HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIA ZNEIMER LOT 3 LEGAL.pdft DEPARTMENT oF coMMUN,rt *rorm OWNER EO}flTRACTOR,JERRY SIBIJEY PI-'I'MBING P. O. BOX 340 MINTURN, CO oJ-o.tf, IJicense: L83 -B APPI.,ICAIIT .JERRY SIBI.,EY PLUMBING P. O. BOX 340 MITiTURN, CO 81645 License: TO\AAIOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Job Address: Location.....: Parcel No...: Project No : Description: R&R dRY WALL BD,MASTER BA Occupancy: R3 Type Construction:V N Building---> Plan Check-> lnvcstigation-> Will Call---> ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT 7 N\a ( 1T1OBLIFFEHR CREEK RD VAIL 'fi6sp 2'10312210003 Qcso t' DttS I Single Family Residence Type V Non-Rated NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES | - /l .n^'r\,\ c{. '\ tu-a vI\{ \i-^lxLerr:to+- ISSUED 't't /75/200'l 71/21/200'l 05/20/2002 _g]&l:r!4\N, JAMES M. & LYNNE t"rL/Ls/2oOL 432 EOLUMBTNE ST DENVER CO 80205 License: Permit #: 801-0365 Starus. . . Applied. . Issued . .. Expires . .. Phone: !!/L5/2ooL Phone:970-827 -5736 Ll / L5 / 20O'J- Phone :970-427-5736 0 # of Gas [ogs: 0 FOR CEIIJING IN DINING RM,KITCHEN MASTER FOR REPITACEMENT OF ENTRANCE 2 TT]BING Valuation: $26,000.00 Add Sq Ft:0 # of Gas Appliances:Fireolace Inforrnation: Restricted; Wood Pellet: 9322.00 Restuarant Plan Review--> $209.30 DRBFee---_*-> S0.00 Receation Fee--> S3.00 Clean-uPDePosit--> TOTAL FEES----_-> $0.00 50.00 $0.00 $0.00 s534.30 Total Calculated Fccs-> Additional Fees_> Total Pemit Fee-_.-> Payments-> BALANCE DUE----.> $534.30 $0.00 $s34.30 $s34.30 Approvals:Ife'm: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT L]-/2L/20ot cDAVrs Action: AP Item: 05400 PL,ANNING DEPARTMENI Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT Item: 05500 PUBI-,IC WORKS See page 2 of this Document fo, utnaitions that may apply to this ,t, DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in fuIl the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoninp and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESIS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. Send Clean-up Deposit To: N/A SIGNATURE CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET I .PAGE2 **t**********iit***:*****tnt***r*****lt************ti**********************************!t***tihiit********** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit#: 801-0355 asof 71.-21.-2001. Status: ISSUED ***********l********:t*********!t**:t*******titi******************!t*****************rr********r.************** Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied: 11./75/2001. Applicanf IERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING isiued: 11./27/2001 970-827-5736 ToExpire: 05/20/2002 ]ob Address: 1710 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAIL Location: 171.48F ParcelNo: 210312210003 Description: R&R DRY WALL FOR CEILING IN DINING RM,KITCHEN MASTER BD,MASTER BA FOR REPLACEMENT OF ENTRANCE 2 TT]BING *********************************************t**** COnditiOnS **********************lr******t**.H****tr*** Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: L6 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQLIIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.6.1 OF THE 1997 TIBC. * t * * + + * * + + * * * * * {. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** ** ** ******* ****** ** x*****+**f **** ****** * *******+******* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ,t ,l * + * * * * * * * + * * * * * * ******** +*++**** * * * * * * + * 'tt + * + + * * * * * * * ** ****** ****+* ** *****,t * *****++++*** *** Statement Nrunber: R000001-776 Amount: $534.30 IL/2L/20OLI2:01 pM Pa)ment Metshod: check Init: LC Notation: #2867'7 /Jerty Sibley Permit No: 801-0365 Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Parcel No: 2L03L22L0O03 Site Address: 1710 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VATIJ L.,ocation I l-714 BF Total Fees: 5534.3 0 This Payment: $534.30 Total ALL Pmts: $534.30 Balance: S0.00 l.**lt***** * * ** ** * * **** * * 'i**+** * ** * *,1*:******** * ***+*** * * ****'i******* * ****** t + * {.** *****:f * ** **** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Oescription Current Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILD]NG PERI1IT FEES 322.00 PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES 209.30 t,jc 00100003112800 l4illl CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.00 JSP Irc. NNN 75 $ Fnrilrgc Rd' Yrit, Golordo at65t Fax:97Ft27 lhv 13 '01 o P'oirtl; lulldlng Ptnnlt r,0*t}2t cc P.U2 gl.'o PCRMT ffifttrfr,f,n e/ot /z z lo 0e 3 " ^?,,t, r7,,1 of rl\r. K;t, trt *bcl 1 WortCtoss: t.|ar( ) l&tU-( ) Renodel( ) ncparr(X) Dcmo( ) OtlEr'( ) Does an EHU rrH at thls loadon: Ycs ( ) No WorttlTG: Intcdor(f) E$cdr( ) Eodr( ) TytcdEtdg,: gngehmrv()Q Tvrufenrity( ) Mrrtti-ftndy( ) @.nfictdrl( ) ncr!|'llt( ) Otlf,r( ) lb. of Aemmodr(n tJnitr in tfitr buldllp:No. of $lfing Oucltng Unitr in thls htllding: a rfeAhm Brf*: Yeg(il No( attt..t*ilt*.i.r..t*3****latrrtt*******fof OffrcE USE Ol{LYt""nrrr+*"'}r*""+'+""t""""" PJ.cyar.UtbdifrUoCtSir No\/ 1 3 2001 TOV-coM.DEV' OWNER SUIJI-IIVA}I, 'JAMES M. & LYNNE ITL]-L/T'/2OOL 432 COI-,I'MBINE ST DENVER CO 80206 License: 1:"/15/2OOL Phone: #oorrr* oF coMMUNrrv osvst'Erur Status . . Applied. Issued . Expires . Phone: TO\^N{ OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 fob Address: Location.....: Parcel No...: Project No : Mechanical---> I'lan Check--> lnvestigation-> Will Call--> 210312210003 $320.00 Restuarant Plan Review--> S8o. oo DRB Fee-----.-----> s0.00 TOTALI;LLS***----> $3.00 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M01-0234 1710 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAIL .: ISSUED .: 17/1,5/2001 .: 11/21/2001 .: o5/20/2002 CONTRACTOR JERRY STBIJEY PI-'T]MBTNG P. O. BOX 340 MII{IIIURN, CO 8 t-64 5 Iricense: l-83 -B APPIJICAIIT iTERRY SIBI'EY PI.'I]MBING P. O. BOX 340 MINTT'RN, CO 8154 5 License; IL/15/200L Phone: 97O-527-s736 0 # of Cas Logs: 0 Desciption: R&R DRY WALL FOR DEILING IN DINING RM,KITCHEN MASTER BD,MASTER BA FOR REPLACEMENT OF ENTRANCE 2 TUBING Valuation: $15,500.00 Fireplace Information:Restricted: Y # of Gas Appliances: Woo.l Pellet: $0.00 $4 03 - 00 $403 .00 $0.00 s403.00 $403.00 $0.00 Total Calculated Fees--> Adclihonal Fee"-------> Total Pcrmit Fee-> PaymenLs--;' BALANCE DUE-> N/, Item: 051-00 BUIIJDING DEPARTMEMT Il/2L/2001 cdavis Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD CONDITION OF APPROVAL INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO EHECK FOR CODE COMPI,IANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all ,o*^ or?an.es and state laws, and to build thisEtructure accord-ing to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADV PM. AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 * * ***+*** *****,1** * * *t*+********* * * * * + * * *,1. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * ** **** ********** ***+** {.****** * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement *:f *** *++** *** * *'I *,t *+*+******,** ******+****** ** *+***f,++*** ***********+** ** ******** * *++* *:**rr*** Statement Nurnber: R000001?75 Amount: $403.OO tL/2i-/2001-12:0L pM Pa).ment Method: Check fnj-t: tC NoEation: *2a6-77 /Jerry Sibley Permit No: M0L-0234 Type: MECHANICAI PERMIT Parcel No: 2LO3L22IO0O3 Site Address: 1?10 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAIt Location: 77L4 BF Total Fees: 5403 .00 Thi6 Payrnent: $403.00 Total ArJIJ pmts: $403.00 Balance: 50.00 't'i+** ***** * *********+*** * ****** ** +** *,!** +* * * * * * * * * * * * {. * t * +**** r.***** * ****+*** ** **,i* * ******** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts MP 00100003111300 |'4ECHAN]CAL PER|4IT FEES 320.00 PF OO1OO()O31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES BO.OO |,.lC OO1OO(]O3112BOO h]ILL CALL ]NSPECTION FEE 3.OO (og o o z (n {n c o -{o z T rn 7 ={ E -- -l @ m 3a :.- o -]:|!<x f ,,, _{ o ;X A !- g ':;o 4irl-O <rt .-m= '-<= r! o.< d€;!g tto ctt >l =E HA -n T m ; Ftf-tn X,.,.-,<9q >;-t=z = /-r a\ ., >, f- rtftr-r ! _r'l -o 5 cc * z= :- r-.'t az FE _' .\ :-.: v *z rrJ x Z.\ >= m - z o z --{ o -.{ z;--l c P< tz Oc) -am "'r ;.i >-i o=-tc)o> 2"-.i m nz >m l>or- I =m -t 'Tt r z .1 hj c) aJ. z IT l..l z H t E. FJ E c) z m fd N z E m a-t t- m rrl o>'r -r lr mlO 5l€:tz lo p t> ta tm le, lz le I I I I I I r r H H Fl t- E z h rlt F 16 l€lz ,rtlO N)tn 5.l<rl>!tF Fla lz le I I lr l€ lz t9 l<t>l; l6 lz l-r to l{ lz lo ll t> |m l-r lo l€ lz to l'n l<I>l-ln lm la lz OB =F *F I> Io l9 l* Y I -l I I I z -l m I o 4 m z z tn BY XI F:tr 63 -"i -{ Elm x m -{ z TD 2 --1 m E-P zl H H F C)c) N) o- -=fg !ao o- 0t =x-0lo R{ q, (o 6o ::t oqt !- f0) OO o-o *o, 0r!-= :do ord o o f l. J f o = 5 = l 0,l ?l = ;- ct .v o) :.1 .il ; -=tx +\-OQ €d (,\l r{ ffi, I \./ c)\, oo / *a ='!)J f(o oo o'i6. c/ -t K{ ,/= a #N F €t >al zal -zl -r>l mcl ;rl u 'P o l{ ]" I I F l - It z (! I 2 o X o l o z t- !m =a)z m m o m o t- =; lf- 2 o tq I r I lfro<l>n! l-., m I l. m IP F l> o l" I I I l= o iP i-, tol l:)m rO >{ lQ r j'€ I t'' l--T-- i; l I ir tl 3 z ,l I i I P 5 t T_ I I 2 ic t =o -,2 i; -t o z , = :to !:9F ; Zj oo 'o fo r<+< >o o>m_i coo z c :(h I tt li z m € --l m -.4 X n = I n m - --l m c ! f,) c --t ^2 c)N z xi P bo -DT =z()aQo o<z ,aut f o 6P FZ c:za ^xx n2z = x n< P H P z H H { H I =z o q t-o z z -{m (t o z z o o =z a -.t u -.t 4 --t >=Zo <6 ,{9 211 :i;t;- H z -.t m P z H z n z t!(Jt \o \o --l -l r- m ="r] m m m c) tn z m q J m q z m m { o m m -.t 2 rn m o I z c 3 t!z m m o I o z I m o g t- =o _0 m = m =-n m m U) VALUATION l,m n = =z m z 3 2 m rn o i 6 E z F In;: i \s$q91 GEFi ,o o z A F- Or -(t' s t,(r) lF [trii .r 3.RO4l .tu t4u/qr -vslu f1u O4\-QV I I I /69t'/f t'",' K{,00, rW 9\ ,0 '\l'/ -a( ,: b \'1'/---T , r- )tt 'Fa \)t $ (s \-.- .ts_.-_r__,' t 0'.V l \ ._-t r1;h I \1,,-/ | -.:-| \\ \-$ -T I I ;!:;#l hfl ,tftfi ps^{ '.7y ll I a@aTq*L*4n lrSA l0 ur,lol a-Q H .''lo let*!',:@, 'Pt-+ d *t"\ E ^. I r*ll'ra :!ll nJ#:Vl;'"'l .^w&tl:- | ^'\t0 fl""tr"t SsuAQnL l---ff1,7/.:- INSPECTION REQUEST . TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR FRI *.. -- rt7- a DATE /J- / r JoB NAME f. ,"t' t{":- t'.-r ',. ,,. ,' ,; , .'I,J CALLER ' "'i t- , AM PM READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W,V. D ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr tr D tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL PROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REOUIRED niGsuop I Octpber 22, l99l' UE. Busatr Sca,ol oo Envirorurentaf Eealtb otfieer tsonn of Vail ?5 S. FroatrEc Road Vail, co 8f65? Dear Susan ! wLttr r€gtrd to the allouable llretllaces to bs Lil{,tallad Ln Buftehr Creeh Chr.l 6t, L6t 3, Plling VI , The Vallef, I?lrt Buffetsr Crdet Road. it ie ItU etral Ed zaeinerre uuderetaqdtb,E that er6 afe allowad thrbe ,1w (gr) vented ges log fireplrccs on tbe aoEditl.oa thet aII fircplrscs br Ees log. ft ttris le eorrect, rould you gle1gE eign off on bhia leLter aad retrra it bI Fatr, otr sead ne a letter.po statiug, or.Ectrd ne a Ietter with $hat flrepllce iustallrtioE $G are iilorvcal? Thanls tou. EERGHAHH COHSTR CO 3934?66 I l5 ,l P. g2 A-1-r .\ ,r .^^,trl(t/l|tuE\t'4 lt/Y/-l ' ' nilltdn t.'PresldeDt e'o: Eduard Znelnst POS1 oFFlcE cor 20t I vAtt, coloRADo 8 | 65 t.20t I PHONIi 103/927..{007. tA[:. COit/{76.61 I It nfu fufr*orJ, h-'d Ar'ry'4,ttt*'w') /o ltil'q an ott ,,fuis t, tr?1il"/Dd;?/) el dfu* ol' Y'4 wLn tffi dkr durt'{,, t* oU)'v nt'attu il w, J "t' ;hd nJiltryur ,ill tu /,. o;i*d i,; tu[W / /141/! T'" l * K 'u,il,tunih qad k7- 4 W\onl; a^flyu/'o{/' Waa, {rrh,$"fi'oa/l/},l nl '/U' J/3/'- I I : elnrlp^{rL^ i CONSTRUCTIO l'-f- 5.r+-------- rerqnen{ \ U 'dn- I I Project Application ProjectNamei Lta Project Desc.iption: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: /. / 2 A' ^rt Zuc .'-r- flU/S,U (of Architecl, Address and Phone:\ Legal Description: Lot .3 . Btock Com ments: Filing L; o 2-*r:,^_"-Zone Design Review Board Motion by: '^'" tr//y'r/ D ISAP PROVAL Seconded by: APPROVA L Summary: Town Plan ner Staf f Approval HPf talf 6r'E1a2 w ' Alllttatr *.lz- b l' / t - ' t r,'$/s/q/ , Project Application Date Zna aea Lof 3 Project Namei Project Contact Description: Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Filing 2no)r^-,Zone - Legal Description: Lot Block Com ments: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded ,^," d/ fht DISAPPROVAL Summary: Town Plan ner o^,,, ,!/( h / /-/ Approval .\ --I d m Ig l-o t-,, h E t<x f IHE 3 l9s 1 h= e. t:.,:.,: ; o l-irg l< j 3 t-r! =3=6€1o.6P ;9 -60 >t 39 mr+o 'n m TIFIFl '-.rJFf}4 NEiH 398 - -t \,,,an==x=ay-'>t-t-o o z a {F c o =o z !ttt n 3 { dP z= 2=oo z 5 Za\ n.T-an R=zx -{ \,3i o1 9E c ! t- =z #4i 3: -r c)o> 9."+m vz >m i> - =m -l €z m z =IT N z tn H E F r H Lr) F CN H f!r tg ;i lo>t. t-t_ l- - t: IF lu)l-l< l" -Tl l-z H ts t-l-ln x m t-m ld t{ lz le t<t> lF lfi z I l€z 'tl ;m tr 3 J\ (. ! \\ro }J \ E l€ lz lo l<l> lF IR l'lz lo I f-- Ss lG I N I B * s F rc E P E o l I 5.\o I c-F ld t€ lz lo l-n l<t> ||-II lm lv,z I I I I z H t- cl H H F o N I 5 \l l.J @ 5. I =z 'n >r m = z - 5 I .{ s. X o\ t_ m U' I = H t4 ts ts H H r.1 z m N z lt] F .)E =F .F F p lo Ffr trl I lF! I lut + lp(-l lP IY t>l- I I qa mil I o o l, 'n t m =r -t -{or @ m x m T -l o =l ol 8l ili -/f L .4)Y,, I L/|,., I LI (, , I -fr ,l trl a-I )-.' I <_-/ I E3d o9o 6',Rg R iix Igx '<9{{Eo- + d.**6(D o:1 J f++ jiE aoo Q 3.a ?E-*att f E +(, x9d E otE d== -r +i6 'l6 i e =.:c) L-- !rfO ..: 3. o =9I odr =< =r J*=vx+3 4= ]ato <t' -o-f o-x o f,E-i E=B i Ei'iia3 38d o=: or(D=.qr-o *o. 0) €!, o)3 o s. rt' o c o c o 0l o o o -' (o o q\i :\E N ='lo h F a (t =.2. o o I o.o 9.(o o 5. (D { t f o 3 @ s. =o o qt f o lo J E I o)o I' F o, it = o o rr P z .tl =a m a-'n z "t I m €z m t a I z o I l z t- rt m +a z m m m l<' lz l= l>tr l:lq ! r l I fio<>-nI il, m J € @ z a c l- J z I o z m c m TO tr€ ri-26 'z = lx lH z>eR Ici rr<u< >o mi coo z C z = z m t ts F x |- m z _- z m ! I z -1 m c) c -n z H z 14 Zo NP c/) fn }l2x>ES E*6F bo rl- > 'n H:26 d#ao tto '\ 2 -, O ur. ^Io 62.EFZ c: zur--.1 Fo6 o 'nzz zz 140 €,x tr< H z r Frl F 3 H F u) ,t s \o € o NJ t.)s. TFfl |!ttl '-dal cDdl ioal frlq XI Dfil 'T1l F<Eil XI s4l t"ltl atq 5D4l >o{t F+'rl ffi||t*l 'l {l ol FI ^l |lI ol t!l El -l 6l =l :-l €H z (n b t f4 o F z H c)P t- K H H H a a 2 = F F F c r t- E c! F c 2 F c )Z .2 jo )F ,@ lr- l,Z io tz ) -'l rm 'ch =z 2 6 i m Fol Zz't7 ol <o:_nl ,( 3l Zol q;r Hl rnl z I I I I .l It ol l{=, .ril l\) I \ol tsl I ts z f+P z x Lr H (,^) \o \o -r m 3 ='n m m c m -l x o m z T m .E q --{ m q z m s m € @ o m m -.t 2 '71 m m m 7 z ! c 2 m r m .-l ^f z I m o x g z m = !m = ='Yl m m U' VALUATION -It m I ={ z o H H P r. =z m t-m |- F z o l.J N 5 @ (.{) -_l ! F. ! F. ur Lr)-_t 5 UA\ lltf I }'4\ -t'-La5) \ t-rq4t I have memo read the survey pollcles stipulated in the ted April 3, 1991 and connit to adhering to Town of Vail tbem. t+4 \1< 5 Permit Nunber Legal Description: c : \krlstan\r!€do!\rure€y.pol Lot -2'>?lf\lr , Block\:-:tub--div:.sion t\ O<,sarD5€ UD€N + \tv- v M)81\ I Z-trdr..e-. \.\^\t r---\A Project Project Contact Name: Descriplion: Person and Phone Project Application t ,/ , *' ,^," 0 /Za/a/ , Owner. Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description:arc"x 7L (/a,4&- , t.^" tl&EC- Design Review Board o"," 6124/q/ D ISAPPROVAL Summary:/:&.: 34(S Date: Approval Lr .-,.. -r,, INSPECTION'S CO}TPLETEI)v The ltens below aeed to be couplete before glvlng a perult a flnal C of O. Please check off In the box provlded. FINAL PLI'MBING DATE: FINAL UECITANICAL -l I DATE:l IMPROVEMENT ST'RVEY RESID. NAME: DATE: flZ IP *.t- \',.\'.'\S\' \ L_l FINAI, BUILDING FINAI, ELECTRICAL EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE: DATE: TS,IPORARY C OF O DATE: L-CERTIFICATE OF OCCI'PANCY DATE: L.ANDSCA?ING DUE I I t: DATE: FILE "sqrrrrr \NB NS'1 p e f O p r I n \o o_o Ut4ty2 Andy Knutsen, Planner Deparfnent of Community Dwelopment Iicwn of Vail Re: BuffetrCreekChdets Andy: The accompanying prints are current plans for exterior of house. Changes to the back (south) elevation were made on 8ll2l9l. Grade was raised against the back wall and two low shed dormers were added. The pints also show a few miscellaneous rwisions noted in black par. These notations were made on an inspection lll392. My apologies that you did notreceive prints indicating the $ed dormers and grade change. Sincerelv:.tl . 11 J-.' \'tlrx._t-f,=.=- Duane Piper' \ \l cn: FITnie}rw.J o N p o o o g o o 0 c o o o 0 o o x o o E o J o E 0 o o II 0i o \t ' J4,ttr ]'' , /r-l ,- > at " qY12 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT I tt /)\DATE | -lW '7 )'- JoB NAME ^J1 r INSPECTION REOUTST TOWN OF VAIL INS CALLER MON TUES WED THUR READY FOR LOCATION: PECTIQN: r) r4 ) BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEB O FOUNDATION / STEEL RAMING - ROOF & SHEEB " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING N ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL tr FINAL Fappnoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED n ierruspEcrroN REeUTRED oerc /- / 7-?Z rNSPEcroR l-I rv a l _l--r\ /l\jz _.r)Y -l \ C) o_o o o N I I o t (}. I o o o x o t t\o I O.It o\ I o o o o N I o o It o o o (J i o 0 o I o o x o o o 2 o J o o 0 o o o o 0i €a 1t9t92 Dan Stanek, Building Officiat Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd. W. Vail, CO 81657 Re: Buffehr Creek Chalet Dan: On 119192, I observed framing of the above referenced project.With correction of the following items, I certify the framing to be as designed or to be adjusted or altered in an approved manner. 1) The crawl space center wallwas revised to be 2X6 preserved wood in lieu of concrete. 2) Certain bearing walls are in excess of 10'-0" height. An analysis has been made of these conditions using P/A = .3 XE I (Ud)2. l/d ranged from 29 to 39 with no loading exceeding allowable of 1400 Fc. 3) Contractor should provide hangers at end reactions to dormer well header above garage. 4) Contractor should provide 16 gauge, 1.25" or wider metal straps (2 min.) across ridge on gable wall of dormer in living room. 5) ConFactor should provide additional 2-2X10 headers at windows in east wallof living room. 6) There is a spandrel missing between windows in the south elevation at central dormer. I'm concerned about wind loading or lateral forces. I suggest a horizontal shelf in trim work to stiffen this window wall. I think this would be better than any rough framing solution that I can think of. 7) Contractor should provide an additional 2X10 joist at rim in floor above and east of living room fireplace. Glue and nail. 8) | observe that bearing of stesl beams is by wood in lieu of steel pipe columns. I have calculated and verified that wood Fc is adequate. 9) Master bedroom floor seemed slightly bouncy. I could not verify that 2X10 joists were 12" oc. as designed. lf owner prefers stiffer floor system, I suggest a strut at each floor joist braced back to foundation wd approximately 45 degrees. Sincerely; Duahe cc: Bill Bergman, Ed Zniemer 4?5 3 7oo\\,.,. \0\3;c-.-\\v\\\t tNspEcrtoN REeuEsT PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE APPROVED TOW F VAIL l,l(,t-()'\/ | v, I t/- JOB NAME CALLE WED n orslppRbvro tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEET tr FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAIL'ING -tr INSULATION - tr FRAMING Flnntr .R qLttrtrFt " PLYWOOD NAIL'ING -tr INSULATION - D SHEETROCK NAIL /^ \J/- r l. -r' ','d, Y .