HomeMy WebLinkAboutFOREST GLEN LOT 5 LEGAL.pdfFn4 THE gARDEN CENTER OF EAGIE.VAIL IgEf lAotfirwr tl fulelqt$ loadropkrg tnc. rtu$ffltfunr onC .\rdl, C.lrrJ. rl$l Gll, .r.e,tt?trrr Irnr 10,lS4 ocfid nreJn,dJr'ltlvtu/nn do}lCrat&RffuConnhrdo P.O. Bor l0t2 ld$o,Cdfrrdo gX43 Rq Slrrrudilc R*clunrtion * [nrdr 5.6Fond Olur, Dcu !rtr.fusnnu;hc: llmbgwl & lla*'iarc LflSqrtal, Ias, wX ilfrd by I,tc[E!! & RobGnr CorBrugrion (cmnl f.:oqlEt0t& oI fol tl to EGdlIlt boolllr wul m Lou4. l, & f, Fonu Glou. lldr nrort w.l $igi6f Un.ttttcq rDd ffifit tftrn los/, &r b {nrtrllds 6f uilllri* during Ttl Town d Vrll hu rgfllcrl*l r ruluuiu plEn br &r*,1 rn fa tb rrta irnnrJtrolc ru-roudlnl tr.ruffii Tbry bryc clnutcdibl rb o*nan of Lotr 4, S, & 6 rcrdcwihir plu, urt rljldol ir fotl /c,tffip r{It.t I lriptt.lglTy hr iht loUt oI Y_4tt to hlrlt a Cufllban toct9lnqlq Lit S,.tttl t Ulltlit-Puurtlor bt 6. tlglue revicw 'Jc cnitora fl*H.c$HltfrffiE9sffifih vun dnroro' d'wius esF'd orrc* r t' !.tt..Armarctu wlll htoictd ry rtl &rbr eoa boul&r h,o*. rat phot orplrl ro be inslfld.lr.lut TtxtFewr IDr ga$ drlchrrp rmuncd" Plus orll wlth rny qur6iom. $lmclsly, tricbrdl{, hcmrtt.Jr. tanficAcArrbttrl r_F41r RtvrEwf,D rf,s nEctatrfiaTloil p[,aH ron u][! 4, !, I 6 FOnn0T GLEI{. t 10 - lign Review Action tln TOWN OF VAIL fZ , !, catesory Number -/ Dat k f 1/ cl{ /1 /eroieanane: ft \\ta tu4( lr rf Building Name: Owner, Address and Phone: -^Jlt A e+ h r,t J As r... t.o a fo.' ,,1 | ' Architecvcontact,AddressandPhone: ft ., l' "t d /Yr o // r-, .n (1'r'(',('1 (ar (a SlbiV -/'- 4L / /./ Legal Descripti on:Lot { Block - Subdivision f7y -. f' Ii /'c.'( zone District 5 ,!',i Project Street Address: ,l ,r/ J lru /vL{((7 3t /t,tl;trJ Board / Staff Action Motion by:Vote: Seconded by: t] Approval a Disapproval p#frApproval Gun,on* Town Planner 2//Da16, t, i ,r / ry DRB Fee pre-oaid t/r<- I o*ign Review Action FOn TOWN OF VAIL Category Number Date Proiect Name: I Building Name: ., i , , Project Description Owner. Address and Phone. Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: i Legal Description: Lot -. Block_ Subdivision_Zone District Project Skeet Address: Comments: Board / Staff Action Motion by:Vote: Seconded by: D Approval ! Disapproval 'fl StattApproval Conditions: , r.f' Town Date: l t l/ l/DRB Fee Pre-paid oaign Review Action FOn TOWN OF VAIL Category Number Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: Owner. Address and Phone;ll(ft ,'6r, /'- ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: ;' .,' Legal Description: Lot 1) Block *- Subdivisioni :.://i'i'I r, Zone District /,,'4-) ?./- Proiect Street Ao1r""r' i' i t'l ' -. '--' i.''! u '' t.[ Comments: Board / Staff Action Motion by:Vote: Seconded by: ! Approval ! DigapProval -d'Staft epproval Conditions: To*n Pl"nn", "l Fri+= leh Picrcc Elr it1+r 3€ U F)ltzlenPlerceBrlner AqCHI-t:iUf,t tLANt,\G lNTEltOii 11 iNG INIERIOi zg 3 47 e.4aa L 1r-3-93 Shel ly }lello Aldy Knudcsen Mike Mollica Towrr of Vall Cornmunlty Development Vall, Colorado 8t-658 Dear Mike, ' \r.t{ -'1 W '.a) ' \v I arn in hopcs that you are abLe to resoLve an isgue re-garding the Aseerunacher resJ-dence, as the planners in-volved wlth thls project are away. I would not bother you except that the contractor is unable to continue hls proJect, at, this qritlcal tlne of year untj-l this Issue is resolved. The framing lnspectlon was noL approved due to a framlng condition t.hat exigts ln an attic spdce, AE I knew that the area could not be used as GRFA, we prudently and purposefully fr:amecl rhis area in such a way that the framing may not be aftered withour comprom.lsl.ng the structure " ,I,he f Ioor f ranir.rg as shown in the attached drawing (sectlon 1/S4 of the structural drawlngs) may not be renoved because it is platform-frarned and if either ]evel is renoved cr the framlng ls cut, the roof area above the attic wiLl ulti- na+.ely fall. Also, at three times greater expense than lett,lng the roof frarning be sirnply supported, rhe con-tractor wao reguired to consLruct trusses ln thts loca-tlon so that the area would not be able to be re*structured easily to al"low any additional GRFA. P1ease see alsc the at.tached letter fron the strucLural englneer regarding this natter. I am in hopes that t.his can be resolved guickly, Silease contact me as soon as posalbLe. PO5T .iFflcE EOX 57 1000 r-lOf'JsRiDGt I.OOP VAIL CoIORADC e1658 30; 416 6342 tA.)r 303 476 49Ol .t{! rrrlL0 6( :!. rn!a,o' 4r<t a i{r P. E2 McCrerey Page 1 attlc. doc 0 3-Nov- 93 Fr i t= l+n PiFrc.| Br i n.!r NIC'rr{sL'LTAr{ t s, r Hi:,. 3S34?6{99I P. E3 KRM LItr]NSU L-TAr\,TS, I t{ri. str t.re"tu ner i errgineening ancJ design Novernber "1, 1993 lvtc()rerey'Roberts Conslruction P,O. Box 108? Frisco, Colorado 804a3 Attn: Mark NlcCrerey lle: Assenmac.her Rcsidencre Iob No. 9:102-o1 I'his is to ccuJfifnl olu conversation regarding $re'ceiling framing ovet the storage are{ to the east ol'the ntaster bedrcom at lhe abOve ret'erenced project. As jndicated in section t/,!4 of the struaturdl drarvicgs, this frarning is a necessary cornporrent ot' the lateral bracing syslenr for rhe pJafornr.framed walls and should not bp rpftove(l. PJease do no! hesitdte to conlact us if you have any further clu*stions. SinsqlElt, KRIr{ Consuitants, Inc, Struc{ural F.ngineerlng and Design r' i F 'rr&J--"--V*;4iu"fn F. I Kinrberty R. Mc"Ohee, P.E, F.O. ErJx .l=7P - VE , c:c) Etle55A. (3Cr3) 949-=1391 . FAi( 949-1F77 hr a t?,.t+t-l P i ?r c.(! 1 "l I a t {. \t \.J il..t,z"€,FlFtr 'lF.iVgFTEfr .:. ( 6) . Lz:d, ..aiAirs- '-t A ta ATrre ** ti t"r: r € ;,qr.s:,.FA.nre 6Fe, (5fHFr?'N "tl - . . -'-!-:!. !. !.1!!--irjj-:ji.::=:IfEl-=191 I ;a +/pl - ,1 q.$ | qr q.rL'"t "q t'Y -.. roi sr\ :s v rttt s lfi s\ r+o) Fl .,g$ 'ge \k-s, e F L. 0r $ _t Jl:i x fi tll $i $F $ *$7.F z-dx $$ 2 T IL \ \_ isl l.')j $\-trfi }3, I r-l lal ,J3 T- i i I .t,s^. Tr-"1 I l>l ln ki$l isl''l HFI TN FI i$ $ I ii!) ,a= \L/ *'-l lSl (9); {-i '..\'q/ -.\ -.---|--,--+. 34?6499I o 3E + Br i rrer c | 'lF v \ Y ! Pi J- ) 0 v. "{ (l i ? z I rh Fr o \.1h1 trr :uii \l \l d fl.l <t rl ut rl $$q Ia- l tsi Lll I -. It:i S/r- ll F-." lt \r$s. ql NS @ $t \t- F]st 9J Ii t\ L! \J NI oll _\trl t {l $l 61i d I I il ti It tl it I ll tl - tl -ll -ill I I 1 - .1 I I I i : =i .6.*t61 [3/ **s ,oF t t BtH g l€t tnt'i + ,*o, I I { I T::- ' 'r_n' rt$ -.g 'sn Ei! *"i5$ rI. Sl.-': r'r I $Hiil -\-- N . --.--r! . --- -\- . . ' dr- l\; i ;{ ^.s'\l -: sl \l ? ri i l.' i ';; 'i.i ;.r o o z a {7 c o =o z T m 7 3 { II -- -.t m lq l-o l-r, -. |l tt <x f !x t m: 6 6a5 iX'+ -;o '_:..t ; o ^JmO <+I -m=<2,TT o< de ;!g -ut o >t 16 -T! 1)m ! i mqt ra- n= l- ft I _T1 -O Or- z= -tln z2 =!,z F F TN 2t1 4-r >;an x3 z\ 3i o1 Y> v!Z(- --.1 c 3= 1z a (.)v oI z.i 3: -{o o>nr 9n nz )tsm --t >or- I =m =z m z m z E a) td a= o>'r n m o - z o 'l- DI F Fll F r F 3 "r1 f- t-Y 6l I l*tl lTl I ol E'e F'i f)l tl trl rt II |l i m t- m I ) E lz lo ll t> l.l!m lo I'lz ; I z P t- { =z t- m z o I l-{to t{ l6 t< l= |m d :z : t- m o z o -t m t- m li to t€ lz lo ll t>l- IF lz = i - = 'n I = F z :< FI oB =D *lF E lm Y I II I I az -lY m ol ()l rl ,-r Ed \J F< uv .m ;<(J)l { @ m x m n .-l z (- I -l m r-: : Flt o -x;H 3 d €tra; d 6'i P *<_;-l i=<i i co!.E R 3;]B€ F61o - ESi"ss ,o P =5:rlx i o-o o-g:I= ^. i -(D J i6o -6'lag4€ sAiS afF:E *lN lEgii iNrliEl x.il gldfi= ="+\ lH5*a it', a6:3 i 3 X{N\ F 3 iE: ;I\ IRd*? il\^:3q€al e u e P =ml ,;orXo nl I o --- I @ _-t z =z r- -o m u =a z m m m z l= It 1;- I I l- I IT l6 l:0 T- T- I I I i T- i 2 @ tc ! It -.t -o n -l x z B c TO qt ol! =!z zA z = t- z>oo 'o IO I<r.l.t < >o fr -.1 @o z c 4 2 =X X -.1 n -t 2 ,_.r= z to --l t c o b ]r c -.t o z {H rlJ C) -oO ZO oo -<2 aq o z -I n< q z N m z m m o : z { x l- l- E z H P - E I u) o z z F (D c F 2 z m U) 2 z =z 6 -.t --t -t fi Z't=4 o lrn +tts 9t>>'z -tz I I I I Its !o rl t\) !ls nilu) I I I I I |_ m 3 ='rl m m (n -t :) U'm -t x r_m z ! m o a i m I z m lh { m m i z 'Tl m m m I z |- c = 2 m l-m o i 6 z o m x c . m = m = =-n m m a VALUATION m n =z o =ln I z o f- r_c 3 2 m f-m --l t- (D g l- = N s's. /.1(P.bs ilP/azo TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRU PERMIT APPLICATION DATE: PERI'IIT iI , APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED I***.*************************?t:t PERI{IT INFORMATfON *****************************n .r 5,n/. ,.- <--.-'t- o CTION FORM .l Job Name: Address: cription: tVT'-ttew t l-AlterKtion [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units, I Nurnber of Accomnodation Units:. A- iurr-,oruc, $ nLECTRTcAL:$ J'1'1.4,"rc) MECHANICAL: $ **********!t*r't.***** CONTRACTOR ^ INFORMATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * i * * * * _ontractor (Ja tpp,;i"nU--12,iry'5' rown or vait neq. no.4O'7-3 tJ'.p, /.lB prtone lr"ru.ir *SZ_qWT_ Reg. NO.Town of VaiI Phone Number: Town of VaiI Phone Number: Town of Vail Pbone Number: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. oFFICE USE ******************************* BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANTCAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: - RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: '{kl Architect: General Des Work Class: PLUMBfNG: $ l.* **** * *** ******* *****.,a I teneral Contractor: /. Address: Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** FOR BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBTNG PERMIT FEE: MECHANTCAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: (/658& Electrical Contractor: .-'Address: T ./t .-- VALUATION CLEAN UP DTP,OSIT R.EFUND TO: o o z a {n o =o z !rrl n ={ -n! z=i'i rn 2z z --- { G' m Iq !-o ir.: o >lt :6 X.+:g Po i'n O FI <E o< :]o (J<AE 6o >t :E ::J 1l m fi i Frnn ii=lg r- l=[]t ]t l 8= ='d .!!.> 9; zi T< 1Z oc) 8? =;;: -tc)o> aa -im uz >m -t> T =m --{ €z m (- z =m F o o o p) o rl E o o le p F or-mm at)o>'t- tr IF t-lz l" Ir tl tl -t = I m -m ld l€F o l:t> [-II I = ! n { I I ts FC 5 E lz l - lm a z l:u)\o I E 'n :, P t-: 6- rd Q" -{o {z o r I m 9) z o = o €z _n a- m z I = II l> lF lm lo z I = -r .D I t- f,t m oEE =Pt=Fl-Pl>lY lo Hl3 l(/) lp ttg | 101 l{o lo ll"-otl rtl tl Ir o o -l z ! m :(, z m m o m 1z ;T T -{; = zz I o 'n ?i >l EI m1 2 m € i!X 2 0 _= z : ! ! BO NJ F Om ^oz X 2 :'i m EF i o H.- > n a,; = a O,R X Y FXaG 9f o 6 4 Ho s E b iz a - -'l F.o o o .-tn z 2 € x =;:3 d ;- ogd ;3699 Eo^!^.E X uX ddir)i <-;"J Ee€fi?co!iF **1*s Hb Ao -lnrX d;=O-=lrq) =o=- <dqisi oii 5 0R =.i f ot :: =o63 5,5 p. = 6' O-*Oiqt E *9 0,9 I i *q:* N.3dd:q N'+3;3i .l -rv'5i= ,\ff qeil ,\fi qe+i \i'3;1;:\-eigQl :\gIr'fi=i I R5 0,6 n I m a-_n fi<o-f e143e^3:B=? F8 i &i +3u a 5 0-'1R6 9*ai€9 u 99 =. VALUATION 9l?r F,F 2 t=t e6 o |;' 7,F I l 9l <i!-r 3l:l ele c l. rli:t- | a, | !-t to.o l*' >'E e l:r lg z l;,ot I -{l 'i?I tsr t's'rl l\o i -tu er t:ll ;l -r r ll I (t,plP 0z -{Y m -l m Br $l Y 't, o |{'' 'rl "l < 'l- o b 'T1 \on m ft =-1 -1 O m x m -l z rn U, =m B cv \ s=q ,q) +r'J ,: rtrf:ChueK oe D At / -r I'p / On rp / r"-f- )45 ly/U0 0L)lI t--\,tYv \-\-- , ilJ An'/-tfie f-QE /'trT Fe-"5 ht,LL -B e- TOUIN 7:55 No .00l P,0? I t-Bulrdlns ; ;-nrunllnE [ ]-Eleotrloat fi -HechanLcal I l-Othrr ,rob f,rn r /"t* ownrrr Nama;, /4,<s. . ", ro.,tp<- . .lddraes: ( ,* /u. /Lur., fir.toeo(n*r--nr=*, rrch rt cct r,""t.'a. ft ' ^no/B"'' l:rddr.! r 3 W, rrh. 2, ]- i s / 2 IIA''--2t-99 FRI A!ZA BAILEY PLUI,IBTHG, lHC ? t 9395 864 2 n/i o OF VIT T Ownrrr Nano: ztlr tngat bocorlptlonr l-tl ocncrrl Dcaerlptlonr A/t r- .//n*t Uz_=a. n^,d " " Q,,-^,r, Work e1aF53 fi -Nrw I l-Atteritlon ( t *Additlonel [ ]-Fopalr I J _gther._ llunber ol Dwolllng Vr\lt.t 2-Nunbaf of Accoramodatlon Unitel ^ tlpnbsr and TtTla nf F.trqplacer I Crr lppllencee_fll Cae Logl-_! wood./psltrt =-v {****r*rrrrtr'r'*'r***ria*rr*i**ll vALUAtTONg *r*rr.***.**.a******ta**.rar*r*** BUILDINC! | rt-Ec'Fnr6rr.. i ^OTHEn r I lvt' LI ? Adtlfegg: atr- Rr*- ,ffi.3 Phone Nunrbcr r z4Z - i iTo z <e Job tddr.ss! +atr€' Q^* zs 4l< Block_ FlrlnE .JIE|L lddraes : (/,+'*. /L,. Torrn ot vall Rcg. Nb. PhonB Nunbcr I lown of Vall Phon. Nubberl Town of Vcll Phons Nunber s Rca. NO. Eleotrlcnl contractort lddrcrs I Pluhblng Contractor r Aaldtee6 r uechulcal Addre6d! * * *, " r r. 7i frl / ** * * r *. * * * * * * * ***FOR OFIfCE UgB ***rr****ll*,1**rtrr.*rrraa *tr*r BUIIDINO PERHIT IEE!IUII,DTT{G PI.AN CIIECK rES'PI,UMBII{O PIFilTT PEEI lEclfANrcAr trimrri-iisr TlO=-EI.ECIRIC.AL, FEE: oIHER lyPE Ot FEEI DRB FEEI goNlrc: 8ICltA'Irt R8!ohl|.nBr t ' "f - r'-'-;-i iill ttll Lii ,iil iil;;itl ilil ili ili::ilil ilil ltl'lll',iii,lril iii'lii i1i jii ill lrl 'i: l,:.-.-i.l lrj ii iri li I t:lr-li 'fii iii ..^irLr t,,/'' I i--;.: L,,iiiilili llil:rii ill;il iiijiili $lll lv';iili liiiilll lisslsee*u: I . $s5$$.gfi i , i 5i5 gcs-s-s i i r i .i, sLr.!_i F tsb|s.t i I _a;+i;f 5,8$gi.q, i I $., ;t:s;i;..$:,,1 t i ;n " i' .' ,,i Iir fll i=i,'r,li. iri$\: d h:,;llig-i {vr i -":r, ;..! :1E 5 \r I ' ggfFE:'n* N : ,' ".1 ""1.= lYF. : I : ,- 'i -- ' ':':-"rf ii . l.' I r'r'ii'l^'l :ili,i iirir'li i;iriiril it;,llili :ili'lir,i) i i , i ' l1o ',G'('t f q, f iilvil'-{ro! At,l" 'ri, !.1,=t- "Q it1 rN \l N q) {$) :rN, Ul \i i -i;l;: . i l : I I : I IL' l 1 ' : i- ! : I i I A3 i I I I z , :-=j .tV ' ror .\i t.h'l \LI rN -,ra I aK' r\ i' 2)i ->. -// | t/ ',/r I .1 il 'i I t I ill I iii lil ii ti ll IrD '*i ''1 'l:1 i-rl 13,/-'?.r,ri: '*,N,;t; ci --:(gi O- ) il l-r t,-ll E (|l,...1, F clt :i i..oi i tl tt: i a, 'l \J/- \il I :;s/,i;ol oi F;i i\ r i i'f tli rl ii 5H r gun-ld t I hV i. \ U \' I I 'l : I I I I I I i I I l ...1-. I lr ,lrP '4i {ff, ;l vooh oJr.L,"i r. r,tAY-21-93 FR I "lpganagas"224E Flq. I Irydar Conncctlona KV = Healin! Supply SV - Presrure Rellef Valve E :5? DA I LE-/ PLUI,IE I HG, I HC.? l959gBg42 P. g6 Pl?6curg Rcllol 1r/l' Flg. 2 I th' I ta'SR KF EL thlply I l/? Cold Foed .nd Erpinslon 1 l/f Otela ll2 Rrlurn I lE Fls 3 - Fced wator 1tA' - Heating Heturn 1rh' = Draln th' /) llodol / 81!r t,4Z Bollar Vl/alsr COntgnl U8 Grl. D.y lVtleht tbr. OaE Inlet Conn6ctlon ln, How Rasldsnca rt 20rFd1 |nr{! 17 21 27 31 35 45 >{€6 64 3 1 4 5 6 6 7 I 247 300 300 381 381 452 536 639 V1 Yt lt lt Yt Y. ls Vt 1V. lth 1W lVt 4.3 0.2 10.r1 12.O 16.1 22.O 25.3 28.9 32.1 41.1 54,2 60.2 73 92 110 r28 I 11 13 14 725 877 1038 ll11 o t o a o a ta $i ^$r )3 I F t o a ! E ri Fis. { Relinet and Dlnrncbor Mod€l/ glzs 224 2 ovolall hel!ht HA In. Ovrrrll dcFth E In, Jeckel widlh I ln. Jackot h0l9ht HK an- Flu. c.nt|r ln. Flu. dlam Dr ln, G.l. h.lghr }|(I in. 17 21 27 3l 36 _46 >*: 3E ?! 38tb 38 6a 38% 38 5/b 38 o1b 3E 5/D 41 28Yc 2&t 2&tt 27aAq 276A0 28\1r 28tt 2g\\ 16 t5 t5 18h 18\h 22 251h 27 31 'a 38Vra 45lt 48rYr6 37.Aa 37a/n 37Vo 37ahe 37aAo 9lt/s 375/B 39E4 24tha ?3trAa 20t %r 237h 231h 211h 24Vz 251/n 5 5 5 6 I 7 7 8 l tf r%r 14tt,/rt 1411/rc 111l/tc l41tA. 1411/tz 141tht 141tht 7S 92 116 128 41 41 41 4'l 2S1h 30'i! 31'i! 32,h 395/r 3FA 39cA 395 25t/rc 25th 26thc 2Wrc 8 0 t0 12 23!n 2Urc 2!/rc 2!/rc Iod.l / at r ll{ I Input Ftlhg Blu/h 17 21 27 3l 35 45 X: 71900 E7 900 112 900 126 700 144900 r88 700 228400 268 400 73 s2 116 126 30r 200 37E 300 176 000 524 000 Buderus Hydronlc Systeme 52 Warhingrton St, p.O. Box 12 79, Auburn, NylgOA Phone: @Iq 252-gT2O, Fax tglil is2,{iitz Sublccl lo !116r.0o.ts qtttrout prlor nouca. llod.l / Sl!. 22a E Ov!rqll holghl t{A la. Ovor.ll d.pth E lll. Jrok6t wldth B tn" J.ck9l h6tghl HK ln- Flug centar A h. Flu. dlam. Dr In, O.l. h€lghl HG ||!. 17 21 27 31 36 -45 X: 38 6/0 38 vs 38% 386 38% 38% 38% 41 ZWt 2ffi 209t 27$z 27%c 28Vt 28Vz 29Vz t5 t5 15 18h 1BUz 22 26th 27 37V a 376Aa 37Vr.q 376hc 376ha 37Vro 37s1a 396/b 241/tc 23ttAc 23ttA6 237h 23rh 24th 24w 25rAc 5 5 5 6 6 f 7 I 14rt/t I 4t r4! 1411ht 14rt/n 14t tAc 14tt/rc 74t t/tc 14ttho 73 92 116 128 41 4'l 41 41 29th 30h 31'/! 32l.l: 31ra 38s/rc 45Vt 48rVr r 39618 39c4 39% 396 25tAa 251h. 28tAo 2@Ac I I r0 12 2U/rc 2UAo 23r./B 2!/n l'1,;il I , F-. I i 1 | | ",1 J { i I I I j Rrtlng. .nd Dlnonrlont i;, il lolll i'l !t tti It Model/ Stza t2a E gol||r Wrler Conlant Ug Osl. Dry lvstght lbr, Grt Inlgt Connccllon tn. Flow Rsrlthnc! rl 2Of .rl 1 h wg. 17 21 27 31 35 45 >{85 64 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 E 247 309 309 381 381 452 5S6 639 lt It Yt It Yt Vt Vt It 4.3 6.2 10..1 12.O 16.1 22.O 25.9 28.9 73 g2 118 128 I 1t 13 14 725 871 10s8 1111 1Vt 1Vt lVt 32.1 44.1 54.2 60.2 q nH E o ct fr f i I t T t E Buderus Hydronlc Systcms !J Wacllnqr,on St, p.O.Box l|tg,Auburn, Ny130A Phone: (91s, 2s2-9723, Fax: tgnii {si-i;n Subjoct lo att€rallong wlthout pdor not{cs. Io('.l / 3lr. 221E Input Rrllng slu/h 17 21 27 31 35 <,tt-><<ob ' -Bl 71 900 87 900 112900 128 700 144 900 186 700 228400 266{00 78 s2 110 129 301 200 376 300 476 000 524000 rltdenPterceBdner O ARCHITECTURT PIANNING INTER,IORS i I I -..-//7 t l/E'/ltrJ 8ic'|) AU{] 9 -l Ov, Oco pr: i P,r:v tet oNE:z Te' fta';-^-tm'|Ki*EE tr-E4rc"tE /-crr 5 Frrer 6t-*=-t'-t I 1t r ) ) ^ , ft-fut = l-tatetee 7?ry f-1:'t91,l,'- FE-'trc;Drtte 77 7Ht=. t4fraue trEFE<El4a2 f€aJec-r: , E*ft=-g1oK Gtae.a * eeE ,4=7-trft/e-Q ffiv/EE'z (S/xft=) lil "ftl-:'or m.nrFtat+ '- Ttf coteqcf)^rce> r+1ee 44,b ,,t1tr-Tn- y,toro*1r.- ee/t++ furts'= FrtTM 71|"14 'l ottt l' Lm, 7 E o7t )Cza r?ttp N,nT) Frtl- f-t r'tt'<'H'l:''f)aF Irl t ' ' n Fr=v/€7=_o (_iNe€,ffi ft-,+"1..- Dr-,r,r--.-=7,td,t /) t,fAezr-^m.-/ u=o ra 4r7zf= r=*<qz, /N TrIF' '1()r-6 (tor./ ,qzr,ectt7p) NoPft-+ or TlE /htt'*,-Ttif,7or?t:' I 4tt'ti 'd'" ilfr tn'{\e r) lZ-2. f=t+ t. t-t= >'70 Lerne Tt-n=- / 1 7 L/(:rt TL') t2 F' CF Lfi€62 e -ffat{E TFeZF- e t rtlE Vlop:tH fTFrtarl a: 17th-. <)firZt r\t-,4JY Kaze * TH-EE:I= nFF- '& $'pz<rr *lYttt-.- Vr.