HomeMy WebLinkAboutMIDDLE CREEK LOT 2 LEGAL.pdf//n* &// fritzlen, pierce, briner architecture, planning, interiors p.o. box 57 1OOO lionsridge loop suite l/d vail, colorado 8f658 303-476-63 42 fax 303-476-4901 List of Ylritten Subnission 1. Apptication Narrative 2. ConpJ.eted Town of VaiI Desigm Review Application 3. Titl-e Connitnent tl . Util-ity Plan and Ipcation Uap 5. Letter to the Learning Tree from lticol-as Lanpiris Consulting Engineer in regards to rockfall hazard. 5. Ictter to the ABC School frm NicoJ-as Lanpiris Con slrlting Engineer in regards to mitigation of debris flow. Pg. 1 17109015.doc pierce, fritzlen. architects, inc. d.b.a. fritzlen, pierce, briner formerly intratect design group \gNT\ O Ms. Kristan Pritz Town of Vail Department of Comrnunity Development RE: Design Review Application for October 31, 1990 Meeting Affordable Housing plan Mountain BeII East and West parcel fritzlen, pierce, briner architecture, planning, interiors p.o. box 57 lOOO lionsridge loop suite 1/d vail, colorado 8f 658 303-476-63 42 fax 303-476-49() I Dear Kristan, We are submitting a Design Review Board application for the Mountain Bell Parcel East and West paicels. This in-cludes the area east and south of the Mountain Bell Building. Contingent upon approval of our rezoning re-quest for MDI{F the following submitted proposal requires no other planning approvals. Development Proposall $u|!1fanily development varying from 1 dweJ.Iing unit per building to six. Buildings are both two and tf,reestory.Finish materials are proposed to be Shakertown wood pan-e1s, metal roofing and clad windows. Please refer to the key map for designation of east and west parcel. Breakdown of GRFA, buildable area, parking and other planning information is on the site developl ment plans. Planning Considerations : ACCESS - Current access is from the north frontage road which is under the jurisdiction of the Colorado Depart-ment_of Highways. The CDOH access code adopted in 1,994 requires all- new development to provide access in accor-dance with their adopted regulations. Currently trip generation created by the two daycare fa-cilities would justify an upgrade to the existiig acceas configuration. The additional 64 proposed residential_units wiII further compound that need.- It is estimated that an acel-deceL lane in both directions would fufill tle requirement. Fortunatety there is a liberal amount of highway right of way to develop these lanes as well as gentle grades to accomodate the length. pg.1 14109015.DOC pierce, fritzlen, architects. inc. d.b.a. fritzlen, pierce, briner formerly intratect design grouP ps.2 14 10 9 015 . DOC fritzlen, pierce, briner architecture, planning, interiors p.o. box 57 lOOO lionsridge loop suite 1/d vail, colorado 81658 303-476'63 42 fax 303-476-490 r Upon consideration of zoning we wiII initiate detailed engineering studies and an application to the CDOH Ac-cess Code Corunittee. We are fully aware of the need to address this issue fully and understand that, no final approval would be granted unless conditioned by this re-quirement. EXISTIIIG DAYCLRE FACILITIES - The development plan pro-vides eleven paved parking spaces for the facilities- and a-_Tey drop off area. No relocation of the daycare fa-cilities is proposed. A small portion of the- Learning Tree playground will need to be relocated but there will be no net loss in play area. DBBRfS FLOW - There is conflicting information available in regards to debris flow. Existing Town of Vail ltaps indicate a moderate debris flow to ihe west of the t'{oun-tain Bell building. A more recent study, prepared by Nlck Lamphiris for the ABC school expansion- reconmendl mitigation for the Mountain BeIl and Echool buildings by constructing a berm north of existing buildings. peUris flow would be directed through the two buildiigs towards the highway right of way. A copy of that repori, accompa-nies this application. We have indicated a-debris flow area on the site plan that is in conformance with those recomrnendations . pierce. fritzlen, architects. inc. d.b.a. fritzlen, pierce. briner formerly intratect design group fritzlen, pierce, briner architecture, planning, interiors p.o. box 57 IOOO lionsridge loop suite 1/d vail, colorado 81658 3O3- 47 6 -6342 fax 303-476-490 r The following is a srunmary of materials we have submit-ted in response to the Design Revi_ew Requirements. Topographic nap and site plan: Submittal 3 A topographic map and site plan of the south-eastern portion of the property, approximatel_y 5 acres is part of the application. Contingent upon plinning ap-provals easements will be platted lor - utiliiiea,pedestrians, bike paths, access and all other aspects of the development as required by the Town of VaiI .- We have split the proposal into tvro areas. The eastern area has been surveyed, the western area is currently being surveyed. we are crrently using information froi Town of Vail area photos and survey information provided PV Dan Corocoran to layout topography and d6termine buildability. l. Licensed surveyor's stamF !g{1913f : Topographic survey stamped by Roger Meyer,LS 26967, October 11, 1990 of Johnson xunkel ind Rssoci-ates. 2. Contour intervals of not more than 2' unless the par-cel consiats of 5 acres or rlore, in which case 5' inter-vals will be accepted- Submittal - Topographic survey submitted is at a of 1"=20'-0" with 2, intervals.scale 1: Existing trees or groups of trees having trunJcs with dianeters of 4" or more. Submittal: Two groves of aspen have been identified on !h? topographic survey. The site development plan by Fritzlen, Pierce_, Briner preserves the iraioritlz of the eastern grove. The trees in the western giove iitt be rerocated throughout the site to enhance fhe landscape pran. pg. 3 14109015.DOC pierce, fritzlen, architects, inc. d.b.a. fritzlen, pi€rce, briner formerly intratect design group fritzlen, pierce, briner architecture, planning, interiors p.o. box 57 lOOO lionsridge loop suite l/d vail, colorado 81658 303-476-63 42 fax 303-476-490 1 4. Rock outcroppings and other significant features - Submittal - no significant outcroppings were in the area surveved. identified 5. Avalanche areas, 100 year flood plan and slopes 40t or more, if applicable. Submittal: Note 10 of the east parceJ_ topographic survey states that a rninimum of 3.39 acres of the area survey is less than 40t slope. Note 12 of the survey states that the east area surveyed does not sit in any debris flow or avalanche hazard zone. Note 13 of tha survey states that the site is within a moderate rockfall area. 5. Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landnark or sewer invert.Submittal: A Bureau of Land Management Cap was found de-fining the southeast,ern corner of the property. See note 2 of the topographic survey. Note 3 siates the basis of elewation. This parcel has never been surveyed or platted. A survey of the entire parcel has been order from Johnson Kunkel .The applicant wilL file a p1at, with the approprj_ate easements, contingent upon approval of requested zoning and development proposal . 7. Iocations of the following: a. Proposed surface drainage on and offsite showing size and tlpe of culverts, swales, etc. Submittal - The area map subrnitted with the zoning ap-plication shows the location of ltiddle Creek. l,tiaafe Creek rdater flow does not affect the proposed develop-ment area and is currently culverted under I-20. b. Iocation of all utilities to include existing sourceg and proposed service lines from sources to th; struc_ture. Utilities to include: Cab1e TV - Cable TV is currently not available to site. Utility verification submittea. ps. 4 14109015.Doc pierce, fritzlen, architects, inc. d.b.a. fritzlen, pierce, briner formerly intratect design group the fritzlen, pierce, briner architecture, planning, interiors p.o. box 57 1OOO lionsridge loop suite l/d vail, colorado 81658 303-476-63 42 fax 3o3-47 6'-4901 Teleghone - Telephone line location indicated on survey.Utility verification submitted. Water and Sewer - A Utility location and plan map, made available by Ray Storey, the original architect for the daycare development is included with this submittal .This map shows a 10,, sewer line and an 8', \rater line to the-existing buildings on the property. Utility verifi-cations provided. Gas - The same utility location and plan map shows a L2,'casing for a gas line. Public Service has indicated that gas is not avaiLable to the site as of yet. Utility verif ication provided. Electric - The existing overhead power line is located on the topographic survey. This line is scheduled to be abandoned upon instatLation of a new underground Line in highway TiSlt of way. Holy Cross told rne i,hat they have a prescriptiwe easement 25, -0,, wide for this line that they will abandon upon relocation. Utility verification provided. 9. _Property lines showing distances and bearings and a basis of bearing. Submittal - Boundary survey of property is currently be-ing prepared. d. Proposed driveways with percent of slope and spot el-evations. Driveways slope. do not exceed a 68 slope,parking lots 5t e. All easenents Subrnittal - Surveyor has reviewed the none of the easernents referenced in the cated on the property. ps. 5 1410901_5.DOC road is to remain and will title report and Exhibit-s are lo- Submittal - existing, access serve the entire site. pierce, fritzlen, architects, inc. d.b.a. fritzlen, pierce, briner formerly intratect design grouP pg. 6 14109015.DOC v fritzlen, pierce, briner architecture, planning, interiors p.o. box 57 lOOO lionsridge loop suite l/d vail. colorado 81658 303-476-63 42 fax 303-476-490 L 8. Existi-ng and finished grades. Submittal - Shown on site development plan. 9. Al-1 existing and proposed improvenents including structures , landscaped areas, service areas, storage areas, walks, driveways, off-street parking, loading at-eas, retaining walls. Subnittal - Shown on site developrnent plan. 10. Blewations of top of roof ridges with e-isting grades- (with existing grade shown underneath) to deter-mine height of building. Submj-ttal - shown on site development plan. B. A statement fron each utility werifying location of serrrice and availability. To be sulnittea with site plan. Subnittal - Submitted with Application C. Preliminarlr title reports to accompany aII submittals,to insure property ownership and all eaienents. Submittal - Preliminary title report prepared by Land Title is included with this application. you-for_your consideration. please caII us if you have any further questions. Fritzlen Pierce Briner Architects pierce, fritzlen, architects, inc. d.b.a, fritzlen, pierce. briner formerly intratect design group o lp0c1 lb\ss DRI IPPIJICATION APPLICATTON RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: *****THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTTL ALL TNFORMATTON IS SUBHITTED***** I . PRE-APPLICATION I,fEETING: A pre-appllcation rneeting with a pLanning staff hember is strongly suggested to determine if any additj,onal infonnation is needed. No application will be accepted unless it is comnlete (must incfude all items reouired bv the zoning adrninistratorl . ft is the applicant's responsibj.lity to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional subnittal requirements. PLease note that a COMPLETE eipplication will streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of conditions of approval that the DRB uray stipulate. ALL conditions of approval nust be resolved before a building pennit is issued. Application wi.Ll not be processed without ownerts Signature. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: B.I,OCATION Address' OF PROPOSAL: -J//ft /F/4 77 ) ...a":, Legal Description Subdivision zofi,ng lM Lot D. NAME OF APPLTCANT :{€<-tFg-*''/Or.'ri- !c.,'"' :; , , tt : Mailing Address t bl,F*l'af,tt/rtr:r'4ltt, f'fr:,rr';''' Ti,i, phonffi Phone 4 7L ''-',.4 Z E. NAME OF OWNERS: SIGNATI'RE (8) 3 Mailing Address: F. Condoruinium Approval if applicable. c. DRB FEE: The fbe will be paid at the time a buil.dinq permit is paid for. FEE $ r-0.00 $ 2s.oo $ 50. 00 9100. 00 920o.oo 9300.oo NAME oF AppLrcANT's REpRE5ENTATTVE: (f1 cttl.hut.t,., , .'r' Mailing Address r 4/ .'i,' " '='' , V+,a ,.-) VALUATION $ o- $ 10,00L -$ 50,001 - $150,001 - $500, 001 -$ Over $ 10,000 $ 50, ooo s 150, ooo s 5oo, 000 91_, 000, 000 $1, ooo, ooo Phone (0vER) a NAI4E OF PIIOJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESST DESCRIPTION OF P The follorving information is required for submittal Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL L.IST OF MATERIALS *' ; ))?"/ 1" / '/i )t2r4<1X, /-t-,t .:lJ -,' ..tk:F'Aa= /,.tr.21,'/!.; t by the applicant to the Design Review V-L t,^ tt= 3 ;': E : "/ p- !f,L r" - u'' *\''' I =",. -' ..1<l - C:tt t-.1.:; , ;'--1 :i':\. 1 Roof 5 idi ng Other l,lalI l'laterials Fecrie Soffi ts !li ndows l.lindow Trim Doo rs Door Trim Hand or Deck Ra'ils Fl ues Fl ashings , Ch i mneys Trash Enclosures Greenhou s es 0ther ! \'i it,'.:'t." 2 b-ltnt-t k lc:ap B. LANDSCAPINGT Name of Designer: Phone: PLANT I,IATERIALS: Botanical Name PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREEs TO BE REI'IOVED Common Name C?.froilhn)J2 /-1,.'tcr'A l#riu PAi-!';;:)/^ a?, tl 5'i ze* / /r-z/ -tf tl | 1- J;- ,/ t, -.f,/ "? " --,-' " 1-+-rl 'r !:F.: v f!:'y'\t/:...' tZ,,:. lz'" - 2'l'2.' z/-. *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees. Indicate height for con'i fers. . PLANT ]'IATERIALS: (con' t) SHRUBS Botanical Nane.Cornmon Name '4t-Ptta:-ctl4t *tr' Si ze 56t+ c-. 5 6AL. -.:) r PaTe^-i1LLA 5'Z n2cx)t l"T:fr lr"I @C^/'/ fzE Url] lle Aaa':' |!i't ' t, ,r*- 5 44 L--, Ei eirtt.''.') ,.) EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS Tvpe Square Footaqe t r-l ." -^ ,- i-/ z-1 t" -- 4 o, aoc,-t '<'t*,1 F-;i,- I'. r" t:', - 5LiIJ ;i.',..J;.,.iili TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL fences, swimming pools etc.) Please specify.r OTHER. LANDSCAPE FEATURES ( retai ni ng wa1 I s , Lll-Er<a i-l /4 2/L,:.-I- Frt ,//- tmmment To Insure ALIA Commitment- i 970 Rev. MINNESOTA TITLEA TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY 0F MINNESOTA a Mtnnesora c.rporarr.n, nerern cared the c'mpanli for a valuable consideration, hereby commits t0 rssue .rs poricy o, polrcres of trrre insurance, as ioenrirrJin - Schedule A, in favor of the proposed Insured named rn Schejure a, ii o*n., or,,ortgagee of the estate or tnterest covered hereby in the land desclbed or reienerJ to in Schedule A, upon paymen-t of the premiums and charges therefor. all subject to the provisions oi Schedures A and B and ro the cbndirrons and siiira;;n;hereof. This Commitment shall be effective only when the rdefrtiry 0i tlre propo$ed Insured and lhe am.unt or the polacy or policies committed for have been nsertc(l iN Schedule A hereol by rhe Company, either at the rime of the issuance oi this Commjtment 0r by subsequt:ni cndorsemerrl Ttlis commitment is preliminary t0 the issuance ol sucn polrcy or porrcies of trfle Insurance and all liability and obligations hereunder shall cease and terminate s r nronrns ahe, ihe ehectrve date hereot 0r when the polrry or policies commined lor shall issue, whtchcvr:r f,rsr occLrrs. trrcvrcr{j that the faihJre ,n irr* rurt potLy o policies ls not the fault 0f the Company CONDIIIONS AND SIIPULATIONS 1 The term "m0ngage". when usgd h€ft[], srr.rl ,iit i..(j,r iluer.j irl !rrjst :rust deed. or other securtry InstrurTlent ul orhei mane r aiiecrins rhe esrare or 1,.,.:1 ; J:[:g:'ir"""xl#J:[rT,i'f3:'filii;]i il]lJ; i;;jli,i:,;": :f'l; I ;'JJfru'rj*i:nmlll,rc ilrsclOse slch knowledge to the Company rn w hereon to the enent the Company is prejudiced by faiiure 9f the'proposed lnsureo lo so disciosr sucrr t.:rgwieciqe jf the ,,roirosed lnsureo shalt drsclose such x0owledge to the company, or if the company otherwrse acquires actual knowledge of ,ny ru,r, 1iriori. ,,un elsumt,rance. acverse clarm or 'ther matter. :ne company at its option may amend Schedule B oi this commitment aicordingty, bui sucn amencn,ei,,"r-frll uu, re lreve the company f rom rrabrlrty, 'revi.usrv ncuned pursuant to paragraph 3 of these Conditions and Stipularions. ;,ar.. es ncruded under the dernirion or rns,,eo ln ,i,,ilI:l l,i,iT?'Ji[i*'il,1H,i,ru,]1, ;;i:,[:,:Jl]l l;J ; :lLT : :#',1'il';:X.;o ',,u lrcenakingingoodfaithia)tocomp|ywiththerequrrementshereotor{bitoe|rmrnateexceptlDIl'jSh0\.'.t]l]5cile..lUietJ'lrtcjtoacU|[e0r :]iinIeteSl0I|ncngagethereoncoveredbythisCommitment./nnoeventshal|such|iabl|irye,rtr:rlllr:l;llutlnl i;tttminedfgrandsuchliabilrtyissubject.totheinSUringprovisronsandtheCondltionsandSt|pU.jli(jIl5atlcJthtlexusloll: ili,iilr:irttl:ffi:tftted for in fav0r 0f lhe proposedlnsured wh ch are hereby rncorporarerl try rete,ence anrt nradr, , r)arr of rhis corimitment excepr as .ci.panv aris ns 0ut or rhe sratus 0r rh.,,,'. ,.1njJlj.l :l :1.',::il: ,TJ,s:[:ii:i:i,]iliil:il'j:;i','ffjfl;1il.,i;,"T,l';:ll;ffi;J;:ll: ,,.a,ri are sublect to the provisrons of this Commitment. SIANDARD EXCEPTIONS ,0verase above referred to. trris commitrll:ilJ:?J.t:,jij:Ii:il:i:ilil|,t-i in tr]i Londtt'|0rrs arrd strpurat'|ons and Exclusions trom l. Rights or claims of parties ,n poJsesr,r,,, r,0l slr'rryn tly the putilrc rec0rds 2. Easements, or clarms of easements, n0t sholvn ily ihe public records. ,.,r ;h a cc,rrec, survev and inspecrion.'lri;;';t'*'f;;,ilL|f,iffJlli:l #lfi:,1.T:;iilTfiffi"i:ilnenrs, and anvfacts ,,ri[;csed by taw and nor shown ov,n. prliillrt';:;;ot t'nnt to a lien, for servrces. lll)rr (]r rn3terial:nererofcre orhereafrer furnished, appearirrg in the pubric ,,,o,d, o,.,nu,hisnr:idii ji;1?,',H,Jl.,,1,T;,!i!H:;fiH,ilir,ilJliffli';"?lffi:'Jlil;|Ji'u.0,,,.,, 'lt record for value the estate or interest or mortgage Ihereon covered by this comrnitrneot ,:me and sea,ro be hereunto frgl$flllTii'1#i5?i'?i;l,.';;ff:fJ;',i:lii:l',:l,illil';:[ i3',:ft';lJf.,',ll$11i.,,:r7 a validating ofticer or other authorized signatory. '$:i: l',;t t.., { )- tv';'.i..:. '... -l" ' truLi SignAtory TITLE JNSURANCE COMPANY OF MINNESOTA A Stack Campany AL?A - charges -ALTA Owner policy PRELTMTNARY REPORT - - TOTAL - With your remittance MITMENT A o coM SCHEDULE Application No. VI_5OOB For fnformation Onlv MOUNTATN BELL PARAEL 9L40.00 - $140.00 please refer to VI_6OOB. l-, Ef fective Date: 2. Policy to be issued, trALTAr Ownerrs policy Forn 8-1970 (Anended Proposed Insured: -t September 22, l-99O at g:Oo A.M. and proposed Insured: 10-17-70 ) The estate or i_nterest in the land this commitrnent and coverea fierein A Fee Sinple described or referred to in is: 4 ' Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at the effective date hereof vested in: TOWN oF vArL, A MUNICTPAL coRpoRATroN - ' The land referred to in this cornmitment is described as follows: A TRACT OF LAND TN THE SOUTH HALF, OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER,sEcTroN 6, TOWNSH-I_' 5 SOUTH, RANGE 80 WEST OF THE SrxTH PRTNCTPAL MERIDIAN, EAGLE C6UUTY, COLORADO, MORE PARTTCULARLY DESCRTBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNTNG AT A POINT THAT IS NORTH OO DEGREES 28 MTNUTES ]-6 SECONDS WEST A DTSTANCE OF 685.60 FEET FROM THi SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SECTION 6, TOWNSHTP 5 SOUTH, NAIICN-iiO WEST OF THE STXTH PRTNCTPAL MERTDTAN, BEING THE TRUE POTNT OF BEGTNNING; ALSO BEING A iOTNt ON THE NORTHERL' RIGHT-OF-WAY OF INTERSTATE 70, THENCE NORTH OO DEGREES 28 MiN'TES 1.6 SECONDS wEsr ALoNG THE EAsr LrNE oF sArD sEcrroN e a-oisrar.rcE oF 633.40 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89 DEGREES 27 MTNUTES 21- SNCOIIOS WEST A AGE 1. o SCHEDULE B-1 (Requirenents) Application No. Vl-6008 'he following are the requirementE to be conplied with: . Patrnent to or for the account of the grantors or rnortgagors of the fulL consideration for the estate or interest to be insured. . Proper instrurnent(s) creating the estate or interest to be insured must be executed and duly filed for record, to-wit: THfS COMMITMENT IS FOR INFORI'IATION ONL,Y, AND NO POLICY WILL BE ISSUED PURSUANT HERETO. THE COUNTY CI,ERK AND RECORDERS OFFICE REQUIRES RETURN ADDRESSES ON DOCT'I.{ENTS SENT FOR RECORDING! ! 1'GE 3 ALTAOOMMITMENT o SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions) Application No. v16oo8 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptiong to the follbwing-unless the sarne are disposed of to the satisfaction of the company: 1. Standard Exceptions 1 through 5 printed on the cover sheet. 6. Taxes and assessments not yet due or payable and special assessments not yet certified to the Treasurerrs office. 7. Any unpaid taxes or assessments against said land' 8. Liens for unpai-d water and sewer ctrarg'es, if any' g. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED I'(AY 24, 1"904 ' IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 503. ]-0. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED I'ITAY 24' 1904' IN BOOK '48 AT PAGE 503. 1].. WATER AND WATER RIGHTS, DITCH AND DITCH RIGHTS. 12. RIGHT OF WAY 40 FEET IN WIDTH AS DESCRIBED IN CONDEMNATION FOR RIGHT OF WAY AWARDED TO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IN INSTRI'MENT RECORDED AUGUST ].2' 1935 IN BOOK Ll-6 AT PAGE 349. Stlottjrl ]-3. RIGHT OF WAY AS GRANTED TO THE STATE OF COT,ORADO IN INSTRT'I'{ENT RECORDED JUNE 8 , L94O IN BOOK L27 AT PAGE 466 .Z-'v12'ia 14. RIGHT OF WAY AS GRANTED TO THE FLEMING LUMBER AND MERCANTILE COMPANY IN INSTRIIMENT RECORDED JANUARy 13, L943 IN BOOK 127 AT PAGE 563. ]-5. RIGHT OF WAY EASEMENT AS GRANTED TO GAS FACILITIES, INC. IN INSTRI]MENT RECORDED FEBRUARY 17, L966 IN BOOK l-92 AT PAGE 1-49 AND IN BOOK 192 AT PAGE l_61 AND RECoRDED MARCH 9, t-965 IN BOOK 1-92 AT PAGE 203 AND AT PAGE 207. ].6. EASEMENT AS GRANTED TO VAIL WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED APRIL 7, 1965 rN BOOK 192 AT PAGE 365. PAGE 4 ALTA o c OMMTTMENT SCHEDULE A Application No. V16o08 DISTANCE OF 2633.76 FEET TO A POTNT ON THE EAST BOUNDARY LTNE OF VAIL/POTATO PATCH; rrrNIrCN'-SOJiH OO DEGREES 07 MTNUTES 12 sEcoNDS EAsr Aro\rc sArD EASi ;6;Npany r_,run-a-oisriucE oF 36J,.2L FEET ro A porNr ?I l cunvCl-siii"cunvn ALso BErNG oN rHE NORTHERLY RrGHT-OF-WAY Or_iHri:NTtArI 70, THENCE ALONG SAID NoRTHERLy RrGH?_oF_wAy oN iiii-ioir,owrNc I couRSES:1) A DISTANCE OF.204.62 rNNr_AiOr"IC THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT, SAID CURVE-HAVTNG A-iNi.iriir, ANGLE OF 02 DEGREES 56 MTNUTES L8 sEcoND-s-' A RADTuJ-dr'Jbso.o-FEET, AND A cHoRD N.RTH iiulf"*""s 3r- MrNU*s ro-sicoios"nasr a oii,i,ai.ici or zoa.e o 2) NORTH 80 DEGREES 211.80 FEET, 3)NORTH 84 DEGREES 319. 70 FEET;4) souTH 79 DEGREES 424.40 FEET; ]-3 MTNUTES 06 SECONDS EAST A DTSTANCE OF 55 MTNUTES 50 MINUTES EAST A DTSTANCE OF 56 MTNUTES 28 SECONDS EAST A DTSTANCE OF' 3}3:ySrrffrDEGREEs 55 MrNUrEs 21 sEcoNDs EAsr A DrsrANcE oF :1.:?3tF"74.DEGREES 21 MrNUrEs 3s sEcoNDs EAST A DrsrANcE oF ;].:33r#r83.DE'REE' 36 MTNUTES 2e sEcoNDs EAsr A DrsrANcE oF 8) SOUTH 71 DEGREES 33 MTNUTES 4'-MINUTES EAST A DISTANCE OF 196.1o FEET To THE TRUE poillr-or-BEcrNNrNc. EXCEPT THAT PORTTSI OF I,AND DESCRIBID IN I^IARRANTY DEED RECORDED IN BOOK 218 AT PAGE 419, COUHTV-6'F EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. UTILIfi LOC,\TION VERIFICATION SUBDIVIsIoN Lt Ft zullcrtrFED JOB Nru'IE Ifi'HGE\.t- LOT BLOCK F IL ING nooness I 06 Fl. PEON\il'thd The location of utilities, whether they be main crunk Lines or proooseC Iines, nusr be approved and verified by the following utilities for the acconpanying site Plan. Authorized Siqnature Mountai n Bel I I -634-3778 |lestern Slope Gas Harry Moyes Public Service ComPanY Gary Ha l1 Hoiy Cross Electri c Assoc. Ted Husky/Michael LavertY Vail Cable T.V. Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Va11ey Water and Sanitation Discrict David Krenek \"n\\- \hn, " ln r,z C)4t /1.-/.)- / L,/ /a -l - r'.'-r' 1d:!-::L c-- t t t--t Fnr new 6965 ^ t.- t/i\ | v.lA ltt rV(f1pa < p fi lI ou ai,i,ached sneet /t/. cl6td O Pr (htt 'tttt* NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the controctor of his responsibility to obtain 3 slreet cut permit fron the Torm of VaiI, Departnent of Public lVorks and to obca:'n utility locations before digging in any public righc- of-way or easement in the To rvn of Vail' A building permit is not a street cut Pernit. obtained separately. A street cut pernri.t must be ^)/N/ 0/$, $' )t \ \\\ \\"J \\\t \r'\^r'F l.r N l\:,' i, r\ss",l !\ \ \* N \\ $I I I Cr\.ri \.'l .\r'c( N +,'1. \ s'N \ r:.i\$ '\\ r. \NI\\ ,/.\ NI sl ' $r r\t\\ $\\ *\N * ".'t\-u ri Ntt \\\ t $q T \, $ $ \ / I t / I I I / t,f\IN t\ID lN { v,:,$l \4 \ N \ N 94 '' fl,oo N'f. .NN \N .\N x" \N \\ sN \ \ lrarr. N I lta lt.:.lNl.- 'R \ '", R t\\ \\\ \ I \o\N \" Nlcholas LamPiris, Ph.D. CONSULTING GEOLOGIST PO BOX 10935 es'eeN, couoReDo 81611 F "'' (303J 825-6020' \s-l' December 3i , 1r)86 l"ioE: I'lLr1 r- or:jn ey [-e.:r-ni ns -f r-ee 1"9 l!. Front.rge F(o.ed (,/€(i I ., co. B 1658 RE: Rocl.:{:rl 1 Ev.rl uati on De.er f'ls. I'lut I t-ooney: As your linow, I have vi si ted the si te o{ ,-our- echool and notecl the .rrea {or p} canned d:<pansi on on the nor-tlr ';i de o f tire el:ieting etrutctutre. The proposed addition i5 a smal l one. I have al ss noted the posi ti on o{ ther school i'r i th respect to the geologic r-oclif al I ha:ard mapPing that I girodurced {or the Tor.rn of V.r j. J. The school is with j.n the category o+ moderate rockf al I hazard, bt-tt on detai l ed i nspecti on I be'l i eve that the 1 i ne :;hr:r-rl d be amended to show that yoLtr s'chclo1 and i ts propoeed addition are not within a rocllf alI he.;ar-d ione- A revised overl. ay accoanpaniels this report. There iE a small ltilIside rlel I tcr the riorth of the propoeed addition with ssme loose boulders on it ' bt-tt these rocl:s cclLrl d never reach thi s f ar to the soLtth. There i g .rl. go a gmal I rocl,:f erl l hazard at the road cutt f or the Frontage Ro.ed r.JeI I soLlth of your siter r.lhich obvi oLtsl y can have no irnp*rct iln your school or the proposed addition. The area in betr.reen ,, t"rhere yoLtr school i 5 I ocated , =houtl d be dei eted f rorn the roclrf al I srea by virtue of this report and the rel'iEerd ff'E|pplng. A-- I r-tnderetand the pI ans f or yoLtr e)lpansi on r there uri I I be rro impact of rocllf aI I hazard created to acl joininq propertie-- by virtlte of your improvements. No mltigation techni qutes r,ri lI rreed tb be ernployed during or a+ter construtstion of the propoeed addition. I{ there are {utrtlrer qutestions, p! e+ase do not hes i t"rte to corttact me. 5i ncerel;'--"-7 ' '2 ' tt , I lU1' .'1 i/:11 /;- ")L(/-L. Ni cho I .1si Lamp i r i s NL/c i l,: ConsLtL t i ng GeoI og i st Nlcholas Lampiris, Ph.D. CONgULTIN€ GEOLOGIST 0793 VALLEY ROAO CABBONDALE, COLORAOO 81023 (3@) 96336@ (24 HOURS) I'i;ry ?B ' 'Iq).:it] l-1DI1v F{urt-hier'f nrr"d r IJi rectclr AltC Schclr:.1. 1.:9 N. lirontac.lel lto*cl Vai1, CO" 8165u f{E r Ftoc: !,:'f arl.L Evaluation L)cl:lr l'1s. Fiult tr r*r f or d I h$ve vis!.ted the :3ite o{ yr.}ur sChuclI ;iri c,i noLi','rl tilrl :tr--jir foi plattned e:<p;lnrsicln crrl the north s:tide of the el;ri::jt j l-lq iltrr-ictuu.e, 'fhe proposecl additiorr is r;lt ctwt-r t'tnciev- s(:rFl;rl- a t: E-1 c()vef'. .l ii e\./cj algo rtoted the pOr:it jorr of the gcl'ioi::l- FJ j tl-r r"e:;ijiict tcr {:lrriJ q*ol qti t: r-ocl,lf aI I hasarci mapping rlrat [ 5rrt:r1t-r':",,'l f |:)r trrr' -f or.lrr o{ Vai .1. j. n 1984, -l"l-rs gchocjl j. s $ftt:tltt i",, i {-- fi:L l'i 'llfi(ir r:.ttegor-y. ci.f ',fnctdslrate rocl,: fal1 h*t::ard r " bt.r1: on rJelj..ai l. r?il i.rr:lpe,c.Lion ll believe that the 1:ine-' r;hcri.iI tJ [t,* ;rmendi]f r.{:: i::l\{l}J i.th;rt your ..=jch c:x:t I ancj if.s pr-oposti:cl adcli ti. i)rr ':ir e n or.:: r":"'. ti'r J.'1 a r-ocfl{.i:,rl I fr;il:rar-tl zone. I ::uthrmi ttec"l an crrr t:rr- .l. ,lll v tr:i tircl L-il,,,tr rr t rr'1 'Tree sr:hooI in tc/8Cr whi Cl-r E'howed {i nel'l wecit: bOt-trtt:ls1r" '7 i1 1: l:llt(: rnapperJ halarcl rone {urrther to the eagt atrd i::hell-et:nr-ti iiot j.nclutling youtr school . 1do, however, {ind t!'r;rt ther-r'" is si cjebr:i E f I ow ha:r "rrd to the school , l'-fri €i can! $t]d -.ihoLrId, be mitigated a!5 t^Je di:lt::Lrs:s:erd i1"l the '{: :i.eld 1;rst tteelk by extending atrd perhap:; .:tclcJi nq1 kt) t})* gri::i sil:i nc;; law, iinear roc[':y hillside' nor-i:ftwi*t;t t:{: Lhtl i:E:floo]' ' whir:h wis; {nr.r'rerl by a previous cJebriE i: l rrt'r du.cade,"5 ,;.q{1" Thi:r o-rl..t i gat r r:n c;rn be e;<tended t(] a proi nt par-l r'l,ry t,:r t:h(: 1:i t: e'trr)l:l hi l lside tre)'ond the school to provide pt"otc:c'1 1'lrl 1:cj t:h(r exist-ing br-ri Iding and the Fropo!5ed aCditioo' otr it cen be e;.rtertdetl al il. the way to tlrer sta'erp hil lr; j' tle, {:lieli-ellry pr.n.berctirrg't'|replaygrotrndareagrlorthc]ar:''tl:r'ftlreg{:i1$olct{j wErIl. Tfre csrr{iguration o{ ttre bernr in e j theli- c ':i"::; ei $licrut'l cl be t:st.:b.f j.5h(ad in tfre {ietd in Conceirt witl-l youlr- '"rt'-c:h i tc='c i:: r httt i:;in be e)tpf;lrjLed to hal,e a {itlighed rlet veri::irj::'11 r-{i:r l : E:f on :r t:; lrel:;t tii. de ol ltboutt Ei to ttJ {eiet " In the .ror-nter tra5e, debris woul d be {or'ced ti1 {low ;'rr-n*nd ths ilctrool and the proposed adcjition to [ruLft ri de::i: :i.n the l["rtter c:aE$j. a1 I .f.he debri ri woul d be {0r"r:ecj tn .f I. ow bei;ttser) r:h€! surh ject pr-oper,-ty and the lYlt. Bel l. i nlitt,Bl L ai:ic)n t.n t.hs] wt*t-t: - Tfrey ar-e prob".lbl, y aware o{ ttre potenti.:t,1. lti+;,1 .Ard t}infiir|.t*;t:: f.h+i}' ha..,e b'..ri.l.t ;r cr:nCrete ditch ancl tJtlf l eri: i:i iln sYst:Errr '[o prt]f-*lc.t the.i.r- prrooer"ty o burt I am not cmrrvinr.:i.ltj th"nt prhelL !:h!!v hav(i? i::OrriiLF u,i:ttlcJ Eri L ). pf oVids adequfl{:tr pl" {iti*c: i: j. i:'rl iit '!tie i:lt'-'eint tlf a 1;rrge cletrr j.s { I or.t emanati ng f rom thr,:r Qr.r1.l v i.c] t:: r}iij r:cr"tlt. Thn hr.ro ctloice,5 for rnitigating debr-i$ f 1i:rtr irlL:,: ar-cl "r'l- yt]{ri- -.ri t[| ihat I hetve degcr-i bed wi I I not i ncrea,s;P the hat:r,r.i-d tlc, t)thr3r praper-t,y or sitrLtctureEr ctt- to pr'rbL:l r: l--uti ldirrqgt i''i qhts-- cl"f *w;ry,, rclad6t Etr't$et5r' rlagements, Ltti li it j. l:.':l or' {: al:i.'1 i Ii{:tli c]r' ot-her proFerties o+ any l{ind, I'f t'here ilr {:l f L(i'tl-!$r' qu6sti on5., pleAge do not herii tatr..l tcl cnnt$(-:'E el[? ' $inceretlyt -^ .l t --t a t ,rl , -- t .yw ?1+14 Nr cht)l ati Lampxr'11; Cortst-tl.tinq1 Eleol c){,1 i rii: