HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIGHORN 5TH ADDITION BLOCK 7 LOT 5 LEGAL.pdfJAH- t 6-61 A3 :4€ PE JAN.I6.2001 TUE IO;24 gN I1CRTER AIER ARCHITEC1S P.6r FAX NC, 9704760710 I nl eue)tlcni,i, (;Jtt the pldnnrrrg Sf.rfi dt.1/g-ltig APpI.ICATTON F$R DESIGN REVISW AppnOVAI itl:.t t ,i. i;ii:..r,.rJr.ll'/rx,rl ft| ri,. rjlJl_.,il. .l)-?ra t,f; *g,,..t i.rr: ..ii r'...rc, 6) : { it -tA Et-*?t,na,. 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'1. ;, I \ lr!lii! ,: Ilrlr"l l'li t ll li'l{,1 l.i ',i,',rr,,,1 i.,,ri; r';t l;fJo t,rr:rlirC|l r' )fo rew oulillnt], +5t, lritli r,q$ if / A(ldiu()lr whgre Sq'rart fqo{4ge ,:r rqq*': lo :rfly r"girj rjtiiil q .:nrtrr)tCrCiai bUlldnlg, teal Inr,lvri:s tlrif)ot iiriiige$ t0 bujldings lr1{l sit!: itnFrovet rrenLir sucll ,t\ rpl:o:iir,!1, p;ltrlrr',J,,../irrdoy,, o(ilion$i landi{aping/ fencct Jntl r',r ,ttltl4 /ti!il-i, etc. 'ri, i r(il :,,)r,, i.) tro pfrrl Jt the fiI)q) di r!l)$rrt( . l-,itir, 'rh;r) airptyino for a hrtild{r,0 peyrhit. ltlctrsfi klef'til i|n|(i'|l.)|ii\,.|it."1|'{'IiI|irri)r)|i)i"r'|l}{i.)|'y^0i'.]L|w|l|a!]][|$thF|te:l(:cc,rd|l19llJt,ie|'1It:(1v'l|a|l||' Fl.r',4,!,9 gUlrt{lt ?Hls AltPtICnl iot{, Al.L 5UEHITIAL REQUiSCHEIITS ; AI{O TIIE F[.I i'OTH6 OIPA*THTI,!f Uf COMMUNITY DfVEIOPMEN'I.. 75 9OUrh rfiOr.tT4SE f{t]6p, t'A{l, CotOnAbO 81657, i|1!tt f:i:tt6Li rt';Iipn ,[qxllr)t. BUILDTNG MATERIALS: LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL: Roof Siding Othcr Wall Aa., r, Ex isriul Materials Fascia Sot'fitn- Windows Window Trinr ,.Doors Door Trim Haud or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chirnncys Trash Enclosures Crecnhouscs Kctarnlrlg wat ls Exterior Lighting** Other + Please specify thc nranufacfurer's color, mrmber and attach a srnall color chin +*AllcxtcriorlightingnrustnreettheTown'sLightingOrdinancei8.54.050(J). Ifexterieirlightingispropos, plcase indicate thc nutlbcr offixhrrcs and locations on a scparatc lighting plan. Identify each fiiture fype and thc height above grade, lunrens output, luminous arca. and attach a cut shect of the lighting fixtures. COLOR:* Updated 6/97 PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botnnical Nanrc Con non Namc Ouantity Sizc* PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED: ' +Mininlum-rcQuircmcnts for landscaping: dcciduous trccs - 2 inch catipcr conifcrous trccs - 6 fcct in hcight ' shnrbs -5gallons - Tvpc Squprc Footaae CROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRICATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER. LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining waiis, i-enccs, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. ind.icate top and bottom clevations of rctainins walls. Maxinrunr height of wails rvithin the front setback iq 1 feet. MaxirnLrm heieht of rvails elscrvhcrc or1 thc propcrty is b ibct. ..t 'r' Updated 6/97 TEETS Rrsr Davef (TlZrtlur,ou tut BEGA Pendanl mounted luminaires with wide beam, round symmetrical light distribution. Die cast aluminum "heat sink' housing/ ballast compartmenl. Specular anodized aluminum reflector with matte clear anodized outer finish. Clear tempered glass enclosure. Color: Black with natural alumrnum. .-,_- r__- -l Lamp 8174S 1 t00w E.l7 HPS 20 la 8174MH 1 100w ED.17 MH tc 20 /,a 8500 8175P 4 26W PLC 8175S 1 250W E.28 HPS 20:1. 26 8175MH 1 250W ED 28 i.rH 201" 26 Pendant mounted luminaires with wide beam, round symmetrical light distribution. Die cast aluminum housing/ballast compartment with additional top light output. Die casl aluminum guard with lvhite louver stack inside clear cryslal glass with vertical structure. Clear polycarbonate plastic diffuser available - suffix PD. Color: Black with inside ot ref lector painted white. Lamp 8176S 1 50W E.17 HPS 2'15/a 17 t/a 8176MH 1 1OOW ED.17 MH 211b 17 3./a DEc- 13._gg A6:15 PM ,*'a P. e2 SCHEDULE oRDER NO. ! e2007839C2 DATE OF POLICy; January o8, 1993 at 4147 A}TOUNT OF INSURANCE: 9 6SO,OOO,OO A POIJICY NO, : O-99e1-320318 P.M. 1, 2, 3. 4. NAI'{E OF INSURED; BTGHORN 4792 LIYIITED PARTNERSHIP THE ESTATE OR TNTEREST IN TI|E I,AND WHICH IS COVERED EY THIS POLICY ISi Fee Sinp1e TITI,E EO THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE I,AND IS VESTED IN: BIGHORN 4792 LIMITED PARTNER,SHIP, A COLORADO LIUITED PARTNERSHIP THE LAND REFERRED TO IN THIS POLICY IS IN THE STATE OF COLORADO, couNTY oF EAGLE, AND rS DESCRTBED AS FOLLOWS: nesubdivision of LotE 5 and 6,Block 7, BIGHORN SUBDIVISION, TIFTH ADDITION,According to the plat thereof recorded December 30, 1976 in Eook 5sr at Pale 197 as Reception No. L47a74. STEWART TITLE OU^RAMY COMPANY COUNTERsIGNATURE DEC- 13-ee a627? PM P- At POLTCY NO. ! O-9981-320318 THIS PoLrcv DoEs NoT INSURE AGaINST LoSs OR DAI'AGE (AND THE CoMPANY WILL Nor pAy cosTsf ATToRNEYS, FEES oR EXPENSES) WT{ICH ARISE BY REASON OF: SCHEDULE 1. RIGHTS OR CLAIHS OF PARTIEg IN FOSSE8SION NOT THE PUBLTC RECORDS.2. EASEMENTS, OR CI,AIMS OI' EASEMENTS, NOT SIIOWN SHOI{N BY DY AHE PUBIJIC RECORDS.3. DISCREPANCIES, CONFLICTS IN BOUNDARY LINES, SHORTAGE IN AREA, ENCROACHMENTS, AND ANy FAC?S WHrCH A CORRECT suRvEY AND INSPECTION Of THE PREHISES woULD DISCIJASE AND WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS. 4, AI'IY LIEN, OR RfGHT TQ A f.fEN' FOR sERvIcEs' LABOR OR ilATERTAL HERETOFORE OR HEREAFTEF FURNISHED. IIIPOSED BY I.,AW AND NOT SHOWN BY THE PUELIC RECORDS.5. IJNPATENTED MINING CLAII{S; RESERVAT'IQNS olt SxcEPTloNs IN PATENTS OR AN ACT AUTHORIZING rHE IssuANcB THEREoF; WAIER RIGHTS CLAIUS OR TITLE TO WATSR. 6. Taxes for the year 1993, not yet a llen due and payable. 1. The effect of inclusions in any generil or speciflc vater cgnservancy, flre protection, ioil cor,servatlon or other diitrtct oi'lnclusion ln any water servlce or street inprovement area. B. Seservatlons and exceptlon6 in Patents, or Acts. authorizlnq the issuance thereof. including the reservatlon of the !|9nt or proprietor of a vein or loae to extl'a(:l; and renove his ore ffiiilir6rn-should the same be found to penetrate or lntersect the p;;;i;;a ai reierved in united states Fatent recorded septenbcr 13, 1902 in Boo)< 48 at Page 491. 9. Rcetrlctions as contained ln lnEtrunent recorded Novenrbet 25, fSOO in Book 175 at Page 445 as RecePtion No' 1o5oo1' 10. Easenentsr reEtrictions and rlghte-of-\{ay6 as.ghown on the P}-at --' ;;-Ei;il;;i1 s;bdi;iaj.o;i niiin adoirion re-corded as Reception No. 105002. 11. Orqanlzatlon of Gore valley Water Distrlct, Eagle county, recorded as ReeePtion No. 109835. 12. Ordler and Decree of the organlzation of the,Blghorn Fire,'-' pi"iEction-oiitiicl, -i"coideci-oJc]n[er g, 1e71 as Receptlon No' 11823{ ' 13, Easementsr restricelonB and rlghts-of-!.tays ae ghol.tn on the PIat of Resubdivi"ioi-5i-i6[s-5 ana'-s,-eiock 7, Blghqsn Subdivlslon' Fifth Actdition,"recoraed Decembe; 30, ls1 6 in Book 251 at paEe EXCEPTIONS HUI{EERED 4 & 5 ARE HEREBY OH:TtrED DEC-13-e€ A6:lA PE ATTACHED TO AND I.:ADE A PART OF STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY POIJICY NO, 0-9981-3203IS CON?INUAIION OF SCffEDULE B 197 as Receptlon No. 14?424.Vacatlon of Easenent located dlagonally beti,een IJotS 5 and 6, by various instrunerrts iecoraEd as follohts:June 30, 1992 ln Book 583 at page 609 as Receptlon No. 4792L5 ,JuIy ro, L992 in Book 585 at pa6e gze ls Recebtion No. 4A2O32 eugust 28, ].992 in Book 58? at Fage 343 as RebeptioD No. 453445 october 2 t L992 in Bool< 59o at page 657 as Recebtion No , 4A6756 October 2, 1992 ln Book 590 at pafe 558 as Receltton No. 486757 October 2, 1992 7n Book 590 at page 659 as ReceFtion No. 486758 october 2, Lssz in Bool< 59o at Pade 650 as necebtion No. 486?59 october 9; 7.9s2 ln Book 591 at rafe 210 as Receltlon No. 487309 P. e2 DEC- 1=-dA A6: 1e PFI P, a3 iritjl,,:. 0rc Zt // .r; iiir Tha underelgncd deelre to form the alghorn A79Z Lhultett Partnershlp (the I'Llmtted partnershrpn) r 19 a llnlted partnershiD pursuant to the provisions of the Colorado Unlforn l.,lnited Partnershlp Act of 1981, and ln connection therewlth do hcreby certify aE follows: l. The name of the Linlted Partnerghlp le thc Bighorn 479e Ltnlted Partnership. B. The agent for servlce of proceee for thc Lhlt€d Parcnershlp ls Peter B, Teets and the address 9f such agent Is 4800 South lafayette, Englewood, Colorado 80110. C. AII of the general partners of, thc Linltcd Pa*n6rthlt) and thelr nallJ.ng addresseE are as followe: Pcter B. teetg {900 south Infayette EnEIeHood, Colorado 801X0 Vlvlan R. Eeets 4800 South Lafeyette Englerood, colorado 90110 D. There are at least tvo partners ln tha lJlnltad Partnershlp, and at least one partner ls a llnlted partner' E. lhla Certlflcate ehall bc cffectlve aE of thc tine of flltng with the calerado secretary of state' Executed Lt.Ls 2)r&ay of December, 1992. ( at!t5a) tfAR-16-Br 71 ,2A en ',t SDOw Maxlmum lmpac{ |orcssure I 125 lbs/ft" I -:-tfLq'n: P.S2 ARTHUR I, MEARS, P.E.,INC. Natural Hazards Consulnnts 555 Counry Rood 16 Cunnison, colorado 81230 TelFa\: 970-641-3?36 rrlme;rr!@flrii.com February 21 , 2001 Mr. John Cefficarte Morler Aker Cole Archlteds 2271 N. Frontage Road W, vait. co 81657 RE: Avslanche hezard 8nd loeds - Teets remodel Oear John: As ygu requ€sled, the following describes the evgl€nohe hazard and r€commends mltlgrtion 8l ihe proposecl Teels remodel localed at 4792 Meadow Lane in Vail. The analysis ancl recommendalions 8re basecl 0n ourrent lorest condition and ree density 8D0ve lhe house and on Mortcr Akcr Cole plans rcproduced in this study. Any subslantiat changes to the lorest conditlon 0r t0 the plans msy Invalidate ihis sludy. Deslgn Avalenche Gonditlon The west exposure 0f the existing horrse dfld the pruposed addition lie Utnan 6n evslenchs "Drrre Itazarl aree," as defrned ln Town of Vail hazard regulations sectlon 18,69,020. See Figure 1 tor lhq tepographic sefling and Figure 2 for the detailed avalanohe map. Thc blue zone designatlon means that avalanche frequency is less than one event per 2,-year perlF and lhal impacl pressures on flal surfaces normal lo the flow direclion are less than 600 lbs/n', in aocordance rt/ith Town regulations. Tho 60-t0 foot high, sparsely-timber slape immedietely southwest of the slte has a gradient of spproximately 35'', and can produce small avalanches (snaw slides) durhrg perlods of cxcepion€l snowpack instability. These will impaol the southwest building walls wfth a force sufficl€nt to break windavls and produce minor slructural darnage, No €valanchos, however, have damaged the house since construction in 1972, which is suggestive ofa faidy long retum p€rlod. Based on numergus observations 0f glnall avalanches in mollon, I assume the foll0wing irnpact conc,nbns afe possibl€ during extreme conditions: The design-loading case, thereforo, assume dry-snow imPsci. lmpad wilt occur froql flnlshed grade to I feet above gr€de and witt decrease linearly from the maximum (141 lbslft) at th€ base ofthe wall to zero at a height of I feet (see Figuce 2).^ The av€rage imPec{ pfessure overlhe E- foot impacl height \rvill therefore be 141t2 = 70.5 lbs/ft' resulting |n e force per foot of wall length of I ' 70.5 = 504 pounds per running fo0t of wall length. Because pressure decfeases linearly wlth heighl, tho center of pressure will be 4 feet ebove grade and tho Overtuming momenl r€suftlng trOm aValanctre impad will be 4 ' 564 = 2,256 lbs.ft p€r foot of wall lenglh. All windows located within thg lower 8-foot impect height should be designed to withstand the impaci load speclfied (see Figure 2), Mar.r watti 2 . A*thrnchet t A|alanL'hz Cotttml Ewlnccing tlnR-16-61 1t:2A AFI . t't t P. 95 Avalnnche Hazard The avalanche hezard, if dosignioadino sp€cific€llon provlded herein arg fotlowed, will be oliminated inside the house as a result of the reinfsrced aonoiruation. lt will, in fea, be reduced from lhe potential hazard currenily existirtg, Furlhennore, the proposed construclion wlll not increase lhe avalanche hazard to adjacerlt public or pfivate property. Assumlng the hol. tub wlll remaln on the exislino dc6k, those using lhc hot tub coutd still be teached by snow Slides from lhe natural slope behind the house or from roof slides even wilh thc new conslruclion. Howevef, the hazerd to those using the hot tub will be reduc€d because the new patio, which is 0n grade with the hot-tub deck and jn effed extends ftis deck to lhe wesl, would c8tan mo$t 0f tne Svqlancne debris prior to reachin8 the tub. Plegse conlect me if you heve any questions. Sinqerely, OpfL^l1tutaqtud Arlhur l. Mears. P.E. Avalancne-conlr0l engineet fiAR- 16-01 't 11:24 At4 P. O4 ft Scrl. t ;6.000 Drtllt ll 2 t).iunrr wCSS{ l'fAR-16-61 Lt?22 An D' 'l:r' F.) 4!a BluzTaw P. e5 PROPOSED CFA. -^.-_- !'tAR- 16-B I 1t :23 Af4 ffi. *o1-sea vao:ng6n6no*p-&a'nctn oaf, uxte,tt ortne nrue natard zone, '^l-) -^.n^^ oi,,',uian va ical distrtbution ol loads. ffiiu'i lii [Hll Frarr ar' @;Bg,reg-. *.aa. E4tl '":::): ::' :,::i;;;"';;;; -,na "ecrion showins veilicat distributjon, FEE-27-@1 @5,3@ FROM . TOV-COM_DEV-DEPT . a 1D,97@q792452 PAGE 2/2 Ge3loglc Hazard Fevlew -o2,2!-et- (Date) Lor 5 rarul^,?t,.soe > (JQ2,{lLaars.J-/r\J y',<il co.FKrT (Legal DescrlPUon) The undersigned hasftave reaci t:e / pnur' Hazard Report, dated 19p1, prepareci by tAffe undersiand from dre conclusions tlral tre oroPoeed buildinE is located in a 6ltlf ._ - hazard zone, and there is the potential hazxd of Sf'.tnr . 