HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIGHORN 5TH ADDITION BLOCK 5 LOT 7B LEGAL.pdf/"tZ otPf 6ryt"* fr+ mi*l, tY (ElEl.{rrEltr Design Reuiew Board ACTIOI{ FORM Departnent of Community Deyelopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail. Colorado E1657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2.152 web: wwr.vailgov.com Project Name: COFSKY DECK Project DescripUon: DECK REPAIR/NEW DRryEWAY Participants: OWNER COFSKY, ROBERTA. 820 NEPONSET ST NORWOOD MA 02062 APPLICANT COFSIff, ROBERT A, 820 NEPONSET ST NORWOOD MA 02062 ProjectAddress: 4946 JUNIPER LN VAIL 4946 JUNIPER I-ANE'A'-DECK; 'A' &'B'-NE DRB Number: DR8070513 0912412007 0912412007 Location: Legal DescripUon: Lot: 7 Block: 5 Subdivision: BIGHORN sTH ADDffiON Parcef Number= 2l0l-l3L-0202-7 Comments: SeeConditions Motion By! Second Byl Vote! Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval= I0l Q3/2007 Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Warren Campbell DRB Fee Pald: $2O.OO Planner: Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L78 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted unul all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission, Design review approial lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commenc€s within one year of the apprcval. Location of the Froposaf: Lot: 1 ebcu&Suuivision: fr hWA 6v MvJ tfla,A physicarAddress: 444& \LtF{rPcro{.Lllr}-la (,IH lf "a' Parcef No.: Ll,lt b IVt OA (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zonins: ? /> Uafu+ryr{pif Mailing Address: E-mail Address: $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re.roofi ng, painting, window additions, lan{Aqping,-feOf4l-_!nd v F)G) o v a h =, Ul Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review tr New Construction D Addition n Minor Altection (mu ltFfamily/commercia l) Minor Alteration (sin gle-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request $650 $300 $2s0 tr tr - - \ retaining walls, etc.( $20J For minor changes to buildings and site in \--.l re-roofing, painting, window additions, retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved Design Review Board. No Fee Description of the Request: Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: i f/n fF ,r ;i;-:- ;,Jhi'|_- ll \v/ 1g p, , fences and /l li W &q#oor lljl luJl lJl TOWN OF VAIL r.tFn I'r alnn t 5ET- I U-4UU I ailL9/2ss7 01 | 33 Pl{ 74'52 SCHE LRO 9?63287A34 14326853341 P,02 PAtr 64/44 cmlP 'OI]fT PROPERTV OWT|ER TVRITIEII APFEo!/AI TETTER !-t€uE ilels trtl, ben'41 Pt*r't- t, tert''t nrr',H 4 .S::Cl( F!:4 fW--,,*.8 iclnt oyrner of prcpety loct1.d at u ttltQEte Cn,rtt pror/de thie letter as wrltten approval d thc Flans fit€d ,ll)tW-' whldr hatte boen suhnlthd b thc T[$rn of vall crrnmunlv DilBlopmFnt DFpcrbrnnt for the propocEd imFo\,Ementt b be cotnpbted at the addrers noted obrc. I undersbrui hst ht propotcd lflipYowmaI|t3 lnclud€i Addluonally, plcrco drldt tlta dtrlrmanl lrlow wltlch u| mo$ rpillarhlg tc yqu! I un&rsbnd fM mlnor npdfcafotlt mty he mede tA fln Plerc olfjr dE cp|llr5F of AE trylcwl tu euue angllont rrld, t e Town9 apfllabE ofu ed tuguEtims, D I tlqu'}'tftttEll lfuf?d#,n+ nilrotoroffie, whicl, aft nillebth] NrM ortw the owt* { tla ravtw !fwx, fu brwght b nv atffia' try tln apilleaft lU a&Mnal wpmal Ndlr ut#rphg furdtu,wiew W tE fawr,' Trltldlw") loln, prryrtl wao kmr nvind lIISh0N b Fr\cd€\AFo$15\PErr*b\pl.rritn\Otd tttflE\dtb-mlnor-dlF lF?Aotdoc Pqe 2 0t l3 *++*******f|+******'t*************************+*i********++++++******{.***!****r,t *+'t ***r.******'r TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement * * * * * ** +** i***** *******+*++ + **+* +*** +* i***'t't********'f**** ******* ****************** +* ******* *Statement Number: R070001955 Amount: 920.00 09/24/2OO703:23 pM Payment Method: Check MOT'I{|:TAIN HOME PROPERTIES Init: ,Js Notation: 4310/COIJORADO Permit No: Parce1 No: Site Address: IJocation: This Payment: DRB070513 rl4)e: DRB-Minor Alt, SFR/DUP 2LOL-13L- 0202-7 4945 JI]NIPER LN VAIIr 4945 JIINIPER LANE rA'-DECK; tAr & rBr-NE Total Fees : $20.00 TOIaI AIJIJ Pmts : BalaJrce : Ftaenri nt i nn s20.00 $20.00 s0.00 ++{.1******** **************** **+** *** ****** * +*i+ +** * ********++++***+*++++****** +**t+****'}** ** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Current Pmts DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVTEW FEES 20.00 i,i CF Vrll|. IGI.I REVIEW F, crPppl6lv t L\-, a>, ,.-\.'l- J6;o I tl tl I0s}ltrffi[ asa*llsrs*tnpulaT Deeign Reristt Board ACTIOT{ FOn[l Ilepartmsnt sf Communtty Oevelopment 75 SootJl Frsntags Road. Yail, Colorado 81657 t€h 970.479,2139 tux: 970.479.2452 webl vxw.vailgov.{om Project Name: HELBING RESIDENCE Project Descriptaon: ADDMON (MASTER BEDROOM AND BATH) Participants: DRB Number: DRB0B0090 04lrol2008 04/10/2008 Phone: 970-748-1470 OWNER SCHELRO LTD PO BOX 4037 MIDLAND rx 79404 APPLICANT TAB ASSOCIATES PO BOX 7431 AVON co 81620-7431 Project Address: 4946 JUNIPER LN VAIL Location: 4946 JUNIPER LANE SIDE B Legal Description: Lot: 7 Blockr 5 Subdivision: BIGHORN 5TH ADDffiON Parcel Number: 2101-131-0202-8 Comments: Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPP Date of Approval: 04/18/2008 Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond: 202 (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0009903 The description and plans for an "addition" are too vague for a thorough Fire Department Review. Additional requirements may be mandated by VFES based upon our APB- l0-?008 09 : 0B AH SCHELR0 tt ,.ffi I qJZ0d55J4l Addltlone.ResldenUa I or Comm ffitp lvl P, 01/01 AppllcaUon for Design Review $s0 No Fee t650 $r00 i2s0 020 120 fto F€c =\D DeDartment of Ommunity o.vclopment 75 south Frontagz Ro.d, vall, ColoGdo 61657 tch 970.179.2128 fax: 970'479,2{52 web : r'{ww.vall go/'com Gcneral Iniormatlon! Alt proJrdr Equlrtng d.Eign r.vl€$, mu* recelve rpproval. prlor b $ibmlttlne ! bulldino pcrm-lt lPgllcaUo!' PlarsG rcfertD $;';ilh"ti.cur-r"m.n-tr ror trt parlirti ipiiiuti tt'it b r'equert d. - An apptlotlon fot Deslsn RevlcvY cannot bc lcceDtcd untll lll rrquircd rnm^iUon g t"ott cd lyOe Community Developmcnt Dcp.@n-t The Ploi'ct mry rlrc noed [Ei]iirwea UV Utliiot"r C.,i.Aii'd/ot he nm'{no and Envlrcnmcnnl tommisstdn' Dttls-n^1c.vg.tPprovrl lrprcc rowN oE iEL !o Df twleweo dy ute I Owtl l-ounol an /gr qrc rl.nnrng olre rr rvrrUr rrrrE'rr'.l ;;t;;-fiiidilip.^li f .i..urJ ria corrcfucmn commcncli wlthln onc ycar ol t{r. rpprovrl' Descrlptlon of the Requcst: LocetionolthcPttpocelt tot:-J-Btoct: 5 Subdivision: Phy3lcll Addrcrc: Prrccl ilo.: Zl D )d;h"- )( o"*".tt) sien.urG(t)t Mriling Addr$3! Type ol Revlcw and fGo: D Signs O Conc€ptual Revi€w d)Hfirstrudon tr Mlnor Alteradon (n uN-famlly/ommcrdal) tr Mlnor Altentlon (dn9lc-frmlly/duplcx) E Changs to Approvcd Plans tr Scp.ration Requsst E$ 11.00 per squrre foot ol total slgn arQr. For constru(ton of a ncw building or dcmo/rcbulld, For an addl0on rrhrrc squrre lootego l5 added to .ny rcCdontlrl ot c0mmardDl bullding (lndud€s 250 additlonr !' InErlot convarilons). For mlnor changcs t0 buildln9g and slt. lm9.ovcmcnls, suc|l ar' re{oollng, palnung, wlndow additions, hndscrplng, fcnces rrd retllnlng vYrlls, rtc. For mlnor dlrngcs to bulldlngr and gltc lmp|pvemcnB, such !t, c-rooflrg, prlnUng, window .ddltions, lrndscaplno, fcnces rnd Etainlng wallt etc Fot rcvldons to phni alrady rpprwed by Plannlng Stlfi or thc Deslgn Rcrdcw Bo.rd, (Oonhct Eagle Co. Asscssor at 970-328'8640 for parel no') Name(r) of owner(:): l0 c680'0l.l lNt silvtJ()ssv 8vr. rlil 8?/ 016 HVqerB 8002'01'rdV Mar-25,-OB tl Ol:OOP R.Cofsk5z P.O2 JOINT PROPERTY OWI{ER WRITTEN APPROVAL I"ETTER I, (print name)a Joint owner of pFPerty located at 111C Jqv.rpca Lu .providethlsletter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submltted to the Town of Vall Communlty Development Department for the propoied imprwements to be completed at the address noted above. I undersbnd that the proposd imprwements inclde: JJ rtr oq un,t 6 5ZZ SF olt we 3- 2t-o8 (Datc) Addldonally, plcasc check the tt temcnt bclow whlch ls mo5( aPPlicable to you: 6 I underbnd tfiat minq mdlllattons may E made to tlrc plans over the course of the revaw Poess to with the Town's appliable ds and rqulations.ensure cmtpllance fl^* (nitiol here) rcviewptrcs, h bmryht rcvlewbytle Town, 11 lb4' (Initial hcre) F t quat that all ndifratirns, minor or otherwise, whld are nade b the plans over the coure of the to my attenfun by tln aplicant for a&ltlonal appmval before undergolng furAEr jolnr Fqcay ovnr t.thr 'tvtt.d t U! 8/2066 Ft r: \cd6AFORilS\Pcamlts\Pbrning\Old tums\d.b_rddlum_8-28-2007.d0c Prgr 2 of 15 * * ** * * ***'t**++ * ** * * ***** * * * ***** ++*+* *****,t******* * ****** *++**+***********'t***+**+*+*****'i** TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement * * * * * * * ******* * + 'i ++******* ** *** * * ****+***+* ********* ******** ***++*** ** {.** **** * *'} * ***f **** +** Statement Number: R080000422 Amount: $300.00 04/LO/20OBt1 :00 AM Pa)rment Method: check Ini.!: RLF Notation: 3522 SCHELRO LTD Permi t, No: Parce1 No: Site Address : Loca!ion: This Pa)ment: DR8080090 270L -!37 - 0202 - a 4945 JI]NIPER IJN VAIIJ 4945 \TUNIPER LANE SIDE B $3 00. 00 f1@e: DRB - Addition of GRFA Total Fees: TOIA1 AIJIJ ETNIS: Balance: *+'t***+*+* * **+******** ***** +*++* **.***{.********+*******f +** ** * **** ****** ***** +**+*f **.f * ****** ACCOIINT ITEM LIST: Account Code DeEcriDtion Curren! Pmts DR 001000031L2200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 300.00 9300.00 $300.00 $0 .00 PLANNING CHECK SHEET Property Information Properfy Address 4946 Juniper Lane (Unit B) Parcel #2t0t13102028 Lcgal Description Lot 7' Block 5. Bighorn 5'n Addition Devclopment Site Area Ac | 0.648 Sq Ft | 28,227 Buildable I nla Zonins / SDD #'l wo-Family Primary/Secondary (P/S) Land Use Dcsignation Low Density Rcsidential Known Non-Conformities nla Previous Approvals nla HazardZones Sections 12-12. 12-21- 14-6 & l4-7 Snow Avalanche nla Debris Flow n/a Rockfall nla Excessive Slopes (Site Disturbance 12-2 l- I 4) n/a Floodplain nla Wetlands Y/N n/a Creeks, Streams Section l2- l4- 17 Setback nJa Proposed nla Sidewalks/ Trails nla Contact lnformation Planner/ Date BG 04/16/08 Owner Contact Info Schelro Ltd. Primary Contact/ Owner Representative Info TAB Associates 7 48-1 47 0 Proiect Information Project Description Addition Land Use Application(s) #DRB080090 Proposed Uses (As defined by Zoning) Two-Family Permined,Conditional. lPermitted Prohibited? | Date Routed/ DRT Meeting 04tr6/08 Commercial Floor Area Existing n/a Proposed nla Gross Residcntial Floor Area (Chapter 15) Total Allowed 8,220 -Existing 4,558 -Proposed 5,080 +Credits Primary nla -Existing 2,283 -Proposed 2,805 +Credits Secondarv 3,288 -Existing ) )7\-Proposed 0 +Credits Total Remaining 3,140 Primary Total Remaining nla Secondary Total Rcmaining 9s3 250 or Interior Conversion?nla Zoning District Standards Setbacks (perimeter) Proiections l4- l0-4 Iront 20 Proposed or Y,A,i Y Side 15 &15 Prooosed or YA.{Y Rear l5 Proposed or Y/N Y Minimum Lot Area/ Width Required 14,000 Proposed or Y,t{nJa Site Coverage %o Allowed s,645 (20%)Proposed 3,740 (13%) Buildins Height Allowed 33130 Prorrosed Y Landscaping Sections l4- l0-8 & l4-10-9 %o Required 16,932 (60%)Proposed 21,442 (76%) Plant size 6"2",5 eat.Proposcd Y Fenccs nla Proposed nla ,*ffi ADDITIONS . RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: This application is required for all proposals involving the addition of GRFA (gross residential floor area). This includes proposals for 250 additions and interior conversions. See Title 12, Chapter 15 - Gross Residential Floor Area for specific regulations. I, SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS** X rut pug"t of Application is complete F Checklist is completed and signed p Stamped Topographic Survey* EI Site and Grading Plan* fl Landscape Plan*p Architectural Elevations* (1 set of Redlined elevations)'O Exterior color and material samples and specifications. {I Architectural Floor Plans* (1 set of Redlined floor plans) }l( t-ighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures F Title report, including Schedules A & B to verify ownership and easements* H Photos of the existing site and adjacent structures, where applicable. $ Wrttten approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if ' appllcable B Site-specific Geological Hazard Report, if applicable* D The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications. samples and other materials (including a model) lf deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of the materlals noted with an asterisk (*), **For interior conversions with no exterior changes, the submittal requirements include a complete set of existing and proposed floor plans, a title report, and written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. ) t^ I oatesignea t14 l0%'/ I I have read and understand the above listed submittal requirements: Project Name:i.h Contractor Signatu F:\cdev\FORMS\Permis\Planning\Old forms\drb_addltlon_8-28-2007.doc Page 3 of 15 Buildino Materials PROPOSED MATERIALS Type of Material Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: vna'+J-t zitSt, w^l*1elti1t It Wrod h walrheunl,It lr tl I'r Y^^-lr)n e{15Y. Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip, F:\cdev\FoRMs\Permib\Planning\Old forms\drb_addibon_8-28-2007.d0c Page 7 of 15 Botanical Name PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Common Name lo\ltoo &:.,oen Ouantiw I PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS 1"u.1 . muld -;1. th fnlhar.r,lrr^ W-d Tu,t3? !", | 1 , v;"rciAittoyhg__ eil EXI*NGTREES Vo?nlu^ Ivp, lodlg----Aapen ro BE REMovE' ?1, r.q ?,rn1lnl fl I I Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6' in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvoe Square Footaqe Prqa"\ +a,L 2o =?N/A fqftry..lan Avoq4 u' h ve64clwk__bw*,kzl.a4ttt Vo,/d; .f 7ri( Q ?lan*in^Uefu@4 eztilqbs - Xtfrr 4 o5F 7' ffoh*lib Nr,,cLiliMg Lo'o'a.r-. Minimum Requirements for Landscaping: GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL specify other la features (i.e. retaln ng pools, etc,) F:\cdev\FoRMS\Permlts\Plannlng\Old forms\drb_addltion_8-28-2007.d0c Page I of 15 ',.ffi UTILITY APPROVAL & VERIFICATION This form serves to verify that the proposed improvements will not impact any existing or propoaed dility services, and also to veriry seMce availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utitity plan and sdteduling installations. A site plan, including grading plan, floor plan, and elevations, shall be submitted to the following utilities for approval and verification. PLEASE ALLOW UP TO 2 WEEI6 FOR APPROVAL OR COtrlIrlElfTS FROII THE UTILITY COIIIPANIES. If you are unable to obtain comments within that timeframe please contact The Town of Vail. Developr to Provide Lot Addtcss fnformation: 946 Junioer Lane B Subdivision:Biohorn Fifth Addition Lot Mdress: QWEST 970.468.6860(tel) 970.468.0672(fax) Contacts: Sam ToolEy samuel.tooley@owest. com XCEL HIGH PRCSSURE GAS 970.262.,1076 (teD 970.468.1401 (fax) Contact: Rich Sisneros richard.sisneros@xcelenergv.com HOLY CROSS ENERGY 970.947.s7L (tel) 970.9a5.a081 (fax) Contact: Diana Golis dgolis@holvcross.com XCEL Energv 970.262.,t038 (fax) 97Q.262.4024 (rel) C.ontacts: Krt Bogert Authorized Sionature lot#: Comments Dato -eF- tai-.}1 r DSE-D \-z{-e_rq 3'2-5 -c>& Kathryn. Bogert@XCELENERGY.com EAGLE RIVER WATER & SAilTTATIOI{ DISTRICT 970.476.7480 (tel) 970.475.,{089 (f;ax) Contact: Fred Haslee ftraslee@erwsd.oro colrtoAsT cABl"E 970.418.82,18 (teD 970.949.9138 (hx) C.ontact: David Evans david evans@cable.can0cast.com NOTEST 1. If the utillty approval & verification form has signatures ftom each of the utility companis, and no comments are made direcdy on the form, or no actjon is taken witfiin 2 weeks of the Utjlit')/s receipt of the form without oelanation the Town will presume that there are no problems and the devdopmant can proceed. 2, If a utility company has concems with the proposed consFuction, the utility representative shall note direcdy on the utility verification form that there is a problem whicfi needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attadred letter to the Town of Vail. Howsr'er, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve idenfified problems. 3. These verifications do not relieve the contsactor of the responsibility to obtain a fublic Way Permit from the Departnent of R.tblic Works at the Town of Vail. lltilitv locaUons must be obtalned before diooino in any public right{f-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A buildino pennlt b not a Public Wav pcrmit and must be ohlned separablv. 4. The Developer is required and agrees to zubmit any rE ised drawings to the utilaties for reappro\ral & re-verification if the submitted plans are altered in any way after the authorized signah.rre date (unless otherwise specifically noted within the comment i__> _._ _n 0 fs=a <=$6\tu\ area of this form). Signature It 4l1 lo6 Date ' I CR o,S S ;;o$t 3799 HIGHWAY 82 . PO. BOX 2150 GLENWOOD SPRINGS, COLORADO 81602 (970) 945-5491 . FAX (970) e4s-4081 March 25. 2008 Mr. Greg Macik PO Box 7431 Avon, CO 81620-7431 Dear Mr. Macik: This letter is in response to the request for construction at 4946 Juniper Lane B, Helbing residence in Vail. Colorado. As indicated on our system map, our overhead power line runs parallel to the property line between lots 6 and 7 and continues along the rear lot line of lot 7. Any construction beside our overhead power line must adhere to the NEsc codes and Regulations for horizontal distances from existing overhead utilities. lf you have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely, HOLY CROSS ENERGY Br--"sE[ Bob Saathoff, Engineering Department bsaathoff@h olvcross. com (970) 947-s401 BS:vw Enclosure SiathoffMacik A Torrchstone Energy' Cooperative XJI') |\4a r. 25. 2008 5: 34Al\4 ou{m[I' No, 1324 P, I UTILITY APPROVAT & VERIFICATION This form serves to veriff that the proposed improvemenb wlll not impact any exhtlng or proposed utllity seMces, and also to verlfy servlce avallablllty and locaUon for new conshrcUon and should be used in corfunction with prepattng )our utility plan and schedullng installations. A site plan, including grading plan, floor plan, and elevatlons, shall be submltted to the fiollowing utilities for appmvsl and verlRcatlon, PTEASE ALLOW UP trO 2 WEIKS FOF. APPROVAT OR COMMEN1S FROM THE UTIUTY COMPANIES. If you are unable to obtaln comments within that Umeframe please contact The Town oFVall, ocwloper to Providc rot Addrass fnfotunatlo,rt AuthorLc-d SlonFturc Commcnts Dals QWEST 970.468,6860(ED 970,468.0672(fax) Contacts: Sam Tooley samuel. toolev@qwest,com XCEI HIGH PN,ESSURE GAS 970.262.4076 (tel) 970,468.1401 (fax) Contach Rldr Sisneros rlchard.slsnerosOxcelenergy.com IIOLY CROSS ENERGY 970.947,s471 (teD 970.945,4081 (fax) . Contact: olana Golls doolis@holvcross.coU XCEL Energy 970.262.4038 (far) 970.262.4024 (tel) Conbctsi Klt Bogeft 3-45 0V EAGLE RIVERWATER & SANITATION DISTRICT 97O.4t6.7480 (t€t) 970.476.4089 (fax) Contacti Fred Haslee fhadeederwsd.org COMCAS'CABLE 970.418.8248 (tel) 970,949.9r38 (fax) Conbct: David Evans NOTES: 1. lf the uulily approval & verification forh hadsignatures from each of the utlllty comiranles, and no commenb ar€ madc dircctly on the brm, or no actlon ls taken wlthln 2 weelc of the Utllity's receipt of the fom without explanation the Town wlll presume ftat $ere arc no problems and the dareloprnent can proceed. 2. If a uHllty company has concerns wih the proposed construction, $e utility rcpresentatlvc shall noE dirccdy on the utlllfy verification form that $erc ls a pfoblem whlch needs to be resolved. The lssue should then be detailed in an attached lettel to the Town of vall. However, please ke€p in mind that it is the responsibitity of the utifity company and the appllcant to resolve identified problems. 3. These verificatlons do not relieve $e contractor of the rcsponsibillty to obtain a Publlc Way Permlt from the Department of Prrbllc Work at the Town of Vall, Utlllty locatlom must be obtrined beio?e dlggllg in any public right-of-way ot easement within the Town of Vall, 4. The De/eloper ls requfted and agrees to submit any revlsed drawings to the utilities for re-approvll & re-verlficatlon lf the submitted plans are altered in any way after the authorlzed slgnature date (unless otherulse speclfically nobd within the comment .o,ooo*r, @ rroo,r,.,on, lEffilt*o,Effil Slgnature tl *l1lr( Dat€ 'l I 9704768357 Eaole Rlver Water & Sa 09:50:01 03-24-2008 UTILITY APPROVAL & VERIFICATION This form serues to veriry that the proposed improvemenb will not impact any existing or proposed utility services, and also to verify service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. A site plan, including grading plan, floor plan, and elevations, shall be submitted to the following utilities for approval and verification. PLEASE ALLOW UP TO 2 WEEKS FOR APPROVAL On COMMENTS FROM THE UTILITY COMPANIES. If you are unable to obtain comments within that timeframe please contact The Town of vail. Irewlop& lo Ptovlde Lot AddreJ Informatlon: Biohorn Addition 3 -a1-c 8 4lq hr D"t" - ,*m Lot Addrrss: 14146,,ly=liq9l !3ne Subdivision: Authorized Sionature Comment3 Dats QWEST 970.468.6850(tel) 970.468.0672(fax) Contacts: Sam Toolsy samuel. toolev(oowest.com XCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.252.4076 (tel) 970.468,1a01 (fax) Contact: Rich Sisneros richard.sisneros@xcelenerov.com HOLY CROSS ETERGY 970.947.5471 (teD 970.94s.4081 (fax) Contact: Diana Golis dgolis(oholvcross.com XCEL Encrgy 970,252.4038 (fax) 970.262.4024 (tel) Contacts: Kit Bogert Kathrvn. Booert@XCELENERGY. com EAGLE R,IVER WATER A SANTTATION DISTRTCT 970.476.7480 (tel) 970.476..1089 (fax) Contact: fud Haslee t fhasleeOerwsd.oro COIICAST GABLE 970.418.8248 (tel) 970,949,9138 (fax) Contact: David Evans david evans(ocable.comcast.com OTES: 1. If the utility approval & verification form has si€natur€s fmm each of the uulity companies, and no comments are made direcdy on the form, or no action is taken within 2 weeks of the Utility's receapt of the form without explanation the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed. 2. If a utility company has concems with the proposed construction, the utility represenbtive shall note directly on the utility verlflcation form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached le&er to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identifled problems. 3. These verificatiors do not relieve the @ntractor of the responsibili$ to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Deparbnent of Publlc Works at the Town of Vail, t tiliw locations must b€ obtaincd before diooino in any publh rightof-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A bulldlno oermit is not a Public Wev ocrmit and must be obtained seoaratelv. 4, The Developer is required and agrees to submit any revised drawlngs to the utilites for reapproval & re-verification if the submited plans are altered in any way after the authorized signature date (unless otherwlse speciflcally noted wlthln the comment Lot#: t--- area of this form). Thb Wqtq Flcdav\FORMS\Pemits\Pla nning\ORB\U iilily Approval_0E-28.07.doc 0l/2!