HomeMy WebLinkAboutFOREST GLEN LOT 11 LEGAL.pdf:' .'a i-:'4i ffi ps s6 sR3 sx f-r Ks PS s 'ic G-x \ix xs.ST \.F V\NS. 3B Si- (\ d3. $:"-*:' ^!3 $$ $s F€ RF QR. n \l li .A, 6 <i x =6'H8S i iij= 3E:F' EU'(D 5 F;3rE F+& a;.E t=.tt i5s F-s +5'5 (D 98 A E aE E E'h E'a B u 9"tr fiEp.FiO.J asr =' v1 a1 5 rn- !Fe', 6 /=taOFr H's'g *g B 986 O' at ,t gaF ^?k;Y! i'sr ^= €E Ei< s1 =1 =-t}O z o (} o l-t r:i.o a oo>8SR €8il HEz qE+ OE t'orI € eE GA YP-r 6l twl l,nl ttl lF I+ -llZ t_r . t+ E'to I lo al<I lF\ (} lt I IE :IH I l*r El(l I lp,' 3 l*r I FTH IFHF IT B:If rr l<F ld E.EIH 9lxl ^l'-'l rDloFl l!l b'lsl 6l{l Fltl ntI trtl 8tI oll Pll rll tll tll tlt t<ll tt. | |lz I I ltl (! z )i I 1 loo INJ .l I I .t I I I I .l I I ;\l < adeaf 7 -e.s u E x 0 3.H'E FH I E'e.*;;' tFs f $f EFEE FF ;E$$gF eEf,Hgi FE:; T 3.lg. g3'6 " f fE Eg **13 B E'6'F g s r'; $I ffi /o/ // , ,ryrss1- (>78,) TIMES 898 -0 092 status...: ISSUED AppIied..: 05/07/L998 riiuea. .., 06/03/LgeB Expires..: lL/30/L998 APPLICAI{T S.H. coLE coNsTRuqrIoN CoMPANY Phone': 97Q-476-L426 2897 TIMBERCREEK DR. #25, VArL, co 81657 CONIRACIOR S.H. COLE CONSTRUCTION COMPAI{Y Phone: 970-476-L426 2897 TIMBERCREEK DR. #25, VAII.,, CO 81557 OWNER TIIIBERS FAII-,S ASSOCIATES 228 BRIDGE ST, VAIL CO 8].657 DescripEion:NEW sFR (ADD ENCLOSE ENTRY AriID 'JACI.IunlcerlUofADweIIing units: 001 Occupancy Type Factorl Sq' FeeE -valuaEion Dwellings Zone Z v-N 9? ' 80 2 '226 2L7 '702 '80 txr,ellings Zone 2 V-N BasemenE 2L'24 L,L74 24'935'76 PrivaLe Garages Zorre 2 v-N Masonry 28'55 568 L6'222'OB Subt,oEal: 3,958 258'860'64 Table Dat,e: O5/L7 /Lgg6 ToEal ValuaEion: 258 ,860.64 Town of Vail Adjusted ValuaEion: 529,000'000 Fi,rop1ace InforEation: R66Ericerd: y *of ord Appfiance6:*Of Ga. Log6: 1 *of wood/Pall,ei: FEE SI'I.IMARY 2,456, OO Restuaran! Plan R.vic$-->.OO Tot.al Calculaerd F€e6---> 5,553'?0 TOhIN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, CO 81557 970-479-2L38 NOTE: TOV/Comm. Dev. DEPARTMENT OF COMMI'NITY DEI/EIOPMENT THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON.JOBSITE AT PROJECT TITLE: LOG RES/STAI'I CI)LE NEw (SFR, P/S, DI,P) PERMIT Permit #: Clean-up D approved amount date AddTESS I 44LO GLEN FAI.'LS LN ATiON...Z 44LO GIEN FALLS IJINE cel No . .: 2L0L-L23-13-011 ject No.: PRiI98-0056 DRts Fee--------- 4OO oO Ad'litional Fecs---------> '00 '00 Recreation F6a_---------> 348'10 Totlal Pcflnic S€e--------> 5'553 '70 3,oO CIc.n-uP D.po.its--------> ?50'Oo Pa,n6nc6- - - - - - - - 5'553'70 TOTAL FEES----- 5,553.?0 BAIIANCE DUE----- *.**.*"r*.""1" IIem: O51OO BUTLDING DEPARII,IENT DEPTI : BUILDING DiViSiON: o5/07/Lggs iIRM Action: NoTE PLANS TO CHARI'rE 06/02/Lgg} CHARLTIE Act.ionr APPR see correct,iorls list o3/og/!gg9 JRM Act j-on: APPR iIRM APPR ENTRI| rEem: 05400 pLANNTNG DEPARTMEMI Dept: PLANNTNG Division: os/o7/Lggg JRM Action: NorE PLANS ro Pr'ANNER 05/08/1998 CBARTON AcEion: APPR appr by cbartcn O3'/Og'/!gg9 iIRM AcEion: APPR APPR ENTRY PEq DOM-- rtem: 05500 FrF.E DEPARTMENT Deptl : FIRE Division: 05/27/tgge CHARLTE AcEion: APPR N,/A rEem: 05500 PI'BTJTC WORKS Dept: PI'B WORK Division: o5/o7/Lgg8 ,JP&I Actsion: NoTE PLANS TO LARRII o6'/03'/Lgg8 ilRrl Action: APPR APPROVED L'P rrTP rtsem: 05550 ENGINEERING Depti : ENGTNEER Diwision: o5/07/Lgg8 iIRM AcLion: NoTB PLANS TO TERRI: Os'/L]'/lggg TPARTCI{ AcEion: NOTE see noEj'ces O5/I4/L998 TPARTCIT ACtiON: APPR APPROVED Building-----> Plan chcck- - - > Invcctsigation> will caIl,----> it Refund .tetlttl,tt.ttl't'.'tl''**t.fti'}i**'*t*t'*tt.l'r''}'ir'i'r'i'r't'.''tit'l,iltt',ll'tttl,'t''l''.ilrrrrtiltttttfli''rt'.l''*r.rrr'rtiii**l See Page 2 of thie Document for any condit,ions thaL ilay apply to this permiE' DECL,ARATIONS r h.taby .cknorl.dga lhrE r hrv. raad ehia rppliceclon, fl1lad ouE in futr rhc lnforEali{tn rcqulf,'d, couPrctcd tn 'ccurets' prot plrn, atld 6!ac€ chrt r11 tsh. lnfor:nallon provt<led ae rcqulrcd i6 corr.c!. I agloc to co{Dly rlEh thc infor4ation and ploc plan' Eo conply rrlth rlr Tor.n oralinanclE End Etate larB, and to butld Ehi! Etruccura according Eo ch! torn's zonlng and 6ubdLvi'ion cod.., d..ign r.vi.tr .!rpfovca[, uniforu Butlding cod€ and ochcr ordinanc66 of thc ?oen aPPllcrbL' lh€rcEo' REQUESES FOR INTPECTIONg BHAI,I, BE I{ADE TWE$TY-FOI'R HOURS IN ADVANCE B1 8.nd Cl.rn-Up D€po.iU To: LH.CioLE CON€I CO. r PAGE 2 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAJ-, Permits #: 898-0092 as of 03/09/99 Status: rssUED *******************.****************************!t******************************** Permits Tlpe: NEW (SFR,P/S,DItP) PERMTT Appricint: s.H. coLE coNsrRugrroN coMPAlrv iIOb AddTESA: 4410 GIJEN FALLS I-'N I-,OCATiON: 4410 GLEN FAI.'LS LANE Parcel No: 2101-123-13-01-1 *****************************************************r,l ************************** COIIDITIONS *****************************************************|*****!t******************** 1. rllrs PRoiIECT wrLI-, REQuTRED A SrrE TMPRoVEMENI qqyEI--9u9I- SURyEY SHALL BB S1BMiTTED AND APPROyED PRIORITO REQITEST FOR A FRJN4E INSPESTION 2. ATTrC SPACES SIIAI-,L HAVE A CErtrNG ITEIGIfT OF j[ IEEI- OI-lEl:', AS ME,ASURED FROM TIIE TOP SIDE OF T'IIE STRUCruII$I., MEMBERS OF THE FIJOOR TO TIIE IJI{DERSIDE OF TIIE STRUCruRAL MEMEBERS OF THE ROOF DIPECTLY ABOVE. 3 . rHE GRADING SHOV,IN ON THE APPROVED PLAN STILL IEXCEEDS OI'R GRA DING STA}IDARD OF 2 :1 . GRADING SHALL MEET TI# |GR.'ADING STANDAR D I{HEN CONSTRUSTED. NO GR,ADING SHALL BE IN E:licEss oF 2iL APPlied: os/o7/L998 ' iGsued' 06/03/L998 PROM g:00 AU 5:oo Pu a t i !r t tt r t itt t t t i ttr rrt t t t t tt * *t trt ta{ l, l}A 'omt oP vAZIr | @!oR.tDO 'rrfrirrrrrtittttttiti*ritttaiar*rrrrirrrrttirrltttt SEfgcnnc NuDbcr ! RBC-0{96 A[ounE: r71.30 03/09199 14t27 o Pal|ncnt, M6thod! CK NoErtlon: 1650 Inll: itR PerElt No! B9g-0092 Eypr r B-BUILD NB$t (sFR,P/g,DttP) PE Parcsl Not 2101-l?3-13-0LL gitr AddtrEe i 4/rL0 GLEN FA.LLS LN Loc.cLon: {{10 GLEIiI FAI,LS LAIIE ToErl Pcq.: 5, 553 .7o Thls Pryo.nt 173.30 Totsal Arrrr Pucs i 5,553.70 grlanc6: . oo r. r t |l 'r r l}t t f i * !r ri tt t a tt a a * * t i ** * i t J t t tr r lrt * t t t tt I * I *J * t * *, J r r rr t t AecounE cod! DaEcrlpclon anounE BP 00100003111L00 BUIITDINq PERUTT rEES 100.00 P8 00100003112300 PlnN eHBcK FEBE 65.00 RF 1L100003112700 RECREATION PEES S.30 gtlEr&nl F oa 'o }l !4 F F E t I !a E d p d H o F ct 2 I 8" ,dt l,E st ll !l rH az .0 olE F. F U o A ta a o H FT H U (o I ,z do HU EH A(')20 c!{ zz EO !r= &E t HFI a3 EO E{: P DF az '(C i9 ql o E l.F HZ oo A* id h g H a x H z o tr ql ai 'U ZE o E :EE o oEl g d8 UU o EI H A H c o I d z ll H o !q ; o5 :> EIETT E{ O $* -E5 t l) : iagle tat-ootl 0 ry r It ti:;;iiU;'"1; "" vArL colisrRucrrcj - t3 -61/ pEpJ.rrT .F.pplrcr\?ron-rozur PEP,.\lLT i D.*rE:---.- b?f-Oo?z---APPLICTiTION }ruS? ]]E FTLLED OU? COMPLETELY OR ? ]LI\Y }{OT Bi ACCEPTET)J v. r.rtlrr rrrl .f.rLLLD OU? COMPLETELY OR f? llr\y I{OT-.BE ACCEPTED f$*--*,t ***x;f * * * *:k x *'* * * * * )k * * * * * * pEpJ.lr? rltFoRllqrroll ,r * x ./ * )& * * * * * * x * )r , ['r.r-nuiraing t ]-p]ur,iltrinq r .l-E..r :"-:',:.r--:-.'.."".^"-*"- -x*x)t**)k*)r'******)*; ,..,\ | - . , -nlectrical [ ] *Mechanibal I t_orhor ,) owners rrane: 5, }t C-">U.e I r.. r i +15,..+ - Address: Address: #:::-::: ,::: of Fireplacesf Gas Appliances_ cas Loss_ rrood/pe11o.- lH+ * x * t * !4 * :,r * )t x * x * * *'( * * *.,i * x )k * lr * * x * */b _' - -':''/''.-xx',x* *r)k*x vALUATToNg x***lr*xx*****r**xz**rii.,rx*x, .;,:tt**** lr,rnrarxc{' T----r r,rlrrrrr,.rr.rary _ + orHl-,-ii: $, O r.rururi\-LUF-Li *',/4 ru1l11,:'i ift";;;;i.;;;;;;;i:;:I;;)'r- :o):y'"'oR rNl'oR iArro'****...;;*.-';..,..*;;',; Acjdrcsi: - /\ ' ''t'" r-a'( Tn--'n ^{. \r-{i h--./ __,_ .l(J'Arr (rr val.l lieq, No. El.ectrical Contractor:Ar.dress: : Toan of VaiI Req. No.Phone Nunber: ' .(rurrLul,l9 L_OII LfaCCOf : ]iddress: 'Tn:.'- ^r t'- .: \ '-r\rwrr Lrt VaIl Rcgr. l{c.phone Nunber: ]'iecha: rical Contractor.: .-....- Aridre: s: .na'..^ ^=.\v,.,rr L,r vaII fieg. NO. General Descr:j'pti""' !+.,rrr; -oa eroe+I'lor): CIass : I I -li er^r lI -h.t *-^>-+..r ^-r'ror): cr-ass:- [ ]-]iew [ ]-AJ-teration [ ]-Additional 1 i_Repair [ ]_other )lun-]rer of D-i"'el Linl Units: a llrrmher of Acconmoclation Units : '- r--r I ISIGNATURX:Co;urents i phone l,lunrber: . */yr*i t:xu )a 'r * x ri * * X x * i. + ; + + + + - - J -! -, , . ] BUILDT NG pnRr,IrT u;;:*'oo*'.*'***)' FoR oFFraE usE 'ii\s,!s,:t **'t<x;.x)i*,.*,2**:f ,,*********;pr,ritr' NG pERt.rrT Fa;; BUTLDII{G PLAN CHEcX FEE: t{r.li{Al ICAL pERtlrr_r,i;E: _ pttrMBrNG PLAN CHECK ;'il;ELjcTiI.AL FEE: _-.-=- MECFIANTCAL PLAN cHicil_ien: or;lER IYPE oF FEE: II9IIATIoN FEE: atT !- ^ r,Y DP.B FI E: - ^^-r ---------- , ;Hli-ur-DEPoSIT: - o0ld to gtr,r l-lq-ffit iilitl1 ) I:P.OSLT lJiut,D Tc: CounEy Assessors 'r\RCEL l:X PERMIT APPLICATION 3 o 4oxtzz f/7116 ?PrTs'oob(f I .t 'l ,'conEac! Eagle ac 970-328> lr"" TOWN OF VATL CONSTR PERMIT APPLICATION FILLI:*D OUT COMPLETELY ***** PERMIT INFORMAT ng [ ]-Electrical t PEfu\IIT /I MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED *********** ani-cal t l UCTTON FORM OR IT JON *** I -Mech * ****t(rt****** tl )t rr******** xl-euiraing [ ]-Plunbi 'l { APPLICATION MT'ST BE t, Job Narne , ,bf ll frrea/ G/en rob A<ldress: (ge C/A ,A & /a , e LegaI Description:Fi).ing sunorvrsrou: Ph. v1b- ttl>L Number of Accornmodation Units: / Arc)ritect, f.onlirr,- ceneral Descr j-ption: l,lork classr tXl-New [ ]-Arteration [ ]-Additionar [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Ilumber of DweIl-ing Units: yrnber and Type of Fireplaces: cas Appliances-_ Cas Logs / wood/pellet_ t tk * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS * * * * * * * .t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *b ilurr-,nrruc $ S|LttooA,oO Er,ricrRrcAr,: $ orHER: $hrrrMnYrt^. + t -PLUMBTNG r -+ l uacuepicei, +-.- - --,f ik* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *_* C9NTRACTOR INFORMAI,IO Eerrerat Contractor: 5t1 hl" /n-J. /-,, ."Tlf,u"yt;^@._-- Town or vair Reg. No.iq?-$Address: 7477 7 r*,b<tr(ree ltDr,t+7? UaLl Ca ?f,ga phone Number: i7b-/.lT- Df ecl-rica 1 Contractor: Address:Phone Number: Contractor:Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: LoL // Block L/-C Plumbing Address: l"lechanical Contractor: Address: ******** *********rt ** ********** ** FOR BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMII FEE: MECHANICAI, PERMIT FNE: ELECTRICAIJ TEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: ToTAL: S_----==- NTRACTOR INFORMAI,ION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Town of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: oFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEB: PLUMBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAIJ PI.,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN_UP DEPO ToTAL PERITT,T BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: I I GROUP VALUATTON Conrnents: '/rqffr&f"* w CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFII}ID ttb51 *zz 75 soulh frontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL olllce ol communlly development CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TO: I'D^M. DATE: SUBJECT: TOWN oF VAIL PUBLIC woRKS/CotftruNITy DEVELoPI,|ENT MARCH L6, L988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn suhmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawful for any person to litter, track or deposit.any soi', ,o"fa, sand, debris or rnaterial, including tr.rsh bumlsters, portable toirets and workmen vehicres.!pon,3ny streer, "ia;;"Ik, ";ii;y or public p1?:" or any porrion theleof. rhe right_oi_;;;-;" art Town of Vail streets and.Igug= is approximately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance wir] be. strittiy enror"Ld rv-it,"-i"wn of VaiJ.Pubric works DeDartnent. p"r=6n= found viorating this ordinance wilr.be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said rnaterial.fn the event the person so notified.Aoes no!-';;;piy vrith the notice within the 24 hour.time-speciii;;,"tt,"-i"[ric ,oorks Departmenr wirl renove said mare;iai-;a-ih;";";;;=" of person notified. The provisions "r inis ordrnance sharr not be appricabre to c-onstruction, r.i.i"nunce or repair projects of any street or attey or any utirities-i; r;"-;i;;i._._"uy. To review ordinance No. 6 in fult, please stop by the Town of Yiil-l"l+ding oeparrmenr to obriin a copy. rirani< you for your.cooperation on this natter. 'r'll 't rl ead, and acknowledged onship onlRe (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 south lronta ge road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 otf lco of communlty developmerrl BUILDING PERTiIT ISSUANCE TIME FMNI If this permit requjres a Town of Vail Fire Department Approva.l ,Engineer''s. (.p!b.l jc l,lorks) leview and approvai,'i piiii.inS'bipu.trunt review or.Health Departnrent review, anir'a_review uv iho driihint - - Department, the estimated time for a total reviu* iluv iuli'ii i6ng as three weeks. l]].^.:y:l:i11 1lnrnt or sma'11 ) arrcl at I nrut ti _fam jty perm,irs wil l nave ro roil0w the above rnentioned maximum requiremlnis. Residential :1^d..:Till^prgiu:!:.,shoutd take a tesser amount of tjme. However, if res'loentlat or snraller projects impact the various above mentioned lili.li':lt:.1i!! lesard, to necessaiy review, ilrese proje.[i'ruy also taKe ilie three week period Every attempt wi'l I be rygle bv this crepartnrent to expedite this pet'mtl t.as s.Qon as possib'l e. !' the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure <rnd time frame. Communi ty Development Department. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY WORKS PERMIT' DEPARTMENT IS REQUIRED ,oo *o*r, t-i / | Fnol (r4.u oate: El7T7{ Please answeithe lollowing questionnaire regarding ihe need {or a'Public Way Permit': YES NO 1) fs this a new residence? ,< 2) ls demolition work being performed - I >1 rs oemoiluon worK oerng Penormeo -. I that requires the use of the right n ,H of way, easemenls or public 6ror"y, ,- - ^lr(W 'ol way, easemenls or puDllc propeny'/ _ l, Yv'' | \ 3) ts any uririry worJ< needed? LN 'r, W] ) Y 4) ls the driveway being repaved? n (""fr.rW X 5) ls ditferent access needed 1o site other than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done alfecting the righl ol way, easemenls, or public proped,y? 7) ls a "Revocable Right Of Way Permit" required? B) A, ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or {encing? B, ll no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? lf you answered yes lo any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit' must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applicalions may be oblained at the Public Work's office or at Community Developmenl. lf you have any questions please call ffivis, the Town x v x v of Vail Construction Inspeclor, at.479-2'158, I have read and answered allthe above questions. tt -fruA, Signature t-*t4l ?&t(L Date Job Name Contractol o DEVELO Status...: ISSUED AppIied..: 07/22/L99e Issued...: 07/27/L998 Ercpires. . : oL/23/1999 Phone: '7L9-485-3457 Phone: 719-486-3457 17, 800 . 00 fof wood/Pa1lel.: ToEal calculaLed Fees---> #of ca8 Logs: FEE SUMMARY TOI^IN OF VAIL 75 S. FRO}TTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970-479-21,38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMI]NITY NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON MECHANICAL PERMIT PMEN'I JOBSITE AT ALL TTMES Permit. #: M9B -OL27 'fob Address...:Location......: Parcel No.....:Proiect Number: 44]-O GLEN FALLS LN 44].0 GLEN FALLS LN 210a-L23 -L3 - 0l_l_ PR,J98-0055 APPLICANT TOTAL COMFORT SYSTEMS 504 W. 8TH, LEADVTLLE, CO 80461_ CONTRACTOR TOTAL COMFORT SYSTEMS OWNER 504 W. 8TH, LEADVILLE, CO 80461 TIMBERS FALLS ASSOCIATES 228 BRIDGE ST, VAIL CO 8T657 Descript.ion: HEATING SYSTEM FOR NSFR Fireplace Inforration: Rcst.ricted: Valuation: #of Gas Appliancee: Mechani,caL---> Plan check---> Inve€t j.9a! ion> wiL1 call----> 360.00 90 .00 .00 .00 4s3 .00 453, OO ReeEuarane Plan Revien- - > DRB Fee---------AddiEional Fee6---------> .oo .OO TOTAL FEES----- 3,00 Totsa1 Pemit Fee- -- ---- - > Palments-------- BAI,ANCE DUE- --- - 453,00 .00 BUILDING DEPARTTVIENT GGOODELL Act.ion: APPR Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: TTION OF APPROVAI, FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIANCE.PER SEC. 607 0F THE l_991- IIMC.INSTALI,ATION MUST CONFORM\TO MANUFACTI]RES INSTRUCTIONS AND 1991 IJI,IC. em: 05i-00 /27 /ae98 em:05500 I IT, ol7 JiL 1.2.3. 4. 5. 6. .1 B. GAS APPLIANCES,/ SIIAIJL BE VEISTED AECORDING TO CHAPTER 9 AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED\IN SEC.906 OF THE 1991 i]MC.ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT M{'ST COMPLY WITH SEC.5O5 AND 703 0F THE 199r_ IIMC.BOILERS SHALL BE MOID{TED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTTBLE CONST.I]NI-.ESS LISTED FOR MOIN{TING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING.PERMIT,PI,ANS AI{D CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REOI]EST. DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC.2LT9 OF THE 1991 I]MC. *Jr****************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowlcdgc chat l have read thiB application. filled ouL in full the informaEion tequired, complctcd an accuraLe pfot Ptrn, rnd .!r!. chrg rrl thr inlorurrrl*u." rr nqulrrd Lr co*.cE. r rgr.. !6\Gply xlch bh! infonrqion rnd ptoi ptan,to coEPly rlth lll Tofn o!dl'n.nca. .nd a!re. htr|, rnd to budtd thl. .truc!u!6 rccotdlng Lo- uhr Tgrtl,. zqrlnE rnd .ubdlvl.lon codrt, d.rlgn rcvlor r;rProvcd, ttnlfolE Butl,dlng Codr rnd oEh.r ordin.nc.. o! !h. To{|tr rppllcrbl. ch.!.to. REQUESIS IOR tllEPEgItONE gIlf,IJr BE l|lDE fflflttf-louR HOT RE fN tDrIA[C! By IE&EEHOIIE tT {79-213s OB A? orrR OpFICB FROU aroo tH sroo pr.r sroNAruRE oF orwE* oR oorrrRAeroR FoR HrHsE,.p AND or{NER / ' / ,- t t t r tr tt a tt t!t r at+ ta ft t t tttt tr, t{!N ot vAtb. @LoRlDo atirrarr*ar,rrtrrrrara!rirt.i.trtatrtttatrrtatr*aa,rirr.aaftrattttattr gLit.nnt iut!b.r: nBc-o{tt l[ount t P.ya.nB lt.thod ! CR NoB.llonr Zl0O {53.00 o?12?/r8 r5:1e fiiit r U.}n Thio l|lnacn! aa t t a i ari t',trrtlr I rfr I rrtf rr!t tt *r r tr a rr rr rrrrrrtrr a a t J r PctbiE af'o 3 H9a-012? D|trrc: B-UBCH uEctnNlcllr pERutT Puc.l lfo.,1O1-1t!-13-011 81.r. lddr{iEr r {{10 cLE!{ FAr.rrs tN rroc.$ioa, aitlo elEn pltts l,rf Togtl F.aa 3 {S3. OO Tor,rl ltrt FBt.: Brlea,eg r Account Coda De6crlpEion &P 0010000:111300 MBcttA$rcfiJ PERUIT ,FgEg PF O01000d3112300 F r$r CHaO( FEES wc 00100003112€00 ml,L ctt! IllspEctroN FEE 453.00 453,00 .09 lDunE 360.00 90. 00 3,00 /D a/or CL r+ {80 hr Ah. ft & h/u"u' U ,t ll lr l' I v D "-dy '0 -4 .,A" ft,,: Bai)sz I TOhIN OF VAII, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2L39 APPTICAI{T CONTRACTOR OI,{NER PIJIJMBING PERMIT Job Address: 4410 GLEN FAr.,Ls Location. .. z 44]-0 GLEN FAL,LS Parcel No.. : 2101-123-13-0Ll_ Project, No. : PR,JgB-00GG TOTAL COMFORT SYSTEMS 504 W. 8T1{, LEADVILLE, CO 80461 TOTAL COMFORT SYSTEMS 604 W. 8TH, LEADVILLE, CO 80461 TIIIBERS FALLS .A.SSOCIATES 228 BRIDGE ST, VAIL CO 81557 .JOBSITE AT AIJIJ TIMES Permit. #: P98-0090 Status...: ISSIIED Applied. . z 07 /22/1,998 Issued..-: 07/22/j-998 $q)ires.-3 oL/Lg/t999 Phone z 'tt9-486-3457 Phone1. 7L9-486-3457 DEPARTMEM| OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMTT MUST BE POSTED ON LN LN Description: PI_TUMBING FOR NEW SFR **r,i***+*lr FEE Valuat,ion:3L, 889 . 00 St MMARY r ii rrrrr Plumbing-----> Plan Check- - - > Invest igation> l^liLl CalI- ---> Retluarane PIan Rcvicw--> TOTAL FEES-.. -.. ToEal Calcul,eeed FeeE---> Addihional Fee6------- --> Toeal Pertdt Fee--------> Palment s- - - - - - - - 4S0.00 120 .00 3.O0 .00 603 .00 603 .00 .00 603.00 603.00 ' BI'I,ANCE DUE----- .00 IIEM: O5].OO BUILDTNG DEPARTT,IEIilT DEPI,: BUILDING DiViSiON:o7/22/L998 JPWI AcEion: AppR APPROVED .IRIlf Itqm: .05600 FTRE DEPARTMEIITT Dept: FIRE Division:07/22/L998 JRM Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL " -, ",, - -; - -,,,,. DECTARA*TIONS I hereby ackno$l.edge that. I hawe read hhis application, filled out tn fult chc lnfohnaElon rcqulrcd, complclcd an p1an, and staEe Ehat all chc inforrnat.ion lrrovidcd a6 r€quired iF corEcct. I aglec co cornply rith the inforEation eo conpLy wi€h all Town ordinanc66 and slabe lawe, and lo build lhis slructur. according !o lha Aoyn,€ ron.lng 8nd :r.C:s, design lcvi.w approv.d, Unlforn BulldinE cod. rnd other ordinBnce€ of thc Town applicable thelctso. accurate plot and ploE plan, EubdiviEion B:00 AM 5:00 PM REQTTEST8 FoR TNSPECTTONS sHAr,L BE MADE TWElfrY-Forn HoURS IN ADVaNCE By TE!,E9i1ON: 9 {79-213s OI yO* OFFICE FROM c^-- /-4 SIGNATURE OF O}INER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSEIJF AND OWNER TOIiN OF VAIL, COLORADO gteEcmnE 6Ot.OO 01/22/95 TLtso Init: MAW SEaEcnnE Nutnlr.r: REC-O426 AnounE: Pa)rmcnt. Melhod: CR NoEationr 2211 P.rdl,C No: P9S-0090 \4)e! E-PLMB ParccL No: 2101-123-13-O11 SlCc AddrcEE: 4410 GIJEN FALLS LN I,oe.Eion: {410 GIJEN FAI,],S I,N P',I'MBINC PERMIT 503 , O0 503 . O0 .oo Total F.es: Payment 603.00 ToEat AIJL pmE.E: Balancc: Accounl Code DeBcriptsion AlnounE 4S0.00 120.00 3.00 PP OO1OOO03lI12OO PLWBINC PBRMIT FEES FF O0100003t-1,2300 PLAN CHECK FEES ltc 00100003112800 WILL cAttr INSpEctIoN FEE ' APPLTCATToN MUsr BE FrLr.,ED ouT CoI'|PLETELY oR rr MAy Nor BE AccEprED .l I****************************** PERMIT fNFORI.IATfON ***********************rr****t tl ,/ ,/[ ]-Buildins M-Plunbing [ ]-Electrical g-y'-uechani-ca] [ ]-other 6 q{- oo /-z Date Receft;Sd/''- JUL zz 1998 Job Nane:Job Addresst Llr-l lc l. i"-r< Frtt . t_nl Block- Filing susprvrsroN, O$rners Name: Architect,:Address: [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nuraber of Dwelling Units: i1o I Number of Acconrnodation Units: #*"" and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appriances { cas Logs_ wood/pelretJ__ {********************************* VALUATToNS ********************************* cas Logs_ Wood/pellet I t-u_l!t$q' f .rfB,8r,.,ELECTRTCAL: $OTHER:PLTIMBTNG: $TOTAL: Contractor: S. ON ********************** **!r* * Address:Town of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Number: Town of Vail Req. NO.Phone Number: Plunbing Contractor: .? fqr o,{b Illl^.S y."ir Res. no_./aff Address: $. etro".-H".b;;t Mechanical Contractor: Address:Town of Vail Reg. NO. Legal Description: Lot Electrical Contractor: Address: - e, 6:\ S \ PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: MECHANTCAL PER}IIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE; OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: FME'I'SE ******************************* BUTLDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE:PLU}tBrNc pr.,AN cHEcK FEE3 r--- UECHANTCAL PIAN CHECK FEE: - REcREATIoN FEE: r--- CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: f rtl--ToTAL pERMTT FEES: V-- -- B'TLDTNG: 4SlT SIGNATURE. FOR CLEAI IP DEPOSIT BEPI'ND TO: VALUATION ZONTNG: SIGNATT'RE: o 75 soulh lronlage road vail, colorado g16Sz (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 TO: FROI'I: nl'ntr. QTIFT TE, r\.Tr . ottlce ol communlty developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOI.IN OF VArL Tol,IN OF VATL PUBLIC WoRKS/CoMMUNITY DETtrELOPI,IENT IIARCH L6, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit.any soi1, rock, sand, debris or rnaterial, including trash humpsters, portable t.oilets and workmen vehicles place or any o"..181".f,:I":::"'li".iiEHilll_ili.l''"lrf'fl*i-",Vail streets ina,ISug= is approxirnately 5 ft. off pavcment.rhis ordinance wirl be ;ari;ii;"Snforced bv the Town of VaiI Pubfic works Department. p"r"'"nr found violating this ordinance t^rirr be given a 24 hour writi"n notice t"-."i;""'said materiaL.rn the event the person so notified.ao.s noi-';;;piy with the notice within the 24 hour.tim"-"p"cified, the putlic works Department will remove said rnareiioi i[-ih;";.;;;;e of person notified' The provisions "r- [ni= ord]nance sharl not be applicable to ctnsLruction, -ui.i-nunce or repair projects of any street or a1ley or any utilities in the right_a_way.. To review Ordinance No. S in full, please stop by the Town of ::li"::ii3i':.";fli:'il:ii"::."ltiin a copv- riiani vou for vou' p Y ead and acknowledged by: '.'ll '11 fd;Jl""ltfr (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 south ,ronlage road v6ll, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2t39 oltlcs ol communlty devolopmerrl BUILDING PERIiIT ISSUANCE TII.tT FRAI,IE If this pennrlt reauj.res a Tov,n of vair Fire Department Approvalr Ensineer''s. (.pub1 ii r,lorks) ."viu* uni'upi,rouuT,'i'piili.rni'bipurt .nt review or Heatth Deoartrnent review, uni'u-t"ui"; ti"ti;;"triioing Department, the estimated time tor'a-totat review may take as long as three weeks. f]l c9mm9r9lat (.]arse or smal.l) and a.il mu.ltj_family permits will have to follow the above rnentioned maximum requirements. Residentia.l and.small projects shourd take a resser amount of time. However, if residential or snrailer.projects impaci the various-;';;;" rlntion.a departnrents !rith reqard to-necessary review, th.;; ;;;j;.ir"ruy also take the three week perioJ, [very attempt vri'l I be Bge UV this departnrent to expedite this pet'rnit as s.oon as possible. -- r'rrlvr vL e'' I' the undersigned, understand the p1 an check procedure and t.ime f rame.. ./?- )kei L-er,L Agreeo to Commun'i ty Devel opment Departrnent. TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 970 -479 -2A38 ElecCrical---> DEPARTI,IE}flT OF COMMI'NITY DEVEIJOPMEIiIT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRICAI PERMIT .Iob Address: 4410 GIJEN FALLS I'}.I LOCAIiON...: 44LO GI-,EN FALLS LN Parcel No.. : 2101-123-13-011 Project No. : PRJ98-0066 APPLIEANT TRIANGLE ELEETRIC P O BOX 4068, FRTSCO CO 80443 CONTRACTOR TRIAI{GLE ELEETRTC P O BOX 4068, FRTSCO CO 80443 OWNER TIMBERS FAI,,LS ASSOCIATES 228 BRIDGE ST, VA,IL CO 8].657 DCSCTiPEiON: NEW SFR EIJECTRICAL SERVICE ,JOBSITE AT ALIJ TIMES Permit. #: 898-0153 status...: IssIlED Applied..: 07/L3/L998 Issued...: 07/L4/L998 E:<pires. . : o1/to/t999 Phone z 3034535424 Phone: 3034535424 VaIuaEion r 00 DRB Fca .00 .00 3 .00 TOTAI,88E6---> L72.OO ToEal calculated Fcc6_ - - > Adaigionrl FGc6- --- -- --- > ToLal PorElt Fac--____--> 159.00 L12.OO ,00 172.00 Inv.Eti,g.cion> will call---->PeFGncs-------- BAIANCE DUE..--- 'OO Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTI{EI{I -P-ept: BUIL,DING Division:ol7Ii/itt8-,lRM - -Asqie4i APPR APPRovED iIE$r it6m;'os6oo-io]'ne DEP[FtMEiit Dept: FrRE Division: 07113/1998 JRM Action: APPR N/A tt tta * * t t itt **rr a*r { rrtt'r 'at* | ** CONDITION OF APPROVAL i t trt Iir * i* i* rr r*i rrrt*tr* *** *J r* *t r *r *ta t ti rtrr r r r r r DECI,ARATIONS r hrr.by .cknoxledgc that I hav. rerd t'hld applicaclon, fltl.d our ln fu11 th. lnfor6aEion raqulr€d, coBpl€t€d an accur.!. PIot plen, and !!agc thaL all thc Lnfon tion providcd rr tcquircd iB colrccts. I agrco to cotnply vllh tshs irrforuacion end plot plrn, ro conply r,ith atl, Town ordinancc. atld atsrtc 1avs, and tso build lhia Etsluctur. eecording bo thc Tosn'€ zoning rnd subdivj'aion cod6., d.rign revicc approved, unlfotltl Bullding coaa and otshrr ordlnanceE of, Eha fown appllcebXc thcr6lo. REQUEI.IS FOR TNSPESITONS SltArrr, EE MADE TWENTY- 'OUR HOlrRg rN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT {?9-2138 OR AT OUR OPFTCE FROI,| 8!00 Al', 5:00 PM .************************O************************O******** TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO St,at,emnt **************************************************************** StatemnE Number: REC-0424 Amount:l-s4.00 07/L3/98 L6:37 Init: 'JRM Payments MeEhod: CK Notat,ion! o0L766L B-ELEC EI-,ECTRICAI, PERMIT LN LN Total Fees:l-54.00 Total ALL PmE.s: Balance: * * * * * * * * * * !t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * {* Account Code Description EP OO10OOO31114OO ELE TRICAT PERMIT FEES r_54. 00 Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address: Location: This Payments E98 -01-s3 Tfpe : 2t0L-L23-L3 -011 4410 GLEN FALLS 4410 GLEN FALLS 00 Ltz 00 t_ 18 t rr*ttttri*t*rrlttarrtttttattttttrtttr*', o * r. J t * * * * r r rr r r. r. t TOnDf OF VAfIJ, COITORADO gtsrlrn$r r, r * * * t !r r a a* r * r * rr r ta,l *t r * rr t a + * r fr * r * t* * t i I t t t t t t t + * I J J a a ttl * !r r stEt6unE Nuidr.r: REc-0e24 AnounE: rS.00 0?/1{/99 08:30 P.yuGnl Meghod: CK Not.tion! 0017690 InlE! tilf,Vl Prroit No: E9e-0153 Type: B-ELaC ELESIRICAL PER!,|IT Prrc61 No: 2101-12f -13-011 git. Addr... ! 4410 GIJEN FAJJLS IJN IJocTt,ion! 44].0 GLEN FAIJIJS I,N fotrl lser: P.y[rnl 18,oo Tocil A.IJL Prlt. ! Brhncc : L12,OO ,00 AltounE 15.00 3.00 i * t t t tt t t t a | * i t * * t *ll f, r r r rr r r r ri tr r r* ** * t* i rr * t t t t t * * t t * t * * a *rrr * t AccounE Cod6 DGacrlpclon EP 00100003111400 ELE4IRTCAjT PERUTS FED9 trtc 00100003112800 ltlt t cAr,L INttPEcnroN lEE TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROMTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970-479 -2138 APPLICAIiTT CONTRAgTOR OWNER Eleclrical---> DEPARTIIENT OF COMMUNITY DEVEI-,OPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON 'JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELEETRICAJ-, PERMIT Permit. #: E98-0152 \TOb AddTESS: 44].0 GLEN FALLS I-'N I,OCAIiON...: 44!O GLEN FALLS LN Parcel No. . : 2101-L23-13-011 Project No. : PRJ98-0066 TRIANGLE ETEETRIC P O BOX 4068, FRTSCO CO 80443 TRIAI{GLE ELECTRIC P O BOX 4058, FRTSCO CO 80443 TIMBERS FALI-,S ASSOCIATES 228 BRIDGE ST, VAIL CO 81657 stacus...: IssuED Applied..: o7/L3/L998 Issued. . . : 07 /'1,3/L998 E:cpires. . : oL/09/:-999 Phone: 3034535424 Phone z 3034535424 DescripEion: TEMP POWER Valuation:157.00 iti**itlt*1**** rti*ttt*ttt,r* FEE SWMARY r r t ' * * * * r r I * r * t t .00 DRB Fee .00 lnveEtigaLion > will call----> .00 3.00 TOTAT FEES- - - > 53.00 Total calculated Fc65- - - > Addllional, Sees- - - - -- ---> foEal PefldiC Fee-------- > Pa)m€nla-------- BAI,ANCE DUE.---- 53.00 . oo 53-OO 53.00 .00 t *r *r rr* rr r** **r'r *r*ttt*tri a** r * * * ** *ttttit?rr.tt ?*rrr**tt * 'tr ttt** **f * *a t*rl tl.** * t | * * 'r * I t * * t * t * * t t t ', * IECM: OSOOO EI,EETRICAI-, DEPARTIIEIiIT DCPT: BUII,DING DiViSiON: 07113/1998 iIRM ACEiON: APPR APPROVED .]RM-itbml'o56oo-FTRE DEpARTTIENT Depts: FrRE Division:07/L3/L995 JRM AcEion: APPR N/A t* r 'r + t i*itt i t* * * COIIDIT]ON OF APPROVAI., r*r, * *',ir r.t *t{ l DECLARA*TIONS I hcr.by rcknorrlcdge tshaE I hEvc read this application, !111ed out in futl Ehe lnfonnalion requited, cotnplated an accurat. ploc plan, and Etat-c thlt all thc infor-matslon ltrovided aa ::equired io cortcct ' r agrce to comply riuh Ehc infolmatlon End Plot plan' to conply wlth il,t Tout ordinancee end 6tah6 1ar6, and t'o build tshiE dtrucEure according lo Che Totn's aoning and Eubdivl€ion codEE, deEign rcwior apptoved, uni.fofll Bulldlng codr and olhcr ordinenc.g of Che torn appllcablo !h€r.Eo. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHAIJL BE MANE TWENTY.FOT'R HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 419-2L1A OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM 5:0o t VU ****************************************************************J TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO stsatsemnL **************************************************************** StaEemnt Number: REC-0423 Amount, :53 . 00 07 /13 / 98 1.6 :36 Init,: JRM PalmenE Method: CK NotaE.ion: 0017661- Permit No: E98-0152 fipe:Parcel No: 21_01_-123-13-011 SiEC AddTCSS: 4410 GI.,EN FALLS Location: 4410 GLEN FAI_,LS This Palment B-ELEC ELE TRICAL PERM]T LrN LN Total Fees:53.00 53 .00 .00 53 . 00 Total AL,L PmES: Balance: ***!t************************************************************ AccounE Code Description EP O01OOOO31114OO TEMPOR,,ARY POWER PERMITS WC OO1OOOO31128OO WIIJIJ CAI-'IJ INSPE TION FEE AnounL 50.00 3 .00 (,*.,, o, | '3ffi1 $;il:iiliffiSffl PERltrr ttlB'rw'z _ _ Date [e^eejr/eO lr omr:-?--4:-98- al APPr'rcArroN Musr BE FrLr;ED our colrPxErELY oR rr uAY "*.lm fscm[ED- - f,***************************** PERI{IT rNroRilaTroN *********************.*****i**-t l-Buildlns _tjntg1r" (nectrrcar 1 1-neehdnibal I J-other rob Nane: FoAESf 6t-EN rob Addre"r, 44lO 6LZtt FAUS LnJ . Legal Description: rot_.,!-l_ Block_ irfrfrrE r\,l n \1 | | al R. - A ohrners Name: fH U.OLg f.,il1T; Address:Ph. Architectr UIA Address: Generat Description: NEW 5, F. R . Ph. Work Classr {.1,r." [ ]-Atteratlon [ ]-Addltlonal Nunber of Dwelling UnJ.ts: I Nunber c' [ ]-Repair [ ]-other of Acconnodatlon Unlts: #tu"t and Tlpe of Fireplaees: Gas ApplJ.ances tf * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * vALUATToNs _ Gas Iogs_ Woodr/pellet * *** * **** * * * * * * * * t tt * * * F* tiEF * *TElYlP EI-E'T-BUILDING: $nlrCtntCal: $orEER: | 50@ TOTAL:W INFORI.IATION * ** * ** * ** ******** * * ** ** * ** * UECIIANTCAT: S Address: Address: eturnling Address: Contractor: Mechanical Address:Contractor: BUTLDTNG PERMIT FEE: PLWBING PERUTT FEE3 MECHANICAL PERUTT FEE: EI,ECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Comnents: Town of VaiI Req. NO.Phone Nunber: -IlHr-iqT ,o"nl#trr ; no. 258 Phone Nunber: Ur= -aW of VaiI Reg. NO. Nunbers Torrlr of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: ********************************FOR OFFTCE UAE ********************** *******r* BUTLDING PI.AI{ CHECK FEE:PLI'}IBING PI..AN CHECK FEE:IIECTTNIICAIJ PI.AN CIIECK rEE! .RECREATTON TEE: CI,E:A}I-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAT PERI{IT FEES3 l l BUUJDfNG:l_l_l .fi('}a l_l srcuanrnr:t_t_t_t_t zoNrNG: | :=__.t _t_t __t STGNATURE: CI.EAN I'P DPOSIT REFUTD TO: todels lrom 45,000 to 500,000 BfUs. ?Efi BrG oN rfircrENcY, srhArrtn sPAcE. Bullt-Irt DftA Dit e|ter (;it t's t0 l (t LuL ),\ lt,lih. Drtl,tin,q il ilktl li)t i,.\htIhtthm! .lO Pg ,1S f Pt'essut? R"li.'Jf U..1.\' 'l? rrtpet'.rl u r.' Attl l'r?ssure Gauge ffi*#tr#lgsffi Cah'er ze.l,tIeel.Iockcl I l.rit.\' tlul) (t) slt-utltt')t tt 1llr tt tltrrrtlth'ttL t 1[ir litt,rl.t ,lol i.l Li 4, l tr' r' IIen I h:x.b/tt,ger Trtbes /r,1Jr//.f r r /.\/ ttttl rtttrl'.\it)tt.ltra rltrtrlu,tt lit 1, 'tt.qLt lifi Liti.lue ( i,plrer"Iin Design l:i]6 t'.\lDtth\l lirL\lll lh )rl t 1 ll x,t l t | | \' li )t t! t t.t t tl ),/rj&l (;as l-dh't' rt'ith Mlttuatl Sbt.ttoJ| l)t'\i,q t\l lt )t !,(!\.) t ()ttttt,t lit,I tutrl ttrl,htl *rli lt LarclJ-lIe. ''t Ce|arrtic I ile \xta{,tt,t,t ttt( tl(rittI ittstIh Il.'\ l)dtr,t-rtt!(l u !t.il.): h\s 1l,r tt 1 :lt r t tt lt t n/ t tlittL l',t t Si.,iflk'ss ,St l R.trrr,J,'!; | )! t tf t | )h, 11,] t..l n tL I it )i t li, t h, t,gL' t I i ll' l] it:lIr, lJi. ,t 1t ) ,Sltdrh Ig,titiott* \ll!ttttltttll |(l tl)|R t!l |)t1 t)it,tlLl j I j tl)11)1!.r,1) ;t)t) t l)lir ) t!l t,t1 (tjt ll /t'1rylt : tJ Dl,rhl:. kl (tLt\:lttt!(|t)tq I)tI 'l It illr I)tf!t111\ )tjt t (!ltiL llt ')ts l:u!tItr\ \(4i,tl)t,tulttrt. l, tl( ^uDtl /i tDt IItl1)ll.!!'. 11,11'15 1141 l,1t 1.y lt ttlL t I\tDtp RekLl, \|t,iIL'l)L'r.it't tt L tIit t,t: l,ttItI) 1it rll 4 h)t)tttt^ ttllJ DtBl A.Ij slabl.' IIigl,'Lir iI (.irtttols 1lh\! s t)ltL,titL,t it)ttltrlt,l ttttlt| lt tnl)t'k!|||t( l' r' ttl)PliL t ||it )tI lh.\i hiI i| \'. .!t L't tt,'t l )n t|\ | i, )t I Itlt ,o 81% .1.t:.1.'.8. ElJit'iou.1, Mo.lels.[r.nn 15,0U) ltt 5O00(lO B'l'tis A.lapl.tble .fu' L. P. or t\'.tttual Gas "lltlrlicati.,Is l|lttr/ ct tr r ItI ltt' ltt'!Iat' Il.ttrt t tt hi.glt clfit'it,rtc.t' lxtilt't' Iltttl kL'tl ts _1rttr tt'trt'ut ull rttL'r u'l.tllt' it s( t t'?s )\ )t r t t t(.t t tt'I'.2 Ltt tt t' r t lx tt t t r t t t t, I l.tt t I .sr I l vs tvrItrrrItlc sftttt't,. Ittt./ -l ltttl s lItt, .lIitti-l:itt lty lt rlt itt rtu'. '1 1 t i s r r t t i t 1 t r t' I x ti let' t lt,.s igt t f tt t t' lt-s t t t t't'L'.f i't t Itrt't,.s rttttl Ltt'tttitt,q c'(tlxtLil.t' itt/rt rt trtrttltttt'1 ttttit lhtu t .l'r ttt t,t't'r lltr trt,qhl lx ts.stltlt. l.'x ttn ll v (,'oplx, t' l: i t t l.t u t t t,.t't /.t t u t,qt, r' t t t t t l sl t t i t t l css .s l t't, l ltt r t- t tt' rs. I ( ) ( ) t ! t' ( )t t't t I i,qlt I t t't' i,ql t t Lr rc' Lt-l I u r I ^l L-t' t'r t tt t it' i t tst t lt r I i t t,J4 I i lt's. l'lt t s. I ltt,,l1 I t t i I ;i rt olfL'ts ttrltrrt'ili(s up l() )O().OO() Ii'l-l s. trtrtl trll t rt t x.lt'ls rt ra t r f I tn tt't'tl .l r t' I igl r t .l i | | i t t,4 i t t s! t tl ltr- Iit tr ts liLtt' c /o.sch or'(tl(()t'es. .ll.",trtuihtll, trithnIrllL lit inll.q.lr trl!r'tLt|LLl,l t'i t;.t)ln)llll tD(nh[) ### Up lo 84.2% A.I.U.E. Efficiency. tins :trt' cxtlutL'cl clirccth lioru At lltc helrrl of the \lini-Fin is orrr ot'rr ilrsl itrrn' (irpper-l'in lrclrt t'rt llrngcr-, Using lr rrr.rirluc glrsltr'tless c['sign. st'te crrnrlrrnttl tirc lrrst of llollt nrltlcl:: tlrst irrrn lrcuclcrs lirr krn.q-lusting rhrr:rlrilitr'. lrntl s;rer'irtl)r' firrnt'cl cr4rper tLrbin.q li rl hightr crrelgr e l'ficrcnt r'. In tirr'1, tlrc \lini-l:irr is ntc(l up to I i.-li)ir A.lr,t'.1'1. - n lrir'h I ttr:tns lou cr' ('ne lq\. ( ( )nsulllplir ltr ltncl ( )llcflttillg ( ( )sls. Pol ltt;txinrrrrI Ire r-li rr-r tlrncc.tlrt' tr rppet' tltt' ri:rll ol tlrc coppel tulrr. lhc rr'srrll is e lre:rt cvlnnger tlrrtt hlts lt ltrrtt tr':tnslrr fltio() tinres g,ferltef thrrrr olclinltrr' ({)l)l)r'f lul)c. I)h.rs. lretlLrse il s trrl'r1-lcr'. llrtlr- s no rrct'cl to rrorr'\'llrorrt nrst ()r ('()1'1'osi()n it sintPll llrsts lorrscl'. :\nc l thc geslit'tlcss clc'si.r.tn rcclrrr'rs thc lisli of It':rlis cll slst(nr IlihrrL's th',rt lrrt' so corlrnon u itlr t ortvct-rtionltl lroilcls. ''1ll)(r/ r/.\r/1!.l l)4 1if!tlitu) (ot(l tdtl (l(tItl)o. Only From Lorhinvor Ilrt thr'r't's nrore l() lr \lini-l'rn thlrn its lori 2S plolilc rrrrcl E+.11,, cfllit'ntr. l-his lt'nr:trli:t lrle lrorltr is ltlso us llcritrlc :rntl cor rvL'r r it'r'rt us it is clficit'nt ilu(l r'()nrl):r(1. lirl r'r:ulple. tlrt' lrtlrrr-rlrrtv stuirr['ss \tetl l)llfnrl-s cun elr:ilr lrc ltclltptctl fill ttst' ri itlt eillrcr rtlttrrlltl or lirlr,relietl l)dft)l('unl ( l.l) ) g:rs. \\'lt:rl s rtro|c. the \lini-lrrn rli()\\s ('ils\':L((es5 [() Itll tl. ltlor (\)llrl)()nerlts fot st'tlititrg. \\t'crt'n rlcsignttl tl)r' IrL'lrt t'rt h:rr.tgcr- to sliclc righl r itrt llrt liont ol Tht' lroilcl lor lusit'r' nt:tilttcn:tn(r'. iut(l r,rc lr:tcli it sith oLtr t -rt lrLsir e l(lVtltI l.rnriTr.'tI \\:rr-rerrtt.. So. ri ilh or cr -5 r curs t'rpcrit'r rt t' in lrtlttin.q \\'lltef. \ ( )U (:llt (l('l)('lt(l on l.rx lrinrlrr. ,\rrtl \oLr t lrrr clclrt ntl on llrr' Nlini-l'irr to r lt'lirtr tltt' pt'r'lirrrrlrrrtt. c ortr e nit ltr'c :tntl re liebilitt voLr ltr'e(1. Space-Saving Design A lriglr t'llicienr'r \lirrr-l'irr ( iln 1'r()l ()lrl\ rkr tlrc job ol' othe r lroilrrs li rr nttrt'h lt'ss it lrlso nectls less s1-r:rte . ()Lll ii.o()() ll- Lrrrit hus lr lixrtprint of k'ss th:rn 2.5 sr;. lcct. I1 lirrlufe: ;r rrttltllt't ltrofilt:. t<xr. \\'itlr ltn ortnLll Unrt h('i,qlrl 0l jrrst ]fi intlrt's. tht'Ilini-Fin is:r n:ltuf:rl choir't' li rl lrlrpliclrtions s ltelc lt,::tcIi x r)r r('sl ri( ti( )l)s llr ( Ir luctor - thrrnlis to tlrr' lrrrilt in rlnrli lr<xxl. l)lrrs, rit' insullrlt'tlre trnrirtrstiolr chlrnrlrt,r nillr orrr spc-tiul Loch-l Itulrrr cer:rntir' trlrs. 'l lrt'si' irtclkrcking tilts :rrL' n()l ()nl\ lrtttt't insLtlltling tlr:llr sliin(lin(l nrlrt('ri:rls. tlrr'\'rr' ;tlsri rnor-c tlLrtil rlc. Anrl rrn]ilir' r'r'ir':tft( )r'\ linccl tirrrlrLtstion t lrltnrlrcls. tlris slxrcr. llgc Ill:ltCrilll \\()n I r\rr' -A (l'il( l\ 1)r sl)llll 7 | l)tr,l"Dr'rl lt,rttt tlt,.' f *.,,,'. 1( ( lrr]{ rl(,,1\ LLstr I lo 1lt'ott't l lltt' Spuct' ShLrtt lc clLrling tr-t'ttltt.l-otlr IIcrrt'\' jrtsrLl:rliolr is tlrir.tlrt'r' ltnrl liglrlel tlr:lrr :t:rnrllrrtl trfr:rttoT\'. trxr I p to 15",, liglltcl - llritlr ntltke: trtstlrll:tlion :ttttl srrr icing ntLrtlr c:tsier'. ln l:rr1. \lirri l:irr Llnits st:rrt :tt jrrst ll3 llrs. so llrt'r tlrrr t':r:ilr lre It:t rt,-llt'rl l)\' jusl onrr nl:ln. ,t Mini-Fin. Dimensions a snlifa tions FOR EASE IN ORDERING BY MODET NUMBER 045 N RB 1- - I I I I 11" _r- J--l- FRONT VIEW RBN045PM.Fl 45,000 36,900 SIDE VIEW 149 6 114"14 |2"74" Note Example PM FI This heater is 45,000 BTU natural gas Mini-Fin@ boiler. lt is pump mounted and has Fl firing controls. 1t2"5314" ah tl l-- ^-----l R B N()7 5PM,F I 75,000 61,500 65 165 6 U4"181t2"3 112 53t4" RBN(]St)PM.Tl 90,000 73,800 65 165 6114"18112',5"u2"53l4" RBN 135PM.F 1 135,000 I10,700 97 187 61t4"22112"1t2"5 314" RBNl SOPM,FI 180.000 147.600 129 314"206 6114"26112"6"5314"24" R8N225-F1 225,000 184,500 161 213 8"70 1t'r"314"I I 3/4"25" RBN2 7(),F 1 270,000 221,400 194 8"232 32112 314"11314"25" R B N31 5-F9 315,000 258,300 226 258 285 R8N360-FS 360.000 295.200 RBN399.F9 393,000 32i,180 243 25"113t4" 25" to lf,D 351t2" 381t2" 8" 47 11116', 10" 11314" 113t4" RBNS()()-F9 500.000 410,000 357 354 53 3/8"10"11314"zo Note: Chonge'N'to 't to denote L.P. models. Pump pte-mounted ond wired on oll models. All models opproved for noturol LP- gds. lnlet and Outlet - t y." N.PT.. models 045 thtough t80. lt/2" N.P.T., models 225 thtough 5OO LP, Aas Volve Connection is t/r", models 045 thtough 180. '/1", nodels 225 through 500. Standard Features . Dual Adjustatrlc High-Limit Controls o Circulating Pump Mcunted and Wired (models 045 through 180). Temperature and Pressurc Gaugc . 30 PSI ASME Pressure Relief Valve (models 045 through 360). 50 PSI ASME Pressure Relicf Valve (nrcdels 399 through 500)r Galvanized Jacket . Built-In Draft Ilood . Gas Valve with tsuilt-In Manual Shut-Ol'l'. Pump Relay . High-Gloss Actylic Paint . IIigh EtTiciency Stainless Steel Burners . Lightweight Loch-Hear Ccranric Tile Conrtrustion Chamtrer o ASME Cerrified to I60 PSI Wolkinq Pressure (all models). National Board Certified o AGA Design Certified for Closet Installation (models 045 through 180). AGA Design Certifled for Alcove Installation (models 225 through 500). Automatic Vent Damper (models 045 through 270) Optional Equipment . F-low Switch . Combusrible Floor Shield (except 399 and 500). Manual Reset High Limit . Low Water Cut-Off (Probc Type) o Punrp Delay . Spark Ignition (models 045 through 270). Module Firing Gas Valve with Spark Igniti0n o Multi-Stack (See Accessories Section) i-T_l . "CCf,ochirnar Firing Control Systems Fl Standing pilot, thermocouple supervision. (Standald cqu ipr rtertt. models 045 through 270.)F9 Electronic pilot supervision, spark ignition, 4-second main gas shutdown. (Stantlard equipment. models 31-5 through 500.)M9 Same as F-9 with module tiring gas valve. (Not available on 45,000 BTU model.) Fl j (FM Approved), FI4 (IRI) & CSD-I are available. Please consult factory for available models & controls. High Efficiency Water Healcrs And Boilcrs I The Built-ln Advantage I L()rhinr'.rr'(irrl.lotrttion . \:rsitr-illc. I\ Jrlll) . {)15 i'18'.)-li9()( } Iiir\ ()15'fisi I t0 i @ (So H@ffi LITHO. 1OM 8197 PBINTED IN USA '07 /27 /SE 13:18 Cl3o3 825 8281 KAIMN SUPPLY @ooz / oo5 Rediant Works 9t.00 Ileatruay Zone List Projcct Naoe: LOT I I FOREST GLEN hojestNunber: ProjectQuote: pesiped By: BRADLY SCHEET/KAMEN SUppLY Serral Nunber:2416 Designed For: LOT l1 FOREST OLEN EAST.VAIL VAIL, COLOMDO Notes: MDIAIIT PORTION FOR RESIDENCE 07-27-t99t Zone I (SIab Application) Zone S Supply Fluid [of'] Delta T rFI GPM Head Ift] Panel Load tBtu/U Enlran 1}pe Entran Leryth ffi No- of Circuits 100 20 1.9 5.98 t7,s20 l/2" E-PcxB 250 ? Zone 2 (Slab Application) Room s catlons Room Name Primary Spacing linl Prinary Area ttrI Banded Spacing linl Banded Ares lffl Heating Intensity [BtnA trl Required Heat tBr'/tl Provided Heat tBtu/tl RPC.RM t2 551 7.2 3,965 7,407 Zone S Supply Fluid ["Fl Delts T rrl GPM IIead Iftl Penel Load tBtu/U Entral TyPe Eltrsa Length [ft] No. of Circuig 100 20 0.7 1.20 5,807 l/2" E-P€xB 200 3 Room S caflons Room Nsme Primery Spacing [i"l Priorry Area ttrt Banded Spacing linl Bsnded Arce tfFl Heating Intensity lBtu/h fFl Required Heat lBtu/hJ Provided Hert tBttrAl BEDRM2 t2 196 16.3 3,lrt 3,571 BATI{RI\4 2 12 4s l9.s 876 1,585 BEDRM I t2 231 12.9 2,978 4,2A2 BATIIRM 1 12 62 16.8 1,039 2,178 FGRES.RAD Copyright(c) 1992,93,94,95,96,97,98 Eeatway Page I 07 /27 /sg 13:19 CIJoJ 825 8281 KAMBN STIPPLY @ oorzoos Radiant'Works 98.00 Heatwav Zone List 07-27-t99t u,931 hin Shb Zone SjThin Slab Ap_plication) may require auxiliary Room S catiorts Room Name Primary Spe"ug linl Primary Area tfFl Banded Spscing li"I Bended Ares Ifii] Herting Intensity lDtu/h trl Required IIeat [Btuft] Provided IIeat [Btu/h] BEDRM 3 t2 ?99 20.t 6,004 6,402 BATHRM3 12 138 12.6 1,730 3,s29 CLOSET t?63 13.1 825 1,358 BATHRM4 12 42 3-t 150 954 }IALLWAY tt 63 4.8 299 I,192 Psnel Load IBtu/h] S catlons Roon Narne Primary Spacing linl Primary Area tflil Banded Spacing li"l Banded Area tffl Heeting Intersity [Btu/h tr] Required Heat lBtu/hI hovided IIeat lBtu/hl KITCIIEN 8 t44 26.7 3,845 7,t34 ENTRY t 232 22.9 s,3tt 11,473 BREAKFAST 5 55 58.5 3,803 3,416 * DININGRM 8 400 26.9 10,759 t9,7t1 LIVINGRM t 240 38.9 9,347 11,859 I The flaseed r ooms bcat- Panel Load lBtu/hl FGRES.RAD Copyright(c) f 992,93,9 4,9 5,9 6,97,9t If eatway Pe;ge2 o7 /27 /ss 13: 19 E3oJ Radiant \ilorks 9t-00 825 6261 KAI|MN STIPPLY @oo4loos Room Specificati ons Room Neme Prinaqy Specing Iiol Primery Ares FfI Banded Spacing linl Banded Area Ifl:I Heating htensity lBtu/b flil Required Heat tBtu/hl Provided Heat lBfuAI MSTRBEDRM 12 37r 2t.7 8,074 8,2I5 CLOSET 12 76 19.4 1,474 1,595 MSTRBATHRM t/.r38 21.2 2,927 3,656 LANDING 11 90 I I.t t,059 2,006 Zone S ons Supply Fluid ['F] Delta T rFl GPM Eesd tf4 Psnel Load IBh"ftl Entnn Typ" Entran Leugth [ft] No. of Circuits 101 20 1.5 4.83 14,095 12'E-PcxB 250 ) Heatwav ZoneList 07-27-1998 Systun Purnping Specs: 10.4 GPM at 6.98 feet ofhead System Boiler Load: 94350 Bhr/h (orcluding Supply & Retum piping) 5125' of ll2" LPcxB FGRES.RAD C opyright(c) I 992,93,9 4,9 5,9 6,97,98 Heatwry Page 3 'o7 1?7 /98 I3:20 tlJoJ 825 6281 KAMEN STIPPLY @oosuoos IfeatwqvtZone List 07-27-t99E ProjcctName: LOT lt FOR.EST CLEN Project Number; hoject Quote : Designed By: BRADLY SCHEET/KAMEN SLIPPLY Serial Number: 2416 DesignedFor: LOT l1 FOREST GLEN EAST-VAIL VA]L, COLORADO Notes: SNOTffIvIELTPORTION OF LOT 11 FORBST GLEN Zone I (Snowmelf) Room S canons Room Name Prinary Spaciog linl Primery Area ttrt Banded Spaciug linJ Bgnded Area tfr"l Heating Intensity [Btu/h fr] Required Heat tBtuitl Provided Hegt IBtu/h] DRIVEWAY I 1,200 134.8 161,790 278,826 Zone ificati ons Supply Fluid ["Fl Deltr T rFl GPM Hegd lfrl Panel Load [Btu/L] Ertran Type Entran Letrgth lftl No. of Circuits 110 20 21.2 192,962 5/8" E-PexB 250 8 System Pumping Specs: 21.2 GPM at25.t2 feet of head System Boiler Load: 192952 Btu/h (excluding Supply & Return piping) 2000'of5/8" E-PexB FG.SM.RAD Copyright(c) I 992,93,9 4,9 5,9 6,97,9t Heatway Page I REPTT3I 07/15/L599 O8:O7 Activityr Address: Locat i on : Farcel: Description: Appl ieant: Oxner: Contractor: uF VAIL,COLTjRADO SHEETS FOR PATJE AREAr trD INSPECTN I.IORK r5l 1999 B9A-OS9e 7ll3/19 Type: B-BUILD Statusr 1SSUED Constrr NSFR 4410 TJLEN FALLS LN 44IO ELEN FALLS LANE elot-te3-13-s1l NEI,I SFR {ADD ENCLOSE ENTRY AND S.H. CttLE CONbTRUCTION COFIPRNY TII{BERS FALLS ASSOCIATES S. H, COLE CUNSTRUCTION COiIT'HNY Occ: OOOT Use: V N JACUZZI TUB AREA} Phone: 97o-476-14?6 Phone l Phone. 970-4'76-14?6 Locks, Holds, , ACTIUITY Not ice: Hold: and Not iees. ADDED AsK IN ILC REAUIRED VALURTION (ENTRY) ALSO 83 SO FT FOR BUILDINE HEIEHT Inspection Request Inforration..... Requestor: Ernie Req Tire: OBrOg Corrents: late Iters pequested to be Inspeeted... OO53S BLDG-Terp. ClO Fhone:376-5421 a. l. Action Corrents Tire Exp lnspection Iter : OA5O1 PtJ-Terp- access/drainage Iterr OOSO2 PH-Rouqh grade Iter: OO5O3 Pl.f-Final driveway grade Iterr OO0IO BLDG-Footings/Steel g6lg3lSE Inspeetor: trD o,6/86/94 Inspector: CD Wlgglgg Inspectorr CD Iterr OOOSO BLDG-Insulation Iterr OOO6O BLtl6-Sheetrock Nail l?/o.A/9A Inspeetor: JRltl Notes: ONLY tn3/lE/99 Inspector: JRltl Notesr FOR ltlEl.l ENIRY Iter : g{i1tr79 BLDGT-ttlise. Iter: OOO9O BLDG-Final Iter: OO:t3O BLDG-Terp. CltJ 07/l4l9S Inspector: CD Aetion: NO SOILS REtruRT REEUIRED Action: APPR APPROVED Actionr AtrPR APFRtIUED APPROVAL OF ROUTI}I ELECTRICAL INSPECTIThI Action: APPR b vent shaft Flction: PA APFH FIREtrLACE SHEETROC Aetionr APtrR AFPkUUED RLL EXCEPT Notesr HANG REBAR TO PROVIDE CLEARANCE FROiI SUBGRADE INSTALL ALL DOI.JELS ACCTIRDING TO APFRtrVED PLANS A SOILS REPI'RTS I5 REtrUIRED TO CTTNFIRiI FOUNDATION DESIGN It er : OOOPO BLDG-For-rndat ion/St eeI 67/(ml9B Inspector: JRM Action: PA AtrpROVED EXCEPT Notesr PADS AND RETRINING WALL Iterr OOS,P:O trLAN-ILC Site Plan A?.tEL/9i Inspector; EEI]RGE Action: AtrPR APPROVED Iter: o,o,A3o BLDG-Fraring o.3/0A/99 Inspector: ART Notesr C${DITIONAL UtrON AP,,HOUAL tA6/9'9/99 Inrpector: CD Aetion: AFPR lathe inspection Notesc corplete installation of i retsl,,at bottor Action: DN SEE NOTE REPTrS! TtXJhl OF URrL, COLORRDO pf,6E 4 O7ll3lt999 S6:87 REOUESTS - It{SPEtrTN I{IRK SHEETS FORI 7115fr999 AREAT CD I Notas: ALL LANDTE.RpINB !n.l$T BE CIIIFLETE trND PLANNINE AtrtrROUAL RE HOTJSE *S REEUIRED HE}II.IUE ALL CONSTRUCTION ilATERIAI-5 AND TJUTHOUSE FROITI SITE COIIPLETE INSTALLRTION TF HAITIDRAILS fiT FRONT ENTRY COIIpLETE LANDING FINISH IN REGARD TO RIEiER HEIGHT FOR STE INSTALL LATCH AND SELF CLOSING HINEES FOR PED DOOR AT fjAR AND NECH RttrJT{ DOOR INSTALL UENT COUER FOR BATH EX ruCT Iter: OO$3e PU-TElttr. C/O 67114/99 Inspectorr LS Action; Atrl.rR AptrROUEI) Iter; OO533 PLAN-TE}IP. Cltr 07/14/99 Inspeetorr AO Aetion: DN LANECAFING llutiT BE DONE Iter: OO537 trLAN-FINAL C/O Iterl 6053t Pl.f-FINfl- C/t, Iter: @540 BLDG-Final C/O ort",[T:(F^.)GK \r{o"r RE- (v\r..\ tcri I€ -Fr\ Lr\^Nr g r F -,,r,, E *,1*fff-.t$ rss'rc-vtrl\ d ^t* qa CIN bf t--rstO \lorFl ft\nDZ<US\1e B,. ,.e pblrs*aP o o 5 REPTI3T E7 / 15/ l9t9 GBrOT REOT ES IOtSrl ttF- UAILi H9a-Ola7 4410 H-EN FALLS LN 44II' B-EN FALLS LN eror-te3-13-o11 HEATINTi SYSTEH FT]R NSFR TOTAL CUIIFORT SYSTEiIS TIiIBERS FNLLS ASSOCIATES TtrTffL COiIFORT SYSTEiIS CULURADTJ SIGETS FT}R trAIJE AREA: CD INSPECTN I.IORK 15/1999 7/l3ll9 Typer B-t{EeH Etatus: ISSIJED tronstrr NSFR Act i vit y: Address l Locat i on: Parcel: Descriptionr Appl icant: Owner: Contractor: Occr Use: Fhone: 719-4S6-3457 Fhone: Fhone: 7t9-49,6-3457 i l- Inspection Request Requestor: Ernie Req Tile: O8:OO Iters requested to Og39O ltlECH-Final Inforration. ..., Corrents: lat e be Inspeeted..; Phone;376-54ef a. t. Action Corrent s e Exp Ins Iter : olg"9116 ilECH-Rough Ae/?4/95 Inspectorl Notes: ALL BATH FANS DU NOT CUNIJEAL Iter: OOe4|' FLltlB-Gas Pipinq g?l?4/i1 Inspector: JRltl Notes: l.lITH CONTRACTUR Iter : OO310 l'IECH-Heat ing g?lg3/99 Inspeetor: CD Notes: II|ASTER BED AREA lOO * iIAIN FLUUR LEUEL lOO * UPPER LEVEL TOO * PT {A7/o,4/99 Inspeetor: CD Notes: PROVIDE AIRTEST Iter; 0S3aO HECH-Exhaust Hoods Iter: OO33O ltlECH-Supply Ain Iter: 66340 l'IECH-ltlise. A7/e9/98 Inspector: CD Notes: 3 BAUGES AT 94 PSI Iter : OO39O ltlECH-Final /N JRH Act AtrtrR APPR l.fITH CORRECTIONS TO EXTERIORTtrOIT|B AIR IN PLAtrE ;lND INStrECTED UNTIL VERIFIED. o Action: AtrFR 50# AIR TEST LEFT TAG Aetion: AtrtrR INFLOOR HEAT LINES PT rJT Aetion: APtrR DRMI{AY SNtIWMELT g7lL4lSq Inspector: CD Action: DN Notes: INSTALL tjRILLS FOR COMAIR OtrENINGS INSTALL SHUTOFF UALVES FOR GASLII€S flction: AtrtrR AIRTEST LOT.JER SLAB HEAT LINES SEE NOTE AT DRYER ATTID BBO CONN RE:F,'f 1:{ l t:ltg / }fi/ 19SS rZlS ! ;-i7 IrE{lut-"S I $ T]I^JN OF UAIL" COL.NRADN INSFECTN I^IORK SHEETS FOR: 9130,/1999 flct ivity r 89.:J-AlZl9i:j 9/:-,ttr/19 Typel B-BUILD $tatr-rs: Ili$tJED Cnnstr.: l.lSFR Addr"esE: 4410t ti{-Et{ FA[-L-5r L,N l--o*aL:ion: r+4Ltiit Gl-Efi FAt-LS L-RNt: [)"r'sel: ijlfil-1;1;-13-rzt11 []ci:: {trZttZt"T Urre: U N De:;cr'r.pl,ior|; NF:tl 5FR (AfiD ENtrL-nSE HNTRY ANn JAf,tJZZI TIJB RREfI) oppl i**rrt: ij. H. f,{.ll.E roNSTRucT Ioi\l cilt4FANY Fhorre I ?78*47{r-. lzrF:6 wrrer r TLFIFFR$ F:llL-.LS ASSfifjIATE*] F,hone I llorii;r'*ictor'; S, ll, []nL.F" C0NSTRIJCTInN [;nHf'fiNY F'irone: 97tZt-471'- 1rrF:6. o T J- g57 d_tner_ L4 AREA; CT) L.ncks,, Hn l d:;. At:TIIJITY Not ir:e: arnd Not i.rr::;. . . . Rf,n[D fl5H IN VAt'lJA-f]nN {ENfRY) ,11-50 83 sti FT Inspect i cin Re'Ll r..rest Inf ot^m;rt i ori, . lleq r,1E 51 ar: 5-f flN Req Ti mnr O8rOtZl t.lomnients: .[{:ems r-nqr-rest erj to he Inspeet erJ" avj:i+?r Bl-.D6-F rn.: 1 ll,/(.r o c\' F'hclne: 47fr-l4iii6 Aet i nn Cornmrrnt s Ti me Fxp: .l rr*pec:b i cili It{in; Itum l I b em : .lten: Hi story. . , ".r-b Ml "' Pllzt:Jl;l I F l,J.. l- e m p. acrp s s / ilr'a 1 n.i ft e flfi:-;Pl,:: F-'[,J--Rn t-tqtr qrRd F UlttSOJ FW-Fin;tI rli'i v ebriry ei'i-\de firtlut1 rA ttLDEi--.F:'oni; i. n g s l5t e e 1 $(i,/fiJ/tJg Irr*i:ecl cir: i.lt) Ar::'b i ,:in r {IL}/1 9 /$9 In:;pr*ctor-: {]1.) rAfiS5flt F[-DE-Insr-rl at i cin UlUttzt6A BL..Lifi - She+etr.onk trl;ri I l.'c/fiAlSA Ir'sptictoi': JRM Nat es : flNl.'Y AJ/ LtA/92 Irr-!;n*ct or': JRM l'lo l e s : Fti li Nti'r^l [l"lT RY It enr : Urfi ZiTtA BLtrtj-Mi *fi. nhlUc)/98 Inspector: CD Nt:bes: eomplete inst*l lati0n .lt erm : tlfttZt!!Et BLtrG-F i nal Item: IAfts:T[l Fl.-Dt3*l"emn. C/O fr7 / I4/99 Inspeictorr IJD Notes r ftl-1.- 1..-FINDSDi1F ING MUST N{:):irl I L.s Rir,0 RT RHt;!U I I{[:"0 INN DT$]GI'J Af'FR b vent sh.rft F.A ffF.FJR FIREF'LACE SHE;ETROC AF.F'R AF'F.ROVED ALL EXCHF,T rZ6.,i;::: ii / 9iJ tnsrJeetor': UD {.li:;Lrarir F1FFR nFFRIIVFI) l\lo{:: {is: HFrNG f,tE[ttlR Ti] F,Rr:.lUIDF- Ct.Ef.iRANOE. F:RUl'i $UtlGRADE ILt$TAt."t- At-.1- DtltJHl-li ilrL:|]t?oINtj ]-rj i:tFFRf-lvrjD F,l__ANs d] StJIt.-$ RE.F,UR-l-$ M FEii;!t"l IRFD Ttr Ctjf{FIRt4 FOtJNDFII- Itern: ft flfrl-;itl !-{|..-Dfi *F c r..rn ci at i orrl5t ne.i. fr7 lt'E/98 Irrr;pet:tcr"rJRM dlction: Ftf:t {lFFROVED FXCEF'T f.li:tes : F:,f:lfi5 iiNll RETilINiNfi Itflt.-L 1t.em : rZrrilSjEfl f-,i..f:t!.]*lL.C $ite, FLan lzli-J,i lzll /S'1 lnspectorr {iEORGF Act iorr: l'lFF,R Atr-,F,ROVED Itqrm l grgtti":fi BLl)l:i*Fr';rming ffi:i/th$/98 Inspector-r ltr[q-f Frction: fiFFR tIpFROVED Notes r U0f"iDITIUNAI- UFfiN flFFR0utrlt- OF RflU$H ELCCTRICAL INSFECTION AF'F.H{I U NL. Item: Iteln: Actionr At:b i on: flction: Action; AFIFR lattre insnection of .j me.t*rl at bottom Act i on: DN SEE NOTH BE COMF.LETE ANI] F.I-RNNING FII,'ITROVAL- FI: R[:F T 1r] I TOI,JN T}F UAIL, COLORADO F,RGH 15 Fll?Eft: trD fi9/lfi/1995 OSrET ilEfiUliSTS - INSFF."{:IN WORK SHeETS FOR: 9./3tZt,/1999 -:ji::::======:E==:-===:====::t=:i;:.5==g::--c:a======*====::============E:a:==!::::::=:=*::==*i=a:=::5:===j=::::i,:: }JtrUSr: *S RET]IJIFED RF.NOUF ALI... CONITT RUCT ION MJ:ITE,RIRLS ANN OL'THOUSE FRNM SITE CfiF1F,I-IITF" TIJgTfiLL,1TION i]F IJfiNNRTTILS AT FT.(NNT I:I.ITRY {:OMPI-ITf L.ANNIN6 FINISFI 1,N RE:6FIRD TO RISER FIt.T6HT FOR STE IhlSlRLL- Lfll"CH flND iiELF Ut-OSIliE f{INGhS FOR F,ED Dnnn A-f BRR ,tND f4b.UH R0Bt4 DBfin INSTALL VENT CNVEII FI]I? BFiTI{ L.X DIJN-T $"1 /lfi/)S InspecLorr CD Ar-t:ion: AF'FrR UURRT--[j1 JONS MRDE NOtps: L.ItrNDSCFIFIlNG FEING f,ilIYIF,I.ETFIJ BY TNDAY ALt- pL-l.iFlE(Ihl6,/14ECl.lflNIilt-iL" UJnRR 14LlEii FE CnMF,L..t:-IE BY F It'lRl.. nrl sF"E F,t".t,it'lBING ptNll lyli:fif{fti!InfiL F,Ff7iltITS f:nR C{]tlr4HNTLi ,[ L e nr : tlt0$3l F,tJ- T'e f'lF . i] l {.) A7 / 1.4 /55 Inspectnr"l t.S Item : rlu2r5*13 F,l.-FtN-TElylF,. ili{: g7 / t4i9q Insnet.'tcrr': f,l['] fr7 / t5/c)g Inspr+ctor; []D Itemr t/tZtii37 FLAN*FINflL. []/n Itern I tZttlt339 F,H-FItlAL n./0 I {: e m r 0t0ii4rzr Bl.. Dti*F i na l. C.rl-} Ani; i. nn r AFTF E AF F R0Vb.f) Act i on: DN I-RNSI)AF'ING MU$T BE DfiNF- Act i on : ilF,F,Fr FgR ALL I SONI 0Ul7.,ii cl-\. \.-. \"-\ \\;\$n ('- N5>*-r'*\ *a;^ *-1>'C,{ 1 \\-\\) t- t! o D I esign Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Project Name: Lot l l, Forest Glen Project Description: New entry vestibule Owner, Address and Phone: Timber Creek Logs LLC, clo Stan Cole 2897 Timber Creek Dr. #2|,Yail,CO 81657 ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: Project Street Address: 4410 Glen Falls Lane Legal Description: Lot 11, Forest Glen Parcel Number:2 I 0 I -1 23- I 3-0 1 I Comments: BuildingName: Motionby: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Dominic Mawiello Date:3-5-99 Board / Staff Action Action: staff approved F:\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL\99\1oI- I I .doc DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $0 QucstionOul thc i'ii.:.ning Sra;i ei -l , ,--: l3 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is tbr any projcct rcquiring Desigrr Rcvicrv approval. Any project rcquiring dcsign review must rcccive Dcsign Revicw approval priorto submiffing for a building pcrmit. For specific information, see the subnittal rcquircnrcnts fbr thc particular approval that is rcqucsted. Thc application cannot bc acccptcd until all thc requircd infbrnration is submittcd. Thc projcct rnay also nccd to bc rcvicwcd by thc Town Coturcil and/or thc Planning and Ertvironrncntal Conrnrission. Dcsign Rcvierv Board approval cxpires onc ycar aftcr final approval unlcss a building pcrmit is issued and construction is started, A.DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: o D l\{inor Altcration - $20 D. E. c. B. LocArroN oF PRoPOSAL : LoT: I I BLoCK:- rwrNc: {areo( &k U 6u ldliUs,'e1,, PHYSICALADDRESS: 44to G-lctn {:nlIs La ne pARCEL #: 2 t0 | 17? /3A/ I (Contact Eaglc Co. Asscsson ZONING:*,'a- | NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILJNC ADDRESS: PHONE: OWNER(S) SIGNATTJRE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: 5 f/4k MAILINC ADDRESS:T/,o bt. fteet fzl t,/t , I rV- <, rl il PHONE: TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: Cl Ncw Construction - $200 Construction of a new building. Includcs any addition whcrc square footagc is addcd to any rcsideutial or conuncrcial building. lncludcs minor changes to buildings and site improvemenLs. such as, rcrooting. painting. window additions. landscaping. fenccs and rctaining walls. ctc. fr ,A,ddition -$50 DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submittal. Latcr. whcn applying for a building pennit. please identifo thc accuratc valuation of thc project. TheTown ofVait will adjust the fce according to thc projcct vaiuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMEN'TS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657. H. TOWN OFVNI. Officc at 970-328-8640 for parccl #) Do,-.,'.'-',- Fi l€ I'At')i'ry ' Qp-d-oae ,L.' {,'te o.-J &ee4 , ZONE CHECK Frarr. zl<laq \/^;Lcgal dcscription: ldt /[ Btock_ ril,"e Yzrell Cb€| Ad drcss Orwcr I Architcct Phonc Phonc Proposcd usc Buildablc arca_ Allorvcd Existine Proposcd Total Zonc disrrict Lot sizc Rcmaining Total GRFA Prinrary GRFA _+ (425) (675*) =-- Sccondary GRFA + (425) (675*) =_ * 67 5 = 425 crcdit plus 250 addition =_*!Q4 3!t4 * g3 = 3.!l?# 5og 20' I \' l5' Minimurn 3',t6', Rcquircd Encloscd (300) (600) (e00) (1200) Comptics witb TOV Lighting Ordinancc Arc finishcd gradcs lcss than 2:l (50%) Environm cn taL/Flazards Pcrmittcd Slopc _% hoposcd Slope _% Ycs_ No Ycs.- No I) Pcrccnt Slopc (< >30%) 2) Floodplain 3) Wctlands 4) Watcr Coursc Sctback (30) (50)_ 5) Gcologic Hazards b) Rockfall Prcvious conditions ofapproval (chcck propcrfy filc); Docs this rcqucst involvc a 250 Addition? Horv much of tbc allowcd 250 Addition is uscd rvith this rcoucst? - Sitc Covcragc Hcight Sctbacks Landscaping Rctaining Wall Hcigbts Parking Garagc Crcdit Drivcrvay 5L-tl n-of ex.ed +AMrL.l fer€DezV__ (30x33) Front Sidcs Rcar Is thc propcrty non-conforming? Dcscribc: c) Dcbris Florv DESIGN REVIEW CIIECKLIST Projcct: U SI.IRVEY Scalc 100 yr. flood plain Water Course Sctback Environmental Hazards Trees Utility locations Spot elo'ations Scale Building Height Encroachmenb Setbacks Site Coverage EaveVOverhangs (4') Decks/Balconies Garage connection Site Grade\Slopc Retaining Walls Fences ParkingiGarage Tuming Radius Drivcrvay (acccss and grade) Snorv Storage Fire Access Q FLOOR PLANS Scale GRFA 250 additional GRFA Crarvl\Attic Spacc tr BUTLDING ELEVATIONS Scalc ColorWaterials Roof pitch O LANDSCAPE PLAN Existing bccs Proposed fees Legend MISCELLANEOUS Condo Approval Title report (A & B) Util ity verifi cati on form photos ofsitc Buil ding material sampl cs C.O. Verification SunLShade Anglcs Utilities (un dergroun d) Vierv Corridors Varianccs Plat rcskictions Benchmark Legal dcscription Lot Size Buildable Area Easemcnts Topography U SITE PLAN t_ i I ; I . IMPRT]VEMEN T LECATION LTIT 11, FOREST GLEN TOVN OF VAIL EA6LE COUNTY, CNLNRADO 44I(] GLEN FALLS LANE TIFICATE FOUND. PIN & CAP L.S. He6526 ( T YP.) fLtVATION TAIII-E (P[AK Ul ROUI ) @ lB4 l (B)' lB7.t ilttMNEY O 186s LOT IA LI]T B IGHORN I ESIATES PRIVA LOT I3 TE ACCI SS T.Mf NT L!T IO TOP OF PIN & CAP ELEVAT ION= l8l.a UNPLAT TE D SCALE l' = 40' bu;lJ locrwio..t ytppaotec4 ilc=o Hq h{" I HIREBY CTRTIFY THAT THIS IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERIIFICAIE VAS PRLPARED FOR Xuft>.TBVN !F VAIL THAT ".IT IS NOT A LATID SL]RVf Y PLAT OR IMPROVEMENT SURVIY PLAT AND THAT IT IS NL]] 1O BE RILIED UPON FI]R IHf ESTABLISHMENT OF FENCE, BUILDING OR OTHfR FUTURT BUILDIN6 OR OTHfR FUIURf IMPROVIMENT L INE S.z[t ltt I FURTHER CERTIFY TIJAT THE IMPRBVIMfNTS OI.J TI.IE ABOVI DfSCRIBtD PARCf I- i]N THIS DATf, DECEMBIR I, 1998, EXCEPI UTILIIY CONNECTIONS, ARf ENTIRELY VITHIN THE BOUNDARIIS OF THE PARCEL, EXCEPT AS INDICATfD, THAT THERE ARE NO INCROACHMINIS IIN THE DESCRIBED PRIMISES BY IMPROVEMENIS ON ANY AOJOINING PREHISIS, IXCIPT AS SHOVN AND THAT THERE IS NO APPARINT EVIDENCE UR SI6N OF ANY IASEMENT CROSSING OR BURDTNING ANY PART OF SAID PARCIL, EXCT PT AS NO TE D. DATE BY n/l l.A,,,lt/ - NOTICE, ACCFRDING T0 COLURADO LAV YOU MUST COIIMENCI ANY LIGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DfFfC r IN THIS SURVTY VITHIN Tt IREE YIARS ATTER YOU FIRSI DISCBVIR SUCH OIFECT, IN NO IVINT, MAY .t,R t'{tsI I) I)F I.K \4. $9,-'o\ y \4 COV' D fNTRY BUILDING ""O'* / , ,--- L INE /\,-\/\&s "*oRo". ,'" \e( 1e098 o o I Qucstions? Call thc I'l:rr':ning Staff ai 479-i 128 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsigr Rcviclv approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsigr review must rcccivc Dcsign Rcvicw approval prior to subrnitting for a building pcrniit. For specific information, scc thc subtrrittal rcquircnrcnts forthc particular approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc application cannot bc acccptcd until all thc requircd infornration is subnriftcd. Thc projcct nray also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Town Council and/or thc Planning and Environnrcntal Conrnrission. Dcsign Rcvicrv Board approval cxpircs onc ycar aftcr final approval unlcss a build.ing pcrmit is issued and construction is startcd. A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: TOWNOFVAN B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT: /l BLOCK:rtwc: Fove<l fo/en &tbrliu,4ioa PHYSICALADDRESS: I4A ,-,", AI/< LA.UC-, C. D. E. F. G. PARCELfl: 7pt l? 3 l?^ I | (Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Officc at 970-328-8640 for parccl #) ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILINC ADDRESS: 2 recL PHONE: OWNER(S) SIGNA NAME OF APPLICANT:AL1. C4'PHoNE: 476-147'b H. TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: ! ncw Construction - $200 Construction of a ncrv building. tr Addition - E l\linor Altcration DRB fccs arc to bc paid at the tinrc of submittal. Latcr. whcn applying for a building pennit. please identiff thc accuratc valuation of thc projcct. Thc Torvn of Vail will adjust the fcc according to thc projcct valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREI\,IENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COIVIMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657. $50 lncludcs any addition whcre squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidcrrtial or comrncrcial building. $20 Includcs nrinor changcs to buildings and sitc improvcmcnts, such as, rcroofing. painting. window additions, landscaping. fcnccs and rctaining walls. ctc. BUILDINC MATERIALS: LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL:COLOR:t ,rro (urn I Roof Siding Othcr Wall Matcrials Fascia Soltts Windows Window Trinr Doors Door Trinr lland or Dcck Rails o-e+ b,l,"tL all/1/fL Arao ' v. C /, fry 1t7 Flucs Flashings Chinrncys Trash Enclosurcs Grecnhouscs Retaining Walls Extcrior Lighting** Other NorJP, NONl + Please spccify the nranufachrrer's color, number and attach a srnall color chip +* All extcrior lighting must meet the Town's Lighting Ordinance 18.54.050(J). If exterior lighting is proposed, plcase indicate thc nunrbcr offixnrcs and locations on a separatc lighting plan. Identifr cach fixture type and provide the height above grade, lumcns outpirt, Iuminous arca, and attach a cut sheet ofthe lighting fixhues. 5/o*". /yl fra /ine Updated 6/97 PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Nanrc Conrnron Namc Ouantity Sizc* /o/"^{:llq /o t4, 6 /,rrr l'lr;/o hil ao PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: EXISTINC TREES TO BE REMOVED: huu frqen1 ld, L4 /q"/----7- *Mininrum rcquircmcnts for landscaping:dcciduous trccs - 2 inch calincr conifcrous trccs - 6 fcct in hcicht shnrbs - 5 gallons Squarc Footage Typc GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATTON TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls. fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate top and bottom clevations of retaining walls. Maxinrum height of walls within the front sctback is 3 feet. Maximum height of walls elscwhcrc on the propcrty is 6 fect. *tLovv ln{- /rt*r"Ot-, UprCatcd 6/97 UTII.ITY LOCATION VERIFICATION This form is to vcri$r service availability and location for new construction and should be uscd in conjunction with prcparing your utility plan and scheduling inslallations. The location and availability of utilities. whethcr thcy be main trunk lines or proposed lincs. must bc approvcd and verified by thc following utilitics for the accompanying sitc plan. Date U.S. West Comrnunications l-800-922-1987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 949-5781 Cary Hall Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 Tcd Husky/John Boyd T.C.I. 949-5530 Floyd Salazar Eaglc Rivcr Watcr & Sanitation District * 476-7480 Frcd Haslcc 3-L3-qA Fol-, aC-s tA ut6t\E-Y 3 -::'? Y * Plcasc bring a sitc plan, floor plan, and clcvations whcn obtaining Upper Eagle Vallcy Watcr & Sanitation signahrrcs. Firc l'lorv nccds must bc addrcsscd. NOTES: l.If the utility vcrification form has signaturcs fronr each ofthe utilify companies, and no collrncnts arc madc directly on thc fornr, thc Town rvill presunrc that there are no problems and thc dcvclopnrcnt can procced. lfa utility company has conccms with thc proposcd construction. the utility reprcscntative shall note directly on the utility vcrification form that there is a problcm which nceds to be rcsolved. The issuc should then bc dctailcd in an attached lctter to the Town of Vail. However, please kccp in mind that it is thc responsibility ofthe utility company and the applicant to resolvc identified problems. These vcrifications do not rclicvc the contractor of thc responsibility to obain a Public Way Pennit from thc Dcpartment of Public Works at thc T<nvn of Vail. Utilitv locations must be obtained before digging in any public right-of-way or cascnrcnt within thc Town of Vail. A buildinq permit is not a Public Wav pcrmit and nlust bc obtained sE arately. , 1",{ Vi, z. 3. Authorizcd Signaturc '/z Updated 5/97 I. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE A prc-application confcrcncc with Town of Vail staffis rcquircd. No application can bc acccptcd unlcss thc nrandatory prc-application mccting has bcen corrrpleted. It is the applicant's rcsponsibllity to schcdule this rnecting by calling 970-479-2128. II. TIME REOUIREMENTS Thc Dcsign Revicw Board mccts on the lst and 3rd Wedncsdays of each month. A complcte application fornr and all acconrpanying rnaterial must be accepted by the Community Development Department a nrinirnrrrn ofthrcc and a half (3 l/2) weeks priorto thc date of thc DRB public hearing. I]I. REVIEW CRITERTA Your proposal will be rcviewed for compliancc with thc Dcsign Guidclines as sct forth in Section 18.54 of the Municipal Codc. IV. NOTE TO ALL APPLICANTS: A. Ifa property is locatcd in a mappcd hazard arca (i.c. snow avalanchc, rockfall. floodplain. debris flow, rvctland, ctc), a hazard.study nrust bc subrnittcd and thc owncr must sigr an affidavit rccognizing thc hazard rcport prior to thc issuancc of a building permit. Applicants are encouragcd to chcck with thc planning staff prior to subrniftal of a DRB application to dctcrminc thc.relationship of thc propcrty to all nrappcd hazards. B. Basic Plan Shcct Fornut. For all survcys, sitc plans, landscape plans and othcr sitc irnprovcrncnts plans, all of thc following nrtrst bc shown. I. Plan shcct sizc nrust bc 24"x 36". For largc projects, largcrplan size may bcallowcd. 2. Scalc. Thc minimunr scale is l "=20'. AII plans nrust bc at thc sanrc scalc. 3. Craphic bar scalc. 4. North arrorv. 5. Tillc block. projcct namc, projcct adtlrcss and lcgal dcscription.(r. lndication of plan prcparcr. addrcss and phonc numbcr. 7. Datcs oforiginal plan prcparation and all rcvision datcs. ti. Vicinity map or location map at a scalc of l "=1,000' or larger. 9. Shcct labels and nunrbcis. l0 . A bordcr with a minimum left side margin of I .5". I l. Narncs ofall adjaccnt roadways. 12. Plan legcnd. C. For new construction and additions, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate propcrty lincs, proposed buildings and building corners. All fiees to be removcd must be taped. Thc applicant must ensurc that staking done during thc winter is not buried by snow. All sitc tapings and staking must be completed prior to the day of the DRB meeting. D. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Revicw Board on their schcduled me.eting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponed, will have their items renroved fronr the DRB agcnda until such tirne as the itern has been rcpublished. E. If the DRB approvcs the application with conditions or modifications, all conditions ofapprovai must be re.solvcd pfiqI to the issuance of a building permit. -c5 Updated 6/97 STAFF APPROVAL The Administrator may revicw and approve Desigrr Rcview applications. approve with ccrtain modifications. deny the application, or may refer the application to thc Design Review Board for decision. All staff approvals are subject to final approval by the DRB. Thc following types of Dcsign Rcview applications may bc staff approved: A. Any application for an addition to an existing building that is consistent with thc architccnral dcsigrr. tnaterials and colors ofthe building. and approval has been received by an authorizcd mernber ofa ' condonriniurnassociation.ifapplicablc; B, Any application to nrodifu an existing building that does not significantly changc thc existing planes ofthe building and is generally consistent with the architechral desigrr. materials and colors ofthe building. including. but not limited to exterior building finish materials (e.g. stonervork, siding. roof tnaterials. paint or stain,), cxterior lighting, canopics or awnings. fences. antennas. satcllite dishes. rvindows. skylights. siding. minor cornmercial facadc improvcmcnts, and other similar modifications; C. Anv application lbr site improvements or modifications including, but not limited to. driveway rnodifications, sitc grading. site rvalls, removal or modifications to existing landscaping. installation of acccssory stmctures or rccreational facilities. ADDITIONAL REVIEW AND FEES C. If this application requircs a separatc review by any local. statc or Fedcral agency othcr than thc Town of Vail, thc application fbe shall bc inclcased by $200.00. Examplcs of such rcvicw. may includc. but are not limitcd to: Colorado Dcpartrncnt of Highway Acccss Pcrnits, Army Corps of Enginccrs 404. ctc. The applicant shall bc rcsponsiblc for paying any publishing fecs which arc in excess of50% ofthe application fee. lf, at thc applicant's rcquest. any nrattcr is postponcd for hcaring. causing the matter to bc rc-published. thcn thc cntirc fcc for such re-publication shall be paid by thc applicant, Applications dccmcd by thc Conrmunity Dcvcloprncnt Departnrcnt to have design. land usc or other isbucs which may have a significant inrpact on the community may rcquire review by consultints in addition to Town staff.. Should a dctermination be made by the Town staffthat an outside consultant is nccdcd. thc Comrnunity Dcvclopnrcnt Dcpartmcnt may hire thc consultant. Thc Departmcnt shall cstinutc the amount of money necessary to pay thc consultant and this amount Shall be forwardcd to the Torvn by the applicant at the time of filing an application. Expcnses incurred by the Town in exccss ofthe amount forwarded by thc application shall bc paid to thc Town by thc applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. Any excess funds will bc retumcd to the applicant upon review cornpletion. vt. A. B. Ufiate,d6197 | 465 / s s I oF n;'rffor' 2ii[," tnb"r'[ttfr ffui ":r2X5t * PRIVATE PEOESTANVACCE.9.g EASEMENT AS CEATFO AND DEFINET)tN D E c L A R A T Io N .o F_c o_v E N A N T s, c o N D n ,ot't s, aeirn rcr toxs AN D EAIEMENTI OF FOREST GLEN, TO 8E AECOdOEO ON AN iirU DATE HEREWITH. - DENOTES STREET ADDRESS PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT AS CREATED DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS,oF FOREST 6LEN, TO BE RECORDED ON AN AND DEFINED IN RESTRICTIONS AND EASEMENTS EVEN DATE HEREN'ffH. LAND USE SUMMARY I,rt NET BUILDABLE GRFA AREA (sF) HAx. (sF) L ]-5,722 7 ,147 2 1i| ,941 6,981 45OOr 3 16,809 8,059 TOTAL AREA (sF) 11,321 12, 059 ),6.672 23 , 41O 8 4O.IO 18,8OO 9 28.919 20, 3l? single Fanily/ Caretakers Unit Single Farsity/caretakels Unit single Fanily/caretakers Unit Single FaniJ.y/caretakers Unit single Falrily/ Caretakers Unit single FaniIy/Caretakers Unit Single FaniIy/Caretakers Unit S ingl.e Fanily/ Caretakers Unit Slngle FahiIy/ Caretakers Unit Single Fanily Single Fabily Slngle FaDiIy/Caretakers Unit Single FaEiIy/caretakers Unit Single FaniIy/caretakers Unit USE 4500r 1 ].8.279 5 19,505 6 20 .564 7 24.58a 10 2t,128 l:, l? r 11o 12 17, 069 li tBr?JO 15,152 1!,634 | 7, 069 r8,73O 4!O0r 45001 5000 r 4000 4800 5000 4S00 /i 5OO 4 000 4300r* 4300rr 4200rr l{ 18,2?9 t8, t83 on Lot l-j, the ,EaxtEur atloeable cnr.r, It"toa Ji"*flllTGfiE l,ooo sf, ft., which shall ba utllizcd as b:<rrh<rihr-trl lr' D.^t^,. lsenent-sPace, locatcrl on-r.ots l2-la, 500 sq. (t. of the naxinua alloeabr,o GRFA shall be utll,{zed on}y as basdncnt spaco, o" a""iifU"A .Uo"o. s-ubstantiatty belov exlstlng grade. T}re naiinua iif":riii! ffi;';these lots for thc auova frdund space ls the total cnr.l ii=lia'above. Einus_ l,ooo s(- tt.- It li not a rcguircnent itJ-"i"dvclling unir havc l, ooo sq. f r. of 6llo"or,i -r'p."-J--i.i if '" i;i osncr vishes to urillze all the allovablc cnri foi " ji"."-firi -thcn a DiniEutr of 1,oOO sg. tt'. shall bc r"q,rrroC to bc utllized as blscDent spacc. o PR,OPOSED CONSTRUCTION Storm flows will be allowed to continue to sheet flow across the slte until they reach the proposed GIen Falls Lane. Flows wl_ll be intercepted at the roadside swale and directed to the river. Homes constructed in the GIen Forest Subdivlsion should be protected from the sheet flow by providing positive drainage away from each structure. surface water running toward the structure from upslope areas should be diverted around the hone with drainage swales. The final grade should slope away from the home a nininum of L2 inches In the first 10 feet (1Ot) in landscaped areas. paved areas should slope a ninimum of Ll[tt per foot (2*). To safely transmj.t the storm flows the swale along Gl_en forest Lane should have a minirnum depth of 1 foot and side slopes not exceeding 2:1. Culvert will be used to transmit flows across the private drive to serve Lots 10-12 and at the intersection of Glen Forest Lane and Nugget Lane. An 18 inch culvert will be adequate to transmit the 25 year frequency storm across these roadways. carculations supportlng these reconmendations are contained in the appendix. coNcl,ggroNg The developnent of the Forest GIen Subdivision wlIl increase the runoff fron the site, however if the grading and drainage recornmendations contained in this report are followed the development can be safely constructed and will have rninl_nal impact on downstream properties. fr'ffi,tr#,L Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-179-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 January 4"', 1999 Ann Fitz Prudential Gore Range Prollerties 5l I Lionshcad Mall Vail, CO 31657 Ra: Ittt I l, I;tn'e.tl ('ilur Srrhditisiotr Dcar ;\nn: The Forest Glen Subdivisiorr rvas approved by the Town of Vail as Special Development District (SDD)Number27 on Novernbcr5"', 1991. ThisSDDcontainsanumberofdeveloprncnt rest:'ictions that are outiined in ()rdinartce #3(r, Series o1' 1991 . A copy of this ,rrdinance is inclr:ded I-o r reference. Upori thc eranting of desi-qn leview approval for Lot 11, the Town concluded that all applicable codc attd covenant requirentcnts associated with SDD #27 were lnet. A copy of this approval is included lor reference. Although no certificate ofoccupancy has been issued on this project, the Torvn has approvcd thc devcloprnent plans and ibund them to be consistenl with Ordinance #36, Scrics o!' l99l . l1'you rvould like to discuss this project further, please contact me at (970) 479-2128. Sincerel.,,. l!- t-t--*- (-</.-<--t- Brent Wilson Planninlr Liaison Offi ccr/Planner I {p *un"*o '^'uo le Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Prqect Name: Cole Residence Projcct Dcscliption: New single family housc Owner. Address and Phone: Stanleigh Cole, Timber Creek Logs, LLC 2897 Timber Creek Drive #23 Vaif, Co 81657 476-1426 Architect/Contact. Address and Phone: same Proiect Stleet Addrcss:4410 Glen Falls Lane Lcgal Dcscription: Lot I l, Forest Glen Subdivision Parcel Number: 2101-123-13-011 Building Namc: nh Comments: Lot is accessed from common drivewav Motion by: Seconded by; Vote: 3-0 Conditions: Clark Brittain Hans Woldrich Board / Staff Action Action: Approved 1. That the stone on the foundation match the stone on the fireplace. Town Planner': Christie Barton Date: 516198 F:\EVERYONE\DRIJ\APPROVA L\98\ I DRBAPPR.FRNI DRB Fcc Pre-Paid: $200.00 ' s.H. 2897 Timb vAtL, COt (970) ;OLE Greek Drlve \DO 81657 6-1426 o o rfa/r /*tt r"*tCr&..- A-4/*r"^ Ex/+*h, /"Xt"h^, 044//Lfu;,@ - 3Xb!'n-tn* -b /*g"u* Z ,t t .,'-t ?.25^t.Zt= 4.a6 /T't I lfra[ l* t-qzsr /erJ;1";e K;E[,l.n K-1t sf /e./;f;s {;rt6ler k-17 tL (/e,/'f,;s fiahbv K-17t 6 Uud i1r;t lgrsl l"r K' TtgE /ed;y;s l(i,tlbv ( -77s{ /ed''Xtis /tirel,lea- K-17st k4;V;r K'El ler x -1tT /er'l;y;s -^ /4-77 /1 77 t,l .t 7 tF'7 7 11t7 tt.7z. r( t1 Tfrl //0. rt ; =- j.t./r.z- Zt"t; lr'.,rr;rta azLa- /.7r* b.-r* t /,- 2 u.# ohar -#Ln" fiy b*il9 @wg!"*) it s.H. coLE 2897 Iimber Creek Drive vArL, coLoRADO 81657 (970) 476.J,426 :! jii :::ii:.K-9r8I ()LDE HllC)NlE.,, h tl Fru-* d.*-!i-l,Ji,*uoh^ K-9787 - {.) )t. l rOt,tzt-,.: ' K-97A7 li L. liste.d lor wet locof ron. Cleor bevcled gloss ponets 6.lignt, 60 W blox (C) Hgt 32. Wrdth t6l Exlonsion l4:i4'. Hgt korn cc,fll€r ot rvoll opening 12' U.t. listod lor rvel locolion. K -97 86 OI OI B fto NZF..: K-97a6 POl. lSfll:D soLt o aPASS TO'd LOOII-LLEOE ENrrHgr-'l sce dzz:go 86-90-rdv 28e7;;;":c#D,i"" (of,l VAIL, COL(::' :: j,r'o,l9t?3,Audt i*c,u^ 9-t'l;;; ', ', .H :"ii : 1l :i:lr,il .:! !:.1iti{ ,, ; K-9768 POt_rSt.{Sn SOrrD sPASS cleor bevolsl gloss pm€ls :i lqhl 40 \ry l*".x (c) llgt 2Oli. \'/idltr lC .,i'. txtemun L{'. ttal. l':nll cenipr ul rvoll opening 1471,' tJ.L lisled lor urcf kr0olon. K-9968 t)()l. l$tl[:1.) .5OLrD APASS Cleflr sevslp{l gkrss p:cnt:ls ll-rrglt,40 \! Mtrr. (0r Dro i0.4 Hql 2i l' U L lrsl,rd f{y wel lorolior. K.978S ()LDE BRONZE.i' It:t) sot rD SpAss :'()ltstrtrD 50LlD aFAss .r':' K-99E5 Vr;Rt)tGr?rS x - 9985 Wl| t: K-9985 ()LD[. Brl(lNZt: i: *0t L4veied gloss Frnels 3-hghl. 60 Vy' l,{ x i0,} ..:r,;. l0 /r'. ll1l 20 A' U t.. lrsled lorsjel lccitiori so'd LOOITLL€O€DNr lHor -l see dsz:gg g6-99--rd1r a TOWN OFVAIL Deparmtew of Communitt Development 75 South Frontage fuad Vail, Colorado E1657 97A479-2138 n$976479-2452 April I, 1998 Stanleigh Cole Timber Creek Logs, LLC 2897 Timber Creek Drive #23 Vail, CO 81657 Re: Lot I l. Forest Glen Subdivision Dear Mr. Cole: I have reviewed the plans for the above referenced house and need thc followins items: l. Ridge elevations on the site plan so I can calculate building heights. 2. Height of the retaining wall at the front entrance. 3. A lighting plan showing locations for exterior lights and cut sheets showing lights and calculations on lurninous area. 4. A stamped, signed survey for the town engineer to complete calculations on the project.5. One section of the driveway is over the maxirnum allowable grade. It is about l-SVr-grane between the 48 contour and the 50 contour. 6. The driveway flare width exceeds the maximum allowable of 24,. 7. Please provide an 18" culvert underthe driveway to allow for cross drainage.8. Please bring building samples of materials (othei than the peeled logs) to the Design Review Board meeting. Please submit the revisions by Wednesday, April 8, 1998. If you have any questions, please call me at479-2454. Very truly yours, 9hnwfu,'l'J Christie Barton Planner II {S *or"uor "o oo Community Development Plan Routing Form Apploved X Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Works Mike McGee, Fire !,$ J Jt ,'f '' ) Q)' Rctunr To:Chrislic Barton, Conrmunity Dcvclopmcnt Datc Routcd:3/24/98 Rctum By:4/l/98 Projcct Namc:Colc rcsidgnce l'rojcct Addrcss:4410 Glen Falls Lanc Projcct l.cgal:Lot I I, Forest Glen Subdivision Projcct Dcscriplion:Ncw singlc family housc .. I.:''.']. .,t-cdMilEnrts,:, , - -l't.,o r,. r,,tc\r: (\l1JlC (s\r^r a\{) <icr,,\r-r\\.\\(),-,ir1r*<\:,^'*.1 . {il:i,.p Pi..t,dc ct:.1trrr," j"{#l9o4" ,r trrg (.y rStrnq.r.r; 4 rr.r il-< r vw(.lfrv€ y'. if,r\! .r \a. ,':rlrc\G Jf!,j owrc,J. mdv In !!!'l c!\\a(rJ)!)U .-rr.-": {-- Tt \5 qi,r.) r'' 2, l1.rl: t.-rt^:.tql t),: ,1b rrr\ ir,rr (l\ld ,lrc '-J c.\11-a-r.- 59\',r.-,, .r.,',' ,,rc. icrbcq cy{cirlr z t Prat ": r <lir-<\r3 iin:,.1r\,--\'i\\ {\drc r-rdllt (xreiali r:r-.-r, nr,.y.,rr-,.,rcrllc,\r.-r\r\{j:.n ,1i '1., \tr-, t,/ I r'\ ,1 (({Fi.rll ar av\V\n.-iz lbJ2lrral? l)(.\ae l( "\(V CE)- a\q 1e,11.:utU€t-l .,4.L-r- lhe drr,.te lc, ttllo.u 1r" ('t r.,.r) <]rd{ r\-\rr e-. {Ll1trkr. r<{ \ale} 3114 lq8 revic.^-.\il f,/,i1/.lg. r( f!rr.ii\ 1/30,.18 I t-'tc t"il1 rev,e',- 4 lO .lt ilC (;(\'i j\fL l)t.0r, \!,(tl i?Zur,.-\ r<V(.a>, r_\tr€1xr! (ie-,c,..d {l-.i? ) rct,rLr.J t ir,1t.. ,Vun ',hi\ \l(cr\\ ir ldv'-l\ C'-5 , ) r\rr"c*-.'1 r{rd< l] ,t,. '\fcrtlr'\"\ c*f &r\r rllt ?- I ,1 ) .,tr;,. e j.|.l)a ltr ti , )ir{a.\l.l .ir i\ic :r.va\ Date rcccived: Rcvie wcd hy:Datc re viewcd: ZONE CHECK Datc: V 41 1f Architcct Zonc disrict Lot sizc ?e{ >P GRFA w@ + (425) (675+) = Docs this rcqucst involvc a 250 Addition?NtP Horv much of thc allorvcd 250 ACdition is uscd with rhis rcqucst? Lcgal dcscri Addrcss ormcr z= Sitc Covcragc <(r.atl ,rf -z v-ceL(l ytL1. Y . q &F4- Hcigtrt Sctback 4DD *21- tbTc ""' *o*i;", Rctaining Wall Hcig!ts Parking Caragc Crcdrl Drivcrvay t / >,y'' r.'t,hI Minimurn fu/c AYI1 3'.16', ..\ r Rquued' L t " Pbonc Buildablc arca Proposcd + 2;rL(Y' Total -' , ta') - 21, I6 n/q /, tlft .t- lllo - l"ll\aoEu 3? '6"32"$'/t/ffi@i Front Sidcs Rcar 20',,/ t5' / J5-b' =_Q_ 6r? L -7- 7 Encloscd Complix u/ith TOV Ligbting Ordinancc Arc finishcd gradcs lcss than 2: I (50%) Enr.ironm cnta l,/F{az:rds v.r- ,{- No Ycs No I ) Pcrccnt Slopc (< >3 0%)f-'O 3)Wcilnds r-c t,lui r( i?.', -ci ,-l 4) Water Course Setback (30) (50) ^ / t- ] . 5) Ceologic Haz,yds / r,,r'( 1'''V' -.. --7-, a) SnorvAvalanche %Eu(-l-utt$c b) Roclfall t/,c) ucons I low i", 2) Floodplain Prcvious conditions ofapproval (chcck propcrty filc); (3001:GD(e00) (1200) Pcrmittcd Slopc % Proposcd Slopc % -2,-zr z-9 Lc- l4(/:z-176'-_LSw ffiF (0-;g Rcmainins )6 L- * 675= 4?5 crcdit plus 250 addition . .1,j -l : , Alr, 4-l Is thc propcrty non-conforming? Dcscribc: il) fr: "i r-' i,/ I DESIGNBEVIEWCITECKLIST Projcct: Utln- ' *( itt WS r " ,e-u Q SURVEYT t / Scalc /t/ Bcnchmark ,/t/ , Lcgal dcscription t ,. \f Lot Sizc AL BuildabteArca -,-./ i:asemcnts ./v' Topography NP 100 yr. flood plain Q FLooRPLA}is / ,^" /'V GRFA tr BUILDbIG ELEVATIoNS /r./ \aata Water Course Sctback '/' Trees ,,' Utitiry locations '/ EI SITE PLAN Scaic Building Height pl+ / kt /K ConaoApproval t'/ Sctbacks (r/ Sitc Covcrage "/ gu.rr.ygyglSangs(4) -t' Decks/Balconies -" Garage connection -" Site Grade\Slopc fe Encroachments -1 snorvstorage 4e FircAccess 4 -.tl- I ' '",. Retaining Walls Fctrccs Parking/Garage Tuming Radius Drivcrvay (acccss and gradc) & 250 additional GRFA Crarvl\Attic Space _tl1 erw ./ CoiorWaterials / Roof Pitch tr LANDSCAPEPLAN Existing frces Proposed trees Lcgend MISCELLANEOUS / Titte report (A &. B) / -..-,..''/ Uhlity verification form Photos of sitc Buil ding material samplcs .lt C.O.Verilication -YI Sun\Shade Anglcs '/ Utilities(underground) I lA Vierv Conidors r /,\ Varianccs r' Plat restictions --u- v ', o Community o ng Development Plan Routi Form Approved X Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Works Mike McGee. Fire ,.$ ! Rcturn To:Christie Bafton, Cornmunity Dcvclopment Datc Routcd:3/24t98 Rcturn By:4ilt98 Projcct Namc:Cole residencc Proiect Address:4410 Glcn Falls Lanc Prolcct Lcgal:Lot I 1, Forcst Glcn Subdivrsron Proj ect De scription:Ncw single family houso '-JucrNEERING DES WORKS, INC. o IGN 30955 Moffat Avenue Post Oflice Box 775729 Steamboat Springs, Colorado 80477 (970) 879-4890 (970) 949-4823 (970) iJ79 -4905 Fax 1000 Lior's Ridge Loop, Srf lt: ilr Post Office Box 927 Vail, Colorado 81658 $70) 476-4855 Fax (970) 476 Bt'l r' Subsoil Investigation/Foundation Recommendations for Proposed Residence at Lot I l. Forest Glen Subdivision Eagle County, Colorado January 7, 1998 Project #9721 50S Prepared for: Stan Cole SH Cokr Const. 2897 Timber CreekDr. #23 Vail. CO 81657 GENERAL This rcport prcscnts thc rcsults ofour gcotechnical investigation conducted on the site of the proposed residence located at Lot 3, Forest Glen Subdivision. Eagle County, Colorado. Thc investigation was pcrfonncd to providc suflicicnt information about thc supporting soil mantle to enablc a suitable foundation design for thc proposed rcsidencc. The conclusions and rccomnrcudations prescntcd hcrcin arc bascd on the data gathered during our site and laboratory investigations and our experiemce with similar soil conditions. This investigation was conductcd in accordancc with prescntly acccptcd soils cngincering procedures consistent with the proposcd dcvcloprncnt and no warrant-v is implicd. FIELD I}.IVESTIGATION The subsurface soil conditions were explored on December 18, 1997. The exploration was limited to one tcst pit due to thc limiting site topography and covcrage. Thc tcst pit" shown in Figure l, was dug with a JCB rubber *'heeled backhoe. The subsurface soils exposed on the site are profiled in Figure 2. Laboratory soil samples were obtained with a Haud Drivc Sanrpler. Unconfined penetrometer tests were perfonned during the field investigation. Sec Figure 2 for unconfincd values. SITE GEOLOCY The sub-soil gcology of thc sitc is charactcrizcd by Quatcmary alluvial and colluvial sediments deposited by rivcr and dcbris fan mcchanisms. No significant gedogic haiards have been identified proximate to thc sitc. (Charlcs Robinson & Associates. 1975). LABORATORY TESTING Laboratory testing and analysis included swell-consolidation testing, organic percentage and were perforrned at thc Engineering Designworks, Inc. laboratory along with ACZ Irboratories, Steamboat Springs, CO. Scc Figure 3 for details. PBAPOSED-CONSIBUEIIAN Multi story log home over full basement. BtCqA4ENDAIIONS Laboratory tests indicate that the silty clays located in the normal bearing strata approximately 2'to ll'6" below existing grade are non-expansive. These soils exhibited good bearing charaaeristics when dry, but had low bearing capacities after wetting. Based on the nonrxpansive soils exposed in the test pits and the proposed conslruction, we fe€l thc most cconomically dcsirable tne foundation to be spread footings, pads or wall on gade designed for a maximum soils pressure of l500psf and placed on the clayey silts found 2 feet below existing gradc. Enginccring Dcsignrvorks. Job # 972150S,01/08/98. Page 2 Any foundation at this site must be designed and constructed in strict conformance with the following precautions: 1. Foundation walls and gradc bcams should be dcsigncd and reinforced to span an unsupported distancc of at lcast l0 fcct. 2. Wc rccomrncnd cxcavating contractor vcrify during cxcavation (and before construclion of any part of lhe foundation) thal soil tvpes and conditions uniformly match those described in the pil logs ofthis repon All loose or soft pockcts of soil within the loaded depth of the footings should be removed and rcplnced with rvcll compactcd gravcls. or thc footings cxtcndcd to lower, morc compctcnt soils. 3. Compacted granular slructural fills to be compacted in 8" lifts to a minimum of 957o Modified Proctor Density at a moisn-rrc oontent within 27o of optirnun. Properly placed and confined 3/4" washed rock or 3/8" pea gravels rnay be used in lieu of cornpacted fills when properly vibrated in 24" maximum lifls. Tlpically, fills should enend out frorn footing cdges a distance equal to below footing fill depth (or \consult with Engineer). Mirafi lining may also be required. 4. Any filI containing rock should be carefully mixed to avoid nesting and creation ofvoids. Remove all topsoil, organics. and other objectionable materials prior to placing fills. No concrele or fill shall be placed on muddy or frozcn ground. 5. Maintain required frost depth for footings subject to frost, (r. Slab construction. if it is to be implernented, should bc constructcd over fills as described above. The risk of slab movement decreases with increased fill depth. A minimum of 10" - 24'of fill is recommended. Slip-joint all floor slabs at all interfaccs. 7. Maintain the in-situ moisturc content and avoid rvcathcring of the bearing soils at all times prior to and a-fter placing footings. It has been our experience that silts may settle with moisnrc incrcases. Items #8, 9 and 10 are very important in this regard. 8. Prcventing water frorn reaching the bearing soils is of utmost importance at this site. (perching) Provide al adequatc underdrain system from the low areas of the excavation. Slope l/8" per foot to a daylighting drain. The underdrain systern should inch.rde approved PVC pipc ovcrlaid by washed rock, encased in Mirafi fabric. Test before and after backfill. 9. Contour thc llnish grading at a nrinirnum l2:l slopc to divcrt all surface drainage at least l5'away from all sides of the stnlcturc. 10. Wc recornrnend exterior backfill of granular. free draining material, capped with a minirnum 12" layer of rvater irnpermeable (eg. clav) material to divcrt surface flow. Geotextile fabric is recommended below the clay layer. Topsoil can thcn bc placcd ovcr thc clays. An appropriate geotextilc mcmbranc could bc uscd in placc of thc clay layer to divert surface flows in areas where clays are not rcadily availablc. Foundation dcsigner shall be responsible for final bacldill selections. I l. Slope stability has not been addressed in this report. Engrncering Designworks. Job # 972150S. 0l/07/98, Page 3 o Significant chaoges in the proposed struoture or subsoil oonditiotrs difiercnt tlan those logged in Figure 2 ,, may alrcr thesc recommendations and should be brought to the attention of this offie. Sincerely, Engineering Designuortq Inc. tt Carl J. Wanrke, Project Engineer Reviewed: Steven G. leis, P.E. EngineeringDesigpworks, Job # 9721505,01/07/9S, rue 4 ---1 ll tt l1 I n r 100' I I I I I I I I I I I I L of 1 1 Fnresl Glen srrhdrvrsro Slope 6:12 0'-------=-- t ---=-l I I I I O - Heovy veqetotion FIGU Rt 1 , Locction of test pii v \1,/ vvv \t\l/ vwv vv bldg, footprint @ - Test pit locction Engineering Designworks, Job # 9721505, 0l/07/98, Page 5 N.T.S. F LL z. I o* - o Test Pit f1 1',-0" 2',-0" 3',-0" 4',-0" o-u 1',-0" Hond drive f18 (Lcrge rock shelfs) f { \-d \liol Donotrnrnoto.\J.\,, - T.\-.r/l)r r E||9Lr vl|rLLCl Hcnd drive f 14 Bottom of test pit, dry @ time of excovotion J-U 10'-0' 1 1',--0" 12'-0" IJ -U 14',-0" 15'-0' ffi - fopscil, brown, orgonic rich -F--l - ur0y, silty, s0noy, 0rk. Drown/Dr0cK tlGURt 2, Log of test pit Engrneering Designworks, Job # 9721505, 01l01l98.Page 6 I FIGURE 3 972150S max mi S#1 2. -0 s#1 4. 0 'l 0.98 30.96 t- r0.e4 =3o.sz F H o.g 0.88 0.86 s#14 s#18 3 enessuRt 1xsr1 Engineering Designworks, Job # 9721505, 0l/07l9E,Page1 ,I -: .l-" CoLLrNs & LevprRrs CoNsUt, fNG GEoLocIsTs P.O. Box23 SILT, CoLoRADo 8I652 PHoNE/FAX (970) 876-s400 (24 HouRs) December 1.9, 1997 PRtr{wALS Bnrce A Collins, Ph.D Nidrolas lanrpiris. Ph.D, Rp: Lor 11, Fonpsr GLEN, Van, Colonapo Mr. Stan Cole S.H. Cole Construction Co. 2897 Timber Creek Drive #23 Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Cole: {_visited the refbrenced property in East Vail on December 18, lg97,for the purpose of evaluating the potential rock frll ltazard to,a log home proposed for construction on the iot. According to th;Town of Vail's maps at least the south half of the lot lies within a zone mapped as "high sJverity,,rock fall hazatd, and according to your descriptiorr the rear ofthe propos"d ho-" will be on the mapped boundary orjust within this zone. It is also my understanding ihai the home is to be notched into the slope near the middle ofthe property, and that the naturil grade will essentially abut the foundation. I found that the lot lies in the upper portion of the transition zone between the terraces and other tbatures related to Gore Creek and the steep slopes, ledges, and oliffs formed from pennsylvanian-age Mintum Formation rocks to the south ofthe creek. The lot is moderately forested with mostly aspc:n that appear to be in the 25- to 50-year-old range and a few conifers thaiare both older ana yo.rnier. The steep slope immediately south is moderately to heavily forested with mostly older tonifers.There are no signilicant exposed cliffs or ledges on the slope immediately behind the lot. A substantial heavily-fbrested bench separates this slope from the higher, steepe, ,lop", which consists largely of exposed roclg further to the south. There was no indication of rock fall damage to existing vegetatiorl no significant surface rocks (except for a couple that appeared to have been moved onto the lot during adjacent construction, although it must be noted that ihe ground was covered 15 inches or more ofsnow), and no significant rocks in the upper five to seven feet ofa trench being excavated for soil testing purposes at the time of my visit. I therefbre conchrde ttrat the actual potential rock fall hazard on this site is slight, although not non-existent. I recommend that the rear foundation wall be constructed of r'einforced Joncrete or materials of equivalent strengthextending at least two feet above final grade. I also recommend that windows on the rear wall be at least six feet above finrrt grade, and that*no other significant openings, specifically doors, he made on this side of the home. itre deck and other propoJed installations-on the nortltwest side of the home appear to be completely out ofthe identified iock tbll h*;;i;r; Page 2 The aspen trees present on the lot behind the proposed home location present a sigrrificant natural hindrance to potential rock fall. If any more than a very few of these trees are removed replacement mitigation in the form of a wall or berm would be recommended. The property does lie in a geologically sensitive area, although the hazards present can be mitigated if the above recommendations are followed. Since no external mitigation structures are proposed, these recommendations will not increase the hazard to other property, or structures, or to public rights-of-way, roads, streets, easements, utilities or facilities or other properties of any kind. If you have any questions or require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Bruce A. Consulting o 4 -,ARTHIIR I. MEARS, P.E., INC. Itnrnl ltuldr Canul&tc 222 Er Godri Ara Guniq!. Glcr.lo 8l23{t Nr-ut.tz% August 28, 1991 !!r. Ron Reillv Tinberfalls Aisociation 228 Ridge Street Vail, CO 8165? Dear !tr. Rei1ly: At your request,. r compreted a site-inspection of an unplatted parcet r{est of the TinrLerfarrs aeveroprnint in-r"st itii'iiriilr=t 27, lesr. The nurpose of rhe sire.vi'=ii-wa""tl-il"iliiy-ilnl*o*-'porenrial rockri r r- nazaia on-ti! -=it". - -rii.-riitrr=lr' portion (approxirnaterv 2s*) of this paicer r" rn"ip"a-IJ-iiJ"rr""e,, rockfarl hazard on rowir or.vaii ;;;i.--ii-aaaiti;;-i; [i. Iit. inspection,r conducted a study of aeiiar piiotograpns aated-rs39, 1950, Lg62,L974' and 19s4' -some or trrese-ltrot5s irr"-aiiJ-alieropnent and provide an excelrent view-oi-inE".r.. prior to nan,s disturbance and can be used to locate rocks-which nay have fallen into the area that was to becorne ttre parcei i; ;;a"Ii";. --- The following observations and conclusions resurt fron ny study. a. Rock deposits characteristic of rockfall origin were not idintitiea ."-itrJ-=ite through aerial-photo inspection or the site visil. b. The slope above the site consLst of a nature forest with no perlheo bouraeis-JJiatre or roiring-ina bouncing down the stop- ana-reaching tht-;irclr. c. The distinct Limestone cliff band, which serves as a rockfal.l. source at- nany vair areasr'ao"J-n"l crop out on the slope above the pircel . In surnrnary, rockfall'U::: n-ot appear to be a hazard on any portion of the parcer and shourh'not serve as a constraint to building on the- site. "vb e\-r Y's cr-' s |-er Please contact rne if you have any questions. Sigrcerely, Li^/l,^, I t)tt n,<Arthur I. Mbars, p.E. Avalanche-contr61 engineer Irlu Wattng . AqhncAct. Aubdc Carol Eartftal, 'I. a Septenber 4, 1991 l.[r. Ron Reil]y Tinberf alls Association 228 Ridge Street Vail, CO 81657 Dear Mr. ReilJ.y: At your request, r,have conpreted (a) an analysis of avaliDche dynanics and existing avalanche-bern' capacity' at rrnrueriirl"l--ana (b) an. evaLuation of the debris-frow haiard.- Thii worx was based on a site inspection conducted on August 27, 1991 and upon revised avalanche-dynanics calculati5ns. AVALANCHE DYNNICS An original avalanche analysis and bern specification was cornpreted by Mr. Hans Frutiger, a swiss a-valanche-controt engineer, in 1973. The analysis reported here applies current avaLanche-dynamics methods, incruding nodified siriss and Anerican procedures (Salrn, 1990; Mears, in prep.), to cornpute the avalanche dynamics and adequacy of- thL existing Lerns. The following sunrmarizes the nethodology used. conputational details are included in the Appendix. 1: Design-avalanche ("LOO-year" return period) runout dislance was deternined through inspecti-on of a regional database of extrerne ivalanlhes. The runout distance ends on the north side of Gore Creek assuning natural terrain r.rithout the bern in place. ARTHTJR I. MEARS, P.E., INC. Nrrunl Flerar& Ccuuluno 222 llrr Grhrr Arr. Guoniroi. Gh6do E 1230 303 - 64t.1236 2. A desiqn slab th*ckness of 1.EOn over the starting zone area af, 44,400mr vas estinated by anatysls of extrene storm data. 1..height, were conputed through applieation of the Swl.ss avalanche-dynamics procedures (Saln, 1990). The runout distance uas forced to st.op at the point deternined in step il1,rr above. The present bern configuration and location of excavations and tennis courti were used in f inal cal.cul.ations . Mep l4/e int . A*laachct o Aohaclc Col.tnl El{zlru rint The folLowing congrusions about bern effectiveness were reached as a resuLt of this analysis and site measurenents. l. The fIoW hgight of the design avalanche is less than the existing bern height. 2. The naxiurum dgposit heiqht of the design avaranche is less than the bern height 3. Lateral Fpreading of the avalanche below the ber.ms (in the tennis.courEl is accurately shown on the original (Frutiger, tbz:; arawings.- The existing berm, therefore, does not require nodificatLons or enlargenents to mitigate the design avalaiche. DEBRIS FLOWS The northeast corner_of the unpratted parcel (on the west"Slae or the avalanche berm) is shown a! being i,rittrin a rrnoderate-hazardrl debris-f1o\,r area on the 1994 Tovrn of-Vair .ceologi-arry-s-n-ilive arear' (csA) naps. Tfi= incrudes portions of proiosed rots 5 and 6' as shown on the Timberfarls sile plan dateb 67J3lgL. Moderate hazard means Lots 5 and 6 and the uuitaing envelbpes could be reached-by nuddy water, smarr rocks, and iegetatiie debrlJ auring a rare debris-flow event. Extensive buirdiig danage and/or loss-of rife will not be a probren. The return p6rioa 6r tn.'aesign-debris-ftow is = 1OO years. Mitigation to buildings on Lots 5 and 6 could be acconprished by flood-proofing and direct protection of exposed foundation and l:ildi"?':i1j:i .rhis.Igthgg has been used "t otrrei hirainfs vair. Alternately, rnitigation cour.d be achievea ui desig;ii snarl settlins p.;a ;;;-;:;;"i"';;i*ti].'Ill;";;.;: ff:'g:il?, !3ll!i:_-li"l1 mitigarion detaits for Lors 5 and 6 depend on T:l+!:?!ural. and. lindscaping derails which ar" not-.i.r"niiy. ?:ii]111:: .rle. rnitisatioir on tnese.rots, nowevei, -.i"-"""iii u" il::1ry:.!ed. into uuirains desisn wiahoui ;d;;;;;iy-.rrlliiri adjacent public or privat6 prop5rty. Please contact me if you have any additional guestions. EncI. Appendix in a Si4cereIy, I :-4 1 .r..^/('WL',^,/1.\YtPAa Arthur I. Mears, p.E. Avalanche-control engineer I o ;: tt 66 FIE #l3e E i.FlHg{ j B :q t t 9 .l t E I i !I , \ {t I t o lt o f EI z J t t F I 'l E a a !6 ! t c ia .E f T e I I ,1 _'.DJ .. iit lrl iii t;i 'r'-Eil ,' /-/ ^ii! ,'zt^ i/ 1,,'-i* ),/ 91. t/*n;fu",x ir ' eiil ,' "'I.i I ii | -l !ilglrrrEirrrr!rr a llt t d : I t d I ! ! t t i: tl ;illlle:s!*E*t! !t tl It i!It $ t I .t I I I I I I I lllllillr iiiiiiiirl ililltilt l!llfits3s I I I a ! I I I I f I o' 9+ f t I t 'l !t !r ;l rf :l ,. t "$,e' 'iL-s-.; Ls .J ..d *f{ // /'tf I I I / Il h ltf U:lr I FIF ilt Xi I {o'g !t I fft l3E i r.ffi t.f ,rrl' l'I ..t 'l ti d'- ,,- 'ii: ifiiiimnfifriil$ ffi firffiffi$ *ffifi, \ "''...tlx sl-'=-i ,ffi ',i,.1 .1,,t, 'lli' '.,i:,J, : ,( t: / LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY S.H. COLE CONSTRUCTION CO. DONALD & LINDA DELARIA 2897 TIMBER CREEK DR. VAIL, CO 8165? TITLE GUARAITTEE COMPANY CUSTOMER D]STRIBUTION ) LAND February 03, 1998 Property Address: LOT ]-]- FOREST GLEN /y' s-H. coLE coNsrRucrroN co. -DONALD & LINDA DELARIA 2897 TIMBER CREEK DR. VAIL, CO 81557 Attn: Copies: 1 via US Postal Service ss&F/VARE SS&F CENTER-AVON RT]NS P.O. DRAWER 2820 AVON, CO 81520 AI,TN: JAN JOHNSON 970 845-2000 Copies: 1 PRIJDENTIAL GORE R.ANGE PROPERTIES (DELIVER IN VAIL RUNS) 5]-1 LIONSHEAD MALL v.A.rL, co Bl_657 Attn: ANNE FITZ 303 476-2482 Copies: L Our Order No.: v259958-2 TIMBERFALLS ASSOCIATES 228 BRIDGE ST. VAIL,,, CO 81557 ATTN: RON RILEY Copies: 1- CLOSER Attn: MIKE MOSS Copies: 3- ss&F/VARE 230 BRIDGE ST. VAIL,,, CO 8l-657 Attn: GEORGE IAMB 970 476-242L Copies: 1- FIRSTBANK OF VATL (LOAN DEPT. ) ]-7 VAII., ROAD vArL, co 8L657 ATTN: JOE MILLER 970 476-5585 Copies: 1- YOUR LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY CONTACTS February 03, 1998 Buyer/Borrower r TIMBER CREEK LOGS, LLC, A COLORADO LIMITED i-,TAEILTTY COMPANY Se11er/owner: Property Address: TIMBERFALLS ASSOCTATES, A COLORADO GENERAL PARTNERSHIP LOT ].1 FOREST GLEN If you have any inquiries or reguire furt.her assisEance, please contacL one of the numbers listed below: For Closing Assistance: For Tit.le Assistance: MIKE MOSS JILL WELLS 108 S. FRONIAGE RD W. ]-08 S. FRONTAGE RD W. vArL, co 81658 VArL, CO 8L558 Phone: 970 476-225L Phone: 970 476-225t Fax: 970 476-4534 Fax: 970 476-4534 THANK YOU FOR YOI'R ORDER! our order No.: v259958-2 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE CHICAGO TITLD INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation of Missouri, hercin called the Company, for a valuable consideration, hereby commits to issue its policy or policies of title insurance, as identified in Schedule A, in favor of the proposed Insured named in Schedule A, as owner or mortgagee of the estate or interest covered hereby in the land described or referred to in Schedule A, upon payment of the premrums and charges tlerefor; all subject to the provisions of Schedule A and B and to the Conditions and Stipulations hereof. This Commitment shall be effective only when the identity of the proposed Insured and the amount of the policy or policies committed for have been inserted in Schedule A hereof by the Company, either at the time of the issuance of this Commitment or by subsequent endorsement. This Commitment is preliminary to the issuance of such policy or policies of title insurance and all liability and obligations hereunder shall cease and terminate six months after the effective date hereof or when the policy or policies committed for shall issue, whichever first occurs, provided that the failure to issue such policy or policies is not the fault of the Company. This Cornmitment shall not be valid or binding until countersigned by an authonzed officer or agent. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company has caused this Commitment to be signed and sealed, to become valid when countersigned by an authorized olficer or agent of the Company, all in accordance with its By-Laws. This Commitment is effective as of the date shown in Schedule A as "Effective Date." ISSUED BY: LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY 108 S. Frontage Rd. W., Suite 203 P.O. Box 357 Vail, Colorado 81658 (970) 476-2251 FAX (970) 476-4534 Authorized Officer or Aeent CHICAGO TITLE INSUMNCE COMPANY '.-) /1'-l/Zf/* ,/ Presidcnl fA-"^"tt L LLr" ",U secretary By: F.28a0 CTIRB: 5-l-75 'lueulrujuroS snn Jo suo[?lnd4s pu? suoupuoJ prrs suotsr^oJd er{l ol polJrrlso] oq JIDqs <rumlc qtns EunrossB uollce fuB ro '{qdeq peJa^oc aABAlIour parnsur o{l Jo uall erD ro lseJalul ro elElso aql ol opn eln Jo snlqs eql Jo lno sesuE qtr,q^\ 'oouo8rl8ou uo pos9q lou lo Jor0oq r 'eEuruup ro ssol .;o urrulo Xuy 'urerer{ peulpouI ,{lsserdxe se ldccxo lueuqtruluoJ snn Jo UEd B operu arp pu? eruorcJor ,{q pelerodrocur ,{qaraq are qc1q.m parnsul pesodord oq1 1o roABJ ur JoJ po]ltturuoc sarcrlod ro {rqod go uuoJ oql;o suorlupdrlg puB suoqlpuoJ aql pue eEera,ro3 uo{ suolsnlcxg erp'suorstlord Suunsur aq1 o1 1ca[qns sr ,{lrlqell qcns pu? roJ pellluruoJ sercrlod ro .4crpd arp roJ V olnpeqcs uI pelels lunotue oql poecxa [1rpqer1 qJns lprls luelo ou ul 'tuotulruruloJ sqi {q pa:arcc uoa:oq1 eEuElrou lo lsajolu lo ol?lse eqt alearJ ro o:rnbce ol (c) Jo 'g olnpoqJs ur u^\oqs suorldccxc ol?urrrJrl3 ot (q) ro 'Jooloq quouarrnber eql qlu,tt {ldruoc ol (s) rnls1 pooE ur Esrlelropun ur uoereq oiu?rler ut porrncut ssol Pnlc? roj fluo pu? roJ pollruruoc satctlod ro ,{cnod Jo urjoJ er{l ur poJnsul Jo uorlluuop aql ropun pgpnlcur sorl.led qcns pu? poJnsul pasodord paureu oql o1 {po oq IIBqs lueu4ruruoJ srrl iopun {uedulo3 eq1 .;o ,{1rpqer1 'suo4e1ndrl5 pu? suolllpuoJ esoql Jo E qderSered o1 luensrnd poJlnour ,{pnoue:d firpquq urorl ,tuudruo3 aW olellal lou Ipqs luoupuou? qcns 1nq 'r(purprocce luetultrutuoJ sr-I{t Jo g appoqts puauru feru uortdo qr. 1e ,{uuduro3 eq1 'rotleur roqlo ro urelj aslo^pe 'ottrejql.unJuo 'uolJ 'lcoJop qcns fue 3o a8polmoq pntrs sarrnbce osu Jor$o {ueduro3 orn Jr ro ',,(uuduro3 oql ol o8po[.^^otr)l qJns osoltslp Ipqs poJnsuJ pesodord orp 31 'a8pey,noul qcns osolcsry os 01 ornfeJ ,{q pacrpn[ord sr ,{ueduro3 erl} }ualxe oql ol uoalor{ oorJ?Iler Jo 1ce fue ruor; Swlpser aEzurzp ro ssol i(ue ro3 ,{11gqe1 tuorJ polorTol eq pqs {ueduro3 erp 'tuqF,m ur ,{uedruo3 eq1 o1 oBpay,rrroul rlrns osolrsTp 01 LreJ lleqs pu? :ooroq fl eFpoqcs ur ul\ogs asoql uern Jaqlo luouqlulruoJ stql fq pareiroc uoaraql e3etlrour Jo lsorolul Jo elulsa oql 3u1ce1;e ;e11uru rer0o Jo lur8lc e$o^pe 'otuerquncuo 'uo{ 'lcoJsp ,tuE;o aBpalnoul pnlce serpbcr ro sBq pernsul pesodord aq1 31 'luotljrulsut ,{luncas reqlo Jo 'peop lsn4 'lsnJl Jo peep opnpw fipqs 'urareq pesn uoq/r\ .,'e8e31rour,, uuel oqJ .l 't 'a sNorrv'tndtls oNv sNotltoNoc TITi,E INSURANCE COMPANY A COMMITMENT SCHEDULE A Our Order # V259958-2 For Information LOT ]-]- FOREST Alta Owner Polic Ub). UU 1oo. o0 ta Lender Poli 00.00 20.00 Tax ReporE 1. r-85 . 00 *** THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE, BUT AN ESTIMATE OF FEES. WHEN REFERRTNG TO THIS ORDER, P],EASE REFERENCE OUR ORDER NO. V259958-2 MAKE CHECKS PAYABI,E TO I,AND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY *** l-. Effeceive Date: ifanuarv t4, ]-998 at 5:00 P.M. 2. Policies to be issued, and proposed Insured: ff ALTA,I Owner, s policy LO-L] -92 $360, 000 .00 t CAGO LT CHI A Only GLEN Proposed Insured: TIMBER CREEK LOGS, LLC, A COLORADO LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY 3. A rlALTAtf Loan Policv IO-t7-92 9250, 000 . 00 Proposed fnsured: FIRSTBANK OF VAIL , and/or Assiqns The estaEe or interest in the land described or referred to in this Cornmitment and covered herein is: A Fee Simple TiLIe Eo the estate or interest covered herein is aE the effective date hereof vested in: TIMBERFALLS ASSOCIATES, A COI.,ORADO GENERAL PARTNERSHIP - Charges - PAGE ,D U-. CHICAGO TITI.,,E INSURANCE COMPANY ALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDUI.,,E A Our Order # V259958-2 5. The land ref erred Eo in thi-s Conrmitment is described as f o1l-ows : LOT 11, FINAL PLAT OF FOREST GLEN, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED AUGUST 19, 1992 IN BOOK 587 AT PAGE 376, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. PAGE 2 co ME 1 wiL: It.em (c) Payment of and assessed againsE payable. Item (d) Additional tt CHICAGO TITLE INST'RANCE ALTA COMM]T SCHEDULE B - SECTION (Recruirements )Our Order # V259958-2 The fo]lowing are t.he requirements to be complied wit.h: Item (a) PaymenL to or for the accounL of the grantors or mortgagors of the fuIl consideration for the esLate or interest |.n l- a 'i ncrrrorl Item (b) Proper j-nstrument(s) creat.ing Ehe estate or inLerest to be insured musE be execuEed and duly filed for record, to- o MPANY NT all gaxes, charges or assessments levied the subject premises which are due and requirements, if any disclosed below: EVTDENCE SATISFACTORY TO THE COMPANY THAT THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISTONS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. WARRANTY DEED FROM TIMBERFALLS ASSOCIATES, A COLORADO GENERAL PARTNERSHIP SUBJECT PROPERTY, NOTE: TRADE NAME AFFIDAVIT RECORDED August 13, 1992 IN BOOK 586 AT PAGE 873 DISCLOSES GEORGE HALLENBECK AND RAD FIVE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, A WYOMING LIMITED I]IABILITY COMPANY TO BE THE GENERAL PARTNERS OF T]MBBRFALLS ASSOCIATES, A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP. ONE OR MORE OF SAID PART}TERS MUST EXECUTE APPROPRIATE DOCUMENTS. NOTE: LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY WILL NEED TO BE IN RECEIPT OF THE FTLED ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION FOR RAD FIVE LTMITED i.,,IABILITY COMPANY, A WYOMING LIMITED LIABILTTY COMPANY IF SAID LIMITED LIABII-,,ITY COMPANY IS TO SIGN ON BE}ALF OF TIMBERFALLS ASSOCIATES, A COLORADO GENERAL PARTNERSHIP. DEED OF TRIST FROM TIMBER CREEK LOGS,_ LLC, .A, COLORADO LIMTTED LIABII-,ITY COMPANY TO THE PUBLIC TRUS?EE OF EAGLE COI]IfTY FOR THE USE OF FTRSTBANK @ NOTE ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION FILED Januarv 14, t998 WITH THE SECRET4BI oF STATE OF COLQB4Dq DrsclosE pON pELARTA, JAMES H. MAURER AND S.H. COLE dnsrzurcrro-Nl e, colonepo conponerror'l ro eE r-HE MANAGERTSI oF TTMBER CREEK LOGS, LLC, A LTMTTED LIABILITY COMPANY. NOTE: SAID DOCI'MENT IVIUST BE EXECIITED BY THE PRESIDENT, V]CE-PRESIDENT OB SgcRnTeRy oT' THe coRPoRATIoN. IF AN ASSISTANT VICE-PRESIDENT OR ASSISTANT SECRETARY EXECUTES SAID DOCUMENT, 4 CORPORATB RESOLUrION IVIIJST BE PROVIDED TO I.,,AND TITLE GIVING SAID ASSISTA}IT AUTHORIZATION. 1. OF PAGE a \-rt -L o PANY CAGO TITLB INSURANCE COM ALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B-SECTIONl (Recruirements) Our Order # v259958-2 NOTE: TTEMS 1-3 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS WILL BE DELETED UPON RECEIPT OF AN APPROVED SURVEY. UPON THE APPROVAIJ OF THE COMPANY AND THE RECEIPT OF A NOTARTZED FINAL IJIEN AFFIDAV]T, ITEM NO, 4 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS WILL BE AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: ITEM NO, 4 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS IS DELETED AS TO ANY LIENS OR FUTTIRE r,reNs RESUr-,trxc p-nola wonr oR MATERIAI runllrsHnn ar rgE BEagE€I 9E TIMBERFALLS ASSOCIATES, A COLORADO GENERAL PARTNERSHIP, CHICAGO TITLE TNSURANCE COMPANY SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY FOR ANY LIENS ARISING FROM WORK OR MATERIAL FIJRNISHED AT THE REQUEST OF TIMBER CREEK LOGS, LLC, A COLORADO L]MITED LIABTLITY COMPANY. NOTE: ITEM 5 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPT]ONS WTLL BE DELETED IF LAND TITLE RECORDS THE DOCIJMENTS REQUIRED iJNDER SCHEDULE B-1. NOTE: UPON PROOF OF PAYMENT OF ALL TAXES, ITEM 6 WILL BE AMENDED TO READ: TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS FOR THE YEAR 1997 AND SUBSEQUENT YEARS. ITEM 7 UNDER SCHEDULE B-2 WILL BE DELETED UPON PROOF THAT THE WATER AND SSWEN-CHARGES ARE PAIN UP TO OATS NOTE: Item # 2 of Schedule B-1 (of your previous commit.ment.) has been modified or deleted. NOTE: EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER L, 1997, CRS 30-10-405 REQUIRES T}IAT ALL DOCUMENTS RECEIVED FOR RECORDING OR FILING IN THE CLERK AND RECORDER'S OFF]CE SHALL CONTAIN A TOP MARGIN OF AT LEAST ONE INCH AND A LEFT, RIGHT AND BOTTOM MARGIN OF AT LEAST ONE-HALF OF AN INCH. THE CLERK AND RECORDER MAY REFUSE TO RECORD OR FILE ANY DOCI]MENT THAT DOES NOT CONFORM, EXCEPT THAT, THE REQUTREMENT FOR THE TOP MARGIN SHALL NOT APPLY TO DOCWEMTS USING FORMS ON WHICH SPACE IS PROVIDED FOR RECORDING OR FILING TNFORMATION AT THE TOP MARGTN OF THE DOCUMENT. NOTE: EFFECTTVE JAMJARY 1, 1993, CORPORATIONS THAT DO NOT MAINTAIN A PERMANENT PLACE OF BUSINESS IN COLORADO, AND NONRESIDENT INDIVIDUALS, ESTATES AND TRUSTS WTLL BE SUBJECT PAGE 4 CAGO TITLE INSURANCE COM ALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B-SECTIONl (Requirements) Our Order # v259958-2 TO A COLORADO WITHHOLDING TAX FROM THE SALES OF COLORADO REAL ESTATE rN EXcEss oF $l-00,000.00. THE wrrHHoLDrNG TAJ( WILL BE THE SMALLER OF TWO PERCENT OF THE SALES PR]CE OR THE NET PROCEEDS FROM THE SALES OF THE REAL ESTATE. THE TAX WIIJIJ BE WITHHELD BY THE TITI,E INSI]RANCE COMPANY OR ITS AGENT AND SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE, WHERE IT WILL BE CREDITED TO THE SEL,I-,ER'S INCOME TAX ACCOUNT AS AN ESTIMATED TAX PAYMEIilT. THE SEL,LER CAN CLAIM CREDIT FOR THE ESTIMATED PAYME}TT AGAINST THE INCOME TAX LIABILITY WHEN HE OR SHE FILES A COLORADO RETTIRN FOR THE YEAR OF THE SALE. o PANY a CHI PAGE 5 o ANY CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMP ALTA COMMITMEN SCHEDULE B-SECTION2 ( Exceptions )Our Order # V259958-2 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following matters unless the same are disposed of t.o the satisfaction of Lhe Company: 1. RighEs or claims of parties in possession not shown by the nrrhr'l i n rennrrfg . 2. Easements, or claims of easemenus, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary 1ines, shorLage J-n area, encroachments, and any facts which a correcL survey inspection of E.he premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right. to a lien, for services, labor or material heretofore or hereaft.er furnished, imposed by 1aw and not, shown by the public records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances. adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the publj-c records or aLLaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but. prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estat.e or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Corunitment.. 6. Taxes or special assessments which are not. shown as exisEing liens by the public records. '7. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. 8. In addition, Lhe owner's policy wiLl be subject to E.he mortgage, if any, noted under icem one of Section 1 of Schedule B hereof. 9. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN T'NITED STATES PATEI.IT RECORDED NOveMbET ]-7. T902, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 492. 1-0. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HlS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN I]NTTED STATES PATENT RECORDED NOvemIceT T7, 1902, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 492. PAGE v- CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY ALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B-SECTION2 (ExcepEions) Our Order # V259958-2 11 , EASEMENT AS GRANTED TO UPPER EAGI,E VALLEY SANITATION DISTRICT IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED ..TUNE 13 , T973 IN BOOK 229 AT PAGE 550 AND 551. ].2. RESERVATION OF A TEN PERCETTT NON-PARTICTPATTNG ROYALTY AS RESERVED IN DEED RECORDED NOVEMBER 2, 1962 IN BOOK ]-66 AT PAGE 407. ]-3. EASEMFNTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE FINAI, PLAT OF FOREST GLEN RECORDED AUGUST 1-9 , ]-992 IN BOOK 587 AT PAGE 376. ].4. EASEMENT 15 FEET IN WIDTH ALONG A PORTION OF THE SOUTHEASTERLY LOT LINE OF SIJBJECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT RECORDED AUGUST ].9, L992 IN BOOK 587 AT PAGE 376. ].5. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF DECIJARATION OF COVENA}]'TS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS AND EASEMENTS OF FOREST GI,EN RECORDED August, ]-9, 1,992 IN BOOK 587 AT PAGE 377 AND AMENDMENT RECORDED NOVEMBER ].8, T992 IN BOOK 594 AT PAGE 534. t-6. TERMS, CONDTTTONS AND PROVISTONS OF TRENCH, CONDUTT AND VAULT AGREEMENT RECORDED August L8, 1992 IN BOOK 587 AT PAGE 345. 1-7. UNDERGROTJND RIGHT OF WAY EASEME}TT AS GRAI{TED TO HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, rNC. rN TNSTRUMENT RECORDED AUGUST t-3, 1992 rN BOOK 586 AT PAGE 923. 18. AVALANCE RI'N-OUT AND BUILDING SET BACK AFFECTING SUBJECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF FOREST GLEN. PAGE 7 --I. ,' LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Reguired by Senate BiIl 9l--14 A) The subject real property may be located in a special taxing district. B) A Certificate of Taxes Due tisting each Eaxing jurisdicti.on may be obtained from the County Treasurer or the County Treasurer's authorized agent. C) The information regarding special disEricts and Ehe boundaries of such districts may be obtained from E.he Board of County Commissioners, t.he County Clerk and Recorder, or the County Assessor. Required by SenaEe Bill 92-143 A) A Certificate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdiction shall be obtained from the County Treasurer or the County Treasurer' s authorized aqent . I a I a FOUND 5/8'REBAR WPLAS. cAP PE & PLS 26626 (TYP.,, LOr PRIVATE ACCESS / EASEMENT AND ,/ , PtJBLtc unLtrY EASEMENT s.H. coLE 2897 Timber Creek Drive vAlL, coLoRADO 81657 (970',) 476-1426 LOr t, BIGHORN ESTATES PK & WASHER ,IN ASPHALT LOT 13 SCALE l": JO' F F P LOT IO t hereby certify thot this improratnenl locotion certilicote vos prqored for Donald O, Delorlo, Llndo C. Oelorio, ond S.H, Cole Construction Conpony, ond ' Lond Title @torontee Cornpany, thot lt is not o lond survcy plot or improte- mcnt suncy plot, ond thot It ls not to bc rcllcd upon fu the estoblishmant of fenca, bullding, or othar future lmprorcment llnes.| further certify thot the improvements on tha oborn described porcel on thls dotc ,lonuary 24 1998, cxccPt utllity cqnactiong ue antiraly vithln thc boundorlcs of thc porcd, cxcqt os drom, thot thara ore no arroochmqtte upon tha dcscribad prcmiscs by improwtnants on ory/ odlclnlng prcnlscs, cxccpt os lndicoted, ond thot there ls no opporcnt cvldcnca or sign of ony eosemcnt crosslng or burdenlng ony port of soid porcal, cxcqt os noted. th6 cttncob docs not constitutc o tltlc saordt by lnter-Uountaln Englncering to dctqminc omqEhip u cosctncnts of rocord' For oll infotmotion ragording cose- UNPLATTED o o mcnts. riohts-of-voy or tltla of Guorohtci Cotnpony VLTA Cornm'No. W5995E NO|ICE: According to Colotpdo lov 1ou must conmancc ony legol octlm based upd, dry dcfcct ln thls curvey vlthin three 1oorc ofter Sau flrct dlscovar anch dafacl ln no evtuut| moy ony octiot boscd uPon onf dcfect in thls survey be cornmcnced morc thqt tctt 1,cors frun the dotc of ccrtlflcotlon dtoun hsan.ADDRESS _ 44IO GLEN FALLS LANE -;7j .tY . c-) ?. 1 IMPROWMENT LOCANON CERNFICATE LOT / /, 17,109.5 SQUARE FEET 0.39J ACRES t+ +&' P.O. BOX 974 OO77 METCALF ROAD AVON, CdO. 81620 (970) 949-5072 sullE tol ,42O VANCE SlREET LAKE|1000, COI_o. 80215 (JOJ) 2J2-ots8 LOr tL FOREST GLEN, TOW|I OF VAIL, EA6LE COUNTY COLORADO scALE. l. - J0, sfEEr Na , ff |