1. a r-ro6 reaching the proposed house, causing damage. Vte are prepared to accept these tacts and S-IATE CF ./ \cc I a-' COUNTY Or /VtJ-?,vt,, ) . trhe fq:egoing i1s**C", was acknowledged before me this 2-a", U ]lltil:."ft__- byR+"a 8. rc"ts n",sY,r,*" R,Rtc, known to mb to be the person ' whose name's bubscribed io tre foregcing instrumeni and acknowledged to me that he execuieC the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. My commission expires: Edlth M. Dade, l,lotary Publlc trtontgpmery County Slaleof MaMand My Commlssion Expires Feb. 1, 2005 STATE OF COLORADO COUNTYOF The foregoing insirument was acknowledged before me this - day of known io me to b€ trte pe$on whose name is subscnbed to the foregcing instrurnent and acknowledged to me that he executed fte same for tire purposes and ccnsideraiion therein expressed- ftity commission expires: ) ss. c3tqtDs\lazsrd I0nnm TOWN OF VAIL APPLICATION FOR REVOCABLE PERMIT TO ERECT OR MAINTAIN IMPROVEMENTS ON A PUBLIC RIGI.IT.Of-WAY 5I!IS FORM CANNOT BE REDUCED (Please type or print) TYPES OF TMPROVEMENTS Fence Wall Landscaping Other +1- orA/NtrR OF pROptlRTy _Pmx_-_V'tfu, TFryrt ADDRESS Jta> f Az,,,a^. , /,,, r I-EGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY TO BE SERVED: LOT 5 BLOCK_Z_SUBDIVISION dza*,czv (lf necessary, attach description on separate slreet). Corner lot lnsicle lot X DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF STRUCTURE OR ITEM(s)INTO RIGI.IT-OF-WAY: 4 nmeq< Pt aa$4 Does structure presently'exist? Proposed date for comnte of constru ln consideration of the issuance of a revocable permit foi tfr6'strutcture aUove irulicatea, applicant agrees as follows: 1. That the siructure herein authorized on a revocable permit basis is restricted exch:sively to the land above described. 2. That the permit is limited specifically to the type of structure described in this application. 3. That the applicant shall notify the project planner and public works Department, or their duly authorized agent, twenty-four hours in advance of the tinre for cornmencemenl of construction, in ortler that proper inspection may be made by the Town. 4. The applicant agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town of Vail, its officers, employees and agents against all liability, claims and demands on account of injury, loss or damage, including without limitalion claims arising from bodily injury, personal injury, sickness, disease, death, property loss or damage, or any other loss of any kind whatsoever, which arise out of or are in any manner connected wilh applicant's activities pursuant to this permit, if such injury, loss, or ciantage is caused in whoie or in part by, or is claimed to be caused in whole or in part by, the act, omission, error, professionalerror, mistake, negligence or other fault of the applicant, his contractor or subcontractor or any officer, employee or representative of the applicant, his contractor or his subcontractor. The applicant agrees to investigate, handle respond to, and to provide defense for and cJefend against, any such liability, claims, or demands at the sole expense of tlre applicant. The applicant also agrees to bear all expenses relating thereto, including court costs and attorney's fees, whether or not any such liability, claints, or demands alleged are groundless, false, or fraudulent. 5. Applicant agrees to procure and maintairr, at its own cost, a policy or policies of iltsulance sufficient to ensure against all tiability claims, <Jemarrcls and other obligations assunred by the applicant pursuant to 0ris paragraph 4. Applicants frrrtlrer agree to release the Town of Vail, its officers, agents ancl ernployees fronr any and all liability, claims, demancls, or actions or causes of actions whatsoever arisirrg out of any danrage, loss or injury to the applicant or to the applicant's property caused by the Town of Vail, its officers, agents and entployees while engaged in maintenance or snow removal activities or any other activities whatsoever on Town of vail property, streets, sidewalks, or rights-of- way. That the permit may be revoked whenever it is cJeterrnirrecl that the enr::rcechnrent, obsr'ur:tlcr"l, cr otlrer sti'u;tule colistitutes a I iuisance, desiioys or inrpairs tlre use of the right-of-way by the public, constitutes a traffic hazard, or the property upon which the encroachment, obstruction, or structure exists is required for use by the public; or it may be revoked at any time for any reason deemed sufficient by the Town of Vail. l'hat the applicant will remove, at his expense, the encroachmenl, obstruction, or structure within ten days afler receiving notice of any revocation of said pennit. That the applicant agrees to maintain any landscaping associated with the encroaclrment on the right-o[-way. That in the event said removal of the encroachment, obslruction, or struclure is rrot acconrplished witlrin ten days, the Town is hereby authorized to rernove sanre and have the right to make an assessrnent against the property and collect the costs or renroval in the sarne manner as general laxes are collected. That the applicartt has read and understands all of lhe terms and conditions set fortlr in this applicatiorr. Recorciirrg Fee ior ilevocabie Rignt-of-way pei rrrit is $ i0.00 arrci,g5.0U ic.rr eveiy page thereafter. Make checks payable to Eagle Gounty clerk ind Recordei, Special conditions: 6. 7. B. o -i0. 11. l -4 l- /') -.''X t/pw* K..( <tj.s Signature of Property Owner (lf joint ownership, both signatures) APPROVEU: zlta/n( Date / Project Planner Department of Public Works PWFORMS/MISC/REVOCABROW.DOC REVISED 1t19t2oOO Date COPY a FILT TOWN OF VAIL Department of C ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us January 29, 200 i John Carricarte Morter Aker Architects 143 East Meadow Drive Crossroads at Vail Vail, CO 81657 RE: Teets Residence Addition - Conceptual Design Review (4792 Meadow Lane / Resubdivision ofLots 5 & 6, Block 7, Bighorn 5'Addition) Dear John. The Town of Vail Conununity Development Department and Public Works Depar$nent recently reviewed the conceptual Design Revrew application for the proposed addition to the Teets residence at 4792 Meadow Lane. Please note that the following comrnents are based upon the information provided for the conceptual review, and do not constitute a final review of this proposal. A complete Design Review Application, including all submittal requirements, must be submitted for further review and comment prior to Design Review approval, The following is a summary of the comments from the conceptual Design Review of the proposed addition: l. The site plan must show Limit of Disturbance / Erosion control measures. 2. A stamped topographic survey must be submined. 3. A Revocable fught-of-Way Permit is required for the planter located in the right-of-way. 4. The existing grade in the southwest corner of the lot is not at 2: l. If disturbed, the grade will be required to rctum to 2: I or retaining walls wiil be needed. This area and any retaining walls must be shown on the site plan. 5. Top and bottom elevations of all retaining walls must be shown on the site plan. Ifany retaining walls are between 4 - 6 ft. in height, a stamped approved drawing of the walls is required lrom a licensed PE. 6. All required parkrng spaces must be shown on the site Blan. (Please note: 3 parking spaces are required for this residence) 7. A Landscape Plan or Revegetation Plan musl be submitted. 8. The drivervay, at the street entrance, must be narrowed to meet Town of Vail standards. The asphalt parkrng space located in the right-ot--walr area west of driveway must be removed. 9. A 4 li. concrete pan with a 2 inch inven must be installed at the edge ofasphalt where the drivervay meets the street. The pan must be shorvn on the site plan. 10. An adequate snow storage area. rvrthin thc lot boundaries. must be shorvn on the site plan. {g **"uo" ru a TOWN OF VAIL Department of C ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us I l. Fire Department approval will be required for this addition, if the home does not meet the Minimum Residential Fire Departrnent Staging Area requirements. The sraging area and fire hose reach must be shown on the site plan. Review and correct all inconsistencies between the survey and site plan. Show all existing and proposed roof ridge line elevations on the site/grading plan. Also, indicate the existing and proposed grades undemeath all rooflines. This will be used to calculate building height. @lease note: For a sloping roof, the height of buildings shall not exceed 33 feet in the Two-Family PrimaryiSecondary District) All setback lines must be shown on the site plan. One set offloor pl:ns must be "red-lined- to indicate how the existing and proposed gross residential floor area was calculated. Floor plaus must be scaled and fully dimensioned. Site coverage calculations must be submitted. All existing grades rnust be shown on the topographic survey, and ail existing and proposed grades must be shown on the site/grading plan. All hazard areas and slopes of 407o or more musl be shown on the topographic survey and the site plan. A site-specific geological investigation must be complet€d by a professional geologist or registered professional engineer and submitted for review. A Geologic Hazard Acknowledgement form must be submitted. All outdoor lighting must comply with the Town of VaiI design guidelines. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to cail me at (970) 479-2173. Sincerely, zc///z_ */, rl_t___ Bill Gibson Plarmer I Town of Vail Enclosures: - Minimum Residential Fire Department Staging Area requirements - Geologic Hazard Acknowledgement form - Revocable fught-ot'-Way Permit form 72. I J. l.+. 15. 16. 11 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. {go"r*or^"o a lHE Ttto HosEs lr{JsT REACH AROUND HOUSE RREHOSE 1 15O' l,lN( LEltgIH ITOIES IHE FIRE TRI,ICX STAG|NG AREA MUST BE LOCATED ON .THE. DRTVETAY. SI,CTI'T}rAr II l{ S A 52' r.JS' USETABLE giE4E AREA AROUND rT, AitD SO II{AT BEftfEElI THE 'IWO' '50 FOOI LC'NG I.|C'SE CARRIED BT THE FIRE DEPARI}iENT, ]HE ENNRE PERIUEIER OF THE HOME IS COIGRED. THE I'INIXUM RADIUS OF THE tolF UNDER PRSSURE ts E \_ FlREiose 2 150' I'A( LENGIH 32' MDE x 35' STAdNG ARE\ I I ll I I I I I t I I I I I I Minimum Residentiol Fire Deporiment Sioging Area a Geologlc Hazard Flevlew (Date) (Legal Descrlptlon) The undersigned has,tave read the Hazard Report, dated 19_, prepared by l/We understand from the conciusions that tre proposed building is located in a hazard zone, and there is the potential hazard oi reaching ihe praposed house, causing damage. We are prepared to accapt ihesa iacis and request the Town of Vail Building Department grant us a permit. (Name, Owner) STATE OF COLOBADO ) (Name, Omer) ) ss. ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ Cay of 19_, by known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged ic me that he execuled the same lor the purposes and consideration therein expressed. My commission expires: STATE OFCOLORADO ) ) ss. ) COUNTY OF COUNry OF The foregoing instrument was acknowfedged before me this _ day of known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same lor the purposes and conside{ation lherein expressed. My commission expires: clCbrms\hszard ' ' ffi rowN oF vAtL rorwifv-fiilv3IE:'f AlflX,'"?l,ff il?Ft?!=,EiTg'J^li PUBLIC RIGHT.Of.WAY *THIS FORM CANNOT BE REDUGED (Please type or print) TypES oF |:PROVEMENTS Wall Landscaping _ Other OWNER OF PROPERTY ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTYTO BE SERVED: LoT _BLOCK SUBDtvtStON (lf necessary, attach description on separate sheet). Corner lot Inside lot DETAILEO DESCRTPTION OF STRUCTURE oR ITEM(s)INTo RIGHT.oF.WAY: Does structure presently exist? Proposed date for commencement of construCtrbn In consideralion of the issuance of a revocable permit for the struCture alove inoicate4 applicant agrees as follows: 1- That lhe structure herein aulhorized on a revocable permit basis is restricted exclusively to the land above described. 2. That the permit is limited specifically to the type of structure described in this application. 3. That the applicant shall notify the project planner and public Works oepartment, or their duly authorized agent, twenty-four hours in advance of the time for commencement of construction, in order that proper inspection may be made by the Town. 4. The applicant agrees to indemnifu and hold harmless lhe Town of Vail, its officers, employees and agents against all liability, claims and demands on account of injury, loss or damage, including without limitalion claims arising from bodily injury, personal iniury, sickness, disease, death, property loss or dairage, or any other loss of any kind whatsoever, which arise out of or are in anv manner connected with applicant's activities pursuant to this permit, if such injury, loss, or damage is caused in whole or in part by, or is claimed to be caused in whole or rn part by, the act, omission, error, professional error, mistake, negligence or other fault of the applicant, his contractor or subcontractor or any officer-, employee or representative of the applicant, his contractor or his subcontractor. The apolicant agrees lo investigate, handle respond to, and to provide defense for and clefend against, any such liability, claims, or demands at lhe sole expense of the applicant. The applicant also agrees to bear all expenses relating therelo, including court costs and afiorney's fees, whether or not any such liability, claims, or demands alleged are groundless, false, or fraudulent. 5. o. o 7. Applicant agrees to procure and maintain, at its own cost' a policy or policies of insurance sufficient to "n""" tg'ittst all liability clailns' demands and other .t-rig"ii"". "..rnred by the appiicant pursuant-to- this.Paragraph 4' Applicants furlher agree * '"iti""" itttirown of vail' its officers' agents and #fi;;""'r;ilr"v "-"0 trrii"r'irliv, "i'**' ueqr,11o1,31actions or causes of actions whatsoever aflsttrg o; oiiny damage, loss o.r iniury to the applicant or to the applicant's properry .ru.ii nV fii" Towri of Vail' jts officers' agents and employees while engaged rn maintenance or snow rcmoval activities or any other activilies whatsoever on fown ot Vait property' streets' sidewalks' or rights-of- way. Thatthepermitmayberevokedwheneveritisdete.rnrinedthatthe encroachment, osstruction, oiother structure constitutes a nuisance' destroys or il;;ilh;;t; of the risr't-o=t-w'v uv tt'" public'.constitutes a traffic hazard' or the property upon which tt" """t1'"Jnt"nt' obstruction' or structure exists is required for use by ttre puoiic; or it may be revoked ai any time for any reason deernecl sufficient by the Town of Vail' That the applicant will remove, at his expense' the encroachment' obstruction' or structure within ten O"vt "tt"i t"""iving notice of any revocation of said permtt' That the applicant agrees lo maintain any landscaping associated with the encroachtnent on the right-of-way' . That in the event said removal of the encroachment' obstruction' or structure ls ""l".""tpfithed within ten days, the Town is hereby authorized to remove sanre and have the right to malie an assessrnenl against the properly and collect flre costs or removal in rne same manner as general taxes are collected' That the applicant has read arrd understands all of the terms and conditions set forth in this aPPlication Recording Fee {or Revocable Right-of-way Permit is $10'00 and'$5 00 for every page thereafter. Malte cnJcis'i"vJr" ii' Eagle county Clerk tnd Recorder' Special conditions: o 10. 11. Date Date Sionature of ProPertY Owtter (lfjoint ownership, both signatures) ,4PPROVED: Project Planner Department of Public Works Pw/FORMS/MISC/REVOCABROW.DOC REVTSED 1/19/2000 FIL E COPY TOWN OF VAIT Department of C ommunity Deve lopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 138 FlX 970-479-24s2 www. ci.vail.co.us March l,2001 John Carricarte Morter Aker Architects 143 East Meadow Drive Crossroads at Vail Vail, CO 81657 RE: Teets Residence - Proposed Addition (4792 Meadow Lane / Resubdivision of Lots 5 & 6, Block 7, Bighom 5'" Addition) Dear John. The Town of Vail Community Development Department and Public Works Departrnent recently rcviewed the Design Review application for the proposed additron to the Teets residence at 4'192 Meadow Lane. The following is a summary of the comments from that review of the proposed addition: l. A 4 ft. concrete pan with a 2 inch invert must be installed at the edge of asphalt where the driveway meets the street. The pan must be shor*l on the site plan. 2. The Limit of Disturbance lence needs to be adjusted to meet the Public Works Department's requirements. (Please note: No work is allowed outside of the t'ence.) L Some form of erosion control at the west end of the culvert near the drivewav must be shown on the site plan. 4. A check made out to the "Eagle Count_v Clerk and Recorder" for the amount of S10.00 must be submitted for the Revocable Right of Way Permit. 5. The Meadow Lane right-of'-way must be identified on the site plan. 6. A stamped approved drawing from a licensed PE is required for all retaining rvalls between 4 - 6 ft. in height. A separate stamped approved drawing fiom a licensed PE is rcquired lbr all double tier walls. 7. All required parking space areas must be identified on tlre site plan with a 9'X I 8' box for any enclosed parking space and a 9'Xl9' box for any surt-ace parking space. 8. Fire Department approval will be required fbr this addition, if the home does not meet the Minimum Residential Fire Department Staeing Area requirements. The staging area and fire hose reach must be shown on the site plan. 9. Identiry the existing and proposed grades underneath all rooflines. This will be used to calculate building height. (Please note: For a sloping root, the height of' buildings shall not exceed 33 f'eet in the Two-Family Pnmary/Secondary District) | 0. One set of floor plans must be "red-lined" to indicate how the existing and proposed gross residential tloor area { GRF,A) was caiculated. GRFA calculations must be submined. {S un"uoru"" TOWN OF VAIL Department of Commwity Deve lopment 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 F/4X 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us I l. t2. 13. t4. 15. 16. Floor plans must be scaled and fully dimensioned. The site plan and landscape plan must be drawn at a scale of l"=20' or larger. All easements must be identified on the site plan. Site coverage calculations must be submitted. Roofpitches must be identified on the elevation plans. All hazard areas and slopes of40% or more must be shown on the topographic survey and the site plan. A site-specific geological investigation must be completed by a professional geologist or registered professional engineer and submitted for review. A Geologic Hazard Acknowledgement form must be submitted. Outdoor lighting details must be submitted. (Please note: all outdoor lighting must comply with the Town of Vail design guidelines.) GR-FA (i.e. the lower level exercise room) is not allowed to be located within a setback without the Town of Vail's approval ofa setback variance. 18. r9. Ifyou have any questions or comments, please feel ftee to call me at (970) 479-2173. Sincerely, z--z-L- Zz.4-L Bill Gibson Planner I Town of Vail {p *ro"uor ro Monrrn ArenC-ou Anc n I T Ecrs A Professional Corooration MEMO 2271 N. Frontage Road W. Suite C Vail, Colorado 81657 970/476-5105 97014764710 Fax Email: mac@morterakercole.com Date: 04119101 Project: Teets Remodel Subject: Drb approval From: John C. Carricarte To: BillGibson Biil, I have revised our drawings per your comments; I have changed the pitch on the roof located over the master bedroom down to 8.5:12 this will bring us to the max height of 33'. I have also revised all of the comments from Public works. As you know we are looking to file for permit on Monday so I would appreciate your help in getting this reviewed ASAP. Let me know if you need any other information. MorterAkerCole Architects John C. Carricarte 041901drb-doc z0NEcIIICK I'Datc: 7/4/nt Lcgpl dcscriprion: Lot filn Block 7 Fihg Addrcss '/7?Z m,^s-. t - Osncr Architctt Zonc disrrict ?/5 Lot sizc /8 cf7 Phonc Phonc hoposcd usc Brrildable arca 1!! Ailorvcd .E$sting proposc<t Fob Totaf CRFA 3"fi + ifu =j!jE_ -.'- \ PrinraryCRFA _+(425)(675+)=_ --_- + Total /-X- Z Encloscrl Proposcd Slopc .=--.-% Rcmaininq qJ3t 20' ,li' l5' r 6amgc Crcd.it Drivcrvay Conrplics Mrb TOV Liglring Ordinancc Arc finishcd gradcs lcss than 2:.1 (S}yo) E nrironrn cntal,&Iazards (300) (600) (900) (1200) Pcrmjttcd Slopc % Ycs__- No Ycs--._- No 2) Floodplain 3) Wctlands 4) Water Course Sctback (30) (SO) ^Jfh 5) Ccologic Hazards a) Snorv Avalanchc b) Rockfall c) Dcbris Fiorv Prclious conditions ofapproval (chcck propcrg filc); Scrondary aRFA Nfr4 + (,12j) (67j+) =__4/A_ t/a + a, /n = ,,/4 d/A * 675 = 425 crcdit plus 250 addition Docs this rcqucst involvc a 250 Addition? n^ I{orv much of tirc allorvcd 2i0 Addition is usc,l with this rcqucst? p/A Sitc Covcragc Hcight Sctbacks Landscaping Rctraining \\'all Hcights I'arking (30x33) Front Sidcs Rcar Minimum 3't6' Rquired ? Is thc propcrty non-conforming? Dcscribe: DESIGN REVIEIV CIIECKLIST Projcct: Q SURVEY -1- Sc.rlc -/- Bcnchmark 2 Lcgal descriprion ! LorSizc -/- Buirdabrc Arca -r'- Eascmcnts ,,/ Topogaphy lL 100 yr. flood piain AIL watcr Coursc Suback e Enviroumental Haztds A { Trees .l- Utiliry locations -/- sporclcvarions Qfl:;" Q SITE PLAN -t/ scalc J> BuildingHeight I -d Encroachmcnts ^/.tg Sctback -A sirccovcrage /r-/ EavcVOvcrharrgs(4,) J DcckVBalconics r,/ . Oaragc conncction -{._ Site cra<lc\Slopc Q FLooRPLA}{S -/ ,^" O cRFA, tlL 250 additionat cRFA J- Crarvl\Attic Spacc ih EHu Q BULDINCELEVATIONS / scalc / :- ColorWaterials D Roof pirch 5f r,o','rosc;EPLAN J Existing Fccs Lcgend J Stohgpw) 4. -tL proposcd trccs MISCELLANEOUS ' ,lrr., ,^J tfr Condo Approval /_!-_ Tirlc rcport (A & B) I Ca Utility.vcrificarionfonn /,/ p[otos of sitc ,/ Building matcrial samplcs ,lr t4J! C.O. Vcrification I ^Itr Siur\ShadcAnglcs Utilities (un dergroun d) tL Parking/Garagc 4lt tL Rctainingwatls !E Merv corridors J Fcnccs P- varianc"s Tuming Radius Drivcrvay (access aud gradc) Snorv Storage Firc Acccss , l) Plat rcstri cti ons o DEPARTI"{El{T DF [0M],{Ulllff DUVtt0Pl'{Ul'lT I{[JTE. THIS TTIh{IT MU$T I[ Pt| 'I[IJ ON JO[ IITE AT AI.L TIh{TS ADD'ALT 'FB IIUI[T} P[NMIT Wea- -4F*M[ADOW LI{ VAII {?Sl.{edovr[,ne ?10t1310{005 01/252 2001 I'horic: a -.*. r0firmfirArr M S.FIONTAGE SOAD vAIt, [0 g165? 9?(t-4?9-3U.S JtlA&ers. locatbr--.: PmctlHo..: htf,t{Ho. i.rmR blguto{ ,t?tZ Ll lll !8 '-T|l PPlitrj,aj|.r: tf'I0ilic t'|I] ;0051 Llcettse.llNl?AflTlPlfJS0tTt{SlflrTlfi.l q1.,?5,"}001 Phonp .?t'Nl1-1001 P rl nl:{ ,"4iq tnil. r!. lli.ll lil-.ili 6lr5! I l.snso ?ll.l ,_, iPPl lftllT NF.trnl illi:TTimT.tl 'l{ ''r,'ll}01 Fhcn' rrTfi 8{r, ififil } l.c. l|.i iri! I V lL. r].i I rRlt {? I - inSt trr'58 l. ': 'F'|rio 't ' rt I Descrigitn I. dd'lrtlul to oxlsr,llrq Stt | 0cr.rryany. n3 SirrtFandyRe*kct 1 t*Ccrffrdim: VN TypVllcrrBatei I I Vilebr $425,tm.t[ Ad$qFt: 1Sl2 I rtbtr ltla rn rtrr r' l ? r lncl ? a Y I rl0rtATlhrrtrr: 'trrrr'rr. F[[ IM M A RY I I!rrr!,t fh! iittre r t oltl|' lrrr' 0 | rl lrnd lrlht' 0 <.tt\d B\tt$ sdT; L+& Ptrmi t.I.(rl-t{u stdsi...: Aded..: Irrrrd ... Ex1*et...: I$'UED wfrInfrl 0$rSlanr il,l4rztu ,{ 1&4Jrs il.i!0 !n li. rs 5?00 00 5??l 8n 51 0n :i,E{r,.m I AI. APPR Aplrtc,valc: tl rrll u6 -- ' flr l Crter , lltltlllIlt!!' lrll C r !l St.lib.{xr Dl8 te t 4tr fr0 larrtrllr! la.. . 5]ir ,:hrr rl leto:rt : luIALrt!s T0trl i;rl;rirlra lrar- ) Aaarlurrl[!t) - .-) lrttlP!r!rt F ! r... ..'. ) htotrll .... .r 8.r!.\ [c! DUt ."..; 5l,E{0.&} $rd s3.0.m 53.810.n0 50.m Itef 05100 ltlltt lNl DSI'rXnt${i 0:,,01./2001 iM 8 .l { rio ln MI) 05./03/li]01 JM Ites: 0540,i1 !'LilN{llS LEl,\ifi{}II 05./l i/?001 t{ I leu: 05500 FIPJ If,PARIm{I I ler: u5500 IU8LIC |{n&9 ir) tuN TD ltt'{ fftD Act ian' Action: r.r.lra||.rI..rl.a.raa.r..raa...r.a..aa.r..r.a..l.arrrraaralaalaaaaaaa.a Scc plgc I of tlri; Docurncrt fol tny conditianr tlr{t mn!' vgrply to t}rir pcrrnit. nr{It^qngTIo}r3 IWrd*norabdqethdlt!ilwredtln:Epirthtrr,tlhdmilnhlltherlmndxrrn4rrd,carpFtedarwrrdefiflarardndetttdfie \ 4D v o Bu\'*'a'/ ^qL 6tat'Plil v\ L ' Datc; Sepr;mber 24. 2",01 Project; Teels ltrsiCe::r,s Werithei; Srrr:n1' To: iUoflFr .4ker Co lo .{rclritocts 22?l N. Frontage Road \llest Suite C Vail, CO 3lC5? Anr: Ir{r. iohn Car:-i;;ute . l'iDllRlE f lEl'iELL i I r')\.$T {l "l ij,E Fj ta ,,{' '.tr "{i \ ii ]iloriroe c* |le.a,eli E:i.gin€€rn. lr,c. n3/'?g,t ll0: :4: 58 B0D0[J8 E o FAGE U l,r B-r i a:l/, i,(r1!:{'.lo C *tvc:, i:ola:i1C.J l-r illo.. ar n"r, io ETETD REPSIiT Plo.1a:t 4513) l-Ocaltcll: \ au.. t-Luolado Ten4 r .10' at l]:0f .+.ir'I, The lbLlc,r'r'ing \ ras nr-\16,1; l, All fiaur:.:ig rvas ir, pJrce and ne;ri i c-rnp.trti: l. Seve:;a.l brits harl nc't yir been installeti in the r;teel connecrors ibr the tirnbul roof beams, All bolts :hall Lrc installed pe,: tl:l cotslntctiL\n riraurings, ?.. A1 t5e upper lev';l lVt0x33 flcot beam a:rd at tire (1)- lVSx!4 rccf beams rolts shail be ins:eiled rc, the t1)p prl:rto per secii.crns 1. 2. and l 4 cn S3.3. 3, Blrrckiug shall bs installed behr-r:en al1 fiocr joi.sis i,andlevenng r-.\r'er the nor-Ji wal- of tredroonr 21i. B l,rckrne shail b,+ located over lhe e'xtEn0r \t'xll 1. Steel angles haci not becr: provid:ri at lll rafter ro beam corLteciicns. At thesir lc'c:rtiot-s (4)- 3" scrarr, s arrd (2)- i 6d nails had been tt''e rrailtd fronr llte rafiet to ths bgam. Thts c,rnnecti0n is ao,iquats wherg tliir raftsr lengih dner; not exceri l'- €"'. Aii:afters exceeding this lengfi shiill b: i,o uected wiih :r slo:l angle as llpically shorvrr in roof details. i. A *.cb stiffenel:ihall be pro'r'ideC in tbe Llerrter of d)e \\'l4x?6 iteel l-.eam as shorvn in Secdcn 6iS3.0. u, u i,. . r)r: l l A e ' 4 e f/ e l l . { o rn l0 [:icnr.hrr.rrk i.oiC r s:r!Ie 20.;.I O. Bo:( 15?] e Ai(:n Cnl3r',r(., d.l$!tl (o:8j 04!-lle B. F-tX(9:!') ,{f-+'J:.i . gm'.lj:: !r'(j(r€rn}rir:e'lcr''cll c:or 89i 2-/ 2A0i ijl: 58 888 o 6, 1 Hangers shell ht,insiallod on oach e,fld of deok j'rists as shtllr':l in t I on S3.3. Tire exisiiiq ClvlU wall was not grouted. Cn.orrt k'd beon ndded lo CIr{U under aii new IS c.oiumn lqcaiiorls. CIvfiJ shalt *lso be g:nutod luder tlle nerv (5)- 2x4 colusm rnd under each enrl of the LSxd lintel. GrOrri sball exlt,trd irorn tho new ]oad to rhe boilom of the CMU wall" A minimum of 1" non-sh$nk grout shall be int;talild letu'een all TS colurnn base p)ates and concreie or :nasoruv supports. The Shadec Fortion of the upper loval tlOor had flo ! beerL blocked ai panel edges per n'>t+ 16 on sjreet S2.2. Also, tiu contia+tor hquireii about the sttent of the wall sheathirrg on the adjacent silqu rvall, Flease see tho artache,l detail A showing thr reqrrired b'locking of the floor sl-eafiing and rhe sheu qrail reguire tent:l' The (?), 1. 