HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIGHORN TERRACE UNIT 19 LEGAL.pdf&yh,iE-''a Cen(fi il$hrl DEl'f LOFl€if r Design Review Board ACTIOI{ FORI'{ Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 tdxi 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov,som Wws U,fnft{DRB Number: DRB060035 Project Name: Project Description: RNAL APPROVAL FOR A MINOR ALTEMTION-ADDING A COVERED ENTRYWAY ACROSS THE FRONT OF DUPLEX AND ADDING WINDOWS, ROCK VENEER AND STUCCO ON UNIT 19 Participants: owNER HOOVER, CATHERTNE B. 02|2U2OO6 25119 US HIGHWAY 40 GOLDEN co 80401 APPLICANT HOOVER, CATHERINE B. O2I2LI2OO6 25119 US HIGHWAY 40 GOLDEN co 80401 Project Address: 4247 COLUMBINE DR VAIL Location: 4247 COLUMBINE DR, UNIT 19 Legal Description: Lot: Blockl Subdivision: BIGHORN TERMCE Parcel ]{umber: 2101-122-1401-9 Comments: all new materials to match existing Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Actiont APPROVED Date of Approval: 03/13/2006 Cond: I (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PI-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Elisabeth Eckel DRB Fee Paid: S25O.OO Planner: IOil'Nffi AtJtions-Residentlal or Cctmercaal -Application for Design REview Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road. Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2128 faxt 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested, An application for Design Revie$/ cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review apprcval lapses unless a building permit is isrued and constru(tion commences within one year of the approval. /_L Locationof thePioposal: Lot:-Block:- Strbditisieni B,L,tlttl lt f kE/A(E PhysicalAddress: 4 )-11 / otq t"Fr r'L/ Dr,l., WtrtT t4 , tto t c- L! ta) Parcet No.: j tl tt t.L t4 0 ttt (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s):,tJI l-l Ect ) Mailing Address:ryAT 40 Phone: ; 6-tllL DV,\) Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant:/1i1l itz lp/, 7 k'[) a/ E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: D Signs E Conceptual Review D New Construction ' Addition {qn No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 $20 $20 No Fee ' ln5rr'', Fax: 7t 1- t z c. - d i 1,, 1) Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. C-onstruction of a new building or demo/rebuild, An addition where sguare footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). Minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. Minor changes to buildings and site improvemenG, such as, re-roofing, painting, window addiuons, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. Revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. tr tr Fg8ff*t')2$t' *,..rno., f,1?9 ey, 3- rr-o L rr.\C DR.6oG (O3r / uinor Alteration (Multi-Family/Commercial) Minor Alteration (Single-Family/Duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request 5b ?a.)o G - 6o1b +*+****+*****+***tt+******'l+**a{'+******'t**'t*lt++**'l**i*********fr++******}**********t+++*+++ TOWNOF VAIL, COLORADO Sratement *****!t***********************l*******'i****+*a*f,*a**a**+*++++++ftaf+++++++++*i+*+++**+******* Statement Nuniber: R060000158 Arnount: $250.00 02/2L/200611 :41 AM Palment Method: Check Init: iIS Notation: 5148/CATHERINE HOOVER Permit No: DRB060035 Tl4)e: DRB-Minor Att, Comn/Mult.i Parcel No: 2LO7-722-\4OL-9 Site Addreee: 4247 COL['!4BINE DR VAIIJ Location: 4247 COL,T MBINE DR, ITNIT 19 Total Fees: $250.00 This Palment: $250.00 Total Al,L Pmts: $250.00 Balance: S0.00 ACCOI]NT ITEM LIST: Account code Deacript ion DR 00100003r!2200 DEsrg{ REvraw FEES Current Prnts 250.00 Anencan Land Titie Assocrarron [)wner's Poficy 10 2l B7 1fiev. 4 6,Sili Potrcy Nurnuer A0 16 6 0 8 I MINNESOTA TITLEA SU&JFCT T(} IHE flCTUSI()NS FBOM COVTRAOE. THf TXCTPII()NS FR[)I\4 COVTRAGT CI)NTAINTI} IN SCHTI)ULT 8 ANt) IHT C(INDIII()NS Ailt) SNPUUTIONS, TITLI INSURANCI C0MPANY 0F MINNES0IA, a Mrnnesou coporarion, herein cslled the Company. Insures, as 0r Date of Policy shown in Schedule A against loss or damage, not erceeding lhe Amounl of Insunnce suled in Schedule A. susrained or rncurred by rhe insured by E8S0n 0t: L Trrle l0 the estale or interest described in Schedule A being vesred orher lhan as stated lherern; 2 Any defecl rn ir lln 0r encrrrrhrflnci: 0f lhe lille, .i. Uirnlrkr:lab irty oi ihd 111re. 4 Lack ol a rght oi a(]0ess l0 and fronr rhe land TheColnpanywrl|a|sopaythec0s$,all0rneys,feesandexpensestncltnedtndefense0ffel|lle,asinsured'btnon|ytolheexIen10I0v|(je and Stpulatrons. lN WIINISS WHEfft0t. lhe said Trtle Insurance Company of Mrnnesota has caused rb corporale name and seal t0 be hereunlo affixed by irs duly aulhortred offrcers as of the dap shown rn Schedule A. the polrcy to be valid when counrenrgned by an authonzed otficer of agent of rhe Company. i,,s::1,11 11,-,r,un th: !il!!i:it oi IAND TTTTE GUARANTEE COTNPANY P. O. Bor 357 IOB S. Frontrgc ld, W, Vrll, CO 81658 lsq') 17gLn5r ,l - J*",,,9 lieeYu rTLt iilSurTirrct c0f.jrP,t\\ ci MtNNts0I4 A Sntrl l.".mttary F/g ' :: ;... ,l . j r TIU Onnirs Forn 2312 Order No. v19340 Anount 9111,ooo.oo SCHEDT'LE A Addreas 1. Policy Date: september 03, 1992 at 8:OO A.!1. 2. Nane of InEured: THOIIAS W. FOWLER AND VIRGINIA A. FOIII.,ER 3. The estate or interest in the land deecribed in this Schedule and shLch Ls covered by this policy is: A Fee Sinple 4. Title to the estate or interest covered by this policy at the date hereof is vested in: THOIIAS W. FOWLER AND VIRGINIA A. FOWTER 5. The land referred to in this policy iE situated in EAGLE county, Colorado, and is described as follons: I,'NIT 20, BIGHORN TERRACE, ACCORDING TO THE PI,AT RECORDED ocroBER 13, 1967 rN BOOK 211 AT PAGE 474, COUNTy OF EAGLE, STATE OF COI,ORADO. o Policy No. AQ166089 Page 1 This Policy valid only if Schedule B is attached. TIM Owner Forn 2313 No. v19340 a Order o Po licy No. 5. 5. AQ165089 SCHEDUTE B Thie policy does not inEure againet loas or danage by reason of the following: 1. Rlghte or claime of partl.es ln posseesion not shown by the public records. 2. Easenents, or clains of easenents, not shorn by the public records. 3. Dlscrepancles, confllcte in boundary llnesr.shortage in area' encroalhnente, and any facts which a correct survey and inellection of ttre preiises would disclose and which are not ehovn bY the Public records. 4. Any lien, or rlght to a lien, for eervices, Iabor, or-material thiretofore or frereafter furnished, inposed by law and not shown bY the Public records. 1992 TAXES NOT YET DUE OR PAYABLE AND ASSESSMENTS NOT YET CERTIFIED TO THE TREASI'RERS OFFICE. LIENS FOR I'NPAID I{ATER AND SE}TER CIIARGES' IF ANY. ?. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR Irc)DE TO EXTRACT AND REI{OVE HIS ORE THEREFRO}I SHOULD THE SAI|E BE FOT'ND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSEST THE PRS'TISES As RESERVED IN T'NITED STATES PATENT RECORDED DECEMbET 17, L9O2' IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 492. 8. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES I'NITED STATES AS RESERVED LgOZ, IN BOOK 48, AT PAGE AT PAGE 625. 9. RESTRTSIM COVENANTS, gtHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A !'ORFEITIIRE OR RE\,ERIER CLAUSE, BUT OUIBTING iESTRIcTIONS, IF ANY, qAqED.ON RACE' cOIJOR, RELIGIoN, oR NATIONAL ORIGIN, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRI,II{ENE RECORDED Decenber 2o, L962' rN BooK 174 AT pAGi 403 AND As AIIENDED rN TNSTRIfiENT RECORDED April 05' L963, rN BOOK 175 AT PAGE 33. 10. aASE{ENTS, RESERVATTONS AND RESlRrCTroNs As sHoI{N AND RESERVED oN THE RECORDED PI,AT OF BIGHORN TERR,ACE. OR CA}TALS CONSTRUSTED BY THE AIITHORITY OF THE IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED Decenber 17, 492 AND RECORDED Novenber 22, 1939' IN BoOK 123 Page TIM Owner Form 2313 o Order No. V19340 SCHEDULE B Policy No. AQl55089 11. PANKING EASEX{ENT AFFECIING SUBJEqT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PINT OF BIGHORN TERRACE. 12. TEnilS, CONDTTIONS AXD PROVISIONS OF PARTy lfALt AGREEMENT RECORDED Novenber 09, 1988 rN BOO!( 494 AT PAGE 866, AtfD SLPPTJEIiENT THERBTO REC9RDED firNE 13, 1991 IN EOOK 556 AT PAGE 92. Page 3 February 04, 1998 Buyer/Borrower: Seller/Owner: Property Address: Our Order No.: VC260535 CATI{ERINE B. IIOOVER FATT,ICK T. H]RN ANd AT{NE C. HIRN tOT 19, BIGHORN TERRACE If you bave any inquiries conEacE one of Ehe nudbers or require further llst.ed below: assistance, please For Closing Aesistdnc€ : KART,A MCCULLY OO3O BENCHMARK RD. #2X5 AVON CO 8r-520 Phone: 970 949'5099 Fax: 970 949-4892 For Title Assistance: KAREN BICGS 108 S. FRONTAGE RD W. vAlL, CO 81658 Phone z 970 476-2251 Fax:970 475-4534 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER! CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY COMMITMEIIT FOR TITLE INSURANCE CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation of Misouri, herein called the Company, for a valuabfe consideration, hereby commits to issue its palicy or policies of title insurance, as identified in Schedule A, in favor of the propoeed tnsdred named in Schedule A as owner or mortgaSee of the estate or interest covered hereby in the land described or referred to in Schedule A, upon payment of the prcmiums and charges therefor: all subject to the provisions of Schedule A and B and to the Conditions and Stipulatiqrs hereof- This Commitment shall be effective u y when the identity of the proposed lnsured and the amount of the policy or policies committed for have been inserted in Schedule A hereof by the Company, either at the time of the issuance of this Cornmitment or by ruboequent endorsement. This Commitment is prcliminary to the issuance of such pdiry ot policies of title insurance and all liability and obligations hereunder shall cease and terminale six months after the effective date hereof or when the pdicy or pdicies committed for strall isue, whichever li$t occurs, provided that the failure to issue such policy or policies is not the fault of the Company. This Commitment shall not be valid or binding until countenigned by an authorized officer or agent. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, rhe Company has caused this Commitment to bo signed and sealed, to becsne valid when count€rsigned by an authorized officer or agpnt of the Company, all in accordance with its By-Laws. This Commitment is effective as of the date shown in Schedule A as "Effective Date." ISSUED BY: LAND TITLE GUABANTEE COMPANY 108 S. Frontage Bd. W., Suite 203 P.O. Box 357 Vail, Colorado 81658 (e70) 476-2251 FAX (e70) 476-4534 Authorized Oflicer or Agont CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY 0rz ,/ Prcsident By: F.2880 CTIRB: 5-l-75 "tlo"o rrrlu rNsuRANcE cottof AtTA COMMITMENT SCI{EDULE A Our Order # vC250535 For InformaEion OnlY L,OT 19, BIGHORN TERRACE - Charges -Alsa Owner Policy $457.00 *i39 :33 *** TIIIS IS NOT AN INVOICE, BUT AI$ ESTIMATE OF FEES. WHEN REFERRING T|O TIIIS ORDER, PLEASE REFERENCE OUR ORDER NO. VC260535 MAKE CHECKS PAYABIJE TO I'A![D TITI'E GUARANTEE COMP]\NY *** 1. Ef fective Date: ,January 14, 1998 aE 5:00 P.M. 2. Policy t.o be issued, and proposed Insured: 'rALTAr Owner' s Policy 3-O-L7 -92 $200, 000 .00 Proposed Insured: CATHERINE B. ITOOVER 3. The estate or inEerest in ehe land descri.bed or referred uo in this Consn'itmen! and covered herein is; A Fee Simple 4. Title to the estaEe or interest covered herein is at the effective daLe hereof vested in: PATRICK T. IIIRN and Al,lNE C. HIRN 5. The land referred to in this Conrnitment is described as follows: I'NIT 19, BIGIIORN TERRACE, ACCORDING TO TIIE PIAT RECORDED O TOBER 13, 1967 IN BOOK 2].1 AT PAGE 4?4, COIJNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COIORADO. PAGE 1 AtTA COMMITMENT SCHEDT'I.,E B - SECTION 1 (Reguirements) our Order # vC260535 The following are the requiremenEs Eo be complied with: It.em (a) PaymenE to or for the accountr of the grantors or mortsgagors of tne full consideration for the estate or interesL to be insured. trem (b) Proper instrumenu (s) creaEing the estate or int,erest to be insured musE be executed and duLy filed for record, Eo- wiE: Item (c) Paymenc of all taxes, charges or assessmenLs Levied and assessed againsE the subject prerrises which are due and payable. ftem (d) Additional requiremenEs, if any disclosed below: 1. RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST DATED.Ianuary 12, X996, FROM ANNE C. IIIRN.AI{D PATRICK T. HIRN TO THE PI'BIJIC TRUSTEE OF EAGI.,8 COMCTY FOR THE USE OF ALPTNE BANK & TRUST, A, COLORADO CORPORATION TO SECURE THE StM OF $110,000.00 RECORDED January 25, L996, rN BOOK 686 AT PAGE 533. SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS ASSIGNED TO FIRST BAI{KERS MORTGAGE CORP. IN ASSIGNMEIIT RECORDED,Ianuary 25' L996' IN BOOK 585 AT PAGE 534' 2. RALEASE OF DEED OF TRUST DATED April 24, L996, FROM PATRICK T. HIRN and AITNE C. HIRN TO THE PI'BI,IC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF FIRSTBAIIK OF VAIi, TO SECI'RE TIIE SUM OF $11,300.00 RECORDSD April 30' 1996, IN BOOK 593 AT PAGE 422. 3. EVTDENCE SATISFACTORY TO TIIE COMPANY TIIAT THE TERMS, COIIDITIONS AIOD PROVISIONS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFER TA)( HAVE SEEN SATISFIED. 4. wARRAI{TY DEED FROM PATRICK T. I{IRN and ANNE C. HIRN TO CATITERINE B. HOOVER COWEYING SI'BJECI PROPERTY. NOTE: EFFBCTM SgpteMsnR r, Lgg7, CRS 30-10-405 REQUIRES THAT AI.,L DOCT'MENTS RECEIVED FOR RECORDING OR FII.,ING IN TTIE CI,ERK AND RECORDER'S OFFTCE SHALI., COMIATN A TOP MARGIN OF AT LBAST ONE INCH AND A I,EFT, RIGTTT AI{D BOTTOM MARGIN OF AT LEAST ONE-HAIF OF AN INCI{. TIIE CIJERK AND RECORDER MAY REFUSE TO RECORD OR FILE AI{Y DOCI'MEMT TIIAT DOES NOT CONFORM, EXCEPT THAT, THE REOUIREMEI{T FOR THE TOP MARGIN SHAI'I, NOT APPLY TO DOCIJMENTS USING FORMS ON WHICTI SPACE IS PROVIDED PAGE 2 AI,TA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B-SECTIONl (Requirements) Our order # VC250535 FOR RECORDING OR FILING INFORMATION AT THE TOP MARGIN OF THE DOCT]MENT. NOTE: EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1993, CORPORATIONS THAT DO NOT MAIITTAIN A PERMANENT PLACE OF BUSINESS IN COLORADO, AND NONRESIDENT INDIVIDUALS, ESTATES AND TRUSTS WILI BE SI'BJECT TO A COLORADO WITHHOI-,DING TAX FROM THE SALES OF COLORADO REAL ESTATE IN EXCESS OF $100,000.00. THE WITHHOI,,DING TAX WILL BE THE SMALLER OF TWO PERCENT OF THE SALES PRICE OR THE NET PROCEEDS FROM THE SAI,ES OF THE REAL ESTATE. THE TA)( WILL BE WITHHEI.,,D BY THE TITLE INSIJRANCE COMPANY OR rTS AGENT AND SUBMITTED TO THE DEPART}4ENT OF REVENUE, WHERE IT WILL BE CREDITED TO THE SELLER'S INCOME TAX ACCOT]TTII AS AI'I ESTIMATED TAX PAYMENT. THE SELLER CAI{ CLAIM CREDIT FOR THE ESTIMATED PAYMENT AGAINST THE INCOME TAX I,IABILITY WHEN HE OR SHE FILES A COLORADO RETI'RN FOR THE YEAR OF THE SALE. PAGE 3 ALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B-SECTION2 (ExcepEions) Our Order # vC250535 The policy or policies to be issued wil-l cont,ain exceptions Eo the following mat.Lers unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: 1. Rights or claims of parties in possession noL shown by the public records. 2. EasemenEs, or claims of easements, noE shown by Ehe public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary 1ines, shorEage in area, encroachments, and any factss which a correct survey inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any 1ien, or right to a 1ien, for services, labor or maLerial heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or ot,her mat,ters, if any, created, firse appearing in the public records or attaching subseguent t.o Ehe effective date hereof but prior to Lhe daue Lhe proposed insured acguires of record for value t,he estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by t,his CommiLment. 6. Taxes or special assessment.s which are not shown as exisEing liens by the public records. 7. Liens for unpaid wauer and sewer charges, if any. 8. In addiLion, che owner's policy will be subjecE Eo the mortgage, if any, not.ed under it,em one of Sect.ion 1 of Schedule B hereof. 9. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOI'ND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN I]NITED STATES PATENT RECORDED DecembeT 17, L902, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 492. 10. RIGHT OF l,lAY FOR DITCHES OR CAI{ALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF TIIE T'NITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED DCCCMbCT 1.7, I9O2, IN BOOK 48 AT pAeE 492, AND RECORDED NOVEMBER 22, 1-939 IN BOOK 123 AT PAGE 625, PAGE 4 ALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDUI.,,E B - SECTION 2 (Exceptions) Our Order # vC260535 L1. RES?RICTIVE COVENAIITS, WHICH DO NOT COI,ITAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, REIIGION, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN, AS CO}flTAINED IN ]NSTRI]MENT RECORDED DeCCMber 20, T962, IN BOOK L74 AT PAGE 403 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENI RECORDED April 05, ].963, IN BOOK 175 AT PAGE 33. ]-2. EASEMEMTS, RESERVATTONS AND RESTRTCTIONS AS SHOWN AND RESERVED ON TIIE RECORDED PLAT OF BIGHORN TERRACE. 13. TERMS, COIIDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF PARTYWALL AGREEME}ff| RECORDED NovcmbeT 09, 1988 rN BOOK 494 AT PAGE 865 AMENDMENT RECORDED JUNE 13, 1991 rN BOOK 556 AT PAGE 92. PAGE 5 Condominium Association Written Approval Letter I, Linda Moore, Secretary of the Bighom Mutual Recreation and Sanitation Co., am providing this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Depaxtment for the proposed improvements to be completed at the following addresses noted below: Catheiine Hoover Petros, owner of property located at 4247 Columbine Drive, Unit 19 and Thomas W, Fowler & Virginia A. Fowler, owneni of property located at 4247 Colnrnbine Drive, Unit 20 I understand that the proposed improvements include: Adding coversd entryways across the front of the duplex and enhancing the exterior look of the property. The plans include removing the existing upper balcony and doors and the lower porch, and adding a sixty-eight square foot addition to the front of each unit. The addition will be covered, with enclosed entryrvays, and new windows and doors across the front of the duplex. The front will be finished with a rock veneer foundatiorl a stucco fagade uroapped around to the chimneys and architectural beam ends. The existing deck will be rebuilt using the same footprint, and new stone stairs will be added wittr wrought iron sair railings. I further understand that minor modifications may be made to plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. t '34ftifr 'Mutual Joint Property Owner Written Approval Letter I, Thomas W. Fowler Jr., and Virginia A. Fowler, joint owners of property located at 4247 Columbine Drive, provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the addresses noted below: 4247 Columbine Drive, Unit 19, Bighom Terrace 4247 Colunbine Drive, Unit 20, Bighom Terrace I understand that the proposed improvements include: Adding a roofto cover the entryways across the front ofthe duplex and enhancing the exterior look of the property. The plans include removing the existing upper balcony and doors and adding a small roofto cover a new front door porch on our deck. New windows and doors across the front of the duplex will be added or replaced, and the front will be finished with a rock veneer foundation, a stucco fagade wrapped around to the chimneys and architectural beam ends. The existing deck will not be touched, and new stone stairs will be added with wrought iron stair railings to access the deck. I further understand that minor modifications may be made to plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. ;1 )r b\ c,< Date ./r/ ,/z //a,ryt NOTE: 20'SIDE SETBACKS OVERLAP AND ARE NOT SHO\^/N FOR CLARIry. CROSS HATCHED AREA DENOTES LOCATION OF NEW ENTRY STEPS AND ENTRY ROOF TO REPI-ACE EXISTING STEPS AND 2ND FLOOR DECK I uNtT 21 +9 +j} uNtr t6 t!" UN|T I8 o5- (!.?,006 6 {! GRAPHIC o5 Pa U( conliw* -t[r,t oll \ Wltnol| tb iltrhl* ^^.a!' E ;l t- -z t tP z \ \c! + EXTERIOR *"\$ \ ED6E ff PAIEUEN T REPI.ACED WTH I.ANDSCAPE STONE TREADS AND RISERS WTH WROUGHT IRON RAIUNG PER CTURAL FLOOR PLANS ELEVATIONS. COORDINATE WTH CONTRACTOR AT otatutAMe EA'€vEt'tf (E@( 23.' ft. tfr) ffi' c!D \ wvl X I I I dd ( IN FEET )t 1n"5 - l0 lL MtltbP NlnVAL - | FOOf SITE PLAN SITE PLAN BASED UPON TOPOGRAPHIC MAP AS PREPARED BY INTER MOUNTAIN ENGINEERING PROJECT NUMBER 05-0065S DATED A'1+05. SCALE t0 ED6E Of PAVTUENf I SP AH6q uNlr ts R.' H F o trl Eo Iss E;; EfrTg A=J! EE-.s =p:: lrJ () E E t!F z tr o -I o o ol o tr o o t F lrJ o- o o f,o J o o ol E z f o f U) dt E.o (o o o (\t tr f tr dI UJ |r o (\ / \/ 2-S|ORY w0O0 .0r^ !FRAME . Ot"n%_Z oNE EXTERI.R ,, *:rtr;qZ CANN_ED_LIGHT ..6FR",L'7K Em*U,,$W 2-STORY W00D FRAME EXISTING 2ND FLOOR DECK :JO i ** €d *:f {'t -t tr- *t +t.I :t T- LIVING EXISTING WALLS TYPICAL LIVING UNIT 20 UNIT 19 SEE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS FOR REVISED HEADER AND COLUMN CONFIGURATION AREA UNIT 20 UPPER - 453 SO. FT. MA|N - 512 SO. FT. EXISTING TOTAL 965 SO. FT. ALLOWABLE ADDITION 346 SQ. FT. STAIRS 10 R|SERS @ 6.65" F =@ l o o E o (o o o t\l E, l t o ul L STAIRS 11 RTSERS @ 6.45', EXISTING EXTERIOR STAIRS TO BE REPLACED WITH LANDSCAPE STONE TREADS AND RISERS WITH WROUGHT IRON RAILING PER CODE. EXISTING ROCK GARDEN N /\--- /\ -Jv-- MA|N LEVEL DECK AND ADDIION (PROPOSED) nR tE--_l A1 TOP OF PLYWOOD NEWWROUGHT IRON RAILING TO MATCH NEW STAIR RAILING AREA UNIT 19 UPPER - 543 SO. FT. MAIN - 632 SO. FT. EXISTING TOTAL 1175 SO. FT. ALLOWABLE ADDITION 25O SQ. FT. (,r F o ttl tso Ie$ Eg8 EfrTg 9gq* =er: TOP OF PLYWOOD REMOVE EXISTING BAY WINDOW NEW KNEE BRACE AND COLUMN SUPPORT NOTE: SEE STRUCTRUAL DRAWNGS FOR MEMBER SIZES, DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS REMOVE EXISTING AND REPLACE WTH NEW STEPS TO FRONT DOOR OVERFRAMED ON EXISTING DECK SEE SHEET A2 FOR BAI-ANCE OF MAIN LEVEL FLOOR PLAN ul o =- y{ aE_ IJJ H t ?[5 ulRo -t ?j fie JE 3=o lr NOTE: NO ADDITION 10 o o o DINING SEEAl FOR BALANCE OF DECK AND SITE STAIR EXISTING WALLS UNIT 19 SEE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS FOR REVISED HEADER AND DINING UNIT 20 KITCHEN TOP OF PLYWOOD R F o ttJ Eo IsH FSno <58 EfrEg A=J? =88_3 =pr: IIJ o ftH AE IJJ H t ?E 5 HE3 tr3s Jts ==o lr AREA UNIT 20 UPPER. 453 SO. FT. MA|N - 512 SO. FT. EXISTING TOTAL 965SQ. FT. ALLOWABTE ADDITION 346 SQ. FT.REMOVE EXISTING AND REPLACEWTH NEW STEPS TO FRONT DOOR OVERFRAMED ON EXISTING DECK REMOVE EXISTING BAY WINDOW NEW KNEE BRACE AND COLUMN SUPPORT PER STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS A2 AREA UNIT 19 UPPER . 543 SQ. FT. MAIN.632 SQ. FT. EXISTING TOTAL 1175 SO. FT. ALLOWABLE ADDITION 250 SO. FT. CoMPLETE MA|N LEVEL (PROPOSED) o o o -t [- L AREA UNIT 20 UPPER - 453 SO. E =dl l o dl u o (o o o (! t f E dl UJ II o (\l I I I L AREA UNIT 19 UPPER . 543 SO. FT. FT, t_EDGE OF NEW ROOF A3 SITTING BEDROOM EXISTING WALLS UNIT 19 NEWWINDOWS TO BE ADDED OR REPLACED BEDROOM TOP OF PLYWOOD UNIT 20 BEDROOM NEIA/WNDOWS TO BE ADDED OR REPLACED TOP OF PLWVOOD 4St' - 6', I F o lrl Eo *aE Eg; =[Ee EEa.s =e:: ul o Glt AE IIJ H t 3,8 5 IJJRo _t 2i fiE JE =3 o lr UPPER LEVEL (PROPOSED) PAINT BRICK CHIMNEY STUCCO FRONT FACADE FROM ADDITION TO BRICK CHIMNEY o o. F o uJ E€t H*E ine'A=J? =88.3 =Fg: ADD ARCHITECTURAL BEAM ENDS AND REPAIR FACIA AND SOFFITAS REOUIRED EXTERIOR LIGHT FIXTURES AS PER CUT SHEET EXSTING BAY WINDOW TO BE REMOVED WROUGHT IRON RAILING TO MATCH STAIR RAILING TOP OF DECK J F =dt f o o t o (o o o (\l E. l t o trJ l!o (! A4 IJJ o =- F{ AE utH t z '. 3EE tr'-d IIJRo o-oj ; =: s IIJ tF JE ==o lr NEWWINDOWSAT REMODEL AS COORDINATED BETWEEN OWNERS AND CONTRACTOR TOP OF PLYWOOD t-t r-l F llll SoUTHELEVAT|ON(PROPOSED) 1o 2 4 DECK TO EXISTING CONDITIONS EXISTING WNDOWS TO REMAIN WPICAL PAINT BRICK CHIMNEY STUCCO FRONT FACADE FROM ADDITION TO BRICK CHIMNEY KNEE BRACE AND COLUMN SUPPORT PER STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS REMOVE AND REPLACE LANOSCAPE STONE STAIRS WITH WROUGHT IRON RAILING, FIELD COORDIMTE STONE TYPE AND DETAILING WITH OWNERS 5" STONE VENEER NEW ENTRY STAIRS BUILT OVER EXISTING DECK s =dl l U' dl E.o (o o o (\l tr l t dt UJ L o (\l WROUGHT IRON RAILING TO MATCH STAIR RAILING PROPOSED REMODEL A5 EXISTING BOARD AND BATTEN I t-o lrJ Eo Ia$;30 <58 EfrEs fr=J? EEa-s =Fl: IIJ o frH AE utH tiA pI5 IJJRo -,1 ?i Eo| IJJ F JE ==o IL t-t tttl EASTELEVATTON(PROPOSED) 1o 2 4 EXSTINGWNDOWSTO REMAIN WPICAL I F o UJ Ect tnE E3; EfrEg A=J€ =88_3 =Fg: PAINT BRICK CHIMNEY STUCCO FRONT FACADE FROM ADDITION TO BRICK CHIMNEY REPLACE WINDOWS WTH SMALLER WINDOWS PER NOTE ON SOUTH ELB/ATION LANDSCAPE STONE STAIRS WITH WROUGHT IRON RAILING. FIELD COORDINATE STONE TYPE AND DETAILING WITH OWNERS J F =dl :)U'o t o I c)(\l E f 5' STONE VENEER o n$l lttl 10 A6 IIJ o ftH AE utH t 3E E tr"-d IJJRo o.oj E3s JE ==o lr WEST ELEVATTON (PROPOSED) o o o a I F (J IT tsct InE E3; EfrTg 9Eql =e:: DINING l|l o GH AE UJH fg2A ?E 5 uJRo _r?j fi3 Jts ==o lr l()o c,({ KITCHEN LIVING AREA UNIT 19 UPPER.543 SQ. FT. MA|N - 632 SO. FT. TOTAL 1175 SO. FT. AREA UNIT20 UPPER - 4*} SQ. FT. MAIN - 512 SQ. FT. TOTAL 965 SQ. FT, KITCHEN A1 EXISTING MArN LEVEL (EXTSTTNG) o o G F o trl Ect *pS E3; EfrTg ;Eqi =FgI IIJ C) =EH NE t = o ?t 5 HS3 ;=s uli JE ==o IL rO o o $t BEDROOM BEDROOM AREA UNIT 19 UPPER.543 SQ. FT. AREA UNITZ) UPPER.453 SQ. EXISTING A2 UPPER LEVEL (EXISTING) a o O o R F o IU iuE E3; EfrEr 9gqI Ee:I IIJ o Gr{ AE IJJ H u2A .^4X att.t= -=ClId -(t=FE;FR -=?3 ils JE ==o lr .1 D L] A3 EXISTING souTH ELEVATTON (EXTSTTNG) o o o o H F a ul EGt Ess iHg' ;sqI =e:: tJl o Gn }E IIJ H t z A 3,q 5 TE: r,E JE ==o lr !o o o (\l A4 EXISTING EAST ELEVATTON (EXtSTt NG) o o o o R F (, tu Ee) H$E ;HE.2n6P A=JG EE8-*:r-Z€t =zixo =d,<F trJ o frH AE IIJ -t t z Fl 3EE tr'_d HE3 r-Es JE ==o lr r{)o o GI A5 EXISTING WEST ELEVATTON (EXtSTt NG) -F-8tr't1r1T9f{Ggffi{6 uNtr t6 \n s. r$" b.$ NOTE: 20'SIDE SETBACKS OVERI-AP AND ARE NOT SHOVVN FOR ct-ARtw. 20'FRONT SETBACK I I 0i- 4. fu00 uNtr ts Uttz67 x'(wnur ( ,"r$ $ t, I \cs + t I Y,/ $tj I I I *.\{! EDOE 6 PAUtUENT otEn 6 Erffi'tf (E@( 23J. ft 'D) r( \7.*.\\'o.#'UNIT 18 r -d.) J ,f , * IViffii6ruffir FiooC ptqr{s \ t.N \ill I ANoELEVAToNS. cooRDtNArE t ) Niry-u'l .-->.$GRAPHIC SCALE 05lo ( IN TEET ) 1 1nq5 - t0 fL M,lmJPNftnVAL-rFd)f 'dd EO6E ff PAIEUENT '14- '\-/. \ ./'uO- - \ z-A\''Q/L. \ '/'r.J Y^ ,/ SITE PLAN SITE PLAN BASED UPON TOPOGRAPHIC MAP AS PREPARED BY INTER MOUNTAIN ENGINEERING PROJECT NUMBER O'OMsS DATED 6-14-05. H F o ul Ec IpE xs; EfrTE A=JG EEe.s =eII I I .{:. <Pd /i lk '@o;:" I ulrt t zu d. 2-STORY tM@ .or_ l " r'llt- Jl9 roE{#iifE \f\# - v r\y Yl fto{ffi "S-soln,7 tef,uxlt .?"^d'tul/"rL rEr{ri#t p-^0" tr4pffi,q{jr'ti. , \PLANTER UJ o z ]U o -o ul tr dI l o dl t.o (o o o (\l t f,t o IJJ lJ.o $l /'*n f J \ LIVING EXISTING WALLS TYPICAL LIVING UNIT 20 -l. TOP OF PLYWOOD {.Ja--t/ {r--6f."-a-* NEWWINDOWS TYPICAL UNIT 19 SEE STRUCTURAL DMWNGS FOR REVISED HEADER AND COLUMN CONFIGURATION AREA UNIT 20 UPPER - zl$i SO. FT. MAIN - 512 SO. FT. EXISTING TOTAL 965SQ. FT. ALLOWABLE ADDITION 346 SQ. FT. STAIRS 10 R|SERS @6.6 F =o l (t, dl t o (o o o (\ t l t o IJJ I STAIRS 11 RISERS @ 6..15' f--- MA|N LEVEL DECK AND ADDITION (PROPOSED) l-lR t-tr--_l A1 TOP OF PLYWOOD (, G F () trJ Ect H8s iHeu guqI =Fgr AREA UNIT 19 UPPER.543 SQ, FT. MAIN - 632 SO. fi. EXISTING TOTAL 1175 SO. FT. ALLOWABLE ADDITION 250 SO. FT. TOP OF DECK REMOVE EXSTING AND REPLACE WITH NEW STEPS TO FRONT DOOR OVERFRAMEO ON EXISTING DECK SEE SHEET A2 FOR BALANCE OF MAIN LEVEL FLOOR PLAN IJJ o GH aE-IJI H t 2 A ?E 5 uJFio 1 ' +qi' ==o lr NORTH NOTE: NO ADDITION 10 o o STORAGE DINING SEEAl FOR BATANCE OF DECK AND SITE STAIR EXISTING WALLS UNIT 19 SEE STRUCTURAL DRAWNGS FOR REVISED HEADER AND DINING UNIT 20 I F (t ttt Eo Io0l p$E <58 Efrte A=J? EEa.s =Fl: ul C' Gr{ AE IIJ H t2A ?[5 IIJ R C, 3?i 5o| lU 'iF JE =3 o lr AREA UNIT 20 UPPER - 45[} SO. FT. MAIN - 512 SQ. FT. EXISTING TOTAL 965 SO- FT- ALLOWABLE ADDITION 346 SO. FT.REMOVE EXISTING AND REPTACEWTH NEW STEPS TO FRONT DOOR OVERFMMED ON EXISTING DECK REMOVE EXSTING BAYWINDOW NEW KNEE BRACE AND COLUMN SUPPORT PER STRUCTUML DRAWINGS A2 AREA UNIT 19 UPPER . 543 SQ. FT. MAIN - 632 SQ. FT. EXISTING TOTAL 1175SO. FT. ALLOWABLE ADDITION 250 SO. FT. NORTH CoMPLETE MA|N LEVEL (PROPOSED) o o (, o- F o lrJ Ect HgE :HE.2t{69 ,t=J? EEe.s =e:I I L lrJ o Glt AE IIJ H tr 2 A .,^4X ujro=atrt -et=FE.d HS3 ;=s ltl i JE ==o IL F =dl f o dl E.o (o o o (\ t f t dl uJ l!o (\ ___l AREA UNIT 19 UPPER - 543 SO. FT. AREA UNIT 20 UPPER.453 SQ.Tt. BEDROOM EXISTING WALLS SITTING BEDROOM UNIT 20 NEW WINDOI/I/S TO BE ADDED OR REPLACED TOP OF PLYWOOD UNIT 19 I I I L EDGE OF NEW ROOF A3 UPPER LEVEL (PROPOSED) PAINT BRICK CHIMNEY STUCCO FRONT FACADE FROM ADDITION TO BRICK CHIMNEY o o- F (, IIJ Ec ta$E3: :HE. =r{6s A=JF EEa.s =Fzo =p:: TOP OF PLYWOOD ADD ARCHITECTUML BEAM ENDS AND REPAIR FACIA AND SOFFIT AS REQUIRED EXTERIOR LIGHT FIXTURES AS PER CUT SHEET EXISTING BAY WINDOW TO BE REMOVED WROUGHT IRON RAILING TO MATCH STAIR RAILING TOP OF DECK 38'- 10', J F =d]f o cn v.o (o o o (\l E. l v.dl lll IL o (\l 5" STONE VENEER AS SELECTED BY OWNERS 5" STONE VENEER AS SELECTED BY OWNERS A4 UJ o z uJ lt AE lJl --tr H8E F.