HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5E LOT L SONNENALP SWISS CHALET RESTAURANT LEGAL.pdf,t) t/r*Wtto1rti t lof L,tb1p {e ffi T0tu\i Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fa* 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co,us DRB Number: DR8050121 Proiect Namer SWISS CHALET RESTAUMNT SIGN Project Description: Two awnings (text of 6 square feet on one) in Jockey Sunbrella Red fabtric at Swiss Chalet Restaurant. SoNNENALP PROPERIES rNC 0412512006 Participants: OWNER 20 VAIL RD VAIL co 81557 APPUCANT ANNIE EGAN PO BOX 2103 EAGEL co 81631 ProjectAddress: 20 VAIL RD VAIL SWISS CHALET RESTAUMNT 0412512006 Phone: 328-6825 Location: Legal Description: LoB L Block 5E Subdivision: VAIL VILI-AGE FIUNG 1 Parcel Number: 2101-082-0400-1 Comments: no lighting shall be erected Motion By: Second By: Vote! Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: APPROVED Date of Approval: 05/02/2006 Cond: I (P|-AN); No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Entryi 0510212006 By: eer Action: COND No lighting shall be erected for illumination of awning signs. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner:DRB Fe€ Paid: i56.OO Gty'lV-,a' t{ofrlf,V.t / Sign Application for Design Review Deparmlent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, C.olorado 81657 tef : 970.479.2139 fax: 97O.479,2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring desqn re\rhw must receive approrral prbr b sr,rbmitring a htilding permit applkatbn. Please refer to the submittal requiremvrb for the particular approval that is r€quested. An applicatbn for Design Raderv cannot be accepGd until all required information is rcceived by the Community D€velopment Department. The project may also need to be revie$ted by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Crmmission. D€cign rcvieu approval lapses unless a building permit as assued and oonstnrction commenoes within one year of th€ approvel. DescriptionoftheRequesil: 2 awnings at the entrance to the Swiss Ctral-et Restaurant Locationofthe Proposal: tot /- ebcl;5:F5ubd;yldsn' Physical Addrcss: parcd t{o.: 210108280001 (Contact Eagle Co. Assesor at 970-32&8640 for parel no.) Zoning:PA Name{s) of Owner(s): ilailing Mdress:20 VaiI Oumer(s) liignabn{s): Nama of Applicant: Vail. Co. 81657 Phone: 479-5470 Box Eagle, Co. 81631 Phone: Fax: 328-6825 $.50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a net/v building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footag€ ls added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 addfions & interior conve6ions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvemenb, such asl reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and rebining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buiHings and site improvemenb, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fenc6 and rebining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approraed by Planning Staff or the Design Revie$, Board. No Fee t tt)'S /'e4 v, "\l Lll t A-, \/'-o f o a ).) i-, llailing Address: E-mail Address: anniesueGmountainmax. neL 328-6820 Type of Rsiew and Fee: /tr4 5r9ns E Conceotual Review E New Con*ruction tr Addition fl MiJror Alterdtion (multi-family/commercial) tr Minor Alterauon (single-family/duplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request SIGT{ APPLICATIOI{ SUBITIITTAL REQUIREITI E l{TS General Information This application is for any sign that is located within the Town of Vail, Specific requirements are available frorn tte DeparUnent d Community Dwelopment. I suBMrTTAt REQUTREMET{TS l.lameof Business: Swiss Chalet Restaurant Buildingnameandphysrcal address; Sonnenalp Resort / 20 YaiL Rd. Vail, Co. Written approval from aondominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. Type of sign (ched all that apply): qFreestanding Sign QWallSign ?Hanging / Projecting Slgn QDisplay Box trDaily Special Board QJoint Directory Sign trSubdivision Entrance Sign A. B, c. D. B Building Identification tr Mural tr Window Sign n Sign Program E Gas Filled/Fiber Optic .tr/emporary Sign fioher - awning Number of signs proposed:. -- Number of signs odsting: 0 Sign mesage:Swiss Chalet Restaurant Sign and lettering dimersions for eadr sign (attadr a olorcd scaled schematic drawing @ th" = 1): see drawin tength of busines ftontage: Height of sign(s) from gnde: Sign Location (attach a site plan and an elevation drawing or a photograph clearly indicating the proposed location of sign(s)): Materials and colors of ggn (q sign l'rghting plan: ttgoMnd o Indicate type, location and number offixtures.o Include height above grade, lumens ouFut, luminous area.o Attacir a cut sheet for eadt proposed fixture. E. F. G. K. L. proposed z. #l 37-H. I. l. M. N, Drawings showing how and where the signor awning will attach to the building and how theawningwill beconstructed. sac Dt"r-r'ny f1 The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (includirg a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a proFct will omply with Design Guidelines or if the inErt of the proposal is not clearly indicated. F : \cdev\FORMS\Permits\Planning\DRB\sign_applicatton_12-05-2005.doc Page 3 of 4 r2loslzoos Apr 24 06 09:58a Ann Egam (970) 328-6820 JOINT PROPERW OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER, I, (print name description) provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated whidr have been subrnitGd to tlre Town of Vail community Development Departrnent for the proposed improvernents to be completed at the addr€ss above- I urderstand thli the pmposed include: ) I further understand that minor modifications may be made b the plans over the cours€ of the review process to with tfie Town's applicable codes and regulations. (Signature) a joint owner of property located at (address/legal F:\cdev\FoMs\Penrx'te\pla nning\DRB\sign_appl ication_l 2-0S_Z0O5doc Pa4lezof4 tzl0sl2o05 (-v N F \c.\\/--\ -)\-N $ )- -l a/_ ol W I \r s-t-7 P.--r\ \ F-\ C.--' o K-=-I \ \ \, \- c>-s (\ N ,K b- J v ts (\_,-t \s,' + \,N o5 o< au th l/ /./ . (q 7fu za./ t'triz-l ,/ iE /u /%/ - f// - /?, /)5'/o{/a6 I r [l t J F \) l" O--- :(- \<-\' *\ \p \t \\'.t Nd t\ $ e5 5 O*.,.rvt't A4/24/2648 12:52 3A36232676 PAGE A2 f)r'\ I ra) (\l . (D . (-) :t: t'- 11' {i_ I .:t ' -.r.- t\ _l \p 3 + + q = f-{ Cta C4 O Fri +t l--.. F]H >J F] C.r) F f-\\< >J z H o rd+ -- J t F}g. a lt c AI -o 'n o o F} A' rcl o o -h t-o * -F o =.5 GI a !,|o (.,(., { vvn>,v<,.0L ub.-- IIIEFEi ffi u,a6 t/L-' ) to >l I'r {t l*v) iE ti P:I F'| ***+++ff+++* ******++** * * **** +*******+****++*++f***++* **+ ******************** * ** + **********i* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement 'l.i ** * * * * * * *f *t*** ** ** * ***** ********* ** ++++ **** * *** * * * ** * **** ******* *+****** * * ** * **** {t * ** * *{.t Statement Number: R050000439 Amount: $55.00 04/25/2OO6LO:32 AM Payment. Method: check FAESSLER TTri f . .Tg Notation: I-724/,JOHAI{ES P. $s5.00 ********************+++*+*++++*+*+++********t**************************+*+*******t+******t** ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descript ion Current Pmts Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address : IJocation: This Payment: DR 00100003 Lr2200 sP 00r.00003124000 DRBo 5 0121 2101-082-0400-1 20 VAIL RD VAII., SIIISS CHALET RESTAI]RANT q4)e: DRB - Sign Appl-ication Total E'ee6 : Total AIrIr Pmt6: Balance: ss5.00 $s5.00 $o. oo DESIGN REVIEW FEES SIGN FEES s0 .00 5 .00 D ep a rtm e n t of Community D eve lopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 FAX 970-479-24s2 www.vailgov.com June 26, 2004 Weitz Construction c/o Frank Makris 965 North Ten Mile Drive Unit 1A P.O. Box 4536 Frisco. CO 80443 Re: Swiss Haus temporary site construction fence, located at 82 Meadow Drive/Lots K-1, Block 5E, Vail Village Filing 1 Mr. Makris, This letter is to inform you that staff has received your request to put up a temporary construction fence rn conjunction with the demolition and construction of the new Swiss Haus project. Staff has determined that the Weitz Company, which is holding the liability for the Swiss Haus construction site, has submitted a demolition request to the Building Department and Design Review Board application for the Talisman on July 23, 2004. The Community Development Department is prepared to allow you to install a temporary construction fence on the Swiss Haus property under the guidance of Leonard Sandoval in the Public Works Department. No bond will be required at this time as long as the fence is located on the Swiss Haus property. In the event that the demolition permit or any other delay occurs with this project causing demolition and/or construction to not begin in a timely manner, the temporary fence shall'be removed by no laler than September 30, 2004. Installation of the temporary construction will serve as acceptance of the condition of fence removal in the event that demolition and/or construction have not begun by September 30, 2004. Please review these comments and if you have any questions regarding this letter please contact me at 970-479-2148. V{ith,regards, ^. (, fil, *#-+u*+u Senior Planner Cc: File f,-p o"t"'""o o""^ berrov-<-x-tov bsS - oozto /mnenolp Rerort of Uoll rfl t coP Y ^ Witaurssr*lrHoalt otth..wb d Road . Vail, Cc.rlorackr I1657 . LISA tl70-476-1(t7() [r]x . www.sor.ln€nalp.com . info@)son nen.r lp.com November 19,2007 Thomas E. Kassmcl 1309 Elkhorn Drive Vail, CO 81657 Dear Tom: This letter is in response to your letter and invoice dated October nt',2U17.1 am attaching 2 cxhibis in further support of Sonnenalp's position that no further payment is due to the Town of Vail relative to the Meadow Drive Streetscape Project. It remains our position tlnt Somenalp has completed and paid for all required improvement and that lhblic Works bases its position on preliminary documents that were subsequenfly changed and executed by the panies. I am auaching for your reference the development contract dated February I l, 2004 and sigred by the Torvn Manager. I specifically like to point to the first paragraph on page three of this agreement. The wording in the final agreement was changed fiom the May 12, 2003 PEC memo due to a number of factors including the timing of construction of the two projects. I am further attaching a site plan datd 5112/2003 titled Exhibit "C" clearly depicting the areas of responsibility of the various parties of the Stre€tscape Project Agai4 the off-site improvement plan submined by Public Works dated 2/2712003 was subsequently changed for similar reasons described in the above paragraph. Finally, I like to point out that the Sonnenalp Project was completed and received TCO in December of 2005. While a number of items were noted on the TCO as conditions, the outstanding liability as described by the Public Works in summer of 2007, more rhrn I year after completion of the project, was not one of them fiuther indicating tlnt all requiremmts had been met. It is not proper conduct to simply send a bill long after completion ofa project and after having signed off on a projecl based only on thc recollection of a stafr member, who was absent during most of the time the project was actually build, and in clear contradiction with signed agreements and project drawings. If you wish to discuss this matter further, please contact me at 970-479-5470. Cc: George Ruther TOV Community Development Departnent Bob McNichols One Willow Bridge Enclosures: - Site Plan Edribit C - Development Conuact 20V.ril fi00-6i.I-fJl 1 I . 97(l-47("r-565(r . Sonnenahr Properties, Inc.Dover Associates. LLC 20 Vail Road Vail, Colorado 81657 4148 North Arcadia Drive Phoenix. Arizona 85018 Februarv 12.2004 Town of Vail Community Development Department 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Ladies and Gentlemen: We are writing to confirm our understanding regarding severai matters affecting the Sonnenalp Resort expansion (on Lot 1 ofthe recent Sonnenalp resubdivisionplat) andthe new Swiss Chalet development (on Lot 2). As the Sonnenalp addition will proceed under the ownership of Sonnenalp Properties, lnc., and Swiss Chalet construction will proceed under the ownership of Dover Associates, LLC, on a different schedule, we hope to clariS several points raised in the course of the Town's approval of our projects, so that we may proceed with confrdence that our plans and schedules will meet the expectations of the Town. 1. Timing of the Construction and Permitting of the Projects At this time, we anticipate the following construction and perrnitting sequence. o Under the current schedule for the projects, Dover Associates is planning to submit construction documents for the Swiss Chalet building and underground parking in the spring of 2004, to begin construction later in the summer of 2004. Dover anticipates that completion of this project will require 18 months. o As the schedule stands now, Sonnenalp is planning to submit construction documents for work to begin (i) on improvements to the existing Sonnenalp hotel structure in the spring of 2004, and (ii) on the sub-surface parking (which includes the Sonnenalp and Talisman parking structures) and the new addition to the hotel in the spring of 2005. Construction ofthe entire Sonnenalp Resort expansion project should be completed in 2006. . The schedule for construction ofthe Swiss Chalet currently calls for Dover to apply for a CO for that structure in December 2005. . Based on the schedule as ofthis date, Sonnenalp anticipates applying for a CO for the Sonnenalp Resort expansion in December 2006. We understand that the hotel rooms included in the Sonnenalp addition are critical for the entire project (that is, the Sonnenalp expansion and the Swiss Chalet development) to conform to the zoning regulations of the Town Code. We also understand that some of the parking spaces planned for the Swiss garage are required for the Sonnenalp Resort expansion to comply with the Town Code. At the same time, we trust that the Town recognizes (1) the substantial investment made by each developer to date and (2) the requirements that any construction lender will impose as conditions for funding each development. Specifically, we anticipate that each of our lenders will require, as a condition to making any loan advance, certainty that once conskuction on the financed project begins, the issuance ofa certificate ofoccupancy for that building will be issued upon completion of the building in accordance with the approved plans, even if, at that time, the other developer's project has not been completed. For ttre purpose ofthis agreement the approved plans shall be comprised ofcomplete civil, site and grading, architectural, floor, structural, mechanical, plumbing, electrical, landscaping, elevations, building sections, construction phasing, consffuction staging, fire protectiorq demolition plans. To assure the Town that the improvements on both lots will comply with the Town's zoning regulations by the completion ofconstruction ofthe entire project, the developers are proposing a phasing schedule that demonstrates progress in the required construction. Specifically, if the Swiss Chalet development proceeds ahead of the Sonnenalp Resort expansion, the developers would agree that Sonnenalp must obtain a building permit for the remodeling of the existing Sonnenalp hotel, which will include a renovation of the hotel kitchen and receiving are4 expansion ofthe restaurant and sp4 and upgrades to the guestrooms, as a condition to the Town's issuance of a CO for the Swiss Chalet building. Similarly, in the event that the schedule for construction should be reversed so that th€ Sonnenalp expansion proceeds before the Swiss Chalet development, Dover must obtain the required building permit for construction of the new building on the Swiss parcel as a condition to the issuance of a CO for the Sonnenalp addition. In any event, upon the issuance of a building permit for the work by the second of the two developers, tle Town will be committed to issue a CO for the first developer's project, provided the first developer completes construction of that first project in accordance with the Town's other requirements for grant of a CO. The issuance of the building permit for the second project will confrm the Town's commitment to issue a CO for the first project as provided in this lctter above, without any requirement for any additional agreement between the Town and either developer. Each developer acknowledges that additional agreements such as financial bonds may be required by the Town of Vail for incomplete improvements associated with the developer's own project, at the time of request for a CO for that project. In addition, we understand that the Town agrees, in signing this letter, that that the Town's requirement for registration of the Swiss Chalet fractional ownership interest project, if completed after the addition to the Sonnenalp Parcel, will not delay the Town's issuance of a certificate ofoccupancy for the Sonnenalp Resort expansion. 2. Streetscape and Drainage Improvements to East Meadow Drive and Willow Bridge Road Sonnenalp and Dover each will be responsible for the construction and installation of the streetscape improvements on their respective parcels, in accordance with approved plans. To explain, Dover will construct the streetscape and drainage improvements along the northerly (East Meadow Drive) and easterly (Willow Bridge Road) frontage of Lot2. Sonnenalp will construct the slreetscape and drainage improvements along the frontage ofLot 1 on East Meadow Drive. In addition to the improvements on their respective parcels, the developers will construct any streetscape and drainage improvements contemplated for the East Meadow Drive and Willow Bridge Road right-of-ways according to the Town's plans, as depicted on the approved plans. The Town agrees to reimburse each of the developers for a portion ofthe cost of the construction in the right-of-ways, as outlined below. Each developer will include the drawings for the rcquired streetscape and drainage improvements, conforming to the plans approved by the Town, in the developer's application for its building permit, and that application will include the estimated cost of the streetscape and drainage rvork f<lr the project in question, based on competitive bids. The To'*'tt's issuance of a building permit for the project will constitute the Town's approval of the estimated cost of the streetscape and drainage improvements. If the Town does not approve the cost, the Town, at its eiection, may revise the scope ofthe streetscape and drainage work and request revised bids for the modified plans, but the Town's decision against approving the fust estimated cost of the work, as submitted by the developer in its building permit application, will not delay the issuance of the permit as long as the other portions of the application meet the Town's regular requirements. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for the first project, the Town and developers shall mutually agree upon the scope ofstreetscape and drainage work to be completed the Town and the developers. The scope ofwork shall be depicted on the approved plans. The Town agrees that each developer will complete the streetscape and drainage improvements on the developer's lot, as depicted on the approved plans, (and partially on Town rightof-way) to the front of the curb and gutter, concurrently with the completion of the building on the developer's parcel (allowing, however, for any reasonable delay so that planting may occur outside the winter season), and each developer understands that, to obtain a temporary certificate of occupancy for its building, the developer must complete (or provide bond in accordance with Town poiicies) the streetscape and drainage improvements on the developer's parcel, at least to the front of the cwb and gutter. In turn, the Town confirms that if the buildings on the Sorurenalp parcel and the Swiss Chalet parcel are constructed on different schedules, the CO for the first of the two buildings to be completed u'ill 4q1 be conditioned on the completion (or the bonding) of the streetscape and drainage improvements that are located within the boundaries ofthe second parcel (or required on adjacent Town right-of-way). With respect to the streetscape and drainage improvements outside the lot boundaries, in the righrof-ways, lhe developers agree to coordinate their work so that the construction in the right-of-ways is completed in one phase, without any significant intemrption or delay for any cause thal is within the developer's reasonable control. Within 30 days after the Town issues a CO for a completed project, the Town will reimburse the developer ofthat project for two-thirds ofthe approved costs ofthe streetscape improvements, and for one-half of the approved costs of the drainage improvements, as depicted on the approved plans. 3. Kayak Take-Out With respect to the Town's plans for improvements to the kayak exit area near the Willow Bridge Road bridge over Gore Creek, the Town agrees as follows: a. Party Responsible for the work: The Town or some third party, other than the developers, will perform any work that may be required on tire stairs serving the kayak area. b. Timing of contribution: The developer of the first project requesting a building permit shall submit a payment to the Town in the amount of $ 1 0,000 for the cost of the kayak take-out stair construction to be performed by the Town or some third party. Payment shall be made prior to the issuance of a building permit. c. No Condition Regardingthe Proiects. The Town's grant of a certificate of occupancy for the Sonnenaip Resort expansion and for the Swiss Chalet deveiopment will not be conditioned on the commencement or completion of the Town's work on the kayak area. 4. Employee Housing Units Before either of the two developers applies for a building permit relating to its property, Sonnenalp will sign and record with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, a deed restriction in form reasonably approved by the Community Development Department of the Town, to limit Units 24, 25 and 26 in the Solar Vail Condominium project at 501 North Frontage Road for use as employee housing. 5. Binding Effect This letter is intended to bind and benefit the Town and the developers and their assigns, so that each of the parties may rely on the agreements set forth above without concern for any changes in the Town Code, the Town's policies or the Town's representatives, and without regard to any changes in the parties who proceed with the construction of the development on the Sonnenalp and Swiss parcels. Any lender who extends construction financing to the developer of the Sonnenalp addition or the new Swiss Chalet project will also be entitled to rely on the agreements set forth above and to accept a collateral assignment ofthe developer's rights and obligations under this letter. Each ofthe individuals signing this letter on behalfofthe developers below represents that he holds the power and authority to bind the developer for which he is acting. Further, the official signing this letter on behalf of the Town has the power and authority to bind the Town to this agreement. Ifthis letter conectly sets forth our understanding regarding the matters set forth above, please have two copies of this letter executed on behalf of the Town by its authorized representative, and return the copies to us for our records. Thank vou for vour consideration. S By: onnenalp Propcrties, lnc. Johannes P. Faessler President Do R.,.uJ. ver Associatcs, LLC Robert M. McNichois ins Member AGREED: Town of Vail By: ,- OA (,') fti' ee' x c] \ ii. (.5 t-'r c -)b' s S:.rE n. X'S l-ri: ! R-trl-i*d D -FG s- -i' =o o-x L-=;S b.H S >-'i r. oo >J f-1 HO x O\ n -Fi (tt\=\\ : a t{ N H H hd H o P H td o trl o o o q rd P z o F< ;o++e;. i(2 .) .l,g -i,i_F tr*d oD(' *-6'211 ); =x = 0Q rt. o oT€9(":.dg.6 ;E)^;.'li f'tr rf loo E{=.trgd 9* _:i=.5'-F)'- ;{ =' =: D) q99a qx Ro 'n;E:!!! < !+ o< pg ='r' z D H €' e a o a) N v o N) (r.) -o *? IP lN) I -l - o o V) *'z o Y t,-,, IF tq - n - (t).E 6- a .D z *l !? lz l> l. z -i !r-t .l o C' s X o o o A) .D o s .D t/* .e+o6 ''r ? t=; 6-' lj(,)g1 A': 4.i pr 3'9. ,-r ;ori oqo DF. aa r"'c o ; o o o o o_ n\iJ F--tr IP h-- |u' I 11 o o r- o - ID o IJ FD D TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Building--- > Plan Check*- > lnvesdgation- > Will Call--- > Q"ro*r""Nr oF coMMUNrry nerrtopueNr L.r-l u, 6\\";t 'ERMIT MUST BE posrED oN JoBSITE AT ALL TIMES 'oc'^\ U'!\":f '=NOTE: THIS NEW COMM BUILDING PERMIT Job Address: 20 VAIL RD VAIL Location.....: SONNENALP HOTELADDITION ParcelNo...: 210108204001 lrgal Description: -p R \o s -o t( lO Permit # 805-0314 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : l0llllz0f.s Issued. . : 01116120[16 Expires. .: 07ll5l20f,6 OWNER SONNENAI.JP PROPERTIES INC 20 VAII-, RD VAIL co 81657 !0/LL/2005 APPIJICAII]I WEITZ COMPAI{Y, INC. (THE) LO/7]-/2OO5 phone: 303-860-6600 4725 S. MONACO STREET, STE 100 DENYER co 40237 License:131-A CoNTRACTOR WErTZ iOUpalW, rwC. (THE) 1,O/tL/2OO5 phone: 303-860-5600 4725 S. MONACO STREET, STE 1OO DENVER co 80231 License: 131-A Desciption: SWISS C}IAI-,ET RESTAI'RANT-TENA}II FINISH Town of Vail Adiusted Valuation: $420.000.00 Occupancy Sq Feet Valuatlon 9420, 000. 00* Fireplace Information: Resuicted: Y # ofGas Logs: 0 fof Wood Pellet: 0 :t:f 't:f :t :i:tr:*++{r*t **t r*iF*:Fr:r*****:}**t+*+ j}:!rF++++*+{.:f :t,}*:tt+,}+*t:}:}++:}+it j*+,f *:F FEE suMMARy Type Totals. S2,185,75 Restuarant Plan Review-- ) S1, 810.74 Recreation Fee------- > $0. oo TOTAL FEES------------- > $3.00 Factor # of Gas Appliances: 0 S0 - 00 Total Calculated Fees--> $0 - 00 Additional Fees---------- > S4,599.49 Total Permit Fee-----> Payments---------------- > BALANCE DUE.-------- > s4,s99.49 $0.00 i4,s99.49 s0.00 Approvals: IIEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMETiTT ]-],/08/2005 cg"union Action: CR corunents sent to appl icant and architect. corrections reguried. c6mments in: F: \cdev\cm.rs\PERurr.coMMEurs\gos-03L4.Doc t2/O6/2005 cgunion Action: CR second check plan review comments sent to applicant and architect. 12/28/2OO5 cAunion of 12/1-4/05. Action: AP approved corrected plans with issue datse also see attached detail sheets and file. IIEM: O54OO PI.ANNING DEPARTMENT 01/04/2006 George Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMEMT OT/LL/2OO6 nvaughan Action: AP see cofiments Item: 05700 ENVIRONMENTAL, HEAITTH I LO/L1,/2OOS BC Action: AP PLANS REcE,#o* APPRoVED. CoIIDITIoNAI-, c IJETTER OF AppRovAL SENT TO ARCHTTECT 09/2L/2005 rtCM: 05550 EbIGIIIEERING See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurare plot plan, and state that aU the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQI]ESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOTJR HOURS IN ADV PM. BY TELEPHONE A 2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:fl) AM - 4 CTOR FO HIMSELF AND OWNEF PAGE 2 ***********'F*{.*!************:******:f *****:t:B{.{r,t,******,t,************,t *******i.*:****,r**+:f :t:t:t,t*********,********* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit# 805-0314 as of0l-16-2006 Stanrs: ISSUED :f {'{'*******:******:t****:&*d.*****:t:t:F**:t'*'t,t,t***!t*,*,}**{.**:***t ***:F:**t ****:t**:t:*!*,r***:F:r:F+'t!t +******* *:* *** ** *** * *:* * Permit Type: NEw coMM BUILDING PERMIT Applied: to,lltzCf,is Applicant: WEITZ COMPANY,INC. (THE) Issued: Ot/I6l2W6 303-860-6600 To Expire: OTllSnAM Job Address: 20 VAIL RD VAIL Location: SONNENALPHOTELADDITION Parcel No: 210108204001 Description: SWISS CHALET RESTAURANT-TENANT FINISH Conditions: Cond: CON0007650 ENVIRONMENTAL TIEALTH-COMPLIANCE WITH ALL ITEMS ON PLAN REVIEW LETTER MUST BE MET. FINAL INSPECTION FOR LICENSING REQUIRED. +++********'l***f*********+{'|'*******l******+********t+t*+++**+++*+******+!t+**f*************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO StAtCMCNt +++++*+++****+fi****+***'t*+******+**********i*********f********+++++++++t***+at***++**++++** Statement Nunber: R05000003? Amoun!: 92,?88.75 OL/16/200610:39 AIrl Palment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: Sleitz 13509405 Permit, No: 805-0314 T)4)e 3 NEW COMM BUTLDING PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-082-0400-1 Site Addregs: 20 VAIIr RD VAIIJ LocaIlon: SONNENA],P HOTEI, ADDITION Total Fees: $4,599 .49 This Palment: $2,78e.75 Total AIrL Etnts: 94,599.49 Balance: $0.00 ***f,*+*++***t***+**++l+**f+*+f,***********+t********+***********************+++*f****f******* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUII,DING PERMIT FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WILI, CAI.,L INSPECTION FEE 2 ,785 .75 3 .00 O --- g'-rr)(- 'lOoV O APPLICA CONTRACTOR INFORMATION COMPLETE ALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT bor & Materials Assessors Office at 970.328-8640 orvisit MVNOPVAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail. Colorado 81657 For Parcel # Contact Other Fees: DRB Fees: Contact and Phone #'s: lb Lto 6\J'r {44 Q,.1\Town of Vail Reg. No.: \!e fi7 fa,a( sdr .Iilt- /rH E OTHER: $EulLDfNG: $ tl'La( 060 "'' TOTAL: $PLUMBING: $ 7\" t,og /ot oo1 Job Address:, vait aoao -rlai- co Sral Job Name: 4".' t , [t+h,4;( Filing: Address: & v/\-,- v^ ir,!tle9 $owt2 sQ-1-C"Architect/DestQner: Mtr€ fofi oct-a< Oc ttal tJJ t CA 4..1-.E S Addt"tt' lt ,? A.t^An 4 p aa.a,s*,t 4 \4oo 0e^ve(. Co Detailed description of work: ( ) Remodel ( ) Repair( ) Demo ( ) Other( )Work Class: New (v)' Adcition Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( )( ) Both( )Work Type: lnterior (ry' ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant (?4 Other( )Type of Bldg.: SingleJamily ( ) T No. of Accommodation Units in this building:building: il la No. of Existing Dwelling Units in Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burn No/Tvpe of Fireplaces Exisling: Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( yl No ( )Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( (( lvtq F:\Users\cdev\FORI\,4S\PERfil ITS\BLDG oR oFFlcE usE oNLY***.*****t******t**********i**i*****:r* 02l03l2aa,l V\ es -eofl m_ JAOE RA}'IGE Chrlslopher A Thompson General Manager Jade Products Company Division of Nraytag Michael A. Cronin Baring Industries 1808 West End Avenue Suite 814 Nashville, TN. 37203 Subject: Jade Char-Broiler Mr. Cronin Jade Products Company Tel: 714.961.2525 2650 Orbiter Street Br€a, Ca 92821 Mobils: 714.414.6789 Fax: 714.961.2561 Emall: chris.thompson@maytag.com December 22 2005 Cooking surface temperatues average 600oF for all char-broiler models (Jade part number - JB-XX) Char-broiler sizes (widths) range from 12" 84". Standard depth: 27" Standard Features:. Heavy Duty 4 bar iron top grates with built in grease guides that channel away excess fat and reduce flaring . One l5K Btu bumer every six inches . Heavy duty cast Lon bumer radiants o 12 gauge all welded steel fire box . #304 stainless steel front panel, sides, top rim and legs e Infinite control manual gas valves at each burner for precise heat r #304 stainless ste€l gas tubing and pilots Any further questions, please feel free to contact me directly. Respectfully, Christopher A. Thompson General Manager Jade Products Company, Division of Maytag ****'i*******+*++++++++++++++++*************t***+****************************************{.*** TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement Stsatsement Nrunber: Pa)ment Method: MONROE R050001700 Amount: $L, 81-0.74 check Lo / LLl 2oo5o4 : 1i- PM Init: 'JS Not.at.ion: 3 74 5 /BARRY This Payment:$1,810.74 **+****++******'f*++++******,*******************!*******************'*******:t * * 'r. {. ***,r. rr*+**** * * *:t Permit No: 805-0314 Type: NEIV COMM BUILDING PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-082-0400-X Site Address: 20 VAIIJ RD VAII, Localion: SONNENAI.,P HOTEI.I ADDITION Total Fees: ToIal AI.,I, PmTE : Balance : ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code PF 0 010 0 0031123 0 0 Description PT,AN CHECK FEES F4 , s99 .49 $r.,sr.o.24 $2,788.75 Current Pmts L, aLO .74 I()ltNM Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 Department of Gommunity Development Project Name: Project Address: I This Checklist must be completed before a Building Permit application is accepted, e All pages of application is complete e Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a mpy of approval form -a Condominium Association letter of approval attached if projeci is a Multi-Family complex e Complete site plan submitted o fublic Way furmit application induded if applicable (refer to Rrblic Works checklist) o Saging plan induded (refer to R.rblic Works checklist) No dum pster.parking or materlal storaqe allowed on roadwavs and shoulders without written approval 0 Asbestos ted and results submitted if demolition is occurring 0 Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) 0 Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(S sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial &ildings) e Window and door schedule 0 Full struclural plans, including design criteria (i.e.loads) s $ructural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Oommercial and Multi Family) e Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection e Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated o Snoke detectors shown on Dlans e Types and quantity of fireplaces shown Applicant's Signature: Date of submittal: FlUsers\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM.DOC Received By: oz03noo4 qr tt*- JADE RA}IGE Ch?lstopher A Thompson Gensral Managsr Jade Products Company Division of Maylag Michael A. Cronin Baring Industries 1808 West End Avenue Suite 814 Nashville, TN. 37203 Subject: Jade Char-Broiler Mr. Cronin Jade Products Company Tsl: 714.561.2525 2650 Oditer StrEet Brca, C^92821 lvlobils: 7l 4.414.6789 Fax: 714,961.2561 Email : chris.thompson@maytag.com December 22 2005 Cooking surface temperatures average 600oF for all char-broiler models (Jade part number - JB-XX) Char-broiler sizes (widths) range from 12* 84" . Standard depth: 27" Standard Features:. Heavy Duty 4 bar iron top gates with built in grease guides that channel away excess fat and reduce flaring . One l5K Btu bumer every six inches . Heavy duty cast iron bumer radiants r 12 gauge all welded steel fre box . #3U stainless steel front panel, sides, top rim and legs ' . Infinite control manual gas valves at each burner for precise heat r #3M stainless steel gas tubing and pilots Any further questions, please feel free to contact me directly. Respectfully, Christopher A. Thompson General Manager Jade Products Company, Division of Maytag Town of Vail OFFIGE COPY TOWN QF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Qroo*rrrNr oF coMMUNrrY or.,?orrr*, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E05-0308 30'i o:5t u1 Job Address: 20 VAIL RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: SWISS CHALET RESTAURANT Applied . . : l2l06t2\J5 Parcel No...: 210108204001 Issued . . : 03127/2C[]l6 Project No : -gelU) OC(1O Expires . .: 0912312006 OWNER SONNENALP PROPERTIES INC 1.2/06/2005 20 VAIL RD VAII,co 81657 APPLICANT ENCORE ELECTRIC L2/O6/2O05 phone: (97O)949-9277 PO BOX 8849 AVON co 81620 I-.,icense: 33L-E CoNTRACTOR ENCORE EIJECTRIC 12/06/2005 phone: (971',)949-9277 PO BOX 8849 AVON co 8r-520 License:331-E Desciption: SWISS CHALET RESTAURANT-INSTALL ELECTRICAL WORK FOR NEW RESTAURANT INSIDE OF SONNENALP HOTEL Valuation: $118,000.00 Square feet: 0 ***<*{<**r<t J.r*,*r.r*,*,trt*r.*r*:f***:*:**:**:**********:***r*r(r.xr(r(:**:t******:*:t{<**r.*** FEE SUMMARY DRB Fee-*--- > Investigation---- > Will Call-''.. - -> Electrical ' > g2,5oo.r.o Toial Calculated Fees-> S2, 503 .10 $0.00 s0.0o s3.00 TOTAI- FEES--> 52, so3.10 Additional Fees-------->$0.00 Toml Permit Fee-- - > $2, 503 . 1o Payments----------------> $2,50I.10 BALANCE DUE-___ >90.00 Approvals: Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL, DEPARTMENT L2/28/2OOS cgunion Action: AP SEE ELECTRICAI PIJANS APPROVED WITH THE BUILDING PERMIT PIJAN SETS. : Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUfRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances,and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS F'OR INSPECTION SHALI. BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8;00 AM ' 4 PM. ++**********l***'*********t*********+****+****************************+**+*++*+*+***+**+***** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO *+**+*++++*f++++*+*******+********{.********li+****************t****++*+*****Statement statement. Nuniber: Payment Method: Elect.ric L442 R060000294 Anount,: $2,503.1O 03/27/200609:58 Atrt Check Init: DDG Notation: Encore Permi! No: Parcel No: Site Address : Locafion: This Palment: EP 0 0100 0031L 110 0 wc 00100003112800 E05-0308 2101-082-0400-r. 20 VAIL RD VAII, SWISS CIIAT.ET RESTAI'RANT s2,503.10 type : EIJECTRICAL, PERiVIIT Total Fees: Total AT,L Pmts ; Balance : $2, 503 . Lo $2, 503 . r_0 $0.00 +a+***++*********+**+++ *+**+++**+******+***+*ft+* ******** *** ***** +**+**++****ft* f*tl*+++++++ ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current PmEs ELECTRICAIJ PERMIT FEES WILL CALI INSPECTION FEE 2,500.10 3 .00 AppucAnortrLL Nor BE AccEprED rr rncoruerf*#irttruos -o vzo Building Permit #: Electrical Permit #: 97 O - 47 I -2149 (Inspecti o ns) MWNOFYAIL AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE:ELECTRICALVALUATIoN:$ 3 ll8 ao CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Electrical Contractor: ENcofue EL-r<-tnac. {}{ c. Town of Vail Reg. No.: 3Za- L Contact Person and Phone #'s: f-(*Uccrtl ltypr* Ln(-tqrg E-Maif Address: n^-r,,.tr.- ti,-..Jt,, 5 e,--cor,-t.r..4..o* Fax#: 9"o - 7.{q - ?zeo contractor tnnu*h/ J,/v; COMPLETE SQ. FOOTAGE FOR AREA OF WORK AND VALUATION OF WORK (Labor & Materials) Conbct Assessorc Offrce at 970-328-8640 or visit for Parcel # Parcel #2lo t og ro,.+ oo { Job Name: Sonwl',('P ..Y*:t*.^^,J " St^liss fi\c-,.rs lobAddress: 3o V*"I Roro za, V.^: \ R-roAP Phone: 3o 3- ctz?- Gzcrc de$riptiOn of work: !;rgr pr-r- Ee err o.t<.-fr u- c_rotutc R. v!r._r-.) 6.r\*.-^r..9 ix-s.'crr- d 6,o,,^*^a*.-lf t\.l(.r-. WorkClass: New$d Addition04 Remodel( ) Repair( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) Does an EHU arist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( )Work Type: Interior S) Exterior ( ) Both ( ) Typeof 8ldg.: Single.family( ) Duplex( ) MulU-iamily( ) Commerclal ( ) Restaurant{ Other( ) No. of AccommodaUon UniE in this building: O No. of Existing Dwelling Units In this building: O for a hot tub: Yes ( ) No Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist Yes Does a Fire Alarm Exist Yes ;.,;;;.'Y *****************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY************ RECEIVED U tt .lLrls TOV-COM.DEV. Flcdcv\FORMSWERM [TS\2005\clcoticalJtcmil2005.DOC Amendment to the 2002 N.E.c. Town of vail ordinance 4, series of 2005 Overhead senyices are not allowed in the Town of Vail. Underground services shallbe in conduit (PVC) from the utility transformer to the electric meter, main disconnect switch, and to the first electrical distribution circuit breaker panel. The main disconnect switch shall be readily accessible, andlocated next to the meter on the exterior wall of the structure. All underground conduits are required to be inspected before back-filling the trench. In multi-family dwelling unib, no elecfical wiring or feeder cables shall pass from one unit to another. Common walls and spaces are exempt NM Cabfe (Romex) can be used only in single and multi-hmily dwellings net exceeding 3 stories. Type NM cannot be usd in any building mixed with Type 4B.EEH,I,M &S occupancies, Aluminum conductorssrnaller than size #8 are not permitted with the Town of Vail, TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT GUIDELINES All installations of elterior hot tubs or spa's require a DRB approval from planning. This application will not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval form aftached (if applicabie). If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 30" above grade, you must also obtain a building permit. If this permit is for installati6n of an exterior hot tub or spa on any existing deck or elevated platform, a structural engineer must review the existing condition and veriff that it will suppoft the added concentrated load. Please provide a copy of the structural engineers wet stamped letter or drawing with this application.o If this is a remodel in a multi-family building with a homeowners association, a letter of permission from the association is required.o If this permit is for a commercial space, two (2) sets of stamped drawings are required . Etectricat one-line and panel schedules are required if load is added or distribution is altered, I have read and understand the above. Signature Date Signed If you have any questions regarding the above information or have additional questions, please contact the Town of Vail Electrical Inspector atgTO-479-2I47. The inspector can be reached on Monday thru Friday mornings between the hours of 8am and 9am. You may also leave a voice mail and the inspector will call you back. o o F:\cdev\IORMS\PERMlTS9005blcctical_pernitJ005.DOC rvz3t2m5 APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF FV SP TVWNOFVATI 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 \Wail\drta\crlev\FORMS\PERlvllTS\SPRKP ERM.DOC RPE APPLICATION INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED Project *' 1(_5_05: _047_0__ Fot"-oo2V Building Permit #:_ --spri nkler-Permit *' -F64Q"/ 9?_L-48:21A5fu spesttipas) Fire Sprinkler shop drawings are required at time of permit submittal and must include the following. Permit application will not be accepted without this information :. A Colorado Registered Engineer's stamp or N.l.C.E.T. Level lll (min) stamp.. Equipment cut sheets of materials.. Hydrauliccalculations.. A State of Colorado Plan Registration form.. Plans must be subrnitted by a Registered Fire protection Contractor. CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Fire sprinkter: $ 1, b3d.'JO Contact **tk**:t*******:t**:t*******:k*/r************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*** rt******!r *** ****** **-.h'r*********+,,r* * Other Fees:Date.Received: Public Way Permit Fee:Accqpted By: Occupancy Group: t r7- -1L1"- Fire Sprinkler Contractor:r\ E*Cet ?rruYfut pr*ion . I nc- Town of Vail Reg. No.: 5+4 -3 Contact and Phone #'s: Qeu*r* S;go,ul o- Q'zo /rtu.,/s/r3 ".*"*,*r*. fill*. - /o'o*a FoR ALARM pERMrr V (Labor & Materials) County Assessors Office at 970-32e-9640 or visit www.for Parcel # Parcel # Job Name: ftq'rrcrut p Qegr t Sr-orSs Q*e-t 2e4aumtt.Job Address: /\.-dU tut 7J Legal Description ll Lot: ll etoct<: ll riring:Subdivision: o*n"" N"'"'srrvpn r.. 0f c.,rflE* a" fi, rT;Phone: Do,u tnginee( fliL gllte'r ooo'"',b3b v,'r, pd F*AIW Detailed Location of work: (i.e., floor, unitffi , R LLru* Detailed description of work: lLranL \m{oytlvnL b Lvi-.rLinq h?u sertwfcr A-gem work class: New() Addition ( ) Remoder ff) Repair ( ) Retro-fit ( ) other( ) Type of Bldg.: singlejamity ( ) Two-famity ( ) Mutti-famity ( ) commerciar 1 I n""t*Ent ffi otn"rr I 7-', No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildinq: Does a Fire Alarm Exist: VeTff tto ( )Does a Frre Sprinkler System Exist: yes N trlol I )x 0'l /24/2002 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Qroo*rrrNr oF coMMUNrry or'torr"*, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: MO5-0276 Job Address: 20 VAIL RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: SWISS CHALET RESTAURANT Applied . . : tU04lZ005 Parcel No...: 210108204001 Issued . . : 01/05/2006 lrgal Description: -- - -- - ,, --\ Expires. .: 0710412m6 Project No t {( \o> -L't /'.-'l OWNER SONNENALP PROPERTTES TNC IL/O4/2OO5 20 VAIL RD VAIL CO orol / APPIJICAI\Ir MrECH MECHANTCAT TECIINOITOGIEI,LI04/2005 phone: (303) 650-4000 6830 N. BROADWAY t'NIT A DENVER co 8022L License : 28!-M coMrRjAcToR MTECH MECHANICAT TECHNOLOGIEII_/04/2OO5 phone: (303) 5s0-4000 6830 N. BROADWAY I'NfT A DENVER co 8022L I-,icense: 281-M Desciption: SWISS CHALET RESTAURANT-CREASE, GENERAL EXHAUST, HOT WATER HEATER CHILLED WATER AND FCU/TI Valuation: $l14,129.00 $0.00 Total Calculated Fees--> $2,8?8.00 Plan check--> s575.00 I0TAL FEES--------> S2,8?8.00 Additional Fces----------- > Fireplace Intbrmation: Restricted: Y Mechalical > 92,300.00 Restuarant Plan Revi€w-> lnvestigation- >90.00 # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 FEE STJMMARY $0-00 Total Permit Fee--- - > $2,878 - 00 PaymenE BALANCE DIJE--__- >90, 00 Will Call--- > 93.00 Item: 05100 BUIITDING DEPARTMENT L2/28/2OO5 cgunion AcEion: AP see mechanical drawings approved with the building permit set. Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BL,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER CHAPTER 7 OF THE 2003 IMC AND SECTION 304 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC AS MODIFIED BY TO[{N OF VAIIJ. Cond: 23 (BI-,DG.): BOIILER INSTAILATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURER'S TNSTRUCTIONS AND CHAPTER 10 OF THE 2OO3 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG.): GAS APPIJIA}ICES S}IAT.II-' BE VENIED ACCORDING TO CI{APTER 5 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC. Cond: 29 (Br.,Dc.): ACCESS To MEcHANT"?"out""ENr MUsr coMpr,y wrrn il,prER 3 oF rHE 2003 IMC AIiID C}IAPTER 3 OF TI{E 2OO3 IFGC.. Cond: 31 (BL,DG.): BOILERS SHAI-,L BE MOITIITED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. ITNLESS LISTED FOR MOI]NIING ON COMBUSTTBLE FIJOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMTT,PLANS AND coDE Ar{ArJysrs MUsr BE posrED rN MEcHANrcArr RooM pRroR TO AN INSPECTION REOUEST. Cond: 30 (BIJDG.): BOILER ROOMS SIIALI-, BE EQUIPPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN OR OTHER APPROvED MEANS FOR DTSPOSTNG OF I_,IQUID WASTE pER SECTION 1004.5. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN PM. SIGNA AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE ['ROM 8:00 AM ' 4 ER OR CO CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF I +*+*****+*******+*********+**************t***+*f+t*++++++*+*****************rrff*?f++t *t+++* TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement *****************t*******a***+*+**+f+f+**{'***t****a****'}***************++++********+******** Statement Number: R0600000L0 Amount: 92,8?8.00 Ot/05/200612:0G pM Pa)ment Method: Check Inits: DDG Notsation: MTech 10 705 $2. 878.00 **++**************+**********++++***t+****+******'i**********!l*+*t*t**********t**********f+*t ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Current Pmts Permit No: Parcel No: site Address : Lrocation: Thie Payment : MP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 wc 00100003112800 M0s- 0276 2101-082-0400-1 20 VAIL RD VATL SWISS CIIAI.,ET RESTAITRANT Description T)4re: MECHANICAL, PERMIT Tota1 Fee6: Total ALL Pmt6 : Balance: $2, 878.00 $2, 878 . 00 90.00 MECI{AIIT CAI PERMIT FEES PLAN CI{ECK FEES WILI, CA].,L INSPECTTON FEE 2,300.00 575. 00 3 .00 APPLICA o TtoN wl LL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNS Project #: Building Permit #: Mechanical Permit #: 97 O -47 9 -21 49 (lnspections) TIWN OF VAIL MEELIANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION Permit will not be accepted without the following: oz- ozxv )L MWNOFYAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 tion Equipment CuUSpec Sheets CONTRACTOR INIIORMATION OR MECHANICAL PERMIT Labor & Materials ************************FOR OFFICE USE O N Ly***************************** P!en!elSigr,r-otf: Date Received: lfos +il8 ffiiffi:"flH Mechanical Contractor: ifllraah Town of Vail Reg. No.:Z8/- M CgtJFct and Pione #'s: ///a.1 ,G.rro,o ?a" '3?ga Co"tWyy-St'cddr,re - a; -: . :- COIYIPLETE VALUAT 'ION F ontact Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www..com for Parcel #P,*..1# z/212R? p4b t9^ry'2< 4tn rcr fr sf,4 r t FA nrf ':W'il,rCort |,tr,,fn Legal Description lj t-ot: ll Btocr: ll riring:Subdivision: l/atc Phone: y'/p-S/-S/a Detailed descfftion o'f work'. ,_ ,r'au66!-!/4./f ' '- I /: ,t r' '"A.lzt4l f?a.ltr?CI fU /fZ ./ ...,Work Class: New (zf Addirion ( ) Atrerarion ( -) Repair ( ) Orher ( ) Boiler Location: lnterior ( ) Exterior ( ) Other( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) TypeofBldg:Sing|e-fami|y()Dup|ex()Mu|ti-fami|y11co'ffi,n No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildino: Noffype of Firep.lace gs ( ) Wood/peltet ( ) Wood Burning ( ) No/Type of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) cas Logs ( ) Wood/peltet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT Af-f-Oweol |sthisaconversionfromawoodburningfirep|aceto \Wai l\data\cdcv\FORlvlS\PERMITS\tvtEC pERM.DOC 07 /24/?002 Town of Vail Mechanical Codes and Desiqn Criteria You must obtain Design Review Board (DRB) approval if any of the mechanical work will involve ANY exterior work. This includes and is not limited to removal and replacement of driveway snow melt systems. Please contact a planner at 479-2128 before submitting your mechanical permit application. o The Town of Vail has adopted the 1998 International Mechanical Code (lMC) with the 1997 Uniform Mechanical Gode (UMC) as an acceptable alternative. 0 All new construction within the Town of Vail is considered to be of unusually tight construction, thus all combustion air is required to be drawn from outside the structure for mechanical equipment. Reference the 1997 UMC Sec. 701.2. Town of Vail Fireplace Ordinance In September of 1991 , the Vail Town Council adopted an ordinance which restricts te construction and use of open hearth fireplaces within municipal boundaries. Since that time the ordinance has undergone numerous changes and revisions, striving for compromise, yet effectiveness in addressing the air quality issue. Therefore the following criteria has been adopted: r Construction of open hearth wood burning fireplaces is no longerpermitted within Town of Vait municipal boundaries. o Dwelling Units - Each new dwelling unit may contain: One (1) EPA Phase ll certified solid fuel burning device and no more than two (2) gas apptiances (B vent) OR Two (2) gas log fireplaces and no more tlran two (2) gas appliance fireplaces (B bent). Restricted Dwelling Units - Each new restricted dwelling unit may contain: One (1) gas log fireplace and not more than one (1) gas appliance fireplace. Aceom4qadation Units - Each new accommodation unit may contain: One (1) gas log fireplace or one (1) gas appliance fireplace, lf two or more separate dwelling units or accommodation units are combined to form one larger unit, the combined unit may retain one woodburning fireplace (if one already exists) and no more than 2 gas appliance fireplaces, or may convert up to two existing fireplaces to gas. lf during the course of a remodel an existing woodburning fireplace is altered or moved, the unit must then comply with all provisions of the ordinance. That is, the fireplace must be converted to natural gas or replaced by an EPA Phase ll certified unit. \\Vai l\data\cdcv\l:ORIvISV'tsRM tl S\MECI tI'EltM. DOC 07 /24/2002 JOB SHEET NO. TECHAIIICAL TECHIIOLOGIES GN'UP 6830 N. Broadway, Unit A . Denver, Colorado 80221 303-650-4000 . Fax 303-650-6800 email: info@mtachg.com . www.mtechg.com CALCULATED BY CHECKED 8Y SCALE /44aL &trta ftin /t/ 4u fie awl- /a7 //pb eadta-# 4ao 1 zt,4z4 d //, z6a 4 2,4e4 +bp € /.?b 4 /q*b 6 4"/1 T47fl.h,tpat- 4 ///, tzV 14, ur / ton = t4uz' f zoa- R*rea-' F zf/" Reftlpftlfr& 4) '- 2,3+ 575 75 f a?Ea oo BoS-O3''l ^^' YVIS- o )1Q TEST, ADJUST AND BALANCE REPORT PROJECT SWNS CHALET PREPARED FOR M-TECH 613012006 PREPARED BY H.VAG PO. BOX sl23 VAIL, CO 81658 PHONE: 970-331-1095 FAX: 970-926-9406 H.VAG TEST|ADJUST AND BALANCE REPORT THE DATA PRESENTED IN TIIIS REPORT IS AN' EXACT R,ECORD OF SYSTEM PERFORMAI\CE AND WAS OBTAINED IN COMPLIANCE WITH NEBB PROCEDIIRAL STAIYDARDS. ANY VARHNCES FROM THE DESIGN REQIIIREMENTS ARE NOTED THROUGHOUT TIIIS REPORT. THE RESULTS SHOWN AND INFOR]VIATION PRESENTED IN THIS REPORT IS CERTIFTED To BE AccIrxA*TE AIrID coMpLETE, To rHE EXTf,NT PiOSSIBLE BY EQIIIPMENT AND PROCEDTIRNS USiN THROUGH.OUT THIS SI]RVEY. THE FINAL AIR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM MEASUREMENTS ARtr,IN COMPLIANCE WITII NEBB PROCEDURAL STAIIDARDS FORTESTING, ADJUSTING AND BALAIICING OI'ENVIROIIMENTAL SYSTEMS AND THE PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS. cERrrFrED"". €DF= DAT'z -7e-4, THE FINAL HYDRONIC I'ISTRIBUTION SYSTEM MDASUREMENTS ARD IN COMPLIANCE WITH NEBB PROCEDURAL STN{DARDS TOR TESTING' ADUSTING AND BALANCING OF EITVIROI\IMENTAL SYSTIMS AND THB PROJECT SPECffICATIONS. H-VAC WARRNATS TIIAT THE AIR AND HYDRONIC SYSTEM EVALUATED DURING THIS ST'RVEY IS OPER"ATING AT TTIE SPECIFIED LEVELS AS SHOWN WITHIN TTIIS REPORT, AT AND ONLY AT THIS NPre. H-VAC MAKES NO OTTIER WARRANTIES, STATED OR IMPLIED, CONCERNING THE CONTIUED PERFORMANCE, OPERATION OR SAFETY IN TIIE USE OF T}IIS EQUIPMENT PASS THIS TIME. H.VAG o AIR APPARATUS TEST REPORT o PROJEGT: ,-- r.\ / I lx. I l( -,.-_ I --;n@5,^, MOTOR NAMEPT.ATE DATA THERMALLYPRO ?*Y "o AIR HANDLER UNIT DATA r<-r&r r(tG,A L ?,tc'S L?re- o.Bo'tFs sETAT (AMPS) AIRFLOWDATA NOTES: o o AIR APPARATUS TEST REPORT ^ot rr, 1'uSS Cu^-* i--_l r_l i_] -oyrtfl .,i1 @7 d,a. il AIR HANDLER UNIT DATA unr: F<lr-L T)t^,l.r r,tna MOTOR NA'YIEPI.ATE DATA MANUFACruRER /tZ*alro t-- HP R.P-M. =//zzz{ PHASE FRATIE I (,_fe* zo s.F.TYPE /2{ t i sc-> L#-s/K l,/FS STARTER DATA MANUFACTURER -Za.ya MODEL SIZE/THERMAL NO. RANGE I _\_ SET AT (AMPS}_l_ REQ. THERMAL RATING (AMPS) DRIVE DATA MOTOR DRIVE I!tr-3'7S oo MOTOR BORE %" FAN DRIVE lAkErl- FAN BORE 7/r'.\t) A/+r Lsrzad,a NO. BELTS& SIZE ROTATION DRIVE CHANGE AIRFLOWDATA SUPPLY CFM /82{ OSA CFM ? RETURN CFM tfrr TEST DATA INITIAL FINAL FAIII R.P-lrl.88 s-773 VOLTAGE d-7<>c AMPERAGE <,7 PAGE: o o AIR APPARATUS TEST REPORT unrr' Fa.; -3 Dt^r'..r^-t+ H.VAG at: ROJECT: 1--c-err J 5 (-t*,+caf- AIR HANDLER UNIT DATA MANUFACTURER 7*A"21/-,f MODEL Eti-/cc syq /Ac SERIAL fos HzlSao FAN TYFE L p^-t4/,t-O 6/t L RATING 1&ap!{q4" a? c) "4$F MOTOR NAMEPISTE DATA MANUFACTURER ,44trt+t/.1(J,l\- HP R.P.M. I hq I tzzs PHASE FRAME I <L-74 s.F.TYPE /,25 Sc-S r VOLTS AMPS /ts/2.e,!'ru le6,rA,'t THERMALLY PROTECTED t./p "rl, STARTER DATA MANUFACTURER ,//o.t,< MODEL ) SIZE/THERMAL NO. RANGE SET AT (AMPSI ( REO. THERMAL RATING (AMPS) DRIVE DATA TTIOTOR DRIVE /,rF 3'7( OO" MOTOR BORE -9a-FAN DRIVE lav s.{ FAN BORE 3/</ NO. BELTS &SIZE r) I ,-/( ROTATION lc-ua-perT' DRIVE CHANGE AIRFLOW DATA SUPPLY CFM //63 OSA CFM 0 RETURN CFM ll b't I r-.n ?L NOTES: TEST DATA INITI,AL FINAL FAN RP.M.88c>97o VOLTAGE zE al( AMPERAGE 44 4,6 -b,b\-@7 PAGE: o o AIR TERMINAL TEST REPORT SYSTEM: F<..,- I H.VAC ,,RoJECr: 9-tz-atq TERMTTIAL il oesrcn il rrmat_ NOTES H.VAG REPORT; 4r ',t<< (-uatgr DATE: (tL-?- e-(-C KITCHEN HOOD TEST REPORT 7 LOCATIoN: knel-' E L CLIENT: ADDRESS. ATTN: GREASE FILTER INTAI(E VELOCITY RREADINGS |qb log lloL Itg'/tL.-t9 rcz(t\70 twq r,-t6 I,LTL l?t- o" TWE: MFG: SERIAL: EQIIIPID: ?i/ .A rl Itf'l 3 -- 3ruFFr- = I2SFP^ AVERAGE GREASE FILTR. VE.oCITY GREASE FILTM. AREA FACTOR. MEASI.IRED TOTAL EXIIAUST CFM DESIGN TSTAL E)CIAUST CFM MEASURED TOTALIyIAKE LrP AIR CFM DESIGN TOTAL MAKE I,,P AIR CFM tt?,l n{t B?4 Bqb H.VAG o FAN TEST REPORT o PROJECT: oBLl7</3 C 4rne_ z,t"SF lPH e o,63'15P SET AT (AMPSI A,tvttg (-7o ''t/''\./ -!.--l *-) -) {--_.. H.VAC PRoJEq: 9^.,r sS Cf+at.{r.r o AIR APPARATUS TEST REPORT o AIR HANDLER UNIT DATA S@e &4 a?tt,E5p MOTOR iIAMEPLATE DATA THERIIALLY PROTECTED STARTER DATA MANUFACTURER Sauawe MODEL /fn )l SIZE/THERMAL NO.AAro<m&E RANGE IL-}A sET AT (AMPS)_6:- REO. THERMAL MT|NG (AMPSI DRIVE DATA iIOTOR DRIVE |sv G{ MOTOR BORE t1t FAN DRIVE KV qO FAI.I BORE lA" NO. BELTS & SIZE l\ K3R ROTATION - Ct-,<zrt rc'f- DRIVE CHANGE AIRFLOW DATA SUPPLY CFM 6ao OSA CFM ,ro"4 RETURN CFM f-a-l " ,, 1 O I -o.3t I r l_+ PAGE: H-VAC PROJECT: \L<.-t S S" o FAN TEST REPORT o f------- ,'f^" tt ( / ( d,lt''. \-, \_..-, € ar-("a t'g {3 MOTOR DATA It, p3 o sET AT (AMPS) NOTES: PAGE: o o H-VAC AIR TERMINAL TEST REPORT ./ RoJECT: futLLtv,,:6 -- sYsren: fttrA-} _Es2-- NOTES PAGE: H.VAG BAIANCING VALVE T€ST REPORT PROJECT:94.t""?t fzu t,2,7 tz6*3 H/c, 4ou ,) 4on Ll3 1,3 o rq. ; -LCv -7 cxt .flu 1,O NOTES: NANUALFLOWCONTROL 1/2"55 - 2"QU'CKSET FLOWRATEGRAPH 300 100 L LI 1n l- \J OJ P d L =o L, 10 Pres:;ure Drop AA (Inches of 100 300 Voter-) R9plaf,€ste''F4o40c e 2E03 Banarrca Parkway, trvine, CA 92606 (%9) 5s9S000 Fax (9f9) O59€()SS GRISWOLD CONTROLS nrunrr-GrigroldControls.com n r r r tj"r"u"ll,, o??;J1i, """t ffi t t l Product Family - BCXC Blower Coil Air Hendlar ll!|n Teqls)Aty De!criplion ilodel Number Spcc Number A1 FCU-1 1 BCXC Blower Coil Alr Handler BCHC018A1-A28 NrJ000000A04FC 1FC100N80100 FCU.l Facld lnstrlled oDtion oescriDtion FetUOrderins Number Off/Auto Sel Point Knob O/C Com Jac 3-Way Modulatin0 Basic Piping Packaqe 3-Way Moclulating Basic Piping?ackage 4.O Cv. 1t2" Modulatino. 3/4' PIPE 4.0 CV. 1E'ModulaUnq, 3/4" PIPE - PaillOrder Nu slhataniveatthejobsite.Thisreportprovi(65p6161 ofder numbers for each fietd installed oplion, and references it to a speoific product lag. lt is NOT inlended as a Pogp 11cr' 1l o EPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT $0.00 Total Calculated Fees---> $1, 503 - 00 Plan Check--> 9300.00 TOTAL FEES-------> 91,so3.oo Additiorul Fees---------> o D Investigation- > Will Call--- > TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBINC PERMIT PCrMit #: PO5-0I62 3os -o S{q Job Address: 20 VAIL RD VAIL Starus . . . : ISSUED Location.....: SONNENALP HOTEL ADDITION Applied . . : 1tll0l20fr5 Parcel No...: 210108204001 Issued. . : 0312112006 Legal Description: pRS6 +trO Expires. .: 091t712006 Project No : OT'INER SONNENAIJP PROPERTIES INC I1-/LO/2OO5 20 VAIL RD VATL co 816s7 APPITICAITT TOTAL PL,IIMBING L\/70/20O5 phone: 303-393-727I 470]. N. COI,ORADO BI,VD DEIiTVER eo 80216 License:110-P CONTRACTOR TOTAL PLIIMBING L7/t0/2005 Phone: 303-393-727L 4701 N. COIJORADO BI'VD DENVER co 80276 I-,icense: 110-P Desciption: PLUMBING, WATER, WASTE AND VENT FOR NEW KITCHEN IN SWISS CHALET RESTAURANT-TENANT FINISH Valuation: S79.250.00 FireDlace lnformarion: Restricted: ??# ofGas Appliances; ?? # ofGas Logs; ?? f of Wood Pallet: ?? *r.* * t * *,t:L:*.*r.,i t! * *trlt.tL,l tt!t,trLr.'x,r. *:r.i.* *x.r*r. *:a,*tt rt:*.t't *r*t*:*,t,trt,tt **t* *,r r(,.* )* **r.*,t,t* FEE suMMARy ***+*+,N**,i*+,i:f*+++,t++,t++++++{.+++*1.**********t************t(** Plumbing--> $1,200. OO Resnraranr Plan Review-- > s0. 00 Total Permit Fee-----> 51,503 - 00 Payme s-------------- > $1, 503 . oo BALANCE DIJE.-------- >90.00 $0.00 $3.00 Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEI\I]| tt/t,/2}05 JS Action: AP rtEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTTONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR coDE COMPL,IAIiICE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the infbrmation as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inforrnation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, lnternational Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. OR AT Ot R OFFICE FROM 8:ffi AM - 4 **+******+*+f*************++*****+*****************************,t ***********************:l**+* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement ** * ** *** **+ +* ***+*** * * ****++++** ***t*t++**+++**** *++ + **+++* * ***f*f*++*+*++******+****++***** Statement Nunber: R0600002?2 Amount: g1,5O3,OO 03/2L/200610:54 AIvl Pa)ment Method: check Init: DDG Notation: Tota1 Plumbino 09587 2 Permit No: Pafcel No: Site Address : Locati.on: This Payment: PF 00r_00003112300 PP 00r.00003111100 wc 0 0 r.0 00 031128 0 0 P05- 0152 T)T)e : PITIIMBING PERIrIT $1, s03 . 00 ** * *** ***+*** ****+** * *+*+*++*+* ****+***+********++++*+l* * *++********* **** *+** +* +** * * *,i****** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Current Pmtss 2101--082-0400-1 2 O VAIIJ RD VAIL SONNENAI.,P HOTEL ADDITION Descript ion Total Fees: ToIaI ALL PmIs : Balance: $1, s03 . oo $1, s03 . 00 $0.00 PIJAIiI CHECK FEES PIJI]MBING PERMIT FEES WIIJIJ CA]'I' INSPECTION FEE 300.00 1,200.00 3.00 APPLICA o TION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSI Project #:-0Y 70 Building Permit #: Plumbing Permit #: 970-479-2149 MM{OFYAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 FORMATION Town of Vail Req. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: 3--3 q3 -l2-l E-Mail Address: COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PTUMBING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit for Parcel lt Parcel # rob Name: 3.,r,*, C\.J.+ (,.+" "rF*,robAddress: &O V*,t R) Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: Owners Name:Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed, description of work: Plu,nt,uq LJ4 I-arJtJ ,)oV- A- 6a.l A ilr'.[(,lrL*.,-- Work Class: | ruew 1 1 Addition (X) Alteration ( )Repair ( )Other ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-famif ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant (X Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ) ***********rr***************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY************************************* Other Fees:Date Received: DRB Fees:Acceoted Bv: Planner Siqn-off: \fo>' \vAiI\dAtA\CdEV\FORMS\PERMITS\PLMBPERM. DOC 0't t26t2002 K}I+V*J wnEvffi! | ) r 'vnt'v'c !^tL'" 'rbw oto wd nnrE qifi vour ! Town of Vail Survey Community Development Department Russell Fonesl Director, (970) 47e.213e Check allthat applies. 1. Which Deparfnent(s) did you contact? Building _ Environmental_ Housing_ Admin Planning DRB _ PEC 2. Was your initial contact with our stafi imrnediate_ dow _or no one available ? 3. lf you were required to wail how long was it before you were helped? 4. Was your project reviewed on a timely basis? Yes / No lf no, why not? 5. Was this your firsttime to file a DRB app_ PEC app_ Bldg Permit_ N/A 6. Please rate the performance of the stafi person who assisted you: 54321Name: (knowledge, responsiveness, availabiliiy) 7. Overall effectiveness oithe FrontService Counter. 5 4 3 2 1 8. What is the best time of day for you to use the Front Service Counter? 9. Any comments you have which would allow us to beter serve you nexttime? Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. We are committed to improving our seMce. .1, 06-29-2006 4:36 ptl_ A/P/D Information Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Item: Requestor: Coniments: Assianed To:- Action: Inspeclion [e-que-qt R-eporting Page 20 - Vail- CO-- City Of Request€d Inspect Date: Erlday, June 30,2006 lnspeclion Area: Gb Site Address: 20 VAIL RD VAIL SONNENALP HOTEL ADDITION CoMBUILD suo rgg3 Phone Phone RANT-TENANT FINISH ADDRESSING COMMENTS. ROUTED TO CHRIS GUNION, GEORGE RUTHER BY BUILDING 12128105. OFFICE AND PENDING PLANNING AND FIRE D FIRE - JSUTHER iSUBMITTED AND ROUTED TO comments in: 58 Status: ISSUED l-B Insp Area: CG 303-860-6600 303-860-6600 Reouested Inspection(s) Item: 532 PW-TEMP. C/O Requestor: WEITZ COMPANY, lNC. (THE) Coniments: Buildino.Plannino and PW TCO's are all scheduled Assioned To: GCHAIIBERG '- Action: Time Exp: 533 PLAN-TEMP. C/O WEITZ COMPANY. INC. (THE} Buildino,Planninq and PW TCO's are all scheduled GRUTFIER Time Exp: Item: Requestor: Coniments: Assiqned To:- Action: 530 BLDG-Temp. C/O WEITZ COMPANY. IN(WEITZ COMPANY. INC. ffHE) Buildinq.Plannino and PW TCO's are all scheduled JMONDRAGON , t '- Reouested Time: 08:00 AM ' Phone: 303-906-6540 Entered By: DGOLDEN K Requested Time: 08:00 AM ' Phone: 303-906-6540 Entered By: DGOLDEN K Requested Time: 1 1 :00 AM ' Phone: 303-906-6540 Entered By: DGOLDEN K Time Exp: L(t \. l"to,- - h"L,[ c "..-* & fr'.f ?.,.{\..- oc'r t i.i { T..^^p c/o Comment: GCD Action: Pl PARTIAL INSPECTION STOMGE NOTE WALL FRAMING REQD TO GO TO STRUCTURE AND BE SMOKE rJf APPROVAL TION REQUIRED AND RESTMP DUCT. OK TO HANG Item Item 06/02/06 Insoector: GCD Action: PA PARTIAL APPROVAL Comment: CORRECTIONS MADE RESATAUNT ABOVE CEILING APPROVED 50 BLDG-lnsulation 60 BlDc-Sheetrock Nail REPT131 Run Id: 5452 ?ro'( 4,{r 06-29-2006 Inspection Request Reporting Page 31 4:36 pm Vait CO'- City Ol ' ,1 Requested lnspect Date: Friday, June 30,2006 ' Inspeition Area: Cb Site Address: 20 VAIL RD VAIL SWISS CHALET RESTAURANT SubTJpe: NcoM P.INC H MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGIES / cH-Heatino *tlItrL' MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGIES ,INC Requesred rimei l?ilgf4y Time Exp: j O Entered BY: DGoLDEN K I rme EXp: ) \J TER HYDROIIESiiFANCOILS 2 @ 100psi 1 AT 80psi. Status: ISSUED Insp Area: CG A/P/O Information Contractor: Description: Comment: Comment: Reouested Inspection(s) Item: Requestor: Comments: Assioned To:- Action: Comment: Activitv: M05-0276 Const Tvo6: Owrier: SONNENT Applicant: MIEAH M 1 Phone: (303) 650-4000 Phone: (303) 650-4000 B.MECH OGIES AND F \.(io..- -1-(l .-!\.2.L\q \ \ Inspection Historv . *\ L G t-*.b a Q'.. *"Q. \-\c, . " E..{ o "'' q o vrr t c-' t..^- v( ...-\=- s < G r ?-! .j-<- \---f AND DUCT: E tMC SEC 705.1 o4t25to6 Comment: 05/23l06 Comment: 06/14/06 Comment: 06/15/06 Comment: 06/19/06 Ins0ector: GREASE INSPECTION DUCT AND T READY FOR INSPECTION ELDI NOT Item: 310 M ELDING AND GCD Action: PI PARTIAL INSPECTION CHILLED WATER HYDRONICS 3 FANCOILS 2 @ 100psi '1 AT 80psi. CTION REOUIRED 2.PROVIDE INSTRUCTIONS Item: 315 Item: 320 Item: 330 Item: 340 Item: 390 MECH-Final 06/28/06 Inspector: GCD Action: CR CORRECTION REQUIRED Comment: l.BALANCE REPORT REOD. 2.PROVIDE TEST FOR REFRIGERATION LINES. 3.PROVIDE RETURN OR TRANSFER FOR COAT ROOM AND OFFICE. REPT1.31-Run Idz 5452 ?lu;rl#* h"p""$:,'l,F",{yF,,,ffF",tins Page 34 Requested Inspect Date: Friday, June 30,2006 ' Inspeciion Area: CG Slte Address: 20 VAIL RD VAIL SONNENALP HOTEL ADDITION Ar/P/D lnformation Notice: Comment: B-PLMB Sub Tgne: NCOM Status: ISSUED Insp Area: CG oermit not to be i SEE PLUMBING ntil 805-0314 has been issued. - CGUNION APPROVED WITH THE BUILDING PERMIT PLAN SETS. - CGUNION ProJ- ..----.^ Inspection Historv c-\.-,.V .-d fu t{<-,-.-..,a. .^ G t c* j5 rime Exp: 4( ?'..-2. c! -C r l.u{t u1 .-,"^*(. \ Item: 210 PLMB-Underoround Item: 220 PLMB-RouohlD.W.V.\4B:BqughlD.W.V. .'Approved "t 04128106 Inspector: GCD omment: THIS WAS AN INSPECTION F(Comment: THIS WAS AN INSPECTION F RESTROOM VENT FROM CR( N FOR' CROSS Item: 230 Requested Insoection(sl Item: 290 PLMB-Final Reouestor: TOIAL PLUMBING Assiohed To: GDENCKLA - Action: t-\[|-+/rl 05/16/06 Insoector: GCD Action: PA PARTIAL APPROVAL Comment: ABOVE FLOOR lN WALL DWV 5 GAGES 6osi TEST. 6 STUDOR VENTS CHECK AT FINAL 06/06/06 Inspector: GCD Action: CR CORRECTION REQUIRED Comment: FIKTURE TAIL PEICE OVER 24" MAX FLOOD LEVEL RIM TEST 06/07/06 InsDector: GCD Action: AP APPROVED Comment: UNDER SLAB FOR KITCHEN, PREP AND BAR AREA DWV FLOOD LEVEL RIM TEST. FIRESTOPPING APPROVED.PLMB-RouqhMater ** Aooroved ** 04128106 Inspector: GCD Action: AP APPROVED Comment: FILTERED COLD WATER 100osi TEST 140 DEGREE HOT WATER FOR DISHWASHER 100osi TEST. DOMESTIC HOTAND COLD WATER lO0osi TEST.05/16/06 Insoector: GCD Action: AP APPROVED Comment: 3 GAGES 100psi TEST. PLMB-Gas Pipino PLMB-Pool/Hbt Iub PLMB-Misc. PLMB-Final C-L*oJc Z'',/u, ('o, Ao-"-^,^.^1, Q?r; 9)7-(,zo'{ -\..,v\._ Q-u\4" Requested Time: 10:00 AM ' Phone: 230-1564 Entered Bv: DGOLDEN K lr-{ TIAL APPROVAL 'E THE CEILING. LING spsi. Item:240 Item:250 Item:260 Item:290 REPT13I.Run Id: 5452 11:01 1112112006 S-,", Cn** Lest, Furr. Db rt t,( lat /06 CctPf,enoctS A*P&wO CA &atil/4+Pudt6o Lza,rsT- Page'l o a SWISS RESTAURANT SPECIFICATION Vail. Colorado l'gwn ot Vaii ffiFFr'" -ffipY N,ESORT DESIGN I- ASSOCTAIES Ionnenolp Bos' o3/v 8t26l0s o Foodservice Equipment for: New Swiss Restaurant Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorado PART I:a. Definitions, Standards and Conditions b. Architectural and engineering information concerning the installation of foodservice facilities. a. Scheduled Equipment b. Cut Sheets & Custom Detail Sheets PART II: FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS FS R-t ,f Schedule of drawings referenced in this document: Plan View of Foodservice Equipment Schedule of Foodservice Equipment Special building conditions for foodservice equipment Plumbing rough-ins for foodservice equipment Electrical rough-ins for foodservice equipment Refrigeration & ventilation requirements for foodservice equipment Reflected ceiling plan for kitchen areas Standard details for fabrication Standard details for fabrication Standard details for fabrication Selected Elevations and Isometric views Information on refrigeration rack 1.0 1.0a 1.1 1.2 1.3 t.4 1.5 1.6 r.7 1.8 1.9 Foodsemice Specifications New Swiss Restaurant MSN-RCD Page: I 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorado Part I 1.01 DEFINITIONS: Contractor G.C. Vendor Kitchen Equipment Contractor General Contractor Provider of manufactured equipment I.O2 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS: A. Food Service Equipment shall be provided in accordance with the requirements set forth in this section and the architectural general requirements under Division I B. List all sub-contractors in the proposal. They must be mutually acceptable and approved by Owner and MSN-RCD. C. The Owner is not obligated to accep the lowest or any other bid. D. Contractor is to review in its entirety the documents attached prior to asking MSN-RCD questions conceming said documents. It is requested that any questions concerning bidding be sent via BOTH email and facsimile machine. E. Submit pricing for all items of commercially manufactured equipment per specification or as indicated on drawings. F. Contractor may not submit substitutes unless listed in these documents. Other substitutes will only be considered after contract is awarded in a period of value engineering with the awarded contractor. G. The drawings listed on page I of this document, as well as all Custom Detail sheets and cut sheets, are to be included as part of the Bid Set of Documents. 1.03 SCOPE OF WORK The work as outlined herein consists of providing all materials, labor' plant facilities, fabrication of custom equipment, purchase of commercially manufactured equipment (buy-outs) supervision, delivery and installation of all Foodseruice Specifications New Swiss Restaurant MSN-RCD Page: 2 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorado numbered items (whether purchased or not by the contractor) unless noted otherwise in strict accordance with these specifications, applicable drawings and local codes including that which is reasonably inferred. The scope of work requires meeting all deadlines for installation as set by the architect and contractor and limits for access and use of the space per requirements by the landlord. It is understood by the contractor that these deadlines and limits are part of this work and are his responsibility for compliance. I.O4 WORK INCLIIDED A. Furnish, deliver and install all items listed or otherwise indicated in specifications or on drawings. B. At all times, during the delivery, assembly and installation of the items listed, the Contractor is to coordinate his work with the General Contractor. C. Cutting of holes in items for pipes, drains, electrical conduit and outlets, etc., as required for installation. Include welded sleeves, collars, femrles or escutcheons as required to property finish and trim these openings. D. Pre-wiring of fabricated items to a junction box, pull box or breaker panel, wholly accessible, mounted on the item. Label wiring for outlet or item served, or wired to breaker for single point connection. E. All exposed ductworh including trim, from hoods, ventilators and baffles to finished walls and ceilings within rooms including final connection to duct work beyond. F. Pre-plumb fabricated items. The equipment shall be completely piped and interconnected. Connection terminals to be accessible. All steam piping and components to be completely installed. All connections to be accessible. Faucets to be fumished loose for installation by the General Contractor. a) Repair any damage done to the building, premises and items, by this Contractor or sub-contractors as employed by him during this installation. H. Daily removal all debris left by those engaged in this installation. I. All items included in this confract shall be cleaned, tested and ready for Foodserttice Specifications New Swiss Restaurant MSN-RCD Page: 3 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorado operation at the time the kitchen is tumed over to the Owner. J. Contractor to arrange for factory demonshations of all major mechanical equipment. The demonstations shall be scheduled with the owner or the owner's designated representative. The contractor shall have his superintendent present for the demonstrations. The owner's chef or representative shall sign off on all demonstrations. K. Contractor shall provide an Owner's Manual in three copies. This Owner's Manual shall detail all items fumishe{ all operations manuals, all wananties and all service agencies responsible for those warranties. 1.05 WORK NOT INCLT]DEI) A. All electrical services including conduit, wiring and final connections to the food service equipment. B. All water, steam, gas and waste services to the items, including all shut-off valves, traps, and final connections to the items except as specified in individual items or shown on drawings to the contrary. C. All extract or make-up air duct work beyond the wall or ceiling connection position. D. Any work noted on these plans as being by General Contractor. 1.06 DESIGN DRAWINGS A}{D SPECIFICATIONS A. Drawings which constitute apar:t of these contract documents, either as separate sheets or bound herein, indicate arrangements, locations, approximate or nominal dimensions, adjacent conditions and detailed design of custom fabricated items. B. The drawings and specifications are for the assistance and guidance of the Contractor. Accuracy of these drawings is not guaranteed and existing building conditions will influence exact dimensions, locations and levels, deviations from this arrangement in order to meet structural conditions shall be made without expense to the Owner. Further, the plans, drawings and specifications herein are based on architectural plans which may have been changed, modified or revised for budgetary reasons since issuance to or by MSN-RCD. The Conffactor may be required to revise and resubmit drawings Foodservice SpeciJications New Swiss Restaurant 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorado MSN-RCD Page: 4 and plans to meet these conditions and to receive approvals. The Contractor accepts this contract with this understanding. These approval, fees, permits and costs of preparation of documents shall be entirely bome by the Contractor and no supplemental costs shall be paid over the contract value to the Contractor for this work. 1.07 ERRORS, OIUTSSrONS & AMBIGrrrrrES A. Report any errors, omissions or ambiguities found in drawings and specifications to MSN-RCD for clarification and resolution, before bids are submitted. MSN-RCD will issue a clarification memo or cause an addendum to be issued, if required. B. No allowances will be made in favor of the Contractor for errors. omissions or ambiguities reported after award of contract. C. In the event of a conflict between documents, the following will govem: 1. Precedence of the contract documents: the most recently issued document takes precedence over previous issues of the same documents. 2. Conflicts within the contract documents: interpretation shall be made observing the following hierarchies and in the order stated: a. Code requirements take precedence over requirements stated elsewhere in the contract documents. b. More stringent requirements take precedence over less stringent requirements. c. Greater quantity and greater quality take precedence over lesser quantlty and lesser qualrty. D. Omissions: Work not particularly detailed, marked or specified shall be the same quality as similar work that is detailed, marked or specified. I.O8 CHANGES IN WORK A.Atry changes before award of contract shall be made by written addendum to the specifications. B. Contractor shall acknowledge receipt of addendum in writing and shall notiff both Owner and MSN-RCD of any resulting price adjustrnents to the bid or contract price total. C. Any changes after award of contract shall be made by written change orders if and only if they are resulting from changes made by the owner or MSN-RCD Foodservice Specifications New Swiss Restaurant MSN-RCD Page: 5 6/7/0s Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorado to the scope of work or to the list of equipment or options. D. Contractor shall acknowledge receipt of change order in writing and shall notify both Owner and MSN-RCD of any resulting price adjushents to the bid or contract price total. I.O9 CODES & REGULATIONS A. All work shall conform to local, state and Federal codes and regulations and requirements and the following: l. Work and materials shall be in full accord with the latest mles and /or regulations of agencies or authorities having jurisdiction. Those regulations include building codes, steam codes, gas codes, electrical codes, health codes and any other local codes. Rulings and interpretations of the enforcing agencies shall be considered a part of the regulations. It is the Contractor's responsibility to satisfy all of.these requirements and to produce all necessary certificates of compliance. 2. Conform all electrically operated and/or heated equipment, fabricated or otherwise to the latest Standards of National Electric Manufacturers Associates, Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc., National Electric Code, or local standards acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. It is expressly understood by the contractor that all equipment installed under this contract, whether purchased by the contractor or no! must bear proper and current labels for NSF and UL or ETL compliance. The contractor accepts responsibility for insuring all items installed are in compliance. Any and all exceptions must be brought to the attention of the owner and MSN-RCD for resolution prior to purchase and installation. 3. Standard steam heated equipment shall be manufactured in accordance with A.S.M.E. code requirements and carry the A.S.M.E. stamp. 4. Conform all gas-fired equipment to American Gas Association (A.G.A) requirements. Equip burners for gas heated equipment with automatic lighters. Equip oven bumers and other concealed burners with automatic safety pilots, to conform to A.G.A. Standards. 5. All finishes applied to equipment must meet the requirements set forth in Foodservice Specifications New Swiss Restaurant 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorado MSN-RCD Page: 6 the A.S.T.M. E84 tunnel test and toxicity determination if required by local code. Iflocal codes require a higher standard they shall govern. 6. Wood materials must be fire retardant and comply with the flame-spread rating required by code. It is this Contractor's responsibility to satisff all requirements and to produce all necessary certificates of compliance. 7. Conforrr all applicable items to the latest Standard and Revisions established by the National Sanitation Foundation, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 8. All ducts, fire protection systems and grease exhaust hoods or ventilators must meet National Fire Protection Association, Inc. (N.F.P.A.) requirements. 1.10 COMMERCIALLY MAI\ruFACTT]RED EQTIIPMENT A. Products shall conform to local, state and Federal requirements and the following: B. All items of standard equipment shall be the latest model at the time of delivery. If these model specifications vary significantly from the item of equipment specified, these variations must be brought to the attention of MSN- RCD before installation for review and approval. C. Manufacturer's directions shall be followed in cases where the manufacturers of articles used in this contract fumish directions or prints covering points not shown on the drawings or specifications. D. All manufactured equipment shall be furnished with all proper union, NSF, and UL or ETL labels in compliance with all local, state and Federal codes. It is the contractor's responsibility to insure compliance and proper labeling. 1.11 QUALTTY ASSIIRANCE A. Perform all work to the highest quality by skilled, experienced craftsmen of the respective trades involved. B. Fabricate all custom sheet metal items by one manufacturer acceptable to the Owner and Designer. C. Fabricate all custom wood items by one manufacturer acceptable to the Owner and Designer. Foodservice Specifications Nele .$lll'ss Restaurant I,LSN-RCD Page: 7 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorado D. Quietress of operation is a requirement. Remove and repair any item producing obj ectionable noise. E. Purchasing - The Contractor to order all commercially manufactured equipment (buy-outs), and materials as soon as possible after letting of the contract- F. Lead-Times - The Contractor is also responsible for the prompt ordering by his sub-contractors. Substitution of items will not be allowed or approved for the sake of expediency, when prompt ordering would have allowed adequate time for delivery, fabrication and installation. In instances where such tardiness in purchasing contributes to delay that might affect a scheduled completion date, it will be the responsibility of the Contractor to assume all related costs involved in taking all feasible measures to speed the production, delivery and installation of such items. G. Coordination - The Confactor is responsible to coordinate all phases of his work with the various other contractors involved in a professional and amicable manner, to ensure a complete understanding of responsibilities, scheduling of installation phases, and to avoid delays, intemrptions and disagreements. H. Cooperation - The Contractor is to actively cooperate with those engaged in work requiring the cutting, fitting or setting of specified items to facilitate completion of the work. L Warranties- The Contractor accepts and warrants the full function and craftsmanship of all items installed under this conhact, whether purchased or not by the Contractor for the period of one year from the turn-over of the kitchen to the owner. The Contractor frrther accepts the responsibility to repair and maintain in full and original working condition all equipment installed under this contact. Items deemed to be damaged by the installation process, or any items failing to meet full manufacturer's standards of operation, shall be replaced at the sole cost of the Conhactor for the period of one year from the turnover of the kitchen to the owner. The singular exception to the responsibility of warranting the equipment is in the case of owner-furnished items that are used or that have been in service prior to installation. Foodservice Specifications Nelv,Srtr'ss Restaurant MSN-RCD Page: 8 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resort, Voil, Colorado I.I2 JOB COI\IDITIONS A. Contractor shall field verift all plumbing, electrical and ventilation rough-in locations and sleeve and floor trough locations before and after the floor slabs are poured. B. In the event rough-in of utilities has been completed before award of this contract, the Contractor shall check existing facility and fumish equipment to suit building conditions and utilities. It is the contractor's responsibility to review fabrications shop drawings for existing conditions requirements. Any exfa charges required for utility changes to fit equipment during installation and connection will be brought to the owner's and MSN-RCD's attention before authorization of additional work. C. Before ordering equipment, confirm with the serving electric utility all pertinent electrical requirements such as actual voltages available, number of phases and number of wires in system. D. Report any major adjusfinents or conflicts arising out of unexpected field conditions not shown on the drawings to MSN-RCD for resolution prior to fabrication or purchase of any manufactured equipment effected. E. Remove and correct, at the Contractoy's expense, items installed and fitted without consideration of exact job dimensions or conditions to the satisfaction of Owner and MSN-RCD. 1.13 SUBNIITTALS Equipment brochures- Prior to proceeding with the purchase of manufactured equipment the contractor shall submit for review two (2) bound equipment brochures consisting of all equipment shown on the installation drawing, whether furnished by owner, contractor or vendor organized as follows: Hard Cover. Title Sheet. Index Sheet listing all items. Lead Sheet for each item of rnanufactured equipment showing: Item number, quantity, description, manufacturer's name, address and telephone number, model number, options & modifications, utilities required and special notes. Contractor may use his own form. e. Manufacturer's Catalog sheet or shop drawing. Manufacturer's warranties must be fullv detailed. a. b. c. d. Foodservice Specifications New Swiss Restaurant 6/7/05 Sannenalp Resort, Vail, Colorado MSN-RCD Page: 9 f. Upon receip of review critique and approval of equipment brochures, the Contractor shall make any revisions required by the review and prepare six (6) bound sets for distribution as directed. g. Shop drawings: Prior to proceeding with the fabrication of custom equipment shop drawings must be submitted for review as follows: h. Shop drawings are to show clearly the constnrction, required reinforcements, finishes, hardware, precise dimensions, installation instructions and methods of fastening. i. Include drawings submitted by sub-contractors such as conveyors, cold storage rooms, hoods, ventilators, etc.j. Shop drawings are to be submitted in the form of right reading reproducible transparencies (vellum, ozalidpaper, sepia or equal) k. Size of drawings shall be consistent for all items. Sheet sizes to match contract document drawing size. l. Minimum scale of drawings shall be l":1'-0" (l:10) for elevations and 1- l/2"=l-0" . (l:5) for sections. Full size details are required to show critical assembly joints, edge and comer details, radiused or cut-outs. m. Each drawing shall clearly indicate project name, description, item number and quantity, as per MSN-RCD specifications. n. All shop drawings shall be rolled, not folded, and submitted in mailing tubes. Folded sepias will be retumed without review for resubmittal. o. Manufacturer's Operating Instructions: Prior to the completion of the installation, submit for review three (3) bound copies of complete operating instructions, parts replacement lists and, names, addresses and telephone numbers of local servicing companies of all mechanical and electrical equipment for manufacturers not having local servicing agencies, list persons or deparhnents to contact at their factory. Contractor will schedule manufacturer's representatives to demonstrate, calibrate and hand over all purchased equipment requiring special skills for operation. Contractor will prepare and distribute, a minimum of two (2) weeks in advance, the schedule of demonshations for approval by owner and operator. Submittal Review: - Submitted documents will be reviewed and returned to the Contractor. Rejected or revised drawings must be reissued in a timely fashion. The Contractor is responsible for the accuracy of information on all of his submittals. Review of rough-in drawings, equipment brochures and shop drawing is for design and concept only, and does not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility for compliance with design drawings, details and specifications, nor does it relieve him of the responsibility of verification of field dimensions, or utilities with equipment requirements, conformance with regulations and coordination with building conditions. Foodservice Specifications Nsw,Slorss Restaurant MSN-RCD Page: I0 p. q. 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorado I.I4 DELTVERY, STORAGE AND HAI\IDLING A. No provisions are nomrally made for receipt or storage of any item delivered to the job site before commencement of installation. B. Commercially manufactured equipment (buy-outs), shall be purchased, received and accounted for by the contractor, at its warehouse facilities until such time as placement is possible and acceptable by Owner. The Conhactor shall provide at least 24 hours notice prior to delivery of equipment to the site. C. Fabricated equipment and commercially manufactured equipment (buy-outs), must be stored by this Contractor at his warehouse facilities until such time as placement is possible and acceptable by the Owner or building management. D. Clearly identi$ all items by MSN-RCD item number and area prior to delivery to the jobsite. E. Under no circumstances shall any individual or agent of the owner, architectural, trades, maintenance or security companies be asked to sign for or receive goods, equipment or senrices on the job site. Items, parts, optional pieces, trim, or any goods provided under this contract are the responsibility of the contractor whether on the owner's property or in transit until the areas shown in these documents are handed over to the owner or ownerts agents. 1.15 INSTALI,ATION NOTE: CONTRACTOR EXPRESSLY UI\TDERSTANDS TIIAT WORK SHALL BE PERFOR]VIED IN AI\t ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION SITE. NO WORK BY CONTRACTOR SHALL INTERtrERE WTTH OR HII{DER TIIE FI}NCTIONING OF OTIIER TRADES. THE CONTRACTOR IS FTILLY AWARE OF THE I\IEED TO WORK AT HOT]RS COORDINATED WTTH OVERALL PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND ACCEPTS TIIESE CONDITIONS AS PART OF FTILFILLING THIS CONTRACT. A. Contractor shall supervise and direct his work using his best skill and attention. During the entire installation period, the Contractor shall provide a competent superintendent or foreman for such directions regarding connection, installation and coordination of all work under this contract. The Owner or Foodservice Specifications New Swiss Restaurant MSN-RCD Page: II 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorado MSN-RCD shall be sole judges as to the competence of said supervisor. B. Contractor shall be solely responsible for all construction means, methods, techniques, procedures and coordination of all portions of his work under the contract and for coordinating the installations with the General Contractor, so as not to interfere with or delay the overall construction of the project. C. Contractor shall veriff conditions at the building, particularly door openings, passages, and availability and size of elevators and avoid building any items too large for available openings. Contractor shall provide for the possible necessity of removing and replacing windows or wall panels. Any pieces too bulky for existing facilities shall be hoisted or otherwise handled with apparatus as required. All special handling equipment charges shall be paid by the Contractor. D. Floor troughs and drip pans shall be provided by Contractor and installed by the General Contractor. The Contractor shall provide a supervisor for the installation. E. Accurately set, scribe, square, level and perrranently secure all items in precise position as indicated on drawings and shop drawings. Exercise extreme care to avoid damaging finished surfaces during the handling and erecting of all items. Repair, replace or otherwise make good all damaged surfaces or blemishes arising from installation in a manner approved by the Owner. F. Complete installation with required fastenings, clip angles, braces, anchors and other fittings as required to render the work rigid and secure. Secure wood items with screws or anchor to funing strips to permit removal. G. Caulk all items resting on concrete pads to eliminate crevices between item and pad. H. Shim level items without legs with stainless steel shims. Caulk watertight to eliminate crevices between item and mounting surfaces on floor. I. Seal spaces between all units and walls, ceilings, floors or fixed adjoining units against enhance of food particles or vermin by means of trim strips, welding, soldering, or cornmercial joint material as suited to the nature of the equipment. Seal and smooth, (when not exposed to extreme heat) with GE Construction Sealant Series SEl200 in appropriate color. Width ofjoints Foodservice Specifications Nevt, Swiss Restaurant MSN.RCD Page: I2 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorado sealed with silicone not to exceed 3/16" (4.5mm.) J. Contractor shall do all cutting and fitting on the equipment required by other contractors for access for their piping, conduit or utility access. K. Do not use any exposed bolts nuts or screws other than those shown on shop drawings. Any additional and approved bolts, nuts or screws must be stainless steel. L. Protect equipment that has been delivered to the jobsite from damage. Counter and table tops to be covered with plywood, flakeboard or hardboard during the installation period. M.Upon completion of installation, clean and polish all surfaces of each item with appropriate materials. At this time, prepare to account to the consultant and Owner for quantities, locations and conditions of all items. N. Should any repairs be required due to the neglect of the other contractors, the repairs must be approved by owner before the work is performed. All extra charges must be approved and all repairs required must be noted in writing before work is performed, stipulating the price and by whom the extra expense is to be paid. In case the Contractor does not secure such extra order, the expense shall be bome by him. No cutting, notching, drilling or altering of any kind shall be done to the building by the contractor without first obtaining permission from the owner, or architect. O. Throughout the progress of the work, the Contractor shall keep the working area free from debris of all types, and remove from premises all rubbish resulting from any work being done by him. At the completion of work, the Contractor shall leave the premises in a clean and finished condition. I.16 GUARANTEE A. All items fumished by the Contractor shall be guaranteed against defects in workmanship and material- All repairs and replacements which may become apparent and necessary by reason ofsuch defect, during the first year after final completion and acceptance of the equipment installation, shall be made by the Contractor at his own cost and expense and without any charge to the Owner. Guarantee period shall commence with usage of equipment for its intended purpose by the operator of the business. All such repairs and replacements shall be made at a time and during hotrs satisfactory to the Foodservice Specifications Nsvs Swiss Restaurant MSN-RCD Page: l3 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorado Owner and operator. All self-contained and remote refrigeration systems furnished under this contract shall include start up and one year service and maintenance contract in addition to the regular one year guarantee ouflined above, plus an additional fouryearguarantee on all compressors. This includes refrigeration racks, refrigerators, ice cream cabinets, ice makers, freezers, etc. 2.OO MATERHLS 2. 01 METAL A. Stainless Steel shall be standard 18-8, 300 Series, No.4 finish unless otherwise noted. Gauge requirements are asi follows: MILLIMETER TI{ICKNESS 3.57 2.78 1.98 1.59 r.27 0.95 0.79 B. Galvanized Steel shall be electro-galvarized, continuous line, chemically treated (dry) *ith regular spangle appearance. Gauge requirements as follows: u.s.s GAUGE t0 t2 t4 l6 18 20 22 u.s.s. GAUGE l0 t2 l4 16 18 20 22 DECIMAL TIIICKNESS .r406 .r094 .0781 .0625 .0s00 .0375 .0312 DECIMAL THICKIVESS .t382 .1084 .0785 .0635 .0516 .0396 .0336 MILLIMEl|ER THICKNESS 3.51 2.75 t.99 1.61 1.31 1.01 0.85 C. Brass shall be copper alloy #260, cartridge or equal suitable for application and finish as detailed and indicated in finish schedule or drawings. 2.02 WOOD A. All solid wood shall be thoroughly air-seasoned or kiln-dried to a moisture content of between 6%o to 11olo before fabrication. Evidence of proper seasoning shall be submitted to MSN-RCD upon request. Foodservice Specificatians New Sviss Restaurant MSN-RCD Page: 14 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resort, Vqil, Colorado l. Wood used for framing and casework construction shall be smooth, free of mineral or sapwood streaks, checks, unsound knots or other defects. 2. Wood receiving enamel or other paint finishes shall be hardwood of uniformly dense texture and grain, such as birch, maple, beech or alder. 3. Finished woods or hardwood solid stock for finish work shall be clear selected lumber of the best grade of the species by the National Hardwood Association and shall carry the Association's lnspection Certificate. Lumber shall be free of mineral or sapwood streaks, checks, or other defects and such solid stock shall be selected for grain and uniform color suitable for use with a hardwood veneer plywood. B. All plywood used for construction of specified items shall be new and of the best quality of its kind obtainable and shall carry the label of an accredited association or manufacturer. l. Interior Plywood for closed interiors, shelves and partitions that are stained shall be Douglas Fir, Grade A. Face veneers, shall be well joined and reasonably matched, but shall not contain plugs, knots, pitch pockets, splits, rough grain, checks or other open defects. 2. Plywood for painted work or for plastic laminate shall have hardwood veneer face of densely grained smooth and even texture, such as birch or beech and shall be free from patches, plugs, checks or other open defects. 3. Hardwood veneer plywood used on exposed efierior that are to receive either transparent natural or stained finishes, shall be of specified species, grain and texture. a. Veneer core plywood with the required face woods shall be 3 ply for l/4" (6rnm) panels, 5 ply for 3/8" (9mm) and ll2" (l2mm) panels and,7 ply for 314" (l9mm) panels with water resistant bond. b. Face veneers are to be carefully matched for continuity and uniformity of grain, color and texture throughout the work specified. c. Back veneers shall be ofspecies and thickness to properly balance and complement face veneers. d. Samples are to be provided to MSN-RCD for selection and approval prior to manufacture. 4. Fire-Retardant Plywood. Where the local code requires fire-retardant construction, all above general specifications shall apply, except that all panels used for the work shall carry class group labels by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. of the required rating. 2.03 PLASTIC LAMINATE A. Plastic Laminate to be manufactured under the current standards of NEMA Foodservice SpeciJications New Swiss Restaurant MSN-RCD Page: I5 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorado LP2-1957. General purpose Type 1, I/16" Qmnr) thiclq Class I wear resistance, color and finish as indicated in finish schedule. 2.04 APPLIED FINISIIES A. Pigmented paints, enamels or lacquers shall be factory mixed to colors selected or specified by MSN-RCD. B. Stains shall be of the best fade-proof and penetating quality of accredited brands, and shall be mixed and blended by the finisher to achieve desired tone, or to match sample supplied to MSN-RCD. C. Oils for natural or toned finishes as specified, shall be manufactured by Watco-Dennis Corporation, 1640 20th Street, Santa Monica, California or approved equal. D- Clear and transparent finish coatings shall be highly water, scratch and stain- resistant Polyurethane based or catalyzed vinyl materials of highest quality and shall be guaranteed against flaking or peeling. 2.05 GLASS A. Clear: All glass shall be of first quality, as manufactured by Libbey-Owens- Ford Pittsburgh Plate Glass, or equal. Plate glass shall be 1/4" (6mm) thick glazngquality tempered plate, unless otherwise specified. Crystal glass shall be double strength unless otherwise shown on drawing. All exposed edges of glass shall be ground and polished. B. Mirrors: All mirrors shall be l/4" (6mm) polished plate with copper plated backs, free of all imperfections, ground and polished. All coated edges set into wood with black shellac applied to conceal reflection. 2:06 GLUE A. First quality Urea formaldehyde resin with moisture resistance CS-35, Type II shall be used for construction. B. Resorcinol-Formaldehyde resins shall be used where work may be exposed to wetness, dampness or heat with moisture resistance CS-35 Type I. C. Contact cements shall be used for bonding high pressure laminates. 3.OO MANruFACTI]RED PRODUCTS 3.01 LEG SOCKETS A. Component Hardware Group Inc. Model A20-0206 stainless steel socket with flared top to fit l-5l8" (a0 mm) tubing with S/S Allen set screw. Outer shell to be 16 gauge stainless steel reinforced with 12 gauge mild steel insert welded to exterior shell. Foodserttice Specifications New Swiss Restaurant MSN-RCD Page: I6 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorado 3.02 COI]NTER LEGS A. Component Hardware Model A77-5048 stainless steel counter leg. Height shall be 6' (150mm) minimum and7" (l75mm) maximum. Furnish a3-t/2" (85mm) square stainless steel plate with four countersunk holes. Plate to be fully welded to top for fastening leg. 3.03 FEET (Stainless Steel) A. Component Hardware Model AYE adjustable foot inserts with stainless steel round (bullet) foot and locking ring or equivalent unless otherwise specified. 3.04 CAST'ERS A. Caster shall be heavy duty type, ball-bearing, solid or disc wheel with non- marking greaseproof polyurethane tire Component Hardware Series C3l 5' locking casters, or better. B. Wheels shall be minimum 5" (l30mm) diameter, unless specified othenvise, with a tread width of l-3116" (30mm) and capacity of 250lbs. (I 15kg) per caster. C. Wheels shall have stainless steel rotating wheel guar4 sealed wheel and swivel bearings and polished plated finish unless otherwise noted. D. Casters to be N.S.F. approved. 3.0s cATcms A. Magnetic catches to be self-aligning, 20 pound pull manufactured by Component Hardware, Model M30-5920 or better for the following applications: 1. Wood doors. B. Friction catches to be adjustable spring loaded tension, solid brass with satin nickel finish manufactured by Component Hardware Model lvI22-2430 or better for the following applications: l. Double pan stainless steel doors. 2. Stainless steel pan door with wood insert. C. Edge-mount catches to be magnetic, heavy duty manufactured by Kason Industries Series #171. D. Provide all fabricated doors with cylinder locla (if padlock hasp is not Foodservice Specitications Nel",Stllss Restaurant MSN-RCD Page: I7 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorado specified) for the following applications: l. Refrigerated doors (non-flush). 2. Cylinder locks to be keyed differently in each area and master keyed for entire project. Veriff areas with Owner or Operator. E. Catches shall be mounted so as to relate to pulls. 3.06 HINGES A. Torsion hinge manufactured by Keil Corp for the following applications:l. Flush type, self-closing refrigerator doors (Standard: KEIL #2856-1010- 1000.) 2. Flush type, self-closing, metal-pan door with wood insert. B. Lift-ofl stainless steel securely welded to door and mullion, manufactured by Component Hardware, Model M75-1002 for the following application:l. Double and single pan stainless steel non-refrigerated doors. C. Edge-mount, R45-1010 by CHG Inc., three each per door for the following applications: 1. Refrigerated doors (non-flush only.) D. Pivot hinge manufactured by Component Hardware Model R75-6661 (R75- 6662) or better for the following application: 1. Light duty wood door without metal pan. E. Blum hinge for the following doors: 1. Wood doors for wall cabinets only. 3.07 PT]LLS A. Drawer and door faces shall notch down at the top per Standard Details SD- 007 and SD-014. 3.08 CONI\ECTION TERMINALS A. All equipment shall be complete with connection terminals as standardized by equipment manufacfurers, except where specified contrary, for other contractors to make plumbing, electrical, ventilation and refrigeration connections. 3.09 WATER PAI\IS @mbossed Steam Coils) A. Steam coils for pans shall be Tranter, Inc. "Platecoil", single embossed, Foodservice Specifications New Swiss Restaurant MSN-RCD Page: 18 6/7/0s Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorodo 70ERS circuitry, with 14 Gauge stainless steel flat back sheet and 16 Gauge stainless steel embossed sheel resistance seam welded directly to the backing sheet to form an integral bottom heating circuit. B. Embossing shall consist of formed parallel flow channels,.L 23/32'(a3.65mm) center to center dimensions 0.291 sq. in. (2.0 sq. cm) cross sectional area per channel. C. Unit to be manufactured as a flat stretch out sized to form a pan. The size and configuration as shown on plans and details. D. Provide with type FPT half inlet and outlet. Veriff inlet and outlet size locations with application. 3.IO COLDPANS/SNOWPAI\TS/SNOWBANKS @mbossed Refrigerant Coils) A. Embossed refrigerant coils for cold pans shall be Tranter, Inc. "Platecoil", single embossed, 60ES circuitry, with 16 Gauge stainless steel flat back sheet and 18 Gauge stainless steel embossed sheet, seam resistance welded directly to the backing sheet to form an integral bottom cooling circuit. B. Embossing shall consist of formed parallel flow, channels, | 23/32" (a3.66mm) center to center dimensions 0.291 sq. in. (2.0 sq. cm) cross sectional zuea per channel. C. Unit to be manufactured as a flat stretch out sized to form a pan. The size and configuration as shown on plans and details. D. Provide stainless steel tubing inlet and outlet with full brass flare nuts. Verify inlet and outlet size locations with application. 3.11 COLS (Fabricated Refrigerators) A. Coils for standard and fabricated refrigerators shall have vinyl plastic coatings, aluminum housings and drip pans installed in such a manner as to be replaceable. Salad refrigerators to have stainless steel housings and drip pans. 3.I2 THERMOMETERS A. Refrigerated compartments, fabricated and standard, shall be furnished with a digital type thermometer. Mount display in apron above hinges or in splash 3" above countertop. Thermometer shall be adjustable and calibrated after Foodservice Specifications New fuiss Restaurant MSN-RCD Page: 19 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorado installation. For pass-thru installations, mount thermometer on cook's side. 3.13 GASKETS A. Refrigerated comparfrnent doors with locking latches fitted with a full- perimeter removable magnetic vinyl-latex gasket, gray in color. B. Refrigerated compartnent doors with nonJocking hardware fitted with a full- perimeter removable magnetic vinyl-latex gasket, gray in color. 3.I4 LIGIIT FD(TI]RES A. Refrigerated Under-counters: Custom fabricated and standard refrigerators shall be provided with vapor-tight light receptacles, shatter-proof lamps and automatic door switches. B. Display Type: Light fixtures within back bars, sneeze guards, display cases or under shelves and cabinets shall be as manufactured by CSL (Creative Lighting Systems) CSL Sure Task #2 lights ST16W lights or as specified. Veriff mounting. Fabricator will mount and pre-wire all under-cabinet and shelving lights back to wali along underside in a fully concealed manner, clipped every 12" with a 12" pigtail for connection by building trades. 3.15 DISPENSERS (Self Leveling Type) A. Veriff size, height and weight of dish and glassware and submit same to factory so springs may be properly calibrated. 3.16 HARDWARE, @xposed) A. Exposed hardware shall normally have identical or similar finishes and shall be installed with a minimum of exposed fasteners. 4.OO FABRICATED METAL ITEMS 4.01 METAL APPLICATIONS AI\TD SELECTIONS A. The following gauges, metals and finishes will apply unless otherwise noted in the specifications or drawings: DESCRIPTION l. Counter Body: GAUGE METAL FINISH # 14 Galv.Framework Aprons, partitions, backs and ends, exposed 18 Aprons, partitions, backs and ends, unexposed 18 a. b. c. S/S Galv. Foodservice Specifications New Swiss Restaurant 6/7/05 Sonnmalp Resort, Yail, Colorado MSN-RCD Page: 20 s/s s/s S/S 20 t4 t2 j 18 l8 DESCRIPTION #d. Shelves e. Shelving edges f. Refrigerator interiors Table & Counter Tops: a. heated countertops b. vertical or rolled edges on tops, sanchions & overshelves Doors: a. Outside faces b. Inside faces Drawer Pans: a. Cradle Frame b. Outside Pan c. Inside Pan Ducts: a. Grease Exhaust Exp'd b. Grease Exhaust Unexp'd c. Warewashing Hat Sections & Channels: a. Unexposed b. Exposed Ice Pans/Bins: Interior Exposed Exterior Unexposed exterior d. Perforated False Bottom Legs & Crossrails, tubing 16 Shelf Brackets: a. Unexposed Shelves: GAUGE METAL 18 S/S FINISH 4 (top) 7 2B 4 4 7 Galv. - S/S 4 Galv. - s/s 4 S/S 7 (edges)s/s 4 S/S Wire s/s t4 J. 4. 4 28 4 4 4 4 S/S s/s S/S s/s s/s S/S sis s/s t4 I4 18 18 l6 l8 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 4 7 S/S sis Galv. - s/s a, b. c. 4 28 4 4 S/S S/S S/S S/S t2 or 14 l2 l8 l8 18 t6 s/s t4 16 t4 l6 18 perf. or 10. a. Wall mounted b. heated c. Table d. Refrigerator I l. Sinks: a. Sink Basin & drainboard b. Reinforcing Plate c. Waste Handle Bracket 12. Wall Flashing T4 I4 t4 20 Foodservice Specifuations New Swiss Restaurant MSN-RCD Page: 21 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorado 4.02 METAL TOPS A. Metal tops to be constructed with 3/4"(I9mm) or larger radius bends (coved corners) at all backsplashes and turned up edges in all horizontal and vertical comers. B. Tops made up of multiple sheets shall have all joints and seams continuously welded, ground smooth and polished to blend with adjacent surfaces. Shop drawings must detail field welds. Channel bridge all field welds in the direction of the weld. Metal surface grain on adjacent sheets to be aligned wherever possible. 4.03 BRACING A. Tops shall be secured to a full perimeter 4 X2u (100 X 50mm) hat channel frame, fully welded, with cross-bracing not more than 30" (760mm) on center. Tops 3'-6" (l060mm) or deeper shall have an additional hat channel running lengthwise. Fasten top with stud bolts or tack welds. Close ends of all inverted channels. B. Tops supporting overshelves, coffee urns, tea urns, hot water boilers, ice dispensers or other heavy equipment shall be 12 ga stainless steel and have 12 ga welded bracing not more than 15" (380mm) on centers to support the heavy loads. C. Heated counter tops shall be 12 ga stainless steel and reinforced and tack welded to l2ga L channels on 15" centers, with welds every 2" inches. 4.04 EDGES A. Worktables and counter tops shall have bull-nosed rolled edges minimum I l/2" (40mm) fully retumed and sealed to cabinet body unless otherwise noted. B. Sinks, dishtables and drainboards to have raised rolled rims unless otherwise noted. C. Corners shall be bull-nosed welded, ground and polished to match adjacent surfaces. 4.05 SOUI{D DEADENING A. Coat underside of all metal tops with a minimum 1/16"(2mm) thick approved hard-drying, sound-deadening mastic materials. Apply by spraying after top Foodservice Specifications New Swiss Restaurant 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorado MSN-RCD Page: 22 has been secured to frarne, so that top and frame are covered and sealed. Veriff with local health deparfrnent that this practice is acceptable. 4.06 WOOD TOPS A. Wood Tops constructed of kiln dried maple strips minimum I l/2" (a0mm) thick. Tops shall be resin bonded laminations, Michigan Maple, John Boos or equal. Wood top coves to be l" (30mm) radius or greater. 4.07 ENCLOSED COI]NTER BASES A. Bases made of steel sheets reinforced by forming and welding the metal. Vertical ends and partitions are to be double wall construction minimum 2" (50mm) wide. Sides and through partitions are to be flush with bottom rail, welded at intersections. Ends, partitions and shelves are to be all stainless steel. Unexposed backs and structural members may be galvanized. B. Bottom front rail of bases set on masonry platform shall be continuously sealed base, provide front rail closure section. 4.08 FIELD JOINTS A. Field joints, where required due to limitation of sheet sizes, equipment sizes or installation requirements, shall be welded,leveled, tacked down, ground smooth and polished to blend with adjacent surfaces. 4.09 SIIELVES A. Shelves in counters with enclosed bases to be tumed up a minimum of 2" (50nm) at back and sides with l/2" (l2mm) radius and feathered slightly to ensure a tight fit to walls, partitions and backs. Bottom shelves to be removable when the counter is mounted on a concrete pad or metal base. Bottom shelves to be fixed when counter is mounted on legs. Intermediate shelves to be fixed except when removal is required for utility access or unless otherwise noted. B. In items with open bases, turn up back and sides 2" (50mm). Notch around legs and continuously weld at all intersections including front and turn-up. 4.10 TIJBING LEGS AI\D CROSSRAILS A. Legs shall be I 5/8" (aOmm) 16 Gauge stainless steel tubing unless, noted otherwise. Tops of legs to be fitted to leg sockets that are welded to the hat channel frame. At sinks, weld leg socket to triangular plate gusset. B. Crossrails shall be I 5/8" (40mm) 16 Gauge stainless steel tubing, unless noted Foodservice Specifications New Swiss Restaurant MSN.RCD Page: 23 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorado otherwise, continuously welded to legs. Welds to be ground smooth to match adjacent surfaces. Tack welds are NOT acceptable. 4.II DRAWERS A. Drawer fronts to be double pan stainless steel construction. Outside pan to have comers welde4 ground smooth and polished. lnner pan to be fitted tightly into outer pan. Drawer front to be filled with rigid sound deadening material such as Celotex or Styrofoam if non-refrigerated, polyurethane if refrigerated. Thickness of finished drawer front to be approximately 3/4" (19mm) for non-refrigerated, l" minimum for refrigerated drawers, unless otherwise noted. Drawer front to be fully weld to angle frame pan support. B. Pan support to be 14 ga stainless steel, welded continuous channel cradle (carriage) frame and shall support drawer pan on all four sides, frame to be supported by full extension heavy-duty slides Component Hardware S52 series slides or better. Slide wheel assemblies to be welde4 not bolted to frame. Pan frames to have bottom panel turned up and welded to sides for increased rigidity. C. Slides to be full extension, 200 pound (91kg) capacity, stainless steel with stainless steel ball bearing wheels. Size slides for easy removal of drawer pans. Drawers to be self-closing. D. Provide a replaceable rubber bumper on each interior corner of non- refrigerated drawers, Component Hardware, #Q26-407 l. E. Drawer pans to be removable N.F.S. approved A.B.S thermoplastic with smooth interior, unless otherwise noted. Drawers in refrigerated cabinets shall be three per section and sized to accommodate I2"x20"x6" deep hotel pans, or by use of adapter bars, smaller standard size pans. F. Drawers in refrigerated section, unless otherwise specified, shall be furnished with magnetic, vinyl-latex, gray, full perimeter removable gasket. Gasket must mount with no gaps or bulges. Gasket to be easily removable with hand tools. Do not use pop rivets. 4.r2 DOORS A. Metal hinged and sliding doors to be double pan, stainless steel construction unless otherwise noted. Outside pan to have corners welded, ground smooth and polished. Inner pan to be fitted tightly into outer pan with rigid sound Foodservice Specifications Nsw Swiss Restaurant 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorado MSN-RCD Page: 24 deadening material such as Celotex or Styrofoam. Thickness of finished door front to be approximately 3/4" (19mm) for non-refrigerated, 1" minimum for refrigerated, unless otherwise noted. Provide reinforcing to prevent flexing. B. Sliding doors to be double pan, stainless steel construction, self-closing and removable without the use of tools. Outside pan to have comers welded, ground smooth and polished. Inner pan to be fitted tightly into outer pan with rigid sound deadening material such as Celotex or Styrofoam if not refrigerated, polyurethane if refrigerated. Thickness of finished drawer front to be approximately 3/4" (19mm) unless otherwise noted. Provide reinforcing to prevent flexing or warping. Doors to mount in 14 Gauge stainless steel channel tracks top and bottom. Door to slide on top- and bottom-mounted LJHMV glides to be approved by MSN-RCD. LJHMV strips to be removable on bottom tracks. C. Wood core doors to be stainless steels single pan with 3/4" (l9mm) plywood insert faced with plastic laminate. Pan to have corners welded ground smooth and polished. D. Doors to be flush with mullions. 4.13 ACCESS PAIYELS A. Access panels to be single pan stainless steel construction unless otherwise noted. Comers to be welded and ground smooth. Reinforce door by forming metal back against inside face and welding. 4.14 SIIKS A. Fabricated sinks shall have coved interior corners same as for metal tops complying with local codes. All sinks shall be one piece welded constmction with bottoms pitched to drains and double wall partitions. Multiple compartrnents shall have continuous exteriors. Opening between compartments or applied panel will not be accepted. 4.15 ICE PAN/ICE BINS & REFRIGERATED PANS A. All ice pans, ice bins, refrigerated pans and cabinets shall be provided with l/8" (3mm) breaker strip where adjoining top or cabinet face in order to prevent condensation. Secure with countersunk stainless steel screw (pop rivets are not acceptable). B. Sides to have l" (25 mm) minimum thick insulation. Bottoms to have 2" (50mm) minimum thick insulation. Foodservice Specifications New Swiss Restaurant 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resort, Yail, Colorado MSN-RCD Page: 25 C. Insulation to be enclosed on all sides with stainless steel if exposed or galvanized if unexposed, 4.16INSIJLATION A. Insulation shall be minimum of l" (25mm) fiberglass for heated areas. Board form, or foamed in place polyurethane, in thickness as indicated on details or drawings shall be used for all cold areas. Bond insulation to all surfaces. 4.I7 REFRIGERATEDCOMPARTMENTS A. Openings shall be provided with a 1/8" (3mm) breaker strip where adjoining top of cabinet to eliminate temperature transfer and prevent condensation. B. Interior shelves to be adjustable stainless steel wire construction or perforated pan construction mounted on removable stainless steel angle guides (see Standard Detail SD-014.) Removable thumbscrew type pilasters are not acceptable. C. Bottom to be fitted with stainless steel wire rack or perforated pan set on liner. D. All evaporators shall be installed for accessibility and replacement. Coordinate location with refrigeration contractor. 4.18 E)PAIISION VALVE HOUSING A. When expansion valve is removed from the evaporator, all refrigerated shelves or pans, or refrigerated compartments shall be provided with a 20 gauge stainless steel box to house expansion valve. Install in a concealed, but accessible position. Verif, clearance for shelving, drawers or sheet pans before mounting. 4.19 DUCTS A. Exposed duct work and trim to be fully welded grease or watertight as the application requires. 4.20 FASTENERS A. Exposed bolt heads will not be permitted on fixtures. B. Butt joints made by riveting straps under seams and then filled with solder are not acceptable. C. Rivets of any kind, including pop-rivets, are not acceptable. D. Exposed screw heads when necessary, shall be ofthe same material as the exposed surface and countersunk flush. Foodservice Specifications New Swiss Restaurant MSN-RCD Page: 26 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorado 4.2I WELDING A. All seams and joints shall be welded as the nature of the material requires to blend and match. B. Exposed welds are to be continuous, strong ductile with excess metal ground off. Polish to match and blend with adjacent surfaces. C. Welds ongalvanized steel shall be smooth and strong. Remove all slag and carbonization. Where galvaniznghas been burned off, touch up on both sides with hig! grade aluminum paint. D. Exposed spot welds to be polished to match and blend with adjacent surfaces. Exposed dimples are not acceptable. E. Exposed dimples from welding studs on underside of tops other surfaces are not acceptable. Polish surface to match and blend with adjacent surfaces. 4.22 HT"ATING EQUIPMENT A. Electric heating equipment shall be so installed as to be readily cleanable or made easily removable for cleaning, B. Gas operated and/or heated equipment, fabricated or otherwise, shall conform to the latest standards and comply with National Safety Requirements of the American Gas Association, or be acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. C. Steam heated custom-fabricated equipment shall be complete with contol valves located in an accessible position. 4.23 PAI{S AND INSERTS A. All cut-outs, openings, drawers, or equipment specified or detailed for stainless steel pans shall be provided with 20 gauge, minimum, stainless steel solid insert pans for each space. Size as per specification, plans or details. B. Provide maximum depth pan to suit application, unless otherwise noted. C. Provide 18 gauge stainless steel adapter bars if required. 5.OO ELECTRICAL 5.01 PER]VIITS A. Contractor shall obtain and pay for permits and fees for inspection and approval of fabricated equipment electrical work. Wiring shall be inspected and approved before being concealed by cover panels as required by code or Foodservice Specifications Nqw Swiss Restaurant MSN-RCD Page: 27 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorado pennit conditions. 5.02 PRE.WIRED ITEMS A. Fabricated equipment with either inaccessible connections, two or more receptacles or connections, shall be pre-wired ready for final connection to building services by Electrical Conhactor. B. Contractor shall supply and install conduit, wiring controls, switches, receptacles,junction boxes, service fittings, etc. to interconnect all electrical components to a single junction box or breaker panel. Such work shall conform to NEMA standards and local codes. Components are to have local approval and shall be in accordance with the electrical code in effect at the jobsite. C. Where field joints are required, break electrical wiring with a junction box on one side and conduit on other side which can be joined to box. Wire to be color-coded or tagged to facilitate connecting wires in junction box by Electrical Contractor. D. Sub-panels where required shall be UL listed, 3 phase, 4-wire circuit breaker type with a ground buss main breaker and individual breakers for each serviced load. All buss shall be copper and the circuit breakers shall be molded-case bolt-on type with thermo-magnetic quick-make, quick-break trip. Multipoled circuit breakers shall have an internal trip bar. Each breaker shall be sized for 125%o of the connected load. A minimum of two extra single pole, 20 amp breaker sites will be provided. The loads shall be connected through the breakers in a phased sequence to balance the load on each phase. E. Each breaker panel to include an index card behind heavy clear plastic in cardholder inside of door. Type all circuit information on card clearly identifuing the equipment served by each circuit breaker. 5.03 WIRING A. Wire shall be U.L. or E.T.L. approved for use in various applications, such as nickel for heat, nichrome for resistance wiring, etc. selected for appropriate voltage, temperature and location. B. Provide nickel-plated insulated wiring for heated areas. C. Wiring shall be color coded to match those in effect at the jobsite. Foodservice Specifications New Swiss Restaurant MSN-RCD Page: 28 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resort, Yail, Colorado 5.04 COIYDUIT A. Conduit shall be run concealed wherever possible, Conduit shall be continuous from outlet to outlet. Secure to junction boxes, pull boxes and breaker boxes so that each circuit is continuous throughout. Support conduit to prevent vibration and sagging. B. Concealed conduit to be EMT, thin wall, with compression fittings. If codes allow, "Seal-Tite" flex conduit may be used in lieu of EMT. C. Exposed or conduit in wet areas to be "Seal-tite" type equal to Anaconda #UA complete with threaded and gasketed J-boxes, pull boxes and liquid tight connectom. D. Conduit and wire for computer equipment (cash registers, pre-check registers, remote printers, ticket printers, etc.) shall NOT be run in a heat zone. Type, gauge and specifications shall be provided by POS system provider. 5.05 IIEATING ELEMENTS A. Insulated heated bases. Chromalox, Type OT, l-l/2'(38mm) strip heaters with chrome steel sheath shall be acceptable when sized and located to provide NSF standard levels of heat. Length to suit application. Verifu electrical requirements with plans and details. B. Steam Tables & Bain Maries. Chromalox, Type TTUH-CO, immersion heater with low water cut-ofl brass flange, gasket and clamp shall be acceptable when sized and located to provide NSF standard levels of heat. Veriff electrical requirements with plans and details. C. Controls. Chromalox, Type AR& non-indicating temperature controller with pilot light. Mount controller in a terminal box with a removable access cover located outside the heated area. l. For bain marie and steam tables, provide Style 9 bulb and capillary with type 300, stainless steel compression fitting. 2. For heated base, use Style 4 or Style 5 bulb and capillary. Mount capillary on side wall positioned for average temperature reading. 5.06 COI{VENMNCE AI\D POWER OUTLETS A. All surface mounted receptacles and receptacles under open table tops for fabricated equipment are to have T&S Brass &, Bronze Works Series B-1500 aluminum box complete with satin finish stainless steel cover and receptacle as indicated below 2-pole,3-wire groundin g 20 anp-, 125Y . Foodservice Specifications New Swiss Restaurant MSN-RCD Page: 29 6/7/0s Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorado Hubbell #5352 or equal (NTEMA 5-20R). 2-pole, 3-wire grounding 20 amp, 25OV. Hubbell #5461or equal (NEMA 6-20R), 2-pole, 3-wire grounding 30 amp 250V, Hubbell #9330 or equal (NEMA 6-3OR) B. All built-in receptacles indicated for fabricated equipment are to be 2"x4"x?" deep "Handy Box" tack welded to fixture and fitted with receptacle indicated above and satin finish stainless steel cover. Mounted all receptacles horizontally. 5.07 CORDS A}ID PLUGS A. For plug-in equipmenf fumish and install cord and plugs conforming to NEMA standards. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to coordinate with the Electrical Contractor so that the plugs match the receptacle. Any changes in cords and plugs required in the field due to lack of coordination shall be made at no additional cost. 5.08 LIGIITS AI\D FD(TI'RES A. Provide light receptacles, shatter-proof lamps and automatic door switches for custom fabricated and standard refrigerator units and sections. B. Where fluorescent light fixtures are specified or detailed as parts of equipment, all ballasts shall be included. All lamps for fluorescent light fixtures shall be provided and installed by this contractor and are to be supplied in "Warm White' DELUXE, or as specified in plans and drawings. Bulbs for incandescent light fixtures in equipment shall be supplied by the Contractor. Provide shatter-proof lamp protectors over tubes and bulbs where required by code. C. Where light fixtures or other electrical fixtures are specified or detailed as part of cabinets, the contractor shall provide all necessary lamps, ballasts, conduit and wiring to junction box within 24" of building J box. Equipment J box to be accessible for final connection by Electrical Contactor. 5.09 IDEI{TIFICATION A. All switches, controls, etc., shall be conspicuously labeled as to use with plastic name plates screwed to adjacent surfaces, with white recessed lettering Foodsertice Specifications Nevv Swiss Restaurant MSN-RCD Page: 30 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorado o on black background. Submit a sample to MSN-RCD for review. 6.00 PLT]MBING 6.01 PRE-PIPED ITEMS A. Pre-pipe components for fabricated equipment complete with all required valves, unions, nipples and fittings required ready for final connection to building services by the Plumbing contractor. Faucets, rotary wastes and basket wastes to be furnished loose for installation by plumbing contractor. B. Large equipment such as cafeteria counters, chef s counters, and ventilators shall be delivered in pre-piped sections complete with unions for intere,onnecting sections. Plumbing contractor to make connections between sections. C. Water piping to be type uL", hard drawn, copper with wrought copper fittings. Joints to be soldered with lead free solder. All runs to be made with full- length sections or lengths cut to fit. Pipe size may not be decreased from those indicated. Secure piping to prevent transmission of noise. Insulate hot water lines. Insulate cold water lines, if required, to prevent condensation. D. Water inlets shall be located above the positive water level wherever possible. Wherever conditions shall require a submerged inle! a suitable type of check valve (if permitted by code) and vacuum breaker shall be provided with the fixttre to prevent siphoning. Where exposed, all piping shall be chrome plated. Where penetrations are made through equipment for vacuum breakers or connections, provide escutcheons matched to adjacent finishes to cover holes. 6.02 STEAM A. Provide all composition hand wheels, solenoid gate valves, strainers, condensate traps, temperature controllers, check valves and interconnecting piping. Piping within fixtures to be schedule 40, black iron including nipples and fittings. Insulate per accepted industy practice except for areas exposed for heating. B. Kettles to be provided with a pre-piped steam trap assembly per itemized specifications. Assembly to be furnished to plumbing contractor for installation. Foodservice Specifications New Swiss Restaurant MSN-RCD Page: 3I 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorado oo 6.03 COMPONENTS FT]RI{ISIIED LOOSE A. Furnish to the plumbing contractor all item related faucets, hose reels, vacuum breakers, presswe reducing valves, rotary wastes and basket wastes. B. Coordinate the installation of the above with the plumbing confiactor. 6.04 FAUCETS A. Furnish faucets with soft-flow heads on sinks, steam table, bain mariesn water stations and other equipment as shown on plans, details and specifications. Furnish water saving devices where required by local codes. Faucet handles to be appropriately marked hot or cold as the application requires. Unless specified otherwise, faucets shall be by Component Hardware Group or T&S Brass. 6.0s wAsTEs A. Provide rcW twist type Component Hardware Group DSS-8000 with flat stainless steel strainer shall be provided unless otherwise specified. Furnish with all required hardware, mounting plates and adapters. B. Standpipes. Provide Fisher Model 6271, lu diameter polished chrome standpipe with Model 6342-2300 waste socket complete with locknut. For applications with a depth of more than 7"(l75mm) provide Fisher Model 6571, I 1/2"(38mm) polished chrome standpipe with Model 6542-2300 waste socket complete with lock-nut. 1. Secure waste socket with locknut and solder top flange to exposed top surface. 2. Standpipe length to be 3" below top of counter or per detail. Verifr length required. C. Open drains. Provide Fisher Model 6242,l" (25mm) polished chrome complete with brass locknut. Solder top flange to exposed top surface. 6.06 INDIRECT WASTE A. Furnished and installed by the Plumber, with the following exceptions: l. Contractor to fumish indirect wastes for cold storage room evaporators. 2. Contractor to Provide and install indirect waste lines from equipment drains in the factory if drains are not easily accessible in the final placement in the field. Plumber will continue connection to floor sinks or stand pipes with chrome plated connections where exposed. Secure all piping and support to equipment without marring or damaging framing or finishes. Foodservice Specifications New Swiss Restaurant MSN-RCD Page: j2 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorsdo B. Contactor to coordinate the location and routing. C. Indirect wastes shall be sized as shown on drawings, hard copper, l" diameter minimum. Drain lines within fixture shall be routed as high as possible and conform to fixture configuration and functions, so as to not obstruct openings or shelves. 6.07 VACTJI]M BREAKERS A. Furnish item related chrome plated vacuum breakers with exposed piping to equipment. Exposed piping to be chrome plated. Veriff type required with codes. B. Atmospheric type to be Febco or equal. C. Pressure type to be Fisher, Watts or equal. 6.08 PRESSI'RE REDUCING VALVES A. Fumish pressure reducing valves, when required for item related equipment. 6.09 GAS PRESSI]RE REGTTLATORS A. Furnish gas pressure regulators for all gas fired equipment. 6.10 QUICK DTSCOT{NECTS A. Gas. Provide Dormont Manufacturing Company, (unless otherwise specified), or equal, BPQ series, flexible connector kit complete with gas ball valve, BPQ connector, BPQ quick disconnect coupling and coiled restraining devices. B. Water. Dormant Manufacturing Company, (unless otherwise specified), or equal, BP series, stainless steel braid over hose flexible high PSI connector with solid brass two way quick disconnect coupling. C. Coordinate pipe size with equipment and plans. Length to be sufficient to move equipment for cleaning and to provide easy access to quick disconnect. D. Provide restraining cords of suitable strength and size as required by code where ever flexible connections are used. 6.11 FLE)ilBLE WATER COI\IYECTOR A. For counter equipment requiring water connection in public areas, provide Fisher Model 2903 through counter fitting and Koroseal tubing covered with stainless steel braid, stainless steel coupling at fitting and angled stainless steel fitting at appliance. Foodsertice Specifications New Swiss Restaurant 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorsdo MSN-RCD Page: 33 7.0 REFRIGERATION A. Provide all refrigeration work through licensed refrigeration contractors. All existing equipment shall be suitably drained of refrigerants in an approved method and reclaimed. No R-12 shall be used. B. All refrigeration items shall be designed to maintain the following operating temperatures: 1. Walk-inrefrigerators 35'Fll.7"C 2. Walk-in Freezers -l0"Fl-23.3C 3. Reach-inrefrigerators 35'FlL.7"C 4. Reach-in freezers -10'F/-23.3"C 5. Under-counter refrigerators 35"F ll.7'C 6.Under-counterfreezers -l0oF/-23.3"C 7. Cold pans 0"F/-17.8'C 8. Work/wine rooms 50qF/10"C C. An evaporator coil defrost system must be provided by the Contractor on all walk-in refrigerators and freezer rooms operating at less than 35"F/1.7'C. D. Hang blower coils per manufacturer's specifications with approved hangers at 4" from interior walk-in ceiling. Contractor shall provide #12 ga galvanized steel fish plate of suitable size and shape on the exterior roof of the walk-in above the coil to support and spread the weight of the coil adequately. E. Drain line from freezers shall be wrapped with a continuous electrical heater tape and installed per manufacturer's suggested methods. F. Refrigeration tubing shall be Type L, ACR hard drawn degreased, sealed copper and shall be installed with horizontal runs sloped l" per 20 feet towards the condensing units. All refrigerant piping shall be properly supported by adjustable hangers spaced and adjusted to the drop required. Where vertical runs of more than 5' occur in the suction line, the risers shall be trapped at the bottom. Piping is to be installed so that the refrigerant or oil cannot drain back into the coil from the suction line. G. All suction and refrigerant lines shall be insulated with minimum ll2" Armstrong armaflex or equal cellular type insulation. Metal pipe sleeves shall be provided where piping passes through walls, ceilings or floors. Space around the tubing shall be filled with mastic insulating compound. Install a permanent suction line filter in each compressor suction line with pressure Foodsertice Specifications New Swiss Restaurant MSN-RCD Page: 34 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorado fitting ahead of the filter to facilitate checking of the pressure drop through the filter. All penetrations through walk-in or freezer walls shall be fully insulated and sealed to be vapor tight to prevent condensation within any light fixtures, switch boxes, junction boxes, or any other fittings. Refrigeration and drain lines shall be fully sealed and provided with escutcheon plates by the installer per attached standard detail or better. H. Fumish and completely install a thermostat to contol the refrigeration temperatures for each refrigeration compartment. Provide clear digital thermometers mounted flush with each compartment reading in both Fahrenheit and Centigrade. I. Control and thennostat wiring is the responsibility of the Contractor, not the electrical contractor. The electrical contractor will provide inter-wiring between the freezer condensing units and freezer blower coils as well as the main power to all disconnects on condensing units and racks. J. All refrigeration parts, equipment and labor are the responsibility of the Contractor whether subcontracted or not. All refrigeration lines, placements, hangers, insulators, connections and refrigerants are considered parts and must be made available to complete and deliver a fully installed system in working operation at the required temperatures. 8.0 VENTILATION 8.1 WATER WASH VENTILATORS GEIIERAL: Each ventilator shall be a high velocity type grease extractor with an air inlet opening above and parallel to the cooking surface. Each ventilator shall utilize three full-length horizontal, self draining baffles for centrifugal grease extraction. The main grease gutter shall have a I" pitch to the drain opening and the drain shall be equipped with a pre-flush line actuated by, and operating in conjunction with, the water wash system controls. Grease extraction efficiency of g5Yo,whenthe ventilator is operated at design conditions, shall be accomplished without the use of filters, carhidges, or constant running water. A built in 3" air space from the back of the extractor and exhaust plenum to the back mounting surface shall be an integral paxt of the hood assembly. Vertical seams on the end panels indicating 3" spacers are unacceptable. Where the end of the hood abuts a wall, there shall be a 3" air space as an integral part of the hood and there shall be no Foodsemice Specifications New Swiss Restaurant MSN-RCD Page: 35 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorado vertical searns in the front face of the hood indicating a 3" air space on the ends of the hood. The canopy shall contain a minimum of 6" clearance between the back of the exhaust duct connection and the back wall of the ventilator. The six inch clearance shall be provided for ease in mounting and the installation of a rated enclosure around the duct. Removable or hinged access doors located in the roof of the canopy for the purpose of accessing the damper/therrnostat control mechanism if required, shall be approved as part of the listing for the ventilator. Proof of such listing shall be provided as part of the ventilator shop drawings. Exposed conduit, cables, or exposed conduit, cables, or piping will not be allowed within the ventilator canopy, with the exception of chrome sleeved piping drops from the canopy roof for the surface fire suppression system. All ventilator(s) and pollution control equipmentn as specified in division 15, shall be built by the same manufacturer and shall have been in satisfactory use on similar installations for a period of three years prior to the bid date for this project. Equipment which is built by separate manufacturers will not be acceptable. Listings of (four) previous successful installations of similar type shall be provided with equipment shop drawings. CONSTRUCTION: The ventilator shall be of all stainless steel conskuction, not less than 18 gauge, type 304. All exposed surfaces shall be a number 4 finish. The use of galvanized material in any part of the ventilator is not acceptable and the use of '400' series stainless in any part of the ventilator is unacceptable. ACCESSIBILITY AND INSPECTION: Full-length, non-gasketed, hinged inspection doors shall be provided so that service can be performed on all interior portions of the ventilator without the removal of panels, dampers, or baffles, and shall not require the use of any tools to gain such access. AUTOMATIC WASHDOWII SYSTEM: Each ventilator shall be equipped with a tull- length, stainless steel wash pipe with machined brass spray nozzles for automatic detergent injected cleaning cycle utilizing 140'to 180'F hot water. All controls and components for operation of the wash system shall be housed in the Gaylord Model GPC-4000 Series Control Cabinet. INTERNAL FIRE PROTECTION: All ventilator(s) shall be equipped with a spring loaded electric fire damper located at the exhaust duct collar. The fire damper shall Foodservice Specifications New Swiss Restaurant 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorado MSN-RCD Page: 36 be thermostatically activated and, upon activation at 280' F, the damper shall close, the wash system shall activate, water sprays turn on, and the exhaust fan shall be shut off. The fire damper shall be able to be reset with a single reset handle located beneath the canopy. The reset device must be easily reached from the front of the ventilator, without the use of tools. MULTIPLE SECTIONS: The canopy profile shall be continuous for each ventilator. The use of partitions or end plates where sections are joined (which would be contained within the canopy where multiple sections of ventilator are joined to fomr a single, longer ventilator), will not be acceptable. The method ofjoining separate ventilator sections shall be part of the listing of for ventilator, and proof of the listing must be included as part of the ventilator shop drawings. PLIIMBING & ELECTRICAL: All ventilators shall be factory pre-plumbed and pre-wired to a single connection point. All ventilators built in multiple sections shall be furnished with unions and junction boxes for field connections by applicable trades. LIGHT FD(TIIRES: Ventilators shall be equipped with 150 watt recessed incandescent lights. All lights shall be UL Listed for Commercial Kitchen Hoods and shall be factory pre-wired to a single connection point. All wiring shall be factory installed and terminated in junction box(es) for field connection by others, for multiple section ventilators. APPROVALS: Ventilators shall be UL Listed under the category "Exhaust Hood with Fire Damper" and shall be NSF listed. All ventilators shall meet the requirements of NFPA-96, IIMC, BOCA and SBCCI mechanical codes. Agency approval listings do not release the manufacturer from meeting the construction and performance requirements set forth in the specifications for the ventilators. Proof of the listings, although required, does not imply acceptability or approval of the ventilator. CONSTAI{T COLD WATER MIST: Ventilators t}at cover solid fuel burning appliances shall be equipped with a constant cold water mist spray manifold at the exhaust air intake slot for compliance to NFPA-96 spark arrester requirements. CHECK OUT AI\D DEMONSTRATION: Upon completion of installation the entire ventilation system, including the pollution confrol equipment shall be commissioned by a direct factory employed seryice technician. Start-up-shall include taking air volume readings and running the system through wash and a fire cycles. Foodsentice Specifications New Swiss Restaurant MSN-RCD Page: 37 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorado Appropriate.kitchen personnel shall be given a complete demonstration of the system, including operation and maintenance procedures. Upon completion of the commissioning, a detailed start-up report shall be made available to the architect and owner certiffing proper system operation. All deficiencies in wiring or piping which are contained within the equipment and which are discovered during start-up, shall be corrected at no additional expense to the owner. 8.2 NON-WATER WASH VENTILATORS GEhERAL: Each ventilator shall be a high velocity centrifugal grease extactor, with the air inlet opening parallel to and above the cooking equipment being ventilated. The ventilator shall contain one or more removable "extractor inserts" with a grease extraction efficiency of 90Yo when operated at design conditions. All extractor inserts shall be constucted of stainless steel and contain full-length self- draining baffles. All extractor inserts shall be easily removable, with the use of an extractor removal tool, for periodic cleaning. The grease collecting gutter at the bottom of the extractor housing shall slope to one end to a removable, stainless steel grease collecting container. A built in 3" air space from the back of the extractor and exhaust plenum to the back mounting surface shall be an integral part of the hood assembly. Vertical seams on the end panels indicating 3" spacers are unacceptable. Where the end of the hood abuts a wall, there shall be a 3" air space as an integral part of the hood and there shall be no vertical seams in the front face of the hood indicating air space on the ends of the hood. The canopy shall contain a minimum of 6" clearance between the back of the exhaust duct connection and the back wall of the ventilator. The six inch clearance shall be provided for ease in mounting and the installation of a rated enclosure around the duct. Removable or hinged access doors located in the roof of the canopy for the purpose of accessing the damper/thermostat control mechanism if required, shall be approved as part of the listing for the ventilator. Proof of such listing shall be provided as part of the ventilator shop drawings. Exposed conduit, cables, or piping will not be allowed within the ventilator canopy, with the exception of chrome sleeved piping drops from the canopy roof for the surface fire suppression system. All ventilators and pollution control equipment shall be built by the same manufacturer and shall have been in satisfactory use on similar installations for a period of three years prior to the bid date for this project. Equipment provided by separate manufacturers will not be acceptable. Listings of (four) previous successful installations of a similar type shall be provided with equipment shop drawings. CONSTRUCTION: The ventilator shall be of all stainless steel construction, not less than 18 gauge, type 304. All exposed surfaces shall be a number 4 finish. The use of the galvanized material in any part of the ventilator is not acceptable. The use Foodservice Specifications New Swiss Restaurant MSN-RCD Page: 38 6/7/05 Sonnmalp Resort, Vail, Colorado of '400' series stainless in any part of the ventilator is unacceptable. INTERNAL FIRE PROTECTION: Ventilator shall be equipped with a spring loaded fire damper located at the duct collar. The fire damper shall be thermostatically activated and upon activation at 280o F, the damper shall close and the exhaust fan shall shut off. The fire damper shall be able to be reset with a single reset handle located beneath the canopy. The reset device must be easily reached from the front of the ventilator. without the use of tools. MULTIPLE SECTIONS: The canopy profile shall be continuous for each ventilator. The use of partitions or end plates where sections are joined (which would be contained within the canopy where multiple sections of ventilator are joined to form a single, longer ventilator) will not be acceptable. The method ofjoining separate ventilator sections shall be part of the listing of the ventilator, and proof of the listing must be included as part of the ventilator shop drawings. ELECTRICAL: All ventilators shall be factory pre-wired to a single field connection point. Any ventilators built in multiple sections shall be furnished with junction boxes for field connections by applicable trades. LIGHT FD(TIIRES: Ventilators shall be equipped with 150 watt recessed incandescent lights. All lights shall be UL Listed for Commercial Kitchen Hoods and shall be factory pre-wired to a single connection point. All wiring shall be factory installed and terminated in junction box(es) for field connection by others, for multiple section ventilators. APPROVALS: All ventilators shall be UL Listed under the category uExhaust Hood with Fire Damper" and shall be NSF listed. Ventilator shall meet all requirements ofNFPA-96, UMC, BOCA and SBCCI mechanical codes. Agency approval listings do not release the manufacturer from meeting the construction and performance requirements set fonh in the specifications for the ventilators. Proof of listing(s), although required, does not imply acceptability or approval of the ventilator. CHECK OUT AND DEMONSTRATION: Upon completion of the installation, the entire ventilation system, including the pollution control equipment, is to be commissioned by a direct factory employed service technician. Start-up procedures shall include the taking of air volume readings and running the system through wash and a fire cycles. Kitchen personnel shall be given a complete demonstration of the system, including operation and maintenance procedures. Upon completion of the Foodservice Specdications New Swiss Restaurant MSN-RCD Page: 39 6/7/0s Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorado commissioning, a detailed start-up report shall be made available to the architect and owner certifying proper system operation. All deficiencies in wiring or piping which are contained within the equipment, and which are discovered during start-up, shall be corrected at no additional expense to the owner. ARCHITECTURAL AI{D ENGIIYEERING INFORMATION FOR FOODSERVICE FACILITIES NOTE: The following material makes mention of various contractors in the related trades. These contractors are normally sub-contractors to the General Contractor, or directly engaged by the Owner depending on the project. It should be understood that the work of these contractors is not included under the Foodservice Equipment Contract. MSN-RCD provides suggested design and specifications for these elements in kitchen areas with the understanding that MSN-RCD does not represent itself as contractors, engineers or architects. These elements are shown predominantly in sheet FS 1.1 and sheet FS 1.5, but also in any of the design drawings where specific elements fall outside the KEC works. ARCHITECTT]RAL Walls, floors and ceilings in foodservice areas must be smooth and readily cleanable. Materials that cannot withstand moisture and detergents must be avoided. Wall finishes that bear consideration are ceramic tile, glazed block, concrete block with flush joints, smooth finish and epoxy paint, and fiberglass panels. The minimum: epoxy paint over two layers of waterproof g;rpsum board on metal studs. The latter fails to meet the requirements of many inspectors when placed in a moist area such as pot-washing, dishwashing or vegetable preparation. We prefer Durock over Greenboard for all wet areas. If there are exposed corners that can be damaged, we recommend that they be fitted with a rugged corner guard from the top of the coved floor to a point 48" above floor. Walls located behind or beside cooking equipment must be of non-combustible construction. The 1998 edition of NFPA-96, chapter/paragraphs l-3 and Appendix A greatly expand and illustrate the requirements of walls and grease duct enclosures. Closure panels will be specified by MSN-RCD for major foodservice equipment items that join the building such as an exhaust ventilator or walk-in refrigerated rooms. Foodservice SpeciJicatioru New Swiss Restaurant 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorado MSN-RCD Page: 40 Ceilins material selection criteria is based on sound deadening and the ability to be cleaned. A number of materials are available from metal pans, lay-in mylar faced acoustic panels, to solid "plastered" ceilings. We recommend that ceilings be accessible. If possible, light fixtures should be installed flush with the ceiling. Floors must be able to handle standing water, heat, falling items, and food chemicals. Further, they must be slip resistant. All edges at walls should be coved up in order to maintain sanitary conditions. In order to make the flooring more slip resistant, preferred tile is available with textured finishes and embedded carbide grit in the surface. When walk-in refrigerated rooms are provided in a project, the preferred installation is one in which the rooms are flush with the adjoining building floor and of the same material. This finished flooring must be installed by the Floorine Contractor to the General Conhactor. In order to install the rooms in this fashion, it is necessary to provide a 6 to 7" deep recess or depression measured from the finished floor surface. Prior to final work, please verifr the approved walk-in shop drawings for the specific reqoirements for depressions. NFPA 10, Standard For Portable Firg Extinguishers, Paragraph2-3.2, requires Class K fire extinguishers for the protection of cooking appliances that use combustible cooking media (vegetable or animal oils and fats). This can affect the type and placement of hand held extinguishers normally specified by the Architect. VENTILATION Exhaust blowers for exhaust ventilators and dishwasher connections shall be provided by the Heating and Ventilating Contractor. Blowers should be belt driven, adjustable and controlled by a switch with pilot light located within the area being exhausted. MSN-RCD will provide the required air volumes to be exhausted and the static pressure of the ventilator on sheet FS 1.4. Static pressure measurement shall be at the exhaust collar. The FIVAC Contractor shall make an approved type connection to this collar in accordance with NFPA 96, Vapor Removal From Cooking Equipment. Ductwork required for the connection of ventilators to the exhaust blower must be of at least 16 gauge carbon steel or l8 gauge stainless steel, all welded watertight construction, and pitched for proper drainage. Long horizontal runs should be avoided if at all possible. All ductwork shall be provided by the I{VAC Contractor. Foodservice Specifications New Swiss Restaurant MSN-RCD Page: 4I 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorado If ductwork between the blower and the ventilator is relatively short take care to speciff blowers with reduced noise output. Short 'tfuoat' installations may cause excessive noise. Non-cooking exhaust ductwork such as dishwasher exhaust system, etc. cannot be connected to the grease ductwork. Separate systems must be maintained. Ware washers will commonly be provided with stainless steel ductwork risers by the KEC to a point 3" above the fmished ceiling. The KEC shall provide a balancing damper for each duct riser. IIVAC Contractor shall make the connection to the two straight ducts above the ceiling. Ductwork must be self-draining and rust-resistant. The chemicals used with commercial ware washers will rot aluminum ductwork through time. If an exhaust canopy is to be provided, it will have a single exhaust connection point, and the size and air volume information will be provided by MSN- RCD. NFPA-96 chapter/paragraphs 4-8 state the requirements for ductwork termination and blower accessibility for duct cleaning. A hybrid wet chemical/water mistingfixed pipe/ire suppression system shall be provided and installed by the KEC. Conditioned make-up air must be supplied by a controlled means in proper quantity; a minimum of 75o/o of air exhausted through the hood or ventilator. Clean transfer air from adjacent spaces is an acceptable source of make-up air. The kitchen should operate at negative pressure to prevent kitchen odors from reaching adjacent areas. Exhaust and make-up air blowers should be interlocked to a control point located in the kitchen and a positive damper should be installed in the duct to prevent unwanted gravity caused air infiltration after the system has been shut down. Please note that MSN-RCD does not suggest or specifr hoods with make-up air whenever possible. It is preferred that all sources of make-up air (registers) be placed a minimum of 6'0" from any Type I ventilator. The closer the make-up air is to the extraction, the less effective it is, and the more turbulent the air flow around the kitchen. FS 1.4 will show suggested make-up air locations. Four way diffi:sers are discouraged. Mono- directional diffi,rsers that can be easily re-directed are preferred. ELECTRICAL Food service equipment having motors, electrical heating units, lighting fixtures, receptacles and the like shall be internally wired to a junction box mounted on the Foodservice Specifications New Swiss Restaurant MSN-RCD Page: 42 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorado equipment by the Kitchen Equipment Contractor. The components of remote refrigeration systems may not be internally wired and may require field wiring by the Electrical Contractor. The Electrical Contractor shall fumish and install switches and receptacles not integral with the specified equipment and not called for in the "Item Specifications" of the project. He will furnish, install and connect all wiring and conduit from the junction box mounted on the items of equipment to the building electrical dishibution system. The Electrical Contractor shall mount and wire all motor starters and other electrical devices furnished under the Kitchen Equipment specifications that are not an integral part of the equipment furnished. The most common applications of remote electrical components would be the refrigeration systems for the refrigerated rooms or a garbage disposer. The latter has a remote control switch, remote solenoid valve, and sometimes, a remote starter or contactor. Electrical Contractor shall provide disconnects if the code requires. The installation of disconnects and switches are left to the judgment of the electrical contractor and as such may not be fully detailed in MSN-RCD plans. Dishwashing and cooking areas of the kitchen are wet and steamy areas and care should be exercised in the selection of disconnects in these areas to comply with applicable codes. An attempt should be made to wall mount the disconnects to avoid the splashing of water. All conduit and flexible conduits that are exposed to water, splashing, or weather should be liquid tight. Elecftic outlets within 72" of a sink may require installation of a GFI. Fire suppression: The fixed-pipe fire suppression system shall be provided and installed by the KEC. Sources of heat and fuel must be shut-off to all equipment located under the kitchen exhaust ventilator per NFPA 96, paragraphs 7-3. This requirement includes elechical components subject to exposwe in the event of a system discharge. Foodsemice Specifications New Swiss Restaurant MSN-RCD Page: 43 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resort, Vqil, Colorado With the wet chemical type and the hybrid fire suppression systems, gas is shut- down mechanically with no electrical wiring required. It is recommended by the manufacturer that the blower remain running. Shut-down of electrical equipment with the suppression system is accomplished by means of contactors or a shunt nip provided and installed by the Electrical Contractor for the required pieces. The mechanical control head of the fre suppression system will be provided with appropriate *dry contacts" for the Electrical Contractor to utilize to activate (or deactivate) his components. All interwiring wiring is to be provided and installed by the Electrical Contractor. Any and all interconnections with building safety systems, emergency exiting systems and automated life-safety systems is the sole responsibility of the electrical contractor. Refrigerated rooms: Wiring within the room must be kept to a minimum. Such wiring must be run in moisture-proof conduit and must be sealed with brine putty or silicone to prevent moisture from entering and condensing in the light frxtures, boxes and conduit Room manufacturers recommend use of a seal-offfitting, mounted exterior to the box to accomplish this task. It should be noted that the conduit needs to be sealed internally and externally. If not, warm moisture will be drawn into the conduit and make its way past the wiring. Power feeds for the condensing units and evaporator coils are roughed in at their respective locations. The Electrical Conftactor shall run six wires, 24 volts, between the two units to control defrost timing, etc. The thermostat, defrost timer and solenoid valve are installed at the evaporator coil in each room. The freezer drainline heat tape, provided by the KEC, shall be plugged into a full time live duplex outlet provided by the Electrical Confractor located in the vicinity of the evaporator coil. All pieces of kitchen equipment that are shown on our plans with cords and plugs shall be provided with the proper cord and plug by the KEC. Foodservice Specifications New Swiss Restaurant 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorado MSN-RCD Page: 44 Lighting for kitchen exhaust ventilators shall be fumished as paxt of the ventilator by the KEC and the wiring shall terminate in a single junction box. Electrical Contactor shall make the final connection and provide a remote switch. Please advise our office early in the project if voltages other than 12016011,208/6011 and208/6013 are to be used. Many pieces of equipment are available in 440/460/480 volt characteristics. Due to difficulty in finding replacement parts for refrigeration units, we cannot recommend voltages above the 208 volt characteristic for that equipment. PLTIMBING 130oF. water is still recommended at the pot-washing sink if the detergents are to work. Consideration might be given to providing a second system with the 140" F. water to this equipment. Please advise our office if 140"F hot water is not available in the ware washing areas. Exposed mechanical connections to fixtures in the kitchen and related food service areas, including exposed piping, should be chrome plated in order to maintain sanitary and easily cleaned surfaces that are consistent with the rest of the kitchen and its equipment. The Kitchen Equipment Contractor shall fumish all water faucets and sink outlets with lever type wastes (usually 2' IPS size), and vacuum breakers for all equipment items that are designed to introduce water at less than 2" above flood level of the chamber or tank. The KEC shall provide a pressure relief valve, pressure reducing valve, two temperature-pressure gauges and a shock absorber for installation on the connecting line between the hot water booster and the warewasher. The Plumbing Contractor should include with his piping a single drain valve for the booster, and make the required connections between the booster and the warewashing equipment. The temperature-pressure gauges should be mounted immediately after the pressure reducing valve on the inlet side of the booster, and on the outlet side to permit monitoring of the booster's correct operation. Stubs for equipment should come out of walls wherever possible. All connecting piping should be neatly assembled by the Plumbing Contractor up away from the floor at least 12" and with a minimum of exposed horizontal runs that are difficult to clean. Care should be taken to specifr that piping shall be run in a sanitary manner, offthe floor, and supported on something other than steel running thread. Foodservice Specifications Nary .Swiss Res taurant MSN-RCD Page: 45 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorqdo o'Interconnecting piping must not be reduced in size to a pipe smaller than the inlet size on the equipment or faucet. Condensate drains in the walk-in refrigerated rooms shall be provided and installed under ttre Kitchen Equipment specifications. All piping to the wet chemical fire suppression system shall be installed by the KEC. In a gas-fired kitchen the Plumbing Contractor shall be responsible for the mounting of the gas shut-offvalve (provided by the KEC) at an appropriate location on the gas line. All pipfng to the Ansul "Piranha@" hybrid misting typefire suppression system within the exhaust canory shall be installed by the KEC. The related trades shall be responsiblefor the mounting the gas shutofvalve (provided by the KEC) at an appropriate location on the gas line, and interconnecting sprinkler type piping to the system control head and between it and the ventilator's system inlet. The system is providedwith a lockable water valve and an anti-siphon valve. Natural gas fired ranges, ovens, steam generators, etc. will be fumished with gas pressure regulators to reduce pressure to 4" to 7" water column. Traps for all sinks, toughs, drainers, etc. are to be furnished and installed by the Plumbing Contractor, and where exposed should be at least painted, if not plated, to be as atfactive as possible. Floor drains shall be utilized for any one or a combination of purposes such as area drain for general cleaning, to receive indirect waste lines from food preparation sinks, ware washer, hot food wells, cold pans, coffee drainers, ice machines, etc. In cooking batteries, and occasionally at ice machines, KEC shall provide stainless steel floor pans with removable fiberglass grate sections. These require a coordinated installation between the Flooring, Plumbing and Kitchen Contractors. When complete, the pan's rim is to be flush with the adjacent finished floor. Floor drains must be carefully located by the Plumbing Contractor during the roughing-in stage if they are to correctly serve their intended purposes in the kitchen. They must be correctly set for height so that the floors will pitch smoothly and evenly into them without creating a hazardous "hills and valleys" condition. Foodservice Specifications New Swiss Restaurant MSN-RCD Page: 46 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorado Most sanitarians are eliminating the need for grease interceptors on ware washing machine drain lines. They have realized that the modern detergents and the hot water usually defeat the interceptor's function. Garbage disposers must not be piped through a grease interceptor as the combination of congealed grease and solids can plug up the fixture. We suggest that you check local codes for the requirements. Pot washing sinks must be connected through a grease interceptor and possibly a large grease trap. The Health Departnents of most states indirect waste outlets from any sink or device in which a utensil or food item might be placed. These sinks or devices would be vegetable preparation sinks, cook's sink, utility sinks and ware washers. They join the multitude of previously indirectly wasted units such as ice bins, cold plates, steam tables, coffee um drainers, and the like. Please note that codes are variable throughout the country. Some county health departments will require direct wastes, whereas others will mandate the pot sink indirectly wasted into a grease interceptor. It is left to the local plumbing contractor to verify the applicable standards for the community in question. Part tr Scheduled Equipment All items listed are to be priced individually by item number, with each price reflecting total cost of item with all options and specified modifications. ALL ALTERNATES MUST BE PRICED AS WELL. Foodservice Specifications New Swiss Restaurant MSN-RCD Page: 47 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorado Area A Numbers: A0l throush Al5 Furnish two (2) each Perlick model TSlS HST hand sink, complete per manufacfu rer's speci fi cations- A02 Liguor Displav One required Furnish one (l) each Perlick model 7055A3, complete per manufacturey's specifications and the following: a) Unit to be free-standing and provided with required connector kits for installation with adjacent underbar equipment. 03 Remote -2 dr. backbar refer Four Furnish four (4) each Perlick model BR2DSS remote refrigerated back bar refer 34- ll2" hidh, complete per manufacturer's specifications. a) Unit to be supplied with no top for under backbar installation. Provide legs sets. b) Unit to be supplied with stainless steel doors. c) Unit to be supplied with all stainless steel construction. d) Standard door swings. e) Stainless steel wire shelves. f) Remote to Item L04 refrigeration rack. A04 Spiritzine Drain Pan Two required Fumish two (2) each Celli drain pan, complete per manufacturer's specifications. Consult owner and MSN-RCD for final selection. A05 Beer Taps Two required Fumish two (2) each Perlick model 4006-4B beer taps, complete per manufacturer's specifications and the following: a) Stainless steel finish 4 head dispenser. A06 Speed Rail Two required Furnish two (2) each Perlick model 7053-7 speed rails, complete per manufacturer's specifications and the following: a) Units to be securely fastened to the front of items A07 and A08 per plan. Foodservice Specifications New Swiss Restaurant MSN-RCD Page: 48 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorado A07 Ice Chest Two required Fumish ff/o (2) "u"ft per manufacturey's specifications and the following: a) Unit to be supplied with 18" deep ice chest and 8 circuit cold plate. b) Each unit free-standing and provided with required connector kits for installation with adjacent underbar equipment. A08 Jockev Box Four required Fumish four (a) each Perlick model TS12U2 jockey box, complete per manufacturer's specifications and the following: a) Each unit free-standing and provided with required connector kits for installation with adjacent underbar equipment. A09 Underbar Blender Station TVo reouired Fumish one (1) each Perlick model TSl8BLW blender station, complete per manufacturer's specifications and the following: a) Each unit free-standing and provided with required connector kits for installation with adjacent underbar equipment. Faucet, drain and outlet cut out. A10 Glass Froster One reauired Furnish one (l) each Perlick model 8350-2, all stainless steel glass froster complete per manufacturer's specifications. A11 Soda Gun I\IKEC Owner's choice of vendor to furnish one (2) each soda guns with full remote soda system. A12 Remote - 3 dr. backbar cooler One required Fumish one (l) each Perlick model BR3DSS remote refrigerated back bar cooler 34- ll2" hidn, complete per manufacturer's specifications. a) Unit to be supplied with no top for under backbar installation. Provide legs sets. b) Unit to be supplied with stainless steel doors. c) Unit to be supplied with all stainless steel construction. d) Standard door swings. e) Stainless steel wire shelves. f) Remote to Item L04 refrigeration rack. A13 2 Group Espresso Machine One required Furnish one (1) Schearer Model Ambiente 3.6.9510 espresso machine, complete per Foodservice Specifications New Swiss Restaurant 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorado MSN-RCD Page: 49 manufacturer's standard specifications and the following: a) Provide 4'-0" Cord and plug, wired to machine. Al4 Soiled Glass Dumn & Drainboard One reouired Furnish one (1) each Perlick Model 7057-1, complete per manufacturer's standard specifications and the following: a) Integral dump sink. b) Free-standing and provided with required connector kits for installation with adjacent underbar equipment. Faucet and drain. A15 Glasswasher One required Furnish one (1) each Hobart Model LX-IH, complete per manufacturer's standard specifications. Item to include: a) Unit to be supplied with built-in booster heat and all required connections and options for operation. b) Provide stainless steel pumps and impeller. c) Unit to be wired for 208 volt 60h2, I phase operation. d) Provide for installation below soiled dish landing. e) Provide water pressure reducing valve and hammer arrestor. f) Provide factory authorized start-up and demonstration. Area B Numbers: B01 through 810 801 REMoTE-refriseratedworkcounter One required Furnish one (1) each custom built remote refrigerated work counter sized as shown in drawings and per Detail CD-801. Provide the following as part of this item: a) Provide 14 ga stainless steel countertop, reinforced for heavy countertop equipment. Radius welds l/2". Top to turn down I l/2" on all sides andretum 180" to seal tight to the cabinet apron per Standard Detail SD-002. b) Unit to be enclosed on all sides in 18ga s/s with sealed flat bottom for mounting on curb. Unit to be furnished with evaporator coils, thermostatic expansion valves, thermostats and surface mounted dial thermometers preinstalled at the factory. Remote to refrigeration rack Item L04. Provide door and comparhnent construction per SD-O14. Provide (1) one 2 door refrigerated compartnent sized as shown in drawings to accommodate full-sized sheet pans on removable pan slide frames. Pan slides to c) d) e) Foodservice Specifications New Swiss Restaurant MSN-RCD Page: 50 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorado s) be mounted on 3" centers. All cabinet pan slides are to be etched with ltem Number and ordinal number for reinstallation. Provide front section with (2) two open shelves. Provide bottom and intermediate shelf of 14 ga, S/S. Turn down hem, and weld comers. Provide center inverted 12 ga. Hat channel to intermediate shelf at supports. Fabricator to provide shop drawings for approval by consultant. Bi02 \ilall Shelves Lot Fumish one (1) lot of (2) two custom fabricated wall shelves sized as shown in drawings and per Standard Detail SD-021, SD-022. a) Provide lighting under all shelves. Veri$ connections and mounting heights on cD-801. b) Provide (2) Two sets of 36" long Toppo imbedded ticket rails. Fabricate per CD- B0l. c) Lrstall only after consultation with MSN-RCD or chef as to proper height. d) Fabricator to provide shop drawings for approval by consultant. 803 REMoTE-refriqerated work counter One required Fumish one (1) each custom built remote refrigerated work counter sized as shown in drawings and per Detail CD-803. Provide the following as part of this item: a) Provide 14 ga stainless steel countertop, reinforced for heavy countertop equipment. Radius welds l/2". Top to turn down 1 l/2" onall sides and retum 180o to seal tight to the cabinet apron per Standard Detail SD-002. b) Unit to be enclosed on all sides in 18ga s/s with sealed flat bottom for mounting on curb. c) Provide built-in 14 ga. s/s fully welded 10" deep sink conforming to Standard Detail SD-013 for glass filling with one (1) glass filling faucet item B03. d) Unit to be fumished with evaporator coils, thermostatic expansion valves, thermostats and surface mounted dial thermometers preinstalled at the factory. Remote to refrigeration rack Item L04. e) Provide door and comparfrnent construction per SD-014. f) Provide (1) one 2 door refrigerated comparbnent sized as shown in drawings to accommodate full-sized sheet pans on removable pan slide frames. Pan slides to be mounted on 3" centers. All cabinet pan slides are to be etched with Item Number and ordinal number for reinstallation. g) Provide one (1) open-front section with two (2) pull out S/S shelves. Shelves mounted on S/S 2001b. capacity slides each provided with 2" tum-up sides and back. Item #B05 heated shelves mounted / built-in as part of pull out shelf assemblies. Use coiled flex connection. Mount switch in apron below deck. h) Provide Built-in Bobrick C-fold 526 paper towel dispenser. Foodservice Specifications New Swiss Restaurant 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorsdo MSN-RCD Page: 5l o j) Provide trash enclosure below sink per standard details. Provide removable floor section for access to plumbing connections. k) Provide as part of this item a 40 lb. fully insulated ice bin, with insulated hinge back cover.' l) Fabricator to provide shop drawings for approval by consultant. B04 Glass filler One Required Furnish one (l) each Fisher 1117-WB glass filler complete per manufacturer's specifications. 805 lleated Shelf (flush mount Two Furnish two (2) each Hatco model GRSBF-24-I flush mounted heated shelves, complete per manufacturer's standard specifications. Unit to include the following: a) Units to be wired for 120160ll. b) Heated shelves to be provided to fabricator for installation in custom sliding shelf assemblies to be fabricated as part of item #B03. Wire units with coiled flex connection to rear of cabinet. Mount switch in front face apron. 806 Wall Shelves Furnish one (1) lot of (3) three custom fabricated wall shelves sized as shown in drawings and per Standard Detail SD-021, SD-022. a) Provide lighting under upper shelves. Verify connections and mounting heights on CD-801. b) Provide (1) one 24" long Toppo imbedded ticket rail. Fabricate per CD-B03. c) Install only after consultation with MSN-RCD or chef as to proper height. d) Fabricator to provide shop drawings for approval by consultant. 807 Ice Tea Brewer NItr(EC Owner's choice of vendor to furnish one (1) each Fetco TBS-21-2 iced tea brewer, complete per manufacturefs specifications and the following: a) Units to be wired for 120 volt single phase. b) Contractor to coordinate plug configuration with electrical trades. B08 Dual coffee grinder I\IIKEC Owner's choice of vendor to furnish one (l) each Fetco model GR-2 coffee grinder, complete per manufacturer's specifications and the following: a) Units to be wired for 120 volt single phase. b) Contractor to coordinate plug configuration with electrical trades. Foodservice Specifications Ne?,Sroiss Restaurant Lot MSN-RCD Page: 52 6/7/0s Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorado 809 Dual Coffee Brewer llII(EC owner's choice of vendor to fumish one (1) each Fetco model CBs 52H, complete per manufacturer's specifications, wired for 208 single phase operation. a) Provide with color-coded faucet handles. b) Supply four (a) each HS canisters as part of this item. B10 Glass Door Refer One required Furnish one (l) each Delfield SRR2-G, complete per manufacturer's standard specifications. Unit to include the following: a) Unit to be wired for 120/60/1. b) Half size hinged glass doors, two (2) per section and door swings per plan. c) Standard compliment of (3) shelves per _ size door section, (12) twelve total shelves required. Area C Numbers: C01 through C10 C01 REMoTE-refriserated chePs counter One required Furnish one (l) each custom built remote refrigerated chef s counter sized as shown in drawings and per Detail CD-C01. Provide the following as part of this item: a) Provide 14 ga stainless steel countertop, fully welded to stanchions and any collars or wells in countertop. Radius welds to l/2". Top to turn down knife- edge I l/2" on all sides and return 180" to seal tight to the cabinet apron. No bull-nosing. b) Unit to be enclosed on all sides in 18ga s/s with sealed flat bottom for mounting on mounting on curb. c) Unit to be fumished with required remote refrigeration system(s) for refrigerated compartment in accordance with NSF 7. Remote to refrigeration rack Item L04. d) Provide (2) hvo raised refrigerated rails with capacity for a two (2) 12" x 20" x 6" deep hotel pans placed horizontally. Provide three (3), per 12"x20" section, spacer bars for smaller pans. Provide (2) two duplex convenience outlets in front ofraised rail per details. e) Provide digital display's in apron as shown. f) Provide hinge-back and removable insulated cover for all refrigerated raised rails. g) Provide door and comparhnent construction per SD-014. h) Provide (2) two 2-door refrigerated compartrnent sized as shown in drawings to accommodate full-sized sheet pans on removable pan slide frames. Pan slides to Foodservice SpeciJications Nexl,tlrrss Restaurant MSN-RCD Page: 53 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorado be mounted on 3" centers. All cabinet pan slides are to be etched with Item Number and ordinal number for reinstallation.j) Provide (1) one l-door freezer comparhnent sized as shown in drawings to accommodate full-sized sheet pans on removable pan slide frames. Pan slides to be mounted on 3" centers. All cabinet pan slides are to be etched with Item Number and ordinal number for reinstallation. k) Provide openings for item C0la and C0lb. l) Provide removable S/S access panel for access to plumbing/electrical connections. m)Provide dual sliding door sections, cabinet accessible on front side, with heated plate holding cabinets, sliding door and interior intermediate and removable bottom perforated shelves. (2) Two full length heat tape wires per shelf. Wired to remote rheostatic control switch. Cabinets to maintain 140oF continuous operational temperature. n) Mount double S/S overshelves as shown on counter, fully welded and radiused to the deck. Support with 14ga stainless steel fully enclosed sides channels. p) Provide dropped stainless steel housing construction for heat lamps as shown in CD-COI. q) Provide (8) eight 36" long Toppo imbedded ticket rail. Fabricate per CD-C01. r) Provide one S/S angled pan holder for (4) four 1/9th size pans. s) Provide (3) three CHG recessed light fixtures under bottom shelf per CD-C01. t) Provide outlets and POS connection in overshelves. u) Provide trash enclosure below item C01b. Provide removable floor section for access to plumbing connections. v) Fabricator to provide shop drawings for approval by consultant. C01a Pantry Faucet One Required Fumish one (l) each Component Hardware Group model K64-9002 panty faucet complete per manufacturer's specifications and the following: a) Single hot water deck mounted faucet fill faucet for installation into counter Item c0l. COLb Drop-in Well One required Furnish one (1) each Wells model BMW-206RTD Dropin well, complete per manufacturer' s specifications. a) Unit to be shipped to fabricator for installation in custom counter item COl. C02 Ceramic Heat Lamps Three required Fumish three (3) each Hatco heat lamps model UGAH-L-36D ceramic heat lamp. Complete per manufacturer's specifications. Unit to include the following: Foodserttice Specifications New Swiss Restaurant MSN-RCD Page: 54 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorado o a) Optional translucent gloss finish veriff color with architect/interior designer. b) Built-in incandescent light fixture. c) Mount unit per details below upper shelf of item C01. C03 Hood One required Furnish one (l) each Gemini model WCBD-CR1501205130,IIl-listed exhaust hood, complete per manufacturer's specifications with duct connection sizes, CFM, static pressure and electrical requirements as noted on plan. Unit to include the following: a) Final length of hood shall be verified with building "for construction" plans before release for fabrication. b) Hood shall be all stainless steel construction. c) Hoods to be 30" high. d) Hood to be installed at 7'0" above finished floor for maximum efficiency. e) Hood to be U.L. listed. f) Hoods to be continuous capture wherever possible. g) Hood to be pre-plumbed at the factory for Ansul connections. h) Hood to be provided with recessed incandescent light fixtures. i) Unit to be wired 120/60 single phase.j) Foodservice equipment contractor to provide all required 20 Ga. s/s filler panels and trim pieces to enclose to ceiling on all sides. k) Provide flanged duct collars. l) 3" air space atrear and right side. m)Foodservice equipment contractor to provide final shop drawings for hood and enclosure for review bv consultant. C04 Salamander Tbo Required Furnish one (2) each Jade Model JSB-36RM salamander, complete per manufacturer's specifi cations and the following: a) Mount to item C09 overshelf and as part of custom Jade Range suite (Jade Drawing 05093.) b) All stainless steel finishes. c) Gas inter-plumbed from item C09. C05 24" Char-Grill One required Furnish one (1) each Jade Model JTRMB-24 range match charbroiler, complete per manufacturer's specifications. Unit to include: a) Provide as part of custom Jade Range suite (Jade Drawing 05093.) See item C09. Gas inter-plumbed through common front rail b) Provide double service over shelf model DTS-24. Foodservice Specifications New Swiss Restaurant MSN-RCD Page: 55 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorado c) d) e) 0 Provide l" rear gas connection. Provide units with sealed bottom for mounting on curb. Gas pressure regulator. All stainless steel finishes. C06 Lowered 35Kbtu Burners One Required Furnish one (l) each Jade Model JTRH-2(MOD) lowered 2-bumer range, complete per manufacturer's specifications and the following: a) Provide all stainless steel construction and as an integral part of item C09 range suite (Jade Drawing 05093.) Lowered to top height of 24" AFF. b) Provide double service over shelf model DTS-18. c) Provide 3l4" rear gas connection. d) Provide units with sealed bottom for mounting on curb. e) Gas pressure regulator. C07 18'n Griddle Section One Required Fumish one (l) each Jade Model JTRH-I8GT 18" griddle section, complete per manufacturer's specifications and the followiirg: a) Provide all stainless steel construction and as an integral part of item C09 range suite (Jade Drawing 05093.) b) Provide double service over shelf model DTS-18. c) Provide 314" rear gas connection and front gas connection to adjacent item C08. d) Provide units with sealed bottom for mounting on curb. e) Gas pressure regulator. C08 Fryer One required Fumish one (l) each Jade model JTFF-40-18 fryer, complete per manufacturer's specifications and the following: a) Provide all stainless steel construction and as an integral part of item C09 range suite (Jade Drawing 05093.) b) Provide units with sealed bottom for mounting on curb. c) Two (2) eachtwin size baskets, filter ready set-up. e) Gas from adjacent item #C07. C09 6-Burner Range Two Required Furnish two (2) each Jade Model JTRH-6-36 6-burner range, complete per manufacturer's specifications and the following: a) Provide all stainless steel construction and as an integral part of custom nmge suite (Jade Drawing 05093.) b) Unit to be configured for natural ga^s and shall be field calibrated by factory Foodservice Specifications New Swiss Restaurant MSN-RCD Page: 56 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resort, Yail, Colorado authorized personnel upon installation. c) Provide cap and cover for front gas manifolds. d) Provide flue riser overshelf for mounting item C04. e) Provide units with sealed bottom for mounting on curb. f) Range suite to include all assemblies and parts as listed in Jade shop drawing as stamped and approved by consultant. g) Units to be S/S leg mounted. All utilities to be reconfirmed with approved Jade shop drawings prior to field installation. h) Unit to be configured for natural gas and shall be field calibrated by factory authorized personnel upon installation.j) Item C04, C05, C06, C07, C08 and C09 to be provided as a integral part of range suite assembly(Jade Drawing 05093.) k) Jade to provide shop drawings for approval by consultant. C10 Filler faucet One required Fumish one (1) each T&S Brass Model 8-0592 hinged filler fauce! wall - mount complete per manufacturer's specifi cations. Area D Numbers: DOl throush D09 D01 Ifand Sink One required Furnish one (1) each Advance-Tabco model 7-PS-99 hand sinh complete per manufacturer's standard specifi cations. a) Provide Bonnet valve (K-01). D02 Clean Landing One required Provide one (1) each custom dish-table sized as shown in drawings and Custom Detail Sheet CD-D02. a) Top to be 14ga s/s with 3" turn up terminating in I 1/2" bull-nose, per Standard Detail sheets SD-005. Bull-nose to tum down 180o. b) Leg mount channels to be stud bolted to underside of top to accommodate s/s welded gusset plates. c) Legs to be I 5/8" 16 Ga. s/s tubular type reinforced with fully welded cross- braces and with CHG Model AYE type or better heavy duty feet with 3" adjustrnent. d) Table to slope l/8" per foot to low point at dish machine. e) Veriff required formation and shape of connecting end with dishwasher Item Foodservice Specifications New Swiss Restaurant 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorado MSN-RCD Page: 57 0 s) D06. Provide all necessary attachments for mounting. f) Provide two (2) open-front sections for glass racks. Provide fixed slides on 12" centers. g) Fabricator to provide shop drawings for approval by consultant. D03 Soiled dish landins One required Provide one (1) each custom fabricated soiled dish landing sized as shown in drawings and per standard details for fabrication and Custom Detail Sheet CD-D03. a) Soiled landing to slope towards scrapper and dishwasher. b) Turn up all exterior edges in 3" turn up terrninating in a 180' bull-nose turn- down, except at walls. c) Provide 8" splash at wall with 45o top angled back to wall and 1" turn down to wall and back to wall by l" at exposed ends. d) Top to tum up to marine-edged deck and return for tray landing. e) Leg mount channels to be stud bolted to underside of top to accommodate s/s welded gusset plates. Legs to be I 5/8" 16 Ga. s/s tubular type reinforced with fully welded cross-braces and with CHG Model AYE type or better heavy duty feet with 3" adjustment. Provide one (1) sections ofglass rack slides. Provide fixed slides on 12" centers. Provide one (1) each custom fabricated overhead mushroom glass rack, sized as shown in drawings mounted to wall and to deck via | 5/8" tubular stainless steel legs, fully welded to deck wifh l/2" radiused & polished welds. h) Provide double bar rest for double sided use.j) Mount wall side to wall with Z-clips. k) End to terminate at Dishwasher. Verifr all requirements for connection with Hobart specifications for Item D06. Provide all necessary attachments for mounting. l) Provide collar for Salvajor scrapping system. m)Provide mounting bracket for Salvajor control panel. n) Provide scupper before dish machine as per standard details. p) Fabricator to provide shop drawings for approval by consultant. D04 Rack wall shelf One required Fumish one (1) custom fabricated rack wall shelf as shown in drawings, per Standard Details and Custom Detail Sheet CD-D02. D05 Food Waste Scraper & Control Panel One Required Furnish one (1) each Salvajor model S914 & SS-33, complete per manufacturer's specifications and the following: a) Unit to be wired for 208V/3PH operation. Foodservice Specifications New Swiss Restaurant MSN-RCD Page: 58 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorado b) Provide mounting bracket for control panel. D06 Dishwasher One required Fumish one (l) each Hobart model AM Select complete per manufacturey's standard specifications. Item to include: a) Unit to be supplied with built-in Sensa-temp elecfric booster heater and all required connections and options for operation. b) Left to right modified corner operation, per plan. c) Provide pre-wired electric booster wired for 208 volt 60h2, 3 phase operation. d) Provide stainless steel pumps and impeller. e) Unit to be wired for 208 volt 60h2, 3 phase operation. f) Provide all required connections to and from dishtables. g) Provide water pressure reducing valve and hammer arestor. h) End of cycle audible alarm.j) Provide factory authorized start-up and demonstration. D07 Floor Troush One required Fumish one (l) each custom fabricated stainless steel floor trough and grate, sized as shown on drawings and in Standard Detail Sheet SD-009. a) Chemgrate top is allowable instead of steel fabricated grate if permitted by local code. b) Fabricator to provide shop drawings for approval by consultant. D08 Hose Reel &valves 0ne Fumish one (l) each Fisher model 2985 with l80l control box, complete per manufacturer' s specifi cations. a) Provide control cabinet and all required vacuum-breakers. b) Flush-mount controls at noted height and hose reel either above or adjacenf per ceiling height. D09 Vapor hood One required Fumish one (l) Gemini model VH150424230 custom-built vapor hood sized as shown in drawings and per Standard Detail SD-007. a) Final length of hood shall be verified with building "for consfuction" plans before release for fabrication. b) Hood shall be all stainless steel construction. c) Foodservice equipment contractor to provide all required 20 Ga. s/s filler panels and trim pieces to enclose to ceiling on all sides. d) Foodservice equipment contractor to provide shop drawings for hood and enclosure for review by consultant. Foodservice Specifications Naa ^$pl'ss Restaurant MSN-RCD Page: 59 6/7/0s Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorado Area E Numbers: E01 through E05 EOl REMOTE-refer/freezer counter One required Furnish one (1) each custom built remote refrigerated chef s counter sized as shown in drawings and per Detail CD-E01. Provide the following as part of this item: a) Provide 14 ga stainless steel countertop, fully welded to stanchions and any collars or wells in countertop. Radius welds to l/2". Top to turn down knife- edge 1 ll2" on all sides and return 180" to seal tight to the cabinet apron. No bull-nosing. b) Unit to be enclosed on all sides in 18ga s/s with sealed flat bottom for mounting on mounting on curb. c) Provide built-in 14 ga s/s fully welded 10" deep sink. Provide CHG. Inc. K6l- 8001 faucet dK50-0001 handles. d) Unit to be furnished with required remote refrigeration system(s) for refrigerated comparhnent in accordance with NSF 7. Remote to refrigeration rack specified by others. d) Provide (1) one raised refrigerated rails with capacity for a two (2) 12" x20" x 6" deep hotel pans placed horizontally. Provide three (3), per 12"x20" section, spacer bars for smaller pans. Provide (2) two duplex convenience outlets in front of raised rail per details. e) Provide digital display's in apron as shown. f) Provide hinge-back and removable insulated cover for all refrigerated raised rails. g) Provide door and comparfrnent construction per SD-014. h) Provide (1) one 3-door refrigerated comparfrnent sized as shown in drawings to accommodate full-sized sheet pans on removable pan slide frames. Pan slides to be mounted on 3" centers. All cabinet pan slides are to be etched with Item Number and ordinal number for reinstallation.j) Provide (l) one l-door freezer compartment sized as shown in drawings to accommodate full-sized sheet pans on removable pan slide frames. Pan slides to be mounted on 3" centers. All cabinet pan slides are to be etched with Item Number and ordinal number for reinstallation. k) Provide openings for item 801a, E03 and E05. l) Provide removable S/S access panel for access to plumbing/electrical connections. m)Provide front section with (2) two open shelves. Provide bottom and intermediate shelf of 14 ga. S/S. Turn down hem, and weld comers. Provide center inverted 12 ga- Hat channel to intermediate shelf at supports. n) Mount one (1) Double S/S overshelf as shown on counter, fully welded and radiused to the deck. Support with 14ga stainless steel fully enclosed sides channels. Foodservice Specifications New &viss Restaurant 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorado MSN-RCD Page: 60 o p) Provide (4) four 24" longToppo imbedded ticket rail. Fabricate per CD-C01. q) Provide one S/S angled pan holder for ( ) four 1/9th size pans. r) Provide outlets and POS connection in overshelves. s) Provide trash enclosure below. Provide removable floor section for access to plumbing connections. t) Provide (2) two CHG recessed light fixtures under bottom shelf, per CD-E01. u) Provide outlets and POS connection in overshelves. v) Fabricator to provide shop drawings for approval by consultant. E01a Dipper Well One required Furnish one (1) each Fisher dipper well assembly model 3041 with fill faucet, overflow and drain stem, complete per manufacturey's specifications. E02 \Mall Shelves Lot required Fumish one (1) lot of (6) six custom fabricated wall shelves sized as shown in drawings and per Standard Detail SD-021, SD-022. a) Provide lighting under all shelves. Verifu connections and mounting heights on cD-E02. b) Provide (4) Four sets of 24" long Toppo imbedded ticket rails. Fabricate per CD- E02. Install only after consultation with MSN-RCD or chef as to proper height. Fabricator to provide shop drawings for approval by consultant. E03 Built-in Induction Warmers One required Furnish one (l) each Cooktek Model MCD-2502F built-in induction wanner, complete per manufacturer's standard specifications. a) Unit to be shipped to fabricator for installation in custom counter item E0l. E04 Slicer One required Fumish one (l) each Hobart model The Edge wired for 120/60/1, complete per manufacturer's standard specifi cations. E05 Drop-in. Freezer/Ice Cream One required Furnish one (1) each Atlas Metal Industries model WDF-2, self-contained ice cream cabinet, complete per manufacturer's standard specifications. a) Ship unit to fabricator for installation in custom counter item EOl. b) Provide cut out to accept box in countertop; radius top up l/2" to marry to bottom of aluminum top frame. Foodservice Specifications New Swiss Restaurant MSN-RCD Page: 61 c) d) 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorado IMPORTANT! orient box so compressor housing and controls face louvered ventilation panel as shown in CD-E01. Area G Numbers: G01 through G27 GOl S Lot uired Furnish one (l) Lot Intennetro Model Metro MaxQ shelving, complete per manufacturer's standard specifications. Unit to include the following: a) Provide one (l) set of 24"x48" complete with four (4) shelves and (a) 74" hidh posts with four (a) casters, two (2) locking. b) Provide three (3) sets bf 18"x72" each set complete with four (4) shelves and (a) 74" hrdn posts with four (4) casters, two (2) locking. c) Provide one (1) set of 18"x60" complete with four (4) shelves and (a) 74" hrdh posts with four (4) casters, two (2) locking. G02 REMOTE Glass _ Door Refrigerator One required Furnish one (1) each Traulsen REMOTE Model RHT-232N-HHG two door refrigerator, complete per manufacturer's standard specifications and the following: a) Refrigeration to be provided to each unit from remote refrigeration rack system item L04. G03 18" Wall Hooks For Tools Four reouired Fumish four (a) each custom built wall hooks for tools sized as shown in drawings and per Detail CD-G03. Provide the following as part of this item: a) lnstaller to veriff mounting height with consultant and chef before installation. b) Fabricator to provide shop drawings for approval by consultant. G04 Mixer Stand One required Fumish one (1) each Hobart model 205024-l mixer stand, complete per manufacturer's specifi cations and the following: a) Provide optional heavy-duty casters (PN205028.) G05 20 qt. Mixer One required Fumish one (1) each Hobart model .4.200 Legacy wired for 208/60/1, complete per manufacturer's standard specifi cations. Foodservice Specifications New Swiss Restaurant 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorado MSN-RCD Page: 62 a) b) c) Provide one (1) exha stainless steel bowl. Provide pastry cutter paddle sized to this model. Provide bowl scraper attachment. G06 REMOTE Glass Door Refriserator One required Furnish one (l) each Traulsen REMOTE Model RHT-232N-HHG two door refrigerator, complete per manufacturer's standard specifications and the following: a) Refrigeration to be provided to each unit from remote refrigeration rack system item L04. G07 Prep Table dSinks One required Fumish one (1) each custom stainless steel prep table, sized as shown on drawings and in accordance with standard details. a) Top to be 14 ga s/s with straight turn-down edge on front and sides. Table to have 6" splash on rear. b) Undershelf to be 16 ga s/s; turn up rear. c) Leg mount channels to be stud bolted to underside of top to accommodate s/s welded gusset plates. d) Provide two each 14" deep sinks wi& dropped rim edge per SD-021. Provide two Q) eachPVC I'thick cutting boards sized to the rim edge. e) Legs to be I 5/8' 16 Ga. s/s tubular type reinforced with fully welded cross- braces and with CHG Model AYE type or better heavy duty feet with 3" adjustnent. e) Drain assemblies (CHG Inc. DDS-8000) per standard specifications. f) Fabricator to provide shop drawings for approval by consultant. G08 Wall Shelving T$o required Fumish two (2) each shelf custom fabricated wall shelving sized as shown in drawings and per Standard Detail SD-021, SD-022. a) Provide lighting under all shelves. Verifu connections and mounting heights on cD-G01. b) Install only after consultation with MSN-RCD or chef as to proper height. G09 Faucet 12"One uired Fumish one (l)T&S Brass 8-0231 faucet with 12" spigot, complete per manufacturer's standard specifications. G10 Work Table One required Fumish one (1) each custom stainless steel table, sized as shown on drawings and per standard details. Foodservice Specifications Nw Swiss Restaurant MSN-RCD Page: 63 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorado b) c) a) Top to be 14 ga s/s with marine edge on front. Table to have 8" splash on rear, left and right sides. Splash to tum down in rear to deck Undershelf to be 16 ga s/s; tum up rear, left and right sides. Leg mount channels to be stud bolted to underside of top to accommodate s/s welded gusset plates. d) Legs to be I 5/8" 16 Ga. s/s tubular type reinforced with fully welded cross- braces and with CHG Model AYE type or better heavy duty feet with 3" adjustrnent. e) Fabricator to provide shop drawings for approval by consultant. Gll Wall shelf One required Fumish one (l) each model PS-18-90 custom length Advance Tabco wall shelt, complete per manufacturer's specifications. a) KEC to install undershelf lights per Standard details. b) Mount shelf only after consultation with chef and/or consultant. Gtz Hand Sink One required Furnish one (1) each Advance-Tabco model 7-PS-99 hand sink, complete per manufacturer's standard specifications. a) Provide Bonnet valve (K-01). G13 Pot Wash Sinks One required Fumish one (1) each Advance Tabco three comparhnent sinks model 94-83-60- lSRL-Custom, complete per manufacturels specifications and the following: a) Provide unit with double faucet holes. b) Sinks to be 15" deep. c) Provide splash to 9" at wall with 45o top angled back to wall and 1" turn down to wall and back to wall by l" at exposed ends. Pre-drill for flange mounted faucets in splash. Coordinate and adjust splash height with pass-thru shelflframe. d) Leg mount channels to be stud bolted to underside of sinks to accommodate Vs welded gusset plates. e) Legs to be 1 5/8" 16 Ga. s/s tubular type with CHG Model AYE type or better heavy-duty feet with 3" adjustment. f) Drains to be provided to be twist type CHG DSS-8000 with overflow assembly. G14 Wall shelf One required Fumish one (l) each model PS-18-102 custom length Advance Tabco wall shelf, complete per manufacturer's specifi cations. a) KEC to install undershelf lights per Standard details. Foodservice Specifications New Swiss Restaurant MSN-RCD Page: 64 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorado G15 Faucet 12" Spiqot TVo required Furnish two (2)T&S Brass 8-0231 faucet with 12' spigot, complete per manufacturer's standard specifi cations. G16 Floor Trouqh One reouired Furnish one (l) each custom fabricated stainless steel floor trough and grate, sized as shown on drawings and in Standard Detail Sheet SD-009. a) Chemgrate top is allowable instead of steel fabricated grate if permitted by local code. b) Fabricator to provide shop drawings for approval by consultant. G17 Ice Bin One required Fumish one (1) Hoshizaki model B-800SD insulated bin, complete per manufacturer's specifications with the following modifications: a) Provide complete kit for top mounted ice machine install. b) Veri$ final field dimensions prior to installation. c) Provide flanged legs. G18 Water-Cooled Ice Cuber Two required Furnish rwo (2) each Hoshizaki model KM 1300 SWF water-cooled ice cuber, complete per manufacturer's specifications and the following: a) Unit to be wired for 208/60 single phase operation. b) Unit to be half-cube model. c) Provide all supports, and cutout kits for proper and complete installation. G19 Water filter with alarm One required Fumish one (1) each Everpure model 9437-ll water filtration system, wired for 120/60/1, complete per manufacturer's specifications and the following: a) Mount unit as shown on drawings. Veri$ mounting height and connections before installation. b) Provide all required mounting and connection parts. c) Flush all lines before mounting. d) Provide as paxt of this item, two replacement filters for each filter supplied as part of model number. e) Plumbing contractor to branch water from filter to (equipment) ice cubers, brewers and appliance fill faucets, etc. as detailed on FS1.2. G20 Fire Suppression System One required Fumish one (l) each Ansul model R102, complete per manufacturer's standard specifications and per manufacture requirements for application on this job. Foodservice Specifications New Swiss Restaurant MSN-RCD Page: 65 6/7/05 Sonnmalp Resort, Yail, Colorado a) Provide shop drawings for approval to MSN-RCD. b) System(s) shall provide surface plenum and duct protection for the items of cooking equipment located below hoods C03. c) Provide conceale4 factory installed piping, only vertical drops where ever possible. All drops to chromed with no exposed threads. d) Inter-wire with shunt-trip breaker and mechanical shut-off valve per all applicable local codes. e) Location shown on drawings is suggested only. Installer to veriS required distances and placement of tanks and inform all trades as to revised utility connections if required. f) Locate pull station or stations as required. G21 Walk-in cooler/freezer One required Fumish one (l) each RMI Inc. custom refrigeration complex per plans with all labor, material, equipment, and tools required for the complete installation of modular foamed panel pre-fabricated cold storage rooms of size and shape as shown on plan and specified herein and in full compliance with NSF-7 1997. Size and shape per plan and field verified conditions. a) Exterior ceiling height shall be 9'6". Verify all existing conditions for installation before confirming frnal height. b) Provide in-wall conduit drops and flush-mount j-box connections for electrician's connection and wiring to convenience outlets.. c) Carefully check dimensions of areas and notiff MSN-RCD of any discrepancies prior to fabrication of unit. Refer to sheet FSl.l for installation notes, etc. d) Installation to be provided by the manufacturer: WORI( INCLUDED Wall, corner, floor (if applicable) and ceiling panels, door assemblies, light switches and light fixtures, digital thermometer/alarm, utility penetrations, escutcheon plates, drain line bumper, finish trim, interior floor insulation, and interior wall protection. MATERIALS a) Insulation: Insulation to be 4 inch thick foamed in place polyurethane foam. b) Insulation to be Class I with flame spread rating not to exceed 25. Thermal conductivity (K-factor) not to exceed 0.1 4lBTU lfu lsq./ft/F. c) Urethane Foam Insulation: Rigid HCFC filled, over 90 percent closed cell content, nominal density of 2.2 pounds per cubic foot +O.l CF -0. Dimensional Stability - No change from -20 degrees F to +160 degrees F. Sheet aluminum - ASTM 8209, Alloy 5052H34. Stainless steel sheet ASTM A167, Type 304, No. 4 finish. d) e) 0 Foodservice Specifications lfelry,Slolss Restaurant MSN-RCD Page: 66 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorado s) h) i) k) l) Galvanized steel sheet ASTM 4525, G90. Silicone sealant - FDA approved sealant; GE 1200 or other approved. Foil laminated Kraft paper - 0.01 perm per ASTM E96, Fonifier "Poly Foil Barrier", or other approved. PVC Membrane - 0.01 perm per ASTM E96 or less. Asphalt emulsion - ASTM Dl l87 clay type. FABRICATION AIYD MANI IFACTT'RER Panel fabrications: Wall and ceiling panels shall be modular sandwich panel designed with stressed sheet metal facing and 4" thick foamed in place urethane insulation. Lateral alignment of adjoining panels shall be provided by continuous spline and groove ofpanel edges. Panels shall be rigidly coupled by cam action locks, maximum .4'-0", on-center. Section lock port openings shall be finished with snap- in buttons. Maximum deflection of ceiling panels shall not exceed l/240th of tile span under a load of20 pounds per square foot. Panel Fascia: Interior face of ceiling panels shall be clad with .032 stucco embossed aluminum white baked enamel. Interior face of wall panels shall be clad wiflr .032 stucco embossed aluminum white baked enamel. Roof panel spans exceeding l2'-0" shall be additionally supported by overhead suspension system, consisting of beam clamps, hanger rods, angles, fasteners and panel connectors as furnished by manufacturer. Provide detailed drawings indicating method of support. FLOOR DEPRESSION AT FREEZERS Insulated Floor below freezer section: Sub-floor membrane shall consist of asphalt emulsion applied to clean smooth concrete sub-floor. Cover with foil coated Kraft waterproof paper, Fortifiber "Poly Foil Banier" or equal (0.01 Perm as determined by ASTM - E96-80) extending under wall panels. Joints shall be overlapped a minimum of 6". Freezer floor shall be insulated with foam board urethane insulation. Joints shall be staggered or splined. Floor insulation shall be installed during erection of wall panels. Total thickness of freezer floor insulation in two layers shall be 4" thiclg Vapor permeable separation of organic 15 pound felt protective slip sheet for applying over insulation with joints overlapped a minimum of 6" and flashed up height of base. Foodservice Specfications New Swiss Restaurant 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorado MSN-RCD Page: 67 Vapor Permeable Separation: 15 pound felt, protective slip sheet shall be applied over insulation, flashed up height of cove and joints lapped 6 inches minimum. Finished floor of kitchen shall ramp up approximately l/2 to 3/4 inches into prefabricated freezer section. Interior finish floor and 6' high integral cove to match kitchen and is provided by flooring contractor as part of GC contract. All finished flooring into cooler/freezer boxes to be completed after wall and insulated floor panel installation by KEC. FLOORLESS ON.GRADE COOLER ROOMS Provide for non-insulated floorless assembly on level smooth, broom clean floor. Wall panels are secured to floor by grooving over concealed galvanized steel floor screed/ traclg mechanically fastened to floor. Provide for caulked joint betrveen floor and wall panel using silicone sealant on both interior and exterior side. Finished floor of kitchen shall ramp up approximately I/2 to 3/4 inches into prefabricated cooler sections. Interior finish floor and 6" high integral cove to match kitchen and is provided by flooring conhactor as parr of GC contract. All finished flooring into cooler/freezer boxes to be completed after wall and insulated floor panel installation by KEC. REFRIGERATOR AND FREEZER DOORS (DEADBOLT) Door width in clear (WIC) and height in clear (tilC) opening size shall be 3'wide by 7'high, or sized as shown on drawing. Verifr if tile cut doors are required with finished floor material in kitchen. Door shall be insulated with 3 inches thick core of same insulating material specified for wall panels. The ambient side of freezer door perimeter and door jamb, including threshold, shall be provided with 120 volt, 500 watt heating elemen! including thermostat control, factory wired to "GS" splice box, located above door at interior face of wall panel. Front, back and edges of doors shall be clad with 2O-gauge stainless steel. Sheet metal joints of doors and door frames shall be heliarc welded, ground smooth and polished. Door casing shall be raised 3/4 nch and 4 inches wide, at sides and head, clad with 18-gauge sheet metal, matching door face. Foodservice Speci/ications New Swiss Restaurant MSN-RCD Page: 68 6/7/0s Sonnenalp Resort, Vqil, Colorado The anbient side of cooler and fueezer doors perimeter and frame, including threshold shall each be provided with dual 120 volt, 240 watt each, electric resistance heating elements, including thermostatic controls, factory wired to "GS" splice box located above door at interior face of wall panel. The threshold shall be removable l/8" thick stainless steel plate. Provide 15 inch by 20 inch, tempered hermetically sealed triple pane glass vision panel in prefabricated refrigerator and freezer door. Cooler and freezer door vision panel shall be furnished with electrically conducting, ffansparent tin coating on interior face of ambient pane connected to main door circuit. Each door shall have interior/exterior kick-plates of 3/16" aluminum tread-plate and shall be 3 feet high and full width of door. Three hinges, each door, shall be nylon cam stainless steel pin, zinc die cast, polished chrome finish. Provide locking bars. Lock shall be mortise deadlock, including inside release, with bronze or stainless steel components. Exposed surfaces to be chrome plated. Cylinders shall be keyed differently and master keyed. Door pull shall be high-pressure die cast zinc highly polished chrome plated. Norton 7500 hydraulic rack and pinion door closer shall have automatic hold open. Finish shall be three-coat aluminum with lacquer final coat. Gasket shall be extruded polyvinyl chloride with corners vulcanized and continuous magnetic core at side and head of door jamb. Sill wiper shall be extruded neoprene secured by removable stainless steel retainer strip and stainless steel fasteners. Hardware shall be mounted with reinforced steel tapping plates and stainless steel security machine screws. Interior door cart bumper bar shall be l/4" X 2" aluminum bar, 3'0" A.F.F. Interior door jamb guards of 3/16" aluminum tread plate 48' high. Foodservice Specifications New $viss Restaurant MSN-RCD Page: 69 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorado All door openings to ambient temperature to have a stainless steel locking bar with provision for padlock by others. LIGHT FDffURES A}{D SWTTCIIES Quantity of light fixture shall be as indicated on the Food Service Equipment Electrical Plan. Fixtures shall be Luminaire incandescent light fixtures #LYPl2l2, or equal, cast aluminum, fully enclosed and gasketed for vapor-tighf weather-tight operation, with shatterproof diffuser and furnished with two 100-watt lamps and one l0-watt lamp. Provide vapor tight cast junction box and galvanized steel nipple of proper length to terminate at exterior of roof panel. Factory install and wire interior and exterior companion 3-way and/or 4-way AC press-switches, where indicated, mounted in "FS" boxes adjacent to latch side of door openings. Switch covers shall be neoprene, weatherproof press-switch plates or equal. Provide pilot light with unbreakable red plastic lens embedded in neoprene plate: l. Interior red light - constant burning 2. Exterior red light - indicating Rigid zinc coated steel conduit and wiring shall be run within insulated wall panel. Conduit shall be terminated in vapor tight splice box mounted on inside wall of compartrnent near ceiling. NOTE: only conduit and wiring within wall panel, including boxes, Light fixture, switches and cover plates, shall be furnished as part of this contract. DIGITAL TMRMOMETER AND ALARM Thermometer and alarm shall consist of computer, silence button, trouble light, digital read out and stainless steel cover. The thermometer shall be flush-mounted with stainless steel cover plate, mounted adjacent to the door pre-wired with rigid conduit and wiring run within the wall panel using'FS' recessed box on the exterior and terminated in a "GS" splice box mounted on the interior near the ceiling. Provide a I l/4" hole in the ceiling panel with loose escutcheon through which the General Contractor shall make the final connection. o 6/7/0s Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorado Foodservice SpeciJications New bviss Restaurant MSN-RCD Page: 70 o Panel mount digital thermometer shall be provided for each unit. System shall be manufactured by Modularm Model 75. Furnish with sensor bulb mounted in the refum air steam. PRESSIIRE RELIEF VENT Factory mount in head section, electrically heated vacuun pressure relief vent above each freezer door. COIL SUPPORTS Fumish to the mechanical refrigeration contractor suffrcient quantity of l/2-inch diameter nylon threaded rods with stainless steel nuts and washers to accommodate support of refrigeration coils. UTILITY PEI\ETRATIONS Each trade to provide penetrations at refrigerator and freezer wall and ceiling panels to accommodate electrical, refrigeration lines and drain lines. nbcurcnnoN pr,arns Fumish sufficient quantity of S-inch diameter stainless steel escutcheon plates for each trade to dress off utility penetrations. Each frade shall be responsible for cutting hole in blanks and sealing of respective penetrations. FII\TISH TRIM Tolerance gaps between face of cold room walls and building walls shall be finished with matching sheet metal angles furnished and installed by the Contractor. CLOSURE PAI\TELS Space between suspended ceiling and top of refrigerator shall be enclosed with matching sheet metal panels designed for easy removal to facilitate access to crawl space (dimensions permitting) as furnished by the Refrigerator Contractor. WAINSCOT OF ALTTMINT]M TREAD.PLATE Apply 48'high,3/16" thick aluminum tread-plate, wainscot to all exposed exterior and interior walls of cold rooms with Henry's #117 panel adhesive and mechanically fastened with stainless steel truss head Philips #8/.314" screws 24" centers top and bottom. Tread-plate to be mounted above cove of floor. Inspect each aluminum tread plate panel for sharp edges or burrs. Remove or file off any or all protuberances. Foodservice Specifications New Swiss Restaurant 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorado MSN-RCD Page: 7I G22 Floor Troush One required Fumish one (1) each custom fabricated stainless steel floor trough and grate, sized as shown on drawings and in St€ndard Detail Sheet SD-009. c) Chemgrate top is allowable instead of steel fabricated grate if permitted by local code. d) Fabricator to provide shop drawings for approval by consultant. G23 Wire Shelving Lot required Furnish one (1) Lot ISS Model Stainless Steel shelving, complete per manufacturer's standard specifications. Unit to include the following: a) Provide one (1) set of 14"x30" complete with four (4) shelves and (a) 74" hrdn posts with four (4) casters, two (2) locking. b) Provide rwo (2) sets of I4"x48" each set complete with four (4) shelves and (a) 74" high posts with four (a) casters, two (2) locking. c) Provide one (1) set of 18'x60' complete with four (4) shelves and (a) 74" high posts with fow (4) casters, two (2) locking. G24 Roll-in Refer Rack Three required Fumish three (3) each Metro model RD13N roll-in refer rack, complete per manufactuer' s specifications. a) Provide Option A37, corner bumper guards. G25 Mop Hanser Two required Fumish two (2) each Advance Model K242 mop hangers, complete per manufacfirrer's specifi cations. G26 Service Faucet One required Fumish one (l) each T&S Brass Model80668-Pol polished brass service faucet, with wall bracket, complete per manufacturer's specifications. G27 Mop Sink NIKEC Fumished and installed by plumbing contractor as specified by plumbing engineer. Foodsemice Specifications Nqv Swiss Restaurant MSN.RCD Page: 72 6/7/0s Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorado Area L Numbers: L01 through L04 LOl Soda System I\IKEC Owners selected vendor to provide all required mountings, compressors, racks and piping to complete and connect a bag-in-the-box soda system. a) KEC to coordinate installation and all required systems. Installation location to be verified. b) Furnish two (2) each eight-channel soda guns Al l installed as shown in plans. c) Food service equipment contractor to verify PVC conduit requirements with vendor before general contractor's final installation of same. L02 Remote beer cooler One required Fumish one (1) each RMI Inc. custom remote beer cooler size per plans, installation location to be verified with all labor, material, equipment, and tools required for the complete installation of modular foamed panel pre-fabricated cold storage rooms of size and shape as shown on plan and specified herein and in full compliance with NSF-7 1997. a) Exterior ceiling height shall be verified with architect Verify all existing conditions for installation before confirming final height. b) Cooler with built-in integral floors, r{rmps at enfuance doors. c) Provide in-wall conduit drops and flush-mount j-box connections for electrician's connection and wiring to convenience outlets. d) Carefully check dimensions of areas and notify MSN-RCD of any discrepancies prior to fabrication of unit. e) Installation to be provided by the manufacturer: WORK INCLI]DEI) Wall, corner, floor and ceiling panels, door assemblies, light switches and light fixtures, digital thermometer/alarm, utility penetrations, escutcheon plates, drain line bumper, finish trim, interior floor insulation, and interior wall protection. MATERIALS a) Insulation: Insulation to be 4 inch thick foamed in place polyurethane foarn. b) Insulation to be Class I with flame spread rating not to exceed 25. Thermal conductivity (K-factor) not to exceed 0.1 4 {BT'|.J ltr lsq./ftiF. c) Urethane Foam Insulation: Rigid HCFC filled, over 90 percent closed cell content, nominal density of 2.2 pounds per cubic foot +O.l CF -0. Dimensional Stability - No change from -20 degrees F to +160 degrees F. Sheet aluminum - ASTM 8209, Alloy 50521134. Stainless steel sheet ASTM A167, Type 304, No.4 finish. d) e) 0 Foodservice Specifications Nqvtt &viss Restaurant 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorado MSN-RCD Page: 7j g) Galvanized steel sheet ASTM A525, G90. h) Silicone sealant - FDA approved sealant; GE 1200 or other approved. i) Foil laminated Kraft paper - 0.01 perm per ASTM E96, Fortifier "Poly Foil Balrier", or other approved.j) PVC Membrane - 0.01 perm per ASTM E96 or less. k) Asphalt emulsion - ASTM DI187 clay type FABRICATION AI\[D MANTIFACTIIRER Panel fabrications: Wall and ceiling panels shall be modular sandwich panel designed with stressed sheet metal facing and 4u thick foamed in place urethane insulation. Lateral alignment of adjoining panels shall be provided by continuous spline and groove ofpanel edges. Panels shall be rigidly coupled by cam action locks, maximum .4'-0", on-center. Section lock port openings shall be finished with snap- in buttons. Maximum deflection of ceiling panels shall not exceed l/240th of tile span under a load of20 pounds per square foot. Panel Fascia: Interior face of ceiling panels shall be clad with .032 stucco embossed aluminum white baked enamel. Interior face of wall panels shall be clad with.032 stucco embossed aluminum white baked enamel. Roof panel spans exceeding l2'-0' shall be additionally supported by overhead suspension system, consisting of beam clamps, hanger rods, angles, fasteners and panel connectors as fumished by manufacturer. Provide detailed drawings indicating method of support. Pre fabricated insulated Floor panels. Floor shall be insulated with foam board urethane insulation. Joints shall be staggered or splined. Floor insulation shall be installed after the erection of wall panels. REFRIGERATOR DOORS (DEADBOLT) Door width in clear (\UC) and height in clear (HIC) opening size shall be 6'wide by 7'high, or sized as shown on drawing. Provide RMI b!:parting door assembly. Door shall be insulated with 3 inches thick core of same insulating material specified for wall panels. The ambient side of freezer door perimeter and door jamb, including threshold, shall be provided with 120 volt, 500 watt heating element, including thermostat control, factory wired to "GS" splice box, located above door at interior face of wall panel. Foodservice Specifications New Swiss Restaurant MSN-RCD Page: 74 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorado Front back and edges ofdoors shall be clad with 20-gauge stainless steel. Sheet metal joints of doors and door frames shall be heliarc welded, ground smooth and polished. Door casing shall be raised 3/4 inch and 4 inches wide, at sides and head, clad with l8-gauge sheet metal, matching door face. The ambient side of cooler doors perimeter and frame, including threshold shall each be provided with dual 120 volt, 240 watt each, electric resistance heating elements, including thermostatic controls, factory wired to uGS" splice box located above door at interior face of wall panel. The threshold shall be removable l/8" thick stainless steel plate. Provide 15 inch by 20 inch, tempered hermetically sealed triple pane glass vision panel in prefabricated refrigerator and freezer door. Cooler and freezer door vision panel shall be furnished with electrically conducting, hansparent tin coating on interior face of ambient pane connected to main door circuit. Each door shall have interior/exterior kick-plates of 3/16" aluminum tread-plate and shall be 3 feet high and full width of door. Lock shall be mortise deadloclg including inside release, with bronze or stainless steel components. Exposed surfaces to be chrome plated. Cylinders shall be keyed differently and master keyed. Gasket shall be extruded polyvinyl chloride with corners vulcanized and continuous magnetic core at side and head of door jamb. Sill wiper shall be extnrded neoprene secured by removable stainless steel retainer strip and stainless steel fasteners. Interior door cart bumper bar shall be l/4" X 2" aluminum bar, 3'0" A.F.F. Interior door jamb guards of 3/16" aluminum tread plate 48' high. All door openings to ambient temperature to have a stainless steel locking bar with provision for padlock by others. LIGHT FD(TTJRES AI\{D SWTTCIIES Foodservice Speci/ications New Swiss Restaurant MSN-RCD Page: 75 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resort, Tail, Colorado Quantity of light fixture shall be as indicated on the Food Service Equipment Electrical Plan. Fixtrues shall be Luminaire incandescent light fixtures#LYPL212, or equal, cast aluminum, fully enclosed and gasketed for vapor-tight, weather-tight operation, with shatterproof diffirser and fumished with two 100-watt lamps and one lO-watt lamp. Provide vapor tight cast junction box and galvanized steel nipple of proper length to terminate at exterior of roof panel. Factory install and wire interior and exterior companion 3-way and/or 4-way AC press-switches, where indicated, mounted in "FS" boxes adjacent to latch side of door openings. Switch covers shall be neoprene, weatherproof press-switch plates or equal. Provide pilot light with unbreakable red plastic lens embedded in neoprene plate: l. Interior red light - constant burning 2. Exterior red light - indicating Rigid zinc coated steel conduit and wiring shall be run within insulated wall panel. Conduit shall be terminated in vapor tight splice box mounted on inside wall of comparhnent near ceiling. NOTE: only conduit and wiring within wall panel, including boxes, Light fixture, switches and cover plates, shall be furnished as part of this contract. DIGITAL TIMRMOMETER AI\D ALARM Thennometer and alarm shall consist of computer, silence button, trouble light, digital read out and stainless steel cover. The thermometer shall be flush-mounted with stainless steel cover plate, mounted adjacent to the door pre-wired with rigid conduit and wiring run within the wall panel using'FS'recessed box on the exterior and terminated in a "GS" splice box mounted on the interior near the ceiling. Provide a I l/4" hole in the ceiling panel with loose escutcheon through which the General Contactor shall make the final connection. Panel mount digital thermometer shall be provided for each unit. System shall be manufactured by Modularm Model 75. Furnish wit}r sensor bulb mounted in the return air stream. Foodservice Specifications New Swiss Restaurant 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorado MSN-RCD Page: 76 COIL SUPPORTS Fumish to the mechanical refrigeration contractor sufficient quantity of l/2-nch diameter nylon threaded rods with stainless steel nuts and washers to accommodate support of refrigeration coils. UTILTTY PENETRATIONS Each trade to provide penetrations at refrigerator and freezer wall and ceiling panels to accommodate electrical, refrigeration lines and drain lines. ESCUTCHEON PLATES Fumish sufficient quantity of S-inch diameter stainless steel escutcheon plates for each tade to dress offutility penetrations. Each trade shall be responsible for cutting hole in blanks and sealing of respective penetations- FII\IISH TRIM Tolerance gaps between face of cold room walls and building walls shall be finished with matching sheet metal angles furnished and installed by the Contractor. CLOSIJRE PAII,ELS Space between suspended ceiling and top of refrigerator shall be enclosed with matching sheet metal panels designed for easy removal to facilitate access to crawl space (dimensions permitting) as furnished by the Refrigerator Confiactor. WAINSCOT OF ALT]MINT]M TREAD-PLATE Apply 48" high, 3/16" thick aluminum tread-plate, wainscot to all exposed exterior and interior walls of cold rooms with Henry's #ll7 panel adhesive and mechanically fastened with stainless steel truss head Philips #8 X 314' screws 24" centers top and bottom. Tread-plate to be mounted above cove of floor. Inspect each aluminum tread plate panel for sharp edges or burrs. Remove or file off any or all protuberances. Beer system by beer vendor to be mounted on top of beer cooler, by others. L03 Barrel Racks Three required Fumish three (3) each Metro model I{P33GX2 banel racks, complete per manufacturer' s specifi cations. L04 Water cooled Rack One required Fumish and install one (l) each Frigid Engineering air-cooled package refrigeration Foodsemice Specifications New Swiss Restaurant MSN-RCD Page: 77 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resori, vail, Colorado system model per sheet R-l for indoor installation, complete per manufacturer's specifications. Unit to include: FABRICATION The rack shall to be welded construction with all welds grounds smooth. Clean and paint with a prime coat of zinc chromate then finish with a coat of baked on enamel epoxy paint. All sheet metal to be de-burred. The racks shall be sized to accommodate the number of compressors required for all remote refrigeration units on FS-1.0 and as indicated in the Refrigeration Schedules. Provide vibration isolation rails. Compressors, condensers and connecting piping shall be installed in such manner as to eliminate noise and vibration being transmitted to any part of the building. Rack to be ventilated with fan over compressors. Furnish with a factory mounted and pre-wired electrical panel complete with indicator lights, main circuit breaker (disconnect) and individual circuit breakers, wired for single point "power connection. Provide fused disconnect in lieu of main circuit breaker if required by local code. All controls for defrost and compressor operation shall be included in the panel. All high-low pressure conhols, sentronic oil failure switches, eight circuit defrost timer, time clocks, defrost contactors, fan motors, compressor contactors shall be pre-wired at the factory and interconnected with the electrical panel. Refrigeration piping and electrical corurections shall be totally concealed within the rack. Exposed connections are not acceptable. Refrigeration piping within rack shall be evacuated, tested and charged with nitrogen prior to shipping. Piping shall be supported by nylon holders avoiding metal to metal contact. Final electrical connection by the General Contractor. All access and electrical panels on rack to be provided with cylinder locks keyed alike. COMPRESSORS Compressors and refrigeration piping will be installed in such a manner as to eliminate noise and vibration in refrigeration lines, as needed. Each compressor shall have a high-low automatic reset pressure control. All compressors over five (5) horsepower shall have an oil failure pressure control. Each compressor shall have all necessary breakers, wiring and controls forproper operation. Each compressor shall have a liquid line drier and sight glass properly sized for the compressor, Time clocks mounted and pre-wired at rack system(s) unless noted on drawings. Capillary tubes on all controls shall be tightly wrapped and protected with Foodservice Specifications New Swiss Restaurant MSN-RCD Page: 78 6/7/0s Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorado silicone in a manner to eliminate excessive vibration and contact with other metals. OIL SEPARATORS Oil separators used on all low temperature compressors above three (3) horsepower or where factory recommends their usage. Where oil separators are used, the refurn lines are connected to the top of the crankcase above the oil level. All oil return lines provided with shut-offof the back-less stem type. EVAPORATORS All evaporators to be U.L. Listed, NSF approved, pre-wired, and pre-piped with solenoid valve and thermostat concealed within body of unit. Provide a cast aluminum weather proof "J"-box with gasketed cover, mounted on exterior of the body, threaded hubs, switch and gasketed hinged switch cover for fan and liquid line shut-off. For units with electric defrost provide wiring within rack to shut off defrost power. The switch at the evaporator will conffol the defrost power, so that during long periods of shut down the time clock can not activate the defrost cycle. The time clock to remain on at all times. If evaporators for refrigerated or freezer base compartrnents do not allow for built-in solenoid valve and thermostat provide 20 gauge aluminum exterior, removable, housing securely fastened to the evaporator. Evaporators within cold storage rooms to be mounted tight to the ceiling with minimum distances from walls conforming with manufacturey's direction to ensure proper air circulation and performance. Units shall be set to clear shelving posts and coordinated with floor sink locations. Support evaporator with 3/8" (10mm) diameter stainless steel all-thread hanger rods. On exterior use Unistrut channel with Unistrut hanger nut. In interior use stainless steel nut and locking washer. If evaporator weighs over 150 pounds, mount all- thread through l/4" thick aluminum fish plate placed on cooler roof sized 12" larger than evaporator in all directions, then span Unistrut across minimum of two panels. Cover Unistrut, fishplate and hanger rods with minimum 2" thick insulating foam. REFRIGERATION PIPING Piping shall be minimum Type "L" hard drawn or soft copper conforming to ASTM standard specifications, serial designation B-99. Hard drawn tubing shall be used in all applications except soft copper shall be used for piping run in conduit. Whenever piping is run in conduit verifu that conduit is clean and free of debris or Foodservice Specifications New Swiss Restaurant MSN.RCD Page: 79 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resort, Vqil, Colorado water. If not, notiff General Contractor or owner for cleaning. After installation of refrigeration lines, Refrigeration Contractor, shall seal both ends of the conduit, water and vermin tight. In lieu of large diameter piping in conduiq especially vertical runs, tandem lines may be run if carefully fabricated and assembled to ensure equal pressure drop. Exposed tubing shall be installed in a manner to avoid being damaged due to activities in the area. Tubing shall be cut with a tube cutter. After cutting, the tubing shall be sized with a sizing tool. Piping run within the cold storage rooms and base fixtures shall be painted with high quality aluminum paint. Ends of lines shall be capped to prevent contamination and opened only at the time of final connections. Lines shall be graded and trapped to deliver refrigerant to the evaporator and enftained oil to the compressor. All runs shall be made with full- length sections and lengths cut to fit. Size suction lines to give a maximum pressure drop, from evaporator to compressor, of 2 lbs. for high and medium temperature systems and of I lb., for low temperature systems, and shall allow gas velocities of not less than 750 FPM in horizontal runs and 1500 FPM in vertical risers. Liquid lines shall be sized to give a maximum pressure of3 lbs. from receiver to evaporator. All vertical suction line risers are to be fumished with uP' traps at bottom of lift plus "P" trap at 10'-0" intervals. Top of suction riser to slope towards refrigeration compressor. JOINTS AND CONNECTIONS Long, radius wrought copper fittings as manufactured by Mueller Brass Company or equal, shall be used. Copper tubing joints in piping lines shall be made with Handy & Harmon "Sil-Fos" brzzing alloy, or equal. Melting point shall be 1185-1300oF, silver content not less than l5%. Copper to brass joints for piping and fittings shall be made with Handy & Harmon "Basy-Flo 45" brazing alloy, or equal. Melting point shall be I125-1145oF, silver content not less than 45%. All surfaces to be joined must be thoroughly cleaned. When soldering stop or Foodservice Specifications New Swiss Restaurant MSN-RCD Page: 80 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorado solenoid valves, wrap valves with moist fabric to absorb excessive heat. Stop valves shall be partly open. When soldering expansion valves or pressure regulating valves, remove power assembly, if necessary, to prevent damage by excessive heat. Reduction in piping size shall be made with a manufactured reducer coupling. Flare connection are not to be used, unless no other type ofconnection is available. Ifflare connections must be used, flare nuts shall be short forged or frost proof. PIPING INSULATION All field piping installed as per ASHRA standards and the sizing of the piping shall meet proper velocities as per ASHRA standards. Insulation will be foam type 25150 smoke and fre type. Medium temperature will use minimum l/2" tlickwall and low temperature will use minimum 3/4" thick wall. All field piping Installed with plastic bushing where ever steel to copper tubing comes together on any type of hangars. Include all labor, material, equipment, tools, refrigerant, oil and other required accessories for the complete installation of the systems as shown and specified. lnterconnection of all accessories accomplished for ease of sendcing. Particular attention given to oil return, refrigerant pressure drops and neafiress. Placement of all exposed pipes approved before Installation with General Contractor. Spacing of piping In accordance with ASHRA standards and not exceeding 8'-0". Fumish manufacturer's dimensional and schematic drawings, piping and wiring diagrams. After Installation, furnish "as built" diagram of refrigeration piping systems. This entire assembly MUST be installed by a licensed refrigeration contractor, pre- approved by factory, as a sub-contractor to this section of work. Suction lines outside of refrigerated compartments shall be insulated with Armstrong Armaflex AP flexible, elastomeric thermal insulation. Insulation to have a flame- spread rating of 25 or less and a smoke-developed rating of 50 or less as tested by ASTM E 84(84A) or as determined by code. Thickness of material shall suit service, ambient temperature and humidity conditions to prevent condensation, with a thickness of not less than l/2" (l5mm) for Suction temperature of +20"F or higher and3/4" (19mm) for +190 F. or less. Joints shall be sealed by adhering edges with Armstrong #520 adhesive. Cover all seams with Armstrong 2" (50mm) wide x l/8"(3mm) thick insulation tape. Adhere tape to insulation with #502 adhesive. Insulate fittings and valves with Armstrong insulation tape when they cannot be insulated with AP insulation. Apply sufficient layers to prevent condensation. Foodservice Specifications Naw.$diss Restaurant 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorado MSN-RCD Page: 81 Apply #502 adhesive to the ends to prevent unraveling. Piping for cooling water services or refrigerant piping exposed to freezing ambient temperatures shall be insulated rnth l/2" (l5mm) minimum thickness of Armstrong Armaflex AP foamed plastic insulation. Insulation exposed to exterior or sunlight conditions must be painted with Armaflex paint. TIMING After installation and before charging, evacuate all piping systems to a vacuum, at ASHRA standards and hold 24 hours. After evacuation, charge system(s) with nitrogen and maintain pressure of l50o/o working pressure for 6 hours. Cap ofl install pressure gauge and hold for 24 hours minimum. Re-evacuate, hold for 6 hours, charge and make electronic detector test all joints. Each test verified in writing by the food service consultant. WORK BY OTIIERS Final wiring of connections, conduit and/or pull boxes provided under applicable Electrical and Plumbing contracts. WARRANTY AND SERVICE Included herein shall be the compressor manufacturer's full five (5) year extended warranty on all refrigeration equipment components. Further included shall be a full one (1) year warranty for all parts and labor on the entire refrigeration package from the day of acceptance of the installation with service available seven days per week, 24 hours per day. Freon and dryers are considered as parts. End of Section 11400 Foodservice Specifications New Swiss Restaurant 6/7/05 Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Colorado MSN-RCD Page: 82 Item # Equipment Schedule r QTY Degcrlptlon Manufacturer Irlodel Cut Sheet or Custom Detail this Section A01 A02 A03 A04 4"0_5 A06 AA7 A08 409 . A10 A11 itz l Ar: A14 l A15 l 2 I 4 2 2 2 2 4 2 1 2 I 1 1 1 Perlick Perlick Perllck Celli Perl ick Pefllsh qerli.ck P-eftlFk ,P_9llck Perlick by vendor Perlick sitr!ire1 Perlick Hobart ,/ ,/,l TBD ,/,l- .,l ,l ,l .l l!rKE€ See A03 ,/,l ,l Sonnenalp 2005 - Swiss Cut Book Section Headers sl261200s with Towel Dispe f Features i Deep drawn sink. r Quality plated brass hoVcold water hucet. r 16 oz. pump soap dispenser. r Dispenser for lolded or rolled paper towels. r Sanitary end splashes. r Screw-on legs for fasler installation. r Underside is sound-deadened. TS SERIES Model Nos. tr TSl 8HSN i] TSl8HST TSD SEHIES Model Nos. J TSD1BHSN N TSD1sHST No ISIEHSN No. TSDl EHST 8300 West Good Hope Road . lvlihvaukee, Wl 53223 . Phone: 414-35&7060 Fax' 414-353.7069 o E-l\ilail Perlick@Perlick com r htlp:/ ,vww.Perlick.com Hand Sink with ?r"l Dispenser ""fid Job Area {odel Nos.TS(D)18HSN TS(D)18HST t""sr,18"1A* Ship Wl. (lbs.)60 60 Towel Disoenser Folded Roll10'i 10" General Allparts slainless steel made from Type 304, 18-8. No.4 Finish. Back & Bottom Galvanized sleel. Backsplash Goneraland TS Series: Stainless steel. 8" high (.1''high optionalwilh 1" retum al top, mechanically fastened and sealed with sleel support brackets. TSO S€rles: Slainless steel rear deck 516' deep. Legs G7---15/6" lubuhr. stainless sleel with 1" adjuslable thermoplastic Joot. Tanks All horizontal and verlical edges | 1/?" radius with balled corners. Fumished with 1V2' stainless steel drain sockel ard 8!/2' standpipe. 10"x14'x9'r" deep- Undercoated to absorb sound. WaterFaucet Hol and cold, heavy-duty all brass conslruction. Chrome plaled. TS S€ries: WatFmount with 13" swing spout. TSD Series: Deck-mounl with goose-neck spout. PlumUng Drain Connecton - 1 i/z' NPS Male. Hot and C,old Water Connection: TS Serles: %" O.D. copper supply tubes. TSO Series: 'lz' IPS shanks and nuts. I_)ra ct< _{ 5 1, 16--t I a-i?.'16' .J- PL'4 F]' : :;tj f. ti l_ r I I I I I I 3l +*,. .r-| | /<', q' i_Y 8300 Wesl Good Hope Road . Milwaukee, Wl 53223 . Phone: 414.353-7060 Fax: 41 4-3537069 r E- Mail: Perlick@ Perlick.com . httoriwww.Perlick.com 7100 sfinncE BINS FoR touon @- Perllck Features o Solid stainless steelsteps without gaps. MODEL NOS. .-: TS12LS .-r tStSLS , ,7055A9 7(F5A3 8900 West Good Hope Road . Milwauke€, Wl 53223 . Phone 4'l+35S7060 . Fax 414-351t-7069 Tdl Fr66 80G558-5592 . E-Mail: Pedlck@ Perlick.corn . www.Perlick.com Fonn tlo. 5802 Rsv. 00.14.04 6;) Sizes and Spe?tications Q9 Storage Bins for Liquor Item No. Model No. 6tainl6 sieel $4, 1&8, No,4 Finidr. with 1' retum at top, mechani€lly hsiened and lloddE TSl2l-S ard TSlSl-si: 15/e' tubular, silainless ste€l with 1' adjustable themoptasttc foot illodel 7055A3: 15/r" tubular, stainless s'ieel wih 1'adiusbble stalnless $eel bct. --_l 2{16 101 TS12LS TSIELS 4 7116" t11311 (4 PLC'S) - 2a" [610] ---. 6'tl521 ___i I lov+'rrzrt I -r- ,' I 111/16',r I rtrL i?iiitr;?t1il,i$ |- r___J 3$ 112" 1924 MtJL 35 1/z', [902] MrN. 361n',IS24MAX. 3s 1/? [902] MrN. 30 1/2" [77s] MAX. 29 1/2" r/491 MlN. 30lnlriqw|;.. 29 1/2' [74SI MrN. I 18 r/2" [470] MAX. 17 lP [444] MlN. 4 1sl3? 41141 (4 PLCS) 4"1 lr 141 6'[152] 13' [3301 tzrrzgl MAx. 6" [1s2] MrN. 8Ip0 West Good Hop€ Road . Mlhflauke6,W 5323 . Phono 41+35S7060 . Fax 414-35&7069 Toll Free 800-558-5592 . E-Mail: Perlick @ Perlick.coot . www.Pedick.com hftk b dnfl{fiod b 6nttr,a,E tmturEmsnt Thol€lbr8, vr€ lt€arue fu ]igt|t b chango cpcdicalio(|E $,ntsn pdor nodoe. Form l,lo- SA02 Rov. 09.14.04 cusro' REMo?r .ABTNETS Item A03 A12 O Ferrrcx Fearures Available in2,3 and 4 door models. Optional black powder coated, stainless steel, factory laminated, field laminated or glass doors. Optional finished tops in stainless steel or your choice of laminate. Black powder coated or stainless steel exterior. Approved forANSI/NSF #7 open food storage. Heavy-duty stainless steel hinges. Lights above each door fully illuminate interior. Optional draft beer dispensing system available with a variety of dispensing head styles. Heavy-duty, reinforced base will not bend or sag. Self closing doors with locks. Two inch foamed-in-place walls provide greater energy efficiency and structural strength. MODEL NOS._ BR2DP .- BH2DS *"BR3DP _ BR3DS : BR4DP * BR4DS ,@,sr SS00W6stGoodHopeRoad. Milwaukee,Wl 53223. Phone414-353-7060. Fax414-95$7069 Toll Free 800-558-5592. E-Mail: Perllck @ P€rlick.corn . www.Perllck.com Sizes and Specific$ion,Oroo Item A03 A12 Custom Remote Cabinets fuea Item No. Model No. .@-w I'ODEL NOS,BI-ACK POWDER COATED BR2DP BRSDP BR4DP STAINLESS STEEL BR2DS BR3DS BR4DS NUMBEROF DOORS 2 Door 3 Door 4 Door CABINET DIMENSIONS (mm) LenSth 4S(1219)77(1m',)96'(2,138) D€pth 2416',(613)241h'(613)241tf, (ilA Height glti (8it6l,svt (tt6)utlt (tt6 CASE CAPACIIY Oss€d m t2@. apo.t bddc)12.9 20.4 n.7 EVAPORATOR BTU/HR 18(x)2@ 2600 RUNNING LOAD-{MPS .9 .9 .9 LIOUID INLET UNE SIZE 3/8'O.D.3/o'O.D.t/a' O.D. SUCTION LINE SIZE 3/o' O.D.a/o' O.D.3/r' O.D. slip wt. t-!c. (rs.)w(172)49o(w)mI} (286) INTERIOR Door slll: 14 gaug6 stainless s{eel supportgd by a 12 gauge interior angle bracket runnlng entire length of cabinet. D,oor pan: High sfength poFyrene. Floof pan, Walls & Geiling: Stainless sted. Includes pilastets & (2) vinyl coated shehes per door. Includes inte/ror light. EXTERIOR: B|jCK STAINLESS STEEL Front, sides, black po\,vder coated steel. Back gBlvanlz€d stesl. Base SldlLe$ steel. Frml, baee panel ard sideq sblnless ste€l. Top and back gafuanized steel. DOOR HINGING Stainless steel hirpes with $andard localions as illu$raied. For special hinging specify hinge localions s{arling fiom left to rlght. DOOR HARDWAHE Iloor handte* Black vinvl wih chrome ends. Lock finlsh: cirome IEFBTcERAnoN Evaporalor can @erate wlth mo6t cofnrxcn refrigerants - exception NH3. Evaporator inleyoutlet routod br leff end access. ET.ECTRICAL 115V 60H2., 1 phase AC. Contact Perlick br o$er vohage/frequenry requirements. Also availablo in ?3oVolt, 50 Hz., 1 phase AC. Cani68 (€ ma*ing of contomity. PLUMBING Indep€ndent floor drain or condensate pan is requhed. Optional floor access hole kit is available. L@ated in lefr rear corner. INSUI-ATION Foamedinglace polyureftane; ? walls lrlf top and floor. OPTIOML ACCESSORIES & MODIFICATIONS . Leg s€d . Stainless ste€l lop Door fnlshes . Tapping kit . Casfier sets Black powder coated . Iaminabd tog . Base plates Stainless ste€l . Laminated ends . Floor a@ess kit Cus{omers ctoice of laminato . Laminated grill . R-22 (condenslng unit Prepared for field laminatim o Brass hardrvare assembly wih pressure confol) Glass door with black po\rder coated frame . StainlEss s{eel ends . Expansion valve (not indalled) Glass door with stainl€ss s{€el franp Glass door wi$r hmlnated fram6 31 17132' 6 5t32" -71t4" [157-185] - OPTIONAL 20 21re,? t5251 - -------------o258', : [6an FLOOR 4ccEst KIJ_r BACK LINER TO INSIDE OF D@R PAN, [801 DOOR 94 1t?' i [8761 t5081 -,: TYP FIELD FINISHED TOP NOTE DOOB HEIGHT FACTORY FINISHED TOP NOTE DOOR HEIGHT -4 s16" [106] 83d)WestGoodHopeRoad. Mihraukee,Wl 53223. Phone414-35S7060. Fax414-35i}-7069 Toll Free 80G558-5592 . E-Mail: Porlick@Perlick.com . www.Perlick.com Po.lid b ccrnmiuod b coriiruous flprov€rnorf. Thel€torg, rr.g r€son 5 fE liof|t b changs BpedlicaliorF rritnod Fbr mtice. Form llo. 12060lA R.n 07.l1.Gl Srsp=NSTNG r=ooI Item A05 Perlick Features Pure copper coolant lines and cold block maintain chilled beverage temperature. Insulated dispensing head ensures a perfect temperature right up to the faucet. Factory-balanced restrictors control beverage flow and assure solid beer from the faucet with every pour. Available in a variety of styles and finishes. . are insulated rlght up hot spots which cause 8:n0 West Good Hope Road . Milwaukee, Wl 53223 . Phone 414-353-7060 o Fax 414-353-7069 Toll Free 800,.558-5592 . E-Mail: Perlick@Perlick.com . www.Perlick.com Sizes and Speciilations Tee Towers and Bridge Tee Towers o;:": Item No. Model No.o TEETOWER ilODEL 1{G. SleldeorS-bd tloG2B {0(5'38 tl{Xr6-.|8 4{XF€B tl(xl6$4{Xt&79 40o6s8B Polhhed Cttrcme t$oe2BPc rt00&3BPc 1tx,G48PC 'l{rc6{BPC 4{Xr56BPC 4{X!&7BPC it006s8BPc Polbhed Brass rl{XIS2BPB tl(x)6.gBPB {{NS{BPB tt{xr6{BPB 4tn6{BPB {NETBPB it006s8BPB TarnbhFree Brasr tl{nS2BIF {o06aBTF 4006-4BTF {{xt6-5BlF 'l(xl6{BIF 4{Xle78TF loodi8sfF NUMBEF OF FAUCETS 2 3 4 c 6 7 8 TEE LENGTH (mm)c/i (232)s/i (23,2)111h'(3f}2)14W (3721 lTvi (441)N/i (511',)2t/: (5a11 FAUCETCENTERS (mm)5w (14')2/: (70)?/i (70)?/i (7o)?/i (7ol 2/: (70',)ryi Fol OP]IONS AND ACCESSORIES Ialching dralners. Fauc€t locks. Extra high models' EHDGETOWER IIODELNOS. Sltalnlecs Sted 400e88 4{XFr0B 4m&128 Poli*rcd Ghronp 4{Xt6{8rc 4{ne1oBPC 4fiF12BFC Pollehed Brass 4{XFSBPB 400&1oBPB 4{XFl2BPB TamleFFreo Pollshed Brase 4(x)HBTF 4moloBTF 4MFl2BTF NUMBER OF FAUCETS 8 10 12 TEE LENGTH (mm)€K'7i (841)gr%'(841)3Br/i (841) FAUCETCENTERS (mm)4w (105)e P6)?/i (7o) OFTIONS AND ACCE$SORI ES . Mabhing drainers . Faucet locks . Extra hlgh model6' TEE LENGTH FAI.,CET ' Not available in Tamlsh-Free Polished Bnss. FAUCET HANDLES NOT FUBNISHED L__ 6 7/16' '| 11631 I | 7lt at4 , d --- .l 11521 37t1d prl I I 1215t1t l32el _il f.------l- e nszl I lsouABE PLArE r. - I [194]----j (FOR I FAJCET) SSO0WestGoodHopoRoad. Milwauk66,Wl 53223. Phone414-35+7060. Fax4l+35S7069 Toll Free 800-558-5592 . E-Mail: PEdick@ Perlick.com . www.Perlickcom No. _ 4 5t8'-_ 11t4 9-J&- -:[41e] c RoY. 09.11.O4 TlErclb|o, $s rssorvo ttg tidn b drsrge sp€dbirts wihod pdor mlice. UNDERBft ACCESSORIES Oroo BOTTLE RAILS Area Item No. Model No. STANDAFDBOTTLE RAII-S LEI{GI}I lilS, (mm}PARTM). 1? (305)2}53{l 1A(dr4 7(E31 24' (610)7|E&2 2t (711)t(F928 30 (762)7053€ 3tr (914)70534 4t (10671 70i3-5 48'(1219)705it{g (13721 7C597 6d (1524)7053{ 66" (1676)7053.9 7t ll 'gl 705$10 7tr (1981)7(Eltl w (213/.t 70s?12 w (?28€1 70511-13 95',(2438)7183-14 For FieH Installed: Add 'ff suffx io pan number. HAIIGOI{ BOTILE RAII-S EI{GTHINs.(mm)PARTM). 12| (3o5)705$tl 1S(,$n 7055{1 2lr (8r0)Tlldt6rl 2t (7111 BRH:I8 w (7621 7(E6{6 36f (914)7(FS58 27tld 162l T- 14 1t{ t3611 For u8a on Locking Bonb Raib: Add 'N'sultix b perl numbet LOCIOMI BOTIISRAILS LEIIGTH lllS. (mm)PAFTNO, la (,167)705ttl1 2,f (610)70t3u2 3f (762)7tl59L3 36' (914)705ilLa 4t (o6n 7tF3L5 48'(1219)70E3L6 For Fiald Installod: Add 'ff suffx b part numb6r. 5 9/16' 8{D0 West Good Hope Road . Milwaukee, Wl 53223 . Phone 41+35&7060 . Fax 414.353.7069 Toll Fr66 800-558-5592 . E-Mail: Pedick@Perlick.com . www.Perlick,com fbdd( b coflrritbd b caretLous knproromqt TlFob|€, rs t€sn€ tho dgtrt b d|srTs €podicdoG si[un p.b ndco. Fonn t{o. ACG06 Fsv. 11.12.04 Standard C Ghests with Cold flate Item A07 fFeatures Cold olate concealed under ice chest inner liner. (Patent Pendingll lce bins with dent-proof ABS top ledge. Screw-on legs for faster inslallation. lce Bins with smooth inner liner... No exposed solder or caulk. TS SERIES Model Nos. I TS24|C6 or B [-] TS30|C6 or 8 I TS36|C6 or I n TS42iCO or I n TS4B|C6 or B TSD SERIES Model Nos. tr TSD24|C6 or B TSD30|C6 or 8 I TSD36|C6 or 8 f TSD42|C6 or 8 Ll TSD4SICO or B O o 8300 West Good Hooe Road o Milwauxee. Vll 53223 . Phone: 414-353'7060 Faxr 414-353-7069 o E-Mail: Perlick@ Perlick.com . http:.t/www.Pedlck.com Standard lff Chests with Colcl Plate 1[t[-:--::::trtu' All stainless sreel parts made from 304, 18-8. No. 4 Finish Stainless sleel. Top dm ABS. G€n€raf: 8" ttigh 14' high cplional\t wilh 1' returi at top, mcchanrcally fastened and sealed to ice chest toD wilh st6el support brackets. TS Series: Stainless steel TSD Serles: BacksDtash anC rear deck stainless Et6el with St/r,:' rsar dock. Stainless sleel, lwo-p,ece, removable, Stainless stegl with t/r' radius comers. welded and sealed with ff-;;;;;,t;oid-Jtare rnteriori can ue |5/a'tubular Drain Connection - 1/2" NPS Male Cast aluminum plate concealed under ice chest inner liner. Six circuit cold plates have 2 fult coils and 4 hali coils. Eiohl circuil cold have 2 lull coils and 6 half coils. Each full circuit wilt deliver lour, 6 oz. drinks par minuta at 4ff conlinuously. or 40 oz evgry three minutes in a single draw (Flow ate 2 oz./sec., 7? ambienl, 75'ptoduct). The end of every coil is equipped with a comprassion-type titting incorporating a nut, compression gasket and a straight, sermted tailpiece torl/4" LD polyethylene tubing. Serrated tailpiec€s for i/8" t.D. potyethytene lubing, can be ordored in lieu ot standard littings. TSD END VIE\I REAR DECK -;- l I ." : t q6a I r.^th 8300 West Good Hope Road o Milwaukee, Wl 53223 . Phone: 414-353-7060 Fax: 414-353-7069 . E-Mail: Perlck @ Pedick.com . httD:l/www.Perlick.com For rn No. ICSW T too , *.t,-orED sroroo =tH Esrs -rm O ,otir* Features o Available in 6" or 1? wide unit. o Quality construction, smooth inner liner with no exposed joints or seams. o Keeps boftles and/or condiments chilled. Screw-in legs for fast installation. Thermoplastic feet will not rust. MODEL NOS. MODEL NOS. TS Series ! TS6U U TS6U2 LI TS12U LJ TS12U2 U TS12U3 TSD Series -. TSD6U .TSD6U2 ' TSD12U - TSD12U2 - TSD12U3 o o 8300 West Good Hope Road . Mllwauke€, Wl 53223 . Phone 414-35S7060 . Fax 41+35$7069 Toll Freo 800-558-5592 . E-Mail: Perlick@ Pedick.com . www.Pertick.com 6A Sizes anO Spiifications \:7 Insulated Storage Chests Oou Area Item No. Model No. lrlODEL t{OS.rs(D)6u rs(D)6u2 TS(D)I2U rs(D)l2U2 TqDl2lxl DESCRIPT|ON 6" Chest 6" Ch€$ wl3 bc,ttle wells 12| Chest 12 Chest w/6 bctde wells 1? Chedw/S condimort cuDs LENGTH lNS. (mm)6" 052)6- (1s2)12| (30s)1? (305)1? (305) SHIPWT lbs. (ks)30 (14)32 (1s)36 (16)38 (17)38 (17) GENERAL All Sinless $eel pans made frcrn Type 3O4, 18-8, l,lo. 4 finish. BACK& BOTTOM Stainless sleel, BACKSPI-ASH General and TS Series: Slalnless $eel, d hi$ (' hBh Siatall wl'th 1' r€tum at top, mecianialV tastened and sealed wih deel suppon brackets. TSD Serles: Stainloss steel tear deck LEGS Not pro/ided. Requires adjacent upport. 16/s' ll6ular, $ainless sileel wi$r 1'adJusable hennophstic feet. INSULATION Fibeelass Foane+inplace polyrrethane. BOTTLE WELIS NI/A Black high-impact polfpropylene lvA B,lac* highimpact polypropylene lVA PLUMBING Drain connection: r/2" NPS. A@ESSORIES lt/A 8 Bottle, wire rack dMd€r, part No.59tf+1 it/A l.t/A 8LE CONFIGURATIONS ffiffi t:i ti I ||:]i:]l tffitr*l tl:ltt-Jt F-Jlll=,=l lf,Jlt-Jl tit ilil | tr ilrll TS12U2 TS12U3 AVAILA [--lI F-t [.I E T56U2 I 6" 11521 24'[6101 : tA' i t4061 l j I TSD END VIEW 5 7/16" [138] 1" [251 4 1/4" [108] _T 18 9n 8" [471] t 7t8" l22l i i 1,,,-,,,, iJE!9rl I it E r-l- -_jt lT-i il ll UU 36 1/2" [927] MAX. 35 1/2" [902] MrN. I _- 6', [1s2] I 12" [305] I I 18 1/2" [470] MAX. 17 1/2" [445] MrN. I t___.-_ 8in0 West Good Hope Road . Mihrvaukee, Wl 53223 . Phone 41+35$7060 . Fax 41+95$7069 Toll Free 8fi)-558-5592 . E-Mail: Pedick@Perllck.com . www.Perlick.com Perlid( i9 cdffidtH b coneuolB irnptonofi|eflL The]Bb,re, $,8 r€s6nr fF ridtt b cfi8nge spedfoaidls wi0nn pir nOce. Forn nb. lS0 Rsv. 11.5.02 TS END MEW 12" Blader Station with Siil ltem A09 fFeatures r Deep drawn sink. r Quality plaled brass hot/cold water faucet. r Screw-on legs lor faster installation. r Underside is sound-deadened. o Convenient front-mounted shelf with access hole for electrical cord. TS SERIES ModelNos..- TS12BLW TSD SERIES ModelNos.- TSD12BLW 8300 West Good Hope Road r Milwaukee, Wl 53223 o Phone: 414-353-7060 Fax: 414-353-7069 r E-Mail: Per{ick@P€rlick.com o hlto://www.Perlick.com 12" Blender St o ati on with Sink [#:, Area Model Nos.rs(D)12BLW Fgth 12" rio Wt. (lbs.) General lllp€rts stainless slee! made lrom Type 304, 1B-8, l*'lo. 4 Finrsh. Back & Bottom Galvanized steel. Backsplash General and TS Seri€s: Stainless steel. 8' high (4'hlglr optional) witn'l' return attop, mechanicatly tastened and sealed with steel support brackels. TSD 56ries: Stainless steel rear deck 5'lro" deep. Legs 15/0" tubular, gtainless steel wilh 1 " adiustable thermoplastic foot. Tank Urdercoaled lo absorb sound. All horizontal and vedical edges 1yi" radius with balled corners. Fumished with l!/2" slainless steel drain sockel and duo-strainer. l CF/a\ 9tia"x6'deep. WaterFaucet Chrome plaled, hol and cold, goose-neck taucet. Heavy.duty allbrass conslruction, Plumbing Drain Connection - 1 '/2" NPS Male. Hot and Cold Water Connection: TS Series: 3/e" O.D. copper supply tubes. TSD Serles: r/2" IPS shanks and nuts. Electrical outlet included, but not inslalled. Access hole lor coro I' Ii4 r<.-, r;: I I ll lrlli - -r -r I 'l l-tttt r aa I i I I i f ;!-l::,'r.- ---r l-,.-ii I o- rr" -r--H '.,'"--L ' -.J..; ,- , , r. 1--. i I irilll i l | ! l: r j I i+, i'1'-.1 j.-. >t -..,r;. I I ll tr_-til_il ;s=, i -l ' I 'rih-:-41 , L -,r__ 1( " ' / |l[_ *l i ',i.t i , ii- /- ,.<,.. t / ll \.+/ | -= ,'.',i I t'-,-:l----J I | | ri ll i ; )t 't'., ll .:,.::., .i1i a .,.'1 1\. : ll r, ; ,..r r.,il'irll t ,r--. E U- 8300 West Good Hope Road . Milwaukee, Wl 53223 . Phone: 414-353-7060 Fax: 414-353-7069 . E-Mail: Perlick@,Perlick.com . http/iwww.Perlick.com Form No. BLW12 Etoss FRosrERs o Chills or Frosts Mugs, Glasses or Plates 2', 3'and 4'models Push-button def rost system Interior drain Seltcontained - no plumbing required Stainless steel doors, top and front Door frame heater strip Smooth, silent, slide-away doors Lighted inlerior highlights glassware Vinyl-covered stacking shelves and bottom rack Modular design mates with adlacent equipment Stainless steel interior - standard MODEL NOS. 8340 Series 8350 Series 83654 Series @ @,@ ln#tr lv ubSrlly- Item A10 Svstems and ptoducts tot the loadseNbe and brewng hdustres slnce 1917 o@@,@ f;"*n*v Eqllntv MODEL SHIPPING WEIGHT lbs. INSIDE DIMENSIONS LxDxH COND, UNIT H.P AMPS INTERIOR EXTERIOB ELECTHICAL PLUMBING INSULATION TEMPERATUBE RANGE FRIGERATION SYSTEMS OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES Glass and Bottle Capacity Modai No.Capaciy 8340 96 plates' 8340-1 60 glasses' 8340-2 80 glasses' 8350 | 64 plates 83s0-i 96 glasses' 8350-2 1 53 glasses 83654 216 plates 836541 1 35 glasses 836542 185 glasses and $ecifications Gfass Frosters Sizes Item A10 Laminat€d tront lace & color coordinated machinery grille Laminated end - riaht or lett 2 , 3'. 4' 8o{Je F"ii (tield insta@ Two Fool Three Fool Four Foot 836sA- 8365A55- 44" x 18" x 18" (8.25 cu. ft.) 1118 mm. x 457 mm. x 457 mm. (.25 m)) Inner liner Type 304, 28 linish stainless steel. Aluminum evaporator housing and baflle. covered stacking wire shelves and bottom racks, STANDARD MODELS: Top, sliding door. front panel and 6'A. side returns Type 304 staintess steel. Ends and back cold-roll steel painled wilh two coats baked grey enamel. Front grille cold-roll steel pajnted lo match stainless sleel lront- lsland base galvanized steel painted black, STAINLESS STEEL MODELS: Same as standard but with Type 304 stainless sleel ends and back. .|15 Volt, 60 Hz., 1 Phase AC. Furnished with three prong, six foot cord. Can be modified tor othet ents. Contact Perlick-Milwaukee for rnlormation. Carriss the (€ insulalion. from -'10' lo +10" F. H134a tube tvoe hermetic conde unit with service valves. Solid-slate, push-bufton defrost system, manually iniliated at the end ol each day, automatica y terminates atler six hours. Evaporator automatically defrosts every 4 hours tor approximately 20 mrnutes terminated. o.Y o.:, . Backsplash . Sat of 4 adjustable legs r Sel ot 4 casters w/ brakes a 8340 - ?4" {610 mm) 8350 " 35'{915 mml 8365A - 48' 11220 mm) -_-_-1t-I --T--- | g i..' I i221mnri I __J I I i875 'ninj 5;1,' 5rl.' {t46 mm) Srit' 16 mm) 8'j",l221tni I i mm) ' Maximum Dameler - I t/2" lhtimum Height - 8'/B' - 3' O.D -'mum Heqhl - ,tis" - 3" O.D. - FRONT VIEW wrth one shelf END VIEW with two shelves 20'x 18" x 18" (3.75 cu. It.) 508 mm x 457 mm. x 457 rnm ( 'l 1 m3) 32" x '18'x 18" ( 6 crr. ft.) 813 mm. x 457 mm. x 457 mm {.17 - cabinet moisture drains lo self evaporalinq condensate 'Bottom eck is standard. For one sheff, add a "1" at the endot the modelnumber (i.e.,8365A1). For two shelves. add a "2' at the end of the model nunber (i.e. 8350-2). rlr ili : . In. -.rll I , ,n'- Item A13 Technical Specifications UTILITY HOOK.UP REQUIREMENTS -Fowir,-ffiif ariil- - f Sctrardid EipieCCo-MEifriie or{4 R.qqsiq-9.r!-s!F iAnb-'_e[!p lt F"q DV-Q,I-$_. . Frsnt Vlew o'f Finbhed h*tsllation [ilil;r'.s;;_j EsFreEEo Ldaahine Calptgv Tp;1 v,aa;, I AcceEs l{rle $iriP Pro'-" ! rl fo$ Uoil : 30 Arttp Pn$,ar Ooilet Sdcr ta.l4 T!u* NEbIA Ltr-3{l E4udl 21 hch€tr Cu$tomcr ls rffiponsible fqr q,ll sitF preperelion prlor tp iflstalletion. iReoorntflendt.l ; Tap clE€rnnce. rl leaEt 7' I Sida rjearoAce, i:t l*int 6' , i"i uetlh SiJe *f o.*h,ne I Rc.oofimf,Jr de-d Uode.r- r Corr{sr SFrqs: 30': rr4ioti -qltnc€ (n}rnimrrfi rr.nrir€aD d:i5 J Recsptaile, WolBl ShuLOi Valve and &ri,n Pipd nu$l br r*fllE 3 FBpt i36 l^r-hr$l of l| . {€nfr ot lhe [,la..hh* S*liF n€ r lF ih-BtiEr'l 9t+tim i n'rf ?ii,ltlci with Rinse Tank and Waste C fprage Cabinets o hut e Item A14 fFeatures Embossed stainless steel drainboard. Conveniently located waste chute. Deep drawn sink. Screw-on legs lor taster installation. Underside is sound-deadened. TS SERIES Model Nos.a 7055-81 n 7055-103 u 705s-104 ll 7055-107 tr 7055-108 =j= ==::--t=-=='' I I 1 in 1\) \ 8300 West Good Hope Rcad o Milwaukee, U/l 53223 . Phone: 414-353-7C60 Fax: 414-353-7069 . E-tIail: Perlick @ Perlick.com r htto:r/v,rww.Perlick.ccrn Storagefabinets 11""f,"ltem A14 with Rinse Tank and Waste Chute Job Area Nos.7055-81 7055-103 7055- 104 7055.107 70s5-108 l8'30"30'48',44" Ship Wt. (lbs.)50 90 '1 1C 120 Tank Location Cenler Flight L€lt RrShl Letl Drainboard Size N/A 15'33" General All pafls stainless steel made Jrom Type 304. 18-8. No. 4 Finish. Back & Botlom: Galvanized sleet. Backsplash Stainfess stee'. I' hign {4" high optrona4 with 1 " retum al top. mechanically fastened and sealed with steel support brackets. 15/B' tubular, stainless sleel with 1' adjustable lhermoplastic toot. Drainboard Embossed slainless steel, 16" deep lront to back. All horizontal and vertical edges r/r" radius with balled comers. Underside sound deadened and rerntorced with weded brackets. Tanks 10'x14'x9'/2" deep. Undercoated lo absorb sound. Allhorizonlal and vedical edges 1'l:' radius with batled corners- Furnishad with 1'brass, nickel-plated dfain socker and 8,/?" standDioe. Waste Chute 5" diameier with r/e' raised rim (optional interior waste container, No. 7055-102). Water Faucet Hot and cold, heavy-dury all brass construclion. Chrome plated. Wallmount with goose neck faucet. Plumbing Drain Connection - I" NPS lvale. Hot and Cold Waler Connectaon: 3/e" copper suppty lubes. ...-:--iJ- i I { i:) I _ ''/r. t --"f I I I I t I 8300 Wesl Good Hopa Fload o Milwaukee, W! 53223 o Phoqe: 414-353-7060 Fax: 414 353'7069 r F-Mail: Perlick @ Perlack.com . http :iv./ww.Perlick oom Form No. SCRT T too Item # oO',t C.S.l. S€ction 1140( HOBART 701 S Hdgo ArEnu!,fhf, OH 45it74 l€8$rlt|oBAfiT. rur.lFbertcorp.corn LXiG GLASSWASHER l o o F @ v, € U' -lrl ! STANDARD FEATURES I 30 racks per hour I Hot water or chemical sanitation r Low chemical alert indicator I 70"F rinse booster heater on LX|GH models I Delime notification/cycle I Chemical pump "auto-prime" I Service diagnoslics I Fresh water rinse I '16 gauge stainless steel tank, door and top panel I Microcomputer, top mounled controls with digital cycle/temperature display I Revolving upper and lower anti-clogging wasn arms I Revolving upper and lower anti-clogging rinse armg I Removable stainless steel scrap screen I Corrosion resistant pump I Automatic pumped drain f 12'door opening I Automatic fill I Labyrinth-type door seal I Electric tank heat I Hot water or chemical sanitation I Two dishracks - one peg and one combination- type I Detergenl and rinse aid pumps ,@*@ STANDARD VOLTAGES o 120/60/1 (LXIGC modelonly) o 1201208-240(3Wy6O/1 VOLTAGE OPTIONS AT EXTRA COST o 208-240(2WYAU1 ACCESSORTES O Power cord kits tr Pressure regulator valve tr Caster assembly kit Specificallons, Dotalls and Oim6nsions on Back. F-&,67 - LX|G Glasswasher Pago 1 of 2 LXiG GLASSWASHER 701 S Rdgc AYonuc,Troy, OH {$ft4 l{8&.4HOBART. rwu.hobrrtoorp.cotrl HOBART wAnfl G RECII,JIRED FLO/VII{G WATER PRESSURE TO THE GLASSWASHER IS 20 } 5 PSIG. IF PRE$ Sl,rRES HIGHER TltAN 25 Ps|O AnE PRESENT, A PRE8SURE REGULADiG VALVE TIJST BE IMiTALIED IN THE WATEB UNE TO YHE GT.ASSWASHER (S' OTHERS}. DjPOFTANT: THE SODIUU HYP@HLO€I'E (LlOUlO BI.ET CONT INER SHOUID 8E R.AC€D I{C HIGHER Tr|^N 1CT A&VE FLOOR. |F AIEACH @}JTANEN IS TO BE PLACEO IN CABINET AOJACENT TO GIASSWASHER. A lU TXA HOt€ IS FECIUIREO IN IHE CAANET TO RUN EIEACH SUPFLY LIIG. usE cNLY 5,296 On 8-4ra sOD'UM HYP@HLOF|TE (LnUD BI-EACH) AS Sll{tTtztt{c CHEMT- CAL TO NAURE PAOPEF @ENAT|ON OF OISHMACHINE DO r{OT PRE-l,llX WETIII{G TGENT At{) SOOTUM }|YP@HIORTTE (L|OUO &rAC}t}. CERTAT{ T'ATERULA INCII,DING SILVEN PLATE ALUMINUM AND PEWIEF ARE ATTACKED B/ SOOI,M HY?OClttOFm (LrUD Br.fAC1.t). SEE |M;TPUfiTON MAMJAL M'IES: 1 . A! VEFIIICAI MAC*||NE lxilE Slot.ls T KEN FROM FLooR MAY BE I.ICR€AS€O BY 1 '. 2. T'OIST AIR ESCAPEg FROM THE DOOfi, USE ONLY iTOISTUFE nESFTAI{T MATEFIAI-S ADJACENT TO |-xtc SIDES AND TOP. 3. AVENT II@OIS I.FTRECoI'I/IEIO€DASOVETHEU|(IG UiIDER@IJ}TENOLASSWASHEF STG rr Do€S NOT PfiOOT,CE E(CESSIVE VAPORS PLUIdIIO T{('TE* 1. WATEn HA IGn AnnESTOn (irEEnNG ASSF1O1o STANDAAD OR EOUNATE ff) TO BE $rPruED (B/ OTHERS) tN COMMON WATER SUPPLY LINE AT SERVTCE CONNECTTOi{. 2 RECO TTEI{oED WAIEF MnDNESa TO BE44 GRAINS FOR BEST RESULTS. 3. MINIIT{JM WATER CONDUCNVTTY RECUIRED . 30 MICFOMHOSEM. z3-15t16" @l{NEgnON rr{Fonr^Trcll (AFF ' AsOvE FltgSltED FLOOTT) LEGEND Er ETECIFTCA! @rirNECTtOlt | "38. r)|a rOtE FOR t'TRADE SAE COND{ n:31-44'AFF. Pl slNGrE FLI ANO R|NSE COI'|NECT|O* 94. FEriUrE GAFOEN HOS€ FTTNNG ON d LOI{O T|oSE SUPruED WITH MACHINE: l1fF WATER MIN. FOR IXAC & t-xiGH 1.t/2. AFF. P2 Of,AIN @NNECTIO{: ga' MPT Fnfltlc wlTH d LONO HGq€ SUPPUED WTH IIIACHINE: 34116'AFF.i I j I I 9'MtN. CONTFOLS DRAWEB ACCESS 3B-r 3/ 16" 26-3t4' -l I I 33-3y4 I I I 11-l1/t6' MAx, LOADING HEIGHT CHEMICAL BOTTLES MAY BE LOCATED ON EITHEB SIDE OF MACHINE 1-5/t6' MIN, HOSE CLEAMNCE CHLOBINE SANITIZER LXiGC ONLY RINSE.AID DETERGENT 9/16' 22-13116'T- I 14-3l8' I . THIS SISIEM REQUIRES THPEE POI"ER WIRES WHICH II'|CLUO€S A CIJRRENI CARFYT{G IGUTR& A ADOITIOML FOUFTH WIRE MUST BE PROVIOED FOR MACHINE GFOUNO. ACCESSORY @FD XIIS AVAI'ALE FOB AI MACIIINES 3-7ta' at{Pn o wEGHra GEs}LXIGC LXrcH NEI WEGHT OF MrcHINE 194 lbc-2t4 tbs. ooMESTIC SJIPPNG WEIGTfi 23o lb..259lbs. irooELs: LXIGC. LXIGH 8ga88l As continued producl lmprcvernent is a policy ot llobarl, spocifications a]g g|.bjscl to cnang€ without notico. 7\tr oaerr nose rs roopED AaovE A slNK THE Loop irusr Nor o<cEED s8. AFF. wanxl o ETECIFICA! AND GROUT{O|I,|G CONNECTONS I'I'ST @i'PLY WN}I THE APruCASI.€ PORTIONS OF THE IIATIOTIAL ET€CIn|CAL OOOE ^}IDOR OIHER LOCA ETECTN|CAI @OES. PLUMEII{G CONNECNONS iII,ST COMPLY WITH APPTICABT€ SANITAFY, SAFETY AID PLUMEING -@DES. DFAN ANO FILI UNE CONFIGURANONs -{ny, soME irErHoos AnE sHowN oN THtg oFAwtNG.v 1.1i2' TRADE SIZE PIPE MIN. REDUCED DOWN TO 3/4' FPT coNNECT|ON (BY cusToMER) RECOMMENDED WATER SERVICE ROUGH-IN 1,2'TRAOE SIZE PIPE MIN. WISHUTOFF VALVE, LINE STRAINER & 3Y4" MALE GARDEN HOSE FITTING (BY CUSTOMER). III{ SUPPLY CKT @ OUCY aLPAcrw uicc 0zffiur) U8E ryC STRAAIOED COPPEN W|RE ONLY. IJ(IGC 02o.2*2q3yrYtq.l 1 txoc (2@21ty€ryo UsE g(rc SINANDED COPPER WIRE OIII.Y. Page2ol2 F-8367 (REV. 8,/03) F-8367 - LXiG Glasswasher LITHO lN U.S.A. (H-01) $ m"oor.qc.are. Sonnenalp 2005 - Swiss Cut Book Section Headers 51261200s CONNECTIONS: water: M Cold water: Remote refrigeration: Gas @ tr tr tEl l-ql section with bottom and middle shelves Provide glass rack slides on 10' centers Plan View 112"=1'0" Provide remote two door refrigerated cabinet with sheet pan sliders on 3' centers and digital read-out in body panel. Provide t\i\o-tiered wall shelf as per writtEn ,/'sPecifications ,.//'L'/ Provide remote two door refrigerated cabinet with sheet pan sliders on 3' centers and digital read-out in body panel.Provide glass rack slides on 10" centers Front Elevation - 112"=1'0" 801 Remote Ref Work COunter Scala:Project: As shown Sonnenalp 2005 A|8a: Slle€i No.: B area CD-801 Oab: 15. MARK STECH. NOVAK RESTAURANT CONSULTATION & DESIGN 935 Aquadu6 Wty oakland, Ca 94611 Td: 51G@1-7142 Fac 51G80143:15