HomeMy WebLinkAboutHIGHLAND MEADOWS FILING 1 LOT 25 LEGAL.pdfProfect Appllcation C I .T o*" 3/ea/84 Owner, Address and Phone: '" Architect, Address and Phone: 2{Block rl :fl I fttG+ruoptr:t Fifing' I Fr Prrr..u,rt , Zone _ Design Revlew Board : tJtl ,^,' //7/f,L '/ / prsAePRovAL Motion by: 'to fuY r) 11-kt&EN Seconded by: 7- Summary: El statt Approval '.-...- f I il\\ : I:. :i. !i. _ +ii.li .,:.iii ' ' '#Yt l -'irl,' . ' -. -._| ,{'-r ..rjllt . 'r": ri ZONE CIIECK . rit.:il .' .i.i: for i n eErr it h r.r ri - -r..r -: +'h .. ' SFR' .R' R P/S Z0NE DISTRICTS -5i .l . :.) :t',:, Legal Description: Lot f Block _ Fi1'ing //l4ttA*to dfug4rr'. i,;'.,,,: Legal Description: Lot ?5 Block _ Fil'ing A|HUHO ,lttp:WS i t . . ,',i I ,.,ti . 0vner aAA4ttEilT,At-uexrEff EArchitect F44".SV i: i- Zone'District . A i' proposed tJse. Oopt_L :. .; ;:..LotA""olggt'.g::ei,ghtA.l1oued2d;o"o : - , _ l_, . _ rtstgfiL ,rt t(J.leu /6V _ fl^OpOSgO -p :i Setbacks: Fronr-Reqijirl?-/or--Fioijisea oK - 'i -.' L ! ,' Sides-Required '15, proposed a6 'j : t-'I '!l',u Rear -Required' 15' pmposed OFf .rr...-r.-+-- 7 . I'laterccurse-required_ proposed '1 ,L. ,.'l .,i'j GRFA: . Ailor.red *, ze{ - . pr oposed 4 Atz -; . GRFA: .Primary Alloned primlry proposed ZS4O li Secondary Allor.red Secondary proposed Z 74 )l j. Site Coverage: Alloi.red StoL f Landscaping: Requirea aln Jo{, . proposcd _-. i Parkingi.. Requirecl . .l ,, propr,;:.ed :j .,i Drive: Slope permitted 1ope Ac--u * 3a/u . : Environmental/llazards: ,Avalanche Fl ood P'iairr ' S'lope 0vner -4AALottE 7 trll ! r'10 I /:Jri'r;.py,;;r,/0 i s.: gr 1rr'rr...t:ri (C ?u (- \r -L*ta "ary-bbfe ,trt tql% IE AIL b,,=r-t I -at HAROLD ENGSTROM ARCI-I ITECT P. O. BOX 130 PH. (:c:.) 4ra-as1 vAlL ccLo;tADO 816s8 ( zsa fuaT-bofe Ilt4tt zo aL.6,l, :f" tltal- K 0++elftltl6 I '2*O Ntw6IU4 a)tb AIL b,,, I -atl HAROLD ENGSTROM ABCHITECT P. O. BOX 13O PH. (sc3) 176_2191 vArL coLoRADO 81658 (" v r///Fz .., ,4 li.; I + j' ; ' I | : i' ..: ' t:. Cit r l-!:r v'i a .t- lt,/ .l'.:, :i:..r i'. | ::rl .- it:r,.'.,i1 rr l r.1r, r rl. r , ,,rt l l "rl l't,r' :.rtlr:.: i t ,, J ,. r:; l,i' ,l.iV(ll: I'r. t 1,.' _D,tt: gl- .11 :.ilr irrJ /:r.:',. K -.,!ll l.t.r).{ 5 .,.:.:..f..t:( .f' 1.,: r ; rriL l,,t ] ,-' . 1l';f1 lrzr.l, ' ii. ' .' ';;i'. l.ilitlF ll r l1 t...t, i ll l':r ::c i :t Sr'f f i ts lii:,tlo".'5 liirrrirti'r J'ri rn l\.;, rrg 1,. ,l r :,1 . r: , -1. I i (> F1.-:l:i:..;s Clt,i t..r, c v s 'fr irslt tit: l r)Slrl rls -ll I l, ,'.) ' '-','!t. '' ! I i.j. J{noP il -.c.olK It l. !l t rl ,.1 l:'r i 1s /r(, | '.\t.ii?? 1 L&'l{b-- ",' ' i j'"'&I ltitr:" t .,!, -1 .