HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIGHORN TERRACE UNIT 11 LEGAL.pdfO O ero;""r Application I O \&t7 ,!(D Proiect Name: Proiecl Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Filing Legal Description: Lot Zone - Com menls: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: E-sfat Approval To,wn Plan ner 0"r/ llt - ]t'<.'/ 7:7c:or Ite s rni Luu, r n Fl ",". Qvilir|r:-r: I --a:l'-'? or"pay! yti; l4' r. '/ : dt Dl (,r, t,r(. "i,,)X,,-) \ I I I I 't-F i N \\ I I I I t- I -\ a t4./z' &/rooy I I I J \\ t. 8t6 l/orrp *Dj rrf Uu/r e // Pordh tl /lt-- ENCLJ' iN C P'(eseP,'P.'/a(// A I'ropo s e, ( l\Jrl. 1,.. ; ,t, , --"'- -S'/zV 57.=70il-v IttstJc dtueust)^t J > ,l/ar -fhroJe OO o DATE:APPL I CAT ION DATE OF DRB MEETING: DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION |'lILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTiL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBI4ITTED****.J( I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-appljcation mqgtinS with-a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any additional information is needed.. Ng application wlii ue-iccepteo unless it is complete (must incllqe all items required uy'ttre zoning aarinlii"uio.i.It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointrnLnt with th6 iijri lo find'out about additional submittal requirements. Please note that a C0MpLETE appl .ica- tion will streamline the_approval process for.your project by decreasing thb'number of conditions of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions oi ipprovat must be resolved before a building permit is issued. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION:o/al R LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: naaress |)nif *ll ,8t?hatn Tcrra"e-?Ztf E /3/u*tnLLl., Legal Description Zoning Qrn2t - h.t {7ar?.4+47 , /Vtc q7t -272? Anu c7 l+c /( Ath.,z*i Lot Bl ock Fiti 'lt € /r; C. NAME OF APPLICANT: Address NAME OF Addres s NAME OF Si gnature Address APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE : OWNERS: D. - tetephone g?3 {3/ t/ telephone 17 -€lZo tel ephone F.permit is requested. $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $300.00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake the site to indjcate property lines and building corners. frbbs that will be removed snoulcl also be marked. Th'i s work must be completed before the DRB visjts the si te. 2. The review process for NEl.l BUILDINGS will normally involve two separate meetings of the Design Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approvai. 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at thejr scheduled meet'i ng and who have not asked for a postfonement will be required to be republ i shed. DRB FEE: The fee wi I I VALUAT I ON $ o-$ 1o,ooo $10,001 -$ 50,000 $50,001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 - $ ,500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000 $ 0ver $1,000,000 be paid at the time a bui lding FEE .+. oo oo The following items no longer have to be presented to the Desiqn Review Board.They, however, have to be presented to the Zoning Administratoi for approval: a. Windows, skylights and similar exterior changes that do not alter the existing plane of the bujlding; and b. Building addjtions that are not viewed from any other lot or public space,which have had Ietters submitted from adjoining property owners approving the addjtion; and/or approval from the agent for, or manager of a'condominium association. You may.be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property. you should check with a Town Planner before proceeding 5. : PEc rt13 -3- One was the added asphalt to.the west, and the other was the 5 additional spaces planned over the culvert on the east end. Piper feit ifrai the stream could'again :lflu:: a!, !his,point_with landscapins instead of the extra parking-tpiiJt. -fie telt the.skier drop_off was very unstructured, but p.iper addbd ttrai trb feit tnere was suffjcient staff input to vote on the issue. Trout