HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIA ZNEIMER LOT 5 LEGAL.pdfTOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTME 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2135 NOTE: THIS VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES '-t"- (t--.-^tv."-"..-\'.-clr J 406-0003 365-60SG ISSUED 0t/05t20M 02tr0t2006 08t09t2m,6 OWNER CRACK OF NOON TJP 1505 RIM RD EL PASO TX 79902 COMTRACTOR CONT'IIDRI'M TECHNOIJOGIES P.O. BOX 7327 AVON co 8L620 License:513-S ALARM PERMIT 1722 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAIL 2ro3t22t0[[,6 TR.:o't -o21G s0.00 $0.00 90.00 $0.00 $389. s0 Permit #: Status . . Applied. Issued. Expires . 0L/05/2oo6 0L/05/2006 Phone: 970-748-4500 Job Address: Location.....: Parcel No...: Project No : Desciption: new single family residence . . crack of noon Valuation:$4,200.00 :i:t:i'i*t(:tt+!t**+ri*titi't't**,**:t:****t:t:f ,t:f :t,t+,ti*'t:t1.'tr*,t*tr****)t**,|**,r'i'*r.*rtrt*'*** FEE SUMMARY Electrical ----- > DRB Fee----- > Investigation-- > Will Call----- > TOTAL FEES-- > Total Calculated Fees- > Additional Fees------ > Total Permit Fee----> Payments----- BALANCE DUE-.----. > $389.50 90. 00 9389.s0 s389.50 Approvals: ItCn: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT oL/Lt/2006 DR shown on plans. Need HD in crawlspaces. Access 02/06/2006 David R be given to Action: DN to some rooms Action: AP Need ceiling heights and ceiling slopes not shordn. Approved as noted. Second set of plans to VFD by 02-07-06 per Michael @ Conundrum Technologies. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinancesrand state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto, REQUESTS FOR TNSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS lN ADVANCE BY/TELEPHONE AT 4?9-2135 IROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM.,4 SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEI +++t****++'l'**'l********t+f**'|************+++*a*+*++**+******++++t*t********++**++*t++******** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement *+*'ft*++ *+**********t+*t*********tl'*******++****** *** ***** t * *,t*!* ***'l**:i***** *****+*** * * * ** * ++ Statement Nr:rnber: R050000L17 Amount: 9389.50 OZ/L0/200611 :53 AM Payment Method: Check Tech Init: LC Notation: #5973/Conudrum Permit No: ParceL No: Site Addrese : r,bcation: Thia Payment: 405-0003 T14)e 3 AI.,ARM PERMIT 2103-122-r.000-6 1722 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAIL s389. s0 *************t**++*t*************t+*+***{'+********f+**************+**+***+******+++t******** ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Current Pmt6 Total Fee6: Total ALL Pmts: Balance: $389. s0 $389. s0 $0.00 BP 00100003111100 PF 0010 00031123 00 FIRE AIJARM PERMIT FEES PI,,AN CIIECK FEES 157.50 232 . OO TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2138 OWNER LIST, DON & DONNA 1722 BVFFF,HR CREEK RD VAII, co 81657 APPLICAI\III WAGNER EI,ECTRIC, INC. P.O. BOX 1620 AVON co 4L620 License : 223-E CON]TRACTOR WAGNER EIJECTRIC, TNC. P.O. BOX 1620 AVON co 8L620 IJicense ': 223 -E Permit #: E05-0171 6o5 -oo3tz ISSUED 08/11/2005 09t2U2W5 03t20t2m,6 08/rr/200s 08/ tL/20os Phone: 910-949-6L6! 08/LT/2o0s Phone:970-949-616I Desciption: COMPLETE ELECTRICAL FOR REMODEL Valuation: $0.00 Square feet:42W +,lt++'ll*f t(**'i*f ***'l***'F*;|*ir***+:t,i*!r****************r.x:*'**{.r.,t|r'r**'*,r,}* FEE suMMARy Electrical-.---- > DRB Fee--------> Investigation-- > Will Call--------- > TOTAL FEES.- > 9187,45 $0-00 s0. 00 $190.4s Total Calculated Fees- > Additional Fees----- > Total Permit Fee---- > Payments---------- > BAI,ANCE DUE--------> $190.45 $190.45 $190.45 Approvals: Item: 06000 EIJECTRTCAL DEPARTMENr oB/Lr/2005 JS Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Action: AP Qrro*r"ENr oF coMMUNrry pBrtoplapNr NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 1722 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAIL Location.....: 1722 BUFFEHR CREEK RD Parcel No...: 2103122rcm6 Project No , fliJ og- 0 )7U CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BI-,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, hlled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FoUR HOIIRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OLIR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 R FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF +t*********+++'tl*lil++*******ff*****t**+++++t**+t++f*:1.*+*****f++t*i************t+++**++t*++* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement *****l**+*+***+*++**********+f******t*++*+*a**t'*****++***+t+i*******'l*+***t++*+i******:t,t**** Statement Nurnber: R050001554 Amount: Palment Method: Check 26r62 9190.45 09/2r/2oo5o9:11 AM Init: LT Notat j.on: Wagner Elec / ck Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address : Location: This Payment: EP 0010 00 0311110 0 wc 0 010 00 031128 00 2103 -L22-rOO0-6 1722 BUFFEIIR CREEK RD VAII.I 1722 BUFFEHR CREEK RD Description Type: ELECTRICAJ, PERMIT Total Fees: TOT 1 JIIJIJ TTNIS : Balance : E0 5 - 0171 s190 .45 *******++*tll++'i++***+'t**t'+*f+++**+*****a**i**f1+*+*************tf****+********++f***t****'r* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Current Pmts $190.4s $190.45 $0.00 EIJECTRTCAI.' PERMIT FEES WIIJL CAI'L INSPEETION FEE 187.45 3 .00 APFTICATIOT{ WILL NOT !E ACCIPTED IF I'{GOMPLETE OR iil Projcct #!-oz7 b Perrnlt Pcrmit #:214t 0 rcVNOPYITIL 75 S. ftontagc Rd.Vrll, Cobndo 816!lil or Lr?Feryet#(RGqn@ '* *u*' c(ocK o<i t\ooc\\,Job Mdress: | -, ,\ .,-t I t 6.j- g\\\QGs Cra,.V Legal Dcscriptbn ll tot; ll eocr:Subctivbion:; Fillng:tu*o}*;r.- .,\ ^.}o.,.., AddtEhS {\."-.a-\Phone: Engineer:-T=f$s",ay I[FFonc: Dctaihd de*ripton - CocnO\<ztc- la\Ae\c-i c- .r. \ Work Class: New ( - Work Typc: Interi( T)rF. of Bldg,: Sinolefr No. of Eristing Dwdlang Uh|E h Urb burHing:No. of Accornrnodatlon Untts tn thb buitding: !s this permit For a hot tub: yes ( ) No (.A: Eraaior ( ) Bodti ( -__f Duplq ( ) Jtrut!-hrhl ) T ( . rGpalr( ) Temppower( ) Otier( ) ll Does an EHU extst at th6 bcauon; yes ( ) Comrcrcial ( ) Rrstaurant ( ) OOto( ) No( r- DocsaFircAtffi Does a Fire SprinkbrSystem Exish yes(-tTlT' COMPLETE SQ. FEET FoR. NEw sUILDShnd vALuATIoNs FoR ALL oT}IERs (trbor a Materh|s) AT4OUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE:ELECTRIQ\L VALUATION I S ?VQ -Q"t -'rtitttrtli*l'll't"l*'ritrrJrtti'rr'lr'TTFOROFFICE USE OI{LY..rfi*trrrtrrtaaarrrar*!rii.i.a.t*rr.a "i: duii ,,,\-'l i Fllcvtq'ongfonns/da+Grm 7'd l.tdoz:z sooz rr SEE}B}8O46 -'---::=_- TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTACEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 9',70-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 805-0036 Job Address: 1722 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1722 BUFFEHR CREEK RD Applied . . : 03tZZt2W5 Parcel No..,: 21031221W6 Issued . .. : Osll2/ZC/J,s ProjectNo:32., ., Expires...: ll/08/2005 - 1-U W_o+/o owNER CRACK OF NOON IrP o9/o2/2OO4 1505 RIM RD EL PASO TX 79902 APPLICAIII R.A. NEIJSON & ASSOCTATES, IN03/22/2OO5 phone: 970-949-5152 PO Drawer 54 00 Avon Colorado 8L62O License: 170-A CONTRjACTOR R.A. NEIJSON & ASSOCTATES, INO3/22/2OOS phone: 97O-949-SL'2 PO Drawer 54 00 Avon Colorado 81620 License: L70-A Description: ADDITION AND COMPLETE REMODEI-, OF EXISTING SINGLE FAI4II-,Y. Occupancy: R-3/U Type Construction: V-B Valuation; 2,500,000.00 Add Sq Ft: 455 Fireplace Information: Restricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 2 #ofcastogs: 2 #of Wood Pellet: 0 {r*ttxr*****:**r!d(******rit,}{.*,rrirr*,ri'iat*a{r**,}**r(**'t'}*,titri't't't*,tt**'t*:*:t,t*{.**,*+ FEE suMMARy * *,t,t,t***,*,*,* **** 'r 'l* 'l* * *:t***,* '* '** )* ** *:t :i:t :t ,t :t ++:t :ir *'*rt *tt 'i,i*:t*,td.i!,t ,*{< Building---> $11,083 .75 Restuarant Plan Review- > Plan Check--> g7 ,2o4.44 DRB Fee----------- > 90 - 00 Total Calculated Fees-> iLg,421 .69 S0 . 00 AdditioDal Fees-------- >s0.00 Investigation- > Will Call---- >93.00 Clean-up Deposit------ > DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNTTTVEI-OPMENT $0.00 Recreation Fee----------> 5135.50 Toul Permit Fee-------> $18,42?.59 $0.00 Paymenrs---*------ > $La,42't .69 TOTAL FEES------------- > 5r8,421 .69 BALANCE DUE-------->$0.00 Approvals: Item: 05100 BUIITDING DEPARTMENI o3/29/2OO5 cgunion Actionr CR 05/LO/2OO5 CGITNION Action: AP REVISED PT,ANS APPROVED Item: 05400 PI-'ANNING DEPARTMENI 03/28/2oos ee os/1-o/2005 ee Action: DN Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENI 04/07 /2005 mcgee Action: AP Re-landscape interior island to provide fire stagging area per PAGE 2 :t{':*:t**t.:f'f:r*******,t'f*****lt**********,***!t*{t{.'t**'r'r*it******:r*****|t:*:$*{(!t.***{G**'t{'{.***:t*!t*{.*****+:rt+:F:f*i.:&t&*:t:* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 805-0036 as of 06-07-2005 Satus: ISSLJED *!t'}t|'|.*tf't'}**,|t'i's't+*{tl.*'e**'f****'t**********:i*,t******'f'****:t***'t{t**'t**!t'|t't:|t*{(!f't***!t*'t*{l*,f**** Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BIJILD PERMIT Applied: |3tZZtZNs Applicant: R.A. NELSON & ASSOCIATES,INC Issued: 05,L212m5 970-949-5152 To Expire: lll08/2005 Job Address: 1722 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAIL location: 1722 BUFFEHR CREEK RD Parcel No: 210312210[f,'6 Description: ADDITION AND COMPLETE REMODEL OF EXSTING SINGLE FAMILY. ********1.****!F't{.'*'t't**r.,i*t **.***t&***d.t r***{.***r.'t**,*** COnditiOnS :***:t****!**:**'t***'f 't****rt!:e:*:*:*:tt(***********!k*,t * Cond: 12 @LDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQLJIRED TO CI-IECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUTRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.31O.9.I OF THE 1997 UBC. discussion with er"ni?"t 4/t/os.Item: 05500 PUBLTC WORKS 03/3L/2oos \s Action: DN Pw had not seen these plans during the review process. Need additional information and revisions. Show a Linits of Di.sturbance fence. Show some form of Erosion control Provide Ut,ility company sign off approval in written form. Provide a Revocable ROw permit Show Top and Bottom elevation of new boulder retaining walls Provide stanped engineer drawings for a 1icense pE for walls over 4 ft in height. Provide a scale on site plan. Correct any grading issues that are not returned to a 2:1 slope. Proposed new culvert cannot have a bend on it as show on plan. Move culvert to the south. O5/LO/2O05 gc Action: DN Need to address previuos conments . Drawing of 7' boulder wal1 not accepted. No walls over O'per TOV standards. O5/1-2/2Oo5 gc Action: COND provide utility approval for grading. Provlde Revocable ROW permit . See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOIJR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. TURE OF OWNER OR CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER o TION WILL tl 276 APPLICA NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UN Project #: Building Permit #: 9704:tI-2149 (|nspecl rcWNOFVAN L BUI ABryI(ETI 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Golorado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION **************************************FOR OFFICE USE O N LY***************t**r******************* 2. ner stqn-ofi: General Contractor: R,A Nt/sa'u.i 4rro.- Town of Vail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: ?za' v7/ -a(t z- Emaif addresst l(Ot/anD @ lA rr.zlSarrt, ca+l ConlractolSig nature: .. /,--( ----> //\J/ e1------- COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT bor & Materials BUILDING: $ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $TOTAL: S ffi*- /Y1 r'll ( For Parcel # Contact Eaqle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.eaole-countv.co too*u ""O"*/r rF /uey' /././rtotaq.-Job Address:/ 72 z t9 Fr dK Czeal Legal Description Lot f Block:Filing:Subdivision: 7ir2 ?NgtTrt< owners *^ "'A*,L* nqd/r LP Address:Phone: ArchitecVDesign"r,!, r/, t4e 6b Address: Q5S ;r;At*hrp rd 4")L pr-"nontt r/77-2?to Engineer tlrorkrol D.r. 9"* ns Addres'4hr"ano! Dr,o- S/,h'^s ll Phone: er?- rroa Detailed description of work: f,rh,",o /Lo*-n* (e^odr/ onD At/,A;,- WorkClass: /New1 ) Addition( ) nemodelfif Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both ft{=Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single-family S-twoJamily ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildinq: Noffvpe of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Appliances (/ ) Cas Loqs (l ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( No/Tvpe of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances (a) Gas Loqs (Z) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No (l/i Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) t'lo (lq|- Occupancv Grou Date Received: FlUsers\JSutheAnewBLDGPERM. DOC 07 t2a12004 sc 'f t o Team ll Questions? Call the Building at 479-2L28 Depatment of Community Development Project Name:C.otL 4 rVra{ /. nu*oh^ Project Address: / This Checklist must be comoleted before a Buildina Permit application is accented. a All pages of application is complete A Flgs.DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form l'lcT at a' ,,{ftndoninium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex pe1 (t ^FY Plan Check Fee required at submittal for projects valued over $25000.00 (See attached Construction Fee Schedule for calculations)-/'t'-Complete site plan submitted ,th,,zPublic Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) " { Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumpster,parkino or material storaqe allowed on roadwavs and shoulders without written aooroval tr-.Asbestos test and results submitted if demolitio;;;ffi-ng /ffi ca' y''"4'a f'/' ,&)rchitect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) f Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for SFR and Duplex, 5 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial Buildings) { windo* and door scheclule q/Full structural plans, including design criteria (i.e.loads) o/ Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) q,,/Soils Repoft must be submitted prior to footing inspection { Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated o/ Smoke detectors shown on plans d Types and quantity of fireplaces shown I have read and understand,the above listed submittal requirements:,/2 Appticant'sSignature: Lt/<---- t€ Date of submittal: F:\Users\JSUther\nEWBLDGPERM.DOC Received By: 07 t28t2004 ll BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Depaftment, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time, However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may take five (5) weeK to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as oossible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for, Agreed to by:6 /'^ ^u b)tc- Print name & 5'Ortatarte Project Name:&"1 of rov/ Date: 3't|-of F:\Users\JSUtheANEWBLDGPERM.DOC 07 t2812004 I tl PI..EASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT": REGARDING THE NEED FOR A WHEN A "pUBLr WAy pERMrf" IS REQUIRED QUESTPNS "/ a o a u a o Is this a new residence? YES NO Does demolition work being perfurmed require the use2f the Right-of-Way, easemenE or public properly? YES_ NO t/ Is any utility work needed? V* I t'tO Are there any improvemenb being done to the driveway ? YES /*o Is a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? YES_ NO f#t rpla6.nft.vvork being done that affecb the Right-of-Way, easemen8, or public propefty? a D Is a 'Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required?YES Is the Right-of-Way,.ey'ements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing?YES- NO l/ If answer is NO, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Public Works?YEs- No- til+ hu,zc tncLvDLD ottt0 If you answered YES t0 any of these questions, a 'Public Way Permit" must be obbined. 'Public Way Permit" applications may be obbined at tre Public Work's office or at Community Development (a sample is atbched). If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Works at 479-2198. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL THE ABOVE OUESTIONS. Contracbr SigngF{e Job or Project Nanet L,q, rA d l/trtn Dabsigned: 3 ' t"'"{ F :\UsersuSuther\newBLDGPERM.DOC F ,/arranrnna /fnrmc lhlA^ctn4 NO ?.il. t/>/.g.n Company Name 07 t28t2004 PRJ #: TOil'NM APPLICATION FORTOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT 20 PW#: Parcel #: Bldg. Permit #: '- (lfunknown call z. h 5t Sc/eel) +tg-zr:et Job Name Excavating Contractor Name Street Address Mail Address TOV Contractor License Nunber - REQLiIRgI) City State zip Phone # 3. Start Date 4. Work is for (circle one) Other Completion Date Water Sewer Gas Electric Telephone CATV Landscaping (Permit Expiration Date) Temp. Site Access 5. Trench-width (min. 4') Length Depth Total SF $ Bond Amount S Permit Fee $ TOTAI LF Total Permit Fee $ ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE JOB IS STARTED. Rubber out-riggers are required on excavating equipment when working on asphalt. Asphalt surfaces undemeath the bucket and Iugs shall be protected at all times. A signature below indicates a review ofthe area and utility locations and approval. Once all utility company signatures are obtained, permittee has option of routing application through the Public Works oflice to obtain the necessary Town of Vail signatures, Please allow up to one week to process. XcelEnergy/PublicServiceCompany(l-800.922-l987) Xcel Energy High Pressure (l -800-922- 1987) Quest ( l-800-922- 1987) Comcast Cable ( | -800 -922-f 987) Eagle Riv€r Water & Sanitation Disrriet (970-476-7480, ext. I l4) Holy Cross Electric Company (1-800-922- 1987) Town of Vail Electricians (970-479-2158) Town of Vail Inigation (970-479-2158) THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSUMSI A construction amc conhol plan nrust be submitted and appr"oved by the [tublic Works Depsrlrrent prior to issuance of lhe pennit. 9. All excavation must be done by hand within 18" ofutilities - (Senate Bill 172). 10. te . Failure to Notifu the Town will result in forfeiture of bond money. Scheduled inspections that are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection fee. I 1 l certifl that I have read all chapters oh Title I - Public Ways and Property, of the Vail Municipal Code and all utility Company agreements, signed by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notified as required. Clontrrctorrs Signatule o1i Agreernent Print name clearly ATTACH PLAN OF WORK. INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Show street with names, buildings, and location of cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. F:\UsersuSuthennewBLDGPERM.DOC Date 0fsignat re White - Public Works Yellow - Contractor 07 t2812004 tl PUBLT WORKS AND THE PUBTT WAY PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: Fill out the atbched check list with the Buildinq Permit Applicatjon. If yes was answered b any of the questions then a 'Public Way" permit is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development locaEd at 75 Soudr Fronbge Road or Public Works, locaEd at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. Notice sign-offs for utility companies. ALL utilities must field veriff (locate) respective utjlities prior b signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locab. A consBuction traffic conbol/staging plan must be prepared on a sepante sheet of paper. An approved sib plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all baffic confol devices (signs, cones, eb.) and tre work zone, (area of construction, staging, eb.). This plan will expire on November 1st and will need to be resubmitbd for considention for approval hrough the winbr. Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction. Sketrh of work being peformed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic conbol plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application b the Public Work's office for review. If required, locaEs will be scheduled for the Town of Vail electicians and irrigation crew. The locabs take place in the morning, but may require up b 48 hours b peform. The Public Work's Construction Inspecbr will review tire application and approve or deny the permit. You will be contacted as b the sbtrs and any requiremenE hat may be needed. Most permits are released wihin 48 hours of being received, but please allow up O one (1) week b process. As soon as the permit is approved, the Building DeparUnent will be notified, allowing he "Building Permit" b be rcleased. Please do not confuse tre Yublic Way Permit" with a "Building Permit", NOTE: The above process is for rrrork in a public raray ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15$. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if unrk is not compleb. Re-applicatiqn each November 15th does not mean an automatic reneural. I have read and underctand the above. Signature F:\UsersuSutherhewBLDGPERM.DOC Dah Signed 07 t28t2004 tl DRAINAGE AND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED BY PUBLIC WORKS! Please read and check off each of the items below: The Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. The Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culvefs at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Depaftment for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at 479-2198 to request an inspection from the Public Works Department. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice, Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Department will be approving all final drainage and culvert installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to any Final Certificate of Occupancv issuance. Agreed to by: Print Name Signature Project Name: Date Signed: F:\Users\JSutherVtewBLDGPERM. DOC 07 t28t2004 Depaftment of Com munity Development Building Safety and Inspection Seruices 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970479-2138 FAX 970479-2452 www.uailgov.com BUILDING SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICES PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS: TO: FAX/Email#: NUMBER OF PAGES: FROM: DATE: BUILDING PERMTT #: OWNERS NAME: SITE ADDRESS: OCCUPANCY GROUP: TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: NUMBER OF STORIES: BUILDING AREA: Contractor/Aoplicant RA Nelson j roeland@ranelson.com Architect KH Webb proj# n/a 477.2965 2 Chris Gunion, Building Plans Examiner 03/291200s B0s-0036 crack of noon L.P. 1722 Buffehr Creek R-3/U V-B 3 7 The documents submitted for this project have been reviewed for compliance with the 2003 International Building Code, 2003 International Residential Code,2003 International Mechanical Code, 2003International FuelGas Code, 2003International Plumbing Code and 2002 National Electrical Code as modified and adopted by the Town of Vail. The following commenE will ned to fu addressed prior b issuane of a building permit: For processing: r Please submit two complete sets of revised construction documents containing the reouested information with all olan revision items clouded or othenalse identified. o Please respond in writing to each comment bv marking the attached list or creating a response letter. Indicate which plan sheet, detail, specification, or calculation shows the reouested information. Please send revisions to the attention of the olans examiner with the buildino oermit application number noted. o Please be sure to include on the resubmittal the engineer's or architect's "wet" stamp. signature, registration number and date on the cover page of anv structural calculations, all structural details and structural sheets of the olans. For commercial or multi-familv projects all sheets of the plans must be stamped, 1 An asbestos test and report is required for all remodel projects Architectural Comments:2 Amend A102 lower level floor plan, nofth and west elevation show proposed windows for the lower level. Window locations on floor plans do not appear to match proposed elevations. 3 Clearly indicate on the plans type and size of windows to be installed ex; casement, horizontal sliding, single hung. (R303) 4 Amend plans to provide lower level bedroom 106, bedrooms 209, 210 and2L2 with a minimum of one window complying to egress requirements. (R310.1) Opening must comply with all of the followingr -Maximum finished sill height of not more than 44" above the floor -Shall have a minimum net clear opening area of 5.7 square feet -The minimum net clear opening height dimension shall be 24" -The minimum net clear opening width dimension shall be 20" 5 Please include a section or detail for the new roof/ceiling construction. Include a ridge vent detail for the new standing seam copper roof. Also clarifo if a new soffit is to be installed include venting detail if applicable. (R806) 6 Specifu crawl space ventilation per R408. 7 Please speciff type of fireplaces proposed in great room. If masonry fireplaces, show compliance with IRC R1003 Structural Comments:8 Please include (2) copies of the soils repoft for this project. 9 Include construction details for the re-built boulder retainino walls. Please refer to the cover sheet for information on resubmitt,nn 1,"n". In order to avoid delays in issuance of a permit, please check f requested information is included with the resubmitted plans. Please submit revised plans as a complete set. Partial plan resubmittals will not be r€yiewed. Chris Gunion LC.C. Plans Examiner Town of Vail Building Safety and Inspection Services 970.479.2369 cgunion@vailgov.com F: \cdev\CH RIS\PERMIT.COMMENTS\BO5.OO36.DOC w eb hrl et IJ p( TRAt{S}IITTAL Re:Irom: Chris Gunion l(l|Webb Anhitecr 04.il.05 Permit Revisions Oack of Noon Res. E trcLosr o: l{olrs: Reviled sets of Crack of l{oon Residence Chris - | believe that we have addressed all of your revision commentl regarding the Crack of l{oon Residence at 1722 Buflehr Creek. l. Ihere should be n0 need for an arbertos tert and report because the actual year built for thb project is 1993, long afnr regular uie of asbestos produc$. 2. The elevationr have all been uudated t0 illustrate the correct window and door locations. 3. Ihe type and sire of all of the exterior windowr and doors can be referenced on the exterior window and door schedule on lheet A601, the proposed exterior elevation sheet A20l and A204, and on the proposed planr sheetl A102, A104, and A t06. 4. The exterior window and door schedule and the proposed exterior elevations now clearly show which windows are complaint to the IRC R3l0.l egrers requirements. 