HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIA ZNEIMER LOT 1 LEGAL.pdfI, TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRO}fTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L557 97 0 -47 9-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMI]NITY D DEVELO h a,hurnsr:fralvrcr:o" /ott,=?a of B PMEI{T NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT .]Ob AddTCSS: 1706 BUFFEHR CREEK RD LOCATiON. ..: 1706 BUFFEHR CREEK RD Parcel No. . : 2]-03-!22-10-001 Project No. : PRJ00-0098 APPLICANT O'HALLORAN CONSTRUCTION CO P.o. Box ?55, MTNTT'RN, CO 81645 CONTRAMOR O'HALLORAN CONSTRUCTION CO P.O. BOX 755, MrI{TIJRN, CO 81645 OhINER ERRAI{T JAMES S & SAIiIDRA L 1893 CRESCENT CT, HIGHI,AND PARK IL 60035 Descript.i-on: KITCHEN REMODEL ON JOBSITE AT ALI., TIMES Permit #: 800-0072 Status. . AppIied. Issued.. E>q)ires. ISSI'ED 04 /20 /2000 05/04/20OO 1,0 /33-/2000 Phone: 303 -827-9600 Phone: 303 -82'7-9600 Occupancy: R3 T)4)e Construction: V N vaLuation r 40,500 Singl-e Family Residence Type V Non-Rated Add Sq Ft: Fireplace InformaEion: Rcstsricced: YES *of cas App.liancea;+of cas Logs:*of wood/Pallet: FEE SUMMARY r,1it^ina ----> 427.ao Reetuarant Plan Review-_> '00 ToEal calculatsed Fees---> 957-55 Plan check---> 277.55 DRB Fee------- ------ 'OO AddiCional Fees---------> -oo InvegtigaEion>.0oRecreationFee---''-.->.ooToLa1Pemj.tst'ee...'-.->9s.7-ss will call- -> 3.OO Cfcan_up Depo6li-----_ > 250'00 Payments6-_--- 957'55 TOTAIj I'EES------ DEPT: BUILDING DiVJ.SiON: JRIIT Depr: PI,ANNING Division: Dept: FrRE Division: Dept: PI'B WoRK Diwision: lLem:051-00 04 /27 /2000 os'/ 02 / 20oo Item:05400 04/27 /20OO Iti:m:05500 04/27 /2000 Ir.bm:05500 04/27 /2000 BUILDING DEPARTMEIiIT KAiFr Action: NOTE RQqTED-TO JRM Action: APPR APPRovED PI,ANNING DEPARTMENT KATHY ACIiON: APPR N/A FIRE DEPARTMENT KAriiV ---ACaion: APPR N/A PI]BLIC WORKS KlfliY-- Acti.on' APPR N/A See page 2 of this DocumenE for any conditions that may apply to this permit DECI;AR]ITIONS r hereby acknowledq€ thaL r have read this applicar,ion, filled out in ful.1 bhe information required, completed an accurate prot plan, and sEate lhat all the infodnacion provided aa required is cortect ' I aglse Lo comPly eith the infor$ation and PloE Plan' tso eonply irich alt rown otdinances and stace 1awe, and tso build this structure according Eo the TolJn'e zoning and subdivision codes, dcsign revlew approvcd, unifofiIl Building code and other oldinances of tshe Tot,n applicable theretso' REQUESTSFoRINsPEcTIoNsSHAIIJBEMA.DETHENIY-FouRHoURsINADT'}NCTjBYTEI,EPzNEAT4-|9-2!34 \/, ., , I t,. or rot,lor lFrIcE FRoM a:00 AM s:00 PM at[.ol4- lio t n .irvt! t: I t ..- ': 'op corrnecr'on FoRl HTMSELF AND owNER send Clean-Op DePoEit To: O ' HALLORAN CONST?UCaION ! t i\ Page 2 *************************************rt**:k*************************************** CONDITIONS Permits #: 800-0072 as of 05/04/00 status---: TSSIIED ******************************************************************************** permit Tlpe: ADDi/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied--: O4/2O/200O appii"."tl-: O,Hali-,OnAX CONSTRUSTION CO Issued---; 05/04/20A0 303-827-9500 To E>cpire | 1-0/3L/2000 .fOb AddTESS: 1706 BI]FFEHR CREEK RD I,OCATION---: 1706 BUFFEHR CREEK P'D Parcel No--: 2LO3-122-10-001 DescriPtrion: KITCT{EN REMODEL *** * * * * * * * *** * * * ** * * ***** * * * * * * ** *** ** COnditiOns * * * * *** ** * * it* * * ** **** ** * * * * ** * 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR coDE CoMPLIAI'ICE' 2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER sEc.310.6.1 0F THE 1997 IIBC' 3. NO PARKING OR STAGING OF MATERIA],S ALI.'OWED ON TOI''IN OF VAIL RIGIIT OF WAY. o *+********t*a**t*****++***********+*************++************t* TOWN OF VAII,, COLORADO SEatemnC ************i*t++**a*****+*****t*****:'+!r**********************t* Statemnt Number: REe-o523 AmouDt :957 .55 05/04/oO 12 t23 PavTent Method: 72?4 Notation: o ' IaLLORAN coNsT Init: JN Permit No: BOO-00?2 Type: A-BUTLD ADD/AL'T SFR BUILD pE Pareef No: 2103-122 10 001 Site Address t t7O6 BTIFFEHR CREEK RD Location: 1,705 BUFFEHR CREEK RI) This Palment Tota} Fee6: 957.55 Total- ALt Pmts: Balance : *******************************************.}******l*********r|**t 957.55 .00 Amount 427 . OO 250. OO 3. OO Account Code De6criptj-on BP OO1OOOO3]-111OO BUUJDING PERMTT FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PIAN EHECK FEES AD D2_DEPO8 CLEANUP DEPOSITS wC OO1OO0O31128OO WITL CAIIL INSPEC"IION FEE TOI,IIN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970-479-2a38 APPI.,IEANIT CONTRAqTOR OI^INER Electrical---> DRB Fee Invesbigation> will call----> TOTAL FEES- - - > DEPARTMEI{T OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMEIVT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRICAI. PERMTT iIOb AddrESS: 1706 BUFFEHR CREEK RD Location. . .: L706 BUFFEHR CREEK RD Parcef No.. : 2L03-L22-10-001 Project' No. : PRJo0-0098 PREMIER ELECTRIC CO., INC.P. O. BOX 3839, AVON, CO 81-620 PREMIER ELECTRTC CO., INC.P. o. Box 3839, AVON, CO 81620 ERRAIiIT .JAMES S & SANDRA L L893 CRESCENT gr, HTGHIAND PARK rL 50035 ,JOBSITE AT AI.L TIMES Permit #: E00-0090 Status...; ISSUED Applied..: 06/05/2000 Issued... : 06/08/2000 hcpires..: L2/05/2000 Phone,: 970-949-9377 Phone- 970-949-9377 DescripLion: KITCIIEN REMODEL Valuation:1, 300 . 00 FEE SWMARY 50. o0 .00 50,00 3 .00 103 ,00 TotaL Calculatred Fees- - - > Additional Fees---------> Tolal Pemit Fee--------> Paymenc8--- -- -- - 103 - OO . oo 103 .00 103.00 BAIN.NCE DUE .OO ITCM: O6OOO ELECTRICAI, DEPARTTVIEI\T DCPT: BUILDING DiViSiON:06/07/2OOO KAT}TY ACTiON: APPR APPROVED PER.KW Iti?m:"05600 FIRE DEPARTMEM Depr: FIRE Division:06/07/2ooo KATITY Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL ]-. FIELD INSPEETIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIA}ICE. DECI,ARATIONS I hereby acknoirledge thai: I hawe read this applicalion, filLed out in full the informatsion required, coEpleled an accurete plot pl.an, and Btagc ehat all tshe information provided as required is cotrect. I agr.e€ to cooply tfich lhe infofidatsion atrd plot p1an, to comply with alL Tolr, otdl.nanceg and sta!.e la!r€, and t.o build ChiE 6Cructur6 according to th6 Town, s zoning and subdivigion codes, deEigin revi€w approved, lrnifghl Buildirrg code and other ordinances of Lhe Tolcn applicabk theretso. REQUESTS FOR INSPBCTJONS SHAIJII BE MADE T9JENTY-FOT]R HOT'RS IN ADVANCE BY *i*********rat**t**l**t*tt**t***l*i**it*tt***t*:a*a********!r***ttt* ?OWN OF VAIIJ. COIPRADO 'Statemnt ****:l**i*****t*******************+**********t***il*****t******** Statemnt Number: RBC-0538 Amount;103 . 00 06/08/oo 11:31 Pa)rment Method: 2983 Notation: PRE!4IER ELEC Init : JN 800-0090 'rt4)e I B-ELEC EIE(=RICAL PERMTT 2103 -122-r"O- 001 1705 BI'FFEHR CREEK RD 1706 BUFFEHR CREEK RD 103.00 TotaL Fees: Total ALL PmtE : Balance : 103 - 00 103 .00 .00 Amount 50.o0 3.00 50.00 Permlt No: Parce1 No: site Addre66 i Locatlon: ThiE Palment *ll********t******t**i**************************************tr** Account code Deecrlption EP OO1"OOOO31114OO EI,E TRICAIj PBRMIT FEES wc oo1000031-L2800 ?lItL CALL INSPEqIIoN FEE PN OO1OOOO3].53OOO INVESTIGATION FEE (BI,DG) .,. tl At'pLrcArf,oN 11} ror BE AccEpTED rF rNcoMpLrrE o3}sr 0!99_ Building Perrnit #r Electrlcal Permit #: 97 0- 47 I - 2 L49 (hsp€stlrnc) mvfiwlwl 75 S. Froorage Rd.vail, Colort6o 41657 at or vislt rob r€me: i r cYitil*e < Ceear Rq iob Adcress: i1 Dto-BirrFeR ce<<r Ro Leget Description ll lot: ll Bioc(: I i:iling:Sutrdivision:ffi gilr--qgpo Enganeer:Addreis:Phone SGllfiAffi'orlof rvdF - 'K,;t;JR.mr,D€L work Class: ttew ( ) Arldfior i ) Remodel M iepair f ) Tefirp Pov'/.-j ( i fther( , wwk fype, interior Qfu E)c€rior ( ) aottr 1 ;Does an E{U exist at this iccatici): Ye6 ( ) No lX ) T'rpe oi Blctg.: $nglefanrilyf] Du'|ex ( ), ivlultFiamilt i ) Comrrercial ( ) Reaauiant ( ) other ( ) Flo. of Existing Dwdling Units in this c(i;lding: i tl9. of Acrtmmodation Ut)it-s iti thb b.r;idirg: I isthl$Dermitfsra hottubl yes ( ) Nq]-S ToesaTirelra-Etrrnffi -ret_)Ig{J Doer e Fire Sprinkler :')'stenl a'(!st: Yes 1 ) No CY cor{pLETE sQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALt OTHERS (Labor & Materials) EiECIRIS| vALUAfiON: $AMOUNT CF SQ F lt'l SIRUCTUREI d Phone #'s:rL qL{q -q3'1 bwn cf Vail Re]. No.: l***rii.d***A***r.*r.t{r'.*.i*rr{**J:i','r!irr*'r'i**FOROFFICEU9EONLY"*ti?*it*-r}i:ri'Jrrtrn*i*ni*'it't*:rt'+i?+r'it*!rtt fficDJUN052000 AppLrcATroNfr. no, BE AccEprED rF rNcoMplErl" rnrrun.o Building Permit #: NVNqvvtn 75 S. Frontaqe Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 97 0-479 -2149 (Inspections) Separate Permits arc required for electrical. plumbing, mechanical. elc.l Contact Assessors Offrce at 970-328-8640 or visit www.for Parcel # Parcel # g,k>3--tLL--lo .-W[ rob Name: ^LplWt yLtt{,+ot:Lt-rob Address: llCa k4khy (uzfu Legal Description ll Lot: ll encr: ll riting:Subdivision: Owners Name: 91,14 eLTUWT eadress: l$:[,3 t {-t. Ec LNTCT.Phone: .{'16. L. Architect/Design"r, fllC{r,Slor..J tS Address: kVcN, LO Phone: gqg ssd; Engineer: W$/t Address: l&+Phone: N fr Detailed description of work: vtrctta$j Y-l $/w A Lv / tlt- tJa{,tT? q\t WorkClass: t\ew( ) Addition( ) Remodet (/' Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interiorp{ Exterior ( ) Aottr ()Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: single-family;f Two-family ( ) I\4ulti-family ( ) commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: I No. of Accommodation [Jnits in this building: @ Noffvpe of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Appliances Dd Gas Logs ( ) wood/pellet ( ) wood Burninq ( No/Tvpe of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) cas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: ves ()$' No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System @ COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDTNG PERMIT (Labor & Materiats) BUTLDTNG: S 35,6r-ct ELECTRICAL: q LrSc-D OTHER: $ -PLUMBING: 5 'zrvlD MECHANICAL: $ ltDt'C,rorAl: s ztot.scD-- REFTJND CLEANLJP DEposrr ro: oift Acupltrt^.t' cotlS,tt& 4rkrNl rc General Contractor:Town of Vail Reg. No.: 441-]ts^ Contact and Phone #'s:W-'ILos 81f- Contractor Signature: * :',' r? rt * * *'1t * * * * * * :t :t :l :t :t :t * * * ****,r**********FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**********,r*:rrr,r**rk,!**+****r!***r.*****:r 0 2000 Public Way Permat Fee: F:/everyone/forms/bldgperm APR TOT,{N OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF 75 S. FROMIAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 .rt upffifi'blt'ntroi-n COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT sFR BUILD PERMTT .JOb AddrCSS: ]-705 BI]FFEHR CREEK RD Locat.ion...: l-706 BIjFFEHR CREEK RD Parcel No. . : 2!03-L22-L0-001 Project No. : PR,J98-0119 O'IIALLORAN CONSTRUCTION CO BOX 756, MINTI]RN, CO 81545 O'IIALLORAN CONSTRUCTTON CO BOX 755, MINTIIRN, CO 81545 ERRANI JAMES S & SANDRA L 1893 CRESCENT CT, HIGHI,AI{D PARK TL 50035 ON .TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit. #: 898-0145 SEatus. . Applied. Issued. . E>cpires - ISSUED 05/0s/1e98 07 /L7 /1,998 or/a3 /L999 APPLICA]\T CONTRACTOR OhINER FirepLac€ Infontalion: R.6lrictear Descripti-on: RN,:NOVATE MASTER BATHROOM 3;cupancy: R3 Single Family Residence Type ConstrucE,ion: V N Type V Non-Rated Valua€ion:32, 000 Add Sq Ft: *Of cas Appl,iEnces:*Of ca6 LogB: Phone: 303827-9600 Phone: 303827-9500 *of wood/Pal1et: FEE SI'UMARY Building-----> Plan Ch€ck- - - > Invest igati on > wi 1l call- - --> 364.00 .00 3.00 ReBtuarants Pl,an Review--> .oo ORB Fce-------- > ,00 Rec]:eation Fee- -------- -> Clean-Up Deposi.C--- - ----> Totaf Calculat6d Fees---> Additional- Fee6-- - ----- - > Tolal Permit. Fee- - ---- --> .00 853,60 .00 250 .00 PayrnentB- ------- S53.60 ".."