HomeMy WebLinkAboutFOREST GLEN LOT 1 LEGAL.pdfcfifre!{fi 6$Lop{,8r{f Deoign Review Board ACTIOI{ FORH Oepartrnsnt of Comntunlty Developmert 75 $outft Frontngo Rold, Vall, Colorado 81657 tsl:970,479,2139 far:*70.479.2451 web: wwrry.rallgov.com Project Name: SELBY RES. REPAINT Project Description: DRB ilumben DR8080165 EXTERTOR REPATNTTO A ROASTED SESAME SEEB (BENJAMTN MOORE 2160-40) Participants: owNER KETCHAM, W. KEMBLE & UNDA K 0s/19/2008 HAVERS ESTATE TORTOLA BRISTH VIRGIN ISI.ANDS APPLICANT HIGHLAND BUILDERS CORPOMTIO 05/19/2008 Phoner (719) 499-9248 PO BOX 6345 VAIL co 81658 License: 208-4 Project Address: 4301 GLEN FALLS LN VAIL Legal Description: Lot: I Block: Subdivision: FOREST GLEN Parcel Number: 2101-123-1300-1 Comments: See Conditions Location: Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACIION Action: SIAFFAPP Date of Approval: 06/04/2008 Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 (PIAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond:202 (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: WarrenGmpbell DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 97 0.479.2L28 faxi 97 0.479.2452 web: www.vailgov,com N iF G FIVtrH i-QWht 'JF VAII. General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approial lapses unless a building permit ]s issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. _ t Description of the Request: Location of the Proposal: Lot:_Block:Subdivision: /ehysiatAddress: LlSO t €le^t P*lLs Lr*^re VParcel no.: ?.tal t?-3 l3Oa / (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: r,/Name(s) of owner(s): t "t(ailing Address: --\ Owner(s) Signature(s): -/ilame of Applicant: Mailing Address: -ftsB E-maif Addre "t, ,w+r g-W*, For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. Type of Review and Fee: D Signs D Conceptual Review tr New Construction tr Addition tr Minor Alteration (multFfamily/commercial) ff Minor Alteration (si ngle-family/du plex) D Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 Ll $20 No Fee For Office Use Only! Fee Paid: Check No.: ,*,,*o.,", 6fJKlOX DRBNo.: Minor Exterior Atterations Application for Design Review __ Department of Community Development 75 SorJth Frontage Road, Vaii, Colonio g16SZ @t: 970.479.2t29 f axi 970.179.24s2 web: www.vailgw,com General Inforrnatlon: All projects rcquiring deslgn review must receive appr.val prior to subrnitting a brrilding permit appri€t on. prease terer to the submihal requlremenB for.the partictlii rpnri"ji t.tll rcquested. An aiprication for Desrgn Rearew cann't be aclEp*d unur at Equired.rnformation rs [.fi;; it,*.^srLr"rt Development Departmenr. Thc proiect may also nEed tp be reviewed uv u'ti io*. dr-"Jiriil.r the.prannrng and Env,ronmcn,., commissron. 3"TY;.,"#:il.TJJ,:"",lJ,Iapses unresl " r,jriiiiiil#it''r'i rssued "il;;';;"#;icornnences wi*rin Descrlption of the Requcst, Locetion of the proposah Lot: Blockl_ SuHivision; v parcer No.: ?.r5 t la" | 3 Dn , - (contact Eagre co. Assessor at 970-328-8610 for parcer no.) Zoning: {enysteatAddersl y'ruame(s) of Owner(s); tlaillnE Address: --\ owner(s) Signature(s -/Nameot Agplicanr: Malllng Address: Type of Review and Fee;tr Signs D Conceptual Review D New Constructjsn 0 Addition D lrlinor Alterauon (multi-farnily/commerciet) EdnorAtteration (stngle-famity/du ptex) Changes to Approved plans Sepangsn Pgqusst ir o, phone: E-mait Addressr l^^"4, e. LSt t -.&.-GZrr*,_- ytsB l*_ Plus 91,00 per squarE root of total 3ign area. No Fe€ $6s0 $3oo $250 For g6ns6ruct;qn of r new building or demo/rabufld.pl.j .gliy"l where square Bugg t, .iOed to any rcsidenust or commerdat bu[ding (tnctudes 2s0_addnions a l^t*iJi blrr."].,1r). [#il;#'Hf TifJH ..1,,1ff inm]f dnr' . "For rninor chang* tO buildings and ,ito Improvemenb, such as.59fns, paintins. windoft add,rions,'r""aliiJprii, ri""il *a retalning walls, etc. FOr tevlsions to plans alreedv Deggn nevte^rv goill- -'*"t approvEd bY Planning Staff or the tr D sz0 No Fee +++*ll+*+t**+******+*+*******t*************+++t+t+**+*++**t+*************r********ft*++**+++ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ***********'*'******'r.'l*'l*******+**+++*t**+*++++*+****t+*'*'t**********+****{'+**+*tlt+****+****** Statemenf Number: R080000744 Amount: $20.00 05/L9/20OgO4:33 pU Pa)ment Met,hod: Check Init : RLF Notation: 1285 HIGHLAIiID BUII-,DERS CORPORATION Permit No: DR8080155 I'l4)e: DRB-Minor AIt, SFR/DUP ' ParceL No: 2101-123-1300-1 Site Address: 4301 GIJEN FALLS LN VAII, IJocation: Total Fees: 520.00 This Pa)ment: $20.00 TotaL ALL pmt6: $20.00 Balance: $0. O0 ******')**********'}*+t*****++t*t***+******'********t*'**+*f***++++*t************************ff+ ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Prnts DR OO1OOOO3T722OO DESIGN REVTEW FEES 20.00 e$ <k),t ,' "^"'"ttt '- c.. -bo TED tro .U=lL ,F ,.i p-!9 h Y = EDt\.F E#!g.BRef*:E X +i !! =tr x ia st' t sEe E3$ Esg o a tr €^?oct to -,_F{EF d A O- i dgE r/ti .. !t tl'-3s?s E x.E= cE F1 H H o a a F{ C) Fa t-l (J h fr g G a FI r)a F t\-K. F a 't!' .jt '/, H E H lt g --a '.( 5 n f:l ,1 M 'a1 'l ,l f-ta -l F-t- z g a 2 3 u H 3 n H tat F{ \) $ oK \U s \) v0 ($ o a_e -S ,-> \JO (--,ll \J \q L C/l N :$ c,n rowN oF vALloNSTRUcroN 'ERM,, or,i.^'"-Ti;o- ooq INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR THE .{PPLICATION WILL BE REJICTED Contacl the Eagle County Assessors offrce at 970-328-8640 for Parcel # Parcet# ZtC> | - iZ'3 '- I3-- c:-t> t Pcrmit #_897'avz '4.,-n,^-.r-i CaL--ru V'cr\ li robAddress; tsot ugnffulLt b+Ik E vfr|-l Job Name: Building ( )Plumbing #Electrical ( ; Owners Name:Addrcss: Architect: Other ( ) 6ktre|n, .u'O,u^ Address: lbSo E" vfttL ttWt lhiL WL Pho"e# qlL -L3/Z- Mechanical p Legal Description: Lot / nlock Filing _ Subdivision BUST ertW aUOUTU^, o*.r, Po,ff# ltf 6$a.N T&fo& pn**-'&--/?X-5lZ{ Description of Job: Work Class: New fi) Number of Dwelling Units: Number and T1'pe of Fircplaccs:Cas Appliarces Additional ( )Repar ( )Othcr ( ) Numbcr of Accommodation Units: Gas Logs Wood/Pellet VALUATIONS Alteration ( ) { BUILDING: $_ ELECTRICAI: $_-__- OTHER: $ pLUMBTN6 yffi Npgvrecueucers.'.Ff1&a rorAl $. CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor:Address: Phone # Address: Town of Varl Rcgisfiation No. /?7 ' + Efectricaf Contractor Town of Vail Registration No. PhpnE #rcqqta-prumbinsconrracto. Hl-fbl PU.^^fYdl-' -Ainl,L'7.'-45eSs t/uf L a>rfsr 6.5-CO 6(O1 Town of Vail Registration No. Mcrhanical Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No.Zzt -f Phone # FoRoFFTcEUSE Date Receive?- BUTLDTNG: llAYz'1999 SIGNATURE: ZONING: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: SIGNATURE: TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WITI{ TFIE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PTJBLIC WORKS AND COMMLINITY DEVELOPEMENT JANUARY I, 1999 CONSTRUCTION PARKING AND MATERIAL STORAGE CODE s-2-10: DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHTBITED A. Unlawful deposits: Sub.yect to subscction C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered. tracked or deposited. sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, icc. or any other debris or matcrial upon any strect. sidewalk., alley or public place, or any portion thercof. B. Notice: Abatement: The Dircctor of Public Works mav notifu and rcquire any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereot or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top rgmove such san4 gravel, rocks, mud, di4 snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified docs not comply with the notice within the period of time hcrein specified, the Director of Public Works, or othcr authorized agent, may cause any such san'|" gravcl, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expcnse of the notified. C. Exceptions: Thc provisions of subsection A hereof shall not bc applicable: I . Within the immediate area of any construction, maintenance or repair project of any strcot or alley or of any water main, sewer main, electricity line, gas line, telephone line or any ap purtenanc c thereto; 2. To dcposits of sand, dirt or materials necessary for thc protection ofthe public safety; and 3 . To public areas designated for the dumping or depositing of said materials. Summons; Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causcs another to violatc the samc, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal court ofthe Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty ofa violation hereundcr be punished as provided in Section l4-l of this code. Notice; Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refusc to comply with thc notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hcreo| and any such person shall, in addition to palment of the expense of removal incurred by thc Director of Public Works, as provided in subscction B hcreof, upon being found guilty ofa violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section l-4-l ofthis codc. (1997 code: ordinance 6 (1979) Read and acknowl edged by: D. E. Position or Relationship to Project: (i.e. conEactor or owner) TOIN,IOFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 BUILDING PERI}IIT ISSUATICE TIME F'RAME lf this pcrmit requircs a Town of Vail Fire Dcpartment Approval. Engincer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department rcview of Health Departmcnt review, and a revicw by the Building Deparknent, the estimated time for a total rcvier.v may take as long as three (3) wceks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requircments. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of timc. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mcntioned departments rvith regard to nccessary revicw, these projccts may also take the three (3) week period. Every attempt will be made by this dcparhnent to cxpedite this permit as soon as possiblc. I, thc undersigned, understand the Plan Chcck procedurc and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not pickcd up by the expiration date. that I must still pay the Plan Chcck Fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Project Name: Date:5- zo -3a Work Sheet was turned into the Commuiw Developmcnt Deot. {,P *"n"u" "" TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM AIL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PLtsLIC WORKS JANUARY I, 1999 WI{EN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT: IS REQL.IRED DATE: PLEASE ANSWER TI{E FOLLOWING QUESTIONNAIRE REGARDING TIIE NEED FOR A *PUBLIC WAY PERMIT': l Is this anew residence? X YES NOA 5. 6. JOBNAME: Lfrfi""'n Llt . vrsX wo 2. Is demolition work being performed that requires the use of the Right-of-Way, easements or public property? YES Is anv utili8 work needed? No--x- YES NO 4. Is the driveway being repaved? Is a different access needcd to the site other than the existins drivewav? YES NOX Is any drairuge work.being done that affects the fught-of-Way, easements, or public propcrty?YES- NO X 7 . Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required? YES No_X 8. A. Is the Rightof-W.ay, easemens or public prope y to bc used for staging, parking or fencing?YES_ NO A B. If NO to 8A, is a parkin& staging or fencing plan required by Community Developrncnt?YES NO L If you answered YES to any of these questions a "Public Way Permit" must be obtaincd. "Public Way Permit' applicuions may be obtained at the Pubiic Work's office or at Cormnunity Derr'elopment. Ifyou have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval from Public Works at 479-2198. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL TlM ABOVE QUESTIONS. Companv Name Dao,: < -7D 4 PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Buildins Permits 1. Fill out our check list provided with a Building Permit Application. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive. 2. Notice sign offs for utility companies. A11 utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. 3. A construction traffic controVstaging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of Construction, Staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November lst and will need to be resubmitted for approval through the winter. 4. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traflic control plan or a site plan for the job. 5. Submit completed application to the Public Work's offrce for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail Electricians and Irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. 6. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (l) week to process. 7. As soon as the permit is processed, a copy will be faxed to Community Development allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Buildine Permit" which is to do work on a project itself. NOTE: The above process is for work in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15fr. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. THU, mY-20-99 9:3541'l RSREIICII||EERIIIG ,ura s?0 845 (262X0.04eXe1) - I 168 BTLnr (l 7, 100X0.5X0.7eX 1/60X91 ) = I Or44 BI'tlH P. 03 SaMPLE CALCUT+rroN Conductiol Infiltratiou HEATINGtriO.tITpMFNT The home is heated by trvo q€ntral boilcrs: Bl = 305,000 BTUH INPUI = 305,000(0.81X0.662) = 153,020 BTIJII OUTPLn @ 8,450 FT 82 = 305,000 BTUH IMUT = 305,000(0.81)(0.662) - 163,020 BTUH OUTPUT @ 8,450 FT TOTAL OUTPUI = 326,040 BTUH OUTPUT @ 8,450 FT Thc boilers provide heat for the structure hoat loss, domestic watct, and snowmelt areas. All calculations are perfonncd per ASHMB recommended proccdurcs. Dotailed calculations available upon requost. IOTRL P. 03 THU, ISY-z0-gg 9:34RN RSREt'lcT|IEERTNc 9?0845t5rb Rader Engineering Inc. =t nt=l nr=r I r=r r EJ I r=r | | =t r r=t | | =t | | l=t I tl PO tsOX 780 . AlrE0l, CO 8ld0 . Telep|Ene 970J{S7910 . F gf0{15.752 . E mrit drHsk{ly.tnrt FAX To: Stevc From: Dan Gooduan P. 01 Company: Iligh Tech Plumbing Date: 5120199 Fax 479,2452 (TOVBIdgDept.) Pages: 3 Job Name; Ketcham Resideoce Job#: 9ffi2.00 Comments: Steve, Per your request, I am sending the heat loss swnnary for the Ketcham Residence to the Towu of Vail Building Department. If you require anything further, please call. Thauks, Dan Privary Notioc: This mctugc ir intcadcd for fte usc offrc indivi&ral s enbty to which it is sddressed urd mey contain infurqntioa tiat ir Eivilcgad, cotdidrotill, or €x€trpt ftw disclogurc uudcr applicable fcdcral law. If the rcadcr of tbe ncssrgr ir mt thc inendcd rtcipdcat or the employcc or agat rtspousrlle for ilcliveriag tbc meselgc to the imrndcd rccipiag yorr art hrctDr notilicd tbet arny disscminatiou, dictsfuution' or copying of tbis coEtrtrJEi,fltion i! sbiotly prohibitcd If you hrve rcccivcd tLir coorurnication in crtw' plc.sc ttorlfl the abovc irumediately by lcl4holc and retrm tbc migiurl mccsage to thc above addrcss Yi! U,S. Msil' 85/27/1999 972-945-9945 HI-TECH PLWBING Il.lC ffit ms.tE'x'tl?.ffi ffi ilffi s 5trfrj milt as-alt!rflt53tsr PAGE A3 @S. *'0 \_ I :,'g'.ffi**T ltri,f,fil ht$"# ffi#[ii-pini"t drcp bstwen rupplv ud rrhun' F|gtory Frt Totttd b[ud.d trl.rtdad rckat o.rtr-ln Ar S.pa.alo. lbdilrt ftfi Hood (9oct d trlt.ttqt Asb rtb va o.npat {Pfl}s orly)nd qrPldr can'r*rrtlon O.. t|.ta lq 2a lb|l ffirtfi diln& ilnnl|' E Ft{..o pror syrt.nr |tid , "m:ff Et#t'*.6r$"l ffi rero.. 1 rrot * a lS.}unllni Hn lut|t.r Auminirao SL.l Burmo iiill'il.ntton nlfv n".apoo[ rnd 40 v l"n3totm!' Batftrl JwEdorr Eor Plu|$ Cncdalo. l.||l sdl *lrch (pfGs o|rt) idlbrr hatlnrl hr.a tbltrr' (PfG5 odyl HLl}!| T Lrg.tru|! CofiltOl ro rii rdm iaU t|h. (Dor.. ..c0o.r l|ld to' !o Plt --riofrnr qr*r'tt o*io t.erntdr Crfu.,ril6n pttri in-Iiit .rtuta C'tt'!lF ( t*r"d 80ab7 Drrn l|lr tDxlcil Ll|7r|ttl ADDMOiu[ EQUIPTCi.I |nrnnnm ELctio|tlc Enitioi PIH strtr|r tor PFG{ at!' t sbrldJc lq PfGS ||r0 E) a,UrilG Y.ri'OGr.; d ,*O-c rhro{h I {sr.nc.'d lq Gar Cotwartioi l(xl LaF lLa *r irE!!!_ 4t,tal IrFr trl t brrr tlf L"' ttirl T I I'.-f 2' r*aal T r ln tta |rt |trt ca co|tdaud lmg.o nanr l|| ,|la{att ||l P'donn'rt'' ilib'ifra;i;-;ttnr'ri lrri o orntr rn||L.d"' t||lE rt 'i'd.'' tuElL'JIklAlll A Division of The MarleY ComPanY F Cr.*. rAtq C'^.o,.n t'rc !?a E.. t' ;"cto'r ori"' Ut rcl Fortn l{o. C-5131a(1e2) Michigan CitY, Indiana 46360 PFIi LEFT E]ID o109il uttlllcuh _ 85t 2r / Lese ._99iJF____?76-e45-ss45 10 Spe c ffi cations/D ime nsions HI-TECH PAGE A4 PLUMBING II.IC o llOTlE: r. liq.r|ng grtraar.or oodrtic ttltb.- l5O Pgl: Bolltt |sLr.9ldr-{s P$[ 2' ltsinutn Oo|no|ib urbt o9'nthg bmp"rtsTe - l9(FE " -' -' r. riirilirifr nfircf+rd rr' t..*rirr ra ro Oo u..f riUt |laan t'Ltl t V-\ nrrr.' .r,,r ..A o n^ | ruus8o, loo s@9) SALES OFFICES Home Office Blaine Strcet Michigan city, lN 46360 (2r9) 87s$s6l FN(: (219) 87&t1025 New England 100 Medway Road Milford, MA 01757 (s08) 47E4800 FAx: (508) {78S869 rnoNf Mldsclt ?225 Enterprise Dr. W€stchester. lL 60154 (708) s624220 FAX (708) s626371 New rtbrk-Eart 10il) Main Strcct Ner,v Rochelle. tIY 10801 (914) ffl&4490 FAX (914) 6364560 New r/ork Wert Sl Hudson Street Hackensack, NJ 07601 (2ol ) 48&2885 FNC (201) 48E4r86 Mld.Atlantic lll W. Hunting hrk Ave. Philadelphia. PA 19140 (215) 329{5?6 FAx: (215) 3296580 ir6lud.d on lh. ( 30 | !0. r|.h. b prodlct litaratu.c lo' dcltrg Mideart Penn Center WeSt ,2 Pittsburdr. PA 15276 (4r2) ?&934s FAX ({12) 78641?? Canada 126 East Drivc Brampton, Ontario Lt6T I (4t6) 7913330 F'Ur (416) 793€554 r r A lhard eonnaELn ll tha domod|c sp l|nl i. 5u oola{tut ir. PLUato,lmr|du0 b b. utad lor lll f| .lb.rr.i. conotclln try th' rti.lde c {el I rclurn coinac o.rn il ci.'cul.r.d dom.rt€ \|rbr L raalull.l. t{otE; Addilbn.l ri,ing Inol rd tl Itleil-McLain 500 BFine Street Michi0an city. ltl 46360'l N( tn tho infrrurt ol orr{au.l Inrnrw x( h p|.odrct r|d g.rlomanc+ tU.IcLdr tsatYs dra tlgit to ch.ng. tD..{llc.donr wlthout ndlcr ufHl-[|Iulf, A Unlmd Domhin Comryry TOP BACI( rqrn lto. c.7t7n1 0eill 3|teg w.lFlkLrrr r.no rn ur] 65/2L/L399 68146 978-945-4945 HI-TECH PLI.JMBING INC o PAGE S2 o kaur^ ({-5, H -I7n/ f(wfJrp ?e*i 'h" = It lhttrtL tov- - \tE^E *+ftz \r'wa/sn+ilts r- $ T l. THU, ISY-20-99 9:34fl1,1 RSREt'lGINEER]NG 9?0845t5rb P.02 HeatLoss Summary Ketcham Residence f,{611letad by Rader Engineering Inc. 9862.00 5nuw SIMMARY Total Heat Loss = 149,302 BTUH Total Square Footage : 5-205 SF 28.6 BTIJIVSF DESIGN CONTITT|ONS Ti = 72*F To =-19oF Etevation= 8,450 FT U_VALLIES COMPONEM U- VALT,E Wall (Conorete) 0.053 Wall (Concrete) 0.034 Wall (StuiVStoae) 0.050 wall (Stud/wood) 0.050 Roof 0.026 F'loor (Slab on Grade) 6 BTUH / SF Floor (TID 0.034 Glazing 0.42 EOJJATONS Condustion a<q6(TD)lnfiItration GM(ACIIXTF)(I/60XTD) WHERE U -Heat Transfsr Coefficient A :AIEA TD :Temperanre Differenge V -Volume ACH =Air Changer pa Hour = 0.5 TF {ransfcrr Factor TowN oF vArLGNSrRUcroN 'ERM,, orfi"AroN F.RM INF'ORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR THE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTED Contact the Eagle County Assesso,/s Office at 970-328-6640 for Parcel # Permit # Number of Dwellins Units: pnone+ fu- 89g-eg6 7?5 ilrrt Parcel # tobN,"ne: te /c/ur"n f €</'.rob Address: yso/ 6h^F.c//s ho. Building ( )Plumbine ( )Elcctricdy'd Mcchanical ( )Other ( ) Filng snbdlision6(esy' G/ert Legal Descriptio n: tot // ntoct< t, I OwnercNanc: K€Marzt Address: Architect: Description otJob' /Crr' /cy41 e Work Class: tlew rS(Alteration ( ) / Number and T1'pe of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances Gas Logs Wood/Pellet VALUATIONS BUILDING: $ELECTRICAL: $ qO,4dA- 40 OTFIER: $ TOTAL $PLT]]\4BING $MECHAMCAI- $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor:Address: Town of Vail Registration No. f,tectricaf Contractor, E(, E/ee*rc Mcchanical Contractor: Town of Vail Resisralion No. Additional ( )Repair ( )Other ( ) Number of Accommodation Units: Address: Phonc # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: SIGNATURE: TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WTTH T}IE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMTJNITY DEVELOPEMENT JANUARY I. 1999 CONSTRUCTION PARKiNG AND MATERIAI STORAGE CODE 5-2-10: DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROIIIBITEI) A. Unlawful deposits: Sublect to subsection C thereoi it is unlauflil for any pcrson to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited. sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice. or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public placc, or any portion thcreof B. Notice; Abatement: The Dircctor of Public Works may notify and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereoi or who has in the Director's cmployment a person who violates or causes another to violate the samc, top removc such sand, gravel, rocks. mud- dirt, snow. icc or any othcr debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said noticc by the Dircctor of Public Works. In tie event the person so notified docs not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Dircctor of Public Works. or other authorized agent. may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow. ice, debris or any other material to bc removed from any strect or alley at the expcnse ofthc notified. C. Exceptions: The provisions of subscction A hereofshall not be applicable: I . Within the immediate area of any construction. maintenance or repair project of any street or allcy or of any water main, sewer main, electricity line, gas line, telephone line or any appurtenance thereto; 2. To deposits of sand, dirt or materials necessary for the protcction of the public safet-v, and 3. To public areas dcsignated for the dumping or depositing of said materials. D. Summons; Penalty: As an altcmative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causcs another to violate the same, may bc issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of tie Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty ofa violation hereunder be punished as providcd in Section l4-l of this code. L,. Notice: Pcnalty: lt is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with thc notice of the Dircctor of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereot-, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expensc of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subscction B hcreof. upon being found guilty ofa violation hereunder. bc punishablc as provided in Section l-4-l ofthis Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 5 (1979) Readandacknowledgedby: &, , G Position or Relationship to Project: o^te:9-29- 72 (i.e. conu?ctor or owner) TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road. Vail, Colorado E1657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 BUILDING PERIUIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Plarxring Deparfinent review of Health Deparhrnent review, and a review by the Building Departnent, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as ihree (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time^ However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departrnents with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take the three (3) week period. Every attempt will be made by this departrnent to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the Plan Check procedurs and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the Plan Check Fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreedro rr,&--,o 6* Project ,u*,,", lfe*cl* tesl- Darc: S- 29-tf Work Sheet was tumed into the Community Development Dept. {grr"totor ro TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANI'UM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PIJBLIC WORKS JANUARY I, I999 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT: IS REQUIRED 3. 4. 5. 6. J.BNAME: r%+L { r,' D^rE C-/ q- rf PLEASE ANSWER TI{E FOLLOWING QUESTIONNAIRE REGARDING THE NEED FOR A ?UBLIC WAYPERMIT': l. Is this a new residence?YEs x No Is demolition work being performed tbat requires the use of lhe Right-of-Way, easgments or public property? YES_ 119J(_ Is any utility work neecled? YES- NO)<- Is the driveway being repaved?YES NO_X_ Is a different access needed to the site other than the existine divewav? YES No4 Is any drainage work being donc tlnt affects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public property? YES No_)<_ Is a "Revocable Right+f-Way Permit" required? YES f;Uf "r O*iT-12 easoments or public property to bo used for staging parking or fencing? B. If NO to 8A, is a parking staghg or fencing plan required by Community Development?YES_ NO_<_ If you answered YES to any of these questiong a "Public Way Pennit" must be obtained. 'Public Way Permit'' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's of,hce or at Cornmunity Devolopment. If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval from Pubfic Works at 479-2198. ALL rrrE ABOVE QUESTTONS. 7. 8. No<_ I IIAVE READ AND ANSWE Contactor Signature CompanyName oate: S-,/g;-29 l. PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Buildine Permits Fill out our check list provided witlr a Buildine Permit Application. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive. Notice sign offs for utility companies. All utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traflic controVstaging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of Construction, Staglng, etc.). This plan will expire on November lst and will need to be resubmitted for approval through the winter. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Work's offtce for review. If required, Iocates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail Electricians and Irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (l) week to process. As soon as the permit is processed, a copy will be faxed to Community Development allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit" which is to do work on a proj ect itself. NOTE: The above process is for work in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15fr. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROIiTTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81,6s7 970 -479 -2L38 APPIJTCANT CONTRACTOR OWNER DRB Fee .00 lnwcst'igation> wiIl call----> TOTA! FEES--- > ,Job Address: 4301 GLEN FALLS Locati-on...: 430L GLEN FALLS Parcef No. . : 2L0L-L23-13-001 Project No. : PR.t99-0059 E C BLECTRTC, rNC.C/O VAT,L TNSI'R 747 W. WHITE AVE., GRAND ,]UNCTION, E c ELEerRrc, rNc.c/o vAr,L rNsuR 747 W. WHITE AVE., GRAND JI]NCTTON, TIMBER FAI,I.,S ASSOCIATES 228 BRIDGE ST, VATL CO 81657 Phone,: 9'to-24L-3302 co 81501---- Phone: 970-24L-3302 co 81501---- Valuat.ion:40, 000 . 00 ta*r*r*ria?i1ii DEPARTT4EIiIT OF COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMEIilT NOtE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .]OBSITE AT ALL TTMES ELECTRTCAL PERMIT Permit #: E99-0084 InI LN Status. . applied. fssued.. E>rpires. ISSI]ED os /2s /L99e os /25 / ]-999 LL/2L/L999 Description: ELECTRICAL FOR NSFR FEB suiI.rARy Blcclrical--->213 .00 .oo f-o0 276.OO Totsal Cai.culated Sees- - - > Additional Fee6---------> Total Penit Pec--------> PayrcnLs- --- - --- 2L6.OO .00 216,00 2L5.OO BAI,ANCE DI'B..-.- .OO It,CM: OSOOO ELECTRICAL DEPARTI4EMT DEPt,: BUILDING DiViSiON:05/25/1999 JPJII ACTiON: APPR APPROVED 'JRIVT.IT,EM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMEIiIT DCPI: FIRE DiWiSiON:05/25/L999 JRI4 Actrion: APPR N/A .irirrir*iiiir aa r CONDTTION OF APPROVAI 1. FIELD INSPEC'TIONS ARE R-EQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIVCE. DECITARA:TIONS I hcrcby .ckno*ladgc ghag I have lead lhis epplicatsi,on, fi1led out i.n fulL tbe inforBation required, cortrpl€tEd an accuratc plot plaa, and 6!a!e lhab all the informauion provided ae required is correct.. I agree Eo conply wihh tsh6 informacion and pto! plan, t.o co$ply $ich all Tosn ordinanc.6 and 5E.tc lar'.6, and tso buiLd ghiE Egructuro accordj.ng lo Eh6 Tonn,E zoning and eubdivision codes, deBign revier apptoved, Uniform Building code and other ordinances of the Toerr applicable t'h6r6tso, REQUESTS !'OR TNSPEdIONS SHAt! BB MADE TIdENTY-FOUR HOLIRS IN ADVANCB BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2133 OR AT OlrR oFFIcE ERoM 8:00 A s:oo PM o 216.Oo 05/27 /t9 LL.2! PctulE No: 899-0084 1)|t'n: B-BLEC ELECTRICAL PERITIIT gelcrl Uor 2101-123-13-001 Sitse lddrsos: {301 GIrEN F,ILLS LN Location: ,!30L GIrElf FlJJtrS LII Total Fcca: Ttlis Pal'uonC 215.00 Total, IIJIr Puta I BrJ.ancG: r trtrr ar r * r a atr t,l r *a t * r r * r at r r rr t r+ * rrr * rra,r ra r * t* *r ** |,t* i * ra **t r lccorlnts eode D€Ecript.ion sEaE6!lrt Init': alRltf t tt*tttt t rtttrr !r rr!r.r r ar.r r rtrr!rr,, t aoWN OF VIIL. CII]ORADO Stat€uEtt Nuobar r REC-O525 AuounC I Payrent Method I CK NotaEion: {28O BP OO1OOOO31114OO ELECTRICII PBRIIIT FEB6 WC OO1OOOO3112SOO TIILIJ CAIJIJ INSPECTION 'EE 215.00 2L5.00 .00 Adounts 213.00 3,00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81,657 970-479-2j.38 .fob Address...: 4301 GLEN FALLS tN Locat.ion..... : 4301 GLen Falls Ln Parcel- No. ... . : 2l-01-123-t_3-001 Project Number: PRJ99-0059 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Descripti-on: New plmbg,/radiant heat sys for new SFR Fireplace Infonracion: Rcetr:icEed: Y *of eas Appl iances, DEPARTMEIfT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMfT MUST BE POSTED ON 'JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANTCAL PERMIT Permit. #: M99-0048 St,atus...: ISSITED Applied..: 05/20/1999 Issued...: 09/L5/1999 Expires..: 03/L3/2000 HI-TECII PLI]MBING 45855 HWY 6 & 24 LOT 57, GLENWOOD SPRINGS, HI-TECH PLI]MBING 45855 HWY 5 & 24 LOT 57, GLENWOOD SPRINGS, TIMBER FALLS ASSOCIATES 228 BRIDGE ST, VA,IL CO 8L657 Valuat.ion: *Of Ga6 Logs: Phone: 970-945-1038 co 8150r_ Phone:. 