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mrilOFYln 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 APPLICATION WILL T{OT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGTTED Pmject #: Building Permit #: trledrankal Permit #: 97 M7 9-2L49 (Inspections) CONTRACTOR INFOR]VIATION Prqvide Mecfianical Room Layout drawn to scale to include: 6-) -t i"dt;-"6i -h"" - oi -.niions 5' ;ilL1'#il'ii'tu* si." and Location .Rtt.* A Ftue,VentandGaslineSizeandlocaUon -\J g| \G ; HeatLosscalcs. O Equipment Cut/SPec Sheets Permit will not be accepted without the following: Contad ard Phone #'s:Zi tiisen 5a4-2as-!Suyvr- L(ez MECHANICAL: $ a.,? 60. O O /o//ae/qo :obeddress: ld55 (o/uroLi o"la .t subdivision: B;q W ^-'Tgt ra" Owners Name: Li^,r^ l | \ cr LL' L'1-/ tccee- Fr,uvrn-ac'< Workclass: New( ) Addition( ) Alteration( ) Repair Does an EHU e)dst at this locatbn: Yes ( ) No ( )Boilerlocation: Interior( ) Eaerior( ) Oder( ) Duplo( ( ) MuttFFamily ( ) Comrnercial { ) Re#urdnt ( ) OS's ( ) No. of Aacommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: flonype of Fireplaces ptopsed, eas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wmd/Pellet ( ) Waod Buming (NOT ALLOWED) ace to an EPA Phase II devir:e? Yes ( ) t':o COMPLETE VALUATION @nEd PERIIIT & MaErials for hrcel # tv **************** ****+++* Fec lsdtffrr-**** * **xx****** ** ** **** *** * 'G,:,psccw.,. Cr..Q $liu.-{ /t\n-\o. \/l -I"aX"-t Ho*o-J \"=..t e".cg ilo /[leoltan i ca I K** o'a''s I tr":: ^*fff*l;- 6oo '7 F/ Co* bus/;o^ A:, Dzuf S;'. A - 6 '(a,il, .7n (ror/ STac e fno3_at61 Office GoPY neffo sEP 1 12003 rovcgugEL ucane Gas Fu rnace RIZONTAT EO Every rnore fhol is monuforturcd by 0utone Air (onditioning ond ir bo&ad by fhe erpertise of o <onpony lhol'r bcen in for morc thon holf o (entury. |}ur tlorizontol E0 Gor Iurnote rhirh op!r010. lfift o Ducone lurnoce you (otr (ounl on 0 pr0vrn on outslonding exomplc of thc guiding piilorophy under E,[cetveo sEP I I 2003 TOV-coM.DEv. Affiic€)ND}tr9N]fird AitD#JgjtrlNg :nvg r:8 go-o ! 'das 16Eg r66eeoc :rslo uIv r.uoJnoc Ducane Gas Furnace ffoRtzolfTAl 80 GIIIIRAL I.AYOI'T l H J-rrf - ---T-=.l!tl lril rtl ?? ll t{il ||l I l-q .l 'l _l ,voru. IjiTqsirrs s,a 'h trrrej Cljirlt{,Xxjs trrgt tfcl x'tflNEtlfArli q,il ',rrtatfil', tlF,rr2z ]€oe lrsto utv ruoJnog :.