-d UIRo o-oj "-=s IJJ IF JE ==o lr NEW WINDOWS AT REMODEL AS COORDINATED BETWEEN OWNERS AND CONTRACTOR TOP OF PLYWOOD n tttl SoUTHELEVAT|ON(PROPOSED) 1o 2 4 NEW STUCCO AS APPROVED BY THE TOWN OF VAJL REMODEL PAINT EXST.AND BATTEN EXISTING WINDOWS TO REMAIN ryPICAL PAINT BRICK CHIMNEY STUCCO FRONT FACADE FROM ADDITION TO BRICK CHIMNEY REMOVE AND REPLACE KNEE BRACE AND COLUMN SUPPORT PER STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS 5" STONE VENEER DECK TO EXISTING CONDITIONS J E =dl _f U' dI t o LANDSCAPE STONE STAIRS WITH WROUGHT IRON RAILING. FIELD COORDINATE STONE TYPE AND DETAILING WITH OWNERS NEW ENTRY STAIRS BUILT OVER EXISTING DECK WROUGHT IRON RAILING TO MATCH STAIR RAILING (o o o (\ tr f E.dl UJ l!o cl A5 o o. F o ttJ Ect teP vBa <58 EfrEe Ft=JF =58.3 gFt: IJJ o G ',{AE IJJ H t 9rE tr"-d lJlRo o-oj \z t; IIJ tF Jb ==o lr n lrrl EASTELEVATTON(PROPOSED) 1o 2 4 NEW STUCCO AS APPROVED BY EXISTING WNDOWS TO REMAIN TYPICAL I F (, lrJ Ect Ias E3; EfrEs A=J? EEe.s =Fg: PAINT BRICK CHIMNEY STUCCO FRONT FACADE FROM ADDITION TO BRICK CHIMNEY REPLACE WINDOWS WTH SMALLER WINDOWS PER NOTE ON SOUTH ELEVATION LANDSCAPE STONE STAIRS WITH WROUGHT IRON RAILING, FIELD COORDIMTE STONE TYPE AND DETAILING WITH OWNERS I =o l o o tr.o (o o o (\ E l E dl 5'STONE VENEER o l--l $l lttl A6 trj o z rrJ }t AE IIJ H tr 3rt tr'_d HE3 E3s JE ==o lr WEST ELEVATTON (PROPOSED) PROPOSED REMODEL 10 o o o o o o- b ttl Eo IeE Eg; EfrEr 9Eqt =er: DINING IIJ o frv{ aE_utH ff'iA a 5 4 /-l .F -f'-|+E -,et=FE.X IJR _:?3 tr3 JE ==o lr lo o o (\ LIVING AREA UNIT 19 UPPER - 543 SO. FT. MAIN.632 SQ. FT. TOTAL 1175 SQ. FT. AREA UNIT 20 UPPER.45i:} SQ. FT. MAIN.512 SQ. FT. TOTAL 965 SQ, FT. KITCHEN STORAGE A1 EXISTING MArN LEVEL (EX|ST|NG) o I F (, ul Eo IeP E3; Efrte ;Eqi =Fg: ul o Glt AE IIJ H u2n ?q 5 HE3 ;=s UJF JE =-=o IL lC)o o (I BEDROOM BEDROOM AREA UNIT 19 UPPER.543 SO. FT. AREA UNIT 20 UPPER - 453 SO. A2 EXISTING UPPER LEVEL (EXISTING) o o o o I F () trl EG,IaE EI; EfrEe ;Eqi *Fi: IrJ o AH nE-t 3,f g utRo _t?3 fiP TF ==o IL ,1 t--l tr A3 EXISTING souTH ELEVATTON (EXTSTTNG) o o o o H F (, ul E€t teP EX; EfrEI 9Eqi =e:: IrJ o GH AE UJH tr'2^EX lrt ,.r Y, -.=Cl-d =-tt=q..6: F .C'PRq -:?3 fi3 JE =3 o lt t4)o o $t A4 EXISTING EAST ELEVATTON (EXtSTt NG) o o o o R F C'ul iuE E3; EfrET A=JF EE8.s =e:: IIJ o Gr{ AE IIJ -t ti firt tr'-d HE3 EEs IF ==o lL ro o o $l A5 EXISTING WEST ELEVATTON (EX|ST|NG) Gonlt o MUN o OUTIN Status: I Approved ITY DEVELOPMENT R G FORM fl Approved with conditions I Denied Routed To:Public Works Date Routed:02t28t06 Routed By:BillGibson Date Due:03/08/06 Description of work:entry roof and stair addition Address:4247 Columbine Drive Legal:Lot:20 Block:I Subdivision:Biqhorn Tenace Comments:Date Reviewed: 2/,2U06 Need additional review by Fire Design R ard ACTION FORM Department of community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colcrado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vai lgov.(orn o eview Bo Project r{am€: fuUfa- P€rlItn$l DRB Number: DR8060034 Project Description: FINAL APPROVAL FOR A MINOR ALTEMTION-ADDING A COVERED ENTRYWAY ACROSS THE FRONT OF DUPLEX AND ADDING WINDOWS, ROCK VENEER AND STUCCO ON UNIT 20 Participants: owNER FOWLER, THOMAS W., JR 0212112006 VIRGINIA A, FOWLER UVING TRUST 2074 ALBION ST DENVER co 80207 APPUCANT FOWLER, THOMAS W.,lR 0212L12006 VIRGINIA A. FOWLER LMNG TRUST 2074 ALBION ST DENVER co 80207 ProjectAddressi 4247 COLUMBINE DR VAIL 4247 COLUMBINE DRIVE, UNIT 20 Location: Legal Description: [ot: Block Subdivision: BIGHORN TERMCE Parcef Numberz 2L0L-L22-1402-0 Comments: all materials to match existing Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: APPROVED Date of Approval: 03/09/2006 @nd:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. cono: coN#eor O * ' All materials shall match existing, unless otherwise specified on the plans, at time DRB Fee Paid! $25O.OO of construction. Entry: 03/09/2006 By: ee Action: AP Planner: ElisabethEckel )'t,r Afl itions-Residentlal or Cl mercial -Application for Design f,eview IOI4NM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 97 0.479.2728 fax:. 97 Q.479.2452 web: www.vailoov.com All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design rcview approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. fthe Request: Location ofthe Proposal: Lot:Subdivision: Physical Address: Parcer No.: 2/o//2.2/4A 2A (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Name(s) of Owner(s): Ma Address: Phone: Owner(s) Signature(s): Phone: /yP 7*tu E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: D Signs I Conceptual Review ! New Construction = Addition { vino, Alteration (Multi-FamilyiCommercial) tr Minor Alteration (Single-Family/Duplex) ! Changes to Approved Plans ! Separation Request :32 3/. $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 Construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 An addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 Minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 Minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 Revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee $o $,oou b tlf *\ r. (n 3 - (s<tb Name of Applicant: D6 003 Meeting Date: €;G - By: I t! o TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement Statement Number: RO5O0OO159 Amount: $25O.OO 02/2L/20067L:45 AM Palrment Method: Check Init: .JS Notation: 5059/VIRGTNIA FOWIJER Permit No: DRBO5OO34 1\rtr)e: DRB-Minor AIt, Conm/Mu1ti Parcel No: 2IOI-122-I402-O Sitse Address: 4247 COLITMBIIIE DR VAIL LocaLion: 4247 COLI'MBINE DRIVE, I]NIT 20 Total Fees: $250.00 This Payment: $250.00 Total AIJIJ Pmts: $250.00 Bala.rrce: $0.00 **'i*+**** * * * * * + * + * * * ***++ + + * * * * * * * + * ******++*************{.+*** * * * * * + * * * ******+*****f*+****** ACCOUNTITEM LIST: Account code Description Current Pmta DR OO1OOOO3LL22OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 250.00 Joint Property Own€r Written Approval Letter I, Cdherine Hoover Petnos, owner ofproperly located at4247 Columbine Drive, provide this lett€r as written approval of the plans dat€4 which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development neparment for the proposed improvements to be corryleted atthe addreses noted bebw: 4247 Columbine lhive Unit 19, BighomTerrace 4247 Columbine Drive, Unit 20, Bighom Terrac.e I rmderstasl tbat the proposed improvemeds include: Adding a roofto cover tlp eiltryways across the front ofthe duplex and enhancing the exterior look of the property. The phns include rennving the existing upper balcony ard doors and adding a smnll mrof to co\€r a new front door porch on our deck New windows end doors across the front of the duplex will be add€d or rephcd and the frotr will be finished with a rock veneer fourdation, a stucco frqade wrapped around to the chinureys and architectural beam ends. The existing deck will not be touched' arrl new stone stairs will be added with wrought fuon stair railings to access the deck- I futhsr understand tbat minor rnodifications rnay be made to plans over the course of tIre review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulotiorrs. #"1 rl,- Condominium Association Written Approval Letter I, Linda Moore, Secretary of the Bighorn Mutual Recreation and Sanitation Co., am providing this letter as written approval ofthe plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the following addresses noted below: Catherine Hoover Petros, owner of property located at 4247 Columbine Drive, Unit 19 and Thomas W. Fowler & Virginia A. Fowler, owners of property located at 4247 Columbine Drive. Unit 20 I understand that the proposed improvements include: Adding covered entryways across the front of the duplex and enhancing the exterior look ofthe property. The plans include removing the existing upper balcony and doors and the lower porch, and adding a sixty-eight square foot addition to the front of each unit. The addition will b€ covered, with enclosed entryways, and new windows and doors across the front of the duplex. The front will be finished with a rock veneer foundatioq a stucco fagade wrapped around to the chimneys and architectural beam ends. The existing deck will be rebuilt using the same footprint, and new stone stairs will be added with wrought iron stair railings. I further understand that minor modifications may be made to plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. Secretary 0ct-01-1001 ll:.? Fr*ttilSD 0?0alt10l3 T-701 P'003/003 F300 ffl;,; ;;';;;-,r":U' '"- ' +-' -- o r"t {*"'lnl'rtE t?E''/' .t'1+ Ill ilt '{>oz.- unrwArlrovrt.frgttrcrrtolr t'tpiT zo Lwuu) '''^:Jh%m**'-"" Ira ero o *try 3tmd ambrnv-qd tqquT 3r-l FWhg-F"'iil't Fn aoo rcsrng tFlt"E idb.clfi iEdpEEdGme-ttrSm#!lraelrqtl6lF Aorllr! gr@ g*r =GGG QrrEst . cn,f*ofir4fr 6rffi samToolil t70.{e6$o .bnst|9 970Jt.1.02't r.rmlFnEqlccrc cn:nfirow 97o45e1o:l(b).ffiHffd$ffic HOLY.Cn6Elgrxrc rrro{{7{G(E) -.gtoixF1'rr$8, Odb.t l$l'lot xca.ffigY ffinff1ilituttn''qtfi 6ntrs!xregltt 05a4@r rllOldgmfrr'l0E lrnrrlvrrwAlllt sril$ATldloll'1rllgr vrorF.Taco(tft t7o,fIr..m(b0 onG rffin FhdF OA|c|a Glf.C to;ry'''4|fiL(u)eu6e'!ll?(h) 4qq-lotrr ffi'IHY.Wt ---ffi a#T;#,ff tffi, *,, t- cot*rF-IT :lf .ry-ll$,fiTnR* 5,ffi * f. tf $e tllq.rtwl t Enrusr rsrm rE ls'Fr'E ..il; ffiil;-;li* rth.odlrst rar fc!d.;*-dlcdvcl dte|bnn, ttttTiln w|| prEerrrthEttll 2.Uart|tyqnF|yh6ffiG'rft$.p]4ddlfi'rdo'l'ucrd!ryng1tGt.t|y€cn||l!t!dl|ldyq| rts rg, niltdon rur6 uffil;66-*t'ftn;;;; 't-ttd" rrie sr 63p1rO EEr 6e dt*d in ao abd:d hB b b Tdn d \td. Hornrr, Pt # btp fr'ffi'O* i S ite ].fpdtcilry of uts umr "drdr|' aid Or rppfe*o lclohrc i.lenu!' Fl$letl|$ +ot ilt-;ffi dn ft"iout of W r ltrg-'-'rrr is m e nfcwav m @! T,1rc De|clopct b |q|*s, rts lgfits to eiilf, l|v BritGd dilit|gE lo lt€rttlesfrr |E.anctu.dl r 'P-rctfubt n trr nffir tsr erc arcifiiil;"y "*;ei ilfiffi]fr'r"-tu1,rg dtciiEe *fft lc ruilh dE qiltEttaB d Ellt Fm)' Prgc8d.l3t06/08rog o S€p 30 O5 1lr4?a C€?hFr{n' Pctror 303-626-0560 p'4 ae- o-c6. a 1olttt igt lt3B? totott'oe?z t " $op EO OS tra:lzf clgh?rlnG FGrFa5 3O3-5e6-OEeo V'i Fitq tlrilra:Lt4e oeTtt', 4L41 'EttqnDty'c l2E 'uAt'- Itk lrj iTtr-{yoz worryrttnou(ruEttnErrtFtl uPtT za (F.-eL)*#**#:****.'.i ";mffi,85ry69p ffi'HHg E#Xrc*F;"c *d rPtrffio' i# acng|rl !9lr -fu CITIEE: SilTcdq 970158'€850 E-'X!GllPRElilE|lrs rp26?-{f,6(El)gil-tdHmGnO . CodE.U Edltd lltE'il3 tnv'cnEtl.lcltr j/4'{ dGASf*^E cro.{3]ftt flm' .iri.ioamtt*t ffi - cl 1if r*t* &Jfue oL ebk ffiffi ffiffiffiffi aTF-€ltdrE-,*ryFfj!-llflY #ffiH##ffi't!Er!- ' -L'r'-"rDia rr..gordlrregibriar rm o.ldncr b'q+ry1ffiffifl ffi EJ#l* "oa 5ffiffiffi,';r. F!.r!tf.ItuqrDl/16 ,1*9Ft*5,6(u) -sm4$,fltda''s orEclrcitl* ffil nE{ntmeril4oz{fit(l,td9in26iLffi eecte Erira,wrrne erE[Algl DilslllEf tu1767C?olqt sfi,sntwe a6dt 6.tar lrll tuPr t/b 't r[/'0il i.98til] SSoN3 ,\loH rldSi:lf E00['0['d1s ScpocJglQlEQ-E2 tlp:?str'l c!.Ql!9flt nc P.sro3 oos'sea-osU?r68s P'Y' ?.1 caEE'aF ott' e4ay, trruspw; p€t#, O (|^rrl.Ettaut\rt€ Dp, Y* 3!l stu'(zoz u*trt*lvgunrc son npiT zo r(t 3rl fti, - 1,4-;b0 L|I&lillF?tol'rl]vEirnrclilofr '"- ' ' - $""+2,) TA {bm ter\rca b y6rfy t1a3 fr pwd frpmnrnarb wil rnt f4d. my €lCdng q FFld *tty T,|s ard *o b tfify ssvkd ;dilil;-irc-looiil ttr |rrl cor#rson m *orl..lc a'd ln 6n utffrl -t4fi .. prptne vcrr rrg ptl, Jffi d;d[" lirrilr snd|lrg phtt' fitr thtu rtd ehffii$ itrait le irtrro 6 itte bFrftt tilb fg? rt|oEl ad vafi#|} r tm.##rllJcll Cofrc sam ToFleI970t68.6860 Jrotr Shrrp 970JS+O218 IGE ItlCr|PR!8n|REClg sr0:6r/lcr6 (EN) eMt'r401(60 .enGRldEdslrtcrB HOLY.Cf,EglTgtnlc Jftar.fe$(El "{r0'9F{081(far)offirt !FlilFe ICg.ETERGV ino.i iqiiiiw:1 ttl- 4o tI ffirBt rnErytt0:8a,n2i Jfmdned Enfi;LCrc arei.rnwg,wATEna $STTTHETflGl 90,{m.7fi0(u)9r!.{76.{m0h) c6nE(b t{ad$ Phclpr oo|mtsfiGrl|r 9r0.rt68{559 x 112(bI) o*'**W{t#,' -tu tr44/ - - f:*?j.ffi 'lf rfl*fr -:q' u hzt*' =H|ffii-#-ffi=lOHl iffi rarV appornl t trrltffiit tun tr finb6 frsn cd {.ur ttflry€npillcs, atlP-g:F * ;,ildr"d,r';ffiffi il"rilnr ilTidntpffiift'ac rp pUcrrl ad-tne dador.ncnt om ptd' 2. If a rtfty srFlny ha mfnt rl0r trr propoeC oootttdbtl, O|G qtfty ffrt|e|tbt|t's C:I n& d|ldyott 0re-'u*y'i{rddilt'ri11dtddd;il;nfit'*ki't;;eutitqdrcd'' liogruermtFuurbrd€h'lh an lt1g614 lgtf b Urc fmr-C f,ff. -ia16rq, *dn nlp n mrnO ta t S ttr rqomfiny of $e |||trv ompanv rd ttr Oplqt b nolrc Eg(ficd ptlthrs. S.TlrrsvrfrffinsdomtrdFpttrrott'rE'dltterpo|l3luh'bobElna-FublcW-rvnqqqTg--,.^OrerourtCnm$u|le*lr.Tilt cfrn .-1yHF.tE* d|.{cy r Elrrsr_ ribg h rrp. c rrJL r bLflrE lErnt qrEr I *fl. thu nqflE ff Fn|r E ooElE rrnGl. Tlt Def,loglr ts tqoH t|! {rc to sitli: ilv tll,hd t'r|iftF bltPrtlFc ftr gaqgllji]ff4p tr ur srunrio gu|r9in arg lr rnv irry dt| nE iluilElt rfgfiilm dc (unE6 otiltuE8 sFeqf€:ly lr[3 ufrft ttq qrnrt arac C 0rblbrn), P.gcedlt/OqFUG ff;il;,1,'i,,*,, o )CEL $lr.t'llT CTY Occ lE 05 to:3lr t*qfiH$'', *7'4ctt Fax:97S26?4O5? cr?haFtnt r!t' r''oct 19 m5 12:55 o 12:55 P.01 Ll 7 {.tlt1nh N€ l>E,t/A' 'unft lo trt+ ,r, 5tu.{toz ulturY rttlovlt runtfiEriloi ffor.Fe) ' tur lit ;1i:gtuo sstrfig ffi* ffii-F*rdrs*r' H|{$ffigF;Em'm;isYt'ndn @ nl! ..,ffi't^*, ffinsm rcBt[clPrEEllcrt -no-reong1 ctoat}l|ol(lb.).@tllRElsdslrre rsvGn!-a'tcruc /E 0flr'5fl6luxt '/ -a7paP,ag111a AlGl'$!lJ|hoE (.A,{t*'.R*q'J , l() -ll- ob ffi,m ffiffiffi r?0.{7tr74ilG|)izo.+rurm(co -O.rEd lftillFlLF -lotPr #sffi'fffi!,ffiffift*ffiffi m'#ffi ffi t***,tro*s#g**ffi"f##5*ffi ' Sffiffi*t'l Fela ot 1lr06rilrut oE,r L9 .6 L?t@' GilCT']CAAJ sm.*ryfl? 8#6n PffiE.A' Buildins {aterials Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fa'scia Soffits Windows WindowTrim Doors Door Trim I Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses'n{ Retaining walls /ai Other PROPOSED MATERIAIS Tvoe of Material Color M €tzc,4, - ear ,fofnlrtork ./anB'rrt Sf,tuo orqr/Seaoui: w 9/6-5 z 7 t]4-./f2/dlj/ /ryn/ t/ /t/3 filLrA/, Exteriorushting ffiooro% niE,Mcc zt.*,r4tuesL1drtn 'v noto, ftr6,/p vro*orJ'Li&//r/'5/ sl,ov */;f!yL:e ""'-' fQ/QfU y'e,autoop ?a,*rttnlV ,{Zfanlr -,flu,tep Please speciff the manufacture/s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. fr" *ffrnlffi Page 6 of L4ltlr4los . Proposed sufface drainage on and off-site.. Location of landscaped areas,. Location of limib of disturbance fencing . Location ofall required parking spaces . Snow storage areas.. Proposed dumpster location and detail of dumpster enclosure.r Retaining walls with proposed elevations at top and bottom of walls. A detailed cross-section and elevation drawings shall be provided on the plan or separate sheet. Stamped engineering drawings are requircd for walls between 4'and 6'feet in height.o Delineate areas to be phased and appropriate timing, if applicable . LandscapePlan:. Scale of 1" = 20' or larger r Landscape plan must be drawn at the same scale as the site plan.r LocaUon of existing trees, 4" diameter or larger, Indicate trees to remain, to be relocated (including nar location), and to be removed. Large stands of trees may be shown (as bubble) if the strand is not being affected by the proposed improvements and grading.. Indicate all existing ground cover and shrubs, ' Detailed legend, listing the type and size (caliper for deciduous trees, height for conifers, gallon size for shrubs and height for foundation shrubs) of all the existing and proposed plant material including ground cover.. Delineate critical root zones for existing trees in close proximity to site grading and construction.. Indicate the location ofall proposed plantings.. The location and type of existing and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring for plant material following its installation.. Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. . Lighting Plan:o Indicate type, location and number of fixtures.. Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous area . Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. r REPAIT{T PROPOSAIS o For all proposals b repaint existing buildings, the following supplemenbl information is required: . Color chip or color sample including the manufacturer name and color number(s)r Architectural elevaUon drawings which clearly indicate the location of proposed colors (ie. siding, stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, soffiits, etc.) '; Page 5 of I4lILlr4lOs ;ryL lt E t, -. _ =-i!I_ ,-4. - -t --.a ,,,.: ]F!,".-e lll ; - j i Fj, l= F ,at r tslf Fstll ,t ...-lr! lt'ri A .L 1 l>""!rr I c L z c)lt, -.{ =Q ..{ !^ot^\-u dn\-'!,0 3Eg k*i CI CI / IHT ;;E lqH :^:A ?l =>d m @ di 8# 0 0 0 !:|,'! t = =o i |l 6t@ => P 0 HE -n 0 E=>{i io z t9 2 _rH €I CI 3 t :, -_-l F*l f{r l FFLg] :!E=tF_l ;31 1r[ \ it l'L, E5l -# l I c ai F+il =v, z ; l-a" I 9 | i1 \ |6 | lu - | Ei I i1---, I I l*.-14 |E.r'= | f -- ----------d | ,rr=)=-,f t]Ii a Prl I =ll 12,1','l?-6 o-r I i I f; | =4 1 -l tEl 16 l 66 9_ ah 6) G) FI u! m E't- =! €u o o € { €a o =7t o o =F o € 2 o o alt E aP TF )r_ 6!2 909 6jj- >=i pod ;iB i I3 Fi ri-:T'sr:*6q 'b >6- =+in?I ; >!_E:ls eF I z o u, -t 3 v, E L i@ [-___-] tI 1|rl- l l'l f-----.e---I uL- | )i1",lur EI Itl I l*s-l t;__-] l,lLl tdrl t*l II'=rqI ll I1 r[ -i dE HfF E8.Q' P =bl 6 d'o d- p6. =,:t- o 2-5 s|,l,u!!!<ooIDtD>T-es9s9fE9f9fr gEEF*H35aF93+ P+egl e"1 5 4a 3 * = --{lg. o :.RE d '6' ;+ 6- i=rQ o € o = = iH3 F n I' ll 'v/ i$3 @od I> F ',.1 \\ l v $Hfi xE A itl v 8Hd rE -^ @ A{l -w +8S n Ltl v/ t9 a= @ =sg f; @) IFg =:i @i-- @ o = o o \| =! D q o = € o o € 4 Q ! F o = { =E , oro ==F' oo 'tt ! oo o = N e N o € o = = o =F ! F o { = ! o .a €t ! F o =E oo oo =F ! t { =€;€>! 6r € F o = e ! €=DF un ffi & \r[.s fi ur,airs tatdsome Wcathered Brcnze casl frtures cus ottztiion on *e lustrous honsy ort ass and mica accz panck. . morc Afts 4 Crafs larcs on th. fo\owinE ges: andzlicrs 8z ini-petdanl \j rdants t6l .lL 4 Foyer 2o4 )sc-to-Ceiliag 255 Lh q Vontty S6S ndscapt 47o 476 nrnole:sliohtinu Lr .\I P562846 - fiotrt via' ' Ps272.46 E= Product No. Finish Descr pt on Si?e Lamp (s) P5272-16 WeatheredBronze 5.1/2' W., 28-t14' ht. Extends 6 3/8". Low voltage path llght I 18w T5 wedge base (included) E' PS12a.46 Weathered Bronze One.light post lantern l0 w, l8-l/8" ht I med'um base, Fi:s S post (order separately) l50w max. P5528-46 WeatheredBronze One.light nangrng anrern 10" ',)'/.. I 5-l /4' ht. Overa I ht I medir.rm base, vu/'charn 52 ; wire 10 . l 50w max. P5528-16 Weathered Bronze One-light wal tantetn 5-518'W.. l0-l/2 ht. I mediun" base, Ertends 7.1/2 . H/CTR 2-l14". l00w max. P5629-46 Weathered Bronze One-lrght wall arlern 10" W. l5-li4 ht. I mediurr base, Extends l0 3/4". H/CTR 9'718". I 50w nrax. o z " Wedg€ l'. ba se >l 'l l ! Medilm L base (:) l#i:;:'f!1;",,. H/CTi = He gl"t fror certe: ofl.oox to top offixture. Posts and other rrounting eccessories on paEe 46.]. E Low vo tage ', A I lo., vcltage path ights requ ire transformer See pa9e 482. Al ow voltage fixt!res include r,/ 2 N,s threaded adapter, co.rector (P865r), rnoLrnting s:;lte iP85r 8'3r ), and larnp. It's nol often that you run across u C.,us mix of aesthetics and engine".inilrt ihe Marviri Casemaster is exactly that - a wood or Clad wood window that solidly ].ali out wind, rain and snow Smooth, clean millwork defines the interior sur{aces. -At the same lime, the Casemaster incorporates sleek engineering, from the sequential locking system through the sophisticated roto gear mechanism. Place two Casemasters side by side, take out the center post and step back in time. The French Casemaster has a delicate, elegant air about it, but under the sur{ace has the strength and stamina Casemasters { ilARYtl{-,lil, Clear a lder Jinish colors ll,UP Custon wood ch€rry finish colo iWP Custoff waad LlSgt - I- -- @- Clea, cnrooo aherry II ---I €bonv vler ot ffi III c e3. chappo cire"./III Mer ot PebbLe wlreal G'ev Fir finish colors ,i C her.!t W IIT Availabfe interior wood speaies Preniun waod tbDny Offi OA{* Hem ock Mapie O&$CC Genrine Hickorv K.otty Alder M;ho9any Fir Maple finish (olo15 iW Glass options for French interior doors ,, i ,.: i !t',, e and securiv neet r .he (-;<Dm:-l:_:;,., n-r h'3crnl loa<rn9 sys_er. Casemaster and Awning u'indows are specificallv designed to rvork togerher, blend seamlessl,v rvith picture unirs, and are ofren used in mulriple :rssemblies, bows and bays. The Casemaster meers V/DMA DP50, one of the $i/indorv and Door lv{anuFacturers Association's best ratings lor air and lvater infiltration and srructural integriry. lt's no accidenr this rvindow meets this commercial performance class - everything about the Casemasrer is engineered to exceed your expectations. 'W'e ve opened a new world of possibilities: Operaring Round Top lr.indorvs.* These units operare like a Casemaster, cranking out using our solid hard.rvare. The ideal complement lor Casemasters, an entry-proof topper for non-operating \vindorvs, and stunning as a single unit in a dormer. Both standard and special order sizes are ar.ailable. ' T'.-ted :o DP43 = r :..;ier & s ruciura o o ZL'4Wfr/"tZ*A''.'/a Q*r"i 2*r,/>/ Exterior wood surfaces are exposed to a variety of harsh elements. Ultraviolet rays, rain, sleet and snow all contribute to damaging those surfaces.The woodcare experts at Sikkens understand these challenges.The choice is simple, Cetol SRD offers a high quality, affordable, easy-to-use product to protect and beautif your home. I Preparation Procedures New, Weothered (Uncooted Wood) Option One | . Sand the surface with 80- 120 grit sandpaper.Always sand in the direction of the wood grain. 2. Remove all sanding dust and dirt by vacuuming or sweeping. 3. See Aoolication Procedures. Option Two I. Spray the surface with clean water to wet the v/ood. 2. Mix a solution of 4 ounces ofTri-Sodium Phosphate (ISP) or phosphate free substitute plus I quart of liquid bleach in 3 quars of water.Apply this solution with a garden PumP sPrayer. 3. Let the solution sit on the wood for l5-20 minutes. During this period, scrub the surface with a hard bristle brush to help remove millglaze and/or weathering. Keep it wet. 4. Power wash the cleaning solution from the wood with clean water. Do not exceed 500 psi.The nozzle must be a maximum of I foot from the surface. Use of a garden hose (approximately 60 psi) is not suitable. 5. Let the surface dry for 48 hours before applying the coatint. 5. If there are any glossy patches left, scuff sand with 80 grit sandpaper. 7. See Aoolication Procedures. Note: Far hordwoads, aft.er campleting Steps /-6 the woad surfoce must, be wiped 'with acetone.Allow the so/vent to completely dry then contlnLe wth Applicotjon Procedures Nots lhe wood must be completely dry before cocttng (i.e. ke molsture content r's b elovt 2 I 7") . Previously Caoted Wood Old coating must be completely removed before applying Cetol SRD. Option One l. Sand the surface with 60-80 grit sandpaper to sand down to bare wood. Remove all sanding dust and dirt by vacuuming or sweeping. 2. See Aoolication Procedures Option Two l. Use a wax-free chemical stripper. Follow the manufacturer! instructions. 2. Let the surface dry for 48 hours-The wood must be completely dry before coating (i.e. moisture content is below 2l%). 3. See Application Procedures. Note: if the waod hos been treoted itth wox, silicone or any other kind of water repellent, let it weather for ot ieast one year, then follow with the power washing preporation Procedure. I Application Procedures All wooden surfaces become slippery when wet. Be sure to exercise caution under these circumstances. Coverage area for Cetol SRD is 200-300 sq.ft. ZU.S. gal. (smooth wood) and 100- | 50 sq, ft. 2/U.S. gal. (rough weathered wood) l. Follow the Preparation Procedures based on wood type (i.e. new wood, weathered wood, hardwoods, uncoated or previously coated wood). 2. Apply one coat of Cetol SRD by brush, roller or spray. Noter Cetol SRD may be sproyed on. Apply enough to get an even oppearonce of the coating Brush out ony runs immediately to ovoid lopmork and drips, when ralling bock brush also. lf the surface (log homes, siding fences, etc,) does not hove an even oppearonce (oround knot oreos, etc) o second coat moy be opplied. Do not opply o second caot on decks, dock or harizontal surfoces. I Maintenance Procedures To help maintain its protective characteristics apply a maintenance coat of Cetol SRD when visually required. l. Follow the Preparation Procedures. (PowerWash) 2. Apply one coat of Cetol SRD by brush, roller or spray. Note;Areds thot have rntnimum wear should only be irghtly cooted Hordwood surfaces may requte more frequent motntenonce. t s .r\\l \\ o J4,/?d+M ,//(-r' ,//u, , /-*r"n'o'/ ( o*'-/tn/') ,,'i z//7'z/ :f,le' a o .22'n'6/ rtn A*e/'/ri/-T/ , .\\<.'! ooJ :)o*- < \l\t]- . l TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2t38 Will Call------> $3.00 O DEPARrMENroFcoMMLrNrrttr-PMENT Approvals: Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTIIENr 0610912006 ,JRM Action: AP Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMnflf 06/02/2006 ee Action: AP Items 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEITT 06/07 /2006 mcgee Action: AP Item: 05500 PIJBLIC WORKS 06/02/2006 gc Action: AP No staging in Right of Way. See the Conditions section of this Document for any that may apply. r{ €). .t<''-l-'^--\-e-^/r^<{ +H NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 806-0134 Project # PRI06-0046 Job Address: 4247 COLUMBINE DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 4247 COLUMBINE DR, UNIT 19 Applied . . : O5l25l2W6 Parcel No...: 2l0ll22l40l9 Issued . .. : 07ll0l20f)6 Expires. ..: 0Ll06l200f owNER HOOVER, CATITERTNE B. 05/2'/2006 25119 US HIGHWAY 40 GOI-,DEN co 80401 APPr-,rCArrr CASABoNNE EMTERPRISES 05/25/2006 Phone: 970-476-5435 PO BOX 516 VAIL coloRADO 8L658 I-,icense: 165-B CoNTRACTOR CASABONNE EMTERPRTSES 0s/2512006 Phone: 970-476-5435 PO BOX 516 VAII, cor_,oRiADo 81658 I-,icense: 165-B Description: ADDING A COVERED EIi:TRY, NEW WINDOWS, ROCK VEIIEER AND STT]CCO Occupancy: R3 Single Family Residence T1,pe Construction: V B Valuation: $63,000.00 Revision Valuation: $0.00 Total Sq Ft Added: 0 1.,t*:l't*'l*:**rt't*'i'****+**+*:t l.****:r'r'*******++i(+*{.1.+**1.*'**{.*****++t*,t***{.* FEE Sul/ll/tARY Building---- > 9134.75 Restuarant Plan Review-- > Plan Check-- > V7'l -59 Recr€ation Fee-------- > $0.00 Total Calcllated Fees- > $1,215.34 $O.O0 Additional Fee,s------ >$o.00 Investigation- >$0.00 ToTAL FEES------------- >$1,215.34 Total Permit Fee------- > $1,215.34 Payments--*------ > $1,215.34 BALANCE DUE-------> $O.00 DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge ttrat I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS I1OR INSPECTION SIIALL BE MADE TWENTY-FIOLR HOIJRS IN ADVANCE By TELEPHONE AT 4792149 OR AT OLJR OI'FICE FROM 8:fi) SIGNATIJRE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER -*:t:hf :F:**,***!t!**{c*!***:h****,1.***{.***:**,t*1.*******d.*d.**'f *******,*!t:t*****,1.**** o *********'1.**,**:******'t*,**,**;*{.***{.{.** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 806-0134 as of 07-1G2006 Status: ISSUED ************{.*******i.*******t *******************i.:***:t!F*********)F***d(*****!****************1.***********t ** Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BITILD PERMIT Applied: 0512512006 Applicant: CASABONNE ENTERPRISES Issued: WllOl2W6 970-476-5435 To Expire: 0ll06.lz0ffl Job Address: 4247 COLUMBINE DR VAIL l.ocation: 4247 COLUMBINE DR, UMT 19 ParcelNo: 210112214019 Description: ADDING A COVERED ENTRY. NEW WINDOWS. ROCK VENEER AND STUCCO ***1.,**r.i(*.t!*.****:t****************i.*{.*!*:tt ***:t******* COnditiOnS **r**{.'li(*{.'1.:t****,t***'t****i.'1.:ti.****4.******t(*,1.** Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): (SFR) SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQLJIRED PER SECTION R3I3 OF THE 2OO3 IRC. ,t ***4.{.***1.:t tr**d.'1.+***:t:!***'t{.***********+******************+**,}**'1.***********+t*****+*++****** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement ****it********++***+++**++ * * * * * + * * * * * ******f ***+l+ +*************+**********+*{.*****'l.f '1. *+{,**+* R05OOO09s3 Amount 3 $1,21s.34 07/LO/200502:29 PM Check Init.: DDG Notation: casabonne statement Number: Payment Method: Ent.erprises 1.830 Permit No: 805-0134 !4>e: ADD,/AL,T SFR BUILD PERMIT Parcel No: 2LOL-L22-L4OI-9 Site Address: 4247 COLUMBINE DR VAIL L,oeation: 4247 SOLU IBINE DR. INIT 19 This Payment:$1, 21s .34 Toeal Fees: TOT I AIIIJ ETNTS: Balarce: 90,00 **+******+******,r********'t{.*,r*****'t +{.******'}*+***************l.****+****+************f*****+* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Currene Pmt,s i!,27s.34 $1,21s.34 Descript ion BP 00100003L11100 PF 00100003112300 wc 0 010 0 003112 8 00 BUILDING PERMTT FEES PI,AN CHECK FEES WILL CAII, INSPECTION FEE 734.75 477.59 3.00 *ffi 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor: C\5A@ut t(- E lrrepetS, Town of Vail Reg. No.:ta5-6 Contact Person and Phone #s:q 70 3no gbg3'cEu'Pererzc€,sacp\^{E. 4to 1ciE'. o Email addresst Uql ENI@ t/4 L. mt/ T-Fax#: q76A1b5435- contractor sisnarure l&n&ufrvr*x OM c PLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT & Materials BUTLDTNG: $ 6?,OCO. bb ELECTRICAL: $ l0OO. OO OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $TorAL:$ (o3,0@,0O #For Parcel # Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit Parce[#zlol -\,?-z- \101 - 9 Job Name: 6ralHoRn TrRr,mr. * tq Job Address:4Zl1 Hlq coutrngryE PRlut Legal Description ll Lot: ll Block: ll Filing:Subdivision: 6rq tleAs (eeW owner&\1{?&r.rE B. uoov€R ll Address:ttl11 'J6 Hl(rH\^rBy 40 rcq-m.r ll Phone:3o3 5zG5zoz ArchitecUDesioner:fniKAmOF{n W oo$.4'.''g* *rzo qn^l aofro8#'Phone4^ qfi r,s6 t?8'?fifilatrrzco. rF$c- ll o9.8ltt.r, z.+4+ uarr^.io grb5b lTi"^"'"1704fi" z&Ll Detailed descriotion of work: lqoD\Nt 4 covER€o €"+rray , NEw wtNooros Roc/KI4El.{tr@ 6TtJctt> WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel (1y' Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: lnterior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both (y')Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No (ff Type ofBldg.: Single.family ( ) Two-family (14 Munitamity ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildino: No/Type of Fireplaces Existing: Gas Appliances ( ) GasLoqs(l) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( No/Type of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burnino (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( 1,1 Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No (t f FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ,( - l1't 'l v F: \cdev\FoRMS\Permits\Buildi ng\buildin gJrermit. DOC n h1 r-,.L. I,!/ = ll4AY 2 3 2006 02/0e/2005 TOWN OF VAIL Page 1 of 15 .1.il4 t r,"-q }l CJr tt *r '?,l: i *"r .l ASBESTOS TESTTNG REQUTREMENTS THE TOWN OF VAIL AND STATE OF COLOMDO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH REQUIRE ASBESTOS TESTING ANY TIME WHEN MORE THAN 160 S.F. OF MATERTAL WILL BE DISTURBED OR REMOVED. AN ASBESTOS TEST AND REPORT IS REQUIRED TO BE SUBMITTED WITH YOUR BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION FOR ALL REMODEI- ADDMON OR OTHER PROJECTS INVOLVING ANY DEMOUTION OR REMOVAL OF BUILDING MATERIALS THAT MAY CONTAIN ASBESTOS. BUILDINGS CONSTRUCTED AFTER OCTOBER 12, 1988 THAT HAVE NO ASBESTOS CONTAINING MATERTALS ARE EKEMPT. A COPY OF THE REPORT MUST BE SUBMITTTD WTTH YOUR BUILDING PERMIT APPUCANON br permit application .^ ,Mt, O,?l;lrw ' {nqg', o I have included the asbestos test and report with my building o I ceftifo my project will not disturb or remove more than 160 s.f. of building plans submitted with my application clearly indicate this information, ffhis will review, and will delay your project if found to be inaccurate) material. The construction be verified during plan applicant signafure OR date e The building was constructed after October 12,1988. The date of construction was original constructon date applicant signature F:\cdev\FORMS\Permits\Buildin g\buildin gjermit. DOC date Page 4 of 16 0u0912005 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Depaftment Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Departmen! the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Proiect Name: gF lbI a-t fegen'C h 9 Date: alz+lo= Signature F : \cdev\FORMS\Permits\Building\building__permit. DOC Page 5 of 16 02/09/20os Mas 12 OG 12:36P f1AY-L I-O6 THU 303-526 -0560 ze= jt z=.a , ","="""I: t :;"i"" ":"": P t e^.r o,*L Y P P.o2 i.(,| 0: tt L/ FR8 cBCl,ECl, I!Ic. 14t1 tl. 45Eh Avenue ' SuiEe 14 Denver, co 80211-2338 Cl ien! : ProJcct iD: l2{'7 Cohabtn trta., val'I, co. Gde 19 Araly8e6 (perce8ts Sannple Numb€!: QEFttf.trtl frt rrE?.tr-rlc*trgF(\g tlrSr'q rlt LYgllr- EY qtrrrit:ri r,rrrn rlrr.,rrrqnrurr (rrt.r)- r'm-e0Ofn-oe/1r S Phone:303/477-2559 800/386 -J -t3 6 Fax: 303/4??-258O tab No. : 109591 Page; 1 of 3 Deac.at SatlI)Ie Itfll.ato3 Da!,g DescriDEion Trqcr 05/09/06 1EL floor ceilino by $ wall lfronEl 1 rAl _-- E. 05/09/06 f.gthiLq Dalntl ]. IBI S Os/og/AE lBhice buildino' flatetial l xDr ' !l5Ltl9L8!. lcray and brordn dn/aral1 cardboard and t,bite - Irlta-- o5to9/o6 t ayaa Dcrcolt t Adbestos Minerals; Alrosl t e turchophyl li Ee chrfsoLi I e crocidol i Ee Fibrous Glass Cel lulose Synthetics Other: delerminea brtr vigual csEisation) 11 1 tA'l l fal - 1fC1 2r r.00 Triss--=E 5 'frace-<l t 95 99 Tremolite-AcE inolice ao|rrr, rs8Bsrl€g aalierL3lt Oaher Fibrous llateiia]E: __-e!j-5 l[D.. !r.ce <lt sq 5_ Non f ibrous r'racerial -93--- 100 * composite analysis (muicilayer€d sanple, see " ND Reana None DeLecced. Analyst : 95 95 - 94- individual layer anal]'ses) . Terrence A- Oktrlnura Date: gl5l:.lLlllli l'lau i 12 OS 12:37p mAY-11-o6 i THU 'l , ",?'"ti; tl;J""":"'?",.n',. o",-" 3O3-:526 -O56O eefz zsee p.7 P-05 1 I 103/477 -2539 800/386-3136 3o3 | 417-2540 t{t il rtg @ol[lcE, lrc. 1441 H, 46th Av.due, Sut Ee L4 Denver, cO AO2LL-2338 Client: Proj ecL rP: r2l? Sanol e ltuiriber Irro"-.Eq-pE rt?.r ^srrF lra flll; lt6r 'tlc E? Phone ! Fax: corctdblDt Dr', Yltt' cP' ItsLg 19 Lab No. :10939{l Page: 2 of 3 8c!d.Dt SarnPle ft!3lllgl DeLS Describlion t@?. O5/09/O5 {!{u1tt91a nul r icolared oaint laversl gf-O5/09/06 twhite r.|.lr fdlnd Dateriaf I ' Tremolite -Accinol ite : mttL AtBEgms rpr. OEhar Fl.btous U.terials: visual estinatior) 2 t8l ?--I]c.L-- 3* 3 IAI 97 100 1 .IEaee-sll 'rrece f 1l xEErilS llDr.ftrca clt lDrr Arnos t Ee I Anthopbryllite ChlTso Lile Crocidoli de Flbrous G]aas Cellulose l sytlEhet{c3 Ocher r llonfibrous uaterial roo 99 ' Conposite anallBis (ttul ci lryered eanple, see " I llD tl}eai,s None t etecEed. 95 9A 100 . indlvldual layet analyees) . Analyst: .,j lerrence S.. Okumura p.r O5,rO9l05 drr*a11I 3r tGeb. 05,09/{t6 frrA ffoOr-inCerior ' S lrare s.. 05l,O9l0f. tHblre saintl . l t[r!y3os {perceats determined bY sanple !tu$be!: 2 tAl E$4ar ?crc.ntt 2 A.sbesEos Mlnerals r oaD6: o5l:LLlq6 t{as tZ OB 12: l|AY-1r-66 37? T).lu I E ,";U: t,l"""i"' "*:"": ", =,.,r oHL.,' =33fFf "";1T o p.a P.C.r r;t u f Denver, @ A02LL'233A *w,'rluro r.rar rrtoof\on (lr.Il rn-cao/r-r" tBs @Elgl, rxc. 14r!1 t{. {6th Avdnue, Sulte 14 i Clien!: project rp:r2l? coL{&t!. Drt.r vatl r s, ttdg tr9 i plrone; 3Of./d7'l -2J39 s00/r86-3136 Fax:303/47?-2580 Lab No. :109390 Padte: 3 of 3 Sanpte lturirber Earca8! 5an1r1e LDcrt€a gaIA Def,criotion .l-[gi---r- a a519tJlt5' ttlhite l rll-dino $ateria] l rpir g5lgg.!!li lflbllle d!:vrar I and Lan alui.g:rav drrmFll trlrtylct (percenra determined !ry Sanple MJl|bo.rr 3 lBt i Aryrs De8GaDB: ,ii Asbestos ldinerals : visual estination, 3$.1- 95 Trenolitse-Aceinol i ue rorL raEEllos 2 ltDl' I OCh€r Fibrous ltatelials ! Aoroaite AnthophylI.i E€ Chrysot!Ie Crocidolite Fibrous Glass CeIlulo8e giu!ChetIcs or.h€r: I 2 5 Nonfibrous uaterial - 9a -:95-r coroposiEe artal,ysis (trulEilayered saspfe. 'r ND neads t{one Detec ted - see indlvidual Iayer analyses ) Anal,yst :l. Okw rra DaEe3 OIlLLl-0d Decign Reuiff Board ACTIOT{ FON,H DsoartnBrt d Gom|Eunity ttewbpment -zs so,itt rtonqe Foad, rfeil. cobrado 8a657 - - eti sm.+79.2F9 t3trl.9m'471'.2452 web: x*r-valhw'cclt DRBmmber: DR8060035 Profrct llann: PtolcCOstndon. GOI,.DEN co 80401. APPUCINT HOOVER, CAIl'.ERIlC B' 25119 US HIGf{ltttAY zl0 GOIDEN @ 80{01 FloFctA|ldtls 42ft @uS€INE mVNL 4247 @UJMBINE DR, UNIT 19 Fm|LApPRo[/AtFoRAMlr.ffiAtlERATlo|tADDilGA@I/BEDF{IRYI^|AYAcRoSsTHE FRoNToFDlrpt-E(mp nfriffiwhodG' nogwrs,AilD stll@ ot{ uNIr le Perddp.lrtt; OIVNER HOOR,CAT}IERI}IEB W2AM 25119 t s IIIGtn,|,AY'10 ou2trm06' lot Blodc grbdlvHon: BIGIIORNTERRACE 2101-U:1.1.m1€ l.ocddr l.eggl D€tcdpilon: Fatdllunten Connrcntt: a0 nerv rn#rhls to rn#l o<tsSng HodonS': SmndAYl Vsb! condHont: EOTnDTSTAFASflOil AdOO: APROVED oac d APP]!td! 03/13/2006 Cond:8 (P|-AN);Nodangestou'esePbns'nayberrarbwttrorttnerlrfrrronserrtdTownof Val satf anO/o the apgogiac te\''lew adilntc€ts,' Cond:0 rijUrfi DRB amrod does not on{tute a pennit for bulHhg' Pleffi corguft wnrl i*" if n"n airiuins personnd prlor to orctrt{trst acth'Hes' Cord: 2Dl ^r --.rar frf ipei"r $ra[ rdbeonevatidtu20 dmdlorrlngt]E daeof apptold' Cord:202 fri#i-c u,s FoIf $a[ bpse antl rygne {'o ole (1) vear blbvYlng$-fE of final apqoral' rs{ess a iliffi p-tttfr b tssrred alro oirctuurion b qnmenced and is til&rdy ptm.cd totffid comd€tro& Plenner: E[sab€0t#DRBFG.P.H: *25GOO t't rrr. 23 O€ O3: t 2p calfrine Pet'ros ""526-os6o crttrclias Eoonra t;(* o"**'" uNtT d \q p.2 PAGE 2 )r\b version 6.052 C5/15/06 OUANTITY SI'RFACE/PRODUCf, A; Upstairs 1 Bedroosr otr)tion C MTJLTIPLE 1T2H RO 3?'r x 54 3/4' ATVN . STATIONARY CM - LII I QUOTE: 00000001 ! GRILLE/SDL: 7 /8" BAR RECr SD! - $1,/ spAGR $702 -oo f f . ,i ,,l" '> l- / -t. r\i t{- ,:i cara-uci- AS t/rE$IED 9ROU Tg3 E:KTERICR B; Liting 1 Roa q)tior I C t{gl.Trgts 3w2H Ro 61" X 6? 5/8" CM - STATIONARY (II) cM - tll CM_RH ! gUsIE: OO00O0O2 t enrr,r,;/SOa: ?,/8" RBCT SDL - NO SPACER BAR s1, 975 - 50 )r' 1,, t, i 1jt{:t I AS VIEIIEO FROI TBE EXTERIOR i1! J{nnu' 4 .000t PRO.TECA SUB TOIAL: SAI,ES TA{: TO"AI. PRICE: s2,671 .50 9107.10 52,784.60 } DENCTES EXCEETIO}IS TO ?IIE SPSC. l.lav 23 O€O3: L2p ""l."inc Pe?ros 03-o s26-O560 P. t+ qi $615,00 I Lv-Y"'!( o^-" Version 5.052 05/15/06 Cat-tFrlnc Boo?48 Pottoa UNff D Ig /, SOREAqE/PRODUCE RO 3?l' )arsQ 5./8" I QtlOTEt 0 ! GRf LLE/SDL: 7 BAR C MIJL?IPIE ].Nz!t Ro 3?" )r 66 3/4"cM-rg A9IN - SIAT:O}IARY ! OUoTE: 00000002 t GLASS ADD: TEttP lrld E ! GRIM/SDL: 7/8n RECT BAR 36 56 SDI - TTISPASER AS VIE$gD TROU THE STERIOR v stTrf,P 91,043-25 ttK- TI sDL - lf/sPecER AS VI EAED rROM TI{E EXTERIOR $1,MULTI gLE 3i'1H 6:.. X 63 5/8 n Tll cM- CM-RH ! QIIOTE: 0o ! GRIIJE/SD!: 7/ BAR SDI, . I'ISPACER I l,.:'/}.i{rn/ I - -,.. u'\ i|h -t'' CONTINUED VIET'ED EKTERIOR I'taU 23 OG O3:,1 2p 3oA-s26-O560 uN$4 11 p.5 cut'ine PetFos catbe'fiao Eoot '.8 Petroa PAGE 3 {ir, OUANTITY D; UPs tairs 1 SURFACE/PRODUCT C UI'I,TIPLE 3W1H RO 51" X 23 5/8* A$N . ROTO OPENATIT{G (3} !QUOTE:00000004 i Gair,rrrsolz "1 /8' Rscr sor, - fl/sPAcER BAR AS VIETED FROM T'tE !2CTERIOR 4 .000t PROJECT ONS TO THE SPEC. SI]B T TAL: sAl,Es l-qx ! IdTAL PRXCE: I, $1, 323, O0 $4,329.?5 $1?3. 19 s4, 502 . 94 \..t--t r DE}IOTES 19o-3?#ot tn"p""$:,l,F"dyF*,! nrPo'ting t"g" ou Requested Inspect Date: Wednesday, Octob€r 10,2007 ' Inspection Area: JRM Siie Address: 4247 COLUMBINE DR VAIL BIGHORN TERRACE UNIT 19 A/P/D lnformation Activitv: 806-0307 Const Tvp6:Owrier: HOOVER Sub Tvoe: AMF Ube: VB Status: ISSUED Insp Area; JRM Phone: 970-476-5435 TO HALF BATH. REPLACE PLUMBING LAVATORY SINK AND TOILET. Requested Time: 09:00 AM ' Phone: -or- 970-390-8683 Entered By: DGOLDEN K Contractor: Description: Requested Inspection(sl Inapection History Item: Requestor: Coniments: Assioned To:- Action: F, -r'--4fytn-"'-t E,h REPT131 Run Id: 7L34 19oXg-2002 Inspe$on F?$uFs.! RlPorting eage ++ Requested Inspec{ Date: Wednesday, Oclober 10,2007 ' Inspection Area: JRM Site Address: 4247 COLUMBINE DR VAIL 4247 COLUMBINE DR. UNIT I9 A/P/D Information Reouested Insoection(s) Inspection Historv Activitv: 806-0134 Const Tvo6:Orfier: HOOVER. Contractor: CASABON Description: ADDING A Phone: 970-476€435 . NEW WINDOWS, ROCK VENEER AND STUCCO A-BUILD S,bTU$: OBU'Insp Area' JRM Status: ISSUED Reauested Tlme: 08:00 AM ' Phone: -or- 970-390-8683 Entered By: DGOLDEN K AP APPROVED AP APPROVED AP APPROVED BE DISTURBED Action: AP APPROVED Item: Requestor: Coniments: Assioned To:- Action:Time Exp: F,uwL &f*"-' Action: PA PARTIAL APPROVAL Action: 150 SQ FT ( Action: Item: 501 Item: 10 Item: 20 Item: 30 Item: 50 Item: 60 Item: 70 Comment:BLDc-lnsulation " Aooroved " 12126106 InsDector: JRM ' Comment: BLDG-Sheetrock Nail * Approved * 01/08/07 InsDector: JRM " Comment:BLDG-Misc. * Aoproved * 0711'1106 Inspector: JRM Comment: MET WITH G.C. LESS THAN 10/31/06 Inspector: JRM BLDG-Misc. * Aoproved * 0711'1106 Inspector: JRM Comment: MET WITH G.C. LESS THAN 10/31/06 Insoector: JRM Comment: EXTERIORLATHE PLAN - FINAL C/O * Approved ** 1U09|OZ Insoector: ' Wanen Comment: BLDG-Final REPT131 Run Id: 7L34 AIPIO lnformatlon Reouested Insosc-tion{sl It€m: 190 ELEG.Final Requeston NATIVEELECTRIC Comments: will call Peter 390-8683 Assioned To: SHAHN - Action: Phone: 970-32&1293 INSTALL GFI EXTERIOR AND ENTRYWALL Status: ISSUED Insp Area: SH Reou€sted Time: 08:00 AM ' Phone: 970-328-1293 -or- 970-904- 6509 Entered By: DGOLDEN K 190-9?#oz rnspec$:,T FedtyF?lffPorting eage ss Requested InsEFci pate: Igpsday, Oc{ober 09, 2007 - Inspsc{ion Arca: SH Slte AddrsEs: 4247 COLUMBINE DR VAIL 4217 COLUMBINE DR, UNIT t9 Tvoe: B-ELEC Occupah'cv: NE B.' SubTJpe: ADUP ,{L (J es Time Exp: f ,T o( Inspection Historv Item: 110 ELEC-Service Item: 120 ELEC-Rouoh _'10i03l06 Inspector: Comment:Item: 130 ELEGConduit Item: 140 ELEGMisc.Item: 190 ELEC-Final Action: APPR REPTl31 Run Id: 7130 1%-9?#o' 'n"p""tl:,T F"dlF?LtP"ning ""n" .' Roqussted lnspect Date: Tu€sday, October 09, 2007 ""8i,$ifiofr33i ilot "o.u.rBrNE DR vArL 4247 COLUMBINE DR, UNIT 19 A/P/D lnformation Activitv: E0&0266 Tvoe: B-ELEC Sub Tvoe: ADUP Status: ISSUED ConslTyp6: O_cgupahby: U'se: InspArea: SH Orfien HOOVER. CATHERINE B.' Contractor: NATIVE ELECTRIC Phone: 970-328-1293 Description: ELECTRICAL FOR KITCHEN, LIVINGROOM AND BATH REMODEL Reouested Insp6ction{s) It€m: 190 ELEGFinal Requestor: NATIVE ELECTRIC Comments: will call Peter 390-8683 Assioned To: SHAHN - Action: Time Exp: ffvfl- oK Sl-*') * Aooroved '*Inspector shahd' InsDector SHAHN It was determined that Inspector shahn Reouested Time: 08:30 AM ' Phone: 970-328-1293 -or- 970-904- 6509 Entered By: DGOLDEN K Action: AP APPROVED Item Item Item 130 140 190 REPT131 Run Id: 7130 1%??#07 In"p""tl:!l,F"fu?Et n"Fo'ting p"g" ''s A/P/D lnformatlon Activitv: P06414'l Const TvD6:Owiier: HOOVER. Contractor: CONCEPT Descriotion: ROUGH lN ' FIXTURES Reouested Insoection{sl Item:230 Item: 240 Item: 250 Item: 260 Item: 290 pressure. run new cold upstairs to seperate Rcqu$ted lnspect Date: Tuesday, October 09, 2007 - lnsc€ction Area: CG She Address: 4247 COLUMBINE DR VAIL 4247 COLUMBINE DR. UNIT 19 SubTgOe: ADUP lnso Area: CG ; Phone: 970-949-0200 . RE-ROUGH KITCHEN SINK AND CLOTHES WASHER. SET AND TRIM tNc Requested Time: 08:00 AIll ' Phone: 97G9490200 Entered By: DGOLDEN K Time Exp: Status: ISSUED ltem: Reouestor: Coniments: Assioned To:- Action: fir* ol( S +th) Insoectlon Historv Item: 210 PlMB-Underoround Item:. 220 PLMB-RouotilD.W.\VIB:Bo.!gIUD.W.V. ._^ * Approved * 11/30/06 lnsoector: JEC or: JEC ' ' Action: AP APPROVED , kitchen, bath downstajrs & bath up ' * Aooroved * or: JEC ' ' Action: AP APPROVED Action: AP APPROVED rs to seDerate fom unit next door REPT131 Run Id: 7130 TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT oF coMMU*t '"*T.PMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ASBESTOS Permit #: A5B06-0016 Job Address: 4247 COLUMBINE DR VAIL Stafus , . . : ISST]ED Location.......: 4247 COLIIMBINE DR, LINIT 19 Applied . . : 08/08/2006 ParcelNo....: 2l0ll22l40l9 Issued...: 08/1712006 l,egal Description: T) 1-{sOG - oor\(? Expires. . .: 02lBl2w ProjectNo.: ?? ovirNER HoovER, CATHERII{E B. 08/08/2006 25119 US HIGHWAY 40 GOIJDEN co 80401 APPLICANT CoLORADo EIIVTRONMEITIAL SPEcroS/08 /2005 Phone: 390-4889 PO BOX 5110 EAGI-,8 co 81531 License: ?00-S COIfTRACTOR COT,ORADO ENVIRONMENIAI-, SPECIoS/08 /2005 Phone : 390-4889 PO BOX 5110 EAGIJE co 8163t IJicense:700-S Descipion: FINAL APPROVAL FOR A MINOR ALTERATION-ADDING A COVERED ENTRYWAY ACROSS THE FRONT OF DI.JPLEX AND ADDING WINDOWS. ROCK VENEER AND STUCCO ON UNIT 19 Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $12,000.00 Fireplace Information: ResFicted: # of Wood Pellec 0 FEE SUMMARY Building--- > $58.00 Plan C'h€ck-*> $58.00 Tohl Calcu.tated Fees- > $115.00 Additional Fees------- >$0.00 Investigation- >90. 00 Total Permit Fee-----> 5116.00 Patments----------- > $116.00 TOTAL FEES------------ > S115.00 BALANCE DUE---..-- >s0. 00 Approvals: Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT oe/7L/2OO6 DRhoades Action: APPR Approved as submitted. See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. Add Sq Ft: 0 # of Gas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with tlre information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residentail Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECT]ON SHALL BE MADE FORTY.EIGHT HOI]RS IN ADVANCE BY AT 970479-2135 0R nO479-2252 TURE OF OWNER OR CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF PAGE 2 *****:F**********rk*,k*****:e********!*1.*****************:1.*****'F:**********'t***1.!*********:*,ti.********'l.t ****:*,i** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: A5806-0016 as of 08-17-2006 Status: ISSUED ** *,F * * * * * * 't:* ** ** *,t ** * * *:f *****)k**********:t******************:l:F*:F***{c**F****:trl***:F*********t *,F*{<*{.*****:F*** Permit Type: ASBESTOS Applied: 08/0812006 Applicant: coLoRADo ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIALISTS,INC Issued: o8n7tzm6 3904889 To Expire: Ull3/2W7 Job Address: 4247 COLUMBINE DR VAIL Location: 4247 COLUMBINE DR, UNIT 19 Parcel No: 2l0ll22l40l9 Description: FINAL APPROVAL FOR A MINOR ALTERATION-ADDING A COVERED ENTRYWAY ACROSS THE FRONT OF DUPLEX AND ADDING WINDOWS. ROCK VENEER AND STUCCO ON UMT 19 Conditions: Cond: 38 (BLDG.): THIS PERMIT IS GOOD FOR ASBESTOS ABATEMENT ONLY. AN ASBESTOS ABATEMENT CERTIFICATE SHOWING THE AREA FREE FROM ASBESTOS rS REQUIRED PRIOR TO ANY FURTHER WORK OCCURING ON THIS SITE.IF FURTHERQUESTIONS ARISE, CONTACT THE VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT AT 479-2250. Cond:1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS AREREQLIRED TO CHECKFORCODE COMPLIANCE. *****:f ,*******+**************+ *** *+****************d.**t*{.{.*+{.{. {.* *+ * * * * * * * * * '}** * * * * * + +'} ** *+* * * TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement **** * * *****************************+ * * * * * * * t * * * * * + * * * * * *'i* ********+***:t ********:t***+***,***** statement Number: R060001231 Anount: $116.o0 08/!7/209611 :1.? AM Payment Method: Check r_53 0 INit: DDG Notatsi-on: Dourcor Inc . $116.00 +,t**++'t **+**t *********+****+,t **+*****'t ***+**d.{.j}****{.{.**{.*+************+**,}*************'}*,1** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account code Cul'ent Pmtss Permit No: Parce1 No: site Addresa : tocation: This PaymenL: BP 0010000311L1-00 PF 0 01-0 00031r-23 00 ASB06-0015 TlT)e: ASBESTOS 2101- 122 - 1401-9 4247 COLUMBINE DR VAII., 424? COTUMBINE DR, IJNIT 19 Total Fees: ToTaI AI.,L Pmt,s : Balance: $115.00 $115.00 s0.00 Description BUITDING PERMIT FEES PIJAN CHECK FEES 58.00 58.00 o ;ruH phone NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR 06C]0 tLitH['i Requiredperordin@ l"ryit application will not Ue accepteO'r.ritlt out the fol without the foltowang: 1 .C?:r_ :l c"nerat Abatement Cerrificare and state oi iororad A;i,i;lil; ol 00 75 S. Frontage Rd.Vail, Colorado 81657 2' A copy of written arranoements with the facility olerators for any temporary disabling of the air handling systems, fire-:Frinkler rvrtur, *J'r'i5i" systems with the naines and contact phone numbers of these individr ratc of these individuals, 3' site plan with details addressing: waste container storage location. waste load out area location' entry. and exiting details of abatement area. details-of uni.v .na.riiinfinns ror gre occupants of the structure in unaffected areas. on Site nUatemEnt conffi t:tv0 SP€Ct*ttt7g Town of Vail Reg. No.: 1oo'5 Contact and Phone #'sl ln *L 0a wi-t ts cl To JZ"r-Uyg CONTRACIOR INFORMATION COMPTETE VATUATION FOR ASBESTOS ABATEMENT PERMIT (tabor & Materials) @ntact ,te Assessots Office at 9ZO-g2g-864O or visit www eafltp-/' ''t1h/ rnm ia- E -.-^t z Parcel # 1 -:'Job Name:L) l____! la -lLz-l'{-ot\--- -+;.;;_:_:_= w! rvt rat99, # : Job Address: - .. V /l 1c - co t'rc \' 7 &'L^-eu-ks/7 LegalDescription ll to,' 5 E fio.o;+fr Ffr'5f ': z:t Subdivision: Owners Name:T -----!4T l+ tt P- r w a [>271o oootT.r' ,,o ,r--,* +, -.i:F I"-'3., ! -s-2G '-3-1a2-erolea NanageT----[ffi Address:Phone: Project Designer: =-:==-= Address: B@ ---Jc,l?(/ ^rr r.ronrronng specialist: Jo '. ^l 'T.-t ua n n^6-il^J -r Address:Phone: r-,s|.orrEtt ucsLnpflon or worK: lsM I Quit Time: S-;a-o Amount of Asbtstos: @ouuru Work Class: New ( ) Addition ( ) Remodel (,1) | Work Type: Interior (;e irt"ri", f l-Totffi I - Feet: !,.'D 55/( -- lepair( ) Demo( ) --- --_ ffi :'al Drums: -Other ( ) - ,nt( )other( ) fZf,VPLi AA IS bxicli- -Yee /F L'Ao (l i'l rhi6];i7'B r*****FoR oFFICE TF{{ ffi; -{!st|f ||f. e We t.tlrl 1i :L *:******* ilrffi;;;.".1 ruotrc way permi t Fee:Accepted gtt -il-F tDz /6s'.----.r vrr.st,srrlv rrrrlgDi 'i . l. .'' F: \cdev\FORMS\pERMITS\Fire\asbestos_perm_1 Z_5-05. DOC lt Pa_oe 1ot I i i/nsrriic o o ApprrcATro*lr. no, BE AccEprED rr rn"o^nr,-rr!l* S 4+'8o6cl0 tL*t# rowxMY rowN 9*Y,#* *98^E=T=o=*{BIT-E TFIII 1"1 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 2. A copy of written arrangements with the facility operators for any temporary disabling of the air handling systems, fire sprinkler system, and alarm systems with the names and contact phone numbers of these individuals. 3. Site plan with details addressing: waste container storage location. waste load out area locaUon. entry and exiting details of abatement area. details of entry and exiting plans for the occupants of the structure in unaffected areas, Requircd per Ordinance No. 19, Series of 1998 Permit application will not be accepted without the following: 1. Copies of General Abatement Certificate and State of Colorado Certification CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Contact and Phone #'s: iqtrr fu,uqoa clto 7t"r-un On Site Abatement Contractor: G,iottJ- E-tu t S ?e C L*u\rS cV t1t^) @- Le.n-tur-tfd " ^4f COMPLETE VALUATION FOR ASBESTOS ABATEMENT PEBMIry (bbor & Materials) Asbestos Abatement: $ /), po" *o ConAct Assessorc Offie at 97O-328-8640 or visit forParrel # '7lo l-lLz - lLt - ot,l JobName: 4>ll c6{.^*6.L. tu.-iz H 1\Job Addressu .u1 (Ytl,t;-ir,liJ 1 ,, Legal Description Lot: Jffi1o.1.rurrilFfr^6f . Zl Subdivision: owners Name:" ET trE Q-r p ti Pt. faa -Addqs,,q uJ. r{,.,{ ,ro Eti;*:--,Phone: 3,r 3 -s26 - S-1o ?_ Project Manager:Addressl Phone: Project Designer:Address: Bc,Yt?t w L4-.-t e./14 l.;r'-24 Phone: ?cJ -.tS-E - t-L 6 y Air Monitoring Specialist: .;;:" .Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: lt^l fie,-l>*4 07: kLL P* .el) c-t- t t^) staft Date: fu,^-,u loa ll EndDate: A,^-. Ll bt ll Staft1-ime: g "12 ll QuitTime: 5rao WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel(X) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior (ll Exterior ( ) Both ( )I ,rzD.tPti Typeof Bldq.: Sinqle-family( ) Two-family(K) Muhi-family( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurartll ) Other( ) I Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) tto (X)Does a Fire Spfil!,fer Svstem Exiq!: = =ve",( I ' No ( ***************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY r\9 l-4 ll \ii Lq **** *********rt*.fiii a A o\ uG 04 2006 T whl oF vAll= *******lr* ill llv Page 1 of 1 F :\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\Fire\asbestosJerm-12-5-05. DOC ru0slzns fr-1il f$/r/ mwoaiALV HOW DID WE RATE WITH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Community Development Department Russell Fonesl Director, (970) 47s-213s Check allthat applies. 1. Which Deparfnent(s) did you contact? Building _ Environmenbl_ Housing_ Admin Planning DRB _ PEC 2. Was your iniiial contact witr our staff immediaie_ siow _or no one available ? 3. lf you were required to wait, how long was it before you were helped? 4. Was your project reviewed on a timely basis? Yes / No lf no, why not? 5, Was this your first time to file a DRB app- PEC +p- Bldg Permit _ N/A 6. Please rate the performance of the staff person who assisted you: 5432lName: (knowledge, responsiveness, availability) 7. Overall effectiveness ofthe FrontService Counter. 5 4 3 2 t 8. What is the best time of day for you to use lhe Front Service Counter? 9. Any comments you have which would allow us to betler serve you nexttime? Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. We are commited b improving our service. ?"'*r""Nr oF coMMUNrrY orutnrr*, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TMFS ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 4247 COLUMBINE DR VAIL Location.....: 4247 COLUMBINE DR, UNIT 19 Parcel No...: 210112214019 Project No : i. iZSOG -OO \ q TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Electrical----- > DRB Fee-----> Investigation-- > Will Call------- > TOTAL FEES--> Permit #: Status . . Applied . Issued. Expires . 0e/28/2005 09/28/2006 Phone: 970-328-]-293 09/28/2006 Ptrone: 91O-328-1293 EM-0202 soc -0(sLl . : ISSUED .: Wl28l2W6 .: lO/O2l2W .: 03131/2007 OWNER HOOVER, CATITERINE B. 25119 US HIGHWAY 40 GOI,DEN co 80401 APPI,ICANT NATI1IE EI,ECTRTC P.O. BOX 1807 EAGI,E co 81531 I-,icense : 143 -E CONIRACTOR NATfVE ETECTRIC P.O. BOX L807 EAGI,E Desciption: Valuation: co 81631- License: 143-E ADD EXTERIOR LIGHTING. INSTALL GFI EXTERIOR AND ENTRY WALL $0.00 Square feet:1000 $s1.7s s0.00 $0.00 93-00 $54.7s s54 .7s $0 .00 $s4.7s 9s4 .7s $0-00 Total Calculat€d Fees- > Additional Fees----- ) Total Permit Fee----- > Payments---------- > BALANCE DUE-----_> Approvals: Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 09/28/2006 shahn IIeM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Action: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELTD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information requhed, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTTON SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY SIGNATURE OF O AT 479-2149 OR AT OIIR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. '**:1.*d.******{.{.'1.:1.{.:1.*'}'N('},t1.'t*'1.'t t t ****{.{.1.+{.'t {.*{r**{.*,}******t '1.* '1.**{t******++** * * * * * * * * + * * * * * * * * * * * * * TOWNOF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ***'l:r*{.**+**{.i.****+*+*d.:t *********{.**{.*****+t**********:i******+*+***************+************ Statement Number: R050001582 Amount: $54.?5 IO/02/2OO6L1 :08 AM Pa)ment Method: Check Electric 5101 Init: DDG Notation: Native Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address : Irocation: This Palment: EP 001_00003 r-r_r-r-00 wc 0 0 r_ 0 0 0 0 3 1_ 1- 2 I 0 0 2rot -122 - t401_- 9 4247 COI'IJIIBINE DR vAIIr 4247 COLVYIBINE DR, T'NTT 19 Type: EI-,ECTRICAL, PERMTT Total Fee6: Total ALL Pmts: Balance : EO6 - 0202 $s4.75 **:i.t'*'i* * *** * '! *,t,i:i**** ** * +*.t*********++ **** *** **++*** * * + *+ * {.* {.**********+** *** ** *:t****+:i+++++ ACCOIINT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescripEion Current Pmts $s4 .7s $s4.7s $o. oo ELECTRICAL PERM]T FEES WTIJIJ CAI'L INSPECTTON FEE 51.75 3.00 APPuCATIoCI NoT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPETOR 06- qovf,S EbE-ozoL n*tlltr.r tr,tt r.trrt ll /tvnll vr fMrrl .rarlrrr rtE lrarr Er EF.FttrFrI I 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Project #: Building Electrical Permit #: CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION Contact Person and Phone Town of Vail Reg. No.: coMpLETE SQ. FOOTAGE FOR AREA OE{qRK AND VALUATION OF WORK (Labor & Materials) EI-ECTRICAL VALUATION : $'z4o AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN Contact Eagle Countv Assessors Office at Parcel #'zro ZL\.{'€.IA robName:. %Va-/gl , rob ^ddresuf-Z+7 (au" -f,tae fu , Legal Description ll Lou ll Block: ll Filing:Subdivision:ffi@fuaae llaaaress:251ry ut,/fi/t4! --J:t-*:-Engineer:Address: ( 67"94' C+ ll Phone: &ry frcarlt^ ^tr'€ a.6t'f.*(c-t tul ft*rktt ry az^ 2&//taa 4dr- (tr d. F aAo, aa/, of work: WorkClass: New() AddiUon( ) Remodel( ) Repair( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) WorkType: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Both( )Dms an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) MultFfamily ( ) commercial ( ) Restaunnt ( ) other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) No ( ) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No (Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ) +1 ',2 for Parcel # e ***************************:l***********FOR OFFICE USE ONLY************************************* other Fees:Date Received: .DRB Fees: ''i ": -A@Dted BY: Planner Sion-off: F:\cdev\BUILDING\APPLICATION S\ELEC PERM2005.DOC 07/0612005 .t C TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 ?"r*rr"NT oF coMMUNrrY orrrlonr"*, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit ALL TIMES #: E06-0266 'Soc -oi 3tl B06, o 30 l Job Address: 4247 COLUMBINE DR VAIL Location.....: 4247 COLUMBINE DR. UNIT 19 ParcelNo...: 2l0ll22l40l9 ProjectNo : 766G OOLI(€ ISSUED r2t07t20M t2to7l20n6 06/05t2w7 OWNER HOOVER, CATHERINE B. 25119 US HIGIIWAY 40 GOI,DEN co 80401 APPI-,ICA}IT NATIVE EIJECTRIC P.O. BOX 1807 EAGI,E co 81631 License: L43-E CONTRACTOR NATIVE EIJECTRIC P.O. BOX r_807 EAGIJE Desciption: Valuation: L2/07 /2006 t2 / o7 /2006 Ptrone : 970-328-l-293 !2/07/2006 Phone: 970-328-L293 co 81"531 L,icense : l-4 3 -E ELECTRICAL FOR KITCHEN. LIVINGROOM AND BATH REMODEL $0.00 Square feet: 900 ****+*:*:i:f :t*:*'tt *+*+:f :i,tirt't*++*++:ii!+*tr*:f ***+*******{r****{(****:*:l:i:t****:f * FEE SIIMMARY Electrical.----- > DRB Fee----- > Investigadon--- > WiU CsU----- > TOTAL FEES--> 9s1.75 90. 00 90.00 s3. oo $s4.?s $s4.7s 90.00 $54.7s $s4.75 $0. 00 Total Calculated Fees- > Additional Fees--*-- > Total Permt Fee---- > Payrnents---------- > BALANCE DUE-----> Approvals: Item: 05000 EI-'ECTRfCAIJ DEPARTMENI L2/07/2006 s].ahn It,em: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT Action: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTfONS ARE REOUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in fulI the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that atl the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOI]R HOURS IN ADVANCE BY 49 OR AT O1IR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 T 479-21 h AL *,../^^ PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER CONTRACTOR R HIMSELF AND OWNEF **1. 'lr {.******{.{.i.'1.'i**+:*{.'t*{r{.*4.1.* * * * * ** * *********************+*** * * * * * * + + + + * * * * * * *:} * * * * * * * * * * * + + TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement ***+*******:t +**i.****'t +***:t******+*************+*****+'r*************+*,***,**********:!********* Statement Number: R060002072 Amount: $54.75 12 / 07 / 20061-2 : 3 6 PM Payment Method: Check Electric 5294 rnitr DDG Notation: Native Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address : I-,ocation r This Palment: EP 0 010 0 0 0311110 0 wc 0 010 0 0031128 0 0 2t0r - r22 -!401- 9 4247 COT.VYIBINE DR VAU., 4247 COI.,I]MBINE DR, I]NIT 19 Type: ELECTRICAL, PERMfT Total Feea: TOI.A]- ALIJ PMUS : Balance: EO6 - 0266 $54.7s +*****+++****:N**:t+*+*****:!*****************+**************+*+**********++**+****+++++******* ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descript ion Curren! Pmts 9s4 .7s $s4 .7s $0.00 EI,ECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WILI, CAII, INSPECTION FEE 5L -'7 5 3 .00 AppucArroNQlr Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpl#*#irtflgs - w V t Building Permit #: 5cb -ezcb 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Electrical Permit #: 97O-479-2L49 (Insp CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION Contact Person and Phone #'s: /a,er f,14;o'Town of Vail Reg, No.:Electrical Contractor: E-Mail Address:Fax#: COMPTETE SQ. FOOTAGE FOR AREA OF WORK AND VALUATION OF WORK (Labor & Materials) ELECTRTCALVALUATION: $ 3t u-AMoUNT oF sQ FT IN STRUCTUREt Ad) Conbct Ast*er Office at 970-328-8640 or visit Parcel #Z/o//ZL/+Di? Job Name: 4o or'* lz4 Job Address: lzyZ (,c,c,r*4fuy/ a". #/ 7 LegalDescription ll LoE ll Block: ll Filing:Subdivision: W llmdress: *zr'r /4,,tryd*, ar . llenone: 4/Zosr;'s- Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work:/./ / /furt./Ptr/ L//rq,,c' ,4zo 6eV 72,22;z<.1- WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodefif Repair( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) WorkType: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Both'$d Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: single-family ( ) Duplex"jbQ/ MultFfamily ( ) commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) fther ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes (t'loI)d Dos a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (\' No (Does a Flre Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No${ for Parcel # ****:l************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY************************************* .1(t2 I F:\cdev\FoRMS\PERMm\Building\electicaljermiLl 1-23-2005.DOC h q , ,,zv 2t Page 1 of 2 2006 tL/2312005 o o Amendment to the 2002 N.E.C. Town of Vail Ordinance 4, Series of 20O5 Overhead services are not allowed in the Town of Vail. Underground services shall be in conduit (PVC) from the utiliU transformer to the electric meter, main disconnect switch. and to the first electrical distribution circuii breaker panel. ,\ '!'.r"-. The main disconnect switch shall be readily accessiblq andlocated ne{t to the meter on the exterior wall of the structure. All underground conduits are required to be inspected before back-filling the trench. In multi-family dwelling units, no electrical wiring or feeder cables shall pas: from one unit to another. Common walfs and spaces are exempL NM Cable (Romex) can d used onty in singte aid mufti-family dweltings net exreding 3 stories, Tfpe NDI annot be used in any building mixed with Tyre $B.E EH,+M &S occupanciu. Aluminum conductorcsmaller than size #8 are not permitted with the Town of Vail. TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT GUIDELINES All installations of exterior hot tubs or spa's require a DRB approval from planning. This application will not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval form attached (if applicable). If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 30" above grade, you must also obtain a building permit. If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on any existing deck or elevated platform, a structural engineer must review the existing condition and verify that it will support the added concentrated load. Please provide a copy of the structural engineers wet stamped letter or drawing with this applicaUon. If this is a remodel in a multi-family building with a homeowners association, a letter of permission from the association is required.o If this permit is for a commercial space, two (2) sets of stamped drawings are required. Electrical one-line and panel schedules are reguired if load is added or distribution is altered. I have read and undenstand the above. Signature Date Signed If you have any questions regarding the above information or have additional questions' ptease contact the Town of Vail Electrical Inspector at970-479-2147. The inspector can be reached on Mondpythru Friday mornings between the hours of 8am and gam. You may also leave a voice mail and the inspector will call you back. F :kdev\FclRltS\PERMm\Bui lding\electicaljermit-l 1 -23-2005. DOC Page 2 of 2 L7l23l200s TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 ?rr*r"rNr oF coMMUNrrY orrrtrr"*, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P06-0141 3oc 6\sLl Job Address: 4247 COLUMBINE DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 42n COLUMBINE DR, UNIT 19 Applied . . : 10/2312006 Parcel No...: 2l0ll22l40l9 Issued . . : 1012412$6 Legal Description: /) z: / _---t- L,t (n Expires . .: M/2212007 ProjectNo, t?oc-ooLtq o$!NER HOOVER, CATHERTNE B. LO/23/2OO6 25119 US HTGHWAY 40 GOIJDEN co 80401 APPI-,ICANr CONCEPT MECHANICAI-,, INC Lo/23/2006 Phone: 97o-949-o2OO P.O. BOX 1l_6s AVON co 8L620 Iricense: 189-P coNrRAcToR coNcEPT MECHAIITCAIJ, INC ]-O/23 /2006 Phone: 9?0-949-0200 P.O. BOX 1165 AVON co 8L620 License; 189-P Descipion: ROUGH IN NEW BATHROOM. RE-ROUGH KITCHEN SINK AND CLOTHES WASHER. SET AND TRIM FIXTT]RES Valuation: $3.800.00 FireDlace Informadon: Resricted: '!?# of Gas Appliances: ?? # ofGas Logs: ?? f of Wood Pdlec ?? FEE SUMMARY Plumbing-- > g60. oo Restuarant Plan Review- > $0.00 Total Calculated Fees-- > $78.00 Plan Check--> $1s.00 TOTAL FEES-------> $78.00 Additional Fees-------> 90.00 Investigation- ) Will Call-*- > $0.00 $3 .00 Total Permit Fee----- > BALANCE DUE---_---- > 978.00 978.00 $0-00 ftem: 05100 BUfIJDING DEPARTMEI{I| to/23/20o6 JS Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BIJDG.): FIELD INSPECTIOITS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPITIAIICE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read ilris application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOI.]T. HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OI]R OFFICE FROM 8:OO AM - 4 PM. , ./- ?-,''-->' ,/ ,..- TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement ** * * + * * * * * * * + * * * * * * * * * * + * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** ******** * ** **** *********** ++* * ** ******* * * * *.t*** ** *:r * * Statement Number: R050001792 Amount: $78.00 L0/24/2OO6L0:01 AM Pa)zment Method: 10253 Check lnit: DDG Notation: Concept Mech. Permit No; Parcel No: site Address : Locati-on: This Payment: P05-014r.T)T)e : PIrUIIIBING PERMIT 21_01_- L22-1_40I-9 '4247 COLIJMBTNE DR VAII, 4247 COI.,I]MBINE DR, I]NIT 19 s78.00 Descript ion Total Fees: ToCaI ALt PmCs: Balance: $78.00 $78.00 $0.00 *** *'t*++********'t**+****f *****'t*:t++************* *+*******,1.,i**:l( ******* *** + + * * * * * * * * * * * ** ***** ACCOUNT TTEM LIST: Account Code current Pmts PF 00100003112300 PP 00r-00003111100 wc 00100003112800 PI,AN CHECK FEES PI.,UMBING PERM] T FEES WI],I, CALL INSPECTION FEE 15.00 60.00 3.00 INFORI,IA Plumbing Contractor: /nr,t - 7 l4rrA o- : .a.[ -La ( Town of Vail Reg. No.: ,/07-7 Conbct and Phone #'sl T,'.u /crs<* ?Lq-a 7-o o J V.P /<z'.rY /r"ty- COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUIIIBIT{G PERTqIT (Iabor & Maeria|s) PLUMBING: { 3.vOC) Olfieat9 tfitlt # Parcel # 2la // 2 Z/tlo / 7 JobName: /COV€R Job Mdress: l/2 q ? /a/u.n 6.^na-22i u<'vA-tL. /,t: I /65-7 legal D€ccription I LoG ] Block: I Filing:subdMrbn: B'/H'+r'f^" c: a tlatt / a r- A"to n c..l Phone: ?cr q-o L ct o *:'lgt" bq tlttztt,.t 7. Rt -fOtrrt l" /-"ifr/tt'7i s r n k q' 0 lolire <' L;r js.lq!,t- )e 7 attc{ tr7 ,k # >h,l,,ir- WorkChss: New() ldditionp( Ahration() Repair() Odrer() Typeof Btdg.: Singh-family( ) Orpt*X MuH-famif( ) Comm€rdat ( ) Restaunnt( ) Oh€r( ) l0o. of Existing Dwelling Unib in thb buiHing:No. of Amrrmdation Units in thb buiHing: () NOF r. i.r.rrrr rt'r..r rr:iirr*.***r. rr rr.r rrr iFOR OFFICE USE OtlLY..t...t....*.:.i irrri* t* *ir** rt a rt*tt t 1\' uNtr t6 CROSS HATCHED AREA DENOTES LOCATION OF NEW ENTRY STEPS AND ENTRY ROOF TO REPI.ACE EXISTING STEPS AND zND FLOOR DECK :/ 2/, 7( /'--<--l >*a- sffii QFr 5ffii F L$*. f;,&.4:,bd c! *a\ OIEF'TAIIG EA$UEN| (aC)A( 2Jt ft 'fr) '3q EXlsrNG EXTERT.R "toi*t ro eE \, 2 REPLACED WTH I.ANDSCAPE UMT 18 t--t.'$ dd ( IN FEET ) 1 1rr"6 = t0 fL CA|IA)PNT&VAL-lFOO| SITE PLAN SITE PI.AN BASED UPON TOPOGRAPHIC MAP AS PREPARED BY INTER MOUNTAIN ENGINEERING PROJECT NUMBER 0'00655 DATED 6-14.05. GRAPHIC 05 SCALE t0 ED6E OF PAVEUENf ittii J .:E r(-{ ca Ll l]]li, or O >.2 ,-=B [Lri] p I I I I I UNIT 21 ny NOTE: 20'SIDE SETBACKS OVERLAP AND ARE NOT SHOVVN FOR CLARITY.UN|T 15 EXTERIOR T I ,/ --' {! \ EDEE OF PAVIUENT STONE TREADS AND RISERS WTH WROUGHT IRON RAILING PER CTURAL FLOOR PI.ANS ELEVATIONS. COORDINATE WITH CONTRACTORAT J E o l o c0 E.o (o o o (\l t l t dl IIJ lt o (\I (D \r,rv I X\ SP H F o lrl EGt InE E3; EfrEg ft=JF =88.3 =e:l IJJ o GH AE utH t2A pEE tr.-d IJJRO Goj ;3s llJ '|F JE 3=o lt uNtT20 d..2-STORY WoOD ro.',^ I FRAHE 9'I-.!9. ./ ..r. - t^7t'' oNE EXTERI. " ,"':rrJqi Fllt=r?ruot' .**frYW :l+:+'1"X"-'X*$/ 2-STORY W00D FRAHE EXISTING 2ND FLOOR DECK \ I .,on \ _./ ,/4q&.J \;" ,/,,'Y o o o oO '{.- t{; ry e-'tt gf! r{r t\ LP s 6 l.t\ift o EXISTING WALLS TYPICAL LIVING EXISTING WALLS ryPICAL LIVING UNIT 19 .! TOP OF PLYWOOD {P--4or:6"-- UNIT 20 ,{ TOP OF PLYWOOD r"--ErF-- NEWWINDOWS TYPICAL SEE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS FOR REVISED HEADER AND COLUMN CONFIGURATION AREA UNIT 19 UPPER . 543 SO. FT. MAIN . 632 SQ. FT, EXISTING TOTAL 1175 SQ. FT. ALLOWABLE ADDITION 250 SO. FT. /;6 /r o'l rak- EDGE OF EXISTING DECK TO REMAIN E =dl l a (D E.o (o o o (\l tr l t dt uJ lJ. STAIRS 10R|SERS@665" STAIRS 11 RTSERS @ 6.45' ^ f\'-J\--- MAIN EXISTING EXTERIOR STAIRS TO BE REPLACED WITH LANDSCAPE STONE TREADS AND RISERS WITH WROUGHT IRON RAILING PER CODE. EX|STING ROCK GARDEN ,.. ,/\^ _J'.- ^ / '! '--/ 'v--- $i# LEVEL DECK AND ADDITION t-l R l-tr---l +{;H,-- 10 A1 o NEWWROUGHT IRON RAILING TO MATCH NEW STAIR RAILING o o- F o lrJ Eo p$i ifie'II=JF EE8.s =eII NEW STONE VENEER PER CUT SHEET NEW KNEE BRACE AND COLUMN SUPPORT NOTE: SEE STRUCTRUAL DRAWINGS FOR MEMBER SIZES, DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS REMOVE EXISTING AND REPLACE WITH NEW STEPS TO FRONT DOOR OVERFRAMED ON EXISTING DECK SEE SHEET AA FOR BALANCE OF MAIN LEVEL FLOOR PI.AN IIJ o z uJ lt AE IIJ H fg2A 3EE F o_d HE3 ;=s Ul-Jts ==o lt NOTE: NO ADDITION (PROPOSED) o o o oO o o o o DINING KITCHEN LIVING UNIT 20 A TOP OF PLWVOOD ?-no--e;- NEWWINDOWS TYPICAL rl Zt oU t't-- AREA UNIT Z) UPPER - 453 SO. FT. MArN - 512 SO. FT. EXISTING TOTAL 965 SQ. FT. ALLOWABLE ADDITION 346 SQ. FT. AREA UNIT 19 UPPER . 543 SO, FT. MAIN.632 SQ, FT. EXISTING TOTAL 1175 SQ, FT. ALLOWABLE ADDITION 2so so. FT. F =dl f o dl E o @ o o (\l E f t dl lrJ IL o (\l A2 I l EXISTING WALLS ryPICAL REMOVE EXISTING AND REPLACE WTH NEW STEPS TO FRONT DOOR OVERFRAMED ON EXISTING DECK SHO\A/ER REMOVE EXISTING BAY WINDOW NEW KNEE BRACE AND COLUMN SUPPORT PER STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS STORAGE DINING KITCHEN SEE A1 FOR BALANCE OF DECK AND SITE STAIR EXISTING WALLS UNIT 19 SEE STRUCTURAL DRAWNGS FOR REVISED HEADER AND TOP OF PLYWOOD o c. F (, uJ Ec H*s iHe'A=JF =58.s =Fg: trJ o frH AE rJt H u ?[5 rrJRo o.oj ;=s UJ 'F Jts ==o lr NORTH CoMPLETE MA|N LEVEL (PROPOSED) o o o o o o o l I F (, H€, H$E ine'A=JF EEa.s =er: I uJ o =. lt fiE ui,\ ?[5 rIJ R ct _t?i fi3 JE 3=o Il J F =o f U) 6 t o (o o c)(\I E f tr o UJ l!o N ___l le.at. ul tn- AREA UNIT 19 UPPER.543 SQ. FT. AREA UNIT 20 UPPER.453 SO.rt. SITTING ,ao*oo"@ EXISTING WALLS TO REMAIN TYPICAL BEDROOM NEWWINDOWS TO BE ADDED OR REPLACED TOP OF PLYWOOD 49' - 6' BEDROOM NEWWINDOWS TO BE ADDED OR REPLACED TOP OF PLYWOOD 49' - 6" I I I L___EDGE OF NEW ROOF A3 UPPER LEVEL (PROPOSED) PAINT BRICK CHIMNEY STUCCO FRONT FACADE FROM ADDITION TO BRICK CHIMNEY tt/-,L/'t:k ADD ARCHITECTURAL BEAM ENDS AND REPAIR FACIA AND SOFFIT AS REQUIRED EXTERIOR LIGHT FIXTURES AS PER CUT SHEET EXISTING BAY WINDOW TO BE REMOVED WROUGHT IRON RAILING TO MATCH STAIR RAILING TOP OF DECK 5' STONE VENEER AS SELECTEO BY OWNERS J F =o l U) o E o (o o o N t l E o uJ IL o c\| A4 o o. F o ut psE EHe'ti = J F E58.s =F:I TOP OF PLYWOOD IJJ o GH "68 utH t png IJJRo -r 2i Eo|uli JE ==o lr NEWWINDOWSAT REMODEL AS COORDIMTED BETWEEN OWNERS AND CONTRACTOR TOP OF PLYWOOD AS APPROVED BY PAINT EXST, o a. F o ul i*E E3; EfrEg A=JF E58.9 EFi: EXISTING WINDOWS TO REMAIN ul o frH "-rfr urE tr z ,. A E E 3 0 8 trE-d IIJRo Goj \.r -t; UJ tF Jts ==o lt s F =dl l a m E o (o o o c{ tr. D t.dl uJ IL o (\ PAINT BRICK CHIMNEY STUCCO FRONT FACADE FROM ADDITION TO BRICK CHIMNEY REMOVE AND REPLACE DECK TO EXISTING CONDITIONS LANDSCAPE STONE STAIRS WITH WROUGHT IRON RAILING, FIELD COORDIMTE STONE TYPE AND DETAILING WITH OWNERS KNEE BRACE AND COLUMN SUPPORT PER STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS 5' STONE VENEER NEW ENTRY STAIRS WROUGHT IRON RAILING TO MATCH STAIR RAILING {.}r A5 EAST ELEVATION (PROPOSED) NEW STUCCO AS APPROVED BY 12 /Ltl ffi{- TANDSCAPE STONE STAIRS WITH WROUGHT IRON RAILING, FIELD COORDINATE STONE ryPE AND DETAILING WITH OWNERS EXISTING WINDOWS TO REMAIN TYPICAL (, o. F o lrJ Ect IsE Es; EfrEg ,.r-J? EEs.s =e:: PAINT BRICK CHIMNEY STUCCO FRONT FACADE FROM ADDITION TO BRICK CHIMNEY REPLACE WINDOWS WITH SMALLER WINDOWS PER NOTE ON SOUTH ELEVATION 5' STONE VENEER J F =dl f U' dt tr o (o o o ol tr f t dt IJJ o netl trtl A6 ul o z luJ t{ AE ITJ H t'tA ?E 5 HE3 B3s JE ==o IL WEST ELEVATTON (PROPOSED)10 o o z t fi g P z J ul 0( 9 ;6- rc^,fta) v BE|.,lrylN W vJ'Hr; F@nN(3 ?,\D ,jrgt.tx!\ p.t x l0 |'ll4'*5 0^#\ YhQl aN 6std'6td 6110" l+l L w (o o o (\l J (r rL sf -- ,,]_ MAIN LEVEL FRAMING & FOUNDATION PLAN Sl oF4 lvr4t4u<$VeD Z^d wlz^e* ul o74'4tx6" f,ul,t's e-' 16' ;.c. tqle 6?ouTeg c4).g @ UJ TE a o E,F TU (L G l.IJ J =o lJ. IJJ <L cE G,l!F zQ ?l.L)os 'rt! OY 6d ;O (\l I oa z> o) F z l .SHA0f.D a&* vatovs OwgfFrliltHc, 114" = 1'- 0" o I o L_T I $ I I il 11 t- o '7 5ot^D hq5f b CO o o sl J E o- + ---a L,tu lr/+*6 ExlL o€ lnaeq roof- S2 oF4 @ lU Eu AE P=a hEq L:E - N--: t?3 I.IJ ; -.r I ==o II :ii iA *#sl"6id# 2,O -J &tr h >,Y ,r/fr **L2^\ LOWER ROOF & UPPER LEVEL FRAMING 114" - 1'- 0" STRUCTURAL SPECIFICATIONS l) Foorrl.liotr &.iSr b-.d |tf r s.|,t! d drirur rdlr h...irs c.p.city oI 1500 . t) All hob.. dal L Dor{.fk n S.aS or b.n6. Jt r'obrd,ld rxdE th.u b. Ff ro h. vc.ifcrl br | -iL.i3nE I dr rb. of Grcn.ti.n. All fdrin&r rF ro ltrn-Ft' rt SaS r b.u.r (.[ tu.b.. rirhin I t. of 6ni.h gd. n|st b.bci rton i.ltF.l ldliruLd |oil o..on{drd .tru.tsrl ill I rrprovd by f. ' ftli|]ir.dl tnviL -li.l lh.liB r r'-(r s c.d!' h it di.ph.rgnu. Atl toilt cilitE . Suhnil.opy otnto.r b a[icrr. o.lnr 5 b..dnEi ba.ir3 F blrddkn Crtrn'tr qcifi.d o.r pt.6. r..2) AX roodtrb..tgll Fn d.r otr&s!u. A.ll !.tc ndrinror &o.t p..!.!tto'l Lis.r.ori& 6 fir...d &r.Filt|' tc6.4-.odI Liry.l&L L of48 to bo{b'r orfm$a3 l ro|!'ddin r.lb ri cdBrrE k' h.c. .rql$ oF*'C. olr 6'-0'. co'i.rd? foolid8' unlc!. thoat ott.r'ir o.t pL'5. 6) St'lrt|r.l L.l drll b. ASTM A]6 or b.u.f, ehor bolrt 'd botr! th. b.!) ll c:.l In ptr..oicnrc |'urr b? idc rlfi Fonl$d ccn|. rd ,tbi! DimnE .dlFEriv€ dtte8|| o{ 3qn }x .r.r 2t d.yr (!rini'l|$[ ..rtFc$iv. tlrc'rth or4o0o pri !n r 2' &F &. gErd. Gl i. rl.h.). t .!tn h$cd trFD DUTLDTNC CODE REQUTRc ENnt FOR REINFORCeD CONCRE TE (ACl IIt), 1999. Co|lcrdc oh.€$cnr 1o cr.rfufl diA "fo hucrion l.{uhcrt!n!!_.5 d.lnEd in ACt llt. All.rFEl al3..of coerd. rlutltrv. %- ch*r|r Coffir.t. *o* 3lell D{ h.!G i'y &xranr.l otll jdn|! unL|! .dtryi,.d by rt. a) R.inldcirr {.tr i! ASTM Grk,lO R.ntfdc.mcln pl.ccr cnt slEtl corfom ro M NUAL OF STANDARD PRACfK t. 2(I)1 .. p.r1',rdl b/ CRSI. All lq' srlic6lo hc minrNm 16 bs dianctcF. rll h..iror rl.citrforc.mcnr lo hc AII'. Alt rn6r.l nccl i| ro b. dciriH, frtricrod rd 6.ctat in rcBducc ta|| AI)C S?BClflCATlOlrSr 1942 ]x, CoDS OF STANDAnD pnACIICE. All Tt$ot W.dt A.rlur lo b. irdrlbr xcordi{ to m.urf.ctrr.''t ?.ci6c.aio.r rd &iiL. 7) Y..E!r (2.0€) r! r i|ln|Iird tt SOIE CASCADE CORPOR,\T|ONT ed.9 nr*ile' rd d8!t!!rt.lrllrd 'ldib, AU buil-{e Vcit trn b.! nxi.r bc tk d yil| PLaO id ndlql 'itn .r m*r or l6.t !p'r.. @ 9- o.. All tlLnr.t€ ro b. rlkrr,.d rd tFv.d bt rl|..qin.!r.l) Slitdr lloo.. wttt t'T Ed G tgiryod $r|| ' nt'|lu|t| $.n r.rins or4020 o. bdl.r |l|d C'a slh Pt a{D. N.il plyro.d iith lol 4 6- c !o.u ioilr. Ii.l.l corJrE(. rrc? otdon. Cov.r d.cb rirh 216 Rcdwootl wrth 2 rtrY$cr 9) Sbrn rurfr rifi 5/t" rlyl|'nd yi$ minirxtor rper dhr! of nrt2l, q L..rrc'. H.ilntwo.ri thi &lr06_oc.t Fncl altct r|l 12_l. {l n flnr,lior( l(,)Shclrh dl .ttaid trlh tith %" rlywdxl tith n,i"i un, tt,nn 'nl;"! ,'l .ll/ ., !cr&r. Ndl r,ilh ld @ 6" a lo dl rtlr.|. | | ) Liv. lonL urd tof dclijt|. -loof.lU) p.f rlDc. -Plod-,lo rtrr r!|iilcilisl. -ft.l.lqlFt .Wind-go m?h, Erlo.urc B. . E|nl'qutlc-z.* C-IBC. |2)An co.d'rdix| mtd.o.rply with rh. Xl)l ld.n ionrl atrtnlnt('o.L !i .d."l.d bt ah. To'r of V.il adUins DqqllE r & h. 'G.rE..l cqrlirio'r ol [|c Cmtr-t fo. Cord.!.lior'{AlA t o.r,'lcnr 20l). Allcon.hrrion n'ud lr co.nDl6d iiriir lh. rolcr$(tr denbql rtr llE "Rc'rldrrril( onstrn.rtdl tdfdt Ec G!iL[n('- B Ft{a3l by llE NATIONAL ASS(X141|()N (tl; I|oiTE BUILDERS. Il)Colttlruct w.ll I folbeg .Err6ior-2ra (4 l6'c.. ro mdch.risriDE .htaior 2t4 A l6_o.. unl.s tutrJ olhcNir. 11)All b.rrt.joilr.rd rdl.fr n! to b.r lpon r.lL or b.|'||'' o. b.l|!ls *ith SIMPSON Slro||g-Ti. h.ntctt o. ?prlvc cqu.la. 15) All rlrwluEl 'n€rDb.n t'! thosn in th.ir fin l to.nix! p|lrt rly brr€d anl .Tp.trd; ddnng.strlrlclio.r it tn y bc ||..€rrry to tdnpo{|nly rlDrc ponioff o,lh. dn rs. rbiL.altr.,.rlitD. sc !.ht con t.lItd. (brt{It rh. qrtnw fo. cor'.ultrtioo $ rtqsir.ij. | 6) Ocn td ConGetor it .ciporibl. for dl non.{cifiaj conn ctionr. cootsr mtincc' fo! d.tik |t r.qui|ttt. thc cilir..r i. to .ppovc il ltru(rural l7) (lrEril Co.{r&!o. i! lo c.xidi..t. tll di.plursn p.nctrrtiod (i..., chi'rnt€ys, plumlin& *rvcn. .l..) throriSh fktofl. i,cllr, rooh . l fo$rxlotio|| rstli wirl! rtp.tT.ia. .ub<odi.lo.r. CarlJ Cd{r*k . ir rclFl|iblc fo. rlF DE.is. t|dl|,tli !dbrl{.G\ tatE ..!, Fo.alw6, rqlrudqr. Fr.u{t r.lFiluli.,f r|dllb-dL !.f€rt.r.cldql rith hir p.uj.cl 1l|. (}ttol (:dr'r.(d ir to vcdrt.ll diirc i{r!. ud .bv.rio'r rith tll. r.hitetml d..*in!r. Norify .nircGr cf dl connid. .l|.I or|littio'! b.tnctn vrL{. .bnkd. of tl< *,,1;{ d..|firl!t I|l U|..rLliry cqrl;lixi |rir to cuntrE.n|! w lt tlbt tr,tid' ot !h! p6j.cl. Cdl.rrl Conr.r.b. ir to in frccr r.lnqLl p|oicctr !!rl vcriti l,.rtF 6( n,rl IrulE. di.trsl of cri1n,8 trrltcri!1. (i.c., ndnn!..r..) 'u rnl.,ir..lhy .'!h. ld€nlil, of.ll cr i.ri'rt lriddctr r!sr!r{l ||1.16 b4.l stu' riNuli,ryrr.rl'' It) All m.tcd.l!.tpo..d rD.rt6ioi.di or mit|u.r coriliti'|r rhrll h. trcircal tbr tlleco'ditiotB(i..,ch.n,ic.l tr@l.rdrr. ttuifi & p.ntrin&drnl0@fil8. ,nctnbtu.r n.rhin& ctc.).! Equi.cJ by cqlc. All rr.tcri.l. to lE lrcrl.d lor tirc Binftc .3 rcquircd by cqlc. 996t & g*\5nFtG Y40( .ontinmur.erd cmm ad .l erlt nrclr€cri,irr. lrl trrtrMn .cr,rorucn '.i,r bqintrornt <on(r.r. Flrftd rg.inrr.&rb l_ co*rlc Fxrql D lbtrtrt 2_ -coocrcrc 6labs l" )d ,"F) ;.o- c tr g. \r! (o o o (\t J E o- +fYp-\ -r( r9f]l.l6 gefiq l9nr{6 ?:2- lO oP- L+v t"/4r- F+*tuls -rt,l TU Rtr_t4kl|} FEFntH *Q:L*Q 4', 53 oF4 iFE -'PE lr F€o|g x9 oo llo Ai ig l! U) Hq @E (1*t )tzQ FHE HE3 -- K-i -o?E'E' llf o J; B=o IL UPPER ROOF FRAMING 114" = 1'- 0" o o O!'1f*we ffA$1116 wna\e gloqtjlo tF ?ao?, A-Lx4 covunp W4 ?',fi11 9t ocl4tto ff4r4r^16 W?unJ wt't1t& forrNgffi'bl P ?e+AltlrJ r Wtwrt * 2-*0 Xrit *xstoge 9*rurrao F'4-m!.3s.Aet\W |,V IrA*r P 9e A?frD t+or^'tftu gtgcK, Ntll tt4tt ft+rrt|o ?EF Rfitt z.stb"l {"K5 f,uft, CA)PrW4tAt ,t'le f,+t&o (tq *to bowu),- ,F*t 6\6 rp.cvg*VoLt4^trftep Lr6* O l2i o,c, ?l'uro€ "l1t*9794.'iffi{"m" -lo bro Nrv NeyJ 5ouD t 4 +t-*rt:5i li.tY i,"oe Y;'dulrlburtq b'A-.51ftarekn ?e* W tL ct'+ / )e 14" ?htt t*It?"utrw, 16i.. toe no Wfio,^ AJ | 4" +:y|':O fi.o;th4n 5-2t4 *to 4-lC'0 I,Xt fu,fj tr,!.a govtV Ert9rlN6 Af6op?yfr ?4xrt Ptttsrtd(,fta |f+4"^46 f, F€,/AIN v" P ^e(ul L-*5 Ah4' (o o o sl J E o- \f Urn,| ^rt 14H, W*t bx6 9xt6nl6 FPA+4til6 1o FEmmu ,-rsw W* ut?t S4 oF4 d .E ot |) b E o a E .F "g J F€x9 oo trlo sd Dr *l 610 ExlgnN6 Lr + e,16" o, <.a H,lr?ai Pia t- o=1_rx Hg;EA() -.-. Nj ff2= UJ;J; ==c lL DETAIL C 2/N'z.yLg" SECTION B *:'d' b ?Qt=1!-61' SECTION A --I m I4 L-O Ltt -r=O <x f m: 6 .');l =xt') ,_!;o 4tnO <-{ t -1 m=-2 =T- o<To,68 -!L i;o ctt >3 AE iri ='n m = 3tr9 m :._ r- rio 2== 9E-'f- TDE !Dtr o o z @ {n c (} {o z 'o m F ={ -Tt !Or z=out >= = rr, z oz =3 1.. I U4o l4- o t9n r lo |'n .It m t =-{ -{o @ m 'x m t -{ o z (-o @ I -|m O O P (- 5 +- z =m U) J I - .-tf 2p -tc 3= d6 n o 2n -.i m vz >m OE -{> n =m \o. o t"- €,t= z .0- m '{'. E ,= '11 =z ,5 lo tl c I \ * ot =r <F r p il FO tn lt, r I _l -l I I E D F l" la,/) tv r(J t; rc, R P F t>Io lo rn kt Y lcD lo l- lq) f =o, o =m F €-t\r 'l l+|o l= lz lo li l!lm to H to li l6 t<t> lF tm lo t>lo ! = c)m -Tl = l-r to t€ lz le t<t> l|-IT lm le,lz lo l,-lr\)l! l- n ,{ l-{mlO Fl= lo II l> lF lm lo I lz le I I =rh z E$Ha$ E 3q$E ascH i :;i*e =u,(D=5 - = --o !r PFi;: €E*iH R9or95. [;.9 g; O*Oior nO*a11 ArEIE +9;31 d IelF s.= 35 i -- i!, -.aigEl :EgF=i<O-f, P.0:a R o- r*t*+ fl^139s I U gg =.6'9FE f o --* >-J c) rD rnc+c :D -t o5 +r() (oo 5 6)l c (D -1'E =.=c+ooo o.o o x N)\ Ol a z i c m o''r1 €2 m o z i J o 'n o =o m t-.n t!l> l- l6 I t-r tr l= l- a f z j \ o =o z t- !m ! =.i a z m m m o l<" lz lz l- l.- fio<>.n-o I' - I lt f, t1 0 11- tl It lt-il- ll t'n lo lo t- I I I l_ F f. lz l@ It l-{lo l.t<| 'tt I' I | -.r II l6 le | (t, t- t>Itr l- I tr -l =.n -l z I I m t- m €m l-a z o 2 _-l z c z a/, z m € {m v -{o 2 o . z t- m ! m o -q n |- ^2 o - o n o o (o 5 q, (D 0,(o (o 5 (D (o 0, (D 16)NF lm H eE Fr Ad l-"9 ; A l#ro d ! t:e ; E i l--ro O O lor-n z z ltn€l(,o l-r,x lo.i' -l=l N o= l=l o* l"l tl I (l) U' ('^J (D f{J !J q F (D x 0) a (- V'q, :6 l9 F lc? lrD li,q) N o z z o F @ g t-o z z { m (/) I P Y tsl P r P z z 3 z vr, --t o -{m @l .:(olI -o o'f. fll "+ 6ri ruFl -l I I l1 tl @ol 5>:.<| ml I I I I $ \ i o r m g -t -n m m at) a m x o t-m z i m q m z m s m { m m z n m m 3 m - z - -q a- =@ z.o m t-m --{ t- -z m x @ t- z m = '\t m v = ='Tl m m <t VALUATION T m F = =2 o =m - z r t- = = m t-m a 6 z c, Ol Ol \.|(tl f,N) N) N)(tl 5 s CN LK #3 OLlLl./ t,/0,"/t u yn-p ) c)o z o! sa ;gI r)z g*g m |-m c)i D C) |- .-l o -{o o o-,2; 8E g6 C) =m o ..1 o zA -<m 7Z >m i>Ol- r- o o,_mm tJ, o o>'l- o z 3 m EI r/ li rn IYE tzl lol HI tl t>I txl l-l lt -ll r- r-Y -..l zl H fl l;l l'k F l- r- I I lr t>r D p p |.r m r I I lo t - Y(-lF <F ]EE ,JE aP l-r IF NE t ol (? (|, o o o 5 3 t !!ry fifl3 9d-;:v =x=9P"'r =o il,/7n :5 .F .-f, -"'rl-€*ro o9ci -n:p 'D<m--o <irii -# --]J rio D x{o s vv,nc.x>u)z o >arl FO m1 .-!,J?l ={ E o 1 7l (_p ) @ ror .i CL o o d t I o 5 !n! 3P 2= -l-z_ dc)z 4 -m '1-t r-r- E z. U) z.m m m o -Tl '1'l r- z. rrl = EiH€$ Eigfrs d6'ie*rgci i 5;iF6 3 43;il - PS ^=.; ====::->< o::=i =;lF!5 = F3iti = 3:Eag eAF- qFF=F tilY 3d: s g 9f,1' : r-6 d* alF 3i:+; ;[l l:iE: iriFig$ ;l se;*9 fl $$FiF *l;lgli: ||tF { z -l =o z an m ',8 !:'m C) <,E gd H i.T \8 eg 4c)G 3s 3 i ''96 E i oo -jz z xl z'2l ol gl z U'I >l o'{ | I I I I I I I I Ol -l Or 2l 3l it al -l I I I I I I gr il cll lE :r t m Fil t;tll lx m =-n m m U> F/n/F/F/F/F/F sl-l | | I l= VALUATION 75 south lrontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 otllce of communlty develoPment BUiLDING PERI.lIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAI.IE If this permit requires a Town of Vajl Fire Department Approval , Eng'i neer's (Public l,iorks) review and approval , a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Bui'l ding Departrnent, the estinated t'ime for a total review may take as long as three weeks. All conrnercial (large or smal'l ) and all multi-family permits will have te follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments w'i th regard to necessary review, these projects may also take the three week period. Every attempt wi1'l be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the unders'igned, understand the p1 an check procedure and time frame. /\ - '\' l ''ii \) \r r-r<\)\./,1__ \\ \ \ \./(- q(\ Agreed to by. fN I :;\ r:tU Da te l.lo r k Cornnuni ty 'r i. ) Prodect Name to*" j:,t l;,'" g.o*"ur,,, . r.iiiil i -r- F:';;ia r f.. Q),/ Shdet vras turned into the Deve l opment Departrnent. PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION:MON INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME CALLER TUES THUR FRI PM READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o o tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR rffii a?ao Proiect Application Proiecl Name: Proiect Descriplion: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Com menls: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPBOVAL -,.----, -.-a- : "':' DISAPPROVAL Su m mary: E statt Approval Town Planner Date: -tr 3 .E '- 5 c 'o x r'1 O o (! O btr Cl (-) .o o (!T .J z .E q, (! (!z AJ .< iH xrl. FX P x'a f!9 EA =E\J 9eY Auu)o>x E u-y tal)l d d.9 o!?C >- ." o. Q'nQ ^:(J d<i,n o !-s - .:? b0 r, - ,.! .E 9,; .gd =,7 3 ?,trl A J c j E ': a t F di F c z &lI] t- +J X o .D -p 7 C) 5 6 IJ c E C!.c ,0 t U 'a -5 .E 6 Z c O I ).1.- .rJ .= O CS E O 3! n- =?Z=. l-: -1 C:a o! a..l Y.J thJ == 'J -U .g >a O -l ?' (J a F z E d q '71 Y F-,L{q I:.. t-.r X O a a - r'1 c. .. E 'a a .5 O a t-l 8 z J lT{ z1 a-\(n- ,L. A 69 ps ='a 6',C o€ 0Q= .! PJ ou,a2 A' IJ €p !Jo' li q i.r.i H liR 3 il > r.r- $ X -r =. gr o !: C'o *- 5 ^- .! +qF [* H.[,8 5g'i1 9 E.o-6''?.8:.H -. :i? E o I 'i @ iia I'q#O'"-o o 5 *Es.E TF $'n .r i'! q x ;-'" 1? 5 'rJ =. :rFijgFP.r H il il*E 9iP +;r o ii X - -< lr)-F.<73 n iE ri i s i!h lo5'ii6;'ir ) .+- 9 F- O ,-,- o ra q- 3 E S16 Fg r! *x 6I *3 1X = g U A-'- t-"'a 9F Sr!- ira ;^o. x6x ==h ? 6^ <=ld cd .D A) f-a o. .D a r9 t) t nt 9)j. (D o .D 11 gl'o an @ rD ro 6 (J' x ? - C o 5' ; @ o- o a 3*H3 !-T f-€6-r4i{ H< ;-+fi H&iFr$3pa'14 .r 9 ; e *9 1 6 e E A Srilrr=*Rr=-!i a:ttri I q i qb -Fx^tD,lor-l''=.i s:"f tB +*?FF 0 1 d I a2 a 6 d, ?'t s 3.t E r: A +?€:e-::34+FH n F- H Xo! o 5 - C x-9I .d - o o F -.'S6-E=?a'a'Fe 5€+8I - ; *g E =-\!o 6- - ga 9.'d 5 o- C- A i ' in' !p :E :e !iE: - IJ F6 F aF c 6- rr, .],.'P}S Q 3e,9,e''{ = --l EV< -'3a W UD d. Z. -a- i J 5'oa + H rpp g lds a O- nj I t- *6 E H x ->L <O s!!!0 \.tJ z (n -t f)z z a .I1 E z ,-] 'T1 Fr.l a-- 3 a * \o p F .J? - * F ! <: Yd *r,,i€:,,'-.9,x4.F i=-?i - r. -- '":'.' -$.5 = *. ;4.o ;J .F if '+ :YT _.+-- 8"g Br *-a a a=f P E i'x.1 E +g'6 l Fi;85 <H PBE 9 Z F#*eA =E* tl 5 =O O d: ?' r+i flfl,F #A H 3€ aH i E s;t'-glb ig E"rE e 9+il5'r" €'Frt ?F*i-€F a': tril5x H : 1; TE Fi ;giliapE !. ni o X; :FH +f a '6'.o i'v : FtA. C[f,F F* s H fti;g Ii:+EeiHi F;gifr e =fl '-Fr 6a- 3 ai F o io : F r! l3 38-x< i'F E ?-d6 - Q9-Lc:-*IF ry g l:t#n'* Y if 5nf;g ; E3; FX e Ped A r.f EE ? i r =.8 e ir +- x -oA-+g t 6d 1n 3 FE Xi i9 n..r!!V F? FF[7ono : g li; d xtsg ?vB - e9*9i-o*f P F I S !i 6:; +i' o, .! + j 6 U![TE - ?E CJ I€ FFEf;T €* 6 Hii?99;s- Ba H E 5s; qi+i F- r *i s 6 ; zZF O B:,-.r +E P 8t-=- s; b q li Siii E t E = iA AE5',r oF.F r36L:=3it,' gEZFg i fr' F u sF8 *H E'<i H-h o9 '<F 7d(}x{ <=P,b B' s i Yt ti p.[tr5 q 5'9F-9'q;ii F-6 6 ?6 9*r 3r-fiE€.EI-'r,' 't) o-' -' -;€: E K 1f +i5 H a+ e FH ti i ;*H H Filg; il i;E H $rfi Fs 9) = O \-v tr_--. =ia'a ij.H ie:r ;InR;;;Eg :i i x 1 6 H =. -< o E#1= EAFAE 7:rv3E-<93 .x { 9l-=:V H FE P i h=j e'i.tXtr i"i =r d'ic R'in 4a o'- LX 8-S lifr +H iF;9= i€ H g AYil? F#Ei f, (aar-vE'a 9.6 *'o F gFEi= e a C_O o- €.E '3F <6".a d6 € Ei 9H. EE-?X a v O- i'Y. ^Y)l=>?'"1=p'o€i>8..i 3 9. o B 6 X U" .g) U:0 E s. a .-il ^-w +H 7 --9 = €- --< ='6 ?iivt '-Y a'i'! i: P-7q- $.: i <.,: I o 63VP F?^ k'+Ptr " \, i I \l :" 3 36C6 3Ef; -,=s 'i .1 ;- r: ;.?il6-9 ;s <qE. tr o Fr: b 9a:- 1t fia[ E nsE- r;F:F X 2c X+9r'Y>. ;? ;E 23'-\o (}0 o-o q:r ao < =x ri *x \r 5'8 q ;i .r *,4 6r:-X ? c (_.j .,8 Z ilq-l Fe'-1 ;.< \1 go-dq ri 06 7 <-.x a5 \J fr-* h 5y -1 .1 e r-r gr? es,in :.''a o S$ ffi. o S$ HF o Ao i: oB 9o i?<; Eg ri: Frl E z rt t z H \-l (- 0 rrl F z ,-l E h Y 0 t,t.(;Al, t)lr:;(iil ur,0cK l; l t. ni(; I l"l lc:i ol; I)ll0.Jl;ct' -Rg€g.riI l'he fol lor"ing inforrnetion is lJoard l>ci'rrrc a final approval A. BIJtLI)ti't(t It.1'[RiALS F.oof Siding Other l'ia1l l"lat eria 1s Fas c ia Soffits l1,indorvs l{indow I'rim Dooi"s Door'l'rirn Hand or Deck Rai 1s F lues F lash j.ngs Chimreys Trash [rrcl osures Gtecnhous es 0Ehel rcqrrilcd for sulrrr^,ittal by carr bc givcn: thc appl icant to thc Dcs j.1itr ltcvietr lvng-oq-U$-"::il Co 1or B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PLANT MATERIALS TREES Botanical Name Cornmon Name Quanti ty Si ze ick lut €ohrR -ConnaouV Nr.. !N'AG (nP*re ?o 9"/4trtl{ Orwohr, . ilf bt.gl \ou 'Lzz.L-\-! z UBS tt, I v t a SQUARE F0OTAGE SQUARE FOOTAGE SQUARE FOOTAGE GROUND covERs s0D SEED TYPE TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. Other Landscape Features (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify