HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIGHORN 5TH ADDITION BLOCK 5 LOT 3A LEGAL.pdf/ REPT 131 - .-. *- o, uorrl1r'LoR.Do ) O7z3O REOUESTS FtlR INSPECTION TJORK SHEETS FOR: 9/11/97 PAGE AREA: DS a5 97 Aetivity: Address: Locat i on : Parcel: Deseri pt i on : Appl ieant: 0wner: Contract or: 897-0elo glI-l/97 Type: A-BUILD Status; ISSUED Constr: ADUP 4876 JUNIPER LN 4916 A JUNIPER LANE e101-131-o.2'o,?6 Oce: INSTALL 3g YR ASPHALT SHINELES TO lIATtrH G&GRUOFING Phone: TfASTERVAL PHILLIF t",l t JOSEtrHINE Phone: G&6ROOFING Fhone: lJse: V N 970569555e 97A669555e Inspection Request Inforration.. Requestor: trARDLYN/G&G ROI)FING Req Tire: Corrents: Iters requested to be InsPected. OO09O BLDG-Final trhone: 668-555e Tire Exp Corrents Inspeet i on Iter:Iter: Iter:Iter: f ter:Iter:Iter:It er:Iter:It er:Iter:Iter: Iter: History..... 0OSIO driveway grade final o,o,610 BLDG-Foot ings/St ee I o,o,o.?g BLDG-Foundat i onlSt ee I AQ5?A PLAN-ILC Site Plan OOO30 BLDG-Fraring OOO4B * * Not On File * * tlAASO BLDG-Insulat ion g006g BLDG-Sheetroek Nai I OOOSS * * Not On File * * AgOTg BLDG-ltlise. OOO9O BLDG-Final O053O BLDE-Terp- Cltr 00540 BLDE-FinaI tr/O 1- Mna4l 'ttb DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 97 0-47 9-2t38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #t 897-0210 Plan Check---> Investigation> tli L l. caL l----> 107 -25 DRB .00 3.00 Recreation Fee----------> C Lean-l.Jp Depos i t--------> TOTAL FEES.___- 100.00 P APPROVED 01/15/res7 07 /15/reel or /tr/ reeB .00 375 .25 .00 375 .25 OWNER Description: INSTALL 30 YR ASPHALT Occupancy: R3 Type Construction: V N P O BOX 817, FRTSCO CO 80443 WASTERVAL PHILLIP W & JOSEPHINE 2007 souTH BLVD, HOUSTON TX 77098 APPLICANT G&GROOFING P O BOX 817, FRTSCO CO 80443 CONTRACTOR G&GROOFING Phone: 9706685552 Phone: 9'1 06685552 Total Ca(cutated Fees---> 375.25 .00 AdditionaI Fees---------> Job Address Location,,. Parcel No..Project No. 4876 JUNIPER LN 4916 A JUNIPER LANE 2l-01-131-02-026 Status. . . Applied.. Issued. . . Expires, . .00 Totat Pernit Fee--------> SHINGLES TO MATCH Single Famj-Iy Residence Type V Non-Rated Add Sq Ft:Val-uation:11 .520 F i reotace Information: Restricted:fof Gas Apptiances:fof Gas Logs:#0f Uood/Pa L tet: *****************************ff*************************** FEE SUI'lllARY **********#************************************Lt******* 8ui Lding-----) 165.00 Restuarant P lan Reviey--> .00 375 .25 BALANCE DUE----*t*t****ft***t*****************'Hr************tr***********ff*****lr*****************ff*t*Jri**************t*ff***ffi***tr*********** Item: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:07/15/7997 CHARLTE Acrion: AppR CHARLTE DAtrs I!glni"9?{90 PLANNTNG DEPARTMENT_ Depr: PLANNTNG Division:07/15/7997 CHARLIE Action: APPR N/A I!gT:',gtp90 FIRE DEPARTMENT ____ .-',_ Depr: FrRE Division:07 /15/1997 CHARLIE Action: APPR N,/A Itelni',q55q0 PUBLIC WORKS '. Dept: pUB WORK Division:01 /I5/1997 CHARLIE Action: APPR N/A ******ff*Jr***t*****)t*******ff*ff***ff***tr['t******************Jr**ffirt***fiffr***ffffr********ff*********************#**t******tr***** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I.hereby acknowtedge that I have read this apptication/ fil,ted out in ful,L the information required, compl.eted an accurate ptot Pl'an/ and state that atl the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compLy with the infornation and pl.ot ilLan,to compty with ait Town ordinances and state taws, and to buiLd this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes/ design review approved, tlniform BuiLd'ing Code and other ordinances of the town appl.icabLe thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE t'lADE TI,ENTY-FOUR HOURS tN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AI 479-2138 oR AT OUR OFFICE FRot{ 8:m Ail 5:OO pil Send C[ean-up DeDosit To: G & G ROOFING SIGNATURE OF OI,INER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HITISELF AND OIINER Page 2 ** * * * * * * * * * t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CONDITIONS Permit *t 897-0210 a6 of 07/75/97 Status---: APPROVED ***************************************************************************r,**** Permir Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUIrD PERMTT Appli_ed--| O1/15/t997 Applicant--: G&cROOFING Issued---, 07/15/1997 9706685b52 To Expi_re:. Ot/tl/t998 Job Address: 4876 JUNIPER LN LoCAtion--_: 49T6 A JUNIPER LANE Parcel No--: 2101-131-02-026 Description: INSTALI, 30 YR ASPHAIJT SHINGLES TO MATCH * * * * * Jr tr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOng * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. FTELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. ALL WORK MUST COMPLY WITH 1991 UBC CHAP. 32 'ARCEL /r : ,,o\r-Te2e2s--t'3Hil"?f, Xillr8i{i3il";3i':I PUt{.UlT I DATE: APPLICATICN I'IUST I]E TILLID OUT COI'IPLETELY OR IT IIIAY I{OT BB ACCEPTED rt rt * J< /c * rt * rt * * * * rt * * tr rk * ,( * rt 1t * * )t ',i * rt PIRI'IIT II|FORI{ATIOI.J Tb * ?t * * * * tr Jt rt tt lr * * * tr * tt * * * * * '* * * tt * I d-Building [ ]-Plunbing [ ]-E]ectrical [ ]-Mechanical [ ]-other Job l{arne: Wa s te rva 1 Job Address: 4916A Jlniper T,a Legal Descriptiotr: Lot 3 Block. j_ Filing 5 addit66hprvrsl0ti:Bi ghorn Orvners Narne: Philip Wasterval Address: 4916A Juniper T.ane Ph. azq-ggaq Architect:Address:Plr. ceneral Description:)nJ t^lork Ctass: [ ]-l{ew [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Addi.tional ful-Repair [ ]-Other l{urnber of DweIl j.ng Units:llunber of Accorrunodation UuiLs : I'Ulmber an<l Type of Fireplaces: Gas Apptiances- Gas Logs- Wood/Pellet-t*4 Kyor IXrt * * * .* ,t rt r. rt Jr rt :t rt rt * :t rt * tr * rt rt :! rt * * tt lt rt * * * * * VALUATfONS * * rt rt * t t )'! * tr rt * rt * * * * * * tt:t rt tr * il rt rt t tt)t,tJr*f$rp durr,orNc: _$_l!120._ uLEcrRrcAL: $- oTIIER: pt-,ui'IsrNc: $ I'IICIIANICAL: $ TOTAL: s s'^f - )ft * ,t ,* ,r ,t * 'r * 'r * ;t ]t * * r! :t * it ,i t J! tr )t t( t t t COIq,II{ACTOR INI'ORI\IATIOIJ rt * * * * * J t ,r * 't * * * 't * * tt Jr tt rt ,t * tt * * * #\leneral Cotlt-ractor: G & G Roof inq, Inc. ^, . Town of Vail Reg. NO.L2 -.S-Adclress: p.O.Box 817, Frisco,Co 80443 l{7/-QIlt0 Phone l{utnber:668-5552 lilechanical Contractor : Address: * */r t! rt * * * tr * 't tt rt * tt* * * rt )t >t ?t * -*:t * rt *>l:t * tt FOlt ]]UILDING PERI"IIT I'EE: PLUMBING PBIT].ITT FEIJ: MECIIAI'IICAL PtrRI'IIT I'EE: ELECTITIC/TL FEE: OTIIER TYPE OF FEE: DRB T'EE: Ovr i/,-"/o Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone llurriber: 'l'own of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone Nulnber: Torqn of Vail Reg. NO. Pllone llurnber: O!'FfCE USE * :t tt rt Jr tr t( rl * * * * lr * * * rt * * * * * tr * * rt * * * * * I]UTLDT]{G PI,AI.I CHECK TEE: PLUI'IDII'IG PLAI.I CIIECK TDB: . - I,IECTIANTCAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATIOI'I F8E: CLEAI.I-UP DEPOSTT: ToTAL PERIIIT uuu"trrO, t *, :r,i Electrical Conl-ract-or: Address: Plunbitrg Address: Contracuor: BUTLDING: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: VALUATIOI.I CLEAN UT! I)UPOSIT IGTUND c & G Roofingr Box 817, Frisco, CO 80443 MEMORAT'lDUt'rl TO: FROM: DATIJ: tlE: ALL CONTRACTOI]S .|.OWN OF VAIL PUBLIC w|AY 9, 1994 wllEl'l A "PUBLlc lvAY WO TtI(S D EPARTI/IEI{'T PER[vlll'' lS REQUIHED Date: 7- /5-?7 - Freisffi clueslion naire regarding llte ls this a nerv residence? ls denrolition rvork being perlormed that requires the use of lhe right of way, easemenls or Public ProPeflY? ls any utilitY worlt needed? ls lhe drivewaY being rePaved? ls diflerent acccss needed to sile other than existing drivewaY? ls any drainage work being done alfecling the right ol tvay, easements, or public ProPerLY'! ls a "Bevocable Right Of Way Permit" required? A. ls tlre right of rvay, easemenls or public propeny to be used lor slaging, parking or lencing? tl. lf no to BA, is a Parking, staging or lencing plan required Lry Community I have read and atlswered alltlte above uestions. need lor a "Public WaY Permit": YES. NO vf 7z 1) 2) rl 4) 5) t/ t/ t/6) 7) ri) Developmcnt? lf you answerecJ yes to any o{ these cluesliotts, a "l)ublic Way Permil" musl be obtained. 'pubtic Way peinrit" appiicalions may be obtained at the Public Work's offics or at Conrmunily'Developrnei,i. ltyou have any questions please call Charlie Davis, lhs'l-own of Vail Construction lnspector, at 479-2158' Job Natne Cofr tractor's Sig nature Date -ilr '11 75 soutlr fronlage road vail, cGlorado 81657 (303) 479-2l.lB or 479-2L39 TO: FITOM: DATE: SUBJECT: To review ordinance I.Io. 6 in Vail Building DeparLrnent to cooperation on this natter. offlce ol comrnunlty developmeltl ALL CONTRACTORS TOI{IJ OT VAIL CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITII THE TOr,lN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DITWLOPI'IENT MARCII 16, l_988 CONSTRUC'IION PARKII'IG & MATBRIAL STOI1AGE fn sununary, Ordj.nance No. 6 states that it j-s unlavrful for any persor-r to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debris or material, including trash dumpsters, portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public pLace or any portion thereof. The rigirt-of-way on all Town of Vail streets and roads is approxiniat.ely 5 ft. off pavernent.Tiris ordinance lrill- be strictly enforced by the Town of Vail Public Works Depal:tmenb. Persons found violating ttris orclinance wiJ-J. be given a 2,1 hour written notice to renove said material.In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice vrithin the 24 hour tirne specified, the public Works Deparl-rnent will renove said mate,::ial at the expertse of person notified. The provisions of tiris ordinance shall not be applicable to construction, naintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. fu11, please stop by the Tolrn of obLain a copy. Thank you for your onllte Wft (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 soutlr tronlage road vail. colorado 01657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2139 ottlco ol colnlnunlly devoltrpttlcttt IJUILDING PERI.iIT ISSUANCE TII'IE FI1AIIE Il', tlris l)e1ui.t rcqujres a Tot/p of vail [ire Department.Approval , [lgirreer.'.s (publ jc l,lot ks) revi(rtv apd apprc]val , a Planning DePartnlenl: iuui"w or lealth Departnrent review, and a revierv by the Building Oepar|nent, the estjurated tjnre for a total review nlay take as Iong as tliree weeKsr. All connrercial (large or snrall ) and all multj-farnily pernrits will irave tq follovr tlre above nrentioncrl ntaxitttunt requiretnettts. Residential iii,f-t,uuf1 projects sltould tal<e a lesser amount of time. However, if resi{entjai oi' slral I ci' Lrpoiects itnpacL tlte various above ntentioned clepartments lvith regard to rrecessary rev'iew, tltese projects may also take the tlrree l'tcel< pcriod. [verjr.atterrrpt rvi lI be nratle by this dcpartrttettL to expedite this perrrri L as s.qotl as Pclssibi e. i, fl1e un{ersigned, nrrclerstand tlre plan check procedure and tittte f ranrc . ,r/l Project Natne F+'%im-TLe Conntuni ty Developnrertt Departntent' O *isn Review ncti0 FQn TOWN OF VAIL catesory Number / o*" Z/,!/lf Building Name: Owner, Address and Phone: j.: / '-') 2t i-'4ry.!'rtecVbontact,AddressandPhone: ti,, i. ri,,",, -,.J y'l Il -* .183 .2 Legal Description: Lot 5 Block 5 Subdivision zone District Pi S Board / Statt Action Motion by:Vote: ^-i O Seconded by .il . l-, l r'l ,P APProual fl Disapproval fl Statf Approval Town Planner DRB Fee Pre-paid 01/ 10/ 95 frvlrsd 11:{1 FA-I oo 1/r.tt4 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD @ ooe T oFffinvnFl ApplrcArroN - rowN or, {lil rcmO*ao/ *l*rt***!t!:* DESCRTPTION T olvs TYPE OF REVIEWI _ New ConsLrucrion ($200.00)J*_Addirion ($50.00)Minor AlLeratioD ConcepLual Review ($20.00) ($0) n ADDRESS:o,+rFEE LA+e LEGAL DEFCRIPTION: Lot b R.l A..L 5 Subdivision .. 0,quon < ff--T If properLy is described bv description. pldase providi Eo this applicaLion. a meeCs and bounds on a separate shee! legal and. a!tach E, FI ZONING: Nlrl'.iE CF l,ta i I ing r\PFLiCANI: Address: Phone NAME OF Mai. ling F-PPLICANT, S R,E RESENTATTVE:Address: ?.o &\ r.. .1 . Phone NAME QF OvrrNER (S ) : S) STG,MA Mailinq Address: APPrJrcATroNs wu'L Nor BE pRocEssED ,'rrriloicE owNER's srcNA?aEE Condominium Approval if applieable. DRB FEE; DRB fees. as shown above,\ are bo be paid at the UKE !.EE; DRB fees. as shown above,l are bc Lrme of subnitLat. of. the DRB appfilacion.apprvins ror a u..iiiiil=ollirti"iiElil'ia"".l?i"in"*lEl,,.r,o.Hpr.y +rrs rvr cr uur rsrng perlnl t, pr,eas e rdcntif y L,he accura L.e valuar,ion of Lhe proposar. The iown of vair wiri aajust ttre ig"_1::otding Lo the Eable be1ow, Lo ensure the correcr f,ee is paid, Alt,-,'Lt4 r' FEP SCTIEDULE: VALUATION ,h ^ 4t .^ A^^Y v rF +v, UUL,$ 10,001 ' $ 50,000 $ so, 001 $ 150,000 $150, 001 $ s00,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000 $ Over $1,000,000 DESIGN REVIEW EOARD APPROVAI EXPTRES APPR.OVAL I]NIESS A BUTLDING PTzu TT IS IS STARTED. FEE g zu. uu $ s0.00 $1"00.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 ONE YE.ilR AFTER, FIN}IJ ISSUED EI\ID CONSTRUCTION 01./ 10/ 0 5 11:11 Ft oo B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: I Address 41((z J-*tfsl- L-A Legal Description:rct-L Block-!Filino lJtqlan r 5H,t. t<)l -Zone District f 19 c. Address @ oor rav','PC 2l24rg! Date of Application Date ot DBB Meeting_ Dale of PEC Meeting (if necessary)_ APPLICATION FOB ADDITIONAL GRFA (250) I. TYPE OF HEOU_EST \t Standard 250 Type I EHU 250 Type ll EHU 250 Type V EHU 250 il. PBE-APPL|CAT|ON CONFERENCE A pre-application conference with a member of the pianning siaff is strongly encouraged io discuss th8 provisions under which additional GFTFA can be added to a site. tt should be understood that this ordinance does not essure each property an additional 250 square feet of GRFA. Flather, the ordinance allows for upttqll5O square feet if the conditions set forth in Chapter 18.57 or Chapter 18.71 of the Town of Vail code are met. Applications for additions under this section will not be accepted unless they are complete. This includes all information required on lhis form as well as Design Review Board sJbmittat requirements. ilr. APPLTC$T|ON TNFCRi!4AT|OI.J A. PROJECT DESCHtpTtoN nOp'rf,"",. { .A* bxrd Address 411@ Jo*feL LA*e rv*{.'c.'a|.,s? D. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPHESENTATTVE: _lqA!q\ A. AA5,+,.O, Apcxrruq P.r. VAIL, (b b.lte6 E. !la SiEnature(s phone 41rc - tl4z; F, Filing Fee of $200.00 is required at time of submittat of a standard 2s0. For a request involving an EHU, the fee is waived. oo zoNE cHEcK o o . FOR Single Family Rcsidence, DupIex, Primary,/Secondary ZONE DISTRICTS r.\t\mrr. '/t<, 1:l^/t).LL L:' . -a ' -/ t , I: LoE ;L nroct 5 suuaivision ADDRESS: OWNER PTIONE PTIONE ARCI{ITECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE HeighL TOLA1 GRFA Allowed (301-13-lv 45& BUILDABLE gxi s ti.nq LOT AREA Protrosed ToLaI \g-Prinary GRFA rf 77q0- + 425 = 3lAS Seconclary GRFA /BZb seLbacks FronL S ides Rear SiLe Coverage Landscaping ReLaining Wall lleighLs Parking carage Crcdic Drive: Complies with T.O.v. LiqhLing Ord (300) (0) (900) (1200) PCTMi L L Slope --r-F?6-pos ea--s IoP e --'---r- Yes ----------No--*- 425 425 - 4 ':'<'t ---.4.-2r-- 20' 15', L5', a(- J'/6' 5 neq (3q) (s0s) OIL or- / -,2 ---eL- 4b33 <t(- 2 enct './N wal-er Course Set-back Do Finish Grades Exceed 2:1 Environmen La1 /llazards : Doa; this reqriesl invo llow much of Lhe allowe Percent- slopc (< Geologic ltazards (s0) Flood Plain YES ) ) ) ) 3 > 30%) a) Snow Avalanche b) Rockfall c) Debris FIow 4) WeLlands View Corridor Encroac l-: Ycs No. e a 230 riridiLiorr? l*i 250 AcldiLion is used'wiLh Lhis rcgues L? Z<Z) OL Previous condit.ions o approval (check ProperLY file): erf": $o b@ 10 lr<1e< oo oo iev,*d 2J24€3 Date of Appli Date ol DRB Date of PEC TOV"M|t,||t{. AppLtcATtoN FoR ADDTTTONAL GRFA (250) I. TYPE OF REQUEST \A Standard 250 Type ll EHU 250 Type V EHU 250 II. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE A pre-application conference with a member of the planning staff is strongly encouraged to discuss the provisions under which additional GRFA can be added to a site. lt should be understood that this ordinance does not assure each property an additional 250 square feet of GRFA. Rather, the ordinance allows lor uo to 250 souare feet if the conditions set forth in Chapter 18.57 or Chapter 18.71 of the Town of Vail code are met. Applications for additions under this section will not be accepted unless they are complete. This includes all information required on this form as well as Design Review Board submittal requirements. III. APPLICATION INFORMATION A. PROJECT DESCFilpTtON AOpmr{ + A* Ex(51,i,^a o*rt. _t gz-o.tOt B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: I t,/tl, \ - |Address 4"1[? Legal Description:nt 4 Block 5 Fiting Btq,ton r 5{/,.. Aat, I Address a-U@ Jo*rP€L LA*e ,V4 D. - s(A,rO, ftFcqtTE4 P.c K1 Zone District f C. NAME OF APPLICANT: U Address E.NAME OF OWNER(S): Signature(s) Phone 11Q- tl4z F. Filing Fee of $200.00 is required at time of submittal of a standard 250. For a request involving an EHU, the fee is waived. b ..-/Ate , (o blds I I t oa oo 2 The following information, in addition to DRB submittal requirements, shall be required with this submittal: eu /t/" ,,-\ 2. Stamped, addressed envelopes and a separate list of adjacent property owners (ry and of owners of units on lhe same lot. This information is available from the Eagle County Assessor's office. 3. Condominium Association approval (if applicable) 4. Existing or proposed floor plans of structure. ' G. Your proposal will be reviewed for compliance with Vail's Comprehensive Plan. H. lf this application requires a separate review by any local, State or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps ol Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible lor paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50% of the application fee. lf, at the applicant's request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then the entire fee for such re -publication shallbe paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Community Development Department to have significant design, land use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the community may require review by consultants other than town staff. Should a determination be made by the town statf that an outside consultant is needed to revtew any application, the Community Development Department may hire an outside : consultant, it shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her and this amount shall be fonvarded to the Town by the applicant at the time he files his application with the Community Development Department. Upon completion of the review of the application by the consultant, any of the lunds fonvarded by the applicant for payment of the consultant which have not been paid to the consultant shall be returned to the applicant. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount fonrarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. 1($/Yeritication that the unit has received a final certificate of occupancy. \' O I mrurcnuo* FcP. lootuonm of O - FOR PROPERTIES IN EXCESS OF ALLOI./ABLE GRFA Date of Date of PRE-APPL ICATION CONFERENCE A pre-application conference with a rnember of the planning-s!ll! is strongly entourabbd to discuss the provisions under which additional GRFA can be added to a si[e. It should be uirderstood that this ordinance does not assure each Property an additional 250 square feet of GRFA. Rather, the ordinance a1 lows for ug to 250 square feet if certain conditions are met' Applications for additions under this section will not be accepted unless.they ai^b complete. This inc'ludes all infornation requi red on thls form as well as Design Review Board submittal regui rslents. B. LOCATIOI{ OF PROPOSAL:Ir aaa"ess 4(b br+.ft'- I.'Mc- \/tu^- . Lesal Description: totJia>ilock2-Fi1i^g Bt4uo< 4^';1. Zone District fl) - eadr"r, 44(U hu,lt, L/"'.,E pnon"-{7.h'J4k D. NAl.fE oF AppLrcANrs nspnlsEnrnrtve , Q- wunrr, A+*tw--r ?C. natress \og% phone bLl-€r'L| Appl icati on DRB Meeti nq A. PROJECT DESCRIPTIOIT: c. Nj'"yE oF AppLrcFrrr Vt$uvr \LA<u E. NME OF OlrlNER(S): ** S i gnature (s Address F. Filing Fee of $100.00 is required at tine of suhnittal The following infonnation, in addition to DRB requi red trith this submittal: 'l . Verification that the unit has received 2, liames and mailing addresses of adJacent units on the same lot. This information Assessor's offi ce. submi tta'l requi rEflents, shall be 3, Condominium association approval (if appl icable). 4. Existing floor plan of structure. a final certificate of occupancy. property owners and of owners of is available from the Eagle County G. Your proposal will be reviewed for compliance with vail's comprehenslve Plan. oo January 18,1994 Kaiser Residence Adjacent Lots Lot 3, Block 5, Bighorn 5th Addition Lot 3, Block 5, Bighorn Sth Addition, Side B Denise Dugan Mabry 2916 Juniper Lane Vail, CO. 81657 Lot 2, Block 5, Bighorn 5th Addition Daniel & Belinda A. Virnich 4846 Juniper Lane B Vail, CO. 81657 886789 Ontario LTD 2135 Lawrence Ave. E. Scarburough, Ontario MIR 3A4 Canada Lot 4, Block 5, Bighorn 5th Addition Bjorn K. Borgen 390 Franklin St. Denver, CO. 80218 lnt 17, Block 5, Bighorn 5th Addition George L. Mizner 4839 Meadow Dr. Vail, CO. 81657 L,ot LE, Block 5, Bighorn Sth Addition Edward & JoAnne Levy 4819 Meadow Dr. Vail. CO.81657 Marjorie A. Dettling 2280 Stockbridge Akron. OH. 44308 oo l/a5lcrb - ad;acurfs t Sd^r &Lr €\\.) oo Lot 6, Block 5, Bighorn 5th Addition Samuel & Bonnie Jo Rechter 1906 Decatur Dr. Louisville, Ky. 40218 Lot 7, Block 5, Bighorn 5th Addition Patrick R. & Marjorie L. Welch 6625 W. Burnside RD 246 Portland, OR. 97210-501 1 William T. Eilert P.O. Box 1767 Vail, CO. 81658 Lot 8, Block 5, Bighorn 5th Addition Nancy J. Benson 21509 Cabrini Boulevard Golden, CO. 80401 John Butler 1942 Broadway Boulder, CO. 80302 oo --Itu PUBLIC NOTICE NOTTCE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Design Review Board will be reviewing the following application on February 15, 1995 in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. 1. A request for an additional 250 square leet of Gross Residential Floor Area for an addition to a primaryisecondary residence at the Kaiser Residence located at 4916 Juniper Lane/Lot 3, Block 5, Bighorn Sth Addition. Applicant: Galen Aasland, representing Ursula Kaiser The applications and information about the proposals are available in the zoning administrator's office during regular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNIry DEVELOPMENT Published in the Vail Trail on January 27, 1995. oa ,\ o o z a {7 c o {o z T tn 7 ={ --I o H rE i* f E |; E E a= l3 g i = l=E g l=E =LIL_J r 3 rr 6 €Y'-Te >= d P ocrt a 9 >= (i o 1^6 FE q !m u =-{ qz lq ':m tc)l lHl 19o tHo lid !t<Luo t1t -!€s f -{o (! m x m { z (-o (D U' =m -tl o o (Jl o 2.1 cn R<>P T*6z Y> z;-lc 3s 12 od F il z=--.r x 3:o=-lo o>io t- 9.n nz >m o!-l>or - m -.t =z m t z IT rl] l-l- )Hf,6A o>'t-tr m C)T z c) t- t- 5. !t ut !x ol FI zl lLn 1.rl I Fll I I 'Tl =z m -m ld t: t6 l<l>IF l* I 3 ld t{lz le t<l> t; l 6 €z p 'tt F a m o z 'n o €z o 'tl z J- m G.) z o 'n 3 F- I l-{ t€ lz -ll l< l- m c-) z o }' @ I 'tl t- H c) z v) (- c)FI z = t- o a !m .t1 == F H - \.J s.\| I s. B t- I o aT! o = z = Fi !- o- 9e P-6 oo 6-< x- oro 8<.-(D rO. 19 (o 6o =J o0t !- O'J =t!)qO cLo .- !, =o.ol d= 9d oE o =o)^=:.o o+ o) o- ffi itiilFB Y;iii \,=!r-o \s -. ^\ f (D --- 9) a (D o o 3 ! =. (D f o 5 =o J d :i ; o 3 a3. F9){:a/,(J -(D !r-JO clo *o or!g.< d{ J=6= art (D rv q) r|o i= =o (o9 o* -;i 63 -l- €o \3 x! 6 6,P ;;;i;: $=|o E CI^ Y *O dor 5sp cL !_ *< cd= o?r=ie6 Hb:=.= : f'vo (oP= oii 5 oo^,B4: 3,8 ; o "_ afs o -l- ci> - F€.q HNS ()- P z rE a FI Fl >(,t :z-l (:rl . =+F\.;:5t \ ;At-.ri b -) ( \ =o m t-'rl :0 z t- -l z l o z t- -D m -{a z m m m o l< '' lz tz lf It l.- fro<P.'rf am ilii "l I I I m :r € t- a z @ c l- =o z -t m --l I 6 z m (t, a t-c tn I tr o I 2 z n m r m o €m tr z o c z -t o o o o -l o z c z -l 2 m € m z =z m F --t t m ! ''t x z F B X F{ts z It t-o-{ X-E Frr'io >n zo ?g c,ut o 6f zck 6o 2Z N@= ;o< =2 "jm t-' -m /-\Yi A:: -o Az =.n <;Ft..Fr _l '*l iJl tDl Fll 2l 6)l 'l I I I I €o o o o =z o F @ c - 2 z -t m a 2 z =z --l --{m >-SF =C';io l-, 1r 3o 2= I \o 5. c) El t- F z z I LN I -t I t-'t m n = ='n m m U) {H t.t. c)F r r o m x o t-m z ! m q -t m z m tn t m m ."1 2 n m m 3 m - z t- t- =g z. c) m m o I o z -rn x z m =--t m n ='Tl m m U' VALUATION =m z !t- =P z 6) m m T o l- (D F z o !m =z o N) Ln wt,Y'ffii,v@/ f August 19, L994 Page 2 of 3 Rooflng Speclficatlon for Ksiser Ilall Residence MISCELI,ANEOUS: Location: 16(X) square feet of roof area on the south facing roof only. Speclflcatlon as follour: tt nxisting roof to remain in place. Shingles at the overhangs to be cut back flush with the fascia, Remove all debris from the site. Plath Construction will keep the jobsite as clean as possible and practical during the construction, and a thorough cleaning of Plath's work areas will be performed upon completion. 2l Plath construction witl provide all insurance and permits required by the Town of Vail Building Department. ffi SEAL/ ASPHALT SIIINGLES/ FLASHING: Location: 16fl) square feet of roof area on the south facing roof only. Specification ss follows: U Install a cold roof over the existing roof as follows: al Install 2k2'vertical battens at24" o\ center. bl cover z',xz',with 5/8'CDX. cl Construct ridge vents as sho\Pn in the attached drawing. di Install 2'xl0'-curbs for the skylights. * VIe are assuming these skylights can be raised up on curbs. If not, the onmer may need to purchase new skyligbts. 2l Install "Jiffy-Seal' Ice and Water Guard by'?rotecto \Mrapn over entire pitcled roof area., a6cording to manufacturer's specifications. Extend membrane up walls a minimum of 12' at roof-to-wall junctures. Use mastic as needed. 3l Install 300 lb. asphalt shingles over the cold roof s)lstem. Shingle to be Heritage 30, or equal, and will match the existing shingle color as close as possible. 4l Install 26 gauge galvanized flashings as needed, including valley, steD_, and e|dwall flashing. Instafl Z6 gi'uge galvanized drip edge flashing at eaves and rakes of the main roof and the ridgevent. lainting the flashing to match the existing trim to be by others. 5l Any interior linish needed on the inside of the skylights to be done by others. Hce for work as specilied above: GENERAL NCTIES: 1l please be advised that materials for this proposal have been bid at current market prices. Due to volatility of the market, material prices cannot be guaranteed past 30 dayc. 2'l lce and snow removal, daily covering and uncovering the roof deck with plastic, and drying out the roof deck, if necessary, will be an extra charge over and above the contract price-anO will be charged extra at ihe tate of $28.fi! per man hour. Materials (plastic' propane, etc) will be charged extra at Plath's cost. Page 3 of 3 3l Priming may be required for Jiffy Seal, depending on site conditions and outside temperatures during application. If priming is required, this work uttt- U9 charged extra at the iate of $ 1350 per-tOO square feet. Total price not to exceed $ 225.m. 4l Winter work is not figured in this proposal. If roofing work falls between Novesrber lst anA Ap.it 15, additionaicharges may apply to cover our added expenses for working under adverse winter conditions. Any such charges shall not exceed 1096 of the remaining contract amount and are in addition to any snow removal and priming charges that may apply. 5l plath Construction carries property damage liability insurance in the amount of S},OOO,OOO.OO per occurence. Piattr Construction carries auto insurance in the amount of $1,000,0m.00. Plath Construction carries appropriate Workman's Comporsationjnsurance itriouglt Colorado State Compensation, No further insurance coverage is i.ncluded in our price,-and if required, the additional cost shall be added to the cotrtract price. 6l Upon receipt of the contract price, Plath Construction will issue a warranty certificate guaranteeing ioofing against leaks due to flaws in workmanship for a p,erigg of two )'ea.f-: irom the date of roofin!'completion. Leaks qualifying under the terms of said wananty \dll be repaired promptly ai no cost to the owner. This warranty does not cover any subsequent interior damage that may occur. 7l All pricing and specifications are contingent upon approval by the owner and architect' 8l The price breakdown for the reroof is as follows: al Cold rnofand rldgevents: bi Ice and water guaid, ashpalt shingles, flashing and raising skyliglts: $ 2"$5.m $ sl4\.oo \6 ,{* BU E6 az f:r,"" * f:}5{-i F c-u F C-)r-lr lr ll li ti tt ll 1-l il ( o- G 1 ."2 { d g \.€' t c |.\n b, lL o a str o o.ti hz.?rv bJ ).,t s 4 & f)e t!I ct )I fi 6 \t 'r') '/, ) sY 2 .\F r.l. S ,, i'. W I {tnS 5t0E o,r''t n lr' -t-r,t r- il l"r l,\\ ti ti Li- Llu u J TO: FROM: DATE: MEMORANDUM Mike Mollica, Acting Director of Community Development George Ruther, Town Planner August 9, 1994 SUBJECT: Kaiser/Hall Design Review Board (DRB) approval 1. Januarv 9, 1984 - A request for a front setback variance in order to construct a garage 1.6 feet into the front setback area on Lot 3, Block 5, Bighorn Sth Addition was made to the PEC by the applicant, Mr. Scott A. Edwards. Tom Braun, then Town Planner, explained the proposal and added that the applicant should have come to the staff when he first encountered problems with granite outcroppings. The staff recommended denial since they felt there was not an unnecessary physical hardship. Due to the entire lot being placed upon a large granite outcropping, the applicant, Scott Edwards, stated he felt that there were in fact exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the site of the variance that did not apply generally to the other properties in the same zone. A motion was made by a member of the PEC and the motion had been seconded. The vote was 5-0 in favor of approving the variance. 2. December 4. 1991 - A DRB application was reviewed for the Kaiser/Hall residence. The application was in regard to the review of a primary/secondary connection. In the minutes from the December 4th meeting, some discussion is made with regards to the solid wood gate. Whether this wood gate refers to the garage door it is not certain. However, a motion was made and a second was granted. The motion passed with all members in f avor. 3. October 14, 1991, Plannino and Environmental Commission (PEC) - A requeslfor a setback variance for a garage at the Kaiser/Hall residence, 4913 Juniper LaneiLot 3, Block 5, Bighorn 5th Addition was presented to the PEC members by then Town Planner Shelly Mello. Shelly Mello explained staff's position on the request, recommending approval of the setback variance to allow an enclosed parking space of 10 feel by 20 feet, but not for the additional storage area. Kathy Langenwalter was not comfortable with granting the variance for a third garage space, as she did not see a hardship, and did not believe that a third enclosed space was required. Ludwig Kurz agreed, stating he could not support a variance for an extra garage. At the time this setback variance was made, the garage foundation had already been poured. Mr. Galen Aasland, representing the applicant, stated that yes in lact the garage foundation had indeed been poured and if this variance was not approved the area would become a carDort. Gena Whitten indicated she did not see a hardship sutficient enough to warrant a variance for an additional garage. Kristan Pritz stated staff believed the setback variance proposal was the best option. Staff did not consider the fact that this was a third garage, since the applicants were willing to use GRFA to construct it. Staff believes the applicants would not have proposed it unless it was a definite need. Diana Donovan did not find a hardship for a third enclosed garage space. She stated she saw other options to the proposed conflicts. Galen Aasland requested the item be tabled. Jim Shearer moved to table this item, and Kathy Langenwalter seconded the motion. lt was tabled by a vote of 6-0. 4. Februarv 17. 1992 - A Certificate of Occupancy was issued by the Town of Vail Building Department lor the Edwards garage addition and remodel. 5. Mav 6. 1992 - A DRB application was made on behalf of the Kaisers and the Halls by Mr. Galen Aasland. The DRB application was a request to construct a carport on the property. The application was laken to the DRB and received a 3-0 vote of approval with the following condition: a. That a total ol six evergreen trees be planted on the site in addition to the 2 foot berm. The six evergreen trees varied in height lrom 6 feet to 10 feet. 6. June 9. 1992 - A DRB application was submitted on behalf of the Kaisers and the Halls by Mr. Galen Aasland. The DRB application was described as a change to the approved plan. The application was staff approved by then Town Planner Shelly Mello. The approval was based on the deletion of the garage from the request. 7. October 30. 1992 - In notes prepared by Kristan Pritz, an indication is made that the garage door did in fact receive DRB approval. The notes also indicate that at the current time the garage will stay open and no landscaping is required with this initial approval. The owners, however, have added three evergreens to screen the garage on their own in addition to the trees located on the adjacent property. o o z a {n c o {o z !m n 3 { --- o (D m Ia l-|D .:-t | --.. ;; o l<: f tlY:lm: d l a') ^ =f;x..l.oi 9.lmP o l.v m O l<: 3 f--r - a o< :t(D O<-o 'aO Ct,>l z6 m-| -t) m ft = Or- z< 22 o"z <!q 2== YF r- ll L- o !. =m i =z m 'Tl l- 2 1,. 0q p F r l'|It r I z 3 m o-m rrl a\)o>'f- 9.n nz >m oI)-t>or n m I z c) z -{ o i o \./ -o 2t- {< tz om -': m ;: --.t o o> o Zn : --r qr .)E =l><F t>IJ lo EO hn It I I rl I I I l--t lx lz lo lt t> lr lm lo l+lo l€ lz lo t:l>l-I! lfl lz t-t o t-r r! P. E lz to t:t> lr- lm lo lz t:IN l\rl ll l- 5. I s. .-r l-l mlO Il:'lz lo l-n t<t> t: tm lP lz lo I I I I I l-.1 n TJ I!l€ l= lz tol EI t>l l-l l!l tml lol tzl I'l tl ll :-c) N F <! o r o; o I -:.1 a i o> : ^>'n r'! Y z .\SA a 6 F.a) < z o- - P ;o; Z c h a= -^ -! :j l:''n z 2 E€ at l z r -o m =-.1 U' 2 m m m o fr o < o x..=. 4 r >T-o O - I Y (rm <I)r'-l I-2 lt v, (J ,, ,:7<ii;gs ?ie=; sP-5-ox - olD Oo^,(/)X oci:E- l=1*€ s;i5d ,d.i.go H e: [; z I o -{ -n l, I a m t- VALUATION 3 t5; ii: E I;: IH = I =, :.P r- l(rl :-l lct ; I:; FF Y. I Z' FII = l7l et6 o l 'J, z'd Q l=r I 9z -{ ..,: 't.l "'l m l> r 16o l; 1)t< lN ^l(, : ts!