HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIGHORN TERRACE UNIT 15 LEGAL.pdf*€'"j* i,r1-ur rr-2 i _<Q(, <-z ' <:." io?!:z - < =<az <zz7 >?<=YFF3 <a!lz ':ii t:::9?U'rt.-,1 :i." < <c: <<3 uJ F z. z z. E F E F I z o z z U) uJ TU TL = = uJ (L al, u.l ttl tl- = uJ o, J F F LIJ uJ z tr Lrl e. co =g llJ tx z 6 uJ o F 6 o o- uJ o (L ?z UJ -)(J F E uJ o-o z. o f c) :< UJ - z J o- z 6 l z o = z co = d NOIJ-VNIVA F z g L! o- -a zz Fo_ A Xr trYIJ 66 z>-OO OZ LL< d9 ..i o.t z tr l E E z E o o z tr E ul F =uJ z zz $5 F FI lDzaQ: =f ;qE p3;-;BrE._2 dlGfljzl ,l ,l 'l! ll NFo \) 9- *=Sir?3 b3=de iE !EF EE H3:ooa.zo l--z l z tr o o I \l I F z 3 z =.J uJ =o z. F J l a/)z l ? z i F TJJ UJ IL F o z E F =J \' N o ol z $ N v(5 z f LL I l:< '{o sl ol ll 'ql F ) a N ..t ! ffl a It -l \ ui z _") "'.l $ $\ N '\ U c t\ E z N \l \ll ^ \\l 1Y vt = 14l 'hl a\ al | -31 .J al-s <l EO I \\ T.l \\ \ H tr <l> lJ.l e o o t-E 1,, l--.. | ,-, I I t-, l\1 a a u.4 I >l -l -\ =c 't! t- ':1- E U] o o = t tr fr 1 = x. 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P 3 D x F F: z zl v4 Fi D'l -l Fl 1 H 4 all E q il H '1 H F{U ?oNF -"i 6f; n*<4 :l rn rnF bo F>'"1 OXzr)ritQo uo-z Ef o 62 =^Z c h t-{z q -:(rooo 1r2 Z Q'Fod ,Fj- FI l^)@=?tl 19m=c,l i -:FI El -n trtl HI 'l FI ol ol HI I z. t= =le F lo m 13 c lz l- | <tt = ln z t> z li ql --l I ml !4 1 -l Zol o>r c)l !:ll Z6l =r' I I I I i I I gl I I I I c) CJ ii F{ r g F z z { \o l.J i t- m 3 =_Tl m m a o m -{ x z c m : m I c)z m s m € @ arl o tn z n m m =m o z o .- 1t a- 2 o m t-m --l _9 z m x =2 m = l,m n =-i "n m m U) VALUATION m 7 =-!z o IC l. l( l' m z = 2 fn m o ()z o F I o\ 1'r-+ grcpsq Y-+Lfi'O I (\fto 5 t-.r> I E /,(\INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL THUR FRI PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ') ll.l r i,t I \l tl CALLER ,. ' . ",-l TUES/ WED ( DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON READY FOR LOCATION:iit(.'i\\i-,, BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING i STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL - ROOF & SHEEB " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr D tr F tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL o tr FINAL F APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR nffis,o o INSilCTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL / DATE JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED JHUR' FRI READY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BU!LDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: E UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEE- D FRAMING N INSULATION tr GAS PIPING D SHEETROCK NAIL D POOL / H. TUB tr tr E FINAL tr FINAL EL tr tr D D ECTRICAL: TEMP. POWEB MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr'FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR r*sllcnoN. REeuEsr . | / a -'f A'l/n-' .''-, 1 ku'..,<ot,,lattt J Atuil,oALLER READv roC rxspecrtoru: MoN TUES wED THUR FRr - AM pM DATE JOB NAME LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL ". PLUMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEEL D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETBOCK NAIL E POOL / H, TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr AppRovED tr DISAPPROVED snetruseecloN REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR rNslcrroN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED AM PM READY FOR LOCATION: THUR BUILDING: U FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB d srrunl tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr tr E ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr AppRovED >( orsneenoveo d nrrruseecroN REQUTRED CoBRECTION SJ T"'n^"t--' ttysrOt' C-ttu ft; {V,:nt .\,.t.. 4d/'?t= /'-' oarc j Lrt' / 5,r,./ -) ? rNSpEcroR i, r-;lrr-*,- K rNstcnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL kL.4t <-- DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED <?v) f,.x€eaoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED BUILDING: D FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / - t trtrL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL INSULATION D GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL El POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: E TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: N HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL ./ i/' . _lrprtiltyiva'r DATE rNSeecr|bru FrEGluesr TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAIIIE TIME RECEIVED- AI\4 PM CALLER n orHrn LI PARTIAL LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION MON TUE WED THUB FRI COMMENTS: AM PM BUTLDING Fq}NNG FOUNDATIO'II FRAMING FIf{AL SHEETROCK VENEER- ROOF PARTIAi. LOCATION: ' :t,:'. - -:-----------__t_:.,:. __ _. . E appRovED flDrsAppRovED tr netNSPEcr ! uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: COR R ECTIONS INSPECTOR th. pnnr.r, Yr I DAT E /dl(#L W TOWN JO8 NAME N RF@UEST OF VAIL i:t-4 t i )l tl -qzqdr/D T-uatt e" t+DATE t It TIME REcEtvED {- 'L AM PM CALLER t \. E orxen D plnrtll READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR LOCATION MON COMMENTS: TUE pnee RovED florsappRovED E nerNsPEcr LI UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: /'-C) CORRECTf ONS ( U /+ad/z / t,o 7-t ltA /N l*' /z!-r/l+z-e /Vt-t,r,r DA'+t,', CLe+'v au7- .t:t '':il DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER florHen . INSPECITru F|EB{JEST TOWN OF VAIL fl panrnl LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION AM PM JOB NAIME MON TUE WED THUR FRI COMM EN TS: SHEETROCT vEfrl€ER_- R(X}F FARTLAL LOCATIOI{, _'- D nppRovED ! DrsAppRovED ! netNsPEcr n uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR lh.Pri.le.Y "a DATE r'so=a.'tr FTE.'EST TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER LOCATIOt{' ?ARTIAL LOGATION: n orHen E pnnrrar- LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR FRI COMM E N TS: AM PM n nppRovED ! DtsAppRovED f, nrtNSPEcr ! uporu THE FoLLowlNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR lh. p..r.rt " DATE __.....lll.l-z { DATE rNseecrGru RFBUEsT TOWN OF VAIL JO8 NAME TIME RECEIVED- AIVI PM CALLER LOGATIOiI: ..-.J ;i .. .',.'t 'i. gOVER REO. RATIT{G- SHEETBOCK VENEEB- ROOF PARTIAL LO€ATION' ltooos PARTIAL LOCATION: n orHen MON TUE WED THUR FRI COMMENTS: n penrral LocAroN ?. READY FOR INSPECTION AM PM E nppRovED E DrsAppRovED ! netNSpEcr ! uporv rHE FoLLowrNG coBRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR lh. pinl€ry :a I DATE :' DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER I orHen tNsieec](bru RFBUEST TOWN OF VAIL E paRrral LocATroN JOB NAME R EADY FOR INSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR FRI COMM E N TS: AM PM ROOF PARTIAL LOCATIOl{' STANDPIPE FtilAL II'DCA PARTIAL LOCATtOil: fl appRovED I DrsAppRovED ! nEtNSpEcr ! upom THE FoLLowrNG coRBECTToNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR ln. pnnle.y 'i I DATE Prolect Applicalion ,^," r/t+ /t F Proiect Description: Owner lrddress and Phone: Architect Addross and Phone: /r Legal Description: Lot Zoning Approved: '' 'r Design Review Board .! I Motion by: Seconded by:S^u,u d r,n APPROVAL DtSAPPRoVAT, r; ) 6,r,,.(t B l/ Chief Building Official 5217't * ff'4zt zf t-a SINGLE TAMILY RESIDENTIAL AND RESIDENTIAL,ZONING CHECKTIST tOU€ Profosed use: Minus frazard Area: Equals Buildable Area: . Eeight: Setbacks:Required - Front Actual - Front Distance Between Buildings : G.B;F.A. Allowed: Buildable Slte Coverage: Allowed - Lot Landscaping: Bequired - Lot Parki.ng:Required Drive: Slope Permitted Parking and Drives Must Environme nt aI / Hazar d : 201 , Sides , Sides 10' +,Rear2Or + , Bear Actual %-Aetual %= %= Required Area Area Area Actual Slope Actual Be Paved Avalanche Flood Plain Slope Distanee From Creek Trees Removed Legal Descripti "^z Architect , ?eer- <- l;'l4..rrvgla / Zone District: Lot Area: Actual Zoning Approval; I t^. . George & Hope Curfman 20 Elm St. Denver, CoLo. 80220 - Unit 13 Barbara & Gordon Rowe Box 32 Vail, Colo. 8L657 - Tract A Thomas & Lynn Engleby 5369 W. Roxburv PI. PUBLIC NOTICE ,; Li-ttletonf coLo. 80123 - Unit 16 Col-o. Sprgs, Co. 80907 - Unit 11 Carl R. a Christina M. Hansen Frank Romano, IfI 110 S. Edward c/o Robert L. Archer Mt. Prospect, I11. 60056 - Units 17 & 18Box 762 Golden, Colo. 8040I - Unit 12 NOTICE IS IIEREBY GMN that Ralph Turnbull and woody Bleeck have applied for a variance from the provisions of Section 18.L8.060, Setbacks, of the Municipal Code for the fown of Vail, in order to construct, an addition to an exist_ ing dvrelling unit located on Lot za-D, Bighorn Terrace sub- division. Apprication has been mad.e in accord with chapter L8.62 of the Municipal Code. A Public ttearing will- be held in accordance wj_th Section 18.66.050 of the l,,tunicipal Code on August g, t9?g at 3:00 p.n. before the Town of vair pranning and Environ- mental commission. said hearing will- be held in the vail Municipal Building. TOWN OF VATL DEPARIIIENT OF COMMUNTTY DE\TELOPMENT Diana S. Toughill Zoning earninisiiator Publ-ished in the Vail TraiJ. ,July 14, l97g Alexis E, I,uechenco 250 Kearney Denver, Co1o. 80220 Unit L4 Richard W. Newman L776 LLncaln Suite. 701 Denver, Colo. 80203 - Units 19&20 Ruth River 4108 Anitra l*s ; PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE rS HEREBY GrVEN that Ralph Turnbull and Woody Bleeck have applied for a variance from the provisions of Section 18.18.060, Setbacks, of the Municipal Code for the Town of Vail, in order to construct an addition to an exist- ing dwelling unit located on Lot 20-D, Bighorn Terrace Sub- division. application has been made in accord with Chapter 18.62 of the Municipal Code. A Public Hearing will be held in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code on August 8, 1978 at 3:00 p.m. before the Town of Vail Planning and Environ- mental Commission. Said hearing will be held in the Vail Municipal Building. TOWN OF VAIL DEPARII,IENT OF COMMT]NITY DEVELOPMENT Diana S. Toughill Zoning Administrator Published in the vail Trail ,luly L4, L978 t t APPL ICAT ION I:OR VAR IANCE And/0r CONOITIOIIAL USE PERI,IIT Ordinancc llo. 8 ( Scr ics ot 1973) | (ve rmit to allov cri bed propert Zone. Loi/tract Applicallon Hearlng Datc Publication lloarlng Fee icanl) Phon (State ) (c I tY ) dc hereby request permission to apPear before the Vai I Planning comm i s s' ", ;" : :: : :"' : :. :":',i",' "",1"',r " ! ( "o",, " ^( ) Zon ing Change from .to ( ) Parking Va ri ance ' ( ) Condil-ional use P lnt For the fol lo Fl I ing l'lumber C lea r I y state vring de PurPos and i ntenf of this app I i caf ion 'o -D B.l ock (Clty) ato<-Ad ct tal L< aa- vLz -tt-rrzo-aa-! q'uz.-tuz.' \ilt;^0 q) #(to o & ENVIRONMENTAL COMIUISSION t-978 MINUTBS PLANNING 8 August I COMMISSION MEMBERS: STAFF: Number one on the agenda:Lot ZO-D, Bighorn Terrace. Eoger Tilkemeier Gerry White Ed Drager, Chairman Sandy Mills Jim Rubin Diana ToughiLl Turnbull Setback Variance - The meeting was brought to order and Jim Rubin, Acting Zoning Administrator asked that the Commission address Number 4 on the agenda: Sunbird Lodge - Al1owable Units per Acre and Prirking Variances on Lot 2, Block 1, Vail/LionsHead 3rd Filing. Mr. Rubin statecl that tbe applicant has asked for a postponement until the Commission's September 12th meeting. Roger Tilkemeier made the Motion to approve the postponement of Sunbi.r4 Lodge - Allowable Units per Aere and Parking Variances on Lot 2, BTock I, Yail/LionsHead 3rd Filing until the meeting of September 12, 1978 at the applicantrs request, Ed Drager seconded the Motion and the Commission voted unanimous approval . The Conmission then addressed the second iteir on the 'agenda: -Cold Stream (Glenlyon) - Arnendment to SDD-4. The applicant isasking for an indefinite postponement. Roger Tilkemeier made the l{otion to approve the applicant's request for indefinite posfponement of Cold Stream(Glenl-,yon) - Amendment to SDD-4. Sandy Mil1s seconded the [Iotion and the Commission voted unanimous approval . David Peel , Architect represents the owner in this request. They are asking for the variance to build a two-bedroom addition and put in additional parking. They are asking for a 7-ft. Setback. The unit is not j-n excess of the GRFA requirement, It was explained that if the addition were placed differently, it wbuld necessitate removing trees which they are trying to avoid. Jim Rubin had the Commission review the site plan as submitted. The Commission discussed the memorandum as prepared by the Department of Community Development and their recommendation for approval of the variance request. Roger Tilkemeier made the Motion to approve the Setback Variance request for the Turnbull Residence on Lot zO-D, Bighorn Terrace j-n accordance with the memorandum from the Department