HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIGHORN 5TH ADDITION BLOCK 5 LOT 12S LEGAL.pdf- ,- ,f-l-.; TOIINOTVNLV Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2139 fayc 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Dean exterior changes DRB Number: DRB030352 Project Description: Replacement of siding on east walls of home with matching stucco; replacement of deck railings on northeast side of home with natural redwood Participants: OWNER DEAN, SUSAN L. 08/2512003 Phone: 4939 B MEADOW DR VAIL CO 81657 License: APPLICANT DEAN, SUSAN L. 08/2512003 Phone: 4939 B MEADOW DR VAIL CO 81657 License: Project Address: 4939 S MEADOW DR VAIL Location: 4939 MEADOW DR B Legal Description: Lot: 12-S Block: 5 Subdivision: BIGHORN 5TH ADDffiON Parcel Number: 210113102044 Comments: Seeconditions BOARD/STAFF ACTTON Motion By: Rogers Action: APPROVED Second By: Woldrich Vote: 3-0 DateofApproval: 09/03/2003 Conditions: Cond: I (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Entryt 09104/2003 By: EE Action: COND Stucco placement must terminate at inside corners of each area; redwood deck railings must be painted to match those of other half of duplex Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Elisabeth Eckel DRB Fee Paid: $2O.0O RE: 49398. Meadow Drive The following is a brief explanation of this application. The duplex has been painted three times during our nine year ownership. The last time was being in2002. There are several areas on our half of the structure which are more exposed the sun, and as a consequence, already need to addressed. Given that re-painting again now appears to be an ineffective solution, and the siding should be replaced in these areas, we are proposing to change the material to stucco where so noted in the attached photographs. We have enclosed the existing color of the duplex, as well as the proposed color of the stucco. You will note a slightly lighter hue of the stucco which was purposeful due to the difference in material, but still maintaining the overall character of the property. Our neighbors are in agreement of this change to the property. Ifyou have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, \o*^\o*=- Susan Dean. owner Arc-18-03 tfi{ 0trt8 Ptl 'hu6' l{ 2nO3 tt.ilSnn Esser Finarciel COIIFORT DEBTAL O o FA)( N0, 303 798 0823 303.l2l r 63? P.0t P.? 'ONT PIOPGTTY OWilT, willTEl| ItPf,rrvtr rErfrr, I (prftnr'FL-J . Jeffrev Rlnr.a , r Jolnt drE d gmprq locrGd rt (ra*eql|.Ee offnifffont - -9|L1jl "d* Drx" :VrrLl, Golorado 81657 Flnddatltl@syffiq'prooloalheilil|',trr'dl, A|r8!.t l{' 2003 -$t{dtlHc brrr i{'bnltH io ttc Trrtl d trrl &mrnfV DarEhFilfl DcF|il|drt ftr $o CoFd hrrftrdrHdt b ba aompleEl rt tf a(Er6t nmd rbovr, I undcnturd $rt he pope< tnpror,gn!'B hcldal lpplylng sfucco to Z uoulherEE gocc{r:nr of 4939-8 lleador l}rlw, t fuberundqrbnd t|*o*ror nto.lHor nry bc nude b tlr flar orrth ollof tF ttltn Foqrsto ona,tcmT.rs*fi ttrTodb# e rd lEllruqt, 18, 2003 tlre couthsact tatling to naturol rcihoorl tu ?ulpz d tUo?0tfiZ AUG-18-03 ltoil | 'r I 0lll8 Pll Esse o rFi nancial o 0823 P.m FAl( N0. 303 796 J. JefTroy Riggs M00 East Prtntice Avenue Suite 910 Greenwood Vlllage, Colomdo 80111 Augnst 14,2003 Suson and Mark Dcan 493 9-l] Mctrrlow Drivc Vrril, Colorodo 81557 lill: Ilousc Rcnqrvntions IJcnr Susan and Matk: Tfiank you for tho coll last week regarding your plons 0o stucco the south sidc of your homc and to mako calain railing lmprovoncnb to the dock. Ao wtl so often disouss, tho srm take* ir 1oll on homes in thc Vail vallcy' You had requcstcil tha Brent Smith anrl I confirm that you have informctl us about lhc perrding changcs to tho soulh sidc of yotr homg and lhat thasc changes arc ucceptrbto to uq. Thls is coucc{., The Smith family ond lUggp family are ploasod 1o havc you and Mark as neigbbors, and see no problcms in yorn proposcd irnpruvcrncnts to your homc. Sinccrr:ly, oo: Hrcnt $mith 9 G Ir r \fEw Tttqy6 Nt\t T\rurNb August 27, 2003 Ms. Susan Dean 49398 Meadow Drive Vail, CO 81657 Re: Exterior improvements, 49398 Meadow Drive fll,{ c*py Dear Ms. Dean, Thank you for submitting an application to make exterior improvements to your home. This morning, I visited your residence to evaluate the effectiveness of stucco replacement on the southeast areas of the home. According to the Development Standards Handbook of the Town of Vail, "The same or similar building materials and colors shall be used on main structures and any accesso4f slructures upon the site...Exterior wall colors should be compatible with the site and surrounding buildings. ..All exterior wall mateials must be continued down to finished grade the re by e I i mi n atin g u nfi n ished fou ndation wal ls (T itle 1 4: 1 0 : 1 0 : D : 2-3). Due to the fact that the changes proposed apply only to certain faces of the residence and only one side of the duplex (though the other side is in no need of repair), I have scheduled your application for a Design Review Board hearing on September 3, 2003. The Design Review Board is the committee who reviews the vast majority of the Town of Vail's development projects. On the day of the hearing, the Design Review Board will visit your residence in order to evaluate the existing conditions and proposed changes and will then make a final decision, based on the guidelines stated above, as to whether the proposed changes are acc_eptable. Your presence is requested beginning at 3 p.m. on the afternoon of Wednesday, September 3'". Unfortunately, there are generally ten or more items on the agenda, so it is difficult for me to predict the amount of time that may elapse before your application will be addressed. The meeting will be held at the Council Chambers in the Town of Vail Municipal Building at 75 S. Frontage Road. To get to the Chambers, exit l-70 at exit #176, heading south towards the village and the main roundabout. Once at the main roundabout, head west. The second possible right turn is the entrance to the Municipal buildings. The Council Chambers is straight through the main hallway of the building that is located on the east side of the parking lot. Thank you, again, for your application and, in advance, for your patience. Please do not hesitate to contact me regarding any questions or concerns you might have and I will do my best to answer your questions. Best p0ards,'"t-) etis-aOetn ecXet 970.479.2454 o o 'rh P %u, September4,2003 Ms. Susan Dean 49398 Meadow Drive Vail, CO 81657 Re: Exterior improvements, 49398 Meadow Drive Dear Ms. Dean, Thank you for submitting an application to make exterior improvements to your home and attending yesterday's Design Review Board hearing of your application. Per the consent approval of the Design Review Board, I have compiled a list of the conditions under which the application was approved: 1) All stucco application must occur in the color sample already submitted and must terminate at inside corners only: therefore, the proposed termination at the outside corner of the soufheasl srde, as we drscussed yesterday, will not be acceptable; 2) The replacement of the deck railings with redwood is acceptable, but the railings must be painted to match the deck of the other half of the duplex. Though painting was not preferred due to the sun damage that occurs on the east side of your home, mismatched duplex improvements cannot be approved by the Design Review Board. Another option would be to redo the decks on both sides of the duplex, in spite of the fact that the neighboring duplex railings may not need replacement at this point in time, in order that continuity can be achieved. As I mentioned in the letter that I sent to you previously, the Development Standards Handbook of our zoning regulations is the guideline on which the Design Review Board bases decisions of this nature. "The same or similar building materials and colors shall be used on main structures and any accessory structures upon the site...Exterior wall colors should be compatible with the site and surrounding buildings...AIl exterior wall materials must be continued down to finished grade thereby eliminating unfinished foundation walls (Title 1 4: 1 0: 1 0: D: 2-3). lwill send you the approval form once I have verified the above conditions with you via telephone. lf there are any further changes you would like to make or any improvements which you may now choose to postpone, please inform me accordingly. Furthermore, please do not hesitate to contact me regarding any remaining questions or concerns you may have and I will do my best to answer your questions. ,*tr"ryZ: Elisabeth Eckel 970.479.2454 o o z (n {7 o {o z T tn F ={ II -- d (D m trtrtr l* =ne l-. s E $si l* B fl =a= l3 s e VF le P o - liq g l=E =ntrE i5 S r- 6 €!l Yl- I o-* >= d €F9g E 3 E=6 F E z,> 6 g m., t1 Y i'H o, = ? an T = ! m o T z Qr 3< JZ (Jo u 8t zl ;o ;: -l c)o> 2e n2 >m OE -l> T =m €z m (-- z =IT F €rl ts F X rh r-lHm lvt a lo>t. t- I --l P 'n t-z H P z H Fd H { m r m t+ t€ l6 l<l> IF lr l 3 -t m l- m -t o €z o : ; B n = i, 4. i €z -r1 r m z I N r pl €F o -{ m l- m -{ {z 'n z t- m z m F t F.T' n n -t I ld l€ lz o 'r1 F m c., z n = F E € o B s o 4 a _9 E D F D p I 9 --{ 0 I *J '\ Etr bt>Ft=|> t'pl tol tmh D4 !d rI tF t l\o p I(, F l\o F to tB h to I Itr | to I t{ |tl tH I Its. 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Air Soecifir Heatr 0.24{1 tBtu/lbr/t) 0ensity-Specific Hert Prod; 0,7832 (8tu-rin./hr/cuft/F) Latent Heat Factor: 3,147.7 (Btu-rin,/hr/cuft) Enthalpy Facton 3.2042 (Lb-rin,/hr/cuft) llesign Sirulation Period: June To loverber Syster Sirulrtion Periodl Janurry To llecerber Coolinqloadllethodology; TETI]/TimAveraging Iim/llrte Prograr ras Run: llrSftll lll 9l9l 0ataeet llare: LAIILER ,Tll I il:'i,iii iill#rill.:i'llliil. *,,,,,* |, AIRFLIIT - ALIERI{ATIUE I 5YSTEil SUiliARY (0erign Air fl or 0urntities) llain Auxil. Roor 0utside Cooling HFiting Return Erhaust Supply Erhaust Sysfer Syster Airflor Airflov Airflou Airflor Airflor Airflor Airflou ilurber Type {Cfr) (Cfr) (Clr) (Cfr) (Cfr) (Ch} (Cfrl lRAt) 0 0 0 0 t35 0 0 Iotals0000l3500 CAPACITY - AITERXATI'JE I SYSIEII SI'|IIIARY t0esign Capar ity Ouantities) Cool ing ---------------Heat ing llain Sys, Aur. Sys. (}pt, Vent Cooling llain Sys. Aux. Sys. Prehert Rehert Huridif. (lpt. Vent llerting Syster Syster Capacity Caparity Caprrity Totals Crprcity Crpacity Crprcity faprrity Crpacity Capacity Totrls l{urber lype (Ions) (Ions) (Tons) {Ions) (8tuh) (Btuh} (8tuh) (8tuh) (8tuh) (Btuh) tBtuh) I RA0 0.0 0.0 0,0 0,0 -71,295 0 0 0 0 0 -7t,295 Total s 0,00.00.00,0-71,29500000-7t,295 The building pealed at hour I ronth 6 cith a rrprrity of 0.0 tons EII8IiEERIIIG CHECI(S - ALTERilATII,E I Eil6rriEERIil6 CHECT(S Percent Cooling -------------- --- Heating ---- Syster llain/ Syster 0utside Eltl Eltl 9q Ft Btuh/ tttl Btuhl Floor Area l{urber Auxiliary lype Air Sq Ft Ton /Ion Sq Ft Sq Ft Sq Ft Sq Ft I llain RA0 0.00 0.00 0,0 0.0 0,00 0.00 -17.60 4.052 |, 600 PA6E 2 l, 600 PA6E 3 Sprce Sens. +Lat. (Btuh ) 0 n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Slock RAI} - RAOIAII{III llo/lln 0/ 0 0A0B/98/HR: 0/ 0/ 0,0 r llo/Hil 0/ 0 t r 0AI)B: 0 r tt (cfr) I)eg F l)eg F Erains l)eg F Deg F Greins Floor 0 0.0 0.0 0,0 0.0 0,0 0.0 Pert 0 0.0 0,0 0,0 0.0 0,0 0.0 ErFlr 0 0.0 0,0 0,0 0.0 0.0 0,0 Roof l|al I Ret. Air Ret, Air Sensible Lrt ent (Btuh) (Btuh) n 0 0 0 0 0 l{et Percnt Iotal 0f Tot (8tuh) tl)0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0,00 0 0.00 0 0,00 0 0.00 0 0,00 0 0.00 0 0,00 0 0,00 0 0,00 0 0,00 0 0.00 0 0,00 0 0,00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0,00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0,00 Space Percnt r Sensible 0f lot I (8tuh) (l) r 0 0,00 r 0 0,00 r 0 0.00 r 0 0.00 I 0 0,00 r 0 0,00 r 0 0,00 r 0 0.00 { 0 0.00 r 0 0.00 r I 0 0.00 r 0 0.00 r 0 0,00 t 0 0,00 r 0 0,00 r 0 0.00 r 0'00 t 0'00 | 0.00 r 0 0,00 | 0,00 r 0.00 | Space Peak Space Sens (Btuh ) 0 0 0 -31,796 -l l ,96t -424 -9,010 -9,703 -52,994 0 0 0 -n aq? 0 0 0 0 0,00 t 0.00 r -71,89? -71,295 t00.00 Sens Cap, [oil Airfl Entering D8/98/llR Lerving D8/ll8/llR Gross Totrl 6lass (sfl tI) llo/Hr: l3/ I 0A0Br -19 Coil Peak Percnt Iot Sens 0f Tot {Btuh} (1) 0 0.00 0 0,00 -4,91t 6.89 0 0,00 -3t,796 44,60 -15,451 21,67 -424 0.59 -9,0t0 t2.64 -9,703 13,6t -11,293 t00.00 0 0,00 0 0,00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0,00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0,00 0 0,00 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 u 0 0 0 Iotal Capacity (Tc,ns) (llbh) llain Clg 0.0 0.0 Aux Clq 0,0 0,0 Opt Vent 0.0 0,0 Iotal s 0.0 0,0 0rbh) 0,0 0.0 0.0 {,052 {88 t85 1,597 3,97? ------------HEAII116 C0lL SELECIl0il------------- --------AIRFL0iIS (cfr)-------- --Eli6lllEERlll0 CHECI(S-- Capacity Csil Airfl Ent Lvg (llbh) (cfr) 0eg F Deg F llrin Htg -71.3 0 0,0 0,0 Aur Htg 0.0 0 0.0 0,0 Preheat 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 Reheat 0.0 0 0.0 0,0 Huridif 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0pt Vent 0.0 0 0,0 0,0 Totel -71.3 Type Cooling Heating Clg I 0A 0,0 Ven t Infil Supply linc fr Ret ur n Exhaust Rr Erh Auxil 0 0 Clg Cfr/Sqft 0.00 0 135 Clg Cfr/Ion 0.00 0 0 Clg Sqft/Ton 0,00 0 0 flg Btuh/Sqft 0.00 0 0 llo. Peoole 0 0 0 Htst0A 0,0 0 0 fitg Cfr/SqFt 0,00 0 0 Htg Btuh/SqFt -17.60 00 720 l8 --TEIPERAII]RES {F)--- Type CIg HtS SADB 0,0 55. t Plenur 0,0 64,2 Return 0,0 4{.9 Ret/04 0,0 44,9 Runrrnd 0,0 55,0 Fn lltrl0 0,0 0.0 Fn BldI0 0.0 0,0 Fn frict 0.0 0.0 ;;:T,* Stll;::tiff,:t'tiiiii, *-,-,,* o U** Pealed at Tire =.) (lutEide Air ==) Envelope Loads Skyl ite Solr Skylite Cond Roof [ond 6lass 5ol ar 6lass Cond Iall Cond Partition Erposed Fl oor Infiltration Sub lotrl==) Internal Loads L ights People llisc Sub Total =') Cei I ing Load 0utside Air Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan llert Durt Heat Pkup 0V/tlilI}R Sizing Exhrust Heat Terrinal Eyprss Grand Total ==) fi*rff$ffifififffirr rr c00lltl6 c0ll PEAK fifififffififtrrrrrr rrr rrrfi cL6 SPACE PEAI( fi rrrrfifi HEATII{E [[]lL PEA|( |rrrrlrr ;;ili,* Sllli:::'ill,:;'lliill *,,,,* | ,O'N """ HEATII{6 - ALTEftIIATI1IE I v 600 PA6E 4 PEAK HEATIIIG tOAD (lain Syster) Roor ilulber Descr i pt ion I LI}IIER LEVTL 2 IIAIII LEVEL 3 UPPER LEVEL Ione I Total /Ave, Ione I Elork 4 GARAGE lone 2 Total /Ave, lone 2 Elock Syster I Total /Ave, Syster I Block HTAIIIIG L(lAl}S AI C()IL PEA( Peak 0A Rr Floor Tire Cond, Dry Area llolllr 08/18 8lb (Sq Ft) (F) tF) Spece Peak 0A Sens. Tire Cond, Load flo/Hr Il8/lB (8tuh) (F) Coil Coi I Air Sens. Flor load (Clr) (Btuh ) Space L0lt supp. Dry 8ul b (F) Space Air Flor (Cfr) Rr Dry Btb (r) supp. Dry Sulb (F) 1,140 l3l 1,225 t?t tr225 t1l l qa^ 3r590 13l 462 13/ 462 462 t3/ 4,052 4,052 t3l ALIERIIAI IVE -r9 -19 75 -19 -t9 75 -r9 -19 75 -19 -r9 75 -t9 -19 75 -r9 -19 55 -t9 -t9 55 -t9 -t9 55 -t9 -t9 55 -19 -t9 55 0 -20,89{ l3/0 -20,40t t3/0 -22,n6 t3l 0 -63,4t0 0 -53,4t0 13/0 -8,48t t 3/0 -8, {gl 0 -8,481 13/0 -71,892 0 -71t892 t?t 0 -t8,3?9 o -18,035 0 -23,407 0 -59,771 0 -59,966 0 -11,524 0 -lIr524 0 -il,524 0 -7t, ?95 0 -7t,652 ?qr 7qt t(r 75, I tqt EEI 55. r qq! qqr 55, I -t9 -13 -19 -19 -t9 -t9 -19 -19 -t9 -t9 -19 -19 -t9 -19 -19 -t9 -19 -19 -t9 -19 75l 't5 I 7ql 't5 | qqt 55. I qEr Eql 55. r 75 75 75 71 7q 55 qq 55 qq qq IIITERIiAL HE (At tire of ATIII 6 L{lAI}S Coil Peal) Roor l{urber I LOIIER LEVEL 2 IAIIi LEVEL 3 UPPER LEVET Ione I Tota I /Ave, Ione I Block 4 GARAGE Zone ? Iotrl /0ve. lone 2 Elocl Syster I Tot al /Ave, Syster I Slock li ghts Roor Sensi bl e 0escr iption ( Etuh ) Li ght s Ret. Air Lites Sensible CLF tBt uh) 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0,000 0 0,000 0 0,000 0 0,000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 People Peopl Sensible CLF t Etuh ) llisr. llisc, Space Ret, Air llisc. Sensible Sensible CLF (Btuh) (Btuh) 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0,000 0 0,000 0 0.000 0 0,000 0 0.000 0 0,000 0 0.000 0 0.000 Tot al (8tuh) 0 0.000 0 0,000 0 0,000 0 0,000 0 0,000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0. 0,000 I;l1;l;: :il1;*';#.:;'ltiiil. *,*,* o HENIIilO L|IAOS AT SPACE PERK . ALTERMTII,I I u 600 PA6E 5 IilTERilAL HEATIlIO LOAIS (At tire of Spare Perk) Roor l{urber 0esrr ipt ion I LOIIER LEVEL 2 IIAIT IEVEL 3 UPPER TEUEL lone I lotrl /Ave. lone I 8l orl 4 GAPAGE Ione 2 Totrl /Ave.lone 2 8l ocl Syster I lotrl/Ave. Syster I Bl otl Lights Lights Roor Ret, Air Lites Sensible Sensible [tF (8tuh) (8tuh) 0 0.000 0 0,000 0 0,000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0,000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0,000 People Peopl Sensible CLF ( Btuh ) 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0,000 llisc. lli sc. .Spare Ret. Air Sensible Sensibl e (Btuh) (Btuh) ll i sc, CLF 0.000 0.000 0,000 0,000 0.000 0.000 0,000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Totrl (8tuh ) Trrnd Ai1 Coriditioning Eronorrts 8yr. Trane Crstorer 0irect Service lietror*f t/ 600 PA6E 5 HEATIIIE L{IADS AT C(IIL PEA|( - ALTTRI{ATII|E -------BUILDIil6 Et{l/EL (Roo f t irP OPE HEA - Stylight) of Coi I Peat ) Skyl ight Return Air Sol rr (Btuh) TII{6 LOADS Roof Return Air Rool Sensible R, A, Lord CLTD (Btuh) (F) 0 0.0 0 0,0 -3r799 -81.4 -3,789 -81,4 -1 qn? -n5 7 -l , 122 -63,I -1,122 -63,9 -1,122 -63,9 -4,9l I -76.6 -5,274 -82,3 (At Roof Spare Sensible L0a{t (8tuh) $kyl ight Stylt Sprce Sol ar Solar CLF (8tuh) 0 0.000 0 0,000. 0 0.000 0 0,000 0 0.000 0 0,000 0 0.000 0 0,000 0 0.000 0 0,000 III 6 LtlAI}S Skyl ight Return Air Donduct ion Lord ( Btuh ) Roof Space CLTD (F) Skyl ight Skylt Space Skylt R, A, Conduc t ion Spece ILTD Load ILTD tF) (8tuh) (F) Roor Nurber Descr ipt ion I LI}IIER LEVEL 2 }IAII{ LEVEL 3 UPPER LEVEL lone I Total /Ave. Zone I Blsck 4 GARAGE lone 2 lotal /Ave. Zone 2 Blort Syster I Totrl /Ave. Syster I Block 0 0.0 0 0,0 0 -94,0 0 -94.0 0 -94.0 0 -74.0 0 -74.0 0 -7{.0 0 -s8.5 0 -88,5 Ir{g Et{vEL0 (lall - (At tire of llal I llal I Spare Sprre Lord CLf0 (Btuh) (F) -2r96{ -94.0 -4,087 -94.0 -3,862 -94,0 -t0,9t4 -94.0 -t0r9l4 -94.0 -t,047 -74,0 -t,0{7 -74,0 -1,047 -74.0 -l t,96t -9t,8 -il,95t -9t,8 -424 -25.0 0 0,0 0 0.0 -{24 -25,0 -424 -25,0 0 0,0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PE HEAT I i ndor) Coil Peak) 0 0,0 0 0,0 0 0.0 0 0,0 0 0,0 0 0.0 0 0,0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0,0 0 0.0 0 0,0 0 0.0 0 0,0 0 0,0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 EUILD Roor l{urber Desrription I LOIJER tEVEt ? IAII{ LEVEL 3 UPPER LEVEL Zone I Tot al /Ave. Zone I BI ocl 4 6ARA6E Ione 2 Total /Ave, Zone 2 8l oc lr Syster I Total /Ave. Systel I Bloct Roor llurber 0escr ipt ion I LOIIER LEVEL 2 IIAII{ LEVEL 3 UPPER LEUEL Zone I lotal /Ave, Zone I Block 4 6ARA6E Zone 2 Total lAve, Ione 2 0lock llal I llal I Plenur Plenr Load CLTO (8tuh) (F) -790 -8{,7 -l,240 -90.8 -t, 108 -81.4 -3, 138 -85.7 -3, 134 -85.7 -352 -63,9 -352 -63,9 -35? -63.9 -3,{90 -82,9 -3t494 -82,7 6lass 6lass Glass Space Return Air Sol rr Solar Solar CLF (8tuh) (Btuh) 6lrss 6lass Slass 8l rEs Space Space Return Air R.A. Conduction CLT0 Conduction CLTI)(8tuh) (F) (8tuh) tF) 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0,000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0,000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 -5,036 -94,0 -9,702 -94.0 -1t,6{2 -94.0 -25,380 -94.0 -?6,380 -94.0 -5,416 -74.0 -5,4t6 -74.0 -5,416 -74.0 -31r796 -99,9 -31,795 -99,I 0 0.0 0 0,0 0 0,0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0,0 0 0,0 0 0,0 0 0,0 BUILI}I}I 6 EI{VELt}PE HEATIIO {Exposed Floor - Partitions - Infiltration) (At tire of Coil Peat) L0A0s------ Planr Cei I ing Infilt, Dry B 9ensible Envelope Latent Terp. Load Total (8tuh) (F) {8tuh) (Btuh) Exposed Expsd Floor Floor Prrtition Part. Infilt, Sensible CLTII Sensible CLTII Airflor (Btuh) (F] (8tuh) (F) (Cfr) -6,317 -94.0 0 0,0 0 0,0 -6,3t7 -94.0 -6,317 -94,0 -2t694 -74,0 _i,,iii.ir Infilt, Sensi bl e (8tuh) -7.t198 -3,006 -3,005 -8,810 -8r 810 -s93 -893 -s93 0 65.7 0 7t,8 0 62.4 0 66.7 0 66.7 0 4{.9 0 {4.9 0 4{.9 Jd {t 4l t20 t20 l5 t5 l5 -3,355 -l t24fi -1r896 -9,491 -9,491 -l , {75 -l,475 -l, {75 -21,684 -19, ?75 -28,303 -69,262 -69,457 -t 2,999 - 12, 999 -12t19g illT,:l: 8:ll;:f iH.:;'lllill. *,*,* o HEATIilB LOADS AT C||II PEiI( - ALIERIIATII|E I v 600 PA6E 7 SUILDIII6 EI{ (Erposed Floor (at VELtlPE HEAIII{G - Pertitions - lnfiltrationl tire of Coil Peal) Part, Infilt. Infilt. CLT0 Airflor Sensible (F) (Cfr) (Btuh) LtlADS Roor ilurber Desc r ipt ion Erposed Erpsd Floor Floor Partition Sensible CLI[} Sensible (Btuh) (F) (8tuh) -9,0t0 -87.0 -424 -9,010 -87.0 -424 Pl enr lnfilt. Ilry B Latent Terp. (Btuh) (F) 0 6{.2 0 64,2 Cei I ing Sensible Envelope Load Total (Btuh) (Btuh ) -10,966 -82t261 -t0,966 -82,618 Syster Syst er I lotal /Ave. I Block 135 -9,703 t35 -9,703 -25.0 -25,0 Trani Air Colldit ionino Econorics 8vr Trarie irstorer I}iiect Service a IUILIlI t{etuortf v 600 PAEE S HEATIIiG L{IAOS AI SPACE PEAK - ATTERIIATIVE Roor flurber Roof Return Air Roof Sensible R. A, LEad CLID Descr ipt ion (8tuh) (F) I{G E|{l/EL (Roo f (At t ire Roof Space Rssf Sensible Spare Load CLTII {8tuh) tF) t}PE HEATIIIG LOADS - Skyl ight) o{ Space Peak ) Skyl ight Skyl ight Skyl t Return Air Space Solar Solar Solar CtF (8tuhl (8tuh) Skyl ight Skylt Space Skylt R.A. Conduc t ion Space CLT0 Load CLTD (F) (8tuh) (F) Skyl ight Return Air Conduct i on Load (Btuh) I TOIER LEVEL 2 IIAIII LEVEL 3 UPPER LTVET lone I Total /Ave. lone I Block 4 GARAGE lone ? Iotal lAve. lone 2 llock Sysien I Tot al /Ave. Syster I Block 0 0.0 0 0.0 -3,943 -84.7 -3,9{3 -84.7 -3,943 -84,7 -1,497 -84,7 -1t487 -84,7 -l, {87 -8{.7 -5,431 -84,7 -5,{3t -84,7 0 0.0 0 0,0 0 -94,0 0 -94,0 0 -94.0 0 -74,0 0 -74,0 0 -74,0 0 -s8,5 n -9t I 0 0.000 0 0,000 0 0,000 0 0,000 0 0,000 0 0,000 0 0.000 0 0,000 0 0.000 0 0,000 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0,0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0,0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0,0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0,0 SUILD]il6 EIil/ELt}PE HEATIII 6 LOAOS (llal I - lli ndor) tAt tire of Sprce Peak) Roor l{urber Description I L(lTEf, IEVEL 2 IIAIII LEVEL 3 UPPTR TEVEL ?one I lotal /Ave. lone I Block 4 8ARAGE Zone 2 Total /Ave. Ione 2 Elock Syster I Total /Ave. Syster I 0lock lhll tlrll Plenur Pl enl Load CLI0 (Btuh) (F) -790 -e4.7 -l, t57 -84,7 -1, t53 -84,7 -3, t00 -84.7 -3, t00 -84,7 -467 -94,7 -461 -84,7 -467 -94,7 -3,567 -94,7 -3,574 -84.9 llal I llal I 9pace $pace Load CLI0 ([tuh) (F) -21964 -i4.0 -4,087 -94.0 -3,85? -94,0 -t0,9t4 -94,0 -t0,914 -34.0 -t,047 -74,0 -1r047 -74.0 -t,047 -74,0 -il,961 -91,8 -ll,95t -91.8 0 0.000 0 0,000 0 0.000 0 0,000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0,000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 EATII{O L(}AI}S - Infiltrrtion) Perk ) -5,036 -94,0 -9,702 -94.0 -il,642 -94,0 -26,380 -94.0 -26,380 -94.0 -5,416 -74,0 -5,416 -74.0 -5,416 -74.0 -31,796 -99.9 -3t,796 -89.9 6lass 6lass 6less Glass 6less Glass 6lass Spare Return Air Solar Space Spare Return Air R.A, Solar Solar CLF Conduction CLTD Conduction CLT0 (8tuh) t8tuh) (Btuh) (F) (8tuh) tF) 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0,0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0,0 0 0.0 0 0,0 0 0.0 0 0.0 EUItOII{6 Eil'iELOPE H (Exoosed Floor - Partitions (At tire of Soace Roor llurber 0esrr ipt ion I LOIIER LEVET 2 IIAII{ LEVEL 3 UPPER LEV€L lone I Tot al /Ave, Zone I Block 4 OARACE lone 2 lotal /Ave. Ione ? Block Exposed Erpsd Floor Floor Par t it ion Part, Sensible CLTII Sensible CLIII (8tuh) (F) t8tuh) (F) Infilt, Infilt. Air flor Sensi bl e (Cfr) (Btuh) Plenr Ceiling lnlilt, [}ry 8 Sensible Envelope Latent Terp. Loed Total t8tuh) (F) (8tuh) ( Btuh ) -6,317 -94,0 0 0,0 0 0,0 -5,317 -9{, o -6,317 -94.0 -21694 -74.0 :i::;i :lif -424 -25.0 0 0.0 0 0,0 -424 -25,0 -4?4 -25,0 0 0,0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 65.7 0 65.7 0 65.7 0 65.7 0 65.7 0 65,7 0 55,7 0 65,7 38 4t 4l t20 t20 l5 t5 l5 -2t199 -3r 006 -3,005 -8r810 -8,810 -893 -893 -893 -3,355 -3,605 -3,605 - 10r 565 -tA qaq I r568 1,568 1 ,568 -21t684 -21,557 -Ll lllL -70, {53 -70,453 -10, {35 - 10,436 -l o,435 o fiT,:;: ::1lH:'iT.:;'llliil. *,,,,,* | HEATIIIB LtlAI}S AI SPACE PEAK - ALTERTATIVE I v 600 PAEE 9 EUIL|}II{E EI{l,ELOPE HEAIIII 6 L (Erposed Floor - Partitions - lnfiltration) (At tire sf Sparp Peak) Partition Part, lnfilt. In f ilt, Sensible CLII} Air flov Sensible (8tuh) (F) (Cfr) (Btuh) OAIlS Roor llurber llest r ipt ion I lotal /Ave. I Bloct Erposed Expsd FIoor Fl oor Sensihle CLII} tBtuh) (F) -9, ol0 -87.0 -9,0t0 -87.0 -42{ -25.0 -124 -23,0 135 -9,703 135 -9,703 Plenr Infilt, Dry B Latent lerp, (Btuh) (F) 0 55.7 0 55,7 Cei I ing $ensible Envel ope lord Total (Btulr) (Btuh) -8,997 -80,889 -8,997 -80,896 Syster Syster uii,:;t 3l1l;:ll'iff,:i't!iiil *,,,,* .) HEAIIIIG L{IAOS AT C{)II PEAK - ALIER}IATI'JE I '/ 600 PA6E IO AIRFLOIi HEATIII 6 L(lAI}S (At tire of Coil Ppal) Roor liurher I)escript ion I L('I'|ER LEVEL ? ITRIII TEVEL 3 UPPER LEVEL lone I Tot al /Ave. lone I Blork 4 6ARA6E lone 2 Total /Ave, lsne 2 8lock Syster I lot al /Ave, Syster I Elock --- Ventilation -- ---- 0p. Airflov Sensible Airflor (fir) (8tuh) t0f r)000 000 000 000 Vent,---- ----- Reheat Huridif. ---- Sensible Airflor Sensible Airllor Latent {Btuh) (Cfr) (8tuh) (Cfr) (Btuh) 00000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Tot al (Btuh) 0 0 0 0 0 n 0 0 0 HEATIilO AIRFLOII HEAI 6AIII/LO5S - ALTERIIATIVE I IRFL(}I HEAT 6AII{ AIID L(lSS (At tire of Coil Peak) Suppl y Fan Heat (0tuh ) Return Syster Fan Exhaust Heat llert Loss tBtuh) (Btuh) Heat ing -------- Sysler Roor Run Syster Exhrust Erhaust Ducted Plenur eround Corridr Return Iotal Airflou Airflor Airflor Airfloy Airflrr Airflou Airllor (Btuh) (Cfr) (Cfr) {Cfr) (Cfr) (Clr) (Cfr) (Cfr) Roor l{urber 0escription I L(]STR LEVEL ? IIAIil LEVEL 3 UPPER LEVEL lone I Totel /Ave, Zone I Block 4 6ANA6E Zone 2 Tot al /Ave. lone 2 Bloc k Syster I lot al /Ave. Syrter I Elock IJt,:i: !gl::::'iT.:;'iliiii, *,*,* o BUIID1116 U.VALUES - ALTERIIAIIVE I t, 600 PA6E II BUILDII{6 U-t,ALUES ------- Roor U-Vrlues (Btu/hr /sq ft /F )tlintr Sumr Skylt Roof lli ndo llintr lli ndo Roor l{urber Descr i pt ion I L(}IIER TEVEL 2 ITAIII LEVEL 3 TJPPER LEVEL lsne I Total /Ave. 4 GARAGE lone 2 Total /Ave, Syster I Total /Ave. Building Sumr Part. ErFlr Skylt 0,053 0.560 0,000 0,053 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.053 0.s60 0.000 0.000 0,560 0,000 0.000 0,550 0,000 0.053 0.560 0.000 0.053 0.560 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.500 0.49t 0.000 0,000 0.500 0.19t 0.000 0.038 0.500 0.49t 0,000 0.038 0,500 0.49t 0.000 0,038 0.500 0.49t 0.000 0.03s 0.500 0,491 0.000 0.038 0.500 0,49r 0.000 0.038 0.500 0.49r Rooa Poor llass Capac,(lbi (8tu/ sqlt) sqft/F) 25.2 5,63 ?aa qa( 45.9 t5.0t 34. S 8,95 45,3 14.88 45,3 14. SS 36,0 9,62 36.0 9.62 9al I Cei l, 0.053 0,317 0.053 0.3t7 0.053 0.317 0.053 0,317 0.053 0.317 0.053 0.3t7 0.053 0,3t7 0.053 0.3t7 BUILDlil6 AREAS - ALTER}IAIIVE I BUILDIII 6 AREAS Roor l{urber Desc r ipt ion I L{}TER LEVEL 2 IIAII{ LEVEL 3 UPPER LEVEL Zsne I Totrl /Ave. 4 EARAOE Zsne 2 Total /Ave. Syster I Totrl /Ave. [ui I d ing 00 00 0 1,225 0 |1225 0 452 0 462 0 1,687 o 1,587 lindor lfin llet llal I Area /lll Area (sqft) (1) (sqft) 109 l2 771 2t0 t5 1,078 252 ?0 t,032 571 11 ?,88t 149 ?i 371 149 2t 37t 7?0 t8 3,252 720 t8 3,252 l{urber of Dupl icate Flr Rr Floor Arer/Dupl Roor (sqft) I,l{0 t ,rq I J7\ 462 Iotal Floor Partition Area Area tsqft) (sqft) lr t40 320 ttz25 t68 1t225 0 3,590 488 482 0 482 0 {1052 488 4,052 48S Exposed Floor Skyl ight Area Area (sqft) (sqft) gtl tgl l{et Roof Area (sq ft ) t20 0 0 120 65 65 t85 l85 Ijili,lil Slgl*ll'ill,:l'l$lil. *.,*,* | 0$mE 90 tt0lYsts - ttTEiltTtl,E I A9t{RtE 90 AilttY9tS a 0yarill Roof U-Vrlue = 0.038 (ltu/llr/Sq Ft/F) 0varr-ll llrll ll-Vrlue : 0.t3{ ([tr/k/Sq Ft/F) lherrll Building U-Value = 0.105 (ltu/h/$q Ft/F) Pool 0verall Therlrl lrrnsfer Vrlue tBlTVr) = 0.75 (ltulllr/Sq Ft) lfall (lvenll llrerral lrrnsfer Vrlue (0IIVI) = 21.56 (Btul[r/Sq Ft) v 600 PISE t2 PIan Revigw Based on I 1 the 1991 Uiriform Codesl t'r/l NAME: LAWLER MECH \ OITE: t2-20-b4 \ ADDRESS: 4939 E.MEADOW CONTRACTOR: OWNER \ VAIL, COLORADO | 1 ARCHITECT: NONE I CORRECTTONS REQUTRED \ The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code r requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. 