HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5E LOT L SONNENALP REDEVELOPMENT PART 2 OF 2 LEGAL.pdfArlrlitions-Residential or Commercial LD);L), gr_6L Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 97 0.479,2128 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov,com All projecb requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Revier4, cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a bullding permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Req lto(LVl1one vputl ft4.o t Location of the Proposal:5'E ,ubd,r,r,on, 4r Physical Address: 70 8tb5 fr Parcet No.: ?-lOlf qZf t C i (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address:b5 Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant:o.t-fr--> Mailing Add b. E-mail Address: '@m $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 Construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 An addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 Minor changes to buildlngs and site improvemenb, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 Minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 Revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board,NoFee pCOSo${l r..?arrz 6L7q l/$' r'Yv - $ruv'ntg V vi 1t"* | Type of Review and Fee: n Signs tr Conceptual Review tr New Construction n Addition D Minor Alteration (Multi-Family/Commercial) ! Minor Alteration (Single-Family/Duplex) M vl 8 (/t ' { \/ ,( chanoes to APProved Plans ! Separation Request ( Fl'3ff"j69't' ,n",**o.. lb'/b w, Meeting Date:6 -/f,-of,\-P5 (.t17 Oar ras9 5 rrrcn anp 6v"b eurr et 6zt /rfo T I Y----, lOIflNOF YTII 1309 Ekhon Diae Vail, Colarado 81657 97M7*2158 Fatc: 970-479-2166 uruuvaiftoucom Departmmt of Public Worhs 6 Tmnsportation ilLt c0PY May7b,2007 Dear Mr. Faessler and Mr, McNichols, In accordance with the approval documents of the Sonnonalp and the One Willow Bridge Rd Developments, the developer is required to pay for one third (1/3) ofthc sfeetscape located within the Town's Right of Way along E. Meadow Drivc. The portion of this area that was agreed upon is 5000 square feet. To date 4000+ square feet has been constructed by the Town. Based on the unit prices that were rcceived as a bid betwecn B&B Excavating and Weitz conslruction, plus the additional proportionate share of soft costs, the to{al cost to be reimbursed to the Town for the completed work is $75,392. At such time when the remaining 1000 square feet of the improvements are completed a similar cost share and bill will be provided. It is anticipated that the rcmaining cost will bc on the order of $20,000 to $25,000. The cost is based on the work required to conshuct tle paver streetscape uot including any design costs or snowmelt system oosts. The Town will send an invoice to the appropriate partics within the next 30 days. Please let us now the invoicing address and the appropriate cost split between the two developments. .. Ifyou have any qucstions please contact me at970479-2235. 'Ihank vou 'ffi:M, 'l'homas E. Kassmel 'lbwn Engineer Town of Vail CC: George Ruther Crreg Hall ttuc"cr-wza East Meadow Drlve Streatscape Son nona I NOne Mlow Reim b ursement 2 Aggregate Base Course 3 Asphalt '4 80mm Pavers Iola, Streetscape CGsts.' 6 Mobilization 7 Dust Control 8 Erosion Control 9 Consbuction Survey 10 Traffic Conlrol Supervisor 11 Trafiic Control Flaggers 12 Trafiic Confol Devices 13 Materials TesUng 14 Town Consbuction Management 15 Deslgn Constructlon Support Ton $Ton $sF$ 2,618,203.80 4,'t23.OO s99.S8 203.67 662.18 1,841.62 582.77 686.62 97.83 3,40S.26 ,,131.81 f -()g t I B u i ld i n g t) e rm it # :_ tr__o_t11' t]t oV -('D5> Sprinkler permit #: Eg_Y:i 015_ 97 0 -47 9- 21 3 5 (l n s pecti o n s) TQWN- -of-V/r\l L- F lB E S P R I N K L E4 PEB Iv! 1l A P P L I CAT t O N Fire Sr''rinkler shop drawings are required at time of perrnit submittal i rcl Plans mUst be sub by a Registered Fire Pr.,rtection Contract,'r. CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Contact and Phone carc^l - (oZ,-o Assessors Office at 9704IS:8640 or vtsit for Parcel # ,c1 8?.oo H'mj,ffif*1fr:::r'l'l n n s'lamp TION WILL r.rErffi.[TUf*ED IF INCOMPLETE OR .ISI FL1SIu;'lfElqv KSt,ef 5 APPL. x 75: Vai' gtir IWNOFVAIT Frontagc.Rd. iolorad Iri'E tr Cr : Sorinkler Conlractor: ail Address: , r,,actor Signaturu: :ttact rcel # Job Name: SOaNAIUe Job Address: Subdivision: - ozzl iletailed Location of work:floor, unit #, bldg. #) Detailed description of work: PA,' work class: New( ) , '.tdition( ) Remodet D() Repair ( ) Retro-fit ( ) other( ) Tylte of Bldg.: Single-family i ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) Conrmerciatft') Restauranl ( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Unii , in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildirrq: Do ; a Fire Alarm Exist: Yr No( )Does a Fire Sprinkler Systent Exist: Yes No( ) lpR 2(} 200* *** ********************rr** '***,ttr* ',)t*'tFOR OFFICE USE ONLY***'f *'r,r*!r**r, ***********:,. . *r(******* Date Rcceived: Town of Vail Reg. No.: Legal Description ll Lot: \\Vai l\data\crlevV:Ol{NlS\PERMITS\SPR KPERI\t. DOC Ap_"_eplqE16 011241200 ) STATE OF COLORADO DIYISIONOF FIRE SAFETY PLAN REGISTRATION FORM ContractorRegistrationNumber @(F (Certified Fire Suppression Inspector) Jurisdiction €"q.@r {Comments (for additional comments use separate sheet) Distribution: Original copy goes to Division of Fire Safety upon total completion of form. Copy to local fire department. Copy to contractor and copy to building owner upon completion and sign-off. ContractorsNane fte lne? AFe- ft<fMnsl :: MailingAddress ZQt= til, Ha-oEtt k City ZpCode Re'o4 Telephone No. of'Wr r 'I(llJ +I:1i! 'i ws ril Certification No. Inspection Cond : Certification No. System Test Signa ture Certification No. PHONE: (303)629-0221 FAX: (303) 623-7830 2617 West Holden Place, Denver, Colorado - 8O2O4 RONTIER FIRE PROTECTION rNc. FIRE PROTECTION ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS Automatic Fire Sprinkler Equipment Submittal For Sonnenalp Resort Temporary Spa Remodel Vail Village Vail.Colorado TABLE OF CONTENTS NO. l. 2. J. 5. ITEM Sprinkiers Pipe Threaded Fittings Drop in Anchors Hangers MANUFACTURE Kehable Allied S.P. Fittings Hilti Tolco Bulletin 154 Rev C Relialrld Model G4A Quick Response Concealed Automatic Sprinkler Features '1. Pushon/Thread-off cover olate attachment wilh /2" (13mm) assembly adjusfnent. 2. Smooth aesthetic ceilino orofile. 3. Factory installed protective cap. 4. Available in brass, chrome or black plated and white painted finishes. 5. Ordinary temperature rating. Approvals & Listings 1. Underwriters Labortories, Inc. (ULf Quick Response 2. Underwnters Laboratories of Canada (ULC)- Quick Response 3. Factory Mutual Research Corp. (F"rt/f Standard Response . l-rght Hazard Occupanicies- No Ltmitatbn s . Ordinary Hazard Occr"pancies Groups 1 & 2 Wet Systems Only 4. NYC N/EA 25&93E - Quick Resoonse U.S. Patent number 4,880,063. The Concealer@ UL Quick Response FM Standard Response Concealed Sprinkler With a /2" (13mml or 1/r" (38mm) Adjustment Application The Reliable Model G4A Concealert is the most versatile quick response concealed sprin- kler available. lt provides the best form of fire protection while offer- Ing an attractive appearance and %" (13mm) of cover adjustrnent for ease of installation. The small diameter push-on/thread-off cover plate assembly is easily at- tached and blends into the ceiling, concealing he most dependable fire orotection available. an auto- matic sorinkler svstem. The Model G4A Concealer@ is desiqned for use wheie aes- thetic appearance is important. Officds, hospitals, motels anc restaurants are but a few of the aoplications where it can be used. lt is available in different orifice sizes allowinq the de- signer,to optmize system performance, thereby achieving a very efficient installation. The tvlodel G4A Concealep is a UL Listed Quick Fesoonse Concealed sprinkler intended for use in accordance with NFpA 13. FM Approves this sprinkler as a standard response con cealed sprinkler intended for use in accordance with FM Loss Prevention Data Sheet 2-8N. Product Description The Reliable Model G4A Concealer'uses a proven ouick re- sponse fusible element in a standard style sprinklerframe with a dropdown deflector. This assemblv is recessed into the ceilinc and concealed by a flat pushon/threadoff cover platE assembly. The pushonlthreadoff cover olate assemblv anc sprinkler cup assemblies are held tight by a flexible tooih en- gagement to the threaded cup. This trrreaded enqaqemenr provides 72" (13mm) of cover adiusrnent. The flat co;eiolate is altaclTd to the skirt using 135"F (57"C) ordinary tempbrature classification solde( forming fre fushory'Threadoff cover plate assemoly. When he ceiljng temperature rises, tre solder holding the flat cover prate metts, the flat cover plate released hus exposinc the_sprinkler inside to the rising ambient temperature. The subsequent fusing of tlie element opi:ns he wateMa! and causes fre deflector to distribute he water. Anv secure en- gagement between fie cover plate and cup will asSure that th€ drop-down deflector is properly located belo\,v fre ceiling. The Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc. , 525 North MacOuesten Parkway, Mount Vernon , New York, 10552 Installation Do not install the G4A Concealero in ceilinos which have oosr- tive oressure in the soace above.. CulaE'e inch (67mm) diameter hole in the ceilinq. the sorin- kler is easily installeij with the Model G4 WrEnch. The wrench has drive tanqs which insert into the cuo slots. When installing a sprinRler the wrencn is first positioned into the sprinkler/cup assembly until the wrench tangs engage the drive slots In the top of the cup (there are rwo setsbf drive slots in the cup). The sprinkler is then tiohtened into the pipe fittrng When inserting or removing theivrench from lhe sprinklerrcup assembly, care Should be taken to prevent darnaqe to the sodnker DO NOT WBENCH ON ANY ^-r r-F\ ^^ ^r ^r rF '- ^^r \r Intrn rAn I ur rnrsrrllNKLER/CUPASSEMBLY Final adjustment of the cover is made bv hand turnino the cover in the clockwise direction until it is riqht aoainst thdceilino A protective cap is provided to protecl the -dropdown spriikler deflector from damage which could occur during construction before the cover plate is installed. The cap is factory lnstalled in- side the sprinkler cup. Remove cao to install scrinkler. then r+install cap until the cover plate is installed. Maintenance The Model G4A Cgncealer" should be inspecred quarterly and the sprinkler syst6m maintained in accorciance with NFPA 25. Do not clean sprinklers with soap and watel ammonia or any other cleaning fluids. Remove any sprinkler that has been painted_ (other than factory applied) or damaged in any way. A stock of spare sprinklers should be maintained to allow quick re- placement of damaged or operated sprinklers. Prior to installa- tion, sprinkiers should be maintained in the oriqinal cartons and packaging to minimize the potential for damage to sprinkters that wouro cause rmproper operaton or non-operation. Technical Data Ordering Information 1. Sprinkler Model 2. Nominal Orifice 3. Flat Cover Plate Assembly Finish 4. Inlet Tvoe I'r Ofrer linishes and colors are available on special order. ".Consult Jactory ior detarls. ''' FM Appfoval oi the painted linrsh is limited to whrte and oil-whrte paint. All plared iinishes are FM Approved. Model G4 Sprinkler Wrench UL Listing Category Sprinklers, Automatic and Open Quick Response Sprinkler UL Guide Number VNIV Standard Finishes Bronze Chrome White Paint ''?) Special Application Finishes Briqht Brass trracK flattno blacK Harnt Off White'') Satin Chrome Sprinkler Inlet Total Adiustment Nominal Nomina Orilice US K Facto. Metrlc Thresd Approvals Sorinkler ldentifcation (SlN) ! Non Adrustable '/2" (13mm /2"15mm 5.6 80 72" NPT (F7z) F5415 1/2'(13mm 7."1]mm 4.2 60 7z "NPT (Rh)1 .2.4 F5413 Non Adrustabla '/2" (13mm %"1Omm 2.8 40 7a "NPT (R7a)1 .2.3.4 R541 Ad 1 Y?" (38mm)'/a'15mm 5.6 80 l " NPT Male or Female 124 R5418 1'/2" (38mm\'/^"11mm Aa 60 1" NPT Male or Femate 1,2.4 R5413 Adiustable t h" (38rnm)3,1 1Omm 2.8 4A 1" NPT Male or Female 1.2.4 45412 Fig.1 - Vz" NPT Non-Adjustable lntet Fi].2 - 1" NPT Male-Adjustable lnlet Fig. 3 - 1" NPT Femate-Adiustable lnlet 3.::.q*xl:ll.",::ltedrnth|s.bu|let|nistobeinsta||edinaccordancewih.thelatestpub|ishedStandardsotfeNationalFireProtectionAssociation'FaorMutua|Hesearch Uorporatlon, or other similal organizatrons and also wrlh he provrsions ol governmental codes or ordinanCes wnenever aOOlicable.Producls manulactured and distributed by Reliablehave been prorectng life_and properryiorovef 80 years. and are installed anO seruEeO-Oy tre most highly qualified and reputable spnnkler conkactors located throughout the United States. Canada and to.ergn couritftes (D "tr"!x"" Rsvision lines indicate updatsd of naw oata. EG. Printed in USA 06/02. p/N 9993970150 Ths Rellable Automadc Spdnkler Co., Inc, (800) 431-1588 Sales Oflrces (800) 848-6051 Sales Fax (914) 668-3470 Corporate Otfices www rotiablesprnkler com Internet Address Bulletin 136 nevL Relialrld Model FI FR Model Fl FR Recessed Quick Response Sprinklers Model F1FR Sprinkler Types Standard Upright Standard Pendent Conventional Vertical Sidewall Horizontal Sidewall - HSW 1 Deflector Model F1FR Recessed Sprink{er Types Recessed Pendent Recessed Horizontal Sidewall - HSW 1 Deflector Listings & Approvals 1. Listed by Underuuriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL) 2 Listed by Undenrvriters' Laboratories of Canada (ULC) 3. Certified by FM Aoprovals 4. Loss PrevEintion Cciuncil (LPC. UK) 5. NYC BS&A No 587.75-SA 6. Meets MIL-S-901C and MIL-STD 167-1 7. Verband der Schadenversicherer (VdS, Germany) B. NYC MEA 258.93-E UL Listing Category Sprinklers, Automatic & Ooen Ouick Resoonse Sprinklei UL Guide Number VNIV Product Description Reliable Models F1FF and F1FR Recessed Sprinklers are quick response sprinklers which combine the durability of a standard sprinkler with fre attractive low profile of a decorative sprinkler. The Models Fl FF and Fl FR Recessed automatic sprinklers utilize a 3.0 mm frangible glass bulb. These sprrnklers have demonstrated response times in laboratory tests which are five to ten times taster han standard response sprinklers. This quick response enables the Model F1 FR and Flffi Recessed sprinklers to apply water to a fire much faster han standaro sprinklers of he same temperature rating. The glass bulb consists of an accurately controlled arrnunt of special fluid hermetically sealed inside a precisely manufac- nrred glass capsule. This glass bulb is speciallyconstructed to provide fast thermal response. The balance of parts are made of brass, copper and beryllium nickel. At normal temperatures, the glass bulb contains he fluid in both the liquid and vapor phases. The vapor phase can be seen as a small bubble. As heat is applied, the liquid ex- pands, forcing the bubble smaller and smaller as fre liquid pressure increases. Continued heating forces fre liquid to push out against the bulb, causing the glass to shatter, opening the waterway and allowing the deflector to distrib- ute the discharging water. The temperature rating of the sprinkler is identified by the color of the glass bulb. TheReliableAutornaticSprinklerCo.,lrrc.52S NorfrMacQuesten Partaruay, MountVernon, NewYork 10b52 Upright Vertical Sidewall Horizontal Sidewall rfSW r betfectoi Recessed Pendenr Application Quick response sprinklers are used in fixed fire orotec- tion systems: Wet, Dry, Delugeor Preaction. Care must be exercised that the orifice size, temperature rating, deflector style and sprinkler type are in accordance with the latest published standards of the National Fire Protection Asso- ciation or the approving Aufrority Having Jurisdiction. QurcK response spnnklers are intended for installation as specified in NFPA 13. Quick response sprinklers and stan- dard response sprinklers should not be intermixed. Pendent Conventional Recessed Pendent Model FlFR Quick Response Upright, Pendent & Conventional Sprinklers Installation Wrench: Model D Sorinkler Wrench lnstallation Data: Sprinkler Type StandarHJpright (SSU) and Pendent (SSP) Oeflectors Marked to Indicate Position K Factor Sprinkler Height Approval Organizafon Sgrinkler ld€.rtifl catlon Number (9M US lrle{ric SSU ssP (1smm) Standard Oriiice wrth t," NPT (F:,)Thread 56 80 2.2" (56rnm)r,2,3,4,5,6,7 Ir3625 F3615 '/r," (20mm) Large Oritice with 3," NPT (R%)Ihread 8.0 115 2.3" (58mm)1,,8 R3622 R3612 17mm) Small Orilice with '," NPT (B'r) Thread 42 60 2.54" (65mm)1)A IlJOZJ R3613 :."" 1lomm) Small Orilice with t;" NPT (R/i)Thread 2.8 40 2.54" {65mm)124 R3621 R361 1 1Omm Orifice XLH with Rli" Thread 4.2 60 56.1mm 4,6.7 tlJOZ+836r4 Conventional.-lnstall in Uorioht or Pendent Position 5.6 8.0 60 80 I l5 56.1mm 56.1mm 58.4mm 4,6,7 4,7 R3( R3( nJt i74 i75 1 Omm Orifice XLH with ff'8 'Thread tsmm Standard Orifice with rr" NPT (B !)ltrread 20mm Large Orifice wtn :z;' NeT 1R:l,lThieao Upnght Pendent Upright Conventional Model Fl FR Quick Response Recessed Pendent Sprinkler Installation Wrench: Model RC1 Sprinkler Wrench lnstallation Data: "' Refer lo escutcheon data table for aoorovals and dimensions. (t) Fett o etonnIln uta tatc ,q l/Ppa<t*at Nr A,&lfglat 2. Nominal Oritice Thread Size K Factor Sprinkler Height Approval{1) Organizations SDrinkler ldentification Numb€r (SlN)us Metric (15mm)t." NPT (R7r)56 80 2.2" (56mm)1,2,3.4.5,7 ,8 R3615 " (20rnm)r,." NPT (R?d 8.0 I tJ 2.3" (58mm)1)'\n,to I z '.^" (11mm)';" NPT (R7r)4.2 60 2.54" (65mm)1.2.8 R3613 ra" (tOmm)q, NPT (R%)2.8 40 2.9" (65mm)1 ,2,8 R361 1 '1omm Ri,.4.2 60 56.1mm 4.7 R3614 Model Fl FR Quick Response Vertical Sidewall Sprinkler Installation Wrench: Model D Sprinkler Wrench Installation Position: Upright or Pendent Approval Type: Light Hazard Occupancy lnstallation Data: (') LPC Approval is for Pendent position only. Vertrcal Sidewall Nominal Orilice Thread Size K Factor Sprinkler Height Approval Organizatlons Sprinkler ldentitlcation Number (SlN)US Metric ',,1.'h" NPT (R7?)56 80 2.2" (56mm)1 2.3 6.8 riJo65 1smm /r" NPI (R1/rJ 5.6 80 2.2" (56mm)4(r) Orientation Detlector to Ceillng Oimension (Min. - Max.) uonQht 4" - 12" (102mm - 305mm) Pendent 6" - 12" (152mm.305mm) Model Fl FR Quick Response Horizontal Sidewall Sprinkler Deflector: HSW 1 lnstallation Wrench: Model D Sprinkler Wrench lnstallation Data: NOTE: UL and ULC Listing permits use with Fl or F? recessed escutcheon. Horizontal Sidewall Nominal Orifico Thread Size K Factor Sprinkler Length Approval OrEanizdons and Typ€ ol Approval Sp.inkler ldentlflcatlon Numbel (slN)US Metric Light Hazard Ordinary Hazard ," (15mm).rj,,NPT(F7z)5.6 80 2 63" (67mm)1?qq R3635 lnstallation Quick response sorinklers are intended for installation as specified in NFPA 13. Ouick response sprinklers and standard response sprinklers should not be intermixed. The Model Fl FR Recessed Quick Resoonse Sorinklers are to be installed as shown. The Model F1 or F2 Escutch- eons illustrated are the only recessed escutcheons to be used with the Model FlFR Sprinklers. The useof anvother recessed escutcheon will void all approvals and negate all warranties. When installing Model FlFR Sprinklers, use the Model D SprinklerWrench. When installing Model FlFR Recessed Sidewall Sprinklers, use the Model GFRt Sprinkler Wrench. Use the Model RC1 Wrench for installino FlFR Recessed Pendent Sprinklers. Any other type of ilrench may damage these sprinklers. Temperature Ratings Classiflcation Sprinkler Temoerature Max. Ambient Temp. Bulb Color -F Ordinary Ordinary Intermediate Intermediate High {1) 57 68 79 93 141 155 r75 200 1ocfF (38r) 1ocPF (38r) 1s0oF (66"C) 150"F (66C) 25.F \1O7"C) Orange Red Yellow Green Blue (1) Not avaiiable for rscessed sprinklers Escutcheon Data Sprinkler Types Qtandrrrl I lnrinht Standard Pendent Conventional Sidewall (Vertical, Horizontal HSWl ) Recessed Pendent Recessed Horizontal Sidewall HSWl Finishes {r)(a Standard Finishes Sorlnkler Escuicheon Bronze Chrome Plated White Polyester Coated Brass Chrome Ptated (3) White Painted (3) Sp€cial Appllcatlon Finishes Sprinkler Escutcfieon Bright Brass Black Plated Black Paint Ofi White Satin Chrome Bright Brass Black Plated Black Paint Off White Satin Chrome (11 Other iinishes and colors are avaalable on special order. Consuit the factory for details. (2) FM Approvals is limited to bronze and brass. chrome or black plated iinishes only. (3) FP Push-on/Thread-otf escutcheon Ordering lnformation 50ecrtu: 1. Sprinkler Model z. SDflnKler lvoe 3 Orifice Size 4. Deflector Type 5, Temperature Rating 6. Sprinkler Finish 7. Escutcheon Type B. Escutcheon Finish (where applicable) Note: When Model FlFR Recessed sprinklers are ordered,.the sprinklers and escutcheons are packaged seoaraterv. Maintenance The Models F1FR and F1FR Recessed Sprinklers should be inspected quanerly and the sprinkler system maintained in accordance with NFPA 25. Do not clean sprinklers with soap and water, ammonia or anv other cleaning fluids. Remove dust by using a soft brush br gen- tle vacuuming. Remove any sprinkler which has been painted (other than factory applied) or damaged in any way. A stock of spare sprinklers should be maintained to allow quick replacement of damaged or operated sprin- klers. Prior to installation, sprinklers should be maintaineo in the original cartons and packaging until used to mini- mize the potential for damage to sprinklers that would cause rmproper operatron or non{peration. Theequipmentpresenlednlh|sbUllet|nlstobensta||ed|naccordancewi|hthe|at6stpeninentstanda.dso'theNaona|FirePro corporatron. or other srmrlar organrzalons and also wth the provrs'ons ol govefnmenlal codes or ordtnances whenever a9ohcabte. P.odUctsmanUfactUredanddistr|butedbyRe|iab|ehavebeenprotecting|ileandprope ble spnnkler contractors located throughout th€ Unrted States. Canada and toreign countri€s. The Rellabl€ Automaflc Sprinkler Co,, Inc.@'ffj'(800)431-1588 (800)848-5051 (914)668-3470 www reliablespdnkler com Sales Otfices Sales Fax Corporate Otfices lnternst Address Revision lir€s indicato updat€d or nsw data EG. Pnd.d in U.S,A. 3At PNrB9997m27 EscrJdEon t\,lodd ApproEb Adirstn€nt DirEr*xl Faceof F'uirE bC€jliE a WdlDirsrsbl 1.." i1gmm)( lgmml lsmm - 2&nm) F2 1.2,3,4,5,7 .8 2 f 13mm) 1" (25mm)(srnrn - 17mm) FP Push-on/ Thread{fl Fully Recessed '/""(11mm) 1,2 Fully Fetracted "/'n"(24mm\ lvlanufactured by Sehed u le- aO" isehed u I G-40' Fully Listed and FM Approved Sprinkler Pipe When you specrfy Schedule-10/Schedule-40 sprinklcr pipc you get a UL listed and FM approvctl product. Although these products do not require separate approvals, Schcdulc- l0/Schedule-40 gives you thc extra quality assurance you demand. Our Sch-10 (l'lr"- 8") pipe and Sch-40 ( l"-2t/2") pipc havc passed the same thorough lab tcsting as our other listeri pipe products, and receive periodic mill inspections lrom both UL and FM agcnts to cnsurc consistcnt quality. Schedule- I0/Schedule-40 Droduct can be "hot-dip" galvanized to meet FM requirements for dry systems in accordance with the zinc coating specifi cations of ASTM A- I 23. Our advanced formula mill coating of- fers a clean, durable surface. It is also paint-ready for custom color applications without special prepararion. The internal surface of all black Allied Tube & Conduit Fire Spnnkler pipe products up to 4.5000" in diameter rs coated with our new Antibactenal For- mula. 'ABF". In scientific laboratory test. ABS proved to have superior resis- tance to microbial colonization of pipe walls, thereby delaying or possibly pre- venting the onset of Microbiologically Influenced corrosion (MIC) when the First Sprinkler System is first installed. Meets "Buy American" requtrement and is available through distributors in the USA, Canada and Mexico Schedule- 10/Schedule-4O pipe are in compliance with the following: ASTM A-135, and NFPA 13. Both pipe products have a working pressure rating of 300 psi maximum and also meet the stringent requirement for the following tests: . Welded Outlets . Hydrostatic Pressure . Side Wall Rupture . Vibration Test Listed 16100 S. Lathrop. Harvey, lL 60426 11350 Norcom Rd. . Philadelphia, PA 19154 2525 N. 27thAve. . Phoenix, AZ 85009 @@@ Approvod Listod Customer Service: (800) 882-5543 Fax 708-339-1806 ttlcof no*c*tot O Olligd l{PS l{ominal l.D. Wl. Wt. (H20 Filled) PcV ln: mm ln: nm Lbs/Ft: K/n Lbs/Ft: Kg/n Litt lltJutill (21') wt/Lifl (24') Wt/Un Lbs: Kg Lbs: Kg Lrs; 1.049 10.o 1.680 2.5 2.05 3.05 2,470 1,120 2,822 1,280 2,940 1,334 70 70 1Y4" 32 1 .380 2.270 +.JO 2.93 4.36 2,431 1 ,103 2,778 1,260 2,894 I,J IJ JI JI 11/r" 40 1 .6.10 40.9 2.720 4.0 J.O I 2,5r3 1 ,140 2,872 1,303 ) aat 1247 44 44 50 2.067 52.5 3.650 E/ 5.13 / .oJ 2,300 1,043 2,628 1,192 2,738 1,242 30 30 21/i' 65 2.469 62.7 5.790 8.6 7.86 11.73 2,310 1,048 2,640 1,197 t 7qn. 1,247 19 19 Nominal 1.0. Wl. ln: nn Lbs/Ft Kg/n Wt. (H20 Filled) Lbs/Ft; Kg/m wr/rn (21') \llr,tuft (24,) Lbs: Kg Lbs Kg PcV Litt J .097 1.400 1 .81 91 2,67s 3,053 2.1 2.70 91 1,213 t, 1vi 1.442 32 36.6 1.810 2.52 61 2,319 2.7 3.75 61 1,052 1'/i' 1.682 2.Dq 40 42.7 3.1 3.04 61 2,3,045 3,172 1,381 1,439 2 2.157 2.640 s0 54.8 3.9 2,051 2.344 2,442 930 1,063 1,108 2%', 2.635 3.530 5. 65 66.9 5.3 L 30 2.224 2,542 2,648 30 1,009 1,153 1,201 3' 3.260 4.330 B0 82.8 6.4 11.82 19 1,728 1,975 2,057 784 896 933 4', 4.260 5.61 11.78 19 e,?a 17.53 19 1,01 2,558 2,665 1,160 1,209 7 .77 17.33 10 1 ,632 11.56 25.80 t0 740 9.290 23.03 10 1 ,951 161.5 13.8 34.27 10 885 1.012 40.15 8.249 209.5 16.490 24.5 7 7 2,424 2,770 t ,t 00 1 ,256 TUBE & CONOUIT sq_1 tt) A \v' For fire OUCTILE IRON THREAOED FITTINGS ARE UL. ULC LISTED ANO FACT€RY IV|UTUAI APPROVED FOR 5OO PSI SERVICE, DUCTILE IRON PER A:JiIII A 536 GRADE 55-45- 12, DIMENSIONS CONFORM TO ANSI 816.3 CLASS 150, THREADS ARE NPT PER ANSUASME B 1.20.' ,. D.I.THREADED FITTINGS LISTEO APPROVED servrces request submittal GRS 1.3 /'I\((rcI)\itl LIJ I trU protecuon @ -i -q-,l :t- r-il -r_TT --.\---A--- rlt lot I t!rtitoti IrtD=c I l:{a ltrr NOMTNAL )t2.tr (rNcH) ITEM CODE f MAX. WORKITIG P.S.l. OIME}.r;IONS WBGHT A B EACH PIECE 1 oEso033 500 1.50 1 .50 0.62 1 114 os)0044 500 1.75 't.75 0.90 1 ',ltz D490055 500 1.94 1 .94 1 .20 2 DB!)o066 5U)2.25 2.25 '| .85 r.loMlNAL stzE (rNcH) ITEM CODE * MAX. WORKING P.S.r. OIMEt.sIOt.lS WEGHT A B EACH PIECE 0845033 500 1.12 1.t2 0.48 1 1t4 0845044 500 r .29 1 .29 0.73 11t2 DB4505s 500 1 .43 0.92 D845066 JUU t.oo 1.68 1 .50 rll t}| | | I a l:t.lil Iil Irle rlrlacilal : T' IhT I.|oMINAL 5IZE (rNcf0 ITEM coo€ MAX. wORKll.lc P.S.t. orMEl€toNs WEGHT A I EACH OIENE 1Xlt2 D890031 500 1 .26 1.36 o.44 1 X3/4 DBgo032 500 1.37 1 .45 0.52 11t4X1n D890041 500 t.J.a 1 .53 0.64 1 1l4K3l4 D890042 500 1 .45 1.62 0.72 1 1/4X1 D8C)0043 500 1.58 t.o/0.75 1 1t2X1 DB900s3 500 IAE 1.80 0.92 11t2X1 1t4 D890054 500 1.82 1.88 1 .08 2X112 D890061 500 1.49 1 .88 1.08 2X314 D890062 500 t.ou 1 .97 1.24 2X1 0890063 500 1 .73 2.02 1 .40 ?X1 1t4 ogx)o64 500 1.90 2.10 1.52 2X1 112 Dtrn065 500 2.02 2.16 1.65 MAX. WORKIIIG P.S.t. MAX. WORKII|G P.S.t. WEGHT EACH PIECE APMINAL slzE (rr{cH) MAL woRxtllc P.S.t. Page29 Hitti Drop-In Anchor (HDI) Advantages shallow embedment deptn lnternal (f emale) thread Anchor rs tlush wrth base materral Materials I nstallation Instructions p.ncnor marenat is AISI 12L 1.! steel, Teetrng ASTM Plated with dull zrnc finrsh tor corroslon protectton rn accor0anc€ A 108 lor tli' . 'la" .1e" 1. Adiust Oepth Gauge 2. Drill Hole 3. Clean Hole 4. lnstall Anchor Using ProPer Setting rool. HDI Sizes: Regular catalog No. oescription QuantitY per box Usable Thread Length Anchor r Size Ovarall Length Hitti Drill Bit I Diameter l I 3la" lre" 1 100 5490000 HDI Vo '/a i I I ,t' i | 1gl.ta' t, tle' t sla" 50 2, I s/a " ' t t1,,u,, , 50 54gOO24 r HDI r/z 1lz" 1C -ZJ 2eha 3"/r t 'tE w 1W HDI Sizes: Stainless Steel Catalog No. I Oescription overarr ollltJ,,Lengrn I Diameter Anchor Size w Usable Thread Length 5490048 HDI (SS303) '/r 5490056 HDf (SS3O3) '2 i sle" 11/ro" ] 50 5490064 HOI (SS303) 1/2 2slre,, , 27hz', 4a" ] 25 5490072 i HDI(SS303) 5/a Hand Setting Tools for HDI Anchors HST 6 Settinq Tool s+S+sSO HST 12 Sening Tool s,+s+sse I HsT 16 settlng Tool S+S+S+O I HST 20 Settlng Tool 17 / a\t rffio INCORPOMTED coRoNA. cA (909)737-5599 Fig. 200 &"Trimline" Adiustable Band Hanger Size Range - 1/2 thru 8 inch PiPe' liii"iralOarbon Steel, Mil Galvanized to G-90 soecifications. Function - For fire sprinkler and other general plplng orrpoa"a. Knurled swivel nut design permits hanger adiustment after installation' Features '. llp n u 2 inch) Flared edges ease installation lor all oipe tvpes and protect CPVC plastic pipe trom - !6r".ii". Captured design keeps adjusting nut from separating *ith hanger. Hanger is easily installed around Plpe. - 2-112thru 8 inch) Spring tension on nut holds it .Lui.fv in hangei beiore installation' Adiusting nut is easily removed. Aoprovats - Underwriters' Laboratories Listed (1/2" in?, e'f in the U.S. (UL) and Canada (cUL) tor steel hnd CPVC plastic pipe and Factory Mutual Enqineerino Approved (3/4" thru 8")' Conforms to. F"i"rar Sieciiications WW-H-171 E, Type 1 0' and itl"nrf".tur"r. Standardization Society SP-69' type 10' Maximum TemPerature - 650"F' Finish - Mil. Galvanized, lor Stainless Steel materials order Tolco Fig. 200WON' Order By - Figure number and pipe size' 2 1/2THRU 8 INCH PIPE nAx. nEc. APPRox'-EpE RoD srzE-___.^- A B iiii;'i-g;. wrJloo _qEE rLgH . MErFlq:,,. - ..- -.-.- L'"^Y-:""' "'rr-- T-- 318 8mm or lomm 3-1/u gt4 3/8 6trn "t rOtrn 3-]/9 2-1t2 400 11 1-1t2 3/8 il; "t rot* g-7t9 2'7tB 400 14 2 38 it' ot io" +'1t? - ',? fqq ti s-te +118 600 2-1t2 3/8 3 3/8 10mm s'1t8 - .: :91 ._, ,i ;;; rom t::: ;; s 1tz iil; 9-ii9 6^-\t:. i3:: 9l 6 112 12mm 10'1/8 6-314 1250 8 1/2 12mm 13-1/8 8'3/4 1250 'Order -31- a l-,t -!Ftt-r-:--ar rltG!rr! !:!ccRroFAiEt :3mNA 3a . ($9) :37.559tt FIG.99 Lji T!:l€{D ROD CW iO r-lclfn Size Scnge - 3i S ---.:: 7;'8 ::c.: ::c :: - ::c.-. l:c:?=e:5. Mcr,erici - Carbor: Sred l4axittum Terrplqqldae - 73C? .*r:sh - ?!ai::, lec::oG dvtizee. a-:c Sd::iess Sreei. Oniq 8y - F:gue ::unbe:, :cc c!a=ca:, :cc ie::g:-':, anc finisi:. .YArc ?rc. LoAD !3s.?oD FOe S-{!',rc= E}rPs.5 65fF ;5f.c 'it ':|/l i:30 :8;C 27':C 3;0 :Ad 1Ci0 i5i.0 2120 JJOU ?ic. :ffi ,{-:- TTGEAD -ROD F-uLi- i:&-Gt]:S Siee ,3cnge - i/4 :1- i-1,/2 ::c: :cc :: iC'.C- llatenci - Ca::o;: S:eei .l4c=nu= Tetnpel,'c?tre - 75C"a Fnistr - Pbi::, lec:ro-Calvzczei, a::c Sn::iess Od,er tsy - Fig.::e nurrix:, :cd. c=::e:a:. ani i4ish. ->3i3 !.8:.0 7,/9 t6i0 D 84 1-U4 8000 7'-40 360 rr:v2-:lilBq:-10qffi *Fq: ld$i- -:. :-c.{t s. Lo/r # F84 '06" AppLlcArloN wrLL Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpLErEilIHil"_pa"rc_:f __q9C^Q e"ildi"s p;;iltr$ oSZ P-1 g + . Sprinkler Permit #: '--E-qV--rJo bO mwN0FYtn 97 0-47 9-21 3L (hspeclioas) TOWN OF VAIL FIRE SPRINKLER PERMIT APPLICATION Fire Sprinkler shop drawings are required at time of it su and 75S.F application will Vail, ot min) stamp. CONTRACTOR INFORMATION COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR ALARM PERMIT (Labor & Materials) Firesprinkler:$ 33 Contact Coun Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit for Parcel # ***** *** ****** ** ****** * * ******* ** ******FOR OFFICE USE ONLY***** ******** ***** *** *** ****** ** rt * * rr:r b "lQ'z oi/24t2002 V9L*N"' of Fire Sprinkler Contractor:(g.xnee frz-€ fr.aT. Town of,lal17Reg.\o.: {V.b --t Contact and Phone #'s: 'i1oO F€iJEt| <oS' (?2.<l.o.Lt E-Maif Addresst -fy'€^J AS (2 €Ecl-n1Aat &€_WtrJ.,Tr N . <,'t.1 "o^n"*:ryryy'ir//: Parcel # Job Address: zo V,,trc ?D Phone:q2o-' 1zu'Sq.i(', Detailed Location of work: (i.e., floor, unit #, bldg. #) tsT - PN<' LJDltl< e(57' Detailed descriDtion of work: Work Class: New() Addition ( ) Remodel () Repair ( ) Retro-fit ( ) Other( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two{amily ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ) Restaurant ( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildino: Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes{1) No Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes \Wail\datu\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\SPRKPl.lRM. DOC STATEOF COLORADO DIVISION OF FIRESATEW PLAN REGISTRATION FORM our" fi'ZtJ Contractor Registration Numbe, frU Contractors Name Mailing Address City ZpCode 8.124 Telephone No. Crrcfprn Teqt 'J "-"' _ --- Signature Certification No.(Certified Fire Suppression Inspector) Jurisdiction Comments (for additional comments use separate sheet) Distribution: Original copy goes to Dvision of Fire Safety upon total completion of form. Copy to local fire dePartment. Copy to contractor and copy to building owner upon completion and sign-off. dbv No: - PHONE: (303) 629-0221 FAX: (303)623-7830 2617 West Holden Place, Denver, Colorado . AO2O4 RONTIER FINE PII€DTECTIC)N INc. FIRE PROTECTION ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS Automatic Fire Sprinkler Hydraulic Calculations and Equipment Submittal For Sonnenalp Resort Vail Village Yail,Coloredo 6rlffi' - Fire Protection by Eomputer Deeign Frontier Fire Protection 2617 West Holden Place Denver CO 80204 303 629-0221 Job Name Building Location System Contract Data File KING LUDWIGS Sonnenalp Resort Vail, Colorado I 04-5155 045155.WXF Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc.Route 111 W.indham N. H. USA 03087 F. O O U):) I z E o .c .g B o =E. c (.) c) E ! I ! c (! O) (L c) E o O PEE3,= Erq p -vN t<) !O- l- E a E E^:cLr-dFE .9 c cO P (o C' OF;i -6!.-e.<d uoo::" '66 -Nc\l O O OOOII I Ef \F xbj xF{-i j cJ q n de frE ?a fiE I I _/,l I (\| -T I (.,o o s tr) 8.NZ = TL v c\ ro$('(\oooooooooo or@F-(o|r)scoN (LtrJJU)U)ltrUl --(L ppo tf TON (f)NN p @o :c?;6 g-9 l/)n ll 21F EE (/J .:.Y OJ 0);atrt ;' ' '-\v r C\ C\t EOOO o (g(t'0-o I o .Y /\ x -\ 6a :o- i9 3 sX @ *5 * Eq j oz- Fittings Summary Frontier Fire Protection KING LUDWIGS Page 2 Date Fitting Legend Abbrev.Name A E D E F \, H I K L M N o P R s T U W X z Generic Alarm Va Generic Butterfly Valve Swing Check Valve Dry Pipe Valve 90'Standard Elbow 45'Elbow Gate Valve 45'Grvd-Vic Elbow 90'Grvd-Vic Elbow 90' Grvd-Vic Tee Detector Check Valve Long Turn Elbow Medium Turn Elbow PVC Standard Elbow PVC Tee Branch PVC 45'Elbow Flow Control Valve PVC Coupling/Run Tee Flow Switch 90' Flow thru Tee 45'Firelock Elbow 90'Firelock Elbow Wafer Check Valve 90' Firelock Tee Mechanical Tee Flow Switch Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Fittings Summary Frontier Fire Protection KING LUDWIGS Page 3 Date Unadjusted Fittings Table 1n 3t4 17 .O 12.0 22.0 28.0 10.0 4.0 2.0 3.5 7.0 16.0 14.0 6.0 8.0 8.0 17 .0 21.5 10.0 16.0 17.0 7.0 3.0 1.0 3.0 5.0 13.0 14.0 6.0 '13.0 15.0 4.0 29.0 2.0 7.0 15.0 z,o 5.0 13.0 IE E 7.O 21t2 7.7 7.0 14.0 9.5 6.0 3.0 1.0 ?n o.u 10.8 4.0 5.0 '12.0 12.0 3.0 2.0 6.0 12.0 4.3 10.8 12.5 6.0 19.0 8.0 3.0 1.0 3.5 8.0 17 .0 5.0 6.0 7.0 3.0 't.0 1.5 ?n o.u 2.0 3.0 8.0 6.0 2.0 1.0 3.0 6.0 5.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 4.5 2.0 2.0 7.0 5.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 5.0 11t2 18.0 9.0 4.0 o.3 13.0 33.0 13.0 16.0 27.Q 3s.0 11.0 5.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 3.5 A( 3.0 4.0 11.0 10.0 2.O 18.0 1.0 5.0 10.0 1.8 3.5 o.c 10.5 5.0 4.0 2.0 2.0 4.0 8.0 2.O 3.0 on 8.0 1.0 4.0 8.0 5.0 2.Q 1.0 4.0 2.0 1.0 B c t\ E F H I J K L M N o P o R D T z 1.0 ?.0 7.O 3.0 1.0 1.0 7.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 35.0 10.0 20.o 3.4 o..l 10.3 16.0 22.0 10.0 E.0 4.O o.u 'ln 5.0 2.0 ?.o 2.0 1.0 ?.0 4.0 4.0 2.0 16 12 10 21.0 65.0 27.0 13.0 o.u 10.0 20.0 50.0 18.0 22.0 19.0 JC.U 22.0 1 1.0 AE 17.0 41.0 45.0 16.0 19.0 29.0 12.0 4s.0 27.0 10.0 32.0 47.O 14.0 7.0 3.0 5.0 10.0 25.0 36.0 9.0 12.0 33.0 14.0 30.0 5.0 r0.0 13.1 25.0 14.0 17.0 9.0 27.0 '12.o 5.0 2.0 4.5 o.c 21.0 8.0 10.0 ts D E F H I J K M N o P R s T U X 109.0 130.0 61.0 28.0 13.0 30.0 40.0 120.0 40.0 50.0 24.0 '11.0 25.0 36.0 98.0 34.0 98.0 45.0 21.0 10.0 33.0 88.0 30.0 87.0 40.0 19.0 8.0 20.0 25.0 78.0 27.0 76.0 35.0 17.O 7.0 18.0 23.O 65.0 24.0 50.0 101.0 61.0 12'1.0 45.0 91.0 40.0 81.0 35.0 71.0 27.0 60.0 22.0 50.0 18.0 35.0 5.0 13.0 31.8 ?2n 18.0 12.0 25.0 4.2 8.5 21,0 12.0 27.4 45.0 40.0 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 1 11 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Pressure / Flow Summary - STANDARD Frontier Fire Protection KING LUDWIGS Page 4 Date Pt Actual Node No. Elevation K-Fact Pn Flow Actual Oensity Press 8eq. I 2 3 100 '101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 't11 112 150 113 114 115 tto 117 118 119 120 121 151 122 10 l1 TOR DPV E1 BFP BOR SRC 108.5 110.0 109.5 109.0 109.0 '109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 '109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 1 10.0 1 10.0 1 10.0 110.0 1 10.0 109.0 98.0 98.0 98.0 98.0 92.0 98.0 92.0 88.0 88.0 5.6 5.6 K=K@SPl K=K@SP1 K=K@SP1 K=K@SPl K=K@SP1 K=K@SP1 K=K@SP1 K=K@SP1 K=K@SPl K=K@SPz K=K@SP2 K=K@SP2 K=K@SPz K=K@SP3 K=K@sP3 K=K@SP3 K=K@SP3 K=K@SP2 K=K@SP2 K=K@SP2 K=K@SP2 't0.33 12.25 10.33 10.27 10.91 11.V 12.9 14.04 15.84 't8.47 22.18 23.68 13.65 15.41 22.1 26.38 .t t.J 15.46 to..t.t 't9.57 26.91 21.95 24.68 35.04 41.U 51.96 52.58 60.08 61.79 68.17 74.52 80.03 u.37 90.23 100.04 '1o2.72 na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na 18.0 19.6 18.0 18.0 18.55 19.08 20.17 21.05 22.35 24-14 26.45 27 .33 19.85 21.08 25.25 27.59 21.29 21.88 23.96 28.09 25.17 26.68 31.79 34_66 100.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 180 196 180 .1 .1 .1 The maximum velocity is 35.34 and it occurs in the pipe between nodes 116 and 151 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 1 11 Windham N.H. USA 03087 , Final Calculations - Standard Frontier Fire Protection Page 5 KING LUDWIGS Date Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. "C' or Ftng's Pe Pv Notes Point Qt PflUL Eov. Ln. Total Pf Pn I 18.00 1.049 1T 5.000 0.500 10.332 K Factor = 5.60 to 120 5.000 -0.650 SP1 18.0 0.1071 5.500 0.589 Vel= 6.682 0.0 18.00 10.271 2 19.60 1 .049 1 E 2.000 1 .500 12.250 to 120 1T 5.000 7.000 0.0 sP2 19.6 0.1254 0.0 19.60 13.316 3 1 8.00 1 .049 't E 2.000 1 .750 10.332 to 120 1T 5.000 7.000 -0.217 sl3 18.0 0.1071 0.0 18.00 8.750 0.937 8.500 1.066 K Factor = 5.62 K Factor = 5.60 Yel = 7.276 K Factor = 5.37 1 00 1 8.00 1 .049 to 120 101 18.0 0.1072 6.000 10.271 0.0 0.0 K Factor = 5.60 Vel = 6.682 K Factor @ node SPI Vel = 6.682 11.052 KFactor= 5.41 6.000 0.643 '101 18.55 1 .38 to 120 6.000 10.913 0.0 0.0 102 36.55 0.1045 6.000 0.627 6.000 11.540 0.0 0.0 6.000 _ 1.xq9 6.000 12.903 0.0 0.0 6.000 1.140 104 21.05 1.61 obOO t+Oqe to 120 0.0 0.0 K Factor @ node SPI )1e! = 7,ni0 K Factor @ node SP1 Vel = 11.933 K Factor @ node SPI Vel = 11.947 K Factor @ node SPI K Factor @ node SP1 Vel = 22.591 K Factor @ node SP1 Vel = 16.235 K Factor @ node SPI Vel = 18.848 102 19.08 I .38 to 120 103 55.63 0|2272 103 20.18 1.6'1 to 120 104 75.81 0.1900 r 0q 96.86 0.2990 105 22.35 1.61 to 120 196 119.21 0.4392 106 24.14 1.61 to 120 107 143.35 0.6177 107 26.45 2.067 to 120 108 169.8 0.2502 6.000 18.472 0.0 0.0 6.0q0 3.706 6.000 22.178 0.0 0.0 6.000 1.501 108 27 .33 2.067 2E 5.000 4.420 23.680 to 120 1T 1 0.000 20.000 -0.433 150 197 .13 0.3298 24.420 8.053 0.0 K Factor @ node SPI 6.000 1.794 Vel = 15.264 6.000 15.838 0.0 0.0 6.000 2.635 Vel= 18.787 31.300 1 3.670 13.652 0.0 0.0 13.670 1.754 197.13 K Factor = 35.24 K Factor @ node SP2 Vel = 7.369 109 '1 9.85 1 .049 to 120 110 19.85 0.1283 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 1 1 1 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Final Calculations - Standard t, Frontier Fire Protection KING LUDWIGS Page 6 Date Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. "C' or Ftng's Pe Pv **t**** Notes Point Qt PflUL Eqv. Ln. Total Pf Pn 1 3.670 15.406 0.0 0.0 111 40.93 0.4895 13.670 6.691 110 21.08 1.049 to 120 111 25.25 1.38 to 120 112 66.18 0.3132 to 120 150 93.76 0.5966 13.670 22.097 0.0 0.0 '13.670 4.281 6.000 0.0 8.250 4.922 K Factor @ node SP2 !e! 15,!94 K Factor @ node SP2 Vel = 14.196 K Factor @ node SP2 Yel = 20.1'12 112 27.58 1.38 i:i 6 0oO 2.250 26.378 0.0 93.76 31.300 1 50 290.89 2.067 1T 10.000 20.500 31 .300 10.000 0.0 30.500 20.661 K Factor = 16,76 Vel = 27.812 K Factor @ node SP3 V9!= 7.9!3 K Factor @ node SP3 Vcl_= 1q.q29 K Factor @ node SP3 u9\1]4.s17 K Factor @ node SP3 Vel = 35.344 K Fa,cp1= 13.13 K Factor @ node SP2 Vel = 9.344 Vel = 19.248 K Factor @ node SP2 Vel: 25376 Vel = 17.759 to 120 121 290.89 0.6774 0.0 290.89 1 13 21 .29 1 .049 to 120 114 21 .29 0.1462 114 21 .88 1.049 to 120 1 15 23.95 1.049 to 120 to 120 151 e5.21 ?llq6 0.0 95.21 51 .961 K Factor = 40.35 6.000 15.457 0.0 0.0 6.000 r.871 6.000 16.334 0.0 0.0 115 43.17 0.5402 6.000 3.241 1 16 67 .12 1 .2222 _6.000 _1.9!q 1 16 28.09 1 .049 1T 5.000 6.000 26.909 6.000 19.575 0.0 0.0 5.000 0.0 11.000 25.670 52.579 13.670 21.954 0.0 0.0 13.670 2.722 0.0 0.0 1 3 q70 10.364 13.670 35.039 0.0 0.0 6.000 0.0 11 .250 10.318 1.000 51.960 0.0 0.433 1 .000 0.1 86 118 26.68 1.049 13.670 24.676 K Factor @ node SP2 117 25.17 '1.049 to 120 118 25.17 0.1991 to 120 119 51.85 0.7582 1 19 31 .79 1 .38 to 12O to 120 121 118.3 0.9172 121 290.90 3.068 to 120 151 409,2 0.1860 120 83.64 0,1q3q 13.670 _6.qq? Vel = 17.941 120 34.66 1 .38 1T 6.000 5.250 41 .642 K Factor @ node SP2 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 11 1 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Final Calculations - Standard tr Frontier Fire Protection KING LUDWIGS Page 7 Date Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. 'C. or Ftng's Pe Pv Notes Point Qt Pf/UL Eov. Ln. Total Pf Pn 0.0 409.20 52,579 K Factor = 56.43 151 s04.41 3.068 1E 7.000 3.000 52.580 to 120 7.000 4.764 Vel = 21.891 122 0.0 4.026 I E 1 0.000 13.330 60.084 to 120 10.000 0.0 10 5!4 41 q qz3q _ 23.330 1.702 Vet = 12.712 10 0.0 4.026 5E 10.000 37.500 61.786 to 120 50.000 0.0 11 504.41 0.0730 87.500 6.384 Vel -- 12.712 11 0.0 4.026 3E r O.OOO SZOOO 681?0 lo 120 TOR 504.41 0.0730 30.000 0.0 87.000 6.347 Vel = 12.712 TOR 0.0 4.026 3E 10.000 10.000 74.517 to 120 30.000 2.599 DPV 504.41 0.0730 40.000 2.918 Vel = 12.712 DPV 0.0 4.026 1D 28.000 15.000 80.034 to 120 1 B 12.000 80.000 -2.599 El 504.41 0.0730 2E 10.000 95.000 6.931 1T 20.000 Vel = 12.712 0.0 504.41 84.366 E1 504.41 6.357 10E 17.603 200.000 84.366 120 1T 37.720 213.747 2.599 BFP j9441 0.0079 413.747 3.264 K Factor = 54.92 Vel = 5.099 Fixed loss = 8 Vel = 5.099 Qa = 100 Vel = 6.507 BFP 0.0 6.357 to 120 10.000 90.228 0.0 9.732 BOR s04.41 0,q019 10.000 0.qzq BOR 100.00 6.16 3E 20.084 .170.000 100.040 to 140 1f 43.037 107.593 0.0 sRc 604.41 0.0097 1G 4.304 277.593 2.682 .0 604.41 102.722 K Factor = 59.63 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 1 '11 Windham N.H. USA 03087 NO. TABLE OFCONTENTS ITEM Pipe Wet Sprinklers Dry SprinHers Gmoved Couplings / Fittings Threaded Fittings ButterflyValve Pre-Action Valve Pressure Switches Air Compressor MANUFACTURER Wheatland Tube Company Reliable Globe S.P. Fittings S.P. Fittings S.P. Fi$ings Viking Potter Electic General Air Wheatland Schedule 40 Pipe Page 1 of3 Wheatland Tube Company Wheatland Schedule 40 Pioe Cin rVl.;vtz€D q 6t-Na--1toJ I "Wheatland Steel Pipe is made by specialists who understand that it's the small details that make the difference between average products and superior products. At the Wheatland Plant, most depaftment heads and foremen have been employed in some phase of pipe manufacturing for 25 or more years. This kind of specialization, experience and knowledge pays off...in workable, threadable, uniform pipe. Delivered clean. Delivered promptly. Wheatland specializes in manufacturing welded steel pipe in 1/2 through 4 nominal sizes. Available inventory in 1/8 to 12 pipe sizes produced to various ASTM standards is maintained to meet your pipe requirements. Care, pride and personal concern are bonus features that go into every inch of Wheatland Pipe. Don't settle for less, Make sure it's quality. Make sure it's Wheatland. Standard Pipe Schedule 40 Nominal Pipe Size Outside Diameter (inches) Inside Diameter (inches) Wall Weig ht per foot (Lbs.) t l GKIlel'St (inches)Plain End Threads & Couplings r18 .405 .269 ,068 .24 .24 a w-1 t 3/B---l .540 .364 .OBB .42 .42 .675 .493 .091 .57 .57 I in]|.840 .622 .109 .85 .85 I tr+1 1.050 .824 .113 1.13 1.13 tl--_l 1.315 1.049 .133 1.68 1,68 li,al 1.660 1.380 ,140 2.27 2.28 r-u2 1.900 1.610 .t45 2.72 2.73 2 2.375 2.067 .154 3.6s 3.68 2-tl2 2.875 2.469 ,203 5.79 5.82 3 3.s00 3.068 .2t6 7.58 7.62 http ://www.wheatland.com/sch40.htm 9n7t2004 Wheatland Schedule 40 Pipe Page 2 of 3 3-1 4.000 lt 3.s48 | .226 il 9.11 9.20 4 4.500 4.026 ll .237 10.79 10.89 5 5.563 5.047 ll .2s8 | 14.62 14.81 6 6.625 6.06s 280 18.97 19 1B 8 8.625 ze8il[-Jzz I t ,&ss-_-]29.3s 10 10.750 1o^oro lt- 36s_l 41.85 Standard Pipe ufl lzrso 1, ooo-lt irs--]t-4e--se-lF Note: 1 NPS 12 dimensions are for standard wall pipe, not schedule 40. Product Type and Specification: Standard welded pipe is produced in 1/8 to 4 trade sizes. Trade sizes 1/8 to 4 are available in seamless or electric resistance welded. Trade sizes l/8 to 4 are produced to ASTM A 53, A 501*, and A 589* Type II, API 5L and Federal Specification WW-P404. Trade sizes 5 and up are produced to ASTM A 53 and API 51. All pipe threads conform to ANSI 81.20,1, Merchant couplings comply with ASTM A 865, * L/2 Lhroush 4 onlv Permissible Variations for ASTM A 53-A Pipe Under tl64' to/o 12.5o/o 1/8" to 1 1/2" 2" and u all Thichness at Point A 53-A: Black anflGalvanized flpq-Js manufactured for ordinary uses in steam, water, , and air lines. Mechanical Properties: Yield: 30,000 psi minimum Tensile: 48,000 osi minimum For additional information or to order, contact our pipe department at 800.257.8182, Fax: 855.854.0616, or e-mail info@wheatland.com Go to Last Update 08/08/2001 09:2t:37 We b m aster : M a rty B rett m a rty. b rett@ wh eatl a n d. co m htto ://www.wheatland.com/sch40. htm 91t712004 Wheatland Schedule 40 Pipe Copyright@ 19912001 Wheatland Tube Company Page3 of3 http ://www.wheatland. com/sch40.htm 9n7/2004 Bulletin 136 Fev L Model Fl FR Model Fl FR Recessed Quick Response Sprinklers @ C o -.l O) 2 l'- Model Fl FR Sprinlder Types Standard Upright Standard Pendent Conveintional Vertical Sidewall Horizontal Sidewall - HSW 1 Deflector Model F1 FR Recessed Sprinkler Types Recessed Pendent Recessed Horizontal Sidewall - HSW 1 Deflector Listings & Approvals 1 . Listed by Undenvriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL) 2. Listed by Underuriters' Laboratories of Canada (ULC) 3. Certified by FM Approvals 4. Loss Prevention Council (LPC, UK) 5. NYC BS&A No. 587-75-SA 6. Meets MIL-S-901C and MIL-STD 167-1 7. Verband der Schadenversicherer (VdS, Germany) 8. NYC MEA 258-93.E UL Listing Category Sprinklers, Automatic & Open Quick Response Sprinkler UL Guide Number VNIV Product Description Reliable Models F1FR and FIFR Recessed Sprinklers are quick response sprinklers which cornbine tre durability of a standard sprinkler with the attractive low profile of a decorative sprinkler. The Models Fl FR and Fl FR Recessed automatic sprinklers utilize a 3.0 mm frangible glass bulb. These sprinklers have demonstrated response times in laboratory tests which are five to ten times faster han standard response sprinklers. This quick response enables the Model Fl FR and F1FR Recessed sprinklers to apply water to a flre much faster than standard sprinklers of the same temperature rating. The glass bulb consists of an accurately controlled arnount of special fluid hermetically sealed inside a precisely manufac- tured glass capsule. This glass bulb is specially constructed to provide last thermal response. The balance of parts are made of brass, copper and beryllium nickel. At normal temperatures, the glass bulb contains the fluid in both the liquid and vapor phases. The vapor phase can be seen as a small bubble. As heat is applied, the liquid ex- pands, forcing the bubble smaller and smaller as the liquid pressure increases. Continued heating forces the liquid to push out against the bulb, causing the glass to shatter, opening the wateMay and allowing the deflector to distrib- ute the discharging water. The temperature rating of the sprinkler is identified by the color of the qlass bulb. Application Quick response sprinklers are used in fixed fire protec- tion systems: Wet, Dry, Deluge or Preaction. Care must be exercised that the orifice size, temperature rating, def lector style and sprinkler type are in accordance with the latest published standards of the National Fire Protection Asso- ciation or the approving Authority Having Jurisdiction. Quick response sprinklers are intended for installation as specified in NFPA 13. Quick response sprinklers and stan- dard response sprinklers should not be intermixed. f nr de Pendent Vertical Sidewall ,/ Horizontal Sidewall HSW 1 Deflector Ai#''iu'd Conventional aNff1T& F The Rdiable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc. 525 North MacQuesten Parkway, Mount Vernon, New York 10552 ModelFlFR Quick Response Upright, Pendent & ConventionalSprinklers Installation Wrench: Model D Sorinkler Wrench Installation Data: . Sprlnkler Type Slandard-Upright (SSU) and Pendent (SSP) Detleclors Mafted to Indicate Position Sprlnkler Helght Approval Oryanlzatlon Sprinklef ldentif cation --NeE!e(s!NL -US Mstrlc ssu ,/," (15mm) Standard Ordce wth /"" NPT (Fl) Thread 80 2.2" (56rnm).2.3.4 .5.6.7 83625 R3615 '1":'lryw!LL?JW 94ace with l" NPT (R3/rlhread 8.0 115 2.3" (58rnm),,8 R3622 83623 !961? ruo tJ 1;_l17mm) Small Orilice with /," NPT (RZ) Threaq 4.2 60 2.54" (65rnm).2.8 U " ( 1 omm) Small Orilice with l" NPT (Rl) Thread 2.8 40 2.9" (65mm).2.8 R3621 tlJb | | 1omm Oflftce XLH with RX" Thread 4.2 60 56.1mm 4.6.7 R3624 83614 Conventional-lnstall in Upriqht or Pendent Position 1omm Orifice XLH with R% Thread 15mm Standard Orifice with I" NPT (RZ) Thread 20mm Laroe Oafice wiln 'a ' NPT (F3l)Thread 4.2 5.6 8.0 60 80 I tc 56.1mm 56.1mm 58.4mm tA7 4,7 I R3674 tlJo/c R3672 Upright Pendent Upright Conventional Model FlFR Quick Response Recessed Pendent Sprinkler Installation Wrench: Model RC1 Sprinkler Wrench Installation Datar (t) nma o alcurd€olt df/ r/al Fon wvals /t4o ,{!f,Ns;d]/s 2. Nominal Oritics Thread Sire K Factor Sprlnkler Height Approval(r) Organlzatlons Sprinklsr ldentif icaiion Number (SlN)US Metrlc I y (snnJ yi NPr (R/r\5.6 80 2,z, (56rnm)1,2.3,4.5,7.8 R3615 '%:'(2anm)l" NPT (R3l4)8.0 115 2.3" (58mm)1,2,3 R_39 r 2 R3613 /,4:' (11mm)I" NPT (R%)4.2 60 2.54" (65mm)1,2,8 %" (10mm))i, NPI (RY)2.8 40 2.54" (65mm)1,2,8 R361 1 'lOmm a%4.2 60 56.1mm 4,7 R3614 " Refer to escutcheon data table lor approvals and dimensions. Model FlFR Quick Response Verticalsidewall Sprinkler lnstallation Wrench: Model D Sorinkler Wrench Installatlon Posltlon: Upright or Pendent Approval Type: Light Hazard Occupancy Installatlon Data: 11) LPC Approval is for Pendgnl position only. Orl€nlation Detlector to Celllno Dimenclon (Mln. - Mix,) Upright 4" - 12" (102mm - 305mm) Pendent 6" - 12" (152mm - 305mm) Vertical Sidewall Nomlnal Orltlce Thread Slze K Faclor Sprinkler Helght Approval Organlzatlons Sprlnkler ldentitical'lon Numbsr (SlN)US Metrlc Y2'Vr" NPf (B/r\80 2.2" (56mm)1,2,3,6,8 R3685 1smm 7r" NPr (RYr)80 2.2" (55mm)4fl) Model FI FR Quick Response Horizontal Sidewall Sprinkler Deflector: HSW 1 Installatlon Wrench: Model D Sprinkler Wrench Installation Data: Nominal Oiific€ Thread Slze K Facior Sprlnklsr Length Approval Organlzatlons and Typ€ of Approval Sprlnkler ld€ntificalion Number (srN)US Mstric Light Hazald Ordinary H6zard y;' (15mml /i NPI(RY,I 5.6 80 2.63" (67mm)1,2,3,5,8 1,2,5,A R3635 NOTE: UL and ULC Lrsting permits use with F1 or F2 recessed escutcheon, Horizontal Sidewall Installation Quick response sorinklers are intended for installation as specilied in NFPA'13, Quick response sprinklers and standard response sprinklers should not be intermixed. The Model Fl FR Recessed Ouick Response Sprinklers are to be installed as shown. The Model Fl or F2 Escutch- eons illustrated are the only recessed escutcheons to be used with the lvlodel FI FR Sprinklers. The use of any other recessed escutcheon will void all approvals and negate all warranties. When installing Model F l FR Sprinklers, use the Model D Sprinkler Wrench. When installing Model Fl FR Recessed Sidewall Sprinklers, use the Model GFRl Sprinkler Wrench. Use the Model RC1 Wrench for installino FlFR Recessed Pendent Sprinklers. Any other type of ivrench may damage these sprinklers Temperature Ratings l UlF (38"C) 1ocPF (38€) 15trF (66C) 15CPF (66rc) 22soF ( 1 07oC) l')Nol available for recessed sprinklers. Escutcheon Data Sprinkler Types qtan.lar.l I lnri^hf Standard Pendent Conventional Sidewall (Vertical, Horizontal HSW l) Recessed Pendent Recessed Horizontal Sidewall HSWl Slandard Bright Brass Bright Brass Black Plated Black Paint Ofl Whrte Satin Chrome tllack Plated (1) Other tinishes and colors are available on special order. Consult the factory for delails. (2) FIM Approvals is limited lo bronze and brass, chrome or black plated finrshes only. {3) FP Push-on/Thread'ott escutcheon Bulb Color Max. Amblent Ternp. 68 79 93 141 135 175 200 286 Orange Red Yellor'v Green Blr€ Black Paint Ott Whit6 Satin Chrome Maintenance The Models F1FR and F1FR Recessed Sprinklers should be lnspected quarterly and the sprinkler system maintained in accordance with NFPA 25. Do not clean sprinklers with soap and water, ammonia or any other cleaning fluids. Remove dust by using a soft brush or gen- tle vacuuming. Remove any sprinkler which has been painted (other than factory applied) or damaged in any way. A stock ot spare sprinklers should be maintained to allow quick replacement of damaged or operated sprin- klers. Prior to installation, sprinklers should be maintained in the original cartons and packaging untll used to mini- mize the potential for damage to sprinklers that would cause improper operation or non-operation. Ordering Information Specify: 1. Sprinkler Model 2. Sprinkler Type 3. Orifice Size 4. Detlector Type 5. Temperature Rating 6. Sprinkler Finish 7 Fcnr rlnhonn Trrna B. Escutcheon Finish (where applicable) Note: When Model FI FR Recessed sprinklers are ordered, ,the sprinklers and escutcheons are packaged separarery. Corpofalion. or other similar organizations and also wilh lhe provisions ol governmental codes or ordinances whenever applicaDre. Products manulactured ble spfllrkler conlractofs located lhroughout the United States, Canada and foreion countraes. The Rellable Automatlc Sprlnkler Co,, Inc.@ ^r:;.":,, (80o)431-1588 (B0o)B4B-6051 (914)668-3470 www.reLrablespnnkler com Sales Olfices Sales Fax Corporate Ofiices Inlernet Address Bevision lin6s indicate updaled or new dala tc orfrrcd wsA 30J P,NggrgJ L!2. Finishes l')(') Bronze Chrome Plated White Polyoster Coated Brass Chrome Plated (3) Whrte Painted (3) EsctrdFn Ir/lodd Apgo\ab ACnffi DinE'|Sion P4of Fiing b@!ng or Wd qtrq!$en 15mm - 24rnm) F1 F2 1,2,4 % f lqmm) %' l19mm) 1,2,3,4,5,7 ,8 /," l13mml 1" (25mm)lsmm - 17mm) FP P]shor/ TfYead-ott Fully Recessed ,/;, ll lmm) Fully Retracted l24mm) Manulactured by LOBN-Outcx Rnspousn Auroptartc Spntlxtnns FINE SPA|NT(LEN GL Saruns conPoBATfoil Dnv Tvpn Cowcn,qLED PnwnnNr DascruprrcN,eyn O pnnartoN The Globe Quick Response GL Series Dry Type Concealed Pendent Sprinkler is designed for use in special applicadons' such as freezing environments and conditions where sediment or foreign materials might accumulate in ordinary drop nipples. It offers the ultimate in low profile, aesthetically pleasinS appearance. All that is seen at the ceiling is a 3 5/ | 6" diameter ceiling plate color finished to match the specifier's exact requirements. The Quick Response GL Series Dry Concealed Sprinkler may be virtually invisible as it does not interrupt the "smooth flow" of the ceiling. The quick response sprinkler offers the additional feature of greatly increased safety to life, with operation approximately six times faster than ordinary sprinklers and should be used advisedly and under the direction of approving authorities having jurisdiction. Globe's Dry Concealed Sprinkler utilizes its frangible 3mm glass bulb type sprinkler which is located above the ceiling and concealed from view by the ceiling plate. The plate is soldered to the sprinkler special upper support assembly in three places. Upon the application of sufficient heat, the plate falls to the floor exposint the pendent spray sprinkler. At the ampule's rated remperature, the sprinkler opens releasing the bulb seat, causing the inner tube assembly to move allowing the spring assembly to pivot alongside the inner tube. At this time, water flows through the sprinkler and is distributed by the deflector in an approved discharge pattern. A special spring is attached to the pendent deflector that serves to provide a constant rension against the ceiling plate. This feature virtually ensures freedom from environmental vibration problems. The hean of Globe's GL Series sprinkler proven actuation assembly is a hermetically sealed frangible glass ampule that contains a precisely measured amount of fluid. When heat is absorbed, the liquid within the bulb expands increasing the internal Pressure. Atthe prescribed temperature the internal pressure within theampule exceedsthe strength oftheglass causingthe glass to shatter. This results in water discharge which is distributed in an approved pattern. Tncnxrcel DATA o See reverse side for Approvals and Specifications. r Temperature Ratings - - 135"F (57'C) Sprinkler, 135"F (57"C) Cover Plate; ->f 55"F (68'C) Sprinkler, 135"F (57'C) Cover Plate; 175"F (79"C) Sprinkler, 155'F (68"C) Cover Plate; ->) 200'F (93'C) Sprinkler, 155'F (68'C) Cover Plare. o Water Working Pressure Rating - | 75 psi (l 2 Bars).. Factory tested hydrostatically to 500 psi (34 Bars).. Maximum low temperature glass bulb rating is -67'F (-55"C).I Frame - bronze o Deflector - brass o Screw - brass r Bulb seat - brass r Spring - teflon coated nickel alloy ' Reminer - brass r Pin - stainless steel r Torsion tptiiq_- t-Tl"l:r: steel 64 Lurft.ilf S ,^Jffi c:,et eaFljJ t Brlb - glass with alcohol based solution, 3mm r Orifice inseru - brass t ll+; N'pio. r; rtrpi . or."r,uu" - galvanized steer pipe QUICK RESPONSE r lnner tube - stainless steel 4077 AIRPARK DRIVE. STANDISH, MICHIGAN 48658 APRTL 2004 A-56 DRY CONCEALED PENDENT 989-846-4583 . FAX 989-846-923 I BULLETIN G15637, REV. #7 . SPRINKLER TEMPERATURE RATING/CLASSIFICATION and COLOR CODING N.F.P.A. MAXIMUM CEILING TEMPERATURE Qrncr RnspoNsn Aurom,trtc Spruxxtnns GL Snruns Dnv Tvpn CoNcn,qtno PSwuENT I'lETRIC CONVERSIONS ARE APPROXII'4ATE. *LISTED FOR ALL HAZARDS. Cnoss SscrrcN i Appnoutts 989-846-4583 r-800-248-0278 PRINTED U,S,A, I nr po nru rvr I Ns rt t nqn o rv D.n rt Globe GL Series Dry Concealed sprinklers should be installed in accordance with the requirements set fonh in NFPA 13. These sprinklers are to be installed using a pipe wrench applied o the outer tube. When this is not possible, the proper sprinkler head wrench may be used with exreme care for lengths up to approximately 18". Excessive force may distort the frame thus destroying the unit. For funher imponant installation data, please refer to our Dry Sorinkler Caution Sheet. OnnnruNo Ixponm,trrcx SPECIFY ' QuandL Model Number ' sryle 'Orifice . Temperature . Finishes desired . Quantity - Concealed Wrenches - P/N 3170 | 4 . Quantiry - Protecrive Caps - P/N 327 | l9 . "A" Dimension - Distance from face of fitting to rhe finished ceilint line regardless of escutcheon used. Gmse PnoDUCTW,anneNry Globe agrees to repair or replace any of its own manufacured products found to be defective in material or workmanship for a period of one year from date ofshipmenr. For specific details of our warranty please refer to Price List Terms and Conditions of Sale (Our Price Lisr). 4077 AIRPARK DRIVE, STANDISH. MICHIGAN 48658 SpncrctcarroNs NOMINAL ''K'' FACTOR THREAD SIZE LENGTH*:I."FINISHES -->,5.6 (80 metric) 8. | (l 16 metric) I" NPT STANDARD 3/4" NPT (s,6K) UPON REQUEST Variable to 48" Bright Chrome Whire Painted *Satin Chrome *Bright Brass +Odrer Painted Finishes ,FINISH€S AVAILABLE ON SPECIAL ORDER. PAINTED PLATES OTHER THAN WHITE REQUIRE CUSTOMER TO FURNISH PAINT. CONTACT GLOBE FOR PAINT SPECIFICATION.*culus LISTED FOR UP TO A 48" "A" DlI4ENS|ON. STYLE stN MODEL K FACTOR THREAD stzE | 35'F (s7'C) WITH PLATE r 3s"F (s7"c) rs5'F (68"C) WITH PLATE r35'F (s7"C) r 7s'F (79'C) WITH PLATE I ss'F (68'C) 200'F (e3'c) WITH PLATE | 55"F (68'C) *cULus CONCEALED PENDENT >G15637 G15638 GL8 | 37 ).6 5.6 8.1 I" NPT 3/4'NPT I.. NPT X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X CONCEALED PENDENT @,?e?#FAX 989-845-923 | www.globesprinkler.com BULLETIN G15637, REV. #7 APRIL 2OO4 @wffi Aurotut,artc Spnmxtnns GL Saruns Dnv Tvpn PnrvnnNr Rncnssno PnwnnNr Dnscrupnoy,eNo O pnn,trroN The Globe GL Series Dry Type Pendent Sprinkler is designed for use in special applications such as freezing environ- ments and conditions where sediment or foreign materials might accumulate in ordinary drop nipples. The Globe GL Series Dry Type Pendent Sprinkler utilizes a frangible glass ampule sprinkler. At the ampule's rated temperature, the sprinkler opens releasing the bulb seat, causing the inner tube assembly to move, allowing spring assembly to pivot alongside the inner tube. At this time, water flows through the sprinkler and is distributed by the deflector, in an approved discharge pattern. The heart of Globe's GL Series sprinkler proven actuating assembly is a hermetically sealed frangible glass ampule that contains a precisely measured amount of fluid. When heat is absorbed, the liquid within the bulb expands increasing the internal pressure. At the prescribed temperature the internal pressure within the ampule exceeds the strength of the glass causing the glass to shatter. This results in water discharge which is distributed in an approved Dattern. Tacntwcll DAru o See reverse side for Approvals and Specifications. . Temperature Ratings - 135"F (57"C), 155"F (68"C), 175'F (79"C), 200'F (e3"c), 286'F (t4t'C), 360"F (t82"C).. \ y'ater Working Pressure Rating - 175 psi ( l2 Bars). ' Factory tested hydrosatically to 500 psi (34 Bars).r Maximum low temperature glass bulb rating is -67'F (-55"C).. Frame - bronze r Deflector - brass o Screw - brass . Bulb seat - brass r Spring - teflon coaced nickel alloy o Retainer - brass r Pin - stainless steel o Torsion spring - srainless sreel . Bulb - glass with glycerin solution, 5mm r Orifice inserr - brass 4077 AIRPARK DRIVE, STANDISH, MICHIGAN 48658 APRTL 2004 A-90 o 3/4" or l" NPT . Outer tube - galvanized steel pipe EXTENDED RECESSED o Inner tube - stainless sceel fttf Vlala L0(L€e5 - B.qtrs>, SURFACE MOUNT SLEEVE & SKIRT . SPRINKLER TEMPERATURE RATING/CLASSIFICATION and COLOR CODING N,F,P.A. MAXIMUl.I CEILING TEMPERATURE INTERMEDIATE HIGH EXTM HIGH 989-846-4583 . FAX 989-845-923 | BULLETIN G15679, REV, #7 Auroaanc Spruxrctnns GL Snruns Dnv Tvpn PnNnawr Rncnssnn PnNonrvr HETRIC CONVERSIONS ARE APPROXIF4ATE. 'LISTED FOR ALL Cnoss^SrcrroNs ttk -ffi*,,,* SLEEVE & SKIRT PENDENT I u p o nrtNr I Ns rl u,qn o x D.ere Globe GL Series Dry Pendenr sprinklers should be installed in accordance with the requirements set forri in NFPA 13. These sprinklers are to be installed using a pipe wrench applied ro the outer tube. When rhis is not possible, the proper sprinkler head wrench may be used wirh exyeme care for lengths up to approximately 18". Excessive force may distort the frame thus destroyint the unit. For further important installation data, please refer to our Dry Sorinkler Caudon SheeL Onnnnnte lNronalrrcr,t SPECIFY ' QuantitY ' Model Numbe' Sryle . Orifice . Temoerature . Finishes desired . Quandq/ - Wrenches - P/N 333010 . Quantiry - Recessed Wrenches - P/N ll70l4 . Quantity - Protective Caps - P/N 327 | 09-CAP (Friction Fit Recessed) . Escutcheons desired . "A" Dimension - Distance from hce of fluint to the finished ceiling line regardless of escutcheon used. Grcne PnoDUCrW,qnRANry Globe agrees to repair or replace any of its own manufactured products found to be defective in material or workmanship for a period ofone year from date of shipment. For specific details of our warranty please refer to Price List Terms and Conditions of Sale {Our Price List}. 4077 AIRPARK DRIVE, STANDISH, MICHIGAN 48658 NOMINAL "K" FACTOR THREAD SIZE LENGTH**FINISHES (80 metric) ( | l6 metric)8.1 I" NPT STANDARD 3/4" NPT (s.6K) UPON REQUEST Variable to 48" Factory Bronze xSatin Chrome Bright Chrome White Polyester + Black Polyester + *Lead Coated +Wax Coated {l/ax over Lead ORDER PPROVA SPECIFIED ON ORDER, STYLE stN MODEL K FACTOR THREAD stzE t35'F s7'c | 55'F 68'C tr5"F 79'C 200"F 93"C 286'F t4 r.c t60.F I E2'C $ cuLus PENDENT GLS679 G15680 G13r79 5.6 8.1 I' NPT 3i,t" NPT I' NPT X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X PENDENT GL5679 G15680 GL8t79 5.5 8.1 I" NPT ]i4" NPT I" NPT X X X X X X x x X X X X X X X X X 15 %" NPT ONLY 989-846-4583 t-800-248-0278 PRINTED U,S.A. WAX COATING FAX 989-845-923 r www.globesprinkler.com BULLETIN G15679. REV. #7 cuLus LISTED UP TO 200'F .