5. Sheet A50l showl typical roof, wall, and foundation construdion lectiont. The standing seam copper roof will not have a ridge vent because we are constructing a tuper inrulated roof that does not require ridge or eave venting. 6. lloter have been placed on the proposed lloor plan sheets Al02 and Al04 at the crawlspaces that note that they must be ventilated I cfm per 50 rquare feet of lloor area per l8C [408. 7. Ihe lireplaces have been rpecified, they are going to be prefabriated muonry fire boxes that do not have to be in compliance with IRC Rl00l. 8. We have induded (2) copies o{ the soill report for the project. 9. We have included (2) copies of the construction detaih of the re-built boulder retaining walls. v t rr .00 I 16r, '' .(r r eTasltse LKP EN6I}'IEER PAGE a2 A4/gU2AAS 15:57 BOULDER RETAINING YTALL FOR SINGLE WALLS UP TO 7 FEET HIGH ill/sNNA &AOE lmpatloua 8ac*f,l dwulq. cqvlottt boo*f,|, @.ndhg oa on condltlol.. F,nv Fobrtc, Nlrof, l'loN q.qulwat t' I 7'max tvoTE$ ,.f'lEEo|Jl.DffiffiTAtNNGwA|LstlAllE@Nsnu-cTmuHEoltll,ffisffiEATFlIHAN2 ' ffi # ffi i#tW##, ffi; ilEi#ffi flieffiI^#:, Y * ';frEhiicii-6wbns'si+ili"fu rrt-ung1{r 4y9 sttu 8E Pucn 0N NA'I!!E-- --- UND1;TURE@ flL FRE ffi*ffin'7no'onetxq ffi (N WAqTED STRUStuRAL nLL APPROVf,' 8Y fiE A$NEER.., 'HE S,'OCES$W AOUIffi 4,{}fRS S,IALL EE OFryEI HORTZO'ITALLY 8Y A 'IINNU'I E S'X IN&ES FOR.,EA*] WRNCAL FWI''i"inftifiiii td;' ciii iiir'Fiinasrunw sotL covEn sHAtL EE PRouaED N nofi 0F THE JIALL e fHE @,tPAcnoN oF fHE so|L B^QKf|u s''lo|Jl,D 8E fEsTm 8Y |HE frtc/NEER oR lT Q\tl 8E SACKNUED WlI] CIEAN' CRUSHED ROC'(-;. "iiitffi vE iieict' iuif #vffi , 4uq ntE_ gaMstr(ucnmt F, _ruE . aw.n* wnt ifi,#ci6l'Fy-nfl'iffit:{Aiffi'ffilncanott or fHE fitL ^t{D GROLND v TER w fa 6!l,0170VS PffiNETER DRAIN LOCANON AND DETAIL DEPENDNA ON fiIL AND 6R(NND WAIN sslT{;;d $'%#q1 Engineeriag, Ine. P.O. ,o. llL 5A-{i O 5lI' td (t?0) r!C-r06 iE (070) rzr-e(rl. cnAcr or Naa|I ,P, W{outlr(N gl q U A[aEl liDrlts, t7'' g'.tun Fuo TOIN t ull. at eJrlrl, *aM altaetzaas 1s: s7 g7Ages LKP ENGINEERTU.PAG 03 WALLS -r I I 6' mqx wOTE$, |.fHEBwu)nRETAIMNGwAu*]ALLB€cot,tslRul:tEDt''TIlEotJaERsffiEAffr1HAN2 FEEr FoR DRY srAcr vtK*nE"F&{s-ttt7-_F.ls uuca FuTgu-nncE AREA As ;"ffi'A4' -rti'7ffiiIn n+e'nicnff sr?FAq-ry:W lHE Boularrs. 2 rHE 9On0U ilOUDERI srtni"di' tii'4aqs-r ryp st^.L EE PUc@ 0N NAnve t rxT#ffi3:Tr:,:r*'# t*cilles rw EAoH vffincAL frol L A utNtvut tr ottE norffiiixotsruRlED sotL cgwR flilr tr movtom N ndfi tr fiE wAtL fEltt@ EY rtlE ENaINEER & tr cAtl EE {Tue mtetcf,ott ff HE flL eAcKnu slou"o aE tirc<auo ftt ct;rrt, cnusre R0c5, 6. THE ABovE omau uusfil{FzvEffi, -4tp--yqgqxsn?ttcTw -q -W -&u4R rau tNlcfm, pr wt osqd-tif'fn:dinox o nE sat AND fwM wArER watER @NAf/o,{s BOULDER RETAINING WALL FOR SINGLE UP TO 6 FEET GH BELOW DRIWWAY CUARD RAIL Drlwwoy 4?lXfihtFf 'r^cKFILL. sEE NOTE fs INSTALL PERIMETER AND DAWICHT. DRAIN, S$$rffi v;_& ShirrrS RETIININC IAIT *[J9i)%ry-qft#ffi' Engineering, Ine.@TT AI NfrTJ, IP, NTIWUA'W,T torq/'Affi '|gt'g't ,lu a,T79' la',a dt eu* wI A)fiV &0e;t6t0 s4/0a/2aos ls:57 97092U8s LKP ENGINEERTU'PAGE 04 BOULDER RETAINING TTALL 1'mh. N*IPACIED. CRANU/JR aAC'#ilL ffi NofE p T I 2' to 6' N'IAU FILIEF' FABRIC (tfrRAFt ,AoN e EWYALE|D EI1ND tHE 9OIJI.DERS I I 6' Drlwwoy PfiF;HEI* DRAN L&ANON TTID OEIAII- DEPENOINO OTI flL AND ORAJND VATER @NAn(Ns wOtfs l, fHE Edtr-DEn fETNNNA WNt glAu qE @NSIRU-gIED ufH Eanr,ERs_oRfjTEt.IHAN 2 'iEi?: F8 Dn7 sr q< iAtti-flE acrl<s nu HAE!? mlqi FLAr sJRF^cE AREA As itasn&4, m wcrtttsc itt'nrcnan srtRFAcE EII,EE-N IHE gaulDff,s ';'ilF-aoirotl'eotzmis $Au sE flE uRarsT AttD stAtl * PUdo- ou1lAllfr iuwi-ru-n-im ioti-ngr-niifu twntt-No cntcenq & (N cq#Actm sntlcruRAL mL APPROVS AY,ftIE ENdNEER..t 'rtiF-s/trisirrf-6cfiibEti lrrans stALL 8g aFFSET HofrtZoNrAlY BY A uNtNuN tr sx INC'//gs Fffi EAd] V&NCAL FOOI.1 AnfuNnn tr Nr rwr'oF-iinosrunam sptL @vfr gtAtl- 8€ PqIOUDED N FRaNT F ttc flAIL 'i'nte coxeecnm,! 6 tHE gL BAA@U glaua BE lstm BY rHE &laNER ffi n aN EE aACKF'IED frII] CLEAN, CRUSI]ED ROCK.a-ini novc ihscilt fiusr-et ffira. mo tHE @Nsnucncrt 6-UE 4t+0e wilL tggp{Cin: B1-T116-DEAfig|.-AF1F. tminUnon oF aE sotL AND cRotttD vAtm w tn @NAn0NS. ffi-di& -l ,ffcgji* italiilSS Engineering, Ine. tO. lq lltt E|wt. OO !la|l r.. (o7o) o{F.cola |q (at0) e2o-ootl aficr 0F NurN, rl. Snwvttrotl LO| tr tA Zffi 'mwan na r'''aa 1o,0 r*t E Yfi. WAE OdrJnl. &a/n Engineering, Inc. CryIUGEOTECHNICAL SOIL AND FOUNDATION INVESTIGATION FOR PROPOSED ADDITION LOT 5, LIA ZNEIMER SUBDIYISION 1722 BUFFEHR CREEK ROAI) TOWN OFVAIL EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO PROJECT NO. O5O44 CRACK OF NOON, L.P. MR FRANCOIS BABEL 1505 RIM ROAI) EL PASO. TX799O2 P.O. Box 2837, Edwards, CO 81632,(970) 926-9088 Tel, (970) 926-9089 Fax TABLE OFCONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ..., 2 SCOPEOFSTUDY ..........2 SITEDESCRIPTION . ....... 2 PROPOSEDCONSTRUCTION ... .... 3 FIELDINVESTIGATION... ........, 3 SUBSURFACE SOIL AND GROIJNDWATER CONDITION . . . . 3 FOI-INDATIONRECOMMENDATIONS ,..,.. 4 SLABCONSTRUCTION .,,,.4 RETAININGWALLS ........ 5 IJNDERDRAINSYSTEM ..,. 6 SITEGRADINGANDDRAINAGE ..........6 LAWNIRRIGATION ........ 7 LMITATION ,...,,, 7 FIGURES LOCATION SKETCH . . . ... .DRAWINGNO. I SUBSURFACE E)GLORATION LOGS, . . . . .FIGURE NO's l-2 SWELL-CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS . . . . . . . .FIGURE NO. 3 PERIMETERDRAIN FIGURE NO.4 LKP Engrneering, Inc. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The proposed addition should be supported with conventional type spread footings, designed for an allowable soil bearing pressure of3000 psf. They can construct the footings on the undisturbed silty to clayey, gravelly sand with boulders, below the man-made fill and topsoil, and,/or sandstone bedrock. See Foundation Recommendations. SCOPE OFSTUDY This report presents the results ofa subsurface Soil and Foundation Investigation for a proposed addition to be constructed at 1722 Buffehr Creek Road in the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. The purpose ofthe subsurface soil and foundation investigation was to determine the engineering characteristics of the foundation soil and to provide recommendations forthe foundation desigr, grading, and drainage. SITE DESCRIPTION The site of the proposed addition/remodel is on the east and west sides of the existing residence at 1722 Buffehr creek Road in the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. The topography of the site is moderate to steep. The area on the sides and in front of the existing residence is landscaped, while the area on the back ofthe residence consists ofpine and aspen forest. At the time of our site visits, the site was covered with about 3 feet of snow. Drainage is to the north. LKP Engrneering, Inc. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION We understand that the proposed addition/remodel will encompass different areas on the exterior and on the interior of the existing residence. The new addition will consist of a maximum of two-story, wood frame consfuction, with a concrete foundation. We anticipate loads to be light, typical ofresidential construction. Ifthe finalized plans differ sigrificantly from the above understanding, they should notify us to reevaluate the recommendations of this reoort. FIELD IIWESTIGATION The field investigation conducted on April 12,,2005, consisted of excavating, logging and sampling two test pits. Excavation of the test pits was done with a Cat 315L, trackhoe. The test pits' locations are shown on Drawing No. l. We show the soil profile of the test pits on the Subsurface Exploration Logs, Figure No's 1 and 2. Soil samples for laboratory soil analysis and observation were taken at selected intervals. SUBSURFACE SOIL AND GROUNDWATER CONDITION The soil profiles encountered in the two test pits were not uniform. Test Pit No. I was located on the west side ofthe existing residence and it had one foot offill over 5 feet oflight brown, silty to clayey-gravelly sand with boulders over one foot of sandstone bedrock. Practical trackhoe refusal was encountered at 7 feet. Test Pit No. 2 had four feet of fill, consisting of pavers, road base, base course, Mirafi geofabric and radiant heat over 5 feet oflight brown, silty, gravelly sand with boulders. Ground water was not encountered in either test pit. We sampled the soil in the test pits at random intervals. The soil samples were tested in our laboratory for swell-consolidation, natural dry density, and natural moisture content. The test LKP Engineering, Inc. results are shown on Fieure No. 3. FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS The proposed addition can be supported with conventional type spread footings, designed for a maximum allowable soil bearing pressure of 3000 psf. The footings can be constructed on the undisturbed, silty-clayey, gravelly sand with boulders, and/or on bedrock, below the frll and topsoil layers. We recommend minimum width of 24 inches for the continuous footings and 3 feet for the isolated footing pads. Continuous foundation walls should be reinforced top and bottom to span an unsupported length of at least 12 feet. We recommend a minimum of 48 inches of backfill cover for frost protection of the footing subsoils. The foundation excavation must be observed by the undersigned engineer to verify that suitable soil conditions are encountered during construction, as anticipated in this report. The foundation excavation should be free from excavation spoils, frost, organics and standing water. We recommend proof-rolling of the foundation excavation. Soft spots detected during the proof-rolling, should be removed by overexcavation. Any overexcavation within the proposed foundation, shouldbebackfrlled, in 8 inches loose level lifts and compacted to 100% of the maximum dry density and within 2 percent of the optimum moisfure content as determined in a laboratory from a Standard Proctor test (ASTM D-698). A structwal fill, placed under footings should be tested by the engineer or her representatives on regular basis. We recommend removal of the organics from the foundation excavation. Removing all the organics fiom the foundation excavation might be impossible, however, the more organics are left in, the higher the potential of settlement due to decomposition of the organics. SLAB CONSTRUCTION The natural on-site soils, exclusive of fill, topsoil and organics, are suitable to support LKP Engineering, Inc. 5 lightly loaded slab-on-grade construction. The subgrade for the slab-on-gad€ construction should be proof compacted to det€ct and remove soft spots. They should backfill overexcavated soft spots and other underslab fill with the on-site soil, free from topsoil and organics, or other suitable material, compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the maximum standard Proctor density (ASTM D-698). Suitable material should be free from topsoil, organics and rock fragments greater than 3 inches. The concrete slab should be constructed over a 4-inch layer ofclean gravel consisting of- 3/4 inch gravel with at least 50olo retained on the No. 4 sieve and less than 3 percent passing the No. 200 sieve. They should reinforce the concrete slab-on-grade and score control joints according to the American Concrete Iastifute requirements and per the recommendations of the designer to reduce damage due to shrinkage. The concrete slab should be separated from the foundation walls and columns with expansion joints to allow for independent movement without causing damage. RETAINING WALLS Foundation walls retaining earth and retaining structures that are laterally supported should be designed to resist an equivalent fluid density of 60 pcf for an "at-rest" condition. Laterally unrestrained sffuctures, retaining the on-site earth, should be designed to resist an equivalent fluid density of40 pcf for the "active" case. The above design recommendations assume drained backfill conditions and a horizontal backfill surface. Surcharge loading due to adjacent structures, weight oftemporary stored construction materials and equipment, inclined backfill and hydrostatic pressure due to undrained backfill should be incorporated in the desigrr. They should try to prevent the buildup ofhydrostatic pressure behind the retaining wall. LKP Engineering, lnc. UNDERDRAIN SYSTEM To reduce the risk of surface water infiltrating the foundation subsoil, we recommend installation of a foundation perimeter drain (see Figure No. 4). The foundation perimeter drain should consist of a 4-inch diameter, perforated pipe, sloped to a suitable gravity outlet, or to a sump pump location, at a 114 inch per foot for flexible or at a l/8 of an inch for rigid pipe. The drain pipe should be laid over a plastic liner glued to the foundation wall and covered with a minimum of 6 inches of -3l4-inch free-draining granular material. Geotextile (Mirafi l40N or equivalent) should be used to cover the free-draining gravel to prevent siltation and clogging of the drain. The backfill above the drain should be granular material to within 2 feet of the ground surface to prevent a buildup ofhydrostatic pressure. Ifground water is encountered during the foundation excavation, specifically on the back side ofthe residence with should be contacted to provide consultation and to revise the perimeter drain recommendations. SITE GRADING AND DRAINAGE Exterior backfill should be compacted at or near the optimum moisture content to at least 95oh of the maximum standard Proctor density under pavement, sidewalk and patio areas and to at least 90% ofthe maximum standard Proctor density under landscaped areas. They should use mechanical methods of compaction. Do not puddle the foundation excavation. The site surrounding the building structwe should slope away from the building in all directions. A minimum of 12 inches in the first l0 feet is recommended in unpaved areas, and three inches in the first l0 feet in paved areas. The top of the granular foundation backfill should be covered with a minimum of I foot of relatively impervious fiIl to reduce the potential of surface water infiltrating the foundation subsoils. Surface water naturally draining toward the proposed building site should be diverted around and away from it by means of drainage swales or other approved methods. The roof drains and downspouts should extend and discharge beyond the limits of the backfill. LKP Engineering, lnc. LAWN IRRIGATION It is not recommended to introduce excess water to the foundation soils by installing sprinkler systems next to the building. The installation of the sprinkler heads should insure that the spray from the heads will not fall within 10 feet of foundation walls, porches or patio slabs. Lawn irri eation must be controlled. LIMITATION This report has been prepared according to locally accepted Professional Geotechnical Engineering standards for similar methods of testing and soil conditions at this time. There is no other warranty either expressed or implied. The findings and recommendations of this report are based on field exploration, laboratory testing of samples obtained at the specific locations shown on the Location Sketch, Drawing No.l and on assumptions stated in the report. Soil conditions at other locations may vary, which may not become evident until the foundation excavation is completed. If soil or water conditions seem different fiom those described in this report we should be contacted immediately to reevaluate the recommendations of this report. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Mr. Francois Babel, for the specific application to the proposed addition on Lot 5, LiaZneimer Subdivision, 1722 Buffehr Creek Road, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. LKP ENGINEERJNG.INC J:\WPl 2-LKP\05044SND-ROC.wDd . LKP Engineering, Inc. ^F3820'32'R=l01.42' L=67.87' T=55.26' 8*'.tlF?us9i-'*" t BUFFER CREEK BOAD N 84,22'15' E 112'67' ".x 7 F" ffi,'{ - q\}eo\.Ae\o\\ flL\\\c n, uoNt R\oGL - o o o Y.o) \o; ,{m a Engineering, Inc. P.0. Sor 28:t Effi, cO d0:t2 t.l (970) 928-9068 fox (070) 926-90E9 LOf 5, UA .arprEF gE4ttgOV ,722 &I-FAn C@( ROAD m*t c utt- EActE &NfY, @LoRAN DAIE OBSERIED: April 12, 2005 EI-EVATION: Test Pit f, I DEPIH FEET s Y H B o L s A u P L E DESCRPN$I OF UAIERIAL AND SAMPLE LOCAnd,l UEORATRY TESr FESULTS REMARKS -6 -lo -t5 x Ei #* H ffi l(u Topsoil tr Light brown, silty, grovelly sond with bouldere DD=tlC-97.7 pcf E5Z Sondstone bedrock Refusol @ 7 feet No Ground Vlater Encountered I.EGEND: o t DD - 2-htd1 O.D, Collfornlo LInt Sompla - Bulk Sonzplc - Noturol Dry Dcnslty (pcf) - Naturol Nolstura Contant (X) - Pcrcent Pogslng Nd 200 Slcw - Llquld Llmlt - Plosllcity lndcx - Qrannd vatcr MC -200 u PI GW LKP ENGTNEERING, INC.SUBST'RFACE EXPLORATION tOG s,B: osul fnEru.. I DAIE OBSERIED: Aprll '12, 2005 ELEVATIOI.,I: Teat Pit f, 2 DEPIH FEET s Y H B o s A M P L DESCRPN$I OF UAIERIAL AND SAUPLE LOCANOiI UEffiATORY TEST RESULTS REUARKS -5 -10 -t5 _20 H 4S7 ffi Fill, consisting of road bose, bose course, mirofi qeofobric, radiont heat. Light brown silty, grovelly sond with boulders Bottom of test pit @ feet No Ground lVqter Encountered LEGEND: o t OD - z-h,dt OD. Collfornla Llncr Somple - Bulk Somplc - Naturol Dry Dmsity (pcf) - Naturol llolsture Contqt (t) - Ptccnt Posslng No. 2O0 Slcw - Uquld Llmlt - Plostlclty Index - Crwnd wotar HC -200 u PI cw I,NP ENGINEERING, INC. fro.Trxo,! tcfE,ar 0504 2 ST'BSURFACE EXPIORATION LOG -2 -J -4 -6 $-' s .q qJ -8 \ -9 E $ -ro t 8-r -12 -'tJ -14 -15 -16 SI-OPE AWAY FRilI BUILDING cot/R BAcKnu ,ItH oNE FOOT tr REUNELY |UPERWWS SO|L NLTM FAERIC qffiAn uot ffi EMVAIEND PUSNC UNER, COARSE ffiAVfl- UfH LEss IHAN J/1 tvdt otAu, 5Z FINES N HE FANDANON JINL (Do NOT Ug PUSnC UNfn finn cRouND wAfm B PRE$HD 't-tNctl DtAilEfER PIE g-OPED fO A PRFffiAIM Ar r,/1' PER FOOT Ar L/E PER FqOT g,IITAELE OIJNET FR FZfl@LE AND F& RIdD PIPE Engineering, Inc. P.0, Bos 28:n €dradr @ E10J2 td (970) 026-9oE6 fox (e70) 928-9089 LOf 5, uA ZEUA g'otwst4,l tTzt &tftER &E( RA D MW OF UAIL EACU @NfY, @LORAIN DEPARTMENT oF coMMu*r"?urr-opMENr TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT PCrMit #: B05-0036 Job Address: 1722 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1722 BUFFEHR CREEK RD Applied . . : \3tZZt2Ns Parcel No...: 210312210006 Issued . .. : 05ll}l}005 ProjectNo : i, r( )C,(\ -C,. 1(: Expires. ..: lll0812005 oI{NER CRjACK OF NOON L,p O9/O2/2OO4 1505 RIM RD EL PASO TX 79902 APPIJICAIff| R.A. NEI_'SON & ASSOCIATES, rN03 /22/2005 phone: 97O-949-5L52 PO Drawer 54 0O Avon Colorado 81520 License: L70-A CONTRACTOR R.A. NEIJSON & ASSOCIATES, IN03/22/2005 Phone: 970-949-5L52 PO Drawer 54 00 Avon Colorado 8L62O I-,icense: 170-A Description: ADDITION AI{D COMPLETE REMODEIJ OF EXISTING STNGI-'E FAMILY. Occupancy: R-3/U Type Construction: V-B Valuation: 2,500,000.00 Add Sq Ft: 455 Fireplace Information: Restricted: Y # of Gas Appliances: 2 # of Gas Logs: 2 t of wood Petlet: 0 *'**,td(**:**1.*'*d(:*,**:*'l.h*'*:**:t*.***r*:t.t*'i,id.,t,t*:*:t i.d(,t rrd(*i.*************)*+:f +***:l* FEE SUMMARy ,t **,t** *ii,* t * '1,* )t,l t,l tf,f:f 't:i,t,frt:i:t:f:t:t,! +:t :t :t:t + *:|:|+if,!:F++i|+*f*:t r.'|t:f*+ + Building--- > $11, 083 . ?5 Restuarant Plan Review--> Plan Check-- > S't ,2o4.44 DRB Fee--------------------- > s0.00 Total calculared Fe€s- > sra,427 .69 S0.00 AdditionalFees---------->$0.00 lnvestigation- > Will Call------ > $0. 00 Recreation Fee-------> 93.00 Clean-up Deposit------ > $13 6 - 50 Tobl Permit Fe€----- > S1e , 42't - 69 $0.00 Payments**------- > lra ,427 .59 $0.00 TOTAL FEES-------------- > Sr8 ,421 .6e BALANCE DUE-------- > Approvals: ITEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT o3/29/2oo5 cgunion Action: CR I5/L0/2OO5 CGUNION Acti.on: AP REVTSED PTTANS APPROVED Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENI 03/28/2005 ee Action: DN o5/L0/2oos ee Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENI o4/o7 /2oo5 mcgee Action: AP Re - tandscape interior island to provide fire stagging area per discussion vrirh Archi*t n,rrou.Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS 03/3L/2oos rB Action: DN PW had not seen ttrese plans during the review process. Need additional information and revisions. Show a l-,inits of Disturbance fence. Show some form of Erosion control Provide Utility company sign off approval in written form. Provide a Revocable ROW perrnit Show Top and Bot.t,om elevation of new boulder retaining wal-ls Provide stamped engiineer drawings for a license pE for walls over 4 ft in height. Provide a scale on site p1an. Correct any grading issues that are not returned to a 2:1 s1ope. Proposed new culvert cannot have a bend on it as show on p1an, Move culvert to the south. 05/10/2005 gc Acrion: DN Need to address previuos conments . Dravring of ?, boulder wall not accepted. No walls over 6'per TOV standards . See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, hlled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOIJR HOIJRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OLrR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM 4 PM. ,?.4 ATURE OF OWNER FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER J ( PAGE 2 't***'|:t'|.*'t'i**'t,t*!t***!t***:***************:t*****!t:***'****!t***i.'i'|.{.***:t*t******:t!*!N({!'e***il*****'t't:t:t.+:t.*:fitltl******* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: B05-0036 as of 05-12-2005 Status: ISSUED :***'f******:&*****rt*:******+*'t:tt*****:t!*+*,*t't******+,**{r*!t:t,t*,t***lr*********,}!*,*!*,*:********{.*{.*******,*,t,t!t******** Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied: O3t22t2W5 Applicant: R.A. NELSON & ASSOCIATFS,INC Issued: }stt}t}Ws n0-949-5152 To Expire: lll08/2005 Job Address: 1722 BLJFFEHR CREEK RD VAIL Location: 1722 BUFFEIIR CREEK RD Parcel No: 2L031221W6 Description: ADDITION AND COMPLETE REMODEL OF H(ISTING SINGLE FAMILY. *'f ********,t{.{'!t******:t,**{.***********************:e** COnditiOnS *********'t*********!t{r**{.*{r**********'tr******* Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQURED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQLIIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.3IO.9.I OF THE 1997 TJBC. ***********+**'i*******+******+***********++**+**************+****+***+**?+*+rrrrtr++*++**+** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO . Statement * * * **** * ** *t*** * * ******rt * ******* ** *** *** *+.*+* +* * *+* *+*++i*+ ++ * ***s*+*f+*+t+*i+'tt"i't ***:t** **,** Statement Nuniber: RoS0000555 Amount: 9L9,427.69 OS/12/2OO5t0:39 AM Payment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: Crack of Noon LO47 Permit No: B05-003d Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUIL,D PERMIT Parcel No: 2103 -122-1000-G Site Address: 1?22 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAIL Location: 1722 BUFFEI{R CREEK RD Tot.a1 Fees : $18 , 42? - 69 This Payment: 9:-9,427.69 TotaL Ar.,L pmts: 9ra.427.69 Balance: S0.00 **********+************+*+**********$t*+**a*++*++***********************++**********{.*++++++ ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descript,ion Current, pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUTI,DING PERMTT FEES PF OO1,OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES RF 11L00003LL2700 RECREATTON FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WIIJL CALL INSPEqTION FEE 1.1, 083 .75 7 , 204 ,44 135 .50 3 .00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 ' DEPARTMENToFcoMMu*,r"?"urropMENr NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 805-0036 Job Address: 1722 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAIL Starus . . . : ISSUED location.....: 1722 BUFFEHR CREEK RD Apptied . . : 03/2212W5 Parcel No...: 21031221W6 Issued. .. : 05fi2l1Cf]ls ProjectNo ' -?' . ' Expires. ..: lll08/2005 frJo+'o)-7b owNER CRACK OF NOON lrp 09/02/2004 1505 RIM RD EIJ PASO TX 79902 APPI-,ICANT R.A. NEIJSON 6. ASSOCIATES, IN03/22/2005 phone: 97O-949-5Ls2 PO Drawer 5400 Avon Colorado 8L620 License: 170-A CONTRACTOR R.A. NELSON & ASSOCIATES, IN03/22/2005 Phone: 970-949-5152 PO Drahrer 5400 Avon Colorado 8162 0 Lricense:170-A Description: ADDITION AND COMPIJETE REMODEIJ OF EXISTING SINGLE FAMILY. Occupancy: R-3/U Type Construction: V-B Valuation: 2,500,000.00 Add Sq Ft: 455 IrireDlace lnformation: Restricted: Y Building.'.'''> $11,083 . ?5 Restuarant Plan Review->$0 . 00 Total Calculated Fees-> S1.8, 58? . 69 $o - oo Payments-- TOTAL FEES-------------- > $18 , 58? . 6e BALANCE DUE--'----- > # ofGas Appliances: 2 # ofGas Logs: 2 I of wood Pellet: 0 FEE SUMMARY $0-00 Plan Check--> l'1 ,204,44 DRB Fee--------------------- > $0.00 Additional Fees '.....--> S0.00 Inyestigation- > $0.00 Recreation Fee---------> $136-50 Total Permit Fee----> $18,58?.59 Will Call--.... >S3.00 Clean-up Deposit----*- > Approvals: Item: 05100 BUII,DING DEPARTMENT O3/29/2OO5 cgrrnion Action: CR O5/L0/2OOS CGTNION Action: AP REVISED PI'ANS APPROVED Item: 05400 PITANNTNG DEPARTMEMT 03/28/2005 ee Action: DN 05/10/2005 ee Action: AP 06/23/2005 ee Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENr 04/07/2oo5 mcgee Action: AP Re - landscape PAGE 2 ****d(***'*'lt*!t**********,f *,i**,t,t*'*,****tt**rt***'tt*{.***********************'**********ri!F******,t ,t t< * * *ri **,F ** * **. t! t! CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 805-0036 as of 08{2-2005 Status: ISSUED :|.*:*:|t'i******:$*{.**:f*!t*:t***:t**:f*'f*|*:*****:*:t:ti*'i*!t*!t*:t:**{.*********:F:6*!t*'f*'f!*{.!t'****:&*:t***i.!t:F*:8:}:t+************* Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Apptied: O3l2}lzCf,is Applicant; R.A. NEISON & ASSOCIATES, INC issued: OS/l2t2OOs 970-949-5152 To Expire: 1tl08/2005 Job Address: 1722 BUFFEHRCREEK RD VAIL location: 1722 BLJFFEHR CREEK RD Parcel No: 210312210f/J6 Description: ADDITION AND COMPLETE REMODEL OF EXISTING SINGLE FAMILY. *************ti:f !t:t*!*!F**t ***********:r:*,t't*:t********** COnditiOnS *******{.********,F*{.***rri.