HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIGHORN TERRACE UNIT 20 LEGAL.pdfPlanning and Environmental Commission BuhornT.rra co trni*& ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Oolorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www,ci.vail.co.us ProiectName: FOWLERVARIANCE PECNumber: PEC050089 Proiect Description: Side setback variances of seven feet (7') and twenty feet (20') to allow for an entryway enclosure at the south side ofthe residence; three conditions attached to approval. Participants: OWNER FOWLER, THOMAS W., JR LT/TIIaOO5 VIRGINIA A. FOWLER LMNG TRUST 2074 ALBION ST DENVER co 80207 APPUCANT FOWLER, THOMAS W., JR ITILLIaOOS VIRGINIA A. FOWLER LIVING TRUST 2074 ALBION ST DENVER co 80207 PrcjectAddresi 4247 COLUMBINE DR VAIL Location: 4247 COLUMBINE DR UNIT 20 Legal Description: Lot: Blodc Subdivisionl BIGHORN TERMCE Parcel Numbert 2L0L-L22-L402-0 Comments: see conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Kjesbo Action: APPROVED Second By: Jewitt Vote: 6-0-0 Dateof Approvaa. LZltA2005 Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 300 PEC approval shall not be not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: CON0007765 Prior to the issuance of a building permil the applicant shall obtain from the Public Works Department a revocable right-of-way permit for the parking that will remain within the Town's right-of-way. Entry: L21t42005 By: ee Action: AP Cond: CON0007766 Prior to issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy by the Community Development Depaftment, the applicant shall receive approval of a revised plat for Lots 19 and 20, which delineates a property line congruent with the existing party wall. Cond: CON0007757 The approval ofthis variance request shall be contingent upon the applicant receiving Town of Vail approval of the related design review application. Elisabeth Eckel PEC Fee Paid: $500.00 llf 'T0ll,A,m Qo il', $6s0 $400 Application for Review by the General Information: All projects requiring Planning and Environmental Commission review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Planning and Environmental Commission review cannot be accepted unul all required information is received by the Community Development Oepartment. The poect may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Design Review Board. Type of Application and Fee: ! Rezoning $1300 tr Major Subdivision $1500 n Minor SuMivision $650 ! Exemption Plat $650 tr Minor Amendment to an SDD $1000 tr New Special Development District $6000 n Major Amendment to an SDD $6000 D Major Amendment to an SDD $1250 (no exterior m od ifi ca tio ns) Descripti-on the Request: Location of the Proposal Physical Address: Name(s) of Owner(s):/ ing Address; 2, Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailjeg Address: . /,4,4.//l tr Conditional Use Permit tr FloodplainModification Phone: l/tFax ,rry, )Efr Parcer No.: z/d77777// A,.d fi tr Minor Frterior Alteration $650 tr Major Exterior Alteration $800 tr Development Plan $1500 I -. flmendment to a Development Plan $250 "fr,li.::.:*" Amendment ll33t -tr Sign Variance $200 a ,-. '=4For*/.,*Ol'o''{ tt .9 -g (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) CIl -o For Office Use Onlv: -zr i ii"r'i.11;.;F"' p T't:#L ?i. * Page I of 6-01/ l8/02 ***+**+*****+**********************t,1.*++***+************+******+****i***t**{r***ll+***++{.*:t ** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement ++++*+**********+*{.:t +****++**f ****+*****+++**++ * * * *,}**** *****+**********+**{.*+++***{.+t***1.+* statement Number: Ro5Ooo1939 Anount: $500.00 L]-/lt/2oo5t1 :12 AM Palment Method: Check FOWIJER Init: JS NOtAtiON: 128IVIRGINIA Permit No: P8C050089 Type: Parcel No: 2707-722-!4O2-O Site Address: 4247 COITIIMBINE DR VAIL L,ocation: 424? COITUI4BINE DR t NIT This Payment: $500.00 PEC - Variance 20 Totsa1 Fees 3 TotsaI AI,I.. PmgE r Balance : $500.00 $s00, oo $0.00 * ** * t + * * * *f**********+i****1.*!****t+{. * * * * * * * * * * *************+**********************{t*+{.+++{.* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmta PV 00100003LL2500 PEC APPIJICATION FEES 500.00 .' TIt{ Onners Forn 2312 Policy No. AQ156089 Order No. V19340 Amount $L11,o00.00 scHEDttLE A Address 1. Policy Date: september 03, 1992 at 8:Oo A.U. 2. Nane of Insured: THOI{AS W. FOWLER AND VIRGINIA A. FOIII,ER 3. The estate or intereet in the land descrLbed in this Schedule and whictr is covered by this policy is: A Fee Sinple 4. Title to the estate or interest covered by this policy at the date hereof is vested in: THOI'TAS T{. FOWLER AND VIRGINIA A. FOWLER 5. The land referred to in this policy is situated in EAGLE County, Colorado, and is described as follows: I,NIT 20, BIGHORN TERRACE, ACCORDTNG TO THE PI,AT RECORDED ocToBER 13, 1967 IN BOOK 211 AT PAGE 474, COItNTY OF EAGLE' STATE OF COLORADO. Page 1 This Policy valid only if Schedule B is attached. TIM Owner Form 2313 Order No. v19340 SCHEDULE B Policy No.AQ166O89 fhis policy does not insure agalnst losE or danage by reason of the following: l. Riglrts or clains of parties in possession not shortn by the public records. Z. Easenents, or claims of easementsr Dot shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines,,shortage in area, encroalhnents, and any facts whLch a correct survey and inspection of'the prenises would disclose and which are not shonn bY the Public records- 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, fol. services' labor, or material thEretofore or f,ereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the Public records. 5. 1992 TAXES NOT YET DUE OR PAYABI,E AND ASSESSI'TENTS NOT YET CERTIFIED TO THE TREAST'RERS OFFICE. 6. LIENS FOR UNPAID WATER AND SEWER CHARGES' IF ANY. 7. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR I,oDE TO EXTRACT AND REDIOVE HIS ORE THEREFRO!{ SHOULD THE SA}IE BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREI'IISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED DECEMbET 17, L9O2' IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 492. 8. RIGHT OF I{AY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE I'NITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED DECCTNbET 17' 1902, IN BOOK 48, AT PAG.E 492 AND RECORDED Novembet 22, t939, IN BOOK 123 AT PAGE 525. g. RESTRTCTIVE covEtrANTS, tfHICH DO NOT CONTATN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER cliausE, BuT OUITTING RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED 'ON RACE, COLOR, RELTGION, oR NATIONAL ORIGIN, AS CONTATNED rN TNSTRUMENT RECORDED December 20, L962' IN BOOK L74 AT PAGE 403 AND AS A}IENDED IN INSTRT'UENT RECORDED APTiI O5, L963, rN BOOK 175 AT PAGE 33. 10. EASE!,IENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN AND RESERVED oN THE RECORDED PLAT OF BIGHORN TERRACE. Page TIM olrner Form 2313 order No. v1934o Policy No. AQ166089 SCHEDULE B 11. PARKING EASEI.TENT AFFECTING ST'BJEST PROPERTY AS SHOI{N ON THE RECORDED PT,AT OF BIGHORN TERRACE. 12. TER.I{S, CONDfTIONS AND PROVISIONS OF PARTY WALL AGREEI.IENT RECoRDED lilovenber 09, 1988 IN BOOK 494 AT PI'GE 866, AND SI'PPIJEX.IENT THERETO RECORDED;nNE 13, 1991 IN BOOK 556 AT PAGE 92. Page 3 Joi-nt Property Owner Written Approval Letter I, Catherine Hoover Petros, joint o'rA.ners of property located at 4247 Columbine Drive, provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated November 14, 2005, which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the addresses noted below: 4247 Coltllrr}ine Drive, Unit 19 Bighom Terrace 4247 Cohtrtbine Drive, Unit 20 Bighom Terrace I understand that the proposed improvements include: Adding covered entryways across the front of the duplex and enhancing the exterior look of the properfy. The plans include removing the existing upper balcony and doors and the lower porch, and adding a sixty-eight square foot addition to the front ofeach unit. The addition will be covered, with enclosed entryways, and new windows and doors across the front of the duplex. The front will be hnished with a rock veneer foundation, a stucco fagade wrapped around to the chimneys and architectural beam ends. The existing deck will be rebuilt using the existing footprint, and new stone stairs will be added with wrought iron stair railings. I further understand that minor modifications may be made to plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. r, f (frt { Date ' I Ltutt**, n [,,*) Ce*linium Associaticn Written Approval Lener I, Linda Moore, Secretary of the Bighorn Mutual Recreation and Sanitation Co., am providing this letter as written approval of the plans dated November 14,2005. which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the following addresses noted below: Catherine Hoover Petros, owner of property located at 4247 Columbine Drive, Unit 19 and Thomas W. Fowler & Virginia A. Fowler, owners of property located a14247 Columbine Drive, Unit 20 I understand that the proposed improvements include: Adding covered entryways across the front ofthe duplex and enhancing the exterior look ofthe property. The plans include removing the existing upper balcony and doors and the lower porch, and adding a sixty-eight square foot addition to the front ofeach unit. The addition will be covered, with enclosed entryways, and new windows and doors across the front of the duplex. The front will be finished with a rock veneer foundation, a stucco fagade wrapped around to the chimneys and architectural beam ends. The existing deck will be rebuilt using the same footprint. and new stone stairs will be added with wrought iron stair railings. I further understand that minor modifications may be made to plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. --'?-) ,rr,zrfz*/t2,.--,2;'. ;za a { Date Bishdrn Mutual Recreation and Sanitation Co. . r.r a!!!+ !!!!r!,{.1-!!:Lr-il5_-i oorD'lo 'ltNtpo lnov:,lu .I |tlol oz N !r $rn lcvuBr ITFNIE l,l,h EEH fl F E sottSd 3l{t t 9glloj 3l{l aV'|d,re-[ i,': j; i1 !iiii iirFl ;ll r! tiili iiiii ^r I E:i 3i; a ttpo .ltffitll9 lr* it .. .:: I r,. /.1 l::.o&.t',' ,,t €- '..- r iJr '' #,.;7 I I Ir !r lr IE 9d .'- '! i -EEiFFEE;:HggEE qtitiin l!li\fio,xEFBd#tr I i r i/i - t - -ot9' -;--___i i:il llra iiii !lt: fiii 'ffiffi*)> 6tz | ,','t) /t' 8F lr! F Account Number: R:012326 ParcelNumber: zlAllzzl4Arc Tax Area: SC103 Mill Levy: 47.7190 OwnerName/Address: HOWARD. TAGGART HARzuSON - DINNER. ELYSE -JT PO BOX 3351 vArL, co 81658 Legal Description: SUB:BIGHORN TERRACE DESC: UNIT 16 BK-0211 PG-0474 MAP 10-13-62 BK-0213 PG-0338 WD 07-12-68 BK-0302 PG-0561 QCD 04-26-79 R792947 QCD 04-19-02 Physical Address: 004255 COLUMBINE WY VAIL Acres: 0.08 Number: R012354 ParcelNumber: 2l0ll22l40l5 Tax Area: SCl03 Mill Levy: 47.7190 Owner Neme/Address: BURNOP, ROBERT F., IU 4255COLUMBINE WAY 15 VAIL, CO 81657 LegalDescription: SUB:BIGHORN TERRACE DESC: UNIT 15 BK-021I PG-0474 MAP 10-13-62 BK-0294 PG-0552 QCD l0-31-79 R855854 PTD l0-29-03 Physical Address: 004247 COLUMBINE DRUnit : 15 VAIL Acres: 0.09 Account Number: R012285 ParcelNumber: 210112214022 Tex Area: SC103 Mill Levy: 47.7190 Owner Name/Address: HOCKMUTH. MARY S. 32I MAGOWA}I AVE IOWA CnY,lA52246 Legal Description: SUB:BIGHORN TERRACE DESC: LJNIT 22 BK-021 1 PG-0474 MAP 1G.13-62 BK-0260 PG-01 38 09 -16-77 BK-0372 PG-0256 QCD 10-27-83 BK-0675 PG-0015 DC 0t-22-93 R840lll swD07-ll-03 Physical Address: 004247 COLUMBINE DR VAIL Acres: 0.07 AccountNumber: R010985 ParcelNunber: 2l0ll22l40l8 Tax Area: SCl03 Milt Levy: 47.7190 OwnerName/Address: COOPER DAVID E. &NONNIE E. -JT 8522 VALMONT RD BOULDER CO 80301 LegalDescription: SUB:BIGHORNTERRACEDESC:LINIT l8 BK-0211 PG-0474 MAP 10-13-62 BK-0552 PG-0889 QCD 04-05-91 Physical Address: 004247 COLUMBINE DR VAIL Acres: 0.03 Account Number: R012035 ParcelNumber: 2l0ll22l402l Tax Area: SCl03 Mill Levy: 47.7190 Owner Name/Address: LLEWELLYN. NEAL C/O LEFF, HAUPERT, TRAW & WILLMAN LLP POBOX2447 IOWA CITY, IA 52244-2447 Legal Description: SUB:BIGHORN TERRACE DESC: UNIT 2l BK-021 1 PG-0474 MAP 10-13-62 R840110 SWD 07-l l-03 R878429 WD 04-06-98 Physical Address: 004247 COLUMBINE DR VAIL Acres: 0.04 Account Number; R012625 ParcelNumber: 210112214017 Tax Area: SCl03 Milf Levy: 47.7190 Owner Name/Address: SFIERR HOWARD P. & VIRGINIA C. 2IO STJMMIT BLVD ENGLEWOOD, CO 80il3 Legal Description: SUB:BIGHORN TERRACE DESC: LINIT 17 BK-021 I PG-0474 MAP l0-t3-62 BK-0224 PG -07 7 I QCD 06-0 I -72 BK-0265 PG-0061 QCD 09-15-77 BK-0553 PG-0431 QCD 04-05-91 BK-07r9 PG-0640 QCD 12-24-97 Physical Address: 004247 COLIJMBINE DR VAIL Acres: 0.04 AccountNumber: ROl1480 ParcelNumber: 210112215014 Tax Area: SCl03 Mifl Levy: 47.7190 Owner NamelAddress: PARKS. TMOTHY C. PO BOX 1790 VAIL, CO 81658-1790 Legal Description: SUB:BIGHORN SUB LOT:20-5 BK-0218 PG-0914 QCD l0-07-70 BK-0253 P G -0226 WD | | -27 -7 2 BK-0253 PG-0916 QCD 03-3r-77 BK-02s3 PG-0183 WD 02-28-77 R737695 WD 08-31-98 R74906s GD 01-r2-01 Physical Address: 004246 COLUMBINE DR VAIL Acres: 0.64 Status: I Approved Corunauuw DEVELopMENT Rounruc Fonut X Approved with conditions fl Denr'ed Routed To:George Chalberg, PW Date Routed:11t23105 Routed By:Elisabeth Eckel Date Due:11130/05 Description of work:Addition of enclosed entryways at Units 19/20, Bighorn Tenace, resulting in side setback variance requests Address:4247 Columbine Drive Lesal:Lot:19t20 Block: | | Subdivision:Bighorn Terrace Subdivision Comments:Date Reviewed: Need additional review by Fire Elisabeth Eckel - Petros addition..Paoe 1 From: Mike Vaughan To: Elisabeth Eckel Date: 11l3Ol2OO5 10:56:18 AM Subject: Petros addition.. Hey there, sorry it took so long. That one fell through the cracks. We have no comments, looks like a milk run too me. Mike. November 23,2OO5 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Fowler, Jr. 2074 Albion Street Denver, CO 8O2O7 (fax) 303.393.1 1 34 Re: Planning and Environmental Commission Variance Request 4247 Columbine Drive/Lots 19 - 20, Bighorn Terrace Subdivision PEC050089 Dear Mrs. Fowler, Thank you for the e-mail inquiring about the referenced application regarding your duplex in East Vail. I have begun studying the plans over the past couple of da;a and have scheduled the item for the December 12 Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) agenda. I may or may not have told you that the presence of at least one applicant (regardless of whether it is you, Catherine, Karl or Jerry) is required at that meeting, which begins at 2 p.m. here in the Town Council Chambers. Furthermore, please submit the following items as soon as possible in order to maintain the December 12 review date mentioned above: * One full-sized set (24" x 36") of plans (every architectunl dnwing that was submifted in 8.5 x 11 format); and * One full-sized (24" x 36') wet-stamped topographic suruey (a replicate of the rcduced suruey alrcady submifted). Please be sure that the suruey includes the total lot area. Those items will allow me to correclly calculate the existing/proposed Gross Residential Floor Area as well as the amount of floor area encroaching into the side setbacks. The Design Review Board submittal will require three full-sized sets. However, just one full-sized set will suffice for the PEC review. lf further items are needed in the course of this review, lwill contact you as soon as possible. Our office will be open on Friday if you'd like to drop off the plans then. Othenrise, please submit the plans as early as possible next week in order to maintain the placement of this item on the December 12n agenda. Enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving! Best Regards, Elisabeth Eckel 970.479.2454 enclosure Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com rlPY November 30, 2005 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Fowler. Jr. 2074 Albion Street Denver, CO 80207 (fax) 303.393.1134 Re: Planning and Environmental Commission Variance Request 4247 Columbine Drive/Lots 19 - 20, Bighorn Terrace Subdivision PEC050089 Dear Mrs. Fowler, Thank you for submitting full-sized plans of the Fowler/Petros duplex in East Vail. The plans will be helpful for reference purposes. However, my main goal in requesting full-sized plans was to be equipped with scaled plans from which I may calculate conect measurements. The original survey that was submitted in 8.5" x 11" format was not to the 1" = 10' scale that implied within the key. Likewise, the 24" x 36" plans that you submitted on Monday have been enlarged and are therefore not able to be measure using the 1" = 10' scale that is implied. Please submit one scaled set of plans for review by our Department. lf it is easiest to do so, you may submit these plans to me via e-mail in a digital format: eeckel@vailoov.com. Thank you for your continued patience throughout what is not always a simple design review process. f,-p nu.r.uo "u""^ z m m m x @ -{z o d isi i ?ql = fis?2 6;a F'rP EXISTING SQUARE FOOTAGE 2OO5 FOWLER / PETROS RESIDENCE UNTT 19 AI{D 20, BIGHORN TERRACE VAIL. COLORADO MIRATIOTITI ARCH]TECT PC POST OFFTCE BOX 5820 AVON, COLOR^DO 41620 T 970 9,191138 i= I c ll tl m n m m r m X a -{z o EXISTING SOUARE FOOTAGE 2OO5 FOWLER / PETROS RESIDENCE UNIT 19 AND 20. BIGHORN TERRACE VAIL, COLORADO III IRAIIOI{TI ARCHITECT PC POST OFFTCE AOX 5820 AVO , COLORADO 8t620 T e7o 940 1138 6 I ZONE CFIECK -2J -/t Lcgal dcscription: Lot Addrcss Olncr Archifctt Zonc disrict Lot sizc hr/ Total GRFA Fiting Phonc Phonc hoposcd usc Brrildablc Allorvcd Existinq proloscd - Total =AuL /r,t .@: = /ass // lg Sccondary GRfA + (.125) (675+) =_ * 675 = 425 crcdit plus 250 addition 9/da - ,(77 oronr;-@r", Rear fr ZA' ,?/@/ btf'l Minimum 3',t 6' 6ocs riis rcqucst involvc a 250 Addirion? # W Hcigbt Sctbacks (30x33) Landscaping Rctaining Wall Hciglts Parking Rquirca4 /'1 a,-,.Encloscd Caragc Crcdr't Drivcrvay Conrplics rvirh TOV Lighting Ord.inancc Arc finishcd gradcs lcss than Z:l (50%) Environm cntal,,4Iazatds (300) (600) (900) (1200) ICS b)Rocldall Proposcd Slopc % Dcbris Florv Pcrmittcd slooc /tft v^ Ycs--V- No_ Prcvious conditions of rpproval (chcck propcrty filc); 2) Floodplain 3) Wcrlands 4) Watcr Course Sctback (30) (50) 5) Ccologic Hazards (-.-7'-Z/- Is thc propcrty non-conforming? Dcscribc: D ESIGN REVIE}Y CEE,CKLIST Q SURVEY Scalc ' Bcnchmark Lcgal dcscription Lot Sizc Q FLooRPLANs Scalc - GRFA 250 additional CRFA Crarvlg.ttic Spacc Buildablc Area Eascmcnts Topognpby 100 yr. flood plain Watcr Coursc Sctback Environmenal Hazards T1.ees Utility locations Spot clcvations EavcVOvcrhangs (4) DcclcilBalconics Gangc conncction Sitc Gradclslopc Rctaining 1Va!ls Fcnccs Parking/O aragc Tuming Radius .Drivdrvay (acciss andgradc) ' Snorv Storagc Firc Acccss Q BITLDn.IGELEVATIoNS Scalc -:- Color\Matcrials Roof pitch Q LANDSCAPEPLAN Existing trccs -.Proposcdrces Lcgcnd MISCELLANEOUS Q SITEPLAN Scalc Building Height Encroachmcnts Sctbacks Site Covcrage Condo Approval Titlc rcport (A & B) Utilify.vcrifi cation form Pbotos of,sitc Buil ding material sarnplcs t .\J, Y CnIlC300n SunLShadc Arglcs Utilities (un dcrgroun d) Vicrv Corridors Varianccs Plat rcsbictions TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department December 12,2005 Arequestforafinal reviewof avariance,fromSection 12{G{, Setbacks,Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Variances, Vail Town Code, to allow for a residential addition within the side setbacks, located at4247 Columbine Drive, Unit 20/Bighom Terrace Subdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto (PEC05- 008e). Applicant Thomas and Virginia Fowler Planner: Elisabeth Eckel I. SUMMARY The applicants, Thomas and Virginia Fowler, are requesting a variance from Section 12-6G-6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17,Variances, Vail Town Code, to allow for a residential addition within the side setbacks, located at 4247 Columbine Drive, Unit 20/Bighom Terrace Subdivision. The requested variance is the result of a proposal to construct a new entryway addition upon an existing duplex structure. Staff is recommending approval, with conditions, of the requested variance because a practical difficulty or hardship exists and approval of the variance would not constitute a granting of special privilege to this property owner. II. DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST The applicants, Thomas and Virginia Fowler, are requesting a variance from the side setback regulations specified in Section 12-6G-6, Vail Town Code, in order to construct a new entryway at the duplex residence they share in the Bighorn Terrace Subdivision. Currently, the duplex is one of twenty six duplexes within the Subdivision, which was annexed into the Town of Vail in 1974. The Town zoned the Subdivision Medium Density Multi-Family (MDMF) at the time of annexation, which prescribes twenty foot setbacks at the front, sides, and rear of each lot. Because the zoning designation was applied to the lots following the construction of the structures, multiple non- conformities resulted upon each lot within Bighorn Tenace. The area proposed for expansion is located at the front of the residence and includes sixty-eight (68) square feet of Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) forming an enclosed entryway. Unit 20 was granted a rear setback variance from the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEG) in 1990 for the construction of a storage shed and the expansion of a dining room at the rear of the duplex. The footprint of the duplex under consideration (as well as manyother duplexes within the development) lies somewhat askew atop the property line. As a result, the duplex is located completely within the eastem side setback. The duplex also cunently extends between five feet (5') and fifteen feet (15') into the westem setback, leaving a side setback of only five feet (5') at the northwest mrner of the Lot. Because the side setbacks figuratively 'overlap', no part of the lot is free from the encumbrance of side setbacks. As a result, the applicant is requesting a variance to build within the eastem side setback and partially (five feet) extend into the western setback. The encroachment into the westem side setback will not result in an encroachment greater than that which already exists today. There will be no encroachment into the front or rear setbacks as a result of the proposal. The applicant is concurrently proposing to replace in the same location the exterior stairs and deck located at the front of the residence within the parking easement, which is twentyfeet (20') deep and encompasses the same square area as the front setback. III. BACKGROUND Many other Lots within the Bighom Tenace subdivision have requested and been granted setback variances for new construction. Following is a list of associated requests and recommended support or the lack thereof by Staff, followed by the vote of the PEC. Date Aoolicant TypC_glBeSueC!Amount of Variance 130 square feet 8 feet 473 square feet 7. 5 feet 75 square feet 8 feet 7 feet 122 square feet 'l8 feet 50 square feet 3, 11,13feet Staff Recommendation PECAdim 1977 Benysh 1978 Rowe 1978 Alder 1978 Tumbull 1980 Curfinan 1982 Odum 1S83 Houston 1985 Sherr 1985 Nicholson 1990 Benysh 1990 Nillson 2005 Fowlol GRFA Setback GRFA Setback GRFA Setback Setback GRFA GRFA Setback GRFA Setback GRFA Setbacks (3) GRFA Setback Setbacks (2) Setbacks (2) Setbacks (2) Denial Denial Approval Approval Approval Denial Denial Denial Approval Denial Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Tabled Tabled Approval Approval Approval Approval Denial Approval Approval Approval 177 square feet Denial 80 square feet Denial 16 feet Denial 395 square feet Denial third floor directly above Approval '13, 15 feet Denial 11,15feet Denial 7,20 f6et Approvat A vicinity map depicting the location of the residence is attached for reference (Attachment A). Reduced copies of the proposed site plan and elevations are attached for reference (Attachment B) as are photos of the existing residence (Attachment C), the written request from the applicant (Attachment D) and the public notice which preceded the request (Attachment E). IV. ROLES OF REVIEWING BODIES The PEC is resoonsible for evaluatinq a proposal for: Action: The PEC is responsrb/e for final approvalldenial of a variance. The PEC is responsible for evaluating a proposal for: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity, or to attain the objectives of this Title without grant of special privilege. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. 4. Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems applicable to the proposed variance. Desiqn Review Board: Action: The DRB has no review authority on a variance, but must review any acconpanying DRB application. Town Council: Actions of the Design Review Board or the Planning and Environmental Commission may be appealed to the Town Council or by the Town Council. Town Council evaluates whether or not the DRB or PEC ened with approvals or denials, and may uphold, uphold with modffications, or overtum the Board's decision. Staff: The staff is responsible for ensuring that all submittal requirements are provided and plans conform to the technical requirements of the Zoning Regulations. The staff also advises the applicant as to compliance with the design guidelines. Staff provides a staff memo containing background on the property and provides a staff evaluation of the projectwith respect to the required criteria and findings, and a recommendation on approval, approval with conditions, or denial. Staff also facilitates the review process. V. APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS Zoning Regulations Section 1 2-2 Definitions SETBACK The distance frcm a lot or site line, creek or stream measurcd hoizontally to a line or location within the lot or site which estabtishes the permifted location of uses, structurcs, or buildings on the site Secfion 12-GG-6: Medium Density Multi-Family District Sefbacks; ln the MDMF distict, the minimum front setback shall be twenty feet (20'), the minimum side setback shall be twenty feet (20'), and the minimum rcar setback shatt be twenty feet (20'). Secfion 12-17 Variances (in part) 3 12-17-1: PURPOSE: A. Reasons For Seeking Variance: ln order to prevent or fo /essen such practical difficulties and unnecessary physical hardships inconsistent with the objectives of this title as would rcsult from strict or literal interpretation and enforcement, variances from certain regulations may be granted. A practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship may result from the size, shape, or dimensions of a site or the location of existing sfrucfures thereon; hom topographic or physical conditions on the site or in the immediate vicinity; or from other physical limitations, strcet locations or conditions in the immediate vicinity. Cost or inconvenience to the applicant of stict or literal compliance with a regulation shail not be a reason for granting a variance. 1 2- 1 7 - 5: P LAN N I N G AN D E NV I RO N ME NTAL CAMMBS/ON A CIlONi Within twenty (20) days ot the closing of a public hearing on a vaiance application, the planning and environmental commission shall act on the application. The commission may approve the application as submitted or may approve the application subject to such modifications or conditions as rl deems necessary to accomplish the purposes of this title, or the commission may deny the application. A variance may be revocable, may be granted for a limited time period, or may be granted subject to such other conditions as fhe commission may prescibe. 12-17-7: PERMIT APPROVAL AND EFFECT: Apprcval of the variance shall lapse and become void if a building permit is not obtained and construction not commenced and diligently pursued toward completion within two (2) years from when the approval becomes finaL V. ZONING ANALYSIS Address/Legal: 4247 Columbine Drive, Unit 2O/Bighorn Tenace Subdivision Zoning:Medium Density Multi-Family (MDMF) Develooment Standard Allowed/Required Existino Prooosed no change 23ft. o ft. (Eys ft. w) oft.(Eyl3ft.wf 7 feet no change Lot Area: Setbacks: Front: Sides: Rear: Building Height: GRFA: Site Coverage: Landscape Area: Parking: 10,000 sq. ft. 20ft. 20 ft. 20ft. 33' 1,054 ft. 847 sq. ft. (45Vo) 565sq. ft. (30%) 2 spaces 4 1,883 sq. ft. 30 ft. 23', 965 sq. ft. 512 sq. ft. (27Yo) 1,371 sq. ft. (73o/o) 2 spaces no change 1,033 sq. fl. 580 sq. ft. (30%) 1,303 sq. ft. (69%) no change v[.SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING North: South: East: West: Land Use High Density Residential Medium Density Residential Medium Density Residential Medium Density Residential Zoninq Residential Cluster Two Family Residential Two Family Residential Agricultural Open Space VIII. CRITERIAANDFINDINGS Consideration of Factors Reqardinq the Setback and Parkino Location Variances: 1. The relationship of the requested variances to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. This lot is located in a neighborhood with lot sizes generally smaller than 1,500 square feet. Because the subdivision was platted and constructed prior to annexation and the application of a zoning designation, a number of non-conformities exist within the subdivision, including numerous setback encroachments. As designated in the referenced chart, multiple homeowners within the subdivision have requested and been granted variances for encroachments into the setbacks in order to expand and or update the facades or interiors of the homes. The applicant's request is similar in nature to previously granled variances. Because each lot within this subdivision has experienced "physical difficulty due to the size, shape or dimensions of the site", Staff feels that requests such as the ones granted have been warranted. Staff recommends that, if the request is approved, it be paired with conditions which aid in the improvement of other aspects of non-conformity on the lot, such as a redesign of the existing deck and staircase to allow for at least partial placement of the non-conforming parking that is cunently located entirely within the Town of Vail right-of-way instead of within the twenty foot parking easement designated at the front of the Lot. This may involve reducing the existing deck form its cunent depth of eighteen feet ( 1 8') to approximately three feet (3') in depth and locating the existing staircases to the east and west of the remodeled deck instead of at the south of the lot, where the stairs cunently exist directly within the parking easement. Concunently, Staff recommends that the applicant provides increased landscaping in front of the proposed addition for additional screening of the residence, which cunently exhibits significant street visibility. Additionally, because the party wall and the property line of the duplex are not aligned, Staff recommends that this issue be brought into conformance through an updated plat, also as a condition of approval. Therefore, because the applicant's proposal involves no encroachment into J A. 2. the front setback or the parking easement (therefore the placement of the proposed addition will not affect the amount of open space between Unit 20 and surrounding units) and does not involve a variance request from site coverage or landscaping requirements, Staff feels that this request may concurrently improve conditions upon this lot if paired with appropriate conditions of approval. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without a grant of special privilege. Strict and literal interpretation of the setback regulations within the Bighom Terrace Subdivision has not been historically enforced by the Planning and Environmental Commission due to the widespread non-conformities that exist within the subdivision as a result of the timing between construction, annexation, and zoning designation. Until this point, the PEC has clearly supported similar treatment of the duplexes in this area, which has involved frequent approval of variance requests similarto the proposal cunently under review. Straff recommends that the PEC discuss future treatment of setback variances for lots within this Subdivision in order to continue to allow for equal treatment while not providing an unnecessary amount of relief from the regulations. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. The proposal will have some effect on the amount of light and air within the Subdivision, though the location of the requested addition concems the periphery of the development, which faces Columbine Drive, where the amount of available light and air is greater than the amount of light and air within the Subdivision. As a result, the effect on light and air would be less intrusive than if the addition was proposed at the east or west sides of the duplex or at the inner areas of the Bighorn Terrace development. The proposal will increase the amount of bulk and mass upon the site, though will not increase the "depfh"of encroachment into either of the side setbacks. Staffs suggestion for increased landscaping at the front of the lot may help to provide more flexibility for the Town, should the parking easement ever need to be permanentlyaccessed for parking, the use forwhich itwas clearly intended. The effect of the proposal on the distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities and public safety, will not be substantial. 4. Such otherfactors and criteria as the commission deems applicableto the proposed variance. The Planninq and Environmental Commission shall make the followinq findinqs before orantinq a variance: 3. B. 1 . That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is wananted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsisteniwith the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. IX. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends approval, with conditions, of the request for a variance from Section 12-6G-6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Variances, to allow for the construction of gross residential floor area within the side setbacks located at4247 Columbine Drive, Unit 20/ Bighom Terrace Subdivision based upon the review of the criteria in Section Vlllof this memorandum and the evidence and testimonypresented as well as the findings listed below. Staff recommends that, should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve the application, the following findingsbemade a partof the motion: 1. That the granting of the variances will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variances will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation will result in practical difflculty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of the Zoning Regulations. 4. That the strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation will deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this variance request, the Community Development Department recommends the following conditions:, 1 . Prior to design review of the associated application, the applicant shall provide plans designating the reduction of the deck size and the relocation of the stairs to provide a fully accessible parking easement. 2. Prior to the receipt of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy by the Community Development Department, the applicant shall plant landscaping to the equivalent of three (3) six to eight foot tall coniferous trees to the south of the proposed addition in order to visibly reduce the perceived bulk and mass of the addition. 3. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall obtain from the Public Works Department a revocable right-of-way permit for the parking that will remain within the Town's right-of-way. 4. Prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy by the Community Development Department, the applicant shall receive approval of a revised plat for Lots 19 and 20, which delineates a property line congruent with the existing party wall. 5. This approval of this variance request shall be contingent upon the applicant receiving Town of Vail approval of the related design review application. IX. ATTACHMENTS A. Vicinity Map B. Reduced Plans C. Photos D. Applicant's Request E. Publication Notice Aftachment: A gEF T8; E6 i 6! r bEE IEE :83 {b FT -E E} EE FI d5 iE iE at t E 3 I o o r il = ,f RH {}o Fb gE s8 .EE; :3€ E EEE [$E HE l- uJ trE bCE t?t'l9 l- t-E# Attachment: B 8€l] 616 01,6 r ozgts oowo'IoJ ' o^v 0289 xog 3crJjo Ls@ cd rctJH9uv lr.NonvulII oowo]oc "rNA fcwu3r NUoHgrS '02 oNv 6r uNn 3CN30|S3U SOUr3d / U3]MOJ E] 'lvll|t/!{€ns c3d 9002 u3€n3noN t ./l '/ ="t ,i () I | ^-:(n I I *o.+----+-g"rlE-E is- H ll:t;$3 #"Il :E f<-'.s{GHs 'N Eg I rr ;.\.r : "lE z F z l =tr ul F 1 ID o s+pd 6.u dO 4u,>t!o6 dE 9H X=Y=7i );oE Ho. @Z ztr 5H o-z P6 =z \ -z x< ut i:i ;i z:i qtr6 Lr, ao t! @O rlJF lz ooe r9;- ^z :u5 HYo -EZ (r(!l t7.q9' {au @ p \d \a F d. t- (, =I 8rd uv 8T /< aa ./^ (oe' 3 .,/ t .:' s/ ,< "r5 3 !$t s:+ Hq \ zo \ .r>\ 9H l*;e EYE,J trr;'EEZ .'at36- - ,03'O ,,^fi., pta;ili t:ilt'rl drtit'ilnui., 8€116t6 026 r 029t8 ocvao]oJ 'xo^v 0z€€ xos SJllo rsod 3d rcfJHcuv trNor{Vulll oovuo'loc "llv^ 3CWU3r NUOHo|E '0e ONV 6t JNn fcN3ots3u sour3d / uflMoJ 9002 z J FF ^e2 s .-eU P 2,af <E: < Hg= F _:F i! 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I?6EF i9 ZEQ;a= xi;e., 386 HP:Eg ;Ea ag=rE =,rH urE ; Rd = 16 ; 9a t;4 F d5 o LU U)o (L o tr g z o tr lrJ [J F a UJ = Selt 6i6 016 I 02918 0(Ivuo1()3 'IoAv 0z8s xos ScBJo J.sod 9d ICSIIHSUV llNOllvulll oqvdo-ro9 ''llv^ sCVUU3r NUOHCTS'02 ONV6r I| n 3CN30IS3U SOUrSd/Ufli OJ 'lVILlUgnS C3d 9002 !ro vz=? *6EE d9 248;XE ;Ee 3e ZdZ q'8HEi nEa:i;HE H"' 63 a=<o H5:g 69 !;= H3NF o ul U)o o-o v.g z o tr C) I.JJ U) 8etr 616 016 I otsts oovuo103 r{o^v oz89 xos 3ctJlo -rsod 9d rc3[H9UV |lNonvdllr oovuo-roc "r|vn rcwufr NUoHcts '02 oNv 6t I|Nn 3CNfOtSfU SOUISd / U3lMOl "lvrul t8ns c3d 9002 u38!rt3^oN tt fi-ff: 6 FO I.JJ a o (L o x. TL dl z I F o LIJ a tu t!o ___i<_ _ F-----t o I -1-- tr l'-r - o t-:1 ) lU -.+-l (D lt,t'1 tF f-I IL >.J Attachment: C '7&ta'f , ->- /--d 1 q 9 I $ e t-r ,J I = lr nE= F lilH {i A written statement addressing the following: a. The relationship ofthe requestedvariance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. The area is residential and we are experiencing a growth in the size and qualities of the homes that are being built in our area. We enjoy our duplex "community" but wish to upgrade the look of the property in keeping with the improving neighborhood. b. The degree to which relieffrom the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and unifurmity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to qttain the objectives of this title without grant or special privilege. Many of the houses in Bighom Terrace are non-conforming -r WBuilding rules and codes have changed. The homes are small and densely placed in our area and therefore require special privileges in order to keep the area vibrant and beautiful. dfuv€iGe ' itl.- keeping with the changing neighborhood. Because East Vail is a residential area, we are interested in updating our duplex to blend nicely with the new houses that have been built on our street. Our design includes stone, stucco and wrtpught iron which are being used by the surrounding new houses. Also, our project would increase the safety of entering our houses becausel*tdr r ahazard. c. The efect of the variance on light and air, distribution ofpopulation, transportation, trafiic facilities, utilities and public safety. The variance would not affect light and air for any neighboring homes. If anlthing, we are adding more light to our own interiors with our windows and the entry way lighting which will be safer. Because it is a residential area and our duplex is in the middle of the block, our improvements will have no effect on transportation, traffic facilities, utilities and public safety. How the request complies with adopted Town of Vail planning policies and deve I opment obj ective s. The request complies with adopted TOV planning policies and development objects because we are utilizing the new GRFA rules to enlarge our duplex, adding the safety of enclosed entryways and updating the look of our duplex with new windows, rock fascia" and stucco. We believe the material on our house now is very dated and this project will improve the looks greatly which we believe is the obiective of the Town of Vail. *m THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with section 12-3-6, Vail Town Code, on December 12, 2005, at 2:00 pm in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, in consideration of: A request for a final reMew of a variance, from Section 12-6G-6, Vail Town Gode, pursuant to Chapter 12-17,Yariances, Vail Town Code, to allow for a residential addition within the side setback, located at 4247 Columbine Drive, Unit 19/Bighorn Terrace Subdivision and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Catherine Petros Planner: Elisabeth Eckel A request for a final review of a variance, from Section 126G-6, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17,Yariances, Vail Town Code, to allow for a residential addition within the side setback, located at 4247 Columbine Drive, Unit 20/Bighorn Terrace Subdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Thomas and Virginia Fowler Planner: Elisabeth Eckel A request for a final review of a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-78-5, Permitted and Conditional Uses; Above Second Floor, Vail Town Code, to allow for a business office on the third floor, located at 333 Hanson Ranch Road/Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant Remonov & Company, Inc., represented by Pylman & Associates, Inc.Planner: Bill Gibson A request for a final review of a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-7E4, Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code, to allow for a public utility and public service use, located at 2Q77 North Frontage Road (Brandess Building)/Lot 39, Buffehr Creek SubdivisiDn, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Cingular Wireless PCS, represented by General Dynamics-Network Systems Planner: Bill Gibson A request for a final review of an amended final plat, pursuant to Chapter 13-4, Minor Subdivision, Vail Town Code, to allow for a resubdivision of Lots 2 and 3, Bighorn Subdivision, located at 5087 and 5097 Main Gore Drive, and setting forth details in regard thereto.Applicant Fred and Janet Steich, represented by James Salmons Planner: Matt Gennett Attachment: E 't,r- lli"t''r 4 L'l The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during office hours at the Town of Vail community Development Department, 75 south Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department Please call 970*479-2138 for additional information. Sign language interpretation is available upon request, with 24-hour notification. Please cr'll97U479-2#6, Telephone forthe Hearing lmpaired, for information. Pubfished Norrember 25,2005, in the Vail Daily. Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 lDecerah$bfiLd0o5 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Fowler. Jr. 2074 Albion Street Denver, CO 80207 (fax) 303.393.1134 Ms. Catherine H Petros 25119 US Highway40 Golden, CO 80401 (fax) 303.526.0560 Re: Planning and Environmental Commission Variance Request 4247 Columbine Drive/Lots 19 - 20, Bighorn Terrace Subdivision PEC0s0088. PEC050089 FtLE /j//Py Dear Mrs. Fowler and Ms. Petros, Congratulations on yesterday's Planning and Environmental Commission approval of two side setback variances at each of the referenced lots. The PEC approved the applications with the following conditions: 1 . Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall obtain from the Public Worl<s Depaftment a revocable ightof-way permit for the patuing that will remain within the Town's ight-of-way.2. Prior to issuance of a Temponry Ceftificate of Occupancy by the Community Development Depaftment, the applicant shall receive approval of a revised plat for Lots 19 and 20, which delineates a propefty line congruent with the existing party wall.3. The approval of this vaiance request shall be contingent upon the applicant receiving Town of Vail approval of the related design review application. Please don't hesitate to contact me with any further questions. I have attached the design review action forms for your reference. I look forward to receiving the associated Design Review Board request soon. Again, thank you for your continued patience throughout what is not always a simple design review process. Elisabeth Eckel 970.479.2454 enclosure f,-p ^""""o 'n'"o TOWNOF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT -.B.ta!.o-'*- at-"-tc. <--r-- \-) -{ ?.6 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 806-0133 Project # PRI06-0045 Job Address: 4247 COLUMBINE DR VAIL Status. . . : ISSUED Location.....: 4247 COLUMBINE DRM, UNIT 20 Applied . . ; 0512512W6 Parcel No...: 2101122140,20 Issued . .. : O7llOl2W6 Expires. ..: 0ll06l20{)j owNER FOWLER, THOMAS W., JR 05/2s/2O06 VIRGINIA A. FOWI-,ER I-,IVING TRUST 2074 Ar-,BrON ST DENVER co 80207 APPITTCANT CASABONNE EISIERPRISES 05 /25/2006 Phone z 9?0-476-5435 PO BOX 516 VAIL coLoRADO 81558 I-,icense: 155-B coNrRAcToR CASABONNE ENTERPRTSES 05 /25/2006 Phone: 970-4'16-5435 PO BOX 515 VAII, coLoRADO 81658 l,icense:155-B Description: ANDING A COVERED TMTRY A}ID NEW WII{DOWS,. ROCK VENEER AI{D STUCCO Occupancy: R3 Single Family Residence Type Construction: V B Valuation: $63,000.00 Revision Valuation: $0.00 Total Sq Ft Added: 0 **+*+********{.****i.**'tl.***t+*l.*i(*{.t****************{(*l.+**t***}***+* Building---- > S'134.75 Reshrarant Plan Review- > $0.00 Totat Calculated Fees- > $l,215.34 Plan Check-- > $477.59 Recreation Fee----------5 $0.00 Additional Fees----- > $0.00 Investigation- > $O.00 TOTAL FEES-------------> $1,215.34 Total Permit Fee----*-> $1,215.34 will catl---- > 53.00 Parrpnts-----'---- > $1,215.34 BALANCE DUE-----.> $O.OO Approvals: Item: 05100 BUfITDfNG DEPARTMENP 06/08/2006 JN!4 Action: AP IIEM: O54OO PITANNING DEPARTMENT 06/02/2006 ee Action: AP rIeM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMEI T 06 / 07 / 2006 mcgfee Action: AP Item: 05500 PIIBLIC WORKS 06/02/2006 gc Action: AP No staging in Right of Way. ++*+***********r* See the Conditions section of this Document for any that may apply. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge Orat I have read this application, fitled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with tbe information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUn HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEIHONE AT lf7$2149 OR AT OtiR OFI.ICE FRoM 8:0ll AM-4 PM. OF OWNER OR CONTRA **{.***********.**r*,tr**.{.***.**.**t *.t!**tr*,lr*)F*,F*:t*d(*'F*,F*****,F***,1.*********i.*.***{.***{.*:1.*:1.*****tc*:F**.*:t ***{.*1.*,1.*{.* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit#: 806-0133 asof07-10-2006 Status: ISSUED * *i ** 4(* * * ** {. *. {.* * * ** * * ** t( * * * * * ** * * * * * * ** ** ** * ** * *d. **** ** ** ** ** *** ** *{. *:* * * *!:F ** ** ** *,F ** **** *t ***********,F*,F* Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied: 05125120[16 Appticant: CASABONNE ENTERPRISES Issued: 0T11012006 970-476-5435 To Expire: 0ll06l2ffi7 Job Address: 4247 COLUMBINE DR VAIL Location: 4247 COLUMBINE DRIVE, UNIT 20 ParcelNo: 210112214020 Descripion: ADDING A COVERED ENTRY AND NEW WINDOWS: ROCK VENEER AND STUCCO **'1.:1.***{.***it:1.***:1.*'Fit{.**:t*:t*r(,1.:{.*,****,1.***t!*****4.**** COnditiOnS ****************,1.***,********{.**.************* Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 16 (BLDG.)I (SFR) SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED PER SECTION R3I3 OF THE 2OO3 IRC. **+,1********+**********{.'t **{.************+****************:}**+*++*+*t********+{.**t**+****+*** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement *********+*!r.'r.*,r.*******:t *****+***+{r*f++******+**************************ri++***+************** Amount: $1.215.34 07/r0/200602:30 PM Init: DDG Notation: cagabonne Statement Nunber: R060000954 Palment Method: Check Enterprises 183 0 Permie No: Parcel No: site Address : Locatsion r Thi6 Palzment: ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code BP 00100003L11100 PF 00100003112300 wc 00100003112800 BUILDING PERMIT FEES PI,AN CHECK FEES WIIL CAI,I., TNSPECTION FEE **** * * +*+* ** * **1.*********+***+*****++*******++*+'+ +* * +* ++* + * ** * * * * * * * * + + **+*+**************** 805 - 013 3 Type: ADD/ALT SFR BurL,D PERMIT 2I0t- 1_22 - 1402 - O 4247 COTJUYIB INE DR VAII.' 4247 COI,UMBINE DRTVE, $1,21s .34 DescriDtion I]N]T 20 ToEaI Fee6: Tota1 ALL Pmts : Balance: $L,21s.34 $1, 21s.34 $0.00 Current Pmt,6 734.75 477.59 3 .00 APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UN Project #:oovr APPLIC plumbing, mechanical, etc.t BoG- or33 Separate Permits are 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contraclor:(fr AMittEeA(&fr,Jt€>-' r'vl(. Town of Vail Reg. No.: tbs- ts Contact Person and enone #'s:3gO $bB3 (€Ge(ryaeclrue iiro stas Emaif address, q)>.t3<f Q) y'Art.r.{gf Fax#: qrc 4f6=435- Contractor Sisnatu16( d^,CuYrS,A^^!= coM V PLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials BUTLDING: $ (oZ,ooo. oo ELECTRTCAL:$ I OOC. OO OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $rorAL: $ (D3,0OO. OO For Parcel # Contact FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Accepted By: 4r't;+!=] ': : l4AY z B 2006 02/09l20os T(.)tA/Nr ntr \/ail ?ar_ce.!#ztol - tzL- t40z-o Job Name:*O |}o,sr Tee*fl<-g- * Zo JobAddress: 42.41 Cot-t-t|n6|A{g plRlvE. *2o Legal Description ll Lot: ll Block:Filing:Subdivision: 6tbHoe^F{ f€e!|re Owners.Name: . --" ?A'o-nri,tss W. tror^rueR Address:ro74 4l^6loN sT DEFjJE€ tO Phone:4.\3 g3 lt&4 ArchitecVDesioner: snr ?arnou?r A&A rrtrCT P(-Address: Etozoz p.o. Rox5azU_ Av0r..r.c0 el162f]"non,qn lrsF{ il?9'$"ffiuerrEa.cor\c llf$'nex 2747 uqlL.co gt({sb ll'h""47b 2a27 Detailed description of work: AOOttVr A(s.1€8€]b EHIRJ. N€w tr.rrr.r0ora.lS ROCI{va.,@-. 6rvq,o WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel Vf Repau() Demo( ) Other( ) WorkType: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Both({Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No (?Y Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family 1ff n4uni-tamily ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Type of Fireplaces Existing: Gas Appliances ( ) GasLogs(l) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burnino ( No/Type of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) WoodiPellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No (V )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No (lzT F:\cdev\FoRMS\Permits\Building\building_J)ermiLDOC Page 1 of 16 f,Hl ) Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 Depaftment of Community Development Project Name: e[o'/r0g]\ (6AMt€- w Zo Project Address:4L4/ coLorry3l.rE DRtvr=- / This Chxklirt must be ampleted before a Building Permit aoolication is accepted. o All pages of application is complete { Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form s Plan Check Fee required at submittal for projects valued over $100,000.00 (see attached fee . schedule) Complete site plan submitted a TPublic Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) t ;taging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumoster.oarkino or material storaoe /allowed on roadwavs and shoulders without written aooroval fl Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurrino ai Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi famil d ,r', floor plans includin-g building sections anO etevation(ii {' q I q I q/ v 4 sets of olans for SFR d Full structural plans, including design criteria (i,e.loads) d Structural Enoineer stamo and sionature on structural r Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated r'smoke detectors shown on plans 61Wl*1 Types and quantity of fireplaces shown Applicant's Signature: Date of submittal: Received By: F: \cdev\FORMS\Permits\Building\building_-permit. DOC Page 2 of 16 02l09l2o0s PI.AN CHECK FEES TABLE Department of Community Development Building Safety and Inspedion Sevices 75 huth Frontage Red Vail, Colorado 81657 970479-2138 Fil( 970479-2452 www.vailgov,com Plan check fees are required for projects with a valuation over $100,000, at the time of Building permit submittal. Please use the table below to calculate your plan check fee total. $100,000-$150,000 Multiply by $150,001-$250,000 Multiply by $250,001-$400,000 Multiply by $401,000-$750,000 Multiply by $750,001-$ 1,000,000 Multiply by .0055 of Valuation Total .005 of Valuation Total .0045 of Valuation Total .004 of Valuation Total .0035 of Valuation Total Valuations over $1,000,000 will be calculated by the Town of Vail Building Department. If you have any futher questions, please contact the Town of Vail Building Department at 970-479-2128. F: \cdev\FORMS\Permits\Building\buildingpermit. DOC Page 3 of 15 02109/2oos ASBESTOS TESTTNG REQUIREM ENTS THE TOWN OF VAIL AND STATE OF COLOMDO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HFALTH REQUIRE ASBESTOS TESTING ANY TIME WHEN MORE THAN i6O S.F. OF MATERTAL VVILL BE DISTURBED OR REMOVED. AN ASBESTOS TEST AND REPORT IS REQUIRED TO BE SUBMITTED WTIH YOUR BUILDING PERMiT APPUCATION FOR ALL REMODEL, ADDMON OR OTHER PROJECTS INVOLVING ANY DEMOUTION OR REMOVAL OF BUILDING MATERIALS THAT MAY CONTAIN ASBESTOS, BUILDINGS CONSTRUCTED AFTER OCTOBER 12, 1988 THAT HAVE NO ASBESTOS CONTAINING MATERTAE ARE ErcMPT. A COPY OF THE REPORT MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH YOUR BUILDING PERMIT APPUCATION \,,. I have included the asbestos test and report with my building permit application ,)o Lb6p \0q, OR o l certify my project will not disturb or remove more than 160 s,f, of building material. The construction plans submitted with my application clearly indicate this information, ffhis will be verified during plan review, and will delay your project if found to be inaccurate) applicant signature date OR o The building was constructed after October 12, 1988. The date of construction was original constuction date applicant signature 0t wz{ F :\cdev\FORfrlS\Permits\Bui ldin g\building_lrermit. DOC date Page 4 of 16 02109/200s BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this depaftment to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Asreed to av: (G r6{L (ffif*Y:wJF- ^ Print name &GrA,J:xM^^--- Project Name: Date: Olzghv I' Signature F:\cdev\FORM5\Permits\Buildrng\building jermit.DOC Page 5 of 16 021091200s Please read and check off each of the items below. (Copies of complete text are available upon request) CODE 5-2-10: DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITED Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rock, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street sidewal( alley or public place, or any portion thereof. Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Work may notifo and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the notified. Summons and Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this code. Notice and Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public WorK as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section 14-1 of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979). CODES 7-3A-t AND 7-3A-3: PARKING OBSTRUCTING TRAFFIC & IMPOUNDMENT AUTHORIZED No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other place within this Municipality in such a manner or under such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper street or highway maintenance. (ord.2(1e58) 5 1) Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle attended or unattended, standing upon any portion of a street or upon any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to constitute a violation of any section of this Article, or left unattended for a period of twenty four (24) hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by Colorado Revised Statutes section 42-4-1102, as amended, the officer shall require the vehicle to be removed or cause it to be removed and placed in storage in the nearest garage or other place of safety designated or maintained by this Municipality, and the charges for towing and storage of such vehicle shall be charged to the owner of the vehicle in addition to a ten dollar ($10) impoundment charge. (Ord. 2(1958) $ 3: Ord. 28(1981) 5 1) I have read and wiil comply with the above code provisions: Position or Relationship to Project: Date Signed: Slf 4AA F: /evcryone/forn:"vbldperm 7 Fi\cdev\FORMS\Permits\Building\buildingJermit. DoC Page 11 of 16 021091200s rl Vail 2006 Vail Village and LionsHead Village Construction Hours Information Handout Problem Statement The Vail Village and LionsHead Village are invaluable assets to the community. Thousands of people clme to Vail each year to sightsee, recreate, shop and to enjoy everything the Vail Valley has to offer. The community and merchants rely upon our guests to generate revenue. Our summer/winter guests expect a pleasant experience while in Vail. To insure that all of the proposed construction has as little negative impact on the ommunity and on our guest as possible, the Town of Vail finds it imperative to create and implement the Vail Viflage and LionsHead Village Construction Hours Handout. It would be irresponsible for the Town of Vail, the construction contractors and the merchants, to not actively participate to minimize the impact of construction in the Vail and LionsHead Village areas. The Vail Village Streebcape Project will continue through 2006,Improvements scheduled for 2005 will be concentrated along Gore Creek Drive west of the Children's Fountain, Gore Creek Promenade and around the frontage of the Mill Creek Couft Building. Additional streetscape improvements are scheduled to begin along East Meadow Drive. All construction projects and/or remodels within the Vail Village Core Area should contact Scott Bluhm, Town of Vail Streetscape Coordinator, at 970-477-3418 for fufther information. Givens The following givens are intended to provide the basic foundation by which construction will be completed in the villages: . The public's health, safety and welfare shall be honored at all times.. . Adequate pedestrian, loading/delivery, vehicle, and emergenry vehicle access and circulation shall be maintained. . Roadways and pedestrian walkways shall be kept clean and free of dift and debris. . All construction deliveries, equipment, tools and materials entering the Vail Village and pedestrian areas must go through CheckPoint Charlie. All LionsHead construction activity must go to the Vail Police Department for a parking permit. Do not use delivery zones for construction parking; refer to approved staging plan or make other arrangements for parking. . The hours of outside construction activity shall be as follows: - April 15 - June 23 & September 5 - November L7, 7:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m., seven days a week. June 3O thru September 1, work must end by 4:0O p.m. on Fridays. November 13 - April t5,2007 work allowed within daylight hours only. .. - Deliveries shall be restricted to the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 11:30 a,m, on Gore Creek Drive and 7:00 a,m. to B:30 a.m. on Bridge Street. F: \cdev\FORMS\Permits\Bu'lding\building-J]ermit. DOC Page L2 of 16 o2l09/zoos Deign Revieru Board ACTIOIII FORtrl Departfi€nt of Community Development 75 sou$ Frontege Roed, vail Cdordo 81657 tel:970.44.2139 fax:970.479.2,f52 web: www.vai lgrov-corn mtiltrv& Ptoj€ct llarne: Protect Deso,lpdon: Padlcipants: OWNER FOWLE& THOI'IASW., ]R OA2Uzffi VIRGINIA A. FOWLER LTUNG TRUST 2074 AlBrOr{ 5T DE}TVER co 80207 APPIICANT FOWLER, THOI',|AS W., JR 0UZI|2006 VIRGINIA A, FOWI,"ER LrVI}IG TRUST 2074 A|EION ST DENVER co 80207 ProjertA&lress: 4247 @LullBINE DR VAIL Locadon: 4247 COLUMBINE DRIVE, UNIT 20 Legal Descripuon: Lot: Blodc $rbdMnion! BIGI-ORN'IERRACE Parall{umber: 2101-122-1402{ Comfi€nts: all rnaterials to matdt o<Hing DRB llumDer: DR8060034 FIML APPROVAL rcR. A MINOR ALTERATION-ADDIITG A @\'ERED ENTRYIA'AY ACROSS THE FRONT OF CI{.JPI..O( AND ADDING WINDOWS, ROtr VENEER A!{D STUCCO ON UMT 20 Motion By: Seoond Byr Vote: Conditions: BOARD/SilAFF ACTIO}I AcUon: APPROVED Dah of Apprurah O3l O9120O6 C.ond:8 (PLAN): No dnnges to d|ese plans may be rnade wit|out the written onsent of Toryn of Vail sftiff and/or the apgopdate review orrnitbe(s). Cond: 0 (P|AN): DRB approral does not @rutitub a pennit frr butlding. Ptease @ftsult wlth Toum of Vail BuiHirg personnel prhr to corrilructbn activities. @nd:201 DRB approval shall not b€@rne valH tur 20 da)€ tullotrirg tfre daE of apprwal. Cond:202 Approval of this proied strall lapee and bore voftt one (1) yer trlotrrlng SE date of final apprcnl, unbss a building permlt b issued and @nsblrcilon ls commenced and is diligenW pursued tound completion. l'leg 12 OS l2: 35P j - il€Y-l-l-:96 THU Catherine Petros e,9237 FOR HAII€D RECTPTENT OHLY 303 -5e6-Os60 as9 47-a 23eq p.3 P-o2 l lt ,t 'I rR8 (Eo!tcr. rm' iier w. {Gth Avenue, suit€ 14 Denver, CO 80211-23 38 """""''ooo'/rnJ.tlirt tj Fax:303/4??-2580 Irab Page: No, r 109595 1of 2 client: PfoJ ecc rD:4217 trerno I i Ee -Acts inoli t e EOIIA& lsasSTOE lflellll oBher Fiblous I'lagerlaLs : vlsual esiimatlon! 1fAf 1fBl - ?:- 2 tAl ioo 96 3 frace-s[ lfDr t -L- 1;rcajlt llD' r 10 Lo 1q g7 8q 90 individual layer analYses ) ' 9Z emos i Ce AnthophYIlite Chrysot,i le Crocidol it.e Fibrous Glass celluloge Synchet ics Ogher: ?rac€ <L* Nonfibrous ltaEerlal 90 90 - r compos{Ee analysis (rrrultilayered salrqrle ' see *r iID rneSns None DeEected. A'ralysE : rrc{rr..F t\t' !fiirtr -l dF?<{'r6{ F'lrPt l' -rrrlvFrF n!' lF oo?.lt?ttn l-ta!!!t lt{lltol Cofrnbi!€ D8., Vall, CP' IblG 20 D.fc.nE sanple i.t itot- DaEe Descri Dtion ,rirace 05/O9,106 lst' f logir ceilinq bV S 9,alr tlrl,i-rL' -"- ]lava|rgl 1 r4.l lorr g5/09/O6 1 fBr -2-951lJ2J9n 2a Irlc!-05/!9L05 2 tAl lIDr r 05/09/06 lHhite drvua I I | - tJralrrFct (pelcenEE decernined by Sample Nunl2er: 1t tdy6t P€8ci|rg r x00 Asbestos llinerals: EanPl-e.-NuDber Mark cooperrider oace: O5LIV.0.f Catherine Petnos g.g.3-I FOR NgI|ED F.EC'P IE}I7 t)}|LY 3(t3-526 -O560 303 rl?? 25go p.4 P- og lte€ 12 OB 12: 35P . HAY-I1-96 fHU l : : $I[Dfe.-Nrqber ,t r1 Phone; 3O3/{77'2s59 800/386-3135 Fax: 303/4??-2580 ra8 GT0!ICS' t;E '14{1 w. 46ih Avenue, SulEe l4 Denver, col 40211-2338 Client: I ?rojecE IDl: l2l? 61rdt-o. 9E'r vrll' go' uBdt 20 0 Lab !lo. : 109595 Page: 2 of 2 D.8Caag sanple llbrElar D3f.e Dsss.ill.ile 2 IBI 2 05/09/06 llthite Eexturel 100 AnthoP?ry IIi Ee ' Chr!.soEile -3--Crocidol i.Eb Trsflol ite-nctinol ite tl0rtrt lfD8trO{t ---3-- IDfa orher Fibious ldaterials r Fibrous Gllass Celluloae l Syacbeticd Othe!: i 1O Nonfibroud ttaEerial 98 ' Corrpos.ite analysis {mrlcilayercd salple,a' XD neanig None Detesc€d. eee individual larrer analyeeg ) .sl'|allrst: : .' Mark googelrider sarurle xunber t tz.Yrt hag.ng t I Asbedtos F{iaerals: A$6site I Daee: 05lL1lQ.6 to 19?04765435 at 5l23l}5 5:22 N{ Pg 003/009 Fen r{&Gi!.ynorlcr UNIT*7O version 6.i052 05115/06 OIJANTITY SURFACE/PRODUCT c HtLtlPtS 3H1H Ro 61" X 39 518" c!.{ - l.H - STATIONERY : 00000001 ! GRIL}G/sDL: ?/8'RECT SDT. - TISPECER es vrgnED Tf,B EXTERIOR cctt-RE RO 37i lt 55 5/8'! OUCIIE: 000 ! GRILLE,/SDL: BAR C HUITIPLE 3I{2'I RO 61" tr 66 3/1" ct,r - STATTO$ARY (3i At{N . RC.TO OPERATIilG 13!! Q0048: 00000003 I GRIILE/SDLI ?/8" RECT SDI - $||SPACER grWsrlrg $1,040.25 9515.00 s2,049.73 cN 36 56 8" REST SDL - IIISPACER AS VIEIIED PROI4 THts EIITERIOR Fftfft Version 5 OUENTITY to 19?04?55435 at 5123106 6:22 Ntt Pg 004/009 PAGE 3 ro. . ciDn!' lclcr UNff * ZO 052 05/!5/46 SURFACE/PFODITT D; Entry I E; Living 1 ,/*est cc!{- RO 33" STATIONART x 59 5/8. C }'OLTIPLE 1II28 RO 37" X 65 3/44 CM-RH AWN - STATIOI{ARY ! QU0TE: 00000004 ! GLASS ADD: ?ntP ! GRILIE/SDL: 1/8' BAR - il,/SPACER AS VIEIIED FROM IEE H(TERIOR AS VIETED FROM TTE EXfERTOR ION E II RN T SDL $1, 0{3. 25 s419.2s 32 50 n ss,16?.50 s205. 70 $5, 3?4 - 20 SOB TTfAI,: 4.OOO* SAI,ES TAX: SRO.'ECT TTEAI !,RICE: TO TIIE SPEC.! DENOPES /go tr 7/6 ./' ..//aft. / $7l'r{ Fron i to L97a4765435 j I tfl & Cinsl'rf,I.t 6.r0s2 os /I5 / 06 aE 5l2tl06 Otrttar bhlff dzo 6:22 ltl Pg 006/009 PAGE 2 versiso OUANTITY J SURFACEIPRODUCT ArUPsEairs. Option 1 C I,ITTI,TIPLE 3N2H sl, ?40.7-q RO 61" X 39 5/8* c!1 - sTA?rortARv ({) cM - Lil ct4 - RH ! QUSDE: 00000001 ! GRILLE/SDL: ?/8n REC! SDL - f/sPecER EAR AS YTENAD FROIT TITE EKTERIOR B; Upstatrq 1j i I Optlo:t C M'I,TIPI,E ilgzE RO 3?r X 5{ 3l{" ENN . STATIOHARY Cttl - RC r QU(ItEr 0O00C002 ! GRILLE,/SD! ! ?./8 d RECT sDL - IrlSPeCAR BAR 9?02.00 s2,442.75 s97 .7L S2, 5r10 . 45 AS WETED PROI{ TflE EI(TERIOR s{rB fo|rAl.: 4t.000t SALES TAx! PNff]BCT ?OTAT. PRICE: DEI{OfES EXCEPTIONS TO THE SPEC. TOWNOF V]\[ DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E06-0203 MQ -ot33 Job Address: 4247 COLUMBINE DR VAIL Status. . . : ISSUED Location.....: 4247 COLUMBINE DRIVE, UNIT 20 Applied . . : 0912812W6 Parcel No...: 2l}ll22I4020 Issued . . : l0/0212N6 hoject No : -tRsoC -6o c( t Expires . .: O3l3ll2007 owNER FOWLER, TI{OIIAS W., ,JR 09/28/2006 VIRGINIA A. FOWI-,ER I,IVING TRUST' 2074 AI.,BION ST DENYER co 80207 APPr-,ICANI NATTVE ELECTR.TC 09/28/2006 Phone: 970-328-1293 P.O. BOX 1807 EAGI,E co 81631 License: ].43-F, coNfRAcToR NATTVE Er-,ECTRTC 09/28/2006 Phone: 970-328-1293 P.O. BOX 1807 EAGI-,8 co 81631 Licenge: 143 -E Desciption: ADD EXTERIOR LIGHTING. INSTALL GFI AND EXTERIOR ENTRY WALL Valuation: $0.00 Square feet: lOm Electrical----'- > DRB Fee-------- > Investigation-*- > . wilt call----- > TOTAL FEES- > 09/2e/2006 shahn Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEN| $0. 00 s0.00 $3 .00 $s4 . ?s FEE SUMMARY rr****lQrr'r.**'r++i.*****ii**{.ir'1(tri**1ir*+t,i*r.**++**,i*r.1.**********'t Total Calculated Fe€s--> 554.'15 Additional Fees----- >$0.00 Total Permit Fee----> 554.75 Payments---------.-- > $54 . ?5 BALANCE DUE------ >$0.00 a ^nf^.,41o. Item: 05000 EIJECIT.ICAIr DEPARTMENI Action: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BL,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CI#CK FOR CODE COMPI-,IAI{CE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this strucrure according to the towns zoning and zubdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOLIRS IN ADVANCEBY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OIJR OFFICE FROM 8:OO AM - 4 PM. ,t******+*+** ****++********+**,t,t!t***,F****:i'i**********tt:t*+********,! * * {. {. ** ***,t*****{. *****,1.** * * * TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement .tii,*:r**+,t***'r:f ***********************+*****:t **1.***+**'tt**{.*:t *,t **+**+****{.+'t ,t {.r.{.{.**{rl.****'lr4.:1. * * t Statement Number: R050001581 Amount: 554.75 L0/02/2Oo5I1 :08 AM Pa)rment Meihod: Check Init: DDG Notation: Native 5101 Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: This Paynent: ACCOTINT ITEM LIST: Account Code EP 00L0000311r-L00 wc 00100003112800 806-0203 2IOL-L22-1402-O 4247 COI,UMBINE DR VAII, 4247 COIJVN'E INE DRIVE . $s4.7s Descript ion Type: EIJECTRICAI PERMIT UNTT 20 Total Fees: Total AL,L Pmts : Bal-ance: pf+ . /J $s4. zs $o. oo ***********'t'l't *'t t * '{. !t **'l**'t 't *********************+********++:i*!t**++****+++****++*****++****** Current Pmts ELECTRICAI PERMIT FEES WIIJII CAIJL INSPECTION FEE 5r,.75 3 .00 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Contact Person and Phone #'s:'o/4ffi-gzslzt of.Vqil Reg, No.: COMPLETE SQ. FOOTAGE FOR AREA OF WORK AND VALUATION OF WORK (Labor & Materials) ELECTRICAL VALUATION: $AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE: Contact Assessorc Offtce at 97O-328-8640 or visit for Parcel # Parcel #ZlOLtT? l4ozrl rob Name: fr*te-o- lz$robAddress: Q-+7 touangnt vfftP Legal DescripUon Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: owners Name:l/l.k'61A4+4 ll Address: Zofi *titrtlt kqu a, ll phone: Engineer: ll Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: Ary enj."t- H&lr*, fr Ee"- 6rc N J e/Lr.dyqe-< WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodefi(9 Repair( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) WorkType: InteriorJ-f Extenoyftz) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex (-,) Multi-famif ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: -=No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Is this oermit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) No Q4 lToesEFire Spriltkler System Exist: Yes ( ) NoH Parcel *****************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY********'v****t(***********************..w;.ry..... F:\cdev\K)RMS\PERMm\Building\electicalJermiLl 1-23-2005. DOC Page 1 of 2 tLl23l200s !.,l'J:-e,..-t I ,t.. 1t*i l"'-,tr ,,,* *",,",_, o o Amendment to the 2002 N.E.C. Town of Vail Ordinance 4, Series of 2005 Overhead seruices are not allowed in the Town of Vail. Underground services shall be in conduit (PVC) from the utility transformer to the electric meter, main disconnect switch, and to the first electrical distribution circuit breaker panel. The main disconnect switch shall be readily acrcsible, andlocated next to the meter on the exterior wall of the structure. All underground conduits are required to be inspected beforc back-filling the trench. In multi-famif dwelling units, no electrical wiring or feeder cables shall pass from one unit to another. Common walls and spaces are exempt NM Cable (Romex) can fu used only in single and multi-family dwellings net exceeding 3 stories, Typ NItl annot be ured in any building mixd with Typ A,B.E FrHrI,M &S occupancies. Alaminum conductorcsmaller than size #8 are not permitted with the Town of Vail, , TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT GUIDELINES All installations of exterior hot tubs or spa's require a DRB approval from planning. This application will not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval form attached (if applicable). If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 30" above grade, you must also obtain a building permit. If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on any existing deck or elevated platForm, a structural engineer must review the existing condition and veriff that it will support the added concentrated load. Please provide a copy of the structural engineers wet stamped letter or drawing with this application. If this is a remodel in a multi-ftmily buildipg with a homeowners association, a letter of permission from the association is required. If this permit is for a commercial space, two (2) sets of stamped drawings are required. Electrial one-line and panel schedules are required if load is added or distribution is alfurcd. I have read and underctand the above. Signature Date Signed If you have any questions regarding the above information or have additional questions, please contact the Town of Vail Electrical Inspector at 97O-479-2L47 . The inspector can be reached on Monday thru Friday mornings behrveen the hours of 8am and 9am. You may also leave a voice maii and the inspector will call you back. F:\cder\FORMS\PERMm\Buildi rE\electicalJermit_U-23-2005. DOC Page 2 of 2 ru23lzoos TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD vArL. co 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P06-01ffi -Boq otrS Job Address: 4247 COLUMBINE DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 4247 COLUMBINE DRM, UNIT 20 Applied . . : Wl06l2W6 Parcel No...: 2lDll22l4020 Issued. . : Wl08/2W6 lrgal Description: ?A5e6-cot(,t Expires . .: 03lfinm7 hoject No : owNER FOWLER, THOMAS W., iIR 09/06/2006 VTRGINTA A. FOWI,ER I,IVING TRUST 2074 ATBION ST DEN\IER co 80207 APPLICAI{T CONCEPT MECHANICAL, INC 09/06/2006 Phone: 97O'949'02oA P.O. BOX 1155 AVON co 81620 License: 189-P CONTRACTOR CONCEPT MECHANICAI,, INC 09/06/2006 Phone: 970-949-a20o P.O. BOX 1155 AVON co 81620 License: 189-P Desciption: RECONNECT GAS LINE TO METER. RE-ROUGH ONE HOSE BIBB Valuation: $600.00 Fireptace Infornation: Rcstrhted: ??# of Gas A@iances: ?? # of Gas Logs: 1? # of Wood Pallel ?? :i***+**!i&ra*{rl.**rr*r****f*+**+*d*****+*+a{.{d}r{(+rrtd(+**+{.f'r+i,*:rr***{l*:r.*** FEE SUMMARY * *{.:*:t*:**,t*tr **:t*:t*)t***tiF**'**'}**tr(++rt+++rt+t ira+{r't+*i.*+{r'1.:}+'ti.:}l:1. Plumbiry--> $15 . 00 Restuarant Plan Review- >50.00 Total Calculated Fees-- > $21.75 Plan Check--- > hvestigation,> Will Call----> S3 .75 TOTAL FEES-._-> S2x. ?5 Additionat Feee---- > $0.00 $3.00 Total Permit Fee------> Payments----------- > BALANCE DUE-----.- > 90.OO $21 ,7s s2L.7s s0, 00 Item: 05100 BUILDfNG DEPARTMENr 09/06/2006 JS Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEN:I CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BI,DG.): FTEI-TD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPI,IANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full tlrc information required, completed an accurate plot ' plan, ard state that all ttre information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Intemational Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. RXQTJESTS FOR INSPE{TION SHALL 3E MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADV BY TELEPIIONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OLJR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. TURE OF O CTOR FOR HMSELF AND OWNET t-4-/ +**'b*'|f,+t'l*+,;**t*+*********+**********+*+***{t*********d.**+'1.{.+*+*****++***************t***+t+ TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement ******+*+****+*+*+t+****+*+****+**+*'t********:t:*:t*********f*f*1.'ll.*,rt*********d.+{.t,***f*{.*+*+*1. ,lnount | 527.75 09/08/2oo6L1 :34 AM Init: DDG Notation: Concept Mech Staternent Nuniber r R050001399 Payment Method: Check 1016 8 Permit No: Parce1 No: Site Address : Locati.on: This Payment: PF 00100003LI2300 PP 0 010 0 0 0311110 0 wc 00100003112800 P05 - 010?!ype: PIjJMBTNG PERMIT 2LO7-L22-!402-O 4247 COLUYBINE DR VAIL 424? COLIJMBINE DRIVE, $21.7s UNIT 20 TouaL Fees: Total ALL Pmts : Balance: $2r.75 i2r.7s $0.00 *{.****+*+*+*****#****+*+*+*******************+*****************************l.+*+*****+*{.**++* ACCOUNT ITEM LTST: Account Code Description eurrent Pmts PLAN CHECK FEES PI,IJI4BING PERMIT FEES WII,IJ CAI'L INSPECTION FEE 3.75 15.00 3.00 APPU CATI ON WI LL NOT BE ACCEPTED I F I N@MPLETE OR UNSI GNED ?aq-o/o7 sEP 01 2006 Projec{ *, ---/!-8) 4l--=*E- Building Perm it # : _1/a_a,::21j3 ilti?'llif,'il'J;"-,*Pc-4/o7 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 }::W):i"ne*',s'ffi.,@ Plumbing Ontrador:To,vn of Vail Reg. f.lo.: E-llail Address: V.P/ 5' COMPLETE VALUATI ON FOR PLUMBI NG PERMI T (Labor & ilaterials) PLTJMBITIG S b@.9 at 970-328-8610 or viit for Parel# /19 t / ZZ /tto ZO Job l€me: .2,to-t/(R Kz.s , J<.-t t",(&b Address: /2 q7 frrtl fi:;-Dzi L.egal Description ll [ot: ll Block: ll Filing:Subdivision: Uil,furn /{/aa C< owners M^Ytrrn * Eut/+,e llnaoress 4Z!,^f.'0-? ,S.o fl mone: Brgineer: N/A. lruoress Phone: Type of Bdg.: Snglefamif [/ Orpr"tf. t irtrlti-family ( ) tumm€rcial ( ) tueilaurant ( ) Other ( ),r-_!_ l,lo. of E<iding Drelling thrits in this buildingr. '-- ll frn. ot Accommodation thits in this building:ll ****t***il***:.*rt jt:t*******FOR OFFI CE USE ONLYi*ir***t***t*****t*i****'r*tt******:ri* 4-l Date Recelved: F:bd6AFORMS\PERMITSUOO5$lunbing_prmit]0o5.doc * In5DW' 19o-3?#ot In"p"t:,tF"dy??1fff"'ting t"n" o' Requested Inspect Oate: Wednesday, OctobGr 10,2007 Ingpecition Area: JRM Site Address: 4247 COLUMBINE DR vAlL 42rI7 COLUMBINE DRIVE. UNIT 20 A/P/D lnformation Activitv: 806{133 Const Tvo6: Ow?ier: FOWLER A.BUILD t'otl88: 08"Status: ISSUED Insp Area: JRM Requested Time: 10:00 AM ' Phone: -or- 970-390€683 Entered Bv: DGOLDEN K Conhactor: Description: Requ€sted Insoec{ion(s) Item: 50 Item: 60 Item: 70 Item: 534 Item: 90 Phone: 970-476-5435 AND NEW WINDOWS: ROCK VENEER AND STUCCO Item: Reouestor: Coniments: Assioned To:- Action: / c'tt'"// J *-'/k n *'Approved "'Insoector: JRM'Action: AP Action: AP Action: AP Action: AP APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED Nail. ._l Approved * REPT131 Run Id: 7134 1%-9?#ot In=p"$:,T F?$lF?t nuf*ing t"n" tu R€questgd Inspect 9ate: Tuesday, October o9, 2007 - lnsD€dtion Aroa: SH Slte Address: 4247 COLUMBINE OR VAIL 4247 COLUMBINE ORIVE. UNIT 20 Requestor: NATIVE ELECTRIC Comments: will call Peter 390-8683 AssignedTo: SHAHN {Ptu \l t d+vv Time Exp: OK Insoec{ion Hlstorv Item: 110 ELEC-SeMce Item: '120 ELEC-Rouoh - 10/03/06 Inspector: eS Comment:Item: 130 ELEC-Conduit Item: 140 ELEC-Misc.Item: 190 ELEC-Final B-ELEC SubTvDe: ADUP Status:U'se: Insp Area: Requosted Time: 09:00 Alf ' Phone: 970-32&1293 -or- 97G90,F 6509 Entered By: OGOLOEN K A/P/O Information Activitv: E0G0203 Const Tvo6:Oniier: FOWLER Contractorl Description: Reouested Insooc{ion(s) Item: 190 ELEGFlnal ISSUED SH Phone: 970-328-1293 INSTALL GFI AND EXTERIOR ENTRY WALL Gtrt lo7'1,+L $ 1F/ hu^ fri,-,) C'<- Action: APCR APPROVED/CORRECTION REQD REPTl31 Run Id: 7130 19n98o#07 In"p"$on B"fuFet Reeotting p"g" t+ Requestgd lnspect Date: TqesOay, October 09, 2007 ' Insoection Area: GG Site Address: 4247 COLUMBINE DR VAIL 4247 GOLUttBtNE OR|VE, UNIT 20 A/P/D lnfornation Reouested Insoec{lon(sl Insoec{ion Historv Item: 210 Item: 220 Item: 230 Item: 240 Comment: F(Item: 250 PLMB-PooUHot Item: 260 PLMB-Misc.Item: 290 PLMB-Final )LMB SubTvDe: ASFR U'se: Phone: 970-9494200 RE-ROUGH ONE HOSE BIBB Status: ISSUED Insp Area: CG Item: Reouestor: Coniments: Assioned To:- Action: Requ$ted Time: 08:30 All ' Phone: 970.949-0200 Entered By: DGOLDEN K f,*gL 3 f-- ,*fr Aonroved'* o.r,on, AP APPRoVED UNITS 19/20 GAS AIR TEST 15#AIRTEST REPT131 Run Id: 7130 --E - m Io i.- o t--'. h E l<x :t!:t lm: 6 l9q 1 l! < :i ljj; I l< -r t l "': m =t-r a J '<c I: o.< 68 ;!L (io ctt >l VQ ;'i =_n m + =PP i== YF t- !Hffi trtr! o o z @ {7 c c){o z T FT n ={ -n -o O r-- z= 2=o"z q,z lq mil l, ta ,^l-o 16<l-o | 'Tl \o ro 3$ =-t -.1 @ m x m -{ z (- (D U' -l m ro tr{F v)z H H ok t--- -* Ltt et +-- rTl (- z m or- 3Ui o>'r -n =z H ti P I|.l l14 IF IF t>le) l- li.J I z H ri a z H H H z e P F t1 lz lz IH IF l(n l(n I' N o\ I I N)(rl f.J lJl 2n -{m nz >m OI -t>or- o I =m -{ m o f z z --t -l o \J -O z.r -.t c ?=6o tz z I -t 2 ..\ an ! €z ttl F (F H E- l+ l= lz lo t:t>l- lm lp lz lo I l*ls.Itn ll l(r: I s.{ Or I lJ tJ T F rd ql H z z N N) n H z z H ..^. z z a 3 li _p I I (Jl f.J I = l.rll H F B z IJ to t: lz lo l-n t< IP lm P lz le I l*l(,15.ll It! I I s..{ o\ I l.J ._j N l-r to l€ lz lo p l>l- ln lz l-i lo l€ lz l-n t<l>l-l:0 lm lo l6 { l-{mlo 5t€'12 lo t; l; l$lz l" I I I I aro-@O-r a3s o!-at f o ct e x'\<o ii or Q^-O q=F '<Q{{Eo-' i *t' o:.J -.o gt =+- -orf -f$;- < =o)o ^f-X o.o od= !+('sgs E oto 0r -i'F +;i io-'v =.: ?rf(D .-D o.-<- =- =9I s,dr =s.P :tR= ts= o-f B=l d s+8 a'3 ER6 -i -(,o=. llg tH --lF sg 12 09 l,_ € ,t;: !) f l- Eo 13 d6 " f s ii c. , r-d tg I oqt leE I =,- l6o,I o8 \l o o \6+&:\*E s#, I r3-rF€ d r\.h=.\\Y \:ro , \o f \NE3 Y f cr e e?- -c, (, =6 \-g: i6' o +*69 *a Ygt (o' + T + + T o--t H !f 3i sl zl ml 3+rl RI =l ql ol ltl 'l ol rl rl <l ol ml t-l ''Il -t I m o :z m lo l< I I I I !i X i I I li la z l" I I I I I L_ I @ - I z X o l z t- ! m =i U)z m m m l< lz l=_ ir- :r c i l* i- TO !€ =4 'z = tl I I z>oR Ici d: >o ol m:aa z q z -.1 I I l1 z m € --t m -l z =z X >4 m I z i 'It m o .n c z v)ll F H t4 C)Nts 222 anx;! !.1 ri P io ->n Xzc) (, \'l \J a)'<z vOq Io 64 ^Z c:zq 'n22 € n< N -t 4 --a i I { J ,q -.i t)-l { i\ I 'F o\ t t- I I z z a 9o @ 7 2 o z {m (t z z =z 6 -{a -.t u m gl g=: F+l '(5 r sFi 5l I I I I I el a)""(Hlr r. l,6,, -l'\o r\\o l\ 3 ,-t - E i x { -t -l x r, ){ o -1 l--I m f,l =TI m m U> o m + x .) m z c I' m ! tn o 2 m m { m m -.t o z m m m z c g z m m o --{ o t- z o r tTl x g o 2 m = m v = ='tl m m (t VALUATION T rn a =z =m o z t- =g z m f-m E |- z 5 UJ f.J u l.J s.s.s.o\\) \$ -x\$\\$ -,- o o z 2 v c 9 o z !FI a ={ I tn R ld h B rl e,a O -1 DX m=. = 2 I t\.'9*z 7 t { t e -t {o o m ! m C,o c 8 3 F q m t !o ! -a o 6 @ c 2 o m o .tl !m ! = { !tn o 'll !m a 3 nnRl =FP\xLn- |Yc)f I ,v= | = (, 6, I !, tr I 'l I l-J t-l l-l EE >=cr@ >z 6o z , b (D 2 =IT F ir\r. E b B J c Eq o s ':-: -r n- !I F : !! ;d (lr N r ;.l:/ )l\ l,1F OPr a Ei F Eo E As , c, .tl ;; c 6 oo o !22 5 ? ^t0!=S n=I I:io<- X i!I ! 5 l o ll tl ot ;l :l el 2l |nl (tl 3l FI 'l I o o 6 2 !m t =at z m n o tn o l<" lz l= l-a t> o 2 o 2 F tn ! ! iiIEE EEiEi a o 75 south lrontage road Yail. colorado 81657 (303) 479,2138 (3031 479-2139 oflice ol community development Plaa Review Based orr the 1988 Unif,oru Codes PROJECT NUI'IBER: ].01890 ADDRESS: UNIT #20 BTGHORN TERRACE OCCUPANCY: R-3 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-N DRB APPROVAL REQUIRED: YES NAME: NII,SSON ADDITION DATE: OCTOBER L9. 1990 CONTRACTOR: OWNER ARCHITECT: GEORGE FEINI,IAN ENGINEER: SAME PISNS EXAMINER: MICHAEL WHITAKER coRRECIIONS RE9SIRED Tbe itens listed below are rot inteaded to be a coeplete listing of all possible code r€guireuents in the adopteil codes. It is a gUide to selected sections of, tbe codes. Tbe following ls not to be construed to be an approval of alry violatioa of any of tbe pro-visioas of the adopted codes or auy ordinance ot tbe Iova of Vitl . Design loads reguired: 80 tb. per sg. ft. snow load and 100 lb. Iive load for decks. Insulated floor of addition with vapor barrier to inside of living area. All electrical work to be completed as per 1987 National Electrical Code. Glazing in hazardous areas to be safety glazing as per UBC 5406. Pad required under piers. Minimum size 2+ttK24rr with 2 #4 bars each way and 2 doweLs to pier. Option as noted on prints for pier locations/rin joist configuration. Regardless, additional pad reguired at junction of interior double 2X10 and rin as notadd. Fie1d verify all frane connections. L. 2. 3. 4. 3. 6. 7. DA/ONID SERVCES, iNc 2111 N Fronioge Rd Voil, Colorodo 81657 (3O3) 476-6272 PROPOSAL TO: JOHN NILSSON P.O. BOX 1056 vAIL, CO 81658 ocToBER 24, L990 JOB: 4247 COLUIIBINE DR. #20, EAST VAIL PLANS PREPARED BY: DISCUSSION LIITH JoHN NILSSON & SITE iNSPECTION DOUBLE DIAMOND SERVICES, INC. PROPOSES TO FURNISH THE LABOR AND MATERIAL TO COHPLETE THE FOLLOWING ELECTR]CAL INSTALLATIONS ACCORDING TO THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SUBMITTED FOR BID. 1. CONVER? EXISTING ELECTRICAL OVERHEAD SERVICE TO UNDERGROUND. 2,. THE SERVICE WILL TERMINATE UP THE EXiSTING POLE AND CONNECT TO EXISTING OVERHEAD DITRIBUTION LINES. DOES NOT INCLUDE ANY CABLE T.V. LINES OR TELEPHONE LINES. DOES NOT INCLUDE ANY EXCAVATING WORK. DOES NOT INCLUDE ELEC?RICAL PERMIT FEE. WHICH SHOULD BE INCLUDED IN THE EUILDING PERMIT. CONTINUED ON PAGE JOBg 4247 COLVI{BINE DR. {tzO' EAST VAIL THE AEOVE TO EE CO}IPLETED IN A WORKMAN LIKE MANNER, ACCORDING TO THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE AND APPROPRIATE LOCAL CODES FOR THE SUM OF TWO THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED FIFTY DOLLARS. (S2,Z5O.OO). TO BE PAID AS FOLLOWS, UPON COMPLETION THIS PRICE IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE IF THIS PROPOSAL IS NOT ACCEPTED IIITHIN 30 DAYS OF THE ABOVE DATE. ANY ALTERATION OR DEV]ATION FRO}T THE AEOVE SPECIFICATIONS WILI,, EE EXECUTED ONLY UPON WRITTEN ORDERS AND }JILL BECOME AN EXTRA CHARGE TO THE CONTRACT PRICE. PRE_EXISTING, NON-CONFORMING CONDITIONS THAT ARE NOT CALLED OUT SPECIFICALLY IN THE PLANS OR SPECIFICATIONS SHALL NOT BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF DDS,INC. DDS, INC. SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR DELAYS DUE TO LABOR SHORTAGES OR DiSPUTES, ACCIDENTS, MATERIAL SHORTAGES, INCLEMENT I{EATHER OR ROAD CLOSURES. A SERVICE CHARGE OF T}TO PERCENT PER MONTH WILL BE ADDED TO AI,L ACCOUNTS MORE THAN THIRTY DAYS PAST DUE. IN THE EVENT OF A DISPUTE OVER THE AMOUNTS DUE THE NON-PREVAILING PARTY WILL BE LIABLE FOR THE PREVAILING PARTIES' REASONABLE COSTS RESULTING FROM THE DISPUTE. TFULLY SUBUITTED, DIII\'l]\D SERVCES iNC 2111 N Frontoge Rd. Voil, Colorodo B165/ (3C3) 476-6272 PAGE 2 .4 'ffi-,--a'^z< i DIAMOND SERVICES, INC. ACCEPTED BY: TITLE: DOUBLE FOR: DATE:r 990 nci. -., Avcr, i' \../-r -.' rb * .l PROPOSAT ond CONTRACT Dace 10/90 19 TO JOHN NILSSON JOB Dear Sir: I propose co furnish all marerials and perform all labor necessary ro complete the following: PUT IN NEW UNDERGROUND SERVTCE TO REPLACE OVERHEAD 2" PBC FROM METER TO TOP OF POLE WTTH WEATHERHEAD T TNCLUDE PERMIT TAKE DOWN OVERHEAD LINE BACK F LL TO BE Y OWNER All of the above work to be completed in a substantial and workmanlike maoner according to strn& ard practices for the sum of Dollars (t ?,000 ) Payments to be made s 1,000 DOWN BALANCE UPON FINAL INSP. as rhe work progrcsses Any alteration or deviation from the above specifications involving extra cost of materiel or labor will only be executed upon written orders for same, and will become an extra'charge over the sum men-tioned in this concract. All agreemenrs musr be made in writing. to the value of amount of contract to be oaid within You are hereby aurhorized to tioned in the above proposal, for said proposal, and according ro rhe ACCEPTED Per cent (- %) of al| work complered, Thc cnrire days a fter complction. Respectfully su bmitted, By ACCEPTANC furnish all materials and which terms thereof. labor required to complete the work mcn- the amount menrioned in Date AIONER FORM NO. I5{'7 19 agree ro Pay atttrttD tt{ ula PROPOSA1 ond CONTRACI Date L0/90 ,19 TO JOHN NILSSON JOB Dear Sit: I propose to furnish all materials and perform all labor nccessary to complete the folloring: TO PUT I UNDERGROUND SERVTCE REPLA v 2" P FR ITIETER TO TOP OF POLE WTTH WEA AD INCL DE ERMIT TAKE DOWN OVERHEAD LI BACK FILL NE BY All of the above work to be completed in a substantial and workmanlike manner according to eteo& ard practices for the sum of Payments to be made $ 1,00LDOWN BALANCE UPON FrNAL INSP. Dollars 1$ ?1000 I as the work progresses Any alteration or deviation from the above specifications involving extra cost of mgterial or 6bor will only be executed upon written orders fot same, and will bccome an cxtri'charge over lhc sum nco- tioned in this contract. All agreements musr be made in wriring. to the value of amount of contract to be oaid within . You are hereby auchorized co tioned in the above proposal, for said proposal, and according to the ACCEPTFI) per cent (- %) of. all work completcd. The cntire days after complcrion. Respectfully su brnitted, By furnish CCEPTANC all materials and E labor requircd co complete thc vork mcn- agree ro pay rhe amounr mcntioned in which terms thereof. D are ATqNER FOfi t{O. 66{rr r9 rirxTto rt uta Present Floor Plan t I I E'0' I I I i aA F}o :t sr R o + I !t I Y 5'2' I /.f I r,r,/-/ ,' ,/ I'\.-r-;_ .-)L'/.)l I i\! Scale 1/{" .l' ,J Present Building South Viev I r1 E'0' Board &Br Siding E'0' I I + -r J --* Cantilevered deck Present e.ritirg East View : t Scale l/4" - I' B'0' I I I I I E'0'-+4'4'--+5'2'--+ lfhdov to be removed and space left as val&through from sew ldditios to kitcheo. Floor o Framing ,:':,:::,:,.'::,,,:,,,,ll,0ouble 2X I 0 :,:,:':,i,:,;,:,:,:,i ;,:::.:::::::.::::::::::: :.:.:::.:.:::::::::::l:.:l:,:1.::, 2X I 0 Rin Board vith: a \,' D ATE '/ Double 2Xl0 Flush o Rim Double 2Xl0 Rin Flusfran Scale: 1/2" - I' cata " The iss':.j | :e ol :"?tjl5::1..1 T? Jl,pll n s;. s ceci i,.riioni r-" c oi 1,, j -;, ii riorr -, i:j,fl,:f ':jn:,*ldlls -:ll'll rr.o, l,o,.rit,, .;n ;; ;;lr-?i: j :illTl,* 0f orrors in"'iil- iirnr,"'ril,;il1;;,"':;,j"n*lJi' , vF.vrvt,,lrgf tl'.',., .' ^burjo Heallh Flre J ,( ,_ rl i i'.,.'" ll o )-o 2XlO Facia to Metcb Eristilg Buildiag l0'overhaog ,nL/- Roof Franing 13" Liae of Euilding Bslov Scale l/{".1' j U t -?lufif9h+ ,-ttnrl6Rfim ^ A I tt'l' I s?' I //,a-/ ilad fr6T FtM fian I 8b' Scrus t/4". t " o Nev Buildtng South Yiew o l,t ll 0' l'xtl t( ll [t t' I 5' 0' I E'0' I I V I 0' I I lr Storage Shed Glassblq I i 0' I I Storage Shed ,, nrl )tt,-/A i*r|^ 10" pier vith {(four) *4 rebar d' ' Scale l/4" -1' Neu, gt ding East Vieui F'n' I I il 8'0'-r<-4'4'->+5'2'+ Keep eristing 2f i0 floor ioists aod replace rim wirh double 2X12's 6 s)o F E { E F o o t &Batteq to March 10" pier vith 4 four) * { rebar Scele l/{" = l' Present Floor Plan + I I a'0' I I I t I t 4 I o aa F o rt Fl F o t I 44' I t q'r' I I ? Scale l/.('.1' o Present Building South Yiev a'7- o t+,l 6'0- Board &Ba Siditrg TT B 0'8',0' I I I + r J-€ Cantilevered deck o Present Builcling East View I I E' 0'---+ 4 4' +<- 5' 2' ---r Wiadocr to be reooved aod space left as valtthrough from new addition to kitchen. Scale l/{" - I' .,tI\a 7bL ,va r lv'" -- 9'o'lp '--""-'-- bt+b ,ci \-,- \%4- -'),+ ---- lsb a o r-- la'{a jb+ <o,?--id r lb'b '/q "- t' a(D ":t- €eoeont Tle.wn SCanlD FLocR *'7,ff c?ff DtprIN 'Aootn '-, i[f JT'.fl Llulil6Roor11 t1.\'1 T 4\" I stzu I t, 'zq b '-7{4t.tf --^;''%E r:b,1 ;| "'6frry+ b+ lorrlloo"t:b1A,( 39 e-? bVl" ) Ec*llr''e SHeD $ ?0 I .@\'a:t S,AA t/4,'. I ,. ilea rffi^Fm- l. ,/t^ :: - j,-,9';;raii i-,i .r-r i;.-..r Ur:.- ., lLg d l.r. I '-liiicirl 0f, . ry !,itiilii0n 01 any 0f the pr0visi0;rs ul r.,,! t:{,",.r oi oi any other ordinance of the lurisdication. The issuence ol a porrnlt bas8d upon plans, specifications and other data shall not prevent the building official from thereafter rcquiring the corrcction 0f errors in uid plans, specilicalions and oth& data. ",t DATE: lttR//ft t / l" , At youn request I have rev j.e*ed the floor franing and foundation design of your proposed addltion. This ls a sumnary of ny findings. You can avoid addi.ng an additional pier along the rrrest side of this rerqodel by using a tciple Zt10 rim bean spanning the fuil l1'. I have found that the south pier at the uest side and the east pier on the north side are capable of carrying the ioad r,rithout ihe neces:ity of a pad. Houever, the corner pier and the one just east of this corner on the north side uiII require the addition of a 2' x ?' * 8" pad beneath thenr. Provide 3 *4 rebar each uay in th€se pads and lwa *4 douels frolr them lnto the picr. These douels should have an 18" vertical leg and an B' hortzontal leg. Please give me a call if you have any questions regarding thir matter. Tinothy Pres i dent of Vall Cornmrlrllf Development Eulld Hoallh /'W/ tr trtr Tewn FFr tf boyle engineering, i.ff professionol struciurol e ginee$ tr E 0ctober 2S, 19S0 l'lr. John Nilsson P.0. Box 1056 Vail, Colorado 81658 Subject: Ni l sson Addition Biqhorn Temace Lot *?0 Uai I, Co lorado Oear John, INC. ,f 43 e. meodo,rr dr., suite 390 o crossroocls shopping cerrter . voil. colo'odo 8'1657 o 303/4762170 I ir 'i'.INSPECTION REQUEST . trqwN oF vArL lit ! I l lt , PERMIT NUMBER OF DATE PROJECT l, I .- ,-_ JOBNAME IJ 1I) INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM READY FOR LOCATION: BUILOING: PLUMBING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND BTOUNDATION / STEE_ D FRAMING tr ROUGH i WATER - ROOF & SHEEB ' PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr I D tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING D tr tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D D FINAL tr FINAL D APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ] -INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJE \|\ci -,r DATE i -r v JOB NAME CALLER WED THUR Tnl READY FOR LOCATION: AM roN:PECT ar INS i+ ff APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING:PLUMBING: 1 ., E UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH i WATER _ ROOF & SHEER "-PLYWOOD NAILING o D D D D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL i H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr tr o ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL DATE INSPECTOR ? o-'r :;iT*:: "''fo*|.3) PEBMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oare /t //d Joa NnMe READY FOR LOCATION: MON CALLER TUES ^-) '-)LZ_ / A/, lst o ,'-7 .(/ , T,'o INSTBTIoN TOWN OF I REQUEST VAIL WED -@ FRI (L(".nb PM AM Bt tr tr !.J D tr tr E ILDlNG:PL tr o tr o tr o tr UMBING: FOOTINGS / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: E TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH D tr U EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR I v/^ Y \/ V/ t -J PERMIT NUMBER OF PFOJECT DATE { t!;; >Fl / JoB INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 'i-"I I r.) 014 . )"1 ,, I') '1,'-'oN NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: fVTOT.I ) TUES WED THUR AM PM LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W,V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL MECHANICAL: O TEMP. POWER -O HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL [neenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,o-,, f zb /// rNSPEcroR iiii:-! " .r lNs .-.I PECTION _ Jo\u! oF / t,4-L.4,-:) REQUEST VAIL i.,-_-_ PERMTT NUMBER 9:l PROJECT i r / I .^ ottE t' ,/9.l , J,NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR . FRI AM PM LOCATION: BUILDING: E FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr D UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH i D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER .d rRRvttttc ! tr ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL i H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRlCAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr D o tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR Rffissoe /i u< t "'rL/ i r PERMIT NUMB INSPECTION REQUEST VAIL oorc ll CT JO NAME TOWN OF /; ,// +-L'.d 4|.UJ^* CALLER E noJ ..1 q READY FOR INSPEC LOCATION: ES, wED'..IHUR t.( . t1'1. MON ( .rrt, '<-*---"/') AM ii/tr APPRCVED , CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNOERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL tr FINAL tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS EI SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL DATE INSPECTOR I I PE 'ii lrt-CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL E\J I \ t,a-\'.t rNs .,q ..:JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTtoN;, .-\.$o* CALLER - \ TUES WFD THUFI -PM AM FRI BUILDING:PL tr tr D tr tr tr tr UMBING: D u FOOTINGS / STEEL UNDEFGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,_ ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING DI {i NSULATION POOL / H. TUB HEETROCK NAIL tr D FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr HEATING D ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR o tr FINAL tr FINAL R;'-*;tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR Tbe lterns belos glvtng a pernlt Please check off FINAL PLUUBINE NAI, INSPECTIONIS aeed to be conplete a flnal C of O. Ln the box provlded. COMPLE?SD before l DATE! FINAL !'IECHANICAJ. DATE: IMPROVEI{ENT SURVEY RXSID. NAUE! [l FINAL ELECTRICAL DATE: FINAL BUILDING EAST SIDE:IIEST SIDE: TEMPORARY C OF O DATE: DATE:'' <Q-z-'CERTIFI OF OCCI'PAI{CY LAT.{DSCAPINC I}I'E T DATE: FILE NA}IE: Proiect Application Date 'l'l I Proiect Name: l\JU \/&4^--/ proiecr Descrip r,.^, 71F A d.drl h e'u'---- Contacl Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: ne- Architeel, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Com ments: I I I Design Review Board Date APPROVAL D ISAPPROVAL Dale: Town Planner D statt Approval i:.f.git#, o o I a V *" -. . ) i'rj1 ()i '" z tu I 'r-'" A.t{l€,,(-Planning and Environmental cornrnissiorii v - v1-\' \ rr ,t, , ', rl: '",11 1 1r 1\ 1( / ;r r't f con:nunity Deveropment Department -'t',t:1_'i ",', f . '',i',,,, ,{d1:: June 25, 1990 '.': r, li ;.t t,/ir' (1\" '''(l " -:t"n 1 - ,L:\t l'"P r'"1\ ie, '''. -l'a tu'. A request for a side and rear setba-cr vfiiiinces to the- r; tledium Density uulti-fanily zone district on L'ot 20, ;Bighorn Terrace (4247 Colurnbine Way) -< ,d,Applicant: John and Enid Nilsson (,,, t\.rt {t I C( t ) [-r-l '!.J 4 ,ra; TO: FROM: DATE: SUR]ECT: I. DESCRIPTION OF THE VARTANCE REOUESTED The applicant is the owner of Unit 2o in the Bighorn Terrace subdivlsion which is located on Columbine Way. The existing duplex unit consists of approxinately 706 sq. ft. of GRFA and has an allowed GRFA of 659 sq. ft. under l{ediurn Density Multi-Family (UDMF) zoning. The applicant is reguesting a variance from the 20 ft. side and rear setback reguirement to allow for the construction of a 101.25 sq. ft. addition on the north side of the building. The addition will involve adding a 81.25 sq. ft. dining area and a 20 sg.ft. storage area on the rear of the buildinq. The variance request Ls for an 11 ft. encroachment Lnto the 20 ft. rear setback and a 15 ft. encroachnrent in to the 20 ft. side yard setback. II. BACKGROUND Bighorn Terrace is a nonconforning subdivision because it wai annexed into the Town and zoned MDMF after It waE established. Under the MDMF zoning, 20 ft. setbacks on the front, rear and sides were imposed on the existing lots. Unit 20 currently encroaches 8 ft. into the rear eetback and 12 ft. into the side setback at the second level . These imposed setbacks greatly linlt the locations of possible additions whicb would not require setback variances. The appJ.icant has also applied for additional GRFA (250 sq. ft. ) unaer Section 18.71.020 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. a Recentty, both the PEc and the Town Council have reviewed a setback request for Unit 7 located in this same subdivision. In addition to the setback variance, the applicant also received approval for an additional 250 sq. ft. of GRFA as altowed under Section 18.?1.o2o of the vail Municipal Code. The staff recommended denial of the varj.ance request on the basis that the variance would be a grant of special privilege in that there are no exceptions or extraordinary circurnstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone district. However, the PEC approved the request by a vote of 7-o stating that indeed the applled MDMF Zoning nas a hardship for this property. The PEC also commented that the addition made sense in this location since 31r would renain between buildings after the addition. The Town council also reviewed this iten and approved it by a vote of 6-0 slting again the hardship being the imposed zoning. They directed the Planning Staff to investigate zoning code changes that would take into account the unique situation in relation to the setback in the Bighorn Terrace Subdivision. This reconmendation is based on a review of previous variances and the desire to naintain a reasonable distance between buildings. The staff has not yet amended the code, however we have made a prelirninary decision that would allow for 7.5 ft. setback requirements and that would thus insure a minimum distance between buildings of 15 feet. Most of the units already encroach into the setbacks and are situated at various angles on each Iot. Each unit normally has a party wall but is actually located on a separate lot' It may also be appropriale to reduce, if not eliminate, the setback frorn the intllr\or property line i.e. party wall. Staff believes this approach treat property owners fairly regardless of when they decide to expand and insures a reasonable amount of separation between units. we also discussed the option of reguiring a rninimum distance between buildings. It was decided that this requirement favored property ohtners that expanded first and made it difficult for adjacent properties to expand in the future. III. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review ef Criteria and Findings, section 18.62.060 of the VaiI Uunr-rpal Code, the Departuent of Comnunity Developrnent recommends denial of the requested variance based upon the following factors: A. Consideratlon of Factors: 1. The relationshin of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinitv. The 101.25 sq. ft. addition in the proposed location should not create any problems to existing or potential uses or structure in the vicinity. The property nost likely to be inpacted would be Lot 15 to the rear and lot 21 to the west. The existing building encroaches 8' into the 20 ft. rear setback and is approximately 22 ft. from unlt 15 to the rear. It encroaches 12 ft. into the side setback at the second level and is approxinately 17 ft. fron Unit 21 to ttre west. The reguested variance will allow the corner of the proposed first story addition to be within 9 ft. of the rear property line and 5 ft. of the west property line. The resulting distance between buildings would be 19 ft. between unit 15 and 20. There would be no slgnificant change in the distance between units 21 and 20. rj{,r ii.u^.,!i da 'tutl' literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified recrulation is necessarv to achieve compatibilitv and uniforrnitv of treatment amonq sites in the vicinitv or to attain the obiectives of this title without arant of srrecial privilege- The lot is greatly tiurited by the inposed setbacks. However, the staff feels that the proposed addition will not naintain the mininum letback of '7.5 ft. that the staff is recommending as a guideline. Over the past 13 years there have been 9 requests for setback variances in the Bighorn Terrace Subdivision. of the 9, 4 have been reconmended for denial and aII have been subsequently approved by the PEc. The foltowing details the activity in this area: 2. VARIANCE REQUEST HISTORY OF BIGHORN TERRACE SUBDIVISION TYPE OF N{OUNT OF STAFF PEC DATE APPLICA}flT REOUEST VARTANCE RECOUUENDATION ACTION Ylar 77 Benysh May 78 Rowe July 78 Alder Aug 78 TurnbuLl Aug 80 Curfman Aug 82 Odum Sept 82 odurn GRFA Setback GRFA 473 setback GRFA Setback Setback GRFA L77 GRFA L22 Setback Setback 18 for airlock 130 sq. ft.8 ft. sq. ft.7.5 ft. 75 sq. ft.8 ft. 7 tt. sg. ft. sq. ft. 18 ft. ft. Approval Approval Denial DeniaI DeniaI DeniaI Approval DeniaI DeniaI Approval Approval Denial Denial DeniaI Approval Denial Approval DeniaI Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval TabIed TabIed Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Denial* Approval APproved*t' Nov 83 Feb 85 June 85 Houston Sherr Nicholson GRFA 80 sq. ft. Setback 16 ft. GRFA 50 sg. ft.3 setbacks 3, Xl, 13 ft. GRFA 395 sg. ft. Setback (adding 3rd floor) Setback 15 feet rear 13 feet side April 90 Benysh ** The applicant nodified the application to conform to the requirernents of Section L8.7L.O2O and received an allowance for an additional 250 sq. ft. of GRFA. Received allowance for allowance 250 sq. ft. under Section L8.71.O20. The effect of the recruested variance on ligrht and aLr, distribution of nopulation, transportation and traffic facllities. public facilities and utilities, and public safetr, 3. Staff finds that the request will not have any significant effect uPon any of the above consideratLons. IV. FINDINGS The Plannincr and Environnental Conmission shall nake the followino findinqs before qrantinct a variance: A. That the granting of the variance sill not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent wlth the linitations on other properties classified in the sane district. B. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or nateriatly injurious to properties or inprovenents in the vicinity. C. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: 1. The strict literal interlrretation or enforcenent of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. 2. There are exceptions or extraordinary circurnstances or condltions applicable to the same site of the varl-ance that do not aPply generally to other properties in the same zone. 3. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the sane district. o v.STAFF RECOI-II{ENDATION staff recomnendation is for denial of the request for a 15 ft. encroachment into the 20 ft. side setback reguirement and Ll ft. encroachment into the 20 ft. rear setback ieeuiienent. Staff acknowledges that other properties int he Bighorn Terrace Subdivision have recej-ved setback variaices and therefore this variance reguest is not a grant of special privilege. The.staff feels that although there ar" L*"epti-ons or ixtraordinary conditions applicable to Lot 20 which do not generally apPli to other PllPerties in the "ir" "or" distri6t, a niirinun setback should be maintained in order to guarantee a minimum distance between buildings io insure pt Efi" health, safety, and welfare as well as the fair treatnent of all pioperty ouners within Bighorn Terrace. The proposea-aa-aition will encroach 15 ft. into the side setbaLk wtrictr is not an acceptable rnininrurn to the staff. If in fact the PEc approves the variance requests, the staff feefs it is appropiiate to require the applicant io-ntta"rground their etlltrical service frorn the service pole to unit 20. i.t!-tiT :S ig"ls'40" E )w,- |J'h tr) qj u) : o C\J \f C\ o to cr) a o ai trJ o N v o o o)$ a :lr'icj j- .i,'i.'-: .!-;jjj 'ffiy Tiirt uo') +W o cortrutTeu-f ffi?',Jl,ffi tt{__*er,zaz_ u) trl v a t PI,AI{NING AND ENVIRONI.TEMAL COMMISSION JttNE 25, 1990 Present Chuck Crist Diana Donovan Ludsig Kurz Jin Shearer Kathy l{arren Dalton WilIians staff Kristan Pritz l{ike }lollica sbelly Mello Andy Knudtsen Penny Perry l,[embers Absent Connie lhight In the lnterest of time, work sessionE sere held prLor to the public lrearing beginning at 12:40 p.n. A recruest for a work session on the Sonnenalp redevelooment and broposed Special Development District at 20 Vail road. Part of Lot L, Block 5-E. Vail Villaqe 1st Filind.Applicant: Sonnenalo Progarties, Inc. Kristan Ptit-z explained that the request was for the redeveloprnent of the Sonnenalp property and a proposed Special Development District. Sbe gave a brlef suumary of the request and reviewed the zoning analysls, She reviewed those Ltens related to the project found witbin the Vail ViIIage ltlaster PIan including Sub-Area *L-3, enphasizing coals & Policies, and Illustrative Plans. She also provided corresponding preliminary staff conments. Kristan then relayed conments nade by the Fire Department and Public Works. This was a work session, sio no recornmendation was made. Jay Peterson, representing the applicant, explained that they were before the board on a prelirninary basis and sinply wanted comnents and suggestions so they could move ahead with the design process. Irene Westby, nanager of the Talisnan, explained that the owners had discussed the proposal , though not in depth, regarding coordination with the Sonnenalp on landscape and parking. As tbe manalJer, she would encourage the board to move faster. They do have concerns with parking, landscape and fire access. Jay explained that he had rnet with the president of the association and the Sonnenalp trad offered access through the Sonnenalp structure. Marilyn Fletcher, a Talisrnan condoninium ownet, feLt the proposal was very nice looking. She nas concerned about the setbacks and ingress/egress. Kent Rose, speaking for himself as a councll llenber' felt that tn! zonini airafysit found within the meno was well prelared.- In the futur6, he iould like to see a comparison of.the sDD with the Viffate Uaiter Plan as well. He suggested-to-Kristan to add tttis .orpiii""n to the present chart. He etated that the additional ;;F;i;"n eoutd frltp frin lean nore favorable toward the project. es it was qurrently depicted, the project looked too large' Larrv Estcsith explaLned that he would prefer that the Council r"rlir= not participate in the PEC neeting. - The Council is a quasi-judicilf board and he felt thelr participation could cause legal problems. Diana asked if they could speak in a general sense or at a uinimun ask questions, and larry said tryes.r Uerv Lapin felt that page 2 of the memo ttas the key. lqtt an- SDD it prop-osed, there stroufa be trade-offs. t{e wanted to knon what the-se trade-offs were. He felt that staff presented the trade- "iii in respect to the Marriott project w911. Regarding the uiiii"Ct-prbject, he felt that too much tine was spent comparing itre origf-naf-appiication to the current proposal .- Merv agreed ri[n-r,"iry esr;itb, that the councilts comments should be linited ii tf,i, p-oint. The Council was in a quasi-judicial role. Kristan explained that the Planning Cornmissiol ginply_wanted_ len"raf coirnents and issues that tbe Councll felt needed to be addressed. I4mn Frltzlen asked if staff could restate the PurPose -of iipfyi"g underlying zoning and Kristan explained that there were Ui-si.lafiy two rlas6ns. The first was to identify the uses possible-on the site and the second qras used to cornpare the ii"p"=if sith the underlying, zoning requirernents which PEC and bouncil always request staff to do. Jav peterson addressed the trade-off issue. He stated that the iJ'nnenafp building could rneet the PA criteria, however, the. __iliidifi-aesign w5ura become a terrible bulky nass in the niddle of the lot. He also felt that the proposed use of 99* hotel ioo." 1yas a trade-off. AIso, the pioposal was not far over GRpA. Ehe current proposal was at 32 units per acre cornpared to the 25 units per acie ialled for under PA zoning' Peggyosterfossstatedthatitwouldbehelpfulifallparties coi6-ernea had a copy of the Vail Village Master Plan' Jin Shearer felt it was extrernely inportant for the sonnenalp to work nith the Talisman regarding-parking,and landscaping. He was concerned about the Ludwii aecX-and its impact on the creek area. He also wanted to see the enployee housing issue addressed. He was very cor,""rrr"d about the-height creating a crowded feeling on Dleadow Drive. He underEtood Jayrs connents regarding the bulk in the niddle of the lot, but felt that tlre nass could be pulled off of Meados Drive and a nore attractive walk created. He felt the approach sould create nore interest for the retail area. Jin also felt a phasing plan was needed. iIfut liked the increase Ln Iodging units, underground parking, and felt that the Faesslers were good managers. lle had Bone concern about the anount of retail space and density. lle prefered the tower as an architectural feature as opposed to a ibuilding'r provLding livinE area in the toser. Kathy warren asked if the etaff could total all the sq. footage calculatlons (GRFA, Accessorlf etc..) on the charts in the future. From what she could qulckly calculate, the proposal was over PA zoning by 25t. Kathy felt ehe could not support setback variances for Vail Road, Meadow Drive or the stream and she felt that the heights called for by the uaster PIan should be adhered to. Though slightly under on site coverage and over on landscaping, the landscaped area is private and should be opened up and rnore invLting to the public. creek access ls lmportant. Kathy felt enployee housing was necessary and would like to see it on site. The Talisuan parking should also be addressed. No variances on parking should be given. Lodge use is very good. She is tooking for the public aood in respect to the project. Kathy felt that, because it was a hotel , she was not as concerned with units per acre as she was with GRFA. She did not see nuch in the way of benefits for the Town. Jay, in response to the employee housing issue, stated that the Faesslers oin za units in solar Vail as well as sone units in Bighorn. Chuck Crist stated that he had always santed to see the slte developed. lle had concerns about the toner. He stated that he was not as soncerned nith setbacks trith the exception of lleadolr drive. The rnass on Meadow Drive needs to be broken up. The loss of Landscaping is a problem. He also would like to see employee housing incorporated into the project on site. He felt that the Town vould be losing green space and the strean would be blocked from the public and he liked the amount of retail space proposed. He liked the underground parking. Dalton was very concerned with the setbacks as they related to the transfer of open space from public areas to private areas. The 2O foot setback nust be rnaintaLned. The berm, per the Vail Village llaster Plan, should be kept. He felt that the building, along Meadow Drive, should be stepped back in order to avoid a ilcanyonil affect. He did not feel he could approve the reguested setblck variances. The parking for the entire project including Talisman and Swiss House must be addressed. Dalton continued by quoting the Vall Village uaster PIan sub-Area f1-5 Willow Bridge Road l{alknay as stating: nA decorative paver pedestrian wallaray, separated from the street and acsented by a strong landscaped area to encourage pedestrian cLrculation along Headow Drive. Loss of parking wiII need to be relocated on site.rl Dalton felt that the ingress/egress should be on the east side of the Sonnenalp by ViIIage Center (Swiss House) and the planter along Meadow Drive nust stay. Dalton also felt that the building should be pulled back to buffer noise frorl bus traffic. He felt that the gate should be noved east and felt that the mass and bulk was not compatible with East Meadow Drive. Dalton felt that the 48 foot height requirernent should be strictly adhered to, a lOt r tower was out of the question and the King Ludwig deck should be stepped down towards the creek. The deck creates too much of a wall. Dalton felt that the employee housinq should be on-site and that the proposal was taking open space and landscaping away fron the public. The applicant should put in public spaces, Iike a stream walk. He conrnended the Faesslers for being exceflent hoteliers. Ludwig complimented the Faesslers for runnLng a rclass operation.rr Ludwig Kurz felt the proposal needed a comprehensive parking plan as well as an access study. He felt he could give some leeway with the heigtrt and mass, however, the building still needed work. Ludwig felt that the nalkway and loading area were in conflict and need a better interface. Jay stated that the loading area atas located by default. Ludwig also felt that the j-nternal open space was naxinized at the sacrifice of areas along Meadow Dr. and VaiI Road. Diana stated that the proposal disregarded the Vail Village I{aster Plan. She questioned whether parking for cornmercial would be accessible and reserved for commercial . Jay said space uould be made available to customers. She felt that the building was beautiful but would be more appropriate on large acreage. Diana felt that a streamwalk should be proposed and the parking situation concerned her. Jay explained that he felt the parking regulations pertained to snaller hotel rooms. The proposed parking would work similar to Crossroads and the gate would be relocated. Diana felt that the loading needed to be either noved away fron the creek or inproved. Parking for Swiss House and Talisrnan needs to be figured out. The role of the Talisnan also needs to be defined. frnployee housing must be addressed - perhaps Permanently restrict what Sonnenalp already has for ernployee units. She felt it was Lmportant to know what the Talisrnanrs Lntentlons were soon and what would be done. Diana also had concerns regarding the setbacks along lleadow Drive and Vail Road. She didnrt have a problem with a variance for an architestural statenent, however, the height in general must be reduced. Diana was concerned whether an SDD was realy necessary. She guestioned the benefit of the proJect to the publlc and stated nore general public inprovements were needed. Kathy Warren felt that the trash situation needed to be addressed and that the appllcant needed to soften the approach at the pedestrlan level. She also feLt that new enployee housing units needed to be addressed ln addition to those already owned. she felt the comercial sguare footage also contributed to enployee housing demand. Jay fett that an additional ernployee unit requirement nould be penalizing the applicant for having the foresight to purchase the units. The appllcant purchased the Solar Crest units vith the intention of completing the redevelopment currently proposed. Ton Steinberg conmented that he felt the proposal was going in the correct direction. He also agreed with Diana that he sas not sure an SDD sould be needed. A recruest for a work session for an exterior alteration' a site coveraqe variance. a heiqht variance. a landscape variance and a floodplain modification for the Covered Bridoe Buildincr, locate9 on Lot C and Lot D, and the southwesterlv 4 feet of Lot B' all in Block 5-8, Vail Villaqe lst Filing. 227 Bridqe Street.Applicant: Hillis of Snowrnass, Inc. and Bruce Anm & Associates. Mike l.lollica explained that the applicants ltere proposing a rnajor redevelopment of the covered Bridge Building. The proposal catled for major modifications to the front entrance of the existing commercial spaces, the creation of loner level cornmercial spaces, infill on the north and northwest sections of the existing structure, the addition of an elevator, and the addition of two upper floors. The request involved 5 separate applications, an exterior alteration reguest, a site coverage vlriance request, a height variance request, a landscape variance reguest, and a floodptain nodification request. Mike reviewed the applicable zoning considerations and gave prelininary staff comments. Since this was a work session, no staff reconmendations were made Kathy warren asked what the allowed GRFA was and Mike e:<plained that the sunrey was not finished and therefore calculations were not made with regard to GRFA. Ned Gwathney, project architect,felt that they would be within what was allowed. Ned explained the changes that ltere made since the staff memo was written. The only issue he felt that the PEC night be concerned about was the height of the new roof line. The new proposal did, however, elininate the flat roof design. He explained that the adJacent properties vere built prior to the enactment of the height restrictions and most were above the height of the present covered Bridge Building. Ned stated that the proposal would be in tine with the surrounding properties, and that the design did not negatively affect adjacent properties. In fact the proposal could enhance the adjacent properties, for example, the new roof would screen rrPeplrs gall.tr Ton Steinberg, sitting in the audience, sal.d he felt he rould have no objections to the height variance due to the fact that the roof would screen Pepirs wall. Dalton WilLians encouraged working with the pocket park and extending the strearn walk down to the end of the property line,if at all possible, so that it could be contlnued in the future. Chuck Crist asked if they would be increasing common space and Ned answered rrno.r! However, there would be no decrease in connon space either. Chuck asked how the height related to the grade found on Bridge Street and Ned answered that Bridge Street is 6l higher than the grade used to calculate height. Ned also wanted Chuck to bear in nind that the building was stepped back, hence the highest point would be 50r off of the street. Chuck explained that he liked the proposal . He would like to see more flower boxes and perhaps a more Tyrolean look. Ludwig Kurz felt the project looked good. He questioned whether there was any opposition to the project and Mike explained that the proposal had not formalty been published since ttris was sinply a work session. !,!ike explained that he did have one letter at that time from Rod Slifer in favor of the proposal . Kathy warren asked, if they removed the building area by the park, highlighted in yellow on the plans, including the rear stair, if the project would be in courpliance with site coverage. She also stated that she was not comfortable with the height variance but if the Town could end up with a nore usable public park she could consider the height variance. She was not comfortable with the site coverage variance. Kathy felt she could not object to the exterior alteration, it rras a much needed improvement. Kathy questioned whether the pocket park was identified in the vail village ltaster PIan and Mike explained that it was not addressed. Kathy was eoncerned about the Bridge Street access to the park and wanted to see more detail. Jin Shearer felt the project was good looking. He liked the roof Iines and would like to see nore planter boxes. He stated that the reason behind a variance is to inprove the property. He would like to see irnprovenents to the streamwalk and to see all evergrreens saved or 4 put in for the 2 taken out. He felt there rnight be a problen with the floodplain nodification. He sas concerned with the elevator shaft and water 6eepage. He had no problen vlth the height. lte woul.d rather have an attractive roof lLne. He was satisfied vith the looks of the proposal . He felt the staff and board needed to look at the view corridor. IIe liked the way the proposal tiered back from the street with the height. Diana Donovan felt it would be wonderful to get a wallnray to Gore Creek Plaza. She felt it would be nlce to have jogs, and bay windows on the north side of the building. she felt the access to the park needed to be more enticing. she rtas not sure about the height. Trade-offs and other considerations such as screening Pepi's building wouJ-d be a help. She would have a hard tine supporting the proposal if the evergreen trees were renoved. Mike explained that the Town Iandscape Architect felt the trees rrere very healthy and would last many years. Diana suggested the use of pavers rather than asphalt in front of the building. Chuck Crist asked about the aluminun siding that was originally proposed and Ned explained that the siding had been changed to wood. The Putrlic Hearing was called to order at 3:10 p.m. by Diana Donovan, Chairperson. Connie Kniqht was absent. In the interest of time, the board skipped to Iten No. 4. The applicants for Items No. 2 & 3 were not present. rtem No. 4: A request for a conditional use oermit for a construction staqincr area, located iust uphill of the colden Peak snoldmaking pumphouse' Tract B' VaiI Village 7th Filinq.Applicant: VaiI Associates, Inc. Shelly Mello exptained that VaiI Associates rtas requesting a conditional- use per:nit for a sunmer seasonal staging area at the Go1den Peak base area for the constructlon of the Far East Restaurant. The area was located in the Ski Base Recreation zone district. In this zone district, rrsunmer outdoor Storage for lllountal,n Equipnentrr is an allowed conditional use. llhe proposed use would be for an office trailer, 12 employee parking sPaces for the surnmer of 1990 and 25 parking spaces for 1991. A lLnited amount of construction materials would also be located at the staging area. The construction trailer and the building naterials would be removed by Novenber 15th of each year. Shelly explained that staff was concerned about parking being located on the site and suggested the possibility of located the parking uphill on county land or an alternate area such as the West Day Lot. The staff recommendation was for approval with conditlons as found within the memo. Joe Macy explained that the request was nade in order to construct a 5OO seat restaurant at the Far East. He stated that Vail Associates had received at least 2 other conditional use permits and had no complaints. They dld not want to take parking away from the public by parklng their employees in public parking areas. The new Vlllage Parking Structure had created a parking shortage. Jack Hunn e:rplained that part of the goal was to have visibility for delivery trucks. The other reason waE to have a collecting place for enployees in order to llnit the nunber of vehicles on the nountain. The applicant had originally looked at using the west Day Lot. However, when the Town of Vail decided to go forth with the parking structure expansion, it was felt that this lot would be needed for public parking. Joe l{acy ctarified that the staging area was actually downhill of the prrrnphouse. Kristan Pritz noted that the proposal had stated specifically that the staging would be uphi11. Ludwig Kurz asked if any of the area would be fenced or screened and Jack Hunn explained that the storage area would not be screened. Ludwig saw no problems with having both the storage area and parking on the site. He understood the hardship of staging frorn trro areas. Diana Donovan asked why Vail Associates did not wish to use the Eagle County area uphill since it was already graveled and graded. Dalton Williarns had no problen vittr delivery and staging but wanted the parking hidden. He also wanted to know vhy the staff conditions of approval included revegetating after the first year. He felt it would be a waste of tine and money, for the area would be used for skiing in the winter and reused for staging the next year. He felt it would be sufficient to revegetate in the fall of 1991. Jl-rn Shearer asked why the request was for 12 cars in 1990 and 25 in 1991 and Joe uacy explained that the finish construction whlch would be done in the second year required nore employees. Jim connented that the biggest problem would be how the site rrould look from I-7o. Diana Donovan felt that if the area was screened she could support the parking of 12 vehicles. She was EtlII unsure about 25 vehicles. Diana also felt that the ndust preventLonn statenent should state from the iVlsta-Bahnr. She connented that she would rather aee approval for the etaging sJ.te corne through the VaiL board than to deny the reguest and be proposed to Eagle county and have no control . A rnotion to allproval the re<ruested conditLonal use pemit with the followinq conditions vas made bv Kathv Warren and seconded bv Chuck Crist. Conditions: 1. That the stacrincr site be used for constructLon fron June 1, 199o-Novenber 15, 199o and the end of the ski season to November 15. 1991; and 2. A11 areas inpacted bv the construction staginq have straw laid at the bv Novernber 3o, 1990 and be conpletelv revegetated by Novernber 30. 1991; and 3. No nrore than 12 vehicles at any one tine. screened in a manner apnroved bv staff in 1990 and no more than 5 vehicles at anv 1 tine be parked on site in 1991r and A 3Or setback be nal-ntained from ltill Creek; and road. VOTE: 6-0 IN FAVOR Item No. 5: A reauest for a side and front setback variance in order to construct a garade on Lot 7, Block 3,Vail Village 9th Filino' 898 Red Sandstone Circle.Apolicant: Paul Testwuide Shelly l,lello explained that the request was for a garage and entry addltion to the north and west sides of the existing resl-dence. The proposed garage had a total area of 526 sq. ft. and would encroach a maximun of 3 ft. into the 15 foot side setback reguirenent and 2 ft. into the 20 foot front setback requirement. with the exception of the reguested varlance, all other developnent standards would be met. The staff recommendation was for approval of the reguest wlth the condition that the easternmost lor of the existing paved parklng area be removed and landscaped. The variance would not be a grant of special privilege and did not J.npact adJacent properties l-n a 4. 5.That the applicant treat the road fron the Vista Bahn to the stacrinq area to limlt the amount of road dust that would result fron thq increased use of the access negative manner. The staff felt that the addition of enclosed parking would iloprove the general appearance of the neighborhood. Galen stated that he had signlflcantly reduced the garage per the board's request at the last neeting. Ttrey were sinply asking to keep the asphalt. The proposal did add a significant anount of landscapl.ng. They wistred to leave the asphalt as a place for the kids to play. Galen also asked to have a little leeway sith the setback (inches) Ln order to avoid having extensive survey rrork. Kathy lfarren asked nhy the additional 10r of asphalt was needed and Mrs. Testwuide explained that without the additional asphalt they would have no guest parking. cuests sould not want to parlr in front of the garage, therefore blocking the garage. Jirn Shearer questioned the landscapl-ng as lt rras portrayed on the p1an. He felt if the 10r area was left, it sould look strange.Mrs. Testwuide er<plained the existing rock rnll which franed the portion being spoken of and how the landscape features were planned around the asphalt. Kathy Warren stated that she understood the staffrs concerns. Holtever, she could also slmpathize with llrs. Testwuiders concerns. Chuck Crist, Dalton Williams, and Ludwig Kurz Diana Donovan suggested the applicant reduce west side of the driveway. had no soncerns. the asphalt on the A notion to approve the requested 3 t side setback and 2 | front setback variances with condition as follows rras made bv Kathy Warren and Seconded by Jim Shearer per findinos C- 1--topographv. C-2 and C-3. Conditions: 1. The Desiqn Review Board be asked to look at elininatincr asphalt otr the West side of the drivewall and landscaping. VOTE: 6-0 IN FAVOR Item No. 6: A recruest for a front setback variance and a creek setback variance for Lot 6, Vail Village West, Filincr No. 2. 1755 tfest Gore Creek Drive.Applicants Dan and Karen Forev Mike uollica explained that the applicants lrere requesting variances frorn the front setback and the streanr setback. They sere proposing a major remodel of the existing tso-fanily hone 10 which included an attached two-car garage with a secondary,rental unit located above the garage vhich ls reguired to be restricted per the Townrs zoning code. Mike also explalned that the lot was severely constrained by the lluitatlons of the setbacks and the remalnlng buildable area was llnited. The lot was also constrained by the existing topography; the average slope beneath the parking area and the proposed garage site was approximately 31*. The elope dld allow the owners to construct a garage in the front setback without a variance. The variance was required due to the proposed secondary unit located above the garage. The staff recornmendation was for approval . Staff believed the lot to be encunbered slth a phyelcal hardship and believed the slting of the garage had been designed ln the most sensitive manner posslble. John PerkJ.ns, representing the applicant, e:<plained that the hone was purchased rrith the Lntent of renodellng. The plan nas to convert the duplex into one unl.t and add the garage and caretaker unit. He felt the key points were that the appllcant was proposing to upgrade a property and add a rnuch needed enployee unit. Kathy Rlarren felt that the parking asphalt should be decreased to 4o' compared to the proposed 50r width. Chuck Crist coronented that he liked the plan as presented. Ludwig Kurz also liked the proposal . Jin Shearer agreed with Kathy that the drl.veway could be decreased in width and John Perkins felt he could adJust the width but felt 4or may be too snall. Jim con'nented that it nas part of the job as a Planning Conmissioner to encourage upgrading, enployee housing and covered parking. He could not see any negative inpacts and therefore could support the proposal . Diana Donovan concurred with the board. In general , she felt that the PEc was beginning to be too easy with lots that had physical constraints. The zoning regulations were written to address the matters and should be adlrered to. A notion to aporove the reguests per the staff roemo, with the condition that the DRB review the width of the drivewarr to maintain as close to a 4or as possi.ble, was nade bv Jin shearer and seconded bv Kathy warren. VOTE: 6-0 IN FAVOR 11 Item No. 7:A reouest for a conditional use permit and a heiqht variance in order to construct an antenna at the Vail ti[unlclpal Bui.ldino. 75 South Frontacre Road.Applicant: town of Vail Police Department Andy Knudtsen explained that the Police Department proposed to build a tower for a new antenna and nicrowave dish as part of an inprovement to the Energency Senrices Conrnunication System. The tower would be 40 feet tall with a 10 foot antenna on top for a total of 5O feet in height. The staff felt that the proposal would have nininal negative inpacts and that the overall project would improve the character of the area. The rtaff recoromendation was for approval with eonditions as Etated in the memo. Kathy Warren felt that the uechanical eguipnent referred to in the recommended conditions of approval was already supposed to have been rernoved. Ken Hughy agreed and apologized that it had not already been done. He assured Kathy that it would be done. Dalton Willians was concerned about the proposed height of the toser and Ken exlrlained that he had looked into alternatives; however, cost and the lack of cooperation from the U.s. West building attributed to the proposed location. Ken conmented that the long range plans were to relocate the police station and hopefully the move would include moving all the equipment. Kristan wanted the board to understand that the reconmending approval of the reguest was because located in the Pub1ic Use dlstrict, not because the Town of Vail . reason staff rras the building was the applicant was Ludwig stated that he had concerns, however, in fight of the safety issues he felt he could support the project. Jim Shearer asked if there rrould be any guide wires and Ken responded rrn6. rr Jim then asked what the chances were of the Police Departnent adding other dishes in the future and Xen explained that there were no plans for additions in the near future. Jin pointed out that the paint color rtas an inportant issue for the Design Review Board to consider. Kathy warren had no cornments. Diana felt that the big trees salvaged fron the parking structure renovation rrouLd be too big and would attract attention rather than divert attention to the tower. She would prefer to see aspens but felt it vas a matter better left for tbe Design Review Board to review. L2 A notion to approve the conditional use oennit oer the staff memo and staff conditions as follows rtas made bv Ludltiq Kurz and seconded by Jin Shearer. ConditLons: 1. Remove unnecessarv mectranical eouipment on the roof; and 2. 3. and Buffer the tower bv plantinq 3-5 trees; and 4. Paint the tower, dish, and antenna with a non- reflective. environnentallv sensitive paint color per the Desiqn Review Board aPProval. VOTE: 6-0 IN FAVOR Iten No. 8: shelly t{elIo explained that the applicant was requesting a variance from the 20 f|u. side and rear setback requirement to allow for the construction of a 101.25 sq. ft. addition on the north side of the building. The variance request was for an 11 ft. encroachment into the 20 ft. rear setback and a 15 ft. encroachment into the 20 ft. side yard setback. Bighorn Terrace is a nonconforning subdivision because it was annexed into the ToIf,n and zoned MDMF after it was established- The imposed setbacks greatly linit the locations of possible additions which would not-requiie setback variances. The staff recomrnendation was for denial of the request. Staff acknowledged that other properties in the Bighorn Terrace subdivision had received setback variances and therefore the variance request rtas not a grant of special privilege and that although there uere exceptions or extraordinary conditions applicable to the lot which did not generally apply to their properties in the same zone district, a uinimum setback should be maintained in order to gTuarantee a minimum distance between buildings to insure puffic health , safety, and welfare as well as the fair treatnent of aff property owners within Bighorn Terrace. If the PEc rtere to appr-ove the variance request, staff recornmended the applicant le rLquired to underground the electrical service frorn the service pole. Colunbine Drive. Unit #20. Blqhorn Terrace. 13 John Nilsson explained that he needed the space to nake the hone nore habitable. He felt the rrdistance between bulldingsrr rule was unfair since there were nany homes much closer together. He felt the addition vould J.mprove the area by ridding the junk on his porch. Ludwig Kurz didnft feel the addition inpacted neighboring properties in a negative way. He could not see denying the request with the amendment of the code still outstanding. Dalton Williarns was also concerned about denying the request without formal policies being Ln force. He asked where the pole and lines yere. He felt it was unreasonable to ask the applicant to underground the wires when it had not been asked in the past. Kristan and Shelly enphasized that when a variance is granted, many tines there Ls a trade-off. In this case, the undergrounding of wires nust begin somewhere. Dalton nas not in favor of requiring the applicant to underground the wires. He felt he could support a condition that reguired the applicant to underground the wires at the tine that 50* of the residents whose lines were located on the same pole undergrounded their wires. Chuck Crist had no problen supporting the variance requests. He was not in favor of requiring the applicant to underground the uires. He would rather see increased landscapi.ng. Kathy warren clarified that the addition would be where the existing deck was located. Because the deck was already there, she would be comfortable with the addition. She would also like to see the undergrounding of utilities. Jin Shearer asked how close the house was to the west and Shelly explained that the distance was 17r staggered but the deck encLosure would not increase the distance. Jim shared Daltonrs feeling regarding the undergrounding of utilities though he did agree that the Town should get some type of trade-off in return for a variance. Diana agreed wlth Kathy warren in that the utilities needed to be undergrounded. John Nilsson felt it uas unfair to reguire hin to underground the utilities until done by all. He explained that, within the last 6 nonths, there was a couunittee forrred to try and have the lines undergrounded. The cornrnittee was unsuccessful . During his activity on the coromittee, the infomation he received was contrary. He understood one line at a time could not be L4 undergrounded. It sould have to be a nass proJect. ne stated he would be happy to get bids on the cost' reopen conversatlon with the association regarding ttre undergrounding of the utilities, and be willing to spend up to $400.00 to underground the lndividual utility Iines to hls unit. Conditions: 1. The appll.cant obtaLn 3 bids and agrees to underground utilities if the cost of undergroundinq was S4o0.oo or less. association does. The applicant agrees to head a conmittee for Buildinqs A. B. and C in order to approach HoIv Cross Electric and the Town to address the underqrounding of the utitities for the nroiect as a who-Ie. VOTE: 6-0 IN FAVOR Iten No. 9:A recruest for an amendnent to SDD No. 23. ViaI National Bank. Part of Lot D, Block 2, Vail l{ike }tollica explained that the application involved two elements, an amendment to the approved development plan to allow for the enclosure of two decks on the third floor of ttre structure and an anendment to the parking standards of SDD No. 23 in order to provide parking for this proposed addition withln the parking structure at the vail Valley l,ledical Center. lhe proposal constitutes a najor amendnent to an exlsting sDD. The Planning Conmissions action is advisory, and final decisions are nade by the Town Council. The Etaff was supportive of the Vail National Bankrs request. Staff was comfortable with the tirning of the request and the Modification Agreement and frrevocable r.etter of credit. staff felt that the joint-use parking arrangement nas very reasonable. The staff reconmendation carried conditions as found within the memo. Jay Peterson, representing the applicant, explained that the applicant had waited for the Medical Center to get approval for the additional spaces and begin construction before they returned to the PEC. He fel-t the tining tras now right. 2. 3. 15 Kathy tfarren agreed the tining was rlght and Jin Shearer agreed. Dalton Willians questioned, since the applicant was purchasing extra spaces, if the board could require then to delete a space that he felt was unsafe located on the front lot. Discussion centered around the issue and it was decided that the board did not have the authority to requlre the renoval of the space. A motion to approve the recruests per staff nemo and conditions as follows was made by Ludwicr Kurz and seconded bv Dalton l{illians. Conditions: the Medical Center receives a TemPorary Certificate of occupancy for the parkinq structure. If for some unforeseen reason the Medical Centerrs parkina structure is not conpleted. the newlv constructed deck enclosure shall only be allowed to be used for comuron storage. The owner shall be recruired to subrnit a written agreenent addressingr this condition on the use of the space for the Town Attornevre review and this shall be recorded. on the land records, at the Eaqle Countv Clerk and Recorder's Office. VOTE: 6-0 IN FAVOR Iten No. 10: A recruest for an amendnent to the Townrs zonino code to add fiTelevision Stationsrr as a first floor. or street level , conditional use in the CommerciaL Core II zone district' Section 18.26.040.Applicant: Vail./Beaver Creek Television Network. Mike l.tollica explained that the applicant ttas requesting to amend section 18.26.040 of the Town of vail zoning code in order to add rrTelevision Stationsrr as a first floor level , conditional use in the Conmercial core II zone district. The current zoning code did not specifically address tel.evision stations, however the position of ttre planning staff had been that television stations iall under the category of professional offices. Professional offices are currently not allowed as pernitted or conditional uses on firEt floor or street level . The staff reconmended denlal of the applicantrs reguest to nodify the Townrs Zoning Code. Staff did not support the proposed change in the zoning The Town of Vail will not issue a Tenporarv Certificate of Occupancy to the Vail National Bank (for the enclosure of the two balconLes), until sueb Eilne as 1. 2. 16 code as they felt that the applicantrs request was not conEistent with the purpose section of the Conmercial Core II zone district. Although staff bell.eved that television etatlons should be allowable uses in Connercial Core II at basement or second floor levels, staff strongly felt that the proposed use on the first floor was inappropriate. Bll.l Perkins, President of VaLl/Beaver Creek T.V., disagreed with the staffrs assu:nptlon that a Televislon Statlon should fall l-nto the same category as a professl-onal office. First, a television station needed high ceilings. The nature of the business was to cater to and attract the gruestE of the valley. An open frontage is also very Lnportant. He stated that the merchants in the area nere very supportive. Bill elaborated that the area they were considering was an area that had been unsuccessful for retail use in the past. Chuck stated that due to the nature of Vail and this proposed T.V. Station, he would tend to support the proposal . However, he was afraid of creating a precedent for other professional offices. Kathy Warren asked staff hort the proposal would be handled since T.v. Stations were not directly dealt with in the code and Kristan explained that the staff made the assumption T.v. Stations would fall into the sane category as professional offices due to sirnilar uses and inpacts. Kathy felt she could not support the proposal. Jim Shearer felt he could be supportive of anything that would build cl-ientele ln the area but didnrt feel a T.V. Station would bring sales tax revenue to the Town. BiII Perkins stated that he understood the boardts soncerts. However, he needed a tenporary solution until the Sunbird was rebuilt. He asked if the board would be supportive if he could nake the station first floor without frontage on the nall. It would be difficutt for hin to operate but felt i.t could be nanaged. Kristan felt that it would still be considered first floor level even vithout the frontage on the nall. Dl-ana cornrnented that it was not appropriate to change zoning for a single applicant. Ludrrig Kurz felt that the board was lrung up on the definition of street level and stated that the proposed eite was, nithout a doubt, first floor and a T.v. station should be considered a professional office. He fett the board could not afford to set a precedent. L7 Dalton Willians sonrnented that he had the chance in the past to operate a T.V. Station. He felt the board was nissing the point of traffic. If done correctly, a T.V. Station could increase sales tax in excess of what could be generated by a retail store located in ttre same space. He felt this vas the exact klnd of conditional use that should be permitted Chuck Crist asked staff if a permanent condition could be put on a conditional use and Diana stated an exanple from pg 346 of the code, Barber and Beauty Shops, which stated the use would be allowed as long as there was no exterior frontage. Discussion then centered around the possibility of adding T.V.Stations under the same conditions as the Beauty shops and whether it would be feasible for the applicant. Kristan comnented that if the use was allowed under the Beauty Shop conditions, the space would be taken away from other viable retail shops. A rnotion to denv the request to amend the zonino code per the staff meno was made bv Kathy Warren and seconded by Ludwj.g Kurz. It was reguested by the board that the vote be passed on to the Town Council with conments fron the board as follows: chuck Crist - guestions whether the proposed use will really draw pedestrians to the area. Holdever, he feels that due to the generaL resort nature of the Town of VaiI and the proposed T.V. station he tends to support the reguest. Kathy l{arren - questions whether a conditional use permit process would be nore appropriate if the proposal had absolutely no frontage on a pedestrian mall or street. - generally felt that the proposed use Itas a viable use on first floor in CCII. - generally not comfortable with the reguest. - she believes that the requested use would be better suited to a basement or second floor level and suggested that the applicant pursue an amendment to the zoning code regarding Section L8.24.030(C-6) regarding perrnitted uses on first floor or street level sithin a structure, subject to the issuance of a conditional use perait, g@ the use does not have any exterior frontaqe on a public wav, street. walkwav or mall area. 18 Jin Shearer - fe ln favor of buitdlng up the coumercial areaa in LionEhead, but believes tbat lfunlted eales tax would be generated by this proposal . - belLeves that an upper fLoor location would be more approprLate and feels that an upper floor would provide a better backdrop of the ekl area for the T.V. studio. - belleves that the proposed use does have marketable value for the Town of VaiI but feels that we nust guard against setting a precedent with thls proposed use. - agrees with Kathy Warren regarding Section La.24.o30(C-6) and stressed the need to protect against setting a precedent and feels that tre was voting strictly as a Planning Conmission rnenber and not with his enotLons. Diana Donovan -believes that once this use is listed as a condLtional use it would be very difficult to deny a request for such a conditional use. - agrees with Kathy l{arren and Chuck Crist regarding Section La.24.030 (C-6). Ludwig Kurz - agrees with tbe staff that we cannot afford to set a precedent with the proposed change and is not in favor of the request. Dalton Williams- believes that this proposed use would produce very heavy pedestrl.an traffic in Lionshead, which would generate sales and sales tax. - believes that this is exactly what the Town of VaiI wants. -believes that people wiII show up for this proposed use. Feels that this is a ildynaniterl idea. -believes that this is a proper conditional use. VOTE: 4-2 WITE DALTON WTLLIA}TS A}{D CHUCK CRTST OPPOSED TO THE DENIAL 19 Iten No. 11: East Gore Creek DrLve.Applicant: Kevin Clair^/Chuck Rosencrui-st This iten was Item No. 12: Bridoe Street.Applicant: HillLs of Snownass, Inc. and Bruce Amm & Associates. Mike Mollica explained that the reguest was to schedule a review perLod. Staff recommended a 9O day review period for the covered Bridge Building and a 50 day review period for the Montaneros. A.motion to set the review periods as recommended bv staff was made bv Kathv Warren and seconded by Jim Shearer. VOTE: 6-0 IN FAVOR ftem No. 13: Itern No. 14: 805,Potato Patch Drive.Applicant: Patsv and Pedro Cerisola A recruest for an exterior alteration and a landscape variance in order to construct an addition to the Bell Tower Buildinq at 201 Gore Creek Drive, Part of Tract A. Block 58, Vail VilLaoe lst Filing. Applicant: Her:nann Staufer - Lancelot Restaurant A motion to table Itenr No.s 13 and 14 to JuIy 9, 1990 was nade by Kathy Warren and seconded by Dalton Willians. VOTE: 6-0 fN FAVOR A reEuest for a conditional use nerait for a deck exoansion at the Sweet Basil restaurant, located on Tract A. Block 58, Vail Village lst Filinq, 193 A. B. withdrawn, no action was taken. and a floodnlain modification on Lot C and Aoolicant: Montaneros Condo. Assoc. 20 Iten No. 1: Aoproval of minutes from June 4, 1990 and June 11. 1990 neetinqs. A motlon to approve the ninutes fron the June 4. 1990 minutes as wrLtten was nade bv Jim Shearer and seconded bv Ludwia Kurz. VOTE: 6-0 fN FAVOR Chuck CriEt stated that on page 13 of the 6/LL/9O minutes the vote should be adJusted to ehow that he had abstained. Kathy Warren also had changes to be made on the 6/LL/90 ninutes and asked if she could nake them later and have the mlnutes resubnitted for approval at the next meetJ-ng. Item No. 2: A recruest for a conditional use perrnit to allow for a Bed and Breakfast at Lots 6 and 1/2 of 5, Block 5. Vail Villaqe Seventh Filino' 1119 E. Ptarmiqan Road.Aorclicant: Monie S. Beal . There irere no public conments and the applJ-cant ttas not present A motion to approve the reouest per the staff memo was made bw Dalton Wiltiams and seconded bv Chuck Crist. VOBE: 6-0 IN FAVOR Item No. 3: A recruest for a conditional use oermit to allow There bv Chuck Crist and seconded bv Ludwicl Kurz. VOTE: 6.0 IN FAVOR The neeting r'ras adjourned at approxirnately 7:oo P.m. for a Bed and Breakfast at Lot 8, Elock 3. Biahorn Subdlvision, 5th Addition. 5198 Gore Circle.Applicant: John and Paula Canninq nere no public comments and the applicant was not present A notion to anprove the recruest per the staff meno was made 2L {.I TO: FROM: DATE3 SU&TECI: Planning and Environmental Coronission Connunity Development Department June 25, 1990 A reguest for a side and rear setback variances to the t[ediun Density Uulti-fanily zone distrlct on Lot 20, Bighorn Terrace (4247 Colunbine Way)Applicant: John and Enid Nilsson r.DESCRIPTION OF THE VARIANCE REOUESTED The applicant is the owner of Unlt 2o l-n the Bighorrr Terrace subdivision which is located on Colunbine Way. The existing duptex unit consists of approximately 706 sq. ft. of GRFA and has an allowed GRFA of 559 sg. ft. under lifediun Density Multi-Farnily (UDMF) zoning. The applicant is reguesting a variance fron the 20 ft. side and rear setback requireraent to allow for the construction of a 101.25 sq. ft. addition on the north side of the building. The addition will involve adding a 81.25 sq. ft. dining area and a 20 sq.ft. storage area on the rear of the building. The variance request is for an 11 ft. encroachment into the 2o ft. rear setback and a 15 ft. encroachment in to the 20 ft. side yard setback. BACKGROUND Bighorn Terrace is a nonconforming subdivision because it nas annexed into the Town and zoned !'tD!'lF after it was established. Under the llDIrlF zoning, 20 ft. setbacks on the front, rear and sides were imposed on the existing lots. Unit 20 currently encroaches 8 ft. into the rear setback and 12 ft. into the side setback at the second level . These imposed setbacks greatly liroit the locations of possible additions which would not require setback variances. The applicant has also applied for additional GRFA (25o sq- ft- ) unaer Section 18.?1.020 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. II s I Recently, both the PEC and the Town Council have reviewed a setback request for Unit 7 located in this same subdivision. In addition to the setback variance, the applicant also received approval for an additional 250 sq. ft. of GRFA as allowed under Section 18.71.O2o of the Vail Municipal Code. The staff recomnended denial of the variance request on the basis that the variance vould be a grant of special privilege in that there are no exceptions or extraordinary circurnstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone distrLct. However, the PEC approved the request by a vote of 7-O statJ.ng that indeed the applied UDMF Zoning was a hardship for this property. The PEC also commented that the addition made sense in this location since 3Lr would remain between buildings after the addition. The Town council also reviewed this item and approved it by a vote of 5-O siting again the hardship being the imposed zoning. They directed the Planning Staff to investigate zoning code changes that would take into account the unigue situation in relation to the setback in the Bighorn Terrace Subdivision. This reconmendation is based on a review of previous variances and the desire to naintain a reasonable distance between buildings. The staff has not yet amended the code, however we have made a prelininary decision that would a1low for 7.5 ft. setback requirements and that would thus insure a ninimum distance between buitdings of 15 feet. Most of the units already encroach into the setbacks and are situated at various angles on each lot. Each unit norrnally has a Party wal-l but is actually located on a separate 1ot. It nay also be appropriale to reduce, if not elininate, the setback from the int€r\or property line i.e. party wall . Staff believes this approach treat property otrners fairly regardless of when they decide to expand and insures a reasonable amount of separation between units. We also discussed the option of reguiring a minimum distance bethreen buildings. ft was decided that this requirement favored property owners that expanded first and nade it difficult for adjacent proPerties to expand in the future. III. CRTTERIA AND FINDINGS Upon revLew of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.o60 of the vail Municipal Code, the Department of ConrnunLty Developnent reconnends denial of the requested variance based upon the followlng factors: A. Consideration of Factors: the vicinitv. The 101.25 sq. ft. addition in the proposed location should not create any problems to existing or potential uses or structure in the vicinity. The property nost likely to be inpacted would be Lot 15 to the rear and lot 21 to the west. llhe existing building encroaches 8r into the 2o ft. rear Eetback and is approxinately 22 ft. fron unit 15 to the rear. It encroaches l-2 ft. lnto the side setback at the second level and is approxinately 17 ft. fron Unit 21 to the west. The requested variance will allow the corner of the proposed first story addition to be within g ft. of the rear property line and 5 ft. of the west property line. The resulting distance between buildings would be 19 ft. between unit 15 and 20. There would be no significant change in the distance between units 21 and 20. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcenent of a specified recrulation is necessary to achieve The lot is greatly linited by the inposed setbacks. Hortever, the staff feels that the proposed addition will not maintain the mininum setLack of 7.5 ft. that the staff is reqornnending as a guideline. Over the past 13 years there have been 9 reguests for setback variances in the Bigltorn Terrace Subdivision. of the 9, 4 have been reconmended for denial and all have been subseguently approved by the PEC. The fotlowing details the activity in this area: 1. 2. comoatl-bilitv and unifornitv of treatrnent amoncr VARIANCE REQUEST HISTORY OF BIGHORN TERRACE SUBDTVISION TYPE OF AI{OUNT OF STAT'F PEC DATE APPLICANT REOUEST VARIANCE RECOUMENDATION ACTION Ylar 77 Benysh 13O sq. ft.8 ft.Approval Approval DeniaI DeniaI Denial Denial Approval Denial Denial Approval Approval Denial Denial Denial Approval Denial Approval Denial Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Tabled Tabled Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Denial* Approval APProvedit,( GRFA Setback GRFA 473 Setback GRFA 75 sq.Setback 8 Setback 7 Aug 78 Turnbull Aug 80 Curfman Aug 82 Odum Sept 82 Odum May 78 July 78 Nov 83 Feb 85 June 85 Rowe Alder Houston Sherr Nicholson GRFA GRFA Setback Setback 177 sq. ft. 122 sq. ft. 18 ft. 18 ft. sg. 7.5 ft.ft. ft.ft. ft. April 90 Benysh for airlock GRFA 80 sq. ft. Setback f.6 ft. GRFA 5O sq. ft.3 setbacks 3, 11, 13 ft. GRFA 395 sq. ft. Setback (adding 3rd floor) Setback L5 feet rear 13 feet side The applicant modified the application to conform to the requirernents of Section l-8.7L.O2O and received an allowance for an additional 250 sg. ft. of GRFA. ** Received allowance for allowance 250 sq. ft. under Section 18.7L.020. 3. The effect of the recruested varl-ance on light and Staff finds that the request will not have any significant effect upon any of the above consideratlons. IV. TINDINGS The Planninq and EnvLronmental Connission shall nake the followincr findincrs before qrantlncr a variance: A. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of speci.al privilege Lnconsistent with the limitations on other properties classlfied in the aane district. B. That the granting of the variance will not be detrinental to the public health, safety or welfare, or rnaterially injurious to properties or inprovements in the vicinity. c. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: 1. The strict literal interpretation or enforcenent of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. 2. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not appty generally to other properties in the same zone. 3. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privlleges enjoyed by the owners of other properties ln the same distrlct. air. distribution of oopulation, transportation and traffic facllities. public facilitles and utllities. and public Eafetv. v.STAFF RECOI'{IIIENDATION Staff recommendation is for denial of the reguest for a 15 ft. encroachment into the 20 ft. side setback requirement and 11 ft. encroachment into the 20 ft. rear setback iequiienent. Staff acknowledges that other properties int he'aigtrorn Terrace Subdivision have received setback variaices and therefore this variance request is not a grant oi special privitege. The-staff feels that although there ai" i*""pti-ons or txtraordinary conditions applicable to Lot 20 which-do not generally apply to other pfopertles in the ri^" ,on" distri6t, a roiiriniln letback should be nal.ntained in order to gparanfee a mininun distance between buildings io itt"n"" puStic health, safety, and welfare as well as the fair treatnent of all property olf,ners within Bighorn Terrace. The proposea-aahition will encroach 15 ft. into the side setbalk iltricfr is not an accePtable rninimurn to the slaff. If in fact the PEc aPProves the variance reguests' the staff feels it is appropiiate to reguire the applicant to ,rtta"rqround their eflltrical service from ttre service pole to unit 2o. Lt!.JlT :.5 €. .7s, 4o', E -l )cul- tJh tf) a a =o \J \t C\I 0 a (r) a o 1\ KJ o C\J \f ro o o)v e i,r',"#:!-.' ::..':'!- .'......ji t.' ! t:.: z't '-'ffirW -, EI t- J- --N '- -..rElfNE ^Aa ataJt- ffitFo') +Ldf b Lor,tFueTet( A^H?D bt ggrntzs- rwlee Dutuotd& LoL*1@ tt-.|-Aersaz1- YJ tq v PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN that the Deslgn Revlew Board of the Tonn of Val1 w111 hold a publlc hearing on July lil' 1990 at 3:00 p.n. 1n the Town of Val1 Munlcipal" Bulldlng. Conslderation of: l. A request for addltlonal 205 of Gross Resldentlal Floor area for Nllsson at 4247 Colunblne Drlve #20, Btghorn Terrace . Appllcant: John F. and Enld Nilsson The appllcations and LnfornatLon about the proposals are aval.lable ln the zoning adminletratorrs offlce durlng regular office hours for public inspectl-on. TOM{ OF VAIL COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT Publlshed ln the Vall- DEPARTMENT Tral1 on June 29, 1990. \\,'. -t'l\ ,tr} \5, \-$\,\\L- \'-j l -r. ',.;yr\=.\' r'-'\r \rii t- Neu, gu*ing East Vieur B'0'---+4 4'-+5'2'-+ Keep eristiag 2X10 flmr ioists aad replace rim n'ith double 2Xl2's I I OT =(t g o { &Barbo to Maflh 10" pier with 4 {four} # 4 rebar Scale l/,1" = l' o New Buildtng South View o l: I E'0' j l rn txt H Storage Shed T Glassblo< 0- I I I I t Storage Shed Scale 1/4" -l' 10" pier vith 4(four) *4 rebar DrPlP6 1** Ltuil{4Room I I 1t4" I ,1, fr6T FLNZ ?tAn t I 8b' S,AG t/4',= I " ileA Present Floor Plan + I I I I I I B'0' I I I I I I I Y a F}o Ft sr GI o t 44' I 5'2' I Scate l/{" -l' o Present, Building South Viev la'7' trT tFt 0' lr Board &Ba Sidisg E'0' I I I I I t 7'3'_+ Cantilevered deck tr Present Builjling East View I f I I I E'0' E' 0' ------+ 4 4' ++ 5' 2'+ Windov to be removed aod space left as valktirough from nev addition to kitcheu. Scale l/{" - l' Floor Fram t lng Double 2Xl0 Rin Flush Scale: 1/2" - l' Double 2Xl0 o Rin Fl 2X10 t6" Roof Franing 2Xl0 facia !o Match Eristing Buildiag 10" ovorhaog lE" overiang Liae of Buildiog Bclov Scale l/{"= l' !-t!..!i'r 35'4C rri FOUND PIN AND CAP PE-LS 2183 56.93 co (o r__ 30 42 f-r,', ".,,n ) -q-g.72- , .'j. .. r': ' N\''\..'-.-.\ o t\N tr1 N v o s+ a tr) f\'. a ro NPIE MONUMENTATION IN THIS AREA IS EXTREMELY POOR. THIS SURVEY IS BASED IN PART IN PART ON RICHARDS ENGINEERING SURVEYS OF 1978,v8- 2 t7 AND V8- t25. \ a\ c\ v c! o l^ :'.ii".i.!- ;;t1 \ \ I t--P- \ o a \t _.. Iherebycertlfychatchlsl4rovernElocacloncerttflcaBewaepreparedforthe lortSage lender rnd the tltle lnsurance coEPany' rher 1t i3 not a land survey plat orlryroveEencsurveyplac,andt'hrtlttsnocroberelteduponforthcesrablteh- oenr of fence, bul1d1il;-;; oitrer f,rt.rre l'prove*nt llnes. I furcher certlfv chat che luproveoenta on rhl abovc deacrlbed parcel on Ehls d8te, GxceP! utlllty con- oection3r are enrlrely wlthln the bouodarlea of the prrcel' crccPt al ahoun' that chere are no encroechoGncs upon the degcrlbed prellees_by hproveenta on any ad- Joinlng Prellaea, .*..pi-"" iodlcared, and thal th€re It no 'PParent evldencc or algn of any eeaeoant croeslng or burdenlng any Part of arld parccl' €xccpt ar noted' Thle certlftcrle do€a not conatltutc a cltle aearch by Inter-Hountaln BoglneerlnS' to delcrulne osnerghlp or caaeBnts of record. For ell lnforcatlon regardtng. eeaemntr, rtghtc-of Jay or rttle of record, Inter-llountaln Englnecrlng relled upon rrre linot PLaT oF EtaHoRN TERRACE, VAtL,COLORADO ;--'1 r-1 l--"r ;--l b*r , ! '1, /t1 'ED7-E- 9F ' ' Fo')6fw Bri an R. L. S. B,NE NOTICE: According to Colorado lar' you nust colilEnce any leqal actlon based upon any defect ln thls sutrey rlthin-three yetrs after you flrst dlscover such defect. In no eyent, may any actlon based upon such defect ln thls survqy be cosnenced nore than ten years ftu the date of the certlflcatlon shonn hcrcon. 1 \ o 3;lo"S'?lL^, 'o^o llnter-Mountain ,:::';^,13:iI$!H"3i3'" lAEngineeringlrd. '*"o?;:ft3i::?:: ' OATE ifvts|ofis I M PROVEM E NT LOCAT IO N C E RT I F I C AT E rrqrlgt h ggtSs UNIT 20, BIGHORN TERRACE, TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO rut "'' DEA urE rD'4_29_gg r}IcED frt BTK *tt'1,,=!e' w229 nDtSK 57 .orb toFl Appl i cati on PEC MEETING APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE '{i. ' variance. The application DATE I.This will A. procedure is required for not be accepted unti] all NAME OF APPLICANT tr. 4 r=nru tr/ lc any project i nformati on requesting a is submitted. ADDRESS P. o 15ox tb t^vt) L 112-41 Caeornbty. -J;r.ttte -#'zo PHoNE q76- q8sc1 B.NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE Snrag ADDRESS PHONE c.NAME OF OWNER(S) Si qnatur ADDRESS ype pri nt ) PHONE D.LOCATiON ADDRESS OF PROPOSAL 6KtlDt2D T€R-2.A(E 6)t*. TelrE ;Cotu LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK FILING E.FEE $IOO PAID "/CK #__pg5p_ FROM THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE YOUR PROPOSAL. COI'1MUN I TY DEVELOPM DEPARTMENT }IILL ACCEPT F. A ljst of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PR0PERTY BEHIN0 AND ACR0SS STREETS, and their mailing addresses. THE APPLICANT I.IILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES. II. A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE t^lITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED TO 'DETERMINE IF ANY'ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS NEEDED. NO APPLICATION l,,ILL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS IT IS COMPLETE (MUST INCLUDE ALL ITEMS REQUIRED BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR). IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIEILITY TO I"IAKE AN APPOINTMENT I.IITH THE STAFF TO FINO OUT ABOUT ADDITIONAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION l.lILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT gV OECREASING THE NUT1BTR OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MAY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED l.lITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSnm-. III. FOUR (4) COPiES OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED AND THE REGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEMENT MUST ALSO ADDRESS: l. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict or'l iteral 'interpretation and enforcement of a-specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sjtes in the vicinjty or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privi'lege. 3. The effect of the varjance on light and air, distnibution of popu'l ation' transportation, traffic facilities, utilities, and pub'l ic safety. o Vari a nce 4. How your request complies with Vail's Comprehensive plan. B. A topographic gnd/or improvement survey at-a sca'le of at-least l. - 20' stamped by a Colorado-licensed surveyor including locations of a'l 'l existinq irorou"-ments, inc'luding grades and elevations. Other e'lements whicn must'd 5ir;;;are_parking and-loading areas, ingress and egress, landscpped """as ind '. utility and drainage features. C. A sfte pl an at a sca'le of at least'l " = 20' showing existing and proposed bui I di ngs. D. All prefiminary building elevations and f'loor plans sufficient to indicate the dimensions' general appearance, scale and use of all buildings and spaces existing and proposed.on the site. E. A preliminary title report to verify ownership and easements F. If the proposal is located in a multi-family development which has a homeowners'association, then wrjtten approval from the association in support of the projebt must be received by a duly authorized agent for said iisociation. G. Any additional material necessary for the review of the application as determined by the zoning administrator.. * Folinterior modifications, an improvement survey and site p'lan may be waived by the zoning administrator. IV.Time Requirments The P'l anning and Environmental Commission meets of each month. A complete application form and (as described above) must be submitted a minimum PEC public hearing. No 'incomplete applications administrator) will be accepted by the planning nated submi tta'l date. on the 2nd and 4th l.londays all accompanying material of 4 weeks prior to the date of the (as determined by the zoning staff before or after the desig- ? l\ Houston. John s. & llargaret c. l/ ctranters, John o & Barbafa 8. 13 curf*n, ceorge H. Jr. & Hop€ G. 34Zi cl.ubheights Court 195 Hest Point Road 20 E[m stfeet cotorado springs, co 80906 Tonka Bay, n 55531 Denver, co 80220 lq Lubchenco, Alexis E. l6rurnOutf, Ratph tl. & Eeverty Ann lbengt,"W, Thomas , ?50 Kearney g. Btock, Det H. & Ann Etizsbeth 1p, 2314 Briarhurst Dr. Denver, Co 80220 1747 tloodlark llightards Ranch, Co 80126 Lexington Ky 40505 tq |'Halterflam, Frederick tl. - Napotetan. Jitt c. Box 2631 vai t, co 81658 4,,.P ri tssm, Enid Box 880353 Stesfiboat springs, co 80477 a4 I "Alder, Rob€rt J. & Diane 14.- i\ ravror, a.e . Sskotasinski, Joseph c. & Lauraine broo"., Linda Schirdet ,6 Rensvotd, Jean, Legal Dept. Bor 2285 gox 1277 HaLliburton services, Drarer 143 Vait, Co 81558 vait. Co 81658 Duncan. Ok 8536 v Jf cauch. Judi th A. Z lunter Savings Associ at i on 7840 l,lontgomery Rd. cincinatti, 0h 45236 ft ' chapis, Anne T.-Ronzio, Etizabeth S Box 2807 vai t, co 81658 ol ' Lteret tyn, [eal-HockmJth. Richard M Gardner, James- Barnes, Arthur <) 11oz North Dubuq.re loHa Ci ty, la 52210 '11) ''Penlard, Kenneth V. & Janet E.- Detrich, LaHrence c. & |(eLty E. I Pentand, 899 Peart #16 Denver, Co 80205 --' Taytor, B.G. X Rensvold. Jean, Legat Dept. lial t iburtofl Services, 0rarer 143 Duncan, 0k 6536 q I Odrm, Johnnie D, & Deborah E. 4705 osage D rive Boutder, Co 80301 ll\ J nore, Gordon & Barbara 4275 East cotwbine t.lay Vai l, Co 81657 ,4 I t sherr. Hoxard P. & Virginia 210 sumi t Btvd. Englerood, co 80110 0/ sto"k*r,Ied P. & suzanne H. 1700 Boradray, Suite 1800 Denver, Co 80290 Riordan, Robert fi. 19 Drury Lane Berketey, ce 94705 3350 south Atbian Denver. Co 80222 'lX stockrar, Ted P. & suzanne H. 1700 Boradray. Suite 1800 Denver, Co 80290 D t*kin", carolyn sue Grant, Jon g. Box 792 llanitou Springs, Co 80829 * *t"in,l,tary Etten & 11. Spencer- 4472 East Lake Circte ilorth Littteton, Co 80121 Strunk, Gordon E(tery- lJaters, Jo Hurtt, l.{ichae[ H. & Kaye L. ,lt't f- Stockmar, Ted P. & Suzanne H, 1700 Borad*ay, Suite 1800 Denver, Co 80290 A 'I e"ny"h, Kathryn Ruth 4242 E, Col.wbine Road Vai t, Co 81657 O,'IIER SII,II{ RY REPORT f OR: PROPERTY DESCR I PT IOII ultlT l{tt{BER( s ) ASSESSED EST II,IATED v LU Tto[ t{xT.v LUE Sighorn Terrace condo.unit (A) Unit I unit l0 unit 11 unit 12 Unit 13 unit 14 Unit 15 unit 16 unit 17 Unit 18 Unit 19 Unit 2 Unit 20 Unit 21 Unit 22 Unit 23 Unit 24 unit 25 Unit 25 unit 3 Unit 4 Uni t 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit I Unit 9 13,500 *,375 13,350 83,438 13,350 83,438 13,350 83,4:t8 13,350 83,4:18 13,350 83.438 15,Z7O 95,458 13,350 83,438 13,350 83,458 13,J50 83,458 13,350 85,438 13,350 83,438 13,350 83,438 13,350 8r:t,438 13,350 88,458 13,350 83,438 13,350 83,438 13,350 83,438 13,350 83,438 13,350 83,458 13,350 83,438 15,350 83,438 15,350 83,438 ?4,050 150,313 15,350 83,438 10,010 6?,563 't 5,350 83,438 369,880 2,311 ,763 OTiIER SUI{.IARY REPORT FOR: PREERTY DESCRIPTIOII ultT [nBER(s) ASSESSED ESTTI'IATEII v tuATtfl KT.V LtE Bighorn lcrrrc! Condo.lhl t (A) ttri t t thi t l0 thit 11 lrni t 12 ttri t tf, tlri t 14 thi t 15 llri t 15 unit 17 thi t 18 lrni t 19 thit 2 Unit 20 t nit 21 Unit 22 Unit 23 Unit 24 Unit 2' Unit 25 lrni t 5 Unit 4 lhit 5 lrni t 6 unit 7 urit I thit 9 15,500 U,t75 13,350 88,4:18 13,350 8B,gg 13,550 85,458 15,550 8C,4:18 13,350 88,438 15,270 95,4n 13,550 89,4t8 13,350 EC,438 15,350 88,4:t8 15,550 88,4:t8 15,550 S,438 $,350 8t,4t8 t3,350 8:t,438 13,350 85,458 t3,t50 8tr,438 13,350 8S,4r8 13,350 85,458 13,350 83,4:t8 13,350 8!1,{38 r5,t50 8i1,438 13,350 88,438 13,350 8!1,438 ?4,050 150,313 13,350 8C,436 10,010 62,563 11,350 88,4:t6 :t60,8&l 2,311,763 REAL BSTATE May 25, 1990 Memo: Town of Vail Planning and Zoning Commiss j-on Dear Ladies and Gentlemen: The following is a written statement in cornpliance with rten III., Application for a Variance, dated May 25, 1990. The purpose of the requested variance is to aIlow the enclosure of an existing open deck area on the north/west corner of my duplex home at 4247 columbine Drive, west 1/2. The r"restern most edge of the existing deck is located approximately 5r from the side property line and, as such, encroaches into the side yard set back. The home is located in the Bighorn Terrace project which is a clustering of smaller duplex structures built over 20 years ago before Town of vaif zoning was j-n force in the Bighorn Subdivision. T understand that the current zoning on the property is MDMF (Mediurn Density Multiple Farnily). The zoning is in conflict with the current usage which could be more closely defined as Two Fanily Residential . There is no formal Condorniniurn Association in effect in the project. A11 other structures in the immediate area are of this duplex configuration. The variance will have no effect on other existing or potential- uses and structures in the irnmediate vicinity as i-t is exactly sirnilar to those existing or potential uses. The variance will allow encl-osure of an existing deck area that currently is within 5tof the side yard property line. The enclosure w1l1 not extend the current encroachment any further into the setback, nor will any of the new structure protrude or project farther than the existing deck or any existing roof line. The enclosure will add less than the allowed 250 Sq. Ft. of additional GRFA allowed to be added to buildi.ngs wj-th which have had permanent certificates of occupancy for over 5 years. Because of the positioning of the building and the location of the proposed deck enclosure on the site, the proposed enclosure will remain more than D VACATION PROPERTIES NETWORK 0082 E. Beaver Creek Blvd. . Drawer 917 . Avon, C0 81620 . (303)9494560 D 286 Bridse Street . !hil, C0 81657 . (303 r4764854 2ot from any other structure. This distance is well in excess of the distances separating several other sinilar enclosures which have already been allowed and constructed in the project. As many of the owners of the duplex homes in Bighorn Terrace have already rnade this nodification to their homes, cornpatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity will be enhanced and no granting of special privilege will result from the granting of thls variance. The requested variance will have no effect on light and air, distribution of populatj-on. transportation, traffic facilities, utilities, and public safety. Nilsson REAL ESIATE May 25, I99O Memo: Town of Vail Planning and Zoning Commission Dear Ladies and centl-emen: The following is a written statement in compliance with Itern IfI., Application for a Variance, dated t'tIay 25, I99o. The purpose of the requested variance is to aflow the enclosure of an existing open deck area on the north/wes1i- corner of my duplex home at 4247 Colu:mbine Drive, WesL I/2. The western nost edge of the existing deck is located approximately 5r from the side property line and, as such, encroaches into the side yard set back. The horne is located in the Bighorn Terrace project which is a clustering of smaller duplex structures buil-t over 20 years ago before Town of VaiI Zoning was in force in the Bighorn Subdivision.f understand that, the current zonlng on the property j-s MDMF (Mediurn Densi-ty Multiple Family). The zoning is in conflict with the current usage which could be more closel-y defined as Two Fanily Residential. There is no formal Condominium Association i-n effect in the project. A11 other structures in the irnmediate area are of this duplex configuration. The variance will have no effect on other existing or potential uses and structures j-n the irnrnedi-ate vicinity as it is exactly sirnilar to those existing or potentj-al uses. The variance wiII al1ow enclosure of an existing deck area that currently is within 5'of the side yard property line. The enclosure will not extend the current encroachment any further into the setback, nor will any of the new structure protrude or project farther than the existing deck or any existing roof line. The enclosure will add less than the allowed 250 Sq. Ft. of additional GRFA allowed to be added to buil-dings with which have had permanent certificates of occupancy for over 5 years. Because of the positioning of the building and the location of the proposed deck enclosure on the site, the proposed enclosure will remain more than VACATION PROPERTIES NETWORK 0082 E. Bearer Creek Blvd. . Drawer 917 . Avon, C0 81620. (303)949.4560 ! 286 Bridse Street . \hil. C0 8165i . (303)1i6 4851 n zot from any other structure. This distance is well in excess of the distances separating several other similar enclosures which have already been allowed and constructed in the project. As many of the owners of the duplex homes in Bighorn Terrace have already rnade this rnodification to their homes, cornpatibility and uniforrnity of treatment among sites in the vicinity will be enhanced and no granting of special pri.vilege will result from the granting of this variance. The requested variance wiII have no effect on lighL and air, distribution of population, transportation, traffic facilities, utiLities, and public safety. REAL ESIATE May 25, 1,990 Memo: Town of Vail Planning and Zoning Commission Dear Ladies and Gentlemen: The fol"lowing is a written staternent in compliance wj-th Ttem III., Application for a Variance, dated May 25, 1990. The purpose of the requested variance is to al1ow the enclosure of an existing open deck area on the north,/west corner of my duplex home at 4247 Columbine Drive, West L/2. The western most edge of the existing deck is located approxirnatefy 5 r from the si-de property line and, as such, encroaches into the side yard set back. The horne is located in the Bighorn Terrace project which is a clustering of smaller duplex structures buj-It over 20 years ago before Town of Vail Zoning was in force in the Bighorn Subdivision. I understand that the current zoning on the property 1s MDMF (Mediun Density Multiple namily). The zoning is in conflict with the current usage which could be more closely defined as Two Pamily Residential. There is no formal Condominium Association in effect in the project. A11 other structures i.n the immediate area are of this duplex configuratj-on. The variance will have no effect on other existing or potential uses and structures in the immediate vicinity as it is exactly similar to those existing or potential uses. The variance will allow enclosure of an existing deck area that currently is within 5tof the side yard property line. The enclosure will not extend the current encroachment any further into the setback, nor will any of the new structure protrude or project farther than the existing deck or any existing roof line. The enclosure will add less than the allowed 250 sq. Ft. of additional GRFA allowed to be added to buildings with which have had permanent certificates of occupancy for over 5 years. Because of the positioning of the buj-lding and the location of the proposed deck enclosure on the site, the proposed enclosure will remain more than VACATION PROPI RTIES NETWORK 0082 E. Beaver Creek Blvd. . Drarier 917 . Avon. C0 81620 . (303i9494560 ! 286 Bridse Street . \hil. C0 81657 . (303)476-4854 n 2ot from any other structure. This distance is well in excess of the distances separating several other similar enclosures which have already been allowed and constructed in the project. As many of the owners of the duplex homes in Bighorn Terrace have already made this modification to their homes, cornpatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity will be enhanced and no granting of special privitege will result from the granting of this variance. The requested variance will ha.re no effect on light and air, distribution of population, transportation, traffic facilities, util-ities, and public safety. REAL ESIATE May 25, L990 Memo: Town of Vail Planning and Zoning Commission Dear Ladies and Gentlemen: The following is a written statement in cornpliance with Item III., Application for a Variance, dated May 25, L99O. The purpose of the requested variance is to al1ow the enclosure of an existing open deck area on the north/west corner of rny duplex home at 4247 Columbine Drive, west L/2. The western rnost edge of the existing deck is located approximately 5r from the side property line and, as such, encroaches into the side yard set back. The horne is l-ocated in the Bighorn Terrace project which is a clustering of smaller duplex structures built over 20 years ago before Town of VaiI Zoning was in force in the Bighorn Subdj-vision. I understand that the current zoning on the property is MDMF (Mediurn Density Multiple Family). The zoning is in conflict with the current usage which could be more closely defined as Two Family Residential. There is no formal Condominium Association in effect in the project. A11 other structures in the inmediate area are of this duplex configuration. The varj-ance will have no effect on other existing or potential uses and structures in the irnmediate vicinity as it is exactly sinilar to those existing or potential The variance will allow enclosure of an existi-ng deck area that currently is within 5rof the side yard property line. The enclosure will not extend the current encroachment any further into the setback, nor will any of the new structure protrude or project farther than the existing deck or any existing roof l-ine. The enclosure will add l-ess than the allowed 250 Sq. Ft. of additional GRFA a1l-owed to be added to buildings with whj-ch have had permanent certificates of occupancy for over 5 years. Because of the positioning of the building and the location of the proposed deck enclosure on the site, the proposed enclosure will remain more than VACATION PROPERTIES NETWORK 0082 E. Beaver Creek Blvd. . Drawer 917 . Avon, C0 61620. (303)949.4560 ! 286 Bridge Street . \hil, C0 81657 . (303)176 4851 n 20' from any other structure. This distance is well in excess of the distances separating several other similar enclosures which have already been allowed and constructed in the project. As many of the owners of the duplex hones in Bighorn Terrace have already made this modification to their homes, compatibility and uniforrnity of treatment among sites in the vicinity will be enhanced and no granting of special privilege wil-l result from the granting of this variance. The requested variance will have no effect on light and air, distribution of population, transportation, traffic facilities' utilities, and public safety. erely To: Planning and Environmental Commission FROM: DATE: Community Development Department June 25, L99O SUBJECT: A reguest for a side and rear setback variances to the Medium Density Multi-farnily zone district on Lot 20' Bighorn Terrace (4247 Colunbine Way) Applicant: John and Enid Nilsson I. DESCRIPTION OF THE VARTANCE REOUESTED The applicant is the owner of Unit 20 in the Bighorn Terrace subdivision which is located on Colurnbine lilay. The existing duplex unit consists of approximately 706 sq. ft. of GRFA and has an allowed GRFA of 659 sq. ft. under UDMF zoning. The applicant is requesting a variance from the 20t side and rear setback requirement to allow for the construction of a l-ol-.25 sq. ft. addition on the north side of the building. The addition will involve adding 81.25 sq. ft. dininq area and 20 sq.ft. storage area on the rear of the building. The variance reguest is for a Ll-r encroachment into the 20r rear setback and a L5r encroactunent in to the 20r side yard setback. BACKGROUND Bighorn Terrace is a nonconforming subdivision because it was annexed into the Town after it was platted. Under the MDMF zoning, 2or setbacks on the front, rear and sides were imposed on the existing 1ots. Unit 20 currently encroaches 8 r into the rear setback and 12 | into the side setback at the second level . These irnposed setbacks greatly lirnit the Iocations of possible additions which would not require setback variances. The applicant has also applied for additional GRFA (250 sq. ft.1 under Section l-8.71.0f0 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. L Y S,ecently, both the PEC and the Town Council haws reviewed a II. qp,^, YN Ir a +$ $'i drs il "t v t\=* v,, t\t-r $ t. B. nt alonct site3 in e r'ithout sP9clqr p Setbact Yariances Staff feels that due to the existing buildingr it vould not be a special privilege to grant the variances for setback8 as the setback encroachments will not be any greater than those existing encroachments. GRFA Variance Staff feels that it would be a grant of special privilege to approve this GRFA variance. The foLloving chart shovs var j.ance requests in Bighorn Terrace have been approved: VARIANCE RIQUTST H]STORY OF BIGHORN TERRACE SUBDIVISiON TYPE OF DATE AP PL I CANT AI4OUNT OF VAP. i ANC E STT.FF PEC RECCi.iilEi,iDATiON ACT]ON t I I l I I I REQUEST l4ar 77 Benysh I'lay 78 Rowe July 78 A'lder 130 sq ft 8ft 473 sq ft /\ <n lt rv vrt ,v o€! 177 sq 122 s9 '18 ft l8 ft 80 sq ft 1F f i Approvai Approvai Den i aI Denial Den i al Den i al Approval Deni al ueniaI Approval App rova 1 Den ial Oen i al Deni a I App rov a I w4 AV.V"ry^! Turnbul I Setback Curfman GRFA Approva l App rov a I Approval Approva I Approval Approval Approval Approvai Tabl e Approval Approva 1 Approval Approval Approva I d),- ca("Wry GRFA Se'uba c k GRFA Setback lJ|1fA Setback Aug Aug Aug ft ft 78 80 82 Sep 82 Nov 83 Feb ll uifA Setback 5e'uback for Airlock 0dum 0dum Houston GRFA Setbac k srrerr Lu*10 eRrR 5o sq ft 3 Setbacks 3,1 .| , & 13 ft fiA^\L ltbj tJ rct+-olt*otw #f* ^ff^u,,]y y*, lhe chart indicates that approving the AndrY4 l{.r M - : tt a'b e.M-*Wrwra setback variances woufd not be e grant of special privilege. Hosever, it does shov that approving the GRFA variance would be a grant of special privilege due to the large amount of GRFA. There have been 13 requests for additionaL GRFA. The staff recommended approval oq'v't @d@ rear setback and is approxiqtrlely 22 r ft{m unit rs to the rear. It encroaches'T,I into the-side III. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section L8.62.060 of the Vail Municipal Code, the Departrnent of Conmunity Development recommends denial of the requested variance based upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. The reLationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinitv. The 101.25 sq. ft. addition in the proposed location should not create any problems to existing or potential uses or structure in the vicinity. The property nost likely to be irnpact-eQ tn(Lo would be Lot LSrthe rear and lot 21 to the west( "[ * The existing building encroaches 8r into the 201 setbackr and is approxinately 17t from Unit 21 to - the west. The requestpd variance will allow the .u corner of the proposed'etory addition to be within - .^y1 "0. g r of the rear property line ?nq 5r of the west.., .^"r1 A,^#-.J*'t orooattv line. flL 'dtnnl't-r*q. aJ<.|-a/e\<L bttulo"'- U,'^"l$"qi ce',. . { -aI- :^;17-bi :i'6,;',;- ,;;'""ny @ a^,--a 1a. r**-Irutc ntc'w-I-^ 6{-' . q t\ --t-.---2.,,^{i :/ ^f" 2. the degree to which relief frorn the strict and " i*'\r* literal interpretation and enforcement of a \P Ot' W Il-EeraI lnEerpreEaELon anq enrorcemenE oI a '."..^" |) specified regulation is necessarv to achieve v'J ,^P/ compatibilitv and uniforrnity of treatment among \,1 ' sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privileqe. The lot is greatly tirnited by the imposed setbacks. However, the staff feels that the proposed addition wiII not maintain rni**nat t\L r'\il^/ir"\'rr/w ' .-t4^ )'- .li1^-+ .t-- ^*- G l'r,) )4i*rgs . tJrbo4l-B I'1^4+ t':''-r/f "qft' ;dL, ,d*' \P / n,{' r.(pr-l'*"' for denial and all have been subsequently approved by the PEC. Th.c Vr,vLnvvt/"fr dLto';l$ f"/ ^<hV\kv1 V tL'1"'\ 't<tr; -v vi over the past J-3 years for setback variances Subdivision. of the 8, 5 have been recommended The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population. transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities. and public safetv. Staff finds that the request will not have any significant effect upon any of the above considerations. there have been &Y.qrr.=t=in the Bighorn Tdlrace IV. FINDTNGS That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the lirnitations on other properties classified in the same district. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfarer or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: 1. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. 2. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. 3. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. STAFF RECO},TUENDATION Staff recommendation is for denial of the request for a L5 | encroachrnent into the 20r side setback requirement and 111 encroachment into the 2Or rear setback requirement. The staff feels that although there are exceptions or extraordinary conditions applicable to Lot 2o which do not generally apply to other properties in the same zone district, that a minimum setback should be naintained in order to guarantee a minimum amount of distance between buildings.,41 The proposed addition will encroach L5r into the side ststback which is not an acceptable minimum to the r \+6wrcr,1.k i^ Q*,* *t,tr ftU A-WrwcS ttq Vazvt'a,.w.ct-<' , +1^-g 1+a.EL hrrn*d Q,d< ;{-' ' ..- ^ ^ ^,^^^;, t-.. t ,hfiI hrrn*d SrYi staff. A. B. c. V. *{,1':.*l g+aau poiu_ {-o +r c uluq't 2-D ,t-- ^ ,. , ow*y!o). +o kur Abpcl- Ltncvoa,ct'rrvV ll '";rd,e- cxP Wa'€lL Vt,c'votc^w,?t"\,? .\/)' ll/ , r!..1!'r I FOUND PIN AND CAP PE-LS 2183 49.77 NQTE. MQNUMENTATION IN THIS AREA IS EXTREMELY POOR. THIS SURVEY IS EASED IN PART IN PART ON RICHARDS EN6INEERIN6 SURVEYS OF 1978.v8- 2t7 AND V8 - t25. I hereby certlfy thal thls l4rovcmn! locaclon ccrllflcat,e rar pregared for thc EorEg,ege lender and thc tltlc lnrurancb colpany' lhet 1r.ls not a land rurvey plat or lryroveoenr survey'prii, ..a rhac lc tg nor- to be relted upon for thc cstabltth- oenr of fence, buildr.ll-.I oit.i r,rtu." loprovecnr llncs. I furth.r c€rrlly Ehat the loproveuenca on thl above dcacrlbed perccl on Ehlr d't'' GTCGPC uclllty coo- necrlone, are enctrely ytthln che bormdarlcr of ghe pdrccl, crcsP! ll rhoun, 3hat there ere ,,o "rr"ro""t-.ni" ,,gon the deacrlbed prcrlror -by l4rovcrncr on rny ad- Jolnlng pre.lsea, "*..i.-1"-iiJr""i"a, rnd that therc It no rPPrr'nt cvldenco or elgn of any eaaeunc croaalng or burdeolng any Prrt of catd percrl' Grc'PE rt not'd ' Thtr certtflcate do.3 not conaSlGuGr t tltlc tearch by tnter-lbuntalo En3lnecrto3 to detGrllne orrnerrUrp or i"..*nt" of record' Por ell loforretlon re3eidtn3 esseDcot6'rtghts-of-rayorcltl.ofrecord.lntcr-HountalnEnglnccrlngrelled uPon tDe tlnot PLAT OF BTGHORN TERRACE, VATL,COLORADO' l{OTlCE: Accordlng to Colorado lrr, Jtou rt3t comlce rny leqal actlon based uPon my dcfect In thls sunqy rlthtn-three year3 after you flrtt dlscovcr such &fect. ln no event, n y any actlon bascd upon Such defact ln thls survey be comenccd norc thrn tcn telrs fru tJtc date of the certlflcatlon shoun hcraon. s 136 " Js' hEEr+ c,7 ADDlflrrNI \-. lt(o d,t U- \_1to< I <,e(gq<U- I 56 93 30 42 BL L,G , ...1 .. rn- ..i'-'l _.'j:.| r: i..r --- 57-- W4 \\ \\>tr)t\ a ro = N \f N o tr) N o \t N t{ a\ \J t+ rc) o) t.F i,lji.'i l- ,'i'J --...- \r.-11 -,?la- I Vwooo DEc'(l I lrt{ -^AJ,^'EM4NT 89il35 MPR;OVEM E NT LOCAT IO N C E RT I F I C AT E !;l;'il'?ll*,^,*^o ltor""-Mountaln i:3i;3H;$:* 1]\E gineerlnglrd. IJIYE tO!laao vaf{c2 Llxtrao@. co-o . 40216 (toll alc-o t !a UNIT 20, BIGHORN TERRACE, TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO 29 -DISK 57 o o r- lg' SatE rf, "- t' SAoND FtPoP TO UF+ Insurance Corpofon F Commitment for Title Insurance tE[#u Titl6 USA Insurance Corporation, Dallas, Texas, A Texas Corporation, herein called the Company, for valuable consideration, hereby commits to issue its policy or policiss ot title insuranca, as identified in Schedule A. in tavor ot the proposed lnsured named in Schedule A, as owner or mongagso of the estatg or intsrest covered heteby in the land described or relened to in Schedule A. upon payme of the premiums and charges therefor; all subiect to the provisions of Schedules A and B and to the Conditions and Stipulations hereof. This Commitment shall b€ effective onv whsn the identity of the proposed Insured and the €mount of ths policY o. polici€s committed for have been inserted in Schedule A hereof by the Company, either atthe time of issuance of this Commitr|rcnt or by subsequent endorsement, This Commitrnent is preliminary to the issuancs of such policy or policies of title insurance and all liability and obligations hereunder shall cease and terminate six (6) months after the effective dats hereof of when tne policy or policies committed for shallissue, whicheverlirst occurs, provided that the failureto issuesuch policy or policies is not the fault ofthe Company. The Commitment shsll not be valid or binding untilcountersigned by an authorized officer or agent. lN WfTNESSWHEREOF, TitleUSA Insurance Corporation has caused this Commitmentto be signed and sealed as of the effective date of Commitment shown in Schedule A. Titls USA Insurance Corooration Prcsidaot & Chial Execttive Ollicat 7"r-rr-/P"- Aftest: Sectrtafy \e,ceruP+- Q--po#-l-o \&++P" JaruF\ aut'.,t.ot"n' AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION COMMITMENT TO TNSURE _ 197,] Forb 106 cS 301,!687n Prepared for: Vacaflon ProPertles r ATTN: John Dunham 286 Br ldge Street Vall, C! 81657 CCrs to: i ' Vu"utiot.oPert ies M & J Condomlnlums SCHEDULE A ESCTOW 2. Policy or Policies to be issued: (a) fl ALTA Owners PolicY - Proposed Insured: JOHN F' NILSSON (b) C ALTA Standard Loan PolicY, Form--1970 $ 69'000'oo Coverage-1970 $ 69'000'00 Customer Reference: Soph lr./Nl I sson cF No. 301686'Cz cF/kk 1. Eftecrivedate: September 7, 1988 at 7:00 A'M' I nq u i riets+V It:" 6Jt3t"3 Amount prooosed Insured: JAMES C. SOPHIR and MARTIN E' SOPHIR ' 3. The estate or interest in the land described orreferred to in this Commilment and covered herein is: FEE 4. Title to said estate or interest in said land is at the elfective date hereof vested in: JAMES C. SOPHIR and MARTIN E. S0PHIR as tenants In comrPn 5. The land relerred to in this commitment is located in the County ol Eag I e State ot Co lorado and described as follolvs: LEGAL DESCRIPTION SET FORTH ON SHEET ATTACHED HERETO AND BY THIS NETENEHCE INCORPOMTED HEREIN AIO MADE A PART HEREOF. 0wnerts Premlum: $ 547.60 Lenderfs Premlum: $ 40.00 Addr I Charges: $ 'Tax Certif lcate: $ 5.00 T0IAL CHARGES: $ 396.60 A EFTCAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATIOI{ COPYRIGHT 1971 (REV.) SCHEOUI.E A FORM 106 GS 40M6A7H . Coverlng fhe Land In Descrlbed as: SCHEOULE A - conflnued 0rder No. 301686'C2 Plat l.D. No. B-16 the State of Colorado, County of Eagle Unit 20, BIGHORN TERMCE o SCHEDULE B-t o No. 501686 -C2 l. The following are the requirements to be complit'd with: 1. lnstruments necessary to create the eslate or interest to be insured must be properly executecl, delivered and duly liled for record. 2. Payment of the consideration for the eslate or interest to be insured. 3. payment of all taxes, charges, assessments. levied and assessed against subiect premises, which are due and payable. 4. SatisJactory evidence should be had that improvements and/or repairs or alterations thereto are completedi that contractor, subcontractors, labor and materialmen arc all paid- 5. Deed from James C. Sophlr and lt'tartln E. Sophlr, as tenants In comnpn to John F. Nllsson. : 6. Deed of Trust from John F. Nllsson to the Publlc Trustee of Eagle County for the use of James C. Sophlr and Martln E. Sophlr, as fenants tn comron, to secure $69'000.00. 7. Evldence satlsfaciory to the Company'or lts-duly authorlzed agenf that the nreal estate transfer taxrr lmposed by Ordlnance No. 26, Serles of 1979, of the Town of Vall, Colorado has been pald, and that the llen lrposed by Sectlon 1l thereof has been fully satlsfled. sc+tEouLE s-l ri.Earai,\t I ta,n 'rtr = lqenarlTtn{ ^^Dvo!/:r.r'!' rnt. 'ttEtt \ FcP!'l 'rl5 GS r,rl.'!66;H SCHEDULE B-tI ^ -der No. ,u lodo-uz -ll. Schedule B ot the policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the lollowing matters unless the same are disoosed ol to the satisfaction of the Company: 1. Rights or claims of parties in possession nol shown by the public records. 2. Easements or claims ot easements, not shown by the public records' 3. Discrepancies, conflicls in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a conect survey and inspection ot the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material therelofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by lhe public records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the efleclive date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acouires ol record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. Exceotions numbered are hereby omitled. 6. Taxes due and payable; and any tax, speclal assessments' Charge or llen. lmposed for waier or sewer servlce, or for any other sPeclal taxlng dlstrlct- 7. Rlght of way for dltches or canals cons+rucfed by the author{fy ot "'".' '"' 'r: the Unlted States, as reserved tn Unlted States Pafent recorded November 22, 1939, ln Book 123 a't Page 625. easement as shown on the plaf of said subdlvlslon, said belng 20.00 feet ln rldfh along the southerwesterly lo+ shown on the plat of sald subdivislon. 6. 1 8. Park i ng easenent llne. Notes as Any and al I rlghts of the owner of the property adJolnlng on the easterly arlslng from the erectlon of exls+ence of a party ral I located on subject property as shown on the Plat of sald subdivlslon. Restr lcfions, whlch do not contain a forfelture or reverter clause, but omltttng restrlctlons, lf any, based on race, color, rellglon or natlonal orlgln, as contained In lnsfrument recorded December 20, 1962, in Book 174 at Page 405, as amended by instrument 9. {n ll. 12. recorded May 7, 1965, ln Book 175 at Page 81. Ten percenf non-partlcipatlng royaltles in and to from any minerals of whatsoever kind and nature, from sald premises, as reserved to Gust Klahtipes Kiahtipes by lnsfrumenf recorded November 2' 1962 Page 407, and any and all asslgnments thereof or there I n. proceeds der lved produced and mined and Eva J'. :.-:.:, In Book :1 66''at-,.': i nterests Deed of Trust from James C. Sophlr and Martin E. Sophlr to the Public Trustee of Eagle Coun+y for the use of Richard I{. Newman, fo secure $67,000.00, di+ed May 1, 1983, and recorded May 15, 1985, ln Book 359 at Page 539. Any and al I unredeemed fax sales. SCHEDULE A.ll FORM 106 GS 20M 2A:lH G0LOnA00l (Continued) AMEFICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCTATION COPYRIGHT 1971 (REV.} (' THA}K YOU FOR YOUR CRDERI lf you hwe any lrqulrles' Please dlreqt theo to: ASPEN TITLE CORPORATIOil 600 E. Hopklns Avenre fl 02 Aspen, Col orado 81 611 Local - 92e-4050 Dervec Dl re-t - 595'8463 x E cLE counfi TrrLE oRPoRATtoN 955 S. Frontage Road #100 Vall, Colorado 81657 Local - 476-6423 Denver Direc-t - 572'1490 s1jf,r{tT @UHTY ,qES]RACT @tfAffY THE TITLE Cot,P }lY, ING lOe N. Rldge Street 525 Zecex Breckenridge, Colorado 80424 Fraser, Colorado 80442 Local - 4534120 Local - 726'8077 Denver Dlresf - 629-6096 Denver Dlrst - 892-1905 'Commltment No.501686'Cz EXCEPTIONS - contlnued NoTE:Uponrece|ptofaCertjflcateofTaxesDueevldenclngthatthereare no exlstir; ;;;;'i*-rui"i, the above exceptlon rlll not appear on the Pollcles to be lssued hereunder' Or,rorro* FoR ADDrTroro, ,*ro Q FOR PROPERTIES IN EXCESS OF ALLOWABLE GRFA Date of Appl Date of DRB Meeti PRE-APPL ICATION CONFERENCE A pre-application conference wjth a member of the planning staff is strongly encouraged to discuss the provisions under which additiona'l GRFA can be added to a site. It should be understood that thjs ordinance does not assure each property an additional 250 square feet of GRFA. Rather, the ordinance allows for gp to 250 square feet if certain conditions are met. Applications for additions under this section will not be accepted unless they are complete. This includes all information required on this form as well as Design Review Board submittal requirements. PROJ ECT < ;"- DESCRI PTION: ication. B.LOCAT ION Address OF PROPOSAL: Descri pt ion: District r'1. t' Legai Zone C. NAME Lot Block Fi 1 ing OF APPLICANT: Address hone 1/ /6 (/tS (/ D. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: Add.ess phonq t1'/1 t1[ tt1 E.NAI'fE 0F 0WNER(S) ;' .,i,; Address _. '.,-r a , phone_:/:tJ/A):/_ submittal requirements, shall be a final certifjcate of occupancy. property owners and of owners of is avai'l able from the Eagle County F. Filing Fee of $100.00 is required at tine of submittal The following information, in addition to DRB required with this submittal: i. Verification that the unit has received 2. Names and mailing addresses of adjacent un'its on the same lot. This information Assessor's office. 3. Condorninium association approval (if applicable). 4. Existing f1 oor plan of structure. ' ,>1r 7r'7i r- u.Your proposal will be reviewed for compliance with Vai l's Comprehensive Plan. I I 9. A request foE an amendment to Bank, Part of Lot D, Block 2,S. Frontage Road West. o No. 2i, VaiI National village 2nd Filing, 108 SDD Vail .\ / ,' 10.# Applicant: Vail National Bank Building Corp. A request for a side yard eetback variance at 4247 Columbine Drive, unit #20, Bighorn Terrace. Applicant: John Nilsson 11. A request for a front setback variance and a creek setback variance for Lot 6, Vail Village west, Filing No. 2 ' L755 West Gore Creek Drive. Applicant: Dan and Karen Forey A request for a conditional use pernit and a height variance in order to construct an antenna at the Vail Municipal building, 75 South Frontage Road. Applicant: Toltn of VaiI Police Departrnent A request for a major subdivision, a reguest to approve the prelininary p1an, a reguest for a variance to the maximurn height for retaining walls, and a reguest for a variance to the naximum percent grade for a road, on a parcel cornmonly referred to as Spraddle Creek, an approximate 40 acre parcel located north and east of the ltain Vail I-70 interchange and east of the Spraddle Creek liverY. Applicant: George Gillett, Jr. A request for a work session on the Sonnenalp remodel and proposed Special Development District at 20 vail Road, Part of f,ot L, Block 5-8, Vail Village Lst Filing. AppJ.icant: sonnenalp Properties, Inc. L2. 13. 14. The applications and available for public Department office. Town of VaiI Conmunity Development Published in the Vail information about the proposals are inspection in the Community Development Department Trail on June 8, 1.990. PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environnental Conrnission of the Town of vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section L8.66.060 of the nunicipal code of the Town of Vail on June 25, 1990 at 2:00 P.m. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: A request for an exterior alteration and a landscape variance in order to construct an addition to the BelI Tower Building at 201- core Creek Drive, Part of Tract A, Block 58 VaiI Village lst Filing.Applicant: Hermann Staufer - Lancelot Restaurant A request for a conditional use pernit to allow for a Bed and Breakfast at Lots 6 and L/2 of 5, Block 5, Vail Village seventh Filing, L119 E. Ptarmigan Road. Applicant: Monie S. BeaI A request for a conditional use perrnit to allow for a Bed and Breakfast at Lot 8, Block 3' Bighorn Subdivision, sth Addition, 5198 Gore Circle. Applicant: John and Paula Canning A request for a conditional use perrnit for a construction staging area, located just uphill of the Golden Peak snowuaking pumphouse, Tract B, Vail Village 7th Filing.Applicant: Vail Associates, Inc. 5. Prelininary review for an exterior alteration in conmercial core I, for the following property (60 to 90 day study period) : covered Bridge Building - I,ot C and Lot D, and the southwesterly 4 feet of Lot B, all in Block 5-B, VaiI village ].st Filing, 227 Br|dge street. Applicant: Hillis of Snowmass, Inc. A request for a variance from the waII height requirement on r-ctL 29, Block L, Vail Potato Patch; 805 Potato Patch Drive. Applicant: Patsy and Pedro Cerisola A request for an amendrnent to the Townrs zoning code to add rrTelevision Stationrr as a conditional use in the Commercial core II zone district, Section 18.26.01o Applicant: Vail/Beaver Creek Television Network. A request for a conditional use perrnit for a deck expansion at the Shteet Basil restaurant, located on Tract A, Block 58, Vail Village 1st Filing, 193 East Gore creek Drive. Applicant: Kevin Claire/Chuck Rosenquist 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. /\tu& r/o cr-x7 c"''-/''Lr' i {-'a{ 6/,s1q,, 8. q RES(II,'Ii('E I'E\TIRS I\ lli'l'l'H( )t'(ll-lT.rf ,\liL,\:: ( hlragt, Iletfcit \linueapr-'ii.- 5/3o/8e REAL ESTATE NILSSON RESIDENCE ADDITION 4247 Collrrnbine Drive - WesL 1,/2 Vail, Coforado RU.\r IST.-\TE O!'F]C],S I)" \.\( .tf lo\ .\RUAS r )t' {- r'llildr, Floncia I'lichigrrr llintttsoi;i \1-tici'r.ir ".- qa 4*r" Ll \i{CATION PROPERTIES \El\\ORK t)0t! E Beavel f rr,:l: Blid . Dra\\'er 91, .Ar.on. CfJ ili:i2tl .,jt]Jtv{9-.li6ir tr 2ti(i Bridct Stnret .\iiil. ('0 81657 . jiljr,1itj.li5.i JOHN F, NILSSON P.O. BOX 1056 476.4854 vArL, COLORADO 816s8 VAIL NATIONAL 8A}IK P.O. 80X 2638 vArL, coLoBADO 81658 82-3fl/1021 2 437 5/L/eO OF VAI 00400t(****** ******10. 00 ************************* r:loaLolLIqr:toe Jr *r**rTHI5 APPLiCATION rdlILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL be resol ved befo.re a bui I di ng penn'i t i s i ssued ' A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION:Dtr.trdc.. €trx APPLICATION DATE:lnN I fl?o DATE OF DRB XEETII' INFORI,IATION IS SUBIIITTED**T** AoDiT?oN uJeS t/z I. PRE-APPLICATION MEEIING: :.' , . :" A pre-applicati.on meeting with-a planning staff member'is strongly suggested to . determ.rn" ,, uny"uJaii:ouai infoniation-is-nieoee.. Na application-uiil be.a:ceftel : uniess it'is compi'"t. (t"tt include iii ii.tt required bv the zoning aoministrator)' It is the appiicant's responsibilit'-io otii.-un-dppoinUnlnt with the staff to find out about aaAitional submittal ".quit.*.nii. Please-note that a COMPLETE appl'ica- i tion will streamjine the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of conditions of'afp"ouif tirat ttre'OnS-tiV itiiutate. ALL conditions of approval must .:;i i: * ..a:t3 .--:.- i: B. LOCATION Address OF PROPOSAL: 4aq C Descri pt'ion Lot LalnB^E DRTUE Bl ock 40 Fii ing Legal Zon'i ng C. NAI4E OF APPLICANT:Jarrd Nrts':cr./NtD rl tc+o,r) Address D.NAI'IE OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE:S+rne Addres s E. NAI'IE OF 5 i gna tur Address c noa trtrtr.a. *rne-. The fee wil'l be Paid at the time a building Permit VALUATION tel ephone.476-4Bs'/ -" tel ephone tttrectt) tel ephone is requested. Itrr, $ o-$ 1o,ooo $10,001 -$ 50'000 $:.50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001 - $ .500,000 s500,001 - $1,000'000 $ Over $1,000'000 $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $300 .00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUEMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to rneeting submittal requiremdnts, the-applicant must stake the s'ite to ind'icate p"op""iy"iin"t unJ-Uri'l ding corners' Trees- that will be removed should also be marked. This work rrit-u" completed before the DRB visits the . si te. 2. The review process for NEH BUILDINGS wil'l normally involve twO Separate meet'lngs oi-tf,e Design n"ui""-irourl,-io ptan on at least two meetings for their.approval' to appear before the Oes'i gn Review Board at their scheduled i;";-;;l'uii"a ro" a postponement will be requ'ired to be 3. Peopie who fail meeting and who reoubl i shed. ?e -F ::. :.l,it Thefollowingitemsnolongerhave.tobe,presentedto.the.DesignReviewBoard' They, however' nave t; 6;'i;;=;ni.a to tnl ionins Administrator for approvai: skylights and simi'l ar exterior changes that do not alter the plane of the building; and ..,,...".i{i 4. a. l,li ndows 'exi sti ng b. Building additions that are not viewed wnich hive had letters submitted from the addition; andlor approval from the assoc'iati on . 5. You may be required to conduct Naturai Hazard Studies ctrecf< wittr a Town Planner before proceeding' from any other lot or Public sPace, adjoining Property owners approvlng igent for', or manager of a condominium on your ProPerty. You shouid