HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIA ZNEIMER LOT 4 LEGAL.pdfrQr\ e!,!eL. tlm ?lae",? Beceiol funds to:LETTER OF CREDIT FORMAT ' Legal. Description: Lot_ql Block_ subdtvtsion L tA Z- n e t(Ve( Dale ol Expiralion: DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGBEEMENT ,d, THIS AGREEMENJ, pade-and entered into this t t) o"v ot tr:,sL by and among 47C-Ltl .tLLc- (hereinifter catieo tne "oev loper"), and the TOWN OF VAIL (hereinafter called the "Town") and L.tsE +t*r.'€ Ar'(hereinafter called the "Bank"). WHEREAS, the Developer, as a condition of approval of the <,LLD'{ \ t\C. Temporary Certificate of Occupancy wishes to enter into a Developer lmprovement Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Developer is obligated to provide security or collateral sutficient in the judgment of the Town to make reasonable provisions for completion of certain improvements set forth below; and WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to provide collateral to guarantee performance of this Agreement, including construction of the above-referenced improvements by means of the following: Developer agreqs to establish a letter ol credit with a Bank in Eagle County in a dollar amorni of $' {tlJ 5rU (zso/" otthe total cost of the work shown beiow) to provide security for the following: IMPROVEMENT T- **\BA11I- Cc--\ q Lr A 1*, U*t"q 9-, 60rvC9roP r ?AL- 9$e pt*,U AOPrnufrl._ NOW, THEREFORE, in consideralion of the following mutual covenants and agreemenls, the Developer and the Town agree as follows: 1. The Developer agrees, at the sole cost and expenses, to furnish all equipment ald material necessary !o perform and complete all improvements, on or before Vp+a*Ua,zt ^t171. The Developei shall complete, in a good workmanlike manner, all improvements as listed above, in accordance with all plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department, the Town of Vail, and to do all work incidental thereto according to and in compliance with the following: f:bveD,one\formsHevimpag-ttr Page I of5 Such other designs, drawings, maps, specifications, sketches, and other matter submitted by the Developer to be approved by any of the above-referenced governmental entities. All said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to the satisfaction of, the Town Engineer, the Town Building Official, or other official lrom the Town of Vail, as affected by special districts or service districts, as their respective interest may appear, and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as completed by the Town of Vail Community Development Department and Public Works Department. To secure and guarantee performance of its obligations as set forth herein, the Develooer aorees to orovide securitv and collateral as follows: ?9c.os-.^-., - ,+&1, lFAvo/L oF {cg41 eF lrrevocable letter of credit #__- in the amount of $_ r,'*t\ z (name of bank in Eagle County) as the security for the improvements set forth above if there is a default under the I AgreementbyDeveloper. A.. .\ I ^ i.as,-__gJ _^ !ryf Sttr-b a'mu-"*, 1fl1: _or' +\zLF 3. The Developer ma[ at any time substitute the collateral originall{ set forth above for another form of collateral acceptable to the Town to guarantee the faithful completion of those improvements referred to herein and the performance of the terms of this Agreement. Such acceptance by the Town ol alternative collateral shall be at the Town's sole discretion. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any olficer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occurring to the work specilied in this Agreement prior to the completion and acceptance of the same, nor shall the Town, nor any officer or employee thereof, be liable for any persons or property injured by reason of the nature of said work, but all of said liabilities shall and are hereby assumed by the Developer. The Developer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, and any of its officers, agents and employees against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to which the Town or any of its officers, agents or employees may become subject to, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) that arise out of or are based upon any performance by the Developer hereunder; and the Developer shall reimburse the Town for any and all legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by the Town in connection with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action. This indemnity provision shall be in addition to any other liability which the Developer may have. 5. lt is mutually agreed that the Developer may apply to the Town and the Town shall authorize for partial release of the collateral deposited with the Town for each category of improvement at such time as such improvements are constructed in compliance with all plans and specifications as referenced hereunder and accepted by the Town. Under no condition will the amount of the collateral that is being held be reduced below the amount necessary to complete such improvements. 6. lf the Town determines, at its sole discretion, that any of the improvements contemplated hereunder are not constructed in compliance with the plans and specifications set forth in this Agreement on or before the date set forth in Paragraph 2, the Town may, but shall not be required to, redeem the letter of credit as necessary to complete the unfinished fi bveryone\ionnsWevimpa g.ltr Page 2 of5 improvements. The Bank shall release such funds upon written request from the Town stating that the improvements have not been completed as required by this agreement. The Bank shall not require the concurrence of the developer prior to release of the funds to the Town nor shall the Bank be required to verify independently that such improvements have not been completed as required by this agreement, but shall release such funds solely upon the Town's written request. lf the costs of completing the work exceed the amount of the deposit, the excess, together with interest at twelve percent per annum, shall be a lien against the property and may be collected by civil suit or may be certified to the lreasurer of Eagle County to be collected in the same manner as delinquent ad valorem taxes levied against such property. lf the permit holder fails or refuses to complete the cleanup and landscaping, ad defined in this chapter, such failure or refusal shall be considered a violation of the Zoning Code. 7. The Developer warrants all work and material for a period of one year after acceptance of all work referred to in this Agreement by the Town if such work is located on Town of Vaif property or within Town of Vail right-of-way pursuant to Section 17.16.250. 8. The parties hereto mutually agree that this Agreement may be amended from time to time, provided that such amendments be in writing and executed by all parties hereto. Dated the day and year first above written. f:\everyoneVornr s\devimpa g,ltr Page 3 of5 Gl rtL\(l STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE a3 day of SS. -4 , The forggning Developer lmprovement Agreement wa-s acknowledgep[_before me this *l aay or -J.^.[-.. . rs ??_ by C.d u. ,..*v-i T . Z-rt.:-..n.",^ . Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires:Loo tg-910y ^[t 7to SS. The foggoing Developer lmprovement Agreement was acknowledged before me this Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: Lfs-- Notary Public f:bveryoneVormsUevimpag.ltr Page 4 of5 Bank STATE OF COLORADO COUNry OF EAGLE The foregoing Developer lmprovement Agreement was acknowledged before me this day of 19_ by Witness my hand and officialseal. My commission expires: Notary Public t\svsyons\hnEusvimpag.ltr f:bw5oneVcmsUevimpag.lts PagE 5 of5 UPPER CRUST LANITSCAPING 9?O1524I525I P.O2 rt Uppe.r Crusl Landscaping, Jnc. Por* OlficeBox 993 Gyp"u,t1, Colorodo 81 637 97 0-524-5950 . 97C-51,4-5251 {ax March 5, 1999 Iile$tted R€sourc€s LLC I,ot 4;Track B Lia Zhefumr suMivision VarL CO ALMfuhitectsInc Dated 6D0l8;Shc€t A-l SECTION A. IRRIGATION SYSTNM. JOB DESCRIPTION #1. Drtp and or bubbler system will covcr thc watcr rncds of aspen trccs. Comporpnts fiom Rain Bird. Toro, Imperial ard Hunter will be used. Systcm will need to be bloum out wilh compressed air (wintoized) every frll to prcvcnt fteezing. General contractor or owrrer is resporufrle for winterizing systarl daylight 1.0" diameter pipc watcr source, power to clock, sleeves under drive*ay and sidewalks and utility locate fromhouse io street. COST: St,000.00 PAYMENT PLAN: 507r down payment and balance upon completion. UPPER CRUST LAHDSCAP t NG 9?O 1524 I 625 I U.C.L./page 2 of 3 Integrated .ot 4 3t5t99 SEETION B. LANDSCAPING. JOB DESCRIPfiON #f. Lardscapfug bid begins after all bsckfll rough grading aod topsoil spreading are complete. Boulder placenrrt and plant mt€rial transphnting are not irrchdcd in cost. Plsnt tr€cs to plan Remainine areas Sraded and secded with natiw grass seed then mulched with shaw. Appty tackificr. All matcrials re ftrtillzod. Sitc cleanod of all ludscspe debris. MATERIALUIST P, O5 Metcrlel A$pen Nativc grass seed Fenilizer Tackifier Straw COSTr 03,900.00 PAYMENTPLAN: Slze 2.0" diam Amount 5 40lbs 30lbs 7,500 sq ft 65 bails 50% down poymcnt nad bahnce upon comphtion. UPPER CRUST L ANITSGAP I HG 9?6 r 3241t23l P. O4 U.C.L./page 3 of 3 Intogreted/l,ot 4 3tst99 All matcrials are guarantccd one year one tirre free replacermt ifpayrrcnt for above bid items and for any cxtras not mcntioncd at this tinrE are received in firll Guarantee does not apply if uder poor maintenarrce conditions, material b transplanted or if guarantee work was not perfotmed by Uppcr Crust lnndscaprng Inc. A 370 per month servie charge will be assessed on all bils rernaining unpaid 30 days fiom datc of statement. If Upper crust Landsceping Inc is required to retain an attorney to collect the arnourt due. attorney's fee incurred will be paid by the owner or narne. This contract shall govern the entire agreement betwccn Contractor/Ouarer and lJpper cnut Lnrxlscaping Inc- This copy ofthe contJact supe'recdes all previous copics. Doug Weinlrcimer of Crust Landscaping Inc )q[G ui',: .U, I KRFI CONSULTANTS,97994 a 91577 P.€'1 .Frqsaafi lFll0 g.er 5t7 DATE: FAX TO: 1. NAME FD Zl\tF.tMF.R- CoMPANY |NTEIEE^rgp EEqfl/EeF6 FA'( 0z - qb5 LE9FI6BD gANbct\/AL o.NAlrE P@ COMPANY FAX REIIARI(S: SIGN.EDt KRI'I o CONSULTAHTS, I NC.9799491377 P.62 KRM mNs"rlrontrs,h' POm(4:rre vAL Cq.cnAm gt6ltg Fl L+11, Zne;'u..r9b lsToJ 94s€3sr FA,q 84Brsrt TO: El Znelmer FA"Y E27-5644 AT?EIIIION: Ed Znelmer PffiJ€ICrl. q.x6l1t, DOULDE hlALL ( \- s707-11 Lol 4 Buffehr Crcek I visited the site to obsene the as-bujlt boutder ralaining vyall atong lhe east side of the garage. Escautg 9f inconsistenqies in the sate plan, thls wall wes buill tsllsr then specifio<l on oqr detail snd tatler lhen allowed by the Town of Vgil. l,rcconrnond that an addttlonal boulder wall be constructed In trcnt of th€ €x|sling one pcoding ts the sketch Elow: MaTER Aox btt - 9tl ER,{VEL F'LL qe b@e +.tlo EIX1E OF A6FfTALT +zlo hlALLt I dautlsE NEhI. BOULD€E e z'-c 'to 4''o ldtTH gLo.PrNq AT ZiI gLOFE .I4ALL C(FYTO: Aftn Architects prcHt Fltr BSHIND coMPAfitD FILL TD EXt6TIN(r FIET TTHEPOFT DAIE; .ARRI/E; DEART: }yEAf'ER J6BNUT86fr. 7t28t7SSg 1:30 p.m- 2:00 p.m. w8]m, sunny Src'GDJ t, B7/22/t999 KRM CONSULTANTS, INC.' . P.0. Aox 4572 Voil.. Colorodo 8.