HomeMy WebLinkAboutGLEN LYON LOT 53 COLDSTREAM UNIT 26 LEGAL.pdfCo\La(,^'. -r,^- Cc,*tos Design Review Board l!,'i\ eo ACTION FORM Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www,ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Klein Residence DRB Number: DRB0300BB Project Description: 249.2q. ft. addition of GRFA (change to approved plan). Unit #26has 0.8 square feet remaining of the 250 addition. Participants: OWNER CHILDRESS, J. DONALD - KLEIN04/04/2003 Phone: 28OO ONE FIRST UNION CENTER CHARLOTTE NC Fred W. Klein 28202-6021 License: APPLICANT Gwathmey Pratt SchulE Archi04/04/2003 Phone: 476-1L47 Denise Carey 1000 S Frontage Rd West Vail, CO Gpsxvail@aol.com 81657 License: Project Address: 1476 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL Location: Unit 26 Legal Description: Lot: 53 Block: Subdivision: Glen Lyon SuMivision Parcel Number: 210312108026 Comments: This remodel uses 249.2 sq. ft. of 250 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote; DateofApproval: 04lQ7l2OO3 Conditions: Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO TOI4/T'ffi Application for Design Review Department of Crmmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2t39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval, Description of the Request 25O g XeOnql Location of the Proposal: t-ot: 53 Bbck:- Subdivision: 4{EA[ L'Ttil Physical Address:t+zG Parcef No.: Zlo3lzlogo?le (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of owner(s): fuOf V, R.e,^A Mailing Address: Mailing Address: I Type of Review and Fee: D Signs E Conceptual Review E New Construction tr Addition tr Minor Afteration (multFfamily/commercial) tr Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) d Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: -Lnc. I t1-7 E-mail Address: $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction ofa new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No fue For Office Use Onlv:lJoI'ji-E]- cnec*No.: b40( ev: o VAIL CASC.ADE CONDOMINIUMS March 20,2003 Allison Ochs Community Development Town of Vail South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Ms. Ochs: Fred and Gene Klein, owners of coldsheam 26, have submitted a proposal to the Coldstream Condominium Association to expand their heated living- space of their condominium. After careful review, the Coldstream Design Review Board has approved the expansion request of the Klein's. ""W.:rft4 Don Maclachlan General Manager RFCEIVE MAR ? ? 2OO3 TOV€OM.DEV. 1475 W€stha\€n Dri\re .Vail, Colorado 81657 970.476.6106 . W.543.4801 . Fax920.476.4946 . -:::';i :ffi, n * 3r'i..,, 11?',"U' f 1 t e c r ; s 7 0 4 7 6 1 6 1 z ;uavfr ".,a:oz; PAGE A2/O2 Page 2 ffi IOIW0T VAILV JOII{T PROPERTY OWITER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER f, (prrnt namel Alk- e+J p. nlaagf Sr. , a ioint owner of property tocated at (address/legal I descripnot) -lq'|U lu/egr#!q?l fr'.lQc61<ftPAtrl t ilft' Z-l p.ovide this letter ds written approval of the planS dated 3.'212 ' D" ,whtch have been submatted to the Town of Vail Cornmuniry Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. i undersFnd that $e proposed imprcvements indude: i turther understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of tir rerriew orocess to ensure compllance with the Town's applicable codes and regulatlons- {f a?/"'2. (Date)(Signatrrre) Psgs 2 of lZi0\1fi102 Buildino Materials PROPOSED MATERHIS Type of Material Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other kl@c) l^b Color LIA'Iz-}|.. E'.rf NNftJP. *,]6f. l,"lA.fz?l IZXISI: '"4.k(41 affi. l4wr3* EK.{ l-lAtrz-,l{ EKfSI-- I4prtf,;l"+ AvtSf Notes: Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip, 4tl Cnma-lxto Page 6 of Lzlozl\l\z o Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. Lighting Plan:o Indicate type, location and number of fixtures. o Include height above grade, lumens outpuf luminous area o Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. II. REPAINT PROPOSATS For all proposals to repaint existing buildings, the following supplemental information is required: o Color chip or color sample including the manufacturer name and color number(s) D Architectural elevation drawings which clearly indicate the location of proposed colors (ie. siding, stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, soffits, etc.) The following is an example: Page 5 of r2l12l07l02 + +* * + 'i + *'+ t** * * * * * * * * + +*+* {.f i '} *++ + + ** * *+*t + t+ * * * *'} *+ + ++ *** * *** ** *+* * ** ** * ** * +* * ** *1.* t ** * * * * ** TOWN OF VAIL. COLORADO Statement * + + *a f* +**l * * * * f * * I t I ++++ *** * **+ + + ** *t+* * + +* * * ** * *t+ ++ +** * *** ++ +* ** ****f ++ *** * 'i* **+ii* + * a* *+ stat,ement Number: R030003757 Amormt 3 $20.00 04/04/2oo3o2:31 PM Pa)ment Metshod: Check Init: JAR NotaLion: 5304 Gwathmey Pratt Schultz Permit No: DR8030088 qrpe: DRB-Chg to Appr Plan6 Parcel No: 2LO3121O8026 SitE AddrCES: 1475 VIESTI{AVEN DR VAIL Location: ttnit 25 Total Fees: S20.00 This Payment: S20.00 Total AIrIr Etntsn: $20.00 BaLance: $0.00 * *,i * * * *'| + ++ * ** * ** * *** + + ++ *** * *f**+ + **t* f f** +* * * * * ** +* * *t ** + + +t ** *'i {.* | + t + ** ** '} *.* ** * * * * * * * + t * + ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Curnent Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI^I FEES 20.00 o I Fro|n Land Title I I Page J. of 8 LdTtdeG.rarleergru cltlctEusrBE'rn& ' Dilez W?$?IWI Our Ordcr Nurber: ynil(t|i hopcrty Addrcst COTID(MINruM UNIT 25, Cd,DSTREAM CONDO GWATHMEY, PRATT AND S(flJL.-TZ r|m s. FnoNTACE nD. W. vAtr, co trdy, Attr: DENI|E CAXBr VbE. 9lD4ir6tt4, Ft; 9lo17Cl6ti2 Scr* V|r Fu FrrrtEIEil Fri 26 Apr 2002 05:39:29 pil tDT o I Fro|n Land Title Page 2 of 8 l.dlitleGrfreeOrrtrry lq,n@{rrcIs Dttc2 WN-7.u)2 kopcrty Addrcsss CO\DO{I{INIUM UNIT 26, COI,DSTRBIM C(NDO Bu!rcrlSorrower: TOBE DETERMII\ED OurfucrNumbcr: Vin$g$ Se{ler/Osncr: CROW.COU)STREAM #1, LTD., A TEXAS LII'ITED PARTNENSIilP AND J DO{ALD CEILDRESS AND FNED W. KI.BIN If you have any inqulrics or rcquirc further essistrncg plcase contact om ol thc numbrts bdow: For Closirg Asslsance:For fitle Assbtrnce: vdl Tttb DeF Rogcr Avlle rM S FNONTAGE RD. W. #2II3 P.O. BOX3yt vAtr, cI) 816t Photr:9047GXE| Fs: TI$4|G4SA EMdl: nrvih@l$c-com I=9,1 q:p or dlrecdons for your upcordtrg clclry? Check out Lsrd fitle's web site et srr.lgc-com tor dlrEctbrrs to arw ot our 4l) omcc bc.dons. TNil'TIECFITNEE Irfonrnf on Bhder s175.00 TCTAL $175,0O toE d'Ud TflANK YOIJ FON YOI]R ONDEN! Fron Land Titl e Fri 26 Apr 2002 05:39:29 ptl [|)7 ? Page 3 of E Ct-cqo Tlde Insuilcc Corryq7 ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule A Propcr'ty Addrcss; CoI\TDODIINIUM UNIT 25, COLDSTREAM CG{DO l. Ettcctive Dete: Aprtl 15, 2002 st 5:00 p.lu. 2. Pollcy to be Issucd, rrd kopooed Insund: Idon_.rton Bin&r Propoecd Imred. TOBE DETERMII{EI) Our Ordcr No. Vt SW Clrt Ref.: 3. The estrte or lnter€st in the llnd descriH or refer"cd to in thts Comitrnc|rt rnd covened hcrcin ir: A Fec Slr$e 4. fide to the estste or intcrest covered hetcln is rt the ett€cdvc dete hcrcof vested in; CROW.COU)STNEAM #I, LTD., A TEXAS LIilTITED PARTNERSHP AND J, DOI{ALD CHILDRESS AND ERED W. IS,EIN 5. The lerd referrcd to in this Comrni[ne t is dcscrlbed es folbws: COI\DODIINIUM IINIT 26 AND PARXING uNm Ul3, COLDSTRFAM COI.ID(XIINIIIIdS, ACCORDING TO TIIE CONDOMINIUM MAP' RECORDED JANUARY 2' 19s0 IN BooK 296 AT PAGE 725 AND ACCONDING TO TIIE C(hIDOI}TINruM MAP PIIASE II RECORDED MARCII 3, I9EO TN B(X)K 299 AT PAGE 544, AND AS DFjFIDIED IN TTIE CONDOMINIUM DECLARATION RECOru)ED JANUARY 2, 19EO IN BOOK295 AT PAGE 724, AS SUPPTTMENTED BY SUPPI,EMENTAL COI\IDOMINITJM DECT,ARATIoN RECOIDED MARCH 3, 19t0 IN B(DK 299 AT PAGE 5.