+ t \'C -4[t,,t/./rz////tr FINAL Y ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT TT tr FINAL D SHEETROCK NAIL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB D f] tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING . EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR D tr FINAL CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR hiffisnoe AIIAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED v The ltens below oeed to be conplete before giving a pernlt a flnal C of 0. rl Please check off ln the bor provlded. f-_-l ll I ] FINAI PLI'T{BING DATE:tl FINAL UECHANICAT. DATE: l/(l'l IMPROVEMENT SURVEY cK-RESID. NAME: DATE:rfuforz lt&,,.-,1/x,-, I tl I FINAL ELECTRICAI, DATE: r--i lt II I I FINAI, BUILDING EAST SIDE: WEST SIDE: DATE: TEMPOMRY C OF O DATE ! l- I CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY DATE: I LANDSCAPING DUE DATE: FILE NAI{E: 'Z ^ 4', uw<-r //.')c,{r -)1t Sz4 Z t'lt4 ff"lk{u (,h,^ Town of Vail Community Devel-opment ?5 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 (303) 419-2t38 Plan analysis based on the 1988 Uniform Buildinq Code ProjecE Number: 4299t AddTesS: 11 14 BUFFEHR CREEK Occupancy: R3rML Tvpe of Const: V-N NOTE:The code items listed in thj-s report listing of aII possible code requirements sel-ected sections of the code. NAnE: BUFFEHR CREEK CHALETS Date: April 30, 799L Contractor:ArchiTecT: PTPER,/ARCHTTECTURE Engineer: Plans Examiner: DAN STANEK are not intended to be a complete in the 1988 UBC. It is a quide to Portions of the naterial contained in this program are reproduced from the Uniform Building Code ( 1988 edition) with permission of International Conference of Buildinq Officials NAME AREA MIN.LIGHT MIN.VENT NO.EXITS EGRESS FL 2 Bedroom #1 2 Bath room #1 2 Bedroom #2 2 Bath room #2 2 Bedroom #3 2 Bath room #3 2 Halls, closets, etc. TOTAL FOR FLOOR L Garage 1 Study 1 T i rli n.r r^,^nvr 1 l-\i ni na -naa J. v .|.rrrr!:, i \r \.,r'r L Kitchen l. Laundry room L Powder room 1 Master bedroom 1 Master bath 1 Mechanical room L Hal1s, closets, etc. rOTAL FOR FLOOR BUILDING TOTAL 1tt\ zz9 94 J4l IJYZ lll_b IL6 510 11) zzJ zo J 04 108 zd 452 2548 3940 0.00 22.90 0 .00 26 .90 0.00 0.00 0 .00 11.50 6r-.00 1,1 .20 22.30 0 .00 0 .00 36.40 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 L5.80 AA' r1. {3 4 .70 13 .4s 2 .65 0.00 0 .00 30.s0 8.50 11.15 I. bJ 1 <n 18 .20 5.40 0.00 0 .00 Yes No Yes No Yes No No No NO No No No No No Yes No No No L 1 1 1 L 1 1 7 1 1 7 7 L 1 1 1 I L 1 L l_ z Paqe 2 FOOTNOTES:1) EGRESS - An operable window or door that opens directly to the exterior is required fron this room. The minimum clear openable area must meet Lhe following. -- Sec. 1204.1) The ninimun clear height is 24 inches 2) The minimum clear width is 20 inches 3) The minimum clear area is 5.7 square feet A) The maximum sill- height is 44 inches 2\ The number of exits is based on Table 33-A (Dwel1ingrs) 3) A mechanical ventilaLion system may be used in in lieu of exterior openings for ventilation. -- Sec. 1205. (c) ROOM DIMENSIONS: Habitable space shaLl have a ce.iling height of not Less than 7 feet 5 inches, Kitchens, ha1ls, bathrooms and toil-et compartments may have a ceiling he1ght of 7 feet measured to the lowest projection. If the ceiling is sloping, then the minimum height is required in onty 7/2 of the area. --Sec. 1207- (a) Every dwelling unit. shal,l have at least one room which has not l-ess than 120 square feet of floor area. Other habitabl-e rooms except kitchens shalL have an area of not less than 70 square feet. -- Sec. 1207. (b) Habitable rooms other than a kitchen sha11 not be less than 7 feet in any dlmension. -- Sec . 1207 - (c) GLAZING REQUTREMENTS: 1) A11 glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safety glazing material. -- Sec. 5406. (d) 2) Note windows and doors in a tub or shovrer area are required to be safety glazed regardless of t.he height above the floor. -- 5406(d) 5. SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS:. A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or wall- at a point central.ly located in the corridor or area giving access to each sleeping area. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. The smoke deteetor is required to be wired to the bui.lding, s power source. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 3. A smoke detector is required on all stories. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4.If the upper level contaj-ns sleeping room(s) , a smoke detector is required in the ceiling of the upper level cLose to the stairway. --Sec. r210. (a) 4 OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Between the garage and the residence, materials approved for thr fire construction are required on the garage side only and any doors between the garage and the residence are to be a self-closing ), 3/8 inch solid core door. -- Tab1e 5-B & Sec. 503. (d) ex #3 L] 2) D.a rra ?- E:rv v STAIR REQUIREMENTS: A sLai-rway in a dwelling must be at least 36 inches wide. -- Sec. 3306. (b) The maximum rise of a step is 8 inches and the minimun run is 9 inches. -- Sec- 3305. (c) exc.#1 Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing if there is 4 or more risers. -- Sec. 3306. (j) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimum height =36 inches, maximum opening size:5 inches. -- Sec. 1711. exc l- The rninimum headroom is 6 ft..- 8 inches. -- Sec. 3306. (p) Enclosed usabLe space under the stairs is required to be protected as required for Lhr fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 3305. (n) ATTIC REOUIREMENTS: Provide an access to all attic areas with a clear helght of 30 inches or more. The mj-nimum size is 22 inches by 30 inches. There must be 30 inches or more clear height above the access. -- Sec. 3205. (a) Provide ventilation i-n all attic areas. The net free vent area is to be not less than l- square foot for each 150 square feet of attic area. The venl area may be 1/300 j-f at least 50* of the required ventitating area is provided by ventilators located in the upper portion of the attic. The upper ventiLators must be at least 3 feet above t.he eve or cornlce venEs -- Qar. ??nq /nl CRAWLSPACE REOUTREMENTS : 1) Provide ventil-ation either by mechanicaL means or by openings in exterior waIIs. Opening shal-l provide a net area of not Less than 1 square foot for each 150 square feet of area in crawl space. Openings shall be distributed on two opposite sides and be located as cLose to corners as practical . -- Sec. 2516. (c) 5. Note: Vent openings may be reduced to 10* of the above if ground surface area is covered with an approved vapor barrier and the building official approves. Provide 18-inch by 24-inch access opening to the crawl space area. Note: opening may be required to be larger if mechanical equipment is located in the crawl space. -- Sec. 2516. (c) 2. Unless the wood is listed as an approved wood of naturaL resistance to decay or treated wood, the minimum clearance between exposed earth and floor joist is 18 inches. The minimum clearance to beams and girders is is L2 inches. -- Sec. 2516. (c) 2. 2) 3) Parra 4 ADDITIONAL REOUIREMENTS : For R3 occupancy THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRE A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY STIALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRTOR TO REQUEST FOR FRAME INSPECTION. ALL CRAWL SPACES WITHIN THE TOWN OF VAT], ARE LIMITED TO A EARTH TO STRUCTURAL FLOOR CEILING HEIGH? OF 5', BE EARTH FLOOR ONLY, BE VENTTLATED AS PER UBC 2516 (C) 6 WITH MINTMUM ACCESS AS PER UBC 2516(C) 2 AND MAXTMUM ACCESS OF 9 SQ. FT. , ANY BUILDING SITE WITH A SLOPE OF 30 DEGREES OR MORE SHALL REQUIRE AN ENGINEER DESIGN. SUCH DESIGN SHALL ADDRESS DRAINAGE, SOTL RETATNAGE/ AND STRUCTURAL DESIGN. EXCAVATION BELO!f SLABS ON GRADE SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL. ADDRESS NUMBERS SHALL BE POSTED PLAINLY VISIBLE AND LEGIBLE FROM THE STREET. For M1 occupancy SLOPE GARAGE FLOOR TO ALLOW FOR DRAINAGE TO OUTSTDE OR PROVIDE A FLOOR DRAIN WITH WITH SAND A}JD OIL INTERCEPTOR TO DRY WELL OR TO SEWER. ANY GARAGE FLOOR DRAIN CONNECTED TO SEWER MUST BE APPPROVED BY UPPER EAGLE VALLEY V{ATER & SANITATTON DISTRICT. IN GARAGES WITH LIVING AREA ABOVE, THE WALLS OF THE GARAGE WHICH ARE BEARING THE AREA ABOVE SHALL BE PROTECTED WITH ONE HOUR FIRE RESIST]VE CONSTRUCTION. UBC 503 (B) . Town of Vail Community Development 75 South Frontage Road VaiI, Colorado 8165?(303) 4"19_2138 Plan review based on the 1988 Uniform Building Code Project Number: 42991 Name: BUFFEHR CREEK CHALETS Address: 1?14 BUFFEHR CREEK Date: April 30, 1991 Contract.or: Occupancy: R3rMI Architect: PIPER/ARCHITECTURE Type of Const: V-N Engineer: Plans Exami-ner: DAN STANEK Portions of the material contained in this program are reproduced fronr the Uniforrn Building Code ( 1988 edition) with permission of International Conference of Bui.ldino Officials # SHEET IDENTIFICATION CORRECTION REOUIRED 1 **** **** A11 areas delineated as crawl spaces or nonhabit. basement shall have l-ess than 5'ht. from earth to structuraf floor/ceiling above, be ventilated as per UBC 251-6, with minimum access as per UBC 2516 and mav ^.r.raqe nf Q crr fl- 2 **** **** 'A bathroom is required to have an openable window or a mechanical ventilation system. -- Sec. 1205. (c) 3 **** **** In bathrooms with a tub or shower and in laundry rooms a mechanical ventil-ation system connected directly to the outside shall be provided. Bathrms which contain only a water cLoset or lav. may be ventilated with a recirculating fan. UBC 1205(c) . 4 **** **** Crawl spaces are required to be ventilated by mechanical means or by openings. Such openings shaIl have a net area of not less than 1 sq. ft. for each L50 sq. ft. of under-floor area. UBC 2516(e)6. 5 **** ***)k Cross connection control devices shall be installed to protect pollution of potable water supply by use of approved backflow prevenLion devices. UPC 1003. 5 **** **** Heating and cooling equipment locat.ed in the garage shalL be installed with the pilots and burners or heating elements and switches at least 18" above Lhe floor level of the garage. UMC 508. **** **r.* 9 **** 10 **** Page 2 In buildings of unusually tight construction (all new construction withj.n the Town of Vail), conbusti-on alr shal1 be obtained from the outside. Such combustion air openings shal-l be as per UMC Ch. Approved gas logs may be installed in solid-fuel burnj-ng fireplaces provided the installation is according to the listing instructions, any damper shal-1 be removed or permanently bJ-ocked, and a safety shutoff val-ve is provided. UMC 803. Gas 1og lighters are not permitted wit.hin the Town of VaiI unless they are a listed apparatus with a thernocoupl-er and a pilot. Gas fireplace appliances are required Lo be installed as per listing installation inscructions -with a rrB" vent on1y. Combust j-on air must be supplied frorn t.he outside for aII new construction in the Town of Vail. Furnaces not listed for closet or alcove installation shal1 be installed in a room or space having a vol-ume at least 12 times the volume of Lhe furnace. A boiler unit will require a space 16 times larger than the boiler. UMC 504 (b) Supply a mechanical drawing indicating design of system, size (BTU and volume) of equipment, vent location and termination, and combustion air to be supplj-ed prior to any installation. Due to Colorado State Stat.utes, all sink faucetts and shower heads are required to utilize flow restrlction devices. Also/ the maximum water closec flush usage is limited to a maximum of 3.5 gallons nar f I rr ch At eaves and valleys an adequate underlayment shall l-rc nrnrzi.lA.l t.) nroteCt a Str.UCtUfg f rom i r.e lrrr i lrJrrn ev yr veev u vqfrust?' and water damage. Two layers of felt solid mopped to sheathing and between Iayers or a commercial water & ice shield may be used as per Table 3281. Because of this project's location, the foundation is required to be dampproofed to prevent damage to areas below finished grade. UBC 1707(d). **** \2 **** 11 *,k** 13 *r(** 14 ******** 15 ******** '' 'iir " Projecl Application Z-2a-z/ N Proiect Name: Project Description: Zndr\nq-s S Contact Person and Phone / .-- r? owner.Addressandphone: tr/ '?a..r,"r /Jt\ /oZf /a,/ 1O 61657 Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot -:1 t, ly' -77.7- r,t,ns ,/fu Ut{Ltu, Zt- . zone (( I I Comments: Design Review Board Date 2-?o-7/ Motion by:Lt+*s Seconded by: {-c D ISAPPROVA L El Statt Approval PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: 1.2 ?^ 1,/ DA'I'E oF PUBI,IC IIEARING z -za -f/ COMMENTS NEEDED BV. -? -/Z.?/ BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF 'IHE PROPOSAL: FIRE DEPARTMENT I NTER-DEPARI'MEN'IAL REVI EW Date: Date: ^&r PUBIJIC WORKS Reviewed by: commetrts: S,y-l- fn^^ '3- r,.{.,4 e{ Reviewed nvz 46'sa-/z- 4/'?/ Date: Date: t' .."1 ! )<t' /J / , f € /'cc.A. (dlS comments , ,) ,4* /7o/o.,*rs J /"='-J 2) s'ia7z'i '^"J'-V"'zt-; 'ntt5J -r'zon* z' l)n"ua>--*"zaz*7*^'n;-zzazze' POT,ICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: RECREATION DEPARTMENT RevS.ewed by: Conments! f,,zh /n/-.'i d f;'e /- 3o 'tr F;R (ttl>-l AtSc tt ss t \ fltrrlq \ \=-__J_--/ PROiIECT: DATE SUBMITTED: t'Z 7^ 7t COMI4ENI'S NEEDED BY: 2 ' /Z . BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF'IHE PROPOSAL: DATE OF PUBLTc ITEARTNG 2 -zo '7/ INTER- DEPARI'I,1EI'ITAL REVI EW f cL.t+r ^@ S,-S'[-?- ,.'/' ,1r-L PUBLIC WORKS Reviewed w. G*A*A Dabe: zff fr, comments: l) [JI,]I.- ,, -lL roq),,u,,,u ? Dr^.;,nat ;s -{ n cea.,zrn, zl T .+h-*L -lL u *5.t, p/* ,,i ^-t le-,J J-L Dto', -r'c.li ?r*s htz1 l"' L pltuJ o-.- L Dhoul .',',. 4 fterr,.z,r UL"?^ tr-.o.k s f,lvcz-.t- Po'{"*- ^fr h*A e.['c i s eo,^..p h. 14 FIRE DEPARTMENT V V Reviewed by: Date: Commenbs: POLICE DEPAR'II.'IENT Reviewed by: comments: RECREATI,ON DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Conments: Date: Date: tJ,z,$ 6-f,,i 6 f,re € /2,'i- /ct/s /* 3o 'zt ZONE CIIECK FOR srR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRTCTS DATE: 7l-'lr LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ADDRESS ! \,,- '-.l,oL lK - Block _ Filing U .,i(r 1 ,.; lo ,- OWNER ARCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE PHONE PIIONE Allowed Existing Proposed 2q' Total Height Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks Front Sides Rear Water Course Setback Site Coverage Landscaping Retaining Wall Ileights Parking Garage Credit Drive: Environmental/Hazards : 3t/61 Reqrd a) Sno b) Roc c) Deb 4) Wetlands ylrrt ,,1 ,, ,' - '/ rsol(f i, 3gts.s CE c)j( 4{ 6K 3 'DD \tqret ;v'*"G t -{ 4-1' L'< \ {' ,r L- (3o{G;;i}eoo) (12oo 1 4za '3 6k 5/, oP Perrnitted Slope 8* Actual Slope Date approved by Town Engineer: L) Flood Plain 2) Percent Slope 1-.." +L* \07, 3) Geologj.c llazards w Avalanche [,tr.v.\-4* kfall ac ii ' ".-' ^ \.(.ssc! -\ -, 3rr r A 'aL1 ris FIow tl-o\r L I n CV\- &- Does this How much request involve a of the allohred 25O sq. ft. 250 Addition? * D Addition is used with this request? 20 1 15t l-5 t (3o) (50) 10 L i\, *n' ''I f,"yr" 1 F1le llo. V15426 SCITEDTJI.,E A t: ,j :t/ 1,, .,,1 .i' I 'B --,,fr'-J-' I i I .l ftt{ orrners Pol,icy llo. A2943086 ADount S37O, 0OO. OO Add:csE rHE VAI,LEY : 4t Pollcy Datrr septaaber 21, L99o at gtoo A.M. l{atde of, Insurad r BUFFEITO. CREEX PARTNERS, A COISRADO LXMITED PARTNERSHXP The estate or lnteree'" in the land. descrlbed ln this SchedulE and vhich is covere-d by thls pollcy i.sl A Fee Slnple Tltle to the estate or lnterest covsred by thrs poricy at tlre date hereof 1s vasted ln: t 1, BTiFFEHR CRIEK PARTNERS, i COIFR-I,DO LiMITED PARTNERSHTP 5. trhe rand raferred to in.this poIlcy is eituated in EAGI-E county,Colorado, and iE descrlbad as folloys: A PA.RT oF pA8cEt.L, LION'S RIDGE SUBDrVrsIoN, FiLING NO. 2, A SUEDIVISION RECORDED I}{ $rE OFFICE OF T}IE AA6I,E COI]NTY,colqFADo, cLE-cK AlrD RscoRDER, sAxD PART cF pr-RcE! a erirc uonl PA.RTICU'-ARLY DESCRItsED ES FOLIj9IS: BEGINNING AT AN EXT5TING BNESS CAP T,IO}fU}fEN3 }TTRKI}'G T.:iI NoRtI{I{EsT coRI'ER oF SECTfON 12, ToI.INSNIP S sogTH, RA}ICE 8t ltEsr oF ?HE srxTli PRrNcrPAt l-tERrDrAll, THENCE sourH 01 DEcRrEs 3s MiNuTEs 59 sEcoNDs HEst 1345.52 FEEt, ALdNG THE lfEsf LrlrE oF sArD PA-RCEL A AliD s.liD sEcfIoN 12, ro A ParNf olr THE EAstERLy RiGiiT oF HAY LrNE oF LIoN's RIDGE IroP, TtiElrcE TIIE Fol.Irwrllc TWO CCURSES AI.ONG SA;D RrGHT OF WAY T,rftS: (1) SOUTH 21 DEGREES 50 MiNUtEs 26 sEcoltDs Ee^sT 20.9t SEET; (2) ilt'eec DISTANCE OF 111.09 FEET Ar-oNG A l30.oo FOOT RADTUS cr,rivg !o rHE Rfcitt, sArD CURYE HAVTNG A CENTR}I ANGI..E OF 48 DEGREES 57 HI$IJTES 40 sEcoNDs AND A clioRD ''r:ircJ{ BEARS soufl{ 02 bEcREEs 3e t{:}ruTEs 24 SECONDS WEST 107.74 FlEr TO A POrNT ON THE SOUTHARI.,Y LINE OF lArD PArncEL A, THENCE IHE lollpttrNc IHREE coIJRsEs AIFNG sArD BOUNDARY LTUE: (1) }IORTH 66 DEGRAXS 15 MTHUTES OO SECONDS EAST 5J?.?6 FEET, (z) NoRTH 24 DEGREES 4s UTHUTES o0 sEcoNDs EASB 119.00 FEET' (3) ltoRgti 68 DEGRTES 15 l.trNurtEs oo sEcoNDs Eesr 5?0.00 FEET; TIIENCE DEPARTTNG sArD so8rliERl-,y LrlrE, NoRTtr 44 DEGREES 59 MTNUTES 19 SECONDS r,rEST 80.00 rEET; rrixcr souTH 75 DEGREES 47 I'tr}{urEs 5e sEcot{Ds hrsr 3s2.84 rpEi; THENCE souTH T2 DEGREES 26 MTNUTES 42 sEcoNDs wEsT 35.00 FE!T,. THENCE ltoR"rl 11 DEGREES 59 MrNUrEs 06 sEcoNDs I{Es! 1023.39 FEE?, To A porl{T otl THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SATD FASCEL A AI{D SAID SECTION 12, TITENCE Page I rhis policy valid only if schedule B is attached. I .r..-.. - : TIU OwnarB lofD 2312 I Policy No. 12943086 Ltrount 9370,0O0.00 Add:ess FiIe llo. vt5426 S$IEDULE A scurH 8a DEGRSES 19 l'lrlnttEs 41 sEcoNDs w:ssr 814.59 FEir, Ar.oNG sArD FoRTtiERLY lrNE To rHl Porl|t oF EE6r,yurlrc, suBJEct ,io rru Folrr.owrNc Exc8!'rrolri : -- .-- --- ExcE!{lroN: A Pixt oF L,,roH's RIDGE rpop R6AD R.icilT oF r{Ay,DEDICATED IN E.\cL8 ccttNTy, coLoR.{Ds oN sArD lroH's RiDGE suBDrvrsloN, FrLrNc lro. 2 FIlrAl Prnt. A SIRIF oF IaND 70 FEER IN WTDTH }TD LYING 35 FEE! ON EAC:I SIDE OF A CENTERIIN= IHAT TS UCRE Pi.RTICUI.JARIY DESCRXBED AS FOI,IOWSI BEGINNING AT A FOrriT OIi THE I{E8T LIHE OF SF.ID SEC?IO}i 12,h'}iENCE THE NORTIIWES' CORNER OF SArD SECTTON 12 BEARS }iCRiH OX DEGREES 35 UTMI'TES 59 SECONDS E.\ST L2AO,79 FEET DISTA}iT, THENCE A}T ARC DISTA}IC$ OF 33.?4 fEEf ATFNG A 1CO.OO FOOT FADIUS CURVE T9 IIE_ SICH!, SAID C._,:R1|E IL\VTNG A CEHTR\! ANGLE OF 19 DEGREES 19 l'tIlrUTEs 48 sEcoNDs, .4.$D A cHoRD Tnet BEIRS lioRm 61 DEGRIES 21 MI}TSTES 45 SECONDS E.f,ST 33.58 FEE?, THEHCE HORTH ?i DEGR.$ES 0l Mr$ufEs 39 sEcoNtrs EAst 30.84 rEEtr THtNcE tll ARc Drsrtu\cE OF 89.28 FEEI AI.ONG A 204.63 FOOI RADIUS CLn,VE TO rh-?] r,Er,T'sArD CLIRVE HAvltrG e cElrrR\t .sNGr.,E oF 24 DEGRETS As-iiir{;ii'sr sEcoNDs, Al{D A clIoRD Bliet BEARS NoRT:l 58 DSGREES 31 iti\nJTEs 44 SECONDS EAsr 88,57 FIET; TI{E}rcE NoRTH 46 DEGR.EES 01 HiT.IJTES 48 sEcoHDs EAsr 214.62 FEE$; tHrNcE aN ARc Drsr.l.trcE oF 9]..29 FEEf ArFNG tHE ARc oF A :-35,42 rEEtr RADrus cttRvE To IHE nrc::r, s.ii-ctrRvE ll\t/rl'lc A cENlRt! e$Gr.E cf 38 DEGREES 20 !,trltuTEs 27 qlcoNDs, AllD A cIloRD TII3,T BEARS NoRf!{ 6s DEGREES rz M:ajrEs 0a SECC$DS 9AST 89.59 FIET; TliEl{CE IIORTH 84 DEGREES AZ !