|658 (e70) 949-eJe1 Fox (970) 949-1577 lEh'c t ..cnqrnErv LRH _ ut o7/22/g?- oE tt NO SC tf ?',-d-6'2'-l' b I o I ct _t TOE. r. lgf.E E r0 !E r'_r D f-ollm. "mffiFffi' I mmll tfi]r r* ..r-t r llr nr{, rsrir-rf'iF 9+ I/|Y 5r FEEo ;.4 fD ffi*Tr rrY FrJ rrEr r.lr'' . ilS.,*r,H.ffi r|rc; offi:it iu oF rx,r- TYPICAL BOULDER RETAINING WALL 87/22/1939 16:1.5 8889849391 LOREN HILL a PAGE Oi. ?0D!ssr (Frn e.T RECORD I,4IE TEnW HO.E '-: IOT4BT FFHERCREEK flsrrrruoms ?r R- :q :1 li . _r,, ,iq. r"1 i. r ' t .?i :':1J:; .rti, . ' ' ! l:,lv .;:.:,- :..: ' ''1 i'. ._. .ttl ., 'ii I ri'' ri rl,ri.. . -,. i 'J ra I 4)ri .', r'. ' :1-.. 'i 35:;. 'g' "tt .':,.-.. ' : .. I :, -!.rl r?.:. , i t. 'l' j il j-' :-; :t ;t. .;r:1 , 1 4. . . ..i.'41 . ;i,. ;, .i,: i; .E&re*9,797_14 El cr.l. nlrcuc$ rffi Em E ncsmsl Thc atffira<t ddch fibtb ttr gqrym {:e er'd corfOudmc fw elt bo|Jilr tlt hhg urdts ur6d br Uris prqscl Fd u,C trlCt tnlvry +A4 frt.) :. @Yrq ElZrch.r Fq1-97O427€4r Fib #-tr& *i8iJfxfflitr[ category Number o^r" 6- /?' ?1 '2 ProiectName: fuE/tllEL Building Name: NLlt'z' t> Project Description:--' 5 r N 6LL - FA nt tu'J h'u', tDt-ruc t l Owner. Address and Phone: E (, BcX <E: lvlnTo,t-N (c cqi6nGdcontact, Address and Phone: Bnexr 4 t n ) Legal Description: Lot 1 t B subdivisionL//I fuLtilrlz zone District W RL Project Street Address: Comments: '.-.-...-- to'on or' --[t^ il,,ud rl- @ Seconded oy: 'Ttrr-u 'PrW ce StaftAetie* vote: 3-O-l r t-;ret,i ,l lurn Nta) fi npprovat U Disapproval ! StaffApproval Conditions: Town Planner Date;DRB Fee Pre-oaid I TTA TRAN9MI ALM ARCHITEC.TS tNc. Ta?e, 9alr: @rqang.. Attentlon= F?om:. ProJecL.. C,]mft|€nt$, tr FAX tr ?osrAL I HAND DELIVERY o6.19.q1 9 epttJrnent of C,lmmul,',t! Dev e|topmenLJ own of v ail Brenl Alm LoL 4,Buffehr Creek Tammie, Altachedgou fill finj amodifiedslleplan,roof plan andboulder wall delallfor lhe above proJecl, ae requeeledln Vour June I 2lh leller. The elte plan hae been changed Lo ehow a 6' wall al lne oorner ol lhe Rltchen / breakifasl ana ihe exi.sLing fire hgdrant nas been localed on I,he plan. Add'ilonalll, we have added elx (6) aepen L?ees ae euggesledbu lhe Deeign Revieu/ Board. ?leaee lel me Rnow if Vou need an1 further lnformahion. Thanke Tammle, OanlrnlE: oopg: Flle' 4,,,?,' .--h 9lle ?lan, R,oof Plan, Boulder wall Det ail EdrtdZnelr(cr T/BC4/O6.13.q1 tI fl.fl AncfltcTs.rnc.IT Brut|TAU1,M 970.En26n til(Ez7.%tl P.9. BgXt2t v tL. C9L9MD9 6t6t6 t-t1L balm@colorado.net KRI1 CONSULTANTS, INC.9799491577 P. Ar KRM CONSULTANTg, INC. P.O. tux 4572 YA|L, COLORADO El65E (970) 94$9391 FAX (970) 94$1577 olrE€r M). , 9l cLour-rraosu - 14 EM OI{ECKED 6Y *^*-'/zo = lla '!,-1,:.---qR.AVEL Fl LL '.,. <_ DEAI NA('E Fo* NoTE; gTACE 8O7LrJEa=coNcuRq€F.lrllr ..t ITH caf4PAcTloN OF 6I9AIJULAE- E^CYFI'L PEE golL9 ENTqIUEE e-. .E.ACR Co.UF€.E NOTES: I, BOULDEg6 EE TD BE ILA M 4!O IN DfMFNSION, 2, ?''^CZ AOUL9EEE gO tIIEY TNTFF.LACK EOfH VEBTIEALLY AND I+OBIZANIALLY, 3, DIMFNSIo}JS SIIONN AEE AFPFAXIMATE AHD FE.LATE- TO THE MAXTMUM BETATNEO I'APTH CO|JD^IT'OTi, 4. veptr.r 9\rllABlLtTY oF BAclcFlLL MATaeIAL }'llTH solLs ENqINEEF -,rrt- - llll- 6 G.. -tl tl 0.|.:llll llri ll,i 3 t i =ttr=ttt TO AD\TRTISE, ADD AN[\I'F.\\ # T INIPACT FAX FREE SUBSCRIPTION LI ST. oR ro PLEASE FA.X A NOTICE TO 5I?.1683. 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Cobrado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 D e p ar t m ent of C onnunity Deve lopne n t June 12. 1997 Brent Alm Alm Architects, Inc. P.O. Box 5211 Vail, CO.81658 RE: Lot 4, Butfehr Creek Foad Dear Brent: Please provide the following information by noon, June 16, 1997, to the Community Development Deparlment: Planning: 1. gb6,e provide a rool plan. Public Works: 1. "Plrjase provide the structural detail for lhe boulder walls; 2. lpease revise the site plan to show the grade of the 6'wall next to the nook (dining area); and 3. .-Please show the location ol the nearest fire hydrant(s). Sincerely, gan*r*- /( h/"/A*,*,* Tammie Williamson Town Planner cc: Edward Zneimer 'tW,l,'r i*9 {g *r"r"rro outn cornrnlb Development Plan nourJnorrn Routcd To:Greg Hall, Public Works Terri Partch, Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Mike McGee. Fire Works Rcturn To:Tammie Williamson, Community Dcvclopmcnt Date Routcd:Junc 9, 1997 Retum By:Junc 12, 1997 (THURSDAY) Proiect Name:Zneimcr Proicct Addrcss:Buffehr Crcck Road Proicct Lcgal:Lot 4. Lia Zncimcr Proicct Description:New Single Family 2nd submittal Approved F Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions f ?:gr',* i<-.'{ r\"r€: . i:,r'IZ li', r',-. a,.,:. .' !,' tcp. ^Jalij nc^! rc lf,e r"'-tl (') ^ ntt':ret '\ o: v !' i PIL,L\' e .,h-r.r d2 1c--r-, 113--,- d,i t -'l-a q i-e: l\ ia.l r.-,)r'\ lr: r) i r I I r! Tra-r rr L I'iirtct-' f&l€.-.C(i \q-(r,-Q1 a6'i ig',.-rlri tr- rl'-cll ,'ei-',i,nc,j C-':--''i1 Datc receivcd: Rcvicrvcd by:Datc rcviewcd: flcvcryooe{atrrcn'.mutform 3r, EXrERroRtrct Lot 4,Lia Zneimer gubdivigion A6 Wfrr lvlt0, ALtl T n c n A @ RAQFz Oeaar thake oowe? EageFlaehlne FA%IA 2X12+2XbRgAAa?n/ geml-Tr ans?arent gtaln ooLR, ther wln l^{llllane *9 3936 Tlmber ?eg 9OFffT:.l X6TaeA/ 9eml-Trans?*enlglaln ooLffizg]herwln nll[ame *3A 3516 qoEeroads EXTERIOR r{ALL Board cBatlen 9eml-Trane?*enlglaln OOLoF;g]he?uin |^tllliams *9A 35 16 Croesroads t'tlNDOt{g l9OOftz Cl€,dexlerlor @LOR; l.laroon TIME}ERg I RAILNE aernl -T r ane? * enl ghaln AoLoRz gherurln l^lllliame *9 3536 Tlmber Peg gTONE \/ENEER DrU glack Geep r ake Jolnt) i.lo99 R,ook cTs -n I BftNTAIII.M P.9.B9X t2I v Lc?t9M09 8616 Tn.E27.96'0 rME27.?$l .d" .s. bgh,r 4Fl+J,$ 'o'* f --- t. I ALM AR ECT9 tN6. t GHIT t TTA TRANSMI Taw. Date. Campang: Attention, From-. ?rojecl; @mmenls: OontsnlEz fllc.. Item 1, lLem 2, Public l^,orKs lgsuesl Item 1 : lLem 2t llem ?, lLafi 4t Item 5, n FAX tr ?osrAL I HANP PELIVERY o6.oq.q1 De?*l,ment of C,ommwittl p.evelorfi'enl,, T own of V ail Tamftie nilliamson tsrent Alm Lol 4,Buffeh? Creek Tammie, Altached gou fill find lhree seLs ol drawings lor lhe Lot 4,Bulfehr Creek ?roject- Ae nave addregsed / are aaa?esslng the planning / zoning and public uo?ks comments f?om Uour June 4leller as f ollows' ? lanning / zoning leeuee I The area of lhe building envelope has nol changeA from ils original 30 x qo' a?ea. The ghiftg in Lhebuilding envelope areindicatei on lhe eile plan. The sile condiLions require relaininq walle to be buill at a ilo?e of greaLer lhan '1 : 1 andf our f eelin heighL AllreLaining wallE will deeignedbg a licenEed structural engineer and will be pou?ed concret e walle or bodAere al a 2t 1 slo?e. DeLailg will be proviAed when LUe gubmll f or abuilding c4-rmil Glong urilh all other elrucLural infornalioil. Can lhiE be a condilion of approval? Tne 4" cono, pan lndioat ed on lhe siLe plan will be buill Lo TOV soecificalions. The elevallon of lhe garage slab ie b24q' - O",not 6244'. The grade will be reviced lo show a 6' max heiqhl wall at lhe corner. I am worklng u.rith the olvil engineer (Al?ind on localinqlhe fire hgdranLs on Lhe surveg. Pleaee lel me knour if gou eee anglhingwe a?e misslng or of ang iLems lhal need t o be addr eesed furLher. gincerel[, 6.Oq.q1 II Arll AR0mCD.[K TI Bru||Til.fi.M 970.611.'Gn ff{,E271Lrl P.9. Bgxt2rl v L c9t_9M09 8616 Ht/\[_: balm@colorado.net .F D e parone nt of C onmu ni ry D eve lop m e nt 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-24s2 TOIYN OFVAIL FILE COPY June 4, 1997 Buffehr Greek Partners P.O. Box 305 Minturn, CO.81645 RE: Lot 4, Block B, Lia Zneimer Subdivision Dear Mr. Zneimer: The Town of Vail community Development Deparlmenl is in receipt of the apolication for the above- referenced property tor a iirigle{amily residence tor'ine Oeslgn Rbview B.oard (DFB)' The Public Works and ptanning star"nale iieniit'i"Jitt" torio*ing issues relaled to this proiecl' Public Works: 1.P|easereviselhesitep|antoshowa||re|ainingwa||s|aidbackatl:l.Therearewa|lsshown ar t but laid back 2' 1o 3', lhese musl be laid back at least 4'; 2. Please revise the sile plan to show a 4' concrele pan with a 2" invert; 3. P|ease check the e|evation o| lhe garage s|ab. |t is shown al 8244,|t this iS lrue, lhen the last seclion ol the drive is 12'9 %; 4.Thesitep|anshowsaT,wa|linlherearofthehouse.The||agslonepatioelevationisS25T. ThecornerorrnewarrnexltothediningareaToWisate|evation64;and 5.P|easereviselhesitep|anloshowlhe|ocationo|thenearestfirehydrants. Planning: 1 . Please revise sile plan to indicale the size of lhe building envelope; and 2.P|easeaddanolelothesitep|anindicalingtheshiftofthebui|dingenve|ope. The Fire Departmenl has identified no issues at this lime. Please provide revisions by noon' Monday, June g, 1997. Ti6 is to ensure final review by the DRB on June 18, 1997. lf you have any questio;s, please contacl me at 479-2142' SincerelY, 5f-,*^- f, w'A"'^<*'- Tammie Williamson {P ""'""to 'n"* Datc: Lcgal dcscripti addrcss /7 o*"cr @ Zvwiutu( ZONE CHECK Fttins LtA IV\LIWW phone $1* -1(t5O Proposcd use Architcct Buldable ar"^ .tq/ I l, lZ Sctbacks Landscaping (o C "/c RcainingWall Heiglts Parking (30x33) ) Front Sides Rcar a0,rc8,b1 3',t6' 32,8' so' 31 r11 8z' Encloscd Garage Credit Drivcway Complics with TOV Lighting Ordinancc Arc finished gradcs less than 2:l (50%) Environmental/llazards l,ot sizc Allowcd Existing Proposcd Total Total CRFA =4hpo--+ 418o = Primary GRFA _ + (425) (6ZS*; - Sccondary CRFA + (425) (675*) =_ * 675 = 425 credit plus 250 addition Docs this rcqucst involve a 250 Addition? MA How much of thc allowcd 250 Addition is uscd with this reoucst? N lt+ SitcCovcragc /5%lzt545,tg * B,oElb= Cg.,r.jl!? 6y ,3 rrvrhrs Minimum Required---:3!9- 20' l5' l5' ?e{i5to'J +o ho.J Clour+auL g. (300) (600) (eoo) al2qo) ) Permitted Slopc % Proposed Slope _% Yes- No-CrVo h.rq,r€) Yes- No- Ye5 I ) Pcrcent Slooc (< >30%) /v o 2) Floodplain Remaining rIdlqo zl l- 3) Wetlands rr4* 4) Water Course Setback (30) (50) N //+ 5) Ceologic Hazards N/fr a) SnowAvalanche N/4 b) Rocldall l,/f c) Dchris Flow N lb Prcvious conditions ofapproval (check property filc): N C Nf Is thc propc4y non-conforming? Dcscribe: Nr lA DESIGN REVMW CHECKLIST Project: tr SURVEY Scalc Benchmark Legal description Lot Size tsuildable Area ' r.n' : .- .' E3sqrlents . Y,:i r., t:_..:]i. . {P' ---. Topogmphy . .t , ..l: - '. ' t OO yr. nooa ptain '. ' .-: )ijbi-!--.!- . Water Course Setback . -r. -l._ "rg i;..rl ;.';i.:l rll Environmental Hazards Trees Utility locations Spot elevations f,I SITE PLAN tr FLooRPLANS Scalc GRFA 250 additional GRFA Crawl\Attic Spacc EHU tr BUILDI'{GELEVATIONS Scale ColorMaterials Roof Pitch fI LANDSCAPEPLAN Existing tces Proposed trees Lesend MISCELLANEOUS Scale Building Height Encroachmenb Setbacks Site Coverage EaveVOverhangs (4') Decks/Balconies Garage connection Site Grade\Slope RetainingWalls Fences Parking/Garage Turning Radius Driveway (access and grade) Snow Storage Fire Access Condo Approval Title report (A & B) Utility verifi cation form Photos ofsite Building material samples C.O. Verification Sun\Shade Angles Utilities (underground) View Corridors Variances Plat restrictions w+ BUILDING MATERIALS: o LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL: .