/2008 t{oN 1{t 43 FAx 970925{106 Cot{CASr CABT.E @001/00r ,*m UTILITY APPR,OVAL & VERIFICATIOI{ This form servs; to verify that tho proposed improvements will not impact any existing or proposed utility scNices, and Elso to veriry seMce avallablllty and locauon for new consfuction and should be used in conjur.ction wlth preparing your utillty plan and scheduling insralladons. A site plan, including grading plan, floor plan, and elevations, shall be submlfted !o d1e following utilitics for approval an(l verlficauon, PLEASE ALIOW UP TO 2 WEEr.s FOR APPROVAL OR COIIMENTS FROI| THE UTILITY COMPANIES. If you are unable to obtain comments wi$in that timeframe please contad The Town of Vail, Develope, to P?ouide Lot Addrcsq fnfonnation: Lot Addr€sr;4946 Junioer Lane B Subdlvlslon! Authorizcd Sionaturo Corrments gclc QWEST 970.'t68.6850(teD 970.468.0672(frx) Contacts: Sanr Tooley samuel,toolev6'owest-com XCEI HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.262.a076 (tel) 970.468,1,O1 (fax) Conbct: Rictt 5lsnero6 richa rd.sitn eros@xcelenef cv. com HOLY CROSS ENER.GY 970,947.5471 (tel) 970.9,15.4081 (fax) Conbct: Diana Golis dsolis@boiycrass com XCEL Energy 970.262.4038 (fax) 970.262.4024 (tel) Conbcts: Kit 8ogert Kathndo.Eoged@XCELENFRGLcom EAGLE RIVER WATER & SAI{ITATION DISTRICT 970.475.74f,0 (tgl) 970.476.4f,89 (fax) @nbct Fred Haslee fhaslea@Fu{qd..glg COI.ICASTCAELE 970,418.Ez,+E (tel) 970.949.9138 (fax) Contact: Davld Evans david evans@cable.comcast.com NOTES: 1. If the uUlity approval & verifica$on form has signatires from each of the utility clmpanies, and no sJmmenB are made direcUy on the form, or no acton is hken within 2 week of the Uulit}/s receipt of the form without exglanation the Town will presume tfiat there are no problems and the development @n groceed, 2. If a uulity company has concerns wl$ the prcposed construcdon, dle utlllry represenbtive shall note dlrecuy on $e utlity verification form tiat ttrere ls a problem whlch nee& to bc resolvcd, Thc issue should then bc detalled ln an aftEched letter to the Town of vail, Howerer, please keep in rnind $at it is he responsibility of the utility company and the applicant b r8olve idenb-fied problcms, 3. These veriflcations do not relievE the conuador of the responsibility to obtaln a tublic Way Permit From the Department of Public Works at the Town of vail. UUIIW locations must be obtained b.fore dloqino in any public righfoFway or easement within the Town of Vail. A buildino pcrmit is not a Public Way permit and must be obtained seoaratoly, 4. The Developer is rcquircd and agrees to submit any revised drawings to tre utiliUes for reapproyal & re-verifiGtion if the submifred plans are alterad In any way after the auhorized signature date (unless otherwise specifically noted within the comment ?/aq/o t rot*,[$L-9]$ Dcvel6pert Signature *+tqt,r TAB Associates, Inc. The Architectural Balance P.O. Box 7431 Avon. CO 81520-7431 (9701 748-1470 (970) 745-1471 tax www.tabassooiates.com tab@vail. net April 9, 2008 Bill Gibson Town of Vail Planning and Zoning 111 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 Dear Bill: TAB Associates, Inc. is submitting the attached Application for Design Review and required documentation for a Master Bedroom Suite Addition to 4946 Juniper Lane B, with the exception of the Utility Approval & Verification sign-off from Qwest Communications. Sam Tooley, Qwest has had the project information required by the Town of Vail since March 24, 2008 and has not responded to date. TAB Associates, Inc. has attempted to contact Mr. Tooley to check the status of the review and answer any questions or concerns he may have. Mr. Tooley's voice message states he will be unavailable until April 14, 2008.We will continue to work with Qwest to obtain sign-off upon Mr. Tooley's return. We graciously ask the Town of Vail accept the application in the interim. Sincerely, TAB Associates. lnc. ' I Tom Bashford, Architect encl: Design Review Submittal c: Steve Helbing, Sr., Shelro, Ltd., A Texas Limited Partnership Survey/Site Plan Review Checklist Deoartment of CommuniW Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vall, Colorado 81557 tel:, 970.479.2128 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov'com *This checkllst must be submitted prlor to Public Works review of a proposed development. Owners/Project Name: Applicant: Submittal fi Stamped survey of property 1y' civil/site plans Survev Requirements: d Suweyor'swet stamp and signature / Date of survey g/ Irlorttr arrow { Propr scale (1"=10' or L"=20') d tegaldescription p/ Basis of bearings / Benchmark ry', Spot Elevations / d Labeled right of way and property lines; o including bearings, distances and curye o information, Lot Size Build able Area (excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 400/o, and floodplain) Phone Number: a v { d q Ab)t4g-t4to a lo1 y'- Landscape plan rd Title Report (Section B) Site Plan Requirements:L Access (check all)o Driveway type and finished surface are shown on the site plan. FX fA*i nq X Unheated o Heated (pottion in ROW in a separate zone) o Snow storage areas are shown on the site plan within property boundaries (30% of driveway area if unheated; 10o/o of driveway area if neated) N/f o All drlveway grades, dimensions, radii are clearly noted on the site plan and conform to Development Standards, p, 11. Steepest Section Driveway Grade (not the average grade)l N/A o Parklng spaces and turning radii are noted on site plan and conform to Developnient Standards, pp.12&1a N/fr U. Constructlon Site (check all)o Location of all utllities and meter pits are shown on the site plan, EIE+ inq { Limits of disturbance construction fencing is shown on the site plan. ) U I am aware that approved Staging and Construction Trafflc Control Plans, as per the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, will be necessary prior to construction. f, I am aware that a Revocable Right of Way Permit will be required prior to construction. o Environmental Hazards (ie. Rock fall, debris F,/A flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, sojls) Watercourse setbacks (if applicable) N /A Trees Labeled easements (i.e. drainage, utility, pedestrian, etc...) Topography Utility locations g /5 Adjacent roadways'ldbeled and edge of asphalt for both sldes of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250'in either direction from properg. N/* F:\cdev\FORMS\Permits\Planning\0ld forms\drb_addltion_8-28-2007.d0c Page 12 of 15 III. Drainage (check all that apply) o The required Valley Pan is shown on the site plan as per Development Standards, p. o (Note: Valley pan must not be heated) 12. EYtSrlNl6 N/r' DRJV€ o 4 Foot Concrete Pan o I Foot Concrete Pan x Positive and adequate drainage is maintained at all times within the proposed site. b- culverts have been provided lnd are labeled and dimensioned on the site plan. t'.lrlA o A Hydraulic report has been provided. (As requested by Town Enginee{ N/A lv. Erosion Control (Check all that apply) o Disturbance area is greater than one half acre. o A separate Erosion Control Plan has been professionally engineered and PE stamped, F Less than one half acre has been disturbed, and proper erosion control devices are shown on the site Pran. V. Floodplain (check all that apply) o The project lies within or adjacent to a 100 year Floodplain' o 100 year Floodplain is shown on the site plan. o A Floodplain study has been provided. (Required if floodplain is within construction limits or as requested by Town Engineer) I The project does not lie within or adjacent to a 100 year Floodplain VL Geological/Environmental Hazards (check all that apply) o The project lies within a Geologi{Environmental Hazard area. (See Development Standards, p. 20) o A Hazard Report has been provided F n" project does not lie withln a Geologic/Environmental Hazard area. VII. Grading (check all that apply) d Existing and proposed grades/contours are provided on the site plan' ! All disturbed areas have been returned to a 2:1 grade.q All disturbed areas not returned to 2:1 grade have been Professionally Engineered with slope protection and/or stable soils. PE stamped details are provided within plans. o Only existing contours are shown on the site plan, there is no proposed grading, VIII. Parking (check all)y( All residential and commercial parking spaces conform to the Development Standards, pp. 12&15. IX. Retaining Walls (check all that apply) o All retaining walls conform to the standards in the Development Standards, p. 19,o All retaining walls and combination walls over 4 feet have been Professionally Engineered and a PE stamped detail has been provided within the plans. o All retaining walls are shown on the site plan, with labeled top and bottom of wall elevations and type of wall construction. V ffo retaining walls are required for this p@ect. X, SightDistance(checkallthatapply) N/f. -Exl6Ttl..l(z PRlrJedAYTa i2et't*tr.t o Proper sight distance has been attained and shown on site plan as per Development Standards, p.12. o Proper sight distance has not been attained. Explanation why: Additional Comments Please provide any additional comments that peftain to Public Works Review' Applicants Signature F : \cdev\FORMS\Permlts\Plannlng\Old forms\drb_addiUon_8-28-2007,doc Page 13 of 15 JAN-03-2008 03r15 Ptl SCHELRO 14326853341 P,02 land Titlo Guarantee GomPanY Drte: JenurrY 02,2007 SAINT DAVID HOLDINGS. LLC. P.o, Box 403? MIDLAND, TX 79404 A COLORADO L]MITED LIABILITY COMPANY Blslo*ert plcue find 0rc titlo inrrurerrr pollcy for yowfrtpeny locued rt Thc followlng crrdorrementt arc hctudcd in thic policy: Dclottrn of BxccPtions l'3 Dclction of Gancrrl ErccPtiort 4 plsmc revi:w rhir policy in i6 cnrirrty. ln rhc cvent thrt you finrt nny dircrcpmcy, or ifyou hrvc eny gucntions rcgmding your find titlo policy, you mry conlact TitlG Dcol lnent ' Phone: 070-476.2251 Frx: Plcgc rcfer to our Otdcr No.v50016t57 Should you docide to sell thc property rtoseribed in tlir ptrlicy. or if you arc rcquircd to pgrohrsc r trcw iilfu r,u[uuitrmul for rDorr$8c purlr,r**, yn t -"y br rntitbd to r crcrlit towrrd fu3urc titlc inrurrncc premiumt' Lrnd Tittc Ouorrntce Comprny witl rculn r'copy of thir policy io wo will bc rble to providc futurc products rrtd rcrviccs to you quickly rud cffioiontly. Thrnk you for giving u.r thr olportunlty tl 3crvc you. Sinccroly, Lrnd Tltlc Gurntrtec cornpn$Y JAN-03-2008 03: i5 Pfl Ir d tNq{h ttr oflh. oll tlt{D ItTLt SurRll{ltt c(lilPlill SCHELRO Amc rian ltnd*Titk As s o ciat ion (t0-17'e2) 14326853341 cl cA00 TlTt: rt{8unrilct cot PAlll CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY sUBJgcI 10 fit trctustot{s lRotr covERlct, Tilt !xcrpTtol{8 FR()il CoVEI^GE{oilrnlx[D lll scHt0utE B lllD.rHt.c0il0lll0Ns Alt0 srlPutATlo]ts' cHlcAc0 Illtt lllwllAl{oE GoMPAlrlll r llirwui rrponli'!\ t$ch oohd. r cu1"tn',i1111t rt iiiiii oilonsr lrown in s"tttdt|| a' qrkul lDn oi fimer' nol rr rdnc rrili'*r.iri'iii,,"t ,r.r,c i s.tt.ort l, tnrlt|d or hcund hv thr l und bY n'm ol: i. Til;;il ;;i;i; ;;iiinrr oo'l"i tr scrrthh A lrirr r'ttrd orbr ft rr nrt'd trtnin: 2. Inv rlftct ln ol lhn u.n,u,ttrltt ol lh litbi 3. Un|t|ttrl.blllv !l lhr thl; i'jlHlJ$l,:nTl.lllll''f'lll]iilirrtmdrunrrincrrrndlld|hnI'0|lM|h|.,r|hltu|(,bu|ow|oth.|r|o|l|p'!\,idhlh0 rilwrTxrss',*it!0F, rtr *,lcHtcloo riiiriilir;rilrtifi,niiini r'rr nur,rrr* iiilrivii-lo iemrt rnl rdo mot or[ uituli':v rlmwnh $chrtl$lr ^' rtr po{cy tD brcul v dwh,nro ltiilr d h! .n rfih0|hld ti|nrtorY' EICl.UglOt'18 tR0M covERA0t l|||ul|u||U['t|.lt|n.Iyrrr[||dubrlk0mlh.3onn$e|tt't'6l|iYindlhc0tFmY|Ymm||lrYh3otd.mc|'ro1r,r|toY|.|r.|otr1prllwNlh r?ir bf ra$on ol: l'|r|Anl|nw,otfnn3|!licv|nfint.|rr||d.tbo||nchd|neh{tnol|id|.dtof||tfn!|ndlonine|rrr,dhlncll,o d nlrtin' tn l ttE D!!rl6ttcy, ur, orinioynrrx ul lhr irnl; lil lh chd.crtt, Antlta.* "i,nftioi iny i'r^"t-nr *" d |ilirlt'r 't'crld dl lh Lld;{iil r rprnrbn h owmrJl' n . o1rp in it* Lndonr 0r rnr ot rhr bd " ,,y'iiii.1it *t*t' tt" hna ii.or *rr r Drnl u livl rnviutmlnlrl Fotrclion' nt thc rloo o{ any violrtion ol rnr rrwll*,i i, iiiivrrnmnrt ngrtrriun', rr"'r,i rr ir. iii ,rt ihet ! norio 0l th rnfnclmnt t}rrrnl n r ttolic' 0l I filrcl' l'n nr rrurrrtrrncr ndrtrg frcm r tiojfon oiJe.Oiiof.iUn iri..iite rtt hndhrah,rrc thdhlMP hlr [cordt xl D-rtr ulfloficr' |!|^nvl0vrrmn{d||',I'rpiwr1IDt.IcbthdiY|o|!b'Y!,-|lg.p|t3th.|n|ll||h:|;;|iclo|t|rlrrlcirtbno|urrltFul|&|.G|'lhnd '-' iriri*f.rm n.tt i Uotrrion rtf.itLl rll lrndh'hrn ncarhi in lhr.F$lc rro?dl rlortr ul PuhV. 2.ni0h|rh|.|tiIN(brminrnhrrnoticro|thinrirrtlrnn|h.rhrrnncurrrninr-t.,wr,i.li*,-il'o"iotlov -' o,i-.d t,io, ro 6.rt ol PoftV rhlsh worl{ 1" bhdhe 0n ti. fthtt 0l r pwclrrrr lrr vrhr nht$ut lmwhdec' 3. D|l.Hr bn|, mcullr$c|l rtvrtl chhl or olh.r riltr|f hl rtr4 rdl.nd, Ittund cr.gnrd lo bv th hrrrrd clrimnl; lhl tni tnfln t! ttr gofipIlr, *t a-ifi,f''in iL po*-ncorcr .r o.r. nr rorcy,tu lnor t0 lh l rrd cl*ur md not firclDtd b wrilhl0 t0 lht g$tT||t l'v th inrni drtnl prin t; th drl. th ftltrd cldmnt h.cdn iil itlttrd crdrr thb poliq; lcl ndtlrt h no hu or fulnl. ro lh hrnd clilmn; ldl rttftNne or rniad trr$rnt to 0.lr 0l P0IoY; 0r hl r.dtm n hr d 15mga wt*n tur1.luui hn'hnn ruurinrdl( tts hrrndddht htd p.ld vlhr for.itttrtrlr nrIntr-r11 iltur'd h,' tlfi pollcv' {, an, llrinl wlrlr}i ltrr srt of ttr rr{;;r;;;;ile ;i; il;,r,rl rho ollo or lirrrnJ hrurd { rhb pnlny, try rrr$n ,l lh oP'rrlion 0l hthrrl brrltrtlttcv' rlrtr ltrolvrncv, or irt{al rodhotr' rhhtt hwt, llnt ir ltnd ofu iii]r'i,i"*rii i .r..iil tt, rtr.r, ir inr.rii hrrurcrl hv rhir polhv boh0 rhmd r lttdrrbnl cortvryrncr or iraudtthnl lrmtl.t: 0I |f||i6trcmc|ionene|ln|li.ltl|ll''h!t|,.dtrtlrdhytlir1nleyhl;661najp6[1rnrir|rrrnt|rirrrp|whrn||r|!||'|ltn||i|tlnu||lt.'|,tt|r||m|| hilm: ltlto ltrlv rotd th i|nrutrnl ol llinrfrr) or lb|0lnmhnc0rd||iont0i|tTi|lnotic|10'p0rohrrr|glvtltnuritld!m0|0|t|rnln.l|10'. .Dffi<,/ln . n, r) JAN-03-2008 03:22 Pt{ SCHELR0 c0l{0lTl0ts Ait0 sllPull ll0ll8 1. 0rli*ion ol ltnr. Tlr lilhryht tr rhn urd il thb poficf mrni ld 'l|!rd': rh brr.d rlf|ld h Sc|l|dr|| l, mtt ||/bbcl lo mf tllilr 0r dhn.l th C ?any wodd hv. iri .e iih.l lh. nttrd iEr.d, thor who Nccar( r^ rhi hi.nr nl rM nrmd Lml|d bV oplrlti$ ef l|t.r r. 'lidlr ldr.d hr'|t| plrrlhr h'irl'{. hr nnl lrrl.d to, h.ht. dldrhulttt. dtvlnrr. rrwlvnr+ F?to||rlflFrrnrdhnl |r nf lirl r|| cononh ot ll{fucird tlD{rton' lbl "fuund ohitrr ': rn hrurd rlrlrh; brr c drmg', lrl 'lmyrhdgr' cr 'lncvn': rcllril lNrlfLdln, rnl rDnttnlollva InowLdF 0l nolial rfllch InV bt hprhd tr $ Inund !Y |tolor ol th' prlrlt ntmdr I ofir*d h thb policY or rny otbr ntulh rlfth ht)in .no.lnKlhr nollc. 0l hdtllt (llrrli$ lh! hld, 14 'lrnf: th hnd drrcti.tl,{ nfntnd In in slhdr|I l\, rad lnPtcvrmntr dliurl lhltrorlilrh h hw coruhrna lool progorly, Ito tom'h f drl not hchdf mY FnPrlY hygn0 tlll ltlf col lm mr &ndlnll xt rltlrd lu il SclFtl(b A, nor !ry tloht, till, blrrtl,ritlt otrrrmt h rhili]l llnrtr, rordt,lvatxlll, dhYl ltrl, ayl0t ntt.^rrvr bul nolllinl hnh dlrl mdlfy of lfiit th. rrlrnl lo lvlich | ?ilhl ol rlDltl t0.0( hom tb l$d it hnurd hv tlth lolicv, lrl .||prurlr'r rtDrllrit, d0ltt ol t.r||l. liirl A.d,0r 0lhr oarrltY l0llnftr|nt' ili 'urtrlii rjuv rrL'; ti*rtdr Irtcbliircrl rrrrlrr rtrl' ntrr 'r 'l Drtr cl PellcY l0t r|I utmqr d imltlnl cmil(rth^ nnl;1I! nl fintl.n ||hlinl l0 laal Prol||rtv In Iruthrgrrt iu rrhr rrrd nirlwlt trronbtlc.. Wlh rrqurl t0 6!!tlDn 1{ollvl ol lll. Irchthnt ftorn 00v|r!0r, 'nrbh noor&' d$ tllll hdudr rr'rlomtrltrt Plrl$jrir"r lhnr llrd i0 th rooodr ol tiu cltl ol tlr Ut lltl slrltr (li$ri,:l r:lrn Inr lb didrkt htwl$thtl|o hod ta l!!||ad. lll'uNn .trb6ry t|l rh. lhL': rn rlbg.d ot rrgmlr mlllt rll..lh0 tb thh |! th lrnd. mt u!,ludrd ol clsaltl{ lron oownm, whiDh tesld anlhh i Prr} rtnllh r r n htrnrt '.dbdh sDhfih lt to br nl|rrd flcnth oblgrthnln FEhrn by vn|na 0l . conlnclu.l co tili.n l|qilnl tb drfvrry of nrtltttth titl' 2. Cfirtinutli0n ol h|t||rc. Aliir Conttlrncr ol InL. @foto tr ol Drr al ltnltcYlrlwu cl rn hmd r,riJ "' lui rr, t|r lut;rd ntrhr rl a 0lo or htotlal h tF lmd, 0? holtlt sl tn&bloim fcllno lfi purtrw ttury t'rutyrgr;inn hy r puthnr lrcm lb Inamd, u urq n brg || tlr imnd rhjlhrn lcbillv hr nn,'|rn af Govlnutl cl tr[nttll rrx'l by ttr ut"r.i; uy r|.ntlt 0| rolf,ViN;r ul llr rllrtt 0( illtintt. Ilft-pollcy d|ol nct ccnlnr n lorf, ir lac^l0l .||v Duchlrl hullllr lt$lrd 0f rhhat lil rll lttnli of l lrrl h tli hrd, d ltt-l m inrhhtriaerr r'ctrod bt ! puchto tYfi.Y rlllla{|| eNin h lb hrr.d. L&!&-el-g!!Er.|l!!$-Ut Es!!lgldT't{'r.ffirtrhine tilin co6 o( rnY ft[rtim ti nl ,u lrlrtuuliru alrlhhr,lilin r.r lnowlott!! *ol loltl lo rn h!,'|l hlDuldrl 0l mY lhim 0l lhl o iirr.fl rNch i id6tr. l^ tM lilb l! lh 0||!1. ol ir rtld' rt irt|rrrt, rrl nl*h niihl !.oE lo$ d dflm$ llt r{lthh lhf CD|rl|I|Y r|rY |t. lrltl| hy.uktrr 'tl of thb polisr, of llllllt iitl lt lb .tata of inl.trn' |t tuun4 ir |rict.d r uul1rtlrldfi' tl rronirt mit. *rl '|,'| || Jr|n lo lt| C!|t|}.nY. th0 || l0 lh intu.d .ll hDTtY o( . tl; Coip$f d'd t,flr{l|lf whh tr!..,t t" ltt mllrr or mll.?l lol wfiEh t]lrgt mllt il n$1r.4 |[oviftd, iowrvrt, thlt lilht. ro nollly l|l. C0trt]nv $ ln ll0 crr Pnlr$c' ll[ ri;ilr of *y huuri r At lllr lolcv tnJ.tr tlx Coln] w id b. rt ludic.d lrv tb lo&f, .nd l|rn only t0 ll| .rhnl ol lli pT.lrrlic|. {. Drllma fi Pr!!!utb 0f Atrimt' Outv ollnf||-ld Chim rhno^u"lr: lrl ljnon wdttrn trqrrl h lh imfad and rilli.ll l0 tllr 0l]llorlr colllalllrn n vlcllon D 0l thr o;fi oir md Slhd ionr, th. CDrtrrrry, rl hl Drn aort rr l rhho$ utl|rlon'bh &la, irol rori& lu tlu th ddrru el u irrutrd n llreili.'' h*Nti Iny lild plny urritr r chimrdvct|r to tb thh ot lohnl u im|td,lrul onh ir ln ltnr rtll'tl clurt of rcthn rllln1 e dclort, lhn nr ottntttirmcl cr clhtt m lr? hrrtr'l '!dn'rl hy thil policy' Th Cuupnri r{rd hrn lh rhh In rLGl n nrl ol ltr oholoo hbfct lo th ilhl cl lh inrrd to obict lot nronrhlr crurlto lrpnr tbi '|dfitothor ltrlad cr-utlt 0l ntlofl xrtllnl tirl b n*rl for |||.lwl nol prl ll| l0al ol lrt othl comrl' I|i| C DIrTrry wl nol pry rry hr1 cndr I rrpnr.rixurd by llr h:rmd itth Ollnr of liDr Gtuct ul $lhrt| rli *lr ndlirr rot intr'ld lClhat bY lhhDelw' lhlTl| Cornmy $d hlva th tlghl, rt l. drr inrl, t0 hlitrtr |Ild F0||0$. a||v aarbn er Frr|'6rt u lu ilr $[ nlhr xJ ,hkh h hlopffoi |I|f b llor$dY ol &in!b h rrlrbHr tb lilb l.lb .!lil 6| lnltltl, rl hnrt ' ut lu u|v|ol 0t fa(ula lttl 0t d.ltr|| l0 l|r lnr',|, l|| Cmpnry nry rrh rny npprr4fut! lotloll tl|lfir tlx to|ttt 0t rlL p'llnf, whrthrr cr nct h rhri br IrDL lsnnnAt, |. irl nol llrnbv roor.dr t$my ,' rj' dlY ltr0viion of lHt 0olcy' lf th Cemrny tltllt rrornir hr d6htr udr tNr prn1t4rh, it Jrrl do ro dllhlttlh, Fllnarvll tlr Gonpnl ttl|| lllrr huught I mthnffhl'rpond ! ftl'n' 'r noriDd 0| galrtitlrd by lh Dtoviion! o{ lhi. Polrt' l|| Cdrprry mY Plrrr irlv Itiirtlol tolhd drrrnrlntllor bY a cml|l ol DDtrtrlrrl iriltlislion |nd trpttlJY - nirvrr th rilht. in itr reh dh&rthn6 to rgprlf.om rtry tdnrr irdemrt 0l otlTr' ldl In rl crnr rhrl| lHr ]o(cv 0anrilr or r$ltt lh C otoaov lo prDnlllh 0t D|ovir|. l0r rh d,lrnt ol |nY rEli0ll ol ltfocldhg. ttr hlmd rlull ncutr to tlr bonprny th ielrt to lr yDttcuh 0r D?ovifi thhntr h lb rclior of nroH'thg' ud il runrL itrnirund umil th !o prq l0 utr, al ht otthri ih nrtr.ol thr h trd lol thir nrrrpor. V{hnrvu nQ||nrd h tb Conprnf, lM hrtt( rl llr ColTt|inv'r rrp'nl' drdllli rh Ccrnrny r! nrrorr$b rid (i]h rnl xthn 0t Fic{'dnC, rrcnnl .ritlncr, oltainlnl wlt'rtnr, ptoscuthg ot d.hndltq ltr rtlion ot.proclon;' u tllrrlhl rllhrl|ht, rryl tllln.tlf otha] hwlrl rd wlirh l0llE olhFn 0l l|| 00ln0ihY -i'i L,.rt w oi,t,thihl. to rrl$ th llu thh lo lh rdrl' or lDl'nrl u inrund' It tir Cornmv iiprrlrlthrd ry ltr rrtn ol tln h$[l{ t! lwn r tb n$it'd r*[nrioir, rb Co'np"tY'l oblllalionr lo lh i$tu.d utbt ll| t0licy $!l t' lfiLlt' incl;diq .ty trbflitY or lblierllut to drhnd, Dtoocutr, or.0nlihl| rnv lilie'lion, with ngrrd io tlr rr,|.tt.| or tnrllrtr r.{lirfir! tuch loolLtalio|r ilred-lltex-P!.QjPlg - tn "trtiriol tn rnf rtr|t lhr mtlur lrq$rJ ul rl 3'ltion 3 ol lhrr CoNlitiD[' rn,{ Siilrdrtinnr hrvr hon umvidrd thr ConrrrnY, r prool ol lolt ol tlnmgr lignrd rnd r*orn to hv thr irsrld ctrinnt rhrll lt| ltrnrdrd l0 lhr 0orplnY wrlllltl 00 tltYr rlll I lhr hlrnd chinrnt drrll rrllttrh th llctr 0ivirn tirr to th hrr or drrugr' TM 0l0ol 0l hrrt rv dnrror drrl dr*ribl t b drhct irr, or bn Dt r[cril0limr 0n llo llll0, 0f ollnl. mlt0r Inaul.tt alrlnn DY thir prrliul rl rrh norulrtuhr l|| brlh ol In!| d d!flier rllll L|| iir,, ro rtti ttr.nr'pnrdfrh, thr brrir of cllc0lrlh! lb r|ttt$t ol lh' l0lt 0r. 6i-e.. rr tr" conp.'\ L prrlrrdlcrd by rhr flft[l ol llx nrrrnd chimlll to Provittr iir' t.ir,t .a n"or oi ni oi rhmgr, tln I onprnl'l 0bllallom t! ttr ftrttnrd mtr t|r uolirr ifirl tin*rttl, irhdh! |nY tlabttY or oblte.tion lo Ol'ntt, protrlltl' ot - curtirD uv hrlrtion, wltll r!otd r0 th r.llrr !r rrr(hrr nquithe tt|'h rrnnl nl br u drmgr. ln rddltloo,lh hruttd clil mY ruoh$lv b nqr*rd io r*ril lo rrntiltllim uorbr ortlr by rn1 rrnha'lad nD|atrntrtivt !l th Cofipart ]d dd pro{xfl lor 'rtm'n'lDo'hro.lthn r0d r0evin$ rt n|r.I n[ond{r timr .|rd t|lac|r |r |||v b' tl!ignrl'd !V 'llY ;;;;;;e";';iaiiv, ol lM cormw, d 'rBr,,tdr, boolr. hrh'l rhrlt' GorroQo d'ncl |nd ||rmnndt, wlrl|rr hdrrg I rbtr bolon 0| dtll Drl! 0l PDhl, rt*h rrrbntlY ri- ii,iii'iiL " o"ttr, Frnbt, I n$nrd bY 'flY l iodtrd tlp?'rontrrM ul ihr corrrnv. th it*nd rlelrrnr dult gnnl hr Fltnrtron il *tili6' lol mY rurhoririd ripnrnrrrin nl lh. C0nt$Yt0lrr ru, iqicl ||ld cnPY d nEotdr' h00l:' h,lr.o,.b.lr, comrpon0nr lnd llrnDnMa h lh rl tu t fl conlld !l ! lhirdlitlY' "ftift '.tr*blt t"tt;h to tln lol or (mgr. All illomlhn firtlulrrl rr-sunlihnltl bv th hurd chiinnt uoviid t0 lb Sffiprny Frtuml l0lhit $ctlo0 r[rll nol ltr d[cl0rd to othtt ulLtt, h ll| nr lt0l ludilrrnt 0l lln Eorturrtv' 'l ii rc'l|rtY {l rtr. rdflinhtrrtlon 0l th alCn tanur ol tho in'l[d El*mtlt to tq!||il lor rlillintlior! rnrbt otlh, producr otlut n$onihh n{uatlrd itll0ntllhn r grurl Ffltinlon lo rt!m i^rrrrulty 'li".ury lrf mtrlioo kom thfid prn|r nqdnd h lhh prrrer]'h rlrrl trni'rrtr rnv ltrhihY cl tb Corrtlrny uvfir llil |tolcy rrl0 thrl drnrt 0, onth'Ilr lo PrY,or 0lhr ir Srtth !ld!r: T.r''*lfllo-4 ol Ll$ll[Y., -l;ill_i;mmm u"d.? lttt notly, tM C olt?atty elhrw llr l!ll"rn0 fidlrot'l otllo[* lrl Io Pry of lrnd.r P.YmU ol 1l-. fttluril o[ lnlrllanr|. _ ..--10 trtt tln-t prvrnll 0l lh. r'mm Dl ineilallc| under thl! l,ntcl lulrtlllol with rny coiu, rtlrrrvtitrr l( llDrnrr incwt.d bY lh hNttd chimnl, which wln lr ttntit',ii,v ri, Conf,.r, u|, l0 th ii ol p.Yrrrlt 0r lintht ol prvnlrtt rndwhlch thr Cotmily h Dl llrlrd lo prv. Unon ttrr :nicin bv ihr cc'nlony ol lhL ulliutl, all ll$illly ud uDllgrllor' r0 tb firnrnd nfil tlrh pdc!, othor thln lI mlr FrY|ttnl nquod, rhrl l."ttirrl'' irrlufl0! lt|vI ilhY 0t obli0tlhn tq thlo l, l,tooc{tr' of ccnll'lu| rnY liliC'irl^rr' rnd lh Dohv ilt.l b. nnl lnd l0 lh lulvsrY for cirslhtin' thi T0 iru 0f tuh.r*itt $ h rv h P.di! 0!!rrli!!18-l!!u!.d-9llj!!!!!! lunrrd Cblqnj. ti]ro t.v or-Tiiinrir' -ll5 $hh ot|rr nrrtir [d or h th lurt.'l in hrrrd delnnm uy dtnh ||d lltiEt tldar ll$!,olGt, tolllht whht|rt tn'||,. rrrarrrvrr ( r rnd rrtnrt lrcrnnd h th inrnrl itrtrivrt itrictr wrr| r l$rtrtd hV th comrtr || l0 tb lin of prynni ]{ rhidr tb Cont.nY lr ollllrlrd t0lry: ul - lill rilry n nthrrir $tlh whh lh iurrrd damnl lb lolt ol dsn!' aruvirlrl lur urrbl tl* pnlcr,lD|[th? lYhh Y G'tdr, rtln||ryr'l'll rltllplnlrr ii.-iiir ti nittlbt'r*tr irl*h w.tt ",rtrdt.d hv lH conr y tro l0 ll: lirr ol 1.y1pn1 66 rtich lh co|tp v h oblcrtttl l0 p.v. Upon tlr rrnln h lh ionrnnv o( rhhr ol tb oFllonr pruvllh'j-lq ill D|Iilr||)hl (blll or liil, lb Corrp$v'l 0tlllotlont l0 th! ilrrlnd $d.r tlit Polq lr th dind l0t3ol thmF, ol|tlt thfll lll prymnt3 |r$l{l.d ll b mdo, thl tlrrlnrtl, incbdirl .nt hblily o oblilttidl lo fihnd, Folrslllo, 0l Bonlill| Y lltililion. 14326853341 D n'l l0.Cl{.2 Covrr l{r 2 ol 3 JAN-03-2008 03r23 Ptl SCHELRO r4326853341 P, 02 7, lhrflrin tlon- trttm 0l li.blllv aotl Cchlrt.no. -T|t|r potcr rr r comract ol htLmilf .ldnrl ftualrmrl'ry lou or 6rtrl' rrrrrirl'oi tnirtnU W rh lurnd slrlnrni who lnl rufford lorl u {rngr b1 ii-' ri n i.it tti"il rerlna bv thb polhv rnd !r'lv l0 ttrr uttnl.hrnh ot!db'(' hl n|| firbfif ol l|| Conpuv uotlt thir polioy rhrll nol uqtd llr hrrl 0l: llltb Amlm ol Inrurno arrrd h Schd*r l: or, llllth |fthDtF! batvJaan lh Yrltr cf th lnn|'td "ld' or illt'tttl 'l hlu r'l ilti th l$r {l lh ilaurd ltlitr q hlrnlt rdtFlt l! lh d'frel,lin 'f rncunlnno lnrrd rtrird h ll$ polcr. lhtln t|'! 0v0 tnt AnUfir 0l Inturrtlr rlrrrd In llrJ tuL l rt tF 0tt! Dt PolloY b tu im ao pononr ol th Yrln cl th i|lttt"'l rrl'lr n inlrnlt ot lh lull [urd(hrain pril tot rh hnr[ w]*rhovol b hr+ w I trb$qurnt lo th nrl' nl Polci m irorir.mnr h lraclrd c[ th hld wtrich iunrrl lh vrlu ol thr inswd rrlrti or ht.nd br rthrd m p.fclnt ovrl lF lnoull ul htri0nc' ltilrd it iitirt* l.rHn rtrir p*q ir rrrhf ct to th lollorkrg lllwhn na.i,holrrnr inpronirlt hrt hrn t da, t0 mt gfiirlbr' rho Conmr dlil onlY pi ltr h; F0 trta h tlr Propodlon lh't lh r lull ol - in",rncr riortr ol Poht hrl t0 lM rold Ylht 0l tl5 t|ruFJ rsl,ll or inlrri rl U.h ol fohv, c llll*hrir r rrhr$rnt irprovrmnl h Frn rndr, $ lc mv D'dhll0t1. rh. comatt $al onlt pry tb bu po ntr h ttr nfqPonioll lhr J20 Fmt 0l thl i*,n, .i r-'-", ,rit.i h 8.h.dult I hx! to tb r|rn ol tlr lns||[l 0'l lrntllltl rlrtr( h sEhd$ I .nd th J|!u{ lrp.otltd lot tM ltlfovlnrnl' . Tlr Doyithnl rl thh tr oyoptr Jnllnot rpllv te aclh, rllq tr'l'rllM rrFnrir ler rlirh th Cofqrrtv L lltbl wl? tti. !oLv, d $tl ullY ultliy lu l[il lmion ol rrv h$ whch !t...d!, h lta t0C|tlrlr.l0 lilunl 0l th Arptlrll 0l In !m! nird h S.ll.dt* A. kl IF Go'rt l wl Dry anf lhor cml rtlonrYr' hrr md 't|)0nrr hrltn( i lt(0f6rir. uhh $rrirrr { ul thl Cmdlhu $d 0ti lhlio 4ug4prrn,tl.-IiE'Fl oruihl t Scbduh A c'vrrirlr n' lwn a rrln grrolt whiEh x' nol orrl rr r rhll rhr, nd I htr b attd,ltbd rll.ctllf ona 0l l |rDltht'ulthbul inr ,,r' rr" r- *i h cofiurird lrld ,llb( on I pto lril llt t || ll th lilrill ul brurrito rndt thir uolcr wu rlvidrd;tto tttr lt0 iln vdtr urr0rlt 0f Pollty 0l .,',r, ri*.r. p.-ito rh whoF, crrhrlrr ol mv irgfoYrmnlt n"L rar'|rbnt l6 Oltl ''l ?nli'.y, rnlu r lirhilllt of YiltF hor ltho'|vLN lLllt llml qrur ||r-rn r'h Frcrl. |tr tF duruaw rnd th'hrmd ot ttr tir ol th banncr cl thh pdcy md rl*rrn by an r|'nrr rlllantnl or bY I| tr oTtm dlrcbrl to lhir Polcy. !-Ii!!ttx!Jl!t!lllJ.,-'itl'ii thTornr'l ..rlrhlrr tM tltb. ot [rDY.r lh rh$tl drltrt. Li ol rrurttarr, oicuir th lrcl of rdght ol occulo or fronlf,l u,olrmtll' cldn ol rrt||r't.trl lit ol rhb, rf rl'tnr|nrt irr r lallondtfu dnernl mffi?.bf ,, 6y 6rtrn{ iulrlirp filig.lioo 0M lfta a0 DLtlon ul ilY nPgaCD tllnkull ll tlttfi hrvr l iy fldo|nrd ita oDllrlhm u[h n$rcl l D tful [f,lllr md rh'll not lt! lirl'L lor rw hrr ol drml cruttl t|rrbr. thlin lh .{nl oimv hlrrrbn hdrrdim hh.liol lrY th CorrP.rV ot whh lb CsrDr|l't ronnl, tlt coflp lV rhdl hev! no hbittY lor lon u dlrnef mril tMm h't hrrtc lilral ritrnrlrrlhn |tf Md rl e drPll'nl idt'ftriqr. "vl tqr^rilhn cl rl ofrh tbnlrorr rrlrntr lc lh lilL rl hrlf'd' fuittr Conurov rhrl not ba loDlo lof lDr. u d]rr t! rrlY ln lrdl lldr[tv volnlh runr j hv th hrmd h rtlhl roy clrlm 0? t *lth0l'l lF Diol wdtlrl conrnl ol tF 0onTrny. | 0. Rt tulrlor 0l t[tur|r: l|drctho ot ltnhnlon o.l lit*tv' ll D.vmnlr und|r lhlt potcY, .r0ept prymmr ml t0t rwlr, 'lrr|'|rYr r'rr aftlfiFturl tMt n 16 tb umu cf lL Inrutrmr prn trln' ll, Li$fihr ]loncunirt in. -h lt utrtntt tttiltttrA lhrt lh nrrtn| ol irulrmoo u !t tl t polal fi h nrfuErl by $y rmtN ft oonpmY mt ,tt ufil|? rN t ilrV lffifh! i t$n0'0' lo fl*ih rrqrilon it l0hn h 8lhtfih I ot t| nhldl l|l. Inqrr|d h" 'etr'd' rtn$!0' rN lalan $$10!1, ot whici lt hrrttrt rt0cln.d by rn itnrrd rnd whbh n r chr|!| w Ln 0n tb rrlilt ot hlrntt it3dh( qr nlrn/ lo h gahdqh A, ald ttl. Jtruhl r0 |lit tdd b |||rtnd r prytl nd.r lNt FolcY t0lh hn|''d !smt' !2, P.v|trnl of lorr -iiif,o-Fi--"r *u tr mt shh.{t pndnit{ thL ;rnrcy lor rndonmnt ol tb rryirnt u0i$ llt tokv hrl b.n lort or dadt0vatl. h rl ch cir Froo( of lott 01 brrrurhn rt[l h hnithd l0 ih |tlltl.ctior o{ lh CottT.lly. llrllYbn ll$hr rnd lh rll.nt 0l h|t 0t ddno iu hn dllitittlv fltri h rccordnd vriti llrr Conrflionr md ttildrtiml lh ht| fl d!m$ rh.l b trf'ti whth 30 ilryrthnrhrt A0.CH|.! Covtf Prer t ol 3 13. Snbro0rth|l tlt)or.Il.Yrlql ?l S.tl!.t llt. ldlb'c-{e!Il.!.E$!-e!-$lq !.fiffi;t ll'r c"tprlt dl.I tu$ rtthd.nd Fid I cl'lmulor thi! | olllY' rl. rhN 0f rubolltloll dlrltnn h lh |io|tp]ry mrlhctrrl hy my rnt ol ttr luurrn chftnol," iii i'ono.n trl n ttfuoeitd l0 rrd bN rnlhled t0 'l tlltltt n)d nmdl' lvlllill t|r inarnd ilrirrn *otld tnn hrd reiu llV tl?lon ot ploFrly n l'4'cr.ro nr .ri"iii irtl oor" "" brrn bud lirrqrrrtrd br ilti colYnrw th in$ntl J.ii.i', i J ilin jr.t r. lhl 0 rPrnr Dl dlhl' 'nd nmdl rirint 'nv prtmn u ffiffi;;."ty ; .t,lt to prrilcritrt r6ht ol nfrrogrtlon Th h.nd chlmnt it*it ooirri rtr corornY lo rur, corYDrofir or latlh ill ll1. ['m 0l lrlr rrnrrn il":;i';il i.;;it. r,rrn of'rh iuwtd clrrmnt ir rnY u$rlctlon 0r filllrtlul lrvDtvh! tlnr tiEhtt ol nm ta - -;i;r;;; ;.,;;trt ol. cliindoor not luit Eottt lh btl ol rh hlrrd clrirrnt, ih Conprrw dd h. x oellld t0 thrr dll r 'ld nmdi" h ri' "."iitrit in* iit ittprnv'r prym br' tn tt'r whol xml t ol lh htt' '-ii l,iiirt"irl,."rr i,oin riY iu oltll hurrrd cliirr'rnl' rr 'lrtl!hoY!'Otii"i-f-i.if nor to'i [tir |lo[;v, nut lhl Co{Pnrf, h th'l rvrnt' thrlllx trq''r3o, lo DiY onh th lrrl ul llv hrrr intmd rliild bt llfi PolllY uluch trlrt.uc'ro rtri rrmuni. il nv, hl ro lh Corr9l'v bv nnoo 0l lh in!'imfi ry lm hlms Eldr t ol tM CorTrlry'l tht ol eixogrtiott ll,lIh 0orrrmr'a ! h h!. lr.lntl,tloft h!u!'l Qqlg!! TETorrfiifiifit o|rttE,rltti'l i{riln nDrrir)tu'd o!li[0rl iltl 'rm ]r0 *.ir i'ai,r.. "iitto,'i l"itothi,llr fiht; Dl lh hlur'd In hrtm$Lt',cnrlinllr'. 'otltr lnkEr !l fi||tllanoa 0l lfidt' lutwithrtrndirt rnt hrm cohmlon! ![||lInuu in rhcir Intlntnrnlr whlch Povlfl l0t tdlroerllurr thhtr hY rrt'0n ol llxt porrsY' la- lrhh?ilim. ffir urohbh.rt lv up$crhl hw, r ht thr CorprlrY nr.lh hltlr'( mY d'mnd rrbitrclron oqm nl lo llu thlr lmrltrq Artltrrtion lldtr ol lhr ltlrrlc l ilili i,i-oi ilirrrrrtt' rr rrbl nrttrtr mY irhfi ' hd fl not hrir'd lo' inv cnrrtrovrrlY uclilnhltlan lh Coq)rlt rrd tlx ht 'd rtlin| ull 0l lx nhtrl| I0 ilrir nolcv.'onv oryio ol th llorprny ir nrnnrctlct whh hr i:rurtu 0l th' itrrn "i'. iri"i.. "tli*t ot olhr o ig;liuri, at itl lrrld' mrllrn whn llt' Armu 0l r,i*i.ii"'.iiliiroo,Ooo u lrru crrt lr rrbhntd .t lht oplltur nl iilhr lh' c ort'rtY ui rt. trruno. al nt tlnth tmtl0t! h.nlMAmute|h f'Drt b ir itr'rl|.of . ;i :tfrtitim-;,i n tlldid urlv *lrrr rlnrdro h iolh llr co !!nY rnd r lnrund' ll llat|on ,utuillt l0 lilt DollEt ld ufit tb Rlfir in rll'ct on lho d0t0 llr o|mtm ioiirrit"rrii' tr -,r ", rirlr irprhn ol tlro hwt{, tlt RlLl h 'll'ir rr nrtr ol toficr drrl h lilnrhrl urm lt Pirtil, lb'rwdI hrhl rtlofn'Yt'li'l ;;; liiir;;;;iih ii.ri in tttitt rtr tta tt urilrd p.I'dr I c0trrt to rw d irilt i'r tltr to . pnttlhtt FnY. Judcmnl rrpo tlt iwrd rndrnd hY llr lrt*t.rotttiry f,o o,trorad i'altY '0n hnit[ irlisllarhn rhrnol' -. .'- 'Ilr d ul r|r rirru ol lh htYt dnll ltlPly to rr lrbrtrdlcn undrr th' Tilh h)!ur$$ ^.bhrrtioi nt$l I .!PY 0l llr lrLr tnt h' obllrrd lromllE uolrurny rpon lrqud, 16. ti.bihv Lkitld t0 thir lofilv: Pdlrr Enlhr Cont?'ct'-'tiiffi lottcv Glrifiittttt ittu"mmnl{ il cry, lllrchrtl ttl! bY lh' Culurrw it lh rnlia llotq o Gonlllrt i.tvia'n th imrrri nrd lhe UorqrnJ' ht f 'tioiiirino !|rv lt*itiop oi rlric F'lcy, lhir poltY thd H ton nrd rl I whob'. lhi Anv clrin ol hu u dfn$., rhlht ot nol b"0d on Delltlllcr' tnd wlrcn ot-t *i of ftr o,oul cl tlr tht tn thr rltlr nr ir$.rr colrr?ltl ha?lh} or bY irw iction rtt.nhl tuEh !lal[ t]al h nrtliclad lo lltlt p0licY' iclilo rrnnrtnnt ol or rtdoomnt lo lNt Doh cfl ba itrfi 'tc'pl bf i wr[$l ryinrrd lunon or lrbd |l.olo d$tr! br .hllr lb Pntid'o|, r.Yie PnlFlnl' thc slctclfy, rn itdd.|[ gfc'tlrtY, rr v'lidrl'r|{ olllc|l ol 'dhottrd tll|!!lory of ll| GDn0!w' ]!.gwi!s -lrt th rnnt rw urc$tior d t||| ltficY h h.ld hvrlid r utl|nlorc'ihl uldt erp&.bh lrt, th poftr tMlllr fi.|t|a not In Incllfi lhll pllvitiur lnd ollrr Drnvllnnr dul nmin h lrllllorfl rnd ltfccl. l?. tlotic|r. wr Srnt' Aifitirr-;:l}*.d tn b ltnn tlr Go|rt'|nf md $v irt'rrnt h vrritin!.nqdtrd t0hI nirlrd lb Uolqr.ry Jr.l hcluda lha nu rt ul llfi PulicY ]rd irnt || rddrrt d tolh C0ltPalU.l lll ||ri|)| olllcr ol lol chlc||o lltb lmlnoo Cfirprnv clrlfi! (hp tl|rnt 1tl l{o h Cnl Strxl cl*croo, llttCr t0l0l'320{ JAN-03-2008 03r24 Pil SCHELR0 t' 14326853341 p n? t rG Poilcy No. CTAl500l615? Form AO/CHI Chlc4o Pollc? No. 72106.1.05855 Our Ordcr No. v5001615?Schedrile A Amounl $l,2E5,000.00 Propcrty Addrccs: LoT 7, BLK 5. BIGHORN FTFTH ADDlTloN, AKA 4946 JUNIPER LANE B VAIL CO E1657 l. Pollcy Dete: t)cccmhcr 29, 2006 rt 5:00 P.M' 2. Nrtne oa lruurcd: SCHELRO. LTD,, A TEXAS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP l. fhc Gst$tr or lntorat In thc lenrl descrlbed or rclcrred !o ln thic Schcdrrtc end whlch ls covcrcd by thle policy ls: A Fec SimPlc 4. tltlc lo lhe cstttc or lntcrcct covered by thir pollcy rt the dstc heraof ls Ycslad In: SCHELRO, LTD,. A TEXAS LIMITED PARTNERSI{IP 5. Tho lutd rcferred to In thb pollcy lr descrlbcd lr lollowr: UMT 7.8 AND PARCEL B, VAIL DUPLEX. A RESUBDIVISION OF LOT 7. BLOCK 5' EIGHORN sugDlvtsloN FIFTH AD-DtTioN, AccoRDINc To THE PLAT REcoRDED AUOltsT e, t083 UNDBR RECEPTION NO.26I??5, COUNTY OF EAGLE. STATE OF @LORADO' Thir Potlc.y vrltd only lf $chedrrle I ls attrchcd. |.and Tlde Gurmntec ComPrnY Erorcreodns Chl€so Titlr lnrttrence Comprny JAN-03-2008 03r24 P11 SCHELR0 t't' 1432685334r P, 04 LTG Pollcy No. CTAl500l6l57 Form AO/CEI Chlce3o Pollcy No. 72106-l40sts5 Our OrdorNo. V50016157 l. Sdrcdule B TSio policy doq not iorurc rgrlnlt lor:r nr dumrge (ond tho Cumprtrry will not Pry !'<)tlr. n orney$' foon rtr expcn'res) which ariso by rcrson of: Gcnenl Exccptions: Rigbur or clairnr of prrticl in porooerion nol shown by thc public rocords' Easemaoto. or claimr of crsancnts. not shown by ha public rccords' Dir.rc;uncier, crrnflictr in boundury lirs, nhorfngo il [rel, cncronchrnenk, end rny firch which a cr)rrCct survcy and inupociio0 rtf rhr premisee would di$cft.rsc lrd which ars not ehown by thc public rocorde' Any licn, or righr ro r lien, for rcrvicc*, lrbor, or mnrcrirt horotrtfore or hcrorfter furnishod, imporcd by lnw rnd not rhown by tho Public rccords' TAxEsANDAssEssMENTsFoRTHEYEAR2006ANDSUBSEQUENTYEARS'NoTYETDUE OR PAYABLE. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATB OR INTERSBCT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITBD STATES PATENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 13' T902. IN COOK 48 AT PAGE 49I. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHBS OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTI{ORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER I3' t902. rN BOOK 48 AT PACE 491, RESTRICTIVE COVSNANTS, WHICH DO NOT CONTATN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER cL^UsE, BUT OMITTINO Ai.IY COVENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY' IASED UPON fulcE, CbLOR, RELIOION, SEX, SEXUAL ORJENTATION. FAMILIAL STATUS. MARITAL sTATUs,DISABILITY,HANDICAP'NATIoNALoRIoIN.ANCESTRY.oRSoURcEoF tNCoMd, AS SET FORTH IN APPLTcABLB STATE oR FEDERAL LAV/S, EXCEPT To THB EXTSNT THAT SAID COVENAT.IT OR RESTRICTION IS PERMITTED BY APPLICABLB LAW' AS CONTAINED IN INSTNUMENT RECORDED NOVEMBER 25, 1966' IN BOOK I?5 AT PAGE 445. EASEMDNTS, CONDITTONS, COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS AND NOTES ON THE RECORDED PLAT OP BICHORN SUBDIVISION' FIFTI{ ADDITION' TERMS, CONDTTIONS AND PROVISIONS OF DECLARATION OF COVENANTS' CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS OF PARTY WALL AGREEMENT RECORDED AUGUST 09, 1083 UNDTiR RECEPTION NO.261774. 4, ( 6. t. 8, L to JAN-03-2008 03!25 Ptl t qnuFtDn 14320853341 LTG Pollcy No. CTAI500l6l57 Form ChlcrSo Pollcy No. 72106-1405E55 OurOrdcNo. V50016157 Sdedulc B ll. EASDMENTS, CONDITIONS, COVENANTS, RBSTNCTIONS, nESER.VATIONS AND NOTES ON THE PLAT RECOFDED AUGUST 9. 1983 UNDER RECEPTION NO. 26177.5' ITEM NO.S. I THROUGH 3 OF THE STANDARD EXCEPTIONS ARE HEREBY DELETBD. ITEM NO, 4 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPfIONS IS DELETED AS TO ANY LIENS RSSTILTING FROM woRK OR MATERIAL CoNTRACTED FoR oR FURNISHED AT THE REQUEST OF SAINT DAVID HOLDINOS, LLC A COLORADO LIMI'I]ED LIABILITY COMPANY. CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY FOR ANY LIENS ARISING FROM WOR,K OR MATENAL FURNTSHED AT TIIB RI'QUEST OF SCHELRO. LTD.. A TEXAS LTMITBD PARTNERSHIP. JAN-03-2008 03r25 Pll ! SCHELRO Raccpr.lon No.. ilfiil{fli{l nil lffi ifiil inl lu tll nttt ununru$ affoO r* record thc- -day of---'A'D' lllllll lllll lllll tlllr rrrr! rrr'r ''rt' FECJRDER .- i: =-JCI : , WARRANTY DEED THISDEED, M.& on th$ d.v o! Decmbcr 21''-!-Q-9-6- *t-:1 . sAtNr DAVrD HOtrDrNCs, r.r..c,TcoroSADO LrMrrED II'\BTLITY ccMPAlt" co$ry ot anrl Slaie of gOf,OEfOL' of lhe Granior (s) ' ard of tha SCHEI.RO,LTD., A TEXAS LIMIIED PARBNERSHtrP,A TETAS !IT"'I[ED PARIMRsHIP r )t .?t rhor. lcsel. eddlrcrs rs ,eo B9!trl9?3 mDtrrtD' I* 7#X{fr.-n-n-Xfg'- --- ^r rh. cot$ty or Grantec (sl : ^a rh. r-v'r rr t e^ WITNESS, Th,!t thc Grantor (31 ' fcr and in cnnrldcraiton of tho 3un ('f (f1 '312'116'81 ) ... onc Mllron Thrcc Hundrod rwelvc Thou'nd onc Hun<lred Slxtccn rnd Et/100 "' DoLLARS ,t1.orriptrrdsufflclencyofr.hld|Irller-cbyackno.lcdged,h.''r^n!"td,'bflrl*:.'otd.rdcc'rn,cy?d,ondbyEhc'. onc$enrs &cr granr, *.g"rr,,'r]ifi';dild .onnnt *tii'ri"-G;arttec(rl ' hit hoirt ^M 3i9r€l$;i;t.lt" :eil, pr€perty, togcttrr 'r'tt i'i'oi"*nt"l tf anv'. sltuate' rvlng ard brng ln tltc --- rrrCr.r li'a-ilil-;i c"roiao' :i'* " l.lrrrrl: rrNlt?-BN{DPARCELP,Vf'f"oUFI{L.-lREst'BDlvrslONOt-Lo!?r--otd5'BIGHoRN if.Eill8i"X.T'lll,lB:13:ffi;,TF6"$"i#,il;fH*'ifl;$*iio ifeosi g' igeg uNrDnn olso kn6r*f ,ra r!str.! n';rr.r LoI 1 t !\$ -2t BIOHORN FTFTH ADDIIION ' N(A ll 9A 5 'I IIPER t'AilE B y*hf;? "Lt ?ilor**'"1" and :9!P!'*i-Ty.g":'i?,n'ffi l*,"i#"il{Heua*cnainrr' d Llrt ratQrllul dlu lsvErlitrri', rcil1ffhE end ra"r { rvterl' r,;nio' i'tstr€s' t'*l protrts'#icli' -"t'd "u'tn" escate' righr t$Ic intclost, clalm arrd snaia'*atiewtr ot rlD cr-roii"il""iirri, i" ri, .'' tq*tv;, ui'-in ano ut' LlrE alot'G bsEq'li ned ;Oiotli^ff1$fi6i$Ifii: #^ffi:fffit ry?",,*d nd d.tctlx 'rirh.rPrartenance!' unco thc 6's11ggg(el' hi, h.1rr .rd arlicrr|-, ro""u*,'il-iirirtor rs) , eo" n.o.iilii"-iiri-""a iit*nsl-ir-ePre 'gr tler 1wr' tloca covErEnt' gtanr ' hlrgrln, drlr.r tss.. tn n* *,'ih ifi;;;;i;i; n''s-r*rrE ifurl'"tol"'-1yl."l t*-:%;:"H:ljffi|;f^gatfti;;:t" l,H::,;ffiliii*,i:.,-,:l*,":i;fl;:"Ti.:"t't,_ff fl[,]hf#.1"1'iil';';..i*'*v';-. e..,'!, b6rsain, rclt and convev ihe *,* in ilnrrr'iia' ro'on-", .rorcreia, -.ri,u"rlrit tt*: i^t* arr frea itttl'i't'""r ficn all lotnrr and oth€r g'.,'rr, t*rg^.nr, gafcs, fft.s, &,cs, ."tc.grp*r, *n,rr[ij"ii"tJ reii'rf*icti .''f ttrAccver kj'rd o! nrture Eoevcr' ,$hr..t rd ,ara'r !|rrr roa 6. Fr, zooa .oa "r.r..r.5iitll# tJ, u",,-,,l V tclcsoneo co r,,codtd doatr'ct tt s.tt",cdrr lir gGl. D.arDec. laeeu W at.,.t..l.tt i;';;";;;; tn lrcxer it' z'.tttt ]t',L.tt 'l !i' cttltrec tt ta!' ,aa e.r', ,.., t.r.c. nl.4a, Eo lb acrt-,!:ot-n'ilrJ-i7ii&' &t"'t"uon - oiultv r,l,tlr,rract ' (!il,c'v,"rt't eD.r' ?r) ) crro.. Jr.clttarlry, a:earlbod ctthc. ot tlt!=tt gulrt -n;l';;^ f clr p'|attc aoc.,td4 olt r''l/]h tu,i "'ttt tr' 'ctnrl tno*t.*...1 r1,tci nre rcoql'od Dy o.,,nc..(tt ro-.tooiiil tiii'-r"troo -lt oac1y,"'ooc sbera D! 3t1' g1Oltc l,c,cratt afa ,.ftl.ri '^ lr|It'9.l ,.vr.;, oa llr concrraQ ce lrry ua otit t..l tttrGa ,)7a|,;!n9 -to tb' '!o7' d"3rl!'d E 'l 9]oi'ttQ'yi taclrrtoa ct ttt ,t*.,c. *Gt,,a .at 't.o!., c.t orru'ii],.l'7)'tt'' ii"it" rnrt tu'dru ot tat "ctttt}lat tttil EraQY rttl .rE 'f, t. ' LC arY' .ad ol'ltE Ttrc ErcrLvr (s) rhrlt. ^ryt ti'ii rornt}n 'lD FrnEvER E'FEND tJ|o abo t batga$€d PlefldlQt tn the qulrt anc PeEclable n^rmsrlol uf Llrt glantec (31 , hili heirr nrd r.e tgr.'., tg"*j; ttl ana oiCry pui-st'r ' ot-rli"onS roufully clr,rdng thc hhol'e t, anJ, F.. ther.€f , rt* rit;ul.ar nqtcr shall*f*rc #Jpfii:l;-,j ih; Fi"gf t#-iu"ltj6r' and iln use of anv gcffbr snerihi amllcable to aII gcnchrs ' IN WTTNESS WHEREOF tho Gt'ahio! (31 hn! axcorted thi s dced on tlF '!tG sct lorth rbove ' l.-\r...vn"l n APRIL ELSE ilOTARY PUBLIC STATF OF l:r!I r|HAElo LtC, A COLORADO LIMNED UABILITY SAINT DAVID n r^ )st' - counry or [VA+AXo(--l Lotr r.y vr T{OTARY PUBLIC . STATE OF COLORADO My Commlsdon Explrff 09/2520i0 Escledl V5001615?.1 llstrlf v5001615? ' I HtEn Rrcotdod Rolurn Eoi SCH!'ARO' L'TD' FO Bd( 403?, MIDtrl{D, D( ? ny ccnBdsston *nrr". glDSltO Witttss rny lurd |nd ofticlal lc'irl ' .,',,'tr &fl, R.F ']'lJ Y, : iffiFn q. 7l-^Its :IL ;B I t i: 1{ F - r- =: h# ':{ Fnae ffi' ;,1 itr [I t-' , - 1{r , --. j'. -..{i! l'_ de,ls' h \ i l. tl TAB Associates, Inc. The Architectu ral Bala nce P.O, Box 7431 Avon. CO 81620-743'l (9701 748-'t47o (9701 748-1471 tax www-tabassociates.com tab@vail.net Memo Project Helbing SR - 4946 Juniper B Date: June26, 2007 Revised July 2,2007 RE: 4946 Juniper B FROM: Greg Maclk, Principal TO: Bill Gibson, TOV Steve Helbing Sr, Owner 10,0o0 Sq-Ft. x .46 = 4,600 Sq.Ft. 5,000 Sq.Ft. x .38 = 1,900 Sq.Ft. 13,290 Sq.Ft. x .13 = 1,727.7 Sq,Ft. Total = 8,227.7 Sq.Ft. Unit A = 2,520 Sq.Ft. (Per County) Unit B = 2,200 Sq.Ft. Approximately VIA: 970479-2452 t412-685-9941 (.46 of site area to 10,000 Sq.Ft.) (.38 of site area > 10,000 to 15,000 Sq.Ft.) (.13 of site area > 15,000 to 30,000 Sq.Ft.) Could add 2,436.7 563 Sq.Ft. Proposed Project No: 0659 Remarks: Biil - A few months ago we sat down and reviewed three projects with you. Two are in the Town process and third one we are still working on. The third project is located at 4946 Juniper Unit B. The Orner is Steve Helbing Sr. this is the fiather of the other Helbing project we are cunent under permit. We need some verification from you about the allowable square foot calculations below. We went over these when we sat down but the adjoining Owner wants a TOV blessing before we will give Steve an Ok to proceed with the projecL Lot 7, Block 5, Bighom Subdivision - Primary Secondary Entire Site - 28,290 Sq.Ft. Parcel C=23,002Sq.Ft. Parcel A=2,984Sq.Ft. Parcel B=2,3MSq.Ft. Allowable Allowable UnitA60% = 4,936.7 Sq,Ft. Unit B 40% = 3,291 Sq.Ft. Current Sq.Ft. Addition Total 2,763 Sq.Ft. The numbers above do not include the 300 Sq.Ft maximum allowance for the garages. Are the above calculations conect given the information noted above? Yes _ No _ Bill Gibson, Planner, TOV S tm59 Helting Sr. - Addili€ntitemo\Menlo-Tov-SoFf.doc t/t 'd 8lt6'0N 'ct'lI SIIVI]0SSV gvl l/il 8il 016 lld0l:z l00u ',z 'lnf I (o7lo2l2o07l Biil Gibson - Hetbing From: Bill Gibson To: tab@vail.net Date: O7l02l2OO7 2:58 PM Subject Helbing Hey Greg, This is in response to your fax concernlng the Helbing Residence located at 4946 Juniper Lane. You are correct that Lot 7, Block 5, Bighorn 5th has a lot size of 28,290 sq.ft. thus allowing a total of 8,228 sq.ft. of GRFA (gross residential floor area). Since this site is located within the Two-Family Primary/Secondary Zone Distrlct, the secondary unit is allowed a maxlmum of 40% of the total GRFA (3,291 sq.ft.). While our records for this lot have not been updated since the Town's GRFA regulations were amended in the fall of 2004, lt appears the current sq,ft. calculations you referenced will be "in the ball park" of the approxlmate existing GRFA on the site. From the general informatlon you submitted, it appears there is approximately 3,000 sq,ft. +/- of remaining GRFA allowed to be constructed on this lot, Let me know if I can be of any funher assistance, Bitl Bill Gibson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 (97O) 479-2173 (970) 479-2452ta>< PaseTl a t' I Design Review Bo t ard ACTION FORM Deparunent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81557 tel: 970.479.2L39 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: KANE ADDmON DRB Number: DR8040171 Project Description: GAMGE ADDMON, CONVERSION OF DOSTING GAMGETO GRFA Participants: OWNER KANE, ANDREW S. & SAMH J. 05/0/2004 Phone: 19262 NORTH FLEETWAY TARZANA cA 91356 License:. APPLICANT STEVEN JAMES RIDEN, AIAARCH05/022004 Phone: 970-479-4lzr PO BOX 3238 VAIL co 816s8 License: Project Address: 4945 JUNIPER LN VAIL Location: 4946 JUNIPER LANE Legal Description: Lot: 7 Block: 5 Subdivision: BIGHORN 5TH ADDffiON Parcel Number: 210113102028 Comments: given ok to staff approve o BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motaon By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApprovalz 0612812004 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s), Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: g3O0.0O Application for Design I Re vleu, r? i:- (, F iif i_ ii Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vall, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970,479 .2452 web: www.ci. vail.co, us General Information: All projects requiring desigtt review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. please refer to the submtttal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted untjl ali required information is received by the Community Development Department. The prolect may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval, Description of the Request: G&.AC"&, A,t>Oir1otl .J , LoNAzrWaN oE> Location of the Propos al: Lot: tt atock: 4 subdivision:- Physical Address: Parcel No.:(Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) zoninsi t/S Name(s) of Owner(s): A/UFr,VA 1. X,nr.'tL . Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: E-maif Addre ss: SP/OtaJ Q. Lbf{urft&f r^r, Type of Review and Feer ! Sjgns ! Conceptual Review D ,A,lew Construction { rdairion tr Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) n Minor Alteration (sin gle-family/d uplex) ! Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new buildinq or demo/rebuild. $300 Fof an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and reta ining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and ror:i^in^ ,^,>llc ot^l v\9|| ||! I:J $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Dcsign Review Board. No Fee For Offi Fee Paid: Planner: Phone: l^*' May-O6-Ozt 09:4oA .l R - Cof sk5z P.02 JOINT PROPERW OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER l, (print name)a joint owner of property located at (address/legal description) provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. l,tq L oq (Date) / at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: Page 2 of l2/O2/O7lO2 o o o o O o o o NAY-U3_ZUU4 I1UN U4:24 I'I1 ALI'INL. BANK VAIL t AX N0, C i U4 /62366 P, Ul F landTitle Land Title Guarantee Company CUSTOMER DISTRTBUTION Dste: 0{-05-2004 Prop€(ty Address: {e{5 JUNIPER LANE VNL, CO 81657 our Order Numbs: WF50004981 ALPINE DANK. VAIL LAND TITII CUARANTEE COMPANY I{I E MEADOW DB IIIS S. FRONTAGE RD, W. T2O3 VAIL. CO 81657 P,O. BOX 357 Alln: BILL WAISH VAIL, CO 8165? fhone: 970-7{E-5?{3 Am: Alnec Drponi Err; 970-476-2366 Phone: 970-{76.2251 Copils; I Fu: 970{76-1534 Elvlall: blllwrtsh@alpinrlnnk,com Coglw; I Scr! Via EMail EMiU: rdupon!@ltEc,com ALPINE BANK 4OO TTII STREET SOUTII RIFLE, CO 81650 ANn: TANYA KNUPP P[om: 970-625-7121 Fu: 010-625-1212 Coples: I EMal[ tany.lorupp@alplnebrnt.com Sent Vi8 EMsil E,'-l Itlou have aay inquirias or raquirc itrthu gssisance, please ooatact oaa ofthc numbas below Eorliilcl$islnec: Vail Titls 'vTF" Unit lot s. FRoNTAGE RD. W. #203 P.O. EOX 357 VAIL, CO n557 Phonei no-+7&2t251 Fgx: 9'1U476'+732 Eor Closing AssistancE: Aimoe Dupout rot s. FRoNTAOE RD. W. #203 F.O, DOX 357 vArL, co t1657 Pbona: 97O4774529 Fax: 97G4764534 EMeil: cdupont@hgcmm 1tn- oeo* I1AY-U3*ZUU4 NON U4I24 PIl ALPINT tsANK VAIL FAX NO, 9704?62388 P, 02 oj F Lald Tltle Land Title Guarantee Company ou^Mrutt coMt llt Property Mdress: 4s{6 JTJNIPER LANE VAIL, CO 81657 Datc: 0l-05-20& Our Ordr Number: VTF5000{9EI Owner: ANDREW S. KANE AND SARAH J. KANE, CO.TRUSTEES OF THE KANE FAMLY TRUST DATED SEPTEMBER d. 2OO3 We Infqwtiu: E ab FINSTDANKOF ffiLORAfu IIM! WM,FAXAWNT]E IAKEWWD, CA802t5 Phou'c 3$-237-flXX) Edft IAI,ID NfiE G.I]A&AI{IEE COMPA},IY ABA lto.: 107n5047 Aeo,tat: 2161r521&rs Attcntiu: Aime Dupt Nrcd.t EtP or diradious f"l fr15 uqwqing closing? Chock out Lrtrd Titlc'6 w€b sitc at wu'w.Itgc, cor Ior oltoou('lts to aDv ot our l+ omoe loca$ons. ESTIMATE OF TITLE FEES AIta Loan Policy 10-17-92 Endorscurenl AItr LI (Lender) Bldorsemeat Altr 5 (Lender) Endorrcment 103.1 {l*ndcr) Endorsemmr Alo I (Lender) Endorsemant C-l (Is$ed wlth Commtmen0 (Lenrler) Deleilm of Excepdors l-3 (Lender) Deletior of Gencnl Exception | (Leila) Tax Rcpon R0Il935 has bcen ordercd from Eaglc Cty $935.00 €0.00 $o. o0 s0.00 s0-o0 s20 .00 $o.oo i0.o0 $75. OO TOTAL s970 - 00 ,on oortl,s'.,. {r/r..!) THANK YOU fOR YOIlf. ORDERI NfIY-UJ-ZUU4 NUN U4:24 HN tAX NU, 9/U4/bZ3bU fiLl,lNh o BfiNI( VflI L r, u3 Chicago Tlde Insuralce Company ALTA C OMMITMENT Schedulc A Property Address: 49{6 JI.JNIPER LA}IE VAIL, CO 81657 L Bffegtive Date March 23,2004 at 5:00 P.M. 2, Policy to bo Issud and Proposod Insurod: Our Order No. WF500049t1 Cust. Ref.: "ALTA" Loen Poltcy 10-17-92 $490.000.00 Pmposed Imured: ALPII{E BANK, ITs SUCCESSORS AND/OR ASSIGNS 3, The eosrc c intorDst itr the land descr ibed or refcrred to b this ConDitment ar|d oovered herein ig; A Fee Simple 4. Title to the estrte or inlcret oovtrcd hcrcin is at the effedive datc hcrcof vcstcd in: ANDREW S. KANE A}.ID SANAH J. KANE, CO-TRUSTEBS OF THE KANE FAMILY TRUST DATED SEPTEMBER 4, 2M3 5. Thc hnd refcrrcd to in thig Connimtat i^g dcs$ibed ar fotlowr: I,JNIT 7.8 AND PARCEL E, VAIL D[,|PLEX, A RESI.EDIVI$ON OF LOT 7, BLOCK 5, EIGHORN SUBDryTSloN FTFTH ADDITION. ACCORDINC TO THE PLAT RECORDED AUGUST 9, I9S3 IN BOOK 365 AT PACE {5I, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, NNY-UJ-ZUU4 NUN U4:Zb PI1 ALPINb BRNI( VAIL IAX NO,P, U4 9 ru4 /tiz3titi ALTA COMMITMENT SchodulsB-Sectionl (Requirematte) Tbc following are the reguireoranrs ro bc onptied witb: Our Ordcr No. WF50ilM98l Item (a) Payment to or for the account of tln grrnlo$ or mongagors of the firll considention frr the estate or inlcrcst to bc lnsured. Item- (b) ftopr instrument(s) creatlng Oe esttle or iDlerest to be Insured musr be executed and duly filed for record, to-wit: Item (c) Payment of all taxes, chuges or asscssmonts levted and assesscd against the subject premlses u,hich are due and payable. Itear (d) Additional requiremen8, lf any dlsdosed below: RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST DATED FEBRUABY 2I, 2O()3 F'RQM ANDREW S. KANE AND SAnAH J. XANE TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USB OF COUNIRYWIDE HOME LOANS, INC. TO SECURE THE SUM OF $322.O(!O.OO RECORDED MARCH (){, 2003. IJNDER RECEPTION NO. 825222, ' DULY EXECUTED AND ACKNOWLEDGED STATEMENT OF AUTHORITY SETTING FONTI{ THE NAME OF KANE FA}VIILY TRUST AS A TRUST. THE STATEMENT OF AUTHORITY MUST STATE IjNDER WHICH LAWS THE TRUST WAS CREATED, THE MNLING ADDRESS OF T1IE TRUST, THE NAME AND PosmoN oF THE PERS0N(S) AUTHoRIZED To EXECUTE INsrRtrMENTs cot\IvEYING, ENCUMBERING, oR orHERwIsE AFFEcrnrG mLE To REAL PROPERTY ON BBHALF OF THE TRUST AI{D OTTIBRWISE COMPLYING WITH THE PROVISTONS oF SECTION 3&3G172. CRS. NOTE: RELEVANT PORTIONS OF IHE TNUST AGREEMENT FoR THE ABOVE^NAMED TRUST MUST BE FURMSHED TO LAND NTLE GUARANTEE COMPANY IBIOR TO CLOSING SO THAT THE COMPA}.IY CAN CONFIBM THE ACCURACY OF THE STATEMENTS APPEARIIIG IN TttE STATEMENT OF AUTHORITY DEED OF TRUST FROM ANDREW S. KANE AND SARAH J. KANE, CO-TRUSTEES OF TTE KANE FAMILY TRUST DATED SEPTEIUSER I, 2OO3 TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF ALPINE BANK TO SECIJRE THX SUM OF I49O,()O{I.O(), IF TSERE IS A CHANGE IN OWNERSHIP OF T}IE PROPERTY TO BB INSURED HEREIN FROM TIIE VESTED OWNER SEr FORTH IN ITEM { OF SCHEDULE A I|EREIN, THE TERMS, PROWSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX T4AY BE APPLICAELE, NOTE: ITEMS 1{ Or T}m GENERAL ExcEPTIoNS ARE HEREBY DELETED. 3. IIRY-UJ-ZUU4 I1ON U4:2b fll ATIIN!, BANK VA]L I.AX NO,I /U4 /b23ti6 l', ub ALTA COMMTTMENT ScheduleB-Secdont (Requir€mcots) Our Order No. VTF50004SBf Conrinucd: NoTE: ITEM 4 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS WILL BE DBLETED UPON RECEIpT OF A NOTARIZED FINAT UEN AFFIDAVIT. : ++'I*lIiiIIIIi NOTICE OF FEE CHANGE. EFFECTTVE SEPTEMBER I, 2OO2 +++*+**iri Punuant lo Colorrdo Revired Statut0 30-10-42r, "The county ctert and rccorder shatl cotlecr r surcharge of $ t.fi) for each docmeDt received for recordlng or ffling in his or hcr office. The purcharge slrall be in addition to any orher fees permlttod by srarure. " P, 06 FAX N0. 9?04762366 o I1AY-03-2004 I1ON 04:25 PIl ALPINE BANK VAIL o ALTA COMMITMEN.T ScheduleB-Section2 , (Exceptionr) , Our Order No, WF50004981 Thc policy or policier ro be issued will oootrin exceptions to the following. unless the srme are disposed ofro rhe sstisfection ofthe Company: l. Righls or clelms of parties ln possesslon nol shown by the publlc rrcords. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public mcord. 3. Discrepancies, conflicls in boundary lines, slrortage in tea, encroachnenti, {Dd any facrs wbiclr a correct suwey rnd inspecdon of the premlses would disdose and whlch are not shown by tte public records. {, Any llen, or rlgh m a llen, for servlces. labor or matertal theretofore qr herealler firrnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. .. 5. Defects, liens, enorubraoces, adverse ctalms or other matters, ifa[y, crealcd, ffrst appearing in thc public rccords or attaching subsequent to lhe effecdve date horoof but prior to the date tlle psqpo5s6 insured acquires of rrcord for valse the e$ale or fu cresl or mo gage thereon covered by thir Coomitrnent. 6, Taxes or speclal assessments whlch are not shown as exlstlng ltens hy dre publlc records, 7. Lions for unpaid water and s€wer charges, ifany. L h addition, the owner's policy will be subject to the mortgago, if any, noted in Soction I of Schedule B hereof. 9, RIGIIT OF PROPRIBTOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTNACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE TITEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED TN UMTED STATES PATENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 13. 1902, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE {9T. IO. RIGTTT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANAIS CONSTRUCTED BY T}IE AUTHORITY OF TTTE UNTIED STATBS AS RESERVED IN T,JNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED SEFTEMBER 13, 1902, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 491. : rl. RESTRICTIVE COVENAMS, WHICH DO NOT CONTATN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMTTTING ANY COVENANT OR RESTRICTION EASED ON RACE, COLOR. RELIGION, SEX, HANDICAF, FAMILIAL STATUS OR NANONAI. OHGIN IJNLESS AND ONLY TO THE BXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT (A) IS EXEMPT IJI{DER CHAPTER 42. SECTION 3O(l7 OF TTIE UNITED STATES CODE OR (8) REIATES TO HANDICAP BUT DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE AGAINSTHANDICA?PED PERSONS, AS CONTAINBD IN INSTRI]MEM RECORDED NOVEMBER 25, 1966, IN BOOK 1?5 AT PAGE 4{5. 12. EASEMEI{TS, CONDITTONS, COVENANTS, RESTRICTTONS, RE$ERVATIONS AND NOTES ON T}IE RECOBDED PLAT OF BIOHORN STJBDMSION, FIFTH ADDTTION. rlAY-03-2004 t10N 04125 Pt1 ALP INE o BANK VAIL FAX N0, 9704762366 P, 07 ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule B - Secrlon 2 (Exceptions) our ordcr No, wF50o0{981 : Thc policy or policies to bc iroucd will ooatain excrylionr ro rbc Sllowingluntegs tba ssmc arc disposod qf to the ssrisfldion of the Company: 13. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF DECLAMTION OE COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS OF PARTY WALL AGREEMENT RECORDED AUGUST 09, IS83 IN BOOK 365 AT PAGE 450, l.t.PERPETUAL NON.EXCLUSIVE EASEMETT FOR fiE PURPOSE:OF UTILITY AND DRAINAGE ACCESS AS GRANTED TO THE TOWN OF VAIL IN EASEMENT DEED RECORDED JUNE 12, rese tN BooK 507 AT PAGE 898. EASEMENTS, CONDNIONS, COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS AND NOTES ON fiE PLAT RECORDBD AUGUST 9, 1983 IN BOOK 365 AT 3AGEdsl. 15. NRY-U3-2UU4 NUN U4I2b PN ALPINU tsANK VAIL IAX N(), i . ENDORSEMENT COLORT{Do C.l Case Date 5@049u April 05, 2004 NONE il increase the Poltcy tmount thereof. The Company hereby assures the Proposed Insured Usted h lhat according to the office of the cler} and recorder in whir lne uomp_any hereby assures,the Proposed Insured Usted h Schedule A of the commitnent, lhat according to the office of the cler} and recorder in which the property is situated, there have been no deeds, ofter than the deed(s) which vests fee sfmple oivnershin to tbe urdr arruluurE r,u ults ullruts ur ule crefl( ang lecoroet In wnlql me propefly $ stuated, there have been no deeds, ofter than the deed(s) which vests fee sfmple oivnershin to tbe owner(s) stated in Schedule A of the commltme'ot, convevinq. the lanil descrtbed tir thii uwuEr (s,, rultns ul JcllEqule la or tne comguuneol, conveYlnq. me land descrtDed ltr mis commitment within a period of 6 month(s) prior to the Corfinitment Date, except as follows: 97047E2366 ; : Reprcscnting Chicago Titlo Insurapce Company Tbis ondorsemenl is made a part of the commitment and is subiect to all tbe terms and provisions thereof and any prior endoniments thercto. Except to tlre extiit expresslv stated, tt neithir modifies anv of the terns and nrovisions of the crimmltmanr end rni, nrirr-r endnrccmanr nnr modifies any_of ihe lerms and provi$ons of the crimrnttrnent ind anv prioi endorsement, nor does it extend the effectivc dati of the commitment and any ppor eridbrsenent, nor doei P. OB Ccrtifiod Through M.rch 23, 2flX NAY-U3-ZUU4 I1ON U4:2b PI1 ALPINT BANK VAIL fAX N0, g/ Reprcscnting Chicrgo Tirle Iozurgrce Conpany i. u4 /ti236ti o P. U9 I tiNpoRsEMEM CoLORADo C-l Case Dato 5fix)4981 April 05, 2004 il increase the Policy amount thereof. The Companv hereby assures the Proposed Insured listed in $chedule A ofthe conunltnent, that accoidin! to the office of tlre clerl and recorder In which the property is situated, therr have be-en no deeds, ofter than the deed(s) which vestsrfee dmple ownership to the owner(s) stated in Schedule A ofthe couxoitment, conveying the lanil descrlbed iir thts commiiroent withln a period of 6 month(s) prior to the Coq-rnttment Date, except as follows: This endorsement is made a oart of the comrdtnent and is subiect ro all the terms and Drovislons thereof and any prior endorslments thereto, Excepl io tbe cxteirt exprerslv stated, it neither modiFcs anv oif ihe tenns and provisions of tlre crimmitnent hnd anv prioi endorrement, nor does lt extcid thc effectlve dati of the commltment and any prior eridbnement, nor does Certified Through March 23, 2flX f, lu tftx NU, u/u4/bz3bu (, NNY-UJ-ZUU4 I1UN U4:Zb I'I1 HLPINT bRNK VAIL .v LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY DI SCL OSLIRE STATEMENTF Note: Pu$uanl to CRS l0-ll-122, noflce is hereby gven rhar: A) The subJect real properry may be locared ln a special taxing distrtit. B) A Certificate of Taxes llue listing each laxing jurisdictloo may be.obutned from the eeqlt Trcasurer's authorized agent, C) The informarton regardtfi special districts aod the bound ics of tuch dtsklcts may be obtained llom 6e Board of County Commisrioners, thc County Clerk aod Recorder, or the County Assessor. Note: Eilecdve September 1, 1997, CRS 30'10-406 rcquires thar all documenn received for recording or filing ln the clerk and recorder's office slrall contaln a lop marglo ofat leastione inch and a lefi, right and bonom margin of at least onc half of an lnch. Ttre clerk and recoydsy rnly refise lo record or ille any document that does not conform, €xcepr that, the requircment for thr lop margln shafl nor apply lo docurncnts using forms 0n which space is provided for recording or llllng lnformrtion at the top margin of the document. Note: Colorado Division of Insurance Reguladons 3-5-1, Paragraph C of Anicle VII requires rhat "Every title enoty shall be responsible for all malters which appear of record prlor to tte timc of recording whenever rhe title €ntity conducls the closing and ls respoosiblc for reiording or filing of legal documents ruulting from the cansacdon which was closcd". Provlded lhar Land Tltle Guarinlee Company conducts fte closing of the insured hansacflon and ls responslble for recording the legal documents fmm the fiansactlon, exceptloo oumber 5 wi[ not apirar on the Owna,s Tltle Pollcy and ihe Lenden Pollcy w$en issued. : Note: Affirmafive mecbanlc's llen prorection for the ownor nuy be avallable (typically by deletion of Exceptlon no. ,l of Schedule B, Section 2 of the Conmlmeor from the Owner's poilcv ro be .issued) upon compliance wtth rhe followlng conditiors: A) The land descrtbed tn Schedule A of this commlrment must bc a si4gle family residence whlch inr:ludes a condominium or townhouse unit, I B) No labor or materlals have been furnished by mechanics or. rnaterlaj-men for purposes of coostrucdon on the laad described in schedule A of thts commitmgot wi0rin the past 6 months. c) The conpany must reccive rn approprlate afrdavit indemnifying tfo company agalnst ul.filed mochanic's and materlal-men's liens. I D) The Company must receive paymcnt of the appropriate premium. E) If tbere has been construcdon, lmprovemenb or major repairs unde;taken on tlre propcrty to be purchased within six m0nths prlor 1o the Date of the Commltment, rhe requirelner s to obtain coverage for unrecordad liens will include: dlsclosure of certaln cusFuction ,lnformadon; 0nercial informanon as to tho seller, rhe butlder and or the contractor: payment of $e appropriate premium firlly executed Indemniry ,qgreemenls satlsfacfory to the company, and, ahy addtlional requbemcnts as may be neccssary afler an examination of the aforesald informatipn by the Company. No coverage will be glven under any circumstancos for labor or malerial for which the insured has coltracted for or agreed to pay. i Noto: Pursuam m CRS l0-11.123, noticc is hereby glven: This notice applies to owner's pollcy coffni[nents containlng a rnloer{ severance irstrumcnt exception, or excepdons, in Schedule B, Secdon 2, i A) That there is recorded cvidence that l mircral eslate has bcen severbd, leased, or otherwise coaveyed from the surface cslate and dul there rs a subshnda.t llkellhood rhat a third pertlr holds some or all interest h oil, gas, other minerals, or geothermal:enersr in the proparty; and B) That such mineral esrare may include the righr to enrer anld usc rhe flropertl wittrout tlie ' surface owner's permlssion. i Nothing hcrein contained will be deemcd to obllgare the company to prpvlde any of the coverages rnforrod ln horala --1... lha ah^.r- .^-,llti^i. ^-^ t,It., --..-J:^r i rcferred to herein unless the abovc condltons are fulty satisfied. Falrt1 DISO.OSInE 0g/gl/Oz NRY-U3-ZUU4 NUN U4:2b PI1 ALPINE tsANK VAIL FAX N0, 9704762366 io p tl ,i JOINT NOTICE OF PRIVACY EOLICY Fidelity Notionsl Financid Group of Companies/Chiorgo Titlc lnsurancc Company rnd Lcnd Title Guerrntcc Cnnppay Iuly l,2001 We may slare your Persona.l lnformadon wlth our affiliates. such as estate s€uement sewice providers. We also may dlsclose your persc agenS, ald oiher real u have reouested: or perforni marketing or otber or services lhat wo believe you In addltlon, we wtll dlsclose your Peqooal Information when you dlrecior give us permission, when we are reodred py"Ew q oo so, or wn0n we susp€ct trau.tuleBt o!_crimiDal activities. Wr aEo mav'dlsclose your personal ulormauon wheloltrerwise pcrmitted by eppllcable prlvacy hws such 6s, for exainnle, wbeir dlsclosure ti oeeded lo enrorc€ our ngms aftstng out ot a8y agracmcnt, transaction or relatlolrshtp wtth ybu. Qno of t$ tlnppflaru responslbililies of sorng of our- qffi^liated companle{ ls lo record doclroents in the public domain. Such'documonri may conbtn your peiiorill titi,iriration. i Right to Ac€css Your Ptrsonat Information and Ability to Correo (h Rcqucct Chauges Or Deletion , under cerlrin circumsbaces, to find out ; afrord you the rlsht to request ve the riglrt, wherE permittid by law, to roquests. $|.{qqugsh suDraired Jo- tlre FidCity National Ftnanctal Grouo of shatl be i|| writing, and dellvered o-rhe following addres: Title Insurance Company Mulfiplc Produos or Scrviccs [_t..ryotjlr-fE-q!! pgre rh|n one financial pmduct or seMce, you Imm us. we apohgize tbr aDy inconvenionce thls may Cauge you_ I to rge4ts, brolrers or rcprcsentativeJ io 0mvlde vou with servlces ' !"o !![d-party contracrofs or.servic€ pmviders w'ho provide servlcr Iunclrons on oul Dotra[; and ' to orl!,rs_ wlltr whou ue enter into joint nuketiog agreements for nrav find of lnterest. FEh IRrv. FCIL. CHI rcceive more then one privacy nodce Buildinq Materials PROPOSED MATERIALS Tvoe of Material Mt: hj, Ws,€rD wffil., u.644 w u^,xrA Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walts Exterior Lighting Other Notes: Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Pase 6 of 12102107102 o .k I *** ** * * *,r* '1.'*1.* * **+ *'f t *f {r ** *** f,r.* * *** ***,t* * *** * **** ******* * *:r** 'r* ** ** ** ** * 't *tf * *** ** *** **,r *:l.i. t TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement :|+ 'f ****'l*'|****r****{r:l*'t**************tr*'**'rt!*****'}i**t*++++*******'t+*****{.'t'*******+i+***r.**t ** Statement Nurnber: R040005779 Anount: $300.00 05/07 /200403:25 PM Pa)ment Method: Check Init : ,JS Notatsion: #L22I/STE\IE RIDEN ARCHITECTS Permit No: DRB040171 Type: DRB - Addition of GRFA Parcel No: 2I.OL13LO2O28 SiIC Address: 4946 !]I'NIPER IJN VAII.I Location r 4945 iIITNIPER LANE Total Fees: $300.00 This Pa)rment,3 $300.00 Total AL,L Pmts: $300.00 Balance: $0.00 **:*+*:irt**{.**********t '}:i:}*************rt*{r*******+*'}'}*'t************************rt**********:rr.*t ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descrlption Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31i22OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 300.00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArr-,, co 8L657 970-479-2138 2^1n COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMENT O --B-qk-.-n- sKAAJ. ISSI]ED 07 /L4/L998 07 /L6/L998 0t/1,2/L999 303 -777 -7'7 00 303-777 -7700 L.tr, -B\\ts 2, 500 . oo *of wood/PalLel: DEPARTT{EMT OF NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .]OBSITE AT AI.,.L TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M98-0121 .TOb AddTCSS. . . : 4946 JT'NIPER LN LOCATiON Z 4946 JI]NIPER LANE Parcel No..... : 2101-1-3L-02-027 Projects Number: f.)4. APPLICAIVT ROD HALL COMPANY . 255 WYANDOT ST, DENVER CONTRACTOR ROD HALL COMPANY 255 WYANDOT ST, DENVER OWNER COFSKY ROBERT A 820 NEPONSET STREET, NORWOOD MA Descriptsion: FIRE PI,ACE GAS CONVERSION FireDlace InforrnaLion: Restlicted:*of cae ApPl ianc€s: co 80223 co 80223 Status - - Applied- Issued.. Ex19ires. Phone: Phone: 02062 Valuation: *of Gas Logs: FEE STJMMARY 50 .00 15. OO .00 3.OO Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENIT_ -D_epL: BUILDING Division: 61714/1F96-;RM--- AcLion: APPR ApPRovED JRlur iiafr;'66600-i'fnE DEPARTMEITi ---- Dept: FIRE Diwislon: 017i4/19t8-,rRr4-- - ACtion: APPR N/A COI{DITION OF APPROVAI.,, FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK EOR qqDE-qOMPI-,IANCE. coMe0sri6N-ArR r s REQUTRED PER- Fi-q,,6,0 J-qF--TEE-=1-991 UUc, ifrSTALi,AtroN-MUSr cOfrronrq ro MANUFACTTIRES rNsrRucrroNs AND TO APPENDIX CTIAPTER 21- OF THE ].991 TJMC. GAs- apFlrexcss Suai-,r, BE VENTED AccoRDrNG To cHAPTER 9 AND SiiAlr,-trnuillAir as sPEcrFrED rN sEc.e06 qq-!HE-1991 uMc. nttsSs-To ttEArrue EOUTPMENT MUsr coMPLY wrrg sEe.50s AND 703 0F THE 1991 IIMC.s6ILEirs-Suel-,L-sn-MouNrso oN FLooRs oF NoNcoMEqgTlEr,E coNsr- uNi,rss-lrsrED FOR MOIINTTNG ON COMBUSTTBLE E'!QqR-rNG- FHRMTT.FLANS-AND-coDE ervar,vsrs Mrusr BE PosrED rN MECHANTcAL ROOM PfrIOR TO AN INSPECTTON REQI]EST Di.[r-llacu - o--r - Ms criANi cAL RooMs coNTATNTNG HEATINGI- 9R- Hor - wATER SilpFLV-soiLsRS-Bsa1,t BE EQUTPPED wrrg .A FLooR DRArN PER sEc-2Lt9 0F THE 1991 ttMC. Mechanical{ - - > PLan check- - - > Inve6t lgaEion> will call----> R€Btsualant Plan Revi€w- - > .oo DRB F.e--------- raarrlT, FFES------ 7S,00 Addicional Fcee---------> -78 00 Totsal Permit F.€--------> ToEal Calculated Fees-__ >78.00 .00 PalmentB------_ .oo BAIANCE DUE---- .OO 1.a 3. 5. 6- 7. 8. ******************************************************************************** DECI,ARATIONS I hereby acknowlcdgc lhal I have tead this applicat.lon, flll,ed out. in fult lh. Lnformation tequiled, compl€t€d an acculate pl,oc plan/ and state that all the infoEralion providcd aB t€quired is coucch. f agree tso comply eith lhc infornalion and lrlot plan? co conply wieh all Tovn ordinances end slace lawa, and fo buiLd ChiE Etructura accordLnq Eo th6 Tosn,s zoning and gubdivieion code6, d€Eign rsvirir ep!r!ov!d, Unifon Building CodG rnd oEh.r ordinances of thc l:own applicablc th.rclo. RBQUESTa FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TWE}ITy-8OUR HOURS IN A.Dl,lANcE BY TELEPHoNE AT 4?9-2L38 oR AT oUR oFFIcE FROM g:00 AM 5:OO PM gIOI{ATT'RE OF OW}IER OR CONIRACIOR FOR HIM€EIJF AND OWNER . =-, _ d,€.. (liji;ilff:6r3"1::',o""';";'e;;; oF vArL "o"rr*u"rro"O pEzu,rr /,IPARCEL ll 'LtQ14=. - -=,= pERMrr Appr.,rcATroN FORM 'v ztol /t/ 02 aa7- -- ofuii_CEi'ii-'-. R R.. , ApplrcArroN MUsr BE FTLLED our coMpLErELy oR -- .-,.. Datg Bpspjved { /f***************************** PERMTT TNFORI'IATroN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *.* * * * * * * * [ ]-Building [ ]-Pluhbing [ ]-Erectrical ffi-Mechani-cal [ ]-other Legal Description: Lot ceneral Deseription: Block_- owners Nane: ("I."f 4r#,y Address: Architect: Address . lvolwdDt rl4 O42- Dh Electrical contraccor: Address:Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail 'Phone Number: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. ::::^": .::il. I-. -\2- @4 Phone Nurnber: 3 Tir"Uiii'm*FoR oFFrcE usg * * * * * i i 'f* *;if* * i 'i i;Jif*r* * * * * * * *BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE:PLWBING PI,AN CHECK fEE:I.{ECHANTCAL PIAN cHEcK FEE 3 RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: Plunbing Contractor: work class: [ ]-New 1.f-atterat,ion [ ]-Additional 1 r-Repair [ ]-other Nurnber of Dwel1ing Units: /Nurnber of Accomrnodation Units: Voja*o.r and Type of Fireptaces: Gas Appriarr""=- I Gas Logs_ wood/perlet_ r* * )k * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * vALUATToNs ************* ******* *************'t EI,ECTRTCAL: $OTHER: S MECHANICAL, $W ToTAL: +. 2- 1zdffiaA coNTRAqToR INFORMATTON *** *** *** * * Jr* * * *** r( * r.* * * * * * Address:Town of VaiI Req. NO.Phone Number: BUILDING: $ PLUMBTNG: $--- t-R*************************** ' Eeneral Contractor: Address r I BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMTT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: iiiii?.ffi VALUATION CLE4N UP DEP.OSTT REFITND MON TUES WED THUR (fRt ,: ,__-*,_/. Ut + $tr<f lS l+ g'fl-- AM' PM DATE ,'1 '1/./_ - < \' INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL . I r\l' .,r. l-. .' ^..fOB NAME - - t"'ti | ;' .1-!, t././ v t / ! .. .'- /'CALLER try, ..,,: : l 'Z t-i<:_. READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: r.r4 t,tf-,, ; i i.l // ( funr ORRECTIONS: BUILDING: N FOOTINGS / STFEL PLUMBING: tr tr D o tr tr FOUNDAION / SiqEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o tr ET-FINAL tr FINAL : APPROVED O DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED *1 ^ .) '7 .DATF ./ ^ '/ "/-4 tNSPEcroR o INSPECTION TOWN OF G O/I_ 7- THUB FRI .., REQUEST VAIL AM Vr DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES .$Lq) BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: E UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FIOUGH / WATER FFIAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB E SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: N HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT N SUPPLY AIR FINAL ,? i, , ,'tr FINAL ,,'{"AeeRovro CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED BUILDEN, ADDRESS Pursuant to Part 460 of the furniehed wi th the following th€ hone liated above. COVERAGE AREA Regulatione you are hereby the i.nBulation installed in Federal Trade Commi s s ion informacion relating to ,'R.' FAcToR FIRERCLASS INCHES ROCKtTOOL lNCHES BACS BLOWN COVERACE PER BAC INSULATION COMPANY },IINEML UOOL BATTS: A. Exterior We 118 B. Vaulted Cei I ings Frarned eith 2x6 or ZxB ra f ters egaine c roof deck J4 )1 C. Vaulted Cei I inge wi ih attic spacc abJgc or uhere 2xl0 or 2xl2 rafters accur D. Kneera I I s E. Flat Ceilingp F. Fl oors I.IINERAL WOOL LOOSE FILL: Access ible Flac Cei linqs .2/t4L -1 __,J_1-.__ 't7 2(. C. Crar,rl SPace,- Perinecers ,i/ H. l{aronry lfal lt I l:J' J. ParLy Walls 2260 waynoka road r colorado rprlnga,co 80915 r phonr (303) 5916363 t Prolect Appllcatlon I , .-l Addlti on o"," February $;f,198 5 to the Jirn * i{ancy $ibson rlesidence An 'A ' Frame rlara.ge & ''{aster Suite ACrl . to lxi s'i:i nr 'A ,' iirrr4e Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone lirn:ioyIe :lr'.,le,lrr. ,,tLelle:: @ Iloyle dnq-.n. Lt',,{-P1?(i Owner. Address and Phone:Jim I iianey Gibson #2 nlelLes]ey Place, -cl ina, Irtli i'12/- 0 10,i Archilect. Addr€ss and Phone:Bci'fe -lni'irreerinc, lnc. Legal Description: Lot 7 , Block 1 , riling 5l gl': rr rr 5 , 2on" A s:nal-ler' 'rersi-on of bhis edriitioir was r:ubrli tted to the DRii ancl Comments; ?rJL)I.r)\ erl tri Ju I 7a4?. , Thi:,; new p.Iie:t is ,zerv simi lar I;o the one gre'.'-ir.lusl.'r revjeweC excepl; that it j.s 13' loirqer a"n.-l incl-udes I deck -1n i"r'; :ri alr' ec::i i-i" ona.l l-'lan'1;in"J o.f aspen ireesi. Design Review Board I il '- ii 1,.-L Motion by: Seconded by; DISAPPROVAL Summary: li I ZONE CHECi( Rcmaining sva- ;r'a-- + 6'15 = 425 crcdir ptus 250 addition Docs this rcqucst involvc a 250 Addition? y'o Horv much of tlc allorvcd 250 Addirion isuctl with Ss rcqucst? _ d _ ,h sitcco'cragc . lD%= Lilrk"{ 4* G21,? = 3169r Gqf f Hcigbt . Go(E ?tr ' /U/< 2& , g, Sctbacks . Front ., 20, )f , sidcs .r5, -Ta-77ft, Rcar lj, t .qr', Lanrrscaping 6otr" iv{inimum til,rro ufJt &dtfu ,,?no Rctaining Wall Hcigtrrs Parking Caragc Crcdit Drivcrvay Conrplics rvitb TOV Lig.hting Ordinancc Arc finishcd gradcs lcss ttran 2:l (502") Environmcn tal4Iazards !',t 6', Encloscd Proposcd Slopc - 9zo. Pro,ious conditions of approval (chcck propcrtv filc); lr -- /o: xqutr1d2+tsy;l -oool@,oox,ror) @ 3) \v l) Pcrccnt Slopc (< >30% 2) Floodplain 4) Watcr Coursc Sctback (30) (5 5) Gcologic Hazards a) Snorv Avalanchc b) Rocldall c) Dcbris Florv ls thc propcrty non-conforming? Dcscribc: lnl) tspoo )4 'f,qo6 x . 3/7SO 7qo. g q,gw nr(roY€*) o o \A -s D =t U T\ 7t q\ o s tn (\. \ :[ b N 6 I 7\ \ f\. \ $ s.t- a (^\ b z I F i N *I c $ \\ (/ 0 -F\ r,l *\ d 1\ a q a\ b, ^C. u t (\t F N P L s $q 0 Z\ F t r N o ff \q n tt 0 F Tl { 0 e *E V\ N (\\ P il q -\ \t --t\r\ $ N f\ +. n c R s z C\ $ :1 c\ ts o u N o n t $ .\ L N V A Y a N q\ W n o o T z o o o o -r-y' , -Fsur{lul$ ,/ /1 .. ., r':y(vrauoorg,o 'tt ,T-___ -/- I'. //^s.ll.tlrlsp ,// c@-tl""io.,4 . JSIaXJSHC ATSI f,ITNOISXq '-/ I t J nt a (\-t/t t \ i-t (D\r N $\v p 1 o c\ o 6 >-r tn 9 I at-\f G \ l$s h n 1 ill$$u Rnl\\ (*- C tg tg l,r \ AIS IIR i' \lt NN= H.q; -E€ ;ailE t$3$a oao { f. HE +F {fr' ;' nEP 1d Q:i o F S e r n -{{m a N t] (i' $ ),L ? z s \\i \ \ N rt > $J 0 I I APPLICATION DATE: t F ebruary J, L985 DATE 0F DRB MEETING: February 2A, Ig85 DRB APPLICATION *****TH15 APPLICATION I,IILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-appljcation meeting with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any addjtional information is needed. No application will be accepted unless it is complete (must include all items required by the zon'i ng administrator).It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements. Please note that a COMPLETE app)ica-tion will streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of conditions of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is jssued. A. PRoJECT DESCRIPTIoN: An 'A' Frame addition to an existing 'A' Frame in East Vail. The addition will run perpendicul-ar to the existine buildine and will reflect its apnearance in both the shape of the desisn and materiaf finishes. ft is a garage and master suite addition, B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address 5737 Main Gore Drive, Vaif, C0 Filinq Bighorn J Lot Biock C. NAME 0F APPLICANT: Jim & Nancy Gibson Legal Description Zon'i ng Address #2 Wellesley P1ace, Edina, W 55436 te l ephone6l 2/933'o309 D.NAME 0F APPLICANTTS REPRESENTATIVE: Tim Boyle or Mark Mueller @ Boyle Engn. Address 1ll3 E. Meadow Drive, Vail-, CO 87657 telephone 476-2170 E. NAME OF OI^INE Si gnature im&Gibson Address lesle ace, Edina, MN te1 ephone5l 2/933 -0309 F. DRB FEE: VALUATION The fee wil'l be paid at the time a bui'ld'i ng permit is requested. FEE $ 0-$ 10,000 $10,001 -$ 5o,ooo $50,001 -$ 15o,ooo $150,001 - $ .500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000 $ 0ver $1,000,000 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal reguirements, the appficant must stake the site to indicate property l'ines and building corners. Trees that will be removed should also be marked. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the site. 2. The review process for NEl,l BUILDINGS wi'l I normally involve two separate meetings of the Oesign Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approvai. 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement wjll be required to be reoublished. $ 10.00 $ zs.oo $ so.oo $100 .00 $200.00 $300.00 C*4zs ARCH I TE CT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSID USE LOT S]ZE DATE: lEeRl oEffii0--n: lot-1 B'l ock ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS ADDRESS: Ot,JNER .( F.il inq fS,s\.r..,. b\---____T-- Proposed e6 ?z Hei 9ht Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Si des Rear !'la ter Course S'i te Coverage Landscapi ng Fence/Retaining |la1 1 Parki ng Credits: Garage Mechani cal Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat Conu'nents: Heights AlIoled (30)(33) Q 6\o 20' 15' 15' (30)(50) rlj(] (300) (600) (eoo)(1200) (50)(1oo) (25) (so) (2oo)(4oo) 3t', )J .- / >.-\ 295ct a't- h Drive: Slope Permi t&d # Slope Actual w Env'i ronmenta'l /Hazards: Avalanche u )N Jr Slope lletl ands tJh Geologic Hazards Vt Flood Plain Zoni ng:Di sapproved RICHARPS-H U FFSTUTLIR ENGINEERS, INC. 948 5 W- Colfnr Donver, Colorado 8O215 Phone ? 37-8 821 PO ftr.ry 64i l4zz. {ozoxa,rc El6sz Paene ?E-S27Z N -.---.--- SURVTY NO. DAII v/-/ -/euun,<y 7 /97/ 5c q/e: /"-- 40' I I I tl ,\l $l \l \l $l 'l I $l sl \l \l \bI \l \l z g t o ; e I 14 (J o 4 4'-€4-+- n, j I o d o o L' o F (i--*o \s'-- 8z-t:c*: b {b t o F z 3 o ii NI N.l t,\ | -\l rl \l \l \l tl o z (,z E €ar- -/-- / <s;r./n... //\,/ F o !-c7- ,.: / '*. \ \ .G /. ,i;t:.< ,?,) / \. \. Llj \ ____=-_.-.=___-___ \oo \--)= \a.' i-ct-,i / \o 'r / -,,r,,)\ :'\rat - :' r,, h \ { $.,\ { I ."/lr ---"" L \ Thir ir lo c.ttity th.l on lhc above datr en improvomsht turvsy war nrado by mo, or undcr my rr.rprrvirion, "f "J{j't31; -.--': thr rbovo dorclibcd $opottl, aad rhar ro !h. bsst ol my lnowlodge and boliof, the obove pbt rc.u..toly roFr" !\\1!-- rcnlr lhe improvomentt in ..l.tion to tho prop€rty linor or rhown, .nd thal the location ond dimendonr ol ell buildinq improvemenl!, aaremenlt or righl-ol-way in evidence or known to me. lnd on<roachm€ntr by or on thr promirrl rre accur.laly thown, 4 cl (]@-*Z?4;Z-z- RIGISTIRTD PROTESSIONAI INGINEER AND LAND SURVIYOR NO. Z/83 /$ /n\ l$'/\ r$ t\w 's p l/$ ,\l tl I I I ^o gu *'f!"//.r. o 4 o d I o F \l u { \l ol \l $l al \l \l NI 'l $t tl \bl \I \l z g z e e q v,u 9 i-ct- /4 .8,:r,'cr','i) ( o -z fi o RI i\l NI NI sl \-l -l $l \l \l ,\l \l o z (J 4 RICHARDS- FI U FFSTU T L ER ENGINEERS, INC. 9465 W. Collax Donveu Colondo EO2l5 Phono 237-8 821 PO Fa-x 6{j ,/,t /2. Co L o,<,1,tu g/6 5 z Fieze ?E-sO72 O " \5- L3i- c)c^: SURVEY NO. --J4/:L-- DATE - -_Jeryq4{ 7. /97/ Sca/e-' /"= 4O' +-^o*u -r,)-- (L-*o \.'.- h \ "h rv ---..-- {?rE Hazrv Go<s F o /-ct- ,Z .,3 Z. i;r-'.< 'i?j: \-----* $ { $ \ s TT OF sURVTY r CERTITICA I e,6 A RfGISTTRTD PROFTSSIONAL INGINEER, AND LAND SURVEYoR No, z/83 tl /$ /: l$ N* \ ttN ,.* l! /\ I I I goo t-\ Thir i: lo ctttily thal on lhr abovo d!1. !n imp,ovonront tu.voy war made by mo, or under my ruptrvirion, ol lhr cbovc dotcribr,d rriopr,tly, at>d th.l to lho bstt of my lnowledgo and bolisf, lho above phl .ccurat.ly r.F.- rcntr lho improvrrnentt in ralation lo lho properly lin* rr rhown, .nd that fhe localion rnd dirosnrionr ol cll building improvemc.lr. ..r€rnonlr o. righl-of-way in rvidoncc or known lq me, and oncro.chmgntt bt or on lhr promirr cro accurrtrly rhowa. 3.66 AFTER RECORDING MAI! TO Vigor/Tschantz Duplex clo W. F. Vigor. 16]7 Linda Lake Rd. Ft. Collins, CO 80524 $ ab\-1-13 eoor 3t S mce $t{1 4,.". Q.tR3 F\\a\ r r rr' a: ;3 P. r,\ . Johnnete Phillips, Eagle County Clerk & Recorder SPACE ABOVE FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY TILE OR DER ESCROW NO. NO. Special Power of Attorney - (Specinc property onry) Know All Men by These Presents:11.,u1 William Penn Tschantz and Janet A. Tschantz. as Joint Venture::s, dba/Vi on-Tschantz Dupl-ex. a Joint Venture the undersigned (jointly and severally, if more than one) hereby make, constitute and appoint W. F. Visor my true and lawiul Attorney for me and in my name, place and stead and for my use and benefit, to do and perform the following act or acts, which are hereby limited, however, to the following described real property and any improvements, fixtures and personal property located thereo n: TO EXECUTE ALL DOCUMENTS REQUIRED REGARDING: RESUBDIVIS]ON OF LOT 7, BLOCK 5, BIGHORN SUBD]V]SION FIFTH ADDITION, TOWN OF VATL, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OT COLOMDO. (a) To ask, demand, sue for, recover, collect and receive each and every sum of money, debt, account, legacy, bequost, interest, dividsnd, annuity and demand (which now is or hereafter shall become due, owing or payable) belonging to or claimed by me, and to use and take any lawful meansforthere- covery thereot by legal process or otherwise, and to execute and deliver a satisfaction or release therefor, together with the right and power to compromise or compound any claim or demand; (b) To excercise any or all of the following powers as to real property, any interest therein and/or any building thereon: To contract lor, purchase, re' ceive and take possession thereol and of evidence of title thereto; to lease the same for any term or purpose, including leases for busines, residence, and oil and/or mineral development; to sell, exchange, grant or convey the same with or without warranty; and to mortgage, trsnsfer in trust, or olheruvise encumber or hypothecate the same to secure payment ol a negotiable or non-negotiable note or performance of any obligation or dgreomsnt; (c) To excercise any or all ol the lollowing powers as to all kinds o{ personal property and goods, wares and merchandise, chosen in action and other property in possesion or in action: To contract {or, buy, sell, exchange, transfer and in any legal manner deal in and wilh the same; and to mortgage, trans- fer in trust, or otherwise encumber or hypothecate the same to secure payment of a negotiable or non-negotiable note or psrfotmance 0f any obligation or agrsemenl; (d) To borrow money and 10 execute and deliver negotiable or non-negotiable notes therefor with or without securily; and to loan money and receive negotiable or non-negotiable notes therelor with such security as said attorney shall deem proper; (e) To create, amend, supplemenl and terminate any trust and to instruct and advise the trusteo of any trust wherein I am or may be trustor or bene- liciary; to represent and vote stock, excercise stock rights, accept and deal with any dividend, distribution or bonus, ioin in Eny corporate financing, re- organization, merger, liquidation, consolidation or other action and the extension, compromise, conversion, adiustment, enlorcement 0r foreclosure, singly or in conjunction with others of any corporate stock, bond, note, debenture or other security; to compound, compromise, adiust, settle and satisfy any obligation, secured or unsecured, owing by 0r to me and to give or accept any property and/or money whether or not equal to or less in value than the amount owing in payment, settlement or satisfaction ihereof;(f) To transact busines ol any kind or class and as my act and deed to siqn, execute, acknowledge and deliver any deed, lease, assignment of lease, covenant, indenture, indemnity, agreement, mortgage, deed of trust, assignment of mortgage or o{ the beneficial inlerest under deed of trust, oxlension or renewal of any obligation, subordination or waiver of priority, hypothecation, bottomry, chaner-party, bill of lading, bill of sale, bill, bond. nots, whether negotiable or non-negotiable, receipt, evidence of debt, tull 0r partial release or satisfaction of mortgage, iudgment and other debt, requsst for partial or {ull reconveyance of deed of trust and such other instruments in writing of any kind or class as may be necesary or proper in the premises. Giving and Granting Unto my said Attorney full power and authorily to d0 and perform all and every act and thing whalso€ver requisite, necesary or appropriate to be done in and about the premises as {ully to all intenls and purposes as I might or could do if personally present. hereby rttifying all that my said Attorney shall lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue of these presents. My said Attorney is empowered hereby to determine in said Attorney's sole discretion the time, when, purpose for and manner in which any power herein conferred upon shall be excercised, and the conditions, provisions and covenants of any instrument or document which may be executed by pursuant hereto; and in the acquisition or disposition of reol or personal property, my said Attorney shall have exclusive power to fix the terms thereof for crsh. credit and/or property, and if on credit with or withoul security. The undersigned, if a married person, hereby {urther authorizes and empowers my said Attorney. as my duly authorized agent, to ioin in my behalf, in the execution of any instrument by which any community real propeny or any interest therein, now owned or hereafter acquired by my spouse and myself, or eilher of us, is sold, leased, encumbered, or conveyed. When the context so requires, the masculine gender rncludes the Jemin neuter,includes the plural. Dated Julv 5, I983 1_L l- aam Penn et A, STATE oF cA LI FORN IA I couNry or San Diego --) ss' I on July 5 r 19 R 3 before me-..the uldersigned. a Notarv Pubtic in and fo. said Countv and State, personally upp"ar"a WiIliam Penn Tsc . known to me to be the person S whore num" -a- subscribed to the within inslrument and acknow- Signature LT-53e-S (6,/77) Notary Public in and 7-s-f,s FOFI NOTARY SEAL OR STAMP OFFICIAT SEAL BELINDA BUNNS NOT.I,RY PUEL!C.CALIFORNIA FRII{CIPAL OFFICE IN SAN DIEGO COUN TY My Commission Expires V-wr /"r J / blt.oO Oes tTT eoofi 3tos aee Hso J0li]; l- , t,lr-l EACLE tl', iiIr]0R ,lr-LIPS I]O RDER ANTICLE TABI,f, OI' CONTENTS DilcLA&\TION OF covENANts, coNDr[roNs dN! nESIAICTI0NS OI' PARTT VALL.{GRMMENT I'OR VAIL IriIPLtr ITII,I Definitions Description and Rege:nration hoperty Division Drivevay Easement Party Wa1ls Ext erior iriaintenance Ixterlor Decoration antt lanclscaplng Utilities Architectural--{r,, u}re t ic CJntrol Eaeenents Ineurance Daoa€e or l,eetructlon Connon Open Space Ifa.lntenance Aesees&e nts A(lminietration and l4anagement Right of First RefusaL Condennation Ter:ninatlon of l,lschs,nic's Lien Rlghte- Inclennifioation Separate Ae eesslient and Ia:rat l on- Notice to Assessor General Condltlone, Stipulations and Itotecti.ve Covenante Auc 9 2zEpll'83 PAGE I 2 2 , , 4 5 (. 5 I I 11 1' 14 17 la 19 20 20 21 I II III IY V Yl, VII VIII LI X XI XII xrfl xrv xv XVI )r.vI1 XvIII xu N V-wP DECL{RATION OF CO'J-.IIIA 1'ITS, C ONIIT IONS AND RISTIiICT IONS OF PARTY VALL AGRIANEM FOR V]IIL DI]PLD( 'Ihis declaration is nade tlti s day 19II by vigor and rschantzll|etee.l'na?d"".+1t"f"uf"%"feto as "Dec WITNESSETI] I'IlIffi.l.iS Declarant ls the orirer of Lot 7, Block 5, Bighorn Estatee' lth Aildition, Town of Vai1, Eagle County, Colorado (the property) anil WHIR1IAS Declarant hae constructed upon the property a tlupler reeidential dwe11in6 (tne buitding) and WEffiEAS lleclarsnt deslree to inpose covenanta, condltions and restrictions on the property li0W fiI!R:X'ORE, Declarant hereby declares that Lot l, 31ock L Bighorn Eetatee, lth.fddition, Vall, Colorado shall be held, aold and conveyed subject to the following easenents, restrlctions, covenanta t conditlons, a.nd obliga.tions, which are for the purlose of protectirg the value and clesir€bility of the property, anii ubich ehall be appurtenant to arrd run with the 1aod, and sha1l be binding on all parties having any right, title or interest in the property or ar{y part thereof, their heire, succegsora and assigns, ancl sbaL1 inure to the benefit of each or.rner thereof. DiT'INITIONS Unlese the context shall expreesly provide otherwl,ee the follovlng terns shall have the followlng meanings: ,1. "the fuopertieet' neans all of the real estate described on Ixhibit I'4" attaehed hereto. B. "Lot" or "Building Siten roeane lot 74 and 13, Slock 5 ae shown cn hhibit r'-{r' together wlth a1I appurtenances. C. "Dupler" oeans the two (a) cr:ntinguous dwelling unite conetructed upon the Lote. IDupl extt D. "Unit rDeans one of the two drelling conprieing the o B. "Comon Open Space[ neans Lot JC as shown on Exhlblt "A[ uhich slrall be owned equall.y by both the ovnere of the Lots, each having an undivided intereet in and to the Conmon 0pen Space. F. towner* neans a person, persons, firn, corpoxationt partnerahip or assocation, or other legal entlty, or any conbinatlon thereof, owning an interegt ln one or both LotB. ARTICLE I Description and lieserva,tion Every Contract of Sale, Deed, Lease, Mortp.ge, lbus t Deed, Will or other instrunent shaI1 1egal Iy descrj-be a Unit or real property interest as fol1ows. Unit No. ?-A or 7-3, (as the case nay be), Val1 llupl.ex, &,ot J, Block 5r Slghorrr Subilivlslon, aecorcling to the recordeil nap thereof and accordlng to the Declaration of Covenante, Conditlons and Restrictlone for Vall Drplex recordeil ln Sook 3Ls Pege _ji5-0_ records of the Clerk anil Recorder of Fagle Coulty, State of Colorado. lvery euch descriptlon shalI be goocl ancl eufficient for all pruposes to eell , convey, tranefer, encurnber or otherrrlse effect rrot only the Building Slte and the reaL property interest, but all appurtenant righta, benefits and burdens thereto as createil by the provisione of thls Declaration, and each euch description shall be eo congtrueal. Ihis provletlon shal1 apply to the propertiee as said te:m ( ttre Propertiee) is defined in this Declaration. AITTICLI I] Property Divleion 1. Attachecl hereto ae 4.{ is a roap of the property inclicating three ()) parcels of real eetate thereon; Lct /-A, J-8, and l-C and legal ileecri.ptions of each of the pa.rcels. 2, Declarant hereby eetabllshes this plan for the eubalivision of tire Froperty into the aforesald tfrree (J) parcele for ownersblp Ln fee einple consisting of Lot l-A anri Lot 7-B and the co-Ownership by the -2- individual and separate ounera of Lote J-A and 7-B as co-tenante of the remaining Lot f-C whicb coononly owned property is heretnafter defined and referenced as ConrFon Open Space. t. The Connon Open Space sha1l be subject to the eageroentg noted on the D&p and those eet forth herein. 4. lote /-A and /-I Ehalf eaoh be appurtenant to an untllviilecl one-half (l/Z) tnterest in Lot 7-C and lotg /-A and /-3 together ulth their undivlclecl intereet 1r. ,-. . ,"-C aha1l be inseparable ancl may be conveyecl, leased, devisecl or encunbered only as such undivided interest. 5, No owner shall bring argr action f,or partltlon or divl.sion of Lots J-A and 'l-B ot of sald lote fron their appurtenant intereste in lot 7-C. 6. In ttre event Lots l-.1 and J-3 are owned by the saroe entities, the doctrine of nerger shal1 not apply. ARTICI,E II1 Driver^ray Eaeenent _ 1. [trere ie tlescrlbed on the na! a corlrbon cLriveuay. llbere is bereby caeated a reciprocal easement for clrlveway purpoaes ae noteal on the nap. 2. fhe coet of naintensnce of the driveway sha11 be borner equally by the olrners of the cluplex units. ARTICI,E IV Party We lle 1. Party ValI Easeroents. Mutual reciprocal eaeenente are hereby established, declared and granted for all party wal1s between inprovenents congtructed on the Iots, which reciprocal easeuents sha.ll by for uutual support and shall be governed by thts Doelaratlon and nore particularly the succeeding Sections of thls Article. Every Deed, whether or not expressly so stating, shell be deened to convey ancl to be eubjeot to eueh reciprocal easenents. -r- 2, Genera'l lu'les of Law to Apply. Each wal'l which is built as a part of the original construct{on of the homes upon the Properties and placed on the divjding line between the Lots shall constitute a party wall, and, to the extend not inconsistent w'ith the provisions of this Article, the general rules of law regarding party walls and liability for property damage due to negligence or willful acts or omissions sha'| 1 apply thereto. 3. Sharlns of Repair and |tlaintenance. The cost of reasonable repair and maintenance of a party wall shall be shared by the Orners equal ly. 4. Destruction by Flre otl0lhetCqsqalt-y. If a party wall ls destroyed or damaged by fire or other casualty, the 0wners shall restore it and they sha1l contribute equally to the cost of restoration thereof without prejudice, however, to the right of each 0wner to ca]l for a larger contributjon from the other under any rule of law regarding liability for negligent or wil lful acts or omissions. 5. Weatherproofing. l{otwjthstanding any other provision of this Article, an Owner who by his negligent or willful act causes the party wall to be exposed to the elements shall bear the whole cost of furnishing the necessary protection against such elements. 6. Right to Contribution Runs with Land. The right of any 0wner to contributJon from the other Owner under this Article sha'll be appurtenant to the land and shal 1 pass to such 0rr'lner's successors in ti tl e. ARTICLE V Exterior i,|aintenance 1. Exterior maintenance of the Units and Conmon 0pen Space including, but not limited to, paint, repair, replacement, and care for roofs, gutters, downspouts, exterior bujlding surfaces, trees, shrubs' grass, walks, and driveway shall be the joint obligation of the 0wners -4- o of the duplex unit. Such exterior maintenance shall not include cleaning or replacing g'lass surfacesr doors, or exterior damage caused intentionally or negligently by an Owner, his fami]y, guests, or invitees. Cleaning and replacing glass surfaces and doors within a particu)ar Unit shall be the responsib'ility of the individual Owner. Repairs of exterior damage caused by an Owner or his fami'ly, guests, or invitees shall be repaired by such 0wner at his expense. In the event the need for maintenance or repair is caused through the willful or negligent act of the Onner, his family, guests, or invitees, or if an 0wner fails to replace glass surfaces, in either case, after ten (10) days' notice from the other O*ner, the other Owner shall have the right, but not the obligation, to have the repairs of maintenance performed and the cost of such maintenance, replacement, or repairs shall be a lien on the lnterest of the defaulting Owner which may be evidenced by a notice thereof recorded in the Eagle County records. 2. lf any Owner fa'l'ls to pay its share of any cost for maintenance, replacement, or repair of an item described specifically or generally in Paragraph l above and'if the other 0wner has paid one hundred percent (100%) of the cost thereof" the other Owner shall have a lien on the interest of the defaulting 0wner for the defaulting 0wners' share which may be evidenced by notice thereof recorded in the Eagle County records. The debt evidenced by such lien shall be the personal obligation of the defaulting Owner and the other 0vlner shall have the right to sue to col'lect the debt or to forec'lose the'lien as a mortgage, the prevailing party in such action shall be entitled to its attorneys'fees and costs. Any sum paid on beha'lf of a defaulting Owner sha'l 'l bear interest at the rate of eighteen percent (181) per annum from the date said sum was pald by the nondefaulting Owner, ARTICLE VI Ext-er-ior Decoration and Landscaping 1. The exterior decoration and 'landscaping of including, but not limited to, color and texture of paint, the bullding stone, woodwork -5- paneling, roof materlals, sldlng, and the current exterior landscaplng consisting of natural mountain grasses and trees shall not be changed from that originally utilized on the property and in the building without the prior written consent of both 0wners. The color of draperies, shades or curtains visib'le from outside the building shall be the personal taste of the separate owners but shall be maintained in a c1ean and neat fashion in harmony with the surroundings. ARTICLE VII Util itiqs Lots 1-A and 1-B have separate water, sewer, electric and te'lephone and billings for each service sha'l'l be the individual obljga- tion of the 0wner to whom the services were rendered. ARTICLE VIII Archi tectural'Aes thetic Control 1. No exterior additions or alterations to any exterior improvements, landscaping or changes in fences, wal'l s or other structures' shall be conmenced, erected or naintained until and unless the plans and specifications showing the nature, kind, shape, heights, materia't s, floor p'lans, exterior color scheme and location of such structure and the grading plan and finished grade elevations of the site to be built upon shall have been submitted to and approved in writjng by each of the Owners. Each 0wner shall have the right to refuse to approve any such plans or specifications or grading or landscaping the lands which are not suitab'le or desirable in his op'inion, for aesthetic or other reasons, and in so passing upon such plans, specifications and grading and landscaping plans, the Owners shall have the right to take into considerat'ion the suitability of the proposed building or other improvement and of the materia'ls of which it is to be built, to the site upon which it is proposed to erect the same, the harmony thereof with the surroundings, the topo- graphy of the land and the effect of the residence structure or other -6- improvements as proposed on the adiacent or neighborlng property and wlth the general residence plan of the propertfes. All subseguent addltlons to or changes or alterations in any residence, fence, wall or other structure' including exterior scheme and all subsequent additions to or changes or a'lterations in any grading or'landscaping plans shall be subiect to the prior written approval of both 0wners. 2. Fencing landscapingr exterior maintenance' and other improvements erected or placed by 0eclarant at its expense, shall there- after be maintained by the 0wners equally. 3. No exterior mounted radio, short wave or television or other type of antenna sha'l 1 be permitted except on an interior roof' the elevation of which is'lower than the surrounding roof so that such antenna. installation is not visible from any other sites, from the Comnon 0pen Space and from the streets. 4. No tanks of any kind' either e'levated or buried, shall be erected, place or permitted upon any site, except those initially installed by Declarant, if any, or upon written approval of the Owners. 5. No clotheslines or incinerators shall be permitted or maintained on the Properties. 6. All storage piles, equipment, furniture, tools and other personal property shall be concealed from view from any other sites, from the Cormon 0pen Space and from the streets. 7. Any fences furnished and installed by the Declarant may not be removed. 8. No mobile home, shack, detached garage, barn or out building of any kind shall be permitted on the Properties. ARTICLE IX Easements 1. Reciprocal Easeqglts. The Declarant hereby reserves for itself, its successors and assjgns, a right of way and easement for the instal ldtion and continued operation, ma intenance, repair, al teration' -7- inspection and replacement of utility lines, includlng, but not llmited to, water lines, sewer lines, gas 'l ines, te)ephone 'l ines, television cable, antenna'lines and such other utility lines and incidental equipment thereon' over, under and across that portion of any site, bui'l ding site, or the Propertles, situate betv{een any residence and the street adJacent thereto. Perpetual reciprocal easements for the continuance and maintenance of sald aforementioned utillty llnes sha'l 'l exlst both for the beneflt and burden of both of the 0wners of resldences situate within the properties. 2. If any utility line referred to in this Article is destroyed or damaged, the 0wners shall cause the same to be restored forthwithi subject, however, to the right of any Orner to damages from another 0wner under any rule of 1aw regardlng'l iabllity for negl'lgent or willful act or omissions. Notwithstanding any other provlsion in this Dec'laratlon, an 0wner who by his negligence or willful act causes damages to such ut'ility line or lines shall bear the cost of restoration thereof, and any other damages al'lowed by law. The right of any owner to contribution or damages from any other 0wner shal'l be appurtenant to the'l and and sha'l I pass to such 0wner's successor in tit'le. 3. If any portion of the building encroaches upon either Lot, a valid easement therefore shall exist for the encroachment and for the maintenance thereof. In the event the building is partially or totally destroyed and then rebuilt, minor encroachment of parts of the building due to construction sha'l 1 be permitted and valid easement therefore and for the maintenance thereof shall exist. 4. Each Lot and the Cormon Open Space shal I be subJect to an easement in favor of the 0wners, including thejr agents, employees, and contractors for providing the maintenance described inlArt.icle IX hereof. ARTICLE X Insurance 1. The 0wners Jointly sha'll obtain and maintain at all times insurance of the type and kind hereinafter provided: A policy of property -8- jnsurance in an amount equal to the full replacement value (i.e. 100fl of current "replacement cost" exclusive of land, and other items normally excluded from coverage) of the improvements located on each Lot with an "Agreed Amount Endorsement" or its equivalent, such 'lnsurance to afford protection against at least the following: (a) 'loss or damage by flre and other hazards covered by the standard extended coverage endorsement, and for debris removal , cost of demolition, vandalism, malicious mischief, windstorm, and water danage; and (b) such other risks as shall customarily by covered with respect to projects similar in construction, locatjon and use. The insurance shall be carried in blanket policy form naming both of the Owners as insured. The policy or polic'ies shall identify the interest of each Lot Qwner (0wner's name and home address and/or Lot number designation) and shall contain a standard non-contributory clause in favor of each first mortgagee and a provision that it cannot be cancelled or materially altered by ejther the lnsured or the insurance company unti'l ten (10) days prior written notice thereof is given to the other Owner and each first mortgagee. The 0wners shall furnish a certified copy of such blanket po]icy, the certificate identifylng the interest of each Owner, to any party in interest upon request. The b'lanket policies of insurance shall provide that the insurance thereunder shall be invali- dated or suspended only in respect to the interest of a particular Or,rner guilty of a breach of warranty, act, omission, negligence or non-compliance with any provision of such policy, including paynent of the insurance premium applicable to that 0wner's interest or who permits or fails to prevent the happening of any event whether occurring before or after a loss, which under the provisions of such policy would otheruise invalidate or suspend the entire po'licy but the insurance under any such policy as to the interest of the other insured 0wner not guilty of any such act or omission sha)l not be invalidated or suspended and shall remain in full force and effect. -9- 2.0wners. Insurance coverage on the furnishings and other items of persona'l property belonging to an 0wner and public liability insurance coverage within each Unlt and upon each Lot shal't be the responsibi)ity of the 0wner thereof' 3.The Ownei^s shall maintain insurance covering al'l improvements located or constructed upOn the cormon 0pen space. The 0wners shall maintain the following types of insurance on the improvements located on the Cormon 0pen Space: (a) A policy of property jnsurance in an amount equal to the full resp]acement value (i.e. too* of current "rep]acement cost" exc'lusive of land, excavation and other items normally excluded from coverage) of the improvements located on Comon 0pen Space with an "Agreed Amount Endorsement,, Or its equivalent, a "Demolition Endorsement" Or itS equiValent, and if negessary' an "Increased Cost of Construction Endorsement" or "Contingent Liability fronr Operating of Building Laws Endorsement" or the equlvalent, such lnsurance to afford protection against at least the following: (l) loss of damage by fire and other hazards covered by the standard extended coverage endorsement and by sprinkler leakage' debris removal , cost of demo'lition, vandalism, malicious mischief' windstorm and water damage: and (2) such other risks as shal'l customarily by covered with respect to proiects similar in construction,'location and use. (b) A comprehensive policy of public liability insurance covering a'l 'l of the Conmon 0pen Space insuring the 0wners in an amount not less than One Thousand Dollars ($t,OOO.OO1 covering all c'laims for personal injury and/or proPerty damage arising out of a single occurrence' such coverage to include protection against water damage liability' liability for non-owned and hire automobile, liability for property of others, and, if applicable, garagekeeper's liability, host liquor liability and other risks as shall customarily be covered with respect to proiects sinrilar in qonstruction, location and use. -10- (c) All such policies of lnsurance shall contain tvaivers of subrogat'lon and waivers of any defense based on invalidity arising from any acts ofan 0wner and shal'l provide that the policies may not be cancelled or substantial'ly modifled without at Ieast ten (10) days prior written notice to all insureds, lncluding the mortgagees of any Lot. Dup'licate originals of all policies and renewals thereof' together with proof of payment of premlums sha'l I be dellvered to any first mortgagee of any Lot upon written request. The insurance shal'l be carried in blanket forms naming both the 0wners as the insured. 4. Reappraisal , The 0wners shall, at least every year' obtain an appraisa'l for insurance purposes which shall be maintained as a pernanent record, showing that the insurance in any year represents one hundred percent (100t) of the full replacement value of the fmprovements on each Lot and for the insurable Cormon 0pen Space. 5. Notice of Damage. The Owners sha'll notify each first mortgagee of a Lot whenever: (1) damage to any improvement on a Lot exceeds One Thousand Dollars ($f,000.00), and (2) danage to the Cormon 0pen Space and the lmprovements sltuated thereon exceeds Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00). Said notlfication sha'|1 be de'llvered wlthln twenty (20) days after the event causing the damage. ARTICLE XI Dama$ or Destruction l. Destruction of Improvements on Lot (a) ln the event of damage or destruction to a home due to fire or other disaster, the insurance proceeds, if sufficlent to reconstruct the home, shall be deposited into a bank account t+hich reguires, for withdrawals, the signatures of both the Ouners. The 0wners shall then promptly authorize the necessary repair and reconstruction work and the insurance proceeds will be applied by the 0wners to defray the cost thereof. "Repair and Reconstruction" of the homes, as used herein, - 11- means restoring the improvements to substantially the same condjtion in which they existed prior to the damage with each home having the same boundaries as before. (b) If the insurance proceeds are insufficient to repair and reconstruct any damaged home, such danage or destruction shall be pronptly repaired and reconstructed by the owner using the insurance proceeds and the proceeds of a special assessment against the Ouners of the damaged homes. Any such assessments shall be equal to the amount by which the cost of reconstruction or repair of the home exceeds the sum of the insurance proceeds allocable to sUch home. Such assessment shall be due and payable not sooner than thirty (SO) Oays after written notice thereof. The special assessment provided for herein shal'l be a debt of each Owner and a lien on hjs Lot and the improvements hereon and may be enforced and collected by foreclosure proceed'ings in the Courts. (c) Notwithstanding the above' the Owners and first mortgagees of any or all of the destroyed or damaged homes may agree that the destroyed or damaged homes shall forthwith be demolished and all debris and rubb'le caused by such demolition by removed and the Lot(s) regraded and landscaped. The cost of such landscaping and demolition work shal'l b6 paid for by any and all insurance proceeds available. Any excess insurance proceeds shall then be disbursed to such 0wners and their first mortgagees jointly. 2. Damqge to Conrnon Open Space. In the event of damage or destruction to a'll or a portion of the Conmon 0pen Space due to flre or other disaster, the insurance proceeds if sufficient to reconstruct or repair the damage, shal'l be appljed by the Qwners to such reconstruction and repair. If the 'insurance proceeds with respect to such Comnon 0pen Space damage or destruction are insufficlent to repair and reconstruct the damaged or destroyed Common 0pen Space, the Qwners shall consider a special assessment. If such assessment 'i s approved by each 0wner, the 0wners sha'l 1 make such assessment and proceed to make such repairs or reconstruction. If such assessment is not approved, the insurance proceeds may be applied -t2- ln accordance with the wishes of the 0wners, except that the proceeds shall not be distributed to the 0wners, unless made jointly payable to Owners and the flrst mortgagees of their respective Lots, if any, The assessment as to each 0wner and Lot shall be equal to the assessment against every other Owner and Lot. Such assessment shall be due and payable not sooner than thirty (30) days after wrltten notice thereof. The assessment provided for herein shall be a debt of each 0wner and a 'l ien on his Lot and the improvements thereon and may be enforced and collected by foreclosure ;-roceedings in the Courts. ARTICLE XII Cormon 0peg Space l. Owners'lasgnents of EnJoynent. Every Owner shall have a right and easement of enjoyment in and to the Comnon 0pen Space which shall be appurtenant to and shall pass with the title to every Lot' subJect to the following provisions: (a) the right of the Owners to dedicate, sell or transfer all or any part of the Cormon 0pen Space to any public agency, authority or utl] ity for such purposes and subiect to such conditions as may be agreed upon by all the Srners and first mortgagees, (b) any owner may delegate h'is right of enjoyment to the Cormon Open Space and facilities to the members of his family' his tenants' or contract purchasers who reside on the property, and (c) ownership of each lot shall entitle the Owner or 0wners thereof to the use of not more than two (2) automobile parking spaces, which sha'l I be as near and convenient to said Lot as reasonably possible, together with the right of ingress and egress in and upon said parking area. (d) except as hereinabove provided, the Common 0pen Space shall not be so] d, abandoned, subdivided, hypothecated, transferred or otherwise encumbered by the 0wners w'ithout the written consent and approva) of both Owners and all first mortgagees. -13- ARTICLE )(III l,la i ntenance Assessments 1. Creation of the Lien and Personal Obliqation of Assessments. The Declarant for both Lots owned by it wlthin the properties, hereby covenants and each 0wner of each Lot by acceptance of a Deed therefor!' whether or not it sha'l 1 be so expressed Jn any such Deed or other conveyance' be deemed to convenant and agree to pay the annual assessments or charges. The annual assessment, together with such interest thereon, and costs of collection thereof as hereinafter provided, sha] 1 be a charge on the land and shall be a cont'inuing lien upon the property agalnst which each such assessment is made. Each such assessment, together with such interest thereon and cost of co'llectlon thereof as hereinafter provided, shall a'l so be the personal obligat'ion of the person who was the Owner of such property at the time when the assessment fel I due. The total assessments shall be charged one-half (l/21 to each Lot. 2. Purpose of Assessments. Cormon Open Space, The assessments 'l evied by the Owners shall be used for the purpose of promoting the recreation, health, safety and welfare of both 0wners of the Lots and in particular for the improve- ment and naintenance of propertles, servicesr and facllitles devoted to this purpose and related to the use and enjoyment of the Comnon 0pen Space and easement areas, including, but not limited to the paJment of taxes and insurance thereon, repair, replacement and additions thereto, and for the cost of labor, equ'ipment, materials, management and super- vivison thereof. 3. Special Assessments for Capital Improvements. In addition to the annual assessments authorized above, the Owners amy levy, in any assessment year, a special assessment applicable to that year only for the purpose of defraying, in whole or in part, the cost of any construction, reconstruction, repair or replacement of a capital improvement upon the Connon Open Space, includlng fixtures and personal property related thereto. - 14- 4. Basis and Payment of Assessments. (a) The annual assessment with respect to Lots 1-A and 1-B within the Properties shal'l be estimated by the Owners prior to the beginning of each year or fiscal year and the assessment shall be payable in advance in equal quarterly or monthly lnsta'l'lments as determlned by the 0wners. The assessments made shall be based upon the estimated cash requirements deemed to be such aggregate sum as ls determined to be paid by both of the 0wners in order to provide for Payment of all estl- mated expenses consistent with the purposes set forth in the Declaration including any deficit. (b) The Owners shall determine from time to time during the course of an ensujng year whether a deficit or surplus exists or will result based upon its current estimate and shall make appropriate revision thereof. A deficit shall b6 borne by both 0wners and shall be reflected in the next quarterly installment to be paid by the 0wners. (c) llritten notice of installments and the amount thereof shall be sent to both 0wners and such installments shall be due and payable on or before the tenth (tOtn1 day of the next month. The 0wners are empowered to assess a late charge of not more than ten percent (10X) of the amount of each delinquent insta'l lment. 5. All assessments shall be ffxed at a uniform rate for both sites. 6. The annual assessment (or revised assessmeni, including any deficit) and other separate charges provided in this Declaration (hereinafter referred to as "assessments") shall be a charge on the entire real property interest of each 0wner and shall be a continuing I ien upon such real property interest against which each assessment is made and such continuing lien shall be superior to all other liens and encum- brances, except on]y for (i) taxes and special assessment liens, on the real property insterest in favor of Eagle County, Colorado or any assessing unit, and (ii) except as provided in Paragraph 8 below. Upon the failure of an 0wner to pay one or more insta'l lments of the annua] assessment, the other Owner shall assume and pay,ilhs unpaid - 15- indebtedness then irmediate'ly notify by registered mail the defaulting 0wner including a fu'll legal description of his property interest of the action taken. Such Notlce sha'll be signed by the non-defaultlng 0wner and shall be recorded in the 0ffice of the C'lerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado. Such lien for the conmon expenses sha'l I attach from the date of the fai'l ure of payment of the assessment. Such'l ien may thereafter be enforced by the foreclosure of the defaulting Olner's real property interest by the other 0wner in like manner as a mortgage on real property subsequent to the recording of the Notice of Lien. In any such Notice of Lien proceedlngs the defaultlng Owner shall be requlred to pay the costs, expenses and reasonable attorney's fees in an amount not less than seventy five dollars ($25.00) incurred for filing the'lien, and in the event that a foreclosure proceeding is subsequently brought, the additional costs, expenses and the amount incurred for reasonable attorney's fees sha'l I be paid by the defau'lting Owner. The Owner of the real property interest being foreclosed sha'l I be requlred to pay the subsequently accrued and accruing monthly insta'l lments (assessments) during the period of fore- closure. The other 0wner sha'll have the power to bid in the real property interest at foreclosure or other legal sale and to acquire and hold, lease, mortgage, convey or othenrise deal with the same. Any encumbrancer holdjng a lien on a real property interest may pay, but shall not be required to pay, any unpaid assessments payable with respect thereto, and upon such paynent such encumbrancer shall have a lien on such real property interest for the amounts paid of the same rank as the lien of his encumbrance. Upon the reguest of a first mortgagee of any site, the owners shall report to such first mortgagee any unpaid assessments or other defaults under the terms of thls Declaration which are not cured by said mortgagee's mortgagor wfthin thfrty (30) days after the date of default. 7. Owner's Personal Obliqation for Payment for Assessments. The amount of the assessment shall be the personal and individual debt - 16- o of the 0wner thereof. No Orner may exempt himself from the1labllity fon the assessment by waiver of the use or enJoynent of the Cormon Open Spaces or by abandonment of his real property interest. In the event of default in the payment of an assessment installment, the 0wner shall be obligated to pay interest at the rate of eighteen percent (18%),per annum of the amount of the insta'l'lment from due date thereof, together with a'l I costs and expenses, including attorney's fees incurred, together with late charges. Sult to recover a money judgment for unpaid cofimon expenses sha'l 'l be maintainable trithout forec'losing or waiving the 'l ien securing same . 8. Assessment Certlficate. The 0uners shall ' upon request of any 0wner, mortgagee or contract purchaser, issue lts certificate certifying whether or not assessment installments with respect to any site or real property interest have been paid or if they are in arrears' or, if ln arrears, the total amount owing as of the date of the certifi- cate. Such certificate shal'l be conclusive ev'idence thereof in favor of any third person relying therein in good faith, and the 0wner shall not be held Iiable for such disclosure on error therein. 9. Subordination of the Lien to l''lortgages. The'l ien of the assessments provided for herein sha'l I be subordinate to the lien of any first mortgagee. Sa'le or transfer of any site shall not affect the assessment lien. However, the sale or transfer of any sjte as a result of court foreclosure of a mortgage, forec'losure through the Public Trustee, or any proceeding in lieu of foreclosure, shall extinguish the lien of such assessments as to payrnents thereof which became due prior to such sale or transfer, but shall not relieve any former 0wner of personal 'l iability therefore. No sale or transfer sha'l 'l re1 ieve such sjte from liability for any assessments thereafter becoming due or from the lien thereof. ARTICLE XIV Admi ni stration and l,lanagement 1. Both Owner's Responsible - Ultimate Control Resolution. Both Lot Owners shall be jointly responsible for the administration and -17- 3. In the event that the Adioining 0wner shall fail to agree to acquire the said Lot yrithin twenty (ZO) Aays, as aforesaid, then the 0wner shall be free to accept the offer of said third party and convey hls Lot free from any c'laim of the Adioining 0wner. 4. For the purposes hereof written notice is deemed to have been given if it is personal'ly served upon the Adioin'i.ng 0wner pursuant to RuIe 4 of the Colorado Rules of Civil Procedure, as it exists upon the date hereof, which Rule is lncorporated herein by this reference, or in the alternative when the same has been placed in the United States llails' Certified llai1, Return Receipt Requested, postage prepaid thereon, addressed to the Adjoining Owner. ARTICLE XVI Condemnation 1. Condemnation. If at any tlme or times during the continuance of ownership pursuant to this Oeclaratlon a'll or any part of the Cormon Open Space shall be taken or condemned by any pub'llc authority or so'ld or otherwise disposed of in lieu of or in avoidance thereof, the fo]lowing provisions of this Artic'le sha'll apply: (a) Proceeds. All compensation, damages or other proceeds therefrom, the sum of which is hereinafter ca] led the "Condemnation Award" shall be payable equally to the Owners. (b) Complete Tak'inq. In the event that all of the Cormon Open Space taken or condemned, or sold or otherwise disposed of in lieu of or in avoidance thereof, the Condemnation Award shal'l be apportioned among the 0wners equally and payment of said apportione-d amount shall be made payable to the Owner and the first mortgagee of his Lot iointly. (c) Partial Takinq. In the event that less than the entire Cormon Open Space is taken or condemned' or sold or otherwise disposed of in Iieu of or in avoidance thereof' the Condemnation Award shall first be applied by the Owners to the rebuilding and replacement of those 'improvements on the Corrnon 0pen Space damaged or taken by the -19- management of the obligations created hereunder. However' in the event both 0wners cannot mutually agree when a decision is required by this Declaration, the jmpasse shall be reso'l ved as fo] 'lows: (a) Decision required in even numbered year: Lot 7-A 0wner's decisjon is binding. (b) Decision required in odd numbered year: Lot.7-B Owner's decision is binding. 2. Override. In the event an 0wner believes, based on'the standard of the reasonab'le man, (i) that an impasse decision has been made incorrectly or contrary to the Declaration or (ii) that the 0wner in ultimate control is guilty of mis-, or mal- or non-feasance with respect to this Declaration then the aggreived 0wner sha'11 petition the Eagle County District Court for a iud'i cial determination of the controversy which decision sha'll be bind'ing upon both Owners. The Court may assess costs and any reasonable attorney fees as may have been incurred by the parties based upon the merits of the case. ARTICLE XV Right of First Refusal 1. In the event that the Owner of either Lot 7-A or f-3 elects to sell, transfer or convey his Lot or any interest therein' excluding (i) the creation of a lien or encumbrance' (ii) a transfer by gift, devise, descent or by operation of law upon the death of a ioint tenant, or (ii'i ) the grant of a leasehold interest of three (3) years or less not containing an option to purchase. 2. In the event that the 0wner of either Lot receives a bona fjde offer to purchase his Lot or any interest therejn' as aforesaid' from a third party, said 0wner shall give wrjtten notice thereof to the 0wner of the other Lot ("Adjoining Owner"), who shall have twenty(2O) days from the tjme such notice is given to agree in writing to acquire the sirdd Lot upon the same terms and conditions as set forth in the said bona fide offer. -18- conalennin€ public authority, unless both of the O$ners and tbe flret nortgages of each L,ot agree otherwise. Arpr eupplus of the awarcl or other portion thereof not used for rebuilcllng antt replacenent shall be usecl by the Owners for the future Daintenance of the Coumon Open Space and exterior meintenance of the luplex eituated on each Lot. ARTICI.E ]TVII Terninatlon of llechanlcrs Lien illshte -- Indepniflcatlon No labor perforted or naterials furnlahed and i ncarpora t ed into a Unit wlth the consent or at the reguest of the Onner of such Unltt hts agent, his contractor or Bubcontlactor Bhal1 be the basis for f11ir4; of a lien aga,lnst the Connon 0pen Space or agpinst a Unit or argr otber Unit Owner vho did not expreaely consent to or request the serrtices or rnateriale. nach Orrner sha,ll inderordfy and hold hannlese the otber Orner from and againet all liabtlity arising fron the clain of arqy lien against the Unit or another o! against the Corn'non Open Space for construetion perforroed or for 1abor, ,naterialB, services or other protlucte incorporated in a Unit upon the coneent or request of euch Unit I s 0mer. A.RTICIE )f'rIII Separate Aesessnent and Taratton -- Notlee 'Le_ rllEe€Eer Ieclarant sha1l give vritten notice to the Lia,gle County Aesessor of the creatj.on of the reol property ownershlp unlts clefirred hereln and taxation shall be as follows: (") Lot -- Lots 7-A and l-8, each together with ite undivided one-half (l/Z) tnterest ln Lot 7-C shall each be deeneil a separate taxation parcel, subject to separate assessnent and a(l valoren taxation. (t) In the event the Eagle County Aesessor doee not aasess as in (a.) atove and ejther asses Lot 'f, 31ock J, Bighorn Estates, 5th -{ddition as ru1 entire pareel or Lot 7-C ae an entire parcel then each Owner sha11 iray one-ha.1f (l/Z) of all taxes as they cone alue. -zu- 9. -Lny first nortgagee of any site uithln tlie property nay jointly or sin€ularly pay any tayeB or other cbarges which are in dlefault and rvhich rDay or have becone a charge a6"ainst the Ilropertles and nay pay overdue prenluns for hszard lnsurance policies or secure new hazard ineurance coverage on the i.epse of such po11cy for euch hopertles and argr flrat nortgagee upon the mking of such paynent shell be irmedlately oweil reiobursenent therefor fron tbe Ovner. IN WIIIIESS lEffiEO}. the Declarant has eet thelr bands tbe tlay and year flrst above written. VIGON DTJP , a joint venture -23- <-r-tF 9) oo rl-l .J.@ = -l 9U)F . o=c-) -n v j'<d o 9r.' @5 J. ..J af -J or q, C'I (cI '{(D oJ #r INSPECTION REOUESII TOWN OF VAIL LIU- vll,olt- O,tr4n 1 DATE I READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER @ *ro 'HUR FRI PM AM BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr o tr tr UMBING: E FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER D FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING E INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H, TUB NAIL (rrrunl FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL EI APPROVED ISAPPROVED EINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: 4 PL,L 4B f 4'Z tt, L {>O(t:ctl iJ.\ zrr p//.)E ^//J\ t //,.4 L7-z- ,*rt"rroN neouisr TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS/STEEL 'I\. , .'\, .', ,,-,,2! tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATI T] FRAMING ON / STEEL T] ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MEGHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr tr tr o HEATING ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR I tr Ffi.lAL O FINAL . -{TAPPROVED CORBECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED 4 ,.j / .1t,, 7..DATE INSPECTOR ,*.t"toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr tr tr tr tr tr n FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr D tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE tr'l OF trC tr_ CTRICAL:MEGHANICAL: TEMP. POWER E HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL B FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIREO DATE INSPECTOR ,"rt"toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI READY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PtYWooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o D O FINAL tr FINAL ELE OT trF OC tr- CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP, POWER O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,*rt"rroN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: T] UNDERGROUND T] ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING |-1 ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr cl SHEETROCK NAIL o tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELEGTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL tr APPHOVED COBRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIFED DATE INSPECTOR _l ' ,./ E Prop"t.d Conrlruclion I Under Conc]ruclion o At o T}ESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS l#7 Properly oddress r'{?r'6 ''A;/^"* /;-'' " ,r, h'.L Sfo INsTRUCTIONS l. For odditionol inlormolion on hor lhir forrn ir lo br rubmillcd, rumbcr of copicr, clc., rrc lhc inrlruclioar cpplicoblc tc lh. FHA Applicolion for llcrtioge Intsrorrcc or VA Rcqucrl lo' Dctcrrninolion of Rcorcnoblc Volqc, or lhe corc rnoy bc. 2, Dcrcribr oll molrriolr ond cqviprncnl lo hc urcd. tlcthcr ol aol rhorrn on lhr dro,.in9r, by mo,lin3 on X in coch oppropri:lc chccl'bor cnd cnfcrin3 113 i6fsrmolioi coiltd for rn coch rpocc. lf rpocc ir inod:quolc, cnlc' "Scc rrfrc,'ond dcrcribc stdcr iknr 27 or oe on ollochccl lhccl. minimum rcquirrrncnlr connot br conridcrcd unler rprcificolly dcrcrib:d. {. Includc no olkroolcr. "or cquol" phrorrt, or conlrodiclory ikmr. (C< ridcrotior of o rcqucd for occcploncc cl rubrlilulc moleriqlr ot cquipmr ir nol lhcrcby prccludcdJ 5. lncludc rignofurcr rcqlircd ol thc cnd of lhir form. e, Thc conslruclion rholl bc complclcd ia cornplioacc *ilh lhr rclol droringr cnd rpccificolionr. or cmcndcd dvring proccriag. Thc rpccificolir iacludc lhir Dcrcriptior cf Molcriolr oad thc opplicoblc Minimum Con:lrueli Rcquircmcnll" t. \9erl aol rpcciGeolly dcrribcd or rho-n vill nol bc conridred unlcrr rquircd, whcn ilc mininrstn occcptoblc. will bc or:umcd. Vorl crcccding //r;;;rc /e, (Addrcr.) f. EXCAYATION: ^ | _ Bearingsoir,tyr*---8-eck--5----Gr.-rg-t't--EQ------- FOUNDATIoNS: ./ - Foolings: concrete mix -.- ----ti^S#..€K. Seinforcing Four'dstion wotl: Dtgteriot .-..€aA.lC,-...---.---------.-------...---. Reinlorcing tntcr lor foundotlon wdl : Ifsterisl -.€A-l,/-C*- Party foundrtton rvall ------------i---- Columns: Moterial ond tize -Piers: Materlal and rcinfol'cin8f .-.: Girder:r: lteterial and sizes .W*e-A--E-F-qtn..Sf -g---PkUJ Sills: Materiol Basernent cntrgnce ar€away Tllate rproofing --------- Pooting drains .----.---.-------.... Termite protection ---------. Barcmentles rpace: Ground cover -.----.------------ Inculetion ------ --.- Foundstion vcntr Slncial foundatio:rs ..--.-------"- A CHI'{NEYS: Vents (aatsria, anil ci?6): Gas or iii":rrri*:K.LeK5_--€,-Z^e-e-4.--.-.-prerabricated(m,,keonitcizc) Flue ltning: Material .--<Za-y---Z/-9.-...---- - Hccter f,ue size -:-.:.--------"----7----r----. verts {;ralarial ar,rd sria), ca{or oil heater ..-.t-u1//-t----------E-S-Zte--e-d-:7i------ :. . ._. ;;; ;l;;;:; ;;;;.-/. a.T :.:.::;:4i . xrrrer heater --,lis-.L,t-g:4-:1-d- ..2, -. 'Wcter hegter -. a. FIREPLACESS -t Type:FSolidfu.I;glgas-buuring;Ecilcutatot(mokcanilsiz?).--------....------==:-----.- Aah dump and clean'ou! ----Xfl-- Fireplace: t&ing -*-Lheai---]---l-; ri"ing &*-c-'--A/tZ----; hesrth -.5-T-aat-S--.-.----; msntet -I------:--.'- Ittasonry: Facing ----.--'. -.' . -----.---.--; beckup ---------- thickness Bonding Door sills lfindow sills -----------.----'.-...-.... Llntels --. lnteiior nrrfaccs: Dampproofing, .-..-.-- corta of ------.---------- --- 3 furring Extcriqr painting: llatcrial -.-...r'-;-- - -; numbcr of coats --l Gablervallconstruction:('Sameasrrrainwa|ls;Eothcr. c.FlooR FtAtlttl6: 7a7, Z Joists: Tr'ooC, gradc and "nnies --J77-d--.--?a-8--=i other r-;----.-'--,. .,:-------..- , .ridging .-H-%AL€-------; enchors ---*--;r-- Concrete slab: Q Basement floor; E fitst fioor; E ground supported; I self'supporting; rnir ------; tticlcness '3f,-- reinforcing ; inrolrtion -----------:-------- ; ncmbranc reinforcing Flll under tleb: Dletcrial -- . . - . . - . - - . - : . . - . - - - - - . - --.---; thicknesr -..-.------". -----.- 7.SUBFLOOf,IN6: (Dcxibc oaduf,oefug lot tqe.<ial Foo,l .tndot itcn 21,) lrateriat: Gradeendspeci """. ---%. -V1:e.-.--a--o.a- ------..--------; si"" /A-8----;tve. ---/-/-4---------- L4id: @Fi33t floor; @ second f,oor; g 'attic ----------------- 6q. tt.; O diagonal; ft right engles --' -( '--'--- a ff Hl3H f LOgtlX6: (Vood oaly. Dclr,tibe olhcr fraith looial ndct ilem ?l.J IrtsAf rq:t First floor Sccond fl<or Attic floor-.----------.------.------ sq. lt. { -r\o " tiffj:''-i':illl'i";'usp".ics..-..fi i.:--.-.-....-.---------- sizcend rprcrns --4x-4---/Q.9'9,- w 10. CElLlNc FlAl'llN6:fta 'E;4".77eers Joists: W6od, grode and sPecies 1 Bridging II. NOOF FRAHING: Rafters: Wood, grade and specier Sf--f- *?/,a2itn,Iloo! trusses (see detail): Grade gnd "p""t", *Sf-A --A$M Slsln or peint Built up roofing Fleshing l Material lt GUTTEn5 AND DOWNSPOUTS: ' Gutters : l.,latctiell--.-21,/&lE- - ; gage or rreight -----------; aize --"-'--'-'-"'; rhapc Downspoulr: Mct€rlol ....; gage or weight ----------..; rize ----------.--.; rhape ---------- ---.-----*--i nunbcr Downspouts connccted to: B Storm c?ecr; Et lrnltrry se$rer; B dry-well. Q Splash blocks: Matcrial and alze ---------- la. ]A?H lNO lLlttlrr t th O wdh, 0 catllnSrl Metcrlrl -..---::------.--; wclSht or thlckncrr il:-1,'ti,i"T'"ftI"1'iiii;;:ic';i:::;..-:;ffi;:'W.:;;;;;.:.F:-.t;.fr;:;l;i;;;;;;;;rari* l3 DECOiATIII Gz (loial, vollporyt, dc'l Gllrrlro ntrtrx l{^ttrl t llD Altuc^ttox Watr l'tr(rrE lfl"ttt^l axD At"uc lro}. la. lxrlelor Doolt llllllT#l"t-#-%-<* ------.--.D:.::.:.---; materisr ..,,.4t.7,.iP-- -P:*..s. i.Etg,.gr"**1 l4-/, il;,J[;3t;;-:.:l--..;-^-:iiiy-.7tN-*----...... 8",", tvve -liuwa-*-; materrat "'?"<*-'*""'-t stze -2- Ylindows: Tvpc --12-*P---------; make - ev"sz errae 7-ft8-?'t-2--r---- ; 0 rash matcrlal Pa-,'e ; E brlgnces, typc Trim: Typa -fu-g-e.a----.---------; rnrtciiel ---.r7'/'/)'3-"-------'--"":'l-' Vlcetberstripplng: Typc --------------------- '-"""'---; mgtcrial Scrcens r O fuff ;g haUi type '--; nurnber'-"--'------ i lcrecn cloth msteriEl i"*i"rt *frao#ityp" ---- ; material -------:----- ------- --. ; GLacrecnr, number -*---; tr Special windorvs. .; rash thtdrncc! --.:--_ ; numbcr'coatr -Z Storm arsh, number -..- --J Stotm earh, numbcr -_ lf txTnAllCES AND lxtEeloR DfTAlti. q | . ^t Mrtnentrancsd *rr*iiiti -7"F-l*e,-----...--.; widrh3-:--- ithtcknes/.fu". Framc: Materigt.P..z4'-*.ithlckneu__ Othcr eittrancc doora: Mgtcriel -.,1--.-------------------; wiitth ------------; thlckness -'-"-' Frarne: Mstcriel ---""'-"i thlcbrera _.- Eced fashing ..------------------ --- lilcrthcreirlpping: Tt'pc ----------;-; igddlca *------.--"-'-"--j Screen doorr: Thickness ----.-.-"; number --.--.-.-.-; rcr.en ctoth materlal Storm doorr: Thickncr --"--"; aumlcr -l Gombinrtion gtoran cnd cqre€n doors: Thickness -------'li numbcr ----.-; ecreen cloth materisl Shutterc: trt Elnrpd; tr ltrad. Rellingr -S.€'f- "P'-/a'p5""- ' t'ouncrs Ertcrior rniltwork: Grritc ud lpeclcs .-------- Ptlnt' -"F'ntA'r''"2'{'"--"" "'-; nurnbcr coltr 3 Beck rnd cnd rptash -9-/-€-€-4f-aaiclinith of cebinctr Itficdicinc crbincts: Make OtJrar calincts rnd built'in lurniture --:---' tl 3lAlll: !lein----.---.-- Attic-------.- Dirappcaring: Makc and modcl numbcr ------- llrurrrra 1a, o o Dtarrrlat- Cola|' BoiDElt" 8rrB, C^ct, Erc. t[^rE AL Col.4 BoR.ttr, C^r. Snr!, C^sB Etc. FLOONS AXD WAIH5COT: Kitchen---- Bath .F.tt. Bathroom acccraorles i Bocceccd i rnatcrlgl ; numbor ----; t] ottsehed; mcterial. -.--------.--------.- t aumbcr '--- UnDtl'|rol ItagEt lt Snorla T = E 2a llul*llN6: Goua Rrtu|! Slnlc--- Lrvrtor? Wrtcr Ertltub-: Ehorer over tub' Stdl rhowert' I'l.oltlrY .n Crrt tr ta ..8 Doo! tl Gurtein rod watrr roppry : d.ryut:i (loronuntq.rn"T t tr 31q.l$. -1r:]5ll^ :t_llli--8r*rqc airpoiidpotllci E courmuntly ayrtar; tl tndltdud (prlvato) ayrtcn* ffi ar"ffi u;raara cyalam h conplclc ilcQ{ -in-aeparcte draulnga ond tptoifrzlionr *ord,!"t to reouirantalt' Boure drarn (rnrtdc) : E,cest tro,'; tr W"i O o*r, .E!4..{J.- ;;;;#; l";did"}; B C*t r-i1{-til"; B- oo'er '84'+'- tWatcrDtP|n8:oGalvantzrdrteoti(coDDertu!lagitrothcr..-..'...,... Dorasrric *cter t..t.r, rvi-*i<5;/.J:::-:.....----l rndcl lnil moilcl -..-..-- -*--.;.:,eA"_!r#'. rocovary - gph. 100' rlrc. Stongc tsnlr I Dlltcrlal .", ciPecltt cii;;;frffi;lw;;;i,i;;i'n:n . elio ?1"':":::::::::.:;-'::::::::-c*,Djp:&- tr coor'<rns; (r'oo- hosdns' 7 ;;;;;;,:i,::;;;Jild'il;;'.q4;ailtrry rcwerig dry wsrl gurnp purap -..-yE t.--.- *r[?"T3:"n E Btca,r .B vepon- E ona'Dlpe avrtcrn" @ Dro'DlDs lvrten Q Bodlatorr E Conv€.tors { fa*boerd rrdlatlon' ![at<c rnil rnodol Brdirnt prncl: B trloor3 O wriii O cclllng. Panct colti Matcrlal @. Circuirtor. tr Brturn pwaP. Mdrc anil nodal '-i ceDaclty "'--- tflrr' Boilsr: Maks gnd rnodal OutDut '----"-'- Btuh'i nrt rrtlng ------ BtuL Wrran alr: t1 Gravtty. E Forccd Typc ol !y!t'tl --""'-"-" Duet rnetcrld: Supply -.---- ----- -.. -.'. t rotum -""""-'---'tarulrllon -.-....-..r thtcknou -...-- O Outrlda alr htrkr' .Fsrnaco: Udro rnd modd tr 8D*" hmtcri Et f,oor furaaco; tr watl herhr' lnDut ""-""-'--""" Etulr i outpqt D[r]c' rnodcl tnput -.-.-.--.-- Bhrlr. : outDut .----------------- Btuh. Ehrlu; numbcr unltr --.--- Gontmlr: .Maka end tYPer Focl: tr Corl; O otl; F gar; E llq. pel gar; E dactrloi t]csDadtt .Fldng cgulpnen! tsrnlrhcd reparrtely: [] Gas burnor, convcnton typa 8!otrcr: E EoDper lccd; tr bln teeil Oll burnrr: Q Ftruurc rtoralzlng; E npor{rlnf t[rkc utd nodcl --------- Ehctrlc hcating ryetcm: Typc --.-"'-'. Vcntllrting egulpnont: Atdc fau, rndrc and aodel '-""" Kltchsn cxhrurt fe!, bslrs anl nodd O!h* berting vcntilatlng, or coollng cqulpaent tngut.-.--.-- vltb; @ voltrS outpui ---"- BhL ; crprclty -----------.--.--- cltu 2-€---F-.,e--u-it-L-.----. !a atlglrlG wllltast - ;;; r-d' ix.ii..a; (uarlcrgFoun& Paarl : Cl rru box{crPlbllltt wu,u' o c"aEl o rio3clcrrf#^ r:"n$rn))r,giy',.Y-y:sr..r.i Jr"b, fLnr.; O wrtrr htihri E otbcr (-O-tU.iu SClt-ce Pugh'butt"! locetionr - E otlta /J 4 LrJA-rcl a (O-ru.ir. {Clu.. Pugh'butto! tocetlonr -*€tre tA ftgHrlila FlXtUtttr .?- - ' ?otel aurnbcr ot arlilr"i3-?-Efutoal altoseno lor 6xtun+ typlcel tnrtrtlnuon, l'i'-----" NontYPlcal lnsblhlJon Nurbcr clrcultr .- INSULATIOTI: Locrrrox I trrcxxrsr_l MArrrtaL Trt8. a:\-o I{llHoD ot ltisr^LtlltoN Varoa D.rirttt 17. HISCEtLAHEOUS3 (Describc an11 main ilwalling mutaiab, eqwiptnent, or construction ilems not slrcun elseuhcrc) :-------... 5l*; :..f/a;rc ItRTACEs: a O'HEN OHSITE IM'TOYEHETIT': Iii&i "U ""t"rio, onsitc impro.-ementa r.oa ilascribed elseuhere, incluiling itcms sttclt ae ztnusual grading, dtoinogc slrllcture - rataiiing lrrlalls, lcncc, railhws, and accessory structurcs') *........:".............-.....:.:...:.:::..:.:-.................---....-. lANoscA?fNG. TLANflNG, AHD FtNlsH GRADINGs,y'AlaAZL Zflrrt4gF-f(r!'::. Topsoil --------,, thick: El Front yard; O side yards; tl ref,iyirl 16 -:-:.-.:----.----::------ feet behind main building. Lewns (sccdeil, soddcil, or s?.i,ggcdl: O Front yard . - ' - ' ' - ' ' - ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ; O side yards -"':'2)"'-"-'; Q rear yard pfanting: E As specif,eal and shown on <lrawings; B as tollorvs: 5f .g f.1 alZ rttS --..----...- sh.d" tr""r, deciduous, ..-.-.-..--.-.." caliper. Evcrgtecn trees, to ..------.------" B & l,ov fiowcringl trccr, deciduous to -....-...' Evcrgt'een ahrubs, ...-.--.--.-..-'to .------..-----"" B & High'growing shrubs, deciduoug, Dledium-gtowin g ehrubs, deciduous, Low-gtorving shrubs, deciduous, Signeture I chen and associates CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS solo RD. 15{ GLENWOOO SPRINGS. COLORAOO 8l&r 30e19.$?a5t April 15, 1983 Subject: D<carration Obsenration, Pncposed Drple< on Iot 7, Block 5, Bighorn Subdivision, 5th Filing, 4946 Junignr Lane, East Vail, Colorado Job No. 25,386 Vigor Construction 1617 Linden Cxeek Road Fort Collins @ 80524 Attn: I4r. Bill ViEor Dear !tr. Vigor: A.s requested, we obsenred ttre o<cavation at the subject site on g>ril II, 1983, to evaluate the exposed subsoils for fourdation sutr4nrL. At tlxe tfute of our site visit, tte eccavation had been rough c{rt to design fooLing grade. TLre o<cavation was essentially in one level (ndnor steps) and ranged frcnr a cut depth on the order of 5 feet belc'e/ adjacent ground surface wittrin the uphill souttrern portion of ttre build- ing to very rniror sut at ttre daylighted northern erd of the site. Tte soils or;rcsed in the e<cavation consisted of silty sand' grravel and cobbles wittr:in ap,proxirnately tlre southern half of tle excavation u:ansi- Lioniry to siltt'sands and sardy silts within ttre northern portion. Highly orr3anic topsoil also occr.ured wittrin the erctrsre northern portion of tlre site, within garage floor slab and footing areas. Becalrse of the topsoil e><trnsed, tr,'o pits were e>rcavated adjacent the northeast oorner of tlre 9ea9e, Pit 1, and adjacent the east building vrall' Pit 2. ffie soils e<trnsed in the pits consisted of about 3 feet of topsoil at Pit 1 and about 2 feeL of topsoil at Pit 2 overlying silty sand,s ard sandy silts to the maxfuum depth encavated, 9 feet. No free uater was encountered. resdts of gradation tests performed or sanples of the sulcsoils obtained w:ithin t}le pits and at foouing bearing level are presented on the attadted l'ig. I. Results of a csnsolidatim te.st perfoned qr a rela- Lively urdistrrrbed sanple of ttre veqr silty sard orbrEained within Pit I at depth 5 feet belorp existing grade, are stpnrr on Fig. 2. A-s indicated hy the consolidation test resultsr ttre sards ard silts are slightly to roderately ccrq>ressiJcl-e under cqnditiqrs of vetting ard light loading. OFFICES: CASP€R . COLORAOO SPRINGS . OENV€R . SALT IAK€ CITY Vigor @nstnrction April 15' 1983 Page f\ro the coa::se gfranutar soils en@untered withirl ttle southern portion of tJrc buildiry area r,puld be ocpecced to be onty sLightly ccnpressi-ble. We rrnderstand tlre strtrture will onsist of a U^,rc story vrcod frane residene founded on cra\dl space. Spread footings and concrete stsn walls are proposed for foqndation $pporE. Based on ttre spbsoil sondi- LionS obsqrred in t$e e><cavation and the U,ro g<ploratorY pits, we recqurerd t[e sprcad footing for:ndation be placed on the natqral silts,/sards or gra\tels belcnrr the organic topsoil layer and be desigrned to fupose a nru<irun bearing pressure of 2000 psf. Due to the variable bearing conditions across t|e buil-dlng area, scne differential settlsrpnt on the order of L inch mety occur. As an alternative to oc-ending the footings dcn^n, the e><istj-ng topsoil nay be rsrpved and replaced with granular strustr:ral fill sudr as a road base material. Ihe fill should be ocnpacted to a rnininun 958 standard Proctor densiQ' ard er<tend a rninim.un Iat€ral distanse belzord the edge of the footing equal to tte fill depth belcn ttte footing. ot! April 13, r,le again visited tlre site to perfo:m cuq>action tests on stnrchJral filf placed within fooling areas. A total of 5 tests vrere taken at fmting grade wittr the results presented on the attadred Daily Repo* No. 1. A-s indicated hV the test results, the fill tested has generally been crerpa.c@d to a mirrinnrn 95? of standard Proctor density and should be suitable for foundation support. Within the rsnaining footing areas, all loose soi1, topsoil or any debris should be rqpved prior to coneete placenent. Gavrl spa.ce level should be protected frcn viettirg by use of a perinbter foundation drain. PerirTeter backfilt placed against stem walls should be well ccnpacted and have a surface stope that drains away frcrn the strr:cture a distance of about 10 feet. Ttr,is report is based upon obsenzation of the soils o<trpsed in the open excavation and pits. In order to reveal the subsoil conditons belon foundation elevaLions, driling l',rottld be reguired. It is possible ttrat tlre subsoils beloru those oqrcsed in the open excavation may dnnge ard rnay oontradict ttre reccnmerrdations presented in this reporE. If you have any questions or if we can be of further sefficet please ca1l. Verlt tlruly Yours, ClIBl AI.ID A.SSOCIAIES, INC. *#rr.----/.fu4 #f'.;tf$(j 1s?22 i:iii. -rlj Wrii+.P g,P/b S@ven L. Pawlak, P.E. cA-2-f9 HR 7 HR. r5 MIN '100 '50 '10'30 oo chen and associates. inc. 60 MtN 19 MrN.4 MlN. I MIN CLAY TO SILT cRAVEL 0 q" LIOUID LIMIT SAMPLE oF Ve4r Silt}z o42 2 DIAMETEF OF PARTICLE IN MILLIMETERS sAND 56 q" srLr AND cLAY 44 v" o'o ,aos'crrY ,NDEX o/o sand FRoM pit lat 5' S SANO 38 0,6 SILT AND CLAY 3 vo o'o ol orflctrY TNDEX \o giravel & cobbles FRoM rsrcavation grade, soutlt side 1 70 80 30 24 45 HH r5 MIN 60 MIN Tg MIN 4 MIN 1 MIN z z GRAVEL 59 q" LIOUID LIMIT SAMPLE oF Sandy SIEVE ANALYSIS HYOROMETER ANALVSIS DIAMETER OF PARTICLE IN MILLIMETEFS 25,386 GRADATION TEST RESULTS Fig fhen and associates, incf de0 I q ...1 1 U)r-o g g^AZ d 3 4 5 6 7 Moisture contsnt = 23.9 percent Dry Unit weight = 90.8 Pct Sample ot: v'ery silty sand Ftom: Pit 1 at 5 | APPLIED PRESSURE - ksf 25,386 SWELL.CONSOLIDATI ON TEST RESULTS Fig o it a a T t t,r,f f t I I i !I o Cxt N lxo AssoctATEs Conrultlng Engln tr Soll ard Foun&tion Englnodng GRADATION TEST RESULTS To sANo SZ% 3tL? Axo cLAY % PLA5trcrrY txoEx P:FCCNT OF ORY WETGHT 15 r! !tL? (E- ,trltrcl oiav.L 54 Llcul0 LlMlt 13% 7o Mc'I.TURC -10 a .i 6 rto 3 ll I i a J I to at a 5 o roo a o COIVIPACTION TEST RESULTS corrpacrror. rErr piocEoutE ASaM D-698 l4ettrod "D" r r.PLt o. L\" BaSe COU1.Se rrou l\bttingharn Pit r,ttYH footing grade orrttlta ot t-tt Irtl ,.r',137.3 @rt o..l rorStull - 0lv oEt!rtY culvEs #24,386 llJ - o o uJ ul a o '!1 ,o F{ E o: j I a +)(,,) i't t{ 0) o a! o o o, : ,/t c E)e .! =9-*B:.r, .2 ;Ei H F"O ?ro i6 ti €) i-Gc o:5 Ed,:o 6o E= 3! = o >,^ :=c;:e:3 i 95 0., s;sE i c v= :cEo :,€1!C 'EEE"9:E; lcroi 93F; E HF; G C (oF iEE= XE IE C';cr:tr E: oq,: b o9 : E o5 .o E s -9 i3i-lE :i€;g .^-=D.)ntol:o9 Ei;;f c clr v- .ER':*E !rOO;L E iH:=:F;UP 6'869:PssrE ii:yGi Ei: f;!o: !l 9 --7)r!i X)'{iao EgsgE e:: e s tcloiO FOEl)O F{l ('l HI FI EI I c,t E ot € E o : \o I = .9 o l| E 2 l{l 0,1 tl (Ul €l 1 r't o o E 9 o c o c, F I I I I I I I I I ol EI YI EI xl ,,nl rnl rnl I n-tl FI nl N I 2 tt t o E c_ o o E c a! o F a o tt o) o E o,D 9 >B +r!Oo 99 8i EI cl el 9l 3l =l EI Fl 6l crl El 6l q,I ol 1cl .Ql rF ovi 59 tt I G .9r 9l ;l ol .9 1 gl EI al ol o)l 9l EI r.{ l!,. i'l HI 3t :l 9l .=-sg :o tE o6 co )3 t lr,F : .0 z I F o o.:o o z F tr o UJ o o t F ! 0) lr B o fi Fl o ()[*:F-o\rn d1 rO o\@ CN gz 72t xE rn \o rn (^o rn co (Y) rn >Es E;8 (7) aa -t c{Fi aa .-t (\l (f' Fl '-i rr) FI G o I o^>t o-<f \0 -f \o st \0 s \0 iuat C' l*- aa FI ao F a.) an t\cfl F fn Ft r7') F- z E'; s 93 r+.{ (d t{aJur !u-z z z z z z o = o|q .p x 'Y c,tn LI ((t U| t{-{ t{ Y H x B z q{ to A ll] i(\ ?h r't tq o '-{ (') FI -)' <n t\Fl @ (\ (/) t-c{ 14 a ! E E a E ${ 6 $ UI +, E 6 H C' !'l + |,lo v2 .1 (\(rl rn ql x q ru E ul o :l I EI -l ?l J ,-3 .ql fi.oH i =dl liBl *I BFI o 9El z 6gl F .r ll I EH] E H"l a ul F o \o @ (n rJ1 (\I @ o c IA 'I -.5 9- =; =d Xa .a;!- (/,.cE g) t!.r| IJ.J -t .>,.-=,i2 o) rJ.r --J .85.t=:T)ilfl^HEs EZ e=E3 92 a- -r c)t5 -!-.!a t_.RrI l-.-l I=-.-. -- .l ol fl (l x .V {J x q at I .'l l-{ F. F{\o F.l o ..1 4 o J t UI ,{ U tl .Fl o F o 2 o o z a {fr c o +6 z !m F ={ I i E --E o !.L-o .i-tt l--.: 3 IHE A 19n I lai : 9.ItrP o liq I l=E 5 ;i o<1o dP a*ctt >I z-'n (, =m.l I m I <trq tn= =oc)YF t- !trr -n!Or- z=EUt 22 oo z !TB m o - z o z.--l --{ Hf,uiO o>'r- o 2., O = --r a, O-s Zr---t c p< --t z z=-rx 3: io o> o zO nz >m C)E -l> T =m o -{ TD z m fl ro -t d a+N ft)X - z^ql 1 I = C) 3 OE =b <F -nD frB ^EO )-' tr --. I J. IJ -lo l(-)la, :- l-t lo l5 I I I I (O -: I r)f, trt a'i N t- m (n \.| r 5 r x : TI s: (n F (i,) C\l il -t l-{mlO 5t€'lz lo II l>l- tm lF'lz lo I I I I tE t=lzl tol EI t>l lFl trl lFl tzl l'l tl ll I (D l-r lo l€ lz lo E t> lF lfl lz ls lz le t<t>l-IT lB la I = o i c) l,/l cl l-{ l€ lz l!t> t;tm lo lz z o -l <.,rT --l s'>o PO o 'n !m :o - -{o @ m x m !-{ o z (-o @ I {m 0 m T m a = =z o ,;) -) (J N) C) o € rn t- =z c z Q I lr -tr oN.T \,I -l 2 .n -.{ I x.l!J t& z U)c l- -.1 7 .D m (!-t (C =z t- I) m { @ z m m m l-< ' lr) m t-rll l-i m t =z =z t- m o I c l l, t-R1 x'o ;.: m io > .rl z(t ?9 o.4 o B!s sb o6 zz cn Oz s -t- c\tt s c. oz -"D _Tl _E ,1 d 4 I I I I I I I I a+ c+ a o',.' o E9e rulao -(Du e i'\< R iiP 53t :1 o) 0 -<Q€ =EE i rs- (D =5 )+- lJot i- <aor o Q B.a reB,Iot od= !*(, e. ile 9org 9) -='-r +i;,;=="^o f. -r :atfo .= qt o--\ =_59e qrdr ==.F -{o-=oP* =;il n@ =' ='= -E=3 xx=. aA= 38Q ol: .,(,j)=- !r -o =l zl c)l tl ol ;l -l I I I i I I ol ll zl ol ol <l z -.1 >l 6l "l I I I I 0l ll 'l I I GZ *z 3) o8" @ llrc € aZ 6o .rz rJm r(4 51 ^l ul a':l -tl .rl 'l I I I I I J o r m 3 =-n m m (, @ c - = m = 'tt m v =i 'n m m at - i._, \l n \)\'. i-\ I l*o tN' ,1 !l DATE ? Zg f< JoB NAME rNs o PE CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL z_L READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:WED THUR FRI AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETBOCK NAIL FI tr o p/rrrunr / <A tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT f'] B SUPPLY AIR n O FINAL tr FINAL $e+aoveo O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: o^rE e/-/q -/3 TNSPECT.R o o z a {7 o {o z T ln 7 ={ -{o TD m Ig l-o l--, S E l+o 4 lri5 e 19e 3 I!= g ItrP cr | -{, h O l<{l l=E 5 It o.<1o-dt nt ctt >t =E ii= -rl m = =trq m'- L tn== ,-\ .\ e>"'t- utr! -t] -\, Ol- z= t2 oo z Ttrtr Z /-\ c); m - z 6 o o z. -t o \J!,z t---{ c 3< de t-m o --l n o t- z -l o i n o 9.n {m tz >m on -.t >or-7 z 3 m o - -{an o 9' af N g (D x -n l- t-Y zl bN J. l ol 5l II rl J-I frl rtD tx II tl I l(J,tl tl -r l{mlO rl= lo t:l> lF II lm l9r lz lo I I I I l-{lo t€ lz lo ll l=l!lm lo f lz I = o 5 Pe l-r l3 lz lo ll t> lfi lz tr = |-n rD o Ci' l{lo l€ lz ll t> tr-h lm lo td t+t€F tzl ls l=FE' l= l3 |:|a ll rl El-Eln l- l= Eh Hl=tl l'l l-.,1 DI l"l r)l pl rDl BI rl tl tl tl = n + -) BE EB EE E'| lo H l=-Ntq, f lc+ts. lN FI FI Etl tl C]z lq m; (^, t \\l <-o @o (.)T o -rt 1' m :D =i {o @ m x m !-t o z C-o @ (t f m tr= 9.J F 5ttr zZ ., z r.J *Dn lr\)pl tl tl z>9R 'n i;!<g< >o ol m=a/, o z c ru= d ONF qA F*3t E3 <F > -n .jX z .t qg ?9 ':t 6) ut e:: e e o 292 - I -{tO O O 'n2z o€co 91 9i' -lNo= =l g m = 6.68: g : sg$E Egefi E 5;iF.F A (,|, (D =:t +*:r;6x331 oii j oP Oo^.(,,X !5gt; 3ai *s zak 'rt m F = =2 o L TRANSMITTAL LETTER a AIA DOCUMENT G G810 PRofEcr: . )l9oz - GrZr-/t D-e/ux (name, aooresst 4 /4h ,_Tt,,.,,pen Z_,i_e '., Vzr/ Ca/a?-a?a ---'' ,/dt,-zztt O/= V,+ I Z 75 satt?/t, Ftzo.-nhqL E-, WZtL Ca/atzrtc>a A/6 S 7 ATTN: --7-tJl'rz J 4'/E/z'/ WE TRANSMIT: (X herewith ( ) under separate covir via ( ) in accordance with your request ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: DArE: ] '5-83 lf enclosures are not as noted, please inform us immediately. lf checked below, please: ( ) Acknowledge receipt of enclosures.( ) Return enclosures to us. TO: -l J FOR YOUR: ffi approval ( ) review & comment ( ) use THE FOLLOWING: fi) Drawings ( ) SPecifications ( ) Change Order ( ) distribution to parties ( ) record . ( ) information () ( ) ShoP ( ) ShoP () Drawing Prints Drawing Reproducibles Samples Product Literature () () coPrES oATt REV. NO.OESCRIPTION ACltoN cooc /)z-?.{-az ",-2 i42 'P/,r,t i./ /u,f^ ttafn'z4 5 3t ZEt?- ACTION A, Action indic.t.d on ltc'|| lr.ntmlttcd COOE 8. No .ctlon rcqulred C. for 3lSmturc rnd rclum to thit officc D. t. For 3lSnatufc rnd lorwrrding rc notcd bclow REMARKS Sec REMARKS bcloi RIMARKS ,4FP/,rz B/t Cao Es . (with enclosuresl tr D D D n Ct*1 4rzr /O '/ Cz+ n't 874 z'.- /+pr' ('o/z)..--r "'/9{^'( " 2 AIA Tt{[ co,PJ(S TO:/1,t1 r/1o,r- DOCUMENT GT1O '' TRANSMITTAI. IETTER ' APRIT 1970 EDITION ' AINC ' COI'YRICHT @ 1970 At\ttRlCAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1785 MASSACHUSETTS AVINUE, N.W., WASHINCI()N, D.C' 20036 5 '2:- C".9atz> ONE PACE luwn 75 soulh tronlage td. vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 January 7, 1983 Bill Vigor 161.7 Linden Lake Rd. Ft. Collins, Colorado Dear Bill: 0n January 5, 1983 the Duplex. Final approval of 4150 GRFA, a primary Note that the secondary department of community development RE: DRB Submittal of 1-5-83 80524 Design Revjew Board approved the Vigor/Tschantz is for a primary/secondary duplex wjth a total unit of 2118 and a secondary unit of 2032 GRFA. unit has reached its maximum GRFA. The Staff sugges$that a construction fence be erected along the sma11 stream jn order to protect it. Sincerely, ..', . '/y'* Jim Sayre Town Pl anner JS: df onr {- s 'rz A. R NAME OF MILING ADDRESS APPLICATION FOR DUPLEX SUBDIVISION REVIEW APPL ICANT F/, ?e rr /ir/ru( '4,/? 1- z PH}NE are-22-- APPL ICANT'S \ REPREsENTATIIT ?^, { /.Zzt'{ r' NAME OF MA IL ING ADDRESS 4 c.NAME OF Ol.lN ER 'S MAILING 7on\pe)VL PROPERTY 0t^tNER (rin S IGNATURE PHONE ADDRESS D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL Lor 7 BLocK g'.- sueotvtsrotl FILING 3 E. FEE $.|00.00 PAID MTERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED l. Two mylar copies of the duplex subdivision plat fo1 lowing the requirements of section l7.l61 30(c) 'l ,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,.|0,i'l ,.|3 and l4 of the subdivision Regul ations. 2. The plat must contain the following statement: "For zon'ing purposes, the two lots created by this subdivision are to be treated-as one entity wjth no more than one two-family residence a'l lowed on the combined areas of the two lots." The statement must be modified according to the number of lots created. 3. A copy of the declaratjons and/or covenants proposed to assure the maintenance of any common area s , APPROVAL PROCESS, REVIEl., CRITERIA These can be found in Chapter 17.24 of the Subdivision Regulations. FILING AND RECORDING The Department of Conmunity Development will be responsible for promptly record'ing the plat and accompanying documents with the Eag'l e County C'l erk and Recorder upon Town of VaiI approval . F -> G. H. o Project Application ,^r" r ' i:, ti .,' ,'{,' .i'7 Project Name: --j Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: ' : ' 14 Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing : .. t : ?,'i1 ,u , Zone - Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL 1.'l t:'\,Su m mary: i ..'r\ -t ") . Town Plbnner , .;' "'' t.r: E st"r Approval Date: a Prolect Appllcation /2 - rz/ ?z Proiect Name: Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: Archilect Address and Phone: ?.) (2/ 6//,*:, f,z Zt /? 5'd f z< Legal Description: Lot -7 s../u / r Block 5 ,ruing ( '4 '/H' Zone: Zoning Approved: Deslgn Revlew Board 54N- r .\.o^r"4- OISAPPROVAL Motion by: Second€d by: F INAL T4FoY A r<-tpnoVnf | -l \tott r4ptryttvvS / n'/',+t9rzt 4u <^) Ta'H 1Nb /-4 NoS cryE Summary: Chief Building Off icial I I zol'lE cil[cK SFR, Fil ing Legal Description: Lot * Block 5-6t6/#4.N .f4 F/tJ4(2 Ormen Architcct Zone'District Proposed Use Sidcs-Required l5' Proposed W 4 Rear -RequireC' '15' Proposed 2 .SO ' llaterccurse-required N4 'Proposed A't'for':ed I SOZZ Primary Al'lor.red - Secondary ir'll or'ted LA }L. Site Covcra ge : Ai'l oived €(t.f? Landscaping: Palking: . for P/S Zoi{[ l]ISTRICTS R,R GRFA:. . GRFA: Corrnnnts: Prinnry 2- t/'g Propo.-.'ed Propcs ed Proposed Proposcd Prop:;: ed Actual a/€o Sccondary Propcsed 2o3L ,3 /,rJ- Requi red Required oF: d if Ilrive: Slope Pcrmitted Environnienta'l/llazards: .Ava'lanche . Fl ood P'i a in " '.' ". 'SloPe SIope ot, .sEcoNQQY tty'llA_ rc astO Q _AeX--- 0 i::i.p!).iir'''::ti 7t.:rin:r: 7 2-. ENGINEERING CHEEK LIST 1. 4. Comnents : @-gzst-2---+-*sm-*---eiSu*-t-(e (Acceptable) (l{ot AccePtab'le) t/ - r,/ /.-ttr. a/^t1L__teu_6*Xp>4q (if applicab'le) t. A B c D t F E'lectri c Gas Sel.rer l,la'uer Tel ePlrorie T. V. Approved: Di sapproved: subdivi s:on 816//loZ*) Lot Bl ock Filing Submittal Itcms (A) Topo MaP (B) Site Plan (c) utility Plan (D) Ti tl e llePort (E) Subdivision Agreement 2. Engineerjng Requirements 3.Sou rce of Ut j 'l i t j!! [t ] 3:l x*,'ll.i affi^,;-mffi re*:;; BiI I Atrdrc:+s u'il, 1't'Y t,oc^il0N vl;ltIl;ICA'l'loN SUI]DIVISION ADDRES,I 414b _ JOR LOT BLOCK 2 F IL ING the location of utilities, whether they lines, rm.rst be approved and verified by acconpanying site plan. Mountain Bell Western Slope Gas Public Service Company Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Vail Cable T.V. Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation District be nain trunk the following li.ncs or proposed utilities for the Date /Zz/44' NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit frorn the Town of Vail, Departnent of Public Works and to obtain ' utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easenent in the Town of Vai1. A building Pertnit is not a street cut permit. A street cut Perrnit nust be obtained separately. this form is to verify servicc availablity and location. This should bc used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. Authorized ./2-/y'-f L /24-r? zz_'4-az /z-/j/-y-. tL-l+-F2- 6,,,."'7' --r), 'llrc f'ol lr'1:illf ittforrnlt iott il' lloard lrr'lor',f a J:j.n:.t I ;rll1lrov;r I A. BtJ ll,lrliii; i.lAl'l:tllALS Roof Siding Othcr lfal I l"laterials Fascia Soffits Windor.ls lrintlow Trim Doors Door 'l'rin lland or Deck tiai ls Flues Flashings Chinrneys Trash Encl osures Grccnhous es Other' Botanical Name TREES lr:rlrr i rcrtl l'trr' ::rrlrt;t i t t:r I I'y c;r rr lrc ,l j.vcn: l'y_;rc ol' l.lrr 1,lr-l'.ij[ thc irplrlit';rrrt l.o tltc Dc:;j1:tt ll,'vir.'lt tlolor S,d{tj B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: t' ) . (^)-.'/ .. <- I .4'':, ,.'.t . PhOne i z/; - / '/ i: / -)/ PLANT MATERIALS * /t # 7t'Z i 4zt? t',i:', i.- . a-d 6/2,-/< ,(e/-E-d/ Conunon Name Si ze isr'€l f"b'fude/cad f.U/ZA- t //'/ t 5'f -. py'. e -B-^re.<#/l us fp.u2e{q* Quanti ty 44 6',* L+ 2-- it"b-d lo' - t & L:ld-rt lz'-t/' 3 7 { 6eL, ELr" lf_atL. S- eec-. {6cL -?6ac -r.fe {C /:L,'r, i u/ ',i"11i. . / ?i.;:., L .- Ok,,t' '< .a,4247o Z-_Tmi@-frr.a /tPl'rend Ol ?t*"tr . ^/ . -r-.2 7,/.h/ / SHRUBS -.rTapr/# u 5;/, (4 B zazd,r, o gJa*V*"la) r? Ata.$aail' * €:c*b o { {a'z.z4- GI{0lr;ii) COVERS Rt tr00l'A(;t- SQUARE FOOTAGE SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION ,L,rt /-tt t- TYPE SQUARE FoorAGE ,//l/- e, { /..- t ''-'r/rrr"1 --- 7u7 lf z. ds2-,ri TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL c.0ther Landscape Features (retaining walls,'fences, swirruning pools, etc.) Please specify. /0 Project Application Proiecl Name: Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: f Arc6itcclAd d ress and Phone: Legal Description: t-ot J , etocf Zonei TL Zoning Approved: Design Review Board 71- /,7 t- f d DISAPPROVAL Chief Building Off icial Project Application o Legal DescriPtion: Lot atock ji/ , ritins Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPHOVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: '' ---/ ,r,' a, ,1 '.( re, z- Date: Zoning Administrator Date: Chief Building Otf icial PollcY of Tltle Ingurance It3ucd bY Transamerica Title Insurance Gompany SUBIECTToTHESCHEDULEoFExcLIJsIoNsFRoMcovERAGE,THEExcEPTIoNScoN. TATNED rN SCHEDULE il;r inf rryfllorls ai-ilrE coNDrrroNs AND srrPurl\rroNs I{EREOF, TRANsAMEnT&'tiir'i: iNSUnnncn^cowtpANY, a califoraia corDoratiou' herein called ;;ffi ;;:;v;r,";:::$Ti##$d*r.**:*:*,1xrufi .lffifi ;'i;ffi l;*; amount o[ insurance Etated' rn rc,.cu.,re..': -;^-;-:---*: r,l, .r.- i-",,red bv reneon of : become obligated t" p"y f'*"ti'l"i eusrained or incurreil by the insured by re l.TitletotheestatcorinterestdescribedinSchedu|eAbeinSvestedotherwigethanasstAtedthereini 2. Any defect in or lien or encumbrance on such title; 3 Lack of a right of access to and lrom the land; or 4. UnmarkelahilitY of such title' In Vittw:, Vlrcreo!,Transamerica Title Inruronce Companyhar:":4 thit policy to bc rigned end rceled ';; ffi;i; ;;;; "m'J* "" oI Date of Policv ghown in schedule A' Transamerica Title Insurance Company Proriilcnt SccrctetY :"1".1:li;i'lffrlo "..1^"=",caN LAND rrrlE Aasocrarro," o*n =t'"Ocy-FoRM B- reTo (aHE DED to-r7-?o) SCHEDULE A Amount of Ineurance $ 125 , OOO. OO Policy No. 4L06240 Date of Policy November 17, 1982 Sheer I of 'l 4 : 00 P.M. l. Name of Ineured: W. F. VIGOR, T{ILLIAI\4 TSCHANTZ AND JANET TSCHANTZ 2. The esrate or interest in rhe land described herein and which is covered by this policy ie: IN FEE SIMPLE 3. The estate or interest referred to herein is at Dnte of Policy vested in: w. F. VIGOR, as to an undivided L/2 interest and WILLIAIVI TSCHANTZ AND JANET TSCHANTZ, in joint tenancy as to an undivided' L/2 interest 6. 7. 8. 9. .FORM NO. C-6000.38 FOR Ual W|TH COLORADC' RE6TONCRTCAN LANO T|TLE AASOCTaTTOH Olr/NER a POL-aFORM !-1970 (AMENDEO tO.t7.7O) SCHEDULE B Thic Policy does not iruure againet loes or damage by reason of the following: l- Righrr or cloima of portiee in poeeeeaion nol shown by the prrblic recortls, 2. Eruemcntc, or claimr of eatemento, not ohown by rhc public records. 3, Dircreponcier, conflicts in boundary linee, shortage in area, encroachmentr, ond any facts which o cor- rect Eurvey and inapection of the premisee woull tliscloee and which are not shown by the public recortlg. 4. Auy lien, or right to a lien, for eervicea, labor, or material herelofore or hereafter furnished, impoeed by' law and not shown by rhe public records. 5. Taxee due and payable; and any tax, special assessmenls, charge or lien imposetl for r,r'irter or sewer eervice, or for any other special taxing disrrict. Taxes and assessments not yet due or payable. Right of Way for Diiehes and CanaLs constructed by ttre authority of tl.e United states, as reserved by United States Patent recorded November 22, L939, in Book 123 at Page 525. RestrietLons' which do not contain a forfeiture or reverter clause, but omitting restrictions, if any, based on race, colorr'refigion, or national origin, as con:ained in instrument recorded November 25, L966 in Book 175 at Page 445. Drainage and utllity easements 5 feet in width along al.l interior lot.lines. and a1on9 the Northwesterly and Southwest,erly lot lines a! shoqrn on che recorded plat of Bighorn Subdl,vlslon, 5th Addltron. DccdolTrrrrrfrorn: $f . F. Vigor and William Tschantz and Janet Tschantz to thc lrrrblic Trrrrtce of the Corrntl'of Eagle fortlreuceof : Rudi Fisher and Robert Fader to tccure doted rccorded : 3 55'000.00 : November 3, 1982 : November 17, 1982 in Book 348 at Pace 969 7OT U'f WITX COLORA()O RE' AM-NICAN LA|{D TITLE ASSOCIA'ION L<''Al\| I ?oi ua3 wlYX GOLORAOO i rcjlrrt aMrrlc^n LANO TITLI al'OclaTloN OWN(R' I v ' POLI v r9lO ( ar1lgN rrel) cY-roiri t-lt?o (a cxolo lo.l7'70) SCHEDULE A-Continued Thc land refcrred to in thir policy is eituated in saile IF.t- 7, Block 5, BIGHORN SUBDIVISION, FITTH ADDITION the Stare of Colorado, County of . and is described as followa: / la t'( t't,(r,,rr Ni' Tltts L)Dcu, Marlc rnis ,, rJ- ,y rluy t,f r\Nqvembe f ,between THE FISHER-FADER PARTNERSHIP l9 of thc County of Cololudo,(.|f thc firsL pul't, snd W. F . undivided l: interst and JANET TSCHANTZ, in Joint undivided L interest wltone lo6ul udd t'cxu tn &nd Stlt(: of VfGOR, as t,o an WILLIA],I TSCHANTZ ANd Tenancyr as to an rlc::cribcd lot ('(,'unty of Lot 7, Block 5. BTGHORN ufthc County uf und Stute of Colorudo' of tho lecond port: wt.rN r:ss!:'r , Th t urc $Iid t,|l r.ty itf t ho fir'$r pur t, fo r lr rr rl in consirls-r$tio1 of.the-sumo! **oNE, HUNDRED TwhliTv"'ltivb.'tir6i,sxND -boitAns'Anb no cENTs*******************D0LLARS, ro the 8aid party of the first par.t in hand puiti by the said party of the second part' the receipt whereof is hereby cr.rtrfestctl and acknowlcdgctl, huc Sruntcd, burguincd, s<lld und convcyed' lrnd by thesc presents doeB 8r&nt' bsrSisin' sr.ll, cunvcy and confirm, unto tho ruitl pulty of thc sacond purt, his heirs und assignu forever, 8ll the following or parcel EagIe SUBDIVISON, FIFTH ADDITION ulso known ar gtl'ect and nu mbcr TOGBTHEtt with ull und ringulrr thc hct.cditum€ntB und Epput tcnsncer thereto btlonging, or in anywire apper' lsining, and thc rcversion und revercionc, renruindcr und lctnuinderu, rentE, icaucs and profitr th€reof; and all the crtato, riSh t. titlc, inte res!, clai nr and dr mund wh rtsocve r of thc $sid psrty of the firrt port, oit hcr in law or cquity, of' in and to the above bargained premiuus, with the hereditumcnt's snd appurtenancea' To lAvU ANI) To HoLl) thc suid pr.emincx ubove bulguincrl und described, with the appurtenances' unto the Esid purty uf thc cccond part, his heir.s lnrl ursign:r folevct. An(l thc nuid party of the firrt psrt, for himself' his heirs' (!x(.cutu18. and ..(lruni*trtrtorr, <lot,r r,ovrrrirnL, Friurl, l)lu l{rin, urrd gtec to und with !hc uuid purty ofthc sccond purt' hiu hei'r l'td *$Big*H, tlt..l trt grr, lirrrr,ul l,lrg r,useirlirrg trrrrl rltlivt,r'y ol lhcsc pl'u8('n!s, hc ir wcll ucizcdof thc prcmisss ubuvc curtvcycd, u{ {rl gorr(1, xulc, perft,et, ltLsolute flrrrl itttleft'uniblu t'sttttc of inh(Jritungc, in luw, in fge cimple, und h8s goorl right, full powrr.and lawful llutholity to glllnt, bulglitr, ncll und convey the ssme in monn€r and form a$ |}forcruitl, und Llrut ut(. |rlullr,f i,s l'r...c urrl cleirI frottr ull lot ttrct itttd qLhrrl'glunts, but'guinu. !lcE, licns' tuxer' t!l(,!rmont, und en(unrbrunccn of whutcvt l kind ol nl|tule rogvcti $€D€I: a1 t,axeS f Of thg Current year and subgequent years, right 9!_tay for ditches and cinafs ai recorded Nov.- 22, ig3g in Book 123 aL Page 623, restricti recorded Nov. 25, ,L966 in Book 175 at Page 445 and drainage and utility easements as recorded on the PIat. 'nd llrc ubuvcl burg*incd prenrisr.,s in thc (luisl, unrl ptuceuLrlc posscsuion of the eaid porty of the second part' his hcirx r|nd u$lrignlr uglrinrt all und cvcr.y prr'r{on or' pc|sonr luwfully clniming oI to clsim lhc whole or any part thercof' thc rrrjd plu.ty of t.lre filct pur.t sh ll [nd will WAItRANl' AND l"OREVElt DEFEND. Thc singular numbet'shall inclrr,'f(,tlrc 'lurrrl, thr, grlurll t6r,singulrrr, rrrrrl the rrsc ol lny gcrt<lr.t slrull b<'uPDlicublc to ull g('ndetg' lN Wl,tNt:SS Wll!:ll$Of, tlrc nrrirl 1r$r.Iyul'tlre fir'$! l)rr'I lros ltutcuttto seL hrs hund und ssul the'duy und yeur first obovt, wt'ittt'tr. E) FISHER- : Bruce R of lund, situate, lying and being in the and Statc of Colo rado' to'wit: BY: Robert STAT E OI.'COLOIIAIJO Coun ty of CCt(,\€-I l"*. j (1J"f 'l'lrc fot'trgoitrF illxtrultr('trI wn$ ltck ttuw lorlgt'rl bt'fort tttc tltis rrB2,r,v llituCn RUDI FISHER and ROBERT JAY FADER lrl y rur,rrnissirtn,r*p,ru* OC{- t^t , \q\:3 ,19 Nu,932A. WAllllAritl lll:}jtr'- l or l'trotosrnIl'.f ll'(x'tl -U.rdford Plblirhi.|r. tnJ W. fih Av.., !rl!wco{, CO lot l{- (10t, :!!-6900- l:.El (!d lar.r'(,rrl(.t. l,'t l,l N(; s't^ M I' 4.r?s"or,r tsEALl lsEALl Jay FaCer t?,; dl|y of November . Witncss my hand and official seal. \\t.\ liotrry l'{rbll( r. ?.t bSt.--..-*- -,"*'f *t"L--rt*T't' ntl;'llj,,r,*..r,..,rr,il'Ior,Ji,,n",r.r,::;fi:$:fr;ffIl: ttrantl he is slll lai,Gd o'lhG rdd ltnd lrd lc||crn'ntr in fcc $mdc'l hts - -' arrl'|. 'Jl lfn}tt ||rl hwfl iulhoriry to 3111t. b11lrln. 16tt md convcy lhc arnc in th. 111"n11ct ;il"i;;;;;-;i.;i ' tr3rchv tullv rftl rhvrhrtclv wrivrnS ri'l rclcrirnl ""#*sffk."-!'g,',,,.*".-,+**q,fiiSiiiif-i-"iifil{;i-iilfrqi'fi'Srffi:]qiffip"fii[,#qTf.Hiffi'E;#il'ii.;;i.-ti,,i'ilffi;il il;--ff;iiti:r uc inisl in rctnrion th.rcto snd lh$l rhc rlmc ofc rrcc an whltc9cf. *under state law as derivcd throrgh thc Bankruptcy Cocle of 1978' I|d rha rloG bJtttcrt FlFny in llE qiril,t |n.l tt -Gd{c Foit.rrktn of lha r.ii tt tty of lhc rtcottd 0'rt' ;;1 1166616n end r$lnr' r3!|sl 'll rtd crcr/ Fdr d| F||ofi lrslbEy clainiq d' to clrirn lh. vholc of rny F]t tt|c|^cof, thc 1ril Frt y of lhc tirrt n|,t !h'll sd will w'rnnl rd F'dtv..r' Dcfcnd' Until paymcnt in full of thc indcbtcdncss thc nart y ol thc |irrt p rl shflll limcly Pa! alt t rc\ ilnd 0\\('1\trcntt lcvicdon th^c Fro-untif paymcnt rn lull ol Inc lnocolsqncs\ tnc Fatr t t" "';;iiill;;r;;; o,riii,i,"i cncunrhran.r:r. it snyi rnd 'rill lccpall im.pcrrf anyia'A att emounls duc.on etcount ofprincipal and Dcfty:snyadda||lmounlsduconaccounlo|prlnc|p!|lnu|I||(|(r'.,''ili]i:u1""'."."-i..r.iii:ii+".i".'.\inlnirn1'(|rii|||r,l||li(\nlcc|hll,.llt iii,ii.i,iti rt'rr rl-t "^1 :ti.tliil:,1.1::::::l,if,li'i:r:rovcmcnttlh!lmoyDcon\al0|anqt|nsl|rc0ag.r|n\.F||)l.lr.l||.) *ll'llHrl.'""l,tii'l;.i'l'i.f.l.iIi:il,*lx's.,[iliili.''.lii.ili'1llli;.;"ll1;11*.u;1..:l.:":|.lli'*.::TiillIiI*iil.'ll w||ttcnno|icclo|hcbcnc||c|.ly.Atl|EaF||on(|||||!l'lIll||l|.||,|;,^"''.;iii|-i;;iinn,i|i.i|tuinrttrcrtnr|dc|ircr l*-:i,:i'i*:,*:*:'":1'"'ili:',lli.llf:','li':lx lll'lillil,l",'1,'.i"'.Denc||c|!rylt|urlncr:iI;.;ii;;i;iipnyot't.u''otl\|I()],'ii''fnf$:H"T"ll."l"'Tij;i"lf;"T..'..|]i'"i'!'ifilii}-jl|;iiii::ii|'\.J'.:l.li.jj'l.lll.;l,;,.,..'.l,,.,l.;,lxl.lil:'lli''ll ll1xHi.i'fHilfl[il'|..$.ni.ilui,"1li.''.lij!!]li1i..i'..:l.ji.lli..i;li1li:jlt[i\i.*ll":l:lllll..'rii1'li:"lii':ll']lii.l'l':l':JI;l indchrcdncts sccurcd by tltir l)ced (tl I rtr\r i rd rnI us P'|Kr ot" "' "i';li';i.'il; i]ii.iir,Ji"\. ii..,,liJi*i"ttr .- iii'iir.ii n"ii. i" c<iJirion, anrt rtl ir\ (lplion' rlrc h"tt"ll:i:"t: Lt'-tJ.l..- -......:..-, r,r ,hi. ^arxor!,nh not naid by thc part ot lhc firsl part.' In coorlron' "r.rq lll-Il\ ('r'rrr'rr' "'''*'*'^^:;ft thi; ddi';iiiusr ro uc in acr"auti iii iail'r.q lo l,r,o!-ltl1l11g'1.:8'-:'I* :":1'llJH rcquir$l lr\ thir PirritPritPh. I I AND flAT N cAsE oF Afiy DEFAULI, whcrrby thc right of forcckxurc occurr harcundcr. thr \ nc firty oa thc lGcond t'tutt (r th' holdcr (f, rnrl |ldGqccijrigrGoft!fch|rG.rhr||1o06.h.cmrccntit|Gd.to|hcno\${]i('n,or.^f|cniry'rrcnt.{rh.oroF'tyrf0rtgd.{idt(tth.'Gn|\'irslrrir Fo.lrr ricrcof, from rhc.cc,utr d d;-isifi a;;iihc lrnrcncy ;'r r,i.riililiii*niiiiiit'iifi ,inJ rr'e f'|"i "''iGlI:T l:::1'ii'li.:1^].li F:$kn $dt rt o.g ba dclivdtd ro lha $kt F ty of th' i'cod Frrl (t thc holdcr o{ $H firc rtra dcliwry of $ch toffatrloo mry b. Gttrotc'd by thc lrid trltl y o( lhc rccond Frl or lh' holdci of reid nolc il;;;;;;:.r,a rx,do n rv *rh. rccond,'rrr, q rhc hordcr ofrdd norc or ccrtifi$rc or.Fr*hoic. of mv rl'"ro.f. rrrr h cnrrlrcd ro r R.ccivc,f''*idpropcr,y,.m",,*..i.iii;fi;J;ffi;ih;;;or-,rrr",,u.ilili:"*ut,,rnctuolrurrrci'niJio"crcti;'ri6lc"irnutc-nRxcc'ltnsr'tndtltcfx::: ffiff. ijf,ffi;;;;; -,,ucd rhcrcro ai. msrrcr of rirhr wrrtxrur.crr.., ro rlE *lvcncv or InsolvcicY of th' |'r't y o'lhn,.i Froior,tr rr"1"**'"q.s.aeafill{1'lS]iffi{i:llilyitl*jifugil"l"lL1:*lm$iil1il::*.'l;':$H:,*H#:f,:lilgffil$itdGfodm.t$y|h.t!t|c'j|d'n.||Gcn|lU.!ttEr€t08|.n6r."'.''.'"'."'..;;i:;-,f.i-uciiiiccci"ctmi.yt'cipn0n|.dhvrnvco|litofcottlt|.ni!ln| u"tg.ulrul*i:l;t'ur'..Ig"*ltift*rli:iiiiif.:,l"finHi"'ftlL*li;ngrfi*,ff:;;;;r;u;;ii';iffioafttrrpprrcd ffi*H,ti',#:1,:n:l',*l#*tlti::,**-f'..:1,:fn:'*U:lnti'fJl"''iiilfl$fi"'#ilffl$'til."5i' ffi;," a"-;-.lt',^ -, t a, ,'ymc',rr or rincitrrr o] intcrc.lt, nccording tr thc l.nor rnd clrosl of rai't t'*nila<tty nolc "fo'Giril' ot iny lalhan, or |rry o|'| thar€oa, or olr bc.ch or viohdon of Arty ollhc covcnlnlr or f,8r'cmcntr hcrlin' hy lh' nifl y Oa lh fhf Oa/tf , h I S crccut.tr. adminiitrrlct or mllnr,Ihcn ,rid in thrt cA$ |hG whol' (f ..ril Finciorl rum hd€hy rcc.tr."l' rt|d lh' inlcrtrl rrriioiirbim-rinratFrd...,,utrt(ffiii#friiili''fini"r"'1''l''1'E::t;T$;t*li:'fi1*:"f,i|;tifi,'tr'gT#"&lfff,1f'.i$:,:l*iil uiii'iniii'rr rl i|id indcblcdncr! hrd m&turcd' An'(l thrl rl ro] fu,+1fi;".,fup*j#.p,*$**:hi."tii"J-"*"9*gilf,l[ffi#'"T;ilf*tr;i.T,li#,{E$:lfiii[f;;ll;:Tii'f,fH?f 'yJ] sharld rny povldur ofthboGadorDu{ b..fonid ro viol.rc ll|c rtutd or courtdcci$onr ofth. strk ofcolado' fofth' l l^ir'd shrtr 'r'h 'riviri'$ r}'r r' ,a-a .- r. .-"'' *[Xili$'.'13lffi!=ge-1"ii-"'lt"';""" t-, 't 98f uctoS m1 ;; "*''**4 _..1-",#L frtl?r'ft .Sj'lrl1$E#;t ":'p"."l!+a'pJEIigffi ff ccrtifi{rtc oa trlNh$a oo tGqucrt. anl dn |tfurd. or carlifbf,lc d FrrGh{\c by ||ry rfitqrrirl' FOR NOTARY 9EAL OR gTAMP OFFICIAL SEAL BELINOA BUNNS Ni T,'.tY FUttl.le.c^r,:f 0nillA fliill(jtPtL of ilfiE ti{ S' ]; DICG? COUNTY My Commisslon -ExPl?or ,i i ; €5 E1 tl Irl 3tl -:,nl I : dri?-'Janet tsc known to m€ IilI. -p.*nlrl whorc nemc(rlj€- rubocribcd to thc althln rir,..i* ."a ..ltnowledgcd thrt rrld Pcnon{rlcrccutcd thc umc' Sitnrtur. ll til til a ;)t F lal o a rd Id A .- --=rgrr-ffq--? i+ i !*!ffi il tiH [nll'EE [\\E r T I T I z c .9 Cl 4 7. E z I E o !t G lt . ? :ll ,l> ll - E I ll trl li Inl tcl ll lE I ll | ? x il I I E i ilx I ; '? ll 9t E I ilo 3 - | II H E E ; il8 q r E ll b | : b li f; I 3 e fl IaE ll ltP ll ii s ll l-; ll tl il & e 0 z Ar i-Y 3r.h r "''< t\s\ (- -\ i' tt, ..' ';.I 'I Fort Qogivrs