HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIGHORN 5TH ADDITION BLOCK 6 LOT 2 LEGAL.pdfFILT SOPT {6.\nlJlilrf W\{l,OP\lt Lt Design Review Board ACTIOI{ FOR}4 Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81S57 tel: 97o.479.2139 fdxt 970.479.245? web: www.vailgov,com Project Name: Chantler /Massey Residence Project Description: APPLICANT MICHAEL PUKAS PO BOX 288 GYPSUM co 81637 ProjectAddress: 4840 MEADOW LN VAIL 4840 Meadow Lane / Lots 1 & 2, Block 6, Exterior renovation of both sides of an existing duplex Participants: OWNER CHANTLER, CHRISTOPHER MARTIN O8IO3I2OO7 GILMARTIN, HEATHER MARIE 4840 MEADOW LN A VAIL co 81657 DRB Number: DR8070377 08/ O3l2O07 Phone: 970-390-4931 Locataon: Legal Descriptaon: Lot; 1 Block: Subdivision: ROMARTOWNHOUSES Parcel Number: 2101-131-0300-2 Action: APPROVED Date of Approval: 08/15/2007 Comments: e),.terior paint colors received 6113108 (s<- *Lu:4d t c^olarl rt-t/utrul I pre) BOARD/sTAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: DANTAS DUBOIS 4-0-0 Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities, Cond: 201 (P|-AN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond: 202 (P|-AN): Approval of this pQect shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. , Planner: Fill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO L ACI?T.JhITI TEVELOPME'IT Design Review Board ACTIOI{ FORM Department of Commilnity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tek 97O.479.2139 fax: 97O.479.2452 web: www.vaalgov,com Project Name: Chantler /Massey Residence Project Description: Exterior renovation of both sides of an existing duplex Participants: OWNER CHANTLER,CHRISTOPHERMARNNOB/03/2007 GILMARTIN, HEATHER MARIE 4B4O MEADOW LN A VAIL co 81657 APPLICANT MICHAEL PUKAS 0810312007 Phone: 970-390-4931 PO BOX 288 GYPSUM co 81637 ProjectAddress: 4840 MEADOW LN VAIL Location: 4840 Meadow Lane / Lots 1 & 2, Block 6, Legal Description: Lot: 1 Block: Subdivision: ROMAR TOWNHOUSES Parcel Number: 2101-131-0300-2 Comments: DRB Number: DR8070377 Motion By: DANTAS Second By: DUBOIS Vote: 4-0-0 Conditions: Cond: I (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review commiftee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. . .l SflLt;jll*' shall not become valid for 20 days fottowing the date of approvat., lol r' cond: 2oz ,. r,rti '. J,[J, Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date NoQ\" ..,lt ' of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced f"\r , rr- ' ,\.- l and is diligently pursued toward completion. ^cl\ --*ond: CON0009227 r. <i{ 'CP''-' r*f..ot The applicant shall revise the proposed exterior paint color palate and resubmit to t" BOARD/STAFF ACTION ExytJ Action:-APFR€VED- Date of Approval: 08/L5|2OO7 the Design Review Board for fufther review within 30 days. z \ Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Department of C-ommunity Development 75 South Fronbge Road, Vail, Colorddo 81657 tel: 970.479.2128 f axi 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Departrnent. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of tJre approval. Description of the Request: Location of the Proposa lz tot: \ L ? elock: Cp subdivision: F 16 lk)$,t4 4Ih /rf / /'f ) lot t3r J oo* o3 ooJ V b g \ s Ut \ \ Name of Apprir"nt illalfA.ftt R)gl€ Mailing Address: E-mail Address:52A- t547 $s0 No Fee Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. For construction of a new building or For an addition where square footage commercial building (includes 250 For minor changes to buildings and re-roofing, painting, window retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review tr New Construction tr Addition tr Minor Altention (multi-family/commercia l) Minor Alteration (si ngle-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request $6s0 $300 $2s0 X tr D Name(s) of Owner(s): Phone: wner(s) Signature(s): l':i *\se b"l liolerlolc & Color Romor Townhouses Renovotion 4840 Meodow Lone Lots I & 2, RomorTownhouses Block 6, Bighorn SuMivision,Sth Addiiion Pqrcel No: 2l0l 13103002 & 2l0l 13106003 Voil, CO 81757 Exldlnq Sofrl. Fosclo & Roke Boordg E:rlsllno Roof Bcomr \--@ienln-lleoreFoint -) Color- Abbey Brown - 1225 Slucco Sldlns Benjomin Moore Poinl Color - Mountoin Lone - 488 Stucco Tdm Eeniomin Moore Point Color- Wolf groy -2127-40 Horkontol sHlno. Qew deckfiogclo Benbrnrin Moore Poinl Color- Horvesf Bronze - I146 Slonc veneer. column borer Colorodo Buff Strip Stone mpp desiqn shop PO Box 288 095 Willowslone Ploce Gypsum, CO 81637 c 9753?V4931 t 970-52+1557 michoel@mpodesignshop.com E:dsllnq DcckGolumnc Color- Abbey Brown - 1225 0701-rnd$bjqnpblooolry.doc Poqp I ot I Buildino Materials PROPOSED MATERIAIS Tvoe of Material Qi$rlFh - d\ *bhthfts wla.EL W'Uptp 6tw) 4+tt ttrtan&l. Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other gwtel hptlhJ r{ Wsfo dE&! f+,oHr*wt cU>o - CtWl ;\tbrfl^$, h%{d/ "l ALtIlt,rlce.t @ alot+JIA +4Nn Notes: Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. F: \cdev\FORMS\PERMm\Planninq\drb_minor_alt_11-23-2005.doc rt12312005 ( Page 6 of 13 PROPOSED I.ANDSCAPING Botanical Name Common Name Ouantiw Size PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirements for Landscaping: Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper coniferous Trees - 6'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Type "square Footaqe GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please specifo other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) F:\cdev\FoRMs\PERMlTs\Planning\drb-minor-alt-11-23-2005.doc Page 7 of 13 ru23l200s 'l l.* * * *+ { *+ t I {.t**** * ****i** * *** **** * ** ** **'l* * ** * * ** ** * * ***** *t* ** *** * t * * * tt tr ** * * *,t* * * ttrt* * + *** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement ************************'r.*r*,a*'r.*t**f,t**fif+f+tt*******************r*'t***'*t **{..tt}******t*'****** Sfatement Number: R070001426 Amount: 920.00 Og/03/2OO7t1 :46 AM Pa)ment MeLhod: Shop / ck 90s check fni!: l,T Notation: MPP Design Parcel No: 2L0L-131--0300-2 Site Address: 4840 MEADOW LN VAIIJ L.,oca!i-on : 4 84 0 Meadow La'je / IJots 1 This Payment: Description Permit Nor DRB07o37?fype: DRB-Minor Alt, SFR/DUP & 2, 8l-ock 5, Total Fees: Tot.a1 AIJIJ Pmt,s: Balance: $20.00 $20.00 s0.00 $20.00 {. 'l * * *lt* ++*+**'f 'l'l******************'}***r**'i**********++**+'t{.****+*t't***************+'t 't *'i** i ** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Current Pmts DR 001-00003L1,2200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 I t b E F t I t F.i: ll f:I I t II I T t -!F :F ; : I F E F t FI F F l.!': F E b ! I D I I I E F !!! t F !I F .:p !!I : F F I F ., t F E t F tr ---4@ ----........- -............- '-'.--'.... --.-:,--- .----1 --,--.--- ----- .------- -" #-- -- ---4 - ---- -- ,--- --a --.1 - ,:'t--=----- - .- 1 -"-"- - -- - 4 ---- -- 4 I -- ------:_ "F--.@ 't:.@l 'it . r: +.tF ..E |-G II .I I' I -r lI 'I I iI,lr I II I ll I 11I ttI trI lrI trI lrI i-UI- rl ,l :l il Ir I,I,I"I I. - - I L-,L-,Lr-.t--.L-,:,,L-II .L-.L-,Lr-. !-. !-r L-,'--. L-. L-l -, ll''r- --.--. -. -.-. -. --,-.-. -. ---..--;F-t r-,.t''-,--, -, ,-, -. ..-.-tt-,a-- L- JE-_ ' ,.-. .-l ,_-.-:- ,tE:. lI---;;- - ,t'-..-:; -' =t I # il !. I I, i I I I I I I !*rII@ L- I 'r:r@F ; . l-.!ff.= il'Effi';: 1 rr(=-!4- , F-r@r:L-1fl , r34 ,.r,|4i i/ EEC-I , ffi,] #,/ tEd-l a' t!s--I | @-- larE . .F--..{r ''t^ tr*Ji ir Hl,', i,'.;:, :; i I .! ,.'l 3--- -t -IIGF '-'_-*, t 5 ,I r--rri- lI --------::-I I t.', ;**--=i WJIEI.'ffi q :-41 glls\Ydi ,.=-?lrt- -- I I I I I I i!I I I I I'I I-" .l I- itrl :lrI'lrI ltr lrI;llr ]I;lr!rnr' Li r T-II rl I :rl I ,=JIf ;-II -' .-I -l IT - II ,- .-i-I'tdm.|r'r_r:-.- 1 '..*t 2 ()H 6.LL A s1* TOWN OF VAII-, ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Bui Ldi ng---> Pl,an check--> Investigation> lli tl. Catt--> DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT ALL NIMES Permit *: 896-0128 Job Address Location. . . ParceL No.. Project No. 4840 MEADOW LN 4840 MEADOW LN 2101- 131-0 3-0 0 2 PRJg 6-0 0 87 Status. . . Applied.. lssued. . . Expires. . APPROVED 05/24/tee6 o6 /03 /Lee6 'rL/30 /lee6 WILLIA}'{ G. MESCH 4840 MEADOW I,ANE, WEST HALF, VAIL WII,IIAM G. MESCH 4840 MEADOW LANE, WESI HALF, VAIL Phone: 303 / 692-0 433 8165 7 Phone:303/692-0433 8r657 co co MESCH WILLIAM G sa e uppen LEEsoN sr, DUBLIN IRELAND IE T[P$lCOmm. DeV. Description: ADDTIOi'T OF MASTER BEDROOM AND FAMILY ROOM occupancv: R3 Single Family Residengglgunt Type con-strucuion: v N TyPe V Non-Ratect datg Clean-up Depo.sit Refund approved ':'<- Valuation:50,000 Add Sg Ft: 783 Fi reptacc Information: Rcstr i cted:fof Gss App I'i ances:#0f Gas Logs: 'l #of tlood/Plt te **** FEE sul'll'IARY *ffi*#tr}-*ffiJrf'rthtffi .00 Total' catculateo ltes--' 5O.m Additionat Fces-)TotaI Catculated F!es-->1,224.95 49O.OO Rcstuarant Ptan Revi ev-) 318.50 -OO Recreation Fee----------) 3.OO Ct.an-UP DePosil---t ToTALFEES---_-----_-> 50.m Additionat Fces---_-_> 117.t5 Total Permit Fee--)117 .t 5 250.00 .00 1 ,?2E.95 1 ,228.95 .m 1 .ZzE.95 Pa/nents----) BALANCE DUE-- Item:0510 05 /24 /!99 6 05'/28',/1996 It'em:'.0540 05 /24 /Leg6 o6'/03',/]^99 6 Itbm:'0560 06 /03 /L996 Itbrn:'.0550 8?47A|fi?E o6'/03'/te96 O BUILDING DEPARTMENT CHARLIE Actfon: NOTE EHARLIE ACtiON: APPR O PLANNING DEPARTMENT CHARLIE ACT1ON: NOTE JIM Action: APPR O FIRE DEPART}4ENT CHARLIE ACtiON: APPR O PUBLIC WORKS CHARLIE Action: NOTE TERRI M Action: NOTE CHARI.,TE ACtiON: APPR DeDt: BUILDING PLANS CHARLIE SEE CONDTIONS DEDI; PLANNING PLANS JIM CURNUTTE DePt: FIRE 't/a DeDti PuB woRK tkoil?'h^E$E'R"p*t""Der terrJ- and rarry P Division: Division: Division: Division: see page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit' DECLARATIONS I hereby acknoutcdge that I have.""d.thi" aPpLication, fil,ted out in ful't thc in{ormetion required' coQteted an rccuratc Ptot ptan, and statc that art tnc"iiiornaiion p.oii o"o ". r&uj.uo ii correct. I agrcc to compLy rlith thc infornation and ptot ptan' to conpty vith att rovn oroinances "no.tit. tavs, and io uuira tnir structure according iothe Tovn's zo'ring and subdivision codcs, dcsign rcuiuv app.ovJ] uiit"." BuiLding code and other ordinances of the ToHn appticabte thereto' REorJEsrs toR INspEcrIoNs sHALL BE nADE TuENTy-FouR HouRs Ir{ ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE Al 479-2138 oR AT oljR oFFtcE FRoll 8:m Nl 5:m Pil send CLean-UP oeposit To: J IIESCH Page 2 i1 ***************************************i**************************************** CONDITIONS Pernit #: 896-0128 a6 of 06/12/96 Statua---! APPROVED ******************************************************************************** Permit fype: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applicant--: WILLIAM G. MESCH 303/6s2-0433 Job Address: 4840 MEADOW LN Location---: 4840 MEADOW LN Parcel No--: 2101-I31-03-002 Description: ADDTION OF MASTER BEDROOM AND FAMILY ROOM Applied-- 2 05/24/L996 riiued--- | o6'/03'/te96 To Expiret lL/30/1996 **************************************Conditions****************************** 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.121O OF THE 1991 UBC. 3. SPIRAL STATRCASE MUST COMPLY WITH 1991 UBC SEC. 3306(f) 4. SAFETY GLAZING MUST COMPLY WITH 1991 UBC SEC. 5406 5. NO PLIJMBING,ELECTRICAL, OR MECHANICAL WORK ALLOWED UNTIL PERMITS ARE AQUIRED 6. CRAWL SPACE VENTS AND ACCESS MUST COMPLY WITH 1991 UBC SEC z) ro ************************************************************:r*** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt **********!r***************************************************** statennt Number: REC-0155 Anount: 1'1?8 '95 06/12/?9 09:-1-4 Payment Method: cffecx Notation: 135 Init: AI,M Perrnit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: This Payment 896-0128 TyPe: A-BUTLD ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PE 2101-l- 31-03-002 4840 MEADOW LN 4840 MEADOW LN 1, 178.95 **************************************************************** Total Fees: Total ALL Pnts: Balance: Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANT'P DEPOSITS RECREATION FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE I t228.95 L t228.95 .00 Amount 490.00 318.50 250.00 rL7.45 3.00 Account 01 0000 01 0000 01 0000 30 0000 01 0000 Code 41310 41332 22002 45032 41336 ,t{o2 'o OE f,ov .o J ,.8 s9 H zo ct{ 4 F 2 lq E. o A U a o o E '9,(Jt N E|! '-r u "{ Or A; oFr 4t5 fi8 E{ F otsl vv pl: F zz :o ErE a2 to FE o FI FI H2 oo AE E. X E4 v Eld E(.) ZE E r:l ts ;i: O() Er Bq F N o z ET F R ; ; z> !qEqr qs e Ero ! T0t'f N 0F URIL CUIi-DEV ID :503-479-2432 llRY 21 '96 13 :2O Ho - 005 P - 02 tob xuat [!V-<utt . tob roitgrnt 6.4 . rcjral oucr!.9tl,onr .tae_L l1ooh_&_ rtl^tng Addnrri Sn-*" - ht(qzC"Eop\ ld6rsrtr t'?u'%9*L7&-d/e3 ounrrs tiam: lrehltrstr oe131111 Uilorlptlwri r|ort el,r.tr t l-lfoT I l-Ntrntton tr,f-mCftf-maf Iflrlbef ot Dt i1tlng Un:Ltrr _ | ._ fu$ff Olltllrr ana firt*r*rrr'r Eltrltrltl|E! JIITfBEIcz I_j _:v- --= Ir.rt r-r.rttttaat--aaa*af *tt f Ecnrral Cdrtreotorlr (\r^)urt-l) t of l-Reprlr I l-ourr.r_ facmorlction Unltrt _.rt?' "rp?rort[?A' tlrr ^!tnrl*T- cr. trsr- Booq,/Frrr.r,4 ....".8+t:Hij,E-...rrif f vll[ilDltrf *.t.**il.fi .rft r*trf rfi .r.rrrl..r lccfrttcll.r J-tulett-98Er I **aal..tt**tatrat.at allt*tr Torn o! Vrll Dhsrr lubbrat 'Adararr: 9&lo Eieotrlaal contnstorr lddrurr aovD of vall R.s. No.Fhona lfirnberr .Plulbtng eqrtractort l{dsgs:tsorn of Vlll Phonr tftrnbffr llerrr al Val'l Flrgnt tfutbrrl naE. tto. iicairrnioal' oontsr€tor r lddrucr nag. [Dr rt tf ttfi att****atttr..aaaatt*rar '19n gtlfcE Uftt .r.rri*-.r.arrtt**tt.rf r.r*rt.lr .B'ILDrxo DTRIIIT xIIt PII'EITTA PEEr!! IIE3 ncl|lfrctl, DuilnD t!!r EIAG:ETCT! tllr eltR TfPE gt tlEr Dlt F!t:ctrjtrt{rt EDosI io|Iffr tnE! DILDNrll }IIN CESX !EII EgFry Etrr| cBcr t!!r ECHlilrClI. prllf CBICI tttsl .nlcnllGlo[ ttcl 4ltrlD8lltlr EIOmfrJSts lOilItGg tt0ilt!fi8r 5. fhas,c+ luun lFO: l ttt [: Df,lTBT 8uEn8gl!r l|rrilrfiil|.tfl rt cr5ilh n5 fD a?9-21!t or at9-ttt9 ol'!r ot octnrnlff drmcprrrt il.iffiflit3$*ry* tro' I srrt a P.t rF- *r unlavrtrr lor any E Hntrr" #idi!tdii$+9, T''SF;iiHkrt anv rtidr JI iii.y or rr1,'n€rfr-#[! $.T1;lIjTl;1,t. "t Hii}j*ffi:ffis*:3i""fHi; r.!il;.."ff.H Hi rtr,sr, iliL Fn-InrEtnrEs cs8rffitgt. rscrsE@ |rrlm firE aomf or TIIL TOfi Ot ylr& loBLBe Etfg,/coElg|tlll DDhl,otlmtT lrRctr.1t, tD88 €||rmcf,Iotr Prxrrrc t nnERIeD gEonr8l (1.1. gontntctor, flnrrl *-To uHlFlfi L- enh -TF- -.-=-----3=t?9:z a{i tnm 'lrh||ficnffrrf rd'nh'l|blill|'(Sl c79-2t30 cr t?t-{t!9 llRY 21 '96 13:21 No.0O5 P.04 .ftrdEffirlu dilt0pnrl BUILDIilE PEilIT TISIIIIICE TIIE FIIiIE If thti D€rrit r.rqrlmg t Ton of Uril ilf_grPrrgl"nt Apprlvlll Englnoarh (tublld.PrF! Twtrq'rni'ippr*rt | | ptrnntng Drprr6ent 'ryrrror Hnlar Drtsrtdnt rw!r, ril-r-rilig, Lftiii'Eirarno i:rifiH*rthr cstinrtan fiir-ion'r-ti'.r ruyin-h;'Eli'* rons Ai" cormrrcirr crlrtr^ol !!r]) rilr rt nrrt-frrnfry pcrrrts rflr luye !0 foilow flre ibovc.rcnttonsJ miirun rfigtr*antr. Rcstdcnttrl rnd e"'r prcJ:ctr flg"l1iir?-i-iriii"..n'rii-oi tidil' minv*. rf r"csfcent'o! or rnrr|er-npjctr-iapoii' ur" vuprour rboys mmilonad ceplrtnmto rl th rcgmd' to-rnisilffi-frvl 1, gr6e pruJcctr. ny rtso tric Urr tarea-nll-pli6J;--'- '- . Evety fttmpt xtll De ndr bv thfr drilr+E,+ ri --i-.rrr- ^,pGrnrt.rr loon !s #tfif!,v thlt d'Ptl'trnt E erhdlh tnfr . h*l undarrronrrt' urdrrrrrd nil prrn chct prccrduro rnd tf* no+c|r Erf nvrrf, -frrrl El Iurl||o IngD I Gorrunl gl Deee'tooma,tt Oepar.tfint. Shmt-FF TOUN OF VBIL CO}I-DEU ) I TOr FE||llr DtTEr FE! ID:303-479-2452 IIRY 21'96 13122 No -005 P.05 IflqE$purl ALt OOSlfi gloFt TOITH OFVAI|. ruBUC WORI€ DEPANNENT ilAY 0, ttta.' WflEll A ?U!UC WAY FEFlgp tg REEIU;FED 1) 2t 3) 1) 6l 6l 7' E' fg thls r now radthnat? lr drmoltlon nofi bdng pilfotmd lhst tl$dflr iln ur. dth| dgtil gt wryr ratsnrgntr q pubfo ircprny? h any uUttty *on nrrffi? lathr ddvarry Dchg reparad? lr dlffcnnt tccslr rcded b rltr clhorthlt odcfire ftlvrury? lr..any drahgr worft batry ffrr liloernp no nOnt Of tUryr rlnmtnbr of pubh proF!ry? b e'RcnocaDlr Rtght Of $try prrrif rrryfrxl? A. L mr rtgt r d *y, flrrnc,tr ot trrDllo propory-to F urcd hrdrelne,pul{ry orfrndng? B. _ !m!o 8A.brpfiHn$d|gtng tt*Hfliiil nqufntf uY oommunrv .IEI !!e l/- t'- 't/'' L/' ,./ lf_you rnsweql y"r to rny ofrhcE quesilom, r "RtlG Wey pcmtt. mrrd be obtatn*!.'tuDrb wav_ prnnir' +piodoru nrii nc o*irnro a iilpr-dil wb,t.b omc or a *g4u1ilty Pantonel[ -!! l*: El ^"ry-qr..fl""i pr"rlr- oli6i.rl, Drft , rtr rown of Vdt ComtrucUon lmp.doi d 4lletb.'- erd anr*nnd e[ thc &v| qrcdlorr EURNS RSSOCIRTES TO t9?@4?92432 To; 97M79"2462 From: 607-324-00S0 May 30, 1998 JemeB Cunntta Tovrn of Vall Bulldlng Dept. Vail, G0 81057 DearJlm: I havo corwereed wfth John Meoch and he hae agreed to nafich my deck with the d€ck that ln fs doing for his broftgr on tho lytsl half of our duplex. tt is my understanding that when he completes this pficjec{ it wllt brirq my dcck up to oode to match the design wlth the other helf of the duplex. Should you hav€ any guoslions pfease don't hesitale to give me a call at 71S75$3187. Sincarely yuure, r7J7z,E* >/s,/{U"ad catf"r*d' #*+ f&f PM o fr...,t.ro* !ei'rt-'*t f{'t*l.+ '9F/o At' s[=u1* strk1 *)FL :'L' /wus'{a - A'e" agtr.+.ef'' io.oto l* N^rk tr-or*d"(, Ce PV u'<;C{rc P ^til /'fA h '"5 f' tro G;'4^;'') i/'* Qu#''e'' :r*c TOTAL P.A1 P.BL Job Naue: Legal Description: Lot i Block_[ owners Name: _A._.Q. r'v\.o9t.Address:Ph. Architect: Ph. General Descripti.on: Work Class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteratton 1v(_Additionaf t j-Repair [ ]-other Number of IrrueLling Units: l_ ^ lrnber and llpe of Fireplaces: Gas v * * * * ** * * * ** * * * * * * * * ** ***** * * Nunber Appliances of Accoumodation Units: Gas Logs_ !{oodlpeJ.let BUTLDTNG: PLTJ}IBTNG: VALUATToNS * * *** ** ** ** *** *** ** ***** *** ****** 3P_-qT3I9l!. lJz#-r.rEcHANfCAt: $--OTHER: $ TOTAL: CTOR TNFORUATTON * * ** * * * * * * *** * * * * * * **** * ** * Address: El-ectrical Address: Contractor: Plunbing Contractor: Address: ---;Meehanical Contractor: Address: ********rt*********************** BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: !.IECIIANTCAL PERUTT FEE: EI-,ECTRTCAI, FEE3 OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of vait Res. naZ14-L Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Town of VaiI Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg, No. Reg. NO. Reg. No. .PLUUBTNG PIAN CHECK FEE:UECITANTCAL PIAN CHECK FEE: - RECRAATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAIJ PERI'IIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: STGIATITRE: Address: CI.E/IX UP DEPOSIT XEFI'ID TO: TOWN OF VATIJ 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-419-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ELECTRICAL PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Perrnit #:, E96-0255 APPLICANT WILLIAM G. MESCH PhONE: 303/692-0433 4840 MEADOW LANE, WEST HALF, VArL CO 87657 CONTRACTOR WILLIAM G. MESCH PhONE: 303/692_0433 4840 MEADOW LANE, WEST HALF, VAIL CO 81657 OWNER MESCH WILLTA}f G 54 A UPPER LEESON ST, DUBLIN IRELAND IE FOOOO Description: REMODEL BATHROOMS valuation: 1,650. o0 ******f**************************************************** FEE sUt4t'tARy ************t*************************t*lr***************** Job Address Location. . . Parcel No. .Project No. 3 .00 s3.00 4840 MEADOW LN 21,01-731-0 3-002 Status. . .I S SUED Applied..: Io/t4/t996 Issued...: 10/L4/1996 Expires . .: Oa/12/L997 Etectri ca L---> 50.00 DRB Fee Investigation> .00 53.00 .00 53.00 Payments-------- BALANCE DUE---.-.00 TotaL Cal,cu(ated Fees---> Addi tionaL Fees---------> TotaI Pernit Fee--------> Ui l t cal,l.----> TOTAL FEES---> ************************************************t**********h**********L********************************************************* Item: -06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 10/1411996 DAN Action: APPR Dept: BUILDING Div:-sron: ******************************t********************l*******************************t******************ff****t i******************* CONDTTION OF APPROVAL tt*tt)t*****************t**********t*****rt*****)t*!t************************************fit**********t*ft,)r$tt***t***t****************** DECLARATTONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have read this apptication, fitted out in fut( the information required, compteted an accurate ptot PLan, and state that att the information provided as required.is corfect. I agree to-comply ri.ittr tire iniorrnation and pl,ot ptan,to comply lrith al'L Tovn ordinances and state [a!rs, and to bui(d this structure according io'the Toyn,s ioning'anO subdivisibn codes, design review approved, uniform Buitding code and other ofdinances of the Tovn appl,icabl,e thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TI,IENTY-IOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY o **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0217 Amount: 53,00 LA/I4/96 IZtIT Payment Method: CK Notation: #160 lilit: DS Permit No: E96-0255 Type: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-131-03-002 Site Address: 4840 MEADOW LN Total Fees: 53.00 This Paynent 53.00 Total ALL pmts: 53.00 Bal-ance: . 00 **************************************************************** Account Code Description Amount 01 OOOO 41313 ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES 5O.OO 01 OOOO 41336 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE PLUMB]NG PERMIT PeTmit atr 4. ALL TIMES P96-0172 Job Address Location...Parcel No..Project No. Description: NEW BATHROOM *************************t********************************* F EE 4aao Mneuow LN 2101-131-0 3-0 02 Status. . .Applied.. Issued... Expires. . ISSUED 70 /r4 / 7ee 6 t0/14/ree6 04/12/ree7 APPLICANT WILLIA-I{ G. MESCH Phoner 303/692-0433 4840 MEADOW LANE, WEST HALF, VArL CO 81657 CoNTRACTOR WTLLIAM G. MESCH phonet 303/692-0433 4840 MEADOW LANE, WEST HALF, VAIL CO 81657 OWNER MESCH WILLIAM G 54 A UPPER LEESON ST, DUBLIN IRELAND IE FOOOO P tumbi ng-----) Plan check---> 45 .O0 11 .?5 Invest igat ion> .00 Restuarant Ptan Revieh,--> VaLuation:2,500.00 SUI'll'IARY *****************************************ir************** .00 Total Calculated Fees---> )Y. t)Additionat Fees---------> TotaI Permit tee--------> Payments------- >Y.Z> .00 59.25 >Y.?>tli tt cal,L---->3.00 rten: .O51OO BUILD]NG DEPARTMENT 10/1411996 DAN Action: AppR Dept: BUILDING Division: i***************************t****t*******#*******ffir**********t**************************************************ffirr********** CONDTTION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE *****f,*************************************t********************t*****f*******************************************Jr****t******r** DECLARATIONS r. hereby .acknovtedge that I have read.this €pptication, fiLl.ed out in futL the information required, conptetcd an accufate ptot ptan, and state that atl thc information provided as requ'ired is correct. I agree to compt,y riith tire information and pLot pl,an,to comPty tith al.l, Tolrn ordinances,and state [aws, and to buitd this structure according io the Tovn,s toning and subdivision codes/ design reviev approved, ijniform Buil,ding code and other ordinances of the appticabl,e thereto. REOUESTS FOI INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I"IADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY AT OUR OFFICE FROI.I FOR HIIISELF AND OIINER UV **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO St.atemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0217 Amount: 59.25 10/14/96 I2t22 Payment Method: CK Notation: #160 Init: DS Permit No: P96-0172 Type: B-PLMB PLUMBING PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-13L-03-002 Site Address: 4840 MEADOW LN Total Fees: 59.25 This Payment 59.25 Total ALL pmts: 59.25 Balance: . 00 **************************************************************** Account Code Description Amount 01 OOOO 41311 PLUMBING PERMIT FEES 45,00 01 0000 4t332 PLAN CHECK FEES 11.2s 01 OOOO 41336 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO o o o D ProjectName: Project Description: Move Spruce Tree Owner, Address and Phone: Robert Evans,4840 Meadow Lane, Vail CO 81657 ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: nln Project Street Address: 4840 Meadow Lane Legal Description: Lot 2' Blk. 6' Bighorn 5th Parcel Number: Comments: ? esign Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL BuildingName: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Dominic Mauriello Date: 4124198 Board / Staff Action Action: staffapproved FTEVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL9S\EVAN 5.424 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 el Qucsti ? ons? cal I thc I'k,r:ning Staif ai 479-1 Ilti APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENEML INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcvicrv approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign rcvicw must rcccivc Dcsign Rcvicw approval prior to submitting for a building pcrmit. For spccific information, scc thc subnlittal rcquircntcnts for thc particular approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc application cannot bc acccptcd until all thc rcquircd inlorntation is subnrittcd. Thc projcct nray also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Torm Council and/orthc Planning and Environrncntal Conrnrission. Dcsign Rcviov Board approval cxpircs onc ycar aftcr final approval unlcss a building pcrmit is issued and construction is startcd. u.LOCATION OF PRO PHYSICAL ADDRESS:1tu,, rtn."JuU -'r= L ,, f (Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Officc at 970-328-8640 for parccl #) D. E. PARCEL #: ZONINC: TOli/N OFYAIL DESCRTPTTON OF THE REQUEST: F. G. NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILINC ADD NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILINC ADDRESS: H.ryPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: fl Ncw Construction - $200 tr Addition - $50 !.lUinor Altcration - $20 PHONE: Construction of a ncw building. Includcs any addition rvhcrc squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or commcrcial building. Includcs nrinor changcs to buildings and sitc improvcnrcnts, such as, rcroofing. painting. windorv additions. l3n(l!93Pl!9. fcnccs and rctaining walls. ctc. DRB fccs arc to bc paid at the tinrc ofsubnrittal. Latcr. rvhcn applying for a building pcnnit. plcasc idcntify thc accuratc valuation of tlrc projcct. Thc Torvn of Vail rvill adjust thc fcc according to thc projcct valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMDNT OF COIVIMUNITY DEVELOPMENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, vArL. coLoRADO 81657. OWNER(S) SIGNATURD(S): ,F Category Number Project Name: Olign Review Action Ftr TOWN OF VAIL r Building Name: Project Description: C., Legal Description: Lot ' Proiect Street Address: Comments: Board / Staff Action Motion by:Vote: Seconded by: B Approval n Disapproval fl StaffApproval Conditions: ,,'", ;.::',:1, 1., ll ,'t.t O{-l''"c'i'f1.)( ,, /: t- , - .,';'t z Dale: ',t/ .i'lb DRBFeePre-paid t; ,-tv h , _ _= *r._r=-i=E 5 -l- ,-.1 9t $?f f g6h - .- F r.tY :t el[t i s 'ill s t El 7 ?.Ly ls '; E g" .. v l\l vJ € Ei n o 99 Z fl !6 i fl "-Ht il th c ;f r*5 'q gE? s.8f i E f; g{E € E 3;3 cEori \.qr d\i 3$J\, 3q &o $s \t s-($\ E .. { -f d d (J a Ea ^"[\ tu- ,H .; ctr b+ 6&E$E 8 V !r HY E Hff F lr-lc) c -a 3 .o tr u =IU 'T-'z tU 0- 0-o n t''l =a E H -1 t v, .i ,IJ sl I )i{ ,Y /,i: 2 .oU Eb -tr .:{ =>c o- o trc) o)c 'Gl o o -rc g rJ J 'o. tU o u.t UJ z F z UJ o O lo | lrr tf-F =cll f, @ tU k o 2 F o l -)o tr o- -e o =l I'UI el <l >l H trl tul r^r I EI r!l 2t O jo /'t o5 G).tE ('/$ 0'U '09)rM froot*,r" y'r \ oo9 lrr c) tr qr- ".-, \ --t i-J i"'' z m (n ffi'n \ \ \\ \\/ \6nr'7^t8o '$ood?N o9l ( s'''' ' {.rn (4 -.t c, :-t <'-Itr rir l:id lU *? o T 3 rrr c!UI o-sR ar<!T _E8 i\ ,'ez f-16 rn l9 o-lit o {-G ots,, 'oot! Puz I Description: Improvement Location Certif icate B, this parcel lies in Zone C (areas of minimal l-:,s..t= faRrY v/.,LL' 5^rr|| 1b.r4lqau 3L A/.j- Lot 1, RomarTownhouses, A Resubdivision of Lot 2, Block 6, Bighom Subdivision Fifth Additiory according to the plat recorded March 11,1974 in Book 238 at Page 705, Eagle-County, Colorado. _ . I he-reby.certify that this Improvement Location Certificate was prepared for First Weslern Mortgage Serviceq lnc-, ils successors and/ or assigns and First American Heritage Tiile co., thal it is not a land survey plat or improvemenl survey plat, and that it is not lo be relied upon f6r the establishmerrt of fence, buildinfl or other (uture improvemenl lines. I further certi$ that the improvements on the above described parcel on this date, December 14, lgg;,excepl utility connections, are.entirely within lhe boundaries of the pircet except as shown, that lhere are no enctoachments upon the described -premises by improvemenls on any adjoining prenrises, excepl as indicated,and that there are no apparent evidence of any easement crossing o.'brrrde.rinf any part of said parcel, excepr as noled. r- .l t/_-l+-1+ Date Record easement information was provided by First American l{eritage Title Co.. Those easements listed on Commitmenl No- 8L29219895 that lie within the subiect property oid u." described in a way thai allows them to be drawn, are shown on the drawing below. --' -- '' -'J -"-- - According to FIRM Community-panel No. 080054 0004 flood ing). Address : 4&10 Meadow Lane _ L_---t Sl a.'l'5-'.'o" 7.a a tf\ I LI -z q I I s f\+ ,q tlt 5 _J- 0 lD $ $ CI $,J { x' ln { vl l3-t t i.As' t-=-.-I l--l il I _q r0 N {l I l---- z- I N()tq AccordinP t(t Grlorndo lorv' Y()u. mrrst <ommcnce any le8al actirn hrsd u;:on any dt'fc<t in this ccrtific te rvrthin thrce )r,nrs.1ftcr you lirst drs(over suchdcfc<L|nn(1cvcdtnFynnYirctionlxrs{dg}xmanya..tcitiriitrisce'riricareb.rl.,mrrr.icedmi'*rr'i'i""l.i..*mth(.d.'rlcot(L'rtifiCo.hownh!!n' Leland Lechner 5' Ln rLlr-y \:;-== azz-P | 1\c- < ?yi#fllT^fip Leland l,echner PLS23505, Box3453,Vail Colorado 81658, (303) g4g-5387 |h single Famii.y ZONE CHDCK . FOR Residence, Duplex, ZONE DISTRICTS Primary/ Secondary DATE: Subdivision ..-,, \r ^ | :- t-'. .l ,t _ Y_ ..IJBGAL DESCRIPTION: L,ot:Bloclc ADDRESS: OWNER ARCI{ITECT ReLaining wall ueighLs 3'/6' Parking Garage Credit Drive: .--''-- )>ge6p1ies with T.O.v. LighLinq '/' . t t-" . _. jrr.J zoNEDrsrRrcr- | |'' - r 't r p /') "'i ,. ,.;t PROPOSED USE - i'/ ' .'^ '''|rf ' ,; | - . .-'\z' l-,tr t.tl I,OT SIZE J:,.OUJ T BUILDABI'E LOT NREA Allowcd ExisLinq ProPoscd ToLal rreiehr, (30) (33) 7g ':'"!'5 .; L*{'',;'.' roLarGRFA qct",,;'i:c 5J€3 ipg ttr 5\11 ') -'',1;"6- + 425 =-3\13. - :L"'l ; -','{1 '- 2rJ Primarv GRFA '1 -,-7.1 | | ; <( ':) -jt#1fi- F{'secondary GRFA ll?Ll 5 + re-=-2r4'" l, '' - - r'L r 5/-r tc' - ,.-€- scLbacks FronE zo' lL'?' v:'f111---'-" ''tLj sides L5' fr'-+@ iiE'::Y'nuit 1s' se i{!*,, sir,e coverase l;la7 W t i 55 'rlC 9 1"'+{ Landscaping PTIONE PI'IONE Reqrd Encl No u/A waLer coursc ScLback Do Finish Grades Excecd Envi ronmen t.a1 /llazards : 2:L (50%) 1) trIood Plain '\'-''Q -'' ,t,k 2l PercenL slope (< > 30t)i-J-- 3) Geologlc Ilazards ltfi a) Snow nvalanche /v,:b) nockfari=.l eebrisyt@ Vicw Corridor EncroactuncnL: Yes poes [hiS req'desL j-nvoive a 25l.ircitriciorr? :y,+ llow much of [ho allowecl 250 Addil;ion is used wrun Prsvious condiL'ions of approval (check property file) (3oo) (6oo) tsool(fzbo) lc..lc permirLcrl slope % Proposecl slope g/ Ordinancc -{30.t (50) 4) WeEtanqs Ycs YES___ Nq ltt S rcquest?*J i1 GREG HALL TODD OPPENHEIMER Fletum to ..JIt{ CIIRNIITTE Town Planner PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: INTER-D EPARTM ENTAL R EVIEVI gCL A-l ,{r-l ATE OF PUBLIC HEARING / COMMENTS NEEDED BY: .r/ / BRTEF DESCRIPTION OFTHE pROpOSAL: L|?e(O AagaQow L'c.u Q-. Date: . Landscaping: Fire Dept.: Reviewed ayrZ ful outut Date: ?.-2 j--f / -/ J O 47,2'z-'rZ"-"'z -.-4--."A Distribuled to the Fire Department,Public Works, and Landscaping SA,\"a-C( ooW t1,6 ro b ures{ /"*6e @€ 4*d Cq { Engineoring: Reviewed by: Comments: Reviewed by: Comments: Commenls: o +i TO: MIKE McGEE TODD OPPENHEIMER Return lo ,.Je CIIRNITTTE. Town Planner PRoJECT: lLte.e c. L qAJ ,{r-) INTER-DEPARTM ENTAL R EVIEW ATE OF PUBLIC HEARING DATE SUBMITTED: a COMMENTS NEEDED BY: .r/ / BRIEF DESCR1pT1ON OF THE pROpOSAL: ,l?r(O /L1.eqA@u L+re_ fla'\a-C( ooW 1116 ro b t"-ez{ A*CC e€ 4*d Ce Y Engineoring:Rtc'DAPR t41sg6 Reviewed by: I:er., u. Ft6fti",-- Date: - :=!@_ fetlx r-ed €' oq' t'crqo Comments: grcow pr ur i:!e ee(}(}rs (3) .n Yre io<^e,a',tS tho,.^:r\ on it'e a!C^ ,r,* 5v*u)\nq rre+ <l\g\rrrg 3{c}cie .^i\d t\,2 g<tgo rcl 3..^l.15rffi Xfii-rt,.*'. PrCtr& iPor e\onci ro^5 '$cur\c\3 SiAde Nor appro.;ed. t\€qr cesurs^t' Landscaping: Reviewed by: Comments: Fire Dept.: Reviewed by: Commenls: Date: Dale: Distributed lo lhe Firc Departmenl, public Works, and Landscaping on o lllE nrDllililElftrc - ilovltt, csal|lo Ai! '; I 191S ;ffiffi: H ... ttlttaarKa t. a. IIAEL.@r @nrtlusu''8 r,t8 $50.00t LqfN. ElGf,ll'|Dlfir Subdtvfiloa ,lr -5--r.Uf lfll0Br (0r00.o0, --_IlDoE r1t.ari,ta (laO.oot --.poosTrEufl rsvl.' (00) c. D. E. f. I!-?lg?lT!y tr_atrcrlbra.!'y r r..Gr rd bouar lqrl o.ra_argc10D. pL.r. lEwra!. o l rqtatlta ,haat |Drl rttrcb to tDl! |DDuattto!. lffISr u. o.nm f, llELlelFrl I xrE Ot Sffir(ll r fi:tE, 1r Drtc' Ir |'. ,','frE t:'f, rfu& rr E r'('g!r,-- ** #),r,iliJr* C@6oE1!lut tE)rovrl 'l,f .tE[ l, o.br.. mt tlc: ru tra, .r -rboE tDovlr rrl Gg br fntd rG tba tb. o! ruhtrBrr ot.ttr m aef,iicrld. Il.r.lr, |'Da .D9lylry for r bulldlng 9rrut,,-grcrri fcouti-tle-Gratc yllurlts ol th Dsqldrr; raa ian of-yrri rirr idi;-H; T?._tggoEotrg Eo tDa tablo Dalor, to 3lrrrt tar corric3 t.. 'E EII!vrl'cr'ia t 0-f 10,000 t1o,oo1 -f r0;ooo Llo-_,!st=i--trEl!E_nrCrur--t--560,-ooo f500,001 : U,000;000 t Ott€r '. fl.000,000 .: 'E a 10.00 I 10.00 tr00,00 f200.00 froo.00 at@.00 ?!L:gL!Cr nro llrrorrE Etrlf ct rrll rl'rrl'nt.ry ,mlr& rrff r Etltro }Iili|r -a ilrm erc-Gc;rrlu tl fmfrlD. IM @ llDLICllt! lm O[ llDil=llt i.ffiin DaagnrP'4l(fr em--A- 8ffi b 8!ED[YIglof SttlT Millgt I llhr tollorttt tofoilglo'lr qtrlrr| tcr rubtctrl Lvlc lorsC b.toa. r tlIl rlf,tasral crn Do glrsr A. Etsr rnfl&tr trE c -ir* -"' llT t,, ' f to tb nigD Ph"{u t qlC g+tcil*,tT?c- ' t3r'a'tt / ke,"oL /?.,.',ti 0 r^o&^' ' t3' /-jro,-til foot sratnt Ogh.r nll lrt|rfrlt. tll.otr loffltr r:lrrdon il8doi tslr Doofr Doc ildr fl.ld or Dd3 frlla tlnr tluDt{r clinry. tsrab Dalo|ut l oaadourar aaC.lBilry;rl1| . , , -,f.//A !,lJ,t;//ft - /-' - " , /.,t ///r I . , /r /v/l+ ru,,t lt( (t,'-r,,"t-- 't!Ut ntnlll|l I|'oFot[D !'[F rD NNCI E-.srua- mcfiDt EE gfr Tltl d [t!oF8or riltl il lclD r BOtI(f CCtd. g]LAI o|lllilc drr! ll||rr-lal|5s c. rrilDlcrll rrllGlllEr tt dElof F49+af Lt ltrjWtfJ''/l,:-?1'rt' rtr-tfr-nuurs * eliUlnr -rail.loarttm! ai a tGDlalE' iffi rq.affi ,i$_{Stff Rffi ft '#T;$ils tlrl.elrli*".i:t sH'i.:ff f'o o' ffiffi:-ffi.Hffiiiifffiq i;l--ngrr brsg-sG tllr .rrdcf 4 D. iXE IIDC tErEtlu . . ,.!,. - fi. tosr t. utd to v.da, rcvlc. rvrlf$tftty rill loortto- ltlr Osfi br u||{ ta ccrtlcLlt'[ rftL nr*rrfry vqrr uttl'tcv Dl.r |Dd rchrcnltr tDacrllrdEa.. tlG w !t mrtrsgto lEqrgtal tD.iooiiemt-rut rtr&lr r ccDl.t d utl'llt|l vulltoltto tm. tha 1oort16 Dd rtllrDtftw ot utlllEt'at' rboth.s thrv ba nLa cs|Er rfa'O c Dcqor1l ll^u, rrat ba ffEn'-El tultld Dr tL lollorlrr uttrttlrr toa )ht qf,rylf ,lC| DlD. ill etblltlf tlFrHtax 8.af to bf oalgttru. IlElltd;Jlq'gsr Llr 9.1. rttE CFdrtl6f a6t-m60 G tat-atlo nDllc torvlsr Carry tat - ar15 C.li' BI11^U'! Coolry tbry csoaa ll|Ftsflo Lros.tat-nltl EltrtE Dill.t .t lurlt7nalobof taltrt!| r0? - llocr lrlt!! tlEtm ..El clblrltrl,a d tat -ltla ftat orFfl tb l3dl!.l .ol rlG. ttrr f. tlllltlG Eldc+ lcortf'o 9c ts5 rtllttt3 ruc b. 6r c tb rltr fpl. Etlr.lht Lccld. -t E qf ryt -eit rrrrrc Eo u Irql-qt ur. E rtlUw Bartrc nrrr-d rEll b. S ilEd.E{lltt d tL FefrFE rEE. tl r ugtuw cc)aqy lrr oocrar tlt! t!. Daqrora!osrtrnroEin' tti uglltty rI,rrrGtrtlYr .uorrll rct dltcgty c thr uEtltq' vrrlllctlon foil t'hrs t'h.a.fu . Dseufl 6LdD laaat co ba aarolrrA. ttr lr.u:rD$fa t!6.Do lD.ffd qlg Ir.fatrtf ln ra rgtrohrd trEgE to t.[a rw ol vrtl. Bolrrur ilr.. f.t' ln drl cbrC It lr i6 l6srfblltEt' of t'!r uctltcv ocDrqy to auolvr tdEctttd DsoDlrr. Ia tL uEllltv nrltlcrtlo fott brr tlgn tur.r fril r3b od rbr nuiltcy caFrf.!, ud no cd-lt. .8. -ll. drs'5tly a rb lorri tDa lm tlil llFaalr tbrC tbacr.Fr E Drobl-r l'd cf,rt tha d|lalrut ou rrmrd. .qrDDc lr|rlo lnrllq rrtG I t|lltrttG D:llttl'oc.' t?6-?aao tr.al lrrls tFllll 1r tsa tb rd Co .ry D vdl. 2, 3.*br nstllilcln S tg s.lt.l tL ooc8lots oC Ue emitblfftJ to dt tr r rtr..t ott DElt', Dl'|affic oC tubtlo htl.@la ly or rrGE i,D tha !m of I rCr''aat ilE nrt Da rDrtrtlrGtc ot aGvrloa lts}| r8r rg rrqnnrlD{flt{t oa tD. DroDGty m.r. rilrrataly. tD. DqrF,r r!|l a. Dl|llt 'TCr!ldmlllt o$[t rrctart ror ptrrilcr rnoFoSE utl rqlss . frrr - _ _t !__^r -!!.-t --Alltfa lIf rY llllc'EE.r urDll-t IOC DTTIR:ISII r-trrrr lorraa&qr 3ap-tr -EY.F' vbla 'F,o-t+on,'J { Etlflll,l IPT rrlr ldrTIE. EEEId TOlrI "41-w'- r4! Blll BslgDl, $olol CRIA Pslssy our s.attlduy cf,ttr SsEbadE |lr$rtt . ltol llsl _D +.le!L'- + ll:L .- lruL ilder l|lt 10.tt,llt 8l'"s Cgl'ersgc r-!drcoDlnd| n E tsfurt rlu lalghtl PelklDg Olflgrs csoi$t Drlve: CFll.' rlEl I.O.v. trtsr gourro laSbrdt Do tlt|lab crrd.r Bccoal lll tEtrlrmmtrl/ttrilrirr Yler g0rrt60r rro;oromltt No C-|}*vu t. la. F*rr'h6l (300t lsool (toor (11001- Ponlttro tloD. --l- tToDord !fo9o ;l- ttlDBtro ttrdtnrs TI f,O Itol llol GOrtl rI8- 6. rc/ 1l 2t 3t tfood ltrtn ltrrrEnt tloD. l. > toll- Oeologls rlarlrur rl fEd rnlaEsb.- bl Fhlrll cl Drbrlr ll.or tat-Fr__ Do.| tsl. a.qu.rE ittuilv. a fio Adalgt$? .{tu . - -- l\J (ilol n*tb ot Etr d16d 130 rdiltlls Ir urra llEb Bblr rsllr"E?-ELS-. ?awtsr. adtd!,ttil! of l?soYrl'(ah*ft DroDattY f:llolr t0 TOWN OFVAIL o I ,'*.. From.tbc dcsk 0f... 7V, GLs Z5a[d o? / oa/a of (5"ooo - 3+5O n,GL? ^ig,fro--_w fobi- bt"tz'5 - Lcsrex Wctctton -..................- ! r.,+urtrl , 4ffiffi+','ut 4Utz-5 u' ,"L" (4oo(o rvraxirwru*) t b+5 + (zS cte&i I z-,?-lO Sc-c-o6-'t"1 ,allowablo tSbZ <w'sh<'6 6b+S(znnatn ing Lso 7os; alo I qv" q o a r!,IF l-r.a i.r a r lr TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: I. BACKGROUND AND DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST In 1985, the Vail Town Council approved Ordinance 4, Series ol 1985, which created Chapter (1g.71) ol the vail Municipat codc, entitled "Additional Gross Residential Floor Area." This bnapt6r allows for up to 250 square feet of additional Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) to be aOO6O to a dwelling iOeyonO thb maximum allowance), provided certain criteria are met. The furpose of tne AOiitionfu Onfn Ordinance is to provide an inducement for the upgrading ot bxiiting dwellings units, which have been in exisience forit period ot.at least five years, by Oerritt-ing up to-t*o hundred fifty (250) square feet of GRFA to be added to a dwelling unit' In August 'l 995, the Town Council approved Ordinance 6, Series of 1995 which amended Ghapler 't8.71, for the purpose of eliminating the ability to use, the additional GRFA when a Oreiilng unit is "demo/ieniritt.' This Ordinance also requires that all requests for additional GRFA,'that involve exterior changes to a building, be reviewed and approved by the Planning and Environmental Commission. ,_, ,t,7 t Wirh this proposal, the applicant is requesting to add approximately S65-sq_.-ft. ol GRFA to the west side (sdcondary unit; ot the primary/secondary residence, located at 4840 Meadow Lane/Lot 2, Block 6,'Bighorn sth Additioh. This remodel will use the remaining 687-sq. ft' of GRFA allowed for the secondary unit, as well as . ft. of the 250 allowance. On the first floor, the applicant is proposing to add a new m bedroom and bath, as well as a mudroom, separating'the unit from ine ex'isting garage. The firs\floor addition.will add 440 sq. ft,. of GRFA be added directly above the new master bedroom/ second level, a new family room will addition, adding 425 sq. ft. of new anb +SS sq. ft. of new site coverage to the propertV. Qn tne se.cond level,,a new GRFA. All materials and colors of the proposed addition will match existing, including siding, shingles, windows, doors, etc. (see the attached \rawings for more detail). II. ZONING ANALYSIS AC,7 Legal Description: Address: Lot Size: Zoning: Lot 2, Block 6, Bighorn 5th Addition 4840 Meadow LanE, west hall 23,625 sq. ft. / 0.542 acre Primary/Secondary Residential --\ aq'A, / -1 ,* c1.{/. qf I,t,,ly f.r,,/ yv,,* _ti ,n? FILE COP MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development May 13,1996 A request for a residential addition, utilizing the 250 Ordinance, to allow for an e*pansien+e the westnahtlhe primaryisegglgarv residence located at 4840 Mdadow Lane/Lot 2, Block 6, Bighorn 5th Addition. Applicant: John Mesch Planner: Jim Curnutte Allowed GRFA: 5,463 sq. ft. Primary: 3,193 sq. tt' Secondary: 2,270 sq-fl- Site Coverage:4,725 sq. ft. Reouired 6 spaces Parking: Existino 4,652 sq.ft. 3,069 sq.ft. 1,583 sq. ft. 3,250 sq.tt. Existino 4 spaces enclosed 2 spaces surface Prooosed 5,517 sq.ft. no cnange e@ sq. fi. ' 'A / ct -77 3,70s sq. ft. Prooosed no changs . The proposed GRFA for the secondary unit includes TIQ sQ. ft of rhe 250 allowance for this unit' rfr. cRtrERrA AND FtNDtNGs )c'; 7 Upon review of Chapter 18.71 - Actditional GRFA, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the request for additional GRFA based upon the following tactors: A. Consideration of Factors: Before acting on an application for additional GRFA, the Planning and Environmental Commissiorishatt coridider the following factors with respect to the proposed use: structures. The proposed addition will have minimal impact on the site, and neither drairiag6 nor grading will be substantially affected. However, since no topogaphic information was provided with this application' il will be ndcessary, prior to issuance of a building permit, for the applicant to provide three section drawings of the building showing the existing grade hnd the proposed grading around the addition, including spot elevations. As mentioned previously, the addition will match the existing building' (materials, colors and aichitectural character), and not appear out of place. lmpact on adlacent propertles. Public notices have been sent to the adjacent property owners. To date' staff has not received any input from the adjacent property owners. The proposed addition would not appear to have any negative impacts on adjacent properties. Compliance with the Town's zoning requirements and applicable development standards. Section 18.71.020 (F) of the Town of Vail Municipal Code' requires that any dwelling unit for which an addition is proposed shall be required to- . co;form to lhe Design Review Guidelines set forth in Chapter 18'54 of the Vail Municipal Code. These standards include landscaping' undergrouriding of utilities, driveway paving, architecture and general 1. maintenance of the Property' Uponinspectionofthesitebystat|,y.qfi$thatthispropertyisin. compliante with most ol the Town of Vail zoning requirements and appiilaoe standards, i.e., the applicant's driveway is curently paved and ttre uiiiities serving the property'irre already underground. However, statf routo recorrend tnataOiitiohal landscaiing be provided alonglhe north' weJtinO south sides of the proposed addition. Additionally, staff believes mai, "i designed, the propo;ed building would not comply with Section 18.54.050 (C12) which states that: "ln no instance shall a duplex structure be so constructed as to result in each half of the itructure appearing substantially similar' or mirror image in design." As indicated on the attached drawings, the addition to the west side of this duplex has been designed to substantially march the d_esign of the addition which was added to fie east side several years ago. Statf believes that the applicant should modify the appearance 9f tle addition in a manner acceiiable to the Design Review Board to alleviate the "mirror image" concern. B. Findings; The planning and Environmental Gommission shall make the following findings before granting approval for Additional GRFA: 1. That the granting of the requested Additional GRFA would not negatively elfect exiiting topography, vegetation, drainage and existing structures. 2. That the granting of the requested Additional GRFA would not negatively impact adiacent Properties. 3. That the granting of the requested Additional GRFA would comply with all Town zod'ing requirements and applicable development standards' IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department staff recommends approval of this application for additional GRFh. Staff 'believes that me review criteria have been met as discussed in the remo. Regarding the lindings, staff believes that finding 81 ismet, as.the proposed addition will not negativ6ty imfiact the exiiting site; Finding 82 is met, in staff's opinion, as the proposed iOOitio-n *iff riot riegatively impadt adjacent properties; Finding 83 is- met, in staff's opinion, as the proposed remodel witt compty with all zoning requirements and applicable development standards. Staff would recommend that the following conditions be attached to the approval of this application: 1. That prior to the issuance ol a building permit, the applicant shall provide, for statf review, three section drawings through the building and property, including spot elevations,. necessary to allow s[aff to adequately review the grading and drainage impacts of the proposed addition. f :bveryoneFec\rnemosvn€sch.5 1 3 2. That additional landscaping, as deemed necessary by ttre PEC, be provided along the north, west and south sldes of the proposed addition. g. That the applicant modrfy the architecturalappearance of the proposed addition necessarytb safisfy the besign Review Board hat the proposed addition is not causing the building to take on a mirror image appearance- f :Woq/onelacvnsmavneodt5l 3 g F'v6 @ .. c t\ d t@ oo OD J-2 lrJ O-?-\.^E Ago*'r'-P 5. {roo ., Vl ) , Fl ..' t5o FT NttAgOvt , ANE --= Z- €'.;< .Q a t' d V3.4 -o -r3l*\,qt|r|(ot :; i\: ! Ol SiR\i.- 3-- \\ **\?i F i l \z \i* f-(Ad \ -. 2l \ / r I \14 )r V i'."\.g\ \ '\ \""\ \ \\t\ \ '- \\\ -*\ " -e\\ \ t I 6 I ,;-o ,[, -'. NtNll ? llgo]c NtNtl t Jt90'19 ,'l /'l /i I v I o I tl-{ I \l 'I z E o z. tl) t<r! t q : R 3 ur P t o w f ul o 1 p( z.t! z,o =ll F ilt*Jl 5 6l ul =l E ot 5 618 oa R o Bl o o 0,o tu (r !a FI F ^ t ; <i o o s{ cr :t = u o lu o oa p) ,! (!t o? } r-->t K--__-{l o 0 u 6=----> oeuo;--_ __--ul o,z ll Bt I 5 c!6 1 ,z u!l:l (l 6f 96 Eu HT " (fiooNtfi ro/dNY) -uJ 'lH 'do Alllv^ o13lJ .I Y 'NO i I !- T--t-;:-;.- l---- -- -- -- -l ii l',-",-' i i !;tr-\/-\l I i''--i-:-l- l/-l-- ------ --- I I'f---------- I P "L ro a\i c Eq Pg >tr J< (5 ur zru F6 rl6 a\ oa l* IFr 9FN t u c ] ---.-'2 ---i I----Lqr.auoe- --1<----_--r,' o o !i'l *- l; r H\I I' I t o F i I t€___ul I -B t q,U l./J \C b o \f) I r-r -------'il '--i5r*T. t-J I ,l J 6 o 6 o z *tu lJo x<-oa 96 !: !z H9 uro Ex \z 8T 0z -t g<Io TP ltl J T(5 ..\1 T€\ril I I z u- 0l o E gr ul o z 6 o A ; o rD z.o x z E L o uI 04 UI !l z G z !l z o p H o i ! 1 i i I I \(s '"1-,c 5 q)l \-) lx \i I lq.i< I I r-q iiJii I I I rl )t{' '{' \ I I I I I I u _________.-----rl ttt;btti slli F. I tL_,ell rJi =i 6 ------l EI -l 8----_>K------ul ooUo- \\ \\ I I I I I I K--ul o'0 ll FROMI Mr. MESCH 592-04 08 Apr '96 12r 37 I Pg2oi?{1 o LaurenWalertnn Totn of Vall 75 e. Frantage Rd, tax970-479:2452 ret25C 5arft..requeot. I anr wrltlng ln e.xpre.c-,t:, t,he rel.aocns f.he a,l,iiilonal ZFtCl rnq ft,. ia neciel ant) if,., im?orlance bo me. Ao y'su can 1ee froffi the plan", t'he exlet,ing ")upiex bttilt. ln tlv early 7 0'5 that very litlle roofi wa6 alven for a eating/ dlnnlnq area (5' x B') anJ for a llvlnl roorn anly ahout, ioO oq. tE . I wzo ltoping 1,tt drt an addiLionLhe aame ac vras dr.;ne ctn Lle oLlvrltalf tsf Llte duyltxln gS.Tlwy added 16bz eq. fL.,yet I found aut tiaL I can only do tlw oecondary amounf,. fltte zeconaary Arnot)nf, (,i)rnc6 LD anl_v 687 oq. ft,. nof, enouyh for any properly deolgncA belroam or livlny rooma. 6a"'e'i onthe Aeelgn of r.he dttplex tha plane lhave drawn are very rea""ctnable and allovr only for neceseat\ room, L/'y plano included tlw 25o oa, ft.. rhe |pme tE for a f amtly to uae (nol ren;al vroper|y) Y,!e bouqlt,lhe ?roperty ,"o we coul,l aaA on cnau4h to make a famll'-,1 home cul af it. Ne' have llv'ed in Coloraao and been'aroun,l vail lor over zb yro. I believe my requeot for tlte addlYlonal ZtO 't+ ftib ['aft. and reasanaltlc. Slncerely, Mr, l"4eech Date of ppptication 4- 5 - 1b DateofongM.rti@ Date of PEC Meeting (if necessary)_,5 - i,3*?]L APPLTCATTON FOR ADDTTTONAL GRFA (250) II. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE A pre-application conference with a member of the planning staff is strongly encouraged to discuss the provisions under which additional GRFA can be added to a site. tt should be understood that this ordinance does not assure each property an additional z5O square leet of GRFA. Rather, the ordinance allows for up to 250 souare feLt if the conditions set forth in Chapter 18.57 or Chapter 18.71 of the Town ot Vail coOe are met. Applications for additions under this section will not be accepted unless they are complete. This includes all information required on this form as well as Design Review Board submittal requirements, III. APPLICATION INFORMATION A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION B.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: t'- fun*tu,-l)-;>-t-- - ' Address F 'lKio *ra**n-u /-o-rt- t l '/- Description:Lot J- Block lcc'r Y ul k.r(-l - typ. I EHU 250 Type ll EHU 250 Type V EHU 250 Legal Zone c.NAME OF APPLICANT: Address D. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: Address l!g ) E. NAME OF Slgnature(s Address F. Filing Fee of $200.00 is required at time of submittat of a standard 250. For a request involving an EHU, the fee is waived. Dis frzn.CIo UV+ltT +lqnb e4:0,\s+t(,u ro sf'p 0e u!rl!/r^ lu'crdde aql,{q u,llor oqr or pr'd aq reqs,r;:fi.t"""tl,iii1f?XlrX:lunoup 'tll lo ss'cxa u! u^^ol aq1 Iq palncul sesuedx3 .guec;pde aql ol paunlaJ 9q lFqs luqlnsuoc otll ol pFd uaoq lou o^uu tlclqm luEllnsuoc eq1 1o gueu{ed .ro1 lueclldde eq1 rq pepreiwof spunl eq1 10 rue 1ue1lnsuo'c'eql ,tq uo;1ec11ooP orll lo ^ a!^oJ eq 1o uogeldu.roc uodp .luaupedaq guaudoleaa6 ,(1gunu.rur6 a$ qttrr\ uoneqtide slq salll orl srull e$ te tueclldde aql Iq u^ oI oql ol papJervllol oq lleqs lunoup slql puE Jaq Jo urlrl red o1 r.ressecau i{auou lo lunouE aql alE-urllsa llpr.ls l! ,lueilnsuoc oplslno uB orlq i{eur lueuruedag luaudo;anao i{lunuuoc erfl 'irolieqldie ,(ue ,{ansj 0r poposu sl luBllnsuoc oplqno ue lEql uErs urvror aq1 rq epeur oq uolleuluJalap E plnoqs .|Jpls u/tiol ue_ql Jaqlo sluEllnsuo3 r(q rue6a.r e.rlnbar [eu i[lunuuoc eq1 uo pedu.rl 1ueql;uQs B a^eq leu qcJqla s€nsq Jgqlo ro esn puel .uesep luec;11u6;s o^Br.l ol luauuedeo lueudolana6 l11unuuo9 aqt rtd: patueep'suojpcnbOy e., qc n s ror o al al gus o r* u o, rl, dili".'J'-t1"d T, i:,ij:,l Jfi [iH"HtH i,T.t;.tof peuodpod s! Ja[pu lue.lsenbal s,tueclldde sql lp ,ll .ee; uolgeqlddE aql lo o/oe9 lo ssocxs u! arp qc!q^ seel ou;qqlqnd rue ou1red rol elqsuodser eq lleqs tuecttdotodr 'clo ''0t sroeu16u3 go sd:o3 Iuly ,s11tu:e6 ssoccv Iea4eg 10 peuyedeo oppJoloc :ol parull lou oJE lnq 'opnlcu! ,teur ,rne6arlcns ,0-seldurei3 - '00'002$ ,(q pesee"rcug oq lFqs eeg uo;pc;1dde oql ,tFn fo u^,\of aqt uerll raqlo Icueoe Fropoj ro slBls 'pco1 r(ue rq rnener sFredes e ddrjnbe.r uoneiilod'stqilr 'uEld s^lsuoqerdurog s,llP^ r.ll!,1 ecue;lduroc Jol po^^ol^al eq |11ra;esodord rnol .H '0 'oJnpnJls 1o sueld rool; pesodold.ro 6ups1x3 .t , '(enecUdde g1) paoldde uollelcossv urnlululopuoC .e 'aclgo s,rosssssy fiunog a16e3 or.ll urojl alqellB^p s! uolleujofu!s!r|I .lot auEs orll uo qlun lo sjou^ o lo pup srour^o igedord luecefpe 1o gs11 eleredes E pue sado;aaua passolppp .paduelg .Z 'Icuedncco lo olpclllpsc lpull p pa^lacsl seq llun oql 1eql uogeclllloA .t :lEll!utqns slrJl q16n perlnber aq tFqs 'queurerlnber Fluulqns gHo ol uontppe u! ,uolleulrolur ouiiroriol airi o o l5^ H. FF Fti I L:: e- tf = I :E !t L Li \,+ Gi 5 ,i. I ,!:::--:t"a=,!:a:=i:!*:=--!F-:E: a. li ls {* G E ;: tl: p 5l lb r tl g tr U il E dt Ar ;'- * tt L TOWN OF VAIL RECEttT tio. DEPART}TE:\T OF CO]ITTUIiIT}' DEIT[OP}IEtiT DDR.ESS-- }R(},ECT- ffi 0To-OmZTsaO aTToialzTs 0Tm00tiz4l5 0TT000-Tzi5 oTmmz2a.T5 nTmmE4I5 Olmoo 4-:TT5 mmmrlns- 0Tm00?1417 0fTdm?lai2- oTmm.iztTz 0Tmoo 4-2tT 0Too-oo=Zil]7 il-m00zz3l7 mmootiTztz oImmTT,iTf mm003i?'f 0i-TOo-o-?-Z@ Q_LqOoo 4l ii l 0t oo00 42371 lTmmlTm OfT6mz20-27 TT0000]TI-12, /'2f,L4t ---r_- TAYABLE TO TO\VN IIT; VAIL \x- -- cosT r,L '. T0TAL' -I--=- n-6];- .. .vut- \k' r . -.r z" t b fAllE )* 0l 0000 41010 rA-\A BLE @ 4 . qZ Llau!,r) (.)0000 42171 BUILDINC INVESTIGN TION ) flll:R I'EC AI'I'LICA'I-ION [}.ES ',| 0 0000 4 tiio r ADDITIONN L GRFN "250 s200.00 200.00 Traoor:l 130 CONDITIONAL USIl PLRMIT 5200.00 0 oo00 4 330 EXTERIOIT N LTERATION ILESS TIIN N IOO SO.FT.I s200.00 U oo00 4 JJU EXTLRIOR N LTERATION IMORF. TIINN IOO SQ.I.'T.]5500.00 0 0000 4 .'Jt'SPI:Cln L Dl:VELOPI\'ll:NT DISTRICT INL\\'l s 1.i00.00 0 0000 4 3i0 SPECInL DLVELOPMI:NT DISTRICT tMnJOR AMEND s I,000.00 0 0000 't -rl0 S I'I:CIA L DliV l:LOPM l:NT DI STRICT I I\4lNOI{ n MIiND s200.0r, 2L 0 0()00 4 ,ji0 SUBDIVISION 0 0000 4 l.t0 VARIN NCI:s250.00 0 trco0 4 3_10 ZONING CODIi AMIiNDMIiNTS 5250.00 0 0000 4 l_i0 KL. ZONING s200.00 ()llll:l( il OTIII:R ,,,, ^, -D(b Ml'dtvt,,4'Znl @ eqr^pAt+' UI olsE t-t cK.r (11.Oll REC. BY: \t I WHITE RIVER O NATIONAL FOREST f,oa9 t2 5t€7 \ \ t5 ORE CREEX MEAOOWS s do'ra\ 5031 * 5030 w 5||3 i ' 21 MEADOWS FILING NO.I 4840 Meadow Lane 'l r t-q l,ot 2. Block 6. west unit Robert Evans 353 Seneca Road Hornell, NY 14843 Lot 1, Block 6 Carol Laycob 4 Greenridge Road Englewood, CO 80111 Ernesto Fernandez Hurtado c,/o Lisa Agett PO Box 1218 Avon, CO 81620 Lot 9. Block 7 Kvle Fink 1ti00 williams St. Denver, CO 80218 Lot 5. Block 7 Duane Rogers 4802 Meadorv Lane Vail, CO 81657 Lot 5. Block 7 Donald Formigli 4802 Meadow Lane Vail, CO 81657 Lot 3. Block 6 Haus Juniper c/o Darrell Miller 4358 S. Akron Englewood, CO 80111 Gary DavenPort MNiebruggeTW 1600 Stout Street, Ste. 16fi1 Denver, CO 80202 Lot 16. Block 5 Cynthia and AnthonY RYerson 4859 Meadow Drive Vail, CO 81657 Lot 15. Block 5 William Pvka Box 614 Vail, CO 81648 .- THIS lTEtvl MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental commission of the Town of Vail wi1 hotd a pubtic hearing ii"iiJoiOance with Sedon i 4.66'060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on May 13,'t990, aiZitiO F.'1,4. i. the Town of Vail Municipal Building' In consideration of: A reouest for a density variance to allow for the construction 0f additional GRFA' located at gf S-O- bootn Falls Cou'rt/Lot 6, Block 2, Vail Village 1 2th Filing' A reouest for a residential addition utilizing the 250 ordinance, located at 748 Potato Patch/Lot 7, Block 2, Potato Patch 2nd liling. Applicant:Mario Montalvo, represented by Pat McDonald George Ruther A request for an amendment to the prevjously approved site developmentplan for the lnnsbruck MeaOo*i Subdivision, located at2i72-2892' Kiiririckinnick Road/lnnsbruck Meadows. Applicant: Planner: Planner: Planner: Applicant: Brent and Barbara Bingham Dominic Mauriello Schumacher / Hansen George Ruther Applicant:lnnsbruck N,'ieadows Development, represented by Bob Borne George Ruther A request for a residential addition utilizing the 250 Ordinance,located at 4840 Meado| LaneAot 2' ;"7Block 5, Bighorn 5th Addition. Spplicant: John Mesch t Planner: Jim Curnutie A request ior a minor subdivision to allow for an amendment to-the platted building envelope, tocatbO at 1299 Spraddle Creek Drive/Lot 1 1, Spraddle Creek Estates Subdivision. fuplicant: Ric Fields Planner: George Ruther A request for a worksession to discuss a proposed minor-suMivision to allow for a change in lot confiiuration, locared at 1794 S. Frontage'RoadiLots 2 & 3, Vail Village West Filing No. 2' Applicant: Brent Alm Planner: George Ruther A request for a minor exterior alteration to allow for th.e rep_lacep9l!..91 a skylight.with a roof dormer' tocatbO al 201 E. Gore Creek DriveiA part of Lot A, Block 58, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Craig Snowden Planner: Mike Mollica A request for an inferior remodel utilizing the 250 Ordinance, located at 1081 #1 09 B/Homestake Condominiums. Applicant: Rebecca Jaffe Planner: Lauren Waterton A request for residential additions utilizing the 250 Ordinance, located at 775 Potato Patch #1. Potato Patch /Lot 19, , ,'UP(h t r.L 17 ,ltth tvt- +lr,p j Vail View Drive Planner: Areouestforaminorsubdivisioxroa||owfora"changeinthepropertylinelocationbetweenLots2 ai:H.;i;ii+iF,{ii['J,:f ru,:ll'*#1"',t''-f g:V:l'B]3B3ly#l8ffi nTl:"' fiting t|o. 1 and Lot 2, a resubowtslon ur LUts e' g cxrs ADDlicant: Karen Scheidigger Pidnner: Jim Curnutte Arequestforabui|dingheightvariance'locatedatl3SgWesthaven'Circle/Lot23G|enLyon Subdivision. Applicant:BillAnderson Dominic Mauriello Planner:illlilltltl *?lJt?x?19;dlF?Jts1:?i,.'?J,?5?|"n:oon requestw*h 24 hour notification' Prease ca' 47e'2114 Flilll#JJ,'^3,''ff :qffi i 3 3lJ$$i+1" /:-/.t 4 /'-!- e 4 -! L d/.v.,e{o Fl!_COPY 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 3 8 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 September '15, 1994 George Ruther Town Planner Departrnent of Communiry Development Mr. Joey Carfagno National Eagle Mortgage Dear Mr. Carfagno: To the best of my knowledge, the residence located at 4840 Meadows Lane (west half) is a legal nonconforming use. Should it be destroyed in the event of disaster, fire, etc. it may be rebuilt to its current condition pursuant to Section 18.64 (nonconforming uses, sites, structures, etc.) of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. Sincerely, fL-*TQ,a.,^-.t .f Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Project Application Design Review Board Date DISAPPROVAL .l DRB IPPITCATION - TO}JN OF VAIL, DATE APPLICATION RECEIIED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: revised 9/419L corprrlDo tC, -4.43 a**rttt**t TEIS APPLIC.trIION I'ILL NOT BE N,CCEPTED tnlTIL lI.I. REQUIRED INFORI|ATION IS SUBT,IIATED ********ti I.PROJECT TNFORMATTON: A. DESCRTPTION: B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction Addition (S50.00) ADDRESS: LEGAI DESCRIPTION: LoI Subdivision If property is des-cribed by description, pl.ease provide attach to this application. ( P-..r,o.oi1 ?^>94 PRb) (5200.00) ' Minor Alteration c. D. Conceptual Review ($20 .00) (90) Block b a meets and bounds legal on a separate sheet and F. G. t{ T K. I I5i1 $ 20.00 $ s0 .00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 s500.00 * DESTGN REIITETT BOARD APPROVAI., E'CIRES ONE YE"AR AFTER TINAI, EPPRO\TAI UNI.ESS A BUII.DING PERI,TIT IS ISSI'ED AND CONSTRUCTTON IS STARIED. **NO IPPLICATION }ITLIJ BE PROCESSED I{ITBOT'T OI{NER' S SIGNAIURE ..-' 1 t\ZONING, l'rt,",ral -: zo.rda? LOT AREA: If required, applicant must pr,oyl_de a current st,amped survey showing lot area. I'-t(J>t.q --+ APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE :Address: Pt:t I. NAI'{E OF OWNERS: TSTGNATURE (S) : Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at the tlme of submittal of DRB application. Later, when applying for a building pernit,, please identify the accurate vaLuation of the proposal . The Town of VaiL will adjust t,he fee according to the table belof, to ensure the correct fee is paid. l.EE PATD: S FEE SCHEDULE: VAIUATION s o-s 10,000 s 10,001 - $ 50, ooo s 50,001 - s 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - s1,000,000 $ Over $1r 000,000 Mailing Address: NAME OF Mailing \larr I .l o LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT BLOCK STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: LIST OF MATERTALS t o SUBDIVISION NAME OF PROJECT: The following information is Review Board before a final A. BUILDING MATERIALS: required for submittal to the Design approval can be given: TYPE OF MATERIAT COLOR B. Roof Siding Other WaII Materials Fascia Soffits Windows hlindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other LANDSCAPfNG: Name of Desiqner:pfione: PLANT MATERIALS: Botanical Name PROPOSED TREES Common Narne Ouantity Size* EXISTTNG TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate Minimum cal-iper for height for coniferous trees. Min ? 3, PLANT MATERIAI: Botanical Name Co*.onQ*. Ouantit.y SiZe* ' * PROPCSED SHRUBS EXTSTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size of proposed shrubs. Minimum size o-E shrubs is 5 qallon. Tvpe Sguare Footaqe GROUND COVERS D tJI.,| SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE CR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. LANDSaAPE LIGHTING: If exterior lJ-ghting is proposed, please show the number of fixtures and locations on a separate 'I i nh+ i nrr rr "l rn TA^n+.i €., ^-^r^ €.i -{- ,,-^ €-^6 rl^rr.,rtL+'y y-an. Identify each fixture from the lighting plan on the list below and provide the wattage, height above grade and type of light proposed. D. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools/ etc.) Please specify. Indicat.e height.s of retaining waLls. Maximum height of wa1ls wj_thin the front setback is 3 feel:. Maximum height of walls elsev,rhere on the property is 6 feet. ( Date Project Application Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot DISAPPROVAL V*{ Y E statr Approval O G, R, R P/5olo*u orrr*OO L-/ DATE I LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot ADDRESS: Block FiIing L r,.owNER :(AQl,tAh ..., pHoNE r .-".1,''i.i:1.,t'1,,iiij ,l , - ARcHrrEcr trnrt.-.. 1* t[ pHoNE ';:',i ,.rjl,li zoNE Drsrwcr -Yll, ,,'.,,,.. ,,,.,,1:,:,,iU,i**,,pRoposgD usn t'1> ,,':'tr '; ,, 1i''. ,11:l;:j;., **Lor stzE 'l t.,u"/r:; 7"['i2 ' ' : ,i ;,,'. 'iai n"* ExisLinql p.ooo""a,r;illit::i, ',i li Heishr, ,,=0,5) a ,':. "iiti.,,ij ror.al cRFA +v l i. 6 r ?,Q r_5fu8 Primary GRFA t?-4ta; + 42s ='-2t4e: i'-\)/,i ':'t (.1 , Vi'rjZ',,,,,:t' secondary GRFA lV,qq + 42s =,l-211,_ ISL.+ r',i l;,1X,i,.i; setbacl:s Fronr ?o l','f' '' ,,'' ',' ,u;lt;ri ,ii Setbacl:s Front ?O 1,,'/''' .,.i :,, ,i;t1j:r;;'11i Sides 15,. T Rcar J5, -T- , ,',, q,,i,t;,;,,,,i,,i; water course Serback (30) (50) " " l--'{C .,;,,,','i ,, ,,:i:;iiii,l,l,:i .ffi :i, : ::i;;lr;tr:1i..;rl:.: , \ .., v,, site ccverase r I i :t: 'r'7lCi, Jr#' i'i,7ft',':;iit,11ii,i Landscapins -:-' (:ry'- :l';i;iiJiiti _:r;. i,. jljill{ ri.;. s4 q. r\,r.r- / .... ,iir:b) Rockfall -i;::: c) Debrisrrffi;Li;:l' Retainins wall rreishrs 3, /6i -'' ''f i-iliiil'l$fiiX Drrrzi nrr ---i'' .-iti,. .'.i .' r ":i,,' ',ijlliill'iiii r cr!/t.!ri'rt , _Reqf d [..t- . .],, . t.;:li.;i,li L .i jr varKlnlf i Reqrd 4..(- . ..1, il':l,r,i:'j L .l' Garase credit (300) (600) ( ,oo, 6;oorfi; ' '..'.,;.1,:t,ifl,r; ...j, .l-,'..';.)r i' 1r , 1i :1ji. ::iii,.; \...-,-''. ..i .t' i:1'.1,;'.,Drive: permit,ted slope B* Act.ual slope ft-r/L ':,j,: l: Date approvecl by Town Engineer: '' ]:. it'i' ..Tii;'lir'i 'tT:;l''Vievr C'rrridor Encroachment: ycs No j11 K.):t!',' ,,;',,.i';:', '---_J-]rii:: Environnental,/llazards : 1) E1ood plain . f ltli.ii,l", ,.&rrv4lrJrr:uijrrLd.r/ncrzd,ros: r) L'lood prarn l,i ,,', ,,,:,ir .i 2) pcrcent Slope F" 3) Geologic Hazards o-Logrc Hazards I ' ..:.: ;i . a ) Snow Avalanche i :'i ,' ,i:r;,a) Snow AvaLanche i :'r , ,j::,,b) Rockfall -;iii:i :c) Debrisgrffi;ii;::4) 1,{gg1sr6s re,1:,:r. Prcvious condit,ions of approval (check properLy r:.rey , l:,',,"'. ' ',i:'.r.:ijiii;,ili1i;; Does this request involve a 250 Addition? ,A,"J , ,li 't'' '.t1l'11 ,11iij3ii:;Llovr much of the aLlowed 250 Addition is useffillEE'is request? ';,,:'i'iii.,:, (B) or'.n"''"u" jtii code. lots zoned Two Family and Prirnary/secondaty 'riticn ;;; ,i;;;-[t]n ,,t,i.,i:..';15r000 sq. ft,. in area rnay noL construct a second dwelling unit.. -inl,i ,il ,:i.Comnunity Development Department may grant. an exception t5 this :;.,,:ji11,1,,':':'ll;,rest,rict'ion provided t.he applicant neets the crit.ej:j.a set forth una"'r,: il,iil Sections LB .t2.090 (B) and 18.13 - 0BO (B) of rhe Municipal, Code tn"tr;1;1 ;i.::,:,Permanently rest.ricting the unit as a long-Eerm rentll unit for 1'ujl-.ii ;;r;',.time employees of the Upper Bagle Valley. lf ;,;;;.11' I , ''..i', :l:;:' ; ,. ..i:, j l. , r;.:: . .,, .,, ,,::i r.,:i1.. . ,., , :;, ,ij:, .,lj;:i: L0 . .: ,, , :ill ,:i:i;i:ji r ' . ,'. .i:,. @l,L#3 Datel To: E9:12Rr4 ?-7-93 ShelIY Dlel16r, 479-2452 adigm des lgn ProJect:Evans Addition FR0l'l Par o TO 4?924s2 'OPARADIGM DESICN LETTER OF TRANSUITTAL F1cree find Dated 7-7-93 enclorcd Copies I the followinEt of iltt.t e)ryraininE existing duplex' PLANNING Rcnarkg: ARCHITECTURE INTERIORS P,O. BOX 73I VAIL, COLORADO 81658 30i-476-6397 Jul E?'1993 E9!12ffN FR0l'1 parad i gm des i gn IO 4792452 flnnADrcM DESICN JuIy 7, 1993 shellY usllow Connnu-nity Development Departrent Soun of vail ?5 South f,'rontaga noed Vail, Colorado 81557 RE: Evang Additlon Dear ShSIIY: There are no exleting drawinga of the dupl91' I had to do field Uelsursrn€nt' and- aa'built -drawlnga for thr oubnittal to youE d.Dartnent. The ottrer ilii ot tqe--tgpIex owner. by- Jeff Snith le a ;#;;-ffi;" -;; rili- i= -"iietins in tuE Ev,rns side -of thc duplex' ltv fierd nea3ureneni';;"i;ii-h;;ft";"iln" ag shown on the rnprovenent lccation certif:Leate by Eagle valley survGy Inc' tr hnvc rta llt€d through the Snrltti-slac'of tir" a"piei' and it- apPearg to be an exact uirror iuage. fC i,ii-f,"". ""y t"rttttr questionsv ptnase sotttact Be' Ithank You. Slneerely.Mt Erleh Hill, ArchitBct ARCHITECTURE PIANNTNC INTERIORS 103-476- 6397 P.O. BOX 73I VAIL, COLORADO 8I65E TNTfl P. A2 PLEASE MAKE CHECKS P TOWN OF VAIL DEPA RT;\{ENT OF CONI}II.JNITY DEVELOP}TENT S,\LES ACTION FOR}T FRONTAGE ROAD 8i657 ZCI\'[\C .d\D A DDllsS Iin-FS 0t 00004)5<0 UNI':O Pr { B LTL D[\-C CO D E UM FO R-\'t P l-Ul'6 L\"C C ODE 0l ct"3c 121 I J 0l ol00 r2{ 15 0l oo0o 4?..15 | Uvi'on-rt lrfECl.l.r]r!C,:.L CODE UNIFOfu\{ FTRE CODE 0 | cr00c l2{ I J 0l 0000 r2i 15 | N,\'l-1ol.r.{L }:LECTPJCAL coDE 0l 0000{21)5 loTt.tER coDE;ooKs 0l o3o0.ri5.is IBLUEPR.BI.T S OIYLiITS) 0t o.ic'l r21lr I ):Ip.ox coPi;s/s'iuDE5 0r 00c.312371 i puxtl-rY FIES/ R:.r,\'-sPEct-loNS 0l 00ct.lt-1j2 | pL,,Lv RE\45,v RE.cll:cK FrE [sro i:ER ]jR. 0l c000 42321 OF? FIOUnS f,\isPECTlOlt' FELS coNt-d\ cTo Rs Ltcl\s Es FTiis 0t 00c,c.1lr t 2 0t c{00{ti30 t^*.--,.-.--I LJ I 11ts.}( l. r.l:J .01 otc04l4)1 SICN APPLIC,\T]O).I FEE 0l C.fCOC 4 1.1 I 3 ADDITION,\ I. SIC}{AGE F;E I5I .OO ?ER, 0t ccc€ r 2.:r0 VTC AR.T PROJ;CT DCN.\NON 0t 000c 't ) 13l PRE P,TJD DESI6N R,EVIEW BO,I.RD FEE OI OOJO424I2 I 1]UILDING_CON*STRUCT].ON PER}IIT COI.{PUTER DI 0l * * * * * * * * -t.:t i_._! f-{ L-rF t.-.r l:j f L iji =:,_* I j i;-:1,_,i_r.. r_:..1;f 1 :OTAL DUE: I t. *:r, p. =,r,:i .,. , :, ,l . :i,,,r - _: ,_ 1: ii iitr'-,t lfl i. 1 -{ rJ -!-H:=t-jl.:: '.''! u r€vilred 9/4/91 DRB APPLTCATTON _ rOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO ,.,. DArE ApplrcArroN RE.ET'ED : G-,4t-'4{fl 1 4 Pgt DATE OF DRB MEETING: ********** TSIS APPLICAIION I{ILL NOT BE I'NTIL AI,L REQUIRED INFORIIATION ********** ACCEPTED rS SUBI{ITTED r.PROJECT TNFORMATION: A. DESCRIPTTON: F(TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction ($200.00)Minor Alteration ($20.00) X Addition ($50.00)Conceptual Review ($0) C. ADDRESS: D. LEGAL DESCRIPTIoN: LoI Z Block G Subdivision T5,zr F{ern 5h f.t,13 If property is ddscribed.by a meet.s and bounds Legal descriptionr.please provide on a separate sheet aiA attach t.o t.his application. E. E. ZONING: LOT AREA: If required, applicant stamped survey showing lol area. NAME oF AppLrCANr, ,F-1"""+ n/1. E E r^^-Mailing.Address:. =t-J-ffi.,,.d, . .t{or ne ll . tJe,...'\or tc l+ * DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAT EXPTRES ONE YE"AR ATTER FTNAT .APPROVAI I'NIESS A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED A}rD CONSTRUCTION rS SIARTED. **No APPr.rcATroN wrtl BE pRocEssED wrrEour orfr[ER, s STGNATIIRE 1 t@L5 r. H' ilHit3| i:::l:lT''i.i""Jn"EgrrvE: P"-.r'*' r' ''rn' E.i b4' ll NAME oF OWNERS r Bc>be"* lM. Eu<ns Mailing Address: Phone Lt(n-44- -7o, Sa Condominlum Approval if applicable. DRB FEE! DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at the time of submittal of DRB application. --f,-"f.., when applying for a building- permitl-please ia""tiFv-lir"accurate val_uation of the proposlt. The fown 6f-vaif will adjusr rhe fee_according-ro rhe taure-uer;;,';;- l# lhe-r ensure the correct fee is paia . ,:_l*L> ^ n b/M'/qs VALUATION FEE /$ 0-g 10,000 $20.00 \g I 10,001 - $ 50, 000 s so. oo $ 50,001 - $ 150,000 $100.00 11s0, 001_ - $ s00,000 szoo. oo $500, 001 - $1, 000, 000 $a00. OO S Over $1,000,000 $500.00 J. K. II t ] PRE_APPLICATION MEETING : A pre-application meeting with a member of the planning'staff is sLrongly encouraged to determine if any additionaL application information is needed. It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to determine if there are addiLional submittal requirements. P1ease note t,hat a COMPLETE application will streamline the approval process for your project. III. IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake and tape the projecl site to indicate propert.y lines, building lines and building corners. All trees to be removed must. be taped. All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the DRB site visit. The applicant must ensure that stakinqr done during the winter is not buried by snow. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normally requires two separate meetings of the Design Review Board: a conceptual approval and a final approval . Applicants should plan on presenting their development proposal at a minimum of two meetings before obtaining final approval . Applicants who fail to appear before Lhe Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on thei-r item be postponed, wiII have their items removed from the DRB docket until such tirne as the item has been republished. The following items may, at the discretion of the zoning administraLor, be approved by the Community Development Department staff (i.e. a formal hearing before the DRB may not be required): A. B. c. n F, a. Windows, skylight.s which do not alter building,' and and similar exterior changes the existing plane of the E. b. Building addition proposals not visible from any other lot or public space. At the tine such a proposaf is submitted, applicants must include letters from adjacdnt prOperty owners and,/or from the agent fOr oT rnandger-of any adjacent condomini.um association stating the associat.ion approves of the addition. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, flood plain, debris f1ow, wetland, etc) r a hazard study must be submitted and the owner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazard report prior. to the issuance of a buitding permit. Applicants are encouraged to check with a Town Planner prior Lo DRB application to determine t.he relationship of the property to all mapped hazards. For aLl resldentlal construction: a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the inside face of the exLerior structural walLs of the building; and b. Indicate with a dashed Line on the site plan a . four foot distance from the exterior face of the building walls or supporting columns. If DRB approves the application with conditions or rnodifications, afl conditions of approval must be resolved prior to Town issuance of a building permit. G, rv. NEW coNsr*Oro* A, Three copies of a recent topoqraphic survev, stamped by a Licensed surveyor, at a scale of 1" - 20' or larger, on whj-ch the fol-lowing information is provided: 1. Lot area. Two foot contour intervals unless the parcel consists of 6 acres or more, in which case, 5,contour j.ntervals may be accepted. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more, as measured from a point one foot above grade. Rock outcroppings and other significant nat.uraL features (large boulders, intermitt.ent streams, af /. I Hazard areas (avalanche, rockfal1, etc.),centerline of stream or creek, required creek or stream setback, L00-year flood plain and slopes of 408 or more, if applicable. Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. This information should be clearly stated on the survey so that aII measurenenls are based on the same starting point.This is particularly irnportant for height measurements. See Policy On Survey Information,for more information regarding surveys. Locations of the followi-ng:a. Size and type of drainage culverts, swales,etc. must be shown - b. Exact Location of existing utilit.y sources and proposed service lines from their source to t.he struclure. Utilities to include: Cable TV Telephone 1 Sewer Water Gas Electric c. Show all- utility meter locations, including any pedestals to be located on site or i-n the right-of-way adjacent to the site. Revocable permits from the Town of Vail are required for improvements in the right-of-way. d- Property lines - distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. e. A11 easements (Tit1e report must aLso include existing easement locat ions ) 8. Existing and finished grades. 9. Provide spot elevations of the street, and. a minimum of one spot elevation on either side of the lot, 25 feet out from the side property lines. Site Plan 1. I.,ocations of the following: a. Proposed surface drainage on and off site. b. Proposed driveways. percent slope and spot el-evations must. be shown. 2. AlJ- existing improvement.s including structures,landscaped areas, service areas, storage areas,walks, driveways, off-street parking, loading areas, retaining walls (wit.h top and bottom of walI spot eLevations), and other existing site improvements. 3. and proposed qrades shown underneath). These elevations and grades must be provided in order for t.he staff to determine building height. AlL ridge lines should be indicated on the site plan. Elevations for roof ridges shall also be indicat.ed on the site plan with corresponding finished and existing grade elevations. 4. Driveway grades may not exceed 8t unless approved by the Town Engineer. Landscape Plan (Ln = 20t or larger) - 3 copies required L. The following information must be provided on the landscape plan. The location of existing 4" diameter or larger trees, the location, size, spacing and type (common and latin name) of all existing and proposed plant material . All trees to be saved and Lo be removed must also be indicated. The plan must also differentiate between existing and proposed vegetation. 2. Complete t.he att.ached landscape materi.als Ii-st. 3. The locat,ion and type of existing and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring for plant material following its installation. 4. Existing and proposed contour lines. In order to clarify the inter-relation of the various development proposal components, please incorporate as much of the above j.nformation as possible onto the site plan. Siqn off from each utilitv companv verifying the location of utility service and availabilit.y (see attached) . A preliminarv title report must accornpany aII submittals, Lo insure property ownership and location of all easements on property. Architectural Plans (L/8" : Lt or larger, 7/4" is preferred scale for review) 3 copies required. 1. Scaled floor plans and aII elevations of the proposed development. Elevations must show both existing and finished grades. 2. One set of floor plans must be "red-lined" to show how the gross residential floor area (GRFA) was calculated. 3. Reductions of all elevations and the site plan (8- L/2't x !!") for i.nclusion in PEC and/or Town Council memos may be requested. 4. Exterior surfacing materiaLs and material colors shall be speclfied on the att.ached materials list. This materials list must be cornpleted and submitted as a part of DRB application. Color chtps, siding samples etc., should be presented to the Design Review Board meeting. G.Zone check l-ist (attached) must be completed if project is locat.ed within the Single-Fami1y, Primary,/Secondary or Duplex zone districts. Photos of the exist.ing site and where applicable, of adjacent structures. NOTE: D. F F. I. tne zO-ng Administrator and,/or O *u, require the submission of additional pJ-ans, drawings,specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whet.her a project will comply with Design Guidelines. V. MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS. Photos or sketches which clearly convey the redevelopment proposal and the location (site plan) of the redevelopment proposal may be submitted in lieu of the more formal requirements set forth above, provided a1l important specifications for the proposal including colors and materials to be used are submitted. VI . ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL A. Original fl-oor plans with all specifications shown. B. Three sets of proposed floor plans l/gtt : 1r or larger (I/4tt -- 1t is preferred) C. Three copies of a site plan showing existing and proposed construction. Indicate roof ridge elevations with existing and proposed grades shown underneath. D. Elevations of proposed addition. E. Photos of the existing structure. F. Specificat.ions for all materials and color samples on materials list (attached) . At the request of the Zoning AdminisLrator you may also be required to submit: G. A statement from each ut,i.l"ity verifying location of service and availability. See attached utility location verificati-on form. H. A site improvement survey, stamped by registered professional surveyor. I. A preliminary t.itJ_e report, to verify ownership of property, which lj_sts aI1 easements. VII. FINAL SITE PLAN Once a building permit has been issued, and construction is underway, and before the Building Department will schedule a framing inspection, two copies of an fmprovement Location Certificate survey (ILC) stamped by a registered professional engineer must be submitted. The fotlowinq information must be provided on the ILC: A. E F. Building location (s) with ties to propert.y corners,i.e, distances and anqles. Building dimensions to the nearest tenth of Al-1 utility service line as-builts, showing mat.erial used, and size and exact location Drainage as-builts. Basis of bearing to tie to section corner. AII property pins are to be either found or stated on i.mprovement survey. A11 easements. a foot. type of of Iines set and Building floor elevations and all roof ridgre elevations with exlsting and proposed grades shown under the ridge 1ines. H VIII. A.Submittal requirements: The owner or authorized agent of any project requiring design approval as prescribed by this chapter may submit ptans for conceptual review by the Design Review Board to the Department, of Community Development. The conceptual review is intended to give the applicant a basic understanding of the compatibility of their proposal with the Town's Design Guidelines. This procedure is recommended primarily for applications more complex than single-family and two-family resj.dences. However, developers of single-family and two-family projects sha11 not be excluded from the opportunity to request a conceptual design revj-ew. Complete applications must be submitted L0 days prior to a scheduled DRB meeting. The fol-lowing information shal1 be submitted for a conceptual review: l-. A conceptual site and landscape plan at a minimum scale of one inch equals twenty feet.; 2. Conceptual elevations showing exterior materials and a description of the character of the proposed sEructure or structures,' 3. Sufficient. information to show the proposal complies with the development standards of the zone district. in which the project is to be ]ocated (i.e. GRFA, site coveragle calculations, number of parking spaces, etc.); 4. Conpleted DRB application form. Procedure: Upon receipt of an application for conceptual design review, the Depart.ment of Community Development shall review the submitted materials for general compliance wit.h the appropriat.e requirements of the zoning code. If the proposal is in basic compliance with the zoning code requirements, the project shall be forwarded to the DRB for conceptual review. If the application is not generally in compliance with zoning code requirements, the application and submittal materials shall be returned to the applicant with a written explanation as to why the Communj.ty Development, Department staff has found the project not Lo be in compliance with zoning code reguirements. Once a complete application has been received, the DRB shall review the submitted conceptual review application and supporting material in order to det.ermine whether or not the project generally complies with the design guidelines. The DRB does not vote on conceptual reviews. The property owner or his representative shall be present at the DRB hearing. B. LTST OF MATERIALS I' STREET ADDRESS = 18.4.0- l),Ao'AeA |*aiae- DESCRIPTTON OF PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: LOT-I BLOCK (e SUBDIVISION tsSHer^ SnCl,,j required for submittal- to the Design approval can be given: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR NAME LEGAL OF PROJECT: The foLlowing information is Review Board before a final A. BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other WalI Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other hrln {ah ,-<r.t"1q l\ tl - lr |l tl It t\ lr ll It B.LANDSCAPING: Name of Desiqner:pfrone: PLANT MATERIALS: BoIanical Name PROPOSED TREES ,1 !,,-tt,/a Common Nane Ouantitv Size* C,-ni4er 7 7'"1,^. -J@-7 EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED y1O,/\1- *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliper for deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate heignt for coniferous trees. Minimum heiqht for coniferous trees is 6 feet. , PLANT MATERIALSIeotanical wame Co*mon llt ouantitv Size* PROPOSED SHRUBS ^oAE. EXISTING SHRUBS nprrz TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size of proposed shrubs. Minimum size of shrubs is 5 qaflon. Type Square Foot.aqe GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior lighting is proposed, please show the number of fixtures and locations on a separaLe lighting plan. Identify each fixture from the lighting plan on the list below and provide the wattaqe, height above grade and type of light proposed. D. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wa11s, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of retaining walls. Maximum height of wa11s within the front setback is 3 feet. Maximum hei-ght of walls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. O urr"rrY LocATroN vERrFrclo* SUBDIVISION JOB NAME LOT BLOCK FILING ADDRESS The location and availability of utilities, whether they be main trunk l-j-nes or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the following utiliUies for the accompanying site p1an. Authori-zed Siqnature Date U.S. West Conmunications L-800-922-L987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 949-5781 Gary Hall HoIy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Husky/laichael Laverty Heritage Cablevision T.V. 949-5530 Steve Hiatt Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanit.at.ion District * 4'16-7 480 Fred Haslee NOTE:This form is to verify service availability and Iocat,ion. This shoul-d be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. For any new construction proposal, the applicant must. provide a completed utility verification f orrn. If a utility cornpany has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative should not directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be spelled out in detail in an attached letter to the Town of Vail.Hol^tever, please keep in mind that it is the responsi.bility of the utility company Lo resolve identified problems. If the utility verification form has signatures frorn each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and that the development can proceed. These verifi.cations do not reLieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit from the Tor^rn of Vail, Department of public Wgrks and to obtain utilitv locations before diqqinq in any public right-of-way or easement in the Town of Vail. A buildinq permit is not a street cut permit. A street cut permit must be obt.ained separately. 5- q * Please bring a site p1an, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining upper Eagle valrey water & sanitation signatures. Fire fl-ow needs nust be addressed. o FR, ZONE CHECK FOR R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS DATE: LEGAI, DESCRIPTION: LoI L BIocK Q ,,l,^g?N,I,W, N {! I ADDRESS: OWNER ARCHITECT PHONE PHONE AIIowed (30) (33) t- t I Ul,r t A,+- ?,9D=avl(n'l 1 t'/v 4a--' + 425 tSb-jt I L)zic 'Scfia secondary GRFA i?,q4 + 422 =1-L10 ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE **LOT SIZE Height. ToTaI GRFA Primary GRFA Setbacks Front Sides Rear Water Course Setback Site Coverage Landscaping Retaining Wall Heights Parking Garage Credit, Drive: Exi-stinq Proposed TotaI 20' 15' 1qt A:,t A Q4c osL4 3'/61 P ar.rrrl (300) (600) Pernitted Date Yes (900) (1200)_ Slope 8? Actual SLope approved by Town Engineer: View Corridor Encroachment.: Environment al./Haz ards : No FLood Plain u0 Percent Slope d K Geologic Hazards a) Snow Avalanche b) RockfaLl c) Debris Flow 4) Wetlands Prevlous conditions of approval (check property file) Does tlrls request involve a 250 Addition? How much of the allowed 250 Addition is used with t.his request? **NoLe: Under Sectj.ons 18.12.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipal Code, lots zoned Two Family and Primary/Secondary which are less than 15r000 sq. ft. in area may not construcL a second dwelling unit. The Communit.y Development Department may grant an exception to this restriction provided the applicant. meets the criteria set forth under Sections L8.12.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipal Code includi.ng permanently restricting the unit as a long-terrn rental unit for fuIl- time employees of the Upper Eagle Valley. 1) 2) ?'l (30 ) (s0 ) 10 e : \ PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: , Coqcpra ovv hu.u c/o*z a^61ruJ>n Jz/' J" 6en]r* D,1-'h it @ A \>e&_ A-JJ;[,,.^ =l^.-fJ Lu- ;;pu llr.J L_t_ a-[1",^t f'"r"'A-*x*.^'-.*-- --{ Dr/-L /1 C-A lt l)./\ L t tl U Retum to ' u*'Toffi Fffi;r; INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW McLn)ro'u PUBLIC WORKS Reviewed by: Comments: i- -t -l o (D m Ig :-- o l--r: Ot l<x f tlYt lm: 6 l9s 1 l.oi g ItrP o l^r h o l<: 3 I=T I \c o<llA :1 (D (J< -(D -aO Ct,>l o5 -n !m I 1'r I ll l{xl a3trP ofl; q- +{, a\ r- &Pz O= C) C)HiF o!{o o z U){7 c o {o z T rn n ={ Ft lt lt l o -r! Or- z<oq)22 = tr, z 2 r'\ R<z.i -{ \/ r'>-^2 --r ^Y> \J -O Zt- *3 -1 Z SV 4; >; ic)o> o 2n -.1 m nz >m of,)--.t > o r :m c) -t €z m z =m A) o e, P.d a'1 t- m rrl c)>'t- l- r x -z 0c 1O l|-l I m r m tg lz to l'n l< l>l- IH la I { €z o n t - m a 2 I 3 F o € o FE c. -l ! 1l I s. d :z .'|1 r m 6-) z I r! I ts o € P. o c4 i I 1l }. I \.| ! ld €z o I m a z o FO 3 E F F o { o a. + m -m N) l.-{ lo l€ 12 l: : m ? z :F. I 3 E C" E tn l-t r-I rr P. a -.1 tr F -o - F. Ol I m x ! I 0)n 0t P. 0a o a 0a lltl l< l0t i' I I I l I I \l o o o p E F IB lo t3 l' I -.t n o F 4 -0 I z /-t J m I o -n m t =_-1 o m x m 'I' -{ z o I -{m I m I N) I \o m =; 2 ;! : z4 o a)o o o I o z C z = I i ]J o _rr o!ai @@ ?l ir i F =z _0 m l =U'z m rfl o m o e; q :q l,E - l-T-T--r @ 1 z o 0 z = -.1 m n --l z o o =z 1 t0 ! c o ! c I z X-o c' ZO -<z A@ ^z tlJ z o z m o c) - _3 z € x l* tt.lrt lH. d r.I |l N] o Ft th ts H. OJ o r-t o d d o ;f6 o9o a+(D(t e H'\< ^X^.x u: l=x .<9{ {;6- 3 il.o *6(D o:1 f )+- r3F o- * X oo r gB. B.P+tv =-D*o Oilq)+=E ! o, 1t ;i== -r + i\i 5',! e ;3to =-qrd -i:{9P odr =s.P "'t i t 4J joro fci X:5 XX=. V a'3 38d 0t {I 0)l o = 6' o c o o =(o J o -t o { q; N o =.f (o f o- 4,,c =.2. l o (D I o 9. f = =(o o o ot J o 5' l o (D o L \(- I + al ft =a m t--n {I m €z m C = m = VALUATION Fl zx Tlc"-'ri >'=-16 I I I I zl c) lc/r >!t olo < lF' =.q 2l n3 > to I I I o z z o F F z o z -t m U> -{ _-.t m ='Tl m m at, t- ?c m o 2 m q z m =m € m c) m I 2 n m --{ (.) z I x m ='7t m m a c c I z o l'-) (,(t "@ },t I I I 't I ^ APPLICATTON MUST BE FILLED , I********* * ****** * * ***** ****** * t!t*l-Building [ ]-Plunbing t . -, 7 V , Q,L9* PERMIT /I TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION PERMTT APPLTCATION FORM Job Name: Ez+,-rs Annrl-r,>*\Job Address: +bAl-, l*4ea.\o.,-' La,*e. DArE: j-7rp-a)3 ffi'O JUL Z 6 1993 OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED PERMIT INFORMATTON * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * l-Electrical [ ]-Mechanical [ ]-other Block---]b- nirins ts's€;k'^suBprurrro*LegaI Owners Description: Lot Z Name: 6ob Erzz^-n-- Address:pn. b;Pl+-utr^,. P}:.+1Wt-o3ol-7 General Description: Number of Dwelling Units: 1 Number of Accommodation Units: {prnber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances v (* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS BUILDTNG:ELECTRICAL: $ {C OTHER: $ TOTAL: $ Ix * * * * * * * x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CONTRACTOR INFORMATION *********************i****,*t-.\ Eeneral Contractort tt44 tuI 4-tyzr/- Town of Vail Reg^ NO. 4(/11 i- Address: /-1 t(-p-. iLloTftL(C, Phone Number: 1ZC,-Z€c-t\ Electrical Contractor: U Work Class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration t!-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Gas Logs Wood/Pellet K ********************************* Town of Vail Req. No. Phone Nunber: 94'/ i 7LJ 7 Address: Plunbing Address: Contractor: Reg. NO. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * !k FOR oFFICE USE ******************************* BUTLDING PI.,AN CHECK FEE:573. ao "PLIIMBTNG PI.AN CHECK FEE. Zg,aA . MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: ./a.',ard ELECTRICAL FEE;/ 6zt . ac',/ RECREATTON FEE:2k8 ca 'r'OTHER TypE OF FEEz!,t,t,,.tr.JlL CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: DRB FEE: BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: Town of vail Reg. No. "/a)3{) Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Mechanical Contractor: Address: BUILDING PERMIT FEE: f,}3..:A Z CLEAN I]P DEP.OSIT RXFUI{D TO: ALUATION .l !)].\rj.i.!J.ur\ 7a-// oo Comnencs: oo August 4. 1993 Mr. Erich HifI Paradigrm Design P.O. Box 731 vail co 81658 Dear Erich HiII & Town of VaiI Comrnunity Development Department: Please be advised that I have talked with .Teff Smith and we insure that vre will paint the entire duplex. We have also agreed that he will repair or replace his portion of the roof to match ttre new roof so that the entire roof will thus be repaired or replaced. rf Jeff Smith sells his half of the duplexr he will include this agreernent as a purchase requirement of the new ownersr in the event that he has not completed the painting and roof matclring. Sincerely. Qha-E*- I(ODel-E [t. l!,Vang 't RME/rndc Plan Review Based on the L991 Uniform Codes NAME: EVANS ADDHON DATE:7-28-93 ADDRESS: 4840 MEADOW LANE CONTRACTOR; VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT: PARADIGN OCCI.JPANCY: R-3 ENGINEER: MI.'ELLER TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CoRRECTTONS REQLITRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted crodes or any ordinance of the Town of Vsil. 1. ONE HOUR CONSTUCTTON REQUTRED BETWEEN GARAGE AND DWELLING. 2. FIREPLACE TO BE A PHASE 11 CLEAN AIR COLORADO CERTIFIED OR GAS LOG ONLY. 3. NEED COPY OF SOILS REPORT PRIOR TO FOOTING INSPECTION. 4. SMOKE DETECTORS REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND HALLS AS PER sEC. 1210 0F T[rE 1991 UBC. 5. EXISTING MECHANICAL ROOM TO BE INSPECTED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 6. NEW GUARDRAILS TO COMPLY WTITI SEC.1712 OF THE 1991 UBC. 7. NEW HANRAILS TO COMPLY WTII{ SEC.33O6 OF TIfi 1991 T]BC. 8. BUILT UP ROOF TO COMPLY WITI{ CHAPTER 32 OF THE 1991 UBC. 9. WHAT TYPE OF STUCCO SYSTEM IS BEING USED FOR THIS PROJECT? 07/21/$ 10r.?12rft6?r IAJESTIC SPECIFIC mnlEsnc Am,&hr dli.Io t{ldltt0So.d.dr3. L.P tuffii,fi{a?60{E-n|2|9}306e TEST INFORMATION MAJESTIC " FREE-FLAME" Fireplace The Maiestlc FREE-FI-AMEil PF36 Factory-Bullt Flreplace has been tested by an Envlronmsnlal Prolectlon Agency (EPA)-acoredted laboratory uslng EPA Method 28A. Theteslwas conduc-ted at e slngle burn rate wlth doors closed. The bum rate was determined to be 5.06 kg/hr which meane tho PF38 te aNaesffodec. Eq!ill[tt (Not a woodhealEr by EPA definition.) Durlry this test, the emisslon rate ol partlculate matter (PM) was measured End determlned to be 5.74 gnvhr wtdch b less than the EPA-allowable limlt of 7.5 gm/hrfor Phase ll non"cahlytlc woodheaters. EPA Method 5H was employed to collec't and analyze the emlsslone dda Tesb worp cottduded on June 12, 1991. Eoor lFc rl,nl f) "'-t, ''' tr''REQUEST INSPECTION TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAIVE MON CALLER TUES READY FOB LOCATION: INSPECTION:WED THUR FRI PM AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. N ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL EI FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETBOCK NAIL D D o tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING D tr c ROUGH ! EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL D FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: B-DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR t - r**l_.r INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL iAM PM lr -11/ i PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr o tr tr o ! UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER h'rnRutruc - ROOF & SHEEB " pLYWooD NA|L|NG GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR D tr FINAL tr FINAL PROVED tr DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR PrFqe ir. fi. r INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES READY FOR LOCATION: WED THUR FRI PM AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEE_ tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEF " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr o O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr o o ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr D FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: ,,Fl f DISAPPROVED o}fEI NSPECTION REQU I RED '" : i INSPECTOR ,DATE niffisxop (r.t ' \ | '' "| PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT tl,l DArE i/ / JoBNAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:,' l" t-' , MON. t/ BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND D FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING D INSULATION tr SHEETROCK D POOL / H. TUB D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL 6 nFpnoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR The ltens below gl-ving a pernlt Please check off FINAL PLIIMBING AI. INSPECTIONIS need to be conplete a final C of 0. in the box provlded. COMPLETED before DATE: u n FINAL MECHANICAI, DATE: IMPROVEMENT SUR FINAL ELECTRICAL SID. DATE: tl u L] L] FINAL BUILDING EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE: DATE: TEMPOMRY C OF O DATE: CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY DATE: LANDSCAPING DUE DATE: FILE NAME: .PERMIT NUMBER OE ,,,-7:i,,,, PROJECT I PE rd CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL '4 4 JOB NAME INS DATE INSPECTION: CALLER MON,-TUES A'WED THUB PM FRI READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMEING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING O INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB B4HEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR El O FINAL D FINAL VED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR nSis"o" i.1 ' (r + h.. INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 'it tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED .PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE iliif Ll-: READY FOB LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON oALLERt'i.l TUES WED I , l. 6'nppnoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEFGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER F FOUNDATTON / STEEL D D FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT E SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL DATE INSPECTOR miGsxop PLEASE I'IAKE CHEC TOIVN OF VA]L DEPA RTI{ENT OF COrvl}lUNITY DEVELOP}IENT' S^LES ACTION FOR}{ 75 SOUTH FRONTACE ROAD r\ e , VAIL, C0L0MD0 81657 s.'r'u-ll4.l-4e---KTl LIC - ZCI\T\'C .d\D ADDRESS }'iA.PS 0t 0000415{0 nl avrri /. r r. .s:0.m J/.tru so15 *' tr^ vuvv .alurv ut r.r.. 0l 0000 42371 TNVESTTGATToN FEE (BUTLDTNG)TOTAL DUE:C,O . 01 0c00 { 330 tADDIT]ONAL GRF.\ -?J0''-oioooorr3-1ffi 0l c\lcro 11330 EXTERIOR ALTTRAT]ON ILESS THA]'I I 0l 0000 Il3-10 E{TERIOR AL.ITRA'-]ON II1ORE TH,{-'.I ICO S EV ELOP.\{E.TI DISTRJCT 0r 0000.t I DEVELOP.\tS;\T DISTRICT I hl,,\ JOR 0l 0ool 413t0 Ir.rj'NOR A:t{ L\D 0l 0000!l:]i0 rspEcl,\LDEVELOPrfElffDlS 4 I 330 | S LrB Dt\.t S IoN 0l 0000.il330 iVARItur-CE 0l C\?00 <1330 IZOMNG CODE l"V!'.\Dl\lLvTS 0t 0000 4 l F1€., -&- t Ni:j'--5- r1 1 f "rr,,nrt.. \ * * * * * * * * * PERMIT NUMBER OF FROJECT : ',,, i t , 1// i / I]AT F -" - -- " -1- -itll CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL I PE INS READY FOB INSPECTION: MON WED THUR FRI CALLER TUES, ,-. LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr u tr ! UMBING: , '.;.EI FOUNDATION i STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D,W.V. ROUGH / WATEB tr FRAMING u tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D tr tr tr HEATING tr n n ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: L-,/I{ I E INSPECTOR Fft' INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL OF l PERMIT DATE NUMBER -1 PBOJECT INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON li li CATLER TUES WED PM AM READY FOR LOCATION:, THUR Bt n U 1 tr D tr tr n ILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB SHEETROCK NAIL N FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL D APPROVED DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: '/t ;' :l t ,. I . L L 1..2 :." "*, Tl,f t l U INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 PEHMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM LOCATION: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. O ROUGH / WATER O FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER .- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION U o tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o tr FINAL D FINAL EL tr tr rl o ECTRICAL: TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o g FINAL D FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR O +*i,r INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL AM PM " PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI BUILOING: E FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. N ROUGH i WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr E tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: E TEMP. POWER O HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT E SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL O FINAL tr trIAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED ,''\ tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED TJAIT INSPECTOR ,**"nol.r: REouEsr TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 DATE JOB NAME MON CALLER PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: TUES PM AM FRI WED ,'t :.1 BUILDING: -..1r- tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr D tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL O FINAL rI-,APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF FROJECT : ',,, i t , 1// i / I]AT F -" - -- " -1- -itll CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL I PE INS READY FOB INSPECTION: MON WED THUR FRI CALLER TUES, ,-. LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr u tr ! UMBING: , '.;.EI FOUNDATION i STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D,W.V. ROUGH / WATEB tr FRAMING u tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D tr tr tr HEATING tr n n ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: L-,/I{ I E INSPECTOR Fft' INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL OF l PERMIT DATE NUMBER -1 PBOJECT INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON li li CATLER TUES WED PM AM READY FOR LOCATION:, THUR Bt n U 1 tr D tr tr n ILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB SHEETROCK NAIL N FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL D APPROVED DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: '/t ;' :l t ,. I . L L 1..2 :." "*, Tl,f t l U INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 PEHMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM LOCATION: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. O ROUGH / WATER O FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER .- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION U o tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o tr FINAL D FINAL EL tr tr rl o ECTRICAL: TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o g FINAL D FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR O +*i,r INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL AM PM " PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI BUILOING: E FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. N ROUGH i WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr E tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: E TEMP. POWER O HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT E SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL O FINAL tr trIAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED ,''\ tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED TJAIT INSPECTOR ,**"nol.r: REouEsr TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 DATE JOB NAME MON CALLER PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: TUES PM AM FRI WED ,'t :.1 BUILDING: -..1r- tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr D tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL O FINAL rI-,APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR o o z a {v c o {o z T m n ={ -l TD m Ie.:.- o HO --r o xd YO + -.r r:o inO -rl FT <= -Y=o.< dP ;9 -aO >l *g .Tt 1) m l1 ={ trtrtr <m@ l-.r r r- a- l-<ciE = lr El? le Qi" IH F' II l= | --{trtrI] sI!@v'_5cL o2= -o @ i" z2 --i .1 =O-'az OJ o- =r- 5 I g. t-j 4'rn ;:o=--t c)o> -r =m --t m - z z -i o --t 2a DZ >m --l >or or-mm ul A C)>'t- o Z a'\ qn 9p --r c 3s d6 u 11 tr z o :3 ! tl :t' D + nl I --l - .D -c+ -E (D <-t o -t F F tr t>lo kl m Y lP t5 lo I lc-lo)t1 lro I la lc? I I a --t F 5 (D - -9 I I l-r to t3 l<t>l-h l6 lz l{to t€lz l.) ll l>l-lI tx lv,lz le I I t,_. I r\) t' F ! I (, ._.t -.{ l-t mlO 5tE :tz lo l'ti t<l> t= lm l; l- I I I ld l{lz le t<t>l-lr lB lz l-r lo l€ lz lo ll t> lF F lz TN -l Trl t/) = ()z tq mt Ir l=o F8 lr$ < l"- g Hfi -{= -{ -l m x nl -t o z (-o ID @ f m 4a7 '/l e-, QI: N)(D 4.;' 5^ "/.(t t,' 3H3a (u:ao i 6'Ps rr ..r x ^.1*ciiS ol=x :.-< P {o{id = + oi ,;i ; -(l (e (,) (D =J c=+- ;:iE ^. aD o isad o^,qrx 56;i (o! *q, ? D -;'"-r+ii ;ta96 { o l. -r v, l-i= EEE&ir9P I =Y = e "tE":s=;d = (t _.<o-=9.aPo' :6 i.i of,oA o I o:' FU a:-'qR6 oAxi IlodE. o =.o € ! o o t = 3 l'!i =- o qt f -o. J o r lcr it[rl>il=IIC il-I l--l l13 4' !.' l't 'y' I o z m -n €z n I o m z -l I m o {z m @ t- _-.t z 0t!rfl l> =l*tz lo I =z l- !m =--.l a z m m m z l= t;tr 3 IP I L I I x a Pz Y € 9F la I o --f-l--]? ttl tll | | lr tt:0 lll----r--f-]ll-,I lr x z rn Io)---+"tl ll+tl tl ttF ttc lll'tl IO tr€ =z z.a .z = z>9R n6 I<+< >o o.ml ao z c z --{ i z m { t--i ln =o z =z m -i m 'tt a ]r' 2 5F --.{ F =J ol r HT z. l a(.-lt >tr r-I r-[r .nl FT >l r-J r al ""1 l. FI =-: f :t E -c) N F ;9 o < =i,of Irr :i ri F- ; i -X z o ,A 22 ntr O ttl -f o 6 2 j; = c h )z v, - -l ,f ''r z Z "1 €o9 =L =., n< = N t\) 11 !-l a 5 I )) o z z F g l- =z .i m a I z z o z 6 --{ I --t m |r- /\z :g =6 =; =Or ^.0 6i lo @l \t =C = =_9., N).\l f- m =_Tl m m U'' c a m -t x c) m 2 m --t m z m an € @ o rn --t z -Tt m m m o :c z o t-c = m l- (.) --l = z c)I m o x g 2 m = = m ='Tl m m g) VALUATION 3 m o I z > q z c) nn r m o --{ 6 l- o z m =. z o N 'L 4ve5+ t,,.1 I 7 I 140 Jasmine Street Denver' CO 80220 vlay 22, 1987 Building DePartment City of vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Gentlemen: This has reference to our duplex unit at 4840 East Meadow Lane (east side), Vai1, Colorado. we are proposing to replace a ladder for entrance to a loft wittr a 4 ft. wood spiral staircase .. " ' seldom is the toft used, since it is not only very inconvenient to clumb the ladder, but painful on the feet to clumb the ladder- Also, it is a hazard for small children. By replacing the ladder with a wood spiral staircase, :-t woufa al1ow us easy access to the 1oft, and also eliminate the very obvious hazards as mentioned above' We will assume all of the contingent liabilities for this addition, and request that you grant us a variance to the building code and issue us a building permit. nsideration on this request. cordi M. Peterson SCHEDULE A, PAGE PROPOSAL / CONTRACT Job Location Doscription and specitications of work to be pertormed: Slaie. ta Loufo UJ€t LADN€{. Cto<-et A aftprr..,a bgs€i.*,"rt, drrroet j c Rt rtrotlE C/o':c{ A ,ReT*en e, Lol{ olcr,t'i. r lrrl*ett 4'{rroob SPtk,aI 6{,rir,c+se. o AWo/'. 3c" oI-YIADR.e S,PA<E Laf* fo,e- lrAlK APx,q .APfi-t sfi;ac-tse ,r rrsfilLO ail'I $'. N anleq L t V, ruc- ftnot - et INSPECTION REQUEST PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL D FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING tr GAS PIPING tr ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB n_ T_r _ tr FINAL MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS -tr SUPPLY AIR - t_t tr FINAL n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr tr tr ROUGH CONDUIT tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: .tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED L''\ I E INSPECTOR t-'- " , f', INSPECTION REQUEST .. .TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME CALLER READY FOH INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR .FRI AM PM LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr tr D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING C ROUGH tr tr o EXHAUST HOODS D u CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL ',tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: L_- '.: DATE ..INSPECTOR - v4.\. .6 V.r'-'tn1.""Trs-.:. -F|'q )j .--r -l 'r.-.L I a!>i) -, .1,)-.Ro*rr Associates 2630EAST3RDAVENUE . DENVER,COLORADO 80206 . PHONE3O3-355-0641 February 25, 1974 Re: File No. Se-44-73 Exemption Mr. Robert H. Barr Planning Assistant Eagle County Department of PJ-anning and Development P. O, Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Dear Mr. Barr: It is with a greaL deal of pleasure that we have inclosed the original copy of the surveror's certificate for the application for exemption to our proposed subdivision of our two unit townhouse in the Bighorn. We would appreciate your recording this p1at, since it has received your final approval. Also, inclosed is our check in the amou f SI0.00 to cover this transaction. Cordial RMP/mp Inc1. Robert M. Peterson 140 Jasmine Street Denver, Colorado 80220 ti ,A"W r'r::# - .,'.-' t, t;1. i''::1 l:'i t cr.!::1;-:,r ili. 1- ' r-el I t', APPLICATION FOR EXEMPTIONI EAGIE COI'NTY SUBDIVISION REGUI'ATIONS Name of Development: Eagle County Development Corporation f,ocation: L,ot 2, Block 6, Bighorn Subd.ivision 5th Addition,according to the recorded. plat thereof, County of Eagle, State of Colorado. Size (Nnrnber of Acres): 23,625.0 Squaxe Feet .54235 acre Name and Address of Owner: Robert 14. Peterson and Margaret P. Peterson 140 Jasmine Street Denver, Colorado 80220 SUBDIVISION REGUI,ATION REQUESTED SEC. NO.DATA 3.04 3. 05 3. 05 4 .02.02 4 .02 .03 4.03 Reasons for Request for Exemption: Preliminary Plan of Proposed Townhouse Subdivision Print of Preliminary plan to designated Agencies Print of Preliminary plan to designated Agencies Vicinity Sketch Map Geological Soil and Vegetation Characteristics Final Plat Requirements It is respectfully submitted that an Exemption is appropriate under the provisions of 2.07 of the Subdivision Regulations on the following grounds: (a) The two (2) unit townhouse units are located in an area which is already developed with existing condominium and townhouse multi-family residential structures. (b) Due to the fact that there is an existing structure on the subject property the regui-rernents of the designated agencies have been fullfilled previously. (c) There is already an existing county road. Water, natural gas, and sewer collection lines are already on the subject property; due to the fact that a two (2) unit structure has already been constructed on the property. (d) The property is situated in utility districts and served by public utility companies necessary to supply each of the units with full utility services. (e) The existins townhouse is totally compatible with the surrounding developments. RTCEI\.,IID Dtc r.1 1973 Dept. 0t Plantrrng 1"e vel' Eagle County, Colo' '[ i* It is said request for division as shown hereto. Dated: Recommended for approval by the Eagle County Planning Commission at their regular meeting on 16 January 1974- (f) The townhouse structure, in addition, has received the approval of the Architectural Control Committee for the subdivision. .The foregoi4g Application has been considered by the Board thLs J?a4 d,ay of.- 0*^z , Lg7{, which finds and deterrnines that this DIffit of Land-ffi6ffiithin the purposes for which the Subdivision Regulations referred to above were adolpted and therefore said Application is Granted (lI). understood that any action by this Conunission granting said Regulations Exernption applies onJ-y to the proposed Received: RESOLUTION BOARD OF COUNT COMMISSIONERS OF EAGLE COUNTY on the sketch plan or other informa n attached Robert M. Peterson S lifer, Chairman ..i,. j ,,I" .., _,'n 'iig i; :, j "ii : ',r.1. !: 1':1i'ii '.iN :i^ i:-.: '::1.:: .t;ii :,ji,: ;;'4;& i1, : Box 386 t 386 - Eagle, Colorado 81631 January 7,]-9TA^ Mike B1air, PJ-anniag Director Box 789 Eagler Colorado 8L531 Dear l4[ke: The Robert M. Peberson requesb for exeurptlon rrag sub- Tittea to the EagJ-e Cor.rnty SoiL Consen ation District for revi er and comnent. Since this j.s already part of an apprroved. subdivision,we rould like to reoonmend that the exanptlon be granted. t{e be}ieve that thlE ie the type of situa_tion that the exenptlon wae destgned t6- cover. ghr Sincerely, G"--, t C:'1,,",-!,--- Ross E. Chambers _ L1 ^President dL"'ut'cr-"*1 JOE,I tr VAtrtDERIfC'dF rrEGi"swn1 Gov€tnor JOHN UI. ROLD Di ractor COLORADO GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 254 COLUMBINE BUILDING - 1845 SH ERIVIAN STREET DENVER, COLORADO 80203 PHONE 892.2611 l,fr. Michael S. Blair Eagle County Planner P. 0. Box 789 Eag1e, Colorado 8l-631 Dear M. Blair : In regard to your letter dated suffici"ent informatl-on to nake wil-l have to be admlnistrative informatLon is supplied to us. January 7, 1974 RE: FILE N0. Se-44-73 EXEMPTIoN PETERSON December L3, L973, we feel- that there is in- recormendations at this t.ime. The decisLon on your part unless additional techoical- SLncerely,9x4Z>L. R. Ladwig Associate Engineering Geologlst LRL/j e cc: Land Use Commi ssion RFCrir.r:r) JAli ' - i'rz. " tLkr;;;. l GEOLOGY SToRY oF THE PAST . . . KEY To THE FUTURE 4,.?'/ de Enganrcno, .0ro. CIVIL ENGINEERING . PIINNING . SURVEYs SUBDIVIsIONS - WATER & SEWER 5Y5TEA\5 *o Kcnnelh E. Richordr Box 643 Vo il. Colorodo 81657 Phonc 47 6-5072 Dcnvcr 244-1521 December 79, L973 Rrgistered Pro{essionol Engincerr Registered Lond Surveyors Mr. M. S. Blai.r, Director Planning Commi 9s1.. Eagle County Court Ilouse P.0. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Re: Robert M. Peterson Exemption Upper Eagle Va11ey Sanitation District Dear Mr. B1air, Mr. Petersonrs 2-Units 5th Addition are wi-thin the Sanitation District and are Sanitation District. There toqnhouses . on Lot 2, Block 6, Bighorn Subdivision boundaries of the Upper Eagle Valley being served by the Upper Eagle Vall-ey are no objections to the proposed Sincerely, RICHARDS ENGINEERS KER: is tu44ru Kenne th E. Richards Engi.neer for the District It,- ,,:,__l:ii./{rD 6'. C 2 ..' Dept cr n.* i"' 197.? e:,, 6".rj, 4/v e "t ROBERT .J. COTTLE DIVI'IElN MAN^BER Enclosure i,Ii.]/sjb PUBLItr SERvItrE EoMPANY oF troLtrRADtr F. O. BOX 973 LEADVILLE, CtrLORADO AC!46I fr MOUNTAIN DIVIAIElN January 2, 197 4 Mr. Michael S. Blair P. O. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Dear Mr. Blair: I have received frorn you trro requests for exemptions that are beginning to have a familiar ring. These are the Robert Peterson and Texas Construction applications. More and nore, duple*es aFTlffi!-t-d into two separate properties or townhouses. I made a reply last June 8th concerning Frank Dayrs application to do this very same thing. I am enclosing a copy of that rep1y, and I wish to make it a standard coonent to all developers who want to divide one structure on one lot into two separate interests. This would be Public ServLce Companyts reply to the tl'o current applications of Peterson and Texas Construction. If we cant t handle replys in thls manner for thi-s specia} group of appllcaotsr please let me know. Thank You. SincerelY, t^lh^ liiEr^tb' Wm. Watson, Jr. Gas Englneer fl':'' -",':) JAN 3 - .s73 *'ld;'Jffiil:,1"1,* C. rr'77' i\ 1 PuBLrc SeRvrce \' Ec;'1P,:.;'1Y gF-trOLtrRADtr Wn lrlat son, Jr. Gas Engineer ROBERT.J. COTTLE orvrEroN l'iaN^o Erl P. O. BOX 973 LEADVILLE, COLORAOO A1146I (,..a::. --."-,\,.- - ^"a\- Mc'UNtAtN OtVl5lON Sincerely, r*rr. trichael S. B]-air, Planning Director P.0. Box 789 Eag1e, Col-orado wl,tl: oK a Jur.e ?, L973 Dcar Si.r: Wc worrld like to conmenl on Frank Dayrs application for exemptlon frorn subdivision regulations. The exi sting building presentiy has one gae service going io two megers wh.j-c h are located on one side of bhe duplex' If Lha ]rJuse-was mad.e into two properties, the owner of the property wirh the exlsting meters could conceivably recluest that the- owner of the adjoi.nlng property remove his meter. In this case, Publlc. Servi.ce conpa::y would have t,o charge the owner of the adjoining properLy $1.00/f'". tor a new service from his property line to his new meter location. Additional "*pun"u would also be'j.ncurrld from a plumber to move the fuel lines iniide the house in ord,er to tie in to the new meter location. IfwemayadvisefurLherinthisnatlerrpleasegiveusacaLL' JA/V J - oept. n, ^e.;iA;;;, t9/J o CATION FOR EXEMPTION EAGLE COUNTY SUBDIVISION REGUI"ATIONS County Development Corporation Bighorn Subdivision 5th Addition, recorded plat thereof, County of Colorado. 23,625.0 Square Feet .54235 acre Robert M. Peterson and Margaret P. Peterson 140 Jasmine Street Denver, Colorado 80220 REQUESTED DATA Preliminary Plan of Proposed Townhouse Subdivision Print of Preliminary plan to designated Agencies Print of Preliminary plan to designated Aqencies Vicinity Sketch Map Geological Soil and Vegetation Characteristics I'inal PIat Requirements Name of Development: Eagle Location: LoE 2, Block 6, according to the Eag1e, State of Size (Nunber of Acres): Name and Address of Owner: SUBDIVISION REGULATION SEC. NO. 3.04 3. 05 3. 06 4.02. 02 ' 4. 02. 03 4.03 Reasons for Request for Exemplion: It is respectfully submitted that an Exemption is appropriate under the provisions of 2.07 of the Subdivision Regulations on the following qrounds: (a) The two (2) unit townhouse units are located in an area which is already developed with existing condominium and townhouse multi-family residential structures. (b) Due to the fact that there is an existing structure on the subject property the requirements of the designated agencies have been fu1lfilled previously. (c) There i.s already an existing county road. Water, natural gas, and sewer collection lines are already on the subject proPerty; due to the fact that a two (2) unit structure has already been constructed on the property. (d) The property is situated in utility districts and ser:ved by public utility companies necessary to supply each of the units with full utility services. (e) The exj-sting townhouse is totally compatible with the surrounding developments . l, i- i, Dept. i.i [ai le i1 Plrr Cor.: 1973 r', Cok). r It is said request for division as shown hereto. The townhouse structure, in addition, has reeeived the Architectural Control Committee for. the subdivision. und6rstood that any action by this Conunission granting said Regulations Exemption applies only to the proposed By (Chairman) Dateds Received: RESOLUTION The foregoing Application has been considered by the Board this day of , 1973, which finds and determines that ttris Dl[?]ffi-n o! r,anFTE-EFTithin the purposes for which the Subdivision Regulations referred to above were adolpted and therefore said Application is Granted (Denied). BOARD OF COI'NT COMMISSIONERS OF EAGLE COUNTY (f) proval of the on the sketch plan or other informa n attached Robert M. Peterson r- DE'AF ,L*, or Fli,:t='S3'ol,toto=u. TPMENT COURTHOUSE P. O. Box 789 Phone 328-6338 Eagle, Colorado 8r631 11 December 1973 Mr. Robert M. Peterson 2630 East 3rd Ave. Denver, Colorado 80206 We received you application for Exemption from the Eagle County Subdivision Regulations, however, we do need more information. The application is to be submitted in eighteen (18) copies, including the original signed copy; the application fee in the amount of $25.00 must be submitted at the same time as the application for Exemption. Also, this material must be submitted to this office by Friday, December 14 in order to be heard at the 16 January Planning Commission meeting, not the 6th of January as you stated in your letter. lf you have any questions, please contact this off ice. Respectful lY ' !2====- \l'B*-- Robert H. Barr P lanning Assistanl RHB/Kt encl . Application for ExemPtion Transmittal letter gSoffour JEWELRY S TINEST CRAFTSMEN ROBERT M. PETERSON REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVE December 12, L973 Mr. Robert H. Barr Planning Assistant Eagle County Department of Planning and Development Courthouse P. O. Box 789 Eag'le, Colorado 81631 Dear Mr. Baff: We appreciate your handling our letter and Application for Exemption so expeditiously. Accordingly, we have followed your instructions and are resubmitting this Application in l8 copies includ.ing the original signed copy, along with our check in the amount of $25.00 to cover the application fee. Again, we thank you for advising us that the Planning Commission meeting is January 16th instead of January 6th. We will attend this meeting and bring our sketch plan for this divisi-on of our townhouse. With all good wighes. cordi.ally yours, 'i/ RMPrzmP Incl . t ')r -&r! r ULjrl' &,t- 2630 EAST 3RD AVENUE DENVER, COLORADO 80206 (303 | 355-9973 4 \1/ nlt"'lt t ,",/ lu l A,L, t,vt ^r l( ol,''v' l,' EAGLE COUNTY DEP{MENr oF "".#+isG:" DEV}PMENT P. O. Box 789 Phone 328-6338 Eagle, Colorado 81631 13 December 1973 Re:File No. Se-44-73 - Robert M. Peterson Exemption Appl icant: Robert M. Peterson 2630 East 3rd Ave. Denver, Colorado 80206 Enclosed herewith is an application and plan submitted to the Eagle County Planning Commission for review and recommendation at their regular meeting on 16 January 1974. In accordance with C.R.S. 106-2-9, 106-2-33 and 106-2-34, 1963, as amended and Eagle County Subdivision Regulations Section 6.00, 1972, you have 24 days from date mai led in which to respond or the request wi ll be deemed to have been approved by your agency. The Planning Commission would sincerely appreciate your comments and recommendations prior to the meeting date. lf you desire additional information or time, please advise this off ice. Thank you very much, t,.t-/ ,/-)l/// -t' / "//r',///,-- -/-,-- ;'/t?'{'22 -z' 2-z Michael S. Blair P lanning D irector MSB/Kt Fl F d '+$6 v. 0r Fl F=r ft(! o6 s oF I- 9.5(D ;O. !, A P.3 r {rto c\l'(n ,.h Y r O O\ 'rg,li ir ca (.|| tl I f o .D t oqF '- X 'Frr)tn-3 ^ ftt -;g'tr arrr d F arrQ .t b'd 0c br 5.r]\<N Es-d .lr *i o\l c o 6Y , 6()o 6iq o. oF Hr-o,r9 'on'eO JCI ri \ct P.N n!:v9 gJ ! {}) '\l ON o 0t o>CF tt oFt t.lF. t',0q o OP O t-t o5 tD|l oP.o<5ro d CY o tJt rl rJo F' FI< 5ii P.O \r, \,, S? \ \ t a t DD)5F.AF. UI Ft oo f- 0J o$J FtJ oo. F.'O gH .I- .t r|-l Fl o a o o ro !v I 4o I I F.l (D 'o o 6 d Fl o o 6)s Fh Fl o El H.l OF. Hal rro 0, !,5()rro oo € o ;t t'l t OI I .or ot Br rt!Ff O(l Cv trc rio o E4 !rO r"<rlF oo 4(D 0rr 6)<s ts.o IA ru ri qP.F}l oo E Fl t-t f?(,| 3> to E< 0Fl ,o r5 r5 rl!| rtt L[r IF '1 $o l-t I- t,' r?g) It o 3 o It cr o tn 3 tt tl o o. o a oq no D ?f1 'iD tr!r5 o It- it 6 {3. H fl 3 o *| lDr I r!;oi U)t &r or n o3 aLt *a= 5F i!Fn 5l!qo trt I' at 't tt ti !l € It D F{H 3t- aF-trtl?f?.D E It z II q, o v o vl F (D =o a v:_m rrl (-) >'r I =m --l m l-m o t- z i zt) nz >m -{> o Zaj a! m z x z i --l Zt--rc p< 1Z r -z h to F p r't r ftl r I oi<z =l>t>itrl<l> l'lol lc]l |n IEE n la,Y-; IJ. I l--l tt(D tk tFl i!l I'O I lfo I tl 3l=l .- lol to,l tol tol l€l t-l tbl o13 fi>-<F b ls l!rn I =l -l I I ()o (D C)o 5 (n r 5 o !.o i= B t>l-l> IO l< l= E : c o T TN 9 I l< ]P E -L]JT c)o z (t)-t v c c){o z !Irt fr =-{ < m co | --r =t- t- a<iir= ti *:e 16 z;= ln Qi"'|f;F' lf,l l= | --r L]L]E Or z= 22 oo z z r -{m I lor ll IP l? loo lo T n o L-m o I z o I ls tz bDT E! Es rDA HY t=lof o Bg;kio o F; = ll tl |:lle I tl tl x'o =^zo ?g z I czo zot a)=o:+ rm@ 3d* :1C O i=:; 2 VALUATION .:, i > -::.-:c >:i=a :-t;l > o>V :-i:-:E J''':J tr::-ll =a > a ! ,,= Fr 7i.>, m --'l z I I I I a o JOB NAME /'j i DATE i i.. -/i,i','i) READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: rr.rsltcnoN REouESr TOWN OF VAIL THUR FRI CALLER \.:\:": 'j . U(M," ':P! t .j,' l ' BUILDING: O FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FBAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V.ON / STEEL tr ROUGH / WATER O INSULATION tr SHEETROCK E GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB Ll tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANlCAL: EI HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D tr tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL O APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,*sllcnoN REeuESr TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR PM FRI BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: El FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING D SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr r'1 E FINAL Er FINAf ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL:. O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT C SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL D FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR 4' ,.',*rft"rroN "=o'Jist TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR,AM FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH i WATER tr FRAMING O INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: E TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING E ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr O FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR A 9 '^'* rrvsftcrroN REeuEsr A&uf X/\p124 .,r/\.-*\\ TOWN OF VAIL TUES WED__/ THUR FRI '- /c - ,v() INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON AM PM READY FOR LOCATION: tr tr tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr DISAP tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: VED oerc '7 - r' (.i ^ )' 2 rNspEcroR rr.rstcrtoN REeuEsr OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME CALLER, TUES TOWN READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:trun r''ihi) "t i' ! PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL d noucH / D.w.v. tr ROUGH / WATER INSULATION SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR a- - E CL o tt .o l-.{ :l<e lf6 t l-n o l:; I l.:.,t o t:i f-3 l-r c =. CL .D g o lt 3 o trER 3 tr\q' -'z=Z YP t- -n -o z= z= o6)z z t- TTN n P m o -t z N N ll N \\x\m =--l z o z.to ct (^, ol o o z Q {n c o {o z T m n ={ o z;-lc 3< -1 Z c) -m - /-\-7J ",>= --l o o> c)2" nz >m --l > o - =m -t (- z m v :_ifl t|l utA o>'r o'2 a-\ an m o - z c) 'Tl r z o ?{ te lf\ lr o a m l<IP l-t>lo t-> m a,<, l<t>l-l>p Pi R1 XT io >.n zo ?2 oo!Zc: ==zz N N m z m l- tTl (t o =i z n oz-oc)o ?9H ETF $--<>F q F; s 2" tilrF ==' 3 j oi (D>mc) o=(J3 so @O i z.c z = =o l s ?d=i EEF I a@91 3O<J7 n ts zz z m € t- m z. =2 l- m t'c -; 2 m o ;t-z m € -t m 7 o u) .l --.{ n m T v, m m m x1 6=R -n>; l- z U)c f- =z. --t o x z _o 2 a m o x c t- z m 3 = m = =_Tl m m (.t VALUATION {>F > =_i7;r,r ::;r!;ia< a 'i.lx =>-=2zz>za>=>, z; =6c!yi r', :- >r-i z: :> ocl- :3-E i rl>'--ii.: [il\ F3NN rN z =z --t --t o z z z I m -1 r m n = ='Tl m m a o t-m z m -i o m ^z m m € m o m : z n m m =m o z t- !t- 2 o =m - z t- f'c =z ZG,:'%'* - lJ- \ Oft fut'"f'4F - r-JLtt O f NsCcnoN REeuE sr& ,l TOWN OF r.z s t a,) VAIL DATE JOB NAME .-?, READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: z/o CALLER MON TUES /7'/. ^ "/" - THUR FRI PM /,,t BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr o tr tr n UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W,V. ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING tr INSULATION GAS PIPING O SHEETROCK NAIL POOL / H. TUB /r,*ot tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: o tr tr HEATING tr o o ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr/FINAL tr D FINAL X;nppnOveo tr DTSAPPROVED n REINSPEcTION REOUIRED t\ IORRECTIONS: - INSPECTOB DATE J- tr"-zq 4-tvo,!_fue,a (9,*1., U JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES ..WED THUR INSGCTION REQUEST TOWN O VAIL a tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED PM AM tr DISAPPROVED READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: BUILDlNG: tr FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB trD fl)i" ri ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER D HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR rNSeectoru FTEouEST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER I orHen E panlal LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR FRI COMM E N TS: AM PM STANDPIPE FrNAL r's PART]AI. LOCATIONI D nppRovED I DrsAppRovED ! RErNspEcr ! uporu THE FoLLowrNG conRECTToNS: COR R ECTIONS INSPECTOR lh.Dn^l.rt xr DATE rNseectoru FIEBUEsT TOWN OF VAIL DATE JO8 NATVIE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER /sxEETRocK VENEER - Rfi}F PARTIAL LOCATION, STAI.IDPIPE F|NAL wDcs PARTIAL L(TATION: H€ATIfI{B HOODS PARTIAL L0cATtor{: ! orHea I pnnrrar LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION rnr (lw'rv MON TUE WED THUR COMM EN TS; fJnppRovED !orsnppRovED nnrtNsPEcr ! upon rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR lh. p.rnr'v ,r DATE FIEOUESiT F VAIL E ornen fl pqnrral LOCATION FRI TUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM MON COMMENTS: fiaeeRovED ! otsnppRovED ,/LJ UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS fl nerNsPEcr DArE 3 .,.' ,'--, ,"-,7 { INSPEC'clN TO WN OF JOB NAME .' FIEEUEST VAIL DATE TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER n orsen E pnnrtnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION MON COMMENTS: TUE WED THUR FRI AM PM tr APPROVED E uporu rue ! otsappRovED FOLLOWI NG CORRECTIONS: n nerNsPEcr CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR o o -',:':.'l . "Ffl.r.):s,..\i- r.r .'5 . o Project Application Pro,ect Name: Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot I <*- { gbsl< (- oT (P , gtting Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board APPROVAL ""'.7/4of >d OISAPPROVAL Summary: Zoning Administrator Chief Building Ofticial