6" VL roof beam over fio vroll betrrem the library and :1,bff caf6 (shctt s2.?) wa$ jrltsnded ro reltr cm the ne",\. glu-lam bexru. dirr:ctl1, over th+ new TS colurnn. Hovevs.r, this V L bEan: had bee:n irrstalled to the east of the n+'r TS orrlumn aud supp0rted on a (5)-2x6 srucl paol: cojufur. Thc ct''niractor shall ve.ri$ that ihe (5)-2:(6 oolunur is ]ocateil in sn intedor \('ali with g-rpb'oalti oti each side lnd bears direclll' on the .,xisting cosL'tst1) foundation wall below ' The 2x10 roofj0isto Ovfi the libta4, did not p>lten<[ to bsar cn the (-1.r-15" \iL bcarn as ,letaihd in sectxrn 11 on Sj,-1, llio joists hrrd bserL toe nililed to e lx10 ledg*.r sittilg cu ihe (3)-1 6" Vi- trea-in. Ihc !x t0 lceger shall be fairtened to the ?x4 d*ck wall with (?)- lficl nails per s'.utt. Also. sloped Simpson U2I0 hangers shall be insta'lled cn eac'h joist tc) ;he 2x10 lerlger, ,At 2 locatior:s atr exisrin-t upPer level floor joir;t iri.d been c.r:t to accommodats the ncw loof rafrers. Thrr floor jcist was loe naih'd tir r sin:Jle 9 114" VL sparining benveen rhe i.,vr) adj accut j ',ri it.r. Al additiorrai 2x10 shtt. be ir.stalled beside eacir joist su1:porting the \zL simpson u210 hangers shall bc ilstallod frot:r the cut jcist to the vL and inrm each end of the VL tc lhe idjacent joj.sts. The cogu actor rlquired about an cxistrng upper le','el flool-ioisi that "'"'as spliced betleen tl:e er.terior bealing rvall ancl rlie inrerior be:ring u'alL. Aneri'2x10;oisrshorldbe instnlled besjdo tlds spiiced joist. Holes l:,a<l been ;ut in the cxisiing upprr ievel fioor;oisrs. Thc lalgcst holc site rvas 2" diamcter ard wt.$ located betwern 1' anC 5' fr,:m ,he existing north exteriolrall, The lxisting flcor joists arc suflicisnl with thew p()neiatioll$. Custc,m saddles haii been prr)vided at the boucrln cf 1w0 of lhe 6xl0 stLtdy rocf raiters to iire glu.ian1 beatn, The coutraltor Sh,all rerify thet the saddlqi aro hung frOur the tOp of t):e gh-r-lam bcarn or boltecl to rh,l Elu-latl witlL a urinirr:Lrn of (a)- ?i" diatneter bolts specEd 4" epart a:rd 4" fonr the bottom cf the glu'lam bctm' 41, 10, :1. 1. 1? 1t i5. t+[r.lR]E ].lgrdELL PASE 0 i,'Es o SecTicrrr ,u=ttr.lrrr 1{:5e 0288ts801 IqONR]E NEI.JELL'PAGE 84/ t15 I6. Simps.,rn HHLTS : l0-9 hanger h{id boen installed et the ;op ancl brrftom of ti:e 6xL 0 study rcof rafters. Tl:l,r!e colxleotions rfic sufficifirt Jbr t:e ra,ltcr. ll 1J -,'Jt/14{C l4-,.,r,'4 I Gerda Lange Enginen 0atr0$flLr i. 4.,lvionroe ff I\ewe.u . En€lneer$, Inc, l\'.ut il*i_rc i.lL lJtL-L. ill(:'lxE! E] ri,ii.ri;"".ii * : .,- .-i "l .f,-"t.- i- -i- . .--,*i' -r- ' -i--! , i . I i , ,-i *1 --"r-ii- -: ., -",-. ,,- "i :-i " :--! i----:'-i*r*'n, co,'tcr.'.. ';ir'*L ..i,e: €j'+h . .' :Li: i :l^i r,, " rt, i l,rr;a. ir^:Js i,c".l " i i'a:i ' , , o i" i r", i ; iil::lil,,,l I : i i-r I -i i-i*-*, 'i'" ,.:'r.ri*i;; i- r'-" i - i"". i .i" 'i -i* -".':"-- ,["+torr1'tLi'"0+'r.iv;]aJ :l.u.ii* i , i" I -€.u'rii':,*,,.,.i. I i i i I I ", .- -- --.-"i-r-r i', i" i i "i " i 'i ' ' -_' -f- "_i- I ...:....... ........1., ... i* '....,1,,..,.. ..t" . -- r" --. irs l 1! t) | | ,'{ iir I l /ll i.t' t- I i.r''i r'i.^ *. .l.Fi."-.....':;1\..1. tt:iii:: l '' ':. .j ! '--.t : . lr,:l i I i' -, --t , i i'- r"*:"' i '.' , ; ' 1....i.. i i..1...;...:i :ii:i' i i. '"-' - i"' ^:- i I i ,-r I - l-" i-"-l'- i -'-- i 'i "":1"-.'i""-"i t.: iil:i r . ,l , . i. -. .- -i, . .i-- ...i. .,. .;.. .. .. ,....,,..... 1]', .-..:..i::i ii -iJi'.J """- --r ' "r ..-i '"i-" l--":--"-'"i *l'r"-1i , lr*; :c -.c.lli n-:- . i I I ,: v, ' "' "l -li ?= t.. rd 4',;.r" I . .., ,. . I : '/( , ! . t , t: li /[ i*.:tr.l ro, i i,: ;-"1,1:i j+- r,sd n,,, i"i li i i lii i] i1,c-Jfl !o"yj;t", : . ..' ; i/.i il , l':i i,- :iiiLli r? r I iT:Fri i ....i. " . : i "r-""1i i:i i;!,''-i , j i -i "- -'..l - -i. . j. ,... ,; ..\::i: ""r --l- *i -'-l -- I - i"Ll.r",. - ':, n i, t .+n 5*rir :. atl.?..,.1. :itl -.r-r^tll ....vk.l ... . il: lr.r .....'.*tl4.t Ll(: '1 -l ' ,: .... .ii.-:":i?;4-.d......0.?'i!..tli{i......'I r: I i ,.,(',ts,c i&i.,:,; ;.. 1,.t. it ,' i,, r/i,', ",-i .i , ,. /-. \.v.c.+ f . ll; .. l,!.1 :,.r..r:.. -ulli+\r r I : .t-r 'l i I i I ' lr I i r.i i )-',,Iri.;=j,;. ',-,. :i rl.. ru,;'u, s, il".. i{- ,.,u. i: . .,!j ,i, ;ii i::Iririli"'1.,i :r+ii t-,lirr"- iii,.tj:. r"i,t,.,"ii. , ...i.... Lt! I l! : .,..+- .-' -, Fir - i.:t.r:..' ..... 1,,. ,, ir,l.:1.. i . ri:i.- :::::-i {..i.1-. i.-: 6: i : i i ltl. ji ,i ''.i- l . I i ..1 .. ... ..i......... .. ... l i a*o,.,, n.,.,.^1\ i)ln 1.r l^, ,, l^ l, 1." i al, i, , ,, i,,,- I <,i.^...r*.-. I t^ir? C::r, s ,f i " ; -i-"i ' $ l8Vo8c d'ilL APPLICATToN wrLL NotBE AccEprED rF TNcoMPLETE€F#i= II Building Permit #: 97 O - 47 I - 2149 (Inspections) ,IOWTIOPUAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, etc.! CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Contact and Phone #'s: Pou,e v 7 t 'Jr./ ,/3 r*t^ t General Contrador:Town of Vail Reg. No.: ?'fiT7 p7,, ,y,, COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (LAbOT & MAtCTiAIS ELECTRICAL: $oTHEBi$ .74, ft PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $ z I .J -^ -- ^ For ParceI # Contact Eaole Countv Assessors il Parcef # e,Ot /?t 6t1 Oo{ |(application will not be accepted witl \,4 D )'v Job Name: Eerl {v 7;*ry&iWt, <,A-.t€ Legaf Descrrptron ll Lo.:s-t(, 1 BrocK: - -y - Z.affiffvton or^r*o 7- ' owners N" uDETz" TTrzT5 ---=--t4iiEff_ ,--_PhoneyT6-664.3 N'hteWWer A/t.,- 6,*yiffi,AA '{4 a*il G,Phone'r/,?e _f/ of Engineer V, o, /or- l,lrzz,t yt-et 4ZdIff|>'W?o A,n^L (-Phone4qg_Z?q Detaitec description oiwoltc A,OA, fi- {lf ts r,h-z- Sr <tar* t24a tcf ft*-eZ WorkClass: New( ) Addition$d Remodel ( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) WorkType: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Aotffi Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family p{ Two-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: I No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/TvDeof FireolacesExistinq:/GasAopliances( ) GasLoss( ) WoodiPellet( ) WoodBurning!!) No/Tvpe of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances (\ Cas t-oqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Woqd eq!!!!S-0OT ALLOWED) Ooes a fire elarm Exist: Yes ( ) Notxl ll Ooes a Fire Sprinkler Sytt"t E"itt' Y"t ( ) NoY ) :t***************r.**'r**,r**!r,f :r*********oFOR OFFICE USE ONLY****************;.********************* Other Fees: DRB Fees: Type of Construction: OccuDancY Grouo: "**fii!;l?|,p,R242001 o t, 1 o ,,: .i:,a* TOWI\{.OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 ELECTzuCAL PERMIT Job Address: 4791 MEADOW LN VAIL l.ocation.....: 4792 MEADOW DR lsfjN:: pftfrfr'fii'B CONTRACTOR DOIIBI.,E Q EI-,ECTRIC P-O- BOX. 242 EDWARDS CO 8J-.632 License: l- 90 -E APPLICAM DOIJBLE Q ELECTRIC P.O. BOX 242 EDWARDS CO 8L632 License: L90-E o,*. rurr oF .'MMLTNITY DEVEL'PIilT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: E0l-0182 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 08123/2001 Issued. . : 08124/2001 Expires. .: 02120/2002 08/23 /2O0L Phone: 910-148-9780 08/23/2001 Phone: 970-748-9780 Ot\tNER BIGHORN 4792 LP 08/23/2OOL Phone: ].11]-8 CRIPPLEGATE POTOMAC I{D 20854 LicenEe: Desciption: TeesAddition Valuation: $15,000.00 a'ira**r**a,taa,*,***r:r'tlt*tl*aaaaa'.*att...a...:.artrat********,ttt:t*t**r** FEE st.MI'IARY f,,l661risal-> 52?0.00 Total Calculated Fees-' S2?3 . 00 DRB Fe€-> lnvestigalion--. > Will Call-----> 90. oo s0.00 93.00 Additional Fees-----> Toral Pemril Fee-, Pa)'men(s---------- ' BALANCE DLTE--_.: 90.0o 92?3. oo 9273.00 TOTAL FEES-. 5273 . oo Aoprovals:If.6m: 05000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMEIII| 08/23/200I JHM Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BI,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hoeby acknowledge that I have read this application. filled out in full the information required. completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply rvith thc information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the to\,\.ns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Tou,n applicable thereto. X 4,.W s NVIIWYANIY cl-16tr ;s( Building Permit #: Electrical Permit #: 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Town of Vail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: 9o 9-SPf,t nature:/..'" r*i FEET FOR NEW BUILDS ANd VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN ELECTRICAL VALUATION : $ Conbct Offrce 328-8&tO or visit forParcel # Job Name: T€-eTg Ro Detailed description of work: Work Class: New ( ) Rddition 64. Remodel ( ) Repair $Q Ternp Power ( ) Otner lZ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( )WorkType: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Both( ) Type of Bldg.; Single-family prf Duplot ( ) MulU-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of tuistjng Dwelling Units in this building: it for a hot tub: Yes Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( 7 No ( )Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ) Fileveryone/forms/elecperm oo oo ?lt * "?oI f.t^ I I TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 otO"r"r oF coMMLrN,r" orurrorffi NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M0l-0115 Job Address: 4791 MEADOW LN VAIL Status. . . : ISSUED Location.....: 4792 MEADOW LANE Applied . : O7/24l2OOl Parcel No...: 2 l0l 13 104005 Issued . . : 0713012001 Project No : ? f-; r',r -cr r r 7 Expires . .: 01126/2002 orNER BTGHORN 4792 LP 07/24/200r Phone: 1]-1]-8 CRI PPI,,ECIATE POTOMAC MD 20854 License; CONTRACTOR LORTON PLUMBING INCORP 07/24/200L Phone: 970-328-5900 P.O. BOX 3535 EAGLE, CO 81531 L.,icense: 210 -M APPLICIMT LoRToN PIJUMBTNG INCORP O7/24/2oot Ptrone: 970-328-5900 P.O. BOX 363s EAGLE, CO 81631 License:210-M Desciption: Teets Addition Valuation: $20.000.00 Fireolace Information: Restricled: Y d ofGas Applianccs: 0 # ofGas tngs: 0 # of Wood Pelld: 0 ,***rr**+**,rrr**rrrrr*rarri'*r'*r'..'r.'l'*'l*r+r********trr'*'r FE,l.: sl MN{ARY Mechanical-> 5400.00 Rq(uarant Plan Revierv-l Plan Check--> 9100 . oo DRB Fee------------- Investigation--' Will Call---> So. oo TotalCalculated Fees-. 5503.00 S0.00 AdditionalFees-- 90. OO 'I'OTAL FEES--------. 9503.00 Total Permit Fee--' S503 .00 Pa\.rnenls-------:- BAI,ATICE DLTE--_ i s0.00 s503. o0 s3.00 Item: 051-00 BUILDING DEPARTMEI\m 07 /27 /2OOL CDAVI S Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT CON'DITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG. ) : FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:. 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 199? IIMC, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BI-,DG. ) : INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANIIFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 OF THE T997 I]MC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG.): GAS ApplrAl.lcEs s"aOlvENrED AccoRDrNG ,o .*ntll*o srrALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN Cond: 29 (BI-,DG. ) : ACCESS TO HEATING THE 1997 I]MC AND CHAPTER 3 Cond:31 (BI-,DG.): BOILERS SIIALL BE MOUlflTED ON FI-,OORS OF NONCOT{BUSTIBLE CONST. IINI-'ESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.)r PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRrOR TO AN INSPECTION REQIJEST. Cond:30 (BLDG.): DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAI ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER STPPIJY BOITERS SHALIJ BE EQUTPPED WrTH A FI_,OOR DRArN PER SEC. t022 OF THE 1997 tMC, OR SECTION 1004 . 6 0F TrrE r.997 IMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the inlormation rcquired, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inlormation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws. and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes. design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQLTESTS FoR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY"FOITR HotrRS lN .{DVANCD BY TELEPHONI, AT 479-2138 oR AT otrR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 FM. SEC.8O6 OF TIIE ].997 I]MC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 199? IMC. EQUIPMENT MUST COMpLy WITH CHAPTER 3 AND S8C.1017 OF OF TIIE 199? TMC. 'IURTI OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNE OO **'l* * '***'i ** +lt*'| ** * ** **** * **'* *'t'i t*** *t * * ** * *!t * +'r **** * * + ** * * | * + f**+* * +**** *'t *'t* ** * ** * * {.* lr,}* * +* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemenr *,t't+ * ***+tt'+*+'|*'t+****++*!r*'|***'l+++:ht+:*:i****** +* tr**** * + i +** **t * +**** * '} ***lr* a * +* t *'*+t i *i ** + +r.* Statement Number: R000001142 Amount: 9503.00 07/30/2O}LOS:42 AM Palment l{ethod I Check f nit : I,c NotaEion: #4532/LorEon Plumbi.ng Permit No: U01-0115 type: MECIIANICAIT PERMIT Parcel l{o: 210113104005 9ite Addreae: 4797 ITEADOW LN \rAfL Location: 4792 IIIEADOW IJANE Total Peee: $503.00 Ttris Palment: $503.00 Total AIJL PmtB; $5o3.OO Balance: $0.00 **l ***i a'f * * t*t* t ** ** +'t **** * * *'t * * t * +t* * ** *:t** + * {r't* *** * ******+ *** *'} * *'*'t**t ***** **'t** **'i***'r*t {t ACCOI.]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Pnti MP OO1OOOO31113OO MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES 4OO.O() PF 001000031i2300 PLAN CHECK FEES 100.00 I,'}C ()()1OOOO3i128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.()() BE ACCE APPLrcArroOl*ot TVWNOFVAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd, vail, Colorado 81657 97 O- 47 I -2149 (Inspections) PER Permit will not be accepted without the following: Provide Mechanical Room Layout drawn to scale to include: Building Permit #: Mechanical Permit #: ROUTED TO: DATE ROUTED: DATE DUE: nical Room Dimensions rstion Air Duct Size and Locati /ent and Gas Line Size and Loc oss Calcs. nent Cut/Spec Sheets "l'nnl'dl5 Ir lvr ,eaqle-county.com for Parcel #'tc varrrrtllt A9.'g9J,ut t tJ,rce at t/u-526-dolu or Yrstt vvw Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) Job Name:-r EET.= K_e:>Job Address:4+qz v\alcoa LN. Legal Description ll Lot: ll Block: ll Filing:Subdivision: Owners Name:Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work:aS'-=f:uu r\au\ RSu,sr:r- (-t-<-t,fi '.Jt'Sievr -r-<rA.- tr\\i-frorl - WorkClass: Newfi Addition( ) Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Boiler Location: Interior b<l Exterior ( ) Other ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) ruo M Type of Bldg: Single-family!] Duplex( ) Multi-family ( ) Commerciat ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: N/A No. of Accommodation Units in this buildino:r',in No/Type of Fireplaces Existing: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet { ) Wood Burninq (l ) No/Typeof FireplacesProposed:GasAppliances(l ) GasLogs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurning(NOTALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No (y4 CoMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAT PERMIT (Labor & Materiats) MECHANICAL: 5 7p,6;6-tC-t JUL U 4 2001 l'lechanical Con l -tr: Li,'?s(-' \:i \L.-v1C>ytlr, -I Town of Vail Reg. No.:--ir.; 3'L CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION *******x****************FoR oFFICE USE ONLy*************x DRB Fees: F: /everyone/forms/ mechperm ********** oo sr^ r oo cill+ $b''bnt t P.3 3200 Ba3*EE HEEEE EEEEE EEFEE HEEHE EBH HEE bHE EEH v,zE EE HFr HF FA }lqf EB H Et JET U5:,. HI EEI I I I I t I { E rEl sEE:l -€x:1 eEEnl 'EE*l I I H HEFEH gEgEg F Eg U Qx f 2,,s !-j6 BE Fg o z rgE EE:I €EEE F 0z Be EF 3A FEg oqFl B-e hJ F. r- h){cr{(tg\!C't 6JOqlOs O\{(rN OtJ!D{-l OlOr.J5$ ts,E|r.eaEdtst LgEXEEI E; BF E: :=?HE6 = 3 ao H F dt il i -*rdi-r-rt-O. (., ro i rr.\,{ o, { t^ i- oo N { i/|r i, r, C) \a'€e|DeutrrcDirl[uro\aLr i-Ot. r- L. lJrrr.rF. O{('r b) ti tr p r.r r.,rr .l' 'J F. r^ F F. E 55OA\+.,rO6t^ta( iJ gun,r.rl*!-*ll r r ll Ei @reFFo55S ESSEEEEppp E55SS35FEE F.o 9.o g\ ra o ral all' l.t !.t h) r-r ts rr rlsul I <'\ \O ONI \Ct l.J g\lr8 <<g >>>u7 ah u)J rl .-l FSF EEH EgE EEN EFo' /6 EB rtE |J 9ss= | Fhuh I F E$gg' ts t- iJ Fa lJ It u (Jr tt 1/l GO(2Oe Pi'!|\)|r tal.,t \A FFF HHH r)oo >>> EHf; EEE >>>UUU v)E E E E F F H F H p E a F E tsl F p F E rA H p r H EI F Fx 3f;8 :=B EgE HHf;o 8('89o F. l- F. r- F.tt t,(r t .a ooooo a ! E E[ FE It o I o\ s rri E F neEEeeHHE H: H EE Eg E 7 JUL e3 2001 1214.0Pt1 5646e87 - 3/e8 USA/CDN O Buderus HYDRONIC SYSTEMS Installation, operation and maintenance manual Gas hot water boiler G 234 X-Model Boilers WARNING lmproper installation, adjustment, alteration, service or maintenance can cause injury or property damage. Refer to this manual. For assistance or additional information consult a qualified installer, service agency or the gas supplier. CAUNON The operating manual is part of the documentation that is delivered to the installation's operator, Go through the information in this manual with the owner/operator and make sure that he or she is made familiar with all the necessary operating instructions. ,@) \E::-,/ Notice: This manual mrJe retained for future reterencf 2. Dimensions and sunply connections 44222 Fig. 1: Front, side and rear views, measurements in inches Dimensions boiler size boiler input BTU/h boiler oulput BTU/h inches vent inches minimum reliel valve cap. lb/hr number of bumers boilea water volume US Gal. dry weight lbs 38 160 200 129 700 25.6 7 130 3 6.1 487 45 186 700 153 600 25.6 153 3 6.1 487 55 228400 187 700 29.1 7 188 4 7.1 562 64 266 400 218 500 32.7 8 2't8 4 8.2 684 Table 1 Diagram 1: Pressure Drop 1@ 500/166 700 BTUitr (Size 38/45) / ,/z6e loo ETuttt ' (size s5) t.*TU" Ie6{l o a o o (r) at aD E (L t.8 Flow Rate in GPM 17.6 69.? 3. Boiler description Tho boiler is supplied in its carton with a built in draft hood. gas burner and control, jacket, documentation packet, tiame rollout satety shutolf switch and vent safety shutoff switch. The following items are shipped in an accessory cartons: - Pressure relief valve - 3/4" elbow - Vent damper : Drain valve 314" The following optional items are available: - Circulator - Gleaning brush 4. lnstallation This boiler is approved tor installation in a closet. There must be allowable access of at least 33 inches in tront of the boiler for servicing. Minimum clearances of 2 inches trom the front, right and left sides; 6 inches from the rear ol the draft hood; and 30 inches lrom the top must be maintained (Fig. 2). The boiler may be instatted on a combustible floor. The boiler must not be installed on carpeting- Transporting the boiler Transport the boiler to the installation site in shipping carton. Remove banding. Lift off carton. Remove bolts from under pallet. Lift the boiler lrom under the side panel and slide to side of pallet. Push a pipe under the boiler as shown in fig.3 and roll it on pipes to the installation location. Move the boiler to its final installation position. lmportant Always protect sheet metal parts, gas pipe, burner and conlrol panel. Never litt the boiler on these parts. Installation surface The boiler is extremely heavy when tilled. Before instal- ling, it must be determined thal the floor can carry the load. Unpacking parts before installing Unpack all boxes and cartons and check that all parts have been delivered using the packing slips provided. Each boiler is checked and tested carefully before leaving the factory. lf there is any damage or parts are missing, inform th€ supplier without delay. Before throwing away packaging material, check it caretully tor parts. Fig. 2: Closet clearance Fig.3 RELIEF VALVE e+- Fig. 4 - oo Gastite New Produ!BULLETIN Un 0as ll|Pi ss0 Packa A complete "Stab-0n" Polyefhylene Oas Piping System For Underground Applications . Designed, tested and certified for direct burial . Eliminates corrosive threats associated with metallic piping . Lowest installed cost compared to other underground gas piping materials: r Continuous lengths of flexible piping . No rigid pipe cutting, threading and welding . No protective sleeve required . No heat welding typically associated with other PE piping systems . Minimal tools required . Assembles in minutes with f,ermaserto stab-on fittings. riterexcorporario".uoQ"o*street.sprinsrierd,MAorl04.uoo-uur-oro! q,A$I"if."9 I turur Gas Sizing Tables tor Pe Pi? Maximum Capacity-(cubic ft./hr) (.60 specific gravity oas) LP Gas Sizing Tables for PE Pipe Maximum Capacity-(mbtu/hr.) (1.52 specific gravity gas) Pressuro of '11.0 in. WC and a Pressure Droo of 0.5 in. WC PermaserP system code specificatigns: . M€ets NFPA-58 and NFPA-5,| l,.o *nn "ao ' Me€ts ASTM 0-2513 -6ted with tApMo/upc o . Made in U.S.A. TOWN OFVAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 8I657 970-479-2138 Jl*rrr"r oF coMMUNrr" orurrot*, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M0l-0215 Job Address: 4791 MEADOW LN VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location ....: Applied. . : 10124/2001 Parcel No...: 210113104005 Issucd. . : ll/06/2001 ProjectNo : Expires. .: 05105/2002 OWNER BIGHORN 4792 LP LO/24/200I Phone: 11118 CRIPPLEGATE POTOMAC MD 20854 License: CONTRACTOR HEARTH EXCHANGE, INC. (THE.I 1-0/24/200I Phone: 97o-82't-9623 P.O BOX 570 MINTT'RN, CO 8 r-64 5 License: 174 -M APPLICaNI HEARTH EXCHANGE, INC. (THEI !0/24/200]- Phone: 970-827-9623 P.O BOX 670 MINTURN, CO 8164 5 License I a74-M Desciption: INSTALLATION OF FIRE PLACE Valuation: $3.000.00 FireDlace Informalion: Restricled: Y # ofGa.s -,\ppliances: 0 95o. oo Resluaran Plan RcYiew-- 91s.00 DRBl;cc----------- $0.00 s3 - 00 ir of cas l,ogs: 0 # of Wood Pellel; 0 50.00 Total Calculated Fees-: 978. oo 90.00 Additional Fees_- S78 .00 g?8 , oo 'I'otal Pcnnit Fec------- $155 .00 FEE SI:N,IN{ARY Mechanical-- Plan Check-- In!'esti gali on- Will Call----'Paynrents----------------- 8.,\1,;\^rCl'l Dt rll--------- Item: 051-00 BUILDTNG DEPARTMENT aO/24/200I DF Action: AP Item: 05600 FrRE DEPARTMETiIT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond:23 (BL,DG. ) : INSTAL.,LATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1-997 UMC, CHAPTER 10 OF TITE 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 s156.00 FO. O0 (BLDQ. ) : TERMINATE Cond: 29 (BLDG. ) : THE 1997 Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOILERS SHAI-,L BE MOIINTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. IINL,ESS LISTED FOR MOT'NTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. Cond:32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQI]EST. Cond: 30 (BLDG.): DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOITERS SITALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. 7022 OF TIIE ]-997 UMC, OR sEcrroN 1"004 . 5 0F TIIE 1997 rMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application. filled out in tull the information required. completed an accurate plot plan. and state that all the information as rcquired is corrcct. I agee to comply with the information and plot plan. to comply rvith all Torm ordinances and state larvs, and to build this structurc according to thc towns zoning and subdivision codes, dcsign revierv approved. Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQTTSTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE N{ADE TWF,NT\'-FOT]R IIOTiRS IN ADV.I\CE BY cAS AppLrANcEs sJBE vENTED AccoRDrNG ro cHApl B AND sHALL AS SPECIFIED III SEC.8O6 OF THE 1997 l]I\,tC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF TI{E 1997 IMC. ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 AND SEC.].017 OF UMC AND CIIAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. t AT 479-2138 OR AT OtrR OFFICE FROM 8:00 A.M - 5 PM. CI'OR FOR HIMSEI-F AND OWNE flQ-==ffi :f"ffi,r,Ii% Mechanical Permit #: 97 O-47 9-2149 (Inspections) IIJ/Wtl0F 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado o tr tr P't accepted without the following: scale to include: CONTRACTOR INFORMA Mechanical Contractor:hatl €to/e*,- -/, Town of Vail Reg. No.:/7?'/,/Contact and Phone #9; fqt 927 %21/ €27-V222 Contractor Slgnature:ti''tttr(-effi{E COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT bor & Materials ConEct Assessots Office at 970-328-864O or visit for ParceI # Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit *ls FroviaeA aOove) too*u ., /.,fS l.trjrL_Job Address:4 r?c Z--,_2,_ .1 _ Legal Description lf r-ot: ll etock: I riling:Subdivision: Owners Name:Address:Phone: Engineer: ll Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: /l _ (_ NYttJr-t \ t)CI-- WorkClass: New() AddirionX) Ateration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) BoilerLocation: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Other( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg: single-ramily ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) commerciat ( ) Restaurant ( ) other ( ) No. of Existi;rg Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildinq: No/TypeofFireplacesExistinq: GasAppliances( ) GasLoqs( ) Wood/Petlet( ) WoodBurninq( )-./aa€ Nofl'ype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances 0O Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Buming (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood buming fireplace to an EpA phase II device? yes ( ) No 00 Other Fees:Planner Siqn-off:Accepted By: DRB Fees:Date Received: F; / everyone/forms/ medtperm f*. I Iss art 'i I it r.t 1t'* I ,d .4f !,tt't '*..t' it o TTZA:i{6{ -- lnspesilon nnqu-est nepoEng- strq-sili -- ^- --i-t{aiLf,a.i-d$tfl:hF --*-- R€{iuestec Inspect Dd t+s : ftlspEdllon Argai SlFAddr€ss: $orrd8y, 0ecembff 24, i.llol JRff 4I9{ MEADOIV LN VAL ,i792 frteadow L3ns dtflA-!@rtr3gs! A{rMV. Cond Typ$: F,trt€l: Oryner: Conbrclor: Appllcan!: Ee*dpdon: Nolice; {hrnment Camanent: Bo1-tnai Type: ,+BUIL D occrpancy' ?10113104fl)6 BIGHORN,{792 LP NEDAOCO'iISTFUCTF|.I NEDSO COi{STFUCTOI'I addilbn to sxh$no Sm Pbffio rrclg rrquiierncnq in DRB opprovoi - LCAIIPBELL TO JR 43ry0t . LAAMPBELL ..celv6d on {24 routcd to Gary on 4?501 in e.m. - LCAMPBELL Sulrr: inep 16q' ISSUED JRM Ptlone: Phon€: 97rF84$rmt 9ru-84$tml Req$enled Inep€gUgn{ E i Item; 90 SLDG-F|n f Rnoueslor : NEDBO COI(STRITCTION Ascign'gd To: CI)AVIS R€queshrt Tlme: 0Erd) Alf ' ohone: 9?{>84$tm1 EntercdBy: OFLORES K ('0//,( (ill/lt a Aston: __-- Tims €tp: 0$v rc ( larteL,,( s *rinl u r/ennuh €{c _ --- t)0rtc0/t{c,r'ntirr"l l'iandrul/ott #qi r 1o / ,"/ Liaddrar/o,rt rTqir Io ,.-?_ i ) ,tnC0t41(/7n/ | r ( u/(rr lete I u( u71r,,/e ar exr-tf inq tt-.t ,.^/-7\ ,l ,nspecdonHr,o* 4:i'oi!5ffi5 a/ql4t1f ock 0/t -/out(' n€,n: ro B.-'G-Fc.^^{ssrsr * toar&- tb le ( d o ol $ r'rt'e{ial' fV/"'a ."HlJiti i'ffi i#TEr****i.J #ffi t S#"RauEvo I fr1 -l-h t'r rn'b 0613,(J ! hcooctot: knl ActJort: AP APPfiIOVED / - ncrn: 2o "."d$ii"&ffiffit*trflSHfSF"rorER I uln a/4 r 4frria .- 0&:2tli01 hro€df: SRG -' Acton: CSf\DAPPRAVEDCONDilTIoIISI Comm€n$: Alsb toE conraaor b havc $tftJrlrral *ngfDes hspcct fr sub.n[ dampcd oboett €tlott trFrt - twl *sll$ wilh e oraat dsil ol rd|rforcjNo. ./- ,t / / -OWDT;or ln4paclor: -$U -Artlon: P|PARTTALINSPECTK}t*(-OU?/ f P fL Coflrnenrs AItpRBpADSC.OIUMNSFOFi ENTRvSTTRSEaSTEND, z, - -' .' I ttam: 3P *E;mrP';*,.-;*1f,r*= ^*"", * * ";.r(u t Sli nr an '/i ,tl,l/- COMNTA'IIS: APPF.OIGD PET\DIT\'O TLC FFPRGVAL.'TIO FJRTER \TYOFI| AIPIYE9I'T'NL LC,'S J , fffilt".or,rrNBAsEsArco rcRErE wots2lu|f Ch AnA AUf /"f .ADO FRES$URE BLOCKII'IG AT ALL FLOOR JOIST EEARbTG AND SISTERED AREAS !rsm: Err e..DcFrr*u'torimucruRAlEhlGhEERcoRREcrlo*silADEsEERLEFoRLET in ,r(4 {1015'01 lnrpector: ART AL{on: ApCR AFi: ftOVEij CC{+REC TlO0l REO.S !rsm: 60 ",-ffiF;iT[166 **i ffi:I* reepresrictd oet]rGtiuto'r *'pecu'ii' /u ?' ch a n )cu /10/iry01 hrDocbr: CUAVIS Atlioi-' '+F' APPR <tuEO //--' .1 .- .-l commerus: VAFOfi BARRTER ADDED ,l L/ u /t/ I Itnn: ?o ELDGMlrc * 11 ) .-, -,+ ,.''- -reili gii er-reFiirlr -/ l/ O O I c{/,a ftsm: 21 Pt-Al+lLc Feundrtlon Ptsn * Approved * -l l , f " -_€,7d--Y"lYdaa{-, REP''131 fu echmi ca / (oarn nY$;;tr .qub fypei ,4.SFR [&a: v N i:1-;,'i-;!:1; i f:ag* : ;{"il cTl :f ,i.!iur'.icj: i1fr* TOWN OF VAFL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 Mechanical-> Plan Check-> Investigation-> Will Call--> 922 0 - 00 Restuannt Plan Review-> $s5 - 00 DRB Fee---------> $o . oo TOTAL FEES-------_--> $3.00 $0.00 Total Calculated Fees--> $0.00 Add t'onal Fees.--.-.> $2?8.00 Tolal Permit Fee--> PaYments-'--_----2 BAL{{CE DUE---> olo***r oF coMMUNrrv nevn'ot^r NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M02-0168 Job Address: 4791 MEADOW LN VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 4729MEADOW LANE Applied. . : 0811312002 Parcel No...: 210113104005 Issued . . : 0811912002 ProjectNo : 1165()( - o(\ 8 Expires. .: 0211512003 owNER BTGHORN 4792 LP O8/L3/20O2 Phone: 1L118 CRIPPIJEC'ATE POTOMAC MD 20454 License: CoNTRACTOR r-,ORTON PLUMBING TNCORP O8/t3/2O02 Phone: 97O-328-s9O0 P.O. BOX 3635 EAGIJE, CO 81631 I-,icense:210-M APPL,ICANT LORTON PI-,I'MBrNG TNCORP 08/L3/2OO2 Phone: 970-328-5900 P.O. BOX 3535 EJAGIJE, CO 8153 L License: 2LO-M Desciption: INSTALL NEW HYDROMC HEATINC BOILER FOR MAIN HOUSE ALONG WITHTIEAT EXCHANGER FOR DOM WATER Valuation: S1 1.000.00 Fireolace Information: Restrict€d: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofcas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 $2?8.00 s55.00 $333.00 s333.00 Item: 05100 BUIITDING DEPARTMETiIr oa/LL/2OO2 GCD Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENr CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (Br.DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRSD TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIICE. Cond: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 I]MC, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BLDG. ) : INSTAI-,LATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER ]-O OF THE 1997 UMC, CIIAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC, Cond':, 25 ', (BLDG. ) : GAS APPI-,IANCES TERMIIiIATE AS SPECIFIED Cond: 29 (BI-,DG. ) : ACCESS TO HEATING EQUTPMEIiIT MUST COMPLY WITH TIIE 1997 T]MC AIID CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BI-,DG. ) : BOILERS SHALIJ BE MOIIMIED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. ITNLESS I.,ISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBI,E FLOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE AIIAI-,YSfS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRrOR TO AIiI TNSPECTION REQUEST. Cond:30 (BI-,DG. ) : DRATNAGE OF MECHANICAIJ ROOMS CONTAfNING HEATTNG OR HOT-WATER SUPPIJY BOTLERS SHAI-,L BE EQUIPPED WITH A FI,OOR DRAIN PER SEC. LO22 OF THE L997 UMC, OR :'-:T:I.::?1;-l---"-l--TI--'--?3'l"-Ijl'++++l*||t|'*:|'.+*:t*|**:i*'*+*,}t||t.tlt**,l+tt|l:tt:}|.****|+ DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this strucfure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review apgoved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS N d)VANCE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. SIGNATURE OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF -CIIAPTER CIIAPTER CITAPTER o SIIALL IN SEC BE VENTED ACCORDTNG TO .805 0F THE r_997 uMC, OR I BND SHA[-,L 8 0F THE 1997 rMC. 3 AND S8C.1017 0F *+*** ** **** * * * ******* ** ** * + + * + * * * + * * * * * * * * * * ********** ****** ******+** * * * + * * * * * * *,i * +* +***,t*+* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement *** **** ** ******* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** **************************,**+ ******* * **t*++*** ******* Stsatement Number: R000002900 Amount: $333.00 08/19/2OO2L1 :45 AM Pa).menL Method: Check Init; DDG Notation: Lorton Plunibing 554I Permits No: M02-01-58 Tl4)e: MECHANICAI PERMIT Parcel No: 21011-3L04005 Site Address: 4791 MEADOW I-,N VAIL, Location: 4729 MEADOW LANE Total Fee6: $333 .00 This Palment: $333.00 Total ALL PmEs: $333.00 Balance: $0.00 ******* **** *** * * *+***** ** *t * * *** * * *+++*1.* ** * *** **** * * ** *,F* ** ** * *** ** **:1. * * ** ++++i.i.:l*** ******* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Pmts CL OO1OOOO3123OOO CONTRACTOR LICENSES MP OO1OOOO31113OO MECHANICAL PERM]T FETS PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES |/\lC OO1OOOO3112BOO I^]ILL CALL INSPECTION FEI 55.00 220.00 55.00 3.00 \ Permit will not be accepted wi$out me follor^/ina $* Project #: Building Permit #: Mechanical Contracton \- LcrL.-[C |..j Y.-.'-;trR U'rtr,Esr oz Town ofVail Reg. No.:Contact and phone *,s:S-ru 3zB 51oD COMRACTOR INFORMATION COMPLETEUOa r&Materiats) Conbct et 9 it0-3 28-8il0 or uisit work: =AS-nt-u--G ^lrlc *=..=1p-$rrt\ HeJi-r EietrN\(FL g-,K fpr,r, tJ MA{N t<-r.5=- A.<-ly-t Wo*Clus' N"*( ) Addition( ) Alteration( ). Repair( ) Ofirer Boiler Location: Interior b{ ert.ri* 1-y -Gr"1 1 Does an EHU odst at this location: Ves ( ) flo ryryA{ oupr*r r No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this UuifOlng No. of Accomrnodation Units in this building: Noffype of Fireplaces proposed: eu, n Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Ir ahit . *r*E l(*:*'t*****iusEoNLY*:i*,|.*|**'r*iC*****,ft'},t*:**:t:t!B,},*JF*'( F3leyertorc/folm/m€ehpcnn G234X and Gflileries Fig. 1 Rear View Fig. 2 Side View Dimensions in brackets apply to G334X models. Relief valve installed on Door (clo6ed) min.2" Fig, 3 Front View supply header. Allow 33' acce5g lo. aervlclng Fig. 4 Top View (illustrating closet jnstallation) 53/4'{41/2 ) - 2222222 7 min.2" Series G234X Model 38 45 55 Irn 73 #! 116 itz AGA Input MBH 160 i 187 zz.o 266 I 301 378 476 I u2 DOE Heating Capacily/ Gross Output MBH 130 154 188 219 249 314 396 451 Net l-B-R Rating- MBH 113 '134 163 190 217 273 344 392 AFUET/Combustion Eff.I Yo 84.3 84.1 84.8 84.3 83.5 82.9 83.8 83.2 Boiler Height H lnches 381t2 3l1tz 381t2 381t2 403t4 I 40 3t4,40314,40314 width A Incnes 253t4 253t4 29 323t4 343t4 413t4 '483t4 56 Wdght Lbs.487 487 col 684 /cd 930 1093 1265 Flue Diameter lnches 7 7 7 9 10 10 Water Content Gallons 6.1 6.1 7.1 i 8.2 9.2 11.4 13.5 15.6 T-------T------ Gas Connection lnches NPT 3t+ 3A 3n 4q 1114 11t4 11t4 11t4 Flow Resistance at 2o.FAT I Inches w c' 16 1 22.1 ] Zs.: I 28.e 32.1 ) +q.t E,4 a 60.2 .The Net l-B-R Ratings are based on a piping allowance of 1.15. Consultfactory before selecting a boiler for installation having unusual piping and pick-up requirements such as exposed piping. t AFUE Ratings apply only to boiters with an AGA input below 300,000 Btu/hr, .13 $iq (^ t^ o,) c^1"t Buderus 16 lndustrialWay.Salem, NH 03079 Phone: (603) 898-0505 . Fax: (603) 893-1055 Website: www.buderus.net Subjecl lo allerations without notice. BHSG234XG334XBR.2 1/00 HYDRONIC SYSTEIVIS 1'TBS.,lsocalo" SU 1 60..l|951 Domeslc hol water outlet AB AB EZ EK,EL tl ez vs Screw-on feelsupplied with SU, smaller ST models, L and LT tanks.Legs supplied wih larger ST tanks. "TBS-lsocal@" L1 35.... 1T300 25u" I Y - mar. T','" L models designed for stacking G124X gas boilers. LT Technical Data "TBS lsocal@" SU, ST. L and LT 1' 1" 1111' 11n" 1' 1" 1" 1rr.. 't" 1" 1' 1ri4. 1'2,N, miu. P&TlRecircuhtion retum Boiler waler supply Eoiler water rctum Cold wale. teed/ Domestic hot water d|ain su160 sT200-sT300 sT401-ST751 ST951 All ULT models All models su160 sT200-sT300 sT40r-sT951 All L./LT models SUl60 sT200-sT300 sT401-ST951 Nl ULT models Advantages oJ Buderus Thermoglaze@ Insulated Hot Water Tanks EKiEL SU16O 1' sT200.sT751 11,4"sT951 11,r' AlluLTmodels 1rr4" oil boilers. . Constantly available hot e'ater at the turn of a rap. . High densiry fluoro -carbon free bonded foam insulation for better mailtenance of stored hot vr'ater temPerafule. . Economical-better insulation, optional recircularion of hot water back to the heater. . Large surface area heat exchanger for excellent recovery rates. Heat exchanger size increascs \',ifi tank volume. . Corrosion Protection-dre , /F\tJu(Jerus l bermoglaze" process prorects thc interior of rhe tank from corrosion caused by most rypes of water. Tbermoglazee is a nomogeneous, permanent prorecrive coating, bonded to the interior of rhe metal tank. . Easy access cover for cleaning of coil and tank inrerior ,/--- . Standard Magnesium anode( rod for active corrosion protection. . ST models available with electric anode. . Horizonu.l tan-lis for small tbotprint, venical tanks for rmproveo recovery rates. . No aquastat included. . Logamaiic or SPJOD prioriry con- trol available through Br-rdenrs. . Tanks adapt to L4006. (Not available rhrough Buderus). ' Ercluding screw{n leet. " Allweighls are 5% higher with packing rnate al. "'SU160, ST20SST300, all L and LT rmdels: ResidentialTanK are delvercd wfl outer jacket inslallod lnterior dimensions are nol applicabte La€e ST models: Jackels and insulation packaged separalely. t Requred boiler oulput to achieve stated conlinuols ratings. Size p|]mp in order to gel rated tank oulputs. tt Allow 15' above lank for anode .od removal. Buderus HYDRONIC SYSTEMS '16 Industrial Way Salem, New Hampshire 03079 Iel: (603) 898-0505 . Fax: (603) 898-1055 Website: www.buderus.net {-__ models designed tor stacking G115 Application "TBS-lsocal@" SU, ST, L and LT MODEL DIMENSIONS Boiler Water Temp r. Continuous Rating (2nd hour) Inlel Temp = 50 'F outlet Temp. = 140 'F Gai/Hr BTU/Hd BOILER WATER FLOW RATE Gal/Min c0tL PRESSURE DROP leet of nea0 WE IGHT approx. Ibs.-' .TBS- lsocal' Contents Gallons Vertical Models a\Hrl Drp 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 't94 152 19S 290 JJ/ 440 511 572 114,000 149,000 218,000 252,000 330,000 384,000 429,000 97 73,000 124 93,000 145 109,000 97 73,000 124 93,000 145 109,000 215 161,000 8.8 17.6 26.4 22.0 19.8 4E A 15.4 t/ -o 15.4 4E i 17.6 6.5 4.3 8.4 a4 A 11.7 120 |) ", 3.1 4.4 n1 3.1 4.4 8.0 z to 286 371 458 649 827 957 189 224 246 189 220 246 363 su-160 sT-200 #fl sT-401 sT-551 sT-751 sT-951 42 53 79 106 146 198 251 21 n 27 lt 27 tiq 31m 39 r,a 39 ga 43 r;r 47 n' 42 sna' 57 rriro' 73 va 70rp 86 85 ve 25 us 31 uz 31 rz 35 ra Horizontal Models n L L-135 L-160 t200 LT-135 LT-160 tT-200 LT-300 36 42 EE 36 42 f,J 79 25 st 25 ut 25 ut 25 yt 25 va 25 zu 25 tq 25 lc 25u 25 ttn 25 tA 25lq 25 ua 25 ttq JZ 36 vl 42 ue JZ 36 rr 42 ns 57 ya Models Heating Medium Boiler Water (coil)Domestic Hot Water (Tank) Max. Pressure psi Max. Temperature f Max. Pressure psl Max. Temperature .F SU, ST, L and LT Hot Water 362 320 150 200 BHSOHWBR.3 3/M Subjed to change rlrlhout notice. 3. Boiler description ^- Ine Doter rs supplred in its carton wituilt in flue collector, gas burner, control, documentation packet. The lollowlng items are shipped in an accessory cartons: - Pressure reliel valve - 3/4" elbow - Drain valve 1/2" - Dralt hood - Boiler jacket panels The following optional items are available: - Circulator - Cleaning brush 4. Installation This boiler is approved tor installation in a closet. There must be allowable access of at least 33 inches in front ol the boiler tor servicing. Minimum clearances of 2 inches from the front, right and left sides; 6 inches from the rear of the draft hood; and^ 3!igc_fu19 JroniJhe top must be maintained (F,ig. 2). Tho,_SiF may be instatled on a combustible floor. The boiler must not be installeo on carpeting. Transporting the boiler Transport the boiler to the installation site in shipping carton. Remove banding. Lift off carton. Remove bolts f rom under Dallet. Lift the boiler from under the side panel and slide to side oJ pallet. Push a pipe under the boiler as shown in fig.3 and roll it on pipes to the installation location. Move the boiler to its final installation position. lmportant Always protect sheet metal parts, gas pipe, burner and control panel. Never lift the boiler on these parts. Installation surface The boiler is extremely heary when filled. Before instal- ling, it must be determined that the floor can carrv the load. Unpacking parts before installing Unpack all boxes and cartons and check that all Darts have been delivered using the packing slips provided. Each boiler is checked and tested carefully before leaving the factory. lf there is any damage or parts are missing, inform the supplier without delay. Before throwing away packaging material, check it carefully for parts. Allow 33" access for servicing Fig. 2: Closet clearance 7 ,a ---:-?a YO J" \ \ n to) \1 <-- 8 \J -- F\ \\ '\" -t..\ \ e\f \L----J Fig. 3: Schematic diagram RELIEF VALVE ilt: Fig. 4 I =l $-I $ F \<, \-itl d F) c\ H s F\- \ '- -5 (\'-i 6 q z o 3 !P ld tm IJ IF lm tut l9 lnr c|c t,d 3 o CL CL d UI ,4 l5 l{t\o lN l3 tm t>tc'to l€IF l= a 3 t<t> IF lj --r =lE* a t-l o ld'> I 19 --r F 1' ;"\ (ll \-J3 fn {di9 C)E o ! r-r \_ lo tlo ) 'rr -.\ 1C (t' a o I C,o aA. GI ) (D 3 It o a a d lr l9 ro m =Gr_ =o o :: vl d d l8 I IJ 9 lo tJ lor l(.t ti a CL o it o o + t_l=lur lo I =8 96-d3 o = (t) rfl s 7t U (t) rn r- FN c) --1 z_ U) ()oo('-- i NP9' alr N r{ -r {cD b- e-- !oo bi:n I o crl = =!AI -ql c = ? G (D () o a. r !,,.q 4.,I e ;- 5 I (, :.J I o N (t a o (D o a a. i, o o It =.(o o l\t o o o o qt : l! o o E o !l 3.o 5 o a o ll rD = qr 5 ct Ot o) 5 €o 5 N <D c)o e o .'tt o o 6 0 o {{{ 'at !t E b o 3 h gl \ FI ->\\\-.rt il F \<, \d'-+Fr F...c\ rn rx \sr:\ * - L o cr z o 3 !P {l.rt m d F ttl !e 0 m z o llt o C o d 3 o :: CL CL a la v! 5 to N 3 m 0 o =z a 3 t<t> l!9 -r 5 Em &lP> q P-r I F5 €(D "'u)3 OE ho - lrl \_ lo , l_lb ) 'rr -1 9o c (t) a o o ;o 12. GI ) o 3 !t o o a d t: r3 (t) m s O 7N U (t) m I_ I-rI C) ---\ z_(t) IN l3 lc IT lo lo tv o o !t =.ct o ht e o o q, qt l t o o E o il =.o = o o .T o a It 0 o t Gt_)o o - 38 96-fr3 o = N 9 lo tJ lci lr e CL o it o o + l@ I lr!lo I o d o !) -9 z (rl 5 o gt (D 5 o 5 N (D o e { 'tD qt b o rn a o lb ?6 *l n|-I $ +\<, \d'\t F)$..r\ FA rx \ * - tt o o 1A 3 o = t-o cr =o 3 !?t m d p m !4 g t'.|z r) 'rl o c vl d 3 o :: It.|:'rcl =o o CL CL 6 t !! 5 ro N 3 't1 0 o = = a 3 t<t> >IJ =t Ft: a13 P l,gl =l l-l tJ lot !loe tf o l(.t -- -ldfr *l=> e lA-{ 0 16- 9,lr )..t rd fr \J = l3E s !t o o ! r-r \- lo r l'o )'r i 1C (t, *I 0 o t4-(lI 5 {o 3 !t o d a o ti l\O l'O - (t) tn $o ^g (t) m t- -rl j z. (t) lc,lv lo IB (r. c)o t, =,|q J o 19 e o ct (n o I o o !o ts =,o o o -tt o e .D o o o |D o tl JD z (rl 5 @ gt o) T co 5 N o)o e {€{ o qr =' h,o 3 ltr d d l8 3 '-r! !,-lo =-F o o o d a. 1A o 6'o d a. .il.|l sq t- Lt--'l =oo G'I (t (,aa --FF _ t) -o o o o a. t\-Nr.l 9) l, s)(,ro(' uut! l i, CALCULATED BY t ft .o*ron ",-utlfr, ,*.' f1J #bi;f,?d'ss,, oo Itv vv ,i.u- REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FouR HoLIRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 oR AT oUR oFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. TURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HMSELF AND OWNE ;'sfiii:'z'5"" NVN0FVtn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Building Permit #: Plumbing Permit #: 97 O- 47 9 - 2149 (Inspections) Conbd Eaole Countv Assessots Offtce at 970-328-864O or for Parcel # Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) rob Name: -regrs "Re*sg\.*E Job Address:1r?q $els.,a Lr\ Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: Owners Name:Address:Phone: Engineer: ll Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: 'P(ov rsoE- *gr\_p€e_ -9gs.3S, -PurIS.nB*r\\g\sfiei Foc- fi['D\Tle'\s WorkClass: New( ) AdditionD{ Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family pd Duplex ( ) Multi-famrly ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: \No. of Accommodation Units in this buildino: Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) ttto F4_ COMPTETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) PLUMBING: $ \5,OOO CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Plumbing Contractor: \-oFroil ?.urvr,BAq.TNc Town of Vail Reg. No.: , 256-F Contact and Phone #'s:<fi\) Lo(set\ ts Contractor Signature:'firc =>-t *r.**+**r.****************************"**FOR OFFICE USE ONLY********t **********:?***********rt***** Other Fees:Date ReceiYed: DRB Fees:Acc€Dted BY: Planner Siqn;off: F/everyone/forms/pl mbperm as.p;1+ $ffi**,;J.m,, Town of Vail Survey Community Development Department Russell Fone$ Director, (970) 479-213e Check all that applies. 1. Which Depart'nent(s) did you contact? Building _ Environmental _ Housing_ Admin _ Planning _DRB _ PEC 2. Was your initial contact wiih our staff immediate_ siow _or no one availabie ? 3. lf you were required to waii, how long was ii before you were helped? 4. Was your prolect reviewed on a timely basis? Yes / No lf no, why not? 5. Was this yourfrst time to file a DRB app_ PEC app_ Bldg Permii_ N/A 6. Please rate the performance of the staff person who assisted you: 54321Name: (knowledge; responsiveness, availability) 7. Overall efiectiveness of the Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 2 1 8. What is the best time of day for you to use the Front Service Counter? 9. Any ccmments you have whrch would allow us to beter serve you next time? Thank you for taking the time to compiete ihis survey. We are commited b improving our service. 12-?4-ZA$1 hspecffon Request Repordng _6-!E_en_ _ ___ ttatl.-co_:JoiflLoE_ _-- ArPrD lnlbrft.Uon Actlrrll\r: frol-O215 Comf Tvol' PaicC: 2101131M006 Oi*rl€r BlGl-il'Ri'l 4?92 LP AFdlcrnt: Contrsclof: D.ecdfl,on: suoTg: nmF Slnll!: ISSLED IrLpA,ri cD Ptrorio: 970S27-9623 Phon€: 970-827-9623 Reau€€trd Tlme: 08:00 At ' Phone: gTlldlt S2Cl EnlrndBy: DFLORES X t Rcq|eqbd lnsp€et Date: lnsp€ctlon Areri SlbAddresr: Tpc; Occupohby. Ilqcemb€r 24, 2001 ,07e1 ilEADOW LN VAL HEARTH HEARTH INSTALLATIONOF It'lC. ffHE,t Ttune Exp: PP7/€0 tL/z+/o1 h$ectlon Hlctolv nrm: 2OO MECH-Rough " Af,Drorrc.J " { 1/16/0'l- hrpccrtor: cdavli Ac{on: lp 4op36t165, Comrncnt$: md:h ror{h br tp opptD\rsd.ftust r6check !?r{ UmlnEtlc'n droflnce tg combuslbl€s d flntl rl|0l rl|l|xrtnct^Eer 6Fsc8. Item: 310 lt ECl-l- l'lsdno Eam: 315 PLM&Ges Plilno ftem: 3?0 MECH-ErhauLttjlme ilcm: 330 MECH-SupplyA[ ttam: 340 $JECH-MLc. Item: 3sl MECI-l-Fifial $,*" REPTl3I-Rtxn lcl: 1168 o. _E247iffi-* Tepdrm-re 856 0m_. __valL,fo.;rQuut{OF_ __ _ _ Rc$r€6bd |nsD€ct Date; lnspaciton Area:glt! AdE rcss: 8ff*t, D€cwber?4,2001 47$ |f,EADOII' LN VAJL 4782 ISEADOUI l-ill.lE ArP,Dlnlsm.don Acrhdv: M01-Oll5 TVD.: SMECh Sub Tvr: ASFR Consl Tw*r: Occuocircr Ube:Fai:el: 210113104ffi Owner: BfGHORN4TSA LP Curfactor: LORTOiI PLut BhlG ll'l@RP Phorle: 970-328-5900 ADo$canl: LORTON P|.lJlffillrlo IIICORP Phona: 971ts328-5900 Dasc'dption: Te€ts AddlUon Corrinsnl: ROUTED TO C}I,ARL|E FOR REVIEWAPPROVAL . LC"IIIPBELL Sbdui:hlp&a:F|]I''ED CD Rcquestel Tlme: 08:00 At - Ftbrl€. gro3a8€qx} Enbr€dBy: DFLORES K In!DCGflon History h€m: ?OO MECt+Rouoh 11129tO1- tnap€clcr: BRG ,6lctlsn' PA PARTT{L FPPRCTVAL Co m€nt!: Fhio tor now bcibr st re6r ln n=* addltkrl.6nr: 310 trdEcH-l'lmtlng " AOH(rs6{, '- O7j3'ir0i l-nspector: CDAVIS Actron. PAPAFTI{LAFPROVAL commenl$r BASElrEllT Sl-ABZfiE rmf AlRl€ST ,$f{owMELT oFr EXTERTOF D€CK 100 # An''rEST 1U17rDr lnrs€cter: CDAVIS Acilon: PAPAR-nALAPPROV,qL cormlEfrts: stfollyM€tT FoR EAST s'fArss Allo sEtew^LK IN'FSAO TE$TED w|TH A|R AT S'{# I{RTEST I I ,O1/Ol |nrD€clof : c{hvtr Actbn: AF APPROVED Comrn rdr: rnoat r bad tona 1m tfiert mcC€rbrfi 1O0# sht€r*erd becl lfi'f, airt€si llUrey 10(X lina!* Snowilan io,r $ffil rb.j loff rirled PLMB€ss Pldno * Aoorovsd " 12i12i01 lnc5ector:"M Action:1p6rpp61gp Comm€nts: GAF PlPfi.IG AIR TEST l4#lsttlil+ MECH-Exharr{ Floo<le MECH.SupplyAb MEL-l+Uthc- MECH-flnsl fsm: 315 Ytl ,#uu lbm: 320 lbm: 33O llem: 34O Itrm: 390 I ,t REPT131 Run fd; 1168 oo -$effiffiT TffiElest-neporths -rc *a$L qo-___ __vAlL, cQ4tuailllE__-____ Raquested Insp{€t Date; luonday, Drc€mbor 14, 2O0l lnsg€ctlon Area: JRlu SlbAddresf: 479{ NEADOW LN VAIL 412$ ITIEAFOW I-ANF o. A|Prp Insormadon Acllvllv: Const T\n6:'l Paidel: .Ow)er: Cor{faclor: Appllcant Dcsciipffon: PO1-0073 el0113tfl{n6 BffOHOflN LORTON LORTON PROVIT]E NEW TyFc- BP$'IB OccWancy: TED LPI FED LPI SIETEIId FOR ADDiTii}N sub?A: A$Fn 8$rr ff|rp Arai: Phona: 97S34&5900 Phons: 97t!'3e&5900 RequecH line: 0tr00Afl ' Ptlon€: 9?0.32&5S00 Enlererl By: OFLORES K Item: Requoslor: Arslonod To:- Ac0ori: Inrn€cton Hlgtorv H6rn: 210 PLMP-Lhd€rsroond * ADerowd ^ OTaOID1 'lrppecbr JRM Commenis: 6tAn TEST tt€m: 220 PtMFRouqh/D.W.V. * ADDrovBCl "lo'tryt)f tnrFfgtor: CDA'JI$' ' Commar,ts' UIDER ef AnTEST i;r0 Pllrl&RutrEluwabf " Appfertod - 1O0&'Oi lnspecbr: CBAVIS' Commerirs; IO0*ARTEST 24O PLMS-fias PblrE 2SO PtM&FootHbt fub 260 PLiitB-UFc.zff! PLME Flnrl 2go LOf AcToN: APAPFROVED AcIIf,fi: AP,qFPRSVED Atrtlcn: rtrP AJPPROVED t€m: Item: nsn: llem: ,. ,-t ffi(!P REPT131 Run Id: 1168 .3lt?. TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTITiENT oF PUBIJC WORKS 47$2158 FIELD MEMO To: -Attentbn: pRoJEcr(Loc aT|anl= f7?/ ftlr n rwrt.J t a*t $f" O LDo?y - uNnL R,4,nJs --_:__A2€- S.,g fvltTTr a fa Cayut Dr U R11tb Appeodro, fttc Parnr,rs :1 NtsSassfral Ywo{ frt-So OBn+'NI aD. ,lou Mz llo,*, lru {r+-{ Qr6r}n- oF tu 8E uJaPrtwto tl rttlt..rr h*I/ PaPn^,rj srs*awoa",/6-tt22--Ttae ,,, t- ;zr,l.^rrue:iN*cTd e -t'3&, ta: * 9rv1 CONTHACTOR'SCOftN'ENTS. D /o* fl B/ocl / /5,7/"2"t 5-4 \'Vhita-Coolraclor Pil*-Coo6tn ctloo EnghFsl Canary-Fil€ Received by: 4tnt ,f&l oo ol o o z a {7 c o {o z !m n ={ -al - @ m trm ieo re l= P 5 3- lH E 3 IY 1.1 a I -z li1 X a Oo lr i 9 Plml l=T g l=E =nT] '< E LrLr f t I! o € ='- 1 e >.dP o@ ; !9- == s€2 fii $ 5 2a\ n+qn 8=zA -{Y ;>62. .i (,Y> RI >P -.t c 3= d3 f!(rL.:.1 z:--{ ;d 3= -{o o> 9.n im nz >m C)E {> c)? =m o --{ I -o {z m I @ z =IT H rtl Fl |:{( _r_ 3H o>'t-u =m T z o t- -n l-|-.,zl ol t' ffl l+- (D DF t-l F-- l.:l, ll l1-l l-l -.{ m t-m t€z o l ; fl z o I t: lz o 'r'l F m z l t+lo l€tz lo II t> lF m F)z I 3 ld l€z o 'r't t- !m F' z f.' I I r- FI c) z H c)Fl H z 3 o o !m v, I c) = Fo H c) E g ico s E D F D t,p m v I E @ a'. ru f'l 6) tsl d z m H H z H H a q]z lq mt o r.J !t!<7o F 'r1 4a Fsm -:D _f \o -{Fo (D m I m .I -{ z C- @ a - m I I lcD l(rl I.O l- I (D !) :i f €o o-(c) (D J !t =tt It o ot o, ; o o c =' = = =' o 3 o f -'o =E 0) q) ;f o D) (D 0) 3 =(D J .(t o =-o ocL <1, o DO fo O-r a$ o- d o o o =€ =. =o 3 =o J f o"g d * o 3 g '-1 {o 0,f o o o- u, q, c q, (o o o I { (cI at € o) c 3 @ ='(o o o (D (D o z n I 3 o m r _n z m IP l' I I ! l I I t- (,:z o > =z l- ! m =a z m m m l< " lz 12 It tr- o of 'Y1 -O m m m I ||? tls il'il, O t-> ll" il tl tq l=t>l-l-l(t l ! l IP IE I I z 6 c l- i z m I 6 z m .J' ! t-c ttl ro m€OT 4--:z z.a '' z f F z>9R rd 2<r.it < >a o> a6 z c z I z m { m -t z =z t- m a m a =z lri 'oo > .r! z6 QO -z e9 6P =z E< = 2 N N m z m u m =z t x -l E d ) o r) d .l /).l I ) I (, =z F c 7 =z o I m ct z . =z -{ m 0l =l c)l TI Er -l I I I i I I --11 ml I I I I I Fl z € z NJ I s. {o I t- !m = ='7t m m o {!-l- .) c-r. (t m { x |- 2 m m I z m s m =@ o a rn m =z .t1 m m 3 m - z c) t- t-c =g z m l-m I o t- t- z c, m x c F 2 .I m !m ='Tl m m U' VALUATION !m v ==z o =m - z .- = = m -m o i 2 =I z \) ) I\J l.J 'q;i;'b .r'dtdll'f ;o:-r,'r'.r,tst ruu ,fru i Anf b';43 Nd .tiu; F -Ot LIil- ULV lrehLtrct: C€nara] Ileac"nLptLon r 0F vHrq rErxr,r tfu qQ)tomf oF v:f,Il €Nslfitt(ltrof gElllll! r^TD*drgf,a3oN ronll toD llaBg!ob Addresr; tregot Daor:f,alttLo|1: I4rE Dtoah.-- ftltrns --- strql?Isrqf,-- DAcrEr*.{$#8-Ffffv lggq lddrcegl +o tu.yPfr|-55fr lqsi- $ark c1rs6r I l-terr t ]-rttcra?lon t J-iddltlmal I 1-icpatr ]4 llulqbrtl of orlrlltng rrrlter xunbcr of eccc&odatLon Unlte: |lcffAlr Addraegr ldilreesr Pltnbing -lddr6s€: Tol,n 6f Vrlf nS$, rm. Phone ltrulbeE: :[o!rn ol vall Phone Nurlbsrr lForn of ValI ghone Nu[ber! Reg. NO. ilec,lranica]' CoDGractsri BcS. XO. lddreesr **-ii* r*a*ttal tattr*tr*rr*t+*i** tleotrleal contte.ctort EUTIDIXC PlnllIT TEEs putltFrlrc Pd.fiE f,EFs ilECSANTC,EI{ PENHI! TEE : BI.ECIIRIGAL FEE! OTIIFR TTPE OF FEET DAP FFE| -0tber contractorl oFrIgE UEE ii*l|**t*t******t*tt*if,**rrr*.i. mfaDlllc PIAN CHECK EEEr /q J -PIIJUI'IIIG PLA$ (:CE(I[ I'S[' ilEcttfl,llc$L EIAN CHECT( FAEs _**...-NECREATIO: TTI ffi#PV-,4 cr.um-uP DEPo$trr I z-A2{ o l:lI o tltlul E( Fo!fitf 'b{!fld tqx t60rs.1 tt firrrnd ?Wl i-l--i eoIneneii \g"l E5776LV '15N0f,?9N I l00U o HIU''Id t$98:IT v661-LA-26 50 3 rFror -*s q....] s,-+, c_.*:.--= al I. t |6 rt a to nJ 11 t.A |r tc T sr c .4 a? li FF,0 .-(J c+-- f.-+r I **5Sg ITF{ts R**.* ^.i 09 .- |'E *S fl\* *a -\.iE Df *)(d rrf,F$F$ b6s q$ q$ -qBb .s.-' 9 a'=-p i "i F3" oI rj\" .ER *g .t;* FR F + ##:gEE F .rI, iT i::€ 5 ; F: +*Se P : $ge$e = - -; =O'EB'd esFeaLF 0l- (?-r f l,.lu6l: trT P66I-LB-ZA o i.todJ T I I t/ o '1st'r0l35t1Il|]rlu Hrcld lo *d}froN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 I I JOB NAME i PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: I] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr n tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP- POWER MECHANlCAL: O HEATING u tr tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR o O FINAL tr FINAL .C.APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR oo oo Project Application .^" r/rd/r, projecr Name: fl op F 'Dtptr. - friBi - 't)r\*t't' '/z'ttflt'v proiecr Descrip ron Ern,<r ?/tqhi 'Pq ^i7//'Y/' '.a f /4 cfz c /i 7/ Ai/4/7L/4t y't 7-u, 5',1a,Contact Person and Phone //r"n 1r, 8//z/fql ?'7q Owner. Address and Phone: /4/ 'i/17 Arch itect, Address and Phone:/,pra /e.///87< Ez fu,r'' 7 Block B/6W.v 548.'1tt /az/ .Legal Description: Lot comments: {zf ?rrtst>'/,d +,/z,ta"14. Design Review Board on" qf /az Motion by: Seconded by:I Drr^azP /,-2, 4r;a*7 fuFPa"tz-'D ISA PPR OVAL Su mmary: 1 2"zar,ln r' x 4+l-t*/Itr o^r" y'rr/ot E Statt Approval p 0 l O p e I o \ C) o_o o o N I I o t o I o o o x o t N o t\ I o !c o I o o o o N I o o ! o .9 o 0 0 0 o 0 o o x o o d o .Y o E 0 o o o o 0i o t oo oo trtrs AUO 31992 8/3t92 Depcrnent of Commrmity Dwelqmant Tbwnof Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd. W. \4ril, CO Re: DiDio Resi&rtial Remodel Planning Staff: On July l4,l99 2the DiDio residence was ap,prored for an addition of a new entry and an-enlarged study. At this tinr, I am submiting frrrther drawings and r€questing an anrendment to tlreprwious ryproval. The design prop$al include.s an additional 160 s.f fu a master suite on the seond floorovitf,e snray. me study is 10 sf.largerthan the7ll4 approval. Also, the firyncqsnm'n in thepric submittal has been removed" &td7ll4l92 --- @ m Iq !o li! 3 tf;E g f9c 1 JYO l:= +145 8 l<+e l-m=fi r: a T' o< dE -o Ed FE 1d ;i3 o -ll .It m =-{ =FF tr-> = /-r -r ox-'>-l- !!tr trDn o o z a -{v c () {o z T ltt F ={ -n 1,Or z= Q@ z= o6'z az 40 ; -.1 m Ir tt^t6' o foO l.r !l'<l,- O lcD 'n !m ! + -{o @ m x m !-{ o z (-o @ a -{m O O l\)P (, (.o fiF o>o 'r i m o -.1 @ z 3 IT a € o -il o o -5 m t-m i u t- 9.n -lm FZ >m OT -t>or-n z.O U- 9n o 3 m o - z 9p -tc 3=<rD d6 :t o { 5 (tl c+ =E =E BT ol =E),i: l3J 'F FFD \.1 p @F rs b- FE =H'(DP ol o-l ol {l r-j I I le,tz td t;lE l= t6 l |;b [-p H to t€ lz lo lal t<l> lF l-{o l€ lz lo t:t>lr lm le,tz { l-{mlO Fl= lo lal t<t> lF lm lF,lz lo I I I I I I E3d olgd 6 P.g E Eo Ee9 =or o '<R{lEg rB3 o=J -Ool a+- j.3-g :ioro Q ia r eB. aB= E -s, e- d€! orE 9r -='-f +i6 69.o o i--OO+ ?rfO ..:9 o 3e g oo-=s.