1. COMBUSTTON ArR rS REQUTRED pER SEC. 607 OF THE 1991 UMC. 2. INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDIX pHAPTER 2l OF TrrE 1991 UMC. 3. GAS LINE TEST AND INSPECTION IS REQUIRED BEFORE CONNECTION oF ANy EQUIPMENT pER SEC. 1206 OF TIrE 1991 UMC. 4. GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 OF TI{E . 1991 UMC AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC. 906 OF TFIE l99l uMc. . 6. qOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UI.ILESS LISTED FoR MOUNTING oN COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. 7. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUTRED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE pER SEC. 305 OF THE 1991 UMC. 8. WHEN NEW ELECTzuCAL LINES ARE REQUIRED WORK MUST BE DONE BY A LICENSED ELECTRICTAN. I OCCUPAI{CY: R-3 ENGI}.IEER:\NONE ,ll 1 | TypE o{coNSTRUCTToN: v ILANS Ex,{vrwen: DAN STANEK \ ,/ri47ztz'?o' CHECK EESUEST DATE: r /tr/?4 PREPARED BY: \{ET{DORNUNIBEK DESCRIPTION OFEX' NAT{E OF JOB: ACCOUNTNLTIUBER 01 OOOO 22002 AMOUNT OF REFUND: DATE APPROVED: APPE.OVAI SIGNATURE: i 6n [Nt ru rL It \l I f \l I rl )l 3 ,*rt"roN REeuESr TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME CALLER TUES AM PM READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V.O FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER .- PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL D tr D tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr_ D FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR o SPE IN WED THUR FRI- CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 PERMIT N ERO DATE l2',t/ READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION: ,q*T \TUES ; PROJECT BUILDING: E FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V.D FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER .- PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr FINAL \6eenoveo CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR IN t SPE CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 PERMIT DATE NUMBER PROJECT JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:FRI BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND ,.O ROUGH / D.W.V. E},ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAtLtNG ! cns PTPTNG O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL N FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o D tr FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR IN t SPE 'ii',,t',,' PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE CTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: ;l NAME CALLER MON TUES FRI WED THUR AM PM BUILDING: O FOOiINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. N ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING r-1 ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING '\c coa PTPTNG' j E INSULATION $ sneernocr I E] tr D POOL / H. TUB NAIL b tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: E nrlrrruc r.- tr tr D ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB D r't FINAL D FINAL r'E[r""*,.;U DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: l, , ( J, 1 t i .: ./r/.-' /./ --) ,'t,/ t -; tNSpEcroR ,', ./ rNstcroN' REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT 479-2138 DATE JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES THUR AM PM READY FOR LOCATION: WED FRI BUILDING: D FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI O FRAMING / STEEL PL tr o tr tr tr "o D UMBING; UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D,W.V. ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL - BOOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAtLtNG GAS P POOL / IPING tr INSULATION O SHEETROCK H. TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: F HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr tr O FINAL tr FINAL q APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR -l o e a> o o z a {F c o {o z T m a 3 { ll -- (D m Iq LO l{llo l<: f t! )l r lm: 6 la) ^ :lix -lri 9.IUP o l^, h o l< -{ I f-- m =f-! z ft o.<1o-dP ;!g (io >l z-c () :m .r, 'n T m =i m(IJ l- f- 2z o6) t- fl ft 'r'l !Or- z= 22 =9J z tr!Za\ R<z\ i.>-^7 i^Y>I t- 3 = il 4n ;f o=-tc)o>nr 9.n -.1 m nz >m of,,-{> I ? =m --l €z m (-! z IT t- €ir FI] 2he tv:-t3 ii lo>tt- I F E m o I z o I- t- --{ tJ TD r -z H lo F m r m lo t€ l6 l< l= l* l .'! n -.1 I \] tr E lz o lt F fl z lo - F. I I = qr a H F F t-., z -t :z o l = m P I = -l €z I - m 9)z I l+ l€ lz ls t< l= la I == H r- or :^ F. I \o E [> F D b b bo fn t" F l= lo, ! = E c) frl t- F N F P ->€t- rn 7J ot =r <F l> 19 |i:rl w r I I .l -l I I I 0z lq mil >1'P<2 r.' F'fl :f;n r-(6+ --t o tD m x m !-{ z (-o 2 -{m ct)g) C^)O H;E: q iiie: E a! ii <-;-l OY=DO ":=; E F 3*i*e' P5+;:eii 9r =o;- <deigl a\X: oo b'ii I o P (D ci? o -3,8; l;*ag1€ A*EiF 9 ;ta 9.3 3Ss3'l H IgiE i.isg B d3 s91 saifi=r'R5 q' 6 eaas a *;H a* 4$ua'=0-'qRA 3 s[;E f o --* >a z^ J> ntr vm zO m_n Po €z m -'l o I (t, m a-'n t- I z o _r z t- !m -{ @ z m m m l< ' lz t= t;l- -.t 96 m *l' tq t;t>l-l-r L I l t- I IP te I I I z a t- _-i z i !m -t =o A z m @ It r c m T tr I -l z --l I z I m m € !z o c z -t o o o o z c - I z m { m l ^z 0 =z : m ! m I ;z c)NP ;o-t fi a= F Eo -!n Xzc)irqo c)\z uoq.!n 7 n ;: E F zlt 06 o -nzz € x a< = I N --t --t z z --t I I X --l I -l z 'i : € o 2 z s t- z z {m U) z z =2 6 --l m Fl zl ol nl 'nl 5r -l I I I I I I sl >, ml I I I I I z a FI P z rll 5. I \] I o -'|r m =f 'Tl m m U> € E- trr ts t-t. U' m -{ x t-m 2 a m L m I o 2 m m € m o m { z 'n m m m I z t- t-c - m t-m -i = f- z - tT! x g 2 m =-t !m ='Tl m m a VALUATION !m E = =z o 3 m o - z t- z. m t-m i l- t- z \o N.) N) O ) ) . i. l//z/tcV, It,tt o(.63+s u8 [ ]-Building I j-Plunbing I -Electrical L:-FMechanical [ ] -Other Job Name:ilob Address: /t \-_ Legar Descriptionz Lot1f,l sLock-{ rflins suBprvrsroN,, .<",/rrrr/ 5'+ --/Onners Nane: Address: 'Ph._ Architect:PhtZz:lfg o:.t/ t/n.' l-Alteration [;J--Additional 1 1-nepair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units 2 Nurnber of Accommodation Units: BUILDING: $ELECTRTCAL: $OTHER: $ General Description: Work Class: [r-]-New I -l .r,t / |/7{62,/2tJ /v''- PLI,'MBING: $ Address: Electrical Contractor : Address: Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechani Address: ******************************** BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL: $*)r-- TOTAL: f Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: ,i*"., of vail Reg. No. Ph-one Number: ******************************* PI,AN CHECK FEE: FOR OFPTCE USE BUTLDING MECHANTCAL PERMIT tnzz --W- ELECTRTCAL FEE z - OTHER TYPE OF FFF: DRB FEE: I TYPE TGRouP-Ti - r.| 0 u:2_l_r_r_l !_t!_ PLWBING PLAN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES; BUILDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: Contractor: Connents: CLEAN IIP DEP.OSIT REFIIND VALUATION 75 soulh trontage road Yail. colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 otflce ot communlty deyelopmenl BUILDING PERIiIT ISSUANCE TIME FMME if li'ir permit requires a Town of Vail [ire Department Approval ,Engineer''s (Pyblic works) reyiew and approval ,'a planning'Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the 6uitbing Department, the estirnated tjme for a total revjew may take as 16ng as three weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all mul ti-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requiremLnts. Residential and _ smal I projects shoul d take a I esser amount of t.ime. However,- i f residential or smal'l er projects 'impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take the three week period. Every attempt wr"l I be made by this department to expedite th.i s permit as sqon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the p1 an check procedure and time frame. Communi ty Devel opment Department. ;rli TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: R Y ead and__-ag owledged 75 soulh trontage road Yail, colorado 8'1657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 offlce ol communlty development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH L6, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn summary,.ordinance No. 6 states that it is unLawful for any person to litter' track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debris or naterial, including trash dunpsteri, portable ioirets and.workmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public p1?9e or any portion thereof. The right-oi-way ir, all Town of vail streets and roads is approximately 5 ft. 6ff p.,r"rer,r.This ordinance will be stri-Lly enforcld by the Town of Vair PylJi-c works Departnent. persons found viitating this ordinu.,""will be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said material .rn the event the person so notified does not conply with the notice within the 24 hour time specifi-ed, the puiric works Department will remove said rnateriar at the expense of person notified. The provisions of this ordinance sfriff not be applicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ord.inance No- 6 in fuLl, please stop by the Town of Vail Building Department to obtain a copy. Thank you for your cooperation on this natter. (i.e. contractor, owner) Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: LAWLER MECH. DATE:4-7-94 ADDRESS: 49398. MEADOW CONTRACTOR: SIBLEY VAIL,COLORADO ARCHITECT:NONE OCCUPANCY: R-3 ENGINEER: NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-N PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTIONS REQUIRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted c'odes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vait. 1. COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUTRED pER SEC. 607 OF Tr{E 1991 UMC. 2. ACCESS TO TTEATTNG EQUTPMENT MUST COMpLy WITH SdC. 505 AND 703 OF THE 1991 UMC. 3. INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 UMC. 4. GAS LINE TEST AND TNSPECTTON IS REQUIRED BEFORE CONNECTTON oF A IY EQLTPMENT PER SEC. 1206 OF THE 1991 UMC. 5. HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST BE PROTECTED FROM VEHICIF DAMAGE PER SEC. 508 OF TTIE 1991 UMC. 7. DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING I{EATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WT[.H A FLOOR DRAIN PER sEc.2119 0F TrrE 1991UMC. 8. BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONSTRUCTION UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. 9. FIELD INSPECTTON rS REQUTRED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE pER SEC. 305 OF TI{E 199I UMC. 10. WHEN NEW ELECTRICAL LINES ARE REQUIRED WORK MUST BE DONE BY A LICENSED ELECTRICIAN. 11. PERMIT, PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECIIANICAL ROOM pRrOR TO AN INSPECTTON REQUEST. APPLICATION FOR TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT 19 TOM,]OF VAIL 'L Job Name Legal Oescription Street Address a/' Excavating Contractor Name Address TOV Contractor's License Number Start Data 4. Work is for (circte one)Water Complelion Date Sewer Gas'Electric Telephone Temporary Site Access (Permit Expiration Date) Other Landscaping 5. Trench-width (min.4') Length Depth Bond Amount $Permit Fee $Total Permit Fee $ ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE JOB IS STARTED. Rubber out-riggers are required on excavating equipment when working on asphalt. Asphalt surfaces underneath the bucket shall be protected at all times. A signature below indicates a review of the area and utilily locations and approvals. Once all utility company signatures are obtained, permittee has option of routing application through the Public Works ofiice to obtain the necessary Town of Vail signatures. Please allow one week to process. Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation (476'748O) Public Service Company (1 -800-922-1987) PSCO-Natural Gas Group (468-2528) Holy Cross Electric Company (949-5892) U.S. West (1-800-922-1 987) /t TCI Cablevision of the Rockies (949-5530) Town of Vail: lrrigation (479-2161)Electricians (47 9-21 7 1 \ Public Works (479-2158) l--' 9. THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURES! A construction lratfic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance oJ the permit. 10. All excavation musl be done by hand within 18" of utilities - (Senate Bill 172). 11. Permittee must contact Public Works Department at 479-2158 24 hours prior to commencing backfill operations. Failure to notify the Town will result in forfeiture of bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection fee. .t 2. I certify that I have read all chapters of Title 12 - Streets and Sidewalks, of the Vail Municipal Code and all utility company agreements, signed by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notified as required. .Contractor's Signature of Agreement Date of Signature ATTACH PLAN OF WORK, INCLUDING CONTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Show streets with names, buildings, and location of cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. THIS IS NOT PUBLIC WAY PERMIT! White - Public Works Yellow - Finance Pink - Communily Development Gold - Contractor . t-!:-: - i --tl lolcP.Auoc - plog| . OO .uutq) _ )- { 4w (xr€ug-/$o aA s! oi qnnd _euqii ,{ -l ot e 5E r-- .g C\, 5 cJA c)E -o o.ll z9 F <rL E-8 !||o o (,o tr o o v o lrJ I o F F V E o =E o =J a.-o F ttl Y o + o-o o (r k rt o ).. t+{ o 1'd g, )y qt FI r{ ol I rl I ol ol ol ol rnl el I {t 0,IL t t o + o V E =|lt G z o F o trl o-o z >r tr 6 A E o o IU o n lrl ol 'l erl r{l Ftl !l tl t =E uf o. =o J cl f o. /J 3 lJ-o z =o F sl Q \ i4 :.1 .: ii l-: I t o-- gJ (L | | iol | | nl I I 'il I lil I I rrl | | ol I I '51 llE llu ltr ttF tto lli\llul ttJ tt@ tt^l3l:a I 9if ct I -l-= 6 ls 8lE Es lF gls "H lf $iE E# /€ dE'T'E I slFi 8f; /dEH | { aDE l>{<t ; 6 ss al sl al El P -El ul €tl ul g sl El r 'rtl A.l J tto rt= I ....I 19.- Excavaling Contractor Name ?,L TOV Contractor's License Number Complelion Date Water 'Sewer Landscaping Length (Permit Expiration 4. Work is for (circle one)Gas Electric Telephone Temporary Site Access cAw Other 5. Trench-width (min. 4') Depth 7. 8. Bond Amount $ ,Permit Fee $1" t..- Total PermitFee $ ,,'::i 0/J ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE JOB IS STARTED. Rubber out-riggers are required on excavatin$ equipment when working on asphalt. Asphalt surfaces underneath the bucket shalf be protected at all tlmes- A signature below indicates a review of the area and utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company signatures are obtained, permittee has option oJ routing application through the Public Works office to obtain the necessary Town of Vail signatures. Please allow one week to process. Public Service Company (1 -800-922-1 987) PSCO-Natural Gas Group (468-2528) Holy Cross Electric Company (949-5892) U.S. West (1-800-922-1 987) TCI Cablevision of the Rockies (949-5530) Town of Vail: lrrigation (479-2161) Contraclorb Signature ol Agreement Electricians (47 I -21 7 1 ) 10. '11. Public Works (479-21 58) 9. THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURESI A construction traffic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of the permit. All excavation must be done by hand within 1 8" of utilities - (Senate Bil 172). Permittee must contact Public Works Department at 479-2158 24 hours prior to commencing bacKill operations. Failure to notify the Town will result in forteiture of bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection fee. I certify that I have read all chapters of Tille 12 - Streets and Sidewalks, of the Vail Municipal Code and all utility company agreements, signed by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notified as required. 12. Date of Signature ATTACH PLAN OF WORK. INCLUDING CONTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Show streets with names, buildings, and location of cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. THIS IS NOT PUBLIC WAY PERMIT! White - Public Works Yellow - Finance Pink - Community Developmenl Gold - Contractor {.? -{<r't!rFF\tFrE.{t-="*+!FFttFF'Y o 'I JolaBlluoC -plog 'aO ultlloC - tluld t e:lue|lg-r olla^ qnMqnnd - eUWt :'a(\i 3t ii ='6 dlc It. lj Fr I cc r'r Ag 3e (..t E c) A c)E o e! F =fr HT o (,NE \JE 1... i,l: lg 3 fi d B a ts?E CA o\.c E l'l z 4 o IE (t ts ,a rtt A a{ A o H t-. a cl ul ."'E o F v G o =IL o =J o- ()F ul x o u.l \o F. \o €.€; 5() b<9H E>2 -c F F o e !d t c't a.l 0\.t &lrl I >. & r'(a(o{.x *t!(of rt<(f of (t( '1 :tts o 'd () Q) CT 6' 5 i € o Y E =lrl E z o F (, ul o- ah = fl 4 FJ -l lq z F l-' H ET t o o rn r\* o o IL E c)(L 0) o o o o J o <'i ''' a-t-u .-l )i,'i 1r-..1 ftr,! "i-"/4,1 o -\} 1 Olign Review Action FCn TOWN OF VAIL Category Number on" 4t lq( Project Description: Owner. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot / ) Block 1 Subdivision ^l zone District {-/ t Project Streel Address: Comments: Motion by: Board / Staff Action Vote: Seconded by: fl Approval D Disapproval rXstatt Aooroval r\ Conditions: Town Planner // sagi 7,/.\ '/'l r/ ( .,, DRB Fee Pre-pai6'l / ( () lxQ a?Nep. -l -- fxro Altts{raC. .'4Ietr.tct lx t, c-oV:ep1p ;t fl o € I JI EI -.1 i I L-J ;rF t'.|r-t^J L! I ::-=; s-e \)6 ll ed GI l,.nl t---t Y t-t \ t-..l .\\-^u \:7,,i G t a = \J,,; : S=\"1 co -. -\e- | J '. ./ I I 1 o-/llo /ttz '/r* ds% T--t tol lal '.u r< t@t L-J lslr ".)-. a"""1 :-- I8 | \ l'j J r-] \ l.ol \ Lql l.;I tol r;-1 lol 4., : lsl \trtr (l) 1 sgr N l .,1 I : APPITCATION - TOWN OF '\'AII,, DATE APPLICATION RECETVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: ********** T I rev:.so d. g/-4'.:sL MD"P' TETS .APPIICATION WILIJ NOT BE ACCEPTED I'NTII. AI..L REQUIRED INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED ********** PROJECT INFORMATTON: A. DESCRIPTION: F TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction ($200.00)Minor ALteration ($20.00) 4 Addition (S50.00)Concept.ual Review ($0) l\LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LoI ADDRESS: ZONING: Block Subdivision If property is described by descriplion, please provide attach to this application. a neets and bounds legal on a separat.e sheet and LOT AREA: If reguired, applicant st,amped survey showing }ot. area. must provide a current NAME OF APPLICANT:Mailing Address: I.NA}4E OF OWNERS: APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE :Address: NAME OF Mailing Phone *STGNATURE(S): ,_Mailing Address: Phone J. Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE; DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at the tlne of submitt.aL of DRB application. Llter, when applying for a building permit, please identify tire accurate vaLuat,ion of the proposal. The fown of Vail will adjust the fee according to the tabte below, -t,o , , t ensure the correct fee is paid. ,r, ,oro, , j * bf xf?/ FEE SCHEDULE: - tt A I r.t 4 ,x- q Ll /) -y v'AiuATioi,i FEE vtl-u \ / | $ o - $ 1o,ooo s 2O.OO | \-zr. $ 10,001 - s 50,000 s 50.00 \<t' I 50,001 - s 150,000 s100.00 s150,001 - s 500, 000 s200.00 $500,001 - s1,000,000 $400.00 $ over $1, 000,000 $500.00 * DESIGN REVIEW BOARD EPPROVI\I EXPIRES ONE YEAR AE'TER FI}IAL APPROVAI T'NLESS-A.BU'LDING PERMIT .IS, ISST'ED A}TD CONSTRUCTTON IS STARTED. !t*No APPLTCATTON wrlrJ BE PRocEssED wrrgour owNER,s STGNATURE 1 v PRE-APPLTCATTON MEETTNG :II I A pre-application meeting with a member of the planning staff is, strongry encouraged to determine if any additional application informat.ion is needed. It is the applicant, s responsibility to make an appointment with the slaff to determine if there are additional subrnitt.al requirements.Prease note t.hat a COMPLETE apprication wirl sCreamrine the approval process for your project. III A.In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake and tape the pioject site to indicate property lines, building lines and building corners. A11 t.rees to be removed must be taped. AII site tapings and staking must be completed piior to the DRB site visit. The applicant nust ensure Lhat staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. The revie$, process for NEW BUILDINGS normally requires two separate meetings of the Design Review Boardr a conceptual approval and a final approval . Applicants shoul-d plan on presentj-ng their development. proposal at a minimum of two meetings before obtaining flnaf approval . Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponed, will have their items removed from the DRB docket until such time as the it.em has been republi- shed. The following items may, at the discretion of the zoning administrator, be approved by the Community Development Department staff (i.e. a formal hearino before the DRB may not be required) : a. Windows, skylights and similar exterior changes which do not atter the existing plane of the building; and b. Building additj-on proposals not visible from any other lot or public space. At the time such a proposal is submitted, applicants must inctude letters frorn adjacent propert.y owners and.,/or from the agent for or manager of any adjacent condominiurn association statlng the association approves of the addition. ff a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, flood plain, debris f1ow,wetland, etc) r a hazard st.udy must be submitted and the owner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazard.report prlor. to the issuance of a building permit.Applicants are encouraged to check with a Town planner prior to DRB applicat.ion to det.ermine the relat.ionshj.p of the property to all mapped hazards. For all residential_ construction: a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the inside faee of the exterior structural walls of the building; and b. Indicate with a dashed line on the site plan a four foot distance from the exterior face of the building wal1s or supporting columns. I f . .DRB €pprovea.- t he appl d.c ab i,sn- *vith - condit i, on s o r modifications, all conditions of approval must be resolved prior to Town issuance of a buiLding perrnit. P. F F. Iv.NEW CONSTRUCTN A.Three copies of a recent topoqraphic survev, stanped bv a licgnsed survevor, at a scale of 1" -- 20, oi laiger,on which the following inforrnation is provided: 1. Lot area. 2. Two foot contour intervals unless the parcel consists of 6 acres or more, in whictr case, S,contour intervaLs nay be accepted. 3. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diarneters ef 4.' or more, as measured from a point one foot above grade. 4. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural feat.ures (rarge boulders, intermittent. streams,etc. ) 5. Hazard areas (avalanche, rockfall, etc.),centerline of stream or creek, required creek or stream setback, 100-year flood plain and slopes of 408 or more, if applicable. 5. Ties t.o exj.sting benchmark, ej.ther USGS landmark or ser^rer invert. This information should be clearly st,ated on the survey so that all measurements are based on the same starting point.This is particularly important for. height measurements. See Policy On Survey Information,for more informatj-on regarding surveys. 'l . Locations of the following:a. Size and type of drainage culverts, swales,etc. must be shown. b. Exact location of existing utility sources and proposed service lj_nes from their source to the structure. Utilities to include:Cable TV Telephone Sewer Water Gas Electric B. c. Show all ut.ility meter locations, including any pedestals to be located on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site. Revocable permits frorn the Town of Vail are reguired for improvements in the right-of-way. d. Property lines - distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. e. All easements (Tit1e report must. also include existing easement locations) 8. Existing and finished grades. 9. Provide spot elevations of ttre street, and a minimum of one spot elevation on either side of the IoE, 25 feet out from the side property lines. Site Plan 1. LocaLiorrs of the foliowing: a. Proposed surface drainage on and off site. b. Proposed driveways. percent slope and spot elevations must be shown. 2. A1I existing improvements including structures,landscaped areas, service areas, storage areas, - .*- wa lks r-dniveway.e, -*o f-f =st.lrset*pank ing 7 -I oading areas, retaining walls (with top and bott.om of wall spot elevations), and other existing site improvements. ? and proposed qrades shown underneath). These elevations and grades must be provided in order for the staff to determine building height. A1I ridge ]ines shoutd be indicated on the site plan.Elevations for roof ridges shall also be indicated on the site plan with corresponding finished and existing grade elevations. 