**+:r+:F**:*'**,*******:r:r Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQLIIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): (SFR) SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED PER SECTION R313 OF THE 2OO3 IRC. interior island to prEide discussion with arclitect Item: 05500 PITBIJIC WORKS 03/3L/200s Ls fire stagging area per 4/7 /os. Actions DN PW had not seen these plans during the review process. Need additional information and revisions. Show a L,imit.s of Disturbance fence. Show some form of Erosion control Provide Utility compErny sign off approval in writt,en form. Provide a Revocable ROg{ permit Show Top and Bott,om elevation of new boulder retaining wal1s Provide stamped engineer drawings for a 1icense pE for walls over 4 ft in height. Provide a scale on site plan. Correct any grading issues that are not returned to a 2tL sIope. Proposed new culvert cannot have a bend on it as show on p1an. Move culvert to the south. O5/to/2O05 gc Action: DN Need to address previuos cortunents. Drauring of 7' boulder wall not accepted. No walls over G'per TOV standards . O5/L2/2OO' ge Action: COND provide utility approval for grading. Provide Revocable ROW Dermit . See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. TURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER *****++l+++t+***********+*+t+++++++ll'*****l'++*******'ta*+++++++++************{r*'t******i+*++f+ TOWN OF VAIL, COI,ORADO Statement * * *** **** * ************* *** j*+*******f a++t**** ******i***'i********f *f +tr************* ****** * *,r* StatemenE Nurnber: R050001205 Anount: Palment Method: Check 27 5'1 $160.00 oe/02/2ooso7:35 Atr Init: LT Notation: RA Nelson / ck Permit Not 805-0036 q/pe 3 ADD/AL,T SFR BUILD pERMIT Parce1 No: 2103-122-1000-6 Site Addresa: 1722 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAIIr I.,ocaIion: 1722 BUFFEHR CREEK RD Thls Pavment :$160.00 Total FeeE: $18,58?.59 Total AIrIJ Pmts: $Lg,587.69 Bal-ance :$o. oo *********t************'i***,f*+**t*************+++f+t+f+*******'*r'*****it**{.**************:t**t* ACCOIINT ITEM LIST: Account Code PF 0 010 00031123 0 0 DeEcription PI,IIN CHECK FEES Current Pmts 160.00 mru uvw 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail. Colorado 81657 G^,6G1'B 6, F, N c o M pL Er:or JJil f; ;ler-r-: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor:P* ,*ra-L5er=' Town of Vail Reg. No.: t?o- -4 Contact and Phone #ts: 4Tl -DtbUL Jtyttn', F-o€L4'rD ATTENTION: JR, CHARLIE, GREC, DORIS Contractor Signature: COMPLETE D VALUATIONS FOR PERMIT bor & Materials REVISED AMOUIIT:$0 EtECTRICAI:$ d c;--T_ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $REVISED TOTAL: $ For Parael # Contact Eaole Countv Assessor-s Office at 970.328-8640 or visit www.eaAle- J Parcero zlo3 - tz1- lodo- (c Job Name: (kkU_ 5f p,:rrx\ eAj.Job Address. .1 a ^ .? \ ( Lt- o-Ji?z-l\r' tPl<- ' LesalDescription ll Lot: f ll atocr: ll ritins:Subdivision: LiA A.lA ^A<:YL Owners Name: CfAr4.c.r2 ^/ r ll Address: lsdt 4{_4!r_t"ujt, . B Phone: Arch itecuDesi g ner VJ+ 1;r4-b Address: rrt-: q ?@rtre U iUtt phonet +1,+.Lili|o Engineer:Address:Phone:. REASON FOR REVISIONS: (. tkr; t-rlLr- Ao'.iftdi-Fr€ sr tooaF 2- 6fu+*F d -rHM MkItE-l^L C(aP t(. ROUTING INFORMATION FOR OFFICE USE ON LY****************************t****** r DRB REQUIRED: Y OR N Planner Siqn-off: '/ Df A..< I bu YvL C:\windows\Desktop\DFtORES INFO\Revised Bldg permit.doc lr,l PLANNING DEPARTMENT:BUILDING DEPARTMENT: ROUTED TO: tFth t... cl t? -,.^-flEUU.rUt 6 t 1Ug5 i*-l'-' 10/16/2002 l.\:;lf t l,'li b DEC-aA-?6AE E9:eG FROI4: CRA L3A34761765 IJ7447e"45" ./t.. fal R.A.NesoN f ine Ituilders PO Drower 5400. Avon, CO 81620 0051 Eogle Rood. Eogle-voil, co 8]620 Phone: 970,949-5152 Fox: 97O,949-4379 Fax n-n11 ' *f . R. retgnr-laaa-""1 ;Ax,- -fr- $z-FROM: *I EaELfrP DATE: /Z- z-o- oG - v- ng& eli+5-l-:'Sfa- S {uiiiiq .e'wt o, 4",!r^* '{l'6a^,, b- og - <>oZL *ot-P@ REMARKS: J.p. -ftaee frur) -744,smrft1) 71€ l Las' Ffun, f4€ rilqa*tfu-/,-.8€P- E Zat lag 'as ft{eE k)t I tt s tc<, fi.4/rad 5 EeeutgffiD, 4r1E A Eu4afral titttt't,tuap ' i OaaZ futau"f 4u tm&g*, En&ssg TzoLa5 *T ail rt#Lut'6l€ fA,kza /*r-, { I LAst Fe.e-t ta€lh bis' ff7*4harT Fa -/ o y'" '6-'Qt'ua f,le ' lt rhnttl rtu, ./ ,a/*/-,r4"'/A-/ ""i7ntt pog"s are not receivetl infull, please contad R.A. NcJsorl at the above nunthers. o o DEC-?A-2AA6 E9r eG FROI'1: CRA :":-fg@ J -._--. 13834-r61755 u)7a47s2432 P.2/6 + ,/ lo'r ;' 52..! F.tr - J. R , f\as$B P\u^) l-r' E 'Jfr 4.L*c(- c F ls"xtaJ ilR.+ oS-,ozG -T-;rlr?€*-€D 6LAsq} E?ect S eat^'- J- RoaL,"PD 4+l-ot-u't- TOUGHENED SAFETY GLASS - SGG SEGURTP D€finition SGG SECURIT is a glass which haB undergone a speolel therrnel toughening process, Ai a result it ha6 h{ghef lmpact f6sl$tanc6 (5 tlme higher), flaxural atrangth and rsGislanoo to thormal 6fe$6 thsn float glass. tts mechanlcal and safcty characterlstlcs (lf bfoken the gl.rs brcaks Into emall fragmont$ whlch 6ro less dangerous) make it particularly appropriate for use in toughened doore, struotural glazing, fumiiure etc, Product 0eecription sGG sEcuRlr i$ a therfially toughefled safety glass. The toughenlng pfoc€ss provides a $lgnir$anfly incroasod r€si$lance to mecfianicsl sllessos (bendlng, lmpact, otc) and thetmal stresees (temp€tgbrts differences) without ch6nging the spectrophoto-metric praperiies of the base produoL Toughening can be csfricd out using eithef E horlzontal or vedcal procesr. Verllcal ioughening r€8ults in the pressnco of tong marks along the edgea of llre glass. For thls re€eon. Saint-Gohain Glaes u$eg |he t|o.izontal process- Applications Ths range of applioations in wtrich SGG SECURIT can be used is vast and Y€ry varied' lt5 high meohanlcal sk€nglh €nd sef6 braakage characteristica mean lhat it ts ldeelly sulted for uae ln tafety critical locations irrcluding doors, sido panols and low lwal ghr'ng. lt i6 alSo suilable for u$e an table tops, @unters. furnllure and shower screeng. Othef appllcations Includo frafidess al|{lagg doors and commercbl enlrancss, structural (bolted) gtazing s)€tems, shop frsnts, all-glass or in-fill type balusiredes. Frimoless glass dooF and scrce3r3 Tho high mechanical strength of SGG $ECURIT permits its u6e in epplication$ qf localftE€d high level3 of slress. wher6 lho glasr is folnt {lxed and/or damp6d. This Ellows large areas ol tran8paront glazing without inuusive lraming sectionE, ma:<imblng lhe amounl of light entering the building' Glass in furnitrra Curent national regulations and also common senge require the use of a 6afety glass in fumiture. SGG SECURIT is suitable for use in table topo, shelvirrg, csbinets and dlsplsy cases. lndustrlal Further to the arc&iteotural appliogtions already mentioned, the quatiues of $GG SECURIT toughened elass ere often neceraary for use in the followlng applioatione: Agricuhsral equipment, san€s, oaravana, tralns, telephone boxes, bus shelters, squash c,aurls, etc. lzcL.t3. aPoL ! a..o.trr'{** .o / dlr r.tc tid.H^ il }rs: \-::a t iid -r,ul,:: t?l r!r rE^.t}jt:J.{:tO tlC r5. 't161 rGlif UO r-Z|6d 'bl',rhffd( En:tm! <a.i ;=.EAIF Pr$ t'drh / !6: /i.!44?htllrJ (D{io}1l tqBf( liart-{ro.b i,rrtu! t?n4 (tllj a igt! dl*J ||,r,.{trchr4a I Crralb abCrdllEclsar DEC-e6-eAaE etg: e6 FROI'1: CRH 13A34761765 97a,479e45.? P6|{orminc6 I Gonoral performanoes MECHANICAL GHARACTERI STICS . lmpgct Rrristance Therrnalty toughen€d glaEE hes e much greater capacity to wilhstand impacta than annealed float glaEB. A 5o0g steel ball dropp€d fmnl E height of 2 metres will not broak 8mm SCG SECURrT glass; if the same ball were dropped lrom a helght of only 0.3 metres, lt wotlld break 8mm tloet gla6$' . Bending Strongth SGG SECURIT ls signlffcanlly more reslstant lo flexural sbesses thsn ordinary annealed tloal glass- Its rsristanc€ ls characlerised by a bendlng strenglh In th6 otdor ot 120 Mpa. Thls increascd strslgth pernritg itg u$e in eitu3tions subiect to hlgh levels of mechgnical stnecs, sudr as structural glazing and b6lusreding. . Resi$tanco to Thtrrnal Sue€E SGG SESURIT can withstand temp€ralurs in sErvice up to 250'C and temperatur€ differentials sf 200"C through he thiqkness ol lhe gl.ge. For thh r€ason lhey are suiuable for uso in aleas $ubJect to hiEh l€r/€l$ of thermal stress. SAFETY BREAKAGE AND FRAGMENTATION CMRACTERISTIC$ T SGG SECURIT is bToKgn, itWiII break rolatively safely inlc smatl fragments with dullad €dges, which $ignifleantly reduc6s the riEk of serious carts or iniurios, lt is thls sste breakage patte.n whlch quallfles SGG SECURIT tol,lghened glasg 6s Class A safety glsss to tsS €200 and sultable for u89 In all gafety critirral locatlone, HBat So.k TeEting Thgre ls a nalurally @cufftng phenomenon, present in any type of gles8. known ae nickd sulphide inclusions. They can, in exceedlngly rare cases, csuse toughsned gls99 to brcak spontaneously in service. Nickel sulphide is a comphx mEterlal that go€s lftrough a change in crystalline srttcurs from a sbble to an unsl€bt€ form during mpiJ dir quending requlred by th6 touohening procetg. The nlokel gulphlde Incluslons become 'lrozen' in their hbh temperature unstable forn. Over limo th€y will revert baqK t0 the mere $table state and thls id certgin circumslances results In spontaneous bteakeE€ of the glass. Heat soaking is a deslruclive test degigned to be carried out aflcr lho toughenlng prsoess and will brctk any glaases that are al risk. Subgsqusnt spontaneoue fraoture due to niokd sulphids incluslons, whilst nol being totally eliminated, i8 v€ry greauy reducsd. The Hcat Soak Tcst should be specffied a3 mandatory tor glaEs applioations where the eff€ots of spontran€ous breakage arr do€rned to be udaooeplsble, through careful risk Esss$sm€nt srd consideration of whoth€r the glasE would fall oul of lhs frame, how far it will fall, lhe noture and uso of the space lt wllltall into, etc, SAINT-GOBAIN G[A$$ recommends Heat Soak Teeted $GG SECURIT tor use In $ltuBtions whero lhe ri8k6 a66ociat€d with spontaneous bneakage tvould be undesirable, for example in free-standing bani€rs. P.3/6 U$! 6, !tol. arn.i.r!nBlr/Aiqr)lllt'wrrrtH.ili',l"r..diri$ll42lrll1/tz irtzr r'4:lJ?G rtli r#1 d'tj€| 1581lra; (ItG[ui r." /lh t . r '(G.i- rri8r.r . I^rroJsi Bri$rr*cblL0. ri\]8.01lrlr n$ l-J|Jrx! I r.:{i|lirt t!r$k\,r : f/Nu v tI: r .. tLlt Q, r'*')ut d t cD yTrr|r.lEtrE Et / r'tndrr oEctrardLc!!.ct OEC-aA-aE,AE e9: e6 FROI'I: CRA L3A3476!165 ProcGrlng Posiibllitiog Manufacturing Gongiderations All processing work such as cuting. edgeruorlting snd drilling must be completed Prlor lo toughening. SeG SECURIT cannot bs cut or wor&ed afbr the toughening prooeas. . Edgeworklng The edges of $QG $ECURIT are arrisged os standard. Altetnatlvely theycan be worked in a varaslyof dlffuren'i styles, from the relatively simple ground anrl polished edgos, lo the more decoradvc proflled t}G)e of od'gework, subject ts glais trt;cknees limltrtlons, including ogeedge pollsh, chuble-edge bcvel and trlpte+dge polhh- Other types ot edgeworldng may also be available on requesl- . Hol€ ind notchGa ln gengrel, the permiseible hole diameter (O) iE dotermined by ths thickness end siee of tho glass sheet. . The minlmum hote dlam6t6r ie equal to tho glaB$ hickne$g (t) , The maxlmum hole dlameter ls one-thlrd the sm.lle. dlmension of the shoet (w}. Tho post on of the hol€ roletivo to eech other, the Edge$ Of the glass 8nd the corners of ths gla$8 thGct is dependent on the glass thicknsss, lhe ov€rall diniensions end shape of the glass sheet and the number and slze of hole$. When delermining the size and location of holes and nolches In glass for doore, furnitur€. balustrgdes and etrvctural glalng, lt ls importenl l! romemb€r that glag$ to m€t8l contracl rtu$t be avokled at dl times, lt is th€rsfore 6ssentiai that an allowance be made in th€ sizhg of holes for sultablo separalorg. LAMINATED SAFEW GLASS - SGG STADIP@ Definition This laminated safely glass provldes many solutlons for the proteotion of p*sons (if broken, tha glas6 remains bond€d to f plaetic gheet anC is less llksly to cause injury) or prop€rty (th€ plasdc sh6€i makes pon€trgtion more ditficult). Th€s6 glagg products 6.e d6signed fo( diffedng lovels of Foteatbn, trom vandallEm b burglary, through to shota from fhaarms. Produo.t Oescrlptlon SGG STAOTP snd SGc STADIP PFTOTECT more sheets of glass bonded together with one or more interlayrrs of potwinyt butyrat (PVB) fitm. After the PVB has been placod botwoen the glggs shcctE, the wtrotekaemtity ir arlU;eAla O heat rnd pr63gurg in €n sutoclavo. Thl$ results in fio complsta adhesbn of the viny' Interlayers and glass. In the event of br€akage, the gless fiagments renrain bondsd to the PVB interlayar. ln a fully framed ur7a47ee4se P.4/6 tzota.i lZotl$,toal a r.o l.le$rt ij / f, u lr; .rr*r"'t rtr,he4.'ic. .!iJ.lfli.t .?l! l1l / f.r.r' +.11i'-l,lj :B(| I li *i:. lr$ El rE',,. ait. aJ4d-31't: / k:{ $(i.'+ fG rr. r-{}!d4 E +rnai.}/ Bn. lJi@+tl+r6o (}t-tr'r tr |!i{ritt k?nbr.lls !3.tr'r ri ^r. ctd I c, *.,tr 0l l;l r'rrw|lohr.ct / a{idll oB|ceu{arct ;rilrirni..|do @ ffil FYT r 3.r.=Jr - DEC-aA-?A||J,6 09: e7 FRoN: CRff L3A3416L765 - r73t As. qld | ,,g,ob*l tr / 0. u B. it.rt4r1 sf,.,Fn / i. .{u: ( !.,lif r | | / lg|. na'i:!},:l 193 I lo ti.a,.4E'! Dl !ir:/txt. tlri;irJ! r.r./ |ln|. rfura !i5 !.r-.;.*rrs ! rryr E !.i,.o/I J, n&? r{ l.