grade for a road, on a parcel comrnonly referred to as Spraddle Creek, an apProximate 40 acre parcel located north and east of the Main Vail I-70 interchange and east of the Spraddle Creek livery. Commencing at the Northeast Corner of the Southeast L/4 of the Southvest L/4 of Section 5, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the 6th Principal l{eridian, being an Eagle County Brass Cap properly - marked and set, with all bearings contained herein being .Jh n q i I -/ i '7/!rLbd la (k*1crc"d Ctu:rtta a+" sD21?o relative to a bearinq of S 00 Llr 00rr E between the Northeast corl of 6aid Southeast yn oltre Southvrest L/4, anci the sduth#st corner of sai<i southeasVi/4 of the Southwest L/4 being an Eagle County Brass cap properly rnarked and seti said Northeast Corner of the Southeast 1/4 of the Southwest L/4 being the Point of beginning; thence S O0 11r 00n E along the east line of said Southeast L/4 of the Southwest L/4 of Section 5 a distance of 1320.14 feet to the Southeast Corner the said Southeast L/4 of the Southwest L/4 of Section 5i thence S 89 47r 48rr W along the south line of said Southeast I/4 of the Southwest L/4 of Section 5 a distance of 901.00 feeti thence N 73 481 32tt W along Interstate 70 Right of Way line a distance of 2L4.12 feett thence N 66 52 | L2't W atong said Right of Way line a distance of 24L. 10 feet to a point on the west Line of said Southeast L/4 of the Southwest L/4 of Section 5; thence N O0 2Ot 31x w along the west line of said Southeast 1rl4 of the Southwest L/4 of Section 5 a distance of 1161.66 feet to the Northwest Corner of the Southeast L/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 5 being an Eagle County brass cap properly marked and set; thence N 89 41' L2u E along the north line of said Southeast L/4 of the SouthwesL L/4 of Section 5 a distance of L331.07 feet to the Point of Beginning. Said real property containing 39.55 acres, more or less. Applicant: George Gi11ett, Jr. 8. A request for a conditional use perrnit to aIlow for a Bed and Breakfast at Lots 6 and L/2 of 5, Block 5, Vail Village Seventh Filing, 1119 E. Ptarnigan Road.Applicant: Monie S. BeaI 9. A reguest for a conditional use pernit to allow for a Bed and Breakfast at Lot 3, Block 3, Vail Intermountain, 2754A Basingdale. Catherine S. Cheney Lo. A request for a conditional. use perrnit to allow for a Bed and Breakfast at Lot 8, Block 3, Bighorn Subdivision, 5th Addition, 5198 Gore Circle.Applicant: John and Paula Canning 11. A reguest for a conditional use pernit to allow for a Bed and Breakfast at Lot 8A, Vail village 10th Filing, 920 Fairway Drive. Applicant: Alice M. Cartwright The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection in the Comnunity Development Department office. Town of Vail Corununity Development Departnent Published in the Vail- Trail on Uay 25, 1990. Project Application o"" 9'/t 9o Project Name: Project Description; Owner, Address and Phone: ,b tt/ed/arde <rtanrb Architect, Address and phone: F / cl : f/unz f/a'lza Legal Descriptio n, gt B , Atoclt-i--, riling fu7fu4,fa116/11v17a7- - Tsns St/V/r'fthh €x6fz/r7 ftYe/ezto Contact Person and Phone Dl/a., , feNat Tjzal Pnou 476-73/7 fr fi/" Comments: Design Review Board oate f'/Q'9r) DISAPPROVAL €/6"Ct fiX///Z/,A) tlerr/e4 Sufnmary: 'r-rht a, rt-da 72kti., 't-h-r4/ KJ 6/ 54 t'/ *-, 50's€l/n, ,4,s /aerr?,( .aad1 ac*tt//fApz-l,+tt.1 /ry / 4 2/. 5Al att// tnrr-rrft,}[tl -,rt ,]itlr,,t'7i,W't & d'tu zt'rd -7J J a siuApprovar lofiZ*for' 617 t?u/ ,r4) ielrfor' at r)ol s/br'z ,:/ou/r/42 q'o 5c' / sP/Ur</4eR.- /s 50' ada//*r2't.aJ f*).,toa- zP7rno/ 4a {antht/cftc/ tt/t#ou/ 4 51/k?k ttortoncz-). Town Planner "*)1t!'d,trrrc;;f 1:#ii"#i'i'#'!o -Y/ /t i uL/totQL lnwn 75 soulh frontage road yall, colorado 81557 (303) 476-7000 0ctober 4, 1983 Pam Hopkins 201 Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado 81 657 Dear Pam, olflce of communlty development Re: Lot I, BIk 3, Bighorn 5th Addition This letter is to inform you that the Community Development Department wi'l l interpret the north branch of Gore creek which flows through lbt l, bloik 3,Bighorn Subdivision, Fifth Addition as requiring a 30 foot-setback from the center of the branch. The required setback from the main channel of Gore Creek shal'l be fifty feet. If you have any questions, piease contact me. Sincer-e1y, ,/rz?-" ) '/ .u(/'.' fr-((n.r/t pereR URUIR ,/-tr t---' Town Pf.anner PJ:br 1- DNB APPIJICATION DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB UEETING: Rmm.-qf:P i) I1990 I. *****THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTTL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBUTT?ED***** PRE.APPLICATION MEETING : A pre-application meeting with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to deternine if any additional inforaation is needed. No application wiII be accepted unless it is conplete (must include all itens required bv the zoninq administratorl . ft is the applicantrs responsibility to make an appolntment with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements. Please note ttrat a COMPLETE application will streanline the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of conditions of approval that the DRB nay stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building perrnit is issued. Application will not be processed without Ownerts Signature. PRoJEcr DEscRrPTror; r4il L> 4PPF?^J B. I'CATION OF PROPOSAL: Address 444 6r*'" t'+o ct +- Legal Description l-at I Block 7 subdivision ?-r''bal a^'r.< Zoning NAME OF APPLICANT z JJ1s1;A-(Jl pa'tn/-> t-\ler'?9ar14 l{ailing Address: A. c. !|iiii !:,,, Phone 17h'zZt q NAME OF APPLICANTIS REPRESENTATTVE! IA4^I CO^hII^K-I ql,bFt Phone q1b 43Iq E.NA},TE OF OWNERS: SIGNAIURS (8' : Mailing Phone 4-7b -13tat F. Condoninium Approval if applicable. c. DRB FEE: The fee will be paid at the tine a buildincr nermit is paid for. VALUATION s o- $ 10,001 - $ 5O,OO1 - $150,001 - $500,001 -$ over $ 10, OOO $ 50,ooo s 150, OOO s 500,000 $L, 000,000 91,000, 000 FEE $ lo. oo s 25.00 $ s0. o0 9100. 00 $200. 00 $30o. oo I I J....1.1 II. I!{PORTANT NOTICE REGARDING Att SUBUISSIONS TO THE DRB: A. In addition to neeting subnittal requirements, the applicant must stake the site to indicate property Lines anal building corners. Trees that will be removed must also be marked. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the site. B. The revielr process for NEW tsUILDINGS will normally involve two separate meetings of the Design Review Board, so the applicant should plan on at least two meetings for a finaL approval . C. ApplicantE who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled neeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be republished. D. At the discretion of the zoning adnlnistrator, the following ltems may not have to be presented to the Design Review Board. They, however, have to be presented to the Planning Departnent for approval: a. Windows, skylights and sinilar exterior changes that Co not alter the existing plane of the building; and b. Building additions that are not viewed fron any other lot or public space, which have had Letters submitted from adjoining property owners approving the addition; and/or approval fron ttre agent for,or manager of a condominium association. E. You may be reguired to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, debris flow, wetlands, etc). You should check with a Town Planner before proceeding. I I III. ADDITIONS - RESTDENTTAL OR COI,II.IERCTAL b h)rd A. originat floor plans with all specifications shown.n+47 B. -{fro'sets of proposed floor plans (L/4" : Lr or larger) for additions. c. Two copies of a site plan showing existing and proposed construction. Indicate roof ridge elevations with existing and proposed grades Ehown underneath. D. Elevations of proposed addition. E. Photos of existing structure. s dt'c i f tESt ffigi!' "*a I r''kf { e /f a {Jo un?F" or o r s amp r e s o n materials list (attached). At the reguest of the Zoning Adninistrator you may also be reguired to submit: A statenent fron each utility verifying location of service and availability. See attached utility location verification forn. A site irnprovement survey, stamped by registered professional surveyor. A prelirninary title report, verifying ownership of property and lists of easements. rV. FINAL STTE PLAN After a building pennit has been issued, and when the project is underway, the following will be required before any building receives a franing inspection from the Building Department: Two copies of a certified inprovernent sunrey showing: Building locations with ties to property corners, i.e. distances and angles. Building diurensions to the nearest tenth of a foot. All utility service lines, as-builts, showing size of Iines, type of naterial used, and exact locations. Drainage as-builts. Basis of bearing to tie to section corner. All property pins are to be either found or set and stated on map. All easements. Building floor elevations and aII roof ridge elevations with existing and proposed grades shown underneath. CONCESTAL DESIGN REVTEW 1. Submittal recruirements: The ohtner or authorized agent of any project requiring design approval as prescribed by th1s-chapter may subnit plans for conceptual review by the Design Review Board to the Department of conrnunity Developnent. The purpose of a conceptual review shall be to give the applicant a basic understanding with resPect to the deslgn concept and the conpatibifity of a proposal with the Design Guidelines contained within this chapter. This F. H. r. A. B. c. D. E. F. G. H. v. procedure is reconmended nainly for those applications of a higher irnpact than single-family and two-faroily residenses although projects of that nature shall not be excluded fron the opportunity to request a conceptual design review. The followlng informatl.on shall be subnitted for a conceptual review: a. A conceptual site and Landscape plan at a mj.nimun scale of one inch eguals twenty feet; b. Conceptual elevations and exterior materials and a description of the character of the proposed structure or structuresi c. Sufficient infornation to show that the proposal cornplies with the development standards of the zone district in which the project is to be Iocated (i.e. GRFA, site coverage calculations, number of parking spaces, etc. ) ; d. Coropleted application for:m; e. Planning and Environmental Cornmission and o:r Town Council approval if reguired. Procedure: Upon receipt of an application for conceptual design review, the Department of Cornmunity Development sha1l review the subrnitted naterials for general compliance with the appropriate requirenents of the zoning code. If the proposal is in basic conpliance with the zoning code requirenents, the project sball be forwarded to the DRB for conceptual review. If the application is not generally in conpliance with zoning code reguirements, the application and subrnittal materials sball be returned to the applicant with a written explanation of the Department of Community Development's findings. The DRB shall review the application and supporting material that has been submitted for a conceptual revielr in order to determine whether or not the project generally conplies with the design guidelines. No vote of the DRB wiLl be required unless reguested by the applicant. The property ouner or hj-s representative shall be present at the DRB hearing. \ 2. ,a ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS DATE: o./g to LEGAL DESCRIPTIQN: ADDRESST 5/?8 OWNER ARCHITECT T ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE IOT SIZE Iteight Totar GRFA 2 "i':\-i'):tL-t .ar.inalstr-€Rsr- €eeeada:eF€RtA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear Watef COUTSe -6or: ,''. '- ... ir t 1,,:, , ,,, Site Coverage Zai Landscaping Fence,/Retaining l{al1 Heights Parking 50) l'i --q -'r":,!/'lDO/r /8b ' 7,ri .t,;iSy'' 3'/6' J neqrd TotaI Block J fifinq 4f2vn 5lfuiu/zat-57/dc/'ltn) PHONE PHONE :5 'i :'/-i 2!: t ,?4h3 i3/5 | 'r' 44'Y/' /VA //4 ///!,/L/.4 2Ot " 15 1 15 1 Allowed' Existino ./-\. no -(3Or(33) ) t'''\_,_/ Proposed o4 {. .4- t .) Ii-EMAIUG "'"'t A 2b57 ot-- CredLts:Garage ltechanical Airlock Storage A (3OO) (6OO) N 't-t' (eoo) (1200) (:Iool 50 OL OL ,K_ (so) 4Oo) Drive: Perroltted Slope 88 Actual Slope Approved by Town Engineer:Date: Environrnenta l,/Haz ards :lln\'IrqIUtrsII LcIl lraz Gr.I. eF r ., /tl Avalanche /u ,/ t4 0k-1) Flood Plain 2) t Slope 1/ I'* 3) ceologic Hazards .,u /A r'J r':a) Snow Avalanche -a:'i b) Rockfall c) Debris Flow 4) Wetlands t"-- 2./'tuf, J:(-t s't'lbi't{t. e r€4/:-, rtu'ownEs For:a 2312 SCHEDULE A Address 1. Policy Date: October 24, L989 at 8:00 A.U. 2. Name of Insured: cA}{ro coroRADo ENTERPRTSES, rNC.. A TEXAS CORPORATTON 3. Tbe estate or interest in the land described in this Schedule and which is covered by this policy is: A Fee Siuple 4.'Title to the estate or interest covered by this policy at the date hereof is vested in: CANIO COTORADO ENTERPRISES, INC., A TEXAS CORPORATION 5. The land referred to in this policy is situated in EAGLE County, colorado, and is described as follows: I'T 8, BI'CK 3, BIGHORN SUBDIVISION, FIFTH ADDITION, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PIAT THEREOF, COUNTY OF EAGT.E, STATE OF COIfRADO. O eoric$. Az762L3o Flle No. V14212 Anount S3OO,OOO.OO Page 1 Ttris Policy valid only if Schedule B is attached. rtUJqrn?r Fono 2313 r|: no. V14212 SCI{EDUI,E B folicV No. A2762130 This pollcy does not insure against loss or damage by reason of the following: 1. Rights or clairns of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easenents, or claims of easernents, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of the prenises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor, or naterial theretofore or hereafter furnished, irnposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. 1989 TAXES NOT YET DUE AND PAYABLE. 6. LrENS FOR UNPATD WATER AND SEWER CHARGES, IF ANY. 7. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REI.IOVE HIS ORE THEREFROU SHOULD THE SAI{E BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSE T THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED Septenber 13, L9O2, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 491. 8. RIGHT OF t{AY FOR DITCIIES OR CANAIS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITT OF THE ITNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED Septenber 13, L9O2, rN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 491. 9. RESTRICUVE COYENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFETTURE OR REVERTER CI,AUSE, BUT OUITTING RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED ON RACE, COIOR, RELIGION, OR NATfONAL ORIGIN, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRII1ENT RECORDED November 25, 1956, IN BOOK 175 AT PAGE 445. 10. UTTLITY EASEUENT FTVE FEET IN WIDTH AIONG ALL INTERIOR IXT LINES AS RESERVED ON T1IE RECORDED PT,AT OF BIGHORN SUBDIVISTON FIFTH ADDITTON. 11. E,ASEMENT AND RIGHT OF WAY OF GORE CREEK AS IT AFFECTS SUR'ECT PROPERTY. 12. UTILITY EASEI.IENT TEN FEET IN WIDTH AND PEDESTRIAN EASEI{ENT TT{ENTY FEET IN WIDTH OVER THE SOUTHERLY PORTION OF IOT AS SHOWN ON IHE RECORDED PI"AT OF BIGITORN SUBDIVISION FIFTH ADDITION. Page 2 tfu;oarret. ForD 2313 ri n.. vL42L2 SCHEDULE B jolfcV l|o. A2762130 13. DR.AINAGE E.ASEI{8ITT TEN FEET IN WTDTH AIONG THE NORTHEASTERLY IPT LINE OF SU&'ECT PROPERf,Y AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PI,AT OF BIGHORN SUBDIVISION, FIFTH ADDITION. 14. DEED OF TRUST DATED October zot 1989, FRol'l CA}{Io COITRADO ENTERPRISES,INC., A TEXAS CORPORATION TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF UERVYN 1,. HPIN TO SECURE THE Sl,}{ OF $150,000.00 RECORDED October 23, 1989, IN BOOK 516 AT PAGE 35. Page 3 75 south trontag€ road vall, coloredo 81 657 (3O3) 476-7000 July 1-4, 1988 Ms. Lynn Voliter 5198 Main Gore Drive VaiI, CO 81657 Re: Lot 8, Block 3, Bighorn Subdivision Fifth Dear Lynn: The problem with your garage encroaching into the Town right-of-way is not unigue. Given the fact that the cul-de-sac originally platted was not constructed, I see a good possibj-tj-ty that the encroachment can be satisfied through the vacation of this portion of the right-of-way. The process to vacate this portion of right-of-way involves subnittingl a rrvacation platrr of the three lots involved. this plat would also need to reflect property adjacent to the right-of-way, show existing inrprovements (road edge, driveways,etc.), and portions of the lot lines to be extended and abandoned. I would encourage you to have your surveyor contact Stan Berryrnan to coordinate the location of the new right-of-vtay. Formal approval of the vacation reguires two hearings before the Council. Because two hearings are required, I would estimate this process to take six or more weeks as opposed to the four weeks I referred to in our meeting. Do not hesitate to call ne with any questions you may have. erely, Thomas Senior TAB:Kmc &A^*--- A. Braun Planner o o z CN {F c o {o z CL o E .o l-i f l<t lr i6 lrU I la1 O l- {r l#a 13:l=3 |-r tr t CL o g o 3 o =PP T'1-tP=gP" t- .T1 T or- z=o@ >= oo z z -' trEE trtrtr o c+(D - o c+ o 5 t-t t-Xm uia o>'t- r.t zG) n2 >m -{>or-n o -T' =m -t Z a''l n-r m o I z o o o z --t i O 'tr z;-rc f=o=1z ft nY 3! o> --{ @ t- -z l* E.trt lo l5 l=l(t lct I l=t> t;p OE =t><F t> B t I rl I I = _9 l<l>tr t> l<t> t;lo l<t> r-F p T m n ={ F t @ I @ o I m !n o (- m -{ z o t\\| h) ON zY.2 mxn 4-m oF i o &s 3;r.in q o *.)1Z :i. n o o,9f o 3 E -o = E b zq 'n2Z € 7 N@= $m= ob€<nm =tE nz Fc t-z 2= --t F{>t >:@rn C €-:c> at I";I: N 3Fr;i )l-l:i 'r iEIil *==fiF:\dc'l I x -iEz2- sf = 3 l' ': .. iitiii$;,3I-: o :;=:Iy\; ; I ; ;t:, t, lZ. r l3l I l:l t, t/-ir Fl;r Frl I l*l I Frl I FI pt I FnI pl l<t I fDt I BI ttt II tf lgl FI;l('|| |lr I I loo I Pt I tl lll 'rl nl 6r ;l -l !m n =-!z o Project Application Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot etock K ,r,,,^n?4h*o f*b \l \J Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Chief Building Official VALUAT]ON SECTION .t drfincd in Crtillotion t Sirt.rn.nr ol Conditionr (FHL^,lC Form 439/FNMA Form loollSl. nsrncr. dirtrnca lrqn trar"tt intlrtaction, tod tnY It tubflrintf lor FNMA, th! lpprrirar murt -h (t I rk.ldr o. map Aowing locltion of tubicct, dcrftrlnul conditions and (2) !xrerior boilding tkatch ol improverrrtnn rhovving dimcniiona Pu.pox of .Apprli5l it to r3rimatt Molruram an tt No. Storirt SC. Ft IrreqBlar x - 2 ,000 xt Toul Gros Living Atls (Lln In Marklt Oat Andytit balorvl Cornmcnt on furEtio,rll and ccorpmic oblolctcrncc: Normal phvsical deterioration of five vears or about 10t is applicable COST - NEW - OF IMPROVEMENTST sq.Ft.OS 40.OO - 3 80,0O0 Sq. Ft. e 3 /Eee.s'; -T7,-136- ---1650- Port - Sq. FL Q 3 D+raqiltsd valur ot improv.m.nlt . ESTIMATED LAND VALUE (lf loatshold, rhow onlv lca:etrold valuel INOICATED VALUE 8Y CGT APPROACH . 5,0oo 3 103,980 3 t 10r398 3 93,582 g 50,OOO 3 143,582 rect costs: Arch/Tn & Profit (2Ot) lmprovern€nts (driyaw8y, landrc4iry, ra.) oral Erlim.tld Corr N.ty COMPARABLE NO. I Lot 29 VaiI l4eadows Filinq I Lot7BlockIBighorn Fifth Addition 5198 Gore Circle S ame neiqh.borhood Same street Datc of Sal€ and Tirnr Adiuttmenr Living Arca Room Crunt and Total z rt. r(IO,05O i3 i2 !s,ooo FuII kitchen fireplace , Inferior ; f,5OO FuIl kitchen, fireplace , FuIl kitchen fireplace r 1978 (7,250)Minus iS (43 '5OO) Th6 underrigncd hos recited three recent ial6 of properties most 3imilar and proxirnare to rubiect aird hai coolid€rcd lhe'e in thr msrket analYti3. Th. dercrip' tion includ€s a dollar sdiusinEnt, reflecting market reaction to those itenE of significant variation bctween the rubiecl snd comp.rrbl€ propertiE' ll ! tignifican item in th? comparabla p.operty is luperio. to, o. more lavorable lhan, rhe iubiect properiy,6 minu: C) adiu:tment is made, thw rEducing the indicated value ot sbiecr; il a signilicant irem in the comparable is inlerior ro. or le5r lworable than, the lubjest prop?rty, a plur (+l ldiustmenr i! tnade, lhut increating the indica- ted Yaluc of thc lubject. COMPARAELE NO. 3 Irct- 3, Block 4, Bigh Fifth Addition Same neiqhborhood 79 ,00c i$ 58.5 5,OC 350 19, l; EquaI l-or ki tchen fireplace Closed July 1978 66,41: comrn nt! on Markot Dat' Ir{ost of the dwellings in this area are ei-ther duplexes or condominium structures. T'he few sinqle family residences rrere custorn built for the oriqinal ownr therefore vary widelv in size and quality. 2l I rt L45 ,4" o |-