HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIGHORN 5TH ADDITION BLOCK 5 LOT 16 LEGAL.pdfDesign Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 f axi 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Ryerson DRB Number: DR8020196 Project Description: Addition to lst floor and tower Participants: OWNER RYERSON, ANTHONY M. &CYNTHI06|24|2Q02 Phone: 4859 MEADOW DR VAIL CO 81657 License: APPLICANT Beth Levine, Architect 0612412002 Phone: 926-5099 POB 1825 Avon, CO Bethlevinearch@cs.com 81520 License: ProjectAddress: 4859 MEADOW DR VAIL Location: Legal Description: Lot: Block: Subdivision: BIGHORN 5TH ADDffiON Parcel Number: 210113102046 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Charlie Acevedo Action: APPROVED Second By: Hans Woldrich Vote: 4-0 DateofApproval:08p712002 Conditions: Cond: I (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0005491 The proposed divided light windows and divided light door windows shall be constructed of divided glass, and shall not be constructed with window divider inserts. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $3O0.OO *t++****+***+** * * * * * * * * * ** {. f +{. * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * + * * * * {. + * * * * * * * * * * * + * + * * **** *'****t**** ******* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement * * * * * * * * + * ** *** + * +* **** * ** * + + +* * * * +* * * * * * * * * ** * * t * ** + * * + * 'i * * **.* * * t* ** * * * * **'* *** * * * * * * * * + * * * * Statement Nuiber: R000002622 Amount: $300.00 06/24/200204:.42 PM Palment Method: Check Init : iIAR Notation: 1794 Beth L,evine Permit No: DR8020195 Tl4)e: DRB - Addifion of GRFA Parcel No: 21OI1"3LO2O46 Site Address: 4859 ME:ADOI{ DR vArt Locatsion: Total FeeE: $300.00 This Palment: $300.00 Tocal Ar.,L pmt6: $300.00 BaLance: 50.00 ********* * * + * ** * * * * * +* * * * * * * * * * t * * * * * * **** +* ***** ****** *+***+**+* ****** * ****+*** **l.,t.t+* {.{.St* ACCOLTNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descniptlon Current Pmts DR OO1()()OO31122OO DISIGN RTVIEW FEES 300.00 o The location and type of existing and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring for plant material following its installation. a Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. Architectural Floor Plans: o /Scale of 1/8" = 1' or larger; 1/4" is preferred -----S\ O{lqgl. plans of the proposed development drawn to scale and fullY(dim9rero19!/ Floor plans and - buildino elevations must be drawn at the same scale. o4learly indicate on the floor plans the inside face of the exterior structural walls of the building. cr-Label floor plans to indicate the proposed floor area use (i.e. bedroom, kitchen, etc.). (?f One set of floor plans must be "red-lined" indicating how the gross residential floor area (GRFA) was Y calculated. See Title 12, Chapter 15 - Gross Residential Floor Area for regulations. /D?rovide dimensions of all roof eaves and overhangs. Architectural Elevations: -cl Scale of 1/8" = 1' or larger; 1/4" is preferred o- All elevations of the proposed development drawn to scale and fully dimensioned. The elevation drawings must show both existing and finished grades. Floor plans and building elevations must be drawn at the same scale. + If building faces are proposed at angles not represented well on the normal building elevations, show these faces also. ,q Elevations shall show proposed finished elevation of floors and roofs on all levels. ( fl nlt exterior materials and colors shall be specified on the elevations.\-c rne following shall be shown graphically and fully dimensionedl fascia, trim, railings, chimney caps, z-\ meter locations, and window details. ( *) Snow all proposed exterior lighting fixtures on the building.\6 Illustrate all decks, porches and balconies. f Indicate the roof and building drainage system (i.e. gutters and downspouts). r Indicate all rooftop mechanical systems and all other roof structures, if applicable. o' Illustrate proposed building height elevation on roof lines and ridges. These elevations should coordinate with the finished floor elevations and the datum used for the survey. qL Exterior color and material samples shall be submitted to staff and presented at the Design Review Board meeting. I.t Lighting Plan: Dl,UJ Indicate type, locdtbri and number of fixtures. o Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous area o Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. II. TMPROVEMENT LOCATTON CERTTFTCATE (rLC) Once a building permit has been issued, and construction is underway, and before the Building Department will schedule a framing inspection, two copies of an Improvement Location Ceftificate survey (ILC) stamped by a registered professional engineer must be submitted. The following information must be orovided on the ILC:o Basis of bearing and tie to section corner o All property pins found or set o Building location(s) with ties to property corners (ie. distances and angles) o Building dimensions, including decks and balconies, to the nearest tenth of a foot D Building and garage floor elevations and all roof ridge and eave line elevations tr All drainage and utility service line as-builts, showing type of material, size and exact location tr All easements Page 5 of r2lo2l07l02 ,) Buildino Materials Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: PROPOSED MATERIALS Tvoe of Material i-'/ttfl/ /.u,-hir,z( Lt-/.lt( - Color 1altfr7tZ( Arttpt< tT tl.l:r,' a - .brf/t/ t -It/,'nk/n z I F/rr>,, v ''r': 4 /'/,4IA fl-f ,/J il%4zrt -ztt*=q, Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. ;ftd4,2( l;,ir4;l Z t,z L' Lt ),oti( '' Page 6 of l2lOZl0Tl1z Botanical Name PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Common Name OuantiW Size PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirements for Landscaping:Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6' in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvpe Square Footaqe GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please speciff other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Page 7 of L2lOZl07l02 I UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION lfl- This form is to verify service availability and location for nelry_9enS!rg(!o!-and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. The location and availability of utilities, whether they are main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Siqnature Date QWEST 970.384.0238 (tel) 970.384.0257 (fax) Contact: Jason Sharp EXCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.262.4077 (tel) Contact: Brian Sulzer HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOC. 970.949.4566 (fax) Contact: Ted Husky EXCEL ENERGY 970.262.4024 (tel) 970.252.4038 (fax) Contact: Kit Bogaft EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICTX 970,476.7480 (tel) 970.476.4089 (fax) Contact: Fred Haslee AT&T BROADBAND 970.949.1224 x 112 (tel) 970.949.9138 (fax) Contact: Floyd Salazar xPlease provide a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining approval from the Eagle River Water & Sanitation District. Fire flow needs must be addressed, NOTES: 1. If the utility verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed. ?., If a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative shall note directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified oroblems. 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department of Public Works at the Town of Vail. Utilitv locations must be obtained before digqino in any public right-of-way or easement within theTown of Vail. A buildinq oermit is not a Public Wav oermit and must be obtained seoaratelv. Page B of r2lo2/07102 F ra r lrFaY xYEtt(st l.l 9?O .176 t 2Ez for lo Ix{ h l-. otttp *'-71,t3 , --- - t -.-.- PROPEnIY DESCRIPTIOH PARCEI, II l'hat part of Lot 16, Block 5, Bighorn Subdivislon Pifth Addltion,accordlng tcr the nrap thereof, recozded .;.n the offlce of the EagleCounty, Co.l-orador Clerk and Recorder, dgrscribed ae followa: Beginning at a pol,nt ou th€ soutltrcsgerly :ine of eald tot 16,sberrcs the nost wceterly corncr of aaid Lot't6"bears N25'1O.O0.tf 24.00 feet; thence, departlng gaid ecuthtresterli J.lno, 116.l'50'00.8 ^1.O2 feeti thcnoe S{9'0?'28'B 29.2E fectg thoncc S08'05'00'B 30.00feet; thenco llSl'55'00'E 7.50 foeti thence SOtl'O5'OO"B 3.,.69 featithence S01'55'00'1f 27.OO feet; thence ll08'O5'00'?.f 29-00 feet:thence SBI'55'O0'l{ 23.53 f€et to rald eouthwsaterly ll,no; ttrerrcc,along eaLd eouthuesterly llnc, N25'lO'0o't{ 50.19 f,eet to the PointOf Begioningy containlng 0.001O acreg, nor€ or leag. Date: Colorado P.Ir.S. 26590 a/"r/<r -.---=---- ,16 ri|' r___rr_E_+_r--!rz. .-.'r.rrr .a;?:r ttr.l I lJtay xyExtiu||l 9?G +?6 t 2t2 P. Ot fnf 4a lxli'' l-. aff.& -^71'13 PROPENTY DESCRIPTION Date ! PARCET, A That part of Lot 16, Block 5, Bighorn SubdivisLor Fifth Addltion, accordlng to the map thereof reeorded j-n the offLce of the Bagle County, Co-l-orador Clerk and Recorder, derscrlbcd as folloua: Beginning at a polnt on thc gouthwcaterly :ine of sald tot 16, whence the nogt weaterly cofnr'r of eaiil Lot'16 bears N25'1O'O0'lf 24.OO feeti thence, departlng eald ecuthwesterly !.lno, N6{'50'00'E 41.02 feeti thsnce 5{9'07'29"8 20.78 fect; thoncc so8'O5'00o8 30.00feet; tlrenco llSl'55'OO.E 7.50 f€cti thencc SO8'U5'OO"B 3r.69 fcet;thence S81'55'OO*tf 27.OO f,eetg thence N08'O5'O0r!f 29.0O feebrtlrence SOI'55'O0"I{ 23.53 feet to raid routhweaterly llno; t-herrc€,along eald gouLhwestcrly ltne, N25'lO'00'W 50.19 fseb to the ?ointOf Beglnni$g; aontainLng 0.081O acres, tnoro or lces. Colorado P.L.S. 26590 1i ,i$ ' - {ay lp fxl'h {-' aft.{B *.A113 ir PROPENAY D}:SCRIPTTON PARCBL A ahat part of Lot 16, Block q_. Bighorn subdivisLon Fifth Mdltion,according to the map thereof rec-orded -i-n the offrcc of thc naoilcounty, co-lorado, ererk and Recorder. describcd ;; r"ri",""i --r-- P3?_illilp "! l point on the southweErerll-:ine of eaid Lor 16,wllellce the moat weat-erly cornsr of aaid r,ot .lt'irears N2s.ro.oo"ir ?1. og f,eet; tl.6nce,, 4gpaltlnl gatd gcuthnestc.rry ji;;; trGt.5o. oo-Ell'02 feet; thenee s{9t07'28"8 2g.zg tectl thenct soa'os.00"8 30.00feet; thence NBI'5-5'o-o"8,_?.50 foeti thence sOg.05.oo"tr 3.,.69 foet,ithence s81'55'o0"tt 22.00 feet; thence Nog.05.0o"lf 29.00 feet:thence sB1'55'oonrt 23.s3 fe6t tb cata "ouih.r""i.rrr-u"";- trr.i*",llong saLd soqtlrwesteirry ll.ne, N29. lo.oo"tv 50.19 f€et to the point:Of Beginnlngr containing O.OglO acrea, more or legs. Date r Sh:, Stan Eogfc Colorado P.L.S. 26594 iil ';i borh -qw- ?'ol't 3 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PlRctsrr-B fhat part of &ot 16. Block 5, Blghorn subdl.vieLon Fifth AdditLon,according to the map thereof recorded in the off,i.ce of the EaqlirCounty, Colorado, Clerk and Reoorder, deecrlbed at follows: BgSinnl.ng at a poLnt on the gouthuegt6r-ly lina of aaid Lot t6,whenc€ the rnoat weaterly cor|r€r of, said Lot 16 boarg N2S.1O,oo"i11.O0 fceti thcncc, departing said southwesferly Il-nc, N64.50.0O"863.Otl te.eXi tboncc 35{'07r34"8 32.61 fect' thqhca N81.5S'00."r 42,OOfeet, thenco 8o8'05!ob"B 101.70 fcctl thenbp r;81.55,Oo"tf 60.22feeti thence !lO8'o5r00"ll 49.69 feeti thenee S81'sb-.Oo,,ll 2.50 feot;thence tlOS'05'OO"lf 30.O0 feet; th€nc€ tla9'07'28'W 2e-Zg feat;thence 56{'50'Oo"tf {1.O2 feet to eaid southweeterly lLne; thence,along eaid southrdestcrly line, N25'10'00"t{ 13.00 feet to the point of Begtnning, contal.nlng 0.1?90 acre6, notc or leec, .tD^Ver //2'/tJ _5+= Stan Eo{t Colorado t P.r,. s. 26598 bolh-t'l-b - ?'ol"t 3 FROPERTY DESCNTTFTION PlRcsI: B That part of Lot 15r Block 5. Bighorn Subdiviaion Ftfth Addltion. accorSlng to tha map thareof recorded in thE off,lce of the Eagla County. dolorado, glerk and Recorde;, deacrLbed aa follons: Beginnlng at a polnt on the southweg6rly linc of eaid l.ot 16, whence the aoot weetarly cornsr of said tpt 16 b(rarg N25'10'O0'ft 11.oo f,ecti thcnco, depnrting said aouthraslerly lLner N6/l'50'00"8 63.o1 feetl thence s6ir0?r3{'tB 32.51 fect; t}:ghcc r|8]'55'OO-B 42.OOfeetl thencc 8og'Osrob"B 10f.70 feet, then8g 6q1'53rOO'W 60.22feet; thence N08'o5rOo"tl 49.59 feeti thence $81'5-5'iOo'rtf 7.50 teet,i thence N08'05'00'H 30.Oo feet; thcnce Nl9'O?'28"1J 28.28 feet; thence 56{'50roo"tl 41.02 feet to eald southweaterly llnei thence, along raid southweeterLy line, N25'lO'00'tf 13.00 feet to Ehe Pointof Big{nnlng, contalnl.ng 0.1?90 qcresr norc or leeg. ,,1 tDaLat //*/tstr P.L.s.26598 _tu_ Stan 8og Coloredo hfih-4'l-b - 3'ol'l 3 PRO?ERII DESCRTPIION PrRc$r. B That Bart of, lft 15, Block 5. Blghorn Subdivlaion Fifth Addition, accor6ing to the map thereof recorded ln the offl-ce of the Eagle County, eolorado, Clerk and Recorde;, deacribed al foIlowal Eeginnlng at a polnt on the southwest6rly linc of, eaid tot 16,rhence the nost westerly c(}rner of said f€t 16 bears N25'10'OO"tf lr.OO f,eetl thancc, deBaitinE said aouthueJterly lLne, tf6.l'50'0o'E 53.o1 feetl tbence 56l'07'34"8 32-Gt feet; tl:gitce N81'55rOO"E {2.OOfeetl thence 8o0'05r'o0"8 1O1.70 feett then&g q8.!'55'Oo-gl 6,9.22 feeti thcnce No8'05'oo"t0 49.69 feeti thenee s81'55-i00itf 7.50 feeb; thence til0S'05'00'll 30.0O feet; thence Nag'07'28uW 28-2A feet; thence S6a'50'o0'tf 41.02 feet to eal,d couthweeterly lltrel thence, along raid eouthreaterly line, N25'10'00"tf 11.00 feet to the goint of Biglnnlng, contalnlng o.1?90 e,creer nors or lecs. ./ tDaLet ,r/z/€s Colorado P.L.S.25598 coP rfllr OFVAIL rrtment of Community Development South Frontage Road ltail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 r 38 FAX 970-47e-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us Iune26,2002 Beth Levine, Architect PO Box 1825 Avon, CO 81620 Ryerson Residence - 4859 Meadow Drive/Lot 16, Block 5, Bighom Subdivision 5'n Addition Dear Beth, The Design Review application tbr the Ryerson residence located at 4859 Meadow Drive has been reviewed to determine if all necessary items havc been submitted. Based upon this initial review, the Department of Community Development has determined that the application is incomplete and the application has therefore been rejected by the Department of Community Development. The ibllowing additional items are required with this submittal: l. Stamped Topographic Survey (three copies). 2. Site and Grading Plan (three copies). 3. Title Report, including schedules A and B (one copy). 4. Exterior Lighting Plan (three copies). 5. Proposed and existing Architectural Floor Plans for both Units A and ts (three copies). 6. "Redlined" Architectural Floor Plans tbr both Units A and B showins how GRFA was calculated (one copy). Please note that the architectural floor plans must be fully dimensioned and identi$ all roof eaves and overhangs. Also, please note that all exterior colors and materials and all proposed exterior lighting must be identitled on the architectural elevations. Please submit the above listed items to the Department of Community of Development for further review. If you have any questions or comments, plea-se feel free to contact me directly at (970) 479-2173. Sincerelv. h/-2.- ?1. /42- Bill Gibson, AICP Planner I Town of Vail {,7 *""'"'uo n^'"' ll Date: 1.qoZ ro: E tt 6\>esl , Pd Awr"t,ow;+3 Fuz-:lul.Pt^','lr( FROM: BETH LEVINE, ARCHITECT RE: ?"Ar^a, lt4;*--cc- U INCLUSIVE: ttta',t AtkrL 6'baZ ahl'- Vutpr"/ tt/*'ft**t i/'q''oA ' BETTI LEVINE, ARCHITECT P.O. 1825 Avonn CO 81620 (e7 0) e26- s0ee (p) (e70) e26 -2ee3 1Y) TRANSMITTAL NOTE: RECEIVEB JUL 09 mq copv: ry/ ate fu*^ MVI,IOFVIL .rlJx - z5 - !3 Dcp'na of Ccrrllrrdy Dcvclryat 75 $dtFrug Rod YaiI, CoIGdo E1657 97A+79-2rtE Ftx9?&1792152 t*w,ciuilco.ls hna26,2402 Dah Lcbo, Arcbitcc POBox 1825 Avoo, CO 81620 Rycrsoo Rcsidcaco - 4t59 Meedow Drivc/t-ot 16 Bloch 5, Bigbom Subdivisioo 56 Addition D6Bctb, Tb? D6i8D Rricv agplicaio for tbc Rycrsoo rosidruce locatcd a 4E59 lvlcedorv Drirr bas bceo rwign'cd to dctcrtiDc if ell rccc*sry ir<ns hevc boca $baitcd. Brsod upon tbic initial rcsia, rhe Dcaanmtof Coonuiry Dorclopcat hru dacunimd tbttbc eDlicdi.ro is irooplclc md $c rgplicefio hr tffirc ba rcjctcd by th: Drpmmat of Coool''lity DcrrdoDDeot fbc follwhg dditbod i6l rcrcgirrdwih tbis srloinal: /f- SrrupoU Tofog4Lic Sunruy(rirce copicalt/ 2 Si:ud6'ndLgPhGl'rlccogics)./,3. Tidc R.Do.t, iochdbg schr&lcs A rod B (ooc cogy)-r'.r- Emeicligltirs?ln (tLecopics).v 5. Ihoporoa ud cxintog Architcnrral Ftoor Pbrs for both Unitr A rad B (tbrce cofcs). / 6. "3c&lioed'Anlftctml Ftoor Plans for both Uaits A rod B sboftg bour GRfl uas calculrtod- 1o".ryyl *t .4ct # .f Pbe Plcasc notctE tlczrhilccnlnl flooplam onsbc firlly dimcosio,md odidantiry dl roof ercc rod o{,qboF A&o, plasc aoc rb ell atccior cobrt aod Edcdals aod dl gropoeod cxtaior ligbting rnu*, bc idrotiEcd ootbc rcbitctunl claratioos PL.rc arb,nit lbc Sov! [srcd it os to the D?o[ecot of Cmouoity of Derrclqorcot for firrbcr lwiw. lf pr hzro ay $Earins s o@at* plcasc ftd tcc o coutrcl oc dir€V d (970) 479{n} Sirc.nfy, t- */--<* AA- .-72-- BiUGibsoo"AICP Plalocr I Tooa of Veil &*,* 47U862 L7-5/4 lt-747 Jttttttuat rL' ttur LL r ps O-1./1Ot'9i7 J6: J4 €AGLE COLINTY CLERTi. l-'L; J lijt" I c|-JLoflrlL.lL,Li . tr, ,riL l: 5. t Jc)'ii'a t)x If,fB DEED r trdr thi3 d.y ot March 05, 1992 TILIIIG 8TAIIP 8r657 ond Stst! of Cotorado, ol th" 3qcqrd P.rt: fof rd ln cdridrrrtion ot th! srlr of ' (***$135 r 00O. O0 ) batraeenttAncnner B, HAIIDY ard GlmI.Es P. tftInoY Slgned, Scsl.d ard Dcl ivcred in the Prcscrqc of ccurty of IEI6LE ) 3s. p.t of thc cornty of EAGLE qrd St!t. of colorado. of tha first p6rt, ltrd AIIItXNY l{. RymSON ald cYtfIHIA B. F/ERsoN *rorc lcarl sddrcre le 4859 Meaclow Drive, VaiI CO of the courty ot EAGLjE |tf fiESSEIx. Ihrt tftr r.ld P.rty ot ihe ffrst prrt. oxE liixDrED lxletY flvE llojsrlo DollaRs ^tlo 00/l00rrs .nd othrr eood |fd vrlublr comidcr.tion to the .aid p'rty of thr f lr6t plrt in h.nd P.id by th._stid.p.rti6 ot tht s*ond pori, th! rcccipt ,6c"r"i i, icrcby cmfcssad aira oifmrtedled. h!s. grlntcd, bargairrcd. sotd end conveyed, end by thcto pi.ermtr O6jr gr;nt, tr1rgrin, iclt, corwcy ard confirn llnto tha 3aid psrtto of tha r.cotrd P.rt. thclr heim rrd i""ic^'. i"r;.. not-in tlrunci in'cora'n" brt i; joint t$.IgL rl t the fot tor.ing dcacr|bcd lot- or Prrccl ot tand (ylnt |'d bcim-ln thr Courty of EAGLE lrd Strtc ot Colof.do, to |rit: PARCEL A. T(IGEIHER $ITIH AN IJI{DTWDED 1,/2 DlEEil.Iry -ANP-rc PARCEX, C, A- -frfiitffinrtsiffioi'-rcn-i'6','-dr.6i*-5;-Brffil-S[brtfglQry, _!:11_1,1 ADDrrrory, 4A@BDqS;dffi-Frli-iitrffi uet rr"-r-sil il-mK ssB Ar PAGE'37, qltrY oF EAGLE, s'rArE oF @f,oRem. atso ktwr !B 3trGcr trut r PARCEL A AI'ID L/2 INIERESI IN C, BIGIffN f5 IOGEIIIEI $lth alt ad cingutrr th" hcrrdl tarEnt3 s]rd rpgJrt€nrnccl thrr.to b:tonfing, or.l|| lnyrlsc rPPcrt!i6i.l0' at th. rGvGrsion and rocre icre ,-';;iJ; ""j-.cr" f Jo"s, ".ttii, ii""e" rtrd profits tlcrcoii crd rlt thc Gst.tc' right' til ini."."t, ctril rd C,ttrnO *t.taoc"ar of th? eald party ol tti tirtt Part, Githcr in las or €qulty,of, in rnd to th' rbove brrgrinrd prcnritce, aith th. hereditaiEnls clrd ap;fftcnttrces. IO fi v€ r$'lO IOLD thc srid prmises abw brrgrin.d .nd degcrlb.d, sith the apFrrtlnrrtrs. t'tto-the stid portics ( rhc stiord ptrt. thalr hcir3 lrd aeslgns forevcr. t?d th. orid party_of th. firs-t part, for hinstlt' his heirs-' er?cutorl rnd adninlsirato6, docs col.g;,.nt, grini, teneain ettd,.grac to iru iittr th! slid Ptrtlet 6f thc aecord prrt, tholr heirs rO acrtgrs, irtit lt $re tir: of irrl rnsirt ing a'nd dct ivery ot th.sr Prcscrits. _h+ ls nr(I ecircd of thc p.fiilas rbotl colweyA] ii ot gooat, surG, p€nfect. obsoluta .nd Indct6liblc $tate ol inharit ce, In tar. ln fcc sirplc, dtd h68 90o( right; f;l l por.i rni tptut'iuttori ty to grmt, blrgain, scl l rd cdry.y thc ta: in nrrvrr and f orn 13 af or€slid. .trd tlrt itrc 3d|. rrr lrre rnd ctcrr frcnatl iqmci rd other ersnts, borgains, sal?s, I i€.rs, tor6, ass.ssrEnts 8td .muTbrrrEag of 6rtcvar kitrd ol mture rocvcr,ffiffi;ffi,wffih,ffiffiffi'EFf,A'w RECDRD. a.d thr lbovrd brrfnlned prccle.a in the $rlet arid petclrbla pns6essiar ot-6rld Pfftlet of thc scco{rd prrt, thc survlvor thea, thiir isig"i "nO tfic trctrr ard aetlgns of rrlch survivoi, rgaifBt all ond evary P?rym 9l Er!1l_ttftultv clriri^ oi ro etrirn ttc itrotc o. "ny p".i ilircof,-thc said Frty of thc iirst P.ft ihttt *ri iritt UnRltr AllO t{xtvEl DEiEIo. I cingulor ng6cr ahrtt I nc tuia'itrc piurei.'ttt. ptur.l thc singular, and ihc usc ol sny ecndcr rh.ll b. rFPt icsblc to ell ga.dcrr. lI utlf,Ess t{tEREOr, thr srid p.rty of thc firct prtt h6s hcrar\to s.t his h€.d urd aeet thc d.y o(d Year f irst rbov flrl ttfi. .rg.roE, rrrrq9 €rE uet tverGd In t.|e pta3drce ot Coutty of EAGTE I ",.I lh! forcgoitlg lBtrul|rt n.i actrtrrlcdgrd baforc t: thi3 d6y ot br l4ARGlAFr B. r'IIDY ard cmRLES p. ![ALIoy fty c6rnt33ior cxpi rcs,fult 30, L99ZUltm33 fty hlnd .nd olficiat seit. foro 92lA COIPUIEI llafArry 9EED - To Jolnt tefiants16943V.1.5943V vr6ea5- l.brdr 05, 1992 (sEAr ) {lo v:t., rdV l<. La . (. ,r L(- Tr;l;. l::1.;;;:aled :l52{Jd)O $ -555 It-.:lil6 -JAHNNETTE FHTLLIPS C)6.,''J 1.,'y.l I5;50 EAGLE CTJUNTY CLERA. tt{i J uF I coLaRAoo i{f t.l .5. Ot) a 'l',1 ; I r.. . (l{ l :ff,Ig DEED, rr& rhtr oy or J\lp 06, 1991 FII,INC STI}IP srid pfftiar of tha sccond pEFt, thr survfvor ot dld crrcry pcraon of grrecrs lrufulty ctaialn!shell lrd Hitt gTRRAII rto r(nFvEf, DEfEID. lhe t,3e of any gatder sh.lt te appl icrb(c to rtt his hard and srct thc day ard year first rbovc 1/( a-, rnd th. rbovad brrgalnGd pnanri cce In th. qul.t rnd pGrc€lbt r poseass ion ofthci!, thclr srlgnr rrd thc hclrs rnd rssiln3 of sr.rch survivor, cgeirBt al t oa to clafir tha |.rolr or .oy p.rt thereof, thc srld Frty of thc f imt p.rtrirqutrr nl6:r 6ttl lncludc thc ptrral, tfic plural the sineu(rr, end th€gandcfl. ll Tl l Egt ttl€ttot I thc s.id party of th. tlrst trrt hrs h?rauhto s"tffl tt.n. (s€AL) (sElt) (stAL)Ir tt. I bctHlcn }'AreARET A, l@iLTDY ald CTDRI.ES P. I{AIJ.OY of thc Cornty of EAGLE .rd 3t.te of Colorrdo, of thc first p!rt, r.d ANIISTY }T. RYENSON ard ca?lIHIA B. RIffjRSON Sltncd, scltr.l ri D:tlvrrcd In thc Pr.r.nc! ol shorc rcslr rddress ir VJIEI{E[fftrdffi/ffilMt/flEl 4859 Meadou orlveVAIL @ 81657 teE of thc Cogrty ol EMjLE UIIXESS€III, Ihot thc rald party of the firrt !r€ Strta of Cotordo, of thc slcord prrt: fiart, tor rrd in cosideration of th. gun of 1**tt$160r 000.00 ) d{E |l,rDPED StXrY Ufa,S D DoU.^|S ^p 00/ l00 rs dd othcr good .rd vrluabt! considcretion to thc sald pirty of thc fi.st psrt in h!.d prid by tha s.id portiG ot tha locond prrt, thG iecafpt slrcrcof ls bl..b/ ccrf.cs€d erd oekruylcdgcd. hrs gf'nted. b.r!l|tard, sald rnd convey.d. ffd by therG pr€Gntt docs g'rnt. bargaln, srlt, contrly rnd confi rrr unto th. slid prrtlo. of the secord gart. theif heirs arrdlrsliir3 for6rar. mt ir| t!|rrEy In crrnon h,rt in joint t!4.!!L st I the lol loring detcriH tot or parcrl of lard,tylrp ard b.ing ln thc co6ty ot EAGLE rnd st!t! ot Co(or.do, to r.rf t: Parcel B, together lrith an undivided I/2 interest in and to Parccl C, a Resubdivision of tot 16, Block 5, BIGHORN SUBDIVISION, ITIFTH ADDITION, according to the PLat, recorded May 3I, 199I in Book 555 at Page 37, County of Dqgls, State of Colorado. .tro lnorr.. rtrc.r ndcr rcRIll EASI L,/2, Wt 16, BIOCK 5, BIGImI SUBDT\rISICN {5 lOGEIllEl rith .tl ard ringular thr haradltsmnta Drd rFFrrtantrrca the.eto bttortflng. or in 6nyui sc lpFcrt.ining, ard thc rcvafrlo^ and Favtitlons. rsr lndrr rnd roarl ndcrs, r!nt., l3auar and prcfit3 thcrrof; ard att the cstrtr, rlght, titlcintcrcst, s(.ln dd ah ird dratso.ycr of th. rsid prrtf ot th. fir.t port, elther in lar or r$rlty,ot, in.rd to th. rbova b.rg.l rcd pr. ritat, sith tha hlr.dit*GBts dd S.Jr t.tBncrs. fO n vC AtO l0 IOLD thc aald prqrls.3 tbwe bargrird a.d deecribed. rith thc epFurtcnatE.s, !'|to the ssid lt.rt ics ofth. s.c€rd prrt, thalr lrriE rnd raalenr torcvsr, Ard thc said party of rhc fiFst prrt. lor hinralf, hie heirs, cx.cutors, and adlinlrtratort, do!3 qovtn.nt, grant, bcfgrin .rd agrrc to rrd Hith the 3!id prrtica ot thc secord p.rt, thclr hlirsrrd !.siinr, th.t .t thc tlr. of th. G|ra.ll|rg ard dcl lvary of th.gc praEents, h. lr rclt s.lred ol th€ FGfiis€B sboy. convcycd, !3 of tdod. surG, p.rfGct, lbioluta rd Intfcocibte ast6ta of irfieritemr, in lar, in fee sirpl., and has gfood rie"\t. (utt Fotcr od tar.fvt ruthorlty to gFant, brrgoln. sclt rrd convry lha ar|rE in |t||mcr Jd forn as oloregaid, a'dthat tha llF ara ffaa ltd ctrff lrd att tormr ard othGr erlnt8, bargNios, *slcc, (iens. tarcs, assesgrEnts andarUtrart.! -o! ,ratarr tlrld or nctura roavar,l'@xr_qElFBAL_lNCq ANp ASSES$0 ''rrs Ne $E YEAR leel NtD s,rBsH.rENr yEARs, Rr.rpsuryEqr Tl EISEI.{ENIS, nESESF/AEIONS, nEgIRICfrOrrts, @,i6rAl\il5 AtrD-RicHls-oFnAybFRrcRD. Cqmty of EEGLE :' rd tlrt &oYC brrgrl ncd Fc{trfcrt lh thc $Jlet .td p.Ac.St. pocaess lo,l ol ecid ptrtias ot th. 3ccofrd p.rt. th. survivoe otthc . thaii rtstgn! .|rd thc hclt3 atd as3fln| of srrh survivor', agairst all and cvcry pG?3on or persdts lrpfutty clrimlngot to ctlin th. {rot? or tw part tharao{, thc trld p6rty of thc tir$t p.rt ihatl and rltt uAnRAtl Alo f0REVER DEf€}10. tfiesintutit nnbcr ehatl i nctud! tha plir!{, tht plufa( the oingnrtar, ord the us! of any gender slrott bc rFpl fcstlc to sttgefi'trl. . lx gl tflESg t{lEFgof, thc 3aid ptrty of thc firat ptrt hrs hcreutto sct his hrrd ard scal thc day and y€ar first Ebovcrri tten. Slgncd, ScatGd rnd DGt l ver.d in th. Pres.'rG ot ,s (sEAt ) . (SEAT' (SEAL)Crunty of IEAGIX i rc. I lhr for.Coi.E lEtfrrFnt r.re GknoHl.dgld bcforc rn thls day of b/ IARGARET B. I.BLIOY ant CHARIES p. !AL[.OY t.ly cof,nlaston crpt rrc.ful! 30, Jr992t ltnc.r rry h.nd |'d otflciet crit. L"t-, Jurp 06, 1991 (a1 .-@.4:: il;r,n,*c1 c.. lce co,n/p*y-t:, a, , trrSl A:/e. . -q,,;r^ E^^ focn gell ColtR r€R urqRtlly DEED L5927V.7592TV Io Joint lenants vL592"t \/ | {'! ,.' f .;,, a uf 47U862 B - 5 l4 t\- ?4 7 ' s)urtttf |rt- /+t-rLr rr's O-<,,t10,t'!]2 Jo:J4 EAGLF T:OLINTI' CLERA', PLi J at" l cul-oRAiul ,,ir 1. i . t..)L) /.,'i;i L! . i(.) FII,INC AfIXP IAIA DEED, rr* thi3 rry of l{arch 05, 1992 bt treenlrAnGrREf B. l-SIjloY atd CHARLES P. ln&[.roy of the courry of EAGLE rd stltr i,f Col o.ado, of thc fiFtt p.rt, .td A!'IIS{Y IT. RYMSON AI|t CYIfIIIIA B. RY.ERSOFI {ror. t.gat rddrctr ls 4859 Meaclow Drive, VaiI Co 8f657 Signrd, Scolcd rrd o.1iv€rcd in the Prcg€nce ot CqtttY at IEAGIE i ss. qf the Cornty of EellLE &rd tt.ac of col ortdo, ot tbt 3"cord erct: yrttEssEl|t. rhlt thc lrld prrty of the tlrit prrt. tor td in cqrsi(br.tion ot th! sl'|of ' (**r$135r0OO.OOl OIC llrfiDrE0 fllltlT ftVE II0JS XD 0Oll|IS IXO 00/r00tlls rnd oth.r Cood |'d v.lurblt corBidorrtidl to thc srid prrty cf th" f l.rt prrt in hatrd Prid by th..$id.Prrtic. ot th. 4cond pori, th! rccaipt rh:rrof is h.r€by cofacaad rird ackms(.dgad, hrs gr.nt.d. bBrg.incd, sold rtd convty€d' ard bt thrar piarcirtr dors gr'rnt. bargrln, rclt, corwey and cdrflrll unto thc 3!id partilB ot thc s.cotd part, their hlirt |'d jertgni f"rcvcr, nct in timrcy in-cmn hJt t; joint t!!q!EL rlt the tottorrino dt3cr ib.d tol or Prrc"l ot to'd tyln! rnl b.iq'in thc Courty ol EAGLE lrd Sttte of Colort&. to uit: WTNT AN IJNDT\ITDED 1,/2 INIEEST IN AI'ID 10 P4!EELq,. A_ _._-_-E-i.6,--BIocR-5; Brc+bnt{ s;EDnrlgroN, Frm_H ADDrrto[rr 4eqDrBcD ml at, -1991 nl bK 555 AF PlcE'37, ocuNrY oF EAcr.E, sf,ArE ctro lrrrn .3 rrr.ct rr.f PaRCEL A AIID 1rl2 INmRESI IN C, BTCHSFN #5 lOOEf Et rith all rrd rirgulrr th! h.rrdi tdrnti .nd .pfrftcnanccs thcr.to hctoiEing, or ln .tryltltc lPPcrtaini.rg' at tha rcvtrrlg;r md revcrsiort. i:mln*r .rd rcna ird..t, ".nis, I crrrcs rtld prglits th..cof; s.rd llt th" aatrt.' rigftt. til intcrart, ctain rd darmnd *atrotnrcr of th: i6ld p.rty of tha first Ptrt. clthrr io lse or equily,of, in tnd to th. abova brtftitrd pr'coir:', rith thc hareditrlEnts ald lFFrtcnances. fO 8AV€ r|@'fO iOLD tha $id prcmiars tbov€ b.roaincd lld dercribcd. r.ith th€ sppurt*Ett.sr rtrtg_tlF srid perticl I tha srco?d part. thclr hcirr and aislgne forevtr. .lnd tht srid party ot thr first prrt, tor hiosatf, his heire, crocutor! rnd rdninlrirttors. doci covcmnt. er.nt, bergain end .gr.c to.rd rith thc said partlri ot thc s?sord prrt'_thelr hslrs rrd !3ri'rt. rhat ;t thr tiF ot ihr Gmi!( ing .rd del,ivcry of thcac prc3aita. hr ie r.ll eaircd of tht prcoi3cs rbo\t corweycd, ai of god, 5ur., Fartcct, rbooluta srd Indatcrsibla estNie ot inharittrcc, in tcr, ln fe? iifiple. ord.has 9oo( right; t;lt po,rci "ni terfut'arthority to grdrt, bargein. sctl rrd cdwry tha a# in otarncr ard fonr at tforcsaid, ard thrt thc arE |rc lrcc ard cli6r trofi rtl forGr ard oth$ grents, bErgla ins. srlls. liens, ttr6, assc3stttnt5 ard cr*.rrrbrcrrces of rlrrtwcr kind or ntturc socvrr,ffiffiffi,ffiffieffiffi REMRD. ud thr .boycd bergr Int{ prr!|li.s in th" $rlct and ptrccSle poscessidr of srid pcrtiGr of the secoDd F6rtr tl|r SurYlYsr ttcfr, thrir lstlgm rd tic hcl rt ard assigns of suth survfvoi, rgliirst rtl rrd aycry par.sn ot peru.nt trffully clrltrin or to ctrltr tlre drotc or .r4, prrt thareoi, thc said psrty ot the first p.rt slitlt rtd vill t|lntftlr llo tOREVm DEIEIO. I 1,ingutal. ii.rtar shrtt inclria thc plurlt, the plurrt thc rlngulor, .rd tha usc ol any gcrS.t 3h!tt bc .ppti€ebtc to rtl g.r€.rr, It r|ttxEss lflEnEot, thG Irid Frty of tha first plft h.3 hcrcr.nto ert his hd.rd ord sret thc d.Y e.d yeac first cbov rr i t tcn, .rgfErr, rc.{ r*J €rE uet tverect In toe ptcsc{tce ot ffi Carrty ot EAGTE ir"- I Ihc torcgoi ng ltBt ruEnt uar .ckrbltcdged bclorc m thig dly of by lAFGfAgr B. IALIOY ard cflARLES p. I,ALLOy y co it33tdt cxpi rcrJul| 30, 1992nl tnr.s ry hrrd s.rd officlcl sei{. for6 9214 coouter rar iltY oEED16943V. 1,6943V ro Jolnt lenant3vl6943 tbrch O5, 1992 (sEAr) w:t" liN.-'\:$ 4. Tt)l :i:i:n INRGARET B. !qLTOY ATd CHARTES P. MAIJOY of thC cornty of EAGLE Color.do. of th. first p8rt. and At{ItS{Y }r. R{ERSON ard caNIHlA B. RrmsoN rnd 3t.tc of FGJUfI COLoRt+D0 ii l: l.l -5- Otl .tJ.?oc)() rl "559 [t- ]t?6 .JOHNNETTE FHILLIFS O/J/t1,r'/.1 I5:50 €AGL€ COUNTY CLERA. l..ti.Jt. l r-, . CXt t8tg DIED, l|.& thlr rby of Dltruai firF 06, 1991 FIIJINC AfN}{P 6ot lagrt drctr ic SttX ftfrM RM trEtlg /{lg / 4859 Meadon Drive\rArL s 81657 lee of the Coi,tty or EM]LE rnd Stlta of Colordo, of ulll€ss€tfi. Ih6t rhc srld p.rty of th. fir6t o€rt, tor rrd in ccrs iderat ion of tta rectrrd Dar t: rhe suD o, (***$160,0o0,00 ) c E riIotED stxrY r flqrslrD Dot[Ars ${) 00/ 100'|{s rrd othrr good .rd vatr,rabtc conridcrrtion to the Elid p.rty of thc first part in hard pcld by tha seid partias of thr c.co.d p!rt, th. racaipt cftcrcof ls h€r.by contacocd Nnd rctrpe l cdgrd. hrs gmntCd. hrrgeined, sold snd convryld, rnd by thcrc prrscntt dqag gront, blrgain. 6all, co|n "y and confirn unto thc said prrtlrr of thc secoid part. their heirs ard $slgnc forarrcr. not in tqrrrry In drinon but ift ioint t!!|ing!, a(l the fottosing descrlbed tot or prrcel of lard, tylr|g rnd b.lni in th. Courty ot EACLE md strtc of Colorado, to uit; Parcel Br'together vrith an undivided I/2 interest in and to Parct.'l C, a Resubdivision of Lot 16r Block 5, BLGHORN SUBDMSION, FIFTH ADDI'I'ION, according to the Plat, recorded May 31, I99I in Book 555 at Page 37, County of Eagle, State of Colorado. rl.o ttrorr.r ircrt nut r I'FRII{ EASf Vzt WI 16, BIOCK 5, BIGIUN SIJBDI\IISION ds tOCEtltEl rith .ll .fd rini|Ulcr th. hcrcdltrmnts erd ipFrrtan|r|c€s the.eto balotEtng, or in snyHirc lppGrtlining, snd thc rlvGr|lon !|d ravrrrlortt, rlrf,in-r.nd larllrderr, ratr. I sFrxc rttd prolit3 theraofi .rd rtt the Gstitr, rlght. titlrintrr.tt, cili'l ..d (hnrrd dr.t6ocv.f ot thc rrid porty af thc firrt part. efthrr in lcr or cquity.of, In .nd to thc $ova barg.irtd Fr6[irci, rith tha h.r.di txfirts o]rd lFpurt.nrrEaa.f0 iAv€ ll{D tO IIOLD tha raid prdrls.r .bov. blri.lrxd rrd do3crlb€d, Hith thc .Fr.rit€narr.s, unto the grid prrti€ o,th. i.cord ptrt, thilf hrlrr etd rtlgne forwar. Ard thc eeld pttty of th" {irst p!rt. tor hinsell, hic hciF, ?xGcutors, and rd[inlatratora, &cs covcnant, grtnt, brgrin .r'rd agrcG to .rd xith the !|id prrtirs ot thc secofd p.rt, thair heirs rnd arsigns. th.t .t thc tllr ot lhr cmcrl lrg rrd del ivcry of th.rc Ar?rlnts, h. is uclt eeircd o{ the pr:rnis€s .bo\c cdrrrcycd, rs of good. surr, F.rf.ct, rbsolute rrd irdcfresibtc c3trta of i.fi"ritdre, in tae. in {€c ainpte, and hss gpod rieht. lutt F... .nd tlrfut $rthorlty to $ant, brrl.ln, gall trd so.rv?y the sl||r ia mrm€r atd lora rs otorcsaid. ardthrt tha aar: lra lfto trrd ctrlr frcl all lonrr rrd othet ertnt6, brrorins. telee, tirrn, tar(€s, asslsgltnts endcnc|J|brarat of rfrrtarcr tind or nctLr. roavrr, EGEELqSIE T,L.-TAIEq ANQ ASSS9[@'IS D9R IIIE YEAR 1.99I A}ID g.'BSHJENT Y-EARS. N.ID SqAJpgr IO EASEI.IENIS, RESERVAfTONS, RESIRICIIO'IS, oolm{Atfls NrD-RIGFnS-or wAV b,FRMD. drd th. &ovad brrgrlrrC pra rts ln thr qrirt and pcrccrbl ! posras3lofl of rlid pcfties o, thc a.cord part, lhc survlvor otthao, thrir aseiinr and thc hrlr: and assigns of sl|ch turvivor. rgaiBt atl rd cnl'ty p€r6on or parsons terrfut l,y ctalrriqgor to clol tha *rolc or ftV plrt th€reof, thc raid Frty of th! first p.rt sha(t lnd |.i gARRAII Aro FdEt/fR 0€f6ro, Tliellr|gulrr nr'dtr rlul l inclsd. thc pl,rral, thc ptural the rlnguler, and thr u8a of any g.rdrr ghllt b€ .ppligsbtc to rttgcrdc.r. - ll lrl?fltSs lfiEr€OF I thc rrid party of thc firrt pmt h&3 hsreunto s.t hlc hsrd and scrl tho dry rrd y.sr flrst abov"rr I ttan. Sllncd, t.(d.rd oct lvcr.d i|| thc PfGranca ot (sEAt) (sEAt) (seAL) I. t; I Ir t8, Conty of EIGI.E rd thr +pvrd bargr Inrd pr.nl6cs ln tha qli.t and poeccebte possestion oftia , thcir .3ilgns rrd thc hclae rnd rrcfgmr ot such survivor, carinst altor to.ctritrr th" drotc or rw p.rt thorcot, tha grid party of tie iir.st pcrt siruul.ar nrr&r !h.tl inctudc tha plurat, thc pturat the singutlr. cnd th€gandd-6. . lI i.IIXEES lflEf€of , tha rrid prrty ot tha firrt FErt hr3 h.rernto sct9tr ttcn. s.id pertlos of ih. 3econd p8rt, th. ssrvivor ofDd avcry pe,'s6t or FErsdta lr|.tul ly elainlng6h!tl .rd rlll UfiRAxI AXD teEVER DEr€xo. the use ot rny grrder shstt b€ rppt iclb(G to rl( his hsr|d rrd g"rl the d.!y rnd y€ar first rbove (sEAr) (sEAt) Slgncd, Scrl cd |'d Dcl lvar..l in th. prcacnca ot Cdrnty ot IEAGLE i rr. I lh. lorcaoirE Inrtnr:nt I|3 .cknoxledgd b.foru iE thls doy of vt !4nCARSf B. IALIOY ard CffiRIES p. fALlOy lty cdn | .t I m crp I rrrIUlV 30 , 7992ttttn re ry h.nd |'d otflcl.t r.il . (seAr) Jwe 06, 1991 loflD 9alA cotPur€r um f,rY oEEDl_5927V.15927V \/ l.|'^/,'' f . L.u C(,.d tiil.-G;tc"; rv:s c. f rrst Ave. . -S,,;r- , Io Jolnt lcnents v15927 ,7t a q 470862 B-514 t\*747 Jot{Nt'ttt rE' Ftf rLLrpS o-\,,t10t{9)| lo: l4 EAGLE I:OLINTY CL€RIi, t-,G I tlt- J taLonr'tfrL, /.1i ra l.i . i{.1 FTLIIIO ATAIIP ,,ri | {. :1 i.)t , '!f,I8 DEED . radr this *y of ilarcfi 05, 1992 n.l rd stat. of th? etd bt rno ol tar|d batua€n t.tAreAFgf B. TRLIOY arrt (IIARI.ES P. lqllDy ot the coqrty of EAGLE colorado. of tha firit 9.rt ' l'd A}lI]Ory U. RYERSCN ant CYI{IHIA B. RnERSON l||tora t.gcl rddrc$ ls ot tha |llIIESSfll, lhat 4859 Meadow Drive, Vail co 81657 sign€dr SarlGd lrd 0.1 i vcrcd in thc PrGecrce of ---TiliFtiEfcrooCcrhtY ot IEAGLE ) s€. corrty ot EAGI.E and stslc ol colo..do. ol the rrcord prrt: thr srld priii or thc ttrgt Part. fo; rd in cdrri&retion ot thc $.n of - (***S135, OOO' OO I olE tirxotED tltlt flvE llcrrsAllo oorrals Afio 00/l00rlls lrd otftar good rnd vrlcbte cong idcrot i on to ths rrid p.rty of th" firEt p.ft in httd p|id by thc !|id partle of arionl pe.i, the recriPt drcr.of i3 hcrcby cmfassed rrd .Gknosi.desd, h!8 grrnt€d, bargei ncd. sltd trd 9oryryq' ttrcro p'riontt a*3 grint, brgrln. 3.t t , conrcy eml conf i rn qnto thc arid Psrt ice ot th. sGcord p.rt, thGi r hci rE .ssitnr foran3r, nor ln tiru*i ln-corrpn b;t in iotnt tllTfy, ttt tha toltorin! dascrib.d lot or prrcc I lyiq end bairu'in thr Cot rty of EAGIE rld Strtc ot Colofldo, to rits PARCEL A, IOGELER wrffi AN UI{DI\rrD@ L/? EWSqq-IN Allp_!g- PAR@, C, A- -i,ffirvtsid-citr-rl:n-fd,--alodK-i;-8rffifu_s@ryi9ronl, !Tr!H ADDrrroryr Ae@BqqIl 'ro-tlc-ptAr-Reinncgtrqf 5l;-retl nl bmr 5s5 Alr PAGE'37, qNrY oF EAGLE, sxArE OF @II]RAD. rlro ItE ! ct ttr6.t nrrt r DAFCEL A ellD 1rl2 INIERESf IN c, BfGIORN f5 TOGfIttEt rlti alt afrd 3lr{s(ar thr fiafadl tOE rt3 and rpFrterronce3 thcrtto trlorrlng. or In lrrysioa lPPcrtslnitrg, 9r lha revcralon and revcrcicrr. ic6l ndcr rnd raria lrdGrl, ..ttii, i""ues lrd Protlts th".aof; lrd llt th. cttatr' right. tit ihtcrert, ctsih ..d demrd rtrntscvar of thr slld plrty o{ the first part, cithar in l||, or €+ri ty, ot, in |'ld to tht cbovr barlalncd prari*o. |.lth rhc frrredi trmnts .|rd aFf rtGntnces. lO filvE AID lO llrLD thc 3rld prrniels ab"e bargainrd ard drscribad, rith the eppurtaruEes, u1to. the 3tid Frtici ( thG s.cad ptrt. thair h"irr chd ririgrs forwrr, &d thc 3.id Farty of thc tirst ptrt, lor hiasrlf, hls hcirs., er?cutorr md rdolnlsiretori, &ca cownlnt, erint, bergoin lnd.gfac to ird uith th. seid p.rtlai of thc secord frt' thalr hcirs rd asigrs, rhrt ;t tha ti|F ot iha mrial irp srd drLtvery ol thGsc prcamta,.hc is r..t I ccircd of th! prcttitcc rDo€ cotwcysO] ai of good, ssr., perf.ct, .bsoluta qrd lrdltclcibl? estale ol inh€ri tt|cr, in [or, tn fe? sitple. cnd hag 9oo( .ight; f;tl po*i r* t arfut' author-i ty to grdrt, bergsin. sett rrd canv€y th! 6fl: in turvrcf ttd foml a3 afor.3bid, rnd that ih. srrr .ra lrre erd ilcrr froo ltt {onmr afid othar grants, baPgaim, srles. li.os. ttres, agscsscnt3 rrd qrurtrcrEcs of dr.tatlr tind o |rtirrc socv.r,ffiffi,WH8fi,TRffiffi8ry.il'W REd)RD. id thc abovcd bargalrrcd ;r.'lere in th. qufat rrd pesclabl" postas3itr ot Srld Pa|.tl.s ot thc tccoNld p$t, tll. 3urvitoa th..', thcir *sirni eld tirc hclrr ahd assi9ns of srih surYlvoi, lg.ltBt rlt and warv p9l?cl,91 Et1T"-!f!l:!ty clrinin or to cleln the ihotc or .ny prrt th:rcot. th. said porty of the {irst p€rt thatt erd rill U nRtlt ArD I(nEtGl DEfEro. I iitq*rta" ngrbrr chall tnctuic'ttrt ptural, the plurll'tha 3lngulrr, tnd th. us€ ol tny ecrdcr shall b: rpt icablc to lll gardart,It ltlrlEss t EnEoF. thc srid p.rty of the fir6t prrt i6s hcta'rto 3?t his hard end s"al rhe d.t .td year first abov ffittcn. (sEr ($E' ($E trgrr3\r, 'E..co arE ueltvare(, In tnc prtscnce ot Courty of EAGLE I ""-I Iha for€goiru inttrtGnt |.rs lckr,$llGdgrd beforc ls this dry of br IAFGARET B. lAtIOl ard C!{ARLES p. IALIOY ity ctrrrti3idr crpi rcrfuly 30, 1992gltrrs3 ny hald rrd officiel seit. ( sEAr ) (sEAr,) l.lardr O5, 1992 { Tril;, {:r.ll;:nlc . i ii. ;,lr ii Av||. . lorm 92lA CdlPUfEt- gttR^lry DEED - ro Jolhr Tcn6nts16943V.16943v Vree4i- f-'J\\* .)$ ;.'t) dIiliTTilR tt' 152dao ,-JOH.NfiEr {i -559 r'-"}i?6 T€ FHTLLIFS o6,,t11,"9.1 I5,'5(? FA6Lf COLINIY CI-EHI\. F$JUFI COLTJ.riADL1 i'{ l t.l .5 - ('l(7 [ 'i''l{ ] Iri. dt) FIIJINO ETI}iD IEIS DllD, rr* rhli d.y of JlrB 06, 1991 bttLtanINTARET B. TATIOY AId CHARTES F. T'{ALTOY of tha Cornty of EAGfE rrd Stit. ot Cotortdo. o{ th. flrst Frt, ..rd Al{ITro[ry il. RTmSON ard c1]!nfi,A B. FYmsoN dtor. trset addrGs ir *ry4&Ufffgl0ffiNrffltrl 4859 Meadow Drive I I , . r'eer/AIL@AL651 l'_-..-- of thc Corrty of EAGLE .nd strt. of cot orldo, of the sccad par[: ulIIEssG t. Ihot thc arid porty of tha first p!rt, for end in cdrs lderst ion of the sur of 1***$16O, OO0.00 ) E rijrptcD slxT? mous xD Dott^is Axo 00/l00lxs fid oth.r good rrd vtluabtr conrideretion to th! soid prrt)' of thc firsl p.rt in hard poid by tha srid prrtics ol the cccord ptrt. tha racaipt yftcrcol fr hofcby cmfcssed ard rdkmslcdgcd, hrs g.rat€d, brr9a i,r€d, sold end conyeyrd, .rd by d!e9G prr3lntg doct g?arrt, bargaln, 3ell, corway rnd cdrfirn unto tha said prrtirc ot thc aecord part, their hei13 ord .sslgn$ foravar, not in tcn|try in cqnmn h{t in jolnt tenoDct, !t l, the lol l,ffing dcac.lH tot or parcal of lard. lylng ard b.ing in thc cornty ot EAGLE .nd st.tc of ColoFrdo, to rit: Parcel B, together with an undivided I/2 interest in and to Par-ccl c, a Resubdivision of Lot 16, Block 5, BIGHORN SUBDMSION, FTFTH ADDI'I'ION, according to the Plat, recorded May 31, 1991 in Book 555 at Page 37, County of Eagle' State of Colorado. .t.o tmrri.r ancct nu$.r fiffim EASI V2, WI 16. EIOCK 5, BIGIffiN STEDIVISIOI{ {5 tocgffER rith rll ard rlr!9ut.r tha haradltsmnts lrd rptrlrtGunc.s thcreto b.tortlrE, or in.nyHisc spplrt.ining. ard thc rcvcrtlon .fd ravarrtorE, rcnrirdrr md F. air€tB. rlhtt. I'tu.i.nd pro{it3 thercof; .rd rll. thc estrt., rlght, titlc int3r;st, clalfir rd rLr5 d dratao.v€r of th.3.fd gert!, ot tha ti|'t part, efth.r in lsr or equlty,of, ln ard to thc rboy. b.rt.incd prGnirat. sith thr hafcdltGntl d'd epportrruhc:a. lO xAvl lxo l0 |IOLD tha g|id Fr$rlca* abova b$grin d rnd dcacribed, .rith th. rppirrtanarrGs, tnto tha gaid part i.d ottic sacand F.rt, thalr hairt lrd a.3lgr$ forrv3r. And th. srld prlty ot rh. tlrst part. tor him.self , his hcirs, cnccutor!, .nd rdnlniltrltort, dolr cownant. gr!n!, baroain Jrd atrca to lrd rlth the :aid partia! of thc sacord part. th.ir hcl.s .rd arsign. thct rt thc tirr ot th. mta.l tne ard del ivcry of thrsa Fr?scntsr h! is r.clt seltcd of the F|rc'lises above corrvcycd, cr of good, turc. Frfect. rbdotut. rrd lr*hfcagibl.c catate of inharitar*c, in ler. in {"c siq)(a, and hrs good rigst. fult gortr .nd t.rful rrrthorl ty to grmt, bargrfn. ccll ftld co.rv"y thc l'E in anmcr and toro ss stotesaid. r.dthrt thC rafr ar? ffla ard clr'r lrm ltl forrEr rfil othtr grants, btrglins, 3etas. tlan8, taxes, assesstEnts endcrrrrbrrrrat of dratcvcr klnd or natrnc socvcr, Sffi,'S"ffiffi , 8ffiff"*,*ffilEfodfii A8?hffiffiffi'Bffi'W RE@RD. i.r I I : I. I I rld thc rbovad b.rlrlDld p"cni rts In thr $rirt ||d p..cGabl r posrasrion ofthtn, thclr csrignr md the hclrt lfd r3rigns ol $uch survivor, ag€ifBt .LI6 to ct.ln thc rrro(a or rny pert thercof, tie srid prrty of tic f irft part 3lngulrr nutar rhrtl Includc thc pl,wat, thc pluf,rl the sln$rlsr, rd th€gcrdfft. til Ul ltE99 |.|€F[Ot I thc srid plrty ot ths tlrit prrt hss hereunto s?tfflttm. slid p.rtiE of thc accond pest, th! survlyor ofid c^rlry Frsofr or p*rsans larf ul [y cl.tlnirlg shql I .rd rl t l lrARFA r mD FdEyEl DEf€XD. The ure of lny gardar rhllt bc.Fplicrbtc to rtl his hend and seet the day rrd yrar fifst &ova (s€A!) (eEAt, sl g,acd. sctld rrd DGI iv?rcd in thc Fr.3rrEa ot gtlrE ot 60t ot^Do- Cqfity ot IEIGIE r rs. i tfrc- &vcd b.rra |trad prccrfccr in tfrr <f,lat .trd pcec.St a por6ass io.r of eaid partiar of tha Brco.d prt. th. surviyor otthar, thair atslF and thc halr3 ittd a33lgns of ruch survivor, agalmt att rd ancry pcison or persqts trxtulty claimlngor to elrifi rh. $ol. or .w prrt thraof. thc 6eld porty ot thc li.st part th.u cnO irttt uAnfAill AxD tfiEvER iEfEt&. rhesintu(rr drdcr shett inctudr thc pttrlt, th. pturat the singu(ar, rnd th€ use of .ntr gerder strat t be cppl icablr to allg€rxlar3. lx UllIEss t{lEREol, thc 3!id party of thc first part hrs h.reunto sct his h.rid ahd s€rt the day and yerr tirst rbov!|lri ttan, Slgn.d. S?.t.d .rd DGI l ycrcd in th. Prr3crc. of Ccnty of (sEAr ) (s€AL ' (slll)EAGLE J,,, I lhc for6oi6 ltr3tnrFnt r.| aclnortcdgcd bcforu rr thlr doy ot vt I,IARCARET B. lGX.',tOY ard CHARLES p. [OL[.iOy y cd lmton cryt rcituly 30, 1992Lltr:tr ry hrnd |'rd of f lclrl !.a1. ilrne 06, 1991 ) (+t r-,.., .v{ ::e.,:..!o. c"^;r torn 9e1l Co}|PUI€R ulSRAtIy DE8Dt592W.ls92w lo Joint T.nrntg vL5927 \/ | i/,' / DNB7lt7t02 Ryerson addition Clarkr Doesn't like the darker wood over the lighter stuccoo Doesn't like new divided windows - should match existine windowsr Likes towerr Plans need to show window trim Hansr Doesn't like new divided windows - should match existing windowso Tower should be green to match the sidingo A different shade of qreen is recommended Margarete Doesn't like the white and dark green color combinationo New windows need to match the existing windows Charlier No additional commnets Bill r Correct drafting error on west elevation roof liner New deck windows don't fit the character of the house and are unbalancedr Tower should be wood siding r The east deck area should be revisedo The bay windows need to matcho The belly band needs to be aligned with the stucco heightsr The French balcony railing needs to be condensedr The lighting needs to be upgraded r Overall the house noeds more consistencv F/tE coPy D epart ment of C ommun ity D ev el opment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 t 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us February 21,2003 Cindy Ryerson 4859 Meadow Drive Vail, CO 81657 R-E: Duplex Plat - 4859 Meadow Drive, Lot 16, Bighom Subdivision 5'h Addition Dear Cindy, The Town of Vail has received the mylar plats for your proposed replatting of 4859 Meadow Drive. The Town has approved and sigred the plat, however, the Town Clerk can not record the plat with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder until the Eagle County Treasurer signs the Certificate ofTaxes Paid on the plat. At this time the Eagle County Treasurer will not sign the proposed plat, so please contact the Eagle County Trcasurer to discuss this issue with them. Once the Eagle County Treasurer is willing to sign the proposed plat and the plat is ready to be recorded, please contact the Lorelei Donaldson, Vail Town Clerk, at (970) 479-2136. Ifyou have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me directly at (970) 479-2173. Sincerely, I EECYCLED PAPER A/.,<) h..'l-z-- Bill Cibson, AICP Planner II Town of Vail {t Beth Levine, Architect P.O. Box 1825 Avon, CO 81620 (970) 926-50W (phone) (970) e26a9% gax) Ryerson Addition Lot 16, Blk.5 Bighorn Sub, Vail CO 4859 Meadow Drive Town of Vail Design Review Final Review August l,2AA2 Beth Levine, Architect P.O. Box 1825 Avon- CO 81620(il} 916 5..e.. (ph. ne) (970) 926-2e93 \fax) Ryerson Addition Lot 16, Blk. 5 Bighorn Sub, \'ail CO 4859 Meadow Drive Town of Vail Design Review Material Board August 1,2002 RooflStuccoiSiding: Match Existing Wi ndow Trim/Fascia/Bellv Band :lJolua\ Uiz'"| 2000 sEntIS 'I'Ut'/713 n 5 0n?1"fl .-.i }ter'lb: atttEfr',':)V( loD b od* et Sf\nA[l,^rDL' tt ltwdA frrd:Ctrf a!-*A. Cort- t urnm \ir-,/-- ft;rlh,' raE W Ellrr litr u{d: tufH*tl E]t ttItr illrffrtt.lve lo ! atE lfgf |t r ttA.wdtwtfrtc loe r dl!|r 1ln. -tEr,tt Il'rhtwF'It.rlw roo bcart f llr.rrt l fuctw Ertrt taloobqfrtt. iEcr l{l: 15'sd llrftffircrQr qd* 5l4r lE'n rtl/ia||Eirt&rrtl€ to urti a' auF.,t lrwrt ivr.elcfi,f fnt 6w[{rr:lc?otarr row aqEft rtin"wt attai|dll' loDr ortlrt r5r jrt|a , ,/tt tf v TTII:,JW 6(!tf rlt4afp5lrt t6rf Ert tr Wt: artFtrC ltli|frFtifrrr! atDt lSrra ".!s MED|UM . tIo xr zfflL lt4atolr:3- EItt tl| ud ut ovfil: 2tr 'itt"rrt lwtud;17Ic b at* rf EI!|trt tt ./ fiau/ir&&f'[r,,lob citt l|. tttctt*.2uml9t tlard: t llt' IA b o{rlrt 2t rl'It rr UlCi l1,l'w.7tro!dlit srt 6yrtttwt4r' lltl|lob rit rt as.tntt|':fl?ted: t3' To t{d* I? 6rt uyir lsc t1r"EEI l$taro}ndrt b s aoff Qao(s t/rtErw / lrt'tv? I ffiEyrFcl? I Ahj l?c \f loloq,h?l' E# I 1".I\Tor^ - Ci nL q ?.rieaq)r)- frlrF ear .19 a rt | trrti | ;3 I C.all|lr.r|t (a a a6 t3€z +'-i P. Ol ar..drr$rilrdnnat - Sadr tr'ttserr - C|l.r&rte,1t[*, s{?rbrr lcohrfb&ndlsrfi -'l tttt tdror F0 tlr l||IlmB-3-LErchtrfg?slutn4 PL t 3. lE (bdg. Oue r! ' ffiU - 1 lit[_E6rm {150 Ui r|ulSfr'r - lt{f! Ctdtr Cla wr rrript 7, q rq Or. t. erd t3.-oo|ilr* Ondp? t 77nl I e Beth Levine. Architect P O. Box 1825 Avon, CO 81620 /(i"r/\ (\./ \,r()() /.,1tr,,: ) 19705 926-2993 lfax) Rycrson Addition Lot 16. Blk. 5 Bighorn Sub. \/ail CO 4859 Meadow Drive Town of Vail Desisx Review Examples of Neighborhood Ilouses with Varied Window Styles August 1,2002 \i 'J'l --iF* O6ilitlllY o€VEl,OPtLlJI Design Review Board ACTIOI{ FOR},I Dspartment of Community Developrnent 75 South Frontage Road, Vail. Colorado 81657 tel:S70.479.2139 fax:970.479.21152 web: www.vailgov.com Project Name: ProJect Description: DRB Number: DR8020146 Addition to lst floor and tower Participants: Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel l{umben Comments: owNER RYERSON, ANTHONY M. &CYNTHI05/ZL|aOO? 4859 MEADOW DR VAIL CO 81657 APPLICANT Beth Levlne, Architect 0512112002 Phone: 926-5099 POB 1825 Avon, CO Bethlevlnearch@cs.com 81620 4859 MEADOW DRVAIL Location: LoH Block Subdivislon: BIGHORN sTH ADDffiON 2101-131-0204-6 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Actlon: CONCEPT Conditions: Cond: 200 A conceptual review ls NOT a Design Review Board approval. Planner: Bill Gibson r-Application for n Review Frontage Road, Vail, Oohrado g1657 tel: 970.479.2t39 fax: 970.479.2452 Description of the Requcst: IOI4/IV General InformaUon: Al prollcts requiring design revieu, must receive appfoval pflor.to submittjng a building permit apptication. pleaserefer to.the submittal requirements for tfie particulal .pp.o".t *tat is r"queiJ.--ni'.'ppriotion for Design Reviey,cannot be accepted unul alt required informahon is riceived uv $re cdmmunitv tilpr.nt Departnent. TheproJect may also need to be review€d bv the Town council ani/o tn" nunnini in'i-inriron*enol commiss6n.Design rwicw approEt lrpecs unless a building pennh is'ircucd.ia ,jnJ-iion ommenes withinone yeer of thc epproval. web: www.ci.vail.co,us f-ocatlon of t{ie propoca,: tot: lb s1ar, 5 Sv6ivis61n:h=..h-ov rw 6fu PhyCcal Address: 4€-A W\A o a "n-, lflv,t rt I e Par€el No.l) Zoning: _ Ilame(s) of Owncr(s) Signaturc(s): Name of Applicant: l.lailing Address:l"t, E-maif Afifressi (7!T', : , j ,, .t f, ,ti-t (Contact Eagh Co, Assessor at 970-329-8d40 for parcel no.) 7>q 4 E-malr AggreSsi l-rT ut : _: I ,t :- (.' dt\ J3ir: .i : ,z 24.: | -) Type of Review and Fee: ! :)"-' ( ut'" ,11/ l r,l cloiq') n,"{u?ut'" vr.\e-e* |*^v -Iyl Phonc: - l l'nnt $50 Plus$l.o0persquarefootoftotat signarea. X Conceptual Review No Fe€ ' E New Constr.rctlon $650 For construction of a nen, buitcting o. derrlo/rebuilc,.n Addition $00 For an addition nnerc square toitgJlt roc.o b any residentiat ortr MinorArteration .. r2so f;1ffi"1'J*Tf:liJ'tr1ff##flTJ;:#ffiHf;H*t(mulb'familv/commercial) reroofing, painting, windoi additions, tandscaplng, fencer and tr MinorAlteration $20 ffi',b5:?rtio buitdings and site impro/ements, such a,(single'f'mily/duprex) reroofirq, T,tg, window additons, tandscaping, fenes andtr chanses to Approved Plans $20 H."'l:l*;1t;tr^s arready approved by prannirig staff or the tr separation Request lto r* EQn Review 8oard. For Olfice Use Only: Fee Paid: -tA- - RECE IV ED Beth Levine, Architect P.O. Box 1825 Avon, CO 81620 (970) 926-5099 (phone) (e70) 926-2993 (fax) Ryerson Addition Lot 16, Blk. 5 Bighorn Sub, Vail CO 4859 Meadow Drive Town of Vail Design Review Conceptual Review June, 5 2002 -1tl$i ,,1f*- |-II ,:.. +'.. "d- r'1t | .t. e /*^ .,, LE ta'" . [, *"r":-" n"" "' -.ll .i, '"X'tt)tv !'_' ' ,'',,,. /0/J No/-1L 6uA' Na4u"* eun;, 41,, fu^.",*, Lot Beth Levine, Architect P.O. Box 1825 Avoru CO 81620 (970) 926-5099 (phone) (970) 926-2993 (fax) Ryerson Addition 16, Blk. 5 Bighorn Sub, Vail CO 4859 Meadow Drive Town of Vail Design Review Material Board June 5,2002 Match ExistingRoof: Sfucco:Match Existing Siding:Shade Tree Fascia/Soffrt: rTr .lnm Match Existins Window Window:Match Photograp E.Ea.f Ee I O-ll:t1 _O \i-' \r' inQFS 5i5HH EHEII =6t itaa -El{oq).x 6.e5'6 r) € ,rr ] aJ(! EO O !i ..;Eii-o\<-ra! 'iOcoEFltf W HW+$ t UUrA '4 o.9a.f, Ee, t.,Eo \-7 \-/ 3Ei$$ JTUXH Es€tt d, €(A l:oo€ 6.8€iio!t^ ]4 .O-J4.OFE 8iloE6-o\EEE ?,ffia* W tpva+p ru*-w ().g 6'€ .Ea gilg$H '.Er8*F Es€tt () € d '?n t.E s €ffx!n i{.,1 €FO U ll oEn-o\ Fs$ 1t\w ?wW fW** , -t Wer- Fa4 ft}H VJ'*1t"an E6 E -EE $E?gg oo cl €v) E: E.,E s EtrAEra t<.4€ Ela U !d .;El;-o\ as€ o.?o.aL b4ozWY#D A+ o.96g -BE r?Ef;$ E3EST (J s ,d =vt ciEl g €trE€:gF6I E 'a>tu-o\ as€0 N rF HH# \ Wa*+a+ h4+a+ a.6.15141 Hh?u./-Alk a +IY' yww XT, !b+" : \ Nt\ MOfl(. W Apvrfia+4 l+Ft ALbJXl,rl *:a- O --- Vi.t'rl'-d c)g'=9 = Xa{ _5€ sriH$j"{u-Fx €; seelai<99 =-Gl _d u) 6€ 9.E oo.tr€inoErr 3<,o-JtlFE E5,aEalEo\ ^>E 3fra FJ t ?.?t.o7-ffi ,fa L+Er,+ p)ev t+J'l ,7fr2'ef l4_rl_ NEH APPrfl++ '-f Vhrt a-Hqndrlel\o ll E6f Ee2 E,!'o \/v s$g$$ ,q;8 * * Es€St = '€ (t) 5€ I'5 00'c€iEqE ,rr i{ .:9 sH E E.aEFl-6 as€ E E -€E fH5$$ €6 ssF'Eoi<99 =(!t €rh 5€ 9 '€ tr8€,a i4 .Or*E FE 8 E,aEiri r O\ EFJ< rz4ae7- la44IFEJWD hb *-t-r t;, | --"-\-Ww -v W}tuI -- t'1 + t/2)'>1t-ot' A4evvfr# TOI4'NM Project Name: Project Description: Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 97A.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Ryerson residence DRB Number: Addition of 27 sq ft to 3rd floor and revise trim DR8030001 Participants: Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: OWNER RYERSON, ANTHONY M. &CYNTHI01/02/2003 Phone: 4859 MEADOW DR VAIL CO 816s7 License: APPUCANT Beth Levine, Architect 0tl02l2013 Phone: 926-5099 POB 1825 Avon, CO Bethlevinearch@cs.com 81620 License: 4859 MEADOW DRVAIL Location: Loh Block Subdivisionr BIGHORN 5TH ADDffiON ztotr3t02046 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: Wddrich Rogers 3-0 Action: APPROVED Date of Approval: OU 15/2003 Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO ,*ffi General lnformaUon: All projects reguilng desrgn review must recetve approval prior to submitting a buildlnq permtt applicabon. ,Please refer to the submift;l reqJirements for the partrcular approval that is requested. An apptacahon for Desit3n Review cannot be acepted until all required information is receved by the communrtv Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commisslon. besign rcvicw approval lapses unless a building pcrmlt as lssued and €onstruct'lon comm€ncDs withan one year of the appmval, Application for Design Review Deparunent d Communlty Dgreloprnent 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81557 tel: 970.{79.21 39 ta}]. 970.479.2452 web: www,ci.vail'co,us st4z n* suuaivision: ftlhazn Sr lo I'i,'7:, 'D t) bilt Qib*n' Wev'loo > fd,a,6a1ar- Physlcal Address; Parcel no.:21 all 4lOZalo (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Malllng Addrcssr owner(s) Slgnature(s): tlame of Appllcant:Le Hailing Address:b Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs D Conceptual Review B New Constructiontr Addition tr Minor Alteration (m ultFfamily/commercial ) t Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) RChanges to Approved Plans B Separaion Request eou $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For constructim of a nelv buildirp or demo/rebutld. $300 For an addition vvhere square footage i5 added to any reedential or commercial building (indudes 250 additions & Interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, paanting, windo$/ addfions, landscaping, fences and retatning walls, etc. $20 For minor changes tro buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painung, window additions, landscaping, fences and retainang walls, etc. $20 For revisons to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDITTGS AND STTE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: This application is required for proposars invorving minor exterior arterations and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios,water features, grading, or the addition of retaininq walls. I. - SUBMITTAL REOUIREMEMTS walvolf Stamped topographic survey*, if applicablec Site and Grading plan, if applicable*0 Landscape plan, if applicable*o Photos or drawings which clearly convey exiding condations*o Photos or drawings which clearly convey the proposed building or site alteration(s)*o Exterior color and material sarnples and specifications.o Lighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures, if applicableo written apprwal from a condominium association or joint owner, if applicableo The Aclministrator and/or DRB may require the sutmission of additionat plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary-to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidetines or if the intent of theproposal is not clearly indicated. Pleuse submit three (3) copies of the malerials noted urith an asterisk (*)- / topgr"phicsuruey: [TClbo ) o Wet stamp and signature df a licensed surveyoru Date of surveyo North arrow and graphic bar scaleo Scale of l"=10'or 1"=20Jo Legal description and physical addresso Lot size and buildable area (buildable area excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 400/6, and floodplain)o Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or s€wer invert. This information must be clearly stated on the surveyo Property boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01) of a foot accuracy. Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shorarn. Show existing pins or monuments found and their relationship to the established corner.o Show right of way and property lines; including bearings, distances and curve information.u Indicate all easements identified on the suMivision plat and recorded against the property as indicated in the title report. Ust any easement restridt-ons.o Spot Elevations at the edge of asphalt, along the street frontage of the property at twenty- five foot intervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on either side of the tot,o Topographic condatrons at two foot contour intervalso Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more, as measured from a pornt one foot above grade.I Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streams, etc.).o All existing improvements (including foundation wails, roof overhangs, buildrng overhangs, etc.).q Environmental Hazards (ie. rockfall, debris flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodptain, soils) Page 3 of r2lo2l07lO2 watercourse setbacK, if applicable (show centerline and edge of stream or creek in addition to the required stream or creak setback) show all utility meter locations, including any pedestals on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site. Exact location of existing utility sources aM proposed service lines from their source to the structure. Utilities to include: Cable W Sewer Gas ElectricTelephoneWaterD Size and type of drainage culverts, swales, etc.o Ad.lacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for aminimurn of 250'in either direction from propery. tl Site and Grading pta.n: DVCUtOtljO Scale oI l"=20'or largero Property and setback lineso Existing and proposed easementso Existing and proposed gradeso Existing and proposed layout of buildings and other structures including decks, pagos, fences and walls. Indicate the foundaUon with a dashed line ancl the roof edgC with a solid tine.B All proposed roof ridge lines with proposed ridge elevations. Indicate existing and proposed grades shown underneath alt roof lines. This wilt be used to calcslate builOing heigtri.o Proposed driveways, incJuding percent slope and spot elsraUons at the property iine, garage slab and as necersary along the centerline of the driveway to aacurately reflect grade. - - o A 4' wide unheated concrete pan at the edge of asphaft for driveways that exii the street in an uphill diregtio..D Locations of all utilities including existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structures.o Proposed surface drainage on and off-site.tr Location of landscaped areas.o Location of limits of distur.bance fencingD Location ofall required parking spacesO Snow storage areas.o Proposed dumpster location and detail of dumpster enclosure.D Retaining walls with proposed elevations at top and bottom of walls. A detailed cross-sectionand elevation drawings shatl be provi@ on the plan or separate sheet. Stamped engineering drawings are reguired for walrs between 4' and 6'feet in height.s Delineate areas to be phased and appropriate tirning, if applicable r/Landscape plan: ffAntaao Scale of t" = 20' or lalgers Landscape plan must be drawn at the same scale as the site plan.o Location of existing tre€s, 4" diameter or larger. Indicate trees to remain, to be relocated(including new location), and to b€ removed. Large stands of trees may be shown (as bubble) if the strand is not being affected by the propoeed improvements and gracling.' o Indicate all exisung ground cover and shrubs.B Detailed legend, listing the type and size (calip€r for deciduous trees, height for conifers,gallon size for.shrubs and height for foundation shrubs) of all the existing anJ proposed ptani material inctuding ground cover.o Delineate critical root zones fior existing trees in close proximlty to site grading andconstruction.o Indicate the location of alt proposed plantings.D The locatbn and lYPe of existing and proposed watering systems to be employed in caringfor plant material following its instailation. Page 4 of LzlOLlOTlOz o Existing and proposd contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of walland the bottom of wall elevations noied. y' Lighting ptan: pflxltAv ao Indicate type, lotation and num6er of fixtures.o Include height above grade, lumens output, lurnlnous areaft Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. II, REPAINT PROFOSAI.S For all proposals to repaint existing buildings, the following supp{emental information is required:o color chip or coror.sampre incruding the manufacturer name and coror number(s)o Architectural efevation drawings which clearly indicate the tocation or p.p*"o colo,, (ie.sicting, stucco, window trim, d@rs, fascia, soffits, etc. ) The rolio*ing is an exampre: Page 5 of LZI0Z[07ft} Buildino:l.laterials Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining walls Exterior Lighting Other PROPOSED MATERIALS Tvoe of Material Color /Jxt'ltt, u14 ,lttlallsrt r ll, ttl L il'ctes: Pleese speciF,' the rnanuf:ctu:-er's n3rne. the cclcr name and numbei and attach a color chio. Ir r,ltl{L lb DAp t*rLD€rA"t^tu , PROPOSED IAf{DSCAPIT{G Botanical Name Gommon lianlg euFndtv Size PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS EXIMNG TREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum R€quirements for Landscaping: Deciduous Trees _ 2,,Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6,in hejght Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvoe Souale Footaqe GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please specify other randscape features (i.e, retaining wa[s, fences, swimming poors, etc.) Page 7 of t2loZ/D7lO2 SVbwrlUJ urth/, +1^L (xu*tdot Hptlc*Hav\| | urrlrw LocATIoN vERrFrcATrorl This form is to verify service availability and location for new consuuction and should be used inconjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. The location and availability ofutilities, whether they are main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by thefollowing utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authori.ed Sionature Oat€ QWEST 970.384.0238 (te0 970.384.02s7 (fax) Contact: Jason Sharp EXCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.262.4077 (tet) Contact: Brian Sulzer HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOC. 970.949.5892 (tel) 970.949.a566 (fax) Contact Ted Husky D(CEL ENERGY 970.262.4024 (tel) 970.262,a038 (fax) Contacil Ktt Bogart EAGTE RIVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICTT 970.476.7480 (tel) 970.476.4089 (fax) contact: Fred Haslee AT&T BROADBAND 97Q.949.r224 x 112 (tel) 970.949.9138 (fax) Contact Floyd Salazar :Please qrovide a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining approval from the Eagle River Water & Sanitation District. Fire flow needs must be addressed. NOTES: 1. If the utility verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no commenbare made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems ancl thedevelopment can proceed. 2. If a utility company has concerns with the proposed @nstruction, the utility representaUve shall note directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detaited in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keepin mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resotve identifiedproblems- 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a public Way permit from the Depaffnent of public works at the Town of Vait.'Utilitv losations mu$ h gqglng in any public right-of-way or eas€ment within the T Public Way penDit ancl must be obtained.,Feparately Page 8 of 72/02/07102 =g G) vr z! -7 \Db -tr os a E 9rt-N)rv \ Nf\ ,l\ \i\ f\ ',t\) \r \ N (\.J\i\IN\ t ,il \ N-Y\l \J Fi N N! IJ N\\,.'i N\J \ N\ s N,N \ ri) \ {.\rv wfn dVi\ c... ; \ -\ (\1v t.\ ln s\ ss)rr{ a\ r {'(,\l Ni\ N\.\\ FT t. \ ',h FS GT vf z.6 -7 \- t\LJ iD --ts os <) E Q4F \J $ trf\ \ \t f,\\ \(\ul \ N\\ \lf\\ N!v f\',I\J U \ N c...J\i\N\\ c .TJs \r$ts.\ *****+* +{.{.t** **+ *****{. * ** *:r*:t* * **** *** *{. ****'t*******,1t*+** ********* ** * * * * * * * * * 'r 'r *:r * * **** ** ** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement * *,& * * '1. **** + * * ****** * * * * * * * * l. * ,i rt * * * * **{.*!t* * '}** ** * {.****{.*+* ********* *,t*1.*'}* * * **'}** * **+******* * Statement Number: R030003587 Amount: $20.00 07/02/2OO3].1 :04 AM Palment Method: Check hit: JAR Notation: LB93 Beth Levine Architect Permit No: DR8030001 T)4)e: DRB-Chg to Appr Plans Parcel No: 2LOL13L02O46 Site Address: 4859 NIEADOW DR VAIL Location: Total Fees: $20.00 This Pa).ment 3 $20.00 TotaL Al,L Pmts: $20.00 Balance: 50.00 ** *** ** * 'N. **{.* * +++*+ **** *** *** *** **********:r'N( * ***** ** ********* *** * *'t*'f * **+++* * ** **,} ** **** * *** ACCOLTNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descniption Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEW FTES 20.00 Project Name: Ryerson PEC Number: PEC020053 ProJect DescrlpUon: Vacate pafi wall Pardcipants: owNER RYERSON, ANTHONY M. & CYNTHI1o/LB|2OOZ 4859 MEADOW DR VAIL CO 81657 APPUCANT RYERSON, ANTHONY M. & CYNTHIIO/I 8l20OZ Phone: 475-6607 4859 MEADOW DR VAIL CO 81557 ProJectAddress: 4859 MEADOW DRVAIL Locauon: Legal Description: Lot: Block Subdivision: BIGHORN sTH ADDffiON Parcel Number: 2101-131-0204-6 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motlon Byr Second Byr Voter Conditions: Actlon: STAFFAPR Date of Apprcval: 0U2012003 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made wlthout the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Planner: Bill Gibson PEC Fee Pald: $100.00 P F coLooG3 Date Received by the Community DevelopmentDepartment: iJ B. AppllcANlsREpREsENrAr,ru C-VLSrLltA 3. -R,,qeR-se,t) oooor"" 4{5', l4t MATLTNG noonrss 4"65"1 Ak o .f"t; '-l>p Va,; l, CO . 8tL€S? , D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: srREEr ooo*.r. 4 &5 "l llEz+>c,i,./ l)R \/,AIL= lr A ,1- llb elocx J suaurvrsror.l -'tlq HDIY\ rrlrNtc PancoL Numben -Ca.LL 328-86401 - i Revised 5/2/92 APPLICATION FOR DUPLEX SUBDIVISION REVIEW (Chapter 1 7.24 Y ail Municipal Code) ilrl+ct M f,.P,,e c 'l Atu LL.'J, tl.c, 00...q-\ & Lttt ttj \ c:zs4rp (PLEASE PRrNT OR TYPE)A. APPLICANT MATLING ADDRESS '+n€,q I. E. ^ zn\- n. tA AppLlcATloN FEE $100.00 eRro lO0.''" -ercex+- sy' |.*'.1,,,\w1u- [/1e/ PBOPERTY OWNE OWNER'S SIGNATURE c d-,-\-, pHoNE 4 +b - b Q ol - LOT tU F, MAIERIALS TO BE SUBMITTED: Two mylar copies and one paper copy of the subdivision plat shall be submilted 10 lhe Deparlmenl of Comrnunily Developrnenl. The plal shall include lhe following: a. The final plat shall be drawn by a registered surveyor in India ink, or other subslantial solution, on a reproducible medium (preferably mylar) with dimension of twenty-four by thirty-six inches and shall be al a scale of one hundred feet to one inch or larger with nrargins of one and one-half lo two inches on the left and one-half inch on all olher sides. b.Accurale dimensions to the nearesl one-hundredth of a foot for all lines, angles and curves used 1o describe boundaries, streets. setbacks, alleys, easemenls, struclures, areas to be reserved or dedicaled for public or common uses and other important fealures. All curves shall be circular arcs and shall be defined by the radius, central angle, are scored distances and bearing. All dimensions, both linear and angular, are 1o be determined by an accurate conlrol survey in lhe field which must balance and close within a limit of one in 1en thousand. North arrow and graphic scale. A syslemalic identificatiorr of all existing and proposed buildings, units, lols, blocks, and names for all slreets. An identification of lhe slreels, alleys, parks, and other public areas or facililies as shown on the plat, and a dedication thereof to the public use. An idenlificalion of the easements as shown on the plat and a grant lhereof lo the public use. Areas reserved for future public acquisition shall also be shown on the plat. A wrilten srtrvey description of the area including the lolal acreage lo the nearesl appropriate significanl figure. The acreage of each lot or parcel shall be shown in this manner as well. A description of all survey monuments, both found and set, which mark lhe hoirndaries of the sr.rbdivision, and a descriplion of all monuments used in conducling the survey. Monument perimet€r per Colorado statutes. Two perirreler nronurnents shall be established as major conlrol monuments. the rralerials which shall be delermined by the town engineer.. A slalernenl by the land srlrveyor explaining how bearing base was delermined. A certificate by the registered land surveyor as outlined in Chapter 17.32 of thist. RECEIVEB /)/'1 ,^ -tl'1 ' t t ^?"iro Yfb-uuui- ef\L'Y\. D rHt/t 3 T, puourL'hO- o. s h. Ocr l8 2002 X l. lr e as to the accuracy of the survey and pla1, and tfral the survey was perforrred by him in accordance with colorado Revised statLrres 1973. I'iri;38. Arricle s t . A cerlificale by an aflorney admitled ro practrce In rhe state ol colorado. or corporale lille insurer, lhat lhe owner(s) of record dedicating lo lhe public thepublic righl-of-way, areas or facilities as shown thereon are lhe owners thereof infee simple, free and clear of ail liens and encumbrances except as noted. The proper form for filing of lhe plat with the Eagle county clerk and recorder. certiticate of dedicalion and ownership. should the certjficate of dedication and ownership provide for a dedicalion of land or improvements to the public, allbeneficiaries of deeds of trust and mortgage holoers on said real properry will be requrred to sign the cerlificale of dedicarion and ownership in addition to ihe fee simple owner thereot. AII current laxes musl be paid prior to lhe Town's approval of plat. This includes laxes which have been billed oul but are not ye1 due. The cerlificate of taxes paid musl be signed on the plat or a slatement from the Eagle county Assessors cifiice musl be provided wit rhe submiltal inf ormation'stating that all taies have been paro. 2. n. Signature of owner. The plat musl contain the following statemenl: "For zoning purposes, the lots created by this subdivision are lo be lreated as one lot wilh no more lhan two dwelling unils allowed on the combinec area of the !!Vq lots.'-The slatemenl shall be modified to indicale the number of units and lots orooosed." A copy of lh€ dsclaralions and/or covenanls relating 10 the subr.livrsjon, which shall assure lne mainlenance of any common areas which may be created. The covenanls shali run wilh the iand and shall be in a form surlable for recording wilh lhe Eag e county clerk and Recorder. H 4. Schedules A & Bof a ttlle report. APPROVAL PROCESS, REVIEW CRITERTA Upon receiving two copies of a complele submillal aiong with payment ol the approprrate fee, the zoning adminislrator shall route one copy oi the sile map to the lown engineer for hrs review. Tlte zoning adminislralor shal then conduct this review concurrenlly. The town engineer shall review the submitlal and return comments and nolificalions to the zoning admrnislrator who sha ltransmil the approval, disapproval or approval wilh modificalions of the plal wilhin fourteen days 1o lhe applicant. The zoning adminislrator shall sign lhe plat if approved or require modifrcaiions on the plat for approval or deny approval due 1o inconsistencies wrth lhe originally approved plan or failure to make other required modificalions of the plat. FILING AND RECORDING TheDepartment of Community Development will record the plal and any relaled covenanls wlth the Eagle county clerk and Recorder. Fees lor recording shall be paid by the applicanl. Tire Community Development Department wtll retain one mylar copy of the plat for their recorcls and will record lhe remaining mylar copy. lf this applicalion requires a separate review by any local, State or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are nol limited to: colorado Departmenl of Highway Access Permils, Arrny corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicanl shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50% of lhe applicalion fee. lf, at the applicant's requesl. any maller is postponed lor hearing, causing the mailer lo be re-published, then, the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the appiicanr. Applications deemed by the Community Development Deparlment 1o have signrficanl design, iand rrse or olher isstres which may have a significanl irnpacl on the community may require review by consullanls olher than lown slaff. Should a determinalion be made by the lown slaff thal an outside consuitant js needed to review any application, the Communily Developmenl may hire an outside consultanl, it shall eslimate the amounl of money necessary to pay him or her and this amounl shall he forwarcled lo the Town by lhe applicanl al the time he files his appltcalion with the Oornmunily Developmenl Deparlment. tlpon complelion of lhe review of the applicalion by the consullant, any of lhe funds forwarded by the applicanl for paymenl of lhe consultanl which have nol been paid to the consullant shall be returned lo lhe applicanl. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess ol the amounl lonvardecl by the applicant shall be paid to lhe'Iown by the applicant within 30 days of norificalion by lhe Town. \1. +f**'f**+****ii**f***+++t+l++++t*'t{rt++*+t+***++t{'It+*t+**at*af***i**+f,*iarIiirart ,r*****|tttI* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO SIAICMCNI*{.**+**'tt* ||t il'***f,* ++++**t*t*+***f+***+***+*+*tf+f*+i++**r*tr****rr** iif,+ *|.rrtt*r!*t+*{.t+ tr+t,t, * Statenent Nurnber: R000003302 Amount: g1OO.O0 LO/Lg/2OOZO4:40 pM Palment Method: credit crd Init: iIAR Notation: credit. cardCindy Ryergon Permit No: P8C020053 TIG)e: pEC - Duplex Su.bdivlelonParcel No! 2L0L]-3IO2O46 Slte Addreas: 4859 MEADOW DR VAIIr IJocatl.on: TotaL Feea: 9100.00This Payment: 9100.OO Total A[Lr pmE,e; $100.OO Balance: $0,00t+ * * * * * +* *:* * * ** f ** + |l * * * +* * ** * * *+* * * t a t ++ + + ++t!t t tl t I + ++ ++ +*+ | | t *+ * ** **** tt r *r i* * + +* f,*t ** * 'r !i * ri ACCOLINT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Curnent pmts PV OO1OOOO31125OO PEC APPLICATION FEES 100.00 .. -...':' :" TCIUH (}F URIL 75 S FBOIITRSE ufirl e0 816:? 97&-479-ileE ' 54142710181663t Tout DnlE i6118/0t Tlttt 83:48 ITff! 001 r/ls sftLE t}Fr Iflcfl: 43885z38e$eiF14 Et#r I RTSP: AUTH/TI(T 9IO46T.\ TCITftL:$188. Si? i RIfiTI Tt} TR? NBOUT TOTflL RI,IBUIIT nff0fi$$t0 T0 CARI) IS$UE8 tiEFginrn Prm,cr +t,y.y (zu6*Q-,*, [YiITHIft 8 SYTRSOH ?[YiITHIfi 8 SYEflSOH ? T0P [6PY-lttfi[HftilT B0TI0]1 t0ty-uu$Tfifiri TOWN OF VAIt 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArr_,, co 9L657 970-479-2L39 APPTICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER ilob Address: 4859 MEADOW DR Location. ..: 4859 MEADoW DR Parcel No. . : 2101-131--02-045 Project No. 3 PRiIo0-0169 RYERSON, TONY/CINDY 4859 MEADOW DRTVE, VArL, co 81657 RYERSON, TONY/CINDY 4859 MEADOW DRTVE, VArL, co 81657 RYBRSON AI{:TIIONY M & CYIiTTITTA B 4859 MBADOW DR, VArL CO 8L657 Statug...: ISSUED epplied. .z o7/L4/20o0 Issued...z 07/L8/2000 Expires . . z oL/L4/2001- Phone ? 97o-476-66O7 Phone t 970-476-6607 Phonel. 970-476-6607 Lol \r" ,B\k5 Deecription: WIIIDOW REPI.ACEMENT AND I,ANDSCAPING Occupancy: R3 Singl-e Family Resi-dence Tyle Construction: V N Tytrle V Non-RaLed Valuation:L,2O0 Add Sq FE: Flrlplac€ Infomatlon r RcBtrictcd: yEs SOf 6a6 Appliances:*of grB Log6:*of wood/Pellec: 2 ta*r'r'tttttttti*'l''lrjrii'lit**'tii'.'tttit'*ir.''i'rtttttr'BEBsr,Ii|ti{AxYl'|t'tt*.'r*i''rt.*|rttir*a'rti*' Bulldlng-----> 41.00 Rr6tuaranc pl6n Review--> '00 ToEaI calculatsed Pe's---> 90'55 Pfan chock---> 26.68 DRB Foe--------- 2o'oo Additslonal Fees---------> 'o0 1nv..clga!ion>.00ReclealionFce--.-......>.ooTolalPeruitFce--.....->90.65 wi1].ca}l-.-->3.o0c1.an-UPDepoe1c.---..-.>.ooPayn.ng6---'.-----.-..--> TOTAL FEES-..--- 90,55 BAIANCA DT'E--.-. DePt : BUII-,DING Divisl-on: ROUTBD TO CMRLIE CHARLIE DAVIS---DePt : PLANNfNG Division: SIGNED OFF BY GEORGE- DePE: FIRE Division: N/A DEPE: PT'B WORK DiViSION: N/A wirrrr,,rt *r*r rrrrr. r tt I rrrirrrrirrritt r rtrr++ritt,r* tttti*tai'rttlltrlarrirtt*tttfarra See page 2 of Ehis Document for any conditions thaE nay apply Eo Ehis permitr. DECLARATIONS I hgreby reknoiladgc tshac I hEvc r.ad Ehl. appllcarl.on, fill.d out ln futl Che inf,oruaglon rcquircd, coBPl€tod tn rccuraCc lrloE plrn, qnd Etsa!. tshrt afl tshc inf,onutsion provid6d .. rGqulrcd i€ correcb. I .gr.c to conPly rl'th chc infomrtion.nd Plot Pl'n, go coblrly rlth all Torn ordlnanccr and 6tr!e 1at6, and fo build thl! atruclufe accordlng tg lhc Tot'n'a zonlng lnd lubdLvlEion codcs, dc6lgrt rrvJ,cr approvcd, tniforn Building code and obhcr oldinaDc€o of th! Torn rPPllcable tsherclo. RBQUAATS B8 !,!ADB l ET+T1-FOUR HOI'RA IN AD\IANC8 BY TEI,EPI' o O7/L6/2OOO KATITY ACTION: NQTE6t771'/266o CHARLTE Action: APPR IEbM:. O54OO PI,ANNING DEPARTTTESE: 61 /16/2ooo KATHY Action: .A,PPR ITbM:' O55OO FIRE DEPARTT'IENTA7/L6/2ooo KATI{Y Actsion: APPRrtbm:' 05500 PttBLrc woRK$ 01/16|2OOO KATITY AcEion: APPR B...1\.'*^ \,.[, DEPARTMENT OF COMMI'NTTY DEVET-,OPMENf J €:ta s- NOTE: THIS PBRMIT MUST BE ADD/ALT SFR BUILD POSTBD ON JOBSITE AT ALI., TIMES PBRMIT Permit #: 800-01-65 Cl.an-Op D.po.ie To: RYERSON' g 8I6!IA1URS 08 OIIIIER OR C1CNTRACTOR 8:0o A|| St00 PM Page 2 *******************************************************tr************************ CONDITIONS Permits #: 800-0165 as of O1/L\/OO Statsus---: ISSIIED *************************************!t****************************************** Permit, Tlrye: ADD/AL,T SFR BUII-,D PERMIT Applicant,-- : RYERSON, TONy/cIl[DY 970-476-6607 ilob Address: 4859 MEiADOW DR LocaLion---: 4859 MEADOW DR Parcel No--: 2101-131-02-045 Apptied-- z O7/La/2000 Issued--- : O7 /L8/2000 To E:qrire z 0L/L4/200L Description: !{II[DOV[ PGPI,ACEMEIIT AND I,ANDSCAPING * tt * * * * * * * * * * * * !* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Conditiong * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. FIEIJD INSPEcIIONS ARE RBQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPL,IAIICE. 2. SMOKE DBTESTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AI.ID EVERY sToRY AS PER S8C.3L0.5.1 0F TIIB l-997 UBC. 3. HEADER FOR l[EW WINDOW OPENING MUST COMPL,Y TO 1997 UBC sEc.2320 o TOM{ OF VAIL, C1CIORADO Statennt **t*tttilllt**ti*t tti*tt tl*t **tl***t*t !t*t **r*!t.rrrr*i **rr rrr*r*t** Statennt Nunber: REC-O6SS Amount:7O.65 O7/L8l0O 09:10 Palment llethod: 148 Notation: CINDY RyERSON InLt: fi Perarlt No: B00-0165 fype: A-BUILD ADD/ALT AFR BUII.D pE ParceL No: 2101-131-02-o45 glte Addres6: 4859 ITIEADOIS DR IJocation 3 4859 ITIBADOW DR Total Feee: ?0 .65 Tota1 ALL hrte: Balance : a * t + t i t t * if t t t * * * * t i * t * * *t t * t * + * I i * tl i * * + t t * * i t * t i *r * * t t * t * t * * * * * * Account code Deaerlpti.on BP 00tr.oo0o3111100 BUIL,DIDTG pBR rT FEBA PF OO1OOOO31].2300 PLAN CI.IECK FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WILIJ CEIJI' INSPE TION FEE 'IhLs Palment 90 .55 90 .65 .o0 Anount 41.OO 26 .65 3.O0 ^" "PJ$ILII.?"I g**,'i,:i :,!*##,* u n = o rvwry0Fvtn 75 S. Frontase Rd, Vail, ColoraEo 81657 TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Separate Permits are required tbr electrical, plunrbing, rrrechanical. etc.! u1q' c\24 Project #: pPsoo- Otroq Building Permit #: SOO - Ol@5 97 O- 47 I -2149 (Inspections) Contad Assessorc Office at 970-328-864O or visit '.com for Parcel # Parcet # JI fil -l hl- Ol- - A 45 'rob Name: llQ E l?sc:ns Rttstn t-rob Address: t/SSq f/ieadout De . (a, I Co t Legal Description Lot: f(e Block:5 "f ubdivision : -f->7 r q [r.tr o- f-t o*?9[t Tfl?:' ERierso^oooLtfft, ftwcid-ott t\a Phone:Q 74t ? 74 lda Z Architbct/Designt!, u n r.Address: / ,/ /Phone: t / Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed descriotion of work. vtl t ndo,*) f<-Pl a cacl w irLl lc,rryr w indc:uJ. WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel (r,,t'eepatr1 ; Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ;f Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family (?.fqultrfamily ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) 2 No. of Accommodation Units in this buildinq: No/Type of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet (>! Wood Burninq ( Noffypeof FireplacesProposed:GasAppliances( ) GasLoqs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurninq(NOTALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes( ) No()' ll Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( c-).,- h+, COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) EUILDING: $ /,zloa *ELECTRICAL: $ -.E.OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $ ._f MECHANICAL: $ .+ToTAL: S /. Zo o REFUND CLEANIJP DEPOSIT TO: i,l"/,'Town of Vail Req. No.:and Phone #'s: -lrlb- trtoOl' er Contractor Sionature: o * r"* * * * * * ^. * * * * * *-ffiH.sillg;I.3?"?.- Type of Construction: Occupanc\r Grouo:I Planner Sign-offr I Public Way Permat Fee: .'vone/forms/bldgperm I t'lll Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 Department of Community Development Project Name;nfa-L Project Address: r 46.rc/ wacLc d / This Checklist must be comoleted before a Buildino Permit application is acceoted. r/ nlt pages of application is complete j/ Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form El Condominium Association letter of approval attached if pro.lect is a Multi-Family complex ral Complete site plan submitted lf Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) u/ Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumpster.parkino or material storaqe allowed on roadwavs and shoulders without written approval fl 4 n'Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring gg4 1t-- Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) o Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial) tz' Window and door schedule i\) 1\ ,E--.-Full structural plans, inctuding design criteria (ie.loads) &' Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (AIl Commercial and Multi Family) 6 - Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection a- Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated b/ Smoke detectors shown on Dlans S" Types and quantity of fireplaces shown Appficant's sisnature: (." *t'* E ' RW'rr.=- Date of submittal: t I J N.\ F:/everyone/forms/bldperm2 Received By: BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this depaftment to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: F : everyone/forms/bldperm3 WHEN A'PUBLIC WAY PERMIT" IS REQUIRED PLEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A*PUBLIC WAY PERMIT": D fl E a L] Is this a new residence? YES NO Does demolition work being performed require the u9e of the Right-of-Way, easements or public property? YtS_ NO V Is any utility work needed? YES Is the driveway being repaved? Is a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? YES No t"/ Is any drainage work bgnf('done that affects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public property?YES NO V :J ! ls a "Revocable Right-of Way Permit" required?YES NOZ Is the Right of-Way, egdments or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing?YES_ NO |./ lf answer rs NO, is a parffi, staging or fencing plan required by Public Works?YES_ No b/ If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development (a sample is attached). If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Works at 479-2198. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL THE ABOVE OUESNONS. t-/ "4 ra,o4 146,,", q Colntractor Siqn;ture Job or Project Name: Date Signed: O outt ? -- Company Name NO YES F:/everyone/forms/bldperm4 PUBLIC WORKS AND THE PUBLIC WAY PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: Fill out the attached check list with the Building Permit Application. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" permit is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. Notice sign-offs for utility companies. ALL utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November 1st and will need to be resubmitted for consideration for approval through the winter. Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction. Sketch of work being performed must be submltted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail electricians and irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or deny the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit". i NOTE: The above process is for work in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. Re-application each November 15th does not mean an automatic renewal, understand the above.I have read and F:/everyone/forms/bldperm5 / Date Signed DRAINAGE AND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED BY PUBLIC WORKS! Plcasc rcad and chcck offeach ofthe items bclorv: r The Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. The Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culvefts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Department for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at479-2198 to request an inspection from the Public Works Deoartment. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Department will be approving all final drainage and culvert installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to any Final Certificate of OccuBancv issuance. Agreed to by: Project Name: Date Signed: F :/everyone/forms/bldperm6 TVWNOF MATERIAL STORAGE AND CONSTRUCTION PARKING Please read and check off each of the items below. (Copies of complete text are available upon request) CODE 5-2-10: DEPOSTTS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITED o Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. tr Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notifo and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the notified. D Summons and Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this code. o Notice and Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of .the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section 1-4-l of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979). CODES 7.3A.L AND 7-3A-3T PARKING OBSTRUCTING TRAFFIC & IMPOUNDMENT AUTHORIZED No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other place within this Municipality in such a manner or under such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper street or highway maintenance. (Ord, 2(1968) S 1) Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle attended or unattended, standing upon any portion of a street or upon any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to constitute a violation of any section of this Article, or left unattended for a period of twenty four (24) hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by Colorado Revised Statutes section 42-4-1102, as amended, the officer shall require the vehicle to be removed or cause it to be removed and placed in storage in the nearest garage or other place of safety designated or maintained by this Municipality, and the charges for towing and storage of such vehicle shall be charged to the owner of the vehicle in addition to a ten dollar ($10) impoundment charge. (Ord. 2(1968) $ 3: Ord. 28(1981) 5 1) I have read and will cornply with the above code provisions: Position or Relationship Yr*n) f, ,r. - //-r, Date Signed: _k14/t" F:/everyone/forms/bldpernrT TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTACEROAD V,i.ll" CJi 81657 970-4'i9-2138 O DE'ARTMENroFCoMMUurvter-opMENr-b.'g!.*^!.-.-b A.V\- L";\ tG, Biki NOTII: THIS PERMI.I'MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT AT,I, TIMES ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 802-0259 Job Address: 4859 MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 4859 MEADOW DRIVE Applied . . : 0811312002 Parcel No...: 210113102046 Issued . .. : 0812712002 ProjectNo : Expires. ..: 0212312003 ot{NER RYERSON, ANTHONY M. & CYNTHL0S/L3/2002 phone: 4859 MEADOW DR VAIL CO 81657 License: CoNTRACTOR EAGI-,E COIJI{|ITY IMAGES 08/L3/2OO2 phone: 970-476-8322 P.O. BOX 493 VAIIJ, CO 81_6 58 I-,icense: 341-B APPITICAIIT EAGLE eOIrNrY TMAGES 08/]-3/2002 Phone: 970-476-8322 P.O. BOX 493 VAIL, CO 81558 License: 341-B Description:Addition to 1st floor and tower Occupancy: R-3 U-l TypeConstruction: VN TypeVNon-Rated Valuation: $182,000.00 Add Sq Ft: 667 Fireplacc Information: Resnicted: Y g ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 * t*,trt ** * t +* + *+ + + + t t,. +ji t t t t t * *t ** l l Building:--> $1,058.00 Restuarant Plan Review-> $0.00 Total Calculated Fees-> $1,865.25 pfan Check_-> 5694.20 DRB Fee_-_____> 50.00 Addirional ls€s_____> ($2s.00) Investigation-> S0 . 00 Recreation Fee.-----> $100 . 05 Total Permit Fee---> $1 , 790 .25 WiflCall---> $3.00 Clean-up Deposit------> $0.00 Payments------------> $l ,'190.25 TOTAL FEES-------> S1, 865 .25 BAI,ANCE DUE---..> $0 . 00 Approvals:Item: 05L00 BUILDING DEPARTMENT o8/22/2oo2 ccD Action: AP Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENI o8/Ls/2o02 bgibson Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEN| Item: 05500 PIIBLIC WORKS See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR oFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. Send Clean-up Deposit To: N/A /u" OF OWNER OR L{4 SIGNATU FOR HIMSELFAND OWNER PACE 2 {.*it****{.q'N.{.t|***************'*****'|.,l.{.**{.,N.*,tt**,r*******'i*'t**{t'}'t*,|.*********:}:t(**:***#****ll**'|t'|t,}** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: BO2-0259 as of 08-27-2002 Status: ISSUED ***rf **r|'t't'**{.**!**'********{''**,t!*!*****'r*'t ***:r******r.:t't *:} * ** {r *:* ** * * **:* * ** * *,*r* ** * ** *:*.* * * * * ** * * * * *,* * * * * * * * * * + ** Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied: 08/13/2002 Applicant: EAGLE COLJNry IMAGES Issued: 08/27/2002970-476-8322 To Expire: 0212312003 Job Address: 4859 MEADOW DR VAIL Location: 4859 MEADOW DRIVE ParcelNo: 210113102046 Description: Addition to l st floor and tower **.'*{.,1r***,f ,}***************:*****:r.*r.*{.***r.* *x**,****** conditions *******,t** *******i.**{.*'},}*************:t***r}*:f Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.3IO.9.I OF THE I997 UBC. .i I - rr **+**+itt'|*a+*l*+++{'*t'}*****t**:}+********i}***+*'}+*'t***********{.****r.:}**********++*+****{t*,r** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statemenr t+ * | l a +f l++++ *+ ++* ++++'**********{.fl*** ******f* *'l'1.*** +* ** * * ** **** *********** **** ** * * ** 't + +* + + * Staternent Number: R000002965 Anrount,: ' $1, 790 ,25 Og/27/ZOOzto:33 AItl Palment Uethod: Credit Crd Init: LC Notation: paid with Viea PETMiT NO: BO2-0259 TYPE: ADD,/AI.,T SFR BUILD PERMIT Parcel No: 210113102045 Site AddreEe: 4859 MEADOW DR VAIIr Location: 4859 ME;AI)OW DRM Total Pees: 9L,79O.25 This Payment: $L,79O.25 Total AIJL pmte: $1,290.25 Balance: $0.00 tr* *'l* * **'i* l' * *{' *** * * * ***{.3'f * *r*+** f {.******* +**t* *** +'f 't *'} * r'}* *f +td.* | ** * +****f *f * t ** t** * f * ***t ** ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriptlon Current Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES RF 111OOOO31i27OO RECREATION FEES 1,068.00 694.20 28. 05 Iom tf i;r l +*+ CUSTL{'iEP RECilt,T r' per: |'HAIFE jipi: lB Drarrrr: Iaie: "qlliirti &l iiitiiri nr: 106Ji 'escri pt t or 0t,, lror,nti' - I0NSIRUCTitl.J t':fr I il0a.c.{t CYJ'ITHiA RYEfiSIJN | _ lliN Cl.rECk ;ti I $694.i16 CYIITHIA ilvERSrrN;r REC|iEATI0N gt'lEfti I $iB. B5 IYNIHIA FYERS|]II FERt'ilT *B0i-0ei9 ender d etii I _c[ CREDIT cA 7014 1179S.e5-otal tendered fl790,ia'ote! layrent i,,llil:n 'rans iiate: El??t0? Tire: lJrlgr07 lHA}g YuiJ FOF YU|JR F.fiYF,EI,III s 1,365,25 APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UN tls NWT|uFVArLly 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 rcq uired(I CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor: €+6LE C€^JNrV 1l-f fr6gs Town of Vail Reg. No.:34/-z Contact and Phone #'s: 41'*zw 3,to - lo?2J vz Q.--..--- COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (LaboT & MateTials BUTLDTNG:$ l6l-ro@,qo ELECTRICAL: 5 L1, ,-fe , oO orHER: $ 4,sc|o, cn PLUMBING: $ b, 9p9 c.K)MECHANICAL: $ S, Offi. oo rorAl:Sl82,o@, @ For Parcel # Conta(t Assessors Office at 97O-328-8640 or visit Parcel # (application will not be accepted without parcel number)2tot l3 tczc 4b rob Name: R qgzol" ft-\) irioil robAddress: tttrq ke+.Dornt ]d/e Subdivision: I I 611OL\J Address: 4(Sq hVmou Dg , t/t4-t't Phone: /176- bbC'| ArchitecvDesign"rt JeT+ Lg U i,g Address: p O ,Ar,,r lE t-t ,.*VOx.,Phone: t ?h -.(r,qlAv -v / enone: Qll _726.?Engineer: HOUEOe z Address: p" o,6oy /.f?2, hUON Detailed description of WorkClass: New( ) Addition(y') Remodel ( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ff) Exterior ( ) Both (Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family (r,/) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building: iflNo. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: : Gas Aopliances ( 0 ) Gas Pellet ( 0 ) Wood Burnino (NOT ALLOWED Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No (Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( **************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*******!k******************t*********** Other Fees: DRB Fees: F:/everyone/forms/bldgperm AU6 r5 2012 'fr I l'i t !,.11 : . ,, 1.\ IOI{'N 0f l',,lll Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 Department of Community Development Project Name:e 7 ieN Project Address: This Checklist must be comoleted before a Buildins Permit aoolication is accepted. All pages of application is complete Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex Complete site plan submitted Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumoster,oarkino or material storaoe allowed on roadwavs and shoulders without written aoproval Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurrrno Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial) Window and door schedule Full structural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated Smoke detectors shown on plans Types and quantity of fireplaces shown U o o a U U !(l tr tr o o o o o o D Applicant's Signature: Date of submittal: F:/everyone/forms/bldperm2 Received By: ,'-:\ - xs{-r.As/,,/ roniliiWY HOW DIDWE RATE WITH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Community Development Department Russell Forrest, Director, (970) 479.213e Check allthat applies. 1. Which Deparfinent(s) did you contact? Building _ Environmental _ Housing_ Admin _Planning DRB _ PEC 2. Was your initial contact with our staff immediate stow or no one available ? 3. lf you were required to wait how long was it before you were helped? 4. Was your project reviewed on a timely basis? Yes / No lf no, why not? 5. Was this your first time to file a DRB app_ PEC app_ i Bldg Permit _ N/A i 6. Please ratethe performance ofthe staffperson who assisted you:54321Name: (knowledge; responsiveness, availability) 7. Overall efiectiveness ofthe FrontService Counter. 5 4 3 2 1 8. What is the best time of day for you to use the Front Service Counter? 9. Any comments you have which would allow us to beter serve you nexttime? Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. We are committed b improving our service. PLEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OFTHE FOLLOWING "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT": ONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A WHEN A'PUBLIC WAY PERMIT" IS REQUIRED QUESN o o o o o o Is any drainage work feing done that affects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public propeAy?YES NO ,1 Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required?YES No/ is the Right-of-Way, epsements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing?YES NO '/ if answer is NO, is a pErking, staging or fencing plan required by Public Works?YES NO V if you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development (a sample is attached). If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Works at 479-2L98. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL THE ABOVE OUESTIONS. +- f-. ^t r)---t- .=> | ,,./ I /- l/-,.-, - \ - +/-^\ Contractor Signature Is this a new residence? YES NO . Does demolition work being performed require the uge of the Right-of-Way, easements or public property? YES_ NO v/ Is any utility work needed? YES- NO v/ Is the driveway being repaved?YES NO ,/ Is a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? YES VA&CV ]CONTL'1 t,nfr6es Job or project r,r.r", ti.'{€lt- t oot jDDiTioN Date Signed:C{ -os -c7- F : /everyone/forms/bldperm4 Company Name PUBLIC WORKS AND THE PUBLIC WAY PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: Fill out the attached check list with the Building Permit Application, If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" permit is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. Notice sign-offs for utility companies. ALL utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper, An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November lst and will need to be resubmitted for consideration for approval through the winter. Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the trafflc control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail electricians and irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or deny the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. As soon as the permit is approved, the Building Depaftment will be notified, allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit". NOTE: The above process is for work in a public rray ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. Re-application each November l5th does not mean an automatic renewal. I have read and understand the above. Signature F :/everyone/forms/bldperm5 Date Signed \':r i l. Colo ra rlo I)cnvcr. Col() r:l d o D i llon, Cr; lo raclo# \ Bo>- o>s7 v..,-f, * i.*.'t*,,ffFfffr In('in,".r{ l,r, ' JFFICIFCffi January 9,2003 Beth Levine Architect PO Box 1825 Avon, CO 81620 Re: Ryerson Residence Remodel, 4859 Meadow Drive, Vail, Eagle County, Colorado (M&N#5676) Dear Ms. Levine: The sffuctural framing of the above residence's renovation was observed by Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. during construction. It is our opinion, based on our limited visual observations, that the fiaming of the residence is constructed substantially in compliance with the intent of the construction documents prepared by our offrce. To the best ofour knowledge, any deficiencies found durins our observations have been corrected. If you have any questions or comments, please call. Very truly yours, MONROE & NEWELL EN Hannes Spaeh, P.E. Principal I rl uJ i- NoO EEEfrlt| FFlri > €;i F3 O R;;tr; Bg5 a&1' s'4r E CO 2002 Corporale sFo..or 70 llcnchuralk Roecl o Suitt, 20.i . l).O. tlox 1597 o Ar'<:n, Color:rdo ti1620 (970) 91.) 7761t . l;AX (97O) f.i9-105.1 o crnail: lrvOn@rtr(}nrot-nt'$r'll.<()rtt t I I Va il, Co lorado Denver, C olora do Dillon, Co lo ra do Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. FIELD REPORT Date: November 6,2002 Project: Ryerson Residence Addition Weather: Cloudv 70 Be nch ma rk Road o 070) 949_7769 . FLx Project #5676 Location: Lot 16, Block 5, Bighom Subdivision, Vail, Eagle County, CO Temo: 25' at 5:00 P.M. To:Beth Levine Architect PO Box 1825 Avon, CO 81620 The site visit was requested by the contractor. The purpose was to review the overall progress of constnrction and discuss repair options for existing condltions. The followine was noted: 1. Framing of the main and upper levels appears to be mostly complete. The tower roof has been erected. Waterproofing is installed on most roofs. The roof over Tony's room was not yet constructed. 2. Above the south wall of Tony's room a continuous (3) - 2x10 sloping roof beam is located. The roof rake overhang shall be framed at this beam as shown in the attached section RXl. 3. The truncated existing prefabricated trusses at the east side of the tower wall inside Tony's room shall be removed. New 2x12 at 1'-4" on center roofjoists shall be installed. 4. A (2) - 12" versa-lam dormer header will be installed in the roof above Tony's room. It shall be connected each end with Simpson HU hangers. A new (2) - I I Yo" verca-lam dormer side beam at the north side of Tony's room shall be installed either on the north side of the existing prefabricated roof truss or in place of this truss' top chord. 2002 5. Co.PoEt. sponer $/ww. m onro e - n e w e | | . c o m Suite 204 r P.O. Box 1597. Avon, Coloraclo 81520 (910) 949-4054 o email: avon @ m onroe-newe ll. com ,@ .6.Additional "ttic stoQe loads cannot be supported ty tfrtQrting prefabricated roof IruSSeS. Contactor's altemate for connecting the loft floor area to the existing building separation wall in lieu OF the framing shown in section 3/S3 shall be the additional installation of a 2x8 ledger nailed into wall blocking with lOd nails at 4" on center (2 rows). No other exceptions to the construction documents were noted. ; Hannes Spaeh, P.E. Principal AP o Monroe frewett Engineers, Inc.OF CALCULAT€O BY DATE DATE oo :*: j' Monroe & NeweII Engineers, Inc. 70 Benchmark Road, Suite 204, PO Box 1597 Avon. Colorado 81620 970/949-7768 970/949-4054 Fax E-mail : avon@monroe-newell.com www.momoe-newell.com FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL LETTER Date:oa Pages (including transmittal) :l-'29 Attention Company Telephone Fax From Subject Enclosed: *aWcr't f$,Scs=ber+F Lg tilesp-i+ ,{Tc- =ze-Yllz,s**t c12 rerephone I Zag"qq Fax 1zae993 Project #- 3cr=rr resel€5l+\ \{po Message: If transmittal is not as indicated please notifu sender 10/24/02 Monroe tivewett Engtneers, Inc. ,", €YEraOoxL ug==. OF OATE PsoUlCI 20+l {9ogl $cdl ?05-1 ftded) Iti t 1 . r'-."q. f i Ailrt.\'1-** _f*o -+ ! *i Monroe & Newell Engineers, Tnc. FIELD REPORT Date: October 21,2002 Project: Ryerson Residence Addition Weather: Sunny _ r\\ElU/srEE f,li'"-,"!EEI# rrtnqn corlor.t. spon.or?jrr8i'i'D !-onroe-newell. com 70 Benchmark Road . Suite 204 ' P.O. Box 7597 . Avon, Colorado 81520 (970) 949-7768 . IjAX (970) 949-4054. email: avon @monroe,newell. com Project #5676 Location: Lot 16, Block 5, Bighorn Subdivision, Vail, Eagle County, CO Temp: 45' at 3:00 P.M. Vail, Colorado Denver, Co Io ra do Dillon, Colo ra do To:Beth Levine Architect PO Box 1825 Avon, CO 81620 The site visit was requested by the contractor. construction and existing conditions. The followins was noted: The purpose was to review the overall progress of 1.Framing of the main and upper levels appears to be mostly complete. The walls of the loft are in place. The bent tower roof beam has been erected. 2. The new main level shed roofjoists are attached to the existing upper level cantilevered stud wall as shown in section 2/S5. Where the exterior existing upper level stud wall was sheathed with a material other than plylvood the contractor shall add 3/o" diameter x 5" lag-bolts at 12 inches on center from the L.V.L. ledger into the blocking panels. The blocking in the upper level wall noted in item 2 shall be supported on a 2x6 stud post each end each blocking panel. An existing window header beam can be removed in the kitchen/dining room wall as long as a (3) - 2xl2 beam is located within the upper level joist space above this wall. The (3) -2x12 beam cannot be spliced above the opening. ). A Ag 5.In the overhan, or,il*p., floor at the west wall of the tit.n?" new gas line will have to be installed. | %" diameter (maximum) holes can be drilled in the center of the floor joist depth. The holes shall be centered in the distance between the kitchen wall and the rim beam. The rim beam of the upper level overhang at the west wall was not sufficiently connected to the upper level floor joists. A Simpson L90 clip shall be installed at every new L.V.L. joist/rim connection. A new header in the walls between the existing living room and the dining room addition is currently installed below the existing upper level floor structure. This beam can be installed flush with the existing floor joists as shown in the attached section Ul. The new tower's southwest wall was erected on top of the top plate of the existing 2x4 building separation wall. The new tower wall shall be blocked solidly at the location of the roofjoists of the existing secondary unit. The roofjoists and sheathing shall be connected to this blocking. At the existing wall top plates the contractor shall install a ledger as shown in the attached section U2. Stud posts on each side of the large tower window and under the bent steel beam in the comer shall be packed out down to the foundation inside the existing separation wall. The small side window posts need to extend only down to the existing separation wall's top plates' A stair landing at the loft level shall be framed as shown in the attached detail S1. No other exceDtions to the construction documents were noted. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Ag oo r 11| ....^--,*-' - ")i--,;- ' .' '-" rfl'P".h f 'l + Monroe f,ewett Englneers, Inc- > -E> - oF_ DATE oo b}f.-f il."t?-,"t' Monroe &ewett Engineers, Inc.oF_ DATE DATE a23-62 oo ! Wll.r Monroe aQe*ett Errgineers, Inc. ,"" Yf:;r4uL z*- oo dif- * *']r.,'. Vail, Col ora do Denver, Colora do Dillon, Coi o ra do Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. Date: September ll, 2002 Project: Ryerson Residence Addition Weather: Rainy Project #5676 Location: Lot 16, Block 5, Bighom Subdivision, Vail, Eagle CountY, CO Temo: 45" at 5:00 P.M. To:Beth Levine Architect PO Box 1825 Avon, CO 81620 The site visit was requested by the contractor. The purpose was to review the overall progress of construction and existing conditions. In addition, our responses to RFI #1 were discussed. The following was noted: 2. 1.Most of the interior drywall at the upper level had been removed to expose existing framing. The existing roof rafters at the east room were con:rected to prefabricated roof trusses over a non-bearing wall. Therefore the existing framing has to be reinforced and the framing members of the future roof framing have to be revised to the existing joist depth in this area. See the attached partial roof framing plan for required framing. The existing prefabricated rooftrusses had been exposed in the area ofthe proposed new roof deck. The vertical truss members under the ridge of the existing roof were located slightly off the exterior bearing wall. They were connected top and bottom with metal nail plates. These nail plates and the vertical posts shall remain in place when the western part of the truss is cut off to be replaced by deck joists and the tower framing. The interior and exterior walls will have to be funed out to accommodate this existing framing. See the attached section Rl for required framing at this location' -r.]- NNZ rr'".,"-o" 3\E!.ffi -''"num corPonrc sFoh'or -it8-'l' -www.monroe-newell,com 70 Benchmark Roacl r Suite 204 cP.O. Box 1597.Avon, Colorado 81620 070) 949-7768. FAX (970) 949-4054 o email: avon@monroe-newell com 3. A.1. 5. 6. At the comer runportf,ne bent steel hip beam in the new toil roof tne steel fabricator shall detail a horizontal bearing seat with firo Yr" diameter lag-bolts (L-4 inches). The new micro-lam floor beam below the new loft floor posts can be located north of the existing plumbing wall as long as the loft posts are installed centered above it. The new southern entry roof foundation pier had been installed approximately 1 '-6" north of the location shown in the construction documents. The new floor framine in the construction documents can be installed as shown. No other exceptions to the construction documents were noted. 4p o 0 R 7rv {/ \ Monroe &Qewett Englneers, Inc. @e. DATE o o , rf$- a "1' A #+\F {\ Monroe &liewell Engineers, Inc. P?oDUCI 2&1 (Si!l $r!b) 2S I (hdddl *-,Jr=. . $.-.Y*'rn-$f -! l. (e, 09/L0/02 15:27 FAX 970 478 9287 ECI FAULAND @01 EAGLE oo IMAGES VAIL CO FA)( COVER SHEET SEM TOUtwryt Pq E- Ib(H Hd,, / KARL FL TATJLANDt-Yfi1^*'fr o?- lo- o1 FlHf,_nnt,'P nn* wa 476-ew//s?o - 1o72FllrrnrDr ? Qf -- lqr?Frrnn*rt gl$$5-9AI I rr-r D Td'r|g|tr. tddtgca'' Gorerrs &!tw-Ssx .. .. ...1,) ^U'.,/z) /oat 3) kr( a) zoor !mr- ... . ..aAJ.....11 &sm s). )-sz-,r 6j Jois ., xLs J.t, ) aea* T4@* Cetl-r\la ,re .5-T5....t1?8..2x 12... /- *r pvw qL|l..r..n./s....zk h., ..,..... t'a>Q...*(4e...p.4J_..:S|99p- A.,.!EtvL 1.S,,,2* .h . .. . P#ras /' 4)- .&7. &w h . =?. e.e y. r- . t*a) ..fr-u4?tu R t P ea .zx /e. k- tr ) *w ):Ifuerh'I n.* .. &. ffi .e_! t.6_ ltyp. . " L N.swt d w.*_ ie, 2.d. ...7..*o- .24-c1..ess .., .. lit---..ffi-..trT..Ac*.nettlf-...8..Qr"t-2.,.-tA4J.'$ -.S..... /.qo . ti g ls .t..r&.u.D. R.V... Ra.o.l-t ..,.. dr \f. i.r)€no: ntv e&E &E K-rgf N6 I 476 9287 ECI FAULANDoo ?o.^3 ffi viceo ftQJL *T ne€ll , IJilL LOTT{IOIJ I^!OUL] DI =Fe,en Ftcc+, bJil1/v fruTo lff l-sglD A'JTAV , €>+erp-i oo Pu(Tle(oil rrUei-'oJ STe€L @oz doo zt* rtu) I Coo.: 1) De'i:l '4gL L* 9*a^\ 'ftgtss s 3uug *t{ or.lC?t€ Uig4T 4oo- c'1-tl -oLt tT Poss.ie t-u +[1 -1Zhrof 9ou.l*t 0 n 7af/l\\VV Monroe &Qewett Engineers, Inc. D-e'-, a --tl ^ohArF I ll '-E)4-- 'fr I rl,n . ta 'r.{rt .' *',li q;rr.t 1t'- I TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vA{L, CO ,8t657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT oF coMMu*ilorurropMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT AI-I, TIMES DEMO. OF PART/ALL BLDC. Permit #: D02-0047 Job Address: 4859 MEADOW DR VAIL Status. . . : ISSUED Location.......: 4859 MEADOW DR Applied . . : 08/1312002 Parcel No....: 210113102046 Issued. . . : 08/1512002 ProjectNo.: 2? Expires...: 0211112003 oI,{NER RYERSON, AMTHONY M. & CYMIHI0S/I3/2002 phone: 4859 MEADOW DR VAII, CO 4L657 Li.cense: CoNIRACTOR EAGL,E Coltlflry IMAGES O8/|3/2OO2 phone: 970-476-8322 P.O. BOX 493 VAfIr, CO 81658 Lricense: 341-B APPLICAT{T EAGLE COInfirY TMAGES 08/L3/2002 phone: 970-476-8322 P.O. BOX 493 VAIL, CO 8165I I-,icense: 34L-B Desciption: DEMO WORK FOR ADDITION TO I ST FLOOR Occupancy: R3 Single Family Residence TypeConstruction: VN TypeVNon-Rated Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $2.000.00 Add Sq Ft 0 Fireplace Informationi R€stricted: # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofcas tngs: O # of Wood Pellet: 0 t * 't,t *,t *,1* * )* !* **,** * Building---> S65 . 00 Rcstuarant Plan Review--> 90 - 00 Total Calculated rees--> $110.25 Plan Check--> $42.2s DRB Fcc-----------> 90.00 Additional Fees-----> $75.00 Investigation-> 90.00 Recreation Fcc-------*-----> $0.00 Total Permit Fee-----> 9185.25 Will Call---> $3 - 00 Cllean-up Deposit-> $0 . 00 Payments---> $185 - 25 TOTAI |[LS____> 9110.2s BALANCE DUE_____> g0 . 00 +,t +,t** i * a + a,j r t t t { Approvals:Item: 05100 BUII-,DING DEPARTMENI O8/!4/2OO2 cdavis Action: AP See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS PAGE 2 ,f **i***** 'lt***'f**!t**!t*!t****++********+:f'i'l* *:t ** * 'i * 'i * * t:t* * * * * * *:i* 'i:* {. * * t!,t **,*,} ** ** ** ** '}!* * * *,t * !t *,t * * * * * * + +'t *+* * CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: D02-0047 as of 08-15-2002 Status: ISSUED****;***'| * ****+ *:*******+*'f *,t*+**tttf 't**+**r'*****:t't*'t'**'it * * * * * ** * * * * '* * * * *:*'t * *!* '| * *'* * {. * t '}:* * ** ** ** + *** t * l,t * t * * * Permit Type: DEMO. OF PART/ALL BLDG. Applicant: EAGLE COUNry IMAGES 970-476-8322 Job Address: 4859 MEADOW DR VAIL Location: 4859 MEADOW DR ParcelNo: 210113102046 Description: DEMO WORK FOR ADDITION TO IST FLOOR Conditions: Applied: 08/1312002 Issued: 08/1512002 To Expire: 0211112003 I hereby acknowledge that I have r"uO thQpll"ation, filled out in full the information-Fquired, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this sfiucture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQTJESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE Y TELEPHONE AT 4 AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. Send Clcm-up Dcposit To: N/A 4..__-- SIGNA OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF ll APPLICATION (.\ UNSIGNED #: Building Permit #: 2149 (Inspections) N ctc.! t,rontage Rd. Vail,Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor: 7,461rs Cottprq Town of Vail Reg. No.:3?r- e Contact and Phone #'s: 37o - /ofa Contractor Signature: COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (l-abq& !!!!glle!E BUILDING: $ELECTRiCAL: $OTHER: f 2/OQO, oa PIUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $TOTAL: $ For Parcel # Contact Assessots Office at 970-328-8640 or visit Parcel # (application will not be accepted without parcel number) Z t O t t 3 tnZ Cilt" rob Name: Q.Qerz,.9anj +-E (7io^)Job Address: SgSZ LegalDescriptaon ll Lotr ll alock: ll Filing:Subdivision: Owners Name:Address:Phone: Architect/Designer:Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work:o IPoL WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel ( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) WorkType: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Both( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No, of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Type of Fireplaces Existing: Gqs Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ,.) Wood BurninQ ( ) No/TyDe of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burnin9 (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( )@exist: Yes( ) No( ) Fees: DRB Fe€s: F:/everyoneforms/bldgperm of Construction: *****************r(**tr*******+*********FOR OFFICE USE ONLY***************c(*!k******************** FG,f,$.*fu {Lf4.\Hm* IVJ^\ wEsrERN ANALYTII IJI,'$ LABORATORY REPORT NO: DATE RECEIVED: DATE REOUIRED: SUBJECT: METHODOLOGY: ACCREDITED: 14922 July 1, 2OO2 July 2, 2OQ2 REFERENCE: Polarized Light Microscopy Analysis for Asbestos; 4 sampres "Method for the Determination of Asbestos in Bulk Building Materials,' (EPA 600/R-93/1 16)' National lnstitute of Standards and Technology (NVLAP) # 2OOO37 Eagle County lmages P.O. Box 493 Vail, CO 81658 4859 Meadow Drive Vail, CO TEST REPORT CLIENT: Page 1 of 1 SAMPLE ID NUMBER SAMPTE LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION VISUAL DESCRIPTION ASBESTIFORM MINERALS OTHER FIBROUS MATERIALS NON.FIBROUS MATERIALS 01 NE Bedroom Drywall / ceiling White granular/ fibrous Non-friable None Det€ctod Cef lulose 1Oo/"Granular Minerals Gypsum vt Laundry Room Wall insulation Pink f ibrous Friable Nono Dotected Glass wool 95 o/o Organics 03 Attic Attic insulation Yellow f ibrous Friable None Detected Glass wool 9506 Orga nic s o4 Upstairs Hallway Drywall / wall White granular/ fibrous Tan f ibrous Non-friable None Detected Cellulose 1Oo/o Fiberglass 11o/o Granular Minerals Gyps um t: Trace Optical Microscopist 'The EPA method is a semiquantitative procedure. Th€ detection limit is betweon 1/10 to I percsnt by area and is dependent upon the slze of the asbestos fibers, the means of sampling and the matrix of the sampled material. The test results reported are for the sample or samples delivered to us and may not represent the entire material from which the sample was takon. The EPA recommends three samples or more be taken for a 'homogenous sampling area" before friable material is considered non-asbestos- containing. All bulk samples are disposed of after six months, unless specilled otherwlse by the cllent. This report from a NVLqP accredited laboratory must not be usod by the client to claim product endorsement by NVLAP or any agency of the U.S. Govemment. ) 1o/o : greater than 1 7o ( 1 = less than 106 i/ il ,inA /l/y \, \-.,/ - \ Maladzhikyan, 12734Branlord street, Suite 19 . Arleta, CA 9133't . (818) 899-0949 . (818) 899-0399 fax r-- z :- -o-o (t) +a o\J+t (D CA: A) - Do D -+alo -t= +6 =ri oq _ o€l,ro^ ng o1|:J tn (noo o;{ NO:c : t71 N -. no- =r.=o DJ o oo-o a) o'o*na, .oY ,/(llJnlo o "*urroo 3 9.q;i,' 'r+GQ PI AJ.Hnx:6e R[:- \ | ^, r\a\ ri ru \ll-!i ^ F';.-q {r:-- '' Q-Fo..-..{|.a |v \ F* =r <..* B- d'3 r'jK-;t a \J-bv .D '" -E : l-r- $;Ra- =i a: ::_ _ <- ^rL = o rr.r n- zX a { 3- 7n 6'- b'Y ZHi E3*<H {Ee.[ F3 tsil[ "5rr trqh'n E=V :dTi EQF xe.ex FFx '^; !E! *Fie o-tr nog+ >!F (pQa EE ;XNJ=l-rf :l#r g i F6E{ I a o *i'= F= sii 3a Zv) =X N'i _6 -.'9 S =!.+J; =. zu;:e;: oIriil 3Ssa>vA.\I s n3Q. Atfst {s. :-: xn \. '9 ;ll; d sYo;=.. _\ vt ! - N-) lJ) T ro-' o f' zA, : d= -.. =->: irtu ,^, d' (l=p1 o i'i(, _:i*od z f- E : @(, I l7l 1A Geneva Drive Vait, CO 8165i 970 476-8322 PO. Box 491 Vail, CO 81658 Fax970 476-9287 08-08-02 Town of Vail Building Department 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Heat loss calculation forAddition at4859 MeadowDrive Dear Building Departmenl Due to a delay of the DRB approval we were not able to complete an accurate Heat loss calculation for the above residence by the time we are able to apply for a Building Permit. This letter is a commitment by Eagle County lmages to provide it to your Department as soon as it becomes available and bring the residence subsequently up to current standards. We hope you find this letter sufficient in not to have to delay the application for the Building Permit. Sincerely, /+@(+H"0 tfurl t[ Fauland \-'/' \----- Eagle County Images Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name Ryerson Residence Project Number: prj00-0169 Project Description: Installation of two new windows and landscaping Owner, Address and Phone: Tony Ryerson Architecvcontact, Address and Phone: Tony Ryerson,4859 Meadow Drive, Vail, Colorado 81658 Project Street Address: 4859 Meadow Drive Legal Description: Lot 16, Block 5, Bighom 5'h Addition Parcel Number: 2101 13 102045 Building Name: Comments: Project#: *,f *PLEASE CONST]LT TIIE T.O.V. BUILDING DEPARTMENT REGARDING iornNrial n Snnsros ABATE MENT Issrrn s - 47 9'2325* * * * Board / Staff Action Motionby: Action: Staff Approved Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: First story windows to align vertically with second story windows' Town Planner: George Ruther Darei 6/19100 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20'00 FTEVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL\g?\I DRBAPPR.FRM ti 2r.c \i.z-#rt Xu Tiol/ \ {r v\+ l.lu+- j Bc-I 4.I II rs!a.16 Ifn a: N /.--*. Ln\ ^-rjar a s1 t' r. -r- -J' -s fr€$ Cl E i*lo-j+\ lrnElr-'lPall t= \ig {?5z HHC "-16, FEi o E !T t(l b - "'l(.. .iF -,1,C":j ();='-u .!, i t. r' ,t TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTACEROAD VAIL, CO 8I657 970-479-2138 o?o*rru*T oF coMM uN,r" ouuurJl r*, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT AI,L TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E02-0154.b/ u i -t\ Job Address: 4859 MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 4859 MEADOW DR Applied . . : 08/26/2002 Parcel No...: 210113102046 Issued . . : 09/09/2002 Project No : P R S6 X -{,t tf\ Expires . .: 03/0812003 oulNER RYERSON, AIITHONY M. & CyNrHt0S/25/20O2 phone: 4859 MEADOW DR VAIL CO o-Lof, / License: CONTRACTOR SHEARON ELECTRIC 08/26/2OO2 Phone: 970-949-6456 P.O. BOX 43 AVON, CO 8L520 I-,icense: l,2l- - E APPITICAI\I]| SHEARON ELECTRfC 08/25/2002 Phone: 970-949-6456 P.O. BOX 43 AVON, CO 8L620 IJicense:121-E Desciption: NEW ADDITION, MOVINC OUTLETS AND SWITCHESValuation: $3,500.00 :* * *,t,1* t 1* 'l rt *;t * * * * Elecrical-------> $72.00 Total Calculated Fces-> $?5.00 DRB Fee---.--> $0.00 Additional Fees-----> 90.00 Investigation-> $0.00 Total Permit liee----> 5?5.00 WillCall------> $3 - 00 Payments---*---------> $?5.00 TOTAL FEES_> $?5.00 BALANCE DUU----> SO.OO * * rl l * t 'l * *:tl *t t t ** Approvals:IIEM: O6OOO EI-,ECTRICAI, DEPARTMENT 08/26/2002 DF Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENI :t t * *t* * * * *:t1t * t + t CONDITIONS OF APPROVALCond:12 (BLJDG.): FIEL,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPL,IANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE o TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY AT 4ZC-$18 ORAT OUR OFFICE FROM t:00 AM - 5 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF *** * * * ** ** * * * * * * * * * + * * * * * l. * * * * ** * * ** * * * * * ** * * * * t + * * + +* ++t * **+ * + * * * * * * {.** * * * t * * * ** * * * * * ** ** * * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement*******+************'i*******+***']**************+*+++++***f***+*+*+i**t **********i******'i**** Statement Number: R000003044 Anount.: $75.00 09/09/2OO2L2z17 PtI Payment Method: Check Init: DDG Not,ation: Eagle Countsy Images 3 623 Permit. No: 802-0154 Tl,'pe: ELECTRICAL, PERMIT Parcel No: 2101L3102 046 Site Address: 4859 MEADOW DR VAIL L,ocaLion: 4859 MEADOW DR TotaL Fees: $75.00This Payment: $75.00 Total ALL Pmts: $?5.00Balance: $0.00 * ** * * * * * * * * * + * * * * * * ** * * * ** +* + * + +*+ * +* * * | {t t * *+:} +* * + i,}* +:lr * * * } * * * ** * + * +* * * * +* t ++ + * * * * * ** * ** * * lt * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Cunnent Pmts EP OO1OOOO31114OO TEMPOMRY POI,{ER PERMITS I.'C OO1()OOO3112BOO hIILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 72.00 3.00 rF IN..MPLET* unrronroAPPLICATIProject #: Building Permit #: Electrical Permit #: 97 O- 47 9' 2149 (InsPections) TDWNOFUAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 INFORMATION Contact and Phone #'s: 13.cB - qqq -Town of Vail Reg. No.: Contractor Signature: -""'--,ru_-* O CoMPLETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and vALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (Labor & Materials) ELESTRTCALVALUATIoN: $ 3, SOO. oO AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE: Assessors Office at 970'328-864O or visit for Parcel #Contact robAddress: Q Afl Y-le>sN NiV{rob Name: (lyg?-Sou q)D i.T io U subdivision: gla{slt-N 5 rc- nAOress:f $< gOwners trtame: (ttZL SOl.i ffi rZcUi,s(o odaLers :e SooitC-(et'" Fsfl't,c rttSDi'rio^-r t nOOO'on1'1r{ n"rnoOut () RuPui'() @ ffit * EHU ""ist at this location: Yes ( ) No (Y4 wort-typ"' lnterior( ) Exterior( ) Both( r.lo. of ,q..on*odation UniG in this building: $N"-f E{tt't, D*"lting UniS in tnis building: <) Is this Permit for a hollqli fgf-L-$ffi*ist: Yes( ) No Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( *******************************c<*******FOR OFFICE USE ONLY************************************* wOther Fees:oate-n@ DRB FEES:fficelveo AUG 2 2 7007 TOV-COM.DEV. Fan;dsisn-4E F :/everyone/forms/elecperm o At--afi(lv\t UFt ''lYb}'J -fi*$ --.r-??-O? 07: l8A .s..hr E"+Foa .E L E cTR r c s7o le ss31 I havc rcad and undetstand thc above. Signah"rre P -O? lJ :.} Overhead seryices are not allowed in the Town of Vail,lJnderground services have to be in condurt (Pvc) frorn the transformer to the electric meter, main disconnectswikh and to tlre first etedrical distrih.rtion iircuii b.earer panet. 3;9,1,?.",*onnect sw.tch shal be tocated n.*t to the mcter on the exterior walt of the strrture earity All underground conduits are required to be inspected before back fiflinE the trench.{n multi-family dwetlirrg units, no electricat wiring or feedeF cabtes shall p.ss from one unit to another. Cof,nmonwalls and spaces are accept€d. NM Cable (Romex) is not allowed in cornmercial buildings or structures exceeding three (3) stori€s,No use of alumrnum wire sma[er than size #g wirl be pedflrtted with the Town of vair. u AII installations of exterior hot tubs or spaS require a DRB appro\ral from planning. This application willnot be accepted without a copy of the DRB approvar form atbcned (ir a'pp[can-re) r If this perrn,t is for instaflauon of an exterior hot fub or spa on a new erevated pfatform or dec,< over30" above grade, you must also obtaln a building permit- D If this Pennit is for instellatlon of an ertenor hot tuh or spa on any eldsting deck 0r elevated platf6rm,a structural engineer rnust revieur the existing corrdition and verify that it will support the acldedconcentrated load' Please provicte a cow of thl *ructural engineers wet stamped letter or drawtngwith this application. c If this is a remodel in a multi-family building witfr a homeowners assoclation, a letter of permissionfrom the association is required. o If this permit is for a commercial space, two (2) sets of sEmped drawings are required. rf you have any queetions-regarding the abovc information or lrave additionet question3,please contact the Town of va-it rrectrrcal rnspector a t glf-izd-2r47. lheinspcctor can bereached on Tuesday, Arof.y ana Fa-ay mornrngs retween ii[ no.rrs of gam end 9am. youraay also lcave a voice mafl ahC Urc inijcctor wilr cell you -taci. ZL /az-- Ogt22/OZ 07:54 TX/LX NO. 1824 P02 szo u s331 APFucrtrot vulLt ro? BE /rOCEFTED tF rilcottptETE oR UilSrGirrDPrclect #: luilJins le"nit *:Elcctrlcll Prrrnit *: 970.41 9- ZLat (rnrp.dloni) P _()3 TUtrtlfiYt 75 S, Fmrtrjr Rd.Vall, Coloredo El65l CoI{TRACTOR tilFOR lrATIOfl E/en'Zorl E/Ea;-p r-Contact and PhoneBv\ .- ?,/?'- (,a1/ 5bJ4^-* Ar,tout{T oF sq-rr r.t srnocrune:ELEcTRtcAL VALU^TION: t j{sOcl, oo COII'IPLETE sQ' FEET FOR NEw EUILDS .nd VALUATIOf{S FOR ALL oTHERS (tabor f,. t{ararirts) i-D'tt't't"t"'r*t'trrrl'irl*:L**l|'t***FOR OFFTCE U$f @alyrrrrara.aar*arr**l*aaar.r.a...*+i.r..t rob t.'mc: RYgre-sou -^}r,iT io..t , flOUl"odr o*JtrL€K Wort Classj t{ew ( ) Workl,pe: lntertor( ) Ertenor(ffiEftZi Does an EHU er(bt at thts lcatbn: Ves ( ) rrn ( Tvpe or Btdg.: singbrdmiry (y') Duore. Jlj-yrjti;m) comrnefti.r ( ) n"*u-.ntffi No. of exisllng Dureflhg unrc n UrisEitOtrg:o. of Acco.nmodadon UniG in thts bu ding: O F :/cvcr).qrc/fu rrnrr/cleqxrm 08/22/02 07:54 TX,/RX NO. 1824 P03 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vAlL, co 81657 970-479-2138 ot*rru"'r oF coMMUN,t" oruuro,?*, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITI] AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M02-0185 '-('{/- <,t,'\ Job Address: 4859 MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 4859 MEADOW DR Applied . . : 0812912002 Parcel No...: 210113102046 lssued. . : 09/1012002 Project No : | ,1 ;1x C', > 'i Expires . .: 03/09/2003 ollNER RYERSON, AIfiTHONy M. & CyNIHIOE/29/2002 phone: 4859 MEADOW DR VAIL CO 8L657 I-,icense: CONTRACTOR ,J S & M Mechanical , Inc. 08/29/2002 Phone: 970-390-1138 P.O. Box 09338 Avon, CO 41520 License : 246 -14 APPIJICANT ,f S & M Mechanical , Inc. 08/29/2002 Phone: 970-390-L138 P.O. Box 09338 Avon, CO 4t620 License : 246-NI Desciption: CHANGE EXISTING TONEW BOILER TO COMPENSATE FOR ADDITIONAL FOOTAGE Valuation: $5,000.00 |ireplace Information: R€stricted: Y # ofcas Appliances: 0 # ofGas l,ogs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 * r 'l * r* *** * ** * * * * *,1* * * * * * * * + * *,1* * * * Mcchanical---> S100 . 00 Restuarant Plan Rcvicw-> $0. 00 Total Calculated Fees-> 5128 - 00 Plan Check--> $25 . 00 DRB Fce---------> $0. 00 Additional Fees-----------> S55 . 00 Investigation-> $0.00 TOTAL FEES-------------> $128.00 Total Pernrit Fee-------> $183 .00 Willcall---> $3.00 Payments------------------> $183.00 BALANCE D[JE___> 50.00 Item: 05100 BUTITDING DEPARTMENT 09/06/2002 GeD Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEIim CONDITION OF APPROVALCond:12 (BI-,DG.): FrELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIANCE. Cond: 22 (BI-,DG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 Ul4C, OR SECTION 701 0F THE L997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES TNSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 T]MC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 o o CHAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER (BLDG.): GAS APPLJIAITCES SHAIJIJ BE VENIED ACCORDING TO TEF.MTNATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O5 OF THE 199? I]I4C, OR Cond: 29 (BLDG. ) : ACCESS TO HEATING EQUTPMENT MUST COMPLY wrTH THE 1997 I]MC AND CIAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BLDG. ) : BOILERS SHAI-,Ir BE MOIINTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBIJE I-,ISTED FOR MOI]N:TING ON COMBUSTIBI,E FIJOORING. Cond: 32 (BL,DG.): PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN TNSPECTION REQIIEST. Cond: 30 (BLDG.): DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONIAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOII'ERS SHALT-, BE EQUIPPED WITH A FIJOOR DRAfN PER SEC. 1-022 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR :'-":::-T-::li'-l---"-l'-Iij--1-?l-]--lTi;-|**t:l:l*,t.:t'l******:l*,t****+*'ttt***,t***f*,t******+..t DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. RIQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADV BY 't'EL[Pl IONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM E:00 AM - 5 PM. , nlt, L 1,u'( z SICN TU OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF 8 AND SHALI-I 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. 3 AND SEC.1017 0F CONST. I'NLESS * * * * * * ** * + +* * ** * +'l' i * * * * ** * * ** * * * ** * * * +* * t + +* * ** ** * ** * * {r* * * +*t*'} *f * * * * * + * * **!tr* +* f + * * t + * * * f**t TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement***** *'********** *********'** * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** ***+* *** * * * * * * * + i * * * * + + * * * * * * * + * ** * * + + f i* + * Statement Number: R000003061 Amount: $183.00 09/LO/ZOOZOL:29 pM Palment Method; Check lnit: DDG Notation: iIS&M l7O4 Pemit No: M02-0185 T]G)e: MECHANICAJ, PERMIT Parcel No: 210113102 045 Site Address ! 4859 MEADOW DR VAfL Location: 4859 MEADOW DR Total FeeB: $ 183 .00 This Payment: $183.00 Total ALL PmtE: gi-83-00 BaLance: $0 .00 * ** * * * * * * * * * * | + +* * * ** ** * * * ** *** ** ** + f + +a* * * * ** * * * *** ** * *i * +*+i i** * +* t** * * *+* ++ **** ** * * ** * * * * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriptjon Cunrent Pmts cL 00100003123000 C0NTRAOToR LICENSES 55.00 l'1P OO1OOOO31113OO MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES 1OO.OO PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 25.00 l^JC 00100003112800 I'IILL CALL INSPECTI0N FEE 3.00 APPLICATIO l* rnrrun.o Building Permit #: Mechanical Permit #: 97 O - 47 I -2149 (Inspections) 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81557 fi,H,:#F'*""" Permit will not be accepted without the following: tr tr D o CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Mecha nica I C-ontractor: JS iH Hzd*ar"!,\'4,- Town of Vail Reg. No.:)(0 H Contact and Phone #'s: 3?0 -/B,r ContractorSignature: r/- ,A;ba;'J.^.'ko MECHANICAL:$ 3l COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT Labor & Materials ************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLy***************************** Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-864O or visit for Parcel # Parcef # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) t /D/ / S/ O ao r'b rob Name: /,ry-o- il/Z.i-.t*.,rob Address: fts? Tlu/u: h . Legal Description Lot:Block;Filing:Subdivision: owners Naner^J*, KUo- ll nooress: e1q flzla, h. ll ehone: 4lA -6A O ZEngineer: a v lRddress:Phone: Detailed descriotion of work: Ma.rrt d'1. "wi:A-j fr a, /)1't/,.) tc</t* ta qnan"wn /'n aLt"t"a.lsn hbg". Work Class; New ( ) Addition Qy' Nteration (rf Repair ( ) Other ( ) Boiler Location: Interior 1r-1- exterior ( ) Other ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No,/{ Type of Bldg: Single-family (J) Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: a No, of Accommodation Units in this building: 6 NoiTypeof FireDlacesExistinq: GasAopliances(l) GasLoqs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurninq( ) Noffype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ({) F: / everyone/forms/ mechperm ^\e nUG a.l ?oo2 8:?6Pll BRFRY ENSLEilRt{ ' ss4'6987 - 3/e8 usA/cDN o g?oz6zulJb il,rderus HyIttoNtc srsTtMs manual c 6lrs Installation, operation and maintenance Gas hot water boiler G 234 X-Model Boilers llffi:lhh fittrd mrl br rtlrrdlorlttfintrhun' I wAnlsE I I eemltp,rrnngthebdbrhboesralion I| *d thls manual Gsrslt*Y. I wAnm|G lmpropcr hslbfron' adftSncrrt albr'tlon scrvlce d mdlbnanoc cm crura iniur:f or p,roPGTV damagp' Rebr b thls rnanuat- Fq asCstencs or eddtdonal ffiormdon conrulta queflad h&lhr, laruioc.Ooncy rr the gas srPptcr. crufio0l The operafihg menual b Partof the docuircntNlbn thatb&lit€rcd to the tnstalhdon'g o9erebr' Go thtottgh the hionndon [r thlr manual rrlh fie iln€r/oporebr and nule sut thethe c dre b mado famils dl ell tho nec€.sary o9crafito il*rrtans .r+ . *. , .-. !t .tf r t or* 1 I auc 1? eooz 6saGPi 3. Eolbr deacti@n EAFRY ETIOLEITFTI - Pn tantr rt[sl t'.lYt - Uf dbow - vern dtPer - ffirvdtp 3/'l' Thr b|lorfrg oehttl tbltls tt' t!'dt!bb: - &orilor - Clr'nho budl 4. hdrlHion J ftb bolbr l! rogrd,.rt fo' hdlmd| |n r dd llere ..ra Or Uorrftf rccrao of rt lcrrf 3tt hdLs h-lrcnt ;iffi";"t-d h. "-,t ito' Hrtnun 6rtdrc'3-ol2-til.fr; $i fro,*, tlfo dtd lil'tLq 6 hdrrl.fiont Hfi:*mHt+r'ffiffiw-il;;;"itt -ndftni oorr rur nd bc r'rdbd on carpdrEl TnnaPorthg Sc bcilet Tnnroql $a botbl to th' hlblhton !bh lttpttt{ ca(bn. ttqnov. b.ttdhg. ljlt oll carmn RoololrE boilB frotl unfit ff.t. ih"ffi u"ut r-" rnccr no lo ornr-ana t3l' b ,--ttt'; p.iii-P,th a ripe urdee tb bolst !r drdn 'nHf#t l|nFotlrtt A|w! grobct dEt m$d fd$ e- Db'' hrfr afll ;;fit ila-im, nft tlt bolr oo rru' od* hillbnltbc Tha bolhr L tltfgrEly h'at'yrtsr fifd' B"qo il*F ffi.'n fi.i b" d.d;rxd [rdfi' tod cflr crnv tlro lc.d. Unpsgnrnrtfirlffi I'|D.d( d bdx rrd ca|grs rnd dEkffi 'l 9rfi ifr--iorn o.rrtu u*rg trt n'cldne r&l protttdec Eacfr botbr ls cftFl(od rtrl hrhrl oarot*y b$tl .ffi,fr.lti b,fit- rast b ru .rdh'eo q orlt.;il;i. i'r"n rie srgrd rttlurtd'l8v' rstr -iittffii .t v pttn.Fto trrtttrrl' ctret lt c"dt*t lor p.rE 3?Oa6eorl'5 F.t Flg.2: Cloddcrim. n9.3 w,4 rb.-- aUG 2? 2OO2 6:27Plt B6RRY E]{GLEHRII ZrDlrreilatom tnd eCt qonn'don3 4r4t"* Flg, I: Fmnil, drh md rfrr,fs. l|llilflritr h hclr3 Urrgdor -.nlt - /2 r)Y 4 Lw -'' q4 &e 4fd" FilRshOFll 9?0252t)196 F.r boltt bhfrFl gn/b b*ott!|l 8rub A ffi rld hdr dnlnnrrlll*cj.l'r nrdrdhtmtr blrGlcr I'8Gil. ryrst 'b 3E fio2m rato 63 7 130 I al {87 46 IEGTM ilxl6m 25.8 7 153 3 cl 8f lu)'rzl4|ll|tgtT@.n.r 7 ltt 1 7.1 $q %2CCtlq,2rt6(xt ig,-7 I 21t I a2 6&f TSL l Dhgt||t 1: f'nsrr! OrS P.zRUG rg 2Oo? 3:06P1'l EfIGLETIRT{ IE 9?O26aO 195BRRRY o6 4 5 EEIFE EEHi E rsE E:H E!Ed $r EF FEFsEEEeFE EllEsBdsiES ruEtrruuraf; iEragaIag E E E ET a EEE f;lt EHe EB* s 5rc t g a a T ;E 3E lE iE i{lr. IE :E ii 2.> IE IE IE iH t3A;|ts IA "E >a E3 EE Eg g3 si EI Er Ei 3i Ei Hi Ez T H IEEE lEEE iEE i EH HB +,., i,r"EHEE "lllll* +aol-oF lllll f$oooo.' t'.F.FFFF'SEttttt 5- ol + d-F8F $EF gHHE 'Efr 33 t Ir -l HFFs gEEE {b HHH P.rs?oa6eo r 9618 ZOOa 3:OEPf'l ETIGLEITRI{BRRRY o F E Et ET EE Eg 8g Bt EB EEEEEEf,EEEEH*HEE EE ta|}l., l.t lr' e.lt -r-B HEEHE EA'EE EEE aa EH TTItrt'ba7 Bd EE EE(1 FE EF EE EEcl^ EFIIEr-rlJ-cE ?= l( E"T T aI Eg EI.a{ .C EHBBEEB sHHHHBH EBEE z *rfiit|ror!EiEE=E E' E 3 aqr ma- 0lt5 Town of \rbil CFFICF fi()PV 11" dr'n dooi Qr/'{n'u}t'f,. ftwd.Crn^hr^1"^ A,i.' tt"w F\ t o ,ht c', h \ 1, I )o4\ FI E t-t .J (1 f..,()e' 9o Fr );-xt,7.i5 e-'fiero E3E I ao 3.f!(9o Portll crAc (ee. loLdTfulel_N I16fr | 4,^"t il rs[, /cr 4s fr r.krt t{,Xt-/ tJL+ Loa) Er,[*r P^r)uvef, foh. Ig,,r^wtrlo( ,ht TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vAiL, CO'816s7 970-479-2t38 ot*r*u*r oF coMMUN,r" orurrot*, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M02-0253 Boe -o2.51 Job Address: 4859 MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 4859 MEADOW DR Applied. . : 11118/2002 Parcel No...: 210113102046 lssued . . : 121t712002 ProjectNo : iqgZ-o tS'l Expires. .: 0611512003 oI4tNER RYERSON, ANTHONY M. & CYNTHILL/LS/2OO2 phone: 4859 MEADOW DR VAIIJ CO 81557 Iricense; COMIRACTOR HEARTH EXCIIANGE, rNC. (THE\ LL/I8/20O2 Phoner 970-A27-9623 P.O BOX 670 MIIi|ITURN. CO 8164s License : L7 4-li APPIJICAITT HEARTH EXCIIANGE. INC. (THE) L1-/L8/2002 Phone: 970-827-9623 P.O BOX 670 MINTURN, CO 8164 5 I-,icense: L74-M Desciption: INSTALLATION OF 2 DIRECT VENT CAS FIREPLACES Valuation: $5.538.00 Fircnlacc Information: Rest cted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofCas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 Mechanical--> Plan Check--> lnvestigation-> wi ca -> S120.00 Restuarant Plan Rqvicw--> $3 0 . 00 DRB Fcc---------------> 90.00 TOTAI-FFFS.._-----> $3.00 Action: AP 90.00 Total Calcul8ted Fees--> $0.00 AdditionalFces---------> $153.00 Total Permil Fcc--------> PaYments-*'-'-'----> BAI,ANCE DTJE-..---.> s1s3.00 s0.00 9153 - 00 s 153 - 00 90 - 00 * * t t 't * l t *,t *,** * * *:*Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT LL/2L/2OO2 JF(yt Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: l-2 (BLDG.): FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. Cond: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTTON AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 UMc, OR sEcTIoN 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond:23 (BLDG. ) : INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO IUANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 UMC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDc.l, no, APpr,rANcEs ,*r.,?e, VENTED AccoRDrNG to a*"at 8 AIID srrAr.,L TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O5 OF THE 1997 I'MC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cofrd: 2 9 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY wrTH CHAPTER 3 AND S8C.1017 OF THE 199? IN4C AND CTIAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BI-,DG.): BOILERS SHALL BE MOITNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBI-,E CONST. IINIJESS I-,ISTED FOR MOI]NTTNG ON COMBUSTIBIJE FIJOORING. Cond: 32 (BI-,DG.): PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE AIIALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTTON REOUEST. Cond: 3O (BLDG. ) : DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOIITERS SHAIJIJ BE EOUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. IO22 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR :::::f-::-ll;'l'-'".i--lTI--l-?i-]--]-T-l;-***'}*,t,t**:'**lt'*||**lt:l|l|l:l:t:t*|**** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOIJR HO(JRS IN ADVANCE i AT 479-2149 OR AT OIJR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET + * + +* + + + + + * * * * * * *** * ** ** ****** * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * ** * ** * * * + * * * * * * + * * * + * 'i * l. * ** * * * ** * * * * * + ++ * * * * * * * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement + * + + + + * t * * * * * * {' **i * ** * * * ** ** ** * ** *** * * * * + + + * * ** ** ** * ++ * + * ** i* ** *** tr * ** *,t * * * ***++++ + +* + * ** *** Statement Number: R000003558 Anount: $153.00 t2/L7/2OO2L2:50 pM Palment Method: check Init: DDG Notation: Hearth Exchange 3548 Permits No: t4O2-0253 Tlt)e: MECHANICAIT PERMIT Parcel No: 21011310204 5 Site Address: 4859 MEADOW DR VAIL Localion: 4859 MEiADOW DR Total Fees: $153.00This Payment: $153.00 Total ALt Pmts: $153.00Balance: $0.00 ** *** ** *++*+ *:t*'i***** '** **'F** ***+*++** t ********* ** **i**t+****+ **t*'t** *+*++****+* ********i**** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Pmts MP OO1OOOO3I113OO I4ECHANICAL PERI4IT FEES 12O.OO PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 30.00 |"lC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO 75 S. Frontase Rd. Vall, Colondo g1657 tl€t Permit # ia2 -oZg7 Mechanical Permit #: not be accepted without the following: Mechanical Room L.yout dr.wn b rcalc to include:fftil Room Dimeniions Air Duct Size Gas Line CoMPLETE Vlr-ualloil FoB-IIEGHANTCAT pERrrrT $9or & Materiats) br Parel #Parcel # 'n *run or' ? WorkClass: New() Addldon( ) Aheration Repah( ) 00er1 1Boilerl-ocation, tnt"@ Does an EHU exlst at thb locadon: yes ( I fq tTVp. rf Bdg.Si"d -hrq t t D, No. of Erisdng Dwelling Unie in mis Uuitdln$No. of Accommodation Unlts in thls building: Noflype of Fireplaces tr*ed Wood Buming (NOT ALLOWED) is tnb a conversion-frofrTwooo b an EPA Phase tr det ice? yET-t-T6 \)^/*V5J* \F: / cYalunc/hlrnr/mcchpum t ,*.rr r I 3. 4 'tI h5".. "\ -' , 1-\t,,,iii /rt TowN oF vArL ot*rrr*T oF coMMUNrry DEVELo 75,S. FRONTAGE ROAD vell, co'stosr 9'70-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES o PMENT Job Address: 4859 MEADOW DR VAIL Location.....: 4859 meadow drive ParcelNo...: 210113102046 project No : f k. :C. z, - -. \ <\ O$INER RYERSON, AICTHONY M. & CYNTHLO9/29/2002 phone: 4859 MEADOW DR VAIIJ CO t'J-Of, / License: CONTRACTOR .J S & M MECI{ANICAL P.O. Box 9338 Avon, Co 8L620 L,icense:280-P APPI,ICA}IT'T S & M MECIIANICAI P.O. Box 9338 Avon, CO 8L620 License:280-P Item: 05L00 BUILDING DEPARTMEI{I o8/29/2oo2 df Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVALCond:12 (BLDG.): FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IANCE. *tlt:a*l,tlll+++,1 *+ DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agee to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. Desciption: adding I bathroom, lav, tib. water closet and shower Valuation: $4,000.00 Fireolace Information: Restricted: ??# ofGas Applianccs: ??# olGas Logs: ??# of Wood Pallet: ?? PLUMBINC PERMI'I' Permit #: P02-0106-1ot oi >1 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 08/29/2002 Issued. . : 0911012002 Expires . .: 03109/2003 o8/29/2002 Phone: 9?0-390-r"138 o8/29/2oo2 Phone: 970-390-1138 $0, oo Total Calculated Fees--> $0. 00 Additional Fees------> $?8.00 Total Permit Fee-----> Paymcnts-------------------> BALANCE DIJE-----> Plumbing--> Plan Check--> Investigation-> Will Call---> $60 - 00 Restuarant Plan Review--> gr.5. oo DRB Fee-----------> $o. oo TOTAI- FEES-------------> $3 .00 $78.00 $0.00 $?8.00 $?8.00 $0.00 REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE o TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADV TELEPHONE AT 479--2138 OR AT Ot.rR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET * t ** * + +f ++ ++ + +*++++ * *** * ** *+ t ** * f **** + + *a* ** * * * * * *+f,+ t * +* * ** * * * + * * * * * * * * * * **+ * * * ** *+ + + + * + * * + TOWNOF VAIL, COLORADO Sratement +f + +**+ ++ ++ ++* * * * * ** * * *** ** * *1* t **,| * *'|* * * * * ** * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * ** ** +* +* * * ** * **** *** ** ** * * Statement Number: R000003060 Anount: $78.00 09/LO/ZOO2OLz27 FM Palment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: ifS&M t704 Permit No: P02-0105 Ty?e: PL,t MBING PERMIT Parcel No: 2 L0113 L 02 046 Site Address: 4859 MEADOW DR VAII,Location: 4859 meadow drive Total Fees: S78.00 This Payment.: $78.00 Total ALIJ pmts: $78.00Balance: 50.00 * * ** * **** * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * **,1**,1**** *** **** *'! ***** *'l***'l * *,1*,** *:l***rr**** ** ** * ******,t** **** ** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descrl0tion Curnent Pmts PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHTCK FEES 1s.00 PP OO1OOOO31112OO PLUMBING PERMIT FEES 60.00 t,lc 00100003112800 I^JILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.00 APPTICATION IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED Project #: Building Permit #: Plumbing Permit #:,'s MWNOPVAILIY 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 97 O-47 9-2L49 (Inspections) COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) oXrs foltlactgr;Town of Vail Reg. No.: PLUMBING: $000, o0 Contad Assessorc Offrce at 970-328-8640 or visit for Parcel # Parcel# (Required if nobldg. permit# isprovidedabove) 2t of / 3lO2O t/b rob Name: RrlgrcSOXt _nbytf iOxJ rob Address: tf S S 7 n4bou ,)d ,lg Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: ownersAgmlz'c 2 Te,,t LrarAAddress: E< s ? tleqloor)2 ll enone: E7 b ^ b b o-T Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed descriotion of work'-a-[;u;;-O) bozt,**t>/t/ r) fua ii r;.a- &or..E d ) JAun-, WorkClass: New( ) Addition(\f Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Type of Bldg.: Sinqle-family M) Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: 2 No. of Accommodation Units in this building: 6r Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No (v/) ***************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY******************************r****** Other Fees:Date Received: DRB Fees:Aeeoted Bv: Planner Siqn-off: F/everyone/forms/plmbperm qF, 1oo t'/ lr l ':-' : : a'- 1. .1titfu"j(ii1.'il *eq, 1t;:q1 ti ?,,.tr)t iins i: .L;is i' :':*.'t F.i,i'.".i i,-1'trlJ :.- I :,ri .. ;t! :!1.)r:rliir::, ;1i {:i:., !:,.rlr A{irrt;:.: 4l!.ti ltr r 9f *'r.ttit I' /'"lii,tj.r i:iJ"{'1n.; r',',t: :.r.i*\n-,."' i\i i"'irxr\1- Lc,i',tr:-\:lr. r {i:.: -r'.-'*,.i-rl.-r i L':i:::ri,,l Jr lr 'ar('i: :-', ,;',,i.'ifj 'rrJ. ii(qr-iri.riltl. i :: :: fui iJt:,.;.:irrrr i1i"...!, i*:srti,-r'url ii r t;ii:ri:isl\i 1' .'- I,r-rl - i ': - [tl.H,//i7'4"r'"''t/u " I::'r r- . 1F:ai: ;t.-fil :i'rl:.lir;:ri'i"! : trfl.., ,li.t1' ,.aj-f;i:.i',.':i! :iJi ni.,tr..i ;,:!1 ')t. 94J. t-..r{|,i ,r.l li' f.fi('ltt i F i:,1 'f / ,lar^ ", /f\-rl i" I .:. .'-i .-trrn 1.,.L: q7?' t7 t,1b I i .li. ;., !r;r;rt{ ( i1.,'!li rii:,ilii't,:r,. }i,rr: li.'t'i l rr,jii ill i' iil* .*.ii : .:r ,.,,i . ..;,.-.,1 :. ri.l :i ;.:!.;:i:: lr ii{.r-' ltrr i !)t.4t.,".): i-r ;i"i . I "lr. ;' j j I . . t: Iir.r'.i:_:I.t1!.r,, t,i :ri.i\ l .1r..1..r l.ll.i'"r.,1r,. ,,;il . r.:r, ' r :ri i:l;' \' :" , /',.; t' i:; 4.'r 'r' I ;.r I i:..1I i 4Jjij ij ':liii{(lt ,,ji }:,: '. 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': j'' 1 .:i;ttrtri,;t-,.a i . -'it F1:: 'i: i.r !! r;i' !*,'1 ,'i:,'r r't:' I Ll'tfl"' i):,: " ..:;t:t ftrl::J':i ;-i: ii , : i i,,. ,'l l;-1!{i1 ir;i. . 1,ti.i{ilrl:tj;:,. i,,!L,!1: :ii,itl i-r,.. fr,aa.! , ,l:\-5 h ; J .1 t llt-ll'r :" i:i 1 9 ;2 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Depadment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Ryerson DRB Number: DR8020403 Project Descrip$on: Change to approved plans: add 60 sq. ft to 3rd floor and change the lst floor roof to standing seam metal roofing Participants: OWNER RYERSON, ANTHONY M. &CYNTHI1U11/2002 Phone: 4859 MEADOW DR VAIL CO 81657 License: APPUCANT Beth Levine,Architect LL/LL12002 Phone:926-5099 POB 1825 Avon, CO Bethlevinearch@cs.com 81620 License: Project Address: 4859 MEADOW DR VAIL Location: Legal Description: Lot: Block Subdivision: BIGHORN 5TH ADDffiON Parcel l{umber: 210113102046 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date of Approvalt L2102120A2 Gonditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0005680 The roof shall be Medium Bronze colored Drexmet standing seam metal roofing. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fe€ Paid: 320.00 Or Application for Des,rgn Review Depatment of Community Development 75 South Fronbge Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479,2139 tax 970.479.7452 web: www.ci.vail,co.us General InformaUon: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information ls received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Towlr Cauncil and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permlt is issued and @nstruction clmmences within one year of the approval, Descri of the lvtl 4Yt Location ofthe Proposal: Lot:Block: 5 ffi ll.t,aZ p|ill bib*n' IOMV Wev,loo> pla6691r. Physical Address: Parcer No.:2 | a tl Vto ? o14 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): 4l Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicanti Lc Mailing Address:ZO Ow^Lvfl' Mailing Address: "a Type of Review and Fee:tr Signstr Conceptual Review -tr. New Construction ftr nodition Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) Minor Alteration (sin g le-family/duplex) tr v& eOtrul $50 Plus $1,00 per square foot of total sign area. No fue $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial builcling (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc.$20 For revisions to plans Design Review Board. No Fee f an.nn", to Approved Plans E-mail Address: tr Separation Request already approved by Planning Staff or the oo I' :o o o * t;,c(1{? h( 'Q1l)t "Ytrdi,&"tlY"u" r [.11,"0' v0 ' "1.,0 " Yr' ir 'w , f) r'Lf*t"fo"t"t*r."-t PROPOSED MATERIATS Tvoe of Material VLt AL\bl*T g,eolr2 lJtwLoux^r4, cth blat M Color 141 34 rrl V,lAt+rlRoof Siding Other Wall Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other W h7l- +.Clae. wo r/lll Vontdnvtw +vvrz re tl,,u@q Notes: Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. (1*: a- ,Qavnpte 4 4w oih*63'ro+ tb 6tleo M*{, Page 6 of t2102107102 . D Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. y' Lighting Planr ?fL!tott 2o Indicate type, lotation and number of fixtures.o Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous areao Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. II. REPAINT PROPOSALS For all proposals to repaint existing buildings, the following supplemental information is required: B Color chip or color sample including the manufacturer name and color number(s)u Architectural elevation drawings which clearly indicate the location of proposed colors (ie. siding, stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, soffits, etc.) The following is an example: o Page 5 of LZl02l07lO2 D U ALITY IOI BONE WH TF'I 02 REGAT WI ] Tt High Performon(e Metol Rooling Finishes 209 MEDIUM BRONIE- 323 MAI{SARD BROVII..]- PREMIUM O 3IOTIAIBLUE -, - 2I ] INDY GREEN ' MILL FINISH 216 STRATFORD BROWN 2t5 FEDFRAI STANDARD BROWN O DREXLUMTTM 2 ] 3 DARK BRONZI 2 ]4 MATTE BIACK Cnll to ondgr t'oll free: * Avoirobre in sorin Finish ;) 206 COLONIAT RED - 324 HARTFORD GREEN 322 TVERGLADE MOSS 2IO CHARCOAI GRAY' 325 IERRA CO]TA 20-5 CORAr 3]BBRIILIANCE"3 I (2 BURGIJNDY 3I 5 DFEP BLUE SFA 3IZ StCTt BLUI 2I2AGEDCOPPER 32I HEMTOCK 320 IORIST GREIN 2OZ SIATE GRAY 2OB DOVI GRAY 2I6SFAFOC 2O4 SURREY BF]OF 2l (r MFTALIIC COPPER 325 BR GHI sIIVLR DREXLUMTTM 2]3DARKBRONZI 326 CHAMPAGNF 888-32r -9630 ** Avoiloble with '1O-yeor Non'Proroted Limited Worronty e Roollng Flnlrher DREXLU'ilE'" Drexel Metols offers o mill finished Golvolume@ with o twosided, cleor chromote/ocrylic finish lhol simultoneously oids roll forming without the use o[ lubriconts ond procticolly eliminotes unsightly hond prints or stoins resulting from hondling ond storoge. The ocrylic finish dissolves noturolly over o period o[ time ond, when left os is, ollows for nolurol ond even weothering. ADDITIONAT SERVICES . Custom color motching . Polyesfer ond siliconized polyester finishes. I PVC Plostisoi f;n ishes ' CultoJength sheets with slrippoble protecllon . Siucco embossing . Full ronge of technicol support including field service WARRANTY A 3O-yeor non-proroted limiied worronty is offered for Trinof cooted metol. A 25 yeor non-proroted Iimited worronV is offered for DRFXLUMETM. A 20-yeor non-proroted limited worronty is offered for Golvolume@. A 2O-yeor limited Weothertighlness Worroniy is olso ovoiloble through Drexel Metols for opproved controctors ond instollers,for o fee. Disrribution Focilities: Drexel Metols Corporotion Drexel Metols Corporotion 204 Roilrood Drive lvylond, PA 18924 2470 Commerce Ploce Sorosoto, tL 34243 $ \ Drornef High P ofmcnce tetal For Golvonize olvolume ond Aluminum Coiis ono Sheefs o erl d,G SUBSTRATES High performonce metol roofing coils ore ovoiloble in G-90 Golvonized,Golvolume6 ond Aluminum. All metol coils ore struclurol quolity ond tension leveled for superior flotness. PRETREAT'YIENT All products qre treoied with BetzDeorborn Permotreol I 500@ for enhonced point odhesion ond superior corrosion resistonce. {"- TRINAR@ (Fluoropolymerl AE9xelEt Drexel Metols'Stondord colors ore produced by Akzo Nobel Cootings, Inc. ond contoin o minimum ol 70o/" Kynor 500@ or Hylor 500O@ bose resin with ceromic pigments. AII stondords ore formuloted to ensure consistent color ond quolity. The Trinor system is opplied over Akzo Nobel polyesier primer in o minimum thickness of 0.2 mil ond cqn be opplied to either Golvolume,D, HD Golvonized or Aluminum substrotes. All toocoots ore o minimum of 0.8 mil of the Trinor color ol choice. The reverse side is primer ond woshcoot of 0.5 mil tbtol dry film thickness. ' Drexel Metols Corporotion Drexel Metols Corporotion 530 Norlh Second Street I 2000 E 56th Ave Suite B Combridge, OH 43725 Denver, CO 80239 Colors shown represent the rctuol color os closely os possible. To ensure exoct color for tinol opprovol, o metol color chip is ovoiloble. Worronty stotemenls mentioned ore outlines; complete Limited Worronty informotion is ovoiloble on request. No other worronly expressed or implied is opplicoble. TMDEMARKS: Drexmet is o regisiered trqdemork of Drexel Meiols Corporolion. Kynor 500 is o regisiered hsdemork of ELF Atochem Norlh Americo, Inc. Hylor 5000 is o regislered fodemork of Ausimoni IJSA Inc. Trinqr is o regislered trqdemork of Akzo Nobel Cootings, Inc. Permotreot l50O process is o registered trodemork of BetzDeorborn, Inc. Golvolume is o registered hodemork of BIEC Inlernotionol, Inc- Drexmef OUAI. ITY 204 Roilrood Drive, lvylond Pq 18974 (888)32 1 -9630 toll free info@drexmet.com www.drexmet.com TOI4'T'ffiP Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Ryerson DRB Number: DR8020296 Project Description: Change to approved plan/addition to ground level patio and retaining wall Partic-pants: OWNER RYERSON, ANTHONY M. & CYNTHI0S/30/2002 Phone: 4859 MEADOW DR VAIL CO 81657 License: APPUCANT Beth Levine, Architect 0813012002 Phone: 926-5099 POB 1825 Avon, CO Bethlevinearch@cs.com 81620 License: ProiectAddress: 4859 MEADOW DRVAIL Location: Legal DescripUon: Lot: Block: Subdivision: BIGHORN 5TH ADDffiON Parcel Number: 210113102046 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Voter DateofApprovalt O9lO4l20O2 Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 Buildino Materials PROPOSED MATERIALS Tvoe of Material Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures /--^^-L^,.^^-\.I EEt I t\JUJE5 Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other anohv*Vn*kL Notes: Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip, Page 6 of L2102107102 o Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. y'tightingPlan: o Indicate type, location and number of fixtures.o Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous areao Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. II. REPAINT PROPOSALS For all proposals to repaint existing buildings, the following supplemental information is required: o Color chip or color sample including the manufacturer name and color number(s)o Architectural elevation drawings which clearly indicate the location of proposed colors (ie. siding, stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, soffits, etc.) The following is an example: Page 5 of 12102107102 PROPOSED I.ANDSCAPING Botanical Name Common Name Quantitv Size PROPOSED rnrrs lm na/t) AND SHRUBS EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirements for Landscaping: Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 5' in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvpe Square Footaqe GROUND COVER >Lru SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please specify other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) PageT of L2l0Zl07lO2 o 6j4Y0: rbtl UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION This form is to verify service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. The location and availability of utilities, whether they are main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Siqnature Date QWEST 970.384.0238 (tel) 970.384.0257 (fax) Contact: Jason Sharp EXCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.262.a077 (tel) Contact: Brian Sulzer HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOC. 970.9a9.s892 (tel) 970.949.4566 (fax) Contact: Ted Husky EXCEL ENERGY 970.262.4024 (tel) 970.262.4038 (fax) Contact: Kit Bogart EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT* 970.476.7480 (tet) 970.476.4089 (fax) Contact: Fred Haslee AT&T BROADBAND 970.949.7224 x 112 (tel) 970.949.9138 (fax) Contact: Floyd Salazar 1. xPlease provide a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining approval from the Eagle River Water & Sanitation District. Fire flow needs must be addressed. NOTES: If the utility verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed. if a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative shall note directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified problems. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department of Public Works at the Town of Vail. UtiliW locations must be obtained before digging in any public right-of-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A buildinq oermit is not a Public Wav permit and must be obtained seoarately. ? Page 8 of 12102107102 ** *,t** ***,* *{.**** ** ******* * ** ** *** * * 'lr * * * * * * * * * * * * *:} * *** ************ * *.1. * * * 't * * * * '} * * * * *** ******* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement**** ****** *'t*** * **** ** ** * * ***+* *******+** * * ** {r:* **:*:} *:}** ** * ******** **** **'}* ****!t*** *** * * ** * * * statement Nuniber: R000002995 Amount: s20.00 08/30/200204: o9 PM Payment Method: Check Init: JAR Notation: L838 Beth Levine Architect Permit No: DR8020296 q4)e: DRB-Chg to Appr Plans Parcel No: 2LOLL3L02O46 Site Address: 4859 MEADOW DR VAIL L,ocation: Total Fees: S20.00This Palment: $20.00 Total ALL Pmts: $20-00Bal-ance: $O.OO ***,1. ************ ** ** ** * ** * **.**:* *:l ** * ** ** ****:*t( *,****,* {.********* * * *** *,1.:t*** *:t:t***** *,}*** * *** ** ACCOLTNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Pmts DR OOIOOOO3Il22OO DFSTGN RFV]Ii^J IIIS 20.00 oo ot Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name Ryerson Residence Project Number: prj00-01 69 Proj ect De scripti on : Install ati on or #Fr* * inao* f*!f, n ar rup i n g Owner, Address and Phone: Tony Ryerson Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Tony Ryerson, 4859 Meadow Drive, Vail, Colorado 81658 Project Street Address: 4859 Meadow Drive Legal Description: Lot 16, Block 5, Bighorn 5'h Addition Parcel Number: 210113102045 Building Name: Comments: Project#: ***PLEASE CONSULT THE T.O.V. BUILDING DEPARTMENT REGARDING POTENTIAL ASBESTOS ABATEMENT ISSUES _ 47 9.2325* * X * Board / Staff Action Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Action: StaffApproved Conditions: First story windows to align vertically with second story windows. Town Planner: George Ruther Date:6/19/00 F:\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL\9AI DRBAPPR.FRM DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 ^ - Town of Vail Uepilfhenr of Community Development 75 S. Frontage Boad Vail, CO E1657 . o t t1 "- - l./r't"^.'L 91il{4, q.Tn40 I r' M Arir{ress // f Proiect: v Please make checks pavable to the TOWN OF VAIL Receipt No. a^r. & r 4 rOd Account No.Item No.Code #Cost Each Total 001 0000 314 1 1 10 Zoning and Address Maps zA s5.00 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Buildinq Code - 1997 - Volume 1 &2 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Building Code - 1997 - Volume 3 $s7.20 001 0000 314 1112 lnternational Plumbinq Code - 1997 $36.00 001 0000 3141112 international Mechanical Code - 1998 Lr t1 $s5.00 001 0000 3141112 Uniform Mechanical Code -.1997 $33.60 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Fire Code CB $36.00 001 0000 314 1112 National Electrical Code UE $37.00 001 0000 314 1112 Abatement of Dangerous Bldg.'s 1997 $Y.Y) 001 0000 314 1112 Model Enerqv Code - 1995 $10.00 001 0000 314 1112 Analvsis of Revisions to 1997 Uniform codes $12.75 001 0000 314 1112 Other Code Books CB 001 0000 314 1211 Blue Prints/Mylar Copy Fees BF $7.00 001 00003'141111 Xerox Copies XC $0.2s 001 0000 314 11'l 1 Lionshead Master Plan ($1.80/$1.50)MS $40.00 001 0000 s14 1111 Studies. Master Plans. etc.IVS 001 0000 315 3000 Penaltv Fees/Re-lnsoections PN 001 0000 311 2300 Plan Fleview Re-check Fee ($40/per hour)rr 001 0000 31s 2000 Otf Hours Inspection Fees OH 001 0000 312 3000 Contractors License Fees 001 0000 312 4000 Sign Application Fee DT .00 001 0000 312 4000 Additional Sion ADolication Fee 001 0000 311 2200 Desion Review Board Fee (Pre-oaid 001 0000 31s 3000 Building Investigation Fee 001 0000 240 3300 Developer lmprovemenl Agreemefi Deposit D2-DEP10 001 0000 312 1000 Restaurant License fee (TOV) 001 0000 230 2000-001 0000 201 1000 Spec. Assess.-Restaurant Fee t-o,qo.qgpl BgL Taxable @ 4.5ol. (stato) - Tax pavable Torn of Vail unre' I)6orSHsJft'* **'8FIil,,-ifiru, IIESCRIPTII]II OTY AII(}UNI IP TcE6V r rrg,0g rcl c IE}I}ER DETOILUK 17K? ?315i ,l#f,6d NiOU}IT TIHDERED feg.98TIIIE: l4rJ0:4i re0.6s teo.88 THRI{K Yt}U FOR Y[}UR PAYIIEIITI MS '001 0000310 1r00 Taxable @ 4.0% (fown) - Retail Sales Tax _ Other/Misc. - 001 00003112s00 PEC APPLICANON FEES 001 0000 311 2500 Additional GRFA - "250' 001 00003112500 ooi oooo sl1 2s00 Conditional Use PermitExmtt. 001 0000 311 2500 Exterior Alteration - lvlore than 100 so. ft. 001 0000 311 2500 Soecial DeveloDment District - NEW 001 00003112500 Special Development District - Maior Amend 001 0000 311 2s00 Special Developm€nt District - Minor Amend 001 0000 311 2s00 Subdivision Fees 001 0000 311 2s00 Variance 001 0000 311 2500 Zoninq Code Amendments Re-Zoninq 001 0000 319 3100 Greenstar Prooram Other TOTAL:() ,/ *l*ot nillutbz- - /s5?E mzaflm)"o ^"n'"t . ,,1,r ), cash ---- Moneyorder#- "n**uffi '/f tl I F:/Evervone/Forms/Salesacl.exe r014 flt C|( 76? ,I -.fign RevieviAction ilt TOWN OF VAIL Category Number 1 Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: )|'Owner, Address and Phone: J ArchitecVOontact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot . Block :) Subdivision Proiect Street Address: ' ,. Comments: Motion by: Board / Staff Action Vote: Seconded by: ! Approval n Disapproval E StaffApprovat Conditions: DRB Fee Pre-oaid f zoNE cHEcK . FOR Famity Residence, DuPIex' o marySinglePri,/Secondary ZONE DTSTRICTS i -r q<-DATE: U-l'- / J LEGAI-, DESCRIPTION: Lot. /t F]-ocl< f subdivision ADDRESS: OWNER PHONE PI{ONEARCHITECT Al-v t<ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE <,x,1 ,-. s, ,^< L ,l--.-L* Allowed /--\\(30)(1;/ t L'7Y la-. = t' BUILDABLE Exis tinq Proposed Total z,t 3r-z=i- 4478 I z b*l * t711.7 + ira -' 425 425 = -fo t, l.k ffi /16l'L Front Sides Rear r.si te coverage 1. zo) y,tiandscaping /,6^ 'fecaining wall lleighLs .,farking tdatage CrediL a-:Drive: Complies with T.o.v' ,z6aler course Setback "d6 nittinn Grades Exceecl z'6nvi ronmen La 1,/ltazards : =H& 20, L5't5' 4 s5t^ t 3 o0Fr 3'/6' L tL.5 -- z[ "5 t S- Reqrd EncL % (30) (s0) 2:L (50%) nla- YES @,-- 6,<- 1) Flood P1ain PercenL Slope (< > 30%) Geologic rtazards b) Rockfalla) Snow Avalanche 4,/a ,r.\ rrzr,.'lrf .a11 n Uv\Ji L/(' c) Debris FIow 4) weElands Yes N.r . ,--/Ltv-_:_-_ 250 ircidiLiorr?Addition is used with uhis '). rcques t? al: /t 'c' d<*, J, (t'rr-7 r ! P^' 1"' '' y'.,t,, ' ,l' ., ! z) JI 4", Corridor Encroachmcn t. : vSoes t.his reqtiesl invoive d lEow much of Lhe allowed 250 rPr6-rrious condit.ions of approval (check properLy f ilq): /t <> tt" f S i' a-..- ^ ,, ,\ gty; <,l-tu. tr p r.. /, *1 {,i t-z<'J ', ,l)tl"<'I 4,f.y'* ,, .4.,.".z-, /" ,tLt L-<fr r.-,a_J n/. " n ' tt 6Jn/..*7,.-,., ,?_L..') ?LY .J e' .'r ,l <talti z <,)'lzczr rL -l p ,,,,) . b?? /4?3 LOT AREA ",L,b-4tt{ z4* 3 lLjL 3f ,; <- /!-c 1a 2 qs4 3 / /!t (3oo)(fri) (eoo) (1200) saa- Permittcd slope dI-% Proposed Slope LighLing Ordinance Yes No 4eishY I-rOLAI GRFA Primary GRFA ,,6econdary GRFA i,9etbacks 10 'r"'fi2 ?/ ws _Eh) tg?z zErt ,-/ t\rl -2/+ i-,2 e'0s71 Y/$ ts/ '.' 4 'tr(- \'/ J 1--+-- T -..7 ,a r--r' ! -T o BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: o-J-/; A-^\ v4 --LXt3 a>* p.*- / J., . f!--^- J-4 u*_f Engihcering: --QF <-'x- / - ' cLq''f/ "--A / Date:'4)sn7 t*T Landscaping: TO:'MIKE McGEE PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTEDJ I COMMENTS NEEDED BY, a /r// "'r Date: Dalc: GREG HALL TODD OPPENHEIMER Return to Anctv Knudtscn Town Planncr DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW Reviewed by: Comments: Reviewed by: Comments: Fire Dept.: Reviewed by: Commcnts: /, Distributed to the Fire Departmcnt, pubric works, and Landsc aping on_4LhSl --*---{l-_ll.-:r.-. oLD RE;Lrc NATT'NAL TrrLE rNsnRANeE coMpANy ALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE A Our Order # V1111 For Informat.ion Onlv - Charges -ALrA owne'-n?t*3{o,, - - ****WITH YOI]R REM]TTANCE PLEASE REFER TO OUR ORDER NO. V1111**** 1. EffecE,ive Date: May 19, L995 at 5:00 P.M. 2. Policy Eo be issued, and proposed fnsured: trALTAn Owner's Policy LO-L7-92 Proposed Insured: AI\TTHONY M. RYERSON and CYNTHTA B. RYERSON 3. The est.ate or inEeresE in the land described or referred to i-nthis Commitment and covered herein is: A Fee Simple 4. Title co Ehe estate or interest covered herein is at theeffective date hereof vested in: AI{THONT M. RYERSON and CYNTHIA B. RYERSON 5. The land referred to in this CommitmenE is described asfollows: PARCEL B, TOGETHER WTTH AN I]NDIVIDED 1-l2 INTEREST IN AND TO PARCEL C, A RESUBDIVISION OF LOT 1.5, BLOCK 5, BIGHORN SUBDIVISION, FIFTH ADDITION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED MAY31, 1991 IN BOOK 555 AT PAGE 37, COI'NTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. PAGE 1 ALrl.oMMrrMENr O SCHEDULE B-]- (Requirements) Our Order # V1111 The following are the requirement.s to be complied with: 1. Payment to or for the account. of t.he grantors or mortgagors ofthe fuII consideraEion for the estate or interest Eo be insured. 2. Proper instrument(s) creating the estate or interest to be insured must be executed and duly filed for record, Eo-wiE: THIS COMMITMENT IS FOR INFORMATION ONL,Y, AND NO POLICY WILL BE ISSUED PI]RSUANT HERETO. THE COI]IVTY CLERK AND RECORDERS OFFICE REQUIRES RETIJRN ADDRESSES ON DOCI]MENTS SENT FOR RECORDING! ! PAGE 2 Ar,TlaoMMrrMENT SCHEDULE B-2 (ExcepLions) our order # v1-111 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to thefollowing unless the same are disposed of to t,he satisfaction ofthe Company: 1. Standard Exceptions 1- through 5 prinEed on the cover sheet. 6. Taxes and assessments not yet due or payable and special assessmenEs not yet certified to Ehe Treasurer's office. 7 - ArIy unpaid Laxes or assessments against said land. 8. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. 9. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN I'NITED STATES PATENT RECORDED SepEeilber L3, 1902, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 491-. 10. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCIIES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AIITHORITY OF THE IINITED STATES AS RESERVED IN IINITED STATES PATEIUI RECORDED September 13, 1,902, rN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 491. 1-1 . RESTRICTIVE COVENAIfrIS WHICH DO NOT COIflTAIN A FORFEITTTRE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, Bt]"T OMITTING RESTRICTIONS, TF ANY, BASED ON RACE, COI,OR, REIJIGION, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN. AS CONTAINED IN INSTRI]MENT RECORDED Novenibcrr 25, L956, TN BOOK ].75 AT PAGE 445. l-2. UTILITY EASEMENT FIVE FEET IN WIDTH ALONG ALL,, INTERIOR LOT L,INES AS RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PI.,AT OF BIGHORN SI]BDIVISION FIFTH ADDITION. ]-3. EXISTING LEASES AND TENANCIES. 14. EASEMEI\TTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF BIGHORN SI'BDIVISION FIFTH ADDITION AND ON TIIE PLAT RECORDED MAY 31-, L99L, IN BOOK 555 AT PAGE 37. 15. PLAT RESTRICTION AS CONTAINED ON PLAT RECORDED MAY 31 , L99L IN BOOK 555 AT PAGE 37: FOR ZONING PI'RPOSES, THE THREE PARCEI.,S CREATED BY THIS RESI'BDIVISION ARE TO BE TREATED AS ONE ENTITY WITH NO MORE THAN ONE TWO-FAMILY RESIDENCE ALLOWED ON THE COMBfNED AREA OF THE TWO PARCELS. ALLOWABLE GROSS RESIDENTIAL,, FL,OOR AREA FOR THE TWO-FAMILY RESIDENCE WILL BE CALCULATED BASED ON THE COMBINED AREA OF THE THREE PARCELS. 1-6. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF PARTY WALL AGREEME}TT RECORDED MAY 31, 1991 IN BOOK 555 AT PAGE 38. PAGE 3 ALTP"oMMTTMENT SCHEDUI-,E B-2 (ExcepEions) Our Order # V11l-l- 17. DEED OF TRUST DATED November 24, L993, FROM ANTHONY M. RYERSON and CYNIfHIAB, RYERSON TO THE PI'BI.,,IC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF FIRST NATIOMIIDE BANK TO SECURE THE SIJM OF $11-2,500.00 RECORDED December 03, 1993, IN BOOK 626 AT PAGE 490. SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS ASSIGNED TO F]RST NATTONWTDE MORTGAGE CORPORATION IN ASSIGNMENI RECORDED October 24, L994, IN BOOK 653 AT PAGE 288. PAGE 4 I o TOWN Ol.'VAIL RE<:ErrN'. vb*/F DtIirr{1 };Nl Of COlll\lLrNl't Y DtiyEl,orDlENr ,^,5e2-fg c|IF.(:KS lltAOr, rAVABI,S.l(} TOWN OPVAII.*l AccotrNrNo.' ' o 0000 4 540 ZONINC N ND N DDITI:S:J MN PS $5.00 il 0 0000 424 5 UNIIJOIIM I'UILDIN(; CODI $54.OO 0 0000 424 s UNlljORM PLUMIIING CODI)$39.00 0 0000 424 5 uNtFot(M M Iict In NICA L ('Or)ri $J7.00 0 0000 424 s UNII()ttM f'lRll CODU $J6.00 0 0000 424 5 NATtONn L IrLriCTRrCAr- COr)l s37.00 il 0 0000 424 5 oTlltit( coDl; lJ(x)KS ll 0 0000 4 5,lti llLUl, PRINTS (MYI.ARS)$7.00 rl 0 0000 424 XIJITOX COPII,:S $0.25 0 00(x) 424 z S'TUDII;S 0 0000 424 2 rOVFI;lrS COMPUTIiR PI(O(;Rn M $5.00 0 0000 4237 |I'tiN^LTY l;tilis / Rti-tNSPtlct'loNS 0 0000 4 J32 PLAN Rl;VIliw I{U-CIll;CK }'l:l: [$4{l Pl:lt III(.] 0 0000 423-12 ol.'t.' I tou I{s tNsPlicTtoN Fl.:r:r; 0 0000 4 .,l-dliT:r{ICTORSIlCllNsllsFiiiT E 0 0000 4 stcN APPLICATION f'l s20.00 0 0000 4 4 t-1 ADDITIONn L SIGNA(;l: l;l:lr [S 1.00 Pl:lt SQ.l;l-.] o 0000 4j VTC N I{T I'I{().II:CT IX)NAI'ION o aoo-@{))=-ptUi Pn ID DtistcN Iilivlt'w tJoARD Ijtit:t oD'-/no 0 0000Yznl INVIjSTI(;n TlON l" l: l: (llulLDlN(;) 0000 451 o TOV PN I{KINC I:UNI) 0r 0000 22027 tOV NIiWSPA t'l,R DISPI;NSl:R l'UNl) E. :l * 0l 0000 2t I l2 TAXABLII ('n.{% (STA]'U) $l * 0t 0000 4 t0t 0 TAXA tlLli (ai.l% ('IOWN) :l 0 0000 4217 |I3U ILDIN(; INVI|STICATION oTt llitt I'I.]E A I'FLIEA-I' I O N I;D ES l,0000 4 3_10 ,DDl-noNAL(;ttl.'A "2-so'$2U0.OU 0 00rD.1 ll0 CONDII'IONAL USli I'l,ltMlT $200.00 0 0000 4 330 rtxTlir{roR ALTtjRAI'roN ILtjss'fllAN 100 sQ.FT.l $200.00 o 0000 4 310 lrxTl':lllOl{ ALTUI{ATION {f"l0l(l: TIIAN loO SQ.l"T.l $500.o0 t+!5i t:!::r 0 0000 4 330 SPIjCIAL DliVliLOPMljNTDlSl-ltlCT INl:w]$ I.500.(x) 0 0000 4 Jl0 S PIjCIA L I) UV IJLoPM I:N1' I)IS'I'I{ IC'I' tM AJOR AMI'N D $ | ,000.00 0 0000 4 3J0 S I'l:ClA L Dlivl jLOPM l:NT DIS'f lt ICT [M I NOR AMIrN D]$2(X).00 :l 0 0000 4 JJU SUT3DIVISION ":l 0 0000 4 3,10 vn Rtn NCti $250.00 (,0000 4 330 Z-ON IN(; COI)|, A M l,N Dlvl I,NTS $250.00 0 0000 ,1 Ill: - ZONIN(;$200.00 o11 l:t( o1't ltilt lToTn L: Zf\ cAsE r-,,..,, f?4 r,'l.ol-t *r-U", V - It !=, :, ,, , OF VAIIJ, Ecvi6od, e /17 /94 DESIGN .:l$ I. A. PROJECT INFORMATTON: DESCRIpTI ON- G-.-5, // lYo' /r. f-. /" u/l/,r, REVIEI{ BOARD APPI.,ICATION - TOWN DATE RECETVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: *rt******** *rb*rt****** TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction ($200. 00)rz Addition (950.00)Minor A1 LeraLion ($20.00) Conceptual Review ($0) ADDRESS : lf f? 4t"r/o,. D r,?e tt ,-/, aa g/as 7 n LEGAL DESCRIPTISubdivision If property is d.escribed bydescription, please provideto this application. a meets and boundson a separaEe sheet 1ega1 and attach E. ZONING: F, NAME OFuailing APPLICANT: Address: H. NAI\,IE OFMailing APPLICANT ' SAddressl.{t{'REPRESENTATIVE: ? '^1c,t ,/t ,- /) n-,,2 c I. ,1 . Phonell NAME OF OWNER(S)://-ia 4 ON/NER (S) SIGNATTJRE:Mailing Address: APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOW OWNERIS SIGNATT'RE Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid aL the Lime of submittal of t.he DRB application. Later, whenapplying for a building permit, please identify the accuratevaluat.ion of Lhe proposal . The Town of Vail will adjust tbefee according to Lhe tabte below, to ensure the correct feeis paid. FEE $CHEDUI.,,E: $ VALUATION0 $ 10, 000 FEE 20.00 Kt $200.00 $400.00 $500.00 ONE YE.AR AFTER FINAIJ ISSUED AIVD CONSTRUCTION s "r,,rui i 50,000 $ s0, 001 $ 150 , c00 $150, 00r_ - $ 500, 000 $500, 001_ - $1,000, 000$ Over $1.000,000 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAIJ EXPIRES APPROVAIJ I'NIJESS A BUILDING PERMIT ISIS STARTAD. F aroposed driveway, in.rllrg percenr slopeand spot elevations at t,he property 1ine,garaqe slab and as necessary alonq thecenterl-ine of the drive bo accurately reflectd.riveway grade. d. A 4' concreEe drive pan at the edge ofasphalt for driveways that exit the street inan uphi1l direction. 2. all existing improvements includ.ing structures,landscaped areas, service areas, storage areas,wa1ks, dri.veways, of f - st.reet parkingr, loadingareas, retaining walls (with top and bottom ofwal1 spot elevations), and other existing siteimprovemenus. 3. In order to determine proposed building heightselevations of all top roof ridges, and eaves whendetermined necessary by the zoning administrator,shall be indicated on the sit,e plan with exisLingand proposed contour lines shown und.erneath, C. Landscaoe Plan (ftt = 20' or larger) - 3 copies required.7. At. a minimum, the following information musE be\provided on the landscape plan: a. LocaLion of existing trees 4't diameter orlarger, b. Type, size and location of all exisLing andproposed pIanL material, c. Location of all trees to be transplanted, d. A detailed legend of all proposed plantmaterial including common and Latin names. 2. The location and tlpe of existing and proposed. watering syst.ems to be employed in caring forplanL mat.erial following its installation. 3. Exiscing and proposed contour 1ines. Retainingwalls should be included with the contourinformation with top of wall and bottom of wa11elevations listed. 4. Complete the attached landscape maEerials 1ist. Sign off from each utititv comoanv verifying theIocation of utility service and availability (seeattached utility verification form) . A preliminarv title report Schedule A and B mustaccompany all submittals, t.o insure property ownershipand identify all easements affecting the subjectproperty. F. Architectural Plans (L/9" - l-t or larger, 1/4' ispreferred scale for review) 3 copies are required. 1. Floor plans and all elevations of the proposeddevelopment drawn to scale and ful1y dimensioned.The elevat,ion drawings must show both existing and f inish.ed grades. 2. One set of floor pLans must be ,fred-linedr to showhow the gross residential floor area (GRFA) wascalculated, 3. Exterior materials and colors sha11 be specified.on the aLtached materials 1ist. rhis rnatlrialslist must be cornpleted and submitted as a part ofthe application. Color chips, siding sampleseLc., shall be presented at the Design ReviewBoard meeLing. Details including, but not, limited 4 n E. aII. A pre-application neeting with a mernber of the planningstaff is encouraged to determine if any additionalapplication information is needed. It is the applicant'sresponsibility to make an appointmenL with the staff todetermine if there are addiLional submittal reguirements.Please note that a coMpLETe application will sLreamllne thereview process for your projectt ITI. IMPORTAIWI NOTICE REGARDING AIII' SUBMISSIONS TO TIIE DRB: A. In addition Eo meet,ing submitLal requirement,s, theapplj.cant musE stake and tape the project siEe boindicaEe property lines, building lines and build,ingcorners. AlI trees Lo be removed must be taped. A11site uapings and staking must be completed prior Eo the DRB site visit.. The applicant must ensure that stakingdone during the winter is not buried by snow. B. The review process for NEW BUIL,,DINGS normall.y reguires Ewo separate meetings of the Design Review Board: aconceBtual review and a final review. C. Applicant,s who fail Lo appear before the Design ReviewBoard on Lheir scheduled meeting date and who have notasked in advance that discussion on ttreir item bepostponed, will have their items removed from the DIiB agenda until such time as the it.em has beenrepublished. D. The following items may, at the discretion of Ehezoning administrator, be approved by Lhe CommunityDevelopment DepartmenL staff (i.e. a formal hearingbefore Lhe DRB may not be required): a. Windows, skylights and similar exterior changeswhich do not alter the exist,ing plane of thebuilding'; and b. Building additions not. visible from any other 1otor public space. AL t.he time such a proposal issubmitt.ed, applicants musL include letters fromadjacent properLy owners and/or from t,he aqrent foror manager of any ad.jacent condominiurn associationsLaLing the association approves of the addition. E. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfa11, flood plain, debris flow,wetland, etc. ) , a hazard. study must be submitt.ed andthe owner must sign an affidavit recogmizing the hazardreport prior to the issuance of a build.ing permiL.applicants are encouraged to check hrit,h a Town plannerprior to DRB application to determine t,he relationshipof the property Eo all mapped hazards. F. For all residential construction: a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the insideface of the exterior structural wa11s of thebuilding; and b. Indicate with a dashed line on the site plan afour foot distance from the exterior face of thebuilding walls or supporting columns. G. If DRB approves Lhe application with conditions ormodifications, all conclitions of approval must, be addressed prior to the application for a buildingpermit. rv. A.Three copies of a recenE topographic survey, stamped bya Colorado Professional r-,icensed Surveyor, at a scaLeof 1" = 2O' or larger, on which ehe followinginformation is provided: 1. Lot area, and buildable area when different than1ot area. 2. Legal description and physical address. 3. 'fi^ro f oot contour intervals unless the parcel consists of 6 acres or more, in which case, 5 'conLour intervals may be accepted. 4. Exist.ing trees or groups of trees having Lrunkswith dianeLers of 4'r or more, as measured from apoint one fooL above grade. 5. Rock out,croppings and other significant naturalfeatures (large boulders, intermit.tent streams, et.c. ) . 6. Hazard areas (avalanche, rockfall, etc.),centerline of streams or creeks, required creek orsLrean setback, and 100-year flood plain, ifapplicable. Slopes of 40t or more shall beclearly delineated by cross hauching. '7. Ties to exist.ing benchmark, either USGS landmarkor sewer invert. This information must be clearlystated on the survey so Ehat all rneasurements are based on the same start.ing point. fhis ispart.icularly imporEant for determining buildingheighL and driveway slope. See Policy On SurveyInformation, for more information regardingsurveys. 8. Locations of the following must be shown: a. Size and Llpe of drainage culverLs, sv/ales, a f.-. b. Exact location of exisLing uLility servicelj,nes from Lheir source Lo the st,ruct,ure,including: Cable TV Telephone Sewer Water GasElectric c. A11 utiliLy meter locations, including anypedestals to be located. on site or in theriqht-of-way adjacent to the site. d. ProperEy lines - distances and bearings and abasis of bearing. e. Indicate all easements identified on thesubdj-vision p1at. 9. Provide spot elevations aL the edge of asphalt,along the street froneage of the property attwenty-five foot intervals 125'), and a minimun ofone spot elevation on eicher side of t,he lot. site Plan 1. Locations of the following must be shown: and finished grades.a. Existing B. b.Proposed surface drainage on and off site. toll""i-, trim, railingrs, ch:-nurey cap, meEerlocations, etc. must be shown graphically andfulIy dimensioned. Zone check list (attached) must be compl.eted if theproject is locaEed within the Single-Family,Primary/Secqndary or Duplex zone district,s. PhoEos of the existing siLe and where applicable, of adjacenE. sLructures. The Zoning Administrator and,/or DRB may require thesubmission of additional plans, drawings,specifications, samples and oLher rnat,erials (incJ.uding a model) if deemed necessary Lo deLermine whether aproject will comply with Design Guidelines. V. MTNOR ALTERATTONS TO rHE EXTERIOR OF BUII,DINGS. Photos or sketches which clearLy convey the red.eveloprnenr,proposaL and the locaEion (site plan) of t,he redevelopmenEproposal may be submitEed in lieu of Ehe more formaL . fequiremenLs seL forth above, provided all. import,ant lspecificaLions for the proposal including colors and rrttb.haterials to be used are submit,t,ed. , $r'd. ^ -.tt'VI . ADDfTfONS - RESfDENTIAIJ OR COMMERCIAL, Ng $t 1a. original froor prans with at1 specificaLions shown. B. Three sets of proposed floor plans 1/8" = 1' or largerIt/4,, = L, is preferred) 'jC. Three copies of a siLe plan showing exisLing andproposed construction. IndicaEe roof ridge elevat,ions'wiLh exist,ing and proposed grades shown underneat,h. '-lD. ELevaeions of proposed addiE.ion. :E. Photos of the exisLing strucLure. F. SpecificaEions for all maLerials and color sanples onmaE,erials list (aEEached) . AL the request, of the Zoning Adninistrator you nay al-so berequired to submit: H. I. tG.A statement from each ut.ility verifying location ofservice and availability. See actached ut.ilityLocation verificaEion form. A site improvemenE survey, stamped by regist,ered Col-orado Professional Lricensed surveyor. A preJ-iminary Liule reporE, to verify ownerstrip ofproperty, which lisEs all easements. JH. VII. FINAIJ SITE PI*I{ Once a buildinq nermic has been issued, and construcL-i.on isunderway, and before Ehe Buildinq Department will schedule aframing inspection, two copies of an Improvement LocationCertificaEe survey (ILC) sLamped by a regisEeredprofessional engineer must be submitted. The followinginfornat,ion must be provided on the ILC: A. Building location(s) with ties to properEy corners,i.e. dist.ances and angles. B. Building dimensions to the nearesE Lenth of a foot. arr ,rtty service linematerial used, and size D. Er H. as-builts, showing tlpe ofand exact location of lines. Basis of bearing to tie to secEion corner. A11 property pins are to be either found or set andstated on i.mprovenent survey. A11 easements. carage slab elevat.ions and all roof ridge elevationswith exist,ing and proposed grades shown under the rid,gelines VITI.CONCEPTIIAIJ DESIGN REVIEW A. SubmittaL requiremenEs: The owner or authorized agentof any projecE requiring design approval as prescribedby this chapt,er may subrnit plans for conceptual reviewby the Design Review Board to the Department of Communi E,y DevelopmenE. The conceptual review is inEended bo grive the applicant a basic undersLanding ofthe compat.ibility of their proposal with the TownrsDesign Guidelines. This procedure is recommendedprimarily for applications more complex than single-fanily and two-fanity residences. However, developersof single-fanily and Lwo-fanily projects shall not be excluded from Ehe opporLunity to request a concepEualdesign review. CompleLe applications must be submitEed 10 working days prior Eo a scheduled DRB meet,ing. The following informabion sha1l be submitted for aconceptual review: l-. A conceptual site and landscape plan aL a ninimumscale of one inch equals twenty feet; 2. Conceptual elevations showing exterior maLerialsand a description of Lhe character of the proposedstructure or s ErucLures; 3. Suffi'cient information to show the proposal complies with the development standards of thezone district in which the project is to belocated (i.e, cnra, site coverage calculations, number of parking spaces, etc.); 4. Completed DRB applicaLion form. B. Procedure: Upon receipt. of an application forconceptual design review, the Department of Communit,yDevelopment shal1 review t,he submiLted rnaterials forgeneral compliance with the appropriate requirenents ofthe zoning code. If the proposal is in basiccompliance with Lhe zoning code requirements, theproject shal1 be forwarded to t.he DRB for conceptualreview. rf the applicauion is not generally incompliance with zoning code requirements, E.heapplication and submittal mat,erials shall be returnedto the applicant with a wribten explanation as to whythe Community Development Department staff has foundthe project not to be in comoliance with zoningr codereq':irenents. Once a compleEe applicacion has beenreceived. the DRB shall review the subnrit,ted conceptualreview application and supporting material in order todetermine whether or not t,he project generally complieswith the design guidelines. The DRB does not vole onconceptual reviews. The property owner or hisrepresentative shaI1 be presene at the DRB hearing. IJIST OF MATERIAIJS NAI{E OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT lb sr,ocK { suBDrvrsroN STREET ADDRESS:Ua.' The following information is required for submittal to Lhe Design Review Board before a final approval can be given: A.BUII,DTNG IIATERIAI.IS : Roof Siding Other wal1 Materials Fascia Soffi ts Windows window Tri-m Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues FlashJ-ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Wa11s Exterior Liqhting Oi,her LANDSCAPING: Name of TYPE OF MATERIAIJ I I\(tn/',c rao/ 2v/s r7/ar'{) S'f-cca Le /o/.zu-qz /et'."-/ n^ - /r/ <u j /.; i. I x q T* C E>c -7j n,o/./ ey,,t ?o, -- J" n*/ /t .*,u/-r too"//"n") ffi,,..'r) "2 Designer: Phone: tbl ,fr" tl94lt y'o elC b.',2'cta B. V,.OCornmon NamePIJANT },'ATERI}, PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS BoLanical Name Ouantitv Size* eg , T '/,/z y'., -f aca *Ind.icate catiper for deciduous trees. Minimum calioerfor deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate height forconiferous trees. Minimum height for coniferoustrees is 5 feet..**Indicate size of proposed. shrubs. Minimum size of shrubs is5 ga1lon. Square Footacre GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD EROSTON CONTROL Aose o, N/ /,4 C. LAIIDSCAPE IJIGHTING: If exterior lighting is proposed, please shor^r Lhe number of fixLures and locations on a separatelighting pIan. Identify each fixture from the liqht.ing ptanin the space below and provide the heiqht above grade, tl4)e ofliqhE proposed, lumen out.puE, luminous area and a cut sheet oft,he light f ixture. (Secuion 18.54.050 ,t) OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wa1Is, fences, swiruningpools, etc.) P1ease specify. tndicate heights of retainingwalIs. Maximum height of wal1s within the front setback is3' . Maximum height of wa1ls elsewhere on the property is 6' D. vreYfsed A /L7 /94 TO9{N OF VAIIJ UTIIJITY IJOCATION \rERIFICATTON FORM JOB NAI.{E SUBDTVTSION L,OT BL,,OCK FTLTNG ADDRESS The form is used t,o verify service availability and location. Thisshould be used in conjunction wiLh preparing your utility plan andscheduling insEallations. For any new construction proposal, theapplicant must provide a completed utility verification form. The location and availability of utilities, whether they be maintrunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by thefollowing utilities for the accompanying siLe plan. A11 authorizing signaLures need to be origrinals. Authorized Sionature Date U.S. west Communications468-6850 or 949 -4530 Public Service Company 949 - 6L35Gary Hal1/Rich Cooley Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949 -5892 Engineering DepL.Ted Husky/Michael Laverty **TCI Cablevision of the Rockies 949 -L224 Mark Graves **Upper Eagle Va1ley Watera sanitation pist.ricE * 47 6 -7 480Fred Haslee **A site plan is required. physical location of knowa utilitiesmust be shown on the site plan. UtiJ.ity loeations may or may notoffer service to tbe property line. any utirity extension requiredshal-l be the responsibility of the property oqroer. NOTE: L.If a utiliLy company has concerns wiLh the proposedconsLrucLion, the utility representative should notdirectly on the utility verification form Lhat thereis a probLem which needs to be resolved. The issueshould then be spelled out in detail in an attachedletter to the Town of vail. However, please keep inmind that it is the responsibility of the urilitycompany to resolve identified problems. If Lhe utility verification form has signaEures fromeach of the ut.ility companies, and no cornment.s aremade directly on the form, the Town will presurnethat there are no problems and thaE the developrnentcan proceed. These verifications do noL relieve the contractor ofhis responsibility Lo obtain a streeL cut permitfrom Lhe Town of Vai1, Department of public Worksand to obLain utilitv locations before dioqrino inany public right-of-way or easement in the Town ofVai1. A buildi-no permit is not a street cut permiE.. A street cut pennit must, be obtained separately. Inst,allaE,ion of service lines are at, the expense andresponsibility of the property owner. 2. ? 4. f O PrimarySingle o Fami ZONE CHECK FOR 1y Residence, Duplex, ZONE DISTRICTS /Secondary ?7A - 720-2-727 DATE.: I.,,EGAL DESCRIPTION: ADDRESS: OlrtNER Z ARCHITECT &T, Block f sttai-.ri- PHONE PHONE ZONE DISTRICT PRoPosED usl .4//'/'"'r {,1 t ,'IJOT SIZE Height TOIaI GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA setbacks t ,'-,'a Front Sides Rear Allowed (30) (33) )' .,) 425 = =' r"; 't '''i q.zs = li{,2 20, 15, 151 / t': .; 724_-t__3__!- /-? ) ^ 1-"/ L- 'JSite Coverage Landscaping Retaining wa11 Heights Parking carage Credit Drive: Encl Complies h'ith T.o.v. Liqhting Ordinance WaLer Course Setback (30) (50) Do rinish crades Exceed 2:1 (50%) Environmental /Hazards :1) Flood Plain 2) PercenE. Slope (< > 30t) 3) Geologic Hazardsa) Snow Avalancheb) Rockfall 1I view Corridor Encroachment: Yes c) Debris FIow Wetlands Does this request involve a 250 AddiLion? How much of the allowed 250 Adatit,ion is used with thisPrevious conditions of approval (check property file): YES t NO-uo BUII.,DABI.,E I,OT AREA ,fc nc Existing Proposed Total 7('q" ,1'q" ?6'?" Z? s' .l -Z Lq 4o 13 ,? /16 /t 33F t7_i'l 1t lA I _Reqrd (300) (600) (e00) (1200) hoa Permitted Slope * Proposed Slope Yes , "' No 1n request? o EaSIe Co,Urfy.Treasuler - Receipt of Tax Payment 5' PARCEL N0: 2101-131-02-039 SCHEDULEI R032866 TAX LIEN SALESI DESCRI PTI ON: UNIT:A ATIOUNT RECEIVED: 1121.67 DATE RECBIVED: 17-APR-95 RYERSON, ANTHONY M. & CYNTHIA B. RECBIVED BY: TAS 4859 MEADOI{ DIT COIIIIENTS: 1733 VAIL. CO 81657 PAYOR: RYERSON. ANTHONY III. & CYNTHI 1994 TAX TAXPI{TW 1127.67 ALI C}IECI{S SUBJECT TO IIINAL COI,LECTION : THANI{ YOU - liagle Coun ty Tre:rsu rer EAGLE COUNWTREASURE\BOX479 \ Receipt e5015368 EAGLE COLORADO8163l O [agle Cquniy Treasurer' - Receipl. of Tax Payntetrt t EAGLE COUNTYTREASURER BOX479 eb01b367 EA'GLE COLORADO 81631 MAz.70PARCEL n-0: 2101-i31-02-0.10 SCHEDULE: R032867 TAX LIEiq SALES: DESCR I PT I ON : SUB:BiGIIORN 5TII ADDI,TION BLK:- LOT:- DATE' RECIiIVID: 17-APlt-95 RECEI VED I]Y: TAS COMMENTS:1?33 PAYOR: I?YERSON , ANT}IONY I{. &. CYNTIII 1994 TAX TAXPI{TI{ ALL CHECKS SUBJECT TO F'INAL COLLBCTION I THANK YOU - lagle County Treasurer Rece i pt AMOUNT RECEIVED: ITYERSON, ANTilONY .I859 TIDADOti DIT vAIL, CO 81657 1402.70 11. & CYNTHIA B. I I I I 11^/.' ,-nrv- /-)T r-)> Jo? -"a r Z , k.n, -S l''-. r /";, *df t / ,z l/lk-d", {/'*. J 1F"..-II 4 /r: / z<- ') ,z<(4 t.r.,-, -\ , 1 t'<"'h ./ rt.-<ct 4=._-. .*..,- i-r N44' /-.n" Andv Knudtsen J', .,. Revised 5/2/.92 O 3 3::, :ffi :iI'S.:t tft , ffiffiH APPLICATION FOR DUPIEX SUBDIVISION REVIEW(Chapter 1-'7 .24 Vail Municipal lti' Code)a1 !( t.^^--, ; _.) L'AlviitiiUf i,i, MAILING ADDRESS R APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE ADDRESS 69 a PROPERTY O9INER'S SI ;dV 15d /'JA4 l,/r,PHoNE 77d-44a Z PHoNE 776 - /u/ a Z lzzi- b 4'e 7 6L:F. t.the subdivisionnt of Community LcII n d sh fr or un or al prin with andinch :t:!otfebo edf The fina surveyor soluti-onmylar) winches ato one ahalf toon all- o Accurateof a foodescribe easemenE.dedicate the following: important features. A11 curves shall be circulararcs and shall be defined by the radius, centralangle, are scored distances and bearing. AlIdimensions, both linear and angular, are to be determj-ned by an accurate conLrol survey in thefield which must balance and close within a Iirnitof one in ten thousand. North arrow and graphic scale. A syst.ematic identification of aII existing andproposed buildings, units, lots, blocks, and namesfor all streets. An identification of the streets, aI1eys, parks, and other publi-c areas or facilities as shown onthe plat, and a dedication theleof to the publicuse. An identification of the easements as shownon the plat and a grant thereof to the public use.Areas reserved for future public acquisition shallalso be shown on t.he plat. n GA writ.ten survey description of the area includingthe total acreagle to the nearest. appropriat.esignificant figure. The acreage of each lot orparcel shall be shown in this nanner as well. F*,:;:i:i:i"o 3r;:"J";;'iililll-",* ';l:t##i":r-:wrrest one-hundredths and curves used tosetbacks, alleys,o be reserved oruses and other #Ftl^rent scaleLh marI terrI' ll.llnt naEl'-l "t- ^il?"sE!>, common all- be "::5idIt*: fon ttl ii;#l-ic or tsh ndiaare imenalI r6D Itd" n"lo AIIdariruct pub MATLTNG ADDRESS 7'f tq 4A/,,- 1).,.o U.n,'/ Cr: APPLICATION FEE S1OO. OO MATERIALS TO BE SUBMITTED: PAID Two mylar copies and one paper copyplat shaIl be submitted to the DepaDevelopment. The plat shall includ ,,r-\/ a.i: tqtt I qe D,-d' .,1 , e.itiL D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:,/ ./ srREEr aoosnss tl€{f lTro'/o'.- 2.,2e Ur.'/ Ca €1hs/ ti /'2 /Lor_!:P Br,ocx-fsuBDrvrsrow be /o.t1 trLrNG u- cHEcK # / 73) t'\/ f.L,r* ' t. ;\ ?pl*r 4, . ' e',: :"ili:"li?ln"i.3i'.;:';:I"Ht":?',.13'n found subdivision, and a description of all monuments.'used in conducting the survey. Monument perimeterper Colorado statutes. Two perimeter monuments' shall be established as major control- monumentstthe materials which shalL be determined by the town engineer. ,.;i. A statement by the land surveyor explaining howLltI- bearing base was determined. i. A certificate by the regist.ered land surveyor as ^r. outlined in Chapter L7 .32 of this titl-e as to thel/-" accuracy of the survey and plat, and that thesurvey was performed by him in accordance with Colorado Revised Statutes ]-9'13, Title 38, Article 5l_ - j. A certificate by an attorney admitted to practicer in the State of Colorado, or corporate titleinsurer, that the owner (5f of r-EE-oFd-dcdtcating t.o i.; ttd-Fubiic the public right-of-way, areas orlY^ facil-lties as shown thereon are the owners thereof\J in fee simple, free and cfear of all liens and encumbrances except as noted. ,..._..k. The proper form for fili-ng of the pLat with theLF:-- Eagle County clerk and recorder. ]. Certificate of dedication and ownership. Should/ the certificate of dedication and ownership i'D provide for a dedication of land or j-mprovementsv '-- to the public, all beneficiaries of deeds of trust and mortgage holders on said real property will berequlred to sign the certificate of dedication andownership in addiLion to the fee simple ownerthereof. \---1 m. AIl current taxes must be paid prior to the Town's'v'"--1 approval of plat. This includes taxes which have been biIIed but are not yet due. The certificateof taxes paid must be signed on the plat or a statement from the Eagle County Assessors Office must be provided with the submittal informationstating that a]] taxes have been paid. . ;. signature of owner. ,,;,.' 2. The plat must. cont.ain t.he following staLement: / r lL./-L, I "For zoni-ng purposes, the lots created by thissubdivision are to be treated as gE lot with no morethan @ dwelling units al-Iowed on the combined area ofthe @ l-ots." The statement shall be modified toj-ndicate the number of units and lots proposed.rl A copy of the declarations and/or covenants relating tothe subdivj"sion, which shall assure the maintenance ofany common areas whi-ch rnay be creat.ed. The covenantsshal1 run with the land and shall be in a form suitabLefor recordinq with t.he Eaqle Count.v Clerk and Recorder. 4. Schedules A & B of a title report. G. APPROVAL PROCESS, REVIEW CRITERIA Upon receivj-ng two copies of a complete submit.tal along with payment. of the appropriate fee, the zoning administratorshall route one copy of the site map to lhe town engineerfor his review. The zoning administrator shalI then conduct.this review concurrent.ly. The town engj-neer shall reviewthe subrnittaf and return comments and notifications to thezoning administrator who shall transmit the;approval,disapproval or approval with modifications$f the platwithin fourLeen days to the applicant. The zoningadministrator shall sign the plat if approved or requiremodifications on the plat for approval or deny approval due n.:L.'- Revised 5/I/92 ::,ii:3T:"ffi$;,::'i";li,$'fl:lili:.ilT":i fi3"oi:. . FILING AND RBCORDING The Department of Communit,y Development, wi.L.L record the plat and any related covenants with the Eagle County Clerk andRecorder. Fees for recording shall be paid by theapplicant. The Community Development Department will retainone mylar copy of the plat for their records and will recordthe remaining mylar copy. Revised 5/L/92 If thls appllcation reguires a separate revlew by any local, State or Federal agency other than the lown of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such teview, may include, but are notelinited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits' Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responslble for paying any publlshing fees whlchare in excess of 50* of the appllcation fee. If, at the applicant'srequest, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to bere-published, then, the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the appLicant. Applications deemed by the Community DeveloPment DePartnent to havesignificant design, land use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the comnunlty may requJ.re review by consultants other than townstaff. Should a determination be made by the town staff that an outsideconsultant ls needed to review any application, the Corununity DeveloPment may hire an outside consultantr it shal1 eslimate the amount of rnoney neiessary to pay him or her and this arnount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the tirne he files his application with the Community Development Depaltment. Upon completion of the review of theapplication by the consultant, dnY of the funds forwarded by theapplicant for payment of the consultant which have . not been paid to theconsultant shalL be returned to the applicant. ExPenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the applicant shall be paid tothe Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. H. PARTYWALL AGREEMENT AND DECL"ARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESERVATIONS FOR LOT 16, BLOCK 5 , BIGHORN SUBDIVISION FIFTH ADDITION ACCORDING TO THE PLAT COUNTY OF EAGLE , STATE OF COLORADO RECITALS Anthony M. Ryerson and Cynthia B. Ryerson ,("collectively referred to as Declarant" ) are the owners of the real property situate in the Counry of Eagle, State of Colorado, described as lot 16, Block 5.Bighorn subdivision, Fifth Addition , according to the plat recorded in the Clerk and Recorders office, Coungr of Fegle, State of Colorado. 2. Declarant owns on Parcel A and parcel B a building consisting of two units, each designed and intended for use and occupancy as a residential dwelling unit, which are sometimes refferedto herein separately as "unit" or collectively as "units". 3. Parcel A contains Unit A and Parcel B contains Unit B. DECLARATION Declarant does hereby publish and declare that rhe followingtenns, covenants, conditions, easements, restricdons, use, reservations, limitations and obligations shall be deemed to run withthe land described herein, shall be a burden and a benefit toDeclarants, their personal representatives , heirs, successors andassigns and any person acquiring or owning an interest in the realproperty which is described herein and improvements built thereon, hisgrantees, personal representatives , heirs, successors and assigns. l. DEFINITIONS. Unless the contexr shall expressly provide otherwise , the following terms shall have the following meanings:A. " The Properties " means all of the real estate legally described as l,or 16, Block 5, Bighorn Subdivision, Fift]r Addition , according County oftitle set to the Plat recorded in the clerk and Recorderrs office, Eagle, State of Colorado, subject to the reservations of forttr on the attached Exhibit rrArr ' B. nlotrr or trBuilding sitetr neans Parcel A or Parcel B as shown on the Map together with all appurtenances. c. trDuplexil or nBuilding'r ueans the two contiguous dwelling unLts constructed upon the Parcels. D. trUnitn means any one of the two dwellings conprising the rrDuPlexrr. E. rrConmon Arearr means Parcel C as shown on the Map which shall be owned equally by both of the owners of the Parcel A and Parcel B each having an Equlf undivided one-half interest as Tenants in common in and to the Connon Areas. F. troxr'nerrr means a Person, personsr firm, corporation, partnership or association, or other legal entity, or any conbination ttrereof, owing an interest in the Parcels. G. nllaprf means the engineering survey of the Eagle Valley Sunreying, Inc., Dannie Corcoran, Colorado aeficting lnd locating speeificity thereon the inirovenints thereon, reiorded o[ --, iD ra-ge - and is hereby subrnitted to this Declaration' H. rAssessmentrr r0eans any periodic or one tine charge to cover the cost of any expense or charAe that becones due and owing by virtue of this Declaration. 2. DESCRIPTION AND RESERVATTON. Every Contract of sale, Deed,t,easrystDeed,wi11orotherinstrumentshalllegally describe a-unit or real property interest as follows: Parcel A or Parcel B (as the case nay be), together with an undivided one-half (1122) interest in Parcel C, acco-rdlng to. t!e. ptat entitted a Resubdiiiii6n of Lot 16, Block 5, Blghorn Subdivision, Properties bYP.L.S. L6827Parcels andBook at at PageFifth Addition, recorded in Book -, County of Eag1e, State of Colorado. Every such description shall be good and sufficient for all purposes io sell, conve!, transfer, encurnber or othetrise effect the iarlet and all appurtenant rights, benefits, aTd burdens thereto as created by the -lrovisions of this Declaration, and each such descriptioir shalt Le so construed. This provision shal! apply to . the Irop".Li"s as said tern (the Properties) is defined in this Declaration. 3. PROPERTY DIVISION. A. Declarants hereby establish this plan for the subdivision the nroperii.i inio rnree il) parcels for ownership il fee sinple ifre inaividual and separate' owners of Parcel A, and Parcel B' undivided co-tenants 'or Parcel C shich connonly owned property defined and referenced as coruron Area' B. The connon Area, Parcel A and Parcel B shall-be subject the easements noted on the nap and those set forth hereLn' of by ASis to c. Parcel A, and Parcel B shall have appurtenant thereto an undivided one-nati $/21 interest in Parcel c' which- shall be fns-paralle from i.t"if'e, anct Parcel B and uay be conveyed'. Ieased' devised or encumb"';6-;"ii as such undivided and appurtenant interest. D. No owner shatl bring any action for partition or division of parcel A ana parcei g or oi slia parcels from their appurtenant unaiviaea interests in Parcel C or froi the easements as set forth in paragraph 4 below. E. In the event Parcel A and Parcel B are owned by the same entities, the doctrine of merger shall not apply' F.Theparties,ifrnorethanone,havingtheownershipofeach such unit shali agre. anong thenselves how to share the rlghts - and oliiqi[i""" of ;,];h own6rship; ,provided,. however, that if a r"ipiiiiion, partn-i-nip, assoc-iatlon or other legal entity shall becone an owner oi ttt" birtie=, if nore than one, have the concurrent .r".i=ftip of a unit, thin srlch-entity or concurrent ouners shall frorn ii."-t" iine aesiS"lt.--o;. lndividuai wno shall represent su9h . entity or concurrent ofio"r" in all matters concerning all rights and obligations pursuant to this Declaration' G. Any such entity or concurrent orrners shalt give written notice to the ottrei o*n"t'designating the individual to act on its or their behalf .na-ir..tr notice- shali be effective until revoked in r-tli[i"g bV such entity or owners. Any - act or ouission by such l""i""it"& inatviauii-sirarf be binding on the entlty. or owners having ;;fil;i;e ;i; in favor of the other owner or any other person who nay rely thereon. , H.Eachunitshallbeconsideredaseparateparcelofrealprop"iiy ana snatt be separately addressed and taxed' 4. ENCROACHI.IENIS. If any portion of Parcel A' or Parcel B now encroachet-upott-tne otner parcll-or on Parcel C as a result of the construction-of any building, or if any such encroachnent shall occur hereafter as a result of settling or shifting.of any buitdlls' a valid easernent for the encroachment and for the Uaintenance of the sane so i""e'-.1-tfr"-l"ifai"g--sti"as, strall exist. In the event any building "t"if-u" partfafii--6r iotally destroyed as a.result of fire or other casualty or aa a-iesuft of c6ndennation or euinent donain proceedings ;;e-g11;; rebuilt,-encioacrrn"nts of parts of the building on the other fircef , due to sricn---ilbuilding, shlll be pemitted, so long as such encroachments are of no greatei-extent ttrair those previously existing, ina vafia easements for iuch encroachments and the naintenance thereof =triff exist so long as the building shall stand' 5. PARTY-WALI.,. A. The conmon wall placed equally divided on the conmon boundary separating-iinii a an-! Unit B, tne-iootings underlying and the ;;;ii;;'of ioof ov6r sucn wall are coitectively referred to herein as the rrParty Wallrr. B. To the extent not lnconsistent wLth this Declaration' the g"rr"t"l tot"= of law regarding party.walls and-Iiability for damage due to negligence, wiflfil acti -or onissions shall aPply to the Party I{aIl. c. The owners of either unit shall have a perpetual-easement. in and to that part-oi tn" other unit on whictr the Party.Wall is located' i"r pi"ti t.ir pntpo""", tnctuding nutual. support, naintenance' repair ;;e fi=paction.- rir ttre'event of damage to oi the destruction of the piiti Witt frou ""y -i".", tltgl the oiners shall at joint exPense. in equal shares, t"piit-Ji rilnita said party wall, and each oltner, shall i"=".-t[-.i-riSitt- Lo the full use of laid-party watl so repaired and i:"fi"iid. -n5twitfr"t.nai"g-anything containld, aLove to the contrary, if lnE-negfigence, wiltful act or 6nission of any owner, his fanily, ;;"t-;;-ir,.rit6", shalr ggusg danage to or.destruction of, the Party witt, such o*ttlt shall bear the entire cost of TgPliI or i""oi.trt""ction, and an ouner who by his negligent or will-ful act causes the Party l{all to be exposed to the elenents shall bear the i"if cost ot -fuini-ntng the-necessary protection against such elenents. 6. A.Theownersfrontlnetotirneshallundertakesuch landscaping and g;".r.r-"niaoot improvernents including but not linited [o arivlwaf and -parking areas as-they nay 1u!u1Jly and .unaninouslya".r-pt"p"i for tfr"-narfi"nlous inprovenent- of both units in a conmon il.r"l aird, except for any expense or liability caused through the ;;;ii;";;"'oi--riirful act 6r any olrner, his faruily, agent or invitee, o which shall be borne solely by such owner' each osner shall share all ;il;";;;- r i"uii iii-;"-;d-;enirar upkeep iespons ibil ities with respect to such landscapi"g-i"d orrfdoor irnirovlrnent-s according to thg -ratiosJlt-i"itt - i" p?.il;r;;h 8 below., itr" owner of one unit shall not unreasonaUfy aanii;-tf,; value of the other unit such as by shoddy upkeep outside, hit Uotn ottners shall nake all reasonable efforts to #;;;-.";-i-trarionrous comnon appearance of the units' B.cornfionutilityorEenriceconnectionsorlines,conmonfacitities or oth!;-;q"ipilnt ana property- located in or on either of the units nut usea- ifr "brrott with tfre otner unit, i! -a{tyt shall be owned as tenant=-ir, -"otton of egual undivided one-half interests by the owners or eacrr unit and, except for any exDense or liability caused through the negligence o" rifitol act oi ani owner' his__fanily, aqent or invitee, ili;;- shall be borne solely by such__owner,. all :il:;=:: .ii'iiltirities concerned with such propertv shatr be shared proportionately ,i[n-""cfr ownership-. The ownelof Lne unit on which such property Is n"[ r""it.d shall have a perpetual easement in and to that part of such oinEi unit containl.ng suLF property as is reasonably necessary ror pufuo;;;-"i naintenance, repair, and inspection. c. comnon access and parking is presently provided on a portion of parcel C. Th;;; is hlreby lreatia a rec-iprocal easement and ;igh;;i-way for each owner over, across- and through that part of parcel c upon rrrilt-lrr"-piiXi"e area is located. The oltners shall il;;-;q,r"i-iigni [" ttt" irse of-such parking area and no oldner sha1l iii"J.r="i-p"fiit rrir-- invitees to hinier reisonable use by the other ;;;;;-";a -nis inviiees of the parkins arga. .It is presumed_ that Jili.'if"riirrg--riff be reguired fron'tine €o tine, the cost of which will be shared by the owneri. Other naintenance, repair or inprovement of ;.;-;;;iini iicirili!" nay be. res'ired fryon tine to tine, and the same shalf Ue unaeriii"" uion the unanitnous agreement of the owners who shall strare ;ii-;6;"".-=. AII such expensei, as set forth herein' straff be allocated as iet forth in paragraph 8' A.rnaddition,tonaintenanceprovidedforinparagraph.6.A.,the owners shali -pii -in.it protortionate share as allocated in ;;;";;;;h I o! the 't6tar cost ltt'ocated to each parcel,. in "Tg:t to provide exterior'r"f"i""in." and exterior repair upon the units and all portlons of P;;;i- a- and of irt" pircet irpon. wirictr each unit is Iocated includingl--U"t ioi---fftit"a Lo, the -exterior and the roof housing the unitJ: R;;"-i;, reptacenent irr cleaning of^exterior window slass shall be -""""ii"i"d inlerior rnaintenance. If the need for ;;;;i"-i;-.uor"a irti""gh-the negllgence or. willful act of anv owner, il:';;riivl-"g""t-oi-ii"it.e,.srlch- onner shatl bear the entire costs ;;-;il-iliraii "i i.."n.itu.ifott. Both units nust be painted at the 7. sane time and with the sane naterials shall be nade Yith the character of approval of both Parties. Parcel AParcel B A. ExcePt for ltems incurred as a for herein, if any owner shall cauae any and no exterior nodificationsthe building without unanimous 50t 50t comnon expensenaterial to be as provided furnished to B. Each owner shall be solely responsible for naintenance and repaii-or lne in"ia. oi hls unit inltuaing-fixtures and inprovenents li5-lir-itiiitv--iines-ana equipnent located therein-and senring such ""it-""fi. wiiraos gi.ij snitt-_Ue deemed interior 'maintenance' In ;;;";fig sucn maiitenance and repair, or in lnproving or altering his unit, no ouner shall do any-.act or.work which irnpairs -the;;";6fu soundness of either irnit or the Party. Wal1 or which f;i;;i;ras with any easement granted or reeerrred herein. c. utitity or service connections or lines, facilitles or other utiriiy equipnent ana-pioperty located in, on or upon eithgt gf the ""itt,'rti.tt-"t" used soiely-to suppry a sg5vice or utility to one unit shall be owned by the owner oi-the unit using such utility or r"""f"" and alt -"ip""3"= and liabilities for repair and maintenance shall be borne sotity by the owner of such unit, who shall have a perpetual ear"r"rri-in'."i to thaC part- of such other parcel or unit containing such ;;";;;t- as is,reaionably necessary for purposes of uaintenance, repair and inspection. D. No owner shall make or suffer any structural or design cfrancl tincfuaing a color schene change), . either pelaanent or ;.ifi;...;-;;a;';ny-typg or.nature whatsotver to the exterior of his ,.nil or Lonstnrct iny'iaaitional building structure of any typg or / nature whatsoever upoir any part of his pariel .without first obtaininq . /IiI-irfJi-riitt"t cinsent-tiereto ii"t the other owner' such consent V shall not be ""t".t"t.Uii titftn"fa. In case of danage or. destruction oi-u"V ""it or ;t-;;tt-th!reof !y_?ny cause whatsoever, the owner of sucfr irnit shall "it^." with due aitiglnce the unit to be repaired - and ;;;";;; appiving th; proceeds oi insurance, if aDY' for- that orrroo"".' Sircfr-unit sha1j. be restored to a condltion comparable to fi;i-;;i"r-[o-- CiiE-a"rigE-.tta in a harnonious nanner to pronote the connon theme of both unitE. 8. ALIpCATION OF EXPENSES. Costs and expenses of landscaping' s"rvice faffi renoval , naintenance and repat'rs' to iii"ri-cr-."a all-o[her ionnon exPenses as Eet forth herein to be shared by both owners, except as. ciused by negligence of willful act "i-i" ""irer, shali le'attocited in the following proportions: 9. his parcel or unit thereon or any labor to be perfotmed therein or Cnerlon, the other onner shall not under any cLrcumstances be liable for the palment of any expense incurred or for the value of the work done or ialerial furn-ishedt all such work shall be at the expense of the owner causing it to be done, and such ohtner shall be solely responsible to contractors, laborers, naterialnen and other persons fur-nisning labor or rnaterials to his parcel - or_ any improvenents therein oi thereon; nothing herein contained shall authorize either owner or any person dealinq through,, yith or under el.ther owner to charge the untl of the other olfner with any nechanicrs lien or other lien-or encumbrance whateveri and, on the contrary (and notice is hereby given) the rlght and pouer-to charge any-Iien or encunbrance of any Xind against one owner or against one ownerrs parcel for work done or-naterials furnished to the other olJnerrs parcel is hereby expressly denied. B. Except as provided for below, if, because of any act or onission of any owner, any nechanicrs or other lien or order for the palnnent of noney shall ba filed against the other ownerrs.parcel or in! inprovenenti therein or thereon or against any other owner (wlrethlr or not such lien or order is valid or enforceable as such) 'the owner whose act or omission for:ms the basis for such lien or order sha1l at his own cost and expense cause the same to be cancelled and discharged of record or bonded by a surety company reasonably accepta6le to such other owner, within 30 days after the date of fifiirg thereof, and further shall indennify and save the other onner hamt6ss from and against any and all costs, expenses, clains, losses or damages, including reasonable attorneyrs fees resulting therefrom. 10. INST'RANCE A. Each owner shall keep his unit and all fixtures therein insured against loss or damage by fire and extended coverage perils iincfuaini vandalisn and natilious nischief) for the naxinum i-lfu..r.it value thereof. Any onner nay on 30 daysr sritten notice, it'any tine tuo years or longei after the last appraisal of the units, nay ofitain a yiitten appriisal of Euch units fron .a conpetent apiraiser, with both owneil sharing the cost of the appralsal provided il'was done cith the unanimous conaent of the owners. Such appral'ser shatl be a disinterested and independent third party who is unrelated in any manner to either owner whether through joint business adventures or otherwise. B. Each owner shall provide and keep ln force, fo! the protection of hinself, general publlc liability and property danage inrur.tt"" against clains-for bodity injury or deat! or property danage occurring ii, on or upon, his parcel owned in fee siurple and the irpi"".r6nts thereon, in a lirntt of not less than 93OOr0OO.00 in respect of bodily injury or death to any number of persons.arising_ out of -one accident 6r aiea3ter, or for damage to property, and if -higherlinits shall at any tine be customary to protect against- possible tort iiiUifity, such niiner linits -shall-be cirried and each owner shall name the 6ttrer own6r as an additional insured party under such pollcy. C. Each owner sha1l deliver to the other owner certificates evidencing att insurance required to be carried under this paragraph' eaEn-contiinittg agreements by the insurers not to cancel or nodify the poti"i"s withorit 6iving the other olrner written notice of at least 30 lays. Each owner-shall have the right to _inspect and 9o_py all- such in'surance policies of the other owner and require evidence of the palment of premiurns thereon. D. Nothing provided in thls paragraph shall prevent the ouners frorn jointfy acgiiiing a single pollcy to cover-any one or_r1ore.of.the h;;;ra;-;eq,iir"d in tiis parigrapn to be separately insured against by each owner. 11. DESTRUCIION OF II'IPROVEI'{ENTS ON PARCEL' A. In the event of danage or destruction to a unit by fire or other disaster, the insurance proceeds, if sufficient to reconstruct thl unit, shali be deposited inlo a bank account which requires, for withdrawils, the signitures of both the owners' or disbursed directly ;t Ch" insuiance cirrier. The owners shall then pro_nptly authorize the necessary repair and reconstruction nork and the insurance pi".""{" ttff'l" ipplied by the owners to defray the cost thereof' i'Repair and reconsihctionn-of units, as used herein, means restoring the irnprovements to substantially the sarns condition in which titty .ii"i"i prior to ttre danage with -each unit having the same boundaries as before. B. If the insurance proceeds are insufficient to repalr or reconstruct any dJnagea unil, such danage or degtruction shall be pto"ftfy repaiied and-reconstructed by the owner using the insurance proceeds and the proceeds of a special assessment agains! th9 owner of f,tre aanaged unit.- Any such assessments shall be egual .to the -anount;t-"hi;h-the cost of ieconstruction or repal-r of the unit exceeds the "i.r "f the insurance proceeds allocable to such unlt. Such assessnent shalt be due and palrable not sooner than thirty (?9) 9.yt - after wriiten notice tnerEJ?. The special assessrnent provided for herein shall be a debt of the owner oi the danaged unit and a lien on his parcel and the improveuents.hereon and nay be enforced and collected f,y forecfosure proceedlngs ln the Courts' L2. DAI'IAGE To coUUoN ARFA' In the event of damage or destruction to all or a portron oi tttt connon-Area due to fire or otherdisaster,thelnsuranceproceedsifsufficienttoreconstructorrepair the oauige,---"nirr --i". -ippriea by----!le owners to such reconstruction ""i-i"piii. rf the i-nsurance proceeds with respect to such Comno' e"". -d.rii"-"" aestruction are inlufficient to repair - and reconstruct the diifi;d -or aestroy-a - conton AT::' - the owners- sharr consider a speciii alsessnent. If suctr assess1ent is approved by both owners, tne ownei= Jn.rr nake such issessnent and-proceed to make such repairs o,' """orrJ[*"if"". If such assessment lE not approved, the insurance pto"""iJ-;;;-;;-.ppri"a-in accordance with the wishes of the osrners, unless made Jointly ptyofit to the owners and the first nortgagees of th;ir-r.3p"Jiiir.'pii""r=, lt any. The assessnent as to each owner ancl ;;;";i irr"tt u"- -quar'to the assessment against the other owner and ;;;;;i.--i""fr a"s"ig.nt shall be due and payable not sooner than trrfili--iiof aays aiier written notice thereof' The assessment providei fdr 'herein shall be a debt of each owner and a Iien on tris parcli- ;;a tne inprovements thereon and roay be enforced "tta ."ff"ctei ly foreclosure proceedings in the Courts' 13. RI6HT TO LIEN. A.ffanoltner'atanytime,shallneglectorrefusetoperfornor p.y-t is share-oi-airy-onfiiation'required hereunder, the other owner may, but sharr ";; ;; ;ir6;A' lo, after 30 davs written notice unlessthecircumstancesrequlreinnediateactionrnakesuchpalment;;,-;; ttnart of such other owner, expgng such-Eum as nay be necessary i"'p"ir"r* =,r.n oiil,iuii." including,-but-ngt linlted to, the palment of any insurance;;;;iffi-reguired frireunaei or the undertaking of any work required heriunder for-repair, restoratlon ^or maintenance, and such other owner shall have an eirir"nt in and to that part of such defaulting ownerrl--""ft---." is reasonably necessarT for such repair' restoration or maintenance. B. All suns so paid or expended by an- owner' with interest thereon at the rate of ra percen-t ne1 yeir.. fron the date of such patment ot "*p"rriii"""l "rtiri .-ue-payilre-by t!e.. owner so failing to ;&i;r- (the irdei;;it$g owner'r) upon denand of the other olrner. c.Allsunssodemandedbutunpaidlr-trredefaultingo^rrnershall constitute a lien on the paicet oi ttre defaulting owner in favor of the other orrr.i piiot-t" all'other liens and encurnbrances, except: (i) liens for tails-"ne-sp"cial assessnentsi and, (ii) the lien of any first nortgage oi-tiiit deed oi tnrst of record encumbering such iiilJrl--ri.-ii"n-"triii attach fron rhe dare when the unpaid sun sharl become due and nay be foreclosed ln llke nanner as a mortgage on -real;;#rtt-np"" tft"'r-coiaing of . a notice or clain thereof executed by-tn"-ttoni"fiulting -;;;;- ;eiifng forth the amount of the unpaid i"a"li"a"ess, th5 niroe of ure d6faulting o!n9r,-and a description of tiit unit. in any---ucn foreclosure thi defaulting_o{ner ehall- be i"q"ii"a to pay tfre costs and expenaes of such proceedings, including reasonable attorneYrs fees. D. The lien provided for herein shall be subordinate to the fien oi any first n'ortgage or deed of trust, including all additional id.r"rrc"t tlrereon. Sa16 5r tranefer of either parcel as the result of court foreclosure of a nortgage, foreclosure through the -publictrustee, or any pro-eealng in-lieu of forecloEure' Elt?I-l extinguish in" fi"it of suih i"s".s."ttfs as to palments thereof wtrich become due oiior to such sale or transfer, but shall not relieve any for:mer_onner [i-p.r"""ii- fi"Uili-y therefoi. The nortgagte?. of such- parcel -who;;di;;; iitr" UV-*iV'of foreclosure or tha taking of a deed in. Iieu ifr6reot, shall n-ot n6wever, be liable for any past due assessment and stralf only becone liable for future assessments on the date it becomes Ifr"-orn.i'or is entitled to becone the owner of suc! P?I991. _No sale oi- iranster shall relieve such parcel fron_.liability_ fol any arre""m"nts thereiiter beconing due or fron the tien thereof. In the event of the sale or transfer 6f a parcel with respect to which -:uns;ilii le unpaia -ui-a-aeiaulting owirer, except.transfers to a first r""tg"g." iir conneition uith a foreclosure of its lien or a deed in iieu-tfrereof, the p"irf,a="r or other transferee of an interest in such ;;;.i ;naII' be iointly and - severatly llable sith the seller or fransferor thereof-for any such unpaid suns' E. Upon written reguest of any. owner, nortgagee, prospective nortgagee, iurchaser or ofher prospeclive transferee of a parcel ,..the owner of the other parcel sniU - issue a written statenent setting forth the amount he ii owed under this paragraP!, if anyr -with respect ["-"""tr ""it. S".fr rl"itnent is binding upon the executing owner in favor of any pers-n who nay rely thereon in.g-ood faith. Unless a i"q,test for-suih stitenent siall Le conpligd- wfth vithin fifteen days ;;i;;-;;eipt thereor, att unpaid surns which becane due prior to .theaii.-"i-riiing -uctr riErest slrall be subordinated to the lien or other interest of the person reguesting such statement' 14. USE RESTRTqTTONS. A. Each unit shall be restricted to a residential dwelllng as a oerrnitted u-e, arrd conditional and accessory uses as defined pV ^tnei;;-;;-n.ii'zonrng ordinances and Regrulations.and the Restrictions and Covenants for Bighorn Subdivislon 5th flling' Eagle County, colorado. 10 B. No exterior nounted radlo, shortsaver televLsl'on or other type -f antenna ,ttil"o"ver or tank of any kin, either elevated or ui,iiea, o" clothesline or l-ncinerator of any kind whatsoever or outside storage of any personal property tfglf be petnitted- or ;;i;a;i";d on-either unit iritnout tle Frioi written approval of both owners. C. No aninals shall be kept or maintained inr -on-or- upon either unit, except tfrat each orrner nay keep.and rnaintain rithin his unit two a"r"iti".tla aogs and,/or two donesticated cats; provided' . however, ihat such doneeficated aninals are kept under control at all times, do ;|f-o;;;ni a nuisince to the other owner and are kept. controlled in =iiill-""nptiance with all Town of VaiI ordinances that nay apply to such animals. D. In addition to the parking restrictions set forth in suupaiigr"pn r,ulpscAplpc, sERvrcE FAcILTTTES 11fD PARKTNG 56 above, """ir "wier nay keep no more than tvo autonotive vehicles pernanently on Parcel C. -Parking of boats, trailers, campers' notor homes, ATVg oi """r".tional vehicles is ixpressly prohibited, unless located within an ownerrs unit. E. No rrtime sharingrt, ninterral ownerehiprr or similar interest, wfrerely ownershit of a unit'is shared by owners on a tine basis, shall Ue estiUfished oir either unit without the prior written.approval of both owners and all lienors holding a first nortgage or first deed of trust of record ""-."i fortion of Farcet A or Parcel B, which approval shall be reflected in a document of record' F. The owners understand and agree that potential developnent rights rnay--xist under present or future Town of VaiI regrulations.that mav permit expansion of'the dwelling units, shich developnent rights t.i"-""[-1"""-"Cifized to date. The-owner of Parcel A shall be deemed [o n""" exclusive ownership of and rights to forty percent-(40t) of those developuent rights. The owner of Parcel B shall be deened to fr.""-.i"fusiie rieh€ to sixty percent (6Ot) of those developnent ricrhts. No exerciie of those dev-lopnent rights. shall be made by one ]fr".-rithout first obtaining the wr-itten consent of the other owner, wnictr consent shalt not be unreasonably withheld. Ttre other owner, i"i"i"-givi"g ,iiit." consentr - shall be entltled to review the a.r"i"pi.nt ifans-itta uty Utuepiints or surveys prePared in connection with the develoPuent Plans. under current Town of vail regrulations there exists certain aevefofrnent riehti Utcause a structuie is nore than five (5) -years "ia.--'Arry riini- -obtained under such requlatl'on or any future ,iiX.-tipl,' of- i"gufaiion shall belong solely to the onner of the structuie on that owners Parcel . 11 If elther owner exceeds his development rlghts and because of thls the other otttei ls not allowed to utitize his full developnent rights, the exces=-a.".f"pteni shafl be removed by the owner thereof inieafitety upon the denand of the other olner' 15. NOTfCE. Each owner shall regieter its-nailing address with the other ovner ana-iii notices or deminde intended to be serrred upon owners shall U" r""t-ii certiiiea nail' postage-?repaid,- addressed in ine-narne of the owner at such registeied nailing- address. Il the "it"initive, notices-n.V--Ue aefiveiea if in writing, personally to olfners. 16. DTRATION OF DECIARATToN. Elch provlsion contaLned in thls oecfaiiiio e laws- or rules sometimes referred to as the ruft -igiinit perpetuities or the. rule -prohibiting unreasonable restr"iitr on aiienation shall continue and renaln in full force and effect for the period of 21 years following the death of Charles p. uaii"V-u"a-u"ig"tit B. !ta11oy lnd their issue, or. until iti"--o""i"ritiott i3 Ceninited as hereinafter provided,_ whichever first occurs. afi-otier -pio"isions contained In this Declaration shall continue ""a-t.tif" itt fnff force and effect until January 1' iOii-e.O., and thereafter for successive periods of 10 years each; unless at reast i t;; prior to January L,-2022 A.D.r or ?t least 1 ;;;;-;ri;r-[o-irt" '"*pirilion.or any sulrr -10. year period of extended iuration, tfris Oeciiiation is ter:ninated by recorded instrunent, ;i;iliil i.r-i".ii""l-"ie""d by_a11 owners and all lienors holding a first nortgage oi--ffist 6eea 6f trust of record on any portion of Parce1 A or Parcel B. L7. N.TENDUENT OR REVOCATTON. This Declaration T"y-be amended or revokedontyupoffienapprova}inrecordab1eformofall;;;;;-;a irr- ri"n"is-trolding a firsl- nortgase or f irst deed of trust of record on any portion of Pircel A or Parcel B' 18. EFFEeT OF PROVISTONS OF DECL'ARMION. -Each-provision.?_f_thj:oecraiitio@onise, covenant and undertaking to ffi;it-;iirr' eacrr piovision' of ttris -?:91"'1!Pll '1?-,-:'I- "?::::::Ililipiili-;t ;;;;.n.tton.or erant of title, estate,..fislt_gr. interest to effectuate any pio.rt"iott 6f tnis Declaritlon: (i) shall be deened i;";;;;;I"J-i"-',d;-;;;d oi other instrunent by which.any risht, title or interest-in--ani-portlon of Parcel- A or Parcel B is granted' devised or conveyea, *ritirer or not set forth or referred to in such il;-;; olrt.t i"'.iolt""i; iiit shallr by-virtue-of acceptance-of any .ight,-titie or i"l.r.rt iri aiy portion of Parcel A or Parcel B by an ori"i, U" aeernea---i"""ptJa, ialieiea, adopted -and declared as a o"i"oituf covenant of sulh owner and, ai a personal covenant, shal| be ffiffi;- ;;';;; -;r;;;- ."a- ni" heirs,- personal representatives, =".".r!"rs and "="ig";t-and stralt be deened a personal covenant to, L2 with and for the benefit of each oldner of any portion of Parcel A or iii.i"i--i;-i"a tfiry strirr be deemed a real covenant by Declarants, for iil"="r"i=l--trtiir heirs, p."tott"i- representatives, successors and ;;i;;;;-."a-ii=" an "quitalle servitudC, running, in each case' as a burden with and "p"" tfr"-titie to each and every portion of Parcel A and Parcel B. 19. ENFORCEMENT AND REUEDTES. A. Each provision of this Declaration shall be enforceable by any owner Uy a pioceeding for a prohibittve or mandatory lnjunction or Ui'.-i"it 6r altion to recover dauages. -If -court proceedings are lnstituteO fn conn""tion wlth the rigfrts of enforcenent and renedies ;;;;i;;-i"-Irti= oecrirition, the pr6vailing.p.+y shalt- be .entitledto recover tts costs and expenses in "ontt."iion ttrerewith, including reasonable attorneY fees. B. Each owner hereby agrees that any and all actions in eguity or at faw wfricfr - ii. lnstitu€ea to enforce any provlsLon- hereunder =tt"ii be brought $- ana onfy in the District Court of Eagle county, State of Colorado. c. Failure to enforce any provision of this Declaratl-on shall not operate as a waiver of any-suih provision, the right to ^enforce!"Jf,--p""ririo" thereafter, or -ii ity other provi-ion of this Declaration. 20. EXERCISE OF RIGHT$. Any exercise of any right -grantedhereunder by onEllifrffittr re3pect- to th? other ownerrs unit including but not linited to ttre uie of any easement granted - herein ;i;;iil;-exeicisea in a nanner which shall not unreasonably hinder' irp"a.-"t-itpot" upon such other ownerrs use of his unit' 2L. succEssoRs AlfD ASSTGNS. Except as ,other:wise provided nereinl thme btnding upon and shalr inure to the benefit of ""cf, onner and the heiri, -personal representatives, successors and assigns of each. 22. SEVERABILITy. Invaliiity _or uTenforceability . of - any pro.rilions-ffiG-6filaration ln itrote or in part shall not effect the validity or enforceable part of " p"o.tision of ttris Declaration' 23. CAPITONS. The captions and headings in this instrunent are for convenience LiIy ind sirafl not be considered in construing any provisions of this Declaration. 24. coNSTRUerIOlr. l{hen necessary for proper construction, the nasculine of ""Film- "=lA in this Declaration shall include the i"ri"i"" or neutlr gt"a"i, and the singular the plural and vice versa' l_3 o IN VVITNESS WHEREOF Declarants has executed this Declaration this day ot , 1995. Anthony M. Ryerson Cynthia B. Ryerson STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE Subscribed and sworn to before me this ___ day of ---___,1995 by Anthony M. Ryerson and Cynthia B. Ryerson. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires on: Notary Public 1. EXHIBIT IIAII ToPARTyWALLAGREEMENTANDDECIARATIoNoFcovENN|Ts' CONDITIONS NID RESERVATIONS FOR rpT 15, BrpcK 5, BTGHORN SUBDrVrsroN, FII"TH ADDITION COUNTY OF EAGI,E, STAEE OF COIORADO Right of proprletor of a vein or lode to extract and remove his o.5 th"reiroi snouia tn" same be found to penetrate or Lntersect in" pi"ri"e= as resenred ln United States Patent recorded Sept-enber 13, tgoz, in Book 48 at Page 491' Right of way for ditches or canals constructed by the authority oi-tft" Unitid Staies as reserved in United States Patent recorded Septenber 13, Lgo2, in Book 48 at Page 491' Restrictive covenants which do not contain a forfeiture or reverter clause, but onitting restrictions, if any, based on "i""1-"oroi, r"itgiott, or nafional origin,-as- c9llained in instrument record6d govenber 25, L966, in Book 175 at Page 445. utility Easement five feet in width a),ong aII lnterior lot lines as resined on the recorded plat of Blghorn Subdivislon Fifth Addition. 2. 3. 4. 15 t. 2. 3. 4. EXHIBIT ||AN TO PARTYWALL AGREEUENT Al{D DECIARATION OF COVENANTS' CONDITIONS AT{D RESERVATIONS FOR IOT 15, BIOCK 5, BIGHORN SUBDIVISION, FIHfiI ADDITION COUNTY OF EAGIJE, STATE OF COLRADO Rtght of proprietor of a vein or lode to extract and remove his o16 theretron should the same be found to penetrate or intersect the prenises as reserrred in united states Patent recorded Septenber 13, L9o2, in Book 48 at Page 491. Right of way for ditches or canals constructed by the authority of-the Unitea States as reserved in United States Patent recorded Septenber 13, l-9o2, in Book 48 at Page 491. Restrictive covenants which do not contain a forfeiture or reverter clause, but onitting restrictions, if any, based on race, color, reiigion, or national origin, as contained in instrunent recorded Novenbet 25, L966, in Book L75 at Page 445. Utility Easement five feet in width along all interior lot llnes as res6rrred on the recorded plat of Bighorn Subdivision Fifth Addition. 15 cAsE r---r cK." F 46602 Permit l$.tmben HOw PArD-Crsh-chec k J:I-I i ::l:;-.:.t' , ! F.l I.- ," " .;:: l 't 't '' v f a Frnrl E-E HIL]L] --{oomIqi-.D.;-E| --r H ot<: 1l'r, !l :lm: dloarfix -l.oi gIIP crl-u in Ol< -r If-m=ttaaac o.<l1 ^dP_(Dir, o >lz6 -n !m + mq, n2o6) t-ooz @{Fco =oz 1JlrtF ={ n -c)Or z< z=-_i .1 z q,zlqah -1mIrlLr IItr ar to \J l(.)<lo n | 'Tl 6HPr =-1 ln mxm -l z L (D U)Im 2.\ 4T ori R<z': 'ir >-^7 --{ F9; O1z. t-ic3s t2 ovomz= >;-roo> c) 2n--l mnZ>mOD-{>or- c)_T- =m --.t {zm z 3lt o4o a-t - o>'- I z- { o r --t Ol f-I .I l-z 1," Its. 0a l6 lFl l"l\rlts t- mrm Jo€z -n t- m zo m-F N) I io€z 'n It- m ; I n -I .d P-i {o€z _n Ir m 9,z I l-{lol{z lo lll> =, s z I lrlot€ l6lll> lF IB 15,lz I a g P Fpo m l .)EP:FEbl-< E l'-:0r E loP. lrn lPF$4 1<rlco I le,Fl Io, lF lc)Ltr @ ,F.! 1Lr ip{\o lalt<! TRI lp l< I lo lrto, l€ oo\ | 10 --r |rl It'l or .= Y;;: d' oqoi6Rsrr^ X ^.='diS(]l=x :.<c)Jd{ 3 d ==Eeo (/, o:1 =q 1:- =igil(D x- < ", Zsr o5o:: o^.(,,xd.?q*l -o:.(og+o O*=E -=-=65;3 ;ta 9.6{ofPf-o ci *U'3l= He4e 5'=.; E@ioL *-rd3goE*s5;e <o-l6;(D= f 6 =. Ia:Ei 3u a;.'3gQ =*'.i-)l(,ro=. o 5.ot A) a, ot :*o 3(! g. 3' oo o =o - oo o =o --l €l o0tcro o o z c m -n o€zm o _n I I @mt-_n z {am {2m IPo I Il o9-l oz -o mI =azmmom-t oc--t fio<>nI >o o€ooa A l l-- ti i - I* lr ilrI I ll tl rqt; r. -.t- I I 1 I+- i- I ;T '7ct I lzt;' = oo-Rr!^'* io I(rm:gto)O z C <-: i m mi I 2rni -tm -.t =><p< o i z nm! Iz -o m c) c! ab C _--t z >-nZO -<z6)ul ^z |4,fliz.!D l.(:It€m otrDJ :otx<*e 'r, za .J (DP4 ...,Is0Ns .. l5rl t0 09d.l I I *o0 mrIt. l"I Tth fr tt ?Q$ff)Ip{P $rf.o T I z2o g t- 2 z ma =z =z6I -t -.t F , nIo -t FJ t-t tr.) o I I\o C,) I --l t- mx =-n mma (n mJ x m zi m q --t m z m m€ nmc) m -t z mlrl m I zo c oz m mc)-{ o ! zoIm @g = m4 = m ==-n mm(, I VALUATION 'ttmv =29 =m zo = = m mo x g z c) 5 X ) ti r/eagt!sd-3o84 ( O Oro* oF vArL "o"rr"utoJ PERr'rrr + blQL PERMIT APPT,.TC}TIO} FOR}IDmEz L)/zf*>; , APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COIi|PLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED' It****************************tt PERI-IIT INFORMATION ******** ********* ***** *!r** ***trt -,-[ ]-Building [ ]-Pfurnbing [ ]-Electrlcal [z,f-t'techanical [ ]-Other Job Name: Owners Name: 7.."- Architect: ,/ Job Addree,sz 4 * 5-7 n1.o-/,:.- Legal Descriptiont Lotlli4 .t/Block--;-- tLting r;'4" Address: </ f ;-7 t". o "/n Pb. ? z/ , /.- r: ,;.2 Ph.Address: /..rr, /rrT-t' /.',// y'. e .;. t /'.?ar( -' .7V/ - bt ,; bjra\ UN tr9 .-I{ork class: [ ]-New [.]-Alteration [ ]-Additlonal t l-Repair 7144otner Nunber of Dwelling Units. -?---Nurnber of Acconmodation Unitsl nprnUer and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances {* * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * *'l ** :t * * VALUATIONS Gas Logs_ Wood/Pellet___=:- General Description: BUILDTNG: $ELECTRICAL: I PLT,'MBING: T- MECHANICALZ ffi- I * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CONTRACTOR INFORMATIONfleneral Contractor: Address: Electrical Contractor: Address; ********************************* OTHER: $ TOTAL: | .tza,, - Plurnbing Address: Contractor: *************************** Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of VaiI Reg. No. Phone Nurnber: l{echanical Contractor :Address: /.'',.-. t,',- t /. ,t tf--., -/, ( ******************************** FOR BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLWBING PER}IIT FEE: MECITANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FE8: DRB FEE: Town of Vail Reg. No. /;7f Phone Nurnber: 72 oFFICE USE ******************************* BUTLDTNG PIAN CHECK FEE: PLIIMBING PIAN CHECK FEE: Ii'ECHANICAL PIAN CHECK FEE: FSCREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDING: SIGNATUREs ZONINGs Connents: Ib:-E CI.EAI| I'P DEP,OSIT REFT'ND SIGNA ad and acknowledged by: oooo 75 south Irontage rold Yall, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2139 TOI rROM: DATE: SURTECT: olllce ol communlty deyolopmont ALL CONTRACTORS CT'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VArL PUBLIC I{ORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT I,IARCH 16, L988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn summaryr.ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawfur for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor materiar, including trash durnpsteri, portable toilet! andworkrnen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public _q1?9" or any portion thereof. The right-oi-way 6n all Town ofVaiI streets and.fgags is approxinateiy 5 ft. 3ff pavement.This ordinance wirl be strictry enforcld by the Town of VaiIng!]i-c works Department. pers6ns found vi3lating this ordinancewrrr be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said materiar.rn the event the person so notified does not cornply with th;--notice within t}re 24 hour time specified, the pulric worksDepartment will remove said material at the expense of personnotified. The provlsions of this ordinance srrirr not beappricabre to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review ordLnance No. e in furl, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Departnent to obtain a copy. tirani< you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. Re Y (i.e.contractor, owner) oo 75 roulh frontage road uril, colorado 81657 (3031 479-2138 or 479-2139 oo I offlcc of communlty devclopmenl BUILDING PERIiIT ISSUANCE TIME FMME If this perqit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval,Engineel''s (Publ ic works) reyiew and approval , a planning'Department review or Health Department review, and a rev.iew by the 6uitblngDepartment, the estimated time for a total review iny take as 16ngas three weeks. All commercial (1arge or small) and a'll mu1ti-family permits willhave to follow the above mentioned maximum requjremLnis. Residentialand.small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, ifresidential or smalier projects impact the various above mentioniddepartments.with regard.to necessary review, these projects mayalso take the three week period. Every atternpt will be made by this department to expedite thjspermit as soon as possrlbl e. I, the undersigned, understand the p1 an check procedure and time frame. (, ,/ Date lJork ffi Communi ty Devel opment Department. oo oo .ti '/e ilttltlllI ,iirl.l::'iiliilili( i 2,, o's 'l i, z ("y fr, oF', ' h' l,,lo,.f "q i T'r 'l I ni ''l 'i't €i i (4'' 4il,',lil.ilf /;.,1, i 1.."1, )/+ '1 tl"i i-i1 ,in,.iA!,. i *;'/i bi:1 il-'tr) 'F,"/', I q/(l l F,'b'lrvl'(l l4'vt.+ | tr'+r Ititttitll 'l i+lwn4 '4 1{tl14'hU'l,l I'I l,-'l'( L+#*t+1,'lEnnFv l,l I 721"1"(+'( 11,|||tlllllllll ildiiil'_i iI-fi i i ,\,'l J'4,'l lol:11' , t'frtt,, of , ,Pri,r1:lt,'i ',ALlJ+nV-:, it''i {:+ 1, i ) 071,"' 1', //' d,,zt.e ,'.r/ C a,q *d y' " ( ,t,/l : u,,tc'/-t ', ; ill(','o, y* i f:1 i ?^-i't ( 7 | t lr"/," ', '(i i, r,u('1'/1 +),"1.) | l4i,',Li'i )"1' 'i,i ifl 4 ,',/i, /4 | Dr.iA .i /+ /r.i,i I l,t f i Vi n', I A, tylkt,,)^ i|),r,l l+ ,,,),"bt, fir[-l/,1.i t4,-Il | 4",",i l'F,' i++il1 i*t; ',44 l'?,t)'lilt ifi+ii n"fti'r 14.1 14,+ | ft4 |+"1/14 i l++4 | 14-.4.4 | +,V.1 Vl I l4-l+ t, 4"1 vlW r.+,1 1,, L l:i+l'l lj"rYYIbiffifl,f 4'l | 14(4/l | 144-l | 4"1lllillrrrrlll -l ltl I i.l I I I I | | r r I e P 4 l j I i I i I I I IL I I I I I I I I I I J p 1 l I l l l l I Ii l t Il I l i l I .t 1I I l lt- i i I I i ; i I j II I I l I I I Ii I I I. I I,I . iol/ t'J..-:, l I I I I I iiiiil 11iliill I I i 1 I : I I, I I T I I ,.1 I I I l I : ' I il ) 1 I I T I l T l t i I OO r|-1\-,JEU I INSPECTION:MON o( tNs PECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAILPERMIT DATE NUMBER I'NAME I ir -- CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V,tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING B BOUGH / WATER tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION D POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: B HEAiING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL tr FINAL .p Ceenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED PARTYWALL AGREEMENT AND DECL"ARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESERVATIONS FOR LOT 16, BLOCK 5 , BIGHORN SUBDIVISION FIFTH ADDITION ACCORDING TO THE PLAT COUNTY OF EAGLE , STATE OF COLORADO RECITALS Anthony M. Ryerson and Cynthia B. Ryerson ,("collectively referred to as Declarant" ) are the owners of the real property situate in the Counry of Eagle, State of Colorado, described as lot 16, Block 5.Bighorn subdivision, Fifth Addition , according to the plat recorded in the Clerk and Recorders office, Coungr of Fegle, State of Colorado. 2. Declarant owns on Parcel A and parcel B a building consisting of two units, each designed and intended for use and occupancy as a residential dwelling unit, which are sometimes refferedto herein separately as "unit" or collectively as "units". 3. Parcel A contains Unit A and Parcel B contains Unit B. DECLARATION Declarant does hereby publish and declare that rhe followingtenns, covenants, conditions, easements, restricdons, use, reservations, limitations and obligations shall be deemed to run withthe land described herein, shall be a burden and a benefit toDeclarants, their personal representatives , heirs, successors andassigns and any person acquiring or owning an interest in the realproperty which is described herein and improvements built thereon, hisgrantees, personal representatives , heirs, successors and assigns. l. DEFINITIONS. Unless the contexr shall expressly provide otherwise , the following terms shall have the following meanings:A. " The Properties " means all of the real estate legally described as l,or 16, Block 5, Bighorn Subdivision, Fift]r Addition , according County oftitle set to the Plat recorded in the clerk and Recorderrs office, Eagle, State of Colorado, subject to the reservations of forttr on the attached Exhibit rrArr ' B. nlotrr or trBuilding sitetr neans Parcel A or Parcel B as shown on the Map together with all appurtenances. c. trDuplexil or nBuilding'r ueans the two contiguous dwelling unLts constructed upon the Parcels. D. trUnitn means any one of the two dwellings conprising the rrDuPlexrr. E. rrConmon Arearr means Parcel C as shown on the Map which shall be owned equally by both of the owners of the Parcel A and Parcel B each having an Equlf undivided one-half interest as Tenants in common in and to the Connon Areas. F. troxr'nerrr means a Person, personsr firm, corporation, partnership or association, or other legal entity, or any conbination ttrereof, owing an interest in the Parcels. G. nllaprf means the engineering survey of the Eagle Valley Sunreying, Inc., Dannie Corcoran, Colorado aeficting lnd locating speeificity thereon the inirovenints thereon, reiorded o[ --, iD ra-ge - and is hereby subrnitted to this Declaration' H. rAssessmentrr r0eans any periodic or one tine charge to cover the cost of any expense or charAe that becones due and owing by virtue of this Declaration. 2. DESCRIPTION AND RESERVATTON. Every Contract of sale, Deed,t,easrystDeed,wi11orotherinstrumentshalllegally describe a-unit or real property interest as follows: Parcel A or Parcel B (as the case nay be), together with an undivided one-half (1122) interest in Parcel C, acco-rdlng to. t!e. ptat entitted a Resubdiiiii6n of Lot 16, Block 5, Blghorn Subdivision, Properties bYP.L.S. L6827Parcels andBook at at PageFifth Addition, recorded in Book -, County of Eag1e, State of Colorado. Every such description shall be good and sufficient for all purposes io sell, conve!, transfer, encurnber or othetrise effect the iarlet and all appurtenant rights, benefits, aTd burdens thereto as created by the -lrovisions of this Declaration, and each such descriptioir shalt Le so construed. This provision shal! apply to . the Irop".Li"s as said tern (the Properties) is defined in this Declaration. 3. PROPERTY DIVISION. A. Declarants hereby establish this plan for the subdivision the nroperii.i inio rnree il) parcels for ownership il fee sinple ifre inaividual and separate' owners of Parcel A, and Parcel B' undivided co-tenants 'or Parcel C shich connonly owned property defined and referenced as coruron Area' B. The connon Area, Parcel A and Parcel B shall-be subject the easements noted on the nap and those set forth hereLn' of by ASis to c. Parcel A, and Parcel B shall have appurtenant thereto an undivided one-nati $/21 interest in Parcel c' which- shall be fns-paralle from i.t"if'e, anct Parcel B and uay be conveyed'. Ieased' devised or encumb"';6-;"ii as such undivided and appurtenant interest. D. No owner shatl bring any action for partition or division of parcel A ana parcei g or oi slia parcels from their appurtenant unaiviaea interests in Parcel C or froi the easements as set forth in paragraph 4 below. E. In the event Parcel A and Parcel B are owned by the same entities, the doctrine of merger shall not apply' F.Theparties,ifrnorethanone,havingtheownershipofeach such unit shali agre. anong thenselves how to share the rlghts - and oliiqi[i""" of ;,];h own6rship; ,provided,. however, that if a r"ipiiiiion, partn-i-nip, assoc-iatlon or other legal entity shall becone an owner oi ttt" birtie=, if nore than one, have the concurrent .r".i=ftip of a unit, thin srlch-entity or concurrent ouners shall frorn ii."-t" iine aesiS"lt.--o;. lndividuai wno shall represent su9h . entity or concurrent ofio"r" in all matters concerning all rights and obligations pursuant to this Declaration' G. Any such entity or concurrent orrners shalt give written notice to the ottrei o*n"t'designating the individual to act on its or their behalf .na-ir..tr notice- shali be effective until revoked in r-tli[i"g bV such entity or owners. Any - act or ouission by such l""i""it"& inatviauii-sirarf be binding on the entlty. or owners having ;;fil;i;e ;i; in favor of the other owner or any other person who nay rely thereon. , H.Eachunitshallbeconsideredaseparateparcelofrealprop"iiy ana snatt be separately addressed and taxed' 4. ENCROACHI.IENIS. If any portion of Parcel A' or Parcel B now encroachet-upott-tne otner parcll-or on Parcel C as a result of the construction-of any building, or if any such encroachnent shall occur hereafter as a result of settling or shifting.of any buitdlls' a valid easernent for the encroachment and for the Uaintenance of the sane so i""e'-.1-tfr"-l"ifai"g--sti"as, strall exist. In the event any building "t"if-u" partfafii--6r iotally destroyed as a.result of fire or other casualty or aa a-iesuft of c6ndennation or euinent donain proceedings ;;e-g11;; rebuilt,-encioacrrn"nts of parts of the building on the other fircef , due to sricn---ilbuilding, shlll be pemitted, so long as such encroachments are of no greatei-extent ttrair those previously existing, ina vafia easements for iuch encroachments and the naintenance thereof =triff exist so long as the building shall stand' 5. PARTY-WALI.,. A. The conmon wall placed equally divided on the conmon boundary separating-iinii a an-! Unit B, tne-iootings underlying and the ;;;ii;;'of ioof ov6r sucn wall are coitectively referred to herein as the rrParty Wallrr. B. To the extent not lnconsistent wLth this Declaration' the g"rr"t"l tot"= of law regarding party.walls and-Iiability for damage due to negligence, wiflfil acti -or onissions shall aPply to the Party I{aIl. c. The owners of either unit shall have a perpetual-easement. in and to that part-oi tn" other unit on whictr the Party.Wall is located' i"r pi"ti t.ir pntpo""", tnctuding nutual. support, naintenance' repair ;;e fi=paction.- rir ttre'event of damage to oi the destruction of the piiti Witt frou ""y -i".", tltgl the oiners shall at joint exPense. in equal shares, t"piit-Ji rilnita said party wall, and each oltner, shall i"=".-t[-.i-riSitt- Lo the full use of laid-party watl so repaired and i:"fi"iid. -n5twitfr"t.nai"g-anything containld, aLove to the contrary, if lnE-negfigence, wiltful act or 6nission of any owner, his fanily, ;;"t-;;-ir,.rit6", shalr ggusg danage to or.destruction of, the Party witt, such o*ttlt shall bear the entire cost of TgPliI or i""oi.trt""ction, and an ouner who by his negligent or will-ful act causes the Party l{all to be exposed to the elenents shall bear the i"if cost ot -fuini-ntng the-necessary protection against such elenents. 6. A.Theownersfrontlnetotirneshallundertakesuch landscaping and g;".r.r-"niaoot improvernents including but not linited [o arivlwaf and -parking areas as-they nay 1u!u1Jly and .unaninouslya".r-pt"p"i for tfr"-narfi"nlous inprovenent- of both units in a conmon il.r"l aird, except for any expense or liability caused through the ;;;ii;";;"'oi--riirful act 6r any olrner, his faruily, agent or invitee, o which shall be borne solely by such owner' each osner shall share all ;il;";;;- r i"uii iii-;"-;d-;enirar upkeep iespons ibil ities with respect to such landscapi"g-i"d orrfdoor irnirovlrnent-s according to thg -ratiosJlt-i"itt - i" p?.il;r;;h 8 below., itr" owner of one unit shall not unreasonaUfy aanii;-tf,; value of the other unit such as by shoddy upkeep outside, hit Uotn ottners shall nake all reasonable efforts to #;;;-.";-i-trarionrous comnon appearance of the units' B.cornfionutilityorEenriceconnectionsorlines,conmonfacitities or oth!;-;q"ipilnt ana property- located in or on either of the units nut usea- ifr "brrott with tfre otner unit, i! -a{tyt shall be owned as tenant=-ir, -"otton of egual undivided one-half interests by the owners or eacrr unit and, except for any exDense or liability caused through the negligence o" rifitol act oi ani owner' his__fanily, aqent or invitee, ili;;- shall be borne solely by such__owner,. all :il:;=:: .ii'iiltirities concerned with such propertv shatr be shared proportionately ,i[n-""cfr ownership-. The ownelof Lne unit on which such property Is n"[ r""it.d shall have a perpetual easement in and to that part of such oinEi unit containl.ng suLF property as is reasonably necessary ror pufuo;;;-"i naintenance, repair, and inspection. c. comnon access and parking is presently provided on a portion of parcel C. Th;;; is hlreby lreatia a rec-iprocal easement and ;igh;;i-way for each owner over, across- and through that part of parcel c upon rrrilt-lrr"-piiXi"e area is located. The oltners shall il;;-;q,r"i-iigni [" ttt" irse of-such parking area and no oldner sha1l iii"J.r="i-p"fiit rrir-- invitees to hinier reisonable use by the other ;;;;;-";a -nis inviiees of the parkins arga. .It is presumed_ that Jili.'if"riirrg--riff be reguired fron'tine €o tine, the cost of which will be shared by the owneri. Other naintenance, repair or inprovement of ;.;-;;;iini iicirili!" nay be. res'ired fryon tine to tine, and the same shalf Ue unaeriii"" uion the unanitnous agreement of the owners who shall strare ;ii-;6;"".-=. AII such expensei, as set forth herein' straff be allocated as iet forth in paragraph 8' A.rnaddition,tonaintenanceprovidedforinparagraph.6.A.,the owners shali -pii -in.it protortionate share as allocated in ;;;";;;;h I o! the 't6tar cost ltt'ocated to each parcel,. in "Tg:t to provide exterior'r"f"i""in." and exterior repair upon the units and all portlons of P;;;i- a- and of irt" pircet irpon. wirictr each unit is Iocated includingl--U"t ioi---fftit"a Lo, the -exterior and the roof housing the unitJ: R;;"-i;, reptacenent irr cleaning of^exterior window slass shall be -""""ii"i"d inlerior rnaintenance. If the need for ;;;;i"-i;-.uor"a irti""gh-the negllgence or. willful act of anv owner, il:';;riivl-"g""t-oi-ii"it.e,.srlch- onner shatl bear the entire costs ;;-;il-iliraii "i i.."n.itu.ifott. Both units nust be painted at the 7. sane time and with the sane naterials shall be nade Yith the character of approval of both Parties. Parcel AParcel B A. ExcePt for ltems incurred as a for herein, if any owner shall cauae any and no exterior nodificationsthe building without unanimous 50t 50t comnon expensenaterial to be as provided furnished to B. Each owner shall be solely responsible for naintenance and repaii-or lne in"ia. oi hls unit inltuaing-fixtures and inprovenents li5-lir-itiiitv--iines-ana equipnent located therein-and senring such ""it-""fi. wiiraos gi.ij snitt-_Ue deemed interior 'maintenance' In ;;;";fig sucn maiitenance and repair, or in lnproving or altering his unit, no ouner shall do any-.act or.work which irnpairs -the;;";6fu soundness of either irnit or the Party. Wal1 or which f;i;;i;ras with any easement granted or reeerrred herein. c. utitity or service connections or lines, facilitles or other utiriiy equipnent ana-pioperty located in, on or upon eithgt gf the ""itt,'rti.tt-"t" used soiely-to suppry a sg5vice or utility to one unit shall be owned by the owner oi-the unit using such utility or r"""f"" and alt -"ip""3"= and liabilities for repair and maintenance shall be borne sotity by the owner of such unit, who shall have a perpetual ear"r"rri-in'."i to thaC part- of such other parcel or unit containing such ;;";;;t- as is,reaionably necessary for purposes of uaintenance, repair and inspection. D. No owner shall make or suffer any structural or design cfrancl tincfuaing a color schene change), . either pelaanent or ;.ifi;...;-;;a;';ny-typg or.nature whatsotver to the exterior of his ,.nil or Lonstnrct iny'iaaitional building structure of any typg or / nature whatsoever upoir any part of his pariel .without first obtaininq . /IiI-irfJi-riitt"t cinsent-tiereto ii"t the other owner' such consent V shall not be ""t".t"t.Uii titftn"fa. In case of danage or. destruction oi-u"V ""it or ;t-;;tt-th!reof !y_?ny cause whatsoever, the owner of sucfr irnit shall "it^." with due aitiglnce the unit to be repaired - and ;;;";;; appiving th; proceeds oi insurance, if aDY' for- that orrroo"".' Sircfr-unit sha1j. be restored to a condltion comparable to fi;i-;;i"r-[o-- CiiE-a"rigE-.tta in a harnonious nanner to pronote the connon theme of both unitE. 8. ALIpCATION OF EXPENSES. Costs and expenses of landscaping' s"rvice faffi renoval , naintenance and repat'rs' to iii"ri-cr-."a all-o[her ionnon exPenses as Eet forth herein to be shared by both owners, except as. ciused by negligence of willful act "i-i" ""irer, shali le'attocited in the following proportions: 9. his parcel or unit thereon or any labor to be perfotmed therein or Cnerlon, the other onner shall not under any cLrcumstances be liable for the palment of any expense incurred or for the value of the work done or ialerial furn-ishedt all such work shall be at the expense of the owner causing it to be done, and such ohtner shall be solely responsible to contractors, laborers, naterialnen and other persons fur-nisning labor or rnaterials to his parcel - or_ any improvenents therein oi thereon; nothing herein contained shall authorize either owner or any person dealinq through,, yith or under el.ther owner to charge the untl of the other olfner with any nechanicrs lien or other lien-or encumbrance whateveri and, on the contrary (and notice is hereby given) the rlght and pouer-to charge any-Iien or encunbrance of any Xind against one owner or against one ownerrs parcel for work done or-naterials furnished to the other olJnerrs parcel is hereby expressly denied. B. Except as provided for below, if, because of any act or onission of any owner, any nechanicrs or other lien or order for the palnnent of noney shall ba filed against the other ownerrs.parcel or in! inprovenenti therein or thereon or against any other owner (wlrethlr or not such lien or order is valid or enforceable as such) 'the owner whose act or omission for:ms the basis for such lien or order sha1l at his own cost and expense cause the same to be cancelled and discharged of record or bonded by a surety company reasonably accepta6le to such other owner, within 30 days after the date of fifiirg thereof, and further shall indennify and save the other onner hamt6ss from and against any and all costs, expenses, clains, losses or damages, including reasonable attorneyrs fees resulting therefrom. 10. INST'RANCE A. Each owner shall keep his unit and all fixtures therein insured against loss or damage by fire and extended coverage perils iincfuaini vandalisn and natilious nischief) for the naxinum i-lfu..r.it value thereof. Any onner nay on 30 daysr sritten notice, it'any tine tuo years or longei after the last appraisal of the units, nay ofitain a yiitten appriisal of Euch units fron .a conpetent apiraiser, with both owneil sharing the cost of the appralsal provided il'was done cith the unanimous conaent of the owners. Such appral'ser shatl be a disinterested and independent third party who is unrelated in any manner to either owner whether through joint business adventures or otherwise. B. Each owner shall provide and keep ln force, fo! the protection of hinself, general publlc liability and property danage inrur.tt"" against clains-for bodity injury or deat! or property danage occurring ii, on or upon, his parcel owned in fee siurple and the irpi"".r6nts thereon, in a lirntt of not less than 93OOr0OO.00 in respect of bodily injury or death to any number of persons.arising_ out of -one accident 6r aiea3ter, or for damage to property, and if -higherlinits shall at any tine be customary to protect against- possible tort iiiUifity, such niiner linits -shall-be cirried and each owner shall name the 6ttrer own6r as an additional insured party under such pollcy. C. Each owner sha1l deliver to the other owner certificates evidencing att insurance required to be carried under this paragraph' eaEn-contiinittg agreements by the insurers not to cancel or nodify the poti"i"s withorit 6iving the other olrner written notice of at least 30 lays. Each owner-shall have the right to _inspect and 9o_py all- such in'surance policies of the other owner and require evidence of the palment of premiurns thereon. D. Nothing provided in thls paragraph shall prevent the ouners frorn jointfy acgiiiing a single pollcy to cover-any one or_r1ore.of.the h;;;ra;-;eq,iir"d in tiis parigrapn to be separately insured against by each owner. 11. DESTRUCIION OF II'IPROVEI'{ENTS ON PARCEL' A. In the event of danage or destruction to a unit by fire or other disaster, the insurance proceeds, if sufficient to reconstruct thl unit, shali be deposited inlo a bank account which requires, for withdrawils, the signitures of both the owners' or disbursed directly ;t Ch" insuiance cirrier. The owners shall then pro_nptly authorize the necessary repair and reconstruction nork and the insurance pi".""{" ttff'l" ipplied by the owners to defray the cost thereof' i'Repair and reconsihctionn-of units, as used herein, means restoring the irnprovements to substantially the sarns condition in which titty .ii"i"i prior to ttre danage with -each unit having the same boundaries as before. B. If the insurance proceeds are insufficient to repalr or reconstruct any dJnagea unil, such danage or degtruction shall be pto"ftfy repaiied and-reconstructed by the owner using the insurance proceeds and the proceeds of a special assessment agains! th9 owner of f,tre aanaged unit.- Any such assessments shall be egual .to the -anount;t-"hi;h-the cost of ieconstruction or repal-r of the unit exceeds the "i.r "f the insurance proceeds allocable to such unlt. Such assessnent shalt be due and palrable not sooner than thirty (?9) 9.yt - after wriiten notice tnerEJ?. The special assessrnent provided for herein shall be a debt of the owner oi the danaged unit and a lien on his parcel and the improveuents.hereon and nay be enforced and collected f,y forecfosure proceedlngs ln the Courts' L2. DAI'IAGE To coUUoN ARFA' In the event of damage or destruction to all or a portron oi tttt connon-Area due to fire or otherdisaster,thelnsuranceproceedsifsufficienttoreconstructorrepair the oauige,---"nirr --i". -ippriea by----!le owners to such reconstruction ""i-i"piii. rf the i-nsurance proceeds with respect to such Comno' e"". -d.rii"-"" aestruction are inlufficient to repair - and reconstruct the diifi;d -or aestroy-a - conton AT::' - the owners- sharr consider a speciii alsessnent. If suctr assess1ent is approved by both owners, tne ownei= Jn.rr nake such issessnent and-proceed to make such repairs o,' """orrJ[*"if"". If such assessment lE not approved, the insurance pto"""iJ-;;;-;;-.ppri"a-in accordance with the wishes of the osrners, unless made Jointly ptyofit to the owners and the first nortgagees of th;ir-r.3p"Jiiir.'pii""r=, lt any. The assessnent as to each owner ancl ;;;";i irr"tt u"- -quar'to the assessment against the other owner and ;;;;;i.--i""fr a"s"ig.nt shall be due and payable not sooner than trrfili--iiof aays aiier written notice thereof' The assessment providei fdr 'herein shall be a debt of each owner and a Iien on tris parcli- ;;a tne inprovements thereon and roay be enforced "tta ."ff"ctei ly foreclosure proceedings in the Courts' 13. RI6HT TO LIEN. A.ffanoltner'atanytime,shallneglectorrefusetoperfornor p.y-t is share-oi-airy-onfiiation'required hereunder, the other owner may, but sharr ";; ;; ;ir6;A' lo, after 30 davs written notice unlessthecircumstancesrequlreinnediateactionrnakesuchpalment;;,-;; ttnart of such other owner, expgng such-Eum as nay be necessary i"'p"ir"r* =,r.n oiil,iuii." including,-but-ngt linlted to, the palment of any insurance;;;;iffi-reguired frireunaei or the undertaking of any work required heriunder for-repair, restoratlon ^or maintenance, and such other owner shall have an eirir"nt in and to that part of such defaulting ownerrl--""ft---." is reasonably necessarT for such repair' restoration or maintenance. B. All suns so paid or expended by an- owner' with interest thereon at the rate of ra percen-t ne1 yeir.. fron the date of such patment ot "*p"rriii"""l "rtiri .-ue-payilre-by t!e.. owner so failing to ;&i;r- (the irdei;;it$g owner'r) upon denand of the other olrner. c.Allsunssodemandedbutunpaidlr-trredefaultingo^rrnershall constitute a lien on the paicet oi ttre defaulting owner in favor of the other orrr.i piiot-t" all'other liens and encurnbrances, except: (i) liens for tails-"ne-sp"cial assessnentsi and, (ii) the lien of any first nortgage oi-tiiit deed oi tnrst of record encumbering such iiilJrl--ri.-ii"n-"triii attach fron rhe dare when the unpaid sun sharl become due and nay be foreclosed ln llke nanner as a mortgage on -real;;#rtt-np"" tft"'r-coiaing of . a notice or clain thereof executed by-tn"-ttoni"fiulting -;;;;- ;eiifng forth the amount of the unpaid i"a"li"a"ess, th5 niroe of ure d6faulting o!n9r,-and a description of tiit unit. in any---ucn foreclosure thi defaulting_o{ner ehall- be i"q"ii"a to pay tfre costs and expenaes of such proceedings, including reasonable attorneYrs fees. D. The lien provided for herein shall be subordinate to the fien oi any first n'ortgage or deed of trust, including all additional id.r"rrc"t tlrereon. Sa16 5r tranefer of either parcel as the result of court foreclosure of a nortgage, foreclosure through the -publictrustee, or any pro-eealng in-lieu of forecloEure' Elt?I-l extinguish in" fi"it of suih i"s".s."ttfs as to palments thereof wtrich become due oiior to such sale or transfer, but shall not relieve any for:mer_onner [i-p.r"""ii- fi"Uili-y therefoi. The nortgagte?. of such- parcel -who;;di;;; iitr" UV-*iV'of foreclosure or tha taking of a deed in. Iieu ifr6reot, shall n-ot n6wever, be liable for any past due assessment and stralf only becone liable for future assessments on the date it becomes Ifr"-orn.i'or is entitled to becone the owner of suc! P?I991. _No sale oi- iranster shall relieve such parcel fron_.liability_ fol any arre""m"nts thereiiter beconing due or fron the tien thereof. In the event of the sale or transfer 6f a parcel with respect to which -:uns;ilii le unpaia -ui-a-aeiaulting owirer, except.transfers to a first r""tg"g." iir conneition uith a foreclosure of its lien or a deed in iieu-tfrereof, the p"irf,a="r or other transferee of an interest in such ;;;.i ;naII' be iointly and - severatly llable sith the seller or fransferor thereof-for any such unpaid suns' E. Upon written reguest of any. owner, nortgagee, prospective nortgagee, iurchaser or ofher prospeclive transferee of a parcel ,..the owner of the other parcel sniU - issue a written statenent setting forth the amount he ii owed under this paragraP!, if anyr -with respect ["-"""tr ""it. S".fr rl"itnent is binding upon the executing owner in favor of any pers-n who nay rely thereon in.g-ood faith. Unless a i"q,test for-suih stitenent siall Le conpligd- wfth vithin fifteen days ;;i;;-;;eipt thereor, att unpaid surns which becane due prior to .theaii.-"i-riiing -uctr riErest slrall be subordinated to the lien or other interest of the person reguesting such statement' 14. USE RESTRTqTTONS. A. Each unit shall be restricted to a residential dwelllng as a oerrnitted u-e, arrd conditional and accessory uses as defined pV ^tnei;;-;;-n.ii'zonrng ordinances and Regrulations.and the Restrictions and Covenants for Bighorn Subdivislon 5th flling' Eagle County, colorado. 10 B. No exterior nounted radlo, shortsaver televLsl'on or other type -f antenna ,ttil"o"ver or tank of any kin, either elevated or ui,iiea, o" clothesline or l-ncinerator of any kind whatsoever or outside storage of any personal property tfglf be petnitted- or ;;i;a;i";d on-either unit iritnout tle Frioi written approval of both owners. C. No aninals shall be kept or maintained inr -on-or- upon either unit, except tfrat each orrner nay keep.and rnaintain rithin his unit two a"r"iti".tla aogs and,/or two donesticated cats; provided' . however, ihat such doneeficated aninals are kept under control at all times, do ;|f-o;;;ni a nuisince to the other owner and are kept. controlled in =iiill-""nptiance with all Town of VaiI ordinances that nay apply to such animals. D. In addition to the parking restrictions set forth in suupaiigr"pn r,ulpscAplpc, sERvrcE FAcILTTTES 11fD PARKTNG 56 above, """ir "wier nay keep no more than tvo autonotive vehicles pernanently on Parcel C. -Parking of boats, trailers, campers' notor homes, ATVg oi """r".tional vehicles is ixpressly prohibited, unless located within an ownerrs unit. E. No rrtime sharingrt, ninterral ownerehiprr or similar interest, wfrerely ownershit of a unit'is shared by owners on a tine basis, shall Ue estiUfished oir either unit without the prior written.approval of both owners and all lienors holding a first nortgage or first deed of trust of record ""-."i fortion of Farcet A or Parcel B, which approval shall be reflected in a document of record' F. The owners understand and agree that potential developnent rights rnay--xist under present or future Town of VaiI regrulations.that mav permit expansion of'the dwelling units, shich developnent rights t.i"-""[-1"""-"Cifized to date. The-owner of Parcel A shall be deemed [o n""" exclusive ownership of and rights to forty percent-(40t) of those developuent rights. The owner of Parcel B shall be deened to fr.""-.i"fusiie rieh€ to sixty percent (6Ot) of those developnent ricrhts. No exerciie of those dev-lopnent rights. shall be made by one ]fr".-rithout first obtaining the wr-itten consent of the other owner, wnictr consent shalt not be unreasonably withheld. Ttre other owner, i"i"i"-givi"g ,iiit." consentr - shall be entltled to review the a.r"i"pi.nt ifans-itta uty Utuepiints or surveys prePared in connection with the develoPuent Plans. under current Town of vail regrulations there exists certain aevefofrnent riehti Utcause a structuie is nore than five (5) -years "ia.--'Arry riini- -obtained under such requlatl'on or any future ,iiX.-tipl,' of- i"gufaiion shall belong solely to the onner of the structuie on that owners Parcel . 11 If elther owner exceeds his development rlghts and because of thls the other otttei ls not allowed to utitize his full developnent rights, the exces=-a.".f"pteni shafl be removed by the owner thereof inieafitety upon the denand of the other olner' 15. NOTfCE. Each owner shall regieter its-nailing address with the other ovner ana-iii notices or deminde intended to be serrred upon owners shall U" r""t-ii certiiiea nail' postage-?repaid,- addressed in ine-narne of the owner at such registeied nailing- address. Il the "it"initive, notices-n.V--Ue aefiveiea if in writing, personally to olfners. 16. DTRATION OF DECIARATToN. Elch provlsion contaLned in thls oecfaiiiio e laws- or rules sometimes referred to as the ruft -igiinit perpetuities or the. rule -prohibiting unreasonable restr"iitr on aiienation shall continue and renaln in full force and effect for the period of 21 years following the death of Charles p. uaii"V-u"a-u"ig"tit B. !ta11oy lnd their issue, or. until iti"--o""i"ritiott i3 Ceninited as hereinafter provided,_ whichever first occurs. afi-otier -pio"isions contained In this Declaration shall continue ""a-t.tif" itt fnff force and effect until January 1' iOii-e.O., and thereafter for successive periods of 10 years each; unless at reast i t;; prior to January L,-2022 A.D.r or ?t least 1 ;;;;-;ri;r-[o-irt" '"*pirilion.or any sulrr -10. year period of extended iuration, tfris Oeciiiation is ter:ninated by recorded instrunent, ;i;iliil i.r-i".ii""l-"ie""d by_a11 owners and all lienors holding a first nortgage oi--ffist 6eea 6f trust of record on any portion of Parce1 A or Parcel B. L7. N.TENDUENT OR REVOCATTON. This Declaration T"y-be amended or revokedontyupoffienapprova}inrecordab1eformofall;;;;;-;a irr- ri"n"is-trolding a firsl- nortgase or f irst deed of trust of record on any portion of Pircel A or Parcel B' 18. EFFEeT OF PROVISTONS OF DECL'ARMION. -Each-provision.?_f_thj:oecraiitio@onise, covenant and undertaking to ffi;it-;iirr' eacrr piovision' of ttris -?:91"'1!Pll '1?-,-:'I- "?::::::Ililipiili-;t ;;;;.n.tton.or erant of title, estate,..fislt_gr. interest to effectuate any pio.rt"iott 6f tnis Declaritlon: (i) shall be deened i;";;;;;I"J-i"-',d;-;;;d oi other instrunent by which.any risht, title or interest-in--ani-portlon of Parcel- A or Parcel B is granted' devised or conveyea, *ritirer or not set forth or referred to in such il;-;; olrt.t i"'.iolt""i; iiit shallr by-virtue-of acceptance-of any .ight,-titie or i"l.r.rt iri aiy portion of Parcel A or Parcel B by an ori"i, U" aeernea---i"""ptJa, ialieiea, adopted -and declared as a o"i"oituf covenant of sulh owner and, ai a personal covenant, shal| be ffiffi;- ;;';;; -;r;;;- ."a- ni" heirs,- personal representatives, =".".r!"rs and "="ig";t-and stralt be deened a personal covenant to, L2 with and for the benefit of each oldner of any portion of Parcel A or iii.i"i--i;-i"a tfiry strirr be deemed a real covenant by Declarants, for iil"="r"i=l--trtiir heirs, p."tott"i- representatives, successors and ;;i;;;;-."a-ii=" an "quitalle servitudC, running, in each case' as a burden with and "p"" tfr"-titie to each and every portion of Parcel A and Parcel B. 19. ENFORCEMENT AND REUEDTES. A. Each provision of this Declaration shall be enforceable by any owner Uy a pioceeding for a prohibittve or mandatory lnjunction or Ui'.-i"it 6r altion to recover dauages. -If -court proceedings are lnstituteO fn conn""tion wlth the rigfrts of enforcenent and renedies ;;;;i;;-i"-Irti= oecrirition, the pr6vailing.p.+y shalt- be .entitledto recover tts costs and expenses in "ontt."iion ttrerewith, including reasonable attorneY fees. B. Each owner hereby agrees that any and all actions in eguity or at faw wfricfr - ii. lnstitu€ea to enforce any provlsLon- hereunder =tt"ii be brought $- ana onfy in the District Court of Eagle county, State of Colorado. c. Failure to enforce any provision of this Declaratl-on shall not operate as a waiver of any-suih provision, the right to ^enforce!"Jf,--p""ririo" thereafter, or -ii ity other provi-ion of this Declaration. 20. EXERCISE OF RIGHT$. Any exercise of any right -grantedhereunder by onEllifrffittr re3pect- to th? other ownerrs unit including but not linited to ttre uie of any easement granted - herein ;i;;iil;-exeicisea in a nanner which shall not unreasonably hinder' irp"a.-"t-itpot" upon such other ownerrs use of his unit' 2L. succEssoRs AlfD ASSTGNS. Except as ,other:wise provided nereinl thme btnding upon and shalr inure to the benefit of ""cf, onner and the heiri, -personal representatives, successors and assigns of each. 22. SEVERABILITy. Invaliiity _or uTenforceability . of - any pro.rilions-ffiG-6filaration ln itrote or in part shall not effect the validity or enforceable part of " p"o.tision of ttris Declaration' 23. CAPITONS. The captions and headings in this instrunent are for convenience LiIy ind sirafl not be considered in construing any provisions of this Declaration. 24. coNSTRUerIOlr. l{hen necessary for proper construction, the nasculine of ""Film- "=lA in this Declaration shall include the i"ri"i"" or neutlr gt"a"i, and the singular the plural and vice versa' l_3 o IN VVITNESS WHEREOF Declarants has executed this Declaration this day ot , 1995. Anthony M. Ryerson Cynthia B. Ryerson STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE Subscribed and sworn to before me this ___ day of ---___,1995 by Anthony M. Ryerson and Cynthia B. Ryerson. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires on: Notary Public 1. EXHIBIT IIAII ToPARTyWALLAGREEMENTANDDECIARATIoNoFcovENN|Ts' CONDITIONS NID RESERVATIONS FOR rpT 15, BrpcK 5, BTGHORN SUBDrVrsroN, FII"TH ADDITION COUNTY OF EAGI,E, STAEE OF COIORADO Right of proprletor of a vein or lode to extract and remove his o.5 th"reiroi snouia tn" same be found to penetrate or Lntersect in" pi"ri"e= as resenred ln United States Patent recorded Sept-enber 13, tgoz, in Book 48 at Page 491' Right of way for ditches or canals constructed by the authority oi-tft" Unitid Staies as reserved in United States Patent recorded Septenber 13, Lgo2, in Book 48 at Page 491' Restrictive covenants which do not contain a forfeiture or reverter clause, but onitting restrictions, if any, based on "i""1-"oroi, r"itgiott, or nafional origin,-as- c9llained in instrument record6d govenber 25, L966, in Book 175 at Page 445. utility Easement five feet in width a),ong aII lnterior lot lines as resined on the recorded plat of Blghorn Subdivislon Fifth Addition. 2. 3. 4. 15 t. 2. 3. 4. EXHIBIT ||AN TO PARTYWALL AGREEUENT Al{D DECIARATION OF COVENANTS' CONDITIONS AT{D RESERVATIONS FOR IOT 15, BIOCK 5, BIGHORN SUBDIVISION, FIHfiI ADDITION COUNTY OF EAGIJE, STATE OF COLRADO Rtght of proprietor of a vein or lode to extract and remove his o16 theretron should the same be found to penetrate or intersect the prenises as reserrred in united states Patent recorded Septenber 13, L9o2, in Book 48 at Page 491. Right of way for ditches or canals constructed by the authority of-the Unitea States as reserved in United States Patent recorded Septenber 13, l-9o2, in Book 48 at Page 491. Restrictive covenants which do not contain a forfeiture or reverter clause, but onitting restrictions, if any, based on race, color, reiigion, or national origin, as contained in instrunent recorded Novenbet 25, L966, in Book L75 at Page 445. Utility Easement five feet in width along all interior lot llnes as res6rrred on the recorded plat of Bighorn Subdivision Fifth Addition. 15 cAsE r---r cK." F 46602 Permit l$.tmben HOw PArD-Crsh-chec k J:I-I i ::l:;-.:.t' , ! F.l I.- ," " .;:: l 't 't '' v f a Frnrl E-E HIL]L] --{oomIqi-.D.;-E| --r H ot<: 1l'r, !l :lm: dloarfix -l.oi gIIP crl-u in Ol< -r If-m=ttaaac o.<l1 ^dP_(Dir, o >lz6 -n !m + mq, n2o6) t-ooz @{Fco =oz 1JlrtF ={ n -c)Or z< z=-_i .1 z q,zlqah -1mIrlLr IItr ar to \J l(.)<lo n | 'Tl 6HPr =-1 ln mxm -l z L (D U)Im 2.\ 4T ori R<z': 'ir >-^7 --{ F9; O1z. t-ic3s t2 ovomz= >;-roo> c) 2n--l mnZ>mOD-{>or- c)_T- =m --.t {zm z 3lt o4o a-t - o>'- I z- { o r --t Ol f-I .I l-z 1," Its. 0a l6 lFl l"l\rlts t- mrm Jo€z -n t- m zo m-F N) I io€z 'n It- m ; I n -I .d P-i {o€z _n Ir m 9,z I l-{lol{z lo lll> =, s z I lrlot€ l6lll> lF IB 15,lz I a g P Fpo m l .)EP:FEbl-< E l'-:0r E loP. lrn lPF$4 1<rlco I le,Fl Io, lF lc)Ltr @ ,F.! 1Lr ip{\o lalt<! TRI lp l< I lo lrto, l€ oo\ | 10 --r |rl It'l or .= Y;;: d' oqoi6Rsrr^ X ^.='diS(]l=x :.<c)Jd{ 3 d ==Eeo (/, o:1 =q 1:- =igil(D x- < ", Zsr o5o:: o^.(,,xd.?q*l -o:.(og+o O*=E -=-=65;3 ;ta 9.6{ofPf-o ci *U'3l= He4e 5'=.; E@ioL *-rd3goE*s5;e <o-l6;(D= f 6 =. Ia:Ei 3u a;.'3gQ =*'.i-)l(,ro=. o 5.ot A) a, ot :*o 3(! g. 3' oo o =o - oo o =o --l €l o0tcro o o z c m -n o€zm o _n I I @mt-_n z {am {2m IPo I Il o9-l oz -o mI =azmmom-t oc--t fio<>nI >o o€ooa A l l-- ti i - I* lr ilrI I ll tl rqt; r. -.t- I I 1 I+- i- I ;T '7ct I lzt;' = oo-Rr!^'* io I(rm:gto)O z C <-: i m mi I 2rni -tm -.t =><p< o i z nm! Iz -o m c) c! ab C _--t z >-nZO -<z6)ul ^z |4,fliz.!D l.(:It€m otrDJ :otx<*e 'r, za .J (DP4 ...,Is0Ns .. l5rl t0 09d.l I I *o0 mrIt. l"I Tth fr tt ?Q$ff)Ip{P $rf.o T I z2o g t- 2 z ma =z =z6I -t -.t F , nIo -t FJ t-t tr.) o I I\o C,) I --l t- mx =-n mma (n mJ x m zi m q --t m z m m€ nmc) m -t z mlrl m I zo c oz m mc)-{ o ! zoIm @g = m4 = m ==-n mm(, I VALUATION 'ttmv =29 =m zo = = m mo x g z c) 5 X ) ti r/eagt!sd-3o84 ( O Oro* oF vArL "o"rr"utoJ PERr'rrr + blQL PERMIT APPT,.TC}TIO} FOR}IDmEz L)/zf*>; , APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COIi|PLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED' It****************************tt PERI-IIT INFORMATION ******** ********* ***** *!r** ***trt -,-[ ]-Building [ ]-Pfurnbing [ ]-Electrlcal [z,f-t'techanical [ ]-Other Job Name: Owners Name: 7.."- Architect: ,/ Job Addree,sz 4 * 5-7 n1.o-/,:.- Legal Descriptiont Lotlli4 .t/Block--;-- tLting r;'4" Address: </ f ;-7 t". o "/n Pb. ? z/ , /.- r: ,;.2 Ph.Address: /..rr, /rrT-t' /.',// y'. e .;. t /'.?ar( -' .7V/ - bt ,; bjra\ UN tr9 .-I{ork class: [ ]-New [.]-Alteration [ ]-Additlonal t l-Repair 7144otner Nunber of Dwelling Units. -?---Nurnber of Acconmodation Unitsl nprnUer and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances {* * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * *'l ** :t * * VALUATIONS Gas Logs_ Wood/Pellet___=:- General Description: BUILDTNG: $ELECTRICAL: I PLT,'MBING: T- MECHANICALZ ffi- I * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CONTRACTOR INFORMATIONfleneral Contractor: Address: Electrical Contractor: Address; ********************************* OTHER: $ TOTAL: | .tza,, - Plurnbing Address: Contractor: *************************** Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of VaiI Reg. No. Phone Nurnber: l{echanical Contractor :Address: /.'',.-. t,',- t /. ,t tf--., -/, ( ******************************** FOR BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLWBING PER}IIT FEE: MECITANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FE8: DRB FEE: Town of Vail Reg. No. /;7f Phone Nurnber: 72 oFFICE USE ******************************* BUTLDTNG PIAN CHECK FEE: PLIIMBING PIAN CHECK FEE: Ii'ECHANICAL PIAN CHECK FEE: FSCREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDING: SIGNATUREs ZONINGs Connents: Ib:-E CI.EAI| I'P DEP,OSIT REFT'ND SIGNA ad and acknowledged by: oooo 75 south Irontage rold Yall, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2139 TOI rROM: DATE: SURTECT: olllce ol communlty deyolopmont ALL CONTRACTORS CT'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VArL PUBLIC I{ORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT I,IARCH 16, L988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn summaryr.ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawfur for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor materiar, including trash durnpsteri, portable toilet! andworkrnen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public _q1?9" or any portion thereof. The right-oi-way 6n all Town ofVaiI streets and.fgags is approxinateiy 5 ft. 3ff pavement.This ordinance wirl be strictry enforcld by the Town of VaiIng!]i-c works Department. pers6ns found vi3lating this ordinancewrrr be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said materiar.rn the event the person so notified does not cornply with th;--notice within t}re 24 hour time specified, the pulric worksDepartment will remove said material at the expense of personnotified. The provlsions of this ordinance srrirr not beappricabre to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review ordLnance No. e in furl, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Departnent to obtain a copy. tirani< you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. Re Y (i.e.contractor, owner) oo 75 roulh frontage road uril, colorado 81657 (3031 479-2138 or 479-2139 oo I offlcc of communlty devclopmenl BUILDING PERIiIT ISSUANCE TIME FMME If this perqit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval,Engineel''s (Publ ic works) reyiew and approval , a planning'Department review or Health Department review, and a rev.iew by the 6uitblngDepartment, the estimated time for a total review iny take as 16ngas three weeks. All commercial (1arge or small) and a'll mu1ti-family permits willhave to follow the above mentioned maximum requjremLnis. Residentialand.small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, ifresidential or smalier projects impact the various above mentioniddepartments.with regard.to necessary review, these projects mayalso take the three week period. Every atternpt will be made by this department to expedite thjspermit as soon as possrlbl e. I, the undersigned, understand the p1 an check procedure and time frame. (, ,/ Date lJork ffi Communi ty Devel opment Department. oo oo .ti '/e ilttltlllI ,iirl.l::'iiliilili( i 2,, o's 'l i, z ("y fr, oF', ' h' l,,lo,.f "q i T'r 'l I ni ''l 'i't €i i (4'' 4il,',lil.ilf /;.,1, i 1.."1, )/+ '1 tl"i i-i1 ,in,.iA!,. i *;'/i bi:1 il-'tr) 'F,"/', I q/(l l F,'b'lrvl'(l l4'vt.+ | tr'+r Ititttitll 'l i+lwn4 '4 1{tl14'hU'l,l I'I l,-'l'( L+#*t+1,'lEnnFv l,l I 721"1"(+'( 11,|||tlllllllll ildiiil'_i iI-fi i i ,\,'l J'4,'l lol:11' , t'frtt,, of , ,Pri,r1:lt,'i ',ALlJ+nV-:, it''i {:+ 1, i ) 071,"' 1', //' d,,zt.e ,'.r/ C a,q *d y' " ( ,t,/l : u,,tc'/-t ', ; ill(','o, y* i f:1 i ?^-i't ( 7 | t lr"/," ', '(i i, r,u('1'/1 +),"1.) | l4i,',Li'i )"1' 'i,i ifl 4 ,',/i, /4 | Dr.iA .i /+ /r.i,i I l,t f i Vi n', I A, tylkt,,)^ i|),r,l l+ ,,,),"bt, fir[-l/,1.i t4,-Il | 4",",i l'F,' i++il1 i*t; ',44 l'?,t)'lilt ifi+ii n"fti'r 14.1 14,+ | ft4 |+"1/14 i l++4 | 14-.4.4 | +,V.1 Vl I l4-l+ t, 4"1 vlW r.+,1 1,, L l:i+l'l lj"rYYIbiffifl,f 4'l | 14(4/l | 144-l | 4"1lllillrrrrlll -l ltl I i.l I I I I | | r r I e P 4 l j I i I i I I I IL I I I I I I I I I I J p 1 l I l l l l I Ii l t Il I l i l I .t 1I I l lt- i i I I i ; i I j II I I l I I I Ii I I I. I I,I . iol/ t'J..-:, l I I I I I iiiiil 11iliill I I i 1 I : I I, I I T I I ,.1 I I I l I : ' I il ) 1 I I T I l T l t i I OO r|-1\-,JEU I INSPECTION:MON o( tNs PECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAILPERMIT DATE NUMBER I'NAME I ir -- CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V,tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING B BOUGH / WATER tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION D POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: B HEAiING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL tr FINAL .p Ceenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED i l,*.r r APPLICATION FOR TOWN OFVAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT 19 rt ao Excavating Contractor Name TOV Contractor's License Number 3,Start Date 4. Work is for (circte one) Completion Oale Water Sewer Gas Electric Teleohone Landscaping Temporary Sile Access cAw (Permit Expiralion Date) Other 5. Trench-width (min. 4') Length Depth Bond Amount $Permit Fee $Total Permit Fee $ ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE JOB IS STARTED. Rubber out-riggers are required on excavating equipment when working on asphalt. Asphalt surfaces underneath the bucket shall be protected at all times. A signature below indicates a review of the area and utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company signatures are obtained, permittee has option of routing application through the Public Works otfice to obtain the necessary Town of Vail signatures. Please allow one week tp process. Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation (476-7480) -' i-. r - Public Service Company (1 -800-922-1 987) PSCO-Natural Gas Group (468-2528], Holy Cross Electric Company (949-5892) U,S. West (1 -800-922-1 987) 6. 7. B. I l \ Town of Vail: lrrigation (479-2161) TCI Cablevision of the Rockies (949-5530) -' '-'i-::r--".a"*'^,-- qf;!- .rt-l* t4 ^/' )'2? .: r.*.) '. (' t --t Publ ic Works (479-21 58) THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURES! A construction traffic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of the permit. All excavation must be done by hand within 18" of utilities - (Senate Btll 172). Permittee must contact Public Works Department at 479-2158 24 hours prior to commencing backfill operations. Failure to notify the Town will result in forfeiture of bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection fee. I certity that I have read all chapters of Title 12 - Streets and Sidewalks, of the Vail Municipal Code and all utility company agreements, signed by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notified as required. Contractor's Signature ot Agreement Date ol Signature ATTACH PLAN OF WORK, INCLUDING CONTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PI.AN Show streets with names, buildings, and location ol cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. THIS IS NOT PUBLIC WAY PERMIT! White - Public Works Yellow - Finance Pink - Communitv Develooment Gold - Coniraclor Ef ectricians (479-21 7 1) 9. 10. 11. 12. ,olsintoC a PPO '^€O LttutoC - fuld aruBu|J - /nolla^ $poi/\ amnd - q|llu ol{-(, FF YEo3ltoz Jq EoFltYo :rl o-'6oo <rllftlot.t?ltla!lo\lc'r II I,,nl€l\Ol -l Iot-ul: it9ttFf,t5 Fle2t;t-at! =tF 8t€.c l<.t9 5lE 'l€ottAIE lo.tP 3lEot!rl* EIol llz.l<lF{l =lot(rl !rl(Jl l-a I>lclBrl-l(,t FalFflFtlErle. l 'gfi' Irrr3 |('.1 6 |c)ElclE Ie; I F gqI t etllq4 ,-----.- l:7R l:zrF lgRI IFI ,= | =E ISH Hl|r> EI:g El3o Hlo= nlFo ;lflo- I I I ) Hall: 'r lEclcEl strl gdl Hel 6bl 6'uJ F"zo i5 c bt>r F.o ozIrl ifFfl-{€('o ornC ooa! =E 0) 0) o .9e <J .o =si i1 {:J.i i i.r !ft oozo{nco =ozTm73 { a5- -l (D mIo-:.- o;t,-{l;o<x fm: 66a=;X'- -; o '-i..i ; o4mo<-r I"-m=-1 a3 f3o< 6g;!L-aOct>tz^E m.lo'n.E mI =-.t -.>4,,X,JIXJlxl =trP zn=z== v=|-- T-t t r--rl-lt lt I @g dP l< z< a >=x -{= = o"'z TI l-z H 7z U) H z T K z c) z CJF v, .)EP:bt><tr|<l> l-<. l: lrrtH lcjFi lrfl 12r'ffi l<ll I F.t<| @lrt1 | \o iu) | 3,tz! I 14 lr l>lIulo'l Olrt€l 5i I t:ol Fl-l lt1 t-m l- €z.m o an mc)_r z c, zi i z;--.t cp< --l z z=ixn\>;o2 o> c) 9.n-imxz>m --.t >or- c)- m O|< =t>.<F El9ln lsY I I _lrl\olr'J i?lN)lo\lxl --t t--rmlO;t€'lz t9 l<l> t=lfi 15,lzlo I I I I ldl€lzlo IIl> t; l9) lz l-llol€lzlo t:t> lFlrtlmloTtz 5 I i.J f.J :! F Fd H z l-rlol{lzlo t:l>IFt- tm lelz le I IlF'l(,liI* 1 I 3 {z r rll l!lol€lzlollt> Ir-It lBlz q,z -.t Ym; rb- ttlz' HoR *o< +89 5 \o\o OO l\) ..-l N!um,I F<\o -l\o, t!mxm z(- @a{m rPz Hz E- I I I I l€ 9 =@OlY- op-d 3iF:xg:6ie;+ :'<q{o€ E 6- =+d,*=. =^o o:ar cl-- ;:5i "' -. al 'u5ol: Alot =^ +=: ru =.(O tl -q, o*=E -! o!..5-BJs!3{ o 1-rf_o o * "Ji= Q:9 3l:gP g _= g, ^ra = P50,5<o-:0.aP o'r6=lA:PE Ru a: - iA(D+o:€)l(/ro=. J (D --* o (D{ E ot = ICN- Nio so\o)r=r Il9 \l ^-q)loo f,o -t € A)lJ = o Jo o +lF+t|n+t>+lzTlc+lrd-|-l +lH q \\ ll a o{zm ll o z -.1 l, -Iamf-n zo -lI €zm 0rn o l IFt- X l I I I I I -ol@<t>> 1-rt>=.19i9 !r6i=l: ;i- l zi>t:rg ;lu)tzllmilm ---f-l- II ----t---t- X X X.iZ -t-- _ = 11 fro<>n-oJm o=>ou ola i1 o€i i)c4 I ooo oo ozc4 zl 3l :l >lilTI PI :l -l o1ol =Iolzl>l:lX*i rl :l --t m c! c --l z c)NF tn-a R+4rmP io =za>uQoo'<z4OllIo 6p;= c:2u,--'io6 o'nzzt n< = z.)c. t{a -,i I CD L,I .{ z --l :. z -l J'r'r-.tn 2 t=o l;F lam t3z 12f- lu) z li z liql"rIml9l --l z r-l \o ;'.o;l F #= ;-; !, KT E!r.r Fz aHPz i.i z \o -{ J l- m = =-n mmU'' cU'm o zc! m I qoz m m€ tno --l z mm .)I zo c 2 m --t o zoIm I @c z ! = mIt = =-nmm VALUAIION H HPl- =o z6 t- =z rn mo-t 5 c 2 m ==z I l. lr-t\l( ln It- I & |.J oo F s. (.y- (6'}->,',-f, BUILDING PERI'IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If thi.s permi.t requrlres a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval ,Engineel''s (.Pub1 ic Works) reyiew and approval , a Planning Department review or Health Departunent review, and a review by the Building Department, the estirnated time for a total review may take as longas three weeks. All commercial (1arge or sma1l) and all mu1ti-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, ifresidential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments w'ith regard to necessary review, these prcjects mayalso take the three week period. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite thispermit as s,oon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. 75 3oulh trontrge road Yall, colorado 81657(303) 479-2138 or 479-2\39 f ,zrrSoa -s'y'u,/tProjb6t Name ,/ Comnuni ty Development Department. olllcs ol sommunlty dcvclopmctri .\ 75 south lronlage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SURTECT: ofllce ol communlly deYelopment ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTSRED WITII TIIE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VArL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH l_6, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & I,IATERIAL STOR,AGE In summary, Ordinance No. 5 states that it j-s unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor material , including trash dumpsters, portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publicplace or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town ofVail streets and roads is approximately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of VailPublic Works Department. Persons found violating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour trritten notice to rernove said rnaterial ,fn the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour time specified, the Public WorksDepartrnent will remove said material at the expense of personnot,ified. The provisions of this ordinance shall not beapplicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in fu}I, pl-ease stop by the Town ofVail Building Department to obtain a copy. Thank you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. Ln-,y'.., /-/Relationship to Project (i.e. contractor, owner) Read and acknowledged by: O.n,ze.-Posi-tio <. ') /"\)<-/)INSPECTION REQUEST /G..r- /,-^ t.r.r1^-s. -(-64u/ PERMIT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: NUMBER OF PROJECT g ,/ f , JoB NAME OWN OF VAIL 7",. i. T CALLEF 4 FRIINSPECTION:!_y2qic'112 /) b)-i I 't /AM PM /,7:: ,' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr D o tr tr o ! UMBING: q tr tr tr D tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDEBGROUND ROUGH,/ D.W,V. ROUGH / WATERFRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH ! n D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL \-\neenovro CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,,..! )) i; -// nATtr i / t' - - ,,' ./ ,/ /t INSPECTOR/ Ir f---.-1 r'1-).)- / t I REQUEST. VAIL ,'\'] PERMIT NUMBER OF PBOJECT omt tt-//?q I JoB NAME INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES INSPECTIONTOWN OF()4 K,[/ WED THURREADY FOR LQ.CATION:a\- BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND ! ROUGH i D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATERI FRAMING ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION ! POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING {noucn O EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ni&s"o" oorr/2-2o ?/ rNSpEcroF JECT t JOB NAME INSPECTIONTOWN OF t REQUEST VAILPERMIT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: NUMBER OF PR t 7- /rD CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D-W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING INSULATION N POOL i H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING O ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORBECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR --- ta\rL-l IINSPECTIONTOWN OFt\//rs-, /,, I REQUEST VAILPERMITNUMBERF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: L JOB NAME i7Irt/,.-jot- f-.-_J_-/ ----+- CALLER ICN. ruES d.D rHun / rnt BU tr tr n D tr K tr ILDING:PL D tr tr tr tr tr ! UMBING: FOOTINGS / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH,/ D.W.V, ROUGH / WATEB FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEEB GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION POOL i H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: o o o tr HEATING tr o tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL )uReenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR ti .' -t / . t2,-t/,/INSPECTIONTOWN OF I REQUESTVAIL 'PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE J ... READY FOR INSPECTION: JOB NAME CATLER MON TUES WED THUR (rnr I LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION i STEEL tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEEF PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: C HEATING tr ROUGH C EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR hiGsr,o" _- r rr\,r r. -'\ \ \ PERMI\T NUMBER OF PHOJECT\ \'' lr' r,\. L\ :, \,DATE \! ,. .- \_t JoB NAME tr INSPECTION REQUEST, TOWN OF VAIL -\ \"-\c\: 1-.. \ ,\\! \ WED THUB GN], \s AM PMINSPMON CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION:{... \,.\ \..' TION: i'., "-r \:\' r. BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL i H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL E Dtr FINAL tr FINAL CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr n tr tr TEMP. POWER D HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL ftrnenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR The ltens below glvlng a pernlt Please check off FINAL PLIJMBING AL INSPECTION'S Deed to be couplete a flnal C of 0. ln the box provlded. COMPLETED before DATE: F tl FINAL MECHANICAL DATE: IUPROVEMENT SIIRVEY RESID. NAUE: DATE: TE},IPORARY C OF O tr lffr,lvi*t- iTl---T---- I DATE: CERTIFICATE OF OCCIIPANCY DATE: LAI.IDSCAPING DIJE DATE: FILE NAI.TE:\SA\ --I -l o T^luHr F .F<mo l-r H E 'l[c l: o I?e= l"i t 3Eil 19 e 3 =06 t;; sY> lm !F' l=q gl=F =LrLrL--J ; =.trf 6 €sE= 3 tE9= e tEi=-.6 S Ezz fii t = I z,o an 8=z'A i.>6z \r> \., -oz. r-icl< 1z(Jc) -fz"^: i-j;= -.1 C)o>ut- c, zer-tmnzIT-t>orv T =moI €zm t z =IT z EnF!t; o=Beio>'r 9 @r n =z z vl -fI> {mt-m t-tlot€ l6 l<t> IFlr ln I 3 l-l l€lz .tl F m zI i €z I m z I = -{m-lfl @tJ! I.{ (1.) l-llot€lzto l't't<t> t-l6 l= I' I Il'-|.) {.l)I n = 2 oz F? Hzc) o-{3 l-F m = ()EE:FE.-t> t3tE lcir1 l= lZrlfr l<wlf' Irqtt<I I'lrq| @ lrdI u lc/:l\olOttztEl! lrqlr t>ltulo\lOlI l{l(Jrt '\llt l(])IFI\ol Ill Tma =-{ aztqm; l*llzc)ls! lFe-t!rn r-3€fr- -{o (Dmxm.! -{oz(-ot!I-lm triEz P LJH/-a >\--l a) a_\ - ooz @{7 o{oz *H$siis3Et E 3q Il<-;-fFi-=i ?ro{Eo- ;*=*erqrO:af P53;: +5:.s{ '"4 i3[xY0r=o_[+a*=56p.=@'o+o ii q) ^o*=E a*EiF9Ja!3l=s3'i av'=-i=fiqeii s,= 35 i ilP r d == =< ?di;a= = F5 *J :ajH(D E6:3i3 *; I dl +&u a = B..eq$ei,rsE= z I mo =2m o'n o€zmuo o z {o .tlo - (n mt-.rl l z t- mf) =-1(t zmm m l< lz l2i:Itla- om z @ >:zo q --{ X X p<X zact- -t oz o ! m J € t-r iI6 zm t c IOtr€ -.t -zA 'z l I II Iz>oRrd*='+< >o dlac zc?J zm{ -{m 62 =oz Fg m! i m ^z ugt$iF6 B;ei !Eur 68r-l o <' zHIO6.!!- R;Vii E E^oo oY-n z z xrl N |\) X Iu) CJ EFgrH za) _> lz,12 l=Fro l;E: IE r-r S lz ftz li E2 tiH:Izul --tm H =s,7>aPY<+ =tr, >{'Hz P I'J r rh \o z al)Htsz X FJ \o\o -.to-{r m = 'Tl mma, (hm x l-rh z m mI z m m€ @ m m -.t z'nmm =mo zo !t-c3 = mt-m --t = l- t- z Im x (Dc 2 m = .\, mn =i'Tlmm(n VALUATION !mn =- zo =m z l- zo mt-mo 6 f' c = F.r\..: c# rl6b3t Blel?/ W o -iYto''Y /6 oc- -lseqa -/ezot ,,. \.ir\- (r b 'viF.{|-rLii'-i. (v ,(z\ ntp\'p rl\ -EAST- E--LT ': . ., ,?, ->.)....j.rr' ;o Project Application 6^r" ,&La. ?-? rl41l Prolect Namei Prolect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot \L,o Block 6 , r,ting *r.<vloc-J €^an.zon" Com ments: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded Dy: oarc /\ ltl. 7 4t,lnal D ISAPPROVA L Summary: l-4ae-f fut'-t'Jta Town Planner Date: /tt"u Approval t O revised 6/L8/sL COLORADO iic'D r,.lG 0 71991 DRB APPLICATION - TOWN OF VAIL, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: A *t*t***ttt TITIS APPI,ICATION WII,L T{OT BE ACCEPTED I'NUL ALI.. REQUIRED IIIFORMATION IS SUBMITTED***t**tttt @: Addirion (s50.00) ADDRESS:'-, P t/-,,'1 (u LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOL / b Subdivision l?.'?4o..t If property is described by a meets and bounds legal description, please provide on a separate sheet and attach to this application. ZONING 2 ?triz, ".'r.' .(: r't-'-/-"," LOT AREA: If required, applicant must provide a current stamped survey showing lot area. Phone 82*/-5737 =-"/ t4,: o1r"i noy'/ /"o-, ./lZ:. .,f tt3 B. TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction ($200.00) /uinor Atteration ($20.00) Conceptual Review ($0) 57 n E. F, NAME OF APPLICANT : 77n Y EY<t1..Maili:rg Address, . U-..'( (' NA]"{E OF Mailing APPLICANT, S REPRESENTATTVE :-9q.,, c Address: Phone NAME OF OWNERS: *SIGNATURE (S) :Mailing Address: Phone .722-s73/ J. Condomini-um Approval if applicable. K. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at the time of submittat of DRB application. Later, when -7-o-; -- C,--.4 {)v e" s "'" apptying for a building permit, please identify the attuiate valuati-on of the proposal . The Town of VaiL will adjust the fee according to the table be1ow, to ensure the correct fee is paia . nn09 RFEE PAID: 9 CI.JJ :,_____ ! FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION cn $ 10,001s 50,001 s150,001 s500,001S Over $ 10,000$ 50,000$ 150,000$ 500,000 $1r 000,000 $1,000,000 tffa, FEE $ 20.00$ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 s500.00 WITHOUT OWNER' S SIGNATURE*NO APPLICATION WILL BE PROCESSED LIST OF MATERIALS NAME OF PROJECT Rv. .Son De.fr LEGAL DESCRTPTTONz LOTI!/BLOCK r SUBDTVTSTON Rfa/..4 STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT : The folLowing information isReview Board before a final A, BUILDING MAIERTAIS: Roof S iding Other Wa11 Mat.erials Fascia Soffit s Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl-ues Fl ashings Chimneys Trash Encl- osures Greenhouses Other required for submi.ttal to the Desiqnapproval can be given: TYPE OF MATERTAL COLOR C e-1' Tz'z 6 TftI It-Fr'/ O.AJ /ra,-zt B.LANDSCAPING: Name of Desiqner:pfrone: PLANT MATERIALS: Botanical Name PROPOSED TREES Common Name Ouantitv Size* EXISTING TREES TO lfli KTJIVIU V .LL, * rnrri .-af a /-^ l i vror f Or deCidUOuS trees. MinimUm Caliper fordeciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate height for coniferoustrees. Minimum heiqht for coniferous trees i.s 6 feet. DATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER TUES ..t5pqq PERMIT NUMBER OF P JECT I INSPECTI JOB NAME MON O DISAPPROVED INSPECTION REQUESTTOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D SHEETROCK ! POOL i H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTHICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED {:v ,]J' INSPECTOR oProject Application on"l)r^r. \4rl.nal Project Proiect Contact Name: Description: Person and eno* G:.-T fZlePz-'J +1u-rr- Qr-Owner. Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legat Description: t-ot lG , Btocx 6 , Fiting Comments: Zone - Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded o^,"1)rv.l4 ,lq1l D ISA PPB OVAL Summary: o"," Jo,/. \ 4 ,lq< { aff Approval I r€vised 9/4/91 coroRffib ocT 2 b199rDRB APPLICATION - TOI{N OF \IATI, DATE APPLICATION RECE]VED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: ****tt**tt TSIS APPI..TCTTION I|II.L NOT BE ACCEPTED I'NTII, AIL REQSIRED TNFOR}ATION IS ST'BT.IITTEDit******** PROJECT INFORMATION: A. DESCR]PTION: B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction (S200.00) Addition (S50.00) ADDRESS: D.LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Subdivi s lon If property is described bydescription, please provideattach to this application. a meets and bounds legal on a separate sheet and F. ZONING: LOT AREA: If required' stamped survey showing H NAME OF APPLICANT: '. must Drovide a currentappl icantlot area. Mailinq Addressi "' ' )t 7(r' -, NAME OF Mai l ing APPLICANT' S Address: REPRESENTATIVE: Phone I.NAME OF OWNERS. .1. , J. Condominium Approval if applicable. K. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at the time of submittal- of DRB application. Later, when applying for a building permit, please identify the accurate valuation of the proposal . The Town of Vail wiII adjust the fee according to the table beIow, to ensure the correct fee is Paid. \ FEE PAID: S FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION$ 0 - $ 10,000s 10,001 - $ 50,000$ 50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001 - s 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over S1,000,000 FEE$ 20.00$ s0.00 $100.00 s200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 * DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPRO\TAI EXPIRES OI{E YE,AR AFTER FINAL APPRO\TAL I'NI.ESS A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED AND CONSTRUCTTON IS STARTED. **NO APPLTCATION WILI., BE PROCESSED I{ITIIOUT OWNER'S SIGNATUF.E ,,/tqinor Alteration ($20. 00) Conceptual Review ($0) t'/ Lot LIST OF MATERIALS ,r r ,/ "NAME OF PROJECT = F-',rtre o., 3 /ua4' LEGAL DESCRTPTToN: Lorl@ BLOCK E SUBDTVTSTOW Ef1..t STREET ADDRESS i qq I 7 -'/-/rft/a'o" //t / el ,/. / DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT 2 €-. /o., fo/. onr,., r nn u " - / /o The following infornation is Review Board before a final A. BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other waII Materials required for submittal to the Design approval can be given: TYPE OF MATERIAL COIOR ./",.4,'^./, ,1u,, / Fascia Soffit s Windows Wi-ndow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails FIues Flashings Chirnneys Trash EncLosures Greenhouses OLher LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: ,-roo/ 6.;./r ".o///- /u, PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name Common Name Ouantitv Size* EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate calj-per for deciduous trees is 2 deciduous trees.inches. Indicatetrees. Min Minimum caliper forheight for coniferous tSFR DATE: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOI ADDRESS: ZONE CHECK 77-+PR, R, F P/S )ZONE DTSTRT rb nrF e Block Filing OWNER ARCHITECT PHONE PHONE ZONE DISTRICT ?i / Allowed (30) (33) t" ,Fe'i t' , --u-4-I Existinq Proposed Total '--1 / -/-------4-:F \-r-21J-L -l-+t- l\*' , i + +\dT c,nP 425 425 -L- I 20t 15' 15' (30) (50) "',';- - , i_[-4- ?, lAl Date approved by Town Engineer: Yes_ No V ??? nlc ,''-i Reqro ,,tr t 'X tt( (- (300) (600) (900) (1200) I'JC'\rE Permitted Slope -.]Qj- Actual Slope 1) 2l 3) Flood Plain Percent Slope tit Geologic Hazards ^\ a,/' \.a) Snow Avalanche/-b) Rockfall .y'\c, , c ) Debris Ftow . , rL i.'4) Wetlands Previous conditions of approval (check property file),i. . t tl,-/ Does this request involve a 250 Addition? | '' 'How much of the allowed 250 Addit.ion is used $rith this request? /,\.)a) **Note: Under Sections 18.I2.090 (B) and 18.13.080 (B) of the Municipal Code, lots zoned Two Family and Primary,/Secondary which are less than 15r000 sq. ft. in area may not construct a second dwelling unit. The Community Development Department may grant an exception to this restriction provided the applicant meets the criteria set forth under Sections ]-8.L2.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipal Code including permanently restricting the unit aS a long-term rental unit for full- time employees of the Upper Eagle Valley. ,'t-rI(UYUJIIU UJB **LOT SIZE Height ToIal GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA' S-etUacf s FronE Sides Rear water Course Setback Site Coverage Landscaping Retaining wa]I Heights Parking Garage Credit Drive: View Corridor EncroachmenL: Environmental /Hazards : 10 0l 0000 42415 TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMI.INITY DEVELOPMENT SALES ACTION FORM ]]N]FORM FIRECODE 0t' 0l c // i'-t'.t'/ti IDATE: "i .,/ a- t,, i| oo :: ,, L2, L99L Forn 2313 This policyfollowing:does not insure against, loss or darnage 1. Rigbts or claims of parties in possession not shown by thepublic records. 2. Easements, or clairns of easements, not shown by the publicrecords 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area,encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey andinspection of the premises would disclose and whi-ch are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a li,en, for services, Iabor, or materialtheretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. 1991 TAXES NOT YET DUA OR PAYABLE AND ASSESSMENTS NOT YET CERTTFIED TO THEI' TREASURERS OFFTCE. LIENS FOR UNPATD WATER AND SEWER CHARGES, IF ANY. RIGHT OF PROPRTETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNfTED STATES PATENT RECORDED Septernber 13, L9O2, IN BOOK 48AT PAGE 491. RTGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNTTED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED September J,3,1-902, rN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 491 RESTRICTTVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFETTURE OR REVERTER CI,AUSE;: BUT OMTTTING RESTRICTIONS, TP ANY, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELTGION, ORNATfONAL ORIGfN, AS CONTAINED fN INSTRUMENT RECORDED November 25, !966, IN BOOK 175 AT PAGE 445. 10. UTILITY EASEMENT FIVE FEET IN WIDTH AIONG ALL INTERIOR LOT LINES AS RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PI,AT OF BIGHORN SUBDIVISTON FIFTH ADDITTON. 11. EXISTING LEASES AND TENANCIES. R '7 t .] fr.aF ,t. it't 8. Page FoRzoNINGPuRPosEs,THETIIPEPARCEI,SCREATED.IiY.THTS:'RESUBDIVISIoNARETc BE TREATED As oNE ENTITY WITH No;onn TrraN Onn rwo:rerqllY RESIDENCE ALIpWET oN THE CoMBTNED AREA oF T}rs two-pARcEr.'s- AlrowAeii=-iiios' RESTDENTIAIT Fr-,OOR' AREA FoR rHE Two-FAllrLY nssroiicE wrr.,r-, sr car,cui;if'o',',..e' ""o oN rHE c:l{arNED ffiffi;;-Tirr-trrnsrPARcELs...:-,;".--_..''..' ra. rnnusl: GoNDTTIONS AND-PRoVISIONS oF PARTy war',L ae'n-ifiiititlt nrconDED May:31' igbi ill BooK 55s AT PAGE 38 ' 15. DEED oF TRUST DATED June 06, rgsL, FRoM ANTHoIY M' RYERSoN and CYNTHIA B. RyERsoN ro rHE puBlrc rnusiri-6r-iecr,r couliivl-ioi-ins usE 9F MARGARET B. IIALLOY AND CHARLES P. MALLOV-to-sncunr tne iurq or $10'ooo'oo RECORDED June 11 , tssl, TN BOOK 555 AT PAGE 927 ' ONYii,M. RYERSON aNd CYNTHIA B. RYERSON e rnQ .9n't_his, day of ;'.MALIOY. .and CHARIJES o f fttrOMAY2St99t DATE5/28/eL APPLICATION FOR DUPLEX SUBDIVISION REVIEl,l A.NAI"IE OF APPLICANT MAILING ADt)RESS Charles P. I1al1oy and Margaret B. Malloy Box 323, Edwards,' C0 81632 PHONE B.NAFIE OF APPLICANTIS REPRESENTATIVE l0B S. Frontage Road West, 1f307, Jay K. Pe terson Vai I. CO PHoNE 476-0092 (pr type) Charles P.Malloy and Margaret B, MalloyOhlNE-',c.NAME OF Ol^,NER,S IIAILING PROPERTY S IGNATURE nt 9I>6n PH}NE 7Z/"^ .V 8€4 ADDRESS Box 323 Edwards co 81632 REVI EI^I CRITERIA irr Cirapter 17.24 of the Subdivjslon Regulations. D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL LOT I6 BLOCK 5 SUBDIVISION Bighorn FILING 5Eh AddiEion E. F. FEE $100.00 PAID \ .., By Jn" l'.Te+ Jt.--- - MATERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED Two my1 ar copies of the duplex subdivislon plat fol lowing therequirements of Section .l7.16. 130 (C), .|,2,3,q,6,7,8,9,.l0,1 l,l3 andl4 of the Subdivision Regulations. The plat must contain the following statement: "For zon.i ng purposes, the two lots created by this subdivjsion areto be treated as one entity with no more than one two-family residence allovred on the combined areas of the two lots." Thestatement must be modified according to the number of lots created. A copy of the declarations and/or covenants proposed to assure themaintenance of any common areas. The declaration and/or covenants shal 1 specifically address the painting of the exteriors of theunits so that the unlts will be painted the same color andmaintained in the same manner. r h y/,/'r-L*'', (date ) a. ? 1 APPRoVAL PRoCESS, These can be for.rnd H.FILING AND RECORDING The Department of community Development wi'l I be responsible for promptlyrecording the plat and accompanying documents wlth the Eag'le county cleikand Recorder upon Town of Vail approval . PARTYWALL AGREEMENT AND DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESERVATIONS FOR LOT L6, BLOCK 5, BTGHORN SUBDTVISTON FIFTH ADDITION ACCORDING TO THE PI.,AT couNTY oF EAGLE| STATE OF COLORADO RECITALS Charles P. Malloy and Margaret B. MaIIoy' (rtcollectively referred to as Declarantrt) are the owners of the real property situate in the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, described as Lot 16, Block 5, Bighorn Subdivision, Fifth Addition, according to the Plat recorded inthe Clerk and Recorderrs office, County of Eagle, State of Colorado. 2. Declarant has constructed on Parcel A and Parcel B a buildingconsisting of two units, each designed and intended for use and occupancy as a residential dwelling unit, which are sometimes referredto herein separately as rrunitrr or collectively as nunitsrr. 3. Parcel A contains Unit A and Parce1 B contains Unit B. DECI,ARATTON Declarant does hereby publish and declare that the followingterms, covenants, conditions, easements, restrictions, uset reservations, limitations and obliqrations shall be deemed to run with the land described herein, strall be a burden and a benefit to Declarants, their personal representatives, heirs, successors and assigns and any person acguiring or owning an interest in the realproperty which is described herein and improvements built thereon, hisgrantees, personal representatives, heirs, successors and assigns. L. DEFfNfTfoNS. Unless the context shall expressly provide otherwise, the following terms shall have the following meanings: A. rrThe Propertiesrt means all of the real estate legally described as Lot L6, Block 5, Bighorn Subdivision, Fifth Addition, o according to the Plat recorded in the clerk and Recorderrs office,county of Eagle, State of Colorado, subject to the reservations oftitle set forth on the attached Exhibit rrArr. B. rrl-,otrr or rrBuilding Sitett means Parcel A or Parcel B as shown on the Map together with all appurtenances. c. rrDuplextr or lrBuildingrr means the two contigtuous dwetling units constructed upon the Parcels. D. rrunitx means any one of the two dwellings comprising therrDuplexrr. E. rrCommon Areatr means Parcel C as shown on the Map which sha1l be owned egually by both of the owners of the Parcel A and Parcel B each having an equal undivided one-half interest as Tenants in common in and to the Common Areas. F. Itownerrr means a person, persons, firm, corporation,partnership or association, or other legal entity, or any conbinationthereof, owing an interest in the Parcels. G. tMap' means the engineering survey of the Properties by Eagle Va1ley Surveying, Inc., Dannie corcoran, Colorado P.L.S. I6a27 depicting and locati-ng specificity thereon the Parcels and improvements thereon, recorded on , in Book at Page and is hereby subrnitted to this Declaration. H. rrAssessmentrr means any periodic or one time charge to cover the cost of any expense or charge that becomes due and owing by virtue of this Declaration. 2. DESCRIPTIoN AND RESERVATION. Every Contract of Sale, Deed, Lease, Mortgage, Trust Deed, Will or other instruruent sha1llegaIly describe a Unit or real property interest as follows: Parcel A or Parcel B (as the case may be) , togettrer with an undivided one-half (L/2) interest in Parcel c' according to the plat entitled a Resubdivision of Lot L6, Block 5, Bighorn Subdivision'Fifth Addition, recorded in Book at Page _t County of Eagle, State of Colorado. Every such description shall be good and sufficient for all purposes to sell, convey, transfer, encumber or otherwise effect theParcel and alL appurtenant rights, benefits, and burdens thereto ascreated by the provisions of this Declaration, and each suchdescription shal1 be so construed. This provision shall apply to theproperties as said term (tbe Properties) is defined in this Declaration. o a 3. PROPERTY DIVISTON. A. Declarants hereby establish this plan for the subdivision of the Properties into Three (3) Parcels for ownership in fee sirnple by the individual and separate owners of Parcel A, and Parcel B, as undivided co-tenants of Parcel C which conmonly owned property is defined and referenced as Common Area. B. The Common Area, Parcel A and Parcel B shall be subject to the easements noted on the map and those set forth herein. C. Parcel A, and Parcel B shall have appurtenant thereto an undivided one-half (L/2) interest in Parcel c' which shall be inseparable from Parcel A, and Parcel B and rnay be conveyed, leased, devised or encumbered only as such undivided and appurtenant interest. D. No owner shall bring any action for partition or division of Parcel A and Parcel B or of said parcels frorn their appurtenant undivided interests in Parcel c or from the easements as set forth 1n paragraph 4 below. E. In the event Parcel A and Parcel B are owned by the same entities, the doctrine of merger shall not apply. F. The parties, if rnore than one, having the ownership of each such unit shall agree amonlt themselves how to share the rights and obligations of such ownership; provided, however, that if a corporation, partnership, association or other legal entity shall becone an owner or the parties, if more than one, have the concurrent ownership of a unit, then such entity or concurrent owners shall from time to time designate one individual who shall represent such entity or concurrent owners in all matters concerning all rights and obligations pursuant to ttris Declaration. G. Any suctr entity or concurrent olrners shall give written notice to the other owner designating the individual to act on its or their behalf and such notice shall be effective until revoked in writing by such entity or owners. Any act or omission by such designated individual shall be bind,ing on tbe entity or owners having designated hin in favor of the other owner or any other person who may rely thereon. H. Each unit shall be considered a separate parcel of realproperty and shall be separately addressed and taxed. 4. ENCRoACIIMENTS. If any portion of Parcel A, or Parcel B now encroaches upon the other parcel- or on Parcel C as a result of the construction of any building, or if any such encroachment shall occur hereafter as a result of settling or shifting of any building, a valid easement for the encroachment and for the naintenance of the sarne so long as the building stands, shall exist. In the event any building shall be partially or totally destroyed as a result of fire or other casualty or as a result of condemnation or eminent domain proceedings and then rebuilt, encroachments of parts of the building on the other parcel , due to such rebuilding, shall be permitted, so long as such encroachnents are of no greater extent than those previously existing, and valid easements for such encroachments and the maintenance thereof shatl exist so long as the building shall stand. 5. PARTY-WALL. A. The conmon wall placed egually divided on the conmon boundary separatinq Unit A and Unit B, the footings underlying and theportion of roof over such walI are collectively referred to herein asthe rrParty Wa1lrr. B. To the extent not inconsistent with this Declaration, thegeneral rules of law regarding party walls and liability for damage due to negligence, willful acts or omissj-ons shall apply to the Party Wa11. c. The owners of either unit shall have a perpetual easement in and to that part of the other unit on which the Party WaIt is located, for party wall purposes, including mutual support, maintenance, repair and inspection. In the event of darnage to or the destruction of the Party WaIl frorn any cause, then the owners shall at joint expense in egual shares, repair or rebuild said party wall, and each ownerr shalI have the right to the full use of said party wall so repaired andrebuilt. Notwithstanding anything contained above to the contrary, ifthe negligence, willful act or omission of any owner, his family' agent or invitee, shal1 cause damage to or destruction of, the PartyWall, such o\^tner shall bear the entire cost of repair orreconstruction, and an owner who by his negligent or willful act causes the Party Wall to be exposed to the elements sha1l bear thefull cost of furnishing the necessary protection against such elements. 6. I,,ANDSCAPTNG. SERVTCE FACTLTTTES AND PARKING. A. The owners frorn tine to tine sha1l undertake such Iandscaping and general outdoor improvements including but not lirnitedto driveway and parking areas as they may nutually and unanimously deern proper for the harnonious irnprovement of botb units in a common theme, and, except for any expense or liability caused through the negligence or willful act of any owner, his farnily, agent or invitee, o which shal1 be borne solely by such owner, each owner shaIl share all expenses, liabilities and general upkeep responsibilities with respect to such J-andscaping and outdoor irnprovements according to the ratios set forth in paragraph 8 below. The owner of one unit shall not unreasonably darnage the value of, the other unit such as by shoddy upkeep outside, but both owners shalt nake all reasonable efforts to preserve a harmonious conmon appearance of the units. B. connon utility or service connections or 1ines, common facilities or other equiprnent and property located in or on either of the units but used in common with the other unit, if any, shall be owned as tenants in common of equal undivided one-half interests by the owners of each unit and, except for any expense or tiability caused through the negligence or willful act of any owner/ his farnily, agent or invitee, which shall be borne solely by such owner' all expenses and liabilities concerned with such property shall be shared proportionately with such ownership. The owner of the unit on which such property is not located shal1 have a perpetual easement in and to that part of such other unit containing such property as is reasonably necessary for purposes of maintenance, repair, and inspection. C. Common access and parking is presently provided on a portion of Parcel c. There is hereby created a reciprocal easement and right-of-way for each owner over, across and through that part of Parcel C upon which the parking area is located. Ttre owners shall have equal right to the use of such parking area and no owner sha1l hi-nder or permit his invitees to hi-nder reasonable use by the other owner and his invitees of the parking area. It is presuned that snowplowing will be required from time to time, the cost of which will be shared by the owners. Other maintenance, repair or improvement of such parking facilities rnay be required from time to tirne, and the same shall be undertaken upon the unanimous agreement of the owners who shall share all expenses. A1l such expenses, as set forth herein, shal1 be allocated as set forth in paragraph 8. 7. ALTERATTON. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS. A. In addition, to maintenance provided for in paragraph 6-A., the owners shall pay their proportj-onate share as allocated in paragraph 8 of the total cost allocated to each parcel , in order to provide exterior maintenance and exterior repair upon the units and a1l portions of Parcel C and of the parcel upon which each unit is Iocated including, but not linited to, the exterior and the roof housing the units. Repair, replacernent or cleaning of exterior windowglass shall be considered interior maintenance. If the need for repair is caused through the negligence or willful act of any owner/ his farnily, agent or invitee, such owner sha11 bear the entire costs of such repair or reconstruction. Both units must be painted at the a same time and with the same materials and no exterior modificationsshall be made with the character of the building without unanimousapproval of both parties. B. Each owner sha1l be solely responsible for maintenance and repair of the inside of his unit including fixtures and improvements and all utility lines and eguipnent located therein and serving such unit only, Window glass shalt be deemed interior -rnaintenance. In performing such maintenance and repair, or in irnproving or altering his unit, no owner shall do any act or work which impairs the structural soundness of either unit or the Party Wal-I or which interferes with any easement granted or reserved herein. C. Utility or service connections or lines, facilities or other utility eguipment and property located in, on or upon either of the units, which are used solely to supply a service or utility to one unit shal1 be owned by the owner of the unit using: such utility or service and all expenses and liabilities for repair and maintenance shall be borne solely by the owner of such unit, who shall have a perpetual easement in and to that part of such other Parcel or unit containing such property as is reasonably necessary for purposes of maintenance, repair and inspection. D. No owner shall make or suffer any structural or design change (including a color sctreme change), either permanent or temporary and of iny type or nature whatsoever to the exterior of his unit or construct any additional building structure of any tlpe or nature whatsoever upon any part of his parcel without first obtainingthe prior written consent thereto from the other owner, such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. In case of damage or destruction of any unit or any part thereof by any cause whatsoever, the owner of such unit shalt cause with due diligence the unit to be repaired and restored, applying the proceeds of insurance, if dDY, for that purpose. Such unit shall be restored to a condition conparable to that prior to the damage and in a harmonious manner to promote the common theme of both units. 8. ALIOCATION OF EXPENSES. Costs and expenses of landscaping,service facilities, parking, snow removal , maintenance and repairs, to Parcel C, and all other conmon expenses as set forth herein to be shared by both owners, except as caused by negligence of willful act of an owner, shatl be allocated in the following proportions: 504 508 9. MECHANIC'S LTENS: INDEMNIFICATTON: A. Except for items incurred as a conmon expense as provided for herein, if- any owner shall cause any material to be furnished to Parcel AParcel B his parcel or unit thereon or any labor to be performed therein orthereon, the other owner shall not under any circumstances be liablefor the payment of any expense incurred or for the value of the work done or material furnishedi aLl such work shall be at the expense ofthe owner causing it to be done, and such owner shall be sole1yresponsible to contractors, laborers, materiaLmen and other persons furnishing labor or rnaterials to his parcel or any improvementstherein or thereon; nothing herein contained shalt authorize either o!'rner or any person dealing through, lrith or under either owner to charge the unit of the other owner with any mechanicts Lien or otherlien or encumbrance whatever; and, on the contrary (and notice is hereby given) the right and power to charge any lien or encumbrance of any kind against one owner or against one ownerrs parcel for work doneor materials furnished to the other ownerts parcel is hereby expressly denied. B. Except as provided for below, if, because of any act or ornission of any oh/ner, any nechanicrs or other lien or order for the paynent of rnoney shal-I be filed against the other ownerrs parcel orany improvements therein or thereon or against any other owner (whether or not such lien or order is valid or enforceable as such),the owner whose act or omission forms the basis for such lien or ordershaLl at his own cost and expense cause the same to be cancelled anddischarged of record or bonded by a surety company reasonablyacceptable to such other owner, within 30 days after the date of filing thereof, and further shal1 indennify and save the other owner harmless from and against any and all costs, expenses, claims, Iossesor damages, including reasonable attorneyts fees resulting therefrom. ]-0. INST'RANCE. A. Each owner shall keep his unit and all fixtures thereininsured against loss or damage by fire and extended coverage perils (including vandalism and malicious rnischief) for the maximun replacement value thereof. Any owner Inay on 3o daysr written notice,at any time two years or longer after the last appraisal of the units, rnay obtain a written appraisal of such units fron a competentappraiser, with both owners sharing the cost of the appraisal- provided it was done with ttre unanimous consent of the owners. Such appraisershall be a disinterested and independent third party who is unrelatedin any manner to either otrner whether through joint business adventures or otherwise. B. Each oqrner shall provide and keep in force, for theprotection of hinself, general public liability and property damage insurance against clairns for bodily injury or death or property damageoccurring in, on or upon, his parcel owned in fee sinple and the irnprovements thereon, in a lirnit of not less than $300,000.00 in respect of bodily injury or death to any number of persons arising outof one accident or disaster, or for damage to property, and if higherlinits shall at any time be customary to protect against possible tortliability, such higher lirnits shall be carried and each owner shall name the other owner as an additionaL insured party under such policy. c. Each owner shall deliver to the other orrlner certificates evidencing all insurance required to be carried under this paragraph, each containing agreements by the insurers not to cancel- or nodify the policies without giving the other owner written notice of at least 30 days. Each owner sha1l have the right to inspect and copy all such insurance policies of the other owner and reguire evidence of the payment of premiums thereon. D. Nothing provided in this paragraph shall prevent the owners frorn jointly acquiring a single policy to cover any one or more.of the hazards requirea in tnis paragraph to be separately insured against by each owner. ].1. DESTRUCTTON OF TMPROVEMENTS ON PARCEL. A. In the event of damage or destruction to a unit by fire or other disaster, the insurance proceeds, if sufficient to reconstruct the unit, shall be deposited into a bank account which requires, for withdrawals, the signitures of both the owners, or disbursed directly by the insurance cirrier. The owners shall then prourptly authorizetle necessary repair and reconstruction work and the insurance proceeds will be applied by the owners to defray the cost thereof.iRepair and reconstiuctiontr of units, as used herein, means restoring the irnprovements to substantially the same condition in which they existed prior to the darnage with each unit having the sarne boundaries as before. B. If the insurance proceeds are insufficient to repair or reconstruct any danaged unit, such damage or destruction shall be prornptty repaired and reconstructed by the owner using the insurance proceeds and the proceeds of a special assessment against the owner of the damaged unit. Any such assessments shall be equal to the amount by which the cost of reconstruction or repair of the unit exceeds the surn of the insurance proceeds allocable to such unit. Such assessrnent shaIl be due and payable not sooner than thirty (30) days after written notice thereoi. The special assessment provided for herein shall be a debt of the owner of the damaged unit and a lien on his o parcel and the improvements hereon and rnay be enforced and collectedby foreclosure proceedings in the Courts. L2. DAUAGE TO CoMMON AREA. In the event of damage or destruction to all or a portion of the common Area due to fire or other disaster, the insurance proceeds if sufficient to reconstruct or repair the damage, shall be applied by the owners to such reconstruction and repair. If the insurance proceeds with respect to such Common Area damage or destruction are insufficient to repair and reconstruct the damaged or destroyed Common Area, the owners shall consider a special assessrnent. If such assessment is approved by both owners, the owners shall make such assessment and proceed to make such repairs or reconstruction. If such assessment is not approved' the insurance proceeds may be applied in accordance with the wishes of the owners, unless made jointly payable to the owners and the first rnortgagees of their respective parcels, if any. The assessment as to each owner and parceL shall be egual to the assessment against the other owner and parcel . Such assessment shall be due and payable not sooner than thirty (3o) days after written notice thereof. The assessment provided for herein shall be a debt of each ohrner and a ]ien on his parcel and the irnprovements thereon and may be enforced and collected by foreclosure proceedings in the Courts. 13. RIGHT TO LTEN. A. ff an owner, at any time, shall neglect or refuse to perforrn or pay his share of any obligation reguired hereunder, the other owner may, but shall not be obligated to, after 3o days written notice unless the circumstances require inrnediate action, make such palment or, on behalf of such other owner, expend such sum as may be necessary to perform such obligation including, but not lituited to, the palzment of any insurance premiums reguired hereunder or the undertaking of any vrork required hereunder for repair, restoration or maintenance, and such other owner sha11 have an easement in and to that part of such defaulting ownerrs unit as is reasonably necessary for such repair' restoration or maintenance. B. A11 surns so paid or exPended by an owner, with interest thereon at the rate of 18 percent per year from the date of such payrnent or exPenditure, sha1l be payable by the owner so failing toperfonn (the rrdefaulting ownerrr) upon demand of the other owner. c. A1l surns so demanded but unpaid by the defaulting owner shal1 constitute a lien on the parcel of the defaulting owner in favor of the other olfner prior to all other liens and encumbrances, except:(i) Iiens for taxes and special assessmentsi and, (ii) the lien of any first mortgage or first deed of trust of record encumbering such parcel. The lien shall attach from the date when the unpaid sum shall become due and may be foreclosed in like manner as a mortgage on realproperty upon the recording of a notice or cl-airn thereof executed bythe nondefaulting owner setting forth the anount of the unpaid indebtedness, the name of the defaulting owner, and a description ofthe unit. In any such foreclosure the defaulting ori/ner shall be required to pay the costs and expenses of such proceedings, including reasonable attorneyrs fees. D. The lien provided for herein shatl be subordinate to the lien of any first mortgage or deed of trust, including all additional advances thereon. SaLe or transfer of either parcel as the resuLt of court foreclosure of a mortgage, foreclosure through the public trustee, or any proceeding in tieu of foreclosure, shall extinguishthe lien of such assessments as to payments thereof which become dueprior to such sale or transfer, but sha1l not relieve any former owner of personal liability therefor. The mortgagee of such parcel who acquires title by way of forecl-osure or the taking of a deed in lieu thereof, shall not however, be liable for any past due assessnent and sha1l only becorne liable for future assessments on the date it becomesthe owner or is entitled to become the owner of such parcel . No saleor transfer shall relieve such parcel from liability for any assessments thereafter becoming due or from the lien thereof. In the event of the sale or transfer of a parcel with respect to whj-ch sums shal1 be unpaid by a defaulting owner, except transfers to a first mortgagee in connection with a foreclosure of its lien or a deed in Iieu thereof, the purchaser or other transferee of an interest in suchparcel shall be jointty and severally liable with the seller or transferor thereof for any such unpaid sums. E. Upon written reguest of any owner, mortgagee' prosPective mortgagee, purchaser or other prospective transferee of a parcel , the owner of the other parcel shall issue a written statement setting forth the amount he is owed under this paragraph, if any, with respect to such unit. Such statement is binding upon the executing owner in favor of any person who may rely thereon in good faith. Unless a request for such statement shall be conplied with within fifteen days after receipt thereof, all unpaid sums which became due prior to the date of naking such request shall be subordinated to the lien or other interest of the person requesting such statement. L4. A. USE RESTRICTIONS. Each unit shall be restricted to a residential dwelling as a and conditional and accessory uses as defined by the Zoning Ordinances and Regulations and the Restrictionsfor Bighorn Subdivision sth Filing, Eagle County, permitted use, Town of Vail and Covenants Colorado. 10 B. No exterior mounted radio, shortwave, television or othertype of antenna lrhatsoever or tank of any kin, either elevated orburied, or cl-othesline or incinerator of any kind wtratsoever or outside storage of any personal property shall be perrnitted or maintained on either unit without the prior written approval of both owners. c. No animals shall be kept or maintained in, on or upon eitherunit, except that each owner rnay keep and maintain within his unit two domesticated dogs and/or two domesticated catsi provided, however,that such domesticated animals are kept under control at all times, donot present a nuisance to the other owner and are kept controlled instrict compliance with all Town of Vail ordinances that may apply to such animals. D. In addition to the parking restrictions set forth in subparagraph LANDSCAPING, SERVICE FAcfLfTIES AND PARKING 56 above, each owner may keep no more than two automotive vehicles penuanently on Parcel C. Parking of boats, trailers, campers, notor homes, AfVs or recreational vehiqles is expressly prohibited, unless located within an ownerrs unit. E. No rrtime sharingtr, trinterval ownershiplr or similar interest, whereby ownership of a unit is shared by owners on a time basis, sha1l be established on either unit without the prior written approval of both owners and aLl lienors holding a first mortgage or first deed of trust of record on any portion of Parcel A or Parcel B, which approval shall be reflected in a document of record. F. The owners understand and agree that potential development rights may exist under present or future Town of Vail regulations.that may perrnil expansion of the dwelling units, which development rights have not been utiLized to date. The owner of Parcel A shall be deemed to have exclusive ownership of and rights to forty percent (40?) of those development rights. The owner of Parcel B shall be deemed to have exclusive right to sixty percent (60A) of those development rights. No exercise of those development rights shall be made by one owner without first obtaining the written consent of the other owner, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. The other owner, before giving written consent, shall be entitled to review tbe development plans and any blueprints or surveys prepared in connectionwith the development plans. Under current Town of Vail regulations there exists certain development rights because a structure is rnore than five (5) years old. Any rights obtained under such regulation or any futuretrlike-typerr of regulation shall belong solely to the owner of the structure on that owners Parcel . Ll. If either owner exceeds his development rights and because ofthis the other owner is not aLlowed to utilize his fuI1 developmentrights, the excess development shall be removed by the owner thereof irnmediately upon the demand of the other owner. L5. NoTfcE. Each owner shall register its mailing address with the other owner and all notices or demands intended to be served upon owners shall be sent by certified mail , postage prepaid, addressed in the name of the owner at such registered nailing address. In the alternative, notices may be delivered if in writing, personally to owners. L6. DURATToN oF DECLARATfoN. Each provision contained in this Declaration which is subject to the laws or rules sometimes referredto as the rule against perpetuities or the rule prohibiting unreasonable restraints on alienation shall continue and remain infull force and effect for the period of 2L years following the deathof Chartes P. Malloy and Margaret B. Malloy and their issue, or untilthis Declaration is terminated as hereinafter provided, whichever first occurs. AII other provisions contained in this Declarationshall continue and remain in full force and effect until January L, 2022 A.D., and thereafter for successive periods of l-0 years each; unless at least L year prior to January L, 2022 A.D., or at least L year prior to the expiration of any such l-0 year period of extendedduration, this Declaration is terrninated by recorded instrument,directing termination, signed by all onners and all lienors holding a first mortgage or first deed of trust of record on any portion of Parcel A or Parcel B. L7. AMENDMENT OR REVOCATION. This Declaration nay be amended or revoked only upon unanimous written approval in recordable form of all owners and all lienors holding a first mortgage or first deed of trustof record on any portion of Parce1 A or Parcel B. 18. EFFECT OF PROVISIONS OF DECI,ARATION. Each provision of this Declaration, and agreement, promise, covenant and undertalcing to cornply with each provision of this Declaration, and any necessary exception or reservation or grant of title, estate, right or interestto effectuate any provision of this Declaration: (i) shall be deemed incorporated in each deed or other instrument by which any right'title or interest in any portion of Parcel A or Parcel B is granted, devised or conveyed, whether or not set forth or referred to in such deed or other instrurnenti (ii) shal-l, bY virtue of acceptance of any right, title or interest in any portion of Parce1 A or Parcel B by an owner, be deerned accepted, ratified, adopted and declared as a personal covenant of such ovtner and, as a personal covenant, shall be binding on such owner and his heirs, personal representativest successors and assignsi and sha1l be deemed a personal covenant to, L2 with and for the benefit of each owner of any portion of Parcel A or Parcel B; and (iii) shall be deemed a real covenant by Declarants, for themselves, their heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns, and also an eguitable servitude, running, in each case' as a burden with and upon the title to each and every portion of Parce1 A and Parcel B. ]-9. ENFORCEMENT AND REMEDIES. A. Each provision of this Declaration shall be enforceable by any owner by a proceeding for a prohibitive or mandatory injunction or by a suit or action to recover darnages. rf court proceedings are instituted in connection with the rights of enforcement and remediesprovided in this Declaration, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its costs and expenses in connection therewith, including reasonable attorney fees. B. Each owner hereby agrees that any and all actions in equity or at law which are instituted to enforce any provisj-on hereunder shall be brought in and only in the District court of Ea91e County, State of Colorado. c. Failure to enforce any provision of this Declaration shall not operate as a r,raiver of any such provision, the right to enforce such provision thereafter, or of any other provision of this Declaration. 20. ExERcfsE oF RIGHTS. Any exercise of any right granted hereunder by one owner with respect to the other ownerrs unit including but not linited to the use of any easement gTranted herein shaIl be exercised in a manner which shall not unreasonably hinder, impede or impose upon such other ownerts use of his unit. 21. succEssoRs AND ASSfGNS. Except as otherwise provided herein, this Declaration shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of each owner and the heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns of each. 22. SEVERABfLITY. Invalidity or unenforceability of anyprovisions of this Declaration in whole or in part shall not effect the validity or enforceable part of a provision of this Declaration. 23. CAPTIoNS. The captions and headings in this instrument are for convenience only and shall not be considered in construing any provisions of this Declaration. 24. CoNSTRUCTIoN. when necessary for proper construction, the rnasculine of any word used in this Declaration shall include the ferninine or neuter gender, and the singular the plural and vice versa. 1"3 a ,IN WITNESS WHEREOF Declarants has executed this Declaration this 9"-U dav of a'/a4 , t-eet. I STATE OF COIORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE ss. subscribed and sr,trorn to before me this )3- day of /1o,, , L991 by Charles P. Mall-oy and Margaret B. Ma1loy. { Witness my hand and official seaL. My commission expires on: 7' tf,.?l- Malloy MaIIoy Notary Public L4 EXHTBIT ilArl TO PARTYWALL AGREEMENT AND DECI,ARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESERVATIONS FOR I.oT 15, BL,,OCK 5, BIGHORN SUBDTVTSION, FIFTH ADDITION COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COIORADO t-. Right of proprietor of a vein or lode to extract and remove hisore therefrom should the sane be found to penetrate or intersectthe premises as reserved in United States Patent recorded. September 13, L9O2t in Book 48 at Page 491-. 2. Right of way for ditches or canals constructed by the authorityof the United States as reserved in United States Patent recorded september 13, L9o2, in Book 48 at Page 491-. 3. Restrictive covenants which do not contain a forfeiture or reverter clause, but omitting restrictions, if any, based on race, color. religion, or national origin, as contained in instrument recorded November 25, L966t in Book 175 at Paqe 445. 4. Utility Easeroent five feet in width along aII interior lot lj-nesas reserved on the recorded plat of Bighorn Subdivision Fifth Addition. 15 STATE OF COLOBADO COUNTY OF EAGLE OFFICE OF THE TREASURER CERTIFICATE OF TAXES DUE ORDEBNO.: V16943 VENDOBNO.: 601111? ISSUED ro: LAND TITLE OUARANTEE COFIPANY BOX 357vAtL co 41698 PARCEL NO.: OO1ZZ3O ASSESSED TO: IIALLOY, ilARCARET B. & CHARLES P. BOX 323 EDWARDS, CO At632 AMOUNTS REFLECTED ARE VALID ONLY UNTIL - 03/3r/9r BICHORN BLOCK 9 LOT POO9303 PROPERTY DESCBIPTION 5TH ADDITIONt6 CURRENTTAX 2,643. J9 TAX DUE: INTEREST: ADVERTISING: PENALTIES: TOTAL TAX DUE TAX LIEN SALES OB DELINQUENT TAX TOTAL AMOUNT TO REDEEM SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS TOTAL SPEC. ASSMTS DUE STATUS: 2,643.39 39.65 o. oo o. oo o. oo DT'E 2,68,3.24 o. oo o. oo ?,6A3.24 TAX LIEN SALE AIIOUNT IS SUBJECT TO CHANCE I}UE TO ENDORSEI'IENT OF THE CURRENT TAX BY CERT OF PURCHASE I{TX.DER. AFTER SEPT 1, PERSONAL PROP. & I.IOBILE HOT,IE A].IOUNT IS s1'EJECT TO CHANCE. AFTER OCT. 1 REAL PROP, TAX AI'IOUNT IS SUB'JECT TO CHANCE. PLEASE CONTACT THE TREASURERS OFFICE FOR CORRECT AI.IOUNT PRIOR TO REI{ITTINC. Ae Lar.l 7,'/ /.' NOTICE I. THE UNDERSIGNED. DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ENTIRE AMOUNT OF TAXES DUE UPON THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PABCELS OF REAL PROP. EFTY ANO ALL OUTSTANDING SALES FOR UNPAIO TAXES AS SHOWN BY THE RECORDS IN MY OFFICE, FROM WHICH THE SAME MAY STILL BE REDEEMEO WITH THE AMOUNT REQUIBEO FOR REDEMPTION ARE AS NOTED HEREIN. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I HAVE HEREUNTO SET MY HANO AND SEALrHls 2BAY oF HAy AD le e1 TREASURER, EAGLE COUNTY SHEFRY BRANDON THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT INCLUOE LAND OR IMPROVEMENTS ASSE$ SED UNDER A SEPARATE SCHEDULE NUMBER, PERSONAL PROPERTY TMES. TRANSFER TAX OR MISC. TAX C'LLECTED ON BEHALF OF OTHER ENTITIES. SPECIAL OR LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT ASSESSMENTS OF MOBILE HOMES, UNLESS SPECIFICALLY MENTIONED. FEE FOR TSSUTNG TH|S CERTTFTCATE $ to. oo STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE OFFICE OF THE TREASURER CERTIFICATE OF TAXES DUE ORDERNo.: Vl6g4g VENDORNO.: EOOOa lssUED ro: LAND TrrLE cUARANTEE cot{pANy BOX 357vArL co al659 PARCEL NO.: pOOg3Og ASSESSED TO: I.IALLOY, T{AROARET B. & CHARLES P. BOX 323 EDI.JARDS, CO 81632 AMOUNTS REFLECTED ARE VALID ONLY UNTIL + o3/3t /9r PROPERTY DESCRIPTION BIEHORN sTH ADDITION ELOCK ' LOT 16erot-131-o2-oo9 HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE TAX LIEN SALE AIIOUNT IS SUEJECT TO CI{ANCE DUE TO ENDORSEI.IENT OF THE CURRENT TAX BY CERT OF PURCHASE HOLI}ER. AFTER 6EPT 1, PERSONAL PROP.* T,IOBILE HO}IE AI,IOUNT IS SUBJECT TO CHANOE. AFTER OCT. I REAL PROP. TAX AT.IOUNT IS SUEJECT TO CHANCE. PLEASE CONTACT THE TREASURERS OFFICE FOR CORRECT AI.ITIUNT PRIOR TO REI{ITTINC- NOTICE I, THE UNOERSIGNEO. DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ENTIBE AMOUNT OF TAXES DUE UPON THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PARCELS OF REAL PROP. ERTY AND ALL OUTSTANDING SALES FOR UNPAID TAXES AS SHOWN BY THE RECOFDS IN MY OFFICE, FROM WHICH THE SAME MAY STILL BE BEDEEMED WITH THE AMOUNT REOUIBED FOB REDEMPTION ARE AS NOTED HEREIN. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I HAVE HEREUNTO SET MY HANO AND SEAIlHlS 2d)AYOF HAY AD le gl TREASURER, EAGLE COUNTY SHERBY BRANDON CURRENTTAX 7.61 TAX DUE: INTEREST: ADVERTISING: PENALTIES: TOTAL TAX DUE TAX LIEN SALES OR DELINOUENT TAX TOTAL AMOUNT TO REDEEM SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS TOTAL SPEC. ASSMTS DUE STATUS: PAID o. oo o. oo o. oo o. oo o. oo o. oo o. oo o. oo o. oo THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT INCLUDE LANO OR IMPROVEMENTS ASSES. SED UNDER A SEPARATE SCHEDULE NUMEER, PERSONAL PROPEBTY TMES. TRANSFER TAX OR MISC- TAX COLLECTEO ON BEHALF OF OTHER ENTITIES, SPECIAL OR LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT ASSESSMENTS OR I''OBILE HOMES, UNLESS SPECIFICALTY MENTIONED. FEE FOR ISSUING THIS CERTIFICATE S 10. oo "el/r ,7,. tn o v'-. K^./r"- INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW Y\ Jtr',o ("Sr( F PUBLIC HEARING(--.) PRo.'ECT: DATE SUBUITTED: J: COMMENTS NEEDED BY BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF DATEDn THE PROPOSAI,: ,'' \ i'' #$t5ffi*o"' ) r/1, p< Btqte Date: ;={ comments: \nl\- "-- ffia""l /4 2*/- FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: ComnentB: POLICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: RECREATION DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Conrnents: revised 3/LL/9L Date: Date: l Date: r,\(t,cz,{l'tr- .Y Project Application Date Proiecl Name: --r-----i Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: Architecl, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Comments: Design Review Board Dale 1 l Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPFOVAL Summary: Date: Town Plan ner E Statt Approval APPLICATION DATE: DATE OF DRB MEETING: DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION I,IILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBI1ITTED*J']''1" I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-applicat.i on meeting with-a planning staff member is strongly suggested to Oelermihb if any aaO'itioial 'i nformation.i s needed. No application will. be.accepted unless it.i s compieie (must'i nclude ail items required by the zoning administrator). ii is tne appliclni;s responsib'ility to make an appointment wjth the staff to find out about additjonal submittal requirements. Please note that a C0MPLETE applica- tion w.ill streamline the approval process for your proiect by decreasing the number of conditions of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a bu'i 1d'i ng permjt is issued' A. PRoJEcr DEScRIPTI0N , 0J non { h 4f tl r?oam Apa rnu fa OUf F7; B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: naaress /f-t? 2lexhau fl,etl€ Legal Description Lot /{ elock C Fil ins Ieu,ht* d/ c. D. Zonins Du/lex ( ttult tr', Secoa,O44./ NAME 0F APPLICANT: Ctluck /Y/ tZo/ Address Aax 3aS F/uner.,' to/., V/{'t telephone ?g*Agd/ REPRESENTATtue: c:lac// ftl A tto y' tel ephone NAME OF APPLICANT'S Address F. E. NAME OF OWNERS: Si gnature Address DRB FEE: The fee wi I I VALUATION - $ 10,000- $ 5o,ooo- $ 150,000- $ .5oo,ooo- $1,000,000 $1,000,000 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL be paid at the time a building permit FEE telephone €ge- gtC/ i s requested. stake the site be removed vi s'i ts the $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ 50.00 $1oo 'oo $200 . oo $3oo ' oo SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must to indicate property iines and building corners. Trees that will should also be inartLa. This work must be completed before the DRB si te. 2. The review process for NEtl BUILDINGS will normally invoive two separate meetlngs of the Des,ibn Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approval . 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeling and who have'hot asked for a postponement rvi11 be requ.i red to be repubf ished. $0 $ 10,001 $..50 ,oot $150,oo1 $500,001$ 0ver 1. 4. The following items no longer have to be presented to the Design Review Board. They, howevei, have to be firesented to the Zoning Administrator for approval: a. Windows, skylights and similar exterior changes that do not alter the existi ng plane of the building; and b. Building add'i t'ions that are not viewed from any other lot or public space' whjch hive had letters submitted from adjoining property owners approving the addition; and,/or approval from the agent for, or manager of a condominium association. 5. You may be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property. You should check with a Town Planner before proceeding. MATERIAL TO BE NEl,l C0NSTRUCTI0N A. Topographic map and site pian of site 1. Licensed surveyor's stamp. SUBM ITTED containing the fol lorving (2 copies): gas el ectri c 2. Contour intervals of not more than 2' unless the parcel consists of 6 acres ormore, in wh'i ch case, 5' contouli ntervals rvill be accepted. 3. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more one foot above grade. 4. Rock outcroppi ngs and other si gni fi cant natural features (l arge boul ders ,intermittent streams, etc. ). 5. Avalanche areas, 100 year flood plain and slopes 40% or more, jf appiicabie. 6. Ties to exist.i ng benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. 7 . Locatjons of the fol lowing: a. Proposed surface drainage on and off site showing size and type of cul verts , swales, etc. b. Exact locations of all utilities to include existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structure. Utilities to inciude: cable TV Tel ephone sewer wa !er c. Property lines showing d'i stances and bearings and a basis of beari ng d. Proposed driveways with percent slope and spot elevations e. Al I easements Existing and finished grades. All existing and proposed improvements inciuding structures, iandscaped areas,service areas, storage areas, walks, driveways, off-street parking, loadingareas, retaining wa11s (with spot el evations), and other site improvements. 10. Elevations of top of roof ridges (w.i th existing grade shown underneath) todetermine height of building. B. A statement from each ut'i lity verifying location of service and availabiiity. To be submi tted wi th s'i te pl an. C. Preliminary title report to accompany a1l submittals, to insure property ownership'-'.'. and all easements on property. D. Landscape Plan (1" = 20' or larger) - 2 copies 1. Show the locat'i on of 4" d'i ameter or larger treesn other shr^ubs and'natiVe nlants tha. are on the site and the location and deiign of proposed landscape aieas *iih-the varieties and approximate sizes of p'l ant materials to be planted. i. 2. Complete landscape materials list. 3. Designate trees to be saved and those to be lost. N0TE: As much of the above information as possible should occur on the site p1 an, so thatthe inter-relation of the various components is c1 ear. The landscape pian should beseparate. The existing topographic and vegetational characteristics may be a separatemap. The applicant must stake the site to show lot lines and building corners. Treesthat will be lost during construction must be tagged. The work should be completed . before the DRB site visit. >< 9. Architectural Plans (1/8" = I' or larger) 2 copies 1. Must inciude floor plans and all ejevations as they will appear on completion. Elevations must show both existing and finished grades. 2. Exterior surfacing materials and colors shall be specified and submitted for review on the materials list availabie from the Department of Conununity Develop- ment. Color chips, siding samples etc., shouid be presented at the Design F.ev'i ew Board meetinq. The Zoning Admin'i strator and,/or DRB may require the drawings, specifications, samples and other material necessary to determine whether a project will comply JI. MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS Photos or sketches that clearly indicate what.i s proposed and the location (sjte plan)of proposal may be submitted in ljeu of the more formal requirements given above, as long as they provide all important specifications for the proposed including colors and materials to be used. III. ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL A. Original floor plans with al1 specifications shown B. Floor p1 an for addition - 2 copies C. Site plan showing existing and proposed construction - 2 copies topos D. Elevations of addition E. Photos of existing structure F. Specifications for all materials and color samples on materials list available at Department of Community Development At the request of the Design Review Admjnistrator you may also be required to submit: G. Statement from each utiiity verifying location of service and availability. See attached uti 1 i ty I ocati on verj fi cati on form. H. Site improvement survey, stamped by registered professional surveyor. I. Preliminary title report, verifying ownership of property and lists of easements. IV. FINAL SITE PLAN After a buj iding permit has been issued, and when the project is underway, the follolingwill be required before any buiiding receives a framing inspection from the Buiiding Department: A certified improvement survey showing: A. Building locatjons with ties to property corners, i.e. distances and angles. B. Build'ing dimensions to nearest tenth of foot. C. AlI utility service lines as-bujlts showing size of 1ines, type of material used, and exact locatjons. 2 copies D. Drainage as-builts. 2 copies E. Basis of bearing to tie to section corner. F. A1 1 property pins are to be either found or set and stated on map. G. AII easenents H. Building floor elevations and roof ridge e1 evations. submission of additional Plans, (inc1 uding a model) if deemed with design guidel ines. LIST OF MAT ER I ALS ,NAME OF PiIOJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PR The following'i nformation is required for submittal Board before a final approvai can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL 14nuo Ad,la by the applicant to the Design Review COLOR Roof Si di ng Other lilalI Materials Fasc'i a Soffi ts l,li ndows l,lindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Flashr'ngs Ch i mneys Trash Enclosures Greenhou ses 0ther /X/o s4t ,Qe/tr*o pe//A 8,erc,( Xt o 1./ M,/A t/ ,4 nt /AtI/ / Fl ra P4*Tcr/ /v//1 N/A il/l // /r4 R LANDS CAP I NG : PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES BE REMOVED Name of Designer: pnone: Botanical Name ///A To n//"1 Common Name Quani ty Size* for coni fers . (over) *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees.Indicate height PLANT MATERIALS: Botanical Name Common I'lame Quanity Size (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS I letnt e TO BE REMOVED Tvpe Square Footaqe GROUND COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF I RRI GATI ON TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. 0THER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wa1is, fences, swimming poo1s, etc.) Please specify' UTILIfi I,OC,\TION VEIII IT IC..ITION suBD rvr sroN_,_tol t4* | JOB rcr l[--s"ord .{ ,rutxc ltuho,unt t-Z( ,4/1. The location of utilities, rvhether they be main trur.rk lines or propose<ilines, mrst be approved and verj-f icd by rhe following utiliries foi ch: acconpanying site p1an. Authori zed Siqnature Da te Mountai n Bel I I -634-3778 l,lestern Slope Gas Harry Moyes Public Service Company Gary Ha11 Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Vail Cable T.V. Gary Johnson Upper Eagi e Vai 1ey rdater and Sanitaiion Discrict David Krenek NOTE: These verif i.cati-ons do not rel ie.,'e the ccntracror of his r"esnonsihi l i t.' -^ -- .rrr narmi:- €-nn r-harL.y L!, \JULlrIlI aL : LLggL !uu p!,l,r.lrL Itv.it Lrrg Town of Vail, Departnen! of Public liorks and -ro obtain utility locations before digging rn any public right- of-way or easenent in the To rvn of Vait, A building pernit is not a street cut permit obtained separately. A street cut pernj.t nust be This form is to verir-y servico e\'3.ilabl ity and location. This should be used in conjunctioir wirh preraring your utility plan and scheduling installations. * For new cons t pl ease fi I I ou: ; t-r.^hari < hao+ ZONE CHECI( FOR SFR. R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS DATE, SllelKS LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOt ADDRESS: OI^INER ocK 5 -4"\rv,1 ug*J \45d'd-' Pronosed .^a o*J ^[v '5l5-3.) 375D hz60(t' ' v t 5'--ttt-> Irl'tc; -..--t-..- :1-? -----|:q -a.96 A\r .*\.-/ \- Y7\-- Ll-a' j1t) ,t,-,*'',> trE- q.le 8 r) <' Fi I i nq K.cL"-v l-.- Dr \ '=--4t- Pho ne Pho ne (3oo ) (6oo )(eoo)(1200) (so)(1oo) (25)(50) (2oo)(4oo) Al I owed (30) (33) q ql-tr- ---t---- At-ge 3 lllt-) 20' 15' 1ql (30)(50) .t35e-& __+___7-- ARCH I TECT ZONE DI PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE Hei ght Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front S'i des Rear Water Course Qi to f-nvore nov,ve vv'L' sJe Landscapi ng Fence/Retaining Wa1 1 Heights Parki ng Cred'i ts : Garage Mechani cal Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat Drive: Slope Permitted Slope Actuai A), cL1..o Aval anche Flood Plain Sl ope l.letl ands Geologic Hazards Comments: Zoni Approv o i ;t olt- <r-- ,{ --- !gE TITIFI <r9m :._ (- tn= =ooYP ooz(n+frcc){oz!mn ={ og,mIqL-o.:-El:H itlY Ilm: 6l?s Ilri glmP ol.v ; Ol< -r al-: In =r-I :It o<dE;!l(;octt>T6gm.r 'n m -.t -tl !Or- z= >= z,4 o 10--{n+ I4 8=z.'a *>-6z 9X oQaz. t-ic3= A= oVomz:+x3:{oo> o2n-{mvz>m -t>or- x =m -t €zmv !(- z lrl =t-rO-< Io -l =. ,gIaAo>'l- t-o-{}.c -FctX=1" .T tr2a @ rcl=o5 {mt-m d€zo1l l>t- m I = -{m-m -{ =z o'rt zt-!m z I -l mTm { €z "r|i >l =.,Hr Le,tz t ?. ; -tm-m { €z 'n zt- m z TN t o- m-m (O a\) Iq) (.rt5 l€lz l'rlt<l> l: tmIt, lz I l('rl\I@ I!3 rrt 5(-t ao at)c5 o5 c+ Gox N ID --{o ==r(< (D o-{ mo =OJ.J !o+\)olI(, (Jl+ Ftr FF p m Y@ol" z =m f 3p, o 3 e. zo-{m oo! 't mt =-.1 Io IDmxm -{ oz(-o @I-{m m *\ TmT3- zo N) n\)O n\) le|.R1xrc io>nZO?gQ U'.o6t = sb o6zz P>- r$@= Bm= mN)z..oggl; t- /.\ = c+= O-Odz (+n J.{ 5I IOT€o!+i-=2z.a '' zi(t z>eRrdr<!.u < >oolm=oro 2cz =a za l- J z --tI6 zm a a cft _f z t- m =azmm m l<' im -.1 z =z t- c -n ;Eed- o9d 3 d9.g ;g iisE; e =:EF =: *F (/, o =Jc = *- 5=.3-{ H a3:I'g.t 3aF=(og+o -Oi-otO*=E d5=s d: lFf- o ci' * ug4Ei=33@3ol ar ^,: f = =< =*;fi E= ilq<o-f0:d P 6' ; i dl $U a =-'qRAeax:)lqro=.,=ar-o os.o{ -o.c =o 3 g. ='(o o a o s lor c) (D Ic ci C) co-31 x U)N) rrl €AJ- ol(rJ f\) z0 -{Im o{zm um1t iisIt: --t= l-' t3.Nrr\ \ .(ol-.- lo 9E;l FtJ. lc)x-l: t=t=o t- I I I I z-o _=z --t --t m z F 7 2ozo-{mo o-{ t- mv =-r1 mm trlo,tr! =zntIm l- 3 = Ea- = m t 1'm =='Tlmm(n a-P,# 35,153 efgl't Ftr -0Hl{t.a-lg f+\lvl tlHl a\E}1{-l -L+r1nf+Flf1fF\- GItlar(DL+r+(F)aEFt E+ Ft ar+OF{ HF(F -rFava-.F'dItl E.tr*tIna+E -lf!| a+(Fla+ *H*i*X*l-H:;O5u<* ^oZ-.1;Fr.r-tl HB{FXX- -zH<8Oca :e{otEt-.Tr=vfn - ('r t-u;.J*li8t=E-l \" i-On€<;:zaiF=Oft! \.i>-1x>+F6fi>rFJ*!*r fiz EforrJ ?! \ u:%F =:i>;- \- tnYQ2:z -'l *J ', >0 ^n lrt \J.(-n:i <d *rF>\ii-*FZcdoE F=€ TEE x<; --iiHxo - -l L./ z 3 =rI-o -{ oz, c o 2. IFl(Dlu, l(D lcrt-J.lo t.-JI I I Il-. lo, 1.,For t"l--nI leJ t+t-'|alotr I I I 6 FI(, = =' ;'z l-N i o = 5' a FPtFt5orf'| F ETF1.tr(rlir ttpo ftlrE IDp Fp F'F.K c+ 1\)(tl FI(o @Or ;c;iiii ==ar^z6;16:= ;ss3P=q-! 3 a c :i:a1E i | ?L ; I =-3-:;o:ii1i:1:;; q-<s'l ; +:: a: -- -:!= Y-. - ='-.!:ia! ^ =.= - < Li: = r;-1 ; a==; a a ? 1:.;;d.l-;'te -43-43 i:; =:'Fi*? =. 4.)-; = 1t.:. c a ; i :, { ! o-{, zo o o o r n t PErNs CTION REQUESTTOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBE"R OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI CALLER AM BUILDING: g. FOOTINGS /tr.FOUNDATI O FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D,W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK E POOL / H. TUB NAIL t-'1 tr oO FINAL FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING n o tr ROUGH I] EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR trFl ll tr FINAL ''-EJ APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIBED '..DATE INSPECTOR I PEtNs CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMITNUMBER OF PROJECT - JOBDATE READY FOR LOCATION: NAME INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES THUR FRI AMlPMWED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ffrouNonroN / srEE. tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr u tr tr INSULATION POOL / H TUB SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS N CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr trFl tr FINAL ,.,-.- 9:APPROVED, CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED N REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST ;' TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE --- JOB NAME CALLER TUES AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON WED THUB FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL o tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST .' TOWN OF VAILPERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FBI AM PM LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FBAMING - ROOF & SHEER" pLvwooD NA|LING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRIGAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL E APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIBED DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUESTTOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME --.CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FR AM PM LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND E ROUGH / D.W.V. N ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYwooo NAtLtNG tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR -:INSPECTION REQUEST ; TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE - JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI iv PMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWooD NAtLtNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr D tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: E HEATING D tr o ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL O FINAL , tr APPROVEDf: CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE - --INSPECTOR --t- INSPECTION REQUEST t TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME ' CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES . WED , THUR FRI AM PM LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING ,_ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWooD NAtLtNG D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETBOCK NAIL tr tr D FINAL O FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR rNstcrroNTOWN OF '':, _\ ,, i PERMIT NUMBER.OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: a REOUEST VAIL I DATE JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR FRI .'AM .PM BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- EI tr tr o tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL/ H. TUB NAIL tr o +FTNAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FTD|AL tr FINAL / ({raoueo O DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: oo'r= ''E - ) ) '.8.5( t, rrrrspec{sa oI !oo z Dooz 6c g, !r om HSSS 3>Si s€8:x HFSN-itUli!s*r Bs"SE sNFS'* t F'rr{i 4,, FrIf':Iixi\XE '*tXt\tsx=?ttX"r*ltiI* SE$:OYLN€=lF: SRre" E' ctl to 3sS IERsqP dBa=soz\\xRr,t F!E [$E HF* ESq SS*=I tt', H e {!a 9. =?oIt t9 tstb H L<4 idtdat{l'tqzot{ EO '9(D z l-l(olo) l\f l6Jlv IFi c) o F r{ u) =r{EroF< € eflla'tF+{tot'+| {ra}r.1 FTF+fv tlF{t AE9f-ll-l -r+t 93f+F)f-tfar\{ GItlI.FLafa{rra /GE9F.il |-lr{ 9t -+OF- HIa-a{ -.llrvdl||lraItl E.\'+tgt |rtFTarlta.-{!lFrfFt Fo rFl F\o)\ ; E{\9/()x \ Ho ofrz v) gH Hu)Hoz (rlcfIt DUUHFl H z i'(tl (! I tg) I I (D N (D Il" I =i-47e-,| , l'--{ \ -tt L. ) | =wl iJ F o z = c F z(J iH:fli<F*<:IF2FF_<OsrO < :. ? z t F?r,r VI:'HFU;^e!.r42<iZ: < o za7zz;:7.!'|4)F F F Ol0 >f:1xcor'::5;<u[9i.-ig Ii"<cQ> -t)< o :|-QAS<.(< }:r F t! SI z) z -i u,l o cc z zs cc Fztu r! UJ z -J F F oo E J J F uJ cc o) J F E E tr ulo oz -o Jl o > Lr-e =, =et- -l 6 a uJ z foa tt F zY(! Fa, F =cc z J 6 UJt! oul z ..t I =El) J 2 2 F6 t!o z J :z tt J cc z Foo z F F a 3|llz z oJ lo z3 J a u,t aa F 3 IJJ UJ F z o F =F Et IJJJ z uJG E z F F B z o ur oz Fo a0: z UJ tt t!:ao 2 tr lll tc z ul ()z f F u,/4 ? J 3 aB Fz o LlJ u- O IJJ o Js E E I; (, J co oI cc t- TL z Fz z =6 ciz Et- r.ll NOIIVN'IVN z F F t( o :J a: IJJtro J a2 z J Y.).D F J !n>(,r, -tl.N zo= -A z Fqq =^u1 l3:> :z:< >o ;.i z N (v) cc 3 ll. zo F Ea llJ J 2lSfJ-tHJAV ,.,, 1,fl l, \ )r1,,;..,-ifl ii::t ioi 1?:ti: ;i]i,il1r;'-.': 'i'., 1r; ': t**l;: r'i-i ,JuIy 27, l-976 Town of Vai IP.0. Box l-00 Vai1, Colorado 81657Attn: Diana Toughill REF: Ovenhead Line Extension Lot 16, Blocl< 5, Bighonn Dear Ms. Toughill: Mr. chuck Mall-oy has nequested Holy c:ross Elect::ic to build a two span ovenheadl.ine extension to serve his Lot 16, Brock 5 in the Bighonn subdivision, Town of Before we can begin thispermission stating Hofy powen lines in this aneastaki.ng sheets show thethis job. Mn, MaIIoyrs building is Sincer.ely, HOLY CROSS ELEqTRIC- ASSOCIATroN, rNc.-,./'/' ,i21,// rt, 4 4(^-- Walter D. Doo*-.r, Engineer I.1NIJlKK l::Ti.", chuck Mal-roy:Job#76-6684 . -/ ,*^.-*-"/*ry'l+ffi/uJ-b&*-* / ( f\tuf to serve Chuck Malloy Subdivision construction, we need the Town of Vail to give us wnittenCross Electr ic is not pnohibited fnom erecting overheaCby any Torm Ondinance on Regulation. The enclosedlocation of al-l- po1es, anchons and wires requined for well unden way and he nequires power as soon as possible. a INSiPECTGI )/TOWN OF FIEBUEST VAIL I_J OTHER '':.''''.'''. MON COMMENTS: n pnnrrnl. LocATloN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM ! nrrRovED E otsapp RovE D fl nerNsPEcr El upon rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS '-r'- '-r. ry'l INSPECTOR office of the town manager December 21, 1976 I, Chuck Malloy, do hereby agree to complete the required landscaping and paving as required by the Zoning Ordinance, 0rdinance No. 8, Series of 1973, as approved by the Design Review Board for Lot .|6, Block 5, Bighorn Fifth Addition. The above-ment'ioned landscaping and paving will be completed by October 1,1977. This letter may be recorded and filed in the records of the Eagle County C'lerk and Recorder, and the Town of Vai'l agrees to file a release of the conditions contained in this letter fo1'lowing their satisfactory comp'letion. I,JITNESS: box 100 vail, colorado 81657 1303) 476-s613 This agreement premises for a permi ts peri od you temporary-occupancy of the above-mentioned terminating 0ctolier 1, 1977. /lJ3 U4*L7- Dat4/c . P'l erce Offi ci a] WITNESS: expirei ltiay 21, 1980 box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476.5613 off ice of the town manager December 21 , 1976 I, Chuck Malloy, do hereby agree to complete the required landscaping and paving as required by the Zoning 0rdTnance, 0rdinance No. 8, Series of 1973, as approved by the Design Review Board for Lot .16, Block 5' Bighorn Fifth Addition. The above-mentioned landscaping and paving will be completed by 0ctober 1,1977. This letter may be recorded and filed in the records of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, and the Town of Vail agrees to file a release of the conditjons contained.i n this letter following their satisfactory completion. /3k^--Dat{ This agreementpremises for a permi ts period WITNESS: . Plerce Offi ci al lab E f,,o ;sgf, E rsQ i;Hg 5FEtf,r , ^- -- f r r ltlI >l\ SN'sr.tI-lF$4 rrlt. I !.!I'- -FJ Nt l :- c., NEf L (c'Rit I | (\ \lr Ir )lrl - -r -ra 9 -{a I t\I N$"$\'-SR$ r T$t $$i , !r' O luwn box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 81657 office of the town manager September 20, L977 Charles MalloyBox 663Vail, Colorado Re: Lot 16, Block 5, Bighorn 5th Dear Mr. Malloy: As a representative of the Town of Vail , Department rlfCommunity Development, I wouLd tike to express my congratulationsto you for the fine building you recently constructed on theabove named property. I feel that your home is a welcomeaddition to Vail and behalf of thb Department of CornmunityDevelopment, wo11d like to express my appreciation for yourefforts. fn order to receive a Certi-ficiate of Occupancy (the Officialdocument that perrnits you to occupy your premises) it is necessarythat your driveway and parking area be paved in aceordance with theZoning Ordinance of the Town of Vai1. It is also necessary thatyou submit a landscaping p1an, receive approval of the plan fromthe Design Review Board, and j.nstall the ptantings shown on yourapprgved plan. If it proves impossible to have this work done in the nearfuture, the Town of Vail can issue you a Temporary Certifieate ofOccupancy upon you agreeing to have this work done prior to amutually agreed date in the future. If, 1n fact , Vou are not the owner of the afore mentionedproperty, or if this work has been completed or will be completedwithin 2 weeks, please disregard.the latter portion of thiscorrespondence. o PLease contact me, at youryour intentions on this matter,questions about this notice, earli.est convenj.ence, regardingor in the event you have any Sincerely, ANTMENT OF DEVELOPMENTITY Bill PierceBuilding Official uw 4-e/; Az BP/di rNsiPEcr(Dru TOWN FIEOUEST VAIL OATE JOB NAME , OF TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER n orHen MON GOMMENTS: FRITUE ! pnnrrnr LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM E nppRovED ! orsnppRovED fl nerNsPEcr ! ueon rHE FoLlowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR :'...''. "'': INSPECDN FTEGIUEST DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER VAIL n ornen MON COMMENTS: FRITUE n penrral. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUF AM PM ,E APP ROV E D florsnerRovED I nrrNsPEcr D upom rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR rNspecr(bru FIEBUEST VAIL TIME RECEIVED- AM n orHen MON COMMENTS: TUE ! pnnrral. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR E.nppRovED f]orsnppRovED E nerNsPEcr D uporv rHE FoLLowrNG conRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR o FEFIMITPLUMBING/MEcHAr\ilCAL TOWN OF VAIL 7ODAt_.atg T.BNAME N4o.- L-rt l')r- o* ADDRESS {-) coNrRAcroR k-Ey) Ih&pg t rff4er? eaoxe.fl77 5a.41 USE OF BUILDING: oF woRK: E[ r,rew ! eoornoru E nemooel ! nepern IPTION OF WORK: PLUMBING: NUMBER ?I - ?MECHANICAL: NUMBER vALUArloN s AaT)D VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKS: +, PERMfT FEE , izrnt9 PERMIT FEE FEES: $ .4e ,*,Jr ry lzr/?ze rl\seecrDru OWN OF FIEOUEST VAIL DATE l JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER I ornen MON GOMMENTS: TUE ! pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM E appRovED n orsnppRovED I nerNSPEcr E uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECrloNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR o F VAIL CALLER 'i'i,,'', ',ii E orxen MON COMMENTS: TUE E pnnnnl LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FR PM E lppRovED E uporu THE FoLLowrNG CORRECTIONS E orsappRovED CORRECTIONS: ! nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR i i l.t : 6<o!c|n>;z^12aa 9? J z 9> o "2o= N1!-oa-6; ct |n n t-o -{ z 2m D7 n z n € x |- I -x ) l- 3l- G|\ F. l .It-F 3 z =m -t 2 ! !|n €fi-{ iDz im (n ! m 9l m0 m n ln -{ n m m-mo z 2 1l- z c = zo o1l!) o ; 'n-t - o m n r- 2 -{m 2 =z tn VALUATION Dz m { 2 ln m D z 3 7|n .i nz t- m n n zx-m roz m-nto-t; - rn -t ztt-{ t- 2 m 3{ o.rl r z 'n''la:l xz am>z m L |- 2o m n|nm mx -{ m {GI =-, etrrl Eg t-I zo 7 sIi Itrt 3II -.t -{ t- 'llt-o tn D-r{ m nt- D m rn m mzI Dtz m € >ro I;o> |-<o I::i; ldi- , a g l; '" ! I E l-?xgr.=89: *T 'zi, R-':3s milfrln L+ "-ii3ci;r ",dr-:3"rr qi$*N {-}\\N- { z l. z .j z I eo.l z n cz |n ! !o 3oz oo rNspecfrru FIEBUEST VAILT.OWN OF TIME RECETVED ;," ,"' AM PM CALLER JOB NAME E ornen MON COMMENTS: TUE ! pnnnel. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI-AM PM E app RovE D E orsnppRovED I nerNsPEcr D uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRREcroNS: CORRECTIONS rNseecfrru FIEEUEST VAILTOWN OF./ , ., /, ,tl!DATE ,, , '*'' TIME REGEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orHen MON COMMENTS: TUE ! pnnlel LocArloN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI-AM PM E eppRovED ! orsnppRovED El nerNsPEcr fl uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRREcroNs: CORRECTIONS JDATE INSPECTOB rNspec|}ru FIEBUEST VAIL TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER '! orHen E] plnrtel LocArloN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI-AM PMMON COMMENTS: TUE flnppRovED t] upolrt rHE FoLLowrNG coRREGTIoNS: CORRECTIONS ! orsappRovED ! nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR :'JOB NAME rNsF)EGON TOWN OF FIEBUEST VAIL TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER I orHen I pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI-AM PMMON COMMENTS: TUE n nppRovED fl uporu rHE FoLLowtNG coRREGTIoNS: CORRECTIONS ! orsaeeRovED I nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR rNseecOru FIEOUEsiT VAILTOWN OF DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! orxen MON COMMENTS: TUE ! pnnrral. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM E appRovED ElorseppRovED D nerNsPEcr n uporu rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR DATE //*-,v VailAssociabs,lnc. July 27, L976 Mr. Bill Pierce Building Officia'l Town of Vail P. 0. Box 100Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Bill: 0n July 6, t976, I inspected the excavation of Mr. Charles Malloy on Lot 16, Block 5, Bighorn Sth Addition, Vai'l , Colorado. The sub- soils consjst of glacial gravel and bedrock, and in my opi nion are easily capable of supporting the light loads which will be imposed by the structure. Sincerely,, ,\\ ttJlh. l/r'L,(tTI Jlmes L. Viele Colorado P. E. & L. S. No. 11413 JLV/srnv cc: Charles Malloy, Box 663, Vail, Colorado 81657 Box 7, Vail, Colorado 81657,303/476-5601