\om \O :0 ; -t m x m at -t z @ l m / a 75 soulh lrontage rord Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ottlce of communlty devclopmcnl ALL CONTR,ACTORS CT'RRENTLYL REGISIERED T{ITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VArL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPITENT MARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE fn sunmary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debris or naterial , including trash dunpsters, portable toj.Iets and,workmen vehicl.es upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public p1?9e or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town of Vail streets and.roads is approximately 5 ft. 6ff pavement.This ordinance will be striclly enforced by the Toiun of Vail pyP].i: works Department. persons found viorating this ordinance will be given a 24 hour written notice to remove-said material .fn the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour tirne specified, the puUfic Works Department will remove said material at the expense of person notified. The provisions of this ordinance strltf not be applj.cable to construction, naintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. G in ful1, please stop by the Town of Vail Buil-ding Department to obtain a copy. ftrani< you for your cooperation on this matter. ?- 3.a\ - 93 acknowledged Date f 75 louth trontage rord Y.ll, colorldo 81657 (303) 479-2L38 ot 479-2L39 ottlcc of communlty dcvdopmclrt BUILDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRANE If this perTnr:t requires a Town of Vail flire Deparfinent Approval ,Engineerr's (Public Wopks) review and approval , a planning'Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estinated time for a total review may take as long as three weeks. All conrnercia'l ('large or sma'l'l) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take the three week period. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as seon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the p1 an check procedure and time frame. Corrnuni ty Devel opment Department . o PE CTION REQUEST'.-r''r) /) PERMI DATE / ^, -) T NUMBEF OF PROJECT TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME CALLER ' / .'. ,. !r'.,Il READY FOR LOCATION: i.; BUILDING: I T] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGALT tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR niFs,* CERTIFICATION STATE OF COI,ORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE ss. The foregoing is a full, truer and correct copy of the transcription of the Design Review Board Meetings of October 3L 'L990, September L8, L99L, and December 4, 1991 in relation to the Kaiser/Hall Residence, 4876 Juniper Lane/Lot 3' Block 3, Bighorn 5th Addition, as the sarne apPears upon the original records of the Town of VaiI. ,/\ r Date: {)tutLUuJ lo,FnP rime:rl:(0 A,rl , Pamela A. Brandmeyer, Town Clerk of the Town of Vail STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE ss. Subscribed and sworn to before Town C1erk of the Town of Vai1,Zra".'/.-) , rg ?.< .' My conmission expires: me appeared Pamel-a A. Brandmeyer, Colorado, thLs ./Dtt-t day of Address Z/al/, (4. tr/artr Transcription of Design Review Board Meeting October 31, 19S0 Item #1 9 - Kaiser Addition to Residence 7916-A Juniper Lane/Lot 3, Block 5, Bighorn 5th G,GA - Galen Aasland, architect representing applicant NG - Ned Gwathmey, DRB Chairman PH - Pat Herrington, DRB member SD - Sherry Donarard, DRB member GL - George Lamb, DRB member JILL - Jill Kammerer, stiaff SM - Shelly Mello, statf PEC - Connie Knight, PEC representative NG - ls this a 250? SM - No. NG - AdditionalGRFA? SM - Yes it is. We don't have a letter. NG - And, Galen, is going to, we went out there and we looked at this and the problem was, wasn't this the one that they had changed the siding on one side or something? SM - Yes. GA - | would like to make it contingent. We have a letter from the owner of the other half of the duplex saying that they will match the paint that we put on this side and so, I mean, we're willing to make approval contingent upon us giving you the letter and the Town's acceptiance of that. Basically, the existing house has T-111 on the bottom and we're suggesting that our half of the house, duplex hat we are doing the work on will retiain the T-1 11 on the bottom so that it's a compatible material, but we're asking that the top portion, we be allowed to put 1 by 6 tong and groove up for that. PH - So, you're going to use ... GA - We're going to keep the existing T-1 11 on the bottom because that's exactly what's used on the adjacent house. SM ' You can't install additional T-111. T-11 1 plywood. There are certain materials that are not allowed, fake stone, things like that. You cannot add to it. You can .. SD - That would just be what's there now and .. GA - The owners would be very happy to change that, but it's like we thought the DRB would require that we have a compatible material because that's part of the ... SD - We're really in a quandary here aren't we? NG - Yea, we have the same thing, if we have a material that's not acceptable and do you add more or do you change it all? Uh, what are .. GA - The owners, they'd be very happy to come in and, I mean, they want to make changes with the other owners next year, you know, they'd be very happy just to change it on their own, but it's like, my suggestion was that the DRB would probably say something that you have to have a compatible material on it, since it's a duplex, primary/secondary to, that they couldn't just have incompatible materials or dilferent materials. Would the DRB allow us to have a different material on the bottom? PEC - ls there a material that ... PH - Are you adding new T-1 11 there, you are, aren't you? GA - No, no.. PH - Or just to the existing? There's no new .. GA - Well, there's brick in there right now and we won't, I mean, we'd be happy to put stucco down there on that portion. SM - | had this come up on another project and finding something that is similar to this, I guess it's hard. They did come up with another material on another project. lt was kind of a, you know, they took a product and didn't use it for its intent. They reversed it and got the same effect. NG - A board and batten deal. SM - Yea. NG - Why wouldn't you run that vertically, the new stuff vertically and then it might look more like the other stuff, even thought it's a different spacing? GA - You mean on the top portion up here? NG - Yea. GA - The owners, they want horizontal siding. NG - But the other house is still vertical? GA - lt's stillvertical. NG - Wouldn't it be more compatible if it were vertical? lf the blocking's already in, it's not even any more money cause the stuff that's on there now is vertical. GA-lt's4byBsheets. NG - Yea, but they still have to nail it horizontally somewhere. GA - I know the owners would like to, they'd like their application to be with horizontal siding. NG - And it's going to be painted to match the brown, all of it's going to be painted or is it not? GA - All of it will painted. The two houses will be painted to match the same color scheme and we can, we will be willing to make that condition on our approval at the time of acceptiance of our letter from the adjacent owners of the other half. NG - What's that stone in the back, Galen, I don't remember that. ls that a new stone wall? G - Yes, we're adding a new portion of stone wall here. One thing I did not show on here, there's some existing brick here and two existing windows here which we will retain. The owners would like to get rid of that. There's some brick on the existing entry right now and they're removing that and they'd like to get rid of that. We're kind of at this odd point because they don't want to commit themselves to spending a lot of money for stone, but they also don't want to commit themselves to, we didn't feel that you'd let us add more T-111 either. PH - That's what I was going to say, what are you going to cover that with then? G - We'd like to just leave the brick there right now. GL - And then add stone wall next year? G - Yea. Well, they want, what they want to do is come back next year and add apply for stucco with the neighbors. They want to make an agreement with the neighbors to apply for the same material. SD - Why don't you make that whole fascia stucco? G - lt you'll let us do it, we'd be happy to do it. SD - Well, I mean, you keep the T-1 11 or whatever we end up talking about for the, to make it compatible, but this space right here, punch windows through it and change the brick and, you know, it's going to look terrible to have a stone wall up against that brick. G - Right, we understand that. We'd be happy to, if the DRB would let us put stucco up there, we'd be happy to do that. SM - | have another question. G - There is a metal rail and so in section, like right here, you know, we're putting a metal rail with wood over the top, so that's open through there. SM - Okay, what color would that be? G - We're suggesting that the house be stained this color, the fascia be stained this color and the metal rails on the side of the house be stained this blue. NG - How can you deal with this T-1 11 and the stone and stucco and brick? There's too many things. We've got to make it more compatible and have fewer things, don't we? G - They'd be happy to get rid of the stone. And just leave the brick there so it's compatible with the other building. NG - Leave the brick, I'd rather see stone but the compatibility is what has to drive us a bit. So you leave the brick, and how about that new wall, can it be bricks? Where is that, is that just a garden wall or.. G - lt's just a little portion ol a garden wall here. NG - But, that's the most important portion. That's where you come in the entry. Why don't you make that out of bricks? SD - Can you get those bricks? G - Okay, I think they'd be willing to put bricks back in. NG - Well, they're taking them out of somewhere else. Aren't you taking out some of the brick? G-No. GL - | thought lhere were some in the front you were taking out. NG - Well, can we perpetuate hideousness or do we ..... PH - Well, I think if they're willing to put stone in it seems a shame to say no, go put that ugly brick back up. GL - Are they taking that brick inside? | guess they're ..... GL - That's all painted white now. PH-Let'sgobacktothiselevation. Now,thisisT-111. Wewanttogetridof it. Youwouldbe willing to shrcco this? G - Basically, they'd be happy to stucco the whole bottom level if the DRB would allow them to. PH - Of course, then we don't have any T-1 11 on this side and SD - What you would depend on then is color compatibility. And whether that is enough to say if it's compatible or not. lt probably isn't. PH - Yea, but you eliminate the brick and so then you have stone and stucco that we don't have on the other side at all. On the other side, you've got T-1 11 and brick and we've got vertical versus horizontal. PH - Galen, how come you don't ever bring us anything easy? G - | don't know. I have nice clients though. SM - I'm glad you do. GL - What does Venturi think of this? ls he ..... G - He said to curve a wall here and there and it's like. take some common materials and make them really expensive. SD - This wall then is this right here? G - Yes, exactly. SD - And the only thing that the neighbor is willing to do is make a change in paint color, right? G - Right. SD - Well, I think you got to keep the T-lll, well I don't know. SD - I'd love to see you get rid, I mean, I don't know which is more objectionable, the T-1'l 1 or the brick. G - And that's why it's like the Ursula and Rob, like they don't want to put the T-11 1 up either. They don't to spend $150,000 in the house and have to clad it with T-1 1 1 again. SD - | don't blame them one bit. PH - | don't blame them either. SD - So the whole thing, all the T-111 is going to be the same? Which color? G - That top color. And the lascia and the wood trim around the window. They're requesting quite a few windows and the windows they will replace they'd like to put in metal instead of the wooo. SM - ls this a stain or ... G - lt's a solid stain. SD - Okay. G - Because it's like that, they can't replace the neighbors. They can't just stain over the paint. SM - Yea, that's what I was wondering. Connie Knight - Well, if the siding is going horizontally and the neighbor's is vertical, you already have a deviance and is that a loophole, maybe he could do this differently as well, or upgrade? PH - You know, right now, the common elemenl is the T-111 and if we eliminate that then there's nothing to make these two structures look like they are related except the paint color. Connie - And there isn't a wood that you could use that would look close to this T-1 11? G - | mean, they don't want to spend $150,000 on this PH - And I don't blame them. GL - But how about, I mean, I understand they want to go horizontal, but how strong is that, what if they went vertical with their new siding? G - They would prefer to ... GL - | understand, but I mean if they were .... NG - We have made people, we are compelled to make people by this ordinance change siding, do all kinds of things to make the two units compatible. lf these people, your client, want to change the patterns, then they're either compelled, if they want to redesign, they've either got to comply with the existing or change the existing and complying may be acceptable to the other board members, I think cause the issue of the T-111 comes in, to put on vertical. But to put horizontal on, to put a different window type, to put a different stucco, to put different stone instead of bricks, and so forth, is not in compliance with the ordinance. So you've got to nail some of these things down to be like the existing or you've got to change the existing. G - Okay. All right. We make our application that we keep the T-1 11 on the bottom, we make this front wall the brick to match ihe existing, we have the colors, the colors on the two houses would match and our application would be to change the direction of the horizontal siding up above and that's the only thing that we would have to put on the two houses. NG - How about the colors of windows if windows come into the picture? G - We would have the same color windows on both houses. We will have the same color brown. PH - But the other house has the brown color now? G - lt has brown wood windows. PH - Wood windows, okay. o G - And we'll have the color matched on the two. PH - So you continue with the brick, G - We will continue this portion with the brick to match this portion of the brick ... PH - You're going to leave the T-111 .. G - On the boftom portion, yes. PH - And we're going to go with the horizontal siding? G - Yes, up above. NG - No, Vertical. GL - Vertical. PH - Now, if he keegs the T-1 11, can't he go vertically on the top? | mean, horizontially, cause he's still got the T-111 on bottom and the brick? NG - But the other guy doesn't have T-1'1 1, or he doesn't have vertical stripes, he's got horizontal. G - But are we compelled to have absolutely everything like this? NG - Yes. Jill K - And I think it's kind of like the Byrne lot separation, you know, we talked about trying to tie those and we weren't absolutely dead set on using the same material. NG - Yea, but you went back and stoned the entire base of the adjacent house. You did use the same materials, precisely the same materials. PH - Well, we're using the same materials here except for the vertical, excuse me, the horizontal siding. That's the only difference. SM - Would it make any difference to you if they increased the width of this board, so that it's not such a strong horizontal, if they were wider boards across .. PH - | guess what I don't want to see, I think it would look ridiculous to put new vertical siding on top of that old T-111, lthink, cause then there's no rhyme or reason. lmean next to it. You know what I mean? | mean, to make this ... NG - You don't care if it's horizontal. Does anybody else care if it's different? PH - No, I think it looks good horizontal. o NG - Does anybody disagree with Galen's proposal here, for compatibility? Say it one more time. Once more, Galen. GL - | was being accused of not saying anything, but does anyone disagree, and I did not disagree. G - Does, uh, our proposal would be that we would keep the existing brick on the bottom portion, this new wall that we put in would be brick to match the existing pattern and color as close as we can with respect to the brick being 20 years old, and we would keep the T-111 on the bottom portion, we would put horizonal siding on the top portion of the house that we're doing and we would have compatible, we would the same colors on both halves of the duplex. NG - Do we have a second? (Laughter). GL - Why are we perpetuating this? | mean, on the bottom we admittedly have different striations going up and down. Why can't we do vertical down below, or horizontal down below too, why are we keeping this street level? PH - Because it matches the existing structure. We'd have to something that ties in with the other side. GL - But that's the side that you're working with though. G - Well, we are not adding any new T-1 1 1 , lt would be what exists on there now and, one point, at the entry, we'd go with whatever discretion of the DRB, if we have to replace we have enough T-111, we have plenty of T-11 1 up above. SM -They cannot add any new T-111 period. Not for an entry, nothing. They have to use something else. No, because he's adding an area to the house. SM - | just made somebody else do the same thing on a ..... G - Could we make a board and batten that looks like the T-111, that would be our proposal. SM - Yea. SD - lf you could get your neighbors to agree with you on the bricks, it would be lovely. G - We have to do that in the spring, but they want to still build this yet this year. SD - Okay. NG - Do we have any more questions of the applicant? Does everybody understand the application? SM - We are going to have brick instead of stone. NG - Would someone make a motion - besides the applicant? PH - Mr. Chairman, I move that we approve the Kaiser addition with the following provisions that the brick as it exists will be maintained, lhe new wall will be matched to that as humanly possible, the T-1 11 will remain in the places where it is, the new horizonlal siding approved, and the colors will be the same as the neighboring structure, or the adjacent structure. And that the front entry where the T-111 is will be replaced with horizontal siding. I got that right? NG - Exacdy. We have a motion, do we have a second? SD - Second. NG - We have a rush for second, let's give it to Sherry. ls there any further discussion on the application? All in favor, aye. All: Aye. NG - Allopposed? No response. NG - Galen, we want you to come in with simpler things from now on. G - Thank you very much. I Transcription of Design Review Board Meeting September 18, 1991 Item #7 - Kaiser/Hall Color Change 4916 Juniper Lane, Lot 4, Block 5, Bighorn 5th G,GA - Galen Aasland, architect representing applicant NG - Ned Gwathmey, DRB Chairman PH - Pat Herrington, DRB member SD - Sherry Donrvard, DRB member GL - George Lamb, DFIB member JILL - Jill Kammerer, staff SM - Shelly Mello, staff PEC - Gonnie Knight, PEC representative HALL - Rob Hall, representing applicant NG - The next item on the agenda is the Kaiser/Hall color change. That's the one out on Bighorn? GL - Apparently there's a garage involved too. SM. No. GL - There isn't? SM - There's a variance request and a 250 request. But none of those are part ol today's because they can't put the garage in without the variance and the variance must go to the PEC and them they must get the 250. NG - Alright, but what we're looking at are these colors. Does anybody have any problem with this color change, except, hay, Galen, ......... SM - The only thing that I would add is that it's definitely the requirement that both sides be painted the same color. NG - You have to do that in the ordinance, Galen, you have to make both sides the same. SD - The letter from Kilpatrick didn't sound like he understood that. SM - No. NG - The ordinance says that you can't just have these things entirely different, In the primary/secondary they have to be the same color, they have to be the same details, same materials, and siuff. You act like you don't know that. G - When we first brought it in, though we had different siding, do you remember the T-1 11, we got approval to use different siding at the time we had horizontal and now we come in with vertioal to match the vertical on the olher side. a NG - Alright, but what about the colors? SM - lfs the colors.... G - Well, the owner already said in a previous letter that he agreed to paint .... SM - Okay. NG - This wasn't this one, it was the previous one, SM - Okay, I talked to the owner last week. And he said, "Well, l'm not going to say yes or no to what they get approved, because I don't know when they're going to get approved. Okay, that's the conversation I had. What they're (DRB) compelled to do is to have them harmonious and so what I would recommend from the staff is that there be a condilion placed on the approval of any colors that the other side must be painted the same. Okay, so whatever gets approved here if the adjacent property owner, the guy on the other side of the duplex doesn't like it. You need to do something so that you come to one color that you all agree on. NG - What's the name of that project up there. SM - Eiger Chalet. NG - Eiger Chalet. GL - lt doesn't make any difference. lt's just showing a different house. Thafs not where we're coming from. That's not appropriate. We like your colors very much. Get your neighbors to like them and you're in great shape. NG - The down side, well, but you just show that real thin line, that was subtle, those boards out there, they looked pretty rotten, but you see the thin line looks .... GL - Yea, we went out there today, we saw it last week actually, cause it wasn't on the agenda, it doesn't make any difference, but it's very attractive. NG - There's one problem that you're going have to address too, and I'm not sure I really I really care. In the other house you don't have that opportunity for that little thin line, G - Well, we may be able to add it to the fascia. NG - Yea, but the idea of the little thin line, I think, is very special and I'd hate to see you say, well we've got to make it the same color so we got to paint the whole facia aqua or something. That would look like that thing Perkins did on Streamside Circle. Hall - We talked to Kilpatricks and showed them all the sketches and everything and how we're going to do it and showed them pictures of the Cook's house there in East Vail or West Vail and that's how we came up with the idea of the real thin hidden facia and they liked that, they actually liked the Cook's house. NG - Well, we have no communication with them, they're not applying. Hall- Right, exactly. NG - What we have is with you and you asked us to approve a set of colors. We will ap,prove those colors if the whole house, the whole deal is those colors. SM - And that additional facia is added. NG - We can't approve it othenryise because the ordinance doesn't allow us. We can't have two sides of a duplex, a primary/secondary in primary/secondary zoning, be ditferent colors. lt would look funny in town. SM - Do you understand what they're saying? They will approve these colors provided that the other side is going to be painted to match with the other side being painted the same way if you get the property owner does not agree with that. Then you need to negotiate with him and come back with something that is agreed upon. Hall - | think with these two houses, though, they don't look anything like a duplex. They're .. NG - That's not the point. The point in our approving houses that don't look like each other is that they must be one harmonious, in the primary/secondary, now we don't all agree with this, we're not in full agreement with this issue, but the fact is that our ordinance, our fearless leaders tell us that we must obey the ordinance. The ordinance says that in the primary/secondary, that things must be one structure, and that they must be unified site development and that includes all the other items, landscaping, vegetation, color, materials, att that stuff. So we don't have any choice. We're not picking on you. We just, that's the way it has to be. GL - Can I ask you this, just lrom the Board. Because the other side doesn't have that same fascia detailing, so it really doesn't have lhe opportunity as it exists now, but all fie other, I mean the grays and the stuccos and everylhing else matched and it didn't have that color.... NG - lt wouldn't be the end of the world. Hall - They actually like that fascia color. GL - Let's say if it wasn't there you could tie it together with the other colors and ... NG - lt's a lot of money going up there and tacking that little sucker up, so we're in agreement, the colors are the same and ... SM - And the stone, there were conditions on the stone as originally approved and those conditions will still be met, am I right, with the brick wall? Galen - What was the condition, how was it addressed? SM - | don't remember, it was, the stone had to remain so that it tied between the two buildings. SM - The brick wall - was it brick? SD - Yes SM - Yes, and that had to remain. GL - Yes, we'd talked about that before, if the other side wanted to change materials and tie it in, that's terrific. SD - Yes, brick would look fine with these colors, I think, don't you? G - We did present these colors to ... SD - No, I understand. I mean, in the future I lhink it would be wonderful if you could get rid of that brick on both sides. G - Yes, and the Kilpatrick's and I are subjective to this. They really like the look of the siding and they would really like to side their house, but you can tell by their letter, he just doesn't want to be nailed down to say yes, I absolutely will do it because if his financial status or whatever changes, you know, ... SD - Well, what do we do in the meantime? NG - We approved something and it ain't that... SM - We also need to make some kind of stipulation because there's a problem, you know, if you do it now because you cetn afford it and he says well, I do it in 3 years. Hall - You know, he's got that lovely looking T-1 11 on his house and we're spending an awful lot of money on the remodel to make it, you know, upgraded and everything, it would be foolish to put that stuff back on and paint it that lovely color brown to match his. So, we're trying to move ahead here. Their house was built 5 or 6 years ago. They have said they would really like to re- side it. GL - They have to paint it, that's all. G - That is their objective and goal, is to reside it. Kilpatrick's father does stonework. Thafs his business. NG - You're confusing the issue. All we want is what's done is that it ends up the same color. G - So the application is to be that we will match the colors on the two houses. lf we choose to come in and have a different color, if Kilpatricks don't that then we have to come in and ask for it. SD -One option is not to, I mean, you guys can use these colors and for the Kilpatricks to be that way for the next umpteen years. NG - But then, they've got to match Kilpatricks. G - Right, then I have to come back and match the brown. PH - Or pay the money to paint Kilpatrick's side. NG - That's happening out there. That's happened in, well, what has to happen before CO? SM - Well, CO is a little bit of a vague type of thing. They can .... NG - Before final C.O., it isn't vague. They need it belore they could transfer that property, I think it's necessary that the time year, C.O. is not vague, Certificate of Occupancy. Final, not temporary. SM - But, I'm saying is that there are lots of properties that never ask for a final CO. NG - That's your problem. That's a police problem. SM - Okay. NG - She's going to get after me 'cause none of mine have. SM - Yea, yours is a perfect example. I've been after you tor ayear. SM - There is stuff back to 198'l . NG - What else would you tie it to? SM - A year. NG - Okay, would you do it within ayear? G - You want us to match our house to theirs in 6 months? NG - No. The color would be the same. lf they can't afford it, it would have to go back to you. G - By September 16th of next year. NG - Yea. Do we have a motion on this application? GL - Mr. Chairman, I move ... G - I'm trying to figure out, NG - You're the applicant. Any reference to their desires or whatever are not applicable here ... Hall - | realize that. I wasn't trying to ... I wasn't directing that to the Board. That was strictly between Ursula and I because I'm trying to figure out what we're going to have to do because I don't that they're going to want to comply to that by September or whatever next year. NG - But, if you don't ... SM - You need to come back and make other arranoements so that .... NG - Yea, it's too complicated. SM - What I'm concerned about is that if Kilpatrick says yes, I'm going to do it but I'm not going to do it, you know, for the next 5 years, so the next 5 five years we have .... NG _ An entirely ditferent color... SM - So Kilpatrick basically says I just can't do it, there needs to be some kind of arrangement made so that your house and their house are harmonious for the time period that they are not going to do it, and that's basically zoning on one lot, with separate owners and everything, but when you have a duplex it's just one, it's pretty important, and it's just zoning. lt's the zoning part of it. G - Then we'd like lor the Town to figure whether the letter from Kilpatricks saying they'll reside this? NG - lf you have the option coming back on any issue, you know that, so let's don't anticipate all the problems, just, let's freeze the deal right now. Within a year, they're all going to be the same color, whatever color they are. Hall - The purpose is to make their house look better too. NG - Alright, but let's not speak for them. GL - Mr. Chairman, I move that we approve the Kaiser/Hall color change, conditional on the requirement that both sides are painted the same color within a year of this date. NG - We have a motion, do we have a second? SD - Second. NG - Second by Sherry Dorward. ls there any further discussion? All in favor? All- Aye. NG - All opposed? No response. NG - Thanks. o o Transcription of Design Review Board Meeting December 4, 1991 Item #4 - KaiseriHall Residence - Review of Primary/Secondary Connection. 4876 Juniper Lane/Lot 3, Block 3, Bighorn 5th Addition G,GA - Galen Aasland, architect representing applicant NG - Ned Gwathmey, DRB Chairman PH - Pat Herrington, DRB member SD - Sherry Dorward, DRB member GL - George Lamb, DRB member JILL - Jill Kammerer, staff SM - Shelly Mello, staff PEC - Connie Knight, PEC representative HALL - Bob Hall, representing applicant NG - Kaiser/Hall Residence review. What is the applicant proposing to do today? GA - Well, pretty much what we had talked about last time. What we're suggesting is the walls are basically in the same location and there's a mirror location here, and we're proposing that we do another little 5 foot wall there next to the space between the buildings because they're not square. Each building is not square on, so there won't be very much but the lower portion, 3 feet will be stone like we talked about last time, and the other 2 feet will be stucco and then we'll have a wood cap across the top and this side, assuming, it kind of depends on how the stone or the brick, cause both of these will match, however, that will be carried across onto this portion of the wall and we did have a gate on the one portion of the wall. That's basically our proposal. SM - This is Juniper Lane? GA - Yea, this is Juniper Lane. NG - ls there any other conditions of the application, i.e., the siding, and the colors, and all those things stay? GA - Everything, basically the conditions that whatever's on one half will be on the other half and those materials will be matched on the wall. NG - Okay. Has anybody got any questions or further discussion on this particular subject? Connie Knight - That willl be going all the way across? GA - Well, right now we have stucco, the approved plans have stucco on this corner here. lt has wood in the center and stucco on the corner. CK - So it follows across, though? GA - Yea, it follows across, and then the idea is that this joins on fte other side, that will match up at some logical point. SM - So the total is a five foot wall? GA - 5 foot wall total, yea. And the lower 3 feet will be either stone or brick, whatwer the final material gets to be. And then the upper portion, upper two feet will be stucco. And then we do have a gate in it too. SM - What type of gate is it? GA - A wood gate. lt will be solid. NG - ls there a motion on the application? GL - Mr. Chairman, I move that we approve the Kaiser/Hall residence for view of primary/secondary connection. PH - Second. NG - We have second by Pat Herrington. ls there any further discussion? NG - All in favor? All- Aye. NG - All opposed? No response. JOH N W. DUN N ARTH U R A. ABPLANALP, JR. ALLEN C- CHRISTENSEN LAWRENCE P. HI,RTLAUB DIANE L. H ERMAN SPECIAL COUNSEL: JERRY W. HAN NAH TELEPHON E: (3O3) 475-7s52 TELECOPIER: (3O3) 475-4765 'Z66lVl nrflnrUtO Du N N, ABPLANA'J; il'ff. ISTENSEN, P.c A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION VAI L NATIONAL BANK E UILOING su rrE 3OO I O8 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD WEST vAl L, CoLoRAoo g I 657 December 11, 1992 Ms. Shelly Mellow Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 8L657 RE! Kaiser - 4976 Juniper Lane Dear Shelly: Thank you for allowing me to reschedule the Kaiser matter to January 20, 1993 at 3:00 p.n. so that I could make my dentist appolntment. Very truly yours, DUNN, ABPLANALP E CHRISTENSEN, P.C. ACC/aw o I ao JD F'L T COPY 75 Soatb Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 3 0t -47 9-21 1 8 / 47 9-21 1 9 April 2, 1993 D epartment of Commtnity D eaelopment Denise Mabry 4916 B Juniper Lane Vail, CO 81657 FIE: Lot 38, Block 5, Bighorn Subdivision 5th Addition Dear Ms. Mabry: ln response to your letter dated March 27, 1993, I would again like to clarify the Design Review Board's (DRB) decision regarding the repainting/residing of your residence. I believe it was very clear at the meeting that should the cost estimates for the residing of your home exceed the painting estimates, then the DRB would be willing to review a proposal by you to repaint the structure. Should this be the case, the color selection would need to be brought back to the Design Review Board for their approval. Again, I would point out that the DRB did not approve the repainting of your home over the existing siding. The approval which was granted includes the residing of your home, and then the painting of the new siding. I am sorry that you believe that this issue is far from resolved, however it is my feeling that the DRB has been very reasonable and has certainly compromised on many aspects of this project. lf you should have any further questions regarding the DRB's decision, please feel free to contact me at 303/479-2138. Sincerely, /14 h,4_ Mike Mollica Assistant Director of Planning XC:Ursula Kaiser Allen Christensen Galen Aaslund Kristan Pritz ot oa FIL T OOPY TOI|IN OF VAIL 75 Soutb Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 3 03-479-2l t I / 47 9-21 t9 March 22, 1993 D ep artment of Commanity D et: clopment Ursula Kaiser 4916 A Juniper Lane Vail, CO 81657 RE: Lot 38, Block 5, Bighorn Subdivision, sth Addition Dear Ms. Kaiser: On March 17, lg93 the Design Beview Board granted final approval of your request to modify the exterior colors for the Ma-brey residence, located on the west half of the above-relerenced property. At this meeting, Tony Jessup, representing Ms. Mabrey, modilied the DBB ippticaiion and included the residing of the entire western structure to match the Kaiser house in materials. lt was agreed that the new siding could be placed on the building either horizontally or vertically. The following cotors were approved for the project: 1) The color of the siding would be the same color as that of the Kaiser residence. 