*l, couNTy oF EAGTJ, STATE OF COIJORADO. Frt 26 Apr 2002 05:39:2!,*"?From Land Titl€Page 4 of 8 ALTA COMMITMENT ScbddeB-Sccdonl (RcquiEments) Our Ondcr No. VTIS:AS The tolowirg il! thc r€qulrcrDcnts to be compllcd with: Ihtr (r) hVrrrrrt to or for dE sotil of th 8trrtor or rurrlgrgons of dE ftdl corrldcrrrbn for 0r eshlc or ir&rlst !o b imrtd. Ilutt (b) Ptoper irctrrrrn(s) cItadt€ oE esa& or intnst to be irurd rmst be ererrfcd 8rd dty 6€d for rrcorq b'wlt: IED (c) Pryrrtil of dl hxcs, chqcs or sscssn:rs levied rd $essed qdEt th. n{lect prenircs wldch rrE .t ,e fld;rycHe. Iirm (d) Adddornl nglremr8, lt ny dscloeed below: TIIIScoMMITMthIT xSFORIIYFoRMATIO{ cxYLY, AND NoFotIcY wtriBE EsuF.D PURSUANTHMETo. Page 5 of 8 ALTA COMMITMENT Schd{eB-Secfion2 (Fxccpions) Our Order No. ynsy$ The policy or policle to bc lssued vlll contrln exccptlons to the folbwlng rrrhss thc ssne are dsposed ol to the sedcfection of the Compony: L ftglfs or cldrr ot ptiies in poseesslon mt sk wn by tlt F$[c rccodc. L Ers€mttts, or cldrr ol easermt, mt shown by tlr p$lic rccords. 3. Iliscrtpmcies, corflcB in bo|rdry UrB, shortrge in eree, errrocdrnrt, rd rry ?rcc wldch c conrct srlYey 8rd irspocdon of tll pcrdscs would dsclose gd wffch rt rnt shovn by the p$llc rccords. 4. Ary lien, or righr to s llerr, for servlces, lebor or Er&dC tlsttolore or h.rtdt€r tlrrished, irqoscd by taw od mt shovn by th prHlc records. 5. Defecb, ller, ercrmbrnces, edverse ctrins or odrer rmltsrs, lf rry, crtdcd, first rperlrg in tlr p6lic rrcotds or iltxldrg $fue$cnt to tlr ettccdve d*e lrrcof hf ptbr to 0te drtc 0n propoced i6urd ecqd11s of rccord lor vCE tll estrte or irleltst or rmrlBrge lhcon covertd by tlis Condtrril. 6. Tses or speciC sss{Bsrrrrs which art mt shovn s edstilg lierr by fu Frb|ic rccords.o llr Trcrrrtr"s ofice. 7. IJerc for urqdd wrEr rd sercr chryes, if ny.. t. In dddorg lhe owr/s pollcy wlll be sf{ect b OE rDrlgEe, lf r|y, mbd ln Sccdon I of Sffile B lErrot 9. nIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO D(TRACT AND NEMOVE TIXS ORE TTIERM'RODI SIiOT]LD TIIE SAME BE FOUND TO PM{ETRATE OR INTERSECT TIIE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATEXIT RECORDED DEICEMBER2!), 1Y2I}, IN B(DK93 AT PAGE 42 AND REOORDED AUGUST 16, T909, IN B(X)K 4t AT PAGE 542 AND RECORDED OCTOBER2, T946 IN BOOK r32 AT PAGE 405. 10. nIGHT (x. WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANAIS CONSTRUCTED BY TIIE AUTIIORITY OF TIIE IjN TED STATES AS NESERVED IN I]NITED STATES PATENT RDCORDED AUGUST 16. 19(D, IN BOOK'ft AT PAGE542. 11. RESERVATIO\ AS TO TIIE NORTIIWF^ST U4 SOUTIIEAST U4 OF SECTION la ToWNSHIPS SOUTTI, RANGE EI WEST OF TTM ruGHT OF THE UNITED STATES, TTS PENMITTEE OR LICENSEq TO ENTEn UP(r{ OCCUFT AND USE ArYY PART OF ALL OF SAID L.AND FOR TIIE PUNFOSES PROVIDED IN TITE ACT OFJT]NE TO, 1920 (4T STAT. 1063), AS RESERVED IN TIIE PATEI{T RECORDED OCTOBER 2, T945 IN BOOK l:iz AT PAGE 4O5. 12. NESTRICITYE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORF'EITURE OR NEVERTEN. CII{USE BUT oMITTING ANY COVEFIANT OR RESTRICTIOtr{ BASED (tl RACE, COLO& RELIGIOI{, SE'(, IIANDICAB FAMILTAL STATUS OR NATIOIIAL ORIGIN I,]NLESS AND ONLY TO TIIE D(TENT THAT SAID COVENANT (A) IS EXEMPT TJNDER. CHAPTER 44 SECTI(I! 35(N OF TTIE LII\TTED STATES CODE OR (B) RELATES TO HANDTCAP BUT DOES NOT From Land Titl e Frt 26 Apr 2002 05:39:29 * *tO ! Fronr Land Title O Fri 26 Apr 2002 05:39:29 * .t?Page 6 of 8 ALTA COMMITMENT SchdnleB-Section2 (ExcePtlons) chrr order No. vn$gr$ Tlrc pollcy or pollcica to be issucd vlll contrln exceptiorc to thc folhwirg rmlcse thc srme erc dlspooed ot to the sctbla.tlon o[ the Compony: DISCRIMINATE AGAINST HANDICAP PERSICXVS, AS CUITAII{ED IN INSTRUMEIIT NEOORDED APRIL04, IY'E, IN BOOK2St AT PAGE 69t, AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMANT RECOnDED MAY 02, 1990 IN B(DK528 AT pAcE 13f. 13. TJTILITY EASB,TMIT AS GnANTg) TO H(x.Y CR6S EI,ECTRIC ASSOCIATT(XI, INc. IN INSTRLTMENT nECOnDED OCTOBER 16, r9il, IN B@Kz:n AT PAGE 792. 14. B\sEMENTsr Cd\iDm(hls' cOvn\IANTS' nEsTruffIoNs' RESRVATIONS AND NoTEs (r.l THE COI\DOMINIUM MAP OF COI,DSTNEAM CqYDOMINTIIS RECORDE) JANUARY 2, IgtO IN BOOK296 AT PAGE 725 AND C{X\DOMIIUUM MAP OF COLDSTNEAM C()I\IDOMINIUII,S PIIASE tr NECORDE) I\,TARCTI3, 19tO TN BOOK299 AT PAGE 544. 15. TIIOSEPROVI$(I{S, covBrlANIS AND c(}{DmG{S' EASEMEIITST AND RESTRICTIONS, WHICTT ARE A BURDEN TO TIIE CONDOMII\ruM T,]NIT DEgCTIBED IN SCEEDTJLE A, AS COT{TAINE) IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED JANUARY ZI, 1910, IN B(x)K296 AT PAGEZZ4 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT REIOORDED MARCTT 03, 19TO, IN BOOK299 AT PAGE srtit. From Land Titl e Fri 26 Apr 2002 05:39:29 * *ll ) Page 7 of I LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS Note: hrsuent to CRS I0-11-LIZ, mdce is lut$y gven thrt A) Th€ subict rrd ProFrty rEy be locsH in e spocid ffih€ dstict B) A Certilcrt ot Thrces Du lbdrg ch dry tEisdcdon nry be obti|Ed tmm the Cornty Trcsref s rfiorired rgeil, C) The irfonntbn rtgFntr€ spGclel dleEicb rd dE borDdrics of $.h dstsica rny bc obined ltom th Bord of Comry Condsslorrr, fu Co||rly Cfcrk s Record.r, or dre Courry Assessor. Note: Etfccdve Scprcr$er 1, 1997, CRS 30-1G406 rcS-rts tlrt rll doorrrls rtcc"lved for rccordrg or fil1g ' in dr cled< erd ncordcds olfice slnll conldn e fop rqin ol rt lct or lrdr rrd r lefg rlgtr rtd bolbm rrdlln of sl lest or* hel? ol en inh. The derh rrd rccorder rny rtfuce b Ecord or lttc eDy docgprt 0u do€s mt cor{ornt' except llnt, tlE rqlirmil for th lDp rf,rgh sHl mt ryly to docrmnts usirry fom on wlich sPece is provided for rtcordig or filitry lt{orrrdon rr dr bp tn4ln of ttr doa1r6tt Notc: Colorrdo Divlslon of hrsurrre Regd{iotE }5-f, Pragr?h C ot Arddc Vtr rGqircs tlet'EVcty ddc etdty shrll be rcsporrlblc tor Cl rrttcrs vH4[ oJFc ol rccord pior O th tta of rccordrg wlswcr t|r dflc endty cotdrcB 0r dosltg od k rtsporib|c for rccordirg or filirg of lcgel doc|f|Dnls ttsdthg rmm tlt terrdon wlidr wes dosed". hovi.lcd o|ra l-sd rldc Gurr e Corryry oondrs UE closirE of dr irnred E!|srcdon sd is rtsponsiHe for llcordrg th lcgd do{rrEne ftofD lln lrns*don, exccpdon rrrmber 5 wltl mt qgF.o on th Orprrer's fide Folicy erd th Len&t: Folicy slln is$Ed Note: Alfinrdve rmherlc's lien pmtrcdon for ore Onrrr rry be svrilsle (tJdcdly by dcledon of kcepdon m. 4 of SchcdJe B, Scclbn 2 of dr Comihrr tbom 0r Onrrr,s Follcy ro bc lsnrd) upon confllme with ttr follovlrry conddorr: A) Th lrd dscribcd in ScMle A ol dis cotndErrt Ert be r slrglc trrdly residare w6ch lrdudes e cordonirduD or bFr{E|Bc udt B) No l*or or Dtcrid: have bGdt ttrdehcd by raclrrdcs or ||nEr,l*rEn for Frposes ot cor|strEfion on lh lard dcscdbed In Scheddc A of U& C-orEdEErt witltn dl pst 5 rmrds. C) Tfr C-or4oy 'nBt ttcelve n rytoFirt€ dtrdevir irdsrrilyrrg t|E Corryry rgrlllt ltFglcd rEchrdc's .rd mrtedC-tEn's llcrr. D) Thc Corryuy rrrst rccelve pprnt of dr rympdele prdrm- E) tr furc lE bcen constrrtioq irryrovenHrb or tmJor rcId|s rdcrolm on tlr proFrty to be prdacd wltlln six rmndrs Flor to tlE DsE of th Condlrrrt, dE rtqirwils to obtrin covcf,+c for lrecorded llerr wlll lrrl't&: df,fcbcurc ol certr&r corrorc$on ir{ondoni firnmkl irforr-.ron s io lhe sdlcr, dr hdl&r rd or tlE cortrloq prymrt ot ttc rpproprieb prtrdrrn tidly execrled Indcrmity AgltetEtts ss[sf..iort b dE comFlf, ud, rly eddord rcqirt ErIs s rny bc necessery dler m exsdrdron of d! rforrsald ldonudon by ltr Corqny. No covcrage will be glven urder qf cinilEturs for labor or rrtcrlel tor which dE insLEd lns con[ected for or s$tcd to psy. Notc: hBur to CRS llFll-L:Xt, mdce is lnlby given: A) Tlnl thett is ncorded eddcnce lE r ninrrl cstotc hG bcen severt4 lesed, or o1rrvlse conycyed fmm tlE srrfce estrtc nd ftrt furc is a $ftdd likdllDod tH I ddrd F4f lnlds sorn or all inr.rst in oll, grs, odlcr trinemlr, or geolhcrtnl erErg/ In tlr pmFily; ard B) T1g nrh nirrsl esbrc my hdde OE rigll b cnter rd ll3e th popcrty vlthout dE $dre owrEt's Frmisslon This mdce oldles io owrer's policy corurilEnb contdrdrg a nirn{ s€vcrrrGe irshuunt excepdo4 or exc€pdors, In Schedrle B, Secdon 2. Notltiry lErcin conhln€d will be dcenrd to obligsfe the corqeny to Fovidc eny of tp coverages rcferred b lrrtin u ess the ebove condfions are frrllv sadsfied. F@ UI*I,cSIE Frofi Land Titl e Fri 26 Apr 2002 05:39:29 LOT Page 8 of 8 JOINT NOTICE OF PRIVACY POLICY Fldelit5r Nedonel Fingnciel Group of Componlcs/Chicego Tttle Insurence ComFny snd Lend Tltle Gu.rentee Compeny July 1, 2lXlt ff.Tffi#ffi ,*"Tnfl "ffi f#llTf g*.*ff :,3*"Frffi ffi;H,"flffi i,#s,#lr{orintiof 1, srd to wholtr -it is drcbs{ ;i[ i;.- ,i; -i gir 16_1r riret-oiiiirif6iffiu.m.* ,* erd tlr utltc llnt we serve.' fiis kivsv Strterrrnt pm. vi*s orcr xprnaon ive '*".i;-ifrf ;ts; ;E Ep'iti" ft-i,;; .'-* Slrtmrt from rinr to dnfo consbtert'wiO rygicetteft-vrcy rews. In the courBe of our bushress, we rnsy collect Personal Intormcdon ebout you from thc following sources: I Hy yf,tgrry-gl_o-qgJory._yg rg:91v9 f.mm ygr or yo_rr rrdrrized npmsenqive;" ! nDm Yolf MrEl*llorr $o! or tntm trr servicG Hrg Frfotd by, rr, oir rfrilirrcs, or otlnrs;* Fnm -orr irrerrrt web sies:'' T.9P-F^4!t:ry1gP1!!*4 by,govcrrmnhl enides tlnt we etlhrotlin drcdy from rlnse emues! or Iml|l orr alritr$es or ollrls: rlx * From cbrrrrrr or othcr rtpordrry ageiies. Our Policies Regardhg the hotccdon of th€ confidentirlity rnd Security of Your percoml lnfonnggon We rueirrin plrydcrl_J_ elcctsoric rd procednl sCcgrnds to pmbct yo|r hrond lr{on tion nom uEdmri"xd rceqc or lrturion we limit uess d fu Rreorret lilormotioir only 6 Orose ddoy;- it t1ja nrif-*o"" ii-oorrEcdon with pmv|ftg pmdEb or sc|rl.rr to you or for othr tigid;rb tatrr$-Fros€s. OrNr Policl€s gnd Practices Regrrding the Shering of Your persond Intormrdon W9.tmy.;,lnt ygrr Fersornl lr{onnrion vllh or.dtieb1 such s lrrurc compries, sgerls, erd otlEr r1el €sEte se|flennr senice pmylder. We Cso rny dirclocc yorr Fersonl Inforruiori: 1 to €g4ts, broken or cpesenlrtives m pvlde you wlth scryices you hrye retrrstcd:' to llinl-Dsiv coniclots_or sofice pmvidcrs who povl& scrvhes or pcrforni mrtritirry or odrr frlctio* ori orr bchrlf: srd t io ollErs wilh whom we entcr inlo ioina trrl(edrg sgreerEfs for pmdre orservhes OE ve bdleve you rmy find of intsnsL E M!} -: will {sclose lorr Feisod Irforrndon when you .drcc_t or glve rr pcmissior} wlrn wc sE rcqftrd Dy-law to do so, or wlEn ve suspect frrrdleit o_r-crininrl rtlvldes. We Cio rry'disclce vrirr nrsornl- - - -]-- rllonElon wlEn onEgi* Fnri_E€d by rHtcaDae Fivsat lrrvs srEh rs, for exri$c, slreh dirclosur ts ncedcd I) cfrotBc otr ngtti l.l$ng ou or at{/ sgtccl|El|l, laslion or |lldorrldp with ybu src:f_t-jlry1sf1-s|1g.hllties of sorr of orr etEliercd..coryris Ls ro Ecord docurrrs tr rl FdJtc do|rtdn S|rch docurnrt rr5r conhin your Pe|sornl lrfonnion - Right to Access Your Perconel Inform.don rnd Ability to Correct Fr.rors Or Reqtrut Changes Or Ddedon Cerlin sEt s gotd yo.t qt righr b_cca<c yo-rr troq*t [{ormalion ud, rder cerdn circ|rE8res. to trrd ou (, wmfn yolr trenx)ral lt{ollBllon nls E€n tflsclosctl Also, certrin strtes dord you OE rislf to ] (lrlst conectionr scn&Ert or ddetbn of you hrmnl lr{onution .We rywe tr. .€trC wh6perrriufi-ty tw, o dnrge e rcasordle fcc to cover Or cosg irnrrcd in rcspordirg b srrh rcqns$. " All rcqxss $Hed b dr Ft&llty.Natiornl tr'irurrcigl Gmrp ot Corryricycldcogo fide hrr1.sre Corryrny shdl li in vrltirg, rd de[vercd to-ilrc followirg ddress: hivacy Co@lrre Oftcer tldellty Nsdotnl Flrnrrcid. br. ffiBlii,PtFBhifl Multiph Products or Servlces Lf _tyn*-fqf_Tg pggg|-9f qTrylc-?llqlt gr Trv,ce, you lry rccetve rmre rhrr orr rieecy mrce In m rr. we Spotogrze tor gq/ |lrco||'9€raetat lls nny c{r€ yolt F@ PRII'.Pd,. CET TOI4'N# Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparbnent of Community Devdoprnent 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 telt 970.479.2L39 fax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.d.vail.co,us Project l{ame: . Klein Addition Project Descrlption: Addition of a tobl of 93 sq. ft on the enFy and middle levels. Participants: OWNER CHILDRESS, J. DONALD: KLEIN09/25|2002 Phonel 28OO ONE FIRST UNION CENTER CHARLOTTE NC Fred W. Klein 28202-6021 License: APPUCANT Gwathmey Pratt Schultz Archi09/25l2002 Phoner 476-Lt47 1000 S Frontage Rd West Vail, CO Gpo<rrail@aol.com 81657 License: ProjectAddresst I{TiWESTHAVENDRVAIL Location: Unit26 \ Legal DescripUon: Lot:53 Block Subdivision: Glen Lyon Agpar'"' Parcet Number: 210312108026 OalWg I Comments: See Conditions f \ - DRBNumber: DR8020338 Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Apprcvalz IO|OL|20OZ Cond: 8 (PIAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate rerrielrr committee(s). C-ond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not consUtute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Buildingpersonnel prigq F construction activities. h) Planner:DRB Fee Paad: l3OO.q) Project l{ame: Project DescripUon: Participants: Addition of a total of 93 sq. ft on the entry and middle levels. OWNER CHILDRESS, J. DONALD - KLEIN09/25|2002 Phone: 28OO ONE FIRST UNION CENTER CHARLOTTE NC Fred W. Klein 28202-6021 License: APPUCANT Gwathmey Pratt Schultz Archi09/25/2002 Phone: 476-L147 1000 S Frontage Rd West Vail, CO Gpsxvail@aol.com 81657 License: Prcject Addresst 1476 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL Locatlon: Unit 26 l-egal Description: lot: 53 Block Subdivision: Glen Lyon Parcel Number: 210312108026 Comments: SeeConditions Depafiient of Cornmunity Devdoprnent 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us DRBNumber: DR8020338 Design Review Board C.\La[-^-*^"ACTION FORM e t Ccn tos ta;{ zc Klein Addition Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Actlon: STAFFAPR Date of Approvah l0lOLl20O2 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail sbaff and/or the appropriate review commlttee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnpl prhr-to construction activities. Pfanner: {l)o,rn^DRB Fee Paid: $3OO.OO O t Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co. us General Information: Ail Frojects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Departmint, The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request: Locationof theProposal: Lot:53 Block:- -subdivision:- bgA L\6J Physical Address: $t"r..t N"., 2i0-uUm)UL(contact Easle co. Assessor ar e70-328-8540 for parcet no.) Zoning: Name of Applicantr Mailing Address: ---- Phone: E-mail Address:rax:- 4T-tt-lb- tatL Type of Review and Fee: [J Srgns ! Conceptual Review ll New Construction ll Addition -n lu|nor Alteratron imulti-fa mily/commercial) = f.lrnOr Alteratiorl ( sinq le -fa nr ily/ou plex ) - Changes to Approved Plans - iep.r/aticn F.equest zb $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of tota, sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining lvalis, etc.$20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, sl,tch as, reroofrng, paintirrg, windotv adJitions, landscaping, fences ancl I etainrng rvails, etc. S20 For revrsions to pian5 alrea.Jy apprcved by planning Staff or ihe Design Revie,^,, Boad. lic Fee aF^-...-_ Owner(s) Signature(s): Ch.ck l.Jc. P.(rjeii l\laj . REC EIUE B A5/49/2692 15:13 8659661"863 l._*_By: Orathney Pratt schultertecr;970 476 1612; PAGE A2/O2 Page 2 ffi I0ltIN ?IfIILV May-tE:07; JOI'{T PROPERW OWilER rU|UTTEil APPROI'AL LETIER I, (prhtname). Alb*,€rJ O. I\.hEtS., a jointownerof properflocaudat(acldress/tegEl description) -ttflUr v,IcatV+v\lf .fLc''ttrsUCen oilf T7 ...-, o:ovide this letter as wnten approval of the plans dated 3'2o .oz-whlcfi have been Submitted to the Town of Vail Cornmuniry Devdopment Departmem for the proposed improverrcnts to be completed at the address noted above. I undersFnd that the prooosed impro\/emenF indude: I furffrer underSbnd that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compllance witfi the Town's applicable codes and reguhtlons' tf a?/"t- (Date)(Signature) Page 2 of Lzl?1Vfiloz VAIL CASCADE CONDOMINIUMS September 23,2002 Allison Ochs Community Development Town of Vail South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Ms. Ochs: Fred and Gene Klein, owners of Coldstream 26, Coldstream Condominium Association to expand condominium. submitted a proposal to the heated living space of their have their After careful review, the Coldstream Design Review Board has approved the expansion request of the Klein's. 