€,V {t-ryE '/D fUE Naeni o/pE cF 7-ffF |JA6,J-: -f*Jfif ' /^lt=. efao/F/-;zT- Ffernt#2/6sl 7C 14Vy76r96, Tlt= f-.UEv"tTlON oFTffE E'/1e cF nJt=-n= '7/-s:s1:-: /'z] a>1tf,-2.'tfA t^fr/nL 4-V fi6Au= Ftnt t*t+ 4F@E hlthc:tf l,t tt,u- l?f-<, , t 'l' /N 7HF F- Lr L'T-t tt t aqE ,ffi|v1 l# 4r/ 12 f.yT:vr-Ffl fpafet<- 6;F"+-,a/r-tL. h,le- fPa?c* /t't+raz-c/n7a'</ aT-- 'Z pe=ut SPFurte TpEE<- fi1-- t//'l/2H 6Et1eF- 4n r ilrJlr-trht.tr I |Fr t/ nz.VFtn 7fl7s1z rli=D ?/TE FL*"-t (3/6 /q 3)) t^'$; r') ./-)ffitr- frr=go I I - NILC ffig1t2F &ccre-zsftrnfL&= rtvap mF.E7- r/OU t)l'..(ty.r', {,A*pAw/^J/, .+fi.t\t6tvo ufaN FEQ tr';l , posToFFtcEBoxST 1000LloNsRlDGEL00P vAlLc0t0RAD061658 303 4766342 FAX3o3 4764901 Fritzlcri Piercc Br iner 3Og4?64991 QrfOfunPlercenrrnerO A RCH If EC TUR,E PL |/N ING t Nr€qIOR3 P. BT I I o,6*fecLEV {Het<t woN'fi121* ffegc* oarx,fl/74/f =Fl*Tl rlto}tD i pAcElorfracus pE,fiffiNmn+lae-- /-dr 5 frFa*rA/E^-/. {*EL(E-/l ./Arrnct+eC, /* A LEnEg ffim'4 c-uTfrfu\rE ffiEbTEv' (9/6/q=) ,4 TreE peuntr*L e MEI-I ll Ae+ete. F_,86 / PE/J1E, f,a+*n>.aN A-tA &7'L{176r*#ra.7 O^t ftfi* /Y)aPNfi,t{"' (+*.o fu,* /att H6 t/or g(uEreL,LH) y,,?:" ronn pFaq f' /^il(t-,w- rvE. A^EE -1-r\ r) .- ^ t -.-'("1J^1:Eift-,,,7:?Y,ry Wry)att*_.aFTtE s TW dlo e-rH aF ftE *fnttxg;,/L/- *L/B/>l/-f ,4 N#o ) t=.antctscffiE Fcnrl /NrrHurt * tuEE* frF-Ca")a1s:u?.--+r1oN 'tr ryE aN lo /A/f= --l , ,4 ffiurflaw ,Et,t posT ofFtcE Box 57 t000 Ltor,tSRtDcE lotr vAtL coLoRADO 61650 r*!||r:,3tttihF 30U 476 63rtz FAx ro! 476 49ol Fr I itz feil P ierce Er iner EE34-?64991 P.g2 Speclallzlng ln trce *rulcq ,nd Fon?try Consultlng ' Septcaober B, lgSa Thank you fcr oontaoblng A Cut Above Forestry tO addtaEs your trec caro noqdr. I an gcrry ro hear thar rh6 Crphfiioturif-ieiriei -'-' 9goT* ie unlrappy wlth rhe pruned ioaeeporU-ti;;-i;;;;";;';h;livlrrg rqcm wlndo.,r. Stnae t,hsre arE f;H uilidiriii restrictlons to prurrln6.qtlgs r F0rsond,l rE$rE and objeotin;;-ir; itri aoni,iiiii pruntns guldaltnes. unfortunaiaty, tanie ii nettilr'unrv6liit-.on gl.BdlotablF, tlh€n.loolrln{ a! prunrng fron an arborroulturrl, viewpoint gone Itnorledda of the spesies n"ioiiit-nireraetellst j,os is' herpf uI.Lodgepole pine trees ryptaatty dnov fn d;;;;-;;;r;;. rhc !oltago lgqdq_dlrect srrnttnhr to rhri.vel .q ivniiEi-l;;;;;;i" pino ha€20x-50x of the bole.supporrinB rtve bi-snsh;.,-;F;";[i"o* dto-baoh from lack of sunl!ghr. srnrrp-thrs spaoia of-tiii ls-oomno,rly found with a 2ilfl*ltftfi or6rJh !{tion ( ft of tree trunk-ruppurting livs. hrannhes ) a ^dhrlron rur,e cf thurub i; i;; i"i"l"it,- Ieeet r,/s of the bole with gfr.esn branohee, rh; ioaiipJii-;t;; i; qussrron has a crot.rn ralio of, approxinEtety 40t*4SX: 'AlglheT bonof,it to prunlng thts narticular lodgepotE ts to ,gltigirts foliar Etgns of ioot oa-naic cauEed by oonetruotion.6lvsn the-tres'c olqaa. pnoiiniiif--[E tne house (eouc of the bra'qhcs ''$ru rtsruo-rcd.becquse. thry were hittrns th' houioi root daruaga likcly ooqurred thtoush exoavation a,ld iof.i-oonpactton ceuued by foot trafflc {gring constructionl'-l[Fiiaiiy, tr"us neat the sonsbrucrion aone wlli r,6ra ;;;di;;-;ri,i uilfr;rrii-[; i;i;; t#'foltage inro b*Iance with tne reduoiA-lold"svlil;;-- Please focl free to contaet na wlth eny qunntlons. Porl Oftlce Box 7133 , c0801t1 (000)1$.9151 '. A Cut Abous Fonsfry Mo dteray & Roberts l{arjr Hc Crorey P.0. 1082 ,, Frf.sr;'o, f,g 80443 ..:.,.: D€ar Marhr Con s t ruat lon iok Ke-rwehe Forester :'""'-lritrrrr'qFlFFF.rf.TlrrF 7.!jr!rr sT:!yi., :r.,2i,.49, tt Profect. Appllcatlon ! ".f_?,rr!ir.t!r-T!l'y ) .tr!'':!-.r.'F'. t Proiect Name: Ploiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Architecl. Address and Phone: Legal Descriptio nrro,5- to"r , r""" --rlD Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL o f:,Xffi,:/f/:" NAME OF PRO.JECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT NONE St=t, nfeAe, Ffort<,ffi , o 1, Botanical Nane pat-ULu+ 73Err7ALo/De+(A vl-/ Common Name Ouantitv Size* Az-eE^J W ZLZ/'-=tt F/<JE a, PL/^l64te 6LAUaA 42%re q9_Lt_ /-/o', @ / rd-/z' EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED ft, tvot -xt-g1a $ c 4_ucE *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliper for deciduous trees is 2 inches. rndicate nffis trees. Mininum heiqht for coniferous trees is 6 feet. FEv tbloxl af- REV!3/AN5 AF s /a/# b/+/ q z LIST OF MATERIALS GiNe BLOCK suBD rvr s r o y1 fuar A.E/,) STRNET ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The following information i-s required for submittal to the Design Review Board before a finaL approval can be given: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors . Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Encl" osures Greenhouses ' Other B. LANDSCAPING: Name PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES TYPE OF MATERIAL 'k*rzrc\ fi7rrp^t+*n, €-rL/41,A */.A#a€p X-23(|,1apay1 -r4 +to* €tqae eztEH Cof2FEte- A*ffzt4fL 2? UNDEE ATAI|Z COLOR of Designer: Phone: I lNiloArlfa PLANr MArERl. t PROPOSED SHRUBS E*isi1Pft{ffifiR1'Bi s€'HsM€{*s}' *fndicate size 5 qallon. Botani.cal Name 5,4L-tl te€c,pafA nr77ELtN4rel< ALJuIFALIA Ouantity Size* tt -% 3 -44L +& &k.'- 3@ . leNu+ CEt4l1F4,. <4oeA"PErJe fure{rluu4 Rtn-tz^gA n4EE 6L-4F,4zsrn '# 5V/FEA 7t4.tc4oc,*<-f+ @lHE-ffitJoot FotP*tliLLe Eootsy ry>rN.' t+1,fta,F 5a,+u Minimum size of shrubs is of proposed shrubs. Type Ae-4r4 =?ta,E* l/1 lL/ Sguare Footaqe GROUND COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION Paf- c-te TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior J.ight,ing is proposed, please show the number of fixtures and locations on a separale lighting p1an. Identify each fixture from the lighting plan on the list below and provide the wattage, height above grade and type of light proposed OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wal1s, fences, swimming pooIs, etc.) Pl-ease specify. Indicate heights of retainlng walls. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is 3 feet. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. n Comi. -r ltJ lLl-O t t-t -"ir-*--I r2ar/&0 glbll:. PROJECT: \or'5 BLocK suBDrvrsrox Fa*-Gerl The following information is Review Board before a final A. BUILDING MATERTALS: Roof, -. Siding , 'Other Wall Material.s <':rL/C1,a * !-4HA(r"^^ x-Zi(Ltaaa. 2 €n.e &(-q4Al aof/"Er:'- A/yf1/4L UMAEfe eTA//<, NO/'lE taNo ro rrr r i rorl approval TYPE OF for submittal can be given: MATERIAL to the Design COLOR Faqni r - Soffit s . Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rail-s FIues FIash j-ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Il, {*:. Other ,,-i ritrl:+: j:,,r, . .. -,ii:',.-,,r. ... B. LANDSCAP]NG: r.',ir:r..ii,r: PLANT }4ATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Name 9f Des j-gner: Dlrn-^ ' Botanical Name Pt/ULu+T@fnuLotae+, t t-oF!+ F/1E^, Pu^!GE4t1 - dLAuCA II Common Name Ouantitv S i ze't Ae?E,\J 3o ZU'-ZU Lbfe cpnrz;, Z Z!1?LaEffio x /a h- /o'* / trl-/zl EXISTING TREES TO ;' BE REMoVED K a ry*ucz aliper rif,or deciduous trees .Indicate Minimurn caliper for height for coniferous f l_ b-ra4h4-e*, WVLblDrJ a k" /ts <'1--r^w. Phone: ar- I ti I o Date Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Project Application Architect. Address and Phone: Design Review Board Date DISAPPROVAL E statt Approvat TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 May 14, 1993 Bill Pierce FriElen Pierce Briner 1000 Lionsridge Loop Vail, CO 81657 D e pa r tme nt of Co mn uniry Deve lopme nt vfa facslmlle 47H901 RE: Assenmacher Resldence, Lot 5 Forest Glen Subdivlslon/ 4455 Glens Falls Lane Dear Bill: This letter is in response to our conversation yesterday as well as your letter dated May 13, 1993 regarding the driveway design for the Assenmacher residence at 4455 Glens Falls Lane/ Lot 5, Forest Glen Subdivision. As we discussed, based on my conversations with Mike McGee (Fire Marshall) and Greg Hall (Acting Public Works Director), the driveway width at 12 teet is acceptable to serve two dwelling units; if the driveway is to be used at a later date to serve more than two units (i.e. common ac@ss to lot 6), then it will be required to be widened to 22 feet for that portion which will serve more than two units per the town's subdivision standards (please see section 17.28.330 (A9) of the Municipal Code). Also, it is not required that the residence be sprinkled as it has adequate Fire Department access. However, Mike McGee has expressed that the turn-around area for the driveway as designed would make it ditficult for a firetruck to maneuver properly. Therefore, I strongly recommend that you contact Mlke Mccee dlrectly at 479-2135 to galn hls Input on lmprovemenF to the turn-around deslgn. Please feel free to contact me at the above address or phone number if I can help answer any further questions that you may have. Timothy Devlin Town Planner Greg Hall Mike McGee cc: lnt"r May 131 1993 TIM DEVIIN Tosn of vall Corununity Developnent 75 S. Frontage Rd.VaiI, Co 81657 Rer As$eru[acher ReEidence Dear Tinl lhanke for your quick respontse to my P6r our conversation thLg mornlngl The driveway width muet be 22 feet ing firore thaa 2 units (Bhen Lot 6 able this can be detemined). The nesl-dence need not tre ePr equats FJ-re Departrtent aeeegr al Lf I ean Dlease in corract llll-anr F. Page 1 tov051 3.rloc 13-May-93' , I P05T ffilcE Box 57 Fr it-z len Pierce Br iner 5S ARCHlTtCfunI PLAI{NlNo lll IE r0Rs yesterday. when aerv- ans are avail- it has ad- h I will eee eoEie improveru€ nt F to turnaround, if the contente of Bhi letter afe l-n- 54764941 o F. E1 1000 LIONSRIDGE LOCP VAlt COLOMD0 6l 305 {76 6542 FAX 505 476 490 | ol oo : l'.i ?< Project Apprication o^r. 'r/o,/q= proiecrName: /a*urlrltfG /- ', ,:i-t-) rr';< 'k't .au< /' ,4 /-'brDtart- a' :filt/afP ,'//ttr Project Description: 1/ Contact Person and Phone ll E"57 /.t,, ft' lzz * { y'zz.f- '1", f,arrzur, ('rzrt /7/ {g'/. owner, Address and Phone: {rVrh4p ,4'qt'Arqrl/Z' {/t/1 f>ozz / - Bazaz ft' frr1rt (,Aart fZ{ zqqg Architect. Address and Phone: t'lyF Trfrt- Legal Description: Lot t Block Filing frfsr 4b" f,ts.zon" 1DD 77 Comments: I Design Review Board o^r" '/'' hs Motion by:'/z"nr , i'_ ,6n)5-., Seconded by: 16.ont y'///o'o''D ISAPPROVAL /zE frr. ,/r.* ,y'.z,rro2n'n7-l,/mr./2ru.ry- z> 4. ;.r 't/r/qs Summary: "/fu'r' "' ,2zD '?'t E- E statt Approval -!.-rJ. -l 'r-\ =ll' j' ), €-P,-* -l o m Ia LO .'^tt | -{ i-.1 o lii I lm: 6 l9s )l.oi g ItrP o la! ir O l< -r I l=E 5 ;?.o<1o-o=P a9 60 >t 1-6 (, f o 'n m = tststs DE mco t- a- =z t- 'Tl tl z= >= = r,, z ! FT v ={r q,z lq mil tl Pa l.-r T t< !.O t^ al Pl wm t) =-{ TD m x m T - z q TD a -{m t t\ n YI M \.iv O C^) o o z (n {n c o =o z m R< ZA T*dz i^9; Oa izr --t c f= 1Z 2 ; f, I rnlt l-m o i C) r- uz >m --{ >or I ...'| m -{ €z m z 3 m 6 o o o n It o o -=a 9)o>'l- fr1 I z T- --{ (I, t- TI =z FI a r-t - D -{m 1-m t= lz le t<l>t- lm F'z le l 3 FI l= lz o l'n t< F m z {! n .J I -{o €z .'l T t- z 9 I I P.H o ?' -t ! n t'.)! I IJ lo t= lz l;t<t> : B i G l'1 'Tl = ')'t m t- rn ;-s I $:C - I t'n E F IE lo lFl o B l* €y' F o q- (D FI I a -i H o\ I O\ I s. N.) E D F D p p m { I rl fJ ts. - o H o Ft I i o 15 L,J lrr I N) I'-)F. z m o r.t P G: (! o m o.o\ ts c) 5> Ln r- il HHsa ' ogd jaRg ;g ii Y =ar O :.'< R {o{ E iir- ;i*e' (/' o:1 J F 1:: =:--;:.38 i q3: d*oP +a$=(o9+o *O ii o)o-=! -! or ! d_5=il da:4 =a+:q,3l-- Eeie 3=gP @3pL lotdr x =<:n i".Fi es il a <o-f 0.4.8 o' Yfcj 8; s* $3a'5 .,ERA r';; €. f o --* ..26 '.4<JO P€Qor qP .r'Z (o )- o. l.r c v=/=A\ L/o 6og- =(o q) /O \=o i'o '\d .f iot \o .\(D + {f o) -6' g ..o \:i \(D o 7- '.;a S >o z^ez _il :lm mn Fo €z m l< l' I I I I I t- I-_ f- I I ! 2 o : z l- m =I a z m m m lz @ 1<t - I --r (, lc) zl-ol I I I I fio<>_ntr t lo I I I I u fi x { l-lo i9 t- |- I I t_ I I t- I I z g)c r --{ z --l m = z m t c m I I -J I I l I I -l I I I IO T€ ;=" 'z l ll tl l' z>9R rd dE >o ol m=aa z c z ll tl ll tl z m = m l ;z 3 z m T -.1 _9 m _q P c =z c) l-l o t-t Ps'o 11 t_t ONE 6 i=4-rr|F Eo nln =z('t tiQO o<z ,oul. Xo 62.FZ c X zth-l o6 o 'n2z { x v< 3 J )l n f. J ) D t E I I s. F. s- € o 0 I t-- I I elz -A IB ; t3 o l<c lz I li : ts il sl i m !l= ..',9 xz i, -n -' 'n ,o ;t- la ft \om (, Fd o I ,^ .-t r- m =-t 'n m m a o rtl |-m z _9 m m z m € m o m --t z 'n ltl 3 m o 2 c 2 fi m c)--t 6 l- z o m o F z o tYl 3 = m ='Tl m m a VALUATION !m = =z o 3 tn - z f' = m ri --l 2 t- @ g = 5'5 !\o \l q -r F'! z o rc o Ft 3 t-t H a a o\ fd a) N)s. L,) f.l :l\- (Dq, %+itr" 5 IOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION PERI.I IT APPLICATION FORM DATE:4123/q1 APPLItrATION I'1UST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT II,IAY NOT BE ACCEPTED ttxx**'t***t****x)t*ft*****)K)*tt** PERMIT INFoRMATION ****i(xxxx*x*)r*x*x**x*r**)r**** Da(l-Bui1din9 t J-Plurnbinq t l-Electricat ( l-Electrical [ ]-other Job Narne: Assennacher Residence Job Address; 4455 Glen Fa11s Lane Leqal Description: Lot .5.__ Block Owners Narne: Gerhard-Assenmacher Fi I ino Forest GIen Number of Accommodation Unitsl REC'D APR 231913. -.r'f' ,a /.-)- bo+> Adcjress z 6440 0de11 Place Ph -tso0-525-2943 ffi Architect! Elit2lgn Pjelce Briner Address, . Bg:jfj Vail , Co 81658 p6-476-6342 General Description: s{ng1e.Earnilv Residence r{i!h Caretaker Unit ._ . hlork class: [1 J-New t ]-Alteration [ ]-Additionet E l-Repair t l-other Number of Dwelling Units; ? _*- Nurnber and Type of Fireplaces: GaE Apoliances Eas Logs-.-?-_ Wood/Pel let t***xxx*X****tx**X*XX***ltt***xt)rxt VALUATIONs *x*xrt***)r*****x,[****)l(r(r*****t**r* ELECTRICAL ; 40' 000 MECHANICAL: 50'000 303-530-2424 OTHER:TorALr 58o,odd BUILDING: 450.000 __PLUI'IBING: _4!..OOq-.- General Contractor: Add resF l $xfx*t****s*xfr**,****f*xxt**{ CONTRAtrToR INFORMATION txr(t(***xt****,ftxxx***r*r(l**r /.-.'dttt, Tbwn crf Vail Req, NO. Fhone Nunber! ElectricaI Con trac tor: Add ress : I::l:':j:.r Contractor-t .;AO y',4't,ry_-.L i j<..<eV Town o{ Vail Res.'NO,_____HOO resS :---.::'' WJ -%4an, - Phone Numberi _---..-- {rrixxIxi\xxxx:tlxx*il**x(*xx*****xx** FoR oFFIcE usE rt(txt***tx****{{{**)k*********)r)r*. BUTLDING pERr'4rr FEE, Z,-Q-D- BUTLDTNG PLAN cHEcK FEE, | ]-z-?PLUMEINB PERMIT FEE: (4EE,:- ,..PLUMBING PLAN CFISCK FEE: -E:----*T4ECHANICAL PERMIT Tes : N3-FT-19+;T1:;sdfI] MECHANIcAL PLAN CHECK FEE :RECREATTEN FEE, 3qf12--_ ._rcLEAN_up DEposrr i :l:!r:-----orHER TypE oF FEE: -z@.az_eget/.]ora4pgRMlT FEES: Qj-\(r_-. =,=rEt?-{.f4?o?-:, E73 _-- tt p/*Y2l'i''' n;'J 427--I rypE tG4ou,p-! sqlfr:t-Giffif-roN I sur1-diNs: | -LJ,-,,t {?,3 t4q 45' I : C/l-A-ah- *t-.......'.-..................-.'.-...-. -.-...-....'..'.-'..-._' '== e-= ==== === ===== = = =.!===- =:-======E -- E E,---== ========++E-=== ======== =i=-lE=== ====4/{ Town o{ Vai I Reg. Phone flumber: NO. Plumbinq Contractor: Add ress : Town o{ (/ai I Reg Phone Number: N0. Town of Vail 25 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 (303) 419-2r38 Pl-an analysis based on the 1991 Unrform Buildrng Code Name: ASSENMACHER RESfODENCE Address: 4455 GLEN Date: May 3, 7993 Contractor:McMEREY Occupancy: R3rM1 Architecl: FPB Type of Const: V-N Engineer: McGHEE Pfans Examiner: C. FALLS LANE & ROBERTS CONST. FELDMANN NOTE:The code items listed ln this report are not intended to be a complete Iisting of alf possible code requirements in the 1991 UBC. ft is a guide to se]ected sections of the code. AREA MIN.LIGHT MIN.VENT NO.EXITS EGRESS NAME FL 2 Master bath 2 Master bedroom ? Anl- Ran r.\.\m 2 Apt. Bath room 2 Apt. Living room 2 Apt. Kitchen 2 HaIIs, c.losets / etc TOTAL FOR FLOOR L Garage 1 I i rli v rrtY ! vvrt{1 Dining room 1 Kitchen 1 Nook 1 Bath room 1 Hal1s, closeLs, etc TOTAL FOR FLOOR tJ tJaEn roomfr r B Bedroom #1 B Bedroom #2 B Bath room#2 R T.-arrnrlrrr rrr.-\m B Bedroom #3 B Bath room#3 B Hobby room B HaIls/ cIoselsl eLc TOTAL FOR FLOOR BU]LDING TOTAL 2L4 303 165 1B 21 9 11 113 I829 826 \41 1?,1 91 40 501 2491 53 138 L69 99 66 321- 56 90 531 r523 4326 0.00 30.30 16 .50 0.00 21 .94 10.00 0.00 0.00 54 .1Q 23 .40 25.24 10.00 0.00 0-00 0.00 13.80 16.90 0.00 0.00 32.r0 0.00 10.00 0.00 10.70 15.15 8.25 3.90 13.95 s.00 0.00 0.00 21 .35 11. ?0 )-2 .6A 5.00 2.00 0.00 2-65 6.90 8.45 4 qq 3.30 16.05 2 .80 s.00 0.00 No Yes Yes No NO No No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes NO No No NO No YeS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 7 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 2 FOOTNOTES:1) EGRESS - An operabl-e window or door that opens directly to the exterior is required from this room. The minimum cfbar openable area must meet the following. -- Sec. I2Q4. 1) The minimum cfear heighc is 24 inches 2) The minimum clear width is 20 inches 3) The minimum cl-ear area is 5.7 sguare feet 4\ The maximum siII height is 44 i-nches 2\ The number of exits is based on Table 33-A (Dwellings) 3) A mechanicaf ventil-ation system may be used in in lieu of exter|or openings for ventilation. -- Sec. 1205. (c) 4) The requirement for an egress window in the basement is based on Sec. 1244. ROOM DIMENSIONS: Habitable space shalf have a ceiling height of not less than 7 feet 6 inches. Kitchens, halIs, bathrooms and toilet compartments may have a ceiling height of 7 feet measured to the fov'/est projection. If the ceiling is sloping, then the minimum height is required in only l/2 of the area. --Sec. I2A1 . (a) F'rrprr-z dwcl I i no rrnit shall have at least one room which has not less than 120 square feet- of floor area. Other habitable rooms except kitchens shall have an area of not less than 70 square feet. -- Sec. 1207. (b) HabiLable rooms other than a kitchen shall not be l-ess than 7 feet in any dimension. -- Sec . I20-l . (c) GLAZTNG REQUIREMENTS:All glazing in hazardous l-ocalions is required to be of safety glazing mat.erial. -- Sec. 5406. (d) 1) Glazing in ingress and egress doors excepL ialousies.2) Glazing in fj-xed and sfidlng panels of sliding door assemblies and panels in swinging doors other than wardrobe doors. 3) Glazing in storm doors.4) Glazing in al-l unframed swinging doors. 5) Glazing in doors and encfosures for hot tubs, whirlpools, saunas, steam rooms, batht-ubs and showers. Glazing in any portion of a building wall ^6^r ^^,i-^ +1^crr\-r\rD-Lrl\j L-rr€S€ compartments where the botlom expcsed edge of the glazrnq is less than 60 inches above a standing surface and drain inlet. 6) Glazing in fixed or operable panels adjacent Lo a door where the nearesl cvnoscd edrre ^r +r-^ -r --.,i -^ is within a 24-inch arC of either vertica]s:\P\JJs\r Lr-..YE \r! L/rq Y-roZ^rirY edge of the door in a closed position and where Lhe bottom exposed edge .\f j- h6 a1 a.z i nrr i q leqq f h:n 50 inCheS above the wa-Lkingf surface. 1) Glazinq in an individual fixed or operable panel, olher than those locations described in items 5 and 6 above, than meels al,f of the following conditions: A. Exposed area of an .individual pane glreater than 9 square feet. B. Exposed bottom edge less than 18 inches above the floor. C. Exposed top edge greater than 36 inches above the floor. D. One or more walking surfaces within 36 inches horizontally of the plane of the glazinq. 8) Glazing in rail ings regardless of heignt above a l'ialking surf ace. Included are structural baluster panels and nonstructuraL in-fiLI canels. qa6 o va-ont i a\n q SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS : A smoke detector is required on the ceilrng or b,all- at a point centrally ]ocaLed in the corridor or area givi.ng acce5s to each sleepinq area. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. A smoke detector is required on the cei-L-Lng or hrall in each Sleeping area. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. A smoke detector is required in the basement. A smoke detector is required on all stories. If the upper level contains sleeping room(s), i n f ha r-ci I i nrr nf tshA rrnnpr lcrzg] Cl-OSe tO -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4 Smoke detectors are required to be wired to the building's power source and shall be equipped with a batLery backup. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 3. Detectors shall sound an alarm audibl-e in all sleeping area of Lhe dwelling in which they are located. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. a smoke detector is required l- l-ra cl- t i rr.r^\7 L rru eus4! vre ll . OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Between Lhe garage and the resldence/ materials approved construction are required on the garage side only and the garage and the residence are ro be a self-closing -- Table 5-B & Sec for thr f-ire any doors betbreen I 3/B inch soLid . 503. (d) exc. #3 core door or a 20 minute fire door STAIR REQUIREMENTS:7\ ^+-.i-,.,-., .i- - ^,,^r'r';^- h,'^+ k^ at l-east 36 inches wide. -- sec. 3306.(b)al >L4J-rw4y rl). e Lrwcr L-Llrv lttLr') L \rs < The max j-mum rise of a step is B inches and the rninimum run is 9 inches. -- Sec. 3306. (c) exc. #1 Provide a handrai} on one side a sLairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing if there is 4 or more risers. -- Sec, 3306. (i) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greaLer than 30 inches. Minimum height = 36 inches, maximum opening size = 4 i-nches. -- Sec. 111'2-(a) exc. +1 The ninimum headroom is 6 ft.- B inches. -- Sec. 3305. (o) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be procecced as required for thr fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 3306. (1) SHAFT ENCLOSURES:1) Chutes and dumbwaiter shafts with a cross-sectional area of not nore than 9 square feet may lined on the inside vrjth not less than 26 gage gafvanized sheet- metaL with alI joints locklapped. The outside must be t hr construction. All openings into any such encfosure shal-f be protected by not- less than a seff-closing solid wood door 7 3/B inches thick or equivalent. -- Sec. 1706. (f) ')\ .\-^ ,,^-r^ -n.r nnnnnmhrrcf ihla nininn inef il l ar] i I ^ -^^^:*- *hrn'trrh Z ) bdS VeIILS dllLr ,.-..--- r,-P-LI9 -r/oLa--sg ^Il wcl II- Pct>>IrlY ulr! \ruVrr 3 floors or less do not need to be in t hour shafts. -- Sec . 7106. (c) 3) Shafts for gas vents, faccory-buiIr chimneys, piping, or ducts that do not extend through not more than 2 floors need noL be in t hour shafts. -- Sec. 1706. (c) 4l A1 I other shafts are required to be enclosed in a t hour assembly. -- Sec. 1706. (a) o ATTIC REQUIREMENTS: l-) provide an access to all attic areas with a c-lear height of 30 inches or more. The minimum size is 22 inches by 30 inches. There must be 30 inches or more cfear height above the access. -- Sec. 3205. (a) 2\ Provide ventilation in all- attlc areas. The net free vent area is to be not fess than 1 square foot for each 150 square feet of attic area. The vent area may be I/300 if at least 50% of the requ-ired ventilating area i s nrorri clecl hv rrcnl- i I ators Iocated in the upper port-ion of Lhe -++.i^ rr,l-,^ ,,^ner ventilators must be at least 3 feet above the eve or ctLL.r\-. -Lrrv LrvP cornice vents. -- Sec. 3205. (c) For a 110.0 sq.ft. attic area: Ratlo Miminum sq.ft. of vent 1/150 0.13 L/300 0.37 CRAWLSPACE REQUIREMENTS : 1) provide ventil-ation either by mechanical means or by openings in exterior wa]l-s. Opening shall provide a net area of not less t-han 1 square foot for aanF, 1trA -r,,.r^ €^^F r n ^-ewl qnnr-tr On^^i na^ al-,- 1 1 h^ 'iiStf ibuted gduff f JU b(4UdIC !eeL Ur dtgcl Irr Jyav\-. vlErr-LrlYD Dllot-l.-r ,Js \- on two opposite sides and be located as close to corners as practical-. -- Sec. 2516.(c) 5. Note: Vent openings may be reduced to 10% of the above if ground surface area j-s covered w-iLh an approved vapor barrier and the l.'.ri 1r'li nrr nFf i r- ia 1 ^r-\r,r.,\/aa vu++u+.1:, For a 193 . 0 sq. ft . crawlspace area : Rat io Min j-mum sq. f t . of vent r/r50 r.29 2) Provide 1B-inch by 24-inch access opening tc the craw] space area. Note: ^-^-.1 -- --,, L-^ rcnrri -cd in l^r a I er,],o:". if mar-heni r-:' eorrinmpnr is IOCated (,PEII-LIIY rllcly IJg rsYLrrr-s!. L\J vs rqr vYuf IJ in the crawl space. -- Sec . 25L6. (c) 2. 3) Unless the wood is listed as an approved wood of naturaf resistance to decay or treated wood, the minimum cfearance bethreen exposed earth and fLoor joist is 1B inches. The rninimum clearance to beams and girders is is 12 inches. -- Sec. 2516. (c) 2. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS : For R3 occupancy Thi c nrniar.F r^ri l I rorrrri ro : qi j- e i mnro\/Amcnf srrr\/F\/ Sr;r-h qttrrrev rrrfa lJ!vJeur shalI be submirted and approved prior to request for frame inspection. Afl crawl spaces within Lhe Town of Vail are lirnlted to a earth to structural fl-oor ceiling height of 5t, be earLh floor only, be ventifated as per UBC 2516(c)6 with minimum access as per UBC 2516(c)2 and maximum access of 9 sq. Ft. n -,, l^,r;l.li-^ -.if ^,,jrl-' ^f ?0 narraaq .r'lcre sl^.a li rcot:ire an ffffy UL.r-L f \,l-LLlv Jf Lr= WILII cr --LUPC Ur JU \,rg9r ggD t ! r rrYqr! eng'ineer design. Such design shalL address drainage, soil recainage, and structural design. Excavalion below slabs on grade shall nol be permitted wiLhoul prior approval. Address numbers shall be posted plainly visl-bIe and legible from the street. For M1 occupancy Sfope garage floor to allow for drainage Lo outside or provide a floor drain with with sand and oil interceptor to dry wel-f or to sewer. Any garage ffoor drain connected to sewer must be appproved by Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation District. -[n rrararroq r,'] *L I i"]^^ ^t'^- !L^ -'-l i^ ^r rL^ "tiCh afe *y-- ,JILIl -L.J-VA1l9 dled dUUVe, Llle Wd-LJ> \-r .L LrlY 9drdVs wrr- bearing the area above sha-l I be protecled with one hour fire resistive construction. UBC 503(b) . ,r ro,ifil'ul5"l3li *""o vai1, Coforado 81557 (303 ) 419-2738 PLan revlew based on the 1991 Unrform BuiLding Code Name: ASSENMACHER RESIODENCE AddTCSS: 4455 GLEN FALLS LANB Date: May 3, 1993 Contractor:McCEREY & ROBERTS CONST. or-r-rrrrrncrz. R3 - MT ArChiteCt: FPB vuvqyqrrvj. r\J/rrr Twnp nf Conqt: V-N Engineer: MCGHEE P-Lans Examiner: C. FELDMANN Provide an attic access (22X30 min) to each attic area. -- Sec. 3205. (a) This project will require a site improvement survey. This survey shafl be submitted and staff approved prior to a request for a frame inspection. Under no circumstances wilf a frame inspection be done v"iLhout an approved site improvement survey. There shatl be only one kltchen designaced per rlr^rol I i nr.r rrnil- ^ lI nr^rorl hrr f ha 'Tor^7n n€ rlri l 7^Fih^!.lws-Lr r.'Y J-rf \- (rt J v!^tsu vy urrs - vwlr U! vcr-Lr z-\.rrr-l.rIY Regu.lations. A11 other such labeled areas are noL ,^.{ ^n..| ^^ - r I nn* }re -n.roh-i n COnStfUCted aS oPPr vvE!.r ctrl\-r o1ro.-L vr= !rJuYtr rr such. Exterior surfaces with stucco shalf be provided with excerior meral lach as per UBC 4706 with 2layers of nAncr Wirdnws and donrs :re rco'1jred to be yqye! adequately f Iashed(not with jusc screed metal) . A 'r ^+ r- , s reay ' rpd nri or SLUCCO rclLll r rrDlJguL-Lvlr .i J !!Yv appllcatlon. It is recommended that pro jects wj-thj-n the Town of Vail which are owner,/builder constructed have foundations staked ouL by a licensed surveyor to :rzoi d nossi hl e errors in the location Of the struc1-ure. A,l- l- new construcLion within the Town of Vail- will- be rcrrr, ircd tn h:rzc ^- I-r*l^1 I-^-^^tinn hrr TO\.r Ptrbl ig r qv,Lrr LE\,. L\J rrovs O.Il -Llll LIct.J- -L r 1 D P g (- l- -L !, I r rJy r\-/v r urrr I^l/_\rL- c nanr rn -rr-rr'\rn \ro <iro dr:in:r:o :nrl r-rrl rrer|-uv st/I/r installaLion. Thrs approval musr be complete prior I r'\ ,an17 i ncr'ra.f inn l-rrr Iho RlriIdincr nan:rfmonl-Lv q,,), trroyLLL rvrr v), 10 This prolect is restricted from the burning of wood i n f i renl :r-es tlnless the lot is a restricted lot in ciza il"r raa .r:q Ior-rs f irenler-oq encl fhree oas r-r/ or4st appfiances are permicced per unit allowed. Gas log chimneys encfosures shall- be one hr. protected. In balhrooms with a tub or shower and in laundry rooms a mechanicaf ventilation system connected rJi rpr-f lv'o -he ottrqirle sh:ll he orovided. Bathrms vrLLuurl which contain only a water closet or lav. may be ventil-ated with a recircufatinq fan. UBC 1205(c). Domest j-c clothes dryer exhaust ducts sha1I be installed as per UMC 1104 and 1903. Flexible duct connectors may nol exceed 6' in length and shalf not be concealed within construction. Ducts shafl termlnate outside the buildinq and not exceed 141 length. No domestic dishwashing machine shafl be direcLly connected to a drainage system withouL Lhe use of an :rrrrrnrrod rli cl,r^r-a char :i r-r'r:n Fil- tinrt tfpf 6OR gtJi/lv!499+ai:, Cross connection control, devlces shall be lnstalIed f a1 nra'- ec- no l l rr- i or nf nor :hl e r"'et c- qrtnnl v 'l.tv ttsg Lv y! uvLqvrL r-f annrovod l^r:r-k f I ow nrpver-- ion .]evices. UPC 1003.vL qYt/L Domestic ranges shall have a vertical clearance above the cooking surface of not less than 30r' to unprotected combustlbfe materiaf. UMC 1901. Heating and cooling equ:-pmenl IocaLed in rhe garage shall be installed with the pilots and burners or heatinq elements and switches at l-east 18" above the floor leve1 of the saraqe. UMC 508. In buildings of unusualJ.y tighL construcLion (a11 new construction within the Town of Vai]) r combustion air shall be oblained from the outside. Such combustion air openings shall be as per UMC Ch. 6. Approved gas logs may be installed in solid-fuel hrr-ninr-r firpn-:^Aq nrlvi 'lc.l fhe inStaffaLiOn iS ar-crrrr.l i nn tn tho r -l- I n /^! inci- zrr^l. ;^F- rqrr ^rmnar !r-rly u tt>L-IrlY -L I | > L r (l L L I v.r r D I c1rLy \.rq.rrly(:r shall be remo.red or permanently blocked, and a qF'At\/ qhrrr nf ' ,ta lrro i q nrrrzt rlp.l UMC 803.Jqr uu t/ .'^^ c: *^^r -^^ ^*rl iannr:S Arp racr]] if gd tO be \rdb ! -LIcPr .]r-s a.YPr rut,uLJ 'i -c-., I lccl :s nFr l i qr- i -o inqi: l l ^t_ion instructions -with a I'8" vent onf y. Combusti-on air must be supplied from the outside for all new construction in the Town of Vail. 11 T2 13 I4 15 L6 O L1 1B 19 20 2I Furnaces not listed for closet or alcove installation shall be installed in a room or space having a voLume at least 12 times the volume of the furnace. A bo j-1er unit will require a space 16 r imcs I,aror=r f h.an the boifer. UMC 504 (b) Qrrnnl rr _e mor-hanir--| ^--,,.1 -^ .i ^^l --rf inrr rlpqi on nf J(.,rlJP-L y cr rrLs\,r-urr.-!LqI !,r!ctwILlY IrI\.rI(-e.L- -LI LV \rsJrYlr v! system, size (BTU and volume) of equipment / vent l-ocation and termination, and combustion air to be qrrnn l i aal nrr or fo anv incfel laf inn.Jut/t,{f us ur 4v! Due to Colorado State Statutes, all sink faucetts and shower heads are required to utifize flow restriction devices. Also, the maximum water closeL ffush usage is limited to a maximum of 3.5 gallons per flush. At eaves and valleys an adequale underlayment shall be provided to protect a structure from ice buildup :nri r^r-er or ri:mrrra Tt^r.\ l:rzer< of fcl I enl i ri monnecl !.q[LqYe rqJr!| ^ ^t-^ ^- }. r -^ --.1 I-rF- wtrtrr I :rzprs .)ra a COmmeI. CiaI L(' >rrgaLrl-f rt9 arrLt L,sLwssrl foys! o vI water & ice shield may be used as per Table 32BI . Rarrarrc4 nf f hiq nrnior-f ,q 'rl.ai i.\n- f hc fnrtnr'l:f icln J rvuqurvrrt is required Lo be dampproofed to prevent damage to areas below finished qrade. UBC 1707 (d) . The structure is required to be anchored to the foundataion with l/2 inch anchor bol-ts. The bolts must be into the concrete or masonry 7 inches and ^^-^^^ i -,.a 6 F 6 f ec'r ^n'; rf See COde fOr SIJct(-cll a I I t d /'\ ,( I I I L-l I t t vL arlrli f ion:l rerrri rements. -- Sec, 2901 .(f) afti. sna.cs are fimited to 5' as measured from the vIJgv9vg!v top side of the structural members of the floor to the under side of the structural members of the roof 11 23 e fvi f't f+\dr Ht aral |.1 gt f+\fg tl f{l ra E9 Fl r'1 J lt t g fe (F?l.t tl-\- cl tl F -H a+F+a E r{1 E 93 -r Fa H lr a{f F v dr F -Itl E fll r1 g Fl a+,* -l f!! -f-|r i<oi *FX*-xJ-'HY;O 3->=F noRr X>Ll-tt ^ \, -.1 11 !iEl ;53;x=.2i;ig O(,j lq <o+g tr--r"i =\Jr\:-!(-n-l-i.i iiTSts -J "' i-ooi < .ri _1 zai F=O X>-r -7+F6H >rtJ*!rfi < r8 ql ia !- E.2F :#>l-- ;- ">'PhP 7-t-J ra t- l/J -,Fa n :r'l \J d<T =i+:i-E .J-.,- ai 4- \_d^.2 -^.--.: \."' ,i n>\J \., lA *FFg --22E i"1 ,\ -- !.1 i-_ ^ .'/ a't x<> --^!- "l 'r 3ro - '"i tJ -r{?.|-.' z F tn 4 3 v,H z c o 3. I r5 tn U trt z : I z N tr,) i o I z { i tr 1", IF t> lo l>ltt ta/) lz IE l> Itrt z trl N) UJ \o s ??;?i! i 7-ii^=a-! =_=Z???lr r ;:: i:a=z Zl a ='^ - i = 1="ii?i "-a.2.7. ? i 2 = r-! ?=.aa;.'^=,7 '<.a4at ^==-<= 7"*?iL a z 7 '-'=?i = = j. :-a t ,= i7- V "--: =: li a '_ t ?; r,:iF;?? =. a = ; = =. c\ N NY It i1 I r z z? l z z o o Q r o n t^s * PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oor, )-lS-?/ JoB NAME As<rum*cwe cALLER C Lbct< F rHUR@ /, @PM INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL INSPECTION:MON TUES WED READY FOR LOCATION:,*tu BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr o tr tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL 7\Itt&rc lDor?tt\ tr FINAL ELECTRI MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING tr IJ tr ROUGH conbu a:, tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: ! orseeenoveo {nerruseecroN REoUTRED oF hrrr.,,r4,J Olour + q'rr- rraE INSPECTOR o o .ilv ^.n i= ,- tlzz.-, r,.Sc)q,)^urfic D^v,3 't-: fhS o.^) r\ u.." c ld .r-'- \ L l\)^crl pJr Asser.no-ahbe-c -D 0u -- Y ^ kF- ! J The iteos below giving a pernit Please check off FINAL PLT'M3ING fel rxsrrcrroN's coMPLETED need to be complete before a final C of 0. in the box provlded. o (/0z> ^/* ss'q' fuat^4 DATE: tl n FINAL UECIIANICAL DATE: IMPROVEMENT SURVEY ILL RESID. NAME: FINAL BUILDING EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE: DATE: TEMPORARY C OF O \I CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY DATE: LANDSCAPINC DUE DATE: FILE NAIIE: , APPLICATION FOR TOWN OFVAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT 19 I Excavating Contractor Name Phone #TOV Contractor's Licenss Number. 3. 4. Start Oate Workfs for (circte one) Complotion Date Sewer Gas Electric Telephone cAw (Permit Expiration Date) Other Water 8. Landscaping Temporary Site Access Trench-width (min. 4') Length Depth Bond Amount $Permit Fee $Total Permit Fee $ ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE JOB IS STARTED. Rubber out-riggers are required on excavating equipment when working on asphalt, Asphalt surfaces underneath the bucket shall be protected at all times. A signature below indicates a review of the area and utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company signatures are obtained, permittee has option of routing application through the Public Works office to obtain the necessary Town of Vail signatures. Please allow one week to process. Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation (476-74801 Public Service Company (1 -800-922-1 987) PSCO-Natural Gas Group (468-2528) Holy Cross Electric Company (949-5892) U.S. West (1-800-922-1987) . ' ,: - x:I ', * TCI Cablevision of the Rockies (949-5530) - " .-.=:<=r::--:>* {< - ( ' ' ,- -.r. Town of Vail: lrrigation (479-2161)Electricians (479-21 7 1)./; Public Works (479-21 58)."':::4 9.THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURES! A construction traffic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of the permit. All excavation must be done by hand within 18" ol utilities - (Senate Bil 172). Permittee must contact Public Works Department at 479-2158 24 hours prior to commencing backfill operations. Failure to notify the Town will result in forfeiture of bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection fee. I certify that I have read all chapters of Title 12 - Streets and Sidewalks, of the Vail Municipal Code and all utility company agreements, signed by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notilied as required. Contractor's Signature of Agreement Date of Signature ATTACH PLAN OF WORK, INCLUDING CONTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Show streets with names, buildings, and location of cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. THIS IS NOT PUBL]C WAY PERMIT! White - Public Works Yellow - Finance Pink - Community Development Gotd - Contractor 10. 11. 12. ry T.r TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT 4455 Glen Palle Lane PERMrrNo. 00251&. Contractor's copy to be kept on lobslte.TOWNOFVAIL 1. 3. (Job Narns or Lo6ton ot Wo.k) Publlc Servlcc Conpany, P.Ol.Bor 430, l{lnturn, CO 81645 (Exca\,/ating Con|rac-tor's Namo, Addross, Phois, aid Lic€i6o No.l I d t o I h- o F l! I 'o o l:; .g o- I o = Workisfor(circreone) WATER SEWER<OELECTR|G TEliEpHoNE GABLETV OTHER LANDSCAPTNG TEilTORARY S|TE ACCESS ,- /.-: r,,r.).,n r PermitFee $50.00 - btlL at end of the year (Conf actor's Signatrre) Bill to: Publlc SErvlce ConDany. P.O. Box 430. Hlnturn. C0 81645 Rec€ipt #: (Public Works)(Publlc Works) INSPECTION REMARKS: SKETCH PLAN OF WORK ATTACHED APPLICATION FOR TOWN OFVAIL PUBLTC WAY PERMTT 19 ,4 1.Job Name Legal Description Streel Address z.Excavating Contractor Name Phone #TOV Contractor's License Number 4. Work is for lcircte one;Water Sewer Landscaping Gas Electric Telephone Temoorary Site Access Olher . , ,, :i r cAw 5. Trench-width (min.4') Depth Bond Amount $Permit Fee $i Total Permit Fee $ ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE JOB IS STARTED. Rubber oulriggers are required on excavating equipment when working on asphalt. Asphalt surfaces underneath the bucket shall be protected at all times. A signature below indicates a review of the area and utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company signatures are obtained, permittee has option of routing application through the Public Works office to obtain the necessary Town of Vail signatures. Please allow one week to process. UpperEag|eVa||eyWaterandSanitation(476-7480) Public Service Company (1-800-922-1987) ,: "' PSCO-Natural Gas Group (468-2528) Holy Cross Electric Company (949-5892) Length 'l- 6. 7. o "U.S. West (1 -800-922-1 987) TCI Cablevision of the Rockies (949-5530) Town of Vail: lrrigation (479-2161)Electricians @79-21 7 1 \ Public Works @79-21581 THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURES! A construction traftic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of the permit. All excavation must be done by hand within 18" of utilities - (Senate Bill 172). Permittee must contact Public Works Department at 479-2158 24 hours prior to commencing backfill operations. Failure to notify the Town will result in forfeiture of bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection fee. I certify that I have read all chapters of Tltle 12 - Streets and Sidewalks, of the Vail Municipal Code and all utility company agreements, signed by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notified as required. Contraclor's Signature of Agreement Date of Slgnature ATTACH PLAN OF WORK, INCLUDING CONTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Show streets with names, buildings, and location of cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. '. THIS IS NOT PUBLIC WAY PERMIT! White - Public Works Yellow - Finance Pink - Community Development I Gold - Contractor 10. 11. ta. t.'r ./'..-G. TOWN OF VAIL NN I --l t STREET CUT PERMIT MWNOTffiS/ .: PERnrxo. 00241: ! 6 E t 6 E E i E r E t. z 3. Conlnclodr copt lo D. k.pt on lobrt||. Wortblon &kd.ar WATER SEflrER GAS ELECTRIC TELEPf{ONE W CABTE OTHER l-uJ,ve^c.r_ PormltFr. $75.00 EtlllO: llccrere.i/ & RoberEs ConstructJon Co- Rn- lOB.._ r.,-lc^,., nn g0,t4A / pg;6; Debbie Roeland ., _ .. Fecolptf: 5919 FJbac tllb.bl lPrdc !t/!dcl INSP€CTiON REMARKS 4455 West Glen Road SKETCH PI.IN OF WORK ATT i,rNsPEcrroN, $F9uqsr PERMIT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: !::, Tt rtrq , \A/trn JOB NAME MON CALLER THUR PM FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEFGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr HOUGH / WATER O FRAMING D tr BOOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL D tr u tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr n tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR ! O FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED N REINSPECTION REOUIRED niFsnop DATE INSPECTOR J a DEPARTMEiYIFF,IfII"or*u //'o 47$,2158 FIELDMEMO es@ Ptr6crc f,Sq_reD. BcJrcc,,rJg ..t,JAx/ peeu?.;il- co'4s6ryf, "^,ffLffii Peevnr Tltte: €ruSAFcro( p"r". CONTRACTOR'S COMMENTS Recelved bI: ___....- lryhb4ontrr.ior Pit*-Construction Enghogf uanryy-File \ o INSPECTION REQUES"T VAIL . i| TOWN OF ',: / ''/ " -'1-' '2 7'7 / / 'DATE READY FOR LOCATION: I Nl e D traTl a\ t\l ' JOB NAME MON CALLER \TUES '.-.IAED-' ' //v PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEB tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D D FINAL D FINAL MEGHANICAL: D HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS . O SUPPLY AIR D FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR I 'I INSPECTION TOWN OF lt, )', PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BEADY FOB LOCATION. INSPECTION: DATE I i JOBNAME CALLER TUES WED MON THUR FRI /') i /:1 D DISAPPROVED N REINSPECTION REOUIRED OVED CORRECTIONS: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: ) tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATEB ! FOUNDATION / STEEI tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr D tr FINAL ! tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANlCAL: O HEATING tr tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL o tr FINAL DATE INSPECTOR t INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL I .l ' # oa?} PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oerc t'- Ll - 13 JoB NAME -DSstai4:lt]ll- ,.1 -l" Lr, . :+t ,'t/Z3 READY FOR INSPECTION: .ALLER {n d4i K MON TUES WED THUR qTJ"/4vt PM LocArtoN: '//S'5 r.dri-i- 6L r r{[)c;6 D BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEI tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr D ft C dlur- ? i. !-i i/ 5 i''r- ' , ic' J O FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING o tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL flneenoveo ,:'r-.4,rr,rifl,.ll\ GERFTffF+ENS: tr DISAPPROVED A RETNSPECTTON REQUTRED l li i'cs i t', ( / ,. 1 , ,'. |-,. f- P r'l .-)g C F J)f', u€ .- u,...,rrY l5 Dc,r,-JC, ilc,-i i?rlro?L j)rJu,t'r^nrrrtT- 6c,raq T.l*,l, :i" ,.r,rr c, -''5L-- ---'".:,DATE G- {- 73 INSPECTOR RlFsnop PERMIT NPMBER OF PFOJECT DATE ''' . . , ,..- JOB NAME t, INSPECTION REQUEST t I READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES MON ._ AM PM ,) BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr o tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr E FINAL tr FINAL /'F ,0(PPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTION REQUEST VAIL 'PERMIT NUMBER 'l t DATE READY FOR ,LOCATION: F PROJECT TOWN OF JOB NAME CALLER ',, v. )<, INSPEC -,{-TrQN: ltl/-l-- ( MONJ TUES L---'*- -'Y I1 \ 6n) :€--/J .4. ^ ,L/ , c'.3, 'BUILDING: -.,)PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND :OOTINGS / STEEL drouruonroN/srEEL 1-l -,J I\'D FRAMING D D tr E r-t tr ROUGH / D.W.V, ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEEB " PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING trlNSULArlo"ffi tr SHEETROCK NAIL I POOL / H. TUB O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWEB tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR D FINAL tr FINAL ROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED ..?----r HWisnop t SPE IN ',-t/ | CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL . t DATE JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:WED FBI THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER C FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H, TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr c tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr O FINAL tr FINAL T] APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR t SPE T NUMBER OF PROJECT ) j a) JoB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES t:^)i WED THUR FRI IN CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL t L' --r1 d AM PM PERMI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS D FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, O ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL rr ROOF & SHEEB " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr tr tr D POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: {'Henrrruc o D D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr D FINAL tr FINAL F':aFPnoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR Nicholas Lampiris, Ph.D. CONSULTING GEOLOGIST P.O. BOX 2 stLT, coLoBADO 81652 (303) 876-5400 (24 HOURS) Auqutst 2Br 1993 William Fierce Fri te I enF i erceBr i ner F0 Box 57 Vail trA Bt65B RE; Hasard Evaluatlon, /\ssenmacher Residenca Dear l'lr. Fierce: I vislted the above referenced lot in vail recentty for purFoges of a geoloqic hazerd evaluation, aspeclelly as it pertaine to Enow and debris avalanche potential . Ae you know both o{ thege hazardg rnay a{{ect this property. Bnow avalanche iB a potential hazard to the tennis court adjacent to the site, and, due to the Iarge herms which have been emplaced nean the base of thE steep slope.' enow is directed eest of the Eubject elte. Neventheleee,the eouth {acing eide of the home under congtruetion there ohould be, as ie larEely arready the caee, butlt to mrni,mize the ef{Ecta o{ any snow which might reach the site. ThtE can include few if d\ny windoNs on this side, landecaping to stop snewl and etrong wal ls or structr-rral elements o{ this portion o{ the unit. with rgspect to the debris {low haeard, I do not believe that large volumes o{ rnateri al witI become invol ved this {ar from the EiouFce. The topography ie aleo somewhat favorable in that there is a swale which directs material to the west of the Eubjact rot,and into a large culvert under the driver+ay. The landeceplng arournd the horne shoutl d be such as to dlrect +Iows awey f rorn thl home shoul d the curl vert krl ock up. I do not believe that a large gnow aval anche capable o{ serious damage ie likery at this site. The main chute ia well to the southeast. Becauee of the hazard regul.ationE of the Town of valI,cara muEt be taken to not increaBe the hEeard to a ncighbor by youn attempta at mitlgation. The property doaE Iie in a geological 1y rensitive ares, but development urirl not increaEr the hazard to other propertyl or structureEr oF to publ ic rlghte-of-way, roada, rtrectt,eaBenentgr utilitiee or facixitieE or other propertien of any kind. If there are further queetlonts, please contact me. Si ncerel v. M^_m_ Consulting EeoloEist tt"I PE PERMIT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES ,WED THUR FRI .l q't JoB NAME CTION REQUEST VAIL AM PM NOF OW i ,, BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDEBGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEE- D D FRAMING ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB N SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr ! D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING EI ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL P APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR o INSPECTION: MON PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT TNSPECTTON REOUEST TOWN OF VA|L r CALLER TUES WED . THUR FRI AM PM DATE .. JOB NAME _..'--_-_ READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND T] FOUGH / D.W.V. E} ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr. FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETR ocK NAIL tr /,, l,^", I 'tr IJ tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: E HEATING tr D D ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: I : (.,+, ). /("t(.it /'-<,tL oor, /i ," ?r'?:7' lNSPEcroR e,12/: '." "' PERMIT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL I ' , 7,,) ,/i'./,T,'',.' 'l---. CALLER INSPECTION:/ "'"- l AM )pvt ..-r/ ,-., ' (,- , BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND E BOUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEI. tr FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAILING D GAS PIPING E INSULATION O POOL / H, TUB tr tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr O FINAL E FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER f-Hrerrr.ro tr o tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL T] APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR IN t SPE PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE - JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON *c_TroN REQUEST TOWN OF VA|L , CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI READY FOR LOCATION: AM.PM BUILDING: PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL o ! tr FINAL E FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D O FINAL tr FINAL .,tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR IN I SPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL I t PERMIT NUMBER OF FROJECT DATE ,', JOBNAME MON WED THUR FRI READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: r", CATLER TUJ9,,AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEB D FOUNDATION / STEEL EI FRAMING tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING o D D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR D D FINAL D FINAL ,F APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR HBl.l r-:OHELIL TF{llT.1 f l{t::. I A13?a4trln??P. Sl t KRM coNsuLTANTs, fNc. P.(). r-10x 4572 vArL, colonADo 81868 t303) 949-9391 FAX 949.r577 NECORD JOB NUMBER: ' o u' * -a.*^gEN-Nta-*8trfi ,* - -- --- D^TE tt/!V1_t_ _ t it- ,/". It,\'r'r'4 , .{' a.rut, 13 os- -o t $4nesror,rse tlcLARrFrcATroN/cHANGE rl | ,-d n, 2- \'!z p,0, ,1;t-',^ t ,,'.,.^.n ,: / t J *.J .: A,A/*;).'rt -J 't, -X /.,Lt,t i '*t g:Y"r { , iJBFI ir I \/# iJiA / ^\ !r4'-l w-,,/ I 1 MEETING r./ a 61-lt- .::t"r '1..,L/ 7+x ll I 4ilr-'1'n -V**.4fr M-Lt"Fit 4,?b. t.t??8 SI6NEO: ,F-^*5 F-' .1 _---L----!!4--- - -. -PECTION REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT )lr;t DATE /l 't JOBNAME INS ,r' i:j I T?wNoFVA,L READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES llli , i WED THUR FRI AM .PM B tr o o D D q o UILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr BOUGH i D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOI / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr O FINAL E] FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr liii tr FINAL tr FINAL .APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED E] REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ! /t./INSPECTOR ( t /'-.il .r:,.t "- --\. r-" ,*r*"toN REeuESr TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 DATE '. ,} ..-/, ./a INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES WED FRI PERMIT NUMBER READY FOR LOCATION: THUR BUILDING: I] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEE- O FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING D INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o ! O FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING o tr o ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR NAL I O FINAL .,.'ri'nppnoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR n1<L/ l/, L' ,**"roN REeuESr ( b,r-s77' -------@ PM ,/J U{/ THUR FRI MON /,t //:' a PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE .\ READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:at54 ,.11< JOB NAME TUES /..nnu :lt:t/417, p, TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 k,'5,taf CALTER 'rtiK't'r4/(:/r,y,"r/'r/s ED BUILOING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUNO tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING fr BOOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ,,*ot * ai/ 'FTNAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOOOS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,'1,,.4 fr INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER . DATE OF PROJECT I JOB NAME INSPECTION:WED THUR i ri ' I INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL I AM,, PM FRI READY FOR LOCATION: MON CALLER TUES B tr tr tr D o tr b UILDlNG: FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: N UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr ! O FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING o tr o ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr O FINAL N FINAL b nppRoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED REINSPECTI.ON REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR l ,*#".oN REeuESr TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMEER OF PROJECT 479-2138 DATE JOB NAME INSPECTION: cAr-t-ER TUES THUR FRI A t\, / Dt\,READY FOR LOCATION: MON q,t.:&f WED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL D tr tr o tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING T] ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT f'l O SUPPLY AIR u tr FINAL O FINAL ," ,w&Seaoveo CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED .,i., ;-) 4 DATE INSPECTOR ,s I INSTCTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2198 . ! :t.r! i \ i\' ri i \ * CALLER I PERMIT NUMBER PROJECT L:DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MoI l.'', i i TUES WED THUR FBI i iir j 'PM AM rri i ' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS O FOUNDATI O FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. O ROUGH / WATEH ON / STEEL n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING O INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL o LI tr tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr o o ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL o LJ FINAL b'APPRoVED ,/\ CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,/\' 1:^'. . il DATE INSPECTOR FEE-19-g€ FP,l 11r04 ASSENI1ACHEOCLTY TOOLS FAX NO. 303530472O Fr itzIe'1 PIerse Er Iner 54E47649OI P. 01 P. 93 rovls€d 9l4l9l DBB S.PPLICAnIoN - TowN oP \rArL/ COLoRADO Ri'','i iiil' 2 21993 DATE APPLICATIoN REcEivDD i ---=-=*- DAIE oF DRB MEEtrNct Z@-' rr***f*ttt EHIS APPI.ICAIION I{ILL NOT BE 'e'CCEPEED uNr;;-Ar,tinonrnx*un*go;;9;roNrssxrBxrrrED I, A,DESCRlPTIQN: B. TTPE OF REVIEW: _-'_lJew Construction Addlt,iorr ($50.00) (9200.00)Minor Alherarion (S20.00) Corrcepbual Revlew (90) Brock C, ADDRESS: D. LEGAII NESCRIPTIQN: tot 5 Subdivieion - FoBbeC. -Glen If property is described bY aestribtion, please Provlde attach co this aPPltcation- a meeLs and bourrds legal on a geparate sheet and 19- t H. ZONING: LoT AREA: If requlred, aPPllcant stanped survey showing IoL area ' nust Provide a currgnt' NAME OF APPLICANT3 cghar{ Assenhacher ^l,Iailin! Address:- 5440 0de11 Blpce -- e.oulder, C0 80301 Phone Foa'525'2943 -^-NA.I'IE OE' Mailing AP P LI CANT' I REPRE SENTAT I VE ; ---U,ltI 1an-g $J=isgqc- r.NAME OP O9II.IERS: TSIGNATURS (S} : Mailirs Addr€ss: ' e4rrre aB abgve - .,,,'Phone sau\e as g-bgve Addregs: Box 52. v411. Co. 81658 .,. - -- Phone 476-6342 . T K. Conclornlniunt Approval lf applicabre. DRB FEE: DRB feesr ag shown abover are to be pald at ttt" tiroe of suumii:t,al of DRB applicatlon. Later, when "pptvt;i ior a buirdlng permitl please ldentifv the i'"^o"i"i6 vatuat.ton-ii in! proposal. The Town of Vai] "iti ioiust the fee'according to the tahre berow, to ensure ihe correct f,ee is Pald.- E'EE IAII} : $.. ztro - nn . - rEE S9HEDULEi , VALUATION $ 0-$ 10,ggq ir0,0o1 -9 s9,999 sso,001 -$ 1501009 $lso;0oi - $ sog'99q $stro, oor - $1,000' 99q $ Over $1' 000' 000 FEE $ 20.00 $ 50 .00 $1.00.00 $200 .00 s400.00 $500.00 * DESIGF R.EVIEW BOABD IIPDIO)WIL-S:I8IRE9 ONE YE'AR AFEIR 8'INAI, .erpRovlr, u$rsss"riui$rie ienr,rli- rs issunD AIID coN6rRucrroH rE iStrARTED. r Er'Fsrrnn ow ItR, S SfGNATIIRE !-l \e-"ref,oqev-. E"-+ lo*qrfrpta- o$- tr-f . I .{, *- }s u*)ctnr,^,r"- *:|* +".s Jr...nq. . J=. F\cdo '.- \. t' gUBDIVISION NAI'{E I th Additl.on -?t, l*2t.93 nd t.,lt an I vel EJ, eq "q I I I I I I t I in i t l' rilre I t.nE wngn aigurge. i I I I i i o t h e A c T0wn that t v e e to bl i e nt ra cuf ofP cp l- E ef E n a t b a { v io lt io nt ca o 1i tg se he if € d 1+ ct pp AL he 6e fi i. nP a ea t na no th an AL r{ be ca ac k le te gn n t a aSemEn 'JOB L0t FIIJING B The Iocatton and avallablllty of utilit!es' whefher they -be -ttraln Lrunk lines or proposed llnei, must be approved and-vgr{fied by the fo]lowing utltitiee for the accompanying slte nlan. I BLOCK ADDRESS U.S, West Comrnunlcationg r-E00-922-198? 46.8*6860 or 949-4530 PubIic Servlce ComPanY e4e-s7.81 . 4 bL-405b GarY HaIl /" Authorized Siqnature I /1/? / /// r / a*4 '-4',.n '"'ca c rlg t-of-way or Holv Cross EIect,ric . . eie-58e2 ^ ' i .,1 'Ted Husky/Michael 'Herltage Cablevision 94 9-5530 Steve Hiat c NOTE; I '| + Please brlng a obt,ainlng UPPer flow nceds nust As80e. LaverLy r.v. lYorkg and to Upper Eagle Valley Water & sanitation Dist.rict * 4't 6-7 48Q Fr€d flaslee I. \F^a\ \q*lsL .t This forrr le to verify ser\rlce aval Iocalion. thle should be used in c preparlng a utlllty plan and echedu lnslallations. Fgr any netJ construetion proposal, rnust provide a completed utllity ve form. If a utllity company hag concerns h, proposed construction' the utlligy ino-ufa nol€ dlreosly on Ehe utlllty form that ther€ ls a Problen whlch resolvgd, lt the issue ls relative if ehould be EPeIIed out in detail Ietter to the Town of ValI. Howgve in rnind that lt le the responslblll utillty company and owner to raaolv problems. rf the utillty veriflcatlon form ha f,rom each of the Lrtility conpantes, connents are nade ctirecLly on tha f witl presume that thEre are no Prob the development can Proceed' These verifications do nog reliavo Eh€ il nis responslblltty to obtain a 6tre permlt froir ttre Town o{-latl1 Deparime eF ve ee v ll I v 1 on l{ rh rl {r re ne 1y in ty e -t" dl on l{ r l.r rl r { r I i r t- e s I 7, ? 4, ud I gt B Ip ; i F rF q1 dls I olo ail trI ijr de hF Prr,e 6rl1 eqs olo ail trI iJr 1de l s r{g nq tn rl mf i ab nJ {n he 1f Fl^ eF ve ee v tl I v 1 s an ER diqoing ln any Pu lha Town of ValI .fne rown of Val BtEeet cut t)srtnlL. 1 gtre€t cut Pe -obtained ceparat,clY. eite Planr floor Plan, and elevarlo Eagle valley lfatBr s sanllatlon slgn be addreseed, ,i:!B-ig-g3 FRI 15I50 ASSTNHACTSPCLTY TOOLS FAX NO, 3035304J t il$.iil ff".111'-*_* ]1 '^'o' te-' rt o'c'ocr-By: p nl RECORDEI. OERJIY. sllJlxr 8trAHP TEIS DEED , xsde thia dry of Det gdci SIUBB, IhLI.s ASSCTAflES, ifanrary o8, 1993 A @I.CRAF GE-IMAIJ PARINERSIilP of th.cdrty of EH.;E r.rd Stote of Colorodo, of the first pafr, s'|d GffircINP ASSENI,BCIR' 2el0 BAIL *rose leset s.ldr6€s ls HTLIER CO 8O3O2 of the co..nty of EAELE and state of cotorado, of the gecord psr!.- -ulrxEssEtl|, Thrt th. aald party. oi the tirct plrt. lor srd in csrsi*rrtim oi th. sun of p**$280r 000.00 ) Tll0 NUfTDnED EIClrTy ltflJs t0 oot-L^ns $0 m/100TNs to the said Frty of the flfat pert ln hrd p8id tf thc srid pffty of thc s6corxl psft, thc fecelpt *nteef ls her.eby scknoHtedged erd confessed, has bsrglin€d, 9ra6t€d, aotd ard cmveyed, erd by thEse presents does 9fr1t, b.Fgrin. s.ll, convey 6nd ccrf i rn, urto th. Beid party 0f the ceco'|d prrt, hir heirg grd rssigns forever, rl,l, thc toL loring dc€crlbad lot ar percat_ - of t$d, 3i turtc, tyinf ||rd b.ing ln the County of EAGIE erd Staic ot Coloredo. to Hlts lEr!__5r_E4BIJ_Et4T_qE FqBHE -EENI AffiuIlE rq_qtr_sl^iltr_REoERDED AIHISI 1e, 1ee2 lrf *t 1t ggt, a'r\.\^r{\[i.rrt moK 587 Atr PA@ 376. ffUNIV Or EacIE, SEITE OF OIrRArc. stso knorn st strcct .lr&er IOI 5, ffIMIJ REIAI Otr' fERESf G[',EN 10GEIXER rith olt rrd sihgutar r.|d her€dl t€iEatte gnd .F,rtenerces thereto betorgir€, or in onpiira lppertcini.ig. rnd th. revefs lo.1 Ind tevetaloni, rsreinder sd remaindcr:, rcnts, isrucr rnd profits tb.reofj .rd .tt tha rgtrtc, rlght, tltlc interest, claln ard clerand *ratsoever of the said prrty of the fir3t psft, either in lerl or equfty.ot. In *d to th€ above bargained prmises, rith thc hcreditffilt- rnd .ppurt€mrr€6. T0 HAVE AllD TO lo[D the srid prqris.s $ov6 bergain€d ad d€scrlb€d. rlth the +Fftenar*ea, tnto the roid party of the second part, his heir3 !!d ssslg$ fora$gr. lnd the seid perty of the first psrt, for hinsetf, hir hcir*, crGcutor3, srd odninistrators, does coyguntr lfant, bar$in. d agrec to ard rith tho srid papty ot th. eaco.rd p.rt, hi3 heira r,rd essisns, thst rt the tiF of th. rmeel irt and d.t h|ery of these prelehts, he ls eetl ceired of tte prenircr abow conveyed, aB of good, 6ure, perfect, abootute ad indefesibte estate of inheritsre, in lu, in fcc:inple. |.d hae good rlght, futt poler ud laltut ruthority to gtslt, brrgnln, sett and cctlyey the a*e In rsrner and forr ar rloreseid, md thot the $aE rr€ frec rtrd clear frcn elt fomer and other grents, bargeins, soter, liens, taxee, €ssa3$Ent3 rrd encubrgnceg of *retwer hind or nrtura saever. EXCEpT GEllEMt 1A)(88 llD lSSESshExls Fo( THE YEAR t9f,l Ar0 g.tssEq,Etl yEARs, Ato E BJECT T0 TltE E SE €XTS, IESERV TtOaS, nEsTRlcrtoxs, coyExAltTs tND RtGltTE 0F u Y 0F tEcotD, sET fo{flt oil ATTACHED ExHtStT xAr. ord the Eboved bsrgainod preml eee In tie +rlet *d peeceebt e Fecsestloh of seid pnrty of the reccnd rrt, hir hcirs rd e88l9ns sgainst al,t and every per3on or Fersms layfut ty clairning or to ctain tbe *rolc or 6ny port thcrcof, thc a|id pqrty of the fir3t psft ehol[ !.rd rit{ tl,lslAlT AID FotEvES DEFEIJD, The BirBrtrf nuber Bhatt Inolude the plurot, the plurat the singulsr, ard the us. of qny gehder ghelt b€ applicable to sll gcnders. lll glIllESE yHEREoF. thc said psrty of th. first F.rt hs8 heruunto rat his hard erd 6eal th€ d.y ard yeaf flr6t sbove rritten. ($EALt I I SIAIE OF COLORIDO cd.nty of EACI.,E I ' tt. I The fofe{olrlg llEtrurnt ear tclmrtedged b.fore rc m this day of Januallr 08, 1,993 by ROIIALD H. RIIEY, llnltm, RAD EI\rE LiIIIIIED IJABILTIY oMPA$C, A IXMIIE)rJAB[ffy m{pAfiY. @IRAL PARTNR Or TI}lBm, FALTIS ASSOCTAIES, A @InRAm @NMAL PAftINERSHIP ffy ccmissim epiree -/b1h flitnoss try hend and officirl. seel. / , )I | -/i /-/l---1.,- (: l<t.-n ,'- I LESLIE C. KEYS NOTARY PUBLIC Forn 9324 Cof{PUTEI gAnRAilT? oEED - for Photos.FCt I c R.co.d 20321V.20321V V2032L ASSENIIA'T{*''LTy T00LS FA,. N0, 303b304iO IAND T'ITI,E q'IARANTM OCT'IPANY .FEB-ilg3 FRi 15:54 _-----E P, 01 INFOFT,'ASIONAL LETIER ESCF(I4# 2O32LV.2o32Lv cIcsms lllf LK dr,!Mm,mrT# wo321 pLEA,sE caREFUrff REVGrit AIID RESFoND To ALL oF I1IE lTtl'ts AFFEARTIrc ot{ THIS FDEI'{ AS rI{E N]rl0HT,Gx:Io}I GwN{ TO THE INS WILL BE BASM TU|IAIIJ OT.\I YC{JR RESPCTSES. AESOCIDFDS, A oIORAM GENERJAI E@IBffiP 1) Se11er Nane: 2) ForwdrdinE Fddries'si BRIffiE !?\IIr @ A1..657 Selier Fhorre l$rmber(s) : 3) Scx;ial SeqrriW # or Federal Tax ID # 84-1122996 yc(j ARE Rrc{rErED Hr IAW TO FROVIDE IAND TfrIrE SJARANTEE OCMPAI'IY W:I[H YCXJR CCERECT TNc]AYffi, IDilftEtCAf,tON NUI{BR, lllAf CORRESFONDC }1.fT1{ I}IE IISIX,LMSII MME. TF YCU DO NcrT PROVIDE IAND TITIE G{IARAI.ITE CCI4PANTf I{TIH THE OORRECI TA>'PAYffi, IDENITFICAf,ITOT{ NUMBm, YCXJ l4AY m $JBInCfl $O CIVIL CTR G{IMIN\L PEIu\IjIIES IMPOSm BY IAyI. (H)(w) 4) type of t:ansaction: a) LXJ SaIe (ContrasE Sal-es Price) _S28o,oooj00 ___-_:(serrers por.i"-n oi,rl]-Ir - b) U Refinance (or Deed in Lieu)* Ol E n<cfrarqe (see quescion No. 9) yotr are ir,r title as tenants il ccnrnon or a.s to an urdivlded interest then eactr seller mLsL cffPl-et€ a separate InformationaL Letter. 6) 7',) c.) l-J E5<erupt (cov. or Oorporatictns) " Payee: IAND TIfiE qIARANIEE CCI4PAI{Y tat€ of Sal-e:Jag!rgr-rr.98, 1993 (Or jn case of Rllflt, disJerrsenent date) Hroperiy Addr=ss: ItT 5 OE. rOREgl GIJEN, AffiRDIll3 TO 'Ern EIlr (or brief legal aEonDED Atto8E 19, 1992 IN mK desciprt.ion)5a7 r[ EafE 376, OUNTf oF gAq:E,. gEAtrE O_F mLoRAtr)- &/trE: PRINCTPAI-, FESIDENCE Did transferor r"eceive or u1ll neceive prcferEy or services as oart of Ure corrsideration? tfC Urder penalties of perjurly, I (we) certiff ttrat the nwnl:,er(s) shcnln on ttris statercnt ls/are mylcnr correct Talpayer Identification lft:nber(s) . I tr,ave carefulty rsriel+ed ti,i-s IRS Infornratiorol- Statenent ard fjrd it to be tlae ard correct. rlhese trareaetions are not reported to ttre tRS (for Iard Title infonnation c,rOy). lrufE: On or alnrt Janrrary 3l- of tlre year fotlcndrq the date of tiris transaction, Iard fitte wiff nnil transferor a FoIm 10995 reflectilg the ilfonnation abor/e. The FoI]n L099S stroul-d be ctrecked for correstness ard l€pt ltiti t-ransfel'or's ilccre tax records. If an error exists orr the Form 10995, Iard Title G]arant€e - Conpany strcnrld be contacbed jffiiately' 8) e) tr srHR, E FOIBIN H. Rf[iEY, I,GMHER, RAD NAME OF PROJECT:Epa.!: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 5 BLocK suBD rvr s r o n Fc+z*'-z- &--rr- ) STREET ADDRESS . DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The following information is required for submittal to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be given: A. BUILDING I4ATERIALS : Roof Siding Other Wal-1 Materials Fasc i.a Soffit s Windows Window Trim n.!r'\rq Door Trrm Hand or Deck Raifs Fl-ues Flashings Chimneys Trash Encl osures Greenhouses Other PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES TYPE OF MATERIAL Cont ze 77i r v44JoNtlltE tnl)l i!-: ..j.rttt ,e .1.t .a...i)/!_lC B.LANDSCAP ING :Name of Designer: Phone : Botanical Name Pot'Uk-/2 1@)ULetaez2 ma!J-e --t@!--r/cE '\ Pu^JcEr.tl ' 6LAua4 tl EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Common Name +r-ErJ / br?1 {r:A r4z loLa€'112a € f'vz taE 3c> Z/ty''-=tt zza 1t - / t''t 'lz_rg AJE Ouantitv Size* 4' ________f,- Noii= *Tndi cate eal ioer for deciduous trees. deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate ,Qng=tt* co^^or', Huno PLANT MATERIALS PROPOSED SHRUBS Elffi#PtttffiItt('Ri SHEM€'I;ED. * Indicate size iz----5.=-*-:-Y-:.i-: GROUND COVERS 5AL-tl te€e>carA FrztE{ANea)et< AL,]NIFACIA -&Nu,+ 3Ec.l.rA .44EA.DEN(E furENTlt-t'4 retrr//.r'\a4 4eEs 6<-A,RRur71 F-t#: .4t P ttJ(Ft 6r'/FeA '7P./a)locA<fA ELuE'zfEvT) /^-l I LLO L^r Ouantity Size* /o 5aL @(- of proposed shrubs. Tvpe ffi+trcew.,/ 4_-rcac <EATH|C- 4 'zZ:iii-n t) -4 foTENnLLA lzdc4.f /h,N ' ntaFLF 4t-.t2t NE 1'.1 I t2 t?1A r tf ycEEA^r .-',4."...:F* Mi-nimum size of shrubs is Square Footaqe t-f z .-2 /t %+r_tu 56rtt_ q^n rFVDF OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior lighting is proposed, please show the number of fixtures and focations on a separate lighting plan. Identify each fixture from the lighting plan on the fist below and provide the wattagie, height above grade and type of light proposed. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walLs, fences, swimming pooIs, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of retaining walls. Maximum height. of waLls within the front setback is 3 feet. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 5 feet. frLuE&n"-./'J /0.'):) ! Pae- tt e | *onrr"*r, Die-cast aluminum flanoed louvers shietd the light iource directing light down-and oulward with a 360 " dlslribution. ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS DArE: a.f tlftt, LEGAI., DESCRIPTION T LOI Block Firins ftr.e*r &anl t- ADDRESS: OWNER ARcHrrEcr /rt/tct-n --t flp'*ck pHoNE @ zoNE DrsrRrcr f/+ )-2.- t -pRoposED vsx 2EeiEr,/,H /J/ CA€E -Pl'7,;;7 : L-tN /T- PHONE Exist inq Proposed ,33 Total @a 4923_ f i5'/ "rZ,,"jf Front Sides Rai r Water Course Setback q i I a aar\rarirra Landscaping Ret.aining Wal1 Heights Parklng Garage Credit' Drive: (30) (50) * V:'t is1;t17'i1:'{^/ |/ELA.'F-- zbzh !rg'1i"';';'i' '1, | / 6l z| Reqrd **Lor stzn t-/.71 76aF71 Height ToTa]. GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA SeLbacks Allowed (30) (33) * ora =l .;w 20, 15' L5' ?qq 'l View Corridor Encroachment: Envi ronmental /Hazards : (300) (60o) (900) 112ou q& Permitted SJ.ope Bt Actual Slope > 4"L Date approved by Town Engineer: - Yes- n"--l-- ???- 1) Flood Pfain 2) Percent Slope 3) Geologic Hazards a) Snow Avalanche b) RockfaII c) Debris FIow 4) Wetlands Previous conditions of approval (check property flle) Does this reguest invo.fve a 250 Additlon? How much of the allowed 250 Addition is used with this request? **Note: Under Sections 18.12.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipal Code, lots zoned Two Family and Primary/Secondary which are less than 15r000 sg. ft. in area may not construct a second dwelling unlt. The Community Development Department may grant an exception to this restriction provided the applicant meets the criteria set forth under Sections L8.L2.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipal Code including permanent.Iy restricting the unit as a long-term rental unit for fulI- tirne employees of the Upper Eagle Valley. LAND IITIJT 6UIFA]ltrEE col.tPANy Repreeentlng old Republlc Netlonal TltLs Insurance conpany IITIA}IK YOU FOR YOT'R ORDER Iabruary 22, L993 Our Ordsr No. ! V2O3e1-3 BUyr4R/OnNER: GERIIIRD ASBEI{IIACI{M SEL,LER: I'n|BER FAL'I/E ASSOCIAIEB, PTRXTIERgHIF r COIJORADO GEIIEN,AI.' ADDRESSI cl.oEEn Copleal Attn: I IJES KEYs Rrletranoe: glIFBR, SDIIIH A!{D FRN'IPION DRAT{ER 3830 BEAVB CREEI(, CO 81620 coplert I Attnt gAl{ itoHNSoN RGfarenoe: VAIIJ ABEOCIAIE9 RIAIJ E8TATE POSE oFrrcE BOX e59 AVON, CO 8t62O Coplee: I Atthr RAYII F.ogE Rrferenaer 8r5-9{00 Fort-ltn brend f8x trEnsmlttel mtmo 7gt1 949-6400 LIND MrL! OUARANl!EE COI'tPANI Reprarcntlng oldl Rrpublto Natlonel trltlt trnEuranc. Conpeny $ITilX TOU TOR YOI'R ORDER VAIL ASBOCIAIES REAI. ESEAEE PO BOX 7 VAIL, COIJORIDO 816!8 Coplae:1 Attnr DORI9 EAIIJEY Rrforenset {79-2000 srJrFER, EHrTH rND lRlllHrON ?30 EnID6S 8r. VAIII, CO 81.657 copLeat 1 Attnr CEORGE rAllB REfersncsi COPIEg Copier: I Attn: Referenctl POPIIAI,T HAIK 1200 17TH gtrREET #2400 DEI{VER, CO 80e0 Coplee: 1 Attn! }IIRK llugYIJ Reference: PfcKED UP FOR DEL,IVERY AII PU COVET{ANTS AITACTiED YES NO FOR IITIEIJE OuEsTIoNs CAIIJ XAnEll DIETCIIER 303 {76-2351 FoR .et,o$fl|6 OuEgEro$g C,IIJJ I.Es ftEyS E== {76-a4l l '--.-.--l AIEA colll,l SCHEDULE - Chargea - AIJTA osn.r PolloY fax Rcgort nel/Decd of Trust --TOIII,-- frr*wlTtl YOUR RSII1IBAIICE PI.,EA8E 1, Ef,f,eotlve Datel Dlocrnber 28, 2, Pollcy to be larucd, and Propoted TTAIJTAn ounertt PolloY 1987 RevleLon (Uended 1990) Propoeed Intured: GERITARD ASSENUACHER 5. Bhe land referrsd to ln thle follocc: LOT 5' FII{AIJ PI'rAE OF TOREBT RECORDED AUGUET 19, 1992 IN ::"t, ssArE oF cor,oRADo. TtIENT Our Order lfo. V20321-3 For Infornatlon only $4{{. oo 910.00 $rc. oo 9{90, oo REFER TO OUR ORDER NO. VEO3EI-3.It** 1992 st 8!00 A,l{. fneurcdr I A 3. 4. 9280, ooo. oo lfho rrtgte or lntcrect in the land deeorlbrd or referred to ln thla Connltnent and covlred hareln lcl A F.. 8funple Tltle to thc eetate or Lntereet covrrrd hereln lg at the effeotlve date horeof veated lnl BIUDER FAL,LS ASSOCIATE8, A COIORADO GENEHALT PARTNEREHIP cohnltilant le dercrlbed EE CtrJElf' ACCORDING TO IHE PIIAT BOOK 587 AT PAGE 376, COI'NTY PAGE ALlIA CO}IUITUENT SCHEDULE B-1 (Raqulrcnrntr) Our ordar No. v20321-3 The followlnE arc the requlretente to be conplled wlthl 1,. Paysent to or for tho escount of thr grantorl or mortEagora of tnl rurr conaldcratlon for thc egtetr or lnterut to be lneurod. 2, Proprr lnstrunrnt(s) creatlnE thc utate or lntereet to be lnrired nutt be eicbutrd and duly ftled for reoord, to-wit: 3. PARTIAI. REIJEAEE OF DEED OF ERUET DITED |TUIY 08' 1992, TROII EITIBER TALIJS AS9OCfATEs, A COL,OnADO CENERAL PARTNER9HIP TO IHE PUBIJIC TRUSIIEE OF EAGLE COT'NBY FOR.EHE UBE Otr FIRETBANK OF VAII., TO SECTJRE THE gTfi OF E86O,OOO.OO RECORDED iruly 29 t 1992, IN BOOK 589 AT PICE 753. DIEBURSER'8 NOTICE IN CONNECTION WITH SAID DEED OI'TRUSB I{AS RECORDED JUIY 29, L992, IN BOoR 585 AT PAGE 755. 4. PARBIAL, RELEASE oF DEED oF BRUBT DAEED iluly 14, 1992, FRol,t TIIIBER fALLs ASsocIA[EE, A COLORADO GENERAIJ PARTNER8HIP TO TllE PUBITfC TRU$tEE OF EAGIJE coItNTy ron BnE UBE oF FIRBIBINK oF vArIJ !o gEcuRE TtlE st}l or $1e4,219.50 RECOnDED Jtrly 29' 1992, IN BOOI( 585 AE PAGE 756. s. RELEA9I oF AssrCNUENT ol RENTB AND OtrHER RIGHIIS RECoRDED JUIrY 29' 1992 IN BOOK S85 AT PAGE ?54. 6. RELEASE OF AEEIGNI,TENT OT ruNBS AND OTHER RIGHTs RECORDED JULY 29, 1992 IN BOOX 585 A8 PACE 757. 7. EVIDENCE SATIEFACIIORY TO THE COl,tPANy rHAf THE rERlts, CONDTTTONS AlrD PROVIBIONS OF TI|E TOTITT OF VAII, fRANSFER TAX }IAVE BEEN SAfTSFIED. 8. WIRRAIITY DEED FRott TII'iBER rALLg A8BOCIABES, A COI,ORADO GENERAL, PAAII|ERFHIP TO GERITARD A89ENI,TACHER CO}WEYING SUBJEqT PROPERTY, NOTE: TRADE NAI,|E AFtrIDAVIT RECORDED AUGUSE 1, 1992 IN BOOI( 596 Ar PACE 145 DIsCIOSEB RtD FM IJIUITED LIABIIJIIY COl,tPANy, A LIIIITED IJIABILITY COUPANY AND GEoncE HAIJLENBECX trO BE trIlE CENERAL, PARBNERB or IIUBER FAIJIJE ASgOCIITES, A CE}fER.AI, PANTNERSIIIP. UPOII RECEIP! OF t PROPERITY EIGNED AlfD NOTIRIUED IJIEN IFFIDAVIT, AND Al.l APPROVED stRVEY, ITErs 1-4 OF TIIE PRINTED EXCBPEIONB I{ILL EE DEL,ETED FRol'l THE OI{NERB PoLtCY. PAGE 2 -*."..'"'.....,- ALEA COlll,IIlft{ENT SCHEDULE B-1 (Rrqulrernentr) Our order No. Ve0321-3 NOEEr I1!E0t 5 OF trttE gtrNlDtnD EXCEPTIONB IfILL EE DEL,ETED IF LAI'|D trITIJE RECORDS THI DOCUUENTS REQUIRED ItnDER BCHEDUEE E-1. NOTEI uPoN PftOOF oF PlyltEltE OF AI..L TAliE8, ITS,| 7 UNDER BCIIEDULE E-2 t{It'L El DEITEIED AilD f$4,t 6 WrLL EE AI'IEIIDED TO READ! 1993 TAX88 NOT YET DUE OR PIYAEIJE AND A8sESSTIENTB NOT YEf CERTIFIED lDO IHE TREASI'RERS OFTIEE. ITEI,I 8 I'NDER 8CHEDUIJE B-E WIT.,L EE DEIJETED UPON PROOF THAT THI WATER AND BEI{ER CHAR6E6 ARE FATD UP TO DAtrE. TIIE COT'UTY CI,ERK A}ID RECORDER8 OTtrICE REQUIRE8 RETTIRN ADDRES8ES ON DOCUT'IEilT8 SENT FOR RECORDINCI T PAGE 3 - --------E AIrTt COMUITI'IENT ECHEDUI',8 t-2 (Exceptlont) Qur ordrr No. v2o321-3 Ths EotLcv or Dollclgg to bo lrauad wLll 6ontaln stao*tlonr to the folL-owtng-unlaia th. ranc ar€ dltportd ol to th. ratlafaotlon of the colpanys 1, Btlndard Exccptlond I throueh 5 prlnt.d on th€ dov.r sheet. 5. traxar and asasrrnrnts not yrt due or Pryabl. and speolal agssarnlnts not y6t cartlfled to tha TrGrEuf,er's olflce. 7, Any unpalC taxae or altaffuantl tgalnrt rald land. 8. Llsn3 for unpald watrr cnd Eswer chargeE, if any, 9. 1993 trAXES NOT VET DUE OR PATAEI.E AIID ASSESBUNNTS NOII YEI CERTIFIED TO THE TRE.IET'RER8 OFFTCE. 10. NIGHE OI wly FOR DIBCHES OR, CNTAIJS CONBTRUCTED BY 8HE AUTHON,XTY OF EHE TIXT?ED 6TITE8 A8 REEERVED TN UNTIED StrAtrTB PATEN.1r RECORDED NOVENbET I71 190e, rN Boox 48 Atr PACE '192. 11. RIGHf, of PROPRfE'IOR oF A VEIN gB IJODE tO EXTRACT NID REIOVE HIS ORE TITEREFROU EHOULD THE gN{E BE trOI'ND TO PENETRAIE OR INTERBECT EHE PREOIIEES rg RESERVED rlf rrNItSD gIAtrE8 PlTf,Nr RECOnDED November 17, 1902, rN BOOK 43 AT PltrE 1192. 12. ErgEuEtll! AS GRAITTED ro UgPnn EIGIJE VTLLEY SAilITATION DISTRICT IN INFTRIII(ENT RECORDED .IUNE 13. L973 IU BooX 229 AT PACE 550 AltD S51. 13, EASEITENT II{D RIGHT OF WAY FOR COR! CNEEI( AE Ttr f,IF8CT6 BUBiIECT PROPERTY. 14. PEDES'RIN{ AND EQUESERIA}I EAB&{E!I!! 15 FE&? IN ITDTH ALONC trHE SOI'TTIEA8T BA}IK Ol GORE CREEK 18 REEERVED IN DEBD RSCORDED APRIL, 3' 1968 IN BOOK 212 AT PIGE 637. 15. IASIIiENtr tltD RICHT OI I{AT 30 FEEA IN WId!H AIDN6 THE NORTHERI.Y gIDE OF SUB.TUq! PROPERTY AS RESERVID IN DEED RECORDED FEBRUARY 15, 1965 IN BOOK 188 AT PACE 113 FOR UgI OF PEDEEtrRIN{8 AND IQUEETRIA$8 AIID EIRSONS USINC ilATN GORS CREEK FON, FIEHIWC PTIRPOBES. 16. REBENVATION OF A lEN PERCENT NON-PARIIICIPATTNO ROYATTY Ag RESERVED TN DEED RECORDED NOVET{BER 2, 196e IN EOOK 166 AE PAGE 407, PACE { ALTA COI,II,tIT}ISNT ECIIEDULE B-2 (ExooptlonB) our order Ho. v20321-3 17. EI8EUENES, REEERVAtrIONS tND RISARIqrXONE A8 gHOt{N OR REEERVED ON rHE FINAI PLAT OF FOREStr 6IrEN RECORDED AUGUST 19, 1993 IN BOOK Sg7 AT PAGE 376. 18. TERtrs, coNDITTONs AxD PROVISTONS OF DECLIFAITIoN oF covENrlltg, coNDITIoNs, nEsBRictroNB r}rD EASEI|B}|TB oF FoREgtr cr.EN RICoRDED Au9u6t Ie, 1992 IN BooK 587 AT EACE 377 ArID FIREtr T|{ENDUEIIB THERETO RICORDED NOVEX'TEER 18, 1992 IN BOOK 594 lI PACE 53{. 19. TERlig, CONDITTOI|S Al{D PROVI9IONB OF TnBNcH' CONDUIT AtlD VAUIJT ACREE'lEllt REConbED Augrat 18, 199a IN BOON Sg7 AT PIGE 3{5. zo. IIIIDERCROUND RICHT OF l{Ay EAslillENT AS cn.}NEED TO HOIJY cRoSS ELECTRIC A88oCIAMON, INC. IN INSTRUITENT RECORDED AUGUS! 13, 1992 IN BOOK 586 AT PAGE 923. 21. TERI'ig, CONDITIoN8 AllD PROVIEIONB OF EASEIIENT AllD JOINT IiIAINTENANCE DECI.'j|FITION RECORDED Nov6nb.r 18, 1e92 IN BoOK 5e4 Al! PA68 533. 22. TTETIIIY rOOB SAI.TIEARY EEI|ER EASII'IENB TRAVER8INC SUB|IECT PROPERIfII AS SHOIIN ON TH! FIAB RECORDED AUGUgtr 19, 1992 I}I BOOK 587 AT PACE 376. 23. AVALANcHE RIIN-OUT AND EUILDING BETBACI( AIONC THE EASIIERLY LOT IJINE otr gUBiTECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON fTTE PI.,AT RECOBDED BEPTEI'TBER 19, 1992 IN BOOK s87 A1! PA6E 376. 24, PUBLIc PEDE6$IAN/FISHERI,IAN'F Et88'lENf AIONG THE NoR1lllERLy IrOT IJINE oF 8UB,IE(]I pROpERTy ire sHoTN ON TBE PIAT RECoRDED AUCUBT le, L992 IN BoOX 587 trT PAGE 376. 25. APPRoXIIIABE lrlltltrs oF 100 YEAR FIJoOD PLf,IN OF CORE cnEEfi ALONC TtlE NORTHERIJY I.'OT LINE OF 8UBi'ECT PROPERTY A8 8HOT{N ON EHE PIAE RECORDND AUGUET 19, 1992 rN BOOK 58? AT PACE 376. 26. tERllE, CONDTTIoNS AND pROVrgrONg OF ETEEIEDIII'DEED RECORDED;tanuary 08, 1993 IN BOOX 59S AT PACE 893. Itll{s I THROUGH 3 oF 9CHEDUIJE B ARE IIEREBY DEIJETED. ITEl,t No, 4 oF trHE STAIIDARD ExcEPtrIONg IB HEnEBv DELEEED AS fO AIIY ITIENS oR trUlURE ITIENB RE9ULrINO FROU I{oRK On ilATERIA! rURNISHED AT THE REQUEBT oF tIt{8ER FtL,IrB tBsocIAIEg, A COIloRIDo GEI|ERAIJ PARTNERBHIP. oLD REPUBIJIC NATIONAL !I'I|LE INSTTRANCE col{PA}lY SHALL IIAVE No IJIAETLItrY FOR ANy IJIEN8 ARTSING FROtt rOnX OR llAt&,rAL, FUnNIEHED AT lltlE REQUEST OF GERIIARD AgSB}DIACHER. PAGE 5 rlo"c u A R A N n E EO" o tt P A N Y I,AND DISCIJOBURE EIABII{ENT Requlrctl by genttg EllI 91-14 A) The eubJcct reel proprrty Dry br located ln a rpralal texlnE dlatrlct. B) A carti.flcqte of llax.r Due tletlnE eaoh tartLng Jurlrdlctlon nay bs obtalned f,ron thr County froarurcr or the County Treasurer' g authorlzed agtnt. c) tlhr lnfornatLon regerdinE apeclal dletrlett and tha boundarlee of such dletrlotg nay be obtained froa the Eoard of County cotnllsrlonsrs, thB county Clerk and Rrcordar, or thr County ABB€gEor. Rrqulred by senat. Blll e2-1{3 A) A certlfloate of Tax6r Dlc tletlng rach taxlng Jurlrdlctlon ahall be obtalnrd fron the County llt6tt6ursr or the County Tretaurerrs authorkcd aEent. i i z I en isrce Er iner 3834?6499I P.el o w of rubJL^(Jnr"'7+ - ETS EE-E.TMTTID-J61 NT I'TA I NT ENAN C E ,l0r.NT MATNTENANCE DECIJLR.ATTON ' (th€ "= ;r --x'li{r',- | 1 , -1?92' -. Fv a corora?iaiEfr-e-raf--FEitnership (the I,;f rNISS_Fi'lH i i the ouncr of the real Droperty toiated and mnre particularly descrlbed as csorriing to the real Pr.operty -ra##ntqlE-eounty, cc lor aclo ( in<livi rtrra.l ly "t Lot 5t' ur llrot 6', a n-d collcctively, the PropartYrr ) - VIHEREAS, a purti.on 'cf the Fropcrty ie a su'j'p of land trhich connectsi wLth Gfen i"if" 1,a". and be-ing rnorc part.lcularly descrilred on Exhibit A atta;hed irereto and incorporatod herein wlth the i|"ffijt"n*; Accebs Easenrent,. (the'rEascncnt Strlp'l) . TI{IS EASEMEIIf ANN rDeclarationlr) ig nra de fimbcrfalle Assoeial-es,rupqqlarantrr) . IIIIEREAS, Dcclarant is iir EaEle Coun--Y, Colorado fo 1 law6 : WIIERIjAS, l)eclarant w !eh*$ eagenent to the benefit ()f IJULs and through the lasement striP L,-. s,rnvey d pernancnt noncxcluelve 5 and 6 in, on, ovcrl under, acrcEs fur access PurPosesl and l.lllEREAs,Deciarancuishestopr,ovideforbhecolnson rilaintenance ind raparr ot che Easenent Strip' NOll, THEREFORE, Declarant does herebl Publislt atrd declare that eacir of Lot S'ana Lot 6 snall be held, soldr'dlld conveycd =ii[{ecf Io -ine following covenants, conditlons, restriutiols and "i"umint", "fiicri are toi the purpose ot protectlng- the varue atrd AesiiariritY of such real proi"tly, ar'o wnich shall run willr tlre fi"a-ina Ue finding on ait parties an6l heirs, success.ors,__and ii!is""--of partles having any-ri9h1:, title' or intereFt ln aII or any part of Lot 5 or Lot 6. . 1 . DeclataH-on. Lots 5 and 6 are hereby subject to,1 . Declataltj-On. Lots 5 and 6 axe nerepy suDlecE Eer the nee'l arant does hereby convey, a perrilanent-r, . p.e-rp-6tJral nonexelrrslve *"".rr,"nt-iisui"*entil) , for the benef it of Lots 5 '6 in, on, ovF.r, ttnder, across and bhrouqh the Eas€rnen!.S-E1E irir.l"iv'e.irpoJ"='. uo-h.i.ular anC pedeatrian accese aridr ingregs ;;;;;;-'t"'"i'i-r""'* ""*r or lots i.ali 9. to Gl€n r9f]! !9n1t sement sha11 inr:lrrde, without linritation, th-e--ff gUE g atle O ancl ancl and for and 2. JnjL&l-leirler'n-lcs-of-Xaselcrl!-Strin' For purpocs$ of thls oeclaratili-ther" ehalt he dpemcd to be tuo owners, one for Lot S and one f,or Lot 6. The two owners of the Froperty shall be joinfly Fr i t z I en P i er,:e Br i ner 3934'7 91 r6spclr6ibl,e for inaintaining and keeping the Easdnent Strip'in Eood repair and for the reasonabfe naintenance, repai!, upkeop and repLacement of alt inprovernents located on the Easenent Strip.AlI costs and expenses related such nraintenance, reDair and replaeement and any capital expenditures related to thr Eascnent Strip approved by the owners in accordance herewlth shall be divided equally between the two owners, except for any exFense or liabilrty caused through the neEligence or vrlllfrtl ect of any owner, his farnily, ffgcnt or invitee, which shall ha bornc soIe1y by euch ouner- The o'$tners may from timc to ti.me appoint one ou:ter as a hanaginq ouner (f.he trManaqing Ownertr) thraugh nutual approval of such appointment. The Managing Clivner vould handle aII aclnin isf.rat ive natt€rE trith respecf tc and oversao such maintenance, repair, upkeap and repJ.acenrent of the Easenent, Strip anrl aII improvenents thoroon. l\ltcrnativcly, thc olrnc?g nay by mutusl agrccmcnt adopt a plan for the administration of 6uch ooilnon maintenance, repair and replacenent not involvinE a Managlng Ovner.The owners expenditures ownerg shal l L s Lr,'i n a ndnner which cEuge€ a ll]-lrltilLt O tictnulI express 6 LllaL Lhe owners na e Erees par UII (J the Ea ses n the event the drlveuay is cons ed crlveerav or.TdtFr s 5 ancl {i are solct by Declarantr the o'dner of th6 Log purchased 649 o P.@? msy also by nutual aEreerrent approve oapital fot projects rElating t,r the DaseneDt Strip. Thg qolrF tL-erleirts witlri.D v t. trom oeclarant after the construction of such alriveway 6haII snare proportionately in the construction costs of that portion of the driveh'ay which the two Lot, ouners vill sharer as follolra: if such owner purchases within two years after completion of construction of the driveway, the two Lot owners will share the constructloh costs equallyi lf purchased from two years after completion to four year6 after completion, such ner,, owner will pay 40t of the coEtg of congtruction; and if purchased over four years afteF oonpletion of the driveway, such owner will pay 301 of the constrrlction costs.Ihe driveway to be constructed within the EaserTrcnt Sttip ehall be placed as far ncrth viLhin the Easernent Strip as ii reaeonably h..-ALf -Ar-r ^ -.:--^- .Lr^ - -^-r^-,r -r-.: --- -^-1r----^r--.J^- ! !! ----- ^l practicable given the restrictions on such conetruetiion ictinerrssed above. OnIv one driveway is nernittpd within the nt Stri exceot wherc .cue vcwAy sF ts to the aepara Not'.rithstanding any other 'Declarant sha]l not be liablc or as a Iot ovrner contained heroin. pr ov ie i one rccponciblc 3 , Enforcernent. (a) If an owncr, at any pcrforn or pay his share of any tine, shaIl to Eny bo uir th€ spruce trees r existinq landsca obl igat ion Fr i t z I rh P iercc Er irrer 3634?sl 649 o P. e3 other ohrner may, but ghatl not bF. obligated to, after. Eo dEyts wrltten notice to the.owner so fallLng ro perforn (the ..Defaultirrq owner') unress the circunstanees icqutro' tnnctliEie-L"t-r":rir--*"ii3 such Faynent, or, on hehalf of sueh Defaurt_inE owncr, er.p*'d rruch suo' a5 rday be neees*Rry to perfotm euotr outr.Eitiin, ' Arr "u*= "o paid or expendcd hy _ln -o1.rnerl vrith intcrcat thireon at Lhe rate of 18* per ann'rm frorn the dats of euch palalent of "xpl*titur", sharl h: l"v*|L' b3- tlc Defaurtlng .nner upon deruard bf the owner so F.ayrlg-(tl?.rrpayinE owner'). Ar1 suns so denanded but unpaio oi the Dof.lulting ovnef shalr constiLuLe a llen on the tee sihpre cstatc of the nefaurting owre. i' favor of the.raying owner-piior to all other licnc and. ellcunb!-dnues, excepc: (fi 'rf6n" for taxe$and opeciar egsesements; aud (i.i) ine rrEn oi-iny-tri* nortgage or f irgt deed of rrust- encurur.,ei.jrig such ill-efmplT "liire whiah is recorded .prJ.or to thH date on erhlch tna 'opriqiiion'--fit-"frE deli*querrt. Tlre rien sharr attash trou tne-o"tJ-vn?i ihi il;;ii suru shall becoma due and nay be forecrosed in lilie -nanner as a nurtgage- on real property. To evidence such a lien, writtin notice of the llen sharr be prepared, setting forth th6 anount of ths unpaid indebtedncs-s, _thg d_ate upon wirictr ttre inclebteaness became due, th€ nane of the Defaultlng Owner, and desorlption of ttre fee simpJ.e estate to uhlch the 1le-n shall aitacfr. --s-,icn- notici--stiii be slgned_py the owner or the o$nerrs agent iu whoee favorttre fien qlrarJ be filed, and the llen ehall be recorded ln thc offtce "r tn"crerk and Recorder of the county of Eagle, cororarto. rn anv foreeresure or other collectlon. pioceedln{s.-thc DefaurtinE o";;;shall .be required. to pay tha costr 'and .*pnnles of euch pfoceedinge, lncludinE reasonable attornf,yrs fees-. (F) The lien provlded fot harein ehart be rubordlnetc to thc lien of any first nortgaga or firet d€eal df trust q'hLeh ip iecorJ.a prior.to the date on whieh. the obliEatlon bccanre dus, inorudinc cti additional advanees on said frrst nortgaEe or rirei'cc.a .i-iirrl.sele or transfer of eny foe einple eetato ac the redurt of court forecloeure or a nortgige forecioeurc through ttre pubiic *";i;;;or arry procecding ln licir of forccroeure, ahair exti-neturEh the rreir as to paynente thcrool which beconc due p,rlor to t:suclr cale or tranofor, but ehall not rslieve any fqrnlr ovt.er,i sf, ttllfltii thorofor. trhe flrst nortEagee of, suorr fee simpre ,egtatr who loquireo tit-le by way of forcclosur's er the tahtnlg,: of a deed in rreu rhsrcof, eha.l| T?t, however., br llable for-lany past due ?T:ll!o- ""d/or obligarious rluc hereunder andt 6hall: ,jnfy neconi rtabre for future amuunta. an_d/or obllgatlons on the Oite i€ beeomes the orvner of such fee srnpti eetatcl No sare or -lilhsrer erriii rerieve such fee slnple rstate tron rlabllrty for anv -;norinis lld/or - obrlgations thereaftcr beconing due 'or rlron -'tr,e -irin thereof . rn the event of, the eara or-transfer of,.;,a,,fee simrie escare with respecr, ro which suns shall re unpiia -trti';lE;;a;iti;; owner, except trahaters to a first nortgage In conf,cction wiurr--i roreclosurc or lrs rten or a deed in 1i6u-thercofr iltre puriliJei ii Fr iiz len P l€rc.c Er iner 3834?st 649 o P. 04 other owner hay, but ehall hoE he cb.tigated to, af,ter ,ZO deys $trlt'teh notice to thc owner so fail inq to -parforn-itn"-'"o"tourLlnq owner lr ) unr ess the c ircunsta necs r.qlu ir"' r*r;a]a[';ct-r-;;;-;1tE such payne't, or, on beharF of Euch neraurtiij o-*"-r,***rrrnd such sum_as nay be necessary to Fcrform cuch obrifatt"it. ' Afi-;ud-;;paid or expended by nn owner, with int+rest t-heresrr ab the rata of 18t per annun frorn the Clate of Buch pa],nent or exptnalture, shall be payable by the r)efaulting owncr 'up'on dr:nand ;i-th. orflrer go paying _(tle.rrPayi-ng ownsrrrl.- Arr sumi so demaudca uut, unpald by the Defarr'lti.ng owner shali constitute a lien on the r"e'trnpr6 estate of thc D.faurting owner in fav'Jr' ef.tne.paying orner-pfioi ,to all other liens and cnctrrnbrances, except: (1) - ri6ns for taxcg and speeiar assese^cnte; and (1i) Ltre r1'en oi inv-irist uor[giqe or f,irst deed of trust encumbe'irig such fee srmpie'eiil* thi;fr-ia :::?:d:d -prllT ro rhe, r.lale ori whlch the 'onriga[i;n-.-d;'a;; dalinqucnt. The Lien slralr at-tach fron the date eh-en ttrr tinpi-ra Eurn chrrl become dle aDd rnay be f,orecrogecl in Ilke -Eanner ag a mortgagc_ on real_prbperty. tu evidence 6ucn a tion, trrittbn notice of thc lien sharr be pi'epared, sett,ing tortn tn6 inount of trii unpaid indebredless, the -date upon whidh the in&b#a;ess becare due, the *arrc ar rhe Default.ing owner, and desCiipilon or ttri-feE simpre eslate to which rhe riei shalr attacn- -s-rjcr,-nbttcc inirr be signecl ?y lhe orrner or the ownerrs agent in wnose-iavofthe rten $harr be rtled, and Ehe rten shatl be r6corded in tte oiilce-iiilr"clerlc and fiecor(ter of the county of Eaqle. Coloraito. rn any foreclosure or other corlection pioceedines,-the oelaurttng ownei shall -be required. r-o pay tha costs and cxpeni". oi ruch proceodthgs, includlhg reasonable attorneyrs feesl . (F) The. lien provided for herein shall he subordlnabc to tho rien of any first nortgaqe or first deed of trusr uhicii Le recqrdod lligl..!?_qh! jtte on vhich. rhe. oblisarion becano aq;l-inoludrnir-iii addttronal advances on said fl_ret rnortgaqc or flrret deed of tirgt.sare or transfer of any fee sirrrple pslaie as the rcdurt of court foreclosure or a nottgage foreefn.s,r.rre thrcugh ure eutilc.trurii",or any proceedlng in lieu of forfe,:Losure, shail e*tl-ngulsh tho lleir as to_ paynents thereort whinh heeone due prlor to -iuch aare oi transf er, but sha'l 'l not relieve any fornlr o$ncr ot ; riarlririy therefor. The fi.rst nortgagce of cuch ree simptel' €state .who acquiree t-itle by way of foriclosure or ttre tatlir-.J ct:a oeea ln Lleu thcroof, shall lgt, however, be Iiable for- any past, clue arndrrnts and,/or obllgations due hereurrder and shall i,rinfy beComc riabre f,or futurc anouhts and/or obligabions on the oate rf bcco[es the a'.rner of euch fee simpli euLaLe. ro eiiu-or tr,lnster sniii.relisve euch ree srrnpre lsraLe rrom :-llrtiiiv--for rriny anounts and/or - obllgations tlregecf,ter hecorning ctue br - lrUn-l.th;-ii;;thcrcof . rn the everL of the Eare or'transfer oi-.,I--f;-;d;il eEteee uith respect tcr w'ich sums shalt be unpaid ry I oeraui[inu :o?'ner' oxcept tra*sfers to a f rrst hortgage in conriedtron rr-rT[--i forcolosure or ir* lien or a deed in ri'eu'lh;-r";i;"ii;ti,i"lti'i"i rit o z l+h P ierEe tr i her sB34?64961 P. A5 Or other transterar of -a interest in 6uch fee sinple cgtate ehall br Jorntry and severarly _Ilabre ritrr ttre-i"rrei--or-'trangferor thereof for any sueh unpaid suhs. (c) Upon uribten . request . of any owner, rortgagee,prospectlvg tlortgqgee, purchaser or "ttrer pilep#t-#. trehsf€ree ot a_tee sinple estate,. !h" owners of the ot-frer -f".-rlinta eetates sharl lssue a urltten-statement setting ford-6" ;o,rii"owed under thrs paragraph 3, if any. gucn liale*ent i" i,ina-rng-tEJH;ex€cuting awner in favor -o-f any person who nay rery [rr""ion-rn-gi;rc falth. unless a requ-est ror such statement iharr'be c"npiiaa- iri[.within t4 business days after reclipt the'eof, atl.rie.f+ iiii whictr become aue prio! to the -aate -ot ,n^klnE'r"q""; sharl be subordinated to the rien or other inrprest or thi p"fsor t.6iui,irni euch statenent. (f) Eaeh provision of thi. Declatsrtion ahalr b€ .ntorceabre lI.,.11t.lynnr.oy a procEeding. for I prohtbltivc or nandatory InJuncElon Or by a suit or setion to recovcr. danagos. tf CrgUf-L proceedlngs arc ine ttEutod in conneetion with €rri ,rslr;-"i €nf.rcenent and rerncdicc provided in this Decialatfuinr- th;prevailing party ehsll be'entitled to recever lLe sostE and e*p.nser in conncction thercvithl incrurri'g reasunabre altorneyrg fqes. . (e) Each owne* hereby .dg.f,ees th.+- any and art accrong in cquity or at law whiuh "r'c initituted ro ehtorce any piovisroii hereunder Ehatl Lre lrgught- ln ancl onry in tne-'i6uiis oi tire county of Eagle, State af Colorado. (f) Falture to entorce any provrsion of thls Deoraratlon sharl not operate as a valver or iny sucrr-piovilion-,-tle-iiqhi-i;enfcrce such Erovisian thereafter,'or of 'ili l-ttril riiovis-iin- ii thls Declaration. (S) Any.exerclse of any right qranted hereunOer;,Uv one o ner rerEn.respect to any_other .ownerrs r,oe, including but.not riuited to' the use of the-Easenent, shall be exercisea-in-i,rninner which sharl not unreasona.br.y hinder, inpeile or impoiJ-upl;r tuch other ownerrg use of his lot or the Easenent Strip. ' ,; 4. General provjsipas. il) Notice. Each ownnrl shell register ite Wlln fh€ Othef owners and all notices or denande served - upon owners shall ha sent by certifiad prepald, addresseat i n the nane of thE owner at mailing.address. rn.the alternatir,", n"ttccc roay in writing, persnnal.ly to owners. i roallinE addreea inlonded to bc mail", postage sucl1 rcglctcrcd be,dellvarcd lf .il r it o z lch F ierEc Er iner ?gE4-7649sL P. S5 (h) Duratron, Basrr provrslon.ln thie Decraration ,whjeh is subjeet to thc lawG or ruies sotnehrndel&e;;e-ila6 rhe rure aga inct . perpetuities. er tn" -=iru-rJ--pi"=riit'iiinf - ur,"..*ronable reetrointa on arierratlgn sharl continue-ana rernaii ln frrrl force and cffect fsr LIrr perlocl or twenly-one- !2r). yeii" iorlowing the dcath of the tiurvivor of, thc niw'riwiui-iiiri!'-aJscendanrr of charles, ilre rr<.rw qurrent prrnce of wa_les,r -or uniil-th-l-J Daclaration is ter-mirraLed as l"rgrrt!-ri.provro-- ntr"-tevi-r ?iisl'o"cure. ArI obher provlslons contained ii thl' oecriiiiiii-.l"ri*.ontlnue and reruain ln rurl rorce and- ef,fect on*f -,1-i*.?y' i'ili;" year 2020 A.p. ' and thereaft.r sharr be automaticarit-;*i-"d;f,t euccegsive lg"lgqt.or- ten (10) y-ears. each; unie-ss ilrf" nlei-eratiJn re ananded or revoEed bv recorded instruhent signecr rv aii "*ncr" and arr tienorE hotdiis e flrs! *-;;td-il';; rir:st decd o! rrucr of rccord an any portlon of the properly. . (q) . . Aruendnent of .Bevocatl an " this Deorqratlon bay be qncnd^ed at any time upon uritte.n approvar. rn reoor-Ja-dc elru uf borh ownerg. The covenante and ractrictione of this oesri.auion shiii be amended or revokecr .onry by an inatrun.ii "rr-i.ri-.p;.iirEiiiy refers to this Deelerationind-whioh is rG;;.I tt both or rhe then existing owncri.*. rny anendrncnt rnust rc proper.l'y rlEtroea at ilre office of the clerk ind Reoordor of tne cluriuy "'t iigie, $qate of Colorado. (l) -Effe?! of FFqvlsions or Destaratron. Each provieion of this . oeclaration, _ and, a'y agree.ment, !?6hiee, ---c-ovenant and undcrtaking ro comprv wiur eacn provieion oi ttriE ilecriritidn, aiii any- hccegsary exenptiqn or rcseryation or _grant of tttlJ, -"iiutli] T+ght or interegr ru effectuate any provlsi'on of ltrii-rieciar;ti;;;(i) aharr be dee'retl incorporatcd in each deed or othcr in;t;um#i II---*.1.1"" . ""y right, - tttie or inrerest in -any -pJ"t-fon of bhe Property ie. gr'anted, devlsed or conveyed, whethei oi not set forth or referr'eql to ln such cleed or otha,i, insiiunenl;-li.if Ehni; ;v virtue of aoceptance ot any right-, titre-or int.iilt'in- anv portion :l..Llt-1:.r^op:f.y_ny an owner, bb abenea accepted, raliiieO, i.t"pl;J crru qecrared as a personal covenant of such owner and, i" a personar covenant,_^tl1ll be bindins on such owner ana rrii'n"1rr]Fersonal representatlvee, succesgors and as*lEns,. ahd, sharl bl deened a persona.l. cove_nant to, with and for t-rre rcnieit "i iari,:yl?r 9f anV. port_ion of the propcrty, and (iit) shali bc deened'a ::3l-g:y"l_"n:. b|Picfatrant, for ltsel !, itt sucdeEEorcr,cnd qasigns, :ll-"r_11"n equitabre servitude, rltnning, in eaoh crsc, aE a bur:deir wltn and upon the title to eeeh and cvcry fee iinpre esLale conprising the prspcrtv. -l' .(g) SgrefFUitibl. rnvalidlty or uncnforceability of any provision of this traelaration ln wh-oro or tn part,toii not, affect the validity gr enforecability o-f ahy other-p-"""i"i"i1-i, uny vatid and enforeeahle part of a provlslon oe ttis oiclaiation-whlch shall Fr i tz lFn P ierEe Br Iner gB34? I I (b) I)ttEtr":.:_ Eech provis:.urr.in thls Deataratlon vhLch ls subject to the laws or ruler'sonrelines r"r""iia-li-]e the rule ageinlir perpetuirlco or ttre irire ptoninidilf- ,inreasonaute re*l.raintE on ar.icnation shalr ,onilnu"'anc renaii in futl force an<l effect for thc period ar Uweniv_?lg l2U. yearr followtnE the dpath of tho survivor sf Llre now'la"rfui iir1n;1""-iendantE of charre*f thc now current pri.nce of wales, or untir thic Decraration is terminatod as her-e.i^dfter.prov-ioeo, whrchever frrct occurs. Arr othor provisions co'Luined rir tnis pecriiiriiin sirif don-tTri"t iii rcrnaln in ful' f.rse and effecr untif -.la-nu;ry'{Ti-d; ib-il;;;;A.D. / ahd thereafLer sharl be autoni*carry extended for euccesslve parJ,oda_or- ren (10) y-ea_rs.eacri; unless thi6 E;i;r"ti;; ir aucnared or revoked by recorded instrunent signed bt ;II-il;;rE and et1 lieno::s hordi'g a rrrsr hortgage o, ri-"rf aela-Ji tr,i'=T;i;";;;on arry purtion of the eropertyl , __i9)- .+qnendnen!_c{.Revocation. _rhi" Declaratlon nay bc arcndcd qL any tlrne upon written app'-roval in recordable fdrn of both ovners. The covenants and restrictions of this naclrratlon "[iii be anencted or revoked only by an instrunent wfrfeir cpaailf"iiii refers to this Declaration and which is signecl ty f"itf, -"r ths then exrstlng-owner'. _Any anendnent nust be pi.operr'y re.""aoa at thc otflce of the CIef,k and Recorder of r.he eiunly i'r riEl", Etatc of Colorado. ($) -Effect of pTgvisinns of Decraration. Each provisron of thisDec1aratroH,.and...a@ice,civenant,and undert.-rking to cornFly_with, dach ir"rrieion ot this-besiiratlon, and any neceasary Exe'oFtion or reecfvation or.gr-ant of tliie, 33Gat6,riqht or intercst ro erfeotuat,c ahy pr""isi'oli,ri ilri-iicraratron!(i) shall be dponed i.ncorporatea in each deed or oth€r instrunent !y yhict . any risht, riric or inilresr. in -anv -p-itton or the Froperty l.s ryranted, dcvlsed or conveyedf whethet gr not set forth or referred to in euch dced or ourei. ir=tiurn"ni;-iilj' sfiafir-li virt-ue of aeceptancc of any right, -.ruf" or fnt.iilc'iri'r"ny portion of t-he property by an owner, be ,leenrecl acceptedr-,atii'ieai-;dilile and coclared ae a personal crlvenant of such ownEir anq, aE a pnrs^nar covenantr._ehalt be r.ri'tling on such ownei i-na tIi'ne]r'""]personal rcprcaenratives, =qcces'ois ;"t;;"i;ii-; Iit, shall be deerred a pcrsohar covc_rdrlL ro, with and for the ueneElt-6i-io6fi onnctr of any porrion ot rhe properry, ana (iiri- crraiiTiiie deened a real covelant bv Deurdrant,, tor ltseii, it= iu"Eer'"oir:eia a"Jiii"l snd. cl so. an equi uabl". ser,ritual,- iunnli,s-,- rn;;i, ffi; jll, o burden with and urron the rlt,re to eactr ana' "u"rii-?.i" -iiri,fa cstate comprieirrg t-lle property. .(g) severabiritv, rnvalidity or unenforceautUti of rny provisiun of thiB ogclarg!]gn in whore o.r in'-parf 3f,"r.jf 11"t Effect bhe vatidtry. or enrorceabiliry-Jr inv gll*i-pl6ii=l;; F,, any velrd and e'rqrceabre part of a provisron ot ltti" oE-"i;;;ii;,l"lrhG'h ;ffii s' 649 o st P.E'? i. rit o z lcn P ierce Br i ner I P. 6A ! lcnaJu in full force and effect. -(f) cart'ionq. Th-e captions and h.eadlngo in this lnstrurcent gae for convenience only and shall not UJidiieiOir.ri'ii conctrulng any provisions of this beclaration. (g) const.ruction, I+hen necessary _for proper eonetruction,Ene mascurine of any word used in- ttris- oscra'r"t'iii .rr.rr rnoludo the teninlne or neuter gender, and the -.i;t;i;; ;hJ'[iur"r, ana vice vgrsa s"tr PJ - (h) - gcverni.nq Lqy. This Declaratinn is nade and .rcouted under and in respect ,ilI be qoveinia "na "on.trurJ rf i-ne rawr or the State of cotbrado where tr,U lii,p-*ty is sirueted. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the rrnderslgned herein, has hereunder set'its hand iia ccar first above uritten. ' /'7 ,( \ bcing the Dcclarant cc of thc day an0 year - -- ...-:\- t__ ASSOCIATES, general Dy; RAB Flve LiEited Liabtllty conpany, a wyolling Lhited Llabillty company, ceneral partnet ERFAI.,LS a Co lot atlo par Lrrershlp Rona Menb€f tl lr ii Fr iiz len P I erc+ Er i her I 3€94?st 6{+9 o P. 69 fhc foregqing i IeSgrnF instruuerrL wd.s acknowledEed before ne thie r,/tt:fl\ /ld L L992, bvi Ronald H. Rilev ae rnanhar.T fr 4iijl4gL_,. re92, byi Ronaid H. Rlley a6 nenber-ff Limited L,,iabiIitv Companv. a l^tv6rn i hn T.{ rrr-i t ad ?.{ rhi I { }.., day of .L IIAD Pive y c_ompany, a l,lyoning Linited Llabiltty,catnpsny ae r]erre.al partner of 'I'inbertalts Ass-oclates, a coroiidi general par Lrrersh ip . My corunisslon explresl ,?tit *.d' -r {- N-ot-ary PuEfiE /eaeerile. dc Fr itz lr,n P i Grc.r Br iner 5O34?64991 P. to _L?r L lB,Ae7A squore feet 0,tll,l qcres I (__ L)r_L 19,797'!- rquorc fret O4${ tcres .-t.\"n*/ao } ,,- $a- p+-..- )i; t6t0 J2. t25,00: J5.?2? it q ,fs EXITIBIT A toT 6 e0,563,8 square F€et 0,{78 ocnes Pl0.00t rrt 0ll0 I0flIr6HAH nQAo ^vot( E0L0t otrgq [3otl grB-!ort IInter-Mountaln Arttoneerirrg': EXHIBIT +'-\ q+zr,re)= -_ \_. B F r TD . Fritz. lel.r PicrGe Br iner 3gE4?64991 o P,11 $,lnF tot lreo V,.flCg STFEET LA|(CTE{II stfo, BOett (101cr€-otJo ,8, lB,0e7,+ squore fert O{l{ acros Q,--- _L0r_L tezsf.frl+.romrrrrt o**r+ *_ __ LOT.6. ?Q563€ seuore"fett :,',o o tl,t'I( ,o/ r"8 ORDINANCE NO.36 Serles of 1991 V)-u AN ORDINANCE PROVIDTNG FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF ,o"isTlx._ii:,[h:fl H,?Tt?HffIiltii,*oo DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR SPECIAI OEVEIOPIiAENT DISTRICT NO.27.IN ACCORDANCE WITH CHAPTER 18.40 OF THE VAIL UUNICIPII. CODE AND SETNNG FORTH DETAILS IN BEGARD THERETO. WHEREAS, Chapter 18.40 of the Vail Municipal Code authorizes Special Development Districb within the Town in order to encourage flexibility in the development ol land; and WHEREAS, application has been made for Special Development District approval for a certaln parcel of property within ttre Town, generally described as an unplatted parcel tocated Easl of Nugget Lane and south of Gore Creek anct legally described ln the attached Exhiblt A; WHEREAS, In accordance with Section 18.66.140, the Planning and Environmental Commission held a public hearing on the proposed SDD, and has submitted a recommendation for approval lo the Town Council; and WHEREAS, alt noUces as required by Section 18.6o.080 have been sent to tho appropriate parties; and WHEREAS, the Town Council has held a public hearing as required by Chapter 1g.66 of the Vall Municipal Code. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO THAT: Sectlon 1 The Town Council finds that all the procedures for Speclal Development Dlstdcts in Ghapter 18.40 of the Munlctpal code of the Town of Vail have been tuily satisfied. Section 2 A speclal Development District is establlshed to assure comprehenslve development and use of an area in a manner that would be harmonious with the general character of the Town, provide adequale opsn space and promole the objectives of the Zonlng Ordinance of the Town. Section 3 The Town Councll finds trat the development plan for Special Development District No. 27 meets each of the standards set forth in Section 18.40.080 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail or demonstates that eiiher one or more of them is not applicable, or that a practical : LrtrJ? - az.*e ^ re 4azz"*,-t /n d,4L?-z- d,e ,/< F;4t4't/.4n;e t -AJ-- %. Oa- "L'l ^F-"4 6 />f t & TaU. \ C"",;t^ ,9 F;2 Plj 7 ":o o'o sotutlon consistent wlth the public lntsrest has been achleved. In accordance wlth Secdon 18.40.040, the development plan for Special Development Dlstrlct No. 27 ls approved. The devetopment plan is comprlsed of those plans submitted by Inter-Mountialn Englneering, Ltd., and conslsts of the following documents: 1. Topographicalsurvey; daled4l6l82, sheet 1 of 1, revlsed 10l4l84. and 1/29/85. 2. Slope Analysis; dated 9l4lg1, sheet 1 of 1. 3. Tree Locations;dated 6/10/91, sheet I ol1, revlsed 612319'1. The development plan is also comprlsed of those plans submltted by Dennls Anderson Associates, Inc., and consists of ttre tollowing: 1. lllusfative Site Plan;dated 9/9/91. 2. Preliminary Site Plan; dated 6/10i91, sheet 1 of l, revlsed 6123191. The development plan also requires the approval of the Final Plat for the major subdlvlslon, as approved by the Town's Planning and Envlronmental Commlssion. Section 4 Development standards for Spectal Development Distdct No. 27 are approved by the Town Council as a part of the approved development plan as follows: A. SETBACKS: Setbacks shalt be 20 feet front, 20 feet rear, 15 feet sidss and as further restrlc'ted on the development plans set forth ln Section 3 of this Ordinance. B. HEIGHT: Building heighi, for a sloping roof, shall not exceed &! feet from existlng or finlshed grade, whlchever ls more restricflve. C. DENSITY: Development ln SDD No. 27 shall be limiied to 1 slngle family dwelllng for Lots 10 and 11; and to 1 single family dwelling, with an optional careliaker unit, for Lob 1-9 and 12-14. Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) shall be as described In Section 18.04 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. lt should also be noted that the provlslon for an additional425 sq. ft. ol GRFA, which ls appllcable to certain zone districts, g!ry! apply to this Special Development Dlsflct. The GRFA for SDD No. 27 shall be allocated as follows: 2" /''', o Lot I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Maxlmum Allowable GRFA 4,500' 4,500' 4300' 4,500' 5,000* 4,000 4,800 5,000 4,800 4,500 4,000 4,300" 4,300" 4,200" -)(% 1. On Lots 1-5, fis ma:<imum allowable GRFA listed includes a minimum of 1,000 sq. ft., which shall be utilized as basement space, located substantially below existing grade. The maximum allowable GRFA on these lots lor the above ground space is the total GRFA listed above minus 1,000 sq. fi. lt is p! a requlrement thal any dwelling unit have 1,000 sq. ft. of basement space, but il a lot owner wlshes to utillze all the allowable GRFA for a given lot, then a minimum of 1,000 sq. fl. shall be required to be utilized as basement space. On Lots 12-14, 500 sq. ft. of the maxlmum allowable GRFA shall be utllzed only as basement space, as described above. Alt caretaker units shall be restricted lo a maximum GRFA of 900 square teet. Any and all GRFA utlllzed lor the constructlon ol a caretaker unlt shall be deducted from the maxlmum allowable GRFA tor the speclllc lot the caretaker unlt ls located upon. No caretaker unit shall be sold, transfened, conveyed or subdivided separately from the maln, or primary unlt. T,/" 42' / aln .2.2t {" '-i'd'( ;tL /* Zl sbb I 'i;." O No caretaker unit shall be leased or rentsd for any pedod less than 30 consecutive days. The above llsted restrlcllons (numbers 1€) for caretaker unlts shall be agreed to In wrltlng, by the lot owner(s), prlor to the Town's lssuance of a bulldlng permlt for the unlt. Sald agreement shall be flled on record In the offlce of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder on a form approved by the Town Attomey,lor the beneflt of the Town of Vall, to Insure that the restrlctlons shall run wlth the land. SITE COVERAGE: The maximum allowable slte coverage for each individual lot shall not excsed the maximum GRFA for each lot. LANDSCAPING: At least forty percent (40%) ot each lot shall be lanGcaped. The mlnimum wldth of any area qualifying as landscaping shall be fifteen feet, with a minlmum arsa not less than three hundred square feet. F. PARKING: parking for SDD No. 27 shall be met in accordance with the otf-street parklng requirements as specified in Section 18.52 of the Municipal Code of fie Town of Vail. Section 5 Amendments to the approved development plan may be granted pursuant to Section 18.40 of the Municipal code of lhe Town of Vail. Section 6 A. Approval ol Special Development Dlstrict No. 27 shall be contlngent upn he approval of lhe Final Plat, lor a major subdivision, lor the property legally described in the attached Exhibit A. B. Ordlnance No.'1, Serles of 1991, settlng forth detalls In regard to school slte dedlcatlons, or cash In lleu thereof, shall be appllcable to the Flnal Plat tor a malor subdlvlslon for SDD No. 27. D. /:'', o C. The Flnal Plat for a malor subdlvlslon for SDD No. 27 shall Include a 1$loot pedestrlaMlshermen's easement along Gom Greelg whlch shall be dedlcated for use by the general publlc. Said easement shall be 15 feet ln wldth, he northerly boundary of the easemsnt being the southerly hlgh-water mark of Gore Creelg and sald easement shall run the tull (east-west) length of the prop€rty, legally describsd in the attached Exhibit A. The use ol sald easement shall be for pedestrians only and said easement shall be kept in lb natural strate wlth no permanent improvemenb to the area of the easement. Section 7 lf any part, section, subseclion, sentence, clause or phrase of tris ordinance is for any reason held to be lnvalid, such decision shall not effect the validity of the remainlng porlions of thls ordlnance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed thls ordinance, and each parl, sgction, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the tact that any one or more parls, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. Section I The Town Council hereby finds, determines and declares that this ordinance is necessary and proper for the health, safety and welfare of the Town ol Vail and the Inhabitants thereol. Section 9 The repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any provision of the Vall Municlpal Code as provlded In this ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violatlon that occurred prior to the effecwe dale hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceeding as commenced under of by vlrtue of the provision repealed or repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated hereln. Seclion 10 All bylaws, cirders, resolutlons and ordlnances, or parts thereof, Inconslstent herewith are repealed to the extent only ol such lnconslstency. This repealer shall not be construed to revlse any bylaw, order, resolution or ordinance, or part thereof, theretofore repealed. INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READING, APPROVED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE lN FULL, this-daY of 1991. A publlc hearlng shallbe held hereon 1991, at the regular meeting of the Town Councll of the on the - day of Town of Vail, Colorado, In the Municipal Bullding of the Tolvn. Kent R. Rose, Mayor ATTEST: Pamela A. Brandmeyer, Town Clerk READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED this_dayof -,1991. Kent R. Rose, Mayor ATTEST: Pamela A. Brandmeyer, Town Clerk Friizlen P tlgz oureu! lglllursuB4 xE, puBrq qll-lsql -___-.If,SI TMNNT}MENT TO "o"* r*'l""3mff$il RLo,"i,*, AND EAIIEMENTS O!' FOREST GLMI TIIIS finST AIIEI'IDMEI{T T0 DECLARATION ic made tlis , | 7 ttay of Norrernpcr, 1992, by llmber Falls Assoclates, a Colondo general paffiership ('Declffif); anacongtuta; an auendment b Uo Declaration of Coveilants, Cmdltions. Restrlcttons Ard Easensg ot . Ior.cst glF d"q Augult 10, 1992, and recordsl .Augnrt t9, 1902, ln Boot 5f, ar kgs 3?' in the oFfrce nf the oerk and Recorder of Eagle couity, coiorado'(tho :p.61qgtiod!)]- - \MTTNESSETH: WI{ERBAS, ti'c Declaration created and rte.fined a certalrr Privsta Fsd$t{en A0c6ss Easement under Aricle IV of the Declaration; and _WIIEREAS' for illtutralive puqxlses tnly, Oe f,nal plar of ForEst Clm 63 rmrded in EooI 5!7 ar ru9 376 $ hq real property rec6rds of Eagie couaty, oolorado 0he .plar'), depictcd $e locadon of the ltivate Pedesriu Accesr Easement creafr by ilre Deciamtlon; ani ".YIIEREAS, beclarant desircs to aruend the DeclEratlon to vacato thp ltiw8e p€dcsbiao Accese 'jucncnt orcabd thereby ard to grant a new Privuue Pcdestrlan Acoe$ Fa$menq and WIIEREAS' Declarant delres to nrnend thE Forest Glen D*ign Guidelhe3 b D€rrIIt conctete tiles or slate, all in a nafural color tone or slate color as rrrnfmaErlal, ln addfrbn b . naturd wcod nhingle/shakes; urd \I|HEREAS' Declarant wtll esEbllsh hereln the right of tlo ournen of tho Foroct Glen lots ard their bnanls and lrtvitees t0 use the swimming Dool, tennis courh, and o0rer rccrcational facillties which may atso bE used by others: and . Y|IIEREAS' pursuoat to Seotion 5.7 of Article V of tlrc Detaratlon, Declanrrt may amcnd thc Declaration at any l&ue and frum tlme to dme $o long u Declararrt oms nll of thb Propeny (as dgfifled ln the lrotaration); afld WIIEREAS, Decleant cur,rently o'rns all of the Fraperty and desbgs to hereby amend the Declaration. Nour, TIIEREIORts, in accordrurce with Section 5,? of Artlcte V of the Declandon, the lhclaration is hercby amended as followsl I' Vacation-of Easemont, Section 4,1 of Artiele IV of thc D€claratlon is hurcby ''. deletcd in lts cntir*y arrd thc easenerlt srratcll 0rereby deftned as 'pml patb" ln Ue lJedaratiorr R rLrY/oea $13rlhH ll/rtl9? { . { Frl o !z lrn P I erse Br I ner s6s4?649S r P.A2 u "-rl''-''" and dosignsH Private Pedgetrian Acces Euement ln trs ilhrrtralion on thc Ph0lr lspbv fullv vacnled. void and ofno force or cffect. The easement hereby vocobd ic tlown on tilt{tOiiA alleehrld heleto and incorporotod heroin togcther *ith the designndon 'Vacapd EaSbmcnt,' I /t 2. Grant,plEusement, A new Section 1.1 of ArliclolVof dreDeclamHon ishenbv / I losert€d into the Declaration, creating and deftning a Private Pedeshinn n"c'so Easdnrenr ei depicM on Exhibil B attach€d hereto and Incorporared herein, readirrg ag hllowE: 1.1 Patr E?sement. tots f u*r 6 are hereby subJect b, ard Declararrt does hen$y ff€aro uld esnbllsh a pennanelt, perpetrra arid nonercluslw ese- . ment for the benefit of all of the lots, iD, 0n, ovff. under, acmrs and lhrorlgh' tlqt c€rtaln stil of land (the 'Pml Peth,) on which a foot poth ts tocoted, wtrlch stdp of lard b more pardcularly drosvn on Exhibit B arbchcd to ttris ri$t Amendmenl to Declarntiorr and labeted ac "private pcdusFior Acdms Easenaq. for lrrgress aurl cgress by the ownerg of ths r.ots and theit tenanls and invibqs ald the lnvitees of snch tenants betwe€n the Lnts and ho snilmmlng pool, tennlr courts ad other facilities located on the real pmperty adJncent to thoprop€rty to the eest. 3' Drsisn Quldeline!. Sectlon 8.2.c of the lresign (tuidelinel refened to h Secdon 3.1 0f Atdclo III of thc lreclantion and which are attached to 0re htaradon as Erhibtt B ls deleted and replaced by the following: rAll roof matedals shall bo natunl wood shinglc/rhakes, s{rnsrd! dh or clate, all In natural color tonc or slate €olur. " 4, Iimber F4ls Common Area. Section 4.4 of Article IV of tjre Declaretiorl i$ dgletcd- ln its €nthety. At thls time, Declarant nwn s the swlmmlng pool, tannls courtr, a.ld othEr recrationat facilltte located orr the real ptoperty dmcribed on iiltUlt C attachcd ircrao lrtre land and twreadonal facllidcs arc refefiEd to herei.rr ar the 'Resr€adenal Faciltdes). Eich owncr of a lo! at Furg$t olen and such ownefs tenants and inyitee$ slall bo esrdtled t6 use fte Recreatiortal t"acilitier, subject to tho obligation to Day a sharo of the exlnnser of the Rereation- al Facilities, lncluding eny spscial assessment.s. Tts use of ttrE Recreadonrl Faollitle SsIl be sharerl with the o*ners, tensnts, and invitees of Timbcr Falls Corrdorniniuns, phas6 I fhruugtl XI, rvhich consists of 116 coadomintun urdtq rc ownef,s, teftnE, ald lnvltoes of homes airl duplexes locatul sn l.ots 12, 13, [4, 18, urd 19, l3igturn suMivisidn, Fourilr Addifioni and rtro OwneIs, le[ants, and tuvites$ ofsuch property as may be developed on Sitg tg etTtmber Falls. Ttn expenses of the REsreational Facilltles shntl he prid for bytle foregolng oq/atrs os r pot . unit btris, with each eondornlnium unit, home, or duplex counting ar oti rmit, any ereraier apattments located wi0rin a sirrglc-farnily homo corrshuutcd on a Forcs Gleq lol slntt not bs counlcd as a scyoalc unit, the obllgation to pey expenseg for srd 8re right to Usg tllg Rscre- ade{i' Facllliles for owners of Forest 6len lots shall cornmence upon ths-issrence of e certlft catg u_f occuF lcy (including a temporary certificate of nqcupancy) for a horne canstrroted on each lot at Forcst Glen. Dectarant tniy convey title to ihe nLrradonat Facllldcs j9 the Condominlum A*ociatiorrs for Tinber Falls, Phascs I tluough )u, and any such conv6yarce RlLrr/0r4 W9rlhr ll/17l92 n I ti 'i I Fr I iz len P I erce Br I ner sag4-?6490L $alf po rubJcct to thc righrr of owners of Forest Glen los as.sat forth hudn. Thc puttdou of this pafiagnph 4 are inBrded to cr€ab a rastrlslrm on ttp nal Frupcdy de*ntbeU m Exhbtt C athcherl hseto end chrll tur wlth the land dsscribed oq tr'rrrlbll G rtbshcd hsets and shaU b6 blnding upon ond boa bonofit to D$slarant and ttroForesl Glsr lotounem utd$dr hcirr, euccersors, and assigns. 5. Effect. Exoept as specifielly set forth irr 0ris Flrst Arneadrnent to Dectrredon, the Defl:r:ttion remains nnchanged and in full forcs and effeot. Tlris Fitst Ancnddeot b Declareu',n sirall hEroafter b€ interpr€ted for dl purporei as pafi of ttre Dnlnradm. IN WTINESS WHgRtiOtf, D€clalant hu caused tlris First Ameudrnat to D€clelatisr to be execubd er of 0te day and year first set forth above. TIMBER FAI.I.S A$SOCtAlTlt, a Colorudo' generat parnentrtp By: RAD FiveLlmibd Liabillty Company, r Wlomng Umlted Uebility Compuy, Genenl Porbor sTAlE OF COI,ORJ\DO )UlyA+4.. ) ss. cOUl{W OF L\CM9| ) Thc fortgoing Instnrnenl was aclnowledged beforu mE tHs 17 &y of !.[ovcnba, 1992, by Ronald H. Rlloy as rnembcr of IIAD Fivo Limitrd Lhblltty Conryrany, a Wyonlng Limitcd r.hbllitt Cornpany, Geutral Partner of Tlmbu f'a[s fusclaEs, 0 (Storado gEEral partnershtp. \Yitnoss my hand and officinl sed. My commisstons cxpircsl r49 f Eilblbtt A - Vacat€xl Pedeshian Access Easement Ibihlblt B - RelocaHl Pedestian Acces Fasement hfilbtt C - Rc,ratlorral Faeilittes il!eYloe4 UHSrJhr tl/t7l0? P. A3 4.-LLL*, -3- Tllrrter-Mountain Attt#neeringrra. EXHIBIT JALL t9r0?7,4 squore feet 0.414 o,cres ***'"rtn B|lrt rcl trgo r|r|cl frEqll Lrr(6.0(D, CeO. Sllt E0tlr$.0ltl s. _LOT 5, I 97.t1 squore feet ,' 0.434 qcrcs I @.$i P. 64 Fr i1.z ler,r P i erse Brlner sg34?6499 I P,o.EoI er8 mro lrorllfislla{ 80Ao AYta{ Gq-o. lrlgo llarlers-fiorl '..[ .\_ "eA * v $^ tU,7 .o# ,+ Sr. ? $l s ;l 'ft.rwN il \r.ozs'rz'|-t-(n ffi ln ,,+ /' I hr*n*, lauuwo s I &6 \ ,LAT6 40,563.8 equone feet A\ 0,472 qcnes t+.\ Fr itzlen Pierc,e Br In€r P. E5 348476499L p.0,g0t 9t8 oclo Nolt&roH!. Roro lvsl c0L0. gtate goilel|+hta a TlInter-Mountain Arttuinssl.ingrta- E|tr€ lct r.rc vlt|cg flFtr Lat{Ilaroa GAo. $grt EOO rl8.0lta EXHIBIT ,8, LOT 4 l8r0g7,,t squore fert 0,{t{ acnct l_ P4,\S;;-... \_S;- *q ***)tn - B F t-(n $ Fr ltzlen Plerc.e Er Iner 98447649@L EEIBIT C LEOAL DE9CRIFIIoB P. 66 ,! p_arc-gl o_l.lanq.located ln tba s1/? of Seouon t3, !. 3 8.;R. 80 l{. of th€ 6th_-P,t{.., Tom of Vall, Bagle County, Colorad6 uore Partlaular!,y Ceacrlbed as follouer a Bogtnnlng at' the Northeaet corngr ol lpb s, dorest Glen guDdlvlsion ac rocorded ln gool( 58? at, page !?6, at ulg EaEls county lesordora otlloB. Ilqng3 -lrgry. thB_ qq!!!. rtte br l,ot tl o! Btghorn stHtvteion,Fourth Addltlon, I 8er00toor E, 1I{.00 te€t go uia S0utheaEt oarnei of g.rld Lt lfl thence, 5 z2cOOrOOt E, a}onE tha South llna o! lot 12, Blghorn Subdlvlslon, Fourth Additlon. Il'..gl teetl thence l^18:11:.3{: q, llong_t}rg EEEtBrly e{se of a avalEnche rirn-ouE zone,a20.55 feat to tha North llne o! Unber pslls Dhss€ t, Urenae N 85.3{r3{: tf, atong the Hartherly ling of eald phaeE 9, a dlatanae ol-60_."3e fe-at; !|e1oe S a-?c0{,?!n-W, along tha tfesterly llne ot sald Pha66 9, a dletanoe of 106.9? laet, to the Esutbuest-oorner of stld Phaso 9, aleo belnq the llorthrest corner ot fhbar patls Phase 8, thence s a5c58r{9o lf, along the westarly llne ol geld Phase 8, a dlatanc€ of 128.5? t€et, ts the Southveef corn€r ol gald Phase 8r al6o belnrl the Northwest oorn€r ot !$nber Falta Dhase ?1 lfepoa S l5r29retr W, alonq tho He8t€rly llnc ot celd pbaaa ?. i dlstance nf g?,97 teet, to the EitBtefly e-dge ol a evelenohl run-6ut ?glgi. tfengc .s 38r22rrl?o til, along eild avalanehe run-out son€,078.6{ feot; lhence }l 89.57,r00n H, !S9.10 faet; thence ! 16,-{1tQ0" B, {5t.89 fqot, to the South ltne of L6t 8, Fasaet Glen Subdlvlaloni thence g lScil{r58n F, alonE the Eouth lln-a ct eEld tet 3', q dletance ol 25..90 leat; thenae along the EeEt l,lne of, sctd FgreEt GIen Subdlvlslon the follaulng thr6e oouaeast thgnca N 62.2er36n .8. l??.17 f€€t, thcnc€ ll 39crl!rt3t E, r3?.91 te€t, thenEs lf 31135r!5r 8, i56.19 tsct,to tlre Dolnt ol beElnnlng, eontalnl.ng 2lg,tia squaFe tooE cnd 6.ao aorsg Dore'or less. rr(ir/0fl u|t rJrr ltrltrCt I'li scei I.3neou:-_ C,f :.h I tern psia -1i ':riifiri4l lll fil:r:1 ]--lh,:n,1;, r!? t Lrrnt,:i j. 1-HFF{}q rr.rlrJ __- __--::,t_ :::ij:l :TT:1__--_ "jli::.,r.I . i.l ! l tlnrt r_rn t Fs i d '.ii'1r-i, -'ir,l tl. Fs L PLEASE TOIYN OF VAIL- D E PA RT;\{ EN T O F CO ivr;vl L,j'{ iTY D EVEL O P }IENT S.\LES ACTION FOR}{ onrc2 p?Jt22 z cl\rNc tu\D .r. DDR.FJS t,{/Js 0l c4004tJ10 cl c':'1c 12'il 5 LhTFOL\{ B LTILDL\.-C CODE 0l 0,100.1?{15 U )i] !O R-\{ P l-U l'G L\-C C OD E 0l 000042.115 | U\'lFCL\'l l\1EcH,l.l.'1C,r.LcoDE 0l C,}}lr?llJ I Un*]FOtur{ FIR-E CODE 0l 0COl .12r l5 1 ;'",1n6lJAL ;LECTPiCAL CODE 0 | 0a00 .l I 5.1s I BLUE PRDJTS OIYLAIIS) 0000 {?4 t5 OT:iER CODE SCOXS 0l C'-uOl.r2,l l2 | ):ZROX COPES / S'iUDM 0l occc r?i?l i PENA l-Tl' FLES / .R:.DrsPEc'Io\-s 0l o1c0.1l-1j2 i lt-,,.-v r.r,r.tgv RE.CHECK Ft: [s<c iE.?.:-iR.l I nr d1an.:tit1 CFT :-:OU R S t\SPECTIO).i FEES C ONT,{\ CTC RS LlC L\S :J FI,I:S 0t 00m .11r l2 0l c403iti30 .01 o00c 1li r 3 S]ON APPL]C,\T]O}'{ FIE 0l coi'o4){t3 ADDITION,II- SICNACE ;;E IS).O3 PER SO.IT. 0l cccc r2.:ro lv-rc e rr F.\oJEcT Doi'rA]]0N 0t 0000.rt33l IPR!P,AJD DESlcllRE\'lElViOARD FEE *.01 0000 41010 T x TOTAL DUE: l.r;rii,fii:i:':,.':i PECt;TNPL] 0l 0000{1330 CONDI'NONAL USE PER\{17 0t csoc4l330 0l 00c0.tt3-10 R ALTLRAT-] LYTERIOR ALTNRAT]Oi'{ I;\,CRE TH^J{ lOO SO.FT. 0l 00f,0 .l 1330 SPECIAL DEVELOP,\,E}iT DISTRJCT t}E\ 0l 00m ! t3i0 ,\L DEVELC?] 0l 0,$0 a l:liO SPECL4L DEVELOPIfE}TT DI cT frtNoR Aj\iE\I) 0t 000c4l]:SLE DI!'I S ION J I SJO : VA RIfu\ 0l 0000 .t 1330 | zoNl}.'c coDE A,\,rE\DItD\'Ts 0l o?00 4 1330 1.:.t.i.. coI I lvl ENTS : i:Li:, ::. i.'.' :t r l:i:r.'t'r..::i *{ + 1,.....:.t::::r';ji}ii},.{t*r:.}.: a r -IEIPT - Thc Torn ofVail 46495 Permit Numbors , r {, ..'' INOW PAID--Cash-Check I PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED:DATE OF PUBLIC HBARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY:tt tP 7a*,erc) BRIEF DESCRTPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: t1lov Etrrolilo| u/ftrffiltd 4r /7, PUBLIC WORKS Reviewed by: Comments: Reviewed by: Comments: ,lc/u, - //r, o O fr:,trolil4tlA'"Yr'" fron: gMou'r FIRE DEPARTMENT 6-;:.t- Date: DaLe:J' ,' o tJ- P4 ryat (A,?H4)2.*"*/-t ^r*/ /il /"7/*-/ ',+t :u't./ t / . 4? / Ln rtll ,*fu Z D't/' '> '-"4 PoLrcE pEPARTMENT Tb Uz z'L- - , t '/ Reviewed ny, hz @ 4 'o!r", Comment.s://* - 5ffu ^'/8 1/ Z-'- t/'*r -///fu ,?u// ,L atu". ha--' dt-'"*'4 tt nno* vrD sfu?L4s, RECREATION DBPARTMENT DaUe: t PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: BRIEF Comments r)La^) Date: Date: DaLe: Date: ") j o ?*Y,-#f DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING f,trl-'* o'* ) Nti" Sr'v5 r-.^., ={ |*.-t- ( P/e"r,bos Pt-J L J e"- s!tI-4 a1,n-^r,^-{,un oI fizs b. coMMENrs NEEDED ir, ' 'qho ,r ?og'gu) DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: fn brrrlrtntr u/flrfrltA 4r tT, PUBLIC WORKS Reviewed by: EIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: POLICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: RECREATION DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: