HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIGHORN TERRACE UNIT 18 LEGAL.pdfI r:.l r :\'-;fff*'"d o tr?"tu ?g ,l',hf, A H,LZffi6;N-'r + tzrz_E ql e\&^--tU*brr:g*F + 35Yo tdf +r tsgZ lC-orea-f ffi-a^t g.t-*...-fr {* r{.r- too"*".4.{r.-of c.c-"L +.La b(-*sc^.- l[D - M.F"L6f 1? I q.l i jit{i M ru ,HAI 'ME iME, owR, EASE, STONE WALK wooD STEPI STEPS A LAMINO f --- ---, i,iti' j"' !;tI I I I I rt 'l I rJ NHgER IXALL COLUMBINE DRIVE MITICE: Accordlng to Colorrdo ltr you ertt coGnc!Iny legll rctlon brscC upcn .nt defect In thlr rurfat btthln th?ea ycu: rftcr nu flrrt Clscovgl 3uch dcf€ct. In-no eyent, .y rqt .ctl@r bat€d spon aat daflct tt thit EuryQtf be cnrncrd Ere th r trn tlalt frr 't- lha d.tr ot ccrtlflcrtlon slm hgrron. {- i$ IJ etrlor. t?t 4rrDtr{GF tr .rlE qDSDa.l.*|ta (50') oo ffgDJUL141gB8 Burke Management Works, Ltd. t Lt 'b*/ fu arll,law JuIy 12, 1988 ,/t/ n vail fown 75 South vail, c0 Dear Town Council Frontage Road 81557 Counc I live East Vail and have been hav er. Speeifically, eonstruetion of a ,has been taking place sinee l-ate May across the street from my property. Work begins usually between 5:00 - 5130 A.1v1 . and finishes sonetime after 7r30 P.M. Sinee late May, there have been approx- imately three days off frorn this routine. I have con- taeted both the Fuilding departnent and the Police de- nartment concerning these hours and they have both told ne that construction is allowed from 7A.M. to 7P.M. with no restrictions as to the nunber of days outside of the village core. But enforcenent of these hours has yet to be doie even after my complaints to both departrnents! My reason for writing you is to consider an amendment to the old ordinance or a new ordinance which basicall-y states the hours and tines of construction which currently apply to the eore are to also apply to the rest of Vail ...i.e ?A.M. to ?P.M., six days a week. Half of ny summer has already been ruined by the schedule and illegal hours of this construction company (from Ft. Collins). I will trust in your efforts so that the remainder of the season can be relatively peaceful . Sineerely,wu(6_._- Rick Haltermann t 4?5? columbine Drive P. O. Box 2631 . Vail, Colorado 81658 . (3O3) 476-7133 paqer: 949-7294 75 south fronlage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 oftice ot lhe town manager VAIL1989 July 28, 1988 l{r. Rick Halterman c/o Burke ltanagement Works, Ltd. P.O. Box 2631 vail , co 8L658 Dear Mr. Halterman: In response to your letter of JuIy L2, l-988 to the Vail Town Council, I have investigated the ordinance which currently regulates construction hours in a residential area. As you will note in the enclosed copy of the ordinance, there is a linit on the sound level during particular hours, but no Iinitation placed on the hours of construction. I was unable to discern from your letter if there is, in fact, a problem with the sound levels. If, in fact, you feel the sound levels exceed 90 decibels between the hours of TzOO a.m. and 7:00 p.m. or 50 decibets frorn 7-:OO p.m. to 7:00 a.m.. please contact the police departrnent or susan Scanlan, the Environmental Health officer. There is a sound meter available and the sound levels can be checked at the property line in guestion. As a reference level , 90 decibels is the level of sound one would hear standing 25 f,eet from a jackhammer. The council did consider the possibifity of revision to the ordinance as it currently exists. However, since the construction season is so short here in VaiJ- , they felt it wouLd be detrimental to liurit the residential construction in a manner similar to the core area. Construction is l-imited in the core during these times when there are large crowds anticipated and continuing construction could pose a safety hazard. The hours are also linited because of the nature and density of the core area. If you have any further questions contact Susan Scanlan at 476-7OOO Sinc*ely, ,11 4,.@8,Ron Phillips Town l.{anager RP:kc regarding this ext l-O5. issue please 7-dlD ef.l c o 9ia3' !" l''} :.g}EA:g uEEi;ri;;=;;gH tF a*$ e1 f ilgE E f ;i+iF:s=i Isi!;;;;i;F3;$[r:*ic ]Esag P *.8 96-= ad - E:.= 8'- 5 F = i- [[:ssg;r i;iF[5 cet[$ qfiE ri*i *frE ia i+[r+ $i*e$[:ig.[iii*#aeiE Fgl: s-$$ 8io ad :eB=r E Ef;+: $se, rfi c? $F:gfl s iAiH r$r [Hc :* ] rri fr aFFg. P ; 958 g.= l., -€SEEFH6-*,-.^* 5 r*3EE gE $i' lifE '- if F =8. Fs8.E uE ip EFPs f3= zs $E EEHr iFE E* *; ;x3: gg? a; iF r;aE Eaf i E3 Fso*i.F- g ri E = v)3 f: H'8'88_E 5-a xEEF E,e. 6 g H' i'e F iEe i $e HsE ig? i i: ;€i :Eg T TB' T€d ltJ :,, !.r i g ESgE f r[*g t SeEF a x i't :p HE cr o o F oD o\ =' o(,U E $,8.r!-t -: =6 E5 r aa (9 x o (D (D ? 9. -.r <h :. R '.Q F a $.fi.ti. < qq F (D L::: &.-..= (7-','I r,, |.) 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C:-za o6 o 'nz2 € x zl ol sl <l z a.l >l "l I I I I Er -j I I 5r L ;'-l . r' I li l' lr-- I I I gl I I I I I ?a>F >f,F-{=: > ,r>- = _ .:-,=d > a>: =:9:;az::4 z:,==" i>. ' .:3 > 11 =Y ! z t :z!'.i <1,7=I r, ^ c " :,^;, r.-:; d'r-.. i " i "t?,:;:c - :l z - - > -.,. 4 -.:, c> - r-ll-:^aaa>,.ira1 ,.' | .1,' i o o rNsfr:toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BU trI ol trl Dl trl Ell tr ILDING:PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPING PLYWOOD NAILING NSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE trl trF trC tr CTRICAL:MEGHANICAL: TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORREGTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR JOB NAME INSPEcTION REQUEST . TOWN OF VAIL ir t-! 1.:1..,-i -e,__ i-l r ,'1.7 / /- / '' t L - - S, / DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: CALLER - r/ ''' \ruES *ILE9: Tlug. -'-'- /0'' 3a FRI AM LOCATION:;!. I t-. ./.t+ i. t -^... ll -. )a '(/I BI tr o K H D tr ILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND E ROUGH / D.W.V. E ROUGH / WATER U FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: EI TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: E HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o FTDTAL D FINAL EzAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR o o z U) -{n c c) :{o z T m n ={ I o o 3 o 3 J o.o (9 o 5 .D lri_tF EfiII; =H; l:uP lfl l= LJI]L-] Or z.= >=-{: =, t. z z r -{m o (- m -{ z o (f --) :I) m 3 =z o ;i z m t-m t- €z m :r -{m -{ t-m o i 6 f- o z -l c) aa --{ m az >m ov -r> m _'. z o --t --l o z.o ---l --t an o z;-rc I< 1Z oo l -'z ! \- r ! I -c s-* I iJ, ftr t \ ol3 =1><F P p rf ts f" I ."l 'l I I l< l= I tx t: l'n la u IN t; ts l-tl lF\ It r :! R L (i I m f = \e \qi l3 l>lo I P \h I IF E - o F o-{R; -o zo oo <z nAE Zc: xx 2Z I q N -\'.gJ I c)m z m It !:n z { I f z oz-ooo ;3EgxF r*i;>-9 P = B ^e t A r F u5 ^uiv)=z .t.c) '< c!>mo o<9<so (,O z c z 39iq 90it fiaE i att?=-; 3F x+-.1 2Z m a --l m o z I _- z ! 4 z.(/,c r z € -l m z It --.1 ln m 9 t-z o m VALUATION m _--l z m c)I z 6 c =2 o l-m --l o _c =_0 m = m v 3 ='Tl m m (t z tn i m I 2 m m { (D o z t o z i f- m 3 =TI m m U' it>t >3Ei':€J: >,- <c r>"l- ii i';::-nti = j:.:tr :iii":z ir a >r, a>a E: rix =r > = <?!22>9.z3>: o=ec9 rtlii Z r"i+ : a-crc>-l:3-= tr--=a c c 2 \ t, 1.. ,'o Project Applicatlon Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Owner Address and Phone: il*lhr) Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lol Zonei Zoning Approved: Deslgn Review Board Motion by: DISAPPROVAL Seconded by;:=.-:- := (/ffifr ll^'vt--) t-...*----.......'.'._--.-'--'t' t (PotS wr/ifl^* t--\t\ t JILL NAPOLETAN and RICK HALTERMANII of 4257 Terrace #18, would like to alter the south wall a bay w'indow(see drawino). As a neiohbor, your approval of this a'l teration. Col umbi ne of their sionature I'lay, Bi ghorn home by installingr represents ADDRESS ti ', t./') t' | ') -/',, I t / fMarrZz;e lz-a7 /got- 4 )0-{ 4\bb OL---44-.-n / h l-" 4AOV L, UflatYP<rzx- L/ z-o -t Lo lu-,n 6 )^. D , o I 7 .1.'l t {-i ') T a_ Book 328 Page 433 Recorded "t3:30 O- o'clock-L M., Sep-t€mbc-r-l' Gt Reception No. 2134?94 Johnnette Phill tps Recorder. rue (:.oopa Eagl e County ofthe County of Colorado, of the first part, and and State of HALIEFIA}N \APOTETAT] (6 t/b\/ and State of F-ILING STAMP STAIT ti0ilNrl{lA,ll ttt sFP 01 1981 $ 8,90 TgtsDnnn, Madethis between day of FRMERTCK W. and JILL C. Ua./ Eagle 'to RCT{ALD L. SMITII ANd ilJADINE M. SMITH *'hose legal addr.ess is ,$", ) (. \/, of the County of Colorado, of the second part: !f'lTNESSETII. thltt Ihr. stirl pllly of t.hr, filst Dtu l. li,r rtrtl itt <'ottsirlt'rtrtion of Llrt' srtnt of Eighly Nine Thousand and No,/I00- STATE OF Countyof U,tL The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before br Ronald L. Smiti and $lanne 14. My Commission e*pirr" ]1Lc.4-L 3 /trr I DOLLARS and other good and valuable considerntions to the said pflrty of the first part in hand naid hy the said parties of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby confessed and acknowledged, has granted, bargained, sold and conveyed, and by thcse presents does grant, brrglin, sell, convt,y :rntl confirm unto the sai<l parties of scctrnd part, their heirs and assigns forever'. not in tenancy in common but in joint tenancy, all the following described lotS or parcel S of land.situate, lying and being in the TE dn Of Vaf, unty oi Eagle and State of Colorado, to wit: Iot IB, BIGIOFIII TERRACE, ac@rding to tlp mErp recorded October L3, L967 in Book 211 at Page 474, S(€pt tlnt portion of prcpe*y descri-bed to-wit: @firencirrg at ttre Nortteast @rner of Lhit 18, (being the eastenrnpst corner of said tl-rit 1B) and tlence N 36043'30" w a distance of 80.37 feet, rTDre or less, to trF Viesterly line of l.trlit 18, thence S 50036100" E a distanc-e of 4.85 feet, nore or less, to the Southerly line of ttrrit alsof,r$?vn!fqs6cstl$d48t$4$i30" W a dlstance of 80.37 feet, nore or less, to the bint of Begfurning. T(Xlt)THnR rvith rll nnd singultrr thc ht'r'edillntetrts rn(l &pl)lIr't('rrirn('('s thcreunto bclonging, or in anywist, apper- taining and the reversion and revelsions, r'emainder and remainders, r'ents, issues and profits thereof; and all the estate, right, title, interest, claim and demand whatsoever ofthe said party ofthe first part, either in law or equity, of, in and to the above bargained premises, with the hereditaments and appurtenances. TO HAVE AND TO HOI,D the said premises above bargained and described, with the appurtenances, unto the said pat'ties of the second part, iheir heirs and assigns forever'. And the said party of the filsi part, for himself, his heirs, executors, and administlators, does cov€nant, grant, bargain and agree to and with the said parties of the second part, their heit's antl assigns, that at lhe tinr€ of the ensealing and delivery of these presents, he is well seized of the premises aboYe conve.v*ed. as of good, sure, perfect, absolute and indefeasible estate of inheritance, in law, in fee simple, and has good right, full power and lawful authority to g1'ant, bargain, sell and convey the same in manner and form aforesaid, &nd that the ssnre are fi'ee and clcaI fron sll former and othel glants, bargains, sales, liens, taxes, assessments and encrrnrblrrnct,s of rrhatever kirrd t)t'nnt rtre socv(.r. I}<oept for easerent-s, r:estrictionri, @\renants, and rights of way of recprd, U.S. Patent reservations, a Fed of Thrst for the use of lEgapolitan lilcrbgage Gr[>any to secure $82,500.00, rec.orded May 29, 1971 in Boct< 323 at Page 797, that the parties of the second part agcee to assrne and pay, and real pr.operty taxes for 1981 and subseguent years. and the alrove balgained premises in the quiet and peaceable possession of the said parties of the second part, the srrrvivot of tlrern, theil assigns lrrd tht'ht'irs and assigns <tf srrch srilvivol against all anrl every person or persons lau'fully cl ai rrring oI to clai nr the rvholt' ol an!' part tlrereof, t he said pa r ty of t he fi rst part shall and will WA RRANT AND I.'ORE\:ER DEFEND. Tht'singtrlrrl rrrrtrrltcl shrll inclLrlc the pllrlal, tlrr'grlrrral thtr singular, unrl the ust, of any gender shall bCapplicable to all genders. lN WTTNESS WHEREOF tlrt, said part.v of the filst n bove \Yl'ttt e n. Signed. Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of SEAL] SEALI 1 I ss. J me this ffrith. I SEAL] ,le{ l ii. 'izii. rrrnn,r.rTY nbro.-ro.rornr remars.l]turll.rd l|rltrrhrng. )!liW 6lh..lr...l.illd*1!xr.t{)l{0-.t4-{.101)ll!-rr9t)0-6-tl @ 49 part has heleunto set his hand a /tosr