=iB=; o3 js9. o-f si5 I q:i xxit il; *o eq$(,'o=. SPF (D --- d t I at J o. o =cl 6' g, c o o or o o o s o J (D -t o {J U; N o =.(o qt o 0 s s. 2.o f o o o.o I o.o 2.(o f ,ed <_{ ^A OJ oo Y-cio fq cd o.,lg P5 =.-o.i 5'o (o or o8 oo Fd 3a od oo 3r E6 4? ,g od ON oo 0a o3 -(ct il3 -.1 o te :to or9 rtS 99 6'9 oJ 9o oo _o +o 6-(,|do F3 st ae< +I'u,J o J -a's9 y* ol!t@ m l> lT =l*la lAlz t"16) q>:ro oO q{-6 z r m =?,;^x.5 m -,,4 Jlz llfio< ll'="* ll.,,-ll 91f,Il > lo ll"l ft'-*H ll sE ll"l Il lll lq l=t>l- Ict I f-r P T_ I lo to l" I t- F f I l2 | (tt l?' ll-t4 1Z I I l-, l'B lfi I | --r l6 lx *fr la t,ti t>lr-l-lc i- I m€og IF z6 '' z f 72 sJx r6 4<!.:: < >o o4 m=ao 2 c z z m € -t m u o 2 o =z t- n m !: --t m o c 't It I ;z z. .D -t "tt '+t (D -: x c+ J .+ c o IDNF g E*"E EB * As s ;a -Eo I !ea s i €9 2 =t _€\g d-qNo= floa<q rDt ..'l +*(ol I (, N) .\| z z o F g r I z o z o {m (D z z o c,3 z --l --{ --t m vto 2tot 3a f,l=olc ;r5 l-r5 lo) l= I I I [o lr-(, olt->:co ;rrl I I I I I -l o -1 -T m :o =I 'Tl m m (t U,m x o -m z m o .2 -{ o m 2 6)z ,m m € ,m o u m 4 5 z 'n m m =ln o z - 3 z an m o n o t- ! 2 o m o x @ F z ln = !m n ='Tl m m at, VAI€ATtON T m E =-{ z o 3 m z o !- g z o m |-m f- @ - =o 19 .{\) { :t : Jl N C' (, (tl 5 \.\ trtr9 c)o z q 7 c c){o z T m 7 ={ I ---l -{ @ m Is LO .Ltt 11 : 3 IHE A l9q : l'rt : 9.lmP o lis 3 l=t :35 o.<4e dE a,3 ctt >l =-e ;i=I m = =FF i,]m=r:io 1n= =oc)YF - !trn -tl !Or CC z=o(I,2=oo z o 7o --.: -l ,\) 'r lfr iv 3 m o -T' z z i f,, o -.1 o 2= --.1 c 3=az 96)7 t-m o -{n o ]- o 9.n im az >m o--{>or-F a =m o -{ t- z 3 m a € I o F (D n, 5 -n t-z {ti mlO rlE t; lF IM lF, l6 I I I I E lz lo F t<t> lF IB f lz l9 l+ t€ lz lo t:t> lF t,lm le,lz p ll to t;lm le, ldE ITE lzl lol ti t;lil 13 lc-, l^ F|a tt:tto I l.r Il=rt I tl il !. ()z 10 ri -{m tl tH'l!$ o Lio lao'L l\< lsq m a { -{o E m x m -o -.| o z (-o @ I i m G l'r-) C^-i 5.(, z a) T -t z -l x x z m a f-t-c m f z r m 5 -l a z m m m l<' t--{m u -{5 z =z r- u m ! P o t T 'Tl Nl-o-l 8!€i;>n =9 \z o.4 o6t = Eb i,--|6o zz NE= S-= @I- $-<I< 3 m z m , -o m a), {5 z n € x t F R F p-o p I $o- H3d o!-d ?o ct Y d'<8:t l=x =o) o :8!.<co I *r' O YJ -.o tr =***!--ror=i.=? =oo Q B.a reB.fot odl O*(a s- ds ! oE D -:'-r +i6 ..oi' -.=BE =9P srdr = :<. l Jg= = o3 jB9 fci !D ='J i&F d a'3 ERd a=9 oo!. a, )ao riO <.{o _s){o)of !o. Ya cio fq .1c.td Oo le Hi o-i 5'o @o) oB oo 84 o)f :(O cL+oo 2+ E5 ll ^.L l/$:I Jl=I P l(,,- I c)IN t 8ie t\-4,=t, eg _do X?E \PS "€ s.P@. 5'9 oJ 9o oo +F i6 -(,do, YA ,6' >a z^o2 il mc 20 m 'r1 Po €z m o 1l I o m J-'Tl =c -5 -5 cl, N) @ (tl =z F F =z m U) -l { t- !m = =al m m a,t, -It m 1 =-t 'Tl m m q) lz/P/ss- CL 37080 6 o !m F =- z o , et rE et _65J z o T rA t rD (0 + (D 3 (D o o o 3 (D .D (D -{ @ m I t-t-t.m t=3 lri C lod lro l!<ITP l< -j l'- m o { 6 g, z m o m = <!q :_ --{ \J in2 = /"r .\I>"'t- -tt !Or- z< 22 ^- lr, z TDE tr!D Y?'.1 ,e /,'; \f 4t v-f 1 '? .D o >F d=z'A *;6z -r^Y> z;--{ c 3= od o om z= ! \.|>= --l c)o> o zA -.{ m nz >m on -{>or- _f =m i €2 m z r a ; ) T', .1,,. or-m rIl 6A o>'t- f- --t -n !z -{ ti mlO nl= IO t:l>l- t: l- I I I I l T ti k) l€ lz le t<t> lF _n l-.{lo l€ lz lo l3 l-lr lm lo lz f Jl{mlo in l€ l5 ll t> IF lr lm lo l6 I I I I l.n II l= -{ l-r mlo in l€'lz h. to It ln ff l<,t; l> tr- -C l:o i le, rlZ -; 19 -l p t_.v\ lr i lia I IF I I I I Fta Pln rl<rt pl ol ul I I I I = I 2 B f 14 I r r p r ; \-- 7 T 1r *583a isSE€E;qii Fi-=Hi r-o€E6-*;i*€ f (, (D:a=r a*lg; '"4 i3$oo.,(/,X s F31;cl-o;i o,no-iD ?;F;E 9J=6i 35s31 fiqeds e,i .19 3 -- f! -.d3sD1 a/; I F:rlEs;q Ei:3E3 33;Ej F3 A &l +Bu;5 3.:3qr o)xqro=. 'tr =at m J-_rl z .l- m €z m z o l- -l o z I z rn f- m c4>:fo oo z t- _9 m l, =--l (!) z m m m l<' lz =z rl z q€CF zd '' z I tl tl ti tl z>9R ld I<'.,;.t < >o ol 36 z c = tl tl tt tl m € : --l = 0 o =o z r-l ^l I ill tl _l F i -0 m 'n le :- o< tO >'n ZO c)o \z Oa 6=c: - --t ^z rS\ 2 N) z ttl t- m C) _q i z 'n € x i' 1,3 l^ F ^r\t, N 0 gi =N ;i -N i i\. ,l N ii z z F F z z o m a -{ r- im ? =.Tl m m a a m x o t-m z m I i m x 2 ln tn { (D 0 m m z m rn m z !.- 3 q 2 m tn o --l o t- z o m x F o m i m =TI m m U> VALUATION =In z o _9 |- = =o m m o |- (D 2 ') J T m =-.1 z o s.\ n \ N \ .l \C u 0 f E6 m;ftr F! | 'g 11 m lr =-t - m x m ?l -l o z (t -{m ,L- -t---. :a tt : .--- INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEB tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING tr o o tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING N GAS PIPING INSULATION tr tr D POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D tr o ROUGH N EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR o o z U'{7 c o -{o z ! |1T F ={ E -I o @ m Ia l-o t-,, h E l+i +lm: 6 19* I l:* s t':;o lir I f-m=r-! 1 T= o.< I ..i dg a!g aio ctt >t 5g m.r 'rl m I <trq m :-_ (- -iL,in2 =oo ;=t- nftf"r -n! z= 2=oo z Dra z.O -{ m I z o o z --1 -l z---t c P3 ^= >= --r c)o> o .,)zA az >m --{ >or- I --t m -J €z m z =ln t-rrt rrl ^ o=u[j o>'r- --l 1"r I -Tl t-z E p 15 F (n r l-{mlo rl= lo l-r t<l> l- lm P lz le I I I I H lo l€ lz lo ll t>l-II l8 l= lr lo l€ lz le t<t> lF la le,lz l-r lc lz lo ll t> lF II c)E fb -<F F E t I =l I I o3,?--FE bF tol PH HF F,E IP tF t,Frl loF NP Its.E<H _ rD(D + pk i-rl _o I RF I (^)F I -b, I l-l rDl ll 9z -q mil I lEl loX 1>i 16<lo | 'Tt .D m 1 { -l (D m x m t -l z (-o (D L -.1 m c l-. F. C.r d30 o9o .=oq e x.<,.\ X ^,x sx f:r. -!€!EE 3oo**do o =l-a *+ o= -JTD -i- < o:^- *(D l' E *6' 1) o)!g) -:'-f +ii =+*.u;' n5(D .=D o.-<. =r9P o,6r =s.F Iff= 5sr llro a> -. == r i =.f r;O);Xa. ii a'3 ERA 6 X! 0) €I g) = = c o c o o o f (D --{ o { o o t =o a 1_ -' o At o J o a z -l c rt m o 1t m z -i i _rl o a r (t, m n z J I m €z m o I z t- l,m -r U'z m m o m oJ (t r-l (4o o n o I m -{ PZ oa - It l-r o -1= l_, In ---] - 'l > li ^ E ---l li IF lm I Icl m€otr ri- -z za rl r-'' z = z>e8 Io P<r*< >0 o>i m U'O z c z tl z m € t--t m 4 2 =z )< m --t rn c o --t z t G t:r tr F E p F I Or.r-?z E*In :J|;-> i o Zo ;8 ? g '! e I .f o 6 {ro< S b z<n .o 6 6 -'n z 2 ,{,o .4 Gr--rP€ I (^) F I ="il ol tr \ E r ?lo,\2 .ilu II EIN ol ll) rs\ls itl' ql YS -r \tl\' r\^lr ll o 2 2 F (D c F 2 z m (t I I lx t(D l(D l'lo l(D lo lo l!t; I lil l9 I 19,t€to tr l-'t5 lo l= t-'l lo l(D r3 o i r =r-tl m m UI c a,m { x z c tn q --l m I z m 5 att = m .) m I z m m =m c)I z o !t- 3 2 m t-m --l o z o -m x :c z o 'tt m 3 = !m ='Tl m m a VALUATION !m E = =z o l' =m I z o t- 3 2 m m 3 l- z F .o (, \l (tr o O o \)N) l\)(Jl (tl (tl o u # asq/q &liclrc -/k a) INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VA|L ,l UAIE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON t- CALLER TUES 1 ' ,0' 1r /\ r-4, AM READY FOR LOCATION: WED '' i ( THUR BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: D FOUNDATION i STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING D D ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB N SHEETROCK NAIL tr dI FINAL N FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D ROUGH tr tr o EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL D FINAL .:,PAeenoveo CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REQUIRED '.'I-,A I E INSPECTOR #lN Jg _9 ./ fo(rfl -7 lll -l ;r-62 (- -l C r{a 7 s\ : o frl I O z J o -I n (/)'Fi'r !--o!Nl- o ril o?< hfl-> -r-, VO nY OCJ i L,"j o I II la iol i3i j-ui :r-l trrT;i-fl i-l II o 9to t=D ONF 91 iq3 ', fi --L see 1o 1t)A.&\z 0 ':. rll ',-i {^lu It F r I I o T (t =oo 7t g::E fi t- IU t1 r t't_r. I tn+cp ..b .9 7 Nm ot fina >Q | 9'1 ,-, { l ic6 ,42 ! n lr t ovo U\X -l 6- s.x F rrl : +\r :a nl -o r {rl F\- LN g z D iJ iU oP,ln *l --t O I IT t.l >t 3 o o P m +@ - JF nplrl o |n 5-;' 111 )- n -.u -l J'6.C ?.-ln ';z 4 T (F: r,t (^ 3 -'t o r'r tr+\-P -, -r 1, :f,P P\- crl t ')T Z '/-rn -to ; P_{'t'rrQ j 8';i R l. :.1 '-.;ui + (! ii V) rn II l-7 it-il i P il li i * o rrl i z t- w) 4 N x n n 7( .1 tF ('ril ,1. I I I lr 1, I I I I I c x F m o o z ,rtl -l F1 L n o I , . i'-i^ 1t ''.6 , |]&baaAtue{3{}&.- j i..d.l$tlrp!ra$ /2A.5A' i a 7,5 0. ti. J' oo"OO'OO' Lt/ 2/A.aA' I I r \i. '\\ l\ at \:. \.1 fl i.c,., 'T (J l-l ,ry ll I'i l9j YI ?-l I _ul ;o,ll -4i oli ii li il 1i tr Q-t lq iii i:l I':,4 TJ $tl - :'{! I 1i tsru \ l5l ,i is r lf; ;i '-=1 ii' I , 1 It' ,''' 7' 6P'rit r ,.' a' ,'\t- /,' ''rl"' ^\1- , / | ''i t ii i j ,,' ('!" 1 i "; {: I : /t' I tl, ,'" i -- i1u? 'cc''o j '':', '.n '-rt 9l' KU'1',4 'r-rl r "',;)ff-ttt --Ay/jW ,----"-'lrl\ou' - --''.,.) .,,lsew.\ \ /. t.r' t / ., \\i\":"*\ \, /tl ,f' I '\ ,hr{ - ,, V lrt iilt I \l\'i$[\,,'./\,1 | lil i t \ 1i,*i'Jcx .' \ Y . -.n{ ".1 ARCHITECT i$: o<o'D cm D;z^ aa Y7 ;-: z 9> o.,2r= N 'tl QO 5I I -! z m l- 0 m ; _-{ z € x VALUATION E c F-l | €9-z=Oe).Tl !-tIl 3I I -l -t - - m o l- l- -.t n - m t : m rn z .l c z o m o! mI 1o ;-r z i z o -€>F >=i!Fi €+c>ia- < o F> =- > c>3 =-:::tr :z;i<:z|t:o>", Q>c ro - -l x 5r > - <-=zzY ,>..2i"a-zloe ^")l;tlr':z- 'a- a z : --_ > -i :i i r:c zFi )=: - z m t- 5 -l z t c z c z i Project Application Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Block Legal Descriplion: Lot Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Date: Town Planne{E statt Approval Za) n Rg z': 3i oz.-{-9; c)O-p Zr- P< 1Z v om 4; ;: --{ o o> zt)--t m uz >m -J>or- I =m c) -.1 €z m -(- z T o (D g ct F a o o (D o=gi;o>'t- m I z Tl-rY 21 c)l I l-rl FI H-l rEl FcD or-fr ,x rl Irl FI Pl-tl tl rl I E 0 E c) = _0 I I x t<l<l> lF t> E o -E r = o I = 0 m I 3 c)o fD c, It c+- o a+ p ol= =t>*F t> lg r I II I I a o --t I lTt z =m pa F - Llfil8 CL o .o l-r f 1<r l-E i5 lrn a lo l-n o l$g t<l-a t-= ;. o g 3 (D mqt =z 'n -E Or- z=o@ >= z z r o o z (n {n o =o z T m fr ={ m I t,^ t,E\)li t@ P o m -{ z o ; z -i € m z I i I m € o -m --i m /j 5rR 'n>; z U'c r o z ;:e:iF qF=B 6 #nrF t ^ui2=Ztt ltrrll ||tl cz@r(D> =9IIIFR ud=/5!!EF Tg5 ijo?=.9 ; ?A I =ao-z A -a 2 a z m i m I x 2 ?! o f z m .D m c (, c -.t z N:- io > .rt zo oo -<z ott o 6I < Eb oo zz ru@= Q::-@G z m o m c),n =z o .Tl = x p I UJ =TI o 0, --l I o z m \)J'l c F D 3 D F I (o F I c tTl .:?t>* <c --==-';t c>I z;4" 24.2 > - z;<;ca i+I= -.-=a I 7 tl I tl n t4 t1 F\l tv I 7 =o z I I I )\t -p, ;4\l z o =.6 --l -l 0 J N N I I o t- m =TI m m o m ?c m 2 -l m g 2 m m € o o fi m =z n an m m c)I z 5 -o c 2 m o z I m x g 2 _9 m I m -i _11 m m (t VALUATION = =z =m z c @ z o m m o o @ c = N) o o o o o o F 3 c 3 tr il $ >\ O o o o o o r){ tr t\)o @ o o N)N) N)(tl F F ttl -oS .\ ,^',, rft/u JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: ,/j WED THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL O POOL / H. TUB {rrrunr- ELECTRICAL: EI TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL VRppnoveo A CORRECTIONS: T] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTO ,*st"noN neoueir TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER , \r_g.|},.. ruES WED THUR FRI PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER E FRAMING tr INSULATION D GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL O POOL / H. TUB tr o O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr O FINAL D FINAL b nppRoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION BEOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,*stcrroN REeuEsr DATE JOB NAME clllrn TUES TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:WED THUR FRI AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND Q ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING D INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr O FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL O APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR 'Bntey hrj- ..,.4 (rxiavr,G G,,*P;W J.* *InX'-'.'f ' Evirr,r,-6 @w t!r= c {'ffi @oti'1-tuhl ltxb"-z' 6t - ,r(" L Art't1*' t , UonA€rrlr1 deov }izo go"ss lr/4" LeF; t /*t"-yJ):.? Jr' tf t'aft^,., r.-tjp bar.r tOS.F, F *ra p,"le..r f o5.F - 6xl.1 Dl.- t iF- >a iF, o I {t I I I ! I \! 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(t/+" = t'-o-) o .l I I I .l---- --< ----' -T- I o o N :>,.\.s ,P F* its \ - Ia- a I rF\i3F. r F l <- b+r i, t- 7 - l. rn F.F l,-.s 9t R ).L d-t t+tr lr ,A---+ t -\ L- F e- s R, 9l a,l Ff i; rF Lg :;;I ts- 1 .-:: . o o Stanleigh H. Cole Construction Co. P. O. 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E !:ai:EeE; s :i:iif-iiE a;aE giE fA ! 3 F .9 J F *t F I 'l \11 utl 5l _l vn a, Ftr (l) : = F E I I I I I I I I I yl OI gl 't 2l +Rl =il I I I I I I j z E- Fl p of 6--c l\l >x r{,:; E< r'i Y O Err E.v , E itO o) 3 <l) F q) o) a E o) $.1 F-l I I I .d a A x .a () = NI 'l t\.t -Y I 4 E d <l) <n h o a) ' 3 a \4 f-l Fi ,.i E' g lD o Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparfnent of Cornmunity Development 75 Sorrth Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 9703792L39 taxi 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us DRB Number: DRB010@1 Project Name: Project Description: Participants: OWNER Teets Addition Teets Addition BIGHORN 4792LP 11118 CRIPPLEGATE POTOMAC MD 208s4 License: 04/20/2001 Phone: APPLICANT BIGHORN 4792 LP 11118 CRIPPLEGATE POTOMAC MD 20854 License: ARCHITECT MORTERAKER 04/20/2001 Phone: 04/20/2001 Phone: License: C000001073 ProjectAddressz 479I MEADOW LN VAIL location: legal Description: Lot: 5& Block: 7 Subdivision: BIGHORN 5TH ADDffiON Parcel Number: 210113104005 Comments: Motion By: Second By: Votel Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of ApprovaE 04l20l20/JI Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the Design Review Board. Cond: CON000,{658 Revocable right of way permit required prior to issuance of building permit' Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $50.00 Planner: