HomeMy WebLinkAboutHIGHLAND MEADOWS FILING 1 LOT 16 LEGAL.pdfDare Froiect Application :- t "f i "' ,:r F .r-, - 4- rt|-:_Projecl Name: Projecl Description: Archilect. Address and Phone: Legal Descripti on: Lot .' € Block Filing 9..- Design Review Board "tl ,ft I ns e/su/rt Date Motion by: Seconded by: Summary: I i-- -- -a'--- :--.4 t .t\ ,:.-4 --- t J?f - / f -.J', .F--1, t- r v!4'--2..'/ . t , .: i f ,'ta '-rr\t ar\r . .tnaa,i. 't.tE '.j it-.1 -". ? , vtti' Lr--.f-e : ,-.- -l ;- f E statt Approval Date- {t t .t s Subd i vi s'i on Lot B'lock Filing 1. Submittal Items (A) Topo i'iap (B) Si te P'l an (C) Utili^uy Plan (D) Titie RePort (E) Subdivjsjon Agreenent 2- [,ngineering Requirements L lectrl c Gas Seiler l'la -ue r Tel epl:crie T.V- inertts: ,- thGlliitkl:i3 c'rlcll LlST (i f app'li cabl e) (l{ot Acceptab'le) €[*'r.*o ";"--i>!L (Acceptabl e) ,/ r/ _t/ .t (lr) cutu"t'.: Size _- /Ql/ i'di ;;i i,e,'ray cra oe IEE-sna: T- Source of Uiil it'ies (A) (B) tL, (D) (E) (F) 4. Co'" t. _r-_ 6 /e,: Cu.r.ez----tt uoe*--t?&tie:-A7-€&7-Ep-€ Approved: Di sapproved: nl \t..*( Publ i c Bill Arrd:re'".'s u t> President - {-'l': s-i' 3 rl $ -' tlr.,irer.Fciicr-1 i:'iiLt lfil.l-tnf':Y *;5. il j_t - * |0-lAL - - *.:,::,.irti i.l ii.i, rJ':iri i-*xi:f Lsirr:! i:.:E::; i',:. l:,ni. .'1) \1i,i [r it.1 1! 4 F or' Irr{'t:r.naL. i on 0nl Lr f o1 lor,rs: 't li r'| .1. /rr r ! tr rt!_!.1 , I I l:.r's,-i i rr.:. lr:-.1 r.r ll,rl ir:U lc, h* i==lrerJ, "A[-14" 0r,lrer.'r ]'r,l icg F onrri E -1?70 { Airrerided I'r' :r;.r,:.:rJ J. n:.iti.::,-{ : I 0 EI: LlLl t-Slf'l-iiii: f, ! il.rr\/'j'..: { /L.L f L'(-i(_,L, Il.)r 6l-i{.:t'5 l :i J , t 9'{11 :t i;: it0 A. i.i. -a;.1'j ;-,pL,p 1-r --= ed InsrtrEd: T P.I' lLr-1:r-70 ) E'; 'lh€' *r-.1..t-e ,f,r' irrt.rr'Es1 irr the t*rrd de:.cr- iL,*r.t or r..e.!( *r..r.:ci i.o irr t.his,Jlttttrr:t itrri,:nt. Etld ri?yt!t-':d l,-ei.e in izl A Ii:l I it.i* i.. a the E:.t.Ft.e or- irrteleel co\!Er..er.l her.ein is aL the e.i.{.ect ive rlst* li*r*sf ,,,*:ted irr; LYLE ;rilii'ElifFrFi Al,lt, tiAfi-i Eiil.l iit:Al-EEIi, as. T*nants in Cctr,rrtrsri l'l'r* l and r*f errEd tc irr t h i .:. u r-r rn rrr i trrr*nt is d*acl" ibe,i as 1.,::l 1:',, ii:l_;1ii ,illt. ii!-;.iiri)t.l::, ,.:'.|.,,ri..llli,lli 1,:r ,tlL ii!_r_:{;itl;r i; i.l ii.; '..-trl: .,':- t- -r'i.i'-! jJi;iii- ._;: l-r....,;.-.,:. /e*@ { f.:e,iu i rrarent g )App I ir: at i rrrr t,ls,, r.rtllro31 J 4 ltr- f-rllourng :r.= tl.i* r.*quir*o*nts to Lre ,:onif-r l iecl 1. l.'.:.f riprrl. tr, or. {.'r. l-.}.ig accourrt of t.lre g"*rr{ or:g frilI !nris i,i*,*a!.ion t r_rr. th* e:-tete c_ r. i"t".*.i 'l . I,r.,.-,p,e-.1'. i rre.i.r.-r r"_.n1. { s. ) rr*r-,1. i rrg f,h,: set.al.e or.nir.rst he er:,:cu'_ed errd dul,-J f iieC i";-";;;r;; with: on oror.t gegc,r.:. of. t i-r:t a be i rr-=rJi.eij . i rr{.ene:.t te !:* insur-e.:l tc-r.,iL: ! r-' :': t!r- s-, !, ' r. !. l,I i':'iil- th: t,crl ir-! cr- p, r-.. lici*s i".-, ,-L,* i-<crJ*d ui11 sr:t1.t': irr er:c*p't' i orls {: cr t}r* {'cr't i r.,.r iirg l-::'r i *:s t'h* E elle E}-F-' r'! is'F rt:'erJ c'f' dr' l'!ie sat'isfacdiarr of' 1'}'re fctriS,sng: $t.anii ri'i.l f xr eP,f ic,rr:. I t.hl"oLr!1h I' p'r'irrt.ed nrr t.he ccrr''er shEet'. n6t-. r;*t rjue cr' F EUEble c-11rJ spr96 ial asEessraents t-.hp Trearrrr'er'' e. of'f ice. l{J. S" Tare-. €-nd E'ssE:5rt*nts rrot tJ€'.: .et"t i'f ier{ t.n i+rrrg lrir;.': i,l i.':r+: ef' 3 -' : * ': ': t,i * tl.l: s il!: ii-i='t s':id 1:trd" l- i*rr:.. f'.-.t .:i.f,ri{ r.r;,{.5;' ;-rrri r t':l'lEf' clrr'!'!'rE I i{' :;ng' l.:ililiT +i i'iit)i.',qIf I0R tlF 6 ItEII{ CF: L0f}E It) 8.1: IRAIT illlD EEf{t)UE }lI5 0Rt: TiltF;r.FLiitf,i:ifi0!lLtl .itlf::;Af'lE f,E Ft,tlNtl lcr FFI,tETFA'fE: (rR IN'lEri$ECT TllE F'FIEI'i1iiES A5 'Ti:SF:tII,'TD IN IJNITED 5TAIE9 T'ATENT OI: RECORL) II'I II'IS1'I{IJ''IENT liE ccrF:l)i:l.r i!lliitlsl I ! , J 9t-ltl Lll F(t(lH 48 iil l'*68 ?36. RIGHI ilI- Fi":OFnIEIQIi OF A Uh-IN Ott t-OL)E Tt) EXTIiAtJI ANI] FEli0UE HIS 0RE t!.lt.til-l t.:i-l{; ::ti0ilt-L) TiiF- t;i.:f,ii- lil- I ('tlt.:n 1(r l'Fl,lt TiiATE Itrt l}'lTFti::EcT TllE rJi.'i.-ijL.:i!-,:: il.l l::t:5LF:i,ri:i-) I l.i iiii tl Er-r !il'rii F-l-i Frl iri.iT oF liL-ut)ntl lll IilSTRUriENT iil.t:{r,.il!i:!l i,t'TtrF',Efi r:14 } l ! ! tr 1i,] F;(r{rl{ i:i A'l i'AGF" ?,(,J.. ItL.i-jt'li: ir-:t'l{rti5 lll.l 1L:H t)0 i'{0i f0l.{TAII'l A F0lif--EITUIiE 0n,\Et'EF:TEF: flLALlSEt A9i (:tril ii:l l.lF-o IN Itls'triuf,lEt,tT liF-f:{tRDErr ,lllNE 15, t97tl 1N t"(r$li !7t h't Iiir:it:14:J AllD Af'lEliDnIl.tt I0 l:AID FESIEIL:II1]i'l5 RECOF:DED ALll]UST 17, 1978 l ll l;tr{:l{ :J..?:1 A1 F'.-:GE i ./3, . l-l',-ll.-f ii .;lilr iil'i;,:i'lAL:l: Liii;l-lit:tit /rLtriilf: lii.Al': {r}': Sfiliilt.iil l' l(t i M i!; f.:Hi:-Llt\,'t;ll rill IliE Fl-Al .tI + tr u1 I r- I I "', :'l;D I)liA I l,,l'11:f tl.:iEflLt{1 Al-01'!F 1 llE {rf-slL-Jrl-'i 7 1"? l-I:LI rls llgiiiRvEl] ':."ii ii'l€ DLfll ili- ''l:ljtT IrilEF Sll'1LflP.[1.: fj{.]r ,.tq7! flAfrr;'iilii MCALEER I 0 ril[ irUF't- rC rF:U5 I l-! 0l-' I'trLlt" 1, rr/:l,l tdlt{l{t-E 't(r t:EcufiE 1l-lE llut'l 0F :j:i, :. !.'i i t; i.:;.'iii 'i: .JS ri ; l:'t:iL;E r;1'rt-: ir:: r ir i.:i ! i, i:i 'f i.lil:i i ilis';. .:t:::; J tjili-l: ri.l.:j.i r-''rjii;ll , i;:,--i-+F:!r.l-, ,i,iii!i.ii'. r i.,'i , F:IISTT HL Y I.IN[I AL(INIi THE F.I-AT" I titlf.l t_Yl E L:/-rEF'EN1EF; nND fNGI-E COUi.IIY FOF T}IE U5E OF 1.39 | 9?tr. t'0 REcoHDED NOVEtqBEIi l)i-'t iirL:(r li:l.l!:Ti.:u!'f i(tf,l Ltt. lt'l i,j!ili :--'ri-' :i i i-':1{lE J':i7 - I I I J z0NE cil[cK SFR,.R,R for P/S Z0NE DISTRICTS /6 Brock Fi'ling Architect Zone District Proposcd Use Lot Ariea -Je "igLt nnor.red 39i -_-f-. Setbacks : Front-Requift d-2-0'l*-iJi6;;posed Sides-Required l5' Proposed Rear -Required' l5' Proposed GRFA: . GRFA: Propo-ied Proposed Proposed Propc:.ed Actua]- aez Required Reguired D::ive: Slope Permitted Env'i roi:nent.al,/l'la z.-"' rCs : Lv.l'l anche F] oc,d [,'l ain Sl oPe Co;:lrentg.: Iega1 Descrijtion: Lot s*,,G{€t:i4 ,,4 lJaterccurse-required ,ffi proposed Primary A'll or'red Secondary Al'lor'red Alloued l <66 1 Site Coveraga: A1loived Landscaping: Parking:. l'l : I r. . t,l:(;il, lr:.':1:lill''l'tO:i: l.()l' l,:::;(:j' I l'l l1;:; Ol: I,l'{r JJ.(:i | ;l .r ), 'l:I I l. t::(; 'Jlrc fol lor*ing iirfornut jon i:i lJoard bci'ore a final alproval A. Ill,lLI)ti,i(; M,\'l't:n.rALS Roof Siding Othcr lial I Materials Fascia Soffits lfindor+s l{indovr Trin Doors Door Trin Iiand or Deck Rai ls F J ue-s Fl ashi ngs Chinn cvs Trash Elrcl osurcs Grccnh orrs cs 0t ir cr' B. I-ANDSCAPI NG ilerra nf |tac i n nol^. phcne : PLAI.IT IiATTRIALS Botani c a'l llene I r,: i: t c(lD i r'(.d for :ulrm i ttal b1- c:rtt bc Sivcn: Typc ol_f!1t*c11a! lltc appl jr:rrnt to tlrc l)c:;.i .1irr l(t:r,j cw Col or ..,:i .,- l^.'rt u,-...\ l-.'- ,r:t.,-t y Cormon liane Quanti tJ, I :'- ----J- --l Si ze 5 -lj. '_ -: -.L-.--1'rs-:<L":-- t, c .. F.. f. ,- .-! SHRUBS _O'ry)sr-=r{-* -':-$ -3{--. s0D GROUiID CCVERS SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION ,of,*rFooTAGE ryy#k SQUARE FOOTAGE rtvr N*,tiv<- 5e<4 sQUARE FoorAGE 4ry,{ TYPE 0R I'|ETH0D OF EROSION CONTROL _ C. 0ther Landscape Features (retainirrg !/al'ls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) please specify. U'tIl,llY l.0CA'l'ION Vl:l{ll: ICNflON SURDIYISTCIN /#/ 4tcr//-t,se y'/eaa kr . ADDRESS JOB NNE Cfnfr>-l'-2.< + zl/a A/ta.< LOr /6 BLOCK FtLrNc 4 / _ the location of utilities, whether they lines, must be approved and verified by accornpanying site plan. be nain trunk the following lines or proposed utilities for the Date Mountain Bel1 Western Slope Gas Fublic Service Company Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Vail Cable T.V. Upper Eagle Va1ley Water and Sanitation District (l^ 30o..."'ou 1__T Authorized @//t (-z)-r t 5-14 tzice NoT 4 r/a/4 4 -7'5 NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a stTeet cut pernit fron the Town of Vail, Departnent of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging. in any public right- of-way or easenent in the Torsr of Vail. a brri !.din9 pernit is not a street cut pernit. obtained separately. A street cut pernit mrst, be Tttis fo::rn is to verify service availablity and location. Ihis should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. n lrl:.c;(;liIt,'l t(r:i ctt: l,trtilt..t:'t'-r1/rgo4!/"41yj2/__y'4.€AAa-g:, 1'lrc fol lor.;in1; infortn:rtion i:; Doard.bclirrc a final approva l A. IInLt)Iii(; Lt\T[flIALS Roof Siding Other l'iall Materials Fascia Soffits lfindows Itrindor,, Tritn Doors Door Trin Hand or Deck Rails Flu6s Flashings Chinureys rcqrrilcd for sulrrnit1ill by thc a14rJj(:irnt to the Dcsjl:rr l{uvicw cln bc givcn: 'lyge of lrlrt_crlal Color C, Rza l*o o,P Cdaaz -{ / .77 a ./?Eac-nn, Cormon Name Quanti ty Si ze & 'z Trash Encl osures Greenhous es Other B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PI.ANT MATERIALS Botanical Name TREES SHRUBS ( 'QUARE forn*t- 1."6p$ut'to gOVERS s0D SEED TYPE SqUARE FOOTAGE SQUARE FOOTAGE TYPE OF IRRIGATiON TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL 0ther Landscape Features (retaining wa] ls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. c ( box 100 mil, colorado 81657 (3031 47Gs613 department of community development September 1' 1981 Bud Ford 300 A Sundance Circle Fo rt Co 1l i ns n Co'lorado Dear Mr. Ford: Yoursubmitta.|fortheVailDesignReviewBoardfor]ot16' iiii,riri"'rq.ia6*i-Fiiing #1 is iniomp'lete. P'lease refer to lf,E"iii"f"a items on ifre attached lis^t. You will not be ilr,eJri"i-tor the Design Revjew Board unti] these items are subni tted. If you have any questions, p1ease contact me' PJ:df t-ti'l't;tttAu lll: sultlll'1"11:U ( ffi ana site plan o!-s:l containing thc follotlin (2 coPics): Licenscd cngincerts or Surveyorr 5 stanp' [ontour intervals of not nore than 2t unless the parcel consists of 6 acxesornole,lnwnichcase,5lcotrtourintervalswillbeaccepted. aa Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4't or u nore one foot above grade' ^,( 4. ,/Rock outcroppings and other sigrtificant natural features (large boulders' Y-- intertnittent streans, etc. J ' t k s. Avalanche areas, 100 year flood plain and slopes 4o% ot more, if applicable' f\ /O Ties to existing benchnark, either USGS landnark or sewer invert' I(.4, '7 7l Locations of the following:!-/ -r-Aproposed surface drainage on and off site showing size and type of ( l-/ culverts, swales, etc' ,a Exact locations of all utilities to include existing sources and t \-/ proposed service lines fron sources to the structure' Utilities to include: cable TV teL ePhone 'Sef{ef '1. $ate! gas elcctric Property lines shor,ring distances ai.rd bearings and a basis of bearing Proposed driveNays with percent slope and spot elevations All easenents isting and finishcd grades @ t.r'*existinSandproposedinprovencntsincludingstructul.es,landscaped as, service a''eas, storag'e ale:ts, r'lalks, drivcrvays ' off-street parking' loading areas, and other sit'c intprovements ' fr;}.vatio's of top of roof ridgos (r.ri.th existing grade shgr'rt underneath) \-/to dcterrnine height of buiiding' Prcl irr:i nary t it] r- rgllgr;'11 to accornpany. 1Ll _ - : ::ffirEiJEio and al I easerlcnts on Propcrt)"ffircilETp and all easetttcnts on proPcrr'y' B.A statcrnent fron eeq!-1rti!!l1-reril location of scrvicc and availabilit subrnitt al s, to insure ProPertY c. 1*+-o** To bc sirburitted with site Plan' /f).r,.'.r<r-1nr1 ?tan (1. = 20t or largcrl - 2copjes ArchitcctJr.ral l'lans (-!/.8" =' l' 9r lallqcr) 2 copi l'lu st incl udc f loor plans an(l all clcvations as Etcvations rnust shoi'r both c|<isting and finishcd ( es thcy will appcar grades. and colors shall be sPecified and list available fron the Departnent'2.Extcrior surfacing for rcvicw on thc Devel opment . mat eri a1s matcrial s on cornpl ction. subnit.tcd of Conrnrunity F,The Dcsien Review Board ire the subnission of additional lans. drawin otEcr naterial (incI o a nodel)neces- sPcc sary rr MINOR ALTEMTTONS TO 11@ II1. ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAL 0R COI'ftGRCIAL A. Original floor p!.ans with all specifications shown B. Floor plan for addition - 2copies C. Site plan showing existing and proposed construction - 2copies D. Elevations of addition E. Photos of existing structure F.Specificationsforallnateria[slndcolorsanplesonmaterialslist aiailable at DePartnent of Codrunity Developnent' IV. FINAL SITE PLAN @ithasbeen following will be requircd before Building Departxnent: A certified inprovement survey sholing: A.BuildinglocationswithtiestoproPertycorners,i.e.distancesandangles. B. Building dimcnsions to nearest tcnth of foot' c. A11 utility service lincs as-builts shor,ring size of lines, type of naterial used, and exact locations' 2 copie's D. Drainage as-builts- 2 coPlcs E. Basis of bcaring to tic to section col'ner' F. A11 property pins are to be either found or sct and statcd on naP ' ifications, sanPles an to deterrnine whether a project will conPlY with design guidelines. Photos or sketches that clearly jndicate r',hat is proposed and the location (site plan) of proposal r;il"-;;?Tiitua i" lieu of the-moie fornal requirenents given above, as long r, "ni,y-pto"iJ" arf itpoti.ttt specifications for the proposal includin colors and naterials to be used. issued, and when the project is undcrway, the -ony U":-faing receives a franing inspection from the