HomeMy WebLinkAboutGLEN LYON LOT 53 COLDSTREAM UNIT 41 LEGAL.pdfoo Design Review Action Form Project Name: Davis & Pennington Residence tr11 ProjectDescription: Windowaddition Owner, Address and Phone: Davis & Pennington, LLC,12034 4th Helena Drive, L.A., CA 90049 Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Casabonne Enterprises, P0 Box 836, Avon, CO 81620,949- 3145 Project Street Address: 1476 Westhaven Drive - Coldstream #41 Legal Description: Coldstream Condos - Cascade Village Parcel Number: Comments: TOWN OFVAIL Building Name: Lo tLt-,*.,,r. Co-^Aos Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: 3l3ll99 Board / Staff Action Action: StaffApproved FIEVERYONE\DRB\APPROVT99\PENNINC. WPD DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 I .i-'a '\1 q .1 FRO'I t ,.{r" CFSf,S{.E E{TEFFR o t CF€.ftrr.E l€. : 9U 949 5145 rEtr" 26 19E9 1A;4€I;ii1.P1 '' '' . ,r'I 'tt . ." ::- l. r-r '. r'rfl ,; . '. ' : '- ' quccitonr? ''lali rltg li;'::r'lrr! it'lii rrt + r i'-"w APPilICATIOIi FU R DESIGN] NSV}Erl AI}PROVAL rolo L-jEu'4j'$* -r$ wlhtDoWq nT -t - -- --<<-ffi ,*fr*u,* ^OPRESS: -QPSIKS iir,.. 'CO. : PARCELt:2Jo3-!3 .ri E. F \J. tt, owNEF(s) srGtaTURE(S)' pnorr-.,gTgj {: ADD NE\,V WINDOW B1 Rf,.novE F|REPLh(E A|\tp ADD PhTro O@R COUOSTRERI.A 4 | -'PeoPosEb cfih^,6t5 8- rs-qB Favoee 2-5 - j?t*e Yd'" t' o o l1 \--_-,-t,t--l Coco5rREffA 4l- ExlSTlN(2 coNolnoN b't{-1t) February ll, 1999 Town ofVail Departnent of Community Development S. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 To Whom It May Concern: In reference to the attached request from Tim Pennington, regarding exterior modifications of coldstream 41, the coldsream Association Design Review ioard f,as reviewed and approved this request. Please let me know if we need to provide an additional information. "&,m'4 Don Maclacblan General Manager 1475 westhaven Drive . Vail, Colorado 8"1657 . 970.476.5106 8oo.543.48o1 Fax 970.476.4946 TOI'IN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROA.D vA,rL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 cd&trEm O O cpt/t U/'//,/flL DEpARrr{Er{r oF coMMrrNr* o**"ofr;r;- n(t'{ Z ,tn^t l1 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/AIT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit *: 899-0052 .JOb AddTCSS: 1476 WESTHAVEN DR L,ocat.ion. . .: 1476 WESTHAVEN DR Parcel No. . : 2103-121-08-041-Project No. : PRJ99-0056 Status...: ISSUED (COLDSTApplied. . : 04/ 09 /L999 fssued-..: 04/09/a999 E>cpires. . : LO/06/a999 APPLICANT CASABONNE EIiITERPRISES P O BOX 836, AVON CO 81620 COI TR]\CTOR CASABONNE ENTERPRISES P O BOX 835, AVON C0 81620 OI'INER DAVIS & PENNINGTON Descrj-ption: ADD 2 WIIIDOWS,MASTER BATI{ REMODEL Eireplace hfonat.ion: Restli.ct'ed: Y *Of ca6 AppLiances: Phone z 970-949-3L45 Phone: 970-949-3L45 TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-up De sit Refund *Of eaa Loge:*Of wood/Pallct I + BR-ENIWOOD ASSOCIATES, 11150 SANTA MONICA BLVD ]-200, LOS ANGEI-,E Occupancy : F.L/82 MuLti-Famity ResidegrmldVpeFi Type Construction: V 1-HR Tlpe V l-Hour Type Occupancy: amount clate Valuation: 21,500 Add Sq F'r: rrtlillr**rir** FEE suI,tMAliY BuildinE----- > Pl-an ch€ck- -- > Inweslj.gation> will call----> Restuarant PIan Reviee,- - > DRB Fee-------- RecreaEion Fe€- Clcrn-Up Dcporit------- -> Total CaLcuLaeed Fees- - - > Addilional Fecs-- - - - ----> ToEal, P.rnit' Fee--------> Payment6------- 265.00 412 .25 -00 3.OO .00 50.00 .00 100.00 590.25 .00 590 .25 590 .25 TOTA'J FEES----- 5ro.2s BATANCE DUE---- .00 ITCM: O51OO BUII,DING DEPARTI4EIVT DCPtr: BUILDING DiViSiON:O4/09/L999 JRM ACEiON: A,PPR APPROVED ,]RIT It.bM:'O54OO PI,ANNING DEPARTMEIiIT DCPts: PLANNING DiViSiON:O4/09/L999 JRM ACLiON: APPR APPR PER BRESIT IEbM:.05600 FIRE DEPART14ENT DEPE: FIR-E DiViSiON:o4/09/L999 JRM AcLion: ApPR N,/A rtbm:'05500 PuBLrc woRKs Depr: PUB woRK Division:o4/09/L999JRM AcEion: APPR N/A See Page 2 of this Document, for any condiEions that may apply Eo this permiE DECIARATlONS I h€reby acknosledgc Ch.E I have read thi.s applj.cation, fil1cd out in ful.l. lhe infornation required, coBpLeCed an acculatse !t1ot plan, and stale t'hal all the inforrnalion provided a6 reguired is corlecg. I aEree to conply i|itsh the j-nfonoation and plot plan, to coDply rith all Toirn oldiDance€ and seato I.r,6, and to build this scructure according co che To!,n'6 zoning and subdiwieion codes, dcsj.gn rewicw approved, Ulllford Building code and oEher ordinances of tjllb Tolrl applicabla thereto, REQUESTS FOR INSPECAIONS SHAI,IJ BE MADE IWENTY'FOUR HOURS IN A.DVANCE BY Scnd Cleen-Up D.PoEits To: CASABONiIE OF OWNER OR CONTRASIOR FOR HIMSELF /t/t /E Xsctift c#ur ac//'- o"k oil ,Et,natEt g^JJ ******************************************************************************** . cot{DlTroNs Permits #: 899-0052 as of 04/L9/99 Suatus: ISSIIED ******************************************:t************************************* Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: O4/09/L999 Applicant: CASABONNE ENIERPRISES Issued: 04/09/1,999 970-949-3145 To E4gire: LO/O6/L999 ilob Address: L,ocaEion: 1-476 WESTHAVEN DR (COLDSTREAM 4l-) Parcel- No: 2LO3-L2L-08-041 Description: ADD 2 WINDOWS,MASTER BATH REMODEI, Conditions: 1 . FIEIJD TNSPECTIONS ARE RBQUIRED TO C}IECK FOR CODE COMPI.'IANCE. 2. ALL PENETRATIONS IN WAI-.LS,CEILINGS,AND FIJOORS TO BE SEALED WITII AN APPROVED FTRE MATERTAT. 3. SMOI(E DETEETORS ARE REQUIRED IN A],L BEDROOMS AIID EVERY STORY AS PER SEe. 310 . 6 . r_ OF TIIB 1997 rlBC. 4. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE AIVY WORK CAIiT BE STARTED. StrtcGC Xtub.r.: ruC-050a lrcunt: Pry!.nt Llhod3 Cf troErtiotr: 6513 I s?o.2S Ol/L9/99 LL.ao Inils itlf PllltiE ot P.!c.l lfo: glE6 lddtar. ! locrtion r nri. P.y!.!rt 899-0052 tylr.3 l-lrlP ADD/II,I lll BltlLD PER 2103 -121-08-0{1 1a?6 tEg.fttlvtd DR lr75 f,BSn{wEl DR (@riDsr?Erl| art Tolal Fa.a: 590.25 s7O.2S lot l N;L PlEr r 590.25 Brlancar .00- BP OO1OOOO31111OO BT'II.DIXC PERTIT FEIA DR OOL00003t12200 DBSTG REVTEn llES Pt 00100003112300 PLN' CHEcl( FABg Accoung Cod!D.ac!iptlgn .ltpunt 265. 00 30.00 L72.25 100. 0o 3.00 ID D2-DEPOS CIJENN'P DBPOSITII rfc oo100003t12400 |frlir. cAr,r, tgPBctlolt Ftl DEPARTI4ENI OF COMMI]NITY PMEI T NOTE:THTS PERMTT MUST BE POSTED ON 'JOBSITE AT AIL TIMES PLI]MBING PERMTT Permit #:P99 - 0 013 ) DEVELO ilob Address: Locati-on. . . ;Parcel No..: Project. No.: CONCEPT MECHANICAL, , AVON, CO 81520 CONCEPT MECHANICAL, , AVON, CO 81520 DAVIS & PENNINGTON Descript.ion: PLIIMBING FOR REMODELED BATH FEE SUIi'MARY BAIANCE DUE---- .OO IECM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMEI..I'T DCPT: BUILDING DiViSiON:O4/09/L999 JRM ACIiON: APPR APPROVED JRlf IEi:M: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMENT DEPts: FIRE DiViSiON:04/09/L999 JRM Actj-on: APPR N/A SLatsus...: ISSIJED (COLDSTAppIied. . : Aa / 09 /1-999 rssued. . -: 0a/09/L999 E)q)ires . . : 1A /A5/L999 Phone: 970-949-0200 Phone:. 970-949-0200 Val-uaEion:1, 000 . 00 TOI'IN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArr,, co 8L657 970-479-2r38 APPIJIEANT CONTRACTOR O9INER 1476 WESTHAVEN DR 1-475 WESTIAVEN DR 2103-]-2L-08-041 PR,J99-0066 INC INC I BREIfIWOOD ASSOCIATES, ].1]"50 SANTA MONICA. BLVD 1200, LOS ANGELE Pluubing-----> PIan check- - - > Inveatigation> will call-- -> Reetuarani Plan Revi.er' > TOTAI, FEES Total calculabed Feee- - - > Additional Fe€s- - - - ----> Tocal. Peruits Fee-- -- --- - > 15 .00 ).'t5 .00 3 .00 . oo 2L .15 CONDITION OF APPROVA-L Pa)^n€nts---_-_ 2l.15 2L .15 .oo 2!.14 DECI,ARATIONS I hereby acknoeledgc thaE I have lead this applicat.ion, filled ouc in fu11 the inforEation required, codpleled an accurat.c plot p1an, and ECale that all the infornalion provided ao required is correc!- I agree Eo coroply eith the inforEation and plot plan. to co$ply vith all Totn ofdi.nances and state 1arr6, and to build this strucLur:e according to tshe Toxn'6 zoning and Eubdivirion codee, deeign review approved, Uniform Buitding Codc and other ordinances of thG lor,n applj.cable chereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SITALL BE MADE T!{ENT'Y - FOT'R HOURS IN ADVANCE BY lotGf. ot vtr!, corpRrDo sErta!t!c SEac.ult f,ur!b.!: REC-050a lrloufrt r g.!ru.nE lLtbod! ctr fotrlionr 5513 2L.7s O4ll9/9t lrtlL fniB. .tI- P.aic tro: P.r,ccl tfo ! 8ig. Mdtalr: LocrEt on i Tl|iE P.l|!.nt P99-O013 tlrp. r B-9LIB Plllm G PEnl.IT 2103 -121-08-O{l 1476 rESlItAVlf, DR 1a75 IISTHIVB| DR (corrDsm.Brlt a1) Total P..a: 2l -76 21.75 lot.l tlllr PtEa: 2L.75 Eal.anc.: .00 lccount cod. Da.cripcLon PP 00100003111200 PLnXBrrfG: gERl.lT trES PF 00100003112300 PrrNr cltEcr trl8g rc 00100003112800 ml|L clI,L llcgDEexld pEE lFuttt 15.O0 1-75 3. OO o DEVELO PMENT ON ,JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: E99-0034 Job Address: 1476 WESTHAVEN DR Stratus. . . : ISSUED Locarion. . . : 1475 WESTHAVEN DR (coldstApplied. . : 04/09 /L999 Parcel No..: 2L03-12L-08-041 Issued...: 04/09/L999 Project No.: PR,f99-0066 Elcpires..: Lo/05/L999 Phone:. 970-926-2Q01 Phone:. 970-926-2Q0L SANfA MONICA BIVD 1200, LOS ANGELE Description: ELECTRICAL/LIGITT OVER VANITY Valuation: 500.00 FBE SUMMARY Electsrical.--->50.00 TOI,tlN OF VAIL 75 S. FROMTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97 0 -479 -2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMT'NITY NOTE: TTIrS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED EIJECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICAMT COT{TRACTOR OVINER STONE CREEK ELESIRIC P O BOX 5t_9, VAIL CO 81658 STONE CREEK ELESIRIC P O BOX 51_9, VArL CO 81658 DAVIS & PENNINGTON T BRENTWOOD ASSOCIATES, 1].150 DRB F6e ,00 Inveacigauion> will call----> TOTAT FESS- -- > Total Calculated F€ee--- > Addiri.onal Feea---- - ---- > Toca] Pc!!rit. Fee-- ------ > Palanents BAIANCE DUE. .00 3 ,00 53 .00 5l-00 .00 53. OO 53.00 .00 rtem:06000 04/09/L999 Item:05500 ELECTRICAIJ DEPARTMENT DepT RM ACEiON: APPR APPROVED JRM-.TRM RM AcEion: APPR FIRE DEPARTMENT 04/09/1"999 JRM AcLion: APPR N/A Dept BUII-,DING Divisi-on: FIRE Dlvision: CONDITION OF APPROVAL l****iriritiri* DECI,ARATIONS I her.by ackrlo*l.edge chat I have read !hi6 appfi-caElon, filled out in ful1 the informati.on required, complcied atl accuralc ploL p1an, and stale thats a1f the inforriation p.ovided as rcquired is correc!. I agr.ee to coEIrIy witsh bhc inforbation and plot p1an, to coinply rith all Totrn ordinanceg a.d Elree lawB, and Eo buiLd t.his structure according to Che Toun,s zoning and subdiwiEion code6, deaign rcvici. approved, Unrforn Building Code and oLher ordinanceE of the Torn applj.cable lhereto. RBQUESTS FOR INSPECTIoNS SHAIJIJ BE MADE TWENTY- FOUR HOllRs IN ADr/AICE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2L38 OR AT oUR oFFICE FROM 8:00 A"l.,l 5100 PM .r'rr'o.fi f "'ri".'tr".''t'tr...'...''..li r.tarr.'r{r"" lon oP vf, ., coroRlDo SC.t.E!t ftlD.rr nEC-O5oa l@urE: P.ldcnE l|chod ! CK IocrElon: 5513 sa.OO Oaflt199 rL.4o Init: itX lttrE@rt Pcllit f,o: P.!c.l lfo3 8iE. lddrarr : t oc.tion: Ihj,r P.ld.nE 899-OO3a lypc. l-ELtC ErlEcl?ICI'l PBRIIT 2103-121-OS-041 1475 WESlflAVff DR 1475 IIESTBTVEI Dn (eoldrt!..! a1l AoEll F...: 53.00 53.00 ToBrl l'',t PEga ! 53,00 Bt!,atlc.! .00 Aecouhg Coda Dcacript,Ion EP OO1OOOO31114OO EI,ECI?ICIL gBRllIT FEBS trc 00100003112800 mLL cN;L TNSPECIIOU tEE lloutrt 50.00 3.00 tl (ttq (e,v. f tl:\" A.,^. ?7 - ooa6 Contact the Eaole Countv Assessors Qffice at 970-328-8640 for Parcel # Parcet e zi63tzlQ_gO4l Ba/9 - oofz or,.' 4-5-?? JobName: COLp.$F. aeft, - q t Building (p Plumbing ()d Electrical t()Mechanical ( )Other ( ) Legal Dcscription: Lot Block__ Filing Subdivrsron Owners Naine:P*flqts s Pr-Nt \ \ Nc.T\lt, tL?l-aar.r.'tZo?4 4fr*ecfrvq PA, L,4. (4. TowN oF vArloNsTRuciloN pERMtr afllcaloN FoRM Permit # Architect: .too43 Phonc#_9iO-l3l ffil Phone# Description of Job: Work Class: New ( ) Number of Dwelling Units: Altcration |Q ,r5/}l-rt Additional ( ) DOV Rcpair ( )Other ( ) Number of Accommodation Units: Gas Logs Number and Tlpc of Fireplaces: Gas Applianccs BUILDING: 5 Z2,S0O'oO PLLMBING $ lObe,OQ VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $ 5oo'eo MECHANICAL $ Wood./Pellet OTHER: $rorAl s z).s(ra, ru CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor: Town of Vail Reeisfation No.\b5- B Phone # Elcctrical Contractor:6L6rQrUeuar"r., Town of Vail Reeistration No.(o B' €Phone # Plumbinq Contractor: Town of Vail Resistration No.lg't - ? Mechanical Contractor: APR tr 1999 Town of Vail Registration No.Phone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: Eql - Do3 Address: f,s. g"x rtO! f\lt}-A CC. b{bZ{J Pnone* Q4 Address: ffi CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: AIL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY RECISTERED WT|H THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNI'IY DEVELOPEMENT JANUARY I, I999 CONSTRUCTION PARKING AND MATERIAL STORAGE COIIE $2-10: DEPOSITS ON PIJBLIC WAYS PROHIBTTED A. Unlatd,rl deposits: Subject to subscction C thercof, it is unlawful for any pcrson to litter. track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or dcposited, sand,, gravel, rocks, mu{ dirt, snow, ice, or any othcr debris or material upon any street, sidewalk. alley or public placc. or any portion thereof. B. Notice: Abatcment: Thc Director of Public Works may notify and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subscction A hereof, or who has in the Dircctor's employment a person who violates or causos another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravcl, rocks, mud, dirt. snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. ln the event the person so notified does not comply with thc notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or othcr authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any othcr material to be removed from anv strect or alley at the expense of the notified. C. Exceptions: The provisions of subsection A hereof shall not be applicable: l. Within the immediatc area of any construction, maintenance or repair project of any strect or alley or of any watcr main. sewcr maur, electricitv line, gas line. telephone line or any appurtenance thercto: 2. To deposits of sand, dirt or matcrials necessary for the protection of thc public safety; and 3. To public areas designatcd for the dumping or depositing of sard materials. D. Summons; Penalty: As an alternativc to the noticc for removal provided in subsection B abovc, any person who violates or causes another to violatc the same. may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court ofthe Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty ofa violation hcreunder be punished as provided in Scction 1-4-l of this code. E. Notice; Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hercof. and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the cxpense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereo{ upon being found guilty ofa violation hereunder, bc Read and acknowledged by: position orRelarionshipto "."r*r' Ctt'lttf-Etofl- D*., q5 -11 (i.e. contactor or owner) TO: FROM: DATE: RE: JOB NAME: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS JANUARY I, I999 WHEN A.?TJBLIC WAY PERMIT: IS REQUIRED PLEASE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QT]ESTIONNAIRE REGARDING TI{E NEED FOR A *PUBLIC WAY PERMIT': l. Is this a new residence? YES NO JL ners:A'9-qq 3. z- 4. 7. 8. 5. 6. Is any utility work needed? YES Is the driveway being repaved? Is a differcnt access needed to the site other tian the existing drivewav? YES NOX Is demolition work being performcd that requiyes the use of the Right-of-Way, easemenls or public property? YES.- NO X Nog Is any drairuge wor\.,;perng done that affects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public prop€rty? YES NO ,\ Is a "Revocable Nghtof-Way Permit" required? YES No{ A. ts the Right-of-W?y, eascments or public propety to be used for staging, parking or fencing? YES NO\( B. If NO to 8A is a Frking staging or fencing plan required by Community Dcvelopment?YES_ NO Y_ If you answercd YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit' applicalions may be obtaincd at the Pubiic Work's office or at CommDnity Development. If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval from Public Works at 479-2198. AND ANSWEFJED ALL TTIE ABOVE QUESTIONS. &46AB0N NtrEt.LI-"'/<NStr> ConEactor Sisature Comnanv Narne lesign Review Acfin Form TOWN OFVAIL Project Name: Davis & Pennington Residence ProjectDescription: Windowaddition Owner, Address and Phone: Davis & Pennington, LLC, 12034 4ft Helena Drive, L.A., CA 90049 Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Casabonne Enterprises, PO Box E36, Avon, CO 81620,949- 3145 Project Street Address: 1476 Westhaven Drive - Coldstream #41 Legal Description: Coldstream Condos - Cascade Village Parcel Number: Buildins Name: Comments. Board / Staff Action Motion by: Action: StaffApproved Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: 3/Jll99 DRB Fee pre_paid: $20.00 F:\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL99\PENNING. WPD -l CASAEOI{ilE EilTERPRISES P.O.EOX 836 AVON, IOLORADO EI620 970.949.3 | 45 6{A/{FA I { {IIVTFA trOF / Ffwg yA Tl OtV -q'Fft / A I / S r TI]WN DF VAIL APRIL 5. Ig9g DEPARTNENI' OF COIIIIUI{ ITV DEVELOPIIENI- 75 SOUTH FEONTAGE RI]AD vArL, [0L|]RADU 8l657 RE : tsUlL0lNG PERl"llT APFLIfATI0N JOE NANE : C0LDSTREAI1 *41 LOCATIBN : CDLDSTREAI1 *41 I476 WESTHAVEN DRIVE VAIL, COLORADO 8I658 DESf,RIPTION : I. ADD WINDOWS TO GROUND LEVEL AND T1AIN LEVEL AT NORTH ELEVATION. 2. ADD LAVATORY SINK TO NASTER BATH VANITY. 3. NI] AODTIONAL FLOOR AREA. ' -t.- REFTlSI TOHN OF VA!L, COLORADO Aetivityr 899-OO5? Lo/te/19 Typet A-ltlF AddreEs r 1476 TTESTHAVEN DR Locationr f476 TIEBTHAUEN DR (CBLDSTREAiI Parcel r ?1O3-1?1-O8-G41 41) Occ: Inspect i on Request Information.... Requestor: trETER onmEnts: WILL Phone: 39O-8683 Req I Itenrs be Inspeeted.. o6a9 Inspection History..... Iten: OOSEO PLAN-ILC Site Flan Iten : AAQ30 BLDGI-Franing A5/?Q/9i Inspeetor: JRM Notes: NEED TO REtrLRCE GLASS FINAL AAA4@ * * Not trn File * * 00650 BLDE-Insulation 05/AA/ii Inspeetorl JRM gtO06O BLD6-Sheetr,ock Nai I A5/?Olii Inspeetor: GRG A6A80 * * Not On File * * A@O1Q BLDG-ltlisc. Oer096 BLDG-Final CALL UNIT 41 Action Cor Aetion: AtrtrR NEAR DBT]R TO APtrROUED WITH CORRECTION SAFETY GLRSS F'RItrR TO Iten: Itenl Iteil: Iten: Itenr Itenl trction: AtrPR Actionr AtrtrR AF.FIROVED MINOR LOhIER & UtrPER l'. f o LO/lelL999 O7r55 REOUESTS - INStrECTN IIORK SHEETS FORTlO/1€l1999 Statusr ISSUED Conrtrr AMF Descriptionr ADD e WINDOIISTMRSTER BATH REMODEL Applicant: trASABONNE ENTERFRISES trhone: Owner: DAVIS E PENNINGTON Phone; Contractorl CASABONNE ENTERFRISES trhonel Use: V l-HR 970-949-3145 970-949-3145 PAGE 1 AREAI CD quested t BLD6-FinaI Cotnentg th 1?l/tel 1999 O7rE5 REOUESTS - INStrECTN WORK $HEETS FORrl0llA/1999 trA6E E AREAI EG -n-------Activitfr E99-4O34 lglte/19 Type: B-ELEC StatuEr ISSUED Conetrr AAPT Addres; z 1476 TTESTHAVEN DR Location: 1476 WESTHAVEN DR (eoldstrean 4l) .1. REPTlSI Farce I l Descri pt i o Appl ieant r Ownenr DAUIS Contraetor: STONE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO & trENNINGTON CREEK ELEtrTRIC Oecr F,hone: Fhone: Fhone: Use l 97q-9e6-eaBl 97Ur-985-eoo1 : ELECTRItrAL/LIGHT ovER vAltlTY InBpect ion Request Infornat ion. Requestor: FETER Items Req Time: O1:OO C mnents: WILL Inspected. F'hone: 398-8683 CALL Actlon Cotrments Time Exp ELEtr-F i na I Inspect i on History..... Iten: OOllO ELEC-Temp. Fower Item : tl€t1t€t ELEC-Rough AA/LA/99 Inspector: EG Item r O€t13O ELEC-tronduit Item: 0tO14O ELEC-Mi sc. Item: €tO19O ELEC-Final Item: OtlE?4 FIRE-ALARM ROUGH Item: O653S FIRE-FINAL C/0 ft /n /. .//'//L/4 4 Frct i on ( ort^ 'oorl*ouro I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'l I REPTI3l L6/ te/ L99g TOHN BF VAILr O7r55 REOUESTS - IN9trECTN hrORK COLORADO SHEETS FUR:1Ollel1999 AREAI JRM Aetivity: Addre s e l Locat i on: Ftareel: Deseri pt i on: Flppl icant: Owner: Contract or: P99-OO13 lQ/Lel l9 Type: B-FLMB 1476 T.IESTHAVEN DR I476 WESTHAVEN DR (CT]LDSTREAM 4I) 8103-1Al-OA-041 F'LUMBING FOR REMODELED BATH coNcEF,T MECHANITAL| INC DAVIS & PENNINGTON CONCEtrT MECHANICAL, INC 9tatus: ISSUED Constrl AAPT Oecl Use i trhoner 97O-949-08O0 Fhone r Fhoner 97O-949-OEQO Inspect i on Request Requestor: trETER Information.,,., trhoner 39O-8683 entsr WILL CALL Inspected... Action Comments 'Time Exp, trLlt1B-F i na I Inspect i on Hi st ory. . . . . OSe f O PLI{B-Und er gno t-tnd OOeeO PLMB-Rough/D. W. U. A3/?A/99 Inspeetor': JRM EOEES FIRE-SFRINKLER RI]U6H A0e3A trLHB-Ror_rgh /l,Jat er A3/e@/99 Inspector: JRM rzilZti:40 F,LMB-Eias F,iping raOeSO PLMB-trool/Hot Tub C{aE6O FLftlB-Mi sc. 0Oe9A FLMB-Final C'tA538 FIRE-FINAL C,/A 5r ,l ,l I I { Item: Itemr Item: Iteml Iten: Item: Iten: Iten:Iten: ectianT Action: lq4 nf,r,doveo r{ t.'. I . ,l i