$roC t4,;r' .4r:|a:iu't l(ig/*'r rl 1L rl5t {.It.tS l;, $r4,ai 5d wfrl|&cL1dt/|.r [€oaDoc!tsolaa+r ..97?479e45?F. f,b l&)€.trh hl.t|rj.rLh convcntional Inbtallation the glasr fragmenl8 are held tqgether and the glass r€tainE a rosi.Jual strenoth while awalting replacemBnt. The numb€r and thickn€Es of each of the cornponefits oan be varied t/o obtain SGG STADIP or 566 STAOIP PROTECT lamlnated glass wtth dilfsr€nt charactsrlstlcs to meet the safety ard/or sEflrlty rsquiremonts of all menner of apdbatlon. Ths conflguratlong In lhe range (scc tablG) are avaihble in etqndard stock 3lzds or ctrt gl2e€. Both annealed-glsEses, SGG'STADIp and SGG STADIP PROTECT csn be cut and worked 8fler laminaling as required. Srandard$ SGG STADIP and SGG STADIP PROTECT are lsmlnaFd safety errd security glasses manufaclured ln accordanco wilh gtahderd EN 1254:1. Appllcadone Prot€ction in buildings is indeagingly r€quirod to comply with curlsnt rBgulationd, for In6urence purposog or $imply to fulfil a gcnuine n€ed, espeolElly sgainst the risk of injury, vandallsm and lqqlary._ln hgmes, offices, shope or other buildings open to the public, SGG STADIP and SGG STADTP PROTECT gla$E€$ can ofier appropriate safety and r€cu.lty soluuons to meet the combtned crlterlon of prot€ction. aesthotlca and pertormenc€ As well as offerhg marry additioflal functions, tha range i6 gradsd, according to th€ performance levd provided. in the followirq wa3r ' protectlon agatnst Injury: SGG STAOlp, . prolection against gla$s falting lrom overhead glp2tng: SOG STADIF or SGO STADIP pROTECT, ' prctection againsl peode falling through glass (guarding): SGG STADIP PROTECT, . baslc protecllon against vandalism 6nd hurglary: SGG STADIP PROTECTI enhanc€d ptotEction ; SGG STADIP PROTEGTSP. . protection again8t fhe-armsr SOG STADIP PROTECT l{C, HS, FS, . proteotion agsinst explosions: SGG STADIP PROTECT BS. Edgework Oeponding on the application and size, edgeurork can be an influencing factor on the overall performance of lamineted El*g, Any defocts along the edgros of tho glas8 are a pot€ntlal source of u|eaknsss. The adges may b6 arri66sd lo remove shsrp oomers, and al$o ground, smoothed or polished. DEC-Q.@. ?@ffi 69: €7 FROI4: CRA - ld€rb.h ld..t!lr. rldt Hol6s |nd notch€E Holea may be drlll€d or water-jet cutforfixings, letter plates or @mmunicalion Epertuies. Notches of vqriouc ahapes and sizot csn bo drlllod, sawn ol uretcf.jet (tJL htemEl cornels must alw6)l0 bo radius€d. ltis not posslble to hand-out holos or ndchcs !ffcr thc lamlnallon process. lf lhe msthod of Eupport for laminaied glara ls to b€ poht flxlng, ltis usually noc€sary for the gla8l to be hcet-fc8ted. Thertnal sdcty When an SGG STADIP / SGO STADIP PROTECT aerembly co.nptises soler control gla$6o6 or tint6d interle)€rs, SAINT-GOBAJN GLA$$ recommen<ts a thermal risk analyoie, lo a836r6 urlethGt lhe Sla$ is at risk of thermal broakago. Confibuting f4tors to thermal strsss include dimate, orlentatkrn, 6rdErnal Ehdding., Intetnal bllnds, winrtow sizE and olaso cdgc condltlon. SourceE of heat such at spoulghts snd t€dlstors' should be kept awayfrom windo areas. tZOLAg, spol. s r.o. Eololov€ 1a i9 OO Brno - Hornl Horlpico DIC;CZr698lt95' Tel:+a20-5aga20r r t O e/ l:oug. |Irl. a ra GlJ.Dbirt ';,t urutu L,,ryr+rrt, l{ttr,lit -l lcr -.tiJ hrir lin lll ib. r4ilr liifi {:!6tlO rr}, rmol iet,,tjtc (Zro€gt 85/u* rr.t+*x$4"r r{t|t4ri Elon{tio,aol. tlw &rl'l{}l sLch'r!|l nilrA rv,ri.tA.b ,.!|(t! t l'n:. {rkl q nii4r! tll !u r$r$Jl4||r€r / o{nrl& atd8d0tob,or t3a'3476t76,3 1973,479e45e P.6/6 @ r,t-I - Y -^fl I --'rr-/- -t-r 1 -,-r -iil- itl lj:,:.t. iLi t l\t'raiflfb i. i.lrl : go5-oD'\c +'Tor . CIIARLIEDAVIS Froml Gene l"lotse, El€irator Inspector 970-46S-0295 e<L 108 or 6tpvato@nwg'coq'co us hh: r0l20l20o$ Project Nanre CRACK OF NOON tr Elevator Revieur Etevats Test and Irspedion l-ocation: 1722 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAIL CO' Fermit Number: NWCCOG 05-126 Ehvator Tvpe: RESIDENTIAL WINDING DRUM tr The plans have been reviewed and fuund to aofiform to dl applicaHe ANSI 17'l and IBC codes. {' neEbvator at the above location was inspecEd and Ested on 10/19/2006 and a: tr ,,, TEMPOMRY Certificate has been issued' /d FINAL Inspectbn certifiG'F has been issued' ; No certificate is being issued. tl For constuctjon use only. Comments: sisr*ture 4v<-^11/ / 4w,^ Nort'wr'€st Coil }O/Ktr Post-if Fax Note 767'l \o/>aloulpt'r%> =-r"36e-/fi"4yJfu 'lBa^ " iltn-tt-4.-.; CD./D€pl ^ftulta.o4- Phone t PhmB t *rqlo-qa"-Dlo{F6( * IO:FAGE:t][l F-'::'j FA.tlio.9?010$1fb t. rtr:l- CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION NORTHWEST COLORADO COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS ELEVATOR PROGRAM This is to certify that the - ELEVATOR- as indicated has been inspected on the date shown below and was found safe to carry -950- lbs' lD Number: 100528 Type: RESIDENTIAL WINDING DRUM Locstion: 1722 BUFFEHR CREEK ROAD VAIL CO' Date of lnspection: 10/20i2006 rnspector: 4^f- e./fr44+ Ilate of lssuo: 1O120/2005 Expiration Date: 10/31/2007 t:rrT-eE-EEEt E3:33Pl"l FAl"i: -lf04t'EllB8 ID:F]GE: B6e R=3f,:1 COPY D epa r t me nt of C ommunity D ev e I op m en t 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 t 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com January 5, 2006 Mr. Michael Cunent KH Webb Architects, P.C. 953 South Frontage Road, #216 Vail, CO 81657 Fax:970.477 .2965 Re: Crack of Noon Residence: 805-0036 1722 Buffehr Creek Vail, CO 81657 Lot 5, Block A, Lia Zneimer Subdivision Dear Michael, Upon passing the Crack of Noon Residence yesterday, I was disturbed to see the full head height concrete space that has been constructed outside of the building envelope at the west side of the residence. lf the space was indeed constructed ro mitigate the poor soils underneath, as has been previously specified by KH Webb Architects and our previous conversations, the space should be able to be entirely filled with concrete, thereby resulting in no new additional floor area outside of the building envelope. This assumption has not been made on my part without first consulting with members of the Town of Vail Building Department. I have attached two lefters I wrote previously to expressly clarifo that no floor area was to be constructed outside of the building envelope. lf you plan to leave the space as it cunently exists, I would advise that you attempt to amend the plat through a Planning and Environmental Commission application since no Temporary Ceftificate of Occupancy or Final Certificate of Occupancy will be issued for this residence by any of the Town's Depeftments. Thank you in advance for your prompt attention to and resolution of this matter. enclosures cc: Chadie Davis, Chief Building Official; Town of Vail George Ruther, Chief of Planning; Town of Vail flp ^""r"""o ruru^ June 16, 2005 Mr. Michael Current KH Webb Architects, P.C. 953 South Frontage Road, #216 Vail, CO 81657 Fax: 97O.477.2965 Re: Babel Residence PRJ04-0276, DR805-020'l (aka Cnck of Noon) 1722Buftehr Creek Vail, CO 81657 Lot 5, Block A, Lia Zneimer Subdivision Dear Michael, I have approved the most recent design review submittal of an application for changes to approved plans at the Crack of Noon residence on Buffehr Creek. The plans reflected the replacement of the copper siding panels with Swisspearl concrete panels and the use of twenty-five (25) square feet of additional garage space in order to maximize the six hundred (600) square foot allowable garage space deduction. The plans were approved with the following condition: 1. Per original application, prior to receiving a TCO from the Planning Department, the applicant shall ensure that an amended plat, reflecting the new 4500 square foot building envelope configuration, is on record with Eagle County. Please note that in approving the additional square footage within the garage, the 4500 square foot building envelope dictated by the current plat on record must be maintained. lf it is not possible to redefine the boundaries of the building envelope to accommodate the additional square footage of site coverage prompted by the expansion of the garage, such expansion will not be allowable. As always, please let me know if you have any remaining questions. I will plan to review the newest building permit set of plans as soon as they have been submitted. Best regards, Elisabeth Eckel 970.479.2454 enctosure September 1, 2005 Mr. Michael Cunent KH Webb Architects, P.C. 953 South Frontage Road, #216 Vail, CO 81657 Fax: 970.477.2965 Re: Babef Residence 805-0036 (aka Cnck of Noon) 1722 Buflehr Creek Vail, CO 81657 Lot 5, Block A, Lia Zneimer Subdivision Dear Michael, Thank you for submitting revised plans for the Crack of Noon residence indicating possible changed Gross Residential Floor Area calculations. I have spent much time with the plans and have summed up my comments below for your review. Liohtinq Plan: Sheet A004 tr The Exterior Lighting Legend needs to be revised as follows: only the fixtures which are <18' in height and have low luminous output (a max source lumens of under 400, which is approximately a 40W bulb per Title 14, attached for reference) are not counted towards the total lighting fixture allowance (47 fixtures for the entire lot). . Fixture A = I fixtures, exemDt from total number. . Fixture B = 5 fixtures, counted toward total number. . Fixture C = 26 fixtures, should be exempt from total number according to my calculations. . Fixture D = 10 or 12 fixtures? The Lighting schedule spreadsheet and the lighting plan indicate two difierent numbers; counted toward total number. . Fixture E = 9 fixtures, should be counted toward total number due to height >18". These are wall-mounted fixtures, are they not? . Fixture F = 10 fixtures, should be counted toward total number depending on height of walls upon which these are placed. Please indicate wall (and therefore fixture) heights on this sheet . Fixture G = 9 fixtures, counted toward total number. . Fixture H = 5 fixtures, counted toward total number. . Fixture X = 12 fixtures, counted toward total number, per your instructions. However, please provide a cut sheet for this fixture so that I can veriff lumens and height. Therefore, depending on the sum of lighting fixture D, there are possibly 15 more fixtures planned for this site (62 tota fi)tures) than will be allowed (47 total fixtures). Floor Plans: sheet A11' tr Please describe the new space that is designated to the east of the entry on the lowest level. This has not previously been indicated. This space must be clearly shown on each sheet which it effects, including a section and an elevation. tr There is no delineation on this sheet of where the six foot head height begins and the five foot head height ends. Please indicate on the %' scale plans. Additionally, how will that delineation occur physically? P lease submit a section drawing which clarifies this area. Floor Plans: sheet A112 D I noticed that the deck extending from the main entryway is substantially encroaching outside of the building envelope. Please see the attached letter, dated November 30, 2004, stating that all guch improvements were intended to remain inside the building envelope, per the 1992 development approval. lt is my sentiment that this change should return to the Design Review Board for their review. tr Additionally, I am increasingly calculating an overage of GRFA, in spite of digitizing the plans five separate times and calculating the square footage by hand. Please submit scaled drawings of this level so that we are able to veriff exact GRFA numbers. Currently, my calculations show that the proposal is 5,366 square feet vs. 5,261 square feet which you are proposing. Let's talk about this in detail. Once you receive this letter, let's plan to speak in person or via telephone to verify each item. I thought it would be easiest for me to first give you a wriften copy of my concerns. I will plan to talk to you tomorrow since I am out of town for the next week. Thanks for your continued attention to these items. Best regards, Elisabeth Eckel 970.479.2454 enclosures R.A. Nelson & Associa} -51 Eaglc Road #2 Building PO Drawcr 54(X) Avon. CO 8l (r20 f TRANSMITTAL No.00084 Phone: 970-748-7658 Fax: 9'lO-949-4379 PROJECT: Crack of Noon. L.P. Residence TO:Town of Vail / Public Works 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 816-57 ITEM PACKA(;E SUBMITTAL DRAW DATE: REF: 8tr0t20a5 Radius Footing Photos Crack of Noon, L.P. Reno B.Permit B-05-0036 COPIES tpt 05 -a3( DATE Df,SCRIT'TION 8/10/2005 Photos / Northeast Radius Footings Remarks: JR: For Job Folder - Building Permit No. 8-05-0036 - Pre pour photos as requested and discussed. Thank you, J. Rocland, RANA CC: D Rcturncd Altcr Loun i fr .i F F i, lt I -:11 'l 'i.*,. b*S E't tl, it--] 04. | 2.2007 Joe Suther Iown of Vail Development Review [oordinator Re: [rack of l{oon Residence 1726 Buffehr Creek Vail, C0 81657 Building Permit # 8050036 Joe - The Cra& of J{oon lesidence located at 1726 Buffehr Oeek suffered from water damage due to llooding during the final stages of construction l'|arch 23, 2007. The damage occurred in the western deeping and bathing areas of the home on all three leveh 0n the upper level the damage involved the muter bathroom, ma$er clolet, and upper hvel oflice. 0n the lecond level damage occurred in the boyt bathroom, boy's bedroom, kidt bath 01, Anne Eliset bedroom, and the kidt hall. Damage on the lower level was limited to the lower guest bathroom. There thould be no need for a new building permit as no new work is being performed. We will however, require re- inspectiont of rough-in work being performed to rehabilitate the premiser. Please contact me with any questions, commenti, or clarilications. Thank you, l'lichael (unent = vA[. (oLoRAoo 81657 trv.khvebl.ron liltrGElr o=ln\ h] APR 1 z zrt'it U TOWN OF VAIL Af l f Ait4tRlt/lN ltl5lllllf Af AR(llltf(lS &[Pntfft'RT""* o".'.+[ BoS- ooye -fr,iitIIli.ll.r;rt*l,I'i'a;El;jnl,ryll,lrlr;l,laa1r+.!.Ll):y,'_-I{:."'Nw!-_Va9- ririinir it . -,"1",i(ti.,,,"!t.:1i,, fu../ilt,,, *' Fr,,, u -.!_t Ei;J.;/6 r" if$*;'.r,i,;,s' t*niu..rr.t Dr ., .., "i_ilg-"..dC ^t: "y-l'IgJ 0 0 . lrairirr.i ^rlrirc.,;$"/.-tj[ "{r..,t:_v_ ij'[i:i[-,_grj,l&lylr\gft,.;, ( "^'i-;;:/n!. - - . {., ;'} ^ t} r t- -71"'---*' ";'"('j-:-*:,.-.: --- i'll#;:l; rl{'i,tlii!* - ,,u,-._ *- l,Jnyr llr:iallatjnlt t4?rjof Alteratign iri,rri{'iit,lr,r*r.i.:-"-l&?J-7./r_t.il:tt''t#._e!:.__t :4 Stbp #_A._Lg___88tu9€Niant ". (,;l ! ; tfl I r /.c' l! : _ t .. "" .9t9 :l t -., .. :le!. _a] - :" ;r_*i a_- ;,a^: :: -_8.nrftrlf*'fi I lrql{ly rr rlity thit I hr.)+ r+*r.| flrrit *1,,;6;n*6 ,r.,,, *un.ou*. *ffiorn,rffirffiffiortng watkl spi'itt;r! :uit ;ltl,l ltlrr'-rt [|t*' s.ti{r t,] bc l,rirc rntl corrucf, . yp ti1$Iii,;,iil$ +s0,000 uf vohrauon i g:so.oo r',ll tt'"tt'"i:'lq'r,; uf In\,it iiitd onlinanfti sovrr,*nt ti',ii i'flro !1.e1,!s4ooo oii'ir,Jj,ion * g(ti0.00 plus *6.00 for ezcrr r,'f t','<r;L l','iii tc cdrr)id;lfl v;iilr wiieili'.r:si't':clfie-,J t n;cin nr +l,ccb,OO rir,aciiln-tr,ormr ou.r Sg0,Oo0-00 n0f.'i lr I ry.-;ttl iiig r'1" a F:r.riril qi li..::. nnl irr,i:suirrc (o r:ivo srrlhJr i;/ lrr vinlrtc &r (;rri,:rr tfrc rr; orr'"rinns or ani ottni Liti; Diurhraaiter or Frluate resi,icfence eteuator:$1,!ll f.'f ltil,r, h"'r ri{cl;rlry roii.;irtrctir:rr or lhe Up to.a*diL,cludlng SiO,ooo of nluati.n = g150.00 ir'rt-ft.41#nrrr of ct^rirsltLi({'ir.rrr, ovar glo,ooo oi'uit,lirion - g250,00 Flus g3,00 for eactr l./ ,,... / / ^ a , .\ li,r.000"t1t1ot fraclino tfiereirf over g24OOO.OO . (/, ({,{.(:,.., . _ i! (lI:!t!,!n-_-.:(q!,6 $'H.iiilnii'i'r,ii.Li;liil;;i;ifiriq;'J;rqai*' o],lre)- . lir,ssBiuEsa$sf'Eg, l**f .fql rnajor alterations shqU tre-aasct fol$I -r.able 3-/t of the Uniionrr Mnrlnislrr$vc.Ccde orTable I,A. lr.{,ruit,uflirirriw{,.T.i*rtf.,:ti.inlfi$id;rvlittle6rn;;i;.rrtvtrG-rG,t'wtli;ffic.r"di;,,citoiffim-rndne. ifJ*nJfiiril I t* I$fli'J!\lilfirl tfi NV!C{-OG lqr r,*Liew aqd ai.ipi(,u|. s4hcdule iniFe(tions by contacun0 Ure NWCCOG cterrator rnsli..toi it I |{"?,q;t(itti'r.5.r:*"{{'l,Jr,lll:rli*lig_"cltrr,:Il1llrerll,|Y,Jg{g$_ r!i.,.r. 1. 200b !;09A1!l EAOTlALLEVTEMPS No. U/lil i'. PO BOX 2494 AVON, CO 61920 PH. 970,949.7100 FAx. 970.9.r9.337 uiiona,inc Letter of Record Dale: 02.27,06 Ta: Michael Cunent & John Roelancl KH Webb Arch. & R.A. Nelson Prciect/Job Numbec CrackofNoorrRemodel Job#0301-05 On February 23, 200tj I visitecl he above referenced rcsidence to observe and review the comments and concerns that tf,e -fovrn oi Vail inspeclor had on the stuctural framing. The following are the inspectors comments arid concerns and their solutions / recommendaiions (S/R), 1, Kitchen- Engineers approval for the following: a. Boied hoies in roof rafters & microlam (LVL) beams. SrR A/ raffers and microlam (LVL) beams vvith boretl holes in the roof above the kibhen area have been cheeked and will be structurally adequate for the design loads. b. Over.spanned sheathing at roof dormer north end of great roorn. S/R Ptovide 2x12's peryendicular to sheathing grain between all lighting so that sheathing is not exceeding a 24" span perpendicular to gmin. c. \2)+s12 hip bearn cantrlever bearing at master bedroom. S/R ProwUe a (3)-2y,6 header spanning the existing duct vent and provde (1)-2sO timner af each gile fo supportthe (2)-%12 hip beam. d. Entry foyer LW's. S/R The (2)-1 % xll 7/8 LVL spanning eas7west at the enlry tuyer are not required by our office. The LVL'9 were a contractor decigirns and do not etrect lhe strudural integrity of tre building, e. Two penetrabons @ entry micrclam's (LVL). S/R The two 2" diameter penetations in fne (2)-1 % x 11 7/8 miqolam (LVU beams spanning noftr/south looated atthe entry have been checked and will be strucfunlly adequate for he design loads. f. Engineer to revielv heat manifold opening in garageJhouse wall supporting fioor above, S/R Refer b athched 814x 11 detail, l. 200(1 9:u9Aui EAoL e Page 2 Ev o nLLEY TIMPS No. iJr lir Pi February27,2006 s. Engineer io appro,re holes in steel beam @ second famlly room. s/R rfie two 3" diameter hcles located in the W 10 x 22 and the W 10 x 17 had been approved by our olficeon 01-1 l-06. 4. Anne Ellise bedroom: a. Pin drive ledger per detail. S/R The ledger had the recomnended dive pins per plan at the time of my visit on 02-25-06. 5 Naii hanger @ boy's bedroom. S/R lhe hanger has been nailed at the ilrne of rny v'sit ort 02- 23-06 but the web of the double lioists at bearing needs to be pact<ed out with plywood per man ufudu r e s recom m e nd ations. 11, Engineer changes need to be submi(ed to frame inspector. S/R Reler to the B % x 11 for alt of ilrc changes that have oct:urred during mnstruction. 12. Bolt Ledger at crawl space below Anne Ellise bedroom per plans. S/R lhe tedgerhad been bolted per plan atthe time af my visit on 02-2X06. Dunng my visii I noticed that the (3)'1 % r 11 7l8 LVL located in the crawl space between Mech. I and Mech, ll had been noiched down to 7 w and nolg y! as recommendeid. see he attached g % x11 detail 1/SL1 dated 02-27-06 for the recommended conection. Also the layer of 7/16" thick APA rated plWood sheaihing (not OSB) rated 24115 exposure 1 was not applied to he bottom of the deck loists as recorrrmended on 02-02-06 at the time of my visil Insbll the plywood as recommended. lf there are any questions or concerns pleq5e call me at (970)€497100. 2 0uo- e I itttrvL-lnfLlf,|L Lt Y I i tlvlP S--No. 8/ lb PH 970.949.71 FAX 970.949.3377 CRACK O LLC JOB NO.0301-05 SHEET NO SL1 CALCUI-ATED BY JPL p41E 02-27-06 SCALE 3/4" - 1'-Q" ut- o LrJ z4 dftg =tLv Lo LJ ^ ri *r-tQat =EPe; j g Li z o 6 X ul I I I .!i cc (n 2 =(n o :l A- LU z(5 (L $ 8,P€ 5f a-:!E q = \f E A:$ I I a fr Eo-oIE E=-=.t," r $?b -=P-+?H. * *rs *Piltj* 6 Aio< SIRteot SsB tqagAF fr -4,OJ o u.t F F G o J oO F o z o_o ;7 5 N d r. t,2006- 9 : I 0AMl- -_EAGL[-VAL L tY E o*fti;i; PH S70,949.71 FA( s70.949 lio. U / l0 ltn LLU JOB NO.0301-05 SHEET NO. cALcULATEo sy JPL p4tr 02-27-06 SCALE 3/4" : '110" TI|vlPS OF lulions NGII.IEERIN6 INDICATES UTILII.I LINES (2)-1 3/a x7 1/4 LVL (Or'tE EA. SIOE OF UTIUTY LINES INDICATE$ MAN]IFOLD AREA 2x6 TRIMMER & 2x6 KING STUD ll I ll PROVIDE SOLID FILLER BTWN. UTIIITY LINES WHERE POSSIBLE R.A. Nelson & Associat{) -5 I Eaglc Road #2 Building PO Drawcr -5400 Avon. CO t31620 TRANSMITTAL No.00132 Phone: 970-748-7658 Faxz 970-949-43'79 PROJECT: Crack of Noon. L.P. Rcsidence 10:Town of Vail Vail, Colorado 81657 ATTN:Charlie Davis ITEM NO. COPIES DATE | 3/312006 Remarks: Charlie- CC: DATE: 31312006 RDI': StructuralCorrections Crack of Noon B05-0036 ITEM NUMBER REV. NO. DESCRIPTION STATUS Structural Correction Dctails- Crack of Ntton BP# 805-0036 Per inspection rcqucst clated 2120106, soe attachcd structural rcvisions issucd by Structural Dr;sign Solutions for thc Crack of Noon. Plcase kcco lirr vour rccords. Thank you, John Rt-rcland W F'- A R}.'. SRNDIN(I:SIIRMITTRD I'OR:A(*TION TAKF',N: E Shop Ilrawings f] Anoro'al D Auoroucd as Submillcd E 1"r,.,Ef Y,,ur u""I Aopr,rvctl as Norcrt I r,rinr"! ns Requr'st{d E Rcturncd Altcr loarr D ( h;rnge t )rder ! Rcr rcw and ('onrrnunr E Resubrnit ! r,r"n*E subrnir ! st,rrplc.SENT VIA:D Rcturnctl D Spccilications E Artachcd f] Rcturnc.t li)r (i)rrcctions D orh",,! Scparatc Ciover Via:E l)uc Date: "d Johrr Rocland PROJECT JOB NO. SHEET NO. CALCULATED gy JPL P41E - 1'-0" 0301-0s . BOX 2494 co 81620 PH 970.949.7100 FAX 970.949.3377 lutions NGINEERING (E)-2x6 EXTERIOR WALL 47'-0 (E)-TO PLYWD. 8246'-9 (E)-TOW (N)-TO SLAB DOWEL NEW WALL TO EXSTG. W #5 DWLS. xl'-6"DRIVEN INTO 5/8"A x 4" HOLES @ 12- ALONG VERT, LENGTH OF WALL (E)- CONC. FOUNDATION WA.. (E)-1 1/2"1T. WI. TOPPING =:-: - \': ?- :- (E)-1 1 7/8"l-Jolsr PER PLAN 1/2" EXPANSION MATERIAL 4"CONC SLAB PER PLAN (1)-#4 coNT. #4 DWLS. x @ 48"o c. (2)-#5's CONT. TOP & BOT, 40-4 (N)-TOW (N)-TO SLAB 8235'- #5 DWLS. x ll G) 12',O c *- ALT. LEGS .-V #5's (O 16" VERT. #5's @ 16"HORIZ. +5DWLS.x lf @ 16"o.c b; 1/2" EXPANSION MATERIAL 4'CONC SLAB PER PLAN IJ -\| l'l l'J ql r ..l L:-_-J #5sx1'-6@ l6"TRANSV. (3)-#s's CONT LONGIT, (N)-TOF CALCULATED BY JPL DATE 114" :1'-0" SHEET NO. PROJECT JOB NO PH 970.949.7100 F M 970 .949 .3377 lutions ^133i; NGINEERING d) S U) O z F a x LU ul =Lll z + I t(D l1 la 9lo @tF Nl6 I - =(t a X I.JJ F l () \.-__ (,z F a a-- r..ll (rJ <=a-l F F LIJ Y o_ co z o F ={ Y1 C)- <,:a L)a)<z6= O (o $ot @ I = (\ t- N N cr)N @ =rn lri t- a! c.)N @ LL F ul )J = -t-F -'-az a=J LjJ ,.tIJ FCC ;i p." zz ta. v1 rrN - ,i\ r3 U) \J JI -CO =,o O F U)x ul O F o F t! =LU z (t a X ul F )J 3 3 LU z -J UJ =o F z O) LO c! I =F - -T: ro t!tr ul r^' =;at- t.rJ r, i Om I< XL F* -' tr o r.tl z tll I o U)J =o LO ao F.(\ N tl tL F LIJ tr) <o c{ 3 o F |..- N (v) @ LL a't F z c{ !o C\ @ l =o F li IN tc') lc,J lco ttl lr.,-lar lli lz 8' N LO @ N F- C\J N @ 1l LL _1^, y-i Tol z .N Cr)N =F a o- uJ F oz P=ixO crI oa zt- QZ \l tL\. I 9'r '!\r z\ I 3 F LU o-o J a N c! c! LL F z c) LD (t N =F o l-- cr)N oo ll- t- z co N = 11'-$" PROJECT CRACK JOB NO. 0301-05 SHEET NO. LATED gy JPL p41g 114" : 1'-0" 07-11-05 AVWCO 81620 PH 970.949.7100 FAX 970.949.3377 lulions NGINEERING r _ ^-' __.. \ --]- --./1,- -.{--. --L f i- \ | 4 i i"l \11@,t.@tve ROOF FRAMING PLAN ti'rl-ta) - r shxtt\Atit '1 '- (N) SIMPSON HU612 IMAX )';,li ;-ri 'll rl iiil i, i^1 'y l\,r-[ 9l lro il; n -l rJe. I ilil .f>u -'+= a'- K I.o o a- r- L -t! RAFTERS OVER TOP P.& HDR. PH 970.949.7'100 FAX 970.949.3377 ^o33i?:;; lutions NGINEERING LATED sy JPL 9419 114" : 1'-0" 07-11-05 JOB NO. 0301-05 pROJECT CRACK SHEET NO. 'tLJ\4,|.Y,-^,'1. I I ls, \l i,ll I lllr R_J_ (4) .li v4 "_iA*!'-r -t- T- f I I OVEFFRAMEIW I li zxtors@2ap.c lil liitl I iL I lr_,I I r: rdr-rzr-r Br4xlttftLVL r 5 - -/4\- - --li /'\ &/ | f,. 19 :Y :l \'* l* ll ll ll t-{:l il il il+l ll | il*l I il11il1 6.21 11 G L11 q {-:.n- -n- -t.-["x I 1l h,"; 1 ,, rt \ \',ilri/ll ll ll,'i; li 11 5r il ll ir- E (N)-2x6' :l ALLIUNDHR ' , c afrnur li 9l llll'l( ROOF FRAMING PLAN irNGTRUSSES /| ]VIDE NE\&E JD BRG, W BOT, OF OF RAFTERS NEW 2x6 PLE WALL ]OT, OF ]OOF RAFTERS E)<.a r.J l,- o\ (''y) tl + h, \,1o i\ o -l (o N z. $l c.)l ^l =l ^l 9ll (- 2\\ i'.,1 ' \f6, 1 __l __ -/- (SLOPTNG) (3)-1 3/4 x7 114 LYr OR TS 4x4x5l16 HDB, PROJECT JOB NO. SHEET NO CALCULATEP $Y JPL P41E 07-11-05 g64;E 3/4" - 110 0301-05 PH 970.949.7100 FAX 970.949.3377 lutionS NGINEERING (E)-RAFTERS 3/4"U THRU-BOLTS 5/B"BENr RW (17)- 3/4'A THRU-BOLTS (EIGHT INTO RIDGE & (NINE INTO SHOULDER BM.) .''fiAF | trhJ t\\-,, | - SHOWN FOR CLARIry (E)-(3)-l 3/axt6LVL RIDGE BEAM (N)-(2)-l 3/4 x I 1 1/4 LVLHIP 1/4" BENT P.W (15)- 3/4"4 THRU-BOLTS (srx rNTO HtP & (NrNE rNrO SHOULDER BM.) PROJECT CRACK JOB NO. 0301-05 SHEET NO. ;_ATED gy JPL p41E J/4" - .l '-0" 07-11-05 ^ossi?;;; PH 970.949.7100 FAX 970,949.3377 lutions NGINEERING I L 4x4x1l4 x0-9 W (9)-3t4',A rHRU-BOLTS (THREE EA. FLANGE) ,/,/hAr I trl1J r\\J r - SHOWN FOR CLARITY (E)-(3)-1 3/4 x 16 LVL RIDGE BEAM BRG. SADDLE: BRG. t- 1/2"xBM. WIDTH x0'-8 Wi ONE SIDE P- 1/4"x"x8"xOL1 0 W (2)- 5/8"Z x5"LAGS & ONE SIDE P-- 114"x 31/2'x0-B (N)-(4)-1 3/4 x 11 1 /4 LYL TS COL, PER PLAN I l+ll i I I iD ll (Nt-L^, i -. -{-?x6 (N) (3)-2x1Q tl tl i I I .i_I l co |..- :x - ll c.J liiii ,l lul 'i- llil lit i I i1 I "*9 tl rl I i li I i I :f .,.b !!\'z )/ i a/q .VL\ \: :)ol iN @ LY r lr) ;g' t2< i-\J t-Nr/ l)1'.b l,J\ T)3/il' r l '| .r+9 -.\h\2, J - T l'r + a T c\-r z PROVIDE (2)-2x6 K S @ VENEER WALL & (4)-2xG @ BUIIDING WALL W 5/8"O x6"IAGS tQ 2a" O.C ALONG VERT LENGTH OF WAIL SEE DETAIL 2/36 -g 3/4) [bt ( 1.',s !1 ,1t )-(3)-2x1;0 (FLU_ I t.-TII IF -nT- n - -ul -i J- -tti --I _ I l -t- ,J _ l,l ril ill lrll \l lil tl xl W 8i(10 !--, ^s/ ') PROJECT CRACK JOB NO. 0301-05 SHEET NO. CALCU SCALE LATED 3Y JPL 941E 114" : 1'-0" PH 970.949.7100 FAX 970.949.3377 lutions NGINEERIN€ UPPER LEVEL FRAMING PI-,AN PROJECT CRACK JOB NO. 0301-05 SHEET NO. LATED gy JPL p41p 1/4" : 1'-0" A\MCO 81620 PH 970.949.7100 FAX 970.949.3377 lutions NGINEERING Itri -u \bt^%"ff'H/(2)-16dD*vE ",7 \ l., | \ f I 5 CONT. TREATED 2x12 I \ LEDGER W (2)-16d DI ',w t-Jorsl IN FIRS (s)-Btj PANEL CONT w (1)- (1)-siB 16"O( BUILT oF 1/: FOWS (PLYW i l lE i;- | r'.rtzT:-:l --_ _ G) ' i I -t-/l: r q. gfl': elrr r\-'ll I L ,--l-'-\'rl \ g^lllr | \ ti .ii li rnh -e fli,-^XlQ{{ rl-ll | ,. -\-l- _ i-, I - 1..l|F\ ' ,' V heovi FiHr;LA-Ci i \:J ' al-.S-*V oPE_tlnq,.-T ( .' ppnilrnr r'rr-I \ ' ' rvvrql \4,f , i, I t( I S|MPSON MS ' I l/ trr?ol/ RtraM " lr, n I i' ,Pisi;?ifi,'+3" \ i'( NOU BEAM TO Y STUPPACK \-^'-..+:-l-r'": , rr i ' ii -ffi L I --.; -\ s l-f M*-TcN€xlsTlNG -- - P l'@ ''o ( t- ,r.a\r?l t)2 rsryy*lo li:,-'QQ€U,\[ @'l{ It\'JT:iii i *,rYg 9,1'=\; -_)T - ):i i !-P'- \". Jl - z*9 i\, '(1)-l sr+* PR( TIGI (gj I rl4I ,\)-(r)-l 3/4x.1I //6 LVL -- (l\)-(z)izxrz'- t"i I ,--^'6---',1 L I i L(DTOIPFD) 1,4-;^af_l' ,,[, I r I I lr {','fl_., lt )Jr i i , i .ii,r Ii t ",| 'tr$lr ilrt + X ,i ,', , ,t,ii $li: ,i,E ll lL@ i + itla --l : ,/ ll cnNrnrrnNr rn,rr'.rc onrnn ;l Pt o o UPPER LEVEL FRAMING PI-,AN LATED gy JPL p41g 3/4': 110' JOB NO. 0301-0s PROJECT CRAC SHEET NO.PH 970.949 7100 FAX 970.949.3377 Avurtr. co 81620 lutions NGINEERING o 'rCD at Lrl 6=jrr cf L,Tut Fo Qd {< :=BL o O I F o = m ao (t cr co J F U) o z o =>-, -',d= Oo-icc =o_ n) e fui*\.'