**'.;;.;;;;;.;;;;;;;;';;;;;;;; ...'..'.iri;rr.;r,';il;;;;;';l;;,'"' 06/05/l-998 JRM AcEion: APPR APPROVEO ,JRI"f Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMEI.I Dept: PI,ANNING Divi-sion:06/0511998 iIRM Action: APPR N/A Item: .05500 FIRE DEPARTI4ENI '. Dept: FIRE Division:06/05/\99Q-.18L - Aqqtonr APPR N,/A I!qm: .05500 PITBLIC WORKS '. Dept: PIJB WORK Division:05/05/l-998 .TRM Action: APPR N/A See Page 2 of this DocumenE for any conditions that may apply Eo this permit. DECLARATIONS I hercby rcknoeledge Ehrts I have read thi6 application, fil,lcd out. in ful1 thc ormahion required, conplctcd an acclriate pl-ol p1an, and sEate that aL1 tha information provldcd aa required 16 colrect. I to comply with Che inforeation and ptot plan Eo comply with all Tofln ordinances and 6lat.e 1aes, and Co build thi€ s code6, degign revi.v approved, Uniform Buj-1ding codc and olher ordinances o REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SIIALL BE MADE TWEMY-FOUR HOT'RS IN ADV}NCE BY scnd Clcan-Up Dcpoeil To: O,IIALLORAN OUR OFFfCE FROM 8:oo AM 5;00 PM O9{NER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HTMSELF AND OWNER Page 2 *****************************tt**************************{.*********************** CONDITIONS Permit #: 898-01-46 as of 07/L7/99 status---: ISSUED ***********************************************************+******************** Permits $pe: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied--: 06/05/L998 Applicant,--: O'IIALTORAN CONSTRUCTION CO rssued---: 07/L7/L998 303827-9500 To Expirez OL/L3/L999 .JOb AddrESS: 1-?06 Bi'FFEHR CREEK RD LOCAt,iON---: ]-?06 BITFFEHR CREEK RD Parcel No-- : 2]-03-122-10-001 Descriptsion: RENOVATE MASTER BATHROOM * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOns **t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 'k 1. FTEI.D TNSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED TN A]-.IJ BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER S8C.L210 0F THE 199r_ UBC.3. BATHROOM VE}flT]LATION REQ'D !.|'.:a[.'.,.'l,'-,'..'.''.i...'q.:'''t''1'{-lG'1l'1j'.''''.''':''|P.'.!. TOISN OF VAfIJ, COLOR.ADO Slarcnnts .,-- -.'.,'...-.1*,,:.::.. :,'."-: ...,. ". o StaErmnE Nuhber; REC-0425 Amount: Pa)dcnc. McEhod: CK NotaEion: 5,[96 853.60 O't/17/9A L4r29 IniE: i'lAw PormiE No: 898-0145 rypc: A-BUIIJD ADD/ALT SFR BUIIJD pE Parc€l No: 2103-122-L0-001 Sit€ Addtess: 1?O5 BUFFEHR CREEK RD I,ocat'ion: 1705 BUFFEHR CREEK RD Toeal, Fec6: Paynent 853.50 ToEaL AITIJ pnt6: Bahncc:.00 AccounE code Deacripclon BP OO].OOO03I111OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES PF OOlOOO03I].2300 PIJAN CHECK FEES )i] rl0100002403100 CIJEANUP DEPOSITS wc 001000031t2300 vllll] cAl,L INSPECaION FEE AmounE 36{.00 250.00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROMTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8t-657 970-479-2L38 DEPARITYIENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEIIT NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT AI.L TIMES EI,EETRICAI, PERMIT Permit #: E98-0165 .]Ob AddTESS: 1706 BUFFEHR CREEK RD LocaLion. .,: L7O6 BUFFER CREEK RD Parcel No. . : 2L0j--L22-L0-001 Projece No. : PRJ98-0119 APPLICANI WIRE NIII ELECTRIC Po Box 1112, AvoN co sL620 COITTRACTOR WIRE NUT EI-,ECTRIC Po Box 1-112, AvoN co 8l-620 O$'NER ERRANT JAIVIES S & SANDRA L 1893 CRESCEI{I CT, HIGHL'AND PARK IL 50035 DescripEion: ELECTRTCAL FoR BATH REMoDEL Valuation:2, 000 .00 50 -00 .00 .00 3.00 5t .00 * * r * * * i * * i t * + * * * * i * * r t I * * * * r i * t t i r t i t * ' r i ' r r * t * * * r r r * * i t i * a r * * r i Item: 0G000 ELECTRICAL DEPART'I,IENI ^-p-gpE: BUIL,DING Division: 6i7 )i t 156e - cuant,iH- lst ia4r- ApFn csanlrE DAvrs itbfr'' 6se 60"'rTdE-bepliilifrEiif Dept : FrRE Dr-vasaon: 6iTittlgie c-HARLrp Actioni APPR N/A * * * * * i t * * * *t * * *r CONDITION OF APPROVAL t-. FIELD INSPEgtIoNs ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR coDE CoMPLIANCE. I * r t r r i I * i t i t * * * t * * i r * r t * * I * ! * * + t I * * * * * r * * t * t I * * i * r r DECI,ARATIONS r hercby ncknotfreatge thaL r heve read thi€ spplicar.ion, fitled out in fulr the infor aLion lcquined, coNPleted en acculace plor p1an, and sgate chat aI1 Ehe infofftaElon provlded a6 l:equlr€d is colrecL. r agreo uo conPly l,iBh tshe info!$ation and ploc Plan' Lo compry l|ltsh all. Town ordinanc€B and 6t,aEe Let{6, and tso build chiB sEructsut€ according Eo che Torln'6 zoning rnd subdlviaion codeB, degign revier approved, unifort'[ Buildinq cod€ and other ordinances of the To{n aPpltcabl€ tshereEo' Status...: fSSIJED ApPtied. . : o7 /27 /L998 riiued. . -z a7/27/L998 E)q)ires - .: 0I/23/L999 Phone: 303 -476-4236 Phone: 303 -476-4236 Electxical---> DRB f'ee Inve€t igatsion > will CdIl-- - - > TOTAI, FEES-'.> TotaL calcqlatsed Feee- - - > Addieional Fees-- --- - ---> Toeaf Perrdlr Fee-_----- > Paymenld--__-___ BA',ANCE DUE----- s3 .00 .00 53.O0 53 .00 .00 REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHAI,L BE MA.DE TWENTY'FOIJR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY *rl* ***** ***************** TOWi{ OF VAIL, COLORADO **************************************************************** o **************************** t *********** SEatemnt. 53 .00 07 /27 /98 O9:41- rniE r CD SeaEemnt Number: REC-0428 Amount.: Payment Method: CHECK Notatlon: #5514 Permit. No: E98-0165 Typet B-EI-,EC ELECTRICAL PERMTT Parcel No: 2103-122-10-001 SiEe Address: 1706 BUFFEHR CREEK RD Location: 1706 BUFFER CREEK RD Totsal Fees r 53 . 00 Total AI-,IJ Pmts: Balance:**************************************************************** Account Code Description EP OO1OOO0311].400 ELECTRICAL PBRMIT FEES WC OO1OOOO3].12BOO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE This Payment. 53.00 53.00 .00 funounL 50.00 3 .00 t a lincacr E6gla Counly Assessors Offlce ac 97.0-328-8640 for Parce1 t7. TOWN OF VAfL CONSTRUCTfON \ryEL ,rr_ PERMIT AppLIcATIoN FoRM ( 1lC,:'-- i) L lP-c't'l DArE:---- I h/- , APPLTCATTON }fUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED I r * * * * * * * * * * * * * tt '( tr * * * * * * * * * * * * * PERMIT TNFORMATTON * * * * * * * * * * * * * rr * * * * rr * * * * * * * * * * rob Name, ! (,,t-:0rT ()ttt\0t Job Address: t _--L /'t_t_ [ ]-BuiLding [ ]-Plumbing M'-nrectrical [ ]-Mechani-ca1 [ ]-other | (,tr-:hr'f (L).l'ti AL( ,-,-, Legal Description: Lot Block__ Fitinq slRnTUTqTnN. rwners Name: t Yt A/ovl l1'-t '-t /,'t /1 t tt'Address: t IL'k l,'. t*t Ltv- Cl<- p1-,. {/'- . \ }'t I .\rch itect:Address:Ph. tucV/fl2 Plt[\14-t--r, ru4 n ff'rt /L- -Alteration I l-AdditionaJ- [ ]-Repair [ ]-other lumber of DwelI incr Units:Number of Accommodation Units: Ipmber and Type of Firep)-aces: cas , -- k *)k t( * * * ****)k * ** rt* rt** ** ** * *** *** * * *** ***** ** * *** * ***)k * * **** ** * tr )k * * * * PaYlE a t t1 ieneral DescriPtion: .lork C1ass: [ ] -New IUILDING: _|-- ?LUI.IBING: $,-HECHANICAL: { [1r L Appliances VALUATIONS Gas Logs_ Wood/pettet ELEcrRrcA 1-,' a 1'{'€C'OTHER: $ I - I i -. i I . 1 i I I : i I I I : i . *.lJ,i l*:. IpITRA:ToR r NrioRMAl'roN |eneral contractor, (1 t {tr4-t Ai'Z-,t- .,r^ t \ddress: ilectrical ll IrJtrt: A,L:T Q t;t'l{(<, .i.ldrr:aq. )Irlrnbing rddress: lechanical Contractor: rdd res s : }UILDING PER}IIT FEE: )LUMBING PERMIT FEE: 1ECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: TOTAL: * * * & * ** * ******* ** * )t* * * * )r * * * Tor+n of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Nunber: po I\{tractor:Town of VaiI neg. 11,q' Phone Nunber z ('l) t*'./ --r-Town of Vail Reg. Phone Nur'rber: Town of VaiI Phone Nunber: NO.V,L L Contractor: Reg. NO. : * :k >t >t * :t * :t rl * * * * rf * * * * * * * )t * * * rt * * * * *FOR OFFICE USE ** * * * * * rk * * * * * ** * * * rt rt * r( * * * rr >r( * * * * iLECTRTCAI, TEE: )THER TYPE OF FEE: )RB FEE: BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PI,AN CHECK .FEEi MECHANICAT, PI,A].I CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: PER.\IIT II GROUP lonnenLs; VALUATION ) CLEAN IIP DEP.OSIT REFTIND TO: TOI,IIN OF VA,IL 75 S. FROIiIIAGE ROAD vArL, co 81557 970-479-2L38 DEPARTI,IEI{T OF COMMT]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PLI]MBING PERMIT JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: P9B-0075 DescripEion: RENOVATE MASTER BATHROOM FEE SUT4M]TRY SEATUS...: APPROVED App1ied..: 06/05/L99e Issued...: O6/05/L998 E>cpires . . : L2/ O2/L998 Phone: 3038275736 Phone: 3038275736 6, 000 . 00 APPI,ICAIII| CONTRAgTOR OIIINER Plunbing-----> Plan check- - - > Inve6tigat ion > will call- --- > ReaEuarant PIan Review- - > JOb AddrCSS: 1706 BUFFEHR CREEK RD LOCATiON. . .I T7A6 BUFFEI{R CREEK RD Parcel No. . : 21_03-t22-1_0-00L Proj ect No. : PRiI98 - 01-1-9 JERRY SIBLEY PLI]MBING P O BOX 340, MIIIIURN CO 8L645 .]ERRY SIBLEY PLI'MBING P O BOX 340, MINTT]RN CO 81645 ERRAI{T JAMES S & SANDRA L 1893 CRESEEIiI'T CT, HIGHI,AND PARK IL 60035 Valuat.ion: 90 .00 22.50 . oo l.o0 , oo 115.50 .00 115. s0 .OO ToEal Calculated Feee---> 115. s0 Additional Fees---------. Total Permit Fee--------> Payments-------- BALANCE DUE- - I!qm: .05100 BUTLDTNG DEPARTMEI{T Depr: BUILDTNG Division:06,/05,/1998 JRM ACIiON: APPR APPROVED JR},,r I!98,. .qIqQ0_E_I_RE DEPARTMENT Depr: FrRE Diwision:06/05/l-998 JRM Action: APPR A CONDITION OF APPROVAL ]". FTELD TNSPECTIONS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. DECI,ARATTONS I her:eby acknowledge chat I have read thi.B appli.cation, filled out in fu1l the infornat.ion required, conpleted qn accuLate plot plan, and st.ate that. alf the infortnation provided aE required is correct. I agtee Eo conply rrith the infonnalion and pl.ot plan, to comply lrith all To$rn ordinance6 and Ebate fa{e, and to build this etructure according to the Town,B zoning and subdivieion codea, deaign review appr:oved, Unifo1-m Building Code and other ordinances of the Tonn applicable hherebo. REQUESTS FOR INSPEmIONS SHALL BE I4ADE TWENIY-FOUR HOURS IN AD\IANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 4?9-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM S:OO AM 5:oo pM SIONATURE OF OWNER OR COMIRACTOR FOR HIMSETF AAID OWNER t t- ItErg.ED! Bunbarr RBC-O{2? AnlounE ! Pa!4!.nE tLChoat ct( Nogrcj'on! 25019 t t att t *t* a * *a ** t', t t!ti t r* t ttt * t t J* r. tt ra tt t t *tt'ttlr |t tt *at'*r ' 1t t* * Toi{lr oF vArrr, lolroaroo gtrc.[nt f ?e |rtr atra a * !r. tttrrr t tttttra |r i t rr * I t tara It itr 'la ali' t t rrtt" 'r t r r t 115.50 O?/2r,/9t 15!19 InlE: JRfl F.rnlE No: Pt8-0075 I'tD. r B-FITMB PLIJIGMO P8Rfilr Pltc.l No: 2103-12t-10-001 BiEr ldd!.r.r l?06 bttlllllR CREEK RD LocrtLonr r.?06 BttttBllR CnSEK RD Totrl Fl.r t ltrlr Prl.!.nt 115'50 lorrl lI,tJ PBE. ! Eaxutcat r, * * r, ttti I tl, ta J aa i t ttr i tt * l a l I r 'r rttttt * *!,r 'r i t'1a rr rrrrir*r t rrftt f f I Account coda D..crlPClon PP oo1oooo31112oo PI]ltuBINo pARl|If IEEA Pt 00100003112300 PLAII CHACK FElg Wc ooroooo3ll2too Wf!,r, CA.L! rNgpAcqION FEE 115.50 115. 5 0 .oo ltounE 90.00 22.90 3. oo :- jl";;3:,fi:i;i;:;::"1;:^:;:;:" 'i'j;l oF vArL coNsrRucrroN JUN 02 oe8 o,*.,,,yEL 0 . L10\ 1L?-IOOO / pERMrr AppLrFATroN FoRM ,,\ cx=z:_tlz/I/ pl{S{ - Ottl I APPLTCATToN MIJsr BE FrLL!:D ouT coMpLETELy oR rT fuey Nor BE AccEprED l! r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * tr * * * * * * * * * * * * * PERMIT f NFORI,fATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,( ,. * * * * * * * * * * r t..'5(1-auj.taing [ ]-Plumbing [ ]-Etectrical [ ]-Mechanibar [ ]-orher / \. - -----__ rob Name , t-itlt**tT l&AeoLL' rob. Acrdre "r, _i) o b 15q r,trtrL c_l<: e) .Ztrffi rwners Name: gltvl (''Ltuhri- - ' Addr"==, l?o, Hrt1rti+t- c'rro rn. +;r, -1 s q trchitect: leneral Description: ?LUMBING:I r-11-^-^. ;lectrical contractor: 'ddress: Address: EI,ECTRICAL: $ MEcHANrcAr.r $_ -' ---- IN.FORMA'I.'ION pON e- \,/ "' \ /'tork class: r l-New [{-Arteration t ]-Additionar [ ]-Repair [ ]-other ,\ lumber of Dwetlinq Units:Number of Accommodation Units: fmber and Type of Fireplaces! cas Appliances Gas Logs_ Wood/Pe11et i * * * * * * * * * * * * *^* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS * * * rr. * * r< * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * :r * * * * * )r *,r \I ]UILDING: $6ati OTHER: $ . \JE rktl <,lumbing contractor: I J Re 'ddress: lechanical Contractor: \ ll-^^- .rttLl l- c>s . Reg. NO. Mki(^l W+tLooPl ToTAL:$@ )t **.d* * ***** ** * * rr * * * * * * * * * * * Town of VaiI Reo,No. 44 7 -8 (, fhone Nunber: Town of VaiI Phone Nunber: a Town of VaiI ) Phon" Number: Town of VaiI Phone Nurnber: Reg. NO. ;LECTRTCAL FEE: )THER TYPE OF FEE. )RB FEE! "it _, I ylgllNrcAT, Pr'AN cHEcK FEE:a . .RECREATIoN FEE: .? CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT:r)., f vr s:Js\,rJII. ;Pl, TorAL PERMTT FEES: BUTLDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: )omnents: VALUATION , CLEAN I]P DEP.OSIT REFTIND QtttnugtutJ Calsr 6 l!"X 7Sf btrNT'rryt1J t14 nL+ f $t r o o I (U $o. .-o (l)B c) e{c)o gE ^J e...9t t C. $ l{\]F E- o o z a {7 c o {o z T lTl 7 ={ --- ct o tl o 3 o =o m l t--tm l<: t -tt Y lm: lrJ o lro l1J <ITP lai m ts -.1 l=P T o -t v,q,c z o m o 'n -0 m :o { FIFl p<-rxJ m# =z t- -)4-IJEI -n -o Or- z=0@ 2-=c)z tr 3$t-e\\ o\. AN O\r tt\iN \ = 'e nT qn 8=z.\ {.>6z !./ > .c)Pp ==Lio=irn Z r+? c) sgt H= tr Fi;zY6 8gF 2n --i m 7z >m o:)-{>or 'f =m -.{ =z m s CD z =T F ti H cn F EJ F z{ ]r uio c)>'l- m 'T' z t- t-o t- I =z r K F r.trl r tt TE E F -l m J-m -i {2 o 'n f- m z o I -{ E z 1t :r m z ! H H { m t- m ,r *l p ol;€F 7l HIE ;IE =lH -lF 612 3lH 49, ---. Fn ath r'E F.t a I I F.\t)}. ld t: lz le t<t> IF lr tm lo la l- IF I -n = P z F H m T F ! \o I t s. I \c) t'.J l.J ld €z o 'q 1- m z I l.J I I Ft F z { H F x F' '<x o -t F H tr. c) 5- \l I s.5 3 l- ,m (n X \{ = l: I' ==n ir\ 2 t> l<|l lir tz IU l(/) I r_t i< t-.-lz IH r lu)lu) lz t,-. |ln i< l^t5 5 FJ 5'\J E. F H z td 'l - F H E- 'rF | \J I )NJ q2z lc m; Nl l-- (l.o ' l, I O c -{ o-O--6 !-A d'< =r 0ro 3S..-O :i O.ry(o ;ri(D =J o!t E-orJ =r !) a)o o"o oP 0r_ 6',= 9€ar!-:'-:: O+-r= J(D go =^ o-<= =L 6.=o3r !rO (t, -. xo cj d9 q6' 6> xo -o (o o o o c) 5 =.= -' I = f o E ;o = t f l {f = o (t, gt f o o A' o !){(o !) o E.o o o (o { c o 5 t! s. ='(o o o Srt f;ssE F\E .tQE R$E Frg +Ng tFp 7 z o (t I z I z > !m =(t z m m m l< lz lz l": l- --l c -.1 lz ta l- la_l4 1Z l l lj l! l--l -l =o z n IO .n€ ==zc) 'z i f., z>eR nai !<r.it < >0 ili I (,o z c z : tr I t1 tl tl z m € P<p< m =z -l =z fi ! z --t m c n ONF ;o-{A R;4-far F ;O -D'n =zo 6Qo o<z 7c)2 lo 6 4 o= S b 2 at,o6 o -nzz € I n< t9 l\) z t!]{ U)H z c. - F (r) E P I K c) F z H P cr { z tt t-o z 14l 't sl zl F=l Ei: I ^Fl "rF I ol f=l F-{"' I Er= | E;l nlal c)l frl I *lol Et tl rdl Frl EtSl Elxl ot >l tFI EI HI HI EIEI zlvl ut >l EI ?is ;i u, tfr Z,:.8 ol =r; gi IiE Fi o 'cD E,fq I lz; tl rl Nl F\'NJ 0l EF 3r -Fl ll I rl al z H P z n ! l.J ul -t t- m n ='n m m (A c m -.1 x o m z e ! m I --{ m g z an € tn m -.t z 'n m m m - z 6 |- c 3 = m tn c)-.t o t- a' z o tT!o - g = m i !m =-r 'Tl m m a VALUATION =m o - 2 o f. l' = =o m m --t |- - z \n tJ tJ (rt o !m =-z o F. 19 l- lF.tJr | \o o16 oto (Jr \|\o D wd 7735# qlgl?/ry -a t- (.t) z -l r- (7 * *h fl I f f I J., t-t '-l 6 * T \\Q s r<z "l FFI (-z $a- n r. o -z *l z 7 o o O t\)tJ t\) z o t F P \ t -i. 14 t J n +) A \ n \ s A \ I- lrl U' c) *l o z X H z v)(i o r, rd z q rtt V,F'' 'E tn -i F trt z U El l! :t! t \s \ -J z U F z c ct rrt v 3 1{.t, rI z o z N N t4 ,l 3 I VI 14 o ^ c, ,b q a_ o H 5 N (.t\I N 14 c's 0 \ I bl o\ \r-- G\ \\ e Uj (\x x fi:to c: u \ { R ta I h\ :s * er (L l\ i j i d B:;g ll fl fl I l.PI\ll a! TB tt[-\t s t5 ATTN: REATTN VENDOR .REQUEST TEI"IPORARY VENDOR -.::>vENDoRs FULWy . FORM: 6;-\-Y1 'NO h 43-Q {/ / .\lV r / s-lo// u"*oo*r6fr*) uu*oo*1nro*r4 Y REI.IIT ADDRESS IF TAX ID# ON SS # rS VENDOR A CORPORA?TON REeuEsrED u". ,4 &",0 /o.(a DATE oF REQvEsr. .' 6 /z-e '/'r 7 . -i rs rHrs a. vnwoon REeuEST FoR A R':FTJNDZS;;> lS==""-' Ur.,-l C" Srst-7 D.TFFERENT FRO}.' ABOVD ' YES hl/-r NO I v et rt O =l:lD." Engineering Consultants 953 S. Frontage Rd. Wesl. Suite 201 Vail, Colorado 81657 303/476,6340 December 16, L992 Mr. Ed Zneimer P.O. Box 305 Minturn, CO 81645 RE: STORMWATER RUNOFF RETENTION THE VATLEY PHASE VI Dear Ed: Per your request, I have reviewed the drainage report previously prepared in May, 1991, by RBD for The Vailey Phase VI , giving particular attention to the question of whether or not retention of stormwater runof f should be considereo. Retention of stormwater runoff is typically required of a development when something occurs within that development that substantially aJ.ters flow characteristics and/or creates sone adverse condition downstream. Phase VI constitutes approximately L.3 gercent of the drainage basin that was defined and proposed improvements only alter drainage characteristics in a minor way. This is due to the sma1l amount of improvements made overall in the low reaches of the basin and the small amount of impervious materials being added. The original report did discuss the need to control the potential increase in velocity in that part of Phase VI where the natural drainage area was channeled down. There were three options put forth, any of which would be acceptable for controling erosion, espec ial1y dur ing the construct i on phase of the development . Retent ion was not discussed. It would stil1 be advi.sable to construct the channe I as suggested in one of the three alternatives to somewhat control velocity and erosi.on. My opinion remains, however, that retention is not required. In addition to the fact that there ifiTilif?-ifrinor ,-. -change in drainage characteristics, the development is at the bottom of the defined drainage basin. Any effect of Phase VI improvements on the drainage basin would be felt early on, prior to any major flow generated in the basin above. The argument night be made not to provide detent i r-rn so that those f lows could clear/ making way for the rnore major flows from alrove, the Other offices: Denver 303/778-7338 . Fort Collins 303i226-4955 . Colorado Springs 719/598 4107 . Longmont 303i678-9584 rt t mitigation downbasin of which is not the responsibility of The Valley Phase VI . I hope this clarifies your guestion regarding the need for phase VI to provide detention for greater intensity runoff or increased flow generated from within the development. If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact me. Very truly yours, RBD, INC -T Kent R. Rose, P.E.Project Manager Release ot Lot 1 Provlslons Lla Znelmer Subdlvlslon The Community Developmenl Department of the Town of Vail has received an fmprovement Location Certificate for the construction on Lot 1 of the Lia Zneimer Subdivision. After reviewing it, the Community Development Department staff has found that he construction complies with the requirements of the Single Family Subdivision standards. The provision pertaining to Lot 1, shown on pages two and three of the Lia Zneimer plat, recorded August 30, 1991, is no longer in etfect. The lot, as of the recording of this document, will be considered a subdivided lot by the Town of Vail. STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE ^-l'4\- ^ | The foregoing was acknowledged before me this l-/ aay d Ocfobz'?- by Andrew Knudtsen. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: t\,rr, /at/91\' ,/\--'- ' " /LDirr, 6/a'ntu, cu 19 I/ 1.,a Project Application oate ,f.V a/// ",,r/t,.t CF,/.t/tuJttt. -,/,-l /Project Project Name: Description: Contact Person and p6on" tbl,' y't,/S-''-' ,/'Lt"' /'u'''/l/t/S'"'- &'' '"{:z"utX' /"C .5<c ,'2tttzi-/Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Lega|Description:Lot/B|ock-'r,tinaffi,zone/|v comments: fr' i/'iu tZ r''/, 'a:X-t/fuui,''':s"'- ' / Rlock ""^"2A"i/ti/6:-'5' ,iit,.,, /u t,:t.t t-zrs, 6A( /5n,; /; ','/ k,.'t';;';/.< tc/,;/ oute 5,/riy'lz- Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL rr lr 2.k/'i L ,rd7r/C,c7; Su m mary: Date: Staff Approval =1 |lt l titl tiil iill itll 'ill dll _t!l -------i tl i(f'frr,FYiilJ#%fffiq tt7 ' t-;f-- -'- V1"1"'PP ttr?-'%o / ?tn Zxet@{-E N()RTH ELEV. 1=:: L.l- rl ,--.a,1 tri4-s Lor I 4d! *0 . t& ,-\ -/ I Va SsnLrr;6 l==*=":-=:=-;:'i .' l t-. Ja _--_-.--.-- ,t ++- +- ufu.{a .\ >r-... .- \ --, \0 ,o- [e efrk o g6 \14 \ eP6\ n--- J@ b -, lo__ \ \_ -- -l / \ I Ao'Ur t w'atletx- \- dt' \ \ I I // ./ ././ ../ -' -/ '../t E26A -./ /' -/'// .{ R&r,nils'Pe.", A"tloT r" f*,6'/o n.',xl Afi a , 't' h:E-ffi / --*=: /' )rnt't -./,/./ --/ '/'././ 't'(,-,-/' /'/ .//'23ryY- .' - -6i** 11 res? ',.{rrro4 // ..' -/./ /' ./ \ %.' -- ../ / t&l*^t:':'tQ ./ -r-_.- / A 11Dfeu - ./ b,I = il,tS / ;tl bo, r''' z. .4 z-nLr.\ut b\N \. \gqYpprication Project Name: Projecl Description: Owner, Address and Phone: conractpersonand r^"^" -Juln U,//t4 474-Zotz E el 7 n;<-on*r t) t tl.lt/ Architect, Address and Phone: 'l-\Ad /ll ' L I /- Com ments: Design Review Board D ISAPPROVA L Summary: ,r/rto H4u.(E',t 6/f /ql /ar/oa .NAL INSPECTIONIS COMPLETED U The ltens belos need to be couplete before glvl.ag a perilit a flnal C of 0. Please check off lD the box provlded. FINAL PLU}TBING Lr DATE: l-r r_____l FINAL UECHANICA], DATE: I FINAL ELECTRICAI, DATE: FINAL BI'ILDING EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE: DATE: TEMPORARY C OF O I I l- DATE: CERTITICATE OF OCCUPAr{CY DATE: LANDSCA?ING DUE I I lr DATE! N\\\ - .t . hlnter-Mountain lAEtgineeringLrd. October 1, 1991 Longs Excavation Box 894 Avon, CO 81520 Re: Foundation Excavation observation Lot 13, Buffer Creek Road Lions Ridge Subdivision Project No. 90611 Dear Paul, Today october 1, 1991 I reinspected the foundation excavation, This obseivation was performed in response to your reguest and with respect to our letter dated September 27, 1991. At this inspection one of the rocks lras removed and the hole backfilled and compacted. The second rock appeared to be native and it was leveled with the surface. The renainder of the bottom of the excavation was well compacted non-yielding, smooth, free of debris and standing water. If you have any questions, please call. Sincerely, /1 /T) t M,r, 're'*oua4 Luiza Petrovska,Project Engineer LP: bsm cc: Ken West Box No. 978 . Avon, Colorado 81620 . 94+5072 Denver893-1531 1420 Vance Street . Lakewood, Colorado 80215 . Phone: 232-0158 * .1, ;. l 'r I Orl SePLenber 27, 1991 f excavation and following are -The excavation was conpletedi -The surface at the bottom of the excavation appeared well conpacted non-Yielding; -The footings excavatione uere snooth,.free of debris' ot,;ur,r.t., ioo.e soiI, froet and standing water; -ThecutsintothetillrnaterialhadexPo6edlayers of long flat chunks of sandstone bedrockl -There were two locations vtith large rocks at the surface of the bottorn of the excavation' l rt :fl S ' BoxNo.978 . Avon, Coiorado81620 ' 949,5072 DenverS9&1531 1420 Vance Street . Lakbwood, Colofado 80215 r Fhono: 23?$15& o Itnter-l]tountain ,f\t-sineerinqLrd Se1>tember 27, f 991 i.ongs Excavation t'. o. Box 894 Avon, co 8162o l<e: Foundation Excavation Inepection Lot 12, LionE Ridge Subdivlsion Buffer Creek Road Project No.90611 l'iear FauI , on your request on Septenbel 24 and 27' 1991 I' inspected-the soiLs corrtlitions ln- the fiundatlon excavation for Lot 13, Buffer treek Road in the Lions Ridge Subdivision' At the first inspection the south side of the proposed res idence was stakecl on the exposed sandstone bedrock ' It was ,iiscussed Lo either nove the building or blast the rock, to avoid exi.<rssive dif ferentia] settlenent' -fhe rock waB blasted and the !,)rindat ion o*,r.vJii-on ,r.= backf 1lled. The depth of the backf i Il is beteeerr r and 5 f;;a according to Ur' Dugan' The trenches for the tootings were cttt into the backfilI' was called to inspect the foundation the observations: .t*i;i .I.. t ' r have read the S[rvey policies stipulated Ln. Town of merno dated April 31 1991 and conml-t to adhering to then. Vail /l t /--vD+rJ tr'. tJ lGSo^) a/r/? ?A Da subdivisio n Lr A ZotttUn- 3.9 Print Name lor- t ,LA Zoerwer: SoB. Job Name A)qE87 FermffiunEer t tegal Description: LoE _lt Block _r c : \k!lrtan\|!a!or\iurvoy.pol Town of Vail Community Development 75 Souttr Frontage Road Vai1, Colorado 81557 (303) 479-2138 Plan analysis the L988 Uniform Project Number: 7LL9L Address: 1-706 BUFFEHR CREEK RD Occupancy: R3rMl Type of Const: V-N based on Building Code Name: VALEY6-1 Date: July 11, L99L Conlractor: TRENDS WEST Architect: NIKKEL Engineer: PIanS Examiner: DAN STANEK NOTE:The code items listed in this report are not intended listing of all possible code requirements in the 1988 UBC. selected sections of the code. to be It iS a complete a guide to Portions of the material contained ln Uniform Building Code ( 1988 edition) Conference of Building 0fficials this program are reproduced from the with permission of fnternational FI NAME .SEPARATION AREA MIN.LIGHT MIN.VENT NO.EXITS EGRESS 2 Kitchen 2 Dining roorn 2 Great room 2 Powder room 2 Study 2 Master bath 2 Master bedroom 2 Halls, closets, et.c. TOTA], FOR FLOOR l- Garage 1 Laundry room 1 Mechanical room 1 Bedroom & bath #1 1 Bedroom e bath #2 1 Bedroom & bath #3 1 Storage room L Hal-1s, closets, etc. TOTA], FOR FLOOR BUILDING TOTAL t82 256 36 185 L81 338 483 21,48 yzo 85 242 247 227 87 335 22L4 4362 18 .20 23.80 50.50 0.00 r.8 .50 0.00 33.80 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 24.20 24.70 22.70 0.00 0.00 9.10 1'l on 25.25 1 en ,.zJ o nq 16.90 0 .00 3.25 0.00 1? 1n IZ.JJ 1r.5f, 0.00 0.00 No No No NO No No Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes No No 1 L 1 1_ L t 7 t L t 1 l- 1 1_ l_ L 1 1 ,) Darra ? FOOTNOTES:1) EGRESS - An operable window or door that opens directly to the exterior j-s required from this roon. The minimum clear openable area must meet the following. -- Sec. 1204.L) The minimum cl-ear height is 24 inches 2) The minimum clear width is 20 inches 3) The minimum clear area is 5.7 sguare feet 4l The rnaximum si1l height is 44 inches 2) The number of exits is based on Table 33-A (Dwell-ings) 3) A rnechanical ventilation system may be used in in lieu of exterior openings for ventilation. -- Sec. 1205.(c) ROOM DIMENSIONS:Habitable space shall have a ceiling height of not less than 7 feet 6 . inches. Kitchens, halls, bathrooms and toilet compartments may have a ceiling height of 7 feet measured to the lowest projection. If the ceiling is sloping, then the minimum height is required in only I/2 of the area. --Sec. l-207. (a) Every dwelling unit shall have at least one room which has not less than 120 square feet of floor area. Other habilable rooms except kitcbens shall have an area of not less than 70 square feeL . -- Sec - 1-20-l . (b') Habitable rooms other than a kitchen shall not be less than 7 feet in any dimension. -- Sec . L20'l . (c) GLAZTNG REQUIREMENTS:1) A1I glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safet.y glazing material . -- Sec. 5406. (d) 2) Note windows and doors .in a tub or shower area are required to be safety glazed regardless of Ehe height above the floor. -- 5406(d) 5. SMOKE DETECTOR REQUTREMENTS : A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or wall at a point centrally Iocated in the corridor or area giving access to each sleeping area. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. The snoke detector is required to be wired to the building's povrer source. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 3. A smoke detector is required on all stories. -- Sec. 1210.(a) 4. If the upper l-evel contains sleeping room(s), a smoke detecLor is required in the ceiling of the upper leve1 close to the stalrway. --Sec. 1210. (a) 4 FIREPI,ACE REQUTREMENTS : MASONRY FIREPLACE:1) Fireplace must be supported by a foundation. -- Sec. 3707.(b)2) The firebox must be at least 20 inches deep and walls of firebox are to be L0 inches thick. If the lining is of firebrick t.hen the wal1s may be 8 inches thick. -- Sec. 3707. (c) 3) The minimum clearance to combustible material is from the fireplace, smoke chamber, and chimney wa1ls is 2 inches. Combustible material may not be pJ-aced within 6 inches of fireplace opening and combustible within 12 inches may not project more than 1/8 inch for each 1 inch of clearance. -- Sec. 3707. (h) Page 3 OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Between the garage and the residence' mat,erials approved for Lhr fire construction are reguired on the garage side only and any doors between the garage and the residence are to be a self-closing L 3/8 inch solid core door. -- Table 5-B & Sec. 503. (d) ex #3 STAIR REOUTREMENTS: A stairway in a dwelling must The maximum rise of a step is -- Sec. 3306. (c) exc.#L Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above Lhe nosing if there is 4 or more ri-sers. -- Sec. 3306. (j) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimum height =36 inches, maximum opening size = 6 inches- -- Sec.l71'L, exc 1 The minimum headroom is 6 ft.- I inches. -- Sec. 3306.(p) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected as required for thr fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 3306. (n) ATTIC REQUIREMENTS:1) Provj-de an access to all attic areas with a clear height of 30 inches or more. The minimum size 1s 22 inches by 30 inches. There rnust be 30 inches or more clear height above the access. -- Sec. 3205.(a) 2) Provide ventilaLion in all attic areas. The net free vent area is to be not less than 1 square foot for each 150 sguare feet of attic area. The vent area may be 1/.300 if at least 50% of the required ventilating area is provided by ventilators located in the upper portion of the attic. Ihe upper ventilators must be at least 3 feet above the eve or /..n rn i /.A rTAitl- C -- Sec. 3205. (c) CRAWLSPACE REQUIREMENTS :1) Provide ventilation either by mechanical means or by openings in exterior walls. Opening shall provide a net area of not less than 1 square foot for each 150 square feet of area in crawl space. Openings shall be distribuLed on two opposite sides and be located as close to corners as practical -- Sec- 2515.(c) 6. Note: Vent openings may be reduced to 10? of the above if ground surface area is covered with an approved vapor barri-er and the buj-lding official approves.2) Provide 18-inch by 24-inch access opening to the crawl space area. Note: opening may be reguired to be larger if nechanical eguipnent is located in the crawl space. -- Sec. 25L6. (c) 2. 3) Unless the wood is tisted as an approved wood of natural resistance to decay or treated wood, the minimum clearance between exposed earth and floor joist is 18 inches. The minimurn clearance to beams and girders is is 12 inches. -- Sec. 25L6. (c) 2. be at least 36 inches wide. -- Sec. 3306. (b) 8 inches and the mini.mum run is 9 inches. I Page 4 ADD IT IONAL REQUIREIVIENTS : For R3 occupancy THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRE A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR FRAME INSPECTION. ALL CRAWL SPACES WITHTN THE TOWN OF VATL ARE LTMTTED TO A EARTH TO STRUCTURAL FLOOR CE]LING HEIGHT OF 5" BE EARTH FLOOR ONLY, BE VENTII,ATED AS PER UBC 2516 (C) 6 WITH MTNIMUM ACCESS AS PER UBC 25].6(C)2 AND MAXIMUM ACCESS OF 9 SQ. FT. ANY BUIIDING SITE WITH A SLOPE OF 30 DEGREES OR MORE SHALL REOUIRE AN ENGINEER DESIGN. SUCH DESIGN SHALI, ADDRESS DRAINAGE, SOIL RETAINAGE, AND STRUCTURAL DESIGN. EXCAVATTON BELOW SLABS ON GRADE SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAI . ADDRESS NUMBERS SHALL BE POSTED PLATNLY VISTBLE AND LEGIBLE FROM THE STREET. For M1 occupancy SLOPE GARAGE FLOOR TO ALLOW FOR DRAINAGE TO OUTSIDE OR PROVIDE A FLOOR DRATN WIIH WITH SAND AND OIL INTERCEPTOR TO DRY WELL OR TO SEWER. ANY GARAGE FLOOR DRATN CONN-ECTED TO SEWER MUST BE APPPROVED BY UPPER EAGLE VALLEY WATER & SANITATION DTSTRICT. IN GARAGES WrTH LTVTNG AREA ABOVE, THE WALLS OF THE GARAGE WHrCH ARE BEARTNG THE AREA ABOVE SHALL BE PROTECTED WITH ONE HOUR FTRE RESISTIVE CONSTRUCTION. UBC 503 (B) . I Town of VaiI Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vai1, Colorado 8l-657 (303) 479-2L38 PIan review based on the 1988 Uniform Building Code Project Number: 7LL9L Name: VAIEY6-I- Address: 1706 BUFFEHR CREEK RD Date: JuIy 11' L99L Contractor: TRENDS WEST Occupancy: R3rM1 Architect: NIKKEL Type of Const: v-N Eng'ineer: Plans Examiner: DAN STANEK Portions of the material contained in this program are reproduced frorn the Uniform Building Code ( 1988 edition) with permission of International Conference of Building Officials # SHEET IDENTIFICATION CORRECTION REQUTRED 1 **** **** All- sheets to be stamped and signed by an Architect or Engineer registered in this state. -- Sec. 302. (b) Z **** **** This area requires glazed opening (s) having an area equal to 10* or more of the floor area. -- Sec, .1205. (a) 3 **** t *** In bathrOOmS with a tub or Shower and in laundry rooms a mechanical ventilation system connected directly to the outside shall be provided. Bathrns which contain only a water cl-oset or l-av. may be ventilated with a recirculating fan. UBC f205(c) - 4 **** **** Crawl spaces are required to be ventilated by mechanical means or by openings. Such openings sha1l have a net area of not less than 1sq. ft. for each 150 sq. ft. of under-floor area. UBC 2516(c)6. 5 **** **** Provide a minimum 1-Ax24n underfloor access. UBC 25L6 (cl2. 6 **** **** Cross connection control devices shall be installed fr} r)r.)f e{:f pollution of potable water supply by use ;; ;;;;;;;d backflow preventj-on devices.- upc r-oos. 7 **** t(*** fn buildings of unusually ti_ght construction (al] new construction within the Town of Vail), combustion air shall be obtained from the outside. Such combustion air openings sha11 be as per UMC Ch. ******** **rl***** 10 ******** 11 *r(****** 12 *******t( 13 *trr,***** 14 ******** 15 )k******* 16 t(******* 17 ******** Page 2 Gas log lighters are not permit.ted within the Town of Vail unless they are a lj.sted apparatus with a thermocoupler and a pilot. Furnaces not listed for cl-oset or alcove installation shall be installed in a room or space having a volume at least 12 times the volume of the furnace. A boiler unit wi.l-l require a space 16 times larger than the boiler. UMC 504 (b) Supply a mechanical drawing indicating design of systen, size (BTU and volume) of equipmen!, vent location and termination, and combustion air to be supplied prior to any instalLation. Due to Colorado state Statutes, all sink faucetts and shower heads are required to utiLize flow restrj.ction devices. A1so, the maxi-mum water closet flush usage 1s lirnited to a naximum of 3.5 qallons per flush. The garage must be separated from the dwelling by thr fire-resistive construction on the garage side. -- Table 5-B & 503. (d) exc.#3 The enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected by lhr fire-resistive .construction. -- 3306 . (m) At eaves and valleys an adequate underlayment shall be provided to protect a structure from ice buildup and water damage. Two layers of felt solid mopped to sheathing and between layers or a commercial hrater c ice shield may be used as per Table 328L. Any building site with a slope greater than 30 degrees shall require eng:ineer designed drawings. Avalanche areas shall reguire such engineered drawings also. Drainage and structural integrity shal1 be addressed by such drawings. Because of this project's location, the foundation is required to be dampproofed to prevent damage Lo areas below finished grade. UBC 1707(d). The structure is required to be anchored to the foundataion with 1/2 inch anchor bo1ts. The bolts must be into the concrete or masonry 7 inches and spaced a maximum of 6 feet apart. See code for additional reguirements. -- Sec. 2907. (f) D--i Page 3 D ,. I 18 ***)k 19 **** 20 J< r. )( ,. **** ,(*** *rtrk* Include a copy of the soils report for the site to be built on. -- Sec. 2905. (b) & (c) Provide truss details by the truss manufacturer's engineer. (reg in this state) Show alL design loads used in the design of this building on the plans. (snow, wind, seismic, live, eLc. ) o o LoN-couxllor|lf B|-ASTTNG Nqla ftesldent rlune 24, L99l Edward J. Zneimer P.8: Box 3OS Min turn r Co ' 8I645 827-4LOL Attnt Ed FEr IHE VALLEY PHASE Lonq'F E x ceva tion oroposal for the I{ORK INCLUDEI) PHASE I I DEStrRIPTION 2. 3. 4, VI , BT'FFEHN CREEK. Inc. iE Plea':ed to Provide above project. the fol Iowing bid item , o I 3 4 5 6 -C I ear and Grub Strip & StockPile toPsoil Emhankment t:.1.P. 6" Class 6 Floadbase 4" llanitarY Servicesr PVC 15" C .14. P. (ir.t I ver t 15" F.E.S. 36" C.1'1 .P. Ctrlvert -r9 Rip-Rap for 36" ot'tt Iet Rlp-Rap Headwa I I I" Water Serv i ces 6't Fire HYdrant Assemb I Y Erosion Contro! Mobillzatiort 3" Aspha I t nat : * , AAu ?ec,oo 3, thrt t !B 6Crcl. oo ?l! !i 2.5OO.OO +f!(: !3 3,465. OO ?lt $ 2.75O. (tO ?lt !3 l.o4o,o()$ s:75o.oo"/t(la) -', ?87oe * i 60,635.OO OUAN. r L.S. 7lo c.Y. lg(r() C.Y. eD4.+ lN. 125 L.F. 95 L.F. 6 E.A. 12c) t-.F. 20 c. Y. I EA. 9() L-F. .T EA. 65 EA. I L.S. 239-:e-*.trt. P}IASE TOTAL !b 2,(1OO. oOflE s I ,42O. OO ?/E E 13.6C'0.oo?/,e;;a€-"o 6uo! * $ 3, 125 .OO18 !s l.615.oa'?|, !F 1,2OO .O(' 7/, $ 4,560 .OA "/'D€/e r*D U/P 2 , O(rO. OO 2.OO 8.5c) 12. oo 25. OO 17.OO 200. oo 38. OO 30. oo ? . 5OO. OO 38.50 2 ,75O. OO 16. OO 3,75c). OO 42.OO I IOTAL =;PAEE TfF '?etoutl7 &'tleo l?e'o S'ed,,,ee&7 €/ccrz.tc -r*nt /ya,8r,oo - )/12-', P.O. Bor SX . A';on, Cobrado 81620 ' 1303) 949'1682 P.O. Box rf6 . Stsdtrg. ColoradomTSf ' (ffi'1522'1ePl bc+o9 -fio*t*e' ?87oc - A-tThnlr z,/s6? - s/e loFz ^-- 'fe;o*? 4:€ €/Fr-.r'.. *@- C Gtou't r4 ZAo LF J Co*-',rJ ,a'dl zgo Lt' org+ /tt, | 999:_ -=,t,Li,/,o soo:4oo tp 'e / - 14--;= = -'7 =. STATEMENT Long's Excavation, Inc. Bor 894 Avon, Colorado 81620 Ollice:949-4682 000887 wr ?/ty'z - equ,p^entno.2JgQz-& aawxr' /b ? €quiplnsnl No. Egurpmenl No 7)€R.r - 74e Z^t11a 12 Q Bdl To: Address. Phone: LOCATTON O"o oaa"R'"',to* z'4 ar ,/or Z 7-'*S**CP<e*.. a= (*f Job No. Z/€' TOTAL COST ZONE CHECK FOR STR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS tl DArE: Sl74lqt \,. I LEGAI-, DESCRIPTION: Lot ry Block ADDRESS: Filing / /* 0"-tt" S't J OWNER ARCHITECT PHONE PHONE F/L .lr PROPOSED g3g 5,.1 1-k JLr-,,4 - LOT SIZE ZONE DISTRICT He j-ght ToTal GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks Front Sides Rear Water Course Setback Qif o f-arrorrrra I v! gYv Landscaping Retaining wall Heights Parking Garage Credit Drive: View Corridor Encroachment: Environmental /Hazards : Does this How much Allowed i --r (30){ (33X 3{6 D ft50fr+25r =_3_@_ 15T1) Existinq Proposed Total o jz,z S \'E€1-,:...-, '\ ,t) L)s\b! 801)h 20' 15' 15' (30) (s0) -/-*lq rla ^[a nl4 'a, / ct zf Reqrd &1o^ptt;d tt -, No Flood Plain Percent Slope Geologic Hazards a) Snow Avalanche b) Rockfall c) Debris FLow l't "tA z- *O t*r4) ,,,t a^ (1.,,= /.f 4) Wetlands request involve a 250 Addition?w6 with this request? bflr+ k*-r,rr.3 b*^L, ar4 (u* cl P^,\ ti^,l,tcrlL - t,/\ w) of the allowed 250 Addit,ion is used .,,(r..1, ,it *r-kt "^ /ri tz L.- < [. ii .,,'-!J ,]4 n'.'--rc<.it -1-- -L-e at-<t, - ,"0/, d\ t! 1."-,n u , " ' , nl'/ rroJ 2",..f (t ,?rCV+ @ A' @0, A-r<4,-{q"a (300) (600)@(1200) 837.3+ Lb=q 03.3 Permitted Sl-ope 8E Actual Slope 8/. Date approved by Town Engineer: Yes 1) 2) ?\ '> 2') (tss tL^-^ 3o7 A/orL r r,.s..Lf,i cctvV,rl.rS pu., L 6( rt . --A,.,ir , ,91 .,,n1 \*zJ*r-1'r rz- ),\LL\t{'- - l*lll 'll \ '--(,;t ./ revegitat.e the portion Exhibit A as "Area of VI Drainage". Sin O'nhit.@ P.0. Box 7 Vail, Cololado 8165I 303/479-2000 - FAX 303/479-2019 3O3/ 479.2020 - FAX 303/47 9-2029 April 13, 1991 Mr. Edward Zneimer Buffehr Creek Partners, Ltd. P.O. Box 305 Avon, CO 81645 Dear Ed: You our permission to regrade and of our ropefty indicated on the attached to be regraded to accomodate Phase ossem lhil furociotes, Inc. - Crealors and Qerators ol \hil ond &aver Crceko Resotls f r, I I EA ts) : I I I I \ \\ II\ It /\i\ IJ -"\ \-r i'\ F' u) o (rt o-o o I @ o (Jl (o" o 0I FI 1\) Lc0 l5_ -S's lol \lli. t ''..b'r l.r \p.\ t :R>; Hbt*\ \:l,r= +|u$E \ S\^,*,\ BBiEi \ R€,7 \ Lol i\ $, il o_ ll lt" ^ +k -T-,t J" r{" 0 ,4.+ Q, f,^J?a ^ '-/l*1. DATE OF'PUBLIC HEARING s6se/ 4"4 INTER-DEPARTMENTAL FEVIEW PROJ'ECT: DATE SUBI.TITTED: , COII{1.{EIITS NEEDED BY:S'za BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF -.--J\ €tLPtD \r rJ I> P gugLtgwqBG RevLewed by: Conments: FIRE DEPARTMENT PROPOSAL: tL u^lL-t t s, Y /o tn.,;,1 THE tl Date3 lpL [.ec.'c u,r a.- J^"*rt sJ.J z ,', '//^- LOho b.- &.u.l"rl" ,rr--* . f ( -rt" 6noJ.U ?,^ C, Jl, , h*n sho- lJ 6ho-t *lu ff^J,; w7 v:r,e-J E, -{A I)n ',*p =.-i,n- /' D ue cana:1 E;7^,f[ o" -il";,4ltlr'r/,1 o^]. I Date! /t4tr. 15 lQ7 v"e- J r Reviewed by: conments ! f, * is* o'1 ?,,r POLICE DEPARTMENT Revlewed by: Comnents: RECREAT I OX_DE AAETI{EN1! Revlewed by: Connents: Date: cLa ;5.--.1 ^i ft<-r ,a'uu;a+'o /:3"uss)a-! revised 3/LL/9L Date: ;/ta/v7 A"/7 INTER-DEPART!{ENTAL REVIEW PRO.TECT: DATE SUBIIITTED: '5't3'It DATE oF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY:S"zq BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAI,: ^i f<-r f'ttu;ltuo 4,'3t-uss)*=J Date: Date: Date: u-e.(D \4'- {r7 tl tk ')"U1t s'v 4';"*'1 'La'6-'J PUBLIC WORKS Reviewed by: Comments: FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Conments: POLICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Conrnents: RECREATION DEPARTIIIENT Reviewed by: Corlments: revised 3/LL/9L Date: ;1ta/sy sed 2lL9l9L DRB APPLICATION - TOWN OF VAIL, COIORADO RtDl) MAY I q.{ f 1 lor t: DATE APPLICATION RECEII'ED: DATE OF DRB }TEETING: -allaaaaaa TEIS APPIJICAIDION IILL NOT BE ACCEPTED ItlfTIL AIrIr REQIIIRED fNFORI'iATION I8 SUBI{IT8ED tttatt*tat I.PRoJECT INFORIIIATION: A/Eu)9rJ6t€ Fi4'rnrcV tlo,u€ A.DEscRIPTIoN: LdT B.TyPE oF fvrEw:V New construction Addition Minor Alteration Conceptual Review applicant lot area. Phone Us-41q'- zffi NAI'IE OF Mailing APPLICANT I S Address: I. J. K. $ o- I 1O,OO1 -$ 5o,oo1 - $150, oor - $500,001 -I Over rNO APPI.ICATTON IIILL s 10, o0o s 50, o0o $ 150,000 $ 500, ooo $1, OOO, OOO $1, OO0, OOO FEE $ 10. oo s 25.OO $ so.oo i€1o0:-6-0t-\-l$oetro-- s300. oo c. D. subdivision Ll ppbn.l&er plL[r.. rJo. 3. If property is described by a rneets and bounds legal description, please provide on a seParate sheet and attach to this application. E. G. H. F. ZONING: ?rrO. must provide a current ADDRESS: r-,EGAL DESCRrprroN: rrr:- )'6, I Block Reg$ lc'ALrb 5o*o r{raert Phone Condoninium Approvat if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees are paid at the time of issuance of a buildincr permit. FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION I€T AREA: If required, stamped survey showing NAI.TE OF APPLICANT: 4, REPRESENTATIVE:?hwe. Mailing_ Addres-s: SIGNATURE (A) 3 Mailing Addres BE PROCE8SED TIIiEOUT O.rNERIE SIGNATURE t t witlr the design gruidellnes. The DRB does not vote on """""pt""t reiieis. Ehe Property owner or his ;6;#;;aitt.'e shall be piesent at the DRB hearins' Ltop+s.or-L t-. 3. LIST OF I,IATERIAI,S NAI.1E oF g,RoJr;cT. frffi. LcT LEGAL DESCRTPTToN: rorJ)d grolcx STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The following infomation is Review Board before a final A. BUILDING MATERIAI,Ss Roof siding other WaLl Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trin Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chirnneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other for subnittal to the Design can be given: I.IATERIAL COLOR required approval TYPE OF c€DAz- tl FtO FtQ- Fte- tJtt) Pl* ,llry B.I.,ANDSCAPING:Name of Designer: Phone: PI,ANT I,IATERIAI,S: PROPOSED TFEES Botanical Name common Name ?oNLo, 'r&m\l'to€,s G.u. =fetX e- ouantitv size* 17 2"c4<-zw EXTSTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees'tlinimun celiPg!:- fPJl t deciduous trees Ls 2 lnches. Indicate lreight for coniferous treet. ltinirnurn heiqht for coniferous trees is 5 feet. Botanical Name common Name ouantitv size*PLANT IITATERIAI,S: PROPOSED STTRUBS EXISTING SIIRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size of proposed strrubs. 5 qallon.Minimurn size of shrubs is Tvpe square Footaqe GROT'ND COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR UETHOD OF EROSION CONTROL c. oTItER IANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swiuning pools, etc. ) Please specify. Indicate heights of retaining i.rafis. t{axinun heighCof wilts within the front setback is 3 feet. Uaxinum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. a t UTILTTY ISCATION VERIFICATION suBDrvrsr o* rrn P*Tr&l P**w /reerc t3 JoB NAr.rE br. ff !-EluFFet+2- (oFeK et'l+vt(s nxrT BIPCK FILING ttOr'sg0e(- aD6' Ft'rJ". S.IPT ADDRESS The location and availability of utilities, whether they_be-roain iiunX lines or proposed linei, must be approved. and verified by itre iorrowing utitities for the accompanyi-ng site plan' Authorized Si<rnature Date U.s. west Communl-catlons 1-800-922-1987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service CoDPanY 949-578L Gary Hall Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 Ted HuskY/Michael LavertY Heritage Cablevision T.v. 949-5530 Steve Hiatt Upper Eagle ValleY Water & sanltation Di.strict * 47 6-7 480 Fred Haslee NOTEs w/ 4-,s-q, 3 -/f -?/ 3 ^E"q 1 These verifications do not relieve the contractor of ni=-i""p"triiuifity to obtain a street cut pernit from tn" fowit of Vail, Department of Public works and io.ouiain uti:.itv locations betore diqclincr in-any public @ent in the Town of vail .- A uiiainq pelnit is not a street cut rcernit' A street cut pernitmust be obtained separately' This forrn is to verifY location. This should preparing Your utilitY instatlations. service availabilitY and be used in conjunction with plan and scheduling * please bring a site plan, floor plan, and. eLevations when oUlaiting Upp6r Eagle iralfiy Water-& Sanitation signatures. Fire flow needs nust be addressed. I t I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I STFUqTURAL CALCULATIaN5 FOR NTLSSON & LINDSEY vAIL, COLoRADO PREPARED FORr ALpfNE LOG HOI'IES P, O. BOX es vIcToR, I'tot{TANA 59875 PREPARED BYI BEAUDETTE CON5ULTING ENGINEER9 265@ BROOKS, SUITE 2 I'tISSoULA, t4T 59aO1 I I I I I I ! I I t I I I I t I I I I Headlnq Roof Framlng Floor Franing Colunn Design Foundation ltesign Lateral Des5.gn . . Paqe(s) B1- R44 FLRl-FLR15 ct-c2 Fl -F9 ll-11.) I I I I I I I t I I t t I I I I I I I DESTGil LOADS Rooflno ltaterial Loed (pef) Roofing ( Sheathing Rocrf Jotg Roof Purl Decklng Clay Tile, ehingles, meta.} etc, ), - ll/? & 5./g{ CDX plywood) . ts ( conventi"onaI ) . ins (Iog) 2.@ 2.@ 2.2 4.9 Roof Trueses . Z.O Tots]. Roof Dead Load = 21 Snov Load (Live Loadl= 29 Total Load = lO{lpef FLoorinq ltaterj.aL (upner fLoor) Load (nef ) Floorlng (gypcrete, tiLe etc, ). Sheathing <3/4n T&6 plyvood). , 2.3 Floor Joistg ( conventional ) 3, 3 FIoor Jo j"sts ( logs ) . Decking . . Ceillng . . Z.A HigceLLeneoua , l. s Upper Floor Dead Load = I@ Upper Ll.ve Load = 4@.@ Total Load = S@ nsf ( main floor ) Floorlng (gypcreter tlJ.e etc. ). Sheathing ( 3,/4 n CDX plyvood ) FLoor Joi-sts ( conventional ) CeilJ-ng . . .2..3 ,J. ,5 ?.. a lliEcellaneouE . l. S llsin Floor Dead Load = 10 I{ain F].oor Live Load = 4@ Total Load = S@ psf o I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I &^c-rro{ o .,^ f -EAIG.rJ LANI-_, \ 270 r, (a ) ; z+,4-c-'1-oFrz- rz* A,+,, t /, (Jv_ _ /*+o tz-reT/,t/ ' 1-a L,=,v>,+l &! W-Loa!=:-- ,&,r-Fb,'*a5l1ga t ll f. ./.., r2tt \ - | t --4a\ | | \ I.l,+r^l/-\-l --. lkl l,^+rJrtt / - f*:- ..r OiF : \: i )- a4 o,e - E v. r, 1 \ q c1|t.-.1t u,)(1 l'11 i,-n,,- !i<t.:t.t , Qrri' Tg;LATrc:-l z,o e=e lr ?,o rtaF 't I il 2,o trr 4'* y7 4,a P.f .t.* lct .! BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS .^4 i l\ I PROJECT W5ao'J { Lrr',,.10:E o*{'14 'ctl ev €e h-l r-- I _" i:}:. .. .. .!-- -. I i T I I tl \ \r *.,.-.,.. -.6 '. i..!, ._. .._.,.",,"1.. e+o a .**",;.,.. -. 'I t l,1E .: t: I t I I i ., i .. !t. : ''-"'' -t-'" j*-'^-' ,t.i. l'-.-. i .,:: L rjl " '."--,.. ---r. *,.,:".--*.q"-i r-'ii ; i :- l i;..."ii.irf i::l:: : ^-'."" ! : :i.,',;::" " - :*-l ^-r "' ' -- .,il!l L, BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS o*sG.|A'41 SHEET NO. / K q3 L ) BEAUDETTE coNsELTrNe- ENGINEERS Nlus=a { L'ruosey Kes oxra1,24 svF2,Ail t rt \T/ : (?\ YT c)BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGII\IEERS PROJECT N!u==^.r { L'nrpssT Krs &*e tr4,*winln oereC '24'ql SHEET NO. 7- i; , i i i i , ; , ' ,.': Ul' 2''q5n \f '.,| ,,N.,t , 12,5u :TFY ,il+ to ln,i '+b.M/. 1t at-'.. I ,:i, I 1y'4V,(t 4t 7 'l : LZt I 'l tGl .. I 1 z, I I T t t I t J t I I EL:L * a,! = @]J!,r4 = ci:4 p:ri E.t,t '-,,P: ,^+ I ( ' i Ao. F2l,!,,gX,rrpt)9,:c+Y.t,Tqq,T. ze&FI ) : j... , :, .- /1 ,,n ll t Foe (eNTt Nu(f1 UsF (L + (rt61 I '' I ' I v''/i , , i , , Fo& brtttauft-l u'F 0-"+ tblzg , I i.',i,'rll:.: ',i..:;1j'::: L' BEAUDETTE CONSULTINC ENGII\[EERS D^rE@l ev F+F.l T-- t'lo l-a^ lct&t txt* - CoxtT'D --'€'_- : a .rL: ,, ,,i,v , l,+ I n,q+ l u<E bY vl l,to/-",tALe INSPEcTtoNl I u^to+ 5, t> L?-2-- 4 Ul aE I,O + L4 T I t BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS PROJECT Nifs;-Uit tNtr)fry R* IXW FeLMt t6 I l, ,(, No, 7 thru No. e lr I fitle :bcope: Nrrmber: lvl i Ec ! Dsngr:15-Jun*9 I SINGLE sF'AN BEAM ANALYSIS Fage I t I t I I I I T EENEML MTA FITITY CODE _-_}}) I ({ l=Pin/Pin , FFir/Fir 3fix/Pin , {+in/Fir Ir Ii€RTIfl = 490.9 io"4 E: ELASTIC ffiDU-US = tt00000 psi APPLIEI} LtlffDS -)) fllI distaneeE refpr to left support, use t-t for left cantilever ..... t}ilFtl$CEHTER: ..,.. TRApEU0tmL ll = 0.?9? klf 0 IIFT I RIEHT l?= ll= llf X+EFT I-RIGHT I}ESCRTPTIIT{ } } }IILSSIIN )) sPtr{ t-BrlGTtS CEI{IER SPil{ = 6.5 ft LEFTCRI{TII.II|ER = 5ft RlSfi CSITIIIIJER = ft f,!= 13= RI6HT 14 = fii = f$= 17= 18= CIIMENTfiATEO fi= k I= ft t8 = k 13= f{= CANT.: LEFT ( = 0.29?'\a= lB= l{= 16= 17= ll= t?= 13= 14= l- $$0{ARY l0= ll = tE= 13= l{= tlQ =13= l= l{= | =15= l= l= 9 = l= l= l= X =.l= l= l: l= [= ft-k 0 ft t5 ft-k e e e t6 t7 f8 I I l{t'giTs SHERRS l{AX. Span l,lorent = 0.a570 ft-k Left Support = t.Sl0SJB k .... B Location = 5. 1670 ft Right Support = 0.382461 k lllil. Span llorent = -3.65 ft-t RE0CII{IiIS Left Support = ?.970538 k Right Support = 0.387461 k t I .... I Location = ft A/"tlT I fr Ft . No. 7 thr.u NO. 9 Titlp I Scope : Number: Misc ! Dsngr :l5-Jun-9 I SINELE SF,AN BEAM ANALYSIS Flage I I I T I I I E Left Support = -3.65 ft-k 0 Right Support = ft-k l{flXMtFl f'f,SE{T = 3.63 ft-kl llAlll{-hl I}EFLECTI0}{S (Pos. = Up) Crnter Span, I I = 1.943 ft lleflection = 0.011 in Left Cant., 0I= -5 Deflection = *+rt*t RightCant., 8I= Deflection= llorent Shear Deflect i on $ERY tJf,LtFS {ft-k} {kt (in} t CENTER SFAN X = ft .....-3,65 t.St0g3 C $FT CA|{T. I = -5 ft .,. . . -0. 146 0 RISIT CflNT, I = ft ... . . l(. t t t T I I lL t T F/a I t I t t I ; 'l ': t'n' t I I I T I T I T BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEDRS PROJECT I ll 4lL*a.L 7Uf,lqap q* bp*nti,rtrc SHEET NO. %t I I I I I rC. No. ? thr.u No. e $a$&E i Nnm ber;Misc ! Dsn gr. :15-Jtrn-9 I SINGLE SF'AN BEAM ANALYSIS F'age CENTER SFSI LEFT CS{TII,TIJER RIS{T Ctr{TII."EVER D€SCRIpTttI.t ) ) iltLss{]N )l spnti uilGTHs GENERRL l}flTff FIXITY C00E --_))) I (( l=flin/Pin , Z=Fir/Fix 3{ix/Fin , 4=Pin/Fix I: INERTIfl = 490.9 in^{ E: ELASTIC lf,lllltr-uS = 110ffi0 psi X-LEFT X-RISIT 8ft ft 3ft ft ft ft ft-k t5 t6 t7 t8 I I I I I T t t I I flPPLIEO L(INDS -)) All dirtances refer to left rupport, use !-t fon hft cantihver ..... l#tIF0Rr CEIIIERT . TRnpEZ0lDfl"ll = e.35 klf B |"EFT 0 RIGHT le= *l= klf 13= 12=14= 13= CAIIIT.: I,fFI RIGHT I{ =("r = 0.35 15 = L.= ff,=13= 17=*4= lB= SNCENTRATED ll= 0.4 I l= ltft *8 =ft= f3= 14= 15= 16= ll= lP' t3= 14=t- srst{RRY lfilr'ENTs lHX. Span ltlorent = 1.5S43 ft-k ..,, E Location = 3.0109 ft llll'1. Span ilorent = -4.775 ft-k ..,.€Location = 8ft STIERRS Left Support = 1.0531?5 k Right Support = 1.746875 lr RERCTI$'lS Left Support = 1.053125 k Right Support = 3.195875 k l= I=l= l= x= 9= le= ll= t?= 13= l{= l= l= l= x= |= l= l= ft-k 0 e e i l.' I I V* I I e(-. No. 7 rhru No. e I Title : Sccpe I Num beF: Mi sc ! Dsn qr. :15-Jun*9 1 I "-:-:----------:SINGLE SF.flN BEAM ANALYSIS Fage I t t t I I I I I I Left Support = ft-k 0 Right Support = -?.Il5 ft-k ltAIIfft [0[Et{T = ?.7/S ft-k l{AXII*Jl'l DER-ECTI0NS (Pos. = ttp) Center Span, I X = 3.38{6 ft Deflection = -0.0p ir, Left Cant., 0X= Deflection = Riqht Cant., tX= ll lleflection = *rlrr orERY va-r*s Til:ll Ti' "ll:;"* I CENTER SPS| I = { ft .,...1.4te -0.3468 -0.0A{I LEFT Ctr$. | = ft ..... E RIEHT CflNT. I = ll ft .....-0.0t 0.4t$e -0.0ae I I t Ir I T Vrt : I t I T I t L BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINDERS lLS,<r:{'.l lLtlJpsg rbi' F'p*wittc PROJDCT orre6't5,41 SHEET NO. 7,t TI ,/t .-t-..... ): :. ) v) lo( 7 't; I lt .l \kl ioz '22, ,T, (/ t i"'" - t, " v,5 I /' z,o-,, l:,12 >2 lr ;'.' : i' l +. { : '/. , tt> Wi 3 )"':T} 0t ,4/ :l : 'i. ;l i:l i I t I BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS PROJECT Lrru Dxr&,lrq( SHEET NO. % T I I t T I *.,',..."' j t/r I ,1,r: ..:-'.-' -*.r,**.! ** - ..: " : "-t""' I t I I t I BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS PROJECT on&,/$,4( RAh.l -C I I J I FTG. t1 NO. 7 thr.u N0, I Title, I Scope : Nr-rm ber: Misc : Dsngr :15-Jr-rn-9 1 SlNGLE SF.AN BEAM ANFILYSIS Fage I I LEn CRNTILEVER = 1.5 ft Rl6ilI Cfl$IILEVER = 1.5 ft DESCRIPTII}N )}LIIG RIIEE -I )) spfllt t$l6THs GSERA- DATA FIIITY COI)€ *-})) I (( l=9in/Fin , ?=Fix/Fir 3=FixiFin r 4=Fin/Fix I: ll€RTIA = {90.9 in^4 Er ELASTIC il0DL[-uS = 110000{l psi TEN1ER SFH'I = 11.67 ft NPPLIED LMI)S -)) Rll distances refer to left support, u5! t-t for left cantilever ,.... ls{lF0Rit t *ll'l' ,.,,, u,, . 13. L#.; '-EFT R,6HT ll = 0. 175 0. 175 I r: I ll:l= l= . TRflPEZ{]IDAL g LEFT E RISIT T+-EFT X-RI6|{T ll = klf t?= *3= 14= *5= *5= f7= t0= ft I r "r";:;;';""i'=":i.ffENTRBTDs"= I -le= {.69 I=13. 17 9 =t3= l=l0= 1l = t?= 13 = l{= k I= [= l= x= x= X =i' ft ft t5 t6 t7 t8 M{E}ITs ft ft-k 0 e I a T I t I t6= l= 17= l= ll= t?= *3= 14=l-- SUi'll{ARY ft-k ilotrtEllTs l'lAX. Span t'lorent = ft-k .... F Loeation = ft lllN. Span llorent = -7.e31 ft-k .... 0 Location = 11,67 ft SHENRS Left Support = 4.9{7352 k Riqht 9upport = {.947451 k RERCTI{]I{S Left Support = 5,9736?5 k Right Support = 5,9736?i k I I. l' t 6/,r .!t I FTG. NO. 7 thr.u Ntr. 9 15-Jr-rn-9 I TitIe : $cope : Nrrmber": lvli sc ! Dsngr: l lr { SINGLE SF'AN BEAM ANALYSIS F age I t t t I I I F Left Support = -7.?31 ft-k 0 Right Support = -7.?3t ft-k IHIIil${ t'0lENT = 7.?31875 ft-k llAXlliult DEFLECTIONS (Fos. = Up) Center Span, 3 X = 5.835 ft lleflection = 0.?58 in Left Cant., 0X= -1,5 Deflection = *r*rrr Right Cant., I I = 13. 17 Deflection 3 *+*rr llorent Shear Deflect i on flrRY UALTES (ft-k) {k} {in} e CElllER SFflN I = 5.83 ft .....-4.85 0,eS9 g LEFT Ctr'lT. | = -1.5 ft ..... -{.69 -0, 16+ E RIEHT CSIT, X = 13. 17 ft ..,..-0.e7 {.?m09 -0. 160 I I I I I I l( l. l' I f/,, : , \ r1 -.t I '-l L I r .. r ,\/ \z /'ll lnl /d -/L tut lC ,r \/ \47 )( tol '-l\' I t , ;)( zop\, 5€X1F frl -Y./ qgc 'I :L Il -F, .'lb') o '',,:;t'.::;ri €epd -,lo' : , !.1 ;t ur, Q*ftr )(z ,i' 1at ut\3/p'. K?41 ':att V= wl/z s Q:t !r ", A' - ,4-Lrc-6p,ft At,-, a, 12 e : Qy Erl*?e"Tt-|-{ ,l ,o, i ,,,- ,ii ..'i , :..,-:!;r: """--i' "-l*'' r" -' : " "' li 'l.:'": l,:, Z,o2 pL t,l /'b ' 3,6+ \/l/2, 1,4 @*8,,oo ,ooo /y,t.l G, .. r/).r+)lw ;, T t I t I I I t I I I I I I I I l l L BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS PROJECT rl, N tUg:orl t, LtxJ2ley (<or F7.euixt a rtt oneQ,ZS'al SHEET NO. 6 .1,-|t{ t I t I I t I t I vo IG,tl' , /oZ, I r-! = 1,22s ? :.. 42i Jl<,t i g_= 1,tQ zQ,oq)(t,F). t,z .. K =4- !#ffy*;;i8 ;?;ffi; . '. ; ;: i t-, t ! - A-t,t,l r; Y ,. -\ -. t, ;', i- j- ' .-,t| - 4-!t/l fzY,. ol ; Lt| ll ? W P,r ,r Jw| , lE I lu,q l 1- -TE71r : : | .t-'ll ' : r'' i " lu '- 4-Y-- f+ /zdt * o,o?b z'o,6q5 + *G 7b+EL i --r rl :"-.,i-'." " . -.r. "-*",*,- ii','l i.;,j, i t il l' ,i ' ^ ^r I M I LH-I U.=e lZ {Uq n/*/2t :" -..i -'. t_ + L BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS PROJECT lLtaor.l' 7bgfru on&,/5'41 ev 6AF,.J T- 47,17), Vz?a,/b . ,+l 71, d,a I 1,, T i;tY=;#4-ffi*fr,a, .i;;rut;'t,,.g'* 'i i,, , i-l' ,ToT 'Ar,',-'6*,t - 6xb+tJ-d- I I I aA^o, : I l t tl BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS PROJDCT oon O,24'41 SHEET NO. t4 /7 r( T I T t I I I I I ,,oq{'x|,, 4,(,1 , ', 'I ' @d, .j ;- l' \;t.*qrxl :I I I U3E I I I I L nBaUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS PROJDCT FQtlu,nx?Rr* SHEET NO. % T I I I I 9fu1ry&q$AltY l : ' I J = vtL' t : /4Y zr r,f \ riFl '1 ,i L ,r,l ,l ttft-K , ,1b- Mla = 14,4- _ n.Za z [,Zq I r -+ ---\ = i:ii J f/,I t I I t I I t I T I I I T t L BEAUDETTE CONSULTING DNGINEERS PROJECT ne:rcG'T? 4l ev Klil T- I I T T I I I I t I I t t t t I i i &,<v:et i --'- -..'-,: I \^-t.K.'- !: *,il ': l ,: i -; t, t:i i"-"... ,," ." " ..:... .. :,: '. i | , ..:. .] la ' (ht>' ,I I it:i,l,:f-v n f ?,+' I rl tf6 -'**-',4| t;,:,.. 1r,,i- : ' : r lrr :,:.iiil rr,rir i ,,...-.'-."-...; **;*".j, " *-*"... ....,.. .- --.^**--**.*...' ',4rc"F1 ,krr Ph^l beru'E i i j I ', n i , .;' t l/ -, l-+t? 5 \tAAZ \j ,::;.'l i,i,:il l\/ e 6,O4 ":''-'" - r'-**'r.,"-r'" f ,1..V' z,z' ( 4E aFY 4" Z t,lt , | ..l;- ML lr2, I>.).r ', n . i i a. t- r r .l i :1 ?14u. \oA', t\,\rt Lr-L/ : t.,;t l 2tL1 /\-A.O 7{ l(- Agl : '-rv-=}b-.2W- \La^c,A i<Z);\r +beL WX l,fuo, auodz y, t+b) ':;..i,r,/:, l?6T SeaPPo&T .- \_ BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS I l,.llt'l'O9E _i- DNE6'2+,oll SHEET NO. ir.1; ..jfit'_a{*W L BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. PROJECT lLgaN l Lt oorut'l '4' I SHEET NO. o 7P#^4et"t- (-t- (D=(o"g=p) fexhX+)(+)l - tBay. - (a ruF M= u'l%' <4T-+Y/a z /,4.'-t - 24, 4"-L { " *t/, - e4 K+)/, v t,4 L .l f ?F,'tEO 14tp tl- 2 O'( p,lsppc-1r)rJ t K-z {tsE Q-2frz- r!- @" !:f lN{SPEcfroHl H'z - u€e 2' 2 x\z - | t(r- ? - a ,/ ta - \-,f rl:i t LAIL- v,X"Yu)f -1 I T ( to,p=r)f@ (rX) * ,1oo f T -- tq1. (ur *('/u =Q,uv)\A'/t ' Q<T ){A(z = 65 b M. v' ,?(o'tt = I l,<4'-P BEAUDETTE CONSULTTNG ENGINDERS | ,+l lLsSaJ 1 L/^.1DSE onpG'75'41 SHEET NO. o by tNflE<ItoJ us? e- 2 t\ rZ V"v 2" 2 tr,lL Ug t/- 1- - €pe*1 - 4,5' \ tsy fri4uN= l ./i 4w,^rz"' z A lL aI *rffoF-reo tt4sfqc-,,1r,oN usz v'I L/sf:2' zxt' BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS PROJECT , ,L,NILSSa,J 7 LIN%EY V-ee Fp.lvtl xlf orra6'25'41 SHEET NO. /\ (5 t I I T I t I I I T t I T I t I j BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS PROJDCT Nrl:rost, t Lrurxer- R* Fgrt"ixta SHEET NO,(t /k T -4 I CFILI<JI LOq o 6' auqA ar .t Io TfY - o/u' r, 1, "4 f'=ff=Wa'o'o7 to'Itl 6tu LA!14 ,z2t 1- 12+ oL z ilos . oL ( L-L - otsE 1'/s t ll-lL 9uu LNA fo tr//l q Nn' erLUktN 4- {)€ IOYFR t\to1F_ - (?,uoofto x,X @ = -o/ao T BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS t. Ntg=:a_J e., LtNG-Ey oaraO'/5'41 u FltJ T- SHEET NO. I t l ! I I L BEAUDETTE CONffi ENGINEERS PROJDCT DffiEO'ZS.OI :: ',i '' l i :, I t; :: : .; =R#. 6iL,' - t^- : , ;':i :',r '"_4" . 1 :,:i iii r-" i i ^-ii'"lrrl r-lc- ' - -*:.-,i l'r:- .,^..'',1 ', ': j :i; . ..- I .. : .-,, I 1:i";'-*l****-'r*'- " i"-- alr;.....,. ....;,-. i .ili 9,4"+ ( t,: .ili ,i '. ; : l'. " O,o4 I \.:/ ', : ."", .i .:-; ^\ir )',t \-/-': ^, /\z+ J \ca \, ,i rli ,... -.r.*..-,.;"*,;.*...-,..,:,-.,:,::ittr -'t' t' ; "'1 ir,i j"-l I -- i.'tlti "...-."j**i*,;-""., ir*-"i1:...:......;. ' ; ':-l: ' t.. . !,:l i *,.-;*-i**,.,.-" *.. i",.. tl] t:i i ,t': i ".:'. 1 i '.' -'-*.," -".,'""*-*. ;"' ':i' ;I il 4.: Lr i;.- v LO '.. j i- E> 4\l ?fr l/, I 0,A l ; /-,. .' i, : t." .. ,. I I I I I I t I I t I I I I I BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS PRO.'ECT SHEET NO. ,n K I I ! t I I I I fr BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS I NrLscor't \utsosev oer'eC'25r1 BYF.ALI SHEET NO. v,I ab\ '. t I I I I I lt I T t t T I I t BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS onri,24'ql ev eANl T- SHEET NO. ( 2t vl BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS PROJECT onrr@Za'! SHEET NO. W FSiri -i, +rr*l - il2'': "-'i*"--t'" ri d; i(rr"r x a.til: .o , ''{ A;'*;17/o-:,( 'y= 4v , n AY Tb4 eT , ,-b! GR ic ,- 5i^:14- =, Tg4.Er . ,.i , i ffa n ' ''i !:, '\ I BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS PRO.IECT .l N tu<*arJ 7 Ltxtrl-sg.v f<e Pgs,uNa ltl oxreb,30'1t SHEET NO. v,I o I i : i ; :l I -/ I I t lr It I li i S"i'"t. i'a IJ r BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGII\IEERS PROJECT ,I Ntu:aoil \Lvy1sef ko? llus^e. olnt, A,2541 SHEET NO. /1 r ?+ I I -:;, lI o I l'I l-a .,:| _(BEAUDETTE CONSULTING DNGINEERS PROJECT Nru:aal lLrhrl2:sy kof a4 ,,f- oert O,25all SHEET NO. 77 /1 F I o , 4 "4,'bv ,i . li! BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS PROJDCT rl NtLs6ad lLtNlrszy ko? lQus^e< oere O,25Pll SHEET NO. a l* 4c I t t+,bb'. -r I I I I BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS PROJECT Nrusaal iLrru/szy ko? lRus r- oete O,2541 SHEET NO. 2 \ 'a+ I I T T I I I I I I I T I BEAUDETTE CONSULTING DNGINDERS PROJDCT N-l tr-*aor..l 4 Lrxla=ev DN\E^,?6'ql SHEET NO. V' I I I t I I t t t I I I I I L BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS oxrfuZ5'3J SHEET NO. ( ,m t/I I -; M"IMW? lkacr-.J -'con.IT'O, ' : , i i : :-l 1 , : ' , I '.''."..--'''..']]'""...".. .+ '-*?A )i. i 1e '+ * 11 ,bq , o,Z2?= z ,?24 ' 'l; ,A@" :'A,ri , ?,,.ry.-.q,13 = O,oqal / t,l , ", ';l'-' , -; tw "= -Hl_ " - , q,1t :-€t, ll t.': -'.; i I 'l l' ea.w? QPorcBn;^l ' ., i' '4:t = Otl tl r : I t : , I i : I : , I i I : -: I ri I. Ilr:1 !: it tl l: L BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGITIEERS PRO.IECT . I lr Nrt9rah., f LlLJltfEy one? ,25 ,q ( SHEET NO. %I t :t I' I I I I I T t t T I I I I ( Two-Dimensional Statie Frame Analysis I tropyright (C) 19gg,g9 ENERCALC SBFTWARE I FASTFRAME Uersi on l. I I F,roject Title : NILSSON & LINDSEY RES.Fr"oject * : 9l-148 CLient : ffLF,INE Scope !This 3-D frane consists of I 6 Nodes 1 Nodal Loads 9 Beam s 4 Beam F,o i nt Load s l Load Cornbinations tD Beam Distribr_rted Loads ____1_i:9::_i:::::::::_____ FASTFRAME is a B-D finiru *1"'o,,i-;;;;;-;;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;-;-----analysis & design 50 I r-rt ions. FastFr-ame tr-ansf or.ms LOTUS l-p-3 into a full featrrr"ed st'uct ur-al analysis, designn and gnaphics system.Ful l AISC code checkinq & select ion fr.am i !, zra,a menber database,Etrnctnre plotting, and nember* analysis & graphics is pr.ovided FastFr'ame nodels 'igid fr-ames, br-aced fr-anes, tr-usses, and any type of two-dimensional str-r-tctr-rre. Nodes and Beans are used to define the framet s geometrry and member- connections. Nodes and BeamE aLso have "reEtraint" and "r^elea'e" codes which set how the Xn y, and Z (r'otation) degr"ees of fr.eedorn ar.e used. Also, ''g,r o11 "D,' node r"estFaints speeify spr-ing supports and f or-c.ed displacements. Loads are applied ta the frame by r-rsing the Node Load, Beam Foint Loadl and Feam Distribr-rted Load ar-eas. your can apply vir.tnally any type of load, moment, or. thermal gradient to the frame. Also,"dir.ection" codes can modify the alignment of a load. Eaeh member has a "proper-ty" list which speeifies the ar.ea, inertia,and othen values, including AISC check valr-reg. FastFr-ame ietr s yorr "Tag" membe*s (i. e. a l"lElx55 can be tagged ,,FMl',). yorr can then eithel' assign the tag on actr-tal sect ion label (tJElx55) to a member.. Load Fact orE and Load Combinationg ar.e rrsed to combine types of loads as reqr-rired by br-ri lding codes. The ,'factor.'r eapabi I ity enables F;rstFl ame to assign a single nrurtiprier to eaeh load in a case -ol.-each combination at rnn-time. Gtavity loads from frane menber*E can al so be arrtomatically gener.ated. output is supplied for node dispracernents, r.eact ions, beam end shear,axial & moment loads, and AIStr r-rn ity checks. Fr-t11 color Etr.r.rct r-tr.e &detailed plots for flI5C str.ess checks are also provided. Date : 15-Jr-tn-gI Time: E3:OO:E4 F,M I I I I I I I I I I I I t' lc t T F/+t I t ------- NtrDAL DATR Coor.dinates XY ( ft ) -----____ 6 18, 5 el 5, P5 e. 1€1.5 lGlobal Default Temperature =6. AO Bo r-rnd ary Re stra i nt s X-dof Y-dof Z-dof ---(O, 1, E, in, R-in, radians) --1l BEAM LABEL Nod e Temp --- (F) --- Beam Length tft) Lle I Bean I Defin it i on I I-node J-node 3 4 6 I I I I I l1*e re-3 f1-4 l4-5 t6-5 r3-6 re-4 ts-5 ta-6 ?. cl a a 5 5 5 15.75 I ' BEAM DRTA t--------- Ftropert y L.rbe I -or.- Taq End Releases I-end I J-end xYE I xyz c c c c L l- c tr c 1 e 3- 4 5 6 7 s 9 I I a .i I I I 1 1ql.5agt lra. 5ra8 5. At5 5.815 5. S15 5. SlE 5.815 5. E|AA 5. el5 t lc T I I I I BERM FRtrF,ERTIES t----*----I lArsc./othert Aree Inertia Elastic weiqht coef, oft Fy t v-y IFroper.tyI SECTION I-xx Modulr.rs Density Ther"m Ex | | Axis I Tag tF,ROF,. LABELT (in'.E) (in*4) (Ksi) lI</ft^3,t a/l$EF)t t Flag tc I | 1A L06 I | 7S. 54 490. 9 llEUt 6, ras NBDAL LOAD DATA I NBDE I Nodal Loads (K, K-ft ) I I LRBEL I Global X GIobaI y Momentl I t---*----- Load Case Fact or.s e34 E I t t 5l , IC I Vn- l :-'i l--_-_-___-li I BEAM pOrNT LOAD DATA r -)-------a _l t BEAM I Magnitude Location I Dir I Load case Factors .l: :rl-l LRBEL l(K,K-ftrDeg) (ft) lFlaq | 1 e B 4 ri _l \ BERM I Magnitude Location I Dir I Load case Factors .l ol-l LRBEL I (K, K-ft, Deg) (ft) tFras | 1 e z 4 E t] J r---------,l,f | 3 | -3.e B.gZ I y I I lf' | 4 | -g.s 1.9r I y I I I I E | -3 1.93 I .Y I I | 6 | -3 3.s7 | Y I I I LOAD EEMBINATI0N Df,TA t--------- I conbination lRunl str*ess I Load case MuItiplier.s I Fact orE y-Load lDescriptionl?llncreasel le34slXgr"avvgravFlag t---*-*--- I I I t I I I t I I I I I I I I 't I I ( I 1 ! DL+LL E: 4: 5r 6: 7t B: 9: 10:'1! 1E: lJl -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 *1 -1 -1 1. ClAl 1. BE 1. AEt 1. 6tA 1. rZrA 1. Bff l. e'A 1. rU rA 1. AA 1. Ara 1. ArZt 1. A'a 1. Crgt | --- I NODAL DISF,LAtrEMENTS AND strRING,/SUF.PT]RT REACTIONS I NODE I I LABEL I t---*-------- Load I Displacements (in, rad) |Reactions (k, k-ft )Comb. I X Y Rotation I X Y Rotat ion I I I I I I I t 1 e 3 4 5 6 1 1 1 I I t -6. AAA O. raE6 O. EIEA 0. ra36 cr. Ers6 B. A16 -€t. EilZ[Zl -4. tee -er. glorzl =F. 11P -a. 119 -|a. l lE -rzr. ragrl5 3E- 1S a.44156 :O, tAkfAT *o. eraaS 8.00ra84 a.aa E. Ara er. AE S. ara @.w6 B. rara 9.53 E. mra 9.46 0. Ea O. Ar0 E. BE a. urE E. Ara @.aa 0. rara E. Aql ta. 0ra I I TC I ,V+, a o t e 3 4 t 6 7 I I I I C I t I t t I I I BEAM END FtrRtrES BEAM lLoad 1....... I Node End .LABEL ltromb. I Axial Shear. Moment J Node End Axial Shear. Mom ent --- (K) (K) ----(K-ft ) -- 17. SAl ra. Eers a.915 17. ASe 0. 163 @.aaa -14.755 e. eo5 -1_lgg -14. ra65 0.643 ra. Arara -14. 12136 -8. 783 -4. erOO -1S.813 -e.ra85 1.JSg -5.413 -A. tA43 €r. AAql 4. 966 O. firara ra. raAA -3.4L4 er. tzr43 A. qCrA I I 1 1 I 1 1 1 I -17. BAt er. 163 qr. Aercl -17.84e A. 'aOS -ra. gl5 eqt. 17e @.77A A. AtZrAl 15.310 1.971 1.39A 15. 367 -e. erg 1 -1. 3A9 eA. 143 -ra.71ra O, AAA 5. 484 -e'. er43 A. EraC' -4.784 rA. A|AA A. rara$5.455 A. rzr43 @. Arela t lc T I t I I I T It I /++- (t 4trJt4 -L :FP-L € I ' ,.L t I + I t- FJ. t -o '' ( BEAUDETTE I coNSULTTNc I ENGII\IEERS PROJECT trl ru:r"u t Lr..r yz<er (t4@|,*rt D$86;'2b 'q I BY FaNl SHEET NO, % 4 +:1 3/6vea1i l ro, .Luto.c $a\x ,F {\\ I \ t I T t I T I I Z^ lZ - lA'a, u'h'I t€\6,c, PROJECT 6-rP- kAnlrN/, one6'(0'41 SHEET NO. L lJ.EiAU Lr.Uj'r-r'r1/ T CONSULTING I ENGINEERS % I I T i1 ll I t t T t I :u) Qd .:l(-? lul. , l.' i .;...NQ. il :' t'o !G'' b,6, rl :i :. .t , -14 rt t T I I t I T T T ...^.i '.''".:. .'i it ( : : "' WeF '; I rr./vz rb I y/ L- a .i'i',1,'l 'I:,.:: BEAUDETTE CONSULTING DNGINEERS Nrussol-J { LIN/?S omdqAG,Clf By tAAh.l SHEET NO. fti 7 T t t t t t T t I t T J I I t -vj .1 il 1- ,, "t-' I t ;. ; Q,b, ' \) (zi,fuljii, ', a,,da ,z'o;o,qs .t n nQl - t-.1\,. re .l i. I o ?,? l, z @ ltvq> /\L@) ffq aar FL @1.1, ftgooo)t{ts).; r,?thZ t .)Ula4z '- 1)\t '.1-r 2 Pzd-if n . ';t U --u.g?_ 'L'Kl'L e lG'o,e, t t t ( BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS PROJDCT oers/'2(,,4t SHEET NO. fL(,+ I t ,^t/9' ' ':' L q/,AN La ' 'l :'ltl ll (/.) -eo? Y = rDJ. ' +tP'( , e' 2 ' ' t .Nl-=M 'lv4 T BEAUDETTE CONSUITING DNGINEERS SHEET NO. a ,L( I I t I T ,'.i iT''/u'it, (Zfr a;aJM^, -j ,,t , i;; I I l . _M - I?JEI_ j ,l,e? z =-T -_ 3(zd l'-, r r I '.+ ..--v. V,,rn\*.-,'-^; GX,*"Ytlo+).,+ '" . i-* BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS Nrr=eonr I Lrru,ese oerellGt4"! ev KA^l SHEET NO.-2 I I I I T t T I 5/d l6u fut-utrn t L BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGII\IEERS PROJECT .bl tt-ssor J a LtNO'>e --.r2 Eoto,,'^tz- SHEET NO. r,.t: + I T I I t T I I I I T BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS DAT{g'zt-n! SHEET NO. n& A I I I I T I T I I r \ .*, I I I I I I I I t t L BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGII\IEERS ' ,A,'litb,4 llVprws -<+1j,r2 i l- -: l( \I Ltuz (L,<. ]I. : .-i r.... :-. l I. i i : M * c.^, l/g = (, 4| Io,s i ' ^/ rz,/, /,atsY,-12/- - -t-9 li::"-i;.''i,..*,*,,u,,..:f I ri I Q1_ f,o,s ! ' _t _' :\z at.'a Y ,. ?4> A C?,2 tu -'-l l( f,".M- 6o,2r . o,go zz,+ B,oi). * I;i , il ri i " -I '-rL ::i:, I I t BEAUDETTE CONSULTING DNGINEERS PROJECT L%N l Ltnt Ftsx. F(nut'r{ 1^ oxn G,7L'11 sv l4,AJ SHEET NO. w l0 I I I I I I t I t I I T I T I I l t I L BEAUDETTE coffi- ENGINEERS PROJECT Nrr-ssax, { Lrurzey fiA Pp.strna oig;v 0'26'r'll SHEET NO. r, I I t t I I T I I t.ffi:i:':i'i;--.li.ii '( ' ' i '\ ...-.-." "* ."". ;-: ", . , I :-.'^:4AowtCezz-3A^J-"'4|::--/-4-|-r'.'-l:,,\'. . . .. :.. ;....., / \,,. lf-/ , 4/ |i r , i , i i i , ,,(4_.',@p=E )l'YZ+,-12)=,qoD?uF l , , i tu , I l- ! , I r ; i i i\ [ .l '/\ :,',' , . ,1, ; : . O, l .'-*l t, O. i . ,-," I . '" t, 'n-L rt\t-U i 1 .: t. l: ll ',tleg '4- i tr,rt i : , : tQb@ ll ../-il\lL : :\r1. t-V ?'1 ' . I -: r i ttl t: ,t 119 t' V. t-V a j i'r: ii j,': !: ta li: i t,I I t I t I 1 l BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS PROJECT LtNr)sF:one6'2rn,4l SHEET NO. w l1-I I I I I t I I T I t t t T T I t I I t t ,V)lrr'; i]l rI III :; c 4{-e I O,O, ?oo;ooo)\Fto,4J ' . i,, 't ,* :, - \. ., ji4: I i I . 1 | 'Arc " ;gLi-. p&$la)'rczd 1aA, Ef ffi 1r( = qV = (+ ltZ,*J (2, o44-e z o,o o + :;"'l.\-,'.'."--|_ iA-, u e, o0 e 1/ , 2,,,1_\TL : T',-'.* -'l t bt'L , = L BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS onrr,b'26,1( T I T T I t I I BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS Wr^atrNr.H-(1-k on&:"26-4J "r 4nx/ SHEET NO. t+ ilt t L ,... i, .l @Ko '-)I I I I I I T t I T T I I I T t I ir., -.. "r . .. ....... .i... .. ': u) I BEAUDETTE CONSULTING DNGINEERS PROJECT Fta- Vg4a14r" oereG,/|'41 SHEET NO. w, I I I T I t I t t I r:1i:r,i : I r i .l i ,, t....:.... i i, ..,....,'t..-. j il'ri i,l i .l ri , :rl,l '.1 : i"r r o ea,6ot L Ut,< ol- l I : T BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS PROJECT f.JrLs*oJ t LrNrr=,ev h-urruJ Aesta,J ome G'At Ot sv FN SHEET NO. (' T :: ( I I T I I I I I x I 'r ---'!- .--I-"j- :i G 4ortAL.{LJ - eJp7og-, [{;. ., . i . ' :. : G Xt" (,o9.wutN ,i^l .: ,ll D Yc - (@o Qsl :l A A F /'- trtr-tazrl t AfC ' (, ' j ' , i ., i :rl:;l ---I l?-r ". G X G, 1C)LUM ^l :--:-:: i:: :; .l -'r"r i- l L BEAUDETTE CONSI'LTING ENGINEERS PROJECT r,6^eEG,Z6,4l ev 4AN SHEET NO. / 0 t ar L_ i b C.BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS PROJECT DATE- BY SHEET NO. r lt'r, 'ifi Mz v?f ,- -64 gp TWue (@su&e It | !, -1- I ;\. i..".. , :..: ' , tl-' -rl +rln ". -i t,- j4' ' ,,i =il \l -" -; li . : i , i iU #4b t?' Vep-f, .' i: . : i i t ' , ,i , : 6t.", -ld-_"|##tWl,':t.,,,,i, i-r i ,t Ij i ii1 , i I I ' i i. ; ' i; :': I T t I I I I I t BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS PROJECT Itussoxl \ Ltxt"xe FtqrF.tOxttiicl,-l oer&'/+'ql SHEET NO. (ft I T I /a 2(tF( " f r*, l t5 I T u To-l T I I I I I I I :t L BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS PROJECT FqtntnNTtoN oere6"/G'Q SHEET NO. ? ? I I t I I I I T I T I I t T I C BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS PROJECT tcssonl 3 LtNOs FtxtPr>erio* onsb'/0 '41 SHEET NO. % I I I I I I T I I T I I I t I I T BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS PROJECT NItu..rov i L,x'.osey ftellttr2ATt.oNJ orr#'/?4 | SHEET NO. r ,+ 9.5 F-3 I I I t I I FTB. NO, 7 thrr.r NO, 9 fitle ;:rcope : Number: Misc : f Dsngr. ! l7_Jun*9 1 \ r----- SOUARE FOtrTING DESl6N F,ag e D€SIRIffiI(1I{)) F-l )).-- LmDIIG t)ATo __t______t___t_ t__*_t_____ t--_ I}ENI} LOAD LI|,E S{IRT TERII " SElSlllC I{]NE (0=nind) I 0IJERBURDE{ }lT gsfl C$l0lNE LL+ST? y/ntN - FMTINE DflTff ._-I LE}6TH I I.IIDTH ftl kl k I 8,7 11.74 7 kt 3.5 e.5 2 e.5 taEl2t?TIICKNESS | ;#,?ll' inl I fl T I I C{UfiN SIZE inl 3 3 3 frc psil ?,500 ?,590 e,5@ Fy psil 40,000 40,90ff 4S,040 BflR Et]tlER inl 3 3 3 C$EREIE l.lT. trf | 145 li5 l{s - - SOIL I}fiTR __I 8flISC RLL0ll. SF psfl 2,00e e,0g$ Z,BS0 SH0RT IER|{ H.[_T. I r.33 1,33 1.33 ( I BELoil S{]rL ftl -hEflEAS€S,,.... t PER FT DEPTH psfl l*lEN BEL0['I.. .. in I PEfi FT tllDlH psfl t{1Bl UID€R..., ftI ? e,500 3,@ 40,000 68,000 33 145 t43 3rffi 60,000 3 145 I t I T I I l( I I _ cff-cuLATE0 F0RCES _t_______t___t____t____t :, _t__-__ ilax, Static SF psfl 1,999 e,0e3 1,895 1,69i Allor Static " I e,000 e,S00 2,00S 41000 llar. Shont SF rl Al loir Short Terr " lhe ]lay $rear: pei Uu/phi n Tro llay Shear: t Uu/phi Ir998 e,0e3 1,895 1,665 2r560 er660 e,660 - er660 I r00.0s tm.0s 100.m 1m.00 31.96 13.S7 {.33 u,38 e00.00 e00.se e00,00 ass.06 77.s3 36.4e 19.47 e9.89 e,000 1.33 1,33 1.33 Hn k-ft/ft I ilu/phi: Actual , | {.9a a.39 1.35 l.9g --_ REINF0RCIiG ___ I _____ | _____ | __ | _____ l -___- | ____ flctual Ban Oepth int 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9,00 9.0S r/b Title : Scope : Nnmber : Misc ! Dsngr : -.4 I FTE. NO. 7 thru N0. I F I 17-Jun-9 I l. | - -,- --- SCIUARE FOOTING DESIGN Fage , lllil flLLoll. I STEEL t ffi'iil#::::::_ ln^Z Reqt 6 per Foot I -l'h1-lT;1,,,, r:-: Ouantity ofr f4 0.s014 e.0014 0.mlf 0.901{ g.oet{ 0.s01{ 9.0050 0.00:t0 0.0050 0.0050 0.0015 0.0007 e.0004 0.m06 0.9@0 0,e014 0.001{ e.0014 0.aet e. lst 0.151 0. tst 0.775 S,37S 0.3Se 0.378 l---t----t----t--*- I t t5 TG il7 ts t9 *ts 5333 3e2?3e?2 ?2?? ? t t I l( t T I I I I I t I _( rft I t I L ,t L / I I I I t I I L BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS PROJECT onrl'Xt,4l FarL T- SHEET NO. ,1 I ir|;:i,:i:i :;i : '1 "'-i" :-: -1- ! "r'*i--i "1"-:- - i , 'nT' ', e'taua#';- ff,+z*, i i**.** ?a.i '-- r'- "' i l-** ;-- _: _r.i"._7- t1 :o El i . '-i:i 'i ;rl *-. i"*-;*-{** -$*-*r-. *" * -i ;i,ill:l I"-*i r*:- ; i'- ; '= - r 't:i?; i!ii;:tr:,'-1"" "r: : -:'- ' { | ' 1- --.i..-..-;..-...,- .i .. iiili I I I I t t I I T t t I - i'*_-- '-FtP t: ^JAY I - -' I .... -.--.:..... -. '*-"^l.-":*-*':i il , :'-- r! iii!,: i ',X IZ^ ,rYP1P'"-.,, . .. ** _,_ _r.*.."*- _ tG -l 'a,,e- p,6'NAi 'tt 'i.-: i- J---i'- "-";,i:i::i -;*' "l*i**i*"'f -*-*^+ ;:iiJ:i i;!rl t : :-'"*i"- .; i- -- I --"1 'i i I t : i i ,i.]'., i1':l!.i .:---"_.*1"** *:*'*: ; it: '\.: ir:;ii _t --: _t_ - . .. . ;.. I -'...-.. |14;-/} .t- )-,t I .-.,.. t< v lr :!:.l-...-.; ;., -;-"*.|-, d";*.r i;i ti 't.-.i : -i1,-:'----: - .. :-.i. --.,r- ,,1 !. ', .'' ''' l+ -'; .i ''r t' :"lt; 'i" - '- -L---rii L BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS DATE BY -_( .:: t T I t I I t L BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS PRO.'ECT LAl4#{-- SHEET NO. L L I ::i . ItT L o ' U l, O l,'1 i i : L : , 1 I : :i :, - I I i . ; i ! i | , , .\, , : I i j r . i : ' I l: a N i': ffi 5n-' iSRl;:1.1 il\ ;-'j 'i; 'S--[t, ''1 ; ,i ' [ /l i] *r I R Hiz | *^)1 | ' -*' 'r,**T I I l' E'- .,l :l, IIti""'-i r i I i ,l : | | : . : i tl I t t L BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS PROJECT Nrt-+t'l \ Ltntrtsev nnal,/ttl_ BY FANJ t I I T Ir I t I t I t I t : t..-i , -. .!. .:,. ,..i i,: i: i..i. : i .:;.. ,...i... .i.-., .. i r:l t:):l:-i '- . _:_''r :_ - ..--' i . - ri:::,i i L BEAUDETTE _CONSULTING ENGINEERS PRG'ECT .rll NlL6Ea..], 4 Ltxtrl*v SHEET NO. I 7 t-' I 7z t I 6t.- _--T \:i I ,*- "{-4 . -'e- .., t I I [] ',...- ."--.,,. i i' .| \.:,._$ ; ) -l .'. t; l'' ..l '-- " "'"1 :: I h'"t{tr : ln I tu\tl l l-t I . tl rl l ' r-:---l-''' , ! 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"".,...:....i... ;! i . 1 \_ BEAUDETTE COF{SULTING ENGII\IEERS PROJDCT DNIE/",2+'ql BY I4fl"J T- I I I I t I I ll I I I I I I I I T ,O,"", ',';,:r ZStCrtJ 'CarLl'n r , : , | , i ', i , , , 'i -;" , ', ,t tl ,E [g PI ryatnF' ,s/f 4 oGil a&, i q !/z fuI stnFt ,tS/ e dt o Gil a&, l) aI I' : t e4 -" tt'll,ft*Wrn,*re 3v4tilaa-t " : ll ': T BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS PROJECT one6 tf,J,Cl BY Ft'lt-) SHEET NO. t t ! T I I I T I I I t I T BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS Lmegn- ontuLl4t ev FAt.-l I I I I I I I T T I I I I I I I t/\u-ffi 8ffi4.+\LY {-'t/ t1^ il BEAUDETTE CONSUI,TING ENGINEERS LtmE.RAL D^r@!1 ev FAl..l SHEET NO.,l I I I I '. '1zr-5 :T4 _rl :l i.ii i'.'i' j t -. *'-*"i I T I I I t T 4a7pu7 I I I T I I I I I BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS on&-'L?'% sv FAh-l I I I I I I I I T t I I I t ;r'{i"; ."i.-htory) N/ A4 o ; :. .:, t* -:E^"F* 1 6d " (zil i i r' : : i l-.iti i'1 *+6n--,.,,;!i"*-&--**",*.,*,^..*.,*.....,..",-,.,....,.. -"."- ."'iril ,'iij.:' i "'"\' i -'i"- j' -:'^ i ..-i :t::ji',)i I -..,,"a-.",.,!.,..,.r!,,-a..".,,-".,*..,i*,d*",*};.*',--.t-,.'-**--,--",... :' : , i : "'-'^ : i' : ,- 1 ,"i-,..,..,......,.-"i'";.^*i-,., i , I i I r " '-' i*-1^*l--*,*'"1*':**.;** l : :,riil 'i :)ii I t I BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS PROJECT D^TEC,E,1( By 4.r+J T- T I ( nBauopmp CONSI'LTING ENGINEERS PROJECT oetn6'/1'41 7S a '\1 I I I I T I I I t I T BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, II{C. PRqIECT SHEET NO. "/, ,Jrytur.l33- NODAL DATR I Global Defaul.t Temper.atune =a.aa I I ! I I r -----_[*, N'DE . NODE I I LffBEL I | ---------- | Coor dinates XY ( ft ) ---------EA @ 4.73 4.73 9. e54 9. S5+ 9. le 9, 1E ll t-e t3 t4 t5 l6 t7 IB 9. 135 9. 135 44.375 a 9. 135 9. 135 44.375 Boundar.y Restraints I Nod e X-dof Y-dof Z-dof I Temp ---(&, 1, 3, in, K-in, radians) --l---(F)--- BERM DRTA Beam Definit ion I*node J-node trt o pert y Labe I -or- Tag Re l ease s I J-end I xyz End I-end xyz BEAM LAFEL Beanr Lenqth (ft) I I ti I ti li I(' I 3 5 7 e ,5 7 E 4 6 6 3 7 6 h, T t,.| T t^J t^l t^J I s 3 4 5 6 7 9. 135 15. S4ra 9. 135 15. g4rzl 4.73A a.39ra 6.734 T T t t SEAI{ F,ROF.ERTIES I ---------I | flI5c/other.I Area Inertia ElaEtic Height coef. ofl Fy I y-y lFroperty I SECTION I l-xx lvlodr-tl,.rs Deniity ThErm Ex I I Axis l_*l::___l:I:l:_LABELt (in".E) (in".4) (Ksi) (K,/ft*s) (./toraF) | | Flas _:____::___:____:__::: ttd IT I HBXA4 lh|TlexSl 7. rAS 9. 11 Ae. I EgrAAq'131 egaoo 4.4996 4.4896 er. orata6s I 36 I tl T NEDAL LOAD DATA NtrDE LRBEL Nodal Load s Global X Global (H, R-ft ) | Y Moment I Load Ease Factor.s e34 I t l( T T -1. e -1. E -1.91 I I 1 4 I 6 ,/- I li g t4 li :t7 lr s I e 3 4 5 6 7 I li t I I -O. erQtet -A.0ArZr 1E-f 3 -0. 193 -8. er03 B. rArAlTO -0, 195 0, ar 1 a. eul149 -1. 1 lP rA. 61 I 6. AQ677 -E.0AA A. AS'B IE-13 -8, 195 g,gfi? 8, 'zrfflgra -4. 195 -8. er13 rA. AE 16A -1. 13P -A. rA13 A. AO6SS e. el 5. S7 -13. e0 6. rAB 0. rara cr. ou a. ta€r a. grgr el. qrql ta. tara gr. tata ra. ao e. 1€r -4. e5 -1e.90 fa, ota a, an B. raB a.za a.Eta a.6a E. AO A. ErA A. ES . J Node End .Axial Shear. Moment --- (R) (K) ---- (K-ft ) ---3.649 E. e8g -6.973 -6. ErUrA t. A0tA ta. taaa 4. 468 e. larr -6, e98 -O. lArArA 1. erAO -ra. rAErA -8. erag -5.63a -e.955 -1. 089 -4. 95S el. 30ra a, 191 -4.465 6, egg T( I BERN lLoad 1... ... . I Node End . I I LRBEL lComb. I Axial Shear ltloment I l--------- -(K) ----*(K) ----(K-ft)--- 5. A69 -e. e09 -13. erAS 4.47'e -1.EA|A -1S.egs *4.e44 -e. lAl -1e.996 6.47e -1. eaa -ts. egs e. Eurg 5.649 6.973 1. EAg =. 160 el. 143 -0. 191 4.496 -3. AlA tr I t I I t I r---------t I (' NODAL DISF,LfltrEMENTS AND SF,RINB,/SUtrtrORT REflCTIBNS t -------\I N0DE I Load I Displacenents (in, rad) | Reactions (kr k-ft)I I l!l: I Loao I Drspracenents (in, rad) | Reactions (krk-ft) t I LABEL lcomb--l x y Rotation I x y Rotation I I 1 1 I I I I '/t., ii I lc I I t I I I I lc :. I t T T I I Ir T t SHEARWALL SCHEDULE rvAtt WAII SPIKING LOG TO ,+X12 BLKG CONNECTION FOUNDANON BOLTING TYPE OF WALL A 1A'Q O #' O.C. TOP 2 COURSES MOMENT FRAME A ?t', c J5' O.C.t6'6 LAGS @ 16" O.C.Ys'6 A.B. @ 12' o.c.LOG A ,h'a o 36' o.c-96', LAGS @ 16' o.c.LOG-MAIN LEVEL A rt. PLY BOTH SIDES w/Ed o 4' o.c.Y6"6 A.B. @ 36" o.c.2x8 STUD A tf6 c to Q.C.%'c LAcs o 6' o.c.+6'd A.B. @ 18' O.C.LOG A t^'o 0 /+E O.C.tt'6 LAGS @ 24' O.C.%"6 A.B. @ 24' o.c.LOG A 7A'0 e ?4' o.c.%.0 LAGS o LOG A 1T. PLY BOTH SIDES v8d o 6' o.c.v6"6 A.B. @ 30" o.c.2x8 STUD A ?A'a o 48' o.c. 't'r LAGS O 48' O.C.Y8"6 A.B. @ 60" o.c.LOG A 7A-6 o 16'o.c.%"c LAGS O 5' O.C:YE"o A.B. @ 36" o.c.LOG A 1+. PLY A!*. SIDE: vEd o 6' 0.c.%"0 A.B. @ 60" O.C.2xB STUD %,