€qXL M Roof Siding Othcr Wall Matcrials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trint Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chinrncys Trash Enclosurcs Grecnhouscs Retaining Walls Extcrior Lighting** Othcr (xw t25b vk ?? \xu*+ T4ez. &lw fr"\gAo(- WAvwrL T>? PP * Pleasc specify the manufacturer's color, numbcr and attach a snlall color chip ** All cxterior lighting must meet the Town's Lighting drdinance 1 8.54.050(J). If exterior lighting is proposed, plcase indicate t1c number offixturcs and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identi! each fixturetype and provide ih. h.ight ubo"e grade, lumens output, luminous area, and afiach a cut sheet ofthe lighting fixhres. tu+ COLOR:* t PrnftStz &wva*p PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Nantc Corrrnron Nanrc Quantity Sizc+ p w ?qvwr$w Fow flt tkv wlew)PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: EXISTINC TREES TO BE REMOVED: *Minimunr rcq for landscaping:dcciduous trccs - 2 inch caliPcr conifcrous trccs - 6 fcct in hcight shrubs - 5 gallons Squarc Footagc CROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE ORMETHOD OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATUR-ES (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate top and hottorn clcvations of rctaining walls. Maxinrun'r height of walls within the front sctback is 3 feet' Maximum height of walls elsewhcre on thc property is 6 fcct. I 70+ U'I'II,ITY I,OCA'TION VIiIII FICATIOII 'l'lris forrrr is to vcrily scrvicc availability arrrl locirtiorr for ncrv corrstrrrcliorr arrtl slrorrltl [rc rrscrl in copjurrctiorr lvitlr prcpalirrg yotrr rrtility plart artd scltcrlrrlirrll irrstlllrrtiorrs. l'lrc location nnrl availability ol'utilitics, rvlrcrlrcr tltcy bc rtlailt trtrrtk lirtcs or proposcd lirrcs, rrru.st bc lpprovcd arrrl vcrilictl tly thc tbllorving lrilitics for.tlrc acconrl.nrryirrg s itc phn. Arrtlroli zctl S iLtrlrl trrc Dl tc LJ.S. Wcst Conrrrurnicaliorrs | -ti00-922- 1987 4(r8-(rti60 or 949-4530 PLrblic Scrvicc Cgrnpauy 94()-5181 Cary I lnll I Ioly Cross Elcctr.ic Assoc. 949-5 ti92 T'cd I'tusky/Jolrrr Iloyrl T.C:.t. 919-5 5l0 I;loyd Sirllz.ar Eaglc Ilivcr Watcr & Sarritat ion District i 476-7480 Frcd I Iaslcc 2z4L r-J7-q 7 * l)lcasc bling a sitc plrrn, iloor plun, nutl clcvations whcrr obtainirrg Uppcr Daglc Vallcy Wirtcr & Salitatiol sign;rturcs. I;irc florv nccds rrrust bc atklrcsscd, n"OTES: t.If thc trtility vcrilicatiort forn, iuts signaturcs liorn caclr ofthc u(ility conrpanics, apd no cotrttttcnts arc tttadc dlrcctly on thc ibrnr, thc'l'orvn will prcsunrc tlrnt thcrc arc no problclrs ald thc dcvclopnrcut can plocccd. If a trtility conrpatty has cottccnr.s with thc ploposcd construction, thc utility r.cprcscntativc shall notc dircctly on thc trtility verifloation tornr that thcrc is a problcnt which riecd,s to bc rcsolVcd. Thc issuc shoLrld thcn bc dctailcd in an attachcd lettor to the Town of Vail. Horvcvcr, plcase kccp in ruind that it is thc rcsponsibility of thc utility conrpany ancl thc applicant to rcsolvc idcntillcd problcnr.; Thcsc verifications do not rclicvc thc contractor olthc responsibility to obtain a l\rblic Way Pcrmit frorn thc f)cpartruent of Public Wor.ks at thc Torvn of Vail. Ujlrty loeali@s_f::rULbs 3. s-27 ^q gbfairlcd bcforc digging in arry public rightof-rvay or easentcnt rvithin tlie To.,'v,r of Vail. A '(/j;z*:; \ i{--l ,o\ T\-'",; '\,.- \+.* i, t o__ '/\ ,L r,\ * \,\ cP -l cf:Iti t\i '\i rls .t, t, : -i-.'i, . ),1-\,/- -ii../ 11\ \,.'\ !i r \\ T I H. 11 -o + l\ t'- f t \sr '\9 ? =I o H 9 (\ 5 $* o c\l \:_t7 rs r'o f -I N (.a !-s .n @. nI G ) --'t 1( .ri \cf K'"i ,\e s d,t t? \ €q V ) l\h\",'i'1\ ll"., llcr IIJIJ il> l@ IZ" lG, leo ti-_- z lr-_--rl \J' @ o ---trrl I\J m sn]rv, lF== z 1))oo'."-. tt eo.EA'- -\- \ \ ttr ttt I \F rf, \ \\-\ z _Jl Rt UJ &(r ol @l \ \ \ it,2^\'A -o \\ tt tt tt tt /\ &tt c'\r T ( L "rE '-\'.6 ' t,Y \l )\ o.l$\ a.\)" i{ ?o * r{ it \ X+-- .r'{..q-qi '*io'h, I.,, \ \-: :r1 =\ ,) r$ F- K 'X sD 6.,v E 3 o \D lI: -i\ lU $"f $) |. .tr v d\o, E e FD a\\' t. I t\' ir L)\rti a:l r (\'\ x l.': I LrUrrJ' A{-€F, ?lDcE Ew ' *84|1""a- ffi*',C-';,-r', 2 Y1^€'f1 pp-' plwF gv ' grtelt- qt' O. . _ : _;-.-= ., 1 \ { -- ')a r gM €Aq c*e. , t/)q/- ot, Afre+rT' :|fr+rT ' a- q e$@€ eu ' 9q.81'- o" /A'- ql eqt(qoz. '. (tlc/l'- 1',,r+vw+f /A'- q" TEE! UEAIED APRL Ig7 ItJ' tn O tri'lnNa Yffirb I .. \'.' - --"- /i -.-- --'- LINJFoFgptrzr. UErr. uJ" r.f.fue.nrv, Pwta *----/ r 6260 tn C. Z ri/6 iz :ot'fu.r) 218.16',"1 \ \ \ I I t I I I ,/\lo o o 7i u\gl - a.< rn N -- o -ctr t_ I\z-n rr\'/'.\ ,'x*i'i \ ,M r- --t (A \ .-...-\ _--\L 0 cottBulrnu Wt ft F.O.80l vAlL,l)ol- 014 G (e7o) & FAX 82, 211 il{AlN MINTURN, (; B BRIEn'{T I STAMP; I.IOTES: \Ifturri;r /i |friM4ft?i ?htdwJ dii oo oo t oo I co--lity Development rr"n nouf Form Greg Hall, Public Works Terri Partch, Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Mike McGee, Fire Routcd To: Tammic Williamson. Communiw Dcvclopment Retum To: Datc Routcd: Projcct Name: l7l2 Buffehr Crcek Road Lot 4. Lia Zncimcr Sub.Projcct Lcgal: New Single Family Proicct Dcscription: Approved X Denied (cite detailed reasons)Approved with conditrons '1' ^lo at+,AA ? u "wro o !h(- -;,.v Qu{v.. --. iL:' i v,<:. i-\ a ..fl- ' r J rj. qt\i((€ .,.\ o\)a\:- 9-./+-l a fi '.dr . tie. taj,\ srjat(l-\ l{ y^c') i"..;i-- .s rZ-"tc/ \^rol € r.tzCc\' c"( t'\eg4{tCa ;1"1 ,-i..--.1gr L !!c,r.-.. ,.r r,Aa jL., ,rr,,-r \rr-.1: 4r '7r ,.^r^..j, ''a l-tu. t.}:.(JL (+ \-\- \-c!j:/; fizg !l arl ltr-rre. pO,-ic €rc'-c..\icr-r LZi-l - "[r<- t,irvi c;r- tr.z- q)c'q rrrk r,c kt\r .*rt-t4rlia$ tt rl(r.tc u (.1i,..o.1 ,i<r^) TCW +, e,1 . G4 -!1: 11. 5-) t: ig,-r.,+ .>\,r-,-: tnz \c<( iF\!.\\i C€ t-t-4 l\-()feo'./' l1;g 1-r'idgjrrr'i Zrn u fa,itr-. , Lor.-1 'yordrt fer r €r::'-<! 9l l,!, re.r,e,r:r d 9ljc . Rcviewod hv:I)atc rcvicwcd: Datc rcccivcd: I :ic',.el"onc\latlrrn\toulfoml I t ", "".,r",: FttE copy Developnent TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT:A request for approval of a major change to the existing developrnent approval for the Valley, Phase Vf.Applicant: Edward Zneimer r. INTRODUCITON The Plannlng and Environrnental Cornrnission (pEC) reviewed the developnent proposal- for The Valley, Phase VI In a work session on Septenber 10, 1990. From that neeting, it was apparent that the reduction in dwelling units (fron 42 ta 261 and the reductLon in GRFA (fron 77,L'O to 65,900 sg. ft.) rnade the project nuch better than the previous approval. The pEc did have significant concerns, including preservation of the meadow and the inpact of the retaining walls. Those itens, arnongt others, are discussed below. Staff wanted to polnt out that this review process ls unj.que from most projects which the PEC reviews. The review is a requirenent of the annexation ordinanee, which did not include any specific crit,eria or standards which the project nust neet. Because this is not a Special Developrnent District (SDD), the only evaluation criteria to be used is to compare the existing, approved plan to the proposed one. The ordinance has been attai;hed to this meno as Exhibit A. The two major changes since the work session are that the applicant reconfigured the road plan so that there is a single intersection on Buffehr Creek Road and the applicant proposed to delete all secondary units frorn the developrnent. Staff encouraged the applicant to naintain the option for caretaker units in the developrnent with the intent of creating some enployee housing. At this tirne, the applicant will consider allowing the units as long as the GRFA for the caretaker ls not deducted from the available GRFA for each envelope presented at the work session. By allowing 800 sguare feet of GRFA to be used strictly for a caretaker unit, the totaL GRFA for the project becones 65,900 sguare feet, still LI ,255 sguare feet less than the existing approval . Additional GRFA may be added to the caretaker frorn the anount allocated to the prinary dwelring unit if it is not used for the prirnary unit; however, no caretaker unit shall. exceed l'200 square feet. with this approval, no caretaker units wilr be Planning and Environmental Departnent of Connunity October 22, L990 I have fewer inpacts since the design has been changed from attached dwelling units to single farnily homes. The land previously devoted for guest parking, tennis courts, and a swinming pool for the condoninluro conplex will now be left in its natural state. LastJ.y, the current proposal has 2L650 sq. ft. less GRFA than the previous plan. 1.. Buildinq envelopes: The proposal uses building envelopes to identify the locatlon of each house. The envelopes are not proposed to be platted. There will be approxinately 40 to 80 feet between each buildlng envelope. Since the PEC work session, the applicant has enlarged the envelopes to approxirnately 50 by 90 and has decided that each envelope will be adequate for all of the future construction without developing standards for ' encroachnents into the open space. A11 roof eaves, porches, decks, etc. will be contained within the bullding envelope. Though the envelopes have been designed to acconnodate aIl. of the future construction, the applicant would like to set up a process which will allow changes, if needed. The applicant has proposed the following language whlch will al.low some flexibility for the siting of the houses. The criteria Iisted below will be used by the DRB to approve any nodifications to the envelopes. "Building envelopes indicated upon the approved site plan rnay be nodified with approval of the DRB based upon detailed review of an individual architectural and site plan for an indivldual dwelling unit. The DRB shall find that the modification t,o any building envelope does not substantially result in any negative irnpacts upon the site, adjoining property, or have any adverse irnpact upon required geologic hazard considerations. ff an association of hone owners within the project is forrned, any nodification of a building envelope shall also conform to the rules and regulations adopted by t he association. -,',}4y'modification shall not exceed L5 feet and in no case shall any structure be built in the 20 foot setbacks shown on the approved development plan.rl W Fq,rril 2312 Ho. V15426 SCITEDT]I-.E A o F11e poricvl. Aze4ro86 Aneunt Address THE VAIJTEY t 4, 1. Pollcy Datc; sepiauber 21, t99o at stoo A.It. 2. Nane of Insuredl BUFFEIR eRSEK PARINXRS, A COitRADo Lil,IITED PARTNERSHT9 The estata qr intereg-,- in tha land. descrlbed 1n this scheduie and vhich is coverEd by thls policy is: A Fee Slnple Bltl'e to t'he eetata or lnterest covered by this poricy at the date heraof ls vested ln: BUFFEIIR CREEK P.ARTilE:ts, A coIsR-B,Do rJxl{rrED pARrNERsHrp [he land referred to in.this poli-cy ie Eituated in EAGLE couhty,Colorado, and is descrlbed ai follovs: A pART oF PARCEL A, LxoNrs RrDcE suBDrvrsioN, Fir,rNG No. 2, A suBDrvisroN RECoRDED rN IHE oFFrcE or THE zacr.e couNTv,collFADo, cLgRK AND RscoRDER, sArD PART cF Fn-qcE! A tsEi$6 HoRE PARTICU'..L.R,LY DESCRIBED AS FOI-I.oIIS : BEGINNIHG AT }II EXISTING BKASS CAP UO}NN,ENT }'ARKr}IG TJiX NOR.TSXTEST COR}IER OF SECTION 12, TOI{NSIfiP 5 SOUrH; RANGE 81 WESI oF ?HE srxTH PRTNCTPA-L uERrDr.A.ll, tEENcE sourH 01 DEGREES 3s XTNUTES 59 sEcoNDs lt3sT 1385.92 FEET, AtsNG THE I,rEsT LIHE oF sArD PA-R'CE! A AIID SAID sEcTIoN 12, To A perN! oH TIIE EAstERLy Ric:i! oF wAy lrNE oF r.',xoNrs RIDGE rioP, rEEficE rrtr rot,tpwrNc !]WO COURSES AII)NG SA;D RTGHT OF WAY UiIr: (1) SOuTH 21 DEGREES s0 MiNutEs 26 SECCNDS Eesr 20.e1 FEET; (2) ill'rec-orslANcE OF lx1-09 FEET Ar€trc A r3o.oo Foor nADruS clrive ro inu nrcnr, sArD CIJR\ZE HAVING A CENTRAI ANGI.,E OT 48 DEGREES 57 }fII{I'TES 40 sEcoNDs A,ND A CtiORD lnirclt BEARS SOUtti 02 DEGRE'a 38 ltrlruT8s 24 SECONDS WEST 107.74 FEEF TO A POINI O}T THE SOUTHEruY LINE OF lll!-P4Rclr A, THENCE rHE FoLT.OWTNG !HR88 couRs-s er.oNc saro !?gNplR:_IINE: (1) lrORrH 66 DEGREXS 15 l{xtfuTrS o0 sEcoNDs EASg 21?,?1 MT; (2) NoR?H 74 DEGREES 4s urlruTEs oo sEcoNDs EAsr 1:9.99 MT; (3) NoRrs 68 DEGREES 15 r,rrilurEs oo iicoros srsr 6?0,00 FEET; THENCE DEPARTING SAID SOUrIrEiii ir}|-EI NORTH 44 DEGRXES 59 !{rNurEs 18 SECONDS rfEsr 80.00 rEETt rgirfcr sourH ?6 DEGRIES 47 t{rNUTEs 59 sEcoNDs rfEsr 3g2.s{ rEEi; THENCE souTli 72 DEGREES 25 lrrNutEs 42 sEcoNDs l{Esf 35.00 FEEti rnalrca NQRTTI 11 DEGREES 5s IITNUTES 06 sEcoNDS }rEST 1023.Sg rasg,--io a porlrr oH TrrE NoRrHERty LINE oF sArD pmcir., A AND sArD gEcrlo$ r.2, THEricE Page 1 this Folicy valid only tf schedule B is atrach.d. t-i--,..- TIU O*ners FofE 2312 FoL ic Amount .42943085 No. V15426 SCHEDULE A Add:ess o FiIe THE VAI.I,EY scurl{ 68 DEGRTES Ls I'trMJTEs 4i sEcoNDs r{Esr 8r{.be p9ET, Arntlc SATD NORITTERI,Y tIN? TO TH3 POrHT OF EECI.YIIXN6; sUI.TECT rO TflE FOLIPWING EXCEPITON i EXCEITION: A PART CF IION'S R;DGE IPOP ROAD I,XCHT OF HAY,DEDTCAIED rN EAcr..E c3uNTy/ cor.ifRnDo oN sArD r,iolils RrDGE :!i3!IYIiI0N, FTLING No. z'FilrAL pLII. A stRIF oF l^eliD 70 FEEr IN WTDTH AIID LYING 35 FEE? O$ EAC}I SrDE OF A CSNTiRI..T$E rHAf rg I''CRE PA.RTICUIJARIY D'SCRIBED AS FOLI.OHS: BEGINNTNG AT A FOrriI ON TIi-E WEST LIHE OF SF.ID SECTIO}i 12,WIiENCE lHE NORTfiI{ES: CORNER OF SAID SECT:ON 12 BEARS ITCRTH 01,DEGR.EES 35 MINUTES 59 SECONDS B\ST :-2AO,79 FETT DI,ST.B.riTi THENCE all ARc Drs?AtlcE oF 33.24 !'EET ALQNG.t 1oo.o0 roor RADr-us cuR\f-E TP gll llcttr, sArD c'fivE llAvrNG A csNtRAi ANGIE oF 1e DEGRTES le MINUIES 48 SEcoNDs, AND A cttoRD THAT BEARS NoRft{ 61 DEGRIES 21 MINUTES 45 SECONIS EAST 33.58 FEEr, ?HENCE HORiE ?T DEGRXES OI MIMJIES 39 SECOI;:s EASI 30.54 FEET, THINCE }.}r ARC DISTE.ilCE OF 89.28 TEET AIONG i 204.63 FOOT B.DTUS CIJRVE TO THE LEFT,SAID CLR.\NE HAVING A CENTR{L }NGi.E OF 24 DEGNEIS 59 MTh-UTES 51 sEccNDs, AIID A cHoRD THAT Bsias iloRTH 58 DEGREES 31 Hr:rurEs 44 SECONDS EASr 88.57 FEET; THE}TCE NOR,TH 46 DEGREES 01 HI}iUTES 48 SECONDS EAST 214.02 FEEr' T$ENCE AN ARC PTSITXCi OE gr.29 FEEI AI'NG TI{3 ARC OF-A i36,42 FEET RADIUS CIiR'rE rO iHS RIG:{T, SAID CI'R'I/E Ir{VING A CENTSiI AIIGI..E Or JA DEGRXES 20 HIITUTES 27 sEcoNDs, AlrD A $rotD gHAt BEAes NCRtIi 65 DEGRXtii- iz r.r.xurss 02 SECONDS 3AS? 89.59 -!r=ET, THENCE NORTH 84 DEGRTES 22 MI}l1,rEs 15 sEcoNDs EAST 112.6? iEe?r TriilicE a.^y ARc o:iralrEr 6r r::.69 FEET AIONG A 440.74 FooT R\Drus cuRv:E To tHE Efl, slro cr,x,rre HAvrNG A CENtRAL ANGII oF 22 DEGREES :+ urruras .l:. srcouns A*'iD A cHoRD ?!{AT BEARS NOR1H ?-3 DIGRIES O4_MINUIES 55 SECONDS EAST ].?2.56 IEET; THtNcE NoRrE 6i DEcp€Es ar-urmtrEs 34 sEcoNDs EAsr 48.67 FEET' THENCE I-}r ARC DIST.qNCE OF 95.22 FEE! X.,OIIC-i i36,41 FOOT RADrus cuRw To rHE_pJGHT, sArD lunve Htv:Nc r Calirnlr .L\crE oF 40 DEGRXES 24 UTNUTES SA SEIONDS, *O A CHORD THAT tsE.}is NORTH 82 DEGITEES OO !{rNuTES OC SZCOXOi EAST 94.24 FEET, IHTNCE SOUTH ?7 DEGR,EES 4? I.IINUTES I+ SIiOiiOI ;EST SS.iz FE8T, TIiENCE A}I A.R,C DrsrNrcE oF 1os.?-3 F==T arcHG e-ril.es root naoius criR\,,:E To rH8 lElrr sArD cuR'fE !L\v:vc,i iixellli AlrGr.E oF 40 DECREEs i3 lrlNU"ES s8 sEcoNDs, .L\D a erioio rnqB BEr-Rs lroRrH 82 DEcRsEs 05 I'IIHUTES 57 SECCNDS E.\ST rO6.ii-riiT; THENCE NORTH 6I DEGREES 58 unrurEs 28 SEcoNDs usr rod.ro iiit, To fHE pOiur or r=.nurmrs,I{HrNcE lHE SArD NoRT.!1-JES3 conisR-or sEcrioli r.2 EEARS $CRTH 48 DEGR.EES 52 MINUrts 32 SEcoHDiwis,i 1335.0e FSET. Page lhis Polrcy valid onry lf schedule B is attached. TIM Ormer Forft 2313 o F1le No. v154!6 SCHEDUI.'.E B Licy No. .t2943086 t PO Ihle policy does no-.tollovlng r 1. Rlghtr or siains l::sura aEalnet loge cr danage by reason of the of partlee tn poereaglon not Bhown by thc publlc records. 2, Eaac'€ntt, or clai:ts of Egsen.nta, nst rhosn by tha publlc rEcorde 3. D.i.screpancies, confllcts ln boundar? lj.ncs, Ehortagg j.n ataa,€ncroacbnBnts,.and any.f,acts lrhich i corract sunref and inspection of the.p:aiises vourd arJ"ior"-iia-rrrreu ale not sho*n by the publll rEcerds. 4. Aly llcn, or right to a llenr.flt-eelr/ices, labor, or natarlal theretof ore or heraafrer rurnisrreal -G;;ile 6i to" and not shown by the public racords. 5. 1990 TTXES NO! YI! DUE OR PAYABI,E ilTD ASSESSI'IEN?S ilOT gEtr CEBTIFTED TO TTIE IREASI'RERs OFFICE. 6. LrElls FoR ItNpArD HA:ER il{D STWER CHTR6ES, 3F t$y. 7. RXGHT OF PROPRTETOR OF A VgI}i OR T'DE TO EXTRACT ruID RITTOVE HIS ORE TI{EREFROM sI{ouIJD THt sar'IE BE FouilD ro PE}iEi-RrCE oR rNEERsEcr rm pREMrsEs ii.ffill:D rlt uNrt=D srAsEs pArE$r Fxao$;iiluslsr re , leoe, iH soox te-er 8. RIGHT OF I{AY FOR DiTCIIES OR CANAIS CONSERUCTED BY TIIE AUTHORTTY OF THE Ht$||*tl*-ff H.l":;l:r rrl uNrrED sr^rrEs peirnr EccRDid'euirist rE, leoe, e ' REsTRrcrnE cgElilllst I{HIcl{ Do NoT CoNTAIH A ToRTEITuRI oR REvERTEa crausE, Bur ofir*TiNc iesrx:crigssl_rl Ant; BAs;!_gI_!4g8, cor6R, RELTGTON,0R NATToNAL oRrcrx, As CoNTATNED rN rt{Sreur,slri.$sololo septenber 20t rs72,rN BooK 225 AT PAGE 443 AND ti eamxoib-ix-rtG,imfiEur nrcoebri septenl et 2s t L972' rN Boox 225 AT PACE 56s ilrD As lt,tEnorb-ifi rusrnu'lmxT REcoRDED Janugrs,22' te74, rlt BooK 233 AT PAGE 53 AltD A$ arcHoab rN rxsgRuuaNT R#oRD;;'ffii !, 1983 IN BooK 362 At PACE 804. 10. UTILITY EASE}TE}TTS 20 F88T X}T HTEIIE, 10 FEET Olr EACIT SIDE 08 AI',L I}!1rERIOR Dr LrltEs AND A 15 Foot urrl..rit EliEfiENn Aroxi uro rBUgrrNG AIJL ExrERroR ffi: l:ntt As RESERVED oll rItE pral or r,ror;J-riiDcE suBDxvrsrolt, FrLrNc Page I rnfM Ob7rar Forl! 2313 14 . EAsEtdEltTs, RESERVATIo$S RICORDSD PI,AT OF LIONS 15, FoRsst ACCgss PAIH a_\D oN ALTA/ACSU IAIID TiTr_,E suRvEyrNG, Ilfc. File No. v15425 SCHEDUI-.E B I Pollcy No. A2943096 11' AGRIEIfEN? BEryEEll tAvVEL ElrvrRoNl€lttli, r.eND cotaralty a.\D ltottrrArN s?trEs TEITEPHoNE AnD IEIfGRAPH col{pAHy nsconono sevrdiran rz, 19?3 rN BooK 231 AT PA6E 2e1. 12 ' !ERl'ts, coNDITIoNS A.\D FRoVf sIoNS oF PIJ$ffED UNIT DEvELopuENT pLAN AI{D DEC!ARq'TI0N oF PRoTEcTx\nE covENAllTs TCoRDED tlarch 2?, 19g0 iN BooK 300 A?PAOE 758 }$D FE-RICCR.DED APRII 10, 1980 rN BOOK 301 A'i PAGE 4i5: 13. AASET.IENT AS GFANTED TO LTONIS RIDGE flATgR DISTRICT ATD VAII. VIIJJ\GE WEST WATER AlfD sAfirrArroli DisrRxc! rN rlrsrRrJulx! RECoRDED l,fAt 2t, iger rN aoox 323 At PAGA 505. A}TD RESTRICTICI.IS AS SNCMT OR RESEB\rED ON IITE RIDGE SUEDTVISIoN, FI&rNc NO. 2. ABAITDONED POND APPECfING SUBTACI PROPERTY AS SIiOlNr suRvEy PRSPARED ,IULY 25, 1990 By E,[6LE VALITEY 16. DEED OF TRUST-DATIP-i.qP!.NbiI 18, 1990, FRO}T BUFFEIfi CREEX PARTNERS, A cornR''Do Lr!'IrrED P.LRTHSRSHTP To trr puar.,lc rnusur oF EAcLE couur,y FoR TrE U8E OF FTRSTBE$X OF AYON TO SECT'RE TIiE St,ir{ OF_$ZSS,448.OO RECORDED septanber 20, 1990, iN EOOX 538 Af pA6g 154. 17' AssrGNl{ENE oF RlNas A}ID OE}IER RrcHTs RECORDED septeub+r a0, t99o rH Boor(538 A! PAGE 155. l*rro**po RrsouR.rr, 'rf ^ "- lll,i.r,gijil''"' "lg"fgceived Fax (e'o) 82i.5644 rtu I 7 tggg Bq-t-o 9B(a Edrvurd J. Zneirner, Ph.l). [)cvcloIrnent I-arry Schadcnherger Coustrr.rction Manirgel.t]ent February 9,1999 Town of Vail Building Inspections Department 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 81657 Attn: Charlie Davis Charlie: Attached please find the engineer's structural changes to our job BC4 at l7l8 Buffehr Creek Road that you requested during your framing inspection. I have also attached a copy of the ILC. I trust this satisfies your two requests that you noted on your framing inspection sheet. Sincerely, Integrated Resources, LLC r.KN T-Ui|5UL I ,|N 1 !i, I NU.€9.1915 /I t(7 . ZrZ l(PM*"^t^fnt FOn.ETa vfl- tn-4oo tttll Glrollr.nstl lBrlr o.srtz remnD OATE: JOB 'Qtqr. t 4 M" -Tt{€ fuc.gr,.,rrdt- DE-7n,|L 'ro fHf, rnJ bxt o .,€,,= f S AN Alrea4jp1u,a <4.t1.-l &tn JceE- f+tp i NoL 4€ 'rg Yd^xt -I-t+t< (41 .avuc CD -r*€ IVCV r\o-r rg; r{dDu4€.6 tloreN.an- eorunr€:e-t1e1q, l.erur.ou_4/zi-s\/tJE,b P.s . t>\ejg-i- t-re_1a.4_ C.s.wrrrzrtnr_,! Lo<-.ou E*-)t!.t) r rr.l t, OIF:g1 6,,. FROJ€CT: LO.1 .t -G._leFrr=n- ...ftc -_ CI M€ENT{G NOIES O R€SPONSE O cr.ARrFcAnoN/cDtANGE SIGNED:COPY To; KRM CONSULTANTS, INC" P.O. Box 4572 Vail, Colorado 81658 (97O) 949-9391 r x (970) 949-1577 o' j-1-"5lS--.--- o^tr I SFE€I rlo caLcuLArE9 clrEc(to ov n,* -4-*" ,.M='i !(-i : izt.:. ) I r.ii ... _. 46 t<.. , ^ ' !t r r rrrt ! I ----------!---.e \ I I \.-|,, $, yi 51g'L- KiJ'Frt u Qo> - ?4,? THFo-B(L-?-5 €(z-)- i7/4,x-]tV+ UVC r oo c<>---n*efr E;7)-**--*"k----( / fe.t2l"c-au1prv'^r4 , / u A) t a a e) 3 0 aO P \t 2 I I vl rj a i ol x l-:'{'SN J0; {{6 d. N > (r_ a. EJ J J 9 t_- I f -) z rl)c KRM*u,r.t*fro POAX.|!l7a vA|. oq.qtF 8rc0l l'rolr9€asr tr|{849t!rt, NEU'ffiPORT 'ot /3P-r"-, (? 4a tt D^re 7l (/ qs g"-1 - 1(i I ARRfVE: Z:1o ? OEpARTT 3'Jo p WEATHEF: ATT€NTION: PROJECT; lo( +_ g'trrl€-rz'cr-k- JOB NUM8Efi: 1-202- l+ On Soptember O{, 1998 lvisited the abws toferenced proJect to mainty obsrrvn the ordsiing roof traming. The msln toof ftafing rvas mostly comdetod, but the upp6r mot traming has not bogun. n-e toltoulng - ftems wsre noled. - The 'J' connedions on tne roof framing mgy utillze only one Dent datl urlrh (Z)-U4' diarneter lhru.bolts each 169 minimum. - The 'H' connec{ons on lhe roof refters may be ch8ngod to 16d too.ndts equst to lhe span ln feet (i,e.8 ftel = (8)-10d too-nalls). Hplrrever, the mlnlmumnailng ihail not be less than (5)-16rt toc-nalls. The span shall be measured horlzentally a! on pten. ' Provlde a Simpson LUS28-3 hang€f for tho (3)-Ad2 ddge beam cooneclion to thG bent header. The (4-b<12 ddge should utjtize tie'O. connedion, and the connection at the CZ)-1 1 7/8 L\n- fidge was mhlabeled ss an,'E: jconnesiioo. The coneci connedion should bc an .F, connaclion. - The 'C' connedions on the roof plan may bc changod to (2>SlmpsonA35,s. . The (3)-u12 valleys mey be changcd ro (2)-1 3/4xlt 7/E LWs. Pleese oonlact enganeer for allemate sotutiom if these connectlons qro not peoible or rvith any other questions. Sincerely atm p. Hgruanw,t SIGNED: R€VIEWED: COPYTOT /r/ 4 Ozr, ,<ile//)/t/( ' /''| /" TIMES 897 - 043 6 staEus...: rssIlED Applied..: L2/24/]-997 rssued. ... 05/0L/L998 E>cpires . . z L0 /28/L998 APPLICAM INTEGRATED RESOITRCES L,LC Phone: 970-827-5634 PO BOX 639, MIMIURN CO, 970-827-4L01- 81545 CONTRACTOR IIITEGR,ATED RESOIJRCES LLC P}TONE: 970-827-5534 PO BOX 639, MTNTITRN CO, 970-827-4L01 81645 OWNER BUFFEHR CREEK PARTNERS PO BOX 305, MrlfrrURN CO 81-645 Number of Dwelling Units: 001 Factor Sq. FeeE Valuation 97 .80 4,4O4 430,7a1'.20 Masonry 28.55 584 l.6,679 '04 Subtotal: 4, 988 44'7 ,390 .24 Total valuaEion z 447 ,390.24 of vail Adjusted Valuatsion: 447,390.240 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 97 0 -479 -2L38 DEPARTME}fT OF COMMI]NITY DEVEI.,OPMENT 1-7]-2 BT'FFEHR CREEK R.D 1718 BUFFEHR CRK RD 2LO3-]-22-L0-005 PR,J97-0080 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON 'JOBSITE AT -..\r,,,- PROJECT TITLE: ZNEIMER NEW SINGLE FAITI ItJV/UOmm. UeV. NEW (sFR,p/s,DUp) pERMrr permir #: Cfean-up approved amount date ilob Address: cation. . . : Parcel No..:Project No.: D osit Refund Description:NEW SFR Occupancy DweIlings Private Garages Type Zone 2 V-N Zone 2 V-N FEE SUMMARY Building-----> 2,132.oO Restsuarant Plan Review__>-OO ToeaL Calculated Feee--_> 5,S42.00 Ptan Check---> 1,3a5.s0 DRB Fee--___--__ 2OO.OO Additional F€e6--_____-_> -oo InweEtigation> -oo Recreation F€e----------> !,32L.2O T6taI Permi! Fe€_---_-_-> 5,542'00 Tab1e DaEe: 05/L7/L996 Town Fircglace Information: Restricted: Y wiIl call----> Hof cas Applianccs: 3 *Of Gas Logs:*of wooa/PalleE: c1ran.UpDePogiE----.--.>5oo.ooPaymenEs-.---..-.------.> TOTAL FEES------ s,342.OO BATANCE DUE---- .00 ITCM: O5]-OO BUII,DING DEPARII"IEI'TT DEPts: BUII.'DING DiViSiON: L2/24/L997 JRr{ AcEion: NoTE PLANS TO PLANNING L2/24/L997 JRM Action: NOTE PLANS TO CIARI-,IE oL/30/L998 CIIARL,IE Acuion: APPR CHARLTE DAVIS rtem: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMEIIT DepE: PLANNING Division: 0L/22/L998 GEoRGE AcEion: APPR Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEITT DepE: FIRE Division: ot/23/L998 CHARLTE Action: APPR N/A IEem: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS DepE: PUB WORK Divisj-on: oL/23/L998 CHARLTE Action: NoTE OFFTCE PL,ANS ro LARRY oL/26/L998 LARRY_P Action: APPR LP rt,em: 05550 ENGTNEERING Dept: ENGINEER Division: 0L/23/L998 CHARI-,IE Action: NOTE OFFICE PLANS TO TERRI 01,/26/]-998 TPARTCH Actj.on: APPR app See page 2 of Ehis Document for any condiEions thaE may apply Eo Lhis permic. DECI,ARATIONS I hclcby rcknorl€dg. lhat I have read this application, fi11ed ouc in full Lhe inforrnation required, colnpleced an accurat€ plot plan, and aErEc lhaE all the idfor[lalion plovided as lequired is correct. r aglee to conply eith the infonnaEion and plor plan, to comply wj.th rll Totrn ordinances and sgat€ Lawe, and to build thi6 stluctsur€ according to tsh€ Torn's zoning and Eubdiwieion codc6, de!Lgn rcvi6e alrploved, Unifonn Building eoda and other ordinances of the Toun applicabl€ t'hcr€to. REQUESTS FOR INSPECAIONS SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE AT 4?9-2rf,8 OR AT OUR OAFICE FROM S:00 A.ll 5:00 PM s€nd Cl6an-Up Dcpooit To: INIEGRATED RESOURCES " PAGE 2 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 897-0435 as of 05/0r/98 staEus: TSSUED ******************************************************************************** Permit, fipe: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMTT Applied: L2/24/L997 epplicinr: INTEGRATED RESOIJRCES LLC Issued: O5/Ot/t998 JOb AddTCSS: 1712 BUFFEHR CREEK RD I,OCAUiON Z TTLB BUFFEHR CRK RD Parcel No: 2LO3-!22-1-0-005 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS ******************************************************************************** 1_. THIS PROJECT WILL, REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMEITT SIIRVEY. SUCH SITRVEY SHALI_, BE SIIBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR A FRAME INSPECTION. 2. MAKE NOTE OF CORRECTIONS I-,IST A.I{D RED IJINE INFO ATTACHED TO APPROVED PI,A}TS TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO StaLemnE **********************************:****************************** Stateruxt Number: REC-0393 Amount:4,224.0O Os/OL/ 98 08:39 Init: JRM Payment Method: CK Notation: #2589 Permit No: 897-0436 Tytrle: B-BUILD NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PE Parce} No: 2103-1_22-10-005 SiEe Address: 1712 BUFFEIIR CREEK RD L,ocation: t-71-g BUFFEHR CRK RD Total Fees: 4 ,224 . OO Tot.al ALL Pmtss : 5 ,542 . OO 5, 542 . 00 Amount 2,L32.00 267.80 500.00 L,32L.2O 3.00 This PalmenE Balance: .00 **************************************************************** AccounE Code Descrlption BP OO1OOOO3111.1OO BUITDING PERMIT FEES PF 00L00003r_12300 PLAN CHECK PEES AD 001-00002403r-00 CL,EANUP DEPosrTs RF r_r_100003r_t-2700 RECREATToN FEES WC OO1OOOO3]-12BOO WIIL CALI INSPECTION FEE i. .i \,1 lD- f 2i";;3:,i; : I ;, 3" ; : : "1: : : i T tiJ;i, I PARCEL il | z.loV t27 \o ooq PERM 0 vArL;*il.u"rro, ?/r (^ ..J 7 fC..Sc.f J;..--...[, . ,< -,c,. \ \\ l' Iti APPLTCATTON FORM nril.u,hA. l:- n ' .' Jr' L/ lt o^J - (\OrY) PEzuIIT /I OF IT DAT , APPLfCATIoN MUST BE FTLLED oUT CoMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACSEpTED x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PERMIT INFORMATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Il g{-nuitaing 1 l-plumbing [ ]-Erectrical [ ]-Mechani-cal [ ]-other Job Narne: l-aI+ , rl$frve PAMItY Fgqz,rob Acldre==, l-1l6WF€ett( @4F For+p Legal Description: Lot Ll #H*W Filing sunlrvrsron, LIA ZNEll4'eF- Owners Nane :Address : ?O.VOt' * WyTt F4/p6ftA*tlsl Archirect: ALM Au.HffeLTe( lvo. General Description: c?lltbLf Ffu\4tt-f traWt'lC*eil@ Address . ?.o.V0KqLvlrvkw(Lo pI'.02|.4v% IJ, [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Electrical Contractor: Address: Work Cl-ass: ftllew [ ]-Alteration [ ]*Additional Number of Dwelling Units, I Number of Accomnodation Units: _ \pmber and Tvpe of Fireplaces: cas App1iu.."r- 3 Gas Logs_ wood/pellet_v tt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *'l durr-,nlnc: Lq49p@ Er,EcrRrcAL: $ orHER: $ . PLUMBING: $ MECHANICA v fr*************************** coNTRAcroR rNFoRMAr.,roN *rr*.************************Eeneral Contractort l$T"aFffip wuF+fu EE rown of vail Req. Ho. l1?-A Address, ?,O,W,( phone Number: d+:;;#j----:- Town of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone Number: Plunbing Contractor: Address:Reg. NO. Mechanical Contractor: Address:Reg. No. oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE:. PLUMBING PI,AN CIIECK FEE: ITTECHANICAL PI,AN cHEcK FEE:' RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT:, TOTAL P BUTLDING: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: _ Bq7:tNJb Town of VaiI Phone Number: Town of VaiI Phone Nunber: VALUATION CLEAN IIP DEPOSIT REFIIND lVTe&($TvD Y+no?o?e - AoDyBe Nwv€ ro o rlr oz oo ,o ot: H oz .o ol) .Fr o o 'oro ore cro oro i a I ol tl U c x E ll .{tra .iH BA E{O E z^ a Hll t ak |'rc {o E ?3 t FII H cra ul oB o4 oo j t F tJ EI o ra o H c F gr It o ai Fi CT e A l{ hE iB 6 -o HU!C oo HFilr aclo :o CE\t'6c' AFT 8B EO Brz d1 E g F{{ Fi Fl zz ED IO E{!l a0l{ H Elr az I9 o u tu $s a H E ll t! A * E :z g ** fiE DT:I' IJ al * E T lr i.A D 11 u o E e E E c t' ql o T e F o 1: eE &a I> g Ir.Erto .F olcta FOt otco TOWN OF VAII-, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 970-4'79-2L38 APPLTCAMT CO}TTRACTOR OWNER Description: Electr:ical---> DRB Fee Investigatsion> wi 11 ca'I1----> TOTAI, FEES_ - - > iIOb AddrCSS; 1.712 BUFFEHR CREEK RD Locatlon...: 1ti2 I:J;iiHir CRBEK RD Parcel No. . : 21,03-L22-l.0-005 ProjecE No. : PR'J97-0080 DEPARTMEMI OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE:TTITS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .fOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E98-0334 Status. . Applied. Issued. . Expires. fSSUED 1) /i a,/'r ooa 1-2/L8/1,998 06/16/L999 WRANGI,ER EI,ECTRIC RUDY GARZA, 10915 W TUFTS, LITTLETON WRANGLER ELECTRIE RUDY GAFT\, 109]5 W TIIFTS, LITTI-,ETON BUFFEHR CREEK PARTNERs PO BOX 305, MIN'II]RN CO 8].545 ELECTRICAL FOR NSFR Phone:. 3035249876 80]-27 Phone z 3035249876 80a27 Valuation:20,000.00 F S Ul,llIAR Y . o0 . oo 3 .00 212 -OO T6f:r --r -'.1itad Fees Additional Fees--- - - ----> Totsal Permi! Fee--------> 212 . OO -oo 212,OO 2.. ^. ,00 BAI,AI.ICE DUE. -. - L2/LB/L998 Item:05600 nT Ti ^rTrTl 'r arn Y t\tit\ r\ 1.r rTln /rTttT.ta Dc: t JRM RM ACt.iON: APPR APPROVED .TRM-FIRE DEPARIT4ENT DepT Dept r-rrrT T' T\Tr.lrr ni.r-i d.; ^n. t rR!; uavl_s aon :t2/L8/L998 JRM ACIiON: APPR NA/ CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I her€by acknowledge thaC I have read this application, filled ouE in full the informalion tequired, compleced an acculate PloE p1an, and ltatse that all Lhe information ptovidcd qs requi.red is corrccc. I agree to comply eitsh ghc infornatj.on and plot P1an, Lo conplv with all Town oldinances and Btate 1aws, and t,o build Ehi6 slruccure according tso bhe Town'B zoning and Bubdj.vigion code6, design review approv--, ...,::- ..:-,li-,,r -,-.. .r_-: c!:.-- ,--linances of the l'ovtn aPPlicable lhcfcuo. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHAI,I, BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TEIJEPHONE AT 4?9-213S OR AT OUR OFFICE FROII 6:00 AM 5:OO PI.: t 2L2.oo L2/27/99 t?.4O TO$IN OF VAt&, COTJOR-trI)O sEacannt StatehnL NuEr]rer: RSc-044? AftounE: 9aynent l4ethod: cI( NoEationr 2440 hiE: JN Pernit No: E98-0334 T}?.': E-:LEC Palce1 No: 2r03-122-10-005 si!.e Addre66: 1?L2 BUFFEHR CRESK RD Location: L?12 BUFFEHR CREEK RD Totsal Fees r PaydenE 212,00 TotaL ll,L Pntsa: Balance: AccounE Code E!ECTRICAJ. PERMIT ii r 'r rr rrt ', r t rr t Desc!iplion 2r2.00 2L2,OO .oo liroung 209.OO 3.OO EP OO1OOOO31114OO ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES rtc 00100003112800 I{ILL cAlrtr TNSPECTIoN FEE (<= . i\ jf- \ ii.i:i,,:#:l;,sTlfif$=#*,f ." :l;;::l:*j"",,t pFFrrr PEPJ-f IT .}.PP!ICATTO}J - FOPJ.,\, _ ;;,;;i"aiT:y6.,,,.' ,/ APPLICATIOI{ }rusT BE FTLLID ouT coHpr,ETELy oR rT ],Lr\y }roT BE AccEp?ED K* * * * *, * * * * :t x rt* * :t x rk** rf * )k * * x )k:t.;*fb :' [ ]-Euilding I I-p'l r:n]-rir-,- r 1. rob .iane, r rffii"*,r#.:i,:"t:;::== : ,r..l r,esal Descriprion: Lor. I__ e43 Filins Arnlri{-o^l-.Address: General- Dcscrj.ption: '.2?Ilor): Class:_ 1f-liew ;l-Al-teration I J-Aclditional 1 3_n"pair [ ]*other )Iumber of D,+eILii3.'Units, I lJumber of Accor:i:.irodation Unit=, #::::_:::_:":: of Fireplaces: Gas.Appliances_ Gas Loss_ r.roodlpelro.- fq***'<:'(:',. x t x *ix ***ttx x*t:*rr x)t**!t'ix**** vALUATToNs rt*x*t: rk:t* * * * .I * r,r * * rs.l * * ,i :{ r.,t .} ". ,o :, * ,,: x**BUILDf NG: .$ntEcTp.:tcAL z $'2-C- C{O OTi{Eii: $IILIIIBTNG: .i },IECiLqNTCAL: $p T OTAL: {lfl * o* u, * * * r.,< x rr* * **,!i! * * * *: x x x r .'< x rt * * * * * * * * :i * :,,; * * * * * CONTRACTOR j Eenertl Contractor:r: owners 'ane:[q ZUerrneA (irii> Address, q INFOIT}IATTON X.r.ectrical Contraccor: Ar.dress:3es I]:*ll? contracto" F97 - ors,{ )ipr-h:rr,in>1 .r^F+e-lr\-o._L L-UJlLlclC Addres s: ec FOR, Address: rk* * * *rtrf *t-* * *** * t ** * * *.i * *.}* * 'Fnt.rn ^r: rr^.lr h rv''rr (Jr val.I lieg. NO.rnonc ]lumbc r:.t No-Z30- ti Toiqn of Vai.I Phone Number: Town of Vail- Phone l{unber: OFFf CE USE .,.^*** * * i< * ;. ;( * i * *r? >l * * * * x * * +t:i**** Reg. No. Reg, No. EUTLD: NG PERFITT FEE: PLt'i'IE NG PER].IIT FEEr ]'IE]HA] ICAL PERHIT FI]E: ELICTI ICAL FEE: OT]]ER IYPE OF FEE: nDA Ft: r.. : BUTLDTNG PI,AT CHECK FEE:PLTN'IBING PL}-N CHECK -FEE:HECHANTCAL PLAN CHECK FEE:RECREATION FEE:CLSAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PER.I.IIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: STGNATI]RE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: VALUA?ION .:i.li j )i . :) Tr=lrnqT,r tr;.,;rr".n Tn _: _j.t-_ .. j!..r rJrlr/ r{r- t 75 soulh lronlagc road vall, colorado Oi6S7 (303) rr79-21.38 or 479-2139 Tn- FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: e.ac ancl aclinowledgecl- by: olllce ol communlly devc.lopmcnl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTEF.ED I.IITH THE TOifN OF VAIL TO}n.I OF VAIL PUBLIC I.IOR,KS/COI.I.IIJNITY DE\TELOPI.IENT ].L\RCH l-6/ 1988 CONSTRUCTTO}{ PARKTNG & ].L\TERIAL STOzu,GE Tn <ttt r.:r r-rr ^--: .:!, rL.,,u,,.ry, u.Clrhdnce r.,\o. 6 stal-es l!.1t i!_ is un'awfu' fo:: any pe)'son to litter, track or aeposit. any soil, ro.i:, sand/ c.lebris or rnateri rr, inciuct:_n9. trish-Iiip=t..r, ;;;i";i; toirers a nd r.ro: l:nen v,:hicIes, r.ipon .rny strect, =iauira.iil ";ii"y or public pIi ce or ;rny porri;n th;;u;;:--in" rigni..oi_;;y-r"" atr Tor.rn of Va l streer-s ancr.roacrs is approii,n.r;i,-u"it.'*iri poun*nnt.Th ; ordinance wirr be =t.iiiiv"enforc'ed ly-tnl-rown of VaiI puLric ' r'lorks n"narlmentr --i".!rns f ouncr "irr.ri"q this orcrinance virl be siven a 24 hour o,riil"n"notice to^;;;;;.rsaid nateriar_.rn the event the person so notifiecr.ao..-nli'I"ipav r+ith the notice r+ithin rhe 24 hour tine-speclrie;,.,i;"";rf,Ii. r.rork.Departnent vri'I remove =uiJ-^"tl:i1l.i! ttr. "xf.nse of persc n notif ied. The nrovisioni "t tf.,i= .ordlnance shaLl not be applica):i-e to "tn=tiu"!l:l;^f+illlii"{. or repair projecrs or any strc:t or alley or any util,icres xn.the right_a_.,ray.. To revievr..ordinance Nd. e in fu]I, please =topl ly the Town of X3; ;"i]ii3i"3"".:f;i:til:ii":: ";t;'n a copv. rhanl, vou ror your R Y x=- X* rionTn-IaETEiEtri-_E Proj ect ( i, e. contractor, oi+ner) a D NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ELECTRICAI/ PERMIT .TOb AddTCSS: 1712 BUFFEHR CREEK RD I.,OCAEiON. ..: ].71.8 BUFFEHR CREEK RD Parcel No.. : 2LO3-L22-10-005 Project No. : PRiI97-0080 APPI.,,ICANT WRANGIJER ELECTRIC RT'DY GARZA, 10915 W TUFTS, LITTLETON CO CONTRACTOR WRANGLER ELECTRIC RT]DY GARZA, 10915 W TUFTS, LITTLETON CO OWNER BUFFEHR CREEK PARTNERS PO BOX 305, MINTURN CO 8l-545 Description: TEMP POWER t DEVE TOIIIN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970 -479 -2L38 EPARTMENT OF FEE SUIiIMARY ElecErical. _ - - > .oo DRB Fee .00 InvestigaEion> .00 will carl----> 3.oo ToTAL pEES- - - > E1 .00 COMMTJNITY LOPMENT ON .]OBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: E98-0Ll-3 SEatus...: ISSUED Applied. .: os/26/a998 rssued. . .: 05/26/L998 Expires . .: LL/22/1998 Phone:. 3035249875 BOL27 Phone r 3035249876 80L2'1 Valuation:250.00 Total calculaEed Fces-_-> 53 '00 Addi.ti.onal FeeE---------> .oo Total PermiE gee__------> 53.o0 Paymenes-------- BAIANCE DUE. -. -. .OO Item:06000 os / 26 /r998 Itbm: 05600 05 /26 /L998 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 'JRM AcTiON: APPR APPROVED FTRE DEPARTMENT JRM AcTiON: APPR N/A DeDt: BUILDING Division: .TPNT "b?'pt : FIRE Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECI.,ARA'TIONS r hereby acknorledge Ehat r hav€ read thi6 application, filLed out in fuII che infontrat ion fequiled, compleEed an accurate ploB plan, end 6tabe Lhat all uhe inforurat.ion plovided as required i6 corrcct. r agree Eo comply eith the infonEtion and ploE PIan' to conply wiEh a1l Torn ordinances and Etate larre, and !o build Lhis €trucEule according co the Tor'n's zoning and gubdivision cod.6, dcsign revier, approved, uniforn Building code and oEh€! ordlnanceB of the Tosn applicable ther€co' REeuBsrs FoR rNspEC:I,roNs aHALL BE MADE TvlENTy - FouR HouRs rN arvANcE aY TELEPRoNE AT 4?9-2138 oR rr ouR oFFrcE FRoM 8:00 AM s:00 PM /, uRE oF owNER oR colrrRAcroR FoR Hrl'tsELF AND owNER .r'..r.r.rt..rra*r.rrrrrroa...r"r..........lrr.t.o*.. j.rrr*ir !or0r ot vAt!,, @IpRlDo gtaEaate t\raa+jlaratttlaaaaaaatttt!tarrataaaat.lttiatttata|l}attr-ittttra9ttatf gsra.nnE lflrEb.E r nBe-0406 lrcurB: PalrGnE l||thod ! ctr Nogrclont 23ea 93.00 05/:5,/98 13.47 trnit: ltf ?afelg No! E9g-0113 T11t}.: B-ELEC EIJECtrT'IetI' PtRIitIr Prrc.l 8o! 21,03 -122 -10 -005 31Ec Mdr... r t?l? BUFaE|iR CRESK RD Ipc.eLon r l71g BUTAEHR CREE ( RD thia P.yurnt logrl Fs!!: 53,0O Tot. l ILL PEt.. Balanc.: 53.00 53.00 .00 lccount Cod€Daectlptlon BP 00100003111100 fluPoRrar Pot{ER PERl|rrs nc 001000031t'2900 tftt E clt rr lNaP€dlro!, FEE IlounC 50.00 3.00 l r.rrrl:. s';: :'-1" "' " ""'1"'"" - F vAr L corrsrp.ucrr .fr-;u*iupg,, r,oc i7O-328,-8640 for .parcel i. -/ TOWN oF vArL coNsTRUCTI ff.t , zJ/23 -_._r__-; ),/ -vrr.! v4 l/.\r r.,, r_!rl\irlf(U(-J'.I\J -.// - (,2?.> PERMIT APPLTCATIO}I FORM DATE:5-LL-qB rr AppLrcArroll .oii" t'lAY 22 1998 DArE:5-LL-98 llf fl -al,sb . APPLTCATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT }TAY NOT BE ACCEPTED I r * * * * * ** * * * *** * * * ** * * * * * * * * * ** pE i""""^^l^^ ,yt TNFORMATION *****,r***************.**,t***** [ ]-Building 6 1-rrunbing 6\y'-nlectricar [ ]-Mechanibar [ ]-other rob Narne: - Job Acldretr, -LaL8Mi> Lesal Description: r,ot 4 Block_ ririn8qFFtiHqsuG,1A lwners Name: \rchitect: Number of Accommodation Units: .fmber and Type of Fireplacesi cas Appliances Gas Logs_ Wood/pellet ]LUMBING: $ i * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS * * tr * * ik * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *! T/-tf,Alk/iurr-,nlNc' f .-.--.- Er,EcrRrcAL,t?sC-_ orHER: $ leneral Description: I E .tork class , y{*.* ,l-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]_other tumber of Dwelling Unitst I \ddress: (*******t ***********.******** CONTR;\qIOR INFORMAL,ION ieneral contractor: J-NTRL'oa,tlTCb R€SCqeSet :];;:::? contracto" E7x' Otl? *************************** Town of Vail Recr. NO. Phone Number: 35O-bt'Z=t ilectrical Contractor: rddresst Bor. 388 lechanical Contractor: tddress: : *:t*:r rt** *** ****** * * * * *** * ** ** ** * ]UTLDING PERMIT FEE: )LUMBING PERMIT FEE: IECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: JLECTRICAL FEE: )THER TYPE OF FEE: )RB FEE: BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: lomnents: _5eiq=- jcn?r c Town of VaiI Req. No. ?Jz) -t Phone Nunber:/fu4a4J- Town of VaiI Reg. No. Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunrber: OFFI CE USE !t * * * * *** * * * * ** * * * * * * * * :r * r( * * *'t * * BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBTNG PIAN CHECK FEE:MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: .RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES; /^\ n-Burperrr? \_rar YcfrNdPlddress : Address: VALUATION , CLEAN IIP DEP.OSIT REFTIND TO: TOWN OF VAIL ./5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD .'.l.rL, co 8L557 \t70-479-21_38 APPLICAI{T CONTRACTOR OI^INER o D o DEVELO EPARTME}IT OF COMMI]NITY rtv].!;: THIS PERMiT MUST BE POSTED ON PIJIJMBING PERMIT ..TOb AddTESS: 17]-2 BI'FFEHR CREEK RD I-,OCAIiON . .: L7L2 BIIFFEHR C'(!]EK RD Parcel No. . : 2a03-L22-10-005 Project No. : PFtiIgT-0080 ZIKA PLIJIVIBING & HEATING P.O. BOX 60r_3, VAIL CO 8L657 ZIKA PLI]MBING & HEATING P.O. BOX 601_3, VAIL CO 81657 BUFFEHR CREEK PARTNERS PO BOX 305, MTNTI'RN CO 81545 Valuation: PMEI,ilT .JC3SITE AT ALT, TIMES l-.,-rnit. #: P9B-0087 SEacus . . Applied. Issued. . Elq)ires. I55Ut1! o't /10 /1goR r0/06/L998 04/04/J.999 Descript.ion: PLUMBING FOR NSFR FEE STJT'IMARY Restuarant Plan Rcviet{- - > TOTAL FEES-... - - Phone. 970/390-4629 Phone t 970/390-4629 20, 000 . 00 Plumbing-----> Plan check- - - > InvescigaEion> Wi:l call---- > Total Calculated FccE- --> Addi.tsional Feea----- -- -- > Total Permit' Fc€--- - - ---> Pa)mentss 300.00 75,00 .00 3.00 .00 378.00 3?8.00 .00 378.00 3?S.00 BAI,ANCE DUE..--. .OO Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEIIT DepE: BUTLDING Division: 07/LO/L998 JPN| ACTiON: APPR APPROVED JRI'T Itbm:' .0tac0 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept.: FrRE Division: '' '10/i.998 JRM Action; APPR N/A t1t r * i, r * r t * * ir * CONDITION OF APPROVAI., 1, ]ITELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRI: '^ 'II'IT^'' '^' :CDE EOMPLIANEE.2. -O;Y OF FIRE PI-,ACE REGS GIVEN,AMOIJNT OF LOG SETS AND APPLI^q}ICES NOT ALLOWED DECI,ARA'TIONS I hereby acknowledg€ thac I h.vc rcad Chis application, fill.d oug in ful1 the iafoEnation reguited, compl€bcd an Bccurate Plot plan, and Feste that all the information providcd as required is correcl- I agi.! t. :nply wi,th the information and plot plan, to co$ply r{ith a1!. Town ordinanco. rnd Etate 1aes, and to build bhls €lructule eccolding to bh6 To{n's zoning and .ubdivisior: cod.s. dcaign rcvie* approved, Uniform Buil'rl-- codc lnd other ordinance€ of thc To$n appliceblc thcreto- REeu'srs FoR tNsp'srroNs sHAr,l, BE MADE Tr{ENTy-ForrR HouRs rN AD\,AN.E By rEr,EpHoNE f.rfn "-rr)" oR AT ouR oFFrcE FR.M 8:o0 AM s:oo pM tt ^ I SIGNATURE OF t a trrt lt tr tat la t rtiitttrtir rr *t rt TOlnt oF vArrr, coldRlDo :_ :- g!rer!I|! r aall,ltfitt ttata tai lt l litlt aaattat'raratttiiirt**a aa rriirrtrt,rtt 8t.ts.urt, ItuDb.r I REC-0{60 looult: Prldrnt I't.Ehodi CK NoLetlon? ?5o2 370.o0 10/05/98 12 !15 Inllr tr'c P.r'j.t lro, Pt!-oos? -;"; -;: ;- - -;i**;;;;;;'---- Prrc.l Nor 2103 -122 -l,O -Oos git. Addr... ! 1712 SUFFEHn cnE8tr m Lo€TlloTT. 1712 BI'FFEHR CRAEK RD lotrl !t..: 374.00 Thir Pq|rrne 3?8,OO Tobal N,tJ Entr! Brhncr: *tr*irtiatttttt*lltlinirtrrf ***rritttttlti*l.t**tttaatriarttttirlrr Account codc D..crlphion P? 00100003111200 Pr,uuBrilcr pER[rT FEES PF 00100003112300 PIBN CIIECK FEES t{c! 00100003112900 lfIL!, cAt l, INsPEetIo[ FEa 3 ?g .00 .00 I$ount 300.oo t5.00 I .OO , au .....:. Eogle councy n""."""rlrl'""ile frecelragg :-u"t:: i PER.\IIT /I rAPPLIcATIoNMUsTBEFILLEDoUTcoMPI,ETELYonffi',o I r * * * * * * * * J< * * * J< * * * * * * * * * * * * * *'k * PERMIT INFORHATION it * * * * * * r, * * * * * * * * * * ,. * * * * * * * * * *\I \,t l-Buirdins A{-prumbing [ ]-Erectricat [ ]-Mechanibar [ ]-orher ..<./ rob Name. L4q S.T,n-. Job Acldress: _Jy!W_O-sa<.-'--- R] nr.V Fi l in . *r*.l(r c|IRnTttTeTn\r. Address,_ph. Address. zrt tt,l,-trl hrvvqh l./ ph. ar 970-328-8640 for ParceI /l . TOWN OF VAfL CONSTRUCTfON JUL O U 1998 \Drtrr /l . K ,\ LegaI Description: Lot Lf PERMIT APPLICATION FORM DATE: lwners Name: \rchitect:Q €e r-,(- k+-n leneral DescriPtion: rork class r )d -N"* 1 .\ L, l-Additional 1 l-Repair [ ]-other l-Alteration I Iumber of Dwelling Units I Number of Accornrnodation Units : fmber and Type of Fireplaces: cas Appliun"ur-{cas Logs t Wood/pe1Let r *** * * * ** ** **** *'t* ** * * *)rc* ** * *** *** VALUATIONS ****** * ** * *** ****** ***** rt * * * * * * **\ IUILDING: $EI,ECTRICAL: $ MEC}IANICAL: $ OTHER: $,LUI.IBING | $'>-o, oo(9.oe t-TOTAL: f 1* * :t *- >k *. i. * * * * * * * * 't * * * * * * * * * * * CONTRACTOR INFORl,tArI,fON lenera l- Contractor:* *)kr( * **** ** ***>l* * * *,'t )k * * )k * * * Town of VaiI Reg. NO.Phone Nunrber:\ddress: ;Iectrical contractor:'iddress: iddress: .: ** >lrt** r\ :f **** *** * * * * * :|r **tt ** *****FOR }UTLDING PERMIT FEE: )LUMBING PERMI'I FEE: IECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ;LECTRTCAL FEE: )THER TYPE OF FEE: )RB FEE: omments: Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Nunrber: Reg. No. Req. No 2\1-7 -q,,oq-ooqT- Reg. NO. OFFICE USE * * * * * * )tr rt * * )r * * * * * * * * tt * * rt * * * * * * * * BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLIIMBING PLAN CHECK IEE:MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN_UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: ,rLrmbing cont.ractor: 2\t<,A' \c-lt{tir.zf,- { ttgr.\\t/A rddress, Sof f t Lf, Y !echanical Contractor: GROUP VALUATION I CLEA.I{ UP DEP.OSIT REFTJND TO: TOWN OF VATL 75 S. FROIiTTAGE ROAI)vArL, co 91657 97 0 -479-2L38 DEPARTT,IENT OF COMMT]N]TY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON MECIANICAIJ PERMIT JOb AddrCSS. . . : L77,2 BI]FFEHR CREEK RD LOCAL1ON : L'1L2 BI]FFEHR CREEK RD Parcel No..... : 2103-122-1,0-005 Proj ect, Number : pR,f97-0080 A,PPLICAIII R & H MECHANICAL I,LC l-047 CHERRWA]_,E ROAD, BOIILDER, CONTRAqIOR R & H MECHANICAL LLC 1047 CHERRWA],E RO.AD, BOI]LDER,OI,'INER BUFFEHR CREEK PARTNERS PO BOX 305, MrrvfIlRN CO 81645 Description: MECHANICAI, FOR NSFR RADIEI!'T HEAT SYSTEM Phone: 80303 Phone: 80303 Valuation: Fircplaca IDforeat.Lon: Restricted: y *of cas Appliancea:ilof Gas Logs: St.atus. . Applied. Issued. . Elq)ires. .JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: M98-0123 ISSI]ED 07/ts/Ls98 07 /rs/L998 0a/Lr/L9e9 303 -543 -9894 3 03 -s43 -9894 co co 34, 000 - 00 *Of wood/Pa1lct: FEE SUIiIIIARY Uechanical- - - > Plan ch6ck- - - > Inve6t. i9at. ion> will call----> 5S0 - 00 170 . OO .00 .00 853 .00 453 .00 .00 453 .00 .00 TgIAr, FEBS----- 3-OO Regcuarant Plan Revi6r- - > DRB Fee--------- TotaL Calculated Fe.s--- > AddilionaL Fees----- ---> Total P€rdi! Fee--------> PayEents------- BAI,A.T'ICE DUE-.-. .OO *J*****r**a*Jj!rt Dept. : BUII-,DING Division:Jru,f Dept: FIRE Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAT 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUTRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI.TCE.2. qoMBUSTTON AIR rS REQUTRED pBR SEC. 701 OF TrrE 1997 IIMC, OR SECTION 701 OF THE 1997 IMC.3. INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 I]MC, CHAPTER 10 OF TIIE ]-997 IMC.4. GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENIED ACCORDING TO CTIAPTER 8 AND SHALL TBRMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O5 OF TIIE ]-997 I]MC, OR C}il\PTER 8 OF THE 1.997 IMC.5. ACCESS TO HBATING EOUIPMEI{T MUST COMPTY WITII CIIAPTER 3 A}iID SEC.1O17 OF TTIE 1997 I]MC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 199? IMC.6. BOILERS SHALL BE MOI]NTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBI.E CONST. T]NLESS LISTED FOR MOIINTING ON EOIIBUSTIBLE FLOORING.7. PERMIT,PI,ANS AIiTD EODE A}IAIYSIS MIUST BE POSTED TN MECHANICAJ. ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPEETION REOTJEST.8. DRAINAGE OF MEC}IANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EOUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC.LO22 0F THE r-997 UMC, OR SECTTON 1004.5 0F TIIE 1997 rMC-9. CUISHEET REQUIRED ON DRAFT INDUCED COMAIR. MUST MEET 1997 UMC REQUIREMEI{:TS OF ].30S'I .ALL EQUIPMEI\IIf LOCATED IN GARAGE MUST BE PROTECTED FROM VEHIC ITCM: 051-OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT 07/1-5/L998 JFWL Acr.ion: APPR APPROVED Item: 05500 FIRE DEPART'IVIENT 07/15/1998 JRyt Acr.ion: APPR N/A LE DAMAGE ************************ DECI,ARAITTONS I hereby acknorrledge thag I havs read thi. applicreiotr, filLcd outs in full lhc idfor:urlion r.qul,red? coulrl.E.d a! accuraEc plot plrn, and !trt. thib rl'1 thc inforrnation providad aa roquircd iB cor!6c8. I agrce !o c@ply niEh the infoloabiotr and pLot ptan, tso coEply eibh aLl Tot n ordj'n$c6r Etld .trca 1lI., rnd co build chir lcruclurc eccording t,o chc aorlr,6 zoning and eubdirr"ision cod.t, d.aign rcwior rpprovcdr uniford Building cod6 and other oldinanc.s of the Torn applicabLe tshereto. RAQITESTS FOR rrCspEsrollg slqnlr B8 UADE TWEIITS-FOI R HOURS SIG}q,TUR.E OT OWNER OR CONIRACIIOR FOR HIUSEIJF AIID *************************** ^)It ***************************** ttirt*tar!:r*rrr.!rt*ntrtrtr!rr'*rrrr**.r...t.ri**r*rrr?rrr*, torof oF ve.r&, cotroRlDo trrEatlrr *t t !1tf*t!t *irat* ili*trr*tttr **i t arrt ti,irr Irrtl' | *trt i *r,rrrrrrr*rr* gt{elllrc ltirnb|r! IIEC-O{9? tlloun!: Pryarllt ll4hod: CK {ot*Lo!r: 4519 550-00 02,/O2,/t9 Ot !02 tnlt ! att{ gg3.o0 653.00 Aalurca: .0o *taf ttiltra*at'' air***tt+itlttfi l|a''*ttt:laatattttrt|rr!atftr:ata|trtt+t Psrlit llo r u98-01?3 Tytl. ! B-uECtl D.rc.1 ro: 2:,03-122-1O-OO5 61t. lddr..s I 171? BU!!.EI4, CEEft( RD Iros.rLonr 171: B!!t@. cnaER RD Tot l !c.t: lbia Prlru.ng 550.00 Tor.l l!trr DEcr: lccount Codo D.!€tipfj,on up 00100003111300 !{BcHat[tcAtJ pERl|rS mas PF 00100003112300 PltF cllEcR rEls lEorra! 4a0. o0 llo.oo :onCac rr 970 \RCEL 4-,\ e lt ll -3 28-8640 for Parcel l. TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTIO PERI{IT APPLICATION DORM oxrn;_7-l,l-16 APPLICATION }IIJST BE FILLED OUT COMPI,ETELY OR IT MAY NoT BE ACCEPTED t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PERMIT TNFORHATTON * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * )* rr * * * * * * * * l& * [ ]-Building [ ]-Plunbing [ ]-Erectrical [ ]-Mechanibar [ ]-other ll r t f\ t P ,, - , -, tt / . - t A fob Namet !)wll^1 ('t tt t,- rallttc/>Job Address1. J_!_l ) f,!-l L (,.,.1 P.l=) Legat Description: t ot 4 "I*.ll n Fit i no ----+- ----^-J- ' r -rrrtty SLIBDI\IISI0N;.:' DFD\IT'T \rchitect:Address: EI,ECTRICAL! $ HECHANTCAL: $ 1* ir * * :t * r\ * * 't t( * 't * * * * * * * * *' * * * * * CONTR.I\CTOR INFORMAj.'f ON leneral Contractor: \ddress: ilectrical contractor: 'ddress: )lr.rmbing rddress: OTHER: $ TOTAL: $ *************************** Town of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of VaiI Reg. NO. .Hn. leneral Description: A" .' f., DE r ,^-.-'r- 5r.,. S f ,:o r j/ , .. (:.-,;'---- rork crass: fd-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additionar [ ]-Repair [ ]-other tumber of Dwellincr Units:Number of Accommodation Units: .fmber and Type of Fireplaces: cas Appliances Gas Logs_ I,tood/PelIet k * * * )t * 't * * * * * * * * tt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * vALUATIONS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,r * * * )r * * * * )k * * *tto lurr-,orNc: $ l).,Ooo ?LUT'{BING: $ / Contractor:c \\.tl "n""" Nunber: Town of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: /t- ++t /ft I o ct tra i5 <: Iechanical,,- Con 'rddress: lu,0 . a : *:t:k:t * * * :f * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * FOR }UILDING PERMIT FEE: )LUMBING PERMIT FEE: IECHANICAIJ PERMIT FEE: |LECTRICAL FEE: )THER TYPE OF FEE: )RB FEE: 1^rLr L /r r) I h Town of VaiI Reg. No. )9V.t"/(t Phone Nunrber:'3o's-s OFFICE USE * t< * * * ** * * * * ** *** * * * * * * * )k tr( * * * x * * BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: PLWBING PI,AN CHECK TEEJ MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: GROUP lonments: VALUATION I CLEA.N UP DEP.OSIT REFTIND TO: !.r r^l rnxtf,cglrlr! FraotS n5c rl t07 157 Qo"llltti cglLlNc ),}fu 7o ,ai7 1s- c ?0 q'6a I IfLLs Sqoc t?,o?70b fo"f),trz Hrnoors Lp 7'i;75))71 ffi fiuo tt'( 70 4tt')IIIFILINA.rror Lllpa A 7 ,rr--ffitil L Sft|a(lJ g7/13/t938 18:31 3435541877 RH MECHA\IAL PAGE 61 a HEATcAufr{tttuo*t(r*ai rr=.*, ttttF.tJiz, KJtF'u'rt' O'*', ) GONTRACTI)R:u> L ADDRE$S:- P- JOBMTTE.-*1&t;-s TOtALs?lrf ,ot @u #,JerE ,.tt;W ADDREss:--Ar=-'4 'f 'r- r I ,.'' PERtt fT *r--Ngis ttb' 7' " t )u G*mtrteto. ?oroo6Tr^ffiH,r^, /3 tooo o7o' SENT BY: AVON (e70) 9a9{qD {e7o) 94c-s229 FN( $LVEFT_1{oRNE: (970) 4564ert (s7o) {88"6099 FA)( Date Reeeived JUil 02 t998 _ 6- 1-98 ; 15:41 ;ConnunttyDevelopuelr-, 3034192157i# l/ | ,flirc Bq?- oat34 E-.,, t)- =- Koechlein Consultlng Ensineers Cons u lt i n g GeotechnicE I En-g I n eers lzlto/t W, Alm(b Ptwy ,5ull 13ll r [|l3uooct, CO SO22S MA|N OFr|cE (303' 9t*1223 (309) eE0.020{ FA,x June I, l9llt I.rtry Schdcnbcryo lotografd Rcorrrces, LLC P O-Box639 Mnhrm, CO 81645-0639 Subjcctr Excavation lospcctiur for$e Fopoced gcriilomc Lda hrft*cr*soditrm Vail, Colorado IobNo.9E-13? As Gqurrtcd, a rcprcscntlriro. fu-:r_{to? jryra"a 0p bul&rio mrbrirls cxporcd ia rhc txorvation rt thc subjoct lite twicc on Mey 26 rrld 2?. 199t. Thc prrposa of orr iasplt ou *er to vgriry $|,11-*no*a maferials so,ld refrly nppon r sprrod footing fo.ndetioo w'il n" rt popoi l€strlcncc_ Tho dlPth of thc cxcrvrlion vyrco fron rpprodorlcly 3 t m 20.0 ftot Ttc nucrials apored in rhe bqtt'ofi of lhc ctrcrvalioo cr,rnciltcd of a dry io noirt, dor*, rilty, nnd. Thc roilr wihur rhc cxcavation mtt conpacred in accordrnoc tilh our rcctmmcndtions- tn our opinio4 rtrc cxpo*d soils will safoly $rpport r- sPrcad footiry foutderion syitem dcsigmd for r meximum ello*eblc mil boering p* oi 2,000 prf. oru opinion ig brrcd on the founddion roitr 'mrining unsarurrrod. we apprccirrE Oo oppottxnity ro yrovidc bir sctv ice. [f wc cen bc of funha rs.r,icc, plcrsc oooccl us. Siff-rc|y, KONCIil-EIN CONSULTING ENCINFERS, INC, Prcri&nt (l copy reot) cc: Erglc Corntv l'I lEq gqa gE giiiggii E+i q=; 3;f,:8 6ff= 6d ;irD. :=< Bg-5- ,- n tl'l (J -t :+kJ{ Y5 - oq laH qEQ qe *96 tdE. 9= sg=; +3a &i Fao€ f;;"8 ffi 3d ;qfi €i sl &43 €9 Eg 0+e 6"€ ;E Ei3 ge Fa dge eB 93 s4+ e$ ga ear ii Fg Fq* .fia qa "*il iq qs 89 9a f€ e7 Xe qr eF ;t ?o e5 A6 a€ ee 9H *3 AF e* $r gg gs N)...-r4O C.'@ \. I qo qq -d4 +fE 6c) --+oQ oJ co f -rr Qo qq 6-q .J o o -.F J {'o o o.'o c j J (o o 9.o o o U' v, f,o 6')(o o 8 a =o o. f. -F =J {o {) o 'o lc lf t+lv, I m o o J J o { o- {o =J (o c ) 3 o o o =+g. ) m 'o !J o U'o o o =o o. U'9. o c q. o c =(o o.o o o o a o f o 3 o o J o ) o N CI o (n o o g o J o o.v, @ o :t f\) (o o .U, 6'(o o g. o o o U, o )o )o 3 o o J o J {o N) (o o U' o 1]g o J o o <,, @ o f, ) -l -> I C..t -5 lp lg l+ ld-I+to lo. IC7 t{lo l5 lo l5 l# I m o o =:t o € d arr =o -F o o. o. {o =:t (o C )_ 3 o o o J +o a o f,o (o o CN o (o o 0'o o o a )o a o o + o f o )o _a (o o V2 o o e o J o o t>to to lo l3 l3 to lo to l-+ t6- l:t lc le ld I m o o J o { o o .o o 3 3 o o.o o'J c + 3 o o o 2 g ) (tl o. 6JF qQ= O Res u5{ B do3 6-crY A gg,A eeq 5 E€r qsa E iia ief; g rp9, 8dg 5'dgs :43 B 'oRq. 5;{ o n:td st9 3 3eft ix: ; tsts {E+ c sRs. ;gi 8 =3,4 FqE g !D g ts'l 9 dg Ffi$ I r? 9ed =6 ds l o4 0d5 *g 8od U o=' ' d'g 8-8 8t oa :ii = e g-e srlq d= g 8. q'& q Q d.o.:3 3q^EF 33 gF 39 -r =F -. lv o 6 T6-1= i'E BA H3 al OO Feb-Ol -99 09: 5l R & H MECHANTCAL 1047 CHERRy\4{-ER0AD B0ULDER, CO 80303.2S16 PHoNE. (3O3) 543-9894 R&!l medraP@\c ?.u*r--oP \H! **r2'@/ P-01 w tso d,#!f "" ?tbil OlcWs builpaD Fa( (cS,n hn- SrLe_ /uuET Ba Srz eO 81 EIJG lAz @lts f.i**=-*Frorr 5rr"d n lrl\ll I Au:+ 4 l/c.-,{ ?]c:, ,21-?? : itg":.jlr; L/?f _J/S-] L Fer tvqS-o /&3 h*J,{,f'l .;.,-1 . L FF!1 p{"tr $ s,F'.4\A\ i)F -\t F .P t- |* (. ,.\ $' El F t N \ \\bt F L- 'P $fFF rsR't<-$.ft5 \rl I'q.\ I P.O2 Feb-Ol-99 09:52 *d tsF s qF h \F-tR. flo F ..... N i'th {r;}F-L \FF NF6* _l T t \i.$ 5=r s] F l.i., \ .\n N}',(i N \s n $tH \*8 o Feb-Ol-99 09:52 *c :'l , I !,\'. ::I t.. i : .i:i I i ,' tt,ji" '.-.- : ,' t r-:r il I l I I I ;'I -... ,:. . . .. .--_... .i I ,'+ I I ' :,' i irl I:"-.,1 .1 t I I :. t_-*:-,: I I I : 't: : i, I i,'t: i .:r'r r i-" -* * -'"'!it il I \.--'.--L-,-r -ti ,,ii';ij ir ' ' i ...i t i ll , -i i llti l L I r.__i t, C} s c 'i P. 03 $o () F o :\t- C<l o (\ crog 1:l I :J * rrJ :.1 ?t i-ar. . ': iil :-. c ' -. r,r El 'r F 3 F ;'.: i1 .) lO I t:.r.r\.: . f/' * r' er .j;': :l;: Fi: ;i i'L; it,3:. yj i,:l.$i$,,t sg$AEtIij Ii. fil; ir IA TI i: H .t'l i.i : L!.1 ;d t\ ."j I ii ,l l .'i i i.. ii-l I - itr ,, i.; i I : i : i : : : , s,'i; 'i{ tr * t; l{ J' lr i, s ,1. ;. j. s .- ... t. ... :..:-' .v ,. i-'. llc -r (r,;i ti i'- ia. rrr sr rl T(a\i .' :. I r, i.r a, 'r:. - 1,: tD .:. r9 - a iti c..j 'fr 1''! .'1 a ! t .l .: :.t ",( a., .!i :t ( .;: + (c i:..'11 ,:, e " '. n * ,^ --. 1'F, 'r: !i l: i 'j a\'r $ rf (C. ri (i, C +. _i :'. f.I :i...-. i:i .:: t' r:. \l \r (\avlv.ll\r{.--(!:.,! ; .;i: 1' r:: - i,. .. !: - .-ar .. ,) &.!, d:i -. tr,:;i:,1 |1€Lalfi-lr--ihir)- ri'!;;. S i '-{ l:; ii; J-' fi c.r io .i:..l qt n rD G. r10 .: |til .f, i.i .{ ili .! r, i:, ,- i: * * " q r: tr - .tt {" r'r. ro i.t :: : l'i i: ':t --'-: j{ ;..l;'..- ;i;';:( -: r a: rn L'; {! -' i- - - - r\ r e.! .j CJ ar ?J J:. :r o tr 'l: 6 ,- 40 !r Ctl ''&;.1 ;; i. a"; it -i d'F !