{g }uas fs mon itbrlldm, cfiH O pr*o or n"rs.d,l{ g/g a6ed Om Row DATA FPSSC'OA'(12X8WHFF|) (1n HP [,|OTOR] FFBE !iOAJ (1? X I WiEEU (l/3 l-lP lt/rcrC8 FFSA750A{(r2 x I wt{gEu (12 l-P tt OTO'R) FFEBIOOA' (r0 x 9 vvFtEEq (r/3 HP Ma.r.nl FPgBIOOA5 (12 X I l,vHEzu (v1 HP MOTOE FPABt.ttAlt (12 X 12 vvl{frJ (112 HP MOTOF) ,!0785: lr^.]t|* |rrl.s rti *&C 6ril ps mihrr. PA4, ro(,r{rd !o /B' d t}" It C 4 tbre det !fr*t A.t ,t Artn A(css0n|Es 1215 1410 | 565 1 1,,10 1315 1125 LP TO M'ruR L GAS COTWeTSKJ i Xn to'Jo 1155 12{X) 245 295 rm ,18{) 570 560 620 76 I O4() r4r 5 1565 sn 1360 1545 9/g a6ed 1nV€ !:E e0-0 r -des l oeg rooesoe lrStO UMUOIy1OC :Ig luag Ducane (ias Furnace HORlZOltrAl 80 U]IT SPECIFICAIIOI.IS NH-T FATE f€AThG OAFACITY AR,E (lSOlAlED COtr/8. TEIVFERATLHt HISE \ f,r_rs / PfusE / t-tEHIZ sr^Tlc PBESS1.nE ARROYV c, .5(' sxATrC fr-() ER MoTrlr l-Kft$rPOwER B-OVvtrl w!€E- tDA. x SI'EATE(C}IAM]FRS Ufirtft CONTROL. SVAP DSi( $TV-E GAS VAI/E / fihrl()N CO|{IFDL il-tANstioFtvtEF HLOT B|JFNEF srJtrPt{c Drffi}l.9cf.t3 ST{IPPINIG Vl|tl3frf IV'$ilVruM OESGII OL'TLET TEMP 'dr^ x r lx f,' ,edsxt qy tFt lo .i$n *fw W tltyr'a!) ttlc artil ultr sffoftcAltoils HreH flR il00H,5 GAS RA]E HEAT|NG CAP{CITY ATUE TED@MB. TEMI'IRA'ruRE FISE VOLIS/PHASAHERl:z STATIC PflESSI 'FE AFROW o .50' STAT|C qLOVVER irOTOfl HORSEPOV\€B 8L(IyEn vvFrEEL otA. x NUMEER tr UMIT SNAP DISK STYII q,As VALVE / ICN|TION COf,{TR0_ TFA}TSFOfiMER SVAC PRMART/ 24VAC I.1LOT BURNER @rrE\/l^,Ero3lso€ SHPPTNG I /EIGHT ' llrn*:t Elfry b6 ,41 16,1sttd tar h b tigtf ii*n lV ntu r,rE t4 uil.. 1'10F t-{t!hYl rE l_ $,s5c,1 sf\,tAFiT VAL!ES\4STE\| 115/AC PRIVIARX 24VAC aE{)oNO RY FOOT-|,IOIJF{TED l|C,nE\MrEiqtdsoE 54 1f2 x33x2S3l4 197 w 30-(i0F 115/1tffi CEffFED T'OR 0.5'W.C. TT{t)(MlJ\4 DOERYAT STATC 1gSoCF{rt 3t4 12X9 I\AllJRAI., 80% 40-70F FCF| O.IfI WC. A/'AXM{-I\' qTER\IAL STArc 2O1sCFM 1n 12x12 o 4 170 F W95OO SMART VALVE SYSTE'{ FOOT.I\,OUNTM 1/2X29X 9/t a6ed !nvz t:g E0 -0 t-das loe€ r66eeoe :rslo UIV ruolnoc FEAIURES lrirmtd lpdi(otidl uB ttut gctlttt* df deorlr rsrn:oirn {l lfl} ltult'fil|gr ffiFdofl (l lSVl I onp lrsc fw prolcdfun Air ondtirnsrneddry r&ybdt Uo hord lr JHI onfionsnent lmrilc ilinftq lloot rlrqu nOm - 125,$0 EruH vENTING (,@ry lHtig f vcnrd rnod* fu be *ledl rnrrtd rith rypoved porsr rdrfc coNllro|-s lhnoyrrF hod Ydrc- SyCem (ht $rfoolrbD Itffiy# foi limr (onrrol Jttll 20( 5lor opcnig vdvo for cxln qftil llnitrbn SAFETT $l crtiffd lUi md ftno&l hl*y finitr prcnm gverhroting HEdT H(CHANGER A$SEMBLY I pos don$il lc rddilily lhrnntod *ef primay Todly uffidesin lmml&t HORIZOilTA1 80 AIR (:$StD{*fr+CIiBilc AND4dHAIrIilG rHr 0tfFEaril(t f5 0uAltIY." ,T(@ c urr Ducane Gas Furnace CABINHT thwf ga6s, teilrrd, brif prupl*d rotftct for mrimum yorclioo BI,OWER f rped lS(ntolors Drtlnr built ord behntd whsper quial blomr nftecb WARRANTT ?5 yeon oo llcot [xdmngor 5 prn on oI olhrr prrlr 9/e a6ed lnvz |,:B e0-0 r-das loeg rooeeoe :rstq ulv rHojno3 00x Sirs ronge 10,000-l25,000 heof tivo-1eor rorronly on lo.tr lleovy gouge, bcigr, pru.poinhd tobincl providol rorrorion rololiott ftinpcd oluminirrd rterl hecl exthongar for longcr life Timc doloy off for l/( Stlfl .. rnhonrmenl . tlolirontof olplirolion llorirontol or vrrtirol vcnting Honeynrll€ tontrols- Smoil Volva* Splem Solid-rhlc llorcyrclle fon linrer boord 5 AllP lu:ad drruit protertion Solety linil plrvrnh overlecfing Tvo-w1 trvianing tertilicd ro All5l und (51 slondords [lcrtronir oir dcontr rnd humidilicr hookups Threc+pred ilover molor Slor opening opcrolion (omnon tP kit lor qll Ourcne gos furnorol O Prinred nn ,,+;1,1ad p;pcr for guirlcr g/z abed inVg!:e e0-0r-de5 luas FEATURES l.toRrz{rMl4i. ao^ uN(:,YQUTUT l}r d idiridsd bolflfig of rrh blncr rhcl h acl furrltr. rtrisDcr hnm. rrl lbacyrclF dor.oprriq !m Yrlwl- rtnht in thr prdlh oprotbn. H(.I,^ SMAkI'v Lvt' 0rh onrunf of rmrgy rliti i oedcd h u*d ritt 0utolr Ihcrc ir m tentinuoc pilot figh rolliag 61. ANI) FFFI(.]IENI. llodro d t0 ogcrrlcr u; h 201 non rflkirutly t[s silrr sritr. ttb unil :rna ll rr ilrd lcplorrarnt lumrr rirxc ltc.orroll br thr &d ryrringr lnvcn't dru;rl ir ovr tbr dxoiu. pln ttr ud lr dltaletlc ndu.r lffLllrtirr cOl ly rwing f lrc g rrll {-TnB- CRIelPriD HF#f }j.i<-(}t^ht(:ER SE{vl$ Dstrglr rcU-frcc trr prxrrr clrdcc r drca, hot rffl thtt b Ecrc r:bbls lhor roarratlolql ryrtidy dlsintd tret crdrorgrr rlilirer itll rurtr rltid ltc rinrjd. nlhcr tfior i Ib rrinp trdniqra lmrcllc lir lifc ol thr .rchrlrr b,rrrsrr il tlinimia rtrclrrc l0r 0l F,CO llrl on mctftodl $6 .ith.t rrt ei rrll ruldiq it pottclt th rluuiairrd rooing, sllttaur r(,l (:!r.raa;t wmL4r, |\I.r (t: AffiqONDtrIS}4B8€ Ailo d+llE#\fifi{t0 tlurylfucarfuaC.com mlt n/galfrix :rsro srY ruolfioo :i(€!eee rooeeoe ;iiiii li. t i l.- lil. : f ':j .h.r;"ii':" 9 .i;1, Jt,... i ,til' ,t li... :'f ;l{-}ui'l*ii ,.:\ l.' Ii-*t \.l;ri . r.. ll ti:" 't i.-i. i f -I I' ; fiyrt.ffi r'.",. 24th DEANE L. XIIOX d.t ot October ,nECOnDEn€ Sr rP mll $r![nm,tr '', 'l ll,l,llr,, , ,* ,,^, ,,",r, nndcountv or Ergle .t!d SlrL ot ocl 29 ,r -?, 7,? _TlloMs L. ENCLEBY rnd fyNN t/. EfaGLEBy of llrc :.. coun.'ot E€gle Ij^-tl-!lt ""1'-t" ol tf,. rcord !rrr, S'JTN_EISETE, rtrr t" .i'r.l', li'T*Tl':*j"l :", ; ;;;;;:'il,T ;: *T rventy-sgv€. rt "r"" " j'!""'#l Irucdred rrrty aiJ i;iiiii:.':":y :r i.-T [lr;,;t-;l'::ril'y-Li::"t"HllilI"::H*:T,;;';;.-:":".ff ; .DELI.,'RS, l;;T,::i:nH,;:ll:lT*;H;ili#***:lil.y_*fr t;;:ti:Hr;"im"it;:i'l;,i.,li"T,,Hii"'ru:,*i:t *lnlllt **i+",ilt_ i*i#i#",i,il""l,fl {li" -'"* ;,;;;;";;l'r",:".iff ;l*:;lt_:n*} {::i$* iltjff;,#i.;:,*b.lnf In thr l+ift ji1l"':Tir "':";:;:,.ilT;,lr-. ::-:n: ;I:T.':."::1""' " 'iii"';;';i;i"" :l"i:;: ;jl":j.;;;;'4;;';;"i;"' i:.;T.i'::.j';:::j;" f[fil*;**i.':*,d.*xH$iufil*,,t. .'?i,ir,] #$*$$ffitr#fi-ffi . :ff,T.1"':':'T:"'":i HH,"".:"1""*T#:1il?f ll,'", "",u""", r,h,ch prrty fi"*?ffi,;f;'ffi"iiiill.Htii'l't' I*i'{-,r;;.*' *i*r ..., 'n o'nil'u.TXff.:ai[,l,j.lp" "" Y,1fil.T Lll,ff-"u"trj"p ; ;:::'ti':: 81md, 81116 6tr p.lhrrd ta urr proocr o , 6-),{.--^. ^\-z ,t-' ,: De€nq L, &ror ,/j _..........-._._.-._._.,..--..... tsEALl .,, STATE OF colof,lDo, "'t 1 *";;:;:X:,2- J* Oc tobe r lft aonrrrtilol .{rtt|| ,\ ^{:c. dmhhrrqn . rD;,.r ,ov ?0, rr?. '10 x.r.rr tryta *#.'n*iuiltr*l** .'lirit AI {L tAhl 4r;- terlEl-, r.r;+.u-/rl -(1"v721., t* -6c azSg-q ll- d l'f Proiect Application Project Name: Proiect Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Descriptio n: tot | !? , elocx o^r" J- / 2-7? 7qq -7so? Zone: Zoning Approved: 'fiL.l.//eL 3"P-7a- Design Review Board 3- y-7q DISAPPROVAL APPROVAL Chiet Building Oflicial tt t ,. -7b ,= '/ -)- I Lcgal Description: l-ot ll7_- 81ock - Fif ing -" ,..r t t - tl 0mer]etaa,_6A6lqhat Architect --&tr_-_I | ,4' At.r- ,Zonc Distri ct NtDh{ -proposed use rWrtf.t Lot Area gTtf '-- lJeisht Allor,red 30' Proposed Setbacks: Front-Require,t 20i -"'Proljosed / 7,zE S'ides-Requiled&' Proposed ---W,O Rear -Requi rad,W ProposcC ____lt[4_ ----- ---x l{aterccurse-requ'ired O P.roposed }* O GRFA: Prin:rt1, Allot'ted Secotidaty Al I ot'red Priniary Proposed Site Coverage: Allot'red .d.' a{< *-_J0t{u cllu:r..Fse /6?. .V a X3?{l . lt2{.3r -2^ Drive: Slope Permitted { "Iope Actual Envjronmental,/Hazards: Avalanche .'Flood Piain Sl ope Corrrnents: ;2-- e'*# Landscaping: Parking: . . Required Requi red SFR, R, for R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS Proposcd Pt'opo: ed ,/- ,/ |./ ^ ,.. ,t ^,Zon'i ng{ Appr:ofgilzlD i s a pproved \____-----' ! tt) q '?]L B oa zSs t6 5 L ./-(il :/r i:;trator: u !t J t z- .}-r ii i{ s ( \.J f f $ T I lr I $T a r* Fi $l T$f1 ,,:f r'N-U r$\ <-'o lh \\ q \ s r$ {i \t\:r \\s_ .fi .$\i t .$ \-+* 1S I l ii {PN sl €-F\ F v O . I J-!rj!-q1i.-.-r.( sFR,R, for R P/S ZOi{T DISTRICTS +-f ita -# /6? 1E Lega ) 0rnter Lot. /rrea Setbacl<s : Descripticrn: Lot /6 -_alocr Fil ins 8,e*.^l ,Liq?€ -J"^--g, rl ----setr-Archi tect Zone Djstri rt MD|U{Propcserd Us. tV.liho+,. /o t ,rf __ 3-7#l'roposed ' ^ f1" -6 6 0 llei ght Al I oued -i0 ' Fi'ont-ReqLri re-rf 2O i ' 'Proposed Sides-Required lD' Proposed Rear -Required?d ProposeC GRF/i:Pt'i ntatl' Al I ovled Prinrry Prcp,osed Secondary Al lor'led J t/ ' ' _ Seconciary ,Prcposed p site Coverase: Allor,,,ed .t/{X 32tL. t(E7.{v"oprr"a 4' Lanclscaping: Requ'ir ea ,V q X37{l-= | t 2{.3 I - Proposed o/< Requi recl 2^i2----Parl'.ing: Drive: Pro;.ro: ed Act-uaI Slope Permitted. { ---. -Slope Envi ronmental,/l'la zards :Aval anche ' Flood Plain Sl ope Coinrrents : --\,- -/' ,,a - ./' , J,^ .Lonlng( Appco{y)// Di s approved \--------'/ , 1 Date: drn istrato t - - - il$ $$ ys.N N,f $$ \ b $\ tN f\ \ $ \ t \ \ \ $ $' \ $ -\ N. N (\ $ \ N N \ $ \s a\ \f\t tr $lN "N \N \"\$\I .,N $N li$$'q $ $.$t5 ]$ $$ F s l\ItN il$ il\ N q \ \ \t \ \ $p )$ N i\ \ $ $ g \ N $ $ \ N \ \ s \N x s \ tr \$ $ N \ l $ \\r NS { l {i Is \'q \.' +- 7y'2'-n /oe aJ 4ott 4 rl/eat I S/ara7e /o' '?aan I G"/r) v .l j n*rr+ J,'aJ-,?,6zt*t /roa, '7y7r.o,/ Earslril k;f.h, zlfttt frura-s'- d/zn/o-s r$ t fl I E*, s/,nc Be/roo4 €ns/'a2 C/osr7 W Enslraj Ber/roo- /1'e../ hqmt ,Ue./ ""s/ x. N ,...Jl \ \ '.\ s- T N \ I r' \\ I fioAA.e ,4ott Ex,t/,"g lt Ylnt ExrlriJ €n /.! 2e.l Altrc t f-- I r I I I I t N ( -\ n N \ \ /.au/Ee zEYat PZ,*I '4o = //-a"L'- /'' oo Frvaz €gr 4oiln a '<r /,vr /3 /or /6 lz.gs losaaagtl€ Bte"r**t ftRercr y'az , ?ato- ,fcron Eofil a)a//s / ,4/ ',t 2/n/47 / 7y'sat TtaP f ilftl 7.aP I p2tr *c --'l- -l , BtxaEal J t l.: I-\ N $ \ $s t $$ "., N \$| rx i l ^'--J-- Ke/o.oh./ Doar I tJhlo u fxd,rJ Erap'6re