970-945-1038 co 81601 65, 000 . 00 *of Wood/Pallet I FEE SUMMARY Mechanical-- > Plan Check- - -> Investigation> wi 1I call----> RestuaranL Plan Revielr - - >TotaL Calculatsed Fees-- -> Additional Fees-------- > Total Permi!. Fee--------> Payment s' 1,3O0.OO 325.0O .oo 3.00 .00 1 . 629 .00 ,00 I , 629 .00 I , 524 .00 DRB Fee---- .OO TOTAL FEES- --- -1. 528 .00 BAIANCE DUE---.---- .OO Routed to APPROVED N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL ].. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. COMBUSTION ArR IS REQUIR_ED PER SEC. 70r- OF T'HE 1997 IIMC, OR SECTION 701 OF TTIE 1997 TMC.3. TNSTATI,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTT]RES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CI{APTER 10 OF THE ].997 UMC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC.4. GAS APPLTANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AND SIIALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIBD IN SEC.BO6 OF THE 1997 I]MC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EOUIPME}IT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 AND SEC.].0].7 OF THE 1997 I]MC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. 5 . BOILERS SHAI-,L BE MOI]NTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. IJNLESS I,ISTED FOR MOINfTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FI,.OORING.7. PERMIT,PI,ANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAI, ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST.8. DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS COI.ITAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SIIALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC.LO22 0F TT{E 1997 UMC, OR SECTTON 1004.6 0F THE L997 rMC. ******************************************************************************** It,em:05100 05 /20 /rgee 05 / 03 /1,999 Item:05500 06 / 03 /L999 BUI LDING DEPART'I\iIEI{T KATIIY AcIion: NOTE JRM Action: APPR FIRE DEPARTTIEI\TT JRM Action: APPR Dept: BUILDING Division: d -t( !TRM Dept: FIRE Division: DECTARATIONS I hereby acknovledgc tha! f hBve read thi6 applicrcion, fill€d out in full th6 lnfornrEion rcquir.d; couplot'sd an accurate plot plan, and 6tat. tshr! all lhc infornation provid.d rE required ig correct. I aErec to coBply eich tshe inforoatlon .nd plot' plan,to conf,Ly with all, Toun ordinanccs and stale larg, and eo bulld lhir struecure according to che Tolrn,g zoning qnd subdiviEion code6, dcsign r€vi.r rltprovld, UniforE Building Cod. rnd other ordinartc6s of tsh. toirn applicabte thereco. REQITESTS FOR INBPECTTONS gml.h BE MADE TIdENTY-FoUR HoURS IN AD\IANCE BY TELEFHoNI AT 479-2130 OR AT oIrR OFPICE FROI' s!00 Al,l 5:oO PM SI€NATURE OF OW}IER OR COI{TNACTOR FOR HIMSEIJF AND O9INER ,'1J.4 tt r*!rta'r f, rr*rrrr rrrrtr r *rrrr t ra tr r *.r r t tt t at't i*a ia 't tt*i r rrr rr.r r r r lol{!{ Ot lt},L, coIJORtDO a!4tqn|ts tr'rtttl'trtra.t*tiatiriar9r*tttr.rrtl,r+rtrtt}ilfarr.rlr**.1J{r}**!r SBag.rlne NrEb.r: REC-O550 l[ount:I,5a8,00 09/X5/t9 0gr{S P.l'[!nt L€thod: CX trtot rionr 636?/Ht-fBcIt IEiE: t Prarii For tltt-oo4a Ti'tt.: E-rGCn ISCttl[tClL pEntfIT PGc.l, t{o: 21Ot-123-X3 -O0I Slcr tddrc!6 ! 43Ol GLt[f ENrrJg IllI Ilqerbion. {301, olqn Frll. Ltr rtrb ?q'd.nB 1,62e.OO 1, 524.0O .00 lmr|lri 1,3O0.OO 3?5.09 3. OO I'lotrl ?..a r 1 , 5l a . 0o lorrl aIlI. P!!a ! Btltnca ! rltttaftft9trafiarraJraatrtfa|'aai*t+tttttratatttaitrrtt'tttttrtrt,airrft lccoqtrt cod!Darcriptsion l|P 00100003111300 tcBl$Icf,t PtRl|IT FEES P! 00100003112300 E J}[r CHECK ?EStl ll€ 0O10OOO31I1SO0 IIILI' eAiiIJ IltgPBgrtON FBE TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81557 970-479-2t38 ilob Address...: Location......: Parcel No.....: Project Number: 4301 GLEN FALLS LN 4301. GELN FAI"I.S LN 2toL-r23-L3 -001 PRiI99-00s9 ISSt'BD 08/L2/t99e 08/L9/L99e 02/Ls/2000 St,atus. . applied. Issued.. Expires. Phone: co 81501- Phone: co 81501 VaIuaEion: *Of (las LogE: DEPARl'l,tEllT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANIEEL PERMIT Permit #: M99-0110 OWNER APPLICAI{T CLIMATE CONTROI-, CO OF GWS P O BOX L042, GLENWOOD SPRTNGS, CONTRA TOR CLIMATE CONTROL CO OF GWS P O BOX L042, GLENWOOD SPRTNGS, TIMBER FALLS ASSOCIATES 228 BRIDGE ST, VAIL CO 81657 #of eas Applianceg: 970-945-2326 970-945-2325 6, 200 . 00 *Of Hood/Prll.t: Descriptlon:install venEing/humidif ication/aI1 ductwork Fi"ep1ac6 InfofiuElon: RggbrlcLed: FBE 9|I{MARY 'tttitr'*t**'t trt M6chanicaL--_> llO.OO R€sluaranc Plan Raview__> 'OO Total calculac'd FeeE---> 1?g'oo Plan Ch.ck---> 35.00 DRB Fce-----'--- 'oo Addltional F6ea'--------> -oo Inv6etigacion> .oo ToTAL PEE9------ l?8,o0 Tolal Pcflti! Fer--------> 178'OO gtilL CsLl----> 3.oo Pal nent6-------- gAT,ANCE DUE----- '00 rriltittti**it***tttttlit*t**tt* r * t r i I l} * * t * t t r a * t t r t r ICem! o5L0o BuILDING DEP.ARTMENIT_ - - --DgpE: BUIL'DING Division: -067 ti t 799 g- cfrdRr,rE-. -AaEion ; AFpn csnnlrE DAlrrs ii6fi;'6s6oo--rfilE-5spAflrgglii ----- -. - - DepE: FrRE Division: 66112/7-999-cIrARLrE Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAI 1.2. 3. 4. 5. 5. 7. 8. FIELD INSPE TIONS ARE RBQUIRED TQ.CHEq4 EqR-qqDq^q-OMPI-'IAIVCE.t6fif,ilsfi6rt-Eifl-15 i&oulnED DBR SBc; 7or or r]d,B LeeT IJMC, oR 5EmI0N-7or--0F rtrr r9gz ruc.ifi5tfiihf iou-l,ruSr-c6llfqBlq'ae -MAlltr-r- AcrtrRqs INsIEgqIoNs -A{D tti-ctfrFrEfl - i o''6F -rHE' 15 ei uuq;-@PfER 1 0 -QF -TItr-19 e7 rl'!-e' m"FB*mfix+;'t3"E"EE;YEs-?".s$8lBIH"o$o'fflBE+ I'Po* CHAPTER 8 OF TIIE 1997 IMC.i'ctisE' t6 Eieil-fr'c*E6urFi,isNr MI$!-CoMPL,Y WrT{-CI-I4PTBR 3 Al{D g8tii[t t, fiH;FE; rn8t+Hs-ffi ;ffiru$siu8fi .ffi qii ?i"fr "EoNsr BHHfi tii; Ftifr 5D^fi8%UgHI*ilEr8iqlLPqHf,'EE"BoEl88*lNn" *' * BRRKitf;%;'fi'H"$I8Rf, 'H68il'*E8ffi8iu'*s EF4TrNq^eB- Hor-warER SiipF-r.,V-Eoiisii5-s-Iiriit sn-EOLi-IqEED--!'lirH-A F!oqB-DRAII'I PER sEc' i62i-oe-ifrE-i5g7--tfre ,-6R SEei'lOfr 1004-6 oF rHE 1ee7 rMc. ******************************************************************************** DECI.,ARATIONS I hor€by rcknorlldg! lhrt' I hrv6 tard lhl. rppllcrelon, flllrd ouc ln full chs lnforrrtlon rcquirod, coBpl.t.d .n accurrh plot Fl.n, rnd rt'rtsa gh.! r11 Ch! lnforo.tlon providad .. rcqulred lr corrsc!. I rgrca eo coltly ulEh gh. infordaCion .nd ploc !rhn, to c@p1y rrlch tll Iorrt ord{n|ncaa |nd .t.t. larg. |nd to bulld tbla ecrucburs rccordLng to tsha Torn'. zonLng rnd gubdlvl.lon codcE, drelgn rcvicr rpprovad, uniforr BulldlnE codc uld olhrs ordln ncc6 of chc Torn .ppllcabl. th.reto, REOI Bg?lt FOR IIfSPEeIIONS SmIlL BE I{ADE tll$trY-Foui. HOORS rN AlrrrlttcB Bv tROl| S :00 Al| 5 t 00 Pl.l SIoII TURE OF OWNBR OR C€:fTR.Ae'OR FOR HI}ISEIJF AIID o|{NBR rattitttarltrriitttttttttttltirtairatrtt,ttiit*tfttratltttt'rrirr*tt lEfd Ot rntlr, COtrCRrDO 9slg.ltra i'}ttft?tltftttltitltttatlirltllaiaiat',tarlttlatttt!rrttltlltrrtla'ltr gtrtGlt f,u[bat. ntrc-0E51 lmunt s 1t8.00 0g/19./99 09 rl7 Prylatrg f.ehod r Ctr [oB.Bl6n ! Ua€5/C!!!ll!Cfrn Inii t JN P.rtlc tro! llt9-011o ryt!.r B- lcH llllnlllrq! PiIllrT P.rcrl Sor 210f-133 -13-001 glbt lddte.r r a3ol o[llN lll,Lg l'!f '.oster,on, a30l el&!l FltL6 llf ttir PrF.trt lotrl F.aa, 17t.00 Totrl llil Prt. t l?a.00 1?9,00 Baldrca: .0o ttttttf*llttttatratiit'}rrlitttaairttlrtattitttt'at!t'trtttttttttrttt!r Agccullc Cod.D.rori,pcLon Ht 0O1OOOO3!1].300 tfcl|l[lCrtr PEllll FllA Pt ootoooo3llzsoo PE t cfilet( Fl[l xc ooloooo31l28oo lltl.& ctlll. rtrgPEeltq Fll lDral 1ao. oo 3B.OO 3. O0 2M -/J3't3'e t , APPLTCATTON MUST BE FTLLED $*****************************Il [ ]-Building I J-plumbing t PERI'IIT // nlqq' o tt o OUT COI'IPLETELY OR TT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED PERI.IIT TNFORI{ATTON * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I -Electrieal {-uecnanicat [ ]-other Job Nane: YPrc+lArl. &qDAi& Job Addrer", 4aol q4^)p?nUs (*m LegaL Description: Lot Filing O!'rners Name:Address: Address: O ro* oF vArL co*srRucrrop PERMTT APPLICATTON FORM DATE: I Block_ Archirecr z ?vrtLw FtLw-& hfivA ll"So ILWW ceneraL Description:t verri t(1 cirl5 work Class: ffi-N"" [ ]-At-terat,ion [ ]-Additionai /'\I j -i(epair I AL: *********************** of Vail Reg. NO.ne Number: BUTLDTNG: $ Addressz ? a ? n> Electrical Contractor: Address: EI,ECTRTCAL: $ MECHANIcALt l--W CONTRACTOR INFORMATTON Plumbing Address: Contractor: Phone Tohrn Phone Reg. NO. of Vail Number: of Vail Nunber: Reg. NO. PLWBING PERUIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: te5,:,N / L,)t Town of Vait Res. No.la?-m Phone Nurnber: il::::::.::::::.::************** FoR oFFrcE usE *********!r*********************BUTLDING PERMIT FEE:BUTLDING PIAN CHECK FEE: PLT'I.TBING PINN CHECK FEE: I.TECHANTCAL PIAN CHECK FEE:RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERI'TIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATTIRE: Date ecerve(CLEAN !? rrEPosrT REFItrTD TO: AUG 0 5 1999 <f (.) J J l \sl \r 8X'I trJ no lol<tot0a t-to (L LJ e.l F E IA F - f z l u. IA u E F T< >2 llz IJZ I-l FF (J<)e (Y F'I ta) =E e F z. =ul z. .1- v )-)o trJ e 7 (\l <v)E (J z "=ZH YH u. trJ J J< 2Z rr{ tf .N cJ (t UJE z-z t-t t-t (L of F LrJ z= o-t; l! oH Fq ;q uJ zvt (L l.t J >? F r(y t-s(-) = t, TO!'IN OF VAIL 75 S. FROI{TAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 APPLICAIiIT CONTRA TOR O!'TNER DEPARTT,IEI{IT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THTS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE Permit PLTJMBING PERMIT rTob Address: 4301 GLEN FALTS LtiI Location.. -: 4301 Glen Fal1s Irane Parcel No. . : 2tO1--1-23-a3-001 Project No. : PR,J99-0059 AT ALL TIMES P99-0044 Status...: ISSUED Applied..: Os/20/1-999 rssued- . -: O5/2A/L999 E>rpires. . : L1-/1,6/L999 Phone: 97o-945 -t-038 HI_TECH PLT]MBTNG 45855 Hhry 6 & 24 LOT 57, HI-TECH PLI]MBING GI.ENWOOD SPRINGS, CO 8].501 Phone:. 970-945 -l-038 SPRTNGS, CO 81601 45855 HWY 6 & 24 LW 57, GLENWOOD TTMBER FALTS ASSOCIATES 228 BRIDGE ST, VArL CO 8l_657 Description: New plumbi.ng/radianE heating sys fValuation:21 ,298.O0 FEE SWMARY PLumbing- Plan check- - - > Inve€t igaCion> wi 11 call----> Total Calculatsed Peea- - - > Additional Fe€6------ ---> TotaL Pernit Fee--------> Payments---'---- 330. OO . oo 3. OO Resluarang PIan Revieir- - > .oo TOTAIJ FEES....'415.50 415 .50 '00 415.50 415.50 . o0 rrqm; .051_00 BUTLDING DEpARltllENT Dept: BUILDTNG Division:05/20/L999 KATIIY Action: APPR Approved pei'Jn ITEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTIUENT 'DEPT: FIRE DiViSi.ON: CONDITTON OF APPROVAL 1. FIEIJD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECI,ARATIONS I heleby acknowfedge that l have read thj.s appl.ication, filled out in full the informacion required, cornpleLed an accuratss plot plan, and state that all t.he inforEation prowided as required is co!!cct.. I aglee co conply rrith the informacion and plot plan, to conPLy nith afl Toi,tn ordinances and Ecate 1aws, and lo buitd Lhis stsIucture accordi.ng !o tshe To?n,s zoning and subdivisi,on codes, design review apptovod, Unifom Building code and oiher or.dinances of tshe Town applicable the!6to. REQUESTS FOR INSPEC1IIONS SHALI BE MA.DE TWET\TTY, FOI'R HOTJRS IN AD\IANCE BY OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM 5:oo PM HIMSEIIF AND OWNSR .-v **************************************************************** TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Statemnt,**************************************************************** Stat,emnt Number: PAC-0522 .Amount, : Payment, Met,hod: CIIECK Notation: #115 41s.50 0s/20/99 15:35 Init: KMW *************:*************************************************** Permit. No: Parcel No:Site Address: Locat,ion: This Palment Account Code PP 00100003111200 PF 001_000031_1_2300 wc 001000031L2800 P99-0044 Type: 2L0L-L23 -13 -001 4301 GI,EN FALLS 4301 Glen Falls B-PLMB PLI]MBI.NG PERMIT LN Lane Total Fees: 415 .50 Total Al-,L Pmts: Balance: Descripeion PI.,I,MBING PER!,IIT FBES PI.,AIiI CHECK FEES WIIJII CAIJII INSPECTION FEE 415 - 50 415 - 50 .00 Amount 330.00 82.s0 3 .00 \o REPTT3T Touil oF YArL, COLORADO O3/O8/2OOO 17212 REOUESTS - IIISPECTN UORK SHEETS FOR'. 3/ 9/2O PA6E 2 AREA: CD Actl-vlty: 899-OO42 31 9/2A Type: B-BUILD Status: ISSUED Conetr: IISFR Addreeg: 43Ol GLEil FALLS LH Location: 43Ol 6len Fallg Lane Parcel r 2LOI- L23-13-OO1 Osc r DerecrLptl.onl l{er SFR-Ketchan Ree. Applicant: EYAI|S-IiEI|DEL-ALLISOII COtlST.,IllC. Phone: Ovner: TIIiBER FALLS ASSOCIATES Phone: Gontractor: EYAIIS-HEIIDEL-ALLISOII COXST.,IllC. Phone: OggT Uee: V ll 970-445-0'466 979-445-0466 Inepection Regueat Infornation.... Hequestor: RICK Req Tl.ne: o,8zOO Gonments: Itens requeated to be Inepected.. - OO53O BLDG-Tenp. ClO Phone: 9O4-0!'5'4L Action Connentg Tlue Exp ./Qzzr1T/P,w< ! L-J2!2- / 'a ^/' . - E'/fri46rd:T tfr*it #+?nr/tu fqtT-43q)4@1+- ;;;;;WA-^Ke-I7i.f F-Dzzr-tu-n-frrvF-wrv-K-r{tr';r^az-azFz'------ Itldl tffiCr! ff 1tdnp. accees/drainage Iten: OOSAZ PH-Rough grade Iten: OO5O3 PU-FInal drivevay grade Iten: OOOLO Bl-DG-Footlnge/Steel 05/OEf99 Inapector: CD Action: APPR APPROVED llotee: APPROVED Oll COilDfTIOI{ THAT ALL SNOH, ICE AllD llUD ARE REIIOVED FROI{ FOR}IS PRIOR TO COIICRETE PI.ACETIEI{T INTERTOR PAD IIOT ALLOWED TO BE POURED UHTIL ALL }IOISTURE AND TCE IS RETIOVED FROII FORIIS O5llll99 Inepector: CD Actlonr APPR SIIILS REPROT RECEfVED Itern: OOA2@ BlD6-Foundetion/Steel td5/L3/99 Inapectorr JRll ActLon: APPR APPR ilAfNTAIN CLEARAIICES llotee: RE|IOVE DEBRIS/IIUD OFF REBAR BEFORE POUR. fl:em: OOS2O PLAII-ILC Sl.te PIan 09/o,3/99 Inepector: AO Actlon: APPR APPROYED Iten: o,o,A30 BLDG-FranLng O9/67f99 Inspector: CD Action: APPR APPROVED A9/L3/99 fnepector: CD Action: APPR letter fron etruc eng. llotee: THE LETTER OF FRAllIllG APPROVAL HAS BEEII RECIEYED AllD ALL REYISED DETAILS.Iten: o,o,g5,0 Bl.Dlj-Inaulation tO9/O9/99 Inupector: CD Iter: o,o,o,6,0 BLDG-Sheetrock llell. Ogl22/99 Inspector: JRlt lten: A4lL2l99 Inapector: CD g3/O5/99 Inapector: GRG OOOTO BLDG-llt so. OSI2S/99 Inapeotor: JRlt Actlon: 65127/99 Inepector: CD Actlon: llotes: ADJUST REBAR TO OBTAII 3r OF IOlOLlgg Inepector: JRll Aatlon: OtUDgt, BLDG-Flnal OO53O BLDG-Tenp, CIO oo332 Pll-TEltP. CtO oo533 PLAn-TEilP. CIO oo537 PLAI|-FrnAL CtO Action: ll0 SOfLS REPORT REOUIRED Action: llR CANCELLED, 6RG NOT TOLD Actl-onr APPR APPROYED Actlon: APPR APPROVED DII CONTRACTOR CAIICEL APPR DECK PIERS CLEARAIICE FROII THE SUBGRADE APPR APPT LATHE IIAILITIG (ort1- t?i'r Iten:Iter:Itenr Iten:Iter: PI[e// d(da/'t o o REPTlsT TOUI| OF VArL, COLORADO O3l6glz6$rn L7tl2 REOUESTS - I}ISPECTII HORI( SHEETS FQRI 3/ 9l2Qt PA6E 4 AREA: CD ActivLty: H99-OlfO 3/ 9/2O Type: B-tlECH Ststus: ISSUED Conetr: IISFR Addreee: 43Of GLEII FALLS Lil Location: 43Ol GELII FALLS Lil Psrcel z 2IQL-L23-13-OO1 Deecrlptl-on: l-ngtall ventlng/hunldiflctrtlon/all Appli.cant: CLIIIATE COIITROL CO OF 615 Ovner: TIIIBER FALLS ASSOCIATES Contractor: CLIIIATE COilTROL CO BF tiUS Occ: ductvork Uee: Phone: 974-943-2326 Phone: Phone: 970-945-2326 Inspection Requeet Requeetor: RICK Req Tine: QB;OO Itene requeated to OO39O IIECH-Final Infornstlon.. Connentgr be Inepe'cted. Phone: Actl-on Comnente 994-O541 Tine Exp Inspection History..... Iter: OO2OO ItECH-Rough tD9lO7 199 Inepector: CD ften: oo.246 PLIIB-Gae Piping fter: OOSIO llECll-Heating Iten: 60320 IIECH-Exheuat Hoods Iten: 0$336 IIECH-Supply At.r Iter: o;o340| IIECH-lliec.Iten: OO39A [ECH-F{nal Actlon: APPR all. duct rork REPTI3l o 6st6gt2ooo L7zr2 REOUESTS - IIISPECTII UORK SHEETS FOR: 3f 9/2O PA6E 13 AREA: JRlt Actl-vl.ty: ll99-OO4A 3/ 9l2O Type: B-ltECH Status: ISSUED Conetrr IISFR Addrees: 43Ol 6LEll FALLS Ln Location: 43Ol Glen Falle Ln Parcelt 2LOI-L23-13-OO1 Occ: Deecrlptl-on: l{ey pfunbg/radlsnt heat eye for nev SFR Appllcant: HI-TECH PLUIIBIIIG Phone: Orner: TIIBER FALLS ASSOCfATES Phone: Contrsctor: HI-TECH PLUIIBIIIG Phone: TOUII OF VArL, COLORADO Uee: 976-945-lO3A 970-945-lO3a Lnepectl.on Requeet Requeetor: RICK Reg Tire: O8:O0 Itens requeeted to 0O39O IIEGH-Final Inforratlon. " Cornente: be Inepected. Phone: 9O4-O541 Actl-on Conmentg Tlne Exp Inepection Hiatory Iten: OtDz@ ItECH-Bough Iten: OO24O PLIIB-Gee P1ping Iten: OO3IO IIECH-Heatl-ng ften: 0o320 IIECH-Exheuet Hoods Itenr OO33O IIECH-Supply Atr Iter: OO34O IIECH-llLec. LLlO4l99 fnapector: JRlt llotes: 2llD VISIT APPROVED LIIOAlgg Inepectorr CD Actl.on: PA FROIIT EITRY TALK Actl.on: APPR TIOT READY IST TIIIE SIIOUTTELT OXLY 90' AIR REAR DECK STTOUTELT llotee: tOO , PT FOR REAR DECK IOO ' PT FROilT AREA Iten: OO39g IIECH-Final REPTI3l TOUI| OF YAIL, COLORADII PAGE 14 AREA: JRl|6310A12060 l7zL2 REOUESTS - IIISPECTII HORI( SHEETS FOR: 3/ 9l2O ActlvJ-ty: llgg-Off9 31 9l2O Type: B-llECIl Statuer ISSUED Constr: IISFR Addreaa: 43Ol GLEII FALLS Lil LocatLon: 43O1 Glen Falle Ln Parcel : ?IOL- L?3- L3-OOI Occ:Uge: Deacrl.ptl.on: llechanical for 3 gaB fLreplecee Appl1cant: SUTTOII filSULATIIIG HEST, IllC. Phone: 970-945-1313 Ouner: KETCIIA|i LIilDA Phone: 284-494-2525 Contractor: SUTTOII IISULATIIIG UEST, IllC. Phone: 97O-945-13f3 lnepecti.on Requeet InforuatLon. Requeetor: RICK Req Tl.ne: OBTQO Connente: Phone: 9O4-O541 Itere requeeted to be ._f4spected. . .. Actlon Connentg oo3so tfEcH-Ft nat // f/aA/k/ vr/A 4 4r cTr2/ =F ftrlE PttT(as v-.z_l r.AutQ TJ.re Exp Inapectl-on HLetory Iter: OO2OO IIECH-Rough A9lO7/99 Inepector: CD Iten: gO24O PLIIB-Gaa Piplng Iterr OO3IO IIEGH-Heatlng Iten: OO32O IIECH-Exhauet Hooda Iterl OO33O tIECH-Supply ALr fter: OO34g IIEGH-lliec.Iterr OO39A l|ECH-F'l-naI Action: APPR all f/p vente =:_:t'-'::1f:ra _ryIv Fromi Mike Vauqhan To: loan Nol En Subject: ketcham res i dence ===NoTE===============3 /07 / :0--=2 : 43pm==r did a walk through today. we are okav with oivinq tfiem a tbmp tco. r stlll neecl to meet wlth c l'lve to test the system, but, by and 1arge, the svstem is qood. I have requested aid'itionai'address s'ignage(?) be p'l ace above the qaraqe door area, with contrastin6 baEkground and numbers. ). A 6nm -G . , P/^, r--// /-4so/ 6ft^) ,L,*tS /_/t^E- /y7-oo* a ittt il+ .s,'te't'r/ 0qi,/7/c'('/) ''ilr, nuE '/o,Y'fr;n f/*" c,/\) ilsJ so '/il! friri;,$,;Yw c'e"1) Ls lo'oe o'\') 7il,rr"n5 */t/n'U a ,j#/ Fl' { lu s//J M*f kf t^*)i/ do ffjr6; /b ,'t)rcess'%y &x %s Tc,' /;;,,,,^ fi// ,, ,r^/ on)7Taxs" -{/r \ | -\\ " ,.tr \'.F{> I \=rV*,(-r-\ - \ -^ F\ L o o fftvn DEPARTIiIENT OF COMMUNITY o DEVELO /^+ /.< (// / , ,- ,/ ,f;Kssf b/al TOWN OF VAII. 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, CO 81657 970-479-2L38 ToV/Comm. DeU?t"' Clean-uP D approved osit Refund THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT PROiIECT TITLE: ICETCTIAM RESIDENCE lli-w tsrn,P/s,DttP) PERMTT Permit PMENT TIMES 899 - 0042 sEatus...: ISSUED ApPIied..: 04/OL/L999 riiued..., 04/25/L999 Expires..: L0/23/L999 Phone z 9'lo-845-0466 Phone 970-845-0466 UniEs: 001 ValuaLion 344,255.0o 20 , 602 .80 15,208 .20 380, 06? .00 380, 067 .00 866,000.000 ALL #: amount date 2/z Address I-,ocation. . . arcel No.. : 4301 GLEN FALLS IN : 4301 Glen Falls L,ane z 2LOL-L23-L3-001 : PRJ99-0059 APPI-,ICAI\TT EVANS-MENDEL-ALLISON CONST', INC. P.O. BOX 8256, AVON, CO 81620 CONTRAC]TOR EVANS-MENDEL-ALLISON CONST., INC. P.o. Box 8266, AVoN, co 81520 OWNER TIMBER FAI.IS ASSOCIATES 228 BRIDGE ST, VAIL CO 8L657 Project No. Descriptlon:New SFR-Ketcham Res.Number of Dwelling Factor Sq. Feet 97.80 3,520 Basement 2L.24 970 25.56 595 SubEotal: 5, 085 Occupancy Dwellings Dwellings Private GarageE Type Zone 2 V-N Zone 2 V-N Zone 2 V-N Tabte DaEe: 05/L7/L996 Total Valuation: Town of vail AdjusEed valuaLion3 Fireplace Infornatlon: Resgricted: Ye6 *of oas ApPliances: I **+r**ri*rf**tt FEE SUUMARY 3,604 .00 Roatuarlnts Plen Rcviee_-> 2,4'r2.60 .00 #of oa6 Log6: 2 +of wood/PalIet: .OO Toeal Calculated Fee6---> 7'878'60 4oo. o0 Addirional Fee6---------> '00 Bui lding - ---- > PIan Chack- - - > Inve6!igatlon> will call---->3.oO clean-UP DePo6lt - - - - - - - - > TOTATJ nEEg------ Recrereion Fee_--_-_-_--> 449'00 Total PerrniE F..e--"----> 7'St8 60 't50. OO Paynent6_-----__ 'l'61a'5o ?,8?a.50 BALANCE DUE----- 'o0 IEeM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT DEPE3 -BUILDING DiViSiON: o4/oL/Lggg KATITY Actj-on: NoTE RouEed Lo Charlie 04./L2./LgggcrrlrrurnAction:APPRSEEcoRREcTIoNSI,IST ILCM: O54OO PI.,ANNING DEPARTI'IENT DEPE: PI'ANNING DiViSiON: ol/o:-/tggg KATHY AcEj-on: NoTE Routed to Brent oi'toi'ttgss AocHs Acti-on: APPR see conditions ILEM3 05600 FIRE DEPARI'I,IEMT DEPT: FIRE DiViSiON: o+/ot/:-gsg KATI{Y Action: APPR N/A rtsem: 05500 PItBLrc woRKs Dept: PUB WoRK Divieion: o4/o:-/Lgg9 KATI{Y AcEion: NOTE Roured Eo Leonard o4'/L3/Lggg r,sar'roove Action: APPR APPROVED 4-13-99 ITEM: 05550 ENGTNEERTNG DCPI: ENGINEER DiViSj.ON: o4/ol/L9g9 KATITY Action: NoTE Routed to Greg o4/26/Lgg9 KATHY Actsion: APPR per greg hall *Jrritrrtlttlttttttrtrtrrtt"attt*rr*l**tiiatr+tt*trttt*lr'r" i * * I * * r * * r * * * t r t r t r { r r r r r r t i * t t t * ., * a See Page 2 of this oo"lnt for any condiEions ,nrlt , apply to this permit. DECI,ARATIONS I hc!6by acknovl€dge that f havG r6ad lhls applicaclon, fllLad ouE in ful] cha infonnation requlred, coopleted an eccurace plot Plrn, and stabe that all the infornetion plovided ao requircd is correct. f aqree to comply erith lho informaiion and pl.ot plan, to conply with al1 Torn ordinanc€s and state laso, abd Eo build this 6t!.uccu!c according to the To!.n,6 zoning and subdivieion codca, design review approved, Unlfol"ln Building Code and oth6): ordinances of tshe Town appl{cablc LhereLo. REQUESTS EOR INSPBCTf,ONS S1TALIJ BE MSDE TI.IENTY ' FOT'R HOURS IN ADVANCB BY gcnd claen-Up D.troEiE To: Llnda K€tchao PAGB 2 ******************************************************************************** Permit #: B99-0042 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL as of 04/26/99 SEaTus: ISSUED ***********************************************f******************************** Permit. Tlpe: NEW (SFR,p/S,DUp) PERMIT ApplicanE : EVANS-MENDEI-ALIISON CONST., INC. 'JOb AddrESS: 4301 GtEN FALI.S LN I-,ocation: 4301 Glen Falls lJane Parcel No: 21_01-123-13-001 Applied: 04/OL/L999 Issued: 04 /26 /L999 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS ******************************************************************************** r.. THIS PROi'ECT WILr_l REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH ST'RVEY SHALI, BE SI'BMITTED AND APPROVED PRTOR TO REQI'EST FOR A FRAME INSPECTION. 2. ATTIC SPACES SHALL HAVE A EEILING HEIGFTT OF 5 FEET OR IJESS, AS MBASTIRED FROM THE TOP STDE OF THE STRU TURAL MEIIBERS OF' THE FLOOR TO THE IJNDERSIDE OF THE STRUSITJRAL MEMEBERS OF THE ROOF DTRECTLY ABOVE.3. Driveway changes musL be submitE.ed and approved prior to iss uance I TOWN OF VA!'J, C.OLORAIXI SLatcbnE r, t*** r r rt*.r*rrtr ti ar * trr * *ri**rJr P€rdic }Io. 999-oo42 fype: B-BUILD NEv{ {SPR. P/S, DIrP} 9E Parcel No: 2101-I23-13-0O1 Slt.e Addt.E6: {3Ol GIJEN FALLS LN Local1on: {301, elan FTIIB hane ?oca1 P€ca: Thia PaydaDE 1,417.50 Tocal AfJr Eldts: Balance: PF O0100003L12300 PIAII CI{ECX 'EES },D D2 -DEPO8 q.EA}II'P DBPOSITS * r* r r r i r r rr * * r* * * r Account. Cod€DeEcrip!.ion 1, 417.50 04/26/99 L5 :S). Init: Lc StaeeunE NuEbsr: REC-0509 AoounE: Pald.nE Machod: Cx( NoEarion: 1og7 RF r,110000:r.12700 RECRSAITON FEES wc 00100003112900 ytI!,L crI,IJ TNSPECTIoN PE8 7,A79-6D 7, 8?S. 60 .00 Amormt, ?50. 00 449.00 3.00 o2 o6 rJ F o2, do FU 9. H aq zo dE H & FI E F ql t q H E (, t H (H Al0 zo |llq IA dra E IH az 'o ot F t- U o A AI a, 4 lq F f; 6 I Fl 6 (, AFI 2Z &o qt E FFI AB =o HT A2 '<o ig o E HFt AZ oo AE Fl Fl FT z o lqE 'U z@ a E trFr o c|E H EO R i9 6 6- tl u !{ ;{ Fl o EI z E F (,l o t4 Erl t> lll t a{gao 4E qo I " EE8 pssqq.oo5g #:;';;;:,i;:;;,3;ti,iti;:" .,gIH"l; ;i1"",ff1{;I$",t* p.Fiirr il IiP^RCEL lt: J lO I I /v DATE: 4- t - qq l/ APPtrcATroN MUsr BE FTLLED our col'{pLETELy oR rT MAy No? BE AccEp"ED ^:j---n******:t****tr**'r***:r'*** PERMJT TNFoRMATToN *****,r*:r***rr*:t***r.***.**)r***, flt(-ruiraing g 3-llumbing [ ]-Electrical [ ]-Mechani-cal [ ]-other Job Name: tgAnU prstoang _ Job Addre ss: _4Zo/ 6ten F/JLL, ,4n*-- Legal Description: Lot / Block_ Firinq fa'V {i,rr#,,t";t^(?.otvts(4,- ---: -- I ^, -l -(rrl z owners Name: [.t,toa /teTcuuat arJ-^-- 4gc't ' l -'--"' Aodress: UatL . .t- 'At /.a.4 ^- 4d)-.t4t..7 Architect; Fntfzten fltlzce ,lnty Address : /t;as-b ,:.'ralq Oervr: ,^.;;**Lz GeneraL Descripti.on: Gnr.orr* rr,n, /,.,- ^*--,W r-_- work class:_ 0(-lr"r.r [ ]-Alrerarion [ ]_Addirion.r. i ,1*"n.r.; -- Number of Dwelling units: / ,\,rrhr^^* _- _ #^::: 1na rvne of Fireplaces: Gas Apptiances_ Gas ross Z wood/pe11".J_ {**************'t*****rt************ vALUATToNs * * * * * * )t * * * ** * * * * * * * *.* * * * * * * * * * * * *BUTLDTNG: $ .JSO, ono. ofi 4-@a.oo ELEcTRrcAr.: +____fu!rooo. clo oTHER: $PLIIMBfNG: g Contractor:. €VAns-:?IT'-}9T9L INFoRtATf ON * * * it * tt * * * * )r * * * * * * rr * * * * r, * * * *Address:Town of Vail Reg. llo-/{?-A 2l f)Phone Nunber: (t El-ectrical Contractor: Address: . Plunrbing Contractor: Address: fT1^r rh ^ a tt- .l r r\rw,il uI VaLI Req. NO,Phone Number: Torvn of Vail Reg- NO.Pnone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO.rnone Number: FOR OFFICE USE *********rr*********,r**********,i PLU}IBTNG PERMTT FEE:MECHANICAL PERHIT FEE:ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF TEE: Mechanical Contraccor.:Address: BU.rI,DTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE:PLTIMBING PI,AN CHEEK F.FE . MEcHANrcAi, puN--cHii"'x"inn, RECREATTON FEE: CI,EAN_UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERMTT ff,Dg:/1 | I BUTLDTNGt (' lJ^t>Qn Frn _i-- _- VALUATION STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: )\ \ ti,tDa hrun* /l / o o 75 s orJ lh lrontage road va ll, colora d o BIE57 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2t39 olllce ol communlly developmenl m^. FROI'J: DATE: cllrrYri.'.n.svsv rv\/l . ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOIfN OF VAIL Tovn'I oF VAIL puBLTc t.roRKS/coIftruNITy DEVELOPHENT IIARCH 16, t9B8 CONSTRUCTIOT{ FARKING E MATERTAL STORAGE ii.liltiititii3il"iii"il';,u.::l:?: !1.1r if- is unravrrul .ror ..ny ;5,ili:;'l:ii"l::i"a: "g'-ti" =;"5"iil.3ll, =;:li.Ii!*i"iili! ff3;i = tl I :; :: _ "il"-i Ii.l3;".i:I":::"";i.=iffilil } jil ;:";i, I;ilj;-",var.r srreets and roads i= approximateiy-r"ia."ir, pavement.This ordinance wirf-ue ;;.;:ii;"enforccd by the Town of VaiI ' pubtic-reorks o"oai[^.itl-'pJriins found .rilruflng this ordinance vi,-r be siven a 24 hour ".iil"n"r-.,.otice to*i;;;;;rsaid rnarerial.fn the event the person so notifi.ed.does not comply r+ith the notice rvithin the 24 rrour tim- lpecified, the putlic llorks Department vrilr rehove said rnareiili^il"l*:":..:::nori ried - ir.'J*pro,'i.sions ;r ir,ilill.i;""r:: :il:il=.'";to!""on applicable to ctnstruction, *.:-nt"n.r,ge ?r repair projects of any streer or at-Iey ". "ny'"fliitiu= in ir.,"^ii!f,i_u_"oy. To revievr-ordinance Nd_ e in fuLl, please stop by the Tovrn of ::li"::ii3i"g"Tf,i:'mll"::""iiiin a copv. riiuni you ror your I rl .i 'r'll acknowledged e. contractor, or+ner) t 75 3outh lronlag e road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-ZL3g o fllco of communlty devslopmellt EUiLDING PERI.'IT ISSUANCE TIiIT FMI,IE If thi's permit requires a Tov/n of vair Fire Department Approvar, ::;l !fi";;'n[iiil i ;.PI|1 ) t;; j "y' u nl l Jpp,^ouu r,'i pi'il,,ii ii!'bepa rtnent li;tii:ln"i i :'. ii?'ili!:'1, ;:";;X, u u loo J,':: J i:,,'il.;r'. d, iirl nd--' ili.:llli;i i :J, f I :':;";:_;Till i.:xo,':l LH' :l;liHH.ff f,' lt,yl I 1,,.,and smat) projects stiouro ii[e-;-i.;;;; amounr or iir..' However, if residential or sntalter,p"oj"fit-irii.i the various above mentioned i ii:';ff I T,,X i ll,^iE ni[: - t. I * : ; u iv"u u i'n, - th; ; ; ; ;i ;.', i-''uv ;l:;irill'!3i,''ll'o3;,Tif:.bv this crcparrnrent to expedite this i;.*li undersigned, ttnderstand the plan check procedure and time k ,t4-eq tFrer,6rl(3he,ffi 'Communi ty Develo5rment Departrnent. . MEI',lORANDUM TO; FFOM: DATE: RE: ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY DEPAHTMENT IS REQUJRED WORKS PERMIT'' ftt.s arding the need for a "public Way permit,: VEA ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easemenls or public propefi? . ls any'utility rvork needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls different access needed 1o site other than exisling dnveway? ls any drainage wort being done affecling the right ol way, easernenls, or public properly? ls a "Revocable Hight Of Way permit. required? A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. ll no lo 8A, is a parking, staging or lencing'plarr required by Community Development? I have read and answered allthe e questions. lf you, answered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way permit" musl be oblained.'Public Way Permit' applications may be obtained at the'puttic Work,s office or at c9.1n1u1ity Deve.lopment- ..lf you h.1ve_any questions please cait Charlie Davis, tho Town of Vail Construction lnspector, at 479-2158.' V 1) 2l 3) 4) 5) Job Name: .lZ Dale: Contractols Signature K { L/' { I K 6) 7) 8) K Date Job emp TOhIN OF VAIL 75 S. FROIiITAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 Job Address.. .:Location......: Parcel No.... .: Project. Number: Description: Mechanical for 3 gas fireplaces Fireplace Infornation: Restrict.ed: Y o DEVELO APPLICAM SUTTON INSULATING WEST, INC. Phone: 970-945-L313 5398 CR 154 #1, Glenwood Springs, CO 81501 CONTRACTOR SUTTON INSIJLATING WEST, INC. PhONC: 970_945-].31-3 5398 CR 1-54 #1, Glenwood Springs, CO 81-601 OUINER KETCHAM LINDA PhONE: 284-494.2525 PO BOX 187 ROADTOI,'IN TORTOLA. BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS 81557 DEPARIMEMT OF COMMIJNITY NOTE: THIS PERMTT MUST BE POSTED ON MECHANICAL PERMIT 4301 GLEN FAI,LS tN 4301 Glen Fal-ls Ln 2tO]--L23 -13 -001 PR,J99-0059 PMEI T ,JOBSITE Permit AT AIIJ TIMES #: M99-01-1-9 SEatus...: ISSTED Applied..: 08/3L/],999 Issued...: 09/07/L999 E>cpires. . : 03/05/2000 ValuaEion: $of cae Appliances:#Of Gas Logo I 4 ,725 .00 *of vlood/Pa11et I FEE SUI"IMARY Mechanical---> Plan check -> Invest- igat.i.on> will call ---- > R€EtuaranE Plan Revies- - > DRB Eee-- ---' TOTAI, FEES-- - - -- Total Cal.culated Fee6- > Additi'rna1 Fe€6 Totsal PermiL Fee------ --> i00.o0 25-00 .00 3-OO - 00 .00 124-OO 128.00 .oo 124. OO Pal4nent:r------- 128 . 0O BAIANCE DLIE.... -. -. ,OO rTEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT DCPL: BUILDING DiViSiON:O8/31/L999 KATITY Action: NOTE Routed to 'fRM 09./OT/A999 JRM ACTiON: APPR APPROVED JRM ftbm: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FTRE Division:08/31-/1-999 KATHY Action: APPR N/A CONDITTON OF APPROVAI 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. COMBUSTTON ArR rS REQUTRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR SECTION 701 OF THE ].997 IMC.3. INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANI,]FACTIJRES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CII.A,PTER 10 OF THE ].997 UMC, CIAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC.4. GAS APPLTANCES S}IALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CIIAPTER 8 AND STIALL TERMINATE AS SPECTFIED IN SEC.BO6 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE ].997 IMC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EOUIPMEI\TT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 AND SEC.]-017 OF THE 1997 T]MC AND CIIAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 ]MC.6. BOILERS SHALL BE MOI]\ITED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST.I]NLESS LISTED FOR MOI]I.ITING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING.7. PERMIT,PI"ANS AI{D CODE A}{ALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPEETION REOI]EST.8. DRAINAGE OF MECHANIEAIJ ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT_WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EOUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC.t022 0F THE 1997 IIMC, OR sEgrION r-004.6 0F THE l-997 rMC. ******************************************************************************** DECLARiATIONS I hcr6b!, ackberyIodgr rhat t hrv. rG.d thid alrpllcrtion, ftll.d out in fu11 tha hferEarion r€qul!.dt coNnp16t€d an .ccuflt'. plot Plan, and rtrtr thrE al1 llrr itrf,ornatsloqr PlovldEd aF !.quLrad is correci. I -g8.. to coElrly xttsh the ilforratlon rnd ploc pl,an, tso c@trtly rith aLJ, loyn ordin.nc.. rnd ELabe lar.. rnd !o build thi.a st-uctur., according tso bh6 T0r|r,6 zo,nilrg |trd Eubdlviaion codct, da6iEn rc"lilt rpprovad, llnifona Building Code anal dthpr oldLnanceg of tshc Torn .pplic.bl. ch!!cto. RBQOESaS FOR TNSPECIIOXS SHAr,rr Bu lltDE rlrElrTy-FotrR BOT RS rS BY TEIJEF!'ONE AT 479'6 oR AT Oti OIFIG mOU s!00 llt 5100 pil 3IS!B?trEE Ot OmfR Otr CDTIRI,(IIOB POR nM,{'E!F A$D cnNAR *r*t*artrrtttatt|l tatatt!l*rr TOr[f ol vtrt r corroRADo gtatcGL fllttltita*a*t.+rltttlattia*llttilrtttatrtttrl.*!tfrrraritiitat***t! gCrBtEnL !{udblt , REC-O557 l|lount r tz|.0o Ael07199 09t3A P.l&bnB l|lthod ! C& Sotrtien r OgOt/IJrEt|'rnt lniB 3 ,tl| Pllllt lo: ut9-0r19 tylre: B-}lEclI llE('$IxcAtr tBllllI Patccl f,o! 2101-1,t3 -13 -001 gita lddr.i' r {3O1 Et El Pl',t s Lta Ipcation: {:Ol clar la1le Ln aoc.I Fcasr 1:8.00 lttt?ttttntitrttrLtt:trttirttttt**rrit:ttrittttratat**!tttrtrira'ltttr lccount. d!D.|clipEion PryEcrrl 14a. 00 Totel .A!I! Puts ! Btllrrc! I fp ooldooc3tt 1300 xEc$tNlct! gEilrII rEEg PF .0010000311.2300 Ptal{ cHacK FaBg rC 001.00003112800 *ItrL CLIitJ tlt8PEClro!| lEl 12t. 00 .oo aDutrg 100. d0 ?s!oo 3.00 t 'I .' -' '\ , Pzfa!-oo5a ' .}'' il, S1 : :',f : : ; " ; : U,l,i;i, o F vA r L "o*"rouPrQ[![*.lq i u e',., -..,?J 7 1t "::'-m nu*'lillllLrcArroN ronilub- 23 1999 I ..TCATION I'IUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEP'IED -"( * * 't 't 't !t * * * * * * * * * * pERMrr rl{FoRMATToN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * [ ]-Building [ ]-Plunbing t I -Electrical {J -Mechani-cat [ ] -other \ t.' -t , f\,, I k.l.,Lo* &r,J.^. " Job A<ldres", !jcl- Cl.^ $lj. t Job !{ame: Legal Descript,ion: Lol-_ Block--_ Filirrg suunrvls ror,t : Architect:Address: General Description: o!^,ners Narne:-lftl=-Drl'-$*.1,-- Address, 928 E,tJy Sl. {;,1) nflnn. Ph. t- d s: Ie t_! *tr er_ nit PeI 4tl *** *** NO oth nU od/ '*& *** eg. t- io Wo ** rt* R Repair I ccommodat Loqs I - --f-- ;-.!f&r,liy OI.IIER: $ TOTAL: $ *r.******* n of VaiI ne I'lumber ditional I j - I'Iunber of A t".=.2 c.=fFr^rvl!B JONS * *'* * ra*\* * T:-rao o- NFORMATIOI'I *,r Tow Pho l.teration [ ]-Ad( I _{_ aces: Gas 7\ppliar I HeoL-p'Glu ********* vn LUAT_ EI,ECTRTCAL: $ MECIIA}.IICAL: $I *** CoNTIU\CTOR Il l-A its: repl H.?i **.** wl Un I"i *.* * -Ne ing of t(l ,r*Jr tor -=--; lv:\3,|xJ\o ***** t.lork class: [X] Nurnber of Dwell llJrrnber and 'Ivoe (..(.€.*pst;ii.t BUILDING: $- L'LUMBf NG: $I |1************t(*teneral conl-rac Address: Electrical Contractor: Address:Town of Vail Phone Number: I'own of Vail Phone l.lunber: Reg. l{O. Plumbing Address: Contractor:Reg. No. Town of vait Reg. No. 'llqrr\Plrone ltunber: 445. 1Jt> E/too1 oFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDING PI,AN CTIICK FEE: PLUMBING PLAN CHECI( IEE: ------.- MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FNE: -- RECREATION FEE ;ifill.gi^ili6;*prte R e GFrerF_ AU6 A4 m0-- BUf LDING: .ah STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: litechanicaL Contractor: S Address: ***************rt**************** FOR BUTLDING PER},III' FEE: PLUMBING PBRMI'I' FEE: MSCHANTCAIJ PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL T'BE: OTHER TYPE OF FBE: DRB FEE: Connents: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT RETUND TO! VALUATION lili luwn n llfll 75 soulh lronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2I38 or 479-2139 olllce i:f communlty developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED I,IITH THE TOr{N OF VAIL ToI.lN Op VAIL pUBLIc WORKS/cotrMUNITy DEVELOPIIENT MARCII 16, tgBB CONSTRUCTION PARKING & }TATERIAL STORAGE -_'i_:-l:+_- rationship to FiojEEE- TO: rROM: DATE: SUBJECT: rn sunmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for any person to Litter, track "r a"p"=it.any ".if,*.l"il nuna, debris or naterial, tn.t:g::n_tru=n--iu*fisters, portabte toilers and workmen vehicles. upon any sLreetl sidewalk, alley or public place or anv porribn ur"i."il--;r". risht-oi-;;;";" all rown of Vait streers ancl, I?og* is approii*.i.iy-s"it.-iri, pavernenr--This orclinarrce wirr- be stril[iy'-Jnforced by the Town of Vail Pubric r'lorks Deparrment:--;;;;l"r rouna "ihu-eini trris ordinance wirr be given a 24 hour "ri{i;;";obice--to-iiil"".r""id mareriar.Itr the event the person so notified.does not comply with the notice withi' tr,i_.zc hour til;-;;""ified, the puttic works Department will renove said rnateii"t -.t the expense of perso.notified' 'r'lre provisionr-"r- ittr" ordlnance shart not be appricable to cbnstruction, ruirl"runge 9r repair projects of any street or alley or any utilitres in the right_a*way. To review Orclinance No. 5 in full, please stop by the Town of :3:i":lii3*'g"Tfli:'n:ll::'";i;i" a copv. ri'ani. you ror your d acl<no 1c*Ja*zr - (i.e. contractor, owner) MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC MAY 9, 1gg4 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY WORKS DEPARTMENT PEBMIT'IS REOUIRED (t+.\o; Zesid o",.o.r ollowing questionnaire regarding lhe need for a "public Way Perrnit": NO YES 1) ls lhis a new residence? \ 2) ls demolition work being perlormed that requires lhe use of lhe right ol way, easemenls or public froperty? 3) ls any utilily work needed? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ls diflerent access needed lo site olher than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done aflecting the right olway, easemenls, or public property? 7) ls a "Flevocable Right Of Way permit" required? B) A. ls the righl of way, easemenls or public property to be used lor staging, . parking or fencing? - Please answei lhe have.qead and answered alllhe above questions. ignature B. ll no to BA, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? It_V9q algwered yes to any ol lhese questions, a "Public Way Permil' must be obtained.'Public Way Permit' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's oflice or at C9.ry[1u1tity Developmenl. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town of Vail Construction Inspeclor, at 479-2158. Dat Job Name ot's >3 ?9 Big, Bold and Beautifrrl Open hearth is standard, doors are optional Listed as a decorative fireplace in the United States and Canada i tl ll _ _.--,{ I -i 4'- :', LBV-43 . Gcrrerous 24-518" tall, 43" wide screen operring with reccssed screen pockcts . 50,000 Btu/hr input charred oak log set with glowing enrber bed . Ust's 8" B-Venr or BC-8 chimney . I{eady for on/off wall switch or remore conrrol . Optional glass cloors and outsidc air kit availablc CI GAS E*II,,#BMB There are conventional, *l**- ireplaces. fuid then there's Superio/s LB Series - much larger in size, and a big step up in class. The IBV is a lot bigger, where it coturts the most, in its generous F. View T- TlYzt Right Side \tetm interior firebox dimensions. Due to recessed fire screen pockets, its 43" screen opening can be measured virtually rock to rock. The LBV is a generous 20" deep, 24" high fireplace. However, size is just a small part of the story. With features such as an incredibly realistic 50,000 Btu/hr log set and clean face front, the LBV provides a custornbuilt look thafs a class of its own. lnstallation and venting are easy, thanks to Superiols proven BC-8 chimney system or standard 8" &venl Remember, there is a stepup gas fireplace that will help take your home to tlte next level. It's called the Superior LBV Available in natral or propane gas models. Complete, onepiece chimney top. Storm collar. F-irestop spacer - secures chimney in ceiling or between Roofflashing. floors. I 71/8tl .L I€ft Side \lew 8" BVent or BC{ chim- ney system. Easy to install, no tools required; snaps together. Minimum clearance to combustible materizrls. Frame with wood fuht up to fireplace. Optional outside air kiL Realistic refractory interior with hidden screen pockets. Smooth front face. Construction anchors secure fireplace to floor. Standard log Top _ Optional glass doors / available, your choice of fnishes and styles. Distributed bv /4r,:\-*\ SSUPERIOR=\WV/ tu frTheFircptre C-onpny \ ./ ,{!125 tutesia Ave., Fullerton, CA 92833 , (714) 521:7302 Printed in U.SA 01998 by Superior Flreplace Company Plants in Fullerton, CA; Union City TN. Est1932 All Superior yenled gas fire4laces include a oneyezr lirniied wafl"ntla lnner L 527r'. - -- ''t"' EnlrXll <-_t> \L==- Ernber bed kil Bag of volczmic rock. Sutton Insulating West 5398 CtyRd 1s4 #1 Glenwood Springs CC E16Ol 1-800-s71 -1011 View Frarnil)g Dimcnsions Model vidrh Height Dcprh r,Bv.132,i 53"50'25 tl2" NOTE Diagmms and illustradotrs 3xe not to scale and should not be used lor iarnirlg purlroses - consult insl,rallation instructions. Product designs, materials, dimensions, specifcations, colon and prices sub.ject to change or discontinuance without notice. Built to ANI 221.50 Standard and approved by AGA (report # U970023) . Consult your dishibutor for local freplace code in-formation. P/N 904049 REV A 8/98 CFX MoDEL FEATURES . lnnovxtite dsiign ullous finishing pxxlucl,s to he brought Light up to thc opening. pxrvirlirrg a redistic masonrl krok o A mixtule of split lnd u'holc ork $vle logs creirte I spectaculer ftlsclnhhnce of a traditional carttpfirt . f.rllrrtled r4rt'ttittgs Itotirle lt p:tttor:ttttic tieu of the gloning fin: . llealistic blick rcfrirctor_v lends [o ils xuthentic nr:Lsortr_\ look . 0l)tional rcm0tr cortrol is the ultin|lte irr convenicncc . u"/ct L li$cd . \\'ull srvitch irrclutlctl INDIVIDUAL MoDEL FEATURES Modcl CFX-DA . Sealed combLrstion cilrnrher keeps flre u:u'rr uil in ltnd the cold uir oLtt . 40,000 BTtl s/Hr: Input cnhunces the flurrres lnd buming crultts . 6 sets of optlonxl tkxrs lvrillble . Drafi rt-ssisted dcsigrt ullous up fo 50' of lurtizorttri renting. +0' o[ rcrticll rcntiug xn(l 8 ellxxvs lirr e\en m0r'e instlrlllrtion 0pp0rtun ities Model CIX-36'I' . 60,000 lJ'l'Ll s/Hr |rput cnhrLnccs thc flrtntts arrrl buming enrbcrs . 4 sets of optionll drxrs ltvltillblc irrcluding bilbld, md cabirret stvles in vlrious finisltts . 0ptionrl ntesh sct'een . lJi-metallic flLu: rlarlpcr fot conl,cnient, st'cLre closttte . Apprortd rl'ith (llrus A (lhirnncl Srstent Model CFX-'I'V368 . .11,500 u]'t l s/Hr: lnput enhluccs thc tlanttrs and buming enbcrs . 4 sets 0loptionlrl doors uvailablc including bi'fold, uch itnd crtbinet shles in vutious fintshes . (\)tionxl nresh scteen . l.ii rrrelrilic t1Lrc tllnrpcr fbr con\enient. secure closute . Appnx'ed lvith 6" Ii vent fbr installltiou I'crsatilitv '1/ HEAT.N. No one builds a better fire ll[,\T !i G1,0, I divisi(nr of Ileal1h 'le(:hnologi(,s lnc. 20tt0l licDsirgl(n lloul(\ard. Lakerillc. MN 5504'i (612) 9E5-6000 rax (612) 985'6001 Emlril us at info@hcilnglo.collr l'isit our Wcb site at rt\$,.hc". nglo.con) Modcl CIX-DA Corner Side Top Model (;l[-:tdl' Corner r81'f I r 33 t-_-!,T-f"ul "'"#+.'" 30/3 10 1T Feter ro inslallation manual lor detarled specilicatrons on Inslal|ng Ihrs prodrrct HEAT.N GLO reserves lhc riqhl lo upd;rle units periodically. The llams and ember appearance may vary based on lhe lype ol lucl burned and the venling conliguration used. RC S rart Remote Control ffi\ | \e001/ J \'#/ l'|NilN]L'|'.{'nlLtrrnn]])r|l1l|i'l1N|l'l|lLlL|ll]l[{|!l1[$)+ rillr'r) ')iitj. rf.t r,r3 +N i.rlj+. i0l{) lll0L(.r,rll;.1rrl).lir5lr)l,r_'i.ll3L)\j.i.1lsj\(r.51.1'11')i: i]i]rl)si5]()-:i1)lli|i1^r|tx]t)i{i'()l).i!l,iN].1i;iLrxLlxl|l.]i]1)6l].)-a()|l)!.]ll'ii(I1|\|ll].)]j\] L\d! Zr I r I r lrlrlllri r) | lr li r rl lLrr l]| lrL[ r$ \ r r.r Modcl CFXTtv36B Cornef f1 S P E C I F I C AT IO N S MODEL HEIGHT FFONTWIDTH BACK WDTH DEPTH FNONT GLASS OPENING Acl!al Framing Actual Framing CFX DA 38r 38 3r4 39 3r1 22it)39 3'a 19 1ra 2A 1A 35 it4 x23 3t4 CFX.36T/CFX.TV36B 35 5r16 35 i 3'r ti 35 ,4 36 r1 21 2 36 3r4 18 3r4 19 3/4 32 7tB x 22 313 B HEARTHF]RE REV C 4/99 WfrSTDNNP GAS FIRE LOGS tNn DM ofi tr?*, The HARGROVE WESTERN PINEI Experience the beauty of mouniain grown pine in the comfort of your own home. Craftsmanship and details so refined you will be checking your fingers for splinters. HARCROVE'S Westem Pine logs are cast from real pine tre€s selected for their knarls and twists. CLEAN: No logs to carry in, no ashes to carry out, no messy woodpile! HARGROVE gas logs produce less pollution than burning wood. SAFE: HARCROVE logs are cast in refractory concrete and reinforced with steel lath. lhey will withstand temperatures of over 20000 F. and eliminate dangerous sparks made by wood flres. ECONOMICAL: For less than the cost of burning wood, these logs will radiate heat for hours after the gas has been turned off. CONVENIENT: A realistic fire is yours, complete with glowing embers, by simply striking a match and turning on a valve. All HARCROVE vented gas log sets are designed to fundion in a tully vented metal or masonry fircplace with a natural gas supply where wood can be bumed safely. The flue damper must be fully open during use. HARGROVE gas fire logs carry a limited lifetime warranty against breakage in the original fireplace. All accessories carry a two-year limited warranty in the original fireplace. Beautifully Ho n d Fi n i sh ed Highest Quallty Constudlon HoftestCustomer Seruice ;:m ,w 1. HAND FINISHED FIRELOGS Ieature that mak€s HARCROVE All sets include: Z PEDESrAI GRATE is specially designed to place the logs ln p€rfect position for the best flame pattem. 3. EMSER BURNER PAN is made of heavy 16 gauge steel and fomrs the foundation for the bumer medla. /L slLlCA SAND is used to maxlmlze diffusion of natural gas. Vermiculite is us€d wilh propane. 5. EMBERS qeate tl|e iflusion of a bed ot gou/ing coalg 5. CINDERS are used to decorate the flreplace floor for a "finished" look. PINE c 497 Ha€rcve MIB corp. are the ultimate 7. CONNECnOR is used to ioin the gas hg se6 authenlic! gas supply to the ember trumer pan. FIREPLACE Bring these measure- ments to your dealer for assistance in sizing a Hargrove Cas l-og Set. FlreDlace DeDth: Fireplace Width:_ DIMENSIONS Fireplace FIoor width -8" Measurenenl should be taken 6" to 8" inside thc fircbox opening OPTIONAL: 8. sAFfiY PILOT VALVE combines the convenience of orfoff control with safety feature. Available factory assembled. ' When operating on propane gas, a safety pilot control is required. Please sp{ify Natural Cas or Propane Cas Manufactured bv HnRGRovE MANurncnlnrructoRpoRATloN Sand Springs, Oklahoma For the hottest service in the industry please contad: when ordein& #! Elid[t"" /^A @W JO8 KRM coNsur-res, rxc. P.O. Box 4#2 Vail, Colorado 81858 (970) 949.9391 l(arc H**LFAft 8PFe4 e' 1 5 77 811-oo'/x - araa, "o. I CALCULAIED BY OATE CHECKEO SY ':**A )I/ A;*- lo4 sp !pv,ru, fu* \,ots f"^co" ?""rf Aol"c rur. Lwn g (-*,- \''sr"5 oli oY 1X.t G.Er.rrfi" hJlr.r, A5 SNarN 1,ht tt - "11 < t "') Date Received Bqror-r or' UWru\ furA \o,,sff -- WX\ilr( sEP 13 1999 C':11 $LlcC 6ru* f,pt5r3 SrwNoxtta,, ti- CaJLD D, y- Tl.,N/t frTrnr/r--zso @lL' lfll -.,/r*-z*g,; l8 to t? li u, :J =' ; =\\ l(HM cm,*,-rfrs 'n'c PIlEr{4!fi! vALrfl rE4D 81658 l97olg4Se|gl lFAq94srsi? tl It I DATE: 4/LIhI FAX TO: l. NAME r..W'6onV.,n., 2. NAME n'rrwlrr / .@ COMPANY FA)(THANSMITTAL 3. NAME COMPANY FAX 4. NAME COMPANY FAX PROJECT:JOB NUMBEF: Grc*Ar Zrsrcr^,cn *?tlo-"t I WE TRANSMIT HEFEWTTH THE FOLLOWING ITEMS IIN ADDITION TO THIS TRANSMITTAL}: # PAGES: DESCRIPTION: 3 REMARKS: Tiraxr15 KRM coNsuatf", ,*". P.O. Box 4572 Vail, Colorado 81658 (970) 949.9391 FAX (970) 949-1577 ,o, I4>c*an fruaroa gqo-ot SHEEI NO. CALCULATED 8Y CHECKED 8Y '1 lt n t I ^^.._ J/4., ? l-O ov^LE ,. t ' lll - 'll ttt =ll\ 9s: /uu Fi- ,,-f +4-1is 1'> g'' /v ._ I l\ l\\ C'jds fuu- Ar fu/+4-nts e tz" (4)*it rr,*tn' '/"* 1r!gE' ,i .$ I I a/I (ovrttD 1 KRM coJf:H.t-1f,"' '*"' Vail, Cotorado 81659 (970) 949-9391 FAX (970) 949.1577 SHEET NO. CALCULATED BY , , 'r --, o6;- -TFrcrxItSJ '^/ i -$1=- E-= (e) uvrrl-s ."y /"" ?"*.o, Orr (rp,.rr a:r* ?r-t.n -St\{.r!Ts . Gi.un t-*O No,. Tocr1qL - -- -sroccr^- \ors-5 /Qoo,ur rrr,, n*\\;-'.,. Zxlt-Lpcr<rcrrS ez4' z< Iz sjuq.l.lfrl SUO'Fosc-r\ CurvcD ?gwrO tamuuS Sot Drro,e (: r't,,-r) KHMBrsrLrls,Nc PIIF<4!NA vAL Cq-GAm €1e58 lsrTolg4ssEl IFA)q s.$r tIt D^rEt 3/lo/q FAX TO: COMPANY 2. NAME CoMPANY Lvu*:.i flr*'rcou A'lrSorrl FAX l-$g- \ls'AGS FP( THANStIiIITTAL 3. NAME COMPANY FAX 4. NAME COMPANY FAX PROJECT:JOB NUMBEF: I WE TMNSMIT HEREWITH THE FOLLOWING ITEMS IIN ADDITION TO THIS TRANSMITTAL}: # PAGES: DESCFIPTION: FEMARKS: fEUccNE;L-''Ui,\E 9ffiffi"t"o ' lgr0lg4sagt FAqs.$rtzl E RFI E MENNG NOTES - -l-ru- lrrPrrr il-n0'V l\as {c 5(jg '!rtf'- fu>rru'JG gcls'u Sr;rsL' EECOED O RESPONSE JoBf -$l4- / cr-anrnceTloN/ctlANcE Tric /o'-i-ot^''rF\G eAAIJGTL llrs Bdl.,\ fl,toi" -Tc -frv- Imr'rlcrrra-oe Q'sris 1il(v E*Lquasr fe-n 3epqp1-s6 lcD ot (utux{f f 'o* fSnrfl\lv'\ S[tr-] C\lA\rito /rrcn Sr'aO o* ]'-oJ- 6rv6,tu cltlwlSplCi- Sr'a snnlro t' tf l-vp.tr/ l-kr"o"V /\,r-,s"' KRM coJo:g1rfs, r.rc. Vail, Colorado 81658 (970) 949-9391 FAX (970) 949-1577 t )tf )/4 1 l\a cALcuLATED By Li4\ oor. CHECKEO BY 4-N"n,,uoa, &trc' lrCI oril-L'k-,er-u" l*,'*ttralt cvtuv t/4'" /c< .r**>wcs\ of^,4"\ -'l \: -'l'qw €- 51eauJr,-c Sco \lli ?r.t tp. 4s: g la' (A,.'"t* I Yfr,r"rrtrf,ivrJ . nnrrl ?'?! S -, ( \)- 'r =rll ll) l.r -ql o 4t 7"1 . ,,( c-r,Fi\ AtrrYro y'c--*r l'1r.,lrlV (nrn lua6 rftrro/ao-zs. gz{J 174<1|&uw t:,xs*AlY4/" 6" L<7. p.r<rr.. g 2.4' 3r.:"r.,t- SPgt t4n=),-r"tir.*n T.c.\|}o +i1:( lVa'T\\ftnc-zso 9tb'' ,i if,Ss r: lr h <: \-'\d '^-\1... eSD-.;'._9,1 g4r' 'z' tl"- \i. ix;-';s-'L KRM .o*rurrJ},'*"(9701S4tls!191 lFAq94915Z/ PA.eo< 4572 vAtL cg-cFAm 81658 ),t DArE: G/zl/q1--- FAX TO: Fil(TRANSMITTAL 3. NAME 1. NAME l,rrP,t*r,e / - COMPANY cAv 4)h41ol l-a^. - t-ig | | | 4. NAME 2.NAME COMPANY FAX COMPANY JOB NUMBEF: WE TRANSMI' *.,,*,," THE FOLLOWING ITEMS (IN ADDITION TO THIS TRANSMTTTAL}: # PAGES: DESCRIPTION: a t-- COMPANY FAX FAX PROJECT: REMARKS: [Fl4**LrA,f Nc vaL rfl rrum 81658 l97ol !r4s9391 (FA)q 94SI1s77 RECORD ! RFI N MEFNNG NOTES ,^rr, tfrr/, 1gs s ltlo-ol ff clRnrncnfloN/cHANcE I RespottsE Tna lou.orJtNG cl\axv3t Hps tsEft;..') flnop ro TNL Srn'pcrurt'ae Drrovtlrr...\(5 ?fIL AP'r"'n$r, Q*rr''tssrler-l xlrnr LJ>flLl l4p'xe or EvANs l-lil-or{- l*gusoN ,atrc S.ftFARxIIL brtn oV fu'rutql (,aua Snn+\ - ar-.r. ,"frt l.z: -Tr{t ff.or$ E"rr.,Cron- T>EJj( {*xtr'-lc' f\as Bral cNaNct.,I, ,(nq r%e.i: g, tu" To rf/t ocis g lzl-\-w Lt>ctg l\os tU"* gAA-\qiD fun LVL ilrratttL -lo LSL l1'crrurL 6om,q AlOt/4'/^*-sccu gLl' 0.c. -frrt- Drtrr tx.'.rrs Sl\b(t Ar, Q,'FPRD a\q2 {\rL DTHPSoN %sr C,aPS 5*sw Blc (,unt*z;txs). G* prm<;rrD fu.VrsQJ /rU oo^u) COPY TO: 6,, 41b-h"l KRM coNsutJ.=, '*..P.O. Box 4572 Vail, Colorado 81658 o7a) s49-939r FAX (970) 949-t577 "orru*rao ," l*A SHEETNO. - OF tlu , -.--\t/, L 'f.0ifi' '.t1 \ l/- j , \ i C)W't y*-scs sz4' (+Jtr"lNo,u g b" *Z#''_dL Y f,o.Pvv"O v- x441'-a l--to.lt{w F ;rc:sk--v-To'w @*0 :/l ,il,?:.t\/f*-?serr r?/rnfu-zso gt1" (ff.ri'", gsoni .-',-) r/+^rt/y ar ryrD.'- PRooucT 207 KRM.**rr^l,'*''tsTol S49.*191 tFAJq 94$152/ ifi,-lilHfo "'u' / t Fil(THANSMITTAL oorr, ()/ Lqf ql FAX TO: 1. NAME 4. NAME COMPANY FAX wE TRANsMti "rar*t* THE FoLLowlNG I'EMS (lN ADDtrloN To THls TMNSMITTALI: REMARKS: 3. NAME lr*.r* f1ra"' coMpANY J"n S'r'tt rnx l-1+o -4?+-to"Y coMPANY fuwrxt-r'Yr*n KRM coNsuLrANrs, rNc. P.O. BOX.lSZ VAJL COLORADO 81056 p7!) g4€lqpl (FNqS4S15? RECORD DATE: PROJECT; 629/1999 Ketcham Residence JOB NUMBER:9810-01 fna I I MEENNG A'OTES Ll RESPOTTTSE fi atmncenoN/cHAucE The following changes have been made to the structural drawings per a phone bonversation with Larry Moore of Evans, Mendel, Allison Construction on 6128/99: 1. Due to architectural background changes in the master bathroom, the (2F1 314x5 1f2 LVL post carrying the multiple LVt- ridge beam has moved east approximately 48 inches. (see attiached partial roof plan for clouded cl'langes). 2. This concentrated load from the above mentioned cfrange will also effecl the master bathroom floor framing. (see aftached partial upper floor framing plan for clouded changes.) COPYTO: Fritzlen, Pierce, Smith Arch Evans, Mendal, Allison Job Site, File JOO a\l- lvl |trrll r\LgresrrYE {--'- -' KRM CONSULTANTS, INC. u",,T'o.",3lJooottbu (e70) e4e-s3e1 Fox (970) 949-1577 1arz SrEET ilo.06/28'o9 KRM CONSULTANTS, INC. u",,T'3",3lJoJtnt (s7o) e49-93e1 Fox (970) 949-1577 SIIEET o. SCAT ox.r o6/2a/gg . l.' | .- -l' :,.'^:r tr- )6? i'' ' ..1 '1 .. a:t.t-.r. i. ""- . ?rii l- ,-..:.-{: I I I 't'll I lr -._t,li I .:;l i .. I I t.!'q -:18 . il I I I N ffi, 1 i N. t^ o,.I' o' a -il .. .it .l- { -o '.li r. r I -= t +o -hJ-(Jl o I I v F tl 6 I l -E -ctr I - tr a .e U/ I t I re x (,9' +*F' ',,i ,/{:w T7i -K rA ./?i,97 7 '-!v./.A\.: i r/,z-./= { Jts_tl tl l/7 /l v t I I l Z T .i =I :1 L..-. )& €l! N o.^ I I I 00 .(,,r I I 0@ (,(,r,. I N.t x N x N l.N x N x N x r $,$, I 0 s q KRM "o*rr.tlh",,*".P.O. BOX 45/2 vAt coLoMDo 814s8 (97O)949@1 FAne4+r57 FAX TMA'SM'TTAL DATE: 9f21199E FN( 1. NAME: StePhanie Lord COMPANY.' Fritzlen PierceArch FA)(: 1-9704764901 2. NAME: AndyBober COMPANY: Evans Mendal Allison FN* 1-970€454465 JOBNUMBER: 9810{1 PROJECT: Ketcham Residence TO: NAME: Larry Moore COMPANY: Evans Mendal Allison FNC 1-970-424008 Nr'/lTE: COMPANY: FNC WE TRANSMIT HERE1AIITH THE FOLLOWING ITEMS (IN ADDTIION TO TH'S TRANSMITTAQ: #PAGES: DESCRIPTION: 1 Field Report 9/1/99 RETTARKS: KRM coNSULrANrs, rNc. P.O.8c'X4572 VAL COLOHADO 8165A (ETOIs4s&}l (FAo s4*1sz FIELD REPORT TO: FriElen Pierce Arch Evans Mendal Allison ATTENTIQN: Stephanie, Andy, Larry PROJECT: Ketcfram Residence JOB NUMBER: DATE: ARRIW: DEPART: IIWATHER: 9/1/1999 1:@pm 2:00 pm Warm & sunny 9810{1 This was a final framing observation for this pro1ect. The folloMng items are noted: 1. (3)-2$ stud packs are required beloi,v the triple rafter beams supporting the small dormers over the guest bedroom 2. Solid blocking is required between the floor joists that cantilever over the front entry, creating the upper balcony. Othenvise, ftaming appears to comply with the structural plans and specifications. I COPYTO: Friklen Pierce Arcfr Evans Mendal Allison file 07/23/Sg 2l:35 Fi[X 9704764901 I.'PS ARCH ITECTS Far Cover Sheet 7- zb-71 c"'v-sDovr5 4VI-2152 Keratra=r,t ?F-:e<H-dr\4.E 6-=Pr{..r.\t=. \-oe> .a (-,'FtADA|l=, - 4tt, C^*t Date: To: Far: Re: Scnder; g8t c-rl.s/ Slragryr_y. @ol FRITZLEN PIERCE SMITH ARCHITECTS .lFt**rt*tr\6 AEt CJ.'rsl€HS a$\ WL T+g t5aF,=El-\ sY€Te}.r\ Erpe? L.AGE=q - I lcN\cxr*) L-c*r--t= &a-;r-rit17 ,\FFtr-ovES -T.HE@At,- T (r)Ar.ftfs, +O -Dbr- Cl*er.at/.- tbv. You shonld receive s) including this cover sheeL Ifyou do not receive all the pages, please call 47G6342 Exl 10. K:Uaxmver.wpd Planning o Archibcture , 1650 Ea*vail Valley Drive talhidSF cn . Vail, CO81657 r fpdQcobrado.net lnteriors . fax (97O),t76-49O1 . Pm, 475,.6142 vr/ZJ/Y9 Zl-:35 t'Ax 97047ti490 |I,'PS ARClll'I'!;C'I'S ln ston"i Jn".l 1821'DeplesT[?D r;t;., Carbondald;CIO 816 ovAuoN , l!i()l(=rhl FIWMflf,g,lntuy$r/rlru A PMDUCT OF EIf,TIICORE IMUSTNES U.S. Palentsd v'li'ti/89 :rr: J5 l'AI 9/04'i 64901 }"PS AROHI1UCTS cHttwEv OAIEN CASINE cu8f0n 0PEilNE HEtGflf 27 1r036' I :L 4,A'wril | ,h' q nnE0nrcx H,rtlLlahat0'l FIREBOX DIMENSIONS lgl0J l$()1(=lN" tu?p&,c'5,fi'cl'dfi',,'J'',,'rs A PFODUCT Of EARTHCORE II'ISIRIES U.S. Patented FIBEBOX toP vtEw -6-H o k- A4 E+l FBOflfUEW a k-a+l 7F- 3lt/2" T c t I I I t?t.0. FLUE wn0Ar DAh'lPEB T l+ ns$d FililI'tJ t le t le ONrcX LEOGE 31 '/'" 125 LBS. LANAE CPOWN 37'/2" 7[' 21'/2" g 37'/i 7F" 26'/t" g.iu *_r 6' v. :L lr 7f,' flNEn.t'E ENZE ^ g c lr E F G ll f,flt{tMum FRI[i]{G UEG}II TIRESOX CHIM'{EY t6"It 7'76 2t I'25 t,l9 7t ft t2 24 ta 4{w[7rHX26'|lD | 100 L8S OUTER CASll.lG 85 l3S 42"4l !t 12 lt f'23 t.It 2t v,t2 t(t l9 50w I 8{lH X 26'l'D | 700 LBS 16-t3 t5 36 2t 'h 25 l,t9 321,l2 14 a{tanXTlHx26'/rD | 7m lAS tIn|ER {5 L8S o o o 37 LBS.1t5 LtS. O-7 / 2J/1tg 2l : 35 !'AX 970476490r t,'l's ARCH I'l'Ecl's o rSoK=lrf' Fircplacrc and Chtnney $rs/rens A PRODUCI OF EANTHGOBE IIIOUSTRIES IS0KERN fireplaces and chimneys are the only all-true, masonry systems listed to U,L. standards and desi0ned lor turn key installalions. ,/.BEE CBOWII CAP . ($hown) 37'lz'Sq. for brick, stone, or wood chimney . Sold separately OFFSEr ELOCKS . (Not shown) .0tfsel to 6' max. FINEBHEK LIIIIITE . MinrmUm 1'l' required bottom, sides, and back . Use full brick lor reducing 0penrn9s . Typical finished depth - 19" FAC'IIE MfiENNL . Customize your way . Made of non-combuslible material HHEfil ErfEilSl0il . Extend 20' lront: 12"either side ol opening . Raised or flush F0ailDAftOfl . Slab . Footing depth is per loc,al code AS'l DUMP . Optional OUTS'I'E A'E , 45 ps1 local code @ot FLUE LITEE Af NE TOP . Silicone-seal air space . Coat Mth mortar or cover with raln cap EBICK LEDOE . High slrength reinforced to support bricUstone chimney . See installalion manual for llashing delails CHIMITEY BEIilFONCEMETTT . Pre-existing 2'holes in corners, use #4' reba( required lor bricUstone chimneys and chimneys beyond 8'above roof line without wood chase . See rnstallation manual . Sold separately SMAXE C'IAMBEA . Pre-engineered . Seal all joints wilh IS0KERN mortar or approved adhesives . Seal air tight OAMPEN . Standard cast iron wilh poker- style control . Top seal for see-through or Rumford . Sold separately ' Ectore atl ins|iellatioos, eonsult installation mgnual INfrtTH' fAS IFNN N]W AVAIIfrIE FM|il(MIETAITS cAlrglt 642-2Wt H # 9626 V$r.rrocL Htrtav llt ] -rrc r.cB0. #5017 07 /23/Sg 2l:ll5 l'AX 9704764901 F'PS ARCHI'IUCTS l$OlGfN' fhe Leailer ilPyronrenry Ftreptacaantffihneywarc FOf fiVef ill Yearc All ISOKERN! products are made of high grade volcanic stone. This material offers high rnsulat.ion value and rellective qualtties. makirrg your fireplace efficient. safc. and built to last a lifetimc All ISOKERNo products have passed strict safe- ty standard tests and are lrsted to U.L. 103, U. L. | 27. U 1.. 17777 and U. L.C. 5610. and are in compliance with building reg- ulatory agencies in the U S. and Canada. Alternative products deteriorate after lone periods of use and have inferior insulation qualities lhus wasting energy and money. Since 1906, ISOKERNo has achreved superror results by recycling mothcr nature's own waste. volcanic stone. Already fired once at extreme temperatures. lhc volcanic stone ISOKERNo uses is of the hrghest quality unlike other mate- rials such as clay and metal which break down under heat. ilIETAI MASOlIRY Uos wf . sou^fit Ftut urff 0r ctrv/[Rtoo& oct . PmR nSULATI0{ . $G n0RTtfi l0 |ls .8R|CX CHlMlttY lS SncrntocK TFOM ROOR UP . IlS0lf,Y Ctll$ltt5 lpE I P00B lrslluTloll n-t|un cNsnc cff(F0n N[o-ut olsrlvuncls: . lilc0t6lslF T ASSIUSIY .cnEos0rt 8u[.rFUP . of/t-wtx rNsTA[.AIloll . cl-tllr uP cosn . CITAR^IICF PflO8LEM5 . ftrf ADRUrot{ wllll $hrr{tY frRt FW* ' nuf frREERtC( . BR|C(S,8[0C( I 5ArJ0 AtSoRSs 8{Al T IRGY I.OSS . rrusl{ 0R R^tsfo Hf,aRTH . lMMliM l? I0 W00D ( t!i()l(=iut WI . Rqjflo fl.ut -ALL i'i S0llRY . HloH ll6ullll0t{ . IIIEfiLOCKIG JOII{Is .BRICK IIOG€ JUS'T [f|-OW RMf t|flf r0 suP90 8nlcvsroilE cHt ilEY SIVES uotEY . $0rE8[' OllilltYs tuvt Hror t$uunox n.vlruE nouctc c8tosolt qJrt0.uP lDN U6tS: - c$s6rt T ass|$8rY . ttss c8t0s0Tt BUttO up . t(x)L ztno ctElMr{cE T0 corr8us]|8r.rs . H|GH [{5UUT|0 A VALUt . Tunil KtY l SI,{LAT|oI S,rvts u0 tY . lio 0fitnDnlTloil wllll CHMilTY TMT Fru8T: . Intjt tntEAtct . SOLIO MASO"RY UAITRIAI . Btfr€cTs ritaT . 8r I Fog |-0I{GFVTW . fLUSN OR R^IS€D HT^RIh ' lmr 2€n0 c[tAM ct .e8f.$JGrNftRt0 . cljsTou oPf N[ss Effif . BOIJIIO FIUF .I'EIA . ilo msuLrlm .lrR-c0ot"fo . ofif stAP Joflrs . CAfl'I 8filc|( CHllilllEY: TIfiD CHTSE OiLY: HIGII MAIITTB/ATCE . wrrtn Pno$fl|s . UO ilflG pnfitBrs . ff t cfimffiYs HtvE I P00[ ltdrunot t-Yr|'ut cxtsrilc cnl080lt tutLo.llP DFTDU TIGTS. . Cntosolt SUIID tlP . fiolilsuulloil: ilo F VALtlt . SI{AP TOGTTHTR SIIAP APANT . cHrAP C(l6Tnr'fir0l .oflfnroMTto wrrH cHrMirtY flnf FWr . raxt fnt8nfi PA fl- . sHttT tTAr . A830865 |faT filfmY I 0S5 . nUSTS Ailo C0RR00ES . ALW Ys i^rs€o HtlnIH . !ta8il[{G LABTLS Z T0 r{000 . sM^it- oPtr{NGs L tll L-,l:: :JL:-!( o-r h Inter-ilIounan ,.1|*grineeringna-( E\'ENT AI.IY OTHER PERSON OR ENTITY DESIRES TO USE THIS OOCUVTI.TT Oh;HE .. INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN FOR A}..ry PURPOSE THEY MUST FINST OETEI}T wRlr-tEN AUTHORIZATION FROM INTER-MOLINTAIN ENGINEENNG. ruts pocut,rsnr lGr"Hfti,r di: ir 811- oo Lt a SOLS AND FOUNDATION TNVESTIGATION FOR PROPOSED RESIDENCE LOT 1, FOREST GLEN SUBDIVISION 1301 GleD Fa//s ,L,+^se- €. r,,tAr l, Lo. I tLsZ EAGLE CO Ur\TY, COLORADO PREPARED FOR: RONRILEY PROJECT NO. 97-0313G September 25,1997, EXCLUSWE USE WAS PREPARED FOR THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE ORICINAL CLIENT . THE USE OF THIS DOCUMENT OR THE INFORMATION ll v.g'|. r r t\,coNrArNED rmnew$v aw onreR pERsoN oR ENTrry IS Nor AUTHoRTZED. rN THE {ND A]'IY NFqRM{IION COMAT.NED HEREIN zzuetcarreed,itsqrisinrffi ffiibEfi f btEfi ieffi rydl+Dffi r6$?€{d$ffi iff ff ,ry#{H'Q}ffi .t,egg-rssr 1 420 Vance Street . Lakewood. Colorado .l '+'{f, t; ,{Q lt !f -;, f tJi o ,I ,! , I la I TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY SITE LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION SITE IT{\IESTIGATION SIIBSURF'ACE AND GROI]NDWATTR CONDITIONS.......4 GEOLOGIC HAZARDS PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ............5 FOIINpATTON RECOMMENpATTONS ...................6 SLAB CONSTRUCTION GROUNDWATERANDDRAIN SYSTEM .....,...,..,...7 EXCAVATION LA1VN IRRIGATION.... Soil & Foun&tion Investigatiou Ron Riley l,o! l, Fo'lsr Gl€r! SuMivision Pagc 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The project consists of the construction of a single-family residence on Lot l, Forest Glen Subdivisioq in the Town of Vail, Colorado. We anticipate that the proposed residence will consist of a two-story wood frame residence. The site can be described as an undeveloped lot consisting of approxirnately 0.36 acres of gently to moderately sloping wooded land. The ground surface slopes toward the northwest at gradients estimated to range from 10 to 20 percent The foundations may be designed as conventional spread footings bearing in the sandy CLAY. The foundations may be designed for a bearing pressure of3000 psffor footings bearing in the cobbly, silty SAI.ID and GRAVEL stratum. Concrete slab-on-grade floors may be used for the ground floors. SCOPE This report presents the results of a Soil and FoLrndation Investigation for the proposed residence to be constructed on Lot 1 , Forest Glen Subdivision, in the Torvn of \/ail, Cololado. The purpose of this foundation exploration is to evaluate the soil conditions respective to foundation zupport, and the engineering characteristics of the anticipated foundation bearing materials, and to provide criteria from a geotechnical perspective for use by the client in preparing a foundation desigq a grading design, and drainage plans. The investigation was performed by advancing soil test borings, obtaining soil samples for laboratory testing, and analyzing ofdata. SITE LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION The site is an undeveloped lot located at Lot l, Forest Glen Subdivision, in the Town of Vail, Colorado consisting of approximately 0.36 acres of relatively level land. The site slopes toward the north at gradients estimated to range from 1 to 5 percent. The site is immediately bound by residential developments and residential lots and by Glen Falls Lane on the south. Soil & Foundation Inv€stigatiqr ; Ron Riley l.ot t, Forrst Glcrr Subdivision Pagc 4 SITE I}TYESTIGATION The zubsurface exploration included a s;te reconnaissance and the driJling of thrce soil test borings to observe the subsurface soil profile and obtain soil samples for laboratory testing. The test borings were perfbrmed by a truck mounted drill rig that drilled to depths of approxirnately 5 feet. The test boring locations were established in the field by estimating right angles and pacing distances fi'orn the building envelope as staked by others. The approximate locations of the test borings are illustrated on the Site Plan in the Appendix (refer to Drawing No. 1). The Appendix also contains Boring Logs presenting the information that was obtained in the subsurface exploration, a key to the terms used in the Boring Logs, and a briefdescription ofthe procedures used. SIJBSI-]:RFACE AND GROUNDIVATER CONDITIONS The generalized soil stratigraphy is presented below. 'The stratum symbols and solid lines, which are used to illustrate the breaks between various strata on the Boring Logq are approximate as the transitions between soil types may occur suddenly or relatively gradually. The subsurface conditions at the site consist of cobbly, sihy SAND and GRAVEL, which contains variable amounts of cobble and boulder size rock materials. Penetration resistances ranged from 50 blows for 6 inches to 50 blows for 4 inches of penetration. Auger refusal was met at depths of approximately 5 feet in the cobbly materials at each boring. No measurable groundwater was present at the time the test borings were perfbnned. No long-term groundwater observations were made. The 1977 Charles S. Robinson Maps depict the bedrock in the area as being alluvium consisting of cobbles and boulders. Formational bedrock in the area is mapped as the Mnturn Formation and is described as a medium to very coarse grained gray to reddish-brown sandstone Soil & Foundation Inv6tigation Ron Riley lrt I, For6t Gl€n Subdivision Pag. 5 conglomerate sandstone, thin beds or reddish-brown siltstone and sandy and silty shale and prominent pinkish-gray to gray limestone beds. GEOLOGICEAZARDS In accordance with the Town of Vail Ordinance No. l6 we have reviewed the Debris Flow and Debris-Avalanche Hazard Analysis prepared by Arthur I. Mears, p.E., Inc. The analysis was completed in November 1984. The report depicts debris and avalanche flows for the Town of Vail. The nearest mapped debris flow is located in the Bighom Estates SubdMsion approximately 200 feet to the west. A slightly larger debris flow area is shown to be located approximately 500 feet to the southeast of Lot 1, Forest Glen. The lot is not mapped as being in a geologic hazard area, with exception of snow avalanche. The area is marked by the Charles S. Robinson lvlaps as being located in a potential run out or airs blast zone associated with an avalanche. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION The proposed construction for this site consists of a single-family residence. lVe anricipatecl that the residence would be of wood frame construction with a concrete slab-on-grade construction for the ground floor. We anticipate that the residence will be a two-story structure with a walk out basement. Foundation wall loadings are anticipated to range from l to 5 kips per linear foot ancl isolated column loadings are anticipated to range from approximately 5 to 25 kips. Soil & Foundation Invcstigation { Ron Rilcy Lrt I , Forcst Glcn Subdivision pagc 6 FOI]NDATION RECOM}MNDATIONS COI'I\{ENTIONAL SPREAD FOOTINGS Conventional spread footings may be used on the undisturbed soils for the purposed residence. The footings may be designed for a bearing pressure of3000 psffor footing bearing in the cobbles, sand, gravel, and cobble stratums. All footing excavations should be relatively smooth and free of debris, organics, loose soil, frost, and standing water. Any over-excavations should be bacldlled and compacted to 95 percent rvithin 2 percent of optimum moisture as determined by a Standard Proctor Method of Test (ASTM D- 698). A representative of this ofiice should be contacted to perform an inspection of the open foundation excavation to veri$ that the soil conditions are as same as anticipated in this report. After all of the final grading is completed, the bottom of the footings should have a minimunr cover of48 inches ofbackfill for frost protection. Voids left by the removal of cobbles in the bottonr of the footing excavation should be filled with lean concrete or a granular soil with a maximum particle size of 3 inches compacted to 95 percent of Standard Proctor Method of Test (ASTM D-698) and within 2 percent of optimum moisture. SLAB CONSTRUCIqN The on-site soils, exclusive of topsoil and organics, are suitable to support lightly loaded slab-on-grade construction. All excavations made for the foundations under proposed slab-on- grade areas must be properly backfilled with suitable rnaterial compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the maximum Standard Proctor Density (ASTM D-698). Backfill placed beneath slab- on-grade floors should be installed at i2 percent of optimum moisture content. The on-site soils, Soil & Foundation Inv6tigation Ron Rilcy Lot | , Forest Olcn Subdivision Page 7 i, exclusive oftopsoil and organics, are suitable for use as backfill. Before the backfill is placed, all water and loose debris should be removed from the excavations. Prior to the construction of concrete floors, the undisturbed subgrade, free from topsoil and organics, should be proof rolled with a loaded rubber-tired loader or similar equipment to densify the near surface soils and outline soft areas. To reduce the chance ofdamage to shallorv utilities, special care should be taken in areas where underground utilities are present. The floor slabs should be reinforced, andjoints should be provided at thejunctions ofthe slab and the foundation walls, so that independent movement can occur rvithout causing damage. Alt columns should be isolated from concrete slabs-on-grade to allow for slab movement. GROI]IYDWATER AND DRAIN SYSTEM While no groundwater was reported in the soil test borings at tlle time the field investigation was conducted, it is possible for seasonal variations to cause fluctuations, or for a water table to be present in the upper soils during the spring months, or after prolonged periods of rain. A foundation perimeter drain as detailed on Figure No. 9 is recommended to reduce the risk of surface lvater infiltrating to the foundation bearing soils and accumulating at the foundation level- The foundation perimeter drain should daylight to a down gradient point. If a down gradient discharge is not possible, then a sump pit and pump may be necessary. EXCAVATION The superficial soils at the site should be easily excavated with conventional backhoe- trackhoe equipment. In areas where the excavation extends into the shallow bedrock formation additional excavation effort such as pneumatic jackhammering or light blasting n:ay be required, particularly in narrow trenches, such as for utilities. Soil & Foundation Invcstigation Ron Rilcy t t l. Forrst GIcn Subdivision Page 8 REINFORCING The foundation should be well reinforced and rigid enough to withstand differential settlements. Walls retaining earth should be designed to resist an equivalent fluid pressure of 40 pcf for an "active" case assuming a level drained bacldll condition. For "at rest" conditions such as basement walls, an equiva.lent fluid pressure value of 65 pcf may be used. CRAWL SPACE COVER When moist soils are encountered in the excavation, the ground surface in crawl space areas should be covered with an impervious moisture barrier sealed against the footings. This will help to reduce humidiw in the crawl sDace area. BACKFILL AND SI]RFACE DRAINAGE We recommend that foundation soils encountered in portions of the site be prevented from being wetted after construction. The baclcfill placed around the foundation walls should be methodically compacted to help reduce settlement after completion of construction. The top one-foot of the bacldll material must be relatively impervious. The on-site soils, exclusive of topsoil and organics are suitable for use as backfill with exception of the COBBLES and BOULDERS. Care must be taken in using bedrock material as backfill. The material should be crushed to less than six inches in diameter and mixed with finer grained soils to prevent void spaces. Foundation wall backfill should be moistened or dried to near to within 0 to +4 peircent of its optimum moisture content and compacted to at least 90 percent of the maximum Standard Proctor Density. Structural backfill should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the ma,ximum dry density as determined by the Standard Proctor Method of Test (ASTMD-698). Soil & Foun&iion lnvcstigltion Ron Riley l,ot l, Forcst Glen Subdivision Pagc 9 Surface water running toward the structure from up slope areas should be diverled around and away ftom the building by means of lined drainage swales or other similar measures. The final grade should have a positive slope away from the foundation walls on all sides. A minimum of 12 inches in the first 10 feet is recommended. ,Down spouts and sill cocks should discharge into splash blocks that extend beyond the limits of the backfill or a minimum distance of at least 5 feet from the foundation wall. The use of long downspout extensions in place of splash blocks is advisable. LAWNIRRIGATION We do not reco(unend sprinkler systems be installed next to foundation walls, porches, or patio slabs. If sprinkler systems are installed, the sprinkler heads should be aligned so that the spray from the heads, under full pressure, does not fall within three feet of foundation walls, porches, or patio slabs. Lawn irrigation must be controlled and no flooding or ponding of water should be allowed. Iffuture owners desire to plant next to foundation walls, porches, or patio slabs, and are willing to assume the risk of structural damage, etc., then it is advisable to plant only flowers and shrubbery (no lawn) of varieties that require very little moisture. These flowers and shrubs should only be hand watered. N4ISCELI.AJYEOUS The recommendations provided herein are based on experience in the area and the on-site field exploration. The information obtained from the field exploration and laboratory testing reflects subsurface conditions only at the specific locations at the particular times designated. Subsurface conditions at other locations and times may differ from the conditions at these locations. The extent of any variations between the soil test borings may not be evident until the foundation excqvation is Soil & Foundation lnvesligstion Ron Riley Lot I, Forest Glen Subdivision Pagc l0 performed. However, only minor variations are expected. If during construction conditions appear to be diferent this office should be advised so reevaluation of the recommendations may be made. This document was prepared for the exclusive use of Ron Riley. The use of this document or the information contained herein by any other person or entity is not authorized. In the event any other person or entity desires to use this document for the information contained herein for any purpose, they must first contact Inter-Mountain Engineering for written authorization. This report was prepared under the assumption that construction will begin approximately one year from the date of this report. The findings and recommendations of this report have been prepared in accordance with locally accepted professional engineering standards for similar conditions at this tinle. There is no other walranty, either expressed or implied Inter-Mountain Engineering is pleased to have worked with you on this project. Should you have any questions regarding the information contained herein, please do not hesitate to contact the undersiened. G, LTD. Sincerely, g'(/s go- LOr 5 h 74'55'og, 65.oc, 49.8/ ' .'%4q'/.e %'J s7,-- I\ zI _- . [, .= . i".: /.>,i. fln f / ;'T\ :/t .. ) %*s i's 3?o^-"X c)c. \t \ \{*\"-t".r\)7_r \ .u-.-' \Y"+ \'\\b'' \-+, \{';Lor 2 \.11,94lr4. sguore feet {0,343 ocres ^cl \@"4t or.,o {gr.,*.- ;)zt r$7.f N<G A €rx /)'-'\r-.<f \+, ,' tq Feet (;/zo\K.J ENCE GLEN COI,ORADO * o""*oxrMArE @ Ifntcr-]raounta,irr #aAFngineeriFrgr..r. LOCATION OT' SOIL TEST BORTNGS PROPOSED LOT 1, TOREST TOWN OF VArL, PROJECT NO.: 97-0313c b '\1-*:)*/ \K" A .__ t.LoLr \ 5\j:ffi.'ony-,""* -r \fR - 1 Sr* l'r -u\=JP \-3 i q\:. @ /B t-. l\ A- "b \ \s' -) DRAWING NO.1 BORING NO. B_1 DATE DRfLLEDt 9/11/e7 ELEVATION: t o FIGURE N0.: 1 DEPTH IN FEET lrJ o- U) z c. o-- | to oz d3 J o @ t/1 DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL REMARKS 10 15 20 14 50 55 TOPSOIL SAND, silly, grovel, brown a 50/6 SAND, silty, grovel, cobbles, brown Auger rafusol of 5 feof. Boring lerminoted ot 5 feel. No meosuroble groundwoier complelion. No longterm groundwofer ol complelion. ol TEST BORING LOG o TlIntbr-Mountain lA trngineeringrta'PROPOSED RESIDENCE LOT I, FOREST GLEN EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO PROJECT NO.: 97-0313G DATE DRILLED. g/11/s7 ELEVATION: o BORING NO. B_2 -'-o FIGURE NO.: 2 DEPTH IN FEET r.J J U7 z E,LJI to Qz EOJ J o v) DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL REMARKS tn 15 20 .>4 30 1t TOPSOIL SAND, silty, grovel, brown =50/1 SANO, silly, grovel, cobbles, brown Auger refusol ol 5 feet. Boring lerminoled ol 5 feel.No meosuroble groundwoter of complelion. No longlerm groundwoler ot com pl€ lio n. TEST BORING LOG PROPOSED RESIDENCE LOT 1, FOREST GLEN EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO o TlInti:r-Mountain lArIrgineeringrta. PROJECT NO.: 97-0313G o BORING NO.B-3o DATE DRILLED. 9/11/97 ELEVATION:FIGURE NO.:3 DEPTH IN FEET lr.l J ut z, e.!4 1 5<9 o.z.J IrJ .DJ J o vl f DESCRIPTION OF MATERTAL REMARKS 5 10 l5 20 25 30 TOPSOIL SAND, silty, grovel ond cobbles,U SAN0, grovelly, silly, w/ cobblas. brown a 50/6 I Auger rafusol ol 5 feel No meosuroble groundwoier complefion No longterm groundwoler meosuremenis performed. TEST BORING LOG PROPOSED RESIDENCE LOT 1, FOREST GLEN EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO o Itrtntlr-tttrountain lArttgineeringrta. PROJECT N0.: 97-0513G slrrnbol Description Strata slmbols TO BO Topsoil Clayey sand Silty sand and gravel Silty sand F' W ffi ffi SoiI Samplers n California sampler Notes: 1. Soil test borings perforned on using a track mounted CME 45 dri1l rlg. ^, Ground water infornation is reported on each boring. 3. Boring locations were taped fron existing features. 4. These logs are subject to the linitations, conclusions, reconnendatios provided in this report. ang FIGURE NO. 4 pARTrcllsrzE DrsrRrBurronltEsr REpoRT o o> I 8 !t .o? F a\a rb.rti 100 90 -7 t\ E. td z^^HOU t! !- UJ fi40 (r 2A 200 100 1.O O.1 GRAIN SIZE - mm Somp le informotion: a B-1 @ 4 feet SAND, silty, grovelly, b rown Remorks: inch€3 srza PERCENT FINER a u. /f,100. o 88. O 85.5 X GRAIN SIZE Doo D:o Dro 1 .60 ><COEFFICIENTS c" cu SIEVE numbc I size PERCENT FINER o .1. to 40 200 73 .4 64 .4 ao7 35.2 23.4 19.2 Project Proj ec t : Dote: 09 No.: 97-OJl3G Lot 1, Fo res t G len Doto.Sheet No,17 /97 100 pARTrcr-l srzr DrsrRraurrorOrEsT REpoRT oo OO-.rto i (O.r - a{rhs.tt 80 70 v. LJ HOU LL zJU t! f(tr40 0_ 20 10 200 100 1.O O.l GRAIN SIZE - mm Somp le informotion: aB-3 @ 4', SAND, silty, grovel ly, b rown Remo r ks : 10. o % SILT O D|Irrter-ttilorrrrtain ^lAf tt girre er:in g: rrrr- Pro)ect No. : 97-OJ 136 Project: Lot 1, Forest G len Do to Sheet No.Ootei Og/17/97 STEVE aochca 3rz6 PERCENT FTNER a u.5 n -(7R 100.o :1tJ , o ><GRAIN SIZE Dgo Dso Dro 0.6r0 X COEFFICIENTS a -c u JILVL numoar !rzc PERCENT FINER a a1 to an 40 100 200 vJ.3 7i A cv.3 50.4 45. O 27.+ zz,o e STANDARD PENETRATION TEST Driving either the modified Califomia barrel (2 inch \.D.,2-ll2 inch O.D.) or standard split-spoon banel (l-3l8 inch I.D., 2 inch O.D.) sampler a distance of 1.0 foot into undisturbed soil rvith a 140 pound hammer free falling a distance of30.0 inches. Before the test is started the barrel is seated (6.0 inches for the standard barrel rvith the number of required blorvs recorded). The number of hammer blolvs for each 6.0 inch increment ofpenetration are recorded on the boring log (i.e. 8,9 or 6,8,9 for modified California or standard split-spoon banel, respectively), The standard penetration N-value is the sum of the tlo test blorv count figures (i.e. 8 + 9 = 17 blorvs per foot). Should the results behveen 6 inch increments vary then the rebults may be reported in blorvs of each increment (ASTIVI D 1586) . The density and consistency values sho*n belorv are based upon the standard split-spoon, the larger diarneter of the Califomia barrel modi$ the penetration resistances somelvhat. DENSITY, CONSISTENCY AND HARDNESS Non-Cohesive Silt. Sand and Gravel Cohesive Silt and Clav N ftlols/ft.) Density N (blorvs/ft. Consistencv 5 or less very loose 2 or less very soft 5 to l0 loose 3 to 5 soft I I to 30 medium dense 6 to l0 medium stiff 3l to 50 dense ll to 20 stiff 5l or more very dense 2l ormore verystiff BEDROCK Blorvs/in. Hardness. 39112 or less medium firm 40ll2to 49117 firm 50/12 to 50/10 medium hard 50/9to50n hard 50/6 to 50/0 very hard S\YELL POTENTIAL Percent Srvell Upon rvetting S*'ell Potential* 0 to ll2% : Non-exp./very lorv >ll?to l-ll2 lorv >l-l/2 to 3-ll2% moderate >3-ll?to 6% hiCh >6 to 8% very high . >8% critical Itr fnter-Illountain - ,llAft git eeringua. FIGURE NO. 7 SITE INVESTIGATION BY TEST PITS The subsurface exploration included a site reconnaissance by Inter-Mountain Engineering Personnel and the excavation of soil test pits to observe the soil profile and obtain soil sanrples for . laboratory testing. The test pits are typically excavated using a nrbber tire backhoe or crarvler tlpe trackhoe to the depths indicated in the Pit Logs. Sampling is typically perfomred by manually driving a brass Califomia liner into the soil or by bulk nrethods. The test pit locations rvere established in the field by estimating right angles and pacing distances fronr site features. The approximate test pit locations are illustrated on the Site Plan, refer to Drarving No. I in the Appendix. The Appendix also contains Test Logs presenting the information rvhich rvas obtained in the subsurface exploration, a key to the temrs used inthe Pit Logs, and a brief description ofthe procedures used. Ifthe ground surface elevations are sholvn on the Pit Logs, they rvere interpolated from contour elevations sholvn on the site plan. Because the source of the elevations is not ahvays knoun, these elevations should be considered approximate. SITE INVESTIGATION BY TEST BORINGS The subsurface cxploration included a site reconnaissance by Inter-Jr{or.rntain Engineering Personnel and the drilling oftest borings to observe the subsurface soil profile and obtain soil sanrples for Iaboratory testing. The test borings were performed using either a tnrck-mounted drill rig or a track drill rig. The soil test borings rvere advanced to the depths indicated in the boring logs by mechanically advancing continuous flight augers. Sanrpling oF soils may have been perfonred by using a sanrplir:g barrel (spoon) at selected intervals or by grab sampling from the auger cuttings. Sampling barrels used are indicated on the boring logs' Key To Tenns and discussed in the Descriptive Tenns. Sanrpling barrels are typically driven into the desired stratum using a 140 pound sliding hamnrer falling 30 inches. The test boring locations rvere establislred in the field by estimating right angles and by either pacing distances or taping distances tvith a cloth tape from site feahrres, i.e. fences, trees, property iomers, building envelope comers, etc. The approximate locations of the test borings are illustrated on the Site PIan in the Appendix, refer to Drarving No..l. The Appendix also contains Boring Logs presenting the information rvhich rvas obtained in the subsurface exploration, a key to the tenns used in the Boring Logs, and a briefdescription ofthe procedures used. Ifthe ground surface elevations are sho$,n on the Boring Logs, then they rvere interpolated from contour elevations shotvn on the site plan. Because tlre source of the elevations is not ahvays knorvn, these elevations should be considered approximate. FIGURE NO. 8 Fo..Jo4altot tyall I:E J ;,i,*7 :li : :. ;1,1 o, )t.P. otJj'. /.rn buiC,h? Q:nulcr FVI At2is!!.: 6:tie:( e:ack )S--.1,.1 ca:2 FouaC= !;ch V=l ',;if l:;i lr { t 1T" "?;;,t"vr - : t M,hrhqm of 6. af Jn ho\ cro lJ {"ff:"i:fri;ii#lif ' sJmp pucp t Coy;ghtcd Deloils -of p.erpherol lroh SStem For Footing T2pe Foundottbn. rD PROJECT: PROPOSED RESIDENCE I,OT I, FOREST G'EN TOWN OF VAIL, COI,ORADO <d' '-. ,4.. . . ;i!';;,lTiEA ;i!iii!i;tiiilil-,---r-trHij.=';'-,1 !'l i:i :'ii j: :,;,;: :;; ;,i :;; ;i ,nt.1.;#:g=t€.,. PROJE O.: 97-0313C FIGURE NO. 9 o4/L6/gs 20:43 FAI 0704764001 FPS ARCHIIECTS Far Cover Sheet Dntc: April 15, 1999 To: Charlie Davis Fer: 479-2452 ( rcri K,:rCv,aWt L',= Re: Ketchani"::..", 0^ f'.l Sender: Stcphanielord ( ,V Thanks again forYour ,^r{ "# K:\9$ E.Kcrdrm{rov\€d041 4.lrTd Planningrnrdritecurcalnterior 1650 Easr VaitValley tlive Fellridgc C-l r Vail, CO 81657 r fp€colondo.nct I fu (970) 476-4901 . (gflt) 4754142 @or FRITZLEN P I E RC E SMITH ARCHITECTS Charlie - I just wanted to sonfurn our telephone conversation of M-14-99 regardiug the Ketcham Permit .,01L. l - FPS witl address exterior doonvays in regrds to required londtngs a"- 2. FPS can daylight the Floor lhain required in the Mecbanicol Room '-'-b(-3 FPS will enclosc thc Mcchanical Room 4/ o r- 4. FPS will pmvide an egr€si door from the basplmen.l -2 o v- Please call or fax back yout commcnts if this does not match yourundentanding of the conversation- Additionally. Andy Bober. informed me that his original Pernit Fee estimate was low and you have the revised permit fees- Could vou fax me a breakdov"n of the total permit fee and the amorurt still owed. Dortg Printed bv Joan Nolen 3/06/00 From: Joan No'len TO: FINAL INSPECTION GTOUP Subject: fwd: Prrull INSPECTION ===NoTE===== ==========3 /03,/ : 0==3 : 03pm== For TUESDAY, March 7,2000 in the AFTERNOON wants a Temporary C,o. at 4301 G'l en Fa]'l s Lane timber ralls Association - oh,ner 899-0042 Evans-Menda]'l -n] I i son M99-0048 Hi-Tech p'l umbi nq M99-01L0 climate Contro] company M99-0119 sutton Insulati ng PW99-0107 Gas Servi ce Pw99-0193 Hynoon Excavati ng New si ng] e ramily Residence The owner wants to move in on Fridav the 10th. THE FIRE DEPARTMENT MUST APPROVE PERMIT #A99-OOO9 BEFORE THIS CAN HAVE A TEMPORARY OR FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY. ***Mike Mccee: can you ]et ne know if you haye approved this? r would really appreciate it. Thanks, Fwd=by : = J oan=Nol en===-3lO6 / z 0==2 : 3 Spn== FWd tO: FINAL INSPECTION GTOUP ihi ;';;;';;;;';h;;;;' i;'iil;;;;t' " "' mornino. the man puttinq in the hardwo5d floors ii goini to varnish them on Tuesday & can't have anyone walking around in the house, Fwd=by : =ui ke=Mc gee====3/O6 / : 0==2 : 49pn== Fwd to: loan Nol en cc: BLDGDIV cRouP, John Gu]ick, Mike vaughan ih;' ii ;"' ;i;il' ;;;i;;;i;i' h;;'y;i'i;"' compl ete the submitta'l requi renents, xe talled for a rouqh-in this afternoon or tomarrow. rf th6v are sandinq floors, they'll destioy ever smoke detector in the building if they don't take proper precauti ons . r''ll call the alarm contractor. Darro. 1 I Id: ACTP187 Kelrword: f nBpection Maintenance TOWN OF VAIIJ RequestB for + Act,/ProJ /Dev 01 899- 0042 02 u99-0110 03 M99- 0048 04 M99- 0119 05 PM9-0107 06 PW9 9 - 0L93 I'REQ UEer: iINOLEN fnspectlon Reque6ts Address 4 3 01 GLEI{ FAIJIJS IN 4301 GLBN FAIILS IN 4301 GIIEN FALLS I,}I 4301 GIIBN FALLS InI 4301 GLEN FALLS Inr 4301 GIIEN FALLS LN /06/oo Bcheduled for Date Ent Date 03/03/2ooo 03/03/2OoO 03/03/2OoO 03/03/2ooo 03/03/2ooo 03/03/2ooo o o3 Req Date InBp o3/o9/2OOO 6 03/09/2ooo @ o3l09/2000 JRM 03l09/2000 ttRM 03/09/2OOO LS 03/09/2OOO LS Enter option: A=Add, F2 =Next 16, F3=1et 15, J*fJ flin * 6 Bb /^) 'fr'u" c=change, D=Delete, I=Inapect. P=Pre6et Req Insp Date F4=Number Key, FS=Req Insp Date, F6=Ent Date, ESc=K.w. Printed bv ,Joan Nolen 3/03/00 3: 03pm From: Joan Nol en To: FINAL INSPECTION GToUP subj ect: FrNAL rNSPEcrroN ==-NSTE-==============3/ 03,/ :0==3 : 03pm== For TUESDAY, March 7,2000 in the AFTERNOON wants a Tenporary C.o. at 4301 G'l en Fal'l s Lane timber Fa'lls Association - owner 899-0042 Evans-Mendall-lllison M99-0048 Hi-Tech Plumbing M99-0110 cl imate control conpany M99-0119 sutton Insul ati ng Pw99-0107 Gas servi ce Pw99-0193 Hynoon Excavati ng New Si ngl e Fami'ly Residence The owner wants to move in on rriday the 10th. THE FIRE DEPARTMENT MUST APPROVE PERMIT #A99-OOO9 BEFORE THIS CAN HAVE A TEMPORARY OR FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY. ***Mike Mccee: can vou let me know if you have approved this? I would rea1ly appreciate it, Thanks. Page: 1 TO!{N OF VAIL Id: ACIP1SO Ke) rord: @ACIM Activity Maigf€|rasce - InBpection Procegsing tivity MaiDf€|r€sc€! - Inapection Proce8 Permit No( ggg-oo-a-t) ADDricanL; status r\}BtsttED--'- - oaat"6 User: KATIry 03/03/oo NBw (sFR, P/8, DUP) PERMI Item Description 5o1 PII-Temp . acceee/drainage 5o2 Pw-Rough grade 503 Pfl-Final driveway grade 1O nA BLDG- Footings/SteeL 2o nA BLDG- Foundation/gteel 52or A PLAN- ILC Site Plan 30 nA BLDG- Framing 5O A BLDG-Insulation 60 A BLDG- Sheetrock NaLL ?O nA BI,DG-Misc . 90r BLDG-Final 53O BLtIG-Temp. C/O 532 PW-TEMP. C/O select Inapection Itemi 5 0l- (E=Entri-ee A=Approved r=Required In6pection n=Additional Notations recorded) Fl-Add item F2=Next F3=First F5=Recrue6t6 F6=Notations ElilrER=select BSC=Exit Item Description 533 PI,AN-TEMP. C/O 53? PIIAN-FINAI' C/O 539 PW-FrNAr, C/O 540r BI,DG-Final C/O \,O\Bnr co\tRnc+ot- cDu\ ioL -Ile'o ' p\eose' scr\ectLd-a- -ftnrits @ * 6r-L*tu\t\e-s . qFf LDr\J- Be oovnl it t he- \I)ctn'+- ,$pffiJ5 €r$".a -$he- she-es ctff;ndtJh€ re- P\O"nntn1 rr.rr\t p163an\1 mcLta- dltorn bond landsrdP tS -Q /)/lo/-a5// r TOI{I{ OF VAIL Id: PROiIl8 5 Kelmord: @PROiIM User: KATIIY o 03/03 Proj coNsT. , INC. /oo ect Project Mti ntenan*:-cImnary of Activitiee Project N(jlsrfgsa'- Applicant: EvANs - MENDBT,- ArJrrr soN Irocation: 4301 clen Fal1s L,ane Lrine Activity Type Seq Status lrocation 4 sgg-oo+z /^B-BUTLD rssugD 4301 clen Fal1s / -.,-l 2. Pee-oo44v / B-PLMB H AJfr/ I,gsl#D. 43o1 Glen Falle i6 M99-OO48 y' IB-MECH ISSUBD 4301 Glen Falls 4 899-0084t/ B-ELBC 4301 GIJEN FAI'IrS u( wtgg - o:.oz r./prnmv* rssnED FoREsr Gr,EN ror ,,A ws-oto{ B-uBcIr rsnnBD 43or- eBrN FAr,Ls 7 ass-ooosy'^g;41339 APPT,TED 4301 GrrEN FArrrrs r'A M99-OLL9U B-MECH ISSI'BD 4301 GIen FaIIs t'l /9 Ptf99-0L93 r/ PI'BWAYUT ISSUED 4301 GLEN FALL,g Trtt ffirl dNt i,,: snril,yfr- #o fiun/ i,Vzc. Enter Line Number: F1=gunmary gcreen, F2=Next 15, F3=First 15, ESC=Exlt lri6t Statu6: ACrIVE afur c"0 '/o Lzi^X tFFKoL)E Lane Lane Ln IJN 1 4301 GLEN FAILS LN. Lt{rl[<rtstPEPEPTrbs@ tn In,l ACROSS TIIB INTBRSEETIO J0/, /, S Vic,(,a/- a5/ Printed by ,Joan Nofen 3/07/00 2 t,46pm rrom: Mike vauohan To: :oan trto'l En subject: ketcham res i dence 3/O7 / t0==2z43Pn==r did a walk through today. we are okav with oivino them a t-emp tco, r sti1l need-to mEet with clive to test the system, but, by and 'large, the svstem is oood. I have requested aiditional'address signage(?)be place above the qaraqe door area, with contrastind ba-kground and nunbers. 6r/- oo/2 Page: 1 Sent by: Evans-llondel-AlIison const. Evong llendel.Alliron 08/28/00 4:06PM;rtlfrr-#61 ; Page 1/1 P.O. Box 6266 1Ol Eagh Boad. *7 Avon, ColorE(b 8l&!0 on. 970.845.0466 ts. 070.&t5.u65 cotttStRUciloN q- We aB wli/Ef we rcpeataw &. Excellerce, then, b not an ad, bU a habit' 28,2W brd Piercc Archirccrc East Vail Drive c-l co.8t657 Kctohum Rcsidence Srephanie, to our conversation regarding the Final Ccrtiftcae of Occupancy for the Ketchum residcnce, I would likc to nnte following for the record. T'lre only two ircms rernaining to bo completcd for approval arc: l) The foundation drain de-in approvad by l*onard with TOV on nugfts Responsible party:Evans-Mcndel-Allison Consmcriol. Inc.r job completcd Sarurday August 26,2W 2) Relmation of a rce in the front yard Responsible party:Fritzlen Pierce Archilects and Landscapo Conlrsctor o to be coordinared with J.R. at TOV call for a CO inspection when item #l is complete and send our office a copy of thc Final Certificate ofOccupancy. yot4 Huddlcston Allison Construction, Inc. Michele Evans J.R. Mondragon 479.2452 4 7r l{ R v o REPT 131 TOWN 0F UAIL! COLURRDO F.AGE 2 AREA: CD IA/I9/E@AE 67t36 REGUESTS * INStrECTN l.lORR BHEETS FORz 6/L9/2O Activity: 899-O043 6/19/'e'd Type: B-BUILD 9tatr"rs: ISSUED Constr': NSFR Addr-ess: 43rZr1 6LEN FALLS LN Location:43O1 GIen Falls Lane F'arceI : EltZtl-lt3-l;J*CIAI Oce: OtZtetT Llse: U N Descr"i pt i on : New SFR-Ketcham Res. Appl icant: EVANS-MHNDEI--FILLISON CONST. !Owner: ]'IMBFR FALLS ASS0CIRTES Contractor: EVAN$*MENDHL-ALLISON CONST. . INn. Fhone z 97fr-'&43-0466 Fhonp r INC. F,hone: 97tZt-'845-tZt466 I rr s pect ion Req '..re st Reqr-rest cr": r.ich Req Time: tZtE:OO It ems r"eouested to OtZrtit90 BLDG-Final Iten: Iten r Inf or.mat i on. . . Ccrnment s : WIL-L be Inspected. . Flrone: trALL IN$PEE-T t3 1OAM trct i on Comment s 'zj'fii f ime Exp fi4540 BLDG-Final C/O Inspect ion History. J. . Item l ect lon Hlstory. J. . ^ a2a-6 4-,UI A+/t Item r tZtOSO I F,tJ-Temp. access/dr.ainage u- . '' - /-Item: OrZ|SOE tlW-f?or-rgh qr.ade ( t rt ,4/ /Item: rl0r5$i F,W-Final. dr.iveway grade / V/l ' ffi ASiAg/Ag Inspeetor': LS flction: APtrR AptrRovED -U (/fr Item : OOVIlrl BLDE-Foot ings/SteeI U4/ti2/99 Inspector'; CD Action: NO SUILS REFORT REGUIRED q5/A3/99 Inspector: 6REi Rction: NR EANCELLED, EREi NOT TOLD 8,3/V6/99 Irrspeetor.: CD Action: AtrtrR FFF'REVED ,,s, L,, iil i : iii ] : : i' #t*'FU[ ?ff N- il ;; d# il il : " ' - .'' f; :i:ilfi,ilit::ff : i =il$#dt$.,flFt "mil"flNr* r ITLEARAN, 1,",, filsl;ii:+:ii,*i,*;,".. \n:T* ::::,;t0}df fi :i : :1'?'.1"1ff il [";,'F*o,n, *u l;liffi:-[E5 -:ilFllflilo'Blfrre n s' NOTES: AFFRT]VED ON CONDITION THAT AL.L SNOI^JICE FiND MUD ARE REMOVED FROM FORMS F,RIOR TO CONCRftICUNCEMEruT I ;ilI = ?lE =, 3oHuxffi 'F$tr,#-,Slts*l "* : jil|o' rtenr *oES- rlbb-ffilli5ft35tot"' t p' a9/ilg/99 Inspector.r CD flct ion: AF'|ErJTAPFRovED Itern: oAAiA BLD6-Sheetrock Nai I ^l @9ieE/gg Inspeetor: JRM ne||trlr nppn AFpROVED OrasTO BLDG-ltlise. A3/?3/99 Inspectorr A3/27/9i Inspeetor': Notesr ADJUST REBAR tVlALl99 Inepectonr 00098 BLDG-Final JRM CD TO trBTAI JRM (}n: tion:CTJNTRACTI]R AtrT]R DECK F.IERS ELEARANCE FRtrM THE trANCEL SUBERADE ofas3o BLDG-Tenp. C/A 63/09/QQ Inspeetonl ART Notes : TEMF-CO CORREETIUN$r 3" OF Action: AtrtrR AFFT LATHE NAILING Actionl AFtrR W/cor'r.ections as notedl REPT 131 TOI.JN OF UAIL, COLCIRFDO g6/19/eAArZ O7:56 REOUESTS - INStrECTN HURK SHEETS FOR.. 6/19l€la-- AREA: CD EXTERIOR DEtrK I]N ST]UTH SIDE HAS STAIR REOUIRING HANDRAIL FASEMENT STAIR HANDRAIL FIUST RETURN TO I^.IALL CORRECTION T]F FIREPLACE DOORS AE NOTED ON MECH. INSF'. Item: OO53e FW*TEMP. C/O Q3/t}/AA Inspector: LS Action: AtrCR ApFRUVED/CURRECTIUN REGD Not.es: BERM INSTALLATION AT THE FRUNT ELEUATIUN MAY BE REIIUIRED TO BE MODIFIED FOR SITE DISTANCE REOUIREMENTS I^IILL BE RECONFIRMED AT BUILDING FINAL C/O Iten: ArA533 PLAN-TEMP. C/0 UA/13/AA Inspector: ALLI$ON Action; AFFR AFFROVED ttem: etE537 PLAN-FINAL C./O Item: rzrgr539 pt,f-FINAL C/0 1016/16/Oil Inspector': LS Actiorr: DN DEINED A6/L6/@Q Inspector: LS Actionl DN DENIED A6/18/Ail Inspector: LS Action: DN DENIED Notes: DRIVEIIAY CULVERT MUST BE EXPO$ED' MUST ALSU DRAIN . ROEH DITCH MUST BE LT]WER THAN RORD AND MUST BE 5' T]FF EDG OF RSPHALT. SITE DISTANCE T}FF OF DRIVEWAY TREES Ttr LOOK RT F,LANS. MUST FIAVE DRAIN IN LOI.IER BACK DOOR I POSITIUE DRAINAGE NWAY FRT]I'I HOUsE. PHONE DROP OR S[]ME UTITLY LINE BEHIND MUST BE UNDERBROUND. CANNOT BE BURIED Iten: o,0,540 FLDG*Final C/u IN THE WAY . NILL NE UNDER DECK. SHOW \'\s-s* \\9r \er r \r 1 )D- \s \t'" N)"a.'. I bbE.e.E ;EE=; 9a 3gg :"EF. gt jE-c1^F€iaFE .s 5 H': it gE.f ?E€ gg:EgH EgHEEE !€e Ee e = g5;E: Ht€s€e (.^l s ;{ o q) 4 <) () !l C) '>.l. & q,. >' C) () v, q o 7 ut () C) t-r F 90 U I d) *l d + !e!)d4 >Z t-> te >tE ;t 'f +!E E8 cq .= i;E >.f oG a 950 \J !! .o an 6 tr-t tr-€ 9 'ct(a!E 8,5 HOC) Err 5 Ec:L. Aq =..) t') .= eEE ;gE :!F :jQX FEs Q.s E t€5 x 0)-trooo -E Sil : d.E 9(,3 E! b* Soc vtES =is d:E J? -^o .;i:lo .g€ I E uoF 'i AE sEi .9 ;= .F F> S H U z tr D U U o Fl o frl H d U H Fl H H t, FI U |\ '!i r. Aq)NS raS [)LI\.S RE€5d€a sE$* $ NSs *f r N TAES a.Sq I-*sp:ts-d;s a g"F ri r\s \./'s E s)F 6 o +{ v, !) o C'/ () a) o z TOVIN OF VAIL 75 S, FROTiITAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L557 970-479-21_38 DEPARTMEMT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMEIVI /of/ O '7"g*'J C/t'l ,JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit 800 - 0122 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMTT Job Address:Location...: Parcel- No. . :Project No.: 430]. GLEN FAILS 4301, GLEN FAILS 2].o1-L23-L3 -001 PRJo0-0155 STATUS...: ISSUED Applied. .: Os/26/20O0 Tssued...: a6/20/2000 Expires . .: t2/L7 /20O0 Phone: 970-47L-L086 *of wood/Pa1leE: I,I.l LN APPTICANT KIEHT CONSTRUCTION, INC. 4093 ESAT SPRUCE WAY #37, VAIL, OWNER KETCHAM LINDA Phone: 284-494-2525 VIRGTN TSI,ANDS 8A657 rofru6?i,fr?b815.-8?16 co 815s7 PO BOX 187 ROADTOI,{N TORTOI,A., BRTTISH CONTRAETOR iIEMTZEN CONSTRUCTION P.O. BOX ]-8426, AVON, CO 81620 Description: FINISH OUT BASEMETiC| Fireplace Informatsion: Re6tricled: YEs *Of Gaa ApDliatceE: Clean-up Depgsi Refund approved occupancy: R3 Single Family Residen6dl'lOunt T)npe Construction: V N Tlpe V Non-Rat.ed date valuation: 7,300 Add sq Ft: FEE SI'UUARY ReEtualant Plan R6viev- - > DRB Fee----- Rec!6aEi,on Fee-------- -> cLean-Up Deposib--------> .0o TotaL Calculated Fees--- > AddiEional Fe6E-------- - > ToEaL PermiC Fee--- -----> Paym6nEg- #Of Gas Logs: applicable Ehereto. OR t<-) Buildj,dg-----> Pfan Check_ _> lnvest'igacion> wi l1 call- --> 125 .00 , oo 3-OO 20 .0o .oo 100.o0 .oo 329 .25 "..."...';;.';;;;;';;;;;1;';;;;.'.".""'rir;ri"';#H;;;;;';;;;'**'.'."::"' 05/06/2000 KATITY Action: NorE RourED To .lRf{06/1912000 .TRM Action: APpR APPRoVED IIbm: O54OO PLANNING DEPART'IVIENT DepE: PIJANNING Division:06/06/2000 KATIIY ACt,iON: APPR PREVIOUSLY APPROVED IEerIri .q56q0 EIRE DEP4,RT'I',IEIi[r DepE: FIRE Division:06/06/2000 KATIIY Action: APPR N/A IEernr.Q55Q0 PU'Ei]IC WSRKS '. DepE: PIIB WORK Division:06/05/2000 KATI{Y Acr,ion: APPR N/A ;;;;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;.;; ;;; DECI,ARATIONS r hercby acknorrladge tha! I hav6 lrad this applicatj.on, fillcd ouE in fu11 che infornabion requiled, cooplet'ed an acculate pIoE plan, and 6taCe that all thc informacion plovided as r.quilcd is corr:€cc. I agree to coEply eihh lh€ infornation |r|rd plot pL.n, ho cotrply lrith alL Torrn oldinanc6s and staLe 1a$6, and to build Chis dtslucturc according t'o tshc Tovn's zoning and subdivi6ion code6, &6ign reviet approwcd, Uni.form Bullding code and oth€! ordinanc6s of the REQUBSTS FOR INSPECAIONS SHALL BE MADE T.IJEI.TTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVA.IICE BY TELEPHONE Al| 5100 PM Scnd clean-t4r DepoFit To: STEPqEN iTENTZEN O!{NBR OR HI!.ISELF AND OI.'NER Page 2 ******************************************************************************** CONDTTIONS Permit #: 800-0122 as of 06/20/00 Status---: TSSI]ED **********************ik********************************************************* PeTmiT Tlpe: ADD,/AI,T SFR BUII,D PERMIT Applj-canr.-- : KIEHL CONSTRUCTION, INC. 970 -47]--LO85 ,Job Address: 4301 GLEN FALLS LN Location---: 4301 GI,EN FALLS LN Parcel No- - : 2LOL-L23-1,3 -001 Applied-- : O5 /t26/2A00 Issued- -- :. O6 /20 /2AO0 To Expire L2/L7/2QAO DescripEion: FINTSH OUT BASEMEI\TT * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * jr * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOns * * * * * * * lr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1 . FIEr.,D INSPESIIONS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER S8C.3r.0.6.1 0F THE 1997 UBC.3. NO PARKING OR STAGING OF MATERTAIS ON PI]BLIC RTGHT OF WAY IIITTI{OUT AN APPROVED PI]BLIC WAY PERMIT-4. REC ROOM REQUTRES 31 SQ FT OF NATURAT_, LIGHT PER 1997 UBC 1,203.2 REC RM IS EONSIDERED A ITABITABLE ROOM BY DEFINITION OF I]BC *********?************r************!r***i TOWN OF VAII,, COIORADO , St.atemxt +*t*t*ft****ia*****t*******:}+*+*******t*****r*t**.rt*rt***a*t*.lt*** statennt Number: REc-0544 Amount: 329.25 06/20/00 o8:o5 Payment Method: 2519 l{otation: STEPHBiI iIUITZEN Init : .IN Permit Nor Parcel No: site Address: Locatj.on: Thi6 Pa).ment Total Feer: 329.25 TotaL ALL Pmtr: Bo0-0L22 Type: A BUILD ADD/AIT SllR BUIITD PE 2101-123-13-001 4301 GLEN FAIJ,S I,l,I 43 O]. GLEN FAI,I,S tN Balance : 329.25 329.25 . oo i***+t*ra*******i**tt+******t******t*****ti****t***+t****lt****** Account Code DeEcription BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUII.DING PERMIT FEES DR 001-00003112200 DESIGN REVTEW FEES PP OO1OOOO31123OO PIJAN CIIECK FEES Anount 125 .00 20.00 8L.25 l-oo . oo 3 .00 AD D2-DBPO8 CLEANUP DEPOSITS WC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CA],IJ INSPECTION FEE oz .o OJ o2 .o !4 t{ d !l * H q U E o b H 2 U ql d U z hl l|H htt EO EA at lq o i.l o v. a E E H o FI -z 49. EH oo EO E!{ AH zz !|O !4- tt E [{ FI FI a3 -o H: frH 23 ig (t o Ht{tlz 8g o g ti o H q H 2 o H qG IU ZF H IE o olr H CA P S9 6 A- A H o U g H E o E o 2 !! H o e pt rob c6 I> EE{r '(c aot qo t . EE8 NVN'FYAIL 75 S. Frontage Vail, Coloralo Separate Rd. 81657 APPtrcArrouLL Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMplplnr iiw Buifding Permit #i 666 -6t LL 97 O-47 9-2t49 (Inspections) Permits are required for electrical. plumbing, mcchanical. etc.l Contact Assessorc Offtce at 970-328-8640 or visit for Parcel # Parcel# 2to/- /zJ - /t-06/ JobAddress: ,,-, ^ | /'i .- .l 4.)c,r (rlerr fatls Lh Legal Description ll Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: owners Nu*"'Ar,..,J,,. k"+. I o#5u31'611r^ v,,,,, Ln va enone'(27a) qFf ooag Architect/Desig ner:Address:Phone: ( 7 K) 37o '- 7'l 6 S lcetl Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: 73o1.l' + f ,^;rh -R o., m4 |L+ Work Class: New ( ) Addition ( ) Remodel ( ) Repair( ) Demo ( ) Other ( ) Work Type: Interior fi) Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family () Two-family ( ) MultFfamily ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Orher ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: /No, of Accommodation Units in this building: N + Noffype of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( Nofflpe of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No (l Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No X) coMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materiats) PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $rorAr.: S 7, ? nf, 09 RL]I-'I JND CI-EANIJ P DEPOSIT' I-O: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Genera I tje ui I Contractor: :Z(n ( anslraclton Town of Vail Reg. No.:238'B pontact and Phone #'s:'-7rt, 8+r" I //6 Contractor Signature:S icpywvr @ (9fo) +7t-354.r' (cl(. r.*:?*****:t**,t*r'.**********:l****t **-4rr*****FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**+*************-J*******:'.*:krk*:r:k**:r**:! I DRB Fees! fype of Constnrctlonl I Date Receiv€d:1 Public Way Permat Fee: F:/everyone/forms/bldgperm ia .'{'. | - t 1 ,r a'. Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 I0l,l',ry Department of Community Development NA ^/A ^lA NA A/A Project Name: K e L. i^ ,. ,. ProjectAddress; A3Ol (yltn Fr^tL< Ln. / This Checklist must be completed before a Buildina Permit apolication is acceoted. V All pages of application is complete NA D HasDRBapproval obtained(if required) Provideacopyof approval form A/A D Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex N h D Complete site Plan submitted N ,\ o Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) N h D Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumpster,parkinq or material storagre r* allowed on roadwavs and shoulders without written approval N A o Arb"ra* t"rt ",rd results submitted if demolition ts occurring N& D Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) Nft u Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial) D Window and door schedule o Full structural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) o Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) o Soils Repoft must be submitted prior to footing inspection B Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated P/ Smot<e detectors shown on plans N h .D Types and quantity of fireplaces shown n <__v Applicant's Signature: ---\ \- \ Date of submittal: F:/everyone/forms/bldpermz Received By: TOWNOF If this review by the weeks, permit requires a Town of and approval, a Planning De Fire Depaftment Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review or Health Department review, and a review Building Department, the mated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) All commercial (large or small) a mentioned maximum requirements. of time. However, if residential all multi-family permits will have to follow the above Residential and small Droiects should take a lesser amount departments with regard to n review and approve. smaller projects impact the various above mentioned review/ these projects may also take three (3) weeks to Every attempt will be made by this partment to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the that if the permit is not picked up by an check procedure and time frame. I also understand the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it mav future permits that I apply for, Agreed to Print name Signature Project Name: Date: F: everyone/forms/bldperm3 -tr ( )(\ x' rrt Fr + 3 7) rr1 vt tPe 3)' t/l ] r'r 3 oT 3>r (n :t {*= kak fv o r:.*b'S .o R i Tii '-r^' , c)t:.FH - \i\-F\. t\-r*l (^ -l I x t Li e -o oE E? o9 Ns 16 d.,r 4., S_."D g,ir.'6.1 t I I I I I I I I i I a 'ur V_€$l .-. -: I {i-'+, h l -1 Y,\"h EF = L aotr F -.- j ?\#" i= / 1-',,t4 'Gx xJs* s .tE+ 'ac( \ o fj u, ?o.. \ F?'rt T .*1"k,i */"X., t'- .LJ \o-_ I/7 I I -t t' ^ts I I F (, I .F \\_ fr r{ {\a >jl 'Fl. t -a + \o\ Fr *t 'A:9-r' n-;Dr l. e.. +r-5* \'-* fl*-,,h-,84 al( "])b -t ,,ol -,a/ +F b..r oav 'l+ "3w o a TOWN OF VAII., 75 S. FROMTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2L38 APPLICAIiff COIilfRACTOR OWNER F1-^+?i ^11---- DRB Fee InvestigaEi.on> Wi.Il call--- .> '_rotAlr FEES- - - > Description: ELEC FOR BASEMEIfT FINISH EEE SWMARY DEPARTMENT OF NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRTCAL PERMIT .Job Address: 4301 GLEN FALLS LN Location...: 4301- GLEN FALLS I_,N Parcel No. -: 2t0a-a23-13-001- Project No. : PR,I00-0165 DOI'BI.,,E Q ELECTRIC P.O. BOX 242, EDWARDS CO 81632 DOIIBLE Q ELECTRIC P.O. BOX 242, EDWARDS CO 81632 KETCHAM LTNDA PO BOX l-87 ROADTOI,VN TORTOLA, BRITISH COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMEI T JOBSTTE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: E00-0088 Status-..: ISSUED Applied..: 05/26/2000 Issued...: 06/19/2000 E>q)ires. . : L2/a6 /2000 Phone: 970-748-9780 Phonel. 970-748-9780 Phone:. 284-494-2525 VIRGIN ISLANDS 81657 Valuat.ion:1,300.00 50,00 . oo . o0 3.00 5f-oo .00 53. OO 53 .00 . oo 'fot'a1 Calculatsed FeeE- -- > Addi.tional Fces- ------> Tolal Permit Fe6---- Palments-------- BAIANCE DUE ITEM: O6OOO ELECTRICAI DEPARTT.IENT DCPT: BUILDING DiViSiON:06/06/2000 KATTTY AcIion: APPR APPROVED PER:KW ILCM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTIIENT DEPI: FIRE DiViSiON:06/06/2000 KATITY Acrion: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAI 1.. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECI,ARATIONS I heleby acknowLedge lhaE I have read this applicacion, filled out in f!rl1 bhe inforoation lequired, conpLeted an accurate pl,o! p1an, and state that all the inforEation provided aB lequired ig correcE, I agree !o corsply wiEh the infonnacj.on and plo! p1an, t.o coBlply t ith all folln oldinanceE and 6tace lawo, and to build this stlucLure according co the Tosn's zoning and subdivision codes, design revier approved, Unifom Building Code and ot'hc! ordillanccs of the Toen applicable tshereco. AT 479-2133 oR AT OUR oFFICE FROM s:00 All 5:0O REQUESTS F'OR, INSPECTIONS SHALL AE MA.DE ?}IE}ITY.FOUR HOT]RS IN AD\TANCE BY TEIEPHONE *********************t*t**tl******r****l*****+*t*****t********** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO '. Statemnt *************************+l**********'l*************tl***l+****li* Statemnt Nurnber: REC-0644 AtnounE: 53.OO O6/L9/ 00 15119 Payment Method: 9114 Notation: DoUBLE Q ELECTRI rnitr JN Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address : Location : This Payment E0o-o088 Type: B-EITEC EIIECTRICAIJ PERMIT 2101-123 -13 - 001 4301 6LEN FATLS I,N 4301 GI]EN FATLS LN Total Feee: 53.00 Total ALIJ Prrts I Bal.ance: *****t*t****t****t**tt*rt*******tt*t*****t:t********+trtti*t:r*tta** Account Code DescriDti-on .00 Amount 50.00 3.00 EP OO1OOOO31].14OO EI.,EETRICAI, PERI/IIT FEES we 001"00003112800 wrlrr CALL rusPEctroN FEE s5/26/2BBA .-' r,t 11:09 97A-926-3675 DOUE-E O ELECTRIC PAGE g2 lppuc uOnL flor BE AccEprED rF rr{co'pr"FrG uilsrcilE Proiccr #: Brrildlng Permit *: ElccUlcal Pcrmlt *: 970-479-2149 (f nrpcctionr) 75 S. Frontesc Rd- Uall, Colordo !1657 COr'lPtETE SQ. FEET FOR IlEw IUILDS and VAIUATIOIIS FOR AtL OTHERI' (rabor & llaterials) ECEIVED MAY 2 6 2o0o Tnlf"cnn4.r''r" PNrccl # (Required il no #43 WorkClasi: ilelvIt. Addidon( ) Rernodel ( ) Repair( ) TempPorcr( ) ocer( ) WorkType: Inrcrior9+ Exteror( ) Bodr( )Does an EHU exlst at this locatlon: Yes ( ) No ( ) Tyee of Bldg.: Slnglefamityjt' DWlex ( ) Multi-h.niv ( ) Conrmercial ( ) R€staur.nt ( ) Other ( ) llo. of Existing Dwelling Unrts in tfiis building:No. of Aocommodation UniB in this building: E oes a Fire Alarm b(ist Ye6 a Fire Sprinkler Systern Exist Yes ( ) No AMOUNT OF SQ FT It{ STRUCTURE: COI{TR^GTOR INFORI4ATIOT Contact and Phone #'s; -BZ,U Qus:tnB r r ttaa *tarttttla*arir.***++**** * rrt ******FOl OFFICE USE OllLYrr*t1.rrrr.......*r* *. *.,r..*r.**+t..** F:/ercryorr/tomr/clcwm -' .,i ,o -,.',1,.r ^1 ..'" t \ o 0 3 o o cl o 05/26/29gb L7:O9 976-925-367s DOUBLE O EIECTRIC FA6E O3 IOrry0F lrrcnrlmant to Ure 1999 tl.E.q Town olYail Ordinance 10'l:o Overhead serrrices are not allorwd in the Town of Vail. Unairgt;unO seruiEes haye to be ln conduit (nK) from the bant'onrer to the electrlc rneter, main dlsconnect switch:nd b the first ehcrical dlstribtlton clrcult breaker panel' fi.,"-r"in Oisconnect styitch shalt be located next to the tneter on the exterior wall d th€ structlrc easlly accesslble. Alt underground conduiB are leguir€d tO be inspected bcio]e back'fillinS $e tFendl. fn muttl+imtty drilellinS units, no electsical wiring or feeder cables $all pass from d|e unit b anotier. Cmrnon ualls and spaces ar€ aocepted. NM Cable (itomex) ls not itloweC In commerdal buildings or structrt?s exceeding three (3) stories. No use of ilumlnum wire smaller tfian size #8 will be permitted with the Towtt of Vail' TOWN OF VAIL ETECTRICAI PFRIiIITSUIDELIIICS a All installations of exterior hot fubs or spa's require a DRB apprwal ftom plannlng. This application will ' not be acceptecl without a copy of the DRB appro\ral form attached (if applicable). o If this permit is fur instatlation of an exterior hot tub or spa on a ne$, elet/aEd plaftrrn or deck wer 30" above grde, you must also obtain a building permit. fr If this permit is fur installation of an ofierior hot hJb or spa on ony exisHrE ded< or elanted.. platbrm,- a struhrral engineer must review the existing coMition and verlff $at it will support the added concentftfied l6d. ptease provade a aopy of dte structural engineers wet stamped letler or dnwing with thls aPPl'rfiion. q If this is a remodel in a multFfamily buitding with a homeowners association, a le$er of permission from the assocliiltion is rcquired. u If this permit is for a commecial space, turo (2) sets of stamped drawings are required' I have rcad.nd ulderf,tand tho abovs. If you havc any querfioffi tcgarding tfte aboye information or hare eddiUonal qucl$onst pleise contact ilrd Torrn of Vail Electrtcal Incpe&r at97o-479-2147. The Inepedor Gan bG ir:ctreC on Tuesday, Thumday and Fridey firomingc bstrrcen the hours of 8am ald !lrm' You may abo llayc a vulce mail and the inspcctorwill crll you back. o DEVELO TOWN OF VAIIJ 75 S. FROIfTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970-479-21,38 APPLICA}fT COIfTRACTOR OWNER DEPARTMENT OF COMMT]NITY NOTE: THrS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PI.,,TJMBING PERMIT PMEIi[T 'fOBSITE AT ALI, TIMES PermiE. #: P00-0051 staLus...: IssIlED Applied..: Os/26/2000 Issued...: 06/20/2000 E>cpires . . : t2/1-7 /20O0 Phone:. 970-945-l-038 co 8r.601 Phone: 970-945-1038 co 81601_ ToLal cal.culated F'ees- - - >139. O0 Job Address: Location...: Parcel No..: Project No.: HI_TECH PLI]MBTNG 45855 HIdfY 6 & 24 LOT HI-TECH PLIJMBING 45855 HWY 6 & 24 LOT KETCIIAM LINDA PO BOX 187 ROADTOhIN 4301 GLEN FAI,LS LN 4301 GLEN FALLS LN 2t01-a23-13-001 PRJo0-0165 57, GI.,ENWOOD SPRINGS, 57, GLENWOOD SPRINGS, Phone: 284-494-2525 TORTOLA, BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS 8L657 DESCTiPTiON: PLUIVIBING FOR BASEMEMT FINISH OII| VAIUATION:4, 000 . 00 FEE SUI4MARY Plum-binq - Plan ch{:ck- - - > Invest igacion> will Cer1l----> 60 .00 1,5 , oo 60. oo 3-00 ReetsuaranE Plan Revlevr- _ > TOTAI. FEES---- - _Additional Fee6---------> .00 . oo 138. OO ToLal Peflnit Fee--------> PaF€ntc-------- 134.00 138.00 . - ".,. " -. Tfl :i-iYi; : ; ; ; ; ; ; " ; ; ; ; ;,..,,,.. ". -., " ; : :"... ITCM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTT4EIiTT DEPE: BUITDING DiViSiON:05/06/2000 KATHY ACt,iON: APPR APPROVED PER:KW Itqm: .05600 FrRE DEPART'lilEl{T Dept,: FrRE Division:06/06/2000 KATITY Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPEETIONS ARE REQUIRED TO ETIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. *r*******r****r DECLARATIONS I he!€by acknorrl€dg€ chaC I havc read this applicaLi.on, filled out in full the infomation r€quired, complcCed ail accurale plot' plan, and sEatc EhaE all t.he information provided aE requircd is correcc. I agree tso conply eiih the inforEagion and plof plan, to comply lrith all To{n ordinancos and Btale laws, at}d to build thie gEl:ucture according t.o the town'6 zonj.ng and subdiviaion codes, design review approved, Unifol-m Buildi.ng code and oirher oldinaoce€ of the town applicable REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TWENTY- FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE gY 419 -2L3e E :00 A1'l 5 :00 PM OF OWNER FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER r * * * * i * * * r * a * t * *. r * * * :.il * * + * * * r * *!)* * r * r r * * * * * r * ** * * ** r * * * * r r i * !r TOI{N OF VAIIJ, COLORADO l Statemnt *!rtl***+*!rtf**trt**i*****t*ta*tt*******ttttl***iata*frr*+r***it*****t* Statemnt Number: REc-o645 Amount :13S.00 05/20 /OO L6 t3'l Payment Method: 1544 Notation: DoN GADDIS fnit : JN Permit No: Parcel- No: slte Address: Location: This Pa)rment POO-0051 ?n)e I 2101-123-13-001 4301 GLEN FALLS 4301 GLEN FALLS B-PItl4B PLI,!,IBING PERI!{IT I,II I,N Total FeeE: 138. O0 Total A],L I'rtrtE: BaLance : ****a**rl**************ii*******************'l************i***l*** Account eode Description 138.00 L38 .00 ,00 PP OO]-OOOO31112OO PI,UMBING PERMIT FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PI,AN CIIECK FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WILI CALI, INSPEETION FEE PN 00100003153000 INVESTIGATTON FEB (BIrDe) Arnount 50.00 15 .00 3.00 60.00 APPLICATIO IVWNOFYAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Building Permit #: Plumbing Permit #: 97 O- 47 9-2L49 (Inspections) TOWN OF VAIL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION i,.,/i1\/7'- 't!\ i//-\" Contact COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (Labor & Materiats) Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit for Parcel # Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) rob Name: ,42 tcA urn (ns Job Address:4 3 o/ 6/e- /"1& l4rc Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: 4AOay'6,lu- owners Name: KC_fChUrn Address: /3 0/ G le- *all9g'n"tgll enone' Engineer:Address:Phone: Detaileddescriptionofwork: R/z y4 bqtl_, ;7 6nsry1 /''Tar/ef /-rnu /.' 9Ad..ttL 1 surnp P,/nA "')-' ,-)t W-- Work Class: New ( )Addition (\) Alteration ( )Y "Repair ( )Other ( ) -ypeof Bldg.: Single-family (/0 Duplex ( ) Multi-iamity ( ) Commerciat ( ) Restaurant ( ) Orher( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: I No. of Accommodation Units in this buildina: Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? yes ( ) ruofrf) PLUMBING: $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Plumbino Contractor: H i raal', f l, n 6;.'tq - Town of Vail Req. No.:r.?b, P Contact and Phone #'s: 5 tele Cftf/e Qlf-PzS Contractor Signature:M th,/r{- **********i*************.,t***+***+**.r**nFOR OFFICE USE ONLY*****r**rr********:!*****.i**-n******r<*+.r. Fees:Date Planner Si DRB f,cet $A\ z 6 ?000 lovlg4 CIVEC F/everyone/forms/plmbperm IlAY REF.T 131 TOI^'N OF VAIL, CCILORADO trA6E 1 AREA; JRM 8$/84/eqn0 t&8:EG REBUESTS - INSpECTN WORK SHEETS FORt BiE4/@ =========g===-=-=====g====EE===*======3==t:===== ==:====--Ei:*:====:===*a=======e=====Activityr BEO-OlPE A/e4/e0 Type: A-BUILD Statr.rs: IE}SUED Constr: ASFR Addressz 4307 GLEN FALLS LN Location: 43fi1 GLEN FALLS LN Panne I : 31tZt1-133-13-.erfil Decription: FINISH OUT BASEMENT Applicant: KIEHL CTNSTRUCTIONr lNC. Owner: KETUHAM LINDA Contraetor': JENTZEN CONSTRUCTIUN Occ:User U N i I I I I I I I I I Fhone : 97tZt-471-1t086 Fhone : ;--'84-494-PSE5 F,one: 970-845-8716' m ent s: be Inspect tory. . . .. LD6-Fram lnspect i on Reqr-rest Information. Requestot': STEVEN,I Req Time: 0tBrOO It ems r.equest ed BErOgrZl BLDG*Fina CALL Actiop Comments Fhone r -4543 -1 I ri nre e x{_-_l : -_1 :_-_--l Inspec It tion Hi em ! @atat/ Noteg: I-I6HT FOR THE HABITAFLE ROOM THE BASEMENT. A TIECHANIEAL VENTILATIT]N NATURRL UENTILATION AF F,R AF,F,ROVED FOR gOfilE EUIDAI.ICE IN SYSTEM I.JI E REOUI THE REOU IN LIEU Item: ratlrlSa BLDG-Insulat ion Item: 0IA0SEBLDG-EIheetnock Nai I fia/27 /AQt Inspectorl CD Notes: CUNTRACTOR HAS INST Item : tZtt?rtZtTfi BL.DG-Mise, Item: 0tltl9B BLDG-FinaI M ,r-- REpTlSt TOt^tN OE, VRIL, COLoRADD 6B/e4/eQqO 08:P6 REEUESTS- INSFECTN WORK SHEETS FURr A/e4lEA o -------l F,lalA-BOS1 E/:E4/EO Type: B*trLMB Eitatrrs; ISiSUED Constr": ASFR i 43OI GLEN FALLS LN I 43fi1 GLEN FALLS LN el01- lE3-1SqrA1 PLUIYIBIN6 FOR BRSEMENT FINISH OUT HI-TECH F'LUFIBIN6 KETCHNM LINDA HI_TECH PLUMBING Occ r Use; pREE 141 AREAr JRM i Flctivityr Address: Locat i on : Farce I : Descript ion: Flppl icant: Ownen r Cont ract on: trhone; 97fi-94!i-1O36 trhoner 384-494-ESE5 trhone: 97tZt-95*1O36 I -t Inspect i on Request Inf or.nat ion.... Requestor.: STEVEN JENSEN Req Timer (tBlOff Eommentsr WILL Items reqr-rested to be Inspected... raAEgA PLM-Final trhone:37 CRLL Act i on a.Comuents Time Ex1 __j ----l _-.--__l Inspection History. .. .. Item : OAPIO FLMB-Under.qronnd Item: O@eaS trLltlB*Rough,/D. W. V, A6/Ai/0A Inspector : ED Notes! Eump ancl vent systen ten l OOE3O trLMB-Rough/l^later EA/eL /0O Inspeet or': CD Item: O0e4O PLMB-6as tripinq Item: OOE50 F,LMB-Fool/Hot Tr.rb Item : AOa6€r trLl'lB-Misc.Iten: EIOE9O FLMB-Final Abtionr AF,FR \instal led Act i on: ffF PR 5*a i nt est hrork inq Fressune t.. -i o b\L , ftQ{hvnQrh c September 15, 2000 Leonard Sandpval Public Works Construction Inspector 1309 Elkhom Drive Vail, CO 81657 RE: 4301 Glen Falls Lane Landscaping i Dear Leonard: o Architecture o lnteriors Vail,CQ81657 r fps@colorado.net . fax (9701 476-4901 . (97O\ 476-6342 FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCH ITECTS Per our site visit on September 14,2000, by signing below the owner has agreed that they will not plant any landscaping higher than 3'-0" in the area shown on the adjacent plan. This is to maintain the existing site lines from the driveway. Additionally, the existing trees are allowed to remain in their current locations. Please call with any questions or comments. Sincerely, z:----.\ \- \ \ \.'.- - S)\"-r\i-...----. \^--^\- Stephanie Lord-Johnson Architect 'il, cA,4lrt4.,,.- Linda Ketcham . Or(", 4301 Glen Falls Lanes J :\983 8-K€tcham\TOV\Is09 I 5.wpd Planning 1650 EastVail Valley Drive tallridge C-1 . ,..D \ u\ \a t) uB*r .i, Fr iI !z !,-,__-__r. v f I l\ ,'$\\- i 'v I I -r-l'-' -- I I T 'l'l'lfi{ri'flTTTF r B m 6 aaltr.t l- z U (n o a z Gl 1l I- z KETCHAM RESIDENCE tlttnl?tllm -rartr|atr l.tlrmr l!r!t!i!iiii Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Project Name: Ketcham Residence Project Description: Relocation of electrical meter Owner, Address, and Phone: Linda Ketcham PO Box 187, Roadtown Tortola British Vi"Cr" Islands 2M-494-2s2s Architect/contact, Address, and Phone: Stephanie Lord (Fritzlerq pierce, smith) 1650 East Vail Valley Drive F'allridge C1 Vait CO 81657 Project Street Address: 4301 Glen tr'alls Lane Legal Description: Lot 1, Forest Glen ParcelNumber: 210112313001 Comments: BuildiugNane: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Na Conditions: Town Planner: AIIison Ochs Date: 919199 ProjectName: KetchamResidence VAILDATA\EVERYONE\DRB\A?PROVALS\KETCHAM2 Board/Staff Action Action: DRB Fee Paid: $0 Na StaffApproved Na 00/08/ss 04:56 FAI s70{704001 X'sx Cover Sheet FPS @or FRITZLEN PIERCE SMITH ARCHITECTS Drte To: X'rr: Rc: Spndcn CC: Septembcr 7, 1999 Allison Ochs 479.2452 Ketc,ham Rcsidenoc Stephanic Lord Artdy Bober, EMAC 845-0465 call (970) 476-6342 E)cr 15. dlison- | Thank you for your fast response todsy! Attached is the ske,tch of&e site plan showing the uew location for the neighboring property's electrical meter. The meter is 2' offthe pmperty line (that adjoins ihe Ketcharns) and 12' bsck from the sreet sirle property line. Thc mcter i.s located near some sristing landscaping and we will provide as ntany sbnbs as r€quirEd to fiuthcr hidc the mcter. Ptease call if you have any qwstions or comments. Again thenk ysu for your help.'+(> PlanningrArchitecturcolnteriort 1550 Er$Vtilvslley Orir€ Fa[ddF c-1 . vril, co 81657 r fF@colondo.net. f'I (970) 476-4901 . l97o a75dl42 A r$1 .- \ -4/ \ --\ $il8 H$e DF '8 E fr (r \t ru,l- kt l-if $fifiH ?3sq ffif;$ $'fE 's /+_ l** J. il $ ,I E fl F,r{ $i d r U r l L trt il<il :r ED -A h) -*-1 f;&' r 0 2 il\ *J il \ g fl F S,U .Ni (! G 1- U 2 o ffi (! >o 7\ I \\ r08?gzt0r8 IY,{ 0g:t0 08/so/eo Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Ketcham Residence Project Description: Changes to driveway Owner, Address, and Phone: Linda Ketcham PO Box 187, Roadtown Tortola British Virgin Islands 284-494-2525 fuchitect/Contact, Address, and Phone: Stephanie Lord (Fritzlen, Pierceo Smith) 1650 East Vail Valley Drive Fallridge Cl Vail, CO 81657 Project Street Address: 4301 Glen tr'alls Lane Legal Description: Lot ln Forest Glen ParcelNumber: 210112313001 Comments: Building Name: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Na Conditions: Town Planner: Allison Ochs Date: 4123199 Project Name: Ketcham Residence VAILDATA\EVERYONE\DRB\A?PROVALS\IGTCHAM2 BoardiStaff Action Action: DRB Fee Paid: $0 Na StaffApproved Na a Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Projcct Name: Ketcham Residence Projcct Dcscription: New single-family residence Owner, Addrcss. and Phonc: Linda Ketcham PO Box 187. Roadtown Tortola British Virgin Islands 284-494-2525 fu'chitcct/Contact, Address. and Phonc: Stephanie Lord (Fritzlen, Pierce, Smith) 1650 East Vail Valley Drive Fallridge Cl Vail, CO 81657 Project Strcet Address: 4301 Glen Falls Lane Lcgal Dcscription: Lot l, Forest Glen Palcel Nurnbcr: 2l0l 12313001 Comncnts: Building Namc: Motion by: Sccondcd by: Votc: 3-l (Bill Conditions: l. ) 3. Town Planner: Date: llll9l98 Project Name: Ketcham Residence VAI LDATA\EV ERYONE\DRB\APPROVALSUGTCHAM Board/Staff Action Action:Approved with conditions Brian Pierce recused himself) No tree removal in the flood plain 12" culvert changed to 18" culvert Only one curb cut. New driveway plans must be submitted for staff approval Allison Ochs DRB Fee Paid: $200 Clark a i r RECEIPT _ The Tovrn of Vail tt olnn tllao , pTs I RECEIVEDFROM I ADDRESS I 4942s I - * -'------ I I I DoLLARs 5 JooY t--==-- I I I I Permit Numbers --__ police f,.sssip1 Numbers | - rr, rr^'^ at' , ^i How pArD_cash_--arcck gbbz Rw "Atl ' --=_--=-- ZONE CHECK n-+^. lt I lt', lo0 LJdru._ ttt lv I I o -l Lcgal dcscription: L^ol_J_' . Block_ rilr"e fuUI \lu Addrcss Onncr Architrct Zonc Lot sizc Total GRFA Primary CRFA + /4?5) r'67{+l = Scrondary GRFA + (125) (675+) =_ * 67 5 = 425 credit plus 250 addition Phone Phone Proposcd use Buildable arca Docs this rcqucst involvc a 250 Add.ition? Horv much of thc allowcd 250 Addition is uscd rvith this reoucst? nA Sitc Covcrage Sctbacks 45oo + 2574 ') (\, 15' l5' Landscaping Rctaining Wall Hcights Parking Caragc Crcdit Drivcway 3'. /6', Required_ (300) (600) (e00) (1200) Total Rcmaining - 44*< tq =. Allorved Existin s Proooscd 44n6 =_tlflp_ 25't4 (30x33) Front Sidcs Rcar Minimum Afl, 3o t5 tE 50 Complics wirh TOV Lighting Ordinancc Arc finishcd gradcs Icss :danZ:l (50%) Environmcntal4{azards Encloscd Permitted Slope _% Proposed Slopc _% Ycs- Nq Ycs No 1) Pcrccnt Slopc (< >30%) 2) Floodolain tl(1 3) Wctlands 4) Water Course Sctback (30) (50) 5) Geologic Hazards a) Snorv Avalanchc b) Rocldall IID 4tn/4t PrcT'ious conditions ofapproval (chcck property filc); Is thc propcrty non-conforming? Dcscribe: c) Dcbris Flow DESIGN REVIEW CIIECKLIST Projcct: tr SUR\EY Q srtEplaN Scalc Benchmark Legal dcscription Lot Sizc Buildable Area Eascments Topography 100 yr. flood plain Watcl Cou$e Setback Environm ental Hazrrds Trees Utility I ocations Spot clcvations ---:_ !--- I Building Height Encroachments Setbacks Sitc Coverage EaveVOvcrhangs (4) Deckstsalconics (.]ara rro ^^---'.c^-vsq6e !vr!,rv\,tru Site Grade\Slope Retaining Walls Fences Parking/Garagc TumingRadius Drivcway (access and grade) Snorv Storagc FireAccess tr FLOORPLANS (nal^ GRFA 250 additional CRFA Crarvl\Attic Space f] BUILDINC ELEVATIONS Scalc ColorMateria.ls Roofpitch N I.ANDSCAPEPLAN Existing tces Proposed f ees Lcgend MISCELLANEOUS Condo Approval TitJe report (A & B) Utility.verifi cation form photos ofsitc Building material samplcs C.O. Verification SunlShade Angics Utiliti es (undergroun d) Vierv Corridors v anances Plat resricdons Qu..,iunrlall thc Planning Staffat 479-2l2tt APPLTCATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This applicatiorr is fbr any projcct requiring Design Revicw approval. Any projcct requiring dcsign rcvicw nrust rcccivc Dcsign Rcvicw approval priorto subnrifting fora building pernrit. Forspccific infonrration, scc thc subnrittal rcquircrncnts lbr thc particular approval that is requq\tcd. The application cannot be accepted untit all thc rcquircd infornration is subnrittcd. Thc project tnay also need to be rcviewcd by thc Town Council and/or thc Planning and Errvirourncntal Comurission. Dcsign Rcvicw Board approval cxpircs onc ycar after final approval unless a building pcrmit is issued and construcfion is started. B. DESCRIPTION THE REQUEST: LOC'ATION OF POOOOSO PFrvSICALADDRESS: 44OL A\,.- ^-Fr, r-,-= L ^-r tf= PARCEL #: Zlbllt ?L3,fY=]| | Jcontact Eagle Co. Asscssors Ofticc at 970-328-tt640 tbr,frarcel #) ZoNINc: FAy- :' (glWtl ?-TD * 77 F. NAME OF owNER(S): I-- r qU ^ *- I 4='-a Vt a.+-a MAILINC ADDRESS: OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILINC ADDRESS: PHONE: .TYW6F REVIEWAND FEE: -Xru.t" Construction - $200 Il Addition - $50 I-l Minor Altcration - $20 E Conceptual Review - $0 DRB fees arc to bc paid at the timc of subnrittal. Later. whcn applying for a building pennit, plcasc idcntily thc ncrcurate valuation of the projcct. Thc Town of Vail will adjust thc fce according to thc project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, At-,t-,, sununTAL REeUIREMENTS AND THE FEE To THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, vAtL, coLoRADO 816s7. \ - z,?:A - l\qA -'!yl'-i, ,t -! o c-l D. E. H. Construction of a ncw building. Includes any addition whcrc squarc footage is addcd to any rcsidcntial or commcrcial building. Includc.s rninor changcs to buildings and sitc inrprovcmcnts. such as. rcroofing, painting. window additions, landscaping. fcnces and retaining walls. ctc. For any application where the applicant wishes to nrect with Dasign Revicrv Board to dctemrine whcther or not thc project gencrally complics with thc design guidclincs..The DRB does not vote on conccpftlal revicws. PHONE: o LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS BUILDING MATERIALS:TYPE OF MATERIAL: l-c.>P-"ec- CQ!.Q,R:* Roof -SidiflE: €'-rpl-rg, Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Do ors Door Trim Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Creenhouses Retalning Walls Extcrior Lighting** Other I,==\l- - B.r6o..y T-4sror - \\+-..-.o ^+ tzo*1 Z-\---,*,*.' 6" .,* Gzv-/ * Please specify the manufacfurer's color, number and attach a small color chip ** All exterior lighting must meet the Town's Lighting Ordinance 18.54.050(J). If exterior lighting is proposed, please indicate the number of fixtures and locations on a separate ligtrting plan. Identifo each fixture type and provide the height above grade, lumens output, luminous area. and attach a cut sheet of the lighting fixtures. -4* L rl I L t-r - a o tr If building faccs arc proposcd at anglcs not rcprcscntcd wcll on thc nornral building clcvations, shorv thcsc faccs also. D Elcvations shall shorv proposcd finishcd clcvation offloors and roofs on all lcvcls. O All cxtcrior n)atcrials and colors shall bc spccified on thc elcvanons. g Thc following shall bc shown graphically and fully dimensioned: fascia, bim, railings, chimncy caps. meter locations, and window details. tr Show all proposed exterior lighting fixtures on the building. 0 Illuskate all dccks, porches and balconics. O Indicate the roofand building drainage systent (i.e. guttcrs and downspouts). O lrrdicate all rooftop nrechanical systems and all other roof strucrures, ifapplicable. 0 Illusfrate proposed building height elevation on roof lines and ridges. These elevations should coordinate with thc finishcd floor clevations and the datum uscd for thc survcy. tr Exterior color and nutcrial sanrples shall bc subnritted to staffand prescnted at the Design Revicrv Board rnccting. Lighting Plan. indicating typc, location and numbcr of fixhrrcs. Includc hcight above grade, lumens output. lunrinous arca and attach a cut shcct of cach fixhrrc. Thc Adninistrator andlor DRB may requirc thc submission of additional plans. drarvings, specifications, sanrplcs and othcr rnatcrials (including a modcl) if dccmed nccessary to dctcrminc whcthcr a projcct will comply with Design Guidclincs or if the intcnt of thc proposal is not clcarly indicatcd. II. IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE (ILC) Once a building pernrit has becn issucd. and conshuction is underway, and bcfore the Building Departmcnt will schedule a frarning inspection, two copies of an Improvement Location Ccrtificate survcy (lLC) stanrped by a registercd professional cngincer must be subrnittcd. The following information nrust be orovided on the ILC: A. Basis of bearing and tie to section comer. B. All property pins found or set. C. Building location(s) with ties to properly comers (i.e. distances and angles). D. Building dimensions, including decks and balconies, to the nearest tenth ofa foot. E. Building and garage floor elevations and all roofridge and eave line clevations. F. All drainage and utility service line as-builts, showing type of material, size and exact location. H. All easements. PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Nanrc Conmon Namc Ouantity Sizc* PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED: --o i rn^ erl- tl Mrc----:15=el+ lA ?'/z 'K"r-=. Fon-tr *lO 5-."s1 BrcDt-.o7 Ce?e - € L=a /, ^r,o,-r< z\+or*.a [re*rd tA 5€f\ G,r-yE-v,t +/- *Minimunr requirements for landscaping: deciduous trecs - 2 inch caliper coniferous trccs - 6 fcct in hcight shrubs - 5 gallons Typc Squarc Footage GROUND COVER SOD SEED iRRICATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate top and bottom clevations of retaining walls. Maximum height of walls within the front setbaok is 3 feet. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. UTILI'TY LOCATION VERIFICATION This forrll is to vcrifr scrvicc availatriliry and location for ncw constnrctiou and should bc uscd in coriunctiol rvith prcparing your rrtility plart and schcduling inst:rllations. Thc location arrd availability of utilitics] rvhcthcr thcy bc Irtain tnrnk lirtqs or proposcd linc.s, rnust bc approvcd and vcrificd by thc follorvilg ut;liti(r|s for thc acconrpluying sitc plan. Authorizcd SiErahrrc Datc U.S. Wcst Conrnrun ications l -lt00-922- I 9it7 468-6u60 or 949-4530 Public Scrvicc Cqrppany 949-s781 Cary Hall Holy Cross Elcch'ic Assoc. 949-5ti92 Tcd Hu.sky/John Boyd T.C,I, 949-5530 Floyd Salazar Eaglc Rivcr Watcr & Sanitation District * 476-74110 Frcd Haslcc *. Plcasc bring a sitc plan, lloor plan, and clcvatious whcu obtainiug Uppcr Eaglc vallcy watcr & Sanitation srgnaturcs. Firc florv nccds rrrust bc addrcsscd. NOTES: t.If thc utility vcrification filrtn has signaturcs ftonr cach of the utility coprpanics. and 'o collrnlcnts arc ntadc dircctlyon thc fornr, thc Town will presumc that thcic arc no problcrns and thc developnrcnt carr proceed. If a utility conrpany has conccnrs with thc proposcd construction. thc utility rcprcscntative shall notedirectly ott thc utility verification form that thcrc is a problcur rvhich rieeds to bc rcsolvcd. The issue should then bc dctailcd i' an aftachcd lcftcr to thc Torvn of Vail. Howcver, plcase kccp i' mind that it is thc rc.sponsibility of thc utility conrpany and the applicant to rcsolvc idcntilied problcnrs. These verifications do not rclieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a l\rblic Way Pcmrit from the Dcpartment of public Works at thc Torvn of Vail. IJtilify locations nrust bc 2. J, *gT++#gglglna'y-public right-of-wav or eascnrerrt within thc Torvn of vair. I It. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE A prc-application confercncc with a planning staff mentber is strongly cncouragcd. No application can be acccptci'unless it is conrplete. Itis the applicant's responsibility to makc an appointment with the staff to dctermine additional submittal requirements. TIME REOUIREMENTS The Desigrr Review Board meets on the lst and 3rd Wednesdays of sach month' A complete application form and all acconrpanying material must be accepted by the Community Development Department a minimum of three and a half (3 l/2) weeks prior to the date of the DRB public hearing. with the exception of concepfual reviews. REVIEW CRITERIA your prof osal witl be reviewcd for compliance with the Design Guidelines as set forth in Section 18.54 of the Municipal Codc. NOTE TO ALL APPLICANTS: A. lfa properfy is located in a mapped hazard area (i,e. snow avalanchg rocldall, floodplain, debris flow. wetland, ctc), a hazard study must be submitted and the owner must sigr an affrdavit rccogrizing the hazard rcport prior to thc issuance of a building permit. Applicants are oncouraged to check with thc planning staffprior to submittal of a DRB application to determine the relationship of thc propcrty to all mappcd hazards. B. Basic Plan Shcct Fornrat. For all survcys, sitc plans. landscapc plans and other sitc improvcmcnts plans, all of the following must be shown. l. PIan sheet sizc must bo 24"x36". For largc projccts, larger plan sizc may be allowcd. 2. Scalc. The ntininrum scalc is l"=20'. All plans must bc at thc samc scalc. 3. Graphic bar scalc. 4. North arrow. 5. Titlc block, project name, project address and legal description. 6. Indication of plan preparcr, address and phone number. 7. Dates oforiginal plan preparation and all revision dates. 8. Vicinity map or location map at a scale of l"=1,000'or larger. 9. Sheet labels and numbers. l0 . A border with a minimum left side margin of I '5". I l. Names ofall adjacent roadways. 12. Plan legend. C. For new construction and additions, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate property lines, proposed buildings and building comers. All trees to be removed must be taped. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. AIt sitc tapings and staking must be completed prior to the day of the DRB meeting. D. Applicants who fail to appear before the Dcsign Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and rvho have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponed, will have their items removed from the DRB agenda until such time as the item has been republished. E. Ifthe DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications, all conditions of approval must be resolved plig: to the issuance of a building permit. III. IV. STAFF APPROVAL Thc Adrninis6ator nray rcvicw and approve Dcsign Rcview applications, approvc with ccrtain modifications. deny thc application, or may rcfer the application to thc Dcsigrr Revicw Board for decision. All staff appiovals arc subjcct to final approval by the DRB. The following types of Dcsigr Review applications may be staff approved: A. Any application for an addition to an existing building that is consistent with the architechral design, nraterials and colors ofthe building, and approval has been received by an authorized member ofa condominium association, if applicable; B. Any application to modify an existing building that does not significantly change the existing planes ofthe building and is generally consistent with th€ architechral design, materials and colors of the building, including, but not limited to exterior building finish materials (e.g. stonework, siding, roof materials, paint or stain,), exterior lighting, canopies or awnings, fenccs, antennas. satellite dishes, windows, skytights, siding, minor commercial facade improvements, and other similar modifications; C. Any application for site improvements or modifications including, but not limited to, driveway modifications, sitc grading, site walls, removal or modifications to existrng landscaping, installation of accessory structures or recreational facilities. VI. ADDITIONAL REVIEW AND FEE$ A. If this application requires a separatc revicw by any local, state or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fcc shall bc incrca;cd by $200.00. Examples of such rcview, may include, but arc not limitcd to: Colorado Dcpartmcnt of Highway Access Permits, fumy Corps of Engineers 404, ctc. B. Thc applicant shall bc rcsponsiblc for paying any publishing fccs rvhich are in excess of50o/" ofthc application fcc. If, at thc applicant's rcquost, any mattcr is postponed for hearing, causing the mattcr to bc rc-published, then the entire fee for such re-publication shall bc paid by the applicant. C. Applications deemed by the Community Dwelopment Department to have dcsign, land usc or other issues which may havc a significant impact on the community may require review by consultants in addition to Town staff. Should a determination be made by the Town staff that an outside consultant is needcd, the Cornmunity Development Dcpartment may hire the consultant. The Department shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay the consultant and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the timc of filing an application. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the application shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. Any excess funds will be retumed to the applicant upon revierv completion. Qucstions? COr" Plaruring Staft.at 479-2 l2tt APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL CENERAL INFORMATION This application is fbr any projcct requirirlg Dcsign Rcvicw approval. Any projcct requiring dcsign rcvicw lrust rcccivc Dcsign Rcvicw approval prior to subnritting fora building pernrit. For spccific infonlation, scc thc suburittal rcquirclnqlts fbr thc particular approval that is rcqucsted. Thc application cannot be acceptcd until all thc rcquircd intbrnratiorr is strbnrittcd. Thc project ntay also necd to be rcvicwed by thc Towrr Council and/or thc planning and Environntcntal Corrrrttissiort. Dcsign Revicw Board approval cxpircs onc ycar aftcr final approval unlcis a building permit is issucd and construction is startcd, DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: TOWN OFVAIL LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LoT: # I ELoCK:- FILtNc: PI-IYSTCALADDRESS: 41Cl {-, srt Y.u t \_,.,*ro PARCEL #:(Contact Eaglc tor,parcel #) ZONINC:aa. NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILTNC ADDRESS: PHONE: OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLIC]ANT: MAiLINC ADDRESS: PHONE: TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: D. New Construction - $200 tr Addition - E Minor Alteration - conceptuar Review = $0 [::iltT:,':tr1il;r':i;",.T:ljl',nTil::[:1ff[H1li,,::T*t1i."'" design guidctines. _The DRB docs not vote on conceptual revicrvs. Ll tt n E. H. Co. Asscssors Officc ar 970-328-lJ(r40 *zz F. C. k Hrrll $s0 $20 Construction of a ncw building. lncludcs any addition whcrc squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidentiat or conmcrcial building. Includc.s minor changcs to buitdings and sitc improvcmcnts, such as. rcroofing. painting. window additions. landscaping. fcnccs and retaining walls. ctc. DRB fecs arc to be paid at the timc of submittal. I,1ter. whcn applying for a building pennit, plcasc idcntity thc accuratc valuatiott of the project. TheTown ofvail witl a-djusithc"fcc according to thc projcct valuatio'. PLEASB SUBMIT THIS APPLTCATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREI\{ENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 7i SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD.VAIL,COLORADO 8I657. ED MATERIALS t BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Othcr Walt Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trirn Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs ["lashings Chinrncys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Extcrior Lighting** Other TYPE OF MATERIAL: fux::= -r L.>>=g COLOR:* -1Z*o,, . \l \t lr rl * PIcase specify the manufacturer's color, number and attach a small color chip ** All exterior lighting must meet the Town's Lighting Ordrnance 18.54.050(J). If exterior lightrng is proposed. please indicate thc number of fixhres and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identify each fixnrre type and provide the height above grade, lumens output, luminous area, and attach a cut sheet of the lighting fixturcs. \l l1 tf o O If building faccs arc proposcd at ;urglcs nof rcprcscntcd rvcll on thc nornral building clcvations. shorv thqsc faccs also. O Elcvations shall shorv proposcd finishcd elcvation offloors and roo [s on all lcvcls. O All cxtcrior ntatcrials and colors strall bc spccificd on thc elcvations. O Thc following shall bc shown graphically and fully dimensioned: fascia, trim, railings. chinrncy caps, nrctcr locations, and window details. O Show all proposed extcrior lighting fixtures on thc building. O Illustrate all dcclcs, porchcs and balconies. D lndicate thc rooland building drainage systenr (i.e. guttcrs and downspouts). O Indicatc all rooftop nrcchanical systems and all othcr roof strucrurcs, ifapplicablc. O Illustrate proposed building height clevation on rooflines and ridgcs. These clcvations should coordrnate with thc finishcd floor clcvations and the datum uscd for thc survcy. O Extcriol color and nratcrial sanrplcs shall bc subntifted to staff and prcscntcd at the Design Rcvicrv Board mccting. Liehtins Plan, indicating typc. location and nunrbcr of iixrurc.s. Includc hcrghr abovc gradc, lurncns output. lurnillous arca and aftach a cut shcct ofcach fixnrrc. Thc Adttrini.srator artdlor DRB nray rcqrrirc thc submission of addrtional plans, drar,r,ing-s. specifications..sarrtplcs and othcr rlatcrials (including a modcl) if dccmed ncccssary to dctcrminc rvhcthcr a projcct will conrply rvith Design Guidclincs or if thc intcnt of thc proposal is not clcarly indrcatcd. II. IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE (tLC) Once a building pcrniit has bcen issued, and construction is underway, and bcfore the Building Dcpartrncnt will schedule a frarning inspection, fwo copies of an Improvcment Location Ccrtificatc suwcy (lLC) statnped by a registcred prot'essional enginecr must bc submittcd. The followine infbrmation nrust bc provided on the ILC: A. Basis of bearing and tie to section comer. B. All property pins found or set. C. Building location(s) with ries to property comers (i.e. distances and angles). D. Building dimensions. including deck and balconies, to the nearest tcnth ofa foot. E. Building and garage floor elc'ations and a roofridge and eave line cievations. F. All drainagc and utility service line as-builts, showing fype of material. size aud exact location. H. All easements. .i PROPOSED LANDSCAPING PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: Botanical Nanlc Comnron Nanrc Ouantity Sizc* EXISTINC TREES TO BE REMOVED: tMinimum requirements for landscaping: dcciduous trecs - 2 inch calipcr conifcrous trccs - 6 fcct in hcight shrubs - 5 sallons Typc Squarc Footaqc GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fenccs, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. Indicatc top and bottom clevations of retaining rvalls. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is 3 fcet. Maximum height of rvalls elsewhcre on thc prooertv is 6 fect. t This fornr is to vcrily scrviic availatrility arrtl location for rrcw construction and should bc uscd in conjunctiorr rvilh prcparing your trtility plarr and schctluling irrstallations. Thc location and availability of utilitic.s. rvh cthcr thcy bc trtain hrltlk linc.s or proposcd lincs, ruust bc approvcd and vcrificd tv tt,. ioiiurui,,g utilitics for thc acconrparrying sitc plan. Authorizcd Signahrrc Datc LI.S. Wc:.,-t Conrnrunicaf ions | -800-922-t987 468-6ti60 or 919-4530 Publ ic Scrvicc Cgrlrparry 949-5781 Cary Hall Flo ly Cross Elcctlic Ass-oc. L)49-5892 Tcd Hu.sky/john Boyd T.C.r. 949-553 0 Fioyd Sallzar Eaglc llivcr Watcr & S;rrr itrtion Disrrict * 416 7480 Frcd l{lt.slcc ],.11::ttt bring a utc pla*' lloor plan' and clcvations rvhcn obraining uppcr Eaglc Valtcy watcr & Sa'irario'srglraturcs. Firc florv nccds nrust bc arldrc.ssctl. NOTES: l Ifthc trtility vcritication fornt jtas signaturcs lionr clch ofthc utility co,rpanics. iurd no collllllcllts arc tlradc dircctlY,on thc fornt' thc Town rvili prcsunrc tlrat tlrcic arc no problcnrs a'd thc dcvclopmcnt can procccd. If a utility cotnpany has conccms with thc proposcd constrrrctiorr. thc utility rcprcscntativc shall notc.dircctly on thc utitity verification fbrnl that thcrc is a problcnl rvhich ueeds to bc rcsolvcd.Thc issuc shotrld thcn bc dctaircd in a'attacrrcd tctter to thc Town of Vair. Horvcvcr. prcase kccp in 'rind that ir is thc rc.sponsibirity of thc utirity conrpany.,,aii"oipr"*i ,u."roru.idcntificd nroblcnrs. 3.These veriticatious do'ot rcricvc thc co.tractor of thc respo'sibirity to obtain a l\rbhc way lm::fn::::?:l*l:yl:191" *:.*,^* thc rown of vail utirily rocations nrust bc *#il****g#:l31y llbri. rigrrrof_rvay o, ."r",,",,i,",uT;it;ffiffi5 o PRE.APPLICATIbN CONFERENCE A prc-application confcrcncc with a planning staff nrcmbcr is strongly cncouragcd. No application can be acccptcd unlc,ss it b conrplete. lt is the applicant's responsibility to makc an appointmcnt with thc staff to dctcrmi nc additional subnrittal requirements. II. TIME REOUIREMENTS Thc Design Review Board meets on thc lst and 3rd Wednesdays of each month. A completc application fornr and all accompanying material must bc accepted by the Commtrnify Development Departmerrt a minimurn of three and a half (3 l/2) weeks prior to the date of the DRB public hearing, with the exception of conccpfuaI reviews. III. REVIEW CRITERIA ! Yorr prof osal wili be reviewed for compliance with the Design Guidelines as set forth in Srction 18.54 of the Municipal Code. rV. NOTE TO ALL APPLICANTS: .A. t{ a property is located in a mapped hazard arca (i.e. snow avalanche, rocldall, floodplain, debns flow. wetland, ctc). a hazard study must bc submifted and the owner must sign an affidavit rccognizing.-the hazard rcport prior to thc issuance of a building permit. Applicants ate cncouraged to chcck with thc planning staffpriorto subminal of a DRB application to detcrmine the rclationship of thc propcrty to all rnappcd haz:rds. B. Basic Plan Shect Format. For all survcys. sitc plans, landscapc plans and othcr sitc improvcmcnts plans, all of the following must bc shorvn. l. Pian sheet sizc nrust bc 24"x16". For largc projccts, larger plan sizc may bc allorvcd. 2. Scalc. The urinimum scalc is l"=20'. All olans must bc at thc sante scalc. 3. Craphic bar scalc. 4. North arrow. ' 5. Title block, projcct namc, project address and legal description. 6. Indication ofplan preparcr, addrcss zurd phone numbcr. 7. Datcs oforiginal plan preparation and all revision dates. 8. Vicinity map or location map at a scale of I "= I ,000' or larger. 9. Shect labels and numbers. l0 . A bordcr rvith a mininrum left sidc margin of 1.5". I l. Namcs ofall adjacent roadways. 12. Plan legend. C. For new construction and additions, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate property lines, proposed buildings and building corners. All trees to be removed must be taped. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snorv. Atl site tapings and staking must bc complcted prior to thc day of the DRB meefing. D. Applicants who fail to appear beforc the Design Review Board on their scheduled mccting date and rvho have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponed, will have their items removed from the DRB agenda until such tinre as the item has been republished. E. lf the DRB approves thc application with conditions or modifications, all conditions of approval must be resolved prior to the issuancc of a building pcrrnit. STAFF APPROYAL Thc Adnrinistrator nlay rcvicw and approvc Dcsign Rcvicw applications, approvc with ccrtain rrtodifications, dcrry thc application, or may rcfcr thc application to thc Dcsign Revicw Board for dccision. All staff approvals arc sLrbjcct to final approval by the DRB. The following typcs of Dcsign Rcvicrv applications rnay be staffapprovcd: c. Any application for an addition to an cxisting build.ing that is consistent with the architechual design, luraterials and colors ofthe building. and approval has becn rcceived by an authorizcd nrembcr ofa condominium association, if applicable; Any apptication to rnodify an existing building that does not significantly changc the existing planes ofthe building and is gencrally consistcnt with thc architecfural design, materials and colors ofthc building, including, but not limited to cxterior building finish materials (e.g. stoncwork, siding, roof materials, paint or stain,). exterior lighting, canopies or arvnings, fenccs, antennas, satellite dishes, windows, skylights, siding, minor conrnrercial facade improvemcnts, and other similar nrodifrcatiorls; Any application lor site inrprovements or nrodifications including, but not limited ro, driveway nrodifications, sitc grading, site walls, rcmoval or modifications to existing landscaping, installation of accessory structues or rccrcational facilirics. ADDITIONAL REVIEW AND FEES A. If this application rcquircs a scparatc rcviov by any local, statc or Fcdcral agency othcr than thc Town of Vail, the application fcc shall bc incrczxcd by $200.00. Examplcs of such rcview, may inclr"rde, but arc not [irnitcd to: Colorado Dcpartnrcnt oi Highway Acccss Pcrmits. Army Corps of Encinccrs 404. ctc. Thc applicant shall bc rcsponsiblc for pavin,r any publishing fccs r-vhich are in cxcess of50%, ofthc application f'cc. Ii, at thc applicant's rcqucst. any nrattcr rs posfponcd for hearing. causing thc mattcr to bc rc-published, then the cntrrc fec for such rc-publication shall bc paid by the apphcant. Applications deemed by the Community Development Department to have dcsign, land usc or othcr issucs which may havc a significant impact on the community may rcquire revierv by consultants in addition to Town staff. Should a determination bc nrade by thc Tou,n staff that an outside consultant is needcd, the Community Developmcnt Department may hire thc consultant. The Department shall cstimate the amount of money necessary to pay the consultant and this amount shall be forwardcd to thc Tol'n by thc applicant at thc tinrc of filing an appiication. Expcnscs incurred bythe Town in excess ofthe amount forwarded by the application shalt be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days ofnotification by the Town. Any excess funds will be returned to the applicant upon revierv complefion. A B. VI. FIHCOPY TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2 r 38 FAX 970-479-2452 September 23,1998 Stephanie Lord Fritzley Pierce Smith 1650 East Vail Valley Dr., Fallridge Cl Vail, CO 8165? RE: Ketcham Residence Lot 1, Forest Glen Subdivision Dear Stephanie: The Community Development Department has reviewed the preliminary plans for the Ketcham Residence to be located at Lot 1, Forest Glen Subdivision. The following comments and revisions need to be addressed: Please provide a stamped survey. Please provide a title report. Please provide top and bottom of wall elevations for the wall in the front of the home, Please push the proposed trees in the front ofthe property back behind the property line so that the Town can maintain the existing ditch. Please show a 4 foot wide concrete pan with a2inch invert between the existing road and the new drive. The two driveway entrances and the planting between them do not allow for good sight distance. Please replace with only one drive cut. Our standards limit a single family home to one curb cut. A turn-around area is not required and will decrease the amount of paved area. A path and tree removal are proposed rvithin the i0O-year ii.,od plain. The path will act as an impervious surface and cause the flood water velocity to increase as rvill the removal of the existing trees. The path cannot be built into the flood plain. The existing trees must remain. Please revise the plan accordingly. ,(. ,2. \,1. ,,*. ,v. 6. $ r'"'"""o '^""' 10. 8. Please show the proposed contours for the new drive. The proposed contours must tie into the existine contours. 9. Please provide a copy of the material list for the exterior of the building, and bring a material sample board to the Design Review Board meeting Please include an Exterior Lighting Plan. A maximum of one light per 1000 sq. ft of lot area is permitted. Also, please provide a cut sheet for the fixtures proposed and sholv compliance with the town code. According to the Final Plat of Forest Glen Subdivision, the public pedestrian/fisherman's easement is to be kept in its natural state with no permanent improvements to the area of the easement. Please provide a landscape plan showing all finished grading, including existing and proposed contours and retaining wall elevations. Please provide calculations for proposed snow storage areas. All required parking and access areas shall be designed to accommodate on-site snow storage. A minimum functional area equaling 30o/o of the paved areas shall be provided contiguous to the paved area and designed to accommodate snow storage. Turf areas and other areas without trees may be utilized for this purpose. If driveways are heated, then the minimum snow storage area may be reduced to 10yo ofthe required parking and access areas. 14. Staffhas evaluated the Ketcham Residence based on the survey provided and based on the Special Development District #27 standards, The analysis provides: w tz w Lot Area: Buildable Area: GRFA Basement Site Coverage 15,722.3 sq. ft. (.361 acres) 7,147 sq. ft. (.164 acres) 4,500 sq. ft min of 1,000 sq. ft. 4,500 sq. ft. Standard Allowed SDD #27 Proposed 4,497 sq. ft. 1,010 sq. ft. 2,522 sq. ft. The Ketcham Residence is scheduled for a conceptual review by the Design Review Board on October 7, 1998. The next Design Review Board meeting is scheduled for October 21, 1998. Before the frnal review can be scheduled, the above comments and revisions will need to be addressed and any revisions submitted to me no later than noon on October 9, 1998. Sincerelv./.. ..\ '/li/, '1 . t //1/./-l((h(t/t 'tL[1.,_ Allison Ochs Planner I VAIL\\D ATA\EVE RYONE\ALLISON\9 SLETTERUGTCHAM oo Community Development Plan Routing Form Routed To:Terri Partch, Public Works Rerurn To:Allison Ochs Date Routed:tt/4/98 Return By:asap hojectName: Project Address: Project Legal: hoject Description: Ketcham Residence 4301 Glen Falls Lane Lot l, Forest Glen New SF Residence Approved _x_Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions Tree removal is proposed in the 100 year flood plain. These trees/ bushes should not be removed as they lower the water velocity in the 100 year storm event. The two driveway entrances and the planting between them do not allow for good site distance. Please revise the plan to reflect only one drive cut. Both driveway culverts need at least I' of cover. As designed the culvert on the south side will be above grade and the culvert on the south west side will be very shallow. Please revise culvert depth and grading. The south driveway is over the allowed grade in the section from the north side of the pan to the 51 contour. Please revise. If the driveway on the west side is allowed, it will need to have a4' pan with a 2"invert. It will also need tobe 12' wide. Please show the 40, 45 and 50 existing contours on the site plan Questions for staff: What is the parking requirement for this residence? Are there any EHUS? Do you want the proposed deck in the 50' creek set back? Do you want the house in the 15' side set back? Should we allow two drive cuts here? Has a wetlands delineation been done here? Terri Partch received ll/4198 reviewed/ returned ll/10/98 Date received: Reviewed by:Date reviewed: F: ..t. t::ii '{ r}; GLASS EXl-. o,/A 10" !(IIDTI I I-I:N(;II I TC)P T( ) Nli\I l\touNT. wAl-fs __r 6it 2i6l)t. 1i60c l -r. t5 1-1 is Country Rust, 1) is NarLrral lron (]lass: OIclr Bevelletl Solicl Ahrnr in unr E;fat{,-'.Yl ? A - bLglJ Ea*r t4-.?DY Ds-r,D,*;-tvire-Errre>ra>Fy b-&t- T.,,,, * ., a a \r,"l t t a-o.; u'* "ra \ a d'' I {'e. . Ji(r I I J \q 7 F I t with Rsfl.ctor Fnlsh: P LsmF H47f'496 100\trA19' 15O/VA2I @ Hr7|gI-4.96 75WA19 H4TlcAT-496 75WAr9 71?" (atomm) HALO@ /t98W Wh itc Coilcr Brfflo Finbh: W Lmp: H47f-€8 90W PAR38 H47lCf498 90w PAma H4T|CAT-498 90w PAR38 OD: 7 7i8" (200mm) 496W Whitc Coiler Brtflo wiih RstlGctor Flnish: w Lamp: H4rr-496 100WA19,150WA21 H47|CT-496 75WA19 H4T|CAT-496 75wA19 OD: 7 7/8' P00mm) ADJUSTABLES a17P Fin|gh: lrmp: o(} Blrck Coilsx Batlls EYobt I I PPB H47T-417 75W R30 H47|cr{17 75W F30 H47ICAT.117 75W R30 8" (2clmm) 7a Ey.brll Finirh: P B, PB lamp: H1fT417 I00W R30 H47lgr-417 100w R30 H471CA1417 100w R30 OD: 8" {203mm) EO AnAss B.$fL€ 4t7W Finish: LAmp: White Coilox Brltl! EYrb.ll H47T-417 75W R30 HaTtcr-4]7 75W R30 H4T|CAT-4i7 75W R30 8'€fflmm) 1117 Balfle EYeb a ll (includ € 3 tranElormcr for rotrofit) Finish: nW Lrmp: H4IH417 50W 12V MR16 H47lcI-1417 2o\4/ 12V MR16 H4TlcAT-1417 20w 12v MR16 8" {203mm) l(=.r^-t, c- ?Y:fr,*,Dar'Ptrr t GOOPER LIGHTING o ,\" , .r',' .,., .v - f ;. I ,'!..,.< ,, l.t.,., -- The isolux curves illustrated above shov/ lhe foot- candle drstflbutron lor a 158 Series fixture wrth a 25W incandescent lamp mounted at a height 0f 2 -0'. The c0nverslon chart provides the light output ligures for var ous lamp types at l0ur m0untin0 heights. The lamp height determines the scale of the grid. i.e., for a lixture mounted at 3'-0'the grid squares become 3'-0'x 3'-0". To calculate the foot- candles for each rso curve use the conversi0n factors shown Ln the charl as rnultipliers of the footcandles indicated f0r each lso curve. Lum. Mounting Heig[t and Grid Scale 1tlr6' (33mm) lsolux Footcandle Conversion Charl Walkway Lighting Steplites 158 SERIES Specilicalions Construction . Fixture housing is constructed from die-tormed 16 gauge steel finished with a white polyester coating . p36gp1.1r is cast aluminum w h baked aluminum coaling, gasketed and retained by stain- less steel screws. Difluser is frosted tempered glass set in silicone sealant. Reflector is con- structed 0f die-formed semi-specular aluminum .0ptional JUnction box is cast alumtnum wilh poly- ester finish . ETL listed . Incandescent type lC models. lurnished with0ut glass ditluser, suitable for dry or damp locations only in any wall construc- tion. Non-type lC incandescent niodels suitable for wet locations in concrete pour/block wall c0n- struction . Fluorescent models suitable for wet locations, any wall construction Electrical . Fixture is vrired for either one 40W T10 incandes- cent (25W lor C application). or one 7W or 9W compact fluorescenl (PL, Biax. etc.) lamp Ballast rs standard 120V (277V optional). low-ambaent . Pivcting flu0rescent socket eases relamprng . Low voltage model provides single c0ntact bayonet socket l0r use v/ilh l0w v0ltage circuit (transtormer not included). Junction box allows 8 wire thru-wiring, lour in and four out. Provided wlth two 1/2' tapped conduit entrances in the bot- tom and one 1/2 conduit entrance In each side. Mounling Housrng has flange with holes for mounling. Lamp Type 25T10 incand. 244 40T10 incand. 415 7W fluor. 400 9W lluor. 600 1'-O'1'-6" 4.00 1 .78 6 80 3.03 6 56 2.91 9.48 4.38 2'-0' 3'-0" 1.00 0.44 f.i0 0 75 1.64 0.73 2 46 1.08 Calalog l'lrmbers Lamp Faceplale Louver Glass T10 incandescent (type lC)T158-tC T158 F158 T158.LV T158G F158G T158G.LV 40W T10 incandescent 7W or 9W fluorescent Low-voltage incandescent 0plions Juncli0n 80x:80tt0m 0r back mounted iunction box for feed-lhru. T0 specily, add suffix -J. Wealherpr00f: tor exleflor applrcati0ns. T0 spec- ify, add suffix -W. Ballasls (lluorescent only): 277V ballast. To spec- ify, add sutfix -277. Tamperpr00l Screws: Tamperproof allen head faceplate screws. To specity. add suffix -TP. OB 5M J9? Br0nze Faceplale: Satin finished. red brass face- plate for louver and glass faceplates. To specify, add suffix -8. Allernale Faceplale Color: Black or whrte. To specify, add sufiix -BLK or -UIHT. How to Specify 1. Select catalog number with desired lealures. 2. Add suffixes lor options requrred t0 meet iob conditions. (-.-e+r.-v \>-5=,> \r-.tCr*ly6 t4i^rr l5r laor'te- 6;Flbt coLe LLGHTING SINCE 1911 C. lV. Cole & Co., Inc. 2560 N. Rosemead Boulevard South El Monle CA 31733-15S3 Far (818) 443-9253 Tel. (213) 283-6688 (818)443-2473 .\ 'r| November 12. 1998 Allison Ochs Town of Vail Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Ketcham Residence Lot I Forest Glen Subdivision Dear Allison: F RITZLEN P IE RC E SMITH ARCHITECTS Attached are (3) copies of the revised site plan addressing the comments from Public Works that you faxed over on Nov I 1 , I 998. We have shown the culvert a minimum of I' below the driveway finished grade. I have also enclosed (1) copy of revised elevations. I will bring revised sets to the DRB meeting. I hope this addresses all your concems. Please call with any questions or comments. Sincerely, ::- Stephanie Lord Architect hoMr*\h dr'arcn \k AlrvavuorA i"t u' SYrNzd' / fucy,t*'ftnu&, \,trr .h \6rl t'-l nt^ ^V d*t &r*," on / \\v' K:\9838-Ketcham\Tov\aoltl I I 2.wpd Planning 1650 East Vail Valley Drive Fallridge C-l O Architecture o Interiors . Vail,COB1657 e fps@colorado.net . fax (97O) 476-4901 . (97Or 476-6342 iltrrrro Yo (gc qfl,Ttr\] Art Mears has also completed an analysis of the snow avalanche a;;; and rhe cxisting avalanche berm capacity adjaccnt to this parcel. His conclusions are as follows: The flow heieht of the dcsign avalanche is less than thc cxisting bcrm hcight. tt, rn*itut dcposit heieht of thc &sign avalanchc is less than the bcrm hcight. Lateral sorealine of thc avalanchc bclow the bcrms (in thc t""ttts .o"nt tt ""curatcly shown on thc original drawings' The existing berm, thercforc, docs not rcquirc modifications or cnlargemenis to mitigate the dcsign avalanchc"' 2. 3. 4. onl haard mitigation which would bc neccss is for the dcbnr on bc added to the face of ml bc completcd for to the iss of 8ny flpermits for the lots. F. site ptan, building design and location and open space provisions desigred to produce a func-tionaidevelopment responsive andsensitive to natural featureg vegetation and overali aesthetic quality of the community. The suff has reviewed this proposcd dcvelopment with rcgard to 0rc.purposc sectiol of the Special Development'niitrict chapter of the Town of Vail zoning code (Section 18.40.010), which reads as follows: ..Thepurposeofthespccialdcvelopmentdistrictistoencouragcflexibiliryand creativity in the devel,opmen' ^f tanrl in order to Promote its most appropriate use;toimprovethedcsigncharacterandqualiryofncwdcvclopmentwithinthe town; to ficilitate the adequate and economical provision of srects and gdlitioc. tO ICS::.,. rhe natlrat and ccenic featrrres Of OpCn SpaCe afeaS; and tO furrher rhe overall goals of the communiry as stated in the vail c;omprehensive pian. An apprg,,,^.r- :'-. ,'^-ment olan for a soeciat rlevelopment disrict' in coniunctiorwith a properry's undcrlying zone district, shallcstablish the requirement: ,or g"i'ling dcveloprnent a--'J u::" of yo;:{' included in the spccial develoPment district." we believe the applicant has produced a vcry well'dcsigned prcliminary subdivision plan, utilizing thi ftcxibiliry of $" SOn_pto""ss. Again, wc-bclicve.thc applicutt has '6""n nrry rcIponsive o protccting the Gorc Creek lOGycar flotxipi^;n a:j 'l-- e/trr!'r"., ..^rrrrc ve:r.rr^- ^- the'site ro:r example, thc applicant has reduccd the dcnsity on ' tt' l-ots 10 and ll to single family onty owellings. By propos]l9 Sn!.rc r*----, ' -!!'6.,' the applicant is able to providc accJss to thcsc lots via a l5'fmt privatc drivcway 'q November 3, 1998 Allison Ochs TOV Deparhnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Ketcham Residence Lot 1 Forest Glen Subdivision Dear Allison: FRITZLE N PIERCE SMITH ARCHITECTS Per onr discussions and your letter dated September 23 1998, we have revised the drawings and provided additional information regarding the Ketcham Residence. Enclosed are tlree sets of updated architectural documents, (2) stamped surveys, (1) final application, and (l) title report. Per your report 1. Trees have been relocated behind the property line along the front of the property 2. A4'wide concrete pan with a 2" invert is located between the existing road and drive 3. There is no path or tree removal within the 100-year flood plain. 4. Driveway contours are indicated. 5. Material list provided - color board will be available at the final DRB meeting 6. Exterior Lighting Plan indicated on the Site Plan, cut sheets attached. 7. No permanent improvements are located in the public pedestrian/fisherman's easement 8. Landscape plan is provided 9. Snow storage calculations are indicated We are still indicating two driveway cuts. I would like to speak with the DRB regarding this issue one final time. Please call with any questions or comments. I will be in the office all week if you need any additional information. Thanks for your help. Stephanie Lord Architect K:\9838-Ketchasr\TOV\aolt I I 03vrpd.wpd PlanningoArchitectureolnteriors 1650 Eastvaif Valley Drive Fallridge C-l . Vail, CO 81657 . fps@colorado.net . fax(97014764901 . (97O) 476-6342 Sincerely, PrinLed bv Allison Ochs 07 /98 15am From: Ter.ri Partch To: Allison Ochs, Terri Partch Sub-i ect: fwdr ketchum residence. ===NOTE=== == ==========9 / 23 / 9 8==2: 01pm= =Al.Lison,again I couldn't get into that file. My computer keeps givi-ng me an unsupported file message. Here are your commenLs: Please provide a stamped su-rvey. Dl a:a6 nrnrri rta r l- i l- l -_ report. Please provide top and bottom of wall elevations for the wall in ttre front of the home. What is the parking reguirement for this residence? Are there anv EHU5 ? Please push the proposed trees in the Fr,,-nf .,f f he nr.rnarf \/ back behind the property line so lhat the Town can clean the existing di tch. Please shou, a 4 fooL wj,de concrete pan with a 2 lnch invert between the existing road and the new drive. The two driveway entrances and ttre planting between them do not allow for good sight distance. Pfease replace with only one drive cut. A palh and tree removal are proposed wiLhin the L00 year flood p-Lain, The path will acr as an impervious surtace and cause the flood water velocity to increase as will the renoval of the existing trees. Tbe path cannot be h11ilt inf^ thF Fln.]d nlain. The exist.ing trees musl rema-!n. Please show tt\e proposed contours for +ha hah' dri lra 'laha nr^h^<ad n^h1- ^r1r<must tie into the existing contours, That's it. Thanks. TP Fwd=by: =A11 isoniochs:=9 / 2 3 /9A==2. JApm== Fwd to: terri ParLch -n rcFprrn^e frr w^rtr duestion about parking and EHU'S - There are no EHUrs as proposed. And 2.5 parking spaces are required because lL is over 2000 sq. ft. of GRFA. Are there any issues about this? (f 'm still trying to figure out this rrhole process and T wasn't sure what your ^r,ad+i^^ m6rhf I Sorry and thanks I I Allison Fwd=by: =Terri= Partch==9 /23 /9 8==3:43pm== Fwd to: Allison Ochs UUII L WUATY, TL D me why we ask and of times. The reason we ask everyone will park ok. ceorge still asks I 've told him dozens is to determine where to make sure we Page: ocT- rEt-98 @9.4? FRoM.LANIT Tr GuAFANTEE rD, rsl''@45s34 , CEftAGo TITI,E INSURjANCE CoMPAIV FAXTRANSMTTAL *dI IJ gkr4lvrt-,r*o*'ffi#F*seunoure xfuffi,ffi TA cor,fffer'frS (e^f-r - Chargies -A].ta Owner Policy Tax Retr)ortr --rg?e'Lr- IJOT ],, FINAL PI.AT OF FORBST RECORDED AUGUST 1-9, 1992 IN EA6}I,E, STATB OF COI-,OR,ADO. A IJ. T A COMMITMEN Our Order T # v25a699-Z For fnformation Only I,oT 1. FOREST GLEN $:s58.00 $2O. OO Ss88 . oo a. 1- **X TIIIS TS NOT A.ST TI\IVOICE, BIIT AN ESTTI,IATE OF'F"EES- WT{E}N REFERRING TO THIS ORDER, PLEASE REFERBNCB OUR ORDER NO. V258699*2 MAKB CEECKS PAYATlf,fi TO LAND TIfiJE GTIARANTEE COMEAItrl' *** )o-l-4E/ Effeccive Dat.eE W at 5:00 p-M. Po]-icy to be issued, and proposed fnsured: 'rA-T-TAo Owrler, s Policy LO-L7 -92 $4O0, 0OO _ O0 Proposed Insured: W. KEMBT.R KSISIIAI'{ afrd IJ INDA Ic. KETCHAM The est'a.ce or irrtreresc in che ]-aEd described or referred co in trhis Cousri tment and cowered lrereia is: A Fee Sinp1.e t' 4- ?it1e tso uhe estatre or intseresE correred berein.is at Ehe ef fects.iwe d,a-Ce trereof wested in: ?IMBERFAI,],S A^SSOEIATBS, A COI,OR.ADO GENEdA! PART}TERSITIP 5. Tb-e ].a.l]'d referred tro i- fo]-lows;trhi s Conunltsrerrt is d.escrilced ag GLEII, ACCORDI}IG TO THE PIAT BOOK 587 AT PAGE 375, COUNAY OF . PAG'E 10/19/98 09:53 TXlRX N0.5215 P. 001 I ocT-rs|-Er€t g,st=4? FRoM.LA.I\|D rO= GuARA,NTEE rD. 19?647Cs34 cgifaco rrrLe rNsuRiaNcE co!,tpAlil A L-T tk+lar;A- ,rsom K*u,^-tr$s **X TITIS TS NOT A}T TNVOICE, BIIT.AN ESTII-'ATE OF FEES- WHIN REFERRING TO THIS ORDER, PLEASE REFERENCB OUR ORDER }IO. V258699.2 MAKB CEECKS PAYA.BTE 110 LAIID TITr.,E GUARANTEB Cotiltl$try' *** lo,- 1 -q 8/ Effeecl.ve DEt€c \=Arr€ust-:J-J99? at 5:O0 P.M- Folicy Lo lle issued, and proposed fnsured: 'rAJ.TAu Oldrletr, $ Folicv LA-L7-92 Proposed Insured: W. ICETiIBLE KBTTIIAI.{ Al3d I,IIDA I(. KEfEIIAM $400, 000 - o0 fhe esEat'e or int'erest ijn cbe ].alrd descri_bed or referred eo in this Consritmerdt and cowered b.ereia is: A Fee SilrE'1e Tit]-e to E?re estsatre qr i-atereer covered hereia ie ar rhe effectsive d,a.Ee hereof wested in: TIMBERFSI,I,S ASSOCIATES, A COI,ORADO GANER.AI.I FARTNERSITTP PAcE t./4 FAXa1.Y r r"'FA)C (sdlfrF.dt{ coMktElvrs (4ilr dJ - Cherges -A1ta Owner Policy farc Reportr --TotAt-- Tb.e land. referred g9 in ghi g f,oJ.lors; IJOT ]., FII.{TAL PI,AT OF FORES? RECORDED AgGUSf 1.9. 1992 IN EAeIrE, STATE OF COI-'ORiADO. MITMBNT A For fnformation Oaay . I-'OT ]-, FOREST GI|EN $:s58. 00 szo. oo $s88 - OO Corcni L,meot, is deecrljced as GI,EN, ACCORDINE TO TEE PIAT BOO.r 587 AT PA.GE 376, COTJATAT OF Arr,TA CO!4 FN(TEANSM|TTAL #o{F lJ g'.4rvriu--,FR.,r,r. ffi#qnt=eHEn''r'F cot'4 To.-',twzY-=:__!^;fu#Tm,ffi a. 2- 4- 5 FAC'E 10/19/98 09:53 TXIRX N0.5215 P.001 3 - ITIARRAMIY DEED FROM fIMBERFAITIJS TO W. KEMBI,E KETffiJA}4 arld LINDA K. NOTB: TRADE NAIV1E AI'FIDAVIT 146 DISCTOSES RAD FI\IB IJIMTTED FAGE 2./4 A COIOR"ADO GENER^LL PARTNERS TP CTOI.ffEYIIIG SI]B.fBCT PROPERAY. Augrrst 04, a992 IN BOOK 586 AT PAGB I.ABILITY COMPA}TY, A LIMITBD TIABIIJITY BB TIE GENTHAIL PARTIIERS OF STIVIBERFA.LI,S P. ONE OR IilOltE OF SAID PARTNERS !,tttsT ocT- ls'-StEl O9:4El FI?OM =LAND fEedr (e) Palanenb crf and assessedl agal.nsE TTTLE GIJAR.ANTEE AtTA COMMITMENT SCX{EDIIIIE B - SE TTON 1 (Requiremeflts)olrr order # v258699-2 Ttre followiag are ttre requirefienes Lo be corryJ-ied wittr: Itetn (a) Paldreat to or for bhe accoulo.t Of tbe graht,ors or mortgagors of trhe fuII coosideration for tlre estate or intrerest to be insured- Item (b) Proper il16Enrment (s) creatiag th,e estate or inEeresL to be in sured mtet be e](ecuEed and du]-y fil.ed f,or record, to- $ri.E: ID= Ig?@4?84534 lt*oo rrrLB rNsuRANcE "*n* a1.I- ea:ces, ch.argee or agaessmentss J.evied trlre eubj ect preraiEes wl:-i cb, are due FOR TII'IBER-FAIJTS TO FROVISIONA OF TEE TERMS, COIIDITIONS A}ID TA)( EA\ZE BEEN SATISFIED. payalrle- ftem (d)Adldicional. requiremeues, if any diseJ- 1.DUIJY Ex.REIITED AI\TD ACI(}IO9TLF.DGBD STA.rEMEI T OF ASSOCIATBS, A C-OIJORJADO GENERA.IJ PARENERSIIIP sEgrroN 38-30-T72 e.R-S- 2. EI/IDENCE SATTSFACSORY TO THE COMPAITS PROVTSTONS OF "IIE X'OWN OF VATL TRANS COMPAI'T AIilD GEORGE ASSOCIATES, A GTIIERAL P EIECIITE APPROPRIATE SEIS\TE BIT.T. 98-045 THAT EFFEC'TrI,'E .N'IIE ].. A99B TEB FEE FOR REQITESTS FOR RHJEA,SES OF DEES OF TRIIST Wrtrr BE Fa6-0o. NOIEI EFFECITVE .IAIIIIIARY L, 1"993, CORPORA?IO}IS TIIAT DO lIOt MAII{TAIN A. PER,MA$IEI{IT PI,ACE OF BIISIITBSS III COI.'oRADO, A}ID NONRESTDEI*| INDTVTDIIAJ"S, ESTATES AIID TRIISfS WILL BE SUB{TEC=TO A @I,OF.ADO WITSIIOI,JDING TAX FROM TEF SAIJES OF EOI,ORADO RBAL BSI1ATB IN EKCESS OF S]-OO,OOO-OO. TIIE WITIIIIOI,DIIilG TAX WTLI BE jrHE S:Ii{ATJIJER OF TI^?O PERCBqT OF THT SALES PRICE OR gHE FAGE ,I I0/19/98 09:53 TXlRX N0.5215 P.002 I OCT- lg-SlEl €'gr = 4€l FROM : LAJ{D Elre following are tbe rEern (a) Palmeret Eo or motgagors Of tfre f,u1l to be insured. Itegt (e) Payrue$t of alrd asseFtedl agal.rrsts payable- WARRAMTY DEED ER,OM ?IIIGERFAI,I.IS AS TO W. KEMBIJ,T ICETCSAI4 a$d LI}IDA K. a].]- ta:<es, chargee or agsessmenEs fev'ied Ehe subj ecE premises wlricir are due TI TLE GI',ARANTEE tD | ,97647Ej4934 PAGE 2./4 Qr*.o rrrrJ= rNsuRANcE cornw AtTA, CO}TMITMENT SCXIEDI'LE B-SECITONl (nequireuents)our Ord.er # v258699-2 requirerents to be corqrJ-ied- with.: fof the account Of the grrrnt.ors or consideration for trh.e estatse or iaBerese Iow: FOR TTSBERFAI,I.S TO PRO\rISIONA OF TFR TERMS, COISITIONS A}ID flA,X HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. fcem (b) Proper irret nrment (s) creatinE the estqte or ioEeregt to be i'1sured mrsL be erc€cuE ed aod du].y fi].ed for record, to-lrit : ftem (d) Adldicional. requiretoentss, lf any disel 1-DUIJY | {.RCUTM .LITD ACTCIIO9fLIDGED STATBMBI\I1f OF A"SSOCIATES, A COIJOR;ADO GE}TER.AIJ PAJLENERSIIIP SEC=ION 38-30-T72 C-R-S. 2. FI/IDESTCE SATTSFECTORY TO TTTF COMPATTT PROIrISTONS OF THB TOWN OF VAIL TRANS 3_A COIJORADO GENER,AT PARENSRS TP EO}ITEiYING SUBiIECT PROPERTI'. NOTE: TRADE NAME AFFIDA\IIT Au$rst 04, L992 IN BOOK 586 AT PAGE 1-45 DISCTJOSES RAD FIVB IJTMTTED ILITY COMPA}TC, A LIMTTED LIABILITY COMPEIT AIiTD GEORGE TO BE TIE GENERJA! PARTNERS OF TrI{BERFAI,I,S ASSOCIATES, A GEI\IER.dL P . ONE OR MO*E OF SEID PARTNER,S IY'T'S.f H(ECI]ITE APPROPRIATE sErclB Brr.r. 98-o45 TSAT EFFEC-TT\/E JTITTE 1. 1.998 THB FEE FOR REQIIESTS FOR RELEA.SES OF DE@S OF TiRttST WILL BB $r-5 ^ 0o - ---NOTE: EFFECITVE iIAIIUARY 1, J:gg3. @RPORATXONS mIilT DO I[Of I''AI$ TAIN A PER.MNNBIST PI,ACE OF BT'SI}IESS IN EOI.ORADO, A}ID I{ONRESfDEIIIf Ir:{DMD{IALS, ESTLTES AI{ID TRIISt$ WILL BE SUBJEC= :DO A COIJOR;ADO WITTtrTOIJDING TAX FROM TEE SAIiBS OF EOTORADO REAL BSTATB IN EKCESS OF S]-OO,OOO-OO. TIIE WTTEEOI,DIISG TAX WTLt BE :THE S}IAIJLBR OF T[fO PERCEN]T OF rEE SAI-ES PRICE OR gHE FAGT L0/19/98 09:53 TX/RX N0.5215 P. 002 OCT- T9-S'A Etg = {IE F.RO}' = L.A}fD TJTLE GUARA}{TEE 'D='g?64?t4534 PAGE 3"/4 O*no rrr,.B rNSIrRAlircE coMPF? ALTA COMMITMENT , SCEEDIILB B - SECTTOII 2 (Exceptiorrs) our order # \f258599-a ?tre pol-icy or pof-icies Ep be igsued wif-]. contain ercqel}t iofi.s tso the fol.lowing mat t erg un]-eee ttre ealng are disposed of Eo Ebe sats.iaf actsiort of tsbe Compaalr: 1- Rlght s or claims of parties in possesEeion rtots showll by cb,e pubJ-ic rec'ods- 2. Eagerrents I or elaims of €:asementss, noL sl:opa b']r the pub]-ic records - 3 - Diserepaacies, con'fl-ictg in borrn'dary lines, slrortage in area, e?1 croacbmelrts, and arry fe.ctrs whicll a correct sur\rey irral>eceion of Ehe premises worrld diEclose and r,vtr:ictr are tlot sbown by the pubJ.ic records - 4- .Anl. Iien, or rigltt, cg a lien, for eervices, labor or materj.al- heretsof,ore or hereafter furnished, inErosed by law and nots slrorvIr by the public records - 5- Defect.s, l-iene,' elrcu.sbraBcee, ad'(reree c]-aims or oCh,eE rnat,eerg,if azty, creat€il. firgt atrrpearilgr in the pub}-ic recordg or atcactring subsequentr to Che effecrive date hereof but prior tsa the dat,e the protr)osed insured acqrrires of record for \raf-ue the eFtatse or inEerests of, morBgage bhereoa covered by tlris CofiEnitueat - 6 - Ta:<es or special- assesgments wbicb a:re !.ot' sttowu' as e:<isc ingt liens by the pub]-ic records- 7 - IJierrs for unpaj-d llatef al1d sewer Clrarges, if any. a. Irr additsiorr/ tsIre owner's pol.icy w1ll be sulrject Eo the l-ien of tsbe rrew Brorggage, if any, noted r.ueder Sectioa l- of Sclredule B lrereof - 9. 1997 ANIrES NOT YgT DITB OR PA1IABIJE .AI.'ID A,SSESSMEMTS NOT TET CER?TFTED TO fEE 1CRRASI'RER,S OFFICE. 10. IITENS FOR IIIiIPAID WATER AhID SETER CIIARGES. IF ANS, 11 . RIGIIT OF WAY FOR DTTCEES OR CEIBI-'S CONSTRI'SIED BY :rHE ATITEORTTY OF TIIE IJNITED STATES A.S RBSER]'-@ ITiI I]NITED STATBS PATENT RBCORDBD }Tovernber A7, a9O2, rN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 492. PAGE 4 t0/r9/98 09:53 TXIRX N0.5215 P.003 t OcT-ISI-EI 69=48 FTO'' =LAND T' I't-E GUARANTEE ID. 'E'7g4784534 PAGE 3./4 O"ono rrrlE TNSI'RAN.E coMPFY ALTA COMMITTlIENT SCIIEDI]LB B . SECTIOhI 2 (Except,ions) our order * v25e699-2, i ?he policy or poJ'icies eo be issued will contai.n exqe1>tioae to the fol.].owing tltatceffi rrn]-eee tbe Eame are disposed of tro Etre saeisfaceion of the Corq>any: 1. Rlghts or claims of pareies in possession rrot, sbona by cbe 5xlblic records- 2. BaaemenLs, of c.].aim.s of easelrleDtss. nots ,sl:ow-D bL Dhe pub]'ic racord.s - 3 - Discrepancies, conf1-ictg in borr:rdarT lines, shortsage in area, eoeroaeffirents, aj3.d aoy fects rvtrich a. correct survey inapection ol E.!re prernises worrld discaose and wlriclr are :lot s.h,own by tlre public records - 4- e.oy lien./ or rigtrt to a liedr, fer ser\rices, labor or material treretafore or hereafter furaistred, iuposed by 1aw and not sho$rn by t.he pubJ.l-c records. 5- DefectE, aierrs, enqunbrar:.c€8., adrr€rse caaime or oCh,er rna.Ct.6fg,if axry,, created. first atr4pearijaE in tsbe prrbl-ic records or a-ttachi$g su.bseqlrenL t.o Ehe effecciwe date trereof buc prior to ttre da.te t}.e proposed. insured acquires of record for \ra]-ue the estate or interests of ftorcgage Etrereoa eowered by ttris CofirrriEEeat- 5 - Taxes qr epeciaf- assesgmereEs wbich. are .Eot sh,owrr as e:riseingt ]-iens by Lhe pub]-ic record.S - 7 - tiens for turpaid vrater at1d se'wer charges, if any. 8. Itr additiorl, tshe oyrler's Elgl.icy wil.l be srrlej ect co tbe .l-ien of tsbe Ben mlorCgage. if any, noted under gectiorr t- of Schedule B lrereof - 9. 1997 TA]TES NOT YBT DUA OR PA:BBIJE AITD A,SSTSSMETTTS I{OT TgT CERTTFT@ TP fEE tHE.b.SURIRS OFFICB. AO. I,TENS FOR UIiIPAID WATER AIID SEWER GNRGES. IF AI\IS. 11 , RTGHT OF WAY FOR DITCdRS OR CEIM1S EOITSTRUEIED BY TIIE .ATIITIORITY OF fIIE IJNITED STATES AS RE.SR\,.SD IIV UtrIITED STATES PATEX\IT RECORDED lqov€TEbeT A",a9O2, IN BOOK 48 AT PASTE 492_ PAGE 4 r0/r9/98 09:53 TXlRx NO.szlb p.003 t C)cT- I_SICI Og . 1I9 F.FOM . LAND TJ TI-E GUAPANA'EE T D. '9?O4?84534 PAcE 4-/4 O*"" TrrLE rlrsrlRjAl,rcE coMFlr AIrTA CONIMITI,/1 ENT SCEIEDTIIJE B - SECTIOI{ 2 (Exceptiorrs) Our Order f v258599-2 ].2. RIGEI OF PROPRTETOR OF A \TEIII OR IJODT $O HTRAET A}ID REMOI'E EIS ORB TIIERTFROM SSOT'T,D THE SAITTE BB FOI'I{ID TO PSNETRATE OR INTERSEC:r TIIB PREMTSES AS RESBRVED IN IINII@ STATES PATBrqr RECORDED Novernber t7, L9O2, IN EOOK 48 AT PAGB 492. 13. EASEMENT AS GRAI\f,fED TO UPPBR E,Ar;IJE IrE.T,I-.EY SA.}IT:rA?TON DTSTRjrCT NT I}ISART]II@ET RECORDED.TU}IE ]-3, ].9?3 IN BOOK 229 A:r PAGB 55O A}ID 551. 1{. RESERVATTON OF A TEN PERCBNT NON-PARTICIPATING ROYAIJTY AS RESERVED IN DEED RECORDED }IOVEMBIR 2, L962 IN BOOK 166 AT PAGE 4O7. 1-5. EASEMBffTS. RESER.\/ATTOIIS At{D RESTRTCITONS AS SEO$IN OR RB.SER\rED ON TIIB ArrSL PI,A? OF FOREST GtEN RECORpED AU6OS? 19, 1992 rN BOOK 587 AT PAG'E 376. 16 - IIrfIJrrv EA,SEI.{EM| AIONG TEE SOUAEWESTERLY AND SO{XIHERIJY LOT LII'IE OF SUB.JECT PROPERTY AS SEOgIN ON TTE PIAT RECORDED A{IGUST 19, 1992 IN BOOK 587 AT PAGE 376. 1,7. EASEF'EMT A-['D RIGET OP WAY POR GORE @EEK. x8- TETRMS. CONDTTTONS AND pROvIgIONS OF DECLanATTON OF CO\rRIAMIS, COI{TDITIONS. RESTRICTIONS Ar.ID EASEI{ENrS oF EORES? GLEN RECORDED August 19, 1992 fN BOOR 547 AT PAGB 377 AI{D AI'IEIIDMEI{T RBCORDED IiIOVEMBER 18, 1992 I}T BOOK 594 AT PAGE 534- 19- TERI'IIS, Cb}'DITIONS AND PROI/I,SIOIIS OF AREl'Cg, COIIDIITT A}TD VAI'II .aGREEME}U.T RECORDED August. 18, a992 Il{ BOOK 587 AT PAGE 345. ?O, UI{DERGROI]ND RTGST OF TEAY EASEMENT AS GRANTED TO HOLY CROSS EIJESTRIC ASSOCIATIO}I. INC. IN I1ISTRITUBNT RECORDED AIIGIUST 13, 1992 IN BOOK 586 AT PAciE 923- PAGE 5 10/19/98 09:53 TXIRX N0.E2r5 P.004 I ()cT- lgf -gEt gl9:.119 F.RO.!rf : LAND TTTLE GUAFANTEE ID--tg?A4?F4534 PAGE 4./4 |'.o.o rrr,'* rNssR.ANcE "o"e"AIJTA COMMITMEl{T SCSEDT'I;E B - SECTIONI 2 (Bxceptj.ons) Our Order # vzSA699-2 1.2, RIGET OF' PROPRTSIt'R OF A \IETN OR IJODE TO E]<TNACT A}iID FEMOI'E -HIS ORE TI]EREEROM SEOUI,D TEE SSIqE BE FOI'ND I]C PSN€:TR.ATE OR INTERSECf TIIB PREVIISES AS RESERVED IN IINIIE STATES PATBfrf REEORDED Norrernber 17, L9O2, TN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 492.. 13. EASEilEITT AS GRANTED TE (IPPER' EAGI,E VE.LI,EY SAI TTA,TTON DTSTRTCT ff IIISTRUME[VT RECORDED .Tt'$E ]-3, 3-973 I}T B{}OK 229 AT PA(iB 55O A}ID 55].. A4. RESERVATIO}f OF A TEN PERCEIiIT NON-P.ARTICIPA?IIiG ROYAI"TY AS RESERVED IN DEED RECORDED NO\ZBMBER 2, !962 rN BOOK 156 AT pAeE 4O7. 45. EASEMEMTS. RESER]rATIOTIS AIID RESTRTCtTONS AS SIIOWN OR RESERIIED ON rrIE FINAL PI.AT OF FOREST GLEN RECORDED AUC'USF 19, 1992 TN BOOK 587 AT PAGE 375. 16 - U:lIIJIrv EASEMEItrI ALOIIG fEE SO{IIIIWESEERj-Y AND SOUTHERI-,Y t OT LINE OF SIJBJ-EC= PROPBRIS| AS SEO!{N ON TIIE PIAT RECORDED ASG{IST 19, 1992 IN BOOK 587 AT PAGE ?76 - 17. ESISEMENIP AffD RIGHT OF' WAY POR GORE CREEK. 18- TERMS, CONDTTTONS AND PRO\rISIOhTS OF DECTJARA:rrOII OF CO\IENAMTS? CONDTTTONS. RESTRICTIONS AltD EASE!4ENfS OF FORES? GLEN RECORDED Augnrst 19, 1992 IN BOOR 547 AT PAGE 377 A}ID AMEIIDMEI{I:T RBCORDTD NOVEMBER 1A, 1992 I]{ BOOK 594 AT PAGE 534, 19, TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVTSIOT{IS OF TREIICS, CONDIITT A}TD 1'?.AI'IT AGREg{EIIT RECORDED Alrg:lraE 18, a992 I[f BOOK 587 AT pAGE 345- 20. UNDERGROU}TD RIGtrT OF IVAY BASEMEMT AS GRANTED TO HOIY G.OSS EIJESf,RTC ASSOCTATIOTI, INC. IN INSTRI]MENT RECIRDTD ETIGUST 13. 1992 IbI BOOK 5A5 AT PACIE 923 - PEGB 5 r0l19/98 09:53 TXIRX No.s215 P.004 I ocT-tg-sfEr 6E =4? Ff:oM:LANrr TTr|} GuAFANTEE tD, t92a4?B|';4 't 'i , qrrcA.o rrrr,E TN='RANCE coMpA.Ny AI,.TA COMMITMENT ,-. ffi*,##psc*rour-.e L,, o,u*, # vzs,,ss-z t vr - : GLJr-1^rC' rerl!|r [ilLtYtll PAGE I./ 4 :^" ffi"ffi}:ffi "o^r*aontg Ca,ur .,rrt - (*rargies - .A.]-ta Ow'n€r Policy Tax RePorts --ToTA'T--- IOT ]., PIITAL PI,AT OF TORBS" GI-,EN, ACCORDING RECORDED AUGUS? ]-9. 1992 IN BOOK 587 AT PAGE EAGIJB, STATB OF COI,ORJADO. : For Inf,ormation ODly , LOT 1, FOREST GLEII $:568.00 92O. oO 9sBB.oo 1-. z- *.P* TII{TS IS NOT A}I TNVOICE, BIIT AN ESTIIqATE OF FEIS- WHEN REFERRING 5O rHrs oRDtR, PLEASE REFERENCE OIIR ORDER NO- V258699-2 MAKE CEECKS PAYAsLE fO LAITD TITLE GIIAR.EI\I:FEE COMPJ\IIY' *** )o-r-4tr Effeccive DaEeB \-.SIrgrrsL21-_L9gZ at 5:OO p.M. PoJ-icy to lle issued, and proposed. Ineured,: FALTAU Owrler/ s -Polisy TO-L7 -92 $AOO, OOO . O0 Proposed Insrrred: W. KEMBT.T4 KETCEAM a!,d IJIIiIDA I(. KETCHAM Th.e estate or iBteregt ila cbe taEd descri^bed or refeffed eo in this Corwoitrnea.t. and cowered h.ereia is: r. A Fee Sing)]"e ' Titf.e to the estsate or i-at,eresc covered berein ris ar che effectrirze d.a-t'e hereof wested in: TIMBBRFAIJIJS A.SSOCIATBS, A COIJOFADO GTNE{AI-i FARIINERSHTP Tb-e ]-and referred bo in Elrie CormnLttnest ie descrijced as foJ.lows: TO THE PIAT 376, COUIVaY OF t- rAGE I0/rS/98 09r53 TX/RX N0.5215 P.001 OcT- , Sl-s|El elg :47 Por fnforrnation Ooay I,OT 1, FOREST GIJEN $:s58.00 $2O. OO $sgs.oo 1-. z. *** T'HIS TS NOT AI$ T}IVOICE, BIJIf AN ESTIT'IATE OF'FSBg. WTIEN REFERRING TO THIS ORDTR, PLEASA REFERENCE OI'R ORDER NO. V258699-2 MAKB CEIECKS F.AYPST'E TO I,AIID TITIJE G;T'AFJAtr'il'TEE COMtr}:\Iff *** to'' t-4t Effeccive Date: '-A:]grrs+:jl--1.997 at 5:OO p.M. Po].icy to be issued, and proposed fasured: gA-LTAU O ner,s .Folicy LO-L7-92 $dOO,00O-O0 Proposed Insured: w- KEMBT.R KETCIIAM and IJINDA, Ic. KETCHAM The esta-te or irrterest il . che f.and descriSed or refeffed uo in trbis Consritmerlt and cowered b.erein is: A Fee Sirtp].e Titf'e to the estaLe or interesc cowered bereia is at. cbe effectirre de-ce hereof wested in: TIMBBRFAIJTS ASSOCIATES, A COLORADO GEIIERJAIJ PARTNERSHTP lCb-e ]-and referred t.o i- Ct',i s cofiuni-t.rnest' ie deecribed as fof.lows; IOT ]", FINAL PI,AT OF FOREST GI,EN, ACCORDEIG TO THE PIAT RECORDED'AI'GUST L9, L992 IN BOOI(' 587 AT PAGE 375, COUI{AY OF EAGI.'E, STAEB OF COI,ORADO. +- ). F-Ror'r. LArlrr rrrfcuaeaNTEE to, rtrrort3 . CHICAGO TITI,E INSURjANCE COMPA.}TC AL.TA COMMITMEN -y6r9k+lvtit-'es66a K4-.*"'-trftS co.. Fss=-ffiIHH PHoflA (Cr0)fi0{251 4+v-+9ol Fii*liiir.*Ff}<f.-a'Y,tr"' - C1rarges -AJ-ta Oenaer Policy Tax Reparc --TgrAI--- FAXTRANSMTTTAL *dF TT_ _- *A-wr;q--,FR.n.'ffi#gqas*eEEDULE Oqr Order # v238699-Z PAGE './4 EAGE 10/i9l98 09:53 TXIRX N0.5215 P.001 ocT- t 9-sEl 6sJ=48 FROlt.r-.Alvfr AtTA COMMITHEN SCIIEDUIJE B-SESTION3- T our Order # I/258699-2 Ttl,e fol].owing are t'tre IEem (a) Paymerxt Eo or morLgagors of clr.e fu]-]-to be insured. (Requirements) requiremerrca Co be comgrlied. with: for the accourrt Of tbe grFntors or sonsideration for the estsatr,e or ilterese agBessments ]- evied wlr-icle are due and_-..--- fE,em (b) Proper iltsc taument (s) creatingr th,e esfatse or inDerest.to lre insured mlrst be execured, and du].y fi].ed f,or record, to-$rit: Iteur (c) Pal4n.entr of a]-]. uaxes, charges or and assessect agalnatr tslae subj ects premises payabJ.e- ftem (d) Acldiciorral requiremenCs,1f any disclos 1-DUIJY ECECTITED A}.lD ACKITO9{LEDGED ASSOCIATES, A C'OIJOR;LDO GENERAL sEc.TroN 38-34-r.72 C.R-s- STATE!4EIfiI OF rTY FOR TTMBERF.A]]I,S PERT$IERSIIIP TO PROVISIOITS OF TFR TERMS'COI{DITIONS AI{D SATISI'IED.TAX I'A\TE BEEN A COEORADO GENER.UL PARTNERSTTTP COI.NIEYI}IG SUBJESf PROPERT'5T. Augalst 04, a992 IN BOOK 586 -aT PAGE ILITY COMPA}TT, A LTMITED LIABIIJTTY TIIE GENTR.,,AI PARTNERS OF fIIVIBSRFALI,S P.ONE OR T.IORE OF SAID PARTNERS I,IT'ST THAT EFFEC*Ts\''E JUISE ]., ].998 Tffi 2. FVIDENCT SATISFACTORY TO TEE COMPAIrS PROV-TSTONS OF THE TOVqN OF VAIL WARR.AMTY DEED FROM fIMBERFAIJLS TO W- KEMBLE KgfcEAM atrr LINDA K- IiIOTE: TRADE NAME AFFfDAVIT 146 DISCT,OSES RAD FIVE IJTMTTED COMPAIIY A}lD GEORGE TO BB A,SSOCIATBS, A GSNITRJNL P ETESUTE APPROPRTATE sEla33 Brr.r. 98-045 FTE FOR REQT]ESTS FOR $a6-oo. RELEASBS OF DEEDS OE'lRt'ST WII,IJ BE NOTE: EFFECIIVE JAIIUARY L, L993, @RPORATIONS EIIAT DO I\IOf MAI$NTAIN A PERM}iNI]NT PI,ACE OF BIISINESS IN COI,OREDO, A}TD NONRESIDEN:T ]|NDIVIDI'AIJS, BSMTES A},ID TRUSfS WILL BE SUB.TEC:r TO A CTOTJORADO WITHIIOI.IDING TAX ER.OM TEE SAIBS OF COTORADO REAL ESTAIE rN SKCESS OF $100,000-00. Trm WTTHHOLDIIIG TAX WTLI BE TIIE SPTATJIJBR OF 1TTO PERCElfiT OF Tffi SAI-ES FRICE OR THE PAGE I0/19/98 09:53 TX/RX N0.5215 P.002 ocT- t 9-slEl etsl = 48 FROM . LAND ;t"il; ALTA CO Ttre foJ-lowirlg are ttre Item (a) Payme:lt Eo or morLgagors of tfre full Eo be insured. - Item (e) Pal|Inent of a]-]- and assesaed agal.nsts Elr.e payable- DUIJY ECBEUTED AND ACICIiTO9fLEDGED ASSOCIAT:ES, A C-OL,OR;ADO GENBR-AIJ FEE FOR F-EQUESTS FOR $a6-0o- SqIIEDi'I-'E B - SECTTON ]. (Requirements) requiremencs co be conqrtied with: for the accourrt of tslre grant ors or cof,sideration for trhe estate or inberesC Eaxes, cbargea or assessmerrLs 1evied subj ect prernises whictr are drre *d-..--'- ID. '97@4784534 PAGE 2./4 INSURANCE COI.,IP I{MITMEI{T Our Order # Ir'259699-2 RrTY FOR TTMBTRFALI,S PROVISIO}IS OF TO A COIORADO GENER;A-L PARTI{8RSI':[P COINTBYING SUB.JESf PROPERIS(. feem (b) Protr)er if}st nrment {s) creatilag tb.e esface or illcerest to be insrrred. must be execueed arrd drrJ.y fil-ed for record. t.o- wits: rLem (d) .p'itdic i. orral- requiremenbs, Lf any disclos 1-STAIEI4EMT OF PARTNERSIIIP FI/IDENCE SATTSI.AC:rORY TO TEE COMPAT'N'T TEE TSRMS, COIIDITIONS AIID PROI TSTONS OF THE FOWN OF VAIL 'fARR..JAMTY DEED FROM IIMBERFAIJIJS TO W- reMBLE KETCXIAM arld LI$TDA T?X IIA\TE BEBN SATISFIED. NOTE: TRADE NAI4E AFFIDAVfT Augrust 04, L992 IN B0OK 586 Ar PAGE A46 DISCLOSES RAD FIVE IJTMTTED IABILITY COMPA}TS, A TTMITBD TIABIIJITY BE fiIE GENER.ATJ PARTNERS OF TIMBERFAILS COMPAIIY AND GEORGE ASSOCIATES, A GTNIIRAL P,. ONE OR I,,rtOf.E OF SAID PARtNERS I.IttET HTECI TE APPROPRI.,ATE SEIBTE BIT.T. 98-O45 TSAT EFFECIffNTE .N'NE 1, 1-998 THE -tt - RFJEATIES OF DEFS OF TRtISf WIT.T' BE ---NOTE: EFFECTM rIANUARY 1, Lgg3, @R-PORATIONS IITAT DO lrOf MAIbTTAIN A PERMA}iTTSNIT PI,ACE OF BSSI$TESS IN COLORADO, AND }trO}IRESTDENT INDTVIDITALS, ESTETES.A}ID TRUSTS WILL BE SI]BJECT TO A COIJORADO WITIIHOIIDII{G TAX FROM TEE SAJJBS OF COLORADO REAL ESTLTE IN g}ICEgS OF 91OO,OOO.OO. THE WITEEOI.DING TAX WrIJIJ BE THE SMATJIJER OF TWO PERcSlfiI OT' TgE SATES PRTCE OR TEIE PAGE 2 :: 10/19/98 09:53 TX/RX N0.s215 P. 002 '"1''"-=" os:48 FR.M:r-A'.D;tffi;'r*o*o*f ffioJT PAGE 3'4 ALTA COMMITMENT , *cgEDIrrrE B - sEcaro\I 2 , (Excepgions) our order # v25a699-2 fhe poliry or po].icies tso be issued wij.l contain e:cqel}t ions tso tbe fo].].owing rnaueers r::n l-ees ttle 6a!oe a.re d.isposed of Eo t,tre saeisfaction of tbe Company: 1-. Rigtrt s or claimG of partsies in possessioa rrots shown by cb.e puJrlie record,s - 2. Basements, 9f cf.aims of, easemeatss, nots sl.own by t:l\e pub].ic records - 3 - Discrepancies, coltflictss in bor:adary lines, shorlage iu area, encroachment's, a]ad al1y facts whieh a corrects srrr\rey inepection of tshe prerniees worr}.d disclose and wlricJl are rroe gtrown by tlre public records - 4 - A:cy J-ien, or rigtrt to a lien, fer serviees, labor or mat'erial treretofore or hereafter furnished, iuposed by law and rrot sllosrrt by the pubaib records- 5. DefectsE, l-ierrSr' enqurnbrancee, adrrerse cAaitcs or oCtrer rrtatters, if, any. creatsed., firsc appearijag in' tbe puJrlic records or attactring subsequent co the effective date hereof but prior to the dat,e ts,l.e protr)osed. insured acqrrires of record for walue tlre esbabe or interests Or fiorEgage thereon covered by tl.is C o{rElti- tsEeat - 6 - Ta:{es or specia3. assessnrent.s w}rich a].e .raoe s}rorprr as existing liens by the pub]-ic records- 7. Liens for urrpaid vraber and. sewer cllarg'es, i.f any, : a- Ire add.itior!, EIre o!flxer's pa]rA(!y wj.I.I be suJrj ece eo the .lieD of t lre new morCgage, if any, noted u-ader SecLioa l- of Sctredule B hereof - 9. ].997 TAXES NOT YgP DUE OR PATABI,E JAAID A,SSESSMEI\ TS NOT TET CTR?TFTED ?!O :eEI? TREASI]RERS OFFICE. t-o_ tlE\ts FoR urirl'AlD WATER eIiID sE$rER C=IARGES, IF AlIy- 11 . RIGET OF .!TAY FOR DSTCSES OR CSIGJ,S CONSTRUCTED BY TIIE .AIIIIIORITS OF IIIE IINITED STATES A,s RESSRVED IT.T I]T.IITED ST:ATES PATTI|TT RBCI}RDED NoveInbeT A?, a9O2, rN BOOK 48 .AT PAGE 492- PAGE 4 I0/19/sB 09:53 TXlRx N0.5215 P.003 I OCT- t9-9E) a9:4A FRoITt.LA}JD Tr TIrl GLTAFANTEE ID= tg?''4784534 I"AG:E 3/4 ' cErFGo rrrlE TNSURAN.E coMPo*o ALTA COMMITMENT , *eHrDUtB B - SECTTON 2 (gxcepeions) Our order # v25e699-2 The po].icy or po]'icies co be issued wi.].l conLain e:ccel'tions Eo tbe foJ.Iowirrg l(\ateere rrlr'leee ttre eame are d.isposeCt of Eo Ch.e satsisfactsion of Ehe Compaay: I-. Rlghce or claim6 of partsies in possession rIoE strowrt by clte pulrlic record.s. 2 - Easements, or c1aim.s of €fasemeDEs, nob s}:owa by the prjJr]ic records. 3. Discrepancies, cooflicts in boundary lines, slaortsage in area,encroacllllrents, asd aafr factrs whiclr. a correce survey inspec t,ion of Ehe precrises would disc1ose and whicb. are not strown by tlae public records . 4- -Any lien, or rigltts to a li.en, fot services, labor or material heretofore or hereafter furfllslred, irq>osed by ].aw and rroc sllowrr by the pu-b1J-c records . 5. Def,ect-g, l-ieras,- ejrquEb:.aa.cesi ad\rerse cl-aime or oCb,er Btatt,ersi,it atty, createdl. first a;rpearing in tbe pub1ic records or attachirrgi subsequeat uo tshe effecrive date heregf buc prior Lo bhe date the proposed insrrred acquires of record for \ra]-ue Ch,e estatse or interests Or mortrgage trtrereon correred by ttris cofiEn:i tIqeat - 6 - Ta:<ers Qr special assesgnrentss wlrich are not' showrr as e:<ist,ing 1i-ens by the pui)]-ic records. 7 - Liens for urrpaid watsef and. sewer charges, if, any. 8- In add,itiorr, tshe oeJ[er's poJ:ic],, wi]t be suJ:j ect co the lian of j t.he t1ew moregag'e, if any, noted u-nder Section l- of Sctredu]-e B hereof. 9. 1997 TAJTES NOjt YgT DUE OR PAYTBIJE .AI\D A,9ST$SMEIVTS NOT TET CTRTTFTED TO I'EIE 1IRTASIIRERS OFTICE. I-O..LIEAIS FOR UNPA-T,D WATER AND SEWER GIARGES. IF AI\TY. 11 . RTGIIT OF.wlIY FOR DT?C@S OR CENAT-S CONSTRT}gIED BY TgE .ATITEORITT OF TIIE I'NITED STATES AS RBSERVSD IN I'I{ITED STATES PATTNT RBCORDED }IoT,eTtrbeT 17,tgoz, rN BooK 48 .LT PAGE 492. PAGE 4 t0/19/98 09:53 TXIRX NO.S2is p.003 t OCT-IEI-9EI A9'4S FI?OJ*I.I-AND TJ TI-E GI'A.PANTEE 'D=,9?A4?E|4S34 c,,rlo rrrt* rNSqRArcE ..MFANO PAGE 4./4 1, 1F AI.,TA COMMIT}dENT SCTITDUI.E B - SECTIO}I 2 (Exceptians) Our Order # v258599-z 1.2. RIGEII OF PROPRIETOR OF A VBIN OR I,ODE 1|0 EXTRA T A}TD REMO\TE EIS ORE TIIEREBROM SIIOUT,D THE SEIqE BB FOIIND 113 PE}ISTRATE OR INTERSECT TTIE PREMTSES AS RESBRVTD IN I]NTTM S?ATES PATENT REEORDED Norrernber L7, L9O2, TN BOOK 48 AT PAGB 492, - EASEMENT AS GRAIUfED TO TIPPBR .EAGIJE \rA-LI'EY SAlrf?A?fON DISTRTCf III IlilSllRUI"@ar RECORDED JUNE 1-3, A9?3 TN BOOK,229 AT PAGE 55O A}ID 551.. 14. RESERVATION OF A TSN PERCEI T NON-PARTICTPATING ROYAIJTY AS RESERVED IN DEED RECORDED NOVEMBER 2, 1962 rN BOOK 156 AT PAGE 4O7. . EASEMENTS, RBSERVATIOT.TS AIiID RESTRICfIONS AS SIIO9IN OR RESER1ISD ON TIIE FI!il}IL pr,ef oF FoREST GLEM RECORDED At'egs? 19, X992 IN I}OOK 587 AT PAGE 376. L/- rtrrfi.rrr BesEMErqr A-r.oNe rsE sorxfEwEsrERr-y aND sourEERIJy r.or LrrIE oF sUB.'Ec=. PROPERT']| AS SIIO9TN ON TIIE PIAT RECORDED AUGUST 19, 1992 IN BOOK 587 AT PAGE 376 _ . EASRIET.IT END RIGTf,F OF WAY POR GORE CREAI(. - TERMS, CONDTTTONS AND FROVTSIONS OF DECTTAXATTON OF COVENANTS, CONDTTIONS. RESTRICTIOIiTS AIID EASEMENTS oF EOREST GLEN RECORDED Augrust' 19, a992 fN BOOK 547 AT PAGB 377 ADTD AMENDMET.M RECORDED NOVEMBER 18, 1992 IN BOOR 594 AT PAGE 534, 1g- XERMS, COITDTTIONS -eND PROVTSTONS OF tRENCg, CONDUTT ArrD TAIILT AcRBEI{Elar / R.ECORDED Alrguse f.8, a992 IN BOOK 587 At PAGE 345. . UNDERGROI]ND RTGIIT OF WAY EASEI{EIIIr AS GRAI{ITED T! HOI,Y CROSS EIJECIIRTC ASSOCIATION. IN'c. IN NTSTRI'TIENT RECORDSD ATIGUST 13, 1992 Ir{ BOOK 5A6 AT PAciE 923 PAGE 5 10/19/98 09:53 TX/RX N0.szrs P.004 I (fcT-1gf -gEl O9: zlsl FRoM.I-AND TITI_E GUARAN:rEE tD, t9?A4?84534 PAGE 4./4 cHrG rrr,,* rNSuRAlrcE co!4FANa AI,TA COMMITMENT SCIIEDIII-,E B - SEETIOI{ 2 (Bxceptions) Our Order # v258699-2 12. RrGEl:r OF' PROPRfETOR OF A ]IBrN OR LODE fO EXTRACT AI.ID REMO\IE EIS ORE THEILEFROM sEottI-.D Tl{E S.A-I"IE BB FOUND T0 PENEfRATE OR IN:fERgECr THE PREMTSES AS RESERVED IN UNITP STATES PATErct RECORDED Novernber l7, a9O2, fN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 492 -- 13 - EASE}GNT AS gRAIfiTED TO TIPPER EAGLT VA.LIJEY SANTTTA?TON DTSTR:ICf IN IIISTRU}EMT RECORDED JI'NE ].3 , A973 IN BOOK 229 LT PAGE 55O AND 55a. 14. RESERVATTON OF A TEN PERCENT NON-PARTICIPATING ROYAI,TY AS RESERVED IN DEED RECORDED NO\IEMBER 2, 1962 rrr BOOK 166 AT pAGE 4O7. 1.5. EASEMEMTS, RESBR\IATIOIIS A$TD RESTRICI|IONS AS SIIOTIN OR RESEiR1IED ON Tt{E EISTAII prrAT oF FOREST GLEN RBCORD@ AtIcrTS? L9, 1992 rN Bo.OK 5A7 AT BAGE 375. 1-5. U:PTIJTTY EASEMEIAI AIONG ftrE SOUIHIIIESTERLY AND SOIITHERIJY LOt LIhTE OE SUB,IECT PROPERTY AS SIIO'{N ON TIIE PI,AT RECORDED AT}GTIST 19, 1992 IN BOOK 587 .AT PAGE a76 - 1-7. EASB{ENTT AND RIGHT OP I{IAY FOR @RE CREEK. 18- TERMS. CONDTTf,OI1S AlrD FROVISIONS OF DECLARATION OF CO\/EMAICIS, eOAIDITIONS, RESTRICTIoNS AI{D EA,SBMENTS oF FOR.BST GLEN RECIf,RDBD August, 19, 1992 IN BOOK 547 AT PLGE, 3?7 A}ID AMTNDMENI RECORDED NOVEMBER 1A, 1992 I}[ BOOK 594 A.T PAGE 534- 19. TERMS, CI3I{DITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF IRF'NC5I, CONDUTT A].ID -VAI'IT AGREBI.IEI$I RECORDED Augarst 18, 1-992 Ilit BOOK 587 AT PAGE 345- 20. TJIIDERGILOIIND RIGIilf Ot ?fAY EASEMELIIT AS GRA}ill|ED TA HOLY CnoSS AITECIRfC ASSOCTATTOT{, IN,c. rN INSTRI'MENT RECORDED AUGUST 13, L992 rr(I BOOK 596 AT PAciT 923 10/19/98 09:53 TxlRX NO.s2l5 P.004 I PAGE 5 nl/L8/gg 01:37 FPS ARCf,IIECTS @or MarEh l?, 1999 Allison Ochs Town of Vail Commurity Develop,rnent 75 South Frontrge Rord Voil, CO 81657 RE: Kctcham Rcsidcncc ARCHITECTS Dear Allsion: As pcr thc final DRB revicw, I have resubmi6ed thc sitc phn witb rcquested chalges- Additionally' I havl provided a ftll set of Con$truction Documcnts. Ttere arc some small changes from our find DRB applisation, Lisr below rrc thc major chaagcs that you sbould be aware of l- Site Plan It" culv€,rt instead of a l2o culucrt (l) curb cur No tree rernoval in flood Plain 2. Floor Plans The floor plans have been modified resulting in the following GRFA nunbels pcr tho Plars dated Marcb 15, 1999: Lower Lerrel - 939 sq ft Maiu level ' 1?25 sq ft (please note ihat the small area betrind Orc toilct at cotumn line 6/D will be inlilled) UpporLcvcl - t774sqfr Garagc'5$ sq ft 3. Elevation A30l ond Main Floor Plan A202 The front entry has been rcconfigurEd to cre€tc a covered enty. Originalty, thc clevdion ouly indicatcd e canlilevered balcory above the front dmr. Based on my undcrstarling of GRFA, this would not count towards tofal GRFA as long as the struoturc docs not projeat out more tlan 4' and thc wall opening is more the 25% of tle covercd area It would count as sile covcragc' I think that those are tbe major changes since our final DRB mecting- Please call me with any questions or coruncnls. Thanks for all your help. \''*@trqf,:-- \-^] Srr,ahanic I.ord \ Architect K:\98tt-t&tcbl|dTowrol{J | 7-wPd PlanningaAtchitechrrellnhrior 1650 Ea$ vailvalley Driw fa[ridgc CJ . Va'|, CO 81657 r f@cobndo.rcl . hx 0701476-1901 . Ctilt) 175{3'12 FRITZLEN P I E RC E SMITH April5, 1999 Allison Ochs Town of Vail Community Development 75 South Frontage Road VaiI, CO 81657 RE: Ketcham Residence K:\9838-Ketcham\TO\n aolt0405.wpd Planning 1 650 East Vail Valley Drive Fallridge C-1 . FRITZLEN P I E RC E SMITH ARCHITECTS Dear Allsion: As per Terri Partch's review, I have resubmitted the site plan with requested changes, in order for the construction permit to be issued. Listed below are the changes to the site plan and additional comments which you should be aware of: 1. The first 10 ft ofthe driveway now reflects the required 8% slope. 2. As requested, the direction of flow of surface water from the driveway is being shown. The drainage is being assisted by a scupper in the landscaping wall and by land contours once it reaches land. 3 . A revokable right of way permit needs to be sent to the office, as soon as possible, so that the owners may sign it. 4. Deciduous trees should provide adequate visual access for backing out of the driveway. The tree planting near the driveway will remain the same unless there is further disagreement on this issue. 5. 30olo snow storage is graphically shown east ofthe driveway and has also been calculated and noted on the plan. Once we receive the revokable right of way permit and have it signed by the Ketchams, all of the necessary revised information should be sufficient for the construction permit to be issued. If there are any questions or comments please feel free to contact myself or Bill Pierce. Sincerely,oilfifl1g'u., o Architecture o Interiors vail,co81657 r fps@colorado.net . fax (9701476-4901 . (97O) 4766342 Amy Birdsall April 15, 1999 Allison Ochs Town of Vail Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE:Ketcham Residence Lot 1, Forest Glen Subdivision Planning a Architecture a 1650 East Vail Valley Drive Falitidge C-1 r Vail, CO 81 652 . fp@cotorado.net FRITZLEN PIERCE SMITH ARCHITECTS lnteriors . fax (97O) 476-4901 . (97O\ 4764342 - Dear Alison: As you are aware, I am working on resolving Public Works comments regarding the Ketcham driveway and tumaround. Based on my conversations with you and Greg Hall, Public Works, I am requesting that the TOV approve our original proposed site plan (see attaohed Site Plan) with a pull-through driveway and two curb cuts. The following outlines why we believe this is the best solution to address the TOV concems as explained to me: 1. The two curb cuts were originally denied by the DRB because we did not have Public Works support allowing two curb cuts for a single family residence. Per my conversation with Greg Hall on April 14, 1999, he is now in support of the two curb cuts due to the limitations of the sight distance and the quantity of paving required to meet tumuround requirements on the site. 2. Even when FPS reconfigured the driveway to one curb cut, we could not achieve the required on-site turnaround with out paving almost the entire south side of the lot. Additionally, it would still not achieve the 250' sight distance requirement. 3. At this point we are having extreme difhcult meeting all of the TOV standards. Allowing the two curb cuts would allow for the least amount of paving, would eliminate the need to back out on to Glen Falls Lane, and allow cars on the lot to clearly see traffic on the bridge and the neighboring Nugget Lane. 4. The Ketcham lot has street adjoining two sides of the property, a condition which is not addressed in the standards. As you are aware we have proceeded through the permit process and this is the only item holding the permit at this time. I am hoping we can have this driveway change staff approved, due to DRB's concems that the TOV Community Development Department and Public Works department were not in support of the two curb cuts being reversed. Ultimately, I believe we can create a much safer driveway and athactive entrance with the pull through driveway. I look forward to hearing from you regarding this matter. Thank you for all your help on this matter. Sincerely, Stephanie Lord cc: Greg Hall, Public Works, fax 479-2166 K:\983 8-Ketcham\TOUao04 I 5.wpd TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 FE+sD April 12. 1999 Stcphanie Lord Fritzley Pierce Smith 1650 East Vail Vallcy Dr., Fallridge Cl Vail, CO 81657 Fax: 476-4901 RE: Ketcham Residence Lot I, Forest Glen Subdivision Dear Stephanie: The Community Development Department has reviewed the new site plan for the Ketcham Residence to be located at Lot l, Forest Glen Subdivision. The following comments and rcvisions necd to be addressed prior to the issuance of the building pelmit: l. Pleasc providc a 2' shouldcr along Glen Falls Lane. 2. Mnximum grading of 2: I to the invcft of the pipe. 3. Because the Ketcham Residence does not meet site distance requirements for backing out of the driveway. please provide a turnarcund area.4. Maximum cross-slope grade is 8% Sinceyply. ///,ao Allfton Ochs Planner I Town of Vail VAIL\\DATA\EVERYONE\ALLISON\99l.8fi ERUGTCHAM {p *""""r"o ror"* o t