*cULu3 LISTED FOR UP TO A 48"A'DIMENSION +AVAILABLE AS culus LISTED CORROSION RESISTANT wHEN A E '',| r ii.,r,4 EXTENDED PENDENT RECESSED PENDENT PENDENT @m APRIL 2OO4 GROOVED COUPLINGS /c\ a9 LISTED protection @@ Forfire MATERIAL SPECIFICATION : HOUSINGS: OUCTILE IRON CONFORMING TO ASTM ,4536 BOLTS: OVAL NECK TRACK BOLTS PER ANSI/ASME 818.10. STEEL PER SAE J429 GRAOE 5. THREADS PER ANSI 81,1 UNIFIED STANDARO COARSE CLASS 2A. ZINC ELECTROPLATED PER ASTM A164.NI.JTS: HEAVY HEX PER ANSI/ASME 818.2.2. STEEL PER SAE J995 GMDE "2. OR ASTM 4563 GRADE "A. OR '8., ZINC ELECTROPLATED PER ASTM A164. C-3 COUPLINGS USE HEX FLANGE LOCK NUTS, STEEL PERASTM A194. ZINC ELECTROPLATED PER ASTM A164, GASKETS: EPDM OR NITRILE (SEE PAGE 33 FOR TECHNICAI DATA)FINISH: RUST INHIBITING ORANGE PAINT OR HOT DIPPED GALVANIZING PER ASTM A-153. THE C.4 RIGID COUPLING IS LIGHT WEIGHT. ECONOI\4ICAL AND DESIGNED FOR RIGID PIPING APPLICATIONS. CAST IN PLACE TEETH BITE INTO THE PIPS FITTING SHOULDER TO FIRMLY RE- STRICT MOVEMENT. LISTED APPROVED services reouest submittal GRS 1.3 ( 1. Working pressure and/or end load ara total allowabla, based on standard weight steel pipe, roll or cut grooved. 2. One time field test pressure may be increasad to 1-5 times the figures listed above. 3. Working pressures on other pipe schedules may be found on page 42. , CONTACT STAR PIPE PRODUCTS FOR SIZES LARGER THAN 12' N OM INA I. stzE tN. (mm) ACI UAI. PIPE slzE lN (mm) M AX. WOR KING P.S.r./ (kP o) M AX. END I.OAD Lbs.(N) ALtOW. PIPE END SEP. lN.(mm) NUI S/B OIT S ONCH )eTY. StZE DIM E NS IONS -lnch/mm {PPROX WE IGH I E ACH Lbs.(Ko) B 11t4 1.660 750 5r 75 1623 7219 0 - 0.06 0- 1.5 2 318x2 4.20 t07 2.55 65 1.70 43 1.48 0.7 1 'ln 40 1.900 48.3 750 5t 75 2126 9456 0 - 0.06 0-1.5 2 3lgxz 4.44 I t3 2.81 71 1.70 43 1.66 0.8 2 50 2.375 60.3 750 3323 14781 0 - 0.06 0, t.5 2 318x2114 4.88 t24 3.28 E3 1.76 45 1.85 0.8 21n 65 2.975 73.0 750 5175 4869 21657 0 - 0.06 0,1.5 2 318x2112 5.53 140 3.78 96 1 .76 45 2.11 1.0 3 0.D. 65 3.000 76.1 750 5175 5301 23579 0 - 0.06 0-1.5 2 gl8r21l2 5.93 l5l 4.00 r02 1 .76 45 2.21 1.0 3 80 3.500 88.9 750 5175 7216 32097 0 - 0.12 o-3,2 2 USx21l2 6.38 162 4.40 112 1 .76 A5 2.41 t.t 4 100 4.500 I14.3 750 5175 11928 53056 0 - 0.12 0-3.2 2 318x2112 7.68 t95 5.59 142 1 .98 50 3.17 1.4 5 t25 5.563 t4r .3 700 4825 17014 7 ta78 0 - 0.12 0-3.2 2 'lnx'3 9.06 230 6.93 176 2.06 52 4.50 2.0 6 r50 6.625 168.3 700 4825 24130 107330 0 - 0.12 a - 3.2 2 1l2xg 10.75 273 7.87 2ffi 1.98 50 5.84 2.6 6.5 0.D. 150 6.500 165.l 700 4825 23228 r033r8 0 - 0.12 0-3,2 2 lnxg 10.25 2&7.99 203 2.06 52 5.82 2.6 I 204 8.625 219.1 600 4100 35056 r55929 0. 0.12 o-3.2 2 518x3112 13.44 341 10.21 t3 2.22 56 10.82 4.9 10 2In 10.750 273l 500 3450 45381 201855 0 - 0.12 o-32 2 718x5 16.70 A2A 12.88 327 2.62 67 21.50 9.8 12 300 12.750 323.9 400 27 50 51071 227164 0 - 0.12 0-32 2 718x5112 18.50 ala 14.89 378 2.62 67 27.36 12.4 Page 2 P.ffi /,F\ E9 LISTED protection t MECHANICAL TEES 1.3 MECHANICAL BRANCH CONNECTIONS FOR REDUCING BRANCH OUTLETS WITHOUT WELDING. THE MT.2 IS A BOLTED SADDLE TYPE FITTING WITH GROOVED OUTLETS, DESIGN ASSURES SUPERIOR SEALING, FULL PIPE SUPPORT, EXCELLENT STABILITY AND EASY INSTALLATION ALL SIZES MAY BE USED AS MECHANICAL CROSSES, OUTLET BRANCH IS MACHINED PER STANDARD CUT GROOVE SPECIFICATION 6) <fM>\ei7 -'\"- LISTED APPROVED services request submittal GRS L-o *l ttl ilt-!E+E 'G? E Forflre , I NOM INAt stzE tN. (mm) M AX. woP rflNG P.S.t./ &P q) HOI-E D IA. +.125/-0.0 lN rmmt NUI S /B O[T S (rNcH )oTY. StZE DIM E NS IONS -lnch/mm APPROX. WE IGHT EACH Lbs.&o) B D 3x'l 112 8O(40 500 3450 2.OO 5l 2 1nx2U4 3.44 8/ 2.15 55 6.25 159 3.91 99 3.80 2.8 3x2 B0150 500 3450 2.50 64 2 1nr2 314 3.44 87 2.15 55 6.25 159 3.91 99 4.40 2.O 4x1 112 lmx40 500 3450 2.00 5l 2 1nx2u4 4.00 142 2.64 67 7.25 184 3.83 97 4.60 21 4ra lmx50 500 3450 2.50 6A 2 1nx2 3l4 4.00 r02 2.65 67 7.25 184 4.52 I l5 4.80 2.2 4rA 'll2 I mx65 5(x) 3450 2.75 to 2 1nr2 314 4.00 r02 2.65 67 7.25 t84 4.52 tt5 5.40 2.4 4x3 O.D. I00x65 500 3450 2.75 10 2 1nx23l4 4.00 102 2.65 61 7.25 lu 4.52 I t5 7.60 4x3 I mx80 500 3450 3.50 89 2 1nxgU4 4.13 105 2.65 67 7.25 184 5.12 r30 7.60 5x2 123x50 500 3450 2.50 64 2 518x4 4.75 3.18 8l 8.30 2r r 4,52 5 7;19 3.3 5Y2112 I25x65 500 3450 2.75 10 2 5/8x4 4.75 121 3.18 BI 8.30 2ll 4.52 115 7.19 3.3 5x3 125x80 500 3450 3.50 89 2 5/8x4 5.00 127 3.18 8l 8.30 2t 1 5.12 130 7.90 3.6 6)A 500 3450 2.50 2 5lgx4 5.12 130 3.71 9.38 238 4.42 ll2 8.00 3.6 6n u2 l5Ox65 500 3450 2.75 1A 2 5/8x4 5.12 t30 3.71 94 9.38 238 4.42 ll2 8.00 3.6 6x3 O.D. 150x65 500 3450 2.75 70 2 518x4 5.12 r30 3.71 94 9.38 238 4.42 112 9.70 A4 6x3 l50xB0 500 3450 3.50 89 2 518x4 5.25 133 3.71 94 9.38 238 5.62 t43 9.70 4.4 6x4 ls.xl00 5U) 3450 4.50 |4 2 518x4 5.38 r37 3.71 9A 9.38 238 6.50 r65 13.60 6,2 Page 19 GROOVED FITTINGS /'c\q9 LIS I EU protection @@ LISTED APPBOVED services reouest submittalGRS 1.3 MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS: CAST FITTINGS: DUCTILE IRON ASTM 4536 SEGMENTALLYWELDED FITTINGS: ASTM A53 OR 4135 STANDARD WEIGHT EXCEPT E-9 lS SCH 10. FoRGE STEEL FlfilNGS: ASTM 234 WPB/ASA 816.9 AND ASTM A53 OR A135 FINISH: RUST INHIBITING OMNGE PAINT OR HOT DIPPED GALVANIZING PERASTM 4153. FLOW DATA: SEE TECHNICAL SUPPORT DATA PAGE 41. WORKING PRESSURE (PS 11t4',-3',4',5'- 6"10"1z',14',18"20'-24', 1000 750 700 600 500 400 300 250 C f*ctoe--l NOMINAT stzE tN. (mm) CE NI E R to END lN rmmt APPROX. WE IGH I E ACH Lbs rror CENTER lo E ND lN rmm) APPROX, WE IGH T E ACH Lbs rkd) CENTER to END lN rmm\ APPROX, WE ICH T E ACH Lbs.fto) CENTER to END lN (mm) APPROX. WE IGH I E ACH Lbs.rKo) CE NT E R to E ND lN rmml APPROX. WE IOH T E ACH Lbs.k.,) 1 1t4 32 2.75 70 1.1 0.5 1.75 44 0.8 0.4 1.75 44 0.8 o.a 1.37 0.5 o.2 2.75 1.2 1.2 0.5 11n 40 2.75 70 1.2 0.5 1.75 4A 0.9 a.A 1.75 44 1.0 0.5 'L37 35 o.7 0.3 2.75 t2 't.8 0.8 2 50 3.25 83 2.0 0.9 2.00 5t 1.5 0.7 2.00 5l 1.6 o.7 1 .37 35 0.9 4.4 3.25 83 2.3 l0 2112 65 3.75 95 2.9 1.3 2.25 2.2 1.0 2.00 5l 2.'l 10 1 .50 38 1.5 o.7 3.75 95 3.0 1.4 3 0.D. 65 3.75 95 3.1 1.4 2.25 57 1.9 09 NUA t\YA f\YA NYA IVA NI/A 3 BO 4.25 r08 4.3 2.0 2.50 64 3.2 1,5 2.25 57 3.1 1.4 1.50 38 2.0 0.9 4.25 t08 3.6 1.6 4 r00 5.00 127 8.7 3.9 3.00 76 5.7 2.6 2.87 73 5.4 2.4 1.75 44 3.3 1.5 5.00 127 3.7 1,7 5 125 5.50 140 11.9 5.4 3.25 83 s.2 3.7 2.88 73 7.8 3.5 2.00 5t 5.0 2.3 5.50 t40 4.3 2,4 6 150 6.50 165 18.2 8.3 3.50 89 11.0 5.0 3.12 19 8.3 3.8 2.00 5t 6.5 2.9 6.50 165 10.7 4.9 6.5 0.D. 150 6.50 165 15.0 6.8 3.50 89 11.2 5.1 NYA f\YA NUA N/A wA l,l/A I 200 7.75 197 32.2 14.6 4.25 108 20.4 9.3 3.87 98 17.9 8.1 2.00 5l 10.0 7.75 197 20.8 9,4 10 250 9.00 229 49.0 22.2 4.75 t2t 31.5 14.3 4.75 l2t 30.0 13.6 2.12 54 14.5 6.6 9.00 229 29.0 r32 12 3m 10.00 254 70.0 '31.8 5.25 r33 44.1 20.0 4.87 124 40.4 18.3 2.25 5l 18.7 8.5 10.00 2U 33.0 r5.0 14 * 2f;80 180.0 Bl.6 *\S 105.0 47.6 5.00 121 43.0 19.5 3.50 89 25.0 I 1.3 t{/A lVA 16 4m * 2llo o60 220.0 99,8 * 19Jo 115.0 5.00 127 50.0 22.7 4.00 102 42.0 t9l N/A IVA 18 450 * 3ro;90 280.0 127 .O * tlu?u t45.0 65.8 5.50 r40 60.0 27.2 4.50 |/50.0 22.7 NVA N/A 20 5m * 33i80 350.0 158.8 * 13i30 180.0 8t.6 6.00 15?, 70.0 3I.B 5.00 127 65.0 29.5 N/A t\YA 24 600 * 33090 480.0 217 .7 * t3a9o 250.0 1 13.4 7.00 178 105.0 47.6 6.00 152 95.0 43.1 NiA f\YA SW = SEGMENTALY WELDED STEEL * FORGE STEEL DRAIN ELBOW HAS A STANDARD 1'FEMALE NPT OUTTET DRAIN ELBOW IS SCH 1O STEEL PIPE Page 6 //I\ e9 LISTED protecti0n t C.I.THREADED FITTINGS Forfire LISTED APPROVED services request submittal GRS '1.3 CAST IRON THREADED FITTINGS ARE UL, ULC LISTED AND FACTORY MUTUAL APPROVED FQR 3OO PSI SERVICE, GRAY IRON PERASTMAl26 CLASS B, DIMEN- SIONS CONFORI\4 TO ANSI 816.4 CLASS ,125 EXCEPT PLUGS CONFORM TO ASME 8,16,14. THREADS ARE NPT PER ANSI/ASME 81,20,1. B-r- 1,. T .tlL*l I l:IalN f:Il rI{cl:l:T I T:I'II NOMINAL stzE (rNcH) lTEvl CODE # MAX. WORKING P.S.r. DIM EI{SIONS WEGHT A B EACH PIECE c890033 300 1.50 1.50 0.95 1 114 c890044 300 1.75 1 .75 1.34 'l 1t2 c8900s5 300 1.94 1.94 1.80 2 c890066 300 2.25 2.25 2.90 titoMtNAL slzE 0r.rcH) ITEIIiI CODE # MAX. WORI{NG P.S.t. UM ENSIONS WEGHT EACH PIECE B 1 cT33il 300 1.50 '| .50 1.21 1 1t4 CT4'14 300 1.75 1.75 'l .87 11n cT555 300 1.94 1.94 2.51 2 cT666 300 2.25 2.25 3.96 I{OMIt,|AL stzE (rNcH) MAX. WORI{NG P.S.t. .t{-ttt:I.tf zt5 II:ICI:III;I! NOMINAL slzE (ll,rcH) lTEll CODE # M AX. WORKING P.S.t. DM EI\ISlONS WEGHT EACH PIECE A B c 845033 300 1.12 1.12 0.84 1 1t4 c845044 300 1.29 1.29 1 .40 11t2 c845055 300 1.43 1 .43 1 .80 2 c845066 300 1.68 1 .68 2.79 t t1L'lIl al \\I:l rI9IrlrI gl3!:I9lllll NOMINAL stzE (rNcr0 ITEIIiI CODE f MAX. WORKING P.S.t. DIM ENSIONS WEGHT EACH PIECE A B 1X112 c8 0031 300 1.26 't.36 0.64 1X3/4 c890032 300 1.37 1 .45 0.87 1114X112 c89004r 300 1 .34 1 .53 0.96 1114X314 c890042 300 1.45 1 .52 1.13 11t4X1 c890043 300 1.58 1 .67 1.16 1lnx1 c890053 300 1.65 1 .80 1.51 1ln)(1 114 c 890054 300 1.82 1 .88 1.62 2X1t2 c890061 3(X)1 .49 1 .88 2.00 2X3t4 c890062 300 1 .60 1 .97 2.05 2X1 c890063 300 1.73 2.02 2.'t0 2X1 114 c890064 300 1.90 2.10 2.30 2X1 1t2 c890065 300 2.O2 2.16 2.60 NOMT1'|AL SIZE (tNcH) ITE[/l CODE * MAX. WORI{NG P.S,t. DIM B.lSlON WEGHT EACH PIECE A 1t2 cPL001 300 0.94 0.10 3t4 cPL002 300 1.07 0.17 1 cPL003 300 't.25 0.28 11t4 cPL004 300 1.36 0.44 'l 1t2 cPL005 300 1.45 0.52 2 cPL006 300 1.56 0.91 Page 27 GROOVED PRODUCTS FOR FIRE PROTECTION For fire /,G\ E9 LISTED protection @@ LISTED APPROVED services request submittal GRS 1.3 MODEL GBV.1 IS UL LISTED AND FACTORV MUTUAL APPROVED MODEL GBV.2 IS ULC LISTED AND FACTORY MUTUAL NPPNOVCO Fire Protection Valve . For lndoor Service onlv ' Grooved mechanical end connections . Nylon coated ductile iron . Extended necr ' Elastomer encapsulated disc . supplied with two internal supervisory switches . 175 PSI Non-Shock Cold Water 2 1/2, - B" 0 MATERIAL LIST PART 1. Upper Stem Stainless Steel AlSl 420 2. Upper Carbon Steel ( Fiber-Flon+Gtass Coating) 3. "O"Ring EPDM 4. Body Ductile lron ASTM 4-536 with Nylon Coating 5. Disc Ductile lron ASTM 4-536 with EpDM Encaosulation 6. Lower Bushing Carbon Steel (Fiber-Flon+Glass Coating) 7. Lower Stem Stainless Steel AlSl 420 EPDM o Aluminum 10.Gear Operator Duclile lron ASTM 4-536, powder Coated 11.Indicator Ductile lron ASTM 4-536, powder Coated 12.Handwheel Carbon Steel ASTM A 619 DIMENSIONS. WEIGHTS SIZE A 21/2' 2.88 2.72 0.31 0.63 3.80 13.27 6.73 3.50 3.34 0.31 0.63 3.80 13.82 6.73 4.50 4.33 0.38 0.63 4.54 15.75 6.73 6.63 6.45 0.38 0.63 5.21 18.58 6.73 8',8.63 8.44 0.44 o.75 5.80 20.51 6.73 +.J1 2.95 5.3 t 5.60 3.62 4.92 <.v 2.95 5.31 6,89 4.25 4.92 24 2.95 7.60 8.27 5.71 AAA 8',2.95 7.60 9.21 6.69 8.86 FLOW DATA SEE PAGE 17. 0 e stzE JK Weioht 0bs-.)21/2'2.95 5.31 5.31 Page 14 50 January 12, 2004 319 a DOUBLE INTERLOCKED PREACTION SYSTEM ELECTRIC/PNEUMATIC RELEASE IKINIG' A. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION (Refer to Figures 1 - 3) Viking Electricr'Pneumatic Double Inter- locked Preaction Systems utilize a Vi- king deluge valve controlled by a pneu- matic actuator (F.1), normally held closed by supervisory pressure main- tained in the automatic sprinkler system, AND a normally closed electric solenoid valve (F.2) controlled by an approved system control panel with compatible detection system. BOTH the electric detection svstem must activate AND supervisory pressure must be relieved from the sprinklef sys- tem before the deluge valve will open to fill the sprinkler system with water. lf the electric detection system (alone) oper- ates due to fire, damage, or malfunction, an alarm will activate but the deluge valve will NOTopen. lf the sprinkler pip- ing is damaged or a sprinkler is broken or fused, but the detection system has not actrvated, an alarm will activate but the deluge valve will NOT open. In fire conditions, operation of both the detection system and a sprinkler is re- quired before the deluge valve will open allowing water to enter the system pip- Ing. Electric/Pneumatic Double interlocked preaction systems are commonly used as refrigerated area systems. They are also commonly used where flooding of the pioe can have serious conse- quences, and where it is important to control accidental water discharge due to damaged sprinkler piping. Care should be taken since double inter- locked preaction systems may not pro- duce flow from ooened sorinklers as quickly as single or non-interlocked preactlon systems. Activation ofthe de- tection system alone, or operation of a sprinkler alone, will sound an alarm but will NOT cause the system to fill with wa- ter. FACTORY MUTUAL APPROVAL Viking Electricr'Pneumatic Double Inter- locked Preaction Systems are Factory Mutual (FM) Approved as a refrigerated area system when installed with specific components. Refer to cunent FM Ap- proval Guide. Consult the manufacturer for any component approvals too recent to appear in the FM Approval Guide. B. SYSTEMOPERATION (Refer trc Figures 1-3) In the SET condition: System water supply pressure enters the priming chamberof the deluge valve Form No. F 070889 through the 1/4" (8 mm) priming line which includes a normally open priming valve (B. l ), strainer (8.2), restricted ori- fice (8.3), and check valve (8.4). ln the SET condition, water supply pressure is trapped in the priming chamberby check valve (8.4), and BOTH pneumatic actu- ator (F.1) and normally closed solenoid valve (F.2). The water supply pressure trapped in the priming chamber holds the deluge valve clapper closed, keep- ing the outlet chamber and system pip- ing dry. In a fire condition, when the detection system operates, system control panel energizes solenoid valve (F.2) open. Alarms activate, butthe deluge valvewill NOT open until a sprinkler opens reliev- ing supervisory pressure from the sprin- kler system. When a sprinkler opens, supervisory pressure in the sprinkler piping is reduced causing the pneumatic actuator (F.1) to open. After BOTH the electric detection system activates AND supeNisory pressure in the spr;nkler system hav6 b6en lost, pressure is re- leased from the pdming chamber to open drain cup (8.14) faster than it is supplied through restricted orifice (8.3). The deluge valve clapper opens to allow water to flow into the system piping and alarm devices, causing water motor alarm (C.2) and water flow alarms con- nected to alarm pressure switch (C.1) to activate. An optional accelerator may be installed to accelerate oressure loss from the sprinkler system to provide earlier alarms and/orallow the system to fillwith water faster. An accelerator may be necessary to meet system discharge time requirements. When the deluge valve operates, the sensing end of P.O.R.V. (8.10) is pres- surized, causing the P.O.R.V. (8.10) to operate. When the P.O.R.V. (B.10) op- erates, it continually vents the priming chamber to prevont the deluge valve from resetting even if the releasing de- vices close. The deluge valve can only be reset after the system is taken out of service, and the outlet chamber of the deluge valve and associated trim piping are depressurized and drained. Trouble condltlons: lf a sprinkler opens prior to operation of the detection system, or any time super- visory pressure in the sprinkler piping is lost, alarmsconnected to air supervisory switch will signal a low air pressure con- dition but the deluge valve will NOT open. lf the electric detection system (alone) operates due to damage or malfunction, alarms connected to system control panel will activate but the deluge valve will NOT open. Manual Operation: Any time the handle inside emergency release (B.1 1) is pulled, pressure is re- leased from the priming chamber; the deluge valve will open. Water wlll flow into the system piping, and alarm d+ vices . lf a sprinkler head opens, water will flow from the system. C. INSTALLATION Refer to current Viking Technical Data describing individual components of the Viking Electric/Pneumatic Double lnter- locked Preaction System. Technical Data describing the Viking deluge valve, and oiher system components are packed with product and in the Viking Engineering Design Data book. Also, refer to applicable installation standards. codes. and Authorities Hav- ing Jurisdiction. lmporiant Settings: (Also refer to Table 1, page 319 b) 1 . Provide a minimum 30 PSI (207 kPa) pneumatic pressure to the closed sprinkler system and the pneumatic actuator (F.'l ) for system water preg sures of 175 PSI (1 207kPa)orless. For system water pressures above 175 PSl, uptoa maximum of 250 PSI (1 724 kPa), providea minimum of 50 PSI (345 kPa) pneumatic pressure to the sprinkler system and pneumatic actuator (F.1). 2. Sel Air Compressor air pressure su- pervisory switch (E.3) to maintain a constant air supply of 40 PSI (276 kPa) for system water pressures of Replaces pags 31ga-j dated September 5, 2001. (Removed all reference to Easy Trim as it is no longeran option on this system.) For Technical Data, lnstallalion, Maintenance and Testing Instructions for individual system components, refer to current Viking Technical Data describing individual components of the Preaction System used. Vrking Technlcal Data may be found on The Viking Corporation's Web site at http://www.vikingcorp.com. The Web site may include a more recent edilion of this Technical Data ?lo h January 12,2004 DOUBLE INTERLOCKED PREACTION SYSTEM ELECTRIC/PNEUMATIC RELEASE \ilfl\|G' 175 PSI (1 207 kPa) or less. For sys tem water pressures above 175 PSl, up to a maximum of 250 PSI (1 724 kPa), set the air compressor air pree sure supervisory switch to maintain a constant air supply of 60 PSI (414 kPa). 3. Set air maintenance device (G.6) to maintain a constant air supply of 30 PSI (207 kPa) for system water pres- sures of 175 PSI (1 207 kPa) or less. For system water pressures above 175 PSl, up to a maximum of 250 PSI (1 724 kPa), set the air compressor air pressure supervisory switch (E.3) to maintain a constantair supply of 50 PSI (345 kPa). 4. Set air pressure supervisory switch (E.3) to activate at 25 PSI (172kPa) on pressure drop for system water pressures of 175 PSI (1 207 kPa) or less. For system water pressures above 175 PSl, up to a maximum of 250 PSI (1 724 kPa), set the air pres- sure supervisory switch (E.3) to acti- vate at 45 PSI (241 kPa) on pressure drop. air pressure supervisory switch (E.3) should be wired to activate an alarm to signal a low air pressure condition. Activation of an alarm to signal a high pressure condition may be required. Refer to applicable in- stallation standards and the Authoritv Having Jurisdiction. 5. alarm pressure switch (C.1) should aclivate when prossurized to 4 to 8 PSI (27 to 55 kPa) on pressure rise. alarm pressure switch (C.1) should be wired to activate the water flow alarm. Air Supply Deslgn: The air supply compressor should be sized to establish total required air pres- sure in 30 minutes. The air supply must be regulaled, restricted and maintained automatically. air maintenance device (G.6) is used to regulate and restrictthe flow of supervisory air into the sprinkler system piping. The air supply must b€ regulated to maintain the supervisory pressure de- sired in the sprinkler piping. Pressures in excess of the pressure settings rec- ommended in paragraph C: "lnstalla- tion", may affectoperation ofthe system. The air supply must be restricted to en- sure that the automatic air supply cannot replace air as fast as it escapes when a sorinkler ooerates. It is recommended practice to provide an insoectors test connection on the su- pervised sprinkler piping. The sprinkler system inspectors test connection should terminate in an orifice equal to the smallest sprinkler orifice orovided. The insoectors test connection should be equipped with a ball valve (normally locked closed) capable of being opened to simulate the opening of a sprinkler and should b6 install€d at the most hy- draulically demanding location of the system. Inspectors test connections may be used to verify that the automatic air supply cannot replace air as fast as it escapes when a sprinkler operatos. Rs. fer to paragraph F. INSPECTIONS and TESTS. Speed of Operatlon An optional accelerator may be installed to accelerate oressure loss from the sprinkler system to provide earlier alarms and/orallowthe system to fillwith water faster. An accelerator may bo necessary to meet system discharge time requirements. D, EMERGENCY INSTRUCTIONS (Refer to Figures 1 - 3) To Take System Out ofService: WARNING: Placing a control valve or detection system out of service may eliminate the Fire Protection capabilities of the system. Priorto proceeding, notify all Authorities Having Jurisdiction. Con- sideralion should be given to employ- ment of a Fire Patrol in the affected ar- After a fire, verify that the fire is OUT and that placing the system out of service has been authorized by the appropriate Authority Having Jurisdiction. 1. Close water supply valve. 2. Open system main drain. 3. Silence alarms (optional). a: To silence electric alarms con- trolled by Viking PAR-3 Panel : Open panel and press "ALARM SILENCE"b: To silence electric alarms c!n- trolled by pressure switch and to silence water motor alarm (C.2) : Close alarm shut-off valve (8.9). Note: Electric alarms controlled by a oressure switch installed in the 1/2" ('15 mm) NPT connection for a Non-interuptable alarm pressure switch (C.1) cannot be shut off until the deluge valve is reset or taken out of service. 4. Shut off the air supply (optional). 5. Open auxiliary drain valve (8.6). 6. Close priming valve (8,1) (optional). Sprinkler systems that have been sub- jected to a flre must be returned to ser- vice as soon as oossible. The entire system must be inspected for damage, and repaired or replaced as necessary. 7. Replace any detectors that have been damaged. 8. Replace any sprinklers that have opened, been damaged, or have been exoosed to fire conditions. 9. Perform all maintenance oroceoures recommended in Technical Data de- scribing individual components of the system that has operated. 10. Return the system to service as soon as oossible. Refer to E: PLACING THE SYSTEM IN SER. VICE. E. PLACING THE SYSTEM lN SERVICE (Refer to Fieurcs i - 3) Note: Refer to instructions orovided in Technical Data describing the Viking d* luge valve, and other system compo- nents. To Retum the System to Service: 'l . Verify that the system has been prop erly drained. System main drain and auxiliary drain valve (8.6) should be open. Verify that emergency release (8.1 1) is closed. 2. Close the system main drain. 3. Open priming valve (8.1). 4. Reset the system control panel. For Viking Par-3 Panel: Open panel and Dress "RESET". Solenoid valve (F.2) should close. Flow from the outlet of oneumatic ac- tuator (F.1) to drain cup (8.14) should stop. The low air alarm will aG tivate. TABLE 1 IMPORTANT SETTINGS WATER SUPPLY PRESSURES Up to 175 PSI (1 207 kPa) SET TO MAINTAIN 175 PSI (1 207 kPa)to 250 PSI ('l 724 kPa) SET TO MAINTAIN DEVICE Air ComDressor "On/Off' Switch 40 PSI (276 kPa)60 PSI (414 kPa) Air Maintenance Device 30 PSI (207 kPa)50 PSI (345 kPa) Release System Pressure SuDervlsory Switch 25 PSI (172 kPa) On Pressure Drop 45 PSI (310 kPa) On Pressure Drop \ilfl\G'DOUBLE INTERLOCKED PREACTION SYSTEM ELECTRIC/PNEUMATIC RELEASE January 12, 2004 a: For Par-3 Panels, to silence the low air alarm, open the panel and press ALARM SILENCE. 5. Restore supervisory pressure to sprinkle. piping. Establish and main- tain 30 PSI (207 kPa) or 50 PSI (345 kPa)as required by pneumatic actua- tor (F.1 ). referto Section C: "lnstalla- tion". a: Verify that the 1/2" valve in the air maintenance device by-pass trim is closed and that both 1/4' valves are open. 6. Reset the system control panel. For Par-3 Panels, open the panel and press RESET. 7. Open flow test valve (B.15). 8. Partially open main water supply con- trol valve 9. When full flow develoos from flow test valve (8.15), close the flow test valve (8.15). a: Verify that there is no flow from open auxiliary drain valve (8.6). 10. Cloie auxiliary ilrain valve (d.6).' 1 1. Fully open and secure the main water supply control valve, 12. Verity that the alarm shut-off valve (8.9) is open and that all other valves are in their normal operating position. 13. Depress the plunger of drip check. No water should flow from the drio Check when the plunger is pushed. F. INSPECTIONS and TESTS It is imperative that the system be in- spect€d and tested on a regular basis. Refer to INSPECTIONS and TESTS recommended in cunent Viking Techni- cal Data describing individual compo- nents of the Viking ElectricJPneumatic Double Interlocked Preaction System used. The frequency of the inspections may vary due to contaminated water sup- plies, corroslve water supplies, corro- sive atmosDheres as well as the condi- tion of the air supply to the system. For minimum maintenance and inspection requirements, refer to the National Fire Protection Association Pamphlet that describes care and maintenance of sprinkler systems. In addition, the Au- thority Having Jurisdiction may have ad- ditional maintenance, testing, and in- spection requirements which must be followed. WARNING: Any system maintenance which involves placing a control valve or deteclion system out of service may eliminate the fire protection capabilities of that system. Prior to proceeding, no- tity all Authorities Having Jurisdiction. Consideration should be given to em- ployment of a tire patrol in the affected areas. F.l Low Air Pressure Alarm Tost Quarterly testing of low air alarms is rec- ommended. To Test Sprinkler System "Low Su- pervisory Air" Alarm. 1 . To prevent operation of the deluge valve and fllling the system with water during the test, do NOT operate the eleckic detection system during this test. Considerclosing the main water supply control valve. 2. Fully open the sprinkler system in- spectors testvalve to simulate opera- tion of a sorinkler. 3. Verify that low air alarms operate within an acceptable time period and continue without interruotion. 4. Close the insoectors test valve. 5. Establish recommended pneumatic supervisory pressure to be main- tained. Refer to paragraph C: lN- STALLATION. 6. Open the system conhol panel and press RESET. Alarms should stop. When tosting is complete, return the system to service following steps 1 through 9 below. Caution, this procedure applies only when done in conjunction with "Low Air'' Alarm testing described above. 1 . Verify that the pressure indicated on priming pressure water gauge (8.12) indicates that the priming chamber is pressurized with system water supply oressure. 2, Depress the plunger of drip check. No water should tlow from the drip check when the plunger is pushed. lf the main water supply control valve was NOT closed in step 1, proceed to steo 8 below. lf the main water supply control valve WAS closed in slep | , proceed with steps3throughgbelow. 3. Open flow test valve (8.15) and auxil- iary drain valve (B.6). 4. Partially open main water supply con- trol valve 5. When full flow develoos from flow test valve (8.15), close the flow test valve (B.15). a: Verity that there is no flow from open auxiliary drain valve (8.6). 6. Close auxiliary drain valve (8.6). 7. Fully open and secure the main wa- ter supply control valve. 8. Verify that the alarm shut-off valve (8.9) is open and that all other valves are in their normaloperating position. 9. Depress the plunger of drip check. No water should flow from the drip Check when the plunger is pushed. F.2 Full Flow Trip test Performance of a trip test is recom- mended annually during warm weather. Consider coordinating this test with op- eration testing of the detectors. Caution! Performance of this test will cause the deluge valve to open and the sprinkler system to fill with water. lf trip testing is considered not practical con- sult the Authority Having Jurisdiction. To trio test ths Electric/Pneumatic Dou- ble Interlocked Preaction System: 1. Notify the Authority Having Jurisdic- tion and those in th6 area affected bv the test. 2. To trip the deluge valve: a: Operate a detector according to the manufacturers instruction;. b: Open the sprinkler system inspec- tors test valve. 3. The deluge valve should open, filling the sprinkler system with water. a: Wateriow alarms should ooerate. 4. Verify adequate flow from th€; Sprin- kler System inspectors test valve within an acceptable time period. When trip testing is complete: 5. Perform steps 1 through 10 of para- graph "D" EMERGENCY INSTRUC- TIONS to take thB system out of ser- vtce. 6. Perform steps 1 through 13 of para- graph "E" PLACING THE SYSTEM lN SERVICE to return the system to service. 7. Notify the Authority Having Jurisdic- tion and those in the affected area that testing is complete. G MAINTENANCE NOTICE: The owner is responsible for maintaining the fire protection system and devices in proper operating condi- tion. Refer to MAINTENANCE INSTRUC- TIONS provided in currentViking Tech- nical Data describing individual compo- nents of the Viking Electric/Pneumatic Double Interlocked Preaction Svstem used. Where difficulty in performance is expe- rienced, the valve manufacturer or his authorized representative shall be con- tacted if any field adjustment is to be maoe. 319 d January 12 , 2004 DOUBLE INTERLOCKED PREACTION SYSTEM ELEGTRIC/PNEUMATIC RELEASE \IKINIG' DOUBLE INTERLOCKED PREACTION WITH CONVENTIONAL TRIM SYSTEM PIPE WORK ELEVATION SHALL BE ABOVE THE CONTROL VALVE : cJ"a* c4 . t o*l ,:. t <''f<" 0.a G 4 .. '/->, c /K' no nr ''\E [{-.id ) /_ ^c 5U :Jr-8 ,/"-! -v hEr ^r : -"r. ' ",n.L.2 ' ' "'':'- "oa'.rr:3J ;"J"- B 3 - SYSTEM "b:"1 {i"j:),,,s91#'r '',{ ' ,,#-/ F k>< ^ ,*, ' : Ft 11<1,.- r -4t$r h o 'ft l:,.. ffi*)V ",,, :'@->Yl-//),-f-\,n Ed- o'R| {.5s1.'tl r7:" -/ \-B (1s mm) DOIJEI E ]NTERLOCKLIJ PRTACTION ELE' TR IC,/ PNf t]IYAT IC A SUPERVISED ORY 5Y5T'M CONIROI I FD BY aI ECTRIC R'LIASE SYSTLM q.d PI€I]HATJC SUPERVIIORY PRESSURE SYSTEI I:NMPONENTS A t DeLuge Volve B. Deluqe VoLvc Ionve^t,onol Ir,n (See Detuge Volvp Conventio.ai T.n Chorts) B.l Pr Fng Volve (No.iolLy Op.r^) I a Stro.er D 3 l/16' RL'5tr ct,o. !.4 Sp.i.g Looded Ch('(k Votve 8.5 Alo.n Test Vatve (Nor.olly Cloqed) 8.5 AuxLrory D.din Volve (Nornolly Cto5r'd) I / !rip Cho.k Votve !B Droin CheLk vo(vo B9 Alor. Shut oFf Volve (No.roLLy nppa) C I0 Pre5su.e 0pe.qted Reiief Volve (PLIR V ) B 11 tie.eP.cy RplPosc B l? Pr n.g Prpssure Vot". [ouge o.o VoLvc 9.13 Voter Supply P.pssure 60'./ge ond Votv€ 814 0roi. Cup Bl5 Flo, Iest Vdlvp (No..olly Clcsed) C. Vote. lloe Atdrh fqupnent C.l Alori Pres5ufe Switch ond/or C 2 Vote. Molor Alo.F (St.o'ne. Requi.ed) C 3 Sr.d nc. C4 [tec tric Ato.n gelt D RiEer D.l Vote. Suppty Co.ir'ol VdLvP De fosy R,e/" ChP.k Volve o..ubbe. !Po tPd .heck voLve Il.3 Sp..kle. Sysren Mo,n Dro,n ll 4 90"Flt. (6.ooved ftl Shorn Detuqe Volve olso ovoloble wlth Flanged UutteL) E Supervrsory Ar Sepply r' sv.. o- --.1 VLr,vL, t e Soft Seot Swlng Che.k Volve E3 Arr Pressure Slpe.v5ory Srtch F Releo Ee Systeh F.1 P.euhotic Actsoto. F a Solenord Vo(ve (Nornolty Closed) F 3 [lectrrc/Pneunot c RcLeo.., tloclule T. F F4 Systen Cont.oL Ponel F5 ttect.,c lleieLl'o. SyEteF. rleot Detecto. shov^ €o. cto.ity | 6 A.ceLe.otor (0pl ono( See Inset ) F 7 AccpLerotor lcolo tion Votvc (See lnset ) 6 4,. Suppty 6l Autonotrc Ar SuppLy Arr Co.p.eEso. o.d -o.< sho*- Io, (.o' L/ G 2 Ar. Superv so.y Pressune Sritch (CoFp.esso. ti../OFf Cont.ol S, tch) c.4 @ \Pr fo. Non-^ ;inte.uotobLe o l -le : _.-\ | rrvos,hEFr ....'4|"E'Fot|\N-4-. | | | MoDE_ E I I l)l l'4 Sc.z I accr_LRAtoR lil.ll'l . n")'"1 ^ | (oPlroNAL) I I v,r,l | -. c: :-. i --lA>-l")' ,Y-{r' Ar' \(,fiD \.1-l- ron- a f,, .1,*h ' (,5 -u-- c 4 |l-i- /-, -l I I I I ?l sl' I ) .2 f' f! Sd t.h (Opt'onot l.o lr Suppty <\, - - )o5r''ed (i.es '^d'.o1e p,po .equr.ed but .ot (ist€d . 'Sys-t?. Coioonents' I oble '.. 0ot1pd Ines ,nd,.ote elect.col detectlo4 syrleF wi..g .eqLr..d but .ol L,sted Ln 'Syste6 CoFpo.e^ts' lobLp fcr odd,i:o.ol r.i^g .equf€n€.15 .efer l-o lc.h..ol io. c oFpo4e. t s v5ed r V,ktr,o llcruge Volve Trn Pockoses contor^ ,te.s B I through ts l5 ond dssoc,oted n ppLes Vik ^g Ac.e55o.y PockoS€ Fo. {lonvpnliD^ol leLuqe Vorve I. contq,.s 8.2 th.ough B5,8/ th.ough B ll, o^d B 1a FIGURE 1 Solt Seot Che.l{ Volve Shvt 0ff Vdtve (l.dico1,nO Bo{L VoLve r. { onnencred ) Al. ho,.t..on.e Dpv,ce & !y Poss I.n l/'e'\ l/ 4' Rerllci.O CouplnO c3 6.5 6.j January 12 , 2004 319 e DOUBLE INTERLOCKED PREACTION SYSTEM ELECTRIC/PNEUMATIC RELEASE \lKll\G* '.,@ mt-'"*ffi"'..o 4 "4il .fl t^,$ l.' \lcs E1fr-Fi 'i# " DOUBLE INTERLOCKED SYSTEM PIPE WORK PREACTION WITH ELEVATION SHALL HORIZONTAL BE ABOVE THE CONVENTIONAL TRIM CONTROL VALVE A SLIPTRVISFD DOUILT IN iLIIL!I_KtL] PRE -AC IION SYS I LI'4 CONTROLLE D BY ELFCIRIC/PNf UI4A JIC RELiASE SYS]EM COMPINLI.i I S A I DeLuae VoLve D. DeluAe V;tvc Convent onot Tr,nr (See l)eLuge Vclve Co.ve.-t'o.ot l.'F Chd.ls) ts1 P.hag Vqlve (No.Folty tlpe^) B 2 Slrol.c. D.3 l/:6' Re.- L.i. tirn B4 So.no Loodecl Check Volve 1.5 Alo.n-Test Vdlve {No.iolly CLosed) 86 Auxlo.y D.oin Vo(ve (No.hotly [ioe..]) B7 ll.,p Ch..k Vorve BB Droin Check Votvc 8.9 Alorr ShuL-llff Votve (Nor.lotiy lpe.) B l0 P.ps5e.e ope.ored ReL cf Vdlve (P.O.R V ) B ll Fne.gedcy Reted<e !12 Prni^g i).pisu/('Vote. Gaege ond Va(ve B 13 Vdte.- Suppty P.!!iura 6oeg'e ohd VoLve t 14 D.on cup Bl5 f(or Te5t Volvc (No.6c,Lly Clo5ed) C Vdte. FLow ALo.n tqvpne.t C1 Alo.m P.essu.e SritLh o.d/or C.a Voter Moto. Alo.h (St.n,ne. Requred) C.3 Stro'nf. C.4 tl€c t.ic Alo.i !cLi D Rise. D.l Vote. Supply Cort.ol Volv. !2 Ld5y Ri,,Pr" ChPck Volve o..ubbe. sed ted .he.k volve D3 Sp.,nklP/ Sy5ten Mo'. D.oi^ C Superv sory A r Supply tl Syste. f'rPssufp 6ouge, qnd Votve EA Soft Seot Se.g Che. k Volv- t3 A'. P.essu.e SupP.v'.c.y Sw l( h t RPt!occ SystPi t.1 tLect. c,/Pnev.r Li. Rcleose !oouLe (See flec t.iclP.e!tr6 t c Rct...,( F? F3 C ar C] [.? I'rodute l.F Cho. t ) \^ys te.r Con t.oL Pd6el Etec trrL Ileteclro. Syst€n lleol !eTe.:o. sho*n fo. cro.,ty AcceLero tor (L-lptrono{ See Inset ) Accele.oto. l5oto rion Votve (See :.5er) Supply Auiorotc A. Supply A. Conp-c!1{r ond Tonk shown For clor ly n'. SuDorvlEo.y P.essu.e Swr!!h (Coip.esso. fl./Er f Cont.ot S*,t.h) c,'& 'v!, Ddshpd LnL'! i.d(ote p,pe .eqv,.ed b!t .ot r.(tud.,d r1h Deluq. VdLve Co^ventro^ol I.i. o^d Cosy Rllo/Ju lheck Volve l)(, t r, d ,r es <ysreF *'- .9 .eqv'.eo nol ^o1 i^cluded fith 'sy.,!c6 cobponents-Fo. Ado t o.or Nr.ng.equl.e.(,nLi.efe. to 'techn,cqL dolo aor <onpone.ts !5ec1 Vn..i) llplJge Votve T.. Pockoges coatoi^ rl.i5 Bi rn.oJgh Bl5 ono o5eo.oted.,ppLps VR,aq Accpsso.y Pockoge Fo. Convp.tonol llrLuge Votve lrir.ohto^s 8e th.olgh 85, B7 th.ough BLl, q.d Bla i/?' <1t nr) NPI Fo. r.roa l.te.upt6bie Alo.h P..,ssure srrt.|] (0c t ondl) 63 Soft Seot Ch?rr< Volve G.4 Shut 01'I VoLve (lnoicot.g EoLt Vqlve .eLonnpnded ) [.5 Dehyo/ q lor L.6 Af nn!^te.onco DevLce & By-Poss l..n FIGURE 2 L-i. ..,rtl *-ffi) 319 f Replaces page 319a-j dated September 5, 2001. (Removed all ref- erence to Easy Trim as it is no longer an option on this system.) January 12,2004 Form No. F 070BBg DOUBLE INTERLOCKED PREACTION SYSTEM ELECTRIC/PNEUMATIC RELEASE \IKII\G- DOUBLE INTERLOCKED PREACTION WITH VERTICAL CONVENTIONAL TRIM SYSTEM PIPE WORK ELEVATION SHALL BE ABOVE THE CONTROL VALVE A Si'PERVISf D DOUBLE I\TIR I-]IJKLD PRf -AC IION SYSIt l"l CONTROLLT N BY LLTCTRIC/PNEU]VAT]C RTt LAS F SYSIEM CNMPONINTS A.i D.luSP Volve B Deluge Vilve Conventronol Irirt (See DeLUUl' Votve ConventonoL T.F nho.',s) Bl P.in;ng Volve (No..olLy OnP.) B 2 Strorner B3 1/)6' ReEtr ct on B4 Sp.ino Looded Check Volve B5 Alqrn Teet Volv€ (Norholly atoled)B5 Auxliory Droin Vo.lve (Nr)rnolly Ctosed)8.7 ljrip Check Votve BU Drorr ChPcl< Votve 8.9 Alorm Shut-DFF VoLvp (No.molty L.lpe.) 8.10 PreEsure Dperota.J Rptief Votve (PDRV) !ll Eme.Oency Releose B.l2 P.ini.o Pressu.e Vote. Llougc ond Vqlve 813 Voter S'..rppLy P.pssure Couge ond Vclve B.l4 Drurn cLrp 8.15 r-lor lesi VqLve (NorroLiy Closed) C VolP. Ftow Atorn fquipnenl C I Alorn PrPssure S$itch orrd./or C2 Vater iqo l.o. ALorn (St.one. RcqrL.eo) C 3 S tro ner C 4 Etectric Alo.m B.ll D Rrser D.l Voter SuppLy Co^lroL VolvP ll2 Eosy Rse.D CheLk Vdtvo o..ubber seoted che.k volve D3 SprinkLer Syslen Moin n.orn L SupP.visof y Al. Suppty F1 Systen Peessure 6cvgr', o^o Volve fa Soft Sedt Swing Checl{ VoLve f 3 Air P.e5sLr.c SupPrv scry S$ tch F Rc Lco se Systen F I Elect.iclFneu.ct c Relco!c l.4od\trLe (See [(ect.rc,/PnL'u|.ot. Releose |4oduLe T rifl Chor-t) F2 r3 t.5 6 Ar GI L2 Sys teo Cont.oL Ponel f.a.1.i. letpt ' r.. Sv-'-- FFa+ Dor.c-o, shown for clo.lty AccPle.q to. (!o L ll.ol SoP :4rPt ) Acc(,leroto. isolnt,on Vo{vo (Se€ i.s-,1) Supply Auto-ct'c A. Sqppry A. Conpressc' ond T dnk .;hown for cLorty. Ai. SupPrvrscry Press,Jl^e Sw !Lh (Co.presso. 0.,/lJfr C!). t/ ol Sr'tch) Do<hpd I'npc lndi.ote olpe.equt.cd b!1 ^ot in( lldpd *th Dci.!o volvc Co.vc.r'o^or I.ri d.d Eosy Ri5a. BChock vorv€ i. n Pockdges Ilotted t,.er ,.di.otp eLo<t.icoL syste- *i.i.O .eqg.eo .or ^ot .€rud€d I th 'syslcn coapo^e.tr'io. ad.lLtL..oL ri.i.g .cqvirene^ts .ef€. to t€ch..ot dotd fo. .oFoonents usec!, x V,k,.Q t.luoe Votve l.'n Pockdge5 co.ton rtcn5 El ov osgh Bl5 o.d ossoc,oted ^,pple3 V'k'.€ Accesso.y PockoOe lo. Conve.to.ql leluge Volv€ T.n co.to'.s !2 th.olgh B! 87 th.o!!h Bll, and B14 ** l/?' (15 n.) NPT ao. No^-lnlr.uptoble A(o.n P.essu.e S*'t<h (0pt,o^ol) FIGURE 3 ,.P Q@ I C.3 Soft Seot Check Votve 6.4 Shut CfF VolvP (l.d,cotrng Bol( Voive .econ.c..red ) C.5 Dehyd.otor C.5 Ai. no ntcnonce Device & By-Poss rr n @"porrFrt MODEL PS1OA PRESSURE SWITCH Potter Electric Signal Company 2081 Craig Road. P.O. Box 28480 St. Louis, MO 63146-4161 (314) 878-4321 . (800) 325-3936 Potter Electric Signal & Mfg., LTD. 55 Glen Cameron Road Thornhill, Ontario, Canada L3T 1p2 (90s) 882-1833 @.nonrn UL end CFSM LISTEO, FM snd LpC AppROVED. NyMEA ACCEpTED Dim€nsions: 4 3/4"W x 2 1l4"D x 4 3/g"H Enclosurc: Cover - Die+ast with taxtured rod Dowdercoal finish Bass - Platad Stesl Pressurs Connectloni 1/2" NpT Male Factory Adlustm€nt: Operates on pressure increase at 6 t1 pSl Operates on Pressure decrease at S rj pSl Maxlmum Difterential: 1 PSI Marlmum System Prcssure: Z5O psl Switch Contacts: SPDT (Form C) 15.0 Amps at 125/250VAC,2.5 Amps at 30VOC One set in PS'10-1A, Two sets in pS'lO-2A Envif orrmental SDocif icatlons: lndoor or outdoor use NEMA 4 Rated Enclosure Temperalure range: -40.F to 140.F / -40"C to 60"C (Not for use in hazardous locations) Service Use: Automatic SDrinkler One or two tamily dwelling NFPA.13 NFPA-13D PSIGIA Single Switch - Stk, No. 1340101 PS1G2A Double Switch - Stk. No.1340102 Fiesidential Occupancy up to four stories NFPA-13F National Fire Alarm Code NFPA-72 Tamper: Cover incorporalss tamper resistant lasteners that require a special k€y for removal. One key is supplied with each device. For optional cover tamp€r switch kit, order Slock No- 0090134. INSTALLATION AND TEST PROCEDURES The Potter PSl0A Series Pressure Actuatod Switches are designed for the detection ol a watedlow condition in automatic fire sprinkler syslems of particular designs strch as wet systems with alarm check valves or dry pipe syst6ms. They may also be used to provide a lov, pressure supervisory signal. They nlay be adjusted to operate on pressure between 4 and 20 PSl. MOUNTING: Device should be mounted in upright position (threaded connection down). Bequires NEMA type 4 conduit hub for outdoor installations. TESTING: The operation ol the pressure alarm switch should be tested upon completion of installation and p€riodically thereafter in accordance wlth the applicable NFPA codes and standards and/or the authority having iurisdiction (manufacturer recommends quarterly or more kequently). WET SYSTEM: METHOD 1: When using PS10A and control unit with retard - connecl PS 10A into alarm port piping on the input side of retard chamber and electrically connect PS I0A to control unit that provides a retard to compensate tor surges. Insure that no shut off valves are presenl between the alarm check valve and PS10A. METHOD 2: When using the PS10A tor local bell application or with a control that does not provide a retard feature - the PS10A must be installed on the alarm outlet side of th€ retard chamber ol the sprinkler system. TESTING: Accomplished by opening the inspectors end-of-line test valve. Allow time to compensate for system or control retard. CAUTION: Method 2 is not aDplicable for romote slation service use. WET SYSTEM WITH EXCESS PBESSURE: Connect PS l0A into alarm port piping extending from alarm check valve. Retard provisions are not required. Insure that no shul off valves are present between the alarm check valve and th6 PS10A. TESTING: Accomplished by opening the water by-pass test valve or the inspectors end-of-line test valve. When using end-of-line test, allow time lot €xcess pressure to bleed off. DRY SYSTEM: Connect PS10A into alarm port piping that extonds from the intermedi- ale chamber of lhe alarm check valve. Install on th€ outlet side of the Inlin€ check valve of the alarm port piping. Insure that no shut otf valves are present between the alarm check valve and the pS10A. TESTING: Accomplished by opening the water by-pass test valve. CAUTION: The above tests may also activate any other circuit closer or water motor gongs that are present on the system. MKT. '8810001 . REV J MFG. f5400923 - 12r'95 PBINTED IN USA PAGE T OF 2 @porrEn DIMENSIONS NOii: TC ?R'VENT LEAXACI, APPLY TEFLON IAPE SLA:ANT IO MALT THAIADS ONLY. USs OF P'PE JOINT CEV:NT MA/ RtS:r(T lN oSsl!l|_lc]|ON of TH' APERTURI ANC LOSS OF SIG\AL, DWC. #92J- 1 TYPICAL SPRINKLER APPLICATTONS MODEL PSlOA PRESSURE SWITCH SW]TCH TERMINAL CONNECTIONS CLAMPING PLATE TERMINAL CAUTION: An uninsulated section of a single conductor should not b€ looped around the terminaland serve as two separate connections. The tvire must be severed, thereby providing supervision of the connection in the event that the wire becomes dislodged trom under the terminal. OAY sY5IEM 0*c r!2J-J WFT SYSTTM - WITH 08 WTIHOUT IXCESS PREsSURE PRESSURE SWITCH TERMINATION JY--- t I u.t l:9 1 tll ooo ENGIN EER/ARCHITECT SPECI FICAT]ONS Pressure type waterflow switches shall be a Model PS10A as manufactured by Potter Electric Signal Co. of St. Louis, Mo. and shall be installed on the sprinkler systems as shown on the drawings and/or specified herein. Switches shall be provided with a l/2'NPT male pressure connection to be connected into the alarm check valve of a,,wet" sprinkler system or into the intermediate chamber of a "dry" pipe system and shall be actuated by any flow of water lo or in excess of the discharge from one sprinkler head. Switches shall have a maximum service pressure rating of 250 PSI and shall be factory adjusted to operate on pressure increase at6t1 PSl. Thereshall be one (1)ortwo (2) SPDTcontacts ratedat 15.0Ampsat 125/250VAC and 2.5 Ampsat 30VDC. The switch housing shall be weather proof and oil resistant. The cover shall incorporate tamper resislant screws. The unrt shail be UL and CSFM Listed, Flr4 and LPC Approved, and NYMEA Acceoted. MKT. I88lOOOI . REV J MFG. #5400923 - t2195 I I l _i CAUTION: CLOSING OF ANY SHUTOFF VALVES BETWEEN THE ALARM CHECK VALVE AND THE PSIOA WILL RENDER THE PSlOA INOPEFATIVE. TO COMPLY WITH NFPA.72 ANY SUCH VALVE SHALL BE ELECTFICALLY SUPEFVISED. TYPICAL ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS L OCAL CIRCUlI IR^NS-OnVL-R OR BAr.iERY powtn sryLt D (C!_AS5 A) SUp€RVtSto LOOP Sfttt E (Ct Ss a) suptnusEo clRcutl 0EvrcE ORDERING INFORMATION Model PS1O.1A PS 10.2A Description Pressure switch with one set SPDT contacts Pressure switch with two sets SPDT contacts Hex Key Cover Tamper Switch Kit Stock No. 1 340101 1340102 52s0062 0090134 fNo oF INf RtsrsroR 0*c f9?J- r5 5r5_av rrp'cr! '-0w o{:Jsuef ^.-: I CON'^L| oJ! C\suPrRvsroN I uJr I sPotY\ *.ri o.v,:L ,/ -) | ! rprss.,cz:l DEcRr,_s \c ---tl | | co"ro ior r-RlssLr. \7 \L ft cov, N0. RC owc ,982 -. SrvrTCl v^R{rNcs PFINTED IN USA PAGE 2 OF 2 @.poTTER MODEL PS4OA HIGH/LOW PRESSURE SWITCHES Potter Electric Signal Company 2081 Craig Road. St. Louis, MO 63146-0161 (314) 878{321 e (800) 325-3936 www.pottersignal.com Potter Electric Signal & Mfg., LTD. 55 Glen Cameron Road Thornhill, Ontario, Canada L3T 1P2 (e05) 882-1833 MODEL PS4OA PRESSURE SWITCH FOR MONITORING HIGH ANO/OF LOW PRESSUFE VARIATIONS PS4GIA Slngle Switch - Stk. No.1340401 PS4G2A Doublo Swltch - Stk. No.1300402 ULand CSFM LISTGO, FM and LPC APPROVEO, NYMEA ACCEPTED Dimsnslons: 4 3/4"W x 2 1/4"D x 4 3/8"H Encloaur€: Cover - Die-cast with textured red oowdercoat finish Bese - Plated Steel Pr€ssurc Connoctlon: 1/2" l,lPT Mde Factory Adlu3ttrr€ni: PS40- lA: Operates on decrease at 30 PSI PS4G2A: Operates on increase at 50 PSl, and on decrease at 30 PSI Pte3sure Rang€: 10 - 175 PSI Maxlmum Dlfferentlal: Approx.2lbs. at 20 PSI 5 lbs. at 175 PSI Maxlmum System Pre3sule: 250 PSI Switch Contacts: SPoT (Form C) 15.0 Amps at 125/250VAC, 2.5 Amps at 30VDC one set in Pszlo-1A. Two sets in Ps40-2A Environmental Sp€clf lcallons: lndoor or outdoor us€ NEMA 4 Rated Enclosur€ Tsmpsrature range: -40"F to 140'F (40'C to 6O"C) (Not lor use in ha:ardous locations) Servlce Ur: Autonratic Sprinkler NFPA-I3 Ons or two tamily dwalling NFPA-I30 Residential occupancy up to four stories NFPA-138 National Fire Alarm Coda NFPA-72 Tempar: Cover Incorporates tamper rssislant fasteners that require a spscialk6y for removal. On6 koy is suppliod wlth 6ach device. For opdonal cov€r tamper switch kit, order Stock No. 0090134. The Potl€r PS4OA Series are or€ssure actuaied switches designed primarily to detect a 10 PSI increase and/or de- crease trom normal system pressure in automatic fire sprinkler syst€ms. Typical applications are air pressure supervision in dry pipe systems and pressure supervision ol pressure tanks, air supply or water supply. INSTALI.ATION AND TEST PROCEDURES Mounting: Devic€ should be mounted in upright position (threaded conn€ction down). Requires NEMA type 4 conduit hub for outdoor installalions. Dry System: Connect PS40A in air supply line on the system side of any shutotf or check valve. Provision {or testing the unit can b€ accomplished with the insiallation ot a Potter Bleeder Valve (Model BVL) in th€ line to th€ PS4OA. T€sting: The op€ration ol th€ pressure sup€rvisory switch should be tssted upon completion of installation and periodF cally thereafter in accordance vyith the applicable NFPA codes and standards and/or the authority having Jurisdiction (manu- lacturer recommends quarterly or more lrequently). CAUTION: T€sting the PS4OA may activate other system connscted dovicss. lrKl. #8810m2 - REV J uFG. *5400924 - &!r PRINTED IN USA PAGE 1 OF 2 @"poTTEtt MODEL PS4OA HIGH/LOW PRESSURE SWITCHES Dimensions NOTE: TO PNEVENT LEAKAGE. APPLY TEFLON TAPE SEALANT TO MALE THREADS ONLY. WARNING: USE OF PIP€ JOINT CEMENT MAY FESULT IN OBSTRUCTION OF APEFTURE ANO LOSS OF SIGNAL FIELD AOJUSTMENTS: The operallng poinl of lh€ switch (or switches on lh€ PS40-2A) can be adiusled to any polnl betwe€n 10 and 175 PSI by lurnlng the adjushenl knob(s) clockwlse to raise lh€ actualion point, and counterclockwlse to lower lhe actuation point. In tho case ol the PS40-2A, the two sv,/itches operate compleloly independ€nlly of one another, and each swltch may b€ adjust€d to actuate al any poinl the syslem requires- Flnal adjustnrent should be made wilh a pressuro gauge, Typical Sprinkler Application - Dry System I ;r _l AOJUSTMENl KNOBS 1924-30 PS10 PRESSURE swrTcH O]€CK BIEEDER rtsr WL B) SIJPERMSTD CrRClrl 0s4Y BY -P SS owc. 1924-l Ordcrlng Intomailon Mode! Doicrlptlon Sik. No. PS/$14 Pressuro switch with one set SPDT contacts 1340401 PS/(}2A Pressuro switch with two sets SPOT contacts 134Ot02 8vL Ble€dsr Valva 1000018 Hex Key 5250062 Cover Tamoer Switch 0090134 ,]," __i N-C. cov. o---1 tctd.o l PREsSURE _L--l Y I DECRE/'5E A ,\ A \, \-/ \J coM. N,o. N.c, owc. 1926-J Typical Electrlcal Conrrectlons LOCIL CtRCUtr Sl'/tf B (Ct 55 l|rGH lorf..- En glneer/Arch itec-t Speclllcatlons Ak prossurc supervbory swibh shall bo a Model PS4OA as manufactured by Pottor Elecric Slgnal Co. ol 51. Loub, Mo. and shall be installed on ths sprlnkler systems as shown on tho drawings and/or es gpecifi€d heroin. Swibh€r shall be provided with a 1/2'NPT mal6 prs€sr,l€ connoc{on to bo connecltsd Inlo lho alr supply llno on th€ 3}rst€m sid€ of any shut-off valv6. A Mod6l BVL blooder vavs as suppliod by Potts( El€cFlc Signal Co. of St Louis, Mo. or oqulvalont shall b€ conn6ctad between th€ air lino to provid€ a m6ens of tesung the opsration of tho supeavisory switch- Tho switch unlt shalloontain SPOT (Form C) swibh(es). One swltch shall operate at a prossure decr€as€ of l0 PSI from normal. lf lwo swltchos aro provided, the s€cond switch shall operats et a prossure increass of l0 PSI from normal. Switch contacts shall be rated at 15.0 Amps at'125/ 250VAC and 2.5 Amps at 3OVOC. The units shall have a maximum pressure ratlng of 250 PSI and shall be adiusted from 10 to 175 PSl. The $,vnch houslng shall be wsEtherproot and oll reslstent. The cov€r shall incorporato tamper resistant scrows. Tho unlt shall b€ UL and CSFM Usiod, FM and LPC Approved. and NYMEA Accepted. uKT. *0810qr2 - REV J HFc. #54m924 - 8J98 owc. ,926 4 NOTE: Swibhos are shown in staMby condilion Wth "normal' pressurs applied- Switch #1 (high) changss with pressure increase. Switch s2 (low) changes wlth prossure dscrease. Switch Termlnal Connections Clamplng Plate Terminal I I I t- Pressure Swltch Terminationg PR€5SURC tNcnEAsE w o$P- D*c. f92J- ! llrcH lo{ r. "*::4diilQ;s*^' ja*"_- CAUTION: ^+S An uninsulatod s€ction of a single \$u" conductor should not be looped atound th€ tsrminal and s€rve as ifip saparatg connoctions. The wiro must be severed, thereby providing suoeMsion ot th€ connection in th€ ev€nt that th6 wirs b€comes dlslodged trom undsr th€ t€rmlnal. PRINTED IN USA PAGE 2 OF 2 -rFr- trF-*r* I r-s .rrr|nl n:lc Gr.|r f I .l !F- Jp II- Ir rn:ka!P--I iFt- k CI tn-- ftf I- fln PfioDucrs The Leading Manufacturer of Air Compressors for the Fire Protection Industry qssorg for.,,Qry - Single Stage Air Cooled Pump - Fan Type Compressor Pulley - NEMA Standard Multi-Voltage Motors - OSHA Enclosed Belt Guard - Pressure Relief Valve - High Pressure Models Available - Steel Base Plate - lntegral Air Filter - Specially Formulated Compressor Oil lncluded - Fil/s Sysfem to 40 psi in 30 minutes (NFPA-13) t;, r.l .' 'j to 11 23 tz 23 t3 tl 6 ls+l16 l28 o lg4 lrolze 100 r ,110 115 '' 2sj 253 275 Maximum HP Three Phase 2081230V '.,t60V ,' glze : :Mod6-l Maximum 1 112 HP 2 HP 00 MG00B' HP 3HP .5:;1P 1 't,b ,'MGXgB- 7 1I2HP lOHP 1 MGOIB- When Ordering a Magnetic Line Starter you must specify Hn Voltage and Phase that is supplied to the motor. .A = Single Phase 1'151208-230 VAC through 1 1/2 HPi 208-230 VAC for 3 through 5 HP 'B = Three Phase 208-230/460 VAC (recommended for units over 1 1/2) + Based on 70F system temp. For other conditions Consult Factory for pump up times. '.Average CFN4 is the average free air delivery from 0 to 40 PSIG ++ Based on 100 ' run. Consult Factory for longer or shoder runs. Air Maintenance Device Part # AMD-2 The AMD-2 is used for automatic operation in conjunction with a dedicated air comDressor for the sprinkler system, such as base units. Calt 1-800-345-8207 Fax: 610-524-8965 E-Mail: genairpro@generalairproducts.com H.tturtr:l:nr - Yr:u c;rrr tlrd tlua ,:lt:lra'.;lt't.i t','.:.ti, - www.G EN E RALAI RP RODUCTS. com 6O CyCle UnitS - so cycre Avaitabte; consutr Factorf,r L20033. 136575- /.bu 1i:00 15.90 1/3 HP ,I HP 00 MG00A- l HPr |HP ,. ,l'r,0. ,1MGX0AI 2HP 3HP 1 MGOIA- 3 Hp-,r ' b;Hp ,,t,,,- ., :..,,ip .t i:[iGl5'Ai J Magnetic Line Starters - Thermal Overtoad Protection Single Phase 1't5V 208/230V Size Model gE+di ?cIs-\-7-'T-:6Ii:i Ct^F>{:i TE.l>120:l:7 ti;#i f.:c__8ry r.J : X'1- f t"*rj t; {.o rn e ,lll ;tr b r- .{x". !x$ Itg t9s E$e iE* $'$ tirifiii ;ftll'i$iiilgifilliiis$$gf fii !fii i EFi isi i riFI i€fii i;dl cf; $ zl ::r. 5 ;fir $f;1 fs8!ifiti i; {t e rF3 3 :: 7 (: 3 T * r fu IT t flr F i1 lx tt & tt r fr ("' /n tl.d _L t': z IT tr 1t o tTl g _g &v,(r, {{m DO IF xn :F E{atm ic'Io is ax 68 o o n m t * E'*0":*l -"; tll , 4X'lr'rJ c :rn i: r'Itllllfiufii1iiff i*iEfF ggf;llfr ;B$iiif;$Fdi$9 u. .:\ b :r' C (- > r": ,, \ \ ,b |- q,gF s r- t'.. .C)t,It t, ffii tr{t , fif;f; f;Iq u IHf;i !!r lili ln' f;iEi ,;6t i8l a [f;5t si! e "c 1| HA *gfi$*xgg*1 -l "!6o #, I o -a 'R CE F$rs ,..) ts: J tr a oz J a'l x<e lY i.\u)4 0 *.2 J N I,L \J IIJ aO tn t>FLr l- j> =: 3 )8 6il Hp*a frH {EE=u-< =7q=ii',' OFtrO xE ^=xbi =EEllEF E* ffi9frFh-=frb trFtEt6&.=Y^1? N (9 t a o UJ (r ii iii a r.,u t o tIJ F p.> fto a o x. F o o U)a uJ t L o <)t tAP H; E =tr o? t4q 9io z9 vs. o E l o 5 ul c0 h F{U b G s E A.;E -q l-l -q E FA =t\)(5 J*'ir 1T290-0304-1 -nr rrn ts --E'FN TIrIrI T:rTrm mjrn -,,,,*.:rf S -t --G-I" -- --|rts---:trn.FI-!'-m: Il-f :r: --AIN PNODUCTS q*htul & Seruiro Siunt / Ii6 Conrplete Wiring lnstruclions for L29050 Lubricclfed Beise fhounted Compressor Coll Toll Free 1.8OO.345-82OT or visit us on the web ot unirw.G E N E RAI.AI RP RO D U Cf5.co rn IJ @alitty & Seu'iru Sircp,/9i6 lntroduction General Air Products, Inc. has been an industry leader in quality products and customer service since its creation in 1936. Our persistent effort in meeting the needs of our customers assures that we will continue to lead in these areas. In keeping with these ideals we bring you this comprehensive wiring manual. Inside you will find pictures and detailed instructions on how to properly wire your L29050- Lubricated Base Mounted Air Compressor. lf you have any questions or problems during the installation process please call us toll free at 1 -800-345-8207. Wqrnings - All electrical work must be completed by qualified electrical personnel, familiar with local and national codes. - Motors are NOT factory wired. Connections for low or high voltage must be set by the installing personnel. - Beware of long runs from the main power supply to the compressor, this can cause severe voltage drops. Voltage drops must be compensated for by increased wire size - consult factory for details. - All units are controlled by a pressure switch. Ensure that the motor and incoming power supply are wired to the pressure switch. - Magnetic Starters are recommended for all units and are required by electrical code for all 3 ohase units. - To ensure proper voltage to the compressor, a voltage reading MUST be taken while the compressor is running. We also recommend taking a voltage reading while the compressor is re-starting under load to verify the electrical service capacity. - The current (amps) drawn by the compressor should be checked in conjunction with above. Starting and re-starting current loads will be higher initially than full load current. Our recommended wire sizes take this into account. - Adjusting the pressure switch voids warranty - CONSULT FACTORY. Adjusting the pressure switch to a higher pressure could overload the motor. - Beware - Capacitors hold voltage. Do not handle. - Motors are NEMA rated, which means they will operate at+l-10o/o of name plate rating. The 10 percent applies to low and high voltage, but not 208v. This means motors wired for 2081230v will operate between 207v and 253v. 200v motors available - consult factory. lf you experience ANY electrical problems, contact the factory IMMEDIATELY by calling 1-800-345-8207 . - i--- trk A,R pnoovcrI @"/rr/ & Sen tiry,Siru,tqSA Wring Instructions lor A9050 Secrion 2 Single Phose - Low Volioge (l 15v) Model Number: 129050A 5 2 4 (Line 1) 6 I (Line 2) 3 Wiring the 1290504 for BLACK wire to Terminal 2 RED wire to Terminal 4 LUE wire to Terrninal 4 (Shows Correct Rotation)lmportant Note: Diagrams show the interchange of the BLACK and RED leads for reverse rotation (proper rotation for this unit). Wiring Diogrom for 1290504 Low Voltoge (l l5v) - Shows Correct Rorotion 9!|9-T ----l_rerminat2 BROWN Terminal 6 l5?- -----l-rerminat4 _ Line 1 BLUE I Terminal Line 2 rL -: === =::2 :, =-E_r:----:-i--=ii-----f,f NE Pnooucrs Qua/ity & Sezuice, Sm.e, f q S A Wring Instructions lor V29050 Section 3 Single Phose - High Voltoge (208-23Ov) Model Number: 129050A lmportant Note: Diagrams show the interchange of the BLACK and REO leads for reverse rotation (proper rotation for this unit). Terminol Locotions 5 2 4 (Line 1) 6 | (Line 2) 3 Wiring the 1290504 for High Voltoge (208-230v) BLACK wire to Terminal 2 BLUE Wire to Terminal 2 RED wire to Terminal 4 BROWN wire to Terminal 6 (Shows Correct Rotation) Wiring Diogrom for 1290504 High Voltoge (208-230v) - Sho*s Correct Rotolion Terminal 6 Terminal 4-Linel Terminal 1-Line2 3i0:K---__l--rerminar 2 BROWN RED q,ilrrf & Sewirp, Sitn" t % tt &fr ?noo|,rcrf Wring lnstructions lor A9050 Section 4 Three Phose - Low Voltoge (208-230v) Model Number: 1290508 Wiring the 1290508 for Low Voltoge (208-230v) T4 to T5 to T6 T7 to Tl (Line) T8 to T2 (Line) T9 to T3 (Line) lmportant Note: For correct rotation, interchange any of the three incoming wires (Line). Wiring Diogrom for 1290508 Low Voltoge (208-230v) T5-T6 T1 T2 T3 Line Line Line q*hhl & .9e,roirz, Su,r* t ggA ftt Nfrpf,oDUCrt Wring lnstructions br A9050 Section 5 Three Phose - High Voltoge (460") Model Number: 1290508 Wiring the 1290508 for High Voltoge (460v) Tl to Line T2 to Line T3 to Line T4 to T7 T5 to T8 T6 to T9 lmportant Note: For correct rotation, interchange any of the three incoming wires (Line). Wiring Diogrom for 1290508 High Voltoge (460v) T4 T5 T6 T1 T2 T3 Line Line Line ,l rti GENERAL AIR PRODUCTS, INC. BASE MOUNTED LUBRICATED COMPRESSOR INSTRUCTION SHEETS DANGER This compressor is not equipped and should NOT be used "as is" to supply breathing quality air. WARNING Motors, electrical equipment and controls can cause electrical arcs that will ignite a flammable gas or vapor. Never operate or repair in or near a flammable gas or vapor. Never store flammable liquids or gases near the compressor. WARNING: These compressors are suitable for pumping only atmospheric air. As defined in Compressed Gas Association Pamphlet G-7, page 3, atmospheric air is a mixture of elements and compounds where nitrogen and oxygen comprise more than 99% with all other trace gases comprising less than 1Yo. DO NOT USE THIS COMPRESSOR IN CONTAMINATED ENVIRONMENTS OR FOR PUMPING MIXTURES OTHER THAN ATMOSPHERIC AIR WARNING Compressed air contains liquid water and is saturated with water vapor, which can freeze. Do not connect compressor outlet to freezer rooms or systems exposed to temperatures below freezing. lf system connects to a freezer room or area exposed to freezing temperatures, a Dry Air PacrM should be used. Receivinq compressor in an area of exccssive heat, such as near a boilcr.Your compressor is inspected at the factory and packaged to protect against shipping darnagc. When thc compressor is unpackcd, inspect for damage or nrissing parts. All claims should be settled direcrly with the fieight conpany. WARNING: Do not operate this compressor if damaged during shipment, handling, or use, Damage may result in bursting and cause injury or property Location NOTE: Do not connect comoressor intake to freezer room. - CALL 1-800-345-8207. Locate the compressor in a clean, well-ventilated area whcre the air is relativcly cool, clean, and dry. A I lO"F (35 C) maximum and 40'F (4.5 C) minimum tcnlperature for surrounding and inlct air are recommended- Provide at least 12 to l8 inches from any wall or other obstruction that will interfere with airflow through thc fan bladed flyrvhccl. The flywheel is located inside the belt guard. Blocking airflow through the flpvheel may cause the courpressor to over heat. Do not place the Mountinq The compressor must be mounted to a firm level floor. Permanent installations should be bolted to thc floor using the bolt holes provided in the base. Always shim the unit level bcfore bolting it to thc floor. Vibration isolators (P,4rJ KVP4X4) arc recommended. When using isolator pads, do not draw bolts tight. Allow the pad to absorb viblations. When isolators are used, a flexible hose (P/N P I202MP) should be installed between rhc compressor and service piping. Lubrication NOTE: This compressor is shipped without oil installed. Add oil provided, p/n APC01Q, before Specially formulated compressor oil (PN APCOIQ) is shipped with each unit. This oil should be used to initially fill the oil reservoir and for maintenance oil changes. Do not overfill the oil reservoir. Overfilling the reservoir will result in oil leaking from thc reseryoir breather during operation. Singlc cylindcr compressors, L20033 and L29050 requirc 8 ounces of oil. L36575 and L425100, without a sight BASEMNTINST REV 021802 For Assistance Please Call l-800 345-8207 GENERAL AIR PRODUCTS, INC. glass, require 8 ounccs of oil. L36575 and L425100 models with sight glasses require 12 ounces of oil. Two cylinder compressors with a dipstick, L620100 to L1300300, should be filled until the oil reaches the notch on the end of thc dipstick, approximately 22 ounces. The largcst four cylinder compressors, L1600300 and L2000500 and the larger two cylinder corrpressor, L2500500, have an oil level window. Oil should be filled to thc midpoint of the window on these models; approximately I Tquarts. Piping betwccn the compressor, accessory items and the sprinklcr system should be at least 'Z intemal dianreter to minimize pressure drop from the conrlressor to system. Larger pipe size rnay be reqrrired by code and may be substituted with no adverse effects. Smaller line size must not be uscd and will restrict the compressor flow, lowering capacity and causing the compressor/motor to work haldcr, which shortens compressor/motor life. All piprng connected to the compressor must be fully supported and not transfer any loads to the compressor. If an AMD-2 is used to operate the compressor motor, allow sulfrcient distancc between the compressor and AMD-2 to ensurc that the maximum tcnlpcrafure at the AMD-2 is 200'F or less. The rclicf valve shipped with each compressor must be installcd between the compressor and AMD-2. Ceneral Air Products recommends that all conlpressors 3 Hp and larger are tank mounted. Failurc to either tank mount these compressors or to install according to the "Installation" drawing, in this manual, will cause overpressurc of the compressor and overheating of the motor. CAUTION: Failure to install a relief vatve between the compressor and AMD may cause over pressure of the compressor and blown head The compressor outlet piping should contain an accessible drain. As a minimum a manual drain mav be used, but an automatic drain is recommended to remove exccss water. NOTE: Accumulation of condensed water in a system causes corrosion of components and reduces system capacily. NOTICE: Warranty is void if a separate check valve is not installed to Drevent water back flow. WARNING Have a competent electrician wire the compressor to ensure that the supply line has the same characteristics (voltage, frequency and phasing) as the motor. Wiring must comply with all local and national codes. CAUTION Inadequate wiring size can cause insufficient voltage at the compressor during start-up. Overheating and damage may result to the The supply wire must be of adequate size and no other equipment should be connected to the same line. The table below lists the recommended wire size for each nrodel. bascd on a 100' run. Consult factory for longer runs. MODEL I PHASE 3 PHASE L20033 *l0 t2 >.L29050*8 t2 L3657 5*8 t2 L425 100*6 tz L620100*6 t2 L900150+6 l0 Ll220200*4 l0 L1300300*4 8 L1600300+z 8 L2000500*2 6 L2500500*2 b The motor must be wircd to a pressure switch which controls starting (cut in prcssure) and stopping (cut out pressure) of the motor. A magnetic starter is required to protect the motor from overload conditions. Running two phases through a pressurc switch is not recommended. NOTE: Failure to use a pressure switch may result in overpressure of the compressor or other components in the system. Overpressure of the compressor may result in blown head or other damaoe. reference "Wirin WARNING Compressed air contains liquid water and is saturated with water vaoor. which can freeze. Do not connect compressor outlet to freezer rooms or systems exposed to temperatures below freezing. lf system connects to a freezer room or area exposed to freezing temperatures, a Drv Air PacrM should be used. For Assistance Please Call l-800 345-8207 REV 01t302 rn The motors supplied are multiple voltage motors. It is necessary to verifr the intcmal motor leads are connectcd for the voltage being supplied to the unit. To verifu or change intemal voltage connections, remove the cover plate located on the rear or side of the motor and reconnect the wire lcads as shown on the motor's wiring diagram. GENERAL AIR PRODUCTS, INC, An anow on the belt guard indicates the dircction of rotation of the compressor. If the compressor rotates in the opposite direction, reverse the rotation of the motor. Direction of rotation of single phase motors is conholled by internal rcconnection of the motor leads as shown on the motor's nameplate. Interchanging any two incoming supply wires reverses rotation of three phase motors. Maintenance Instructions WARNING DISCONNECT, TAG AND LOCK OUT POWER SOURCE THEN RELEASE ALL PRESSURE FROM THE SYSTEM BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO INSTALL. SERVICE. RELOCATE OR PERFORM ANY SERVICE. The following instructions are based on NORMAL operation. If the compressor increase frequency of maintenance chccks. WEEKLY r Check oil level. . Drain condensate from rcceiver and traps. o Check for unusual noise or vibration. o Clean air filters. . Clean all extcmal parts ofthe compressor and motor. MONTHLY o Manually test safety reliefvalve. . Inspect air system for leaks. . Inspect oil for contamination and change ifnecessary. . Check for belt tension and wear. ' Check pulley set screws for tightness. . Tighten nuts and cap screws as required. QUARTERLY . Change oil. o Change filters. is in an excessively dusty area, Gcneral Air Products, Inc. warrants its products to be free of defects in nraterial and workmanship undcr normal use and service lor 12 months from date of purchase. Our warranty applies only when such defective parts are retumed to us, or our Authorized Service Dcpot, transportation prepaid, and subject to our inspection and approval. Liability is limited to repair or replacement of material found defcctive, free of charge, FOB our plant. Unauthorized repairs or replacements will not be subjcct to factory warranty. This warranty is in lieu of all other wananties, expressed or implied. General Notes l) Wananty can be voided if modifications or adjustments are rnadc without consultation and approval; from lactory personnel. 2) If there arc any questions regarding installation or opcration of this compressor, please call the 800 number listed below t? GENERAL AtR PRoDUCrs. /Nc. MANUFACTURERS. ENGINEERS. DISTRIBUTORS 604 Jeffers Circle, Exton, PA 19341. P.O. Box 1387, West Chester, PA 19380-0028 BASEMNTINST REV 02I {iO2 For Assistance Please Call l-800 345-8207 GENER}IL AIR PRODACTS. INC, BASEMNTINST REV 021802 Motor hums and runs slowly or not at all 1. Low voltage or no voltage 2. Shorted or open motor winding 3. Defective check valve or unloader valve 4. Defective pressure switch - contacts will not close 1. Check voltage during attempt to start. Voltage must be within +f 10% of nomina voltage to start motor. Increase wire size if necessarv to lower voltage drop.2. Reolace motor 3. Replace check valve or unloader valve 4. Repair or replace pressure switch Reset mechanism cuts out repeatedly or fuses blow repeatedly 1. Insufficient voltage to motor 2. Pressure switch set too hiqh 3. Wrong fuse size 4. Piping too restrictive 5. Defective motor 1. Check voltage during attempt to start. Voltage musl be within +/-1 0olo of nominal voltage to start motor. lncrease wire size if necessarv to lower voltage drop.2. Consult factory, adjust or replace 3. Be sure fuses and heaters are rated properly 4. Add receiver vessel or increase pipe volume after 1. Piping too restrictive 2. Leak near oressure switch 1. Add receiver vessel or increase pipe volume after comDressor.2. Repair leaks(s) 1. Dirty intake filter 2. Wrong motor rotation 3. Air flow to fan on flvwheel blocked 1. Clean intake filter 2. Correct rotation 3. Clear air flow to fan or relocate unit Loose pulley, flywheel, belt guard etc. Lack of oil in crankcase 1. 2. .1. Tighten Check for damage to bearings, Milky oil in reservoir 1. Water flow from system into compressor 2. Water condensing in crankcase due to high humidity 1. Separate check valve to prevent water flow from system not installed or defective Install or repair check valve.2. Pioe air intake to less humid area. Run pump continuously for one hour. System pressure builds slowly 1 . Comoressor sized 2. Leaks or restrictions in piping 3. Dirty intake filter 4. Blown head gasket 1. Check system size and compressor sizing 2. Correct leaks and remove restrictions 3. Clean intake fllter For Assistance Plcasc Call l-800 345-8207 rl o GH IJU''i 2fEZ v2E3 Pdi*'zt--- ;d6E hFEE zs<6 zt-oul F+ fio zz zo r,l5 e YE}6 ZZo ss 9) o <99 uJ LrJ !:: 2^Zd s=g :<Or.zQ= Er'3- t ;J k v.ul tr () z9> 3d3 o3 Z ii'2 ?=>6 u e3 9=e frar E eilsHHHs p > 6HE;$gFH 8qFd55rg (,cx4 utN iloS ulF((r^tL IEx fiHd *tin @t\ -<i ;(< ;dg cEH o L!t l fa uJ o F F tU z z <4 h*u) oE 6+ C 6 y>A . /iltr =i Fis? :u igEu Hc 3B!: ;F -t-z lt t-?a36 =d i* Z (J i lt F:FJ ;=Eb -Q ?,.?.63 ?.X E5E>< dtr lof,Ei:: rF {rrrru,Jx qt;fra?,P; !,,8itr59 fE s R (l z d F z >>-1 = u< lu-oz fitraD Elr 56> nioE e.zz I I "=d-i 39en9 =<!.rHo < /-r ,- u lY :E3Od ?fis33 (J<;U(D ',z*iq ;sili =o(rzr <F<<(/) : {[ <3 q$ IJJt =ttJ o #-6 I t LL c(. F l (D E t--a 6 ) 9 t l 5 f a z o ). tr 5 -J a z llJ F g IL (J t o uJ z UJ e H t o gJ ;t o 3 tIJ ? 6 ul o Fr 6 f lt)t LlJ d) f z F-IY o i9tr=tr:ktr z"=* <;'*(,= 249.!<,<U V 6 (o Li o o* ur < 9Z X F.r!Y 3>f i=E <42 o !!F z<<F 1 Oz :xU: =i;=(.,F=</tHPj oa:*< Y- ); a Ald= r.rJ Y ^ ,,,tr :l-;o- w/o;i fcEE xt?"2= ?5:t r^8 2 trr ul {o o.i!{ztY ed* <rz ). a<? l'j =h o( = <lL t uJ !u dt! EFEE.p =EF3: -. 5 4v.*e.9i F t =$ EgPsH HE ' =gg EEIEg E;: o ul o z ul t! L!ea 6J uJ ril R?xo YZ <d o;' =t 119 --) o oL! 9> xa v!t lrJ o g,zE l<:azo 3U.lO H 4-,t<= F=- >=fn E;5 {r-? lll z= Z^qtr oq t! ul t@ l)) F ,!) .^f >2 i-o =z t!O snpg;s ir,rrlfra l9'=zEK @ tr o a o wo u,z o-O =tr oc)()f, rtd'Eb <=9z (o otr ?< ffi >o -z o =UJ o o ){ u-r ;5 atd to- 5z :Ei ;a 6 <E I zva d? = v2=i59 o@(D E r,_r !? o llopz vt2;-<", <F e E"'Xf ^z:'i,i :=FE E:xg [lzoT @<FF =F ul a <D x E II b a s I ; UJ J u, u, c! /n lr I LL , 9#,R 6 pEX Ez^ . QEr^:; ^ff ? s22 H 3fie EeE 33E H F EMg fiFp aEfrg 2- frE eH eF Xg EE=td 06 g9 456 - $ FA EE c$n 7rt8=;" s !z aE ft,43 d;3ff H g gH PE 6$g 6E#3 9*lnD zp 3t u.l t a6 i'l E F; ul t f a UJ d 0- f )< t": I,IJ o l! o o J o z l,!o t1J J [! F o tll N o TI E. =tr TU o uJ ul L! uJ z = UJ z = IIJ Q o- ut ul t gF 69 fr<tul +d 6z tJo Oo uz EO 5\- =(i E=dlE fF JA z o z t = .; - d5 a z a F U,l z z J z ul F z :< uJ - ui o s d ul J (! E ul t U)x. F o F U)o 'll vol,0t{E r DEVO4-0004 PRJ02-0294 ffi SA'tetmrltl soNnENArr I sslss ctrALB, *-rto"ol August 19,2002 George Ruther, AICP Senior Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Sonnenalp Development Application VIA FACSIMILE: (970) 479-2452 TO BE FOLLOWED BY MAIL Dear George: The Talisman is aware that the Sonnenalp Resort and the Swiss Chalet will be submitting development plans to the Town of Vail that involve some development on Talisman land. The Talisman has no objection to such a submittal, but this letter is not to be constmed as approval ofthe Sonnenalp's development or ofany plans or specifications relating to the development. The Talisman and the Sonnenalp are engaged in amicable negotiations conceming all the pertinent issues regarding this development and hope to have a development agreement approved by t}te parties in the near future. However, at present, the Talisman must reserye its right to object to any aspect of the Sonnenalp development during the Town of Vail review process. Ifyou have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. ty'eryfuly yours, I / "n A A//,Un "- (tl-,"^"--:- Williarn Amass President of the Talisman Condominium Association Tel: 303-378-1368 Fax: 303-777-1895 Email: bamass@aol.com f B,qttzBR.ArtlN ASSocltAtilES, lNC. t'LANNING and COIYI'lUNlTY DEVELOPMENT August 26,2002 George Ruther, AICP Chief of Planning Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Application Submittal for the Sonnenalp Redevelopment in Vail, Colorado Dear George: Accompanying this letter is our submittal to thc Town of Vail for the redevelopment of the Sonnenalp Resort. ktcluded in the application are applications and fees for the following: r Major Exterior Alteration ($800) . Conditional Use Permit for a Fractional Fee Club ($650) o Variance Applications (hardscape and retail limitation) ($500) o Design Review Application ($650) The Sonnenalp has been developing these plans ovcr the past two years and has been working closely with the Talisman Condominiums and other neighbors in order to deliver a unified redevelopment proposal to the Town. ln order to meet the proposed construction schedule to begin work on the new Swiss Chalct next spring, we are proposing the following review schedule: . Application Submittal August 26 r Conceptual Review with thc DRB September 18 r Worksession with the PEC September 23 . Conceptual Review with the DRB October 2 o PEC Final Review October 14 r DRB Final Review October 16 [dwards Viliage Cer.rtcr Surte C-209 0105 Edwards Village Boulevard Post Office Box 2658 Fdwards, Colorado 8 I 632 Ph.970.976.7575 lax 97t).9 )6.157 6 w.vwv,bt aulla55(JLr,1Les.Lorrl We appreciate the assistance you have provided us and hope that we can proceed smoothly through the Town"s review process. If there are additional materials that can be provided or if Tom or I can be ofassistance do not hesitate to call us a1926-7575. Thanks again for your help. o ?-M tr Rezoning $1300 tr Major Subdivision $1500 tr Minor Subdivision $650 tr Exemption Plat $650 tr Minor Amendment to an SDD $1000 - New Special Development District $6000 tr Major Amendment to an SDD $6000 tr Major Amendment to an SDD $1250 ( n o exterior mod ifica tio ns) Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring Planning and Environmental Commission review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Planning and Environmental Commission review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Design Review Board. Type of Application and Fee: Description of the Requesti A conditional use Dermit for a fractional fee club, a major exterior alteration, and a variance to the 10o/o retail area limitation and the 20olo hardscaDe limitation. Location of the Proposal: Lot: Part of Lots L & K Block: 5-E Subdivision: Vail Villaoe 1" Filino Physical Addressr 20 Vail Road Parcel No.: 210108204001 ( Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Sonnenalp ProDefties Inc' Mailing Address: 20 Vail Rgad. Vail CO 81657 Owner(s) Signature(s)r Name ofApplicant: Represented by Braun Associates, Inc. Mailing Address: PO Box 2658, Edwards. CO 81632 Phone: 926-7575 . ., ,. .,, '. , l E-mail Address: dominic@braunassociates.com Faxz 926-7576 .' 't" (- +oltj $4oo $6s0 . $800 $1s00 $2s0 $1-300 $500 $200 fr ! tr EI ! tr tr tl I Conditional Use Permit Floodplain Modification Minor Exterior Alteration Major Exterior Alteration Development Plan Amendment to a Development Plan Zoning Code Amendment Variance Sign Variance Phone: 479-5470 For Office Use Only: Fee Paid: * * ** * ** * * * * * * * * * * * + + + + * + * +** * f + * + +* * * * + +* + + * + + ++ * + + * * i1t * f * * +** ** * * * ** * * * ** * * * * * * * t * * * * * * ri * * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement +* ********* ***+***t **ltf + * * + * + * * * ++ + + +* + * +* * * * + * + + * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * ** ********* ****{.**** *** Statement Number: R000002959 Amount: $550.00 08/26/200204:14 PM Palment Method: Cash Init I iIAR Notsation: 1041111 Sonnenalp Permit Nor PEC020048 T)t)e: PEC - Conditional Use Parcel No: 210108204001 Site Address r 20 VAIL RD vAflr Location: Total Fees 3 $650.00 This Payment; $650.00 Total ArrL pmta: $650.00 Balance: $0.00 *****+** ***** * {.,f * * * * * * * ** * * * * ** lr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * '} * t * * * * * * * * * + * + * + * + * * * t +* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Curnent Pmts PV OOIOOOO31I25OO PFC APPI TCATiON FEES 650 .00 +*****t+f + + * * * * ** * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * ** * * * * * * * * * * ******* **+*****++ +* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement +* * ** + * t * + + + ** ** * ** * * ** * * * * + * * *.r * * ** + ** * * * * * * * + * + * * + ++ + * * *** * * *+ ++ f + +* + + + + *+* +++ + * * | * *+ + + t* + Statement Number: R000002960 AmounC: $800.00 OB / 26 / 2OO2O4 : t-5 pM Pa)rment Method: Check Init: iIAR Notation: fO41L]-2 Sonnenalp Permit No: P8C020049 T)t)e: PEC - Major ExEerj-or Alt Parcel No: 210l- 082 04 001 Site Address: 20 VAIIJ RD VAIL, LocaE.ion: Total Fees: $800.00 This Palmen!: $800.00 Totat ALL Pmts: $800.00 Balance: $0.00 **** * * ** * * * **{.+ *,N.* *{.'f **t}tt *'}* * ** ******** ** *{.** ** **** **** ******* **** **'}**:}* ***'t*'}***** * ** *** * * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmrs PV OO1OOOO31125OO PEC APPLICATION FEES 800.00 + * * * +** * * * ** * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * +* * * + * +** * * * *f * * * * * + * + ** + + + + * * * i t * * * * * * ** * * * * * + * * * * ** * * * * * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ********* * * * + * * *'r f * * * * * * * * * * * * + * + * + * + + * + +f* f * * t t * * * * *,t * * * * ********* ********** ******** * *,3**,3* Statement Number: R000002951 Amount: $500.0O 08/26/200204:f7 PYI Palment Method: Check Init.: JAR Notation: L 0411- l-3 Sonnenalp Permit No: P8C020050 Type: PEC - Variance Parcel No: 21-0108204001 Site Addre66: 20 VAIL RD VAIL Locaeion: Total Fees: $500.00 This Payment: 9500.00 Totsa1 AIJIJ Pmt6: $500.00 Balance: $0.00 * * * + + * * + * * * * * 't * * * * * * *,i*******:i'l **,i ****:l******* *** * * ** * * * * * * * ** * + * * + ++ ++ + * +* * t * t* f * * {. * ** * * * {t * ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descript.ion Current Pmts PV OOIOOOO31125OO PEC APPLICATION FEES 500.00 Orr',.ffi Parcel No.:_21910E204001 ( Eagle Co, Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: PA Name(s) of Owner(s): Sonnenalp Properties. Inc, Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the paticular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all requlred information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request: Redevelooment of Sonnenalp, Talisman, and Swiss Haus oroperties. Location of the Proposal: Lot: Part of Lots L & K Block: 5-E Subdivision: Vail Villaqe 1" Filing Physical Address: 20 Vail Road Mailing Address: 20 Vail Rgad. Vail, CO 81657 ' -- Phone: 479-5470 Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: PO Box 2658, Edwards, CO 81532 Phone: 926-7575 E-mail Address: dominic@braunassociates.com Fax'. 926-7576 Type of Review and Fee: tr ,! ! Signs E Conceptual Review New Construction $650 Addition $3oo tr Minor Alteration $250 (multi-family/com mercial ) tr Minor Alteration (sin gle-family/du plex) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). .For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and rPtaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Desisn Review Board. I R EC F t t, - No Fee )Llt- For Ofrice Use Only: Fee Paid: Application Date: Planner: **** ***** *'l***********+*+++t**********'F*** * 'l*********f++t++*******++*+*+**************+**+*+ TOWN OF VAIL. COLORADO Sratement ******************f*tt++++1.*,1****** * **********+***++++*++**++i***+********t*********+**+a++* Statement Nurnber: R000002952 Amounts: $650.00 08/26/2oO2O4:19 pM Palment Method: Check Init : JAR Notation: 10411- 14 Sonnenalo Permit No: DRB0202?9 Type: DRB - New Construction Parcel No: 210108204001 Site Addresa: 20 VAIL RD VAIL Location: Total Fees: $550.00 This Payment: $550.00 Total ALIJ Pmt6: $650.00 Balance: 90.00 ****** **** * * * * + * + + * + * * * * ** * * * ** *** *** *** ** * **+** *****'lt*+* * ************** *** *** ***+**** **** * * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descrlption Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DFSIGN RTVITW FEES 650.00 I gnynR.,AL.ltN ASSoclAttFs" lNC. PLANNING and COMPlUNITY DEVELOPMENT September 16,2002 George Ruther, AICP Chief of Planning Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re:Revised Application for Text Amendment and CUP - l0% Text Amendment Sonnenalp Redevelopment in Vail, Colorado Dear George: Accompanying this letter is a revised application for a text amendment and CUP request regarding the l0% retail limitation, This application is being submitted upon direction given by the Community Development Department and is based upon a new interpretation of the variance section as it relates to our request. We are also withdrawing our variance request from the l0% retail limitation. I will follow-up with criteria addressing the text amendment and CUP request. Let me know if there are additional materials vou need. Thanks again for your help. Fdwarts Village Center Suite C-209 0 105 Edwards Village Boulevard Post Ofiice Box 2658 Edwards, Colorado 8 1 632 Ph. - 970.926.7575 Fax - 970.926.757 6 www.braunassocrates,com A9/12/28A2 83:45 97A-926-157 o BRAUN ASSOCIA TES o PAGE A2 APPlication for Review bY the- planning' and Environmental Commission Deoartmert qf community Development--- Zs ioi$t Frontage Road, Vail, colorado 81657 '- -ier' SZO'c79.2$9 faxl 970'479'2452 web: www.ci.vall'co'u5 ffilf;H$Iilff'fi1;",nn and Environmentar commission reyiew rnu* r€ceive approuar nrr9r.t9 submittine,a buitdtng permu apptication. ffi; il;; i;i;" *ornur requn"*entr br the pafttoiar approval that ls r€queste6' An application for plannrnE ,iiEnurionnl.nel commission;M-eur cannot be accePted unfll all required lnformailon ls rceived by the comrnuntty Development Department, Thi'p]"i.d ;w atso need to be revlaryed by the Town Council and/or the Design R€rie\r Board' Type of APPllcation and Fe€: Descriptton of th€ Rcqu€stl I zoninq gtOe tst amena limitafion, L+K-. .-e ^..,-t,-J'--, t)-:l U,'l(r,-p 4t+ (,\'rvu, Locaton of the pmposar, rot,L5o.t : 9E suudivisiou-JLil-LI9 t Physical Addrccs: p27(fir17t1s.:2lolbtt4ln0l (Eagle co, Assessor at 970'328'8640 for parcel no') 0 Conditionat Use Permit $650 6 nJirur" Modifl@tion $4oo E nit* rtt"ttor Altentlon $650 E 'pi;i;; Etdor Alterauon $8oo 6 b'iGiopmetrt Plan $1500 E GtnO'rn"m to a Development Plan $2!9 -E ;fi; AJ. Amendment $1390 tr Vafiance $500 tr Slgn Variance $200 n R€zoning $1300 - nipr- sJoavision $rsoo E iqtrior subdivision $650 E aremptron Flat $650 E llinoi'nmendment to an SDD $19qq n n*SoeO"tOevelopmentDistrict $6000 E rqalorhmrndmenttoansDD $6000 E Hiior nmenament to an SDD $12s0 (n6 enettor modiflcations) Zoning: t{ame(s) of Owner(s): Malllng Addressl orne(s) Signaturc(s): Phone:47W t{ame of APPllcanfi Reoresenled bv Braun Asso Mailing Address: Po Box 2658' Edwards' C0 81532 Phoner 926'7575 E-mall Addrcg$domi@t 926'7576 tr rtrLE vArL to.317 P.3 SCEEDTJI.E A Ordcr Numbcr: 0102928? - cr l. Effective date: 'tu:.y L7, zoo'- |rr, 3:42 F,I. 2. Poltcy or Folictes rc bc lseucd: Amount of Lusurarcc (r) A.L.T.n. Orner's (Ext.nd.d, S Prcposed Innred: (b) A.L.T.A. Loan tsrrrralrEd) Proposcd lrrsured: DG arrrl( DEl}rgcE GnioSEEN6CEA!|!68 $r Ag (c) l,euehold Proposed Insured: l- 3. Thc est*e or iDtrttst in the hrd dcsct&cd or re&rrcd o in thir ComtrrirDcnt o"d covercd hcrcin ig fqc gLqrlo 4. Ti0c to thc fer rlnph citdc or intcrcst in said lrod is at tic elfectivc dalc hcrcof vcsted in: SoNran lt pRotEtrtES, r!rc., A c$tt.onlDo coR9onAalo|l 5. The lald refercd !o in tbis Co"'mitmenr is dcscribed as lollows: gEE TTTAdES &ACTT', DE9CnIPAION ntlporrod Mdfirt:STATEMENT OP CEAN.GES Theec cfrargcs ara dur rad pay$le bdorc a Policy cra bc tmued. IREFgA IUIDrvlDEB XORTelcEr - Ilx cSnr:20.00 gIE f,?TACHED EllDOnI ETBXI gEf,ROE9 2'.f Ian. an -^ .r.r gra,l AUG. 6,?aa? 1a:e3AH O*, TrrLE vArL 1.{0.317 P.4 SC]EEDUI.,E A Ordcr Nunber: O1o29l e7 -c2 LEGAL DESCRIFTION PINCEL g I PlrE of lot !, Block 5-t,VAMIIJII}CE, trnsr ttt lNc, accordiog to !h8 recoralod Blat, :no=r prrtlculally ilcactibGd 16 folloEd: co|!tl.!cl.!g rt tbc r6.t ssurhvsltorly polhE of, aaid Lo! L; theace f, 60.35'0Ou E r.Ed rlqDg tb€ routb.rl,y l{nc og said LoL L e distanca of 196.3* f,eet,- gbsnco U 13.04'O0l E arrd aloBg tho aout,f,arly 1ln6 of toid Lrot, Lr 155.00 fe€li tbrlcG !f 55o08t28. ll a lligt'ancr of !!5-66 feBr.; theEce E 71056'00r F a {i.turcr of 99.51, feat, tshsaca lf 0O.23'O0r t I 4isrE.atr. ef to7-lo faat tso r polat of,{ntoraeclion rlt'h fb. aostbrrly J.1n6 o! said toE r., tJroncc I 73c53,00' tf aail aloug arid aorthorly tiue g{.00 !a.t to 6 point of errrwe ; tboacd rIoEE r curve t6 !h. lelt hrvltrg a rcdius of, 20,00 fcct, a eattrt1 angtr, ! of 76'16'09r, rn alc dia!,Encr of 26.62 Ceer, l'o a poiat ot lsrgort E , tsb,encc almg cald tangear aad al.org thG r.rtsrly 11b. of Erid tot r,8 00o23'oUr E I dl,! EaDca of ZOO.B9 faot Eo a polnE of cusve;tb,arlcr rlcog rrid wastaaly liac rnd rloEg . surve to thc lcft barrlng a rBaliuE of 3{{.59 !6Gtr a c.attrt lnE].e ot lo.S'.'oon. rr1 rtc d!rt':.[c. ef J,25. rg te.!t thenee 8 E a d,t rtatrcr ol. ZL.?1 tost, To Tbr point O! BoEhEia,g. PIRGBL C; Ir Dart o€ lot !, Eloch 5.E, "lI! \'IIIJIACEI rIR!'E !II'I'C, rccosdlEg Eg t!,€ ncordrd pht, Dor1E part,icularly dGrcll,bod ac fo]'lot.o I Aagir|tr.iEE ats th. e.C routbrr6atetly corner of caid to! tr,E]'oct 5-8, vriL vi1lag. tl.lrr Ft,tllgt t!,€nce alolg tsbe gotrloying trc cousres a1o!g E!. loulb.f,ly bor$Ulaly of Lot Lt (1) x 60.35,00. a a dlrhnce o! 1t6,34 fc€hl (2) l{ 33'04'00. E a dj.aEaace o! 168,00 fe€!; thanca X 55'08,28r x a diFtrsa,. ot Ll5.6O !..t to !b€ f{Ia poLBr, Of leginailg, lbracr 6 71056.00r f, a diata.sc. of E9_S1 f.aE, lheuc.' N 00'Zl,00r |. r di.tal|c. of 1O?.lO la€t to a potli on Ehe toutborly right of vay l:lar of Ertr uocdor Drl,ve; Efraaeg g 47.17,27, E a ililrrlcc 6t 116.91 t6.E !o th. lruo po$t Of a.gdnDlng. cogtcll oF tl6LE C6!,tlltrod on ttatt Dag6 e'd dnc:sn zn cn 3nH F[.G. 6.& l8resA t*t rrrLE rRrL N0.91? P.5 Cant! rattott of Achrdulc f - &c9.1 D.r!8ipr{oa Ordrr ltnberr 010?92t7-q:f glBtl ol @&onrDo r.d Jan . r-n -ra an lnrr flJ6. 6.2SEe 16r ?3Rt1 t* TltEos*bnur-er Sccdon 2 t10.317 P. 5 Order Number: otolgial-cl BXCEPTIONS ft9 gotV or-nolicies to be iscued will contain exccprionr to the follordng unless the sanc 8re disposed of to tlu s rticfrafion of thc Coqatry: l. Righr or clairns of partiec in possessioo, uot sbown by rbc putlic rccords, 2. Esscmems, or claimr of eaecmeab, oor ehowa by thc public records. 3. Dilcrqaocies., conflicts io borudary lines, rhofiagc in arca, crcroachurerfs, and any facts wNch t correct Sllrvcy and inspection of t}c Prstnises world di.$closo ard which arc not shown by *rc public records. 4' fuy licn,. or right to r lien, for rcrviccs, labor or Datcrisl hcrctofore or hercrfter furnlsbed, inpo*d by law rnd not shown by thc public rccords. 5. Defess, licnr, cncrmbrances, advcrse cleimg or other matters, if stry, crerted, 6$t rppearing in tie public records or-Rttacbing _oubst4ucnr !o thc cffcctivc dato hereof, but prior to thc date tbc propiricd Iniued aciuira of record for value thc ett{t4 ot i8erast or mongege thereon covered by this corlificil. 5. Unpuented mining claiue; rercrvadoils or exc€?rions il pueutc, or rn 8ct aurborizing the icsuancc 6ereof; vatcr righre , chims or lltle to water. ?. tbc rrlaet of ineLuglona il aay gaaeral or rSrrcl.fic trtea ddgr.rvrncy, fi!6 proticEdoE, to{l co:lserrratloa or oElGr ilj.lerlct or Lncl.usioa in any water r.nrl.ca 6r Btreet lfitrrovGricng ttot. 0' x,arasvlEions or qxogptioar coltriasd l'! u.g. p!cEn!a, or l[ let! rtrthorJ.zing lhr Lerurlce t!arco!, srco=drd g\r:,y 12, 1999 trB Book {g at p.rgc ,175, rcoonring I) Rlgbha oE cbc prqrrirtoE of r voi.a o= lodn to g*t!.rt rnd suowc bir osr lhltairqB rtd 2) rigbts of, vay lor dilcb.r rnal canal,s canrt$ct.d u[d€r t]r.aulhority ot Eho lt6i e.a st.!c!. 9' follla, coaditioaa, scrcrvcBlonr r rcrlrlclloal and obl{gat.loaa 1!| contailod 1D th'c trot.ccLvc cove{r l3g lqr vrll vlllagr, rirrt Flrlag, rrcordcd Asgust 10, 1952 la Bool( 174 at Prgr 179 as Ee€.DrloD llo, 96391, 10, 8a6cr[etrt6, r€Etrlct?lorlt lltl rlghte-of-rryg at rhorrr on qlc Ela! of Vntl vLllagr rl,re t FllLaE, 11. Tot-t'ts, coneltl'oDd, t.sctltttlonE, rbstriclloBr aEd 6blLErtloE r. coatEiacd ltr Ela€ECt lgsscrEt b!€YOCrl Vall l.Brocl!,eaa. Ltal. .nd Vrl,L ttAEc! rnd slrtltreioa Dldtrict, tocordrd Aprtl 11, 1966 i'Ir loot 192 a! pagr tt3 rs ReoepEion No.I0!6!8. 11. T.!r!! ' cond:lblons, tecrrvatioul, !66trictl6D! rnit obligatiottD It contaLrrEd LD Elrotrant AgaaarEt boCrccD vril loroclrteg, Iue- a$d Vrit rrter aad E|!.LEaEio! DiEtriot. r.corded Augu3e 15. 1966 irl Book 19? at p!,Eo {65 r8 B.cctrElon No. 10,1s36. 13. laclr 6Dd .rct? rigbt oE ELghlr of acs.r6 to itld fro|[ rBy plrt o! Et6t t(osdor Driw., froa rDd to ajly prrl ol cbe oubiect Droperry rbuttiqg Etr! Iteaalor Drlvc, rt coDgnlscd in D..d faoB Rt€Epod Ss.oclrtog to vilco! lroE erE!as, rrcordod ConEilu.d on lerc Dqto ^.1 J^^.,^ -^ ^^ 9^,, FUG, 6,2A8? 18:e3fr'l ,to TITLE \RIL tlo.317 P.7 conbdnuBtsloB of Schr&rlr ! ' gect1on I ordcr lftrrnbar: 010292N7 -Cl odtober !. ::97 5 iE Booh 249 at PaEe 5: u n'{'oPcioa no' 115306' 1{. lraanat grrantcd to EoIy c:rosa ElscEtic lrsoct,ltlon, r! coBttlncd lu chc inr UrulrrnE r,ocoldod Ociobrr 9, 19S5 l.n BooL aso r! Prge 252 a' llsce9glog $o' 1{6491, trS. frrar, condl bLolrc ' laaolvlllon|'r r.rtlicElont erld oSllgacloat r! BoatslJted in lililerrc EtacnoD! AgfegDant brtur.E So[agnaU! ProP'ritoe tnc' ead loYn OE Vgil r.cordcd xrlclt 30, iggr to 6oot 5?6 ac Ea96 a9? sr Rtc*rt{on l1.'' c71'110' 16. raE t, condlE:lqnr I rQ!e!t'r!|,oDr, r.etrlction! aad obllge€lols rt contaiDrd' L:r fraDc! AgrlcEr,lt |'itl Eollr Cto.r EL6cbrlc ttsocirtr'oB, rocold6d Jlprtl Ze, 1992 i:! 8ool 57E rt aag€ i8? |! R€c.PEtorr tlo' t71398' 1,7. telDr, smdlBloBt, r3r.rvatsioag, r€6tri€tl6DA rBd OblLgatio4! al coDlaitrial ia AgEaamtrt batr.o.[' goaaenalp Proparc:ler lgc' "d ra1''E!ta[ Condooriniua Aracciation, raoosdod JuB. 10, 1992 i'8 Booh 582 at Eags 14 rt nrc'PEioa lro' {70lt1- t8. Uuclcrgrou*d rtghn of vay clacaants galEled to Eoly cEord 81ooh!la Arrocistlorr' coco=ica lugus! 13, 1gt2 In Eools 586 a! pigfo 9?4 aB RscrpEtoE No. rD30l7. 19. tiEla, condi tica!, aGaGstatioas. lcrir:Lotsiotr, aod obllgrtiont rg cotrtrljt'd in Trcaclrl coD.lrrl t. rDil v.ult AgE.@n't r'lc! goly GoBr llacbr:lc lE'ociaEl.o6, lccolaled Augtrt! 18, 1992 iD Boolc t!? rt Pagc t{6 rB B'caPtics No' {83{tS' 20. tltrdr=grouD'd rlgbt o! rey etlaast gEr,! Eed !o Boly crosa Eloc!8iq rs3sclallon' !6co!d.d Au$rr! 18, 1992 t$ Book 58? a! lage 952 !s tecoPrloB No' 18'06{' el, trrrd, coadl ttoas, rcr€rvrtioBE, rctltl,€lioaE snd obll'grlioae aa coltrlnod :ln Agr.E6r|! f,or grdrrtsriltl lcc.r. €Nnd6Dt, letldrcapo laiBUotl|rrc' e&g€|n€og' .rt€!6!! !o !r.cB attc trllBtala 6Er1l€gur! on I grblic tlght of t'ry asd grrnt o€ 34..}|!aAu!'bGtY|Ga9o!86!!lPtlotol|'t.tur6Eor'gofvlil.Eqdofdgd'sgDtsatlb|ta 1?, 1997 lo looh 737 rt trg. 497 at RacaPt{on [o' 5'33{50' 22. tcas. conililLoc, tsrorrrrlioEr, tortrlcuignB alra obUgatloDa os cootld8'A in Cablo rrlavb{on Strlk Eilltng Aga.mc8! (Eot'1-oitr's l!rtsr11'd} b'tsue'! . caDlavlriol, vI troc. r8d SoqnsrJ'P !!oPrrtio,, r€cordtd Ja[uerY 2l' 1990 ro E€c€PgloB Noi 6{5251. 23. Acoolc eatuaa! coovrycd Eo TrlisElrl cOndmialun aEso€iatl'oa by EoascaalP ProDorti66, I!c., rE €ot!3.i'a.d ln thr dcod sGcord''l rDsil 1?' 2001 ar l.oceDtlo$ lto , 75'1726. 2{, trry anil al1 socltling I.E.s6 ald csanacleG ' o'd dnn:+,n zn qn lnH Sonnenalp Redevelopment Adjacent Property Owners List August 2002 DORE, WILLIAM J. C/O DORE'FAMILY OFFICE 5151 SAN FELIPE ST STE 9OO HOUSTON. TX 77056-3607 I BILLUPS, M. & LA-LEWIS L.B.-MANNIX, FB. BILLUPS, JAMES S. IIITRUSTEE 8301 BROADWAY STE 319 SAN ANTONIO, TX 78209 I TREVINA LP 600 sTH AVE 8TH FL NEW YORK. NY 1OO2O t I VAIL CORP PO BOX 7 vAlL, co 81658 1 HIBBERD, FRED, JR 45 SKYLINE JACKSON, WY 83001 I FIRST BANK OF VAIL C/O FIRSTBANK HOLDING CO PO BOX 150097 LAKEWOOD, CO 80215 I KOVENER, RONALD R. & CAROLYN O. 2266 E CAPE COD DR BLOOMINGTON, IN 47401 I KNIGHT, MARK E. C/O KNIGHT OIL TOOLS FOUET RD LAFAYETTE, LA 70508 t REISHER. ROGER L. 24OO CHERRY CREEK S DR #405 DENVER, CO 80209-3258 l 333 TRUST MARILENA PIRAS TRUSTEE 415 STEELE ST DENVER, CO 802064416 I VAIL RELIGIOUS FOUNDATION INC o/o REV. DON SIMONTON ''t I 19 VAIL RD vAtL, co 81657 VRrlvrlLqce rNN rNc 1OO E MEADOW DR#33 vArL, co 816s7 I VAIL VILLAGE INN PLAZA CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION PHASE 1 AND 2 C/O SLIFER MANAGEMENT 143 EAST MEADOW DR. vAlL, co 81657 I VAIL VILLAGE INN PLAZA CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION PHASE 3 AND 5 C/O JOSEPH STAUFER 1OO EAST MEADOW DR. vArL, co 81657 I t HOLIDAY HOUSE CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION C/O RICHARD SCAPELLO 9 VAIL ROAD vAtL, co 81657 1 CROSSROADS CONDOMIN IUM ASSOCIATION 143 EAST MEADOW DRIVE. SUITE 499A vAtL, co 81657 .EISTOP PARK CONDOMINIUM ASSOC 7O PHILLIPS & ASSOC INC PO BOX 1403 vAtL, co 81658 1 RIVER HOUSE CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION PO BOX 3459 vAtL, co 81657 B. B. & C. PTNSHP C/O JACK CURTIN 757 S V|NE DENVER, CO 80209 1 VILLAGE CENTERASSOC 124 WILLOW BRIDGE RD vAtL, co 81657 I VILI.AGE CENTER CONDOMIN IUM ASSOCIATION C/O SIERRA MANAGEMENT PO BOX 3842 vArL, co 81658 I JACOBS, WILLIAM T., JR 2OO1 W JEFFERSON ST JOL|ET, rL 60435 l ,r**$lt'#6}R t .ATHARTNE c ,#.rciiryx***r?ff'*" FI)F^-- Dii,1#[t ftKI.R euA' F,ED pERsoNAL +ni,Hff"-53J,* $^t*'1,''rllioo"''''MAssoc'AiloN iJ,ffi#."#!,A. ,;fl[TffrusMrN' M Ass oc,A'oN St H$,tfI*MrN' uM Assoc'A'oN 1t rrEM MAyAFFE.T youR pRopEl PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on September 23, 2002, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for a worksession to discuss a proposed major exterior alteration; a conditional use permit to allow for a fractional fee club in the Public Accommodation zone district; a variance - from Section 12-7A-2 (Permitted Uses), Vail Town Code, to allow for retail uses in excess of l-JOn of the total gross residential floor area of the structure; and a variance from Section 12-7A- -'10 (Landscaping & Site Development), Vail Town Code, to allow for a deviation from the total fandscape area requirement, located at 20 Vail Road, 62 E. Meadow Drive, and 82 E. Meadow - Drive/Lots K & L, Block 5E, Vail Village 1't Filing. Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc., represented by Braun Associates, Inc.Planner: George RutherMarren Campbell A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council of a proposed major amendment to Special Development District No. 4, Cascade Village, Development Area B, to amend the setback requirements as indicated on the approved development plan, located at Coldstream Condominiums, Unit # 25, 1476 Westhaven Drive /Lot 53, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: James and Jane Kaufman, represented by FriElen Pierce Architects Planner: Allison Ochs A request for a final review of a final plat of Lots 1 1 and 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12th Filing, and Tract C, Block 1, Vail Village'l2th Filing, located at 3160 N. Frontage Road East and 3010 N. Frontage Road East and setting forth details in regards thereto. Applicant: Vail Mountain School, represented by Braun Associates, Inc.Planner: Russ Forrest A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council, to allow for text amendments to Title 1 1, Sign Regulations, Vail Town Code, and setting forth details in regards thereto. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Russell Forrest A request for a final review of a final plat for a major subdivision; a request for a final review of a conditional use permit to allow for a private educational institution and development plan approval to construct employee housing; and setting forth details in regards thereto, located at the site known as "Mountain Bell"/an unplatted piece of property, located at 160 N. Frontage Rd./to be platted as Middle Creek Subdivision. A full metes and bounds description is available at the Community Development Department. Applicant: Vail Local Housing Authority, represented by Odell Architects Planner: Allison Ochs The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development ,, l*,-1 tJ/ Department. Please call 479-2138 for information. mwN0Fvut, -, Sign language interpretatiotvailabte upon request with 24-hour nottln. 2356, TelephonE for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published September 6, 2002 in the Vail Daily. Pleaee call479-"^l , b..'1 ;'" i I o THIS o PROPERTY ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on october 14, 2002, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council for an amendment to the Town of Vail Land Use Plan and the Vail Village Master Plan, to facilitate the construction of "Vail's Front Door" project and associated improvements and setting forth details in regards thereto, located on an unplatted parcel, generally located south of the Lodge Tower and west of the Vista Bahn Ski Yard. A more complete metes and bounds description is available at the Deoartment of Community Development. Applicant: Vail Resorts Development Company Planner: George Ruther A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council, to allow for a text amendment to Section '12-88-3 (Conditional Uses), Vail Town Code, to allow for "seasonal use or structure" as a conditional use in the Outdoor Recreation zone district; text amendments to Section 12-2-2 (Definitions), Vail Town Code, to amend the definitions of "seasonal use or structure," "recreation structure," and "recreational amenity," and setting forth details in regards thereto; and a request for a conditional use permit, to allow for a "seasonal use or structure," in the Outdoor Recreation zone district, located at 1778 Vail Valley Drive/an unplatted tract of land within Section 9, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the Sixth Prime Meridian generally located directly north of Lot 3, Sunburst 3'o Filing within the Vail Golf Course, more specifically described as follows: That part of Section 9, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, described as follows: Beginning at the most northerly corner of Lot 3, Sunburst Filing No. 3, according to the final plat for Sunburst Filing No. 3, recorded in Book 263 at Page 429, in the office of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, said point also being on the northerly right-of-way line of Sunburst Drive, as shown on said final plat; thence the following two courses along said northerly right-of-way line: (1) 1 19.32 feet along the arc of a curve to the left, having a radius of 135.00 feet, a central angle of 50038'21' and a chord that bears N72o59'22'W, 115.47 feet; (2) 581041'30'W, 187.43; thence, departing said northerty right-of-way line, N08o18'30'W, 266.90 feet; thence N79"28'56"E, 939,41 feet; thence S11o28'38'E, 91.78 feet; thence 540"01'19"W, 490.77 feet; thence S77"00'32"W, 165.16 feet to the northerly line of said Lot 3; thence, along said northerly line of Lot 3, 148.02 feet along the arc of a curve to the left, having a radius of 189.10 feet, a central angle of 44050'53" and a chord that bears N65"08'56'W, 144.27 feet to the point of beginning, containing 6.47 acres, more or less. Applicant: Vail Junior Hockey Association and the Vail Recreation District Planner: Bill Gibson I A request for recommendation to the Vail Town Council, to allow for a text amendment to Section 12-88-3 (Conditional Uses), Vail Town Code, to allow for "public utility and public service uses" as a conditional use in the Outdoor Recreation zone district and setting forth details in regards thereto; and a conditional use permit, to allow for a "public utility and public service use" in the Outdoor Recreation zone district, located at an unplatted parcel within the Southwest Quarter of Section 3, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the Sixth Prime Meridian, generally located south of the l-70 right-of-way, north of Gore Creek, and west of 2450 Frontage Road East (Water Treatment Plant) within the Vail Golf Course, more specifically described as follows: A parcel of land lying in Section 3, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the 6'h P.M., Eagle County, Colorado, being more particularly described as follows: commencing at the southwest corner of said Section 3, whence the northwest corner of Lot 14 Vail Valley Third Filing bears S07"42'53"E, 474.77 feet and whence the northeast corner of Lot 16 of said Vail Valley Third Filing bears 526'20'09"E, 698.51 feet; thence N56"01'08'E, 921 .55 feet to a point on the south ROW (right-of-way) line of Colorado State Highway No. l-70, said point being the true point of beginning, thence N73"43'36"E, along said south ROW line 75.00 feet; thence S16'16'24"E,25.00 feet; thence S73"43'36'W, 75.00 feet; thence N16"16'24"W, 25.00 feet to the true point of beginning, containing 0.04 acres more or less. Applicant: Public Service Company of Colorado Planner: Bill Gibson A request for a modification to the 1OO-year floodplain, to allow for grading in the floodplain to modify the Gore Creek Whitewater Park, located at the Gore Creek Promenadeffracts | & A, Block 58, Vail Village 1"t Filing, and setting forth details in regards thereto. Applicant: Planner: Town of Vail, represented by Gregg Barrie Bill Gibson A request for an interpretation of the maximum height and calculation of average maximum height requirements in the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. Applicant: Town of Vail Community Development Department Planner: George Ruther A request for final approval of a proposed major exterior alteration; a conditional use permit to allow for a fractional fee club in the Public Accommodation zone district, a variance from Section 12-7A-2 (Permitted Uses), Vail Town Code, to allow for retail uses in excess of 10% of the total gross residential floor area of the structure; and a variance from Section 12-7A-10 . (Landscaping & Site Development), Vail Town Code, to allow for a deviation from the total _. A landscape area requirement, located at 20 Vail Road, 62 E. Meadow Drive, and 82 E. Meadow SbrivelLots K & L, Block 5E, VailVillage 1't Filing. Z\ Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc., represented by Braun Associates, Inc. Planner: George RutherMarren Campbell A request for a final review of a variance from Section 12-6D-6 (Setbacks), Vail Town Code, to allow for an addition within the required setback, located a|2943 Bell Flower Drive, Lot 4, Block 6, Vail Intermountain. ) Applicant: Planner: Alan Budd Zuckerman Warren Campbell A request for a worksession to amend Chapter 12-15 (Gross Residential Floor Area), Vail Town Code, to discuss modifications and/or elimination of the Gross Residential Floor Area regulations in all zone districts and setting forth details in regards thereto. Applicant: Vicki Pearson, et.al.Planner: George Ruther The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the prqect planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Depafiment. Please call 479-2138 for information Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published September 27,2002 in the Vail Daily. Department of Conmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2r 38 F,tx 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us September 11,2002 Sonnenalp Resort Comments From Greg HaIl and Todd Oppenheimer 'I t. 2. J. Survey inconsistencies. Improvements on stream tract previous survey showed not now line moves north, to accommodate improvements to property line. Provide Flood Plain Study to prove claims in application. Loading in delivery: Cannot take multi use reduction berths need to be as follows. a. Not in front of set back b. Need to be in one place. c. Need to accommodate maneuvering on site with in lot lines. d. Minimum size 12x25. We are requiring size to be l-12x50, l-12x40,2-12x35 plus trash. e. Existing loading area needs to go away. 4. PA Zone district requires traffic mitigation $5,000/each PM peak trip. May be offset by improvements. Credit for additional loading. 5. Parking plan provides too many valet, whole garage is valet. 6. How does connection from loading get to kitchen storage areas? 7. Need to provide Sun/Shade analysis of 20' setbacks to allow encroachment. 8. Encroachment at intersection of Meadow Drive and Willow Bridge Road is unacceptable. Streetscape plan wants to encourage a special event plaza. This plan reduces the area of the plaza down. 9. Show hansit stops. 10. The size of the curb cut on Willow Bridge Road is large. 11. Show transition of existing planter and truck parking to the South of property on Willow Bridse Road. Show Flood Plain on site and grading plans. Which utilities are to be relocated? 12. 13. Attachment: G O 14. Storm drain under building needs to be relocated and tied to system at Vail Road. Shading ofroadway will require drainage system to collect water quicker offthe surface and be put into storm system. 1 5. Talisman access to surface can be accommodated through garage. Standar ds arc I2o/o headed with engineered design 16% heated. Access andparking should be within easement and property. 16. How are improvements on each others property being accomplished? 17. Remove walks on stream tract behind Talisman. 18. Provide Pedestrian Easements along East Meadow Drive. 19. Sight distance at Vail Road,/Meadow Drive and Meadow Dr/lVillow Bridge Road intersections must be maintained as well as all access points. 20. Parking Garage on sewer easement, need to move sewer and easement. 21. The grade on Willow Bridge Road to match elevation of the road appears to be 61.5 not 60. 22. The building should step up so grade at Willow Bridge Road is not in a hole. O 23. Transitstopsshouldnotbeinneckdowns. 24. Provide pedestrian connection across Talisman frontage. 25. Developer to incorporate Public Art needs to coordinate with AIPP. 26. Developer to incorporate streetscape improvements along entire frontage plus tie in beyond. Streetscape to match Town of Vail plan, improvements to include all worlq drainage improvements, planter walls, lighting, street fumiture, walls, pavements and heat ifrequired etc. 27. See revised loading plan A2-0. 28. Provide 30" sign easement. 29. Final site plan to be consistent with and coordinated with the East Meadow Drive Streetscape design. 30. Crossroads intersection: Swiss Haus entrances? to roadway and planter/stairway configuration are inconsistent with sheetscape goal of maximizing intersection as? Plaza. Building should be moved back from right-of-way line and grades matched to roadway outside of right-of-way line. 31. Lighting plan: Number of architectural light fixtures is excessive and inconsistent with streetscape plans. Fixtures have exposed light source this will cause considerable glare. Applicant should consider having a professional lighting design and washing walls with concealed light source. Lighting of the street can be accomplished through the streetscape design. 32. Streetscape encroachments: Encroachments of streetscape improvements, namely drain pan, are shown incorrectly and will be pulled back to right-of-way line. 33. Vail Road lntersection: Modify walking axeas to better align with crosswalk location. Retain planting along edge of "neck down" area with modifications. 34. Additional planting areas: Consider placing small planting areas at the base of columns along Bavaria House. 35. Transit stoo location: Coordinate location for east bound transit stop with streetscape design and Vail Transit Managers. 36. Pedestrian easement: Provide minimum of 4' pedestrian zone with streetscape pavers along Talisman frontage. September 20,2002 Mr. George Reuther Senior Planner Town of Vail Community Development Department 75 S. Frontage Rd. W. Dear George: It has come to the attention of the Board of Managers of the Talisman condominium Associaticn that it is your understanding that the owners of the Talisman Condominiums have no objection to accessing our surface parking by driving through the underground garage that the Sonnenalp Resort intends to build on Talisman property. In fact, the Talisman owners strongly object to this access as being terribly burdensome and inconvenient. Our preference for access to our surface parking remains surface access offEast Meadow Drive, unless an equally convenient access is possible. we are willing to work with the sonnenalp and the Town to make the redevelopment of the Sonnenalp resort a success, but not if it means that we must access our surface parking by first driving underground. If necessary, please contact me so that we can discuss this matter further. of the Talisman Condominium Association L)n-rcN & HrNnunN ,-{lrlrrrrr r, rr : l tlr( (rlil[\ \ lll\l)N1.\\. )]( . t)l \\ tjt\ I l()0I \\. {iJllr \\e. l|he.tt Ridgr,. ( () ln)0ii-ll()() j0t.1i)q()9.) l.r\ i0 i..l Jl.t)')rlq l:Ol(l ( rrl ll\s ill) J-A Bo.trrlnalk Drirt f(,rl (ollflr\ ( O lt(|l-l; 9/l) J : (lt)(]lJ ():0.-t0(,.t|]iiJ ia\ ():0ll; l)llll Denuer Office JERRYC.M.ORTEN jerry.orten@ortenhindman,com September 23,2002 Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission c/o Varren Campbell 75 South Frontage Road Vail,CO 81657 R e: Sonnenalp Deuelopment Application Our FiIe No.5824.002 Dear Mr. Campbell: We are writing to advise you that we are representing a group of homeowners at the Tallisman Condominium regarding the Sonnenalp Development application. This group of seven owners (of fourteen owners) holds interests in eight of the sixteen units at the Tallisman. The group of seven owners consists of the following: Ir)ll ln','ltlxrll0.) l) 1., Ito.r.larv u r rr lcrrhrrtdnrarr.r onr w\\,w o r {,. a Lr { rn r.i r. ( o'r Larry weiss Maggie Easrwood Roland Nobis Cail Shaffer Burt and Pat Dolan Richard Genova Marilyn Fleischer Please call us with any questions or concerns. Sincerely, JCMO/cp cCandycc D, Cavanagh, Esq. Marilyn Fleischer Wr\Clicnt \Flcischcr \Flcischcr 002"wtxj .\ l(tl nL! ri l) I //( l f rl.r' lt rl Jr L',,Litt,ttttr,trtJ ( . rr ttt tl] I rrt t I t. t I HINDMAN.P.C. : May 1,20a2 TO:ilr n,rmr, Ctrld-e Phnning io*n of Vail Deprtnent of Commrni$ Development- Planning and Zotdttg Gommittee FRoM:TheUndercigned|rrdtvidrglTa||srnanCondominlumovynen RgPrcpqsgdgcnncnetpRadstleloprnardProi6,tSctredu|edbrsubmitta|on ' MEY 19,2fr02 It is our undergta)ding that the Sonnendp wrll eubmit fof your consideratftrn a pf"-n to riOevef,cp it s ircperfles cgnanty'knoufir. as the Sonnenap Hotel and the !,r,t"" Ct "tet ndatea on 'gast MeaCour Orive betYveen Vail Road and W1orv Bddge Road. As our condornidum bullding b sihrded betrleer frese hlo buildings-and ihe 'Siot nimlp oroiea will travei maior impad on our property. ue =Pm!! lo you tre bll'iil;;il^m;ns. Phase notstrat lireee commer* are bassd on lhe most [cer*ilans slv"tl lo TallEnun ostnsfs. datcd Jarunry 29'2002 and may not be iJ"ntcit to n[ plam submltted to your Departrcnl Furllrermore, we are an6re inalgr" fanottin goarO haE apprdved a "Lgg, of Unde6bnding' rcgading the lonnenato Droiect The under;ibned indMrtral onners dsagre ufltr many of lhe |gl5iliqnE Lld by fie Board in their Lefier and lherefore wish our vlervs lo be submltbd {or ilrc publb rccord. First we mnt it clearty r.ndersbod trat o0r firtont is not to blocls the Sonnenalp Oe'ldloomenf The Smnernlp tras been an mportant part of Vail for many years' ffr"f flcmiea are knmtn wld-tride ae among lhe boot and hare btottght presdge and |'gt en a lo tte bri,n of Vall. We are csrfdentfiat any ftrfure SJnr[natp oeye*opments willbeof similar quafity' Wedo, horsvsr, hava sbnificant concerffi uf0r frsir cunsnt htildittg proposal. 1- The mass arrd hr& of tre gopoead brddngs oreilhdm {fie Tafisman buiHirq and the slnaler scatc pedes['ien ercas on East Meadw Ddve- We nouE suDpott a buildrng along East lledor Dfip lhal is 2 b 3 shries high, wlh a staggered toof l|n€ and more estbacks for hndecaping. 2. We do not hhk that the proposed se&acks from lhe cunenl legal propsrty tines are aOeqt de. We requestthstlhe SometEts proiectadherelo tt€ legat 20 frd cetbads. We do nol hink hat !p prolced s€tbaclc afbut adequate ligtrt, a'r and open spece betrcen lhe bufldngs. 3. We dlsagree t|,ilh |he propoEed t€dlgnment of properly lines befreon the Sonnenalp and ltre Talisrnan and rfiereftre requed O|at the Sonnenafp submit a propoeal bc€d on the CURRENT logal prop€tty lines and witft the CURRENT legafiy regural se{tadtc. We only recendy acquired our propefiy and do not see lhe need to ta'de hnd at lhb ttme. We obiect to t/latu1,20rltZ 3. confd. the sonrrenelP e assr.uned use of Talignan P:g??pl" qa-!$!^fl-"1"-}i rJL:H[[H" "nd i nr"o uno-t-plng. liihue-rre proposed land =,ap.. .;tffi.;;;i;[*il ,fi 4q,s-E !r iicadow Drivd, ue be{e'e rhai as llris ;;;iltri& anorghfor aryom!rueuun on tandsfll raintain adequae il.d;:G-i*tl uiuro merl eqtrire fre area bc bndscaped' 4. We are very concerned about ttre surfacs ingrcss and egres for the Talisman ormerc, guesls, detivetie3, gatbage andfte proterlion' We cunerr|lyenbrgurpropeilytrrorrglr[resonrrerra|pHolelmainentrance. w" [[;t"nuy expirieirce aenvs aue !o tle untoadi'ng of-sonnenalp gu6ts and trek dellrrerids and ffis 6 onen bac*ed up on Vsl! Road' We at€ not iooi,reO trat slmibr dElays h enfry to un property will noi occur undsr the new ProPosa[ ViL u"O*stin6 lhd we hare a t#Cd right to an easement giuing us irpness ;l edfiril" Fgst ilbador orive and rrould tike thb preserved. 5. We are nst opposed in gimipte b an underground pa*ing and are aunre -' iia G iowri bf Van e incq,raghtg tE novementof surhce Patkilrg "*ilAttouttd b rhe etrcnt pffi{hr€ to fllqyq more landecaptng -"nO ? ,or" itractve Tonn. Our'concern b fw the lraffic llor fiom Vail Road b irii'*ro.rgrrrd pa*fiqg through to x1g €xit on wilow Road; agah an easy and rapld accgss for the Tdi'eman oiltefs' liie i&ms of Ure Sonnerdps use of he Talbman underground proq€rly for lhis pafkiqt sfiusture ryould of coune be a giuate negnilialion betrEn the two'parlies ard has yot lo be finalized. 6. we do not agree wilh ciher dfie proposed devabr accesses from lhe -' undenqroundparkirng m orr prcperiy. Boilr propoaals slroYr an I ft x 8lt x i2fr biitdtng iO Ccffom ne fiont gil ow buifdir'. Th;" Blet/fr_r bulldhg wU n tft et-Ufocl our vieu dld cast shadours on our building' tuiother tGton for Ure elevab'f or elirninadon ln fayor of a bss obtrusiw slaimell shouH be conskl€red. ln conctusbn, lhe cunent Sonnenalp propoeat oontairts many dements of a redevetopmcnt plan thay submltted lo Ure toun in 1900. We s'ie some comrnerrii of mi fown irf Vsilt Commurliy Dwetopnent Depaftrnent $at "rere senf O ftre Town PlanninE and Enrironmental Commlssion on June 25' rggo. we believe tbal they a|g as appllcable now, lf not nmre so, as they were in lgg0 consftledng the dirdopmer{ ln Vail oerfre past lO y€ars and the MastBr Plan the Town dffrefity envlsions- Page 3. ltem A- " TFe heigng of the buitdlng along Vail Roed atd p*na-darty East iilecdwv DiiG neJd to Ue redr.rceO m alorv frr a more reasonable endssure of lhe 6tr€et. ThE quallty olthe petHian exPeri€nca lE rd enhancsd by the proposal Oui to fre lac* of bndsceping on East l/teadow tXive, 0 sa(back for o I aHllrlall vlrtnryrrxr l|r' S/hY l,2(ltl2 tre brrilding and roof we-rhang on Torrn sty{-g: mass ard bullt of the roriiiniHir*rrems_tre smailerscale pedestrhn areas on Mea&try Driv€. More'#ft[E o pt'ui" spaces by usittg plazas' ffi;plL;ttd *dng are neceesanf' Page ?' ltcm c' Lo' 1'- - .--^.- t'rr{va rc recammended to be a maximum of trvo :iEjre- +ong E st Mcadotr Drlve 'ts recommer ti frrlEo-ri-e"-ot re r" Iz i-itil-tng h"€il" exdude roof forms')" @ rys?1 :"I H* on tre sonnenalP orooosal ard Equest ftlt'ft Ui "n[ttt"O ln lhe publlc record for comideration &-5iii;;ffiifiu* wokine on lhis ProJed SincerelY, Tabrnan Condominiwn* TOTRL P,@4 ..\ 1\J t: M., _- - SPECIAI, WARRANTY DEED 'l'HlS DEED, N,tade lhis l3d between day of April 2001 By: ) ) ss. ) Thc foregoing instrument was acknowlcdged beforc mc rhis 13 Aoy of April, 2001, by Johanncs Iracsslcr Prcsidcnt of Sonnenalp I'roperties, lnc,, a Colorado corpotation. S0nncnalp Properties, Inc., a Colorado corporalion, ofthc Counly of Eagle, Slatc ofColorado, Sranlor, and Talismrn CoDdorninium AssociStioD, a Colorado nonprolit corporation, whose tcgal add(ess is 62 East Meadow Drivc, Vail, Colorado 81657' olthe County ofEagle, State ofColorado, grantcc: wl'fNESSETH, Thrt thc grantor, for and in consideration of rhc sunr ofTtsN I)OLl,AItS, and r,rther good and valuable coDsidcratjon, Lhe rcccipl and sufTicrency of which is hereby ackDowledged, has granlcd. bargairred, sold and conveyed. and by $es€ presents docs grart, bargain, sell, couvcy, and con,lml, unro lhc grantcc aDd tt! successors aDd assigns forcvcr, all the real property, logethcr wirh inrnrovcncnts, ifaly. orvncd by grartlor a:td situatc, lying and being in the County ofEagle, Stale ofColorado, described as follo*'s: As sct forth on Exhibit A anachcd to and ircorporated i:r tlris Dced by this refetencc: also known by stecl and number as: 62 East Meadow Drivc, Vail, Colorado 81657; assessor's schedule or parccl number: rOCETIIER wirh all aDd singular rhc heredilaments and appuncnarrces lherclo belonginS, or in anywisc appcrtaining, and rhc rcvcrsion and leversions, remairder and remainders, rcnts, issucs rnd profis thr:rcof: and all the cstarc. righ(, litle, inlcres! claim and dcmand whaisocver of tie grantor, cithcr in law or cquiry. or, in and lo the above bargaincd premrscs, wrth the hercditamelts and appurtenanccs; TO HA\.E A,r*D TO HOll) rhc said Frcmiscs abovc bargained and described s ith lhe appunenances. unto the grantee(s), its successors and assigns forcver. Thc graltor, for itselfand its succcssors and assrgns, docs covcnanl and agrec that it shall and will WARRANT AND FORnVER DEFEND thc abovc-barSaincd prcniiscs in thc quicr and peaceable pcssessionofthe granrcc, its succcssors and assigns, against alland cvcry pcrson or persons claiming thc whole orany pan rhcreof, by, $rough orunderthe grantor, subject to lhc m.xcrs listed on Exhib:t B atlachcd to and incorpomtcd in this I)eed by this referencc. Ili WITNESS WHEREOF, thc Ernnlo! has exccutcd dris dccd on the datc set fodr above. SONNEfiALP PROPERTIES, INC-, a Colorado corPoration STATE OF COLOIiADO, COLbJTY OF EACLE "lf ir Dcnvcr, inscn "City and". l--:liliilffiii'dsT*1 I uiiJffiL*.--J wir ess tnv hand and official scal. l\x commission expires rr\'3\eoo3 ir . i",r...:l.n r rnrres irrfStg/<^** r'lrs) Nutrf, rd A'&(tr ot Pdror Li.ltiot Ndr (i akd l ixrr lkFutr l rirl.rlbl.al{s) I lltilt ilil uiiil il til] ilil tililt til till til ilt i,?iit?,,,,,5r.. J Firh.r €..c1.. c0 laE F lt.oo D t17.77 \o. I6. tlru l-9,1. SP r'a:lAl. WARRAfiTY Df,tD - (REVISED).ril.\* tj;l,lK' {?^\' 2IrEl''t'" I I t. it4 7'1 , \ tr t -t..: ,-- ir 'r I ,:, B..dadJ hbltrlirr. l?at w*. Sr,. lx.yd, Co 10201.-- OoJl :9:.:toc.- 9.9! lr EXU!!!I4 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY Fee simpl0 titls in and to thc following parcel: A part ofLots L and K, Block 5-E, Vail Village First Filing, County ofEagle, Statc ofcolorado, morc particularly describcd as follows: Commencing at the nost Southwesterly point ofsaid Lot L; thencc N. (rrf35'00"E. and a)olg thc Southerly line ofsaid Lot L a distance of 196.34 fcct; thence N. 33'04'00"8. and along the Southerly line ofsaid Lot L a distance of 165.00 Ieet to lhc true poinl ofbegiDnitlg; thence N.55"08'28"W., a distance of l?0.00 Get: thcnce N.34"51'32 "tr, a distance of 97.46 feeti thence S.82"35'00"8. a distance of 142.01 feet; thence 5.23'54'3 8 "8. a distance of 86.00 feet; thence S.66"05'22"W. a distance of 40. I 5 fccl to a comer ofsaid Lot Li thence S.69"50'00"W. and along the boundary ofsaid Lot L a distance of 102.50 lect to thc lrue poinl ofbcginning. A non-exclusive easenrent for access. descnbed as follows: An access easem€nt 30.00 feet in width across a part ofLot L, Block 5-E, Vail Village First Filing, County ofEagle, State ofColorado, the centerline ofwhich is described as follows: Commencing at the most Southwesterly point ofsaid Lot L; thencc N.60"35'00"E. and along the Soutberly line ol said Lot L, i 96.34 fcct; thence N.33"04'00"8. and along said Southerly line 165.00 feet; thence N, 55"08'28 " W., I 20.00 [ect; thence N.34'5 I '32"E., 9'1 .46 feel; thence 5.82"3 5'00"E, I 5.00 fe et to the point of beginning; thence on an angle to the left of 90'00'00", 35.00 feet to the point of terminus, said point being in the right of way of East Meadow Drive. llllilt i'?,1i3?,, ,.,R 13.OO 0 1l?.7? o EXHIBIT B EXCEPTIONS'IO 1'I'I'LE l. Real eslale taxcs and asscssments for 2000 and snbsequent years. 2. Right ofproprietor ofa vcin or lode to extract and lemove his orc thercfron should the same be found to penetrate or intersecl thc premiscs as resen,cd in Unitcd States Patent recorded July I I, 1899, in Book 48 at Pagc 475, Eaglc County, Colorado. 3, Righl of way for ditches or canals constructcd by thc authority of thc tjnitcd Slates as reserved in United States Palent recorded July I I, 1899, in Book 48 at Page 475, Eagle County, Colorado. 4. Restrictive covenants which do not contain a forfeiture or reve(cr clause, but omitting resldctions, if any, bascd on race, color, religion, oi national origin, as contained in inslrument recordod August 10, 1962. in Book I 74 at Page I 79, Eagle County, Colorado. 5. Eascmonl and right ofway for Gore Creek as it may affect subject properly. 6. Encroachment ofaccess casement onto Easl Meadow Drive as shown on the recorded condominium map for Thc Talisman, Eagle County, Colorado. 7. Thosc provisions, covenants and conditions, easements and restrictions, which are a burden to the condominium unit dcscriircd in Schcdule A, as contained in instrumcnl lccorded December 30, 1970, in Book 219 at Page 417, Eaglc County, Colorado. 8. Terms, conditions and provisions of cascmcnt as granted 10 -l'he 'l allsman Associatiol) recorded July 16, 1973 in Book 230 at Pagc I I I , Eaglc County, Colorado. 9. Existing subleases and tenancies ofunits in Tirc Talisnran Condorniniunts, tsagle County, Colorado. Itl. Terms, conditions and provisions ofBroadband Easement and Right ol Entry Agreement recorded August 14, 1996 in Book 702 at Page 855, Eagle CouDty, Cololado. I I . Encroaclulent ofThc Talisnran Lod8,e onto the easement recorded in Book 197 al Page 465, Eagle County, Colorado, as slrown on surr'cy ol M.S.M. Consultants lno. cntitled Kiandra Lodge East. 12. Encroachmcnt ofThe Kiandra Lodge onto thc casemenl recorded in Book 197 at Page 465, Eaglc County, Colorado, as shown on sun'ey of M.S.M. Consullants lnc. entitled Kiandra Lodge West. 13. Dasements, reservations and reslrictions as shown and reserved on the recorded plat of Vail Village First Filing, Eagle CoLrnty, Colorado. 14. Easements, reservalions and restrictions as shown altd reserved on the recordcd condominium map of Talisman Condominiurns, Eagle County. Colorado. I5. Terms, conditions and provisions oIAgreement recorded May 6, l99l in Book 553 at Page 3 13, Eagle County, Colorado. | 6, Terns, conditions and provisions of Fire l,ane Easement Agreement recorded March 30, 1992 in Book 576 aIP^8e297, Eaglc County, Colorado. 17 . Terms, conditions and provisions of Agrecmcnt rccordcd J une 10, I 992 in Book 582 tt Pagc 14, Eagle County, Colorado. 18. Tcrms, conditions and provisions ofAgrccmcnt rccordcd Octobcr 26, 1992 in Book 592 at Page 370, Eagle County, Colorado. 19. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, slrortages in areas, encroachments and any facts rvhich a corrcct suwey and inspcction ofthc subjcct propcrty rvould disclose and which are not shown by thc public records. I lllill llil il|il il l||Il ilil lillll lil lill lili llll l?lil'?',,.,s..r J Fr.h.. Er.l.. co 3sa R IS.OO D 1t7,7? Lj L4;/). ('^ il ll it lt . n cod.d rr,........1-:.99....-....-..o'clocr..li....u., .......-..... 9l!pbq.r..1,...1976 ... . ... ... S,:oa -"."""""'-.. _ 1]j.:-!!9 Tns Drm, xrdotur 30th &rorsepteober.rT6 l,Ol t h 6 @ lp^ bctro<r Rlchnond Aeeoclatee, a Colorado geoeral I partnerahlp I lTUt [oClIIflTtXf lTt I oct t'ze ot ilc | . l.rtL sSzrl . cou||.' ol Eag]e rlld 6trtc ol coloddo, ot thc flitt Drrt, .!d I l"+- vl1cor Propertlee, a Colorado joint venture I oi tf. Coontt ol Eagle Dd Strt ot I Colorrdo, of lhc .dond Drrt: WITNEBSETE, Thrt th. .dd }|rt y ol tI6 flttt F!t, to! rnd ln c{'liderition ol th. lum of Four llllllon Four llundred Forty-fl.ve Thousand Five Hundred and no/100--- DoLLARS to ih. 'r.td prrl y ot thc tlrrt prrt jr hud prid bt.dd Duty ot tlr r..ond rnrl, ll! rec.iJ't Fht.€ot is . h.rcbt cont.|||d rbd |cbotl.dgtd, b|3 xnrtd, t tf.tn"a, irola end contcye4 lr|d bv these prsa!! do e6 I r.."f t tgtlr, ..11, coDtGt |Dd contttb, tnto fht dd Fny ol tDG .dond D.rt, hcirt !d urlinr loa' I .'cr, rll tlc lollorla8 d-rlb.d lot I :(.IEcl of lrnd, dtur'-ci ltba |nd b.ln8 ttr th! I ColEt at EaSle .rd st^t oi Cololrdo, io tttl I See Erhtbtt A sttached hereto a:rd by thls reference bade a ParL hercof. TOGEISEB tL rD lDd itnF lt tlc hGtedttrEEt rd r!9urialDclt t5.nt LtonslDa, or tn rnrrlle rlrt a'tdd!8, .bd thr Frcldor rnd rg"eltloDt, tt ddnd6 rd teEf,ind.r!, tttlt!" lssrer .nd Dmtitt ther€ol' lnd all tb. ..t r.' rrsb! tltt., hr.!t6g dd.B rtd d.Etnd tbt o.v.t ol thc rdd prrV oi th. fir3t prrt,.ithcr ir l3w o! Gqult', it, h &d tD thc rlcvc hqdncd pcolrcr, ;ltl tho hcndti!.Jl!. .Dd rppurtaanccr' TO BAYE J|ND m EOLD thc rrld Dr!Et|a. rbov. b|rSth.d ud dlrctlH tith tho sppurten$c.!' uhto tht .dd pr* 9 ot th. .ccoDd Drrt, f t ugIS€ itlS!&rt torrYlr. Ard tit lrid prrty of thc lirut D!rt,tor lud f , t c si$tffif,If;ili$*tfifl*tr&q!--d-" coYarrnt, sr t, baraain. ind ssrec to rnd tith t!. rld D.rty ot thr t&and Frt, its SEfri$ttl5g"t, thrt.t th. tldc;t thF €n"alins rnd dtrlivrry o! tL... Dr.|atb, lt ls vdl roi'd ol tlc ptm.hcr rbor. cotwryrd, |' ol 8ood, srre, perlEt, tlrsolule dnd lnd.(..dbt. .rtrt ot hhcrlts.c, b hv, b tca rinplc |l|d ire flod rlght, tull potc! srd hwlul suthority to sr$E brrgdr, t U rDd cony.y t}c trE! l.a Elt|E@ |tld lorm rr rfor:'|!d, rnd th.t thc armc are lree and .lcsr ' IroE dl toraGr &d 0tb.1 8raltt brlgrtl'|, t|la,ltco+ tuor,.r|r€rlocntr &d ancumbrenccs of whrtever kind ot Drtltr Fcrlr. excegt Seneral ProPerEy tared and aaaeltaEentg for 1976 and subseqttent yearg and except for eaaeoe[!8r reeErlctlve covenantar r18hts of u;l1'' antl rescrvr- tlons of recold; those certaln Deeds of Truata and Eecurlty lnterests descrlb'.:d llrii Exhtbt t B attached hereto rhleh party of the Eecond part aeaumee and agrees to li pay except ae noced on Exhlblt B, and tho8e othet er<cePtLons descllbed 1n Exhiblt ll C sttached hereto, rnd i.bc rborr br4rir.d prcndlcr b tb. qdlt &d paacarblc Do.!.!ion ot tb! lrid Drrt y of tbo tecond p!rt' ll Lta Euccessora tdr!d|'dS .ginrt dl .nd .r6rt partod or DaraoDr bwfullt cle.iEing or to clarm *o wlole ll or |n p.rt tl.r..t, t!. dd DEty ol th. At|t Frt d!.ll &d FIll W.AXRANT AllD FoIIEVER DEFEND. ll IN WfTNASS W:mAEOF, thc .dd D.dy d th! irti prn hr I hcrtrlhto &t 1 t s hrJd I I .d -l l!. drt .!d t.|r fiirt |bot rrittc!"'I RIcHltoND ASSOCIATES, a Colorado ll I E3l.gl+-..p-.-IJ,l.?:.pItpt .-4 . rseerr Il l'" Zj/{24</./r7'74k/'""^,, ll | -1fi111ein"!: Bo{b-i i e Cdrieidl PdIff'TeY' ||- ;;;; l" .o"o*o, " ,J Er^,frrh!\ vFetx"l^3.-;;;, l;lis""J il .,i11"'l'8if'y,1*-a cou,'tot Denver f .:. \k-.fr;.fii'fhiri.-tnttrubGnt w.r r.knorldgcd bclon nc tur 30th dry ol SePteuber, ll c"Ye?f,-,t 9r. rl{4994. ! r- B9"i!, 9lq ,4rgl-9:,l'r:lg:!e r '.as General PartnerB of Rlchnondll ,"i \Utftltlf'+ f5",in g7*ri eai;er8li' - wh'D b' h!'rd $d otrrctir "!r' ||i. ^ ^ ;.': , v Y- n;...Fg g;r$..io..i . a'a.u,ta.a .V'^'..{-+z-t tt,e./---='." ll ,;;; -. .i":iisi / ^ond''61k tl '.',,,( 6p gorl,.r" r v il ''l/,i4,r,,,,ttr,t'1" _ . _ -_, ,,________..._ ll llo. t|jl tltllNfi DllD-h tt-iriarL L-ra--Jirh{ hltsl (\ I.iqa tbt tb..t D-w. ootori& ?.ti ,s EXHIBIT A Atl of the buildings and inProvements located on the following described real proPer ty: I(IANDRA RDAL PROPERTY A part of Lot L, Block 5E, VAIL VILLAGE PIRST FILING, County of Eagle, state of colorado, more Particularly described as follows: ' Com.rnencing at the most Southwesterly point of sard Lot L; thence N 60'35100" E, and along the south- erly line of said IJot L a dislance of 196'34 feet; thence N 33"0{'00' E and along the South(:rIy lj.ne of said Lot L !65.00 feett thence N 55008'28" vt' a ' distance of I35.65 feet; thence S 71o55'00" w, a dj.stance of 89.5I feeti thence N 00o23'00" vl' a distance ol I0?.20 feet to a poinL of inLersection with the Northerly line of said Lot L; thence S 75o53rOO" l'1, and along said Northerly l'!ne 84'04 feet to a poinL of curve; thence alon<, 'r crr! ' the l-ef t having a radius of 20.00 feet, a (r(rrr-'tI ' angle of 76'16'00" an arc distance of 26.62 feet to a point of langent; thence along said tangent '. and aiong the westerly line of said Lor L, s 00o 23'00" E, a distance of 208.89 feet to a Point of curvei thence along said Westerly line and along a curve to the left having a radius of 344'59 feet. a centraL angle of 20'51'00", an arc distance of L25.40 feett thence S 2I'14r00'E, a distance of 2L.77 feeti to the point of beginning' TALISMAN REAIJ PROPERTY A part of Lots L and K, Btock 5-E, VAIL VTLLAGL FIhsT PTLING, county of Eagfe, state of colorado, more particularly described as follows: CoJrunencing at the nost .Southvresterly Point of said Lot L; thence N 60035'00" E and along the South- erly line of sa.id Lot L, 196.34 feet; tlr'rtI(rc N 33'b4'00' E and along the southerly line of said Lot L, 155.00 feet to the true Point of beginning; thence N 55008r28" li a distance of 135'66 feet; thence N 47'12'34' t"l a distance of II6.94 feet; thence N 75'53'00' E and along the Southerly line of East Meadow Drive a distance of 12-95 fcet to a point of curvet thence along said southerly line and al-ong a curve to the right having a radius of 505, B? ftet, a central angle of 2]o32 r00", an arc distance of 190.12 feet to a Point of tangent; thence along said tangent and along said southerly Iine S 82'35'00" E a distance of 27L 43 feet to a point of curve; Lhence along a curve to-the right 'having a radius of 75'OO feet, a centraf an91e of 90020i06u, an arc distance of I18.25 f,eet to a Doint of reverse culve; thence along a curve to r#' I l,p I I I ,ffii. 'the teft having a radius of 170.00 feet, a central angle of 24'5I'26', an arc distance of 73'75 feet; thence s 67oL5'27* w a distance of 92'81 feet t.r a poinl of intersection with the southwesterly line of said Lot K; lhence N 50"24'00" W and along said Southwesterly tine a distance of 58.00 feet; thence N l',1 and along said southwesterl-y Line a distance of 12?.00 feet to the Soulhwcst corne! of said Lot K: thence s 69"50'00" !l and along the Southerly line of said Lot L a distance of I02.50 feet to the true point of begrnnrng. TRIANGUIAR PARCEL A pATt of Lot L, BIocK 5-E' VAIL VILI,AGE FIRST FILING, county of Eagle, State of Colorado, a subdivision filed under Reception No. 9638I, in Book 174 at Page l'79 of the Eag1e CounLy, Colorado Clerk and Recorders records, said tract being more particularl.y described as fol.lows: Beginning at the most Souchwesterly co!:r\cr 'ri Lot !. Block 5-E, VAIL VILLAGE FIRs'l' ]'.tt.,lllc ; thence along the foltovring tiro courses along the southerly boundary of '-ot L: (1) N 60'35'00" E a distance of 196,34 feett (2) N 33o04'00" E a discance of 155.00 feet; thence N 55'08r28" W a distance of 135.66 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence S 71c55'00' W a distance of 89.51 feet; thcnce N 0'23'00' W a di'stance of 107.20 feet to a point on the Soucherly liigh!-of- way }ine of East Meadow Drive; thence s 47o12'27" E a distance of 116.94 feet !o the TRUE POINT oF BEGINNING, containing 4572 square feet or .L05 acres, mere or less. l* EXHIBIT B EXISTING NOTES, DEEDS OF TRUST, SECURITY AGREE}IENTS AND FINANCING STATI]MtrNTS l. The Promissory Note dated .Tune 5, 1975, by Richmond to Franklin FederaL Savings and Loan Association of Richmond in the original principal amount of $1,790.000 bearing intercsL at the rate of 9-I/21 per annum, payable in mgnLhly install- ments of $15,639.23 on the fifth day of each and every month, \,rith the entire indebtedness finally due and payable on June 5, 2000. The NoLe is secufed by a Deed of Trust from Richnond to the Public Trustee of the County of Eagle. state of colorado, encumbering the Kj-andra ReaI Property, tbe Deed of Trust being dated June 5, 1975. and recorded June 16' 1975, in Book 240 at Page 361 in the records of the office of the cl.erk and Recorder of Eag]-e County, colorado. This.Note is also secured by a Security Agreemenl. i-ro!.] Richmond to Franklin Federal Savinqs and Loan Associ.rL j,,rlrI Richmond, dated as evidenced by .r Finan- cing statement filed in the office of the Secretary of State of coLorado under Filing No. _ and a Financing statenent filed ,lune 161 1975, in the office of the clerk and Recorder of Eagle county, colorado unaler File No. 4808, the Securitl' Agreement encumbering all or part of the Kiandra Pelsonal Property. 2. The Deed of Trust NoLe dated March 31, 1971, from Rumford-Nottingham and Assocj,ates payable to the order of Columbia Savings and Loan Association in the orlginal prin- cipal amount of S650,000, bearing interest at the late of 9? per annum, payable in monthly installrnents of 55,662.70 on the first day of each month with the final paymenl due and PayabLe on . This Not.e is secured by a Deed offiingham and Associates to the Public Trustee of the County of Ea91e, State of colo- rado, encurnberj-ng the TalisrRan Real Property, except that portion of the Talisman Real. Property which constitutes the Talisman Condominium site, said Deed of Trust being dated september 2, L97I, and recorded Sebtember 17, 1971, in Book 221 at Page 7l-6 in the records of lhe office of bhe Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado. Sir i l i.l,)l,r ;,Drl il€a{i sf TrusE hdvc Lrucn tnodifrud by 11 NuLrj tlilrJ r-',-.:,{ ,,i 'rrusi.tlodification Agreement dated July 23, !973, betvJeen Richmond' VaiI ,Associates, Inc. and Coj.unbia savings and l,oan Associa- tion. Said Note is also sedured by a Security AgreemcnL dated by Rumford-Nott ingham and Asso- ciates-T6--d6TG6iE-SEiffis and Loan Association. encumbering al.L or part of the Talisnan Personal Propelly as evidenced by a Financing Statenent filed i.n the office of the secretary of s tatE-ET--d6T6EEdo-lide r FiIe No. and a Financinq Statement filed in--EE-e--6f?ice of the cterl. and Recorder of EEETe-eounty,- Colorado, under FiIe No. NC||IE: Heizer Corporation shall not be personally liable nor 6hal.1 recourse be taken againEt Heizer Corporation I regardinq the above describeal Notes, Deeds of Trust and security interests, by virtue of the assumption . of such obligations by Vilcor Properties. I 1. EXHIBIT C EIICUMBRANCES AND OTIIER MATTERS AFPECTING TITIE The Long Terrn Ground Lease. dated July 15. 1968,. fron Vail Associates, Inc,, to Rumford-llott ing han and Asso-ciates, covering a portion of the Talisman Real Property, as merged within and amended by the ],ong Term cround Lease described in paragraph 2 beLow. The Long Term Ground Lease dated June 24, 1970, lictwcen vail Associates, Inc., and Runford-Nott inghan and Asso-ciates, covering aII of the Talisman Real Property and including eight Appendices. as amended by the following amendrnents. supplements or modifications: a IeLLer agreement dated July 20, f973, between vail Associates' Inc. . and Richrnond nodifying Appendj.x 4 of the Lonq ]'ct.Fr cround Lease. The TaI j.sman Condominium Declaration recorded December 30, 1970, in Book 2L9 at Page 417 in the records of the office of the clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado. 4. The Talisman Condoniniurn Map recorded Decetnber 30, 1970, in Book 219 at Page 418 j-n the aforesaid records. The Protective Covenants of Vail VilJ.age, First fiIing' dated August 4, L962, and recorded August I0. 1.952, in Book I74 at Page 179 in the aforesaid records. The Covenants recorded September 25, Lg64, in Book 183 at Page 451 in the aforesaid records, which limit Lhe use of. certain real property Lrith respect to the use of such property for the operation of gasoline service sLations. 3. 6. 1: 7. The and Plat of vaiL village, First Filing, and easements matters reflected Lhereon. 8. Sixteen (I6) Master Subleases by Rurnf ord -NoLl ing han and Associates as sublessor to the lessees of units in the Talisnan condoniniums r rnore particularly described in '' Scbedule I. 9: TnE e8rrm8rEiel silasE LESscE Est 8uL lll g8lrsdul" t.l . 10. The contracts set out in Schedule rrt. II. Any roon reservation comitments for the l(iandra Lodqe or the Talisman Lodge for which deposits have been received and paid over or credi.ted to Propertj"es. L2. Each and every right or rights of access to and from any part of East Meadovr Drive, from and to any Part of-the iubject Property abutting uPon said East Meaqo!, Drive' Any right of ingress or egress by owners of units in Lhe T;Iisman Condorniniums over aDd across Bubject ProPerty' i Or SCHEDULE I CONDOMINIUI.l SUBIBASES sixteen (16) Master subleases, by Runford- No L tingham and, Associates to the lessees 6et out below, each for an undivided one-sixteenth leasehold interest in and to the real property descrlbed as f ollotts I A part of LotE ! and K, Dlock 5-E, Vaj.I Village First Filing' county of Eagle, State of col-orado, . more particularly described as follows: Comrnencing at the most Southtnresterly Point of said Lot L; thence N.'60035'00" E' and along the south- erly line of said Lot 1, a distance of 195.34 feett thence N. 33004r00" E. and along the Southerly line of said Lot L a distance of 155.00 {eet to the true point of begi-nning; thence N. 55"08r28" w. a distance of l2o'oo feett thence N. 34'5I'32" E. a distance of 97.46 feeti thence S. 82'35'00" E. a distance of I42.0I feet; thence S- 23o54'38" E. a distance of 86.00 ieet; thence S. 56'05r22' W. a distance of 40.15 feet to the southeasLerly cor:ner of said Lot !; thence s. 69'50'00" w. and along the south line of said Lot L a distance of 102.50 feet to the true Point of beginning; con- taining 22rI75 square feet or 0.509 acres, more or Iess; together with: An access easement 30.00 feet in widLh across a palt of Lot !, BLock 5-E.'vail village First ' riling, county of Eagle, state of colorado' the centerline of which is described as foll' 'r Commencing at the most Southweseerly point of said Lot Li thence N. 60o35'00" r. and along the South- erly line of said Lot I,, 196.34 feet; thencc ll' 33'b4'00" E. and along said souuherly line r65'00 feet; thence N. 55'08'28" w.. 120.00 feeL; Lhence N. 34"5Ir32' 8.,9'1 .46 feet; thence S, 82o35'00' E., 15.00 feet to the point of beginning; thence on an angl.e to the left of 90o00r00", 35'00 feel to the point of terminus, said point being in thc right of ttay of East Meadow Drive. The sixteen Master Subleases are made applicable to individual. condominium units as follows: t. Unit No. 101 r02 r03 . 104 20r 22t-962 22A-209 230-LI2 220-!r6 220-91 ZJU-IJ 220-630 2r9-97 s 219-97 7 22 0-201 220-208 220-204 220-205 220-304 220-305 220-9 4 220-95 220-29 220-30 220-L9B 220-200 zzu-b l> 220-27 Recorded at the be J.o!, Book and Page in tbe Records of the C lerk and Recorder of Eag le county, Colorado Lessee (s ) Jack M. Robeltson Edvrard R. Gleason Barbara C. Gleason WiIIiam B. Meanwel,l Alyce M. Meanwell , William B. Meanwell Alyce M. Meanwe lI Maulice M. Nottingham Nancy W, Nottingham Jane Pettenger Gi IL Burtis it. Dolan,.Ir. George H. Shaffer Ro]and Nobis and Rosmarie Nobis Enda Anthony Coogan Elizabeth Coogan Jack Rust Crosby Joanne Crosby Herbert Glazer Sharon cLazer williarn M. weaver, Jr, John H. Davis, ilr. d. ar.r, i"is.r Laura B. Zeigel Charles ',. Robinson Bobbie sue Robinson Robert D. Hodes -l 4. 6. 202 7. 203 o 1r. 12. l-1. 't1 14. I5. t D. 204 z9) ?n1 302 Jl,t 'a'I 304 JU' JUO -2- I I l I I I I SCHEDULE II COMMERCIAL SPACD LEASES 1. The lease dated october 8, 1971, by Richmond to Kancola,Inc. for the Bully flf restaurant located in Kiandra Lodge. as modified by the Notice of fntention. to Extend Lease, dared June 17, 1976, given by XancoLa, Inc. to Richmond. 2, The Agreenent dated October I, 1972, by Richrnond nith Images Unlimited, a partnership of Jeffrey Nj.choll.s and Robert Humphrey, for the leasing of space located in the Kiandra Lodge for operation of a photo-plocess ing dark room,as modified by verbal agreements between the same parties extending the term of said Agreement to October I, 1976. 3. The IJease datbd April L'l ,I972, by Rumf ord-Norrin9lr,r,,, and Associates to Ichiban at VaiI, Inc. for resLaurat)L :,t..,,... Iocated in the Talisman Lodge, togelher witb the Addendun between th€ same parties. dated April L7, L972, to said Lease. and together r,t'ith che letter agleement dated March 26, 19751 by Richmond Associ.ates with lchiban at VaiI, Inc.further modifying said Leas e. 4. The Agreenent daLed Novernber 1. 1973, by Richmond trith Mallory L. Nottingham, doing business as Blossoms 6 Dric-a- Brac, for the ]easing of space located in the Talisman Lodge for operation of a flower shop. as modified by a letLer dated July Il-, I9?5, from Rj.chmond to l.lallory L. Nottingharn approving the assignment of Nottinghamrs interest under said Agreenent to Herman T. Kuehn. 5, The Lease dated Septernltrer I. I9'12, by Rumford -Notti ngham and Associates to David A, Pratt and Diana J. Pratt, doing business as the Tannery, for space ]ocated in the Talisman Lodge for use as a retail shop, as modified by the Lease Anendment dated May 22, 1974. betlreen Richmond and David A.Pratt and Diana J. Pratt, doing business as the Tannery, notu.fying said Lease. 6. The Lease dated Septenber I, l9'12 ' b)' Rurnf or(l- ll, l i i !)qlrnln nn.l Asioci:rl.'s to 'lo\frj llnl.'lctl: .rrrd ll.h.rl 'r ll.r' I 1 and AssociaLe6 Lo .l,ove llonlet L atrd Robc!t' S. lio'nlcl-1, {I,J.u,9 business as Skandia Imports, for space localed in thc Talis{Ilan lodge for use as a clothing and gife shop, as modi- fied by the Lease Anendment dated May 22, L974, betl',cen Richmond and Tove Howlett and Robert S. llore.l-ett. doing business as Skandia Imports, nodifying said Lease. 7. The Lease Agreement dated December 23, L975, by Richmond vJith William B. Bower for the leasing of restaurant and bar space in th€ Talisman Lodge, which Lease Agreement shall be cancelable and terminable by Propelties, at its option, at any time.at or after the closing. i SCHEDULE CONTRACTS Sixteen (I6) identical written Rental Mhnag.ment Agreement,s were inl.tially entered into betr.reen Runford- Nottingham and A66ociates, doing buslness as The Talisman Lodge, and each of the 16 lesiees under the Condominium Subleaaes, as set ouc in Scbedule I above. Each such written Agreement is terminable Uy either party thereto, without cause' upon thirty (30) days wriLten notice of suclr Lur;r'j.r'..r. tion. AII of said written Agreements have been nodified and partiall,y superseded by verbal. agreenents between Richmond and the 16 current lessees und.er the Condominium Subleases. I I I ; '{iffi I IA !-i l-' I I 5-Ocl IrE I g la"e i ::Ep ; i;'E d er* "? F ii P rtr UI tu o o I I I il I o l (i.i \''\l .i --i |: ..\.1 i \;] ,'r .\j r. {\\-r '. \cr.)\l \\i -- -=\\ r, .- D<l )r N -s'r .i ,\\\ -\ i .'i\;;l tr ,l\ \'\ a 3{rf,- N J I rrl or'o to -lo TOIVN OF VAll, I Colorado munldpxrfrporatton ,,H./n//&.//a Rondall V. FhilllPe. /-?dl'rd M|,rEgor AfiEST: sv,JLNBE-|--W ua(nss. Hlock0r, Town cl6r8 SONNENALP PROPERTIES, INC. Ar 'IK sy,---&-EL--- Ptosidetl AITEST: ro FIFELANE EASCI.TENI ASAEENE!I, - TH1S AGREEMENT ls msdo on M4^2, to r.tqr, . bspe6n Sonnonalp Plopsdl€s, InC. -(kno..yn ss tio Grantot) and lho To\Yr ol Vaul. a Colorado munlcipat corporatjon (Gmqlco)' WHEREAS, tio GrJntor lS lhe leo ownor ol csdah .tal oslato local8d In tho Torvn ol vgll Colotado, whlch tnclud0s a ponon tolc.tcd lo horoin ns lho Easomonli and 3 i *i w1{EREAS, tho Torvo \./ishos lo oblaln a llro tano Ingrsss ard o'ross easomsntto 0nable fi.o sarety ib oqulpmonl to proporly sorvlco tho propeny orYncd by ihe Grantor; and ! i IS U,ltIEREAS. tio crantor hirs dolcrmincd that it ls In hls bosl ht0rost lo oranl ths ToYn a firo lans F d T!oosomont. I t \ NOW.II|EFEFOR€. tn consld0{atiol ot tho lorcooh!, ll€ pa(res mu[tally agree as follov/st 3 o FIL 1. GtDnlor ho?cbt 0tantsand coivoys to thg To"rn q gclgotlal sasomont as 'loalgnrrod nn frn Js-\-- q aito maD ot Sonnonarp proporlles. tnc. alladed horoio as Erhilit A and lncorDorsied lnto (h!9 AglgomBnl B;l{,. b, rot6.onco. i:g-'; 2. Ths sasomont ls ora rd tor lhe purposos ot lnQress and elross by lho Town olVsllntoutd ff Il laloty cqslpmonl only. In addi$on, llo Totvn shaD have tho dght lo posl signs as necossary, norytng lne F ' gonsrat pubiio ol lho oxtste'oa ol a li.o tans End orohiDiutq parklng ln ths 'l'f| lina 4as44anl tru!!3r-**$ To$n ol Vajl 6hafl nsvo tho tight to enlorc€ lts parldtg la\',s uDon Uo oasomenl' 3. Granlor ros€rves lho riqht to uso sasomcnt ptontlsos to sny mannsr rvhldl do€s not lniaddo wtlh lho dohts orsntod ths toYn hercln to uso tho oascmcnt as a tirs lara' 4. Sholld $o To'.'/n sbsndon tho uso ot 0lo oasem€nl lorafiro tano'lt shail tovsrl ltnmedal'ly lhs Grantor, g- Gtantor horoby lrarranls and rop.osonls that ho has tjtta to tha eassmsnt &nd hag lho poJtt mnvoy lhlg casononl lo tno Towa. L Thts sasomsot 6hell run with lhs latrd 8nd siailb€ bindinl upon 8nd Inura to iho bon8ft ol tho parfisg,lholt hous, ol6sJlivog, adrntnlsltalors, suc4ossorg, Sssl0ns ond lcgal repressntawog' 47 241,O - ),992 . AOr sw 10.l-1.32 .15 o o -- -i'Tif - :q'- -'! | | t'\{ ;r.r ---l.er$- - ---,!-- -. ' o I L_I -_I t '| r I -t _r --h -l f ir l --- .ll- *.--J __:'f, tlI -1J,. '-Y rl rk .iT--- Ig --7 /_t Fr n F !I f|l I € u F Il|l tlt I I I I i l. rl \ 472410-1992.003 SKLD SW o 7 - + rl a I in -t ',7 t F E E V'L s ru 5 t-L o IFil-85N.I rl S.!,!:, t. Ig- s$qi i=l :;ii ilEtl ssrJJl I \, 5 e I o I I SKLD SW EG 472410-\992.00s ---..- G) \ _*__] - - -' -l l1 l--.t-F$ L --t -.,B 'i It ii t*=*itffi .'i",tt-.hffi . i,)':: ::. t.ii. t ';; .' ,,', :1; ,,j., ", ''.: ,l'r.i, ,'i:4 '!F- sl(LD st4 10.11.32. 15 EG 4',12410-1992.005 I FI E E a = .rI L-_.--*---l rlt ...--*:-. /. \ \ \ ,.- \-{- -z' -\ \\ S a ..:!r_r Fl tu$F I -* SKLD SW 10.11.32 . 15 D u o o z g z l.a c =(f, \o \ ) \ I I I I f T I / i -t\* \ t\b\t\t-\ ( / ( / / / I / / //t o ritllttg SKLD SW 10.r.L.32,15 EG 4724L0-L992.008 - .-..- o01?o eB Ef; EE 5-1r - e,F 8E ET i$ ! il E g I n 6 E h E e N fl V SONNENALP BAVABT4 HAUS Vail, Colorado /onnenolp slt EG 472410-1992.009 :. _-- ^-_ . o 'O t--t;.*-l t r - .. : a':..--:-.q \t 1 I -"-'-'"-1 I 4 rl l1 SKLD Slrl g---$w Vr-*g o €It !E (D EI €TI D s t s o $orA- o .\\ .\. \\\'r. *\ \\ ) -l ,.l I I .-.-r--'.-: I ': I = 4'7 24LA - 1992 . 0tr t-" ,Y SKLD SW 10 .11.32 . 15 EG I tr il u :i--:tlle:;EJ-i::r-.. =:.--:*-r -- .- o o dfrii lll !:':-a:-_----:i--=:d ; - '-:i- l, '- ,: - o SKLD SW 10.11.32 .1.5 Ec 4724rO-1992 .0r2 oo1?4. I ,lll ..! o '-SKLD SW 10 . 11 .32 . r.s EG 4'724].'0-7992 . Ar3 '.O'' o SKLD SW 10.l_1.32 .15 Ec 472410-1992 .0r4 o'\b - ---\ ,H_\ IE lB ,,,,,r.lH liiililll IF rF iiliiiiil lia illiiiill'lE ElEtgtEffi IEF-lzl I E ocrz6 I I E ,:!:.. SKLD SW EG 4724L0-t992.0L5 ? gl o n !:, -t N c, q *"..e I i I t-i a I Y T I I ! - I tt!B. 'i T'IT la r-- I tII F tlt o -l ,ltl lH to lF t<l>tg lE ll, lg IF -Ft r Ir -oI l'--- I I t' u01?8 rn$t?t .r7nJ."-l g-ss" F-or.r r.re.,: q, o-- ,--- ru r(i / L-rt- Jo JOHNNETTE p/,rLLrps FAGLT t_1i, vrr (.1 a,ri , ' .:j. irrri,5 ,*, R6c D.lc 50.Oo o- oo grrFBggErar if,8RBrs, sonnenalp ia tha succclsor to lNrlord-Lottltqblr l8aoclateE, a eolorrdo litdted Partnorshlp (inNri), !t l..r.o ' ut|ila! r crourd IFaEB dateil Junq ll' 1970, and re€orded }u$r.g ?'t97o, tn B.oX Zr0 at Pag€ 409 ln trbe Olllce ot the cl.crk rrd 'hcord.r. &91. county, cololailo (tb. iclourat llarar). Tbr oround LGas. Lrcorlrorataa palts ot l.oto L ard B, Bloclc 5-lr vell Yl.llrga, Plrat ltltng, aagla county, Colorldo, ra rolo fully d.rcl!.d t$ct.ln (th6 rtall3lan Eoprrtyr) . ' t|ltena, Sonlanrlp har guccrrihd to tha lfit.E€st of ltHA a- - . ..-.='Al:r:rr .'i ttta lal l-r1a! Propcrty nnifal cett ID aUblcaaes ;-- corrrlng rlrtron aclrarata icstacd:tlal. c-oiraorlnl'u.r ud.tc eqrrtrtng tb. |Iall,lDr| condorlEl,u.ls- tbs osneta of tuch cordchfi.rr unLtr ato t!| eulrcRt rubleBEees untler sucib 3llblc8rcs (ltrcl?lilur11y, !-E tornrrr, collectlvaly, thr tQD.ra') lfnllg, t!! lrso,clation Eaa orgulsod to r€pr.tarrt taa Oirl.fl lnd ov.rrsr thg adrlllBtrrtLoa ot Drs lrll.cran condalnlurr F,utiuarrt to tbo conalorlnlu! D€cluctlon tGcord.d D.c{D.! 30, 19?0 la sook ?19 at Pago .ll? I'| thr olflca o! tia j clrrt lnal Sccold€t, Eaglr county, colorrdlo, and th. ptovlrton| of tDr lrtlclt' ot tncorDoratlon lnd Byllrr ol tbo Araoolrtlon. -' 'rol 'imrroni,- t':r- 'coniicirrat{on of the lbrcgnlng aii{r tl16 -_. rftual ptcdrqr coatalnod hrroln, th. Dartr.e6 hc!6to heroby aqEce !a tolloss! t. E FnoErlp Llcent.. :8b. Arsoclrtlon beteby gtatfts to 8onn.nalp a nonctclullv6 Liccnrr, attcctlvc on tJ06 dato hclaot, -1- rofsrc.! IGRFFT{BNT rErs AoRBEEllr date.l tila ll*a.y ot lltrla' t lee2,.1r by and cJrong som{allAlP P&oPEItFIBS, INc., a cololado corporltlon (r$oDncnalDr), and TALISXIN CSNmUINnn ISSOCIATIOII' a colorrdlo nonprotlt corporatlon (ths nABsoolatlon'). rElRElS, a portlon o! tIG fallsran Prop.rty 16 dcll.laal lo.ura lTr SobDanllp fgr pafhlng, lngrea' and cgr€aB purpor.s rtd tlll &aoc{rtlott It rllltng to provld! sonnlralp a llcarrs Fnttttng ruch ut. la arcbang. for a llc.nrr lror Sontlanilp p.Irlttlng ttrs A$oslatlon s Bbtlar uss ol certaln prop€ft:ir ovnrd !y goDrcralp, flElRzf,8, SoDn.Ealp and the Aaaoclatlon sisb to cl8rify cst:tn oth.r: uttGra lJl thclr lutual. r.lrtlon8blpa, 47 8t2t - 1992.001 dTaJ.rJ A-sa? p-o.lc oc",.J o..'q-- J-r..15 F.i _. oF lo to ur. ccrtALE tGaI r.ttbtt B-f lnd Eract B-2 oD to us6 cortaltr rrll Droperty located tD tha county of Bagls,strt. ot colorado rnd Eore ful ll' d€Scrlb€d aB fEast A on Erblblt A attacbcd her€to and lncorporatetl hsr€ln end approxltlrt€ly r6ptaBehted rs |ract A on Exhi.blt c attached hrrato lhd lncoltlolated h.t.r.tr (rltact' An), tot pnrpoasr ol Darklng,lngrrct! and aEtals by guests, elployeas and ounsrr ot Sonnrnalp anO !.!vloa vchlolaB oarvlng Somonrlp. Notultbrtlndlr|g th tongolng ,.t lt lgr€cit tbrt no parhhg shall b. rllov.d sltltn =*t-{*O#ts ol. tle. seul-!:!io- b.rder a! TraqLl-==_ a. frUtlll| Llccna.. Sonnlnalp b€rclry graDtr to t!.Alloclltlon ar axclullva l,lcsnBo, aflectlve on th! dlat. hrr.ol,to ur. ccrtaLE rcal Drollelbt locat€d Ln tbe eourrty ol !tagl., i-6t!ta ol coloraalo ard ror€ fully alascrl!€al as :ttact B-l on &tDlt A-l lnd Sract B-2 oD &.hlJrlt B-2 both attach.d hlr.to |trd lnco4rorrt al hGr.ln and approxlratoly t.prc!.nt.d |r trst A-t rDd trsct'B-e on Eblnlt c attachcd her.to .nd lnco4rorat il lrltan coidorlnlurr. {I?act .t and ar.ct a roJEii? iil ' - -: ='- *RtCrnrrf fr-ririi= i -SorrEeDalp 6siatl=€- 'Llc3ncast-{*lt!.:€qE .to t!.ct l ard. r&LcGosor. ulth lc3pect' to Tract Et tD.. bataltl (rsaqt E ), lor Durposes ot It€lara end qroe anal arla to t!.ct l and. rllcGosor' ulth lc3pect' to Tract Ei tD..l|tclrtlor ratlnr rllc.naeG. 91tb rcgt)cct to fract ! anal I rElo.t&r. rttb ra.p.ct to 1tact A.) 3. Irdfcrplna. A11 laDttsoaplng vltb'.h t!. trllolD pso?.rq' rld th. talllrrrn, r licanred pr.rlase slU b.duxnalq|.d, plann at and deelgleal by ths Sauaralr. sonn. Ip balaDlt qEaaa to lrlrlcr€lt and cortrlatG !t lta aolo cort ltd .q|.nta rU lrtdrclplng ublcb bordlrr t!6 aoutb boulatary llD. o!lEact I rDd tDa nortb aDll r.rt Douralrry llr:ar ot trlst l-1. a. lcc.r. Ltoe!,{c. BoDneDalp bereby gEahta to tD!trroclrtl.on a mnrrclurLva accct! l,lccnr., cffcctlv! on tba dlta b.a.ol. to uL thor. gortlons of lltrct A ard c.rtlln r.!1 FoFrty otJrr d DCr Sonn.nqtp .nil coqrr!.lng.ltr Darl3&|g lot to rccaar V!11 Eoad tg and tror tDosa tloatlonr o! thc Trllrran Fog.rty totrlrry a garklng ar.a. Ii aititltlon, th. Eonn. lp, rt Itr 61as!.tlon, grub ta t!. lrsochtton a noD.rclu.iva acc..t Llc.tla to rccara Blat llardoe Drlva ea.t ot th. r.rtrlqtad D.da.trhn Dortlon ot rald dalv. or t!..!|t rn rntraacc/rrlt ol tD. trfur CDal.t .rrt ot tDr r.ttrlct.d pad.rtrlrn portloD ol Lrt t r6ou Drlva, to rntt fEor th. Dartltrg alEc.r on t!.Eirlll!lllr tloparty tonlng th. rr.r aglrroxlDt.ty raDtercntad !t :-.e=ii'.C.Eir E''iiilblt - C Ettrcbed.har-rto ard tncot:por.tco h!s.l$, _ - --.-3- -Gat-E a,'ia- glalls. lh3 t3:cclrtlon ls hcrcby p*altte4 to con gnrst rtral rrlhtrln control gatar lnd rrallr on Droparty to SKLD sI/i EG 47A!2t-!992.002' -- 4 t 7Bl2l 8-582 P-Ol4 O6,t')O/e? r2:15 FG 'i tfF lO rblch the Eallsean bas tbs rlght of posseBslon 1n ordor to cordon otf the tallBEan Darklng atea at lte eole cost ard 6rp6na6 anrl vlthln tta BolE dl6c!st1oD, pEovlded th.36 Eatoa do not Lnt.ttcro vlth tbo llcsns€B gtantaal to EonnenalP. 6. €D!f. llhc laaoolatlon lB h€teby paraltted to conatruct lnd r!tn!!tn r Ep! along tho Bouth-raat bounahrlt ol tba TrlL rn =-!a€i;€Eta,-=crrg-ta 3es+_-l4i_ :rd E+lhtrln '' gat4 j!4JalllE: guriou.ndlng aucb Bpai provliteil, bou€v€t, Somer.IP shall have th. rlgbt to tavleu th! rrcblteqtutal planq for suctr conttrustlon and to apProva sueb plara, utlch aPproval tlU b€ provtdrd tD rn GrF.dtttoua rarn6r and rDlc'b sl'll not Da unroatoDlDlY rf tlthald. ?. Llc.nrcr not $ Lcr.a"o. NO ,.eqAl tltlq, Gassrant o! 9g 1c-asao:id-fiTEEilTi@-property oi- appurtdirarccr tbctcto H abll ba daatad or congtrued to bava bceD created or vartd lD a )___|[g_p!Ity Dg_rn\rtElnq co"t"jl9n !"t9fp. a. tilntFancr. Llc€la€s sha11 ba t€sPollslbl tor tlra crta " -- t - - lrld rairli-er.ar':; oi ^*.l€ rceE€€tl'ic rlcertg€4 EeEtsea_4tslng thi:- rt&ctlvene!! ot tbe llc€rae, Lrcludhg, ulthout llritatlon, thr u*..p ot th. pav.r.nt, groun{8, IanflBclplDg and surb!g.. Llcsirc rbrll ragtl,r at lts to16 cost and GxIt€ns. rDy daraga to or Cstructlon of thr Dlc.nseit Pt€rLss8 ocerrElng itutl't|g tbc att*tivrDart ol tbc Ltcanae. 9. IgrlD*&I-ojl.&rsenrg. Th€ lrlceDsea granteo Durlu lt to S.gblon| 1' 2 rtfd I abova lball b€ tslrLDateil uPon tb. corrneoant ol cDnlt3uctloB by sonne,lrlP of aJry aubtcrrltttrn prltq grra(F or otbGr .tructuro a$d tollol-lrrt nln ly (9o) dayt ulltt a notlcr to tbc AssoclatloD. llle cflect ol sucb tarrtEtlon .bqtl lncludc tbr louoylrg: (r) Ll,ca .. tball rbulton the Llc6nted Ecrlsrs lnd f.lernror ray aa.$tar tald p!€rlBet, taka Pqraartlon thalaot urd Drav.nt th. lurther uaa tlleJieol by l,lc€naas. (b) It tr tb. d.rb. ol botb parttot tbat ttatllc o! t!. alat-uaat dtlva, locatad routb ol Ealt lleador Dr1v9 on Dlop.aty ovn.d by goraGnalp, be ltdtcil to uttllty vrblclea ttr farllhE goodr, producta rnil gueatr bGtYGon tht tYo Sonnar|'lp hotal. lnd toP erGxafcnc' !@.rt PuiPot.t. Botb p.rtttt igt.. to n.gotlat ln gooC lltth fur ord.r to '. - E{iF9l trh tha.alflts .tabl pu4css !o tlrt th! 4tlrlt and..[btrnc. ol .rld drlv. vlll b. colpatlblo ultb thc aplrlt ' -irji tibl8ae. ot tha D.tlc3t8lan enll ultb t$lcb lt rung prrall.l. (c) th. ltroolatloD rhall havr tb. Elght to bullal lts or'B faihlnq grrags l,n conjunctton |'lth gonneralP'a parklng -3- 4'78!21-1992.003 SKLD SW 1n I1 -11 1(EG 4781?J E-58,' p-OJ4 od,.ir o,'e: J:.'Js FG d DF J V glrago plars. In such avant, Son]lonalp rlu grrnt an aco.rr arr.l.nt to tlo f,r8oclitlon, rnd Eilt pcnlt ttr. A.roohtl.on to bu1l,O an entranco/exlt to tho lallcrnn patklng grrrE. througb the sonn.nalD parklng garago, Dr.turably .uch or!!r.nt ylU Ftrtt accsas to !$d ltot voll nord to tD.Iallelln parlclnE grraga. In addltlon, th. sonn.nrlD rDrll gro.nt to t}l6 lrroctatlon !n Gaasr.nt tor accaar to iDal trEr - if, r-r-ru.Er-ac! I'aEiiifi gr-EI.€ a. -o._-tis-ta l. |,fi c@ aar.lant vlll Dcrrlt acclss to and frol EElt [.ador Dtly..rat o! tbr rltrtctrd por"tlon ot rrld dFlv. r! r locrtloa to h rutur:,ly detenlnld Dy ths l|rttl€r h.r.to. : (d) In th. .v.nt that tDs Asrochtlon d.orB not rlrct to lilllal ! Frt'.ng garaEe ln eonJuEstlon yltb, Eonranlp,Sol|lqrrlp rblU gtlnt to thr As3oclatlon rn armnt tc acc.lr to dnd lror tnc porlhg araar ol It'. IallJrrn Cotrdtlnlrr to lBrrt Haldou Drlv6 aart ol t.b. rtrtrlctrd - 11._ _L6 !rtvr!- el:Rl_ght.. 8y Gr.cutlng tbl't AEr.!r.nt, tha Esaclqtlon t! !'ot ualvLEg r.Ey rtgDtr tt !6y hiv. Fur.urnt to ._::= -: g|i€ttfij|EE:,LEtEr. ti, g=rtsr oi rgie.. as- €,naiie6 fui rfr: lurn of...vrtl. 12. E.ttlrr, &:rlrrnt and Ar:ndIntr. |!hlr Agrarraat conlrlna !+a-antlEr agE..rrDt batraan tha Dlrtl.r h.r.to rnd r|y not b. rodltl.d la-rny trnn.r .xc.Dt by rn lnrtrqr.nt ln stltlnt .19rad by ttrr Drrtlar h.r.to. tbrll al.o br tcnlnatrlt upon nlnaty (9Ol day! vrl,ttan notlc. !e =Sann naID. It crn only Dg trrrLnatrd for ti. purDoaa o!c--.c-at ot coDrtfuctlon try t!. lrlo€Iatlor| of lny tr.tllry g.r!q! o! oth.r .tlrrcturq- ma atlcqt ol rntch trr|lart-lon rhill :llolln tD. fol-loJlng (r, tricfir.. rDall aD.ndon ths t tcaEed pr.rlr.. .nA l.lcouor rry taantar ralil prarlset, tr.k poti||rlon t}.rao!rId D!.vant tlr tulthGt u66 ttrarco! by &lcrnr... { (D) Sonn nllp .brU gtsnt to tba llrosJ,ltlon an .!ro.at lor a@arr to lDd troD thr Frltfuif rr.!r ot lD. flllEa|r gordt rtnltnr to clthGr Vatl'Road ;r to !a!t lt.adsy Drhra ..at of tlr netrl,ctrd Dad.rtll$ porll,on ol ra16 drlv. lt r locatlon to b. rtttult ly datar:rln.d Dy tha partl.r barato. 10. ld.6.!rt to Coop.ratG. BonfiantlD anil tbt lragolrtton !.r.qr .ech rEt.. to coot'.rrt. ln croulng thr approvrt ot tblr |{r.o.nt Dry th. lovn ol Vall Plrc Dcpartnat .ra th. Iotr'' ot Y.11. SKLD SW EC 478727-7992.OO4 13. Eltect ot tlcadlng!. '!hs gectl.on headlnge arc IngGrtcd only tor convanlent reference and do not daflne, I$!1t or prc-crlbc tha rco;rc ol thle Agteeaant. It. cotarnlnc Inrr. Ihls ^LgEeeuBnt ehal'I be governed by andl conrtrucd undcr Colorado tau. tE==-rl!g-ll--qf-tee-Esisncs,'- -Ilue tg- ot-the e,gg=gqe.g $ tr-t!-.:- frriionlnEGf-ilf tcna anil condltlond of ffi'fd-f,Er,E6imE; 16. aurvlvtl ot AqfGGrent. Thle Agtee!€nt shau b blndhE rDaf rhrll rr:rin fn full toiiE and sffect untll tetrlnat d uPon ttr rsrcsa tena beraot anO lts valtdlty and effect EDlll not - - be affictoa b'y the to:rlnation of ttre Grorrnd I€aee or otbrwlr. llllcllTlD ar of tha datc flrst aet fortb abov8. -:!= l,,- -.- soxl{ElllP PnoPEnCrrSr lllc. r a Culorado cortrnratlon ASS0CIAEIOX3 trAlrglilll colfDol|Irrmr AESOClf,SIOll, a eoloraalo nonprolit corporatlon 8y:0,^ SONilBNAITP: P-Ot4 Oi/|O/FZ tZ:!s 9CsDFtO tt lac|llrt SKLD SW 10.11 .32 .15 EG 478r2r-1992.OO5 -5- STATE OF COLORADO )) ss: COT'NTY OF EAGLE ) . The foreggins instrument was acknowledged before ne thie ffe';; Zi--il7-,,"r1-. , Lssz, by Johannes Faessler as President of sonnenarp nro!ffit, rnc., i cotorado corporation' on beharf of Euch corPoration. '"rwitness my hand and official seal' Notary @ublic l,ty comnlsslon exPirea: y''r' 7s Anos Kaninski as President i.rflii"-i"iiffiffi'lssociation, a colorado nonprofit "oip"ii[i"", on behalf of such corporation' tlitness nY (Notarial seal) hand and officlal e?al,.. this of expires: \S-Q.-\ -J '.:iJ, j i' l.ty connrission lagretal7 P. o{o tn *,,r,r:-ol"o j:?r and,o,croga a po-rtLon of Lot D, Block 5-81 vall $ylllago, t rl6t, Ftllnq. Town of- Vall, Bagle Countli-; Colorodo, !eccording to the lrap elproved on-e eugu'et -is'6f ana cd6rOed f;-thi i r !3glp qglnty Recgri! a!-Receptioa xuot# soisz. - 6;ltti;;;;r;i;;; g lli-_l9gl3g" co^nt_lilnld heretn baeed on a beorlng o! 8.28.{0ir5;H; .ir. DCEB.c!, ths ho6t FcEtcrly carner of thc EeliEnan; accordlug to tbo d! S::$p*ll11.u_"9-tlrgroof -recorded in,8;ok alt-iE rhge lr-s- oi ifli ],EaEn co'qlJy- -Records qr Receptio! Nulrbe.r 11s0{2, a flund co"crili o -==+:s-;!-<::.:=!'e+.R €t EE}ra+!g -l€93te;3 =ea-_l;,ccFl.:l*=ca3:=:\thr lort 8_6uthsort.!ly coraai or siia r.ot i, " f f/er afaiciiii -;i. - 4!rqE-r.t!gr'. S!Ir_ EoDrullnt ! helng tote pa:tlcr_r!-a:fu. deieflb?d_ -er _,_ ___---h.'-...tolr.orfrr --._=. 9ugf"o$S at a poi,nt rbera tbe Soutberly llrre of an axiaBinc lccerr t, orrvci tut.rGactr the lforthnelterly bounilary of 6al.d lha IiIIFlqaD,fron flhich cald nosr HE6tsFly-cornai gt rt3-Taft;nilbc;;l ;i 9..31.51' 32!tt. 73. {6 f rrt1 thoncd llong eila Northeegteili-ibunaiii l{.3{'51^'J2'8. 2{.00 (c6t to the Eost -Northnesterty corn6r-of'eitf, r 3l: T:l*!r:lj a_-found_-concrere natl and 2. dtarnelcr-aiii ;iamili qi prJ{t 15827 ang s-ot In aBphrlt, thence depart,ing ra{d Northuesteily 9oyBg-ary.anat along tho.ftortb-erly boundaty oi. cald thc lallsra-n b,g. 82'35.'00.4. t{2.6-1 f cct ro -the ;ort Uorcfearteiiy ;;;i;i-;;;T!9 Sgfleryn; thenco depalttng eaid iro=trtcifi-ifire s.gg;Zs'ti.nl :15{.55 fcet to lhe polni ot b;Elutring. -. eala_ |1cen6e contalns 0.035 aoree, Elore ot fooe. |,..U ?RAC? A' IEGAI, DESCAIPTION o o d o J \6 |\) ..-'.--::_'+ S KIJD SW .:iu + talzt- 19)2. . ri - :r.4fR 31 'ge rr309 Ero'!:t303)32&8368 lrtrvo:(303128?Q835 F.-l o o ; srlt e-r - ,;ohnson, Kunkel & Associates, lnc. lrqhatns at r Doltrt rhr the Southedy 1lor ol an adaT6li ioGarr-fri.yc tqi;hg*.;-'E the trcrtbeester\i bounilarl of Bald fha Edlrrlrl, ffg4 Qfoh eeld aost tloeterly corDer of ttre lldfc-ain 'araararat, aar/s tr.asira l(tar3ra aslrs L natatavaal l,.JL.|lta ItL ault altfl.'Eaa D.as. l.3l'E1r!2rfl. ?1.16 feetl thenca d.prttlnq rald to*lrrart.rlt bou.adrry rnd along aal<l Southerly lbC tbr follorlng It N.8tr5?'07'[. 18.51 f€et t) 20,61 loct along tbr rto ot a cure6 to the Ieft hayl.nq c rldlur of {l fcetl centEal anElr of 25el?'03tr tlnqe[t dJrturt ot 10.51 f:et1 chord d{rtdDce o! 20.16 feat, lnd choril DrerLng ot 8.?7 r51.20.w. tO a tolot la llnr nlth the East€aly edge ol arphalt o! an qtlrttng -;rrrttpg - Iot, - th€ncs departt4g ralil routhrrity llnr ard e4rttlg prttqg lot, th€nce defrartlng rel-il routhrrly llnr arit rl4q I llna bclDg th. .rD. aa seLd SaBtclly cdge ot Darklng tl*H[t]:irrd Hffi *t".iitit'$'.i.?'n.dr",lltJit."'t1,'jiif";iT.ri$i*: d4q - Itac bclng ihr renr ai seld- 8aatcrly cdge -ot parktng t.01'01'tl'r, tt.?a l€et to 6ald tr'olthwclt.rli boundarsr -thonoe $FttflC :f{{- :{S. o_t- t_rrltng cnd along illd ltort}rceterty llND auIrYlYlNO ' cwtL INcrNrlttNo ' N^PPING P,0, tor 400 | I t 3llrt4$ $raat . E!8'o, Cclorrdo 81631 tIo 12) cour.ar ! lrld llccntg coatalnt'0i0?5 actesl norc or lotr. ?t o n{a t a'rl -til*iitPrt'*i#1?otlf ilE"i'ulifk.'if*!""SiYS;hal. County Recorda ra RsosDtLou l{urnber 96382. Sai 9altl 8r91e bounty, Colotado, L' augnit l9f3 ard.=eta:drr4JEllq _.. --:--l{u$Der 9638?. Sald ltceneol F relo baa:d on a bcnrlng of H f,rglr County Recorda ls Rsooptlou l{u$Der 9638?. t ri,tjr rll brarlnga oontelnad hrrelo, baa:d on - a !.28r10t19'fl. bc6cen the Dort l{csterly coroer of Tho Tallimanr accor{lql !q.tb6 Co-udontnlun -tlap thereo} recorded - in Boot 2-19 at i irgr 118-ol tho Ergle county R€c-ords as Receptlon NuDbet 115042, a toqnd oonorctr nall anil 2' dlNstor disl BtanD6d 8I,s 15827 and rtt TracL B-l I,EGAI., DESCRIITIOTI \b A llcenEE over and actoss a portl-on o! IJot t.r Elock s-Bf vall F trrind oonorrtr nat1 aail l' I l/2r dlai.tcr llu qun Cap ronuneud; beLnE lore partlculatl!' tornd oonorrtr nal!. aail 2' dlurstor dlsh Btanpod SIIi 16827 and lrt *o,'"Tb:lL^f :9il:-r:-r:::'tY:::-":T"*"^'f 3-':I-^""11*f:*,-.,s I o ti= a !. gaEglcload trunk61 t ful 10.11.32 .15 EG 478121-1992.007 E lohnson, Ku;rkel & Associates,lnc. O 4rtq 3unYEYrNo ' ctvll s.tGrxErBlNG ' NA')$(6 TR.ACT B-2 I,BGII, DESCR'PTION A llcenee over and acloss a pq'rtloB oJ lot rr' 519s1-5-6' vail 'itiiiii.-rGoG itung, town bf vqll; Ba9|c-$o\rutvr colorado, i"".r6rif to- thi uap'ilprovad otr 6 .Au gu.at. 1? 6?.91^d'":1f q"'r opionaa on e jruguit 1962 end tecorded ln t's ag Receptl.on-Nurber 96382. Sald thc BaEIe County Recolds as Receptlol Ntltr\D€l rbJuz' sarq iii"il6, 'ritn-air ueartngt-contalnEa hereln baseil on a bcaring of i-iilinird;p- ha*.rouyr th; rrlrrci- Ite3l-6rlv corner of Tho Tallsnan,TaIlsnan,i]iiirolri'n. re["resn iti6 nogt ttestorly corner-of Tho Tallsnan, iiioraf nl t" - tli condolt "tun l{ap tqsreof -recoJ+g-d i1-P?1x. ? ll. lt !.gt!!l+g- at -t!c rmgt-^tto5thQatterly sgln:f ol-f?rj-8he^ErltlEaD. iiEirUiu-iaia-noit ttuiterli cornGl of, Ehe ltallsnan beare :liir iliro 'r. ''e-os.cr faetr t-bence alons the Nortbeasterly-i.iz.iFio'i.-io-f .ii iieii C'l,enci ;long the Notheastertv- i&aaarr-it iria rta iaitinan 5.23051'58'8. 16-0? leet to D<llldtf9 Ol lllq adl 'IdllsElll a'aat-rr-')o D' rs'v'iil6.rliir"i-ot -in arritrng gl(lewalht tlglqq d. 9Pa*ing-eald 6ir"ddi' r"a rroas iara sogt6c:tr !fre- !-.8e l?oll?-E: !.8!-!ee ffi*$l'.l!:i:f ,"1.#3:Hfl ":i$"i*:' *:t3li3. tlBil'i:tr" 11"". .. til-e;ttiirtiiry'oqqar4 -ot sald gLdewal-tt - thoDoa +939-9:t[l-e*ttlirtcrri'ooraer ot sald gtdewaltt thoDoa !1olr9 tb9 rutltfy llnc of aald rldewalL anil th-r p=olcogatlon thq:P5 B||tatl9 llna o! lald tl.alc\ral|t and tDJ PlorcugaEaon r'nereer r;66-5ort8;i- ia.tt-fe;a to tbq Souther-l1 !!ni of ao exlrtlnE iiiiai-axivli ttrencJiiong eald Sostherll ttrrs -of the acce6o aiiii-s.d9ii!'ii;ti. ri.ri-teec to tho polnt of beslnn5'ns. Eald tloenrc coDtdfir 0.003 aetea, Dole or leas' ^- -'e - r 4 '.-- -\- rv. rv I o B-2 " ?- rL'EXBIBIT N r{ i7- '8. 16.0? leet to 'the 47812J 8-582 P-O) 4 ?a/to/e2 12: ls PG9OFIO .9e13 r_+:=+g+b+=E!E!.!_rcau!! r ioad oohctotc nalt utll ? -SI(LD SW EG 418L2I-1992.OO8 /1 >tr N $$f;$t $riFi i{rrs ffll iIE$ u*-il E i \ t \'t / ( T I I I , I I I $E '{ E o 47 atzr - ]-992. oo9- ------SKLD SW 10.11- 32 .1s (\ \n \. AGREEMENT FOR PEDESTRIAN ACCESS EASEMENT' LANDSOAPE MAINTENANOE EASEMENTI EASEMTNT TO THECI AND MAINIAII'.I 5TNUOTUNE O}I A PUBLIC RIGHT-OF'WAY AND GBANT OF EASL'MENTS ThiSAGREEMENTFORPEDESTHIANACCESSEASEMENT,LANDSCAPEMAINTENANCE EASEMENT, EASEMENT TO eiirCilr.ro MATNTA|N 'ETFUCTUFE ON A PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY AND GBANT oF EASEMENIs rs mad" "no "nt",eo ,nro th,s [6 oav of AY1 ,'t 1+- -: 1917] bv Td-b:ly-:-en lhe SONNENALP rforef t.sonnenarp;i ana rhs TO-WN oF vltfYCOUORaoo. a colorado municiPal corporatlon ("Town"): WHEFEAS,Sonnena|pandiheTo\'vndesirstoastab|ish,forlhoirmUtUaIbene|it,easemenlsfor(a) psdeslrianaccessacrossaportionofLotL.B|ock5E'VailVil|ageFirsl'asmor6specifical|yidentifiadon Exhibir A-'l , (b) landscape mal onance across a ponion ol Lor L' Block 5E' Vail Village First' as more ,po.l,l.rr' iO,j,.im"O on g^lin r n-r , "nO {c) mainlenance ot alrall and landscaping on Tracl l, Vail Village First' as more specilically idenlili6d on Lxhrbrl A-2, which lands to bs subjected lo 6asemsnts may bo individually rsterred lo heretn is "sonnenalp's Propeny" and 'Town s Property'; and WHEBEAS,Th€sonnenalpandlheTownotVai|arewi|linglogradtoonoanolherand.lhg|r successors and asstgns €asements across the Sonnenalp's Properly and lh€ Town s Property arcording 10 th€ lerms and condilions ol thls Agre€m€nt; NoW. THEREFoRE' in considgration ol the muluaI promises and covenanls contained herein, tho Sonnenalp and the Town agree as follows: 1 . Granl of Easement for Pedoslrian Access. Tho Sonnenalp hereby granls and convgys to,lhe Town and i1s successors and assqns a non exclusrv€ easemenr over and across lhal real property described on Exhibd A-l lor the use by the Town, i1s successors and asslgns, and lhe public, over the easemeff for the following uses: For lravel by r€gesentatves ol the Town lrnd ths pubhc al large by toot' lor lhc purpose o{ accessing the property owned by th€ Town adlacenl lo Gore Creek across SonnenalP s ProPedy TO HAVE AND To HoLD the pedeslrian access easemenl unto the Town' and its successors and asslgns. 2. Mrjtual Grantol Easeme tor Landscaps Maintenance. The Sonnenslp hereby granls and conveys to the iown anO irs su-G[or" "nA .siigns anO tho Town hsr€by grants and conveys 10 lhe Sonnenalp and lts succsssors ancj assigns mlnual. non'sxclusjve easemsnls over and across that real property described on Exhibils A- | and A-2 for rhe use by each olh€r, lheir successors and assigns over th€ landscape mainlenance easement for the lollowing us€sl For ths Purpose ol landscap€ maintenance, including vehicular access, rolaled to properiy owneo oy lhe Sonnenalp and by lhs Town as identiiied in Exhibits A-'l and A'2' ToHAVEANDToHoLDlhe|andscapemainlenancseasemenluntoon€anoth€randlhelr succ€ssors and asslgns L[1uu[!l![!ll[!lul!r!HrllLlll r1] ||l| ilr t of ! R 2C,00 D 0.00 Srle J Flrhr, Erllr, C0 SKT,D 10.I1.32.15 533450-1997.001 3 Easeire!'.ls-EJlc!-ald--ldadaro s1+9ryTj{P::#l#H.::iJ'""}:l;:":::ji[: ano con;eys 10 S;;alp ano ils successo's and assrgls a non'excl real propeo d€scribed on Exhlblf i ;ul;;";;y il; s;;ienatp' irs successors and asslgns' lor lhe lollowrng us9s: For the purPose ol erecting and maintaining a wall and lor landscape malnlgnance irnmedislely adjacenl and arracneo ro'ih! Jxiii"g;i;9" Lii*rr.ns on rhe chapel Bridge which ctosses uore Creek on Vail Road' ToHAVEANDToHoLDtheeassm€ntloeroclandmain|ainsiruclur€onapub|icrighl-ol.wayunlo the Sonnenalp. and ils successors and asstgns. 4 Rssloralon ol lown olVal Proo€rlv Ar the-co1cl-u-s.lf n of anv aclNllies ot the sonn€nalp on TownPropeny'th"Sonnenatp"h"rei66th"surtacso|thgTown'sProperty,asnearlyasposs|b|g10lts prior condfl|on 5. Malnlenance and Reoail of Tqwn s Pl-opg4y .Tic,Sonnenalp' ils successors and assigns' sha be fully and sotety ,r.pon"6iifii rh" |l*rnienance and repair ol lhe improvemenls' il any, assocjated wilh the pedeslrran ac""" "ot"t!n-t' if'" landscape mainlenan"" "u'"t"^' and the eassmenl to ered and mainlain a struclure on a publrc nght-olvtay The Sonnenalp' ils successors and assigns Shall be responsible tor any damag€ 10 tlle Town's P'operty ca;sed by rhe placemenl aJld operation of such improvemenls on tne Tdwn s ProD€nv rn" sonn"n"rpl-tt"i' u-"i 'L-ul"t "tlnt to install and matntain any improvemsnls pfovrd€d lo-, ne'e'n tirn6rr alslurbrng the use oi the Town s Propeny 6. covenall to Flu'] w l'the sonnenalols PJoo€rly ald-town s Prooenv Jhs mutLa' :*::"lt' granted herein sharl oe pB'pelu't;;;;ilun wtlh lhe land descrioed "5 Sennenalo's Property a1o rne Town's Propeiy more speoncarly idontitied on Exhlbits A-1 and A"2 7 Reservalon oi ljliohls l he Sonnenalp and the Town reserve the right 1o use lnerr individuel oroporlres aod to grant other easfriiis across lns p{operty whlcn will nol tnlerlsre whh ll'e mulual 6asemenls granled har€in 8. Mulual Indemnfication Aoreemant The SonnonalP and the Town mutually agrse to indemnily and hold harrntsss one anolhsr, fi;-;fi;A tmployees and.a9€nls lrom and againsl all liPillyJ-*:i: i* demands on accounl ol iniury, ro"" o, o".ig", in"iuding wihout limilalion clarms aasing flom bodrly Inlury' personal rnjury, sickn".", O,"""r":-O-Jnl-prd"ny to.. oiO.mags. oI snv other loss of any kind whalsoevsr' whrch ariso otJt ol or ar€ In any t""""|, "Jnnl""a "ith the lndivrdual aclivilies ol the Sonnenalp or the Town pursuanl to thts easemgnt agreoment ii such inJury' loss' or damaoe is caused in wholo or In parl by or rs claimed 10 be cause in whole or ;pan by the ad' omission' enor' prilessional grtor' mislake' negllgenca or other fault of tho Town or fhe Sonnenalp' thalr conlraclor-or s-ubconlractor or any otficer' €mployea or rspresenlaltv€ of eilh", p"ny. n'" "i"t'u""iJ''o' "uO*|.ttt""to' Tn€ Town and Sonnenalp agrge lo Investigale' handl€, rospond to, ano prou,on iir"n"" ioi and delend against, any such ltability, claims, or demands al lh€ so|eexPenseo|theolher'ThsTownandSonnena|Pa|Soagreetobsara||olherexpgnsesrelalingtherelo. includinq courl cosls Bno ",t";";;;;;:;;;h-i; 1"1 an! such liabilitv' claims' ot deman-ds-al9q:: "" ;,-oJ;iill;;" o. t,auour"ni 'it'e ievvn and the Sonnenalp apre€ to orocure and mainlarn al rts own individual costs, a potrcy or policies of insurancs sutfici€nl lo insur;aoainsi all liabilily claims, demands and othsr obligatons assurneO UV tn, iown "nd Sonnenalp pursuanl lo this indemnhy agrsomenl The Sonnenalp iurlhor agrees to rel€ase th"i;;' it; "fil;'i' "g"nt''. "na emplovses lrom any and all liabilily' claims' demands or ecllons o, ""r""" oi""iio* whatsoevJ, arising or.n of any damage, loss or iniury 10 the ruuilLllllrtqruFJllllllll|ll rrr | | rll|l||| i-ii-i i zr.a D 0.00 9me J Ftrh.r, Er!r, c0, SKLD 10.11.32. t 5 633450-1997.002 Sonn€nalp or the Sonnenalp's Prop€rly caus€d by the Town' il otficors' ag€nls and emdoyees while engaged trr nrnh,rer ra.@ c, r^ow r6,,.6var aortuiii6;;t inf nrlor rrfiUitiOs WhalS0eVBf 0n TOwn ol Vail PoPerly' slre€ls' sidewalks, or righis-ol-way. TOWN OF VAIL, Town Manager STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE ss. The loregoing instrum€nl was acknowledgsd bsfors ms lhis '1faay ot dlnS uz ' nsz ' oy Roben W. McLaurin, Town Managar of the Town ol Vail' Wilness by hand and olflcial seal My**t""ion"ro',"r' *ffitffiffi.Hh SONNENALP HOTEL I ll]11 ilil ilil|1 lllll lllL lllll llllll lll lllll llll llll QSSI|IE rellTlln? 0!t0ll !71? Patt r 3 cf ! I 20.00 D 0.0e 3err J Flrhrr, Eulr, Co - The tofegoing lnstumenl was acknowlsdgad before m e this n#day ol AV 6Ug''1gg7 'by .h+E*89 FF,essl @ .its_-..-------.-.-- STATE OF EDLdNTIr) COUNTY OF E46LE Witness by hand and ollicial seal. My commission exptres: 1n 11 ?" 1E 633450-1.997.003 EXHIBIT A. I LOT .1.. BLOCK 5E. VAIL MLLAGE FIRST FILING a= R= T= L= 205'|'o0' 344.59' 63.{0' 125.40' PEDESTRIAN ACCESS LA\DSCAPE MAINTENANCE AND EASEMENT L o TRACT I VAIL VILLAGE FIRST \-s \ lo' o\"o;.-oV' \ DESCRIPTION A Portion of Lot "L", Elock 5E, Voil Villoge Plot thereof os found in the Office of ihe Stote of Colorodo. being rnore pofticulorly First Filing, occording to the Clerk ond Recorder, Eogle County, described os follows: Commencing of o Point on thi southyrest corner of soid Lot "L"; thence N 21'14'00" W, 8.00 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence N 2l'14'00" E, 10.00 feet: thence N 68'46'00" E, 10.1'l feel; thence S 81'56'43" E, 26.92 feet lo the south line of soid Lot "L": thence S 60'35'00" W. 16.44 feet: thence N 81'56'43" W, l1.26 feet; thence S 68'46'00" W, 7.50 feet to the Poin t ol Beoinnino, ,,ryuru!|$$1ll$[r!u!l11l[I,lll]|1 Roger W. Meycr P,L.S.26967 NoTlCEr According to Cotorodo lovr you MI,JST comrncnce ony tcaql oclion boscd upon ony delcct in lhis svrvey yrithid lhrec Fors ofl.r wlu firsl discovared such .tifp.t In no avant. mov onv 10. 1t . 32 . l5 5334 50- 199? . O0{co--enieo Lo.c thqn tcn Fors korn tha dolr ot ccrtificotion shown hcreon. 5-r 2-97 RriU MLS MEYER LAND SYSTEMS ProtcrrloDel Land Survcyd 9OZ CBnd P.O. Bot 3il4 Eqgle, Cdorudo 81631 321-Doo 3 -OOl T.lrcoDl.r I A I I I EXHIBIT A.Z o,\ P. O. B, I nT -r - ar .j^r/ (F VAIL MLLAGE FIRST FILING TRACT I VAIL VILLAGE FIRST FILING "Ji|$ ztll ;,t I I I I t)'; TVALL MAINTENANCE AND LA\DSCAPE VAINTENANCE EASEMENT o>. 'ocl DESCRIPIION A Portion of Troct "t" ond Voil-Rood, Voil the Plot thereof os found in the Office County, Stote of Colorodo, being more Villoge First Filing, occording to of the Clerk ond Recorder, Eogle porticulorly described os follows: Troct "1"; then ce feet; lhence line of Voil Rood; 1l-79 feet to the SCALE 1- = l0' Beginning o.t o Point being the raesterly corner of soid N 60'J5'00" E, 20.80 fee',: thence S O4'21 'O4" w. 7.96 S 44'56'25" W, I3.4J feet to the ecsterty rioht-of-wov thence S 44'56'25" W, 5.32 feet: thence'N 2t't+'OO" w.Point of I||lilillill]ilt]]tilL ]]tilil iltilil lililil|CllLe 09/77/|'97 0!:08P 8737 Pa97 ! of 3 R 21.00 D 0.00 Srrr J Flrhu, Erstr, C0 Roger W. Meyer P.L.S. 26967 SKLD I NOTICE. Acco.ding to Colorodo to|r Fn MUST commencc ony leOol oction bo3ed upon ony dcfcct in this survcy rithin thrce yeors - oltcr \rou tr.<t .t's..v.r..i G".h.t.ff,r t^ n^ -6nt. mov onv 10.1L.32.15 633450-1997.00s:o;-c;i:c;;o,e thon ten yeors lrom thc dota ot ccrulicotion shown hcreon. 5-12-91 RWM MLS -MDYER LAND SYSTEMS Protcr.ionrl La|rd Survcyt $z crJa-i -)qt;u"r saa Eaglc, ColorEdo 81631 328_tqo0 3?t-i9ol T.rer* TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department September 23,2002 A request for a worksession to discuss a proposed major alteration; a conditional use permil, to allow for a fractional fee club in the Public Accommodalion zone district, under Section 12-16-2 (Conditional use Permits), Vail Town Code, a variance from Section 12-7A-2 (Permitted Uses), Vaif Town Code, to allow for retail uses in excess ol 10% of the total gross residential floor area of the slructure; and a variance from Section 12-7A-10 (Landscaping & Site Development), Vail Town Code, to allow for a deviation from the total landscape area requirement, located at 20 Vail Road, 62 E. Meadow Drive, and 82 E. Meadow Drive/Lols K & L, Block 5E, Vail Village 1sr Filing. Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc., represented by Braun Associates, Inc.Planner: George RutherMarren Campbell SUMMARY The applicant, Sonnenalp Properties, Inc., represented by Braun Associates, Inc., has requested a worksession to discuss a proposed development application intended to facilitate the redevelopment of lhe Sonnenalp, Talisman Condominium and Swiss Chalet site. The key elements of the proposal include: . Expansion and upgrading of one of Vail's Public Accommodation zoned properties,. lmproved live-bed base added to the existing lodging inventory,o Addition of retail square footage along a portion of East Meadow Drive,. Construction of recommended streelscape improvements to East Meadow Drive,r Elimination of a portion of existing surface parking and the provision of a new parking structure and loading area,. Partnership with neighbors to create a coordinated plan, and . Provision of employee housing within the Town of Vail. The purpose of this meeting is to allow the applicant an opportunity to present the proposed plans to the Planning and Environmenlal Commission and lo provide the applicant, public, statf, and the Commission an opportunity to begin identitying issues for discussion at future meetings. The Commission is not being asked to take any formal positions on this application at this time. As such, staff will not be providing a formal recommendation at this time. II. DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST The applicant, Johannes Faessler, owner of Sonnenalp Properties, Inc. and the Talisman Condominium Association, represented by Braun Associates, Inc. are requesting a worksession to discuss a proposed major exterior alteration to lhe Sonnenalp Hotel and Swiss Chalet; a conditional use permit to allow for a fractional fee club in the Public Accommodation zone district, under Section 12-16-2 (Conditional use Permits), Vail Town Code, a variance from Section 12-7A-2 (Permitted Uses), Vail Town Code, to allow for retail uses in excess of 10% of the total gross residential floor area of the struclure; and a variance from Section 12-7A- 10 (Landscaping & Site Development), Vail Town Code, to allow for a deviation from the total landscape area requirement, located at 20 Vail Road, 62 E. Meadow Drive, and 82 E. Meadow Drive/Lots K & L, Block 5E, Vail Village l"tFiling. A vicinity map of the proposed development site is attached for reference (attachment A). Through the major exterior alteration requesl, the applicant small portion of the existing Sonnenalp Hotel and construct hotel in an easl /west orientation alono East Meadow Drive. proposes Io remove a a new addition to the The new four-slory tall retail square 1,600 square on an interior hotel addition is comprised of forty-six (46) new hotel rooms, new Iootage on the first level of the addition along East Meadow Drive, a foot addition to Ludwig's restaurant, and a new spa facility located ilt. portion of the development site. The proposal further includes the demolition and redevelopment of the Swiss Chalet. This component of the proposal includes the reconstruction of a new four-story tall building comprising of thirteen (13) fractional fee club units, nine (9) condominiums and new retail square footage on the first level of the building fronting East Meadow Drive. An improved loading and delivery facility and a new underground parking structure are proposed to provide loading and delivery facilities and on-site vehicle parking for the Sonnenalp Hotel, the Swiss Chalet and the Talisman Condominiums. The applicant has also submitted applications for a conditional use permit to facilitate the operation of a fractional fee club and a variance application intended to provide relief from the total landscape area requiremenl as prescribed in the Vail Town Code for properties located with the Public Accommodation Zone District. A more complete description of the applicant's request has been attached for reference (attachment B) along with a reduced copy of the proposed plans (attachment C). BACKGROUND On September 4,2002, the Town of Vail Design Review Board held a public hearing for lhe conceptual review of the applicant's proposed plans. The purpose of the meeting was to allow the applicant to present the proposed plans to the Design Review Board and to provide the Board with an opportunity to offer feedback on the design aspects of the proposal to the applicant. The following is a summary of the Board's initial comments: . Willow Bridge Road is a major pedestrian way. How will the negative aesthetic impacts of the loading and delivery facility be mitigated? The proposed new curb cut inlended to provide vehicular access lo tne Talisman Condominiums will have negalive impacts on the pedestrian character of East Meadow Drive. How will the negative impacts of vehicular access be mitigaled? How does the applicant propose to regulate vehicular traffic on East Meadow Drive? The east elevation of the Sonnenalp Hotel addition needs to be "dressed uo". The current design is not consistent with the overall design and detail of the rest of the building. The East Meadow Drive fagade of the Sonnenalp Hotel addition needs to be "broken up", both horizontally and vertically, to bring interest and articulation to the building. The main roof ridge design of the Sonnenalp Hotel addition needs more variation in height and should not be one or two long, constant ridge lines. This redesign will add interest to the building and allow more sunlight to reach the pedestrian way along East Meadow Drive. The primarily four-story tall fagade of the north elevation of the Sonnenalp Hotel addition is too close to East Meadow Drive. The upper stories of the building should be stepped back from East Meadow Drive. More attention should be given to the landscape design along East Meadow Drive. Look for opportunities to improve the landscaped areas without negatively impacting the retail uses proposed on the first level of the building.r Cantilevers of the upper portions of the Sonnenalp Hotel may help to break up the vertical fagade of the proposed design. More thought to the pedestrian nalure of East Meadow Drive is needed in the design. lt would be undesirable to lose the pedestrian feeling of East Meadow Drive by allowing vehicles to use East Meadow Drive to access the Talisman Condominiums. A similar roof design or architectural feature to the one located over the porte cochere on the existing hotel should be introduced on the proposed hotel addition. This approach would bring more similarfties to lhe design and address the long, continuous ridge line that is currently proposed. The existing entry features on the Swiss Chalet should be preserved and reconstructed on the redeveloped building(s). The entry features are beautifully designed and would be a great addition lo the new building(s). The building masses along East Meadow Drive need to be further "broken up" and articulated. A variety of roof heights is needed in both the Swiss Chalet and the Sonnenalo Hotel addition. The exterior of the Swiss Chalet should be designed to appear as a series of different buildings. Such an approach would begin to address roof height and building massing issues. ROLES OF REVIEWING BODIES Order of Review: Generally, applications will be reviewed first by the PEC for acceptability of use and then by the DRB for compliance of proposed buildings and site planning. {E a lv. Plannino and Environmental Commission Action: The PEC is responsible for final approval/denial of the Conditional Use Permit and major exterior alteration. The PEC is responsible for evaluating a proposal for: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town. 2. Effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities and public facilities needs. 3. Effect upon traffic, with particular reference lo congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the streets and parking areas.4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. 5. Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems applicable to the proposed use. 6. Conformance with development standards of zone district:- Conformance with development standards of zone district - Lot area - Setbacks - Building Height - Density - GRFA - Sile coverage - Landscape area - Parking and loading - Mitigation of development impacts Desion Review Board Action:The DRB has NO review authority on a Conditional Use Permit, but is responsible for the approval/denial of the accompanying DRB application for the major exterior alteration request. The DRB is responsible for evaluating the DRB proposal for:- Architectural compatibility with other structures, the land and surroundings - Fitting buildings inlo landscape - Configuration of building and grading of a site which respects the topography - Removal/Preservation of trees and native vegetation - Adequate provision for snow storage on-site - Acceptability of building materials and colors - Acceptability of roof elemenls, eaves, overhangs, and other building forms - Provision of landscape and drainage - Provision of fencing, walls, and accessory structures - Circulation and access to a site including parking, and site distances - Location and desion of satellite dishes V. - Provision of outdoor lighting - The design of parks Town Council Actions of DRB or PEC maybe appealed to the Town Council or by the Town Council. Town Council evaluates whether or not the PEC or DRB erred with approvals or denials and can uphold, uphold with modifications, or overturn the board's decision. Staff The staff is responsible for ensuring that all submittal requirements are provided and plans conform to the technical requirements of the Zoning Regulations. The staff also advises lhe applicant as to compliance with the design guidelines. Staff provides a staff memo containing background on the property and provides a staff evaluation of the project with respect lo the required criteria and findings, and a recommendation on approval, approval with conditions, or denial. Staff also facilitates the review Drocess. APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS Vail Land Use Plan The Vail Land Use Plan was adopted by the Vail Town Council on November 18, 1986. The plan is intended lo serve as a basis from which future decisions may be made regarding land use within the valley. The primary focus of the Vail Land Use Plan is to address the long-term needs and desires of the Town as it malures. The Town of Vail has evolved from a small ski resort founded in 1962 with approximately 190,000 annual skier visits and virtually no permanent residents to a community with 4,500 permanent residents. The Town is faced with the challenge of creatively accommodaling the increase in permanent residency as well as the increase in skier visits, while preserving the important qualities lhat have made Vail successful. This is a considerable challenge, given the fact that land within the Valley is a well-defined finite resource, with much of the land already developed at this juncture. The Vail Land Use Plan was undertaken with the goal of addressing this challenge in mind. A secondary purpose of the Vail Land Use Plan was to analyze a series of properties owned by the Town of Vail, to determine their suitability for various types of community facilities. The goals articulated in the plan reflect the desires of the citizenry. The goal statemenls that were developed reflect a general consensus ol the comments shared at public meetings. The goals contained in the Vail Land Use Plan are to be used as the Town's adopled policy guidelines in the review process for new development proposals. Staff has reviewed the Vail Land Use Plan and believes the following policies are relevant to the review of this proposal: 1.0 General Growth/DeveloDment Vail should continue to grow in a controlled environment, maintaining a balance between residential, commercial and recreational uses to serve both the visitor and the permanent resident. The quality of the environment including air, water and other natural resources should be protected as the Town grows. The qualily of development should be maintained and upgraded whenever possible. The original theme of the old Village Core should be carried into new development in the Village Core through continued imolementation of the Urban Desion Guide Plan. Development proposals on the hillsides should be evaluated on a case by case basis. Limited development may be permitted for some low intensity uses in areas that are not highly visible from the Valley floor. New projects should be carefully controlled and developed with sensitivity to the environment. 1.7 New subdivisions should not be permitted in high geologic hazard areas. 1.8 Recreational and public facility development on National Forest lands may be permitted where no high hazards exist if: Community objectives are met as articulated in lhe Comprehensive Plan. The parcel is adjacent to the Town boundaries, with good access.c) The affected neighborhood can be involved in the decision-making process. 1.9 National Forest land which is exchanged, sold or otherwise falls into private ownership should remain as open space and not be zoned for private development. 1.12 Vail should accommodate most of the additional orowth in existing developed areas (infill areas). Skierffourist Concerns 2.1 The community should emphasize its role as a destination resort while accommodating day skiers. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 t.o a) b) 2.0 2.3 2.4 2.2 The ski area owner, the business community and the Town leaders should work together closely to make existing facilities and the Town function more efficiently. The ski area owner, the business community and the Town leaders should work together to improve facilities for day skiers. The community should improve summer recreational and cultural opportunities lo encourage summer tourism. Commerciald 3.1 The hotel bed base should be preserved and used more efficiently. The Village and Lionshead areas are the best location for hotels to serve the future needs of the destination skiers. Hotels are important to the continued success of the Town of Vail, therefore conversion to condominiums should be discouraged. Commercial growth should be concentrated in existing commercial areas to accommodate both local and visitor needs. Village Core / Lionshead 4.1 Future commercial development should continue to occur primarily in existing commercial areas. Future commercial development in the Core areas needs to be carefully controlled to facilitate access and delivery. 4.2 lncreased density in the Core areas is acceptable so long as the existing character of each area is preserved thorough implementation of the Urban Design Guide Plan. 4.3 The ambiance of Vail Village is important to the identity of Vail and should be preserved. (scale, alpine character, small town feeling, mountains, natural setting, inlimate size, cosmopolitan feeling, environmenlal quality.) 4.4 The connection between the Village Core and Lionshead should be enhanced throuoh: 3.0 3.2 3.3 3.4 4.0 o a. Installation of a new type of people mover b. lmproving the pedestrian system with a creatively designed connection, oriented toward a nature walk, alpine garden, and/or sculptu r e plaza. c. New development should be controlled to limit commercial uses. Residential 5.'l Additional residential groMh should continue to occur primarily in existing, platted areas and as appropriate in new areas where high hazards do not exist. 5.2 Quality time-share units should be accommodated to help Keep occupancy rares up. 5.3 Atfordable employee housing should be made available through private efforts, assisted by limited incentives, provided by the Town of Vail with appropriate restrictions. 5.4 Residential growth should keep pace with the marketplace demands for a full range of housing types. 5.5 The existing employee housing base should be preserved and upgraded. Additional employee housing needs should be accommodated at varied sites throughout the community. 6.0 Community Services 6.1 Services should keep pace with increased groMh. 6.2 The Town of Vail should play a role in future development through balancing growth with services. 6.3 Services should be adjusted to keep pace with the needs of peak periods. According to the Official Town of Vail Land Use Plan map, the applicant's proposed redevelopment site is located with the "Vail Village Master Plan Area". This area has not been fully analyzed in the Vail Land Use Plan because the Vail Village Master Plan study has addressed this area specifically in more detail. As such, the review of this redevelopment proposal will be further guided and regulated by the provisions of the Vail Village Master Plan. Vail Villaoe Master Plan The Vail Village Master Plan is based on the premise that the Village can be planned and designed as a whole. lt is intended to guide lhe Town in developing land use laws and policies for coordinating development by the public and private sectors in Vail Village and in implementing community 5.0 goals for public improvements. lt is intended to result in ordinances and policies thal will preserve and improve the unified and atlractive appearance of Vail Village. Most importanlly, this Master Plan shall serve as a guide to the staff, review boards, and Town Council in analyzing future proposals for development in Vail Village and in legislating effective ordinances to deal with such development. Furthermore, the Master Plan provides a clearly stated set of goals and objectives outlining how the Village will grow in the future. The Vail Village Master Plan is intended to be consistent with the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan, and along with the Guide Plan, it underscores the importance of the relationship between the built environment and public spaces. Goals for Vail Village are summarized in six major goal statements. While there is a certain amounl of overlap between these six goals, each focuses on a particular aspect of the Village and the community as a whole. The goal statements are designed to establish a framework, or direction, for the future growth of the Village. A series of objectives oulline specific steps that can be taken toward achieving each stated goal. Policy statements have been developed to guide the Town's decision-making in achieving each of the stated objectives, whelher it be through lhe review of private sector developmenl proposals or in implementing capilal improvement projects. The goals, objectives, policies and action steps are the working tools of the master plan. They establish the broad framework and vision, bul also lay out the specific policies and action steps that will be used to implement them. The six goals are their related objectives, policies and action sleps can be found in Section V of the Vail Village Master Plan. The Vail Village Master Plan's objectives and policy statements address key issues relative to growth and developmenl. These statements establish much of lhe context within which future developmenl proposals are evaluated. In implementing the Plan, the objectives and policies are used in conjunction with a number of graphic planning elements that together comprise this Plan. While the objectives and policies establish a general framework, the graphic plans provide more specific direction regarding public improvements or development potential on a particular piece of property. Staff has reviewed the Vail Village Master Plan and believes the following goals, objectives and policies are relevant to the review of this proposal: Goal #1 - Encouraqe hioh ouality redevelooment while preservino the unioue architectural scale of the Villaqe in order to sustain its sense of communilv and identitv. 1.1 Objective: lmplement a consistent development review process to reinforce the character of the Villaoe. 1.1.'l Policy: Development and improvement projects approved in the Village shall be consistent with the goals, objectives, policies and design considerations as outlined in the Vail Village Masler Plan and Urban Design Guide Plan