{:}i-UTES 1E sEcoNDs EAsr 112.6? FEg?, TiiEricE AN ARc DrsrA$ca oF 173.6g FEE!AIONG A 440.74 Foof F<-\Drus cttRvE To rHE LEF, sArD guRrvE HAvrNe A cENT.\Ai ellcrJ oF 22 DEGREES 34 t{rlrurEs.{1 sEconDs e*'ii A cHoRD T:{.}'T EEA.RS NOR?H 73 DEGRIES 04 MINUrES 55 SECONDS EASI 1?2.56 FEET; THENCE NoRtr}T 6i DEGp€Es 4? Mi}rUTEs 34 sEcoNDs EAs? 46.67 FErt,i TJ{SNCE A}r ARc Drsr.c.NcE oF 96.?2 FEg? }irNG A i36.41 poor RADrus .URVE ro qli-PJGHT, s-[rD cu&vE riAvryc A cE]rrR*\L.cNctE oF 40 DEGREES 24 UIMJJES 52 SECO}IDS, A}iD A CIIORD rHIi ASL;.S }IORTH 82 DEGRXES oO Mr}rtJIrES oc sEcoNDs EAST 9d.24 FEET, THENCT souTH 77 DEGREES 4? IITNUDES 34 sEcoNDs EAsr 6g.ia FEET; TItENci AN ARc DrgtAr{cE oF 108.73 FEgt ArdNG A 154"85 FOO! naoius c{iR,v.rE !o rHE !!Ft, sArD cuRuE !LqV:_\c e cerieR\L Al{Gr.E OF 40 DEcixEs i3 urNuBEs 58 SECONDS, .LyD A CrioRD cx.ar Ban-ns HoRTH-ea opcRsrs os r'tilnrrEs 5? SECONDS'E.IST i06.51 rirr; THEl,rcE N0R!H 51 DE5RXFS 58 lliwfEs 2S SECONDS Eisr 1oo.:o iiet, [o tHE pOrNt oF rEr.!{]NUS,!q!ry98 rHE SlrD NORT..r{ES3 COAr-ieR-br sEcrio}i 1.2 EEARS NCRTH 48 DEGR.EES 52 UINUTES 32 SEcOl.lD,i-weir r:rs.09 FEET. trHE VI'LLEY Page tltis Policy valid onry lf schedule B is qttached. -- TfH Oirrnet Fot::r 2313 F1la Fo. V1F4e6 6CIiEDUI.E B Pollcy No. A2943086 i::sure againEt loEs or danage by reason of the cf partJ-ea ln poacraalon not ehown by thr ^.- Thle policy does not follovlng I 1. Rlghtc or claiag publlc recordg. .t 2, Eaa€:lentg, or elai=E of Esleaenta, not ,hotfi by tha publlc recorda. Discrepancies, confil.cts ln boundary li.nesr shor+.aE€ i.n araa, ?l:I?1:FBnts,.and any.facte which a corract su:n,ef and rnspectlon of the p:euises rlould dlsclose and whlcf, are not shor,rn by the prlblll records. Any llcn, or righ-- to a llen, for eerv:lces, labcr, or aatcrlal Eneretofore or hereafter furnlshed, Lnpcsed by 1av and not Ehorn by the public rcccrds. 1990 T}XES NOT YET DUE OR PASABLE A}TD ASSESSI.IENTS IIOT YET CSRTITTED TO gHE IR.EASI'RERS OFFICE. 4. 5. 6. LIENS FoR rnrpArD wA:lR Al{D 5EWER CTi.LRGES, IF t}ty. 7. RI6IT? OF PROFRTETOR OF A VEIN OR I.ODE TO E}ITR.TCT AITD REI{OVE HIS ORE TI{EREFROITI SHOUTD TT'E S^il}fE BE FOU}ID TO PE:fETRTTE OR INTIRSECT TIiE PREMISES AS RESERVED:H I'rNIt=D sTAtEs PATEIT RxcoRtiD-iug,trer rs, 1909, rN BooK 49 AT PtoE 542. RIGHT OF I{AY FOR DiTCHES OR C}I{AI,S COTTSIRUCTSD BY THE EUTHORTTY OF TI{E IIHTTED 'STAEES As REsrRltED IN UNITED srrrEs pasrili RtccRDED Augugt 16, 1909,IN EOOK 48 Ar P.[GA 542. 8. s ' :l:IH"tIP covENRlrts r l{Hres Do Nor coNTAltr A FoRFETTURE oR REyERfER C!4U5j', BUT oilrrriNc REstx.:qfroHs, rF Alryr BasE!_gN nace, c-oron, ruitcrop,oR NATToNAL cRrcrN, As CONTATNED iil rNsrRu!flElrt_ryEcoRDED septcnber zot rs72,1N BooN 225 AT PAGE 443 AltD A.s Al.tElfDED in iniTnuuEtir RncoRbto septeuu ar 29,].972 ' rll BocK 225 A= PAGE s63 e$D As AttgltDED iu rxsrnuxrri-nrconoED January 22' !974, IN BOOK 233 A! FT€E 53 A}ID.AS EffEITOEO IN INSSRUI{ENT RECORDSD trTJ'LY 1f 1e83 rlf BooK 362 AT PAGE gO4. 10. UTILITY ET,SE}IENTS 20 FEST TN HTDrlE, 10 FEET O}t EACII SIDE OP ALL INTERIOR rsr LrNBs AND A 15 FooT urrl,rTx nasrn'gxt Al,oia .*lrD ABUTTTNc AtL ExtERroR Inr LrllBs As RESER1ED oll 8tlr Prar oF Lror;; sioca suepivis-iolilrrr.,rNo HO. 2. Page t. $ \ :' 'i1 t.. | .r.% J, l'r;':'f '{ -a\ \$-- t'd {o H l.{ttl H E X gt t- ----- 7'-.' i\ \ I i ll.t: : L t I ;. \tl i.\'\t l. fit;li [N 1.r> :. \s (}\ F ts H tal l{E X trl "9 uaog ?*orO ,6 r 6s 22 t rr., !. !.., ;yW, o '" l'm ttY.l I : DRE IPDI,ICATION DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED: DATE OF DRI.' }IEETING: V,Ib-A\_ TTITITHIS APPLICATION I{ILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTII' ALIJ INFORIATION IS suBllITTEDr.rr* r. PRE-APPLICATION HEETING: . (t) , -n A pre-appllcatlon ueetlng ulth a.plannlng-?!?ff nember ls stiongly- suggested to deLernlne lf any addltlonal lnroriatton-is needed. No appllcatlon wlll be acc9ptEd. fesponslblllEy to DaKe an appolnEltenE wrErl r'rlr3 E r-'rrr r'r' r out about addltlonal subnlttal regulrenente. Pleage note 7- e d st pllcantt s responslblltty to uake an appolntuent v It ls the aPPllcantts -noLntaent vlth the staff to flnd that a COMPLETE appllcatlon I|III itreamllne the approval pro"""" for your pioJect by decreaslng the.number of tonditlons oi approvil that the DRB rnay etlpulate' ALL .onaftfotrs of aliroval rnuet be resolved before a bulldlng t"trft ls leeue-d-. . Appllcatlon ulll not be processed iltnout oltnerrs Slgnature. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: B.INCATION OF PROPOSAL! Addreee Legal DeecrlptJ.on Lot Block Subdlvlslon Phone D. E. NA}{E OF APPLICNITTS REPRESENTATIVE! Maillng Address: NA!{E OF OWNERS! aIoNATURE (8) t zonlng gDD, c. F. G. VAUUATION I o- S loroor -$ 5O,OO1 - $150,OO1 - 9500,001 -$ Over I lor ooo I 50,ooo $ 15O, Ooo $ 5Oo, ooo $1, OoO, Ooo $1, 0oo, o0o Halllns Addrese: Phone $"1- &tol condorulnlun ApProval lf appllcable. IEE $ 1O.Oo I 2s.OO s 5o.oo 91Oo. O0 s200. oo e300. oo LIST OF I{ATERIAIS NAI{E oF PRoJI:crz bv\(\t LEGAIJ DEscRII{lI ON2 lf,r:K)g STREET ADDRESSs DEscRrprroN oF pRoJEcr: Stxla,< Ktl'.e u-{ h$tt8€ . The foll.owlng Infornatlon le Revl.ew Board before a flnal A. BUILDING UATERIAI^S: Roof 6Idlng other l{alI Haterlals Fascia Sofflte WLndows l{lndow TrIm Doors Door Trlm Hand or Deck Rallg Flues Flashlngs ChfunneYs Trash Enclosuree Greenhouses Other for eubmlttal to the Deslgn can be gl,venl EATERIAL COISF requlred approval TYPE OF Sfwcro wtrt{-j B.I.ANDSCAPING !Name of Deslgner: Phone: PI$IT HATERIAI.S: PROPOSED TREES ouantltv S{rzer t A ^t;iv.JP'c2 ?nW.* 2Yz.h (rtt-, 2L - EXISTING TREES TO BE REHOVED r Indlcate callper for declduoue treee. t-rees ls 2 lnchee. Indlcate 6UBDIVTSION COISR Botanlcal Narne trees, - U-o. Botanlcal l|ggg Cornmon Name al>Ta.rtA fl4a/^ PIANT I{ATERIAI,S: PROPOSED S}IRUES EXISTTNG 8}TRUBS TO BE REMOVED Ouantlty ELzet *8 -- r {e- +7 tu rlndlcate slze of pro5loeed shtmbs. __ - ____5gallon. UlnlNrn glze of ehFrbs ls TyDe sguare Footaqe GROI'ND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATTON TYPE OR T,TETHOD OF .EROSION CONTROL c. oTItER HNDSCAPE FEATURES (retalnlng walls, fence8, rvfunrulng pools, etc. ) Pleaae speclfy. fndicate helghte of retalnlng ialle. Maxlrnurn helght of ual1e vlthln the tront aetback la 3 feet. llaxl.nun helght of walle elsewhere on the proPerty ls 6 feet. UTILITY I,OCATION VERITICATION SUBDIVISTON JOB NAHE I'T BI.OCK ADDRESS U. S. Wesb Communlcatlons 1-800-922-1987 458-6860 or 949-453o PubIlo ServLce company 94 9-57 81 GarY llaIl HoIy Cross Electric Aasoc. .949-5892 Ted HuskY/MIchaeI LaverbY Herltage Cablevlslon T.V. 949-5530 GarY ;tohnEon Upper Eagta ValIeY Water - -e santlatl-on Dlstrlct * 476-7480 Fred HasIee NOTE I This form is to verifY Iocation. Thls should PreParlng Your utilltY installations. * PleaBs brLng a sLte PIan when Water & Sanltat'lon elgnatures ' o.o. 'a FILING The locabiotr of utllltleB, vhether they be^tnqtl trunk ll"nee or oroDosed ]lnes, r"=E-f" approved ana vlrlflecl by the followlng Lttiltt"= for the accompanying slte plan' Date /e8-7/ /-2'/-rl l-ts a r ^.A 4'-^:"'-^"^ +:L- *.,^.,,, /A"-+ g ,9"-"-'j".' l,/All1t tL v/r , llrese verlf lcatl-ons do noL relleve the contractor of ;;;-;";;;"=rrirr[v to obtaln a-street "y.!-P:tTl: ::o^t;; ;;;;-;;-n;rl,'oepartmetrt or Pubrlc w?'k: 1-"9..:?ii.l[ui,".'*"tiitii-ii,""[i"'= n"r"t" ar"oittq -1-", ?"v publlc riiir.i pl'r*il is not a street cut pernit' A streeb @ obtained separatery. service avallabLlitY and be used in conjunction wlth plan and scheduling obtalnlng UPPer Eagle ValIeY DArE! I'Oo(' 4l ZONE CHECK FOR 6FR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS J LEGAIJ DESCRIPTI9U: Ipt ADDRESS: OWNER ARCHI ZONE DISTRI PROPOSED USE I.OT SIZE Helght Total GRFA Prlnary cnre Secondary GRFA getbacks: Front sldes Rear Water courBe S.lte Coverage Landacaping Fencer/Retalnlng l{alI Helghts Parklng Credlts: Garage Itlechanlcal Alrlock EUlng PHONE PHONE Exletlno PropoEed (30) (50) 3r/ ? Alloved (30) (33) Total -alv -?a4sl, 201 x5l 151 @ye f"*F ?6ffi_vp,, 6l Reqrd (3oo) (600) (eoo) (120o) (5o) (1oo) (25) (50) storage (2oo) (400) Dri.va: Perultted slope - 8t Actual slope fTO Approved bY Town Englneer: Envlronnental/Ha zarda : Avalancha.:=:: 2't t 6loPe 3) Geologtc Hazarde a) Snow Avalanche b) Rockf,all c) DebrlB flow Date': T * {)tletlands | ,-* lilHilJ@ro I otr=== g' f ;mrosm,:r,#.rl I I r:r."s.*."*,.-.." | ,r5dil57aro ilt' lNl"lttl tJl ffi l,l I :::r.'s.*.-...-... | 'r5dil5flac -l ar=nri;;*"ib4sl I r3i****-*.,-* lvdU;Pro -l ;i:iriu;*;-$sl \\ t\'\ \, t\,, \,,t\\. t\\1 H $r\'3\ \\Y\\ \\r 'l\ 1\ \/" (t' \,, ('\ ,,,1 g\ \i) t,t{ t'\\ V' t''\ ,t .r' I -.io* o' l, PlannJ.ng and EnvLronmental Connission Department of Conmunity Developnent fL' il'f [^- TO: FROU: DATE: SURIECI: chPr NoveDber L2, L99O A reguest for approval of a maJor change to the exis€lng developnent approval for the Valley, Phase VI . Applicant: Edward Znel-mer I. IlTRoD'gglIgN The Planning and Environnental coumisEion (PEC) reviewed the development proposal for The Valley, Phase YI fn a nork session on Seplenber- 10, 1990. Fron that meeting, it was apparent that ift" rlao"tion in dwelLing units (fron 42 to 26) and the reduction in GRFA (fron 77'LsO to 65,900 sg. ft.) rnade-tate-projegt T99h better ttian the previous approval . The PEC dl-d have significant -otc".trs, including preservltl.on of the meadow and the-inpact-of the retaining wallt.- fhose items, among others, are discussed below. Staff wanted to point out that this revielt Process is unigue.from nost projects which the PEC reviews. The review is a requirement ot trr! ainexation ordinance, which did not include any specific criteria or standards which the project must neet. Because this is not a Special Development Dislrict (SDD), the only evaluatlon criteria to Ue used Ls Lo compare the existing, approved-plan to tf," proposed one. The ordinance tras been attached to this memo as Exhibit A. The two major changes since the work session are that the -lpficant ieconfigrfired the road plan so that there is a single iirlersection on S[ftehr Creek Road and the applicant proposed to delete all secondary units frou the developnent. Staff encouraged the appl-icant to naintain the optlon for caretaker units in trre devetopnent with the intent of creating some "rpf"V"t housing. it ttrls time, the applicant will consider .fiowittg ttre units as long as the GRFA for the caretaker is not deducted f,rom the avallable GRFA for each envelope presented at the sork Eession. By allowing 8oo sciuare feet of GRFA to be used strictly !oI-?ciretaker rinit, ttie total GRFA for the proJect becomes 65,900 rqu"rJ ftet, sttff L1- 255 sguare feet less than the existing iipio"ar. iaaition"I'GRFA nay be added to the caretaker from the ai-ount allocated to the prinary dwelll-ng unit lf it is not used i"i-Ct" piir""y unit; hoilever, no caretaker unit shall exceed iZOO squire fe-et. Witn tnls approval , no caretaker units will be q -:ired and none Day be built. The reason the Town ls not -rquiring the appllcant to bulld a certain number of these units is br,cauie the appllcant Ls not reguesting an SDD' varl-ance, or a:"-:her revlew whlch the Town could condition ttre approval with a requlrenent to bulld units. II.BACXGROT'IID Thls revLes Ls a request for approval of a uodificatlon to the exlstJ.ng developnent ptan for Phase VI of Tbe valley. The original plan wls app;oved as a PUD by Eagle,county in the faII of iggo. That plan lncluded 42 townhouses with a total GRFA of 77,L5o sq. ft. llhe plan called for three cluEters of units with a iroup of recreation anenitles (tennis courts, swirnming pool ,trails, etc.). I{hen t}re property was annexed by the Town of Vail , a provislon of the annexatlon ordlnance reguLred that any naJor noaif,icatlon to the County approved plan uould require PEC approval. In that sane ordinance' Residential Cluster (RC) zoning was applled to thls property. Under the annexation ordinance,. all standards not addressed by the Eagle County approved plan must Deet Rc zoning requl-rements. fn 1981, a developer proposed a revised site plan which the PEC approved. The anended plan maintalned all 42 dwelllng units as wEtl aE the GRFA approved by the county and the scheme of attached, clustered townhouses. Though that plan rtas never built, it is still valid and could be built today after the applliant received updated Design Review Board (DRBI approvals. e-oib the 1980 and 1981 plans are attached at the end of this nerao as Exlribits B and C so the board can conpare the 1981 plan, which is buildable, to tlre ProPosed one. IIT. PRO.TECT DESCNIPTTOII At thls time, the applLcant Ls proposlng 13 detached single fanily hones, each ihlch nay have a secondary unit. This creates a totll of 26 units. The ciretaker unltE silt be deed restrLcted so that they cannot be sold separately fron the prinary residencee. In addition, they nust neet aII the requirenents for an enployee unit llsted ln the Prirnaryr/secondary- section of the ionfn-e C6ae (section 18.13.080 (B)), of tle 13 bulldings, six sill 5e located north of Buffehr Creek Road on the south faclng -iope; and seven wiII be located across Buffehr Creek Roadl in the neaiow at the base of the forested slope (eee attached site plan). Ttre development has been divided into three phases. The fLrst iuo phases'are tlre east and west clusters (respectivelY! _ ol tlr-e soutir side of Buffehr Creek Road. Ttre third and last will be the six bones on tbe north side of the road. llhe structures ln phase one (Iots 11-13) wllI each have approxinately 3500 sguare feet of grosa resldentlal floor area (GRFA). Each house in phase two (Iots 7-10) and phase three (Iots 1-6) sill have approximately ,l5oo rguare feet of GRFA. Thle results in a total GRFA of 55,500 Bquare feet. In additlon to thls '-ount, 10r4oo square feet of GRFA (8OO x 13) uay be ueed for caretaker unlts. Conblning the GRFA fron the priraary unlte wlth any caretaker unlts results Ln a possible total of 651900 Bguare feet. The developer J.s proposing a fyrolean style of architecture, but has the optlon to vary that ln the future. No subdivision plat is proposed at thls tine as the PEc aPproval is only for the revisl.ons in the developnent plan--a requirement of annexation. The owner sould nost likely proceed with a eJ.ngle fanily subdivlslon followJ.ng development Plan approval . IY.zoNrNc tt{Att8l8 The analysis compares the proposal to the nost recent PEC approval. and the RC Zone Distrlct. The RC standards apply for other development standards per the annexation ordinance. 1981 PEc Approval current Proposal 2L.45 acres 33 ft. maxlmum 55,500 sq. ft. 65r900 6q. ft.* 26* L.2 DUs/acre* RC Zgnlnct 2L.45 acres 33 ft. maxlnurn 59,895 sq. ft. 29.9 6 Dus,/acre maximum "t -" , l'r--r: t L lr.,t f,r-- Site Areaz 2L.45 acres Height: tlpical unl-t 32 ft. GRFA: 77.150 sq. ft. DUs: 42 Density: 2 DUs/aere *Includes 13 caretaker units V.STAFF COI{I.tElfTg lItD lNllYgfg A. Site Plan: \, la . .^\*( ,/ i ' .---rl Z \:'- ti iuf"/ ,s '-' a'r''z:'''' ,/2. ' .t . , t l' ,1 lrl >'/ , > Lz .- \_ The proposed site plan is a uaJor inprovenent to the previously approved plan as the inpacts have been Itgnificantfireduced. The biggest difference is the chinge ln the number of dwelling.units and decrease of GRFA: This plan has 15 fewer unl.ts than the prevJ'ous plan. The dEvelopnent vill appear less dense and uill t7l 4t ) r +'3S1.'.,) ' '/ j'/, 3t 2 \\ ' z 31t1t 7, il,c,{c'/ rr 2/, z 35.{ 1. have feser lnpacts sl.nee the deslgm has been changed trorn attached drrelllng unlts to sLngle famlly homes. The land prevLously devoted for gruest parkl,ng, tennis courts, and a swl.nnlng pool for the condoulniun cornplex wlll nos be left in its natural state. Iastly, the current proposal has 21650 sg. ft. less GRFA than the previous plan. Buildinq envelopes: The proposal uses bullding envelopes to J.dentify the locatl.on of each house. The envelopes are not proposed to be platted. There will be Lppioxinately 40 to 80 feet betneen each building envelope. Sl-nce the PEC sork sesslon, the applLcant has enlarged the envelopes to approxlmately 5O by 9O and has decided that each envelope will be adeguate for all of the future construction sithout developing standards for encroachnents into the open space. A1I roof eaves, porches, decks, etc. will be contained within the buildJ.ng enveloPe. Ithough the envelopes have been designedl to acconmodate aII of the future construction, the 'applicant would like to set up a process which w-itt attow changes, Lf needed. The applicant bas proposed the following langruage whj-ch slll allow lone flexibility for the elting of the houses. The criteria listed below will be used by the DRB to approve any nodifications to the envelopes- nBuilding envelopes indicated upon the approved site plan nay be uodified sith approvat of the DRB based upon detalled _review of an lndlvidual architectural and site plan for an individual dweltlng unit. Tbe One strall find that the nodification to any bui}ding envelope does not substantlally relult ln any negative inpacts upon the sJ-te, adJoining property, or have any adveree inpact uPon reguired geologic hazard consideratlons. If an assoclation of home owners within the project is for:med, any nodification of a building envelope ehall also conform to ttre rules and regulations adopted bY t he association. AnY nod-ificat-ion shatl not exceed 15 feet and in no case shall any Etnrcture be built in the 20 foot eetbacks shorrn on the approved developnent Plan.n 2.@eILgDsse-L llhe appllcant has connltted to presenrl.ng all the areas outslde the bullding envelopes as oPen space. the area betveen tlre prlvate roadE and Buffehr Creek Road will be further restrLcted wltlt thls approval so that no fences or domestlc-style landsclping wlll be allowed. The areas s111 be presenrld i.n the'natural state that exists today.-The developer will be responsible for qaLntaining thie area until the developnent I's subdlvlded and, tlrrough that procesB, a home owners asgocl'ation or other body is cr,eated to take over tlre responsLb-fftty. The spaces Lnuedl'ately iround the luiiaing enveiopes uay le iinprovedn with sod lawns and fences, but no sttnrcturee. Trails: The hiking,/nountain bike tralI, located on the northwest portion of the sJ.te, rrrns through building envelopes 1 and 5. ft goes frorD Buffehr Creek Road north to Red and llhite l'tountaln. The Forest SerrrLce agrees that the current alJ'gnment has not been established long enough to be recognized legally and wilt take responsl'bility to relotate lt along tlre creek. The new allgnnent vlll be on publlc land. The Forest servlce plans to do the constmction in the Bumner of 1991, vhlch ie prior to the tirne which the applicant plans to -constnrct this phase of the development. ConparLson to Elk lleadolts The PEC sonmented that thls proJect should be deeJ.gned nore along the lines of EIk t'leadows, the sDD adJacent to the slte to the east. staff believes there are several reasons why the tuo sites are dlfferent and deEerrre different solutlons. l--There ls a dedicated utltity easement that rnrns through ttre valley, located approxlnately parallel to suffefrr Creek noai. The area-Letween thL ioad and this utility easenent varles. In Phase VI' Buffehr creek Road windE in and out, leaving only one bullding-- envelope betneen-the road and the eaeenent. In Elk Meadowi, the road cuts to the north, leavlng adequate room foi four of the flve buildlngs. 3. B. 5 c. z--The slope from the road to the neadow is nuch steeper in Elk lrleadows. Ehe approved design uorks nuch better on a gteep slope because the houses can be tucked lnto the slope. Even Lf the Elk lleadowa style of site plarurlng coul.d be done for Phase VI , the end result nay not be an improveuent because tlre bouses would ettck up hLgher and be uore vlslble. 3--lltre rock fall hazard ls nore Eevere on the EIk ueadowB aite requiring nore nitl.gation. ay placing the houses ln the slope, internal nitlgation was all that was needed. 4--Through the SDD procest' the EIk Ueadows slte plan was approved with a three foot setback frou Buffebr creek Road rlght-of-way. By allowing the setback encroach,ment, -enougtr room for the constructLon was created. 5--By placing the homee on the far side of the Deadow, the rneldow that ls preserved will be vLsible to the public. The conditions of approval for this request iequire that lt be prese:rred ln a natural state. Roads. Walls and Drainaqe The road confl-guration has been revised since the work session Bo that both access roads intersect Buffehr Creek Road at the same location. The roads viII be private roads. The slopes range from 7-0 percent to -8.6 percent, wl-th the drivenay to lot 4 at 10 percent. rhe iownts iulaivision regrulations allow private roads to reach 9.0 percent slope without reguiring a variance. lhe ariveway to lot four will require an approval fron the Town Engineer (with a possible, rrliting requirenent), but-does not require a variance' llhe rralls needed for the upper road do not exceed 6 feet ln height. A five foot high cut wall is proposed' from the infersection approxiuately half the distance up the access road. fron tnat point, a five foot bigh fill wall will be lnstalled for the rest of ttre aiitance. Near the end of the road, in addition to tbe fill wall, anottler six foot hlgh cut wall will be n."a"a. 3ee plans andl sectioni attached to thls merno' The yalls w1.11 be constrrrcted wlth lnterlocking precast concrete blocks, siml'lar to those approved for spraddle Creek. Texture, shape, and color will be detemined by the DRB. tandsiaping wiU be required to eoften-the appearance of the-ralls. The planting plan ehould D. Lnclude frequent grouplngs above and below the nalls that breafup tfre nase. DRB will give final approval to tbe plantLng plan. On the lower portion of the developnent, no walls will be needed. F1fl witl be added to the Deadolt, ranging fron tuo feet at the eaet end to eight feet at the vest end. Tlre appllcants orlginally PropoEed a-t1pl-cal-road section of 18 feet with ivo Z foot wl'de shouldere or ' gruttere. fn order to proceed sith thl's develoPnent ifprovaf, the appllcanls have exltanded the Eection to i?'ieet rftrr z i6ot guttere or shoulders. PlannJ'ng staff generally srrPports less asphalt. If Fire Departient and-nrb-i-tc l{orks concerns can be addressed' thl appltcant uay apply for a variance to ttre subaiiielon etandaral ior a reduced road width. In that caee, staff s111 brlng the varl'ance request to the PEC for thelr revles at a later date. Drainage wlll be acconnodated sith curb and-grutter for the upfer road. Srrales rlll handle the drainage on the lower-ioad. one drainage easenent slll be required to convey the drainage off slte to Buffehr Creek. No detenllon pond witt be built, since I't was not ieconnenae-a in itre arafnage ituay Staff believes tlrat the proposed infrastructure ls reasonable. The walls ao not require variances elnce no-portfon of the walls will exceed six feet in height' stait eupports the road grades and wldthe' tlnce they neet the code reguirements. Hazards The only hazard shown on the Town maps Is high. severity rock fa-lt. A final report by Arthur Mears states that the houses below BuffeLr creek Road will be adeguately piotlctea with the nes road and draLnage slf,ales which irtff Ue constmcted for phase one. The prelfuninary rock fall study ueed for the-sork session lndicated that a beru woita be required I'n the neadow to protect the loner houaes. Thl's J.s no longer the case' Mears reconnended an optlonal ben, but also eald the swale for the road would be adeguate protectLon. There are only two houses above Buffehr Creelc Road whlch neea nltigation (butldltng envelopes 3 and 4) ' The llears reporf. statei that these stnrctures can be trotected wiin a six foot high rock fall fence or by . lnternal nltigatlon rlthln the north faclng ralls.Staff bellevei that the internal uittgatt;i vfff preser.\/e tlte natural character of The Valley nuch better tlran a fence located on the slope ab6ve the ho:nes. fhe appllcant has pointed out that the draring fron the Ueara lepgrt showLng tlre Lnternal nLtLgation precludes north faclng vl.ndoss fo9 the firet tso-and posslbly the third floori (See extribit D). one p-sriUfe-soluttin is !o ?iS zag the floor plans, instalti.ng east and vest facing wlndows whlch rl11 allow llght-lnto the rooms on the nortlr elde of the two houses. Staff bell.eves that thl.s archLtectural constral.nt iE reasonable, g!.ven the alternative of an unsightly, 330 foot l.ong fence. E. Densl.tv The propoEed density, assuming every secondary untt would be built, is approxfunately two thirds of the previous approval and less than what RC zoning would alIow. The GRFA silf be approxlnately two thirds of the prevlous approval (a chinge frorn 721150 sq. ft. to 55,500 sg. ft.) and Ls also under the RC rnaxiaun. F. Staffrs opl.nion Is that the proposal ls clearly a reduction i.n inpacts from the previous approval and ls a uuch better eolution for the developuent of the site. Architectural cruidetl-nes The applicant plans to build Tyrolean style homes, but vould like to leave the architectural decisions to the DRB and does not intend to draw up any guidelines at this tine. The Town t1pically requirEs-specific plans,Iike architectural guldelines, ln SDD reviews. But Eince this review is a fulfillment of an annexation requirenent and is not an SDD, staff can support the position of the applicant. PhasLncr plans Staff believes that the longer portions of this site remain as ueadow, the better. To achieve that goal ,staff reconrnends that one phase be completed before another ts begun. The lnproveDents that will be constructed in each phase Lnclude the houses, drainage facilities, roads, utilities, and landscaping. These lmprovenents nust be coupleted in each phase prior to constructlon startLng In another phase. The J.nprovements uust be built fron Buffehr Creek Road to any unit under constnrctlon prlor to the lssuance of any Certiflcate of occupancy or Tenporary Certlficate 8 G. of occuPancy. ff occupancy is reguested prior to the installltlon of any lnprovenents, the applicant rnust escrow 125t of the construction costs prior to the Town lssuing a T.c.o. The appllcant nay adhere to the plan descrlbed above for ph-sing and financlal guaranteee or.Day, through a subdivisloi process, choose to conply with the strlcter regrulatLone 6n finaircial gruaranteee. At a uinlnum, the requirenente of thts approval nust be followed. It. Fl.re DePartnent concerns Fire departnent concerns I'nclude the turn around area ln the Lul-de-sacs and the access to lot 4. The turn 'around ardas aPpear to be adequate, but as a condLtion of approvat, thE Fire Departnent wlll need to see englneering drawlngs of the cul-de-Eacs showlng that eaih neet the nininun turning distances. The concerns regarding lot 4 are that the driveway is too steep for a-fire truck to clirnb, resulting in excessivL distance fron the fire truck location to all points on the perimeter of the building. - Ttte applicant iras options, including sprinkling the building, to-meet the fire coile. Ensuring adequate fire protection for lot four siII be another condition of approval' vr. coNcr,ttSroN staff supports the development plan because it results in less density i-na a better elte-plan than the 1981 approval. .Though there iiff le a signlficant loss of meadow fron what exists toaay, staff belieies that there will be nore neadow when this aevei6pnent is built out than what would have been left with the trevioirs approval . therefore, planning staff reconmends approval br trris aeillopuent plan with the following conditions: 1) prior to the Town approvlng any,build*l9 pernits for thls developrnent, tfre apbficant-shall provide to the Fire Department: a-- engineering drawings showing adequate turning distanies for each of the cul-de-sacs, and b-- a nitigatlon plan for 1ot.4, which may include sprinkllng, which meets the Fire Departnent reguLrements. 2, Except for the area sl'thin building envelopes 5 and 6, the applicant strall restrict the open spaces between the access 9 3) 4) s) 6) 7' roads and Buffehr creek Road so that no stmctures (l.ncluding fences, sheds, or accessory bulldings) shall be built Ln ttrle area. In additlon, no landscaping shall be planted in the area that Ls lnconsistent with the existing native landscapLng. The appllcant shall deslgm aLl drlveways so that the sl.nplest, rnoet direct Deans of access to the site Ls providea. Drlveways that wind up the hlllside to galn elevation ehall not be approved. Prior to the lssuance of bulldlng petmlts, the applicant shall dedicate a drainage easement to the Town of vail wbich Deets tlre standards of the Publlc Works departnent. Prior to lssuance of certLficate of occupancies or temporary certificate of occupancles for building envelopes 1 through 6, the appllcant shall lnstall the proposed landscaping to nltlgate the appearance of the walls. In addition, the applicant nust provide a financial guarantee to the Town for the period of two winters to be used for landscape replacenent. Prior to issuance of bullding perrnits for building envelopes 3 or 4, the applicant shall subnit plans showing that the proposia bulld-ing neets the internal nitigation requirements of the llearrs report dated Septenber, 1990. The applicant has the option of including a caretaker unit within each structure, not to exceed 1200 Equare feet of GRFA. The unl-ts nust comply with Section 18.13.080 (B). Up to 400 square feet of unused GRFA fron the prinary unit roay be transferred to the caretaker unlt. The applicant shall design all retaining walls located in the fiont yard setback with terracing so that none exceed three feet in height. 