brought up the subject of conditions which were imposed by the pEC later De'lng changed by the DRB and wondered about the legality'of it,-and whether then the.proposal .should come back to pEC. Larry Eskwith, iown atiorney, cane in to djscuss.this point with the commissjon wiih tne aavice that the-bRg-hai jurisdic-tion over design, but the pEC had jurisdiction over planning, and that the FeC nad no right to lock in design. He added that in many casei it was difficult !o see just exactly where the PEC jurisdiction left o-ff, and the DRB jur.iiaiction Degan. T-rrut Toyed and Piqrce seconded tQ qpprove the reqqest for z memowithffi l. That additional study be made,regarding exposing Mill Creek after it goes past the service ramp south of the loading'area. T vote h|a in favor with Donovan against because she felt there shou1 d be niore estrian walkways. est for an exterior alteration of Iess than .|00 uare feet in order Piper reminded them that this approval was merely a recommendation to the Town 9lll:il:^.-lgl!v,ItJl".n' one of the area residenis, stated that he fert this project would increase traffic and the Town should.address the prob'lem and provide teiAeisntp in solving it. Dick Ryan answered that this area was a'priority itlm ror-neigh-borhood study. - r'r-' 'Yr A to 4. a ana stai rway o the Go nqt pl icant:Vai soc iates/Stephens Commun icat i on Viele moved and Donovan s dtoa the uest oer the staff vote was n favor with lon against. Rapson felt f ere hras peopl e the use o eadphones, because o the way in which different react to them.l,lhery said the volume would have limits on it. A ition of 99.5 squarffi e useo as a radio headset rental outlet. Dick Ryan described the addition with elevations and floor and site plans.Steve wherry, representing stephens conrnunication eipiained thai it'ii "Ji'u nu,. system that has_not,been tried before, that it was subscription radio ioi "ntlrtain-,'fieht and communication, that there would be four frequencies with l0 watts, the ,receivers were small, there would be intemuptions irjr-innouncements from VA.' Rapson was concerned about _safety and wanted to know if any studies had been made.Joe Macy answered that studies hid been maae,-inJ'iiiere *is no indication of substantial danger.. Trout asked about commercials, and Wherry stated that there would be no commercials. anger in 5.*::t,fo:,1 :i9t s enrtat rtoor area in ordei told and for a vari a an a tion to res icants: John S. ani-M=argaret G. Houston Jim Sayre gave the staff report. Peter Patten state that the'reason the staff hardship was self created, one of the-reasons and Rider. Mr. Houston explained his reasons which neighbors 666 receivbd variances or haO recormended denial was that the ment'ioned in the memos from Eskwith and gave out site plans which indicated added to their buildinqs. He also ncrease qross oo /. h- e.a c /a re./ aa 'f ,Jol^ 4t *eat , An,- l /z ) €przrco , f?"rf^Turr/2-//, " t{, .. /t-r 'y'oo,. hz'S/.lX, " /6 , " / /* h jaurl .VJ/-^t* oo h, J,;^ -C y.'-tt/r/ s //o| / 61,, /,/,i7 &rr 7f So fran A1. E./ /a;/ , fti 8/6 t-7 0c*, Jr". P.f-A-n /' our Vhn,e a// 44 Z+trtunj, tcc ,nt// Vo a/.od Ar-A l-// h- fttlerr.. rcTucr/ -r/zt/ a->, /aur //zrrz-fu- //' f/-rro1 Qo*,rrl^ ,aol), ,h7 *)L a-'.o f, *it/ L ft'n< H*4 1,. n, /",n oLL'rL tr.o/2. Ar 7ou rca//, kx fd-a,< Za, ft, {lh*it n*azer a/ ner2'ly'o.r ta/rn are r/arcey' I ur. A, slLs "/ nn';ar//tr<tu+/ ti a1 $//oo-r 6arda^ Qrt*. , L"{ A )" (f l*".pzrV/zcea/ /,i /.1"- - Z pi// l.o>< h-o-- o/, QaoE+ a-,<,&,i /t"Z'r) fc.,t {?'i'/e, ,, Oit' rc ./ ,4( /tts riul l'r541,2- u, ,t 4a'.^ l,? l"o//er i Olta. -ft.r/ h, aTTrozc/a,atV/*ar, ,Ta,V l* l,^ Q7a a /.h. fr,i L,/+1, 77*'t 7o, {" 7o.' L!7. 