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Design Review Board
ACTION FORM ;(.\o\'^*.-,-.1 C.tn[o.
Departrnent of Community Development
75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 \-L-"\-^{ ?:-
tel: 970.479.2L39 fax: 970.479.2452
web: www.ci.vail.co.us
Project Name: Kaufrnan Residence DRB Number: DR8020369
Project Description:
addition and deck enclosure
OWNER IGUFMAN JAMES M. & JANE G. 10/15/2002 Phone:
APPUCANT Wazecha Enterprises Inc LO|LS|IOOZ Phone: 970-390-3674
PO Box 1384
Vail, CO 81658
Project Address: 1476 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL Locataon:
Legal Description: [ot: 53 Block Subdivision: COLDSTREAM CONDO
ParcelNumber: 210312108025
Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR
Second By:
Vote: DateofApprovab L0lt5l2002
Cond: 8
(PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of
Vail staff and/or the appropriate rwiew committee(s).
(PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with
Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities.
Cond: CON0005623
Window formation to be as requested by the DRB.
Planner: Allison Ochs DRB Fee Paid: $3OO.0O
gtatenent l[unber: R000002957 Anrount: $1,250.00 08/26/2OO2O3:37 PM
Palrment Method: Check Init,: {IAR
Notationr 5755 Jame6
Permit No: P8C020047 Tlpe: PBC -Maj SDD No Ext Chg
Parcel No: 2Lo3L2LO8o25
site Addrese: 1476 tfEsTHA\tEN DR \tarl
Tota1 Fees: $1,250 j 00
Thie Payment: $1,250.00 Total AIIIJ Pmts: $1,250.00
Balance3 $0.00
*t'|*t * ***'l | +* *{.* +!* ** * * **'t ***'}** ** ** ** * * **lt ***+ | * ** **'} **i *+++++ | +l | | fttl fffta *****++**++ + | | +*
Account Code Description Current Pmts
Mailing Address:
Description of the Request:
Location ofthe Proposal: Lot:Block:_ Subdivision;
Physical Address:/'ltt/A
Name(s) of Owner(s):
Owner(s) Signature(
Name of Appl
Mailing Address:
Application for Design Review
Depaftment of Community Development
75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657
teli 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452
web: www.ci.vail.co.us
General Information:
All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permt apptication. please
refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requesled. en a-pfication ior Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the planning and Envrronmentat commission.Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and ojnstrucion commences within one year of the approval.
b\ bgoa contact Eagle co. Assessor ",gto-sz{#i,{aroroa r{.i
3405 Deephaven Avenue
,/"t z{
$50 Plus 91.00 per square foot of total sign area.
No Fee
For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild.
$300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or
, commercial building (indudes 250 additions & interior conversions).
/For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as,
roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and
retaining walls, etc.$20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as,
rer@fing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and
rebining walls, etc.
$20 For revisions to plans already approved by ptanning Staff or the
Design Review Board.
No Fee
Z)-/E-mail Address:
Type of Review and Fee:
C Signs
I Conceptual Review
tr New Construction tr Addition
E Minor Alteration
(multFfa mily/com mercial)
Minor Alteration
Changes to Approved Plans
Separation Request
For Office Use Only:
Fee Paid:Check No.:-_- By:
DRB No.:
Project No.:
Appllcation for Review by the
Planning and Environmental Commlssion
Departnent of Cdnmu.r:ty Deedogmefit
75 SorJ6 Fonug€ Rord, \blt, Cot*a(b g1657
blr 970.479.213t fbx 920..179.2452
web: wmv.d,vrll.o,rs
Sencrcl lnfonnaEon:
Ali p'oJccts r|Qdring Ptanninc and Envir'e611s;151 commtssbn r.vtel Tust nrcdve apprcrnt prior to submltdng a builtlhg pctrnlt appficador.. Pleas€ rcb to thc jubntat req,Jremenb for dr p.ro*f;ilpi"'rol :hot ls r€queSted,An appltcadon lbr Plaonlng .nd FfMroruaertat commisdon ra/ietn cannot b€ rclpted until lil rcqutr€d Infonnruon is received.by fte lommulV Development Departn€nt, Tlc projcc marl aiso neeo to ue revtafleo by ste Tiln @Uncjl and/or tllc Drsign Ra/ig^r Eaarc.
Typc o,f Apptlcation rnd ice:
Deecription ot dr€ Raque8t3
E Rezoning S1300 3 Mejor SuHiYsion $1500 O Mlnor Suoorvrs-on $650 B &ernpdcrl Plat $so tr Mlnor Arncndmcnt to !n sDD $1OOO E llew Specral Developrlent Dinrict $6000 tr Major &nendmert to an SDD $5000 D Major Arnendnertb.n SDD S1250 (touErWneficdorE)
C Conditiond Usr Permit Cl floodplaln Modific*bn . tr Minor bcrior Aterdor tr ttlaror E4nn'or Altcredon t Ort elopl;lent Pla,r O AmendrE rt b r Dct/elocrnent plan
O Zoning Code Anrcndnrent .
\E/9ariance O Sigtltianc.
Locauon of thc Proposal:Loh-Bbck- Subdivision i
V.t-o,Eftr tA\rar^ Dvn-.1 Phyrlc.l Addrcss;
Parccl I{o,:
llelllng Add'l.ce:
(hpner(r) Sl9n.tur.(.):
ibm€ dApplkrnt:
ilalflne Mdrucs:
(Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-3t8-8640 tor parcsl no.)
\ttl'.r*^r- A ?-yI i3ql
E-mallAddrua;W-. t,<e-ggis -o ea 1
b Fdd: Clrcck No.:_ By:
PEC No.:
Proret No.:
Poge l of6-Ol/l t/02
I'd 8es6- aaB- Oa6 .r,lca tJEfl s €3!|Oql rittII a0 eO tnu
E"'"T*PARcE L rtt*t*d6 lili #::l"]:',-*.#1"=ff:':ll*"'}FRON : JNKAUFNHN
g2t t4089
VAI L CASCADT (-(JNoo'|rlNttrMs
. - Rs: --Cs[dstrcanS5 8mo*atiqt
Commwrity Developlmera
Town of Vail
Vail, Colorado 8l6f?
ToWhom ltmayConberr:
Thc coldstrcam Assqcidimnarrvicuadand4pn*ed rhereque* &sm Jemc$
Kaufman to rcmodel \ris lnit ud.a* pryt dttr retnild qrt tfuc urit o'co$sfoucr mnh
deck ofthc unit
Please let us know if I enp'mvideanfadditiqrrt inltrmation'
sincerelfl (X
Don Mac|.achlan
Gcneral Managcr
zE'{dgts€o /a-22- L]|C
Fnx Ml.o tus. @. &@.88:26tm 72
Imorovenent Locatlonr
H"ffi*lht**"ln condminiums - r!a* f' gqo{t1g to ttrc plat approved bv
ffii;;;iv& ""
reuuarv D, isso, Eade countv' colorado'
I hcretry cdtify ttat tlE IntroTttlr|tr LocdimE shlqtr dl balc{upo H.*'{lt-* ty c ad th
ilii-"Il*tt t.*a +grir onocrttun a4 of cold*to ccdmiruna
c.c.E ggpg*-'"
ll /-"r-\/rv\
Sc.lc l!4)'
235 0i;
tlnit 25
lsf no6
t5tr.h.t rUt Sa6o!qri-3g5,h1lLalO.n2lr lTl9ltgl60
.rmeoilL lCriur MrfiiF
Vrll, @ 816St t\\T\ Dor''ar> P\^""
I '.t'1
9:- t%
t \.
From Land Ti t'l e Sat Aug 10 10:31:10 2002 Page 1 of 9
LdTttleQ"rrre6rgv (ltIEllBUSIEBmO,l
Date: 0E-10-ZX)2 Our Order Nrnnber: Vn6yE
hoperty Address;
P.(} B()X rtt4
VAJI. CO 81658
Pbrtr 9GnX!36'14
Fr: 97llt27-9@
Scnt Vle US Foctrl Serrlcc
aD45 Cr) nD. 3!i5
Ptuc; |fll}f4*7136
Fer: 9llFt4.97ab
From Land Ti t'l e Sat Aug 10 10:31:10 2002 Page 2 of 9
o o
Dete : 0E-10.2m2
Our Order Number: Vn592S
hoperty Address:
If you hrve eny inquiries or requlre further esslstsnce, please contact one ol lhe numbers below:
For Closing Assistance:For fith Assbtence!
Vdl Tttle Dept
Roger Avila
P.O. BOX 3s7
vAtr, c{) tr557
Plplrj. no-{t6-XISI
Fu: 9IO-t1764534
Eltildl: rrvlla@lgc.com
N€ed s mcp or dlrectlons lor your upcomlng clmlrqg? Check out hnd Title's web slte et www.ltgc. com
lor dlrcctlons to sny oI our 40 ofiice locatlons.
Irtrormedon Bffier $175 . OO
TqAL 9175.00
From Land Title Sat Aug 10 10:31:10 2002 Page 3 of 9
Yorr Retercrre No.l
Vylrn rtlertlrg to tis odeB plece referencc our Or&r No. V276925
Irfonndon Blrder $17s.00
Plese ruke chclrs pqrable to:
Lmd Ttde Gtr{lrree c-orTory
P.O. Box 5441)
Dewer, CO g)217
From Land Title Sat Aug 10 10:31:10 2002 Page 4 of 9
Cldc4o Tttle lrBrnfltce Corryery
Schedule A
Propertt Address:
l. Efectivc Drt€: }|ly 23, 2002 et 5:OO P.lt[
2. Pollcy to be Issued, and Proposed Insured:
Infonrdon Binder
hoposed lrsued:
Our Order No. V276925
Cust Ref.:
3. The 6trtc or inter€st ln the land dcscribed or r€fencd to In this Commltment snd cov€r€d her€in is:
A Fer Slmde
4 Tltle to the estate or interest cover.ed hereln ls at lhe elfecdve date hereof vested in:
5. The lsnd relelred to ln tlrls Commltment ls descrlbed ss follows:
c(t{DoiulNruM MAP PTIASE n RUCORDU) MARCH 3, l9t0 IN BOOK 299 AT PAffi 544, AND AS
From Land Title Sat Aug 10 10:31:10 2002 Page 5 of 9
Scltftle B - Secdon 1
(Rcgulrements) Our Order No. V276925
Th€ following arc the requiretnents to be complled with:
fiem (o) FWrEnt to or for the rccoul of llE gronfors or rmrlgagors of flE ftll considcndon for tlE estrte or
irxcrest to be ft|suril
Ilem (b) Rrper it|strnten(s) crcadrg tln eshte or lnbEst to b insued Imrst bc executed ard duly filtd lor rtcondn
Ifem (c) Peyrmnt of all taxcs, cheges or 6ses{ rnt levied sd assessed egdrrt tte $DJect prtrdses wldch ere due
ud pryaUe.
ftcm (d) Ad.[doml rcSiltrrnb, ll rry dsclcsed below:
From Land Title sat Aug 1o 10:31:10 2002 Page 6 of 9
Schedtle B - Secdon 2
(Enceptions) Our Order No. Yn6925
The policy or pollcics to be issucd wlll contdn exceptiors to the folhwirg rmless the stme are dspo'aed
of !o the sedsfrction of the Company;
l. l[ghb or cldrr of Frdes in possession not shown b5r lhe pftlic rtcords.
L EGerEnts, or cldms of easerrenls, mt showr by tlE frHlc r€cods.
3. IXscrcpeicles, cordllc8 frr borndary llrs, slmrtage ln ereq emmrhrffi, ad rry frB vldch e contct survcy ard
insp€cflon of Or pFldses wodd dsclose rnd whlch rc mt slDwn by tlE Pdllc rccods.
4. Arry lien, or dght to e llen, for servlces, labor or rulerld tlEr€totore or hercafter furdsl|ed, tnposed by law ard
not shown by tlr ptHic ncords.
5. Defecb, liens, em|IDbr{rceE edvene clalrr or otlEr nr{t&rs, il ory, crce4 trnt sfeadqg in tlr pHlc rcconls or
deHrg s*cqrrct io tlr efiGcaiye dele l*reof trf prior to d|c dde dE poposed lmred ecqdrcs of recurd for
valu llp csbte or lr ercst or rm grge lhereon covercd by tlds Conrnitrnt
6. Taxes or speciC essessrnrtt; whlch ar€ mt shown es exisdrg llers by fie prHic recordg.o tlp Tnc$rtr's ofEce.
7. Llens for urydd wabr d sewcr clEr8€s, lf ory..
t. In edditioq lhe owrpt's policy will bc sullcct to tlrc morlgege, ll my, mld In Secdon I ol Schdle B hreof.
1909, IN BOOK4t AT PAGE 542.
From Land Title Sat Aug 10 10:31:10 2002 Page 7 of 9
Schfule B - Scctlon 2
(Exceptions) Our Ordcr No- Y?:16925
The pollcy or pollclcs to be issucd wlll contsln erceptions to the lollowlrE tmless the srme arc dlsPosed
of to th€ sstkfsction of the Compsnys
RE|CORDD MAY 02, 1990 IN B(X)K52tAT PAGE 154.
From Land Titl€Sat Aug 1O 10:31:10 2002 Page 8 of 9
Note: Pususnt to CRS 10-11-122, mdce is lnreby glven tlnt
A) The sullect reel propertJ nry be locaH in s sFcid texllg dsEict
B) A Cerdttcde ol Tlxes Dla tldng each tdrg Jrrisdc{on try be obd|Ed from tfE Cotrly
Trcasurtt's nlhodzed agenf,
C) Thc iilonmdon rcgardrg spackl dtsHcts ard OE bormdries of strh dstr|cts rry bc obrnttd llom
UE Boerd of (}urfy (brodsslorE|s, ttE Comty Cllerk etd Recorder, or lhe Courty Asses{rr-
Notc: ElTecdve Seper$er I, lgyr, CRS 30- 10-406 rcSirca thrt 8ll doqrnents rtcdved for rccordr|8 or nlirtg
In tlr cler* ard rccordet's olflce slsll conldn e top rurgln of at least orn imh ard e left, ]i8ht srd botlom
nnrgln of at least orp hatf ol an irrh Tlr clerk 8rd rccorder rmy rtfr$€ to rccord or tile arry docurcrf tM
does mt cortronD, €xc:ept tht, the rrquirEnEnt for tlr lop rf,ryln stnll not ryply to docrlrFnb udr€ fontls
on wldch space ls povided for rccodirg or 6lirg irtronmdon at the bp unryln of Ole docunnt
Note: Colorado Divislon of Irrunnce Reguldons 3-5-1, krgrqrh C of Ardde Vtr rcqdrcs tlnt 'Tvcr5r
Ude entity shrll h rcsporslHe for dl rmtlers wldch aper of rccord prior b th tia of rccordrry
wherrver thc dde endty conducb tlr dooltg ud ts responslHe lor rccoldrry or nliry of l€d
docutrents rcsuldrq ftrom tlr trrBrcdon wlich was dmed". Plovided thd Lerd fide Gurrrtee
Conpcry cundrts lln closlqg of On llrs|rcd trsnsaction sd ls ttsporslue for rccordirry tlt
legal docurrnts bom tre Ernsscdon, excepdon rn*r 5 vlll mt rycr on t: Orpney's fide
Policy ard Orc lrnder Pollcy wlrn Lssd.
Note: Aflnndve rnec]ndc's llen protecflon lor tln Orvrrr try be avail$le (t;flcelly by deledon
ol Excepdon no. 4 of Sch€dule B, Section 2 of tln Corrndtsmnt hom the Owrrls Policy to be
lsnnd) upon con$lrrce wllh ttr followirg conddors:
A) The lgrd descrlb.d frr Scffie A of tis crnrduErt rn8t b a sirgle ludly rcsiderrcc wldch
lncludcs s cordonirdrrn or lowrltorse udl
B) No labor or rmterials lnve bcen frurfthed [r rnechardcs or rmterld-rmn lor prposes of
corrtuc0on on tlr ldd descdH in ScHulc A of tlis Clnrd0rent wl0in 0F past 5 rmtds.
C) TIE ConTary rmrt rccelve or ryropriatc dlldrvit indemdfylrC OE C-ompury qsinst urtlled
nrcMc's erd ndsl-rrn's lier6.
D) Tfr Corryany nrBt r€c€lvc Fyrrrt of tlr ryropiate prrdun
E) If trrrc ls hen corstrrdoq irryruverlE|$ or n$or rtpdrs uderh]en on tlrc property to be Ftrtlsed
wltlln slx rnonts prior to the DaE of tln Col[dtEnt, tE rcquircrnenb to ohin coverqe
lor urrcordcd lierr will lmlrde: dsclosure of cerinh cortsrndon irtrorrmdon; flnarxlal lt{onrdon
s to ll* seller, tn hdlder sd or tlI cortalor; poFrril ol tlt epopdrte prcmiun ltlly
exe(1 €d lrdermltJ Agr€erEna ssdshclory b tlrc conplr, nd, ury ddornl rcqlrtrats
$ ruy be nec€srry dter en erudrdon of tl* aforcsdd ft{omndon by tlr Con+cry.
No coverage will be given urder ary clnclrtrstrn:ls for hbor or nntedd for which the lnsrrd
lEs contrebd lor or .grecd to poy.
Nolei hrsuant lo CRS 1.0-11-L:23, mtcc ls lEr€by glven:
A) Tlnt 0Ere ls rccorded evlderne tlu a rdrrrel €sqt€ ls been scvere4 lc8c4 or otlrmlse
conveycd lmm the $Efre €sEe ard t|rt OErc ls r strtmdal fikellhood ftrf I fiild Frty
lplds sofr or dl Intercst In oll, gas, olher ninerds, or geollrenml enerw In the Fopelty; erd
B) ThI srh nimral esbe rry tnclude tlE dgH b cnter rd use AE FroFfiy wl0lout dt
sutre owrr/s pends$lorl
Tlls mdce dl€s to owrE/s po[cy cor[dEmrls conldrdrg r rdrrrd severurce lnst|tr|Fnt
exccpdon, or ef,cetdors, In Sclrdule B, Secdon 2.
Notldrry lrcrcln conbined wlll h dserrd o oblgafc dt€ conpery to p(ovlde erry of tre coverzges
referrd to hrcin rs ess tln above conddorr lre lldlv ssfuned.
From Land T'i tI e Sat Aug 10 10:31:10 2002 Page 9 of 9
Flddity Nadonal Flnanciel Group of ComponiedChlcago Tllle Irsurance Compo.ny and
Lend Title Guerantee Company
July l, 2lX)l
We recoprlze erd rcsrct Ore Drivecv exachdorB of todry's corxutrs erd th rcqdrctrnts of apdlcaHe fedeIel erd
s.qtp afiyi6y laws, W'e bellevd Ont inkiiE vou wam of f,ow we we yorr mrrr.$llc rrsonal tnlonrndon ('?ersoml
lrtrorimdonal. sd to whom it ls dsclose{ -wlll fonn thc besls lor a ri:laflomhti of tril betw€en us ad trc ptHlc
tnt we servi'This Privacy Stalerrnt pm'iides Onr explsnlbn We rcserve 0a rlght 1o charge tlds kivry
Stele[Fnt fmm tim to drE consiste wllh epfllcable pivecy lws.
In the counse of our bwfoiesg we may collect Personal Inlormation ebout you lrom thc followfutg souroes:
* Flom amlicatiors or oltrr fonn we rtcelve from you or your eldprLed rcgtsenhlive;* Fhom yb'rn trarsacdors witr, or fiom lh services 6elrg frtornra by, rs, orn eff,llatcs, or ollrcrs;* F mm -orr lnlerrnl web siles:I Fmm tlr nrHic rccords rninhimd bv goverrtrnhl enddes thet we eitlrr obtdn drccdy fmm tlpse
erSdcs, oi fmm orr alfrdetcs or othn; and i From corrrrrrr or ollnr rcportirg rgendes.
Our Pollcles Regardtrg thc Prot€ction of the Confidentiality and Security ol Your Personal Informrtion
We nnhrhin otrvsicat. elecEodc {d Dltcedtlrl sdcglt8rds to qotect yo|r Fersonsl Infonnrlion frcm un[frnrized
ress or inEirsion lfe llnit rcess ui th Fensoml filonmdoi only o tnse enr$oyees who lrcd such rce-ss In
cormecdon with provldrE ptodtcb or servlces to you or for oll*r l€gitintsle hlsl|Ess puTos€s.
Our Policles end kactices Regarding the Sh&ring of Your Personal Informatlon
We nny slnrt youn Penornl lrforrndion wlth our rmlialcs, such s insuurcr comFries, eggr$, ard olltr rtd
esge s6tderrerit service provHcrs. We rlso rry dsclme yrirr Persornl Infonndoi:
r to aeerE, brokets or ttDrcserf,aflves to provlde you wilh seivices you lEve rtqtEsted;+ b tmt+i{uqr contsrtort or_serwice poviders who pmvide senlces or perform nnr*e dtg or othr
ftnctiori ori orn betnlf: crd * !o ottrns wlth wlFm wa erfier inio joiil mx.keftg ryrcerE|ts for Foducb or serwices lld we bdieve you
rry trrd ol trbrcst
In additiorl we wlll dlsclose yorr Fersornl ltfonEtion wlEn you drect or give u petmission, wlrcn we art rcqulred
blv laf,r 30 do so. or wlnn we-srrnct frandlent or cririrql r-dvlties. We eEo nrcv-disclose ydur Rrsoml
Iitrorrrnton whln othem'lse mnitea br an csHe rivacy lcss srrch es. for sade- wheft disclosurc is nccded
to erforce our dglt risrry irut of eny dgdeirneng lrirrsacdon or rclationihip with ybu.
OrE ot ttE tnportErt nsporslHlides of sorm of our ffilld congdes is !o record docr.urnts in the Ftlic doruin $rh-fucurcnts- nry conhin your Persord Irfonrdon
Right to Access Your P€rsonsl Informatlon end Ability lo Correct Errors Or Request Chsnges Or Deletlon
C-ertdn st e3 dlord you the rlght to access your Fersoml Irfonrorton an4 uder crrqin ciNrmstrnces, tD 0rd ori
b wlpm vour P€tsonsl Irtronmdon lns ben dsclos€d. Also. c€rtsin strles dlord you tlE rlcl t0 rcq|nst
correcdorin arndnent or d€ledon of your Fenornl lrtronmdon We rtserve 0* r{S}* wd penduitl by lsv, !o
cherge e rcasonalle f€e to corer tln co8b lmrn€d In rtspordrg b such r€Ttsb.
All rcqwsb suh@d to UE Fldelity Niliornl Flmrrial Gmry ol CompanieJCldcago Tlfle Insrrarce Corryany
shdl bc In wddrlg, erd de[yercd to the lollowlrlg d.lrcss:
Pdvecy C-orSlare Officrr
Fldelitv Nadoml Flrnrrlal. Irr,
4()50 Ccle Rrd. Sulte zm'
Sqlts Brte& cA 93110
Muldple Products or Servl(rs
tr we provlde you wlth rlmrc ahan om llrsrclel proftrct or serylce, you nrry rccelve rmrc lhr| orE Fivscy mdoe
finm fo. We alntogte for ury irrunveriencc Ols rnay cose you.
ll-:Ats. @ ZEE 6t?f'm P2
Imlrownent Locations
ffi"dffi*t"t**". condoiniumg - qare p' 1q{qr to the flat approved bv
i#'T;di;iffi on r.u""tv zplisEt,-Ead" ountv' colcado'
I hccby c.iliry ttrat tb lryor@t L@lidtl Crgpat tascd upofc'U eumtsbyc ard tb
dd shorrt dr srid go'- "--ffi'4'kcddsrd cdibinita
str@'Tla.f c.c' ggyg*-'
4 \
scelc r{I
t nit 25
lsf Fbc
lddtrtu lt,s rD{66qrd-dqrEvid1Co'll2tl Itl9l5€160
staeement Nurnber: R000003258 Amount: $300.00 L0/t5/200208:21 ala
Palment Method: Check Init: AO NoEation: check 5702
Permit No: DRB020359 $4re: DRB - Addition of GRFA
Parcel No: 210312108 025
Site Address: 1476 WESTHAVEN DR VAIIJ
Location:Total Fees: $300.00
This Patment: $300. 00 Total AIJIJ Pmts: $300. 00 Balance: $0.00
Account Code Description Current Pnts
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August 23, 2002
Allison Ochs, Planner
Town of vail
Department of Community Development
75 Vail Road
Vail, CO 81657
RE: Kaufman Residence
Unit 25, Coldstream Condominium
Application for Conceptual DRB review
This Application is submitted in conjunction with an Application for Review by the PEC.
This Application requesb informal review by the DRB as soon as possible to assure the acceptability of
the proposed additjon by that Board.
The Applicant has received approval of the Association which has established its' own strict guidelines
for additions within Coldstream.
The attached photo overlay indicates that the Applicant will extend the existing deck above the
addition two feet (2') to maintain a shadow line around the addition. The roof over the upper deck
will also be extended above new proposed deck expansion above the addition.
All materials and colors will match existing conditions and follow the Cuidelines established by the
Association for modifications to the exterior of the Buildings.
The Owners will be in Vail for the September 4,2OO2 DRB meeting and hope to be heard at that
if this item can be assimilated into that DRB agenda.
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DcarrtT)?nt gf Communrr}- Oevetoomen!
79 sou$ Fronragc Road, Vrii, Cotdlic gt657
920..179.2139 far 9tO,479 Z4S2
uJeD: www,Ci.r,tit-CD. ug
1 (Calttct E!€k Co. Ass.ssor at 9to.32g.g640 tor psrcel no.)
Application for Design Review
€rn ttl lnlgrmrHcnr
All grojs rlqulnng d€s{n revlgr m95t rsce'vt app'cvrl prior to wDmrrrrrrg a otildllg Ffln,t aprt,(a!,oi ftssc gef P.ft' &DrlGlt requre'nerns for rhc ardcurii jpp,-i-rii',r ruq"c*:c. rn sotcaton io, Des,gn Rcrre*c|rlot Dc b:qept d unul a[ r|asLlgd_lnturnatjen is rc<l,vcd bv ttrc Cjnrrrnity f".6;;.] drp.^.""t ,r,prcl@ mi'. sil2 fl€cd to b. f.v€wed by ttrc Tovn O,.ncffaifu& he pl.oning inc e,iri,oirnei5: (rrrnr.'jisspn.D"ltn revi.w .ppror.r hcrc unr-l a buttoinigrnnri u-l'r.c rnd c6t rction com3nrnc!3 wiHtrn oarc ycar ot ttra rgpr'lvrl.
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zs iol4 Frontage Road, Varl, colorado 81657
tel: 970.479 2139 hxr 970.479'2451
',/ell I vryrw.ci,va'l co,us
General InformaUon:
A projects requrring Plannlng and Envlfcnmenttsl cor,imission r€view rnus{ recelw approval prior to submitting a
building permit lppticition. Please refer to the gubmittal requ||'cme'1ts for the porticuiar aPproval that is tequested'
An apptication for ptenning ano e^rion*.itii Ctnrm,ssiorlview c'annot oe aiceptcd 0ntil all rcquired lrformathDn
is received by the co.nmunry #;bftil;.trfign1 rf'e project may alro ne€d to be r€viewed bY tie Town
council and/or r,.h? Elcign Review Board'
Type of APlicatlon and FeG!
Rezgnrng $f300
Vajor SuUOivisirn $1500
Minor Sr,bdivislrn 3550
Ex€motion Plat i65o
Mrn6iAr4eFdment to an SDD $i000
New Special Dcvclopment Di*ic $600Q
Maior Arrendment to tn SDD t6000
Ma]or Amendmcnt to an SDD 11250
(no ex@ior mdlE t ons)
APPlicatlon for Review bY the
Planninj and Environmental Commission
DescfiP6olr of tii Rcquest:lt't
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: n*apb'n Modific.tbn $m
i Ninoi E ceriot Alt*sbon $654
n miiot Ext€rior Alteration i800
tr ocvciopmettt Plan t1500
E Amendment to a Ds/€lop.rent Plan 9250
E zonlrg Cod€ Am€ndmPrt ff300
E variarre f500
D Sign vamnce $200
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Planning and Environmental Commission
Department of Community Development
September 23,2002
A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council of a proposed
major amendment to Special Development District No. 4, Cascade Village,
Development Area B, to amend the setback requirements as indicated on
the approved development plan, located at Coldstream Condominiums, Unit
#25, 1476 Westhaven Drive /Lot 53, Glen Lyon Subdivision.
Applicant: James and Jane Kaufman, represenled by Fritzlen Pierce
Architects Planner: Allison Ochs
The applicant, James and Jane Kaufman, represented by Fritzlen Pierce Architects, is
requesting a major amendment to Special Development District No. 4, Cascade Village,
Development Area B, to amend to the minimum setback requirement of 20 ft. Specifically,
the applicant is proposing to encroach 4.2 ft. into the required 20 ft. setback as indicated on
the approved development plan for Coldstream Condominiums. Staff is recommending
denial of the proposed amendment to Special Development District No. 4, subject to the
criteria for review as outlined in Section lX of this memorandum.
Special Development District No. 4, Cascade Village, establishes the development
standards for Development Area B, Coldstream Condominiums. Ordinance No. 23, Series
of 1998, states the following setback requiremenl for Area B, Coldstream Condominiums:
Required setbacks shall be as indicated on the development plan.
The development plan indicates a setback of 20 ft. for the entire property. The applicants,
James and Jane Kaufman, represenled by Fritzlen Pierce Architects, are proposing a
deviation to this requirement. The Kaufman residence is Unit 25 of Coldstream
Condominiums. They are requesting an addition of approximately 158 sq. ft. The addition
will partially enclose an existing deck and will encroach 4.2 ft. into lhe required 20 ft.
setback. In addition, the deck above the proposed addition will be extended 2 ft., which will
be 12 ft. into the required setback. The proposal adds approximately 26 sq. ft. of GRFA into
the setback. Because the subject property is located within Special Development District
No. 4, Cascade Village, the request is considered a major amendment to Special
Development District No. 4, in accordance with Seclion 12-9A-10, Vail Town Code.
Special Development District No. 4, Cascade Village, was adopted by Ordinance No. 5,
Seriesof1976. Subsequentamendmentsoccurredin1977,1978,1979,1982,1984,1986,
1988, 1989, 1990, 1991 , 1993, 1995, 1998, and 1999. The subject property was a Planned
Unit Development under Eagle County Jurisdiction when the property was annexed in 1 975.
Special Development Dislrict No. 4 includes the following:
Area A
Area B
Area C
Area D
Cascade Village
Coldstream Condominiums
Glen Lyon Primary/Secondary and Single Family Lots
Glen Lyon Commercial Site
The entire Cascade Village site is approximately 97.5 acres. The identified public benefits of
the Special Development District are:
Creation of a "third village" and development of significant bed base has improved
Vail's summer marketing potential, bike path and stream tract open to public,
employee housing, CMC facility.
Because the property was annexed into the Town of Vail as a Planned Unit Development
under Eagle County jurisdiction, and because the early Special Development Districts were
not based on an underlying zoning, there is no underlying zoning for Cascade Village. The
uses and development standards for the enlire property are as outlined in the adopting
ordinance for Special Development District No. 4.
The construction of Phase lof Coldstream Condominiums was completed in 1979, and
Phase ll was completed in 1982. Both phases were completed under the existing Special
Development District requirements. The 20 fl. setback is identified on the development plan
and on the condominium plat. According to Town of Vail records, there are 45 units of
approximately 67,000 sq. ft. of GRFA. In 1990, a major amendment to Special Development
Dislrict No. 4, requesting GRFA to construct additional dwelling units, was denied by lhe
Town Council. The Town Council denied the request, stating that the GRFA would only be
allowed for the construction of employee housing units. According to Town of Vail records,
no other amendments have been made for Coldstream Condominiums since the
development plan was adopted in 1978.
Special Development District and Major Amendment
Order of Review: Generally, applications will be reviewed first by the Planning and
Environmental Commission for impacts of useidevelopment, then by the Design Review
Board for compliance of proposed buildings and site planning, and final approval by the
Town Council.
Plannino and Environmental Commission:
The Planning and Environmental Commission is advisory to the Town Council. The
Planning and Environmental Commission shall review the proposal for and make a
recommendation to the Town Council on the following:
. Permitted, accessory, and conditional uses r Development standards including, lot area, site dimensions, setbacks, heighl,
density control, site coverage, landscaping and parking . Evaluation of design criteria as follows (as applicable):
A. Compatibility: Design compatibility and sensitivity to the immediate
environment, neighborhood and adjacent properties relative to architectural
design, scale, bulk, building height, buffer zones, identity, character, visual
integrity and orientation.B. Relationship: Uses, activity and density which provide a compatible, efficient
and workable relationship with surrounding uses and activity.C. Parking And Loading: Compliance with parking and loading requirements as
outlined in Chapter , Vail Town Code.D. Comprehensive Plan: Conformity with applicable elements of the Vail
Comprehensive Plan, Town policies and urban design plans.E. Natural and/or Geologic Hazard: ldentification and mitigation of natural
and/or geologic hazards that affect the property on which the special
development district is proposed.F. Design Features: Site plan, building design and location and open space
provisions designed to produce a functional development responsive and
sensitive to natural features, vegetation and overall aesthetic quality of the
community.G. Traffic: A circulation system designed for both vehicles and pedestrians
addressing on and off-site traffic circulation.H. Landscaping: Functional and aesthetic landscaping and open space in order
to optimize and preserve natural features, recreation, views and function.L Workable Plan: Phasing plan or subdivision plan that will maintain a
workable, functional and efficient relationship throughout the development of
the special development district.
Desion Review Board:
The Design Review Board has no review authority on a Special Development District
proposal, bul must review any accompanying Design Review Board application. The Design
Review Board review of a Special Development District prior to Town Council approval is
purely advisory in nature.
The Design Review Board is responsible for evaluating the Design Review Board proposal:. Architectural compatibility with other struclures, the land and surroundings . Fitting buildings into landscape . Configuration of building and grading of a site which respects the topography . Removal/Preservation of trees and native vegetation o Adequate provision for snow storage on-site . Acceptability of building materials and colors . Acceptability of roof elements, eaves, overhangs, and other building forms . Provision of landscape and drainage . Provision of fencing, walls, and accessory struclures
. Circulation and access to a site including parking, and site distances . Location and design of satellite dishes . Provision of outdoor lighting . Compliance wilh the architectural design guidelines of the Lionshead
Redevelopment Master Plan
The staff is responsible for ensuring that all submitlal requirements are provided and plans
conform to the technical requirements of the Zoning Regulations. The staff also advises the
applicant as to compliance with the design guidelines. Staff provides a staff memo
containing background on the property and provides a staff evaluation of the project with
respect to the required criteria and findings, and a recommendation on approval, approval
with conditions. or denial. Staff also facilitates the review orocess.
Town Council:
The Town Council is responsible for final approval/denial of an amendment to a Special
Development District. The Town Council shall review the proposal for the following:
. Permitted, accessory, and conditional uses o Approval of development standards including, lot area, site dimensions, setbacks,
height, density control, site coverages, landscaping and parking
r Evaluation of design criteria as follows (as applicable):
A. Compatibility: Design compatibility and sensitivity to the immediate
environment, neighborhood and adjacent properties relative to architectural
design, scale, bulk, building height, buffer zones, identity, character, visual
integrity and orientation.
Relationship: Uses, activity and density which provide a compatible, efficient
and workable relationship with surrounding uses and activity.
Parking And Loading: Compliance with parking and loading requirements as
outlined in Chapter 10, Vail Town Code.
Comprehensive Plan: Conformity with applicable elements of the Vail
Comprehensive Plan, Town policies and urban design plans.
Natural and/or Geologic Hazard: ldentification and mitigation of natural
and/or geologic hazards that affect lhe propeny on which the special
development district is proposed.
Design Features: Site plan, building design and location and open space
provisions designed to produce a functional development responsive and
sensitive to natural features, vegetation and overall aesthetic quality of the
Traffic: A circulation system designed for both vehicles and pedestrians
addressing on and otf-site traffic circulation.
Landscaping: Functional and aesthetic landscaping and open space in order
to optimize and preserve natural features, recreation, views and function.
Workable Plan: Phasing plan or subdivision plan that will maintain a
workable, functional and efficient relationship throughout the development of
the special development district.
Town of Vail Zoning Regulations: Staff has reviewed the Town of Vail Zoning
Regulations and believes the following sections are relevant to the review of lhis
12-94-1: PURPOSE:
The purpose of the Special Development District is to encourage flexibility
and creativity in the development of land in order to promote lts most
appropriate use; to improve the design character and quality of the new
development with the Town; to facilitate the adequate and economical
provision of streets and utilities; to preserve the natural and scenic features
of open space areas; and to further the overall goals of the community as
stated in the Vail Comprehensive Plan. An approved development plan for a
Special Development District, in conjunction with the property's underlying
zone district, shall establish the requirements for guiding development and
uses of property included in the Special Development District. The Special
Development District doeq not apply to and is not available in the following zone districts: Hillside Residential, Single-Family, Duplex,
Primary/Secondary. The elements of the development plan shall be as
outlined in Section 12-94-6 of this Article.
change uses; increase gross residential floor area: change the number ot
dwelling or accommodation units; modify, enlarge or expand any approved
special development district (other than "minor amendments" as defined in
this Section), except as provided under Sections 12-15-4, "lnterior
Conversions", or | 2-15-5, "Gross Residential Floor Area (250 Ordinancd" of
this Title.
UNDERLYING ZONE DISTRICT: The zone district existing on the property,
or imposed on the property at the time the special development district is
approved. The following Zone Districts are prohibited from special
development districts being used: Hillside Residential, Single-Family,
D u pl ex, P ri m ary/S eco nd ary.
An approved development plan is the principal document in guiding the
development, uses and activities of a special development district. A
development plan shall be approved by ordinance by the Town Council in
conjunction with the review and approval of any special developmentdistrict.
The development plan shall be comprised of materials submifted in
accordance with Section 12-9A-5 of this Article. The development plan shall
contain all relevant material and information necessary to establish the
parameters with which the special development district shall develop. The
development plan may consisl of, but not be limited to, the approved site
plan, floor plans, building sections and elevations, vicinity plan, parking plan,
preliminary open space/landscape plan, densities and permitted, conditional
and accessory uses.
1 2-94-8 : D ES IGN C R ITERI A:
The following design criteria shall be used as the principal criteria in
evaluating the merits of the proposed special development district. lt shall be
the burden of the applicant to demonstrate that subminal material and the
proposed development plan comply with each of the following standards, or
demonstrate that one or more of them is not applicable, or that a practical
solution consistent with the public interest has been achieved:
A. Compatibility: Design compatibility and sensitivity to the immediate
environment, neighborhood and adjacent properties relative to
architectural design, scale, bulk, building height, buffer zones,
identity, character, visual integrity and orientation.
B. Relationship: Uses, activity and density which provide a compatible,
efficient and workable relationship with surrounding uses and activity.
C. Parking And Loading: Compliance with parking and loading
requirements as outlined in Chapter 10 of this Title.
D. Comprehensive Plan: Conformity with applicable elements of the Vail
Comprehensive Plan, Town policies and urban design plans.
E. Natural And/Or Geologic Hazard: ldentification and mitigation ot
natural and/or geologic hazards that affect the property on which the
special development district is proposed.
F. Design Features: Site plan, building design and location and open
space provisions designed to produce a functional development
responsive and sensitive to natural features, vegetation and overall
aesthetic quality of the community.
G. Traffic: A circulation system designed for both vehicles and
pedestrians addressing on and off-site traffic circulation.
H. Landscaping: Functional andaestheticlandscapingandopenspace
in order to optimize and preserve natural features, recreation, views
and function.
l. Workable Plan: Phasing plan or subdivision plan that will maintain a
workable, functional and efticient relationship throughout the
development of the special development district.
Development standards including lot area, site dimensions, setbacks, height,
density control, site coverage, landscaping and parking shall be determined
by the Town Council as part of the approved development plan with
consideration of the recommendations of the Planning and Environmental
Commission. Before the Town Council approves development standards that
deviate from the underlying zone district, it should be determined that such
deviation provides benefits to the Town that outweigh the adverse effects of
such deviation. This determination is to be made based on evaluation of the
proposed special development district's compliance with the design criteria
outlined in Section 12-gA-B of this Article.
1 2-9A- 1 0 : AMEN D MENT P ROCED U R ES :A. Minor Amendments:
1. Minor modifications consistent with the design criteria
outlined in subsection 12-9A-2 (definition of "minor
amendment") of this Article, may be approved by the
Department of Community Development. All minor
modifications shall be indicated on a completely revised
development plan. Approved changes shall be noted, signed,
dated and filed by the Department of Community
2. Notification of a proposed minor amendment, and a reportof
staff action of said request, shall be provided to all property
owners within or adjacent to the special development district
that may be affected by the amendment. Affected properties
shall be as determined by the Department of Community
Development. Notifications shall be postmarked no laterthan
five (5) days following staff action on the amendment request
and shall include a brief statement describing the amendment
and the time and date of when the Planning and
Environmental Commission will be informed of the staff
decision. ln all cases the report to the Planning and
Environmental Commission shall be made within twenty (20)
days from the date of the staff's decision on the requested
3. Appeals of stafl decisions may be filed by adjacent property
owners, owners of property within the special development
district, the applicant, Planning and Environmental
Commission members or members of the Town Council as
outlined in Section 12-3-3 of this Title.
B. Major Amendments:
1. Requesfs for major amendments to an approved special
development district shall be reviewed in accordance with the
procedures described in Section 12-9A-4 of this Article.
2. Owners of all property requesting the amendment, or their
agents or authorized representatives, shall sign the
application. Notification of the proposed amendment shall be
made to owners of all property adjacent to the property
requesting the proposed amendment, owners of all property
adjacent to the special development district, and owners of all
property within the special development district that may be
affected by the proposed amendment (as determined by the
Department of Community Development). Notification
procedures shall be as outlined in subsection 12-3-6C of this
Title. (ord. 21(1988) S 1)
Town of Vail Land Use Plan: Staff has reviewed the Town of Vail Land Use Plan
and believes the following sections are relevant to the review of this request:
Resort Accommodation and Service
This area includes activities aimed at accommodating the overnight and
short term visitor to the area. Primary uses include hotels, lodges, service
stations, and parking structures (with densities up to 25 dwelling units or 50
accommodation units per buildable acre). These area are oriented toward
vehicular access from 1-70, with other support commercial and business
seruices included. Also allowed in this category, would be institutional uses
and various municipal uses.
Hiah Densitv Residential
The housing in this category would typically consisf of multLfbored
structures with densities exceeding 15 dwelling units per buildable acre.
Other activities in this category would include private recreational facilities,
and private parking facilities and institutional/public uses such as churches,
fire stations and parks and open space facilities.
1.0 GeneralGrowth/Development
Vail should continue to grow in a controlled environment,
maintaining a balance between residential, commercial and
recreational uses to serve both the visitor and the permanent
The quality of the environment including air, water and
other natural resources should be protected as the Town
1.3 The quality of development should be maintained and
u pg rad ed wh e never possib I e.
1.12 Vail should accommodate most of the additional growth in
existing developed areas (infill areas).
1.13 Vail recognizes its stream tract as being a desirable land
feature as well as its potential for public use.
5.0 Residential
5.1 Additional residential growth should continue to occur
primarily in existing, platted areas and as appropriate in
new areas where high hazards do not exist.
5.3 Affordable employee housing should be made available
through private efforts, assisted by limited incentives,
provided by the Town of Vail with appropriate restrictions.
5.4 Residential growth should keep pace with the marketplace
demands for a full range of housing types.
5.5 The existing employee housing base should be preserved
and upgraded. Additional employee housing needs should
be accommodated at varied sites throughout the
VI. SITE ANALYSIS Zoning: Special Development District No.4
Land Use Plan Designation: Resort Accommodation and Service
Current Land Use: Mixed Use
Development Standard Allowed Existinq Proposed
Lot Area: N/A 4,266,920 sq. ft. no change
Setbacks*:Front: 20 ft. 20 ft. 20 ft.Sides: 20 ft. 20 ft. 15.8 ft.Rear: 20ft. 20ft. 20ft.
Site Coverage: 60,984 sq.feet (35%) 29,442 sq.feet (1 6%) 29,604 sq.feet (1 6%)
(Area B only)
Landscape Area: 91,740 sq.feet (50%) 98,406 sq.feet (54%) 98,247 sq.feet (53%)
(Area B only)
- The adoptlng ordinance stales that there shall be a minimum setback on the periphery
of the property not less than 20 fl.
Land Use Zonino North: Right-of-Way N/A South: Open Space (USFS) N/A East: Open Space (USFS) N/A West: Open Space OR
Park and Open Space GU
Commercial/Residential HDMF
Chapter 1 2-9, Vail Town Code provides for the amendment of existing Special Development
Districts in the Town of Vail. According to Section 12-9A-1, Vail Town Code, the purpose of
a Special Development District is as follows:
To encourage flexibility and creativity in the development of land, in order to
promote its most appropriate use;to improve the design character and quality of the
new development within the Town; to facilitate the adequate and economical
provision of streets and utilities; to preserve the natural and scenic features of open
space areas; and to further the overall goals of the community as stated in the Vail
Comprehensive Plan. An approved development plan for a Special Development
District, in conjunction with the properties underlying zone district, shall establish the
requirements for guiding development and uses of property included in the Special
Development District.
An approved development plan is the principal document in guiding the development, uses,
and activities of the Special Development District. The development plan shall contain all
relevant material and information necessary to establish the parameters with which the
Special Development District shall adhere. The development plan may consist of , but not be
limited lo: the approved site plan; floor plans, building sections, and elevations: vicinity plan;
parking plan; preliminary open space/landscape plan;densities; and permitled, conditional,
and accessory uses.
The determination of permitted, conditional and accessory uses shall be made by the
Planning and Environmental Commission and Town Council as part of the formal review of
the proposed development plan. Unless further restricted through the review of the
proposed Special Development District, permitted, conditional and accessory uses shall be
limited to those permitted, conditional and accessory uses in the property's underlying zone
The Town Code provides nine design criteria that shall be used as the principal criteria in
evaluating the merits of the proposed major amendment to a Special Development District.
It shall be the burden of the applicant to demonstrate that submittal material and the
proposed development plan comply with each of the following standards, or demonstrate
that one or more of them is not applicable, or that a practical solution consistenl with the
public interest has been achieved.
Design compatibility and sensitivity to the immediate environment, neighborhood and
adjacent properties relative to architectural design, scale, bulk, building height, butfer
zones, identity, character, visual integrity and orientation.
The applicant is proposing a 158 sq. ft. addition, located 4.2 ft. into the required 20 ft.
setback. When Special Development District No. 4, Cascade Village, was established, the
adopting ordinance required that a minimum 20 ft. setback be maintained from the periphery
of the Special Development District. Staff believes that this 20 ft. setback must be
maintained. The proposed addition is located adjacent to the Town of Vail Gore Creek
stream tract. Staff believes that other opportunities exist which would allow the applicant to
expand their unit without amending this setback requirement, including expanding to the
south or minimizing the size of the expansion to the north. Staff believes that to maintain
design compatibility and sensitivity to the immediate environment, neighborhood and
adjacent properties, the 20 ft. setback requirement should not be amended.
B. Uses, activity and density which provide a compatible, efficient and workable
relationship with surrounding uses and activity.
The applicant is not proposing any changes to use, activity, or density (du/acre) which would
impact the surrounding uses and activities.
C. Compliance with parking and loading requirements as outlined in Chapter 12-10 of
the vailTown code.
The parking and loading requirements do not change with this proposal. Therefore, the
proposal complies with Chapter 12-1 0 of the Vail Town Code.
D. Conformity with the applicable elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan, Town
policies and Urban Design Plan.
The goals contained in the Vail Land Use Plan are to be used as the Town's policy
guidelines during the review process for the establishment of a special development district.
Staff has reviewed the Vail Land Use Plan and believes the following policies are relevant to
the review of this proposal:
1.0 GeneralGrowth/Development
1.1 Vail should continue to grow in a controlled environment, maintaining
a balance between residential, commercial and recreational uses to
serue both the visitor and the permanent resident.
1.2 The quality of the environment including air, water and other
natural resources should be protected as the Town grows.
1.3 The quality of development should be maintained and upgraded
whenever possible.
1.12 Vail should accommodate most of the additional growth in existing
developed areas (infill areas).
1.13 Vail recognizes ils slream tract as being a desirable land feature
as well as its potential for public use.
5.0 Residential
5.1 Additional residential growth should continue to occur primarily in
existing, platted areas and as appropriate in new areas where high
hazards do not exist.
5.3 Affordable employee housing should be made available through
private efforts, assisted by limited incentives, provided by the
Town of Vail with appropriate restrictions.
Residential growth should keep pace with the marketplace
demands for a full range of housing types.
5.5 The existing employee housing base should be preserued and
upgraded. Additional employee housing needs should be
accommodated at varied sites throughout the community.
The Town of Vail Land Use Plan designates Cascade Village as Resort Accommodations
and Service. Coldstream Condominiums is designated as High Density Residential. Staff
believes the uses and activities proposed are in compliance with the policies, goals, and
objectives identified in the Vail Land Use Plan.
ldentification and mitigation of natural and/or geologic hazards that affect the
property on which the special development district is proposed.
According to the Official Town of Vail Geologic Hazard Maps, the subject property is not
located in any geologically sensitive areas. An lmprovement Location Certificate has been
provided, indicating that the proposed addition is not located within the 100-year floodplain.
Site plan, building design and location and open space provisions designed to
produce a functional development responsive and sensitive to natural leatures,
vegetation and overall aesthetic quality of the community.
Special Development District No. 4, Cascade Village, establishes a minimum setback from
the periphery of the Special Development District of 20 ft. Staff does not believe that it is
appropriate to deviate from this requiremenl. The 20 ft. setback requiremenl was
established to provide a functional development that is responsive and sensitive to natural
features, vegetation, and overall aesthetic quality of the community. The applicant is
arguing that because the Coldstream Condominium Association has recently adopted
Design Guidelines to guide redevelopment of the Coldstream Condominiums, the
encroachment into the setback should be allowed. However, the applicant has clearly
stated that they did not consider setbacks as a determining factor in their plan for
redevelopment. Staff believes the Vail Town Code, and the Special Development District in
which the property is located, should be an integral part of any development plan for the site
and does not believe that the Vail Town Code or the Special Development District should be
disregarded. Staff does not believe that a deviation should be granted from this setback
A circulation system designed for both vehicles and pedestrians addressing on and
off-site traff ic circu lation.
The proposed addition will have no impact on the vehicular and pedestrian circulation
H.Functional and aesthetic landscaping and open space in order to optimize and
preserve natural fealures, recreation, views and functions.
The proposed addition is located on an existing deck and therefore will have no impact on
landscaping and open space.
Phasing plan or subdivision plan that will maintain a workable, functional and
efficient relationship throughout the development of the special development district.
The proposed addition will not involve phasing which would impact the remainder of the
Special Development District. Therefore, staff does not believe that this criteria is relevant
to this application.
The Community Development Department recommends that the Planning & Environmental
Commission forward a recommendation of denial to the Vail Town Council of the
proposed major amendment to Special Development District #4, Cascade Village,
Development Area B, to amend the setback requirements as indicated on the approved
development plan, located at Coldstream Condominiums, Unit #25, 1476 Westhaven Drive
/Lot 53, Glen Lyon Subdivision. The Staff's recommendalion of denial is based upon the
review of the criteria outlined in Section lX of this memorandum and the evidence presented.
Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to forward a recommendalion
of denial of the applicant's request, staff recommends thal the following findings be made as
part of a molion:
1. That the applicant has not demonstrated compliance with the following
A. Compatibility: Design compatibility and sensitivity to the immediate
environment, neighborhood and adjacent properties relative to
architectural design, scale, bulk, building height, buffer zones,
identity, character, visual integrity and orientation.
B. Design Features: Site plan, building design and location and open
space provisions designed to produce a functional development
responsive and sensitive to natural features, vegetation and overall
aesthetic quality of the community.
2. That a practical solution more consistent with the public interest is
achievable, which would nol require a major amendment to Special
Development District No. 4, Cascade Village.
Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to forward a recommendation
of approval of this request, staff recommends the following finding be made as part of a
1. That the applicant has demonstrated compliance with the following
standards or has demonstrated that one or more of them is not applicable:
A. Compatibility: Design compatibility and sensitivity to the immediate
environmenl, neighborhood and adjacent properties relative to
archilectural design, scale, bulk, building height, buffer zones,
identity, character, visual integrity and orientation.
B. Relationship: Uses, activity and density which provide a compatible,
efficient and workable relationship with surrounding uses and activity.
C. Parking And Loading: Compliance with parking and loading
requirements as outlined in Chapter 10, Vail Town Code.
D. Comprehensive Plan: Conformitywith applicable elements of the Vail
Comprehensive Plan, Town policies and urban design plans.
E. Natural and/or Geologic Hazard: ldentification and mitigation of
natural and/or geologic hazards that affect the property on which the
special development district is proposed.
F. Design Features: Site plan, building design and location and open
space provisions designed to produce a functional development
responsive and sensitive to natural features, vegetation and overall
aesthetic quality of the community.
G. Traffic: A circulation system designed for both vehicles and
pedestrians addressing on and off-site tratfic circulation.
H. Landscaping: Functional and aesthetic landscaping and open space
in order to optimize and preserve natural features, recreation, views
and function.
l. Workable Plan: Phasing plan or subdivision plan that will maintain a
workable, functional and efficient relationship throughout the
development of the special development district.
lf the Planning and Environmental Commission chooses to recommend approval of this
request, staff recommends the following condition of approval:
1. The applicant shall submit a revised Development Plan for Area B. Cascade Village,
which shall indicate that the revised setback along the northwest property line shall
be amended from 20 ft. to 15 ft., prior to the Town Council's firsl reading of an
Ordinance amending the setback requirements of Special Development District No.
A. Reductions of olans B. Adjacent Notification
Applicant's statement
Vicinity Map
Ordinance N0.5, Series of 1976
Ordinance No. 23, Series of 1998
Impro?ment Locations
leeal description:
il'#i.iiilit"25; tjoldstream Condominiums - Phase II, according to the plat approved by
tfti to*tr of Vail on February 22, 1980, Eagte County, Colorado'
I herebv certifu that the Impmvement locations shown arc bascd upon field measurements by me and the
a"t" "fio*n oti oia approvid mndominium map of Coldstr€am Condominiums'
Ttre Gore Crcek locations and 100 year flood plain are bascd upon field measurcments and the FEtt{A
Fidilr;td *d plffiy r',tEi c"t-*itv-Panel No. 0800s+ oooa dated hv 2, 199*,......
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lST Floor
Lhnd Lcchncr H.S 30916 County Rd. 356, Bu.nr vi6te, Co. 81211 ( 7l9l 395-91@
Attachment: A
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!-ynn Friulen, Ata, rrOr,o., O
Willianr F. Piero'- Ardritecl
fhflnas R. Dl Boit Architect
Stephanie lord-J(fi nson. Archite{n
David Baum, Architetr
lirrhv fl€dinF, Business Manager
Eagle Pointe Condominiums 1500 Matterhorn Drive PoinB of Colorado do V-BCRp pO Box 36 Awn, CO 81620
Vaif Park Meadows 1472 Matterhorn Ddve Eldorado Reality s2g1 E.Yale Ave. Denver, CO go222
Millnce Phase lll 1335 Westhaven Drive Flower, Michael G. 2s011 Catherine Way Dana point,
cA. 92629
rlot 52, 1415 westhaven Drive, single owner of both unis. Miller, Gary E 233 s. Wanon Rd
SL Louis, MO 63124
Millrace Phase I do Don Maclachlan 1476 Westhaven Drive, Vail, CO 81657
Town ofVail 75 South Fronage Rd, Vail, CO S1652 -
rlnformation gathered from Eagle County Assessors, Office on OglZ2lO2 by Charles Harrison
1650 fasl \iail Valley Drive. Fattriclge C.i,
Vtil, CotJradr 31657
P r):r1..1 7 6.6:i.12
F: 970.476.4901
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NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of
Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the
Town of Vail on September 23,2002, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. ln
consideration of:
A request for a worksession to discuss a proposed major exterior alteration; a conditional use
permit to allow for a fractional fee club in the Public Accommodation zone district; a variance
from Section 12-7A-2 (Permitted Uses), Vail Town Code, to allow for retail uses in excess of
10% of the total gross residential floor area of the structure; and a variance from Section 12-7A-
10 (Landscaping & Site Development), Vail Town Code, to allow for a deviation from the total
landscape area requirement, located at 20 Vail Road, 62 E. Meadow Drive, and 82 E. Meadow
Drive/Lots K & L, Block 5E, Vail Village 1't Filing.
Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc., represented by Braun Associates, Inc.Planner: George RutherMarren Campbell
request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council of a proposed major amendment to
Special Development District No. 4, Cascade Village, Development Area B, to amend the
etback requirements as indicated on the approved development plan, located at Coldstream
Condominiums, Unit # 25, 1476 Westhaven Drive /Lot 53, Glen Lyon Subdivision.
Applicant: James and Jane Kaufman, represented by Fritzlen Pierce Architects
Planner: Allison Ochs
A request for a final review of a final plat of Lots 11 and '1 2, Block 2, Vail Village 'l 2th Filing,
and Tract C, Block 1, Vail Village 12th Filing, located at 3160 N. Frontage Road East and 3010
N. Frontage Road East and setting forth details in regards thereto.
Applicant: Vail Mountain School, represented by Braun Associates, Inc.
Planner: Russ Forrest
A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council, to allow for text amendments to Title
11, Sign Regulations, Vail Town Code, and setting forth details in regards thereto.
Applicant: Town of Vail
Planner: Russell Forrest
A request for a final review of a final plat for a major subdivision; a request for a final review of a
conditional use permit to allow for a private educational institution and development plan approval
to construct employee housing; and setting forth details in regards thereto, located at the site
known as "Mountain Bell"/an unplatted piece of property, located at 160 N. Frontage Rd.ito be
platted as Middle Creek Subdivision. A full metes and bounds description is available at the
Community Development Department.
Applicant: Vail Local Housing Authority, represented by Odell Architects
Planner: Allison Ochs
The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during
regular office hours in the project planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community
Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation,{-2
and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development ,. * ,i_,+;
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August 23, 20O2
Allison Ochs, Planner
Town of Vail
Department of Community Development
75 Vail Road
Vail, CO 81657
RE: Kaufman Residence
Unit 25, Coldstream Condominium
Application for Major Amendment to SDD
Attachment: C
Attached are:
Application for Review by the Planning Commission for the above referenced Property
Check for $1250 (per our discussions)
Stamped, addressed envelopes and a list of adjacent owners
Title Report
Approval Letter from Coldstream Condominium Association
Four copies of lmprovement Location Certificate (1" =2O'), plus one reduced copy
Vicinity Plan
Four Copies of Floor Plan indicating Existing and Proposed Addition
Four Copies of photo of existing condition
Four Copies of photo overlay indicating proposed addition
Please accept the following material in support of the Application:
1. The Owner proposes to expand the lower level of an existing Condominium onto a portion of a LCE
2. The proposed addition is below an existing deck, which is also covered.
3. A portion of the proposed addition encroaches into the Developer established SDD setback as
indicated on the enclosed lLC.
4. The area of the proposed encroachment is about 25 sq. ft. in a triangular shape.
5. Although the proposed addition is situated along Core Creek, the setback from the stream
centerline is about 78 ft.
6. The Owner has the option of claiming a small portion of the approximate 1 100 sq. fL of CRFA
available in the Coldstream SDD or applying for a 250 sq. ft. addition for the proposed construction.
7. In that the addition is on an existing deck, there is no modification to existing landscape.
A. The height of the addition is less than 10 ft.
9. There is not effect on sun/shade in that the area is already covered by a deck and roof above.
'l0. There is no additional parkint required for the addition.
11. The addition should not require an Environmental lmpact Report due to it's insignificant size.
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FRITZLEN ?,*., ARCH ITECTS William f . Pi€.ce, Arcl:itcct
Thomas R. Du Bo's, Ai-ihileci:
Stephanle L0rd -.Joh ns on,
Archit0c t
David llaufi . Arcfiiterl
TtfEfiifry" Business
Jim Kaufman
Lynn Fritzlen
Review of Setback Variance
Bill Pierce
Request Coldstream #25
This memo serves to articulate our position on the Request for a Major
Amendment to the Cascade Village Special Development District.
Pertinent Documents
l. Coldstream Condominium Plat Phase I dated December 31, 2002
2. Coldstream Condominium Plat Phase lldated March 3, 1980
3. lmprovement Location Survey of proposed Additions to Unit #25
prepared by Leland Lechner licensed Surveyor dated: 8ll3l02
4. Title Commitment by Alta for Coldstream Unit #25.
5. Arhitectural Plans and Elevations of Proposed Addition
6. Letter of Approval from the Coldstream Condominium Association by Don
McLauglin General Manager
7. Photos of development of adjacent properties located on the stream.
8. Town of Vail Criteria and Findings for a Variance
I . Description of Request:
A minor addition to Coldstream #25 of 87 square feet at the first level under an
existing deck. Approximately 26 square feet encroaches into the rear setback.
The proposed addition utilizes available site coverage and GRFA. Addition is
within height restrictions and has the support of the association.
2. Type of Request
I {i50 fast Vail V,1:i{rv lrrivi:. Fallridg(} C I,
vail. (:ol{rrildo $ | ti5 /
P I7C.4 76.6l.i ?
F: .i70..176-4io l
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The Town has determined that the encroachment into the rear setback requires
a major amendment to the Cascade Village Special Development District.
3. Coldstream Condominiums General
Coldstream Condominiums has been a successful townhome project that has a
mix of second home-owners and permanent residents. Recently Coldstream has
undertaken numerous repairs and improvements to their property to maintain
their reputation as a quality, desirable multi-family residential complex.
3. Coldstream Remaining Development Potential
Coldstream development has available GRFA associated with its underlying
zoning as well as the potential to utilize the "250 Addition" allowance. lt also
has available site coverage. Total build out under current zoning is significant.
The Coldstream Condominium Association is attempting to address this
potential creatively and responsibly.
The association has acknowledged that there is a desire on the part of individual
owners to improve and make minor additions to their units. Therefore they have
recently developed guidelines to address this potential.
6. Response to Variance Criteria
Following is the portion of the Town of Vail Code that addresses deviation from
the underlying zone district standards
Development standards including lot area, site dimensions, setbacks, height, density
control, site coverages, landscaping and parking shall be determined by the Town
Council as part of the approved development plan with consideration of the
recommendations of the Planning and Environmental Commission. Before the Town
Council approves development standards that deviate from the underlying zone district,
it should be determined that such deviation provides benefits to the Town that outweigh
the adverse effects of such deviation. This determination is to be made based on
evaluation of the proposed special development district's compliance with the design
criteria outlined in Section l2-9A-8 of this Article. (Ord. 2I(I 988) I l)
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7. Response to Design Criteria Outlined in Section l2-94-8
Compatibility - lmpact of Encroachment on Adjacent Properties to the
North of Coldstream. The Coldstream Property line sits back 50' from the
center of the stream. Neighboring properties to the east and west have
properties lines in the center of the creek and development has occurred
within 30' of the creek centerline. Coldstream sits back a minimum of 70'
from the stream center line. lmpact on neighboring properties of the rear
property line will be negligible. Please refer to photos attached.
Relationship to Surrounding Uses - Coldstream is not proposing a change
in use as part of this application.
Parking and Loading - Parking and Loading are located on the entrance
side of the units and is not impacted by the addition. The recently
adopted Coldstream Design Guidelines discourage additions and
improvements into vehicle parking and circulation areas.
Comprehensive Plan - The Association has recently adopted the
Coldstream Design Cuidelines to address future development. Please
look for our link at vailarchitects.com under Portfolio/Mixed Used
Projects to review the standards. This is one of the first associations in
the Vail Valley to take a proactive step to address future development of
individual units. The goal of the new Coldstream Design guidelines is to
encourage additions that match the proportions of the existing building
envelope or infill areas already covered by roofs or decks. The purpose is
to maintain the current architectural aesthetic and minimize impact on
neighboring properties or vehicular and pedestrian access to entries.
Additions to the sides or to the entry elevation will potentially have the
highest impacts on neighboring units in the Coldstream complex. The
rear portions of the buildings, adjacent to the stream, have been
identified as the most desirable area to develop. lt is not the goal of the
association or the original SDD approval to allow the extent of
development to be solely determined by setbacks.
Natural or Ceologic Hazard - No part of the Coldstream property sits in a
hazard area or stream setback.
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F. Design Features - see item C. The majority of the units at Coldstream are
set back from the property line in excess of 20' but there are several
building corners that touch the property line. Coldstream Unit #25 is one
of those units that touch. Refer to Condominium Plat.
G. Traffic - see ltem B
H. Landscaping - A landscape plan will be addressed in the Design Review
Board submittal.
l. Workable Plan and Phasing - The Coldstream Phasing Plan has been
completed and no future phase is being contemplated or encouraged by
the Association.
7. Conclusions and Recommendations
In conclusion we are proposing that there is a mutual benefit to the Coldstream
Condominium Association as well as the neighboring properties to thoughtfully
and creatively direct development of additions and alterations of Coldstream
Condominiums. The applicant and the Coldstream Condominium Association
are recommending approval of minor encroachments in the rear setback
contingent upon the following:
I . The encroachment utilizes approved GRFA, density and site coverage
only. Applications proposing to exceed approved development standards
will not qualify.
2. The addition is consistent with the adopted Coldstream Design
3. The area of encroachment does not exceed 100 square feet and does not
encroach into platted or prescriptive easements.
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Attachment: F
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING,OROINANCE NO. 8, SERIES OF 1995, REVISING GROSS RESTDENTAL FLooR AREA (cnrn), eurLorNc nircnr neouinerrrier.iis, aiii"'EM'LO'EE HOUSTNG pnOVtSrOr.tS rOn LO'S Se_r AND 3g_2, GLEN L'ON suBDrVrsroN, DEVELOPM.ENTiREA C, SDD r'ro. q icAlcnoe vrr_tqcElr 'neienr_rruc
WHEREAS, Hagopian and pennington, LLC, has requested an amendment to the
existing speciar Deveropment District No. 4, Deveropment Area c, Lots 3g-1 and 39-2, Gren
Lyon Subdivision; and
WHEREAS. the planning and Environmental Commission has unanimously
recommended approvar of the proposed buirding height, GRFA, and Emproyee Housing Unit
restrictions for Lots 39-1 and 39-2: and
WHEREAS, the Town Council considers that it is reasonabte, appropriate, and
beneticiar to the Town and its citizens, inhabitants, and visitors to amend ordinance No. g,
series of 1995 and repear Resorution No. ro, series of 1gg2 to provide for such chanqes in
Special Development District No. 4, Cascade Villaqe.
Ordinance No. 8, Series of 1995, is hereby amended as follows:
Section 1.
Resolution No. 10. Series of 19g2, is hereby repealed.
Section 2. Amendment procedures Fulfilted, planning Commission Report.
The approval procedures described in section 12-9A of the Vail Municipal code have been fulfilled,
and the Town councir has received the recommendations of the planning and Environmental
commission for an amendment to the deveropment pran for speciat Deveropment District No. 4.
Ordinance 23, Series of 1998
o o
Section 3. Special Development Oistrict No. 4
special Deveropment District No.4 and the deveropment prans therefore, are hereby remain
approved for the development of special Development District No. 4 within the Town of Vail, unless
they have expired.
section 4' Speciar Deveropment District No.4, cascade Viflage sharr read as foflows;
speciar Deveropment District No.4 is estabrished to ensure comprehensive deveropment
and use of an area in a manner that wifl be harmonious with the generar character of the
Town, provide adequate open space and recreationar amenities, and promore the
objectives of the Town of Vail comprehensive plan. special Development District No. 4 rs
created to ensure that the development density will be relatively low and suitable for the
area and the vicinity in which it is situated, the development is regarded as complementary
to the Town by the Town councir and the pranning commission, and because there are
significant aspects of.the Special Development District which cannot be sa sfied throuon
the imposition of standard zoning districts on the area.
For the purposes of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply:
A. "special attraction" shall be defined as a museum, seminar or research center or
performing arts theater or cultural center.
B. 'Transient residentiar dwefiing unit or restricted dwe ing unit,' shafl be defined as a
dwerring unit rocated in a murti-famiry dweting that is managed as a short term rentar in
which aI such units are operated under a singre management providing the occupants
rhereof customary hoter services and facirities. A short term rentar shal be deemed to be
a rentar for a period of time not to exceed 31 days. Each unit shan not exceed 645 square
feet of GRFA which shal incrude a kitchen having a maximum of 35 square feet. The
kitchen shal be designed so that it may be rocked and separated from the rest of the untt
in a closet. A transient dwelling uhit shall be accessible from common corridors, walks, or
balconies without passing through another accommodation unit, dwelling unit, or a transienr
residentiar dwefling unit. shourd such units be deveroped as condominiums, they shat be
restricted as set forth in section 13-7 condominiums and condominium conversions,
subdivision Regulations. The unit shall not be used es a permanent residence. Fractional
Ordinance 23, Sories of ,|998
fee ownership shalr not be aflowed to be appried to transient dweting units. For the
purposes of determining alowabre ijensity per acre, transient residentiar dwefiing units sfiarl
be counted as one harf of a dwefling unit. The transient residentiar dweling unit parking
requirement sha, be 0.4 space per unit prus 0.1 space per each 1oo square feet of GRFA
with a maximum of 1.0 space per unit.
A Speciar Deveropment District No. 4 is estabrished for the devetopment on a parcel
of land comprising g7.g55 acres as more particurarry described in the attached Exhibit A.
special Development District No. + and the 97.955 acres may be refened to as,,sDD No.
B' The district sha, consist of four separate deveropment areas, as ictentified in this
ordinance consisting of the following approximate sizes:
Area Known As
Cascade Vllage
Coldstream Condominiums
Glen Lyon Primary/Secondary and
Glen Lyon Commercial Site
Dedicated Open Space
Development Area Aseage
A 17.955 B 4.000
Single Famity Lots C 9.100 D 1.800
a 7n,n
Dev el op m ent P ! a n-Requi red-Ap prov al p roc ed u re
Each deveropmenr area wilh the exception of Deveropment Areas A and D shafl be
subject to a single development plan. Development Area A shall be allowed to have
two development plans for the Cascade Club site as approved by the Town Council.
The Waterford and Comerstone sites shall be allowed one devetopment plan each.
Development Area D shall be allowed to develop per the approved phasing plans
as approved by the Town Council. The developer shall have the right to proceed
with the development plans or scenarios as defined in the development statistics
section of this ordinance. Amendments to SDD No. 4 sha comply Section 12-9A
of the Municipal Code.
Ordinanco 23. Serle6 of i998
Permitted Uses
A. Area A. Cascade Village
1. First froor commerciar uses shal be rimited to uses risted in section 12-78_3,
(commercial core 1). of the Municipal code. The ,'first floor. or ,,street level,, shall be
defined as that floor of the building that is located at grade or street level;
2' An other floor revers besides first floor stree,ever may incrude retaii. theater.
restaurant, and office except that no professional or business office shall be located on
streer rever or first floor (as defined above) unress it is clearry accessory to a rodge or
educational institution except for an office space having a maximum square footage of 925
square feet rocated on the first floor on rhe northwest comer of the praza conference
Center building;
3. Lodge:
4. Multi-familydwe ing;
5. Singte Family dwe ing;
6. Primary/Secondarydwelling;
7. Transient residential dwelling unit;
8. Employee dwelling as defined in Section .12-13 of the Municipal Code;
9. Cascade Club addition of a lap pool or gymnasium.
B. Area B, Coldstream Condominiums
1. Two-familydwellingi
2. Mutti-famitydwelling.
C. Area C, Glen Lyon primary/Secondary and Single_Famity Lots
1 . Single family dwe ing;
2. Two-famity dwe ing.
3. Type lt Employee Housing Unit (EHU) per Chapt er 12-13,of the Municipal
D. Area D. Glen Lyon Commercial Site
1. Business and professional offices;
2. Employee dwelling as defined in Section 12_13 of the Municipal Code.
Ordinance 23, Series of l99B
Condlfional lJses
conditionar uses shar be reviewed perrhe procedures as outined in chapter 12-16 0fthe
Town of Vail Zoning Regulations.
A. Area A, Cascade Village
1. Cascade crub addition of a wetness center not to exceed 4,500 square feet.
2. Fractional fee ownership as defined in the Town of Vail Municipal Code,
section 12-2 sha, be a conditionar use for dweting units in the westhaven
murti-famiry dweflings. Fractionar fee ownership shafl noi be appried to restricted
employee dwelling units or transient residential dwelling units. Ownership intervats
shall not be less than five weeks.
3. Special attraction;
4. Ski tifts:
5. public park and recreational facilities:
6. Major arcades with no frontage on any public way, street, walkway or mall
B. Area B, Coldstream Condominiums
1. public park and recreational facilities:
2. Ski tifts.
C. Area C. Glen Lyon primary/Secondary and Single-Family Lots
1. public park and recraationat facilities:
2. Ski tifis;
D. Area D, Glen Lyon Commercial Site
1. Micro-brewery as defined in Town of Vail Municipal code, Chapter 12-2.
Accessory Uses
A. Area A. Cascade Mllage
l. Minor arcade.
2. Home occupations, subject to issuanco of a home occupation permit in
accordance with the provisions of Ti'e 12, Zoning Regulations, Tourn of Vait
Municipal Code.
Ordinance 23, Sc.lcr of tggE
3. Attached garages or carports, private greenhouses, swimming pools, tennis
courts, patios, or other recreationar facirities customariry incidentar to permitted
residential uses.
4. Other uses customarily incidental and accessory to permttted or conditional
uses, and necessary for the operation thereof.
B. Area B, Coldstream Condominiums
1. Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation permit in
accordance with the provisions of rifle 12, Zoning Regurations, Town of Vair
Municipal Code.
2. Attached garages or carports, private greenhouses, swimming pools, tenni;
courts, patios, or other recreational facilities customarily incidental to permitted
residential uses.
other uses customariry incidentar and accessory to permitted or conditionar uses,
and necessary for the operation thereof.
C. Area C, Glen Lyon primary/Secondary and Single-Famity Lots
1. Home occupations, sub.iect to issuance of a home occupatton permit in
accordance with the provisions of riue 12, zoning Regurations, Town of vail
Municioal Code.
2. Attached garages or carports, privale greenhouses, swimming pools, tennis
courts, patios, or other recreationar facirities customariry incidentar to permitted
residential uses.
3. Other uses customariry incidentar ancr accessory to permitted or conditional
uses, and necessary for the operation thereof.
D. Area D, Glen Lyon Commercial Site
1. Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation permit in
accordance with the provisions of Ti e 12, Zoning Regulations, Town of Vail
Municipal Code.
2. Attached garages or carports, private greenhouses, sv/imming pools, tennis
courts' patios, or othef recreationar facirities customariry incidentar to Dermitted
residential uses.
Ordinance 23. Series of l99g
3 .ther uses customariry incidentar and accessory to permitted or conditional
uses, and necessary for the operation thereof.
4. Minor arcade.
Location of Buslness Activity
A' At offices. businesses' and shat be operated and conducted entirery within a
building, except for permitted unencrosed parking or roading areas, and the outdoor dispray
of goods.
B. The area to be used for outdoor dispray must be rocated direcfly in front of the
establishment displaying the goods and entirely upon the establishment,s own property.
sidewalks, buirding entrances and exits, driveways and streets shaI not be obstructed bv
outdoor display.
D e n s ity- Dw e I I i n g tJ n its
The number of dwelling units shall not exceed the followino:
A. Area A, Cascade Village
In Area A, " rinirur of three hundred fifty-two (352) accommodation or transient
dwelring units and a maximum of ninety-four dwefiing units as defined by the tabres in
Section 18.46.1 03 for a total density of two hundred seventy (270) dwelling units.
B. Area B, Coldstream Condominiums
Sixty-five (65) dwe ing units
C. Area C, Gten Lyon primary/Secondary and Single-Famity Lots
One-hundred four (104) dwelting units.
D. Area D, Glen Lyon Commercial Site
Three dwelling units, two of which shall be employee dwelling units as defined
Chapter 12-13, of the Municipal Code .
Density-FIoor Area
A. Area A, Cascade Village
The gross residentiar froor area (GRFA) for a[ buirdings shal not exceed 289.145
square feet.
B. Area B, Coldstream Condominiums
Sixty-five thousand square feet (65,000 sq. ft.) GRFA.
Ordinanco 23, Serios of ig98
C. Area C, Glen Lyon primary/Secondary and Single-Family Lots
GRFA shat be carcurated for each rot per section 12-6D-g (Density contror) for the
Pnmary/Secondary district of the Town of Vail municipal code.
D. Area D, Glen Lyon Commercial Site
The deveropment pran for this area has expired. see ordinance No. g, series of
1998 for previous requirements.
Commercial Square Footage
A. Area A, Cascade Village
Area A shall not exceed 35,699 square feet of commerciat area.
B. Area D, Glen Lyon Commercial Site
The deveropment pran for this aree has expired. See ordinance No. g, series of
1 998 for previous requirements.
Development Statistics for Area A. Cascade Village, and Area D, Glen Lyon
Commercial Site
CHART 1: Area A Completed projects
W& H Smrrh. Vaunol
Ordinance 23, Series of 1998
"'For the prJrposes ot catcutating GRFA fo. the Cosgriff parcel (Mithace lV), no credits sha be given except for 3OO s.f. to be
allowed for €ach enctosed parking spaco.
Ordinance 23, Series ot t99B
o o
Development Plans
site specific development plans are approved for Area A and Area D. The develooment
plans for Area A are comprised of those plans submitted by Vail Ventures, Ltd. and
other deveropers' The deveropment prans for Area D are compnsed of those orans
submitted by the Glen Lyon Office Building, a Colorado partnership, The folowing
ctocuments comprise the development plan for the SDD as a whote, Waterford.
Cornerstone, Cascade Club Addition Scenario 1 and 2, Millrace lV, and Area D-Glen
Lyon Commercial Site and is not all inclusive:
1 . Waterford, Sheet #L-2, dated 11-12_gZ, Landscape plan. Dennis Anderson.2. Waterford, Sheet#1.1, dated 11_13_92, Site/Grading plan Gwathmey, pratt,
3. Waterford. Sheet#2.1, dated 11-13_92, ptan Level 38/43,3", cwathmey, prat,
4. Waterford, Sheet #2.2, dated 11-13-92, ptan Levet 48,-6y53i-0., Gwathmey,
Pratt, SchulE.
5. Waterford, Sheet#2.3, dated 11-13_92 plan Levet 59-0:/64-3,,by Gwathmey,
Pratt, Schultz.
6. Waterford, Sheet #2.4, dated 1 14_92, plan Levet 69,_6y74,_9", Gwathmey,
Pratt; Schultz.
7. Waterford, Sheet #2.5, dated 11-13_92, plan Level 80,_Oy8S,_3" Gwathmev.
Pratt, SchulE.
8. Waterford, Sheet #2.6, dated 11_.13-92, plan Levet 90,-6,, Gwathmey, pratt,
9. Waterford, Sheet #2.7, dated 11-13_92, plan Level 101 _o,,cwathmey, pratt,
Parking for Completed projects per Chart 1
Parking Spaces
Less 17.5% Mixed-Use Credit
Total Required Parking at Build-Out of Area
A in Cascade Structure
Required Parking in Cascade Structure at
Build-Out of Area A
\Mth 17.50/o mixed-use credit
Ordinance 23, Series of tggE
10. Waterford, Sheet #2.8, dated .11-13-g2, plan Level 11i,-6,, Gwathmey, pratt,
11. Waterford, Sheet #2.9, dated 11_13_92, plan Level 122,_0,, Gwathmey, pratt,
12. Waterford, Sheet #2.10, dated 12_14_92, Roof plan A Levels Gwathmey, pratt.
13. Waterford, Sheet #3.1, dated 11_13-92. Elevations cwathmey, pratt, Schultz.14. Waterford, Sheet #3.2, dated j 1-13-92, Elevations, Gwathmey, pratt, Schultz.15. Waterford, Sheet#4.1, dated 11-4_92, Sections Gwathmey, pratt, Schultz.16. Waterford, Sheet #4.2, dated 11_4_92, Sections, Gwathmey, pratt. Schultz.17. Waterford, Sheet #4.3, dated 1j-4_92, Sections, Gwarnmey, pratt, Schultz.18. Waterford, Sheet #g_1, dated 10-20_92, Unit plans cwathmey, pratt, Schuttz.19. Waterford, Sheet #9.2, dated 10-20_92, Unit plans, Gwathmey, pratt, Schultz.20. Waterford, Sheet #9.3, dated 10-20-92, Unit ptans Gwathmey, pratt, Schultz.21. Waterford, Sheet #9.4, dated 10-20-92, Unit plans, Gwathmey, pratt, Schultz.22. Waterford, Sheet #9_5, dated 10.20-92, Unit plans Gwathmey, pratt, Schultz.23. Cascade Club Addition Site plan, Roma, 10/10/88.
24. Cbscade Club Floor plan, Roma, .10/10/88.
25. Mittrace lll, Sheet #1, dated 5/6/93, Site ptan, Steven James Riden.26 Mirrrace lt, sheet #2. dated 4i13193, Froor prans for singre Famiry Residence.
Steven James Riden.
27. Mi race llt, Sheet #3. dated 5i6l93, Etevations for Singte Family Residence,
Steven James Riden.
28. Milfrace lll, Sheets #4 and #5, dated 3r2Ltg3, Floorplans for Duplex Building,
Steven James Riden.
29. Mi race lll, Sheets #6 and #7, dated 5/6/93, Elevations for Duplex Building,
Steven James Riden.
30. Miltrace lll, Sheet L1, dated 5/6/93, Site/Landscape ptan, Steven James Riden.3l Mirrrace rv, Scenario r. a/k/a cosgriff parcer, site pran, Arnord Gwathmey pratt,
32. Millrace lV, Scenario l, a/k/a Cosgriff parcel, Elevations Arnold Gwathmey pratt,
33' Mirrrace rv, scenario r, a/k/a cosgriff parcer, Froor prans Arnord Gwathmey pratt,
34. Millrace lV, Scenario l, a/k/a Cosgriff parcel, Landscape plan, Dennis Anderson
35. Cosgriff parcel, Survey, Alpine Engineering, Inc., 10/31i91 stamped.36. Survey, a part of Cascade Village, Eagle Valley Engineering, Leland Lechner,
37 . Site Coverage Analysis, Eagle Valley Engineering, 1 O/10/Bg.
Ordinance 23, Series ot 19gB
38. cascade vilrage special Deveropment District Amendment and Environmental
lmpact Report: peter Jamar Associates, Inc., revised 1.1/22lgg.
" A maximum of 1000 sq. ft. of common area, in addition to the approved plans, may be
added to the waterford project to aflow for compriance with the Uniform Buirding code,
uniform Fire code and American Disab ities Act. The stafi sharr review a|| such
additions to ensure that they are fequired by such codes.
Area C, Glen Lyon primary/Secondary and Single Family Lots
1. Building Envelopes for Lots 3g-.1 and 39-2 per sheet. L_1 , prepared by Design
Workshop, Inc., dated 1.1-9_98.
Area D, Glen Lyon Commercial Site
The development plan for this area has expired. see ordinance No. g, series of 199g for
previous requirements.
Development Standards
The development standards set out herein are approved by the Town Council. These
standards shall be incorporated into the approved development plan pertinent to each
development area to protect the integrity of the development of sDD No. 4. They are minimum
development standards and shall apply unless more restrictive standards are incorDorated in
the approved deJelopment plan which is adopted by the Town Council.
A. Area A, Cascade Village
Required setbacks shall be as indicated in each development plan with a
minimum setback on the periphery of the property of not less than twenty feet, with the
exception that the setback requirement adjacent to the existing cascade parking
structure/athretic crub buirding sha|| be two feet as approved on February 8, 19g2, by the
Planning and Environmental commission. All buildings shall maintain a 50 foot stream
setback from Gore creek. The waterford buirding sha[ maintain a minimum 20 foot
setback from the north edge of the recreational path along Gore Creek.
B. Area B, Coldstream Condominiums
Required setbacks shall be as indicated on the development plan.
C. Area C, Glen Lyon primary/Secondary and Single-Family Lots
Required setbacks shall be governed by Section 12_6D-7 ofthe
Primary/secondary zone district of the Town of Vair Municipar code. For singre-famiry
Lots 39-1 and 39-2, deveropment shart occur per the approved buirding enveropes and rs
subject to the following:
. Alr future deveropment wifl be restricted to the area within the buirding enveropes.
The only development permitted outside the building envelopes shall be
randscaping, driveways (access bridge) and retaining waIs associated with
driveway construction. At-grade patios (those within 5'of existing or finished
grade) wifi be permitted to project beyond the buirding enveropes not more than
Ordinance 23, Series of 1998
o o
ten feet (10') nor more than one-half (z) the distance berween the buitding
envelope and the property line, or may project not more than five feet (5,) nor
more than one-fourth (3) the minimum required dimension between buirdings.D. Area D. Glen Lyon Commercial Site
Required setbacks shall be as indicated on the approved development plans.Height
A. For the purposes of SDD No. 4 calculations of height, height shall mean the distance measured verticary from the existing grade or finished grade (whichever is more restrictive), at any given point to the top of a flat roof, or mansard roof, or to the highest ridge rine of a sroping roof unress othenrrrise specified in approved deveropment plan drawings.
B. Area A, Cascade Village
i. The maximum height for the Westin Hotel, CMC Learning Center,
Terrace Wing, plaza Conference Building and Cascade parking
Structure/Athletic Club is 7.1 feet_
2. Cornerstone Building: Maximum height of 71 feet.3. waterford Buirding: Maximum height of feet as measured from finished
grade to any portion of the roof along the north elevation shall be 55, (South
Frontage Road), 56'along the west elevation Westhaven Drive, and 65 feet
alon! the south and east elevation as measured from finished grade.4. Westhaven Building: A maximum of 55 feet.
5. Millrace lll: A maxtmum of 36 feet.
6. Millrace lV: A maximum of 36 feet.
7. Cascade Club Addition: A maximum of 26 feet.
8. Cascade Entry Tower: A maximum of36 feet.9. The remainder of buildings in Area A shall have a
maximum height of 48
C. Area B. Coldstream Condominiums
The maximum height shall be 48 feet_
D. Area C. Gten Lyon primary/Secondary and Single_Fam,ty Lots
The maximum height sha, be 33 feet for a sroping root and 30 feet for a frat or
mansard roof.
E. Area D_ Glen Lyon Commerctat Site
51% of the roof shall have a height between 32 and 40 feet. 49% of the roof area sharl have a height under 32 feet. on the perimeter of the buirding for Area D, height is measured from finished grade up to any point ofthe roof. on the interior area of any building' height is measured from existing grade up to the highest poinr ofthe roof.Development plan clrawings shall constitute the height allowances for Area D.
O.dinanca 23, Serie! of 1998
o o
Site Coverage
Areas A & B: No more than 35% of the total site area shall be covered by buildings,
provided, if any portion of the area is deveroped as an institutionar or
educational cenlet, 41o/o of the area may be covered unless otherwise
indicated on the site specific development plans.
Area C: No more than 25% ofthe total site area shall be covered by buildings.
unless the more restrictive standards of Chapter .12-21 of the Vail
Municipal Code apply.
Area D: No more than 370/o of the totar site area shal be covered by buirdings and
the parking structure.
At least the fotowing percentages of the totar deveropment area shat be randscaped as
provided in the development plan. This shall include retention of natural landscaoe. if
appropraate. Areas A and B, fifty percent, and in Areas C and D, sixty percent (60%), of
the area sharr be randscaped unress othe*ise indicated on the site soecific
development plans.
Parking and Loeding
A. Aiea A, Cascade Village
1. Off-staeet parking shall be provided in accordance wth Chapter 12_10,
except that 75% of the requifed parking in Area A shan be rocated within a
parking structure or buildings with the exception of Millrace rv, scenario l. where . 66.6% of required parking shall be enclosed in a building. _
2. There shall be a total of 421 spaces in the main Cascade Club parking
structure. A 17.S percent mixed-use credit per the Town of Vail parking code,
has been appried to the totar number of required parking spaces in the cascade
3. There shall be a total of Sg on_site parking spaces on the Waterford
building site with a minimum of 750l" of the required space located below grade.
No mixed use credit shall be applied to this site.
4. There shall be a minimum of 93 enclosed parking spaces located within
the Cornerstone building with 37 of the required spaces avaitable to the public for
short{erm parking. No mixed use credit has been applied to this lot.5' The third floor of the cascade parking structure sha, not be used to meet
any parking requirements for accommodation units, transient residentiar dwetini)
. unils, employee dwelling units or dwelling units.
6. Phasing: Arr required parking for cornerstone and waterford shar be
located on their respective sites. All required parking for the Cascade Club
weflness center Addition scenario 1 shal be provided in the cascade parkino
Ordinsnce 23. Series ol199g
7. seventy-five percent of the required parking shal be rocated within the
main building or buildings and hidden from public view from adjoining properties
within a landscaped berm for Westhaven Condominiums, and Millrace lll.8. All loading and delivery shall be located within buildings or as approved jn
the development Dlan.
Area B. Coldstream Condominiums
Fifty percent of the required parking shall be located within the main building or
buildings and hidden from public view from adjoining properties within a
landscaped berm.
Area C, Glen Lyon primary/Secondary and Single-Family Lots
Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with Chapter t 2_10 of the
Municipal Code.
Area D, clen Lyon Commercial Site
7. Once the parking structure ts constructed, the parking and access to
Area D shall be managed per the TDA parking Report, parking Management
Section, pages 6 and 7, August 10, 1988, and TDA Report, Vait Brewery parking
Analysis update, dated January 16, 1990, both written by Mr. David Leahy.8.' No loading or delivery of goods shall be allowed on the public right_of-way
along the South Frontage Road adjacent to the Area D development.9. The owner ofthe property and brewery management shall prohibit
semFtruck and trailer truck traffic to the Glen Lyon Commerciat site. The only
truck loading that shall be allowed to the site shall be vans havrng a maximum
tength of 22 feet.
Recreation Amerrities fax Assessed
The recreationar amenities tax due for the deveropment within sDD No. 4 under chapter
3.20 shall be assessed at a rate not to exceed twenty-five cenrs per square foot of the floor area in Development Area A; and at a rate not to exceed fifty cents per sqi.rare foot of GRFA in Development Area B; and at a rate not to exceed fifteen cents per square
foot of GRFA in Development Area C; and at a rate not to exceeo seventy_five cents per
square foot of floor area in Development Area D; and shall be paid in conjunction with each construction phase prior to the issuance of building permtrs.
C onsev ati on and pot t uti o n Co ntro I s
A The deveroper's drainage pran shat incrude a provision for prevention of potulion
from surface runoff.
B. The developer shall include in the building construction, energy and water
conservation controls as general technology exists at the time of construction_C. The number of fireplaces permitted shall be as set forth an lhe Town of Vail
Municipal as amended.
D. lf fireplaces are provided within the development, they must be heat efficient
through the use of grass encrosures and heat circurating devices as technorogy exists at the time of development.
Ordinanco 23, Series of 1998 15
E. All water features within
per the recommendation of the
Area A shall have overflow storm dratns
lmpact Report by Jamar Associates on
Page 34.
F. All parking structures shall have pollution control devices ro prevent oil and dirt
from draining into Gore Creek.
G. In Area D, a manhole on the brewery service line shall be provided so that the
upper Eagre Va||ey consolidated sanitation District may monitor BoD strength..H. In Area D, the brewery management shall not operate the brewery process
during temperature inversions. rt sha'be the brewery owne/s responsibirity to monitor
r' A',trash compactors and trash storage areas shat be compretery encrosed within
Special Development District 4.
J' Protective measures shafi be used during construction ro prevent soir erosion
into Gore Creek, particularly when construction occurs in Areas A and D.K. The two employee dwelling units in Area D shall only be a owed to have gas
fireplaces that meet the Town of Vail ordinances governing fireptaces.
Additional Amenities and Approval Agreements for Special Deve!opment
District No. 1.
A The deveroper shat provide or work with the Town to provide adequate private
transportation services to the owners and guests so as to transport them from the
deveropment to the vifiage core area and Lionshead area as ouained in the aooroved
clevelopment plan.
B. Area A, Cascade Village
l The deveroper sha, construct a sidewark that begins at the entrance to
rhe cascade crub arong westhaven orive and extends to the west in front of the
wesrhaven buirding to connect with the recreationar path to Donovan park. The
walk shall be constructed when a building permit is requested for Westhaven
Condominiums. The sidewalk shall be part of the building permit ptans. The
sidewark shat be constructed subsequent to the issuance of a buirding permit
and prior to the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy for Westhaven
2. The deveroper shal provide 1oo-year floodprain information for the area
ad.iacent to the Waterford and Cornerstone buildings to the Town of Vail
community Deveropment Department before buirding permits aie rereased for
. either project.
3. Cornerstone
The development plan for this area has expired. See Ordinance No. g. Series of
1998 for previous requirements.
4. The Ruins / Westhaven Condominiums
The deveropment pran for.this area has expired. see ordinance No. g. series of
1998 for previous requiremenls.
Ordinanc. 23. Series ot t99B
C. Area D, Glen Lyon Commercial Site
The deveropment pran for this area has expired. see ordinance No. g, series of
1999 for previous requirements.
Employee Housing
The deveropment of sDD No. 4 wi, have impacts on avarrabre emproyee housing within
the upper Eagre Vatey area. In order to herp meet thrs additionar emproyee housing
need' the deveroper(s) of Areas A and D shat provide emproyee housing on site. The
deveroper(s) of Area A sha, buird a minimum of 17 emproyee dwetang units within Area
A Westhaven condominium buirding (Ruins), 3 within the cornerstone Buirding and 2
within the Liftside (waterford Butding). Each emproyee dweting unit in the westhaven
Condominium Building (Ruins) shall be deed restricted as a Type lll EHU. Each
emproyee unit in the cornerstone Buirding sha| have a minimum square footage of 600
square feet. There shat be a totar of 2 emproyee dwering unats in the waterford
Building' one sha, be a minimum of 300 square feet and the other a minimum of 800
square feet.
The deveroper of Area D sha, buird 2 emproyee dwerrrng units in the Area D east
buirding per the approved pran for the East Buirding. In Area D one emproyee dwefling
unit shall have a minimum GRFA of 795 square feet and the second employee dwelling
unit shall hbve a minimum GRFA of 900 square feet. The GRFA and number of
employee units shall not be counted toward allowable density or GRFA for SDD No. 4
All Employee Housing Units shall be deed restricted per Chapter 12.13, as amended, of
the vair Municipar code prior to issuance of buirding permrts for the respective proiect.
In Area C, Lots 39-1 and 39_2, shalt be required to provide a Type ll, Employee Housing
unit (EHU) per chapte.r2-13 0f the zoning Regurations of at reast 500 sq. ft. each. on
each rot. These rots sha'not be entired to the 500 sq. ft. of additionar GRFA. The 500
sq. ft. shafi be incruded in the aflowabre GRFA on these rots. Each rot sha, arso be
entifled to 300 sq. ft. of garage area credit for the emproyee housing unit, in addition to
the 600 sq ft garage area credit atowed per residence. The driveway width of .12 ft is
atowed to remain (no increase in driveway width is requrred) for a, atowed/required
dwelling units and employee housing on these lots.
Time Requirements
sDD No 4 sha' be governed by the procedures outined In section 12-9A of the Town
of Vail Municipal Code.
Section 5.
lf any part, section, subsection, sentence, crause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason
held to be invarid, such decision shal not affect the varidity of the remarnrng portions of this
ordinance; and the Town councir hereby decrares it wourd have passed this ordinance, and
eacn pa(' section' subsection, sentence, crause or phrase thereof, regardress of the fact that
Ordinance 23. Se.ies of 1998
any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or pnrases be declared
Section 6.
The repeal or the repear and re-enactment of any provisions of the Vair Municipar code as
provided in this ordinance shafi not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any
vioration that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecurion commenced, nor anv
other action or proceeding as commenced under or by virtue ofthe provision repeared or
repeared and reenacted. The repear of any provision hereby shat not revive any provision or
any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein.
Section 7.
All bylaws, orders, resolutions and ordinances, or parts thereof,
inconsistent herewith are hereby repeared to the extent onry of such inconsistency. The
repealer sharr not be construed to revise any byraw, order, resorution or ordinance, or part
thereof, heretofore repealed.
PUBLISHED oNcE rN FULL oN F,RST READTNG this 1sth day of December, r998, and a
pubric hearing foi second reading of this ordinance set for the sth day of January, 199g. in the
)\d ti (r ,.<1 c-
Donaldson, Town Clerk
sth day of January, 1999.
Ordinanc6 23, Series of l99g
A pan of the SW I/4 NE
P.M., dcsiribed as follows:
12.370 acr.es
l/4 of Scction 12, Township 5 South, Range gl West of the 6th
Beginning ar a poinr on the wesr rinc of sai, sw r/4 NE r/4 from which the Nonh onc-quartcr corncr ofsaid scction bcars Nonh 0'r5' Erst 2269.4g rect; thencc Nonh o; is:errL along said wcst [-inc' | 52.36 fcct to a point on thc southeasterry r.rght of way linc of tJ. S.Highway No. 6; thence, along said Southeaster.ly right of way line, as follows:
Nonh 52'27' East, 102.3 I feetl
Norrh 49.20,East,519.57 fccr; and
Nonh 43" l3' Easr, 549.09 fccr, morc or ress, ro a point on the Norrh rine ofsaitr sw l/4 NE l/4; thence Nortb 88'i3'Easr, arong the Norrh rine oisaid sw l/4 NE, :os reet, *ore o,l less, to a point on the ccnterline ofGoriCreck; thence, otong the centerline ofGor. b;;h;;follorvs:
South l6'49' West, 101.0-l fcet:
South 18"21, Wcst, 54.08 fcct;
South l'24' Wcst, 205.02 fcct:
South 12"10'Wcst, ll0.25fecr; and
south 28"41'wesr.242.35 rcet, thcncc Sourh 75"15' wesr, 1064.10 feet to rhe poinr of bcginning.
Rosc l)arccl J.l9o acr.cs
A rr0o of land sirurtcd in rhc SWI/4NEl/4 of Scoion 12, Tp 5 S., R. ltl W., of thc 6tn P.lvt., lying Southerly of that cerrain nac of rand describcd in Book l99,elg. rsz, Nonrr.rri'ana westerly of the center rine ofGore creek, and lying Norrheriy and Easterry ofrhose cerlain fracrs described in Book 2r I at page r06, Book 2r I ar plgc tos ario eoot 2r5 at page 365, describea as follorvs:
Beginning at a point on rhe Nonh-Sourh center line of said Section r2 rvhencc the Nofth quaner comcr of said Scction l2 bcars N. 00" 15, E. 2269.4g feer;
rhencc N. 75" l5' E. 146-26 fccr.to_ rh^c tluc point ofbcginning, said point bcing on thc SoLrth linc ofthat tract dcsc'itrcd in Book r99, n^g" toz
"nJ,,Jnich bcars S. 0g"26, E. 2205.34 f-eet from thc Norrh quarrcr corncr of said Section-I2:
rhcncc N. 75 " I 5' E. 7 l 7.g4 reet arong the soLrtherry line of thar n.act described in Book 199, Pagc 197 to rhe ccnrcr of Gorc Crcck;
thcncc S. 2f{.41, W. 130.61 fcct along rha ccnter. line of said Crcek;thcncc S. 05.24'30,' E. l0.l 50 fcct along the ccnrcr linc of said Crcck;rhencc S. 49"29, W. 95.50 lccr along rhc ccnrer line of said Creek:thcncc S. 22"34, W.12.4.4j tcct along thc ccntct. linc of said f,rcck;thcncc S. 54.00,W_ | lg.l4 fco along thc ccnrcr linc ofsaid Cr.cck; to thc Southcast corner of rhat cerlain rrao of land dcscribed in Book 2l I, page l0g;
thcncc N. 33' t 6'30" w. r40. | 2 fecr arong thc Eaircrtl rinc of thar tracr dcscribcd in Boor 2l I at Page t08;
thcncc N 57" 42'30" w. 169.88 lcct along lhc Norrhcasterly linc ofthat tr-act dcscribcd in Book ll I at Pagc 108;
rhcncc N. 86'02'10" w. r62.92 fcct arong thc Northcr.iy rinc of thosc tracts dcscdbcd in Book 2ll at Pagc tOti, Book 2ll at pagc 106 rJa poinq
thcncc N. 32" 57'30" w. 76.09 fect arong thc Norlheasterly rinc ofthat ract described in Book 215 at Page 365, to thc point ofbeginnin!.
''u' b,O o o
Attachment: E
oRDrtrANcE No. 5
series ot t373-
IIHEREAS, Article I, Section 1.20I, of the Zoning
Ordinance, Ordj.nance No. 8, Series of L973, of the Torrn of
vail, Colorado, as amended, established thirteen zoning dis-
tricts for the nunicipality, one of which is the Special
DeveLopment District t
I{HEREAS, Mansfield Corporation and Gore Creek Associates.
fartnership, submitted as o$rners applications requesting that
the Tor,rn establish Special Development District 4, hereinafter
referred to as "sD ", for the development on its parcel of land
comprising 97.52 acres in the portion of the Lions Ridge area,
County of EagLe, State of Colorado, which was annexed to the
Tovrn effective on the ISth day of December, 1975;
WHEREAS, the establishment of the requestecl sD4 will
ensure unified and coordinated development and use of a critical
site as a whole and in a manner suitable for the area in which
it is situated; and
VIHEREAS ' the Town Council eonsiders that it is
reasonable, appropriate, and beneficial to the Town and its
citizensr inhabitants, and visitors to establish saiil sD4;
Section I. Title.
This ordinance shall be known as the "Ordinance
Establishing gpecial DeveloPtnent District 4" '
section 2. Amendment Procedures F:1fi1led; Planning
Conmission Report.
The amendment procealures Prescribe'l
of the Zoning Ordinance have been fully complied
Council has received the report of the Planning
in Section 2I- 500
with and the Town
Commission recorunending
the enactment of this ordinance.
Section 3. Special Developnent District 4 Establlshed,
Amendments to Zoning Ordinance and Official Zoning :4ap.
pursuant to the provisions of Artrc.Les .L, 13, and 2L
of the Zoning Ordinance, Ordinance No. B, Series of L973, of the
Town of Vail, Colorado. as amended, Special Development District
4 (SD4). a special development zoning district, is hereby established
for the development on a certain pareel of land cornprising 97.52
acres in the Lions Ridge area of the Tovrn, and the Zoning Ordinance
and the Official Zoning Map are hereby amended by the addition of
the following provisions which shall becorne the Fourth Chapter
of Article 13, the caption of which shall be ,,Special Devel-opmenr
Dj.strict 4", and a rnap which sha1l become an addition to the
Official zoninqf Map:
A. purposes.
Special Development Disrrict 4 is established to
ensure comprehensive deveropment and use of an alea in a manner
that wj-1l be harmonious with the generaL character of the Town,
provide adequate open space and recreational amenities, and
promote the objectives of the Zoning ordinance, Special Develop_
ment District 4 is created to ensure that the development d.ensity
wj.ll be reJ-atively low and suitable for the area and the vicinity
in which it is situated, the developnent is regarded as complenentary
to the Town by the Tovrn Council and the planning Comrnission, and
there are significant . aspects of the special- _deve lopment which
cannot be satisfied through the imposition of stand.ard. zoninq
districts on the area.
B. Special Development District 4 Established.
(I) Special Development District 4 is established
for the development on a parcel of land comprising 97.52 acres as
more particularly described in Exhibit A Legal Description attached
hereto and made a part hereof; Special Developnent District 4 and said
97.52 acres may be referred, to as ,'sD4".
(2) The District shal_I consist of four separate
=-i j-t-.-.--t--town L,l.erK
' '! (o o ,o o
Iown Llerk
development areas, as identj-fied on the
of the following approximate size:
attached map consi sting
A 16.82
B 20+
c 5?+
D 3+
Development Area A is now owned by the Uansfield
Corporation, nomi.nee. Development Areas B, C, :rlrd D are now
owned. by Gore Creek Associates, a limited partnership organized
uDder the laws of the state of colorado.
C. Development Plan Required.
(f) Before the ouner commences sit.e preparation,
buildlng construction o! other improvments withln SD4, there shall
be an Approved Development plan for SD4. Development of SD4 may
be phased by Development Area ancl within Development Area but a
sufficlent amouDt of information shall be supplied with respect
to all Development Areas in order to allow the planning Commission
and Town Council to ensure the compatability of any proposed
Development Plan with the remaLnder of SD4.
(2) Each Development Area shatl be subject to a single
Development Plan. Development plans for a portlon of Development
Area must comply wlth the provisions, terms, and conclitions of the
Development Plan for the Development Area.
(3) A Proposed Development plan for SD4 sball be sub_
mitted to the Zonlng Administrator who shalI refer the Development
PLan to the Planning Commission and to the Design Revj.ew Board,
which shall conside! the plan at a regularly scbeduled meeting, and
a report of the Planning Commission setting forth its findings and
recommendations sball be transmitted to the Town Counci-I in ac_
cordance with the appticable provisions of Artlcle 2I hereof.
(4) Upon leceipt of the proposed Development plan
and Planning corrunission report, the Town councir sharl determine
whether the plan is acceptable to the Town i-n accordance witrr the
applicable provisions of sections 2l.sos and 21.506 hereof. Thrs
determination by the Town council sharl be made through its enactment
of an ordinance amepding the provisions of SD4 to incorporate the
Development PIan as an amenclment thereto, and shall become the
approved Developnent plan,
(5) The Approved Development plan shall be used as
the principa] guide for arl development rvithin sD4. Amendemnts to
an Approved Development plan which do not change its substance and
wh j.ch are duly recommended in a report of the planning Commission
may be approved by the ?own Council by resolution. Each phase
of development shall require, prior to issuance of building permLts,
approval of the Design Review Board in accordance with applicable
provisions of Article l5 hereof.
D. Contents of proposed Developne[t plans,
(]) Before any site preparation, buitding constructl-on
or improvements of any area within SD4, the developer shall submj.t
to the Zoning Adnj"nistrator an overall Environmental Impact Reporr
for SD4 in accordance with the applicable provlsions of Article 16
hereof; provided that such overall Environmental Impact Report shalI
be suppremented wi-th respect to each Deveropment Area as hereinafter
prov ided.
(2) A Proposed Development plEn shall include, but
is not limited to the following data:
I. The complete Environmental Impact Report together with a SuppLenental bnvironmental
Impact Repolt which brlngs the orlginal Report to a current status, supple;entirg such report witb respect to the DeveloD_ment Area or Development Areas involved and is acceptable to the Zoning Adminj.straror.
2. Exlsting contours having contour intervals of not more than five (5) feet if the average slope of the site is 20 per cent or less with contour intervals or nor mo!e. than ten (10) feet if tbe average slope 9f the site i.s greater that 20 per c6nt.Existing and proposed contours after graaing for each phase.
o o
3.A conceptual site p1an, at a scafe not smalLer that one (I) inch = 40 feet,
showing the locations and dimensj-ons of all buildings and structures, uses therein,
and all principal site development features,
such as J.andscaped areas recreati-onal facillties, pedestrial pfazas and waLkways,service entries, driveways, and off-street parking and Ioadj-ng arcas.
A preliminary landscape plan, at a scale not smaller than orre (1) inch =40 feet, sbowing existin€: landscape features to be retai-ned or removed, and showing, proposed landscaping and landscaped site development features,such as an outdoor recreatj.onal facilities,bicycle paths, trails, pedestr i an pfazas and walkways, water features and other elements for each development area.
Preliminary building elevations, sect ions ,and floor plans, at a scale not smaller than 1/8 inch = 1 foot, in suffj.cient detail to determine floor area, gross
residential floor area, interior cj-rcufation,location of uses within buildings, and the general scaLe and appearance of the proposed development for each development area.
A proposed plan of parking, loading,traffic circulation, and transit facilitles.and a proposed program for satisfying traffic and transportation needs generated by the development for each development area.
A volumetrlc model of the site and the proposed development, at a scal-e not smaller than I inch = 100 feet, portraying the scale and reLationships of the proposed
deveLopment to the site and illustrating the form and mass of the proposed buildings for each development area.
An architectural model of each proposed building at a scale deemed appropriate to the development by the Zoning Administrator portrayj.ng design details for each phase.
A proposed program indicating order of construction phases, transportatj-on facil"ities,
and recreatlonal amenities.
10. A proposal regarding the dedication to the Town or private ownership and maintenance of that portion of the Development Area within the 100-year floor plain of Gore Creek. In the event the
IOO-year flood plain is not dedicated to the Town sucb lands shalL be subject to a right of public . zccess to Gore Creek, and the right to use a portion of such lands for a bicycle path, and for park purposes provided that the location and use of such facilities and access shall be deter-
mined by mutuaL agreement between the Town and
the owner of the development areas involved.
E. Permitted Uses.
Single-family residenti.al dwellings, two-f ami Iy
o o
Dr \\u
=_----'--_":;_ -lo.,n plerk
t :''',a',oo o
residential dwelling and residential cluster dwellj.ngs shall be
permitted uses in Development Areas A, B, and C. Two famiLy
dwellings, residential cluster dwellings, and multiple family
dwellings shall. be permitted uses in Development Areas A & B. .
Professional offlces and business offices, with a total
gross floor area not to exceed ten thousand (10,00O) square feet,
shall be a permitted use in Development Area D.
F. Conditional Uses.
The following conditional uses shalI be permitted
subject to the issuance of a Conditional Use Permit in accordance
with the provisions of ArticLe ]8 of this ordinance, for the
various Development Areas as herein specified:
Private clubs, civic, cultural
and fraternal organi-zat ions
Public utllity and public services
Public buildings, grounds and facilities
Public park and recreation facilitles
Ski lifts and tows
Institutional or educational center: provided that if said center is constructed. then the following shall be conditional uses in conjunctlon therewith: lodges including
accessory eating, drinking or recreational
establishments--not occupyj-ng more than 20%of the total gross floor area of the lodge to which it is accessory;Public or commercial parking facilities;Professional offices, business offices and studios.
The term "Institutional or Educatioual Center" shall
mean a public or private institution for learnlng, instruction or
continuing education. Such facilities may be utilized for seminars
or educational programs and may include conference and meeting rooms,
audio-vlsual facj-l-ities and necessary accessory useage such as
dining rooms and efficiency dwelling units. The phrase "efficiency
( awelling units" shall mean any room or group of rooms without full \-
kltchen faciLitj.es, but which may lncLude a refrigerator, sink and
cook top oJ no more than two heating units, designed for or adapted
o ,
to occupancy by individuals attending the Institutional or Educational
Center; the efficienty dwelllng unlts shall be accessible from
common corrldors, walks or baLconies without passing through another
efficiency clwelling unit, accomnodat ion unit or dwelling unit and each
said unit shall not exceed 400 square feet, and shall be considered in
determining the total GRFA allowed for each development area.
G. Accessory Uses.
The following accessory uses shall be permitted in
Development Areas A, B, & C,
t. Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home
occupations permit j-n accord with the provisions
of Section f7.300 hereof,
2. Other uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary.for tbe ope"ation thereof.
The following accessory uses shaII be permitted in
Development Area C on1y.
L Attached garages or carports, private greenhouses,
s'wimming pools, tennis coults, patios, or other recleational facilities customarily incidental to permitted residential uses.
In addition the following accessory uses shal] be permitted in
Development Areas A and B.
1. Swinming pools, tennis courts, patios, or
other recreational facilities customari Iy incidental to permi.tted or conditional uses,
and necessary for the operation thereof.
H. Density Control,
1. The number of dwelling units shall not exceed
tbe followlng:
Development Area A - 252 units
Development Area B - 24O units
DeveLopment Area C - 17I units
I. Development Standards.
fne tolfowing development standards are hereby
1 Epproved by the Town Council; these standards shall be incorporated
\into the Approved Development Plan pertinent to each Development
Area to protect the integrity of the development of SD4; the following
are minimum development standards and shall apply unless more
restrictive standards are incorporated in the Approved Development Plan
which is adopted by the Town Council.
I ,o
. l. Setbacks. llequired setbacks shall be lls indicated
in each Development Plan with a minimum setbacl( on the periphery
of the property of not less than 2O feet.
2. Distance Between Buildlngs. The minimum clistances
between. all buildings shall be as indicated on each Development
Pran with a minimum of 15 feet, provided that one foot of additional
separation between bui-Idings shall be requlred for each 2 feet of
buiLding height over 15 feet, calculated on the basis of the average
height of the two buildings
3. Height. The maximum height of a bulldlng in Area
A shall be 45 feet. The maximum hej.ght of buildlngs in Areas B,
C and D sha1l be 35 feet.
4. Density Control. The gross residential floor
area of all buildings in each development area shaLl not exceed
.35 GRFA i-n Area A, .30 cnFA in Area B, and .25 GRIA in Area C.
5. Site Coverage. In Areas A and B, no more than
35% of the total site area shall be covered by buildings, provided,
if any portion of said areas is developed as an instj-tutional or
educational center, 45% of the area may be covered. In Areas C
and D, no more that 2E% of the total site area shall be covered
by buiLdings
6. Useable Open Space. Useable open space shall be
as indicated on the Development plans but in no case shatl the
same be less than 250 square feet exclusive of required front set_
back areas shall be provided at ground level for each dwelling
unit. Useable open space may be common space accessible to more
than one dwel-ling unlt, or may be prlvate space accesslbLe to
separate dwelli.ng uuits, or a combi.nation thereof. At Ieast SO
per cent of thb required ground level useable open space shall
be common space. The mini-mum dimension of any area qualifying as
ground leveL useable open space shall be ten (10) feet.
Town .Cl eil
o o (O;
7. Landscaping. At least the following proportions
of the total Development Area shall be Landscaped as provided in
the Developrnent Plan (this shall include retention of natural
landscape, if appropriate). Areas A and B, S0% and Areas C and
t- D, 60%. If any portion of Areas A and B is developed as an institution
' or educational center, these limitations may be modifiecl in accordance
with amendment procedures specifled in Section 2t.SOO of the
Zoning Ordinance.
8.: Parklng. Offstreet parking shall be provided in
accordance wj.th Article 14 of the Zoning Ordinance except that
75% ot the required parking in Area A shalt be located within
the maln building or buildings. In Areas B and D, 5O% of the
lequlred parking shall be located withln the ms.in building or
buildiDgs. On-site parking shall be provlded for corunon carriers
provldlng charter service to tie development; said bus parking shall
be indicated on the Development plan. No parklng or loading area
shall be located ln aDy required front setback area. If any
{ portion of Areas A and B ls developed as an institutional or educationa
center, these limitationa may be modi.f ied ln accordance with amend-
nent procedures speclfied in Section 21.500 of the Zonlng Ordinance.
J. Recreation Amenltles Tax. The :cecreational ameni-ties
tax due for the developmeDt witb SD4 under Ordinance No. 2, Series
of 1974, of the Town of Vall, Colorado, shall be assessed at a
rate not to exceed 90.25 per square foot of-the floor area in develop-
ment Areas A, B, and C, and at a rate not to exceed 90,75 per
square foot in Developmeot Area D; and shatl be paid in conjunction
wlth each construction pbase prior to the issuance of a building
permlt .
K, Conservation and Pollution Controls.
(l) Developer's drainage plan shall include
L provision for prevention of pollution from surface run-off.
(2) Developer shall include in the bulldlng
constructi.on energy and water conservation controls as general
technology exists at the tlme of constructlon.
I o
L. Recreational Amenities.
(1) The approved Development Plan sball include the
f ol low j.ng recreational amenities:
(a) Bike and pedestrir.n path traversing property
from east property line to west property line shall be provided by
developer with exact location to be mutually acceptable to developer
and Town Council.
LI . AdditionaL Amenit ies.
pr rvaEe (1) Developer shall provide adeclrtale
^ransportation servj-ces to tbe owners and guests of the development so as to. transpolt
them from the development to Village Core area and Lionshead area as
outlined in the approved Development Plan.
.oO i
to developer
District 4.
(2) Developer shall provide in its approved
Plan a bus shelter of a design and l-ocation mutually agreeable
and Town Council. Said shelter to serve the area generally.
N. Limi.tat ion on E@
Prior to the adoption of the Approved Development PIan,
the Town Councll reserves to the Town the right to abrogate or modify
SD4 for good cause through the enactment of an ordinance; provided,
however, that in the event the Town Council finds it to be appropriate
to consider whether to abrogate or modify SD4 the procedures shafl
be as provided in section 2l.5OO of the Zoning Ordinance pertaining
to amendments.
O. Addition to Official Zoning Map.
Special Development District 4 sh"all be indicated
on a map which amends and shall become an addition to the Off j-cial
Zoning Map.
in full thls 2nd day of
l(arch, 1976.
Sectlon 4. Effective Date.
This ordinance shall take effect in accordance with the
provisions of the Charte! of the Town of Vail.
OBDEBED PUBLISHED ONCE IN FULL, this loth day of February, 1975,
and a public hearlng on thts ordinance shall be held at the regular
meetLnS of the Town Councll of the Town of VaiI, Colorado, on the
zDd day of ldarch, 1976, at ?:30 P,M., 1n the Municipal Building
of tbe Town.
l! I ',!(,{-
- t1-
Vai 1-Rose
A part
Toh'nship 5 south,
line of
of Gore
of said
12.370 acres
of the Sw .I/4 NE. L/ 4 of Section 12 ,Range 81 West of the 6Lh P.M., described as
Beginning at a point on the tlest line of said SW L/4
NE 1/4 from which the North one-quarter corner of said Section bears North 0oI5' East 2269.48 feet; thence North OoI5, East.along said west Line. 152.36 feet to a point or, the Southeasterly right of way line of U.S- Highway lfo. 6r thence. along said Southeasterly rl-ght of way 1ine, as follows:
North 52027' East, 102.31 feet;
North 49o20' East, 519.57;feet; and North 48o.I3r East, 549.09 feet, more or less, to a DotnE on the North line of said Sw I/4 NE l,z4; thence North 88033'East, along the North line of said. SW f/4 NE, 368 feet, more or less, to a point on the centerline of Gore Creek; thence, alonq the centerline of Gore Creek, as follows:
South 36049' West, 101.04 feet;
South I8o2I' West, 54.08 feeti
South Io24r wesL, 2O5.02 feeEi
South l2o10r l.lest, ].I0.25 feet; and
South 28041' West, 242,35 feet, thence South 75015,West, 1064.I0 feet to the point of beginning.
Rose Parcel 3.190 acres
A tract of land situated in the SWtNEk of Section 12,TP 5 S., R. 8l W., of the 6th p.M., lying Southerly of that certarn tract of land described in Book 199, page 197, Northerly and Westerly of the center line of core Creek, and J-ying Northerly and Easterly of those certain tracts descrj-bed in Book 2ll at page 106,
Book 211 at Page 108 and Book 215 at Page 365, described as fol lows :
Beginning at a point on the North-South center Iine of saiil section 12 vrhence the North quarter corner of said Section
12 bears N. 00015' E. 2269.48 feet;
thence N. 75015' E. 346.26 feet to the true point of beginning, said point being on the South fine of that tract described
in Book 199, Page 197 and which bears S. 08025t E. 2205.34 feet
from the North quarter corner of said sect.ion 12t
thence N.' 75015' E. 117.84 feet along the southerly
that tract described in Book I99, Page 197 to the center
thence s. 28o4lr W. I30.61 feet alonq the center line
thence S. 05024'30" E. 104.50 feet ,ilong the center
line of said Creek;
thence s. 4go2g ' v.l. 95.50 feet along the center line
of said Creek;
thence s. 22o34t w. L24.47 feet al-ong the center line
of said Creek i thence S. 54000' W. 119.34 feet along the center line
of said Creek; to the Southeast corner of that certain tract of
Iand described in Book 211, Page l0B;
thence N. 33"15'30" w. 140.12 feet along the Easterly
line of that tract described in Book 2ll at page I08;
thence N. 57042'30' w. 169.88 feet along the
Northeasterly line of that tract described in Book 211 at page 108;
thence N. 86002',30', W. 162.92 feet along the Northerly
Iine of those tracts described in Book 2II at Page I08 Book 2lJ.
at Page 106 to a point;
thence N. 32057r30" w. 76.08 feet along the Northeasterly line of that tract descrj.bed in Book 215 at Page 365, Lo the point of beginning.
I.260 acres Heede Pa rce I
o I ta
county of Eagle and state of colorado, to wit:
A tract of land iituated in the swtNEk of secti.on 12. Township 5
South, Range Sl west of the 5th Principal Meridian, described
as follows: Beginning at a point on the North-South center
tine of said Section 12 whenie the North Quarter corner of said
Section 12 bears North 00 degs. 15 mins. East 2269.48 feett thence
North 75 degs. 15 mins. East 346.26 feei-; thence South 32 degs'
57 mins. 30 secs. East 76.08 feeti thence south 11 degs. 00 mins'
30 secs. west 279.99 feet to a Point in the center of Gore Creek;
thence North 50 degs. 32 mins. west III.31 feet along the center
line of said creek; thence North 38 degs. 40 mins. west 239.09 feet
al,ong the center line of said creek; thence South 76 degs.
35 mins. i.test 89.91 feet along the center line of said creek to a
poj-nt on the North-South center line of said section 12i thence
llorth 00 degs. 15 mins. East 13.95 feet along Lhe North-South
center line of said Section 12 to the point of beginning.
Total I6.820 acres
LegaI Descriptiol
AI1 that part of Section 12, Township 5 South, Range 8J' west of
the 5th P,M., described as follows:
AI1 that part of the NTNEL of Section 12, Iying southerly of the
southerly right-of-way line of U.S. Highvray No. 6 and Northerly
of the southirly line of said NlNEt, as shown ln the plat on file
.in the office of the Eagle county clerk and Recorder as Document
No, 97489, described as follows:
Beginning at the highway survey monument at the intersection of the
southerly line of said highway and the Easterly line of said
NtNEk, whence the Northeast corner of said section 12 bears North
0o03 ' West 534.785 feet;
thence South 73026'30" west l-11-2.13 feet along the southerly right
of way line of said highwaY;
thencl south 70o34' w.it r25.to feet along the southerl-y right of
way line oE said highway;
thSnce south 69o25r -west toO,O0 feet along the Southerly right of
wav line of said hiqhwav;
thance South 55050'-West IO0,00 feet along the Southerly line of
said highway;
thence Souttr 6ZotS' West 100,00 feet along the Southerly right of
way line of saicl highway;
th6nce south 58040'-west l0o.oo feet along the southerlY rj-ght of
way line of said highway;
th'ence south 55005'-wesl l00.00 feet along the southerly right of
stay J.ine of said highway;
thence South 5Io32' west I00.00 feet along the Southerly right of
way line of said highway;
thince south 47057'-wesi 232.58 feet along the southerly right of
way line of said highway to a poi.nt on the southerly line of said
thence North 88033' East 497.67 feet along the southerly line of
said NhNEk to the center of the NEk of said Section 12;
thence North 88033' East I379.35 feet along the southerly line of
said NtNEt to the Southeast corner of said NL\IEL;
thence North 0oO3' west 760'95 feet aLong the EasterLy line of said
NINEI to its intersection with the southerly line of said
highway, the point of beginning.
I o
AII that part of the swkNEk of Section 12, lying southerly of
the center of Gore creek as shown on the plat on file in the
office of lhe Eag]e county Cl-erk and Recorder as Document No.
97489, de scri.bed as follows:'
Beqinninq at the Northeast corner of said SwtNEkt
thlnce s;uth 88033' West 13I.67 feet to a point in the center of
said Creek;
thence South 4OoO9' west 94.04 feet along the cjenter of said Creek;
thence South 18o2I' west 54.08 feet along the c:enter of said Creek;
thence South lo24' West 205.02 feet along the center of said creekt
thence South I2*l-0' West I10.25 feet along the center of said Creek;
thence South 28041' west 320.00 feett
thence South 5024'30" East, 170.00 feet alonq the center of sa j-d
thence South 27000'02" I'les L 85.24 feet along the center of said
thence South 54000' Vlest 259.34 feet along the center of said
thence South 55034' west L09.62 feet along the center of said
thence South 69o04' West 186.13 feet along the center of said creek;
thence South 85025' west 68.88 feet along the center of said creek;
thence North 77036' I,Jest 26.96 feet aloncl the center of said creek;
thence North 50032' West I99,19 feet along the center of said creek;
thence North 38040' West 239.09 feet along the center of said creek;
thence South 76035r West 89.91 feet along the center of sa j-d creek;to a point on the Westerly line of said SWLNEI;
thence South 0oI5' west 46I.90 feet to the center of said Section l2t
thence North 89.02r East 1382.65 feet along the Southerly line of
said SWkNEt to the Southeast corner of said SWTNE!;
thence North 0006' East 1384.32 feet along the Easterly l-ine of said
swlNEl to the Northeast corner of said SwkNEk, the point of
beg inning ,
The NwkSEt of Section 12, Township 5 south, Range 8l West of the
6th P.M. ;
AII Lhat part of the sEkNwL of Section 12, Township 5 south, Range
81 West of the 6t.h P.M., Iying Southerly of the Southerly right of
way l-ine of U.S. Highway No. 6, as shown on the p]at on file in the office of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder as Document No. 97489,described as follows:
Begj-nning at the Southeast corner of said SEINWL;
thence south 89002' West 836.95 feet along the Southerly line of said sElNIdt to a point on the southerly right of way Iine of saiil
thence North 52035r East 1057.07 feet along the SouLherly riqht of way line of said highway to a point on the Easterty line of saicl
SElNwt I
thence South Oo15' west 628.21
SETNW\ to the Southeast corner
feet along the Easterly line of said
of said SELNWI , the point of
that part described in Book 188 at page 545;
that part described in Book 19I at paqe 24L;
that part described in Book 203 at page 23I;
that part described in Book 203 at page 531;
that certain island adjacent to the above-descrj-bed proDerty, and located in the middle of core Creek, which the parties intend to exclude fron this transaction;
{ county of Eagle,t St.te of colorado
Planning and Environmental Commission
Department of Community Development
October 14,2002
A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council of a proposed
major amendment to Special Development District No. 4, Cascade Village,
Development Area B, to amend the setback requirements as indicated on
the approved development plan, located at Coldstream Condominiums, Unit
#25, 1476 Westhaven Drive /Lot 53, Glen Lyon Subdivision.
Applicant; James and Jane Kaufman, represented by Fritzlen Pierce
Architects Planner: Allison Ochs
The applicant, James and Jane Kaufman, represented by Fritzlen Pierce Architects, is
requesting a major amendment to Special Development District No. 4, Cascade Village,
Development Area B, to amend to the minimum setback requirement of 20 ft. Specifically,
the applicant is proposing lo encroach 4.2 ft. into the required 20 ft. setback as indicated on
the approved development plan for Coldstream Condominiums. Staff is recommending
denial of the proposed amendment to Special Development District No. 4, subject to the
criteria for review as outlined in Section lX of this memorandum.
Special Development District No. 4, Cascade Village, establishes the development
standards for Development Area B, Coldstream Condominiums. Ordinance No. 23, Series
of 1998, states the following setback requirement for Area B, Coldstream Condominiums:
Required setbacks shall be as indicated on the development plan.
The development plan indicates a setback of 20 ft. for the entire propeny. The applicants,
James and Jane Kaufman, represented by Fritzlen Pierce Architects, are proposing a
deviation to this requirement. The Kaufman residence is Unit 25 ol Coldstream
Condominiums. They are requesting an addition of approximately 89 sq. ft. The addition
will partially enclose an existing deck and will encroach 4.2 ft. into the required 20 ft.
setback. In addition, the deck above the proposed addition will be extended 2 ft., which will
be 12 ft. into the required setback. The proposal adds approximately 26 sq. ft. of GRFA into
the setback. Because the subject property is located within Special Development District
No. 4, Cascade Village, the request is considered a major amendment to Special
Developmenl District No. 4, in accordance with Section 12-9A-1 0, Vail Town Code.
The Planning and Environmental Commission requesled thatthe applicant submit a revised
site development plan to indicate the proposed amendment and the units which would be
allowed lo encroach into the 20 ft. setback. The revised site olan has been included for
Special Development District No. 4, Cascade Village, was adopted by Ordinance No. 5,
Series of 1976. Subsequenl amendments occurred in 1977,1978, 1979, 1982, 1984, 1986,
1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1993, 1995, 1998, and 1999. The subject property was a Planned
Unit Developmenl under Eagle County Jurisdiction when the property was annexed in 1975.
Special Development District No. 4 includes the lollowing:
Area A
Area B
Area C
Area D
Cascade Village
Coldstream Condominiums
Glen Lyon Primary/Secondary and Single Family Lots
Glen Lyon Commercial Site
The entire Cascade Village site is approximately 97.5 acres. The identified public benefits of
the Special Development District are:
Creation of a "third village" and development of significant bed base has improved
Vail's summer marketing potential, bike path and stream tract open to public,
employee housing, CMC facility.
Because the property was annexed into the Town of Vail as a Planned Unit Development
under Eagle County jurisdiction, and because the early Special Development Districts were
not based on an underlying zoning, there is no underlying zoning for Cascade Village. The
uses and development standards for the entire property are as outlined in the adopting
ordinance for Special Development District No. 4.
The construction of Phase I ol Coldstream Condominiums was compleled in 1979, and
Phase ll was completed in 1982. Both phases were completed under the existing Special
Developmenl District requirements. The 20 ft. setback is identified on the development plan
and on the condominium plat. According to Town of Vail records, there are 45 units of
approximately 67,000 sq. ft. of GRFA. In 1990, a major amendment to Special Development
District No. 4, requesting GRFA lo construct additional dwelling units, was denied by the
Town Council. The Town Council denied the request, stating that the GRFA would only be
allowed for the construction of employee housing units. According to Town of Vail records,
no other amendments have been made for Coldstream Condominiums since the
development plan was adopted in 1978.
Special Development District and Major Amendment
Order of Review: Generally, applications will be reviewed first by the Planning and
Environmental Commission for impacts of use/development, then by the Design Review
Board for compliance of proposed buildings and site planning, and final approval by the
Town Council.
Plannino and Environmental Commission:
The Planning and Environmental Commission is advisory to the Town Council. The
Planning and Environmental Commission shall review the proposal for and make a
recommendation to the Town Council on the following:
. Permitted, accessory, and conditional uses
' Development standards including, lot area, site dimensions, setbacks, height,
density control, site coverage, landscaping and parking . Evaluation of design criteria as follows (as applicable):
A. Compatibility: Design compatibility and sensitivity to the immediate
environment, neighborhood and adjacent properties relative to architectural
design, scale, bulk, building height, buffer zones, identity, character, visual
integrity and orientation.B. Relationship: Uses, activity and densily which provide a compatible, etficient
and workable relationship with surrounding uses and activity.C. Parking And Loading: Compliance with parking and loading requiremenls as
outlined in Chapter , Vail Town Code.D. Comprehensive Plan: Conformity with applicable elements of the Vail
Comprehensive Plan, Town policies and urban design plans.E. Natural and/or Geologic Hazard: ldentification and mitigation of natural
and/or geologic hazards that affect the property on which the special
development district is proposed.
F. Design Features: Site plan, building design and location and open space
provisions designed to produce a functional development responsive and
sensitive to natural fealures, vegetation and overall aesthetic quality of the
community.G. Traffic: A circulation system designed for both vehicles and pedestrians
addressing on and off-site traffic circulation.H. Landscaping: Functional and aesthetic landscaping and open space in order
to optimize and preserve natural features, recreation, views and function.l. Workable Plan: Phasing plan or subdivision plan that will maintain a
workable, functional and efficient relationship throughout the development of
the special development district.
Desion Review Board:
The Design Review Board has no review authority on a Special Development District
proposal, but must review any accompanying Design Review Board application. The Design
Review Board review of a Special Development District prior to Town Council approval is
purely advisory in nature.
The Design Review Board is responsible for evaluating the Design Review Board proposal:. Architectural compatibility with other structures, the land and surroundings . Fitting buildings into landscape . Configuration of buiHing and grading of a site which respects the topography . Removal/Preservation of trees and native vegetation . Adequate provision for snow storage on-site . Acceptability of building materials and colors . Acceptability of roof elements, eaves, overhangs, and other building forms
. Provision of landscape and drainage r Provision of fencing, walls, and accessory structures . Circulation and access to a site including parking, and site distances . Location and design of satellite dishes . Provision of outdoor lighting . Compliance with the architectural design guidelines of lhe Lionshead
Redevelopment Master Plan
The staff is responsible for ensuring that all submittal requirements are provided and plans
conform to the technical requirements of the Zoning Regulations. The staff also advises the
applicant as to compliance with the design guidelines. Staff provides a staff memo
containing background on the property and provides a slaff evaluation of the project with
respect to the required criteria and findings, and a recommendation on approval, approval
with conditions, or denial. Staff also facilitates the review process.
Town Council:
The Town Council is responsible for final approval/denial of an amendmenl to a Special
Development District. The Town Council shall review the proposal for the following:
o Permitted, accessory, and conditional uses . Approval of development standards including, lot area, site dimensions, setbacks,
height, density control, site coverages, landscaping and parking . Evaluation of design criteria as follows (as applicable):
A. Compatibility: Design compatibility and sensitivity to the immediate
environment, neighborhood and adjacent properties relative to architectural
design, scale, bulk, building height, buffer zones, identity, character, visual
integrity and orientation.B. Relationship: Uses, activity and density which provide a compatible, efficient
and workable relationship with surrounding uses and activity.C. Parking And Loading: Compliance with parking and loading requirements as
outlined in Chapter 10, Vail Town Code.D. Comprehensive Plan: Conformity with applicable elements of lhe Vail
_ Comprehensive Plan, Town policies and urban design plans.
Natural and/or Geologic Hazard: ldentification and mitigation of nalural
and/or geologic hazards that affect the property on which the special
development district is proposed.
Design Features: Site plan, building design and location and open space
provisions designed to produce a functional development responsive and
sensilive to natural features, vegetation and overall aesthetic quality of the
Traffic: A circulation system designed for both vehicles and pedestrians
addressing on and off-site traffic circulation.
Landscaping: Functional and aesthetic landscaping and open space in order
to optimize and preserve natural features, recrealion, views and function.
Workable Plan: Phasing plan or subdivision plan that will maintain a
workable, functional and eff icient relationship throughout the development of
the special development district.
Town of Vail Zoning Regulations: Staff has reviewed the Town of Vail Zoning
Regulations and believes the tollowing sections are relevant to the review of this
12-94-1: PURPOSE:
The purpose of the Special Development District is to encourage flexibility
and creativity in the development of land in order to promote its most
appropriate use; to improve the design character and quality of the new
development with the Town; to facilitate the adequate and economical
provision of streets and utilities; to preserve the natural and scenic features
of open space areas; and to further the overall goals of the community as
stated in the Vail Comprehensive Plan. An approved development plan for a
Special Development District, in conjunction with the property's underlying
zone district, shall establish the requirements for guiding development and
uses of property included in the Special Development District. The Special
Development District does not apply to and is not available in the following zone districts: Hillside Residential, Single-Family, Duplex,
Primary/Secondary. The elements of the development plan shall be as
outlined in Section 12-9A-6 of this Article.
change uses; increase gross residential floor area; change the number of
dwelling or accommodation units; modify, enlarge or expand any approved
special development district (other than "minor amendments" as defined in
this Section), except as provided under Sections 12-1 5-4, "lnterior
Conversions", or 12-15-5, "Gross Residential Floor Area (250 Ordinance)" of
this Title.
UNDERLYING ZONE DISTRICT: The zone district existing on the property,
or imposed on the property at the time the special development district is
approved. The following Zone Districts are prohibited from special
development districts being used: Hillside Residential, Single-Family,
D uplex, Primary/Secondary.
An approved development plan is the principal document in guiding the
development, uses and activities of a special development district. A
development plan shall be approved by ordinance by the Town Council in
conjunction with the review and approval of any special developmentdistrict.
The development plan shall be comprised of materials submitted in
accordance with Section 12-94-5 of this Article. The development plan shall
contain all relevant material and information necessary to establish the
parameters with which the special development district shall develop. The
development plan may consist of, but not be limited to, the approved site
plan, floor plans, building sections and elevations, vicinity plan, paking plan,
preliminary open space/landscape plan, densities and permifted, conditional
and accessory uses.
1 2-94-8 : DES/GN C RITER lA:
The following design criteria shall be used as the principal criteria in
evaluating the merits of the proposed special development district. lt shall be
the burden of the applicant to demonstrate that submittal material and the
proposed development plan comply with each of the following standards, or
demonstrate that one or more of them is not applicable, or that a practical
solution ansistent with the public interest has been achieved:
A. Compatibility: Design compatibility and sensitivity to the immediate
environment, neighborhood and adjacent properties relative to
architectural design, scale, bulk, building height, buffer zones,
identity, character, visual integrity and orientation.
B. Relationship: Uses, activity and density which provide a compatible,
efficient and workable relationship with sunounding uses and activity.
C. Parking And Loading: Compliance with parking and loading
requirements as outlined in Chapter 10 of this Title.
Comprehensive Plan: Conformitywith applicable elements of the Vail
Comprehensive Plan, Town policies and urban design plans.
Natural And/Or Geologic Hazard: ldentification and mitigation of
natural and/or geologic hazards that affect the property on which the
special development district is proposed.
F. Design Features: Site plan, building design and location and open
space provisions designed to produce a functional development
responsive and sensitive to natural features, vegetation and overall
aesthetic quality of the community.
G. Traffic: A circulation system designed for both vehicles and
pedestrians addressing on and off-site traffic circulation.
H. Landscaping: Functional and aestheticlandscapingandopen space
in order to optimize and preserve natural features, recreation, views
and function.
l. Workable Plan: Phasing plan or subdivision plan that will maintain a
workable, functional and efficient relationship throughout the
development of the special development district.
Development standards including lot area, site dimensions, setbacks, height,
density control, site coverage, landscaping and parking shall be determined
by the Town Council as part of the approved development plan with
consideration of the recommendations of the Planning and Environmental
Commission. Before the Town Council approves development standards that
deviate from the underlying zone district, it should be determined that such
deviation provides benefits to the Town that outweigh the adverse effects of
such deviation. This determination is to be made based on evaluation of the
proposed special development district's compliance with the design criteria
outlined in Section 12-9A-8 of this Article.
1 2-9A-1 0 : AM EN D M E NT P ROCED U RES:A. Minor Amendments:
1. Minor modifications consistent with the design criteria
outlined in subsection 12-9A-2 (definition of "minor
amendment") of this Article, may be approved by the
Department of Community Development. All minor
modifications shall be indicated on a completely revised
development plan. Approved changes shall be noted, signed,
dated and filed by the Department of Community
2. Notitication of a proposed minor amendment, and a report of
staff action of said request, shall be provided to all property
owners within or adjacent to the special development district
that may be affected by the amendment. Affected properties
shall be as determined by the Department of Community
Development. Notifications shall be postmarked no laterthan
five (5) days following staff action on the amendment request
and shall include a brief statement describing the amendment
and the time and date of when the Planning and
Environmental Commission will be informed of the staff
decision. ln all cases the report to the Planning and
Environmental Commission shall be madewithintwenty (20)
days from the date of the staff's decision on the requested
3. Appeals of staff decisions may be filed by adjacent property
owners, owners of property within the special development
district, the applicant, Planning and Environmental
Commission members or members of the Town Council as
outlined in Section 12-3-3 of this Title.
B. Major Amendments:
1. Requests for major amendments to an approved special
development district shall be reviewed in accordance with the
procedures described in Section 12-94-4 of this Article.
2. Owners of all property requesting the amendment, or their
agents or authorized representatives, shall sign the
application. Notification of the proposed amendment shall be
made to owners of all property adjacent to the propefty
requesting the proposed amendment, owners of all property
adjacent to the special developmentdistrict, and owners of all
property within the special development district that may be
affected by the proposed amendment (as determined by the
Department of Community Development). Notification
procedures shall be as outlined in subsection 12-3-6C of this
Titte. (Ord.21(1e88) S 1)
Town of Vail Land Use Plan: Staff has reviewed the Town of Vail Land Use Plan
and believes the following sections are relevant lo the review of this request:
Resort Accommodation and Service
This area includes activities aimed at accommodating the overnight and
short term visitor to the area. Primary uses include hotels, lodges, seruice
stations, and parking structures (with densities up to 25 dwelling units or 50
accommodation units per buildable acre). These area are oriented toward
vehicular access from 1-70, with other support commercial and business
services included. Also allowed in this category, would be institutional uses
and various municipal uses.
Hioh Densitv Residential
The housing in this category would typically consist of 'multi-floored
structures with densities exceeding 15 dwelling units per buildable acre.
Other activities in this category would inctude private recreational facilitieis,
and private parking facilities and institutional/public uses such as churches,
fire stations and parks and open space facilities.
Gen eral G rowth/D eve lop ment
1.1 Vail should nntinue to grow in a controlled environment,
maintaining a balance between residential, commercial and
recreational uses to serve both the visitor and the permanent
1.2 The quality of the environment including air, water and
other natural resources should be protected as the Town
1.3 The quality of development should be maintained and
upg raded wh e never possi bl e.
1 .12 Vail should accommodate most of the additional orowth in
existing developed areas (infill areas).
1.13 Vail recognizes its stream tract as being a desirable land
feature as well as its potential for public use.
5.0 Residential
5.1 Additional residential growth should continue to occur
primarily in existing, platted areas and as appropriate in
new areas where high hazards do not exist.
5.3 Affordable employee housing should be made available
through private efforts, assisted by limited incentives,
provided by the Town of Vail with appropriate restrictions.
5.4 Residential growth should keep pace with the marketplace
demands for a full range of housing types.
5.5 The existing employee housing base should be preserved
and upgraded. Additional employee housing needs should
be accommodated at varied sites throughout the
VI. SITE ANALYSIS Zoning: Special Development District No.4
Land Use Plan Designation: Resort Accommodation and Service
Current Land Use: Mixed Use
Development Standard Allowed Existino Proposed
Lot Area: N/A 4,266,920 sq. ft. no change
Setbacks-:Fronl: 20 tl. 20 ft. 20 ft.Sides: 20 ft. 20 ft. 15.8 ft.Rear: 20 tl. 20 ft. 20 ft.
Site Coverage: 60,984 sq.feet (35/,) 29,442 sq.feet (16%) 29,604 sq.leet ('t67d
(Area B only)
Landscape Area: 91 ,740 sq.feet (50%) 98,406 sq.feet (54%) 98,247 sq.feet (53%)
(Area B only)
' The adopting ordlnance states that there shall be a minimum setback on the periphery
of the property not less than 20 ft.
Land Use Zonino North: Right-of-Way N/A
South: Open Space (USFS) N/A East: Open Space (USFS) N/A West: Open Space OR
Park and Open Space GU
Commercial/Residential HDMF
Chapter 12-9, Vail Town Code provides forthe amendment of existing Special Development
Districts in the Town of Vail. According to Section 12-9A-1, Vail Town Code, the purpose ol
a Special Development District is as follows:
To encourage flexibility and creativity in the development of land, in order to
promote its most appropriate use; to improve the design character and quality ofthe
new development within the Town; to facilitate the adequate and economical
provision of streets and utilities; to preserve the natural and scenic features of open
space areas; and to further the overall goals of the community as stated in the Vail
Comprehensive Plan. An approved development plan for a Special Development
District, in conjunction with the properties underlying zone district, shall establish the
requirements for guiding development and uses of property included in the Special
Development District.
An approved development plan is the principal document in guiding the developmenl, uses,
and activities of the Special Development District. The development plan shall contain all
relevanl material and information necessary to establish the parameters with which lhe
Special Development District shall adhere. The development plan may consist of, but not be
limited to: the approved site plan; floor plans, building sections, and elevations:vicinity plan;
parking plan;preliminary open space/landscape plan;densities;and permitted, conditional,
and accessory uses.
The determination of permitted, conditional and accessory uses shall be made by the
Planning and Environmental Commission and Town Council as part of the formal review of
the proposed development plan. Unless lurther restricted through the review of the
proposed Special Development District, permitted, conditional and accessory uses shall be
limited to those permitted, conditional and accessory uses in the property's underlying zone
The Town Code provides nine design crileria that shall be used as the principal criteria in
evaluating the merits of the proposed major amendmenl lo a Special Development District.
It shall be the burden of the applicanl to demonstrate that submittal material and the
proposed development plan comply with each of the following standards, or demonslrate
that one or more of them is not applicable, or that a practical solution consistent with the
public interest has been achieved.
A. Design compatibility and sensitivity to the immediate environment, neighborhood and
adjacent properties relative to architectural design, scale, bulk, building height, butfer
zones, identity, character, visual integrity and orientation.
The applicant is proposing a 89 sq. ft. addition, located 4.2 ft. into the required 20 ft.
setback. When Special Development District No. 4, Cascade Village, was established, the
adopting ordinance required lhat a minimum 20 ft. setback be maintained from the periphery
of the Special Development District. Staff believes that this 20 ft. setback must be
maintained. The proposed addition is located adjacent to the Town of Vail Gore Creek
stream tract. Staff believes that other opportunities exist which would allow the applicant to
expand their unit without amending this setback requiremenl, including expanding to the
south or minimizing the size of the expansion to the north. Staff believes that to maintain
design compatibility and sensitivity to the immediate environment, neighborhood and
adjacent properties, the 20 ft. setback requirement should not be amended.
B. Uses, aclivity and density which provide a compatible, efficient and workable
relationship with surrounding uses and activity.
The applicant is not proposing any changes to use, activity, or density (du/acre) which would
impacl the surroundlng uses and activities.
C. Compliance with parking and loading requirements as outlined in Ghapter 12-10 ot
the vailTown code.
The parking and loading requirements do not change with this proposal. Therefore, the
proposal complies with Chapter 12-10 of the Vail Town Code.
D. Conformity wilh the applicable elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan, Town
policies and Urban Design Plan.
The goals contained in the Vail Land Use Plan are to be used as the Town's policy
guidelines during the review process for the establishment of a special development dislrict.
Staff has reviewed the Vail Land Use Plan and believes the following policies are relevantto
the review of this proposal:
1.0 GeneralGrowth/Development
1.1 Vail should continue to grow in a controlled environment, maintaining
a balance betvveen residential, commercial and recreational uses to
serve both the visitor and the permanent resident.
1.2 The quality of the environment including air, water and other
natural resources should be protected as the Town grows.
|.3 The quality of development should be maintained and upgraded
whenever possible.
1.12 Vail should accommodate most of the additional growth in existing
developed areas (infill areas).
1.13 Vail recognizes its stream tract as being a desirable land feature
as well as its potential for public use.
5.0 Residential
5.1 Additional residential growth should continue to occur primarily in
existing, platted areas and as appropriate in new areas where high
hazards do not exist.
Affordable employee housing should be made available through
private efforts, assisted by limited incentives, provided by the
Town of Vail with appropriate restrictions.'
Residential growth should keep pace with the marketplace
demands for a full range of housing types.
5.5 The existing employee housing base should be preserved and
upgraded. Additional employee housing needs should be
accommodated at varied sites throughout the community.
The Town of Vail Land Use Plan designates Cascade Village as Resort Accommodations
and Service. Coldstream Condominiums is designated as High Density Residential. Staff
believes the uses and activities proposed are in compliance with the policies, goals, and
objectives identified in the Vail Land Use Plan.
ldentification and mitigation of natural and/or geologic hazards that affect the
property on which the special development district is proposed.
According to the Official Town of Vail Geologic Hazard Maps, the subject property is not
located in any geologically sensitive areas. An lmprovement Location Certificate has been
provided, indicating that the proposed addition is not located within the 1o0-year floodplain.
Site plan, building design and location and open space provisions designed to
produce a functional development responsive and sensitive to natural features,
vegetation and overall aesthetic quality of the community.
Special Development District No. 4, Cascade Village, establishes a minimum setback from
the periphery of the Special Development District of 20 ft. Staff does not believe that it is
appropriate to deviate from this requirement. The 20 ft. setback requirement was
established to provide a functional development that is responsive and sensitive to natural
features, vegetation, and overall aesthetic quality of lhe community. The applicant is
arguing that because the Coldstream Condominium Association has recently adopted
Design Guidelines to guide redevelopment of the Coldstream Condominiums, the
encroachment into the setback should be allowed. However, the applicant has clearly
stated that they did not consider setbacks as a determining factor in their plan for
redevelopment. Staff believes the Vail Town Code, and the Special Development District in
which the property is localed, should be an integral part of any development plan for the site
and does not believe that the Vail Town Code or the Special Development District should be
disregarded. Staff does not believe that a deviation should be granted from this setback
A circulation system designed lor both vehicles and pedestrians addressing on and
off-site traff ic circu lation.
The proposed addition will have no impact on the vehicular and pedestrian circulation
H.Functional and aesthetic landscaping and open space in order to optimize and
preserve natural features, recreation, views and functions.
The proposed addition is located on an existing deck and therefore will have no impact on
landscaping and open space.
Phasing plan or subdivision plan that will maintain a workable, functional and
eflicient relationship throughout the development of the special development district.
The proposed addition will not involve phasing which would impact lhe remainder of the
Special Development District. Therefore, staff does not believe that this criteria is relevant
to this application.
The Community Development Department recommends that the Planning & Environmental
Commission lorward a recommendation of denial to the Vail Town Council of the
proposed major amendment to Special Development District #4, Cascade Village,
Development Area B, to amend the setback requirements as indicated on the approved
development plan, located at Coldstream Condominiums, Unit #25, 1476 Westhaven Drive
/Lot 53, Glen Lyon Subdivision. The Staff's recommendation of denial is based upon the
review of the criteria outlined in Section lX of this memorandum and the evidence presented.
Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose lo lorward a recommendation
of denial of the applicant's request, slaff recommends that the following findings be made as
part of a motion:
1. That the applicant has not demonstraled compliance with the following
A. Compatibility: Design compatibility and sensitivity to the immediate
environmenl, neighborhood and adjacenl properties relative to
architectural design, scale, bulk, building height, buffer zones,
identity, character, visual integrity and orientation.
B. Design Features: Site plan, building design and location and open
space provisions designed to produce a functional development
responsive and sensitive to nalural fealures, vegetation and overall
aesthetic quality of the community.
2. That a practical solution more consistent with the public interest is
achievable, which would not require a major amendmenl to Special
Development District No. 4, Cascade Village.
Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose lo forward a recommendation
of approval of this request, staff recommends the following finding be made as part of a
'l . That the applicant has demonstrated compliance with the following
standards or has demonstrated that one or more of them is not applicable:
A. Compatibility: Design compatibility and sensitivity to the immediate
environment, neighborhood and adjacent properties relative to
architectural design, scale, bulk, building height, butfer zones,
identity, character, visual integrity and orientation.
B. Relationship: Uses, activity and density which provide a compatible,
efficient and workable relationship with surrounding uses and activity.
C. Parking And Loading: Compliance with parking and loading
requirements as outlined in Chapter 10, Vail Town Code.
D. Comprehensive Plan: Conformity with applicable elements of the Vail
Comprehensive Plan, Town policies and urban design plans.
E. Natural and/or Geologic Hazard: ldentification and mitigation of
natural and/or geologic hazards that atfect the property on which the
special development district is proposed.
F. Design Features: Site plan, building design and location and open
space provisions designed to produce a functional development
responsive and sensitive to natural features, vegetation and overall
aeslhetic quality of the community.
G. Traffic: A circulation system designed for both vehicles and
pedestrians addressing on and off-sile traffic circulation.
H. Landscaping: Functional and aesthetic landscaping and open space
in order to optimize and preserve natural features, recreation, views . and function.
l. Workable Plan: Phasing plan or subdivision plan that will maintain a
workable, functional and etficient relationship throughout the
development of the special development district.
lf the Planning and Environmental Commission chooses to recommend approval of this
request, staff recommends the following condition of approval:
1. The applicant shall submit a revised Development Plan forArea B. Cascade Village,
which shall indicate that the revised setback along the northwest property line shall
be amended from 20 ft. to 15 ft., prior to the Town Council's first reading of an
Ordinance amending the setback requirements of Special Development District No.
A. Reductions of plans
B. Adjacent Notification
Applicant's statement
Vicinity Map
Ordinance No.5, Series of 1976
Ordinance No.23. Series of 1998
Attachment: A
Improvement Locations
kgal description:
pait of Unit?S. Coldstream Condominiums - Phase II, according to the plat approved by
the Town ofVail on February 22,1980, Eagle County, Colorado'
I herebv certifo that the lmprovement Incations slrown are based upon 6eld measuraoents by ne aod the
aara stiocrn ori said ap,gor&t conaminiura nap of Cotdstem Cqdminiuns'
'Ihe Gore Creek locations and 100 year llood plain are based upon field mcasurcments and the FEIt,lA
ft""a s",-drty -d noodway ffai Comnunitv-Panel No. 080054 0002 datd llay 2' 1983.-'...^
n9'zo --zoaz--
Sbeam TYact
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e Prooosed Enclosurc
Unit 26
L.lard t chrc! ES 30946 C.oulty Rd- 356, Bucra VEts' Co.81211 |7l9l395-9160
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lynn Friden, Al{, Arciitect
William F. Pierce, Ardtitecr
Thorrras R. Du Boit Architect
Stephanie Lord-,ohnson, Architrxt
David Baunr, Architect
iia*,v- Heslinga, Eusiness Manager
Eagle Pointe Condominiums
Avon, CO 81620
Vail Park Meadoraa '1472 Matterhorn
Millnce Phase tll 1335 Wesdraven
ca. 92629
*Lot 52, 1415 Westhaven
St Louis, MO 63124
Drive, single owner of both unib.
Millrace Phase I do Don MacLachlan 1476 Westhaven
Town of Vail 75 South Frontate Rd, Vail, CO S1657
'f nformation gathered from Eagle County Assessors' Office on OAIZZZIIOZ
16-<0 Easl Vaii Vallsy Drive, Fallridge C-1,
V,ril, f-okrred$ B1657
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NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of
Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the
Town of Vail on September 23, 2O02,at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In
consideration of:
A request for a worksession to discuss a proposed major exterior alteration; a conditional use
permit to allow for a fractional fee club in the Public Accommodation zone district; a variance
from Section 12-7A-2 (Permitted Uses), Vail Town Code, to allow for retail uses in excess of
10% of the total gross residential floor area of the structure; and a variance from Section 12-7A-
10 (Landscaping & Site Development), Vail Town Code, to allow for a deviation from the total
landscape area requirement, located at 20 Vail Road, 62 E. Meadow Drive, and 82 E. Meadow
Drive/Lots K & L, Block 5E, Vail Village 1't Filing.
Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc., represented by Braun Associates, Inc.
Planner: George RutherMarren Campbell
request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council of a proposed major amendment to
Special Development District No. 4, Cascade Village, Development Area B, to amend the
etback requirements as indicated on the approved development plan, located at Coldstream
Condominiums, Unit # 25, 1476 Westhaven Drive /Lot 53, Glen Lyon Subdivision.
Applicant: James and Jane Kaufman, represented by Fritzlen Pierce Architects
Planner: Allison Ochs
A request for a final review of a final plat of Lots 1 1 and 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12th Filing,
and Tract C, Block 1 , Vail Village 12th Filing, located at 3160 N. Frontage Road East and 301 0
N. Frontage Road East and setting forth details in regards thereto.
Applicant: Vail Mountain School, represented by Braun Associates, Inc.
Planner: Russ Forrest
A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council, to allow for text amendments to Title
1 1, Sign Regulations, Vail Town Code, and setting forth details in regards thereto.
Applicant: Town of Vail
Planner: Russell Forrest
A request for a final review of a final plat for a major subdivision; a request for a final review of a
conditional use permit to allow for a private educational institution and development plan approval
to construct employee housing; and setting forth details in regards thereto, located at the site
known as'Mountain Bell"/an unplatted piece of property, located at 160 N. Frontage Rd./to be
platted as Middle Creek Subdivision. A full metes and bounds description is available at the
Community Development Department.
Applicant: Vail Local Housing Authority, represented by Odell Architects
Planner: Allison Ochs
The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during
regular office hours in the project planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community
Development Department, T5 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation.*i7
^6-I .l-^ -;l^.,;-:.^.!-^r --^^^J^ |'L-- -..Lli^ L^^-;^^ :- tL^ -r-^..r- ^a\/-:l /'\^--.,^i..' n^',^l^^H^^+ ,' tt\/9 I't and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development
Department. Please call 47 9-2138 for information.
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August 23, 2002
Attachment: C
Allison Ochs, Planner
Town of Vail
Department of Community Development
75 Vail Road
Vail, CO 81657
RE: Kaufman Residence
Unit 25, Coldstream Condominium
Application for Major Amendment to SDD
Attached are:
Application for Review by the Planning Commission for the above referenced Property
Check for $1250 (per our discussions)
Stamped, addressed envelopes and a list of adjacent ownem
Title Report
Approval Letter from Coldstream Condominium fusociation
Four copies of lmprovement Location Certificate (1"=2O'1, plus one reduced copy
Vicinity Plan
Four Copies of Floor Plan indicatng Existing and Proposed Addition
Four Copies of photo of existing condition
Four Copies of photo overlay indicating proposed addition
Please accept the following material in support of the Application:
1. The Owner proposes to expand the lower level of an existing Condominium onto a portion of a LCE
2. The proposed addition is below an existing deck, which is also covered.
3. A portion ofthe proposed addition encroaches into the Developer established SDD setback as
indicated on the enclosed lLC.
4. The area of the proposed encroachment is about 25 sq. ft in a triangular shape.
5. Although the proposed addition is situated along Gore Creek, the setback from the stream
centerline is about 78 ft
6. The Owner has the option of claiming a small portion of the approximate 1 100 sq. ft of CRFA
available in the Coldstream SDD or applying for a 250 sq. ft addition for the proposed construction.
7. In that the addition is on an existing deck, there is no modification to existing landscape.
B. The height of the addition is less than 10 fL
9. There is not effect on sun/shade in that the area is already covered by a deck and roof above.
10. There is no additional parking required for the addition.
11. The additjon should not require an Environmental lmpact Report due to it's insignificant size.
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Lynn iril:zlin, AlA, Architect
William F. Pierce, Arch itect
Thornas R. Du Bois, Architect
Stephan ie Lord -.Joh nson,
David Baum. Architect
ffitfiffry' Business
Jim Kaufman
Lynn Fritzlen
Review of Setback Variance Request Coldstream #25
Bill Pierce
This memo seryes to articulate our position on the Request for a Major
Amendment to the Cascade Village Special Development District.
Pertinent Documents
l. Coldstream Condominium Plat Phase ldated December 31, 2002
2. Coldstream Condominium Plat Phase ll dated March 3, 1980
3. lmprovement Location Survey of proposed Additions to Unit #25
prepared by Leland Lechner licensed Surveyor dated: 8l13l02
4. Title Commitment by Alta for Coldstream Unit #25.
5. Arhitectural Plans and Elevations of Proposed Addition
6. Letter of Approval from the Coldstream Condominium Association by Don
McLauglin General Manager
7. Photos of development of adjacent properties located on the stream.
8. Town of Vail Criteria and Findings for a Variance
l. Description of Request:
A minor addition to Coldstream #25 of 87 square feet at the first level under an
existing deck. Approximately 26 square feet encroaches into the rear setback.
The proposed addition utilizes available site coverage and GRFA. Addition is
within height restrictions and has the support of the association.
2. Type of Request
1650 East Vail Valiev Drive, FallriCAe C:- 1,
Vail, Colorado 81057
? 970.476.6347
F 970.476.4991
L In foOva ilai ch rtects. (om
w,n'w.vaila rch ite cis.colTl
C:\Windowst i'LlrlPiMenlo to ihe lolvn of Vail.{loc
The Town has determined that the encroachment into the rear setback requires
a major amendment to the Cascade Village Special Development District.
3. Coldstream Condominiums General
Coldstream Condominiums has been a successful townhome project that has a
mix of second home-owners and permanent residents. Recently Coldstream has
undertaken numerous repairs and improvements to their property to maintain
their reputation as a quality, desirable multi-family residential complex.
3. Coldstream Remaining Development Potential
Coldstream development has available GRFA associated with its underlying
zoning as well as the potential to utilize the "250 Addition" allowance. lt also
has available site coverage. Total build out under current zoning is significant.
The Coldstream Condominium Association is attempting to address this
potential creatively and responsibly.
The association has acknowledged that there is a desire on the part of individual
owners to improve and make minor additions to their units. Therefore they have
recently developed guidelines to address this potential.
6. Response to Variance Criteria
Following is the portion of the Town of Vail Code that addresses deviation from
the underlying zone district standards
Development standards including lot area, site dimensions, setbacks, height, density
control, site coverages, landscaping and parking shall be determined by the Town
Council as part of the approved development plan with consideration of the
recommendations of the Planning and Environmental Commission. Before the Town
Council approves development standards that deviate from the underlying zone district,
it should be determined that such deviation provides benefits to the Town that outweigh
the adverse effects of such deviation. This determination is to be made based on
evaluation of the proposed special development district's compliance with the design
criteria outlined in Section I2-9A-8 of this Article. (Ord. 2l(1 988) 5 l)
1650 East Vail Valiey Dnve, Fallrciqc C l.
V;ril, Colorado ti I {:57
P. 970.4 ,/0.0 34 2
r: 0 70.176.,'190 i
[.. ini0ri'vaila rch ite( t!.rori
!\i!,,,\\'. vai:arclt il€ {l:. cot'l
7. Response to Design Criteria Outlined in Section l2-94-8
Compatibility - lmpact of Encroachment on Adjacent Properties to the
North of Coldstream. The Coldstream Property line sits back 50' from the
center of the stream. Neighboring properties to the east and west have
properties lines in the center of the creek and development has occurred
within 30' of the creek centerline. Coldstream sits back a minimum of 70'
from the stream center line. lmpact on neighboring properties of the rear
property line will be negligible. Please refer to photos attached.
Relationship to Surrounding Uses - Coldstream is not proposing a change
in use as part of this application.
Parking and Loading - Parking and Loading are located on the entrance
side of the units and is not impacted by the addition. The recently
adopted Coldstream Design Cuidelines discourage additions and
improvements into vehicle parking and circulation areas.
Comprehensive Plan - The Association has recently adopted the
Coldstream Design Guidelines to address future development. Please
look for our link at vailarchitects.com under Portfolio/Mixed Used
Projects to review the standards. This is one of the first associations in
the Vail Valley to take a proactive step to address future development of
individual units. The goal of the new Coldstream Design guidelines is to
encourage additions that match the proportions of the existing building
envelope or infill areas already covered by roofs or decks. The purpose is
to maintain the current architectural aesthetic and minimize impact on
neighboring properties or vehicular and pedestrian access to entries.
Additions to the sides or to the entry elevation will potentially have the
highest impacts on neighboring units in the Coldstream complex. The
rear portions of the buildings, adjacent to the stream, have been
identified as the most desirable area to develop. It is notthe goal of the
association or the original SDD approval to allow the extent of
development to be solely determined by setbacks.
Natural or Geologic Hazard - No part of the Coldstream property sits in a
hazard area or stream setback.
1650 East Vail Valley Dnve, Fillricjgc C- 1 .
Vail, Colorado 8l657
P. 970.4 7tr.6 342
l- ifl f oid''vi,iilarchite{ts.{,orn
v,/ww. va | | atah ite c i s. cor:1
F. Design Features - see item C. The majority of the units at Coldstream are
set back from the property line in excess of 20' but there are several
building corners that touch the property line. Coldstream Unit #25 is one
of those units that touch. Refer to Condominium Plat.
G. Traffic - see ltem B
H. Landscaping - A landscape plan will be addressed in the Design Review
Board submittal.
l. Workable Plan and Phasing - The Coldstream Phasing Plan has been
completed and no future phase is being contemplated or encouraged by
the Association.
7. Conclusions and Recommendations
In conclusion we are proposing that there is a mutual benefit to the Coldstream
Condominium Association as well as the neighboring properties to thoughtfully
and creatively direct development of additions and alterations of Coldstream
Condominiums. The applicant and the Coldstream Condominium Association
are recommending approval of minor encroachments in the rear setback
contingent upon the following:
I . The encroachment utilizes approved GRFA, density and site coverage
only. Applications proposing to exceed approved development standards
will not qualifo.
2. The addition is consistent with the adopted Coldstream Design
3. The area of encroachment does not exceed 100 square feet and does not
encroach into platted or prescriptive easements.
1650 tasi Vail Valiey Drive, Fallricige C- i .
V;rii, C. olorad o 81$57
?. 970.4 7(t.tt?,/t 2
F 170.476.4r01
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Attachment: F
suBDrvrsroN, DEVELopM.ENT_ARac, soo r.ro. l lcnscaoe vuLcEl 'ndJinr_rxo
RESOLITON NO. 10, SERTES OF 1982, WHrCn pnoVtoEs spEcrAL pnovrsroNslbn
, -!9ls ss't AND 39-2, cLEN_Ly_ON_suBDtVtsloN; oer_ilNo ouronreo cor.rotrr6rls AND REFERENCES ro ExprRED DEVELopMENT'pr_nlls; eNo serrrr.rcFoniii-ijiil,,_s
\^/F|EREAS, Hagopian and pennington, LLC, has requested an amendment to the
existing special Development District No. 4, Development Area c, Lots 39-1 and 39-2. Glen
Lyon Subdivision; and
WHEREAS, the planning and Environmental Commission has unanimously
recommended approvar of the proposed buirding height, GRFA, and Emproyee Housing unit
reslrictions for Lots 39-1 and 39-2; and
WHEREAS, the Town Council considers that it is reasonable, appropriate, and
beneficial to the Town and its citizens, inhabitants, and visitors to amend ordinance No. g.
series of 1995 and repear Resorution No. 10, series of 1982 to provide for such changes in
Special Development District No. 4, Cascade Villaoe.
Ordinance No. 8, Series of 1995, is hereby amended as follows:
Section 1.
Resolution No. 10, Series of 1982, is hereby repealed.
Section 2. Amendment procedures Fulfilled, planning Commission Report.
The approval procedures described in Section 12-9A of the vail Municipal code have been fulfilled,
and the Town councir has received the recommendations of the pranning and Environmentar
commission for an amendment to the deveropment pran for speciat Deveropment District No. 4.
Odin.nce 23, Series ot 1998
Section 3. Special Devetopment District No. 4
special Development District No. 4 and the deveropment prans therefore, are hereby remarn
approved for the development of Special Development District No. 4 within the Town of Vail. unless
they have expired.
section 4. Special Deveropment District No.4, cascade viflage shart read as fofiows:
special Deveropment District No. 4 is estabrished to ensure comprehensive development
and use of an area in a manner that wifl be harmonious with the generar character of the
Town, provide adequate open space and recreationar amenities, and promote the
objectives of the Town of Vail comprehensive pran. speciar Development District No. 4 rs
created to ensure that ihe development density will be relatively low and suitable for the
area and the vicinity in which it is siluated, the development is regarded as complementary
to the Town by the Town councir and the prannrng commission, and because there are
significant aspects of.the speciar Development District which cannot be satisfied through
the imposition of standard zoning districts on the area.
For the purposes of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply:
A. "special attraction" shall be defined as a museum, semrnar or research center or
performing arts theater or cultural cenler.
B. 'Transient residential dwelling unit or restricted dwelling unit" shall be deflned as a
dwelling unit located in a murtFfamiry dwe[ing that is managed as a short term rentar in
which alr such units are operated under a singre management providing the occupants
thereof customary hotel services and facilities. A short term rental shall be deemed to be
a rental for a period of time not to exceed 31 days. Each unit shall not exceed 645 souare
feet of GRFA which shal incrude a kitchen having a maxlmum of 35 square feet. The
kitchen shafl be designed so that it may be rocked and separated from the rest of the unit
in a closet. A transient dwefling uhit shafl be accessibre from common corndors, warks, or
balconies without passing through another accommodation unit, dwe[ing unit, or a transient
residential dwefling unit- shourd such units be deveroped as condominiums, they shafl be
restricted as set forth in section 13-7 condominiums and condominium conversions.
subdivision Regurations. The unit shafl not be used as a permanent residence. Fractional
Qrdinance 23, Se.ies of i998
fee ownership shal not be afiowed to be appried to transient dwering units. For the
purposes of determining aflowabre density per acre, transient residentiar dweling units sha
be counted as one harf of a dweting unit. The transient residentiar dwening unit parking
requirement shall be 0,4 space per unit plus 0.1 space per each 1OO square feet of GRFA
with a maximum of 1.0 spac€ per unit.
A speciar Deveropment District No. 4 is established for the deveropment on a parcel
of land comprising 97.955 acres as more particurarry described in the attached Exhibit A.
special Development District No. 4 and the 97.95s acres may be referred to as ,,sDD No.
B. The districl shal consist of four separate deveropment areas, as identified in this
ordinance consisting of the following approximate sizes:
Area Known As
Cascade Mllage
Coldstream Condominiums
Glen Lyon Primary/Secondary and Single Famity Lots
Glen Lyon Commercial Site
Dedicated Open Space
D ev el o p m ent Pl a n - R e q u i re d-A p p rov al p ro c ed u re
Development Area
Each development area with the exception of Development Areas A and D sha be
subjecl to a single development plan. Development Area A sha be allowed to have
two development plans forthe Cascade Club site as approved by the Town Council.
The Waterford and Cornerstone sites shall be allowed one development plan each.
Development Area D shall be allowed to develop per the approved phasing ptans
as approved by the Town Council. The developer shall have the right to proceed
with the development plans or scenarios as defined in the development statistics
section of this ordinance. Amendments to SDD No. 4 shall compty Section 12_9A
of the Municioal Code.
Ordinance 23. Series ot 1998
Permitied Uses
A. Area A. Cascade Village
l First floor commerciar uses shal be rimited to uses risted in section 12-7g-3.
(commerciar core 1), of the Municipar code. The ,,first floor. or',street revel,, shafi be
defined as that floor of the building that is located at grade or street level;
2. AI other floor revers besides first floor street rever may incrude retaii, theater,
restaurant, and oftice except that no professional or business office shall be located on
street level or first floor (as defined above) unress it is cready accessory to a rodge or
educational institution except for an office space having a maximum square footage of 925
square feet located on the first floor on the northwest corner of the plaza conference
Center building;
3. Lodge;
4. Multi-familydwelling;
5. Single.Familydwe ing:
6. Primary/Secondarydwelting:
. Transient residential dwelling unit;
8. Employee dwelling as defined in Section .12_13 of the Municipal Code;
9. Cascade Club addition of a lap pool or gymnasium.
B. Area B, Coldstream Condominlums
1. Two-familydwelling;
2. Mulli-famitydwelling.
C. Area C, Glen Lyon primary/Secondary and Single_Family Lots
1. Single family dwelling;
2. Two-familydwelling.
3. Type ll Employee Housing Unit (EHU) per Chapt er 12-13, of the Municipal
D. Area D. Glen Lyon Commercial Site
.'1. Business and professional offices;
2. Employee dwelling as defined in Section 12_13 of the Municipal Code.
Ordinance 23. Series ot 199E
Condifional llses
' condltionar usea.shan be revia^,€d per th€ procedures as ouflined in chapter 12_16 ofthe ''
Tovvn of Vail Zoning Regulations.
A. Arde A, Cascade Villagc
. : 1 ' cascade club addition of a wellness cent€r not to exceed 4,s{x, sguarc feet.
2' Fmctonar fue ownership as defincd in th. Town of Vair Municijar code,
section 12-2 shal be a conditionar use for dwerting unit6 in the westhaven
murti-famrty dw€fiings. Fractionar fee ownership shalr not be apprisd to rest icted
' employee d,velling unils or tansient Gsidential dtirelling units. owneEhip intervats
shall not be less than five wseks.
3. Special attraction;
4. Ski lifis;
5. puHic park and recreitionat facilities;
6. Major arcades with no ftomage on eny public way, str€et, wall$ray or mall
. area.
B. Area B, Coldslream Condominiums
1. public part and recreational facilities;
2. Ski rns.
C. Area C, Glen Lyon primary/Secondary and Single_Family Lots
L public park and recreationat facilities;
2. Ski tifts;
D. Area D, Glen Lyon Comm€rcial Site
1 . Micro-bra^rery es defined in To$rn ot Vail Municipat code, Chapter 12_2.
Accessory Uses
. A. Area A. Cascade Village
1. Minor arcade.
'.'' .: 2' Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation permit in
accordence with the Provisloffi of Title 12, zoning Regulations, Town of Vail .' : Municlpal Code.
Ordinrnca 23, S.fia of lgg8
3. Attached garages or carports, private greenhouses, swimming pools, tennis
courts, palios, or other recreational facilities customarily incidental to permitted
residential uses.
4. other uses customariry incidentar and accessory to permitted or conditional
uses, and necessary for the operation thereof.
B. Area B, Coldstream Condominiums
1. Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation oermil in
accordance with the provisions of Ti e 12, Zoning Regulations, Town of Vail
MuniciDal Code.
2. Attached garages or carports, private greenhouses, swimming pools, tennis
courts, patios, or other recreationar facilities customariry incidentar to Dermitted
residential uses.
other uses customariry incidenlar and accessory to permitted or conditionar uses,
and necessary for the operation thereof.
C. Area C, Glen Lyon primary/Secondary and Single-Famity Lots
1. Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation permit in
accordance with the provisions of rifle 12, Zoning Regurations, Town of vail
Municipal Code.
2. Attached garages or carports, private greenhouses, swimming pools, tennis
courts, patios, or other recrearionar facirities customariry incidentar to permitted
residential uses.
3. Other uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional
uses, and necessary for the operation thereof.
D. Area D, Glen Lyon Commerciat Site
1. Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupatton permit in
accordance with the provisions of Tifle 12, Zoning Regulations, Town of Vail
Municipal Code.
2. Attached garages or carports, private greenhouses, svrimmrng poots, tennis
courts, patios, or olher recreational facilities customarily incidental to permitted
residential uses.
Ordinance 23, Sgries ot i998
3. other uses customariry incidentar and accessory to permitted or conditional
uses, and necessary for the operation thereof.
4. Minor arcade.
Location of Business Activity
A' Al offices, businessEs, and sha[ be operated and conducted entirery within a
buirding, except for permitted unencrosed parking or roading areas, and the outdoor dispray
of goods.
B' The area to be used for outdoor dispray must be rocated directy in front of the
establishment dispraying the goods and entirery upon the estabrishment's own property.
sidewalks, building entrances and exits, driveways and streets shall not be obstructed bv
outdoor display.
Density-Dwelling Uni'6
The number of dwelling units shall not exceed the following:
i A. Area A, Cascade Village
In Area A, a minimum of three hundred fifiy-two (3s2) accommodation or transient
dwelling units and a maximum of ninety-four dwefiing units as defined by the tabres in
Section 18.46.103 for a total density of two hundred seventy (270) dwelling units.
B. Area B, Coldstream Condominiums
Sixty-five (65) dwe ing units
C. Area C, Glen Lyon primary/Secondary and Single_Famity Lots
One-hundred four (1M) dwelling units.
D. Area D, Glen Lyon Commercial Site
Three dwefiing units, two of which shafl be emproyee dweling units as defined
Chapter 12-13, of the Municipal Code.
Densi9-Floor Area
A. Area A, Cascade Village
The gross residentiar floor area (GRFA) for aI buirdings shart not exceed 289.i4s
square feet.
B. Area B, Coldstream Condominiums
Sixty-five thousand square feet (65,000 sq. fi.) GRFA.
Odinance 23, Seri.3 of 1998
C. Area C, Glen Lyon primary/Secondary and Single_Family Lots
GRFA shat be carcuraled for each rot per section 12-6D-8 (Density contror) for the
Primary/Secondary district of the Town of Vail municipal code.
D. Area D, Glen Lyon Commercial Site
The development pran for this area has expired. see ordinance No. g, series of
1998 for previous requirements.
Commercial Square Footage
A. Area A, Cascade Vi age
Area A shall not exceed 35,699 square feet of commercial area.
B. Area D, Glen Lyon Commercial Site
The deveropment pran for this area has expired. see ordinance No. g, Series of
1998 for previous requirements.
Development Statistics for Area A. Cascade Vi age, and Area D, Glen Lyon
Commercial Site
CHART 1: Area A Completed projects
Ordrnance 23. Series of 1998
otf|c! pa ing rc\uiranrnts
"'Fot the purpos.s of calcullting GRFA for lhe cosg.ill parcel (Mill.ace tv), no credits snal bc givrn .xccpt for 3oo s,f. to b.
allowcd lor each enctosed pa*ing spac6.
Ordinsnc€ 23, Series ot l99B
Development PIans
sile specific devetopment prans are approved for Area A and Area D. The deveropment
plans for Area A are comprised of lhose plans submitted by Vail Ventures, Ltd. and
other developers. The development plans for Area D are comprised of those Drans
submitted by the Glen Lyon Office Building, a Colorado partnership. The following
documents comprise the deveropment pran for the sDD as a whore, waterford,
Cornerstone, Cascade Club Addition Scenario 1 and 2, Millrace lV, and Area D-Glen
Lyon Commercial Site and is not all inclusive:
1. Waterford, Sheet #L-2, dated 11_j2-92, Landscape plan, Dennis Anderson.2. Waterford, Sheet#1.1, dated 11_13-92, Site/Grading ptan cwathmey, pratt,
3. Waterford, Sheet#2.1. dated 11-13-92, ptan Level 38/43,3", Gwathmey, pratt,
4. Waterford, Sheel #2.2. dated 1 1-13-92, plan Level 48 -6,,/53._0,,, Gwathmey,
Pratt, SchulE.
5. Waterford, Sheet #2.3, dated 11-13-92 ptan Level 59,_0:/64 _3,, by Gwathmey,
Pratt, Schultz.
6. Waterford, Sheet #2.4, dated 1 14-92, ptan Level 69,_6,?4,_9", Gwathmev.
Pratl Schultz.
7. Waterford, Sheet #2.S, dated 11-13_92, plan Level 80,-0y85,_3" Gwathmey,
Pratt. SchulE.
8. Waterford, Sheet #2.6, dated 11-13-92, plan Level 90,-6,, Gwathmey, pratt,
9. Waterford, Sheet #2.7, dated 11-13-92, ptan Level 101,-0,, Gwathmey, pratt,
Parking for Compteted projects per Chart 1
Parking Spaces
Less 17.5olo Mixed-Use Credit
Total Required parking at Build-Out of Area
A in Cascade Struclure
371 .2
Required Parking in Cascade Structure at
Build-Out of Area A
\Mth 17.5% mixed-use credit
Ordinance 23, Series ot t99E
'10. Waterford, Sheet #2.8, dated 11_13_92, plan Levet 111 -6,, Gwathmey, pratt,
11 . Waterford, Sheet #2.9, dated 1 1-13-92, ptan Level 122 _0,, Gwarhmey, pratt,
12. Waterford, Sheet #2.10, dated 12_14-92, Roof ptan A' Levels cwathmey, pratt,
13. Waterford, Sheet #3.1, dated 1 1-13_92, Elevations Gwathmey, pratt, Schultz.14. Waterford, Sheet #3.2, dated 11_13_92, Elevations, Gwathmey, pratt, Schultz.15. Waterford, Sheet #4.1, dated 114_92, Sections Gwathmey, pratt, Schultz.16. Waterford. Sheet #4_2, dated 11_4_92, Sections, Gwathmey, pratt. Schuttz.'17. Waterford, Sheet #4.3, dated 11_4_92, Sections, Gwatnmey, pratt, Schultz.18. Waterford, Sheet #9.i, dated 10-20-92, Unit plans Gwathmey, pratt, Schuttz.19. Waterford, Sheet #9.2, dated 10_20-92, Unit plans, Gwathmey, pratt, Schultz.20. waterford, sheet #9.3, dated 10-20-92, unit prans Gwathmey, pratt, schurtz.21. Waterford, Sheet #9.4, dated 10_20_92, Unit plans, Gwathmey, pratt, Schultz.22. Waterford, Sheet #9.5, dated 10.20-92, Unit plans Gwathmey, pratt, Schultz.23. Cascade Club Addition Site plan, Roma, 10/10/8g.
24. Cascade Ctub Floor plan, Roma. 1O/10/88.
25. Millrace l, Sheet #.1, dated 5/6/93, Site plan, Steven James Riden.
26. Millrace lll, Sheet #2, dated 4/13/93, Floor plans for Single Family Residence.
Steven James Riden.
27. Millrace l', Sheet #3, dated 5/6/93, Elevations for Single Family Residence,
Steven James Riden.
2S Millrace Ir. sheets #4 and #s, dated 3r20r93, Froor prans for Duprex Buirding,
Steven James Riden.
29. Millrace lll, Sheets #6 and #7, dated 5/6/93, Etevations for Duplex Buitding,
Steven James Riden.
30. Mirrrace H, sheet L1, dated 5/6/93, site/Landscape pran, steven James Riden.31. Millrace lV, Scenario l, a/lda Cosgriff parcet, Site plan, Arnotd Gwathmey pra',
10t28t91 .
32' Mirrrace rV, scenario i, a/k/a cosgriff parcer, Erevations Arnord Gwathmev pratt.
10t22t91 .
33. Millrace lV, Scenario l, a/k/a Cosgriff parcel, Floor ptans Arnotd Gwathmey pratt,
10r23t91 .
34 Mirrrace rv, scenario r, a/ua cosgriff parcer, Landscape pran, Dennis Anderson
35. Cosgriff Parcel, Survey, Alpine Engineering, Inc., 1O/31/91 stamDed.
36. Survey, a part of Cascade Vi age, Eagle Valley Engineering, Leland Lechner,
37 . Site Coverage Analysis, Eagle Valley Engineering, 1O/1 O/Bg.
Ordinance 23. Se.iss of 1996
38. cascade Village special Deveropment District Amendment and Environmentar
lmpact Report: peter Jamar Associates, Inc., revised 11t2alg}.
* A maximum of 1000 sq. ft. of common area, in addition to the approved prans, may be
added to the waterford project to alow for compriance with the uniform Buirding code,
uniform Fire code and American Disabirities Act. The staff sharr review a[ such
additions to ensure that they are required by such codes.
Area C, Glen Lyon Primary/Secondary and Single Family Lots
1. Building Envelopes for Lots 39_1 and 39_2 per sheet, L_1 , prepared by Design
Workshop, Inc., dated 1 1-9-98.
Area D, Glen Lyon Commercial Site
The development plan for this area has expired. see ordinance No. B, series of 199g for
previous requirements.
Development Standards
The development standards set out herein are approved by the Town Council. These
standards shall be incorporated into the approved development plan pedinent to each
development area to protecl the integrity of the development of sDD No. 4. They are minimum
development standards and shall apply unless more restriclive standards are incorporated in
the approved deJelopment plan which is adopted by the Town Council.
A. Area A, Cascade Village
Required setbacks shall be as indicated in each development plan with a
minimum setback on the periphery of the property of not ress than twenty feet, with the
exception that the setback requirement adjacent to the existing cascade parking
structure/athletic crub building shalr be two feet as approved on February g, 19g2, by the
Planning and Environmental commission. All buildings shall maintain a 50 foot stream
setback from Gore creek. The waterford building shall maintain a minimum 20 foot
setback from the north edge of the recreational path along Gore Creek.
B. Area B, Coldstream Condominiums
Required setbacks shall be as indicated on the development plan.
C. Area C, Glen Lyon primary/Secondary and Single_Family Lots
Required setbacks shall be governed by Section 12_6D_7 of the
Primary/secondary zone district of the Town of Vair Municipar code. For singre-family
Lots 30-1 and 39-2, deveropmenl sha occur per the approved buirding enveropes and is
subject to the following:
. All fuiure deveropment wi be restricted lo the area within the buirding enveropes.
The only development permitted outside the building envelopes shall be
landscaping, driveways (access bridge) and retaining wals associated with
driveway construction. AFgrade patios (those within 5, of existing or finished
grade) wilr be permitted to project beyond the buirding enveropes not more than
Ordinence 23. Seri6s ol 1 998
ten feet (10') nor more than one_half (2) the distance belween the building
envetope and lhe property line, or may project not more than five feet (S,) nor
more than one-fourth (3) the minimum required dimension between buirdings.D. Area D. Glen Lyon Commercial Site
Required setbacks shall be as indicated on the approved developmenl plans.
A. For the purposes of SDD No- 4 calculations of height, height shall mean lhe
distance measured vertica[y from the existing grade or finished grade (whichever is
more restrictive), at any given point to the top of a flat roof, or mansard roof, or to the
highest ridge line of a sroping roof unress othe*ise specified in approvecr deverooment
plan drawings.
B. Area A, Cascade Village
1. The maximum height for the Westin Hotel, CMC Leaming Center,
Tenace Wng, plaza Conference Building and Cascade parking
Struclure/Athletic Ctub is 71 feet.
2. Comerstone Building: Maximum height of 71 feer.
3. Waterford Buirding: Maximum height of feet as measured from finished
grade to any portion of the roof arong the north erevation shal be s5' (south
Frontage Road), 56' arong the west erevation westhaven Drive, and 6s feet
along the south and east elevation as measured from finished grade.
4. Westhaven Building: A maximum of 55 feet.
Millrace lll: A maximum of 36 feet.
Millrace lV: A maximum of 36 feet.
Cascade Club Addition: A maximum of 26 feet.
Cascade Entry Tower: A maximum of 36 feet.
The remainder of buildings in Area A shall have a maximum hetght of 4g
C. Area B. Coldstream Condominiums
The maximum height shall be 48 feet.
D. Area C. Glen Lyon primary/Secondary and Single_Fam,ty Lots
The maximum height shall be 33 feet for a sloping roof and 30 feet for a flat or
mansard roof.
E. Area D. Glen Lyon Commercial Site
51olo of the roof shafl have a height between 32 and 40 feet. 49olo of the roof area
shall.have a height under 32 feet. on the perimeter of the buirding for Area D, height is
measured from finished grade up to any point of the roof. On the interior area of any
building, height is measured from existing grade up to the highest point ofthe roof.
Development plan drawings shan constitute the height aIowances for Area D.
Ordingncc 23. Seriq ot 1998
Site Coverage
Areas A & B: No more than 35% ofthe total site area shall be covered by buildings,
. provided, if any portion of the area is developed as an institutional or
educational center,41oh of the area may be covered unless otherwise
indicated on the site specific development plans.
Area C: No more than 25% ofthe total site area shall be covered by buildings,
unless the more restrictive standards of Chapter 12-21 of the Vail
Municipal Code apply.
Area D: No more than 370lo of the totar site area shal be covered by buirdings and
the parking slructure.
At least the following percentages of the total development area shall be landscaDed as
provided in the development plan. This shall include retention of natural landscape, if
appropriate. Areas A and B, fifty percent, and in Areas C and D, sixty percent (60%), of
the area shall be landscaped unless otheMise indicated on the site specific
development plans_
Parking and Loading
A. Area A, Cascade Village
1. Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance w,th Chapter 12-10,
except that 75% of the required parking in Area A shall be located within a
parking structure or buildings with the exception of Mirrrace lv, scenario r, where . 66.6% of required parking shall be enclosed in a building. _
2. There shall be a total of421 spaces in the main Cascade Club parking
structure. A 17.S percent mixed_use credit perthe Town of Vail parking code,
has been appried to the totar number of required parking spaces in the cascade
3. There shall be a total of 5g on-site parking spaces on the Waterford
building site with a minimum of 75olo of the required space located below grade.
No mixed use credit shall be applied to this site.
4. There shall be a minimum of 93 enclosed parking spaces located within
the cornerstone buirding with 37 0f the required spaces avairabre to the Dubric for
short-term parking. No mixed use credit has been applied to this lot.
5. The third floor of the Cascade parking structure sha not be used lo meet
any parking requirements for accommodation units, transient residentiar dweflino
. units, employee dwelling units or dwelling unils.
6. Phasing: Arr required parking for cornerstone and waterford shafl be
located on their respective sites. All required parking for the Cascade Club
weflness center Addition scenario 1 shal be provided in the cascade parking
Ordinance 23, Serie3 ot 1998
7, Seventy-five percent ofthe required parking sha be located within the
main building or buildings and hidden from public view from adjoining properties
within a randscaped berm for westhaven condominiums, and Mirrrace fi.
8. All loading and delivery shall be located within buildings or as approved in
the development plan.
B. Area B. Coldstream Condominiums
Fifty percent of the required parking shal be rocated within the main buirfling or
buildings and hidden from public view from adjoining properties within a
landscaped berm.
Area C, Glen Lyon primary/Secondary and Single_Family Lots
Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 12-10 ofthe
Municipal Code.
D. Area D, Glen Lyon Commerciat Site
7. Once the parking structure is constructed, the parking and access to
Area D shall be managed per the TDA parking Report, parking Management
Section, pages 6 and 7, August 10, 198g, and TDA Report, Vail Brewery parking
Analysis Update, dated January 16, 1990, both written by Mr. David Leahy.
8.' No roading or derivery of goods shafl be alowed on the pubric righlof-way
atong the South Fiontage Road adjacent to the Area D development.
9. The owner of the property and brewery management shall prohibit
semFtruck and trailer lruck traffic to the Gren Lyon commerciar site. The onl!
truck loading that shafl be alowed to the site shat be vans having a maximum
length of 22 feet.
Recreation Amenities fax Assessed
The recreationar amenities tax due for the deveropmenr within sDD No. 4 under chapter
3 20 shall be assessed at a rate not to exceed twenty-five cents per square foot of the
floor area in Development Area A; and at a rate not to exceed fifty cents per sqlare foot
of GRFA in Development Area B; and at a rate not to exceed fifteen cents per square
foot of GRFA in Development Area C; and at a rate not to exceed seventy-five cents per
square foot of floor area in Development Area D; and shall be paid in conjunction with
each construction phase prior to the issuance of building permits.
Consetyati o n and po t I uti on Controls
A The deveroper's drainage pran sha incrude a provision for prevention of Dotution
from surface runoff.
B. The developer shall include in the building construction, energy and water
conservation controls as general technology exists at the time of construction.
c. The number of fireplaces permitted shall be as set forth in the Town of vair
Municipal as amended.
D lf firepraces are provided within the deveropment, they must be heat efficient
lhrough the use of grass enclosures and heai circurating devices as technorogy exists at
the time of develoDment.
Ordinance 23, Series of 1999
E' At water features within Deveropment Area A shafl have overflow srorm drains
per the recommendation of the Environmental lmpact Report by Jamar Associates on
Page 34.
'- F All parking structures shall have pollution control devices to prevent ojl and dirt
om draining into Gore Creek.
' G ln Area D' a manhole on the brewery service line shall be provided so that the
pper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District may monitor BoD strength..H. ln Area D, the brewery management shall not operate the brewery process
during temperature inversions. lt shall be the brewery owne/s responsibility to monitor
' All trash compactors and trash storage areas shall be completely enclosed within ' Special Development District 4.
J Protective measures shafl be used during construction ro prevent soir erosion
inlo Gore Creek, parficularly when construction occurs in Areas A and D.
K. The two employee dwelling units in Area D shall only be allowed to have gas
fireplaces that meet the Town of Vail ordinances governing firepraces.
Additional Amenities and Approval Agreemen5 for Specia! Development
District No. 4.
A. The developer shall provide or work with the Town to provtde adequate private
transportation services to the owners and guests so as lo transpon them from the
devetopment to the Village Core area and Lionshead area as ouflined in the approved
development plan.
B. Area A, Cascade Village
1. The deveroper shafl construct a sidewark that begins at the entrance lo
the cascade crub arong westhaven Drive and extends to the west in front ofthe
wesrhaven buirding to connecl with the recreationar path to Donovan park. The
walk shall be constructed when.a building permit is requested for Westhaven
Condominiums. The sidewalk shall be part of the building permit ptans. The
sidewark shat be constructed subsequent to the issuance of a buirding permit
and prior to the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy for Westhaven
2. The developer shall provide 1OO-year floodplain information for the area
adjacent to the Waterford and Cornerstone buildings to the Town of Vail
Community Development Department before building permits aie released for
. either project.
3. Comerstone
The development pran for this area has expired. see ordinance No. 8, series of
1998 for previous requiremenrs.
4. The Ruins / Westhaven Condominiums
The development plan for.this area has expired. See Ordinance No. g, Series of
1998 for previous requirements.
Ordinrncc 23, Series of t99g
C. Area D, Glen Lyon Commercial Site.
The deveropment pran for this area has expired. see ordinance No. g, series of
1998 for previous requirements.
Employee Housing
The deveropment of sDD No. 4 wit have impacrs on ava,rabre emproyee housing within
the Upper Eagre Vatey area. In order to herp meet this additionar emproyee housing
need, the develope(s) of Areas A and D shall provide employee housing on site. The
developer(s) of Area A shall build a minimum of 17 employee dwelling units within Area
A westhaven condominium buirding (Ruins), 3 within the cornerstone Buirding and 2
within the Liftside (waterford Buirding). Each emproyee dweling unit in the westhaven ' condominium Buirding (Ruins) shal be deed resrricted as a Type I EHU. Each
emproyee unit in the cornerstone Buirding shar have a minimum square footage of 600
square feet. There shafl be a totar of 2 emproyee dwefling units in the waterford
Building- one shall be a minimum of 300 square feet and the other a minimum of goo
square feet.
The deveroper of Area D shal buird 2 emproyee dwe|ing units in the Area D east
buirding per the approved pran for the East Buirding. In Area D one emproyee dwe ing
unit shall have a minimum GRFA of 795 square feet and the second emproyee dwefling
unit shall hbve a minimum GRFA of 900 square feet. The GRFA and number of
emproyee units shall not be counted toward allowable density or GRFA for sDD No. 4.
All Emproyee Housing units shafl be deed restricted per chapter 12.13, as amended, of
the vair Municipar code prior to issuance of buirding permits for the respective project.
In Area C, Lots 39-1 and 39_2, shall be required to provide a Type ll, Employee Housrng
Unit (EHU) per Chapter 12_1 3 of the Zoning Regulations of at least 500 sq. ft. each. on
each rot. These rots shal not be entitred to the 500 sq. ft. of additionar GRFA The 500
sq. ft. sha[ be incruded in the alowabre GRFA on these rots. Each rot shal arso be
entitled to 300 sq. fl. of garage area credit for the emproyee housing unit, in addition to
the 600 sq. ft. garage area credit aflowed per residence. The driveway width of 12 ft is
arrowed to remain (no increase in driveway width is required) for aI atowed/required
dwelling units and employee housing on these lots.
Time Requirements
sDD No. 4 shafl be governed by the procedures ouflined in section 12_9A of the Town
of Vail Municipal Code.
Section 5.
lf any part, section, subsection, sentence, crause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason
held to be invalid, such decision shal not affect the varidity of the remaining portions of this
ordinance; and the Town councir hereby decrares it wourd have passed this ordinance, and
each part, section, subsection, sentence, crause or phrase thereof, regardress of the fact thar
Ordinancc 23, Senes of 1998
any one or more parts, sections' subsections, sentences, crauses or phrases be decrared
Section 6.
The repeal or the repear and re-enactment of any provisions of the vair Municipar code as
provrded in this ordinance shal not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any
violation that occuned prior to the effective date hereof. any prosecution commenced, nor any
other action or proceeding as commenced under or by virtue orthe provision repealed or
repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or
any ordtnance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein.
Section 7.
All bylaws, orders, resolutions and ordinances, or parts thereof,
inconsistent herewith are hereby repeared to the extent onry of such inconsistency. The
repealer shall not be construed to revise any byraw, order, resorution or ordinance, or part
thereof, heretofore repealed.
PUBLISHED oNcE rN FULL oN F'RST READTNG this 1sth day of December, .rgg', and a
public hearing foi second reading of this ordinance set for the 5th day of January, 1999, in the
Council Chambers of the Vaii Municipat Building, Vail, Cotor
Robert Ford, Mayor
READ AND APPRO'ED oN sEcoND READTNG AND .RDERED puBLrsHED rN FULL rhis sth day of January, 1999.
Odinance 23, S6.i66 of 1998
A part of the sw r /4 NE l/4 of scction l 2, Township 5 south, Range g l west of the 6rh P.M., desiribed as follows:
Beginning at a point on the west line of said sw l/4 NE l/4 from which the North onc_quarter corner of said Section bcars North 0" 15, Easl 2269.4g feet; thence Nofih 0.15, East,along said wcst Line, r52.36 fecr to a poinr on the southeasterly right of way line ofU. s.Highway No. 6; thence, along said Southeasterly rigbt ofway line, as follows:
Nonh 52'27' East, 102.31 feet:
Nonh 49'20' Easr, 5 I9.57 fcct; and
Norrb 48" l3' East, 549.09 feer, more or less, ro a poinr on the Nonb line ofsaid SW l/4 NE l/4; thence North 88'J3'Easr, along rhe Nonh line oisaid sw l/4 NE, 36g feet, mor.e or less, to a point on the centerrine ofGore creck; thence, arong the centerline ofGore creek, as follows:
South 36'49' West, l0l .04 feet;
Sourh I 8 "2I' Wcst, 54.08 fccr;
Sourh I "24' Wcst, 205.02 fccr;
Sourh I 2' I 0' West, I I 0.25 fecr; and
South 28"41'Wesr,242.35 fcst, thence South
Rosc Palccl
12.370 acres
75' l5' Wesr, 1064. I 0 feet to the point of
J.190 aclcs
A rract of land situarcd in rhc SWI/4NEl/4 of Sccrion 12, Tp 5 S., R. gl W., of thc 6rh P.Ivl., lying Southerly ofthat cenain ract ofland described in Book 199, page 197, Nortberlf and westerly ofthe center line ofGore creek, and lying Northerly and Easterly 6fthose certain trocts described in Book 2r r at page 106, Book 2l l ar pige r0g and Boot 2r5 at page 365, described
as follows:
Beginning at a point on the Nonh-Sourh center line ofsaid section lz whence theNonh quaner corner ofsaid Secrion l2 bears N. 00" 15, E. 2269.49 feet:
thence N- ?5' l5' E. 346-26 fcct ro thc rrue poinr ofbeginning, said point being on thc South linc ofrhar t'act dcscribcd in Book t99, nagc tsz and wiich bcars S. 0g.26' el zzos.l+feet fi'om the North quaner corncr of said Secrion I2:
thence N. 75' l5' E. 7l 7.84 feet along the Southerry rine of rhar tracr described in Book 199, Page 197 to thc centcr of Gorc Creck:
rhencc S. 2tt"4l' W. 130.61 fcer along thc center line ofsaid Crcek;
thcncc S. 05 "24'30" E. I 04.50 fcct along the ccnrcr line of said Creek;
thencc S. 49'29' W. 95.50 feer atong rhc ccnter line ofsaid Creek;
thcncc S. 22'34'\j\t.124.47 fcct along thc ccntcr linc ofsaid Crcck;
thcncc S. 54'00'w. r r9.34 fcct along rhc ccnrcr rine ofsaid crccki to thc Southcast corner of thar cenain tract of land described in Book 2 I I , page I 0g;
thcncc N. 33 " I 6'30" W. 140. I 2 fcct along tlrc Eastcr'l! line of rhat tract dcscribed in Boor 2l I at Page 108;
thencc N. 57'42'30" w. r 59.88 fccr along thc Nonheasterry line of that tract dcscribcd in Book 2ll at Page 108;
thcnce N. 86'02'30" w. r62.92 fcct arong the Northerry rine of thosc n.acts dcscribcd in Book 2l l ar Pagc 108, Book 2ll at pagc 106 tJa point;
thence N 32'57'30" w. ?6.08 feet along rhe Nollheasterry rine ofthat ract described in Book 2 I 5 at Page 365, ro thc poinr of beginnin[.
, i:, r;!,oa
Attachment: E
Series ot tglo-
WHEREAS, Article 1, Section 1.20I, of the Zoning
I Orainance, Ordinance No. 8, Series of l-973, of the Town of
VaiI, Colorado, as amended, established thirteen zoning dis-
tricts for the rnunicipality, one of !^'hj-ch is the Special
Development District;
I{HEREAS. },lansf ield Corporation anit Gore Creek Associates,
fartnership, submitted as owners applications requesting that
the TowD establish Special Devel-oPment District 4. hereinafter
referred to as "sD4". for the development on its parcel of land
comprj,sing 97.52 acres in the portion of the Lions Ridge area,
county of Eagle, State of CoLorado, which was annexed to the
Town effective on the 16th day of Deceneer, ]975;
WHEREAS, the establishment of the requested SD4 will
- ensure unifietl and coordinatecl deveLopnent and use of a critical
{\ site as a whole and in a manne! suitable for the area in which
it is situated; and
WHEREAS, the Town Council considers that it is
reasonable, apPropriate, and beneficial to the Tov'n and its
citizens, inhabitants, anil visitors to establ-ish said SD4;
Section I. Title.
This oritinance shaLl be known as the "Ordinance
Establishing Special DeveloPment District 4" '
section 2. Amendment Procedures F'rlfi1led; Planning
Cornmission Report.
The amendnent procedlures prescribed in Section 2I'500
of the Zoning ordinance have been ful1y compliedl with and the Town
council has receivecl the report of the Planning Commission recornmending
=...._..=i-7-town L terK
' the enactment of this ordi-nance.
section 3. SpeciaL Developnent District 4 Established,
Amendnents to Zoning Ordinance and Official Zoning i4ap_
pursuant to the provisions of Articles I, 13, and 21
of the Zoning Ordinance, Ordinance No. g, Series of 1973, of the
. Tor^rn of Vail, Colorado, as amended, Special Development District
- 4 (sD4), a special development zoning district, is hereby established
for the clevelopment on a certaj.n parcel of land corngrrising 9?.52
acres in the Lions Ridge area of the Town, and the zoning ordlinance
and the Official zoning Map are hereby amended by the addition of
the follovring provisions which shall become the Fourth Chapter
of ArticLe 13, the caption of lvhich shall be ',Special Developtnent
Distlict 4", and a map which shall become an addition to the
Official Zoning Map:
A. Purposes.
special Development District 4 is establishecl to
ensure comprehensive development anal use of an area in a nanner
that will be harmonious with the general character of the Town,
\ provide adequate open space and recreational amenities, andl
promote the objectives of the Zoning Ordinance; Special Develop-
ment District 4 is createal to ensure that the clevelopment density
will be relatively 1ow and suitable for the area and the vicinity
in which it is situated, the development is regardledi as complenentary
to the Town by the Town Council and the planning Conrnission, and
there are significant -aspects of the special -clevelopment which
cannot be satisfied through the inposition of standard zoning
dlistricts on the area.
B. Special Development District 4 Established.
(1) Special Development District 4 is established
for the devel-opment on a parcel of lanal comprising 97.52 acres as
more particolarly described in Exhibit A Legal Description attacheal
I hereto and madle a.part hereof; Special Development District 4 and said ,
97.52 acres may be referred t'o as ,'SD4".
(21 The District shall consist of four separate
Town C,l.erk
i''!O ,OO i
development areas, as identified on
of the foJ-lowing approxitnate size:
mab consi st ing
16. 82
D 3+
Development Area A is now owned by the l,lansf ield
Corporation, nominee. Development Areas B, C, and D are now
owned by Gore Creek Associ.ates, a limited partnership organized
under the laws of tbe State of Colorado.
C. DevelopneDt PlaD Requlred.
(I) Before the owner cornmeuces si1.e preparation,
buildlng constr.uctlon or other improvments withln SD4, there shaLl
be an Approved Development Plan for SD4. DeveLopment of SD4 may
be phased by DeveloprneDt Alea and within Developnent Area but a
sufficient anount oJ information strall be supptied with respect
to aLl Development Areas iD order to allow the planning Commission
and Town Council to ensure the compatability of any proposed
Development PIan witb tbe remainder of SD4.
(2) Each DevelopmeDt Area shall be subject to a single
Development PLa!. Development plans for a portion of DevelopmeDt
Area must comply wlth the provisions, terms, aDd coEditions of tbe
Devel-opmetrt Plan for the Development Area.
(3) A Pioposed Development Plan for SD4 shall be sub-
mltted to the Zonjag Adnirj-strator wbo shall refer the Development
Plan to the Planning Commission aDd to tbe Deslgn Bevlew Board,
which shall consider the plan at a regularly scbeduled meeting, and
a report of the PlaDuing Commission setting fortb its findings and
lecommendations shall be transmitted to the Town Counci,l in as-
cordance with the applLcable provisions of ArtlcIe 21 hereof.
the attached
(4) Upon receipt of the proposed Development plan
and Planning Commission report, the Town Council shall determine
wtrether the plan is acceptable to the Town in accordance wj.th the
applicable provisions of Sections 21.505 and 21,506 hereof. This
determination by the Town Council sha1I be made through its enactment
of an ordinance amending the provisions of SD4 to incorporate the
Development Plan as an amendment thereto, and sha]l become the
approved Development PLan.
(5) The Approved Devel.opment Plan shal1 be used as
the principal guide for all deveLopment within SD4. Amendemnts to
an Approved DeveLopment Plan whj,ch do not cbange its substance and
which ale duly recommended in a report of the planning Commission
may be approved by the Town Council by resolution. Each phase
of development sha1l require, prior to issuance of building permrrs,
approval of the Design Review Board in accordance with applicable
provj-sj,ons of Article 15 hereof.
D. Contents of Proposed Developmer.lt plans.
(1) Before any site preparatj.on, building construction
or improvements of any area within SD4, the developer shall submit
to the Zoning Administrator an overall Environmental- Inpact Report
for SD4 in accordance with the applicabJ.e provlsions of Article 16
bereof; provided that such overall Environmental Impact Report shall
be supplemented with respect to each Development Area as bereinafter
prov ided.
(2) A Proposed Development pIEn shall incLude, but
is not Linited to the following data:
I. The complete Environmental Impact Report together wittl a SuppLemental EnvironmentaL Impact Report which brings the orj.ginal Repolt to a current status, supplementing such report witb Tespect to tbe Develop-ment Area or Development Areas involved and is acceptable to the Zoning Administrator.
2. Exlsting contours having contour intervals of not more than five (5) feet if the average slope of the site is Z0 per cent or Iess with contour intervals or not more than ten (10) feet if the average slope of the site is greater that 20 per cent.Existing and proposed contours after grading for each phase.
oO o
A conceptual site p1an, at a scale not
smalLer that one (1) inch = 40 feet,
sbowj.ng the locati.ons and dimenslons of al.l buildings and structures, uses therein,
and all principal site development features,
such as landscaped areas recreatj,onal facilities, pedestrial plazas and walkways,service entries, driveways, and off-street parking and loading areas.
4. A prel iminary ]andscape pIan, at a
scale not smalLer than one (1) incn =40 feet, showing existinE; landscape
features to be retai.ned or removed. and
showing, proposed laudscaping and
landscaped site development features,
sucb as an outdoor recreatlonal facilities.bicycle paths, trails, pedest r i an plazas and walkways, water features and
other elements for each development area.
5. Preliminary building eLevatj,ons, sections,
and floor plans, at a scale not smaller than l/8 inch = I foot, in sufficient detaj.l to determine floor area, gross
residential floor area, interior cj-rcuLation,location of uses within buildings, and the gerleral scale and appearaDce of the proposed development for each deveLopment area.
6. A proposed plan of parking, Ioading,traffic circulation, and transit facilities;
and a proposed program for satisfying
traffic and transportation needs generated
by the development for each development area.
7. A volumetric model of the site and tbe proposed development, at a scale not smaller than I inch = 100 feet, portraying
the scale and relationships of the proposed
development to tbe site and illustrating tbe form and mass of the proposed buildings for each development area.
8. An architectural model of each proposed
building at a scale deemed appropriate to the development by the Zoning Adminlstra-tor h^?r-'oi'ino .resign details for each phase.
9. A proposed program indicatlng order of construction phases, transportation facilities,
and recreational amenities.
10. A proposal regardj.ng the dedication to the Town or private ownership and naiDtenance of that portion of the Development Area within the 100-year floor plain of Gore Creek. In the event the
100-year flood plain is not dedicated to the Town
sucb lands sha1l be subject to a right of public
access to Gore Creek, and the right to use a portion of such ]ands for a .bicycle path, and for park purposes provided that tbe location and
use of such facilitles and access shall be deter-
mined by mutuaL agreement between the Town and
the owner of the develoDment areas involved.
E. Permitted Uses.
Single-family residential dwellings, two- f ami ly
=_^---F!--'.....:_r o.,n /. I erK
:'. ':'(a ,O
residential dwelling aDd residential cluster dwellings shall be
permitted uses in Development Areas A, B, and C. Two family
dwellings, residential cl.uster dwellings, and multiple famlly
dwellings shall be perrnitted uses in Development Areas A & B.
Professlonal offices and buslness offlces., with a total
gross floor area not to exceed ten thousald (10,0O0) square feet,
shall be a permj.tted use iD Development Area D.
f. CoDditional Uses,
The following conditional uses shall be permitted
subject to the issuance of a Conditional Use Permlt iD accordance
with the provisions of Article 18 of thls ordinance, for the
varlous DevelopEent Areas as herelD specified:
Private clubs, civic, cultural
aod fraternal organizat ions
Public utility and public servj.ces
Public buildings, gtounds and facilities
Public park and recreatloD facilities
xxx Ski lifts and tows
Institutlonal or educational center: provided
that if said center is constructed, then the
followlDg sball be conditional uses in
coDjunction tberewith: lodges including
accessory eating, drinklDg or recreational
establlshmelts--not occupyiug more than 20%
of the total gross floor area of the lodge to
x,hich it is accessory i Public ot commercial parking faclllties;
Professioual offices, business offices and
The tern "Institutional or Educational Centerrr shall
mean a public or pllvate iDstitution for learnlng, lnstruction or
continuing educatioD. Such facilities may be utilized for seminars
or educational programs and may include conference aDd meeting rooms,
audio-visual facltitles and necessary accessory useage such as
dining toons and efficiency dwelllng units. The phrase "efficiency
( awelling units" shall mean any room or group of roons without full
kitchen facil-ities, but which may include a retrigerator, sink and
cook top oJ no more than two heating units, designed for or adapted
xx xx xx
,oo ,o
to occupancy by iDdividuals attending the Institutional or Educational
Center; the efficienty dwelling units shall be accessibLe frorD
conmon corridors, walks or balconies without passing through anothe!
efficieDcy dwelfing unit, accommodation unit o! dwelling unit and each
said unit shall not exceed 4OO square feet, and shall be coDsideled in
determining the total GRFA allowed for each development area.
G. Accessory Uses.
The following accessory uses shall be permitted in
Development Areas A, B, & C.
]., Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home
occupations permit in accord with the provisions
of Section 1?.300 hereof.
2. Other uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary . for the operation thereof.
The foLlowiDg accessoly uses shall be permitted in
Developnent Area C only,
1, Attached garages or carports, private greenhouses,
s$imming pools, tennis courts, patios, or otber . recreational facilities customarily incidental
to pernitted residential uses.
Iu addition the following accessory uses shal1 be permitted in
Development Areas A and B,
. 1, SvLnming pools, teuDis courts, patios, or
other recreatioDaf facilities customarily
iDcideDtal to pelrDitted or coDditionaf uses,
and necessary for the operation thereof.
H. Density Control .
1. Tle nunber of dwelling uuits sbalf not exceed
the following:
DeveloPment Area A - 252 units
DevelopneDt Area B - 24O ulits
DevelopBent Area C - 17I units
I. Developnent StaDdards.
The following development standards are hereby
/ approved by the Ton'n Council; these standards sball be incorporated
\into the Approved Development plan pertinent to each Development
Area to protect the lntegrlty of the developnent of SD4; the following
are minimum development standards and sball apply utrIess more
restrictive standards are incorporated in the Approved Development Plan
whictr is adopted by the Town Council.
l. Setbacks, llequired setbacks sball be as indicated
in each Development PLan with a minimum setback on the periphery
of tbe property of not less than 2O feet.
2, Distapce Between Buildings. The mlnimum dj-stances
betweeD all buildiugs shall be as iDdlcated on eacb Development
{ Plan with a minimun of 15 feet, provided that one foot of additional
separation between buildings shall be requLred for each 2 feet of.
building height over 15 feet, calculated on the basis of the avelage
height of tbe two buildlngs
3. Height. The maximun beight of a building j.n Area
A shall be 45 feet. The naximum height of buildings in Areas B,
C and D sball be 3b feet,
4. Density Control. The gross residential floor
area of all buildings in each development area shall Dot exceed
.35 GRIA in Area A, .30 CRIA in Area B, and .25 GBFA iD Area C.
5. Site Coverage. In Areas A aud B, no more tban
35% of tbe total site area shall be covered by buildings, provided,
if aay portion of sald areas is developed as an institutional or
educatlonal ceute!, 45% of the area nay be covered, fn Areas C
and D, no mole that 25% of tbe total slte area shall be covered
by buildings
6. Useable Open Space. Useable open space sbalt be
as indicated on tbe Development Plans but in no case shall the
same be less thaD 250 square feet excluslve of required front set-
back areas sha11 be provided at ground 1evel for each dwelliDg
unit, Useable opeD space may be conmon space accessible to mole
tban one dwelliug unit, or nay be private space accesslble to
separate dwelling units, or a combiratioD thereof. At least 50
per cent of the lequj.red glound level useable open space shall
be common space. The minirnurn dimension of aDy area qualifylng as
glound Level useable open space sha11 be ten (1O) feet,
(oo (o
7. Landscaping. At least the following proportions
of tbe total Developrnent Area shall. be landscaped as provided 1n
the Development Plan (this shal1 include retention of natural
landscape, if approprj-ate). Areas A and B, 5O% and Areas C and
D, 60%. If any portion of Areas A and B is developed as an institutional
or educational center, these limitations may be modified in accordance
wj.th amendment procedures speclfied in Section 2l,5OO of the
Zoning OrdlDaDce.
8.1 Parklng, Offstreet parking shall be provided in
accordance with Articte 14 of the Zoning Ordinance except that
75% of the required parking in Area A shall be located within
the main building or buildings. In Areas B and D, bOft of the
required parking shal1 be located wltbln tbe main building or
buildings. OD-site parking shaI1 be provided for conunon carriers
providing charter service to the devel"opment; said bus parking shall
be indicated on the DevelopmeDt Plan. No parking or loading area
shall be located in any required front setback area. If any
portion ot Areas A and B is developed as an iDstj-tutlonal or educational
center, these linltations may be modified in accordance witb arneDd.-
meDt procedures specified in Section 2I.5OO of the Zoning Ordinance.
J. Rec.reation Amenities Tax, The :cecreational amenities
tax due for the development with SD4 under OrdiDance No. 2, Serles
of L974, of the Town of Vail, Colorado, sha1l be assessed at a
rate Dot to exceed $0.25 per square foot of-the floor area in develop-
ment Areas A, B, and C, ald at a rate not to exceed 90.75 per
square foot in Development Area D; and shall be paid in conjunction
witb each constructioD phase prior to tbe issuance of a building
K. Conservatlon arrd PoLlution Controls.
(1) Developer's drallage plan shall include
provisj.oD for prevention of pollutioD fron surJace run-off.
(2) Developer shall include j-tr the building
construction energy and water conservation controls as general
tecb[o1ogy exists at the time of constructlotr.
".:' o .a O.o
L. Recreational Amenit ies
(1) The approved Development Plan shall include the
f ol low j.ng recreational amenlties:
(a) Bike and i'edestrian path traversing property
from east property ]ine to west plopelty line 6ha11 be provided by
developer ]r'ith exact location to be mutually acceptable to develbper
aDd Town Council .
ld. Additional Anenlt ies
pr iva te (I) Developer shall provlde adequa-te
^ransportation services to the owners and guests of the development so as to transport
them from the development to Village Core alea and Lionshead area as
outlhed ln the approved Development Plan.
(2) Developer shall provide in its approved
Developtnent PIan a bus shelter of a design aud location nutually agreeable
to developer aud Town Council. Said shelter to serve the area generall.y.
N, Limitation on Existence of Special Development
District 4.
Prior to the adoptlon of the Approved Development PIan,
tbe Town Councll reserves to the Towu the rj.ght to abrogate or modify
SD4 for good cause tbrough tbe enactment of an ordinance; provided,
however, tbat in the event the Town Council finds it to be appropriate
to consider whether to abrogate or modify SD4 tbe procedures shal1
be as provided in Section 21 .5OO of the Zonitrg Ordinance pertaining
to amendments.
O. Addition to OfflclaL Zoning Map.
Special Development District 4 shall be indicated
oD a tttap whlch aroends and 6ba]1 become an addition to the Officlal
ZoniDg Uap.
(o o
Section 4. Effective Date.
This ordinance shall take effect in accordance with the
provisions of the Charter of the Ton,n of Vail.
.r ORDERED PUBLISIIED ONCE IN FULL, this 10th day of February, 1976,
and a public hearing on this ordinance shal1 be held at the regular
meetiDg of tbe Town Councll of the Town of Vail, Colorado, on the
2nd day of March, 1976, a.t 7:30 P.M., in the Municipal Building
of the Town.
itr full this znd day of
March, 1976.
- Ll-
A part
Township 5 south,
,o Oi
12.370 acres
of the Sw I/4 NE I/4 of Section 12,
Range 8l west of the 6th p.M., described as
,,,' &ginning at a point on the l.lest line of saicl SW I/ 4 i. NE I/4 from which the North one-quarter corner of said Section
bears North 0oI5' East 2269.48 feet; thence North 0015' East,
along saj-d west Line, L52.36 feet to a point on the Southeasterfy right of way line of U.S. H.ighh'ay tlo. 6; thence, along said Southeasterly right of way line, as follows:
North 52027' East, I02,3I feet;
North 49o20r Eastf 519.57;feet; and
North 48013' East, 549.09 feet, more or less, to a point
on tbe North line of said SW L/4 NE l./4, thence North 88033'East, along the North l-ine of said SW I/4 NE. 368 feet, more or less, to a point on the centerline of Gore Creek; thence, along the centerli,ne of Gore Creek, as follows:
South 36049' west, 101.04 feett
South I8o2Ir west, 54.08 feetr
South 1024r west, 205.02 feet;
South I2o10r west, 110.25 feet; and
South 28041' Wesl., 242.35 feet, thence South 75ol5r West, 1064.I0 feet to the point of beginning.
Rose Parcel 3.190 acres
A tract of land si-tuated in the SWLNET of Section 12,
TP 5 S,, R. 8l W., of the 6th P.M., lying Southerly of that certain
tract of land described in Book 199, Page 197, Northerly and
Westerly of the center line of Gore Creek, ancl lying Northerly and
Easterly of those certain tracts described in Book 211 at Page 106,
Book 2II at Page I08 and Book 215 at Page 365, described as
Beginning at a point on the North-south center line
of saidl Section 12 whence the North quarter corner of said Section
12 bears N. 00015' E. 2269.48 feet;
thence N. 75oI5' 8.346.26 feet to the true point of
beginning, saiil point being on the south line of that tract described
in Book 199, Page 197 and rn'hich bears s, 08026' E. 2205.34 feet
frorn the North ouarter corner of said Section 12;
thence N. 75015t E. 717.84 feet--along the Southerly
that tract described in Book I99, Page I97 to the center
thence S. 28041' W. 130.6I feet alons the center line
thence s. 05024'30' E. 104.50 feet along the center
line of said Creek;
thence S. 4go2g ' tr. 95.50 feet along the center ]ine
of said Creek;
thence s. 22034' w. 124.47 feet along the center }ine
of said Creek;
thence S, 54000' w. 119.34 feet along the center line
of said Creek; to the Southeast corner of that certain tract of
Iand described in Book !ll, Page 108;
thence N. 33"15'30" w. 140.12 feet along the Easterly
line of that tract described in Book 211 at page I08;
thence N, 57042'30' w, 169,88 feet along the
Northeasterly fine of tlat tract described in Book 211 at page 108;
thence N. 85002'30' W. 162.92 feet along the Northerly
Iine of those tracts described in Book 2Il at Page I08 Book 211
at Page 105 to a point;
thence N. 32057'30" w, 76'08 feet along the
Northeasterly line of that tract described in Book 215 at Page
365, to the point of beginnj.ng.
line of
of core
of saicl
Heede Parcel
_L Ota 1
County of Eagle and State of colorado, to wat:
A tract of land iituated in the swkNEt of sectj.on J-2, Township 5
south, Range sl west of the 6th Principal Meridian, described
as follows; Beginning at a point on the North-South center
iine ot said Slctj-on-12 whence the North Quarter corner of said
Section 12 bears North 00 degs. 15 mins. East 2269-48 feet; thence
North 75 degs. 15 mins. East 346.26 feett thence south 32 degs'
57 mins. 30 secs. East 76.08 feet; tbence South 11 degs' 00 mins'
30 secs. West 279.99 feet to a point in the center of Gore Creek;
thence North 50 degs. 32 mins. West l1l.3l feet along the,center
Iine of said creekJ thence North 38 degs- 40 mj-ns. West 239'09 feet
along the center line of said creek; thence South 75 degs.
35 mins. I,Jest 89.9L feet along the center l-ine of said creek to a
point on the North-South center line of said section l-2t thence
North O0 degs. 15 mins. East 13.95 feet along the North-South
center line of said Section 12 to the point of beginning.
15.820 acres
1,250 acres
80.700 acres
the Southerly right of
the Southerly line of
LegaI Description
A11 that part of Section 12, Township 5 south, Range 81 I'Jes t of
the 6th P,M., alescribed as foflows:
All that part of the NLNEk of Section 12, lying Southerly of the
Southerly- right-of-way line of U,S. Highway No. 6 and Norther'Ly
of the sluth6rly line of said N!NE|, as shown ln the plat on file
in the office oi the Eagle county Clerk and Recorder as Document
No. 97489, described as follows:
Beginning at the highway survey monument at the intersection of the
soutnerty line of siia nignway and the Easterly Line of said
NINEI, tit"tt.e the Northeast corner of said Section 12 bears North
0003 ' west 634.785 feet;
thence South 73026'30" liest 1112.13 feet along the southerly right
of way line of said highway;
thencl south 70034' we;t 125.10 feet along the southerty right of
way line of said highwaY;
th;nce south 69025'-wesl I00,oo feet along
way line of said highwayt
thince south 65050'-wesi I00,00 feet along
sa].o nrgnway;
thence South'62015' I'lest 100.00 feet along the southerly right of
Iday l-ine of said highltay;
th6nce south 58o4or west loo-00 feet al'ong the southerlv right of
way line of saicl highwaY;
thEnce south 55005'-wesi I00.00 feet along the southerly right of
way line of said highwaY;
i' tnince South 5Io32'-Wesl t0o.o0 feet along the Southerly right of
\ way line of said highvrayt
thence South 47057'-Wesl 232.58 feet al-ong the Southerly right of
way line of said highway to a Point on the southerly line of said
N}NEI ;thence North 88033' East 497.57 feet along the southerly line of
said NLNEI to the center of the NEk of saiil Section 12;
thence North 88033' East ]379.35 feet along the southerly line of
said NLNE* to the southeast corner of said N!r""EL;
thence North 0003' West 750.95 feet along the Easterly }ine of said
NLNEI to its intersection h'ith the southerly line of said
highway, the point of beginning,
AII that part of the SwtNEk of Section 12, Iying Southerly of
the center of Gore Creek as shown on the plat on file in the
office of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder as Document No.
97489, described as follovrs: '
Beginning at the Northeast corner of saial SWLNELT
thence South 88033' West 131-.67 feet to a point in the center of
t said Creek;!.. thence south 40009' west 94.04 feet along the center of said Creek;
thence South l-8o2l' west 54.08 feet along the crenter of said Creek;
thence south 1o?4' West 205.02 feet along the center of said Creek;
thence South 12"10' viest II0.25 feet along the center of said Creek;
thence South 28041' West 320-00 feet;
thence south 5024'30" East, 170.00 feet along the center of said
thence south 27000'02" west 85.24 feet along the center of said
thence South 54000' west 259.34 feet aLong the center of said
creek i thence South 55034' liest l-09.62 feet al-ong the center of said
thence South 59o04' west 186.13 feet alonq the center of saicl creek;
thence South 85025' west 58.88 feet along the center of said creek;
thence North 77o35r west 26.96 feet along the center of saiil creek;
thence North 50032' west 199.19 feet along the center of said creek;
thence North 38040' vlest 239.09 feet along the center of said creek;
thence south 76035r west 89.91 feet along the center of said creeki
to a point on the i{esterly line of said SWLNEI;
thence South 0015' West 46I.90 feet to the center of said Section 12;
thence North 89.02r East 1382.65 feet along the Southerly line of
said SWTNEN to the Southeast corner of said SwtNEk;
thence North 0006' East 1384.32 feet along the Easterly line of said
.-- .svilNEl .to the Northeast corner of said SWtNEt, the point of
. D€gLnnrng,
The NwtSEl of Section 12, Township 5 South, Range 8l west of the
5th P.M-;
Al-L that part of the sEkNwL of section 12. Tolrnship 5 South, Range
81 West of the 6th P.M., J.ying Southerly of the Southerly right of
way line of U.s. Highway No. 5, as shown on the plat on file in the
office of the Eagle'County C1erk and Recorder as Document No. 97489.
described as follows:
Beginning at the Southeast corner of said SEtNwk;
thence South 89002' west 836.95 feet along the Southerly tine of
said sEkNwk to a point on the Southerly right of way li.ne of said
highhray ;thence North 52o35' East 1057.07 feet along the Southerly right
of vray Line of said highlray to a point on the Easterly line of sa j-d
SELNWT ;thence south 0oI5' liest 628.21 feet along the Easterly line of saitt
SElrNWl to the Southeast corner of said SEtNvtL, the point of
that part described in Book I88 at page 545;
that part described in Book 191 at page 24I;
that part described in Book 203 at page 231t
that part described in Book 203 at page 531;
that certain island adjacent to the above-described property, and located in the midalLe of core Creek, which the parties intend to exclude from thi-s transaction;
State of Colorado
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