^ -xi =v;;' g StrO i= alXU Fa\ ^ -t z- v) '>*ni{ <o [l d=d.i-- F- cc ) O CI a) IL z =o r (l) F o z A LLI v< .)Yo-t- '.,, rri !-t (o n_tLJ-fr :z \7 td) - rJJ,,r-uY{:>4LU .raCC 6ne z lT AF --\rr=in>fi- >= jN b- t!ri (o Cr) c') (f) a F j a F z o =)Z o_< vo-TE rii [! ) I t>l=rcc .. 1 Y5 L!\J ou- rcZ il=oo ZT <a ;5 EZ l-L o E t!o Z trl cc PROJECT JOB NO. SHEET NO. CALCULATED BY JPL DATE g6a1g 3/a' -' 1-0 07-13-05 PH 970.949 7100 FAX 970.949.3377 lulions €5€glEgl@1 NGINEERING 3)-1 3/4 x 11 7/8 LVL TS COL PER PLAN 1 112' LT. WT. TOPPING PER PLAN (N)-TO SrL STL, BM. PER PLAN W 2x BM. WIDTH DFIVL PINNED TO TOP @D 16"O.C. & 3/4" PLWVD. FILLER 1 112'LT. WT, TOPPING 3/4"T&G PLWD @rvp 11 7/8"r-JOISTS (t BRG. SADDLE: BRG R.- 1/2"xBM. WlDTHxO-5 1/2W SIDE Es - 114"x5 1/2'x0-8W/ (2\' 3/4"O THRU,BOLTS L 4x4x1 I 4x0 -5 1 12 w/ (21-3/40 THRU-BOLTS LVL BM. PER PLAN PER PLAN (E)-TO PLYWD (E)-11 7/8"r- JOTSTS (d 16" 2"RETURN 3/16" PROJECT JOB NO. CRACK OON, LLC 0301-05 S}IEET NO.JLI CALCULATEP 3Y JPL P41E 07-27-05 SCALE l/4" - 1'-0" OF ;.r, J I J 3 \/ >J r-- F ,--:. 6=JL ..LU n-= dI >.- zz .a +r< ao v' !5 a\)JI 3:- Ir)- -eo =ib O l-a X LU a) F _l J = =uJ z J Lll =o () L F :(,F LL z o z (/) t-rJ cc \-lat I \-l l,i | =\l/\. l \ lurl ''lv | -1 \t )lJ \ri a1 a\ OO i < r.rl \B> ''\ uJ- ,.1 F >;>:j *<Y=.--J u..t{ = LIJ E:z (I] I I I LU o CC (rI z o m )a C9 z F I )< Lrl . . 1'-v--\'- \'--\/ 'v '5 - J :o :\ ,ll )J -.r T-J r= )< LL {. I f-)F-rO :aZ a\ L )\)t\ a\a ul- \ OO\<rrl => )trtr) \ I )r IG l sl -l f* I ,,0- z TI O$ >-Q ={zu 5 (/):i- fi=+:-i:r.x PH 970.949.7100 FAX 970.949 3377 lutions NGINEERING .(( ,\ .,jt I J\ ) [-,(/\i l+Iml I col{.ld r rlo @lF c{t__(\t'7 -l= z 1 o_z o tr o z _f o LL c{c\l LL F [t ) ) \.,:-\r'1 IL! l' \_\_\\. " ik 1.-lY) Y \-/ J * tr=- ) N O-UA \cp <cf:l ppk )* ;:= \y il<A ..\', Lr_F:. r = tlo4 O s (Y) C\@ 1L ut LU O Z 2 ul L o ?a r.- ul NLU c{()co6 < A=y L/ ,-- tLl z(fl o N N I 3 o F F UJ co J a o F z \:O o t o tll cn ti C' + N o ( I \ ( \T 1\|\-\ \'-\. cD -\1 '.n a )- ,- U- rO u-r *l :<r.L ,.o6i o |.- -*.1 lll PH 970.949.7100 FAX 970.949.3377 lutions NGINEERING PROJECT JOB NO, SHEET NO. CALCULATED BY JPL SCALE 3f4" - 1'-0" 07-27-05 0301-05 -'l 1 112' LT. WT, TOPPING 8233',- 1 1 7 (E)-row SAW CUT EXSTG. FOUNDATION WALL ACCESS TO MECH II (N).TO SLAB (N)-8',THrCK CONC WALL TO RETAIN EXSTG. CRAWLSPACE DIRT. PROVIDE #5 VERT. (o) 16' O C. PROVIDE #5 CONT, HOR|Z (t BOT., MtD. HT,, & TOP z =+ t"" t- l' 7- I_ (F\11 7/8',I-JO|STS (E)-CONT. TREATED 2X12 LEDGER (E)-CONCRETE FOUNDATION WALL MECH II I I, I'\l \ .t'-' ,\-.,1 I ,.I I .l >< io TI (o + \i \i (E)-BOW (E)-BOW @ . BOX 2494 co 81620 PH 970.949.71 FAX 970.949.3377 lutions NGINEERING PROJECT JOB NO. SHEET NO, CALCULATEp gy JPL 07-27-05 SCALE 3/4'= 1'-0' 0301-05 1 112'LI, WT, TOPPING (E)-3i4',T&G PLYWD. -l -. I --1 (E)-11 7t8" I-JO|STS @ 16" (E)-r-JOTST BLKG PANELS @ BRG. INDICATES NEW SLAB (BEYOND) DOWEL NEWWALL TO EXSTG. W #5 DWLS. xl'-6" DRIVEN INTO 5/8'O x 4"HOLES @ 12'ALONG VERT. LENGTH OF WALL (THREE MtN.) (N)-TOW & SLAB (N)-8',THrCK CONC. WALL TO RETAIN EXSTG. CRAWLSPACE DIRT, PROVIDE #5 VERT. @ 16"O.C. PROVIDE #5 CONT, HOFIZ @ BOT, MtD. HT,, & TOP INDICATES EXSTG. ^f,33i?;;; PH 970.949.7100 FAx 970.949.3377 lutions NGINEERING PROJECT qRAC SHEET NO. CALCULATEp 3y JPL 07-27-05 9641E 3/a : 1-0 I/2'EXPANSION IiMATERIAL (N)-4' CONC SL.AB PER PLAN 8236',-9 (N).TO SLAB 8235',-9 7 (N)-TOW DOWEL NEW WALL TO EXSTG. 2'-() W#5DWLSxeI EPOXTED tNTO 3/4"O x 4 HOLES @ l2' ALONG VERT. LENGTH OFWALL (E).FRAMtNC; 8237,0 (E).TO PLYWD, (E)-11 7/B' I-JOISTS 8235 -9 7 (F)-TOW DOWEL NEW WALL TO EXSTG. W #s DWLS xi -6"DRIVEN INTO s/B'O xa" HOLES (r r2 ALONG VERT. LENGTH OF WALL (TWO MrN.) (E)-ro PL\WD. 1/2 EXPANSION MATtRIAL, TYP (E)- CONC. FOUNDATION WALL (6)-#s's CONT. HOFIZ- LONGIT 8227'-0 DOWEL FTG. TO EXSTG. W (s)-#s DWLS. xl-6"DR|VEN INTO 5/8"O X 4" HOLES INDICATES MECH ACCESS tt229-9 7 (N)_TOW & SLAB (2)'#s's CONT TOP & BOT, 4'CONC, SLAB PEB PLAN 8228',1 (N)-ro SLAB 8227 -O (N)-TOF #5's x2' 4 ((r) 16'O.C, TRANSV, #5 DWLS x ly G.) 16" fr (1)-#5 Gi) MID HT. L--_ - ^t8Si?;:; PH 970.949.7100 FAX 970.949.3377 lutions NGINEERING PROJECT JOB NO. SHEET NO. CALCULATED BY JPL 964gg 3/4" = 1'-0" a7-27-05 (N)-4"CONC SLAB PER PLAN 8236'-9 (N)-ro sLAB (N)-row 1/2"EXPANSION 1/MATERIAL FOUNDATION WALL (E)-FRAMtNG 7'-0 (E)-ro PLYWD (E)-11 7lB',t-JOtSTS (E)-row INDICATES MECH ACCESS (BEYOND) (E)-TO PLYWD 1/2'EXPANSION MATERIAL, TYP. DOWEL NEWWALL TO EXSTG. W #5 DWLS. Xl -6,,DRIVEN INTO 5/B"O x4" HOLES @ 12"ALONG VERT. LENGTH OF WALL (rwo MtN ) (N).TO SLAB 8227' /F\-TOF -97 (N)-ro SLAB 4"CONC- SIAB PER PLAN 8228'-1 (N)-ro sLAB FOUNDATION WALL (E)- CONC Fic DOWEL FTG, TO EXSTG, W (2)-#5 DWLS. xl -6"DR|VEN INTO 5/8"O x 4" HOLES 4" :1'-O A!t{. CO 81620 PH 970.949.7100 FAX 970.949.3377 lutions NGINEERING PROJECT JOB NO. CRAC NOON LLC 0301-05 SHEET NO. CALCULATED BY JPL 07-27-05 564;_E 3/4" : 1'-0" I (N)-ro SLAB 4"CONC. SLAB PER PLAN #4 DWLS * ?Fj @ 48' o.c. cvl (N & E) TOw (1)-#4 CONr 4"CONC. SIAB PER PLAN (N) ro SLAB (1)-#4 CONT. 3 -9' #5's VERT @ 16"O.C #5s CONT. HORIZ. @) 12"O.C CAST NEW FTG. & FOUNDATION WALL AGAINST EXSTG, EARTH #5 DWLS. x @ 16', (2)-#s's CONT. TOP & BOT, #5's x2'-4 @ 16" O,C, TRANSV. (6)-#5's CONT. ACCESS TO MECH II l9 la. z',-4 #4 DWLS , 'bFP @ 48" O.C. Nl' 4 CONC. SLAB PER PLAN (2)-#5's CONT. TOP & BOT. #s DWLS. x l'@16" u F :l F HORIZ, LONGIT. lulions PH 970.949.7100 FAX 970.949.3377 NGINEERING CALCULATED tDl brY tr I r- _ 1r n|SCALE 114' SHEET NO. PROJECT JOB NO. (! fia+) Ll.J rri Alcr - :('+OY9 l.,-=9oq *.r ;: +-zf,u?Ht ri.1 .^ = > LLI gxa6s 8ir-5* o N C\j tl = ___.1-- z I l I tl li 9Z Az >< i-U> (J tr FO J(O =T 1a 2; JO LU ,-B+ 8> I ; It u " _r'1 'I I LJJ o r5 z co a (, 4 o x tJJ + I tm IJ la 9lo NIF Nt#-l= (\ N N OJ c{N @ =F O -o C\J N =F I l'J l1 ll z z I ll z a 1-- o z f o LL c! co (\ c{ L! z 6 N C\.1 3 F o-- g P€z()..;a lJLLJn h><XEu.r I.U LJ (I ni^tU Y'Y-T I;= F ct' "=d Il-J LJ I Z 0=-;t;5cs 8>s i.l lr lr, o IU aii y.2 !.r LLl L,, - z+ rl l-l c{ c!c{ F u, (o a! c! 3 F (D U) F z is I I (ot; Arliii ,-' -l -L- I _l ', lr+ c{ -)(\] N IL tu O)c{c! I B F "Fr-e PH 970.949.7100 FAX 970.949.3377 lutions NGINEERING PROJECT CRA JOB NO. 0301-05 SHEET NO.SL1 CALCULATEp 3y JPL DATE 0B-12-05 gg41g 1/4" : 1'-0" OF n l I IN il I f, 1il )r1@) (N)-2x12 SISTERED TO EXSTG.2x12 (4)-ROWS OF 12d NATLS @) 12"O.C UNDER NEW CHIMNEY LOCATION ONLY INDICATES (N)-2x12 BLKG. BTWN RAFIERS BELOW CHIMNEY BOX I i I I d xro coN FOR wl (4 o.c. 2x12 10d NAI -13/4 DBL. LOOKOUT (N)-( DGER THIN 11 7lB -2 xl ) (\ o) . DBL. LOES( 'Ya \ -(^ .{..v->.!.\_..\ ...,_.\_...,., l/ INDICATES 2x12 LOOKOUTS @) 24"O.C. INDICATES CONT.2x12 STRUCTURAL SUB- FASCIA, TYP, UPPER ROOF FRAMING PIAN PH 970.949.7100 FAX 970.949.3377 lutions NGINEERING PROJECT JOB NO NOON, LLC SHEET NO. CALCULATED BY JPL 59419 1/4 - 1-0" -n i-i I I ;J I: G) ryP @ BLKG, 16'O.C. BUILT UP RIM W THBEE L OF 1/2'PLWVD. NAIL ry Fr FOWS OF 10d NATLS @ 1 ( (PLYWD GRATN TO BE HC PROVIDE 2xBLKG. TIGHT TO TOP [,s @16'OC PROVIDE (2)-2xo K S. WALL & (a)-2x6 gi BUI WALL W 5/8"O x6"LA( O,C. ALONG VERT LE OF WALL SEE DETAIT @ t\ I c.) -PROVIQE (3)- , I srMqsoN N4sTApO I FROM BEAM TOI _Lt\Qftk ro 1-,1 (DToPPfD) (N)-(3)-2x10 ir titl ilti J _',I -ir-i -, ulr lrl rl< 'l-1,6 qa licD l.ct .1i- ,l! C, VERIFY EXSTG. RAFTER CONDITION W ENG. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION ir ril ,?r u_- i j I 239 ' (8244'-11',) (2)-1 3/4x71l4lYL ABOVE FIREPLACE x11 7/8 UPPER FLOOR FRAMING A!!r{. co 81620 PH 970.949.7100 FAX 970.949.3377 lulions NGINEERING PROJECT-_QEAC JOB NO. 0301-05 SHEET NO. CALCULATED BY JPL DATE 0B-12-05 gg41p 1/a : 1-0 OF 1/2'A THRU-BOI (a)24',OC 8246 -7 31.1 (N)-TO PLYWD BM. POCKET BM POCKET (8246'-9 3/4 ") (N)-(1)-1s/4 o /8 1 -l i- Ir x!z IN x117 o) c{@ (O N O z +o I (ol xl N =t AI L.IJ .-J ur trffiwqt l'- cr) z UPPER FLOOR FRAMING PLAN DICATES 2x12 LOOKOUTS @ 4"O.C. INDICATES CONT.2x12 STRUCTURAL SUB- FASCIA, TYP ,i .-..\-.'.; \:. z (N) TO PLYWD (N) - W 10x (8246'-9 3/4') xl =t ^l z ct LU o tll -l N N t-tJ lV" ; ;t,.\i ,JI t,>| 'Jr ,@l I |.-l tl ll i:,l -l '-1 Z O , ;il Itt ,sl : ii'I l*l li I l_ -,1 a\ ) J ) ) / -:"oq rF l =xl Is Z *-. TS 4x4x3/16 BOX 2494 co 81620 PH 970.949.7100 FAX 970 949.3377 lutions NGINEERING PROJECT CRAC JOB NO. 0301-05 SHEET NO. CALCULATED BY JPL 5641E 3/4" : 1'-0" 1 1/2" Lr. wr roPPtNG I I 3/4"T&GPLYWD -\ V t247'-o - -\- PBOVIDE (3)-2x10 FLAT ALONG FLOOR @ VENEER LOCATION BTWN, STUDS tll-io pl_wvuB --: := STL. OR WOOD BEAM PER PLAN STONE VENEER PER ARCH, 2xG STUDS @ 16"O.C 2x6 BLKG. BTWN. STUDS CONT L8x4x1/2ALONG STONE VENEEB PEFIMETER W / (2) -5/B' A THRU-BOLTS 12',O.C. STONE VENEEII SUPPORT FOR STONE ON EA. SIDE (E)-r-JOrSrS PH 970.949.7100 FAx 970.949.3377 lulions NGINEERING PROJECT JOB NO. SHEET NO. CALCULATEp 3y JPL 3/4" - 1'-0', L_l STONE VENEER PER AFCH. 2x6STUDSx1-6@16"O.C. NAILED TO STUD WALL W TWO ROWS OF 12d NATLS @ 2"O C. (ALT. STDES) 1 112', LT. WT. TOPPING STONE VENEER PER ARCH. 2x6 STUDS @ l6'O C 2x12 BLKG. PANET ALONG ANGLE SUPPORT CONT. LBx4x1/2ALONG STONE VENEER PERIMETER wl (2)-5/8'A x 5" LAGS @ 16"O.C. (EA. STUD) PROVIDE 1 3/4x11 ZB BLKG. BTWN, PLYWD. & TOP T CONT. L 6x4x5/16w/ (2)-5,8^A x5"LAGS @ 16'O.C. (EA. STUD) @ LOWER PLWVD, ELEV. 1 1/2'LT. WT. TOPPING 3/4'T&G PLWVD, 8245-2 (E)-TO PLWVD. (E)-r-JOtSTS 2xO STUDS G) 16" O.C. 3/4"T&G PLYWD. (E)-r-JOTSTS 2x12 BLKG. PANEL ALONG ANGLE SUPPORT 2x6STUDSx1-6@16"O.C. NAILED TO STUD WALL W TWO ROWS OF 12d NATLS @ 2"O.C. (ALT. STDES) STONE VENEER SUPPORT (E)-ro PLYWD. T ROOM & MSTR. BATH 4" - 1!0 PH 970.949.7100 FAX 970.949.3377 lutaons NGINEERING PROJECT CRAC NOON, LLC JOB NO. 0301-05 SHEET NO.SL6 CALCULATED BY JPL DATE 0B-12-05 SCALE 3/4" = 1'-0' STONE VENEER PER ARCH CONT. L 6x4x5/16 W (21.5t8"O x5"LAGS (O 16'O C (EA. STUD) (E)-2x LEDGEB i:_1il 2x12 BLKG. PANEL ALONG ANGLE SUPPORT 2x6 STUDS x 1 -6 (d 16" O C. NAILED TO STUD WALL W TWO ROWS OF 12d NAILS 2"O.C. (ALT. SIDES) STONE VENEER SUPPORT ABOVE I-OWER ROOF FAX 970.949.3377 lutions NGINEERING PROJECT JOB NO. CRAC NOON, LLC 030't-0s SHEET NO.SL7 LJI- CALCULATED BY JPL DATE 0B-12-05 ge4gE 3/4" : 1'-0" ,ii;q 2x6 STUDS x 1' 6 @ 16" O.C. NAILED TO STUD WALL W TWO ROWS OF 12d NATLS @ 2'O C (ALTENATE STDES) 1 1/2'LT. WT. TOPPING 3/4"T&G PLYWD. 1/4" FITTED WEB STIFFENER (ONE EA. SIDE), TYP @ BRG. PER PLAN (N)-TO SrL. STL. BM. PER PLAN W 2x BM. WIDTH DRIVE PINNED TO TOP FLANGE @ 16"O C 5/8"xBM. WlDTHx0'-10" cAP L W (4)-3/4'A' THRU-BOLTS T|WO EA. srDE oF wEB) CONT. L 8x4x1/2 ALONG STONE VENEER PERIMETER wl (2)-5/8"4x5" IAGS @ 16'(EA. STUD) PER PLAN (N)-TO PLYWD. STL. BM. PER PLAN W2x BM WIDTH DRIVE PINNED TO TOP FLANGE @ 16',O,C. (BEYOND) STONE VENEER PER ARCH, 2x6 STUDS @ 16'O.C. 2x12 BLKG. PANEL TS COL. PER PLAN PH 970.949.71 FAX 970.949.3377 lutions NGINEERING PROJECT JOB NO. CRAC NOON, LLC 0301-05 SHEET NO.SLB OF CALCULATEp gy JPL 9641E 3/a - 1-0 DATE 0B-i2-05 - -z'"'--t it - \vt-- \/' -\, -\--\, --.' - 2xO STUDS x 1-tj CD 16"O\ NAILED TO STUD WALL W/ ] TWO ROWS OF 12d NATLS q,': 2" O.C. (ALTENATE STDES}\ 2x12 BLKG. PANEL ALONG ANGLE SUPPORT CONT. L 6x4x5/tG W (2)- \ 5/B"Ox5"LAGS (r) l6'O.C. l (EA. STUD) G) LOWER WAIL I / 2x BUILD UP TO BUTT FJNISHED ROOFING'\ I I MATERTAL ro ) PBOVIDE 2x BLKG. BTWN. EXSTG. ROOF RAFIERS INDICATES NEW 2x6 STUD CRIPPLE WALL TIGHT TO BOT. OF N \.---j1T' (E)-RooF RAFI-ERp i Y- t--- iir- \- -\ t,+ I ifrt txtxl ul ,(r,-.*,"*., -R \ 2x BUILD UP TO BUTr YINISHED ROOFING 12 BLKG, PANEL EXISTING ROOF RAFTERS PH 970.949.7100 FAX 970.949.3377 lul ions NGINEERING PROJECT CRAC JOB NO. 0301-05 SHEET NO.SL1 OF CALCULATEP 3Y JPL P415 0B-23-05 g64gE 1i4' - 1-0 '. - i (N)-(3) 1Q/+x 9 1/4 LVL . (N)-2x8 cr)16'O C,. lil'jl"o-'i i ri 82:r5,-2 , lE To-FL\\tr I \r'll {l / s_,s r-l xrsrNc 95 |{P ?:l -to . (El (.lr lr.i+!J - -o-J- -rL__1- | ,.,.$X*i ' , $o){x\I L/.&-" Vlal."iru)-r2)-1 3i{xll ? H L ,,- l^la,) 1Q ttp \: I il ;rl' tl | --.1 i ,ti'i '' I ls ,, r- li ff#e.rwo$ : t; t--I tll 'i I | (E) (3) -t3i-1 i91tr - _ rr I:_l f "fr; " os7 |/"'i lr-, tz:ii t<,O roNWALLS,ryP qZ i___tr -ru?#sr*+ !tr H^lfH- (N)-(2)-2x6TR|MMERS-1 ) i <iF:+ AppuEDroExrsrrrvc \ : i I lffi coNcRETE wALL w )a-,>-1^"^*r,-a il';?€5'l,Ai,f l\ sl,ll,;ls,a* \VERT LENGTH t-\--ffi/r-r r"l trr n .'-.,id}Ml LJ LJ L.I II I.f1 T - a = t-l: - - -T,'t ,J..Wtl i I I ', .-.1,. -f -- . , i.'. -,.."-r], ,-*r:5ro-7#. | ( RtMovE REMATNDER -\ - I \ or(r)-borucnrrr' \\_ .\rifyl ,\ &REPLACEWLVL \' \-..,txv/.. : \!Fto5t " , l\lfil'.gi,xt g:.\. - :-: ;'- tfi'#-r i 'ti'1]i:r{]i'uu+il't . r i I i-'- I I I'1"'-"'-8fi i ' gl , i 9l 'il ffi rriril i i'-'-l""f i I i i I "-"il rt , ifll i I : I F,rrli ,'Ft \DAT t-l 8235 -2 /F\,T^ Dr \'\^r - I ,ll I I +(A : r'r-- --.l Y rtl Ai.a) I ;- |2-l --lnr I'g ^ (E) (.1) | r ,r,r JIL \z{-' , ,}'* ; 1et-r 3/"1x11 i,e L .TFtF a @ rve \: 8235: A 6r-ro p-vwo Y i , (3) -13i1 xgl/:1,-: -]- - -i I. i o2loe/Oq D---;_-- ?- (N)-2x8 (i1l 1 V\-,\---\,-^--,^- Z_- rNorCA i / ', qurlDrr , \'l iiil v -(2) - l 3/{1lr x l.l lo I I llil."ii' l: --El co CE-l* lsL lr 19'l=' I tl I r p*-i (E)-(2)- l 3i4 x9 1/4 LVL i trq trYl G TYP fr 7/B LVL i r\) \ \TES ING, I I o+\jN\" - 1 7/B I : (r' T L r") MAIN FLOOR FRAMING PLAN