of Community Development of August 4, 1978. Gerry lVhlte seconded the Motion and the Commission voted 3 members for approval , Sandy Mills opposed. The Commission advised the applicant of the 10-day appeal period. lFf I Pg. 2 - Minutes Pianning & Environmental Commission August 8, 1978 JamesMorteroftheMorter/ToddPartnershipisrepresenting the owner in these variance requests; also,--in attendance is the applicant,s attorney, lllr. Charies Caivin. Mr. llorter reviewed his pi^r". *ith the Commission. He explained that the applicant wishes to build a garage addition to his residence which will replace an open parkinE area for two cars' and the existing stairwell' T,he a-OAition will enclose the exterior stairwell.- He feels this addition will improve the appearance 6f the residence. The materials to be used for construction-wi1t match those on the residence' IIe ir.i* granting these variances will make the residence more in conformance witn ii. pr"t""t zoning which is Public Accommodation Zone. No additionaf Lnra is being requested, -and he feels this would not be a dangerous precetiet l because this is the only residence rpi-thin the Public Accommodation Zone ' JimRubinexplainedthevariancesrequestedassetdown in the memorandum ;;;;il4 by the Department of- Community Development ' It was stated that th; 4g-ft. aistante between buildings would-be redused to 16-ft. between the residence and the christiania Lodge' Mr.CalvinthenspoketotheCommissionandexplainedthatboth buildingsltnere.sioenceandChristianial,odge)werebuj-ltbefore the current Zoning ordinance was in effect. He does not feel that ifri- g"""ge addit'ion would be detrj-mental to the public safety, welfare, etc., uoa-ir" ""peated trIr. Morterrs statement that tbere would be no precedent uui io.this case because of the zoning of this area and the unique problem of this single residence. He stated tbat the applicant wants all weather access to his residence and that the appeaiance of the residence would be improved by the ir"ug" addition-. Ir{r. Calvin feels there is no special privilege ;;i;; accorded the applicant by granti-ng these variances' Sandy Mil1s feels the plans have "eye appeal"' that it would be much better to look at an attached ga:rage than an open parking ii"i, and she doesn't feel that tbe narrowed corridor between buildings wirl be-offensive. she also feels that the plan ig-g""9 in that the trees that are a buffer between the buildings will not be disturbed. PaulJohnston,tberepresentativeforthejChristj-aniuLg_qq" was in attendance. He asked the commission to consider'postponement of these variance requests because the owne::s at the Christiania have not had a chanc6 to revierv the plans and he wants to notify all the owners. DianaToughillfeelsthatitwouldlreproperfor-the.Commission to grant tnis postp"nu*u"t so that Nr. Johnston can notify the owners' Mr.Johnstonstatedthatthere.aretwopropertyownerswho would very definituiv be impacted by this garage addition' He Pg. 3 - Minutes Ptanning & Environmental Commisslon August 8, 19.78 stated that he had asked Mr. Morter to provide the plans for the ownerrs review, but had not received them to date. Sandy Mi1ls asked whether by Public Notice, Mr. Johnston had had an adequate amount of time to notify the owners. Mr. Morter stated that he will gJ-ve the plans to ll1r. Johnston so they are available for the owner's review. Sandy Mi11s still feels that adequate time wbs allorved for Mr. Johnston to notify and advise the owners, and that it would be unfair to the applicant to grant the postponement. Diana Toughill explained that the time frame remains the same because of an appeal to the Town Council which Mr. Johnston could do, and. the Planning & Environmental Commission could re- hear these variance requeits at their next meeting. Sandy Mi11s feels hearing it twice is a waste of the Commissionrs time. Roger Tilkemeier stated that because the addition does close in on the Christiania, and the units owned by the absentee owners, they should be allowed to rev|ew the pIans. Mr. Tilkemeier made tbe Motion to grant the postponement of the hearing as requested by Paul Johnston, representing the christiania Lodge. Gerry lfhite agrees that the Commission should grant so4e time for the owrers and neighbors to review the plans' ltr. calvin stated that he has no problem with the continuance but asked whether it would. be possible for the Comrnission to make a determination today to approve the variance requests with the proviso that there may be an appeal? Mr. Drager feels this is not possible as there are only four members of the Commission to vote today. He feels it is important to hhve a fulI member Board to vote. He added that he has a problem with the owner notification process. Diana Toughill stated that there has been a problem with interpretation ot itre notification process. It was her interpretation that the staff could notify the Condominium Associations, or agent, on behalf of the property owners, but the interpretation of J-,T1v_Rider, Town of vail Iega1 counsel , i.s that each owner within the condominium or townhouse complex should be notified if they own interest in the Property. Mr. Drager questioned Jim Rubin as to the fact that the staff along ri-tr, tneir Iegal counsel has steadfastly maintained that a structure that is non-conforming should not be made more non-conforming by granting a vari-ance request' Mr- Rubin stated that this is iruil ,-howevei, the largest concern in non-conformity of a building is excessive GRIA and is a much different category than setback vari"ances. Pg. 4. - I{inutes Planning & Environmental Commission August 8, L978 Roger Tilkemeier asked Paul Johnston for his conunents re-gardtng the variance requests and the impact on the Christiania. Mr. Johnston questions the visual impact on some of the units in the Christiania. Mr. Tilkemeier asked Mr. Johnston if he doeSn't feel that a covered parking area would be more desirable than an open parking area where cars and trash containers would be visible? Paul Johnston feels that an open parking area with just two cars will be more desirable than the 2 or 3 cars, along wj.th nunerous bicycles, that have beeu in this area in the past. Diana Toughill stated that two of the items requested are more non-conforming, but concerning the sovered. parking, thi's would be more conforming in this Zone District. Gerry l{hite thinks this could prove to be a negative impaet and addressed the fact that there are two small open parking lots in the area. Roger Tilkemeier stated. that these probably wonrt be open parking lots for much longer. Ed Drager questioned the fact that the 40-ft. corrj-dor between buildings would be reduced to l6-feet which would block the corridor visua1Ly. Mr. Heywood Davis then asked to be heard by the Commission. He is an owner of a unit in the Chateau Christiania. He is con- cerned that if there should ever be a falling out with Paul ' Johnston or the Christiania Lodge, their only access to their units is through the corridor in question. He feels there will be a very definite impact on some of the units.faci-ng the proposed addition. .. Roger ?ilkemeier asked Mr. Davis if he didn't think there would be more privacy attained because of the garage, as cars ' coming in and parking in an open Iot would produce more noise and the lights may be a bother at night, etc. Ed Drager feels the Commission should look at the site in consideration of the problems Jim Rubin advised the Commissj.on that the Christiania Lodge is more non-conforming than the residence in question. Tbe Christiania is only 4* feet from their property line. I Pg. 5 -. Minutes Planning & Environmental Commission August 8, l97A The notification process problem was then re-hashed and it was decided between the statements from Diana Toughill and members of the Commission, that re-notification should be made for these variance requests. [Ir. Morter of the Morter/Todd Partnership will prepare the owners list for notification as requested by Diana Toughill Mr. Drager remj-nded the Commission there is a Motion on the floor for postponement. The Motion as stated by Mr. Tilkemeier is to grant a postponement of the heari-ng as requested by Paul Johnston representing the Christiania Lodge, to the first meetj-ng in September of'the Planning & Environmental Commission, The lvlotion seconded by Gerry lYhite. The Commission voted 3 for approval , Sandy Mills opposed. The fifth item on the agenda: Patch 2nd Filing.Plat Amendment - Potato This request is made because of a change l-n road design. The maps were reviewed by the Commission and after discussion the Motion was made by Gerry lVhite to approve the plat amendment for Potato Patch 2nd Filing. Sandy Mi11s seconded the Motion. The Commission voted 3 for approval with Roger Tilkemeier abstaining. & Environmental Commission frlember to the Desi Review Board. The Commission di.scussed the matter and are i.n agreement to appoint Pam Garton with .her approval at the next meeting. Number 8 on the agenda, Approval of Minutes. The Minutes for approval are those of the meetings of June 28, July 11, and July 25, L978. Gerry lYhite made the Motion to approve the Minutes for June 28, July 11, and July 25, 1978. Roger Tj-lkemeier seconded the ltlotion. The Commission voted unanimously to approve these Minutes. Sandy Mil1s abstained on those Minutes of July 25, 1978- Meeting adjourned. o box lfi) vail, colorado 81657 13031 47&5613 department of community dwelopment l6 August '1978 Mr. Carl R. Hansen, President Chicago Associates' Inc. 75 East Wacker Dr. Chicago, Itlinois 60601 Dear i''lr. Hansen: Your letter of Ju'ly 20, 1978 was received and I have tried to contact you by pnone, in"foriunatety t wai-unaute to speak with you before the planning & EnviiSnil;;i-iffii"rrion meeting on August 8' 1978. 'ThevariancerequestedbyMr.TurnbullforUnit20-D,Bighorn Terrace was for u s;il;k-vi"i"un." of approximately z-feet from the ;il;;;y"iin""i n-ri!u""i''tn"' requirea tb'-teet in order to construct an addition to the orpi"*. iiie aatiition witt be 700 sq'-It'-additional Gross Residential rit"" n"lil ieninl' u't tnty-were well,within the GRFA requirement. it" aisiunie Uetween-Uuiliings remains the same and the proposed structuri nii-iiih. adverse impaci on the existjng structures in the area. fne piinning & Environmental Cbmmjssion granted the variance as requesEed by Mr. Turnbulr ai-ineii meeting-on August 8' 1978' I am enclosing u.oii;i;it; Minutes oi-tnit meeting ior your information' If you have any-other questions or need additional information please contact mY office' Si ncerely, n rA ' -(''"-'W4naU t+. f-u LJames A. Rubin Acting Zoning Administrator JAR/gCW ENC ItEr{on^NDU}I o I ' TO PLANNING & ENVIRONI\IUNTAL COIUIIISSION . FROM bNPARTI\MNT OF COTIMUNITY DEVELOPTIENT DATE 4 August 1978 BEFREQUESTFoRSIITBACKVARIANCE-RALPHTURNBUTL r,Ot ZO-P, BIGHORN TERRACE SUBDIVISION rneappricanthasrequest'edaSetbackofapproximately 6-feet from the property line l-n lieu of the required l5-feet inordertoconstructanadditionlg""existingduplex.The addition is approximately 700 sq. ft' The Department of community Development has reviewed' the criteria and.findings provided for in section 18.62.060 of the Municipal Code and our conclusions are as follows: The relationship of the requested variance to other existlng o1'potential uses and structures in the vicinitY. .Theplansfortheproposed'structurewouldhavelittle adverse impact on existing or proposed structules l-n Ene area Theproposedextensionwouldnotmakethedistancebetween this unit and the one directly behind it any more non-couforming' The distance between these units is l9-feet at the cl0sest point, which is approximately 6-feet short of the required 2s-feet. This extensiOn', horvever, would not make the distance betrveen the units' any .closer than the existing l9-feet. Tlrereisanotlrerunitlocatedtotlresouthwestof theproposedextension,]-ocatedapproximately25-feetfromthe proposed expansion. This 25-feet is in compliance rvitb' the requireddistancebetweenbui}dingsoftheZoningordinance. ?r o Ar, cot*rsrr$nm,rorurunuu-Pl,nNNINF & uNvr tioN;,IENT August 4, 1978 - Setbacli Variatrce nequest - Turnbull The degree of rvhich relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is neeessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objeetives of this ordj.nance rvithout grant of special Privilege. The proposed adclition of 700 sq. ft. is within what would be permitted on this site. Th.e site is 4,252 sq' ft', whicb rvould permit a GRFA of 1,488 sq, ft. The existing unit on the lot is 697 sq. ft. lYith the 700 sq. ft. proposed addition, the unit would be 91 sq. ft. smaller than rvhat would be permitted on the site. The reason for the variance request is to protect several trees that stand 5O to 6o-ft. high. The addition could be built in another configuration which would not require the varj_ance, but this would mean the rettloval of the large trees. The effect of the requested.variance on light and air, ciistribution of population, transportation and traffic facili-ties, public facilities and utilities and Public safety. I{e do not foresee any adverse affects upon these factors. .. The Department of Community Development finds '-. that the granting of the variance wj-II not constitute grant of special privilege inconsj-stent with the lirnitations on other properties classified in the same district. That the granting of the variance rvi1l not be cletrinrental to tlre public health, safety or rvelfare, or materially injurious to properties or improventents in the vicinitY. That the variance is rvarranted for the follorving reasons: .a. The strict or literal intcrpretation and enforcenrent of the spccifiecl legulation . worrlcl rcsul-t in lrract:i.ca1 difficulty or . unneccssary physical hlrrdship ineousisteut rvith thc objc-'ctives oI this title' lFE? I Pg. 3 UrUOlUllnUll - PLANNIIIG & ENVIRONI|ENTAL COlvll{ISSION August 4, 19?8 - Setback Variance Rqcluest - Turnbul.l b. There are exceptional or extraordinary ' cj.rcumstances or coriditions applicable to the site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. The variance request, if approved, will enabLe the ovmer of this unit to tuil-o an addition which he is pelmitted to have und.er the density requirement of the zonLng Ordinance. Due to the exlsting posilion of the building on the site and the relationship oi ttre builcling to the large trees, it is advantageous to allorv the Setback encro.achment' TheDepartmentofcommunityDevelopmentrecommends approval of the requested Setback variauce. al|rt J Ll7.= ,Go i4{" O,t ; e"Sit SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL AND BESIDENTIAL ZONING CHECKLIST -/34,5 Legal Description Oq'ne1 f,6 fu.eJb Architect, ?ee- * ln l,e.rrtu,l zone Distriet : { f rytf' Protrosed use: Lot Area: Eeight: Setbacks: Minus Hazard Area: Dquals 5ur-IcaDfe Area: Actual Required - Front Actual - Front Distance Betweeu Buildings : G.B.-F.A. Allowed: Buildable Site Coverage: Allowed - Lot Landscaping: Required - Lot Parking:Required Drive: Slope Permitted Parking and Drives Must Environment al / Hazard : 10t + ,Rearzo' + ,Rear Actual =Actual x d-70- 201 , Sldes , Sides Required Area x Area Area d-,o- ActuaL Slope Actual Be Paved Avalanche tr'tooO Plain Slope Distance From Trees Removed Creek e, Zoning Approval; )tr { . l\, ^'iv"f" \' ' chicago associates, inc 75 east wacker drive chicago, illinois 60601 312-782-0970 f July 20, 1978 l4s. Diana S. Toughi ll Zoning Admlnistrator Town of Val I Box 100 Val l, Colorado 81657 Dear D I ana: Since Unlt 20-D, Blghorn Terrace Subdivision, is inmediately behind my Units l7 and 16, I would appreciate some information as to the dimens ions and location of the proposed additlon. Any informat ion you can suppl y r,vi I I be appreci ated as I wi I I not be able to attend the hearing. It is worthy of note that Blghorn Terrace Subdivision was developed with a high degree of density. Hopefully the Unit 20-D additlon contemplated is not large. CRH: nn -servrces In- general management - marketing planning - consumer research - community relations S i ncere I 6r la'."i 'i 1 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY cMN that Ra1ph Turnbull and woody Bleeck have applied for.a variance frorn the provisions of section 18.18.060, setbacks, of the Municipar code for the Town of vail, in order to construct an addition Lo an exist- ing dwelring unit located on Lot 2o-D, Bighorn Terrace sub- division. Application has been made.in accord, with chapter L8.62 of the Municipal Code. A Public Hearing will be held in accordance with section 18.66.060 of the Municipal code on August g, r97g at 3:00 p.rn. before the Town of vair planning and Environ- mental commission. said hearing witl be held in the vail. trlunicipil Building. TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COIVMUNITY DEVELoPMENT Diana S. Toughill Zoning Administrator Published in the Vail Trail July 14, L}TB