'ffiTttfr Don Maclachlan General Manager '1476 Westhaven Drive .Vail, Colorado 81657 970.476.6106. 800.543.4801 . Fax 970.476.4946 PROPOSED MATERIAIS Tvoe of Material Color Buildinq Materials Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows WindowTrim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other tl ll lr lr ll lt vJrco Nn ll N(A r.{l^. Notes: Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chio. V[ap t^/darTa hlrrn MPrA{- C{-Ar\ U.[d\ I ^Jft Nr Nn Page 5 of I2l0ll]ol02 * l** *****+ ++ +f* | t**+l + *t *+ *taa**t +****+++ t *+** ******t **+ *ta**++ ++*+ ++t+ | +* **a**** | t * t** ****f TOWN OF VAIL, COIORADO Statement r*** *+ ** * *++*t+t t **a* **r*** * *** ****+tf++t+t +** * r ff**+*t+*****+**tait+ + + *t +**+* **+*a**+tft+ +l Statement Number: R000003148 Anount: $300.00 09/25/2O02L1 :21 Alit Palment Method: Check Init: dIAR Notation: 6151 cwathmey Pratst Schultsz Permit No: DR8020338 T14re: DRB - Addition of GRFA Parcel No: 2IO3L2LOAO25 Site AddresE: 1475 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL Location: Unit 25 Total FeeE: 5300.00 This Palment,: 9300.00 Total AIJL Prnts: $300. 00 Balarce: $0.00 * * * * * *+ * **+ +++ *'t * + *{.* +'+ ** ** * * * t +** + ++ it+*** a ** * * * ** +* +t +*+* **** * **t ++ * * + * * *+ ++ + + + + * + * + * + * * t * ACCOT]NTITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESiGN REVIE!\I FEES 300.00 From Land Title Fri 26 Apr 2002 05:39:29 Ptl f,)T o Page 1 of 8 LdTltleGrreGrw CTT|crBG'IEB'ITil D',ff. W26frVl, hopcrty Addrese: COFIDOII{INruM I,'NTT 25. COT,DSTNEAM CUTTDO (htr Hcr Nulbcr: VtlS94S GS'AIflIUET, PNATT AND SCRT]LTZ I(n) S. FRG{TAG8 ND. W vAtr, cI) tr657 AtE|: DENISE CAnEY Ytu. ytog.7cltc, Fsz 9lo476.l6li2 Scrr Vb F.r ffinfl From Land Tlt'le Fri 26 Apr 2002 05:39:29 Pfl lItT Page 2 of 8 LdTttleGs#Gtgy l(ln(It{rEEi Drlte: (E*fr(D hopcrty Addrts: CONDOiI{INIUM UNIT 26, COLDSTREAM C{NDO Buyer/Bonower: TOBiE DETERMINED Our fficr Numbcr! Vt Sg4s Sdler/Owner: CNOW-COLDSTREAM #I, LTD., A TEXAS LIMITED PARTNENSIIIP AND } DG{ALD CHILDRESS AND FRED W. KITIN If you lnve any lnquiries or reguirc firrthcr essistsnce, plerse conttct one of the nunbcrs be{os: For Closirg Asslstrnce: For Ttth Assbtlnce: Vdl Ttdc Dcpt Rogcr Avlla lm s. FnoNTAGE RD. W. #203 P.O. BOX 3f,' vAtr, c0 &55' Vlorez 9l$4lGXEL Fat 9l04lG4S34 EMCI: nvlh@ltsc.com Io{." q+ or direcdons fo1;og upcoming clclry? Ched( out lrnd fitle's web slte at ww. tgc.com tor .llr€ctiot|s to eny of our rm ofllcc bcrtbr|s. ENilATEGTMEE hlonrdon BHer s175. OO TUA s175. O0 roE C*llct TEANK YOI] FON, YOUT ONDEN! Fron Land Title Fri 25 Apr 2002 05:39:29 Ptl toT o Page 3 of 8 ClftTo nt|e lrurc Corqory ALTA COMMITMENT Sdrefulc A Propcrty Addrcss: CG\D0TIINIUM UNIT 25, C(X-I)STREAM CI(}TTDO l. Elfeclve Det€: AFil fS, 2lx)2 rt S:lx) p.lt{. 2. Pollcy to be Issucd, erd hopoced Insutrd: Irlondon Blr*r Propoccd Imrcd: TOBE DETERMIIIEI) Our Order No. V2l'i759{5 Cusr llef.: 3. The e3tste or Intcrcat in the tend descrlbed or rdcrrcd to In otis Commlom€rt snd covened hrcin is: A Fee Slrge 4. fitle to the 6trtc or intrrcst covertd herdn ls et the eftecdve dctc hereof v€ded in: CNOW.COU)STREAM #T, LTD., A TEXAS LIII{ITED PARMIENSHIP AND } D(F'iALD CHILDRESS AND FRED W. KI.EIN 5. The lrnd referred to in this Comrtri[ncnt is descr,lbed as fotbws: CO\DOITIINruM UNIT 26 AND PARIQNG UNIT Ul3, CODSTREAM COITIDOIIINIIIMS, ACCORDIN6 TO TrIE C0ND0MINIUM MAB nEcoRDED JANUARY 2' 19s0 IN B@K296 AT PAGE 72s AND ACf,ORDING TO TTIE CU\DOI}IINIUM MAP PTIASE tr REC{)RDED MARCTI 3. 1980 IN B(X)K 299 AT PAGE 544, AND AS DEII{ED IN TIIE CONDOMINruM DECI.ARATION NECONDED JANUARY 2, 19TO IN BOOK296 AT PAGE 724, AS SUPPI,EMEhITED BY SUPFLEME{TAL COI\DOil{INIUM DECLARATI(F{ nEconDED MARCII 3' 19t0 IN B(x)K291, AT PAGEs,(t, coUNTY tr'EAGLB STAIE OF COIJORADO From Land Titl e Fri 26 Apr 2002 05:39:29 Pil Page 4 of 8 ALrA COM\TTTMENT Schde B - Sccdon I (Regircmnts) Our Ner No. V275945 The followtry sre thc rcqdr,cmnts to bc compllcd vlth: IEn (e) kymnf b or for lh sount of tl! 8tr|lors or mrtrgol! of lh lbll corri&rrllon tor ltr ectrh or trrtst to be fuutd. IEr (b) Pr,oFr lEts|rE(s) cttrdrE tlE esbe or hb|tst to bc trE|rtd mrt bc exec|&d r|d dty trled for rcord, b.wlc Ihm (c) hyrEil of Cl Ecs, chrgcs or sscsrffi levlcd rd sc3scd rgd|Bt tlE sriff:c pru*es ellch r .te rUprlle- IEa (d) Adddorsl Itqdrcrmrb, ll rry dsdccd bclow: TTIIS COMMITMANT XS FIOR,INFORMATION ONLY. AND NO F(X.ICY WILL BE XSSI,'ED PUNUANTHMETO. f)T o From Land Title Fri 26 Apr 2002 05:39:29 Pll Page 5 of 8 ALTA COMMITMENT ScbdleB-S€cdon2 (ErceptloE) Our Order No. Vtl594s The pollcy or pollcies io be tsucd wlll contrln exccptloE to fte folbvirE url€s8 thc serc ere dtspood of to the sadsf.ction of thc Compony: f. IUgils or clCrc of prdes in poseesslon mt shown by lb pfr[c recods. L Ers€Drt, or dirn of eaerD$, mt shoFn by th p$llc rccords. 3. I)lscrcprics, corilcs in b|tdry IlrE, sln]trge in erte, erxrocclrarls, rd |ty frcb wlictt e correct srrvey ud inpocdon of tb pnires vodd dsclose etd wlidr re mt slDvn by tlt pttic ncords. 4. Any lierl or righf to e lien, for services, labor or r "rid tlstlofott or lErcdter ft|rdshc4 irryos€d by lew ed mt slnvn by ttrc ptlic rccords. 5. DcfecB, liet6, etrcrrtrbimces, adverse deirr or otlrr rEltrs, if ny, crd, trrst eperirg in tlr prflic rccords or rElirE s|fueSEr to th e{lective drre ltrcot hI Fior to lhe dde dx popoccd imnd acqdlts of rccord for vC|r tlE estre or inerc$ or nDrlgrge tlreon oovcrtd bt dis CondtrEtlt 6. Tues or spcciC ssscsrc s wlrich erc mt sln*n s existirE liem f t: pttlic rccords.o th Trcsutr's otrlce. 7. Uerr for uryCd wetr sd serer chrges, if ry.. t. In sddor|, rhe owrnls pollcy wltl be suuect !o ttE rDrg*e, lt fl|y, med In Secdon I ol SchdIe B lt|toL 9. RIGIIT (X. PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR I]ODE TO U,TRACT AND REN,TOVE HXS ONE TTIERE'RO{I{ SHOI,JLD TTIE SAME BE FIOUI\D TO PENETNATE OR,INTERSECT TTIE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITE) STATES PATENT RECORDED DECEII{BER2g, 19:ZO, IN Bq)K93 AT PAffi 42 AND RECORDED AUGUST 16, 1909, IN BOOK 4t AT PAGE 542 AND RECORDE) OCTOBER2. 1945 IN BOOK l:'2 AT PAGE 4II5. 10. RIGIIT (X' WAY FOR DITCIIES OR CANAIS CONSTRUCTED BY TTIE AUTHORITY (X'TIIE T]NMED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNTTED STATES PATENT RECONDED AUGUST 16, 19(D, IN B(X)K4t AT PAGS 542. 1I. RESERVAfiot{ AS TO TI{E NORTTIWEST V4 SOUTIIEAST V4 OF SECTION T2,, TOTVNSIilPS SOTJTII, RANGE tl WEST OF TIIE RIGTIT O['TIIE T,JNITED STATES, ITS PERJIIITTM ON, LICTI\ISM, TO UNTER, UF(hi OCCUPT AND USE AITIY PART tr.ALL OF SAID I.AND FOR THE PURFOSES PROVIDED IN THE ACT OP JUNE 10, 192Il (4r STAT. 1063), AS RESERVED IN TIIE PATEIIT RECORDED OCTOBER2! 1945 IN BOOK l:'2 AT PAGE /O5. A RESTXICTTVE COVEI{ANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORtrEITUNE ON, NEVERIER, CIAUSE BUT OII'ITTING ANY COVENANT OR RESTRICTICI\ BASED ON RACE CO[I)N, REIGIOhI, SEX, IIANDICAB FAMILIAL STATUS ORNATIOi.{AL ORIGIN T]NLESS AND G{LY TO TTIE UTEI,{T TTIAT SAID COVETIANT (A) IS EXEMPT UNDR. CHAPTER42' SECTIG{ 3607 G' TTIE I,JNITED STATES C\DE OR O) RS-ATES TO TIANDICAP BUT DOES NOT iI)T o From Land Title Fri 26 Apr 2002 05:39:29 Ptl Page 6 of 8 ALTA COMMITMENT Sdrde B - Scctlon 2 (kccpiorr) Oor Otder No. Vt SW The pollcy or policies to be iEilcd wlll contain exccptiom to the folbwirg lltlcrs the s.m rre d+osd of !o th€ srddrctlon of ttc Corryrny: DTSCTIMINATE AGAINST TIANDICAP PERS(X{S. AS CONTAII{ED IN INSTRUMNT RECOR,DEI) APRIL 04, 197t, IN B(x)K25t AT PAGE 59I, AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMU\T RECORDED MAY 02, 1990 IN MX)K52t AT PAGE 154. UI. UTIIITY EASEMENT AS G*ANTED TO HOLY CRGS g,ECTRIC ASSOC[ATIO},.{, INC. IN INSTRUMETTT RDCORDED OCTOBER 15, 1978, IN B(X)K292 AT PAGE 7Cl. 14. EASEI}IENTS, CO\DITI(Ii{S, COVENANTS, RESTruCIIG{S, RESRVATIOI{S AND NO'IES OI.'I TTIE C(DID(NIINIUM MAP OF COLDSTREAM CONDOLIINIUMS RSCORDED JANUARY 2, TfiO IN BOOK295 AT PAGE 725 AND CONDOMINruM IT,TAP OF CO.DSTREAM CONDOMINruMS PHASE tr REC(XDE) MARCH 3, TgM IN BOOK299 AT PAGE 544. 15. TIIOSE PROVXSIOI{S, CI)VET..{ANTS AND C(NDITIO{TIS, EASEDIENTS, AND NESTRICTIONS, WIIICH ARE A BURDU\ TO TTIE C(X{DOMII{IUM T]NIT DESCTIBED IN SCHEDI]LE A, AS COT{TAINE) IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED JANUARY 20, 1980, IN B(X)K 296 AT PAGE 724 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RE'CORDED MARCH 03, IgtO, IN BOOK299 AT PAGE 3*!. [)T o From Land Title Fri 26 Apr 2002 05:39:29 Ptl f,)T o Page 7 of 8 LAND TITLE GUAR,ANTEE COMPANY DISCLOSUNE STATEMENTS Notc! hrsrnnt to CRS ll)-ll-UIl, mdce is hrcby $ven tlnE A) The suliect nd proFny nry be locsH In c sFciC dt€ dsticL B) A Ccrdficl ol Texes Du lidrry ch tuirg JLfsdcdon rry be obtdEd fmm th Cornty Trcsrre/s rdndzed rgenr C) The t{orrrbn rcgrrdry sFciC dbdc8 eld th bouddcs of $rh dsllcts tny b obEtored from ttr Bocd of Cou|ty CrnrdssiorErs, dr C,|ily Cferk sd nccordcr, or tb Couly As3essor. Notr: Eltective Scptfltrr 1, 1997, CRS 3ll-10.406 rcq|.tls tlrt r[ do(rtEils rtccived for recordqg or fl|||g ' In th clertr ard rccor&f s oltrce shrll cortrdn a top rqln of st le{st orI irdr nd e lcft ri$i nd botlom rEtEin of sf leat orE hrlf of rn itIh The cle* srd recordcr rny Elllte to rccord or tlle any docurnt tE docs mt orfolm, exceF dnf, dr rrqi]mnt for tb lop trlgh sHl mt qfly to doc|m s uitg lonc on wlich sprce is pvidcd tor rtcordfog or fllitg tr{onrlion ot tlt bp tmrgln of tl: docu nt NoG: Colorado Dlvision of Inuera Rcgrtdors $'Sf, Prrgrqh C orAdde Vtr rcqircs thrr'Every dde erdty slrll be rtcporitle tor Cl mr&rs wlich q?er of Ecotd Fior b th th of rtcordrg wls:ver tlr dde endty cordrts tlr dositg ud b ttsporiHe for rccordrg or filfutg of legd docurrG rcsurlthg from th Eurccdon wlldr wrs dosed". hovlded |hrt l.erd Tltle Grrdee Corryry oondrE 0r closhE of tlt irued Eerrcflon sd is rtsPonsttle lor rcontqg Ot legC dooranis &om tlE ts |srcdon, excepdon rrr&r 5 wlll mt #t on tlE Omcds Tlde Folicy ad tlr Lerdeis Follct vhn lsstrd- Note: Affrrndve rEclanic's llcr protecdon for tlr Onrrr try be svdldle (typicCly by &lcdon of Exaeption no. 4 of Sch€dle B, Sccllon 2 of lh Cor[dtrEr* ll,om lh OsrEt's Follcy to b issrrd) qon conflisrce wilh ttt followirg corddorr: A) Tlr |rd bcrlbcd for ScMle A of Ois col[ritrril nrrt b e siryh fedf rcgiderre wlich irddes I cordorddm or bvdn|Ee |fit B) No l$or or rrreriCs hvc bten ttrrichrd by trdnrics or mlcriC-rrn for plposcs ol corr&rrdon on tlr lerd fucribcd in ScHde A of tlls Cortiuctt wllHn tlr nst 6 rmtdrs. C) TIE Corqg|y rnlst teoeive r| rytloFiae fidrvit itdardfyiry tlt ColT-ly {dEt rrttrl€d racMc's ard rdcriC-mn's !iem, D) Tl* Corrymy nl|st recelve FyrEnt of th rymF&te ptduo. E) If drr€ ll|s been coEtudor\ ir4mverB|b or rqFr rcpCrs EderrrLen on tlE ProFrty to be FrclEcd wl0in six rmnd6 Ftor to ttE DrE of Ot CottrdErnt tlt reqtrsEn6 to oblrin coY€tqe for urecorded liers wlll lrrlrrt-t 6**n* ot cefiin cot3trrdon lrfondion; f,nltlrl ltlonEdon s to dr sdlcr, dr hdl&r rd or th con8rtoq pytd of tlE rpopti* pldun fttly exeorted lr*r[tlty AgltenEr|s sedsfrdory b tE comPrql' 8d' rty rddorl rc+irttEils G rny be n€cessry dler m cxardr- 'lon of Ot aforesrid it{onndon by th Colqrry. No coverage wlll be given uder g|y dmmorrs for lebor or r@rlsl for r'ltkh rh irr'|rtd lns cortactcd tor or egrcd to Py. Nofe! hrfirlnt to CRS lGll-lAl, moce is h.nby glYerr A) Tlnt dse is rccord evidcme tb s rdnrrl cstrte l[ bcen severcd, lesed, or oo:rvise conyeycd Aom Or $rfre estrtc rd |ht futt b I $fudd llldllDod |E r tlitd Frty blds sorE or dt irlcr!3t in oll, grs, ok rd|!|ds, or gco0|cml errrgf In th pmpcrty; etd B) Thrt srrh rdlElrl esbte rry hrctr& dE dgil b et&r rd |re ttt FoFtty tioDul dE srrfre owref s Fndsslorr' Tlis mdce Sies to owrrr's policy co dffi corlCrlrg a rdrml sev€rrlce t|BtrrEnt excepdon, or ercepdorr, in Sdrdde B, Secdon 2. Notlirg ]rrein contrined vllt be emd to obtgate orc comFqf to pvi& 8|ty ot dE coverEes rcf,enrd to brcin rnless tlt above conddorr rt lllly srtktlcd. P@ Urg.OgE From Land Titl e Fri 26 Apr 2002 05:39:29 Pil IDT a Page E of 8 JOINT NOTICE OF PR.IVACY POLICY Flde{lty Netiond Ftnrnciel Grorp of ComFnica/Chlcrgo Tltle Inrurrrre Compr.ny md Lrnd Tltle Glnnntce Conpony July 1' 2ml YVe rtcodze erd rtsacr dre uivs €nctrlbra of to&y's corrrers rrd lh raqdrff* of mlielle feibrsl sd srb lrifi.v bss. We taicvd lrt rirldirg -vou rwre ot fiow we rre yorr mndic Erord inloirndon ('Rtsonrl lrtorinriof), rd to ryhom lt is dscb${ vlll form th hrls lora rilrliorhli ol trit btwccn rr sd tll ndlc dnt we sewd' Tlis Priye.y StrlctErll providcs tlrt expbuion. wc rcfdae ta dg|I to chr€c O*r kivcy - Sotmrl tmm drE to dm co|Ebllnt with rdicrtac Ftvr.? lsws. In the course of our bushesq we m.y collect Peronal Informrdon rbout you frcm the following sources: r From dk$orr or otbr fonr we rcceive lmm you or yorr dnrized rptser'-rve;* From yiirr trrrcdor wi0r, or frem tte servlcca bdrf pirtorrd by, rs, o-rr rfllltrtes, or otbn;* Fmm 6rr ir&rt web sihs:I From th ndlc rccords mirtatEd by govenrrilrl eritles tlrt se eilhr oHn drccoy fmm tlrce eritics. oi lrom orr rfiltrEs or oth-rs:-ud * Fmm corrum or othr rtpordrg qcries. Our Policies Rcgardhg the hotccdon of the Contldentislity rrd Sccudty of Your Pcrsornl lrtrorrmtlon Wb rmfttin d|vdcd. elcctmdc rd Bocedfrl sCcsurds to Fotect yo|r Fenord Irfondion ftom unrfndz€d *cess or iruiribn li,'e [nit uess r; dE Rrsord lfrorrntbir orily t6 unse u{oyees wlm rred $dr cccss in corrrcdon wlth providry prodE$ or se|'ices to you or for otlEr lcgidrn* hliltss F4os€s. Our Policlcs rnd Precdces RegEding the Shrring of Your Persond Intomrtion We rury slnrt yorr Persornl Irforrrdon wilh ou efrll*es, nrdr e irurrce comFielt, qert, erd ollrr rtel care iademit service povftlers. We dso rry &cloee yorr Fersord Infonrtiort * to Eer8, hokers or rtFtscrtliv€s to Fovide you with scnices you hrve rtqEsttq * io dir*'pflt/ conErtors or s€reice povies wh pmvi& srvices or F{orm |ErtetfuE or otlE nncdo* ori orr belnlf; srd t to otlus with whm we mfer into jolnt rwlredrg €rcerErE for pmd$ or selices tld we bdieve you rEy fird of incrcsl Ir d6o4 we will dscbse yorr Fersornl l|fonrndon whn you drcct or giye u pernirslon, wbn ve arlt rc#td by kw to do so. or wbn we-$rEt tlldcnt or crlrdrrl riMtles. We Cso rry dcdose yo|r Fersonl Iftomdon shi:n otbrvlre pniioea by andlcrble ptvrra hvs srh s, for exrrqle, vhn dsdosur is nd b er{orce orr rigHs riri|t hr ol .try nF€tffir, trsdon or ttldorrlip vilh you Or of ttr impor8tt ltsprtiHlldes of mrr ot ou fillled corrpics is o ttcord doclm in tlt Flillc domin Srrch-docunrli rry conain your Petsorrl lrJotflion Right to Access Your Personal Inlormetion md Abilltt to Concct Errors Or Re4st Chengcs Or Ddetion CertCn strhs dord you fu ddl to sce3lr yotr Pelsold llorrdon end, uier ccrdn dmt$Es, tD ftd out b f,'lDm vorr Pensorirl lrfondtion lG bedt dsclosed AIso, ceFdt strles dlord you 6r d$a to rtqEst correuiori rtrettEnt or ddetbn of yorr Penord bdon {on We nsewe tlE rtsH wlue perniucd by |rw, to clnrge a nrsordle lce to coyer th cosB itnrrtd in rcspodi4 b $rh reqnB. All rtqtsb $triEd to dr Fi&llty Nriord FiEtIic Grorp o? C-onnrdccCliqo fide lr|rme Cor ry ry shCt li in writiqg, rd dc[yertd to iltc tollowitg ddness: Privg, Cltdime Ctrcer Fl&llti Nd6td Ftnmlrl. In. 4050 ccle Rid, $dte z2I)' Snb Brtea CA 93il0 Muttiplc Products or Services I we povi& you wlth rmrt tlnn orr llmiC pmdrt or sertlce, you my rccclve mrc llr.| orr pivecT mtice tom tr. We rplogize for my lrnnvcrietrc Oas rny crtc yort. Fc@ FRw.POL.cEr LINE OF DErK AW\/E Gwothmey Prott Schultz KLEIN RESIPENC= | ezooz COLWIREAT4 COND OM I N I UMg theeL Nvmber ifle#,ftf* | unr za A2l -. \ ,r"tt Gwothmey Prott Schultz KLEIN REgIT2ENC|E Dabt ?.26.O2 Sheel Nvmber Archllech, 9.q l(('o S. F ontogc Rd. W€6t Vol, Cddodo 81657 I.| <97O> 176'1t17 Fd: (9ZI) {/6-1612 COLWTREAV (NIID OM I N I UM5 UNIT 26 AF!-fi,z.2 o E IE le l6 lm [- -li Il9 Gwothmey Prott Schultz KLE|N RE3II2ENOE I zzooz lm S Frcnlog€ Rd, We3l Vc'il, Cddodo 81657 Iett Q7O,4761t47 Fox: (970) 47&1612 C.OLWTREAI{ C,OND OM I N I UM5 theeL Nvmber UNIT 26 A3l fgernoN -*-"-L& // rcWN OFVAIL DESIGN REVIEW STNTP APPROVAL l0 - ot =o) tdl|'Ewrt,,l EXl9Tlf'{6= lOOl 5.F.RoPaBeD= 06 3t. TOTAL EI..IIRY LryEL = ll-I5 9F. Gwothmey Prott Schultz KLEIN RE3IPENCE Dafe: b.tq.a2 theeL Nvmber l@ S. Ftontog6 Rd. w6l Vd, Colcrodo 81657 rdr (970) 476-1147 Fox; (97O> 476.1612 C.OLWTREAI'4 6ONDOI.4 I N I UM5 UNIT 26 A-l nz.l \b. \1' ,-orvo |ter-r--\\/-\\ L /\O '\\. RAAY _/ '\> ,atE ExtSTtl|6 fr4 tuOR tcrArclaor|.z EXl9Tlfl6=Rtrhe?=-rcj|rAL 1E@lD LEVEL ' ton3F.o2 3F. [5{ 9F. TOWN OF VAIL I Lrvvlr \.t r vrtll- \ DESIGN REVIEW\ STAFF APPROVAL \ tn- ALR1 \ Gwothmey Prott Schultz KLEIN RE3IDEN.-|E Dale, a.tq.o2 theel Nvmber lqll S, FroitoCg Rd, w€6t VcC, Colorodo 61657 Iet: <97o) 4761147 Fa., <97o> 4761612 c2LwrRE l"l 12ND2M|N|UM9 UNIT 26 --fiz.z T !E t t s nl H f I q tl o rcWN OF VAIL DESIGN REVtEl,lt STAFF APPROVAL H __-------l H DATE:t- 0) 6IiAFF: Dafe, b.tq.o2 theeL Nvmber KLEIN REgIDEN.,E OOLIj5IRE/!I{ COTiDOM I N I UMg UNIT 26 Gwothmey Prott Schultz l@ S. F onlog€ Rd. wsl Vdl, Colorodo 81667 leL (97Ot 41&1147 Fg; OTOI 476-t6t2 1.owN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTACEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMT]NITY DEVELOPMENT Job Address.: Location......: Parcel No....: Project No...: NOTE: THIS PERMITMUSTBE POSTEDON JOBSITE ATALLTIMES t1_4.^f 4G ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT 1476 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL Coldstream Condos Unit 26 210312108026 Pctoz-o3@a OWNER CHTT,DRESS, iI . DONALD - KrJErN03/27/2003 phone: 28OO ONE FIRST I'NION CElflTER CHARLOTTE NC 28202-502L I-,icense: coNTRAeTOR WARZECHA ENTERPRTSES, INC. 03/27/2003 phone: 970-390-36'74 P.O. BOX 1384 VAIIJ, CO 81558 License: 541-8 APPT,ICANT WARZECHA ENTERPRISES, rNC. 03/27/2003 Phone: 97O-39O-3574 P.O. BOX 1384 VAIIJ, CO 81558 I-,icense: 541-B Desciption: 93 SF addition and Interior remodel CA-,-^-UU" C-\ta\;--'^QnAo Permit #: 803-0028 Status.....: ISSUED Applied...: 03127/2003 Issued ...: 04/1812003 Expires...: 10/1512003 # of Wood Pellet: I Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: Valuation: $80,000.00 Fireplace Information: Reshicted: y Rl Multi-Family V 1-HR Type V l-Hour s853 . ?5 Restuarant Plan Review-> s554.94 DRBFee---_----_-> S0.00 RecreationFee---.> $3. o0 Clean-up D€posit-----> TOTAL FEES_-_> Add Sq Fr 284 # ofcas Applianc€s: 0 # of Gas togs: 0 at,t*tatt*l:i'',taaatttia*ti+a*t:l+tl,|'t*tilt**,1:|,1'la'l:l,l*,ll*'t*i,|{t*ti:}'l*:l'}t'tr FEE suMI4{RY tlr** Building------> Plan Check-> lnvestigation-> will call-> s0. 00 $0. 00 $42.60 $0. o0 9t ,454 .29 Total Calculated Fees-> Additional Fe€s._-.._> Total Pcrmit Fee-> Payments---..--> BALAhICE DUE-> sr ,4s4 .29 $0. oo lL ,454 .29 9L,454 ,29 $o .00 Approvals:Item: 05100 BUII-,DING DEPARTMENT 04/L7/2003 cdawis Action: AP MAKE NoTE oF CORRECTIONS ON FIELD PLANS AND ALL APPROVAIJS SIJB,JECT TO FIELD INSPECTIONS Item: 05400 PL'ANNING DEPARTMENI o4/o3/2o03 warren Action: DN o4/o7/2o03 warren Action: AP PAGE 2 *,**'|.'|'*'t'}*'t**,t'||t**!t't'}'|t***t{.'t*!t|t'}'tt{t*t*:t******lt*,t!:t't*'}!t,tlt!t|}'t*!t!l**** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 803-0028 as of 04-18-2003 Status: ISSUED '*'}:t*{.'t't*.t{'****'i****'|t**!i,.,}+****f*{t*'f*'***+*'**'t,|,}'t****'i**'t'i**i.********'t*!***{t,t'}*:t'}l**|t'r*|}***** PermitType: ADD/ALTMFBUILDPERMIT Applied: 03/27n003 Applicant WARZECHA ENTERPRISES,INC. Issued: 04/18/2003 970-390-3674 To Expire: 1011512003 Job Address: 1476 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL Lncation: Coldstream Condos Unit 26 ParcelNo: 210312108026 Desoription: 93 SF addition and Interior remodel Conditions: Cond: l2 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED To CHECK FoR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: l4 (BLDG.): ALL PENETMTIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.3IO.9.I OF THE 1997IjBC. Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. rTEM: .O55OO FIRE DEPARIT,TENT Item: 05500 PITBLIC WORKS ..|i|||ri..||..*l|||.|..*|tli..l|..|i|l*'|||,t.|.*1||.||.lt|t|...||||.ti|*|*|'a|.||||||*.||'.tt||.*|tt...|i+i+*''|||||' See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, desigr review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQIJESTS FOR INSPECTION SHAIL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADV 479-2149 OR AT OL,R OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. WNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF *'l'l'|****+++'t*+t+**t***'|*t!t+***+rtt+tt'*+t+**t**f i**r"i+*+****r+**+****+***t**r*i*+**+f**,tr**,|+i TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 04-18-2003 at 13:54:13 04n8t2003 Statement + ** * **'ia t t'|*t**+* *a* *+ t+**+**+*+** *+ *f* ++ t*{r*** I **** **+ * ***** t'} * ** t | **+** * +** *+*tt*t'* * ** ** ** Statement Nufiiber: R030003825 Anount,: $1,454.29 04/L8/200301:54 pM Palment Method: Check Init: r.IAR Notation: ADD/AI,T MF BUII,D PERMIT 26 Total Fees: iL,454.29 Total ALL PmtE: 91,454,29 Balance: $0.00 * t**:t ** *+l* * + t* ** *** +* *l** + * ** * * +*l** * **+ * + * *l * *+*** * ** * + *+ ** t**+* +* * * ** * f + +****** * * * * ** *** * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Current Pmts Permit No: 803-0028 Tl4)e: Parcel No: 21O312IOAO25 Site Addresa 3 1476 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL, Lrocation: Coldstream CondoB Unit This Payment: SI ,454.29 Descri pti on BP PF KT t^JC 00100003111100 00100003112300 11100003112700 00100003112800 BUILDING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES RECREATION FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 853.75 554.94 42.60 3. 00 tl APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR mwnuvvln 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Golorado 81557 -o3b2 T IT APP CATIO Separate Permits are requ red electrical, plumbing, mechanical, etc.! Project #: Buildinq Permit #: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor: ;. r,-\r-7\Ltb4 AJ I,-. Town of Vail Reg. No.:57t ' A Contact and Phone #'s: 3tr> - JbTq Emailaddress: -lt.J4AZ qOLt p 4d* .(Dr'_1 Contiactor Sisnature: / VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT r & Materials oTHER:$ i0. )At ELECTRICAL: $ 7a, r'.zD BUILDING: $ ToTAL:$ XA Zao MECHANICAL: $PLUMBING: $ ,/2 dlA For Parcel # Contact Eaqle CountyAssessors Office at 970-328-8640 orvisit www.w zrrt /z/og 026 JobName: frL<'t 2.4r4 4L(/M )) ')J;r.,t"t r_, _/ ,1 f Z 4 Job Address: ;$irff'y)"I.], ^ a t 2tr Legal Description ll Lot: fy ll Block: ll Filing:SubdiVision: 6h,"" Luo.,-, AddreSS: LqtO. .apq f t0+ I 44 lrn ,/+.-!u / Aa/l t fit t\,/ /. ) 7. )-O t - laD 1- l Phone: / ArchitecUDesioner:bwln/4/ r' iran';r, lkzlfZ AddreSS: 1,tc> f y', t^|ry- 4/. wz! f (r,t. ,22 yat'l' 1/z ttb!? Phone:t])' t-/71 //<1 4 Engineer:la&".f 4 1<./,-tt'^t Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: q S n ///r.-.,t/zJ fntb'ai haTtrlv^-S WorkClass: New() Addition(/)-,Remodel () Repair( ) Demo() Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both (7)Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family (fi Multi-family (/) commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: J No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Noffvpe of Fireplaces Existing: Gas Appliancegli ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (l -, No/Tvpe of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances 1 I 66s Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( 1 No (Does aTireEprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No (.,') -41.&_ *sr*****i****ffi'*****.**|'rf**FoR OFFICE USE ONL TOV-(. 07 t26t2002 VAIL CASCADE CONDOMINIUMS March 20, 2003 Allison Ochs Community Development Town of Vail South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Ms. Ochs: Fred and Gene Klein, owners of Coldstream 26, Coldstream Condominium Association to expand condominium. have submitted a proposal to the their heated living space of their After careful review, the Coldstream Design Review Board has approved the expansion request of the Klein's. Don Maclachlan General Manager trFCEIVED MAR ? ? ?OO3 TOV€OM.DEV. 1476 Westhaven Drive.Vail, Colorado 81657 97O.476.6106. AW.543.4801 , Fax 97O.476.4946 ) I0l1iry Application for Design Review -_ Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado g1657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970,479.?452 weD; www.ci.vail,co.us General Inforrnationt All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior.to submitting a building permit application. please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approvat that.is requesied. en .iifi.ution i;; D*,[; RJil;cannot be accepted until all reguired information is received by .the Community Devitopment Department, The proiect may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council.and/or the planning and Environmentaf Commission.Design review approval lapses untess a building permit is issuea ana co'nrtiu*ion .ommerii;ffi;;one year of the approval. Desoiption of the Request; Location of the Proposat: Lotl 53 Block' Physical Address: Parcei No.: Zoning: Subdivision:_. fuerJ L\OJ (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-g640 for parcel no.) zb Name(s) of Owner(s): Owner{s) Signature(s)l Name of Applicant: E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee; iJ Signs n Conceptual Review r-J New Construction C Addition - Mlnor Alteration (multi-Family/corrmercial) I iUinor Alteration (single-famil),/du plex) !t Changes io Approved Plans - Sega reticn P.e.lrest jFo;' Cifice Us() Onlyi S50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new buitding or demo/rebuild.$300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residentiar or - commerciar buirding (incrudes 250 additions & interior conversrons).$250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as,reroofing, painting, windoy., additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc.$20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, sr.lch as,rercofing, paintirrg, ri/indow JdiJitjons, landscaping, fences ancl retaining walls, etc.$20 For revisions to plans alriirJy irpproved by planning Staff or ihe Design Re'iiew Board. ilo Feo Mailing Address: A5/49/2902 L5:13 -.**--_By: 6{athney Pratt 8059561S63 schultz A "T].tecT;970 476 161 2;May-6 - 0"--)E :07; JOI''IT PROPERYY OWiI ER WRITTEil APPROVAL LETTER, r, (prrnt name) - At k;<g-rrJ O. nkglS*., a joint owner of property locatrd at (address/legal ffi IOI!4V Af I/AILV / description) -lq-lU lule4riutA'lF\l fr.. /Qots'tctuEAt'l t:rltT' 7ll Diovide this letter as wrften approval of Sre plans dated 3.'2b ' DL whtch have been subrnitted to the Town of Vail Cornmunity Development Oepartment for the proposed improvernenB ro be completed at the address noted above. I undersfdnd that ilre prooosed improvemenB indude: i further undersbnd that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compllance with the Townt applicable codes and regulatlons- tf a?/a'2. (Oate) PAGE 82/A2 Page 2 (Srgnature) Page 2 of tZl0Vr0l02 KLEIN RESIDENCE 1476 WESTHAVEN DRIVE, UNIT 26 VAIL, COLOMDO Buildino Materials Roof Siding Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Exterior Lighting PROPOSED MATERIALS TVoe of Material wo klo &" \ crsgl'r?*lr \^Jt) W't4@EJL|A (JJpf;r. tillp- vJo'- fud co-6u#w Color n.e. }1.E_. v,e. M.L. F.A.-sEE AX.\ u,c- . u€ - se- *X.L H.e-. @ E"I+}'Uf 2-lAIpE CASEMENT COLOR, MATCH EXISTINe D 2q4I LEFT HIN6E 6A9EMENT ) 2q4I RI6HT HIN6E CA9EMENT TYPE ,A\ - 2-r!'IDE 6A9EI.{ENT COLOR, I4ATCH EXI5TING (2 2qI1 FIXED CASEMENT TO BE DETERMINED @LOR, MATCH EXI9TIN6 EIE t^fNlDol^l TiPEa: PELLA ARiCHtrEcr 3ER|E3 5CALE I/2"=l'-O" @ @ Gwothmey Prott Schultz KLEIN REgIT2ENCE Dale, 2,1^? theel Nvmber l(m S. kontogp Rd. W6t Vdl, Colorodo 81657 T.l: (97o) 4761147 Fo( O7o) 47616t2 o2LwlREAt4 @wOMIN|UM5 UNIT 2b AXI TYPE er t/ 600I FD<ED-VEN-I 9LIDIN6 6LAD FRENCHDOoR. COLR, POPLAR AHITE 3OAI LEFT HIN6E lN-9nlN6 6LAP FRENaH DOOR @LOR' MATCH EXISTING DOOR TYPE93 PELLA DE9I6NER sERlEe 5C,ALE, l/2"=l'-O' Gwothmey Prott Schultz KLEIN REgIDEN.-|E Dab, 2-1 ^2 Sheel Nvmber lqto S, Frontogo Rd. W6r Voll, Colo.o<ro 81657 Idt <97O 176ltA7 Fq: (91O, 47+1612 c,oLwrRE l4 12w?M|NIUM5 UNIT 26 AX2 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparbnent of Community Devdopment 75 Sorrth Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 te/: 970.479.2L39 faxl 97 0,479.2452 web: www.ci,vail,co.us PrcJect l{ame: Klein Residence DRB Number: DR8030088 Project Description: 249.2 q, ft. addltion of GRFA (change to approved plan). Unit #25 has 0.8 square feet remainlng of the 250 addition. Pafticipants: OWNER CHILDRESS,l. DONALD - KLEIN04/04/2fi)3 Phone: 28OO ONE FIRST UNION CENTER CHARLOTTE NC Fred W. Klein 28202-6021 License: APPUCANT Gwathrney Pratt Schultz Archi04/04/2003 Phone: 476-IL47 Denise Carey 1000 S Frontage Rd West Vail, CO Gpsxvail@aol.com 81657 License: Protect Addr€ss: 1475 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL Location: Unlt 26 legal DescripUon: lot; 53 Block: Subdivision: Glen Lyon Subdivislon Parcel Number: 210312108026 Comments: This remodel uses 249.2 sq. ft. of 250 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: SrAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofAPPrcvalz Mlo7l2003 Condltions: Con{:8 (pLqtf ): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vall.staff and/or the approprlate rwiew commlttee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN); DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activlties. Planner: Waren Camobell DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO Project Name: Klein Addition Proiect Description: ProjectAddress: 1476 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL Legal Description: Lot: 53 Block Subdivision: Glen Parcel Number: 210312108026 Commentsi SeeConditions Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparhnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81557 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us DRB Number: DR8020338 Location: Unit 26 Lyon r0lrNm Addition of a total of 93 sq. ft on the entry and middle levels. Participants: OWNER CHILDRESS, J. DONALD - KLEIN09/25I2002 Phone: 28OO ONE RRST UNION CENTER CHARLOTTE NC Fred W. Klein 28202-6021 License: APPLICANT Gwathmey Pratt SchulE Archi09l25l2@2 Phone: 476-LI47 1000 S Frontage Rd West Vail, CO Gpsxvail@aol.com 81557 License: MoUon By: Seond By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approvalz L0lOLl20O2 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Oond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with construction actlviUes. Planner:DRB Fee Paid: $3OO.0O .l,Jh 19 O3 O2:34P REDUI I IlE - El{G I TIEERS 970-7+8-O?22 P.s Jdr'dc laU?hl Jobrp:Aatl3 $'ootS^ 7 ot 3 z-o +i \ll €l q ui l- I al g! NI |J 6 .a €7 a ) P T & gEE- r t€ ;8, e a'E E ,; crb Eea 5bd gET 3:i 3E! Esi ;; !" $ it .a t;3aE tt= .4e €'; 3i* Er i 5qE { Ee EE; :3E stq 8Et € 9E '^2 E.z a -9 90.5 a53 i.ij3 lt a6 :r 9' aEi eE d--9o E3 6e ES RE f,E 3s o.E "E E& FQ eo EE t.F :6 ri ba F ., E p a b 3 9 d E (J !0 CI !t d: E n : ta Fl s lar o F Q\w'n rua ts gp.to.g. 4-tl E grw*sl*a6Els dl ID 6 o o)c =@ 6 o o .E :t E E o o ul o tr &A ta ai 1+"--t'(te a?4) Jun '19 O3 o2: 35P RED!'INE-EHGINEERS 910-718-O?2?P. r TtaaSr LrL Fst ZqP Ysrs (lYz"ntl Wfttl, E14'l'Srs*r.6s 9Et aru Q\ zr$ wlotD e\t'l+,itq at 0)z'rs ?)on"s ILA L Q.1flpn'\tw 12"o.L-|l ' CDr,lf 0P{rorl:. fiour nu pu{3 d A) hos Yztl BoLts g Zt"oc'' srfN6(€1lsD ulo JDltfs 7+"rr'-o sdn Js 03 O2:3tlp REDUIINE-EHGINEERS 9?O-?1A-07ZZ EE P.E 863'oo8 I 4l El E5l aLl o-l =l F e (\t 3 vt -,t Y E tcl c! ut an di .E a o -l I I + rt -()5 g E a E bt 5 G' e a lrJ !:t at, s= EE t i t i i i \ \ \' \' \'\. \.\.\ ).\;.1. )..\.,.\ TOI^/I{OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97M79-2738 NOTE: THIS PERMT MUST BE POSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT PErMit #: EO3-0075 Job Address: 1476 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL Location.....: Unit 26 cold stream condos ParcelNo...: 210372108026 ProjectNo : p(LToz_o3teT owNER CHILDRESS, ,t. DONALD - KLErN06/O5/2003 phone: 28OO ONE FIRST I'NION CBflTER CIIARIJOTTE NC Fred W. Klein 28202-6021 License: CONTRACTOR EAGLE VALTEY EIJECTRIC 06/05/2003 Phone: 970-827-5772 P O BOX 1116 vArr,, co 81658 License: 156-E APPIJICAIiII EAGL'E VALI-'EY EI-'ECTRIC 06/05/2003 Phone: 970-827-5772 P O BOX 1116 VAIL, CO 81558 License: l-55 -E Desciption: elechical rewiring of basement remodel and dining addition Valuation: $12"000.00 FEESUMMARY Elect'ical-> 5216.00 Total Calculated Fees-> S219 ,00 Status...: ISSLIED Applied. . : 06/05/2003 Issued. . : 06/70/2N3 Expires. .: 72/07/2003 DRB Fee--> Investigation-> will call-> 90. o0 $0. 00 s3.00 Additional Fees--.>s0 .00 Total penrit Fee_> S219.00 Payments-> S219. 00 BAIr{ ICE DUE_>s0. 00 TOTALFEES-> 5219.00 Approvals:Item: 06000 EI-,ECTRfCAL, DEPARTMEIflI 06/05/2003 DF Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARII,IENT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELTD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatiorl filled out in full the inforsration required, completed an acfluate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the infonnation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning LA"uUai"m*codee, designieviewapprorred UniforrrBuildingCode and othero,rdinances of the Tov.rnap,plicable th€reto. NEQUESIS FOR INSFECNON S}IAII. BE MADB TI4'ENTY-FOUR Plrd. ADIVANCE BT 1ELEPHONE AT{'}A49 OR ATOUROI'IICEROM &M AI\d.4 TTJREOFOIVT{ER FORHIMSEIJANDOWNET f t'l' 'l'1.*****tt*'i | +'t'l ft*++****'i*a{' * tl*l+*+ 'l** *** | * * **lf*l'**f**{r*l'*+ + l*'}**+a* l* l"} ++ ***{r*aa't'a**i + TOWNOFVAJL, COLORADO Statement *+**lf+t++*'|'*'+'t*+*****t+*'l+'i*+t**ri{r*t*+a**+++****i+****tr++**rr'}*******t*+***++**t**++**a*t* Stat.ement Nurhber: R030004137 Anrount: $219.00 06/tO/2OO3O1 :32 pM Palment Method: Check Init! LC Notation: #1?080/Eagte VaIley Electric Permit No: 803-0075 I:zpe: ELECTRICA! PERMIT Parcel No: 210312108 026 Site Address: 1476 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL L,ocation: Unit 25 cold Etrean condoa TotsaI Fees: $219.00 Thie Payment: $219.00 Total. ALL pmts: $219.00 Balance: $0.00 * * | + *{.*** +** '}*'} + ** * *'}* * +* * * *'} * l a'****t+ * + * ***+*'+ *** +** '}**** +**** + + * * * *r} t * | * **+'} * * *** ******t * * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descrintion Current Pmts EP OO1OOOO31114OO TEMPOMRY POWER PERMITS I.IC OO1OOOO3I128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 216.00 3.00 COMPLETE OR UNSIGNED Building Permit #: 803-0028 Electrical Permit #: _ 97 0-479-2149 (Inspections) NWN0FYAhW 75 S. Frontaee Rd.Vail, ColomZo 81557 Contad Eaale Count ffit\CfE' TF5 for Parcel #J Parcef # (Required if no bldg. pe'mit # is provided abovel 21031 2108026 Job Name: Klein Residence lob Address: 1476 Westhaven W. #26 @ldstream Condqniniurns Unit #26 Legal Description ll Lot: ll Block: ll riting:Subdivision: 9ryffolluRfai" Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: Electrical rerdri-ng of U.sg[,,eort .*noaef ana Oini.rgr aaaitio., WorkClass: New() Addition(nf Remodel (Xg Repair( ) Temppower( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior 6C() Exterior [g) Both (pq)Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) MultFfamity QQg commerciat ( ) Restaurant ( ) other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildinq: Yes( ) No{S) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( e )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No (f ) COMPLETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALt OTHERS (Labor & Materials) AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE:ELECTRICAL VALUATION: $ 12,000.00 CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION Electrical Contractor: Eagle Valley Electric, Inc Town of Vail Reg. No.: 156 - E Contact and Phone #'s: Sam Bishop 827-5772 (Cet) 904-5844 Contractor Signature:,4, - .^ -l J.fu;i<- ***************************************fQft OFFICE USE ONLY*****************rr******************* Fee5i, !i-,1 t;.ir.": .' .i ':.-: 'l Aaepted Bv: - Plahnersigrl.off;.,;'.;. , *; . F:/s/eryone/forms/elecperm TOWNOFVAIL DEPARTMENTOFCOMMTJNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTACEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P03-0024 jQS cozY Job Address: 1476 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: Unit26 Applied..: 0412812003 Parcel No...: 210312108026 Issued . . : 04129/2003 ProjectNo: :P(?56i -o.9. 1 Expires..: 10126/2003 owNER CHTT,DRESS, ir. DONALD - Kr.EIN04/2g/20O3 phone: 28OO OTIE FTRST I]NION CE}ITER CHARI.,OTTE NC Fred W. Klein 282O2-602L License: CONrRACTOR .IERRY SIBLEY PIJUMBING 04/28/2003 Phone: 970-827-5736 P O BOX 340 MINTURN CO 8154 s License: 134-P APPI,ICAITT'JERRY SIBIJEY PLI]MBTNG 04/28/2OO3 PhONE: 970-A27-5735 P O BOX 340 MINTURN CO 81645 Lricense:134-P Desciption: RELOCATE SEWER AND VENT FOR DOWNSTAIRS BATHROOM ADD GAS PIPE TO RANGE AND BQ LOCATION Valuation: $12,150.00 Fireplace Infomation: Restricted: ??# ofGas Appliances: ??# ofcas logs: ?'l # of wood Pallet: ?? Plumbing-> $195.00 Restuarant Plan Review-> PIan Che.k-> S48. ?5 DRB Fee-> So.0o Total Calculated Fees-> 5246.75 SO . OO Additional Fe€s->90.00 Investigation-> Will Call-->$3.00 PaJ'ments-> 9246.75 BALA|,ICE DUE-> S0.0o Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENr 04/28/2003 DF Acrion: AP IteM: 05600 FTRE DEPARTMEI{TT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BI-,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE RBQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIANCE. +t**l *l,r:!:l*ttl+'t*t111* t'l+'|a'it* + +*a*l'tta a*at,la | tl'itlt:l'ttt**'l* tlaalrt:lt,l|'l*,laa'r*a:l trl*l++l*l +l t+'l*:l *+lall *l +'tl * 'ltt'i *'| DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agee to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, desigrr review 90. O0 TOTAL FEES--___> $246 . ?5 Total Permit Fc€-> 9246 .75 approve{ Uniform Building Code and other odinances ofthe Town applioable therefio. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOI'R HOURS IN ADV AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM-4 ru. a*t+*****tlr***t++t**+afr*lla*r*f**f**+a*r*1+t'i**++*t*+t**'ttt**t*+*{'r*+t*r*r**r'}*+*r****r**+** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement +****l****t t *** t+** **+ * ** * **al**+* ***t*rr*lf+*** +a'la*t{' *'ta***lr*l** **+ + tf*+ * ll*+** *f + +* *** + + statement Nrudber: R0300038?3 Amount: i246.75 04/29/20O3L1 :20 AItl Palment Method: Cbeck Init: KF Notation: Permlt No: P03-0024 r14)e: PLIJMBING PERMIT Parcel No: 210312108 025 Site AddresE: 1475 I|ESTHAVEN DR I/AIIJ L,ocation: Unit 26 Total Fees: 5246.75 ThiE Payment: 5246.75 Total ArJL Pmt,s: $246.75 Balance: $0.00 ***+ + * * *{' ** *'tf+* f, l' +tt *ft | *f tt*+** I't+****+ * * | t' ++ * {.*t+* **+** ** *+i I f* **i* + +* a* t+**l + +l | *+ | * * f t* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Current Pmts PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 48.75 PP OO1OOOO31112OO PLUMBING PERMIT FEES 195.00 !'lC OO1OOOO31128OO I,IILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO JSP IhrC. APPLICATIOT{ t2.19 P.01 Plumbing Permit #: '-M 75 S. Ftontag€ Rd. Vall, Colorado 81657 g7$-47g- 149 (InsPecdons) COMPLETEV TION FOR PTUMBING PERMTT (tabor & llaterials) fai-st4 fR'equiredif no bldg- Permit # Job Address: !1.7f Y r.S bd'.Yt/1rvfa'F'S,of work 1''g Class: ' Nevr ( )' Addidon (Repalr.( ) gther( ) l,l,o, of Accommodation Units in this buildlng: 1'lo. of Exlsting Dwelling Units in this bullding: i.******r*i*******rr**r*****r******!r****FOR OFFICE USE OilLY*****************a*****t****t**t***** ,ts F/everyonr'tbrndPlmbpern