2\ The trim color for the facia would be Benjamin Moore/Kensington Green (Number 710). 3) The color approved for the other trim areas (windows, doors, etc.) would be Benjamin Moore/Raleigh Green (Number 713). It is our understanding that the Mabrey residence will be resided and repainted as soon as the weather permits this spring. lf you should have any questions or comments regarding the DRB'S action on this application, please do not hesitate to contact me at (303) 479-2138' Sincerely,t.ry-r'- rGU-:_ Mike Mollica Assistant Director of Planning xc: Alan Christiansen Galen Aaslund Kristan Pritz to ao DI]NISI MABIIY i:i-l : March 27, 1993 4?lb'B sv^ryrea rme tt^.l a t'\wf.l, , / tlbg,? Town of Vai-f olputi*""t of community Development 75 Frontage Road Vai1, CO 81657 Attention: Mr. Mike Mollica Reference: Lot 38, Block 5' Bighorn Subdivision 5th Addition Dear Mr. Mollica: With reference to your letter dated l(ar ch 22 ' please be advised as follows ' I was informed by Mr' Jessop and Ms' Kaiser ' Uotn of whom attended the March 17 DRB meetang' that: 1. I would agree for siding mY mY home, and, 2. If the cost of siding my home woufd be substantially more than painting' I would then be Permitted to Paint mY home . In my mind this issue is far from resolved and there is no agreement on my part that my home riir-n. sided and not Painted' cc: Ms. Ursula Kaiser Mr. Afan Christia Mr. Galen Aas lund Ms. Kristan Pritz to obtaln es t imates home versus Pa inting SincereIY Denise nsen DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA March 3, 1993 3:00 P.M. SITE VISITS 12:00 P.M. Loper - 784 Potato Patch Drive Elliman - 1425 Aspen Ridge Lane Bartlett - 1886 West Gore Creek Drive Epstein - 1461 GreenhillCourt Uptown Grill - 521 E. Lionshead Circle The Villager - 100 East Meadow Drive Vail Village Popcorn Wagon - 244 WallSfeet Mill Creek Court Garden - 302 Gore Creek Drive Rembert - 1547A Springhill Lane Lawler - 4939 Meadow Drive FOR THE RECORD:1. NEW MEMBERS HAVE BEEN SWORN IN BY PAM BRANDMEYER. 2. GEORGE LAMB WAS ELECTED AS CHAIRMAN. AGENDA 1.Kaiser-Mabrey (formerly Kaiser/Hall) - Exterior colors. MM/KF Lot 3, Block 5, Bighorn Fifth Addition/4916 Juniper Lane.MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: TABLED TO MARCH 17, 1993 Cinnamony Buns at VTC - Outdoor public seating. TD Vail Transportation Center, Block 5D, Vail Village 1st Filing/241 S. Frontage Road. MOTION: Mike Arnett SECOND: Bob Borne VOTE:5-0 Approved three tables with three chairs each directly adjacent to the entrance to lease space. Furniture should be high quality (i.e. wrought iron) and either green or black in color. 3. Mclntyre - New Duplex. Lot 12, Casolar ll/1121 Casolar Drive.MOTION: SECOND: CONCEPTUAL 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- 10 2. TD VOTE: 4. Rembert - Addition. TO Lot 2, Block 3, Vail Valley 2nd Filing/1547A Springhill l-ane. MOTION: K. Langenwalter SECOND: Bob Borne VOTE:5-0 CONSENT APPROVED 5. May - Demo/Rebuild of single tamily residence TD with a Type ll EHU. Lot 6 and east part ol Lot 5, Vail village 7h Filirg/l119 Ptarmigan. MOTION: K. Langenwalter SECOND: Bob Bome VOTE:5-0 Approved 6. Agneberg - New primary unit. SM Lol24, Block B, Vail Ridge/2585 Davos Trail.MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: TABLED 7. The Villager/t/ail Vitlage lnn - New signs. SM Vail Village Inn Plaza/100 East Meadow Drive. MOTION: Mike Arnett SECOND: Bob Borne VOTE:5-0 Approved 8. Loper - Changes to approved plan. SM Lot 15, Vail Potato Pafr;hnE4 Potato Patch Drive.MOTION: SEGOND: VOTE: TABLED 9. Loper - Primary unit. SM Lot 15, Vail Potato Patchft84 Potato Patch Drive.MOTION: SECOND: VOTE; TABLED 10. Lawler - Revisions to approved plan. SM Lot 12, Block 5, Bighorn Sth Addition/4939 Meadow Drive. MOTION: K, Langenwalter SECOND: Bob Bome VOTE:5-0 CONSENT APPROVED 11. Elliman - New single lamily residence. AK Lot 1, Block4, Lionsridge #311425 Aspen Ridge Lane. MOTION: K. Langenwalter SECOND; Bob Bome VOTE:5-0 Approved with conditions. DRB APPI,ICATTON - TOWN.OE VAIL, I DATE APPLICATION R$CEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: Q"rri"" d s/A/sL coroRADo 2. /'7, 73 2. /'?' 73 ********** TIIIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE I'NTII. AI,L REQUIRED INFORMATTON t********* ACCEPTED rS SUBMITTED I. A.DESCRIPTION: R TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction ($200.00) AddiLion ($50.00) LEGAL DESCRIPTJON: Subdivision If property is described by a description, please provide on attach to this application. '\/ Minor Alteration ($20.00) Conceptual Review (90) Block .') meet,s and bounds legal a separate sheet and D. E. ZONING: LOT AREA: If requifed, stamped survey showing NAME OF APPLICANT I L');" Mailing Address: \'rirt- st provide a current applicanL Iot area. Phone LI NAME OF Mailing APPLICANT, S REPRBSENTATIVE : Address: Phone NAME OF OWNERS *SIGNATURE (S) : , Ll t>u,/r, 7("tt'51r- ;-\L*--v-^=| /, )- f-i- a;/,-,,,,-=-- ;,(, *u,l-* /', /"t /,-i|,14, r,,,,/'r-A L.lrl. , 1 Phone // L' (- t't 5 Mai I ing Addr e,?{| __fL!j,>Q+ Condominlum Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at the tlne of submittal of DRB application. Later, when applying for a building permit, please identify the accurate valuation of the proposal. The Town of VaiI * DESIGN RSVIEW BOARD APPROVAT EXPIRES ONE YE.AR AETER FTNAI, APPROVAIJ T'NLESS A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED A}ID CONSTRUCTION TS STARTED. **NO APPI.,ICATION WTLL BE PROCESSED WIIHOUT OWNER'S SIGNATURE 1 J. K. O Lrsr oF MATERTAL' O NAI,IE OF PROJECT: '7 /) LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT,6 BLOCK S?REEI ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: 1',//.t,SUBDIVISION /./ A. The following Review Board information is before a final MATERIALS: required approval TYPE OF for submittal to the Desj.gn can be given: MATERTAL COLOR BUILDING Ranf Siding Other wall Materials Fascia SoffiLs Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES B. Ouantity Size* EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED I I \ *Indicate caliper for deciduous Lrees. Minimum caliper for deciduous t.rees is 2 inches. Indicat.e height. for coniferous trees. Minimum heiqht for coniferous trees is 6 feet. anical Name . PLEASE MAKE j TOWN OF VAJIr- D EPARTi\{E^r.T OF COivl;VIUNITY DEVELOP}IENT S.\LES ACTlON FOR:\{ 75 S0UTII FRONTAGE RoAD vAfL, CoLOMDo 81657 b r^- ZClrT\'O .r,ID A DD RESS l'{A.Ps 0t 0000 41540 LTNTFOL\{ B UiLDt\C COD E 0t 0000424t5 0l 0000{24r5 uM FOR\.i PLU!.'{8 t.'-'C C OD E 0l 0000 424 l5 UMfOF*\.t li{EC HAI'Ic}.L CODE 0t 0oo0 i?415 UNITOR,\{ EIR! CODE 0l 0000 {2{ l5 IV.\TIONAL ELECTPJCAL CODE OTI{ER CODE BOOKS 0t 0000 .{24 r 5 BLUE PR TTS OJYLA 0l 0000 .l | 5{ 3 0l o00l {2412 | Xraox coPIES / s'iuDIEs 0l 00co1237t PENAI.TY FEES / RE.i,\*SPECTONS ol 00c0 { 1332 i pt-,t"v RErqnv RE.cHECK FEE ts<o pER HR. 0t 0000 423?l OFF HOURS L\SPECT]ON F[,ES 0t 0000.11{12 CONTL\ CTO RS L]CE\S EJ FE]IS 0l 0000 { r350 .0r 0000 414r3 SIGN APPL!CATION FEE 0r 00004r4r3 ADDITIONAI-SICNACEF;E ISI,OOPER SO.IT. 0l 00co 42410 \TC ART FROJECT DONAT]ON 0l 0000 .t l 331 PRE PAJD DFJIGN REVIEW BOARD FEE *.01 0000 41010 T X TOTAL DUE: 24,,' 0l 0000 { 1330 R ALTERATION 0l ctr00 1t 330 0t 0cr00.r 1330 EXTERIOR ALTI:RATION IIiORE SPECIAL DEVELOP.\ 0l 0m0 d n30 S PEC L4 L D EV ELOPIfENT Dl SIRICT [ ]'u:.ryO R A M E\D 4t330 lsuBDlvlsl 0l 0000I t3 0l 0000.11330 | 0l 0000 4l \1 i{ )- -FD1.II-{ 0F r--JFl f l- I'liscel l =r€*u= C.fEh I .i ;. .-. !l ,: -''lr ;l Iir Er5: rii it.,r --., r r, t. # 1Lt,:.if:1 ii,-:'',-,r !fri. ri tl:i,: 1; 15i1 cEE i,ltt i.-,[ iii:iEii,{,r..i:,F'iIEt{ FiELrIEl.,] E,:rFtFlt! F i.lii!{,, iit t. I.:;: !,,-!+ r; j: .: fil, i: il I t.*nr p.: i d Hnraun t pai d fl i li,lr iit.ii 1 .'l -'i: iifitt :[r. i:lt:t -rHFtF{l{ l/fiLf 'i'L-:r-if- !:.:'::l-ri n r !TEF,flFtl.1IE. ?5 Soutb Frontage Road Vail, Colorailo 81657 t0t -479 -2 1 t I / 479 -21 19 D epartment of Community Deoclopment February 25, 1993 Mr. Randy Johnson RJ Builders 2077 North Frontage Road, Suite 112 Vail, CO 81657 RE: Kaiser/Hall Remodel - Cash Deposit for retaining wall Dear Flandy: As we have discussed, the site wall proposed for the Kaiser/Hall residence has been removed from the Design Review Board approved development plan. In December of 1991, you entered into a Development Agreement with the Town of Vail for the construction of this garden wall and gave a cash deposit of $2,000 to the Tob/n to insure completion of this improvement. Because the DRB removed this garden wall from the development plan, the Town can now return this deposit. At this time I have submitted a request for the return of these escrow lunds. You should be receiving this check within two to four weeks. Should you have any questions, please contact me at 479-2138. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely,4t h,rz- Mike Mollica Assistant Director of Planning xc. Ursula Kaiser alpine international Post-lt* brand fax transmittal memo 7611 llolpsges > 7 lo vi , t) tl Kob ftA-U-,." /,4;Ku hol ltcq Co."o. 7;*u o{ l/n; I Dept.hone #42 7 -zt37 "' i?6 -q62?Fax # Mike Mollica Planner Community Development Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Dear Mike. Re: Kaiser/ Hall Residence At the request of Robert Hall, I have done a landscape plan for the small space between the buildings. This should respond to concerns from the Design Review Board. The design intent is to use existing aspen to build a grove in that space and unify the two houses with dense planting of shrubs and ground cover. I hope this will be sufficient to complete the design review process on this project. Sincerely, V ice President /kt Hall Aasland c.c: R. G. Sherry Dorwa tandscapc architccturc and urban dcsign in moutrtain communiti€s ard high-altitude coYironmcntt 500 East Lionshead Circle, Suite 301 Vail, Colorado 81657 (303) 476-0668 FAX (303) 476'7660 171 Carlos Drive San Rafael, California 94903 (4L5) 491-4'122 FAX (415) 479-6718 8 sDl +76 "rd..FLPINE tNtL p.,, afplne lnternailone 'Www,if,"q (HEM,%$**bnk_ \ Tbulhrc*e- (nivot zt.t--?Wrrfu*<Wff.tl'u+' )in waffi LI*JW,ft,\WW t I zlt e7fraatra:- Y;,19.'vlaiiil wt4hWc,p(\ itj'i',l. 'Wy,|D rar4y't, (erdW l"-n lp't^rrn+ln I t\tN\-aap{a>'lD ALz"'--- TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Allen Christiansen, Dunn, Abplanalp and Christiansen Town of Vail, Community Development Department February 8, 1993 Kaiser Duplex, Lot 3, Block 5, Bighorn Subdivision Filing No. 5 As a follow-up to the January 20, 1993, Design Beview Board meeting, the stalf thought it would be helpful if we outlined the items the DRB requested that the applicant address prior the next DRB meeting on February 17, 1993. During the discussion the DRB identified the following items as issues: 1. Rather than making the projects match, it would make more sense to make them compatible. In doing this, the DRB indicated that the buildings did not have to be of the same materials, but that the materials should be compatible. 2. The utilities located on the east side of the property should be relocated. The existing structure where the utilities are located should be removed or diminished in appearance. All encroachments in the setbacks should be eliminated. 3. A landscape plan should be submitted to help distinguish the units and yet make the units more compatible. The following items should be submitted to complete the application per the DRB'S direction: 1. Material samples for the proposed modifications; 2. A landscape plan; 3. A new site plan and elevations showing the carport area and the relocation of the utility boxes. These items should be submitted to the staff by February 12, 1993, so that they can be reviewed by the staff for compliance with the zoning code prior to Design Review Board meeting. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Please contact Mlke Mollica at 479-2138 should you have any further questions. We look forward to meeting with you on Friday, February 12, at 10:30 at the Community Development offices. XC:Mike Mollica -b,r-"^2 14 "AZ- - @\ 6 ^"--{ f"-. V v t MEMORANDUM Allen Christiansen, Dunn, Abplanalp and Christiansen Town of Vail, Community Development Department February 8, 1993 Kaiser Duplex, Lot 3, Block 5, Bighorn Subdivision Filing No. 5 As a follow-up to the January 20, 1993, Design Review Board meeting, the staff thought it would be helpful if we outlined the items the DRB requested that the applicant address prior the next DRB meeting on February 17, 1993. During the discussion the DRB identified the following items as issues: 1. Rather than making the projects match, it would make more sense to make them compatible. In doing this, the DRB indicated that the buildings did not have to be of the same materials, but that the materials should be compatible. 2. The utilities located on the east side of the property should be relocated. The existing structure where the utilities are located should be removed or diminished in appearance. All encroachments in the setbacks should be eliminated. 3. A landscape plan should be submitted to help distinguish the units and yet make the units more compatible. The lollowing items should be submitted to complete the application per the DRB's direction: 1. Material samples for the proposed modifications; 2. A landscape plan; 3. A new site plan and elevations showing the carport area and the relocation of the utility boxes. These items should be submitted to the staff by February 12, 1993, so that they can be reviewed by the staff for compliance with the zoning code prior to Design Review Board meeting. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Please contact Mike Mollica at 479-2138 should you have any further questions. We look lorward to meeting with you on Friday, February 12, at 10:30 at the Community Development offices. F!L E COPY TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: xc:Mike Mollica I R,.-!. \\ANrut wi\\t'ara'^J '-' fi-\"t i- tt-\wn ut) \,;\ fl,p V{ . ,,r\rftI t Project Application Date 4'2t,?i Name:Projecl Proiect Contact Description: Person and Phone O\,r/ner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot 3 Block 5 ritins-R;.1a,,- 9* ,7... Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded ort T*-2 s-o D ISAPPROVAL Sum mary: Town Plan ner Date:4.zt'?i E Statt Approval r (qh$d ('€'; ' CM bo'ce- grDrNG o o o FActlu5 x Y( ffiMions Color Combinations' for the 90's ,..aaailable in these fine quality products: MoorGardt rnrrx LOW LUSTRI HOUSE PAINT 103 A lowlushe, vinyl-acryhc paint for erterior rvood siding, tiim, aluminum siding hardboard silling shakes and shing-les; unglazed bdcL, stucco, cement block; prime? or previously pahted metal. MooCard Latex Lorv Lustre House Paint is easy to apply, dnes ur less than an hour and is bfidter. mildew. alkali and fume resistant. It provides durablc vear- round protection - usuallv in one ioat. MoorGloo urex HOUSE & TRIM PAINT 095 A soft-gloss, acrylic latex paint recomriended f6r exterio; sidinp, tnrn, hardboard siding shakes and sling)es; unglazed brick, itucco; prjmed or - prdviouslv painted metal. It is especially iecommeird ed tbr repainting aluriinum ano vnyt s10lns, MoorClo Latex House & Trim Paint features superior gloss and color retention: b'lister, a-lkali and fume resistance; easv application and long lasting bea u iy'and'protection. Moorlifeu rrrsx FLAT HOUSE PAINT 105 A high-qualitr; nnvl-acrylic latex paint espdialfv forinulated foi masonrv suifaces luch as stucco, cement, cjnder block and unelazed brick. It is also an ercellent coadng for hardboard siding, wood clapboards, shakes and shhgles. Moorlife Latex Flat House Paint features a handsome flat finish as well as excellent hiding and durabi[ty. Itis easv to aDDlv, drids rapidlv and ' paiirtingi6oli rinse clian in soap and water. Mooretst HrcH Gloss House Paint rro A highnualitl,,,alkyd-based paint fbr use 0n w000, alumnum, unvl ano hardboard sidhg; doors, trini and primed metal. Iicovers most surlactr in one self-leveline coat. lt features long-lasting dura5ility and excellent coldr and eloss retention. Moore's H]eh Gloss House Paint far exceeds the performance of ord inary house painti even when subiected tb severe seashore exposure. For best results, start with one of our best exterior pritners. Moore'st Latex Exterior Primer roz An alkyd-modified, acrvlic latex primer for exterior siding, hardboard sidinl, shakes, shingles and him. For alasting blister resis=tant slslem, afply over bare wood ard tiocoat with Mooreard. Mo6CIo or Moorlife exterior latex house Dalnts. Moore's Latex Erterior Primer prolonss the litb of finish coats while minimizing bleed+fuough on staining-type woods, Moorwhiteo Primer rm A mildew resistant, soh'ent-thurned pnmer for use over bare wood. hardboard sidine, cured masonrv and w'eathered painted surfaces ficluding alumiJium siding. It is available in tinting bases thaiprovide a high-T'Liding undercoat for dee"p or intense'MOORO- MATIC colors. Moorwhite Prirner is ideal for use under all howe paints-latex or oil based. Moorwhite Primer enhances the oerfomrance of paints by prolonging their durabilitv, color and glos retemon. On the cover: Plumbush, Mayvile,N.Y. Color Stylng: MchaelC.Hal Your Benjamin Moore Dealer reallA knows paint! l,tOORE t MOORGARD, MOORCLO I{OORIVHITI and MOoR{-MA'IIC are rcgistend bademarLs oi Beniarnin Mor.}e & Co. MOORLIIE is a tadenark of Beniamin Voore & Co- Beniamin Moore & Co,, Montvale, N,J. Ne$' York Office,5ll Canal Street Manulachrrine locations in Newark . Boston Qi6[66d o Jtcksonr.ille . Johnstown Cleveland . Chicaeo . St. Louis . Houston Birmingham . Denver . Los Angeles Santa Clala . fbronto . Montrcal . Vancouver O 10301-Litho in usA-t/91 o o z (n {F c o =o z T m 7 ={ m .i,llQU . E 5 FfiE F E 3 ii=liEa l=E i T-]r-l- '< c sxP 0 €:== d g EE= E e"; = t') > I nz fi i FO b'l =d a -l o\ z,o n+lfi (J 'u '8=zx -{ \, {>6z -{^g> Q.t z. (- 3s tz (JO u z.'m "'r ;.\3: =lo o>>or 2e nz >m on --{ >or-T T =m o -{ €z m t z =IT ^P H (l) H P t-rr rn t-f- j a F'- 7i t- suj o>'t- l- -{ l./ qF =x -1, t "Tl t-z H F z i m t-m t-{lo t;t<t> lF l6 =l€ lz n - m z o a = l{lo l€ lz lo ll l> tr't- tm P' = .t ! ll 5 \o I s crl l-{to It lz .tl m z 'FJ I ! I t4 >,H r EI rl H a) 5.\| I \,r l.J l-.{to l€ lz to ln l<ID lr IR t!, lz IY t_I i.) t?l> I l c-r tr. F a 3 z H iN z m I = z m F r F H = m 5 c C-r z H F z I -t F H r 5 \J I s.tJ rn F z o t- :z o i o c -l X X X X _l z t- m =-.{ </)z m m m o l< -' lz lz F It tt- P H H ts z ra F rI] F]F P 3 H z ,.\o EZ /e.m dg m rrb !6=-z .t xoo xtl z frz AY lrF al -{ ^!i:m io > 'rt Zo \z o u,l x, =o 6 z !0= -l v< B;fis$;3699 E q: q3 8E-=t 9 -ar P d 3; i *e' 5 (,, (D:aJ Pb au --qi9il :g et[P9o'96. [;.;1;d*Oi(or a, O -ao ,yfrgir (,QJa98 sftes; i:;g i NiFi ryila€ 6l.r I il | ' t\o 6t | -.\'' | | rH e l2r3 =iE E lgiE iiE F lii'il- =li, I /c7 t*y .8, 9 >- !m F 3 { 2 o E6 mt l'.. l lzo loo tza t<lEo tc)'r ,. .Il ;g "= Gf \O -{NO @ m x m !i o z C o @ 2 -{m z r. z ' - ,rr-l'(-l IN I SPE CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PR LJAIE READY FOR LOCATION: -/;r'INSPEC MON CALLER TUES WED THUR 'p4eeaoveo E DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr FINAL INSPECTOR qf I Project AppliciitiOn Project Proiect Contact Name: Description: Person and Phone U L r*r + i I Owner. Aooress ano Pnone: t..=@ Architect. Address and Phone: Lesal Descriptio ^, r", 44/, ",."r Wf- , Com menls: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: D ISAPPROVAL APPROVAL fi II Su m mary: r\ \ +0 \r-( E Statt Approval ZONE CHECK AqOR sFR, R, 4 P/S)ZONE DTSTRTCTS ADDRESS: OWNER ARCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE INT SIZE Height Total GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear Water Course SLte Coverage Landscaping Fence/Retaining WalI Parking Allowed (30) (33) q *aob Existincr Proposed TotaI 201 L5, \VadL l,t'r)'t" 15 1 (30) (50)Affil,! ffi\,\ Heights 3t /6' Regrd ? (w*,r) b I'#iffi (so) (fD) F- (25) (50) 't L) (2oo) (4oo) ltrrQ 8* Actua1 Slope E-rl n o t-t-2 i4 Approved by Town Engineer: fi|ft Date: Environmental/Hazards : Avalanche 1) Flood Plain 2\ t Slope 3) Geologic Hazards a) snow Avalancne fJd b) Rockfall tJt c) Debris ruow A,jD 4) Wetlands t^ry twD r \rtL^ Credits: carage Mechanical Airlock Storage Drl.ve: Perrnitted Slope \< drd,- Cr*4/ -V Block4 rflrng slbb,{ Primary GRFA ( Wu*,r I l+Lrl,l')_ffi it'l,z tb5v m4. | ?',2h ltp67.6 l tp4fi.{164.{ vt. -2_{L * W.oU. ywry-d, fun b(t'yvu IWWWfrW r"r,f*) 2tv @(eqtw PWsa ( ieok 6' \WV UN IT TOTKL (ttu/'a/'y(t ql' zbs sura 6bLft6E \'A-ttfrf 6A^W hi Rt rlL V' \D? wQ a + t-5 m l1 52J) * Q@ lv+O ,.-',,.2.) \(p') ) ' euYL f- Y\erc'n ifarr re [<rl-dL VBi4S NN Itol + tt' ffiffi (', 0b VilYary 4et \<*t6ffi tb33 DRB APPLICATIOII DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: .*****TT{IS APPLICATTON WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORI.TATION rs SUBMITTED***** I.PRE-APPLICATION UEETING: ,' .*\ !0y A pre-application neeting wltfi strongly suggested to deternine I '', thftftl a planning staff nember ls if any additional infornation is needed. the zoninq adninistratorl . It is the applicantrs responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find responslDJ-J.l-Ey Eo maKe an appornEmenE wrEn Ene sEarr Ec, r out about additional subnittal reguirenents. Please note that a COMPLETE application will streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of conditions of approval that the DRB rnay stipulate. ALL conditions of approval nust be resolved before a building perrnit is issued. Application will not be processed without Ohtnerrs Signature. PROJECT AE A. B.IOCATION OF PROPOSAL:qltl E )vni Pru kL,ne ilxT"# roE b Block 5 Subdivision W zoning tJt>rt/o L(aiset c. D. NAI'IE OF Mailing APPLTCANT: Address:)arut-Lr rr- \q,n (= ,.V!Q b Phone Ll7e'/1V'? N.\l'{E OF Ma.Lling Phone NN,IE OF OWNERS: STGNATLRE(s): _ Mailing Address: -- Phone Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE:permit is paid for. APPLICANT I REPRESENTATTVE: Address: E. F. G. VALUATION s o-s10r01 -$ 5o,o0L - $150, Oo1 - s5oo,001 -$ Over $ 10, ooo s 50.00c $ l.5o, 000 s 500,000 sl , 000, 0oo $L, 000, 0oo FEE 91O.OO $ ?5.00 s so.co $100. o0 $200.00 s300. oo 4 blt-51 II.IMPORTANT NOTICE R,EGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: A. In addition to rneeting suburittal reguirements, the applicant must stake the site to indicate property lines and building corners. Trees that will be removed nust al.so be marked. This work nust be conpleted before the DRB visits the site. B. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS will normally involve two separate neetings of the Design Review Board, so the applicant should plan on at least two neetings for a final approval . ,r C. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled neeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be reguired to be republished. D. At the discretion of the zoning admlnistrator, the following items may not have to be presented to the Design Review Board. They, however, have to be presented to the Planning Department for approval: a. Windows, skylights and sinilar exterior changes that do not alter the existing pLane of the building; and b. Building additions that are not viened from any other lot or public space, which have had letters subnitted from adjoining property owners approving the addition; andlor approval fron the agent for,or manager of a condominium association. E. You may be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, debris flow, wetlands, etc). You should check with a Town Planner before proceeding. IUITL LN LL 6, rUK SFR, R, R P/S ZOIIE DISTRICTS narF: P- t6-{O =?_._=_LEGiL Dl.:L.rrr'I rUrl: L0t_ AODRESS: OI.JNER ARCH I TECT Bl ock rr;ns b(7Wzx $,1{, Phone Pho ne ZONE DISTRIC PROPOSED U5E | ^r ql:F' Hei gn t l0Ca I L:(rA Primary GRFA SecondarY GRFA Setbacks: Front Rear ve lwf 2*e G 1{;ct Prooosed f>J.. /J|ql ux%*+rl Lb''(o" 'l 4't ; M-t,r) W (.ttQa"iu) )t1l 1ql ir ?n \ I < i'l \ ,,{^'l C-.J v At* tl 'lia 1S' tl 1F11.Ll lffit@ ^1L.(a lro9.z\ (s0)00) t lu.i 400 ) Slope Actuai Aval anche F'lood P'lain Sl ope [ettands lvt 0 f -t a Geoiogic uazaras /vl 1) Conrnents: L:',:;:::.= #l- $ba,a,a LandscaPi ng Fence,i Retai ni ng 'lla1 I Heights Pariri ng fr arl i fc. Grrlno . vs' vjr Mechan i ca i Ai rl ock S torage Solar Heat Drive: Slope Permitted Envi ronmenta I /Hazards : Zoni ng: Approved/Di sapproved Date: )Eatt 5l qnature UTILITY LOCATIC}: VERIFICATIC}] 5UAUI I IJ IVI'I JOB NAME FIII:iC ADDRESS The location of ucililies, wherher rhev be main trunk lines roved and veri.f ied by the following uciliEies fo; Au!ho!:zed S iznacure or proposed ltnes, che acconpanying Dat e ilr 'i,toulc.in Bell 468-6500 WesEern Slope Gas Co. t 800 922-r987 llarry l{oyes Public Servlce Conpany 949 -5 7 8l Gary t{aII lloly Cross Electirc Assoc. 949-5892 Ted i{usky/Michael Laverty Hericage Cablev-ision T.V. 9 49 -5534 Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sani.E3cion Dis cricr 47 6-7 480 Fred Has lee NOTE:These verj.ficaEions do not relieve che concr3ccor of his responsibilily to obtain a screec cur permir lrou rhe Tor.rn of Vail, DeparrnenE of Publlc l,lorks and Eo obcain urility locarions before digging in any public right- of-way or easenenc in she Town of Vai.l. A buildinq Dernit is noc a screeE cut permic. A screec cuc permi.! nusE be obcained separacely. This forn Ls to verify servlce availability and locaElon. Thls should be used in conjuncclon r.rich preparing your utillty plan and scheduling i.nsrallarions. , *(PLease bring a slte plan when obcaini.ng Upper Eagle Valley Wacer & Sanicacion signacures ) i ' xdtiiililniiii:t; The foilorving information is required for submittxl by the appiicant t0 Board before a fjnai approval can be fjven: A. BUILDIIIG iIATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL Roof Sidinq 0ther |llait tlaterials Fas c'i a Soff iis Wi ndows lli ndorv Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl as hi ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther 8. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: pnone: the Design Review ant nD vPlu * Lw*r PLAI{T |'IATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name Common Name tt EXISTING TREES TO BE REI'IOVED Ouani tv Si ze* oF4 x r u;L P/^ for conifers. (over) LIST OF I'IATERIALS *lndicate caliper for deciducious trees.Indicate height SUBDIVISION JOB NAME LOT BIOCK ADDRESS ,6 U.S. West Cororounications 1-8 oo-92 2-1987 aei-oeoo or 949-4530 Public Service ConPanY 949-578l. GarY HaIl Iloly cross Electric Assoc' 949-5892 6"i i"=ivlllichael r'averty Heritage Cablevision T'v' 949-5539 ' GarY Johnson UpPer Eagle va1leY w?t:t '"'I-3""i€ation District * 47 6-7 480 Fred Haslee NOTE: l/.7 |fr'"/."--rz ,\ A L oi ,, I "-_A^U'nLr'^k* N . {tt"7" FILING Tbe location and-availability or :i'il";;;lo".a u"a verified by in"i:ii::t":'"tllili::'r:?'il"':l"oip'"vi"e s ite pI an'trunk Iines o. _PToooteq r-Lrre-' ---rJorp.nying site plan. fi;'?"il;wins utilities ror the a< Authorized Siqnature t, 2 'l It:=:":;:i: ilil i:l"t' "l3l ii" I:L:":t" ":i";:ffi:i"?3' the rown of varr'tolitiii";! :: Pubric works and Eo wffiil,tl"i::""' A strec-- This forrn is to verify :tt"l:: availability ana ' ' ' rocation. mt" tioiii u" used.in conjunction htrtn rcreparing yoot "iliiiv pru" and scheduring inslallations ' * prease bring a-site prll , fl:::. pran' and erevations when obtaining uppef cugr".illl:I water'i-ilniiati'on sisnatures' Ftre ;i;;-;;.6s irust be addresseo' I .-a october 09, 1989 our orderr vt4275 BUYER: URSUI.,A KAISER sEr.r.rR: STEPI{EN S. CORZETTE ANd CIIRISTINE A. CORZETTE ADDRESS: BISHOP & CO}IPANY DEI,IVER IN VATI, RUNS 1 Attns SARA HERGERT FIRSfBAI,IK OF VAIL DELIVER IN VAIt RUNS 1 Attn: KEVIN CIOSER 1 Attn: SHARMAN COPIES 2 Attn: PICKED UP FOR DELIVERY oo I,AND TITIJE GUARANTEE CO}!PANY Representing Titte rnsurance conpany of Minnes or^-V'" 22l/ TITAI.IK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER ', i!., '1 I :l Cq., /l*ry', t LoS AM PI,{ MINNESOTA TrTrF l$ 544O Ward Roa d Arva da, CO 80002 420-0241 3300 So. Parke. Rd., Suile 105 Au rora, CO 800'l 4 7 51-4336 I8l0 30rn Sireel Bculder, CO 80301 444.41A 1 200 North R idge P. O. Box 2 280 Ereckenridge, Ca 80424 453-2255 5I 2 Wilcox Castle Rock, CO 80104 688.6363 2l 2 North Wo hsa tch Co lo ra do Sprrrgs, CO 80903 634-4821 Gommitment To lnsure lssued through the }lfire of; P. O. Box 5440 Denver, CO 8021 7 32 1 ,1 880 832 i E. Hampden Suite 100 Denver, CO 80231 7 50-4223 8333 Greenwood Bou leVa rd Denver, CO 8022 | 427-9353 I 201 Ma in Avenue Durango, CO 81 301 247-5860 7700 E. Arapahoe Rd. Su ire I 50 Englewood. CC 801 l2 770.9 596 3600 So. Yosemi'te Denver, CO 80237 69 4.2837 'r08 LAND TITLE GLARANTEE COf\4FANY South Fronlage Road V/. P.O. Bcx 357 Vail, CO 8 1658 476-2251 3030 S. College Aven ue Su ite 201 Fort Collins, CO 805 25 482-90 | 5 7.|0 Kipling Street Lakewood, CO 8021 5 232.31 I 1 3609 So. Wadsworlh Suire I l5 Lakewood, CO 80235 988,8ss0 I 1990 Granl Streel Su ite 220 Northg len n, CO 80233 452-O149 I9590 East A ain Street Parker, CO 80 134 841 ,4900 108 Soulh Frontage Road W. P.O. Box 357 Vail, CO 81658 47 6-225 | LAI{D TITLE GLlARANTEE COfuIPANY agge uJlol t^ltI lroleufis pazuatlnv anuuv puxes 40, Auedwo1 lxots V vl0slNNtr^l l0 ANVdwoS lSNvunsNl lll|r 'fuoteu0ts pozuoqlne lsqtro lo locUJo 0u!lepllen e Aq pauorstalunoc uaqM prlen aq o]'V alnpaqos ur uMoqs alpp aql uo s.lacr$o pozuoqlne A;np slt Aq paxtge olunalaq aq 01 leos pue aueu alerodror slr pasne3 seq elosauury! 1o AuedLuo3 acuernsul aHl lolulHM SSINIIM Nl ']uau]tLuruo3 srq] iq paranoc uoaraql abe8uour ro lsa.lalur lo alelsa aqt anleA.JoJ pJocal l0 salnboe petnsur pasodotd oql alep aql olloud tnq loaraq atep anrtea;Ja aql oltuanbasqns butqrepe to spoca: c tlq nd aql ut 6utteadde lslrl'patrealJ riue +r 'sra4eu Jaqlo Jo sulelc osJoApD'sacuslqunoua'suatl 'slcala6 I 'sptocer crlqnd aqt Aq uMor-ls lou pue Mel Aq pasodtxr 'paqsrurnl raueoraLl ro arololoraq] leualeu lo loqel 'sacrnras Jo]'uatl e ol lq0u to 'uatl Auy 'X 'sptocai ollqnd oql Aq uMoqs ]ou are q3tqM pue osolosrp p1norui sasruard aq] l0 uorlcadsur pue da^ins leajJoJ e q3rqM slce; Aue pue 'siuarullc eol J u o 'ea.le ur ebeyoqs 'seurl fu epunoq ut slsluuoc 'satcuedercst6 g 'sprocar crlqnd aql Aq uMoqs tou 'sluaujssea Jo sulalo J0 'stuauase:l Z 'sptocat ctlqnd aql Aq uMoqs lou uotssassod ut sa,ued 1o sullels J0 srqblu I urorr suo,snrcxr pue suorle;ndr15 pue suorpu'J ,u,, 'fJltlllSlll:iiil..l|i,t;lll; j!tit'*'"t srqr'0l parialar anoqe a0erano3 SNOIId]TX] OUVONV.LS luoullurltro3 srql Jo suorsraold aql ol lrahns ale pup uo paseq aq ]snu ]uaujUujr]]03 srql lq para,ror uoaraqt aDeo!0ul aql lo snlels aqj J0 isajalui l0 alPtsa aql 0l al}] aq] lo snlels aql l0 lno oursue Aueduo3 aq1 lsureDe Duuq ,{eu ro eaeq .{eu parnsul pasodold aq} }Bq} uor}re yo s1q0r ro suorpe ro uoqce ,(uy g 'uralaLl p0rlrporu Alssoroxa se ldarxa luaulruluo3 sr.li lo ued e speu pue aoualalar Aq palerodorur lqareq are qorqM parnsul pesodord aql p role1 ur ro+ pauruuroc sarrr;od ro {llod 1o urol aq1 yo e6era^o3 r!0r] suorsnlox€ aqt pue su0rlelndlts pue suorirpuoC aql pue suorsr,ro]d 6uunsur aq] 0] ]cofqns sr firyrqery qrns pue l{)j pa]llru{lro3 sarcrlod ro Arrlod aq] r0l V alnpaqos ur palels 1unourp aq] peacxa ,{r1rqerl qrns lleqs luo^a 0u ul tuorx}rurl.iol srql ,iq paaaoc uoarcq a0eDloru ro }sara}ur ro alelso aql alears r0 srnbce ol (Jl l0 'B alnpaq3s ur unoqs suo4darxa aleururla ol {q)ro +oaraq s}uauarrnbar aql qlrrra.{;duoc 0} le) qlre} p0o6 ur ourlelapun ur uoaraq aluerlol ur parnlur ssol ;enpe ro1 {uo pup J0} palllturuol sar3llod r0 irlod }0 turo1 aq} ur palnsul }0 uor}rur}ap aq} rapun papngcur saryed qrns pue parnsul pasodord paueu aq ol ,!uo aq lleqs ]uarx]ru.rur0l sn.g rapun i(ueduo3 aql io illllqell t suoqelndq3 pue suortrpuol asaql l0 t qdeL0ered ol luenund parncur ,{1snotrrald,itt1tqer1uo4Aueduo3aq1a^a||ol}0u|leqsN€l.!pueueqrnslnq,(1bu|p]or3e}Uauq1uUo3s|q1}oBa|np0qcSpuaUe^etl.tuodos1l1elueduo3 aq] 'raueur laqlo ro uJrelr asla^pe 'aiuelqun3ua 'uerl 'lcaiap qcns i(ue i0 abpaqrnoul ;en1ce sarrnbre asrrvueqo iueduo3 aql lr io itueduo3 ag ol apal/i^oul qons asol3srp lleqs parnsul pasodord eq] 11 'aopal/'Aoul r{cns asol3srp os 0l pa]nsul pasodojd aq} Jo arn|el Iq pa3rpnlard sr ,{ueduo3 aq} }uaua aq} 0l uoaraq aruer1ar1o1rei(ueuo40uq1nsata6eueptosso1,{ualo1.4]1l|qellu]04pa^al|a]aq11eqsi\ueduLo3aqi,0ut]ulr,lut,{uedu0Ja}o}a6pa|MoU pel lleqs pup Joaroq B alnpaqcs ur uuoqs asoqi upql Jaqlo luau]rrxuro3 srq ,(q parenor uoaraql a6e6louL ro lsaratur r0 alelsa aq1 0urlrage rageu raqlo ro urelt aslalpe 'asueiquncua 'uarl ']c€rap Auelo a6pa;rvroul lenlre sarrnboe ro seq parnsul pasodold aqlll Z ']uaurusut ,ilunras taqlo ro 'paep Isnr}']snr] i0 paop apnlsut lleqs 'ureraq pasn ueq.u ",a0e0p0ru,, ulral aql ! sN0[ilndts cNV sN0rIl0N03 'Aueduo3 aql,0 llnel aq] ]0u sr sarJlod ro Arrlod qcns anssr 0] arnlre] aql leq] paprlord '$nJco lsrU ralaqcrqM 'anssr lleqs roj palnxrJro3 sarcrlod r0 ,\ct;od aql uaqn ro 1oalaq atep olrlc€l+o aql ra4e sqluolx xls aleurura] pue asear lleqs rapunaiaq suoqeOrlqo pue firlqerr lle pue scuEJnsut o1y1 ;o sercrlod lo Arrlod qcns 1o acuensst eq1 ol fueuturtatd sl luou4ru./rxo3 s l] 4WN:'fin+r.ffi, Vrl,r,.,, 'luauosropua luenbasqns Aq ro luauluuroS srqi ]0 asuenssr aq] +0 aur] aq] le raqlro ,{ueduJe aql r{q loa.ioq V alnpaqos ur pouasur uaaq aleq r0+ peururxoo salorlod l0 furlod au io lunoule aLlI pue palnsut pasodoro aqt 1o ,{rtuap' aqt uaqrvr r{luo a^,}3afa aq lleqs luouJll{lu1o3 srql l0a.raq suollplndrls pue suorllpum aq] 0] pue B pue V salnpeqcg;o suorsrrcrd aqt ol lcalqns |1e .rolaroq} saoreqc ' pue sunruerd oq11o luau{ed uodn 'V alnpaqJs ur 0} pexa}ar ro paqurssp puel aql ur {qeraq paranor paralur l0 alelsa aql +0 aa6e6lou.J ro tau Ao se 'V alnpaqls ur pau,eu parnsul pasodord aq11o mael ur 'V alnpaqJs u/ pa4liuapr se 'acuelnsur al]rl Jo sar3rlod Jo lcr1od s1r anssr ol sUru[]0J iqalaq 'uor]elapisuoo alqenleA e ro] ^upduloJ aql paller uraraq 'uoDerodtol elosauull e 'il0SlNNllA J0 ANVdy\03 llNVUnSNl l']il Aau 0a6 l -luaulrluxo3 vllv otrnsul ol $auuuiluoc VTOS]NNIW oo ALTA- COMUITMENT SCHEDULE A Application No. VI4275 For Information Only - Charges - ALTA ordner Policy $343.00 Alta L,,ender Policy $50.00 silS:33 With your remittance please refer to V14275. L. Effective Date: September 28, L989 at 8:00 A.M. 2. Policies to be issued, and proposed Insured: frALTAtt Owners's Policy 5L82,500.00 Forn 8-1970 (tunended L0-1.7-70) Proposed Insured: URSUI,A KAISER nALTArr Loan Policy (L97o Revision) Proposed Insured: FIRSTBANK OF VATL $t-36, 875. OO 3. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to in this Cornmitrnent and covered herein is: A Fee Sinple 4. Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at the effective date bereof vested in: STEPHEN S. CORZETTE And CHRISTINE A. CORZETTE 5. The land referred to in this Commitment is described as follows: PARCEL A, A RESUBDMSION OF Lot 3, Block 5, BIGHORN SUBDIVISION FIFTH ADDITION, ACCORDING TO THE PI,,AT RECORDED PAGE 1 oo ALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE A Application No. VL4275 MARCH l_9, L984 rN BOOK 380 AT PAGE 963, Cottflry OF EAGLE, STATE OF COI,ORADO. PAGE 2 ALTP"OMMITMENT O SCHEDULE B.]. (Requirenents) Application No. vL4275 The following are the reguirenents to be complied with: 1. Payment to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors of the full consi-deration for the estate or interest to be insured. 2. Proper instrument(s) creating the estate or interest to be insured must be executed and duly filed for record, to-wit: 3. RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST DATED APTiI 24, L987, FROM STEPHEN S. CORZETTE AND CHRISTINE A. CORZETTE HUSBAND AND WIFE TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COI'NTY FOR THE USE OF MERACOR MORTGAGE CORPORATION, AN ARIZONA CORPORATION TO SECURE THE SIJI.| OF $l-l-0,000.00 RECORDED l,tay 0L, 198'1 , IN BOOK 46L AT PAGE 862. SAID DEED OF IRUST WAS ASSIGNED TO MERABANK, A FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK IN ASSIGNIT{ENT RECORDED May 01., L987, IN BOOK 46]. AT PAGE 863. 4. EVIDENCE SATTSFACTORY TO THE COMPANY THAT THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVTSTONS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. 5. WARRANTY DEED FROM STEPHEN S. CORZETTE and CHRISTTNE A. CORZETTE TO URSUI,A KATSER CONVEYING SU&fECIr PROPERfY. 6. DEED OF TRUST FROM URSUI,A KAISER TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY F'OR THE USE OF FIRSTBANK OF VAIL TO SECURE THE SUM OF $L36,875.00. PAGE 3 ALrP"olrMrrr,IENr O SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions) Application No. VL4275 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: 1. Standard Exceptions 1 through 5 printed on the cover sheet. 6. Taxes and assessments not yet due or payable and special assessnents not yet certified to the Treasurer's office. 7. Any unpaid taxes or assessments against said land. 8. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. 9. RIGHT OF PROPRTETOR OF A VEIN OR I-,ODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROIT{ SHOULD THE SA!{E BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN I'NITED STATES PATENT RECORDED September 13, L9O2, fN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 491. 10. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANAI,S CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PAEENT RECORDED SeptembET J-3, L9O2, rN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 491. 11. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTATN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CI,AUSE, BUT OMITTING RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED ON RACE, COIOR, RELIGION, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRI,'I,TENT RECORDED NovembeT 25, L966 1 TN BOOK ].75 AT PAGE 445. 12. DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT TEN FEET IN VTIDTH ALONG THE NORTHERLY AND SOUTHERLY I.,OT LINES AND FTVE FEET IN WIDTH ALONG THE EASTERLY I,OT LINE OF SUBJECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PI,AT OF BIGHORN SUBDIVISION FTFTH ADDITION. r.3. EASEMENTS, RESERVATTONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PI,AI OF BIGHORN SUBDIVISION, FIFTH ADDITION. 14. RESTRICTION CONTAINED ON THE RECORDED PIST AS FOI,IOWS: NBY VIRTUE OF THIS SUBDIVTSION, THE TWO LOTS OR PARCEI,S CREATED HEREBY WILL NOT COMPLY WITH LEGAL I,OT REQUIREUENTS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE, AND, THEREFORE, NO BUILDING PERI,TIT SHALL BE GRANTED BY THE COUNTY OF EAGLE FOR SUCH A STRUCTURE TO BE CONSTRUCTED ON THE SUBTECT LOT. THE CONSTRUCTION OF ONLY ONE TWO-FAMILY RESIDENCE SHALL BE PERMITTED ON THE COI{BTNED AREA OF THE TWO LOTS CREATED BY THIS SUBDIVISION PI,AT. PAGE 4 ALrP"o!rMrr" Nr O SCIIEDULE B-2 (Exceptions) application No. vL4275 15. TERIi!S, CONDITIONS N{D PROVISIONS OF PARTy WALL AGREEMENT RECORDED January 28, 1985 rN BOOK 405 AT PAGE 655. 16. ENCROACHI{ENT OF PAVED DRIVEWAY ONTO AIXIOINTNG IOT AS SHOI{N ON IUPROVEI{ENT IOCATION CERTIFICATE PRAPARED BY EAGLE VALLEY ENGINEERING & SI'RVEYING, INC. DATED APRIL 17, L987. PAGE 5 o o z U'{n o {o z T lrt n ={ E -=l c (D m fffir i* frFE F E 3 E!5le r : 09" l; * i pt- ln H ij t=; =| -'1 r: J r-lt-r] < tr -:-s'-_ ! 7 \o,{: o <F" v,_ lt ^$=: d f . o@ ;- g Eis C€E: F q rrlil=FO Fl z:0 E = l- m i ^ Aa nz >m --l >or , I ;m --.1 o z m n r.rd FI H ,{ Fl |J i t-x 'Tl r z IV IF tz I lL'|IH e l=r t. lz I ln rllH FJI Ii \oi >lFl F rd lFr 6)la),dlt{irt U zl I FI Fl c FN z { H H .I' H +F ts Z .'\ qn m - z. z --{ --.t o z; 3< 1Z (-)B =l><F l> E r i *l =l I I I l..]m lci F t€F .lz I s.lo lci '.{ln lo o.l< ld I l> lr!o\lr lr'Ntn trn llm I r!lo lo t lF{tz l>to tB ttz tt-I Flqr I Ql tlt Isl d ||<ItlH I I r'j l-t to l€ lz l9 l<l> lF l:0 lm le,lz -.{ t-.1 mlO Il€'lz F l< l>t: lm P lz l" I I I I I ld l€ lz le t<t> l= lfi lo I l--{lo l:ll l>l-lI lE lz z i m I o o "Tl m =-t -{ m x m n -'1 o z (- (D i m z z c)H @ i m z o \_J Z (n cti /T1 (OO-r ::; tu !ao foq u f' \< .rX^,x s: l:- -q{{I6- =aO-f!)(o *6(D (D:1 J - *- o:1 i56 ;- < T *6'o;:o) ! orE ii==i +3 ?(D:' :'-i='r1lo ==9o :9P nrdf = :<. F --{o=r.\ o 5or6 ::.f i;a' e 5=iiaJ iX(D oro= €I c 6' c o c o 0, o :l- J o { { = N ?. f (o 3 g, o s.a, f o (D I o (tr. f o o € A) o o t = 3 g. - o o l =o I z -t m z -J o -j z o -t I m o :z m l< l3 'a tl ll t1 ll il Lr- iXX :------:- i 9 z l- ! m =-.t cl)z m m m at @(o a lo 6 I I l I --f- x xl' -----+---- - ii l> I =0 T:oI rl- zd r'l -'z : z>oi !o *= o>m u1 0 z c z l zl ?l -l il ;l rl >l -l >l xl Xi xl ol ol =l YI DI r-l -l ! TI >l -l -l -i I _o rn c a a n c =2 H ir H c)N-2 x ? 4-m P to Yz.)tic|o o-z i!6)<n !.r^v ^z c: 2ln--r o5 o 'nzz { N@ t< L,' E N) N) F. 3 --l ) J LN >lz z t=o l;F lo o l<C lz t-t | --l z t;o l:AI;--i I ;l 9tl c >;zo v.z F<c) z6 Y> z r- i' \oi z FI tri N r }{ -{ m =-Tl m m (n U) m --1 .) m z c m I --l rrl o z E € o tn rt| -l z n m m =rn o I z -o l-c 2 ft o i - _0 z o I m c)x c =I z rn 4 f m 3 ='Tl m m U) VALUATION !m = =z o I lc lc lr t't-tf t\ l' m I z o c z o m l-m o @ C . (t @ -ffi *8, ce wg/ rc/ttr/Z / ---''- t- fj t\L)? PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT WED ,( ' r !,,DA1E " i,*/ i_.' JOBNAME READY FOR LOCATION; INSPECTION: \1' ' .,, MON CALLER TUES INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL N FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEEB " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr !tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: . O HEATING D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR r-1 tr tr FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR 'e),o ,z a -{F c () {o z T rn F ={ -t m I4 :.- o t-h E l<x f t!::lm: 6 19a =: l!< :InH I l<i r l-fi=f--r c J TI o< :!(!(J<;9 (;o >I 16 -n _0 m = -n tt 'Or z< z2 o"z )4 l<- !<- EltslP4l II -I rr r r rF4r L-..] L-J IXI <trq -' _-'1 \r +n2 =^^a; -' >t- T- 9z l.t1-1 m l-l lz ,-,loo llz !t< 13o l< 'Yl ;:m \O -1 \o+oo (p m x m -1 z (- (! U' i m t< z z Ei H O +-- --l -_l c) 2a nz >m --t > u x "'t m o -.t z m i @ t- _r1 t-z H IF lz I l6 lB | "nl l"z =E >t>=l<>l- 'otP 'n l(n -' tt-IF s'l \o 17{Fi>o'lH l(n c-{ lfd z I-\HI'{J F6 tO t!, lE FI Ftts zlY IF l- = H tr t-/ E z. t- 3= d3 c) z,o = -.1 qn o z -t i m I z s.{ I ! tJl NJ I = (-{ H F v) l-r to l€ lz lo t:l>l-l!tm lF,lz lo I I l* I tJ) ll t> I X n ri z F F (/)r z f H r - @ N)\l I ul |.J +.ur li |o l{lz le t<l) t; lfl lz li IU l{ lz lo IT t> lF tm |l.,lz {l+mlo nl= lo ll l> l=lfi t9, lz I' I I H9r o!-o 4o ct (-) f' \< P Eq f=- .<P€ {i6- i *t' o:f )+-R!- fro) o:-r 3-P+(e =.E *o dilq,*=E 9 or_ 9 q, -^'-5 +i; =.'^ Yr:(D .- Dl o--\= =. :r c or6r =-<.F -{o=.r(D ts=.i9ro JL5 P;d =x-.Aa3 Dof a3i (/'o--. tt €I =</, at, c o c o o) ='(o f o _-t { vi N f f (o v, 0 o 'o o I o (o J Ict lF;iiF r llz E [q ot I'r o liB 0 ..d c :. d'I 1 @ g 5 o o o !t : o tq lo la tq lo lo l(D Is t\\\ :| \l\ ^, tNb IN I z -{ m o .tl o €z m o o o 't1 o It =U' m T .n >q z; v2 l> =n zc mi )JC - o @ _l z o I z >t- 'o m fl E -t a z m m 0 m lz l= lF lq l; I' F l ic l_ l F H -t- I I .1_ I l- z a c - -t z I o z m t -c m :to o€otr 4i- zA '' z : z>oR rd *q -;i s >o ol m:I @o z c : I I I z fi = -t m -;z I =z g F X 4 I z -1 "It m .n t c --l 2 fdo N F =2 9l =trxn El 53 >n ^X z a't ;8 ?9 .no@ if o 6 4 -xZc:E7* -: ai-n z z v; -l ^l N@=El g m= *l 0,, r $-tsl r< ;t I FI Hl 'l T ,t { NJ F L I {3 {-tl (D (D (D I I I F H a H 14 f-l ts F c) z z { I I Fl H z U)Fl P F F H Fi H z u, IN EO FZ Yaz FtsF Flo fu=Eh lz Ho Zz FZo E{ --l r)1? |otr Et DA iJ I l(l r!l<IFrtl IH D! lF t!ttF lFl lFl l. lH lo lE l. lH to tH l. lH an z z z -.t i --l ,TI q=l !'l 2' ir r'l <Y,iil Edr ri >' HI -t I I I I I ul 891 ml (,l 'l \o I I E H rlJ r € H n fq -l -{ r m n _3 _-'l -n m m U'' a m -t o tn ?q m a g -.1 m I z m =tn t m m l z _rt m ln 3 trl o I z o |-c z m l-m --t C) z o -m x c r 9 z T m = m 3 ='Tl m m a VALUATION -It m n = =z o -l I =m c)- z t- 3 = m t-m o i 6 t- c t- 2 vr 5.o\5. {t 5'5 lJ N l/t \t Ln o\UJ \o \o to a z o z o T m e fll |* fr{a a{r f{f t+0 |.1 g |+\fv tl ft 6 E9 l-1 f1 -La 'tl F4 R'Fl l'1 t}J \- el E P -L+x+ -a E9 +t €g3 a{r |-| H .J a{ aial f-.v -f -?-Itl E 19 r1 g F3 f+ -a -.vi F -ts+ *J <' a\ *J -,1 { - .,.4 H;;*-x'l-#Y+o Eujg noX:Y 2J r) i-l ^V-{n xs{5 2$rs O% lq {oiE fr: - "' '-Fr-,.:\r/ rt.: -"1 \--stsE 9o2 <lJ_.1 zr-j 2r=O Ri*,:.i7+F-il >cn *!rfi zrfo \J l/) '-.EreF :;>F;--t viP Z:J /\ t- {/)viu ^n at1 v {a-'J ZS:i"'* AZq -,^z .t r,, \ *.: !/ ^".\>LJ E=P ilE l- r-. \v rJ t\nru :SR Hr;wtA - -'l \,/ H -F F'T A,*.v IJ IF, F' z J c o a = 5' o- a U'H z H H F tr{ 5 z -t .) F u) F CA F P r .. z rl H E z rrt F 7 H h F E-r rr ._J F.F o ! lrilEii . :-; a -.i +ziii7+;:9 3 i:-i : ;1. ; : =-a: ; ? !_;:iiit =5 F'j.i;' 1 *'a ; ! z 1e + 4l: --.- 4 .i ;i: [i i=:3-t;'^?r :'-3<2e : = = 3 Z:{ril+9 i -..3-:c o l.i:Ifl i;=7Gi'i 1ltVQ r 1n =r 6-.ti;-i i? I I z Town of Vail Cornrnunity Development 75 South Frontage Road ' :Vail, Colorado 8L657 (303) 479-2L38 Plan analysis based on the L988 Uniform Building Code Project Number: t-Ll_390 Name: KAISER/HALL REMODEL Address: 49L6 JUNIPER LANE Date: November 26, j_990 Contractor: ?Architect: GALEN AASLAND Engineer: ? Plans Examiner: MICHAEL WHTTAKER NoTE:The code iterns listed in this report are not intended to be a cornplete listing of all possible code requirements in the 19Bg UBc. It is a guide to selected sections of the code. Portions of the material contained in this prograrn are reproduced from the Uniform Bullding Code ( l-988 edition) with permission of International Conference of Building Officials Occupancy: R3,Ml Type of Const: V-N SEPARATION DIRECTION BOUNDARY AREA INCREASE NORTH Property line 2t_.0 Feet EAST Property line 2l-.0 Feet SOUTH Property line 22.0 Feet WEST Building 1,2.0 Feet FIRE PROTECTION 21.O Feet 2L. O Feet 22.0 Feet 6.0 Feet I Page # 2 Code review for:Project fd.: KATSER/HALL REMODEL, Addressz 49LG JUNIPER LANE EXTERIOR WAIJI.J FIRE RATINGS AND OPENING PROTECTION Table l-7-A & Table 5-A NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST OCC BRG NON.BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT R3 Ohr ohr None Ohr Ohr None ohr Ohr None Ohr ohr None Ml- ohr ohr None ohr Ohr None Ohr ohr None ohr Ohr None The exterior walls may be of COMBUSTIBLE material . Sec.22OI . None -- No fire protection reguirernents for openings.Prot -- Openings are to be protected with 3/4 hr fire assemblies.50? of the area of the wall rnaxirnum. sec.2203. (b) & Table 5-A Maximum single window size is 84 sq.ft with no dimension greater than L2 feet. -- Sec. 4306. (h) NOP -- Openings are not permitted in this wall.* -- These walls rnay be required to have a parapet waII 30 inches above the roofing. The parapet waIl is required to have the same fire rating as the wal1. See section L7og. for detaits and exceptions. AREA MIN.LIGHT MIN.VENT NO.EXTTS EGRESS 2 Master b*nEQ 2 Master bath 2 Livinglkitch 2 Bath room 2 Halls, closets, TOTAL FOR FLOOR L Bedroom #1 L Bedroorn #2 1 Bath room l- carage I Air lock L Mechanical room 1 Halls, closets, TOTAL FOR FIJOOR BUIIJDING TOTAL FOOTNOTES:l-) EGRESS - An operable window or door that opens directly to the exterior is required from this room. The rninimurn clear openable area must meet the following. -- Sec. L204.1) The minimum clear height is 24 inches 2) The minirnum clear r^ridth is 20 inches 3) The minimurn clear area is 5.7 square feet ) The naxinum si1l height is 44 inches 2) The number of exits is based on Table 33-A (Dwellings)3) A rnechanical vent.ilation system may be used in in rieu of exterior openings for ventilation. -- Sec. L205. (c) t_88 83 935 29 etc. 298 1533 L27 I+J 54 404 29 52 etc. 279 1088 262L 0. 00 0. 00 93.50 0. 00 0. 00 12.70 14.30 0. 00 0. 00 l-0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 9 .40 4.t5 46.75 1. 50 0.00 6.35 7.15 2.70 0. 00 5. 00 0. 00 0. 00 No No No No No Yes Yes No No No No No 1 1 1 1 'l ,l 1 1 1 1 l- t- t_ ,l Page # 3 Code review for:Project rd.: KAISER/HALL REMODEL Address= 49L6 JUNTPER LANE ROOM DIMENSIONS:Habitabre space shalI have a ceiling height of not ress than 7 feet 6 inches. Kitchens, halls, bathrooms and toilet cornpartments may have a ceiling-height of 7 feet measured to the lowest projection. ri tne ceiling is sloping, then the miniruurn height is required in only t/2 of the area.--Sec. 1207. (a) Every dwelling unit shal1 have at Least one room which has not less than L20 square feet of floor area. Other habitable roons except kitchens shall have an area of not less than 70 square feet. -- Sec. 1207.(b)Habitable roons other than a kitchen sha11 not be less than 7 feet in anv dimension. -- Sec. 1207.(c) GLAZING REQUIREMENTS:l-) Afl glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safety glazing material . -- Sec. 5406. (d)2) Note windows and doors in a tub or shower area are required to be safety glazed regardless of the height above the f1oor. -- 5406(d) 5. SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS:A smoke detector is reguired on the ceiling or wall at a point centrally located in the corridor or area giving access to each sleeping area.-- Sec. 1210.(a) 4. The snoke detector is required to be wired to the buildingrs power source. -- Sec. 1_21_0. (a) 3.A snoke detector is required on all stories. -- Sec.,l-21-0.(a) 4.If.the uppef'l evel contains sleeping roorn(s), a smoke detector is required in the ceiling of the upper level cl.ose to the stairway.--sec. 1_21_0. (a) 4 OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Between the garage and the residence, rnateriars approved for l-hr fire construction are required on the garage side only and any doors betrr;een the garage and the residence are to be a serf-closing J- 3/g inch sorid core door. -- Table 5-B & Sec. 503.(d) ex #3 STAIR REQUIREMENTS: A stairway in.a dwelling must be at least 36 inches wide. -- sec. 3306. (b) The maxirnum rise of a step is 8 inches and the rnininum run is 9 inches.-- Sec. 3306. (c) exc.$1_Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing if there is 4 or rnore risers. -- Sec, 3306.(j)Provide a guard rail where,drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimun height =36 inches, maxinum opening size = 6 inches. -- Sec. L7LL. exc l-The ninimum headroom is 6 ft.- 8 inches. -- Sec. 3306.(p)Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected as reguired for Lhr fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 3306. (n) a. t4 Code review for:Project Id.: KAISER/HALL REMODEL Address. 49T6 JUNIPER LANE ATTIC REQUIREMENTS: 1-) Provide an access to all attic areas with a clear height of 30 inches or more. The minirnum size is 22 inches by 30 inches. There must be 30 inches or more clear height above the access. -- Sec, 3205. (a)2) Provide ventil-ation in arr attic areas. The net free vent area is to be not less than l- square foot for each L50 square feet of attic area.The vent area may be l-l300 if at least 50t of the required ventilating area is provided by ventilators located in the upper portion of the attic. The upper ventilators must be at least 3 ieet lbove the eve or cornice vents. -- Sec. 3205. (c)For a l-533. O sg. ft. attic area:Ratio Mininum sq.ft. of vent L/r5O L0.22 L/3OO 5.l_l_ ADDITIONAL REQUTREMENTS :For R3 occupancy THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRE A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR F'RAME TNSPECTTON. ALL cRAwrJ sPAcEs wrTHrN THE TowN oF VArL ARE LTMTTED To A EARTH To STRUCTURAL FIJOOR CEIIJING HEIGHT OF 5', BE EARTH FLOOR ONLY, BE VENTILATED AS pER UBc 2516(C)6 WITH MINTMUM ACCESS AS pER UBC 2s1_6(C)2 AND MAXTMUM ACCESS OF e SQ. FT. ANY BUILDTNG SrTE WITH A SLOPE OF 30 DEGREES OR MORE SHAr.,,L REQUTRE AN ENGINEER DESTGN. SUCH DESIGN SHALL ADDRESS DRAINAGE, SOIIJ RETAINAGE, AND STRUCTURAL DESTGN. EXCAVATION BELOW SI,ABS ON GRADE SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL. For Ml- occupancy SLOPE GARAGE FLOOR TO ALLOW FOR DRAINAGE TO OUTSIDE OR PROVIDE A FLOOR DRAIN WITH WITH SAND AND OIL INTERCEPTOR TO DRY WELL OR TO SEWER. ANY GARAGE FLOOR DRAIN CONNECTED TO SEWER MUST BE APPPROVED BY UPPER EAGLE VALLEY WATER & SANITATTON DISTRICT. IN GARAGES WITH LIVING AREA ABOVE, THE WALLS OF THE GARAGE WHICH ARE BEARING THE AREA ABOVE SHALL BE PROTECTED WITH ONE HOUR FIRE RESISTTVE CONSTRUCTION. UBC 503 (B) . o age P AL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The ltene belos need to be conplete before glvltrg a perill.t a flnal C of O. Please check off 1o tbe box provlded. ti I I FINAL PLI'}TBING DATE:ll FINAL UECBANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAI, tr m I FINAL BUILDING EAST SIDE!I{EST SIDE: DATE: lL q,CZ a TEMPOR.ARY C OF O CERTIFICATE OF OCCI'PANSY //, 7.73 ,r"r *n* N PERMIT OF DATE READY FOR INSP CTION: LOCATION: PECTION o L UEST OF AM)PM ln-t-Y*JOB NAME MON CALLER THUR FRI TUES a BUILDING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER D HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL ;pAeeaoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR t PERMIT.NUMBER OF PROJECT \' ,, - \\C\\DATE !X. -_ \ T \\- JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: INS WED THUR FRI TION REQUEST WN OF VAIL t PEC ALLER Py,' FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEB 'ror*oor,o N t stJ{t tr D o D tr n FRAMING ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK D POOL / H. TUB FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT N SUPPLY AIR D FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION RE IRED ./ ,- /t. ome /a - ,/k - 7/ TNSPECToR PERMIT NUM DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES . WED l-' t ',j JECT REQUEST VAIL AM PV,,lu^ sp BUILDING:LUMBING: UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER OOTINGS / STEEL tr tr D tr tr LI tr FOUNDATION / S FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SUEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIF tr FINAL tr FINAL OVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: oor= h*Z/-?/ rNSpEcroR PERM DATE READY FOR LOCATION: T NUMBER OF PROJECT I JOB NAME /MON) CALLER TU WED t PECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL QlA FRI I( ri \-\\ rloNi THUR UILDING:PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL o tr tr D D tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB 'l SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: E HEATING D ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR : tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL )(.neenoveo CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED D^rE 7- l-1f rNSPEcroR NU INSPECTION REQUEST CALLER MON TUES WED THUB FRI CT JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTIO LOCATION: Py AM BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER O FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL tr D tr tr D tr RAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING N GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANlCAL: tr HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED /-7- //-Q/DArE'///TNSPECTOR f MON CALLER TUES WED THUR READY FOR INSPECTI LOGATION: I PEC TION REQUEST ,4u,4 r,. tNs PERMIT NUMB BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL F€ucH / D.w.v. tr ROUGH / WATER FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL O FINAL Sq,enoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPBOVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED t INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR INSP LOCATION: TQWN OF VAIL JOB NAME CALLER ON TUES WED THUR rat, -r=--f-J@t Pu PLUMBING: \///.1 ioorplcs / srEEL ,-/ t /*:-/' o SNDERGR9SND t!,,/FOUHDATIONlSTEEL O ROUGH/D-W.V. B FRAMING .,D ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL O FINAL ELE tr'l OF tr( tr_ MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL p Reenovro CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR nFs{oP INSPECTION REQUEST F VAIL THUR DATE READY FOR INSPECTIO LOCATION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES B tr ( tr D D D tr tr PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROIJGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING D POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL F*ppnoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oor, ',i ' ' ") ,' JoB READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: INSPECTION TOWN OF VAIL REQUEST I BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS D FOUNDATI i STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING N INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr u tr tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING F D tr BOUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL a D FINAL \g APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPBOVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL ,PERMIT DATE READY FOB LOCATION: F PROJECT -C7 t JoB NAME INSPECTION: 1t /, CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS E FOUNDATI / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND KRoucH / D.w.v - ROUGH / WATEB ON / STEEL FRAMING g/) f?>7 tr tr D tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING aios PIPTNG /! / if INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK-NAIL tr D tr FINAL FINAL ELE Fl trF +( tr_ CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR j: ; -. O FINAL D tr FINAL N<\PPRovED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR t) PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL I DATE ' / 'j. r (/. ; ^:') ',t /JOB NAME | '1-1t/ READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES (wzo THUR FRI AM 'prff) I BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL prrnavrruc _ ROOF & SHEEB " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING C INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr D D tr FINAL -tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL O FINAL { neenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED (./ ,--- C2 ./DATE // - A-J /,//,/ INSPECTOR REQUEST VAIL l{1,,{ru JOBNAME l_L ..J_,L,'t CALLER S WED THUR READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTI .tl Prvlt BUILDING:'PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOOTINGS / STEEL -tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D,W.V tr FRAMING D ROUGH / WATER nl99.l^&^siqFl .^ trcAS PTPTNG " PLYWOOD NAILINC tr INSULATION - tr D n tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL - tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D ROUGH trCONDUIT - tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL )q'enovro O DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR ./ /uaul |l Iltt PERMiT Nuvaen oF PRoJEcr '?ir'* t-r PEC / Tl rNs TION WN OF I REQUEST VAIL ,^r, to /tqfqlJoBNAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER WED THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING - trROUGH/WATER - BOOF & SHEEB " PLYWOOD NAILING tr* PTPTNG E I$ISULATION . O POOL / H. TUB 5.) U SHEETROCK NAIL b tr - D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH .- tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr O FINAL E FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED I I h t INSPECTOR niFsno" 'a/7/ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE /2 - 46-*t JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL /./ ,/ ,/-Zrzr,..' 1/' ,y'-/.- y',,,o CALLER THUR FRI AM (.:W _l p/neenovro -, ),,(tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED I BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER C FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL i H. TUB tr SHEETBOCK NAIL tr tr trFlNAL- - trFlNAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL CORRECTIONS: DATE "i ,/INSPECTOR JlL r 't-ir. . ,I PERMIT N I /L UMB INSPECTION TOWN OF VAJL ,i REQUEST 't'7-<)DATE JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: TUES WED THUR @) BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr BOUGH / WATER tr FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEEB " PLYWOOD NAILING _tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK D POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS E boNDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR t 4z r't PERMIT NUMBEB OF PROJECT oate ./? - /z - 7t JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON INSPECTION REQUEST CALLER TUES WED THUR Cr' AMI FRI pvl I TOWN OF VAIL I BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. N ROIJGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL N FRAIVIING n ROOF & SHEER .- PLYWOOD NAILING trG trP AS PIPING O INSULATION OOL / H, TUB -tr SHEETROCK NAIL n ! tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: N TtrfVIP POWFFI MECHANICAL: N HEATING D D tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR ____ tr glrt*o,tr FINAL APPBOVED CORRECTI6NS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,/ 1 tfu ),. / at' '/ -/1' / / oarc /2 - /ff -'1/ rNSpECroR '{ /'z zz / / "/1// Q.f .,/ n:Fsnop 1./ :) / ./ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATF .. ./ - JOB NAME INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: MON WED AM PMf I CALLER TUES THUR FRI I BUILDING: O FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL ON / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND - tr ROUGH / D,W.V. - tr GAS PIPING -tr POOL / H, TUB -tr_ tr__ tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL _ ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER OUGH tr tr o tr D CONDUIT FINAL WArr^ouw CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED .") 1.,*:-*-..INSPECTOR t-:/\ t' i' / 1'( <'= --/: ' niGsg,:r DATE ,/" )I INSPECTION REQUEST vh PEBMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT TOWN OF,-VAIL 31, rtLhB NAME TJAIE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: 6 TUES WED THUR FRI AM pvl I r-'t .I I BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FBAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING fl-RouGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT D tr SUPPLY AIR tr D FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED N REINSPECTION REQUIRED oor, I 3l "2 L- rNSPEcroB ,l PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL rtr,, l, flrr 1(n,r/t(2 CALLER BU trl FlI I ql Al -l trl trl f'l IILDI FOO FOU FRAI ROC PLY\ INSL SHE IG: IN DI IN & o( PL tr D tr tr tr tr n UMBING:IN )T IN M )F o S N T EE s' 't',r EL_tlLL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER TINGS NDATI N/ING IF&SF /VOOD JLATIC ETROC EL iTEE iV )oF iut EE \Tt( \l SH )D fto oc EE !A GAS PIPING )N ON CK POOL / H, TUB NAIL tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS U CONDUIT f'l D SUPPLY AIR n O FINAL tr FINAL ,'p nFcRoveo CORRECTIONS: N DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR niFs'r'p o INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT , rna NAME CALLER TUES THUR FRI READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON WED AM PM! I 'l. BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. N ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H, TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL D tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEIVIP. POW MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR D tr FINAL tr FINAL .tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR INSP CTION REQUEST VAIL ;TOWN O PERMIT NUM ER DATE JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: TU WED THUR FBI PM! {L t ,__a_ T, -) BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UND-ERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION T] POOL / H. TUB 4,/ A FINAL /,' ,.Y D FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR , tr FINAL D FINAL APPROVED D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: gt fz ',/-2 -/_FZ DATE" .t INSPECTOR @ii,ttdTY [fI,ELOFT/Gi{! Planning and Environmental Commisson ACTION FOR},I Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 97O.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Project Name: SUCK/KECK EXEMFnON PLAT Project Description: RNAL APPROVAL TO MODIFY THE COMMON UNE BETWEEN LOTS 3 AND 4 WTft NO NET CHANGE IN THE RESPECTIVE LOT SIZES AND NO VrOI-ATION OF SETBACK REQUIREMENTS Participants: owNER SUCK ASSET MNGMNTTRUST - W09/05/2005 & SALLY S, SUCK CO.TRUSTEES 10603 S EVERS PARK DR HOUSTON TX 77024 APPUCANT SUCK ASSET MNGMNT TRUST - W09/05/2005 & SALLY S, SUCK CO.TRUSTEES 10603 S EVERS PARK DR HOUSTON TX 77024 Project Addrcss: 4876 JUNIPER LN VAIL Location: 4916A & 4920 JUNIPER LANE Legal Description: Lot: 3 Block 5 Subdivision: BIGHORN 5TH ADDmON Parcel Number: 2101-131-0202-6 Comments: SeeConditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION PEC Number! PEC060063 Motion By: Rollie Kjesbo Second By: Chas Bernhardt Vote: 6-0-1 (Pierce recused) Conditions: Action: APPROVED Date of Approvalz 0912512006 Cond:8 (PI-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 300 PEC approval shall not be not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Planner: Warren Campbell PEC Fee Paid: $650.00 t TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department September 25,2006 A request for a final review of an exemption plat, pursuant to Chapter 13-12, Exemption Plat Review Procedures, Vail Town Code, for a modification to a shared property boundary between Lots 3 and 4, Block 5, Bighorn Fifth Addition, located at 4916 and 4920 Juniper Lane, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0063) Applicant: Slick Asset Management Trust, represented by William and Sally Slick, Co-Trustees Planner: Warren Camobell t.SUMMARY The applicant, Slick Asset Management Trust, represented by William and Sally Slick, is requesting approval of an Exemption Plat, pursuant to Chapter 13-12, Exemption Plat Review Procedures, Vail Town Code, to reconfigure the lot line shared by Lots 3 and 4, Block 5, Bighorn Subdivision, Fifth Addition, which will result in no net change in lot area for either lot. Staff is recommending approval of this application, subject to the criteria and findings outlined in Section lX of this memorandum. DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST The applicant has proposed to reconfigure the lot line shared by Lots 3 and 4 as depicted on the proposed plat (Attachment B). The purpose of reconfiguring the property line is to allow for the location of more aesthetically pleasing landscaping on Lot 3. The existing lot sizes of Lots 3 and 4 will not change as the shared lot line is to be reconfigured to facilitate an equal swap of land. Lot 3 will remain at 0.532 acres (23,173.9 sq ft); and Lot 4 will remain at 0.588 acres (25,613.2 sq ft). A vicinity map and the proposed exemption plat are attached for reference (Attachments A & B). In November of 1966, the original plat of the Bighorn Subdivision Fifth Addition was approved, thereby establishing Lots 2 and 3, Block 1, Bighorn Subdivision, Fifth Addition. In September of 2004, the Design Review Board (DRB) approved a new single family residence on Lot 4. il. Iil. tv.ROLES OF REVIEWING BOARDS Planning and Environmental Commission: Action: The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for final approval, approve with modifications, or disapprove the plat, Specifically the code states in Section 13-12-3C, Review and Action on Plat: The planning and environmental commission shall review the plat and associated materials and shall approve, approve with modifications or disapprove the plat within twenty one (21) days of the first public hearing on the exemption plat application or the exemption plat application will be deemed approved. A longer time period for rendering a decision may be granted subject to mutual agreement between the pfanning and environmental commission and the applicant. The criteria for reviewing the plat shall be as contained in section 73-3-4 of this title. Design Review Board: Action: The Design Review Board has NO review authority on an exemption plat, but must review any accompanying Design Review Board application. Town Gouncil: The Town Council is the appeals authority for an exemption plat review procedure in accordance with Section 13-3-5C, Vail Town Code, which reads as follows: Within ten (10) days the decision of the Planning and Environmental Commission on the final plat shall be transmifted to the Council by the staff. The Council may appeal the decision of the Planning and Environmental Commission within seventeen (17) days of the Planning and Environmental Commission's action. If Council appeals the Planning and Environmental Comrnlssion's decision, the Council shall hear substantially the same presentation by the applicant as was heard at the Planning and Environmental Commission hearing(s). The Council shall have thirty (30) days to affirm, reverse, or affirm with modifications the Planning and Environmental Commissioit decision, and the Council shall conduct the appeal at a regularly scheduled Council meeting. Staff: The staff is responsible for ensuring that all submittal requirements are provided and plans conform to the technical requirements of the Zoning Regulations. The staff also advises the applicant as to compliance with the design guidelines. Staff provides a staff memo containing background on the property and provides a staff evaluation of the project with respect to the required criteria and findings, and a recommendation on approval, approval with conditions, or denial. Staff also facilitates the review process. APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS TITLE 13, VAIL TOWN CODE: SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS (partial) 13.2.2 DEFINITIONS V. EXEMPTION PLAT: The plafting of a portion of land or propefty that does not fall within the definition of a'subdivisionn. as contained in this secfion. 13.12 EXEMPTION PLAT REVIEW PROCEDURES 13-12-1: PURPOSE AND INTENT: The purpose of this chapter is to establish criteria and an appropriate review process whereby the planning and environmental commission may grant exemptions from the definition of the term "subdivision" for properties that are determined to fall outside the purpose, purview and intent of chapters 3 and 4 of this title. This process is intended to allow for the platting of property where no additional parcels are created and conformance with applicable provisions of this code has been demonstrated. VI. SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING Land Use Zoninq North: Residential Two -Family Primary/Secondary (P/S)East: Residential Two -Family Primary/Secondary (P/S)West Residential Two -Family Primary/Secondary (P/S) South: Residential Two -Family Primary/Secondary (P/S) VII. SITE ANALYSIS Lots 3 & 4, Block 5, Bighorn Subdivision, Fifth Addition (4916 & 4920 Juniper Lane)Zoning: Two -Family PrimarylSecondary (P/S) Land Use Plan Designation: Low Density Residential Current Land Use: Single and Two-Family Residential Current Lot Size: Lot3: 23,174 sq ft (0.53 acres) Lot 4: 25,613 sq ft (0.58 acres) Development Standard Existinq Proposed Lot Area: Lot 3: 23,17 4 sq ft (0.53 acres) No change Lot 4: 25,613 sq ft (0.58 acres) Minimum Dimension: 80'X80'min. No change Buildable Area: 23,174 sq ft and 25,613 sq ft No change Frontage: 30'min. No change Access: maximum of 2 No change VIII. APPLICATION CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Exemption Plat (Defers to SEction 13-3-4. which is as follows): "The burden of proof shall rest with the applicant to show that the application is in compliance with the intent and purposes of fhis Chapter, the Zoning Ordinance and other pertinent regulations that the Planning and Environmental Commission deems applicable. Due consideration shall be given to the recommendations made by public agencies, utility companies and other agencies consulted under subseclion 13-3-3C above. The Planning and Environmental Commission shall review the application and consider ds appropriateness in regard to Town policies relating to subdivision control, denslfles proposed, regulations, ordinances and resolutions and other applicable documents, environmental integrity and compatibility with the surrounding /and uses and other applicable documents, effects on fhe aesfheflcs of the Town". Staff believes that the purpose of the exemption plat process, as outlined above, is to establish criteria and an appropriate review process whereby the Planning and Environmental Commission may grant exemptions from the definition of the term "subdivision" for properties that are determined to fall outside the purpose of previous, more detailed chapters of the code. Staff is recommending approval based upon the no net change in lot sizes for either lot with this proposal, and upon the basis of it resulting in an aesthetic improvement for the neighborhood STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends that the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) approves an exemption plat pursuant to Chapter 13-12, Exemption Plat Review Procedures, Vail Town Code, to allow for an amendment to an existing lot line between Lots 3 and 4, Block 5, Bighorn Subdivision, Fifth Addition. Staff's recommendation is based upon the review of the criteria outlined in Section Vlll of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented, subject to the following finding: "The burden of proof shall rest with the applicant to show that the application is in compliance with the intent and purposes of this Chapter, the Zoning Ordinance and other pertinent regulations that the Planning and Environmental Commission deems applicable. Due consideration shall be given to the recommendations made by public agencies, utility companies and other agencies consulted under subsection 13-3-3C above. The Planning and Environmental Commission shall review the application and consider its appropriateness rn regard to Town policies relating to subdivision control, densffles proposed, regulations, ordinances and resolutions and other applicable documents, environmental integrity and compatibility with the sunounding /and uses and other applicable dacuments, effecfs an the aesthetics of the Town.' X. ATTACHMENTS A. Vicinity Map B. Gopy of the proposed Exemption Plat for Lots 3 and 4, Block 5, Bighom Subdivision, Fifih Addition. 3 Gza t \E:3\ \B;A @) I r:: s! 9 ..3 t!E ,tifii; i,iliii;i ;iili: lii :; Ei# ;l; !i ii;! l;i iiiiiiiiiil i I I il t; lf; IIE lr Fi !i I I r'hl :lt tt I hrllS li Eq! ii 16 l; l ! EI! P !r: E a: I 6 il s i: I e t;t E e I I I I c! iiii;tt6 !l l.!! | ll i!;E - i ii { lli . ; !i!It t ilr 15 P El8 lij ; !$g llE g :i; I il ri rii l:i l|i ilE tql ttl 'ti , ?1 *; !3 ! ! I LI .ii r tl l€ i I dt l! .f, ri !! gi !; l.;rs !i! ?irig :! ;:!Ei tl . i,i!'iii: iifriiiii Ei:tuiiiri ! !, :l il il l:lt":l g l3 : l I :l IE ta )l 1; t: t! IT t:; rl tl i,i" tE i; l :l l!i t!i ii ;l !a lt EI !r !t eii :! it !t te/ 1: 9a tt lr !i :! lc ie F-k hJ F a Fi F.E F6 l\E la R I i\ I I I .t- (-) kl { \ s- R -j F F- a -o OE i\(J F\; \-Qb . '*b =5ov)i'\aX : q";S >l<sq lq::\: ql>oa ci\ {lqe^ '.rF0oS !\:-<:yc'] .{!\ (,/) :- tE qS lR 1,.)5 l.l $aa { .t Lr b a E\ a le I iq it ib It !r r! l; 8r r; l I i I ,i tl " i=I i3 i: F:i! ti:!l rlr t lii ! lrl :li -il ll tr !lir llilllliri ili I ljijli r3 rl I6 !-r lI 9B &'l :it . r jl tti * lli | | !l:I ir ll Erl ittit! ! | :li ;i !l'iii i!liii iiii!! lliiii!! g l I I c , lTr |l 3 ll ;.n-.h lt.6 --+t< e*+E'E ||:i E"T :F- "L!.fl qP! a R F- a/ , F$L ./ j$$ff'" \ U o :aF E :\ \l (r -i< F- =:'ourF-:-r-1 . b ;*t\as -. c;3 S {a*o!QPE+q qSda-Q\ !r-aa:- (Frcao!> ::- (4 <: /*L4i ;i / aA - /qs I ./a!:i !.]::cr /!t \. 'ts! -i!!: {F.::r{i i/iJ!ai ,/\ / rt; F- : (r f+ Fd o! :-x \o \ ?\- \ "3;\ o +i^ 9iv : :? ,i <\< ''-.< B! =2 i /,t .ti7r Appllcation ftr Ravlew by the Plannlng ald Environm€ntel Commlsslon Departnent of Comlrilnty D6rdopmqt 75 South Frontage Road, ValL Colorado 81657 reh 970.479.2739 fult 970,479,2452 web: rwvw.vailgov.com General lr$ormatim: All prcjeds re$irlng EanrirE and Envimnmental @mmissio.r reviai, must rrdve approEl prior b nlbmiuing a building peflnit application. Pleae refo b the subrnitlal requlrcnrents for the paftirular approval that B Equested. An applicauon for Planning and Environmeftal Commldon r€\rlew cannot be accepted until all requlred informatlon is reeived by the CommuniU Det elopment Depatment. The Ooject may abo need to be resicr,ved by the Town @uncil andlor the Design Revlew 8oad. fype ofAppll€.Uon and F€e: Ctrditiond use Permit Floodpbin l,lodifica$on Mlnor 6.te.br AlteraEon Haior E dE ior Altrdtion Oaetognent nan tr Argdnrentb a Dqdopmqt Han tr Zdlng Code ArIt dment n VariancE'O SiSn VariarEe Description of the Request: Modifr the common ot line between Lots 3 and 4 with no net change in the recpecive lot sizes and no violation ofsetback requirements. Location ofthe Proposal:_Lot: 3 and 4 Block 5 Subdivision Biehorn Fifth Addition Physicrl Address:49164 and 4920 Junioer Lane Parccl No: Lot3 210113102026 Lot4 210113102007 Zoning: Two fam ily Primarv/secondarv Name(s) of Owner(s):Slick Asset Mngmngt Trusl William T. Jr and Sallv S. Slick Co-Trustees Mailing Address: 10603 S. Evers Park Dr Owner(s) Signature(s): Neme of Applicant: Mailing Address: 10603 S. Evers Park Dr Houston. Tx 77024 Phone: 713 468 8891 E-mrilAddress: WTSJR@EARTHLINK.NET Fax 713-468-0065 ltt-0d-06 l0:llan Fron-T0lll{ 0F t/ l[ C0tlffJillTY DEVEt0milI il0ile2$2 *m t-267 P.00r F-r6t T,ft o o 0\ o o o w tr tr tr o D S6so t400 $650 $8oo $151)0 s250 $13m $500 +200 tr tr B E tr n tr tr R€ronlng 31300 Maiorsubdivisbn $1500 MhorsubdMsbn i650 Ercmption Plat f650 Mlnor AfltendflEt b en SDD *100 NarSpecbl Dqr*9|n€rtDi$it f60CI Irbjor Ameodme* to an SDD $m Major Arnendment to an sDD $f250 (no a<tvirndilid*rs) ]v'"" ,;1.{}i its I t ,i .l' i. 'r 1. I {' W. T. Slick" Jr. 49164 Juniper Lane Vail, CO 81657 September l, 2006 Mr. Matt Gennett Townof Vail Planning and Environmental Commission Dear Matt: Thank you for meeting with me on such short notice on Wednesday conceming the proposal to amend the common property line between our property and that of Vail Viking on Juniper Lane. The discussion was very helpful. The attached file contains the completed Application fornl a check for the $650 application fee, the tax and title certificates on both properties, and two copies ofthe required surveyor's plat. There are also provided the property descriptions from Eagle County records for all ofthe adjacent properties as well as the stamped addressed envelopes for the owners of same. The attached material represents my interpretation of what you indicated is required to start the review and approval process. Please let me know if I have missed anything. The main reason for this note is to let you know how I may be reached during the review period and how to reach my local Property Manager. We will be in Vail though next Friday, Sept 8. Phone here is 477-0697;fax477-0698. From Sept 9 tbrough about the l4th we will be enroute to our home in Houston: phone 713-468-8891, fax713 468 0065. Our local Property Manager is Stephan Clark (he is also an adjacent property owner), phone 476-3307. cell 331-4731. Again, my sincere thanks for your help. Sincerely, &,tt Attachment Exemption Plat Application Lots 3 and 4, Block 5, Bighorn Subdivision tr'ifth Addition Nature of request This application is to modify the common property line between Lot 3 (Parcel A) and Lot 4, Block 5, Bighom Subdivision Fifth Addition. Under this requested modification, 0.0166 asres(723 sq ft) onthe southeast corner Lot 3 will be exchanged for 0.0166 acres (723 sqft) on northwest comer Lot 4. As a result of this exchange there will be no net change in the total square footage ofeither lot nor will there any encroachment on required setbacks on either lot. The modification will facilitate better landscaping of Lot 3 and this improvement will be the only change noticeable to the neighborhood. This exchange is by mutual agreement of the owners of the respective properties.. ++i+***'*'i'f**'t*****'lf*1.*:i'i***t***f,i******+'|*+***!t*************************j*+*++*+++****j***+** TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement *********+***** *********lt*********+ **+++*+* ** *+** ****** * ******** *** * *+**+*+ ++***** **'r ** ***** statement Number: R060001365 Amount: $550.00 09/05/2006]-0:04 AM Palment Method: Check SI.,TCK iTR Init: Js Notation: 5o9/WIL,IfAIVI T $6s0.00 **********{.*****+****+++****** * {r*** **t,t*'f**** **** **+++********** *'}** ****** *******++ +******** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Accoun! Code Current Pmts PV 0 010 0 0 03112s0 0 PEC APPL]CATION FEES 650.00 Permi t Not Parcel No: Site Addrese : I-,ocation; This Payment: PECo5 0053 2LOr- !3L- 0202 - 5 4876 'II'NI PER LN VAII, 4916A & 4920 .'UNTPER I,ANE DeBcript ion Tl4)e: PEC -Exemption Plat Total Fees: TotaL ALIJ Pmts : Balance : $5s0. oo $5s0.00 $0.00 THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERry PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with section 12-3-6, Vail Town Code, on September 25, 2006, at 1 :00 pm in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, in consideration of: A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council of a proposal to establish Special Development District No. 40, pursuant to Article 12-9(A), Special Development Districts, Vail Town Code, to allow for the redevelopment of the Willows Condominiums, located at 74 Willow Road/Lot 8 Block 6, Vail Village Filing 1"I Filing, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0061) Applicant: The Willows Condominium Association, Inc., represented by Triumph Development, LLC Planner: Elisabeth Reed A request for flnal review of a conditional use permit pursuant to Section 12-6H-3, Conditional Uses, allow for the construction of timeshare estate units, fractional fee units and timeshare license units, located at 74 Willow Road/Lot 8 Block 6, Vail Village Filing 1" Filing, and sefting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0062) Applicant The Willows Condominium As'sociation, Inc., represented by Triumph Development, LLC Planner: Elisabeth Reed A request for a final review of an exemption plat, pursuant to Chapter 13-12, Exemption .,U,t 1 Plat Review Procedures, Vail Town Code, for a modification to a shared property ffilf- * boundary between Lots 3 and 4, Block 5, Bighorn Fifth Addition, located at 4916 and 4920 ) ttl6V Dl[ Juniper Lane, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0063) n I t ,,(- \ Applicant: Slick Asset Management Trust, represented by William and Sally Slick, Co- v Trustees Planner: Matt Gennett A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council of an amendment to the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, pursuant to Section 2.8, Adoption and Amendment of the Master Plan, Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, to amend the Lionshead Study Area Boundaries and Chapter 5, Detailed Plan Recommendations, to include the study "West Lionshead" area, generally located at 646, 862, 890, 923, 934, 953, 1000, and 1031 South Frontage Road WesULot 54 and Tract K of Glen Lyon Subdivision, Tracts C and D, Vail Village Filing 2, and several unplatted parcels (a more complete legal description is available at the Community Development Department), and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0008) Applicant: Vail Resorts Development Company, Town of Vail, and Glen Lyon Office Building General Partnership Planner: Wanen Campbell The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during office hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to aftend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call 970-479-2138 for additional information. Sign language interpretation is available upon request, with 24-hour notification. Please call 97 0-47 9-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Published September 8, 2006, in the Vail Daily. !:rl I I i ll . .!, Report Date: 08/30/2006 1 1 :49AM EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER CERTIFICATE OF TAXES DUE Page:1 CERT #: 4655 SCHEDULE NO: R012720 ASSESSED TO: VAIL VIKING LIMITED 6707 E FREMONT PL ENGLEWOOD, CO 80112 VENDOR NO: W T SLICK, JR 4916 A JUNIPER LN vArL co 81657 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SUB:BIGHORN sTH ADDITION BLK:S LOT:4 BK-0224 PG-0087 QCD 08-21-7'l BK-0240 PG-0106 QCD 05-19-75 BK-O744 PG-0156 SWD 't0-24-97 R869274 QCD 01-30-04 R869276 QCD 02-25-04 PARCEL:210113102007 SITUS ADD:OO492O JUNIPER LN VAIL AREA TAXYEAR CHARGE 2OO5 TAX TOTAL TAXES TAX AMOUNT INTEREST 8,735.28 0.00 FEES 0.00 PAID 8,735.28 TOTAL DUE 0.00 0.00 GRAND TOTAL DUE GOOD THROUGH 08/30/2006 0.00 ORIGINAL TAX BILLING Authority EAGLE COUNTY, OO1 .011 coLo MTN COLLEGE (CMC),012 RE50J SCHOOL D|ST, 015 - 018 CO RIVER WATER CONSERVATION,0T6 VAIL PARK & RECREATION DIST, 058 TOWN OF VAIL, 036 ERW & SAN DIST WATER SUBDIST, 085 EAGLE COUNTY CONSERV. DIST,OgO MINTURN CEMETERY DISTRICT, 043 EAGLE RIVER WATER & SAN., 069 EAGLE CTY HEALTH SERVICE. 096 TAXES FOR 2OO5 FOR 200s TAX DTSTRTCT SC103 - VA|L (TOWN) Mill Levy 8.499 J.VV / 0.230 s.t6 t 4.702 2.357 0.000 0.450 1.214 2.010 Amount 1,602.06 753.43 3,693.65 43.36 619.60 886.33 444.29 0.00 84.83 228.84 ?7n RO Values LAND IMPS TOTAL Actual Assessed 650,000 188,500 00 650.000 188.500 46.341 8,735.28 FEE FOR THIS CERTIFICATE '10.00 ALL TAX LIEN SALE AMOUNTS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE DUE TO ENDORSEMENT OF CURRENT TMES BY THE LIENHOLDER OR TO ADVERTISING AND DISTRAINT WARRANT FEES. CHANGES MAY OCCUR AND THE TREASURER'S OFFICE WILL NEED TO BE CONTACTED PRIOR TO REMITTANCE AFTER THE FOLLOWING DATES: PERSONAL PROPERTY AND MOBILE HOMES-SEPTEMBER 1, REAL PROPERry . SEPTEMBER 1. TAX LIEN SALE REDEMPTION AMOUNTS MUST BE PAID BY CASH OR CASHIERS CHECK, SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICTS AND THE BOUNDARIES OF SUCH DISTRICTS MAY BE ON FILE WITH THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, THE COUNTY CLERK, OR THE COUNTY ASSESSOR. This certificate does not include land or improvements assessed under a separate account number, personal property taxes, transfer tax or misc. tax collected on behalf of other entities, special or local improvement district assessments or mobile homes, unless specifically mentioned. l, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the entire amount of taxes due upon lhe above described parcels of real property and all outstanding sales for unpaid tiaxes as shown by the records in my office from which the same may still be redeemed with the amount required for redemption are as noted herein. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 30th day of August, 2006. TREASURER, EAGLE COUNTY, P.O. Box 479 Eagle, CO 81631-0479 (970) 328-8860 KAREN SHEAFFER. BY: ,(*^-{ -lt"4f"-fl.**B {i'*i?qoa# Report Date: 08/30/2006 11 :50AM EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER GERTIFICATE OF TAXES DUE Page:1 CERT #: 4656 SCHEDULE NO: RO18029 ASSESSED TO: SLICK ASSET MNGMNT TRUST - WILLIAM T.,JR & SALLY S. SLICK CO-TRUSTEES 10603 S EVERS PARK DR VENDOR NO; W T SLICK, JR 4916 A JUNIPER LANE vAlL co 81657 HOUSTON. rX77024 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SUB:BIGHORN sTH ADDITION BLK:S LOT:3 DESC: PARCEL A BK-0380 PG"0963 R707272 QCD 08-27-99 R707274 QCD 08-27-99 PARCEL:210113102026 SITUS ADDT 004916 A JUNIPER LN VAIL AREA TAXYEAR CHARGE 2005 TAX TOTAL TA,YES TAXAMOUNT INTEREST 3,468.16 0.00 FEES 0.00 PAID TOTAL DUE 3,468.16 0.00 0.00 GRAND TOTAL DUE GOOD THROUGH 08/30/2006 0.00 ORIGINAL TA)( BILLING Authority EAGLE COUNTY, OO1 -011 coLo MTN COLLEGE (CMC),012 RE50J SCHOOL DtST, 015 - 018 CO RIVER WATER CONSERVATION,0T6 VAIL PARK & RECREATION DIST, 058 TOWN OF VAIL. 036 ERW & SAN DIST WATER SUBDIST, 085 EAGLE COUNry CONSERV. DIST,O9O MINTURN CEMETERY DISTRICT, 043 EAGLE RIVER WATER & SAN., 069 EAGLE CTY HEALTH SERVICE, 096 TMES FOR 2OO5 FOR 200s TAX DTSTRICT SC103 . VA|L (TOWN) Mill Levy 8.499 5-Vv / 19.595 0.230 3.287 4.702 Z.JJ T 0.000 0.450 1.214 2.010 Amount 636.06 299.14 1,466.48 17.21 246.O0 351.90 176.40 0.00 33.68 90.86 150.43 Values LAND IMPS TOTAL Actual Assessed 325.000 25.870 615,240 48,970 940,240 74,840 46.341 3,468.16 FEE FOR THIS CERTIFIGATE 10.00 ALL TAX LIEN SALE AMOUNTS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE DUE TO ENDORSEMENT OF CURRENT TMES BY THE LIENHOLDER OR TO ADVERTISING AND DISTRAINT WARRANT FEES. CHANGES MAY OCCUR AND THE TREASURER'S OFFICE WILL NEED TO BE CONTACTED PRIOR TO REMITTANCE AFTER THE FOLLOWING DATES: PERSONAL PROPERTY AND MOBILE HOMES - SEPTEIVIBER 1, REAL PROPERTY . SEPTEMBER 1. TAX LIEN SALE REDEMPTION AMOUNTS MUST BE PAID AY CASH OR CASHIERS CHECK, SPECIAL TMING DISTRICTS AND THE BOUNDARIES OF SUCH DISTRICTS MAY BE ON FILE WITH THE BOARO OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, THE COUNTY CLERK, OR THE COUNTY ASSESSOR. This certificate does not include land or improvements assessed under a separate account number, personal property taxes, transfer tax or misc. tax collected on behalf of other entities. soecial or local imorovement district assessments or mobile homes, unless specifically mentioned. l, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the entire amount of iaxes due upon the above described parcels of real property and all outstanding sales for unpaid taxes as shown by the records in my office from which the same may stlll be redeemed with the amount required for redemption are as noted herein. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 30th day of August, 2006. KAREN SHEAFFER. BY:TREASURER, EAGLE COUNTY, P.O. Box 479 Eagle, CO 81631-0479 (970) 328-8860 I*^-{ -lt^'4f-fl*% Pit*',.ri fu*ad AU0,30.2006 3;47PM STEIilART TITLI N0.8380 P, 2 Artirh$l t d 'l'illr Agrushli(tr (:(|Nllh|ru ' l9S: COMMITMENT T.OR TITLE INSUR^NCf ISSTJED BY STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY WC agrec r() iti$uc tX)licy ltr you aCcOrdrng n, lhC tefnrs of .thc- Committncr|I' Whelr wc sttOw the poliCy ni,*^i*]".r y,* ri.nu.s rfi. p"ifr"cd iilsured in Suhedutc A. this Corlilllinnenl bcurrttcs cffecrivc as (rf thc Corrrntitritcut Date shown in Scltcdulc A. lf thc Requircmcnrs shown in this ctumtitnunt have ntlt becn met within six nonths atler thc d,ffii,it-i* O.r. our obligatirrtt un6er tlris Commiutterrt will cnd. Als., our obligation uudcr this Comnrirrncru will cM wncll Ute fniity is issued and rhen our ubligation to you will bc under thc Poliuy' Our obligltion uMel rhir Commirnrertt is }imirerl by lhe tirll()wilg: The Pntvisions in Scludule A. Thc Requircrnen$ irt Schcdulc Sl. 'thc Exccprirtns in Schcdulc B-ll' Ttre Gtrrrlirions on Pagr 2- Ilrls Grntrnittucn is ilot valid wirhout SCHEDULE A and Section I and ll of SCHEDULE B' THIS L-OMMITMENT IS NOT AN ABSTRr\CT, EXAMINATTON, REPORT OR REFRESENTATION il FrcT oR TITLE AND DOES NoTCREATE AND stlALL NoT BE THE BAsls oF ANY CLAIM r6i r,rEcucillr:8. NEcuGENf MIsREPRESENTATIoN oR OIHER ToRT cLAIM oR AcrloN' iHi bor.flla$LtTy oF col,rp,cHv AND Irs TITLE INSURANcE AcENT sHAt'L ARISE UNDER AND BE COVERNF' BY PARAGR PH 4 OF THE CONDITIONS. IN WTfNESS WHEREOF, Srewin Ttule Guaranty conrpany has causcd irs errytruc mme rnd scal ro b. h.rcuuru nflixed by irs tluly aulhorized oftluer$ 0n $e datc sfurwn iD sshcdule A. STEWART TITLE ).*mwrlw 'is#fl $Tt:wANr' 'rnui ()l: v^ll-, L\('. 1,.O. llu ?00o veil, Crrlrnda 81656 (0711) 0:fr0l10 Orrlcr No. $201t?7liA l:qal r':tr,rt arrl.||'xl trra AUO. 30. 2006 3:47Pla STEIIARI TIILE ilO.8i80 P. 3 SCEEDULE A OrderNumber: 99018278A l, Effective date: Augurt 1?, 2005 .t 7:l! A-x. 2. Policy or Policics to bc issucd: Amount of Insurance (d A;L.T.A, Qwner's $ Proposed Inrurcdr (b) A,L.T.A. Loan Proposed Insured: (c) Lcaschold Proposed Insured: 3. The cstarc or inerest in rhe land desqibed or referred to in this Commitnonl and covered herein is toc riaglc 4. Tillc to the frs rtrrpla estato or iniercst in said land is at the effectivc date heroof vestcd in: rf,lLr.rtu r. s[rcx, Jn. rl|D tt]tLl s, sLlcK, eo-lRuSrlls ol TE slrex lFsll tftltICE!'ENr TRUSE ItNDln tH! TRUET ACtrllCNr DAUD tnGUsT 26' L99t F/B/o Wrr,LrAlt 8. S&rCr, Jl. tND slI.IrI g. g&Icf,, a. to Earcel Oae and VAILVIXflE, DID., A cot.onrDo r'DfiTED PARlllGRIilUP, r. to Prrc.l ftto 5. The land rcfcrred to in this Commitmont is described e$ foltows: !T'E A TACHAD T.DCAL DESCBIPfIOI' PurpoeEed AddE.rir STATEMENTOFCHARGES 1916 3 {920 ''tnfIPrR trAltr Thcrc drugcc arc dtc and pryablc bcforc a VAfL, g0'8165? Policy can be isrucd, rl{,u. Ju, luuoi J:1/ril SltfAlil ll ILt i scaEDULEA Odcr Nusrbcr: trolrz?oa LEOALDESCRIPNON Ducrl Oac r PTACTL A, r Lrubd:lvlrlcm et IoB !, Elooh E, 8l,qbora gubdivfuloa !l!tl tildtltu, l€ocldtulq fo rb. Dlat rrcordrd nlrch lg, 19El h Doot 180 rE pago tC3 rr n c.ptt6 y,o, 277272 comrTr ot EIGLE glttl ol cor,onrDo Prtacl lYor &ot {.llocl t,Blfion SrbdivliLo|r ltttb Addltior lcoording to rho rcoordrd pl.t tb.racc eOUeT! OT llt0r8 s8nrl ot colorrDo n0.8380 r. 4 rt^ ^^ E ^5 E coNDmoNs r. DEFIIT{ITIONS (r) "Mongage' mcatp mongtge, deed of nusr or orhcr secudry insrrumenr. (b) ',Public Rccords'l means title records dru give comructivc norlcc of matters affeaiog your title - accordilg to tbe rntc slaiutcs whcre your land ir located. 2. LATERDEFECTS Thc Erccpinol in Schcfrb B - Socrion II nry bc rncded ro rhow rny defecs, lico! or e[srmbrilccr thrt rplrcrr lor the firrr furc in tc publb rccordg or uc crcrtod or rnrh bcnrrecn thc comnitmcnr Drrc rnd rhc drE on which rll of rbc Requircncnts (r) ad (c) of Schcdub n - S€criotr I rrc ncr, Wc bavc no liabillly to you bsusc of dris amcud@. 3. E}qSTNO DETECTS If any defccn, licns or encumbnoc?s crisdng sr coDmimcDt Ihte ue nor shown in schsdulc !, rc mey t|Iocod Scbdil8 B b shor tlEm- If *p do and Schedulc E o chow 6csc &fccls, licru or mumbnnccs, wc rhall bc liablc b ]ou rcordhg o prngnplr 4 bclow untcss you lorrp of Ois iaformadon and did not rcll us rbour ir h witing. 4. LIMITATION OF OUR IJABILITT Our only obliguiol ir ro irur-n yon thc Policy rcfernd m in6ir Connitmeot, wlrca you t1e uer i6 Roqufuemaru, If rrc hrve uy liabiliry to you for rny lms pu lmur Dccarge of an cnor in &is Comnihrcoq our liabiliry wilt Dc linltcd to pur *,unl los causcd by yor rdying or ttis €orrutitrncnt whcn ymu acrod ir good faith to: Comply widr ihe Requircmeon sbown in$hcdule B - Segion L or Elinirute with our written comenr any Exceptionr shown ln ScMule B - Section U. Wc shrll not bc lirblc for more than dr Policy Anount shown in Schedulc A of t[is Conmisned and our liebilily ir rubjcct te the lemB of rhc poticy form o be irsucd ro you. 5. CI,AIMS MT'ST EE EASED ON TUIS COMMITIT,IENT. Any chio. whether or not bascd on negligence, vhich you may havc againrl u9 concerning t}c rirle to tbe lan<l rnust bc brscd on 0d6 Conmi&redt rnd is subJca ro iE tcrms. INTORII{ATION Thc Tidc lnsunrrcc Commisncm b r lcgrl cour*r bancea you aod tlrc Coqnny, It is issucd to rhor thc brsir on shich we will iesuc a Tidc lnsurencc policy to you. Thc policy will insurc you rgainst cenaln riskr b tDe l.rat dde, suOjc o rhc llnilrdonr rhom h rhc Folicy. Thc comprny will give you r srnpb of tbc Folicy foru, if ycr ask, 'Itc commihert ir hased or fte lend dtlc rs of tbc Coomitment Dae. Any clrugee in Oe lrnd tittc or thc urnsrcrioa mry rffccr dre commilnent r[d the Policy, Tbc conmlurcr ir subjcct to iE Rcquirenoru, Exccptbul adConditlrc. AUC, 30, 2006 3:47PM N0.8380 P, 6 Order Numbcr: 9901e27 6A EXCEPTIONS The poucy or policics to be issucd will contain cxcePtions to Oc following unless the same are disposed of to the ssdsfac(ion of the ComPanY: l.Rightsorctaimsofpartiesinpossession,notshownbythepublicrccords. 2, Easernenrs, or clrims of easemcnts, not shown by thc public rccords' 3. Discrcpancies. contlicts in boundrry lines,.shonage in area, encroachrncnts ' and any facts which a corrcct iurr"v inO inipectioo ofrhe prcmisis wouid disclosc and which arc not sbown by the public records' 4. Any licn, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material herctofore or hcreafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the Public rccords. 5. Dcfects, tiens, encumbrances, advcrsc claims or o&cr matters, .if any,. cteatcd, lint rppearing in the public -' i*Jr'o, attaching ruU$qurru o ttre effective date hereof, but prior to the datc the proposed insured acquires of record for value-ihe estate or intercst or mongage thereon CovCred by this commimcnt ' 6 Unpatentcd mining claims; reservation$ or exceptions in pstcnts, or en act authoriztng the issuance thereof; irrater rlghts, claims or titlc to water ' ?,.i|IryandallulpeidcexeaandesectSt6nctrndutra'd'3D€ilta'!l'le!' g. rho Gffsc! of lnclugl,ont in any gol€rrl or sDecific Hator coDlarvalcy, fira proEcction, coil congcrvlbion o! otlrc! alkBlict oE ilrcluaLon ln rny vrBcr acrwl-cc or aBrgat l.!Etrort6n6!t argt' 9. nogorvrtionB ard sxcePllont ln PaEenEs' or Actg 'uEhorizitg ths laruancc lheraot, incluillng !h-a rcservation of thq right of propriator of a vcln or lode to artracE and rcio.ra hie orc cba!.tr@ ahoultl tho 'ess be losnd to D€n'trrlo or intorrcc! Ehc pranieer al rolervcd ln rtnited gEatel Palant !6cor.dAd s'PLc[bei 13, 1902 ln Book 4g ac laE. {t1' 10. D6cr€c o! IncluBion 1o thc Eighorn Fl're Probact'ion Diilrlat' tr rocordcd ag Rcccption No. 118234. 11, Doclae of Inclurion in Ehe Go?t vall€y lf'tor Dislrict' la rocorded ra RaccDtlgn No' 109435. 12. T€r$t, coadit'ione, r.rsrvrtlonr, r'sEtlcclong rnd obligeLionr ai conlrln'd ln tbe Dcclrratios of Drotccllv3 covcneact for riEhorrr Subdlvialon Flftb Acldltlon, recordrdNov6dber25,l'66lnEook175atPegc{SSaalecegelolNo-105001. 13. lreenenti, rertrlclionr and rlghta-of-rayl ao shorD oa tshs Plat of Blghora gubdivicloa Ft€th fddtt,lon r!€orded a3 nsceDe''otr l{o' 105002' tr|. talrrr, coadlBlonr, rarcrvaEloag, rGclrictlole antl obllgrtlonl rr conlelnctl ln Eater€nt to th. upDar Eaglc vrIl'y graicrElo'n D{ttric! lecot'led tul'y 27' 1976 ln Boott 2l? rt Prg. 581 rr Roc€Ptiotl No' 1'13t21' 15. Ericn ntr, reecrictl'orrr rnd rlgbte-of'rrys aa lborn o[ tb€ 81at' r Conlinucd on ncnt Prg6 sIEI/ART TIILt r"oourm Section 2 A[JO,30,2006 3:47P[rl SIEWART TITLE continuation o! Echeduto B - 66ctlo$ 2 ordar lfuderr 9901127Et |l0,8380 P, i Eesubdivigion of trot 3, Block 5, Bi.ghorn gubdlvlglon riEth lddlElon, !.cord.d Urrch 19, 19!{ tn Eook !E0 a! Prga 963 ao RcccPgion No. 777272' (rffccte Palcqtr on€ I 16. parEy Wr'lI tgEo€8anB, r.ot 3, Block 5, B(ghorn gubdlvlelon, 5th tddition" rrcordod JanurrT 28, ]-ggs ln Dook {05 at PAge 655 re Recaption lfo, 301919. (atcocts Parcrl onc) 17. l|lnenainE gtaEqt DE fron vallTlltlnE l,td., debeor(a) to, colorldo lusinerr Eeak c€cur€a gart)r, r6dord6cl lDril 19, 2005 as RscrDttor llo. 912326, gl,vlag notiso ot r E.auEity lnlorcrt prrrluaDt to tho ltnlfour Cmercial Code . (tltrctg Parccl firo) 11 , a Dced ol Enr.t alrE.al l?ril 11, 2005, e*GcuBGdl by Vailvl,klag, LEal. , r eolorrao Iilited partnerahlp, !o the Publlc fruaEcc of Eeglc CouaEy, Eo oecuro an lndabEcdncaa of C2,5?5,000,00 ln favor of Colorado Burlnsaa Eanh racordefl April 2]-. 7.00s a! R6c6pEioa lfo. 913050. (eff6cta Elrccl' Iwo) L9. Dlrbursar'a Notice recordrd egril 21, 2005 a6 Rsceptlon No. 913051. (effectg P.Fcal frro) lfOT! r llt €rc.pt!.onr rpgly to both Prrcela unl6ts othcrvit. not.d- . AU0, 30. 2006 3 r4iPill SIEIIARI TITLT N0,8380 P, I coNDmoNs 1. DEFINITIONS (a) "Mongage'' mcans mortgige, deed of rust or other security instrumcnt. (b) "Public Records " means ti e records dnt give constructivc noticc of mattfis affecting your dtlc - according to tre sute snrurcs where your land is located. 2. LATERDETECTS The Exceptioru in Schcdulc B - Sation II nray bc amcnded to show any defects, liat or encumbrances thrt appear for the first dme in the public records or ore creatcd or snach bcrueen the Commitment Date and the drtc on which all of the Requirements (a) and (c) of Scbedute B - Section I are mcr. We have no liability to you becausc of this amendment- 3. EXIS"TING DETECTS lf any defccts, liens or encumbrancos crigtin8 at Commitment Date rre no! shown in Schedulc B, we may amend Schedule B to show thcm. If we do amend Schedule B to show tbcsc dcfccts, lienc or encumbnnccs, wc shall bc liablc to you according to Paragmph 4 bclow unless you kr*w of this infortnation and did not tell us about il in writing. 4. LIMITATION OF OUR LIABTLITY Our only obligarion ir o issue to you thc Policy referred to in rhis Commitment, whetr you have mer its Roquiremcnr, If we bave any liabiliry to you for any loss you ircur because of an grtor in dis Commitnent, our liabiliry will bc limlrcd to your ecmal loss caused by your relying on tlis commimant wbcn you acted in gmd faith to: Comply with the Requiremcfis shown in &hcdulc B 'Secdon L or Elimiute with our witten consent |ny Exceptions shown in Schedule B - Section IL Wc shall nor bc liable for more than drc Policy Amount shown in Schedule A of thil Conrmiment and our liability is subjcct to dre terms of the Policy form to bc issued to you, 5, CLAIMS MUST BE BASED ON TIIIS COM}flTMENT. Any clain, wheter or not bucd on negligence, rvhich you may bavc againrt ur concerning thc title to l}c land must bc besed on this Commitment and is subjcct to iB terms. INFORMATION The Titlc Insurancc Commitmcnr is r lcgal contract between you and thc Company, It is issued ro show thc buis on whhh wg will irsue a Title lnsurrnce Policy to you, The Policy will insurc you rgainst certain risks o the lmd rirte, subjcc ro rhc linitetbns ghowu in thc Poltcy. Thc Company will give you a srmplc of tbc Policy form, if yor ask. Thc Commirnent is bascd on the land ddc as of rhc Commitment DaE. Any changes in $e lrnd dtl? or thc uoruacdon nay affccr rhe Commitnent rtrd tb€ Policy. Thc Commiuncnr is subjcct to its Requireruents, Exccptions ard Conditions. trag|e L,ounry uovernment - properly Assessment and rax Information Eagle County Govemment !v't rw.eagleco0nty.u3 DETAILED RESULTS Page 1 of 1 Property Assessment and Tax Information Account Number: Parcel Numbgr: T.r Araa: llll LrW: Own.r NamQ /Addrcu: L!oal DcrcrlDton: R01802S 2101't3102028 sc t03 46.341 SUCK ASSET MNGMNT TRUST. WILLIIAM T.,JR & SALLY S- SLICKCGIRUSTEES 10603 S EVERS PARK DR HOUSTON. TX 77024 SUB.BIGHORN STH ADOMON BLKS LOT3 DESC- PARCELA BK-0380 PG-0963 R707272 QCD 08-27-99 R707274 QCD 06-27-99 004916 JUNIPER LN A VAILAREA o-27 VALUATION INFORMATION Nert > 4.....-.4 lr-h.- Tares Printable Paoe L__ljl:_< Previous Record 1 of 0 http://fcs.eaglecounty.us/patie/index_content.cfm?accountnum=R01g029 8/29/2006 '-c.vre \,vur *y \ruvE n ||neff - Flopeny Assessment and ra( Information Eagle County Govemment $rvlir.eaglecounV.u! DETAILED RESULTS Page 1 of 1 Property Assessment and Tax Information Accounl Number: Percgl Number: Tar Ara!: illllLcW: gwnrr Nama ,AdrlE$: Lrgrl Drrcrlp0on: R012720 2101r3102007 sc103 46.341 VAL VIKING LIMITEO 6707 E FREMONT PL ENGLEWOOo. co80112 SUB:tsIGHORN STFI ADDmoN BLKs LOt4 8K.0224 PG.O087 ocD 08-21_71 BK{240 PG-0106 QCO 05-19-75 BK-074{ PG-0156 SWD 10-2+97 R809274 QcD 01-30-04 R8A927o QcD 02-25.()4 OO492O JUNIPER LN VAILARFTA 0.52 VALUA1ION INFORilANON < Pror,ious Next > rta.....,t lr.t... Record 1 of 0 Taxes Printabb Peg6 http://fcs.eagrecounty.us/patie/index_content.cfm?accountnum= Ro12720 8t29t2006 Eagle County Government - Property Assessment and Tax Information Eagle County Govemment www-saglccounty,u3 DETAILED RESULTS Page 1 of 1 Property Assessment and Tax Information Account Number: Patcel Numbrr: Trr At.a: illllLoW: Ownsr Nam! ,Addra$: Lcgal Descrlpflon: Phyrical Addrcss: R03'r5M 210113102038 sc103 46.341 KOMPPA. V. MICHAEL & GLORTA TIUBRED 4701 EL CAMINO DR ENGLEWOOD. CO 80111 SUB:BIGHORN STH ADDffiON BLKS LOT:2 DESC: UNfl- B BK-0522 PG-0184 MAP BK-{699 PG-0972 QCD 0&2+s8 BK-0714 PG-0587 QCD 12-20-96 004B46 JUNIPER LN R VAIL AREA 0.28 VALUANON INFORMATION Actral Valuc Next > Ascssed Value Taxes Printable Page i D"*< Previous Record 1 of O http:/ifcs.eaglecounty.us/patie/index_content.cfm?accountnum=RO31S04 8/30/2006 Eagre uounry uovemment - property Assessment and rax Information Eagle County Govemmcnt Yrww.crglacounty.uo DETAILED R,ESULTS Page 1 of 1 Property Assessment and Tax Information Account Numbcr: Parcel Numbgr: Trt Arar: MlllLcvyl Ownar Nrmr /Addrc$: L.g.l D!ic.lFUon: Phyrlcrl Addr..r: R031503 2101'31A2037 sc103 48.341 URQUHART, FRANCES T. & ERAOFORD A. .1754 NORTH BLVD HOUSTON. TX 77098 SUB:BGHORN 5TH ADDflON BLK5 LOT:2 DESC: UMIA 8K4522 PG-0185 DEC BK.O522 PG{186 MAP 00,li8tl8 JUNTPER LN A VAILAREA 0.23 VALUANON INFORIIAIION Ar!.|r.d Vrlu. 25870 Record 1 of O http://fcs.eaglecounty.uslpatie/index_content.cfrn?accountnum=Ro31sog Ned >Taxes Printoble Page 8t29t2006 Eagle County Govcmment www.ce glccounty-ua DETAILED RESULTS Propertyr Assessment and Tax Information Account Number: Parcll Number: Tar Ar..: lllll Lctry: own.t Nama ,Arlatrara: L.grl D..crlpdon: Phy.h.l Addrr..: R018031 210113102025 sc103 46.341 sToRMq MAR-I}AA 3733 WONDERTAND HILL AVE BOULDER. CO 80304 SUB:HGIIORN 5TH ADDt'llON BLKS LOIS DESC: PARCEL B 004916 JUNIPER LN B VALAREA o,27 VALUATION INFORMANON Lrnd |i'r^r.ana.ta < Prevlous Arrrraad v!lur 25870 .)Affrn Record 1 of 0 Ngxt >Taxos Printabb Page t--:sr- http://fcs.eaglecounty.us/patie/index_content.cfm?accountnum=R01g031 8/29/2006 Eagle County Govemment - Properly Assessment and Tax lnformation Eaglc County Govcmment www.caglccounty,us DETAILED RESULTS Page 1 of 1 Property Assessment and Tax Information Account Numbct: Parccl Numbcr: Tar Ar.r: ilU L0vy: ownar Nrm! tAddrrra: R012700 210113102010 sc103 46.341 BORGEN VAIL PROPERTY RLLLP ,I4 COOK ST STE 809 DEftvER. CO 80206 SUB:BIGHORN 5IH ADDfiON BLKS LOT:S BK-0263 PG-0359 BK-0744 PG{158SWD 10-2+S7 004926 JUNIPER LN VAILAREA 0.57 VALUANON NFORMANON Lcnd lrin. r.-n.ni. < Previous Arm$cd vrluc 51740 ??E2n Taxes Printable Page { D"*Record 1 of 0 http://fcs.eaglecounty.us/patie/index_content.cfrn?accountnum=R012700 8t29t2006 Eagre L'ounry uovemment - propertyAssessment and rax Information Eagle County Government www.caglecounty.us DETATLED R,ESULTS Page 1 of 1 Property Assessment and Tax Information Account Number: Parcel Numbcr: Tar Ara.: Mlll[rw: gwncr Nrma /Addraat: R009789 21011310102s sc103 46.341 PORTER, MARK O. 537 MONROE ST DENVER. CO 80208 SUB:EIGHORN STH ADDffiON BLK4 LOT!-B BK-0.181 Pc4929 SWD 0!17-88 R723958 QCD 01-11{) 004857 JUNIPER LN B VAJLAREA 0.34 VALUATION INFORMANON A$.$.dVrhr 25870 l'le)d >Record 1 of O Taxes Printable Pags L- oon. -. http://fcs.eaglecounty.us/patie/index_content.cfm?accountnum=ROogzgg 8t29t2006 Eagle County Govemment - Property Assessment and Tax Infurmation Eagle County Government www.caglccounty"u! DETAILED RESULTS Page 1 of 1 Property Assessment and Tax Information Account Number: P.rcel Number: Tax Arae: Ml[ LcW: owncf Nrmc ,Addllrrr: PhyrlcalAddrcrs: R009788 210113'.101028 scr03 it6.341 JOTINSON, JEFFERY L & SANOIW. JT 1721 E STANFORDAVE ENGLEWOOD. CO 80110 SUB:BIGHORN STH AODfiON BLIC4 LOIS-A 8K4466 PG.0549 SWD 07-14-87 BK-0491 PG4303 SWD 09-06-88 004857 JUNIPER LN A VAILAREA o.27 VALUATION INFORT'ATION Actud Vrlu. Next > Arlcrerd Vduc Tams Prinlabb Page < Previous Record 1 of 0 http://fcs.eaglecounty.us/patie/index_content.cfm?accountnum=R009788 8t29t2006 Eagle uounry Govemment - Properly Assessment and Tax Inbrmation Eagle County Government www.esgbcounty.ur OETAILED RESULTS Page 1 of 1 Property Assessment and Tax Information Account Number: Parc6l Number: Tar Arao: lllll Lcvy: Ownar Nrmc,Addra[: Lrgal Dr3crlpflon: R011222 210113101002 sc103 ,16.341 GINGRICH, THOMAS P. & CHRISTINE G. 5263 E MINERAL LN urTLFroN. co 80 122 SUB:BIGHORN STHADDffiON BLK4 LOT:7-A BK-0339 Pc-011 I WD 02-26-82 BK{716 PG4684 QCD 01-1}97 00'1887 JUNIPER LN A VAILARFA 0.28 VALUATION INFORMANON Armucd Vrluc 25670 Record 1 of O NeS >Tgxss Printable Page [ ._ oory_ http:/ifcs.eaglecounty.usipatie/index_content.cfin?accountnum: R011r2Z2 8t29t2006 hagle County Govemment - Properly Assessment and Tax Infumation Eagle County Govemment www.caglccounty.us DETAILED R,ESULTS Page 1 of 1 Information Account Numbcr: Parc€l Numbar: Tar Ar.e: MlllLrw: Owncr Nrmc ,Addrlaa: L.gal Darcdptlon: R011223 21011310'1003 sct03 46.341 CLARK STEPHEN J. E JACKIE N. JT PO BOX 2065 vArL. co 81858 SUB:BIGTIORN sTH AODMON BLK4 LotT-B BK-0246 PG-0860 oCD 0s27.76 BK{715 PG4430 QCD 09-01-96 BK-0742 PG-0358 oCD 10-29-97 00/1887 JUNIPER LN E VAILAREA 0_29 VALUA]ION INFORMANON < Prevrous Next > A-.....ra lti].r. Record 1 of O Tox6 Printabls Paga \*-- http://fcs.eaglecounty.us/patie/index_content.cfin?accountnum=R01 1223 8t29t2006 cagre rrounry Liovemment - property Assessment and ra)( Information Eagle Gounty Govemment www.eaglGCounty.ug DETAILED RESULTS Page 1 of 1 Property Assessment and Tax Information Account Number: Parcol lilumbcr: Tlr Arcs: ltlll Lrvy: owncrNim.,Addl|r: Lrgal O.rcalpdon: R033972 2'10113101030 sc'r03 46.341 RECHTER, BONNIE JO qUAL PER RES TRUST 1S06 DECAruR DR LOt0SVILLE.ltf ,O218 SUB:BIGHORN STHADOMON BLK4 LOT:S & LOT:6 BK-0660 PG-0402 OcD 01{)6-95 BK-06€5 PG{049 QCD 03-18-95 00.1S07 JUNIPER LN VAILAREA 1.06 VALUA]]ON INFORMATION Aa|.$rd Vlluc 51740 Record 1 of 0 hft p ://fcs.eag lecounty. us/patie/index_content.cfm ?accou ntn um = R03g972 Nert >Toxes Printablo Page I Done 8t29t2006 bagle county Govemment - properg Assessment and ra:< Information Eagle Gounty Government www.ceglccounty.us DETATLED RESULTS Page 1 of 1 Property Assessment and Tax Information Accounl Number: Parcll Number TrrArrr: illfi LrW: Owncr Nrnr tAddrarr: Lrg.l D..crlpdon: R031500 210113102035 sc103 ,18.341 LESUE, MNCY L & RICI-IARD M. JT 4Sl9BEMEADOWDR vAtL CO81857 SUB:BIGHORN sIH ADDTnON BLK5 LOt18 DESC: UNIT 1&A 8K4513 PG.O796 MAF BK-051 1 PG$50 WD 09-27€9 BK-0515 PG-0165 WD 09-2249 EK-0517 PG{390 WD 0s-2249 BK-0517 Pe0400 wD 09-22-89 BKO522 Pc4532 oCD 01-25-90 8K-0603 PG-0873 oCD 02-2+93 004939 MEADOW DR A VAIL AREA 0.26 < Previous Record I of 0 Noxt >Tax€s Printabb Page [---D-" http://fcs.eaglecounty.us/patie/index_content.cftn?accountnum=Ro31sOo 8t29t2006 bagle Uounty Govemment - PropertyAssessment and Tax Information Eagle County Government www-eaglccounty-ur DETAILED RESULTS Page 1 of 1 Property Assessment and Tax Information Parcal Number: Trr Araa: Mlll Lcv:t: Own.r Nrmc rAddru$: Lcgal Dlrcrlpdon; Fhy.lcrl Addr.rr: Act r: 210113102008 scl03 46.341 KATHRYN C. & ROBERTT. VALLEAU RE:VOCABLETRUST 4839 MEADOW DR vAtL, co 81657 SUB.BIGHORN STFI ADDMON BLKS LOtl7 BK-0245 PG-0066 WD 02-20-76 BK-0688 PG4614 oCD 02-16-96 R705479 QCD 07-29-99 R705480 qCD 07-29-99 004839 MEAOOW DR VAILAREA 0.5 VALUATION INFORMANON AmmrcdVrluc 51740 Record 1of 0 http://fcs.eaglecounty.us/patie/index_content.cfin?accountnum=R033604 N6xt >Printable Pags t^I UOnS Tares 8t29t2006 bagle county Govemment - Prope$ Assessment and Tax Information Eagle Gounty Govcmment www.eaglccounty-ua DETAILED RESULTS Page 1 of1 Property Assessment and Tax Information Account Numb?r: Parcel Numben Tax Ar.a: lrlll Ltw: ownar Nrmc ,Arldrrtt: L.gal Dc.crlpdon: PhyrlcalAddr.$: Acrca: R034591 21011310m1J sc103 46-341 RYERSON, A'.ITHOT.IY M, & CYNTHIq B. 4859MEADOWOR vAtL co 81657 SUB:BIGHORN STHADDffiON BLKs LOT:18 R831724 MAP 0429-03 004859 MEADOW DR VAILAREA VALUAIION INFORMANON Lrnd lmprovcmantr < Previous A!3.!..d Valua 51740 37250 Next >Record 1 of 0 Tax€s Printabb Page f D"*\__ http://fcs.eaglecounty.us/patie/index_content.cfm?accountnum=R054591 8t29t2006 A RECONFIGURATTON CERTIFICATE OF OEOICATION AI']O OWNERSIIIP xfior .LL u€! aY |HEs€ PRLICNls l|lal STLCX ^ssal rsrctrEnl nuSr ^|I) v^rL\4kIrC, rl0 A Col-ORrrO U$rEo tAnl e{g l aEnC SoLE olttl€is [r FEa snfll Cf ;LL lH4t R[a 9nOPERaY sluAIEo ll{ lllf lo$ll CF VAL Erc|E cou lY. c1)toF^oo. DtscR|aao 15 Fouows: n^ndr a a FE5rtorvrs|q{ oF Lol L atoc1< 5. aoHoRN sllaDrvLsroN FFltl ^c€lror AccoRo[rc t0 lt€ PL^r lN€Rf,Or RECOPO60 $|nch 19, r90. ^r R[CEPnOn russ€R 2712n ^ Boft/< 5lO ^l PA6E t{] r}lE CfFlCf 0f rH€ €acl colnllY CL€RX r.0 Rtcofiotfi ^No Lor {.8LoCr 5. ErcH*lr{ s./lrrlvlJrol{ ftrl}l io9UoL AcCmDf{c t0 nE rL^r +{RE6 'r[CO{rD(o r0v€so€R 25, 1355 ^l REC€PnO' NustR 105002lr,r 600x 175 ^r PAGE {.5 r{ rnt orFrcf 0a rHa t^ctE cor TY cLl r( lr& REcaRoER, coNra^ c o.7r. ^cREt,onl 0i !€s* H^vE al rnEsE Fn€stNTs lAio 0!T, PL rItD Atlo t]aovoEo fr€ sAtE rrto Lors aro aLoc(s as sHo$r cx lhrs flnAL PL^l utloli lHl NAUE ANo srYL€ oF: orGBoRtr slJSorvsron Frrld ADorno|!, A Racoxndri^mn oF PAac& r, ^ REsr€oMsrot 06 LoI l.3roo( 3,8'ctroir $rao isrot ff'k ^hE\S.a^r rdo (Or 4. B.c5< 5. A $60r!rsLo\ rr lrjr rc$n oF v l- EA€LE couxrv, cc{qx)o: ^x0 co tsIiEBY ^ccEpl ftt nllFonlBlrlr FoR ira colsF-arofi or HEanFEo |lPfiollclNrsi ^rc oo t€Raay oaocArE AD 9tl ^pAil ^u 0f lnE Ptr€lc Rorls rNo o'HER FUDLTC iuPRovErrEils !r0 pL^c{s As 5ror.r oir nr€ AccosP^rnlxc PLAI To llrE usl 0F ntE PtJ€uc rGa$ni e0 00€5 fERE6y o€oarE rinsr poftno,5 cF s^o flE& PRoPaRlr nfiLc! Aia RqcATEo As EAsa/Err s l^sErJfflrs ron rit PUfiPosE sfioYrfr naRaolt airD oo€s nt8E8Y 6Rrrr r|€ Rrcttr TO rNsaru 4o uaNr^[ HEcEss^RY srRtrcttnEs To ll]E Efrlrll FESP0NS6L! loR PFOlll4frG lrlE s[Rvrc€s fon |/ltlrcB nlE a^stlErrs dE EsrralrsHro ,-, ^,0., 20____- AMENDED FINAL PLiIT BIGHORN SUBDIVISION FIFTH ADDITION OF PARCEL A, A RESUBDIVISION OF LOT 3, BLOCK 5, BICHORN SUBDIVISION FIFTH AMENDMENT AND LOT 4, BLOCK 5 TONTN OII VAIL, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO TITLE CEFNFICATE - DOES HEiEBY CERI]FY NA' I}€ NILE IO ArI L]AMS 9tolrr uPd{ tHrs FL r HA!€ gtatr EsrEo n ____ ,.rlo rH^T rIlE ro suot L^{os s rnre em o.an or ru-r.iin{iEi;G_iiriinfiir-c-ii arcrrl ^s f0ro|rs orE nis ___ o^/ oF lQfl^ 8r,m( a o'NriaR: Y iLvKlc ,ur. ED P^RiiEnSr|P vr* co 6rEt7 PLANNING AND.ENViROIIMENIAL COMMISSION CERTIFICAIE nls tuia! Ft T ras ^Plt0!,10 ay tlf lori{ ot vAr! PLAIiNNC Ar0 ExvRor.JuEir^r cotat{tgot ll,it3 __ DAY ca ,__-_ ^0, 20__ TOWrl 0f VA[. @lOirDO TO$A 0F Vr[ pLA*\||rG Ar{0 gl\4FoNlrff TAr CO{||SSof r CERTIFICATE OF TAXES PAIO I n€ uroEnsroar€o. oo haFtoy cERrFy rH^r nlt eBrlt€ ^rouNr of r^xEs aNo ^s5s9.E r5 oLrE a0 PrY^&r ^s of ______ ri'o r Esr^rf D€l{n€t! od tus PrAr dE r^o r{ Fu. I}^IEO lHrS __ D^Y OF __ A0., 20 __. sr^r o. ___-__-_-_--) coJNl 06 ----__-_-----) rfr€ .oREcoNc cERTrFrc^E 0F D&rr^ld ^nD NERs]IP e^s ^qnonloc€D eEFoiE v€ rlns ___ ory 0a --_, A.0., 20--_-, BY s _-**-_,____- tr valtM<rc , Lm ^ coroRaoo rnrss |rY Hr{, A,o ofFro& sf^ CERTIFICA]E OF DEDICATIOT] AI'ID OWNERSI1IP txmrEAcE hao€h oR 6Eo ff nLJlr lid.oEi) xNori u mri ay nasE PR€sE[rs ]H^t ccloi]\oo Susa€ls B^Nx l{rtc lN€ lroro€i 0f ^ oRr^68 0R o€ao 0a lir,l9T 0.r ItrE REr! FRoFERTy EtultEo N rt€ los of v&. a^c!l cour lot a. alocr. s, EcfroiN s!9(xss|orr nFrd roonotr, cqrTArMno 0.5ts ^cnEs |roft on tf:si n^w 0Y rftla PRasE}rls LAo ouT, Af,IIED Ano s{aorvloED ftf s^r* NTo Loni ^m sL00<5 ^s sron o lirs rial F!11 uro€F $€ nara ^No sr'48 @i rcoro.r, ^ REcorFLc RAnoN 0f p^rlc€r A, ^ Rasl]gDvro{ oF Lor J. BLoc{ 5, 3|Groni sJ€ornson ffw ^rifiorr€,{l ao toT a. a,oar( 5. a slj€Drvso *r l}€ torfi (a v^rL a,^68 co|.rNly, cd-oRAoq ^xD mEs r€REa! A4cePr tf€ ftsror|g€|lrrY Fo. rrE co-lElro! oF RaalRrD lrPro\trtorTi ^rlo ooE HeftEBY oEuc^tt ND sEJ ^pMI [L Of rr€ tu6( RNt do oTnEi P!8rJc [fio$raNls ^x0 P!^cEs ^s Srroh| qr TiE Acc{nr^nrlr{c PrAl rc Il€ USE 0i nra RAUt fof€V€n; aND DoCS r{REaY o@rC^I! nrosf PonJkrxs tr sAo RtAl pRftRTt rpo{ ^E€ o0Erl60 ^r EAT,E ENt ori IHE AccorFrrt{irc a,\l ^l €asEM€rits Foc txE PiJRrosE *ro*'l |{nEu: rrD ooas nai€6Y GIANY r$ Rrcdl ro lr5I.r! afio xArNrlN N€€ss^ay sjRUctuFEs lo Tf€ EflIlly REsPot{9Al€ FOR PROUO{rC I|t San{C€s Fon $|or ]l{ E^Sb.fxTS ^16 asrAalsiro, ErE6/rro 1!rl -__ oAY 0f ___.- tn? / BtJr|( 5 ONAIR; Ct]!d^oo 0usr€59 B^rk aDDiaslt 0050 eos,{i'Js lltraoa 3!v0, slJtr! lJo €0v!$s. co 6r6J2 CLERK AND RECOROER'S CER]IFICATE llrs A-At f,^s frED aoi iEcoao fi t|l€ oaltcE ot tnE cLErx Artr R€coio{i ofl r$s ___ D^y d _-___ ^,0, 2a___ ^r _ o'croo( _!. RfcoaoED uNoaR 6Ec€cn0{ .r0, ----- h soo( aY: _______-_-_-- O ftEnr S!,Cx ASSEI YrracEeE r TRUSI suu t,JR a0 srLlr s !|rcx io{Jsr$r, lr 7701r rrlxass |lY fiArro A!]0 ofrr^L La(. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I oc t€lEtY cEtnlY lx^l I A ^ iaoslERED t^rlo 3URVEyoi Uc€NsEo lNo€i rXE IAViS 0F Irif tlatl of c4d^oo. ltl^T Ttls PlAr t3 lRr.rE cof,i€cT ^l|D cotrPLErE .s L]|n ort FtrTtEo, ott'rc^llo ^ro sllot|l f€n€oN. rHrr 9ror Pur rl^s ri,l)€ FRt{ Ax ^coJR^G 9JIV€Y Of SA|o PnO'EF'Y lY t€ ANo Ui{oER TY qpERvgql rA CfiR€CtLy saO!'S rHt Loc.Idr ao orrf,{rodl 6 rHa Lors, Ea*rExr:, rfio 5li€El5 0F sao sraor{toN ^s rNE 5\!E .,E SIAO utd{ rHr cioj|. fi cosr^Nc€ r|iH ^PPucra$ Rtcrjl^lto s cov€iftr.tc fiE SlAOeSri. Of lrro, n rntss wEREoF I a^vi sEl xy hAo ^N0 st . ll 3 __ o^Y of -___ {D,, I:E IEh-AL I.IOIES: nn..r aa9ls s auft{cs, 11r! Lrr€ cofu|Ecn*o la€ Fdfio Mo!rri|||ls r]ti}|c rr€ xoatda^sr cs{isF of Lor a !o l}€ HonD fsr ccraflER c. Lor { 1..1o04'r - !it.07, (!EE shalt 2 0f t) softur€r,il^roN ^s rNorcAtto Hln€ol *f RrRpos of rbs Prrr |s ro uf(o €t srBc Lor uNas r{rr lri,Jft {10 oi^rr^c{ EAs[sdtrs coxor Io Ptrc€L ^ Lor !, iAn Lot 4 As Slovm haliEdr. pta L^no s!iv€i{c. rNc, !.0 (or Ft8tdr ^ lrlll sE.R:i or' rHE lus.{ct mFtFrY lo E ill,||sa ovrltRs|rF, U^SauaNl! Ot i(tllis-of-r Y Of iE:(no. Hlccrio oosuri€frls ulrJZO N turg ^IaroEo ahr! tLAl e€ll Pi0vr0€0 BY Lrro rrlt! dlrRlflnE cclrPorY, oPotn No. v5or5et., JA"ID ^U({rsr a, &0€. Ar tot Pr. A|!D L ND rrrlI OJrn^Xr€e corPal, drotx xd \]s159!5, o^ltlt AUC*JSI q 2006, Ar 5:oo P.Y sr^n s ---_---_--J couNrY ol --------J D€ tmEco{G oEoc^nfi ras ^corovllDcao 4foet tf llt3 -- oAY (f ^.0., r0_ _ aY a1 -------.-------- 0f C4OialO augrtE$ a^|,( co-ffroo P.Li .r. 27t 6 AEIA I { t I : a t d I ACConD:llt ro cc!.'r4o u{ ya lrrr ccMlErct af L:c^ ^cnofl EalEo rfca] ANt oaFEcl H riis uFvey vNriN .-hi€t rl^is aalER to! r*sT uscctfn suci cEFacr. iN lro t\a!r, tlr ArlY ^crtcor i^rro u)or xlY Dlfrcr d T{s suRvE r 3€ ccwiNcaD |rdt TFAN l€}l Y6ris Fior llla 0^1E 0r c€itfc^l|oN gtoiiN ia EcNl. LANO USE SUMMARY ult A!!lE!l nEsloEnlrf .Sm !||pER L^r€ RE900rna 19ra^ r]r|PfR rr.ra Attachment: B DR.ml BY: EKa itn|Ess ur nA[D ^tro or]lcr.l 5€^! DATE: O8/28/0A A RECONFIGURATION OF AMENDED FINAL PLAT BIGHORN SUBDIVI.S/O// FIFTH ADDITION PARCEL A, A REST]BDIVISION OF LOT 3, BLOCK 5, BICHORN SUBDIVTSIO,^f AND LOT 4, BLOCK 5 TOITN OF VAIL, COUNTY OF EACLE, STATE OF COLORADO \\ FIFT'H AI,TENDMENT I |l t. JN. il I CRAPHIC SCAI,E 'Frn&tiri (Nfeet) ,f^//:/(fi l"ti LOT 2 /$' /r=r+ 'y'/LOT J V( \..-\ rl?xr,lo Prf, ^ro crp \14 t5at \ '+.r< '* (\-qS-- t. ,a t'f Yfw\lw LOT 18 &o- LOT 17 7.\\i\ uo MONUMENf LEEEND c ser a!ru c^P o|r x6, s ilb^i L,i 'ro. 2r1t! i1 \ uftrrr Eo onAr^4E _ /EAsEU'AI CRETII' EY N]|5 PIAI \\ CURV€ TA f 160 m t 32 al I rG !t 77 ||2',t7t6 56'Y r60!l6o.m' 1 4a.a6 1 22,58 LOT 5 '5.'-. t ,t l'/''.f ..a'. 1l \. t q "\r .i,t .:. . r -.!u fi l 't) :i. i_'-,-,<. l 'r i.r.r r: a \}l 1;.. .,..'Jr'i.'. h Project Application ti( (*A,Uv Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: .ancx 4) ,rittng Legal Description: Lot Com ments: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPBOVAL "fu;,-'--.----- 4-a - Date D ISA PPROVAL Summary: E statt Approval jt Project Application Project Name: - Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legat Descriptio n' so1 7 . an"x Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPR OVAL D ISA PPR OVA L tlt .K \Mhlou tAll D Statt Approval a o T DATE: 8-26-91 REV LEGAL: LOT 3 BLOCK 5 FILING BIGHORN #5 a,::ADDRESS: 4'.:.! owNER: KAISER/HALL pHoNE # ARCHITECT: GALEN AASLAND PHONE# ffiPROPOSEDUSE: PRIMAR UNIT ISTHE LOT SLOPE OVER 3OO/o ...YES/NO NO 2.0 NO. OF GARAGE SPACES 4.0 4,566.0 TOTAL GRFA WITH ALL INCREASES 4,566.0 4,633.0 4,019.0 SITE COVERAGE REMAINING 614.0 LANDSCAPE COVERAGE 13,899.0 TOTAL GRFA USED ON SITE 4,355.0 GRFA REMAINING ON SITE l:::llj l::276.0 44.0 53.0 0.0 0.0 UNIT ONE 0.0 0.0 0.0 U,U 0.0 0.0 0.0 1ST. FLOOR::SQ,F[. ,,1,726.0 404.0 131.0-47.0 -0.0 25.0. 1,797.0 0.0 101.0 0.0 94.0 0.0 11.0 3RD. FLOOR SQ.FT.0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 I-OFT FLOOR'SQ.FT.0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 r r.; t: CREDIT TOTALS USED CREDIT TOTALS 404.0 232.4 10 E ADDED GRFA(IE 250?)0.0 796.0 168.0 53.0 0.0 25.0 0.0 GRFA ALLOWED 4,566.0 l.;," T':, GRFA USED 2,701 .5 , BUILDING PERMIT RELEASED OCT 1990: CHANGE TO ,r' GRFA REMAINING 1,864.5 UNIT TWO \j!:.:BASEMENT SO.FT.0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 IJ 1ST. FLOOR,SQ.FT:2,322.5 s20.0 124.0 0.0 0.0 25.0 0.0 t::::2ND, FLOOR SO.FT.0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3RD. FLOOR SQ,FT.0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 LOFT FLOOR SQ.FT.0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 :r:X r.!li CBEDIT TOTALS USED CREDIT TOTALS 520.0 124.0 0.0 25.0 0.0 ADDED GRFA(IE 250?)0.0 276.0 44.0 s3.0 0.0 nn l:t:.GRFA ALLOWED 1,826.4 ::i:it::GRFA USED 1,653.5 GRFA REMAINING 172.9 , r' $/,', )i:r* -7),aLdU.tf '+4t-ttt Y."p'-UJ PUBI-,IC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GI\IEN that the Planning and Environmental -Coiri""ion of the Town of vail will hold a putcric-hearing in- accJraance with section 18.56.060 of the Municipat code of the Town of VaiI on O"ioU.i fa, 1991 at 2:00 p.m. ih ttre Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A worksession to consider rezoning Lots 3 through 9 and 12, VaiI Meadows- filing No. 2 from Agiicultural and Natural Open Space to Residential Cluster. afplicant: Vail City Corporatlon and David El'more Planner: AndY Knudtsen 2. A reguest for a wall height variance for the Chester Residence, iot 19, Block-1, Vail village 1st Filing/395 Mift Creek Circle.Applicant: E.B. Chester Planner: Kristan Pritz 3. A follow-up to the August t2, 1991 PEC review of the staff -pproval o-t ine mj.nor amendment for Garden of the Gods, sDD No.22, lot i; Biocr sa, vail virLage 5th Filing/365 Vail ValleY Drive.Appli6ant: Margaret Hill Marital Trust Pl-anner: SheIlY MeIIo 4. A reguest for a condit'ional use permit lof t cellular teleplrone ,,ceII site" at Red sanbstone school, 551 North Frontage Road/Lot 2, Block 8, Vail Potato Patch' Applicant: The lfalter GrouP Planner: AndY Knudtsen 5. A request for a minor amendment to the Golden Peak deveiopment plan to allow for the insLallation of a rope tow iirt, nSA vair val1ey Drive/Tract B' vair vitlage ?th 5. A request for a setback variance for the Sipf Residence' 38?6 Lupin. o.i,t"/Lot 148' Block 1, Bighorn 2nd Addition' appticants: Eric and Susan SiPf Planner: AndY Knudtsen T.Areguestforasatellitedishantennavarianceforthe Jackalope Caie-ana Cantina, 2151 N, Frontage Road West/Lot Ze, nesirUaiviiion of Lot Z, vaif Das Schone Filing *3' Filing. Applicant: Pl-anner: Applicant: Planner: Vail Associates Jill Kamnerer Jackaloper Inc. Mike Mollica I ,l A reguest for a conditional use pernit and a variance to the parkfng standards, Section 18.52 of the Town of Vail itunicipal Code to allow for off-street surface parking at the "Hbly Cross parcel" which is generally located on the north side of the South Frontage Road east of and imrnediately adjacent to Red Sandstone Creek. Applicant: Planner: vail. Associates ,Iill Kammerer 9.A reguest for a setback variance for a garage-at-the xaiser/HaII Residence, 4913 ,Juniper Lane,/Lot 3, Block 5' Bighorn 5th Addition.appticant: Ursula Kaiser/Robert flall Planner; ShellY Mello L0. A request for an amendment to the approved conditional use permit ln order to construct a snow dunp on the property generally located west of the Town of VaiI Shops ' The fitopetty-is rnore specifically described as follows: That part of the North l/2 of Section Sr.Township 5 South' Range 80 west of the 6th Principal Meridian' Eagle County, Col6rado, lying north of Interstate Highway No' 70 and being more particularly described as follows: eeginningr at the NE corner of said section 8; thence along tn6 nortfrerly line of said Section 8, S89 46' 27n1fl a distance of 1500.00 fL; Lhence departing the northerly line of said Section 8, soo 23'03"W a dist,ance of 529.86 ft to a Point on the northerly ROW line of I-7Q; thence a1on9 the northerly ROw line of I-?0 following two courses: L) S'15 281l8"E a distance of 180 -82 ft to a point of curvaEure; 2l L327.90 ft along the arc of a curve to the leftr having a radius of 5586.00 ft, a central angle of 13 38'04" and a chord which bears N89 36'34"E 1324.?0 ft distance to a point on the easterly line of said Section 8,' Thence departing said Row line of I-70 N00 23' 03"E along the "u"t"rly iine oi said Section 8, a distance of 5'12.10 ft to the poi;t of beginning, containing ?0-480 acres more or less. The above description is based on the Town of Vail annexation plats for the Property described and is not based on a field survey. The basis of bearing for.the above parcel is the noit.herly line of Section I being 589 46' 27"W as shown on said annexation Plats.Applicants: Town of Vail/Vail Associates Planner: AndY Knudtsen A request to amend Chapter L8.3?, Agricultural and Open Sp"""rSectionL8.32.030-Conditional'Usesinorderto ailoon'well water treatment facilities as a conditional use. eptflcant: Vail valfey Consolidated water District Pfanner ShelIY Mello t1 I 12. A request to amend Chapter I8-62t Variancesr- Section 18.5i.080 - Permit Issuance and Effect and Chapter 18'60t conditional use Permits, section 18.50.080 - Pernit Issuance and Effect in order to clarify the notification of approval procedures.Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: .7i11 Kanmerer 13. A reguest for a worksession on Milfrace IV Special Devefopment District No. 4, for Cascade Villaggl-to review a develo-pment plan, generally located souttt of Millrace Condominiums and west of the Westin Resort' Vail 'Applicant: Planner: Eas!-lilest Partners She3.ly Mello 14. A reguest for approval of a vtetland mitigation proposal for areas along Gore Creek and Booth Creek. Applicant: UPPer Eagle Valley water and Sanitation District Pl.anner:Andy Knudtsen Inforrnation on the listed items is available at the Community O-ve:.opment office in the VaiI Municipal Building during regular office hours. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the Vail Trail on Septerober 21 , 1991' l-atuel l'lrtw (zpe6 o tt I ?,ve flo-- ?ne,t'-ats raOLL | *'",i a..: Application PEC MEETING Date UAI L I. This wi'11 A. APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE procedure is required for any proiect requesting a variance. The application not be accepted unti'l all information is submitted. \' :,] \.NME OF APPLICANT UPSUCN ADDRESS 4113 Jo-,fErL L**€ .zar' PH0NE 41b-4bt\ NAME 0F APPLICANT's REPRESENTATIYE QAue* t. Nl"+cp,.o Atu<tuc+. ADDRESS 9ov V* ,.txo . t. ZI.SB PHONE D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL F pri nt ) PHONE 41b-1b37 ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION LO LOCK 5 FILI NG E. FEE $I OO PAID rv r FROM THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT I,IILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. t Ts F. A 'l ist of the names of owners of all property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS, THE APPLICANT I.JILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT adjacent to the subiect ProPerty and their rnajling addresses. MAILING ADDRESSES. II. A PRE.APPLICATION CONFERENCE l^lITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED TO :DETERMINE IF ANY'ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS NEEDED. NO APPLICATION I.IILL 8E ACCEPTED UNLESS IT IS COMPLETE (MUST INCLUDE ALL ITEMS REQUIRED BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR). IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT I.IITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADDITIONAL SUBMITTAL REQUiREHENTS. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION t.tILL STREAI4LINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT gV OECTMSIFG THE NUI'IBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MAY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED l.,ITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERHIT IS ISSUED. J Present Chuck Crist Diana Donovan Connie Knight Ludwig Kurz Kathy Langenwalter Jim Shearer Gena Whinen PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION October 14. 1991 Staff Kristan hiu Mike Mollica Jill Kammerer Andy Knudtsen Shelly Mello Betsy Rosolack Amber Blecker The worksession was called to order by Chairperson Diana Donovan at approximately l:55PM. l. A request for a worksession for Special Development District No. 4. Cascade Villaee (Cosgriff Parcel). to rcview a development plan. senerallv located south of Milhace Condominiums and west of the Westin Resort. Vail. Applicant East-West Partners Planner: Shellv Mello Mark Smith, Jerry Mullikin and Ned Gwathmey represented the applicants. Shelly Mello began the discussion of the proposal by stating staff believed the project needed to be more materially compatible, a landscape plan, and a final survey were needed, and since it was an unplatted parcel, a minor subdivision would be necessary. Diana Donovan was unhappy that the property would not remain open space, and the Commission agreed with her. Jim Shearer did not mind a difference in materials, and believed that the applicants should try to "bring up" the neighborhood. Ludwig Kurz thought that, since there were distinct styles, urban and hotel, that compatibiliry was impossible. He said he could live with the design presently submitted. He was more concerned with both landscaping and strpet surface materials. Ned Gwathmey asked what the opinion of the Commission was regarding a metal roof, and which type should it be. He advocated shake shingles stained to match the existing surrounding buildings, but did not believe a material match was the best solution. He suggested spraying the shake shingles to achieve a compatible roof color. Kathy I Langenwalter did not see a problem in not using a metal roof, as long as the roof lines were compatible. She suggested perhaps adding morre stucco and changing the railings for a more refinid appearance of the building. She also believed it was important to continue the paving pattern *tiich *as used in the Millrace project. She was concemed with the layout of the p-j"", and the difference in scale beween the hotel and this project. She said it felt like the east unit was very close to a large building. Ned asked if a landscape plan would be necessary for approval. The Commissioners told him it would. Chuck Crist asked if employee housing would bc a part of the development. Shelly said staff would not require it as a condition of approval, as there was a reduction in density from the previously-approved plan. Chuck asked if the applicants were interested in providing a iaretaker-unit. ttre responded that they werc not. Shelly said staff would be supportive if such a unit was proposed, as long as it was integrated into one of the proposed units. Kathy brought up the issue of parking. Shelly explained the proposal had 4 spaces more than the Town required. Kathy wondered where guest parking would be provided. Kevin McTavish, the manager of the existing units at Millrace, shared Kathy's concern, stating that their project had no guest parking, and it was a major problem. Ned asked what a rcasonable numbir of overflow parking spaces would be. He was not opposed to providing additional parking, but indicated it would require additional paving. Kathy suggested perhaps widening ihe circle. Ned agreed to look at different possibilities for providing additional parking. Kathy said she would prefer to have adequate parking for the project rather than insisting the project meet the 757o enclosed parking requirement. After a general discussion regarding parking, Connie Knight asked if there were any problem with the-bike path running across the project. Shelly said there should be an easement, and agreed to check the Special Development District documents to make sure. Kevin lvicTavish reiterated that the present parking plan was inadequate. At this time, the public meeting was begun. Aoplicant: Marearct Hill Marital Trust Planner: Shellv Mello Shelly Mello explained the differences between what had been submitted for the PEC .ppt*"t of the bDD, building permit and what was built, and the discrepancies' Staff asked ttrat ttre Improvement l,ocation Cenificate (ILC) and future surveys reflect the fact that the property lines not close. The sources of &e discrepancy were attributed to three factors. The l. Filine/365 Vail Vallev Drive. Connie Knight asked if any hazardous chemicals or coolants would be used on the site. The applicant indicated that the only possible hazardous material was the battery, which was a closed cell, similar to a flashlight battery, designed to last approximately 20 years. There were no emissions from this type of battery. Diana wanted to ensure that the concrete would look the same as the existing. She also want€d a condition that the construction schedule be arranged with the school. Kathy Langenwalter moved that the rpquest for a conditional use permit for a cellular telephone "cell site" at Red Sandstonc School, 551 North Frontage RoadI-ot 2, Block 8, Vail Potato Patch be approved per staff's memo, with the additional conditions that the construction schedule be approved by the school, the roof of the building be extended over the shed and the existing, sloped roof be removed, that no waterproofing be exposcd, that the landscaping planted in conjunction with the construction bc guaranteed for a period of 2 yean, condition 1(c) of staff's memo be moved to condition 2(c), and that the design of the trash dumpster be coordinated with the school. Jim Shearer seconded the motion. It was approved unanimously, 6-0. After an approximate 5 minute break, the meeting continued. 5. A reouest for a setback variance for a garage at the Kaiser/Hall Residence. 4913 Junioer Lane/I-ot 3. Block 5. Biehorn 5th Addition. Apolicant: UrsulaKaiser/RobertHall Planner: Shellv Mello Shelly Mello explained staff's position on the request, recommending approval of the setback variance to allow and enclosed parking space of l0' x 20', but not for the additional storage area. Galen Aasland, representing the applicants, said the rcason for the storage area associated with the gamge was needed for Mr. Hall's hobby was the restoration of cars. He said the house had been built on bedrock, and location of the garage in any other location was virtually impossible. Shelly informed the Commission of the conditions the Design Review Board had placed on the project regarding the compatibility of the primary and secondary units. Jim Shearer asked if the colors on the addition would match the existing. Galen replied they would, and that the DRB had placed that condition on their approval. Kathy Langenwalter was not comfortable with granting the variance for a third ginage space, as she did not see a hardship, and did not believe a third enclosed space was required. Ludwig Kurz agreed, stating he could not support a variance for an extra garage. Chuck Crist questioned why the foundation for the garage had already been poured. Galen confirmed that it had been poured, and said that if the variance was not approved, the arca would become a carport. Chuck supported staff's recommendation' Gena Whitten asked if both homes were connected. Galen replied that they had been at one time, but no longer. Gena did not see a hardship sufficient to warrdnt a variance for an additional garage. Ursula Kaiser statdd she believed a hardship existed, since when she bought the property, none of the difficulties had been disclosed, She was not aware of what it would take, financially, to renovate. The estimates for the remodel had incrcased from $60,000 to approximately $330,000. Diana explained that the Commission could not consider financial factors in establishing a hardship. Ms. Kaiser said that the project had a snowball effect, and that this was the only practical solution left to them. They never would have started this project as a renovation if they had known what existed, and would have simply started over. Robert Hall added that he believed the large rock the house abutted was a hardship, as they had to jackhammer and blast to have any building in that area. Ms. Kaiser also said that she believed a carport in the location of the proposed garage and storage area would not look right. Shelly reiterated that the applicants were using available GRFA and a portion of the 250 Ordinance for the gange' After a general discussion regarding possible siting of the garage and driveway, and possible options, Kristan Pritz said staff believed the proposal was the best option. Staff did not consider the fact that this was for a third garage, since the applicants were willing to use GRFA to construcr it. They believed the applicants would not have proposed it unlcss it was a definite need. Diana did not find a need for 3 enclosed garages a hardship. Kathy saw other options, and suggested moving the entry. Gena requested that tlre DRB conditions be met before any variance was given. Shelly informed her that design issues would be addressed when the Design Review Board reviewed the 250 application. An informal discussion of possible options took place. Galen Aasland requested the item be tabled. Jim Shearer moved to table this item, and Kathy Langenwalter seconded the motion. It was tabled by a vote of 6-0. l.,UICATION FCR ADDIIIONAL GRFA FOR PROPERTiES iN EXCESS JF ALLOWABLE GR Date of Appl ication Date of DRB Meeting-i-r,Il,-ll- PRI-APPL ICATION CONFERENCE A pre-application conference with a member of the planning staff is strongly encouraged to discuss the provisions under which additional GRFA can be added to a site. It should be understood that this ordinance does not assure each property an additional 250 square feet of GRFA. Rather, the ordinance allows for up to 250 square feet if certain conditions are met. Appiications for add'itions under this section wijl not be accepted unless they are compiete. This includes all information required on this form as well as Design Review Board submittal requi remenrs. a rH A. PRCJECT DESCRIPTION: B.LOCATICN OF PROPOSAL: Address 47lt Legai Description: Lot Block 5 Filing Zone District P/5 r NAME OF APPLICANT: UL5ue I ;Lesen_ Address 4 44[3 Jo*ioc^. La.,e phone I 47G-463\ D. NAMI 0F APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: (1X .te^t ft*5,.,x,>. NAr rcerF Address 9oy )6b werr , co bra,S8 phone 621-sz1s : UL!c.rua Vt'.terL Signature(s) |9-62+€ F. Filing Fee of $.l00.00 is required at tinte of submittal The following information, in addition to DRB required with this submittal: l. Veri fication that the unit has received 2, Names and maiiing addresses of adjacent units on the same lot. This infor.mation Assessor's office. \/AIL 8.tbs hone 41a- 4',3j submittal requi rements, shal I be a finai certificate of occupancy. property owners and of owners of is available from the Eagle County J u*, a! DATE: OCT. 20, 1990 LEGAL: LOT ADDRESS: OWNER: ARCHITECT: I 1)',,i,.r,1 ,t,( BIGHORN #5 i. 1, i , r'. I a""lr ) l')l'' ir ' 3 BLOCK 5 KAISER/HALL GALEN AASLAND FILING PHONE # PHONE #ffiPRoPosEDUSE:PRIMARv'UNIT lS THE LOT SLOPE OVER 30Vo NO 2.0 NO. OF GARAGE SPACES 4.0 4,566.0 TOTAL GHFA WITH ALL INCREASES 4,566.0 ALLOWED SITE COVERAGE 4,633.0 SITE COVERAGE USED 4,019.0 SITE COVERAGE REMAINING 614.0 13,899.0 TOTAL GRFA USED ON SITE 4,371 .O GRFA REMAINING ON SITE 195.0 .. CRED!TS:276.0 22.O 66.0 0.0 z3,v 0.0 UNIT ONE : *::, Ft ., ]:: l:::::: ::: ,....ll .,. !:!M::: r:r:4,:i :::r|::; ::: ::: ::: ::: ::l i\r :: ::::::.:::: :: :::,:::::::::: :i:,i:::::: :: ::.N : i, ,:: ;: ::':lir::i BASEMENT SO.FT,0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1ST. FLOOR SQ.FT.1,726.0 404.0 153.0 34.0 0.0 0.0 8.5 2ND. FLOOR SO.FT.1 ,797.0 0.0 101.0 0.0 94.0 0.0 11.0 3RD. FLOOR SQ.FT.0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 LOFT FLOOR SQ.FT.0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.i CREDIT TOTALS USED 805.5 CREDIT TOTALS 404.0 254.0 34.0 0.0 19.5 ADDED GRFA(IE 250?)0.0 796.0 146.0 66.0 0.0 50.0 0.0 GRFA ALLOWED 4,566.0 GRFA USED 2,717.5 BUILDING PERMIT RELEASED OCT 1990; CHANGE TO GRFA REMAINING 1,848.5 APPROVED PLANS MADE 7-3-91 UNIT TWO BASEMENT SO.FT,0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1ST, FLOOR SO.FT.2,322.5 520.0 124.0 0.0 0.0 z3.v 0.0 2ND. FLOOR SQ,FT,0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3RD, FIOOR SO,FT,0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 LOFT FLOOR SO,FT.0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 CREDIT TOTALS USED CREDIT TOTALS s20.0 124.0 0.0 0.0 litj:,il .'N..' ,, t:i:: ::: i,.:::: ';., 1,,, ,.:: ADDED GRFA(IE 250?)0.0 276.0 22.0 66.0 0.0 zc.u 0.0 GRFA.ALLOWED 1,826.4 GRFA USED 1,653.s GRFA REMAINING 172.9 t.o JollN TlloMAS KILPATnICK' III 2?'09 E, Grcen Oake Lanc- c reen woltiC-v iiis gi' -colqlq4o 8012 l' I 548 (303j '347'1264 lunc 30, l90l Town of Vail ' Dcslgn Rcvicw Boud vall. Colorado Tb Whom It lr{nY Conccrn: I nnr tlro owncr of rho rcririerrcc locntCd at 49160 lunlpor Lnrrc in Vlll. Lot 3I]' A RosubdivisiOn of Lot 3' Block 5, Bighorn subdivislon, Flfrh Addirion..uy n.rgr,iii,'ffibdill;ii nnd utsuta liaisot, I'c rcmodoling tltcir rcsidcncc ar 4g 16A ,unipcr'rahl"ni'o ris'uir of ttrh rcr;oodt,ttg rttiir now roof lincrvlll cncrcoch oPProxlntutclv 4 3/4 tocracro$ tlto suOai"idiig-fiilinc onto mV prlfrcnv. "*c hOvC dlscussotl this and rcirchcd 0n trgrcomont whcrcby I will graut rlrom pcrmisslOn 1Q c'nstrucr Uiidrictpui,tiiitr, fnis sgrccmcnt docs not involvc tho forfcitur6 of any of my propcrty rightt' If you thould nccd any otttlitional infonttndon plcarc fool frcg n cpnlact m0 8t Lhc 0ddrcsr llujvc' Sinccrcly'Q4rW'm- i/ totnt. Kilpatrick lll .-l'1.] t"'l '-1t- '., 4/26/sL -,1hilfl rewised DRB APPLICATION - TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO ACCEPTED IS SUBI.IIITED A. DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED I )OEC TD I71I DATE OF DRB MEETING: r********* TBIS APPLICATION WIIJL NOT BE I'NTIL AI.L REQUIRED INFORMATION tt****tt*t PROJECT INFORMATION: DESCRIPTION: B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction Addition i Minor Alteration Conceptual Review A "( D. ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE, qNUtU A. A*5"*.r>1-Address : f',r^t Vb3 W*tc. to Z'ltoS?, applicant must provide a current l"ot area . - ?1lb EfE Phon6 3L1 _5-zf J. k NAME OF OWNERS:lllJora VetEeL *STGNATuRE (S) :Mailing Address: Phone Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB appl.ication. FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION $ 0 - s 10,000 $ 10,001 - $ 50,000 s 50r 001 - $ 150,000 s150r001 - s 500,000 $500,001 - sr,000,000 I Over $1,000,000 *NO APPLICATION IIILL BE PROCESSED E.EE PAID: S FEE I 20.00 I 50.00 s100.00 s200.00 s400.00 ss00.00 IIITEOUT O9INER' S SIGNATURE Subdivisi on Br4ptal--t 5lL *Oon r.--t If property is described by description, please provide attach to this application. ZONING: LOT AREA: If required, stamped survey showing NAME OF APPLICANT:Mailing Address: NA}{E OF Ma j-ling a meets and bounds ).ega} on a separate sheet and I ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS DATE:--lo-nl LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot b Brock ADDRESS , 4\lh )oapat mn JUN I v19S Filin9 ?4otao"^ 5J-,, nl zoNE DrsrRrcr Yl< OWNER LsASovx Vule|- ARCHITECT Height TOIA]. GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks Front Sides Rear Water Course Set.back Site Coverage Landscaping Retaining Wall Heights Parking Garage Credit Drive: View Corridor Encroachment: Environment a1,/Ha zards : Does this request involve a How much of the allowed 250 PHONE PHoNE ?rU'5?43 Ol. PROPOSED USE Ti5 LOT SIZE .1116 ki-E Allowed (30) (33) + le3Tj-lEr Existinq Proposed Total t;/l-lt -,b t-2 20, 15' 15' (30) (50) t@: 3'/6' Reqrd (300) (500) (900) (1200) Permitted Slope 8* Actual Slope Date approved by Town Engineer: t ?-l ?-t' / Aot ! .5 No €/Yes 1) 422 Flood Plain Percent Slope Geoloqi.c Hazards a) Snow Avalanche b) Rockfall c) Debris Flow 4 ) Wetl,ands 250 Addition? Addition is used with this request? 2l 3) LOo September 9,1991 RE: KAISBB IilALL RBSTITBNCE Ve are asking for a 5' Variance into a 15' Side Setback in order to construct a garage. l. The relationshio of the requested variance to other eristing or ootential uses and structures in the vicinity. There afe no homes immedialely on the southeast of where the garage is proposed to be oostructed. The garaSe vill be built belov an abeady approved deck. 2. The decree to r/hich relief from the strict or literal interoretation atrd enforcement of a soecified reeulation is necessary to achieve comoatibility and uniformity of treatment amonc sites in the vicinity or attain the obiectives of this title without erant of soecial orivilaqe. The ovner begaia this proiect as a renodel of an eristing home vhich vas oonstructed in the early 70's. Use of the eristing foundation and lover areas makes use of the requested area th€ most practical, without maior alteration of the site. 3. The effect of the variance on lisht and air. distributionof oopulation. transoort ation. traffic f acilities. utilities. and ou blic s afety. The construction of the garage vill have no effect. {.How vour request comolies with Vail's C,omorehensive Plan. The tovn eocourages garages for enclosure of automobiles. MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Departrnent October 14, l99l 4 TO: FROM; DATE: SUBJECT: t' A rcquest for a setback variance for a garage/storage area at the Kaiser/flall Residence, 4913 Juniper l,anefi-ot 3, Block 5, Bighorn 5th Addition. Applicanu UrsulaKaiser/RobertHall Planner: Shelly Mello I. DESCRIPTION OF TTIE VARIANCE REOUESTED Under this redevelopment proposal, the applicant proposes to construct a garage/storage arca, with 449 sq. ft. of floor area with a deck above, encroaching 5 feet into the lS-fmt side setback. The addition would be located to the east of the existing rcsidence, and would provide one additional parking space (according to the Town's parking rcquirements). A Lombination of remaining garage credit, available GRFA and a 250 request will be used to provide the needed square footage. The pmposed addition would encroach a maximum of 5 ieet into the side s€tback. The applicant is requesting a variance to allow the construction of this addition l0 feet from the east propeny line. Thereforc. the applicant's reouested variance setback lin€. il. A. B. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS Znning. Site Area: Primary/Secondary Re sidential 23,165 sq. ft. 4,566 sq. ft. 4,355 sq. ft. 449 so. ft. (38 sq. ft. from available CRFA/196 sq. fr garage crcdit2ls sq. ft. of "250 Ordinance") 172.9 sq. ft. (for sccondarY unit) 0 sq. ft. (for primary unit) c. GRFA - primary and secondary residences combined (under 1990 GRFA/site coverage) Allowed: Existing: Proposed Incrcase: Remaining: D. CRFA - Primary Unit (60%) Existing: Allowed; Prroposed: E. GRFA - Secondary Untl. (A%'l Allowed: Existing Available: F. Site Coverage (2OVo of Site Area) Allowed: Existing: Proposed Increase: Total Proposed: G. Height Allowed: Proposed: H. Setbacks Side * Required: Existing: Proposed: Existing Garage: Additional Garage: Total Garage: Garage Gedit: i 2,701.5 sq. ft. 2,739.6 sq. ft 38 sq. ft. of available GRFA/196 sq. ft' garqe creAil@l5 of "250 Ordinance" 1,826.4 sq. ft 1,653.6 sq. ft. 172.9 sq. ft. 4,633 sq. ft. (20%) 4,019 sq. tt. (17%) 484 sq. ft. 4,503 sq. ft. (19.47o) 33 feet No change to existing height 15 feet 15 feet with deck encroachment of 5 feet l0 foot setback ul04 sq. ft" (2 spaces) 449 so. ft. (l space) E53 sq. ft.- 600 so. ft. 253 sq. ft (38 sq. ft. of available GRFA;215 sq' ft. of "250 Ordinance" * Area of rcquested setback variance' All other setbacks are unaffected. I. Parking: The required 5 spaces are currently accommodated on-site. No additional parking is 4!1g! with this proposal. J. Proposed Prirnary Unit Garage , -{, @ ,A\i5 ;l\). ise $\ 1S \ $ G R T x':1f i+ t .s $ *(\ f$ b i F f,I t t o q t i .F 9 €rF c.,F $ sl d $ N K $ f; I i B \ $ $ $2 $ + $. s,t \. b \ N tiii " i*tti {$tr =s *c T t B ril ll) o t e '! I s I F { ,l ln t-lll il i lal ,-7 | 1/ ra ,a -) I t I I I t \ .Yi I .i i\l ci i n Pi A' --l J -_h I .-.- I IJ Tl! E:l tU st ;up)'.e .l 1n ! 6 r!,r. r,:s $ -r rJ1 > \i D-l -i ,' 1f: u1{'\ 'r/ Iv.CRITERIA AND FTNDINGS Upon rcview of Criaria and Findings, Section 1t.62.ffi0 of the Vail Municipal Codc' the Community Dcvclopmcnt Deparuncnt recommends approval of the rcquesrcd variancc bascd on the following facton: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other exi$ing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. The stafffinds that the dcgfcc ofcncroachmcnt needcd O providc both garagc and additional storage would adversely affect the adjacent propcrtics. The rpquested encroachment of the building into Orc sctback is mort than ncccssary in the staffs opinion. Although the area of the proposed addition will encroach no further into the required side setback than the proposed deck above, the staff finds that it should not be considcred ajustification for a variance. After rcviewing the plans for the house and 0re site conditions, it is the staff"s finding that there are other locations on the property which would accommodate the construction of a storage area which would not encroach into any setbacks. A side setback variance which providcs for a single garage space and no additional storage, if approvcd, is rcasonable to staff, as the encroachment into the sctback is minimized while allowing for a garage spaoe which rneets Town of Vail sundards. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necrcssary to achieve mmpatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special Privilege. The staff finds that relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of thc lS-foot setback requirement in ordcr to oonstruct a'lditional enclosed parking has been granted to other sites in the vicinity. Therefore, the approval of a variance for this purpose would not be a grant of special privilege. We find the degree of relief should bc limiad to the arca nc'oessary to providc thc proposed parking space which meets Town of Vail standalds. Therc are other areas on the property available for storage, and we request that the applicant considcr thcse areas beforc requcsting relief to allow the proposed storage area to encroach into the sidc sctback. 3. The efrect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traflic fgcilities, public fecilities and utilities, end public safetY. Staff supports the applicant's desire o provide additional enclosed parking on- sip. Wc, along with the hrblic Works departnrent, fccl that thc provision of cncloscd on-site pa*ing is a positive improvement to the properties bccause it reduces thc necd for on-street parting on a rcgular basis. Therp will be no impact on any of the other above criteria B. The Plannine and Environmental Commission shall make the followins findines bcforc srantins a variancc: l. That the granting of the variancc will not constitutc a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not bc detrimenul to the public health, safety or welfale, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warrantcd for one o'r more of the following rgasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcemcnt of the specified rcgulation would result in practical diffrculty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There arp exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the sarne site of the variance that do not apply generally to otlrer properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpreution or enforcement of the qpecified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other propenies in the samc district. V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the appticants' request to encroach into the side yard setback a maximum of 5 feet,-with the condition that the storage area bc relocated so as not to cncroach into the sotback. Although some relief from thc sidc setback requircment is appropriate' the staff finds that the requestcd deFee of encroachment necessary to accommodatc the storage area is inappropriate. The staJf finds therc are other locations fon stonage which would not require any-setUact encroachments and we do not support the applicants' cntir€ rEquest for this reason. We believe the rcquest (without storage) me€ts the rcview critcria and findings ' for a variance. Specifically, B is mct in that sctback varianccs havc becn ap'proved fof garages, providcd therc are no negativc impacts on adjaccnt prroperties. Ilrcrtfore, tlrc requcst is not a grant of spcciat privilegc. Thcre an no dctrimcrttd impacts on thc public 9r adjaccnt properties with respect to Finding B(2). Thc variucc is wanantcd, as it mcets Findings B(3)(a) and (c). ctFdocood&rirct.Oltl \Utqla baLqlLn - g11p&,yb C*d \ C:+cy(- (Vtr,,A &-4^-& iNi\\ \I,$t SPr"U f*t lurf ,( w r'\tf m*t"t+wtL'r w/ \tr,'{6,^fl- U*'* q*u1 CI/ d,-(b- Uuul - rJ.,u0l 0..'' +- crq4ur t"l / lllfli il $ { ) E >< r$il $ $ $ s. P.t/? % l s t j E / I li ii I *,7 tHl I o'l \ ljl \ lFf \$l I it IT i+ \ _-\.-. "* .% V -d PT'BLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Staff will be reviewing a Design Review Board application on October 16, 1991 in the Town of vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A reguest for an additional 250 square feet of Gross Residential Floor Area for the Kaiser/Ha1l Residence located at 4913 Juniper Lane. Lot 3, Block 5, Bighorn 5th Addition. Applicant: Ursula Kaiser and Rob Hall The applications and information about the proposals are available in the zoning administratort s office during regular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMT]N I TY DEVELOPMENT Published in the Vail Trail on September 27, 1991 . * 4)r- 'rtz;r,.' ^.f, Ouet' -.fl.a'tttt WP'W O PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Conmission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with section 18.56.050 of the Municipal code of the Town of Vail on october 14, 1991 at 2:00 p.m. in the Town of vail' Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A worksession to consider rezoning Lots 3 through 9 and 12, vaiL Meadows Filing No. 2 from Agricultural and Natural Open Space to Residential Cluster. Applicant: VaiI City Corporation and David Elmore Planner: Andy Knudtsen 2. A request for a wall height variance for the Chester Residence, Lot 19, Block 1, vaif village 1st Filing/395 MifI Creek Circle.Applicant: E.B. Chester Planner: Kristan Pritz 3. A follow-uP to the AugusE t2, 1991 PEC review of the staff approval of the minor amendment for Garden of the Gods, SDD No-. 22, Lot K, Block 5A, VaiI village 5t'h Filing/355 Vail Valley Drive. Applicant: MargareL HiII Marital Trust Planner: ShellY MeIIo 4. A request for a condiLional use permit for a ceflular telephone t'cell site" at Red Sandstone Schoolr 551 North Frontage Road/Lot 2, Block 8, Vail Potato Patch. Applicant: The Wa1ter GrouP Planner: AndY Knudtsen 5. A request for a minor amendment to the Golden Peak development plan to allow for the instaflation of a roPe tow lift, 498 vail Va1ley Drj-ve/Tract B' VaiI village ?th Filing. Applicant: Vail Associates Planner: ,JiLl" Kammerer 6. A request for a setback variance for the Sipf Residence, 38?5 Lupine Drive/Lot 148' Block 1, Bighorn Znd Addition. Appticants: Eric and Susan SiPf Planner: Andy Knudtsen 7. A request for a satellite dish antenna variance for the lackilope Cafe and Cantina, 2151 N' Frontage Road West/Lot 2e, Resubdivision of Lot 2, VaiI Das Schone Filing *3. Applicant: JackaloPe, Inc. Planner: Mike Mollica A request for a conditional use permit and a variance parking standards, Section 18.52 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code to aIlow for off-street surface parking the "Holy Cross parcel' which is generally located on north side of the South Frontage Road east of and immediately adjacent to Red Sandstone Creek. to the at the Y. 10 A request for a setback variance for a garage at the Kaiser/Hall Residence, 4913 Juniper Lane/Lot 3, Block 5, Bighorn 5th Addition. Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicants: Planner: Vail Associates Jill Kammerer Ursula Kaiser/Robert Hall She1ly Mello Town of Vail/vail Associates Andy Knudtsen A reguest for an amendment to the approved conditional use permit in order to construct a snow dump on the property generally located west of the Town of Vail Shops. The property is more specifically described as follows: That part of the North L/2 of Section 8, Township 5 South, Range 80 west of the 5th Principal Meridian, Eagle County' Colorado, lying north of Interstate Highway No. 70 and being more parLicularly described as follows: Beginning at the NE corner of said Section 8; thence along the northerly line of said Section 8, S89 46'21nw a distance of 1500.00 ft; thence departing the northerly line of said Section 8, S00 23'03'W a distance of 529.86 ft to a point on the northerly ROw line of I-'70; thence along the northerly ROW line of I-?0 following two courses: 1) 575 28' 18"E a distance of 180.82 ft to a point of curvaLurei 2't L32'1 .90 ft along the arc of a curve to the left, having a radius of 5580.00 ft' a central angle of 13 38'04" and a chord which bears N89 36'34"8 L324.70 ft distance to a point on the easterly line of said Section 8i Thence departing said ROW line of I-70 N00 23' 03"8 along the easterly line of said Section 8, a distance of 572.10 ft to the point of beginningr containinS 20.480 acres more or Iess. The above description is based on the Town of Vail annexation plats for the property described and is not based on a field survey. The basis of bearing for the above parcel is the northerly line of Section 8 being 589 46' 27"w as shown on said annexation Plats. A request to amend Chapter 78.32, Agricultural and Open Space, Section 18.32.030 - Conditional Uses in order to allow well- water treatment facilities as a conditional use Applicant: Vail va1ley Consofidated water District Planner She1ly Mello 1L 12. A request to amend Chapter !8.62, Variancesr Section L8.5i.080 - Pernit rssuance and Effect and Chapter 18.60, Conditional Use Permits, Section 18.60.080 - Permit Issuance and Effect in order to clarify the notification of approval procedures.Applicant: Town of VaiI Pfanner: Jill Kammerer 13. A reguest for a worksession on Millrace IV Special Deveiopment District No. 4, for Cascade Vi1la99t-to review a development plan, generally located south of Millrace Condorniniums and west of the Westin Resort, VaiI. 14. A reguest for aPProval of a areas along Gore Creek and wetland mitigation Proposal for Booth Creek. Valley wat.er and Sanitation Applicant: Pl-anner: Applicant: Planner: East-wests Partners Shelly Mello Upper Eagle District Andy Knudtsen Information on the listed itens is available at the community Development office in the VaiI Municipal Building during regular office hours. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the VaiI Trail on September 2?, 199L. App'l i cati on \o Date PEC MEETING DATE APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE I. This procedure is required for any project requesting a variance. The application ui'll not be accepted'until all information is submitted' A. NAI.4E OF APPLICANT IJ{.9<.ICA VK'CL' ADDRESS M"t u 'HINE 47b-4Gt1 J*u-, t" 7tG,11 P B. NAf,fE oF AppLIcANT,s REpREsENTATwt hW. b. kast*o hp,anva . -fi ADDaEss bo( 9b3 '- '*u, , (o dbSb Puom BLl-745 c.I{AME 0F O!.INER(S) (type or Print S,-, CA ADDRESS IHINE4T--- L14z D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 4 ' BLOCK:2 FIL I NG E.FEE $1OO PAID THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT UILL AI.LLPI YOUR PROPOSAL. F. A list of the names of owners of all property adJacent to lltg subiect property iHct-uotne pRopERTY BEHIND AND AcRoss STREETS, and theif mail!!g addresses. iui-AFFttcnNT uIILL BE RESPoNSIBLE FoR coRREcT MAILING ADDRESSES. II. A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE I.IITH A PLANNING STAFF MEI'IBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED to.roerERMlNE iffuiv:lobirionAu irlronuArroN Is NEEDED. No APPLIcATIoN IIILL-BE iccsprEo uNLEss li is-iorliLsiE-(rlusr INcLUDE ALL ITEMs REQUIRED. BY-M..39IjNG ADMii{iligionjl :ir-is-inr-npFr-icANT's REspoNslBILll r0 MAKE AN APPoINTMENT i.irtx iii $tAFt ro-rlno ouT ABoUT ADDITIoNAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION }|ILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR youn pnou Ecr sf o:dcEmfi c-nr E n[Na En 0 F_coNDITIolt..gf- APPRovAL THAT THE- -PLANN iNG nHo eHVinollranlrnt-cour.riiiioH llnv sripuLATE. ALL coNDITIoNS 0F APPROVAL MUsr BE CoNp[iLo uifn eEFoRE A BUILDINc PERt'llr Is Iss'[IED'. DEPARTMENT I.'ILL , W Tny"t /,P, l,sJ sF?oHA'oN Pacilic inland Operalions . Western Slope Sales Otlic€)l ... i r-, .:r..tr . Srr,i. ':; G . Glcllvrood Spn.os Colorado 81601 Ji r.X5.5763 David Sack tj.. i, .l iial:t!scnialtve t tA:er-f Ha,u losaa-'+ bE- I %^,,)e,- F. \ 9o**,, Jo Anl- fi)ol- r+,,t 4>o kct-(reg- / floa Del-,rrul- 9f . Lon tsvtur-g- ,114 4,,v1 Lfr1 P*aqc Lrttrtlrt- %v vAtL ) L.n ?ep-t" A T. eveer/ flr.1 Co blbsE 1-to-1 r L"r U 4z16 Pxrtrt",- 21755 ?eps.- b l.v P- 1 mt'gJoFrE uEL<H ?Lrc's d.T. ?.o. slu. LJ€:tr 4t Li^r* ok1ol 11aa6 J ou'^ L . goTueg / tlxu es- Hr (. IY\orSer{ 1 {gp1t-e frc'rx- cT. beuvooetu TtBuOo* eA. 1q1zri ?Pte- b ,.f Nl,xc1 L. 9o*son' Z\5o\ cAbPlNr 3t-vo. Qot-geu , (o bo*ol I r_l ::l t'i A r. ri -.4)a;A-1,)ll :,;1 r astri r,. t.l JOB * SHEEI BY ,]F @,rnHF"*PJFlselo'AnoN O'* ,LB- eG4o Pacilic Inland Operalions . Western Slopo Sales Ottice )'rl / ,.,r i,r,ii S:ieel . S.ite r07.G . Gtenv,,ocd Sprrngs, Coiorado g160l -_1C3.945,5753 David S.ck Techr;,cll Fl..p1s5"n.311ys 1_ lO _ 1 ,V+teul p/ut.,-. AoSr*le;c rors. Votx- 5 g,a,oo*^ s$. LoT b P*uz*g-- A U€-5uLA $tbe?-b+b6 t^l. 45h.,+ Lfr"r s I LLt'r515 , @5r1 Ldr. 1 X 9 Joe${ V. %vqr,(7o FGro.^r!.Lr( :+. paxv eL1 (o . boqb Lo+. n Qeo\e L. (t\rcpe+ /qboV E , o?, trh(p DR. E.xqt-eub6ot 6 6OtlO Qpt-e- B Jox* T.Vu-Va1P.1ar S 7-?4 Z. QUeex .AKS Lrxg [-t'iT'ue.ro^r r ro go.zt ?I ' JOB I .. SHEET , i (l-r ?- i Lq tt go Pecof-oeo au.r.r€e-S ',8 iJAr"1i .,(tAilON ,-\t.i.St",f.ah NOTTCE IS IIEREBY GIVEN ThAt IhE Design Revlew Board application Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: o PUBLIC NOTICE Planning Staff will on Ostobcr 15, 1991 be in reviewing a the Town of 1. A reguest for an additional 250 sguare feet of Gross Residential Floor Area for the Kaiser/gall Residence located at 4913 ,runiper Lane. Lot 3, Block 5, Bighorn 5th Addltion. Applicant: Ursula Kaiser and Rob HalI The applications and information about the proposals are available in the zoning administrator's office during regular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the VaiI TraLl on September 21 , 1991. A{x'\ \ \t\\*'\ \\s-qt q C)\\ N1.=..* **\ \tr:\us\x \\\\\\\s$\s-\r_\ \ \ Project Application Project Name: Prolect Description: Contact Person and Phone owner. Address and Phone: 6?v+iT=- Arc h itect. Address and Phonel Legal Descri Comments: Design Review Board ,(-){l Morlon by: Yd" ++ seconded * SVvnW D (J APPF O VA L Date D ISA PP R OVAL Su m mary: +o (o-t igS Town Plan ner D staft Approval ZONE CHECK roR SFR, R, R P,/S ZONE DISTRICTS DATE: -LEGAL DI ADDRESS: OWNER AR(:HfTECT A:i -t.a rt""\ ZONE DISTRICT - PROPOSED USE I'T SIZE ,i I .\t /4, L,i ;ffiBrock r:.' ririnn ll',,{ur,'t @ fr Gr AIf owed Existing Proposed Iffi K/r'1 \f (30) g9) PHONE PHONE Height Total GRFA PrimarY GRFA L{.11,;rr' ,t Lt) Secondary GRFA setbacks: Front Sides Rear Water Course Site Co'verage Landscaping Fence/Retaining WaIl Heights Parking Credits: carage Mechanical Airlock storage 3'/6' Reqrd l- { ,--,- , '1' t--(300) (600-) -i t - (s0o) (1200I (so) (i9)# -+7 (2s) (s0) (200) (4oo) irrrz,,x.-]I:ZL- 201 15 1 15t (30) (50) +1"t':1:t tC (r'C'. ____L_!_3!: I ltl' .t '; '')-l--- TV r it -------!--=- "/,', a'- trt-.l . >------a--L3-L- tV L( .--.1 /_,1L.L) 'r_7 .r) . --r -. 'l 1,.'t Drive: Perraitted Slope Actual Slope Approved by Town Engineer:Date: Environmental/Haz ards : Avalanche Flood Pl.ain * Slope Geologic Hazards a) Snolr Avalanche b) Rockfall c) Debris Flow 1) 2) 3) 4)wetlands Project Application Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone '/?7 owner, Address and Phone: (f- ..^" ?fc- Arch itect. Address and Phone; 1l -Legal Descraption: t-ot n Btoct \) riling Com menls: Design Review Board Date D ISAPPROVAL Summary: E statt Approval v | ,.rri"ed 9/a/9L DRB APPLICATTON - TOI{N OF \tAIr.., COLOR,ADO __.o NrNR 16\@' DATE APPLICATION RECETVED : -)-\G4.UW- DATE OF DRB MEETING: ********** THIS APPLTCETTON WTLL NOT BE ACCEPTED TJNTIL AI,L REQUIRED INFOR}IATION IS SUB}ITTTED ********** PROJECT INFORMAT]ON: ',:t A^^ -.. l.'A. DESCRIPTToN: h(Vlt,a f f'UD t1 (o'< -''t^-, ) :t.n -, -. i,t\,.lut t t, efS . W>'u-,- - \ B. TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction (5200.00)Minor Alt.eration ($20.00) Conceptual Review (S0)Addition ($50.00) (- D. annRtr q q ' LEGAL DESCRIPTION:Lot Bfock g a meet.s and bounds legal on a separate sheet and F 4 SUDOI_Vr S aon .4 If property is described by aloqa-ri rrt r nn rrl a:q6 rrr^rri rla !}JL rr/1rl }JrEOue lJ! v v rlrs attach to this application. zoNING ' ?iS LOT AREA: ff required, stamped survey showing must provide a current appJ-icant .L ot area . H. I.NAI4E OF OWNERS: *SIGNATURE (S) :Mailing Acidress: FEE SCHEDULE: ,ro**rot s 0 - $ 10,000 $ 10,001 - $ 50,000 $ 50,001 - s 150,000 s150,001 - S 500,000 $500,001 - s1,000,000 $ Over $1,C00,000 * DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APE'ROVAT EXPIRES APPROVAI UNLESS A BUILDING PERMIT IS STARTED. Phone J. Condomini.lm Approval if applicable. K. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at the time of submittal of DRB application. Later, when applying for a building permit, please identify tire accurate val_rration of the proposal . The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according t.o the tabl_e below, to ensure the cor-rect fee is paia. FEE PATD: S FEE s 20.00 $ s0.0c $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 ONE YEAR AFTER FTNAL ISSUED AI{D CONSTRUCTION IS NAME OF APPLI MaiJ-ing Addres Phone lft^cg ''l **NO APPLICATION WIIL BE PROCESSED WTTHOUT OWNER'S SIGNATI'RE FtP g,dltrrr tt 2d rr € <utt€lD ro K;'lorL9. oc{o o 0, oo Oro l|Dr-{{ 9. 5 F.oDtt {ff ts g5c\qr$ Htro d PortS Ff . 3 EFt tt otr*. v r tr.g { P'.+ 9,Or.3 O F H O rt O !-- o rrt;,.ln 0r if 5tJq) ;t O itO rr'OiD5 P. - q,q O Fn .'H *o5'' ryfrSF F Hrr< s r3 fg1ff* * til;# ; rs FE rn* E$H*E f ilfFl ; 1$[ ilrF frE[i=., FsFo I 3n flHr :Fgf il5 iEf;# I rif E[ eifrH[s [;ts i f;ts rf H.sFil erfis E i., g'HIll prI.9 E {ij "5'o$I$ F.x5A } ;il nrflEl [[r[ r Eg 9-5'E's", nI'3i v, ff" '- *fl.2i P.i 6 r =' ox rd -tF 6'il'i$ ffrE ? o '.- o... Iii- t i.fi g EG {fi *H fail"; f['?'3 -',tr f; s'[' H,ciE s [.9 ril ;;[5 g; ;n FIH rilflH :F;'H arEn',? [sh.I ER'rfr r'8t_:l EE;! 3.,6 Fe :g.StrH P-dl- -gS *5 fi9.33 E$,gH tu OO O. Ft rt rt . rt'Fl o I \\ cv O,t sl'<= F A\ --\ R ( $\ 4l _5 t, o o -{*.h _b P I o tr ET fr./,8 / It ']-||- p c 4 f 1 (f-t- v1 tr fl ,F I ts o C I 4 r0 . NAME OF PROJECT: LfST OF MATERIALS O 5'u1"' SUBDIVISION LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS:kz *,LEL. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: LOT The folLowing information is required Review Board before a final approval fr z^ $on* tra v +we, b A.BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wall Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails FLues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: PLANT MATERIALS: BoTaniCAI NAMC PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED for submittal to the can be given: .w Dfuh fuc*oitto< Design fe- *pfta*c. COLOR \TERIAL,S. , U TYPE OF #ATERIAL t r ?Lo* F*JtpA Svb^r{eo 6^/ 6lzYlt" I Materials B. *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliper for deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate height for coniferous trees. Minimum heiqht for coniferous trees is 6 feeL. a Project Application Project Name: Pro,ect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: a 1.-l'n Legal Description: Lot ) Block v) , Fili Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Staft Approval -\t \ ^n i |/1 .4.n n l*L .L-1 W -',''--- t\\/ I Bsilders Inc. litg Custom Homes . Finest Craftsmanship e Remodel / Additions March 23, 1992 Town of Vail Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado B1 657 RE:Kaiser/Hall Remodel Dear SheIIie This past summer my firm worked on the east half of a duplex on Lot 3, Block 5, Bighorn 5th Addition. f am writing this letter to describe the undercrround site conditj-ons r^te encountered. Before we began our work, the lot already had both sides of a duplex existing on the site. Upon beggining our work on the Kaiser/Hall half, we discovered its south s j-de was already somewhat built on bedrock. The footing on this side was built above the four foot below grrade frost l-evel- when the residence was initially constructed, f beleive to miniumi.ze excavati-on at that time. There was already an addition on the west side of the Kaiser/ Hal-I Residence. It however had no foundation, only piers. We ex- cavated this side to continue the entry leve1. Upon excavating we had to cut into increasing amounts of bedrock as we went west. The north side of the 1ot i-s also marked by numerous rock outcropping's. Given the l-ocation of the existing structures on the site and 1ega1 division of the lot; I believe the east side, where the deck is bej-ng constructed, is the most practical location for any remaininq additions. Additions onto other portions of the 1ot, besides being functionally impractical, will incur significate excavatj-on of the underlying bedrock. Thank you for taking the time to consider my concerns. I R Qua Johnson ders, Inc. ':! uil NU"T1 \IV '+ t/'. Randy RJB Yours, 2077 N. Frontage Rd., Suite 112 o Vail, Colorado 87657 . (303) 479-9144 Work o (303) 476-7529 Residence o F6toguY/'4J0.ilu 2/t'7/92 Lot 3, Block 5, BH 5th Because of the length of time that has passed since this project was finished, a C.O. was issued. However, additional landscaping should be reguired at the time that further improvements are made 'l- /\ l-hi c cf rlt/.'i11ra 1' Project Name: Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: Project Application Dat€ Contact Person and Phone Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Descnptron: Lot 4 , erock ( ritino T3, "lh r n \fr . zone - Comments: Design Review Board ,^," ltlt, (cl Motion by: Seconded by: D ISAPPR OVAL PI /,,/ Staff Approval I Ifi- Pro.iect Name: Projecl Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Project Application ? tt ( .l^ (i,\/ , Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot .b Zone - Comments: Design Review Board ,^,. ltlt,lr, Motion by: Seconded by: D ISAPPR OVAL 5e--,;r'/y'.r, /1,Summary: Slaff Approval -: a! F .i ctxx oox-ur - O F J" .F J I_ \J Y?1 Y r.LI-Ct-Fl-\t- t:=F:.-ruQ_"G Fs*.ci.qg :)i oB by r13.Cn,?o \,. - =;^!lrtJ:r.Y*.^XOFEsH lJr tlr Ji ! o= ';xo-c oo-: c)>^:* I iilf; -:.i _: n* A > EF};lfr:;o- Ln - XP i Q > ox:blt O ^:t2'a e = P';:i - ^ = Y v+<o=b3d 2- O O:.oq40>.6: - i: LroLrcal .' tr - >o;O 6 5 or*.q uJ o;.gxg t- "FXPh < Poq56 -J i; - v -+a (/)>t.9-o)Z:oEbE >,i=eu6 -i*>-cc9'-, = h::etg d;55E8 P P firo,-: g e!:>p5r *; aE:si -J n ar >- =?EHs=!,n o : o: ":8b88*s < P'jgE>o I F: >Xl 9;isci uJ : Y'' o= = Ei3:; tPo*n oo=o Z=a .,(. 6PE< _ = 3Yo)-g r- cii E oll < 9I S* 3 d x:+d3 l- s n, Y = * -J .:?! (D+ o :'- XE (1., ^O u- l! -a: c A:=PHE F 7lli,:c f-I=c,ioo l- <.; O: t: H e $d B*o F 6 9q2"o e ", Y' Y' .. o u Y o ,- .-q- - u 5 -r \ i\^ c -{ * -5 i*Lu Y ^cD O X o Ar'qaZ Fi3+P.'e.V Y-.^-::Eioo96 oxo tY>ll I Oi (J.111i v= r.l n) Ca\-F 9o5c Hc 6 o r.tr-Lr-YO-g) - ^- aT *99b i- \u .^ >-=: -: o r- o*wo"o 9cof !+o o X e'=: \J c i-r * o^OF=^'.: Y-o c ;i o v - al -: c)1-rC-=;a ii 9 0o;;:oo5 = \J O= Xiriio,d.i i'oB F 3= H ED L.,, o)X-: r * o"o Y 93 l,riouEx EdIdEs A Y.Y :91 "c*ox!?m!v o5 o Ab* o o._ '<-\Y 5:^;,.<=Y -\=F ro 'X.^Y.= (u O a=.J u) - (JF ,\nrv K;.Q ! E*e ?r!--- ='ra)x\Jc){ o oi .:U t.q o o'; -=J--.\avi=-N\(x - c-;- J F X c Or EF;:O06 €cD + _:<so *o a .t)oo <, c)c0)oo eO b s,_-- i:3 fnIO "-[9 X.- d)(>ho) otrv L, al "-r () LL t\ - r. C,..r|(JY o -', a <egH . () -'=o60)R q5:;', "'E V co {- Ji(\ . 6i o1 :i (/) = "-.r (a ff 9 3:.'. a-f\rr'<t ;A _:: = nr ,o I&t o*i5-*3EUEs ?s'i= ,fld5p= :gag#F n$E3n rEEa! ;E4;E f ;g:iF[€ggsEtqE*= ;iieiscef*c*Ht l;.;i* B$$ $it[ geit:efria€li ed6.o'i5 q6: Y9oo E&a5 +3f, =*93 :pq#H f - '..' o m "r; x o N :x;irn ii*x o =o s- sO U(D Y-<l{(u ^ .\.< =- ?J4 Y .r :g X P<Yi5 @Ll O ^-qb - r-oc" X = tt,rr(D o+ \ul (o'f (J- t<u(D ...rF { =6 f,;i o ;*E Y.\ <;_*o o/1"r as =€qo Qdf *o c x"o ?o o ;5c :Bl'I(o .T q o o J o l (D 1 J o c *@ o fi 3t, FI x F' jn trt trt ]n @ ''j#rt t 'll 11 t\rI ...- ,t-L\ \;1 '\-_.--'--. d" \,\ \ v' ,.': \ , .r't'1,. ,t I --/ N N\-N\I R i i\-,l! l. 1 I I I I I I I s' '\ / -4'tra ' s'.-+z---: i \-*--., \i \l --A.- -\1 o o z g 7 c o =o z !m F ={ E -I + m Iq L-O l- tt --r ;-.i o <x f !Yl m: 6 6nt ix,4 -; o =;o .4J ir O <-r =-'im= I= o< to U<;q -.i o ctt >l =^E i;=o .tl !m = =FF tn= =-oo YF t- --l T.l trr LILILI 5' -r'l .Il \o or-o\ >= c.c- o q) Ec> =zz1=b<- F !/E'u;Etrd.FF ,{ E-P z t Z ."1 a! 8=Z'A -{ \, r,>6z Y> z---r c Pa 1Z Oo 8t z:-{x >= o> o 2n nz >m --.1 >or- o I =m -t €z m z r N Fl F] z |.l F --vt_m rrl aA c)>'l- _Tl r-r-Y zl ol I rrl Ftl gP IFU l=l l9o l-r-lgx tvl t'l llrl lHlrJ lErl l>l It l I Hl | -l t'l m -m €z 'n J- m a z o I €z -rl r ,m I I l{to l€ lz F t<l> IF lr I l<t> lF m F) z I I I F,\l I ot l6 l€z o 'n t- m o z o UJ I I I H F K E (n H ln F4 H r f -q E P F I = c) z til F F E I I @ t- m TJ r z Fl H z D E ;H rn I'c) N F-l H rn - Ttr6 az .o ={rri ll lEs l.!t< 13o l- 'I -t ;!\o= -{{ @ m x m T -{ z (_ @ U)f m '/ C ./.?n / 'Z t/ O (: (J-' (-: oo- H3d o9d 6'*g 8 *r t=F '<P{{Eo rts€ o:aJ =+*o=-ro)J i-= P =ot o Q 3.a :9**o z E +tt =9€! oE F=F -f +i; 6',9 e itfo €9o { q'9 ordr =<:'tF= =:F o-f o.x o B E.r 'r;At ^x3 3;3 Do=a: -x (,'o=. 0r -o f 'o- a6'<.{o -qt {o) lC O.P*do f;s i1 c. co O(, P5 j'v (o lil ^c)U()oo o-S f(o oo -++E6 OJ !+{ €vl-ON oo -{a) .e.a -il*-ra -bo €c .f ct '! 5.99.x'o 9o (I|O 4f o.v,do- -at 6' ;d6 z <-2, o -qt Htr r-r lC O oP-.. do *o n iic H td >f= O(, >J:i r g; :! =.r i6qt - ^o / \, (); R9 : o-9 f(o oo \_-+c -.E 6 r-o- :49 ;-E ,' ON \39 -da *-a 3 -{-'-r o :rE3 --f o -tbg '- -! s r!(rt I =o * i6r . 6-6 !-4 I t 69 do -at c)- F z ta H rr5 F K 'E iF a E( a-'1 r. r- a. C\ :\rl i'r ; o x |.J ts - c) O >@ =a -l> mc a\! =m 20 m_n tr6 €z m o o z .-l o o _rt I q) m l-'n l'0 li tx l6 I I I I @ _--{z l z t- m =--l C" z m m o m l-< lz 12 l-- l= I P i ! E I I fio<>'n.It *l* !m -€o ! z a C t- I z 1)|n --{r 6 z m c m IO q€otr -6 '' z : z>e8 Io I<'+< >o m=(lt o z c z = j z { l---l m ^z o =z t- m ! ?g I m c t 'tl > ^2 n rrl Fq >t H fl t4 }{HI cnl rJ H ONts 2 9.7 mX'ri 4-f F io -)Tl =2('t iitqo o<z ua@.lo 6P ^= c h zar---l od o nzz € u x N@= 3m=qr- t< 3 I €o o X Ltr a Fl c)x z a -A : F9 ltl ..\ :l Fll '!|Fal -l :l -l x x )t 2 a It e F F 2 E -G c F f- .z .z iF c - z o z o t U' z 2 z i o m - z 'n 1.l ; -.1 It1 a ljj z H Lr z -{o -t t- m = ='Tl m m U> c (n m -t .) rh z m = m I z ,m m € o m o m --l 2 -rl m m m I z t- _0 = = m m o : r a- z -m I c t- 2 m = = -o m =-n m m (n VALUATION |l H - =m I z t- 2 m |-m i 5 l- t- z \.rl -t m 4 = =z o NJ ! N \$. $R*R 75 south fronlage road Yail, colorado 81657 (3o3) 479-2I.38 or 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: offlce of communlly developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OP VAIL PUBLIC WORKS,/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 1.6, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE In summary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debris or material , including trash durnpsters, portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street, sidervalk, alley or public place or any portion thereof" The right-of-way on all Town of VaiI streets and roads is approxinately S ft" off pavement.This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Tovrn of Vail Public works Department. persons found vi.olatirrg this ordinance will be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said material .In the event the person so notifj-ed does not eomply with the notice within the 24 hour time specified, the public works Department hrill remove said rnaterial at the expense of person notified. The provisions of this ordinance shal1 not be applicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town of Vail Building Department to obtain a copy. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter. r:i Read and acknowledged by: sition/Re1 Date e. contractor, owner) PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE -INSPECTION REQUEST. TOWN OF VAIL AM PM, JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION i STEEL O FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL o tr tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr o D BOUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED DArE I tNSpEcroR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE - JOB READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: INS o PE CTION REQUEST- TOWN OF VAIL NAME -- { CALLER TUES WED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED PM AM tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: THUR BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING FOUGH / WATER D El ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr ! D FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: U TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: E HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr n FINAL onre I lNSPEcroR a,l i;,TEM/_175 PHONE APPLICATIOi'i FOR MiNOR SUBDIVISION RIVIEI.l (4 or fevrer lots) NAME OF Ol^lNER'S MAILING PR0PERTY O[,JNER ^(print or type) rita S I GNATURE ADDRESS dz, o. bo-r s o?t' PHON E A. NAI4E 0F ApprrcAnr S.o 7.4 FJ, e./ pHoNEL/2/-/rqf Cd c. MAILING ADDRESS B. NAI'18 OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE MIL]NG ADDRESS D. LOCATION 8LOCKS J- cr-t oil E,uhorn .92 FILING rF /-|.r 2- d-v-o-:L t+ vYry i -.\u FEE $r 00. 00 PAI D G. H. I. RIAL TO BE SUBMITTED The subdivider shall submit three (3) copies, two of which must be mylars,of the proposal fo1 lowing the requirements for a final plat as found- in Section .|7..|6..l30 of the Subdivision Regulatjons, Certain of these requirements lay !e waived by the zoning adminjstrator and/or the Planning and Environmental Commissjon if determined not applicable to the project. An environmental report may be required if so stipulaied under chapter 1g.56 Environmental Report of the zoning code. The Department_of community_Deve1 opment will be responsible for seejng that the approved plat is promptly recorded with the Eagle County Clerk ani Recorder. Inc] ude a list of ali adjacent property owners and their mailing addresses. SuPPlement ton tlne Plans for the scott Edwards Residenc ", t'o? f,, Block 5, Bighorn 5th Addition' Since we know that we will encounter conslderable granite fornations durlng excavatlon ' we agree that should the Town of Vail Building Inspector feel that an Englneer's report-- is necessary before 0,. poot the concrete footlngs' ve sha11 supply such report before proceeding' Scott P. O. Vail-, Box 2098 Colorado 81658 o I \-r\/\-l ttt -1, \\\. ' ',,,i\\r (^-----\\ -\--\ \ \.- \ PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION January 9, L9 g4 PRESENT Dlana D onovn ,Duane PLper Eoward Rap son Wlll Trout ,.\ ^-, 1.4 lm Vlele /J (\\"'u' -- A--- The neetlng sas ca1led 0/tsr'"- 3:00 pn. STAFF PRESENT Dlck Ryan Peter Patten Tom B raun Betey Rosolack to orde r by Duane Piper, chat rnan at of neetJ.ng of December 12, 1983. eec onded to approve the minu t ee and the 1. Approval of uLnutes Vlele noved aad Rapson vote uas 5-0 tn favor. 2. Recrrest fnr q Fr..t varlsuce lo order to c setback area o ppllcant: Scott Ton B raun exp la 1ne d the p rop o8 ar and adde d that the applrcant should have come to the staff nhea he flrst encountered pioblens wLth graaite outcropplogs. The 6taff recommended denial because they felt that there rsas not unneceasary physlcal hardhlp. Tscott Edwards, the applr.cantr €xplained that the whore rot n,as granlte outcropplng and the r'hole foundatlon had to be blaBted.te added that the blastlDg company stated that ooce Ehev drd blaet, they would not come back to chip away further, a'ud, ddrfnt the blastlng the ceotral stake noved. He e ald that lf tt had beel _brought tq_ h-lS_a tge Bll! x1 , he trquld have cone to the pEC at that tlne to ask for a varlance. Edwards also aaLd that there was a large pLne tree at the back of the 1ot vhlch prevented Eo vt ng the house further back. Ile felt that that there sre .exceptloas or extraordlnary cl,rcuEstancea or condltlons appllcable to the aLte of the varLance that dld not apply generally to other propertles ln the aaDe zone. Plper asked Eduards hon nuch toleraace he had elloeed, and Edvards rreplled he dlscovered he had 12". T r ou t noved and Rapson e econded to approve the varlance requeat cltln tha t the rantln of the varlance would noE c otrtalTuE a grant o sDec v e8e lnconsls tent !rlth other propertles in the sarne dlst rlct a nd eou ld not be de t rlmental to pu c eatt aare n the v clnrty. Reques t for a f ront setback lot E dva rds or we fare or materLally lniurloua to propertLei Trout added that there vere exceptions or extraordlnarv circuDstances or cotrdltlons appLlcabIe to the aite of the varlance that dld noE app ry generally to other DroDercies in the 6 arDe zoDe. and the Rucler property abou t L-I/2 yea rE aqo. Tbe vote was 5-0 PEc L/9/84 -2- Re ueat for a nlnor subdlv sLon l ovolvin three arce.l-s of land ln the Golden PeAk r€a--Tract a age FlIln Tract B. Vatl vt l laee 7th ! ].rt n a nd Parcel C, ao unplatted Darcel ree nt annexe to the olttl .cant: Va11 Associates Peter Patten sald that the Town council had approved final re-zoning on the chree par ce 1s and thls was the 1as t step in the PECts involvenent Ln the project. Ee added that the staff f e1t thac the proposal net the revLer crLteria of Sectlon L7.16.110 aud recommended approval. Bob Parkert representiDg Veil Asaoclates,r'ished to have the record atate that the eLze of the parcel sas 49.835 acres. Viele moved and Donovan s econde d to ap prove- the-request Der Ene statt serno. The vote was )-u ].n ravor. 4.Request for an exte rior alterat ion in order to erect tem orar tlcket ot t lce near cna:.r at ons e a d lra Peter Patteu eald that the the re uas ome coofuelon VA wanted the approval, to tras Ln favor of thls rrlth Btaff recommen d e d approval, but tha t as to the length. Ee explalned that be for geve ra1 yearE, aud the etaff the reooval date of May 15 each year.1 v", !-, :.tt':":'-:: , .' "ieCtS Bob Parker of VA added that VA nould llke tbe renoval date to be June I of each year beceuae of posslble adverae condltlons such as deep snow or wet groutrd. Rapaon sald that he nould rather see an approvaJ. for Juet thls year to see poeelble effects.Donovan questloned whether the protectlve covelaate allowed a bulldtng at tha r lo ca t ion.Pa rker arranered that he dld not have an atraser at that tlne, but that there rrere two other bulldlogu related to Ehe 11ft alrLady 1n the aree. Doaovan stated that the aoendmenta to the covenante state that only llft Eaaoclsted a t ruc tu rea cou 1d be butlt oa the 61te. Dick Ryan polnted out tha t the PEc dId not deal wl th coveneuts r but s86 concerDed rlth zonlng oDly, Plper lnterpreted lt to be a prlv:te oatter. After oore dlscusslon, Vlele noved and Trout 6econ4!j_!l_g_E_Ie cant:As6oclates Planning and Environmental Commission January 9, .l984 2:00 pm Site Inspections 3:00 pm Publ ic Hearing 1. Approval of minutes of meeting of December .|2, .l983. 2. Request for a front setback variance in ordeqrto construct a garage .|.6 feet into the front setback area on Lot$,,,Block 5, aighoFn Fifth Addition. App'licant: Scott A Edwards 15 3. Request for a minor subdivision involving three parcels of land in the Golden Peak area--Tract F, vail Vjliage 5th Filing, Tract B, vail village 7th Filing, and Parcel C, an unplatted parcei recently annexed to the Town. Appl icant: Vai I Associates 4. Request for an exterior alteration in order to erect a temporary ticket office near Chair 8 at 600 Lionshead Mall. Applicant: Vail Associates 5. Request for an exterior alteration in order to build a new retail plaza above the parking structure at the Treetops Condominiums, Lot 6,Block l, vail Lionshead lst Filing, Applicant: Treetops condo Assoc. 6. Request for an exterior alteration in order to increase GRFA in Unit 701 , Landmark Condominiums, 610 West Lionshead Circle, Lot l, Lionshead 3rd Filing. Applicant: Lonnie Williams F ROM DATE S UBJE CT ME MORANDUM Pl ann i ng and EnvLronnental ConDissl.on CommunL fy Develop&ent Department January 3, 1984 FronE setback variance request Blghorn 5th Addition. Appllcant: /, /:'\)' " for lot'@, Block 5, ScoEt A.r Edesjdg The appllcant reques t s a f ront fron the required 20 fooE front s result in a setback of I8.4 feet The appl i can t reque s t s the varlance cont rol s take on the f ront property 1n excavaClng the slte. CRITERIA ATID PINDINCS setback varlance of 1.6 feet etback. This variaDce soul-C f ron the f ron t properLy- ilne.due to aD erronetue 1y placed line and problens encountered Upon revlew of Crlterla and Ftndlngs, Section L8.62.060 of the Munlcipal code, the Department of comnunity DevelopDent recommends denlal of the requested variance based upon the following factors: ConelderatLoa of Factors The r.elajjgnshlp of. rhe reques !ed variance to other exlsting or potentlal uses This vartance nas requested after the properEyts sLte lmprovenent survey showed the front corner of the garage to be nlthio the f ron E setback. The garage i6 located 1g.6 feet f ron the front property 1lne. Thls encroachment wl11 have no slgnificant impacts on exi s t lDg or potentlal use s 1n the vicinlty. The degree to which re 11e f fron the stric! or llteral lnterDretatlon entorcemeDt of a soeclfle regulat ion is necessary to ach ieve ompatibillty and unlformlt of Ereatment amonq 6ltes in aTG v]-clnlty or Eo attain the o ectives of C h1s title si thou t qrant oI spec j.aI privl.lege. The zonlng code 6tates that in order to prevent or Eo ressen such practical dlf f icultl.es and unnecessary phys ica t hardshlps lnconslstent ur th the objectrve6 of the zonlng c ode ae wou 1d resul t fron strlct or llEeral interpretatlon and enforcertrent,va rlances f rom certarn regulatrons, such a6 setback requlreoents,nay be granted. O Edwarde L/3184 2 The zonlng code state. that Ln a practical difficulty or unnecesEary physical hardshtp nay result iron the size, st,"pe, or dimensions of a site or the locatlon of exrstlng structures t he re on; rron topographlc or physrcar conditions on Ehe site or in the immedtate vicinlty. cost.or l0conve nl enc e to the applrcant of strr.ct or ltteral conp 1i ance wiEh a regulatlon eha11 not be a reason for granclng a varlance. The applicant has clar.ned physlcar hardship because of granr.te outcroppJ.ngs eocountered whlle excavatLng oo the slte. I,lhlle granite outcroPpings undoubtedly created problens in che constructl.on of this resl-deace, it vourd appear the nispraced contror stake nas prlnarlry responslbJ,e for the encroachment into the front ge-tb3ck. Any hardshlp lnvolved in thls case has been serf created by- the'' .applicant. The effect of tlle req ues t e variance on ot population c ra n s D o r tation a nd aclLitLes an ut Eles and DU 1i ht and ai 1 r dlstrlbutlon t ra f.f 1c faci tles. publ{c c aa eEv. No impact FINDINGS The Plannine and ErJiI?"r.-"t"1 9.,@ranting a variance; That the granting of the variance rllll not constltute a grant of special privllege incooslstent vith the llnltstlon6 oo Jther propertles classlfled ln the eame dLstrlct. Tha t the g rant l ug of ,the variance rrlll not be detrineDtal to the publlc health, safety, or nelfare, or Daterlally r.njurrous to propertles or improvements in the viclnity. Edwards L/3/84 3 That th€ varlauce 1s warranted for one or rnore of the follovlng reasons: The s t rict or lLteral interpretat the speclfled regulation would resulE or unneceasary p hy s lcal hards hlp ob ject lves of thi s title. lon and enf orcenent of in practlcal dlf f iculty Lnconslstent ul th the There are except tons or exCraordiaary clrcurns Eancea or conditLons ap p1i cabl e to the slte of the variance thaE do trot apply geue ra lly to o ther properties 1a the aane zone. The scrict or literal interpretation and enforceDeDt of ' the specifled regularlon would deprlve the appllcant oi privlleges enjoyed by the ovne r s of other p rope rt I es 1n the same dlstrLct. ! AII REcoMMENDATToNS The Departmeht of Conmunlty Developrleut staff reconr0enda denl.al of Ehe requested varl.ance. Although the error uas apparently the result of a contror stake beiog rnre placed and the -ies,rltrn! Lmpacts of the setback wourd be nrnlnar, the varlance requeated I's not supported by any unneces6ary physlcar hardshrp aa outlined by the zonLng code. O : E-, G-r Decernber 6, 1983 Planni-ng and Environnental ConnLsslon Town of Vai-l Vai1, CO 8L657 Dear Sirs: Enclosed is my gpp]ieation for a zonl-ng variance to allor^r my garage located on Lot {$Jfilock 5, Bighorn Fifth Addition, to protrude into the front serback of the 10t. The problem occurred because of the extreme difflculty we encouncered in excavating the site. We had to bl-ast through 12 feet of solld granite for the foundation in the garage area. The rear wall of the garage is hard agalnst the face of the granite outcropping. After questloning the workmen involved in exeavating and settlng the forms for the foundations, I feel that our control stake on the front property line was knocked down by one of the pieces of equiprnent i.nvolved and was erroneously replaced. I do not feel that this snall encroachnent w111 have any negative effects on adjacent properties or the street in front of the house. A1so, I do not feel that the granting of this variance would be a speci-al privilege since there is a deflnite physical hardship involved because of the sold granite outcropping that underlays the entire building site. Your positive consideration of this matter will be greatly appreciated. Yours Eruly, Scott A. Edwards 49 16 Juniper Lane P.O. Box 2098 Vail, CO 81658 sAE/bh I. This The A. Applicati"" o) f 't..rr/,r- 4 ,l"rr: APPLICATION FORM FOR A VARIANCE procedure is required for any project requesting a variance. application will not be accepted until all information is submitted - NAME oF tppt rclutr .S.o T 4 - F./"r + ./ PHONE APPLICAIITfS REPRESENTATTW__Sqrnr_ j$-u-_) PTONE .NAME 0F 0WNER (type or print) SIGNATURE ADDRESS PHONE D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAI ADDRESS LEGAL DEscRrprroN 1o* # 3 au"x FEE. $f00.00 ''i.,.:: . , ' :- A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property and their mailing addresies.- <u. +rh.r/,/ B. ADDRESS NAME OF ADDRESS z E. t/ >/ - /.//, ltt -39:7v v o-L -/ ' -/aaf r z Block 4:Lots 7 and B Lot '7A Lot 78 Lot B,Unit A Lot B,Unit B Block 5 Lot 2 Lot 4 T.nf 1', Lot 18 Wi lli arn T . Ei lert P. O. Box 1767 VaiI, Colorado 91659 Charles I. Madison and Leslie c/o Vail Associates P. O. Box 7 Vail, Colorado 91659 Stephen G. Thomas P. O. Box 696 Vai1, Colorado 91658 Bruce D. and Nancy L. Benson 21660 Cabrini Boulevard Go1den, Colorado 90401 Hans Borumka 634 South youngsfield Court Denver, Colorado gT22g Bjorn K. Borgen 390 Franklin Streer Denverf Colorado 90218 George L. Mizner 9503 East Orchard Drive Bnglewood, Colorado 80110 Thomas J. McDonnell P. O. Box 13 Francistown, New Hampshire 03043 R. Madison r- c\ -l l\){",'l I o o,, \oo ar+ lr. 4i ,&', B)F7 ,,& <o Oo o 6 r ? ;o N n 's" )'/( I t/ @ /oo' ^)\ { <n s.o - f'3 l./r I ,5 Y t- c 6'i od rDo t\ .-F I o =o ,18 I o Qra>Illltl ,ia;o f'qg-*:o o ^' o- .o- -ott^tt P dcr :crrr_ .n$q,-(J|lYfn o-.r6( <t- f= = ;EN :.cgr ;'e 9 oza -6)rl a m tzz I I I r_s .<e ?/ t f, ,7t ,,t Decernber 6, 1983 s,f,. .. .P lanning and Environrnental Comnission Tor,m of Vail Vail, CO 81657 Dear Sirs: Enclosed is my application for a zoning variance to allow my garage located on Loi filt1ocu' 5, Bighorn Fifth Addition, Eo protrude into the front seEbac{< of the Iot. The problem occurred because of the extreme difficulEy \^te encountered ln excavatlng the site. We had to blast through L2 feet of solid granite for lhe foundation in the garage area' The rear walL of itr* $u.fugg is harcl agalnst the face of the granlte outcropping' Atter questioning thr'' tr'r'rrkmetr lnvolved in excavating and setting the totrs tor the tounO;if"it, r feel that our conErol stake on the frong proPefly llue uas k'"""l'ea'ao*" by one of the pieces of equi'pment Latolvd aod ras er-ro€ously teplaced ' f do noc feel thac t]njls s'glal)' encroachment wLl) have any ne's'aELve effects on adjacent properties or the street 1n front of the house' A1so, I do not feel thar Ehe granting,of this variance would be a speclal privilege since there is a definite physical hardship involved because of the sold granite ouEcropping EhaE underlays the entire building site. your positive consid.eration of !his matter will be greatly appreciated' Yours Eru1y, ScotE A. Edwards 4915 Juniper Lane P.O. Box 2098 Vail, CO 81658 sAn/bh n I.This.procedure The application APPLICATION is required will not be for any project accepted until requestj-ng a Vari.ance. all information is submitted t: PHONE DIdANF REPRNSENTATIVE NAME 0F 0WNER (type or print) SIGNATURE ADDRESS PHONE D. I,OCATION OF PROPOSAI LEGAL DESCRfPTION lot F FEE. $100.00 '.,.,,:.',': ".,-. A r'ist of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property and their mailjng aOOresses. Appricati onlD" O,,r., ,,,(-,r- ,/ ,. , FORM FOR A VARIANCE /,t A. NAI{E OF APPLTCNT - ADDRESS NA},IE OF APPLICANT ' S ADDRESS Lot 78 Lot 8, Block 4:Lots 7 and 8 Lot 7A Williarn T. Eilerc P. O. Box 1767 Vail, Colorado 91658 Charles f. Madison and Leslie c/o Vail Associaces P. O. Box 7 Vai1, Colorado 91658 Stephen G. Thomas P. O. Box 69G VaiI, Colorado 91659 Bruce D. and Nancy L. Benson 21-660 Cabrini Boulevard Golden, Colorado 90401 Hans Borumka 634 South youngsfield Court Denver, Colorado BO22g Bjorn K. Borqen 390 Franklin Street Denver, Colorad.o gO21g George L. Mizner 9603 East Orchard Drive EngJ-ewood, Colorado g0110 Thomas J. McDonnell P. O. Box 13 Francistown, New Hampshire 03043 R. Madison Unit A T..\ + Q Unit B Block 5 Lot 2 Lot 4 Lot 17 Lot 18 t\-N @ 9 q -J <t) ' o)o N Lil tl'trtT {tr--rd .--- r----= t.-.- 8.7' F -I I I I eo l tl ir /a ,*'19 €)s arre -o ; ""-) -J I I I I o? ,09 q ."?, -y.q s)€o t- qf -J l.+ loo 'a'*4l oo ,y /o t"; \( .--- --! l ,/,,.' I or o>eo ?2.r 2on ;ur .lrJ E E F U' z. o 6-: E >r.-q LrJ;F-|r) --..r r'i rv rt rio :-::*u)--(,o- + \\\ * I JOB NA INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL (MoN ) CALLER TUES WED READY FOR LOCATION: NS EC ON: \\. \.{MON / ru \H",.n FR -AM PM \"-\ ! :: \,\\ BUILDING: C FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr D tr n UMBING: UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.Y tr FOUNDATION i STEEI tr FRAMING ROUGH / WATER rr ROOF & SHEER ;llLYWooD NAILING ru.lNsuLArroN_,_ GAS PIPING POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETBOCK NAIL N FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR tr D FINAL D FINAL { neenovro CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED D^rE q-7O -',?/ rNSPEcroR --I d (D m lq LO l-., h E t<x r l;E ;fRn a- lri g lld s l=E :T=6.e Te 69 a5 ctt >t 1-o ;i= .t] !m -{ <I@ +n> =oo YF t- trnE n!! -.t I m 8=zx { \/ ;> -r^9; 9p 3= ie zE >: --{ o o> o {m vz >m -l>=m -l €z m t @ z =m o -5 t-p,r (D o g (D x ,Pf,uiA o>'t- -{ l_ (ttl gF >a o-l ol r.l(tl cil ol =l I :!t- 2 o @ (o =o r-t t: I ,td .l: II l> lF l!tm lo f lz lo I I I I 'n B l-{o t€ lz lo L-n l< ; m 2 o lr |o l€ 16 t:t> lF lfl I -{ m t- Fl (o F (o I F I \,1 \ l-l l€ lz I t- m ; 't o .D F o tn .D cf o, m (D r)ci 1 -l m t-F F \l Or I 5 s (tl I € a - li t{ lz lo l'rl t<t> lF m a z o o ? T I = l- m o x N)o (O n = o It cl 5 f fl, = - 5 F l.O z =m o o c{ a'r rr €q, 5 o o E D r D 0 m G'o x t\) (o @ o o z a {F o {o z !ltt F ={ 3P z= 22 oo z z -{m o o 'o o .Tl m ! { -1 o TD m x m ! -.t o z (-o @ U' + m 0 I fn o'r f\)\ (, :;ior o -6";Eid i iir: E ai ii OY=NO _o :._< R {ro€ E i5. J; i *r' fqrO:aJ 5*ls; '"4 i3f;OO^,(,,X osa*+ 3,Beli cL-O i o)n O * iio 36la ?is;F *iltiisl;"3ll AE#g alt qi=:3 ilr gFi$5 llF ti;e* *l g;iii FI 6EtsP 'nl f o --* a z @ - (r, _-.{z _l o z t- m f o z m m m l< lz 12 l.i t;l.- a J c o<_E! m m -m llr ilg ll' ll",lt o tg ll" tl tl 'n I''x € t- IP lo l- z a c t- =z -t I x z m a f- |rl g=otr Ti--z z.a al-'' z - (t t- z>9R ard d: >o o>s;z c z ..1 -rl tl II z m = l--t m -i o z =z m = m c n t- =z l-lv | -Tt l> l-(^)t c)-o atl U'' N:o{R;cm > -rl zo 22 29 sdl <c= th-1 oo 2Z N(D= N- Y -Q< P9 O-:i r.> a+ t-r.O on 5Fi oP -.2 t.i "t$epl ol il '^l ol 1$l ol "1 I a € -s :C, e\ o c @rz =e (-) "','(to oE EE =J 3q J{r] =(/r .Dl <l o tn UI 5 o € z z t --t m -v :c qI Il c)r.tr(-l' ll tl i I I I ol frl t, r( I I .N sr i s s $' s ..t Y \t =b J/ {o -t t-.It m ='Tl m m (n m -{ x |-m z m 3 q, m g. z m m € @ o m o m -J z -t! m m =m o - z t- t- 3 @ z m t-m i - t- z o m x c t- z atl = !m , =J 'Tl m m (t VALUATION =m 2 t- t- 3 -o m |-m { t- t- z r! l+('|lo oto oto 1\) (tl @ ('l o o o !m E =-l z o I ! O)F (tr F N)(Jl o o \J Jl|(t o o O o n n ,f, )) s o o o (^, Or (C (, @ @ ffi#niJe+"*' { :, rl :l ri il 'l i ij :1 ri i1 ,l j 8,; ir *i {.1 bt .:i il 1l ll .t ti t{*r {i ft rl I I :ii iJ 11 ,l r' l j I e .!l }.t l{a -f f{l arl0 f'l a (F)f+\fv' tl r{t a E |1 f'l -t r1 gt a+ -f1 fF \- GI 11 ts F E F -..-\I-\ct Ht E g do f- H F -a -f v -aa F trr rtl E 19 rf+g n H -|-| €* f.+ -i<ot ***I ;x*J-tEno =d=H ^ o Z '.1 : F rJ Tl :>rl \- ._ \ r.l F9qni X A* -<- fn *l (,,t oh lq saiB Fi{ .: F{=a ^,yoz <Tr{Za*r F=O X>*t lzx FOr'1 >Fl*!-if,z Elo wr',i st5 sE!z::r '/F^ ^I!LJ lJ=znf i.H 7Ze.A^Z -t al 'r,6>\J Y=F F-:?>iu zze ^rt.]i-.'x<>eici Hro -.1 -ri t-, Ulrfrj z 3 €F ts F H F{ z b 3 r H r"z l-l H P r. a I (, F g I c- q! z s i o g H H {F 5, 00 \ Or (-a z F z r H (, r n H z H F H H H z Fei +: gi o-;: ^:=3:giF==*.o g ; E :+3i 3E +rI ^=;51:I +'c a E =-3198s il:ii: =-2.= i { 3 ? =:: +=:3i5l{i :9ir9E 19=si:; 4 q: r-; 6- ;:1r1:iritIi :t,: =c { .l - ii: : rh =o i; 3 3 :. -t z z a a-c c It r o fi 1%r PERMIT NUMBER OF P oate 7 / />. READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON ]oJEcT TOWN OF VAIL 4 / ,o" *o*, S r. o -t1 €C *^.A INSPECTION REQUEST CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI PM AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEEB " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING N INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB -E] SHEETROCK NAIL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL Xnppnoveo tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED 4 RRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR hiiisnop H e fg a't a+i Flf nFrf F(QI -O 3. ;il Fl ;r; I? Y'Er.- :-. -r iH FF .EE .o Fee 'tiF"|ir+e H3.E 3F{tr3 '+'l1 gt fa -|1 fF \- :<o-l **xI *xl-H:;O =;:*^nZ-l XXtr-"1 !>tl >9\; XX. -Zt''iig ob .e {olR F:"':Uf,ri 8t=E 9oi <1r-.1 z;-r *€o ^i>-l sEs >Fi*!rG z r(f, rr r..) =*t:F =x'>;-. !- tn YQ2 z=J -'2J ^Acrtv ): =t U=zif :i%H 32c do3 -:--tl o<c l=3 E:E 'Lii- ^ r'r t-'!:s=Hro --\/ z { v, F H H z F 3 |i c o = U'H H z F]H F r o o ! I fr I o- 0a z 5 o i o J a) J 5' E F {F u) c 5 ! z H tt t, E H F z F H F, H z Fg;i1li =Et-^E : ; a i i,=*s : =: i i 'ii5; i = =a ; i =-!:r;D :1i 1i=1:;: f i e: r- i:setliF '- $ : ; o .e i !. c l -i ' : : :t :, ! 1?=74 A ? " Fs-o 9 2 212.+a a'i!!'ai : i =:;.: i 5: :'f' =..;f3:, U /q3r' PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: C / 'or NAME 5'c 4 fl { ( r, nr 1-., ' ,#, INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL CALLER MON TUES WED THUR FRI PM BUILOING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEB t PLYWooD NATLTNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr rrr.rnr L' ',/ (-'D FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr tr B ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL tr FINAL EI APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED il ,z:1":f:[)' DATE INSPECTOR n?i?sroe ,"rt"toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME CALLER , INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEE,- tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr D tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr o ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL EI FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR DATE JOB NAME INSPECTION REQUEST_F VAIL "{" CALLER i:ir-.+DY FOR !rri-A IION: BUILOING: II FOOTINGS / STEEL MON TUES , WED THUR FRI PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL/ H. TUB i.OUNDATION / STEEL tI FRAMING _ RC)OF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING D INSULATION f1 SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED CORRECTIONS: ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR '/.//fi FrNA],,',_tr FINAL INSPECTOR DATE r-. INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL AM PM DATE JOB NAME ,. CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI LOCATION: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V.D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER _ ROOF & SHEER u pLYWooD NATLTNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR EI FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ',, :, ' DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED.READY FOR LOCATION: rHUR FRI AM PM BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEB " PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING D INSULATION E POOL / H, TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL n tr o tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS D tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR r; INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES READY FOR LOCATION: tr-.,APPROVED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTION:WED D DISAPPROVED THUR,PM AM D REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL D FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER - Dr]a.ltr e. eLttrtrD r-r ' 'vv' tr GAS ptplNc _" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB -D SHEETROCK NAIL O _=- r'r r-r _ tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: N TEMP. POWER D HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS N CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR -T'l t'l _ tr FINAL tr FINAL DATE INSPECTOR I o DATE JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM LOCATION: rrustcnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION N POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: E HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr D tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: N DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUTRED DATE INSPECTOR ,*rt"roN REouEsr TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr o FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr o FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANIGAL: N HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR t NSP PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT ECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON WED ] THUR CALLER TUES :AM FBI READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL o tr tr tr o tr UMB!NG: UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNOATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION T] SHEETROCK rl POOL / H. TUB NAIL D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: B TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D tr SUPPLY AIR o tr FINAL I] FINAL VED CORRECTIONS: ,Qseeenoveo fferruseecloN REeuTRED DATE INSPECTOR itfi-l PERMI DATE o INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL T NUMBER OF PROJECT CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI i REAOY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER B FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr SHEETROCK NAIL D tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING o tr tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR tlffi] t INSPECTION TOWN OF REOUEST VAIL INSPECTION; CALLER TUES THUR FRI AM PM REAOY FOR LOCATION: r', 1 ,..cl . ,Wu r a"t I tv .,:., _g JOB NAME MQN OF PROJECT BU!LDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBlNG: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL E tr tr FINAL D FINAL ELE trT uF uc tr_ CTRICAL:MECHANIGAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D tr FINAL D FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR m PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES THUR FRI WED PM BUILDING: C] FOOTINGS / STEEL O FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING n 199.1^&^sl.qFl...^ tr GAS PTPTNG " PLYWOOD NAILING O INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr - nn_ tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: O TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR -11 r'r _ tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORREGTIONS: EI DISAPPROVED CI REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR tml 14,:O NSP PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION:MON ECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME CALLER TUES AM PM READY FOR LOCATION: WED THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o tr FINAL D D FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL OAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR (ffi1 o NS PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE - PECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES WED THUR FRI PM READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING D o tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL tr,hPPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR m ) -INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 4 )-J oor. zf t1/ ?u JoB NAME {d *o^A e '1 i, CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI PM AM t4sy PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL N FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYwooD NATLING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr I tr o,^o. 0 d tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR n D FINAL tr FINAL .;(reenoveo CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED 'u1tt/?u ,NSpEcroR B B"o/n.fL o a COMMITMENT TO INSURE This commitment was produced and isued through the office of LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY P. O. BOX 357, 108 SO. FRONTAGE ROAD WEST, VAIL, COLORADO 81667 Telephone 1303) 476-2251 Thl. Inua.nca Comprny ol Mlnnooia b I rubeldlary of Mlnn-ot. Tltla Flnrnolal Corporrllon. NASDAO Symbol - MTIT, LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY 3665 Cherry Creek North Drive Denver, CO 80209 321-1880 13693 East lliff Avenue Denver, CO 80232 751-4336 8333 Greenwood Boulevard Oenver, CO 80221 427-9353 3110 S. Wadsworth Boulevard Suite 102 Denver, CO 80227 988-8550 830 Kipling Street Lakewood, CO 80215 232-3111 ' P. O. Box 2280 Breckenridge, CO 80424 453-2255 303 South Cascade Colorado Springs. CO 80903 6344821 1211 Main Avenue Durango, CO 81301 247-5860 P. O. Box 357 108 So. Frontage Road West Vail, GO 81657 476-2251 3600 S. Yosemite, Suite 350 Denver, CO 80237 7794220 650-17th Strest Denver, CO 80202 629-7329 9725 E. Hampden, Suite 103 Denver. CO 80237 750€,424