2 S-t f -LarV. /r C.r/" Q.u1:, (a &fa4 le cor///(e 7zu H"r'./7 l2: 30 2:00 pm pm 2. Planning and Environmental Commission November .l4, 1983 S ite Inspections Publ ic Hearing Approval of minutes of 0ctober 24, lg83 A request for a conditional use permit in order to construct cormercial storage units in the lower level of the Concert Hall plaza. Applicant: Eagle Va1 1ey Investments, Inc. A request to amend the offjcjal zoning map of the town in accordance with Sections'l 8.66.,l00 - .l8.66.160 to rezone Tract F, Vaii Village 5th Fjling and Tract B, Vail Village 7th Fil.ing from Agriculture ind Open Space to Ski Base/Recreation district and to impoie ski Base/Recrea-tion District and to_impose ski Base/Recreation District zoning on an adjacent 35 acre unpiatted parcel recently annexed to the Town. Appl icant: Vai I Associ ates, Inc. A request for an exterior alteration of less than 100 square feet in order to add an addition of 99.5 square feet to the outside stairway of the Gondola Building to be used as a radio headset rental outlet.Applicant; VaiI Associates/Stephens Communication A request for a side setback variance and for a variance to jncrease gross residential floor area in order to add an addition to Unit #ll,Bighorn Terrace. Applicants: John S. and Margaret G. Houston A request for a setback variance in order to bu.i ld a multj-use space with rear setback of 0 feet at Apollo Lodge. Applicant: Apoilo l,lest Inc. A request to amend the vail Municipal code concerning l) section .l9.29.020 to include automotive repair services and garages as-permitted uses in Arterial Business District; and z) to add a-sectioh .|9.04.007 defining automotive repair servjces and garages. Applicant: Bob Voliter t,'l i thdrawn 4. 6. 7. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: The corner of the line; the proposa'l The proposal does MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Conunission Community Development Department November 7, l9B3 Request for a setback and GRFA variance for Unit ll,Bighorn Terrace. Applicant: John Houston DESCRIPTION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED: The Houstons wish to add approximateiy g0 square feet Terrace. The application thtts ror-air iooiuon or-jtj room anda 50 square foot closet on the second floor.for 80 square feet of GRFA. to their unit in Bighorn square feet to the dining The variance request is property proposed dining room addition will be four feet from the wilI require a sixteen foot setback variance. meet site coverage requirements. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS n_revigw of Cr:i!eria and Findinqs, Sec!ion .|g.62.060 of the Munici I Code,tbe,Department @ecommends den ueste var'tances based upon the foJTowJnE-T;ctors: Consideration of Factors The requested variances will have little visual impact on this compactly-buiit subdivision. degree to which relief from the strict or I iteral i nter retation and enforc of a sDeci regulation is necessary to-iffieve at ty and un ormi t of treatmelrt amonq-sJtes-Ji Uffljty or to attajn the o ectives o this t'itte without grah@ This would constitute a, spgcjal. privilege. The desire to add to the dining room does not constitute a physical hirdshipl However, ttre pian'n'ing and Environmental commission has.approved variances within thii sundiviiior-in recent years. A surmary of variance requests for Bighorn reriaie roirowii " DATE VAR I ANCE APPL I CANT REQUEST TYPE OF HISTORY OF BIGHORN AMOUNT OF VARIANCE Houston Jt taz -2- TERRACE STAFF SUBDIVISION REQUEST RECOMMENDATI ON PEC ACTION Approval Approval Approval Approval App ro val Approval Approval Approval Tabl e July 78 Alder Mar 77 May 78 Benys h Rowe GRFA Setback GRFA Setback GRFA Setback Setback GRFA GRFA Setback 130 sq ft 8ft 473 sq ft,7.5 ft 75 sq ft 8ft 7tt 177 sq ft 122 sq ft 18 ft Approval Approva l Den i al Denial Denial Den'ial Approval Denial Den'ial Approvai Aug 78 Aug 80 Aug 82 Turnbul I Curfman 0dum Sep 82 0dum Setback for lg ft Approvai Approval /rci gi .tu,l-,,, .lii]i'i yc $.fl &u,J- st;st*e{Ii ri)\.tat' ft +f. fr,.,;( ' t;! . 'r tythcL al It is evident from the chart above that the Houston's variance requests would nor constitute a special .priviiege, but the question does arise whether the small lot justifies a GRFA varibnce. Fiv"-tunj""d-and thirty:nin"-iq ft of GRFA area allowed on lot; 800 GRFA now exist. ro g"ani-il'"-gnrn varianle wouta"ut " this non-conforming situation even more non-confoimitd. - irt" desire to add'-io-t6-e dining room d6es not constitute a physical hardshio. The effect of the uested variance on I iqht and air, distribution of ul ation transportat on an traffi facilities ubl ic fac ties and utiTities ublic safety. No infl uence. FI NDI NGS -grantt n a vari ancp. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a_grant of special privilege rnconsistent with the Iimitations on other properties clissified in the same district. That the granting of the variance wiri not be detrimentar to the public hearth,iiSl{;rlt welfare, or materiallv in;urious to properties or .imprbvement;-i;-;;" ' ;".i;,'.' HoustoJ 1/7/83 -3- That the variance is warranted for one or more of the fol)owing reasons: The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation vlgf]d.result in-practical.difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inionsistent with the objectives of this title. There.are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the site of the variance that do not apply generally to other propeities in the same zone. The strict or literal _interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of othei properties in the same district. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The staff recommends denial of the proposed variances. The application, if granted,would make an already non-conforming situation more non-confoi^ming. Alio, tfre desire to add to a dining space does not constitute a physical hardship. In making the recommendation of denial, the staff is being consistent with other recornmendations concerning GRFA in Bighorn Terrace ana oi6ei-eniA-vaiiini" i"iii"sts in recent years in Vail. o( II. Tt.ro Copies of the following infornatj.on: A. A statenent of the precise nature of the variance requested. 'oe respectfully request variances for set backs and GRFA for our proposed 80 square feet of addition to unir #rr, sigho; i..r.".. nfe .believe these variance requests are justitiea tecaul"-or ,-piry"i"rr hardship' This hardship is brougttt iuo"t due to the physlcal layout of the Bighorn Terrace addition aboit z0 y""r" "go before it was annexed co vatl' consequently ' ,are nolr have practical dlificuray -ii1":.ying a snall- but needed addition t_o our i.op..ty due to the suall slze of our particular rot. Because other varlances have been perror-tted, for both of the variances lre request, i-n this same Bighorn Terrace area rn the last several years, we feel that we are not asking for a priviledged de cis ion. The addltion encloses about 30 square feet on our existlng porch on the first floor and by_extending upward to the second iioo", we would add about 50 square feet for " totll of g0 "qrr"r. feet. Or* trrifafog outline is-already cl0ser than the present code a110ws and thls enclosure does not encroach any furiher than it "fr"ray-Jo"". - we request this variance in order to make space available in our dining area on the first floor and to t"t. a croset on the 2nd floor.while these spaces were ad.equate for weekend use when t"iiaing was build about 20 yea-rs ago, these nininal lncreases to the present g00 square fee' of 1lving space vi11 nake the unlt n,ch more liveable by ny fanily and nyself. I am retired and plan to spend nore tine, particularly Ln the sumer, at Vall. We have personally and collectively as members of our Bighorn Terrace associatlon helped, in nakrn! otrl ".." Eore ettractive and l{abJet- For example, we have resuifaced our roof, repar-nted inslde and out, buLlt a rock garden in front, ;;;-h""u participated ln the black top surfacing of the gravel cu1 de sac known as columbine way---arl 'n :he -l?st four years. l{e _plan to pf.oi a.o, of evergreens on the rear lot 1lne - at the edge of ola ffigirway 6 right away. B. A site pJ_an w11l be nade by Eagle Valley EngLneering and Surveying Company and forward"i dir""t io vJ". ----'-, C. Addltlonal naterial will be subnltted if requested. 'O o €!'t . 2 STORY WOOD FRAME STFUCTURE A iltl tY o-t"rr. frareta aarrls) .Ta aA.AT t'ca,t t,,9," UNIT IO .\ t6) - qrO e/ ^rb ett U' /i' \ oo) oo-,- t9 \\-l l \ACCESS _6, t<.. c/& UNIT I5 AND UTILITY EASEMENT UNtT # /<)uNtr *tl r,'tl I eur I fros"t Uptr *tr UN tT rL lo Qe ae [/reut Er6 lez,v E{'€,if r UrV/r t // ENCL)9, /N G P,Q e se,|.i . Pc/aa /| l'roposo.( t\J,i,L.- S//zY Sy'z=lofi (tot,/..d*.r,5r1'.,1 /Z,r/, I I I I I I r.d ir\I iN ; i ii j \.,. 1,,\._- *J ! --- tt laa4 j Sfrr.f/t,ro7c- 2 r, ,!, 0",1 {il ile s e.l L o,.- t -. . Fl.c- Qvl4ti.ri---r $0ropo.t..( A!?tl"o tlt' x,{ = 5-6Dt I I I I I 't i I I I I l-- ...-.--'1.:* ( t i,'t;,r -:- .a" au I /ia e _ar 0 \J \s \\I -r tt il tl \" 'J t4/z' ._J f-/roo7 (1, l,r(. drr>).{1,..) \ I October 31, 1983 Mr. John S. Houston 2545 Scorpio Drive Colorado Springs, Colorado Dear Mr. Houston: 80906 I would like to apologize for rny delay in replying to your correspondence under date of October 11, 1983, We have iinalized a purchase agreement with ny brother and his wife for the purchase of Unit /110 on East Co lurnb ine Way in Vail' Since we have a binding 1egal contract' we have assigned all of our rights and interest regarding ihe matter at hand to Scott. As a result of this binding agreement and in fairness to Scott, I feel that he should be responsible for approval for your expansion plans. A letter fron him along with a statement of the facts concerning the expected Property transfer by year end should be sufficient to meeE the requirements of the Vail Planning Commis s ion . Thank you for your patience in this matter. 7323 Christopher Drive Poland, Ohlo 44574 GLR: mks October 15, 1983 Mr. John S. Houston 2545 Scorpio Drive Colorado Springs, CO 80906 Dear John: I have reviewed your plans for extensions to your Unit llll of Bighorn Terrace, which is adJacent to our Unit #10. I see no reason why it would be a detriment to our property and consequentJ-y gl-ve my approval as an adj oining neighbor. Very truly yours, A ,/),4 rea,&- _2-"4 : Kj-drer ?76 lPanz Unit /l 10 Bighorn Tenace Vall, C0 81657 October 15, 1983 Mr. John S. Ilouston 2545 Scorpio Drive Colorado SprLngs, CO 80906 Dear John: t have revlewed your plans for extensions to your UnJ.t iltt of Blghorn Terrace, which ls near our property. I see no reason why lt would be detriment to our property and consequently give my approval as an adjoining nelghbor. Very t f,ozr<- Gordon E. Rowe 4275 E. Columbine Way Vall, C0 81657 October 15, 1983 Mr. John S. Ilouston 2545 Scorpio Drive Colorado Springs ' CO 80906 Dear John: I have reviewed your plans Tetrace, which is adj acent would be a detrlment to our as an adJ oinlng neighbor. Very truly yours, 195 Westpoint Road Tonka Bay, I"IN 553f for extensions to your Unlt to our rJ'j.it. ltIz. I see no proPerty and consequently /111 of Bighorn reason why it give ny approval October 15, 1983 Mr. John S. Houston 2545 Scorpio Drive Colorado Springs, CO 80906 Dear John: I have reviewed your plans for extensions to your Unlt llLL of Bighorn Terrace, which is adJ acent to our Unit /116. I see no reason why it r,rould be a detriment to our property and consequently give ny approval as an adj oining neighbor. Very truly yours, *--1-'-- /..2 .? "'; /,4'1'1 ' --"2- 4 Tom Engleby t IBM Corporation 4700 S. Syracuse Plcvry. Denver, CO 80237 October 15, 1983 Mr. John S. Houston 2545 Scorplo Drive Colorado Springs, CO 80906 Dear John: I have revlewed your plans for extenslons to your Unit Terrace, which ls adjacent to our Untt /i 15, I see no would be a detriment to ou! property and consequently as an adjoining n1ighbor. IBI"I Corporation 4700 S. Syracuse Pkwy. Denver, CO 80237 /f11 of Blghorn reason why it give my approval Uutr */L) I 1-rot.'l ulr ll I e L<) tr *tl Up tr tr lt Ltu tT tL lo Rt an l/rtt^t 1I. Two Copies of the following l-nformation: A. A statement of the precise nature of the variance requested. We respectfully request variances for set backs and GRFA for our proposed 80 square feet of addition to UnLt lf 1l' 3ighsm Terrace. lle belj.eve these variance requests are justifled because of a physical hardship. This hardship ls brought about due to the physical layout of the Bl-ghorn Terrace addition about 20 years ago before it was annexed to Vail. Consequently, we nov/ have practical difficulty in enJ oylng a smal-l but ndeded addltion to our property due to the small size of our particular 1ot. Because other variances have been pernitted' for both of the varlances we request' in this same Bighorn Terrace area in the last several years, we f ee1 that r.rte are not asking f or a priviledged decision. The additlon encloses about 30 square feet on our existilg porch on the first floor and by extending upward to the second fl-oor, we would add about 50 square feet for a total of 80 square feet. Our building outline is already closer than the present code allows and this enclosure does not encroach any further than it already does. We request this variance in order to make space available in our dining area on the first floor and to rnake a closet on the 2nd floor. While these spaces were adequate for weekend use vzhen building*was butld about 20 years ago, these nominal increases to the present 800 square feet of llving space will make the unLt much mote liveable by ny family and rnyself . I am retlred and plan to sPend more time, particularly in the sumer, at Vail. We have personally and collectively as members of our Bighorn Terrace association hel-ped in making our area more atcractlve and livable. For example, we have resurfaced our roof, repainted l-nstde and out, built a rock garden in front, and have ParticiPated in the black top surfacing of the gravel cu1 de sac known as Columbine Way---a11 in the last four years. We plan to plant a row of evergreens on the rear 1ot line - at the edge of o1d Highway 6 right avay. B. A site plan wll-l be made by Eagle Valley Engineering and Surveying Company and for\tarded direct to you. C. Additional material will be subnitted if requested. UPtr * U,u tr F lt to uNtr Fro..t ll te,- #tl Uu tr tLlo KE AtL l//Eu) Bt6 r/ar// #t#.UlV/r t- // I I I J \ F.. tbe4-- tY /l- I E NCLot iN C P4esr* 7 P<./i( // ?roposo,t l\J,t,A.= €r/zy S//z=/of,t (tt s,/. a{,*.rsri.,t J \$ T,I le '1fr, S/t'raqe Po, A Ptesen4 Losg t t- Fl.,o r Qv llt,t i 2"rl lZ - ;tc./. /'/4o- ilrcta,t- : .-' "',/.af ( t' i. t'-''u r - --- . eul liae t4,/L' 0ropot..lfofolLon lq'/'/: d|D' (tl t,r(. ri,)x,,'.) N \\ fo/roo7 v -I (\ --g-0 \J I I I I t_ t i I I I I l- I. Ihe t ApplicationDate l0lL2l83 APPLICATION I'ORM FOR A VARIANCE This procedure is required for any proJect requesting a Varlance. application wlll not be accepted until all l-nformation ls subnLtted. A. NAUE OF APPLICANT:John S. and Margaret G. Eouston ADDRESS: 2545 Scorpio Drlve, Colo Sprlngs' C0 80906 473 5772 APPLICANTIS REPRESENTATIVE NONE NAME OF OWNER AND ADDRESS Same as above SIGNATIIRE D. LOCATION OF-PROPOSAL ADDRESS: Bighorn Terrace, Unit /111, Vail-, CO FEE: $100 Check enclosed A l-ist of the names of orfirers of all ProPerty adJ acent to the subject property and their nalllng addresses. B. c. E' Mr. Mr. Mr. Greg Rldler, 7323 Chrl-stopher Dr., Poland, Ohto 44514 John Chanbers, 195 Westpoint Road, Tonka Bay' Mn 55331 Ton Engleby, IBll Corp. , 47OO S. Syracuse Pkwy. ' Denver Colorado 80237 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Turnbul-l, IBM Corp., 4700 S. Denver, Colorado 80237 Syracuse Pkrry. , Mr. and Mrs. Gordon E. Rowe, 427 5 E. Columbine trrlay ' VaLI, Co OI{NER, UNIT #10 #12 lf 16 #Ls rlTract Arl October 12, 1983 Mr. Jl-m Sayer Vail Buildlng Department 75 South Frontage Road Vai1, CO 81657 Dear Jlm: Attached are the various forms you have requested for our proposed additlon to our Unit # 11, Bighorn Terrace as wel-l as a check for $f00.00. I have asked Eagle Vall-ey Engineeriag and Surveying to provLde you with the site survey. You already have on flle our proposed floor plans. As soon as I obtaLn them, I w111 be sending you my nelghborts approval documents. Thank you agaln for your help in this matter. Very truly yours, 2545 CoIo JltuL, S . Ilouston Scorplo Drlve Springs, CO 80906 47 3-57 7 2 I. APFLICATION This procedure is required The application will not be FOR},I FOR A VARIANCE for any project requesting a Variance. accepted until all information is submitted. A. B. NAME OF ADDRESS apptrcmr Jola 9, / karf,*r.ef €, Js-PHONE 1)7-o-772 ao16 r NAIVIE OF APPLICANT I S REPRESENTATIVE ADDRESS PIIONE ,NAME OF OHNER SIGNATURE (type or print)a 1o,^. ADDRESS t 4zu<--PHONE D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAI. eooxnss 8r, /16rr. Drya're, 0^,//$ , €arl /a.'/ LEGAL DESCRIPTION lot F FEE. $100.00 A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property and their majling addresses. tr/*::':, fl,'//*, , ftb !;2t,1 s tn pt-- 2, , dlro Ar*rr.c, t/nif / to qq r/ f , h, Jahrd C/a * 4orr d- 7J a- b a-'<-aJ I 4t rV."r Po,,f4nfuy'r-rr, '"VDffr' u,,t't 11 hr^Tao,Ea7/.17 , ztu-/ t)#t^#j, J X(t* ', vu I w< tr Pi, t /^ ,-/ 4"''- O a4i4r/ Dn,i {tb L ' tf '' 'n a t'a t 2 3 h,^ ftolptf"TVi" fut1, but*r', ln'/ t t5 Go../o ifuL7:,",<- /r,'/ C.t block Filing /3aco 1Q at.o ,<t F/- '33 /3 L z/Z7J' f Q/on,.J.,ru ?rz dtds 7 'tt..,|-L/ to/z-r/r1 -u,- | ? Propos..l M4 8/a ,Dt^/ 6a rr9 ()/v/r D rt EttctostN c P4EsEN 7 P.Jnc r+ S//zY 5/z=?of,t (tsstJ. 4n.nsrJ) d t\ 4' Porch d r{ 2or"/, tY /t- fZr'/, .lfrt'S/tro7e- lTasr.l Lct-t..it,", au//rob t)t ,, - 2{ 1-/a,r O -/outliae -'ii -4r'ltl Pr.fr"t4%|r,, r.l l4'x,(:514t lF- (ta s,l. d,))x,,,.) | |\tr \' I E \ \\;L-- - _ fo/toa/ J i o o Application Date APPTICATION FORM FOR A VARIANCE This procedure is required for any project requesting a variance. fhe application will not be accepted until all information is submitted. r. NAME OF ADDRESS APPLICANT Js-PHONE '/ 73-a=77 z aor# B. NAME OF APPLICANTIS REPRESENTATIVE ADDRESS PI{ONE F. FEE, $100.00 A list of the names subject property and ,f ,"tL. /otrt:yt,4tu^ , d/ro Oa'ne, t/n'f t tO h, Fln Qtotur !)n,t { /L i'tr,Tao, Ea7/.ia ., ) B4 {2,'7t U.ctrtt_tr , {*, . ,) cdTsr.t L'n tl d y'/r^ /?^i.s,, i't.o t)ttrt."tr , !-cs Oc.rn*r) Dn,l i 4?ac f, 8*.u 1q /lattttaT 17do .C, fTra 6up /)arL*t,, e 1o "+.jzr,. .i/a 7 rtu': I /AHft,!, 112 7.I- tj /b3 ''.) c. .NAME 0F OWNER (type or print) a.12,..-< SIGNATURE D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL A-DDFIr,S9 R,j /hru 77r.are, 2-,,r{11 , €ar) Uc.'/ ADDRESS rr/zr.<<- PHONE LEGAL DESCRIPTION lot block Filing of owners of all property adjacent to the their mail ing addresses. //. Jai,, C/rd tn 6err '._a^ 2 r,./ t ;n ,l //-. :z- -t- i"t / Lt 816 rlaz/v 4T, rrt UIV/T t- // I I I I i lr t^l i.\i t'. i : I / / //L- E NCLc9 /N C Piesrrt7- t2t ft(11 (,^t,J. t{,*nnsrin! ?roposo.t 1!/,1,A.; S//zv 5/.=?of Qorch J \ > .gfrt SltroTc Qorc i ltr( s ?ni Lur- t. Fl.,ar Qe //r,c i r- -.." I r--, I 2"rl /// - J".'/ /:7aor \.\ //rcta4t- H,IL' /-'7/4 0ropo.t.J A/41,a lq' x'/ : dgDl (trr lrr(c atr,)x,r-) \ l I I .--F i I I I I L \ \\ I .,-\' fo/.oo7 lnttn 75 south lrontage road yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 August 15, 1986 ofllce of communlty development Mr. John and Mrs. Margaret G. Houston @ 3+"3 C/-A4.2"74f-: Cf, Colorado Spri ngs, Colorado 80906 Re: Lot ll, Bighorn Terrace Extension of 7/31 /95 DRB and pEC Approvals Dear John and Margaret: This letter is written to confirm your understanding with the Town of vail community_Developement Department that your Design Review Board approval as well as P1 anning commission approval that al'l ow you to add an adailjon to'your ylit 9-t Bighorn Terrace will not be revoked. For your information, there ls no time limit on a Planning commission approval . However, there is a one year time limit that may be used for Design Review Board apfrova1 . The staf? rare'ly revokes a Design Review Eoard approva). This one year'approval condition is used mostly with larger projects. If after a certlin time, other regulations have changed within the Town which would affect a large project, thei the staff has_the opportunity to call up a previously approved irojeci if it has not been built. I see no reason why the staff wourd have any iesire to revoke your Design Review Board approval for your addition. for this reason, the Lonrmunity Deve)opment staff feels comfortable in stating that there will be no time iirii on your Design Review Board approval . If you have any further questions, please feel free to give ne a ca]l. Si ncerely, ffitul$ib Town Planner KP: br 75 soulh fronlage road yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 August 15, 1986 olflce of communlly development Mr. John and Mrs. Margaret G. Houston 3121-C Broadmoor Va'l 1ey Road Colorado Spri ngs, Colorado 80906 Re; Lot'll, Bighorn Terrace Extension of 7/31/85 DRB and pEC Approvals Dear John and Margaret: This letten is written to confirm your understanding with the Town of vail commun'ity_Developement Department that your Design Review Board approval as well as Planning Commission approval that al 1ow you to add an addition to your ulit 9! Bighorn Terrace wil'l not be revoked. For your information, there -is no time limit on a Planning commission approval . Howlver, there is a one year time'l imit that may be used for Design Review Board approval . The stafi rare'ly revokes a Design Review Board approval . This one year approval condjtjon is used mostly with larger projects. If after a certain time, other regulations ,have changed within the Town which would affect a large project, thei the staff has-the opportunity to cal 1 up a previously approved projeci if it has not been built. I see no reason why the staff would have any desire to revoke your Design Review Board approval for your addition. For this reason, the Lommunity Development staff fee'l s comfortable in stating that there will be no time limi-t on your Design Review Board approval . If you have any further questions, please feel free to give me a calI. S i ncerel y, ffitul'$b Town Planner KP; br Proiect Application Project Name: ,l o"t" 1l3l llf I project Descripllon' 8a y' alli\'r.'.^- C3.*.e^^- (t--.^,-.-.C-^^+Contact Person and Phone =J,^..,* \l.o,rr\.x Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description' r-ot l/Block r'ilns 'i<i7[""^flrfla.<-, zone - Comments: Design Review Board Date DISAPPROVAL o"," t\.r\rg 6oo*o,^, (DATE VAR I ANCE APPL ICANT REQUEST TYPE OF HISTORY OF BIGHORN AMOUNT OF VAR I ANCE Houston rfZs: -z- TERRACE ST/.FF SUBDI VI S ION REOUEST RECOMMENDATION ACTiON Approval Approval Approva l Approva l Approval Approval Approval Approval Tabl e Approval Approval Approval Ju'ly 78 Alder Aug 78 Turnbull Aug 80 Curfman Aug 82 Odum GRFA 130 sq ft Setback 8 ft GRFA 473 sq ft Setback 7.5 ft GRFA 75 sq ft Setback I ft Setback 7 tt GRFA '177 sq ft GRFA 122 sq ft Setback 18 ft Setback for 18 ft Airlock GRFA l2Z sq ft tlar 77 May 78 Benysh Rowe Approval Approval Deni al Den i al Deni al Denial Approva l Den i al Den'i al Approval Approval Deni al Den i al Sep 82 Nov 83 0dum Houston Setback 16 ft ( It is evident from the chart above that the Houston's varjance reguests would not constitute a special privilege, but the question does arise whether the small lot justifies a GRFA variance. Five hundred'and thirty-nine sq ft of enFn aieJ aliowed on loti 800 GRFA now exist" To grant the GRFA varianie would make this non-conforming situation even more non-conforming. The desire to add to the di;ing ioom-ao"i not constitute a physical hardship. fhe effegt gf the requested variance on light qnd g.! r, dj trgnpportat safety. No influence. i SYSlr.glher factors and criteni a as the commission deems applicable to the proposed var I ance. @ronmental Cornmission shall make the fol'lowing findinqs before granting a variance: That the granting of the variance inconsistent with the limitations That the granting of the variance sqfqtY' or welfare, or materially vi ci nity. will not constitute a grant of special privilege on other properties classified in the same disirict. will not be detrimental to the public hea'lth,injurious to properties or improvements in the / UNtr Utt tr tr lt #lo I tronr UN V i.* tr *ll Uu lT lL lo Qr art I/rttnr