-:.!:i.f.. ;. .,. :., .. i: j' ic ;1 U ::. l-. I ._- i: ;1 i*,i:g,,F; ..1 g:: i_ir. IilStjE , Ci^ {v: ...O :.. ,} ,:, ;.: l:: h:,.; i: i/i i',";i,:l .:l:;A ! C]a: |r.\Cl:Cl ._ i.i'iii(}!5 -s ;,p .. FI tt il $::- i .,! I 1'=:..irq ..1.: ; ! ; ..: = !tl.o i 5 :s ;'i: Ero * : !l€;i)t;'t'it-- !'' do " i , :58l* *o r i I :. 1 S r i'ri 6l ,r.l ' .|: .'' : .. tr '*'i-'- ,. .; - .l f r..aOrqlr'J1 q)\QcFl_rF.i, ?. a. .ll ?.-F?F.! ,J gl 14 rt' .:|.| r.tn rt :. () ir .j ._ Fr ': 15 1r,' iJ)F+-Fi.j.J --.t5,Jl!taO ,1 n- i\ E.-' J. rrl {? ,ill' tti r)? rrr it -- r --- - :'l 4.1 J'! () nr ei ::! r:)11 I' Cr ta if: Jr leP&rg 4' r.t ':r (ra C) I (.. {) -:r or ._ lo cr. ,j. |j! -- rl -l (; lD i-. io i4 ?:, al! dJ .a:tJ Si;,3;lI -' ',.,i.-t t5 HiU:3 f;t$ifi rr) dt I ;'5?-j;'X t{:LiAJ .i j ':!4 il !!:r.1 ; ;: : E iqj :i , oil I r.- is:' ,- t,! j .f,tdo-qi- : i 1!:"::,' i,:i-! i i:.. Ft'!',,.ail i r3: {.FqIt-r id:,,t EEE'l ai3.e zr- - -;al 1, qIi:n -FE ": - i .i ! el|rl -l L €9:60 56- TO-qal to'd (d +J rt o td tr .g la q, tr E Feb OZ SS U8: OGa Rgan B. S i nner I The 3-444-5818 p. r I AS Combustion 30 Field Controls Coinpany Air Systems a 4' intake air hood 4' Vacuum Relief Valve Appliances wilh Beckett AFG or AF Burners, Carlin EZ-l and Wayne MSR Bumers Any oil heating appliance Any gas heating .lppliance with 24 VAC gas' .rve conlrols 4" rntake air hood 4" Vacuum Relief Valve Field AirBootTM 4" rntake air hood 6' Vacuum Relief Valve (optional) Fan-in-a-CanTM Assembly 6' to 4" Reducel Reslricter Plate See chart below See chart below 4' intake air hood 6' Vacuum Belief Valvo Fan-in-a-CanrM 6'to 4" Reducar Restricter PIats ffirffi ffiffi@@E@ffi 50,000 282 273 75,000 0.so 233 222 274 100,000 o.75 180 262 125,000 0.90 124 194 247 't50,000 1.00 67 165 232 r75,000 1 .25 136 10r) 217 200,00c 1.35 202 225,000 1.55 I3 186 250,000 1.75 43 --e-,- >- 300,00(,2.00 350,000 2.50 400,000 2.75 >s_-- 450,000 J.ZC 49 "6" intake air hood is oPtional. The Field Controls Compariy...Yrur Number One Draft Chnice Draii Controls a Draft Inducers . Power Vcntcrs o Air Boosters l'hc Field Corttrols Contpl ,y 2306Airp,;ri Road Kirrston,N.(l.2ti50l (9 I 9) 522-303 I Fax:(9 l 9) 522-02 l+ Pri tr.l tn u.S A. (1995 KP) *T;1;,,'l I I I I I .1 REPT 13I TOt^rN OF VAIL, CoLoRADO F.A6E E AREA: CD g|-9/A9/ 1999 Cr7r55 REOUESTB - INSF,ECTN WORK SHtsETS FORr 9/ 9/1999 '- Activity: 897-O436 9/ 9/ 19 Type: B-BUILD Status; ISSUED Constr: NSFR Address: 17ll BUFFEHR CREEK RD Location: 1718 HUFFEHR CRK RD Far-ce I : lllZt3-1Ee-1O-OO5 Descript ion: NEIJ SFR Applieant: INTEGRATED RESOURDES L.LC Owner: BUFFEHR CREEK FARTNERS Contractot': INTEGRATED RESUIJRCFS Lt-C Occ: C|OOT Use: V N Fhone: 97tZt-BE7-S634 F'hon e l F\hone : 97tZt-837-5634 Inspect i on Request Request0r! LARRY ' Req Trme: ftl:OO Infor'aration... Co m nr ent s : t^llLL Fhone: 39tl-BlP3 [.ALL . Act ion Comments Items regnested to raraagta BLDE-Final Inspect ion History. . " . OOEAI F tJ-Te m p. acces s /dra i nag e rZilZrSOg FLJ.-Rough grad e 00F43 FW-Final driveway grade Agt@lO BLDG-Foot i n gslSt ee I .6J/'Ag/98 Inspector: CD Action: AtrFR Notes: STAB ALL DOWELS FER AFFROVED FLANS THIS INSF.ECTION EXCI.UDF.S INTERIT}R A6/tfi/9A Inspector: llD Actionr AFFR 06l19/98 Inspector: CD Aetion: AFF:R Item ; tt€tOPO BLDE-For-rndat ion/Steel @6/t5/9A Insoector: CD Act i on : F Fr WEST 1 /e ONL-Y AFIF'ROVED F,ffDgi SOILS ENG, INF.SECTION REST OF FOTJNDATION REST T]F FOUNDATIT]N ILC ROUTED TD F,LANNINE Elevat ion Certifrcate OH Time Exp It em: Itent It em : It en : Notecr FROVIDE THE TOHN NITH e 5ET5 OF REUISED DRAWINES SHOI,IING ALL trHANGES TO FOUNDATION O6/F:3/99 Inspector': CD Iten I O0SEO trl-f.lN*ILC Site F,lan A'{./ L7 /99 lnspeetorr CD '. OE./94l99 Inspectorr BRENT , Iten : OCTOSO BLDG-Franing Action: AFFR Act ion: NO Act ion: AFF'R I\cor r -l t ''$em: .,v."{Itam: ia, .Iteml ti' . rtemt Ae/Q3/99 Inspector: f,D Action: AFPR SEE NOTES Notes: FRAMING IS AtrFROUED FENDING THE SUBMITTAL AND AFFROVAL UF AN ILC ADD ATTIC ACCESS AT INSULATION WILI- FE HOR ASSEMBLIES PR[]VIDE sTRUC. ENG STAMFED DETAILS OF . 6e/L7 /9i lnspec'tor': CD ftaasa BLDB-Insulat ion QA/ 1 L/99 Inepeetor:,'EG 'Z1006O BLDE-Sheetroelr Nai I Ae/?'9/99 lnopectottl JRM AAOTO BLDG-Misc. OOO9O BLDB-Final OOESO BLDG-Tenp. ClO THE MASTER BDERT]OM AREE USED FOR FIRE BLT]CKING AT ALL VERT TO OF RECORD INStrECTION REPORT RND INCLU MATERIAL SUBSTITUTIONS EX. STEEL TO LV ACt i ON: AF'F'R ENB REFTT]RT RECE I VED Aetionl AFFR APFROVED Action: AtrtrR APPROUED JllR Mi - Psb v Notes: TCo t1F,trRoUED T0h,N 0F uAlL, coLoRADo REp1l Jt,' .,,F,AFE 3 AREA: trD /n tA9/@9/'!999 O7r=5 REGUESTS - INSF'ECIN WORK $HEETS FOR: 9/ 9,/1999 F.LANNING DEF'T RF.F'RNVAL RECI' D, F,LANNIB HRS BEEN NOTIFIED SMOHE DETLCTORS NUST BE UNCOVE:R NFTER FINAI.- CI.HAN UF. NND BHFI}RE OI.INER Bi:CUF. IE5 I.INIT CASMETiCS NOT COMF,LHTE , ALL FLL.lllBINf:; NOT COMFLETE' (ENOIJGH COMFLETE FOR TCO)RFST O t.}$m#;u's* F,f,:$lnl)*ti;tt-uREs 'HAL," BE ''NFLHTE BY FINAL co 87 /i:.'e/99 Inspectonr L.S . Notes: EONDITION THAT \ FRftM LICENSE PE lIA DAYS, F INAL F.LANNING DEF.'T. AA/il1/99 Instrector: L-S I t ern : ta0533 F,LAN-TbMF. t,/O Iten: O8537 FLAN-FINAL C,/O It en : g'r4539 Ft^l-FINAL C/O Ite,m: 0rO54A BL.DG-F.inal C/O ACt i ON : AF.F,R AF.F.ROVE NITH CONDITION I t\,lLL RECIEVE Ft STAMFED AFFROVED DRAWING uN ALt- BUULDLRS T.JAL.LS EXnEEDING 4', WITHI AF'F ROVAL OF l,'lffLL5:l t^J I LL BE REOU I RED FROI4 Act ion: AFFR RECIEVED DRRI^,INB OF [JALL C\ o l2E11 i.l REprr3l fourv IJF uArL, coLURADo g7/?e/1999 O€:OS REOI,JESTil INSPECTN l.fORK SHEETS FOR Activity: 897-O436 7/2UlS Type: B-BUILD Status: ISSUED tronstrr NSFR Address z l7l? BUFFEHk CREEK RD Locationr 17lA BUFFEHR CRK RD trareel: 21O3-I?€-1O-OOS Occ: OOOT Use: U N Description: NEl.l SFR Applicant: TNTEGRATED RESUURCTS LLC Owner: BUFFEHR CREEK PARTNERS Contractor: INTEGTTATED RES{IURCLS LLti Phone r Fhone l Phone: 970-Se7*5634 s7B-g?7-5,634 Inspect i on Request Inforration. .. . . Requestor: LBRRY Req Tire: O8;OO Corrents: LATE Aftl Iters requested to be Inspected... Fhone: 39O-81P.J D,rr.r lao*'rfite ExP -.___- SO53O BLDG-Terp. C/O Inepe'etion ['listory..... O05Ol Pl'J-Terp. access/drainage OOSO? PH-Rough qrade OO5O3 Pl'l-Final driveway grade OOOTS BLDE-Foot ings/St ee I O5/?9/9A Inspeetor': CD Aetion: APPR APFROUEI) Notes: STtrB flLL DOIIELS trER APPRUVED FLRNS THIS INSPEtrTION EXCLUDES INTERIDR PADS IA6/fin/g8 Inspector: CD Aetion: API-IR SOILS ENG. INPSECTITN o16/19/98 Inspector: ED Action: APPR REST OF FOUNDATIIJN Iter : Ao,o,?g BLDG-Foundat ionlSteel Q6/15/98 Inspector: ED Action: trA l.lEST 1/2 ONLY Notes: FTRUVIDE THE TOhrN tfITH e SETS tlF f{EUISED DRAIIINGS SHt,l.lINE ALl- C}IANGES TTl FOUNDATIUN Iter:Iter:Iterr Iter: A6/?3/99 Inspector: CD Iter: OOSPO FLAN-ILC SitB trlan 0?/17/95 Inspeetor: LD {l,2/?+/99 Inspectorr BRENT Iterl OA03g BLDG-Fraring I{DD ATTIC ACCEss RT INSULATITIN WILL BE . HTIR RSSEIIBLIES T]ROUIDE STRUC. EN6 STAI{PED DETAILS T]F A2/17/99 Inspector: CD Iter: OOOSO BLDG-Insulation 6?/tll99 Inspector: EG Iters OOO6O BLD6-Sheetrock Nail ge/?5/99 Inspector; JRltl Iterr Eo,rlTO BLDii-t4isc.Iterr BO09O BLD6-Final Iterr 0O53O BLDE-Terp, C/O Iterr OO53e PH-TEttlP. C/O Iterr OO533 PLAN-TEI{P. CIO Action: Cltrl.tR REST OF FOLINDATION Aetion: NO Aetion: APtrR ILC ROUTED TO PLANNING Elevation Certificate OK .n?./Q5/99 Inspector: ED Aetion: AtrtrH SEE NUTES Notesr FRAI4INE} IS APFROVET) PENDING THE SUBiIITTAL AND APPROUAL tlF AN ILC THE IIIASTER BDEROO}I AREA USED FOR FIRE BLOCKING AT ALL VERT TO OF RECORD INSPECTIT]N REPORT AND INCLU FIATERIAT- SUBSTITUTIONS EX. STEEL TB LV Aetionr AtrtrR ENG REPORT RECEIUED Aetion: AtrtrR Actionr APPR APPR{lVED APPRTJVED JMR F _r4| / P REPTTSl Wfellg$ eBr0€l \. T(ISrl OF URIL, COLURRDO REOTESTS - ITSPECTN l{tRK bI€ETB FORI 7l?3.f 1!|99 -;, "t trfffr 7 AREAr GII Iter:Iter l Itcr l tcc OG37 H-AN-FINAI- C/TI GGt39 Plf-FIttlRL C/O GO54O BLllGifinal C/U n/Srnovl fu' E z \uno."o /1 (Lu6e\ Mu ST 5tdilq AcTct$tvCy E./huausr {r# qV Dr rtcnL ?aaa€. TD 4 P",r,ttS,Prc rLoN laot' I (oS^rnCS NoT (owrPcerZ- &runur; , Fcoa(- Quo?,NG - tc"t,u€ r.-"li Ot'dA.> Err- fh.+"t"\ zL \ Lx,I'Dao$ I APPtzurep Pur^^'ru rruiG Dr Pr Wr1eounc ?ta'D + - it!/)-ttgc \,^r\Oc-r'j.r\t LeK ,--, rcr, i..r r'': ., X $a c,lY,,it.l}Sc Usc ?NoRb- Dtsc SS C , .!rl-iri-r..,. Vr,c 5<t,>!-rr L..,r f / - rHi' \t'#"' 5 Tn"oo""iu x"e)'q w :.-- ffi* \l[''ila *ffiD * " .'Ubbs"^E'Ul t)*n \go+u.u REFTI3T gTte?f L999 Activityr Addres s : Loeat i on: Fareel: Deseri pt i on l Appl ieant : Owner: Contractor: PABE eREf,r CD ??/t999 lilgg-Ole3 7/?e/19 Typer B-ilECH Statusr ISSUED Constrc NSFR I71E zuFFEHR CREEK RD 17IA BUFFEHR CREEK RD e103-1aa-10-oo5 I{ECHANICAL FUR NSFR RADIENT R&HI'TECHANICALLLC BUFFEHR CREEK PARTNERS N&HNECHANICALLLC Oec: HEAT SYSTET'I Phone: Fhone: Fhone r Use: 303-s43-9694 3S3*543-9494 Lock:, Holds, and Not ices. . t . ACTIUITY Notieer PERIIIIT HAS BEEN UFIjRADED Inspection Request Request or: Req Tire: 01:O0 Iters requested to G039O ftlECH-Final Inforrat i on. . ". Corrent s: be Inspected.., Fhone: Act i on Tire Exp Corrent s Inspection History..... Iterr OO?OO FIECH-Rough ' 0?/6?199 Inspeetorr ERG Notes: FIREPLACE IN ftlAIN RUO[4 INSPECTED BEFORE IT IS Iter: OO?4O PLI'lB-tias Piping Iter: OO3lO ltlECH-Heating g7 lt7/94 Inspeetorr JRlvl Notes: APtrR EAST'IIEST AND Iterr o,O3?0 MECH-Exhaust Hoods Iter: 0O33O MEtrH*Supply Air fter : OO34O I'tECH-ltlisc. Iter : Olr39O FIECH-Final NtrT VENTED. CUVERED. Actionr fftr|-rR fftrIrk flIR TEST Ag* IN IIIDDLE FLOT]R NREAS -on: APCR ALL BUT t'lflIN WILL NEED TO FIREPLACE. BE A7/eL/99 Inspector: GRG Action: NR ALL OK EXCEPT CONTROLS. Notesr ALL UK EXCEtr]- CtrNTROLS NOT COFIFLETED. STILL NEED ITEltlS' ESPECIALLY LIKE THE INTERLOCK SO THRT E COIIBUSTION AIR INTARE FANS COI'IE tlN tfHEN THE BOILERS FIRE. PLEASE CALL F INSPECTION I.IHEN ALL CIJNTROLS CIII{PLETE & OFERATIONAL. & ' {q' REPTISI ' - rA7 fe?/ 199? o9r 19 REOUESTS Ttil'lttl tlF UeILt - IT{SFECTN }JORK CT]LORAD{T SHEETS FORz 7/??/l9gq PRGE.. T AREA: Ctl SELECTIIIN CRITERIA INEPECTION DATE T]FFICE INSPECTOR AREA REAUESTS SELECTED 7 /?e/ t999 *FILLf *ALL* ? t ( REprrBr 3*tu oF UAIL' coLoRADo 07/&.f 1999 O6:Ofi REOUESTSItINSFECTN HORK SHEETS F{lR P98-OOA7 7lE/19 Typer B-ruilB ITIE BUFFEHR CREEK RD 17IA BUF'FEHR CREEK RD e103-tea-16-005 PLUHBING FOR NSFR ZIKA PLUiIBING & HEATING BUFFEHR CREEK PARTNERS ZIKA PLUT{BINIJ & HEATING aatt999 PAEE AREA: CD Aet i vity r Addregsl Locat i on c Parcel l Description: Appl icant r Onner: Contraetor: 9tatusr ISSUED Constrl HSFR Oce r Use: Fhone: 97o/39o-46?9 Fhone: Fhone: 97El39B-4l629 Inspection Request Requestor: LADDI Req Tire: O8:OO Iters requested to OO?9O EilB-Final Inforration.. . . . Correntsr LATE Att be Inspected.,. Phone: 994-OO9l Corrents Tire Exp Aet ion w { t'ttA<, Inspeet ion Iterr Iter l Iter: Iter: It er:ft er: Ite-r: History..... OOeIO PLltlB-Underground g7/14/96 Inspector: ART 00eeg trLt4B-Rough/D. l.l. U. @.1o.3/99 Inspector: CD OO?3O trLl'lB-Rough lhlat er A?fO3/99 Inspeetor: CD o]g,248 trLtrlB-Gas Pi ping W/U3199 fnspeetorr ED OOESO PLltlB-Pool/Hot Tub gOe6O PLiIB-ltli sc. Oge96 PLlilB-Final Actionr APPR Aetionc APtrR Actionr Actionr APPR Air test G 6*psi flK 6 il FT AIRTEST roo * pT APPR le * PT FOR 15 l'lIN I I &rwL. V*rut Efnt Nt6r CowtPtr.r6 t\A^t,TIZ Bt* NIor Cowk frtr t; ,al I I -'t i I t '.t I ,t I