4. Driveway grades may not exceed 8t unless approved by the Town Engineer. Landscape .Plan (Ln - 20' or larger) - 3 copies required 1. The following information must be provided on the Iandscape plan. The location of existing 4"diameter or larger trees, the location, size,spacing and type (common and latin name) of all existing and proposed plant material . AtI t.rees to be saved and to be removed must also be j-ndicated. The plan must also differentiate between exist.ing and proposed vegetation. 2. Complete the attached landscape materials 1ist. 3. The location and type of exist.ing and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring for plant material following its install_at.ion. 4. Existing and proposed contour lines. fn order to clarify the inter-relation of the various development proposal components, please incorporate as much of the above inforrnation as possible onto the site plan. Siqn off from each utilitv companv verifying the location of utility servj.ce and availability (see att.ached) . A preliminary title report must submittals, to insure property of a1I easements on property. accompany a1I ownership and location NOTE: D. Architectural Plans (I/8,, = Ir or larger, !/4', ls preferred scale for review) 3 copies required. 1.. Scaled floor plans and all elevations of the proposed development. Elevations must show bot.h existing and finished grades. 2. One set of floor plans must be ,,red-linedir to show how the gross resident.ial floor area (GRFA) was calculated. 3. Reduct.ions of all elevations and the site ptan (8-L/2" x !I'i) for inclusion in pEC and,/or Toin Council menos may be requested. 4. Exterior surfacing materials and material colors shal] be specified on the at.tached materials list..This material-s list must be completed and submit.ted as a part of DRB application. Color ch1ps, siding samples etc., should be presented Uo the Design Review Board meeting. Zone check list (attached) must be completed if project is locat.ed within the Single-Family, primary,/Secondary or Duplex zone districts. Photos of the existing site and where applicable, of adiacent. slrucLures- r. rhe zonipAdministrator and,/or DRB ty ..qrj.re rhe submission of additional plans, drawings,specifications, samples and ot.her materials (including a model) if deemed necessary t.o determine whether a project wiJ-l comply with Design Guidelines. V. MTNOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDTNGS. Photos or sketches whictr clearly convey the redevelopment proposal and the location (site plan) of the redevelopment proposal may be submitted in lieu of the more formal requirements set forth above, provided all important specifications for the proposal including col,ors and materi-als to be used are submitted. VI . ADDTTIONS - RESTDENTTAL OR COMMERCIAL A. Origi.nal floor plans with aLl specifications shown. B. Three sets of proposed floor plans L/8,t ='J,, or larger (L/4" = Lr is preferred) C. Tbree copies of a site plan showing existing and proposed construction. Indicate roof ridge elevations with existing and proposed grades shown underneath. D. Elevations of proposed addition. E. Photos of the existing structure. F. Specifications for all materials and color samples on materiaLs list (attached). At the request of the Zoning Administrator you may also be required to submit: G. A statement from each ut.ility verifying location of service and availability. See attached utility location verification form. H. A site improvement survey, stanped by registered professional surveyor. I. A preliminary title report, to verify ownership of property, which list.s aII easements. VTI. FINAL SITE PLAN Once a building permit has been issued, and construction is underway, and before the Building Department will schedule a framing inspection, two copies of an Improvement Location Certificate survey (ILC) starnped by a registered professional engineer must be submitted. The following information must. be provided on the ILC: BuiJ-ding location (s) with ties to property corners,i.e. distances and angles. Building dimensions to the nearest tenth of a foot _ AIf ut,ility service line as-builts, showing type of material used, and size and exact location of 1ines. Drainage as-builts. Basis of bearj-ng to tie to section corner. AIl property pins are to be either found or set and stated on irnprovement survey. AII easements. A. B. D. Er Building fLoor elevations and all. roof ridge elevations with existlng and proposed grades shown under the ridge 1ines. H. A.Sqbmittal fequirements: The owner or authorized agent of any project requiring design approval as prescribed by this chapter may submit plans for conceptuat review by the Design Review Board to the Department of Community Development. The conceptual review is intended to give the applicant a basic understanding of the compatibility of their proposal with the Townrs Design Guidelines. This procedure is recommended primarily for applications more complex than single-fanily and two-family residences. However, developers of single-family and two-family projects shal.L not be excluded from the opportunity to request a conceptual design review. Complete applications must be submitted 10 days prior to a scheduled DRB meeting. The following information shalI be submitted for a conceptual review: 1. A conceptual site and landscape plan at a minimum scale of one inch equals trdenty feet; 2. Conceptual elevat.ions showing exterior materials and a descript.ion of the character of the proposed structure or structures,- 3. Sufficient information t.o show the proposal conplies with the developnent standards of the zone dist.rict in which the project is to be located (i.e. GRFA, site coverage calculations,number of parking spaces, etc.); 4. Completed DRB application form. Procedure: Upon receipt of an application for conceptual design review, the Department of Community Development shall review the submitted materials for general compliance with the appropriate requirements of the zoning code. ff the proposal is in basic compliance with the zoning cod.e requirenents, the project shall be forwarded to the DRB for conceptual review. If the application is not g.enerally in compliance wit.h zoning code requirements, the application and submittal mat.erials shalL be returned to the applicant with a written explanation as to why the Community Development Department staff has found the project not to be in compliance with zoning code requirements. Once a complete application has been received, the DRB shall review the submitted conceptual review application and supporting material in order to det.ermine whether or not the project generally complies with the design guidelines. The DRB does not-vote on conceptuaL revj-ews. The property owner or his representative sha11 be present at the DRB hearinq. BRYANT ELECTRIC INC. Negotiated / Design / Build Construction Company 7020 S. Tucson Way Englewood, CO 80f 12 (303) 799-8920 Fax: (303) 799-8916 Design Review Board Town Of Vail 111 S Frontage Rd Vaj-1, CO 81658 June 20, 1994 Re: Electric metering at 4939 Meadow Dr. P.O. Box 1503 Vail, CO 81658 (303) 9494155 Fax: (303) 949-7994 TOV Design Review Board: The purpose of this letter is to clarify where the secondary electric meteri-ng for 4939 Meadow Dr. sha1I be located and the reasoning behind its placement. In argireement with the Town of Vail, Roy Lawler, the owner, proposes to delete the overhead service to his "*istittg duplex and install a new underground service to feed both the existing residence and the newly constructed residence. I, Robert Hamina, met with John Boyd of Holy Cross Electric Association (HCEA) to determine the power source. John provided me \dith a map showing the location of a future underground primary electric system and location of the transformer to be used for power supply to Roy Lawler's house (see attached). The pole mounted transformer presently supplying Roy's house is to be deleted by the new under- ground plan. John instructed us to use the existing pole mounted transformer Iocated near the future pad mounted transformer for power supply to facilitate the chaage to 100E in the future. The duplex metering wiII be mounted on the pole until the underground primary electric system is compteted by HCEA. At this future date the meterinq will be relocated adjacent to the pad mounted transformer. We understand that is is the intent of the Design Review Board to make utility systems as aesthetically pleasing as possible and we feel that by consolidatingi our present and future electrical reguirements with HCEA' we are achieving that goal- consideration t - ,rETrR rasERvrcE Ar PoLE rt o I I.LUSTRATIOII NOTES: A. L K. L. t Ueat h e rlr ead , Cable-tails 'r|ust be Iong enough to reach :f,:l;i:r^"r connecrtoh plus drip loops (as Pole ground and rod lAgsociat ion ol,ned), one , DMT oT zi 'r. I a \!;.1 /-' I YII:.AL I -J _- -,_.- t Conduit riser shall be limited to qcnrluit l)er servjce. cRC pleterred, Schedu le 80 PvC allouEE: ConduiL s!andoff brackeis, spaced a maximun of l0' apart, providing a 6" ,ninim,Jrn spacing froh pole and shall be a ninimum of 8' above finisned 9rade, sidewalks or t!on any. platforn or projection from which they nlght be re.ched. Hust be located rithih-I I of weat herhead and coupl i ngs . Sockel hub (various sizes aeaillble from the Associ at lon ). Appropriate tneter socket (n3y be obtained f rorn Associ at i on I . Heter, provided and installed by Association. Raintight, load break fused disconnect or breaker required at neter Iocation, nust be on load siCe of neter. InsrlateC bushi n3. Allor 3rof slack ln gecondary cable belor grouno. Ground lrire and ground rod, per HEC,(provlded and lnst.lled by consuner. Do nct attach to Association pole ground). 6' of sand or clern dirt. boCh above and belo\,, Secondary cable, is recomnended. Secondary ca bl e.N. O. Hinirnurn cllmbing anC $orking sprce o! 2.1"fteasured hcri zontally both along and across the lir:e rhall be prcriCcd anrt ihall be projec.!ed verricaLly nor less than 40,,aOove and belotl consumefrs at:achrnentgt or that required in Sections 236 and 2lE ot the NgSC. GENERAL R EOU ! REIENTS: l. Elcctrgcutlon hr"!ra!. Clre rust bc crer-cttcd dutlng EEe T-netaltarlon of conduit and conduclor! to prGrcnt contact vtth porar coiptt|y vl r.!. 2, These, are typtcal gutdelines only. The Aaeoclation should be contacLed -prior to conatruction if variatlons are to be conslder:ed. 3. The Association reserves the righ! to det.ermine the locrLion, type of servtce and metering equipment that vill be utitized fo! each servrce. services buirt irithout Associatlon approval nay run the r.iii of noc neing eonnecied.-- a. The Assocjatjon reserves.the right to llrnit the qurnctty, size, and location of all neter loops attached to lts polis, and thelefore should-be con;ulted o; att Jobs lnvolving attachnents to its poles. 5' tletering-equiPtnenL and se!vice disconnects shall be located in an accessible locatlon ehich will not. be subjecr to physlcal danage (iqe, vehiclei, "ti.l.----' a !t'4,!a l:ro r r.ri..i rat, i Jr ,f: r, lK.l -2\- o t TOWN OFVAIL OOMMUNITT DEVELOPMENT /1.,^r"-(2,-422 C'|rICKS MADI' FAYABT-E TO -rOWN OF \|AIL ITBM 01000041540 Z,ONING AND ADDRESS MAPS $5.00 01 0000 42415 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE $50.00 0l 0000 42415 UNIFORM PLUMBINGCODE $36.00 0l m00 42415 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE $32.00 0l 0000 42415 UNIFORM FIRECODE $36.00 0l fixn42415 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE $30.00 0l fino 42415 OTHER CODE BOOKS 01 m00 41548 BLUE PRINTS (MYLARS)$7.00 ot(lnflo42412 xE&g>rcellEq $0.25 otoo0r]424t2 STUDIES olaa0(J42412 TOVFEES COMPUTER PROGRAM $5.00 01 00m4237l PENALfi FEES / RE-INSPECTIONS 0l 0000 41332 PLAN REVIEW RE-CHECK FEE I$40 PER HR.I 0t0m042i32 OFF HOURS TNSPECTION FEES 01 0000 41412 CONTRACTORS LICENSES FEES 0l 0m041413 SICN APPLICATION FEE $20.00 0l finO 41413 ADDITIONAL SICNAGE FEE I$I.OO PER SQ,F.-T.I 0l moojzu{L VTC ART PROJECT DONATION -D 0l oqrc41331 PRE PAID DESICNREVIEW BOARDFEE -2O .-)A 0l 0W)-igFf I}.IVESTIGATION FEE (BUILDING) 3l fixto45ll0 TOV PARKINC FUND otwoo22g27 TOV NEWS PAPER DISPENSERFUND * 0t 0(n0 21112 TAXABLE @ 4"/O (STATE) * 0l 00{D4l0t0 TAXABLE @4Yo(TOwN\ 01 0000 42371 BUILDING INVESTICATION OTHER PEC APPLICATION FEES 01 0(n0 41330 ADDITIONALGRFA "250"$200.(xJ 01 0000 41330 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT $200.00 0l 000041330'EXTERIOR ALTERATION ILESS TT{AN IOO SQ.FT.I $200.00 01 finO 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION TMORETFIAN IOO SQ.FT.I $500.00 01 0000 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT TNEWI $1500.00 01 0000 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IMAJOR AMEND $1,000.00 0t 00m 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IMINOR AMEND $200.00 01 00m41330 SUBDIVISION 01 000041330 VARIANCE $250.00 01m0041330 ZONING CODEAMENDMENTS s250.00 01 m00 41330 RE _ ZONING $2m.00 OTHER OTHER ITOTAL: coMMENTSI Mo.rL-- r.r-, SVTh "@@3-f ^n.tt@'- o -!-r:tllll'l fiF L'H I f- f'li=reI l sne,lu= f,.3sh : rl,-- . r -_ --'l5:tli:lE i'':::,... ':,: ;i : . = l:li. ++ i+f 7 i:i_ii.r t,:, i'i-ir,.,:_t.. i :- L,i-il.li..F-fi:..F fi:t.F'Fi I [i FF]El :iiii ! ::-iit i. !,,riiiji,,'t'*',...i i[l,Ft] -l !E!il Frd r r.l ' ':lti! .... :r rri.i , !.i,.: i:l : il:''-.i Flnr-runt Faid l!:r. t:1[1 Ll.l:11:1 -f Hl=lF{}--: L.rrllj rl::1,! !l ;-.:rr:hi *f iif ItrI olign Review Action Folr TOWN OF VAIL ro,a Date Category numoed : (Aw, Project Name:/ Building Name: A// 14 Owner, Address and Phone: ArchitecVOontact, Address and Phone: &v /0, Legal Description: Lot .d Block - rAon'*, fL- zoneDistrict 4:_ Subdivision lntN Project Street Address: f*', Board / Staff Action Motion by: Seconded by: /,/.L Yo|rl. r' /,0 ! Approval 3?':::"',-r -.<X@t Conditions: Town Planner DRB Fee Pre-paid a/4/q4 ' 7'4o t-^ -O /) *',arrlz 'lhaa< ,/i4 /rz/ ret4At"e W //u Ftfl- /n" / - Pow, at(,,uz 6l fla- 4fl2 Jo lce C/tJ &"rbrru ?kk a//e\/c,zr 4/vD ^/Etzt..hrtl/ i,e ,frq C/h/ ,6'e '/r,'//u"4-zA '/ /42./ sq/#- -?rt#*- /''> ,,t2rc4re/44zdvA- a o //r,/h/ flz{)ka/o q- 'i Ff$'+ll " +,! o $ R ft\v N v x /\r I T -it- I I I I ; c\ + +J -K I!I I|r' F,J s t- io lr o I - a=, ' -.t? N€ory hirv'Wdt ,,, aN/ = LEvATlor! - t-r=aT ;- - l=--------'-- 1 '1 )) rl I fl '.-i .l !fr a .t I T,I T it T F __$ R a s I\N lo ,,' I lrY IJN l*l ll I I NI -j \I -t'\l \l ft\ *F Es Fft_ $*. $- tl {ar N T { u \ \l \l --s fs I \F s-T _Il OI \l dr ili F5 I tl I i-r LI 6 @ i It ls Ir l'1 lo I I I I I I N il --l \l gl I Iirkr fld 'l'P tr$ =,-Jl t-i I \p r6 th \> s s. q I -\t ', '. ^l\l ,t -h, ' [f Y-I lv1 tl t ,h J{.v Revi qqs ({[ LlpriL,0^ tr6<+ prioun&{'-t{og1- B.APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATTVE (PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE) A. APPLICANT MAILING ADDRESS ADDRESS PROPERTY OWNE OWNER'S SI MAILING ADDRESS D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: STREET ADDRESS Lor-..L4-BLocK- llsuBD rvr s r oN FILING 5I4 APPLICATION FEE $100. OO MATERIALS TO BE SUBMITTED: CHECK 1. Two mylar copies and one paper copy of the subdivision plat sha11 be submitt.ed to the Department of Community Development.. The plat. shal_I include the foltowing: a. The final plat sha1l be drawn by a regi_stered surveyor in fndia ink, or other subst.antiaL solution, on a reproducibl,e medium (preferably mylar) with dimension of twenty-four by thirty-six , inches and shal-l be at a scale of one hundred feet to one rnch or larger with margins of one and one-half to tho inches on the left and one-half inch on all_ other sides. /'/y @ b.Accurate dimensions to the nearest one-hundredth of a foot for all lines, angles and curves used to describe boundaries, streets, setbacks, alleys,easements, structures, areas to be reserved or dedicated for public or common uses and other i-mportant features. All- curves shatl be circular arcs and shall be defined by the radius, centraL angle, are scored distances and bearing. A1l dimensions, both linear and angular, are to be determined by an accurate control survey in the field whi-ch must balance and close within a 1imit of one in ten thousand. North arrow and graphic sca1e. A systemaLic identification of all existing and proposed buildings, units, Iots, blocks, and names for all street.s . An identificat.ion of the street.s, alleys, parks, and other public areas or faci1ities as shown on the plat, and a dedicatlon thereof to the public use. An identification of the easement.s as shown on the plat. and a grant thereof to the public use.Areas reserved for future publ j-c acquisition shall a.Iso be shown on the plat.. A written survey descript.ion of the area including the total- acreage to t.he nearest appropriate significant figure. The acreage of each lot or parcel shall be shown in this manner as wel1. f :"*:"liirn"i,ri'.;:T:I"*#":?'.13'n round subdivision, and a description of al-1 monuments used in conducting the survey. Monument perimeter per Colorado statut.es. Two perimeter monuments sha1l be established as major control monuments,the materials which shall be determined by the town engineer. A statement by the land surveyor explaining how bearing base was determined. A certificate by t.he registered land surveyor as outlined in Chapter I7.32 of this title as to the accuracy of the survey and plat., and that the Survey was performed by him in accordance wit.h Colorado Revj-sed Statutes L9'73t Tit.Ie 38, Article 5l_. A certificate by an at.Lorney admitted to practice in the State of Colorado, or corporate title insurer, that the owner (s) of record dedicating t.o the public the public right-of-way, areas or facil-ities as shown thereon are the owners thereof in fee si-mple, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances except as noted. The proper form for filing of the plat with the Eagle Count.y clerk and recorder. Cert.ificate of dedicat.ion and ownership. Should the certificate of dedication and ownership provide for a dedication of land or improvements to the public, all beneficiaries of deeds of trust and mortgage holders on said real property wiII be required to sign the certificate of dedication and ownership in addition t.o t.he fee simple owner thereof. m. AlI current t.axes must. be paid prlor to the Town, s approval of plat. This includes taxes which have been billed but are not yet due. The certificate of taxes paid must be signed. on the plat or a statemenL from the Eagle County Assessors Office must be provided wit.h the submittal information stating that all taxes have been paid. n. Signature of owner. 2. The plat must contain the foltowing statement: "For zoning purposes, the lots created by t.his subdivision are to be treated as one lot with no more than t.wo dwelling units allowed on the combined area of the two lots. " The statement. shall be modified to indicate t.he number of units and lots proposed.', 3. A copy of the declarations and/or covenants relating to the subdivj-sion, which shall assure the maintenance of any common areas which may be created. The covenants shaIl run with the land and shall be in a form suitable for recording with the Eagle Counly Cl_erk and Recorder. 4. Schedules A & B of a title report. APPROVAL PROCESS, REVTEW CRTTERIA Upon receiving two copies of a complete subrnittal al-ong wit.h payment. of the appropriate fee, the zoning administ.rator shall route one copy of the site map to the town engineer for his revj-ew. The zoning administrator shall then conduct this review concurrently. The town engineer shal1 review t.he submittal- and reLurn comments and notifications to the zoning adninistrator who shall transmit the approval,disapproval or approval wit.h modifications of the plat within fourteen days to the applicant. The zoni-ng administrator shatl sign tne ptat if approved or iequire modifications on the plat for approval or deny approval due a l Y. h. k. Revised 5/I/92 13,ili3"i:"kt::n:i'1.;3i,:;'fl::illl.*':g ii:"oil. . H FILING AND RECORDING The Department of Communit.y Development. will record the pLat and any relat.ed covenants with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. Fees for recording shal1 be paid by the applicant, The Community Development. Department will retain one mylar copy of the plat for their records and will record the remaining mylar copy. Revised 5/I/92 ff thLs appllcation requj.res a separate revlevr by any loca1, State or Federal agency other than the Town of VaiJ-, the application fee sha1l be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are note limited to: Colorado Department of Highr./ay Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shal1 be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50* of the application fee. If, at the applicant's request, any mattex is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then, the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Community Development Department to have significant design, land use or other issues whictr may have a significant lmpact on the conmunlty may require review by consultants other than toetn staff. Should a determination be made by the town staff that an outside consuLtant is needed to review any application, the Community Development, may h5-re an outside consultant, it shalL estimate the amount of money necessary to pay hj.m or her and this amount shaLl be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time he files his application with the Community Development Department. Upon completion of the review of the applicatj.on by the consultant, dny of the funds forwarded by the applicant for palment of the consultant which have not been paid to the consultant shall be returned to the applicant. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. ORDINANCE NO. 1 Series of 1991- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 17 OF THE TOI,JN OF VAIL MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE ADDITION OF CHAPTER 17.17 SCHOOL SITE DEDICATIONS; AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN REGARD THERETO. WHEREAS the Town council of the Town of Vail is of the opinion that the subdivider of land in each major residentia'l subdivision or portion of a major subdivision which is intended for residentia'l use sha'l I a'l locate and convey sites and land areas for schoo'ls when such are reasonably necessary to serve the proposed subdivision and future res.idents thereof; NOl'| THEREF0RE be it ondained by the Town council of the Town of vai1, Col orado: Section 1. Tit'le 17 of the Town of vail Municipal code is hereby amended by the addition of chapter !7.L7, schoo'l site Dedications, to read as follows: 17.17.010 PURPoSE It is hereby declared to be the policy of the Town that whenever there js a major subdivision, which is subdivided for residentia'l use or partial residential use, the owner of the land shall provide land for school needs generated by the proposed residential use. It is the purpose of thjs chapter to require the dedication of land or the payment of fees in lieu thereof or both to fulfill such needs. secti on 17 . 17 .020. School l and decli cati on or cash i n l i eu thereof, The subdivider of land in each residential major subdivision or portion of the subdjvision which is intended for residential use, shall allocate and convey sjtes in land areas for schools when such are reasonably necessary to serve the proposed subdivision and future res.i dents thereof, by the app.l ication of the formulas set forth below: Single family and duplex or primary secondary. Number of units x .014495 = dedication requi rement in acres. Mu l ti -fami I y. Number of units x .002676 l,lhen land is dedicated for be that which is useable by the and shall be maintained by the = dedication requi rement in acres, the purpose of providing a school site, it shalI Eagle County School District for such purpose, School District in a reasonable manner untiI developed' Said'land shall be held by the Town of Vail for the School District until required by the Schoo'l District. In the event that the School Djstrict determines subsequent to dedicatjon that the dedicated school site is not reasonably necessary, the Town counci1 may, at the request of the School Di stri ct, se'l 'l the 'l and. When sites and land areas for schools are not reasonab'ly necessary to serve the proposed subdivision and future resjdents thereof, the Town Council, with recommendations from the Schoo'l District and other affected entities, shal'l require, in l ieu of such conveyance of 1and, the payment in cash by the subdivlder of a amount not to exceed the ful'l market va] ue of such sltes and land areas for school s. The full market value shall mean the current market va1 ue of unimproved land. Th'i s value shall be set annually by the Town CounciI on an acre basis with recommendations from the Schoo'l District. The same value per acre sha'l I be used throughout the town. If the subdivider does not agree with the value per acre, the subdivider may submit the report by a qualified apprair"r,rhl js M.A.I. designated, wh.i ch establ ishes a new va] ue. The Town Councjl shall review the report and determjne if the value is reasonable. Based upon their review, the Town Council wil'l determine the value of such Iand. i'lhen money in lieu of land is required or when monies have been paid to the Town Council from the sale of such dedjcated sites for schools, .i t shall be held by the Town Council for the acquisition of reasonably necessary sites for the construction of school facilities, for the construction of employee housing required by the school distri ct, for the purchase of employee housing unjts for the school district, or for the development of such sjtes. If housing units are purchased, a deed restriction restricting their use to school district employee housing shalI be required and ownership shall remain in the name of the School Djstrict. A subdivision school dedication shal 1 app'l y only once to the same land area. Dedjcation shall not be required of re-subdivisions of the same land on a dedjcation that has prev.i ously been maoe. Section 17.17.030. Town Exempted. The Town of Vail is specifica1 1y exempted from the requirements of th.i s chapter L] .17 . Secti on 2. of this 0rdinance If any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision sha.l .l not -2- affect the validity of the remaining p.rrtions of this 0rdinance; and the Town council hereby dec'l ares it wourd have passed this 0rdinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase thdreof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, crauses, or phrases be decl ared i nva l i d. section 3. The Town council hereby finds, determ.i nes, and declares that this Ordinance is necessary and proper for the health, safety, and wel fare of the Town of Vail and the inhabitants hereof. section 4. The repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any provision of the VaitMunicipal Code as pnovided in thjs Ordinance sha'l I not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any section commenced, nor any other action or proceedings as commenced under or by virtue of the provision repea.l ed or nepealed and reenacted. The repeal of any prov'i sion hereby shall not revjve any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated hene.i n. section 5, Repealer. All byr aws, orders, resolut.ions, and ordinances, or parts thereof, inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed to the extent on.ly of such inconsistency. This repealer shalI rrot be construed to rev.i se any by1aw, order, resolution, or ordinance, or part hereof, heretofore repealed. iNTR0DUCED, READ, AND AppROvED oN FIRsr READING THIs leth day of Februarv ' 1991, and a public hearing shall be held on this ordinance on the - day of Februarv 19 |, 1991, ab 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Vail Municipal Ordered published in ful'l ATTEST: INTROOUCED, READ, AND APPROVTD ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED this 5th day of March , 1991. Bui 1di ng, Vai'l , Col orado. this lgehday of Febtuarv , Lgg1. Rose, Rose, ATTEST: -3- ORDINANCE NO. 2 Series of 1931- AMENDING TITLE 18 OF THE MUN]CIPAL CODE OF THE THE ADDITION OF CHAPTER 18.67 VESTED PROPERTY RIGHTS; SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN REGARD THERETO. AN ORDINANCE TOI,IN OF VAIL BY AND NOl,|, THEREFORE, COLORADO: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOIIN COUNCIL OF THE TOI4N OF VAIL, 1. Title 18 is hereby amended by the addition of Chapter 18.67 to read as fol'l ows: 18.67 .010 PURPoSE The purpose of this Chapter is to provide the procedures necessary to implement the provisions of Article 68 of Title 24, C.R.S., as amended. 