8) 10 Esi I I I I i I I I I ri tr t b EIE r,! [l Hls ll fi o. \\-- E \ \o Nt t E "Ei EHE .B a l{| z Fl FT C{l-{u) , w- \" 3 T t t l .s 3l i.f 3.38.l v,2 o t{H ()t tsl ut ,ri-1,1 i 'r.i?:,:lrr',jj fjri! EXEIBIT A .l i ;,rr r's: .fi|(1. i.r4 ORDINANCE NO. 13 (Serles of 1981) AN ORDINANSE IIIPOSING ZONING DISTRICTS OI{ CERTAIN DEVEI.OPIIE]IITS AND PARCEI.S OF PBOPEBTI IN TEE RESENTLY INNEXED TEST VAII ASEA; ACCEPTUTG PBIOB APPROVALS OF TBE 3AGI.E COI'NTY CorOIISSIONAES . BEI.ATIilG TEEREf,O; SPECIFTING AIIENDUENT PNOCEDI'BES; SETTING FORTE CONDI?IO{S EEUIfISG TSEBETO; AITEI{DING TEE OFFICIAL ZOI{ING IAP fOR lEE TOWN OF VAIL: Al{D SETTING FONjrH DETAII.S IN 8EI.A'IOT TEERETO. 'EERE.AS, the tora ot Vai1, Colorado, rcceDtly asDexed tbe feEt vall area, Couaty of EBgle, stat€ of Colorado, ettectl've oD Decenber 31, 198O; aud lIgERgAs, Cbepter 18.68 ol tbe ltullciPrl Code ol the fowr of Vall Bets lortb procedures lor tbe LopoBitlo! ot zonllg dlEtrlcts on receBtly tonexed areas; and IEEnEAS, Section 31-12-115 (B) C.R.S, 1973, gg aneaded, !equ1!es tbe Toen to brlng tbe lewly anaexed test Va11 alea uader 1ts zoDlng ordiDalce eitbln nhety (9O) days atter the effectlve date ot aatd arDexatlon I and YEEREAS, because of certal! actioDs takeD by rld spplovala of tbe Eagle CouEty Co@lsslouers re18t1!g to tbe rlthl'u apecl'f led propertles the Ttr! CouDcll ls ol the oplDlo! tbat tbe zouiDg desiglatloE tor tbese ateaE abould recogulze sald 8Pplov&le snd coudltl,ous; aud trEEBfAS, the Plalrntrg aDd EBvl'rolloeEtal Ccoot'sBlou of tbe TwD ot. Vall has coDsldeled tbe zontng to be tnposed o[ the uewly sclexed test Va1I rrea at 8 publlc be&rlng ald bas oade a reco@eDdatloD relatlng tbeteto, to tbe Tol[! Coulsll; and !ES, tbe Tor! Couucll' colsldera tbat lt la la the llterest ol tbe publlc healtb, 84fety Bld telfare to ao zo[e sald property; trot, I'EEREFORE, BE rt OSDAr!{ED BY rgE TOnn coul{crl, oF TEE TorN OF YAIL, TEAT: Sectlon 1. Procedures lu1tllled. tbe procedures tor tbe detetollatlon ot tbe zo[hg dlstricts to be lnposed oa tbe !es1y tDDexed fest Vall ar€a 4s set tolth ln Chapte! 18.68 ot the V.11 ltunlcipal Code hrve bee! tulfllled. iiifil r lig llc$ J'\ 4u!e.\cu $(-5 r I il]'l ll |:'r ' - Lo Chapter 18.68 ot ttle V411 I'luniclpal' Code' the Propetties ,oed ia aubsectioos e, t, g, b & I below are e Portlon of the : !a1,1 area aaaexed to the TNn througb tbe enactneEt of Ordlnance ;. {3, S€rles ot 1980, of tbe Towa of, VEil, Colorado' effectlve on rbe thlrty-flrat day of DeceDbe!, 1980, 8!d hereby zoled as follorvs: r. The developEelts aDd parcels of property sPeclfled belos 1B Subaectloos e, f, 8, h & 1 sball be developed lD accordaEce wtth the prlotl lgreeEeDt splrrorals atrd sctl.o!3 of the Bagle coulty cot[Dissiolels ra tbe agrecllelts ' approvals 8Dd actloBs relBte to eacb developmeDt or parcel ot property. b. Tbe docunents aDd lnstruneDts relatlng to the prior couBty approval,s, actlous end agreementa are Presently on f1le 1E tbe DepartDeDt of Comullty DevelopEeut ol tbe Tosn of Vall aod 6ald 8pprov4ls, actloDs atrd sgreeBeDta are hereby accePted aud approved by the Tow! ot Vail. c.A1lbulldhgs'orlrbichabulldiDgPert0ithasDotbeeDissued' ou the effective clate of the anDexatloD of ltest va1L she1l cooply Tith Deslgn Bevlery criteria ol the vall llullclpal code prlor to tbe issuaDce of s buildiag pet',.it. al. The co@unlty Developneut DepartEeDt may ls6ue ateff approvals for EiDot chaDges 1! site deslgn or other mlDor aspecta of the plaD for eayofthespeciJleddevelopmentsorpalcefs.Tbeseproposedcbanges ,slaybeapprovedaspleseated,spp'ovedwitbcoDdltioBsordeDledbythe Statf Tlth ea eppeal sithltl 10 days of the Staff decisloD to the Planoing s^!d 3lviroDDeotrl Co@lssio!. For naJor cbauges, such as tre-deslguotaEeJo!PsrtottheElte,changesaEuse,density coDtrol, belght or other developuent staDd4lds, a Plarnlng aud ElylroDDeDtrl Co@iasioa !'evlsP Ebould be requlred. Tbe procedure tor cb8lrg€a sball be i! accordalce vlth Chapter 18'66 of tbe veil' XuDLclpal Code. e.TbetolloglngdevelopEeDtsrDdparcelaofpropeltyshallbe rubJ ect to the tcrls ot tbls ordlaBnce: (1) lte VaI1eY, Pbases 1 thlougb 6' (2, Spruce Creek Twnbouses ' (3) lterdos Creek Condoalnlums ' :i ({) Vail lDEerDouDtaio SwiD a.nd Tennla Club' (5) Bllar Patcb, Lots G-2' G-5 rnd G-6 Llonsrldge Subdlvlslon FlllDg No' 2' (6) Casa Del Sol Condonlnluus ' forrDyzoniDgpurposebeyondtheEsgleCouDtyCo@issioDers'applovals' agreeDeDta o! actloDs, the developneDts BDd prlcel8 ot ploperty Epeclfied la tble aubsectlon (e) shall be zoDed Besldentlal Cluster (RC)' t. LloDsrldge subdlviBloE, FII1!g No. {, 6ball be BubJect to tb€ terEs ot tbls oldinaDce. lor roy zoEhg purpose beyoad the Eagle Couaty Co@ta8loBers I approvtl, rgreenelt or rctloD, tbls pucel of propelty ahall be zoDed SlDgIe Farolly ZoDe Dlatrict (sF3) sltb a aPecial pro- vlsloa tbet atl eDploye€ uult (8s defhed eDd restrlcted lD sectLon 18-13.O8C ol the vaIl ttullclp4t code) sllt be aubject to apptovals 86 per sectioD 18.13.080. Tbe seeoudary unlt nay Dot exceed one tblrd ot the total GrossBesldeDtlalFloorArea(GBFA)allogedontbelotasperthe Slogle Fercily ZoDe Dlstrict DeDslty Control (Sectl'oD 18'10'o9o of the Val1 l|uttclpBl coate) aBd Glreenbelt & Natulal Open Spcce ( ctl{os ) ' e. Lot G-4, Llolsrldge SubdlvlatoD, FJ'I1ng No' 2, has beeu the subject ot litlgatlo! 1|l the District court ot Eagfe coulty, aDd a cqrrt order bas b€etr isEued regardlag tb€ developBeDt of tbls Property. Tbe TmB bas Jurtber approved Resolutlon #5 of 1981 1! regard to a subse- queDt agreeneDt vitb tbe osDer- The Resldentlal CluEter (BC) zone Distrlct rll,I be tbe appllcable zone oD tbis propetty to guide tbe , tuture developEeDt of the parcel, worklDg \rltblD the bounds aet by the Court Ordet ald Besolutlon No. 5, ser1es of 1981' b.B1ock10,val1Ilte:iDouDtalnsubdlvlslo!sDdtheEulottRaDcb EubdlvL6loD,AballbesubJecttotbetetlaotthlsordlDaDce.ForaDy zonhgPutposebeyoDdtbelagleCouDtyCo@lsaloEetsrapploval'agree- Dent o! actioD, Bloc} 10 aDd tbe Elllott B&!ch, Bh8lI be zoned Prloary/ Secondary DlEtrlct. t.ots 8, 15 & 16 ol Block 10, vsll laterDouDtaln ' Ebsl1 bc zoaed Greeobelt & NaturEI open Space (GNoS)' 1. Val1 Co ons, Vsll Da6 shone tlIirg No' 4, sball be subJect to tb€ terna of tbls ordlDence. Fo! ruy zoDlEg purpoEe beyond tbe EjglecourtyComlssloaera|lgleement,gpprovaloractlon,vailconnons sball be zoued Comerclal Core III (CCIII) ' .- :)t, 3. provided lD Sectlon 18.08.O30 of the VaiI llunlcipal Code, the zoning ..dalnlatrator is hereby dlrected to promptly nodlfy aDd aeeDd the Offlclal ZoaJ.ng llap to hdlcBte tbe zoDiDg speclfied hereln. Sectlon 4. If aDy part, sectioD Eubsectloa, seBteDce, c1luse or phrase ol thls ordlneDce 1s for aDy reason held to be lav.alld, aucb decl,sloa shall not 8tfect tbe validity of the re@alBiDg portlotrs ot tbls ordLoaDce, and the TorD CouDcll hereby declalea lt wou]d bave passed thls ordllaDce, 8!d eacb part, Eectio!, sub-sectloD, aeDteDce, clause or pbrese tbereof, regaldless oJ tbe fect thet any one or tDole parts, aectloss, aubsectl-ons, sentences, clauses or phrasea be declared invalld. Section 5. Tbe Coulcl] hereby stetes that tbis ordj.Dance ls aeceasely fo! tbe plotectiou of tbe public beaftb, safety and seLfare, TNTRODI]CED, BEAD OII FIRST BEADING, APPROYED AND ONDEBID PIIBLISEM ONCE IN rULL, thls 3rd day ol ltarch, 1981, aud a publlc hearlng on tbls ordinance sbal1 be held at tbe regular DeetlDg of tbe ToF[ CouDcll of tbe Twn of valt, Cololado, oD the 17th day ot l[arch, 1981 , at 7:30 p.n' lD the uuDlcipaL Building of tbe T@u of vail. ATIEST: IITTBODI'CED, READ, B? TITLE O{LY l|arcb 17. ORDERED PI'BLISEED llTEtiT: /,n /./ ,, /-/ { l1r .'r' !. .L. i -,-- : I I I I t1 lr. \ & \ '(7 { l t l--t- 'll t C) F{l{ ;cl H x FT l-. --.- t.' :,... el'-' :'ai ni -a )-i; .t i T l L \ 1 .l \ \' t : I ll. r; : t t I i. 'til ?*i fi't ...: t.l t\. \\'.ij "4s^"lFfr \s (t\ t\ .$l Ni 'l:i ;q F{H tt H 'X FI 2g otng ?**o ,6/.69 z/. rrr.,?!.,, if .t- ,t ,0'' '/ \ 66t^EEE lar ut al Yl ocro IIC'C' i?ea CI CT CI Gt ct a{ A1 f-t \rt7 ( EXHIBIT D b Rodc yilaJectory r. \ '' \o-* :'ri Flexlble " Frarne or SrnaII rodcs ifffi EIGITRE ?. Rocldall grotectlon at uphlll ralla of houEes on,Lote.J adl l+.. t' nocfrfafi p,"ot*"ttoo ia,rrler ehoulal Lonslst of rsconsollatat€al, ooar'e- |-Ffi;d; i"if-a"rr""it gravel and^ soal1 rocks that ut1l absorb rocls ionentgn. Deslp.hefg[t (6.: ft) te based onL& exceedence probablllty at locatlon plue dlestgn roclc radlus. TDe Vallev' Phase VI Dat€ of, DnB Eearinq GRFI Alloweal 4600 4600 4600 4600 4600 4500 4600 4600 4500 4500 3500 3500 3500 GNTA ADDroved car€taker CRFI Used car€trt'er unlt?IJgt t_ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 LL L2 13 'l 5- I -ql b- s'tll 3s6.s 341s.4 ftD 3"t LC t't7b,g =lzoltt t * AzE q,I'\ir I'iff o4rrliu,tL cu t4".< /rrirur ,I r-' kL