HomeMy WebLinkAboutFOREST GLEN LOT 6 LEGAL.pdf%9**' ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit E: 897-O227 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 910-47 9-2t38 Description: DECK ADDITION AND f\r-r.r r rr: n nrr . DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED eno/RT-,T SFR BUILD PERMIT APPLICANT O'HALLORAN CONSTRUCTION CO BOX 756, MTNTURN/ CO 81645 CONTRACTOR O'HALLORAN CONSTRUCTION CO BOX 756, MTNTURN, CO 81645 OWNER MORETTI WAYNE R & JAINE 1540 E DONDEE RD T350, PALANTINE IL 60067 Job Address Location... Parcel No..Project No. 4465 GLEN FALLS LN 4465 GLEN FALLS LANE 2r07-123-t3-006 "00 100.00 Status. . . applied..Issued... Expires. . AdditionaL Fees---------> Total. Permit Fee--------> ISSUED o7 /23/tee7 o8 /28 / reeT 02 /24/Lee8 296.25 296.25 > 296.25 Phone: 303827-9600 Phone: 303827-9600 Type Construction: V N Valuation:6, 000 Fi replace Information: Rest r i cted:fof Gas App I i ances:fot Gas Logs:fOf llood/Pa I Let: ************id********************************************* FEE SUt'lt4ARy *************i**********H******************************** ALTERATION R3 68 _25 .O0 Recreation Fee----------> 3. OO \C Lean-Up Depos i t--------> single Family Residence Type V Non-Rated Add Sq Ft: Restuarant Plan Review-->.0o Total calcutated F ees--->Bui Lding-----> 105.00 PLan Check---> Investigation> l.li l. L Ca L t----> **************************************ll]ll*liii;;;;;;;;;;;iiii**********ill;ii-***llflH-llfi;;;;;;*.*iii************iff*** Item: O51OO BU]LDING DEPARTMENT DEPT: BUILDING DiViSiON:O7/23/T997 CHARLIE ACtiON: APPR CHARLIE DAVIS It,em:, O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEPT: PLANNING DiViSiON:O'7/23/799'r. CHARLIE ACTiON: APPR PER TAMMIE rthm:'.05600 Frnn DepARrMenr . Dept: FrRE Division:07/23/T997 CHARLIE ACIiON: APPR N/A It'em:'05500 PUBLIC WORKS ' Dept: PUB WORK Division:0t/23/1997 CHARLIE Action: APPR N/A ********************Jr*******t***ffi*********************************************lr*t**#***ff***************'ts,t**ffi*****ft* see Page 2 of this Docunent for any conditions that may apply to this permi-t. DECLARATIONS I hefeby ackno|rtedge that I have read this appLication, fitted out in fuLl! the information required, conp(eted an to the ToHn's zoning and thereto- accurate pl,ot and ptot ptan, subd i v'i si on to comoty lrith aLl. Town ordinances and state [aus, and to buil,d this structure codes, design review approved, Uniform Buitding code and othef ordinances of the T REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I4ADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT Send ctean-l.Jp Deposit To: 0'HALLoRAN coN CTOR FOR HII'ISELF AND OI,INER Page 2 *************dr****************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit f: 897-0227 a8 of 08/28/97 Status---; ISSUBD ***********tr******************************************************************** Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMTT Applicant-- Job Address Location--- ParceI No-- Description DECK ADDITION AND ALTERATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOnS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * tt tk t+ * * * * * * * tt 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IANCE. 2. GUARDRAILS MUST COMPLY WITH 199I UBC SEC 17]-2 O'HAI.,,I,ORAN CONSTRUCTION CO 303827 -9 600 4465 GLEN FALLS IJN 4465 GLEN FALLS LANE 2101-12 3- 13-0 0 6 AppLied-- z 07 /23/t997 Tssued--- t oB/28/L997 To Expire I 02/24/1998 rfi\t\*g) TovtN-\rimy Date 1-uz- 11 trr*o Review Action r"rt TOWN OF VAIL Project Name:Mo Building Name: ---T'' I I Owner. Addrcss andPhonc: J A u te M 2RET[-] 44teS m@Address andPhone: B*o o' **uto<t+tt (-eusteuqtort Co Legal Description: Lot Proiect Street Addrcss: Block _ Subdivision -.t Zone DistricdDDT^ -?1 Comments: -s*.#rKm;.;h. Motion by:Vote: Seconded by: tr APProval tr Disapproval X StaffApproval Conditions: DRBFeepre-paiafu ASDE,) Tb 6LSrp. Wtwf' PER}IIT /I , APPLICATION MUST BE FILLtsD OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED Ib***************************** PERMIT INFORT'IATTON * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * [)$-Building [ ]-plunbing [ ]-Etectrical [ ]-Mechanibat [ ]-other Job Narne: WOk,m \{-F Job A<ldress: l+{tS Gt.5N furs Lrho{-- Legal Description: Lot Block_ Filing Owners Nane: gr4^Jlt l4'Oy'2fi @ Architect: Address: Address: ceneral Description: \UAL /ONrnoN \ y'.p1gpftrlc*-t Pflt.1qs.@"1 Ph. SUBDTvTSTON: FoRr.Sr a/work class: 1"f-lrew ["{-Alteration [ ]-Additional 1 l-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units:Number of Accommodation Uni_ts: ,fmber and Type of Firepraces: cas Appriances cas Logs_ wood/pelret ,fo-ff * tr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * vALUATfoNs * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *,l BUILDING: + bOW- ELECTRICAL: $ oTHER: $ Phone Nurnber: Electrical Contractor:ToWn of Vail Rec. \T/1 Aqqress: - Plurnbing Contractor:ToWn of Vail Rec. N^Aqqress: - Y::l:li:"I contractor: _ Town of Vail Res. No.Aqqress: - ********************************FOR OFFTCE USE ******************************* BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERI'IIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Cornments: BUILDING PIAN CHECK FEE: PLIN{BING PIAN CHECK FEE:MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: VALUATION BUILDING: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: CLEA}I I'P DEPOSIT REPII}ID 0ltruP,,r.'tl''': ,oNsT N PPLICA'TION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL CENERAL INFORMATION This applioation is for any pro.lcct rcquiling Dcsigrr Rcvicrv approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsigrr rcvicw ntust rcccivc Dcsign Rcviclv approval prior to subrnitting for a building pcrnrit. Itor spccific infonnation, scc thc subrnittal rcquircnrcnts for thc partioular approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc application cannot bc acccptcd until all thc rcquircd infornration is subnrittcd. 1'hc projcct may also nccd to bc rcvi*vcd by thc Torvn Council and./or thc Planning and Errvironmcrrtal Cornnrissiotr. Dcsign Rcviov Board approval cxpircs 0nc ycar aftcr final approval unlcss a building pcrnrit is issucd and construction is startcd. TOWNAFVAIL DESCITIPTION OF TIIE REQUEST: Fll,lNG: @{B, c. E, I:. t/, t \v l'1. ZoNING: t+SbeUWu NAME OF OWNER(S): =7mla uatcz'rn PI-IYSICAL ADDI{ESS:+c[Ls GL€^/LftilE pARCTEL o.'Llol - lz-j'13' frb (Contacf Eaglc Co. Asscssors Officc at 970-328-8640 for parocl #) I. TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEI]: tr Ncw Consh'uction - $200 tr Addition - $50 lPlino, Altcration - $20 MAII,ING ADDRESS:GLsN t-tu)e 'fut--PIIONI]: owNBR(S) SrGNA'rURD(S): NAME OF API'I-ICAN1':'W,u. MAILINC ADDRESS: PnoNn: fu1 ,- 1 6cQ Construction of it rrcw building. lnoludcs any additiorr rvhcrc squitrc footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or comnrcrcial building. lncludcs nrinor changcs to buildings and sitc irrrprovcnrcnts, such as, rcroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fcnccs and rctaining walis. ctc. E Conccptual Rcvicw - $0 For any application whcrc thc applicant wishas to mcct with Dcsigr Rcvicw Board to dctcrnrinc whcthcr or trot thc projcct gcncrally conrplics with thc dcsigu guidclincs. 'fhc DRB docs not votc on conccphral rcvicws. DRB fecs arc to bc paid at the time of subnrittal. Latcr, whcn applying for a building pcmrit, pleasc identify the accuratc valuation ofthc proicct. ThcTown of Vail will adjust thc fec acoording to thc projcct valuation. I'LEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMI'I'TAL REQUIREMT]NTS AND THE FEE TO T}IE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657. BUILDING MATERIALS:TYPE OF MATERIAL:CQ.LQR:* Roof Siding Othcr Wall Matcrials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trinr Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chirr-rneys Trash Enclosurcs Crecnhouscs Rctaining Walls Extcrior Lighting* * Othor @u^lau hj4ctt{q + Plcase speciSr the manufach,rrer's color, number and attach a small color chip *+ All cxtcrior lighting must meet thc Town's Lighting Ordinance 18.54.050(J). If exterior lighting is proposed' please indica6 G nurb.. of fixhycs and locations on a sgrarate tighting plan. Ide.ntify each fixture type and provide ih, huight uboue gradc, lumcns output, luurinous arca, and attach a cut shect ofthe lighting fixtures' /tt7a*trtfv Updated 6/97 /'r -r:rE T::ls thlr fu-f i..,.-, i:t -t-\-t --\ -'.-- \ \ 1L'6. ?1 l:A:rlo - ,::=r': ,,/ ,'t - crt)- 'f I ' /-s? --. ..' a, ?)tJ- -' $v7 d lt6ENb . -A - ---_'---- d 'l _lt ^/<l\ O Fs?n€ rn{eps \ blo} FsD Dtt,E;tl't6 / ( al:-\ @ erwltl wrx.t**.;ifr TO SrA AF'A ,.,, m l\) a I ?o d,d n_!o'o ;t ;e] -*l R I ll m + N c Ir '. 1= I^ ro \'l* IO ^ I l l I ,o -\n 5 o tn I -==z € (n c) t-m tl --: a m I o N m IJ l _Tl I - nl + i I to tn l_s ilo ;l; ri*+ i I I I I l.-. - l_!t^ Nt"oln ,ra ciR (''(J)$?^- rn (', 4 RDi"i n rn | :/S io:5 *-oIl .5' O-!-,O I I I ml -$\ ,-lo ,---\(-1 ) ) ./ r'-l c*__) OYA I rt I I @ m Iq !-o t-,, h E liE I lm: d 19* 1 t-;o l*= <r t'-:: ; o liq I |-:m= | --r t t I= 6€ 6e =O ad ct >l AE ii=o _n m It i NlxlIFI t---Jww <Ig - --l ,-/3n2 = -\ /'1 at-->r t-o o z o -{F o =o z T nt 7 ={ nnlxl -- ix -Tt ! z=-t rn z= z oz tq mil F-l Fl F l-o F1'f,l lo F'n 9!.iM =-.1 -t o @ m x m !I z C-o @ I -l m 0 T S) _0 6)-O.6 Zt- 3< 1z c)c) -im "'1 A at \,1 >= io o> c) z, v) nz >m on -.t >or-v _t- -m {z m I =z z m --l ti mlo Fl= lo IT t> lF lm IF' l6 I I l-{to l€lz lo t; lF l!lm lo f lz l-{ t{ lz lo lI -t> lF l!lm ls,lz lo I I I .r1 = R" 3 ld l€ lz lo l-n t<t> |- lil lF,lz le I | .r-'I r..> I N.)ll l* I I !5 I !\o ! 3 crl P a ?, a) =D t_ I'm U' X (,J ! F. -r Frl zt rll z I o\--J F' I ...J UJ =z >t>F13 >rn 9l XF thW '*-F or<\OF 5F/)r!l<ui Fr l- Fol HI zl -l ul Fl I I = - o, ! ! s..{ \] f\) ! ;io o - EE3A - O! di SaFs ;g ii si; B :.-R{a5.E E- =:3s (, o:1 f Fidr ;i.=?--=o)o i Q 3;o^,(,'x .if,Ot lodl (og=o +Oiiqr o*=lJ e5=il ;'a 9.3 { o l.r J-o o +(,3== !e48 i:9P 6 +;1 3.=!a , io = E=;q <o-= s: d"Po' r 6 =. I 8 i &: $U a'5 -,39d frr;E o { !, o t =o 5 tI, = 3'(o o 0) :J o o l^ IF lrn | ;-'\.. lz -l -> lC s.I'd ,..v1- ':' lFl ifd \t;\_.\ | H (:IH (\ t.(.. t=trl:.. t'\r\ r 2.../ 77 -S"= >o z7 e2 {>: mc 20 m.n Po {z m o o z -{ o -{ n o I m t--n _t z t- m =-t U'z m m o m l<' lz lz f t>l- -l o<_na m m -m o II lm t4 l. l>l" I I :r € z o c - z r z m lr) r c m I q a I -t z n -l l z I It m .tt r o m a 0 {m i z o c z I I o o 0 z c 4 -i I z m € F X X I m > ^z _= z : tn _! F] H F t- I z z -i an _n --.1 A z '.,jc)NP i=a 8=a>-io nln -: z (1 iie 22 an o a 'I o d {<6 = S b a2q--'l -^ ^ ^:;11 z z ':t J= 2^ .Jt ts > 'l N @ =IN I o, "' =It^rI-ls :< I I UJ & 1 (r\ &0a q el A $ cJ) t -s to F s,a aA J\ \N -P.-.'5 rt z .1 t-lr tn N F H trI I H H IF IE Fq t2 t' IE Flt lc) t>V IH lcj F r rI] rl,r)t-t w F f N w E H z 2 o F E - =z -{ m o z z o =z I fn , I l'l 'z', aol td Il 1;i Fl >' Fjl o.\l lr ;l ?or '.^>w -.{l .}..ml I t:\:R.t \l - --t E z z I I +., -{o r m f,l = ='Tl m m U) i ) c a m -{ x m 2 c m q 3 $ m I z m =m { s tn o m o z _n m m JC,'J\_ =m z t- c 3 2 m m c) =|- z :E m o x \\.l\{ g z m = \\\\l\-m 3 f -n m m (D VALUATION m = =z o -m z 6 t- 3 z m t-m c)-.{ 6 o g t- 2 o H 'l .{f cl 1 \ril \o l ) { J I l I I f -1 |\ s e)\ ) x x h' l{t fi fl I * ) ) !J ) A d I I d -.1 I -t t) J l+rI ir F l' JJ I r i"q,.) R .l r ,//t/ay;/ d"a/q/aa oo t MEMO TO: MUSYL SFR BUITDING PERMTT #6773 FROM: TRYNTS IONSO DATE: AUGUST 12, 1994 RE: MISCALCUIJATION OF PERI'{IT FEES orioinal Fee Adiusted Fee Refund AccounL# 2354 .00 1537 .00 580.00 200.00 750 .00 5434 .00 2136.00 1388 .00 488 .00 0.00 500 .00 4515.00* 228.00 01 41310 149 .00 01 41332 92.00 30 4s032 200.00 01 41331 250.00 0t 22002 919 .00 TOTATJS *$3.00 wilL cal-l fee not, incLuded NOTE: THIS PERMTT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL ?IMES OIINER E Levator-----> DRB F!r------> Invest i gat ion> Ui !t caLl,----> TOTAL FEES---> -00 .00 3.00 18.00 Payments------- BALANCE DUE----- .00 18.00 ftem:,05800 03 /L5 /t995 Itbn:'05100 03 /r5 /1995 rtem:' .054 00 03/ts/1995 It'em:' .05 600 03 /75 /L99s NWCCOG COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS DepI: BUILDING DiViSiON:GARY ACtioN: APPR BU'LDING DEPARTMENT DEPI: BUILDING DiViSiON:GARY Action: APPR PLANNING DEPARTMEN! Dept: PLANNING DiviSion:GARY ACtioN: APPR FrRe oSpnRTMENT Dept: FIRE Division:GARY Action: APPR TOWN OFVAILIY 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2138/479-2I3gJobAddress:4465GLENFALLS FAX3o3.47s-2452 lSil:i'il;::; ;iti_r23_13_005 APPLICAIIT GREGG & CO BUII-,DERS, INC P.o Box 3344, EVERGREEN CO 80439 CONTRACTOR GREGG & CO BUILDERS, INC P.O BOX 3344, EVERGREEN CO 80439 MUSYL MARC .] - CURTIS CAROL L 4094 LUPTNE DR, VArL CO 81657 Description: New Dudbwater ffi *#r#r*'rt***fohhfffir**'ffiiffildr,**ff ftd***ffi **t*******#*tffi*ffi***lnHrffi*Jr**S#ffiffiffirffi1rl#**tt*irffitt***ffi.ffi.ffi*ffiJr****ffi****** ***lr*jr*ffii*tffi**|*t*lr*ffi*frtlr*:t'r******'ffi*#*'r***ffi**ffffif,t**ffiM*fftffi*****lrl***f***ffi***** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may appty to this perrnit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknoHtedge that I have read this apptication, fiLLed out in fult the intornation required, corlD leted an accurate plot ptan, and state that a![ the inforrnation provided as required is correct. I agree to compty rrith the infornation and ptot ptan, to conpLy vith a[t Tovn ordinances and state [aus, and to buitd this structure according to the Tovnrs zoning and subdivision codes, design rcview approved, Uniforn Buil,ding Code and othar ordinances of thc ToHn appticabte thcrcto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I'IADE TTIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE Department of Community Development LN Status...: APPROVED Applied. . z 03/t5/Le95 Issued. ..2 03/15/1995 Expires . .. 09/IL/t995 Phonez 3036747939 Phone: 3036747939 va tuat ion------ F EE SUllltARY ffi fi lrtffitr#t*****tJrhht*Jrff,ffiffir*trrr*rrrdr*trffir Totat calculated Fees---> 18.00 Additional, Fees---------> .(F Total Pernit Fee--------> 18.00 ,ffip PERt'lrT #_ 6%-@f/ ,\--4,pplrcATroN Musr BE FTLLED our coupl'Eifif,v OUnrr [,r],$5rvor BE AccEprED [***************************** pERurr rNroffi{$0fffi{$f.f.,$[li********:r******** t l -Bui1diy, ,, J l -pturnbins ,[ J -Elecrrrcar - iX'in""nanic-ar | )-otttes.. ft,.€ Block- ,iLi1n ***rrr^,,,6f8| 6brr Addre"", WPIM M. 4S rAitrn4lb-l,rl Address: Wrn{ UL. qS 'O lLrn.@7 Address: htW.OtmJ ,n.5t,{-OBtL TOIVN OF VATL PERMTT APPLI DATE: Legal Description: Lot Owners Nane: Architect: General Descriptio ", l)llt[tstt,tltL{=- Qe( p ff work crass: fi:-ll"r [ ]-Arteration [ ]-Additionar I i-Repair [ ]-other I Nurnber of Dwelling Units: I Nurnber of Accomnodation Units: ^ lpnber and Type of Fireplaces: cas Appriances_ cas Logs_ wood/pellet_ f,********************************* vALuATroN" * *_-****** **** *** *** ** **** * ******** :_ullPIIg: ELEcrRrcAL, $_. .._. orHER: $ il;;;= ' --?o'4ii' "*--;b#' t'i{ Iffain I:'" "'{ Vail Res ' No 'q2 2 - 6 Phone Nurnber: ELectrical Contractor: Address:phone Number: Plunbing Contractor: aaaress i ynone Nulnber: Mechanical contractor: *qE Address: - Ipy" "-{ vail Reg. No._Phone Number: * **** ** * ** ** ******* * ***** ** **** !r FOR OFFICE USE ******************************* BUTLDTNG PIAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP TOTAL BUTLDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURS: BUILDING PERMIT FEE! PLT'MBING PERI'{TT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: VALUATION CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFITNI, TO: ocT-r?-1994 't_ ". " ,- FFOI4 l1t I ler lGh!{drtur tr19 lr,c, T0 l.*fi,*t P.ol€6 /-94-232 -r/7 i -, | 4.,1 ,l Sfu-ye r'i'lr ,i/9f d€Ll€ L+c (,PPER lfl/E-qt Ol,'r lttf, hIAAS€ pwr..c a,frRr NN) va_tuTt'p q-tlw LEDEER DPARP Vo.n6 oFilffi'iloPv @ E E o E x l! o 3 I Ft,,I VEW #lif€ lttvPER 3rf 6r RAl- Rffi. qpE $t@l q,tlpwAlrEF d.s, '''P.LFf4{€ AEJ fl,cl.t2 Mrt (^ft. ?,tL gt-w A,UdE, P"{Lg lf,PER n-atr. Lr€ *€ErRArx W OlttRg ,'d rER VvEEflI C&E ra.}{rER $EEr{r *|,b wiftJR qfe v.4'r.Ife? fo qft. Rt\L fL4,F, LT€ [.AItiER LETEL ogT-1?-1S91 *ryr;;14i I ler trc. lu iLnuf qetur ing !iw4:?64eFA P.g?/96 -.n Atl' orMEftstoNs A ffi LL# f|.it orbE {F) ffi ,-'ffiP.'"r.(cP) t ". .ri 't;.; :q; t ;ti . ,+. '. '., ',i',' t.. i t '" li ,' 'rti .'llt .n.r+. ! t.J sP€CYprndrR ffi #k#fs,ffiTF- Cr* o. itd t'r, +t?d!'E .| _ r.r.,@ !. hqtrlGd rlxf,a. rlit|d.rl Pt"rdr t Rt! "t'" tar'Ld rntr!ffi ffi ffi*ffi,F '.i, 1r ir I .i I \ MFTRtC) 31234'7E 4 Bgrt F. [:] €6 :4 FPC l'l o lli I ler l'lanJ{actur in9 Irc. T0 ocl-L?-lg 8?| tfi?I \1t D -D !m :D t-m ft F m t-m F {6 z 5 m z d 3 o |v x A €o o q -n J) =z o 5 €m 5 t-m m '.m r m f -.1 6 2 s tn E :iit F;{ E :=cr 9gi6 an vrrEJ Pf^ ,^ eiEe igi E ;('!E <:l {-*Fg iE; E Eip;gie :;t s3B 5Ei €=i !ar dfE giiiei Higif gr$ -{; I .!4 COM M EBCIAL 1400ELS .'o RESIOENTIAL r$ooEt.s o.c Hors?wAY v{iD-IH $ET FTXTSHtC 9 sl 9 rO'STI{AY OEPTH NET FIN'SHED q' orY 000R oPtrytNG SOTIGII MDTH Olr DOOF OFtr{,NC fiOUG!{ HEIGHT "e H. TOP FLOOS CEII-I|tG HEICHI a ol MB ftoo8 ro roP IracnrftE Eloct( i{s CfrLltu6 IO TOP IIACNINE BLOCfi ;EIgiH f ig;EiEE 's SggE iSgi$ Siii$ : gE€: FFAfi BFgFF .QxiB;s€E3e , "9t't"::::o.,u''u FRbllirrer r'lsnrrractunins Inc. r0 O 13834?6489A P.P,4/86 RE er to the chart below- lt is important to note that dimensions iflB, t/lS and H are manimurn dimensions needed to achieve a 30r'sitt height.lf you wiin-iJG"e-a r,igter slll, dimensions H and l$F musi be increased by the amount over 3o,1 \ Fronl & Rear Opening Car Guide Shoe Guide Rail Goufllerweigftt o DUMBWAITER CAR __J CD 'E {-|D c: o.do -o dp =a,.9od c e tl. Fronl Opening ., 0cr-1?-1994 E?t# --bl'liller l'lanufact]"t"U t*. ro. t 13434?64898 P.85./E6 t't(:B (O{YEF LET'EL OP€NING MUST g E IEFI UN,FHA.{To ?O *Rilr'I tl.{ 9TAL(rrto N gF DUIIBWAIT€R CAR rNlO HO'STWAY, REFEB IO CHAHiI ANO CQIVMN OW TYPICAL TT,0OD FRAME CONSTRUCTION s8' DAY WAU. I SIDES ti OPENI}'IG {oNE 0F I}IREE STYI"ESI NOTES: * O$t FBOt'lT s FEAqTORNEH FOSI ileDErB, WE BECOi4MEiTD THAT rHE UppER FROI{T opEMf{e BE LEFT UNfFATTED (a, tAc€ otrionat s..ses doorl UHT|L OUMBIflA|TEnMACHrG ls titsTAt LED- I *:bCANSIT I"CCH FTFE COOES FOR PFOF€F FIRE RATINO REAUIBED IH YOIJH BUNI'$'G ct_Ass, pcr-1?-1994 L I I $ t P """l;"lE'tff:sdR#frff:" itanual Dumbvtailtell cOMMEFCIAL I RESIDENTIAL oo|rct FoSl ffioraf r 9!€ Ofcr|lF (cP) RM 50 $1,560.00 $1,740.00 11,96ff.00 R24 75 L,728.00 L920.00 2,976.W R28 r00 1,8?q.00 2,052.00 2,m.w R52 1r5 1,950.00 2,212,N 2,ru.00 c24 r50 t2,668.00 $2,892,m 15,174.00 c28 175 2,921,00 t,151.qI 3,tl7r.M c32 200 LA70.B0 1,315,ffi 5,640.00 c36 2N 3,283.00 1,62?,ffi 3,910.00 Prices eho,nn are for standard units t{ith tbe total hoistnay height not exceeding 20'. Unit iucludee red oah hardsood veneer car etith one ad justable'/removable shelf, hoisting uachinery, counterrreight r alqE. guiile rails and installation kit (atetailed instructione ropes. cables all woodl support nernbers and fastenersl. c e 2 9 3 Haistttay qoor5 -tlqt fnclUdell Bxtras & OPtions Adif $15.00 per foot if t.otal hoistway erceeds 20'. Call'factory for prices on.the folloring itens. gtainless Steel, ltild steel, or Formicao lined cf,FSl special size cars, extra shelves' or equilnent iostallation. teo6> @=-=" r. ,-jlir. 1i_ . i.Lrli.. al ITf #m-.,rn6,m ffiffieH,Aeflt foa*i'r.i , TOTRL OPEI[tlIG STYLES P.BE/86 o o z 2 F c o =o z !m 7 3 { -l tr m E*r-'.h E l<x f t;i e 19q 3 t;: s lld q l=E 5 r3 i=.o<1o-68 ;!1 (io ctt >l =E i1i ='rl .E m { m@ l- .- --l rJ =z ()o r I If t 't] -I] z= 22 = rrJ z =3-t-. -t //-\\ =-JA:r\\ .-l'. I P+r r---l xl L__l z an R=ZA iJ-;>6z Y> \J -o z. t---l c f= 12 (J6), 8?1n "'r ;.\f: -{o o> o zt)-.{ m uz >m of,,i> 7 , =m €z m a T z =IT 3 .1 r F - Fd t-H irt aA o>I 5 5; t- i @ t- 'Tt r z IE IF lrq la l* IF lf.j -{ m r m II t> lF lr lm lo l= l 3 I t z .tl t- m o t<t> IF la lm lo la I = -{ FI T [l I \+. I N IJ T'I lci F I:F lz l^lo Fi tsF tzF'l'-e t! t:tm i-t to Fl ll!t2 l lo t4 [Il FJO PrH ptd lrF Fro F q' I I l{ t€ lz le t<t>l. tm lF,lz -tl = o = E F] z @ I !|9 E [> F p p m IJ' r u, lx UJ l =E rt E ?, o ts FI rrl = F r @ lJl { - s. ! I ! l, E F F p rn e 5 \o $, TE E- z H z D F t<tr F tr z ^l- oz lq an -1 '.. m lL'r tcl lko l.- o t!" 1,t-<to l- -n €.o c-s =l i o (D m x m .It -{ o z (-o (!I -.1 m q) @ N) -{ o-O-i6 !-d og d'< cL !l =x J:J oo 3S.cO :r O.cl@ F(D :1 f oo !- OrJ f0) 91O oP iti f: =-rqt ;EI o)! -=--t:;*. 5o|oo- 6o E-. df <f d--(D o= DO (,, -.oi .oY S.r 6E o6 x(D 6s.o:'o" q) o o o 9 =. o 5 0)*o g) o. .'- d -5 o o 5 € 0r ^.o: ;{OJ <o E:A rot RE 6'(,(,,)q)., o. o-8*@=fo 0,{ :n o u, o A'o o o- @ .-l o { { o c o =(p 5 o o 't1 r a m r ''| I l! lz l" I I I I I T-t_ @ t- f z l o z - m -l o z m m m l<' lz l= t;lr l3 l- m J € -a -z (t c T f z -i It -t I o x z m (h a, t-c m r0 [€og IF ==".2 : l-z>9R n6 =<-;,i s >o o-mf (,o z C z -1 llo tl ll z m { t- m .;z 0 =z tn ! --t m I .n l x z ntts nb -ro ![d 4 tt-t its r Itd 6 r Y F v H t! E *fi fi rK I I I Oro-;o--r 6 a= P io ->11 Xzo dc)o c)-2 ;oOq Io 6 P ^? c: 26 - -{^=x -n2Z € I N@= 5-a< 3 I n s XJ R \ \ € a $\) .\ s.\ =z F 7 z z -t m a 2 z 3 z t,-l I I m Fl 2'.ol il ol tl -l I I I I I --ll ml I i I r4 F z H t-F H N t- ! I N I \o +. o '-l l- T m 3 ='n m m U, € r E- a)P rr c- a m x o l-m z c .D m q m L 2 m m { @ :t m m -.t z m m m c) z c) t- t- @ z m t-m --{ c) t- z o m o x @ F z m 3 = !m n i 1l m m U' VALUATION T m a =-t 2 o m z l- - =z m r m o -.1 6 t- @ l- z tJ i..J -) ffir"*Bnrq+ , APPLTCATToN MUST BE TTLLED OUT COMPLETELY OR rT MAy NOT BE ACCEP{rED r****************************** PERI.IIT TNFORI.IATION *** ******* ** **** * **** ** * *****tl/[ ]-Building [ ]-Plurnbing [yl-Electrical [ ]-Mechanical [ ]-other Oro* o' vArL coNsrRucrroJ PERI-IIT /I PERMIT APPLICATTON FORM Job Address: Block Filing For.-st ,-<t Address, lOQt R Luf',Pr"'p,.. t7L-:\tz-) Job Name: Legal Description: Lot to Ohtners Nane: ArchitecL, W4d + ffggs.tcLs Address:(*zvt nrtz tuBfph ./ J l t' work crass: 1yJ-ltew [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additlonal [ ]-Repair [ ]-other General Description: Number of Dwelling Units:Nurnber of Accommodation Units: * ? PLUMBTNG: $ Contractor: Address: Address: Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: 7 DRB FEE: AL: I INFORMATTON *************************** Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. FOR OFFTCE USE ******************************* BUTLDING PIJ\N CHECK FEE: c(L'PLIJMBING PIAN CHECK FEE:q. MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE:, RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PER}'IT FEES: BUILDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATT'RE: VALUATION CLEAN I'P DE,POSIT REFI'I{D in A) r Qo* oF vArL "o*"**u"rr/iol ' tr r\\: ./ | /. PERMTT APPLTcATToH ronrlt' \:/ 5Y oArEz s_4_Qty' Tlt | /. PERMTT APPLrcATrory ronrtt' 'uJ qY -- - otrii- s:4:q* --' i ''i' i,t/'1 <J', V',' r , ,l ApplrcArroN Musr BE FTLLED our coMpLErELy oR l0'1,'*firrygt igpitlrypr"o ^-:;-.--********************:t,t PERMIT INFORMATION *****************************-'fX-Buirdins tfi-nr.tru:..,g IX]-rtectricar t{J-Mechanicat [ ]-other Job Address: +tl6 6L4J TNtt> bra\E Legal Descriptionz Lot 4 -4 ,/' I Block_ FiLing svwwrsroN, -+O(-bT 6LUl Address , qU48 Wr:a V.P:'-.476-1t^1 Job Narne: OvJners Name: Architect: General Description: ,n. b7,l-a'tzz Contractor:Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. Mechanical Contractor: Address:Reg. NO. ********************************oFFICE USE ******************************* BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FE8: I'{ECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: ,., - f, t 1ti;' BUTLDTNG PI,AN CHECK TEE: PLTJMBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: I'{ECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: - CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: work class: (t-w"r [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additionat [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Town of Vail Reg. No. Phone Number: Plunbing Address: Nunber of DwelLing Units:Number of Accommodation Units: )prnber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliar""r J_ cas Logs Wood/Pellet VALUATToNS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** ELECTRICAT-,: + ?b.t,OTHER: $ MEcHANrcArt $=@ TOTAL! CTOR INFORMATTON *************************** Address:tlJL Town of Vail Reg. NO./;'.',, It Phone Number: ,'.. ).i - .?t; .:: Electrical Contractor; Address: I TYPE lcRouP l-.l K.t l_lJru :y*p:l:g: C rl:tu,^t^- t-/ =/r/STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATT'RE: Cornnents: CLBAT I'P DEPOSIT RErIND .II..TOWN OF VAIL Bill to: E o () I (9 t o ; I ir , E 3 g (L I t ,PUBLIC WAY PERMIT I 1. 3. PERMITNO. CSEfi?S Contractor's copy to be kept on lobsite. urtsy /cuRTls LoT 6, F0RE$r GLWN SU!, 4465 GLEN FALT.S LANE -LONO SROg. EXCAVATTON 949-46S2 l?l_x Permit Fee $75 ' oo Signalure) iq,J paid: .lANElL TURIIBIn,L .'i\.-)Receipt #:| 649 (Publlc Works)(PubllcWorks) INSPECTION REMARKS: SKETCH PLAN OF WORK ATTACHED APPLICATIC;N FOR TOWNOFVA]L .../ PUBLIC WAY PERMIT E"F'/ ,,$//.,:;ft t' Joblama ':' r..: ,'. /', Legal D€scription '.:" .// t!/ rt-riL( ".i 2. Street Address / 7t. TOV Contractor's Licenso Number Excavaling Conlractor Name 3.Starl Oate Completion Dat€ 4. Work is lor lcircte onel @ 6sG) Landscaping Gas Electric tr@ (Permil Expiration Date) Other necessary Town of Vail signatures. Please allow one week to process. Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation (476-7480) i-.\ ., ,' ,,; r.Ijr..."r or, Q I Public Service Gompany (1-800-922-1984 ' PSGO-Nalural Gas Group (468-2528) Holy Cross Electric Company (949-5892) Trench-width (min.4') Length Depth Bond Amount $PermitFee $ lS.0$Total Permit Fee $ ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE JOB IS STARTED. Rubb€r out-riggers are required on excavating eguipment when working on asphalt. Asphalt surfaces underneath the bucket shall be protected at all times. ..\ A signature below indicates a review of the area and utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company signatures are obtained, permittee has option of routing application through the Public Works office to obtain tne 'ir l-i,1;';1 ,."'" 7. U.S. West (1-800-922-1912) _F TCI Cablevision of the Flockies Town o! Vall:-l.yrlrr-vrJ.c4t n lrrigation (479-2161) \ ' 9. Public Works (479-21 58) THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURES! A construction traffic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of the permit. All excavation must be done by hand within 18" of utilities - (Senate Bill 172). Permittee must conlacl Public Works Department at 479-2158 24 hours prior to commencing bacKill operations. Failure to notify the Town will result in forfeiture.of bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may resu|tintheTownchargingthecontractorareinspectionfee' I certify that I have read all chapters of Trtle 12 - Streets and Sidewalks, ot the Vail Municipal Code and all utility company agreements, signed by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notified as required. Contractor's Signatur€ of Agre€mont ATTACH PLAN OF WORK, INCLUDING CONTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTHOL PIAN Show slreets wiih names, buildings, and location ol cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. THIS IS NOT PUBLIC WAY PEFMITI Whilo - Public Works Yellow - Finance Pink - Community Dsvelopment Gold - Contractor 't0. 11. 't2. (949-5530) Electricians (479-217 1) o o z CN -{F c o =o z !m 7 ={ --I -.1 ID m Io.l-(D .:-E l-{ = E t<x I I-D Y I lm: d l9r 7 loi g ItrP o lig I l-m=r-l =B=.o<To-dP nt c!>l ="9 m'4 o -n 1' m { mo =z oo t- nTt -nT Or- z=o@ 2=o-'2 utr z.O --..1 qn R<z'A --{ Y N'-{x 9> Oa Z. t---.t c 3= JZ s?z: >= -to o>ut- o 2n AZ >m -l>or o I =m -l {z m qt z 3 T F U) l- 3 F!c) P z H c) E- t-ad o>'t- TPl L}{ m o 'T' z 6 r- r t- --t (I,t-x -z F;I' F tll r -t m t-m o €z .n F :t m z I .t ! 11 !b I -j }\ F..t. { €z -n F m 6 6 F I F l (n t; = : = z m t-m -.{ €z n - m z l €z l . -t m - in (,) (/, ! 5' I ! (J) l-{lo t; l<t> IF lr F la l5 lNt lNr ll l- n = rrt ts z c, F z a -{ c9 z 't I -J s. I ! f.J =- m X { I 3 G P (' P z I U)(A c) F H U) z m = = lr .)E =F <F <r>>|a r-r lo ;u rJ>o tD- f.o 5' lw I 5lz !Iln O\l Ilt,-J lid r-l rsl \tl C]z tq mt 3o ao E!si<o - _t] --r m 9<s-{-l TD m x m 1'J o z C- TD U' I m -J a (tl o) H3$g;;- ogd s3i8:E'5[i O Y =qr O :=: E F 37=as- = (,' o =:r PE*;: =5i"3-g '"9 93fi OO".srX [?aB=3,5p.=A ^o*=E E*! o!*f qr ==X-:u -r + i;Sa'a:i == a +--:i --v (J + -w'5i= qFa-.<- = u \o\:-{: ^ =,=-=!!"4 = d3'-D 1 i E .:.L I e o'E-: .5 F.S;e Baaf;; oYfcj A) J q) =':F3i&i a$H a 5 Bli!+o)X(,,o=. mc YM m'n no z -l -t o _n o I I m t-n o m o ! 2 o l z o -t J z t- m {(!) z m m m l< lz l= t>l- IT l^ t9 I I l l- I z gt c t- --{ --l I 6 z I'l < c m IO q: Ir -z 'z - z>eR rci =< >9 ni -i aDo z c z -l I I tt tl z m { 5 --l m P ^z =z m -E I --t m c n t c i z OP*+o--r E R;4-F io F>n =Za't iii qo ()\z xoul Io 62 o= S b zg - j '11 2Z € x H> h1 N co =oN m =6 r,r r -Fl -o,ur< H H H z =z o ts (D F z z m CN z z z 6 i 3 m :tc) z'o olr( 'n I'rl Ilr otF ;'u r-rF r> t4 lz I I io 'Fl ctl rrill-\o tH l5. I I o t- !m =-n m m u1 €H F t. c)F l.l- m I x o t-lll z a m q -{ m z fi =rn € rh m i z .n m m =m - z 6 l- G = aTl --l o t- z c)-m x G =2 m = = m = ='Tl m m U) VALUATION !m 7 =z 9 € Fi - =m o 2 r |. 3 z m t- --t t- z .{ o { NJ & (, 5' c) *';;i,tri 'fi,l!'= APPLICATICN MUST BE FILLED *********** * * rt* ** ************ o_.-._.._: TOWN OF VAIL coNS"RilCTroN :iiFIiR'MIT i/ PERltfT ApPLTCATIOI{ FORM rli 105b DATE:.t , OUT COMPLETELY OR IT IAVlNOT -BN ACCNPTNU Legal Descrlptlon: Lot Owners Name ! Archltect I General Descriptlon: Fi 1.l ,...S[N-D]VISION;Bloch Address:Ph. Ph.Address: r {' [ ]-Repalr [ ]-other Nurnl:er of Acconmodatlon Unlta ! cas Logs_ Wood/PeJ"Iet * ************tr* ****************** OTHER: i TO,IAT,: $ Ir ** ****rr******** *** ** ****tr* Town of valI Reg. NO. JeEieeeJ Phone llunber! tfi4 -..2 Town of VaiL Req. NO. Pirone Nulrrber i Tovrn of VaII Reg. NO. Phone llumber: oFFICE USE *****************************i* BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PI,,U}IBING PI,A}T CHECK FEE: IIECHF.NIcAL PLAN CHECK tr,Er -VT- Plumblng Contractor! Address: RECREATTON FEE: CI,EAI{-UP DEPOSTT! BUTLDING: STGNATURE: ZONING; SIGNATURE I I{ork Claaa: y.(-*^, [ ]-Alteratlon [ ]-Aclctitlona llurnber of DsrelIlng Unlts: Addreee: 4 Electrical Contractor! Address r Hechanlcar contraoto"r tRr-r:riXg l-{Fftfll\GtALrourn of vail Res, No,/81-ll Addresst 5 .1-15 e. tdntlrffii'"u;i2 d#ZL phone I'Iunber; J*t-- 1iAW- * * * * * * r * * * * * * * * * * * * rl * * * * * * * * * * * * FOR BUII-,DING PERMIT FEE: PLUI''BTNG PERHIT FEE: HECHANICAI, PERMII TEE: EI,ECTRICAL FEE I OTHER TYPE OF FEE! DRB FEE: comment6 3 VALUATION o o o o "irn.,rn of \lall ' ,.'il /nnD Plan Review Based on '- VVt the 1992 Uniforn Codes NAIvIE:MUYSL MECH. DAT!':1.0/I9/94 ADDRESSz4465 GLENFALLS CONTRACTOR:EASTSIDE HEATING VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT:NONE OCCUPANCY:R3 ENGINEER:NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: PLANS E)GMINER:C. FELDMANN CORRECTIONS REQUIRED Tbe items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of alt possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the pro- visions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of VaiI. 1) COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC.6O7 OF THE 1991 UMC. 2\ ACCESS TO HEATING E0UIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC.505 and 703 7OB AND 709 OF THE 1991 UMC. 3) INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES TNSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDIX CHAPTER 2T OF THE 1991 UMC. 4) GAS LINE TEST AND INSPECTION IS REQUIRED BEFORE CONNECTION OF ANY EQUIPMENT PER SEC.1206 OF THE 1991 UPC. 5) GAS APPLIANCES STALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 OF THE ].99], UMC AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC. 906 OF THE 1991 UMC. 6) BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONSTRUCTION UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. .7) FIELD INSPECTION IS REQUIRED FOR CODE COMPLTANCE PER SEC.3O5 OF THE 199]. UMC. 8) WHEN NEW ELECTRICAL LINES ARE REQUIRED WORK MUST BE DONE BY A LICENSED ELECTRICIAN. 9) PERMIT, PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. .%-l---TA ., ll:\ | lG \r. l. I ffi'+ .] 'rll ,/ l',{t 2''I \ a ,^.' /{'..: l.Dr ;\Y / T ' h N't. N\ 'r.. *,, *\.) ffi !'i,, I ,F Z (\l:\.1 ('..'W I I $f *- $\ \t>i\t N N \.'r I \N l\'\t\\l;" ll l\ >o ,C),-jr t..p I .;$rclt * I ffi r ll r ll g il YI ,l LI. ----i- ---r--tl t'l tl .r- :?lg -#.-EF ilifr*l _lg/ il r "l l\/_[_ m"i##;{,^*. I I iliir$/ lel ;," r:; i*#-.-lo-l- lltr ,-+;;:*+- l---.)+lj ts \$p\ $* \\ ft \ tr Ar _l ill0 lli -'l;i,( t: ta .l*!-: NO I l . ;J,t i !'. 1, 4 14 -'. eae# o .F m !l.u ix .t'_ l'-tll 6t-3! v (\ l-\ t\t\t-'\ ll,' i-'l\ lr l -\ l-\to + f\\Fr \\\i \s, }N \\ \ I rr\ ---tR--- -|6 r'r JI3tJ EE rt* L-l ol tr. ,d' 6'-l" *\i&J r. -f lz'-t" @.F;ffi,/1 r 1,./,,n. | ( ot-? \iZ * u,?1"t t E" a.c. lzt- roll [t-o $$\ t\ \ o o z (n {F c o { 6 z !m F 3 { I -- -l o m Ig :.- o t-'.h 8 l<: I IHE A l9s )lix s ItrP o lis I l=P 5 '<c I5 o€1o.dP ;!L iio ct >l xq ii;o .I m I m@ n= |_ NE D<.TI E Or- z= >= z nn z,O 4_r an R<ZA ;>62. Y> \JT z. t- Pg 6E d=" 8t zA :D (,1 {-6n -lo o>nr o nz >m -{> n 'r =m o -l {z m -l z =IT E r A"- 3 [j o>'r n m +..O 5I o1>tJlZ ..6 il= r- --{ (D t- -r'l t-z -{m t-m ld l€ lz lo II t> l- n -t €z : F m I = -{ m T F \l o I r!! {z o 'tl z t- m F' z o f: I I = E z H F Fi R H z d {z .tl F 6 z d €z I F 'n -r - m .n = o --l !- z k B t- tr m q,z lq mt lzr lSo IBV tHi l:o n I s.r T m x<+-{ -{ m x m .It { z C-o o a -.t m -l O ..o a (OO-r 630 o9d dPq R iip l=-9o'6 -R{{E6- =rO- =Hs o:a= = ** ;'! -i F=i-=2 =oo e'1a i e.t aBi E *(, e- d€E qr! o -;'-r + i'; dg3 o L-r OOr, zrS(D -=9o 3eg qrd= = s.:tB=; o3 jH9. O-f si5 9 Ei;i Ei. V a'3 i8a (,(D=. 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Ph. ELECTRICAL: $ IIECHAIIICAL: $ OTHER: TOTAL: oN **************** ** ******** Town of Vail Req. NO.Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Town of VaiI Phone Nurnber: Tovn of Vail Phone Nurnber: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address:Reg. NO. ****************!r***************FOR OFFTCE usE *******************************BUTLDING PERMIT FEE:PLWBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: BUTLDTNG PIAN CITECK FEE:PLWBING PIAN CHECK FEE: I.IECHANICAIJ PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION F8E: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERMTT FEEST /l BurLDrNG3 ('frfl--!'- SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATI]RT: O ro* oF vArL coNsrRucrrop ohrners Namel Ntc\rck k\A^^sFL Address: Architect, fvreao\ U Address: General Description: r{ork cr-ass: }.{-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nunber of Accomnodation Units: O lPtu"" and rype of Fireplaces: cas Appliar".r-L Gas Logs- wood/pelret_ {********************************* vALUATToNs ** ************ * ** ** ***** ********* Number of Dwelllng Units z O BUTLDTNG: $ PLITMBTNG: @,. - ,u;:::i.:;::#:: :* * * * 2 Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFIII{D TO: Town of Vail Plan analysis the 1991 Uniform Name: MUSYIJ RESIDENCE Date: May 18, L994 Occupancy: R3,M1 Type of Const: V-N NOTE:The code items listed in this report listing of all possible code requiremenLs selected sections of the code. Town of vail 25 South Frontage Road Vail, coforado 81657 (303) 4'79-2L38 OFFI0E E,flPY based on Building Code Address: 4465 GLEN FAIJI,S DR. Contractor: GREGG & CO. Architect: MEAD & ASSOC. Engineer: BOULANGER Plans Examiner: CHUCK FEL,,DI4ANN are not intended to be a complete in the 1991- UBc. It is a guide to FL 2 Bedroom #3 1-93 2 Bedroom #4 t79 2 BaLh room t02 2 Bedroom #2 1-95 2 Bat,h room #2 4L 2 Halls, closets, etc. 269 TOTAI.,, FOR FI-,OOR 979 l- caretaker unit 455 1 Family room 357 L Kitchen 320 L Dining room 169 1 L,iving room 375 L Master bedroom 284 l- Master bath 188 1- Office 1"52 1 Hal1s, closecs, etc. 6l-3 TOTAL FOR FLOOR 29T3 B Garage '482'B Hal1s, closets, etc. 73 TOTAI, FOR FI-,OOR 955 BUIIJDING TOTAL @AI-,\..\_/ FOOTNOTES: 19.30 1" Qn 0.00 19.50 0.00 0.00 / E trA 35.70 32.00 16.90 37.50 28 .40 0. 00 15.20 0. 00 0.00 0.00 9.65 8.95 5. 10 9.75 2 .0s 0.00 22.75 17.85 15.00 8.4s l-6. /f 14.20 9 .40 7.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 Yes Yes No Yes NO NO Yes NO NO NO No Yes NO NO No 1 1_ 1 L L 2 1 L 1 t- 1 I L I I \ t_ L 1 2 No NO Yes 1-) EGRESS - An operable window or door that opens directly to the exLerior is reguired from this room. The minimum clear openable area must meeL Lhe following. -- Sec. L204.L) The minimum clear heighE is 24 inches 2l The minimum clear width is 20 inches 3) The minimum clear area is 5.7 square feet 4) The maximum sill heiqht is 44 inches The number of exits is based on Table 33-A (Dwellings) A mechanical ventilaLion system may be used in in lieu of exterior openings for venLilation. -- Sec. 1205. (c) 2) ?\ 4) The requirement for an egress window in the basement is based on Sec. L204. ROOM DTMENSIONS: Habitable space shall have a ceiling heiqht of not less than 7 feeL 6 inches. Kitchens, halls, bathrooms and loilet compartments may have a ceili-ng height of 7 feet measured to the lowest projection. If the cei-1ing is sloping, then Lhe minimum height is required in only L/2 of the area.--Sec. 1207.(a) Every dwelling unit shall have at least one room which has not less Lhan 120 square feet of floor area. Other habitable rooms except kiEchens shaI1 have an area of not less than 70 square feet. -- Sec. L207.(b) Habitable rooms ol,her than a kitchen shall not be less Ehan 7 feet in any dimension. -- Sec. L207,(c) GI,AZING REOUIREMENTS :A1l qlazing in hazardous locations is reguired to be of safety glazing material. -- sec. 5406. (d) 1) Glazing in ingress and egress doors excepL jalousies. 2) Glazing in fixed and sliding panels of sliding door assemblies and panels in swinging doors other than wardrobe doors. 3) Glazing in storm doors.4) Glazing in all unframed swinging doors. 5) Glazing in doors and enclosures for hot Lubs, whirlpools, saunas, steam rooms, bathtubs and showers. Glazing in any portion of a building waII enclosing these compartmenLs where Lhe bottom exposed edge of the gtazing is less Lhan 60 inches above a standing surface and drain inlet. 6) Glazing in fixed or operable panels adjacent, to a door where Ehe nearest exposed edge of the glazxing is wiLhin a 24-inch arc of either vertical edge of the door in a closed position and where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 60 inches above the walking surface. 7) Glazing in an individual fixed or operable panel , other than those locaLions described in items 5 and 6 above, t.han meets all of Lhe following conditions:A. Exposed area of an individual pane greaLer than 9 square feet. B. Exposed bottom edge less than 18 inches above Lhe floor. C. Exposed top edge greaLer than 36 inches above the floor. D. One or more walking surfaces within 36 inches horizontally of the plane of the glazing. 8) Glazing in railings regardless of height above a walking surface. tncluded are structural baluster panels and nonsLructural in-fil1 panels. See exceptions. SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS: A smoke delector is required on the ceiling or wall at a poinL centrally located in the corridor or area giving access Lo each sleeping area. Sec. 1"21,0 . (a) 4 . A smoke detector is reguired on the ceiling or wall in each sleeping area. Sec. L210 . (a) 4 . A smoke detector is required in the basement. -- Sec. L210.(a) 4, A smoke detecuor is required on all stories. -- Sec. L210.(a) 4. a If the upper leve1 contains sleeping room(s), a smoke detector is required in the ceiling of the upper 1evel close to the stairway. Sec. l-210.(a) 4 Smoke detectors are required to be wired to the buildinq's power source and sha1l be eguipped with a battery backup. -- sec. 1210.(a) 3. Det,ecEors shall sound an alarm audible in all sleeping area of the dwellinq in which they are located. -- sec. 1210. (a) 4. FIREPIJACE REQUIREMENTS : MASONRY FIREPIJACE:L) Fireplace must be supported by a foundation. -- Sec. 3707.(b)2) The firebox must be at least 20 inches deep and walls of firebox are to be l-0 inches thick. If the liningr is of firebrick then the waIls may be 8 inches Lhick. -- Sec. 3707. (c) 3) The minimum clearance to coftbustible maLerial is from the fireplace, smoke chamber, and chimney walls is 2 inches. combustible material may not be placed within 6 inches of fireplace opening and combustible within L2 inches may not project more than 1/8 inch for each 1 inch of clearance. -- Sec. 3707. (h) 4) The hearth must be noncombustible, a minimum of 4 inches thick, and supported by noncombustible material . The hearth size must be at least: If opening size is: Front extension Side extension Less than 6 sq. f t. l-6 inches 8 inches 6 sq.ft. or qreater 20 inches 12 inches -- sec. 3707.(k) & (1) 5) Chimney heiqht musL be per Table 37-B FACTORY BUII,T FIREPI-,ACE:1) unit must be an approved unit. -- sec. 3705.(a) 2) Clearances and hearth size musE be per manufact,ures approval. sec. 3705 . (a) & (b) 3) Chimney height must be per manufaclurer's approval and Table 37-B OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Between the garage and the residence, materials approved for thr fire construction are required on the garage side only and any doors between the garage and the residence are to be a self-closing ! 3/8 inch solid core door or a 20 minute fire door. -- Table 5-B & Sec. 503.(d) exc. #3 STAIR REQUIREMEIilTS: A stairway in a dwelling must. be at least 36 inches wide. Sec. 3306.(b) The maximum rise of a step is 8 inches and the minimum run is 9 inches.-- sec. 3306. (c) exc. #1 Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing if there is 4 or more risers. -- Sec. 3306. (i) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimum height = 35 inches, maximum opening size = 4 inches. -- Sec. LltZ.(al exc. #1 The minimum headroom is 6 ft.- 8 inches. -- sec. 3306.(o) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected as required f or thr f ire-resist.ive construction. - - Sec. 3306. (l-) SHAFT ENCLOSURES:1) Chutes and dumbwaiter shafts with a cross-sectional area of not more than 9 square feet may lined on the inside with not less than 26 gage galvanized sheet metal with all joints locklapped. The outside must be l- hr construction. A11 openings into any such enclosure sha11 be protected by not less than a self-closing solid wood door t 3/8 inches thick or equivalent. -- Sec. 1706. (f) 2) cas vents and noncombustible pipinq installed in walls passing through 3 floors or less do not need to be in t hour shafts.-- Sec. 1706. (c) 3) Shafts for gas vents, factory-built chimneys, pipingr, or ducts that do not extend through not more than 2 floors need not be in t hour shafts. Sec. 1706. (c) 4) A11 other shafts are required to be enclosed in a t hour assemlcly. - - sec. 1706. (a) ATTIC REQUIREME}flTS:1) Provide an access to all attic areas with a clear height of 30 inches or more. The minimum size is 22 inches by 30 inches. There must be 30 inches or more clear height above the access. -- sec. 3205.(a) 2) Provide ventilation in all at,tic areas. The net free vent area is to be not less than 1 square foot for each 150 square feeE of attic area. The vent area may be 1/300 if at least 50t of the required ventilating area is provided by ventilators located in t.he upper portion of the attic. The upper ventilators must be at least 3 feet above the eve or cornice vents. - - Sec. 3205. (c) CRAWIJSPACE REQUIREMENTS : 1) Provide ventilation either by mechanical means or by openings in exterior walls. Opening shalI provide a net area of not less than 1 square foot for each 150 square feet of area in crawl space. Openings shall be distributed on two opposite sides and be located as close to corners as practical. Sec. 2516.(c) 6. Note: vent openings may be reduced to 10t of the above if ground surface area is covered with an approved vapor barrier and Lhe building official approves.2) Provide 18-inch by 24-inch access opening to the crawl space area. Note: opening may be required to be larger if mechanical equipment is located in the crawl space. Sec. 2516. (c) 2. 3) Un1ess the wood is listed as an approved wood of natural resistance to decay or treated wood, the minimum clearance between exposed earth and floor joist is 18 inches. The minimum clearance Lo beams and girders is is 12 inches. -- Sec. 2516. (c) 2. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS : For R3 occupancy This projecE will require a site improvement survey. Such survey shatl be submitted and approved prior to request for frame inspection. All crawl spaces within the Town Of vail are limited to a earth to structural floor ceilinq heiqht, of 5', be earEh floor only, be ventilated as per UBC 2516(c)6 with minimum access as per UBc 25L6(C)2 and maximum access of 9 sq. ft. any buitding site with a slope of 30 degrees or more sha11 require an engineer design. Such design shal1 address drainage, soil retainage and structural design. Excavation below slabs on grade shall not be permitted withouL prior approval . Address numbers sha1l be posLed plainly visible and legible from Lhe street. For M1 occupancy Slope garaqe floor to atlow for drainage to outside to provide a floor drain wit.h sand and oi1 interceptor to dry well or to sewer. Any garage floor drain connected to sewer must. be approved by Upper Eagle va11ey waLer & Sanit.ation District. rn garages with living area above, the waI1s of the garage wiich are bearing the area above sha11 be protected with one hour fire resist.ive construction. UBc 503 (B). Town of Vail 25 South Frontage Road Vail, colorado 81657 (303 ) 479 -2L38 PIan review based on the 1991 Uniform Buildinq Code Address z 4465 GLEN FALLS DR. ConLractor: GREGG & CO.Archi.tect: MEAD & ASSOC.Engineer: BOULANGER Plans ExamiNeT: CHUCK FELDMANN A11 elect.rical work is to be complete to the requirements of Lhe latest National Electrical Code, a1l Town of Vail ordinances, and Holy cross Requirements. This project will require a site improvement survey. This survey shall be submitted and staff approved prior to a request for a frame inspection. Under no circumstances will a frame inspection be done without an approved site improvement survey. ExLerior surfaces with st.ucco shall be provided with exLerior metal lath as per UBC 4706 with 2 layers of paper. Windows and doors are required to be adeguately flashed(not with just screed metal). A tath inspection is required prior sLucco annl ir-aFi.\n All new construction within the Town of Vail will be required to have an initial inspection by TOv Pubtic works Dept. to approve site drainage and culvert installation. This approval musL be compleEe prior to any inspection by the Building DepartmenE. In bathrooms with a tub or shower and in laundry rooms a mechanical ventilation system connected directly to the outside sha11 be provided. Bathrms which contain only a water closeE or 1av, may be ventilated with a recirculating fan. UBC 1205 (c) . Domestic clothes dryer exhaust ducts sha11 be installed as per uMc 1104 and 1903. F1exible duct connectors may noL exceed 6' in length and shall not be concealed within construction. Ducts shall terminate outside the building and not exceed 14' lenqth. Tt}vrr oi tohii OFFfffitr #u}ij,l Name: MUSYL RESIDENCE Date: May 18, L994 Occupancy: R3,M1 Type of Const: V-N 1-0 11_ No domest.ic dishwashing machine shall be directly connected to a drainage system without Lhe use of an approved dishwasher air-gap fittinq. UPC 608. Cross connection control devices sha1l be installed to protect pollution of potable water supply by use of approved backflow prevention devices. UPC 1003. rsland fixtures shall be special vented as per UPc 6L4. Plumbing fixt,ures with mechanical apparatus shall be supplied with an access panel for inspection and repair of eguipment. UPc 904. Domestic ranges shal1 have a vertical- clearance above the cooking surface of not less than 30" to unprotected combustible material . UMC L901. Equipment located in underfloor area sha1l rest on a concrete slab or be suspended from the floor above, be provided wiLh an access and passageway, and have a permanenL electric outlet and lighting fixture? Approved gas logs may be installed in solid-fuel burning fireplaces proviiled the installation is according to the listing inst,rucLions, any damper shalL be removed or permanently blocked, and a safety shut.off valve is provided. UMC 803. Gas fireplace appliances are required to be installed as per listing installation instructions - wiuh a "8,, vent only. conioustion air musL be supplied from the outside for all new consuruction in the Town of Vail. Supply a mechanical drawing indicating design of system, size (BTU and volume) of equipment, vent locaLion and termination, and combustion air to be supplied prior Lo any installation. Due to Colorado State StaEutes, all sink faucetts and shower heads are required uo utilize flow restriclion devices. Also, ttre maximum waLer closeL flush usage is limited to a maximum of 3.5 gallons per f1ush. The size of the noncombustible hearth must be per the manufacture's approval. -- Sec. 3705. (b) 1,2 l_3 1-4 L5 t6 L7 L8 1,9 20 The design, construct.ion, and installation of elevators, dumbwaiters, escalators and their hoistways shal1 be as per the requirements of UBC Ch. 51. rhis includes fire-resistance of enclosure & openings, hoistway ventilation, and vestibule requiremenLs. At eaves and valleys an adequate underlayment sha1l be provided to protect a structure from ice buildup and waLer damage. Two layers of felt solid mopped to sheathing and between layers or a commercial water & ice shield may be used as per Table 328L. A one-line electrical drawing for each level is required for this projecL. Failure to provide such may result in field correcEions at the expense of conEractor. Because of this project's location, the foundation is required to be dampproofed to prewent damaqe to areas below finished grade. UBC 1707 (d) . The structure is required to be anchored Lo the foundataion with L/2 inch anchor bolts. The bolts must be into the concrete or masonry 7 inches and spaced a maximum of 6 feet apart. See code for additional requirements. -- Sec. 2907.(f) Include a copy of the soils report for the site to be buitt on. -- Sec. 2905. Provide truss details by the Lruss manufacturer's enqineer. (reg in this state) 2t 22 23 24 MEAD & ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS i/#ftstli,J'," 'i j{d.S.* - ..,''l,lti$ AUE 5 tgg{ Gary flumaln Chief Brrrldinc Off icial Dept. of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81 657 RE: l"lusyl Residence Lot 6, Forest Glen Subdivision post office 6ox 3748 . lokepoint cenler . suile 306 303"674.0732 evergreen, colorodo 80439 . 29029 upper beor creek rood . fox 303-624-1231 TOV.COMM. DEV. DIPI The following changes in the foundation wallrelnf0rcing steel ane appnoved by this office: 1. Use 0f grade 40 #5 bans in lieu of grade 60 2. tJse of t4 dowels at 12" o.c. 1n lieu of #5 at 48'0.c. tf ully, e0rge 'Kq (.) * GEORGE B l',4EAD 8.2289. 0EC ? u iuil .',i'1f$:i',t ,;i' .Ji l,l ,r t ;: !r tr, BOULANGER ENGINEERING, INC. P.O. Box | 738 . EVERGREEN, CoLoRADo 90439 . (3O3\ 674-3,229 TOWN OF VAIL 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, coLoRADO 816s7 RE MUSYL RESIDENCE 4465 GLEN FALLS LN. vArL, co. PERMIT NO. 6773 DEAR SIRS, ON DECEMBER 20,1994 A REPRESENTATIVE OF THIS OFFICE VISITED TI.IE REFERENCED SITE AT THE REQUEST OF GREGG & CO. BUILDERS TO INSPECT THI STRUCTURE AND FRAMING DETAILS FOR STRUCTURAL ADEQUACY, WITH PARTICULAR ATTENTION BEING PAID TO THE ITEMS NOTED BY CHUCK [ [LDMANN, TOWN OF VAIL, BUILDING INSPECTOR. THE CONTRACTOR HAD COMPLETED SOME OF THE ITEMS ON MR. FELDMANNS I.IST AND WAS IN THE PROCESS OF WORKING ON THE OTHERS. II WAS NOTED THAT THE TRUS JOIST RAFTERS OVER THE STUDY, LIVING ROOM, DINING ROOM, AND NOOK WERE BEARING ON WEDGE BLOCKS(ITEM # 8) TH|S rS ACCEPTABLE PROVTDED THAT THE NATLTNG DOES NOT CAUSE THE BLOCKS TO SPLIT. WEDGES THAT ARE SPLIT SHOULD BE REMOVED,AND REPLACED OR A BEVELED PLATE OF SUFFICIENT LENGTH TO PREVEN'I SPLITTING. AND PROVIDE A MINIMUM OF 1-3/4' BEARING LENGTH AI.ONG THE BEVEL SHOULD BE INSTALLED. IN THE CRAWL SPACE, IT WAS NOTED THAT THE NORTH POST UNDER THE DINING ROOI/ TO NOOK OPENING HEADER WAS MISSING AND THAT THE BACKFILL SOIL WAS IN CLOSE PROXIMITRY TO SOME OF THE OTHER POSTS. DUE TO THE FROZEN CONDITION OF THE SOIL IN THIS AREA, IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT A TEMPORARY POST SHOULD BE SET, AND WHEN CONDITIONS PERMIT, A PERMANENT POST SHALL BE INSTALLED. SOIL AROUND THE EXISTING POSTS SHOULD BE REMOVED TO A DEPTH OF 8' BELOW TOP OF PIERS PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION. IF ALL OF THE ABOVE ITEMS ARE ADDRESSED, IN OUR OPINION, THE STRUCTURE APPEARS TO BE ADEQUATE. Ot BOT]LI\NGER ENGINEERING, INC. wt_$[t pf TO\'-fimffi.ffiu.mflT. P.O. Box t738. EVERGREEN, COLoRADO 8OEt9. (3O3) 67+3223 DECEMBER 23, 1994 TOWN OF VAIL 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, COLORADO 81657 RE: MUSYL RESIDENCE 4465 GLEN FALLS LN. vAlL, co. PERMIT NO. 6773 DEAR SIRS; THE ITEMS ON CHUCK FELDMANN'S FMMING INSPECTION SHEET WERE CORRECTED AND FRAMTNG IS ADEQUATE BY DESIGN. -,ja' O IIntcr-Mountain 1f\EEslneerinq:=a- o T0!' t,0l'ti\Ii' DiV' DtP[' -.-..- golr.s AlrD F'ouNDATtotf ItnrEsEtcA[roN FCIR FRCIPOSED RISTDEICB Igt 6, FOREST CLllt sttBDryIslolt, sowlt oF EAGLE @ltN![Y, @IITRADO PR@IRED FORS UARK l,tt'SYL PROJECT NO. 92639G ocIoBER 1992 8ox No. 978 r Avon, Colorado E16Al . 94S5Cft2 D€rwer 893.1531 l4A)VancsStr€er . Lakewood. ColoradoSOtlS . Phonq232{158 { .J ? 3 1ss4 i.",: ! TABLE OF CONTENTS CONCLUSIONS SCOPE SITE LOCATTOII AND DESCRIPTTON SITE ITWESTIGAEIOiI snBsgRFAcB AlrD- GROslrDWegB,, @SDrgtONS - PROPOSED COf,gXRttq[rON FOT'NDATIOI{ RECOIOTENDA TONS EI(CAVAf ION DIFFICI'LTIES SIAB CONSIRI'CTION GROUNDI{ATER A}'D DRAIN SYSTEU REINFORCING CRAWL SPACE COVER BACKFII.L AITD STIRFACE DRAINAGE I.AI{N IRRTGATION urscEEAtfEous TEtt!!'IrcNgtoN ST'NdARY OF fEgT PITS sr{tLL-consoLIDATroN €RAIN-SIZE DISIRIBTITION PERIPHER.LL DRAIN SYSTES! 1 1 2 z & 4 4 5 5 6 7 7 7 I I DRTrINEF.- L FTGIIRESIIC-1-2 FrGIIRE NO. 3 FIGI'RESNO.4-6 FIGIIRE NO. 7 rt ;lB;{d.il#fiifllF *-' t col|eLu6lous 1. SubsoiL ccndiLions are non- urifo::rqr over ti,e site sith 2 f.eet of topsoil, underlain by 2.5 feet of angular rock fraguents in topsoily natrix, over 2 feet of interbedded clayey SAI.ID sith clean sand and gravel with cobbles in Test Pit #1, and 3 feet of topsoiJ., underlain by 5 feet of clayey-gravelly SAI{D to clean sandy GRAV8L, over 2 feet of claycy SAIID tn leet Pl.t #2. 2. Tbe proposed residence Ehould be tourded on undisturbed clayey sand or sand and grravel on conventional spread footJ.ngs desigmed for- a naxinuu soil bearing pressure of 1,5OO psf. 3. Ordinance No. 5 town of Vai].Official l{aps nere reviewed, and tlre lot is not classified as lying nithin a geologically sensitive atrea. SCOPE ltis re;1oft, presents tbe results of a Soils and Poundation InvcrtlEatlon for tbc prolrcsed reeidence to bs conrtrrreted on I€t ;, Porest Gl€n Subdlvislon, Torn of Vail, Eagle coungf'; Colorado. The investlgat!.on was prepared by neans of test plts ani l-aboratory testing of sanples obtained from these pits. The purpose of this foundation e:<;lloration rras to determine the various soil profile components and, the engj.neering charactEristics of the foundation rnaterials, and to provide criteria for use ry the desigrn engineers and architects in preparing the foundatj.on design, frou a geotechnical point of view. ,f i lf'.,.iji-Wrrr*""* '"- ; S:- z SIEE Loeegrolr tllD DESCRTPTIOX The si'.e is o.+7 acrr€ lot iocated:ar t!.e cul-de-ac of GIen Falls Lane in the Forest Glen Subdivision in East vail , Eagle county, Colorado. The topography of the lot is noderata. Vegetai,:.on eonsisted of willotrs and pi.nes. Drainage is to the north, toward core Cteel<. ]18!q-r - srrE lL8rrlcelqror lhe field investigation perfor:Ded on october 19, t992, consisted of excavating, logging and sauBling 2 test pits. the locations of tbe test pits ara shown on Draning No. 1. The test pits were excavated with a conventional baclchoe. Summaries of tlre test pit logs are detailed on Figures No. 1 and 2. Laboratory san;lles !'rere obtained at selected intenrals by driving a rrCalifor:ria[ hand sarnpler into undisturbed soil. cranular soj,ls were saupled by bulk sanpling. These samples were returned to our laboratory, inspected and clageifLed,. in- accordance sitb- tbe unilled Soil c5.alrijl.cadon Syrteu and. tbe test pLt logs vere, edlted a! necearaty. lo. al.d. ln claeailylng-:the soil,s encorurterad, and to deteraine general aoll characterj-stics, selected laboratory tests (noisture content, unit weight, grain size distribution, swell consolidation) nere performed on representative soil sanples. Sumnaries of the test results are shown on Figure No. 3 - E. s- q' : ST'BE URFACE Al{D GROT'NDI'AIER COIIDITTO.IIS Refe= !-e -l5e suurq€rtA' of test Srits' Fl'gures Subsurface conditions are someshat erratic. The soil profile exposed in Test Pit No. 1 consisted of 2 feeE of topsoil, underlain by J_arge angular rock fragments in a topsoily natrix, over 2 feet of, interbedded reddish clayey sand nitlr clean sandy GRAVSL,. test ffi..91g go. 2 bad 3 leet of toproil, over 5 feoEof,'c].aycy:grcedllr- *'f" Sll{D to sandy GRAvEf-,' over 2 feet of clayey SAND- ...'. overlot gradinE has been done prior to this investigation on a Srortion of tlre lot, around Lg75, in order to relocate tbe Etrear and to build the beru at ttre avalanche run-out zone. . ilo gtoundsater was encountered in any of tbe test plts at the tine of excavation. According to ordinance No. 5, Seetion 5, Cbapter 18-59 of ths VaiI Municipal Code the following Town of Vail Official Maps were reviesed: 1.) the debris fLow and debris avalanche hazard analysis urp 3 Uo- 1 and 2. .$. *' t prepared by AEtbur I. u€aEs-r. P-8.,* Inc;- an&dated.lformobar- Ulaa- 2.1 Ilre roclcf,al.Lnap-preparcd by sch.tc & Arsociatcar' IIIEJ- Lot 5, FoEest GJ.en is not claEsified as Geologically Sensitive Area based on tlre above Eaps. and dated Novcrb.|E: 29; 1!l8l'..-. -iiAd' '?' 'rt' t EROPOSEp COttS.IRUglrOr No spec3:= design data has been provided, but for tbe;r:r;rcse of tbis analysis, it lras been presurqed that the proposed residence wil]. consist of 2 floors without a basement, and that loads will be light. ff the proposed residence has a basenent, excavation dlfficulties can be e:qrected, due to larEe boulders. ff tbe propoEed Irroj esa dl!!€rs -sign; f lgangly frm, this underetandl.nq.'a" reviev should be nade atter tbe plans are nore couplete. FotntDlMott REcouutrpl:lroltg Clayey SAI{D to sandy GRAVEL wiII be encountered in the foundation excavation. The proposed residence should be founded on conventi.onal type spread footings designed for a rnaxirnun soil bearing pressrure of, 1,500 psf. At this pressure, settlenents are anticipated to be approxi:nately one inch. lhe footings shouJ.d be constructed on the undisturbed clayey SAIID to sandy GRAVEL. The footinE excavations should be relatively suooth, free of debris, orEanicar- looee Eoil, troat, and-standJ,ngr sater.. tny ov.F- cxcarratl,ons ebourd be. baclctllled. and co4ncterl to loo percrat wLtbLn. Z pGacdtt.ot:.optl,uuL nol,gtrre-as d€tcnin€d. by a standq+ Proctor test (ASTM D-698). A representative of this office should be contacted to inspect the foundation excavation to verify tlrat the soir conditions are the saue as those anticipated in this report. irn.-"a':t-l-!alill.'"t:trFr_ iq Af,ter all of -.be fi-nal grading is coupleteC, -5e botin oi the footings should be covered with a nininuu of 48 inches of backfill for frost protection. Void,s left by the removal of cobbles in the botton of the looting excavation slrould be filJ.ed ritb lean concrete or a granular so1J. ritb a naxl.nru Barticle s.Lze of 3 Lncheg coqract .Ltof;. 1OO percent o! standard Proctoa density (AST!{ D-598) sttbl.ra'-2 percent of optiuuu uoisture. E:reava'ltot| DrgFrcnurrEs Due to size and arnounts of tlre cobbles and bouLders encountered during tb,e soils investiEatien, excavation difficulties can be e:<pected. A largie excavating equipnent is reconnended. (sinnilar to a Poclain 150 Excavator, 70r00O lb. Dacb.) 8!1a cotl8ERuclrrolt All excanatlsns rade for tb,e- fonndationa lust be proprrQr badillU.d. wLth suitable Daterl.al corpacted to a tininrc of:.95 percent of, the laal,ntrr standard Proctor density (AS$f D-698).. 1ID.- on-site soils exclusive of topsoil and organics are suitable for use as backfill. Due to the lrigh content of cobbles and boulders, it will be necessary E,o screen out the larger rocks prior to using this naterial as backfilt. Before the backflll is placed, all water and loose debris sbould be reuoved frou tbese excavations. c Frilr --c tb,e c=:-<-*:etion of coneele flocors, the undl-sl==bed subgirade should be proof conPacted sitb a loaded rubber-tired load,er to a unifora high d,ensity. Special care should be taken in areas nhere underground utilities have been installed' 'lbe floor slabs should be reinforced, and Joints should be provided at tbe Jrrnctions of the slab and tbe foundatlon ralls.r*-E; tbat a soatl anount of independent lovellent ca:r occur slthsuts: causinE danaEe. lhe slabs should be scored in accordance sith thc American concrete Instituteti reconnendationg to control crackilg- A grranular nat ('3 14 inctr gravel, witlr legs than 5 percent passing No, 2OO sieve) sbould be provided below the floor slab3. This should be a minimum of four inches in thickness and coupactad. The purpose of thi.s giranular mat is to provide a capillarl' brealc betrreen tlre subgrrade and the slab. GROT'IID'AAIR AtfD DRAIT{ 8Yg!Et,t lt'blle no ground, water wag encorrntered. at the tine tbe.flrld,- lnvertlgatlon ras conductsd,, lt lg poaaible that sstto.lt variatlonarrLll cause_ fluctuationa, or'for a sater tablcr tcr!- present in the upper soils during the spring uontlrs, or after a prolonged period of rain. A foundation perimeter drain as d,etailed on FlgUre No. 7 is recon'-ended to reduce the risk of surface uater inf,iltratinE the footing subsoils. * &*; * -rcjl"j&"'**;i!5ffi&&ffiffi*, -..,.. u-' --' '';ii;jfta- z RETilFORCilC qrc foundatl.on sb,ould be geI.I. reinfos=ed and rigid enguqb, to withstand differential settlements. Foundation walls retaining earth should be d,esigned to resisr, an equivalent fluid pressure of 50 pcf for an condition. rractiverr case assr:uing a level drained backfill . '-"-*rthi= cRlll gPtcl eottB I{lren noist soiJ.s are encounterad in tbe excavation, the gfounA surface in crawl space areas should be covered with an impervious noisture barrier sea1ed against the footings. Ihis will help to reduce hunidlty in tlre crawl space area. BACtr'I!L IITD 8I'RIACE DR.trIITACE The backfill placed around the foundation walls Dust not settle after cou;lletion of consb:uction and tbe top one foot of the bacltflll naterial nrst be relatively iuperrious. Tbe on-site'Eollg €xcruaive' of topcoil . and organics, are . su.ltable f or uer< a* bacrc|i}p Due to tbe hlEb, content ot cobblsg and bouldergi lt- rtIL bt nece8sary to scaacn:out latger: roclcg. prior to usingr thi* uaGd as bacldill. Backfill should be moistened or dried to near its opti:nru moisture content and compacted to at least 90 percent of the rnaxi-uun standard Proctor density. structutar bacJcflll should be coaPacted to at least 95 percent of tbe naxinuu standard Proctor density. \ i\ I, I I g Surface rder running tosard t!.e st:rrcture fron upsloge areas should be diverted around and away frqu the building by neans of drainage swales or otber sinilar ueasu:res. The final grade strould have a positj,ve slope array from tbe foundation walls on a]']. Eides. A uiniur::l of L2 inches in the first 10 feet ls recomended. Dowrrs;outs and siU codcs should discbarga Lnto splasb, bl'ocl€ tlrat ortend beyond tbe llnlts of the baclcflll. The use of long downspout o<tengions in place of splasb blocks is advlsable. I]A.wN IRRIGAAIOIS Do not install sprinkler systens next to foundation walls, porches or patio slabg. If sprinkler systerns ale installed, tlre sprinkler heads Ehould be placed so that the spray frou the heads, under full pressure, does not f,al1 within flve feet of foundation walls, porches or patio slabs. Iawn irrigation nust be controlled. Il tbe future osnors deeire to plant nerct to foundation rallsr porchec or 1ntl,o slaba, and are rllllnE to asaure-tbc rldc of stfirstural daragc, €tc"-, thcn lt ls advl,sable to,plant only tlou.ar and stlrubbery (no larrn) of varieties that require very little moisture. tbese flowers and shrubs should be hand watered only. urgcgLLAItEOua The rEcouendatLons provided herein are based on e:<perience in tbe area and frou tbe on-site fLeld exploration. Tbe information . t , ..! -;lrsSli5 l:' --Jt(: **-. o 2 obtained frorn ttre lleld e:qrloration and laboratory testlng reflects subsurface conditions onJ.y at -:=e speciflc locations alt tbe particular tines d,esignated. Subsurface conditions at other locations and tiues may differ from tlre conditions at these locations. the e:<tent of any variations between tlre test pits nay not appear evident until excavation is pertor:ued. Eowever, only uinor rrariatl.ong are expected. ft during constnrctlon condltlaard*.x p . appear to be different, this offl-ce should be advised so r3-- evaluation of'the reconnendations nay be nade. This reBort has been prepared for the exclusive use of Uark Uusyl for tbe specific application stnrcture to be located on Lot 6, Forest VaiI, Eagle county, Colorado. The findings and recouuendations of this report have bean prepared in accordance with locally accepted professional engineering atandard,s for sinilar conditions at this tl$e. lbere is no other wanranty, either oqlressed or iuplied. Slncerely, IlSTER-}ioUmtrIll EI{CINEERM, Ii8D.- to tlre proposed reeidance Glen SubdLvision, Town of ;/,*7'h'4 Lui.za Petrovska,Project Engineer Reviewed by: I, P.E. , -..,,.,t'tididtqsrF**- t 3 t, :i a TEST LOCATION Loc Proposed Regldence Forest Glen Subdivlslon, Town of Vail Eagle Couogy, Colorado Preparcd for !{ark Musyl 6, ,F'l:ct ,{c. 92fi9e wn at,trc.&f. N. T. S o.tg.on,'taa xe. t I t * t raii.** s a: .l.. i I I. I t 'l o Ptr NaL o ,.r*/.#"w oESCRrPtrOX Ot ultEillL Rfxri:3 t. A / TOPSOIL t I 0 1 Angular rock fraggents La broa topsolly nr ttl: Iaterbedded reddlsb clayey SAlilD nitb clean saad and GMVEL trtth cobbles. Bottom of pic No groundnaEer etrcountered A Bulk Sarnple SUMMARY OF IEST PITS Proposed Residence Forest Gleo Subdtvtstoo, toso of Vail Eagle Couaty, Coloredo . Prepared for Hark lfusyl Lot 6, ?ro.1gf no1 92639C a!|rti xq. I tj $f't :: : $i i I I I I OEPYX II' F€ET o-r '"t/""!i ( A .+rD-q i-+. I PtT No-z O ;' OESCRIPTION OF U ?€FI^L I'HAIKI l. / H TOPSOIL Reddleh claYcY-gravellY SAIID (SP) co clean saudy GRAVEL (G:!l) wlth cobbles Reddlsb clayeY MoisE 10 I'l il ll I 1 1 I Boclou of plc I No grouadwater I encouoEered a ^' Relatively uodiscurbed sample Bulk sample SUMMARY OF TEST PITS Lot 6, Proposed Residence Forest Glea Subdivision' Touu Eagle CouatY' Colorado . PrePared for Mark MusYl of Vall riorcr xqr 92639C nButa llo., 2 8.;' iifrt i|it iiti Iil|ltl ; -, l-i-f t,l l l E,t Liliiilll \=l llllill illiilLLl z- 0l l.o LoAO tKSFt 10 too SAMPLE or clavev SAIID NAT'MotsTURE coNrENrJ4Lo{, o/o swELL,/pREss. -saMpLE FLooDED ar 0.5 xsr NAT DRy DENSrry 100.2 pcF -I -3 -4 >E J t! =t z tr I o cn z l.o LoAo |KSF I OF clavev SAND NAT sAMPLE FLoooEo er_!;L xsr r.rar loo IVOISTURE CONTENT 16.6 - '! oBY DENSTTY 105.3 PcF lo SAMPLE 9/o 5WELL,/PRESS. BOR ING i!(J 2 DEPTH 8.5 r D \L SWELL - CONSOLIDATTON TEST RESULTS LoE 6, Proposed Resl.derce Forest Glen Subdlvlsiou, Torm of Vell Eagle Couoty, Colorado Prepared for Mark Musyl pao"rc..ro 92639G .rGrrFF.rn 3 t ..:l ,'. * *a .: i-t + C,(tr crt \o (\a (n ct z (J :||?o G G .d \C' .t o 2 lrl G at !J A. tu L 6t I tt I ;l.l ,i:l 'iru ':lll lrl z o ct cn G lrl TD -2 trl bl at ct 6 F F E, o z 9,F g tr F o o ul N a z G (9 t c IL t o F.O oE U -6 6€.L-rUOO tf r.a Fa 1...'t ul O OFi O.'t q, q t\{,> O dra .€ t E 'rA'E !t ,a aJ !.{, t C tl'ja ora, cr. lr o oqro o.trC) l.E Oo tr tr (, '-i oo !r(t otsl o l'a lz. o \o fflEl i iH? ffie at, =' C''t|| o =z, ('--IJ ;lJl ; ' lstEl <. l t -l H'|F" =;l i+ | | | | I | | I I t I I | | t | | r r | | |- l;l l3l*_un E 3 3 : s 3 =,*o,l*rsr.urJ rur.r.d I tsl E (, F c; tl F^t H o'Llx .l ,\. l\o l^ tl I $S':19 ro ;d 3lo lE 'i? n Ix I I (\al olo olo Ele 8le (a otrt u ll z2 d r-. t o cah cJ (J 1' i t f 16 : d! O ' tqot.a ra ro,coo S. o-_-€--3 I 3 e g .e g g E_- 'n *li €o e, ."1?rat o z l! 0 gr Ei I -tl - - | | | i r | | I | , I | ' | | | i , r | '_ | I = -lsl l 'l sl;i gH = '=l ll fi !I lq€9 -=l H fl =ittt- E -l ld ''r GI !l i F E o z I F co (E U'o Irl N u, I =E (9 ql o a t o tso ruE O.qt Fatt iuOO €+{F+ L .i 6 O O '-i €.?r ql q. h q|> o 4;i+t -€ =€ x€r=E.osl.o t € 6Ja € crtt t ar.O O tl, t!AECJ I.E oc, t l. F{ rU F{(JFr @ !r qt A trl (u o h \&t tl o 1ru m ctt ,j q, ul (J 2 z a -z td o- t. I I la-l r--'l tl tl tl l.l l.l tfl lSlx I l!^ N \o i F:ld a ":({ I I I frt t.l^tY I,r otl -lx c.r .l . (nl.c c\l IcO Itl t-c I dt lco I Da Fa .1 . lo rn o olo 19 -l ||- I .v! r lx Ftl u I olo olo \Ctl.{ ('il-ole ola .A ar{ | [zz 4t-. t o viB4 q) (J '.{ l, t o FOUNDATION WALL --' POLYETHELENE MOISTUR E.l EARRIER GLUED TO FOUNOATION WALL. TOP ONE FOOT OF BAC:<FILL SHOULD BE RELATIVELY IMPER,VIOUS FILL. SLOPE I\WAY FROM 'BUILOING. GEOTEXTILE ( MIRAFI I4ON OR EAUIVILANT) MINUMUM oF 6'' oF V4 INCH. GRAVEL , SUMP PUMP OR DAYLIGHTED. '.#,r?o $.tJrt5o T itr'fiirtF"" I'F' P,r ". PER FOOT TO SET/ER LATERAL-SUBDRAIN DETA!-L:OE-PERIP_HERAL DRAIN SYSTEM FOR FOOTTNG TYPE FOUNDATiONI--'' Figure o o =Ll t C' I (n FI \o (\a ( o'z F (, tal o G G Irt (\.t F *t - a.a }g t i o 6 l{(J at,G Irl €-l =Itl trl aa 6 E f u, {t j at,lrl () =(,-2 t{ o lr, lrl an o o z (tt Q i * *,o 9 tl J6l t.(Yl IF . .tl -l Gt lx r\l ' l'if ll o lc.l , l,i l'{l stl6t I .t . Da x )a (nlo lo (.rcno I lro tlo ,- \ll r. I ('l \O I l!.(\a t. .ttrolo.olo \Ol,{ (rtl.r J AIA AIA !d v,>cltrl [ |<zz d 4)-. A 3J (Jctttr (, () ' tqol.A fg rrrreco ls.tr.d 6 (, o t Irllr.a I€ r.orj lu.rtrd .o q{ o a t o tso ro€cJ -6 aa 'H !roo €.ltFt L .r.l O O OFa O+aCr(|.t\o> o cl +{ -E 3 €>\{r=E3.'|.!, t € qt Ja o cit t al o oo6 OlC, Lt oo A.tFalU 9.(9-r oo tlql tDtsl ru l.o tu 2 I F =g E F o o UJ N o I =E o (*--- APPLICATION FOR . TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT 19 1.Job Name Legal Description Street Address Excavatino Contractor Name Address Phons #TOV Contractor's Licerse Numbef 4. 5. Start Date Work is for {circle one) Completion Date Sewer Gas Electric (Permit Expiralion Date) Other 8. Water Telephone CATV Landscaping Temporary Site Access Trench-width (min.4') Length Depth Bond Amount $Permit Fee $Total Permit Fee $ ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE JOB IS STARTED. Rubber out-riggers are required on excavating equipment when working on asphalt. Asphalt surfaces underneath the bucket shall be protected at all times. A signature below indicates a review of the area and utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company signatures are obtained, permittee has option ol routing application through the Public Works office to obtain the necessary Town of Vail signalures. Please allow one week to process. Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation (476-7480) Public Service Company (1 -800-922-1 987) PSCO-Natural Gas Group (468-2528) Holy Cross Electric Company (949-5892) U.S. West (1 -800-922-1 987) TCI Cablevision of the Rockies (949-5530) Town of Vail: lrrigation (479-2161)1 Electricians (479-21 7 1)I .i 9. Public Works (47 I -21 58) THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURES! A construction traffic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of the permit. All excavation must be done by hand within 18" of utilities - (Senate Bnl 172). Permittee must contact Public Works Department at 479-2158 24 hours prior to commencing bacKill operations. Failure to notify the Town will result in forfeiture of bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection fee. I certity that I have read all chapters of Title 12 - Streets and Sidewalks, of the Vail Municipal Code and all utility company agreements, signed by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notified as required. 10. 11. 12. Contractor's Signature of Agreement Date of Signature ATTACH PLAN OF WORK, INCLUDING CONTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PI.AN Show streets with names, buildings, and location of cuts, USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. THIS IS NOT PUBLIC WAY PERMIT! White - Public Works Yellow - Finance Pink - Community Development Gold - Contraclor TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT '1455 Gil.g PAIJS SIAI' No. c0a??9 to be k€pt on lobslte. 't. 4,. 3. (Job Ndno or Locaffon ot Wo*) t0tlrc SEBvrcl cat{pa[t. P.o. xrl +3o, xn|ll,lx, co 8l6fl (Ercavating Qoftactor'! l{.mo, Address, Phono, and Ljcang€ No.) o I o j o 6 I o IL I -I o E B o- I o €3 Work is tor (chde one) Permit Fee t5O.O0 - lrr-r Af EID Ol IEAI sirr to: !|'BLIC SnVTCB Cclt?A[ WATEF SEWER GAS .,ELECTRIC TELEPHONE CABLE Tv OTHER IISIII.L IJXB U\NDSCAPING \H#dRARYSITEACCESS I,.//." -/' - +--' {/aU/J/ rJ /-<---/ Receipt #: (Publlc Works) \,1 INSPECT]ON REMARKS: SKETCH PLAN OF WORK ATTACHED , APPLICATION FOR ' I3Hli"",ixi'r'r"u,r rr'/'/ 4fl ,. /ul/ r'/i/./j Job L€gal DEscription Street Address ./ i//':,' l'r ':1 (/// -,14: J' g./7t Excavating Contractor Name TOV Contractor'9 Lic€ns€ Number 3. , ,4. Start Dat€ 5. Trench-width (min.4') Comololion Date (Perm it Expiration Dal6) Other work isfor (circreone) @ egg' l-andscaping --rt .,...:|.Length Depth BondAmount $PermirFee S ?s. oo Total Permit Fee $ ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE JOB IS STARTED. Rubber out-riggers are required on excavating equipment when working on asphalt. A,sphalt sufaces underneath the bucket shall be protected at all times. A signature below indicates a review of the area and utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company. signalures are obtained, permittee has option of routing application through the Public Works office to obtain the . necessary Town ol Vail signalures. Please allow one week to processJ j. Upper Eaglevafleywaterand Sanitation (476-7480') J " r' .r'lrn^^'A {' i i "t ti \ Public Service Company (1-800-922-1987) \ PSCO-Natural Gas Group (468-2528) Holy Cross Electric Company (949-5892) --_\{.. 6. 7. 't i U S West r1-800-922-19!i') _'t TCI Cablevision of the Rockies (949-5530) Town of Vail: n lrrigation (479-2161) L ,Electricians (479-217 1l Public Works (479-21 58) 10. 11. THERE WILL BE NO TOIAL STREET CLOSURES! A construction trafftc control plan must be approved by the Public Works Depa(m€nt prior to issuance of the permit. All excavation mLrst be done by hand within 18" of utilities - (Senate Bill 172). Permittee must contacl Public Works Department at 479-2158 24 hours prior to commencing bacKill operations. Failure lo notify the Town will result in forfeiture ol bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection fee. I certify that I have read all chapters of 'l'ltle 12 - Streets and Sidewalks, of the Vail Municipal Code and all utility company agreements, signed by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notified as required. Contractor's Signalure of Agreement ATTACfI PI.AN OF WORK, INCLUDING CONTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PI.AN Show streets with names, buildings, and location of cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. THIS IS NOT PUBLIC WAY PERMIT! White - Public Works Y€llow - Finance Pink - Community Developmenl Gold - Contractor 12. o -T TOWNOFVAL' ffi ! PUBLIC WAY PERMIT rowNMY /)1r 1, 1 PERMITHO. OC2693 Contractor's copy to be kept on lobsite' CURTIS LOT 6 GLI.IN SUB.GLEN TALLS LONG BROS. EXCAVATION 949-4582 l7l -x 2. 3. Namo. Address. Phone. and Uconse No.) Permit Fee 975 ' oo Receipt #:1649 INSPECTION REMARKS: SKETCH PI.AN OF WORK ATTACHED ,"nil"rior.r REeuEsr Y G,1'{3 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE trusprciroru, TOWN OF VAIL NAME lr. '/ l. ll CALL TUES t': l WED rHUR 6)l l\'(-,, 479-2138 -:r /li:I.l'i ,ot READY FOR LOCATION:- J.''li," ' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. I] ROUGH / WATER FRAMING D tr tr o tr HOOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHAN!CAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ,.,f tr EXHAUST HOODS ROUGH CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL o tr )d orsRppRoveo _p nerruseecTtoN REQUTRED tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: ,{'; O-tt4 @ ,.? E J.t-\.t 4 r r ,/).c f -<" Cz-+. EL, o .1 DEC-16-94 FRI 15:16 cHAsEdussDrv,FAX N0, 3032883S16 o TRUS$ D|VISION GOMPAi.IY: FI,H THANSt"llSSlUH DArB P,Hff. IsflL__,.._ . To: ttru;-, +rs,/q? // 41.. H 54gri Nespoft st, Commerce Olty, Colorrdo fio?il FOq eu'4707 FAX l0m) 2E6"3s16 P,01 ffia6t i*n 4!-pey':- f,"ot Ja-? rV* lsa 't CHASE LUMBEH'TFUSS OIVISION 6433 NEWPORT STNEET ooMMEHCE ClrY, CO 80022 M ESSAG E' S FEC1AL IHSTBUCTIONS: V+[4r G{r* F(s Fr t r- # of paF indrrding thh om, . .l .J ,.. {if all gagee aftr net receivtd, pleasa call (303} 2SS-E70tl * L(?L* Lq P, 02 FA){ N0, 3032883916 D IV,-16-94 FRt 15r16 ? T *l T I o ? F.r E ct ! C'n .? i$ ."t :l rb rE ta 6c -l tr tZ t.- th Eis tlc Fti Efialli'E' i::IHEEHEEH dl oo !;R H,. 5EE g4q !o H &, dJ E !a s T I {rr IIF i*--"rnoc HEI E:! {d:34t !?; 5d"E t-td E.$-lE f;d;l dii r$ if;s It E$$fl 1... !;;T "3f;fi$,qr | | | r:ll: Et q ltd [{R h[ $ ;iE Es ril {fl|+ ! rb H[rHif;; E;;:": tH Hsra"* ffd Errtr c!TTI:t 'ilil !$ ti !r rl FI 3 {I E F I g E I , eriC ! : .PI 'i tsE o cE) H r in -Ea Fl F Hr IB ] !? liE DEC t! * I I I I a E a t o I E E E $ B E l c 'h E DN?FAX N0, 3032883916 D IV,DEC-16-94 FRi 15:17 C -___E__---___.-_--. CI F I a 2 e,& ct f ^J lffiHHH sflu 6tE totrbt E"d"; Erir Edd i t|.-- fit"ol TE tr5d -H i"B#E*' .E\ rE lee4- !i i '3S H g l= ianr 'tr; lidF 6i i--- $Ei ai E:I fE3 ::s i;; ;lsF -o r o dsrE t ttr JL' IJEJ I N I $8fl tl II tll 68fr t too il I*r dd bs FNE Eri Hlr r l[H e IEEE E E;:; r $rrr 3 EEE! g f66i ' '^ro 3 cxt g t E E t g t E E Pnt rnO o(3 o *€i|n ar{,o V 'E 1l .) Ea ['r a IE td 1 6-94 .. t g I I I a I t E g I I , G $ E T ?- ?i l-r ,. ?cEt ,! J tt 9! !., 6e .i tr !r 9!, IDB l3) flt E ?+l* EE ;t 5r E6 ES r3 !t EE s E E)]r -,it { a t A E E E .'t, i a t t 2 I t E3 HT Ir le EI *E E u F $* n a E E t t, El^t' tfT 3F$ EEgI Hu glEr TI *tR. lvoo lff1c I F{|t I i -',. I ltttr .EFEEE 'E Itcess r i6dde'o E ;ag;* [ iir*rrlE iiFEEh lE ' tpErES nE! A/rO rTI NPHE 1"fl? :;; rl:l Ef,Rg !roo to*o EEE" ETl?;IAAI t-.--- qqq tfi -HHI E[t tt I- frH+!I EfiHH$r Hili-; l lFEig I ol *3 !r 6 E? it dl Hq ? id i F E E f; E $ E ct\,gto :;e o oF o. ts\: c,J rtJ :L DEC-16-94 FRI 15:18 D1V.FA)( N0, 3032883918 P, 04 E l' I t I t c 2 e I SJ 1 E I - AX N0, 3032883916 a d T a E t t al n DEC-16-94 FRi 15:tg CHASE-IIIUSS DIV, v ? ?*] J ? c f t:r A $c 1 a ir -'l i 3r L!st rE tl i- Et .E E"li fr gb aE -!t"l :!: rt HE;i.1, H$l![ E+. HE'F? sa !,,EIIEFEE i.:EiislE; 8fft .IEF His EdiI Hx Edii E:l'.E tF" EE EI ;t ;s It Ef s! E s! $:E Es:Jq2 i:; iirs Ed r o ne rE ta Jt>dtf ;fifi It ||lEB e?E f t"" -DOa r{??T -.r r.e,c !,--- 4q afi (t f;H !g !U+lifl EHHr ilEE;frrr fo p. Srrr ItBt r ;EEi Ett ! g E i ; *: Se.r Il Hig iE sl@ Ht iR -5 3 Eg S a {iE g F l E E H E FA}( N0, 3032883916 D IV. g i F at I t : t I g I I I *E za EE uEd fE#5HH i$t EEH t Ful Ho, =HF tseH #En gEH ll l. T I !i m o f+ 3 to'ri E at 2- c tl ft1ff*lanffinn 'il*I rE i anan e; idd;r ; E Igiqiqe !r I ':fl- dr r Bl i---" HEi A [TB ICr fif,!;s ldaE lo:iH !t:"E ,l- -r tE dt: toE a ct|D rra N'E ,,, iRsfl r|T rrt l:EE 3' Ecpo I2:^.ERfi f,r I r E:!l: t t c E CI I 5 g) % .N tso ;'o o E Crt -^ il\5{{ !, E ! tt a E 6 E 0?D FAl( N0, 3032883S16 D IV,DEC-16-94 FRI i5r20 3 u at I T I I I I c I a c g E I $ $ T !t iI 4E -6 Ets lrl g .6|\a.t -rr*E v-t id3 J E- trl 3dE 14 gl 0 t-Hg otrfr Hc- :'EF ueE flE- EEH HEH nl ,t, J -l I IE P t? ti ta I "l fl cl -l Li RT 5 I It h, ?F I a:l E!iEr si E!;: ;t EF Ee oa €o tH =!EE li uf l'!q rE Eq i:H EE 6Ii E (,a (t a ,ifuffiru gr!E ]Hfi ts [:g Fdr E- a 3". E te o E' !5d-6 E'Bd ts;S t? !s _,2v IJ CJ g$*3 rl lrllrot !ltt frH89fi ftff ,,,, Eii:t" r. *$FFf,fr" Hsriii J ri gE I5 tr itr $i ::!rifr I ir ilT UUr :ii*gBEE I'|.EF Br ** ffi; lrE$Eii si E I E I D a 1 * ql tn 6t CI an 5 0. .s =ct E> EE.; dE=Er.rE .JJ>oE} d$E ,,, a !r FGa rnHfi Els -BEE u=f; tFl- trgE E8A E t I rli t I 4HeE" E;fr8;i$:*t. tA t! (J!.ra $d=EiH (lUU.titu siHEEs Prl;x$ Hg:Egil flfi t, *ss EE #=i g ,li, [i ,ru lq Eiiifi Ei irit.i I il" i ei Hi!ilt ai tiiir' i ri..EtiEi# Ei l al.lctcr El i"ot* gElqs.qt lr l33EY Ha It ir:stE lI lrtdti;g HEt"'-"i { itt tt E: '.Ea:3: t ru tr'Hii i !! ;t'u"u * !i *tr;: ; is t- Ep is ti:fi:ilH ds b5 ;E i t s*r*El figB:l,rl tu{d !tttt Ef,AHE rrBTf :#: tittt CtA{N o!ftB I tl.iT tooo FEEI t, | | ';sr,t+t* p,-*st ?F ?6 EI }i i c9 $E oB ?l !: €3 ao E! ac CL g:g .Ei FEi =, E 6 T I E : E* "1 @ r l?c rE mEo ffr T irt|s-E L DEC-16-94 FRI 15r20 D iV,FAX N0, 3032883916 P, 08 I D Y al t i I I I q I I E 6 I E E H I I I o I ! T -g EA FB eEd *Ht JdE i$r H$; Eiil B9'Hef; 3us HHf; T I I IF It ll t?lf :l 'l I I t'o I rl) t o T l:r .P +r {a * I I l.ll ir ir I ?l PI -l I I :l=: E !n HfiiEn;t;E iEIEEEgii iEEsiHiF!: SEIEE ET EI! I 5 irGl t d io' =H EE Ir z r!E?gs cr( C.IT Hq dr' E?E $;l-q ra: E g:i f;J h i:iE Idu "lEs dE5 (l t t?* tt E[' g A 8oa c!r?T -st fifr- 5s$ fif;, i .!:: ['[H o !H:: F:if r iH,,ffi;i lril giEi : !8,. aol l a HB.If q,q 8a 0 e G *: 5B ti Ao r 6s o r..\ !ri,fN t?'A u[ a -:r f- DEc-18-94 FRI 15:21 CHASE D IV.FAX N0, 3032883916 UY a I c a 5 A I d i g i E E I tl 2 I I I I I EI 3;tt l! cr H 2 g c u s 4- EI a =t - a rii:ffi;i; H:p i: *in;*i$. ;ii Fi=i;=r;;i EEE ilii-'-'""'l E [; .i Srrr> ni .ilnll i Ed Hie:en r E' "diddd a !aE --U :i il;r: i It: sB E+ i!:;:;j! rl E: i ' Eddd3! EE I tt roro tEi ,t EEi $!,., X.o o gnirr o 6l::: t:11: H,:; f;:il EI 9E f;E 'io, aq a, TEE lH $=i tt !r tris t[+ { rb l,?Tt ? ,r,9 EEbi t il b#:"1 ll [f,5drrs 6: EEEiS ::'!rtE i$ 6 at, = E 0 al,c E 6 :l'l EE[tr EEigE IEHEi 9HiBE F----T-----li Jite)+i -ii i lll I el Ed TE ri:i Fr !- EE !T EE E.:EO a Er it ar 't'. ., EC si lli 5Ll l.J ! Frl -!t 5f;8 -N ti ?B bs gl aEcEr 3R Ef =ol -E F DEC-16-94 FRI 15r22 D IV,FAX N0, 3032883916 10 p 19 ; ?.' t I I I a I g j C g a L E E I I t T DEC-16-94 FRI 15r22 L/nHlL D]V.FA)( N0, 3032883916 t t3 a E I c ,i I ;;F s! E uE liqs [ [i l"f* 4> fr-B . E ;E itsBs tl l! C {*, E 6E | -"n- "f,qi ?c, fl De it n.'\ {.Ha "fi E8E 6 Et |a :d' $:'' *Ee !:E 5r o E 5d i;:si EE ltE:E Ex E l.n #s Eills I lD t}tl,ID L> ..! aJ c-l : r, :,r = iEE EP x u-r e v1 <Hr;r-H B lu 6 Ee f on 2a =! =EN $I fib; Es 4 fi* sEE ll:l gi*il'-il #[u Ei ,ffi ll#* Hii * i: ffiHHE *: $$H ffi Eili= E IL lrl v> c o *t -L E 6 i { I g\ a4 ]a B E a e lrl H = $:n ,;. tt* ff$$; !t Efr ! lr-o lrJ E E E lrl E =o vt E F q f H 6 o *E :$$ o'i, l[o E btr 5t la|rl st EJI LIE H!|rt atal r.l + 11(9 G o-t ; $l E €i\ N E oEH.'To 3E s- !gEt ;ElE H Hh9 ;EE II Hlt f;s Eu;Hr a?,8 e *r, rc uI !l)lJ F EJ|r.\l,/ltl'anu) N Eiiliu .,E=JJ= z Q i o I t B t E E'r rn o 4 { ti L il s \ a E g DEC-16-94 FRI 15r23 CHASE TRUSS DIV,FA}{ N0, 3032883916 12 a L ? ID I E t L a TE Ei iE rE :i a a t I iE a,iF i=-i,r; ET t!st ?o I I l lI ls tl ||l lu I .l il rl J A ? ?Fi FIr it ;a st el 6e Ee EE t; ?r !et p!e ft; t Elt ag =13 jl JfuffiH t,'r.iq'l"l nrFq [A A.cdn ti. hh $ai EE !iE lll+ H rl EIt; E ;i *;:": !!ftnn"l 11 rllii ti I [sn J ${-5!t Et Ero ae a i;s gdE rHEH icjq ao I E d9.5 l -,1 tt dEi gF t: txl 'I "t tl !,,. 3"so EBNS r?fl?0,aaa terv F { .x 't' l3 E; t i-C H4 d- i- |JZ HX I I T E t H { E *: 5g IE ;o *o,r ln ta\HI fi*-J L .1 t ,u E t E t Irl > 9l |l I I a I E , E .: E o I lr 3 E E t t I AX N0, 3032883916 DEC-I6-94 FRI 15I24 CHASEfRUSS DIV. o ! I c ? F-t ? ? s (9 e tb .lr .1 ! i,' ;i;E EE!i Ei i:r , !t lEi 6 ;t Eh *g\ !I P lJl (J z 4 e z ct ruHff*#$ffi ,Hi;H*f --r-- gEiqqi [r I F?F ! I= ixsr i; i^"'i *l HE i-*^ ri .ilFl s Ed iiees r E' "6ririd e :a: i I !: i*;; i :d l-" sF ia iii*ii i irusEi $fi$ Nl5 rt- r3rgf,I1+F? :;;: rttt IrFFi 1.,,. SEdGr ,?fflli lr at r. |nr! a H E tr 14 u E lrl E E I F ( F t I I i I a t z I E E E !: s'8 tq fre i 5€.,,on iH+ F.tr ts E IJ IL IF o* Il' 4 liE kt73 pCnffi !"r?r',rsfibTloN REQUEsT TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION:MON TUES WED Ll c: THUR FRI oo;r, (o*,'31- BUILDING: I] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL T] ROUGH / D.W.V tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr t tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAT: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL N APPROVFD dr'rnpt€nlfS €eRR€GrtOfrltF DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED D^rE 6 'Jq'?cl rNSPEcroR .r*tt"roN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 PERMIT NUMEER DATE JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES JECT READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: PLUMBING: tr UNDEFGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o tr FINAL tr FINAL OVED O DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: ,^r, Z/4?r'' rNSPEcroR *Tt*-r*r{t rN ElG. ti llnter-Dlouilain IEngtnectlnqr.. tuly 5r 1994 16 m1 JtL E ,94 15:45 {o94 VAI,I, B. Lutt co 8165? vIA FAX! 476-4190 REs Opan Hole fnspection Ipt 6, For+st cl€n IowT of Vaf.l, Ehgl€ Co41nty, Colorado ProJeet floi 945g?c Dear Us, Liurr rst At the. ,reguest of k. ri"u creg on Jury sf 1994 ve vlsited the erccavaEr9n 3it€ on Lot 6, Forert cleflf ln ttre Tsffn of, val.r, Eagrer colorado, for an open hole inspection. Ttrc coile erFoeed in-th6 foundatlon exclva€ion uere al anttctpaied ln trrE soirJ ana Fourrdation rnv€itlgation.Report, proj ect -tro, sz ei ic, - aatea odtober, 1?3?l ""*$tlng ol reddl_eh-brown cf-ayey sltrD {Lth gravet arrd rorrc sobbleF. these sollg ara eapable of eupporting l,so-o psf pressurs, For couprcte re3olnendatlone dutng-the relal.nder of tlre proJect,pleaee tefer to. the above naued solk report. If you bave any queetJ.ons, pleage do not heettate to call . Sincerely, #,*, Fsf"ra,q r,utas fetrovskal d.r.Proleet Englnecr Box No, F/8 . Avon, CobmdoStffi . 919-E0zA Deri€r€qt-tsgl f 42O Vat$e Sri.,-rj r r L8xewood, Uoterado tXI215 . pixjl€: al?{15g, brt PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON /'.- NAME tr DISAPPROVED ,*'T"TION REQUEST THUR. TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMAING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL D FINAL EtE ts trF OC t/ fr tr HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL F'nppnoveo. -- CORRECTIONS: D REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR I- loFrs PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME tr DISAPPROVED rNsflbnoN REeuESr TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 WED THUR n(e*- AM@ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRlCAL: T] TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS O SUPPLY AIR r] FINAL tr FINAL tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR r JOB NAME rNstctoN REeuESr TOWN OF VAIL . r.. t t 47g-21g8 t!'r ( '{1{:i INSPECTION: CALLER TUES READY FOR LOCATION: ROJECT BUILDING: C] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER E FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING EXHAUST HOODS SUPPLY AIR O FINAL -,F APPFOVED 1," ,. CORRECTIONS: _ tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,', },. //^ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT '.1 . ' ., i,. DATE ,' , JOB rlr#cnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 t.1 ,^,,,,,, lt . ! , READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: NAME MON CALLER /),:TUES WED THUR FRI ,AM PM BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMEING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr T'l tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: S".or,*o E ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr o tr FINAL O FINAL b APPHoVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED - J' /.lz.f : ''DATE Y' .' ; INSPE6T6R f ,/4 ,/-, /',1- D1 l,o I \'' * LOCATION:| li PERMIT NUMBER OE PROJECT DATE 'Z READY FOR INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER TUES rru#cnoN REeuESr TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 'l /1t 1" ,, , :, ) FRr BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr tr tr tr INSULATION SHEETROCK E POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr E FINAL FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING rl tr o ROUGH E EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o tr FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REOUIRED ,^',, /t/:,/ 9t1 rNSpEcroR 'i11 lt I INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: NUMBER OF PROJECT 479-2138 i - i',; ,'ii' JoB NAME !,1 u:r,,t i ' )' - ,' 1.,'/ INSPECTION: ,.),1,".'-: CALLER TUES rWED,r THUR FRI /l l. ./' tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEET PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAtLtNG . ]t .EGAS PIPING ! I ' : tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr D n E N FINAL FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr tr O FINAL N FINAL !I DATE ' .,,,'i ' INSPECTOR ./ ,"#"roN REeuESr TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 JOB NAME /_ ''o,r,/,rno o--. ttc/e CALLER / rlrz=(///J ,PERMIT NUMBEB OF PROJECT DATE READY FOB INSPECTION: LOCATION: WED THUR FRI /{i 48 O REINSPECTION REOUIRED ,tr APPROVED , CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED BUILDING:PLUMBING: D FoorNGS / srEEL - 1. tr ,NDERGR.,ND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FRAMING r-.r ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL DATE INSPECTOR t INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL '' 479-2138 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE .JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. .N ROUGH/WATER tr FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSUTATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr D CI FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr E D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D U FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: .tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR 'y',I .J-' v | - H^..-l lrv#crroN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL ', 1o5b PERMIT NUMBER OF/PROJECT READY FOR INSPECTIO LOCATION: 479-2138 /,. .1',(/'( t' 't t"e , ,,JOB NAME 11 CALLER TUES ,., L,AM ..JM { _t1ttJ d I l^- BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER & SHEER I] GAS PIPING u ;[Y"wdo; ru-iirrruc tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: .,a /.2lqc/naTF /)-/d!/r I tNsPFcToR I From I GREGG & C0. BUILDER PH0l'iE No. : 574 ?939 Dec. 21 1994 1:55D'l FB1 BOUIJINGEn ErySU\ImRIhIG, rNG F,O, Sl, tTlt I Ev!r.rirD{, €Orpurp Srsa r (g$rt OZ+Era! OF VAIL 76.SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD vAlL, ooLoRADO 61657 RE;MU$YL RES|DENCE 4465 GLEl.l FALLS LN. vAlL, co, PERMIT NO,677A DEAR SIRS, ON DECEMBER 2O,I9S4A REPRESENTATIVE OFTI.IIS OFFICE VISITED THE REFERENCED SITE AT THE REOUEST OF GREGG A CO, BUIL9ERS TO INSPECT THE STRUCTUREAND FRAI'ING DETAILS FOR STRUCTURALADEQUACY, WITH PARTICUIJR ATTENTIOT{ BEING PAID TO THE ITEM$ NOTED BY CHUCK FELDMANN, TOWN OF VAL, EUILDING IN$PECTOR. THE CONTRACTOR HAD COMPI*ETED SOME OF THE ITEMS ON MR. FELDMANNS LIST AND WAS IN THE PROCESS OFWORKING ON THE OTHERS. IT WA$ NOTED THAT THE TRUS JOIST RAFTERS OVER THE STUDY, LIVING ROOM, DINING ROOM, ArttD NOOKWERE BEARTNG ON WEDGE BLOCKS(|TEM # 8), THIS lS ACCEPTABLE t'KOvlpEO Ttl'AT Tl.lE NAILING DOES NOT CAUSE THE BLOCKS TO $PLIT. WEDGES THATARE SPLIT SHOULD BE REMOVED.AND REPI.ACED, ORA EEVELED PLATE oF SUFFICIENT LENGTH TO PREVENT SFLTTTING, AND PROVIDE A MINIMUM OF I-3'4' BEARINS LENGTH ALONG THE BEVEL SHOULD BE INSTALLED. IN THE CRAWL $PACE, IT WAS HOTED THAT THE NORTI.I FOST UNDER, THE DINING ROOM TO NOOK OPENING HEADER WAS MISSING AND THAT THE BACI(FILL SOIL WAS IN CLOSH PROXIMITRY TO SOME OF THE OTHER FOSTS DUE TO THE FROZEN CONDITION OF THE SOIL IN TI{ISAREA, IT IS RECOMMENDED TI{/\T A TEMPORARY FOST SHOULD BE EET, AI.ID WHEN COND]TION3 PERMIT, A FERMANENT FOST SIIALL EE INSTALLED. SOII AROUND THE EXISTING FOST$ SHQULD EE REMo\/ED TO A DEPTH OF E" BELOW TOP OF PIERS PRIOR TO FIML INSPECTION. IF ALL OF THE ABOVE ITEMS AR.E ADDRHSSED, IN OUR OPINION, THE STRUCTURE APPEARS TO BEADEOUATE. From : fREGG & Cl. EUI' D=R=, I t\ PH0r.lE No. i 6?4 ?939 Dee,?l 1394 1:58PlY1 PEL the mj mueller co.. Inc. 22 Baptenb8r 1994 l{r. Jln cregg CREGC & COITP}IIT BUILDERS PO Box 3344 Bvarqtri.n, colorrdo 80439 ItrbJoott lteln Log RLdge Eern Anrlyc{s TruF;V',.CIINTTF RBg IDENCE 4456 Glon Falle Dlivc Vall 1 Colorado Dqar Jlnt At yourr roquoot, tlrte of:?l-csc lrre conduetcd t tt:Lsual inspcctLon ol tho nain llwl"ng reo$ alagte 56rrn prlor to ltre pJ-aoceo$t. Pl+na by MEAD & AaaOCIAIDES, INc. dated I Uay 1994 Lndlcete that a 26n dLsrnetcr ilIogn le to epan rppraxinately 23r-$lr f,3sa the fJ.rcplace to a transfcr b6am over ths l,l,tohen. l[]re followLng ltcns erc to ba notedr a) LOG CltAR.Ac$EnISTICS-[ho log at tho Job cl-te appear; to be a spnrca #1 crede log that i6 29f! ln d:lancter at the trtmk of the log taperlng to ^ 22 L,lztt ctlarncter at the heacl of the log (thle offlce reconrnende a vl.Eual lncpectl-on by a profeecional lunber grader to oonfirn the evaluatLon by tlrie office). The log appecra to bG atondLng clcad wl,th En svcragc nusboa of, ?tt dlanatcr lsnoto evenl,!' F5raced algng the longth. fui averagc anourt sf radlat checklnE crirtc for e ctandlng dcad 1og. b) RIDGB BEAII STRUCTURAI' DESIGN-Tbe roof Lg slopqdl at a pitch of ?;l2p Lhe Eown of Vail nul-ldlng Depart$snt rqgulre! that all ruuf,s ovsr a 3:12 pl-tch be desi,gn*d to sccennodatc an Bo pdf sngw lgad. gnow load reductlon for pltch :lc allovcd al desqrlbed in l-991" uBc sectlon zsob (d). The lqg has been revlewed DaEed upon an average dianetrr ef 25rr fol bendlng and deflectlon ancl a illnt[un olameter ot 22 L/zn tor Ehear. ahe Iog on the Job-elte i3 capable ot dupportlng the deatgnn.enow loarl previouEly descrlb€al ln accordance wlttr Eha I99I Unlforn BuilctlnE cods as atlopted by the 'rpwn of valt nulldlng DepartDent. c) SITRINKAGE POTENTIAIJ-The exietlng log haE been Eelestedl aB ' standlng dead to nlnlntae Ehtlnl(aEE after constructlon. Holrcver; lt le the experlense of thLE office that Ehrlnkage and clvll arcilEcuraf irrdrtructural ergincerlng a P.o.box 2747vail, coloradoA|65S4?G2627 47(t2637 lF?Xl PHONE No. : 674 ?933 " ;. " ':."" ' ,1;' :''" - :"! Dec. 21 1994 1:59P1'1 PAz "r'', ,,"r1,. . , i PagB 2 llr. Jln €r€EE 2U ScDte[be! 1994 coneeguant:h1 rotatlon of th+ r*diel c,heclce w{11 qont lrruo gos up t9 5 ychrtt 6ft"+r dotliltrrr#tl"oir. cdl..c rh<rtr ld ba t+kan ln atl lrarrlnE and :fln:[ah detal.].a to all.ow a rr'nal.l anotrnt of radlal ohr{nkige and rotatlon of t-hc loE hcerna dur{ ng f-hla nont-J.nued :hrlnklng proctlt. trh:Ir rcpout dcger:lboc tho lnwolveu+ht ta 4Eto lly Dlae stlth roap66t to tho proJeot, lf ycu hrwr rny g$iftlorrr srg*rdf$g tLrl: n*tt* cr rogulrC addlttonr.l scrvLccr, Plerse contsct thle offlce et the phone. nunber Ehoun on thc cover 3h-et. Einocroly Yours,Tgr rtr ilTELLER CO., rxg. ;2/2i/94 8Al , 98 t 363 674 1231 i'EFO ERCH I TECTS P ,02 B,OUL4NGFR ENGTNSERIITIG, INC. RO. Eor tZS6 r ey116p6sp, couah^Do 9e49e . tgOJl Oriiaa, DECEMBER 23. 1994 TOWN OF VAIL 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, coLoRADO 81657 RE; MU$YL RESIDENCE 4465 GLEN FALLS LN, vAlL, co. PERMIT NO. 6773 DEAR SIRS: I Hb I IEMS ON CHUCK FELDMANN'S FRAMING INSPECTION SHEET WERE CORRECTED AND FMMING IS ADEOUATE BY DESIGN. !2/23/94 ggtq? g 3A3 674 1231 nEnD 0RCHITECTS p,01 tr fex transmittal tO; CHUCK FELDMANN TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING INSPECTOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMFNT DEFT. from: BOULANGER ENG|NEER|NG. 903-674-3223 PER DATE ,*rll"toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 , .7 JOB NAME MON READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: ,i CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM T NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: O FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEEL D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V, D ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEB " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB T] SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: T] TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o o O FINAL D FINAL ',lppnoveo O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE /.- ^ t INSPECTOR ,*#"roN REeuESr TOWN OF VAIL 'i i" ' i. PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPFCTION: ,l CALLER TUES THUR I PM AM FRI MON WED 479-2138 BUlLDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER .- PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB E SHEETROCK NAIL u o tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR EI tr frNAL D FINAL tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED D DISAPPROVED ,PROVED RECTIONS: F'i''coR DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:WED THUR FHI AM PM TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL ON / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. - D ROUGH / WATER . tr GAS PIPING -D POOL / H. TUB -11 u- F1 - O FINAL - MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR -n tr FINAL n FOOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION D SHEETROCK NAIL o D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER D ROUGH O CONDUIT tr O FINAL O APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,*#"rroN REeuEsr ''l o4'b TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 ! i,/ ,,,J5 a 't // z-/' /,' / c..'DArF /__1____l___:__ - JoB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION;MON PERMIT NUMBEB OF PROJECT LOCATION: CALLER P.,M) BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr o tr tr D tr D UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER " PLvwooD NAtLtNG GAS PIPING tr tNSULATtoN '\POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o {rnte(K \g1.r'*ot ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING o tr o ROUGH o tr o EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL AppRoveo z7/7;/ t)5 tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED i-eqenoveo 1*/ORRECTIONS:' - //'./ r.7-1,1';. -:4. t..r'.: ,/ f):- ,'-. ) e INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 DATE JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER -'- - -t -.. MON . T,UES )WED TF,{DR FRI PM PEBMIT,NUMBEF OF PROJECT BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER O FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr coNoutT D SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL ..I] APPROVED , CORRECTIONS:' tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JO8 NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING D ROUGH / WATER r-.r ROOF & SHEEF " PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED C] REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR 26qb PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE L/- TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 NAME READY FoR INSPECTIoN: MoN TUEs wED rHUR lO 'l o* 6D LocArloN: /t/tf Gtrott rrlucs : fieeenoveo ^. tr DrsAppRovED tr RErNspEcroN REQUTRED coRRECflONS, P,.J.BC' r r-- rapr s rzcL rss.tr n -7eo dJ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNOATION / STEEL ROOF & SHEEF PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: T] TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o^rE //-7- qg rNsPEcroR t JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON ! l/, '; ,':: @t *ro ,*rJ I INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 l{,''',/ {',,1, tr( €DATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER FRI PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT zp; BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL O FINAL !'nppnoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR a PEFMIT NUMBER qF. PR.OJ ECT t.t,l-:,tt,l DATE I' ;-' , JOB READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 INSPECTION: ."i i' " ' CALLER TUES WED ''' i' ,1i '-' ' NAME MON PM AM BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEEL O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. O ROUGH / WATER D FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr o D B,FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR D D D FINAL D FINAL g APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES MON WED .THUR FRI PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEEB " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr E tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr o tr FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ic"llro}|, $fisuEsr 479-2138 INSPECTION: I NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR PERMIT ttgyg6p Otr pRO.,gCT oorr 4-7-?{ ,o' READY FOR LOCATION: q / AM@) f neenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED J BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATEB tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEB - PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB - ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR oo',, /-7-, ?5 rNSpEcroR '" r1 li ' PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT (-', lt I a+ -'DnrE Y* ri /) Joe rrt#cnoN REeuESr TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 ti,\ ,,.rct i)'-.NAME (Vtt t \r )1. L i ',- r ui "r j_t CALLER INSPECTION:MoN ruES wED LlLgel) FRr (";i.ti,./ i t/t c ( t;!,r,t.{- iVi,ii;'i-J PM AM READY FOR LOCATION: /l /1 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL D tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr I. r ) H rtrunl J-',.lt'C. ;'^-L( f \ tr FTNAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT EI SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL O FINAL .APPROVED )BRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED I t 1. .\./ D^rE \1 - ,/ i '7i tNSPEcroR July 31 , t995 Jirn Curnutte Community Development Town of Vail 111 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: l,lusyl/Curtis Residence 4465 GIen Falls Lane Dear Mr. Curnutte: IIAND DELIVERED Please consider this a formal reguest for an extension of tine to complete the landscaping at the above referenced property. As we recently discussed by telephone, the unusually long winter has caused delays for our landscaper. Although the work continues to be underway, we will be unable to meet the July 30, 1995 deadline as reguired by the previous extension of the fmprovement Agree{tgnt cur1e-q!!y*in-_ef,!ect.- Accordingly, The letter of credit which secures the October 1, 1995. Ihank you for your consideration. If reguire further information, please do Very truly youre, agreement in effect through you have any guestions or not hesitate to contact me. Carol L. C CLClbns cc: Marc J. Musyl o o CAROL L CT]RTIS 4/$6 qIN FALrS lAlE vAi- oor-oRADo 8165/ @lqe71s JUI 3 0 tess TOV"CO[d[4, DEV. DEPT June 29, L995 Jim curnutte Cornmunity DeveLopment Town of Vail 111 S. Frontage Road VaiI, Co 8l-65? RE: Musyl/Curtis Residence 4465 Glen Falls Lane Dear Mr. Curnutte: HAND DELIVERED Pl-ease consider this a formal request for an extension of time to complete the landscaping at the above referenced property. As we recently discussed by telephone, the unusually long winter has caused delays for our landscaper. Although the work is now underway, we will be unable to meet the July L' 1995 deadline as required by the Developer Improvement Agreement currently in effect. Accordingly, we hereby request an extension of same, through and including July 30, 1-995. You had also requested a new letter of credit to secure the agreement. However, my records indicate that the originaL letter of credit is already in effect through october t, 1995. I am assuming, then, that the copy of letter of credit which you already possess wiLt be sufficient to meet this requirement. Thank you for your consj-deration. If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, -G*-o"%^;T Carol L. Curtis CLCrlbms cc: Marc J. Musyl I o REQUEST FOR APPROVAI-, OF MINOR ALTERATION l{usYl/cuRTrs RESTDENCE LOT 6, FORESI GLEN EAST VAIL, COLORADO Applicants respectfully requests approval of two minor alteralions to the approved building plans of the above referenced structure, as follows. Please review Attachment 1 which depicts the two proposed alterations to the project. They are rrdrawn inrr and outlined in yellow ink on the west and north elevations of the approved plans. The first requested alteration is an additional window rrdrawn intr on the west elevation of the home. This itnewrr window will be identical in size and shape to the two long rectangular windo\"s located on the rj-ght wing of the north elevation of the home. Accordingly, the rrnewrr window witl be complementary - to and harrnonious with the approved structure. It will have a minor yet positive irnpact upon the appearance of home. The second requested alteration involves the front entry to the home as depicted on the north elevation (also on Attachment L). In the original plans, the front stairs are bordered by solid stucco wall6. HowLver, upon substantial completion of the home, it has become apparent that a natural log railing, rather than a stucco wall, wit-t improve the appearance of the entry to the home. The proposed railing will be of the same material , style, appearan-ce and struc€ure of the railing already existing on the ilblcku of the house as shown in the attached polaroid photograph. The proposed railing wilI maxinize the beauty of the log columns at the entry way (the bbtton three feet of which will unfortunately.be encased in stucco if the original plans are folJ-owed) - It will also provide a more natural and rropenrr feel to the entry of this home. Both requested alterations are rninor and non structural in nature. lteither will contravene any interests of the surrounding property oTrrners, the Town of VaiJ-, or any other governmental lqency. Both requested alterations are harmonious with and complementary to the original approved plans. Applicants respectfully request the approval of the above minor alterations. I JNSr.tucvrJv :; ,I i ---------'l t} ;l I :il ,r I .l -\:l il, t; )ll ',1 :i l.ii:, _\ i L:i i i.il j uri =l h iF 0 E til J ui =F CJ 2 /T, v . ':,1r i > !4 i,'J {J-l ,-j ..r, , . va.' -s: * t I o t o ATTO THIS AGREFI\,IENT, madq anqentorod Into nts /./ day ol r cglled the "Developer"), and the TOWN {/AK/{rtrcr alnafter callod lhs "Bank" ). and among O?//rt'C. mL/JYt4herelnaftqr g!e-d. !14 "Developer")' ?nd tl9 Tgyv oF VAIL (fisrslnatrsr caltsd the trownl anWp--i/4ffiorelnaftsr callod ths "Bank")' /U"J K r,',. ,t zr WHEFIEAS, the Developor, a9 a 4")f;Yrfi'p,ou"r ot tn. f/asfL, plgns, dated "//V4 ,1gtlwishes to entet into a Developer lrhprovbment Aorsernsnt: and J WHEFiEAS, thg Dovelopor ls obllgated to provlde securlty or collateral sufllclant ln ths judgment of the Town to rflake reasonable provislons for completaon of cedaln lmprovemenls sel forth below; and WHEREAS, the Developer wlshos lo provlds collateralto guarantee porformance of . ttrls Agreement, Inoluding conslructlon of the above-raleroncod lmprovornents by moans ol the following: Developer asreo8 to eatabllth a loiler of credit wlth a Bank In Eaglo County ln a dollar amouni ol $k@2- (tes% of the total cosl ol the work shown balow) to provids .secudly for lho followlng= \ *o*_.y' / taz6 IMPHOVEMENI RNEY COPY pEVELQ?EB TMeROV.EMqNT AGBEEMENT Agrsernsnt; and . NOW. THEREFORE, In conslderatlon of ths lollowlng mutual covenante and agrosmonts, ths Dovelopsr and tho Town agrso aa tollows: The Dovoloper agreaE, at lts gole cost and expsnsee, to lumieh all equipment Lo pgrlorm and complote all lmprovements, on or bsfore fiM .TuLl ,qq-f /no*hoop<h ; z't[e'u'ot- fye;h a'"'/' fr*A; '<-ezZo.,-o-' il;% L o4rwe';L /"L tn fT The Devoloper shall cornplete, in a good workmanlike manner' all lmprovrnmffi lGied abovs, ln accbrdance wlth allplans and spoclflcatlons lllod ln tho offico ol tho Community Dovolopment Dopartmont, lho TOwn of Vail, and to do all work .\. Incldental thffeto accordlng to and In compllance wlth the followlng: 7ru6 tt --L, Y +, a. Such other designe, drawlngs, maps, speclflcatlons, sketchog, and Othsr matlor _-4^ '7ni submltted by the Developer to be approved by any of the above-referenced o4,z?o' .n , govemmoniial entiges. All said work shall bB done under lhe insP{ctlon of, and ,&."' szl' iq the satisfaction of, tho Town Englneer, ths Town Bulldlng Offlclal, or olhol +,.t'ra \.,)c ofllclal from the Town of Vail, aB afloclod by speciel distrhts ot sofvice districts'-4-*-- 4* Xr-- ag thetr respecllve InlBrest may appoar, and shall not bo deemed comploto untll '*2. '€,s 'd. approvod ahd accoptod as completed by the-Town of Vall Communlty -v4 -;9',A Dovelopmont Department and Publlc Works Dopartmenl, z. To securo and guaranlee perfornance of lts obllgatlons as sot forth heroln, the Devolopar agroos to provide securlty and collateral as lollcwc: Pago 1 ol 3 ) ' rrrevocable fetter,ol credlt *?5:21474ffie amount at $-?Q-ffi-@-wtn /houorryl'(A flWX-(name of bank In ffipGounry) as the security lor the imFrovemonts eet l0rth above lf there ls a defaull under the Agreomont by Developer. g. The Developer may al any time subslltulo the collateral origlnally set forth above for anolher form of collateral acceptablo t0 tho Town lo guaranles the falthful completion ol thoao improvomgnb roferred to hereln and tho performange of the lerms of thle Rgriement. Such acciptance by the Town ol atternatlvo colla(oral ahall be at ths Towfi's sols dlscretion. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any offlcer or employeo $ereof, be llahle or responsibte tor any accident. loss or damage happonlng or.occurting to tho work specified In thii Agroorrront prior to the cornplotlon and acc€ptance ol the same, nor shall lhe Town, nor any ofrlcor or orirptqyeg lhoroof, bs llable for any porsons or proporty injurod by roason of the naiuro ot sald work,'but all ol sald llabllltles shall and aro horoby assumod by the Dovelopor. Ths Developer heroby agr€es to Indemnlfy and hold harmless the Town, and any of ils 'ofticers, agents and employees agalnst any losses, clalms, darnages. or llabllltlea to which the Town or a-ny of lls officers,'agents or employeos may bscorne subiect lo, insofar as any such loEEes, clalrns, darnagee or liabilitigg (Or Adlons In respect lhereof) that atlse out ol or ars bgg6d upon any perlormanco by ths Developer hereund€r; and the Dsveloper thall roimburse the Town tor any and all legal or other expenaeg roasonAbly Incurred by the Town In connection withinvsstigating or Oetendlng any such loss, clalm, damage,liabllity or actlon' ThtE Indsmnlg provlslon shall be h addltlon to any other llablllty which the Dovelop0r may havo. S. lt ts mutually agreed trat tho Dovelopor may aPply t0 the Town and tho Town shall authorlze for partlal roleass of the collateral deposltod wlth the Town for each catggory of lmprovemont at'such tlme as such lrnprovomenls aro constructod in cornpliarne with all plan and speclflcaflons as reterenced hsreunder and 8cc€pted by the Town. Under no bondition will tho amount of the collateral that ls belng held bs reduced b€low lho atnount nocossary to complote zuch lmprovemenls' 8. ll tho Town dgtermlngs, at lls sols dlscretlon, that any ol the improvements conternplated hereundor are nol constructsd In cofiptlance wlth the plans andspeclflcatlons set forth In thls Agroemsnt on or before the date aet forih In Paragraph 2, the Town may, but ghall not be requiisd lo, rodeern thg lettsr of crodlt as necessary to complete the unfinlshed lmprovements. Tho Bank shall rolerse such funds upon wrltten requ€st hom the Town statlng that the improvemenls have not baen complated as requirod by lhis agroomonl. The Bank ehall nol require the concurrence of lho developer prior to relsase of ihe funds to the Town nor ghall the Bank be roqulred lo varlfy Indopendenlly lhat such improvements havo nDt b6an completed as requlred by thts agrooment, but shatl reloaso guch lunds solely upon ihe Tohrn's wrltten request. lf the coste of completing ths work oxceed the amount of the deposit, lhg excess' togBthBr wlth lnteroet at twslvo pBrcont p6r annum, shall be a lien agElnst ths property and miy be collectsd try clvll sult or may be cartlflsd to lhe treaturer of Eagle County to bo collocted in lho samo m&nner as dellnquent ad v8lorom taxee lovisd agalnsl such property, ll tho parmll holder falts or refusos to complsle tho cleEnup and landscaplng, as dollnod ln this chapter, such fallure or relusal shall be consldered a vlolatlon of lhe zonhg Gods. 7. Tho Doveloper wanants all work and matsrlsl for a psrlod of one year after accaptance of allwork rolerrod to In thle Agroement by tho Town ll such work ls located on Town of Vall proporty or wlthln Town ol Vall rlght-of-way pursuant to Soctlon 17.10'250. I. The partle* haroto muhrally agree that lhls Agroement may bs amended frotn ilme to time, provided that such amendments be in wdting and executed by all partles horelo. Datod the day and year flrst abovo wrltton. Page 2 of 3 ) STATE OF COLORADO + t.-\ e-.Ha_-s.,J couNTY oF+t€t5- al. ppp tl:" to':\w"w" 'ww ^.Hi|i+y*w: boror€ n€ rhtg "/f' dav ot Witnoos my hand qnd offrlal seal. A') My oommilslon expirer:!l!\! STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAOLE .,16, My commiselon e)ekee: STATE OF COLORADO -a- C r-QQ--l'+c-rgo^) OOUNTY OF*846EF w.s ror(nowtrdsocf b6tor6 ne nw.illaEv r, fu;l ---, ) ) ss. ) Jn4?"\ (reKS Sn,JK Notary Publb COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tho fqcgoing Oel4lopor/mprovarnsr Agrcomoni ltVitnber rry hand {nd ofllcld aerl. o My commitslon oxpkos: ]-15!! Notary Public Lb'hl.d l,tlD. Pagr 3 ol 3 I '-JLtli L, i- vi.ru i-Lrl'i-UE V u..!u o rirr. av i.,-.i.!/- ll!,'-i,ri I r ',r,1 ATTORI{EY COPY Addfess..:,t?..5*-(t Drto ol Exrrirrlion: D_FyELqFEEJMPROVFMqNT AqnEEMENT ,/ THls AGREEMENT, made and-entored Into lnts // day ot /P/tL' ftfl{'ov and among ,n?/h((. /nL':( {l4hereinattqr g\eg.W "Developer'}, and th9 TPWN * 1ffff;'""":[ il ] ^ffi t ::",:i:HW- Develooer aqree5 to establlsh a lstter of credit wlth a Banh In Eagls County In a dollar amouni o.t &t"t>Oc:-_ (l?5% ot the total corl of tha work shown balow) to provido securfly for lho followlng, \r-r"o .y'/w,rt IMPBOVEMEN.T plans, dated nyv4 ,lllliwishes to enter into a Developer lmprovbment Agroomenh and WHEHEAS, the Devdoper ls obflgated to provlde securlly or collateral sutflclent in ths judgment of the Town to make reasonable provislons tor complelion of certaln lmprovemsnls sot lorth below; and WHEREAS, the Devsloper wlshes to provlde collatsral to guarantae performance of thb Agreement, lncluding construc'tlon of the above-relEranced lmprovornents by meant of the following: 7 ,DLr_ ,ggs* '2 #r;:h i';#r.ff' ;h f,4 r/'*A' NOW. THEHEFOHE, in consldsratlon of ths following mutual covenants and agrsernents, tho Dsvglopsr and the Town agrue aF follows: 1. The Developer agrees, at lts sole co$t and €xpense6, lo fumieh all equipment lo perform and complote all lmprovements, on or before ffiTheDevo|opersha||comptete,inaBoodworkmaniikernanner,a|l lmpffiemonrsZTtsted above, In accbrdance wnn lttplans a;'d speclflcallons llled In the offlco of the Community Development Dopartment, lhe TOwn of Vail, and to do all work Incldental thereto accordlng to and ln compllance wlth the lollowlng: Such other dasignt, drawlngs, maps, speclficatlons' skstchoe, and othsr maller submllted by the Developer to be approved by any of the above'referenced govemmanlal ontiUoa. Atl said work shall be done under lhe inspectlon of, and to the saliEtaction of, lhe Town Englneer, the Town Bulldlng Offlclal' or oth€r oftlclat lrsm the Town ol Vail, aB affected by epecial diglricts or sorvice districts' ag their respecllve Inlerest may app€ar, arrd shall not be dssmed complete until approved and accopted as completed by the Town ot VaJl Communlty DBvsiopment Departmont and Publlc Wofts Deparlmenl, 2. T0 Eecurs and guarantog p€rformance of lts obllgatlons as set torth hereln, the Devoloper agreos to provide securlty and collatsral as lollcws: ,\fo '', :,7 a' {a..- o.,.-i or-, '/'*i. ra -t 'rr-/'re . !- LETTER OF CRED Pego 1 ot 3 Evcrgrecn Oflice 3779 Evergreex Parkway P.O. Box 2650 Evergreen, Colorado 8M39 \3O3) 674-66/,6 FAX (303) 670-3528 TRREVOCABIJE IJETTER OF CREDTT NO. 95-214-123 TO: TOWN OF VAIL LETTER OF CREDIT #95-2L4.L23 DATE: APRIL 1L, 1995 EXPIRATION: OCTOBER 1_1, l_995 AMOUNT $30,000.00 APPLICANT: MARC MUYSL and CAROL CURTIS, 4465 GIen FaIIs Drive. Gentlernen: We hereby establish our lrrevocable Standby Letter of Credit.in your favor available by palnnent with Mountain Parks Bank - East of your drafts payable at sight drawn on Mountain Parks Bank - East only if accompanied by the following documents: 1. The original Letter of Credit 2. Beneficiary Statenent as follows: ,rfhe undersigned, an authorized signer, hereby certifies that the improvenents described on the attached Exhibit rlArt are unsatisfactory.rl SPECIAIJ CONDITIONS: 1. AII drafts dravtn under this Credit are to be endorsed hereon ANd shal], bear the clause IIDRAWN UNDER MOUNTAIN PARKS BANK - EAST LETTER OF CREDIT NO. 95-2L4-L23 DATED APRIL 1"L, 1995.r' 2. A11 bank charges other than those of Mountain Parks Bank -East are for the account of the Beneficiary, 3. Except as otherhrise expressly stated herein, this Letter of Credit and all negotiations hereunder are subject to all applicable provisions of Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits, 1983 Revision, International Chanber of Commerce Publication No. 400. $Ie hereby engage with you that all drafts and documents drawn under and in compliance with the terns of this Letter of Credit will- be duly honored if drawn and presented for payment at Mountain Parks Bank - East, Evergreen Office by 3:00 p.n. Denver Time on or before tbe expiration date of this Letter of Credit, TAIN PARKS BANK - EAST D&"1 .?F:JCE SUPPLY trl,50z4-s826 ner t0 5 11 :20 N0.003 P -01 ATTOF^,Fr. -rrvtry COpy Ralph D. Parker "The palnter. 4s33 Houand streer *n"", [,ill]tr;,:,'fftfr;j"',$i, 4zr.s47s pager 82o.8070 Aprtl 1.011995 Crrrol Curtle ./Mark Musyl Loc, 6, Foreet Clcnn Vall. Colorado Due to inclesrent weather co[dltl.on6 flna]. exEerr-or palnting w'rk \.r11r no!be coopleCed unt11 condltlons lmDrove. prtrce allovance fur cnnpletion $2 , 500.00. Rafph D. Parker- t -Q/,/u(U- i i I : Iibsccrpe Associcrtes Inc. April10,1995 Musyl / Curtis Residencc Iot 6 Foirst Glen VEil, CO. RE Y Iendscpc Ardrltecn|re & Crrristructlon 1629 Dou'ning .Strect Dcnrcr, (ioloadtr 802r8 (301) ESlfSto f.lx 83t-83{r To Whom It lv{ry Conccm, This ls to 3tae tbat Lifescape Aseseites Inc. tas agreed to perfonm the landscape construcdon work for ttre MusyUCurtis Residence localed at l^.ot 6 Forest Glen in VaiL The conbact price is as pel the drawings and $18,0m,00 budget discussed on fune 7, 1994. If you have any qucstions, please feel fiee toconlact me at (303) 831-8310. Sincerely, ryz"p^"a{tr Charles S. Rurdolph Prcsid€nt i.]UJN OF URlL CIIM-DEV i I :503-479 -',zii.2 RPR 10'95 11:5b ]'lD.Uu4 P,Lrz ntr.,-s ry/ amou nt o1 $.3Q'-ffi:-@- wnn lN.f.K.3fuK-(name of bank In ffiFCounly) as the security for lhe iindovemrnts let ibrttt above ll thsre ls a default under the Agroement by Developer' g. The Daveloper may at any time subslltulB ths collateral origlnally 86t.forth above for another form of 'collateialaccdptaUte to he Town to guarantee the talthlul -mptetion ol troee improvemenh refetr6d to hereln and the pedormance of tho tsrms of thls ngr€fimont. Such accipance by the Town of attsrnatlvo oollat€ral ehall bo at ths Town's sole dlscretion. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any ofllcer or employae t'tereof, be llable or responsible for any accid€nl, loss or damage happonlng or occurring to tho work specified h thii Agroornent prior to the completlon and acceplance of the same, nor shall lhe Town, nor any ofrtcer or empoyee lhoreot, be llable tor any psrsons or proPorty iniured by roason of the naiure ot sald work,-but all of sald llabllltles shall and are hereby asgumod by the Developer. Ths Dsvsloper hereby agre€s to Indemnlty and hold harmless the Town, and any of ite 'ofticers, agents and employee3 agalnst any lo$ses, clalms, darnages. or llebllltloe to which the Town or a-ny ol lte officers,'agenti or Employees may become su$ect to, insofar as any zuch los€Es, dalme, damages or tiabititlee (ot actlons In raspacl thareof) that adse out ol0r ar6 bieed'upon any perlormance by tha Dsveloper horeunder; and tho Developer shall reimburse lha Town tor any and all tegat or other exponEee reaeonAbly incurred by the Town In conneclion withinveatigating or defendlng any such losa, clalm, damagg, liabllity or actlon' Thts Indamntty provlslon shallUe In acttlthn to any other llablllty which the Doveloper may havo. S. lt ts mutually agreed fral the DBvalopor may apply to the Town and tho Town shall authorlze lor partlal rbteaso ol the collateral deposlted Yvlth lhg Town for each catogory ol lmprovemgnt atiuch tlrne as such lmprovemsnls arg corutructod In cornpliance with all plans' and speclflcallons as relerenced hereunder and accgpted by lhe Town. Under no bondition wih ths emount of lhe colleteral that 13 bolng hald be rEduced below the atnounl nocossary to complete zuch lmprovemenls. B. ll th6 Town dstermlnos, at lls solE dlscrellon. thal any of the improvements conternplated hereundsr aro nol con3trlrctsd ln compllance wlth ihe plans and speolflcatlons sEt lorth ln thls Agroemenl on or bsfore the date Bet lorth ln Paragraph 2, the Town may' but Ehall not be requiied to, recleern the letlor of ffedt as nBca$sary to comPleto the unfinished lmprovements.'Tho Bank shall releeso such lunds upon written requ€$t lrom the Town stallng thit the improvements havs not bson completed as requirod by this agroomonl. Tho Bank ehall nol requke the concurrenca of lhe developer prior to relFase of tha funds to the Town nor shail the Bank be requlred lo verlly Independenlly that such improvements havo nDt boen cornpleted as requlred by thls agr€omenl, bul Ehall reloaso guch funds solely upon lhe Town'E wrlttan request. lf the cogtg of completing the work oxcoecl thE amount of the cleposit, the excess, togethBr wlth Intersst al lwofue pErcont per annum, shall be a lien agalnst thg property and miy be collected by clvll sult or may bs certlfled to thc troasurer of Eagle County to bo colhct€d in lhs samo rnanner as ddhquent ad valorem taxes levisd againsl such property' lt tho psrmlt holdar falla or relusos to complolo ths cleanup and landscaplng, ry dellned |n lhis chapter, such fallure or refusal shall be consldeled a vlolatlon of lhe Zonhg Code. 7. Thg Doveloper wgnantS all work and matsrlElfor a perlod of one ygar after accaptance of allwork relerred to In thle Agreement by the Town lt such work ls located on Town of Vall property or wlthln Town ol Vall right-of-way pureuant to Sectlon '17.10,250' 8. The partle* horgto muhJally agreo that lhle Agroement may bo amended trom gm6 to timo, provi.Ced that such amendments be in wlting and executed by all partles horeto. Datocl tho day and year flrat above wrltten. Paoe 2 of 3 l0lrJN tJ i-VHlL LUTI-ULV IU; ]UJ-q I Y-lq)/. STATE OF COLORADO -\ Lts,.s- coUNTY oF# rT|\ Il' 'J ll'rJl, ltLJ rvw-r I rvr' ) !r, t 4?E,r'h\ bolore md l,irt "/f'aev or Wnooes my hand snd ofllolal ecd. My oommirrlon .*pir.t,l$ STATE OF COLORADO OO{'NTY OF EAOTE ,tt6, My comnrirelon expiror: STATE OF COLORADO de-f,Q..s-^r 60uNTYOffiftf- bp"tJlp:ryr1;1Agruomontwrr rol$owlcdgod bofo.c mc .n .l-Paw " 4d I 'JrftA ?htKS Bna< r,$ n o . The lorogoing Doveloper lmprovemrr* Agrccmer wao rdtnowlrdged before mr thls I I .. dry of ft P R \ L 19tby 5. t\I\ - M Asou . Pr " s .d *^+ Witncrr my hrnd cnd oftialel mrl. My commhrlon oxpkos: P5!! Nohty Publio tha.tj I'18{. F.[rgdg ^-.V1r.MOUNTAINPARK$BANK # Evergreen Office 3779 Evergreen Parkway P.O. Box 2650 Evergreen, Colorado 8M39 (303) 674-6646 FAX (303) 670-3528 TO: :ITOI{N OF VAIL OF CREDIT #95-2L4-L23 TE: APRIL 11, 1995 IRATION: OCTOBER 11,1995 ( | AIluuN.l tJv(uvu// :- o\\rnh( APPTICANT:MARC MUYSL and L CUREfS, 4465 Gl-en Falls Gentlemen: We hereby establish our Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit in your favor avaj-lable by payrnent with Mountain Parks Bank - East of your drafts payable at sight drawn on Mountain Parks Bank - East only if accornpanied by the following documents: 1. The original Letter of Credit 2. Beneficiary Statement as follows: rrThe undersigned, an authorized signer, hereby certifies that the improvements described on the attached Exhibit rrAr are unsatisfactory.rl SPECTAL CONDITIONS: 1. A1l drafts drawn under this Credit are to be endorsed hereon and sball bear the clause IIDRAWN UNDER IT{OUNTATN PARKS BANK - EAST LETTER OF CREDTT NO. 95-21.4-L23 DATED ApRrL 1L, 1995.r1 2, Al1 bank charges other than those of Mountain Parks Bank -East are for the account of the Beneficiary. 3. E:<cept as otherwise expressly stated herein, this Letter of Credit and aII negotiations hereunder are subject to all applicable provisions of Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits, 1983 Revision, International- Chamber of Conmerce Publlcation No. 400. a- We hereby engage with you that all drafts and documents drawn under and in compliance with the tems of this Letter of Credit lrill bb duly honored if drawn and presented for palment at Dtountain Parks'gank - East, Evergreen office by 3:oo p.!0. Denver Time on or before- the expiration date of this Letter of Credit. BANK - EAST .Mason esident D&J OFFICE SUPPLY rErs-67 4-s826 nnr tffs 11:20 N0.005 P.01 ATIORNEY COPY Ralph D. Parker "The Palnter- 4ss3 Hoiland street *n*, [,?ll:il,.",".Htiidj%5 4zLs4z| Aprll 10;1995 Carol Cu r cl,s./l{ark Musyl- Loc 6, Foresc Clcnn ValI, Colorcdo Due to inclernent weatheE corrdltlons fl.naL be conpleced unt11 condltlons lmlrove. $2 , s00.00 . Ralph D. Palkeg., lt -€44,IP{ Pager 82O-8A7A exterlor palnting work v111 nol Prlce allorrsnce fur corople t ion o Q'ffi Liiesccrpe Associates Inc.WW*,_ April I0, 1995 Musyl /Curtis R$id€nc€ Lot 6 Fore$t Gl€n Vail, CO. Rg ToWhom IMry Concem, This ls to sme that Lifescape Asseaies Ina hal agrced to Pcrftrm the Iandscape coflstruction c/ork for the MusyUCurtis Residett lccstcd at lot 6 Fotcst Glen in VaiL The conbact price is as per the drawings and $1E,0S.00 budget discussod on fune 7, 1994. If you havc any qucstiolts, please feel fue to contact ne at (303) 83 l-8310. Sinccrely, dvt&s-rz- p.a^"o{$"} Charles S. Rardolph Pttsidcnt Archlt€cturr & Grnrtnrclon 1629 Dolr.ning Strcct Dcr|}tq Lbloradr) 80218 (3o1) 83ls3to Frx 831+3,11 '.\[tr 'an<tH fJgne: ]l -1 nlca Inn e0C i0rZl Ol-t0-E6. ilign Review Action FOr TOWN OF VAIL Category Number Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: , L t\t +),': ,,1' | .:' Adribot/Contact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot i Block- gu56;vi5is6 ' ' r '-': -,' {'-- i Zone District Project Street Address Comments: Board / Staff Action I Motion by: Seconded bv: tt ./*t / I Approval tl Disapproval il'Stafi Approval Conditions: Vote:,.,1. 7, "- Town Planner Date:DRB Fee Pre-oaid rsvl s.d 7 / t4/e4 DESIGN APPLICA PROJECT ]NFORMATION: DESCRIPTION: APPIJICATION ' TOWN O DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: *!r***t**** Itra******** t REVIEW BOARD O F VAIIJ,. C a &oo T EI .TiWDF NF D EI\'T EITI' ' New construcLion (g200.ool -{ uinor Alrerarion (gz0.oo)Addition ($50.00) ConcepLuat neview (g0) ADDRESS , D.LEGAL DESCRIPfIpN: Lo^t _Subdivision If property is described by descripLion, please provide to thi-s applicaLion. ZONTNG: Block a meet.s and bounds on a s epara t.e sheeE leqal and attach E' F.NAME OF APPLICANT: Mai li-ng dd5ess: hone LI NAME qF OWNER(S): Phone NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE:MaiJ,ing Address: OWNER (S SIGNATURE: Mailing Address: APPLrcATroNs wrLlr Nor BE PRocEssED wrrilotlr owNER,s iT9NATURE Condominium Approval if applicable.T ,,1 .DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above,\ are tc Lime of submirt.al of t.he DRB apptilation. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above,\ are to be paid at the appryrng for a buildinq permit, prease idencify Lhe accurate valuation of Lhe proposar. The Town of vail wilt adjust the fee according co Lhe table below, to ensure Lhe correct fee is paid. FEE PAID: h.) FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION ir n 'h 1r,\ ^/r^p v I -lvrvuv $ 10,001 - $ s0,000 $ s0, 001 $ 1s0, 000 gLso, 001 - $ s00, 000 $500,001 - 91,000,000 $ Over $1, 000, 000 DESTGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAI EXPIRES APPROVAIJ IJNI'ESS A BUIIJDING PERMIT IS IS STARTED. Lat.er, when DATE: FEE s 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 ONE YEAR AFTER FINAT ISSI'ED AI.'TD CONSTRUCTION '4pi Phone II. III A pre-applicaE.ion,meeting wiE.h a member of the planninq sEaff is encouraged t.o determine if any addicional appl j-cat.ion inf ormat,ion is needed. IE j.s the applicant, s responsibiliey Eo make an appoi.ntmenE with the llaff uo determine if there are additional submiEcal reguiremenEs.Please note that a coMpLETE apprication will sLreamline the review process for your project. In addition to meeting:submiEtal reguirements, the applicant. must stake and tape the project site to indicate property lines, building tines and building corners. AIl trees to be removed must be taped. AIL sit.e t.apings and staking musl be completed piior Lo Ehe DRB siLe visit. The applicanE musb ensure that sLakinq done during E.he wint.er is noE, buried by snow. t ' ' t" !The review pipcess for NEW BUILDINdS normally requires two separaLe meetings of the Design Review goardi a conceptual review and a final rewiew. Applicant.s who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have nor,asked in advance that discussion on t.heir item be postponed, will have their iLems removed from the DRB agenda until such Eime as the it.em has been republished. The following iLems may, at. the discret.ion of Lhe zoning administ.rator, be app{or}ed by t,he CommuniE.y DevelopmenL DepartmeriL sLaff '(i.e. a formal hearino before Lhe DRB may noL be required): a. Windows, skylights and similar ext.erioJ changes which do noL al_t.er Lhe exisLing plane of Lhe building; and b. Building additions not visible from any oeher lot or public space. AL t.he Cime such a proposal is submit.ted, applicancs must include Iett.eis from adjacent property owners and/or from the agent for or manager of any adjacenL condominium associaLion stating the association approves of the addition. If a property is locaLed i.n a mapped hazard area (i.e.snow avalanche, rockfalI. flood plain, debris flow,wetland, eLc.), a hazard study must be submitted and the owner must sign an affidaviL recognizing the hazard report. prior t.o t.he issuance of a buildinq permit..Applicants are encouraged t.o check hrith a-r-own planner prlor to DRB application to det.ermine the relationship of the property to all mapped hazards. For aII residential construct.ion: a. Clearly indicale on Lhe floor plans the inside . face of the exLerior sLrucLural walls of t.he buildinq; ahd b. Indicate wi,th a dashed line on the siLe plan a four foot distance from the exterior facl of the buildinq walls or supporLing columns. ff DRB approves the application wit.h conditions or modificacions, all condiEions of approval must. be addressed prior to t.he applicacion for a buildino permi t. A. D. r,rl r f rnnR! i..: i PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION December 12, 1994 MINUTES MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT Greg Amsden Bill Anderson Bob Armour Jeff Bowen Kathy Langenwalter Allison Lassoe STAFF PRESENT Mike Mollica Flandy Stouder Jim Curnutte Andy Knudtsen Tom Moorhead Dalton Williams 1. A request for a conditional use permit to allow a Type ll Employee Housing Unit to be located at 1195 Hornsilver Circle/Lot 14, Block 6, Vail Village 7th Filing. Applicants: George and Susan Johnson Planner: Randy Stouder Randy Stouder made a presentation per the staff memo. He stated that staff was recommending approval of this request for a conditional use permit to allow for a Type ll Employee Housing Unit with the two conditions outlined on Page 7 of the staff memo. Allison Lassoe stated that in general, she approved ol the project. She felt that the DRB should look at the garage's connection to the unit in more detail. Jeff Bowen, Greg Amsden, Bob Armour and Bill Anderson had no further comments. Kathy Langenwalter stated that she would like to see the large spruce trees saved. Jeff Bowen made a motion to approve this request for a conditional use permit to allow for a Type ll Employee Housing Unit per the staff memo including the two conditions outlined on Page 7 of the staff memo. Bill Anderson seconded the motion and a 6-0 vote approved this request. 2. A request for a height variance to allow for a residence to exceed the maximum building height allowed by the Forest Glen SDD for a residence located at 4465 Glen Falls Lane/Lot 6, Forest Glen Subdivision. Applicant: Mark Musyl Planner: Jim Curnutte Jim Curnutte made a presentation per the staff memo. He stated that staff was recommending denial of the requested height variance. Statf believes that the granting of the variance would be a grant of special privilege. Stafl also felt that Findings 83(a, b, and c) were not proven to exist. Planning and Environmenlal Commission Meeting Minules December 12. 1 994 Jim Wear, the Musyls' representative, stated that the additional 2.3 foot building height did not benetit the applicants' property in any significant way. He stated that the punishment did not lit the crime in that it did not seem fair that the applicant would have to tear down construction that is already completed. Mark Musyl, the applicant, stated that the contractor had made an honest mistake when establishing the ridge elevations and that in all other respects, the approved building permit plans had been followed. He reiterated that it was not their intent to "take advantage of the system". He stated that he disagreed with staff's position that the variance criteria had not been met and he felt that the granting of the.height variance would not be a grant of special privilege. He stated that the strict and literal interpretation of the Zoning Code would result in a practical difficulty on their property and would incur the applicants significant additional expenses to remedy the excess height. Tom Moorhead, Vail Town Attorney, stated that he was available to offer the PEC assistance in making a decision on the requested height variance. Greg Amsden stated that he had a hard time finding grounds for a physical hardship lor this project. He said that although he believed the mistake made was an honest one, that the granting of the variance could pave the way for other contractors to come in in the future and make similar requests. For these reasons, he would deny the requested height variance. Bob Armour asked the contractor, Jim Gregg, to explain how he established the building base elevations. Jim Gregg explained the method which he used to establish the building base elevatio ns. Bob Armour felt that Findings 81, 82, B3(a), (b), and (c) were met and that special circumstances did currently exist on the site, in the torm of the constructed residence. Bob suggested that the Town require footing inspections t0 help alleviate this problem in the future. Bill Anderson stated that this was a difficult situation before the PEC. He felt that the granting of these types of variances needed to come to an end so that the Town was not put in this kind of situation repeatedly. Bill stated that the main purpose of the ILC was for the protection of the residents, to ensure that structures are built as they are originally approved. Jeff Bowen felt that the literal interpretation ol the law in this instance did impose a hardship upon the property owners. He acknowledged that the adjacent property owners did not object to the granting ol the height variance. He was in favor of granting the height variance. Allison Lassoe stated that she had gone back and forth on her position concerning this project, She felt that the purpose of the PEC was to "go by the books" and that the Council had more leeway in allowing such requests. Planning and Environmental Commission Meeting Minut€E December 12. 1994 o Kathy Langenwalter felt that Finding Bl, 82 and B3(b) were met and that she did feel that this was a situation in which an honest mistake had been made and that she felt comfortable approving the variance. Bob Armour made a motion to approve the request for a building height variance with Jeff Bowen seconding the motion. Bill Anderson asked Tom Moorhead if this decision would be precedent setting and if the PEC would see similar requests as a result of the granting of this variance. Tom Moorhead stated that the criteria applied to each request was the same. He said that the difference was the facts surrounding each situation. He stated that the PEC in each instance, would have the opportunity to evaluate each request based on its particular merits. Jim Curnutte asked Bob Armour to clarity which findings he was basing his motion for approval of this request on, Bob Armour replied it was his opinion that all findings had been met ior this request. 3. A 4-2 vote approved this request with item oer their reasons stated above. A request for a site coverage variance expansion at the Vail Mountain School 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12th Filing. Bill Anderson and Greg Amsden opposing this and a conditional use permit to allow for an located at 3160 Katsos Ranch Road/Part of Lot Applicant; Pam Hopkins, representing the Vail Mountain School Planner: Randy Stouder TABLED TO DECEMBER 19, 1994 Jeff Bowen made a motion to table this item to the December 19, 1994 PEC meeting with Greg Amsden seconding the request. A 6-0 vote tabled this item to December 19, 1994. 4. A request to amend Section 18.57, Employee Housing, to set forth requirements pertaining lo Type Vl Employee Housing units and set forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Andy Knudtsen TABLED INDEFIN|TELY Jeff Bowen made a motion to table this item indefinitely with Greg Amsden seconding the motion. A 6-0 vote tabled this item indefinitelv. Planning and Environmental Commission Meeting Minutes December '12. 1994 FIL T COPY TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department December 12,1994 A request for a building height variance for a residence located at 4465 Glen Falls Lane/Lot 6, Forest Glen Subdivision. Applicant: Planner: Marc Musyl and Carol Curtis Jim Curnutte I. DESCRIPTION OF THE VARIANCE REOUESTED The applicants are requesting a building height variance for a new single family home, w1h a caretaker unit, currently under construction on Lot 6, Forest Glen Subdivision. The building permit for the house was issued on June 13, 1994 and construction has proceeded since that time. On November 11, 1994, the applicants provided the staff with an lmprovement Location Certificate (lLC) for staff's review of the building location on the lot, as well as the building roof ridge elevations. Staff reviews and approves lLCs prior to the issuance of a framing inspection. During the review of the lLC, staff discovered that many of the roof ridges on the buiHing were higher than the Design Beview Board (DRB) and building permit sets of plans. However, only one ridge, (the highest ridge line on the building) exceeds the 33 toot maximum allowed building height by 2.3 feet, as measured from existing grade (See Attachment 1 tor subdivision layout, lLC, original site plan and elevation drawings). The applicant is requesting a building height variance in order to exceed the 33 foot maximum building height allowance by 2.3 feet. When the general contractor, Jim Gregg, was informed of the discrepancy in building roof elevations, he could not explain why the ridge elevations identified on the ILC did not match the building ridge elevations shown on the approved building permit set of plans. Mr. Gregg stated that the building was built per the approved plans. Mr. Gregg has also stated that in order to establish his building floor elevations, he contacted Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation District Offices and obtained a copy of the sewer line "as-builts" for the Forest Glen Subdivision. With this information, Mr. Gregg then used the nearest sewer manhole rim elevation to shoot in his building floor elevations. This manhole is located in the shared driveway which leads to the Assenmacher residence located on Lot 5, Forest Glen Subdivision, directly north of the Musyl/curtis residence. Upon further research, it was discovered that the sewer manhole which Mr. Gregg used to establish his building floor elevations was raised approximately 2.35 feet after the original subdivision sewer line as-builts were drawn (see Attachment 2 for Intermountain Engineering's conlirmation of the manhole rim elevation change). During the construction of the driveway leading to the Assenmacher residence, the general contractor needed to raise the manhole elevation approximately 2.35 feet in order t0 build the driveway per the approved plans for Lot 5. I T-he applicants have provide a written summary of the events leading up to the building height discrepancy, its effect on surrounding properties and their justification for granting the variance (see Attachments 3 and 4). In order for the applicant to receive a framing inspection and proceed with work on this buibing, the building height ridge line exceedance must either be removed or authorized through the approval of a building height variance from the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC). lf a variance is granted, staff will approve the ILC and conduct a framing inspection. lf the building height variance is denied, the roof will need to be altered in order to comply with the building height maximum allowance. ln order to lower the building height by 2.3 feet, the ridge line will either need to be clipped or the pitch of the roof must be lowered to make up for the difference. Either of these scenarios will change the appearance of the building and will therefore be required to receive DRB review and approval. II. ZONING ANALYSIS Zoning: Special Development District (SDD #27) Each lot is allowed a single family home and a caretaker unit with the exception of one lot (Lot 1 1) which is limited to a single family home onty. Lot Area: 0.472 acrc or 20,564 square feet Allowed/Reouired Prooosed Setbacks:Front: 20 feet 35 feet Sides: 15 feet 23 feeV1g feet Rear: 20 feet 34 feet GRFA: 4,000 square feet 4,000 square leet Building Height: 33 feet 35.3 feet Parking: 4spaces 6spaces III. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of the Criteria and Findings found in Section 18.62.060 of the Vail Municipal Code, the Community Development Department recommends denial of the requested variance based on the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. The impact of this building height variance request on existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity is minimal in staff's opinion. The location of Lot 6 is such that it would appear that only the other homes in the Forest Glen subdivision could possibly be affected by the building height exceedance. The applicant has provided several letters from the owners ot property immediately adjacent to the Musyl residence indicating their support of the building height variance request (see Attachments 5, 6, and 7). Additionally, the applicant has pointed out that this particular ridge line, as well as all other ridge lines on the building, with the exception of one, were calculated according to existing grades and not finished grades. The result is that the highest ridge line does not extend beyond the building foundation walls of the building and therefore has no visual disturbance as viewed from surrounding properties. The applicant points out that as viewed in relationship to linished grades surrounding the property, the building does not appear to have an excessive building height. 2. The degree to which rellef from the strict and llteral interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulatlon is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the oblectives of this tiile without grant ol special privilege. The degree to which the applicant is requesting reliet from the buitding height regulation is the minimum necessary to allow the structure to remain as is. The appficants have stated that the general contractor established the building base elevations in compliance with commonly followed construction practices. However, on April 3, 1991, the Community Development Department distributed a memorandum to all architects, contractors and surveyors doing work within the Town of Vail (see Attachment 8). The purpose of this memo was to clarify certain information which the Town required and also to avoid problems similar to this variance application. The memo clearly points out that sewer inverts, section corners and property corners make good benchmarks and manhole rims. the asphalt in streets and fire hydrants are not to be used. For all new residential construction taking place within the Town of Vail, a "black book" is given to contractors at the time a building permit is issued. This "black book" contains an inspection card as well as the above-referenced surveying policy and is to be left on the job at all times. The surveying policy has been included in the "black book" and given to all contractors of new homes for the past year and a half. Mr. Gregg, the general contractor on the Musyl/Curtis residence was given a "black book" for the Musyl residence as well as his own residence being constructed in the West Vail area. Both of these black books should contain the Town's surveying requirements. Although the error which caused the building to exceed the maximum height allowance appears to have been an honest mistake, staff believes that granting the variance would be a grant of special privilege. I 3. The effect of the reguqsted variance on light and air, distrlbution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utillties, and public satety. The height variance will have no negative impact on any of the above- referenced criteria. B. The Planninq and Environmental Commission shall make the followino tindinss before qrantino a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant ol special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting ol the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends donial of this building height variance request because we believe it does not to meet all of the criteria and findings necessary in order to grant lhe variance. Finding 81 is not met in staff's opinion, due to the fact that although it would appear that the contractor made an honest mistake, the error could have been avoided it he had read all of the information handed out at the time he was granted a building permit. Finding 82 is met in staff's opinion because if the variance were to be granted, there would be no detrimental etfect to the public health, safety or welfare, nor would the building height variance be materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. Finding B3(a) is not met in staff's opinion. Although we do agree that the possibility of removing the entire roof in order to lower it approximately 2.3 feet will result in a financial ' difficulty for the applicant, it would appear that the circumstances which caused the error to begin with were self-imposed. Findinq B3(b) is not met in staff's opinion as the site of the variance request (Lot 6, Forest Glen) does not have exceplions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to it that do not generally apply to other properties in the same zone district. The circumstances which caused the building height discrepancy are not related to Lot 6 at all but were created as a result of construction occuning on the adjacent Lot 5. Findino B3(c) is not met in staff's opinion since the strict interpretation and enforcement of the building height regulation in the Forest Glen Subdivision is applicable to all property owners within the SDD, and the owner of Lot 6 will not be deprived of any privileges enjoyed by other properties in the same zone district. Should the PEC agree with staff's opinion and deny this variance request, the applicant must return to the DRB in order to present their solution lor altering the highest roof ridge on the building, to comply with the building height regulation. As mentioned earlier in this memorandum, it would appear that the root line can be lowered in two ways: 1. Cut off 2.3 feet of the ridge line and provide a flat rool cap at the 33 toot height limitation. 2. Remove the roof entirely and reduce its pitch so that the peak of the ridge does not exceed the 33 foot maximum height limitation. c;\oec\memosVnusvl 1 2. 12 ATTACH}IENT #I O2^ ,/b {c". '?l 8li 1S t iat ! !i; .,{.J',no aY i::eii i:.5 €;i E2' 2E + \ra r.\ a :;h :!li : F- N \\ \ x9\-\ Y'\,$ Et!' te$ s\l 'q: lrr rA n$F JPil c'( * sj Siu rib h Rl$ $3R b\.* ":$ fiil qQi i>!s F6 E \ ,"fnb i:ilili b c |n rX h;- $5,+\n. a$ "rr / :,,/re.5\ S<,-*,o. i..l /-:1 .;? s./ -.^-\ I !.F .?q :.F i. LJ -i -d iil /,'&,# lt !/ J ,tf 7/ fl\/D /,'+ IL\i;F -N l!F \!.ri /s.+q 9t <':'r.- !a It t^ [i_titiiiitiii! iti! riii t; rl ;tt t8 e! 8t CI ti ll ll EI !i "l eI (rl E t rE I !t JII €.r \j 'i 0 ti f;r E o ai. iFrriF -.4 (r at lt - :EBtsbr. !t tl lf I --+.\n (i -N,t *.1 't\'r'(;* r-$ !\ s\. ri 5l t !rrt l?':'t ru EE; iq ^ t:F rt! tt iiiFii triE i icl I I iili;tl I r lli i til!ili i iFt : ;tii i: t- ! i i N b Ir E i llfllr :iri; iltlf Itr5r iriii li;;lfii iiii 1!te ttI 1.trL"4{\. \ \ 9dd5 =PlA-;rn-Uio)O o9- f,o ''c,r;6 2 -l= - i 5' f-aB !:sd tz tR v I c) -{trt ATTACEI.iENT tl PAGE 2 I I a -'i t:\ \i I rt t\ I- / t, ',.\ ,/ t\ /'! t lci ;! a I I 1,3 :! Ii * rc lr I I I | ./t \./ I )\]l \tl l!*r 6:6q\ 't E,$l![ \i .<-= -+ I I I I I ! I 4{ .'\, lsgx tr$$il iltl lo' ull I Jt .'l Ii 3[ t;.rl l.."l t' I I @4 I ),' $' I i I *l I I a /_I .\ f rt ;: ls I t ,I iliiir tirii i{iiii :!!i!l tit:l iiill ''-.I 'ili c -r$.FF rn"i E5 i<p II:llr g:.| '-q o /st -\ --') i\T er I \t\\, l! l,- ' \! h* \i r \!,r\y 1\ ,l ! ti, r t./ 'y U 5,,', Rfi Siic 3SE ea XR 6? ts,tA A4s', '.n [k ^F-1 ^ h-:xri ftL FAL, $'$-''s"\ c.j$$ l.'^Lo{\48 ATTACE}IENT 'I PAGE 3 :'\i'rFF Ur Rt ft.\i+ ft /\ C: .J\ \ i\! 6 t lj F t T fn o -1 N \- \t1 \ (: Z' 'i l$ ATTACE}TEN'T TI PAGE 4 F $ i r @_ z D N -1 I $r N ;'_\ 0 T I I A /l I ,I t I I N t- lr\ .t;'.1 I Z \-- ll I $I o 0 f, --1 T: \-+ $ I 0 -I /--l\ \12 -t\\'l('f :{',{:l I |i -"-l i.T .5 iI gn .>: i'\e r h:f A, ix t-- \ !.(t ATTACHUA|T fl PAGE 5 A-r{z ATTACEI.TENT '2 o t h Inter-ltlountain AE gineeringrra November 29, L994 Mr. Jirn cregg P.O. Box 3344 Evergreen, CO 80439 Re: Lot 6, Forest clen Project No. 94A34S Dear Jim: Enclosed is a copy of the sanitary sewer and water line As-built plan, dated Decernber t6, Lgg2 of the Forest GIen subdivision utilities, as surveyed by Inter-Mountain Engineering. As shown Manhole 8-63.9 has a rim elevation of 8460.40. During a survey performed -by us on November ZB, !994 we found, through a measure up from the inverts, that the rin elevation of this manhole is now 4462.75. It appears that the manhole was raised 2.35.feet when the driveway to Lot 5 was constructed. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to caI1. Duane D.P.E., P.L.S. Enclosure Colorado 81620 o Phone: 949-5072 c From Denver Direct: 893-1531 Lakewood, Colorado 80215 . Phone:232-0158 TTMetcall Road,#200. Box97B o Avon, '1420 Vance Slreet . I o ATTACE}TENT '3 APPLICATION FOR VARTANCE LOT 6, FOREST GLEN The variance reguested is to permit the interior ridge rine of a horne under construction in the Forest Glen subdivisio-n in nasi vail to exceed th9 height limitations of the building ";" -;t approx.imately t$ro feet. The home is otherwise in furr Jonplianci with .its _plans, specifications and bui.lding perrnit. F;"*il;;exterior.fir,rish, prurnbing, heating and electri.it of the horne aie substantially conpleted. The. grant .of the variance wour,d not be incornpatible with surrounding _ existing or future uses and structules in the neighborhood. The relatively minor increase in the elevation oi the roof rine of the home would have no effect on light "i-iiil distribution of population, traffic facilities, utilities urrO public safety or the views of any neighboring property. without this grant of variance, the horne wourd have to undergo substantial and costry structural rnodifications in order to "orpiv strictly with !h" cbde reguiremenrs. The n"q"i1ude -.i-;i;i, nodifications. ( literally the lemoval and reconstruition of the roof over the entire top floor of the house) wholry outweighs the negligible effect of the vioration which may be iirvolved. The circumstance_s which gave rise to the purported viorati_on are such as to justify the grant of the variaice] rn sitinq-ih;home, the excavating contractbr consulted Intermountain Engine6rino to establish the erevation bench mark. rntermountain indin;;;il;gupplied the tas-built' drawings for the public hrater and sewer distribution system for the For-est Glen suSdivision, which it had originally prepared. The excavating contractor used the erevation of an estabrished point, the nearest nanhole accessinj trr" ;;;;;system as the bench mark for the foundation elevation.- rn a new subdivision this is a commonly forrowed construction practice. ri now _appears that the actuar erevation of the manhori cover usea establish the bench mark may have been over two ieet hiqher tna.,the erevation shown on the',is buirt'drawings forlhe puuiic,"i"i and sewer system. At this time, it is uncreJr whether ltre originai pran erevation was inaccurate or whether the elevaiion wis-ctr;";;a during construction of the residence on Lot 5, which i, "aj""Eni'i"l-!-:., :yfi:ct. p.roperry. Inrermountain Engineering-tras advised the appl.r-cant that it had no knowredge of this fact a-nd the contractor for. the subject property could n-ot have discovereJ the inaccuracv wr-thout estabrishing a new bench mark for elevation in th:,subdivision, a practice not ordinarily ,rtd"rt.k"rr. The contractorrs reliance on the established el-evations of the pubric water and sewer system was reasonabre under the circumstances and the inadvertent ?Td minor hei_ght increase resulting to it;structure justify the granting of the variance. We respectfully request your concurrence. Applicant: Drnrra r|- rr .r 4 v},v! ul' . Varlance Requested: APPLICATTON FOR VARIANCE Marc Musyl and Carol Curtis Lot 5, Forest Glen Subdivision, Vai1, CO Two-foot height variance for interior ridge line I. VAR]ANCE REQUESTED A variance i-s requested by Marc Musyl and carol curtis, the owners of Lot 5, Forest Glen subdivi-sion, to a1low the height of an interior ridge fine of a cert,ain residence currentlv under construction on t,he fot (the "Residence" ) to exceed the Town of Vail building code's current height limitation by approximately two feet. The granting of a variance here is warranted due to the unique circumstances of this case, and the fact that the smaI1 variance wil-1 have no detrimentaL impact on the surroundinq area. II. HISTORY The ri-dge l-i-ne of the Residence at issue here was not planned to exceed the height l_imitations, and only does so due to an unforeseen error i-n t.he elevation benchmark used durincr construction. This error was not due to any negligence on the parl of Mr. Musyl , Ms. curt.is or the contractor buil-di-ng the Residence.Prior to the commencement of construction of the Residence and in accordance with common practice in the constructj-on industry, in order to establ-ish an el-evation benchmark for the constructi-on of the Residence the excavating contractor referred to "as-buiIt"drawings of the pubric water and sewer system for Forest Gfen subdivision. These drawings were provided to the contractor by the original drafters, Intermountain Engineering. Again a-ting according to common pract.ice in the construction industry, the contractor used the elevation of an established point on the drawings, the nearest manhole accessing the sewer system, for t.he benchmark elevation figure. After substantial completion of the Residence, including the framing, exterior finish, plumbing, heating and electrical, an initial survey was completed. This survey revealed that the elevation figures on the Residence were off by approximately two feet, resulting j-n an interior ridge line of the Residence exceeding the buiLding code's height limitation by that amount. The exterior ridge line elevation is in compliance and as such the Residence does not appear any ta1Ier, It was not until this surwey was complete that the contractor for the Residence was able to determine the original established point used as an elewation benchmark for construction was i-naccurate, eiEher due to inaccurate original drawings, or an elevation change in the area of the manhole occurring during construction on another 1ot subsequent to ATTACEHENT '4 I the time of t.he drawings. The contractor had no prior knowledoe of the inaccuracy of the benchmark and coul-d not have discovered such inaceuracy by any means short of est.abl-ishing a second benchmark,not a common practice in the construction industry. III. EFFECT OF VARIANCE Due to the above-described unique situation, Mr. Musvl is reguest,ing a sma1l height variance for the non-complying int-erior ridge Line. The exterior ridge line el-evation is-in compliance.The granting of such var.iance will not. detrimentally efiect any present or potential uses of structures in t.he vicinity of tha Residence. As previously noted, the ridqe ]ine at issue lies in the interior of the foundation of the Residence; it creates no visuaL disturbance and has no impact on surrounding structures. The minor variance requested here also will- not. effecl the lighting or air space of any neighboring structure, nor will it effect the distribution of population, transportation, traffic facilities or util-ities in the area. Further, the vari-ance will in no wav detrimental-1y effect publi-c safety. Furthermore, a variance in this case will not result in any substant j-af j-nconsistency wj-th the l-imitations on the other properties in the district. The appearance of the Residence with the slight variance wirl not be incompatibre with other homes in the area. In fact, considering that the four story high Timber Falls condominium complex is locaEed in the same area, a two foot vari-ance here will aLmost certainly be unnoticeable. rn addltion,aside from the one interior ridge fine, the Residence is in full compliance with all other building code requirements, as well as with the prans, specifications and buil-ding permi-t. No home owners in the area of the Residence have any objection to this smal1 variance being granted, and all the adjacent owners have siqned letters urging the PEC to grant the variance. rV. . CRITERIA As noted, t.his variance wi-l-l not in any way be detrimentaf to the public health, safety or wel_fare, nor wifl it be at all i rr-irrri^'rc t- /-\ ^-nrrart-.iacr r-\r iynnr^ovgments in the WiCinjtv_ The frrryrvvs.rrrerrLD r_rllr . rlrs granting of the variance j-s warranted for the reasons out.lined above, as well as the foll-owinq: 1. Due to the circumstances of this case, the st.rict interpretation and enforcement of the height regulation would resul-t in practical difficulty and unnecessary hardship. The construction of the Residence j-s well under way, and without the granting of a variance, substantiaL and costly structural modifications would be required. To comply with the code, the removal and reconsEruction of the roof over the entire Lop floor of the Residence would be necessary. This would substantialJ_y impair t.he overall design of the home. The cost of these modifications and resulting delays would cause a serious financial hardship to z ATTACEMErTI '4 PAGB 2 the applicant. rn addition, the driveway of the Residence is currently in furr compliance with the slope requirements of the design rewiew board. Reconstruction of the Resi-dence usinq a new el"evation benchmark would resuLt in the driveway not meeting such slope reguirement s . 2. As previously described, this case involves quite exceptional circumst.ances. The circumstances resulting in the non-conforming ridge line here are unigue and do not apply generally to other propert,ies in the same area; thus, granting the variance ri1I not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with limitat.j-ons on ot.her propert.ies in the vicinity. V. CONCLUSION The case at issue here meets al-r the reguirements necessarv for the granting of a variance. The situat.ion here is unigue, .tta the variance requested is so smarl- it witl have no detfimental impact to the surrounding area. The granE.ing of the variance wourd serve to avoid undue hardship without causing any detriment.Accordingly, the applied-for variance should be qranted. 3 ATTACtrI{ENT '4 PAGE 3 appvar. doc Torcn of Vail P J.annJ- n1 anrl llnvi rcnnrental Cors;l j.s+ i.on Dear Coruntgsionetrs! I'e,are the or*ners of Lot 14 in ForeEt GrCn. we have been irrrurned lry our neigh.bors acro"=-i.rc,rn us on rot 6r'Marc Musyr and Caro,L Curtisr_th?l they are seeking "-".ri"""! irom tne rown or.varr go paermit lhgir rtome-pres6ntli--ilil; construcreir to rcmain at lts gre:el.t l,e_ight. _r9.fs o"i unO"isianiling tfat the heisht nay exceed the vaii uuiroint ;ild;il"iy appro*i_mateLy tna to two and a haLf feet. We are not opposed to thie uariance and in faat rrrge your compliancc. -ive reer.the-fr"ight-ai""relrancy to be of rittre or no rerevance to us since we ire on "l,iin*i'g;;";;.-;nd, there is no possibility of any aisruptt"n of view. walter and r have. every faith that your continued g90d judgenent will prevall in this nitter nnri i-hat you wil-L erlorrr construcrion on lot 6 to procsed unencunbered,. Please feel f,ree to sontact us with any guestions you nay have, ArIACEMENT '5 I,INDA E WAI.,TER BEILEVILLE 4440 6],EN FALLS L,ilNE vArL, CO. 81657 Cordial December 2r 1994 '...--.'- W*'4 Ievlllo ATTACHUEIIT '5 T?onald H. XQ;l'v RR: sv T[)V.CIJU|ful, DEV, DTPT Planning and Environmental_ Comrnission Town of VaiI Dear Cornmissioners: As you know, f am the developer of the fourteen .l_ot subdivision known as ..Forest Glen.z I have retained ownership of six of the lots incl_udj-ng Lot 7 which is inmediately adjacent to Lot 6. At present, lot T is one of the l-ots r am considering for buitdlrrg my personar residence.I understand that the owners of Lot e, Ma.t and Carol_ Musyl,have applied for a variance to permit the house which they are,constructing to exceed the Town of vaiL building heig-ht l-imits by less than three feet, f am in favor of the varj_ance being granted. The small additional height has no detrimentaf efieJt on any properEy,developed or undeveloped, in Forest Gl_en. The coit of J-oweri-ng the roof i-s undoubtedry substantiar and there wourd be no benefit to .any adjacent pioperty owner, any owner in Forest Glen or, for that matter, ttre iown of'Vaii by compelling Mr. And Mrs. Musyl to undertake this expense. Shoul-d you have any further guestionsr please feel free to contact me. Very firuly yRur5, {U-11^/". Ronal-d Riley C 228Bndge Streer, Qail,9olovado 8t6s7 . 3o3-4765togt4t50 rlu DEc u'n*nf I To\/-00t41il, DEV, ffiPT, ATTACHUENT '7 November 29, 1994 Planning and Environmental Comrnission Town of Vail Dear Commissioners, r am the owner of Lot 5, Forest Glen. r have recently learned that ny immediate neighbors, Marc Musyl and carof curlis have appried for a variance for their Lot 6, rorest Glen, with regard to_the height of their home. In my opinion my home would be affected nost by the.appearance and quarity oi their home, since we share a conmon driveway. r am pleased with the present design of the Musyr,/curtis home and the way it is located on Lot 6. ft is harrnoniois with the surrounding hornes and the mountain setting, As the immediate property owner, r wourd tike to support a variance to alrow this home on Lot 6 to renain as it standi today. Thank you, in advance, for your consideration. Best regards, , /,1 fl bL1 -Y^!--' Gerhard Assenmacher FP'1M. DATE: SUBiTECT: AltAcnrEflT t8 MEMORAI..IDttM All Architects, Contractors and Surveyors Doing Work in the Town of Vail Conrnunity Developrnent Departrnent April 3, 1991 Survey Requirernen!s An IiC will be required prior to any framing inspections to verify that height. and setback standards have.been met. Wo The Tqwn st,aff would Lj.ke to rnake the 1991 buil.ding season a smooth one for all contractors, architectsr surve!6rs as we]l as the Town. staff has identified a few problems that surfaced a nurnber of times last summer. which can be avoided without much additional work. 'ti.th the following po].icies, we think we can prevent rnost of t.hese problerns. If you have questions, please calJ- our office and reguest to speak to a planner so they can help you. Of the seven policies list.ed beIow, five sinply clarify the pieces of inforrnation the Town currently reg:iies. the last two pertain to projects involving setback or height variances or those buill by owner./buiLders. A. Sunrey Policy Clarifieations z. framing inspections will be scheduled untiL the fI,C is approved. Please al.Low two working days frorn the time the ILC is subrnitted to the tirne the inspection can be scheduled. Listed below are standarAs fbi tne information to be shown on t.he ILC. Architects and BuiLders shoul.d be aware that djscrepancies exist in establj.shed monumentation in the Vail Valley. pLease consult. a surveyor t.o verify monument.ation prior to developing plans for a site. F.orm?t fQ: II.,C Informat:on. On the survey prepared for the framj.ng inspection, indicate the highest point,s of the roof ridge using a e symbol. Stafi wiLL- indicace on the approved field set of the building permit drawings which ridge(s) need to be shot,. tne confractor can then Iet, the surveyor knon lrhat informat,ion is needed. The roof plan does not need to be drawn on the fLC., The planner will overlay t.he survey on the approved building permit plans. The roof rJ.dge points idenrified with the e symbot on rhe fLC shouLd align with the roof plan on tha Town, s set of building pernrj.t plans J.Roof Heioht. On the ILC, the surveyor should note the roof material (if any) on the highest point of the ridge which exists the day of the shooting. The planner will add the dinensions of all other materials (except a col.d roof vent) which wiII be built in the following weeks. For example, if only the ridge beam has been constructed the day of the shooting, the surveyor should note tbat on the survey and then the planner will add the dimensions of the insulation,sl'eathing, etc. to verify that the finished product rrilt not exceed the height 1irnit. Ridge freilnt witl be measured to the top ridge of the sheathing. On the attached diagrams, the point identified with an asterisk is the top ridge of the sheathing. A cold roof vent, not exceeding 12 inches in height, rneasured from the sheathing to the top of the shingles, is considered an architectural projection and wiIl not be incLuded j.n the height Setbacks. When specifying the dist.ance of a setback on the II,C, note t,he naterial existing on the structure the day of the shooting. pLanners will then add any wall materiaL to what is shown on the survey in order to deternine the finaL distance of the setbacks in the same way .that will be done for height. If ledges or supports for rock veneer or any other facing miterial have been built into the foundation, neasure the setback to that exterior point, (see diagram below).Final distance will be measured from the outside edqe of the exterior wal1 material. Bgnchmalk. On the fLC, identify the benchrnark used for the basis of the elevations. If t,he sarne benchmark is used throughout the construct.ion process, t.he measurement of a building should be consistent. As Iong as the same benchmark is used for every shooting,the building can be rneasured accurately and should nou exceed the height ]imit. Items which make qood ATTACNTHTT '8 PAGE 2 +; jf --->*enchnarks are sewer inverts, section corners, and ./ {\\ ( property corners. Do not use manhole rims, the asphalt i.n streets, or fire hydrants. B. Sunrey Reguireoents f,or projects rith Variaoces and . Recooaeadatioas for Ornrer/Builder Frojecte For owner/buiLder projects and developments that have variances for setback or height, Town staff believes the following survey information wi1l. be helpful; Staff encourages alL owner,/builders to provide this information to avoid project layout problems ttral in turn affect. height and setbacks, but-rill only require tbese itens for projeits involvj.ng variaaces. 5. For owner/buj.Lders, the Town strongly suggests t,hat a registered surveyor stake out the iounOaiion prior to excavation or pouring. Additionally, after the r. foundation walIs have been poured, we strongly encourage that a surveyor shoot the elevation of the foundation waIl. Wit.h this information, cont,ractors will be able to accurately estinate the final height before the structure is built. Contractors will be abLe to compensat.e in the construction process to ensure that the structure does not exceed the heiqht I I"Fr.F 7. For all projects involving variances to the height or setback standards, the suggestions listed in Nuiber 6 above will be conditions of approval at the time Planning and Environmental. Commission approval is received. AI1 projects involving a setblck variance must be.laid out by a registered surveyor prior to excavation or pouring. All projects invorving a height,variance must be surveyed after the foundatioi warrs-have been poured. Once the top of foundation waLL has been determined, the contractor can compensate in the construction process to ensure that the height approved by the pEC is whar is builr. The Pranning staff would appreciate hearing your conments on this memor and will try to answer any questions-you may have. rf you wouLd like to discuss any of thlse issues, ilease-do not hesilate to contact any of the pLanners (4i9-z:-3g). -Thank you for your cooperation. contractors will be asked to read the above memo and sign the statement beLow to insure that everyone is operating wiitr ttre same underst,anding. Two other documents, auitOing Fernit rssuance Time Frame and construction earicing and liaterial st'orage, rnust be signed before a building pErmit is subnitted.This will be a third item that. rnust also bL siqned. ATTACruEI{T '8 PAGE 3 li i/" .,#";"1 -* ,* '?' r" t'd[i . .:"1&i l:.:$' _".:r{ ) b q { I lcnavJ 0tc 5 t991 T}ir .|;}tilM,oty. Dfn /l!['n' \7ear I Travers A PRoFEssrcrNAl. CoRpoMTroN ATToRNEYS AT l"{\r 1000 Sou-rH FRoNTACE RoAD !trEs"r, SurE 200 VArL, Cor.oRADo 81657 December 5, L994 VTA IIAIiID DEIJTVERY Mr. ,Jim Curnutte 'IOWn Or Val_ l- Community Development 75 S. Frontage Road W.VaiL, CO 81657 RE: Variance Appl-ication/Marc Musvl and Carol Curtis Dear Mr. CurnuLte: Please submit the enclosed writ.ten statement to supplement the Variance Application for Marc Musyf and Carol Curtis. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Q i nnara-l rr BAR/ktm ftusy1.ltr TELEpnoNE (303) 476-7646 . FAcsrMn.E (303) 476-7118 |'|.Iq.a-rr.{-lc-r.. TIF,: -t; '.-'n' APPLICATION FOR VARTANCE Btc 5 t9s1 Applicant: Dra\Y1a rf ir. Vari-ance Requested: Marc Musyl and Carol Curtis Lot 6, Forest Gfen Subdivision, Vail, CO Two- foot height. variance for interior ridqe 1J_ne I. VARIANCE REQUESTED A variance is requested by Marc Musyl and Carol Curtis, the owners of Lot 6, Forest Glen Subdivision, to allow the height of an i n{-ari nr ri Azva line Of a Certain reSidenCe glrrrent 1 rr rrnder L,(IIUC I construction on the 1ot (the "Resi-dence,') to exceed the Town of Vail building code's current height limitation by approximately two feet. The granting of a variance here is warranted due to the unique circumstances of thj-s case, and the fact that the sma1l variance will have no deLrimental impact on the surrounding area. II. HISTORY The ridge line of the Residence at issue here was not planned to exceed the height limitations, and only does so due to an unforeseen error in the elevat.ion benchmark used during construction. This error was not due to any negligence on the part of Mr. Musyl , Ms. Curtis or the contractor building the Residence.Prior to the commencement of construction of the Residence and in accordance with common practice in the construction industry, in order to establ-ish an elevation benchmark for the construction of the Residence the excavating contractor referred to rras-buil-t "drawings of the public water and sewer system for Forest Glen Subdivision. These drawings were provided to the contract.or by the original drafters, Intermountain Engineering.^--.:- -^r.:--.1.VOrrrr cruLrrr9 accordj-ng to common practice in the construction industry, the contractor used the elevation of an established point on the drawj-ngs, the nearest manhole accessing the sewer system, for the benchmark elevation fiqure. After substantial completion of the Residence, including the framing, exterior finish, plumbing, heating and electrical, an 'i ni t i ,el s'!rrrrr\; wes r-omnl c1- ed Th i s slrrvFV rewealed that the elevation figures on the Residence were off by approximately two feet, resulting in an interior ridge line of the Resj-dence exceeding the building code's height Iimitation by that amount. The exterior ridge line efevation is in compliance and as such the Residence does not appear any ta1ler. Tt was not until this survey was complete Lhat the contractor for the Residence was able to determine the original established point. used as an elevation benchmark for construction was inaccurate, either due to inaccurate original drawi-ngs, or an ef evati-on change in t.he area of the manhole occurring during construction on another lot subsequent to r U il . LuiVllV|, DEy, DEff the time of the drawings. The contractor had no prior knowledge of the inaccuracy of the benchmark and could not have discovered such inaccuracy by any means short of establishing a second benchmark,not a common practice in the construction industry. III. EFFECT OF VARIANCE Due to the above-described unique situation, Mr. Musyl is requesting a smafl height variance foi the non-complying int-erior ridge line. The exterior ridge Iine elevation is in compliance. The granting of such variance wil-l not detrimentally effect any present or potentj-a1 uses of structures in the vicinity of the Residence. As previously noted, the ridge line at issue lj-es in the interior of the foundation of the Residence; it creaLes no visual disturbance and has no impact on surrounding structures. The minor variance requested here aLso wilL not. effect the lighting or air space of any neighboring structure, nor will it effect the distribution of population, transportation, traffic facilities or utilities in the area. Further, the variance will in no way detrimentally effect public safety. Furthermore, a variance in this case will not result i-n any substantial inconsistency with the limitations on the other nrrlnFrl-i es in the dj-strict. The appearance of the Residence with r_ vI-.-_the slight variance will not be incompatible with other homes in the area. In fact, considering that the four story high Timber Falls Condominium complex is located in the same area, a two foot variance here will almost certainly be unnoticeable. Tn addition,aside from the one interior ridge line, the Residence is in full compliance with all other building code requirements, as well as with the plans, specifications and building permit. No home owners in the area of the Residence hawe any objection to this sma11 varj-ance being granted, and all- the adjacent owners have s j-gned letters urging the PEC to grant the variance. IV. CRITERIA As noted, this variance wiLl not in any way be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, nor wil-1 it be at all injurious to properties or improvements 1n the vicinity. The granting of the variance is warranted for the reasons outlined above, as well as the following: l-. Due to the circumstances of this case, the strict interpretation and enforcement of the height regulation wouLd result in practical difficulty and unnecessary hardship. The construction of the Residence is well under way, and without the granting of a variance, substantial and costly structural modifications would be required. To comply with the code, the removal and reconstruction of the roof over the entire top floor of the Residence would be necessary. This would substantially impair the overall design of the home. The cost of these modifications and resulting delays would cause a serj-ous financial hardship to the applicant. fn addition, the driveway of the Residence is currently in full compliance with the slope requirements of the design review board. Reconstruction of the Residence using a new elevation benchmark would result in the drivewav not meetinq such slope requirements. As previously described, this case involves qur-tre exceptionaf circumstances. The circumstances resul-ting in the non- conforming ridge line here are unique and do not apply generally to other properties i-n the same areai thus, granting the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with limitations on other properties in the vicinity. V. CONCLUSTON The case at issue here meets all the requirements necessary for the granting of a variance. The situation here is unique, and the variance requested is so smaI1 it will have no detrimental impact to the surrounding area. The granting of t.he variance would serve to avoid undue hardship without causing any detriment.Accordingly, the applied-for variance should be granted. appvar. doc L2/A2/Igg4 17:13 3839499? o tr Inten-Mou I*grnec ecrtrrgu* Dtcrtrb€r 2, 1994 !tr, Jlrn cr.gE P.O, Bot 33{{ Evsrqltean, go 80139 Rrl Lrot 5, For$t 6lrn EUbdlVlrlon Pro]sct No. 9{43{5 DCNr iIlD! In ravLewlng otrr topographlc nap on thc rcfcrencad lot, o.ur proleat ro. gzelos, dat]cd'o6toler is, 1992' r lound a draltrng "r"6" on thr Barlr ot Elevatton. Tht lnv3rt rlrvationr tor UN A:Gi.Z- ahoult tt-84,[0.01 gE, 8439.s6 Ni ulth a rln elrvctlon of 8'[{9.81 ar thom on oG "fr iulttn plan. trh..a are thc alrvationg ueid tor thc topoEraplrlc rurviy ln Projact No. 9e6{og' t o IME PAGE At TUV . CL,IVIIVI jJhV. UEPI, If, you havc any furthrr qurltlone, plrarr do not harltats to ca11. Duan. D. Frhrlnge!1 P'8.;P.L.S. Gct curnutte, Iorn of vall Fax! (303) {79-2{52 TTMdcatfRoad,#200 r Box978. Avon,Colorado81620. Ph0ns949.5072 r FrcrnDenverDlractr 893-1531 1420Vance Str6€t o Lekowood, Colorado80zlb I Phona: rcz-010E irl!vlr o Subdivision h Inter-lflountain 1]\*gineeringna. December 1, L994 Mr. Jin cregg P.O. Box 3344 Evergreen, co 80439 Re: Lot 6, Forest GIen Project No. 94A34S Dear Jim: As requested, we surveyed the elevation of the garage slab for the house on the referenced lot and observed an elevation of 4465.34. AIso due to the lack of permanent benchmarks in this area, it is common practice to use the sanitary sewer rrAs Builtrr elevations for a basis of elevation. If you have any questions or need more information, please do not hesitate to call. z! /) i uW Fehringer, P.E., P.L.S. 77 Metcalt Road, #200 . Box 978 . Aven, Colorado 81620 o Phone: 949-5072 . From Denver Direct: 893-1531 1420 Vance Street . Lakewood, Colorado 80215 . Phone: 232-0.158 THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPEBTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on December 12, 1994, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. ln consideration of: 1. A request to amend Section 18.57, Employee Housing, to set forth requirements pertaining to Type Vl Employee Housing units and set forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Andy Knudtsen 2. A request for a conditional use permit to allow a Type ll Employee Housing Unit to be located at 1195 Hornsilver Circle/Lot 14, Block 6, VailVillage 7th Filing. Applicants: George and Susan Johnson Planner: Randy Stouder 3. A request for a change to the Land Use Plan from Park (P) to Low Density Residential (LDR) for a parcel owned by the Vail Valley Consolidated Water District, located at 967 VailValley Drive/Tract C, Vail Village 7th Filing. Applicant: Vail Valley Consolidated Water District, represented by Pat Dauphanais Planner: Jim Curnutte 4. A request for a height variance to allow for a residence to exceed the maximum building height allowed by the Forest Glen SDD for a residence located at 4465 Glen Falls Lane/Lot 6. Forest Glen Subdivision. Applicant: Mark Musyl I Planner: Jim Curnutte ,1 I ,4 ^ , , ^ (' " 1, (tl/5 l4'r /^^t iln'trril'tM I\ n I r ,. z\- n'd4l-* V-" ,\lrn -f lllV\ f" (l lv/vv\ v v '- ::. o i,- - ''f r," APPLTCATION FOR VARIANCE LOT 6, FOREST GLEN The variance requested is to permit the interior ridge line of a horne under construction in the Forest GIen subdivision in East Vail to exceed the height lirnitations of the building code by approximately two feet. The hone is otherwise in fulI conpliance with its plans, specifications and building pernit. Framing, exterior finish, plumbing, heating and electrical of the home are substantially completed. The grant of the variance would not be incompatible with surrounding existing or future uses and structures in the neighborhood. The relatively minor increase in the elevation of the roof line of the home would have no effect on light or air,distribution of population, traffic facilities, utilities and public safety or the views of any neighboring property. Without this grant of variance, the home r,qould have to undergo substantial and costly structural- nodifications in order to conply strictly with the code requirements. The magnitude of such nodifications (Iiterally the removal and reconstruction of the roof over the entire top floor of the house) wholly outweighs the negligible effect of the violation which rnay be involved. The circumstances which gave rise to the purported violation are such as to justify the grant of the variance. In siting the home, the excavating contractor consulted Intermountain Engineering to establish the elevation bench mark. fntermountain Engineering supplied the tras-builtrr drawings for the public water and sewer distribution system for the Forest Glen subdivision, which it had originally prepared. The excavating contractor used the elevation of an established point, the nearest manhole accessing the sewer system as the bench mark for the foundation elevation. In a new subdivision this is a commonly followed construction practice. ft now appears that the actual elevation of the manhole cover used establish the bench mark may have been over two feet higher than the elevation shown on the rtas builttt drawings for the public water and sewer system. At this time, it is unclear whether the original plan elevation was inaccurate or whether the elevation was changed during construction of the residence on Lot 5, which is adjacent to the subject property. Intermountain Engineering has advised the applicant that it had no knowledge of this fact and the contractor for the subject property could not have discovered the inaccuracy without establishing a ner.r bench mark for elevation in the subdivision, a practice not ordinarily undertaken. The contractorrs relianqe on the established elevations of the public water and sewer system was reasonable under the circumstances and the inadvertent and minor height increase resulting to the structure justify the granting of the variance. We respectfully request your concurrence. 6 i8 9R T: CJ ti lt ts EI !; F n i I I I i 6 i,9 ti E F: rl , l- N |' {s :t EE E'9 fi 9s oA 5h f- -rr €r {- .D o ,1 a_ql !?rrii ! OllON;-..tq(,|('t- *EEBb3. l3 It Ir I fg 20, 9Z -I :i t 6 l;il!?D! lr '.,:t ,6 iiiiiFii :l trii ! lfiiiiF gi iili'i; ili* iiiilt ;iitil rI l;l ! I g a { l I .. I c t t !t iEg alE Fii ril gir ;s!lie ;lt €l: Ii:rit It: ,51 :ii i:!lii qsl 3ii s!l Iil i':! rit !rl 9'r I El s lii T:I :rl i:i I ; ! t I I r E t T I I a ; E ! h tr.\\$. ,;Tff !fi fr ffi ffliiF ii riF lc'jl iiiir 'iii3 i4tr ! r:i€ I l:{ ri;i t€[ lr|-{!r-->ooo=P=A--';iq - i,.j or O ^ -.{8Y., g E;6 2 -{= - .-{ J' t-aB !J 9d >..Po FI a I I o Irl I IE :t iiilir iiii$ t:rii r!i!l -'-i ._=k* i- I I lr I \t/\ I ) t- \<\t / t\ -R i,t t lci T1 ! I I ,! ! /ni :l It .t [$ dil l$iil lln "il IT I ll or ul I ,t' -rl lsl l,! !s rrrl* lills;,:i'lq :t k- ii l* '-lF ls Fr lx tz t:IO r'rl nx'ddrl I ! ! I !i;:: i 3ii !t ; i!l ' I I r:: t!, ll ))_1') .t iiiiii iPiiii ;! lf qir il c ?t\;F5 iiil mn'S l{p r,[tl Irl :ii :3! ( I \i ,\l h A/ /- 'I j/ 1..'t' 'Y ,1 ,.",,'t z \'t,,'l/ /v- )(., ,r ,,,,i#, 'X,;,/f,Yl fA\K fr$)) \N \i .\. t itt I ..1 Ht.. i \1,r\l\ ii Ilt | !,1 \h VI I I I I I I I I I I I I rl '.. ,n]*i I dt <-:- -J\ i\ q t I (j I _o ti I la 1,, rl $'' F. L I {:b r r_i ir 7 {\1 o -t $ \-\ll u l) 7' F $ '$ s r l7 tq ID IN | ---{ tT-' t- IN tf- IN t< l>, {f,r | ---l v l0 -...:-- l7 I I I t-N' t\ t,- lo h rll i- irl t'i \,z \'-+l ,'1j) I 0 9{ I- 3l-f 4ir ir t5 iI fi^ o 0 L: --1 L tTI r tIt ',I u f \- f:- tr --_ I n r6$ised' Lo/s/g2 ll f lof I 3 teg{Application FOR A VZIRI.A}TCE for any project reguesting a will not be accepted until afl PHONE Dat I. D. 4 lA tt , (n, gtd51 enoxn-41h - 11 OF PROPOSAL: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LaT-9Q- vrumc FoflL5( e L€rJ ioopu,ss 4465 Q/gxl fr+tte. /^np{, lirL THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F. Stamped, addressed envelopes of the names of owners of all property adjacent t.o the subject property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS, and a l-ist of their names and rnailing addresses. THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLB FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES. II. A pre-application conference with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any additional information is needed. No applicaLion wiLf be accepted unLess it is complete (must include all items reguired the zoning administrator). ft is the appticantts responsibility to make an appointment with Lhe staff to out about additional submittal reguirements. E. FEE $2s0.oo pArD2so, cx *7t12 nv APFLIc/TJ7-- by find II1. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE APPROV.AL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER OF CONDTT]ONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION (PEC) MAY STTPITT,ATE AT,T. COND]TIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WTTH BEM-RE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISB NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED AND THE REGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEMENT MUST ALSO ADDRESS: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. LOCATION BLOCK PEC MEETING DATEI{U4Jfr|il[,4[[tr4 APPLIcATION This procedure is required variance. The application information is submitted. A. NAME OF APPLICANT AUUJ{IIJJ NAME OF owNER (S ) ADDRESS OWNER(S) (type or print) SIGNATURE (S) e LOT 5 LOT 7 and avalance chute LOT 14 MAILING LIST Gerhard Assenmacher 2910 North Lakeridge Trail Boulder, CO 80302 Tinber Fal1s Associates c/o Ron Riley 228 BrLdge street Vail, CO 81657 Walter Belleville & Llnda Walter Belleville & Linda 346 W. Audobon Drive Fresno, CA 937tt 7n, lor. *4 ,rr.Qh;:^:* o(ilfrt Belleville, Trustee Belleville Truat TYPE IIEMPLOYEE HOUSING UNIT RESTBICTIVE COVENANT WHEREAS, propeny ("the O/vner") 4E ownesot cenain ("lhe Property"); and WHEREAS' the oivnerwishes to place certain restriciions on the use of a unit or aparrmeil rocated on the Property tor the benetit ot the owner and the Town ot vair, cororado ("the Town"). NOW, THEREFORE, the Orvner does hereby impose, establish, acknowledgej declare for the benefit of all persons who may hereinafler purchase, or lease, or hold lhe subject land the tollowing reslriclions' covenanls, and conditions, all ol which shafl be deemed to run with the rand and inure to lhe benefit and be bonding upon the owner, irs respecrive granlees, successors, and assigns. 1. comply with alt the provisions of Seclions Vail Municipal Code as amended. 3. The Employee unit' containing /ba-square feer, is hereby resrricled as a Type 'Employee Housing Unit (EHU) which must 18.57.020, 18.57.030, and 18.57.050 of rhe 2' The Type il Emproyee Housing Unit shail not be reased or rented ror any period of ress than thirty {30) consecutive days; and, if ir shalt be reiled, it shail be rentecl onry ro tenants who are fut time employees who work in Eagte county. For rhe purposes of this paragraph, a tut time empbyee is one who works an average ot a minimum or rhirty (30)' hours each week. No taler than February 1 0f each year, the owner of each emproyee housing unit witnin the Town which is constructed following the elfective date of this ordinance shall submit two (2) copies o, a ropon of a form'lo be obtained from the community Deveropmeni department, to lhe Community development Depanment of the Town ol Vait and chairman of the Town ot vail Housing Authority selting fonh evidence establishing that each tenant whom resides wilhin rheir emproyee housing unit is a fuu-time emproyee in Eagre county. A Type rr EHU may nor be sord, translerred, or conveyed separatery ,rom any two ramiry dwelling it may be a part of. 4. I nqe\$uPa\oq.r|ot{Lc StUlUtOC r(V\ ry@" ^"'jli;'" our oJolaq paopapvroupe sean A.rF /}\nhfryah _Zm sJaurvrg luado:d :r{B / ;sar;dxe uolssluuroc {yr; crlqn6 itelop 1o i(ep - qql aui aJojaq paopapnoupe se,r luounrlsur 6u1o6aro1 eq1 UUOVNVW NAoI .NIunV.IcI^I [o{I uoglelodtoc ;edrcrunur operoloC p ,llVA JO NMO1 .K1dde Ieur qclql,r suoTf cT.rtso.r ragf .rnJ roJ lz 'oN 6q5 perlo:.dde qsTqd .166I Jo sa-!.ras .gE .oN arueuTpro aas .B '{Uadold aql lo laumq ar.1 puE pen lo uMoI €ql qloq lo luasuos uau!.nl aql ,{q decxe papualle Jo .paleuruj€l .pauopupqB ,po^teM €q lou llErts uleJaq paulEluoc sluauraaroe pue 'suolte;ndlls 'suorlcrjlsal ,suourpuos aqr .L 'u^^or oql puE Jeumg eq1 rq pa9rolua aq reur slueua^o3 a^llclJlsaj osarjl Jo suo!s!^o:d eq1 .g 't!En lo u^ 0I oql jo €po3 led1c1uny1 arlt ul paultop €Jp sulal €sotll sp drqsraurrro aal leuolpett ro 'dlqsraurrno lerualu! 'soreqsoujll 1o turol Iue otul papt^lp aq lou llerls 6113 11 ed,{1 aq1 .9 :r{B /')crsqnaXrerorv 2 7Wi 53899? 8-642 Sara J. F'i she r P-eso )ru,nn EagIe County PG1 ""3 & Recorder 05 z22P C.l-erk REC 30.00 DOC TYPE II EMPLOYEE HOUSING UNIT RESTRICTIVE COVENANT WHEREAS, property ("lhe Oruner") described as: /+p€ r ownelQl ceflain \lr ir- c ('the Propeny"); and WHER EAS, lhe Owner wishes to place cenain reslriclions on lhe use ot a unit or apartment located on lhe Properly for the benefit ol lhe owner and the Town of Vail, colorado (\he Town'). NOW, THEREFORE, the Orvner does hereby impose, establish, acknowledge, dectare lor the benelil ol all persons who may hereinatter purchase, or lease, or hold the subiecl land lhe following reslriclions, covenants, and conditions, all ol which shall be deemed lo run with the land and inure lo the benefit and be bonding upon the owner, its respective grantees, successors, and assigns. The Emptoyee unir, containins/b2-square leeL l*+epby,rsslficted as a Type il Employee Housing unit (EHU) which must compty wiin alt the provisions of seclions 18.57.020, 18.57.030, and 18.57.050 of the Vait Municipal Code as amended. 2. The Type ll Employee Housing Unit shall not be leased or rented lor any period of less than thirty (30) conseculive days; and, if it shall be rented, it shall be rented only lo tenants who are tull time employees who work in Eagle county. For the purposes of this paragraph, a full time employee is one who works an average of a minimum of thirly (30) hours each week. No laler lhan February 1 of each year, lhe owner of each employee housing unit within the Town which is constructed lollowing the ellective date ot this ordinance shall submit lwo (2) copies of a ropon ol a form to be obtained lrom the community Developmeni deparlment, to lhe Community development Deparlment of the Town ot vail and chairman of the Town ol Vail Housing Aulhorily selting forlh evidence establishing that each tenant whom resides within lheir employee housing unit is a full-time employee in Eagle county. A Type ll EHU may not be sold, transferred, or conveyed separalely from any two family dwelling it may be a parl ol. '1 .l :.) 1. 3. 4. t o 5. The Type ll EHU shall not be divided into any lorm of timeshares, interval ownership, or fraclional fee ownership as those terms are defined in the Municpal Code of the Town of Vail. 6. The provisions of these restriclive covenanls may be enforced by the Orner and the Town. 7. The conditions, restrictions, stipulations, and agreements contained herein shall not be waived, abandoned, terminated, or amended except by lhe wrinen consenl of both the Town of Vail and the O/yner of the property. 8. See Ordinance No. 36, Series of 199I, which approved SDD No. 27 for further restrictions which nay apply. TOWN OF VAIL, a Colorado municipal corporation http BOB I"ICLAURIN, TOWN },IANAGER Notary Public'- Dmf,NiE3fn,tE hn|c $olffidmE4.rrffir26, 1995 . 75&FuLg.no4bl0081657 -t :{,'s By: was acknowledged betore me flriis [day ot ,/ ulL , /? ?/ / /_ tly coniiirission expires: 7P/ /7f - .. r...! By: My coqrmissio ^ "rrn"", -/f 21/47 The foregoing inslrument 5 3899?B-642 P-950 O6/L5/94 O5z22P PG 2 oF6 clttq,rhg\adnhlrhull ceorolrcf$/d Rytew (Legal Descrlptlon) Yl&uoro, /.€. a^./ ) ) ss. I ) ) ss. ) It tt21/47 q\hms\hs:ard 538997 B-642 p-980 06/15/94 05:22p pG 3 oF 6 e undersigned [as/have read the f wa U 1sL, reaching the proposed house, causing damage. We are prepared to accept these facts and request ihe'fown of Vail puilding Departnrent grant us a permit. STATE OF COLORADO ulu d .r\,....-cotiNTY oF l)WtN- /-\^ , The foregriDg instrlment was ackn-owtedge.d before me this 4f tr o^, o,LAl/zM--' tfl-#av AAEDI- L ' fu t r2rt S , known to me to be the person Ftlose name is subscrib.ed to the foregoing instrument ard acknor,vledged to me that he bxecuted the same for the purposes and consideration thgfein expressed. My commission expires: l-21-qt STATE OF COLOFIADO Cutt4 ^'ul COUNTY OF he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. My commission expires: CL The foreggipg inst1grpent was Ecknoyvtedged,before me this 4fk o^, o,, rnB loregrtng Insrr.grnqnt was ?dfio!fledged,bet0re me this , day 0t v - .1*/ft,by fi4^Lf/c <1. /L(US4 L , known to me to be ths n whose nathe is subscribed to the foregoir/g instrument and acknowledged to me that ._4 0 ARTHURT MEARs, P€.. INC.l{unlFluu&Conluo &,Fzle4Atc. Grairn. Cdn& 6tZX)nt-ut.tz% Augrust 28, 1991 l[r. Ron Reillv !i$_e5{aU.s Aisociation 228 Ridge Street vail, co 81d52 Dear !tr. Reiily: 1!_t::" =equest, _r conplet"o " "il:.'ll!!ilt+or,_of an rrnplatted ii;"iirl:=.rf;i the rinteiiirrl ii:"l?l*nt in rist vail oh-hircmst iffUiil"iiff ';iif ::'i5, il"i::]':: :ili:":i.s:ttiihi'*='hazard on rowi oi.vai.i,t;;."1;=;:i::iiirii-q"':i$i;$::fl:*:r conducted a study or aeiii:. iiioiogrupl= ait.o._rir.r, :.ruo, Lg62,iiili:i"i"3i3;,.,.ff1;"1i,;*;""iii* pre-aaie-alilropnent ana and can ue useJ-io^t:::;i. ;;",#=dl:i i:i";J: ?:li:"4*:i,ii:".area that was to becone tir" fii".i rn guestion. The foll0wing observations and concr.usions result fron ny study. of rockfall. oriqin cnrough aerial-plioro Lb lfiottttl . Aubrha . An&lih hnl &6aa a,l ':) ,1:_-R:.1. deposits characteristic y::" no! idenrifiea "n-ir,.-=iii-rnspeetion or the "it" "irii. "= b. lhe slope above the_sile consist of a raature forest with no_perirreJ-uourj"i= capable of rolJ.rng and bouncing-eown trre-=-iJ;: and reaching the parcel. :'r":ff,i+=li:::-linestone-_clirr band, which serves as on the'-:iin:'$:i""lnl"llvail areis,'al"= not .="! J.It Il_:Y*nury, rockfall does nor ffIiiil""3".ff.tllli"Iii $;.i5T:i ::,:: :"n:"::i":l.iH ." . Please contact ne if you havs any questions. Sircerely, /|)-t .l .LL;a L,.u Jl Il U. ctca Arthur t. iEars, p.s.Avalanche_control engineer 53899? 8-642 p_950 06/15/94 ob:Z2p pG 4 OF 6 ''-I The folfowing concl,usions about as a result of this analysis and .:t:,0 bern effectiveness were reached site neasureuents. 1. The flow heiqht of the design aval.anche is less than the existing berrn height. 2. The naxinun deoosit heioht of the desigm avaLanche is less than the ban heighi. - 3. I-ateral spreadinq of the avalanche below tlre bens (in the tennis courts) is accurately shor.r! on tbe original (Frutiger, 1973) drawings. The existing bern, therefore, does not reErire nodifications or enlargenents to nitigate the design avalanche. !IE4j-PJ.JS. Ehe northeast corner of the unplatted parcel (on the west"ilae of the aval.anche bern) j.s shown ai leing irittrin a ,rnod,erate-hazardrl debrj.s-flow area on the 1984 Town of Vaj.l. ttGeologically-sensitive arearr (GSA) naps. This includes portions of proposed lots 5 and 6, as shovn on the Tinberfalls site plan dated 6lL0 l9l. lrloderate bazard neans Lots 5 and 6 and the building envelopes could be reached by nuddy lrater, srnall rocks, and veqetative debris during a rare debris-flow event. Extensive building dauage and/or loss of life will not be a problern. The return period of the desigm debri.s-flow is = 100 years. Mitigation to buildings on Lots 5 and 6 coul.d be accouplished by flood-proofing and direct protection of exposed foundalion and building-waIls. This nethod has been used at other buildings ln Vail. Alternately, nitigation could be achieved by designing a snall settling pond and berrn in the flat area above the €ennj.s courts. Final raj.tigation detaiLs for Lots 5 and 6 depend on architectural and landscaping details which are not clrrently.avaj.lable. The nitigation on these lots, houever, can easily be j.ncorporated into building design vithout adverseiy affectin|adjacent public or private property. Please contact me if you have any additional questions. Sipcerely, / \,r1 , ^A ( ,6lL,nlt.\YtPa,t Afthur I. ileirs , p. E Avalanche-control enqineer EncI. Append j.x Fr ,. 538997 8-642 P-950 06/15/94 05:22P PG 5 OF ti Lamplrle, ph,D. , l ?.oz niloo?otooST '.Jo?bHlt,,,o, t'|t"r400 (2a r{ouFFl rtl lB, lC?4 A, Forcot .Flon REr Hrtrrd Dilr ilr. ,,tirdl rE'urcc.Thn ocrt of tha cqntral ) . a \o TJ tcot-0t md& O Eox vtrorl f,r E{ot-lhrd POE Evrrr 6 lrlrrd Atroi s74s Frttoc s74A rtn eo aT rt ! ed+se I I alurtlonr 4A eo tEv l, vlrltrd tha labovc ref sr r gaologleiharcnd ov EngH avalanchn: afld 6f6g;1 _.::r". . h-clqrct, , ,rc)/, a+ f ic I -onccd lot tn vait -- i .-luot{on, -";;";T;;,i.":Ent1Y rnr purprorer r flow o(rtrn+. rr 't y^Jt lt. ptrrtllnl to r rlow potanrral. 'dl ,J'n;;1"';;; ".;.*__tl,t a proporty. -_ g{p* rval enchr { | r i.,?:l' ;.:,:"ll-:'l:lll_l 3 il;' -''rrli, .no,rch heve rr.o" o,noieiJi-^'.i olllll"i"ii :,1'".":l:1 ..:"::.. :l irh; -;"frJ"i.l*.n.ecrns erc,r cr{ th. [",,\E'ln"iilr.il iilii l't :?:,::.:."-:hi:f rnrqhf ;";;;* tir- *rt". .,r-. yrgrlrrs tnvolvodl thlr 4rr *ronr thr 0 aLro romawhrt +,r n d..,rr -, rvorFbl* ln thrt thnrGr rw.lc whtch dtrrqqp rrt""ri'i-icL.' trro lln:_:r:r-i,rse - nnhanNed f or - - irii*n*r,lr <tl (.) @ @ { I 'r (\, I (t| potcnt I al haz ar,;d tcr th.r ,:^yr so. thr l.rfgi bor66 :,ln ?ircp rlcipcI rnew rYryrFthol oar, iho lcut h tD,mlnlmler th( cf.foctr thls ean LncIu{o protic !!Eop,rnowr- anC trtrong partton of tho:urnttr ei d wrndow' on thr:-:i;,!.,'iijorlilrli"l;nal lo ar rtrrlcturf,.t. plernmntt oi ttrto r,lund the pe\to *nd othl;;i;;; o;;n*. tf, .f low h,nxdrrdi 1 oo.f not bit trrve th,rt I *fJl brcomo J.nvolverd: thtr 4-,- r___ &L,_ Tlll-"*:l:., \o tho crabr l:.go volurnrtr io+ ,.tr.l Ol A Ctl t\t N lTl H rd offust{vr ln dJvrrtl I On thg mfp Of ti T. - - sY 'r' rtnsnHr oh,s drbund .n* nJ,l"if't"r,litYli:-:::v cround Urc h _w!n e. u,4,,,. .", n?rl: l. -Th. lrndrcrptng tuch Nt ttr dtrecr rt l. E mufl f lowr ar.rey f rsfll thr homr nhoul ilrg.r . inow aval anch.F rt frem a l*rgo *"".,t nat aFd roqr.r I at i onr o+Stfl rnygt b6 rskEn ro no \,fll lF r.. l --- r -youF rttrmpta cit mltrgrti 1ncr661;3 tho haeard I Oo n6t bclicvo th,qt drm.gr lr lilirlly at $outhrctrt but q' por.,d6r propilrty, Bccdlrnei of Th6 _FroFrrty poer lla dcvrl opmont wt l:l not I nc rtrqcturar, or; r,c p ,r,c_r_rmrn-t r ,. ut t:l t t i, rr or C t b nprblo o+ rGriouB qhute lfl to the c or.rl cl a+{f€t thl B the Town o{ Vai I .tu a nelqhliror by :""1 ll:t"pl:ill". oerfrrtlve rrra, rrut l'l:" :il- j::,":.1- !"-;i;;;- .;';;l;,":: I i:,, ! i*:":"-- -::ii_ -l;d. :" "";;,=J;. Jl i'f ',lj-.I:: :'_, :lli._ fi-liliir "."'l?'ll; .,ilu Nlcholar L rlr plr.$c frll y. qurrtlonc, Slnc trct fle.t c ktnd. If 'therci irc +uritr Conrul t t ng oI ogl tt toa ltfE IiARDEN CEI|TER lffir(f, iEilhfflOAI(Fetil Iu rCI,lgtf ffi#ffi=Jffier Itlm,Shido l0llg F* ftrnddr frhnrdnal.ts d J. 6 h*dra hrtr,lmnlnl ffiffi gHS#Fffi *rffi HH#ffnlm*D,.* "flf#ltrdffi H'ffiJSffi $ht"ffi ffi* s04 rd lr'r ffsdl b b t&rbd. llcredlrrtnySfrr Sffih, lhlrrtIlLEr.tr.nmpentm tHffrEvrrilD ru ,.nfl ftJAek-*E t,,ts1,4 ffire8-:.- h|h-|ra I I r I trr , Geologlc lJazap Rev,lew (Legal Descrlptlon) e undersigned has/have read the f ua H COLORADO i.ixecuted the same for the purposes and consideration the_;ein expressed.at L)) My commission expires: l- zl- qt STATE OF C U'l'14 Aah COUNTY OF he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. My commission expires: (n/qT 19L, -r/".,.r1 reaching the proposed house, causing damage. We are prepared to accept these facts and request ihe Town of Vail -Building Department grant us a permit. Yiiuo.*, /.€. a^./ . "-' )- (Name, Owne?) 0wd COUNTY OF STATE OF t)tu d Dcuttr ) ) ss. l artr Tfe foregjiryg instrlment was acknowledged before me this b l flts rurcaJ]urg ||lsu] rcnl YraS auK uwleugc.u urjluru nrE l ls u udy ul gl/M-_. tflloy (Apnt-- L, ,r, ,O, t , known to me to be the persor pt{ose name is subscrib.ed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he Tho foreggipg instryrpgnt was qcknor-vledged,before me this -4'*\ Tho foreggi9rg instn;rgent was qcknowledged,before me this "l day ot fl0141 . tilt\v rtlAl'C 4. tc{.nsU L , rnownTo me to be the 6rson whose nafie is subscribed to the foregoir/g instrument and acknowledged to me that clrorins$rzsrd t ilign Review Action il" TOWN OF VAIL CategoryNumber €? eropaName: , - .., f9 ( 9 L u.,'/ ( c> t'< 1c-t r(€f Buildins N^r", tAuY L R.z9 . o^r" c{ /eo/q { Project Description:9r nqL Owner, Address and Phone: ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: /u\, eq c( L-u Ll76-7/ C / Legal Description: Lot kr Block Subdivision Zone Districr Snf Project Street Address: Comments: Motion by: r-A|Vo:a; a-(J ffirou^t "t-'i:,''- *'J,'{' t 1 t', ,i*:'*;;*, arluewoytu"'-'! 6n, +t", f/t- :f: ""ffi:,:i I Disapproval ! Statf Approval ';':;;,;^j;I":i-:.-J;:"7"'tno,-/-;.-{{1J' , '2^ , . -^,\AC .->€ C^a/pre?f 9 .J- o l"]-o t t...- ?!, J // eO *R@- DRB Fee pre-paid _{( o TO: MIKE McGEE PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: TODD OPPENHEIMER Return 1s ..JIM CITRNUTTE Town Planner INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW tr9,l"lc,uc< DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING CoMMENTS NEEDED Byt ,+r;L =o BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: /l)<.., 9r..-g L1 Q"-', ( f R.s e(t Lot € fr,u-=4 GLe^ u/ f cqavz4lG-tl on"rf Sr-,L. utel b:nA+ V .Ju' l) ,to4 tu(Fn , v\e L/.'c.!/ Vt"t.:<- ' f", -tL{ '-., --'( L. {On H;-o t'" t*i (.,zll fe.,;e-, z\ t.lL)t Fire Dept.: Reviewed by: Comments: Date: Date: Distributed to the Fire Department, public Works, and Landscaping on 04/ !.Al j4 21t 53 5S3 674 t25r 11Ef,a D, RRcH I TECT5 F, 0z : €rongr l.lred r trtrad & Arroclef,m PO 8ox S74E i Evrrgrmn CO E+439 REI Hrzrrd Evalutrtlon, Drrr hr. rlrdl; Nichplas Lamplde, Ph.D. 9ULlrt{ootor.oo8T P,O. BO)r9 f. coLof,ADo 8ti6a r r7erlr'o (4{ }lrtuisl prt I 16. 1994 t A, Forert Flen I vltitrd thelabovc ra{{rtncad lot ln V*il reclntly for purporan o{ a grologlc]hlrrlrd rv{luot{on, enpecLrllv Cr lt prrtrlnr to Enow rvalrnchr rnd dilbrilo flow potanttal . Arl yoq know both of thirrr hirardr rnoy atfrCt thlE propcnty. Bnlow avallnchr ir r Fotlntlrl h.Eit':d to tha p*nnla eourt ad J.cDnt Fo thr rltt, lnd r cjua to tht t6qFr bor6a t{ntcn h.\/B bG6n ornpl ec6,cf nrrr th. b.r. 6f thi rtrip rrr{nc r tnerrr lf a Or rrctnd a,6Et of t,hf ruhJect rltr,Nfvfrth;l.nrr (hl routh 4lrcing rtctr o+ thr hordr rhcutrct br butlt to mlnlmlre thl rf4cetr h{ rrny rnoh, wnlch mtqhf r.rch th. nltll.thl,r ean includo FFotast{d wlndowr on thitr eldi, lnnctr(aplno to rtop rnow, rnq rtronq f'ral f e or rtruqtural plornnntr B+ thtr portlon of thc'untt"r co clround thr prtto and otfrer drck aFer.. tJlth rorpnct !o the cleUr[o {low herard, I Col not batl$vo thrf"larga volurnar ro# materl.rit wf I t brqoma involvi'd, thlr f rr {rsrn thr rourcG. Thd t,opoErGphy ltr atro romrHhit #,rvorhble (n thrt,[hrre ir the rvalanclia fitttgotllon iH.lc whtch dlrcetF rnrtartAl ts thc crrt of tha qubJoct -letl (th* drrtndrgs enhanfod for qvelrnehr sontrol). Thd brrm uherjn on rhg mrp of the n'd,tr nhoutt! br vrry r{facttva tn ditvcrt{n9 +fowa around' thl trono. I Tht lrndrcrplnq around ttre homd rhourd bri luch rf ttr dtroct mu|l tlorr awey {rom thr hom. nhould, rfl rt*r frtl. I I do npt, bGttrcvc thqt * for*" inaw {rvslaneh.e tr^prero of rcriouc ctrmrgr lf Iitcly rt thlir sitc. 'fha mrln iqbute tf, to the southictt but a powdFr htfrt f rern a lnrq€ svsnt lcoutcJ i{.Fret thlN proPilrty, Bccdqse ef thf,l herrrd roguleticrnn o{lthe Tswn rl{ Vail,cart {nu6t Ett ts.[(En to nOf tncr6qsp the har.artllto a nelAhtror hy youF rttimpta qt mittFrtlFn. I Tha FroFrrty foer Iic ln a grologicolly oaJrtttvl arra, but drvtlopilsnt uill, l not {ncfoane tho haeerd to ofhrr ;rrpprrty, or rtrLrcturasr 6r to puFItc rt€htr*ef-Hryr lrordr. ttps.rter rrrrmantt, uttrttirr ol-Tll"rr rti"r-"r' ;i;;' Ar-"piiir.-'';;-;;ktnd. lf thrrc err {urthfr gurtt{ons1 pllare ccintrct me.rrr fsrrnlr currtiongr Prrars cf I Elncrrl Y. j .,ttll4 Nl cholar L rlr Conrul ti ng ol o0l it PROJECT: REG HALL TODD Return [o INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW *,&p,c< OPPENHEIMER .. JI}T CI'R}IUATE Town Planner DATE SUBMIITED: 4/ 13 DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING Engineering: Reviewed by: Comments: Reviewed by: Commcnts: Landscaping: Comments: ./- / ) ... i[42 f 1,,'C]('0^-i/ \z .// ,/, I ..aPflL 7o /V<'-, !)r*-jL1. €,rn', (f R*s ,uf C'zr'vh&t c:a)rZ etf Lot €' frl-s;-t GLe^ Sob. . <.--T-\J4nv\-De \r A d ctt--sS Date: Date: COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: Distributed to the Fire Department, Public Works, and Landscaping on ZONE CHECK l, *, n prEolowE DrsrRrcrl DArE: =/zz[lf LEGAI DESCRIPTION: LOt ADDREss , '1'{ 66 Bfock -.[ riring t2 PHONE PHONE ,ft6-'T l&7 OWNER ARCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE. r\**LOT SIZE r/. Height Landscaping Retaining Wal1 Parking Garage Credit Drive: =DD Allowed (30) (33) 4po + 425. =, Existinq 4 fl, dr,fl Proposed TotaI LlcElo 6 - 3,ssa 3 Reqrd ? (3oo ) ( 600 )C@ :uoo, -#.5- Permitted sLope -!! Actual slope -6% Date approved Yes 1) Ffood Plain by Town Engineer: No \.tt ??? /va 33,65 SAES ,lb +- '{60 s/2?64 r' l4Sr,t t4,St{ ' ( -,/-l 3'/6' 2o #44 3tSSO View Corridor Encroachment: Envi.ronnental,/Haz ards : 2) Percent slope ,tSO f*L 3) Geologic Hazards a) Snow Avalanche b) Rockfall 4l c) Debris Elovt ,_,_J.rO Wetlands -rc Prevlous conditions of approval (check property file) : .PO Does thls reguest invol.ve a 250 Addition? E Howmuchofthea11owed250Additionisused-,uiththisrequest,d4 **Note: Under Sections 78.12.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipal Code, lots zoned Two Fanily and Primary/Secondary which are less than 15r000 sq. ft. in area rnay not construct a second dwelling unit. The Cornmunity Development Department may grant. an exception to this restriction provided the applicant meets the criteria set forth under Sections 18.12.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipal Code including pernanently restricting the unit as a Long-term rental unit for full- time employees of the Upper Eagle Valfey. ---? S,btLe Q^,,V ol Grcl"(e t + 425. =34N- 20, 15' 15' (30) (s0) i"b*> Heights TOTAI GRFA Prinary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks Front Sides Rear Water Course Setback Site Coverage 10 Return to PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: COMMENTS NEEDED BRIEF DESCRIPTION DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY: 2. /A= OF THE PROPOSAL: &'-'', Cf Re-s uo c',xrefr*?<t- .bf 6, fu.'*..-{ GL.ex-t 9'4- Date: 7lZ7lc4 L\)er€ cct\1lru1166!<llr<.f dok: oi < al'rttrY-\ p$c $€\l t']*1./ uVclctf i'{ '-'"!.r,et} tl N€,a ^:)*3Le /\-qJF.*-<A-e=-g PUBLIC WORKS Engineering: UrE W\\l Reviewed by: Te{n M Comments: N{d t ttle (cPcit Ne,.,d ',,-x r;e I 'r)rt!-! 1). r r'.,.\{\\(I\.r. ) Agge,:r... d( l !.)*-.Ll'1 q\\C{t(t(-}\,iir) c\'\\(? A griCtrt Ort rf{i.:' .f: e(:I'4\Y\{\F ,!knt-D c}r,u*tr'f\'\ {\\. ( < C, \z.X( \\ - Agpecr,., tv(e iz, rrcc*ntLkt fr€.tsJ€?f\ \)t\\r\{ eaf i"hrEl\t " , & pri.t0te g'<t*Aif Xrn eN4\-l\ti-\L '=,rt ,..-t c1t-' \\ g{ r"\ 1 f\Fj C\< it{srcr{r' (nou I <YL€1\t tq *,J'tr(-T 'd5 t rt onq at de) er *:irrt d I ra-r.\ 4'ohdN\a\Ci\ P\C\ I '-Y" *l'){'rJ '-\+' t }- han o.cd', \o c.\ ea( \ \\ d.r-(r n<$€ eq\\ .::rJ( "' gc;u"r-* b rtrr"rrcrl ' lsd evrrlrnl Ieott',' .."' {n Prg..rn, -r't\', Landscaping: Reviewed by:Date: Comments: Retum,oTr A^uy'k Town Planner INTER.DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW PROJECT:kte=Azd-\"^c 4- DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BFIIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: '{a.,,n,,(y Res. ult / (<PtatEe/-1t)<rt 9rngC4 Lc:-t {, , Fetzs ( G (e t, 5."6 --/Fz{vsi -fueZs"t FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by:.,a)2/a 1,'.-'--r Date: --t -> 2 4/,....', Comments: 2,"..',^2/ t:.,'8.'*?,2?a;'/ 7 J ''''/o )-' !"<-;^/-<- .r& -/.-.-,-*,/ - ..(J J/'12't'"' ?ia..d I trYEr a o I I , I. revLsed 9/4/9L DRr ,'PPLrOro* - TolfN oF v rL, co'ot DNTE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: *********t TtrIS 'IPPLICATION I|ILL NOT BE ACCEP:TED I'NTII, I,I,L REQUIRED INTORMITTION IS SUBT{ITTED ******l*** PROJECT INFORMATION: A. DESCRIPTION: RrUuFtB 7 tggl B. TYPE OF REVIEW: X New Construction ($200.00)Minor Alteration ($20.00) Addltlon ($50.00)Conceptual Revl-ew ($0) c. D. subdivisi o,' fr..trZgil' C*LII1 . Block 1J If property ls deseribed by a rneets and bounds legal description, please provide on a separate sheet and attach to thls applicatlon. zoNrNG:'4rt:.t>4-'Dy.vels,'i>t-hr+-\ a)$Il>r..1 LOT AREA: If required, appllcant must provlde a curr:ent stamped survey showing lot area . QE,b=5 ' ,i' NAI,TE OF Malling APPTICANT' S REPRESBNTATIVE:1r., ,, Address 2'- l)c;1 .'t .--f7 /l il NAI,IE OF owNERs, Yl> SIGNATURE(S): Mallfng Address: Phone Condominlum Approval lf appllcable. DRB FEE! DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid ab the tlne of subrnlLtal of DRB appllcatlon. Later, when applylng for a buildtng permlt, please ldentlfy the accurate valuatlon of the proposal. The Town of Vall wlll adJust the fee accorcting to the table beloW, to I ensure the correct fee ls pald [g.-_1!Wry VALUATION $ 0 - $ lo,ooo $ 10,001 - $ 50, ooo $ 50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500r 001 - $1,000, ooo $ Over $1r 000,000 * DESIGN REVIE$I BOARD .APPROVAL EXPIRES ONE YE.AR AtrTER FTNAL APPROVAIT UNI,ESS A BUILDING PERMIT tS ISSUED AIID CONSTRUCTION IS ST'TRTED. *TIIO NTTPIITESTION TIILII BE PROCESSED gfITtIOUT OWNER'S SICNATURE 1 ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot Le E. F. G. il.NA}IE OF Malling J. K. 6 2t:i ?[ trlipo @ FEE $ 20 .00 $ s0.00 $100 .00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00 .00 PRE-APPLIC rI a p!9-gppllcation meetlng with a member of the plannirrg :l:ff_1:,stronsly encourised ro <rerermtne fi- ini-i.rdiLlonat.apprlcatlon informatlon is needed. rt is the aiptlcarrt.rs responsl_bfllty ro make an appoinrment wlth ihe 3[irr to deternl.ne lf there are additional suumiiiir-i"euir.rerrrs.Please note that a coMpLETE appllcatlon wtil-et-i""*rine the approval process for your projLct. l l: I A.In addltton to meetlng submlttal requlrements, the fFpllcant rnust stake ind tape the proJect slte io llglgi!. properry llnes, uuirarne irn6s-i"J-nuriirnq corners. All trees to be rernoved must be taped. Alt slte taplngs.and staklng must be completed piio. to the DRB slte vlslt. The appticant must ensure Ltrat staklrrg done durlng tlre winter ls not burled Uy snor. - - The revieir process for NEV{ BUTLDTNGS normarry r-equires teto separate meetlngs of the Deslgn RevLew Soarclj a conceptual approvaL and a flnal approval. Applicants !n9YI9 plan_on presentlng thelr developnent proposat at a mlnlmum of two meetings before obtatnlng finai approval . Appllcants who fail to appear before the Desrgrr llevrew Board on thelr scheduled rneeting date and who have .ot.aaked ln advance that dlscusslon on their item be postponed, will have thelr ltems removed from the t,RR docket untll such tlrne as the ltem has been republlshed. The.followlng ltems may, at the dlscretlon of ilre zonlng admlnlstrator, be approved by the Commurrity P:y"f"pl."nt_Department staii tf.e. i formal hear:ins before the DRB nay not be requlred): Br g{J,ndows, skyllghts and simllar exterlor clrarrges whlch do not alter the exlstlng plane of ilre buildlng; and b. Bulldlng addltion-proposals not vlslble from arry other loL or publlc space. At the tlme such a proposal is submltted, appllcants must include letters from adjacent property olrnerg ancl,/or frorn the -agent for or manager of any adJacent condominiun assocl_atlon statln| th6 association approves of the addition. If a property ls located in a mapped hazard area (i.e.tnow avalanche, rockfall, flood plaln, debrls flow,uetland, etc) r a hazard study mult be'submLtted and ttre oyrner must algn an affldavlt recognlzlng the hazard lepgTt prlor to the lssuance of a bullding perrnlt.Appllcants are eneouraged to clreck wtth i-r-",.r pianter p:f9: to DRB appllcarton to derermlne-Cne i.i"tioi,srrip of the property to all mapped hazards. For all resldentlal const.ruction: ar Clearly lndlcate on the floor plans the lnside faee of the exterlor structural walls of the buildlng; and b. fndicate wlth a dashed llne on the slte plan a four foot dlstance from ttre exterLor facl of the bulldlng walls or supportlng columnlr.. *h If PRB approves the applicatlon grlth condtaror," o.nodlfleatlons, all condltlons of approval nust be reaolved prlor to Town Lssuance of- A bulldlng permit. B. c. D. E. F. G. L F4*l r IIAME OF PROJECT: J,F;GAI, DESCRIPTION: S'I'REET A-DDRESS: DBSCRIPTION OF FROJECT: SUBDIVISION Wt?Tar -f 'the followlng lnforrnatlon Is llevlew Board before a flnal A. BUILDING I-IATERIALS: Rnof Stdlng Other tfall Materlals Fasel-a Sofflts Wlndows Wlndow Trlm Doors Lloor TrIm llarrd or Deck Ralls *ttrc.l?stJ<W F lashlngs Cltlmneys I'rash Enclosures Greenhouses Other LANDSCAPING: requlred for approval ean submittal to tlre, Dr:siqrr be glven: TYPE OF' MA IAL (:OI,OR eEtW.= WP (aavz\ 3g;w{vt:D6irr.l Wcc-J DH.ttt Dste? OfalftJpf) lJ.Name of Deslgner: Phone: EXI STING BE TREES TO REMOVED * fndlcate mllper f or declcluous trees. eS Is 2 lnehes. lndlcate t€ I I 2 5 ,I 2 I I I 2 t w t'I I :J trees r I PROPOSED EXISTING SIIRUES TO BE REMOVED I Indleate sl.ze .5 qallon. GROUND COVERS sol) SEED. ?YPE oF IRRIGATION TYPE OR T,IETIIOD OF EROSION CONTROI, of proposed shrubs.Mlnlmum slze o-[-__S]rf-rfbe_ Is Square E'ool-aqe .' : 't ' GAt. 5 GAL. .5 oAL. 5 oAL. 6 OAL. 6 oAL. 5 0A1". 6 oAt. 5 oAL.. B&B 5 041,. ,3 6 3 6 3 t0 ,11 I 3 't '3 Tvpe ". -' ,'|.t i 8S crB CB DCM DKq oso EC' FRO F RSW sr srg . vc T GAL. I GAT, I oAt. I OAL. r t.GAt. I GAL. I GAL. I GAL. i ort. I OAL, I GAt, I GAL. I GAL. 88 2 3 3 6 t I r0 I 6 2 l: 0 e, LANDSCAPE LIGIITING: If exterlor llghtlng le proposed, please show the number of flxLures and lo6atlois on 6 beparaLl l.tqhtlng plan. Identlfy each flxture from the llghLlng plan on thd llst below and provlde the wattage, helght above grade and type of ltght proposed. tr:r-J a Flo.f) lof;QoA 16 Fl rlrr.u OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retalnlng wall3l fences, swJ.mrnlng poolel etc.l Flease speclfy. Indlcate helghta of retalnlng walle. Maxlmum helght of walls wlthln t.he front setback li 3 feet. Maxllnum helght of walls elsewhere bn the property ls 6 feet. (t) (a) D. i I I )t m l"I I I ,t: I I l' I SUNI)IVISION l,o'l'BLocK F I LING ]\t)l)l{ESs 't'lro l.ocatlon arrrl ava i I abllity of ut-.i I iLies, whether t-h"i l',, nr;r irr t. rtrnk ll.nes or proposed lines, must- be approved and ver if i.',1 l'1' t, lre f ollowlng ut-il it-ies for t.lre accompanying site p1an. Authorized Sl,qnature L)ir I {' ,'(ln il^ME Hua{L1 c,r;Frt,g ?{ierDo..}ctl 1,. S . West Communi.cat, ions 1-B()0-922-1987 468-6860 or 949-45r30 Pub I ic Servlce Colngralty 949-5?81 tiar:y llall lloly Crosg EIecl-rir: 9 4 9-58 92 'l'ed llusky/Mi clra e 1 Assoc. Laverty -7-.- 7' Ilc' i E a-q-e -C'EbTFs-i{rn T . V. e4 e-5s30 s;{++#t*- Up116,'1- Eagle Val l ey l{;ll-er & Sanltatlon l)lst-r ir,-t. * 4'l6-7480 F'red llaslee N0'I'E:1. 3. 4, 5. obtained 6eparateIY. * Please brlng a site plan, f Loor pl,an, and elevatLons wlr'.'rr obtajnlng Upper Eagle Valley water & Sanitatlon SLgnatrlr.s. Fire flow rreeda must be addressed. -\'LzY z _ z _..7/.11 2 - >:?^/ J i l-T> c'..rQ- \c.t c-u.^^hvt* ...l- z'7-n This form ls to verlfy servl-ce availabj I il , anrl I ocat. i on. This slrould be used ln con jurr, r i ,,rr vr i t lt preparing your utility plan and schedul in'r insLallations. For arry nevt consLrucLion proposalr the a1'1,1 i r:anl- must provide a complet-ed utllity verif j.cnl i.'rr f orrn. If a r.rtility conrpalry has concerng wltlr llr'' proprosed consLruction, the utlllty repr('.:r.rrl at ive shor:l<J not dirr:ctly on the utlllty veril ical iorr fornr Lhat there ls a problem whlch needs t o lrn reso l ved. The I ssue should then be 6pe I I or.l ottL i tr det-all ln an abtached leLter to the Towrr of vaiI. tlowever, please keep in mind that lt Ls t l'.' resgronslbtltty of the utilit.y conpany l1r r r":ol ve lderrt.t f led problems. 1f tlre utlllty verlflcatlon form hag 5i,r11p,rlrt1n5 f rorn eaclt of tlre utl llty companleer dnd n' eonmetrts are made dlrectly on the form, llr" ll'()wn will presume tlrat tlrere at'e no problems;rrt,l Lltat tlre <levelopment. can proceed. These verlficabionS do noL relLeVe the t'.tnt Iactor of hi s responsi.bility to obLaln a gtreet ('rtl permit from the Towrt of Vall, Departnerrl .f I)trbli.c works and to obLaln utllitv locatlons b9!!ll1: diqqinq J-n any public right-of-nay or ea.':"rrrorrl iIl the 'I'own of Vail. A bulldlnq permlt ls Dq!,- q- S!:gqt cut perrnlL. A street cut p€rfiJ-t lrrrrrrl lro -, .\is {*. , Ftf I.)ATB: I,EGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot ADI.IRESS: OW}JF}R N RC}IITECT ZONE DIS CT E l)oes t llow mu r T I,OT lleigtr 'I'oL al P r imar Seconda Setbacks wat.er Cour site Coverag LarrdscapJ,ng Itetaining tfall t'a rk i ng carage credltl l)rive: Vlew Corrldot roachnent: Environment zards : ONE .Ll PHONE 1"''2 l"Jr t u;t _-t \propert,y ftl€lj__\ Z'/o g lerlresl- ? of tlrc Municipal ch are less than 111rrg unlt . The '' l4Ht _1 G r,. .,!'r I'R()POS BIock 4) Wetl I Prov lou tlorrs of approva- rQquest involve a 25OTAddition? f,i,th_e allowed 250 Addttion is use * *Notd:Qf fsections 18,'n.dgou.l and 18.13. ' \;". i' 'l Codel llots r lodel flots rotTgd Two Fanlly 15,00U sq. ftJ-f J.n area may ii. ln area may no\onstru Primary/Secon CommunlttDttelopmenLDeplrtmenC-meT--maygrantan'restrlctlon Drovlded the appllcant meets the c of the UUnlclitaf corle lncludlng pernanently reetrlcLlng the unlt as a long-tern,rgnEll urriL for full-tlme emplgytrs of the Upper Eagle Valley. ..,;t ..,i-,{ 10 :t tl T8 tr-6> ttI o IJ C)l+l i) ^o ,\(, AY s" C.l o UJ UI =3p !,1 A r-.t a t-t a^,1 EA ,/ b @ it) u r-O ko J+L\ o63 l..t-l trJ =z 1 l!)trJ O ,l { a /h ao ol I o o o E.t cri f a z. E.o -(J cD '{i,L' *" Y":u:f.;i;A ,rJ y' :1!!ll i ! :i5E*v I ti X -tt>> . ; l: *-E=z I _4.9+ , / |" ffi:,9;t !d ,^.*, v \/ \ a ' ..J ''J t! v UJ m (* tul : 8ti E/i gt, 1l t i tl b =r o,:nl t 5l I :; U1 tlaz 1 ln ^E !. ;q io<ut C) k't 8 I ZO(th; L;H!;CK DArE: 4'2P'a4 /l LEGAL DESCRTPTTON: r,or cJ Btock - Fllt"sro2g+ 4',8+l T-T_- ADr)REss ' aLEil Fau-+ lArlg owNER r-1a,pz. fllqtulcl?a-ahvrro*, nRcHrrEcr 4e?teL t4flD pHoNE .F,? lEf '! .r.. ii f' t, 41t .1147 61*-o1?Q- ZOI,IE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE **LOT SIZE lle I glrt. Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary ORFA Setbacks Front Sides Rear Water Course Setback slte coverage Landscaplng ReLalnlng llall Helghts Parking carage Credlt Drlve: Exlstl.nq Propose4 Total %,b' 311gJ 9.611.c-o Allowed (30)@ 4ooo + .l!-25. = +425= 20, 15' 15' ?'rl We:Atr 066t.:l 3' /61 Reqrd 4,tnt s4xt (300) (600) (e00) (1200t Pernltted Slope -9L Actual Slopd 6Wo Engirreer: ?17 View Corrldor Encroachment: Env I ronmental /Haeards : Dat.e approved by Town Yes No 1) Flood Plaln 2l Percent Slope 3) Geologlc llazards a) Snon Avalanche b) Rockfall -c) Debrls Flort 4 ) lfetlands Prevl,out condltlons of approval (check property ftlel Doee thle request lnvolve a 250 Addltlon? How mueh of the allowed 250 Addttlon {s used wlth thls request? **Note: Under Sectlons 18.12.090(B) and 18.13.080(Bl of the Municipal Codel lotg zoned lwo Famlly and Prlmary/Secondary whlch are less than 15,000 sq. ft. ln aiea may not construct a second dwelllng unlt. The conmunlty Developnent Department may grant an ettceptlon to thls restrlctl.on provlded the appllcant neets the crlterla set- forth under Sectlons 1d.12.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Munlclpal Corle lncludlng perrnanently testflctlng the unlt as a long-term rental unl.L for full- tlme employees of the Upper Eagle Valley 10 i ti r t Irt H F' I t:l' t'.t L' Ir ii: H [" t", H [, [i h .,ja [: rt. h, i. I .;;" SUBDIVISION .]OB NAME LOT BLOCK FILING ADDRESS The locatlon and avallablllLy of utilltlesl "whethgr they be main trunk llnei iir proposed llnes, must be approved and"ver:i.f ied by the followlng utllltles for the accompanylng slte plan. Dat-e U. S. t{est Communicatlons 1-8 00- 922-198? 458-6860 or 949-4530 Public ServLce Company 94 9-5? 81 Gary llall lloly Cross Electr{c Assoc. 94 9-5892 Ted Husky/UiclraeI Laverty Herit.age Cablevlslon T.v. 9 4 9-5530 Steve ltlatt' Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanltatlon DlshricL * 476-7480 Fred Haslee NOTE: 2. 3. I !: * please brlng a slte plan, floor plan, and elevatlons wlrcrr obtalnlng Upp6r Eagle taffiy !{ater 5' Santtatlon elgnatures. Flre flow needs musl be addressed. i li h$ii I i i i I i- . f'r rli ,k!I lf,i !"ri i.,r ii.:t Fi' r [.*hl ! r'.t,: L': , iir i!' t.' ,E{ t,l !i1 : ,l i:,. t: 4. 5. Authorized Slqnature .- Thls form ls to verlfy servlce avallabilil-y and locatlon. Thls should be used ln conjuncl-ion with 'preparlng your uLlllty plan and schedullnq lnstallatl-ons. For any new constructlon propogal, the applicarrt rnust piovlde a conpleted utlllty verificalion form. If a utlllty cornpany has concerns wlth Llre proposed constructlon, the uttllty represerrtative should not dlrectly on the utlllty verlficaLlon form that there ls a problem whlch needs to be resolved. The lssue should then be spelled out ln detall ln an attached letter to the Town of Vall ' However, please keep ln mlnd that lt ls tlte responslbtllty of the uttltty company to resolve ldentlfled problems. If the uttllty verlflcatlon form has sigrratures from each of the utlltty comPanlesl ind no conments are made dlrectly on the form, the Town wlll presume that there are no problens and that the developnent can Proceed. These verlflcatlons do not relLeve the cotrtractor of hts responsJ.btltty to obtal-n a atfeet cut permlt from the Town of Vall; Department of Publlc worke and to obtaln utllltv locatlons before diqqlnq ln any publlc rlght-of-way-or-easement in Etre tonn of Vatt. A bulldlno Dermlt ls noj a. etreet cut oermlt. A street cut permlt must be i obtalned separatelY. 7" TOI|INOFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 3O3 -479-2 I 3 8 / 479-2 I 3 9 FAX 303-479-2452 D e parnn e nt of C omm un iry Deve lo ptne nt Bill Pierce FriElen Pierce Briner 1000 Lionsridge Loop Vail, CO 81657 vla tacslmlle 476.4.901 RE: Assenmacher Resldence, Lot 5 Forest Glen Subdlvlslon/ 4455 Glens Falls Lane Dear Bill: This letter is in response to our conversation yesterday as well as your letter dated May 13, 1993 regarding the driveway design for the Assenmacher residence at 4455 Glens Falls Lane/ Lot 5, Forest Glen Subdivision. As we discussed, based on my conversations with Mike McGee (Fire Marshall) and Greg Hall (Acting Public Works Director), the driveway width at 12 feet is acceptable to serve two dwelling units; if the driveway is to be used at a later date to serve more than two units (i.e. common acc€ss to lot 6), then it will be required to be widened lo 22 feet for that portion which will serve more than two units per the town's subdivision standards (please see section 17.28.330 (A9) of the Municipal Code). Also, it is not required that the residence be sprinkled as it has adequate Fire Department access. However, Mike McGee has expressed that the turn-around area lor the driveway as designed would make it difficult for a firetruck to maneuver properly. Therefore, I strongly recommend that you contact Mlke McGee dlrectly at 479-2135 to galn his lnput on lmprovements to the turn-around deslgn. Please feel free to contact me at the above address or phone number if I can help answer any further questions that you may have. Timothy Devlin Town Planner Greg Hall Mike McGee May 14, 1993 May 13, 1993 'r'In Devlln I'oim of Vall Comnunity Development 75 S. Frontaqe Rd.VaiI, CO 8155? Rer A6Beneacher Reeidence Dear Timr Ehanke for your guick reEponEe to my per our conversation this morn-Lngr - The driveway wldth muet be 22 feet i.ng more than 2 units (uhen Lot G able this can be deter.nlned). - - Page 1 tov0513.rJoe 13-lday-93' , i PosT fff tcE 80x s7 t000 LtoNsRtDeE [00p vAtr coLoMDO6t r3.r!r;tl.r|r,(.r^arttr rrE tlN iry yesterday. de when aenr-are avail-lans it has ad-h f will eec turnaround. the sont€nts of thi Ietter ars in- JoJ 476 6Jl2 pjl J05 475 49Ot ARTHT'Rt.MEARS, P€.. Nrtual Flprrcir Ccr*rlms 2:2 L.r' Giir A'". C{ryrrslr. Colqrdo t|230 ,01 - H r.32.16 SepleEber 4, 1991 Ur. Ron Reilly Tinberf, alJs Association 228 Ridge Street Vail. CO 81657 Dea: l{r. Rei1ly: At your reguest, r.have cornpJ.eted (a) an analysis of avala8che dynan:'cs and existing avaranche-bern capacity-at riaberfalrs, ana (b) an evaruation of the debris-flow haiarc.- This work tras iased cn a site inspection coniuc-,-ed on August 27 , 1991 and upon rev:.sed avalanche-dynanics calculations. 2. A des zone area of extrene storn An orig:nar avalanche analysis and bern specification uas conpleteC by Mr. Hans Frutiger, a Suj.ss alalanche-control eng:neer, in 1973. The anatysis reported here applies current avalanche-dyna:nics rrethods, including :nodif ied si^riss and A:nerican procedures (Sal.n, 1990; !,1tears, in prip. ) , to eompute the avalanche dynanies and adequacy ot- thL existing Lerars. The foll.orving sununarizes the nethodology used. courputational de:aiJ.s are included in the Appendix. 1: Design-avalanche ({1o0-yearrr return period) runout Clslance was deter:nined through inspection of i -regional database of extreme avalanthes. The runout disiance ends on the north side of Gore Creek assr:ning natural. terrain uithout the bern j,n place. ckness of 1.60n over the startinE was estimated by analysis of 1..heiqht, Here conputed througn apffiwiss avalanche-dynamics procedures (Sa1n, 1990). The nrnout distance uas forced to stop at the point, iets:ained in step nl,r' above. Tfre present bern configruration and Location of excavations and tennis courti rrere used in f inal cal.cul.ations. Met l1/ot,4 . Ielrie . /r&a:rtc C.al.qJfifr,lrrrrt -o the following rere]Ei.gs. about bern effectiveness Ltere leached as a resul-- of thj-s analysis and site neasureDencs' 1. The fJ-9lC--he!gE! of the design avaLanche is less than the existing bern height. 2. lhe uaxiaun deposit heiqtlt of the desigm avalanche is less than the bem height. - 3. Lateral spreadinq of the avalanche belon the be:ms 1in tfre tennis eourtE) is accurately sboltn on tbe original (Frutiger, 1973) drarings. does not require nodifications or design avalanche.The existing berru, therefore' enlargernents to nitigate tbe DEBRIS FLOWS r3he northeast corner of the unplatted parcel (on ttle west"ilde of the avalanche bertn) is strown ai Ueing wittrin a rrnoderate-hazardn ' debris-flow area on tlre 1984 To$tn of-Vait nGeologically-sensitlve arear' (GSA) naps. This includes portions of Proposed lots 5 and e, .= ifrorir on the Tinberfalls sile PIan dated 6l].}19:.. -lloderate hazard means Lots 5 and 6 and the building envelopes could be reached by rnuddy vater, sruall rocks, and-vegetative debris dUring a rare delris-f1og event. Extensj.ve building danage and/or loss of life wifl not be a problem. The return period of tbe desigm debris-flow is s 100 years. Mitigation to buifdings on Lots 5.and 6 could be accomplished_by fio-6-proofing and diiect protectlon of exposed foundation and build.iirg walli. This rnethtd has been used at other buildings in vail. ilternatelv, niti.gation could be achieved by designing a rrail settling poia ana 6ern in the flat area above the tennis courts. Finai iitigation detaits for Lots 5 and 6 depend on architectural and lindscaping details which are not currently' available. The uitigatioir on these lots, hovever, can easily be incorporated into uuitaing design without adversely affectinE adjacent public or private property- Please contact ne if you have any additional questions. Sipcerely, ( ,mL*,,l\\lPaa Afthur I. ltears, P. E. Aval.anche-control engineer Enc1. Appendix al \- | en F i ei- tre Er I ner ="u"tu. STATX ,ot . ( !'ttf t: t!,:. \;(*v.iy.r. . l ss. COUNTY OF .\i, rl, .i i _ ) - Tho foregqing instrurrrerrL was acr(nowl.edg€d before ne thls lr,day 9{ .rF.}rtll/E/ , L992, byi Konalcl H. Rlley as nanberT IIAD Five Linited Liabrrlty company, a l{yoning l,lnlted ttabirltv.company as gerrnral partner of t'irlberfarrs Associates, a col.orada general par Lnersh lp . P. 99 lly comrnisslon expires:!.i ' .''; - ,7 ,i g:t. v. Notary l_,;._{J Public i i:,/easetile.dc r itz lel, P i crce I Er i ner ="5.,""' -Lor L 18,0e7.{ squone fret 0,.U4 qcnes -\."nry/q+} --._S*- _ LO|-L lA797.1rquan O.154 ccrrs fcct P. ro )I ?* 'a- it |\. Oj 3P;, .--'- I I 8 - l6v0Je' R r '25.00i (-J5. LOT 6 e0,S63,8 squqre Feet 0,,173 ocres l:- (- i 0lt0 NoITIHEHIT{ FOIO ^v!|( colo. orwo (3011tar-50rt fllntcr-Mr.runtaln Arttgineerirrgrta EXHIEIT "p.\i\ '+tza+)-- r..\---\ $ir:-\---\ B |-r-(/) . friizlGn Pierce Br iner l-. -\t7 l 3954?6498I o P. t1 sJrrE toi tra0 v|rc! r?EEr L^,x(roql $(|.o, loala arolt trr-o t !o ,8, 18,0a7,{ rquore fert O4t4 qcres JNr-L 19,797,+ sqr,roir frrt O{J,l acrur o**+ -.* LOT-6 .40,569,6 squene fcrt 0,{Ze ocrcr r i tz len P ug4 ou.louj leltlursue4 xg puBrq i{u-l|ed erce Er i ?'re r :l pfyf -fiItsTTMnl\IT}MT}TI TO DECLANATION OF covENANTS, CONDTrIONS, RESTRTCTIONS AND EASEMEI\ITS O!' FOREST GLEII TIIIS fmST AbIENDMEM TO DBCX,ARATTON is ma<te Ots -.j-J day of Norcmba, 1992, by Timber Falls Associatcs, a colorado gcnerat pafinership ('Dccl6'f), and consrilurci an aurendment to tho Declantion of Covenants, Conditions. Rcstrictions md Ersemgrts nt Fot'cst 6lcn dated August 10, 1992, and recnrded Augrrst 19, 1992, in Bootc 58? rt pege 3?'11 ' in the oflicc of the Clerk ard Recorder of Eaglc county, colorado (thc ,Dcclantion').' WINES.FETH: . WIIEREAS, Ii'c Dectaration createrl and defined a eer{ain Privrte Pedosbi$ Aoccss Easement under Anicle IV of the Declrretion; and WIIE"REAS' for illuskative purtxr$e$ only, the flnal ptat of Fongst Olen ar rccorded in Book 5E7 at, Pagg 376 in $e rerl property rccords of Eagle County, Oolondo (tho .plat.), dcpictcd thc location of the Privats Pedesrian Access Easernent srcatcd by thc Dcclantlon; ani ',\'IIEREAS, lJcclanrrt detircs to r.nend thc Declandon to yacatc tho Rivale pcdcstrian Accegs '.nscmcnt crcatcd thcrcby ard to grant a new Privaur Pcdcstriaa Acccss Ftscmcati utd WIIERIAS, Declatant desircs to amend thc Forcst Glen Design Guidelincs to pcrmit concretc tiles or slatc, all in a nafural color tone or slatc color ar nxrf mataial, ln addition to . natural wood shingle/shakes; and \WIEREAS, Dectarant rtill esEblish herein the right of tho ownc$ of the Forcst Glen lots and their temnts and invitces to use thc s*{mming pool. tennis courts, and o[rer recreational facilitics which may also bc uscd by othcn: and WIIER'EAS, Pursusnt to Scction 5.7 of Article V of tho Dcclaration, Dcclarurt may amcnd thc Declaration at aly 'jrue urtl fru;n time ro tine sg long as D€clarant owns a[ of hb Fropeny (as defincd in the Declaration); 8rd WHEREAS, Declannt ctmntly owns rll of the Property and dcsircs to her$y amcnd , thc Declantion. NOw) THEREI"ORE, in accordance with Section 5.7 of Article V of the Dcclaration, the Declaration is hcrcby amended as follows: .r. . . .l' . V.acation..of Fasemcnt, Section 4.1 of Article fV of thc Dcclaration ir hcrcby ,Y deletcd in its cntirety arrd the caserrrilt srcatul thereby define<t as -Pool path" in thc Dccla.ratio'n I ILEY/oea nrst,jkw l1/l t/9e .l 383476494L 6}' t= | en P i e'rce Br i ncr utd dcsignated Pqrv{c Pedestrian Access Easement in irr itlusttntion on thc Ptet lr h*oby frllly . vacaled, void etd of no fomc or cffect, The easement hereby vacated ig shom on frfiiUit i aitrclitd hereto and incorponted herein togcther *ith the dcsignation "Vacated Fatimcnt.. .I Xl . ?,. ,Gl4lqf.Easernent. A ncw Section 1.1 of ArticleIVof theDeclaraHorr iphenby / I lnserted into thc Declaration, creating aad defining a Private Pedaqtrinn l,cccsr Fasement g depictcd oa Exhibit B atuched hereto and ineorporared herein, rerdhg as fullo\rs: 4.1 Path Eascmcnt. r.ots 5 a'd 6 uc hereby subjcct to, urd Declarant dr:es hcndry crearc and esnblish a pcrmanent, perpctual ald nonexclusiw ?esc- ment tor the benefit of all of the [ds, in, ol, over, undcr, Rcross aad duerigb that cerhin strip of land (0re 'Pool Path") on which a foot pattr is locatod, which rtrip of land is mor.' paaicularly shown on Exhibit B athchcd to 0ris First Amcndment to DecJaration and labelcd as ,'frivate pcrhsfiur Ac0es Eascmmq' for ingress alrJ cgress by thc owneru of the lrts a,rd their tenantr urd urvitcal ind me invitees of such tenuts betweea the L,ots Erd the s*{mrning 1ml, tennir courts and othcr facilitics located on the real property adjacent to the Propcrty to the east. 3, Desigrr Quidelines. Secdon 8.2.c of the Daign Ouidclinss refened to in $ection 3.1 0f Atticle llt 0f the Declamtion ud which are artached to 0re Dcclaration as Exhibit B is deleted and replaced by the following: rAll roof materials shall bc natural wood shingldrhakesr Grrrcrglo tile or slate, all in natural color tonc or slate ctlur." 4. Tinber Fatls C_omrnon Area. Seclion 4.4 of Articlc IV of tire Dcclarerion i3 dcleted in its entirety. At this timc, Derlarant owns the swimming pool, tennis courts, urd other recreational facilitles located on the rcal property described on Exhlbit C attached hcrcto (thc land and r*reational facilitics arc $fcncd to haeirr ar tlru 'Rccreadonal Facilitiest. ficn owncr of a lot at Furcst Glcn and such owner's tenants Eut inyitees shall bc cntitlcd td use the Recrutional t'acilities, subject to tlre obligation t0 gay a sharc of the experses of thc Recreation- al Facilitics, including ury special assessment.c. The use of the Recreational Facilitics rhall bc shererl with thc owners, {enartsr and inviiees of Timbcr Falls Co,rrdominiurns, Phasat I thruugh. XI, which consists of l 16 condorninium urrits; thc uwners, rcnan$, and invitecs of hornes aid dupLexcs lorxtcrl on k$ 12, 13, 14, lE, arld 19, uighorn Subdivision, Foufilr /rdditioni alid th6 owDsls, Bnants, afid invitees of such properly as nray be devcloped on Sitc 19 at Timbcr Falls. The expenses of the Rccreational Facilitier shall he paid for by the foregoing oqno$ on q p€r . unit basir, with e*ch condorninium unit, homo, or duplcx counting u oni unit, Any caretaier aPariilents locoled within a singlc-farnily homo construutc.d on I Forc$ CIc1 lot sfialt not bc countcd ls a sctr4,ats unit, lhe obllgation to pay expenses tbr and the right lo usa thc RccB- attc{i' facilitie$ fDr owners of Forest Olcn lots shall commcncc upon thelssuance of n ccrtifr. catg u.l'occupancy (including a tcrnporuy ccrtificatc nf rxnrrpancy) for r honre constructed on each lot at Forest Glen. Declarant nay convey titlc to thc Rocrcational Facilitics to thc Condominium Associations for Timbcr Falls, Phascs I through XI, and any such convcyancc nl !rYl0zr tilll: jhr I t/17/92 ,r 6e3+i649gl ?.o2 o- ;. t.!:!:ll i, t,i ,! 'i': Frltz let1 Pierce Br iner 3A341649OL oo P. OB t. shall bo subject to the righr: of ownem of Forcst Glen lou $ sct fonh lucin. Thc pmvisionr of dris paragraph 4 arc inEnded to crcate a restriction on dra mrl proparty dcrcribed on &ihibit C attached hereto and rhall run with the land descdbcd on Erhibit C rsa6h.d hcrcto urd shr,ll be binding upon and bc s bcnofit to Dccl.annt and the Forcst Glm lot ouncn ud Ogir hcirs, succcssors, rnd assitns. 5. 9ffu1. Except u specificdly sct forth in this First Amendment to Dcclrntion, the Dxl:r:ltion rcmains rrnchanged and in full force and effeot. This Fitsl Amcrldnant to Declarau,.'n si'all hercsftct be interpreted for all purpnsca ar pafl of tlrc Dn laratim. lN IilTfNESS WH!,REOF, Declarant has caused this First Arnendmint to Ddclaration to be executed es of the day and y€ar fust set forth above. TIMDER FALIS ASSOCTATES, a Colortdo' general pamenhlp By: RAD Fivc Limitrd Liability Company. r Wyorning Umitcd Liebility &*p.ny, General Partncr Tfic foregoing instnrmcnt was acknowledged bcfore me thir 17 dly of Novcmbcr, .1992, by Ronald II. Riley as membcr of I{AD Fiva Limitcd Ltrarbility Corrrpany, a Wyomlng Limitcd ttabilitJ Cornpany, Oencral Partoer of Tlrnber Falls Associaes, a (SorBdo Sateral partnenhtp, \\'itness my hand aad official seal. ST, co A -oRADO )., ) ss.rCM9{ } col' .Mr, rF L\ oFc la-'l YOF \TIi O: kt+ IJNVT Ir{y comrnissions cxpires: },4fu*lU.l tl, t44 f Exblbit A - vacatcd Pedeshian Acoess Fascment Extrlblt B - Rclocated Pedcstsian Acccss Easement Hhiblt C - Rcreatiortnt Fecilitie.s iI!tli/0?4 llNS:Jkr ll/17/9? LLIL*. -3- Fr i t-z l€n P ierce Br i ner 3A34?6495L P.A4 . ' |=i f-l 1;:"iE!iF'--Tll:.'' C lllrrter-Mountairr ,1}\a*oneering*a. EXHIBIT T,9T T Lg,0?7,4 squqr€ 0.414 o.cres -{qoo. \t'ore sfrtoP 'eet# +;-# aJttt r0l tr80 v^rct $Eet L|r(6.000, cc-o. aalll F0tl r*''0ltr -Lor 5.' I t .7t7,+ squarc Peet -' -b;is+-;ir"s -- / ,V 3r,JT' J0'il P,0.lor t76 0tto r.0r 1$-*t^l{ 6040 aY|aq colq. !1tt0 ltoll rrt-sitl * l{.t !n- + na f 'yr4;'3<@ b \ \I $1 \ /". + f?' F* r r,rn"' il r G ye25.l7' I Ln ^rr*, PEuLaNc s I (4, ff ,& b .LOT6 20,563.8 squore feet 0,472 qcres %?N #i= len P irrc.e Br i ner 3A3476498L -*'o=',-"P. e5 ,.0,** ara c0t0 tol ll r6t{A}a noro tv3.{ c0r0. ct8eo (30u 0{t-tt0ta I TlInter-Mountain llrtgingg*ingr'a. E rrt lci r.3o vrfcg flFSt tr.(sr6, c4.0, accta (tot, $JHula tlal.al 15, 9Lg70S o.tr / lri -.9t?!&.. u.tr..t 1|.., 2tr3 EXHIBIT ,8' LQT 4 18,0a7,4 rquon: fctt 0,{l{ qcnct Pp.\D;>-- \ Q;=.\\\-b B .t- t-(n " I 1}.lt= | en P i erce Eriner 3A34764?AL P .66 t_i o.-,; EXIIIBIT C LEGAI, DESCRIHrIOI| ,A parcsl ot land located ln the SU2 ol gectlon l?, f. !t 8.,8. 80 W, of thg 6th P.H., Tom of Vall, Eagle Countyr Colorado lore partlcularly desctlbed E3 lollowsl Boglnntng !t the lrortheast corner ot LoE 5, Ebreat as rocorded ln Book 587 at page 3?6. at the Ergla otllca. Thenc. -a-Iqlg. tha_ soutb rtne Lf I6t tl o! Blghorn suDdlvkion, Fourth Addltlon, s ger00r00r E, ltl.00 re€t to thr Southrart eornei of s.rld IpU lli thence, S 22.o0ro0n E, rlong tba South llnr o! lot 12, Dlghorn Subdlvlslon, Fourth f,ddltlon, 285.e7 fest, Ul.nce S 58.?113{: lf, along the Eaetarly edge ol a avalancha r:un-out zone,220.55 fert to the l{orth llnc of fluber Pallr Phass g, th.nc.lf 85.21t3{r If, along the Hortherly ltne ol srld phare g, e dlrtance of-60,_32 leeti thence S 27r0lr?ln lf, elong tla feetarly llnc o!salil Phase 9, a dletance of 106.97 feet, to ttre SouthseEtborncr ol erld Phase 9, alao bolng the }|orthrest corner of Tlrbar Pellc Phase 8i thencE s {5o58r49r H, along Ure l{cstarly llne .ot rald Phase 8, a dtetanc€ of 128.5? feet, to tha Sorrthvesf corner of rald Phrse 8r al6o b€lnE tha NorthHest co ncr o! tlubar ?alla Dhase ?1 thenca S l5r29r23r l{r alonq the Heaterly llnr ol rald Pharr ?, a dlstanca of 5t,97 feat, to tha Ealterly edge o! e rvalanelrr r[n-out zonel tlence s !8.22.47n 1, along slld avalenche Hn-out zon.,l?8.6{ fect,' lhence }l 89t57n00r f, 355.10 leet; thence X 36 {5'90" B, 159.89 feel, to the South llne of ll;t, I, FastetClcn Subdlvlrloni then$ S 3314{r58il F, rlonq the souLh llnc of setd lrt f', 'r dlstancs of 25.90 tset,i thahcr alonE the Eest llnc o! reld Foresl GIen Subdlvlglon the follovlng thrre oour3.i: thenqr ll 62.22r36n €r 1??.1? teett thinc. lf 39ra2r!3i E. 13?.91 t{rt, thencr ll 31.35t26r B, l56,tg l.re,to tJre polnt of beElnn{ng, containlng 2?9.19? Bqurr€acrel Eorg'or legg. Glen gubdlvlrlon County tecorderr (cot and 6.{0 I tlr{U0 |.rt'JIr lr/ltlta eoir- irt,r,o"o l$ "olt*9sl9 38s476498I P. Ar ^- ' rl -\V ..r: u4rLo{ )v*salJat""*t "--f' , :: itz len r':Jt-i er€e Br iner ,l '' I fI{IsEASEMENfA],InJoIxTMAINTENANCEDECIiRATI.o-N..(t}€ 'f DecLqrstionrr) rs nrade as of =-N., it'".q,.t, !-3---J- 1992t ' by rinbcrfatr. le"o"iai.i, ; coror-[EoTffiIGltnershlp (thc rrpgqyaranbrr) . -Enlefi Eff F-eND---JA.Il{Lrt4lNrENaI!9IEclrRArroN HTTNTSSFTTH I IIIIERTAC, Doclarant is the owncr of the.re-al Dfop€rty '+t-citti in EaEle County, 'Coforado ancl ntore particrrlariy descflbed 'aE and ;.'ll";l'f".Iy, ttte tirrop€rtyrr )' I,IHEREAS, connects wlth on Exhlb:L! A dis@:'"eon ln- e.ra== Easenent" lthi t'Easanont Strlptl) ' nrent shall J-nclrrrie, withouf, lirnitation,-the g sutrlace follows i boclaration there shaLl hp dperneri and one for Lot 6. the t"ro ovnets a purtion of the lropcrty ie a st'r-ip of landl uhich Glen Falrs rJans anfli"lnt morc particularly described -atiiit,*a hereto and iicorpoiatod trerein wlth the WHER!:AS, IJeclaran! rvishes to cenvey o pern81?lot.-noncxcluE:Lvc ease:[ent to the UenEif <;f l:r.rLs 5 an'i 6 in, Jn, ovctr, undert acrcss and through tne Easenent st'rip fcrr crccess purpores; ano M{EREAS, DaclaranE ulehes to. pr"ovitle for tha cofiaon rnaintli.aiice-ina repelr of che Easenent strip' iriii"Iv'p"tF;;";', :u;.dj"u1;! and pedeitrian a-c-cess-a.n{.,l49reea and ;;;";" i"'rna r':"^-"act' oi l;ti i.ulf--6.!-o G-r."1 :lJ,.lP *n3:- +*-g Nol'l, THERErORE, De-clarant does hereby publislr and declarc that each of Lot 's'ana Lot 6 snall be hel-dr-soldr'6ud cenveycd Jii[i""i-i.-inJ forroirinq tovenant", condltlohs, restriutj'ons and Iir,ll,,"nts, "ntctr ai* foi the purpose or protectln?.ttre vglue and ;;il;i;ility of ="'i[ i.ir -lr.i.rly, ano inich tha].l run witlr the iila-;"d;; birdi;; ;t afi iarriis arc heirs, suocess.orE,-_and ;;ils;;';l:paitiJJ'ti"uJis inv'rieht, tltle, or intereFt ln au or inv-part of-Lot 5 or Lot 5. ; 1. DeclaratLon. Lots 5 and 6 are hereby subject to-, ancl the Dcnl ^rant does hereby Co:lvey' a perrnanent-r. PQroetUaI anCl nanaxelrrs{',.rt ""=",rlJnu'i;ei'="oL;i'r1',' fJr ih; ;;;;iit-qt.-r'ots 5 and '6 in, on, ovF.r, ttnl?-t,'aclos" "td throuqh t-h"-Ii-""Ielt-*1t-B ::I 2. JqiEt--Uaitrlel1a-lce of Easqrent stTlb ent st?lb. For purito3es of thls tn ue tub ofln8rs, one for Lot 5 ofln8rs, one for Lot 5 of the FropertY shall be'iointl! Jr".lel.] P iertre Br i ner 5e5f64es1 respclr6ible for maintaininq and keepinq tlre Easdnent Sbrip'in good repiir and for the reasonable maintenance, r€Pii!, upkea! and reblacement of all inprovements located on the Easenent -Strip.AIi costs and expenses related such rnaintenance. repalr. and replacenent and any capital exFenditures related to the Easenent Stiip approved by the owners in accordance hereltlth 5ha11 be divided equally bet'leen the two owners, except- for any exFense or liabl1ity - caused through the neg'l lgence or trl .l I frr'I. act of any ouner, h1s farnily, agent or invitec, uhich shall ha borne solely by such owner. The ouners rnay frorn tinre tn ti.rne appoint one ouner ai a nanagingi oune.r (the rtllanagi.ng owner'r) thrauqh nutual approvel .of suih appoi.ntrnent . The Managinr; o ner trould handle ell adnini.+trative uatters trith respect to and ovtrit. suclr maintenance, repair, upkeep and rep!.acenrent of the Eaeenent, strip and all iinprovenentc thareon. Aftcrhativcly, thc owncrs $Ey by mutucl Egrc-cnrcnt adopt o plan for the adnlnistration of 6ush cornnon nrointenancc, repair ind rtplacenent not involving a I'tanaElng ourrGE o The otrners miy also by ntutual, agreenent apProvc - gapltal t6G'5 ana- 6 are sold, by lJeclarant, t'he o'r,ner ol the r,og purchased lron Declarant after Ehe construction ot such driveway 6haII snatg proportlonately in the construction costs of that -p-ortion of the proportlonately in the constfuction costs or tnat -p-ortton ot cne itrilelray h'hich the two Lot owners viII share, as follows: if,. sueh owner pirrchases within two years after conpletion of constructlon costs equallyi 1t purchascal from two years after con'pletion to forrr years after bonrpletion, such ne!, owner will pay aOt pf.the costs of the drivevay, the tuo L-ot owners will. -share the conetructlon Xt {r 6i ionsir.lctioni lnd if purchased over four veafs aftip oongletion The driveway tb be constructed within the Easement stiip ehall be P.A2 #*xpenditures foi projects rclating ts the Dasement Strip.. -Th1 ownerg shaLI cq,rrs witlrin It d nanncr ch gauses a expresE cl hat Lhe owners e trees uu()n ihe event tne drlveuay is constructed crtvetJay -.:. ora boEn e e asonably iracticable given the restrictions on such conitrueti]on idi.ncuEaetl above. OnIy one dri.ve-way is pernit.te<t sithin thc stE exceot where-clt eway s Bepara Notwithstandlng any other 'Declarant shall not be Iiablo or as a lot owrrer contained heroin. 3. Enfcrcenent. (a) If an o!.ncr, of an1 porforh or pay his share of any Pr ovre l onE rosponciblc, tiner shall obl igation Jtt=len Pieroe Briner 5su6'4eol "tfSI oHner. rnay, but shall hor ba ob].igeteil to, aftcr, 20 dayE wrltt€n notice to the ouner so fairlng to -perforn itrri .o"roultirro o'nerrr) unless the circrrrn.stanees rc{rire- toncdiaie ""ti-"rr, -*iiiE such paynent, or, on trehalf of euch oefaurting owner, expenrl such sun-as nay be- n_eceArary to p€rfofir euoh obli{ation. ' A1l uums so paid or expenderl hy ln oyner, vith intcreat thlreon at, Ure rate of 18* pe-r annr.rm fron the date of euch papnent or expenoituie;-Jhali hc payable b,y tle Defaurting owner -ufon deruarni ir tne orriner Jo paying ^(t!..rrpaylng owncrrr). arl surni ao denancred buc unpaio oi the Dcfaulting ouner shal.t constilute a rlen on the tee- siurpri cstate of the oefaulting owner. in favor of the payirrg owner prioi bo all other lirns and encunrblrrqceel except: (i) -r16ne ror tiiii and opeclar asreeanents; arrtr (ii) rhe llan ot iny flrst mcrtgjgi or first deed of trust encurnbering such lee slnpld estate wtrlcfr is recorded prlor to tlre date on r+r}rtch the -obtigation becani delinquent. The llen sharl attach fron the date rrtien the unpeid cura sharl becone due and nay be torecrosed in ltke nanner a3 a nurtgage on real property. To evidence such a lien, written nottrce of the llen shall be prepared, setting forth the aurount of the unpald hdebtedness, the date upon which the indebtedness became due, th€ nane of the Defaultlng owner, and descriptlon of ttrs fee sinrple estate to uhich the lien shall attach. such notice ehall be eLgned by the ofner or the ovnerre agent in whoee favor the llen shall be filed, and the llen shall be recorded in the offlce of f-he Clerk and Recorder of the'County of Eagle, Coloradr:. In anv foreclosure or other collectlon proceedlngs, thc DefaultinE onnci shall be required. to pay thA costs -and rxpenees of euoh proceedings, lncludlnE reasonable attorneyrs fees-. (b) The Ilen provideit for: harein ehalt be rubord{nate to thc lien of any firdt nortgage or fir:st cleed of trugt wbich ie resordcd pfior-to the date on whle.h. the. obligatl,on bccarne-du€r includlng all additional advanees on said flrst :nortgage or fLrot'dccd of tfoet.s^le or transfer of any fcc eirqrre eotato Ec thi reeurt ol court forecroeure or a Dort,gage f,orecloeurc through the public trustee,or any proeecding ln rieu of forcsroeure, ahalt cxtj-ngursh the lleir as to- payraente thcrcof vhich beeouc due ;rrlor to t;suolr sale or trancfcr, but sha1l not rclieve any forner oviler.i ol liablllty thcrcfor. fhe flrst nortgagee of suclr .Cee simp'!'e ,estate wni lcqulres tltle by woy of foreclosul's er the tatcln-gl: of a deed ln lieu thereof, sha-ll ngt, however., be llable !or-iany past due amounts_ and_/or obligatlonu due hereunder and 6harl: o-nt-y oecone 1iable for future amuunt6 and/or obllgatlons on the aite. it becomes the o"vrrer of suqh fee slnple estate. $o saLe or trahsfer eharr rerLeve such fee slnple estate tron llabirrty for, any anounii and,/or obllgations thereafter beconing due -or fion'-the tien ther€ot. rn the event of, the sare oq -transfer of,]f,a lfee slnpre estate wlth respect, to h'hlch suns shall be unpaid by'a;; Defaultins C,wner, except Eransters to a first mortgage in. qonfrection with a toreqlosure ot 1t6 j.ien or a deed in lieu thereof r ithe pqgqh$s1 P, 93 ri J, "= | e?'1 P i erce Br i ner sssf 64ee r otlpr orrner. hay' but sbarr hot be cb.ltgated to, after ,eo days ltrltten notice to rhe o'#ner so failing ro perforn ith. uoefoultlirs ownerrt) unless the circunstanees reguire- inncdiate actron, -rqiilE sUch paynent, cr. on behalf of such E:efaulting Ornerr"ixpend such sum-as may be necessary to perform euch obltiatlo:r. nri suhi so paid or expended by an owner, with interes! ttieresrr at the ratg of 18t per annun from the date of €uch palbent or expenditure, ghall be payable by the negaurting owncr'upon dcuana ilr tne ovner 60 paying (tlre.ttPaytng orvncr"). ,\Il surni so dcnarrded Uut unpafd [y the Defaulr.tng owner shalt constitute a lien on the ree'sgipil estate of the Defaulting owner in favur.<rf the.raying o$nBr piior to a].l ather liene and cncunbrances, except: (1) -ri6ns for taxes'ahd sFeciar assecolircntep and (ii) Lhe rlbn of any flrst nortgage or f,irst deed of trusf encunberirrg such lee sirnpld estate vhicfr {E recordcd prior co the daLe on r+hlch the obliEatl0n ,b-eiane delinqucnt. rhe tien shalr aLr-ach fron the aate rhen the tinpaia e'un chqrl besome due, and rnay be lDreclosed in llke Dannet iE a mortEagc on r@al ir::oper-by. Te evidence Euch a licn, tEitten.notlee of thc lien shall be pgepared, serting torth thE anount o! the unpaid indebtedless, the date upon which the indebtednesg becale due, the rrarre of the Defaulting owner, and descrlptlon of the feE slmpre esLate to which rhe lien sharl attach. sich notlco ;hill . be signecl by the owner or the ownerrs agent in thosE favor tha llen sharl be flled, and Ehe rlen shall be recorded ln the olflce of the clerr( aho Recorder of the county of Eagla, Colorado. rn any forecrosure or other coliection proceedincs, the Defaultlng ounei sha1l be required. to pay the costs and expenses of sueh proceedlngs, including r€asonable attorneyrs feas- (b) The. lien proviCed for herein shal l be subordlnatc to the lien of any first F.ortgage or f irst deed of trust r.'hich 1e reccrdoil pligl.to the date on which the.obtigation bEcanc due, Inoludlng all.additional advances on said first mnrtgage or first d.ecd of ti,rgt,SaIe or transfer of any fee sirrrpln aslaie as the reEult of, court foreclosure or a nortgage foreelosure through the puUlic.ttrustce,.ar any proceedinq in lieu of foreelosure, strall extinguish thc lleir as to payrTlents thereof which becone due prior to -iuch 6ala or transfer, but shall not rclieve any formlr orner bt ftablflty therefor. The fi.rst nortgagee of such fcc simple.: estate .wh6 gcguires tinlp by way of fordcro.ure or the takirig of la dee<t ln lieu thereof. sha^l| n9t, hotrevar, be liatrle for- any past due ar orlnts and,/or obligotlons due hereurrtler and shall i rjnfi beCom€liabre for frrturo anounta and/or ubligat,i.ons on the aa€e ld becobes the c'^'nsr of ouch fee sinple esLaLe. l{o sare or trhnJtei sniii relieve euch f ee sirnple estaLe f rom ltabillty for:;,any anoullts and/or _ obrigario;rs u:egeafter beconring due br rrbn .'ttrl llen thorcof. rn the everL of the sale or -transfer ol a fee slnple cEtate Hith respect tu whLch suns sharr re unpaid uy I beraurtins o'./ner, cxcept trausfers to a frrst nortgage in coniebtfon-u-f{tr--i forcolosure of its ]ien or a deed in ri-eu-theieof, trr"-pririliier P. A4 i-t z I en P i er ce Er i ner 3eu61se I or other transterae of a interest ln such fe6 sinpla egtaCe ahal1 b.e Jolntry and severarry. -rlabre \dith the serrei of transt.ror thereof for any such unpaid surns. (cl . Upon uritten .. reguest . of any olJner, nortgagee,prospectlve n_ortgagee, purchhser or other prospectiia transtirci of a_tee sinple estate, t.he owners of the other iee nluple .EtetEs sharr lssue a pritten statement setting forth the anound oued uncor this paragraph 3, if any. Such stalement ie f,inafng upon tlre executing awner in favor of any person who nay rery therEon'tn-Eola falth. unlese a request for such statenent ihatr'be conplt.id;lBh.wlthin 14 business days after receipt rhereof, arf uiip-a1d ;ii;'which becone due prior to the date of 'rakint'request shell be subordinated to the lien or other intcr:cst af thi peieon r.gueetrng euch statement. . (d) Eaeh proviEion of this Deelgrstion Ehalr, bc cnforceabre ly. ^n{ . owner .by a ;lroeeeding. for I prohibltivc or nandatory injunction or by a euit or ection to recover danagos. rl courl proeeedlngs arc institutod in' connection with €tr. rlghUu ot enforcenent. and retnodics provided in thid oecraratlen, tbe prevaillng party chal1 be entitled to recover lLs sosts and cxpcnseB i,n conncction lhererrith, inclu,ling reasonable attorncyrg fces. . (e) Each ouner- hereby dgf,ees tha-_ any and all acElons in equity or at larr which a.c initituted to ehforcs any proviir-n hereuncer shalr be Lr.cougbt in ancl only in the courts of the county o! Eagler State ef Colorad,o. (f) ralrure ro entorce any provrsion of this Dcclaratlon sharl not operate as a naiver of any such provision, the riqti€ to.enforce -such provision thereafter, -cr of hny othei provtsion oi thls Declaration. (S) Any exercise of anir right qranted hereunderj,by one ouner '/ith. _respect to any other ownerrs 1ot, incLuding but..not liuitad to, the use of the Easen'ent, stlall be exerclsed in ainanner rrhich shall not unreasonably hinder, inpede or impose upo-n such other ovnerre use of his lot or tbe Easelrent Strip. - ,'i, ': P. 95 4. ceneral Provjgigas. (g) NpgCe. Eaeh o-*ner: shalJ. ::egieter ite rnailLng addreea wlth the other olrners anrl all notices or dsrnande intqnaled to be served upon owners shnll he sent by certified nal!, postaqe prepald, acdresseri in thp nane of th6 ownar at such.regiotiilJ mailinE-address. rn_the alternative, noticcc roy l..,a"iiil;-r;in writing, personal.ly to ovners. - ] :, P.s6 {h) r\latl-oF._ Bar;lr provrslon.in this Dectaration.whieh ie subjeet to thc law6 or ruies sonetln;s-ilieiiii-ti ," rhe rure againct . perpetuities. or the rulJ--piJfiiiiilns - unreagoneble rcclroints on atierrarlon shall continue'ana iJrnali i"-tuii;;;;;and effecr for Lhe.perlod of twenty-one (Zt)-ydil; -f"rf"ring-lfr" dcath of the survlvor ot the now- laufui- iiv'rnE tascendants of charl€s, the n<rw current prlnce of t{ales, or untjl-this oaetaration is termirraLed as hereinatter.provided, uirrcleveiiliet, occurs. Arr othel trrrovlsLons. contained in thiE Diclaration sharr contlnuo and rerdin tn full torce and effect until January 1 in the y."r acio A.D., and thereafter shalr be automaticall.y extanded for succeaclve perlods or_ t_en (10) years_ each; unreee thG oecraration ro "riiiid or revolsed Dy recorded instrunent signect by arl owncre and all lrenors holding a firEt nortgage or f{rst deld o! truct of recorcl on any portlon of tbe property. (c). .flr-dendnent o\.Revocat{on, This Deolaratlon nay be arnend.ed at any tine upon vritten approvar in reoordable f,o-rn uf boEh ouners. fhe covenants and reetrictione of thic DecraraLion sharr be anended or rev-oke<l .only by an instrurgcnt whislr "prcrircdiri refers to this Declaration and which ls rigned by both br tne weir existing ourrArs. .Any aruend:nont au6t be p-roperl'y record.eal at the office of the clerk and Recordcr of the cburrLy of nagle, state-of Colorado. (d) -Effee-b of Frovlsions of Deqraratlon. f,ach provision of this oeolarstlon, and any agreement, pFom,ise, covenant and undertaking to conpry wiilr each provlsion ol this becraration, ana aTy. Irccesiary exenption or reservatLon or grant of tltle, estate,r+ghr or intcfest Lu effectuare any provl.Eion of this Declaratloni .(it ohatr be deerrred incorporated -rn-each deed or otber inJtiGaiii by which. any right, rltle or. interest ln any portion of -[rre Property is granted, devlsed or ccnveyed, thethel or not set forth or rcfer|ed to ln such deed or other- iistrulrent; (it) sha11 , hy virtue ol accepta[ce of any right, titre qr inteieit'i-li'any pnrtr"i,of ^Llre p-roperty by an owner, be deerned accepted, ratifledl idopted I alrtl decl"ared as a personar covenant of -such owner and, i- a personal covenant, shalr be binding on such o!fiier and his'helre,personal repfesentatives, successofs and assigns,. ind, shall bir dee[ed a personal col'enant to, with and for tire bcnefit of each owner of any portion of the property, anrt (iit) shall bo deened, a real covenant by.Dec1arant, for ltseif, ite succ€EEoro':.ond aasigns,and. arso_an equitabre servitucte, rrrnning, in eacb oasc, as a bur,lell with and upon the tltle to cach and-cvery fce sinpLe eelate eonprisinq the Property. - . (g) SeverFbi-l ity. Invalidlty _ or unenforceaUifity ol &ny provision.of this trcelaration in wlioto or in part snarr nlot atrect the vallclity 9r enforecability of any other p'rovisior,'.'o. any viiia .and enforceaLrle part of a provicion of this olclaratlon whlc-n shall irztEn pielc'e Briner 3E3fl64eal P.A7 (b) erdi+: Eech provisiur.in rhtB Deelaratlon ihrch is eubject to the rarn's or rule-'=on,eLimes-;;;eil;a-1; aJ tirE-iuii ageinst parpetuitics or ilre rule pronini{inf- unreasonabrc resf.raints on arienation sharr q:ontlnue and rernain rn iui-i--tJiEE and €rfecr ror th:,n91io1 cr Lwenry-one_ (2!). Vtiii t6rfilid-H;death of tho survivor of Lrre now' tawrui iiv'1n;t;;enaanis -;i charree, thc now curtent prince of wales, "r uniri'tril?oeciilltion ie ternlnatcd as hereincf rer. proviilE6, wirtctreveiitilCo-C-c-ui-J.- iii othcr provisions ';oDLalned tn tnis oicraration strltt-co-n-tTriue iii rornaln in fulr fprr:e and erfecr untit];nu;ry'i'i;ifr. y6ar zo.2o A.b., and therearLer shall ue automittcally ii€enaea'f-oi succeeslfa pcriods_of_ telr (10) y€ars each; unress thi:s oeciiritro; G-;;e;d or revoked_ by recordecl lnstrunent signed by att orrrrilrs rnd all tieno::s hordi*g a rlrsr nortgage or f i-rst ae'ea or firili or i.;Jia on any purtion of the property. . (c). .rAnendnent cr,Revocation. This Decrarat{on rnay be auended aL any tlne upon written approval in recordable fo'rn of both ovrners. 'j'ne covenants and restrictions of thin DFcluatlon eharr be anend€d or rev.oked. .only bl an insrruncnt whieh ;p""ift.iifi refers Eo this Decraration and which is signed by both tt tue ttrei existlng-owner€-. Any anendnent must be piaperly re.oraco of the otflce of the clerk and Recorder of r.he cturrty o'e eagtur Otate of Colora do. ($) _Effecf. of Drovisinns of De_claralion. Dach provislon of Enrs DecJ,aratlon, and. any aEreenent, prouice, c6venant, and undert.rking to cohFly with dach provision o'f trris ileciiratlon, iiia any neceasary exenption or reecrvction or.gEanL of tltle, esiat,e,{lsht or interest to effactuatc any provision ef thl3 Declaratlonl (i) shall be- deanec incoaprer.qgea in'each creerl or oiher Gc;ru[;;i by which.anl' rrsht, tirlc or interesL in any -p-6riion-i-c afle Property l-s granted, dcviced or conveyed, whethel di not eet forth or refcrred to in ouch deed or oilre.i. instrunent, (lij "titi,.6i vl-rtu'r of acccptanco of any right, LiLre or lnt,ereic'in:tanv Fortion of -f-hc p_lopsrry by an owner, bL rreenred uccepieo, iatiiiel'i fiilili anrr coclared aE r personal cgvenant or 'suin onneil ida;-;i--;personar ccvenanr, ghalt be b.incling on 6uch or+nei i-ne [iJ'uelr",personal ropr.sentqtivcs, ",rccessols ana issfgns, iirl, ;5;11-. ;;decncd a porsonal. cove_narrL Eo, wlth and ror thJ leiictit-6i-ia;[own€r of any portior. oc the property, and (iil) sniiri:ue deeuea-i real qovenant by De!:Jdrant,f ror itseii, it" buccissols-Aia ii"rgi.l -1ll'ot-11on equlLabre servitude, running, in ealliiiEe,las a burden urtn and ulrun the ticle to each and every fee sinpla eetate conprisiDg Lhe property. ], . (9) Severabilig-v, :nvaudity or unenforceabl rity of eny provlsls'' ot rhis Declaration in wliote or:i'n i#i;h"U not affeqt the varirrjrv or enror-ceability or any o[nui'piiii=iin €r"iiv i;ii;and e:rfqrgceable part of a provislon o-r tiri= olci.iiliJn'I"r,i"L "i;li sl itzlen P i e;ce Br i ner 38161e61 P. BB t',smaJrr in futl force ancl effect -(f) captions-. Th_e captions_and head.lngs in thrs instruroent arc for conveniencg.qnly an:d sha.rl not ba corisra."oi-ii conctrui;g any provlsions of this beclaration, --^ .-!ql .9onst.rJctio4. When necessary for proper eonstruct:Lon,cne mescur.ine of any word used in this- Decla-rat'lon .rii[ i;;iua;the feninine or neuter gender, and tbe stn$rrai-ih"-prur"r, -iiJ vice verea -r-- ' - (h) - Fevarnino L+w. this Dec1ar:ation is nade and cr(ccuted y.ndei.ancl rn respect trill be governed anrl eanstrued bv the rnns'of tne state of Colorado uhere the property is sltuatedl rN l,lrrNEgs WHEREOF. . the rrndersigned belng th6 Deorarant herein, has hcreunder set lts hand and ccar as otihc-iay and year first above vritten. I Dy; RArg F1v€ LlEited Liablllty conpany, a vlyotllng Llnited Llabillty company, General partnef ERFAIJLS a Cololcdo parLrrershlp Ronal. Menber ASSOCTATES, genBral t ORDINANCE NO.36 Series of 1991 d|-o AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLTSHMENT OF SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 27, FOREST GLEN (A.K.A. TIMBER FALLS); ADOPTTNG A DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 27. IN ACCORDANCE WITH CHAPTER 18.40 OF THE VAIL MUNICIPAL CODE AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN REGARD THERETO. WHEREAS, Chapter 18.40 of the Vail Municipal Code authorizes Special Development Districts within the Town in order to encourage flexibilig in the development of land; and WHEBEAS, application has been made for Special Developrnent District approvalfor a certain parcel of property within the Town, generally described as an unplatted parcel located East of Nugget Lane and south of Gore Creek and legally described in the attached Exhibit A; WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 18.66.140, the Planning and Environmental Gommission held a public hearing on the proposed SDD, and has submitted a recommendation for approval to the Town Council; and WHEREAS, all notices as required by Section .t8.66.080 have been sent to the appropriate parties; and WHEREAS, the Town Council has held a public hearing as required by Ghapfer 18.66 of the Vail Municipal Code. NOW, THEREFOHE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO THAT: Section 1 The Town Council finds that all the procedures lor Special Development Districts in chapter 18.40 of the Municipal code ol the Town of vail have been fully satisfied. Section 2 A Special Development Dislrict is established lo assure comprehensive development and use of an area in a manner that would be harmonious with the gqneral character of the Town, l provide adequate open space and promote the objectives ol tlre Zoning Ordinance of the Town. Section 3 The Town Council finds that the development plan for Special Development District No. 27 meets each ol the standards set forth in Section 18.40.080 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail or demonstrates that either one or more of them is not applicable, or that a practical ll,f'1' nd /"4)'J F;,2c4- 5/.4',;q Tav.Qa- /"'l ^ F',4 i /-f ,* Ae t -h*/^- %.. Qa- d \ C^,".Zq ,D tr;-,p P^4^l -v solution consistent with the public interest has been achieved. In accordance wilh Section 18.40.O+0, the development plan for Special Development District No. 27 is approved. The development plan is comprised of those plans submitted by Inter-Mountain Engineering, Ltd., and consists of the following documents: 1. Topographical Survey; dated 4/6/82, sheet 1 of 1, revised 1014184 and 1/29/85. 2. Slope Analysis; dated gl4l91, sheet 1 of 1. 3. Tree Locations;dated 6/10/91, sheet 1 of 1, revised 6123191. The development plan is also comprised of those plans submitted by Dennis Anderson Associates, lnc., and consists ot the following: 1. lllustrative;Site Plan; dated 9/9/91. 2. Preliminary Site Plan; dated 6/10/91, sheet 1 of 1, revised 6123191. The development plan also requires the approval of the Final Plat lor the major suMivision, as approved by the Town's Planning and Environmental Commission. Section 4 Development standards for Special Development District No. 27 are approved by the Town Council as a part of the approved development plan as follows: A. SETBACKS: Setbacks shall be 20 feet front, 20 feet rear, 15 feet sides and as further restricled on the development plans set forth in Section 3 of this Ordinance. B. HEIGHT: Building height, for a sloping roof, shall not exceed 33 feet {rom exisling or finished grade, whichever is more restrictive. C. DENSITY: Development in SDD No. 27 shallbe limited to 1 single family dwelling for Lots 10 and 1 1; and to 1 single family dwelling, with an optional caretaker unit, for Lots 1-9 and 12-14. Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) shall be as described in Section 18.04 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. lt should also be noted that the provision for an additional 425 sq. ft. of GRFA, which is applicable to certain zone districts, does not apply to this Special Development District. The GRFA for SDD No. 27 shall be allocated as follows: Lot 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 11 12 13 14 Maximum Allowable GRFA 4,500' 4,500' 4,300' 4,500' 5,000' 4,000 4,800 5,000 4,800 4,500 4,000 4,300" 4,300" 4,200" T,h 42s_ f aln zzs f ;'^ aA wfiJA /* Hl 5bb I o.rl'{ " 1. On Lots 1-5, the maximum allowable GRFA listed includes a minimum of 1,000 sq. ft., which shall be utilized as basement space, located subslantially below existing grade. The maximum allowable GBFA on these lots lor the above ground space is the total GRFA listed above minus 1,000 sq. ft. lt is not a requirement that any dwelling unit have 1,000 sq. ft. of basement space, but if a lot owner wishes to utilize all the allowable GRFA for a given lot, then a minimum of 1,000 sq. ft. shall be required to be utilized as basement space. On Lots 12-14, 500 sq. ft. of the maximum allowable GRFA shail be utilized only as basement space, as describqd above. { Allcaretaker units shallbe restricted to a ma<imum GRFA of 900 square feet. Any and all GRFA utlllzed tor the constructlon of a caretaker unlt shall be deducted lrom the maxlmum allowable GBFA for the speclflc lot the caretaker unlt ls located upon. No caretaker unit shall be sold, transferred, conveyed or subdivided separately from the main, or primary unit. 2. .:'.. U No caretaker unit shall be leased or rented lor any period less than 30 consecutive days. The above llsted restrlctlons (numbers 1€) for caretaker unlls shall be agreed to ln wrltlng, by the lot owner(s), prlor to the Town's lssuance ol a bulldlng permlt lor the unlt. sald agreement shall be flled on record In the offlce ot the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder on a form approved by the Town Attorney,lor the beneflt of the Town of Vall, to Insure that the restrlctlons shall run wlth the land. SITE COVERAGE: The maximum allowable site coverage for each individual lot shall not exceed the maximum GRFA for each lot. LANDSCAPING: At least forty percent (40%) of each lot shall be landscaped. The minimum width of any area qualifying as landscaping shall be fifteen feet, with a minimum area not less than three hundred square feet. F. PARKING: Parking for SDD No. 27 shall be met in accordance with the off-street parking requiremenis as specified in Section 18.52 ol the Municipal Code ol the Town of Vail. Section 5 Amendments to the approved development plan may be granted pursuant to Section 18.40 of the Municipal code of the Town of Vail. Section 6 A. Approval of Special Development District No. 27 shall be conlingent upon the approval of the Final Plat, for a major subdivision, for the property legally described in the attached Exhibit A. B. Ordlnance No. 1, Serles of 1991, settlng forth delalls In regard to school slte dedlcatlons, or cash In lleu thereof, shall be appllcable to the Flnal Plat for a malor subdlvlslon for SDD No. 27. a 3. 4. D. E. I C. The Flnal Plat lor a malor subdlvlslon lor SDD No. 27 shall tnclude a 1s-foot ped$trlanfilshermen's easement along Gorc crcek, whlch shall be dedlcated tor use by the general publlc. said easement shall be 15 feet in width, the northerly boundary of the easement being the southerly high-water mark of Gore Creek, and said easement shall run the full (east-west) length of tho property, legally desoibed in the attached Exhibit A. The use ol said easement shall be for pedestrians only and said easement shall be kept in its natural state with no permanent improvements to the area of the easement. Seclion 7 lf any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is tor any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not ettect the validity ol the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each parl, section, subsection, senlence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the tact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. Section I The Town Council hereby finds, determines and declares that this ordinance is necessary and proper for the health, safety and welfare ol the Town of Vait and the inhabitants thereol. Section g The repeal or the repeal and reenactment ol any provision of the Valt Municipal Code as provided in this ordinance shall not aftect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the efiective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceeding as commenced under of by virtue of the provision repealed or repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. .l I Section 10 All bylaws, orders, resolutions and ordinances, or parts thereof, inconsistent herewith are repealed io the extent only of such inconsistency. This repealer shall not be construed to revise any bylaw, order, resolution or ordinance, or part thereof, theretofore repealed, 'ir. v INTBODUCED, HEAD ON FIRST READING, APPROVED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE lN FULL, this-day of 1991. A public hearing shall be held hereon on the _ day of 1991, at lhe regular meeting ol the Town Council of the Town of Vail, Colorado, in the Municipal Building of the Town. Kent R. Rose, Mayor ATTEST: Pamela A. Brandmeyer, Town Clerk READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED !, this _ day of . 1991. Kent R. Rose, Mayor AfiEST: Pamela A. Brandmeyer, Town Clerk BASIS OF BEAR.NG.'. .S 364J'OO' W ALONG THE WESTERLY LOT LINE OF LOT 8, BlGHORN SUBDIVIS|ON FOURTH ADDITION BETTYEEN FOUND PlNS AND CA?S p.E. AND p.L.S. No. 26626. DATE OF SURVEY MAY 1992 DATE OF COITPLETIONS: JUNE /992 o DENOTES SET PlN AND CAP P.E. AND p,L.S. No. 26626 PUBL|C PEDESTRIAN/FISHERMAN'S EASEMENT AS lNDICATED IS FOR lHE USE OF PEDESTR.ANS ONLY AND SA\D EASEMENT SHALL BE KEPT lN ITS NATURAL STATE WTH NO PERMANENT IMPROV_ MENTS TO THE AREA OF THE EASEMENT. DEWLOPMENT STANDARDS SUBJECT TO ORD\NANCE J6 ,ERIES OF /99/ OF THE TOWN OF VA/1, EAGLE COUNTY COLORADO. PRIVATE PEDESTRAN ACCE.9S EASEMENT AS CREATFD AND DEFINEI)IN DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS ANO EASEMT OF FOREST GLEN, TO BE RECORDED ON AN EVEN DATE HEREWITH. @- DENITES ITREET ADDREs.s PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT AS CREATEO AND DEFINED IN DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS AND EASEMENTS OF FOREST GLEN, TO 8E RECORDED ON AN EVEN OATE HEREN'ffH. LAND USE SUMMARY I L5 ,'122 2 14,941- 3 16, 8O9 4 181279 5 19,505 6 20,56,1 7 - ?4,5AA 6,981 45OOr I.OT T TOTAL AREA (SF) NET BUILDABLE AIEA ( sF) 7 | t47 8.O59 11,321 12, 059 t6,6'72 23,11O 2o, 3l7 15, r52 13,634 | 7, 069 r8,730 GRFA HAX. (SF) 4500* USE single Fanily/' Car€takers Unit single Fanily/ caretakers Unit single FaniIy/caretakers Unit SingIe FaniIy/ caretakers Unit single Fanrily/ Caretakers Unit single FaniIy/ caretakers Unit Single Far.riIy/ caretakers Unit singl€ Fanily/ careCakers Unit Slngle ranily/ Carelakers Unit single FaEiIy single fatnily single f ar,rily/ Caretakcrs Unit singIe Fani lyl Caretakers Unit sihgle Fani Iy/ caretakers Unit 4loor 45Oo'r 5000i 4000 4800, i 5000 4BOO 4500 4000 4300** 4300** 8 4O. O 18,8OO 9 ?8.919 10 2) , Lza 11 1.?,110 12 17,069 13 18,7iO 1{ t8,?29 le, 185 4 2OO* * on Lot 1-5, thc nlxihun allor.rablc GRFA llstad includcs a nlninura o(l,ooo sf. ft., vhich shall be utllizad as blserncnt splcc, Iocatqd substontially bcloe existing grade. Thc rntxlhun allo?able CRFA on thcse lots for thc above ground space is the total GRFA listcd obove tdj,nus I.OOO sf. lt, It is IIql a rcquJ,re;irent that any declling unit hnvc l,oOO sq. ft. of brscricnt spaca, but if a lot o';ncr vishcs to utilizc tII thc allovable GRFA lor a givcn loE,thcn d riinlnun of 1,o00 sq. fc. shall be rcqulred to be utill.zed !s bts etncnC space. On Lots 12-14, 5OO sq. ft. of, the naxlnua allo.rabl.c GRF?\ sball be utllized only as btsencnt spacc. as descrLbcd abovc. r UI _/-.-- z 3Aan3 N/'tt--' l- $t\ sn tv 5 ^'(,YCD (,o.ot-l ^B E 35 fr ;]N u n @ 6a. etRW \ f"\lal IAJ \v Lta /E "$-A fi, i ,' ! s ( ( a)|';\<J' )o { \o PY 55 UI +1,,1 -o ps n9 J-t oo UI .D o o t f I JJ"k". n --...\./g /€: -\,'-r.-"- b}i SS ;\ r-Y\ u)Q Ht il- XS XI --t \:\ E \r\ \ R\ EE \:E 'h\ \q. \E \E \>tl \t .q Il g/\ il:$ SFo o3o. ;8 xH 6it o