- ' ' Gsj/-r{ ,-,(t li C.D '- r .- 'i1't lr't'lA '. a r '- G I r- c;,i;,rls es 0 t li u'r' ! ":','1..t,';ili"' ' lil L r '- ..(.\-JG'it,'4 t.' . ;,':i i l.iitl , i:i i.s 'lr,j. iti ,".' " Ii'", ,I ,, ",.' 'l . 1,.,lr ir 'fi j;i': l :\ '1, ,. l ll 'e_ l . .' -t t .. r- '-l tl .,.r /2 ,-,,t . - f-, n ;,,nti tY "'.0 11 7 !>- ('- ,t '- I ttt i/ 'li, o-_ | . i;'j | - .7."., 6-L pe r pfo.orl . Jr 't , I tl r l. , \r-{'' i i' "\' "\ "a ' ,ll t '. tl \ ,i'.\. -!l=.1$t1 I ( | ?. r !....,'.;l t.,,. /i ' ,, L -,.'-lt . '.tl' ,;t I I ri ': I I t't j eJ- It t -t 7 C, 5ho..t\ (ra' AAA'\'U C t'1. .C; -lr i I !l I I :t,,rr\lr) :r7 'QD 5fl'D I Y iE t-rF I RRl GAJ I ON SQUARE FOOTAGE %r,r( l.l1,.t..1f t, _3@.eJ .r.iirnx. -il.U?- - c.:'li'.:,5.- (t'itt**rotr* tt - Jlr{l jieNtljl.l A.t-+ - -:*'*/. rvrr !64{ ll.1quze_:ltx__ a!1silfu.:,___Qlr!{.\jv rlraqt li.l ilL{A"L- - 4X l.- - -(lf At2-- : fEiji,r I gli r/ J' i ::16L+Ya -q3$e :i{lALbUiliJ-:iii)i :2.!-3Aq,__:#s'.[z__W2e)9- tlft.i,r,tEz l,IIi"r/{ SQU/IRI l-O0T/irjr 1",i3 | j.iij.0X. t, 15 ZD 15 zb iYI,L OR 11[TIiOD cr liiOsi0N c0l,lIil0L llcrt- gttl- - ! iiarNf-+ 4s+--9;J4+-- f-zn :.1''[:!D- A r45 l{ l4 ';f ; 1F"N ; ,t-.!. Jr3- t)ir;._ flcl:Lllt:u- i:fg,..:jn!l_ |' ..ll.l:?11 ? Li;,'e<._ : i'il.s C. 0thcr L;:;,J',r;alrc Fr:;tltt'es 1 'fi'r.,,\f Ev 1-r ;.'l (retainirig nails, fenccs, sltinnir'rg l,r)ols, ctc.) Plcase specify. i;.y---!-|;{:zi:i l::Gt 1..-1.'..!J.?-- - 3-co ,u-a :. '' l': l.: Gi b ... I ut '' t. B I r)1, q r l'l'.l a .l-. ., ''i i ,. ,r l..rl.:,1 : Llrt: ; .1) li:fT 'l''( .i |, tltG I r' 'r (-rtl . r l'r , i '/ ll! '; ' '.1 !li, !. r' ' .1.: ;rl'r:'r'-.i l"r.rr,l I i .";t Ijrr:rl :, i'., r.llJl.:',', l,i'l!.i:lri!.S l, i r,i 1,, ; i.';'l I i: l:;, i:a:.ci:t S:rf fi ts lf i;;,lr.r',.'5 li I r, tl o''r 'l'r i:n Door's Door 'l'l'i rrt . Ila:t<! r.r.: Dlcl: P.ai I s Flttcs pl1_s!:i::gs Ch i i:ne 1's 'ir ir: h !1.r.-.1,r: ulcs c:r r.' j'rirr llscs 0t !rer B. t.AiiIJSCAPIItG ii,,r;ie of D,rsigner: -',[1l' i '"'l lZ i'!rorre: _iti"-t1i1 Pl,i.,iiT l'1AI i RIAI-S I Rt-t_s l11c oJ' i i.:i.,:tl!r-l_ Gt'}3 l-.?- .' -- il.l i'',.1- i;5 i2utt:(-U? rl i- ' ,: ::'r!, :.{r fcr:o Yruwee aJ Yt/.az (.o_1.!5 lfifll''-AL-i. -:l.iii:i,:i-L L..lllr1'.- :,, 2 rzl7u It Le-Os{rz*r: 4". :'' :'t *l - It 'l ll caag" __ "t!;-.-i,i,Y.h !\ l't -l - !'\-;.i1!' r:;l -,-.,'.-,r,,; lj- ,l f"jrfliF \.t.i:rl?, 9)/r'.f':r.' tl c-Alu t:1:4'L 31tlrca- G.aJv. I{61&--- -LiL _-, --. _o_*(.- i' f-t t r t'.o ! t'.,':!i.t t IlnL?9- - l'!'JtIp-e,I: l'l li:'''t t' '-'' ^'i-1?il4 ,i !;;t',*)ll !;;"t{-1- -- Botani c al l{ame ' Co;r-non llame nl'"ilLt r :,J i1i19.11 ll{'li',)!.ll l4ry?f.Qt'fz 1'.,'),; t:7 .'-i-r:.;t t!r:: i.., _ .\,,i":::.1 _ ij';t-'P ' t':::'t t -o-qg4r_tl rn:o iL _ 7'o.- l'- si ie G:iJ t-7.."--. ; c:'r. J -tt.',L' Lwht?- i;J,crt_*ftlE_ lrlo-\P- , ' ..1 I '. i I I, lt: i .' ?\ '... , ) '\ tt .'1. r-fi ,':;, _ ,-.::\J.. .,i.rt ,i.L. t'.. ,l ,1 ?4- tl S lr RUllS .i::.\ '. I 'e I :i t r: ).4'zo'i' {.r r..j-( . 1,0D SEED . -f.U"!?- - c,!',:\rt - iiu *,r;t W:.$5\ .- - rlLK'.--f'EritlN- Ai+- ---15% Stjr.jii it [ | OOTIiG E LOS_.t_,^,i,i.(0X. z*% -,1j"/" rvrr.[lGJLrl+tTJve W 'fo16l'1Jrc_!&-/4l.q=gf3s€-. ,_q.!ft }4:Urlb.f /-;]rilau4-:,4h$A-- :E!l.lit, lX'g-ltsctLZ--,rr''t!r'f-& l^ll{9\T SOUP.RE FOOTAGE i( DY t':i:.(,.tl(t, t 15 tD 15 zb TYPE OF I RRIGAT i c'N l,; ti!. -9" rL2---J-ft B:$. + :.t4<-- rA- -rljl .i.YPE OR I.iET}1OD 0F IfiosI0N c0ilTii0L (- t,.,! loK _,:- t*&,t2ip _ x tus uf :- ;L_cr_tt e,\Al-- J'4-.1 I i;.-Q!.-- j:].1.1lJ:f''J 5-- -._..-----.'---_----.-.--------.* C. 0thcr L; r,dsc,:1re Fcaturcs (retainirrg r,lal1s, r'ences, swim:nirlg 1-'c,o1s, ctc.) Pleasc specify. "!. :l{i;,xir, o*" o/ t'c/Ez * 4 - tz65 Project Application Lex 47L- uq Owner, Address and Phone:'fuV Aru Vr 6e Lfl ?eilveF'. ff€ O\€ . Va'u, ()"t?o , B 16% Legal Descripti on, tot *4b , g1o"r Comments: | - Hralr.ruo M4W#? C Qrb'EPIuQL ----.---r- Design Review Board OISAPPROVAL ?- l.:\s €,4c,A *ti 6urrt .1 /NI)';' Pta4r'- Lrbd('F- / se-atAA bF Aaott'll tO Statf Approval llt{ i.,v F {Jt' ^ 2. ENGINEERING CHECK LIST I Subdivi si on Lot B'lock Filin-g 1. Submitta](Acceptable) (l{ot Acceptable) --;7-- fActual) zZ. r' sZ appl i cabl e) 2. J. n B c U E l. E'lectri c Gas Serter l,laier Tel eplrorie T.V. 4. Cornnerrts z r/1 :brcs Ke*el _@-&rgw*-&z"aze-4-fu--z<-c'#5 Approved: Di sapproved: ,t z/z.s/ar - Departn:rn'i of Publ'ic l{orks Bil l Andrer+s Jtems StJ;it) lVl s; I Olt__ ___Ufsht_cnd_Xes_de!d__ ror N^rlE '(Bst6tO? Qu?trA* C I t, LoT 25 ut.ocK ADT'RESS OWA FIIIING No. I Vermont Road the location of utilities,lines, rnust be approvcd and accompanying sitc plan. Mountain Bell Western Slope Gas Public Seryice Cornpany Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Vail Cable T.V. .Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation District be majrr trunk lincs or proposed thc following utjlitics for the Date whethdr they vcrified by rLzed ture tho Su si 4-q -92 &ru ffi?,!:,'g-LJfu NOTE: These verifications do not relieve tha contractor of his responsi.bility to obtaln a street cut pernit fron the Toan cf Vai1, Departnerft of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- . of-wa)'or easement in tpe Tovm of Vail. A building pendt is not a street cut pernit. A street cut pernit Dlrst be obtained separately. This fcrrn is to verify Service availabtity and location. This should be used in lonjunct,ion with preparing your utilit)' plan and scheduling installatlons. NAT€ OF PROJECT f .- UECAU, DEScRt PxloN.:: f0,' : DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT II1ATERIALS lFrl L I NG i r(r.lilir(:d ffr' ::r.rlrrriLt:rl lty thc apltl ic:rnl. 1o thc Dcsjlir llcvj.c.r, r:;rrr .llo IiVcd: l* #'-:*tf si/r4,r'tH die(- C -n-dar l ll l--9 T iiu t .t 'Jlrc follouinl3 ittl'r-rrrn:rt ion is Ito:r r.rl Ir'l'rrr,: a fina[ :r1r1lt'ovu! A. littlLtrli;(: l.l^11:llIALS lrt'c,C Sjdjnil O[]rcr liirl I llatcrials Fasc i a Soffi t s lVindovs l{indor.r Trin Doors Door 'l'rim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chinneys Trash [nclosures G:'ecnhous es Other B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: PI.ANT MTERIALS Botanical Name TREES Prilruq coMoff4 uflftr,l ?o3,il.er5,SgffirLelFs anti ufA! +- Ju$fffF sry|tl!!rult4ast to{tsf4b,iawJu- SHRUBS \_ C f,ur,,,,, roolir(;t: 'vil* ls'/" ts% ,rl fr. I I t s0D SQUARE FOOT 600 ! ArtrKoK. SQUARE Fo0TAGE ?@r pfFRq(.TYPE TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR I4ETHOD OF EROSION CONTROL tvllv?K vl{b\d Landscape Features (retaining vtal'ls,fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify a. Fee 10 .50 THrs DnnD Made thie 12th dayof Januafy teS2,between ROBERT A. CARL0NE, RITA E. CARLONE' ALFRED TAGLIANETTE and ANNETTE TAGLIANETTI orthe Countyof and State ofColo- rado,of thefirstpart,and H0ME MEDIA .SYSTEMS ' INC. , A C0L0MD0 CORPOMTION ' ' 'a borporation organized and existing under and by virtue ofthe laws of the State of C0L0RAD0 ofthe second part: whose legal address is 1434 B'lake Stfeet Denver, C0. 8A202 WITNESSETH, that the said part ieS ofthe first part, for and in consideration ofthe sum of ONE HUNDRED FIVE THOUSAND AND NO/1OO----- to the said part i eS ofthe first part in hand paid by the said party ofthe second psrt, the receipt whereof iir hereby confessed and scknowledged, hoyggranted, bargained, sold and conveyed' and by these preBents do grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm, unio the said party of the second part, its auccessors and aasigns forever, all ofthe following described lot or parcel of land, situ ate, lying and being ln the Countyof Eagl e and State ofColorado, to wit: LOT 25, HIGHLAND MEADOWS, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLOMDO, also known as street and number TOGETHER with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof; and all the estate, right, title, interest, ctaim and demand whataoever of the said part 1 E S e1 thg livst port, either in lew or equity, of, in and to the above bargained premises, with the hereditamentr and appttrtenances. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premires above bargained and described, with the appurtenances, unto the said party of the second part, ite successor and arsigns foreven And the ssid pavg I€S ofthe first part, for thefi sel VgS thei.Eirs, exscutors, and administrators, do covenant, grant, bargain and agree to and with the gaid psrty of the second part, its successors and assigns, that at the time of the ensealing and delivery of the8e presents, that it iS wetlseizedofthe premises above conveyed, as ofgood, sure, perfect, absolute and indefeasible estate ofinheritanee, in law, in fee simple, and ha S good right, lull power and lawful authority to grant, bargain, sell and convey the game in manner and form as aforesaid, and that the same are free and clear from all former snd other grants, bargains, sales, liens, taxes, assessments and encumbranceg of whatever kind or nature soever, eXCBpt Genera] Taxes for the year 1982 and subsequenLyears and subiect to restrjct'ions, reservations, easements and covenants of recordr and except First Deed of Trust Party of the First Part hereby agrees to pay and have released of record, and the above bargained premises in ihe quiet and peaceful possession of the said party of the second part, its successor and assigns, against all and every person or persons lawfully claiming or to claim the whole or any part thereof, the said part of the first part shall and will WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND. IN WTNESS WHEREOF, The said part i ggf the first part have hereunto set lhg i Fand 5 and seal 5 the day and year first above eritten. FW t f , trt'' I htg PFyt {* t l,t w* } ht f f f I SEALI .fa- one- t in as Attorney in Fact 8*u IsEALl ny H,E - L',1r lL1 ht-l ai AHcrne& ;nYa.Lf I STASE OF COLORADO, County of Eag'l e -LqYr\-'lt+h instrumentwas acknowledqed before methis r'- erl rg 82, nv The forecoin q instrument was acknowledqed before methis LLvtl tZ.w - ROBERT A. CARL0NE, RITA E. CARLONE by R0BIRT My commission expires Fact, ALFRED IAGLIANETTI ty ?,/1. ANNETTE TAGLIANETTI !r-Q-, +' &rlone, as WITNESS my hand and official seal. ly Commission expires May 30" n ] .". J ..oi"1980 TITLE Charry GU c0 3665 Crcok North n Z./ No'0s2' wARRANTY DEEDrocoRPoRAr'"--::fffi:::j::ll'rll1""*., r*, stoutsr.""t, p"nl,3,,OcfLgAl*B,g9,r-r,