18.67.020 DEFINITIONS A. Site specific development plan shall mean and be'l imited to a final najor or minor subdivision p1at, or a special development distri ct development p'l an. I B. Vested property right means the right to undertake and complete the development and use of property under the terms and conditions of the sjte specific development p1an, and shall be deemed established upon approval of a s ite specific development p1an. 18.67.030 NOTICE AND HEARING No site specjfic development plan shal 1 be approved by the Town CounciI or any Town board or commission as applicable, until after a public hear'i ng proceeded by wri tten notice of such hearing, in accordance with Chapter 8.68 of the Vail Municipal Code. Such notice may, at the option of the Town, be combined with the not'i ce for any other hearing to be held in conjunction with the hearing on the site specific development plan for the subject property. At such hearing, persons with an interest jn the subject matter of the hearing shal'l have an opportunity to present relevant or material evidence as detenrnined by the Town Council or Town board or commission as applicable. 18.67.035 ACTION FOR APPROVAL OF SITE SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN - CONDIT I ONS The action of the Town Counci'l or Town board or commission as appjicable for approval of a site specific devel opment p'l an shall be jn the same form as that required to approve any request being considered for the subject propenty in conjunction with the hearing on the site specific development plan, such action being either by ordinance, reso'l ution, or motion as the case may be. If any action by any board or commission is appealed to or called up by the Town Council, approval shall be deemed to occur when a final decision of the Town Council is rendered approving the site specific development p1an. The approval may include such terms and conditions as may be reasonably necessary to protect the public health, safety, and welfare, and the fajlure to abide by any such terms and conditions may, at the option of the Town Council or Town board or commission as applicab1e, and after public hearing, result in the forfeiture of vested property rights. 18.67.040 APPROVAL - EFFECTIVE DATE A site specific deve'l opment plan sha'l 1 be deemed approved upon the effective date of the approval action relating thereto by the Town Council or the Town board or commission as the case may be. 18.67.045 VESTED PROPERTY RIGHTS - DURATION A. A property right which has been vested as provided for in this Chapter shall remajn vested for a period of three (3) years. In the event amendments to a s'ite specific development plan are proposed and approved, the effective date of such amendments for purposes of the duration of the vested property right, shall be the date of the approval of the original site specific development plan, unless the Town Council or applicable board or commission specifically finds to the contrary and incorporates such finding in I its approval of the amendment. 18.67.050 NOTICE OF APPROVAL Each map, plat, or site plan or other document constituting a site specific development plan sha'l 'l contain the folIowing 1anguage: "Approval of this plan may create a vested property right pursuant to Article 68 of Title 24, C.R.S., as amended." Failure to contain this statement shalI inva'l idate the creation of the vested property right. In addition, a notice describing generally the type and intensity of use approved, the specific parcel or parcels of property affected, and stating that a vested property right has been created, shall be published once, not more than fourteen (14) days after approval of the site specific development plan in a newspaper of general circulation within the Town. 18.67.055 EXCEPTION TO VESTING OF PROPERTY RIGHTS A vested property right, even though once established as provided in this Article, precl udes any zoning or'l and use action by the Town or pursuant -?- to an initiated measure which would a'l ter, impair, prevent, dimin.i sh, or otherwise de] ay the development or use of the property as set forth in the site specific development plan except: A. l.lith the consent of the affected landowners; or B. upon the discovery of natural or man-made hazards on or in the immediate vicinity of the subject property, which hazards could not reasonably have been discovered at the time of s'i te specif.i c development plan approval, and which hazards, if uncorrected would pose a serious threat to the public health, safety, and we'l fare; or C. To the extent that the affected 'l andowner receives just compensation for all costs, expenses, and liabilities incurred by the landowner, inclucling but not limited to all fees paid in consideration of financing, and al1 architectural , planning, marketing, Iegal , and other consultants fees jncurred after approval by the Tovrn council, or applicab'l e town board or commission, together with interest thereon at the Iegal rate until paid. Just compensation shall not include any diminution in the value of the property which is caused by such action. t D. The establishment of a vested property right pursuant to'l aw shalI not preclude the application of ordinances or regulations which are general .i n nature and are applicable to all properties subject to land use regulation by the Tovrn of Vail, including but not limited to, building codes, fire, pl umbing, electrjcal and mechanical codes, housing, and dangerous bujlding codes, and design review guidelines. 18.67.060 PAYMENT OF COSTS In additjon to any and all other fees and charges imposed by the Municipal code of the Town, the applicant for approval of a site specific development plan shal 1 pay a1 l costs relating to such approval as a result of the site specific deve'l opment plan review including publ.i cat.ion of notices, public hearing, and review costs. At the option of the Town, these costs may be imposed as a fee of /nO 18.67.065 OTHER PROVISION UNAFFECTED Approval of a site specific development plan shall not constitute an exemption from or waiver of any provisions of this code pertaining to the development and use of property. 18.67.070 LIMITATIONS Nothing in this chapter is intended to create any vested property right, -J- but only to inp'l ement the provisions of Article 68 of ritre 24, c.R.s., as amended. In the event of the repeal of said Artic'l e or judicial determinatic,n that said Article is jnvalid or unconstitutional or does not apply to home rule municipalities such as the Town of vai'l , this chapter sha'l 'l be deemed to be repealed, and the provisions hereof no 'l onger effective. 2- If any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this 0rdinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shal'l not affect the va]idity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed thjs Ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared inval id. 3. The Town counciI hereby finds, determines and declares that this Ordinance is necessary and proper for the health, safety and welfare of the Town of Vail and the inhabitants thereof. 4. The repeal or the repea'l and reenactment of any provision of the Municipa'l code of the Town of vail as provided in this Ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation ttrat occurred pri or to the effective date hereof, any proscrution commenced, nor any other act'i on or proceeding, ua commenced under or by v.i rtue of the provision repealed or repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provis.i on hereby shall not revive any frovision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. 5, 411 bylaws, orders, resolutions, and ord.i nances, or parts thereof, inconsistent herewith are repealed to the extent only of such inconsistency. This repealer shall not be construed to revise any by1 aw, order, resolution, or ordinance, or part thereof, theretofore repealed. INTRODUCED, READ ANO APPR0VED 0N FIRST READING this s*r day of March , 1991, and a public hearing shall be held on this ordinance on the 5rtr day of uarch , 1991, at 7:30 p.m. in the counciI chambers of the vail Municipal Building, Vai'l , Colorado. 0rdered published in full this 5rh 1991. day of Mareh ATTEST: \"' \' INTRoDUCED, READ, AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED bh li+h n^tq - th'is l1d day of ,, 1,U4141 day ot Mttth- , 1991. AItt)|: -5- m tft! Augrust 5, L994 TO: Randy Stouder FROI'I: George Lamb RE: Lot L2, Block 5, Bighorn 5th Addition I,AWI,ER PLAT 4U0 5 - 1994 Tni/ ,^r1 i,rnr ,.-,./ v y - r.,Utii,iilll, Uf il D[pl Attached please find the following: Two PIat Mylars executed all parties except the Town, The CLerk and Recorder and the Treasurer.Declarations covenantsrConditions and Reservations and Party Wall Agreement Executed Application for Duplex Subdivision Reviehr Required $LOO check to the Town of said application A check to Eagle county for g1t0 (9s/page x zoi 910 to record the Mylar. Tax certificate noting that taxes have been paid. I would greatly appreciate you coordinating the recording of the Mylar and associated documents as soon as possible to facilitate a closing August 12, L994. ff you have any guestions, please do not hesitate to cal1. NoTT,SzL fnr"J-+ b ,ts 1n Llltu *1{h a lrln. *, c,, i i,., r,/fh L ;l%u> n lt. (303) 476-26s8 Rtuttllt - !t'W fot t4cut /cLa.d c4Jnal *t',i ft ,* r#E,z,t cf DECI-ARATION OF E e ei COVENAIVTS, COND TIONS AND RESERVATIONS t; PARTY WALL AGREEMENT FOR PARCEL A AND PARCEL B, LOT 12, BLOCK 5 BIGHORN FIFIH ADDITION EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO 543549 8-647 P-50? oY/Lr/e4 Oz:b4p pG 1 OF 19 REC DOC - Sara J. Fisher Eagle County Clerk & Recorder 95.00 DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESERVATIONS AND PARTY WALL AGREEMENT FOR PARCEL A AND PARCEL B, LOT 12, BLOCK 5 BIGHORN FIFTH ADDITION EAGLE COUNTY. COLORADO RECITAI-S 1. Phyllis L. lawler and Roy I. lawler (collectively, "Declarants") are the owners of the real property situate in the Town of Vail, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, dcscribed as Lot 12, Block 5, Bighorn Fifth Addition, according to thc Plat to be rccorded in Eagle County, Colorado (the "Property"). 2- A building is located on the above-described propcrty, which building consists of two (2) units, each designcd and intcndcd for use and occupancy as a residential dwelling unit, designated hercin as "Unit A" and "Unit 8", rcspectivcly, which are sometimes rcferrcd to hcrein scparatcly as a "Unit" or collcctivcly as the "Units". 3. Dcclarants havc subdivided the Properg into two (2) parcels for ownership in fcc simple consisting of Parccl A and Parcel B as hercin provided. 4. Parcel A of the Propcrg contains Unit A and Parcel B of thc Property contains Unit B. 5. Dcclarants desire to and do hcreby establish a plan for the ownership of Parcel A and Parcel B as estatcs in fbc simplc. DECLARATION Declarants do hcrcby publish and declare that the following terms, covcnants, conditions, eascmcnts, restrictions, uses, rcscrvations, limitations and obligations shall be deemcd to run with the land dcscribcd hercin, shall be a burden and a benefit to Declarants, thcir personal rcpresentatives, hcirs, successors and assigns and any person acquiring or owning an intcrcst in the Propcrry which is describcd hcrcin or thc improvemcnts located thercon, their grantces, pcrsonal rcprcscntatives, hcirs, successors and assigns. 543549 B-ti4? P-507 08/11 /94 oZ: b4p pG Z OF 19 -1- ARTICLE 1 DEFINITIONS In addition to the terms hcreinabove defined, unless thc context shall expressly provide othenvise, the following terms shall have the following meanings: SECIION f.01. "Assessment Lien" shall mean any lien arising pursuant to the provisions of Scction 11.02 of this Declaration. SECIION 1.02. "Declaration" shall mean and refer to this Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions and Party Wall Agreement, as the same may be amendcd from timc to time. SECTION 1.03. "Defaulting Owner" shall have the meaning given to that term in Section 11.01 hereof. SECTION 1.04. "First Mortgage" shall mean and refer to any unpaid and outstanding mortgagc, deed of trust or other security instrument encumbering a Parcel recorded in the records of the Office of the Clerk and Recorder of the County of Eagle, Colorado, having priority of record ovcr all other recorded liens except those governmental liens made superior by statute (such as general ad valorem ta:r liens and special assessments). SECTION 1.05. "First Mortgagee" shall mean and refcr to any person named as a mortgagec or bcncficiary under any First Mortgage, or any successor to the interest of any such person undcr such First Mortgagc. SECTION 1.06. "Map" nrcans the engineering survey of the Propcrty entitled Plat, LDt 12, Block 5, Bighorn Fifth Addition, Town of vail, Eagle c.ounty, colorado, depicting and locating with specificity thcrcon the Parcels and thc improvements located thereon (including, without limitation, the units), such land and improvemcnts being hcreby submittcd to this Dcclaration. Such Map shall bc recordcd in the Office of the Clerk and Recordcr of Eagle County, Colclrado. SECTION 1.07. "Offbr Price" shall havc thc meaninggiven to that term in Section 15.01 hcrcof. SECTION 1.08. "Organizational Owncr" shall mcan an Owner which is a firm, corporation, partnership, association or trusts, or other lcgal entity, and not a natural person. SECTION 1.09. "Owncr" shall mean a person, pcrsons, firm, corporation, partncrship, association or trusts, or other lcgal entity, or any combination thereof, owning an interest in a Parccl. SECTION 1.10. "Parccl" shall mcan Parcel A or parcel B as shown on the Map, toge ther with all appurtcnanccs thcrcto. v,o 543549 8-647 P-507 08/11/94 OZ:54P PG 3 OF 19 SECTION 1.11. "Partv Wall" shall mean the common wall between the Units located on the dividing line between the two Parcels. SECTION 1.12. 'Efone$" shall mean all of the real estate legalty described as Lot 12, Block 5, Bighorn Fifth Addition, Town of Vail, Eagle County, C.olorado, according to the Plat thereof to be recorded with the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado. SECTION 1,13. "Remaining Owner" shall have the meaning given to that term in Section 15.01 hereof. SECTION 1.14. "Selling Owner" shall have the meaning given to that term in Section 15.01 hereof. ARTICLE 2 DESCRIPTION AND RESERVATION Every contract of sale, deed, lease, mortgage, deed of trust, will or other instrument relating to the Property shall legally describe a Parcel or any real property interest therein as follows: Parcel [A or B], Final Plat, a Resubdivision of I,rrt 72, Block 5, Bighorn Fifth ' Addition, according to the map thereof recorded in Book Page _, of the records of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle C-ounty, State of Colorado, and according to the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions and Party Wall Agreement for Parccl A and Parcel B,Lot 12, Block 5, Bighorn Fifth Addition, Eagle County, Colorado, recorded in Book _r Page _, of the records of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle Counfy, State of Colorado. Every such description shall be good and sufficient for all purposes to sell, convey, transfer, lease, encumber or othcrwise affect the Parcel, the Unit and other improvements located thercon and all appurtenant rights, benefits and burdens thereto as created by the provisions of this Declaration, and each such description shall be so construed. ARTICLE 3 PROPERTY DIVISION SECTION 3.01. Two Parccls. Dcclarants hereby establish this plan for the subdivision of the Property into two (2) Parcels for ownership in fee simple, consisting of Parcel A and Parccl B as shown on the Map. SECTION 3.02. No Partition. No owner shall bring any action for partition or division of Parcel A and Parccl B. SECTION 3.03. No Mcrger. In the event Parcel A and Parcel B are owned by the same person, the doctrine of merger shall not apply. r'! 543549 ts-ri4? p-b0? OA/II/g4 OZ:b4p pG 4 OF 19 SECTION 3.04. Concurrent Ownership. The parties, if more than one, having the concurrent ownership of a Parcel shall agree among themselves how to share the rights and obligations of such ownership; providcd, however, that if an Organizational Owner shall beconrc thc owner of a Parcel or if more than one party havc the concurrent owncrship of a Parcel, then such Organizational Owner or concurrent Owners shall, no less than oncc each year, designate one individual who shall represcnt such Organizational Owner or concurrent Owners shall give written notice to the Owner of the other Parcel designating the individual to act on its or thcir behalf and such notice shall be effective until revoked or superseded in writing by such Organizational Owner or concurrent Owners. Any act or omission by such designated individual shall bc binding on the Organizational Owner or all concurrent Owners having designated him in favor of thc Owner of the other Parcel or any person who may rely thereon. SECTION 3.05. Separate Taxes. Each Parcel, together with the Unit and other improvements located thereon, shall be considered a separate parcel of real properg and shall be separately assessed and taxed. ARTICLE 4 EASEMENT FOR ENCROACHMENTS If any portion of a structure located on a Parcel now encroaches upon the adjoining Parcel, or if any such encroachment shall occur hereaftcr as a result of the scttling or shifting of any building, a valid casement for the encroachment on the surface and for subsurface support below such surface and for the maintenance of the same, so long as it stands, shall and does exist. In the event any building located on a Parcel shall bc partially or totally destroycd as a rcsult of firc or other casualty or as a result of condemnation or emincnt domain proccedings and then rcbuilt or repaired, cncroachments of any portion of such building on the adjoining Parcel due to such rebuilding or repair shall be permittcd as long as such encroachmcnts are of no greater cxtent than those prcviously existing, and valid eascmcnts for such encroachmcnts on the surface and for subsurface support below such surface nd for thc maintenancc f the sarne shall exist so long as the building shall stand. ARTICLE 5 PARTY WALL SECTION 5.01. General Rulcs of law to Apply. To the extent not inconsistcnt with this Declaration, thc gcncral rulcs of law regarding parg walls and liability for damage due to negligence, willful acts or omissions shall apply to the Party Wall. SECIION 5.02. Right to Usc. The Owncrs of the Units both shall have the right to use the Party Wall, provided that such usc by one Owner does not interfere with the use and enjoyment of the Party Wall by thc other Owner. ci 543549 B-ti4? P-507 08/Ll/94 02:54P PG 5 OF l9 SECTION 5.03. Easement Damage or Destruction. The Owner of a Unit shall have a perpetual easement in and to the part of the other Unit on which the Party Wall is located, for party-wall purposes, including mutual support, maintenance, repair and inspection. In the event of damage to or destruction of the Party Wall, the following provisions shall apply: (a) In the event the Party Wall is damaged or dcstroyed through the negligence, willful act or omission of one adjoining Owner, or any of his family, agents or invites, so as to deprive the other adjoining Owner of the full use and enjoyment of the Party Wall, then the first of such Owners shall forthwith proceed to rebuild and repair, or contract for the rebuilding and repair of, the Party Wall to its former good condition without cost to the adjoining Owner. (b) In the event the Party Wall is damaged or destroyed (including ordinary wear and tear and deterioration from lapse of time) by some cause other than the negligence, willful act or omission of one of the adjoining Owners, or any of his family, agents or invites, then unless both of such Owners otherwise agree, both such adjoining Owners shall proceed forthwith to rebuild or repair, or contract for the rebuilding and repair of, the Party Wall to its former good condition at their joint and equal erpense. SECTION 5.04. Structural InteqriE. Thee shall be no impairment of the structural integrity of the Party Wall without the prior written consent of all Owners having any interest therein. Further, pcnetration of the Parg Wall is prohibited without the approval of thc applicable governmental authorities because such penetration impairs the fire resistant qualities of the Party Wall. SECTION 5.05. Modification or Addition. No additjon to, modification of or relocation of the Party Wall may be accomplishcd by the Owner of one of the Units unless the Owner of the other Unit agrees in writing to the same.. ARTICLE 6 COMMON FACILITIES SECTION 6.01. Utilities, Cornnron utility or service connections or lines, common facilitics or other common utility equipmcnt or property located in or on onc of the Parcels or the Unit locatcd thereon but uscd in comrnon with the other Parcel or the Unit located thcrcon, if any, shall be owned by all of the Owncrs of the Property as tenants in common, with the Owner of Parcel A and thc Owner of Parccl B each holding an undividcd one-half interest in and to such common utility or service connecticlns or lines, common facr'lities and other common utility equipment and propcrty. Except for any expense or liability caused by the negligence or willful act of one Orvner, his family agent or invitee, which shall be borne solely by such Owncr, all costs, cxpenses and iiabilities related to said common utility or service conncctions or lincs, common facilities and other common utility equipment and property shall be sharcd by the Owners proportionately with such ownership. The owner c;c *j 543549 8-647 P-507 \B/It/g4 0Z,S4p pc b OF t_g of the Parcel or Unit on which such common utility or service connections or lines, common facilities or other common utility equipmcnt or property is not locatcd shall havc a perpefual eascment in and to that part of the adjoining Parcel or Unit containing the samc as is reasonably necessary for purposes of maintenance, repair and inspection. SECTION 6.02. Access and Parking. (a) A driveway is locatcd on the Property, a portion of which is on each Parcel as shown on the Map. There is hcreby created a reciprocal easemcnt and right-of-way for each Owner over, across and through that part of the driveway located on the other Owner's Parcel for the purpose of vehicular and pedestrian access. The Owners shall have equal right to the use of such acccss and no Owner shall hinder or permit his family, agents or invites to hinder reasonable use by the other Owner or his family, agents or invites of such common access without the consent of the other Owner. It is presumed that snow plowing of such common driveway will be required from time to time, the cost of which will be shared equally by the Owners. Other maintcnance, repair or improvement of such common driveway may be required from time to time, and the same shall be undertaken upon the unanimous agreement of the Owners who shall share all costs and expenses equally. (b) The uncovered parking arcas shall be dcsignated parking spaces for the Owners, their guess and invitcs of the parcel adjacent to said areas and as so indicated on the Plat. An access and cgress lane shall be maintained in thc center of the common drive access to insurc passage by each Owner to their respcctive covercd parking. Each Owncr shall be responsible to insurer that thcy, thcir guests and invites comply with this declaration, and that all local laws and regulations and ordinances applicable to the Property. SECTION 6.03. Allocation of Expenses. Costs and cxpenscs of atl activities whose cost is anticipated hercin to be shared, cxcept an caused by the negligence or willful act or omission of an Owncr, shall be allocatcd in thc following proportions: Parccl A Parcel B 504/o 50% ARTICLE 7 MAINTENANCE AND ALTERATION SECTION 7.01. Exterior Maintenance. (a) Landscaping. Each Owner shall from time to time, at his sole cost and expense, irrigate, maintain, prescrve and rcplace, as nccdcd, the trees, shrubs and grass locatcd within thc propcrty boundarics of his Parccl commensurate with thc standards set by the original developcr's landscaping of the Parccls and cach Owner shall from time to time, at his sole cost and expcnse, undertake such landscaping and general outdoor inrprovements on his Parccl as thc owncrs may jointly dccm ncccssary and proper for the harmonious 543549 8-647 P-507 08/Il/94 02:54P PG 7 OF 19 improvement of the Parcels in a common theme. The Owner of one Parcel shall not unreasonably damage thc value of the other Parcel such as by shoddy upkeep outside, but both Owners shall make all reasonable efforts to prescrve a harmonious common appcarance of the Parcels. (b) Unit Extcrior. Except with respect this Declaration, each Owner shall, at his maintenancp and exterior repair upon his Unit Parcel as wcll as the unimprovcd portions of including, but not limited to, thc cxterior walls to common facilities addressed clsewherc in sole cost and expense, provide exterior and the other improvements located on his the Parcel upon which his Unit is locatcd, and the roof of the Unit. SECTION 7.02. Maintenance of Unit Interior. Each Owncr shall be solcly responsible for the maintenancc and repair of the interior of his Unit, including fixrures and improvements and all utility lines and equipment located therein and serving such Unit only, for which purpose windows, glass and frames shall be deemed part of the interior of a Unit. In performing such maintenance and repair, or in improving or altering his Unit, no Owner shall do any act or work which impairs the structural soundness of either Unit or the Party Wall or which intcrferes with any casement granted or reserved herein. SECTION 7.03.Utility or service connections or lines, facilities or other utility cquipment or property located in, on or upon either of the Units which are used solcly to supply a service or utility to one Unit shall bc owned by thc Owncr of thc Unit using such utility or service and all costs, expenscs and liabilitics for rcpair and maintenance of such utility or service connections or lines, facilitics or othcr utility cquipmcnt of property shall be borne solely by the Owncr of thc Unit using such utility or scrvice, who shall have a pcrpetual easemcnt in and to that part of the adjoining Parccl or Unit containing such utility or scrvice connections or lincs, lacilitics or othcr utility equipmcnt or propcrty as is reasonably neccssary for purposes of maintcnance, rcpair and inspcction. SECTION 7.04. Alterations. No Owner shall make or suffer any structural or design change (including a color schcmc change), eithcr pcrmancnt or tcmporary, of any type or naturc whatsocvcr to the extcrior of his Unit or construct any additional building or structure of any type or naturc whatsoever upon any part of his Parcel without first obtaining the prior written conscnt thcrcto from the other Owner. ARTICLE 8 MECHANIC'S LIENS: INDEMNIFICATION SECTION 8.01. Prohibition. Exccpt for items incurred as a common expense as providcd for hcrcin, if any Owner shall causc any matcrial to bc furnished to his Parcel or the Unit or othcr improvcmcnts locatcd thcrcon, or any labor to be performcd thcrein or thcrcon, such Owncr shall bc solcly rcsponsible to contractors, laborers, materialmen and othcr persons furnishing such matcrials or labor and the Owner of the adjoining Parcel or Unit shall nctt, undcr any circumstanccs, bc liablc for the paymcnt of any cost or expense associatcd or incurred in connection thcrcwith or for thc value of any work donc or matcrial 543549 B-ti4'/ p-b0T OB/ t1/g4 OZ: b4p pG I OF 1C furnished, all such work bcing at the sole cost and cxpense of the Owner causing the same to be done. Nothing herein containcd shall authorize eithcr Owner or any pcrson dealing through, with or under cither Owner to charge the Parccl or Unit of the other Owner with any mechanic's lien or othcr lien or encumbrance whatcver and, on the contrary (and notice is hereby given), the right and power to charge any lien or cncumbrance of any kind against one Owner or against one Owner's Parcel or Unit for work done or materials furnished to the other Owner's Parcel or Unit is hcreby expressly denied. SECTION 8.02. Indcmnification. If, becausc of any act or omission of an Owner, any mechanic's or other lien or order for the payment of money shall be filed against the adjoining Parcel or Unit of the other Owner, or any improvements therein or thereon, or against any other Owner (whether or not such lien or order is valid or enforceable as such), the Owner whose act or omission forms the basis for such lien or order shall at his own cost and expense cause the same to be canceled and discharged of record or bonded by a surcty company reasonably acceptable to such other Owner, within ten (10) days after the date of filing thereof, and further shall indemni$ and save the other Owner harmless from and 'e ugui-nrt any and all costs, expenses, claims, losses or damages, including, without limitation, ? reasonable attorney's fees resulting therefrom. i-, ARTICLE 9 INSURANCE SECTION 9.01. Insurance Maintained by each Owner. Each Owner shall maintain, at his sole cost and expensc, the following types of insurance: (a) A policy of propcrty insurance covering his Unit in an amount equal to the maximum replacement value thcrcof and , in any evcnt, not less than necessary to comply with any co-insurancc percentagc stipulated in the insurance policy. Said policy shall contain a "Rcplacemcnt Cost Endorscment" and an "Agrecd Amount Endorsement". Such insurance shall afford protection against at least loss or damage by firc and other pcrils normally covcrcd by the standard "all-risk" policy (including vandalism and malicious mischief). (b) A policy of general liability and propcrty damagc insurance against claims for bodily injury or dcath or propcrty damage occurring upon, in or about his Parcel or the Unit or othcr improvcmcnts located thcreon, in limits of to less than $500,000.00 in rcspcct of bodily injury or death to any numbcr of pcrsons arising out of one accidcnt or disaster, or for damage to property, and if highcr limits shall at any time be customary to protcct against possible tort liability, such highcr limits shall bc carricd, and each Owncr shall name the othcr Owncr as an additional insurcd party undcr such policy. SECIION 9.02. Insurancc Policics. Each Owner shall dcliver to the othcr Owner certificates evidcncing all insurance rcquircd to be carricd under Section 9.01 hereof, each containing agrcemcnts by the insurcrs not to cancel or modiff the policics without giving the othcr Owncr prior written noticc of at lcast thirty (30) days. Each Owner shall have the right to inspect and copy all such insurancc policies of the othcr Owner and require cvidcnce of thc payment of prcmiums thcrcon. 543549 B-647 P-502 Og,i 11/94 OZ: b4p pG 9 OF 19 SECTION 9.03. Single Policy. Nothing provided in this Article shall prevent the Owners from jointly acquiring a single policy to cover any one or more of the hazards required in this Article to be separately insured against by each Owner. ARTICLE 10 DAMAGE OR DESTRUCTION SECTION 10.01. Repair Obligation. In case of damage or destruction of any Unit or any part thereof by any cause whatsoever, the Owner of such Unit shall, at his sole cost and expense, with due diligence, cause the Unit to be repaired and restored, applying the proceeds of insurance, if any, for that purpose as hereinafter provided. Such Unit shall be restored to a condition comparable to that prior to the damage or destruction and in a harmonious manner to promote the common theme of both Units. (a) Nonvithstanding the above, the Owners and First Mortgagees of any or all of the destroyed or damaged Units may agree that the destroyed or damaged Units shall forthwith be demolished and all debris and rubble caused by such demolition be removed and the Parcel(s) regraded and landscaped. The cost of such landscaping and demolition work shall be paid for by any and all insurance proceeds available. Any excess insurance proceeds shall then be disbursed to such Owners and their First Mortgagees jointly. ARTICLE 11 ASSESSMENT LIENS SECTION 11.01. Performance on Other's Bchalf. If an Owner (the "Dcfaulting Owner"), at any time, shall neglect or refuse to perform any obligation required by this Declaration or shall neglect or refuse to pay his share of any obligation required hereunder, the other Owner may, but shall not be obligated to, after twenty (20) days prior written notice to the Defaulting Owner of such failure and the failure of the Defaulting Owner within said time to curc the default (unless the circumstances require immediate action, in which case prior notice shall not be required), perform or pay such obligation and, in connectjon therewith, contract with responsible parties and expend such sum as may be necessary, or make such paymcnt, as the case may be, including, but not limitcd to, the payment of any insurance premiums required hereunder, the payment of any sums required for reconstruction pursuant to Section 5.03 or Section 10.02(b) hereof or the undertaking of any work rcquired hereunder for rcpair,.restoration or maintenance. Each Owner hereby grants to the other Owner, its agents and assigns, an irrevocable easement to perform the aforesaid obligations as contemplatcd herein. All sums so paid or expended by an Owner, with intercst thereon at the rate of eighteen percent (I8o/o) per year from the date of such payment of expendirure, shall bc payable by the Defaulting Owner upon demand of the other Owner. SECTION 11.02. Lien Rights. (a) All sums demanded from a Defaulting Owner pursuant to Section 11.01 hereof, but unpaid by the Defaulting Owner, shall constitute a lien on the Parcel of the Defaulting P: l 543549 B-ri47 P-507 08/It/94 02:54p pc 10 oF 19 Owner in favor of the other Owner prior to all other liens and encumbrances, except: (a) liens for taxes and special assessments; and (b) the lien of any First Mortgage of record encumbering the Parcel or Unit of the Defaulting Owner. Any such lien is referred to herein as an "Assessment Lien". The Assessment Lien shall attach from the date when the unpaid sum shall become due and amy be foreclosed in like manner as a mortgage on real property upon the recording of a notice or claim thereof executed by the non-defaulting Owner, setting forth the amount of the unpaid indebtedness, the name of the Defaulting Owner, and a description of the Parcel. In any such foreclosure, the Defaulting Owner shall be required to pay the costs and expenses of such proceeding, the cost and expenses f filing the notice of lien and all reasonable attorneys' fees, which costs and expenses shall be secured by the lien being foreclosed. (b) A release of lien shall be executed by the non-defaulting Owner and recorded at the Defaulting Owner's expense upon payment of all sums secured by the Assessment Uen which has been made the subject of a recorded notice of lien. (c) Any First Mortgagee may, but shall not be obligated to, pay any amounts secured by an Assessment Lien created by this Article and, upon such payment, such First Mortgagee shall be subrogated to all rights of the non-defaulting Owner with respect to such Assessment Lien, including priority. (d) Each Owner hereby agrees that the Assessment Liens herein described shall be superior to any homestead exemption now or hereafter provided by the laws of the State of Colorado or any exemption now or hercafter provided by the laws of the United States. The acceptance of a deed to land subjcct to this Declaration shall constitute a waiver of the homestead and any other exemption as against said assessment lien. SECTION 11.03. Priority of Lien. The Assessment Lien provided for in Section 11.02 hereof shall be subordinate to the lien of any First Mortgage recorded prior to the attachment of such Assessment Licn. Sale or transfer of any Parcel as the result of foreclosure of a First Mortgage, or any proceeding in lieu of such foreclosure, shall extinguish any Assessment Lien which attached subsequent to the recording of such First Mortgage, but shall not relieve any former Owner of personal liability therefore. The First Mortgagee of such Parcel who acquires title by way of foreclosure or the taking of a deed in lieu thercof shall, however, become liable for future assessments on the date it becomes the Owner of such Parcel. No sale or transfer of any Parcel shall relieve such Parcel from liability for any assessments thereafter becoming due or from the Assessment Lien thereof. In the event of the sale or transfer of a Parcel with respect to which sums shall be unpaid by a Defaulting Owner, except transfers to a First Mortgagee in connection with a foreclosure of its lien or a dced in licu thereof, the purchaser or other transferee of an interest in such Parcel shall bc jointly and sevcrally liable with the seller or transferor thereof for any such unpaid sums. sEcrIoN 11.04 writtcn Statement. Upon written request of any owner or a prospective transferee of a Parcel, the Owner of the other Parcel shall issue a written statement setting forth the amount he is owned under this Article 11, if any, with respect to ts t; 543549 9-647 P-507 08/II/94 02:54P PG 11 OF tg such Parcel. Such statement is binding upon the executing Owner in favor of any person who may rely thereon in good faith. Unless a request for such statement shall bc complied with within fifteen (15) days after reccipt of the request, all unpaid sums which became due prior to the date of making such request shall be subordinated to the lien or othcr interest of the person requesting such statcment. ARTICLE 12 ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT Both Parcel Owners shall be mutually responsible for the administration and management of the obligations created by this Declaration. ARTICLE 13 USE RESTRICTIONS Declarants hereby declare that all of the Property shall be held and shall henceforth be sold, conveyed, used, improved, occupied, owned, resided upon, and hypothecated, subject to the following provisions, conditions, limitations, restrictions, agreements and covenants, as wcll as thosc contained elsewhere in this Declaration: (a) Use. Each Parcel shall bc used for rcsidential purposes only and each Unit shall be rcstricted to a residential dwclling as a pcrmitted use and conditional and accessory uses as defined by the Town of Vail Zoning Ordinanccs and Regulations and the Restrictions and covenants for the Bighorn subdivision, Fifth Addition, Town of Vail, Eagle county, Colorado. (b) Parcels to be Maintained. Except during any pcriod of reconstruction, each Parccl at all times shall be kcpt in a clean, sightly and wholesome condition. No trash, litter, junk, boxcs, containers, bottlcs, cans, implemcnts, machinery, lumber or other building materials shall be permitted to remain cxposed upon any Parcel so that the same are visible from the neighboring Parccl or any strcct. (c) Temporary Structures. Exccpt as hereinafter providcd, no stmcture of a tcmporary charactcr, including, but not limited to, a house trailer, tent, shack or outbuilding, shall bc placed or ercctcd upon any Parccl; provided, howcver, that during thc acrual altcration, rcpair or rcmodeling of a Unit or other improvement, necessary tcmporary structures for storage of materials may be altering, repairing or remodeling any Unit or other improvement shall be prosecutcd diligently from the commcncement thcreof until the completion thcreof. 543549 8-647 P-50? 08/lI /94 Oz:b4p pG 12 oF 19 (d) Misccllaneous Strucrurcs. No exterior mounted radio, shortwave, television or othcr type of antenna whatsoever or tank of any kind, either elevated or buried, or clothesline, dog run or incincrator of any kind whatsoever, or outsidc storage of any pcrsonal propcrty, shall be permittcd or maintained on eithcr Parcel without the prior writtcn approval of both Owners. (e) Signs. No advertising or signs of any character shall bc erectcd, placed, permittcd or maintaincd on any Parcel other than a street number without prior written approval signed by both owners. "For Rcnt" signs are strictly forbidden. (f) Pets. Each owner may keep and maintain within his parcel domesticated animals: provided, however, that such domesticated animals do not present a nuisance nor disturb the quiet enjoyment of the other Owner and are kept controlled in strict compliance with all applicable town of Vail ordinances. Each Owner of a pet(s) shall be financially responsible and liable for damagc to the Property of Building caused by such pet(s). (g) Vehicular Parking. Uncovered parking spaces shall be used only for parking automobiles and not for any other storage purpose. Parking of boats, trailers, campers, motor homcs or rccreational vehicles on either Parcel is expressly prohibited. Owner or tenant(s) may keep no more than six licenses or otherwise wcll maintained automobiles permanently on thcir Parcel and that such vehicles shall be placed in the garage, or if in an unencloscd area, shall not rcstrict, hindcr, or otherwise creatc a nuisance to the use bv the other Owncr of thc parking or common access facilities. (h) No Time Sharing. No "time sharing", "interval ownership" or similar intercsts, whereby ownership of a unit is shared by owners on a time basis, shall be established on eithcr Parcel or Unit. (i) No Subdivision. Ncither Parccl A nor Parcel B shall be further subdivided. fi) No Hazardous Activities. No activities shall be conductcd on any Parccl or within improvcmcnts constructcd on or within any Parcel which are or might be unsafc or hazardous to any person or propcrty. (k) No Annoying Light. Sounds or Odors. No annoying light, sounds, odors or nuisance shall be emitted tiom any Parcel which is unreasonably bright or causes unreasonable glare. No sound shall bc cmittcd from any Parcel which is unreasonably loud or annoying. No odor shall bc permitted from any Parcel which is noxious or offensive to others. No nuisance shall be allowcd on the Propcrty, nor any use or practice which is the source of annoyance, or which intcrfcres with the pcaceful quict enjoymcnt of posscssion and propcr use of the Property by thc other Owner. ts 543s4g B-ti4? P-50? 08/Il/s4 o2:54P PG 13 OF 1e o (l) Garbage and Refuse Disposal. No garbage, refuse, rubbish or cuttings shall be deposited on any street or any Parcel, unless placed in a suitable container suitably located, solely for the purpose of garbage pickup. AII equipment for the storage or disposal of such materials shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition. No garbage or trash cans or receptacles shall be maintained in an exposed or unsightly manner. (m) Zoning Restrictions. The owners shall not commit any actwhich is inconsistent with the Town of Vail Zoning Ordinances and Regulations and the Restrictions and Covenants for the Bighorn Subdivision, Fifth Addition, Town of Vail. (n) Irasing of a Parcel. An owner shall have the right to lease its Parcel only under the following conditions: (1) Atl leases shall be in writing and shall conform to Colorado statutory law, the Town of Vail Z,oning Ordinances and Regulations, and the Restrictions and Covenants for the Bighorn Subdivision, Fifth Addition, Vail, C.olorado. (2) AII leases whether for short term rentals or long term rentals shall provide that the terms of the lease and the lessee's occupancy of the Unit shall be subject in all respects to this Party Wall Agreement and Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Reservations. There shall bc no sublctting of the Unit allowed unless mutually agreed upon with the other Owner and the agreement signed by both parties. ARTICLE 14 NOTICE Each Owner shall register his mailing address with the other Owner and all notices or demands intended to be served upon Owners pursuant to this Declaration shall be sent by certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed in the name of thc Owner at such registered mailing address. In the altcrnative, notices may be delivered, if in writing, personally to the Owners. ARTICLE 15 DURATION: AMENDMENT: REVOCATION SECIION 15.01. Term. Each and every provision of this Declaration shall run with and bind the land for a tcrm of nucnty (20) years from the date of recording of this Declaration, after which timc this Dcclaration shall be automaticallv extended for successive periods of tcn (10) years cach. c. e'. 543549 B'647 P-50? 08,/11 /g4 02:54P PG 14 OF 19 SECTION 15.02. Amendment or Revocation. This Declaration may be amended or revoked only: (a) by Declarants so long as Declarants own both Parcel A and Parcel B, or (b) upon unanimous written approval in recordable form of all Owners and all First Mortgagees of record. An amendment or revocation of this Declaration shall be effective when duly recorded in Eagle County, Colorado. ARTICLE 16 RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL SECTION 16.01. Notice. In the event any Owner, including any Declarant (the "Selling Owner"), desires to sell, transfer, convey or otherwise dispose of his Parcel other than to an existing co-owner of his Parcel or the Owner of the adjoining Parcel or to Partnership any existing Owner is a partner thereof or to a direct relative of said existing Owner, the ("Remaining Owner") notice of its desire to do so, which notice shall state the name of the prospective purchaser, the price for which it intends to sell, transfer, convey or otherwise dispose of his Parcel (the "Offer Price") and all of the other material terms and conditions on which the Selling Owner intends to sell, transfer, convey or othenrise dispose of his Parcel and which notice shall include a copy of the bona fide written offer received from such prospcctive purchaser. Thc Selling Owner shall also furnish such other material information regarding the prospective purchaser as the Remaining Owner may reasonably request. SECTION 16.02 Notice of Acccptance or Rejection. The Remaining Owner shall, within ten (10) days after reccipt of the notice required by Section 16.01, notiS the Selling Owner in writing as to whethcr or not the Remaining Owner will purchase the Parcel of the Selling Owner at the Offer Price and on the othcr tcrms and conditions set forth in the aforesaid notice. If the Remaining Owner does not respond within said 10-day period, the Remaining Owner shall be deemed to have declined to purchase the Parcel of the Selling Owner. SECTION 16.03. Acceptance. If the Remaining Owner elects to purchase the Parcel of the Selling Owner at the Offer Price and on the other terms and conditions set forth in the notice requircd by Scction 16.01, the notice given by the Selling Owner pursuant to Section 16.01 and the notice given by the Remaining Owner pursuant to Section 16.02 shall constitute a binding agrecment of purchase and sale between the Owners and the Selling Owner shall sell and convey, and the Remaining Owner shall purchase, the Parcel of the (- i-i' 543549 B-tt4? P-50? 08/rr/94 02:54P PG 15 0F 19 Selling Owner in accordance with the terms and conditions thereof, except that the closing shall occur not less than thirty (30) days after acceptance by the Remaining Owncr pursuant to Section 16.02. lt either Owncr shall fail to close the purchase and sale contemplated by this Section, then the other Owner may pursue its remedies at law or in equity with respect to the contract of its remedies at law or in equity with respect to the contract of purchase and sale formed pursuant to this Scction. Each party has only onc first right of rcfusal. If they do not acccpt thc first offcr, all other offcrs are exempt of this condition. SECTION 16.04. Rejection. If the Remaining Owner elects, or is deemed to have elected, not to purchase the Parcel of the Selling Owner, the Selling Owner shall have the right, subject to the provisions of this Declaration, including the provisions of this Article 16, to sell, transfer, convey or otherwise dispose of his Parcel for a purchase price equal to or greater than the Offer Price and on the other terms and conditions set forth in the notice given to the remaining Owner pursuant to Section 16.01, but only to the prospective purchaser identified in said notice, provided that the closing of such sale, transfer, conveyance or other disposition shall occur not later than six (6) months after the date of the Remaining Owner's notice to the Selling Owner pursuant to Scction 16.02 hercof or the expiration of the 10-day response period, as the case may be. If the Selling owner does not close the sale, transfcr, convcyance or other disposition of his Parcel within such six (6) month period, then the Selling Owncr may not closc any such salcs, transfer, conveyance or other disposition of his Parcel with<-rut giving notice to the Remaining Owner pursuant to Scction 16.01 above and again following thc proccdurcs sct forth in this Article 15. SEC|ION 16.04. Continuing Right. Thc right of first refusal set forth herein shall be a continuing right so long as this Dcclaration rcmains in cffcct. ARTICLE 17 MISCELLANEOUS SECTION 17.01. Effccl of Provisions of this Dcclaration. Each provision of this Dcclaration, and agreement, pronrise, covcnant and undertaking to comply with each provision of this Dcclaration, and any ncccssary cxccption or rcscrvation or grant or title, cstate, right or intercst to cffcctuate any provision of this Declaration: (a) shall be deemed incorporatcd in each deed or othcr instrumcnt by which any right, title or intcrest in any portion of Parcel A or Parcel B is grantcd, dcviscd or conveyed, whether or not set forth or rcfcrred to in such dced or other instrument; (b) shall, by virtuc of acccptancc of any right, titlc or intcrest in any portion of Parccl A or Parcel B by an Owner, be deemed accepted, ratified, adoptcd and declared as a personal covcnant of such Owner and his hcirs, personal rcprcsentativcs, succcssors and assigns to, with and for thc bcncfit of each Owner of any portion of Parccl A or Parcel B; and (c) shall bc decmed a real covenant by Declarants, for themselves, thcir hcirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns, and also an equitable servitude running with cvcry portion of Parccl A and Parcel B. .. I 543549 B-647 P-507 08,/l I /91 02:54P PG 1ti OF 19 SECTION 17.02. Enforccment and Rcmcdies. (a) Each provision of the Declaration shall be enforceable by any Owner by a proceeding for a prohibitive of mandatory injunction or for specific performance or by a suit or action to recover damages. If court proceedings are instituted in connection with the rights of enforcement and remedics providcd in this Declaration, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its costs and expenses in connection therewith, including reasonable attorncys' fccs. (b) Each owner hereby agrces that any and all actions in equity or at law which are instituted to enforce any provision hereunder shall be brought in and only in the District Court of Eagle County, Colorado. (c) Failure to enforce any provision of this Declaration shall not operate as a waiver of any such provision or of any other provision of this Declaration, or of the right to enforce such provision thcreafter. SECTION 17.03. Exercise of Rights. The exercise of any right granted hereunder by one Owner with respect to the other Owner's Parcel or Unit, including, but to limited to, the usc of any easement granted herein, shall be exercised in a manner which shall not unreasonably hinder, impede or interfere with such othcr Owner's use of his Parcel and Unit. SECTION 17.04. Payment of the Cost of Utilities. Each Owner shall be billed scparatcly and shall pay as billcd for all elcctric, gas, telephone, cable television, watcr, scwcr and other utilitics and services supplicd to said Owner's Parcel. SECTION 17.05. Successors and Assigns. Except as othcrwise provided herein, this Declaration shall bc binding upon and shall inurc to the bencfit of each Declarant and each Owner and thcir respective hcirs, pcrsonal rcprcscntatives, successors and assigns. SECTION 17.06. Scvcrahility. Invalidation of any of the covenants, restrictions or othcr provisions containcd in this Dcclaration by judgmcnt or court ordcr shall in no way affcct o limit any othcr provisions which shall rcmain in full force and effect. SECTION 17.07. Captions. Thc captions and headings in this Declaration are for convcnicnce only and shall not be considcred in construing any provisions of this Declaration. SECIION 17.08. Construction. Whcn ncccssary ma^sculinc of any work uscd in this Dcclaration shall include and the singular shall include thc plural, and vicc vcrsa. for proper construction, the the feminine or neuter gender, F,I 54354 9 B-647 P-507 08/ 11 /94 02:54P PG l7 OF tg IN-WITNESS WHEREOF, Declarants have executed this Declaration as of theS - rezll. -e3 fl l'* 543549 8-64? P-50? oiitl/s4 02:54P PC L8 OF 19 STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE )) ss. ) - - The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thisS-day of / i 1994W Roy I. Lawler. WITNESS my hand and official seal. My C-ommission expires: - /-, E4 ',2 iil'// : lsEAL] STATE OF COLORADO )) ss. couNTY oFEAGLE ) The foregoing instrumcnt was acknowtcdgcd before me thisd auy ot1,^./ 1994 by Phyllis L. [:wler. WITNESS my hand and official seal. My Cnmmission expires: lsEALl c c->' 543549 B-ti4? P-50? 08/Il/94 Ozt54P PG 19 OF 19 TOWNOFVAIL DEPARTUENT OF COIIIIUNITY DBVELOPMENT ( rEU /\^ ., . .DArts-l/-t--U-t!-1_ {fu( 4l'ur'; . C:HBCKS MADE PAYABLE T() TOWN OF VAIL * 0l 0000 2lll2 0l 00m 41010 01 000041330 oon K, t,4t ---'!3 - _F "r ri "l Project Application Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Descriprio n:tot \7 , etocx PPROVAL Design Review Board Date DISAPPROVAL ND ?EE PMD o o z CN {fr c o I o z 'u FT n ={ --I EI 6 (D m nEE l* =pe l; 3 E qir'- l; O T ?e= l''i 5 3 Ili 19 g r =Qo lr i 9.Y= ltr P er ,- liq I l=F 5 rrrxri{' < E .El $4 L}< I I sii i :.B>= 6 E Ee= s * = --41^ C ll :? =t) > I :> 6 g Ym-l a'. o -.'|1 frlm =f x< ZA -tv g>6z \,, > O -rr z;-tc P=<ql at n qr -im 3: -to o> 9.n nz >m o f =m o --t €z m ler trn lz L> =m FT >€F fut H P H r-l H z r m r- r F t\ t{rD F-lr.!Ex I FI t-l I HIL Hl HI a1 |zl -l 'n l-z z I m -m ld l€ lz t9 l<t> lF fl z I l -t l=z o 'r1 t- m z I = -{ €z o I F m 6-) z T| = il t *\ -$( \\^ ^l 1 I i o { o'-rl ;-- m 9) z o \A q E F N} R It l+s a-\ F l'i \ F' I --t =z o tl t- m z -n {z trl H l- = r ! s. 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T O F C O IVl ]Vl LIN IT Y D E V i L O P }1 E N T SALES,TCTION FORM o^tr\,$r$\ t'6i;\lr,ili: ZCI\'L\G .$'D ADDRFJS b{A-PS 0l 000041540 IINIFOR.\{ B UILDNG CODE UMFO&\,I PLUMB[\IG CODE 0t 0000424t5 0l 0000.{2415 0l 0000 42415 | UMFOtu\{ lr{ECHA}'lcAL CODE 0l 0000 {?415 UNIFOfu\{ FIRE CODE N.\TIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE 0l 0001 42415 0l 0000 42415 OTHER CODE BOOKS 0l 0000 ,t 1543 B LUE PRDITS (:\,'YLARS) 0l 0000 424 t 2 XER.OX COPIES / STUDIE5 PEN A I-TY FEES / R E.],,.,-'5 PECTIONS 0l 000042371 0l 00c0{t332 I PL,L\ REVIEW RE.CHECK FLE [S1O PER HR.] 0l 0000 42322 OFF HOURS DJSPECT]ON FEES CONT}{ACTO RS LICL\S ES FEES 0l 0000 l l4l 2 0l 0000 41330 | oTltER FTES 0l 0000 41413 | slcN nppttceTtoN FEE ADDITIONAI- SIGNAOE FEE ISI.OO PER SO.IT, !-TC ARl' PROJECT DONANON 0l 000041113 0l 0000 424{0 PRE PAID DESICN REVIEW BOARD FEE 0l 0000 41331 * 0l 0000 41010 TAx CONDI'NONAL US E PEL\IIT 0r 0000.il330 0l 000041330 OI OOOO4I33O IEXTERIOR ALTERATiON ILESSTHAN IOOS SPECIAL DEVELOPI{EYI DI Ti^JoE-F1 'riu;-0l 0000413 0l 0000 dl:!:10 | spEClAL DEVELOPI{ENT Dl iVARIA,NCE 0l 0000 4 I OI OOOO 4'I330 IZONTNO CODE A"VE\DNJEI.TTS 0l 0000 4 I l COj\tivlENTS: .:: o o o o 70 Name: LAWLER RESIDENCE Date: September 15, 1992 Occupancy: R3rM1 Tvpe of Const: V-N Town of Vail 25 South Frontage Road Vai1, Colorado 81657 (303) 479-21,38 Plan analysis based on the 1991 Uniform Buildinq Code Address: 4939 MEADOW DR. Contractor: R. LAWLER Architect: M. HAZARD Engineer: NONE Pl-ans Examiner: C. Fefdmann NOTE:The code items listed in this report are not intended to be a complete Iisting of all possible code requirements in the 1991 UBC. It is a guide t.o selected sections of the code. SEPARATION DIRECTION BOUNDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE PROTECTION NORTH Building 0.0 Feet 0.0 Feet EAST Property line 17.0 Feet 17.0 Feet sotITFl Pronertw ljns 27.0 Feet 27.0 Feet ! r vl/v ! eJ WEST Property line 88.0 Feet 88.0 Feet EXTERIOR WALL FIRE RATINGS AND OPENING PROTECTION Table 17-A & Table 5-A NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST OCC BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT R3 thr* l-hr* NOP Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None M1 thr* thr* NOP Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None The exterior wal-l-s mav be of COMBUSTIBLE material. Sec .220I . N.\n6 -- NIn f i ra hrr\f 6,,-l- i nn rarrrli ramanf c f ar nrron i nr --- ---"-"JS'Prot -- Openings are to be protecled wit.h 3/4 hr fire assemblies. 50? of the area of the wal-l maximum- Sec.2203. (b) & Tab1e 5-A Maximum single window size is 84 sq.ft with no dimension greater than 12 feet. -- Sec. 4306. (h) NOP -- Openings are not permiLted in this wa1l.* -- These walls may be required to have a parapet waII 30 inches above the roofing. The parapet waIl is required to have the same fire rating as the wal-l-. See section 1710. for details and exceptions. FL NAME AREA MIN.LIGHT MIN.VENT NO.EXTTS EGRESS 2 Bedroom #2 2 Bath room 2 Laundry room 2 Master bedroom 2 Master bath 2 HaI1s, closets, etc TOTAL FOR FLOOR 1 Bedroom #1 1 Bath room 1 Garage 1 T i.r; L Kitchen 1 nininrr ranm r urrrrrrY t vvrLr 1 HaIls, closets, etc TOTAL FOR FLOOR B Game room TOTAL FOR FLOOR BUILDING TOTAL FOOTNOTES: r49 37 IO 228 1-1,2 363 905 151 33 471 286 22r 136 4'7 A 1,11 B 4'7 9 4'7 9 zodJ 14.90 0.00 0.00 22.80 0.00 0.00 15.10 0.00 0.00 z6 . hu 22.r0 LJ. bU 0.00 47.90 7 .45 1.85 1 qo 11.40 s.60 0.00 7 .55 1.65 0.00 14.30 11.05 6. B0 0.00 23.95 Yes No No Yes NO NO Yes No No No No No No Yes Yes 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1) EGRESS - An operable window or door that opens directly to the exterior is requj-red from this room. The minimum clear openable area must neet the fol-lowinq. -- Sec. ]-204.1) The minimum clear height is 24 inches 2) The minimum clear width is 20 inches 3) The minimum clear area is 5.? square 4) The maximum si1l height is 44 inches 2) The number of exits is based on Table 33-A 3) A mechanical ventilation system may be used openings for vent.ifation. -- Sec. 1205. (c) 4, The requirement for an egress wj-ndow in the Sec. 7204. feet (Dwel l ings )in in lieu of exteri-or basement is based on ROOM DIMENSIONS: Habitable space shall have a ceilj-ng height of not l-ess than 7 feet 6 inches. Kitchens, ha}Is, bathrooms and toilet comparLments may have a r-ai I inc hpi.rht Of 7 feet meaSured tO the fOweSt nro iect i on . Tf thp r-eiIino vvf rrUY rrurYuL v! ulvjvvurvrr. ulv vuraf lrY is sloping, then the minimum height is required in only 7/2 of the area. --Sec.120'7.(a)Every dwelling unit shall have at least one room which has not less than 120 square feet of ffoor area. Other habitable rooms except kitchens shall have an area of not less than 70 square feet. -- Sec. 1207. (b) Habitable rooms other than a kitchen shall not be less than 7 feet in anv dimension. -- Sec. 1201 . (c\ GLAZTNG REQUIREMENTS: A11 glazing in hazardous focations glazing material. -- Sec. 5406. (d) 1) Glazing in ingress and egress .i q rarrrt.i rod f n l.ra ^r ^-.^!--rr ! \,y\rr! \, \,I DCIIq,Ly dn.\ rc a \z i.r or\T- r2 t.\usIes. 2) Glazing in fixed and sliding panels of sliding door assemblies and panefs in swinging doors other than wardrobe doors. 3) Glazing in storm doors. 4) Glazing in aIl unframed swinging doors. 5) Glazing in doors and enclosures for hot tubs, whirlpools, saunas, steam rooms, bathtubs and showers. Glazing in any portion of a bui-Iding wall enclosing these compartments where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 60 inches above a standing surface and drain inlet. 6) Glazing in fixed or operable panels adjacent to a door where the nearest exposed edge of the glazxing is within a 24-inch arc of either vertical- edge of the door in a closed position and where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 60 inches above the waLking surface. 1) Glazing in an individual- fixed or operabfe pane1, other than those Iocations described in items 5 and 6 above, than meets all of the following conditions:A. Exposed area of an individual pane greater than 9 square feet. B. Exposed bottom edge less than 18 i-nches above the ffoor. C. Exposed top edge greater than 36 inches above the ffoor. D. One or more walking surfaces wi-thin 35 inches horizontally of the plane of the glazing. 8) Glazing in raitings regardless of height above a walking surface. Included are structural baluster panefs and nonstructural in-fi]] panels. Qao orznarrf i nn c SMOKE DETECTOR REOUIREMENTS : A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or wall- at a point centrally l-ocated in the corridor or area giving access to each sleeping area. -- Sec. 1210.(a) 4. A smoke detector is requj-red on the ceiling or wal"L in each sleeping area. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. A smoke detector i-s required in Lhe basement. -- Sec. 1210.(a) 4. A smoke detector is requi-red on all stories. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. If the upper level contains sleeping room(s), a smoke detector j-s required in the ceiling of the upper levef close to the stairway. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4 Smoke detectors are required to be wired to the building's power source and shal1 be equipped with a battery backup. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 3. Detectors shall- sound an alarm audible in al-l sleeping area of the dwelling in which they are located. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. FIREPLACE REQUIREMENTS : FACTORY BUILT F]REPLACE:1) Unit must be an approved unit. -- Sec. 3705. (a) 2l Clearances and hearth size must be per manufactures approval , -- Sec. 3705 . (a) & (b) 3) Chimney height must be per manufacturer's approval and Table 37-B OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Between the garage and the residence, materials approved for thr fire conslruction are required on the garage side only and any doors between the garage and the residence are to be a self-closing 1 3/B inch solid core door or a 20 minute fire door. -- Tab]e 5-B & Sec. 503. (d) exc. #3 STAIR REQUIREMENTS: A stairway in a dwelling must be at least 36 j-nches wide. -- Sec. 3306. (b) The maximurn rise of a step is 8 inches and the ninimum run is 9 inches. -- Sec. 3306. (c) exc. #1 Provide a handrail- on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing if there is 4 or more risers. -- Sec. 3306. (i) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimum height = 36 inches, maximum opening size = 4 inches. -- Sec.I'7I2.(a) exc. #1 The mi-nimum headroom is 6 ft.- 8 inches. -- Sec. 3306. (o) Encl-osed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected as required for Lhr fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 3306. (1) SHAFT ENCLOSURES:l-) Chutes and dumbwaiter shafts with a cross-sectional area of not more than 9 square feet may lined on the inside with not less than 26 gage galvanized sheet metal with all joints locklapped. The outside must be t hr construction. All openings into any such enclosure shal-I be protected by not J-ess than a self-closing solid wood door I3/B inches thick or equivalent. -- Sec. 1706. (f) 2) Gas vents and noncombustible piping install-ed in wal1s passing through 3 fl-oors or less do not need to be in t hour shafts. -- Sec. 1706. (c) 3) Shafts for gas vents, factory-built chimneys, piping, or ducts that. do not extend through not more than 2 floors need not be in l- hour shafts. -- Sec. 1-706. (c) 4) All other shafts are required to be enclosed in a t hour assembly. -- Sec. 1706. (a) ATTIC REQUIREMENTS:1) Provide an access to all attic areas with a clear heiqht of 30 inches or more. The minimum size is 22 inches by 30 inches. There must be 30 inches or more clear height above the access. -- Sec. 3205. (a) 2) Provide ventilation in aI1 attic areas. The net free vent area is to be not l-ess than l square foot for each 150 square feet of attic area. The vent area may be 1/300 if at l-east 50% of the required ventilating area is provided by ventilators located in the upper portion of the attic. The upper ventifators must be at least 3 feet above the eve or corni-ce vents. -- Sec. 3205. (c) For a 150.0 sq. ft. attic area:Ratio Miminum sq.ft. of vent r,/150 1.00 r./300 0.s0 CRAWLSPACE REQUIREMENTS :1) Provide ventilation either by mechanical- means or by openings in exterior wal-l-s . Opening shall provi-de a net area of not l-ess than 1 square f oot f or each L50 square feet of area in crawL space. Openings shal-l be distributed on two opposite sides and be l-ocated as cfose to corners as practical . -- Sec. 2516.(c) 6. Note: Vent openings may be reduced to 10% of the above if ground surface area j-s covered with an approved vapor barrier and t.he building official approves.For a 651 .0 sq. ft. crawlspace area:Ratio Minimum sq.ft. of vent t/ t50 4 .34 2) Provide 18-inch by 24-inch access opening to the crawl space area. Note: opening may be required to be larger 1f mechanical equj-pment is l-ocated in the crawl space. -- Sec . 251,6. (c) 2. 3) Unless the wood is l-ist.ed as an approved wood of natural- resistance to decay or treated wood, the minimum clearance between exposed earth and floor joist is 18 inches. The minimum clearance to beams and girders is is 12 inches. -- Sec. 2516. (c) 2. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS : For R3 Occupancy This project will require a site improvement survey. Such survey shall be submitted and approved prior to request for frame inspection. ALl crawl spaces within the Town of vail are limited to a earth to structural floor ceiling height of 5', be earth floor only, be ventilated as per UBC 2516 (c)6 with minimum access as per UBC 2516(c)2 and maximum access of 9 sq. Ft' . Any building site with a slope of 30 degrees or more shall require an engineer design. Such design shall address drainage, soil retainage, and structural- design. Excavation below slabs on grade shal1 not be permitted without prior approval. Address numbers shafl be posted plainly visibl-e and legible from the street . For M1 Occupancy Slope garage floor to allow for drainage to outside or provide a floor drain with with sand and oil interceptor to dry weII or t.o sewer. Any garage floor drain connected to sewer must be appproved by Upper Eagle Va11ey Water & Sanitation District. In garages with living area above, the walls of the garage whi-ch are bearing the area above sha1l be protected with one hour fire resistive construction. UBC 503(b) . Town of Vaif 25 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 Plan review based on the 1991 Uniform Buil-dinq Code Name: LAWLER RESIDENCE AddTCSS.. 4939 MEADOW DR. Date: September 15, 1"992 Contractor: R. LAWLER Occupancy: R3,M1 Architect: M. HAZARD Type of Const: V-N Engineer: NONE Plans Examiner: C. Feldmann Domestic clothes dryer exhaust ducts sha1l be i-nstal1ed as per UMC 1104 and 1903. Flexible duct connectors may not exceed 6' j-n Iength and sha1l not be concealed within constructi-on. Ducts shafl terminate outside the buildinq and not exceed 14' lenqth. No domestic dishwashing machine shall be directly connected to a drainage system without the use of an approved dishwasher air-gap fitting. UPC 608. Domestic ranges sha1l have a vert ical clearance above the cooking surface of not less than 30" to unprotected combustibl-e material . UMC 1901. Approved gas Iogs may be insLall-ed i-n solid-fue1 burning fireplaces provided t.he installaLion is rnna-.lin^ +^ rha I iqf inc j6qf 7116.l- i anc .hrt A-mh6r q\-!(J!\,rrllY L(, LI]E rr|JLrIrY u\-L.f \,,,rrDt qlry \,aqrrll-,/g! sha1l be removed or permanently blocked, and a safety shut.off valve is provided. UMC 803. Supply a mechanical drawing indicating design of system, size (BTU and volume) of equipment, vent location and termination, and combustion air to be supplied prior to any installation. Due to Colorado State SlaLutes, al.l- sink faucetts and shower heads are required to utifize flow restriction devices. ALso, the maximum water closet flush usage is limited to a maxirnum of 3.5 gallons per f1ush. The stair(s) indicated does not provide the required minimum width of 36 inches. -- Sec. 3305. (b) 'tn 11 The maximum rise of a step is 8 inches and the minimum run is 9 inches. -- Sec. 3306.(c) exc #1 At eaves and valleys an adequate underlayment shall be provided t.o protect a structure from ice buildup and water damage. Two layers of felt soLid mopped to sheathing and between layers or a commercial water & ice shield nay be used as per Table 3281 . Because of this projectt s location, the foundation is required to be dampproofed to prevent damage to areas below finished grade. UBC L?07(d). Walls between the two units must be seperated by a l-" air space beginning at the foundation and ending below the underside of the roof. This wall must have 5/8" drywall on both sides and be fu1ly insulated. Plan Revi€r Based on th6 1992 Uniform Codes NAME:LAWLER REMODEL DATE:9/24/92 ADDRESS:4939 E. MEADOW DR. CONTRACTOR:LAWLER VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT:HAZARD OCCUPANCY:R3 ENGINEER:NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION:V PLANS EXAMINER:C. FELDMANN CORRECTIONS REQUIRED The itens listed belor are not intended to be a comPlete listing of all possibl€ code requirenenta in the adopted codes. It is a gruide to selected sections of tbe codes. Tbe following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the pro- visions of tbe adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail . 1) SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED PER SEC.121O OF THE 1991 UBC. 2) STA]RWAY AND HANDRAILS TO COMPLY WITH SEC.33O6 OF THE 1991 UBC. 3) NEW LAUNDRY AND BATHROOM ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE PROPER MECHANICAL VENTILATION PER SEC.1205 OF THE 1991 UBC. 4) EXISTING PLUMBTNG THAT IS TYO BE REMOVED MUST BE PROPERLY CAPPED. NEW PLUMBING TO BE PRESSURE OR WATER TESTED. rNslbroN REeuESr TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF DATE INSPECTION: PROJECT 479-2138 r'1 JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES READY FOR LOCATION:.ii BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,_ ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAtLtNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL O FINAL T] DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE The itens below givlng a pernit Please check off FINAL PLIJMBING Dr, ruspscrroN's CoMPLETED 'It need to be cornplete before a flnal C of O. ln the box provlded. DATE: tl n FINAL MECIIANICAI. FINAL ELECTRICAI. DAIE: u tl FINAL BUILDING EAST SIDE:IIEST SIDE: DATE: TEMPORARY C OF O DATE: CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPAIICY DATE: LANDSCAPINC DUE DATE: Loa ler Kwi /uce -{nr^fu4 oorreq o N Legar Descriptioil Lot /2 nro"r--{ Firing suBDrvrsroN ,Blchbn v Sa .r-/* Address . /f t7 4<..4,- D..Lhu-pb.y76 Z607 General Descripti on, kZ zt u- -- n ' 1 /" e,p ; /^ L-^t r-- 44 , ,a1 work class: ffi-rew [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-Other Job Nane: fuLgL Mechanical conttu,'y'4 Address: &:t ,:- -'') ***************** fi a,;n::t-,.,\/ BUILDING PERMIT F 7r-. < ;' r AJ PLUMBING PERMIT F MEcHANICAL PERMIT ttoftl' ltJa ELECTRICAL FEE: I, . ., T \ OTHER TYPE OF FEE U T '': ''"'' ' TOWN OF' VATL CONSTRUCTTO Job Address: k--J Address &,/ /obb l/42 tp6.7V7 .nn Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO._ Phone Nurnber: ******************************* PI,AN CHECK FEE: Owners Name: Architect: Nurnber of DwelLing Units:Number of Accommodation Units' O ^ {pnber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances_ Gas Logs_ wood/petlet_ /lt********************************* VALUATTONS *********************************rl f -J / '\t /dutr,prHer s ELEcrRrcALrl_fu:'14 sf, orHnR: $_ PLLJMBTNG: MECHANTCAI: $- iJ rorer,: $- - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CoNTRACTOR INFORMATION *************************** f Eeneral Contractor: Town of Vail Req. NO. Address:Phone Number: 'ti/L/r?^.f €ze'<-Town of Vail Phone Number: t Plunbing Contractor: Address: DRB FEE: !.r.a d /t.-, .. 1 ,1, :f, r{ PI,AN CHECK FEE: AL PI,AN CHECK FEE: ON FEE:.DEPOSIT: RMIT FEES: CLEAN IIP DEP.OSIT FGFIIND t PE INS I CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT irJOB NAME DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: MON CALLER TUES THUR PM AM ll d APPRoVED E DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: BUILDING:PL tr n tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL -\'UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING O INSULATION POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr D FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr o ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL DATE INSPECTOR ffisrrop "a o hlnter-Mountain At-orineerinqua- September 20, L993 Iltr. Roy Lawler P.o. Box 2021 vail, co 81658 RE: Open Hole Inspection, Lo! 12, Block 5 Bighorn Filing No. s Town of VaiJ., Eagle County, Colorado Project No. 93630c Dear Mr. Lawler: At your request on septernber L5, 1993, we visited the excavation site at Lot l-2, Block 5, Bighorn Filinq No. 5 in the Town of VaiI,Eagle County, Col.orado for an open hole inspection. There was an existing residence on the north side of the lot. The excavation for the proposed addition was on the south side of the existing building. The excavatlon consisted of three steps, the highest one being on the west side of the existing buirding and the lowest one on the east side. The soils exposed in the lower gravel with cobbles, capable of the Uniforrn Building Code. The highest step had 4 to 5 inches of bLack, organic topsoil over the sandy GRAVEL with cobbres. rt is recommended that the Topsoil be removed prior to concrete placenent. The footing excavations should be relative].y srnooth, firm, free of debris, organics, loose soil, frost, and- standing watir. Any overexcavations should be backfilred and compacted to 100 percenl within 2 percent of optinun moisture as determined by a siandard Proctor test (ASTI{ D-698). After alL of the final grading is completed, the bottom of the footings shourd be covered wlth a rnininuh of 48 inches of backfirl for frost protection. voids reft by the removal of cobbres in the bottom of the footing Box No. 978 . Avon, Colorado 81620 . 9495072 Denver 893-1531 1420 Vance Street I Lakewood, Colorado 802'15 . Phone: 232-0158 two trenches consisted of sandy supporting 20o0 psf, according to Mr. Roy Lawler Page Two Septernber 17, l-993 excavation should be filled with lean concrete or a granular soil with a naximum particle size of 3 lnches compacted to 1OO percent of standard Proctor density (ASTI{ D-698) within 2 percent of optimun moisture. Prior to slab constructLon, aII excavati.ons rnade for the foundations uust be properly backfilled with suitable naterial compacted to a minirnum of 95 percent of the maxinuu standard Proctor density (ASTM D-698). The on-site soils exclusive of Topsoil and organics are suitable for use as backfill. Due to the high content of cobbles and boulders, it will be necessary to screen out the larger rocks prior to using this material as backfill. Before the backfill is placed, all water and loose debris should be removed from these excavations. Prior to the construction of concrete floors, tbe undisturbed subgrade should be proof compacted with a loaded rubber-tired loader to a uniforn high density. Special care should be taken in areas where underground utilities have been instal.led. The floor slabs should be reinforced, and joints should be provided at the junctions of the slab and the foundation walls, so that a small amount of lndependent rnovement can occur without causing darnage. Tbe slabs should be scored in accordance with the American concrete fnstitutets recommendations to control cracking. A granular nat (-3/4 inch gravel, with less than 5 percent passing No. 200 sieve) should be provided below the ftoor slabs. This should be a ninirnun of four lnshes in thickness and cornpacted. The purpose of this granular mat is to provide a capillary break between the subgrade and the s1ab. While no ground water was encountered at the tirne the field investigation was conducted, it is possible that seasonal variations will cause fluctuations, or for a water table to be present in the upper soils during the spring months, or after a prolonged period of rain. A foundation perirneter drain as detailed on Figure No. 1 is recommended to reduce the risk of surface water infiltrating the footing subsoils. The foundation should be well reinforced and rigid enough to with stand differential settlements. Foundation walls retaining earth should be designed to resist an eguivalent fluld pressure of 35 pcf for an nactivetr case assuning a level drained baclcfill condition. When moist soils are encountered in the excavation, the ground surface in crawl space areas should be covered with an impervious noisture barrier sealed against the footings. This will help to reduce hunidity in the crawl space area. Mr. Roy Lawler Page Three September 17, 1993 The backfilr placed around the foundation walls must not settle lft_"T. conpletion of constructl-on and the top one foot of the backfill naterial must be reratively inperviousi The on-sl-te soils exclusive^of topsoil and organics use as backfirl. Due to high content of cobbres and boulders, it wirl be necessary to screen olit larger rocks prior to using this rnaterial as backfil1. Backfirl shourd be moistened or dried to near its optimurn moisture content _ and cornpacted to at least 90 percent of the rnaxirnurn standard Proctor density. structurar backfilr shourd be compacted to at reast 95 percent of the naxinum standard proctor density. surface water running toward the structure fron upslope areas should be diverted around and away f,rom the buirding by heans of drainage swales or other similar neasures. Th" -f11a1 grade should have a positive slope away from the foundation walls on all sides. A minirnum ot L2 inches in the first 10 feet Ls recommendgd. Downspouts and sill cocks shouLd discharge into splash bloctrs that extend beyond the linits of the backfili.The.use of long downspout extensions in pJ.ace of sprash blocks is advisable. Do not.install- sprinkler systeus next to foundation walls, porches or patio slabs. rf sprinlcrer systems are instarred, ttre iplinrrer heads should be placed so that the spray from the heads, un-iler full pressure, does not farr within five feet of foundation warls,porches or patio srabs. Lawn irrigation rnust be controrred. rf the future ovrners desire to plant next to foundation warls,porches or patio srabs, and are wilring to assume the risk oi structural damage, etc., then it is advisable to plant only frowers and ,shrubbe:y (n9 rawn) of varieties that re{uire ver'y rittre moisture. These frowers and shrubs should re tralnd waterdd only. The recommendations provided herein are based on experience in the area and fron the on-site field exploration.- rf during construction conditions appear to be different, this office shout6 be advised so re-evaluation of the recommend.ations may be nade. This report has been. prepared for the exclusive use of Mr. Roy Lawler_for the specific applicatlon to the proposed addition to bL located on Lot 12, B-Lock 5, Bighorn ririn| ll-o. s, Town of vail,Eagle county, Colorado. l4r. Roy Laul-er Page Four Septenber 17, 1993 The findings and recomrnendations of this report have been prepared in accordance with locatly accepted professional engineering standards for sirnilar conditions at this time. There is no other warranty, either expressed or irnplied. Sincerely, INTER-MOI,JNTAIN M{GINEERING, LTD. Y,.-,?hr^'-Luiza Petrovska,Project Engineer I*trP Iu #8E.?T' 9€tf '' "IMPERVIOUS FILL. SLOPE AwAY FRoM eullbrNc- FOUNOA,TION V/aLL .- GEOTEXTILE !Uffi0'l^^1+9N oR '#tiiJH'.',-1Y5S6'F8[*'o'oro*yiiMSH ?[f;T 'Efri*tffF;Hi#t1#'%',,.*.,* DETA!_L:OF PERIPHERAL FOR FOOTING TYPC Pg$lb^?Igilu' Fig u re li PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE ,rr JOBNAME READY FOR LOCATION: h INSPECTION:MON o PE CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL INS i'r CALLER TUES BUILDING: O FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI D FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr o tr tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr tr FINAL E APPBOVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR 1,I PE PERMIT NUMBEF OF PROJECT JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON: i.'ilbqBs- ,t ,- '-,, I Btll!DING: l b FOOTINGS / STEEL I O FOUNDATION / STEEL j OFRAM|NG I ,' ' F.F- - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAlLtNc D INSULATION - tr SHEETROCK NAIL Tl tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND D ROUGH i D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB r'l TI g FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR B tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED , ,. , <'./.2 DATE INSPECTOR :I -', i PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ,r','/ ',i' -- , ,/ _ JoB INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES THUR ,.-FBI MON WED AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O'UNDERGROUND 4 RoucH / D.w.v.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING u EI tr ROUGH / WATER _ ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING O INSULATION O SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL LJ tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH E D tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL OVED CORRECTIONS: EI DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE I U ,*t"roN REeuESr TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 "7.,'., I AM., PM JOB NAME CALLER '.,., / _r_./',/ a READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECIION: MON TUES WED THUR ,,FRl "'7' /\ -- BUILDING: T] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDEBGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V.D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER r-.1 ROOF & SHEEB " PLYWoOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr D tr tr FINAL MECHANlCAL: O HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D tr FINAL tr FINAL _ffieenoveo - CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,*rt"roN REeuESr TOWN OF VAIL :5'/s? PERMIT NUMBEF OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTIO LOCATION: JOB NAME MON 't2 479-2138 CALTER TUES BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING tr FOUNDATION / STEEL N UNDERGROUND O.ROUGH / D.W.V, H. noucH / wArER q tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION O POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL FINAL / lth'r'- 1"i", ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr n D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL wt OVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED oar, '/- t'1" )4 rNSPEcroR , {,1 , "'.';)?/:,- PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON rlrtcnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL ,', / BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDEBGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER Xg _R OOF & SHEER D GAS PIPING FRAMING o PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o o D tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING n tr tr D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr FINAL OVED CORRECTIONS: T] DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE t/J INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ! . li DATE I ' ,.' , -. ,' .'' JOB NAME ,*rl"roN REeuESr TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 ,|, '' i IMONr -;-- CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI .-.-::': AM PM READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND 1.,< /' 'q ROUGH / Rl4:V: tr ROUGH / WATEB tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING E INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: E TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr o tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIB o tr Fil)rAL tr FINAL t{*TPBOVED RECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR t INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL t PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM LOCATION: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D tr tr tr FINAL E] FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING o D D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL D FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR '*#"roN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 . /.///ti,,l'rr",,l//r,/ *5730 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT il ttt tTtl DArE "l ,/ // JoB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION:/ro"\ \- --/, ruES we6 / rnva FRr ------t@ pM LOCATION: /"/h-.".7601 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEET PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL o RoucH l o.W.v. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooo NAtLtNG E GAS PIPING { rr.rsulnloru tr POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o g tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr B ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL ,PPROVED O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR t ,*ril"roN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMEER OF PFOJECT DATE JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:THUR FRI AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o o tr D FINAL D FINAL ELE trT trF oc o_ CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER D HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr El FINAL D FINAL .,,.q.neenoveo ,. , ,_ coRREOrto]rrs: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBEF PROJECT .^:,{rNtcroN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 DATE OF JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES ')l READY FOR LOCATION: WED THUR FRI AM PM BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING o o tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED OATE INSPECTOR PERMIT ,*t"roN REeuESr TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 WED THUR FRI PM AM NUMBER OF PROJECT [{ff r ; r] JOBNAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: lt CALLER MON TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER * PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr |-t D POOL / H, TUB E SHEETROCK NAIL tr il tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr o n ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL , "ts Aeenoveo CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED , INSPECTOR DATE PERM DATE .-',-: >)- | PROJECT READY FOB LOCATION: ITvSTCTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 rHun-) a) ", -.,t (i,, f2.,JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL o tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: E HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR D tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR JUL-SH-I9U4 I].: ZU lrrlOOONlY 'Y SYflOHJ. NTUJHHR & GERI'IFIN I NC NVI{UO5 't'ltVt{CtW 343 3?? 4s?3 P.AL uHvfnSN 'o 3'lNYt9 il'?680/0uil' SH]3NICN] IVUNICNUIS ENIIINSNO' 'CNI .NVI^IUO9 ONV UHVTNSN 'r(1a:acu19 'suollsenb Aue aneq no^ J ile3 oseald '9S-9t llelap leulopo oql ur roj pailec sJEq 9# eLll lo ace;d ur slel op 0ulloo; pqar trJo uollnl$sqns aql panordde a^n leqt ^lliaa lleqs Jailal str.tl )pnqc :ullv 6e/900'oN llurad uoilppv s9uaplssu ieFrBl :eu /99t8 operoloc'tten peou a6eluolJ ulnog 92 lueurueda0 6u;p11ng llEn Jo u/vlol I '3'd 'uEufioe 'r laeqcln nww\\ t66L 'g ^lnl lxv.!)tt9t'-i / f.; (tot':l eEla'l.1r,'($,i0$l) 8AS9-90d0ts oflwolo? H3AN:C 00e il]ns Lt3Br.$ yoo3 ,? su3tNlDNs 'tvHn.|j,nuIs oNtfinsNoS cl|l'rvtcoo oilY IHYfNTT itii g 'lnf 0.C$' TOTRL P.A1 yloo9Nry 'v svwoHJ.Nvt^ruo9 't l3vH3tt l uHVfnfN e A3-tNvl.s ]t'r680/0ut/[ I '3'd 'ueulroe 'l loeqcry! ruhllt,l) r\MlttTlXl / t,,,,y I / ,l ,/t 'l) | suf =rNr cN_l]vu nlSnurs eNtrr nsNoc 'CNI .NVYIUOE ONV UHVTN3N 'r{galecurg 'suo;1sanb {ue eneq no{ 11 11ec aseeld 'gs-g t lre1ap 1eu16po aqt u! roj poilec $eq 9# eql Jo eceld ur sla/nop 6ultoo; reqer t# lo uo[nlrlsqns oLl] peno:dde aM leLl] r{1t:an l1eqs Jollal slql ,r(At -1 t. lflf nclur lcnLlc :uuv 6e/900'oN llr.ured uolllppv ecuaplseu Jol/v\P-l :ou /99t8 operoloc'lrPn peog a6eluoJl Lltnos g/ lueu4:eda6 Ourppng llen lo u/v\ol (xvJ) t19r-lle (eot) ztle- LLtl9o'l 8289-90208 ocwo"loc HlAN3c 002 Sxns r:lHl"s )ooc rt SU3SNIEN] lVHN1CNUIS eN|.t]nsNo3 Jill'ilvnuog o1{v 8HVrnf, t66t '8 ^tnf W=,lE!+,a3 ' ,ft-* CALLER TUES WED lLtt,:" ITvSICTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 /osra{, not-, THUR @ ---@ PM ij 1." I OVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED Slgl @ : PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: BU!LDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL u tr tr tr tr tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: E HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL INSPECTOR ,rrll"roN REeuESr TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 t, I (. .,, ../(-'- DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME BUILDING: D FOOTINGS O FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATEB ON / STEEL ,__, ROOF & SHEEB " PLYWooD NA|L|NG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr o tr SHEETROCK NAIL E FINAL tr tr FINAL ELECTR MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER D HEATING D ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR o D FINAL O FINAL llf APPRoVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED N REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL oorr S/)/q,/ JoBNAME fr\?-ttanrz- ( G INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI CALLER TUES @r ?3u AM PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION:_q; BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL N FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION - tr SHEETROCK NAIL .-, -'-1--r ," l--'14 , , ', t'JBct< U-L/l(! tr FINAL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr n o FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING LJ tr tr ROUGH CI EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL o tr FINAL D APPROVED /r\ \ 1. CORRECTION S: \.1 ) ttr) ': l k' INSPECTOR niftsnop 5.-^ J PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT rNsilbroN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 DATE READY FOR LOCATION: l-,Q io,lrr )ea;,/r,, ae--JOB NAME CALLER MON TUE WED )rl'y'e--- '1.11/t r INSPECTION:,, /lr? zq ,/l t THUR e4/ .,7 -s7,< BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEE- FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL N FINAL ELECTRICAL: g TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL PROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT : DATE ] ] ,I JOBNAME rr.rslcnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 CALLER TUES 1l READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI PM AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING i STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND ON / STEEL D tr o o tr ROUGH / D.W -El 3 = rO ROUGH / WA GAS PIPING T n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TU B tr SHEETROCK NAIL o D FINAL D tr FINAL ELE trl clF o( B- GTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr B FINAL O FINAL tr APPHOVED CORRECTIONS: d orsnppnoveo /.\s RETNSPECTTON REQUTRED I oorE S' ll '7L/ rNSPEcroR ,,uril"roN REeuESr TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 PERMIT NUMB.ER OF PROJECT oor, 'i ' .- t1, -il .to, L") tl Ii {,' NAME ,rr CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:rrltoru ;tues-\ .\"I-;;.'f - -,r BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER E FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr SHEETROCK O POOL / H. TUB MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER B HEATING tr-.'EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT - T] SUPPLY AIR D FINAL tr APPROVED ISAPPROVED EINSPECTION REOUIRED ECTIONS: '/4,.4{. "i I DATE INSPECTOR I OF PROJECT ,. i JOB NAME rNstTroN REouEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 "I i ,.1.1 ,' YoN J60 PERMIT NUM DATE READY FOR LOCATION: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGHOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLV AIR tr FINAL FOVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPFIOVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED >/.,1 -dt, oerc ?'/t9/ rNSPEcroR ,*silcroN REeuESr TOWN OF VAIL PERMI DATE T NU.MBER OF PROJECT 479-2138 JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM LOCATION: BUILDING: rt FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING f-1 ROOF & SHEEB " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING E INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB tr tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr D tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr o tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT fI SUPPLY AIR tr Er FrNAL tr FINAL T] APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE ,t, INSPECTOR T NUMBER OF PROJECT r*sftcrroN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 PERMI DATE NAME CALLER MON TUES WED ,THUR FRI PM READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: !i BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V,D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING O ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEEF " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION o tr tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr NJAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING o tr o ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D tr FINAL E FINAL E neenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE CALLER-T'i READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR "FRI, !LOCATION: t : '.; ! .' .'' .. .' I INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL .AM PM BUILDIN G: NGS DAT NG &st ATI( fRo( PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr n tr tr tr FOOT S / STEEL TIN NDI MIN rF& /VO( JLA- ETR TION / STEEL FOUN FRAM ROOF SHEEF tr GAS PIPING PLYW D NAILING SU ON tr POOL / H- TUB INSULATI rtq HE CK NAIL tr tr tr q FINAL tr FINAL INAL ; ;, ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: N HEATING tr tr D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT N SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL fi neenovro CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED I ti t DATE ,,;INSPECTOR ..t".'\.'i c o 1 )-l *INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTION: ':,' '? JoB NAME CALLER TUES MON I READY FOR LOCATION:,,\'i,-i' t BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER O FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION tr SHEETROCK D POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr D o q FINAL ELEGTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr o n Frr{AL tr FINAL ,E-APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION HEOUIRED oor, ?(;t'i t/;?/ rNSPEcroR ( ),t .!-p -f b Project Application Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legat Description, t-o, \Z . 31o"1 Com ments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL D ISA PPROVAL Su m mary: '- TowF Plan ner -"5 5-2./ t' ,,'g' '!,'4t'/t | {.tt ; .,--:l / ;',.'/?/rr'tQ cr4 -frr /"', I or^*x &-b*/,'ffiT- fu**UtuQ/t't'rz&/;u/''-' -- 0U* Srr*_, -fi/r/.et/x) 4ha,;@h,T',:*- 3/rr", { Q)oio";s. No'tfr ery-cs(+ Nn - 1tp" od'Ail/f cs(z-d"qs u OOSO METCALF ROAD . AVON, COLORADO81620 FAX 949-7994 t t- Date Project Application Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: l- l- Legal Description, uo, lL , gtoct ? , Fiting Design Review Board Date APPROVAL './)/ 7 ,,,,i FQtdi'2fpuu' tW.llKr DRB DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: rgrs .AppI,rcArfiixirli]iio, ", AccEprED sNT r L ar.L REQUr *.O. .trTO.Rj?J r ON r S S UBr.{r TTE D ?/ ., 1't DF q'P T DT T.\\I .a ,."/jt1 7, " ^ :t L )*1,. / \'' .. ,,.t. -r 'i -l t i, tr, ','tt:" 1 ' " ' v','i,u 't'. )'t.f"" y'' ';Q'.1-1.'-' ' D . _ft_lte* Consrruction (S2OO. 0O) X Addition ($50.00) D. LEGAL DESCRIPTIONI Minor Al,teration ($20.00) Conceptual Review ($0) I If p:cperty is described by deqr--i ^* i 'rn rrl a:qp rrrnrri z.la ryrr\Jrr, yrEclrL }/!wv r !.r(:atrach to this application. F ?r\r\r?rr^ r LOT AREA: If requi.red, applicant s:arnped survey showing Iot area. G.NA.!'JE O!' APPLICANT:l'1a:ling Address: NA]',IE OF OWNERS: *STGNATURE (S) :Mailing Address: VALUATION musE provrde a curren!. tNCI'Df-O. Phohe Subdivi s i on t ot 12 B1ock 5 meets and bounds legat a separate sheet and F. NA]'J! OF APPLICANT/S REPRESENTATIVE: M,a*e T A. +{AZAaD JIe Mailing Address: p-rJ, r?oy, 1116A : VoiL_ ZE -TFn-- J.Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid ac ::re t:ne of submiLtal of DRB application. Liter, when applying for a building permit/ please identify t-tre accurate vaLuation of the proposal. Thq t-own of Va.-i:I.wilI ad;ust the fee according to the table below, to ensure the correct fee is paid. i' \s 20. 00 \----.---,-,-=--- $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $500.00 (n q 1n nnl Y rw, wwf q qn nn1 Y Jvt vvL cl q.n nn1 Jt.JWtWWr s500,001 s 10,000 $ 50,000 c 1(n n n^J LJv, lJ!J!./$ 500,000 $1,000,000 $1, 000, 000 '/))i:/ TVDtr AF DT\7TE trl . *NO APPITCATION WILL BE PROCESSED WITHOUT OWNER'S SIGNAIURE 5.Forbes Residence - New primary wj-th restricted secondary unit and 250. 362 Mill Creek Cj-rc]-e/Lo|u 9, Block 1, Vail village 1st Filing. MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: 6. Scalise Residence - Roof and facia color. 261? Arosa Drive/Lot 10, Block 2, vail Ridge. MOTION: SECONDs VOTE: }M ,^!" \-/ \\) it. oS-^ Lawler - New prinary 4939 Meadow Lane/Lot with 250 addition. 12, Block 5' Bighorn 5th. o "R':o:,:;^q?.nk SEcoND:fhl prp p ( o-y<o( . lFf oo^ct rl-1o4s. - Strb fu\^' \k Mueller Reside dclf +q \o.W StJlb vY\^' \K ct idence - New duP g'rffitl stuKv r duptbk, i6i'ioi,i"')E"ora e' , sECoND: T;t,w\A ',4ot'c.,( - ClJi'i*^'vwu)l_tr l--._^ ,rro-{1 | n,- "Y vorE: orlo r '1" lo-L SM qM mueller l(esJ.(ferrge - l\sl{ LlulJrsn. 3130 Booth Fa1ls court/Lot 5' Block 2, YalI village 12th Fllin-g. VOTE: c/Q-orc,\t - dfrl*^-|Z';;,(g',' J-Lli.{i"i{-,! i l d- iii' c, 0'"';r"-'a-o1<-on4r'-t i-o 6e e-3,- !al,-r*" >r-.- -(*bltof . ' | ''>' ct4t*' >"'-<- a L t/w) ua' vt N MorroN z (yeOr4L sEcoND rS\WV-rvY. vorE: 4 -O ple,,r,.,*rvrru{ior)t- Va"l CA+ ClOlo al4d1{ed', a+ \e f2/tlv4;' i{ t: 4t4tn +i-W t'/1^N *? lo 4 -.N\ ftt, e*o'"o - Alpine Standard lightini. sM iV S.(U't-/ 28 vail Road/Lot A, vail village 2nd Filing. S\$L --="tffi,?"ffiH *,r:"TXt Tt *' a vorE 4- D ,4} " tv\\Pd Wv\'T ' (Prw,'r 1 1f iile E:::$3"3?'".)""XJ;','i':11".?i:X'fiI'1"j;o."""'' rK Vail Gotf CIub - Awning and sign. 1778 Sunburst Dri-ve/Vail Golf Course Club House. v$ MOTION:SECOND:VOTE: o LIST OF MATERIALS .L/ NaMF nr. DRn -Ttrar t 'j lon^- | h\tnn Pg<tl\,r.ffo . u.9) LEGAL DESCRTpTTON: LOT_!!_ BLOCK 5__ SUBDTVTSTON Bt6 *lru..l apr* J 1KT.E.I, AUUKESS : D:SCRIPTION OF PROJECT: P[cT /,,/t r The following information is Review Board before a final A. BUILDING I'{ATERIALS : Roof Siding O-'her WaII Materials Fascia So f f i-ts l{indows lJindow Trim Doors Door Tr im Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings f-himnopc Trash En c l osures Gree:rhou se s Other PLANT I.{ATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES C(&D ^l,TL. MP(- grD regu i red rttr'rrnrrl l TYPE OF for submittal can be given: MATERIAL to the Desiqn COLCR 4l li-|hTA Wl-frfd - 3tt BLttNZ?. l.)o q i nnor. Phone : Botanical Name nrrlrlr- i1- rr Qi zo*-)<-i4..:a-.:-:-!-i-:--:- .:l-==.:-Common Name r€.octJ, EXTSTING :REES TO B' REMOVED *Indj-cate caliper for deciduous t.rees. Minimurn caliper for dec j.duous trees is 2 inches. Indicate herght for coniferous !.rees. Minimum heiqht for coniferous trees is 6 feet. l* Q.T16, dtu 4, vv UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION SUBD:VISIOW Oratbenr frP* . JOB NAME L T IZ BLOCK S FILING ADDRTSS 44r ,uzno'fvrt Ul The location and availabj.fity of utilities, whether they be main trunk lj_nes or proposed line!, must be approved and verified by in" rorrowing utilit:.es for the accompanying site plan' U. S. t^lest Communications 1-8C0-922-198? 458-5860 or 949-4530 Public Service ComPanY 949-5?81 Gary Ha11 i, 4-ny 5.> /bv" Iioly Cross Electric Assoc. YqY-)6tz Ted Husky/MichaeI Laverty Iler:tage Cablevision T .V. o j o-i 5-10 Qr- c1'6 tli ^f 1- Upper Eagle Va1leY Water 6 san]-tation District * 1r 6-1 4e0 r-,6d l-': q I cP licf E ;These verif icati'ons do not relieve the contractor of nii-i""ponsibility to obtain a-street cut permit from ;;; i;;; of Val1, DePartment of Public works un9 :?. ^ ,t-+32 (// '. iiliuii""tiiiii-rt."iioni l"rot" oiooing -t-n ?nv public Town of Vail' A rigrt-of-way or €;..-.:i:.rIl -'^'--it i" not a street cut permit. A street IJJI-l'\.r-!rr\,{ }/e!"r+ v -_ffihed separately. This form is to verify service availability and. i"."ti"". This siroufl be used in conjunction with freparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. * please bring a site plan, floor pIan, 1nd 9lev1-tions when obraj'ningUpperEagleva}leywater&sanieationsignatures'FIre fLow needs nust be addressed' S/78 PIA/U /o7 /2, 8/.ocK PV/A 6 f.9/l , fr#,Bu Tl/3_12tAP2 L fif!iff^Dl:!:il';; !"nv, aDD/ r/otu a /.C7- ""zU 26'30: I I s \ \ -\ I I /'rK' ,o(t f,y2e'oo" ED6E oC---'g!p" AND BELIEF , 'tr''t,'f ' '\ YEg ' v'r, Ir'|,.A'4.: 1: sl1s ,$dvuasktL ?r_t 10, * t<:<V.,,GiW; i.-l--.:;-----r..<.;;-- \i"lait.unu!j'-;.irJ y/:).s v,il;i::. iqrili;.'.".c.J ',,. lli i , '...' I. RICHARO A. UACKLUI'I|] UI:ING A NEGISTLHIO 1.AT]IJ SUItVIYOI.t ]N TIIc sTAIE OF coL0llAo0' 0o HLrltllY L'ERr lrrY llt^T TIIIS PLAI ilA:i t,trlt14tr,r1S'8,!l1ll! lrlr ,,lr,-i' n,suPEFvIsr0N FRoH A sutrvLY H^ut tty HE Ar'ro ,*o, n "i,J.ii'iiii.ivrv'rulr.rorrr.) rrt^r s(r1l HS l!l].iND rri" suH.vLy ^rrL Tnur rNo ocZ.uHni, ,y.$['F.'iii'dlit;;:;e'r;'*u,]*.i.u',j1" f.'ii trrr+6ESY" o t,,; gYi r t.{ ItB4 z'i4 frDatbl-'Se4lE /".2o, _t - _- -- 7r'/$, Jil /$ I ffi w ' l/o' niit* 'q: "'ottZ)iE il 84truaAo LPaD ft.oq' Sr'att* INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIE9{ PROJECT: POLICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: CommenLs: RECREATION DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Conments: t" !4 2M Date (frvn', COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: lu^AJ FmnnM? PUBLIC WORKS Reviewed by: Conments:o/L bf Date aN&- Date FIRE DEPARTME vLeweo Dv: Conments: Date ?@t4' Sllu tlLl INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW DAIE suBMrrrED , U I I (Q"tDArE oF puBI,rc HEARTNG lr I tl l?Z COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF I THE PROPOSAL: I ^^ ^ /t'DPn.rtr.-T. I AA^llil lV h.[^/J pnn rvr ^-W r/+ J-o ay. 2'd Reviewed UV: 4 <'--ai- Conments: FIRE DEPARTMENT Comments: POLICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: P€CREATTON DEPARTMENT RevJ-ewed by: Comments: Date: Date: Date: 6 ?-f ?-- />-c> o",y'o-t az-s Date: Ho.zq.q.d AssoG i q't c 39594948Ee O prc,nMAY05lgg2 P.A2.TIAY- 5-92 TUE t?22A Fl i chql! I I.A}IT,ER RBSIDENCE AdJacent Propcrty Block 5, Blghorn Irot ?A Robert A. Cofsky 82O Neponeet 5t. Norwood, Ua. 02062 I,ot ?B /"itohn H. & Nancy I. Stamper " 35oo Gllpen Englertood, Co. SO 11O Lot 8A ,.r'Robert B. & Ann B. Louthan - P.O. Box 4966 vaLl, co. 81658 Lot 88 tf. Charles XII & Waltcr C. Loblta, Jr. 315 Honbolt St. Dehvarr Co. 80218 Lot tl Robert A. Cofsky 820 Neponaet St. llorwood, Ua. OeO62 Lot, 14 Hl-11-McDowe ll-$hepherd Vall Partnershlp, c,lo Pac*ards 5244 Sfunnons Dr. Bouder, Co. 80303 Block ?, Bighorn subdivislon, Flfth Addltlon: Lot 4 Earnerb lloncrief 10 ltlanderlng Rlll Irvl.ne, Ca. 927L8 Ownerg Subdivlslon, trlfth Addltlon: I/ot 15A . //Fred H. E wanda iI. Plagens 7 5801 ll. 181et 6treet 8tl11wel1, Ks. 66085 l,ot 158 Rol c. Davls, ilr. . ,/6600 East ExposLtlon 7 Denwer, Co. 80224 t' PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Staff will be reviewing a Design Review Board application on ilune 17, 1992 in the Town of VaiI Municipal Building. Consideration of: L. A request for an additional 250 sqntare feet of Gross Residential Floor Area for the Lawler Residence located at 4939 Meadow Drive,/Lot 12, Block 5, Bighorn 5th. Applicant: Roy and Phyllis Law1er The applications and information about the proposals are available in the zoning administratort s office during regular office hours for public inspection. TOhIN OF VAIL COMMT]NI TY DEVEIOPMENT Published in the VaiI Trail on \tay 29, 1992. npOcnrror FOR PROPERTIES IN FOR ADDITIONAL GRFA EXCESS OF ALLOWABLE GR o FA Date of appt tcauon-,$/4/fu Date of DRB l4eeting PRE-APPL ICATION CONFERENCE A pre-appllcation conference with a member of the planning staff is strongly encouraged to discuss the provisions under which additionit eRrn can Ue aiaiO to a site. tt should be understood that this ordinanie ao"s not assure iiih-property il".:l],lj:rll^35?.r!rure feet of GRFA. Rather, tne oraininie allows-f;" !!. ,; - zou square teet if certain conditions are met. Applications for additlons under this section will not be accepted unless they are-complete. This includes all information required-on-ttris iorm us weit-ii"Design Review Board submittal requirenents. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: B.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address Legal Description:Lot /2 Bl oc k-{=- r t i ng_6u_rh,{ 64 Zone 0istri ct-?fr_ D. c.NME OF APPLICANT: Address NAME OF Addres s E. NAI'|E 0F OI.INER(S): ** Signature(s ) hone APPLICANT'S REPRES ENTATI VE I i0.6ay n Addres s F. Filing Fee of $.200.00 ls required at tinre of submittal The following information, in addition to DRB requlred wlth thls submlttal: '| . Veriflcation that the unit has recelved 2. l{ames and malIing addresses of adJacent units on the same lot. This information Assessor's office. 3. Condominium association approval (jf applicable). 4. Existing floor plan of structure. G. Your proposal will be revlewed for compliance wlth Vail's Comprehensive Plan. hone-4Vn- &oL submittal requirements, shall be a final certlflcate of occupancy. property owners and of owners of is available from the Eagle County I Fr'n ' ' AlAy ;,, ." t /gg? If this application requires a separate review by any local, State or Federal agency other than the Town of Vailr the appl j-cation fee shalL be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are note limited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits' Army Corps of Engj.neers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50* of the application fee. lf, at the applicant's request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, tben, the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Cornnrunity Development Department to have significant design. land use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the conrnuni.ty may reguire review by consuftants other tban to$rn staff. ShouLd a determination be made by the tonn staff that an outside consultant is needed to review any application. the Community Development rnay hire an outslde consuftant, it shall- estimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her and this amount shaIl be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time he files his application with the Corununity Development Department. Upon completion of the review of the application by the consultant, any of the funds forwarded by the applicant for payment of the consultant whj.ch have not been Paid to the consul-tant shall be returned to the applicant. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the applicant shalf be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. i ..'1 'T'.j.- l.r' i E i":Y Zone "C", which is area of rninimal outside of the identified 100-year Community Panel llo. 080051 0270 B of and Urban Development.Flood Hazard ah Ol o (x o { (Jl s CERTTFTCATION: I, Duane Fehringer, the state of colorado, t\ereon was done bY me or vertical and horizontal shown hereon are correct being a duly Registbred Land Surveyor in do hereby certliy that. the sur-vey shown ELEU 3 e555.Ot ELEV =TOP OF ,i.1.:f i ! under my ect to the isl.on and that the ound or set as e and belief. rr\ g o € / @ //l / / E4sts oF ELEVATtott,/ I tttH aa4 842 / / nlM ELEU = 8552.81 there -!r€ no encroachnents upon the descrlbed Prenlses by funProveEeola on any ad- Jol,'llllg prenlges, excep! as ifldlcrted, snd th6t there 13 no aPParent €vld€nce or slgn of sny easehenc qlgselng or burdenlng aoy Part of sald parcel, excePt as noted. Thts certlfic.!r does not congtltute a tltle 6earch by InleE-}lountaln Entlneerlng to deterolne omershlp or eagerleotr of record' lor alI lofgr&rtlolt regardlnB e3settrencs, rights-af-ray or ttele of recotd, Inter-l'touotaln EagtneeEtag relted upon Lond Titt. Guo.onl.. ALTA Co|nnil|nrnt APptlcollon No. Vl09E?-2- s 63" 30 w I t4j2 NOTICE: Accordlng to Colofado lar. you must cormence anv le<irl actlon based upon any defect ln thls suwey wlihln-three years after you flrst dlscover such defect. In no eyent, nay any actlon based upon such defect ln thls survey be comenced nore than ten years fron the date of the certlflcatlon shorn hereon. DP/V€ ffiDMAY2?1992 (5o') Qo, ,r, Block 5, Bighorn suuaivisitifth Addition, Tofrn of vai1, Eagle County, Colorado, lies in flooding. Property is located flood boundary as indicated on the U.S. Department of Housing Boundary Map.IO, DRATNAoE EASEtrtNT \ -_t \t! IE )"o*"r.,./ | PATTC)Y I w/DEcK AEOVE I ELEV . a555.tO -r.$$t F il ^s1/17 --.- s,.a-.- "'-WOOD DECK w/ HOT TUE F ts WOOD RETAININC WALL /z.o g q EV 855e.66 e4fr F ROA( A = g\"2O'OO" A = t19.54'R, 75.OO' CB , N 7O,1O'OO"W OFIVEWAY l{l (c :q a a CH = 1O729' GFF'ltu IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CEtrNFrcATE =;,?'*:J..=;,"=" llnter-lUountain isosis.a-so;a ,|AEngtrreerintltd. r4?ct vaNce srREer LAKE\ ,@.CCrLO'gc!2r5 (303t 23e-0154 3-30:92 LOT 12, BLOCK 5, BIGIfrRN SUBDIVISION FIFTH ADDITION, TOWN OF VAIL. EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO I}, *, .iffi ,,,*,.c ryi-Yre* PHONE Drnrrncarl :--:-i:-Yiz-:l:= ,/\ 6 LlWtroent$ffi- Z1_0_k* nr'=b135rZQ Eqtr ffir secondary GRFA l3-Q-ilt- qzs =23b5+ /gO- ?hi( ?6n zaSz- a,tr'L 3t -' j3l3 :fld.:-, n[/ t.-hNE Permircei Slope 8% Actual Slope C( En ,r/ ?\ D6r.-ahl- Rl nno I \fi 3) Geologic Hazards a) Snow Aval-anche b) Rockfall 4l Wetlands Previous conditions of approval (check property file) Does this reouest invofve a 250 Addition? How much of the aLlowed 250 Addition is used with thi-s resuest? **Note: Under Sections 18 .12. 090 (B) and 18 . 13 . 080 (B) of the Munrcipal Code, lots zoned Two Family and Primary/Secondary which are less Lhan 15,000 sq. ft. in area may not construct a second dwelling unit. The Community Development Department may glranr-- an exception to this restriction provided the applicant meets the criteria set forth under Sections 18.12.090 (B) and 18.13.080 (B) of '-he Municipal Code includirg permanently restricting the unit, as a Iong-term rental" unit for fuI1- time employees of the Upper Eagle Va1ley. DATE: LEGAL DEScRrprroN: Lor t? Block -fi- rirr^n ?ttOt nfn # ADDRESS, 4Qa 4 Njtcadnru Ev. u OWNER r1 ARcHrrEcr *ttlr u'tl. PHoNE zoNE DrsrRrcr VI4 - PRoPosED ut, 716 **Lor rtru 1QW lta i rrhf ToTaI GRFA Primary GRFA Setbacks Front Sides Rear Water Course Setback Site Coverage '1,&ln ,IU Y -*J^^^-.i ^-.rJc[Ir!rD(-cLPIrr9 Retaining Wa1l Hej-ghts Parking Garage Credit Drlve: View Corridor Encroachment: Yes Envi ronment a l-,/Ha zards : 1) Allowed (30) (33) E w i ct i nrr =i:i-Y-:-:-:- ji1 20, l-5' 15' (30) (s0) ?t / 6l 6 n"q.o Date approved by Town No Ffood Plain or- roral Fa blu Aqcl 10 s/rF P/*,4// ' Lo7 /2, gtuK rctvun2f W/l , "ic'@= cot.oHAo0, 00 sUPE.I-IVISION } Ht- PLAT ANO AND bLL I CF , 5, B/CH1,P / (jOUtsrott [n6/€ (d///ry, cotoRq@ nFH PDD/7/ot/ O .1/ 26' 30: \',J N '.$ t sile -4./vtt/tnY* 7l t0) ,,( .;il{^Li.'/tto Lq,fuli .{i, ,i:, c)o z a {n c .(){o 'z T rn n =-{ EL o E o I o : o o o 3 ; o o o t, 3 (D f € -e qNN EEE I;iiY lo -)=z 111 gP" lt l=n?E- -o -u 3e +=o@ I= x + Za\ x3 z\-{ \/ ;>6z --l -9; z.;--l c T< 1Z Oc) dm ,-- III Vq >= -r c)o> o .) -{m nz >m ou --l >or _1_ -r m --{ I m )B z. IT f-b t-r ill F 1 N h ol-3H o>'t- TT r-Y zl Nli Nr= t!, c) = -o I = 0 Tr1 I n E t- o m n u I ! 3 ; 'n -n = = l- m .n f-\ N) b F l' I ; NO i D o S) R:r'l "\P -f,.,1 $)lt \{ F r E l N N H N t^ = tr T\ N r m N (d N N v z F F Fn N t r lt E I p -t m n (- m -{ 2 !m n =-l z z.l<t (] CD t\ N :-- xlt io >_n ZO 22 oq o 62 < Eb 6o zz N@= Nm=dt-:'gb l;q3PI E !n= i\; >m 'T' --.1 =t caE \>9z o<,<m rn.!=z lN f.ll c.z 20 o, <=mt-nrl E; T z € --l tn n F 7 6 -i --l -0 _n m m m f-m ^m \4 s J I z c r -{ ^z. 'o rF c);r z --l Tft t- m =z =^z m 1l I z m 2 c tTl VALUATION m - z -c =g z c) t- z -m x g 2 o m = m ="r'l m m €>;! +C>- <a >-:: i o;.4 ;Y:E i;i<zFra> c'l-ix x-=z ===z_> - z;i;oe 'i:Jrt > -?=z: _> I !.= ;i;; l. $";7\i'rF lc {>\ \s /N ^q ,ti\ "\ \\ 3 .\ \\ = l/.i f\i o z z a o 2 z z z -{m -t i r -I m ='1'l m m (t m z.- m I -{ m ^z m s m { @ rn m _3 2 n m m m o z t- t-c = = c =- ul N o s\s o o \ I makesthe most of uiew Nolo: lllu.trlUon !how3 rcar ylow of Plrn 3E69 wlth b.tomcnl. Socond Floor . . .' ! Hillside home plan Ithout basement) Hillside living ls a way of life all its own as can be visualized in appraising this plan designed to rnake the most of the view. The exciting ship's bow wood deck surrounds a major portion of the extended two-story living room and has sliding glass doors opening from the dining room and master bedroom. Sharing the view is the recreation room above the living room. Smaller decks also are located across two upper floor bedrooms. This house has 2% baths, interior laundry and an abundance of storage areas. Full reverse plans cost an additional $12. Materials list is an additional $10. Designer: Home Building PIan Service Flrri Floor , . . 121G !q. ft. ?g I o Exn'andable bunaalow 'for a Aoung budl .'4 AL' "t dir t l'.fl PLAN 2240 PLAN 2240-A (with basement) This design provides an attractive complete home that can be expanded as needed with a family room and third bedroom on the rear of the house. In addition. the construction incorporates recently developed energy- conserving methods which have been shown to result in appreciably lowered operating costs. The compact plan has a number of features for pleasant living, including a living room that opens to an enclosed yard at the side of the house, a roomy kitchen, and a small study off the living room. The master bedroorn has a large walk- in closet, which can be finished as a master bath or second bath for the future addition. Two materials lists are included (for wide and narrow stud spacing). Mirror reverse plans are an additional $ 10. Designer: National Plan Service tnt I ri:r:15'l"et- cll f . llillllirlilrrirl ,,,|liliillliilllill 1 s a'4'rr5'1 Fq Ffl o,x[ | |ytr tv 1""-"K*x i PLAN 2240 ---1., ,"",,.l1::""I withouf basement (,---4 ,:l I LiYing Area . . . 1120 sq. lt. Future Addilion . . .448 sq,lt. o : rn 'r'. : r Project Application Proi€ct Name: e€*Proiect Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot ,",o"* 5 ,r,,,ng Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Motion by:i, ,' ,,{ Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL -' ., (- -!- Summary: . it/ Zoning Administrator Date: Cfi ptsgt*toir+g€{_icra I Date: luwn u o box 100 uail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-5613 department of community development 7 June 1978 Boy Lawler dlbla Tri-Valley Builders P.O. Box 2021 VaiI, Colorado 8L657 Dear Mr. Lawler Recently we received a copy of your certificate of insurance for general liability as an indepeudent contractor. Please find enclosed an application for Contractor's License. The Town of Vail requires that a contractor building his own residence apply and pay for an t License in the arnount of $25.00. A1so, please be advj-sed that if you are doi.ng additional building within the Town of Vail you would need to apply for a General . Please fill out the enslosed application and return it with the fee applicable as soon as possible - Thank you for your attention to this matter. ENC E. IVineman Secretary NAMt AND ADDRISS OF AGTNCY Warren & Sormer of Vail P. 0. Box 669 Vail, Colorado 8'1657 COilPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGES t8#?i-' A Hartford Accident and Indemnity Co. f,o#?A"" B NAME AND ADDRISS OF INSURTD Roy Lawler dba Tri-Valley Builders P. 0. Box 202] Vail, Co]orado 8'1657 ff#?i* c i3s?A"'D f8J+?il" E This is to certif y that policies of insurance listed below have been issued to the insured named above and are in force at this time. COMPANY LETT E R fY PE OF INSURANCI POLICY NUIVBER POLICY IXPIRATION DATt Limits ol Liability in Thou3iindE (UUU) EACH OCCURRENCE AGGREGATE A GENERAL LIABILITY E .or"or"a"r,u, ,o*" ffi o"tr'rrs oPERATT.NS [--l rxprosror AND coLLAPsE = HAZARD t I UNOERGROUND HAZARD f-l pnooucrs;couprrrro - OPTRATIONS HAIARD LI CONTRACTUAI INSURANCI fl enoao FoRM PRoPTRTY = DAMAi;t l-Xl nr rprr.r orr,r coNTRACrops E "r*so*^, ",uo, 34 704457 6-'t-79 EODILY INJURY PROPERTY DAMAGE r 300 r50 l* '50 BODILY INJURY AND PROPTRTY DAMAGE coMarNtD $ 'Applies to Products,/Completed Opcrations Hatard. AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY f] .on "ornrn.,r,r roo" n or*uo Euo.o D *o^o*"r,, EOOtLY INJURY (tAC |j PTRSO\ ' EODILY INJURY taCH OCr:URRtNCEj 5 FROPfFTY DAMAGI g 6CDi!Y INJI]RV ANt) PROPIRTT I)AMAGE aoMEiN t D I EXCESS LIABILITY fl ,ru*r,ro.oot I orrto rro*,r"a"rLa^ FCPM BOOitY lN-rtJRY AND PROPERTY OAMAGI COMBI\EI) WORKERS'COMPENSATION and EMPLOYERS' LIAgILITY STATUI(]RY t ,,a! | Accrotrrr ) OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPTRATIONS,/LOCATIONS,^/EHICLES 41l operations Cancellation: Shoutd any ol the above described policies be cancelled before the expiration date thereof, the issuing com- pany will endeavor to mail 10 days written notice to the below named certilicate holder. but faiiure to mail such notrce sha ll impose no obligation or lia bility of any kind u pon the company. DIR Town of Va'i'l P. 0. Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 oo..,rrr.o. MaY 23, 'l 978 INSGCTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 'i WED i.THUR .' FRI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLEB TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS O FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL ON / STEEL tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING C SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB -nFI_ tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR -nr]- E. FINAL tr FINAL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. O ROUGH / WATER F APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE () r^t INSCCTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES wED THUR FRI DATE READY FOB LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL D tr E o tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D,W.V. ROUGH / WATER tr D FRAMING INSULATION GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL fI FINAL EL tr o tr tr ECTRICAL: TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR rNs*crroN REeuEsr ',t il : TOWN OF VAIL '/' ;'A l-"/ t .\..', / / !, ;/ | )JOBNAME /'t'l 'tt.t'' t ../DATE READY FOR LOCATION: ,/ CALLER INSPECTION: ,// r? ;,r z1 WED THUR FRI AM) L:'i 1 BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL/ H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr tr tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr U FINAL JYDTSAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: .,: " ''1- ----11.+,.:-.! ..' a DATE INSPECTOR JOB NAME INSftCTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL /"n DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:j,.rJr; B tr tr tr tr tr tr UILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH /WATER FOUNDATION / STEET FRAMING INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MEGHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr D CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL X APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR \\ rNs*crroN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL t7'ROUGH / D.W.V tr n tr tr o FRAMING ROUGH / WATER INSULATION SHEETROCK o o D tr GAS PIPING NAIL POOL / H. TUB FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING n o tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB tr FINAL tr tr FINAL J6 APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOB trQ..s'a IruS*CTION REQUEST" T-.. N OF VAIL T OW 2'4 DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR \ FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION N SHEETROCK D GAS PIPING NAIL POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL Xorsnppnoveo xAppnovEo CORRECTIONS: EINSPECTION REQUIRED. 0a/v 7- do,c-- /r\ Jt tell D^rE g3--/- 7f rNSpEcroR rNsCcrroN REeuEsr .,TOWN OF VA|L , | ,- /tiz-.',i9 nATtr / ,/ ,' ,/ JOe ,, READY FOR INSPECTION: D APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED A LOCATION: BUlLDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL DATE INSPECTOR rr.rslcnoN REouEgr DATE JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:qs BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: :i, .. .a - D UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FRAMING INSULATION SHEETROCK D GAS PIPING O POOL / H. TUB D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS D SUPPLY AIR tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: EINSPECTION EQUIRED DATE ,/3-?,r'7?--'INSPECTOR / Profect Applicatlon Date Project Name: Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lol Block , Filing Zone:. Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Dale Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL D ISAPPHOVAL Summary: Zoning Administrator Chief Building Off icial rNstcrroN REeuEsr VAIL L'AIE ,i ,' t (., ,'-., !JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES WED, THUR - r...i AM .. PM READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: .,,1 ' ,t 3 ,,1 :' 1 tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: U FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING tr INSULATION D GAS PIPING GI SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL ip Reenoveo .'coRRrcrrorus: DATE;INSPECTOR f} rv.. S c- <- ., .r.r - i t tq t' i i) Lt4 rJ\/ ljtia.//aEr\/-.tc o INSTCTION REQUEsT TOWN OF VAIL DATE .i... ,,, JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON ' ,-- r t.- !-. READY FOR LOCATION: c4rlER lTUES 'THUR FRI WED AM PM BUILDING: D FOOTINGS i STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FRAMING d trusulRrloN '-: : . . i''' L'-- I ,tr GAS PIPING tr tr tr SHEETROCK NAIL D POOL / H. TUB FINAL tr FINAL E APPROVED Q9F-REGTJONS: tr DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED ..., .. <-! EL tr tr tr tr ECTRICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL DATE INSPECTOR ..11 , . .t o "o -za,-.< 44J o 167.*.^(rckffit TOWN OF VAIL Uror*o*,11- LOCATION Aan'o 0u. DtL l?5 a PM CALLER E orHen flpnnnal Bt'7N,n,uo f4,' bLf -L lZ- ,^, &^E TU MON NTS: READY FOR INSPECTI E'epp Rgv E D D orseppRovED E nerNsPEcr El upon rHE FoLLowlNG coRBECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR o o INSPECTIClN FIEBUEST WN OF VAIL JOB NAME CALTER ! pnnrral LOCATION ! orHen MON COMMENTS: TIME REGEIVED EApp Rov E D E orsappRovED REINSPECT tr E[ uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS _{let* _ INSPECTOR DATE /A TIME RECEfVED Ztr ro". mn@ cALLER INEiTTCCTCl\| FtEBIJEST TOWN OF VAIL I lu* f f]onen E pnnner LocATroN FEADY FOR INSPECTION iOtT /7/dt4//P wE9 /,fr o,eeRovED D orsnppRovED LJ UPON THE FOLLOWING COFRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS E nerNsPEcr INSPECTOR o o -\d \t\-/ ,r\ \,\ttt $ s '${* * {,\ NN \L 5}x rNSt=.io* FTEGIuEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER I orHen n peRrral LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR FRI COMMENTS: AM PM REO. RATIf{G . SHEETROCK VENEEA-_ FOOF PAHTIAL LOCATIOI{,LOCA'|oN: --::.-:]----___--_. n appnovED n DrsAppRovED ! aerNSpEcr E upor'r rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: COR R ECTIONS INSPECTOR lhe9..l.r! r.. DATE rNsPEcfloN FrEouEsr DATE TIME TOWN OF VAIL I RECEIVEO AM PM CALLER E orxen ! pnarral LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION THUR TUE I aeeRovED ! uPoN THE CORRECTIONS E orseppRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: f nerNsPEcr DATE rNsr=.ior FTEBIJEST TOWN OF VAIL DAT E JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLEB florHen ! panrrnl LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR FRI COMM E N TS: AM PM BUILDING FOOTING FOUIIIDATION FRAI,IING FTNAL PARTIAL REO. RATIMI- SHEETgOCT VENEER- ROOF PARTIAL LOCATION: STANDPIFE , wDcs FINAL n appnovED D DtsAppRovED I ngtNSpEcr f uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR |ne pn.r!t! 1r DATE rNSPEcrilr FrEBrJEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAIIIE TIME RECEIVED- AII PM CALLER florHen I panrraL LocArroN R EADY FOR INSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR FRI COMM E N TS: AM PM i PARTIAL REO, RA?II*Gi- SHEETFOCK VENEER- ROOF PARTIAL LOGATION, PARTIAL LOCATION: HOODS PARTIAL LOCATION: I{EATIIIG D nppRovED f] DtsAppRovED E netNSPEcr ! uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRBECTToNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR tne Pn.rery "r DATE rNseec.rlbru TOWN OF JL, HEEUEsiT VAIL oo',, ,i:;/ t" / 7J JoB NAME 'tt I t- i7 TIME RECEIVEO- AM PM CALLER E ornen /::"' - \, /1 MoN { rue I :/ I panrral LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR t:\r/".f B5 /- -i1._- l:,,.,/ \,FRI i/AM PM E eppRovED florsapPRovED ! nerNsPEcr E upor,r rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR rNSeecGru TOWN OF FIEBUEST , VAIL JOB NAME CALLER ! orxen E pnnrrrl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR MON GOMMENTS: TUE FRI AM PM I appRovED I uporu rxe CORRECTIONS ! otsnppRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: ! nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOH ,.l'i Project Application Date Project Name: Proiect Oescription: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Archilect. Address and Phone: \ i_Block . ;-. , Filing .^,r '--- , Zone - I Legal Oescriplion: Lot Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: \ APPROVAL ..*.. DISAPPBOVAL Summary: Town Planner LI Staff Approval Date: .f o SINGLE T.A]VIILY RESIDENTIAL AND RESTDENTTAI ZoNTNG CHETIGIEI Zone District: P IS Proirosed Use: Lot Area:?$PlJ- Minus Hazard Area: Eeigbt: Setbacks: Required - Iront Actual - Front Distance Between Buildings: Equals Buildab1e Area: Art Actual Aa c-R.F.A. Allowed: Buildable Site Coverage: Allor';ed - Lot Landscaping: Required - Lot Parking:Bequired Drive:' Slope Permitted Parking and Drives Must Envi ronme nt al I F,aqar d : 20, Legal Orner: , Sides '70 1_, sides ]a,E Y ,Bear Actual %=1_bt e,ctuat4(QY x flo= CK Required Area x Area Area 7 d-p-oa_.x Actual Be Paved Avalanche Slope Actual ') 1. Ftood Plain r: (- Slope Distance From Creek Trees Removed (K_ o( Cornroent s : ,Rear2O' + Y- s3 Zoning Approval; I t*."t -t 60 i r3 ia*X. i5 -:' inistrator J-^I t/ lTxzc L___** Tn.7a. 7 a [-.q,..1e v - o G R.tr+ l)M ll-?s X aa-r =3l's Y ls = l.zsXts:= 31.es Xrf'-?s= aq-rsxB): a !^C Fbo.. ?s l-89 g6t. l? --r-__-_-_ e 6'1.\ I 1181-5 *oX5 31-JSX -(ts.?sx l.,f C as 8?a 1v - ?9 l?o &}.-?f = g 7?-1'-t s) = -11( aofal 7,L oY fu.", + - fu,cF- LeU - @ 2e + a6 r- 7''-s = 3Y f 5Y. a3.Si /0.s1 ?)-s-+-a6 > lo 1 'et,j-f Fg: )S, 16 90. 'lol. 6 6 I 1'I a i 1i I 9s6.7'l --''.-r\- ,"/ o'un* 77.6 o \U \ 5rarZrt ce Zl x zz' ^zrtA- ',4Y 40 : ui/? @ z\/4 €€o clbc f t CJ ?b0 I (t0 t36 i ?60 /60 /3b-{ 3A3s @=< =l7rl, /ss s/ 7f 4.2 s, /\ tq2 qU )bo 5gl,s {3. S =--lq30 3Vs+ zza o lb xtO = , -r-++ l2i6 'tl@*t Z4 Y, -10 = l0 \ )6 E 6s-x7l= )tFCOaro |trXtF.; Zctx qA = )Uxlb 6s >zt ' ,-45x L) tx /Gr 1\ZY /aY ir s l/ \ t'L a '/ 22 // t.ooa ,(DO * -_ i/ e/4 J3.B 3z' cte /ltaS ll | 1, B zo8, J ---- lr7 -1j"a{ s/78 P/_pU lor /e, Etff( s. a/cHop / ,{lorrrrroil nrT,c nDD/r/ok rur,a 6 rn/L, fngltr coalury, cot'oRaDo .('';ltaaetD E-tLrT/AL' fu'/5-a/?LtEz E"ir?F /r/ 26' 30: a l+i\(r r.l S/TF Pln/V zo7 /2. a/oc( 5,', 8/6HOp / SltWStOtl F/frH aDD/7/otu Ptl^/ Of v,9/l ,, €n6l€ Colly'lry, ZO(OR.?DO /l/ 26' 30: a K $