HomeMy WebLinkAboutFOREST GLEN LOT 9 LEGAL.pdfonptnvnrvr oF coMMUNrt, or*rort* NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PROIECT TITLE: NEW (SFR,P/S,DLIP) PERMT Iob Address: 4460 GLEN FALIS LN VAIL Location.....: 4460 GLEN FALIS LANE ParcelNo...: 2101,1?313009 Project No : PRJ-01-019 OWNER Don & Susan Law 5536 E Mineral Lane Littsleton, Co 80L22 License: CoNTRACTOR S.H. COLE CONSTRUCTTON CO 07/27/2O0a phone: 97O-475-L426 2897 TIMBER EREEK DRIVE #21 VATL, CO 81657 License: 189-A APPLICAIqT S.H. COI-,E CONSTRUCTION CO 07/27/2OOL phone: 97O-476-L426 2897 TIMBER CREEK DRTVE #21 VAIIT, CO 8L657 License: TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL,co 81657 970479-2138 Desciption: New home Occupancy Dwellings Private carage s Number of Dwelling Units: Fireplace Infornlation: Resdcted: Type Zone 2 v-N Zone 2 v-N Totals. . . 7 Factor 97.80 25 .56 # of Gas Appliances: 0 FEE SUMMARY Total Calculated Fees-> Additional Fees-> Total Pefinit Fee-> Payments--.-.....--_Y BAt i{]!CE DUrE-> Wood Palleh 0 $5, 904 . 10 $100 . oo 96, 004 . 10 $5, 004 . 10 go. 00 Building-_> Plan Check*> Investigation-> wiu call._> s2, 98{ . 00 $1,939.50 $r. oo Restuarant Plan Review--> DRB F€E-> Recreation Fee__> Clean-uP Deposit-> TOTAL FEES-,------> so. oo 9400.00 $57?. sO $5, 904. 10 r Approvals:r Ideim: Os10O BUIITDING DEPARII{ENT \ og,/2o/2ool rRlri Action: AP \1tem: O54OO PI,ANNING DEPARTMEMT \,. oT/oz/zoot ao Action: AP \em: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENI 'em: o55oo PI'BIJTC vloRKs \ oe/o8/2001 Ls Action: coI[D REvocABIJE RIGHT oF wAY PERMTT REQUIRED FoR ,. PORTION OF DRIVEWAY IN TOV RIGHT OF WAY. ALSO MUST INCLIJDED LANDSCAPING. !-rS1 :1<rtr-a+GU,L Permit #: 801-0213 ISSUED 07 /27 /2007 08/2A/2ffi1. 02/76/2002 07 /27 /2O0t Phone: 303-771-2735 Sq Feet 3,344 i327 ,O43.20 505 $L2,933 .35 3, 850 $560, 500.00* Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: $660,500.00 # of Gas togs: 0 # of IIEM: 05550 M.IGINEERING ********i*a****ffi *rffi ********** See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the inlormation as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoninp and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. Send Clean-up Deposit To: N/A SIGNATUREOF OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF t( a4 PAGE2 ****S*****{c*-}********ffi*#l*i**lt!******tr*fr***********#************************t****#**i*** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 801-0213 as of 08-20-2001 Status: ISSUED *tir***********************i****************rt***i***********i******t***********ffi**********'t!t!**** PermitType: NEW (SF&P/9DUP) PERMIT Applied: 07/27/2007 Applicanf S.H. COLECONSTRUCTIONCO Issued: 08/20/ZWl Job Address: 4460 GLEN FALIS LN VAIL Location: 4450 GLEN FALTS LANE ParcelNo: 270112373009 CONDITIONS Cond:33 (PLAN) THIS PROIECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE STIBMTTED AND APPROVED PRIORTO REQTIEST FOR A FRAME INSPECTION. Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ******* ************** +* **** + * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * **** ***'t *r*****rl*{.!t*********f******!t**t ***** TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement ******+ **********+*** ** + * * * * * * + + ** * * * * * * 'l * + * * * * * * * * *** **** * * * * * * l. tl ti * * * * * * * * * * * * * + * * ********* Statement Nurnber: R00000125G Amount: gG,004.tO 0B/20/200104:29 pM Palrment Method: Check Init: IJC Notation: #1012/SH Cole Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address : Location; This Payment : 801 - 02 13 210112313009 4450 GLEN FALLS 4450 GLEN FALLS $5, 004.10 Type: NEW (SFR.P/S,DUP) PERMIT I,N VAU, I,ANE Total Fees: Total ALL Pmt,a : Balance: Current Pmts $6, 004 .10 $6, o04 .10 $0.00 ***********t+++*+*+*++t***+ +**t **+++*+**+*** ******************{.*** *'}****+*'}{.*:}********+**+t* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code BP 00100003111100 cL 00100003i23000 DR 00100003112200 PF 00100003112300 RF 11100003112700 hjc 00100003112800 Descri pti on BUILD]NG PERMIT FEES CONTMCTOR LICENSES DESIGN REVIEI,I FEES PLAN CHECK FEES RECREATION FEES l,JILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 2,984.00 100 . 00 400.00 I ,939.60 577 .50 3.00 o WILL NOT tl APPLTCATION BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UN .-o 97 O - 47 I -2L49 (Inspections) echanical, etc.! mwvuvvtn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 uired for |} CTOR INFORMATI General Contractor: 5n-atg. LoNsT, 6', Town of Vail Reg. No.l Contact and Phone #'s: +7 b- t+L Contractor Siqnature: .- ffiJ.-l* tl MPTETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMTT (LaboT & MateTials BUILDING: $ b03,5OO ELECTRICAL:5 12rooo OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $ j5, aoo MECHANICAL: $ /A, oO O ToTAL:S _b.l--e,-tO I 4 ,a fGrd,o contact Assessors Offrce at 97O- [$fff/." wn n*t aJJd hJ"]#9,umber)rr I 77l" J,r /:r/ robName: /o-, {ler;cleuee. n tWt;- Legal Description ll Lot: I Block:Filing 7q fto,u,'on,!t, s F9T G I L N owners Name: llb^ *cr,")P |-n u,t Phone: ArchitecflDesigner:.-::.=-:. lll\f-Phone: Engineer:Adoress: lt-Phone: \ Detaiteddescriprionof work: tr1*u, s;n1lg 1n_;t1 t-1/TauL WorkClass; tttew(X) Addition( ) Remodel ( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both X)Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No (/) Type of Bldg.: Single-family Q() Two-family ( ) MultFfamily ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: O No. of Accommodation Units in this building: O No/Tyoeof FireplacesExistinq: GasAooliances(/) GasLoqs(d) Wood/Pellet(d) WoodBurninq(d) No/Type of Fireplaces Prooosed: Gas Aopliances (?. ) Gas Loqs ( | ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No (X)Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No (X) DRB F:/everyone/forms/bldgperm of Construction: *******************************'r****o*FOR OFFICE USE ONLY***********************************+** o o -i *fil f;1S* p ','Y ^.y' *\"t 1+."'. .nl q,,&- t *b. ,9D j ** f*j -..;r I l"r ,-l:{ ". I,r0, BE? P.r/ev 1.,?g@t Br42S,1 PRIl"tl E;iFLORrr r iON I 5 I 6.-' \J A/ _4 f::I t\ s -Qt :$s \s \t\_\ ...'.s \5 "\A d $'\ \* *..r\ \ \ \ \J |}-\n [i + L t- ffi ffi*i',"-tl""Chsod frrftErr Golorsdo 81601 l- 0zl3 PNELIilItr{ARY ST'BSOIL STTIDY rOR TOUITIDATIOIf DESIGN FROPOSD RESIDEI{CE LOT 9, SONEST GI,F]N SIIBDTYITIION 4460 GIJN FAII,S I.A}IE VNL, COLORADO JOB NO. 100 49t JTJLYa 2000 PNEFAB$} FOR: IIIR. and MnS, I"ARRY STEWART C/O CRAI{D EAGLS HROggRflES AfIN: DOUGABH, P.O. BOX686 EDWAITDS,COLONADO 81GI2 PL[.! 9'&X979tt F!I: 97ll-9{!t tasc hF$oohp$ot ct com ttlL o o trsfr4*ff *j.n[ SEP. 1.4681 8:42i1"1 PFIi€ D.PLC,RFTI -tr N0. 667 P ,e.?A sooRrrr - PAwLAK cEoIBcnNI"0h.. IuIy 7, 2000 Mr, ald Mrs. Lany Stew"ari c/o Graod Eaglc kopenies Aau Doq Abel P,O. Box 685 Job Nc.100 498 Blwads, Col,orado 81632 Subject: Rcport Transmirtal Preliminary Subsoil Study for Foudatiou Desigu, Proposed Resideuce, Lot 9, Forcst Gleu Subdivisiou, 4460 Gl€a Falls lane, Vail, Color.ldo Deaf Mr. and Mrs. Stcwan: As requcsted, we b,ave conducted a subsoil srudy for the ProPoscd tesideoce at fte subjea eitc. Subsruface couditions ercoulteled in the exploratory borings drilqJ iD thc ss$rmed builditrg area, bclow abour ? to 4 feet of fill and tcrpsoil, coasist of uedium stiff sandy clCy sdd silt overlying nediu-n dense sand wlti gravel at deptbs ftom aborn 9 th ta 17 fest. Otouodwdttr wan racotuilered iE tbe borings betwe€o about 11 to ti fetr below the grouad sruface. The upper soils were moist to very uoist, Ibe iabontory trstbg indicares tbc clay and silt soils are noderately to higbly coropressible ruda nrebrrgc loadiug. Sprcad footiagS placed oa the upper strual soils uay be suitable fu building $ryport with a risk of lolg eru, scttlcncu ard builditg distrGssr l-owu setdmcnr rirk slnmstives ioaludc a mat foundatiou oa beuiog os the less comEesr$la aald Or gfavel subsoils sucb as wfuh driven or drilled piles- The report whic.h follows dcscribes our explocatioo' sllnt[afizEg sut finrlings, ald presenis oru rccotmrendar,ions, It is inryoraat that we providc cosubttion duing O"rigo, ald fiild serYiccs dr,ring consruaion to rwicw aad oodtos frc inplcoeaatiou cf thc geotcchdcat reconrcndations, If pu bave any questions rogarding tlis report, please contact us. Sincrrely, . PAWLAK GEOTECTINICAL, INC. DavidA Y DAY/tl/ks . w, !,?@a! 8:43Flt1 FR:I€ E{PLORFT: ..N NO.B57 P,1r?fr TABLE O['CONTEI\ITS PUIRPOSEANDSCOPEOFSI{JDY ......,I PROPOSEDCONSTRUCTION ... ...... I SITE COI.IDfflONS FIELDHCPLORATION SI'BSURFACE CONDITTO N.E FOUNDATION BEARING COI{DITTONS DESIGN RECOMMENDAfiONS SPRET{D FOOTINGS OR IY{AT FOI'NDATTON AND RET.C,INN\TG WALIJ FLOOR SIJ3S UNDERDRAIN SYSTEM SITE GMDING STJRFACEDMINAGE LIMITATIO}.iS FIGI'RE i . LOCATION OF E'PLOR"ATORY BORINC}S FIGURE 2 - I,OGS OF E>GLOMTORY BORINGS FIGTJRE 3 .IJGEND AhP NOTES FIGURES 4 .6 . SWELL-CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS FIGT]RE 7 - GNADATION TE5T RESULTS TABI.E I . SUMMARY OF II.BORATORY TEST RESULTS 3 1 4 o 1 t E H+ GEOltCrl . sEP, 1.2841 6:43Ffl FR:t'r- rlpL0RHT:r{.r '. .-.v ND. A67 P,4/"eA PURFOSE AIrID $COPE oF SIIJDY This reporr preso[ts the resuJts of I preliminary subsoil snrdy ftr a proposcd resideoce to be lscated on Lot 9, Forcst Glcn Subdivisioo, 4460 Gleo Fall6 [,age' Vail, Colorado. Tho project site is showu oa Fig. 1. Tb! PqPosE of tbe sUdy was to devclop recoflsenda[ious for th.e forur,Jarion design, Thc snrdy wu cooductBd iD accordarcc wi& our agtecdenl for geolechnical engiaeeriag services rc Mr' and Mrs' Larry Srcwltt c/o Gra.od Eagle hopenies darcd Jue 9, 2000. Ponstial pologic hazard impects to the properq' arc i:eyond the scope of our work. A field exploratiou progrtun cousisung of exploramry borings was conftred to obuiu infomsdoa otr sttbstfface ccndrions. Sanples sf thc zubsoils obtaiacd duri4 the ffeld cxploratioo wero tcsted irr the laborotor.v to determiae tbeh slsssifradoo, congrcssibiliry Or swell aad ot][e! eng.aeering cbaractecisdcs. The res;]b of tbe field erplor$ion aod laboratory cstiag were aaaiyzcd m develop rtcommendations br fouodation types, deptfu anri allowable Pressures for t!,e proposod buildfsg foudatiou Thin rcport flrunarizEs thc dae, obtaued dudng fis study ald presclt$ our colclusions, d€sigD reco--.ndaticu aad otrsr georccboical mginesring cstrsidemtions bascd on tlc proposed coastnrctioa ard tbe subsoit coditioos lscdu!fiercd. FROPOSED CONSIR,USTTON Bullrllry plaru bad uat beetr de're'bped at the drnc d our smdy. Wc ttldeso8nd hc findiogs of our mrdy wilt bc cousidsed in the pprchase of tto propcrry. T[e assume thc rCgirlrOce will be a 2 ro 3 .ttcry scuc'lufe q/fth a c,?tkout baee'Dstrt level located in &e uea of our exploratory borings si:owr on, Fig. 1, Grading for tho sfircture ie assuoed to bs relafively rainor witl, r:ut dcptls bcf*reto abod 4 tD t0 ftet. We assunc relatively Ught firstarioe loadicgs, lypicd ot'the propmcd type of consttrction, whee build,ing location, gradru aod loading infor:aetlon [ave beeo devcloped, we sLoUld be uodied to re-evaluatE the recommcndatiors prescnrcd in tbis report' i{.P GEOTECII . sEP. t.eBE1 gr4c:+,t C4PLORATIOF.N0,667 P.5/?A srr'E coi-{DrHol{8 ltc lot ls vaca$ asd Iscatcd in hlly tcrrainabow the Gieo Fatls Lauc cul{e- sac. Tte grcrund s',rhce stopes moderateii'dOwt tO tbs nOrtleESt. ElWuiOnarsosr the assua€d building sitc is ebout 12 to tS feer lbere is a shallow drainage above the hilditg rite tbat was dry at the tirne of our ficld work, VcgcEtios clssist 0f gress and wecds with areas of aepeu lod evrltgreen Uees. Along tbe $outhwest sidc of thc lot tbe hi[side beco$€s steep Tbe eastern edge of the lot bas solnc fill appucotly deposiad fron prwious iebris flow afiivity. A &aiDAge chaElcl ltcludtsg fll berms futbrr tO tbe east was reponediy corumrt€d to mitigrfe ths dcblis flow risk in the ana, NI,I..D EXPLOBATION TbE fr61d exploration for tbe project wal colductcd on Ilue 23, 2000. Two etplofatory bori$gs rvcrc di'died al r'tre lacati,oas sbovra ou Fig. I fn €5/ilut'e flE sub$rfa{E couiitions. The uorhg lccadoor wert $ $que$tod by tle realtor' Doug Ahcl. Tbo bothgE wure advaqssd wiib + irch dieseter cosiurrous flight augcrs pow€ffd by a t[ck-uorulcC i-oagycar BK-s 1IID &iII rig. Aceel oE 6c lot sas limited duc lo tbc t€rraiu, The oorings we$ logged by a relcescmive of ilcpworth' Pawl* Gaotccboical, Ire. $iqlles of tle zubscils wer: ukea with 1% i!E! aud 2 ioc[ I.D. gpoot suplcrs, lte umplen rvsre drivco Llto fte subsolls atvcifls ilcpths wihblows ftffi a 140 poudd harr8cr tralliog :i0 inches. ltis tlst is similal to tle staailald peogadm mst rlercribed by ASTM Me',lod D-15E6, Ths Pdnctradog rcsi$an6o v'dtrcs asa tn indicadqn of tre rejanve d€o$ry' or consi$cncy sf tbc subcoils. Doptls at whicb rle SaryleS Wcre t?l,eo uno -3i pciEtradon resistance va]Um Are SbOwu ou the LOgs of Explontofy Bgricgg. Fig. 'J 'Ibe :,itstplcs crere lengled to olII leborsttry for rcview by t[o proje* ctrgi$lt ard rijslrlg. FR:,'F o H.'P EGOTECH -r\rl.|H :r^rLLt. .i | .l '_f,, {o.457 P.6,2A .: - stiB$ URTACE CONDnIoIitS ftaphic logs of the sr$snrace cosdiriols a,eorrstered q tbe site are srcwa oII Fig, 2. The subeoiJs consist of n:r ro abou! ? fost of fill over 1 to 2 feet of orgraru roproil uudcrlain by uediual sriff sandy clay and silr. Below d4rbs of ebout gyt ts t1 Fst iE &c bori4gs, mediun dense sil11 clayey sasd wift gravel aad scattcrcd cobbles uras encormtered t0 the dd[d deFh of 21 foet at Borbg I, Ar Boriug 2, tbe silty clayry sards were uodedah by relatively deuse, silty claycy sandy gravel mataining cobblss. a-od boll<lers at a depth of -1,1 ibet which e:cnndcd to rhc dqpth drillcd of 24 fta. Drilliug with auger eguipaen-. wag diffcult in the c,obble and bouldcr soils. Laboratory 6ting pcrforned on satoples obained from tbe bo,hiogs hcluded ffirural ooisture Fli€nr ald d€dsiry, rod gradation aaalyses. REstrlB of consolidation tcting pcrforned ol rolativeg uldi8tubed &ive sampleo of tho clay ard sllt, Feseuted oa Figr. 4 - 6, indhate the soils possess low to soderate couryressibitity uadcr eaditione of ligtt cracharge tpadtrrg and wcfriag. rte eaqleE rlowod uodsare to high coryressiblillty wheo hading was iaffsas€d after wedug. RrsulB of a gradatiol amlysis Ferfumcd ot a small diamerer drive sample (minrrs t'1 lnch fraction) of the sard subsoib are sbocm oa Fig, 7. Tbc Isbomrory t€stitrg is sEuoarls,cd h Tabtc L Free rvatcr was €f,couilored ia Ec borlrgE s tbc tbc of drillhg end c,te! &cckcd 5 days lata rt deptbs ftom abour 1t to 15 ftet. Il€ upcr soils wecc rnoisn to very moist. FOINDATION BEARING CONI}rIIONS Thc r4per cley ad silt soils possess low berring "'.Facity aad uoderale setflcurot poteatiel. Ligkly loadctl spread fuotiogs beadtg o thece solls tray be ftasiblc f0r fouldatiqu supportwitb a rlsk of long ter:n seftlmmt ud disEess, bwu EeBlffiat ris& altGrDadves ircludc drivea or drillcd piles 6rt erdfld irto tln stdfflyilg gfaaular goilt or a mat foundation pl*ceil on the nlnual soils or coryacfed stuctual . illl. Suitbl. pilcs qmes may ioclude pipc pilos, driilcd augcr castpitae ald telical picte. worki$ crpacitics arc arpccrcd to be ia rhe rrsgc of 15 tDSo totrl. Pfovidcd bolow arc rccmnffdatiour for a sballow foundatioo. systeo, trthen pleliniwy pbnr FI+ GFoTEcfl ' SEP. 1. eEAl 8:45Ffl FRil'F ElF'-0Rr:iT:ON . v -4- N0.06? F.7/2A for the proposed builtting have beos d,eveloped, we slouid couduct ddidonel a.oalysis lbr ftrudation, gradiog aod drainage desigus. Addirioual subsurface explmation cotltl bc nccdcd for a deep fouudation design. DESIGN NECOMME.IDATIONE SPF€AD FOOTINGS OR tttAT A shallow forrnd:tiors bearrng ou the upper compre$ible soils will bave a dsk of Ioog rerm setlemeut aad building disress, A mat fuirndation ald compacted structural fill will belp rcdue the senlecccnr risk The foUowiqg recoilEedatiotre are preseoted for prelim;nary for:ndadon desigl' l) Footings or Est placed on rbe rrrdisnrrbed naoral soils slould bc dcsigncd for aa allowable soil beariry pres$m of 800 psf. Scltlemeurc could be in tbe raage of I to 2 isphes or more 3!d will likcly be differeotial, . 2) The footings should bave a mioiuum width of 20 ircbol for continrous walh aad 2 ftet for lsolatcd PaG. 3) Ererior fmtings and footings b€scaf!. ulhcated uees sbodd be provided with adcquarc soil cover abovc tboir berriry clendos ftr tosc protectie PlareocU of founfutioos at lcast't8 inchcs bclos e$erior gradc is ggicallY used in fhir arca 4) coarinror:s fousdation walls sbould bc rcbfor€ld top and bottou to sPE!. iocal aaornrlies aEd liEit tle effccts of aliftrccial s€tlc[lerls, sucb as by aeurmin5 all ulsrlppafted lcugu of u lcast t4 feEt- Foudatlon wsls actiug as ls,rinin'r smlcnlss slould also be dcsigued to rcsist latiraf eartb pressurel as iiisqssed il trc oForndation aud Retaining Wdls" lectiou ofthrs report. 5) All exisriag nll, ropsoii ad auy loose ot disaubed soils shottld be removed to expose tlre uudisnuberl ngnual soils' Tiack'nouuted excavanos cqui:imcri is reconrmcodcd b prwed disU$ancc rld runilg of the exc*rvauou subgrade. If weter sc€P8ge is ercouutered' fre fmting H-P GEOTECh gP. !,a?,ej. A:46S1 r.'(PLoFf,T:0N NO.867 ?.BftA .5 - afeas sbould be dewi;sred belbre concxete placeo.eul. Ti:e dewataiug canprobahiy be dcae by trcnches placed ontsidc footing areas ald sloped to gravity outlet, Structural fill uay be needed to develoP a zuitable fort.udado[beadng subgrade and could bc uscdto help Iimit s€ttlcrffot potcotial, The stnrcnrral fill should be rclatirely a well graded gEaruhr materirl witb a rusxfuruIa siae of 6 iaches and lcss rhas 15% p*sing the No. 2fb sieve, Ccnracrio; should be at least 95% of stoldard Proctor dcCIsity. g) A represetrlauYe of the ge.xechaical enginear should obscne all fooung srcararions prior ta conct<:;e placoueu to evaluatc b€ari4 condfuions aad et'aluate st$cnral fiIl for coupactiou' FOLNDATION Ah'D RBTAJIi-NG 11'A1.LS Fo."dario! nalls and rsur*rag sru;nu+s whict are lateraliy suPPorted and cau be eXpccted to Udergo ody e sirg* alLoltlli of ocflcction shoEld be dcsigned for a laneral earth pressr:,rc coroputd oc !e basis of aa oquivaleiu fluid unit weight of 60 pcf for backfll consisfug of tbe os-site roils, Caatilcvecd:ctaining sEuc'urres wbich qe sepamre ftou tbe lrail residercc a:rl ca.o bc erpe#d to rie0sct sufficies0y to mobilizE the ftrlt active earrtr Pressure eouj:iJ,itr sbouid bc rteslgped for a [esral esrth presnuo cofiputed oD lhe bosis of m equiva;cnr f.uid uuit wcigbt of 50 pef for L'ackftll eotsisti4 of tbe oreirc scds. Tbe *cli oack^frii shculd not cuail vegeAdon topsoU ol oversigEd toch. All ioundatior, aLr rewlug smicfJrcs sbould be designcd fof aX,proPriate bydrostslir rri srrcbargc press'rres iosh as adjaccol ftoilags, teffis, con$ilctiou matsrials ad equipnat. Tbe p,essures r€cor@cDded above assuoe drai!€d conditiols bchind thr wallr aad a horuonral backfill n:rfacp. Thc builthp of wat€t behind a cralt or a.a trpward sloping 'oackfill srr.,Jace qill ilgease the Isteral Pres$$€ imposed on a f:uadslioo wau or rereining su'uctur$. an rmderdfEil should be providd to prwcBl bydrosatic pcssurc buildup oebiad wails. Balljtu cbould be placed in unrfsm lifts rad coopacted to al least 90% of tbs sa;irnpra starrd:rd PIOCIOr deUiry ar a ooistUe co!$!t rcar optlmom coff'lt sligltly above optiune- Bacffll in paveacnt and wslhvay alea8 should be coepactcd b at r l'S.r o H.P GEOTECH - SEP. 1, aEEl €! 47F[r.E4PLf '.rf;T I 0{-l N0.067 P .9./?B -o- least 95 % of the maximum srand$d Proctor deasity. Care should be taken mt h overcompa$ thc backfrll or use large equipment aear tie wall, since this could calse gxcesEive labral prusure ou the wall, Some sedement of deep fouodadon wall backfiU ebould be expected, ev€n ifrhe uarcrial is placed correctly, ard could re$$t ia distcss to ftcilities corshrttcd ou tbe backf,rll, The larcral resisance of fonudation or reuiaing wall footitgs wili be a combiaarioa of tbe slirliog rcsistancc of the spread footiry on thc foundation materials aad passive earth pressure against tbe side of tha footing, Rcsieuoce to sliditg at fre bottoms of tbp fuorings can be calcuiated bared oc a coefEcie'lt of fictioo of 0.35. ' Pa.ssivc prcssure of compacted bacl$lt against tbe sides of thc foorings cau be calculatcd usiug al equivaleat fluid unit weighr of 300 pcf. The coefficisr of ftictioo ard passive pressu&. vrlues recmmesded above assumc ultinatc soii strength. Suitable factors bf safety shouid bc inciuded in the desigq to tinit the strEin which will occtll u thc ultinato sficdgth, pardadarly in tbe case of passive resistasce. Fill placcd against the sidcs of thc footings to rasist latcral loqd( sbould bc coapacted to at least 95% of fte maximum sfil,dard Proctor deosity ar a moisture collstrt rcer ogdouo, FIOOR SI.ABS The latual oq-site soils, ercluslve of topsoil, are suihblc to suppon lighity loded slab+rgradc corstruaim, Thcrc could bc some diffEscntial sefrlemecl if rpead frotlngs support the buildiDg. To redice tbr eff€cts of sooe difbrendal Eov@!ot., floor elabs shottJdbc scprarcd fionall bca&g walls andeoftrmns rrirl expauioa joints which allon' unrxtahed vcrtical 6oveo$EL Floor Elab contol joiuts should be used to rcduae drnegc due to sbrhEage cresHag, The requireucm fu joiut spacing anrt slab rehforcemenr should be esablishcd by thc desigcr based on cxpcricncc and tbe iateuded shb use, I rninimuul { iacb layw of free-draidry gravel should be giacorl beacath basetncot levci slabs to frcilitate &ainage. This @tefial ehould colsist of nlour 2 inch aggregare with et least 50% reainsd on tbe No, 4 sieve end less thEa )fi p{ssi:lg the Yo. ?00 sieve. AII fill nareriats for support of f,mr slabs shodt be conryacted ro a! teasr 9596 of maximtrn stanttard hocrci oeusity at a moisnrrp coutat lgar optioun. Requircd PRiME o H.F GEOTICH L.?az: 8:47Ft1 r .:PLr tfiTi Il NO.A67 P,!W?A -7- fill can co!$isr of &e *n-sitl roils. or nrlable bported grantrlar soil., devoid of vegetadon, bpsoil aad ovssr-zed rock. UNDERDRAIN SYSTEIYI Frcc rvaer war e!-currered duriug our explcrathn s.nd it bas been ou experience in mou$aiuo;: ar;us tlul groundwarer lcvel oay rise or local perched groundwater nray develol: dur':ug timcs of hcauy prccipitation or seasonai ruDoff. Frozcn grortnd during spring ru,noff can also cre€,te a percbed connition. We rccoEmeDd beiow-grace :;0nrifftlcl1oL, suc,h as eeining walls, crawlspace rnd basement areas, be protretcxi Aorn *,renrng aod bydrostaric presstre buildup by ao uaderdrEin 9y8rcn. The &air^o sLould :oan.:rx of orainpipe phced in thc lcrtom of the vail beclrfill gurrounded above thc rnvi:ft i;rel e7ffi frgs+dning gla$rtax 1latefidl. Tbo o!ai! should be plac.cc at Each lwcl of excevadoa and at lcast 1 foot oelow lowest adjaceot finish grade a!{l sloped a a ni:rimurn LVo ro a nritabls gravigv outlet' Freedraining grroular ustedrl uscd ia ' r u:derdra^u sy6te@ sbould cgltain lurs tllu 2% passlng the No. 200 gi€ve, less tbss ' % E;iJsiog tbe No. 4 sieve ald har-e a,,,.,o,-*-itnum sice c'3 2 |lcbcs. The drai- gr.; !a+{irt shouid be at least 1% l-eet decP. SIIE CIRADNG Thc risk ot'ccrstucuon-induced slope irsabitity * tte sitc appears lor Frovided the buiidisg is lotste<l seiow tic giesp sloFe as FhsDd ald qS 8d fill d€Ptb are timitcd. We usugc die cur ttp:ls for thc bascmcnt lertel wi[ Eot eficced oDp lsYel, about 8 to i0 feet tas trot cxrenr. intc the grormduater levol. Enb@h€d fills shottld bc liEitec, tO erour 8 ard sb,tuld he c{,4Famed to at lcast 95S of tle oaxinr:m sUdard Proctor d€osity uear optimrrn: Boiinuc coutsln, Fills placed below buildi4 aras ebculd Dot cxtepd nore thaa a few teet a&ve the exisd.uS grot$d sur&ce 6lirnit srucharge lOarting oo fre c,-mp:essible subsoils. Prior to fill placemCaf' tbc eubgrade sbould be cafefuUy prcpared b!' removisg dl vegeration and Opsoil and coryastitrg i0 95S srqadnrd Proctor deetrtl' The fill shor:ld b* b€oched into the portions of tbe hiltslds cxcccdiag 20 % gJadc. iR:t/,,r o H+ GEOTEOJ ' sEP. 1.a661 6:4EFS1 EllPLoFr iTir t'l NLr. 867 P . lLt'?tr -8- Peroanent uffetaired :ut aod fill slopcs sholrld be gaded at 2 horizon:al to 1 vertical or f1atFr and protected against erosion by revegetation or otber Eeans. Thc risk of slopc ilstabilib, will be iacreaeetl if seepage is eqpouuicssd i! suts rd, flafier slopcs may be necessary, If seepage is encoulered ia peroarcot s1rts, ar invcstiguion ebould be cosductcd to dctermbe if ibe seepage will adre"rsely affect thc cut stebility. This orfice sbould rwiew site gading plans for thE proJect prior to construetiou STJRFACE DMJNAGE .The following draiuge precaudons should be obserned d:riag coostucdon and mahteiDed at all tirrrs after the rcsidcacc ard underslab areas sbould bc avoided dub.g coDstructio!, 1) Inuodatioa of the fouadados, excavatios ad underslab arcas should be avoided during constructiou. 2) Extorior bac!fill should be adjrxted to near opdmum moisure ald cotrpacted to at least 95 % of the naxinum sErdard hoctor deosity itr pavcment aod slab areas ald h et lcast 90% of tb* uaximm staderd Proetor.deosity in landscape areas' 3) The grouad sur{ace surrounding thc e'xrerior 0f 6e buildiag shotild be stoped o drain away tom the bwdation in all dirccdms, We resoencild a minimum slope of 12 incbcs in thc first 16 1661 ia nnFaYed arcas and s minimurn slopc of 3 inches ia frc filgt 10 ftet in paved uear' Free.draiuing sall baddll should bE cryd with ebsut 2 fcet of the ou-site soils to reduce surhcc water inflfifion. 4) Roof domspous aad dnias should diecbarge wdl beyod th: limirs of all baclfill. llMITATIO!$S This ttuciy ha; beeo coo.d.ueed h accordance wtrb generally accepted geotecblhol eOgtneeriug principles and practiccs is tbis rta at ttis tisc, We uake no srarra$y cithcr axprcescd or inplied" Tbl1 couchrsions eld 1pcomgffidations rub'oimd il tbts report ale basccr upor thc data obtained ftou &c eryl6raf6ry borings dliled ar t"rH o H-P GEOTETH ' sEP, 1. aEEl 8r 48Ff,1 t\1.A67 F . 13,;? -9 -o tte leruioag indiqated m FlS. 1, lbE assurud qpe of corsrnrcdon and our cxpeiencc in rhe area. Our tindings include ulterpoladotr asl extrapolatiou of 'Se subsu$ftce conditions identrfied ar tle exploraory bori*s ald variations in the subsudace conditiols may not become eviricnt undl excavation is pcrforn:ed. If conditiou.i eacoutered druing coustuction appaar differeot froo rhose descrlbed In this reporq we sbould be nottfild so that r+evaluadon of the reconnffdatioEs may be me(le , Tbis repon has beea prepared for ibe exclttsive use by oru clieut for proliminary dcsigl purposes, We are oot respoasible for technlcal inter?retations by otbers of our inforretioo. As tbe project evclves, we should prwide coutisued consulation aa1t field savices during cousuuctroa to review ald monilor tbe implcnclurion of otu recoogrndatioos, a!d.to veris ttrat ttre rccomnendatiog bave becn appropriatcly iaterprered. Siglificart desrgn cha4es may requirc edditioual analysis or uodifcations to the recoromdatiocs prcseurcd hereio. We recouneud Oo-sltc observation of of,cavadols and foundation bearug strata ald rcsting of struc[rral fitl by a rcpresentative of ihe galtechnicaf eosi!€cr. Shcerely, iNc. SavenL, Prwlak, P,E. DAY/U,lcsm tr..fr a D:PLnRFTi,:f' David A Tcuag, Favicwcd byl H+ GEOTECH ffirff":'l **je\ Lor t4 */ \ -t I {l I "*orJt I 3oUNDARY \/ t -/ BoRING 2 rl. o dIN FALL LA^IE \ l l I I LOT IC \ I t \ uOT 9 BORING 1 a E___-:osJLlHltgtE LOT 6 I il I + APFRO){ilA]E SCALE t'= S0' LOCATIOT.I OF E(PLORATORY BORINGS HEFYIOR]H - PAII/LAK GEOTACHNICAL. INC. FR:l'l:i EiPL(rRFTIDll o BORING 1 ELEV. - -115-1' BORINO 2 EtEv. - 102.2' c f I E a 1a/\2 ?lz lYC.17.f DD-9? -!0o!sg sl2 $err.! D0-8t ?FfiZ 1._," J-* I &trl Nota Enlonction of synbots ls drouen cn Flg' 3' LOGS OF E$LORATORY BORINGS HEPWORTIT - FAW.AK GEOTECHNICAL INC. . s,P, !,?AAT B!sAAM FRII.F| E}:PLORRTICf{N0.85? P, Ls/?A LEGEND: . rvrv|U l l RU.i rnanplocod rllty doy s!flr rottercd grov:l ond cobbl€, aoft io msdium rtiff, mqist, dork brown. tal H hj ToFsOlt : ongonlc rllty cloy, mrdium stiff, moiat dork brown. bJ n V ) d-AY AND SLT (CL-ML); rondy to vry sondy, rnadium rtiff, moist io very moia{ bocaming wet nedr Ll ond bolow frca sotcr l6vc, mix.d dork brown to brown. aa!, [-ftl SAND (SM-SC); grovclly *ith scoi,:arcc cobblsg, proboble bouldars olty' clolcy' medium dlnsq wat EEI brown. ET EE CRA\,EL AND CoBEAS (cl/-GC); with probable bculders, sondy, cloyey, silty. dense, wet, brorvn. l'!)Eic I n Relotivaly undirturbcd driw sornple; 2-inch [D' Colifornic liner EcmFl€' l- t Dri,c lsmplcl stondqrd pcnatration tcst ( SFT ), 1 3/6-hch l.D. stllt qooon somple. ASTl,l D - 1586. l' __ ,_ _ Driw romDle blow easn! IndlcotsE thot 18 blows of o 140-rnund hcmrnar folllnq 30 inchEs uers lE./lz 73ouFg6 tb dn'w the Collforniq ar SFT somplcr 12 lnchcs- 6l {# OOU cl frcc wotar tav.l in boru E ond numbcr af dola ofirr dfllling m€clurdYlenl wos mqclc. --) D$th ot. whlch bo!'lnE cctvcd when mccsurrd m tJunc 28. 2Om. T prccilc{l rls rcfulo|. lvhrrs *hown obow bottorn of log. lndtoctca thct tnultlpl. otbmFt3 trrrc rnodc I to odwncc-fhc boring' NOTEF l. Eotorotory bEringr xara drllcd on June 23, 2OOO wfth 6 /Flnch dlomotcr con ti'rurus flight porer ouEor' e Lclougnl of eglorctsry borlngs aGrc m.sdJrad opProrimot.ly by toPhg lrom faafurlr oh the slt! Plan pnr{dcd' S. Ervadonr of cnplorctory borlnga wcre 6(!tu?rd by lnstrument lcrnl qnd rcfer to th. Bcndl Mdrt drglm o.1 Ffg. 1. Eortrg loEi !r€ drown to dcpth' 4. thc ildorctory borinE tocatlons ond Cswume ahor.rld bc conlld.trd occurdtr only to tha degree imptled by tfrr ndrod urod. 3. ltr llncr bct{.on motlriolt thoflr on thr .rplcrotory b6flnq logt reprcr;r i' the opproximotc bosndones brtwcn motrriol tlf.8 qild transltlons moy bc grodudl. 6, Wai,.r lard ru€dlnga rhowrr on thr logr vrre mods at thc time qnd undcr th' conditions hdlcctcd' Fluctrqtion ln votrr lcrci moy occur uith tim.. 7. kborotorY Trstlng Rrdtu ufcrlihtrCanbt(*) 00, - ory Domtty ( pcf )++ r F]E nt rrtokrcd on Ho. * lioro, -200 r Pa'cant 9o.dng l{o. 20o tlcia . 100 +98 HEPWORTH - FAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL INC. LEGEND AND NOTES ilg, o 5EP, 1.4601 3r5A1'1 FR:l'fr E{PLURFTI Moisfurc Content = t7.J Dlrc€nt Dry D€nsfty = 97 Pcf Somplc o* Vory Sondy ClaY ond Sflt Fmm: BcrinE 1 ot 5 Feet N 6 E 0 ! a E G'o 10 AFPLTED PREIil}URE - KSf SII,ELL-CONSOUDAION IEST RESULTS sEP, x.aAA1 835 Ffi fi{Pl o o o I z ie c .fir I I E4 10 tl 0.1 1-0 10 APPUED FRESSURE - kst 100 Molsfure Contcnt =Dry Dcnsity = 27,8 p.recnt 83 pcf Somplc of Sandy 0oy dnd Silt Frcm; Bqing 1 of 10 Feet Comprassion upon wctting \ \ \ \ \ 100 +EE HEPWORT}I - PAII!jI( GEOTECHNICAL, INC.SIIIEI!-CONSOUDAIION TEST RESULTS Frg. r ' sEP. 1.e0a1 E : 52tr1 FF : I€ D:PLORIiT : ' o o x E .9 I n ! g E TJ 0 1 a ? 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 0.i 1.0 10 APPUED PRESSURE - KTf 100 Molstlrg Cmtcnt - DrY DantitY -28.7 p€rcrnt 87 pcf Sompie of: Scndy Goy snd Siit Fn:nr: Boring 2 ct 5 Fcct .No mowment uPon nottinO \ { \ \ \ I I 100 4sE HEPIVORTH - PAIII-AK GEOTECHNICAL. INC.SWELL-CONSOUDATIOI{ TEST RESJLTS flg. 6 ' SEP. 1 , aAAl B:SaSi PR:ffii $iFLOEFTITIN NO.A67 P,!9/?A o o anl rrrl ft z F LrJ G, F z IJ (J t lrl .Ea .tg .iS 0 Ltr lll {t rfu| l|"0 DIAI'EIER OF PARNq-ES IN HII.jJME'TERS '!4 t;o s GfiA\GL 13 UQUID LIMIT SAND EA SIL? AND CLAY 24 PLASISTY INDO( SAMPLE OF: Osyly Stlty Sond with Crovel FROM: Borlng 2 ot 15 qnd 20 Feet Cornbincd 100 498 HEFWORTH - PAW.AK OEOTECHNICAL. INC.GRADATION IEST RESULTS fig. 7 E t:ill ,I o lt tr o E tt E tl .4 ! G 6 o E €!2 =o {tt G Lt) 6 F a0 9ro 6b I I 9Hs- f$sn I t T i ( Eg' !lt [!ls IJ' lO It c{ I z I ii (r'(o fi (a lu!t d)F7 CO !HF, (9 o N dj (\I !!l I I El ro 0 |lr E -.5 OE aO =e I c{ NO. A67 P.?tu',zq gP. !,?@a1, 8:53Ft't PR]I"II E{PLORNT - f,\ eo lt 6 d 1 t -l u z a -J !*a zH Fb trg b bh U;P vd# =FE =5 +ob .F *FG 5E =E f;a - . -244 14-2 6-1{ 6-10-15 1r-E-12 14+9 1$4{ lS.fi *54 zs-fi{ 44-2 4-Gt4 0-Sl5 2-9-13 5x6 24n3 G9n5 4414 44-2 244 7.0Qffi.5 y9115-. G 7x17.g M'16.r_- Scale = 1:62.6 SPACTNG 2-04 Plates Incrgaso 1.00 Lumber Increasa 1.00 Roo Stross Incr YES Code UBC/ANS|95 DEFL in (locl l/dofl VertlLL) -O.19 O >999 Vert(TL) 4.22 O >999 Horz(TLl 0.05 L n/a 13t LC LL Min l/defl - 240 tOADltlG lpst)TCLL 80.0 TCOL I O.0 BCLL O.O BCDL 10.0 I.UMBER TOP CHORD 2 X I SPF-S 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD 2X 8 SPF.S 1950F1.5E WEBS 2X4WWStud WEOGE L6tr: 2 X 4 WW Stud, Right: 2 X 4 WW Stud REACTIONS (lb/siz6l B=325O/O-5-8. L-325O/0-5-8 ERACING TOP CHORD Sheethed or 4-5-4 oc ourlins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling dirsctly applied or 1O-0-O oc bracing.WESS 2 Rows at 1/3 Dls F-H PLATES M[20 M[16 Woight; 151 lb GRIP 1 69/123 r09/70 Max Horz B=366lload c8se 4) Max Uplift B = -3O50oad case 5), L'-305(load case 5l FORCES (bl - First Load Cass Only TOP CHORD A-B-171, B-C=-3755, c-D=-3513, D-E--3289, E-F =-2822, F-G=-798, G-H=-798, H-t =-2822,l-J --3289, J-K =-3513, K-L=-3754, L-M = 171 BOT CHORO B-R=2826. O-R=2826, P-o-2841, O-P-2841, N-O=2826, L-N-2826 WEBS F-S=-2302, H-S=-2302, E-O=639, l-O-639, C-R=-305, K-N--305, C-O=19, K-O-19, c-S=168 NOTES 1) This truss has b66n chock8d lor unbalancsd loading cqnditions. 2l This truss has b6an dasign€d for tha wind loads gen€rat6d by 85 mph winds at 25 ft abovo gror,nd love,, using 5,0 E|3 top chord doad load and 5.O psf bottom chord dsad load, 10O mi from hur,icane ocoanlino, on an occupancy cat6go.y l, condition I enclosod building, ot dimensions l OO ft by 100 ft with €xposure C ASCE 7-93 per UBC/ANS|95 lf end venicals or cantilov€rs oxisl, thay aro oxposod to wind. lt po.chss exist, they aro not axposed to wind. Tho lumbor DOL incr6as6 is 1.33, and rhs plato grip incrsas8 is 1 .33 3) All platos ar6 Mll2O platos unloss oth€rwiss indicated. 4l This truss has b€on d€signod Ior a 1O.0 pst bottom chord live load nonconcur6nt with any othor llv6 loads De. Tablo No. 16-8, uBc-94. 5) Ceilino daad load 110.0 psf) on member(s). E F, Hl, F-S, H-S 6l Bottom chord livs load l4O.O psl) .nd additional bottom chord daad load 110.0 psf) appliod only lo room. O-O 7) Provido m€chanical conn6ction (by oth€rs) of truss to bearing plats capablo of withstanding 3O5 lb uplift at joint B and 3O5 lb uplifr ar ioint L. 8) Thi3 truss has brsn d6signsd with ANSI/TPI 1-1995 critoria. LOAD CASEISI Standard f.s'"*Tr-T A WARNING - verif| design pdrat eters und READ NOTES ON THIS AND REVERSE SIDE BEFORE USE D€Eign valid lor uao only with m|Td connoctots. Thi6 d€Bign iB ba86d only upon paEmotoB shown, and ls for sn l.tdlvidual buildlng componont to b€ installad and loaded venlcally. Appllc&billly ol de3ign paramsl€rs and pfoper incorpoalion ol cornporant l8 fosponrJb,,lty o, buildjng d6signEr - nol tuss derignor Eraclng shoyn ls lor lat€al 6upport ol individuel web mslnbsls only. Addltlonal tonporary bracing lo insuo Btablllly dudng conltruc on 18 tha rasponslblllty ol th€ 6f€cto.. Addllionil pormanant brecino ot lho overall siructura li lhe aospongibillty ot the bulldlng doslgnsr. For g€n€ral guldanca fagardlng hbricatlon, qualliy control, storage, delivory, or€cllon. and bracing, consult 0ST-88 0urllty Stand.rd, DSB. 69 B.rclng SDrcltlc.tlon, and H18.91 Handllng In.tlllatlon.nd Braclng n.comm.ndatlon avallabls kom lrula Pl.t Inatltul.,583 D'Onofrlo Drlv., H.dl!on, Wl5$719 PCn t<m-tr5 FO *o ;o z t-, fr z {l 6 z { V tl oX;. 9r]9 2i_; 6*s ; == o ii x ie+ a<:9o-0 <-Y qo - x f q fr=d ii 3 a i 5 0* ;9 0'qe dal v/\^ol oo o o+ -(o o o !.t =9 rn O=a4 -v-F be too 2d. 11 : !ao id oY. =9 6o o.= JO o o o o 5 X 5 "=o;OO9=r d'on :o o I st- :a 6a ER:6bd o o- F @ E a z o \ Qf fo oo oa 1l oo 6d o o '.:l.H g t*,t J ta.ta_ 2 E III \ Z q -, o Lr\t {r zg oo :to ot; ;X aq ar oo OJ oo O.r o c I E T F D T @ z c 3 u o =. =(o U, cn o 3 e m *E:rt i u,33 ii ; d=6 t F :t-O i I lgg g d !H !==o=; I =S 3 e =E i, 6 -O = eF EE bs z @@-=lO '-J ! (, t) G Px9 @b a -o -:' l- -.- -_ @ TKii !Jo -^ i3 -6 (, ..r S 8;S 3 -=r.)^'.\" Jt x - P z TOP CHORD TOP CHORD >r 7 o o f o g v,o o z o o CI' 9 d ; - - = 6 € o ! o, .', b (' N) ! qF E qe !e qe 30' i ag Ei ii 'aH aE i gH Egl q# ffia gE$ g1? ;i F*g *; Hm$ E e + aF gg a$ q! a;* a' re !:k 3a: i$4'*g *g *9g f 1E-€ id 3 d[sf *i gE ,EE iH Fi Ea ffiF $ig [i T$ 'i] E f$3 ii ;a$ i Fa Ea=,* qn €a[*g*es fi:s. li;.*fise-fi 4:5 E eA a3 p *sb;.g86 4; ig ga v;:q;?ee .a:E : trE A: E t$q4 *:t 71 dtqi zi *;gs E 6d3 i 1A re E ,s:"a6i3 da &i 69 *[ q'; ; I +4"xsq- sig$+i+sa *:Fee'E q TRUSFAB INC. 6181 - 335 RD. NEWCASTLn, CO 87647 Phone: (90)98+2336 Fur 9E4JS33 P,O. BOX ,168 AVON, CO E1620 JobNumber: E633 Page: I Date: I l-0?-2001 - 3:39:00 pM koject ID: 8633 Itoject: EToBALD AND SUSAN LBltrbk No:Model: Lot No: AccountNo: NA Designer: MA Salesperson; MAR\IINADAIR Quotc Numb€r: P.O. Number: 31303 LfrJ o t A O I o I \t (\l A A-DBL A-DBL I I -Tt tl 23-5-a Trusfob lnc. bl8l JJ5 Rood New Coslle, Colorodo 81647 (970)984-2JJ6 Ph. (970)9Ba-j5JJ Fox Telephone' Fo x: B63J kole: Not to scole lDote 8/20/0t lD,o'n I I I I I I I T T I t I I t I t t t T o bOl-obt3 STRUCTURAL CALCT]LATIONS Town of Vall OFFIOEGOPY F'OR LAW RESIDENCE VAIL COLORADO PREPAREDX'OR AISIII{EI,OGHOMES 2666HIGflWAYq}NORIH vrcToR,MoNTAltA59ST5 (4t6)@,t-34F1 PRf,PARIDBY:BEAI]I}ETIE CONST}LIING ENGINIEK INc. I3I WESTMAIN STBEET Mrssour.A, MoNTANA 598t)2 (4{6)721:7315 o o TABLE OF CONTENTS Gensral.......... ......G1-G5 RoofFraming ...RFI-RF37 Headers ..............H1-H10 Floor Framing -Upper Leve1..................... ....FLl-FL9 FloorFraming-Maiukvel .FL1GFL25 Foundation... ...... F1-F11 Laterdl ................L1-Ll4 BEAUDETTE CONSI'LTING ENGIDTEERS. INC. PRO.'DCT lqtu Fas ojge a/r4/ot av ftn (t6 JaBT t ,t ,l '-1 l l I -1 I I J t i-''.-'(,8 "j- i ..--i _---?,9 i BEAUDSTTE CONSULTING ENGII\IEERS, INC. PRo..'ECT &(N Kes psys a/n/ar ev fuh T t t I I I GENERAT NOIES - I..AFT RESTDENCE . VAIL,COLOR]ADO GENER]AI 1. Contractor shal-I verify all dimensions and job site conditions before commencing work and shall report any discrepancies to the engineer. 2. Use written dimensions. Do not use scaled dimensions. Where no dimension is provided consult the architect or engineer for clarification before proceeding with the work. 3. The design, adequacy and safety of erection bracing, shoring,temporary supports etc. is the sole responsibilj_ty of the cont.ractor and has not been considered by the engineer. The contractor is responsible for the stability of the structure prior to the completion of all shear walIs, roof and floor diaphragms and finish materiaLs. DESTGN CRTTERIA 1. CODE: 1997 UBC 2. VERTICAL LIVE LOADS: ROOF - 80 PSF T-,ATERAL LOADS: WIND - 80 MPH, Exp. B.SEISMIC- Zone t, I:1 .0 CAST-IN-PI,ACE COTiICRETE 1. CONCRETE: f'c = 3000 PSI at 28 days, normal weight.Max. slump = 3" for sLabs and fooLings.4" for walls, columns and beams.Curing compound: ASTM C309, Type 2, Class B.Construction to be in accordance with ACI 318-83.Location of construction or pour joints must be approved by the engineer unless otherwise shown on these drawings.Concrete sha1l be ai-r-entrained and shall conform to section 3.4.1 of ACI 301-84 for durabj_lity. 2. REINFORCING STEEL: ASTM A615 - Grade 40 for #3. Grade 50 for #4 and larger.Provide clear embedment of rebar ag designated in ACI-31-8. WELDED WIRE FABRIC: ASTM A82 and A185 (sheets only) FIBERMESH: ASTM C-111-6 Type III 4.I.3, 100? homopotymer pol14gropylene fibrill-ated fibers - 1 64 nar ^ rr T t t t I t T T t I I I I G/" t I t I t T I t I I I I I T I t t I I IIASONRY l-. Stone veneer at fireplace Mortar: ASTM C-270, T]lge S, L800 PSI at 28 davs. min. compressive strength of Grout: ASTM C476 with a min. compressive strength of 2000 PSI at 28 days. Brick Ties: 'AA Wire Products - AA401,l with AA400", or approved equal, for wood stud construction. Install at 4"veneers spEced at 18" oc. max vertical and 16" o.c. max.horiz.. Use 2-a6 gal-v. nails per anchor for wood stud construction. Fireplace: Fireplace design and connections to floors and roof shall meet Uniform building code section 3704 (c) unless otherwise noted. STRUCrURAIT STEEI.. W shapes: ASTM A36 (Dua1 Grade) ,A572 Grade A992, FY:50ksi Plates and bars: ASTM A36, Fy = 36 fSf Pipe: ASTM A53 or A501, Fy = :S KSf min.Tubes: ASTM A500. Grade B, Fy = qZ ksi or greater. 3. Bolts: ASTM A307 machine bolts (M.B.) unless otherwise indicated as A325 high strength bolts (H.S.B.) Expansion boLts(E.B): "Hilti- Kwik Bolt" or approved equal .Adhesive anchors: "Hilti HVAr or approved equal. 4. Welding Electrodes or Wires: AWS A5.1 or A5.5, E70XX: AWS A5.18, E70S-X. Welding shall conform to AWS " Code for Arc and Gas Welding in Buildings". AtI welding shall be performed by a certified welder. 5. Erection and fabrication in accordance with AISC "Specifications for Design, Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildinss." 1. z. 50 or c/+ I t t I I T t t I T T I t T t I I I I wooD 1. Sawn Lumber: No 2 & Better Douglas Fir/Larch, WWpA grading rules. Glu-Iaminated members: Simple Span beams: 248-y4 Continuous or Cant. Beams: 248-yB Logs: Lodgepole Pine/: Purlins and Joists - Sawn Round No. 2 ENGEI-,MANN SRUCE Tie Logs and Headers - premium Walls and Columns - Wall Loq 40 2. Sheathing: Roof:5/8" - 40/20 CDX, APA approved sheathing.Nailing: 8d G 6" o.c. at panel edges.8d @ 12" o.c. at intermediate rafters. (Unless otherwise noted) Framing Anchors and Connectors: "Simpson" or approved equal as indlcated on these drawings. For nailing not shown on these drawings or in these notes,use UBC Nailing Schedule, Table 25Q. G/s i t;i-l j .l-:--1 I' ,l ii.i -- . -- I ; A I ;\l l-,ii,l ;--r*-:- -j ilitr , -"-t_-.-,.i : ' I 1 ,! - :. -.-l BEAUDETTE CONSI'LTING ENGIDIEERS, INC. PRqIDgT LAw frs DxrE^ 6/t4/al sv Fan T I T I ': .: ri !: 'i t. I ! j**. I I t--,hr ?6' 4 ; ji, ql-a'-ro 1l ' ;!7/2,41; 'r, 'l 3rs lll,qo 141 t 42 ' 0'40 , A; i,i,!_y;! l i ,t ,l tr tt BEAUDETTE CONSTILTING ENGII\IEERS, INC. PRQIEST . dnw Fes sss6/tf /o/ nv Fn SHEET NO. KF /KooF FPaaut I I I T I ' l,l. slo: , l4h€ 4,ol I . I i i-, -t - -. 4 '--. BEAUDETTE CONSIILTING ENGINEERS, II{C. PRQ'ECT Lew Fes a,sys a/tq/at sv kn a, /8t, I t I t I I t I I General tnformatlon - ES-LP, NO.2 Fb: BasicAllow 900.0 psi etastic wtoCutus t,tOO-O ksi Spans ConsiderEd Contlnuous over Supporl Fv : Basic Allow 95.0 psi Load Duration Fac,tor '1.OOO Calculatlons are deslgnsd to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Requh€menE T T I I T t I I these live llnes, use the SEIflNGS maln menu selecton, choose the Prindng & Tltle Block tab, and ent ttle block Informatlon. Descrlptlon psil 80.8 nqii 900.0 psi: 90o. Bendlng OK Bendlng OK Bendlng OK Bendlng OK 8.4 33.3 50.2 8.4 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 ShearOK ShsarOK ShsarOK Shsar OK Dsgnr: Rtc|lARD D6crlpton : Scopo : Date: 9:524M. 19 JUN 01 R6,: Slo8oi l5*milt'''.22rtu'!es'*h," Multi-Span Timber Beam .,.,_--.-:^1s.:-"^] Tlmber Member lnformation Description Span Tlmber Secdon BoamWdth Beam Deplh End Fixitv Le: Unbrac€d LEngth MemberType Live Load Used This Span ? Dead Load *|fr Live Load *|fr Max @ Leff End Max @ Right End 6 : Aclual Fb : Allowable Shear @ Leff Shear @ Rlght tu : Actual Fv : Allowable tI @ Lei Toral @ Left DL @ Right LL @ Right Total @ Rlght max. Deflectlon @x= fri inl in fi k k psi Psi Y* Yes Yes Yes 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 24o.@ 240.00 240.00 240.00 0.00 -16.2 0.0 o.?1 4.01 0.90 2.79 2.A9 0.00 st 3.00 12'lo9 10.634 10.634 Frea - Pin 1.00 s2 10.00 l? loS 10.634 10.634 Pin - Pin 1.00 s3 23.00 12" log 10.634 10.634 Pin - Pin 1.00 s4 3.00 1t log 10.634 10.634 Ph - Freo 1.00 80.8 900.0 3.03 3.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.377 3.00 -16.2 0.9 0.0000 0.00 0.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.22 0.89 1.11 -0.075 0.00 0.0 0.0 -0.0750 in-k lbs in 0.00 0.0 -16.2 0.00 -16.2 -171.4 855.5 900.0 1 13.34 -171.4 -16.2 855.5 900.0 -171.4 4.0 0.0000 0.89 1.11 1.36 5.44 6.81 0.091 6.13 5.44 5.81 0.76 3.03 3.79 -0.858 12.57 00 -16.2 o.2 0.0000 T T Loads Results Reactlons & Deflection FF/+ I I t i I tt''""_-" i i .. zE LE /,'7' I --" I AI . t*l tih€ | ,; 'i,-i - :r;li l - -.'-;.. --.---- :- : r, --- i *.;--:i* | 1li -: -t*i-l-- '-*. '*j--i -I -- '-i i-*i-*l- : :i CONSI]LTING ENGII\IEERS, INC. BEAUDETTE PRQ'ECT 4aw Kes Kef Fx.auw6 oxre a/l{/cl svfu these five llnc, use the SETTINGS maln menu selEcfion, choosE the Prlndng & Tltle Block tab, and ent fftle block lnformaffon. Descdption Dato: 1'l:ffi4M. 19 JUN 01 RoYi t1030l i.ii#.iiil6o:oave,s.r.r,zrrtu'tsr@.$n!:n Single Span Beam AnalySiS ^.,-^,.-,_-j-lS,:-,-l General lnformation Center Span Lefr Candlever Right Cantilever 10.50 ft ft ft Moment of lnErlia Elastc Modulus Beam End Fhity 53.800 in4 29,000 ksi Pin-Pin Polnt Loads Magnhude Location 3.450 k 3.0@ ft 3.450 k 6.000 ft 2.590 k 9.000 ft I T T t I T t I I I T T t t I I I T I Values C€nter Locatlon Momont Shear Deflecfion 0.000 ft 0.00 k-ft 4.31 k 0.00000 in Lsft Cant 0.000 fl 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k 0.@000 in Rlghtcart 0.000 ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k 0.00{F0 ln Moments... Shears... Reacdons... Ma( + @ Csnter 15.52 k-ft at 6.00fr @ Left 4.31 k @ Left 4.31 k Max - @ Cgnter o.o0 k-ft at 10.50 ft @ Right 5.18 k @ Rigl't 5.18 k @ Len cant o.oo k-ff Maximum 5'18 k @ Right Cant O.OO k-fi Deflgcdons.'. @ Center -0.189 in at 5.28 ft Maxlmum ' 15'52 k-n @ Lefi cant. o.o0o In at o.0o ft @ Right Cant 0.000 ln at 0.00fr Sketch & Dlagram ufltu! t9.5l.n.t s.(pn Dmar ! {.t89h al 52E! flrn &6 4Jt Vnur@bd!4-:t 5rt vnt&i @ n.3.2 10.5n KF/a I z lt .'."! -. i -,..:-'...;..ga/, q J! tt t I T 4a, a** 66/'57. . BEAUDETTE CONSI'LTING ENGINEERS, INC. ftese llve !lne, use the SETfiNGS maln menu selecdon, choose the Prindng & TIUE Block tab, and ent titla block lnformaUon. Descrlptlon Ibgnr: RICHARD D€cdpflon : Scope : Date: 11:03AM, 19 JUN 01 R€i: 510ilol iiif#Hffi#5.1.3,2r.',un'r*e.wrn' Single Span Beam Analysis I T t t I T General lnformatlon Center Span Left Candlever Right Cantilevef 23.00 fr ft Moment ot lnErtia Elas[c Modulus Beam End Fixity On Left #1 285.000 in4 29,000 ksi Pin-Pln Uniform Loads On Center Span... *1 0.212 ktft Point Loads Magnitude Location 10.360 k 11.500 fr T I T I t I I I I t I I T Values Center Locatlon Moment Shear Deflec{ion 0.000 ft 0.00 k-fi 7.62 k 0.00000 in Left Cant 0.000 ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k 0.00000 in RightCant 0.000 ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k 0.00000 in Momeds-. Shsars,,. Reacdons.,, Max+@Conter 73.47 k-ft at 1't.52n @ Left 7.62k @ Left 7.62k Max - @ Center 0.oo k-ft at o.oo ft @ Right 7.62 k @ Right 7.62 k @ Left Cant O.OO k-ft Maximum 7 '62 k @ Right Cant O.OO k-fr Dellecdons... Maxrmum= 23.47k-fr 3H::., -llllil :l '1.fi| @ Right Cant 0.000 in at 0.00 ff RU6 I t I t I I t T t these ffve llnes, use the SETTINGS maln menu selectlon, choose thE Prlndng & Tltle Block tab, and ent our tltle block lnformaffon. lo.:or 0ffi0.,-n l&rl8!! 73.Jt id 11.52n Dr.td !.O.7l lh a | !,€! tiun tst Dsgnn RICH.qRD Dsscrlpdon :t Date: 11:03AM, 1sJUN01 7.8t vr€r@lo!!7.61 7.8r Vrat @ d. ?.81 T I t I T I I I T tulr t!01101 51;ffi[t''3.2-Ju{ee0,rryh3:t Single Span Beam Analysis -^-^,--_^.j-1s,:-,^3 #/q r*i- I .-l-l" . -- *} ::1,..]'t i^*,j-.*'i;i:i.,l ,irl :i ...'- '""-'^.,; ..f-.lt:lt,:'l --: , -':*'i'*-: *-*-":--i t,1.!i ) a :l t iillirrilr;l,ilr:1, i,r l liili{t,- i .--i- . i-|-: fi:1,r "f-,''-' 1""-.1:--r--i-..;- i-- : j i--;;j**]--i -l:i -l;:j;: i:-: :i, - -t*- - -]--:- ;l "- . - . ^i [,-r.-i---.r,, .]'i- j- i-i ,"*-l -il-:*i-"-*"*i | : | : .. BEAUDETTE CONSI'LTING ENGINEERS, INC. PROIECT law Kes D^rE 6ft4/dt SHEET NO. 7 RaoT Fndwttd t I I { t c €6i 3_64?ll ', {, ii .-. .: .. ----.- -.ir 1l I 'i G', /,/z/a o a,6 u, !{ {!!3- Z0l)?t f ''.--1_+r. _: "-__i-___': _ - :!l 9600) ( ?( :l -_-..r-,-*-_..1 .- I I ;Tr --- 'l /t 4ft),4.3/ i *:."-*'.-^.i ! I r! BEAUDETTE CONSIILIING ENGITYEERS, INC. PRq'ECT daw €ec oxr5 6/rf/rr BY Flh SHEET NO. FF /,Soop fuawtrt 6 I I t these flve llnes, usE the SETTINGS maln menu selectlon, choosE the Prlndng & Tltle Block tab, and ent fftle block Informadon. Descriptlon Dsgnn RlCl-lqRD Deacrlpdon : Scop€ : Date: 12:4{iPM, 19 JUN 01 ReJ: 51!l0l ffiffis.'.",zrbr1€0e.\'!rr32 Single Span Beam AnalySiS I t General Information Center Span Lsfi Cantilever Righl Cantlever 0.450 ktfl Unlform Loads I T I T l Values Genbr Locatlon Moment Shear Deflec'tion 0.000 ft 0.00 k-fr 2.05 k 0.00000 in Left Cant 0.000 ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k 0.00000 in RlghlCant 0.000 ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k 0.00000 in MomenE... Shears... Reactons.. Ma( + @ C€nt€r 4.66 k-ft at 4.54 fl @ Left 2.05 k @ Lefi 2.05 k Max - @ Center -2.02 k-ft at 10.00 ft @ Right 2'45 k @ Right 3'80 k @ t€fi cant o.oo k-fr Maximum 2'45 k @ Right cant -2.02 k-ft ostlecdons..' @ C€nter {.147 ln al 4.8:t ff Marlmum = 4,66 k-ft @ Len canl o.oo0 in at o.()() ff @ Right Cant 0.1q) h at 13.@n I I T I I I Sketch & Dlagram Lw 9.& o.4, n5g t!0 t0.40 lt,to .lrlllltn;- nL -'{,1{i*]i -.rrUl t.F L..er AErg Uedl!€t .€g lt.3o s-.dt('.@ tlo .89 .33 .@ ;fipillllllli.;llllllih'lllllli' lilllllll,t'r .ld2 €0.t LEto| AhA U€riDer sq..s f.!c Fo P.e P.@ Ls o.!o t,10 0./to 1.to {o.E a,g !9.84 3.98 E.3l 265 t.t0 1.:tit l.s€ o.ffio.o--t o..t'fiJjfffio.ns* Z0l( vmax (! bn a zot Ym€r ! tL?loi al a.5ai &nd ! .0.147h d 4.634 tun ts! uner @ dgE ! .zot-t 3.8r Vnar@n!Zlt 0€6 @ nont onl . .o.t h t I I FFIZ y''t/,r?l;/rur o,ioil ' Er:o | 6 y'l /s7 ), $pzoe lr j. --... i I I : --l I .*1 --'i .., i"* ;: i-*-i-. - . BEAUDETTE CONSTILTING ENGINEERS, INC. PRQITCT 4au' KgE oet.o_ 6/M/o t w&a I thesE flve llne8, use the SETINGS maln monu aelecton, choosE thg Prlntlng & Tlfle Block tab, and ent your fftle block Informadon. Dsgnr: RICHARD D6crlptlon : Scopo : Ihte: 12:51PM, 19 JUN 01 I Rer 51601 Ue€r: Xl l-603110t. Vor 5.1.3, ZLjul.lggg,lr&31 (0 ls8}l8 E{ERCAIC Single Span Beam Analysis Page 1 Descriptlon LP5 t t I General Information Center Span Left Candlever Right Cantilever 6.00 ft * 3.00 ft Moment of lnorUa Elasdc Modulus Beam End Fxity 491.000 in4 't,'loo ksi Pin-Pin 0.500 lctfi Uniform Loads I T I Values Centor Locatlon Moment Shsar Detledion 0.@0 ft 0.00 k-ff 1.12 k 0.00000 in Left Cant 0.000 fr 0.00 k-n 0.00 k 0.00000 in Rlghtcant 0.000 ft 0.00 k-fr 0.@ k 0.@000 in t t t t Moments... Shears... Reac{lona... Mer+ @ C€nter '1.27 k.fl at 2.26 ft @ Leff 1.12k @ Left 1.12k Mar - @ center -2.25 k-ft at 6.00 ft @ Right 1.87 k @ Right 3.37 k @ Laft Cant O.Oo k-ft Maxlmum 1'87 k @ Right Cant -2.25 k-ft Deflscdotrs... @ Conter {.0i1 in at 2.53 ft Maxlmum E 225 k-n @ Left cant 0.000 in at o.oo fi @ Right Cant {.016 in at 9.00 fr Sketch & Dlagram nSl'llJJlflfJfffffflf[fi[JIJJ 'o'o.SJf[fffffffi 0.,,n I t t t I I I i.tl Vlna@bns1.!t u'tlar @ ddn ! .zlt n 3.4t Vn€r@ n s t.gc O6i @ dgli ord ! 0-0lA! ur'l€l.13l.ndz2!a t ntd r {.0| r h 3n Zt3l! t?!ro bi FF/rc t I Ii BEAUDETTE CONSTTLTING ENGINEERS, INC. PRo.'ECT .dao't Fes oxreo/r4/at sv Kan I I t thse llve llne, use the SETTINGS maln menu selecffon, choose the Printlng & Tltle Block tab, and ent fftle block lnformadon. Descrlptlon Ilsgnn RIG|.|.ARD Oe8crlpdon : Scope : Date: 1:00PM, 19 JUN 01 R6v: l1030t ifiiffia$",.3.22.rr''tee.wr'3: Single Span Beam AnalySiS General Informatlon I t Center Span Lefi Candlever Right Cantilever 6.00 fi ff 2.@ ft Moment ot lnerda Elastic Modulus Beam End Fxity 98.930 in4 1,7q) ksi Pin-Pin 0.200 klf, Unlform Loads 0.200 k/fr I I I I Values Center Locaflon Moment Shear Defleciion 0.000 fr 0.00 k-ft 0.53 k 0.(P000 in Left Cant 0.000 ft 0.m k-ft 0.00 k 0.00000 in Rlght Gant 0.(x)0 fi 0.00 k-fi 0.00 k 0.00000 ln I T Moment9... Shoars... Reactlons... Ma,( + @ Cgnter 0.71 k-fi at 2.66 t @ LEft 0.53 k @ Left O.S3 k Max - @ cont€r {.40 k-ft at 6.00 ft @ Right 0'67 k @ Right t.07 k @ LEfr Cant O.Oo k-n Maximum 0'67 k @ Right Cant {.40 k-fi Deflecfotrs... @ Cenler {.026 in at 2.86 t Maxlmum = 0'71 k-ff @ Left canl o.o0o in at o.o0 ft @ Right Cant 0.017 in at 8.00 t I I I I t I I I Sketch & oWo:ot 0"ffi-fJfJffJ] o.an 03r Vmlr@ bn! 0.gl U''!u @ rigl|t..o.ar.n r,tt v'nd @ n. 0.rl D€d @ |hn| 6ra ! {.o17h &ilr ! 0.7t ! 3! zSEn &irr ! {.El8h d aSan tur H! RF/b Ot{./ e f t?/ ^ - -' :. -,-- I I ---* .i -...,. . I ' : : I ?/lZ' o 7f. * I . ;, Aa L,6A , 6n 7l,tl : t-76_ . - ' t;'t /"6G2^.t::::*--t- :--",-42 --0,+ ,l .,. .-1. =:;ttt"--l : I l! .- Att, : ,!*--._:. **, - {c /8lS BEAUD TTE CONSI'LTING ENGIIIEERS, INC. PROJECT '/,aw Fes esyB O/r4/ot BY RELI SHEET NO. Z €a,,F f'.eaaNE these flve lln€, use the SETflNGS maln menu eelectlon, choose the Prlndng & Tltle Block tab, and ent your fftlo block Informaffon. Dsgnn RICIIARD Doscrlptlon : Scope : Date: 1:24PM, 19 JUN 01 R6t: 5l@Ol Hfdkalt'''3.22'!'.res.!*'.2 Single Span Beam Analysis Page 1 Descrlptlon General lnformation Uniform Loads I I I t I I T I t I I T T t I t I ! T Values Centgr Locatlon Moment Shear Ileflection 0.000 fr 0.00 k-ft 0.80 k 0.00000 in Left Cant 0.000 fr 0.00 k-fr 0.00 k 0.00$0 in RlgmCant 0.000 fi 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k 0.00000 in Momsnts... Shears... Reac-tlons.., Mar + @ Center 1.60 k-fr at 3.99 ft @ Left 0.80 k @ Left 0.80 k Max - @ Conter {.90 k-ft at 9.OO ft @ Right 1.00 k @ Right 1.60 k @ Lefr cant o.oo k-ft Maximum 1'oo k @ Right Cant {.90 k-ft Detl€ctlons"' @ Center {.072 ln at 4.28 fr, Madmum E 1.60 k'n @ Left canL o.ooo ln at 0.00 ft @ Rlghl Cant 0.046 In at 12.00 fr Sketch & t.z9 Lae t0t 'zit o.lo llllll|\ :lllllli:'-iqlllll\!: llllll!nl'lllllltlx iTF:J1M qTIIfl '.-j{lT|lF lgt ra:lllill; t,50 "trL t.6r t.8it l'! locdho Aloq lfafiloa -60 ta .a ]-,1 ..i.t. =flm L@ l_45 ).67 llt l |_L 'lg uerEd F-4 Lo.ddrIEE U6nlar ( a4_54 l^t aa{t t.tp f,.4 !.8 v.4 30,12 t5.Et 0t.m E.75 2-?9 7.gil 3.t7 s.n offio* o:$lf;Jffio-" 0.8t vrEr@m60.&i l/tn|ar ! l.&.n d 3.98n B'|rx ! {.072h al 428t nlm !n loia@ fu14 ! {.gt n !.61 vflr&@r1!1,01 Don @ rigil 6d r 4.0€ln FF/S these frve llnes, uso the SETTINGS maln menu selecdon, choee the Prindng & Title Block tab, and ent ff tle block lnformatlon. Descrlptlon Dsgnn RICHARD DEscrlpdon : Scope : Date: 1:30PM, 19 JUN 01 R6r 5l038l iiiiffi[?''3.,.'r!']r,'u.Y/hEt Single Span Beam Analysis I I I I T I I I I I General lnformatlon Uniform Loads Point Loads Magnitude Loceton 4.480 k 3.000 ft 3.410 k 9.000 ft 1.1'10 k 10.500 fi 4.480 k 6.000 ft Values Left Cant Moments,.. Shears... Reacilons... Max + @ Center 5.27 k-ff at 2.99 ft @ Lefi 1.88 k @ Lefi 1.88 k Max-@ Center -11.19 k-ff at 7.00fr @ Right 7.ak @ Right 12.44 k @ Left Cant O.OO k-ft Maximum 7 'U k @ Right cant -11.19 k-ft Deflectlons"' @ Center -0.021 in at 2.85ft Maxlmum E 11.19 k-ft @ Lefi Cant. 0.000 in at 0.00ft @ Right Cant 4.077 ln at 10.50 ft Contor Locadon Moment Shear Defleciion 0.000 ff 0.00 k-ft '1.88 k 0.00000 in 0.000 ft 0.00 k-f, 0.00 k 0.00000 in Rjghtcant 0.000 ft 0.00 k-fr 0.00 k 0.00000 in T T I t I I T I I rr/e these ffve llnes, use the SETTINGS main menu selecdon, choose the PrlnUng & Title Block bb, and ent your tlUe block Informatlon. Dsgnn RICHARD D€crlpllon : Dats: 1:30PM, 19 JUN 0l Scopo : I I I T t I t t T I t Rari 5l@l ffiffit2"'.!z'rm-'es'$,h3' Single Span Beam Analysis -,***j1e:.*.1 Descrlption LRI Itnrx@.10r!.-11:r.n la/u V|n€! @ dr73t Oof @ dgE ord " 0.02h T I I t I I I I ,Sketch & Dlagram A tn.' i.*. i.', t,,.'****t1ffifrrr[u' oo8,n t.9t Vrns@ld!t.gl urn6. t.3t nd 2.99i Ori8,r . {.oab d 2.8ti toln H FF/zo t ]r 4 5', 1I,r" l@l bc F€aw -, flsrooEert s q t BEATIDETTE CONSITLTING ENGII\IEERS, INC. PRqItCT 6gt^t 4es Kof Frunarq& olrrv a /t(/at sv ftn I I these ffve llnes, use the SETTINGS maln menu selecdon, choose the Prlntlng & Tltle Block tab, and ent Dsgnr RICHARD D6crlpdon : Scope : Dato: 1:56PM, 19 JUN 01 tltle block Informaton. RBr Siq|ol 1136: KW.&l!06, Voi t l.1 ZLrust 980. $/hgl td 198198 EI€RCATC Single Span Beam Analysis Descrlptlon Genenl Information t T I I Unlform Loads Values I I t I Center Locatlon MomEnt Shear tlefloclion 0.000 ff 0.00 k-ft 0.40 k 0.0(P00 in Left Cant 0.000 ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k 0.0@00 in R|gm Cant 0.000 ft 0.00 k_f, 0.00 k 0.00000 in Moments.., Shears... Reac[ons... Max + @ Center 0.18 k-ff at 0.88 n @ Leff 0.40 k @ Left O.4O k Max - @ Center -2.76 k-fi at 4.50 ft @ Right 1.62 k @ Right 3.20 k @ Left Cant O.oO k-fr Maximum 1'62 k @ Right Cant -2.76 k-ft Deflecfons..- Maxrmum E 2.26 k-fl I f""' 0'005 in at 3'15fr ,s., *n Cant. 0.000 In at 0.00 fi @ Right Cant -0.063 In al 8.@ff t I I I t t I T t .oSf,TITITITilTIlTilTIlT[ n*- o.$fllJfffifllffi o.*,,,r ona ! o.och d 1ln ilan b! tlnt't @ rigm!.2ffi.! o4t az Vmd @ bA. Otl Vnd@rtEt.6r D6! @ lbh 6rd . o.Oeur Rfhz I I 1*-,: .-*1 !: : i,"...._".. !:i .!-- r -'....-. ...t - BEAUDETTE CONSI'LTING ENGINEERS, INC. PRq'ECT (,tu fr69 KaF Fnuwtta oe11a. a/22/at B"r Kdrl I I t theso flve llnes, use the SETTINGS maln menu selecdon, choose thE Prlndng & Tltle Block tab, and snt tltle block Informadon. Descrlptlon Dsgnn RlCl-l,ARD Ogscrlpdon : Scope : Date: 3:08PM, 22 JUN 01 R6r: !t0:]0i tii$ffi*,",ir.'."22r,'"''t€€s.!v,''32 Single span Beam Analysis .-***j"fls,i*": Genenl lnformation I Conter Span Left Candlevet Right Cantilever 8.50 ft ft ft Moment of lnertia Elasuc Modulus Beam End Fxity 197.E60 in4 1,700 ksi Pin-Pin km k/R ff ft k/ft k/ft ft ft k/ft km fi fi T T T Loads Magnftude @ Left Magnitude @ Right OisL To Left Side DisL To Right Side 0.600 klfr k/fr ff 8.500 ft T T Values Centor Locauon Moment Shear D€fleclion 0.@0 ft 0.00 k-ft 't.70 k 0.00000 ln Left Cant 0.000 ff 0.00 k-fi 0.00 k 0.00000 In RlghtCant 0.000 ft 0.00 k-ff 0.00 k 0.00000 in Moments... Shears... Reacdons,.. Mar + @ C€nter 2.70 k-ft at 3.59 n @ Lefr 1.70 k @ tefr 1.70 k Max - @ csnt€r 0.00 k-ft at 0.00 fl @ Right 0'85 k @ Right 0.85 k @ Left Cant o.oo k-ft Maximum 1'70 k @ Right cant o.o0 k-ft DsflEcdons... @ Cenler {.105 In at 4.09 fi Marlmum E 2'78 k-fr @ Leff cant o.ooo in at o.oo ff @ Right Cant 0.000 in at 0.00fr t I t T I I T I T I T Sketch & Diagram Lrmr!Z&nd3.394 &nu ! {. logb d d03t firn Lt 1.fr Vnd@l€dEl.n O.&( \rrEx@n.0.8t Br/r+ BEAUDETTE CONSI'ITING ENGINEERS, INC. PRO'ECf Lew Fes e1gy aft4/ot BY Ren SHEETNO. Z /06 Aeacs 6ep @ I .t T i ,@a : :i -- '--* - *-i €**!: 6e BEAUDETTE CONSIILTING ENGINEIRS, INC. PRqIEgT Lnw Kes olre afl4/ol BY Ren SHEET NO. 2 /06 Aeurs 6ep @ BEAUDETTE CONSI'LTING ENGII\IEERS, INC. PRQIECT Lew Fes u;ys aft4/at BY Ren BEAUDETTE CONSITLTING ENGINEERSi, INC. PRqIECT Law Kes oern al4/o/ BY Ren SHEETNO. Z 4,?17 .*'r_ " .'- : , 2l/1,2 L BEAT'DETTE CONSITLTING ENGII\IEERS, INC. PRO.IECT Law Fzs oew, 6/r4/ar BY kan SHEETNO. Z (oG Taurt Aa,e @ Company :Designer : Job Number : Rfr111.3\""??,T:""rr5r erneers June 19, 2001 3:02 PM Checked By: Matertab (Generall Material Lab€l Young's Modulus Shear Modulus Poisson's ThermalCo€f. Secfions YieU Sfess Joint Coordinates I I T t T I I T I I T I I T I I T t I Joint Label X Coordinate Y Coordinat€Z Coordinab Joint Temperature N1 0 0 N2 .5 0 0 N3 1 0 0 N4 5.25 0 ) N5 c 5.8i 3 0 0 N6 .75 2.91 v 0 0 X Translaton Y Translation Z Translation MX Rotation MY Rotation MZ Rotation Memb€r Lebel I Joint J Joint K Joint X-Axis Rotate SEe{ion Set End Releases l-End J-End End OfrsEls lnaclive l-End J-End Code Page 1 RISA-3DVersion4.1 [C:\RISA\|AWTRB.r3d] FF/ao I I ff$ti# i R""1.,:1ii'"*',T:frtrnJsrneers Job Number : June 19,2001 3:02 PM Checked By: Steel Desisn / NDS Parameterc t t I I Cb Sway Byz Section Lengh tb y-y Set le2 Membsr Label Lb z-z lE1 L_comp cm y-y Ky1 Kz-z CH Cm z-z le Wo od M ateri a I Pa ra m ete rs Wood Set NDS Species Redesion Criteria Soclion Set Max Depth Min Depth MaxWdth Min Width Max Code Check Min Code Check PlatelShell Elements Plate Label A Joint B Joint Riqid Diaphraqms D Joint Materialset Thickness StressLocation lnaclive? D i strl b ute d Load Patte rns Start Location End Location Slart Magnitude End Magnitude Patem Label I T I I T I I I I I I t t Basic Load Case Data BLC No. Basic Load Case fllember Point Loads. Catesory : None, BLC I : RISA-3DVersion4.1 [C:\RISA\LAWTRB.r3d] FF/zr Company :Designer : Job Number : Riii:13tif"i?..T:,i ni f ne I n eers June 19, 2001 3:02 PM Checked By: Increment Both Pattgm Label 1st Joinl Joint I t l I l I l l ! I I I I I t I t t I X Transla6on Y Translation Z Translation X Rotation Y Rotation Joint Label 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.000 {,.002 t\2 -0.151 0.000 0.01 0.000 0 I\3 0.071 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 t2 N4 0.051 {.139 0.000 0 0.000 N 5 0.036 -0.143 0.000 0.000 0. N6 o.o2 -0.139 0.000 0.0 0.001 Joint Label X Moment Story Number X Direclion Joint Label Drift 7o of Hl Y Diredion Joint Label Drift o/o of Ht. Z Dhec{ion Drift %ofHL Joint Label Page 3 RISA-3DVersion 4.1 [C:\RISA\|-AWTRB.r3dI FF/az Company : Beaudette Consulti Designei : Rlchard Newman Job Number : JnSlneers June 19,2001 3:02 PM Checked By: Section Set t I I t t I I T I I t I I I I I I T t Member Label RF//t? RISA-3DVersion4.1 [C:\RISA\LAWTRB.r3dI Page4 Company : Beaudette ( Designer : Rlchard* '-"*a*t"""*Job Number : June'19, 2001 3:02 PM Checked By: Bending y-top BEnding y-bot B€nding z-top Bending z-bot Member Lab€l t I t I T I I t I I t I I I t I I t t Member Label . Section x-Translation y-Translation z-Translation x-Rotation (n) l, Ralio (n) Lfz Ratio Page 5 RISA-3DVersion4.1 [C:\RISA\LAWTRB.r3dI fiF,/a& Gompany : Beaudete Consulti Designer : Rlchard Newman Job Number : JnSineers June 19,2001 3:02 PM Checked By: Member Label Seclion x-Translation I I T t I T t T T I I I I t I t I I I Torsion Shear y-y Warp Shear z-z Warp Shear z-Bot (n) Uy Ratio (n) Llz Ratio Page 6 RISA-3DVersion4.1 [C:\RISA\LAWTRB.r3d] KF/,E Company : Beaudette Consultl Designer : Rlchard Newman Job Number : l|nSlneerc June 19, 2001 3:02 PM Checked By: Torsion Shear y-y Warp Shear z-z Warp Shear z-Bol Bend z-Top Warp Bend Membor LabEl Code Chk Loc Shear Chk Loc Dir ,IEMDET NUJ (jOoE GNCCKS, LL; 7 : DL+LL Member Label Code ihk Loc Shear Chk Loc Dir RISA-3DVersion4.1 [C:\RISA\[AWTRB.r3d!PageT Kl /?6 June 19, 200'l 3:02 PM Checked By: Phte LabEl I I t t T I t T T I T T I t I l, I I I FFk+ RISA-3DVersion4.1 [C:\RISA\LAWTRB.r3d]Page 8 t ! i 1". __ -,j _-_,_- i I til ;9,p.?r S *** : _-_ ,ii r --1-:-t,= - I-. l, *i I -'.-,..-.'...- ': " '' -:- " _ _ -' I -'--.'-' : :-'- 'j--' ---:/O ; ll I ..-.-;-.* I 'i *-----,--.-.$ i i l i1 ':Gl'i; ij'tr_-; r*----f*- r-:/d I, !l l; :t .r t c: j- -rl +;9r +ii t/S l I tl i----\ta - ".1 Ii .--tl J ,+{,-ll 'Et{, _T< 11_ *:"----="Fr- I l-\ ': --- '=-+, '*- ! .'<- -''- '', --+--. I rE-,,1 s:**]*j ,r*;-,-tfi t' ;i .\)-i--'7a _ ,*- -r (\ I. _ il ! t *''-.!*..:'._ --:- -- --'- ;, :ll il*-f -:-- I _._. I 1l : :_(9i I i BEAUDETTE CONST'LTING ENGINEERS, INC. PRq'ECT LAU frs oon a/t4/at sv kah {40' "' li6 p' '/tr )z ,& /5 -,-: . ll't Ai J't - -- ' **- ---L- - li iif+ _:' 'j w BEAUDETTE CONSTTIJTING ENGII\IEERS, II[C. PRO.'Egt t0w F€s ",nyB a/zo/ot sv ft^ SHEETNO. t+ 4 lJEaaeres t T t these ffve llnes, use the SETnNGS maln menu selecdon, choose tfre Pdntng & Title Block tab, and ent Utle block Informatlon. Descrlptlon Date: 2:09PM, 20 JUN 0l R6r: 6ld!l t&a: KUHFqF@, V6' 3.1.3, 22.r!n l0€, Wrfiz G) tsa}go EI{ERCATC Single Span Beam Analysis General lnformatlon Unlform Loads I I t T t T l- Magnitude Location 4.310 k 2.000 fi Point Loads Values CerTtsr Locatlon Momenl Sheat D€fledion 0.000 ft 0.00 k-f, 3.35 k 0.00000 in Left Cant 0.000 ff 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k 0.00000 in Rjghtcant 0.000 fi 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k 0.00000 in T I T t I t I I I Moments... Shears... Reas ons... Max + @ Conter 5.50 k-n at 2.00 ft @ Lefi 3.35 k @ Lefr 3.35 k Max - @ center o.@ k-ff at o.oo ff @ Right 3.35 k @ Right 3.35 k @ L€fl Cant O.@ k-n Maximum 3-35 k @ Right Cant 0.OO k-fi Doflectlom... Max,mum e 5.d0k-n $ffi:; i.lSiil I ;.ill @ Right Cant 0.000 in at 0.00 ft tlla thesE flve llnc, use the SETTINGS maln menu selectlon, choose the Prlnffng & Tltle Block tab, and ent Scope : tltle block lnformaffon. SkEtch & Dlagram ' tr'"nW'*u Dsgnn RICHARD De€crlpton : Date: 2:09PM. 20 JUN 01 3.4t V|na@bA!3.41 3.4t rrld€r@n!3.4l R6v: 3lC!01 i$,ffi[tn'r.zr..,''-lss'.wrni2 Single Span Beam Analysis -,.""_*j-|ji"* lrrna ! 5.5&n d 2.00! Drl8x ! {.OZlh d 2ogl! fren 6 il/r these five llnes, use thE SETTINGS maln menu selectlon, choose the Prlntlng & Tltle Block tab, and ent title block lnformatlon. Descrlptlon Dsgnn RIC}IARD D€scdpuon : Scope : Dato: 2:17PM, 20 JUN 0'l R6r 510301 iiil;[ilffig;1"'s'zrru'1ee.s,h32 Single Span Beam Analysis *,-.,,-*j-ffi""^: General Information 0.150 k/ft Unlform Loads Polnt Loads Magnttude Localion 3.200 k 2.500 ft I t T T I T I T I t I T I I I I t I T Values CEnter Locatlon Moment Shear Dsflecfion 0.000 ft 0.00 k-ft 1.97 k 0.00000 in Left Gant 0.000 ft 0.00 k-ff 0.00 k 0.00000 in RlghtCant 0.000 ft 0.00 k-fr 0.00 k 0.00000 in Momenb.., Shear€... Reacdona... Ma( + @ Conter 4.46 k-n at 2.49 ft. @ Left 1.97 k @ Left I .97 k Max - @ Centsr o.Oo k-fi al 5.oo ft @ Right 1.97 k @ Right 1.97 k @ Left cant o.oo k-ff Maximum 1'97 k @ Rightcant O.Ook-fi Deflecdons... i/raxrmum E 4.46k-ft 3H::^. i:frlll I i:lll @ Right Cant 0.000 in at 0.00n H/5 th€sE llve llnes, us€ the SETnNGS maln menu selectlon, choose the Prlntlng & TIU€ Block tab, and ent dtle block Informaton. Dsgnn RlCl-[qRD D€scrlpdon : Dats: 2:17PM, 20 JUN 01 ffiffi'uy"'...2J,!1r63.$/h€ Single Span Beam Analysis Sketch & Dlagram '&r nWnt*o z0t Vrasr@hl!Zot 201 vrad@d'2(n tlnta ! 4.fi.n a! 2494 I'|!,l. E {.G}1b st 25r! !!rn l6i //r' I t t '-i -t- .i I i - -.. ..i .. l :, ! c, Ar.k t( A *,:'- i-"- i - l it ' -i t :l1l ,,1 "l-:*-, : . ;-| ,i 6;;t; 2'a (d,44 il Vl" /8,4, i-' 1'-,t: I' j ttq' /a!{, ,/ I l------.- L Lr ,fr',Nel/'4 : '- ' "1_.- t-- :t 7,1+: - -a Bo i- -r '..-,, ; F-1- --.:.-..--:_-42 1 ;;'' t- -'-* ?U +}+!*+rl+.1-'<-<. : t-a 2 'ldtu ut -'*|*.." tt BEAUD TTE CONSITLTING ENGINTEERS, INC. PROIECT law fres p,sys r.,/Zo/ot sv [+7h SHEET NO. t4 7 llEaeeas l l BEAUDBTTE CONSI'LTING ENGINEERS, INC. - --:-'---l-*- : - -a.l ii: ---.--{--;- - .l----Ji :i PROJEgT oaw Kes oere Q/zo/or Rau 'tl -.-.*. .. ....t ...-,,-.,,....-. i I ll *,-. l. - .{..-,-.r---.. t: I -.-'i " ---]-* BEAUD TTE CONSI'I,TING ENGINEERS, INC. PRqIECT t*u'Fss D^'rE d/zz/al av Fan ,..., *.--_ .".", "l ^-,]; I '-f .*.1 -')ls . -," , .'j : l '-- :' ,l ,: BEAUDEITE CONSI'LTING ENGINEERS, INC. PROJECT leo F6 DKflE b/zz/6/ ev Fan I i !.,... t-- t : BEATID TTE CONSIILTING ENGINEERS, INC. PR(}'EgT l-Aat &s fiaap Fwt+tuta. dtppee ooo a/r4/at sv Rah :-'_-"} l "1 ! ,? I _-_-,_. _l ii:1-.': : A)i o, /46 :l --':e Art49ktp , r : Ii 'I " ,--, i -i , *,16471-' A4 ,r3 :T __ lt .i l4J 7.c,,z-J 1: do a-{:6:{,* ld,z Tl 44t, :: ,.. - - -l-. I :11 -- . - ---^ -; ,,-,-:..: 'i:l l, ii,i .,:lt:: : . .,..; , Ma "74'{6't 'i Tcti , r! jt '----l*---::. .--.-l I //q '' 'I { -, ..i ''* -:-- - .--_ ,.):ti:-r- ':* "vi :. /o,t {i--fi, _ -,_-'"..,:t. -i.._f:: _ .,lil l'- - -1'la ---* '.1 . .: -i- - -i-----* BEATIDETTE CONSTILTING ENGINEERS, INC. PROJECT (aw ftPg o*, a/a/at BY pn T t I these ffve llnes, ueo the SETTINGS maln menu selecflon, choose the Prlntlng & TltlE Block tab, and ent tltle block lnformatlon. Descrlptlon Dsgnr: RICHARD D€crlpuon : Scope: Date: 7:51AM, 20 JUN 01 u3ai lCl'{603!O8, V6' 5.1.3. Zlrllr}l9lo, Wh3il (ci 1983t0 EI{ERCALC Multi-Span Timber Beam Tlmber Member Informatlon Reactions & Deflection General lnformation ff in-k ln-k p3i psi k k psi Psi in-k lbs ln T I I I I t t I T I I I I I I T E$LP, NO.2 Spans ConsidEred Condnuous Over Support Description Soan Tlmber Sectlon Beam Wdth Beam Depth End Fxhv Le: Unbriced Lengrth MemberTyps ff in in n srI 7.50 't5.50 10" log l0'log 8.860 8.860 8.860 8.860 Pin - Pin Pln - Pin '1.00 1.00 Elqstic Modulus 1,100.0 ksi Load Durafon Facior 1.000 to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Requlrements , Loads Live Load Used This Span ? Dead Load Liv€ Load Results Max @ Lefi End Max @ Right End b : Actual Fb : Allowable Shear @ Left Shear @ Rlght fo : Adual Fv : Allowable LL @ Left Total @ Left DL @ Right tI @ Right Total @ Rlght Max. Doflecdon @x= 0.75 0.0 -52.7 45,.8 900.0 Bondlng OK 0.15 1.32 2,4 95.0 Shosr OK Y€ Y6 75.00 75.00 120.00 120.00 9.20 -52.7 0.0 0.025 -0.250 4.90 8.47 454.8 900.0 Bondlng OK 1.79 1.23 31.6 95.0 Shear OK 1.91 3.11 0.47 0.76 1,23 0.09 0.15 1.20 1.91 3.11 Fl/s these fve llnes, use the SETTINGS maln menu gelecflon, choose the Prlntlng & Tltle Block tab, and ent tltle block lnformatlon. Descrlptlon Dator 7:594M. 20 JUN 0'l RBt: tlo3al ffi;LiffiaLtt'3'z-Jt'r'r6e'\i!rn,o MUlti'Span Timber Beam I t I I I t I I t General lnformation Description Span n Tlmber Sectlon Beam Width in Beam Oepth in End Flxitv Le: Unbreced Length fi Member Type Live Load UsEd Thls Span ? Dead Load #n Live Load *tft E$LP, NO.2 Spans Considered Condnuous Over Support Tlmber Member lnformatlon Fb : Basic Allow 900.0 psi Fv : Basic Allow 95.0 osi Calculadons are Elastic Modulus 1,100.0 ksi Load Duration Factor 1.000 to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Reoulreme s sl 't0.50 l0'log 8.860 8.860 Pin - Pin 1.00 s2 12.50 l0'log 8.860 8.860 Pin - Pin 1.00 Y6 Y€s 75.00 75.00 120.00 120.00 3.64 7.58 0.0 -39.6 -39.6 0.0 psi psi lbs ln I I l t I I t I I I Max @ Left End Max @ Right End tb : Aciual Fb : Allowable Shaar @ Left Shear @ Righl to : Actual Fv : Allowable Reactlons & Deflection 22.7 95.0 ShearOK 341.3 900.0 Bandlng OK 1.48 0.96 25.8 95.0 Shsrr OK 1.74 2.42 0.37 0.59 0.96 -0.093 7.00 Total @ Laft DL @ Righl LL @ Right Total @ Rlght Ma& Detlectlon @X'i k k k k k ln o.44 0.7'l 1.08 1.74 2.82 -0.028 4.06 0.0 0.7 0.0000 -39.6 1.5 0.0000 F(/+ r-ti T t - !6-fi-a- ( g-1. :*ZL rat = ila,ia &_l:,t-ir!,---i .!':...1 *-.... l-.-. i 'll .' PRqIECT (atu Ees Fean fBtuut(- u, o1gn a/zof r sv Fa*t BEAUDETTE CONSI'LTING ENGINEERS, INC. F!$ffry. : Ri"1""13ifr"*H""mr$nsrneers Job Number : June 20. 2001 8:38 AM Checked By: Mabrtals (General) Mat€rial Lab€l Young's Modulus Shear Modulus Poisson's ThermalCoef. 105 Veld Sbess Secfions tuEa SA(yy) SA(zz)J CtorEion) T/C Joint Coordinates I I t I t ! T I I T I t T T T I t I I Joint Label X CoordinaE Y Coordinate Z Coordinate Joint Temp€ratur€ Boundaru Conditions N1 0 0 0 0 N2 12 0 0 0 N3 21 0 0 0 Joint Label MemberData X Translation Y Translation Z Translation MX Rotation MY Rotation MZ Rotation X-Axis Seclion Rohte Set SfeelDeslsn / NDS Parameters End Offsets lnactivg Member Cb Sway Byz Length Lb y-y tez l-F.z-z lel L_comp cm y'y K y-y Kz-z CH Cm z-z IE Wood Materlal Parameters Wood Set NDS Soecies RISA-3DVersion 4.1 [C:\RISA\|-AV1/LBC.r3d!Page 1 7% Company :Designer : Job Number : R?i:13.f"i?,T#mr''Ensrneers June 20, 2001 8:38 AM Checked By: Section SEt Max Gode Check Min Code Check Plate Label Maslor Joint D i stri b uted Load Patte m s A Joint B Joint C Joint D Joint Matarialset Thickness SbessLocaton Inaclive? Riold Diaphraoms Pattem Label DirEclion Start Magnitude End Magnitude Baslc Load Case Data Start Location End Loca6on I I I I I I t T t I T T I T I T I I t Member Point Loads. Cateaory : None, BLC 1 : BLG No. Basic Load Case Localion Member Distributed Loads. Cateqoru : None, BLC 1 : Mouln-q Loads Tag Pattsm Lab€l Increment goth lstJoint znd Joint 3rd Joint 4th Joint Sttr Joint i0h Joint Dvnamics Input RISA-3DVersion 4.1 [C:\RISA\IAWLBC.r3dI Page2 FL/+ F^ili8,i.il"^-:R'11"*'i-'"??ffi rtr$nsineers Job Number : June 20, 2001 8:38AM Checked By: Load Combinatlons J oint D is p l aceme nts-L 1;DL!LL Joint Label Reactions, LC1 : DL+LL X Translation Y Translation Z Translation X Rotation Y Rotaton Z Rotation N1 0.0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 N2 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 N3 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 Joint Label X Force Storv Drift, LC 1 : DL+LL Story Number Joint Labol X Direclion Drift o/o ol HL Joint Label Z Direction Drift Y Direction Drift o/o of HL Joint Label 7o of H! t I I I I t t I t I I I T t T T I T T RedesisnShapes, LC 1 : DL+LL Material Takeoff, LC I : DL+LL Section Set Dalabase Shaoo Member Section Forces, LC I : DL+LL Total Length TotalWeight RISA-3DVersion4.1 [C:\RISA\LAtl/LBC.r3dl Page 3 FL/8 Fl$^{,i.q", R'""1':t:T.'"*Hff rtllFnsrneers Job Number : June 20, 2001 8:38 AM Ghecked By: Member Stresses. LC 1 : DL+LL Membgrlsb€l Section Ardal Shear y-y Member Deflections. LC 1 : DL+LL Shear z-z Bending y-top Bending y$ot Bending z-top Bending z+ot t I I t I I I I T T t t I I I I T t I y-Translation z-Translalion (n) Uy Ratio (n) Uz Ratio Member Section Torcion, LC I : DLILL Member Label Seclion x-Translalion Member Label Seclion Torque Torsion ShEar y-y Warp Shear z-zwarp ShEar z-Bot Bend z-Top Warp BEnd MemberAlSC ASD9th Cpde Checks, LC 1 : DL+LL Membor Label Code Chk Loc ShEar Chk Loc Dir Fa Member NDS Code Checks, LC 1 : DL+LL - Steel code check not MembEr LabEl Code Chk Loc Shear Chk Loc Dir PlatelSheil PrtncipalSfresses, LC 1 : DL+LL RISA-3DVersion4.1 [C:\RISA\|-A$/LBC.r3d]Page 4 fr/"1 ii _:-- '! ll 'I rl -+* ! :l l -,.*.,| ,i t '_ ... -: i-*;l: !i !l - *L.,.- BEAUDETTE CONSI'LTING ENGINEERSI, INC. PRO'ECT Lau frs aon FRosrNl- /l4artl DxrE 6/t4/r/ av kan '14- o :o,l '|..- ,7, a ', '-.- ,(i ?!*s- DA'|E 4 /?6/0/ BY RAYT PRO'ECT law Pes fuaq FplurNk rLlaN BEAUDETTE CONSTILTING ENGII\IDERS, INC. t I T I I these flve llnes, use the SETilNGS maln menu selecton, choose the Prlntng & Tltle Block tab, and ent tltle block Infonna0on. Dwcrlptlon Dsgnn RICHARD Decrlptlon : Scope : Dab: 8:5gAM, 20 JUN 01 i*sffiK?''l22','''r€€'t!'htt2 Single Span Beam Analysis General lnformation Center Span Lefi Cantilever Right Cantilever 10.50 ft ft ft Moment ot Inerlia Elasuc Modulus B€sm End FLity 375.000 in4 1,900 ksi Pin-Pin On Cantlever... *'l On Rlght #1 Unlform Loads 3.000 k 6.000 fr I T Polnt Loads Magnitude Localion 3.000 k 3.000 ft Values T T t T I t I t I I Ldt Cant Momonb... Shsar€... RsacdorE.,. Mar + @ CEnbr 12.65 k-ft at 6.00 f, @ Left 3.8s k @ Left 3.85 k Max - @ Conter O.0O k-ft at 10.50ft @ Risht 2.99 k @ Right 2.99 k @ Len cant o.0o k-fr Merblum 3'85 k @ Right Cant 0.00 k-fr Ooflecdons... @ Center {.335 in at 5.16 fr Madmum s 1265 k-fr @ Lefi Canl. O.Ooo tn at O.O0 ft @ Right Cant 0.000 ln at 0.00 fr Center Locauon Mome' Sheat DEflecdon 0.000 fr 0.00 k-ft 3.8n k 0.000ff) in 0.000 ft 0.00 k-fr 0.00 k 0.00000 in Rlghtcant 0.000 fr 0.00 k-n 0.00 k 0.00000 ln I I Fol" th€se llvg llngs, uss the SETTINGS maln menu selscton, choose the Prlnung & Titls Block tab, and ent ttle block lnformadon. FB1 tlate: 8:594M, 20 JUN 01 iilftffialf*r3.22.'lnres,wh3e Single Span Beam Analysis I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I T t I t Sketch & Diagram lrrnd . l27t-! al 8.On Onar . {.33lth ri t lSo foll! bn V.ltrr@I6a!3.8t 3.0t Vn€! @ n !3.01 10.!q 7t/3 these flve llnee, us€ the SETilNGS maln menu selgcton, choase the Prlntng & Title Block tab, and ent your tltle block lnformatlon. D3gnn RICFIARD D€scrlpfon : Scopo : Dato: 9:O4AM, 20 JUN 0l R.r: tlq}ol u!.r: Kw4a8ot. vG l.13.z.rrj'tlg€, whil Single Span Beam Analysis Page I 188390 EIERCAIC Descrlptlon T I I I I t I I I General lnformatlon C€nter Span LEft CanulEver Moment ot Ins ia Elastic Modulus Beam End Firitiy On Left #1 Right Cantilsver Unlform Loads Polnt Loads Magnitude Locauon 3.000 k 9.000 ft Values Cenlsr Locaton Moment ShEar Deflection 0.000 ft 0.00 k-ff 0.85 k 0.00000 ln Left Cant 0.000 ft 0.00 k-f, 0.00 k 0.00000 ln Rlghtcant 0.000 f, 0.00 k-fi 0.00 k 0.0@00 In T T Momen6... Shears,.. Reacdons... Max + @ C€nter 4.40 k-ft at 8.98 ft @ Lefr 0.8tt k @ Lefr 0.85 k Max - @ Canter 0.00 k-ft at 10.50 ft @ RiSht 2'99 k @ Right 2'99 k @ Left Cant O.OO k-ft Maxlmum 2'99 k @ Right Cant o.o0 k-ft Dstlecuons... @ Csnter -0.158 in at 5.77 n Maxlmum E 4.ro k-fi @ Left CanL 0.000 in at o.Oo fr @ Right Cant 0.000 in at 0.00 fl I I I t T I t t ft /t+ th€E ltve lln€, use the SETTINGS maln menu selecdon, chooee the Prindng & Tltle Block tab, and ent your dtle block Informaffon. Dsgnn RICHARD D€scrlpuon : Dator 9:044M, 20 JUN 01 Scop€ : v6'!.r.3.2.r'i.'!so.'r'h.2 Single Span Beam AnalySiS Page 2 I t T I I I t I t I I t I I T I I I I Sketch & Dlagram & n*t lr|lqr 4,a1.! d 8.98t Drnor ! .O.188h d l.7'! tqt| kd 0.sl vrio(@hn!0.& 3.4 Vrnar@d.3.O( ft/c I I E)fwvg*- o FJ1 o J.ffi ,t*"ffif'17cn1tr2717 9.5'TJI@/Proru-150 JOIST @ 16.0" o/c r*ifr,tr rtl5ffitf*r*. oR ExcEEDs rHE sET DESTGN coNrRoLs FoR rHE AppucAroN AND LoADs LrsrED I - Nailing: Left (1TT29.5 ) - Face: 2-N10 , Top:4-N10, Memben 2-N10 J-* .- MAXIMUM I Shea(lb) 393 I Reaction(lb) 393 rr Moment(ft-lb) 957 Live DEfl.(in) I Total Defl.(in) t TJ-Pro Rating Product Dlagram ls Goncepfual. Analysis for Joist Member Supporting FLOOR - RES. Application. Loads(pf): 40 Live at 100% duration; 20 Dead; 0 Partition lrtt"-*t rNpur BEARTNG REAcnoNs.bs.) WDTH LENGTH LIVE/DEAD/TOT. PLY DEPTH DETAIL OTHER 1 Parallam@ PSL, PPCB 3.50" Hanger 2781 '139 I 417 1 9.5' &tail Hl I 2 26 plate s.50" 4.2s" 2t2 I 14'l I 423 1 9.5. Detait A3 I .2s" LSL Rim t - SeoTJ SPECIFIER'S/ BUILDER'S GUIDES turdetait(s): Hl, A3. - CAUTION: Reguired b€aring length(s) Exceed the minimum shown in thE TJ Buildefs guide fur single family rEsidential applications. I LimiF: End supporls, 3.5". lntermediate supporb, 3.5" with web stiffeners and 5.25" wifrout web stiffeners. ?arcre Slmpson Strong-Tte conngctorso REVERSE T.F. T.F. FLANGES OFFSET SLOPE N/A No 0 I Left rop ffii1 sLoPE i5* DESIGN CONTROL CONTROL LOCATION 393 1120 Passed(3s%) Lt end Span 1 under Floor loading 393 945 Passed(4z%) BEaring 1 under Floor loading 967 2839 Passed(34%) MID Span 1 under Floor loading 0.071 0.26 Passed(U999+) MID Span 'l under Floor loading 0.106 0.492 Passed(U999+) MlDSpan 1 under Floor loading 54 Any Passed Span 1 - Allorvable moment was increased for repetitive member usage. a - Deflection Criteria: STANDARD(LL: U480, TL:U240). I - Deflec-tion analysis is based on composite aclion with single layer of the appopriate span-rated, GLUED & !,lAlLED wood decking.r - Bracing(Lu): All compression edges (top and bofrom) must be braced at 2' E" o/c unless detailed otherwise. Proper attachment and positioning of lateral bracing is required to achieve membEr stability. fJ-Proil RATING SYSTEM - ThE TJ-Pro (USA) Rating System value provides addilional floor performance information and is based on a Glued & Nailed 2382 OSB I decking. The controlling span is supported by beams. Additional considerations tor this rating include: Ceiling - None. A struclural I analysis of the deck has not been performed by ihe program.t ]ROJECT INFORMATION l[ uwREs I OPERATOR INFORMAflON: Beaudette Consulling Engineers Richard Newman 'l3'l W. Main Missoula, MT 59802 M.721.73't5 Copyrbm @ 2@0 by Trus Jol8t, 6 Wryerhaeuser &rsh€s, Prerr, T&Pror and TlBsamtu are badamad€ ot Trus JoH . l ' and Paralffl@ am r€glsle{€d tadernarl€ ol Trus Jold . I 3n Sfdrg-llo Conne.loIso ls a regl$erad tr*lenaR ot Sfnpson SUong-Tb @npany, lnc I. I fLl+ these ffYe llnes, usE the SETTINGS maln menu selEcflon. choosE the PrlnUng & Tltle Block tab, and ent your tltle block Informatlon. Dsgnr: RICFIARD D6crlptlon : Scops : O Date: 1:45PM, 2oJUNol Rnx lldloi ffika[?u"'z'!r+tso'erh3e Single Span Beam Analysis -,*.',*" -iflni."^l Descrlptlon FB3 t t I t t T I t t t T General lnformation Uniform Loads Polnt Loads Magnitude Location 5.980 k 7.000 fi 2.990 k 10.000 ft 2.990 k 1 t.000 ft Values Contgr Locauon Moment Shear Dgfleclion 0.000 fr 0.00 k-ft 15.11 k 0.00000 in Left Car 0.@0 ff 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k 0.00000 in Rlgmcant 0.000 ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k 0.00000 in Momen6... SheaF... Reacdons... Mar + @ Center 99.71 k-ft at 10.00ff @ Leff 15.11 k @Left 15.11 k Mar - @ c€nter o.oo k-fr at o.oo ft ,"#* l3:?l [ @ Right 12.2s k @ Left Cant O.OO k-fl @ Right Cant O.OO k-ft Daflecdons... @ Centgr -0.878 in at I 1 .'l 5 ft i/laxlmum a 99'71 k-fi @ Lei canL 0.000 in at o.oo ft @ Right Cant 0.000 in at 0.00ft t I I I T I I I fL/ra these flva llnas, uso the SETnNGS maln mEnu selectlon, choose the PrlnUng & Tltle Block tab, and ent your tltle block lnformaton, Dsgnn RICHARD D€scrlpuon : Scope : Dab: 1:45PM, 20 JUN 01 v!r3.!.!.zrz-.Jrs,.r00o,ri,h3z Single Span Beam AnalySiS Page 2 Description I I I t I I t I t I I I I I I T I I I Sketch & t* u*.oWo.o* ll i*l ulns ! 99.7lFi a lO.An DnEr s {.8zdh rt t l.t 3! flrn m trr vfi8r@16!!!5.1t t2.31 v|ner@ n ! lz& /4/ta I - ----i-- r- " "'i*'* r I-- i I . i--- - -t--- --* --' -i-.'' I :!i --.-*;*-i*-",1 i:i '-i - -i* -i- --l :l i ! I t I these ffve llne, use ths SErnNGS maln menu selEcflon, choose the Prlntlng & Tltle Block tab, and ent ftle block lnformatlon. Descriptlon Dsgnn RICFIARD Descdpdon : Scops: Dde: 1O37AM, 20 JUN 01 R3u tl030l i*ffigu''2.,!*€o!t'*. single Span Beam Analysis -,-,,**:.1s:*-: General tnformation T Conter Span Lefi Canlilever Right Cantlever 23.00 i n n Moment of lnertia Elasdc Modulus Beam End Flxity 204.000 in4 29,000 ksi Pin-Pin klft k/ft n ft kn kn n e I t Loads Magnitude @ Left Megnihrde @ Right Dist. To Left Side DbL To Right Side 0.670 uft 0.670 k/fi fi 14.000 f, 0.400 kn 0.400 k/n 14.000 ft 23.000 fr T t T Conbr Locadon Moment Shear Defleclion 0.000 fr 0.00 k-n 7.23 k 0.00000 in Left Cant 0.000 fr 0.00 k-fr 0.00 k 0.00000 ln Rlghtcam 0.000 ft 0.00 k-fr 0.00 k 0.00000 ln I Moments... ShealB.,, Reacdons,.. Ma( + @ Center 39.00 k-ft at 10.79 ft @ Lefl 7.23 k @ Leff 7.23 k Mar - @ center o.oo k-ft at o.@ ft @ Right 5.75 k @ Rlght 5.75 k @ Leff Cant O.OO k-fr Maximum 7 '23 k @ Right cant o.0o k-ff Detlecdotrs--. Max,mum o 3e.00k-ft fi:ff:]* i:lllil :l 'l.ill @ Right Cant 0.000 ln at 0.00 ft I t t I I Sketch & Diagram o.ffilfff;fJffffJfJfffffi o.nar afiffJJJlf[J[f[J o..rn Itntd. 39.01.! d 10.'!+en fllar € {.61 8h q 112!0 fqD !d 7.t\ vrrutr@h[o7.2r !,81 Vnm @ C. S.8t I T I hz/zt i i t(3)', / X ,--,-ii; i . ,Vo t: : *'z; i-:,- :i_ ;T[t ( t, f t,; t,/4t( 7',|/o'd",1, l l- -. i ii f*--' l !-----;-* BEAIID TTE CONSI'UTING ENGIITEERS, INC. PRq'ECT Ltsa frs o^.n aft4/at w Ran inPt' - I I these five llnes, use the SETTINGS maln menu selecdon, choose tha Prlnffng & Tltle Block tab, and ent your UUe block Informatlon. Dsgnn D€scrlpdon: Scope : Da!e: 3:53PM, 20 JUN 01 r S|GE tffi[1"'...o'''"'*,*".o Single Span Beam Analysis Pag6 1 Deecrlptlon FND T General lnformatlon t Center Span Lsft Cantilever Right Candlever 9.00 fi i ft Moment ot lnerta Elastic Modulus Beam End Fixtty 5'12.000 In4 3,12, ?,sl Pin-Pin ffn krfr ft ft k/ft k/ft fl n kn km fr ft I t Loads Magnitude @ Lefr Magnituds @ Right Dist. To Lsfi Sids Dist. To Rlght Slds 0.660 kn 0.1a) Un ft 9.000 ft T t Value Lsft Cant Rlghtcant 0.000 ft 0.00 k-fr 0.@ k 0.00000 ln Moments.- Shears... Reacfons... Ma( + @ Center 4.00 k-ft at 4.00 ft @ Lefr 2.16 k @ Left 2.16 k Max - @ center o.0o k-fr at o.oo fi @ Right 1'35 k @ Rlsht 1.35 k @ Lefr Cant O.oo k-fr Maximum 2'16 k @ Right Cant O.0O k-ft Defle€tlons... @ Center {.036 ln at 4.38 ft Maxlmum E 4'00 k-fl @ Lsff cant. 0.000 in at o.oo ft . . @ Right Cant 0.0@ in al 0.00fr C€nter Locadon Mom6nt Shear D€flsston 0.000 fr 0.00 k-n 2.16 k 0.0@00 ln 0.000 ft 0.00 k-ff 0.00 k 0.@000 in I l- t t I I T I I I I 2,8 \r.i4@10!32.4 t.3t via@n!1.31 Sketch & Urrld!a.OcAd400! Dtnar E {.Cf& s! a.r€A fsfi loi 6 r/z {. .l ,i1 --i-''----_-__t i ai /o'. (z , i--. -. l 7a, : *-:-. .l 1tA : ,e6 i f hr'i :--.*:A :ti - - --. -l--ij..'- I ----:- ----' +F+,**:-T-* : "(-): .!,, -;,o' -1 ',^:,:4-:1 I e td,-i-i'1''---r- -7)i s dt i : . I I l.t n Xv i I I I ...'.-*i: /2 'l i -.-*: _ _ a i : r',44 ft i, I i.--J i'i i*-l t ---i i 7' i i'- 'i-. . !. : i, 1l :---i :: i: I i.*... il :i i, t,1 /0,5 r*',*l BEAUDETTE CONSI'I,TING ENGIIYEERS, INC. PRQIECT .tuw Fes FttuNaattotl el.yB blto/ol BY fuY1 I a I :.... -.._. I t-.,-..,,.-.,; -, 'lfuN -:I - '- :-" l "-: -*"i"-!', 1) o dt44t - -- i--."** "-- *-*'. .A'4t _-i--.,. I I ---ii i l---*.*li l *_-:__:-| ': ii *-i---i :l -: -J :J ij -. -r- i ;J 'lN it 68' .::--* - . z+ilo'.i--*;.*" Qt,,4 I tl, I _*__ _i u.* i". -.S,]fit ?8,46- i -1--:*i**' ' ] "*-.:-' " - - i ". -'-x *:i -*" :-* 1 , t L. 6,0/ 6R ,oc -.t... -., t ' -f:1 t!:-4!J.1: BEAUDETTE CONSI'UTING ENGINEERS, INC. e,tut4,f€4. I - ----n-- - !.- tll] I- ''f, I . ,- ' li -_-j- -f -' r_ t Ht 5/( -i,.--*. ,-: I l1 ,eq / (Ao l:r *--l**---i. - -to | 7rt5 Ert r 4 '//S,-- €,t.2+ !!f-1_;:,i :i ---F - - lo4) = /,t ::TZ- aft7*:r;i,ii i'l ::: i,: L.-..-- 1.-.-;.t::l'i/t/,4'l',, ,1, /l3't* (. or7rd ililr17,. _: .... ,f3 :6(€: J*t', L --. --;-- -J t?;!", I -: Ttr{:-*r, DxrE tftt/61 BY REh BEATIDSTTE CONSI'LTING ENGII\IETRS, INC. PROIECT law Ees FauapaqoN : I I l- I t l-- l_ t' Ea l' -,--.*----l.,-'.-"..,-., -?ll I -=..,: ---J- j -.: -:-*-::11:' BEATIDBTTE CONSI'LTING ENGINEERS, INC. PROIEgT haw €es D^'rc a /7/61 BY .l<7r1 1d6 za ,&t;Y | -*. . -li BEATIDEirTE CONSI'LTING ENGINEERS, INC. t- ," /0*llJ BEAUDETTE CONSI'I,TING ENGII\IEERS, INC. VFi t4z', 1 illil "''l'*-)'-i -'1-^-"1 ta,::: .:l i:: -r---i I I : BEAUDETTE CONSIII,TING ENGII\IEERS, ItrIC. ,1zli-,*-;. - 'e -. ' tEag ., -----* - - i- '- . rj -'lt/3;. li ...- :- -; -"..i ^--i --:"*.: - 'i r' ,l I :] '* '-.- l l .-. - j.*-,.j )) I i Ptrls c49 :.ilr .i'1lti lii -i,. f--_i- i -'. : I :,ii: ! ti iz|g'-,' li: l :..r _!,_: l-j- -i ii/erii.A o48 i l -:----'- - - i-- ::ii.ij:: t : *: ,i-f .'l-,-f "r :--l''.i *- -1"".i -,--r-*- i'- -. --.. . .- .:--.. .. - - . .- i ,*.: -, L.-;- -;-*=- i 4z .i .ii;,i ' ' i ' i , I :l -i I i :.'::l ,?4t i 1*-'-' _ i e.9, . l ili ri *-*-.r-...;-*.- 'i : _-- _-_f _ .. +_-]r'' PRQ'ECT 6aw F€s perl 6 /z//ot BY fen .-I li _-.,., .,. !'i :I j I ! irr :- * . .-i, ..7qE: i i;.__f*_:_; BEAUDETTE CONSI'LTING ENGINEERS, II{C. ALLO''{ABLE gHEAR FOR AIND AI{D 9EI9MI6 FORAEg FOR LO6 SHEAR IAALLg LOO 9PK)e9 PIN PlAt-i.PIN 9PACIN6 12"t6"24"9b"40" El.l6ELt4ANN 37AEe 96" EAR t20 n43 1AO tu1 .?& 7e" BAR aq2 b4a toq'6]1?l 40 %,. PtPe 21%2o5.2 Bba qt2 604 LODOEPOLE PINE %'am t6b4 t25l o32 =22 4tb 7a" E,AR 2?44 t'tc2 nq2 1q,94b 1.6" PlPre ?12o zvb l%o toQ 1@ Da'J€.FI7 LAR6H 'E" DAR nq2 t?41 ab g1 444 7e" B,AF,.231b H?1 t20b av b44 h" "t?E ?tu4 26v 1192 iloo b1b _NOIE All values lgik€la ??om Nalta/nal D.dglga +a'dl?lcar'lo s Pa" ltbad Co^s|f')clla 1441 Edlllon, Table b2A - full Destgn Valveg. Far log ehea'- nallg ll la aeE,J'll?,d lhal lhere exlgls a slngle ehear slhrbllonbelneen logs and thal tha ?otea lE ?a"allel to Eratn. IheZbve valveg qe obl'alne.db.J tuet leflmnQ.thot q? |c,ngflt o? bolL tn- miln meraber ls a?7?xlmatelgFl/2", then Tnrrlli'Plg lhe valva 4 JbO dwalloa 7or nlrd and earb{Qvake. L/ro DE'ARilENT oF coMMUNrry DEVELop"r*t TOWN OF VAIL 7-5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 816_57 970-479-2t38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Pcrmit #: E0l-0193 Job Address: 4460 GLEN FALLS LN VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: Applied..: 0()/ll/20{Jl Parcel No. : 210112313009 Issucd. . : O9/12/2001 ProjectNo, RCI O\-t>firaz Expires. .: 0311112002 OWNER Don & Susan Law 09/LL/200L Phone: 303-77L-2735 5 53 6 E Mineral l-,ane Littfeton, Co 80122 Li.cense: CONTRACTOR D.P. EITECTRIC 09/tl/200r. Phone: 970-926-4140 P.O. BOX 711 EDWARDS, CO 61652 License: 119 -E APPLICAI\I'I D.P. ELECTRIC 09/II/200L Phone:910-926-4140 P.O. BOX 711 EDI{ARDS, CO 8]-632 License:119-E Desciption: TEMP POWER FOR NEW HOME Valuation: $3.ti50.00 FEF] ST]MMARY Electrical----- DRIJ l:et'---- Investigation-- Will Call----- 'l1r'I \t.. FEES-- ' s72.00 50.00 s0.00 912s.00 Total Calculated Fees-> S125 . 00 Additional Fe€s--.._> (S22.00) Total pennit Fer__, 953 .00 payrnents__> S53 - OO BALATICE DTIE-;s0. oo Approvals:Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMEI\|II 09/LI/2OOT DF Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hercby acknowlcdgc that I havc rcad this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all thc infonnation as rcquired is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state larvs. and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approvcd, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereio. - lppLrcATroN wrf.lot BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpLEre fnsrn neo ol?Q ^C. ^ Proiect #z PRJ-OJ-<+n g1 E6_0tq3afx;rry;ffi a \rfa tl wt- TIrtL.vt 75 S. Frontaee Rd.Vail, Coloraao 81557 Contact Assessors Office at 97O-328-864O or visit '.com for Parcel # Parcef # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) gt Ol, a3l 3ODg robNametLquJ K"t,dv^u,- f f t* ooo'"tt',Jrllolt A lcn Fa,rk L^ - l/o) | Legal Description Lot:Block:,D\/Subdivision: Owners Name:DO,.f 'F \U Sla jr.\ [-z-r r r-J A Gth, nerzrl Lone--' -::;-.\a-rr-2 735 S:fr::tr{). (n,,xt ,r$a.- (1,,l*ffi n u'2*"1 Dr.ar/"; {ll Phone: iz6 - t g ab Detailed description of work:,-,'-r{Vr-9 Work Class: t\ew.G Addition (I tfufi dfilnmp rower (/^J utner ( ) Work Type: Interior ( )Exterior { ) 1fin1 1 16 un EHU exist at this location:Yes ( )No( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family (Dd Ouptex( ) Multi-famity ( ) Co#ciat ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildino: Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) trto ( k1 Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ) COMPLETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (Labor & Materials) AMOUNT OF SQ FT rN STRUCTURE' 3, 85O ELECTRICAL VALUATION: $ CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION Electrical Contractor: I\n,x-?elcrs an€ lon *r-r<- Town of Vail Reg. No.:lll-e Contactand Phone #'s: qab -<//qO A.r,o PoL rrn,. Qo<t - lo,qL 9 Contractor Signature: Uh,{r) "t.Vi **t *irt **:?****+***i..**i.************-r*****FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*"***:krr*ir*,y!+*,!!r**t<,?*+**^J****:!*****:r** Other Fees:Date Received: DRB Fees:Accepted By: Planner Siqn-off: & * F:/everyone/forms/elecperm o tpt0-103 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81(r57 970-479-2138 psp$tsNr oF coMMrrNrry DEVELopMENO NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBINC PERMIT Permit #: P0l-0122 Job Address: Location.....: ParcelNo...: 210112313009 ProjectNo I D1, \r.t.- O tQ \\-'-)\-- I '- OhINER Don & Susan Law 5536 E Mineral Lane Littleton, Co 80L22 License: COI\NRJACTOR BIANCO BROTHERS 1503 BEECH STREET RIFI-,E, CO 8155 0 License: l-11- P APPLICINT BIANCO BROTHERS 1503 BEECH STREET RIFLE, CO 816 s0 License: l- 11- P L0 /t6 /2007 Phone: 97O-625-2087 L0/!6/200L Phone:910-525-2087 4460 GLEN FALLS LN VAIL Status...: ISSUED Applied..: 10116/2001 lssued..: lrJ/17/2001 Expircs . .: 04115/2002 Phone: 303-77L-2735 k. . ^ la. I^^^1 LVI L0 l4VVL Desciption: complete plumbing from rough to finish Valuation: $30.900.00 Fireolace Information: Rcslricted: ??# of Ca-s npplianccs:'ll 'r ol'(ias In&s: lf I of Wood Pallcl: ?? IiHE Strl\fl\,lr\R\' Plumhing---' Plan Check-- lnvesligation-r-- Will call--:' R!'iituaranl Plan Rcvicw- DRB Fee---------- TOTAL FIillS------------- 'l olal Calculated l"ees-- Additional F-ees--------- 'l otal Permit F'ee------ l'a\T nents---------'- t]AJ,ANCE DTIE..--..- 946s.00 90.00 93.00 90.00 $584 .25 9584.25 9s84.2s s584 - 25 s0-00 ItCm: O51OO BUII,DING DEPARTME}flT !o/t6/20or DF Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENI Cond:12 (BLDG. ) : FIELD CONDITION OF APPROVAL INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI,IANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowlcdgc that I have read this application. filled out in full the information rcquircd. complctcd an accurate plot plan. and state that all qhc information as required is correct. l agree to comply with the inlormation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances atih state laws, and to build this structure acoording to thc towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved. Unlid* nuil[ing Code and Ehererdmar*eqof the Town applicablc thcrcto.--h ll --tv-.- \' V(t\a?--- \ ' = = -|=$fi pl,= =V#= - = =r+ =-=- \ /A{ # 7 tol I a 3t ko1 Bil'fll,il;'S"l,hj 97 O- 47 9-2149 (Inspections) MVNOFYdIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 tI-4 \!#1- CTOR bing Contratryr: 1'.1i,11 s 15fi R,"Contact and Phone #'s: -ozgb -tp23 COMPLETE VATUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) PIUMBING: $ r>C> Contact Assessorc Office at 970-328-864O or visit www.Parcel # Parcel# (Requiredif nobldg.permit#isprovidedabove) J lOl 123 l36C Job Name: /_o,ti (2€s.robAddress: /4/0 Cho rotls Legal Description t-ot: Q Block:Filing:Subdivision: G.f.-.*t (-lem owners uane:/"4| fuglttl A4ull Address: qg Z ftl am / trfurfl phone: Engineer: ll Address:Phone: Detailed descriotion of work'-*b';PIe7Z " iV,,n l,'n,furn /oroh l--6rt4A WorkClass: Newft Addition( ) Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family &,) Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling UniG in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ) M ***************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY************************************* Other Fees:Date Received: DRB Fees:Acceoted Bvl Planner Siqn-off: \s*,' F/everyone/forms/pl mbperm 8S.t"*-Pfff ^Fn ffi.h#hil Town ofVailSurvey Comm u nity D e.relopm ent D epartment Ru sset I Forrest, Director, (s70) 479.2139 Check allthat applies- 1. Which Deparfnent(s) did you contact? Buiiding _ Environmental _ Housing_ Admin Plannino DRB PEC Was your initial contact with our staff immediate no one available ') slow nr -?.Was your prgect reviewed on a tirnely basis? Yes / No lf you were required to waii, how long was it before you were helped? lf no, why not? t S/as this your first time to file a DRB app* PEC apo Bldg Permii N/A Please rate the performance of the staff person who assisted you: 51321Name: (knowledge; responsiveness, availability) Overall efiectiveness of the Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 2 Whal is the best time of day for you to use the Front Service Counter? 9. Any comments you have which would allow us to beter serve you next time? Thank you for taking the tjme to compiete this survey. VVe are committecj b improving our service. a TOWNOF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 orot rr*r oF coMMUNrry DEVELoot* NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M01-0211 ]ob Address: 4460 GLEN FALLS LN VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: Applied. .: 10/18/2001 Parcel No...: 2'10112313009 Issued . . : 1,0/25/2001 ProjectNo: ((-Tt:(-Ol?U. Expires. .: 04/23/2002 O$ll{ER Don & Susan Law AO/78/2OO7 Phone: 303-77I-2735 5535 E Mineral Lane IJittIeton, Co aoL22 License: CONTRACTOR BIANCO BROTHERS !0/L8/2OOI Phone: 970-625-2087 ].503 BEECHA STREET RIFLE, CO 8l-55 0 License: l-l-5-M APPLICAIfl| BIANCO BROTHERS Lj/IS/2OOL Phone: 970-625-2087 1503 BEECIIA STREET RIFI-,E, CO 8 r-6s0 License:115-M Desciption: INSTALL SNOW MELT AND HOUSE HEAT BOILERS AND LINES Valuation: $28.000.00 Fireplace lnformation: Restrictecl: Y # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas [,ogs: 0 # of Wood Peuet: So. oo Total Calculated Fees--> $?03.00 go. oo Addihonal Fees---------> Mechanical--> 5560 . oo Restuarant Plan Review-> Plan Check--> S14O.O0 DRB Fee------> Investigation-> Will Call--*> s0.00 TOTAL FEES--------> 5?03.00 Total Pcmit Fee------> S703.00 $0.00 s703.00 $0-00 $3 .00 PaymenLs-----------t BALANCE DUE--> Itemr 051-00 BUTLDING DEPARTMENT 1j/24/2ool' cDAVrs Action: AP sEE coRREcTIoN ON FIEI-,D DRAWINGS IICM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMEIiIT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BI.,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIANCE. Cond: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REOUIRED PER SEC. ?01 OF THE 1997 UME, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond:23 (BLDG. ) : INSTAI-,LATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTITRES TNSTRUCTIONS AND TO CI{APTER ].0 OF THE 1997 IJMC. CHAPTER ]"0 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 (BL,DG. ) : GAS APPIJIAT,ICES SIIA[-,L TERMTNATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC. VENTED ACEOPJTNG TO CTIAPTER 8 AND SIIAIJIJ OF TI{E 1997 I]MC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. o BE 806 Cond: 29 (BI.,DG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY W]TH CHAPTER 3 AND SEC.1O].7 OF THE 1997 I'MC AND C}IAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BL,DG. ) : BOILERS SHALL, BE MOIINTED ON FIJOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBIJE CONST. UNLESS IJISTED FOR MOUM|ING ON COMBUSTTBLE FLOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.) 3 PERMIT,PI-,ANS AND CODE ANAI-,YSrS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAIT ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REOT]EST. Cond: 30 (BI-,DG.): DRAINAGE OF MECITANICAL ROOMS CONTATNTNG HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SIIATJIJ BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRATN PER SEC. LO22 OF THE ].997 UME, OR SECTION 1004.5 0F THE 1-997 IMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure g Code and other ordi ryrg to the towns zoninp f the Town applicable and subdivision codcs, design review approved, Uniform thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE'I'WENTY-FOUR HOURS PNI. SIGNA R FOR LF AND OWNEF ,NDVANCE BY TELEPHONE T OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 {.+ +**** *** ** ** * *******r.** ** * * ** ****** *** ** * *****+ ** * ** ***+ +*** **** ************** * ******** *** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement *,r* *** *********,t *** * * *!** '!* ********** ** + *+t ** *** +** ++* ++* * ******** **** **** *** * ***** *******:t(,t * Stat.ement Number: R000001520 Amount: $703.00 LO/25/2OOLL1 :29 AM Palment Method: Check Init: LC Notation: #1829/Bianco bros Permit No: M01-0211 T)4)e: MECHANICAT PERMIT ParceL No: 27OII23L3O09 Site Address: 4450 GLEN FAI,LS IrN VAIIr Location: Total Fees: 5703.00 This Payment: $703.00 Total ALIr Pmts: 9?03.00 Balance: $0.00 . ,1. ** *,t* *'t* * * ** ************** **** ****** ***** * ***** i*+* ** * *+++*** * ** +* * * ** * ** +**+++***++* ***+* * ACCOTINT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Cunrent Pmts MP OO1(]O(]O31113(]O MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES 560.00 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 140.00 INC OO1OOOO3112BOO IllILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO Building Permit #: mww 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vaal, Colortdo 81657 u\Aro 5\tr1il5atv51 I "{F,.F CQIIRACTOR TMORMATTON Contact and Phone #3: 37?-bPss -' COMPTETE VALUATION FOR MECI{ANICAI PERMIT labor & Materials) or visit Parcel # .LlO I Job Name: /_AW Job Address: ",-- lVbQ bl( r' 4qLo 6e,, {rtl,,t s I'U TD /z:q rzLo(6d of 5o E, u'f41rsq u)( b !!rkClassr New[4 Addirior( ) Atreration( ) Repair( ) O$rer( 1 Boiler location: Interior (X) e,,turi*l-i-GE, 1 I Does an EHU o<ist at this location: yes ( ) No ( ) }yt,On,t,nn,.-1"mity()Q Dupto(( ) Mutu-famfi ) Commerciat 1 ; nestaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Exisflng Dwelling Units in this UuifOfnE No. sf Accqnrnodation Units in this bulHing: ffi Is ttrb a miv rlr,l. rt r* rr * rl l.,f ,t {. * * tts d. *,r,r {. {r :t * * t FoR OFFICE ONLyrtr*'3:i*:t :t*:t,f t:fi rt***,trt,t*!r******{.* t rl l)Ft / qdtonG/f onil/nrcdrpcnn Ir<lol t '' ,il 'a ;*,t A v :r \ \n , ,., -/-' ,t' cV\/' pt"J 9eF1 gLV ZL5 ID:970-945-7664 Boiler Model (1) cGo.3 (51 CGs.4 CGs-5 CG:-G Boller Model CGs-3 CGs-4 CGs'5 CGs-6 Noles; S\rnply A.G,A, lnput ilIBH DlmonBiong lnchos AW 6.1t2 13 816 s-|2 19 11 22 DOE Heating Copacity MBH (2) Not l.B-R Water Rallngs MBH 0cT 15'01 shipphg l{right 1q. DOE Seagonal Efliciency (AFUEI% 10 No .020 P .01 Vent 0iameter Incheg ({) Ratings @ DOE 3 J 1 50 74 g7 127 J/ 85 112 140 e7 100 r33 167 Supply Piping Inchsa (ll 1 I 1 1-1/4 Return PlPlng lnches (1) 200 240 280 325 Nat or LP Gae Connoction Slze lnches 1t2 1t2 1t2 1t2 85.3 t14.6 84.0 oJ-4 (tl l:,) (3) {.) (!) ,45 r' Add 'PlN- lof ru|,fillgitrl 'Pll ' ltu I't.Prne 0!5 ftr:,ec on lrndarO teil Orocedute3 pl€gcdblll bt llo lltntd ste!.. O.pmrlEal ol EnoEy t{ol l:8:R rntn93 8ft b!6od on n6l iftlallcd tldiolion o{ lulfic|ert quiftlily !(tl ll|0 lr4ttol|crrl'j ot thc Dutdlng lnd nolh ng ||ccd ts 0(l(hl lr nqnilp9|ng tt{ Plcf'up nrlngr are.blgerl on ' pipng 8nd 9'cl-!9 "trnn.vrcr oli 15. !v| ao0t ttlronrn,:a ahot ld bc|notr,6r dnJAdr' p+Fng srd icl'lp 10503 CCr bo'lo|rlnuslh0 vt tld dkadt to the o|rl3l6c Ar an Er{Gy sru p8|l€r. Wol"Mrldrr lr,* 0ctrlfi ngd frar tho CGr.J uesl' llt. Entie' Suig! d.h.e! lo{ (nrrgy 6lfic|ency Dimensions NOfE: Ilithf .t'tul|.tot it shifl\al lM\ '(jr xl,tfta rt,lt i,r !l norktl4, tith h lt'r \tl'l,l| ot trtt tt Pil,ntt 5r; littttsn:tt chttr {u 1,4't :i,.,tl , l,.r'/rrkr',lr|r'.{, 1'',,' iri 1l. llfEll'fltlAlll A United Dominion ComParry 1 I 1 1-114 (t; qrqrtitof ianga rupplpd wa'n kitar ir !o'n : irte 65 rsqr1n'r'sndod gl,e Sile Fqi tutply rnd telum bails' l,'t ut:r.l er{ $ rr inrldl.ll|on oEtrlrcumt. f-rn (2t tr.rh ri. OD.nlngr in(h u!' t,OOo arl,h ol CG.; buir!.r ,rD('l DRHL GLENLJOOD SPRING s @ Standard and Additional Equipment srinihr',,1 Equtpntc:nr: !i3:;?i$ffiF$A;",;f,'liii;li1li,",^,,." E$il:3^"{#lllkase (erp'ns,o,,,anr, r,rl Factory TcsGd onO orfa,n" pt"iii, vint coi arrO frardwa.c) & chock valvo. aulo orr verrt srrd frltrngs) Two,lriese Top Jackat Pan€l 4ovlTranslormor ,109 - 6izo6 3 lhru 5; n11() - si(o 6- 3:lli# E::1i:'^""'-:,fi,1fiftl1n."n^,",o' *i*:i*Xlll":lt,u.un, ,r,"t.[l!,i,1.'lffiii?,liincffilu,{'xir-,u.ruocs Radistion Platcs sreA,Base :ll:-#pi,lnn:*';3**', :;:fi:l;il i{t:ii:-::*'Inrograred Boiler Control McKjole \*rln. ^ ;; Fii ldUF n.ti"(Valua lBrdware 5- TyFo g vont pipe 8nd lllhrrgs Intormittent Eloctronic lqnilion .system fr --tlJ,iol. Ji"uo"" riAtod for 50 psl worhrrrg must De frrrnished by Installel Indicalar / DlaLtrrosti., Liqhls 'plassure) Hqh Altit\rda x{s Inducer Assclrrl)lY Frue Gas coilec.ror / r,ans,tion nssembry R:lj.!"lliF Prossuro'remPorstutc Gauee W-tJ ilil?Jr:,1Jli:[:il::lJld"''l o'"^ f'?llo;HJnf,* *tve ror 24 vort l,i ii'i.',r t:.ruion"'u, W:il X,i#Si.Llf;ll8Xtil'"or,"u p,oo,",o ai. pressur€ swirch CGs AL2g-agn slanAt (same as ccir sFrler) iv-M B"""oo"rd uni," Non-Li^lritq Pllot Bu.ner 'lsco 110 Clrcr'lalol In lh6 inre.€Et ot colltinuat improvomcnts in producl aod p.r{orma ce, Weil.Mclain ress at tho right to ch8ngo spccinc8lions wlthoul noticc' O loote our Srles Offices by visiting our ll,bbsln: www.woll'mctatn.com Crate Dlmenslons {Outeide Meaeuremsntg - In.) L.ngth Width Height 30 27-1t2 31-112 30 27-112 31-1t2 33 27-112 31-112 3G 27.112 31-1t2 Werl-McLain 500 Blaine slreet Michigan City, lN 46360-2388 O 2000 Weil-McLsl'1 Form No. C-042R3(0300) DFHL GLENLJOOD SPR I NG ID:970-945-7664 0cT 15'01 15 : 10 No .020 P .02 Inrher lnrml Model JVi lronl Vlew M"d";\) h r light Slde Visw 100 r05 rBn '185 2t0 725 G16 Conn. {ir I 1A 112 it2 1t2 1ra y4' Corlt y0 w 429 azg TI' 6tt &t.0 tt4.0 840 828 824 $2 P.a. 6r, Ntt. Gat 36.I 54.2 09.0 1la I t60a 41.5 t2 | 62 3 r8.2 670 2.0 102.5 300 111.2 3r.{ r&4.5 5r.0 Dtuniu'r Inclp! {rr) t06 t!.0 261 jia 409 1J'l/0 1}.16 ri.//8 l&7,t 2(l$ 2t5/5 { tofi Side Yrw AD'|r (bs.l 1q{rl ETti/if x 1o)) (xh') il,t. E8! 63 t8t 13 ,r. 104 10.1 133 189 156 5..8 t22 21.1 45 107 6r | fi,f, 2t.3ta 705 zl-'!a 10s ?l.r,a lN 2g-lil 7t0 ?0.]'1 7J! 5l.r2 8d0 00.{ ?0 5 1t5.? 3J.9 161.1 1t.3 ts.t 4 &{.0 6.0 03.0 83.0 fl? 851 E5.? 650 84.5 6.E 8S0 l-lra !.,t/4 I. t/! 1-1/1 !.1/4 1.1t4 'l/2l(,r 9ropaa6 Standard lulpment anc sPecrlqrlons hdLrc!6 olln Heaono Ctn) ETUhftl0m(&rti .2 12.3 t3 t?6 tl 167 85 14.8 100 tr,{./ 135 39 5 rs{ 53.6 Not llR gTulrr ' 1000 (xh) 3t.4 rl O :5.6 r0.3 730 2t 6 922 2l.0 11tt 3a.a 1852 t&r N4r l8R BTUA't lC00 tklrl .yE 340 t3-3it 341' 16.111 t?! 16.t]l a2, 20.3t8 518 25.t0 65t I ; 100 125 r60 u5 t,t 6 7t.9 2'J 1 16.4 05.9 50 75 1@ r€0 2?5 !r/t ,0 a.1ta 1(8 5.3/1 t.3 !-1n u0 ?-l/J ta4 l0 2;t y,6 ta.l y.1 t6.0 12a lt.3 0s.0 ?0.7 115.3 !3 '162.t ,l f tt.1 t3.? c2.a E2.a 82.3 82.? .? 0 12.! 03.0 ta4 It3.5 ?a ( r010 301 1320 38.9 1N72 5a C O l,, rR.!!'n; Opw O*t,t-tn (Ll rr'e G,"r. 2nt? a7x 21.1n 599 2t.tn t)t 2t.1D 61q 21.112 tJ|l 2'-\n N9 21-3t4 552 zr.!a 552 22.!t 316 22.5t. 5fE 22.V{ std 24.3t4 629 ?t.$ aJo 2anrd 613 2i.!r0 otj 23.90 600 ?!'!/E 6d0 ?! ll4 59t 50 r{.6 75 2t.9 t00 ?o t 1?6 J6.6 1ti0 ,{0.E i?5 65 9 L. \l4aterpik Tcch'olo8ies. lr,c. f:Jbf f 6000 iondor Drrro, HoorPtrk. CAglo2l ' 805.52e.2000 ' FAX 805 529-se]1 llry=il Yll ZO lndusnial vfay. Rocherret. NH 03667 ' 601.335.6300 ' FAX 60! 135 33SS lllsos"g3jft I 480 S. Sewice Road West Oakvillc, Onrrrlo. Canrda L6K 2H4 ' 905'84't'8213 ' FAX 905 844 2615 lEf t'/y|,w,loors.com -r'iohusa 3 LBrl H'*"'r str{$')r (Xtr| Darrrdt t0l}6D t*,r, "'*a BRSTHERS H-BG & |{|l*a FFD,( No. . 7-s7o=v28s73a jl.' O... z2 zwL eP:sBPf'l F2 Page 3366 GI,EN AVE GTJENWOOD SPRINGS CO. 81601 945-233L 1-800-252-3245 o8- 03 -2 001 DONALD AIID gUSAriI LAW IleatslossisbasedonaDesiginTemI}.Differenceof90 -:-------- Hii*" HErGIrr rs 10.00 FEE', vglT-Is l;olo*offil"r"'nt 1 EXPOSED OPEDENGS, TOTAI-'I}IG 2 ExposED vtALIJs, rr6i-i""rrlai"g qeillii'Iqpl$g ":,> 1?0'0 SQUARE FEE-r ROOM srzE rs 9-0 roNG by ,rz'o wioi''rolelruc t'. 108'0 gQUARE FEET wrNDow rYPE rs: u-vii.r. -'-361 , n"ttill'parrt' r-,ory e eoating' clear Glass riaii-rypn fs, u-varn. = -083, --(R) x2 WaII CErr,rr\rc TyPE rS: ;-v;i;; = -033, Unconditioned Attic Space Aborre 31rJooR TypE Is, ;-it;i;" = o, Froor o\ter any conditiolgdofi!3"" 1,275 32s 324 o 374 2,298 foob is 2t-3 }*****'************it***************fffiEl?*tt*tt*******************,.***|.****Jr*i* ;ItarrJoss vers s t-;;;l;ii tt?:;ti'3:.-u*H*s a'rd Associates' Berlaire' Mr r*t*****rtit******t*******************i********t't*******************!tr***!r******* DAIIIJ GLENWOOD SPRINGS 'Itre Total BTUH for the outside walls are ffi il;i gTUE ror the Exposed openings are ;il; ;ati BTrlI{ ror the ceilings itr* totar BTUI| for the floors Tlre BTLIH infiltraiiott tot the openings is iiis TgtAr. BTUII FoR Tgrs RooM rs iii-il"I-niaianu rroor outpuL' BTU's /square IG,STER eAl'II ,r7r ErnEr! yOLUME IS 1,210 CUBIC_EEET CsiLrNc EErclrr rs 10'00 FEEr' -------::::::.:- iir.o souan' FEE'*illi::ii *m::"*::itiffii';a!ii::Eiiiiii'i:" ie'i o seuane FEsr RooM srzE rs s.i-r.,oN6-r" -1r.-0fi;i;'TOrALrNe " 121'0 SQUARE FEET wrgDow TypE rs, olv"ir. =' ,zr;:,, ooJi"'pine' l-,ow e eoating' Clear Glass WALr-r TYPE IS: u-virot - '991' --!R) 12 walf eErrJrNc rYPE rs: ;-v;i;; = '033' ut'tottaiti"ned Attic Space Jl'bove Fr-ooR rvPE rs, ;-v;i;. = o, riooi over anv conditionedo|BS"" 1,988 325 363 0 The the Ttre The Total Total total total BTUE fOT ThC BTUH for trhe BTUH fOT EhE BT[I{ for the outsicte E qrosed ceilings floors wal1s are openings are H;?*JE3rcsr rs 10,00 FEEr. voIrJME rs 3'l-eo cuBrc-FEEr 3 EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTAI,TNG 2 EKPOSED wALIJS, not incluiling oe"":'ng"'T91Ml9 "tt 342'a SQIIARE FEET ROOM srzE rs x.e.s IoNG by zz'o i'iirji' TOTALTNG >> 319'0 SQUARE FEET WII.IDOW TI|PE rs: u-value = .361, ponlt.-Pane, IJow e coatirrg' elear Glass wer,L rype rs, u-value = .083, (R) 12 WalI cEItrNc ryp6 Is, i-vii"e = -033; Unconditioned Attic sp1c9 Above FITOOR IYPE IS, U-V.].rre = 0, 9loor over any COnditsioned Space HEATLOSS :a -'r . ^'^' -Page 2 2,565 744 957 0 859 S,tzg foot is l'6.l- The Tota1 BTTIH for tbe outside walls are ;il; ;;;i irus rot the E:q)osed openings are ih" tot.] BTIJIT tor the ceilings The total BTL,H for the floors tii" eflfi intiltraiion for the openings is rTTS TOTAL BTUH T'OR TIIIS ROOM IS n"g"fi"b-R.aiant, f,loor outPul , BTU's /sguare FRrl'f i BrFr.rcE BRoTHERS PLBG & "TEd: F$( Nr. i L4ru42$7s (D". o wr @.tsmt P4 Page 2 !!ASTER, BED CEItrlrG HEIGIIT rS 10-00 FEET, vO[Ut'{E IS 3.190 gttBIC rEEf, 3 EXPOSED OPENINGS, TOTAI.ING 2 EXPOSED I/YJlI.r'rS, -"6i-itt"f"diag openings,ToTArrMc >>>> 342'0 SQUARE EEBr RooM srEE rs t4-5 IJONG by 22.0 lfibi' TOTALTIIG >>_ 319.0 souARE FEEI WINDOW TYPE IS: U-value - .361, Do,tbf;'Pane, IJor| e Coating' Clear Glass wALrLr TIrPE rs: u-value = .083, (R) 12 WalI @ILIN6 rypE IS: U-Vifne - ,033, UnconaliEioned egUic Specg ebo\fe FL.ooR T:(PE rs: ;-v;t*; = o, Fl,ooc over any Conditi-one.l splce HEATLOSS :flec Total BT0II for the outside walls are 2'565 Tbe Total sfitf, roi i[i nte"""d openings are 718 fi; tot"r srutr tor int ceiriugs - esl The total BTtIIr f,or uhe floors Tbe BTt H intittraiiil-r"i-irt" openings is 859 TgE TOTAIJ BTUU FOi xIiIS ROOU I' .^ 5,L29 Ra"i;;-Rraitt-iro6i-ouiput, Bru's /square root is 15'1 ffilffifiltrc*r rs 14.00 FEE', voLIlME rs s'|5oo c.'Brc FEF' 4 EXPOSED OPEI{INGS, TqIALIIVG. >>>>>> 3 ExposED lrAIJIrs, -ili-inqruding openings,TorArJrllc >>>> 52o'o sPtrARE FEET Roo!,t sraE rs zo-6-io"6-*- ^-i''b wioE' TorALrtiG >> 4oo'o SQUARE E.EET I{INDOW lypE XS, ir-vii"e -'-35t' Dorrble Pane' Loi{ e coating' cleal. Glass iiiii-iviu rs' u-vatue = -083, (R) 12 wall- CEIr.rNci T::rPE IS: U-viiti = .033, UncbndiUioned At.tsic Sllace Abqve ErooR T{pB rs: ;-Gil = d, rioor over any conditiotred space - HEATf',OSS Tfre Total BT0II for the outBide walls are 'il;; r&;i BTIH for the Etrq)osed opeuings are fte totaf BTUE for the ceilings - The tot,al BTUH f,or the floors ril ifitH irrfj.Itrauton for Ehe operrings is rgS TOTAI. BTC'T FOR TEIS ROOM IS -n'ii"iiih n"ai.ttt it*t qutput' BT(r's /equare root 4,650 7,Lso 7,.2O0 0 8,220 2L,220 is s3.1 I z zo DINING .r, ^,r FFF,F VOI;IiIE IS 2,520 CTBIC FEET Ceir,nrc rlcrclrr rs 14 - oo FEET, 1 EXPOSED OPENTNGS, TOTALING. >>>>>> 1 ExposED wAr-,rrs, -"li-i""i.aiog op"triogs'lfrfTAl,ItilG >>>> 140'0 sotDRE FEE'r ROOM SrzE tg 12.0 Lolrrci uy __1s.0-iiitE; TOTALING >>. 180.0 SQUARE FEtr wrNDory rypE rs: u-vJo! =' -361, poJre'pane' r-'orr e coating' clear Glass WALL TypE IS: U-VaIue = .O83, (R) 12 Wall - cErr,rlrc rypE rs: ;-ili;; = '033, rnconaitioned Attic sBace Above rLoon rypE rs: ;-;;i;; = 6' rioor over anv conditioned 3E3"" rlre toEal BTIH for the outside walls are r'0s0 rt,e Totar awn roi iiie i:tposed openings are e10 GREATRooI, O 'nrrriirL. Tq O .ETTJTNG HETGET rs 14.00 FEET, voLuME rs s,6oo cIJBrc FEET 4 EXPOSED OPENINGS'TOTAIJING. 3 EXpogED WALLS,-i6i-i""r"aing openings'TOTALING >>>> 620-o SQUARE FEET RooM srzE rs zo.?i"ior,rii-uv !0.-0 i;tili;'iorarrwe " 400'0 SQUARE FEEr WI!{DOW TypE IS: u-vllue =- -36L' ntuli"'pane' Low e coating' clear Glass wAr,r, TI(PE IS: u-vir"t = '991' --(R) 12 waII currJrNe rypE rs, ;-v;1;; = '033; unctnaitioned Atuic space ebove FLooR TypE rS: ;-v;1;; = o. rioor over anY ConditionedofigS"" TheTotalBTruEfortlreoutsidewallsare4'550 The Teral ,Ttx roi iiii er.po""d openings are 7,L5O The cotal errrl roi irt" ceirittg" - 1'200 fhe total BTUH f,or the ffoors ^--- r Tbe BfuH j.nrilrraiii'i-t"l-.r." openings is .8'220 TI|E TOTAII BTUII FO; 'IHTS NOOU TS- 2L'22O hequired Radianc ifooi-otttp"t' BTu's /square foot is 53'1 DINING - <, ,rrr 'FEr' VOIJIME IS 2,520 CUBIC FEET ciir,rwe rrErGIrT xs 14.00 FEEr' - - ---rr-::::'i:,:- iit. o souARE rnET *i-mcpossp opENrNcs, TarALrNe. I ExposED wArJr,s,;;;-i;i;oing opeiiiti!'r991-'1Nc >>>> 140-o SQUARE FEET Rool4sIzEIsr'.0-iorlc_b'_i5.b;6i;-T0TAIJING>>180.0SQUAREFEET *INDOW T.:apE IS, u-v.i.r" =' .t6L' oouure'Pane, Irow e cOating, clear Glass WA.I-rLr T''fFE IS: U-v"it'" = '083' --(R) 12 WalI- cErr.,rNG TYPE rs' ;-;;i; = '033; udcb"aiti""ed A!!i9 space Abowe FrJooR rypE rs: ;-;;i;; = o, ri-oor over anv conditi;3i$r!E3t" Qzto Total BTUH fot the outside wa1ls are ;;;;i sffi rot the r:<Posed oPeninss are t ,050 9r.0 The The r* : BlFt.ca ERBTHERS H-m & HrUC FFD( Ml. . r-sB-em738 o*. o zwL @zs*n P3 Che tota]. nhe toEal flTE BfiJ'H IIIE TOTAII required Page 3 BTUH for the ceil'ings BTUH for the floors openirgs is infiltration for I -"iun-ron THrs Rooll rg Ractiant ftoor oo"fritl-rrtl's /square foot is 540 o L, 046 3, 545 ]-9.7 K:nCCIIEN vo1,ll!{E IS 2.436 -qEIC-rEEf A;iltNa HErcrrr rs L2.oo wEET' ---r===-,1];l;r;- ri.o SQTDRE rpnr T'"dPi:F''$ffiffii=#ffiil:'ii:4:iiia:riffiiii' i:" iil : l-:rm gm *ffi#H;#;ii:"kffi :; .,.1: 3"ilffE-'#llli !'.o."riil' irEIi?I's" wAr-L rYFE rs: ;-n;il; = '0?1' --(R) 12 t{al} cErrJrNG TYPE rs: ;-";i;; = 'ors' uti-"itttoiti""tq Attig sPace ebnre r.rJooR rypE rs, ;:;;i;; = ir,-iio"J-*tit anv condits';ffi*t:83"' Ib€ rocal BruH for tF" g*ii*: n::?-::.'i:ffi ;;$i ;i; ;;; in" eqeled-clpeninss are __^ L^--r E rqllr f6r the Ceilings fr" ioc*r BTUH for ttrc ffi; ;il;I irua tor the f,rooEs ,,,..'+- 6.nrri' .tnrilrra;-iort fot the oPenings is rion for the 'rtre BTUH iaf,iltral iiE id;L-:1g-:.1., H:'"ft:3I"1'Bru, s /ssuare 2, 003 488 609 0 s50 3, 660 foot is 18-0 nJq,tiiiian"diant f, roor ouEput' SPORTS STORAOE - - ^ a^ d'F,,' vOIrUtilE Is 600 quBIc-E'E# &fiilc furel{r rs_ 10'00 rEEr, =o,,,r'll::;;,;- 20-4 souARE-FEEf,.i'*i::g3 ;ltri:%fffiig€'ii'Gilil3:idirili'i:', -ii's-sernns rsEt RooM srzE rs z'i-ioi6-uv- -e'-0-;iffiE;';AA;iNG "-- eo'o sotrens rnnr ilffioi-rvps-rs, g:Vll$ =' :isli'*,ii'i-:U"*":,:-""*t"n' crear Grass YIAI'ILr TYPE fS: l cErr.rNc 11rpE rs, ;:;;i;; = -irr,-uti;i"dit'ioneo eq9:'9 epace above Fr.ooR TvpE rs, ;-v;"; = o, rr"ot-"Gt anv condittffiit|E!"" The Total BtltH for tbe orrtsi'le 1111" "tt 410 :rhe Total grug roi ii! B"p"ted-openings are 663 rte total gT't'H roi irt" ctiriug" - tt3 Hi: ;ffit'llff.l3f'll"rlilii3-reninss is 762 2, 015 'i'ffi 6'iLL-aTUH ron-Tursiff-rsq.rr'q ./sduare foot is ia'e ffiilT$f.:HLl"ltilI"I6ij'i-"*'slssuare root is 33'5 FOYER \IOTUI{E IS Hii'*c 'ErffiT rs 8'oo FEEr' r. EEPosED opnrnrcslior.Ar.,TNg. "'::l 1 EKPoSED wAr'ts' ;;;-t"ti"ding openings'TorArJrltc >>>> 960 CTIBIC FEEE 35.0 SOUARE FEET 45.0 SQTIARE FEET 'FRO'I : Blft@ RETI-ERS PLBG I HTE-INC FAX Ml. i r47A-92W7# v ]r. zz mt r'eafti Ps Page 4 RooMsIzEIs].o.0IJoNGby-.!2.0-ffi8-oTAI,ING>>/120.0s9uAREFEET r{r*Dorf ffpE rs: ,rl.rlir" l'-rgr, d;;'pine' r.,cw e coating' crear Glass NAIL TYPE IS: ;-il;; = '083-r -(R) 12 ltall cErlrr{e r,.pE rs, ;-";i;; = o, conditioned Epace aboYe ErpoR rvpE rs' i:;;i; = o; Froor qver anv eondiutffi*o#3"' T,he Total BTIE for the outside walls are il ;;a;t Bra,E for tbe B:<posed-openings are t; ;;a;1 ErIrH for tsbe ceilings rtri totar BTUH for tshe floors 'iiiE trutt rrrtirst.tion for the oPenings is frE ioier E[nrr FoR TErs RooM rs nequired Radlant ir"ot *ttp"t' BT{r'e /square foot 338 1,139 0 o 1, 3o8 2,784 is 23.2 EATII - a ^^ ,i6'rr VOLUUE IS 576 CttBIC FEET ciir,rwe HErGsr rs 8-00 EEET, --_---.*-::::';*,";- s-i-souAnr FEET "i^111s:H ;mrurifiru;;:;i:iiii;riii*i6 i:" ii'e soLeRE FEnr RooM srzE rs g.'ii-"oxE-lv ^ _-e.-o-iii6il'ioiar,rne " ?2 'o SQInRB FEET wffDor{ TypE rS: U:vafi; *'.t9\, ootOrt'Pane' LoY' e Coating' elear Glass wArJ, TSPE rs; u-vaiti = '083' .(R) 12-t{"1}-- ---- cErrrrr{c 1,rpE rsr u-v;r"; ' 0, conditioned sPace abs\re ErrooR TypE rs' ;-v;i;l = o, rrooi-ottet any condittffiifi,333"" Tbe lotal Erf,UH Eor the outside walls are 474 r'he TotaL aruu roi fi; ;$;;d qPeninss are 284 :nre tot'ar etun for [ii" ""iri"gs - 3 inr tot.r BTUH for the froors fhe BIUE inffrcraii*t-ttr the openings is 327 trrs tornn stlfi E'di-tErs-ioora ts---, ^' ,o^,--o rr.r. i! 1'085 neguired Radiant?:-ilt "itiput' sru's '/square foou is 15'l LAITNDRY ^ ^^ r:r,,,E,r, VOI,1;ME IS 920 CTBIC FEET A;iinc HErcItr rs 8-00 rEEr, .----=---l:;;;,;- o.o seuenu rpur T'fl^n:ili':ml)'i;yruiffi;14:iiii;:pidiii'i:" -6 0 seuARE rEe'l RooM srzE rs ro.ii-iollC-uv r-r's-wiiiil'toreryryc '1 1ls'o sQUrnE FEEr wrNDot{ rvPE rs, ulv"i"" - o1-I10 0Penings in this room wAr.r. TypE rs: ;-GiG = .d83, -(R) r2.w111__ _*^- cEil.rNc lypE rs, ;-v;IG = g, 99lqitioned sPace aloYe Fr,ooR rypE rs, ;-";i;; = o; rlooi over an| conditT;i$r8B3"" The roEal BTUH for the sutsicle walls are o +he TotBl B'flJH lor the E:$'osed openings are o Tt e tot"t to'* toi iit" o"irittgn - 3 H::#"""m.:ff':[q:llli3-:*"iuss is o THE TorArr tlrre "di-ilir3-ioo'r. t"--..=;*rrrrAre foqt ir o 'Required Radiant'?rooi-o"iput' am's /sguare f,oot is o'o FRff'f': Blfr.rcB BR9TFERS FLBG & "TU|a FRX hn. i t-sn-szs7s ]t. n mn r,te'Pn PE -\Page 5 BED 1 . - -^ ..E,n vOIIn4E IS 2,000 gPlc-FE"T Eii"iros rrErorr rs B.oo FEET' .--*=,,,,1I;;;r;- ri.s sguenu rrnt T'#*'h'lt"nil":*t*iil3';i:3Fiia::iiiiiii: i:" i)i- s s'rrene EsEf, RooM srzE re :'z'i*ioffi-;Y- --?o'a'iiiiiil'i6ier'irve "-- iso'o SQUARE FEEI wrNDow TYPE rs: 'i:v;il; -=' '19]::'o*i[iE'pat"' r.o' e coatins' crear Grasg *AL,L 'YPE rs: ;-v;i;; = 'os3' .{R) 12 tvau cErr,rNc lrypE rs: ;-v;i;; = 9' 9?igitioned sPace aboYe FrrooR .rypE rs: u-n;i;; = o, erooi-*'ur anv conaitt;li*r^3n"3"" rhe rotar Br-trH lor -tlt9 9yi"^i* Pl:?-y""i:f,: ift:i ;idi i;; 'F; rys::d-oPenines are ffi ffi;i irru ro' !!'" :?11'-1s''ilE i"uii BTUE for tbe floors ---r itE imn-inf iltration !"f^!lj-3"ninss 1s iffi tdn-Ersn ron tsrs RooM-rs L,669 L,2L9 0 0 1,40L 4,289 ff H:r#ffii'lr-sl"o'liiij.l"stu,s ,/square f oot is L7 -2 cARACE .- -^ ^^ F.6!E'- VOLUME Is 5,L75.-$PIC.FE*T Eg]|ii.{G HErGrrr rs 10.00 FEEir, _----.,=,.1:;:;;r;- rsb.o sorIARE FEET 'l'Hi#i'ffil1iTT#:1ililfti'G;i6::Eiiiili'i:" -;;; : o so'lrens rser RooM srzn rs zz-t''ioi6-uv---51''o'ffi;E;''ffifilne i' 5L7's SQUARE FEEr wMDo3g trypE rs: u:vii"" -"!q1, ottUiE'Pane' t'ow e coating' crear Glass wAr,r, TyPE rs: ;-v;iG = -991; -(R) 12 wall cErLrNc TYPE rs: ;-i;il = 'oig'litJl"aitioned Attic space Above FLoOR fyBE fS, ;-"d;e = '+f' Concrete Floors ITEATL'SS :rhe Total BT'uH ror the oucgide 11^11s are 1'315 The Tocal eorrffoi [iiE erqg?ea opeulngs .re 5,056 The total "ttrt 'o-" iiiJ ""irittg l:t?? *: :*:*t':mr"3['3*"'5]"?il!-openinss ie s'gze THE TorArJ ttu" r'ii-ilrG-nooll -"lj--;.."r"e roor ir l? 'o4e Required Radians'iri"i-*iip"c, eTu's /square foot is 32'9 BED 2 - - -^ FFF,,, voLIJtt{E IS 2,L3A CUBIC-FEBT Efii"ixc HEreEr rs e'00 FEEr' ---r--=-]:;l;';- ii.o sauARr FBET l'trh";3i-iiili:":ll"T*ilffii'A;;iii;lffiiiitii:,' iii s-Eo'ens reEr RooM srzE rs ,"-o-ioiE-;v --la'ififfi;'rorll,rNc " 237'5 SQITARE FEEr wrNDow rypE rs: u:vii*" ='-:91, ";;i;'pitl' io"t e coacins' crear Glasg TIALL TYPE IS: ;-v;i"; = :osl:--jR) 1e r{a}r H':mXil"T"' g:;i-ni: - lar;Tii::fl'3dlffi"ils:' unconditisled space HEATTOSS 'FRO]'4.: Blfl.fca BRATHERS H-BG & *Ua FAX No. | 1-s'?6-s2s;738 Page 6 'ct.. 2,2?Et BiALPFI P7 rhe Aotal BTUH for the outside walls are ih; i;Ar Br'uII for ttte Ext)osed oPenings are The total BTUII for the ceilings rtre total BTUH for Ehe floors ffi ;ffi infilgration for the openings is TBE TOTAI, BTUI{ FOR TIIIS ROO!{ IS n"quir"a niaiant irooi-"otptt!, BTu's '/sguare foot is L,246 780 0 736 891 3, 659 15 .4 BATE CEILING IIEIGHT IS 9.00 E'EET, voIJuME IS 1',260 cuBre EEET 0 EXPOSED OPENJNGS, TOTALTNG >>>>>> 2 ExPosED wAl,rrs' not incLuding operrings"toTAllNc >>>> 243'0 SQIIARE FEET ROOM srzE Is 2O.O toric by ?.0 wrD6' TO{AIJI}iIG >> 140.0 SQIIARE E-EEE liiNDol,r iipp rs, u-vaIue =-0, Na oPenings in-this room wair, rvps fsr u-value - -0s3, -!R) 19 wall &iirxe rypg rs: u-vatue = o, conditioned spaee :tbotte FrJooR TYPE rs: ;-v;il; = -6ea, r'Ioor, ouei Enclosed' unconditioned sBace HEATI.oSS 'rtre Total B.rrtH for the sutside wa1lE are 1'165 rG rd;i srux tot the Erq)osed openings are 0 'ffi i;;i irris tor the ceirinss - o rrti tot.r BTUH for the floors 434 rd; BTIlrr inriltration for the aPenings is 0 rHS TOTAL BTUII FOR fTIIS ROOM IS 1'5OO nlie"ii"e-n"aia"c floor outpuL, BTU'' ,/sguare foot is 11'4 .R3C RooM cErIrINc EEI@f,r rs 9.00 FEET, volJIn{B Is 4,151 guBlc I'EET 2 EI(POSED OPEIII$IGS, TOTAITING 2 g'(POSED YrAr,LS, not including openingt'Igllllllg ""t 346'0 SQITARE FEET ROOM SIZE rS 22-s r,oNG by 20.5 WIDE, TOTAIIIiIG >> 451.3 SQITARE I'EET wINDow T]{PE IS: U-Vaiui ='.351, Double Pane, IJos e CoaLing' Clear G}ass WA!I, TyFE fS: U-va1ue = .053, (R) 19 WalI C-siLrNe TYPE 1S: u-value = o, conditioned space *on" FInOR TYPE IS: U-vafrr" = .058, tr'Ioor, owe? Enclosed' UDcondiEioned space HEATI.OSS fhe Total BTuH for the sutside walls are 1'66L ftre Total srUH tor ift n,qPo"eit openirrgs are 1'333 'il; ;;dt srltg roi irt" ceitinsrs - o ;ii; ;;iir sr('Ir to- the rloors 1'430 iil ;nfi irrtiltraiiott ror the openings is 1'532 rHi TorAt-, BTIH FoR Tllrs RooM rs- . - 5'956 iJqr.ii.o nlaialrt-ir""i"Jcpur, BTU's /sErare foot is Lz.e 6Mtffi-$'Ja Page 7 3 EXPOSED OP8NrNGS, TOTer,1116 12;>>1$!F 3ExPosEDwAlIJs'noEincfudingopenings,ToTAl.',ING>>>>540'0SoI'AREFEEa ROOM SrzE IS zz.-O-i-,OXe ny IO.b wrpE, TOTAIJIIiIG >>. 44O'O SQIIARE yEET WfNDOw fvPE fS: U-Va1ue ='-36:., Ooulft'pane, r,ow e Coating' Clear Glass nALt TYPE rS: u-value = -053, (R) 19 Wal1 C-siLrNe flfPE rS: u-value = o, conditioned space Pott: FT-,ooR rgPE rs, i-vJ;" = -6se, F1;;;, ove? Enclosed' undonditioned ePace IIEATI,OSS Ttre Tota1 BTuH for tshe outside walls are 2'592 rilJ i"trr grurr foi ine nxposea openings are l'170 rlr; i;i;d sruu loi ttre ceitings - ^-2 the total BrUE for the Eloors r'5o't iiG ;TuH inrittraiion for the openings is 1'34s TEE TOTAI, BTUE FOR 11IIS BOOM I' .- 5,47I ilquired,R"dianc floor output, BTU's ,/sguare f,oot is t4'7 TOTALS -*** ***** ***** * * * **r.* * *** ****:l******** *** ******t **---,],:U;;-,;;Z"t;;;;-;;;- t-- voor'!{E rs "i;iii3;*::::::::lll:::llllllll;;;'- -ei;.i ssrrARE rEEr .ffi||s*ffi ffiffillfue srade nor i.ncruil-ng openings 4,027'g souans reer TotAr, sOuARE FEET, oi walls below griaE o'0 SQUARE FEET 3,7+4.3 SQURRE rEEr rlooR At{D cErIJrrdG SrzE rs IrEATIoss The lotal BTI,H f,or the walls above grade are 26,452 Ttre Total BTUE for irri warrs below |rade are ftte Total ST.n, toi tft" Sr.p"n"d openlngs are 21,589 'rlre uotar srrrs toi irtJ ".irittgs - s'725 The total efifi toi the froors .5' osl il! iffi-iiiiicliirJi-toi-iu. openings is 24,e81 TOTAIT BTUg, THIS Bg.IITDING 83'811 0 BTUII *******************i*****'t***:t************!r**.*!.!t***iiii****t**'********l****t*i*ofrl:, "'l:7'vuJ^u "'r.;"'i @ s rlf(e i48w Pa f Kwr- & s;ppLe'4EN7AL qD brzotte5 40OY lv 2 fiwE SPsoz '$ permit Number: -f3O t -O A\j Date of lnspection: t 311 Job Name: O ,*ar=.TroN REeuEsr Town of Vail 479-2149 Day of lnspection: trfon @ Wed Thur Fri A lQ- Job Address: L( L((4 o Requested ey: fr-rr.ri 56 tt C.:L Phone: Other Comments: 31G - t'u \ BUILDING: o Footing/steel s Foundation/Steel o Framinq u Roof & Sheer o Plywood Nailing a iEulation a SheetrocUNail tr ;4Final C O ELECTRICAL: o Temp power o Rough tr tr tr Conduit Final Approved ux&rS PLUMBING:*Underground *Rough / DWV *Rough / Water "Gas Piping *Pool/Hot Tub "Final MECHANICAL:*Rough * Heating *Exhaust hoods " Supply air * Final Reinspection required ns / Comments:L&-t c_ (D ,*rr.proN REeuEsr fown 5f vail 479-2149 Permit ttumUer: rrhO ( -OX(\ Date of Inspection: \ j Job Name: Job Address: t(t[Q o (-(.-ar "1a-\-n [^-c.-rn-s Requested By:Phone: 3-lQ ' ;'17 ' Other Gomments: Dayof tnspection: nron@ wed rhur Fri A@ BUILDING:o Footing/steel s Foundation/Steel a Framing o Roof& Sheer a Plywood Nailing o Insulation SheetrocUNail PLUMBING:*Underground *Rough / DWV "Rough / Water *Gas Piping *Pool/Hot Tub t u 0 tr "Final Final ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL:*Rough Temp power * Heatinq Rough *Exhaust hoods Conduit Final * Supply Reinspection required ca|rcTovv[Corrections / Comments : O '*rr=.TroN REeuEsr t Town of Vail 479-2149 permit Number: TO ( -O V2- Date of lnspection: Job Name: rj Job Address: t{'(rio CrL--rrr 4al!z L.*--a--,.- Requested By:Phone: Other Comments: Day of Inspection: nron @ wed rhur Fri A Q BUILDING: o Footing/steel PLUMBING:*Underground *Rough / DVW *Rough / Water "Gas Piping o Foundation/Steel a Framinq o Roof& Sheer o Plywood Nailing a lnsulation *Pool/Hot Tub * Sheetrock/Nail * ./vlnal r- tr o. tr Final ELEGTRICAL:MECHANICAL:*Rough 0 tr o tr tr Temp power * Heating Rough *Exhaust hoods Conduit 'Supply air Final I armrT vi Approved Denied Reinspection required Corrections / Gomments : ,-ffi I Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Protect Name: Law Residence DRB Number: DR8010150 Project Description: New home Paillcipants: OWNER Don & Susan Law 061L21200L Phone: 303-771-2735 5536 E Mineral Lane Littleton, Co 80122 License: APPUCANT S.H. COLE CONSTRUCTION CO 06/1212001 Phone: 970-476-1426 2897 TIMBER CREEK DRIVE #21 VAIL, CO 81657 License: CONTRACTOR S.H. COLE CONSTRUCflON CO 06/1212001 Phone: 2897 TIMBER CREEK DRIVE #21 VAIL, CO 81657 License: 189-A 'ProjectAddress: 4450 GLEN FALLS LN VAIL Location: Legal Description: Lot: 9 Block Subdlvlslon: Forest Glen Parcel ilumber! 210112313009 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTIOI{ Motion By: Andy Blumetti Action: APPROVED Second By: Hans Woldrich Vote: 4-0 Date of Approvalz 071251200L Gonditionsr Cond:8 (PI-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construdion activities. Cond: CON0004903 All construction must be in acmrdance with the arborist report dated July 23, 2001 Cond: CON0004904 All construction must be in compliance with the requirements of the hazard report oateo:uV?zoor Planner: Allison Ochs DRB Fee Paid: $200.00 \ DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA Wednesday, July 18, 2001 3:00 P.M. PUBLIC MEETING RESULTS PUBLIC WELCOME PROJECT ORIENTATION / LUNCH - Community Development Department l2:00 pm 1:30 pm MEMBERS PRESENT Clark Brittain Bill Pierce Hans Woldrich Andy Blumetti MEMBERS ABSENT Charles Acevedo sfrE vlsrrs -Wear good hiking shoesll 1. Manart residence -2945 Mann's Ranch Road 2. Brown residence - 2642 Cortina Lane 3. Grand Traverse - 1418 Moraine Drive 4. Lionsmane - 1063 Vail View Drive 5. Selby residence - 1467 Aspen Grove Lane 6. Bridge Street Lodge - 278 Hanson Ranch Road PUBLIC HEARING - TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. Millrace Condominiums - Final review of proposed e)ilerior alterations 1478 Westhaven Drive / Millrace Condominiums, Phases | & ll 3:00 pm Ann A part of the SW % NE %, Section 12, Township 5, South, Range 81 West of the 6th Principal Meridian. Applicant: Millrace Condominium Association, represented by Fritzlen Pierce Architects STAFF APPROVED 2. Vail Village Inn - Final review of of a remodel to unils 335 & 337. Brent 100 E. Meadow Drive #335 & 337 - Vail Village Inn / Lot O, Block 5D, Vail Village #1 Applicant: Patricia and Gerardo Schroeder, represented by Fritzlen Pierce Architects o. MOTION: Clark Brittain APPROVED Lionsmane Condos - Proposed repaint. 1063 Vail View Drive/Lot A5-1, Lion's Ridge 1"' Filing. Applicant: Lionsmane Phase ll Condo Association, MOTION: Andy Blumetti SECOND: Hans Woldrich CONSENT APPROVED SECOND: Andy Blumetti VOTE: 3-0 (Pierce recused) Bitl represented by Arrigoni, Inc. VOTE:4-0 / 4. Sanatt residence - Proposed revisions to approved plans. 1328 Vail Valley Drive/Lot 22, Block 3, Vail Valley l"tFiling Applicant: Alex and Flora Sarratt, represented by Andrew Abraham MOTION: Andy Blumetti SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 4-0 CONSENT APPROVED WITH 2 CONDITIONS: 1. That the deck rails on the entire house be consistent. lf the proposed rails are to be used, additional details must be submitted for view.2. That all requirements of the Public Works Department must be met prior to the issuance of building permits. 5. Law residence - Final review of a new single-family residence. Allison 4460 Glen Falls Lane / Lot 9, Forest Glen Subdivision. Applicant; Don and Susan Law, represenled by S.H. Cole Construction MOTION: Andy Blumetti SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE:4-0 CONSENT APPROVED WITH 3 GONDITIONST 1. All PW issues must be resolved prior to submitlal of building permit. 3. Environmental Hazard report must be submitted prior to submittal of building permit. 4. The arborist report, to preserve the >20 ft. spruce trees on the east side of the lot, must be submitted with the building permit. 6. Manart Residence - Final review of proposed window trim 2945 Manns Ranch Road, Unit #4/Lot 4, Block 1, Vail Village 13th Filing Applicant: Manart, represented by Melissa Greenauer MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE:4-0 APPROVED WITH 2 CONDITIONS: 1. That the stucco and siding colors match existing; dark gray stucco shall be used on the garage and light siding and stucco be applied on the second level. 2. That the "vintage burgundy''window sash be sunounded by a gray brick molding or wood trim to match the windows on the adjacent unit. 7. Grand Traverse - Conceptual review of proposed single-family residence Ann 1418 Moraine Drive, Lot 9, Dauphinais-Moseley Subdivision Filing #1 Applicant: Pat Dauphinais MOTION: Clark Brittain SECOND: Bill Pierce VOTE: 4-0 APPROVED WITH 2 CONDITIONS: 1. That it be staff approved once outstanding issues are resolved. 2. That the retaining wall be removed and replaced with aspens. L Brown residence - Final review of proposed single-family residence Bill 2642 Cotlina Lane/Lot 6, Block B, Vail Ridge Applicant: Bill & Norma Brown, represented by John Martin MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND:Andy Blumetti VOTE:4-0 Bitl Ann APPROVED WITH 3 GONDITIONS: \* 1. That all requirements of the Public Works Department must be met prior to the issuance of building permits. 2. That the wood siding on the west elevation not extend below the divider of the 1d and 2no floors.3. That 3 evergreens I feel in height and 3 evergreens 12 feet in height be planted on the wesl side of the building. That 2 evergreens 8 feet in height, 2 evergreens 10 feet in height, and 2 evergreens 12 feet in height be planted on the east side of the building. 9. Bridge Street Lodge - Final review of proposed 250 addition Allison 321 Hanson Ranch Road, Unit#501 / Lots A, B & C, Block 2, & a Portion of Tract E, Vail Village 1"' Filing. Applicant: Agustin Franco MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 4-0 APPROVED WITH 1 GONDITION: 1. That the greenhouse element not be approved as part of this application. 10. Selby residence - Conceptual review of new single-family residence & final review of proposed driveway. Allison 1467 Aspen Grove Lane / Lot 88, Block 2, Lionsridge Subdivision Filing 4 Applicant: MOTION: Andy Blumetti SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 4-0 DRIVEWAY - CONSENT APPROVED WITH 1 GONDITION: 1. That all Public Works issues be resolved prior to permit. 11. Vail Mountain School - Final review of revised mechanical..equipment screening. Brent 3'160 Katsos Ranch Road I Lol 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12'n Filing. Applicant: Vail Mountain School STAFF APPROVED 12. Beaver Dam residence - Proposed changes to approved plans. Bill 383 Beaver Dam Road/Lot 3, Block 3, Vail Village 3'o Filing. Applicant: A2Z Holding, LLC, represented by Fritzlen Pierce Architects. MOTION: Andy Blumetti SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 3-0 (Pierce recused) APPROVED WITH 2 CONDITIONS: 1. That the "false windoW' on the second floor of the north elevation be removed and replaced with vertical siding to match the remainder of the building. 2. That the conugated edge ofthe conugated corten roof not be exposed to view. Staff Denials Sonnenalp Real Estate - Awning. Ann 242 E. Meadow Drive/Vail Village Filing 1. Applicant: Joni White Taylor Peterson/Green residences - Slorage shed/trash enclosure. 2844 Snowberry Drive/Lot 19-8, Block 9, Vail Intermountain. Applicant: Thomas & Sue Peterson Meir residence - Proposed repaint, 4267 Nugget Lane/Lot 9, Bighorn Estates Applicant: Dennis & Linda Meir, represented by Duane Piper Staff Approvals Sun Vail Condos - Siding replacement. Bill 625 N. Frontage Rd. WesVLot 9, Block 2, Vail Potato Patch. Applicant: Sun Vail Condo Assoc. Gingrich residence - Enclose existing entry porch. Judy 4887 Juniper Lane/Lot 7A, Block 4, Bighom Subdivision sth Addition. Applicant: Tom & Chris Gingrich Joe's Famous Deli - New sign. Brenl 288 Bridge StreeULot D, Rucksack Condo. Applicant: Joseph Joyce Lewis residence - Storage shed in carport. Brent 2520 Kinnickinnick. M5/Meadow Creek Condo of lntermountain. Applicant: Jane & Will J. Tenney Lewis Vestlandet Condominiums - Window replacement on south side of Building B. Ann 1746W. Gore Creek Drive/Lots 1 & 2, Vestlandet. Applicant: Chris Michael Mcnamara Love residence - New railing. Allison 800 Potato Patch Drive/Lot 7. Block 1. Vail Potato Patch Applicant: Robert J. & Judith K. Love O Meara residence - Repaint, cut trees. Judy 2952 Bellflower/Lot 18, Block 6, Vail Intermountain. Applicant: Michael O Meara Bitl Bitl Bitl Bitl Golden Peak Skier Tunnel - Fill storage. 458 Vail Valley Drive/Golden Peak. Applicant: The Vail Corporation Becker residence - Deck enclosure. 5053 Snowshoe Lane, Unit A/Lot 26, Block 19, Vail Meadows Filing 1. Applicant: Lois M. Becker Wooden residence - Dormer addition. 5053 Snowshoe Lane, Unit B/Lot 26, Block 19, VailMeadows Filing 1. Applicant: Douglas L. & Marieiia Wooden McMahon residence - Loft addition and enlarge window. 1245 Westhaven Circle/Lot 36, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: McMahon Trust Brenl Allison Vail lntemational -^Minor change to approved plan. Judy 300 E. Lionshead Circle/Lot 4,Block 1. Vail International.Applicant: VaillnlernationalCondoAssociation Kirby residence - Replace/shorten retaining wall. Brent 217 Rockledge Road/Lot 13, Block 7, Vail village Filing 1. Applicant: Steven & Suzette Kirby Selby residence - Temporary rockfall mitigation fence. Allison 1467 Aspen Grove Lane/Lot 8, Block 2, Lions Ridge Subdivision Filing 4. Applicant: Robert & Kristine Selby Bigos/Murphree residences - Expansion of 2nd floor decks. Ann 1834 Glacier CourVLot 23-A, Block 2, Lionsridge Subdivision Filing 3. Applicant: Steve Clark Sears residence - 250 addition. Bill 141 West Meadow Drive/ Lot D2, VailVillage Filing 2. Applicant: Francine Sears Rautenstraus residence - Rebuild deck, replace deck rails. Judy 5026 Main Gore Drive, Unit 1, Building B/Lot 1, Gore Creek Meadows Filing 1. Applicant: Roland C. Rautenstraus Fite residence - Deck addition. Ann 1 844 Glacier Ql.lLot 24, Block 2, Lion's Ridge Filing 3. Applicant: David & lrmak Fite Weir residence - Deck addition, replace sliding door with French door. Ann 933 Red Sandstone Road/Cottonwood Park Townhouse. Applicant: Donald Weir Riva Ridge North Condominiums - Tree. removal. Brent 133 Willow Place/Lot 6, Riva Ridge Chalets North. Applicant: Tom Saalfeld Village Center - Rooftop satellite dish. Judy 126 Willow Bridge Road/Lot C&K, Block 5E, Vail Village l"tFiling. Applicant: VillageCenterCondominiumAssociation Town of Vail Municipal Building - New fence. George 75 S. Frontage Rd./Unplatted. Applicant: Town of Vail Thompson residence - Exterior spiral staircase. Brent 45 Forest Road/Lot 33, Block 7, Vail Village 1"' Filing. Applicant: JVB Properties, Vail Ll-C Pollack residence - Driveway re-alignment. Brenl 1250 Westhaven Circle/Lot 30, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: Cynthia Stroum Meagher The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during . regular office hours in the project planner's office, located at lhe Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2356,Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. 07,'24i01 'ItlU 00:07 [:\I t)70 .l i, :l o \ (ll l \ r{)\'ll II)Rl:r. l'llY Eloo:: Tree Condition Report For l'he l-aw Residence Lircair,.rri 446,.r Glerur Falls Lane \1ail, Cl) Prepz,red rbr: SH tlonsrruction Conrpany :lx()7 Timbef (lreek [.)r #21 Vail. ,-.() lllrr5T Prepared hy A Cut./\bove l;orestr-'v I'.) 71.i. Iin:ckcnr,dgc tlO Foresc*:r ldck Herw,eire .lu1v J3, 2001 | /24/0t 'IUE 08rOfI F,Lt 0?0 45il 91"14 l\ 'lff Al)0l'li l.'0Rll!il'l 'oo Table, of Contents i 0lntroduction n 1.1 History and Site Dpscription 2,0 Survey Method 3 0 Tree Condition 3.1 Generel 4.0 lmpacts and Mitigation 4. 1 Construc'tion lmpacts 4.2 Mitigation Recommendations 4.3 Effec{s of Construction Activities 5.0 Literature Cited List of Maps Vicinity Map Site Plan A oos 0?/24/07 TUE 08;00 r,\'.X 970 et.l .\ fl | \tI0\'ti [()Rlis'llt] 1.0 lntroductlon The Law ResidErrce is loceted at 4460 Gl€nn Falls Lane in The Forest Glenn Subdlvisfon, Vail, Colorsoo. The lot is .664 acre ln size. The proposed development of the site indudes the construction of a singlo-tamily residence including the installation of all necessary underground ulilities such as phone, elec{ricity, vater and sevrler. S.H Construction, thti burlder, contracted Cut Above Forestry to evaluate the existing treE condition and determine the potential impacls of developmont on tree health. This report wili examine and charactgrlze gen€rel trae condition on the proposed building site and determine th€ impact to th€ tre6s assuming that tho Bit€ will be dislurbed to the edges of the building envelope. lndividual tree "sultability for preservation" Wll be assessed based upon tte present site plan, tree health, condition and struc{ure. Recommendetions lo improvo preservation potential for high value trees will be addressed in this reporl. 1.1 History and Site Description The lot is currenily undevaloped. The property is locatEd al ths end of a could eac end bornded by developable house lots on both cides. The slte iB located near lhe top of the subdivision. The lot gently slopes to the noftll,t€8t. Tuo tr6e species afe present on the site, Englemann spruce (Picea englemanii) and, lodgepole pine (Pinus mntofta) 2.0 Surrrey ilrthod Tr6€e greeter than 8 inchBs in diameter are identified on th€ Bite plan. Th6 location and idontification of th6 tr6es was performed by the surveyor A t/,talk-lhrough inspedron was implemented on the site to gather loullevel infonnation prior to clearing and grubbing. 3.0 Treo Condition 3.1 (bneral Tree Condition Tree condition is determined by *rvaluating damage to th6 roots, nnin stem, large branchee, small branches and foliage. o 0Joo{ 07/24/01 TtlE 00r10 F,{.X 970 915{ Root loss Mechanlcal demago to trunk No inscct or digease problems are prosent on the gita. The lodgepole pine tree ia in good condition. The spruce tr,-"es are in good to excellent. hLalth end conditim. 4.0 lmpactr and lrltlgetlon rocommendefions 4.1 Conltruc{lon lmpacts. The development activities that will have the greatest impacts on the residual troes er€ excavation, pedestrian and vehicle lraffic, regrading and wall construction on the north vest side of the house. The impacts from these activities erc root loss, soil compaction and damage to the stem and branches. Excavation will be required to within 12teel of an '18-inch diemeter todgepole pine and 18 fset of a 26-inch Englemann spruce. 4.2 ultlgatlng Recommondations. Mitigation recommendations are designed to reduce the impacts of development to the tree. The goal is to maintain or improve tree health before, during and afier the davalopment process, o A Cl 'l' Al)()Vli r iRtlSTRl Gloor construction fencing. Rainforce fencing with hay bales. Prune roots to minimiza structural damage, promote root hair growth, and enable tree to mount natural defense against pathogens. Deep root feed trees with root llr!.tl"tt" g fqli I it"t ""d Fence tree with eilt fencing at greatoot possible distanc€ Mechanica|damagetobriincherPrungbranchestn rvill reduce cJrances of "claw hammer prunino' Fence area lhat can be lefl undisturbeC and ernpnasize inrportance of staying within the fenced boundary. Use plyvrnod bridges lo cross areas that will not be disturbed b) equrpmgnt. Stag€ building materiale av,ay from critical root zones (since ws could not perform an inventory, use 1 foot of dtstance for each inch of tree dr.ameter as a general root protec{ion zorr). Afler construction, vertical rnulch tress that rrrere impacied 07/24/01 l'tlE 08:rt F.di 070 ,l|54 r clf l ADO. ri F'0RllsTRI 4;:l o Etr ooo 4.3 Effcct of Construction Actlvlties when e building site is'cleared, several large, well-established trees are often lefl to enhance tho ag6th6tic value of the properly. Hovr€ver, within about 2-g years aftef the etrueture is built, many ovvn.rs are dismayed to s6E one or rnore of these tre€s decline. symptoms Ere stunting and brbwning leaves or needles, thinning foliagE, and twig and branch dying. often trees 6ventually die. There may b€ a variety of causes, but damage is often the result of the l-and clearing and building activities. Treag can suffer damage from a wide zariety of L.auses. Microorganisms cause some problems, such as root rots arld needle diseaees. Insecls &n also cause injury. Houev€r, most plant problems are due to adverse vreather or cultural condillone that stress the plant. rhese adverse conditions include freezirg, drought, over-watering, anc lmpropi r fertilizing. construction acliviti€s srtn ",ehange of grade, soil compacrion, m:chanical injury, and trea thinning Can contribute to stress. symptoms of plsnt danrage resurtirig fiom stress sometimes do not show immediately, and may not be obviot.s .rntit sevoral years after the stross occurred. symptoms may result fro'n the accumulation of several stress conditiens, In addiuon, the rlder a trei ts, the less likely it is to successfully adapt to changes aralnd it. In prtparing a building $rts :;'Jil rs o{:en "rrovecr in order to level areas wtrich onca \ /€ie.gloped, or lo slope areas Iricr, wer !. orig:nally level, lf trees are left,ltanding in these affected ared5, rlrev nny rrave soit addeo over their rooi syslcms, or the original soil ltrvcl ,JV"- r ths rr'ots nay be lowered. These changor can caus6 significant damage arld even doa(h. Raisirg the grade can suffcJate ih,) roots Thi. amount of damage deprnds in pert 0n the kind of tree, thc deptfr c+ il- e f,il, anJ lhe soil texture 6f the fili. several lnches of fill ovar the root systen w.,l i,dversely i"ffed most kinds oi treei.- some can be Adversely affecle' ' by lesr, il., rr an inch of addeC soil depth San4r or gravelly fills ere less dan iagrng r ,ar rr:dVrer i;lls such as silt or'clay. t_oogepore pine, aspen, Englemanrr sF,i u{e -r, , sub arpine fir treee are intolerint of facnflll in thc root zone. Placing asphalt or @ncr€te cver a r Jor syslem can have the same i;rjfocatrr.g effed as raieing the grade arourtd the u3e. Lou,€ring the grade arouncr trees can be oatrimental. lrosr lb€derroots a;r Iocetd ln tfiatop a b B inchss tf soil. Framoving soil remores r"ny oitr,e roots that supply the tree wrth '^'arer a rd nuirrenls lt also causes signitie-nt rcrt injury. lf enough large rrots are r "ms*erl. ra, k of ancnoftuE may cause the tr€i,j to fail. 07 /24/01 Ttlt: 0e r2 |;il .r70 fr .l.l r ('lft At)0\'t1 lr0Rtilt 'RI Grade cfranges csn also affect the depth of the water table. lf the grade is raieed, the resulting rise in the water tF rle may suffocate roots in addition to the suffocation from the added soit d€pth. lf th€ grade is lowered, soil u'ater may be less available, and this. in combination with lack of roots due to tho grade lo^/€ring, may put s€vere drought stress on the tree. Other changes in drainage patterns, such as lhosa due to asphalt or concrete drivanays, patios, or founcations placed near trees, cen result in trees receiving mora, or less, water than ihey originally did, and this can orften times cause serious damag€ to trees. The moet common car.rse oi declin? ard death from conetruction is Boil compaction. Heavy equipment wili conpact soil. Rep€ated ',tfialking over the soil will also t€nd to cornpact it. Roots growing in compacted soil will be adve|3ely affected, since oomF,dcted soil .s fess open to eir and watsr movement. Sandy soils or soils high rn ;rganrc fi;,tt€r tend to compact less than heaW, clay-like soils. Equipment nisy gouge fhe barr orr tl re tree trunk or bsttress roots, and can damage roors sirnpry by nrov;;tg over rhe rool system. such injuries can be detrimentel, not only because 5 rr:l€eod part of the tr€e hes be6n romoved, but also becauec decay orgarrisms rr.1J! enter th6 uounded areas, lf the bark is knocked r.,ff all the way ar:und th. trunk, the tree iB girdled and will die. Digging trenche.J for foundations and varicus underground pipeE and oable can also cauge gorious root lose ond lar;rege. The closer the kench is to the fi.rnk, the mora sevefio the effecl on the ree D:imaged trees may die or tail 'i rees will be removed from rhr sl.l to ( reate an araa on which to build the slructura, to decrease the ar,'-unl oi shade, or to give desirable tregs more grodng room. When Etands r tra€s ar$ thinn€d, remaining tre€s are mor€ eXpoeed lo wind, and mAy sLiier \:/ind damage. Wind damage can range from brolcn brarrches to entire tr"r€,i berng broken and blo*n over. The vulnerebility of a stand i9 increased ulren tne laf ger trees (with larger croums) are removed, becauso the stand is opene,:: to Jfeater irfluence trom the wind, Removing srnaller trees will cause fewer prohlems, because the remaining larger lrees are already wind firm. The grearer +l1e cl3gree of thinning, and the denser the original stand, the gfttater the charrces i..'r w;rrd damage to the remaining trees. 4.4 Gonstruedon llldgatiori Specifi cations Gcneral 1 . Any activity within the qr llic€r1 16i I zon.r' must be approved and monitored by the Consulting Arborist. .t il i| o Etooz 01 /24/01 'l'llll 0lt; l{ lt{,t 070 lllf r \ ('t I \ll(lvli lroRllS'l'R'l 2. Any herbicides placed under paving inaterials must bo saf€ for uso arouno trees end labeled for thgt use, 3. Any grading, @nstruciion, damolition or other urork that may encounter tree roots Ehould be monitored by the Consulting 46o6r,. 4, Do noi store or dump excess sorl chemicals, debris equipment or other matefials within the tree orotection zone 5. Inslatl and maintain a 4"-6'' layer of mulch within the tree protection zon€. Th€ mulch will help reduce soil compaction and moderate soil temperature. 6, Construct and use plywood brrdges set on spaced 4x4'e to minimize soil compacllon in areas that wilt be loft undisturbed except for foot traffic. Fertllzlng 1.Dccp rmt fiaed all asr.ren, spruce and pine trees located near the area of disturbance. 2. Feed with a rool stimulating fer:ilizer. 3. Feeding wjll oe performed in a radiel pettern with thB feeder needle being ingerted &1 0" bglow the soil surface, Insertions will be made at 18" inteNalE on the edgo of the drip line. 4. 'fhe first feeding shall include an inoculation with mycorrhizae fungi. Fenclng 1. Fence all treas to be retain€d to coxlpl€tely enclose th€ tr6e prot€ction zon€, as ind,cat€d in table 1-1 and tho acco,tpanying staging plan map, prior lo dernolltion or grading. Plastic snow fencing attached to metal posts driven into tho ground will b6 acceptrable fencing. lf the fencing is continually damaged or lorn down, it will be r6plac6d with chain link fencing. Fences will remain until constfuction is completed. Plastic construction fencing will be reinforced with hay bales to minimize soil migration into the root protec{ion zone. 2. Construdion trafric and malerial storage must remain outside of the fenced areas at all times. Prunlng 1.A, Prune dead branches fronr crown. ,t ti r|t ['roo$ 07/24/01 TUE,,8:15 lf,tx 070 0154 \ Clr'l' r\l)(r ''li F0RnS'f ltl' B. Prune branches to provide adequeto clearance for scaffolding end construction 2, An arborist is to be present at all tin,es during pruning. The tree servic€ must provide proof of insurance for liability ilnd workers compengation. 3. All pruning will be withrn the Tree pruning Guidelines (lnternational Society of Arborcultura) and adhere to Arnerican National Standard for Tree Care Operations (ANSI A300\ 4. Any addiiional tree pruning neederj {c' clearance will be pedormed by an arborist, and not by construclion personrrel. Root Prunlng 1 . All encountered rootri over 112 ir, ;h rn d,ameter wll be cut ofr with a Eharp tool. 2. Root will be pruned wrlh a sharp s'rovel, ,aw or by-pass pruning tooi. Poct-constructiorr revegetation and landscaping: 1. Iurf grass snouid nol er-encl inrc, tl ,a drip linr of exrstlng tree 2 Trgas shourd be muiched rc mainlar'r soil morelurr V.rtlcal llulching 1. Holes will be drilletJ irt a, .Jrir.r rratt, '' appro.ximately 18" qrn center. 2, Holes will be drillsd 12" t.r 1i3' ,rr,ep 3. Holes vull be backfilter' iu n arr, 'ndE 1 soil suclr as compost o,'oea gravel. Fertilizer may b€ adde,r ro bac.tiil llonitoring tree health and comgrliance M.;nitoring tree health an'1 c'- mpl ,flce curlflg construction helps ensure that the program and details specrtr"-C in ' rr; Tre. Preservalion Plan are properly implem€nted. Jhe merlilslrr j pf,. sa of thc. plan is fourfold: 1) Mainrain the integrrty oi the T ae Prote.itcrl :orr€ 2) Asstrt with flsld charE€s, 3) Continually evelliate tree Foalth and ,r , rr;:,s, ., riC 4) Comrnunicate with the superintendent and architBct. d,ri! o Eooo 07/24/01 TUE 08ir0 F.|'.X 9?J 453 9154 ,\ (l I AI\O\'E |0RESTRY - ld0r0 5.0 Litcrature Sitcd Matheney, N. end Clark, .r. 1998, Trees and Development A Technical Guide to Preservatim of Trees During land Development. American Society of Consulting Arboris:s, 1995, Tree Preservetion Workshop Notebook, . 01 /24/01 TtrE 00r 17 l'.\.\ 070 45) e l t],l Yahoo! lr{aps and Driving Directions ;\ ctrt \t)0\rti rOR[lsTll\'0tott Page I of I A&€llMylqeatt qng - Sio n ln S_gye Thb Address Welconre, Gue rt Uerr Yahool Mapo * a4SO Glenn Fells [Am, Vall, CO et657. http://maps.yahoo.comipylpn,.rp.py?$rr-Trnap&.adclr 3460+Glenn+Falls-rl.Ane&csz=Vail.+r. .. 7/Z3lOl \ )1. r' Itx,\'lil F0RI,:sl'R\ (o, this tree ' of th\tree ,tr\ F I / '-L ,--/-- ,1 ,+/o *r" 'l, **%E[cri on to !s t\ I { r--,r/ t,/\,/V \ flff]\ ff-F -!,t Y c. nn lr1 lJ\'. [".Lto J e inSl q.Q,.c;--fanL Fevlew ol Lo+ q undersigned has/have read le- Hazard Feport, daled I 1g_,by r€quesl the Town of Vail Bulldlng gepartment grant us a permit. COUNTY OF 'em *od;u:r:,^ ll1u""":,H:."5#:*"df ff ff jsT#1H.,'ji:B''Alifrn?:!L,' ng lhe prgposed hous€, ':;rrrsing damage. We are prepared b accept these tacls and , The foregoing instrqment was acknowledged before me this 119.1+-a^V ot rJ4C= . g?,rW -lN+-u-a-H ), #atl:- -, known lo me to be lhe person .{ttoqSlname i.s subscribect to tfie toregdingin$rument and acknowledged to me that he .e:ecuTed the sarfle for the purposes and coraideration therein expressed. STATEOFCOLORADO l couNTY 96 /&r'rrz"r', llu' ..- "'' .'"i,,x The foregoing instrurgent was apkgowledged before me this frr'/- day ot ,t"'- ' *.fu^bL--_---.ffiW J't'+"aa ,lezt: . . .l(Fv*n to me lo bs the (Name, STATE OF QOLQFADO } ) ss. I the same lor he purposes and corslderation the^rein €xpressad. (Legal DescrlFUsn) l/We understand trom (Name, O'vner) expires; ct&nn*lh.Itd Id ildAE : IE TAAE BT 'IN-I 97frT. gLV Ba6 : 'ON XUI Df,rsNolftnf,H5: l,ludl recDJUL24200l j FRgt : Bruce A. coiling FAX N0, : l?L. B?6 539? Cuurus & nsEccrATEg ailot.o|,|44 rND Nrrtn.cl REsaact doirsjlTl ts P.O. Box 23 ' lrf6 ilIfa(/rr DRrvE Srlr" douoneoo 8165e PHots/F^x (970) 876 - 5400 bocol€rcf .net July 18, 2tDl Jul. 18 ZEB\ 7! ?6A1 P- RE LI)T 9 FOTEST GLEH SUBDAISrcN. C|.EN FAr$ LANE. VAtt Strr Colc S.H. Colc Conrtruction 2E97 Timbcr Creek Drivc lio. zt Vril, Colotsdo 91557 Deat Mr. Cole: At your rcqu6t I havc cxrmined the subject properr]' for the purpos€ of eveluating potential geologlc harards to'the nqw structure proposed to be constfucted thereon, rnd fhe effects of mitigrdng such hrnrdr rs mry orirt on rdjacent properties, in ac€ordance with Town ofVail Regul*ions ChePter | 2'21' iS. nta higplhazard rockhll zone boundary as ;htiwrr on thc Town ofVall rockfell hezrrd mapr pasres ttrtough *rI property, wtrlle the ernire lot ls wlthlrr the "possible avalanche influence tonc" as shown on drc r6um.s *"t"nctt. hazard rnaps. hr fact, for Lhe {ea;ons more fulS dcssibcd belou the roclfall hezild on thc cntire parcel is urinimal, the,rvalanchc hazard har prerumebly be€n mititatcd to the To,vn s satlsfaction bythc construction ol rhc approvsd avalandre barrier separating the lot from the gmall gve6nchc ctruti to thc ca$, snd there.fore riulgrsrcd mitigating stepe will therefore be limited to common{elll! mca8urcr. The lot ties 8t thc b|ic of firoderare t.r steep sloPes ro the southweEt compored of Pennsylvrnlrn-rge Mlntnrn FOrm*tiOn eiltrtonee, randstilne$, lirne$one!. and dolornltes. Thcge rocks lorm a prominent ledge $out 4ilt ft rbo,t th€ propcny, a si(,ping be c\ about 8{X) ft wide, and stcep slopes leading up to i rmrll clifr rrer. All of these slopes are moder;rtel)'to heevily wgetated with aspen that app€il to be In drc 1!i-to S0year.otd range, end with signific"nt cr:rnif-er$, l)artiorlarb on thc lot itsclf, that appear to be in thc 25- to 7-S-year range. The ,;nly , . trseruahlc ror- k exposure, tht diffmcntioned above, is angled such that boutdsrr loorcncd ho- rt rvould rrirvr.l r:orth ofthe property, and in any case the vegetrted slogcr ond bench mitlgate strongly ag.ainrr i,ht. iik.liltourt of such boulders reeching the valley floor in thii lmmcdietc ttct, Tlrefe i$ No indi'.atior, c ! ockrbll dan rag* to existing veget*tion- Surface rocks on the pfopeffy Sppcar to be relarecl to ;rrrcien' ticbris flow ove. rhe Small elluvlal fan upon utrich the lot is rihraica. brglnsting in the drainag* nor*, rsolateil from the lot by the gr'"elanchddebris flour barrier: othcr lrrgc ro.lo "pp"", to have bee;r mov.:d i.llto thc adiacent lmd as part of'thc constrrrctiorr of this bgricr. A rlight rrrturd rw{e pssses rhrou.,;h the h,t unmediately upslope of the structure as illu$trated on fhe frrding plrn. drer,ving L-1, provrded to :rrr I'o rhe exterrl possible this nvelc should bc deepened end &ncrrvijc aoccnilatcd to crcarc a bugbr petweer. the slope end the sbl.lcture; lt aPPc.rr from the dildffg t11;t thls le rhc lntennorr of timl gr-cdtng. 'Itre line of boulders shor,vn immediately upslope can bc ceril] worked anto rhc margin ct this $wale. A &ii eleletior difference betwecn thc botton of thc n|'ete eirA the top of the bouktefr. which shortto trc:itlcd and comprcted with earth, would be ideal. foundetlorr rEtmcntr ftcing upslopc *nouiri [r€ ,:oflrroct€d of rdnforccd concr€te or rnateriels of equivalcnt rtrcigth extcndfig;t least rwo leer abovc final glade, Glaee doots facing upelope should be congfructcd wiflr rheffer-tcsistant gleec. as ch.rirld windolvs lcrs then four fcct rbove final grsde. Exlsting FRS4 : Brr.rce H. CoI I ins FHX Nr' :74 E?6 519?Ju L 18 281 12: 26Ff r az r Mcarr, AJ.. I y/9. Colorado smw-avalanche area stdies rnd guirleliru for anahnchehazard plannfurg Colordo Gcological Sunay Spccial Publication 7' Page 2 VegeErtion On th€ sloPc lbove the proposed hoore pfesent a significant natural hindrance tO potenti'l titdrll, ild thould bc undtsturbed to the extent possible' A$ nqged prevlously, lDt 9 lies within a mapped "possible avalamhc influence zone'' Tlre gully irrJf.ri' "-t of the prope-rty, apparently rnappe6-as_Path 6 by Merrs (f 979r) but not strown on the To,vn naps, har b€cn p;gtectJfi an'avatan.ne nartier. Current rltk to Lot 9 would appcar to bc limittd to ilerflsly ftom dre narrlcr, wtrio pre$umably was deoigned and consfiu$ed to mcct Town of Vail sbndlrdg for mrximun flow, and tire appare"tly.remote possibilitv of aalanche through thc tteca trraoiataly*oct, Existingvegctation suggects tlrat no such events hdve occurred in rccentyeers. I tnu3t "rpf,** ift.a *fttc ttrc iisk-or avatanchi appears to me to be limited. I am not an expert in this field' end lfs more accurste rsreggment of the risk and reconrmcndationg formitigstion ere deriredyou chould seck the oplnlon ofa qtrallffed professional. Whilc roils rnd bedrock mlterirls found in th€ aree do not ordinrrily conf:in radioactve mlnerals, inhrbitcd stnttturet ghould as a mltter of course be dcsigned to preclude redon ges xcumtrlation' Likcrvige, tlre Valt area il one of many frults, some of the.m of signiflcent dlsplacement' and as a result, although thcrc h6t bt,!n no rnovcment or the$e $gucturcs for thousande of years, inhabited f,$ucturei .iiulal Oogocd end consructed accordlng tothe Unitorm Building Code provisions for Scicrnic Zone L The site is in an erea of lorrr but not abrcnt gcological renritivity, and exccpt ls noted mitigating mcrsurar lrccither nafrrrally.occu6irrg or atreadyappcar on the siteplan. Ar desoibed tlredevelopment docr not inocar the hrrard m othcr property or g$uctures, or to publicbuildings, rights-of-way-, roads, !trcct3, c6efien6, utilitics, or facilities or othcr ptop€rties of ony kind. This report iB intended to cornply wlth approp rt portionc ofTown ofVeil Regulruonr Chapter 12-2'l -15, and nothing contnined trereij gnould bc interpreted as stggerurE that the subject propercy ir not exposed to thc mrpped hazards. lf you hwe any questions or require any further irrfornation, please do not hesitetc to contlct ma. brnrd.r Hc?r.fi tttu r.loft .orccttt lefiml Drf{a35c5 rbt erc unprcdictrblc nd in hftr crue poorly .ldqrtood. f ir iltald€d ffi;ffid.t "a;hbh b,{r.trid rhc rcopc ofwor*rto whidt tf,r flbj..r flEl.tt i. fiPor.d.errd to n6:rt-tfirilnfi\3 I","-L-.ocfiiiJ.f .eptio.tt r.ptrriol.. Hotril' in dtL *Frtda6 ttcorrrrcl or iri'.-.d.r Cfgdtt S *-T ;-ild;;;ad br-i' ot dl 6c rccoirn rtrd rnidgdont ri|l ,rot tt ttc t t.a proFtt fto! rL dttttib.d lrrr$ u!.t t dl tirltntnlir f..".* or tmccra n*tog tn At rtport *outO b| ffrE'!.d or llhrFtlti r. t|ltlafitt ths td6t:{ noidsdficrl lrrrtrf|, Fot Fctlrr n-"* |]l|ol ooOcctloa ritr "ra!Frdo!'dcc| !d !|ar clticr atr dirniartior dtlrbz{&l or ffitiol cf ttt co.r.{;.o!.r of r br|Id {s!t or c,vtrtf,6nv tnr rUrgo !o ff! |[t!rEt tar.ubly podttc of ft lftrr. fy -liili-*f id5i a dg|r|rr rd [fccqurBr pr.rt6 EtEo arr! ro nocoifl- ud lnH hennh:rr rl: prcar.. b. rt Dd .! rfridrrrttr. fiorrc or .ottrct"ttu.l'iiat'lilc p!"t"oa injrrv or hrr of life fouc od bcltod tb orfind cod of rtr'rrtS' .'md br '. E lldrr froo roy occrrJc Jt" Ad,il*f c odr trana|r|. tt rtct or rct tdr d.ltlt tl$' tt {t froo lUlutt to [frb-Li ilrrff;l ii to;l'fti* or ruacqo"ry or ploDrrlt cglrtcnd. mrtnrctrd, .rd ruirtsiDcd rElfirErdrd Eiqliellt ttr o..qrer of{dr rtnoda..toteid!.itl |Etti toiuiXrtl qwry 6r |!I||Ber lfiSo(tl br t} fop:r engirGcritr!, toiftrtttim. ;i6;i;i;;;il;;;d.d;tlrdoac,oio,.in"arquai,or-ruccoriopropcrtymgrl.rr d'crnrrt{-.rd/o'mdmircd ;;-."d.1-tftltde!r, t. arig.tioo; drt hrva bac! tcrq.t ar uy wry uhrsoc*r olm or. r|.urn !H bt $c pacparct. \ D epart ment of C ommun ity D eve lop me n t 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 t 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us June 22,2001 Stan Cole S.H. Cole Construction Co. 2897 Timber Creek Sr. #21 Vail, CO 81657 RE: Lot 9, Forest Glen i 4460 Glen Falls Lane Dear Stan, The Community Development Department has received the application for the Law Residence, to be located at Lot 9, Forest Glen / 4460 Glen Falls Lane. Currently, the Law Residence is scheduled for a final review for July '18,2001 . All of the comments and concerns listed below must be resolved to slaft's satisfaction, prior lo the final revrew: (These comments are based on the original submittal. Staff has not had adequate time to review the new submittal, if .any of the changes have been made.) .'1 . Please indicate a lot size on the survey. '2. Please indicate any easements on the survey. 3. Please indicale a basis of bearings on the survey. lt appears that the dm of the sewer manhole was used as the basis of bearinos. The invert should alwavs be used instead. Please revise. 4. Please indicate the date of the survev. The survey indicates that the contours are 1 ft. contours. However, the contours are labeled as 2 ft. conlours. Please revise. 6. Please indicate lhe environmental hazards on the survev. 6 7. Please provide a site footprint, with all ridge can determine buildino Please indicate the top the site plan. plan, which shows a roof plan, in addition to the and eave elevatlons (example: 8456.9'), identified height and site coverage and bottom elevation of any proposed retaining 8. building so staff wall on {2 *'"''"''"n 'n"* ./ ./9. "r'10. * | t. 42. '-{4. t7. "1€. 15. 16. Please indicate the surface of the driveway and whether or not it is to be heated. According to the Fire Department, the house will need to be sprinklered. Any questions regarding this requirement should be directed to Mike Vaughn al 479- 2252. Please indicate snow storage on the site plan. For an unheated driveway, a snow storage area within the property lines equaling 30"/" of the paved area is required. lf the driveway is to be heated, 10% of the paved area is required for snow slorage. Please show the existing grades through the foot print of the building so slaff can determine the slope of the site beneath the footprint of the house. Please indicate all utilily stub out locations. Please indicate a limits of disturbance on lhe site olan. This will need to be indicated in lhe field with a construction fence. Please indicale positive drainage away from the house al all times. The regarded drainage swale must be the equivalent size of the existing or a drainage study must be provided. Please indicate all required parking on the site plan. Enclosed parking spaces are 9 ft. by 18 ft. Surface parking spaces are 9 ft. by 19 ft. A total of 3 parking spaces are required. The critical root zone of a lree is equal to one foot for each caliper measured one foot above the nalural grade. lf there is to be grading within this critical rool zone, an arborist must be consulted regarding tree preservation. Please indicate all crawl spaces and attic spaces as being less than 5 ft. in head height, with access no grealer than 12 sq. fl. lf these spaces are taller than 5 ft. in head height, they will be counted towards GRFA. Multiple hazards exist on the lot. A site specific geologic hazard report is reouired. Please refer to Section 12-21 ol the Town Code for additional information. ln addition, the owner must sign a Geologic Hazard Acknowledgement form, indicating that they are aware of the hazards and have read the site specific geologic hazard report. One has been included for your use. Staff has reviewed the application according to the survey provided and Special Development District No. 27. The analysis provides the following: Lot Size:28,919 sq. ft. Buildable Area: 20,317 sq. ft. 18. 20. Zoning: Hazards: Special Development District No. 27 High severity rockfall, possible avalanche influence zone Standard Allowed Prooosed GRFA 4800 sq. tt. 3708 sq. ft. Site Coverage 4800 sq. ft. revisions req'd Height 33 ft. revisions req'd , Setbacks 20/15/15/platted 60t24t36tptaned / Parking 3 required revisions req'd The Design Review Board conceptually reviewed the application at the June 20, 200'l meeting. The following were their comments and concerns: 1. The residence needs additional landscaping.2. The stucco color shall be "Aspen"3. The trim color, fascia color, and garage door color should be a slightly darker shade of the stain for the logs.4. The front fagade should not have any visible stucco. Stucco may still be used on the rear of the house. To remain on the July 18th Design Review Board agenda lor a final review, all of the above comments and concerns must be addressed to staff's satisfaction no later than noon on Thursday, July 5rh. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at970-479-2369 with any questions. Sincerely,/l-, ' lt /1 tlttt.- t tfJ t+{,.(//l/'64J//.- Allison Ochs Planner ll Town of Vail Lcgal dcscription: Lot Brock- Fibns {itdhilili Datc: Addrcss Orrncr tuchitrct Zonc district Lot sizc zoNE CHECK Pbonc Phone hoposcd usc Buildable arca ?n /'t7, '| lw '{w) 6F Allorvcd Eristing Total CRFA prry =-4fi00__ + 6'15 = 425 crcdit plus 250 addjrion Docs this rcqucst involvc a 250 Addition? Horv much of thc allorvcd 250 Addition is uscri. wirh this rcoucst? Rcmaining wz nla Sitc Covcragc Hcigbt Sctbacks Landscaping RctainingWall Hci$rts Parking W* 3'*7N = gJh E,L n' n a6t6 Minimurn 7 ,f f Encloscd Rquirc d9 Goo(@poo)(1200)Caragc Crcdit Drivovay Complics lvirh TOV Ligbting Ordinancc Arc finishcd gradcs lcss rhan 2: I (50%) Environmcntal4l: "-rds Pcrmihcd Slopc V %Proposcd Slopc .'_..-% Y., / No vcsl No l) Pcrccnt Slopc (< >30f2 2) Floodplain 4) Watcr Course (30) (5q nla 5) Geologic Hazards a) SnorvAvalanchc b) Rockfall Qo)@ Front Slocs Rcar . 15' rffitq 3',t 6', 20' . l5' hoposcd * '016 Is thc propcrty non-conforming? Dcscribc: c) Dcbris Florv o DESIGN REVIE1Y CIIECKIJST Projccr: l['u ltotilnrt Q FLOoRPLA}'S ./ Scalc ./ XL _! Q SURVEY ,'/ Scaic Bcnclmark Lcgal dcscription Topography A- looy-. flood.plain (\9, Watcr Coursc Sctback GRFA 250 additional CRFA Crarvl\Attic Spacc trL'I T f] BUILDhIC ELEVATIONS Scalc Roofpitch N L4.\DSCAPEPLAN Trees Utility locations Spot clcvations f] SITE PLAN -!* Scalc --6"q'*"mn- M Encroachmcnts ,/ Sctbacks "/ sitc Covcrage EavcV0vcrhangs (4) DeckVBalconics Garage conncction Sitc Gradc\Slopc MISCELLANEOUS Condo Approval ' / TitJc rcport (r\ & B) ,./ Utility verificahon form Photos ofsitc Buil ding material samplcs C.O. Vcrification Sun\Shadc Anglcs Utilities (undcrground) Vicrv Corridcirs Var;anccs Plat rcstrictions t/ Existing trccs Proposcd trces Lcgcnd ./ ; '_-----------_- @gg_le:Vr:r"--, !t0 Fcnces ,-<-;. -,^----...'@ Turning Radius Drivcway (access and gradc) Firc Acccss W{ hin+ 1<rnralp//7, {a+sA u pl6 ORDINANCE NO.36 Serios of 1991 ttlq AN oHDtNANce pnovloiHb ron rHE ESTABLTsHMENT oF SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 27, FOREST GLEN (A.K.A. TIMBER FALLS); ADOpTtl{c A DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DTSTRICT NO. 27 IN ACCORDANCE WITH CHAPTER 18.40 OF THE VAIL MUNTCIPAL CODE AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN REGABD THERETO. WHEREAS, Chapter 10.40 of ths Vail Munlcipal Codo aulhorizcs Special Dovelopmont Districts withln the Town In order to encourage flexibility in tho development of land; and WHEREAS, application has been made for Spocial Development District approval tor a certaln parcel of property within the Town, generally described as an unplalted parcel located East of Nugget Lane and south ot Gore Creek and legally described in the attached Exhibit A; WHEREAS, In accordanco with Section 18.66.140, tho Planning and Envlronmenlal Commlsslon held a publlc hoarlng on lhe proposed SDD, and has submitted a rocommendation for approval lo the Town Councll; and WHEREAS. all notices as required by Seclion 18.66.080 have been sent to tho approprialo parlies; and WHEREAS, the Town Council has hetd a public hearing as required by Chapter 18.66 of ths Vail Municipal Code. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO THAT: Section 1 The Town Council finds that all lhe procedures lor Spccial Development Districts in chapter 18.40 of the Municipal code of tho Town of Vail havs been lully satislied. Section 2 A Speclal Development District is established to assure comprehensive development and use of an area in a manner that would be harmonious with the general character ol the Town, provido adequate open space and promote tho objectives of the Zoning Ordinanco of tho Town. Section 3 Ths Town Council finds lhat fho development plan for Special Development Dislrict No. meets each ol the standards set torth in Section 18.40.080 ol the Municipat Code of the Town of Vail or demonstrates that either ono or more of lhem is not applicablo, or lhat a practical a' lP3llceJd B leql Jo 'olqpclFde lou s! uraql lo eiour Jo ouo Jeqllo luql selejlsuou€p /o nen lo u^ ol or.ll fo apoS lEdlslunw oql ro o8o.ot.g! uolcas ul r.luoJ las sprEpuels orll Jo qoea qaou, 'oN lculslo luourdolo^oo let3ods rol uEld luaudolo^sp aql leql spuU llcunoC u,v\ol otll e uolpas 'urv\oI oql lo acueulpJo 6u1uo7 srll lo sa^llcaho eq e10uo.rd pue eceds uodo elenbape eplnord 'u/v\or 0rll lo Jal3uJeqc lelauao eql qllM snoluouljErl aq plno^'\ leql Jauueu E u! Eole uE lo asn pue lueudola^op s^lsueqarduoc e:nsse ol poLlstlqelso sl lculslq luorudolaaeg 1epeds y 'pslrslles {1n1 uaoq s^qq flpn Jo u^/rol orll lo epoC pd;cgunyl eql ,o O?.gt ,stdpqC u! sl3plslq luotudolenaq plcodg Jol solnpocord aql 1p lerll spull lrcunoC uMoI sql TT6ii5ds', :rvHl oovHoloc'llv^ Jo NMor 3Hr lo'llcNnoc NMor 3Hl As cfNlvqHo rt :lg '3uoltu3Hr'MoN 'epog pdplunn ilEA orll lo 99'gI raldeq3 Iq pergnba.r su Ourreoq cggnd e plar.t seq ilcunoC u,l^ol oql .SVfUJHA pue lsalped elepdoldde eql ol lues ueoq e^Eq OB0.9g'Bl uoncas Iq pal;nbo.r sE sacllou 1E,SV3U3HA pue :lpunog u^,\ol srll o1 pno;dde to; uollPpuouulocoj E pollluqns sEr{ pup 'oos pesodotd eql uo oupeoq c11qnd E plstl uolsslruxoc pluauuorl^u3 puu 6uguue16 orl '0t1.99.81. uollgos Lll!/v\ ocueplocce ul .SVfUfHM :V Uqlqx3 porlcellu 6rll ul peqUesep l1p0a1 pue IsaJC aJoC lo qlnos puu euel 1e66njr1 lo lsu3 polpcol lac:ed pele;dun ue sp poqucsap rlpr6ua0 'u^^ol aql ug11at rgedord 10 lacjed upuoc e ro; pnordde loplslg luoludo;eneg plcedg Jol oputu uoaq seq uogleclpde .SV3UIHM pue ipuel go lueu;do1an€p orll u! ril1rq;x011 eoernocus ol Japjo ul uMor eql ultlllr\'\ slculsro lueudoloneq ppodg sozlroqlne epo3 pdlclun4 [en sql lo OF.BI reldeqg .SV3UfHM 'or3u3Hl ouvc=tu Nt sltvr3(t HruoJ gNtrtts oNv :rooc'rvdtctNnuu -ilv^:tHI Jo ot'Bt u:rldvHc HI|M ScNvouocSv Nt zz'oN lctuJ.sto l.Nsttfdo-t3^30'IVtoSds uoJ Nv-ld IN3nIdo13A30 v gNttdoov !(sTvr u:tsuill'v')'v) N:r'19 Is3uoJ 'LZ 'ON ICtursto lNSt/udo-lln:to -lvlc3ds lo INlt rHstlsvlsS 3HI HOJ gNlCltAOUd 3CNVN|OUO NV 9C l66l lo s6!r0s .ON SCNVNIOUO eltt 'j :,lat n Wvd qlfvyuwtwp/ uua} )q/\% z uo[cas i I :d solution consislent with the public interest has been achieved. In accordanco with Section 1 18.40.040, the dovelopment plan for Special Development District N0.27 ls approved. The ".i{ devolopment plan ls comprised ol those plans submlttod by lntor-Mountaln Enginoorlng, Ltd.. and conslsts ol lhe lollowlng documonts: 1. TopographlcalSurvey; dated 4/6/82, shoot 1 ol 1, rovised 10l4t}4 and 1/29/85. 2. Slope Anatysls; dated 9l4lg1, sheet 1 of i. 3. Trcs Locations; dated 6/10/91, sheot I of 1 , rsvlsod 6123191. The development plan is also comprised of thoso plans submitted by Donnis Anderson Associatss, Inc., and conslsts of the followlng: 1. lllustrativo Sito Plan; dated 9/9/91. 2. Prelimlnary Sits Plan; datod 6/'10/91, sheat I of 1, roviss d6129191. The development plan also requlres the approval of tho Final Plat for the major subdivision, as approved by the Town's Plannlng and Envlronmental Commisslon. Section 4 Development standards for Special Developmont District No. 27 are approved by the Town Council as a part of the approved devolopment plan as follows: A. SETBACKS: Setbacks shall be 20 feet front, 20 leet roar, 15 feet sides and as further restricted on ths dovelopment plans set forth in Section 3 of thls Ordinancs. B. HEIGHT: Building height, for a sloping roof, shall not eiceed 33 fect from existing or finished grade, whlchever is moro reslrlctivo. C. DENSITY: Development ln SDD No. 27 shall bo limited to 1 singlc family dwelling lor Lots 10 and 11; and to 1 singlo famlly dwelling, with an optional caretaker unit, for Lots 1-9 and 12-14. Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) shall bo as described in Section 18'04 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. lt should also be noted that tho 'provis|onforanadditiona|425sq.ft.ofGFtFA,whichisapp|icabto|ocertainzone districts, does not apply to this Special Development District. Ths GRFA for SDD N0.27 shall be allocated as follows: 2 \' 0e uEql ssol popod ^uE popl^lpqns Jo pa,(a^uoc 's^Ep 6^llnoasuoo ro, poluaj Jo paseol €q llErls llun JolploJpc oN 'l!un tuEuUd Jo 'uleru eql ulo4 {lo1e:edes 'pojojsuEjl 'plos sq lFqs llun JaIElaJEc oN '8 'z 't 'loa, e:enbs 006 to VJH9 urnuJtxEru s ol p€lc!4seJ sq lpqs sllun JsIElaJBc llv 'a^oqu paqpcsop se .sceds lusul€seq se {po pozlllln eq lpqs VJHO alqB,!\olp urnu,lxput oql lo .lt .bs 0og .tl_zt slol uo 'sceds luouaspq sB pezlllln oq o1 pelgnber oq ilEqs 'U 'bs 000. t lo ulnululr.ll E uorll .lol ua46 e ro1 VJH9 elqeaiolle eql tp szlnn ol sor.ls!^ Jau/v\o lol B l! Inq .sceds luauaseq lo .lf 'bs OOO'! e^Eq ltun 6u;11orrap r{ue geql lueua:gnbe: e lbtr s; ll .U .bs 000.1 snulu, e^oqE palsll VJU9 tplol srll q aceds puno:O B^oqe €ql Jol slol ssorll uo VJU9 olqe^ olp unulxeut orll .ope:O 6u11s1xo ,r olsq A1p;1ue1sqns pslBcol 'oceds luoulasnq se pazlllln aq lpqs qclql ..lf .bs 000,! fo tunullulrx e sapnpu! polslt vJUc ope^ ollp unulxEul srll ,g_l slol uo ,,002', '.008'? ..00e't 000't 009't 008't 000'9 008't 000't '000'9 ,009'' - ,008't .009't '009'? @ vl 8l zl It 0t 6 I L 9 I i e z t i6T D. SITE COVERAGE: Ths maxlmum allowable slto coverage for oach Individual lot shall not oxceed ths maxlmum GRFA for oach lot. E. LANDSCAPING: At least forty pcrcent (40%) ol each lot shall bs landscaped. Tho minimum width of any area qualifying as landscaping shall be tifteen feet, with a minlmum area not less than lhreo hundred square foet. F. PARKING: Parking for SDD No. 27 shall be met in accorclanco with lhs ofFstroot parking requiroments as specified in Section 18.52 ol tho MunicipalCodo of tho Town of Vail. Section 5 Amendments to the approved dovolopmont plan may bo granted pursuant to Soction 18.40 of lhe Munlcipal code of ths Town of Vail. Sectlon 6 Approval of Special Dovelopment District No. 27 shall bo contingent upon the approval of Final Plal, for a maJor subdivision, for tho proporty legally clescribed In tho attachsd Exhibit Seclion 7 lf any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinanco is for any reason held to be lnvalid, such decision shall not eftcct the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it woulcl have passed this ordinance, and each parl, section, subseclion, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of lhe fact that any one or moro parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. Seclion 8 Tlto Town Council hereby linds, determines and declares lhat this ordinanco ls necessary and proper for the health, safcly and welfaro of tho Town of Vail and the inhabitants thereof. the A. I v 'tosJaql slueltqpqu! or.ll puB lle^ fo uMor orll lo oJEJla^ pue r101es .qlleaq eq1 rol jado.rd pue fuessecau s! ocueulplo slrll leql saJelgop pue soulullalop 'spult {qorotl llounoc u/,^of €rlr E]i6i156s 'pllEAUl pajEpop aq seselqd Jo sasnplo 'sooualuos 'suollcosqns 'suolloos 'syed e:ou: Jo ouo ruu 1eq1 loel €ql ;o ssa1prc6or 'loaJoql eserqd Jo osnup 'ocuoluos .uolloasqns .uollcos,ued qcea puE 'acueulplo s1q1 passed oAEq plnor\ l!.solElcop i{qe.leq llcunoc u,t^of aql pue lecueulpro slq1 10 suo11.rod 6u1uluuar oq1 10 rlrprlen sql lcoJla lou lpr,ls uolspap qcns ,p!lE^ut oq ol plaq uosBal rue ro1 s! ocuEulplo s1q1 1o ose:qd .ro asnelc 'eoueluos 'uolloosqns .uollo€s .ped {ue 11 ZE6iJGS 'v llqlqxS pBqseuE 8r.ll ul poqussap r1p001 rpedord eql JoJ 'uols!^pqns :o[eur p Jol ,leld lEulJ er.ll 1o pnodde aq1 uodn lua6upuoc sq llprls ZZ .oN lcllslg luourdoleneg ppedg lo pao.rddv g'@6s- 'l!BA fo u^ oI ol.ll lo 6poc pd1c1uny1 eq1;o 0''g l uollcss o1 luensrnd palue:6 eq {eu ueld lueudo;onep peno.rdde oql ol s-luor.xpusruv E!6iiFS '[en Jo un oj eqt ,o epoC pd;c1unp1 aql lo Z9.g t uolless u1 paylceds se sluaue:lnbel Oury.led lsolls-;o eql qll,l^ scuuprocce u! lout eq lpqs /Z 'oN OOS rol buqreg SNiSlEiEi 'r leel e.lenbs palpunq oolrll uErll ssal lou PoJe unululrx E rll!,v\'laal uaoull €q luqs ouldecspuel sE 6u1,{11pnb ea:e lue;o tflp!^ unululr-u oq1 'paducspupl €q lluqs lol WBo to (%Od luec:od lyol gseolqy E-NEMFT .3 'lol qcee Jol vJug utnuJlxEr! sql pascxe lou lFqs lol lunp!^lpul qcee Jol s6ejsnoc olls slqe^ olp unulxerrt srll :3OVHfAOC SltS 'O '--c o Seclion 9 The repeal or lhe repoal and reenactment of any provision of tho Vair Municipal code as providod ln thrs ordinance shail not affect any rlght which has accrued, any duty imposed, any vloratron that occu'ed prior to tho effective dato hereof, any prosecution commonced, nor any ::er actton orproceedlng as commenced under ot by virtuo of the provision repealed or repoatod ano reenacted. Tho repoal of any provision hereby shal not rovivo any provision or any ordinance previousty repeared or superseded untess oxpressry stated herern. sn ths 5th day o1 November 1991, at lho regular meeting of in the Municipat Building Kenl SECOND BEADING AND ORDERED 5ch day of Nove'rber ,1ggr. Kent R. Rose, PUBLISHED 6d4--.- Roso,Mayoi Ct4lA 'v ElorlPd :IS3tLv o 3sou .H tuax '166t -;F;EN- lo tep -1il- srqr oSHsnsnd asulouo oNV CNtovtu oNocSs NO o3AOUddv oNV ov3H ATlT1 :133ltv yo 6ugp11ng pdlclunyrl aq u;'opEroloC .[en Jo u/vrof eL[ Jo tlcuno3 u/ylol oql 1o oupeou.le1n6a-r eql le .t66I JaquaAoN fo rEP lF eur uo uosror{ plort oq 11eqs bupeaq c11qnd y . 166 1 raqol16-to rep-[rllqal ,111-13 Nl fcNO osHsrsnd o3u:rouo oNV o3AOUddv .oNrovfu ISU,J NO OV3U l.=anoo"rr; --"' 'pepader a,oJolaJoql loe'reql pecl .to 'ocupurp,o Jo uolrnrosal .repro .me1rq rue €s!^a, ol porulsuoc sq lou lreqs raleado.r s1q1 'r{cuolslsuo3u! r{cns;o {,uo ruorx€ eql o1 papeder sJs quaaJoq ruarsrsuosu! 'JoaJaql sued.ro ,sacueurp,o pu' suoilnroseJ ,SJapJo ,sr're1rq 1y 01Eil55S 'qoJaq pe1elS i(Jsse'ldxo ssorun papesladns .lo pepadar {lsnopeld ocu'Urpro ^ue :o uorslno'rd '{ue enJnol rou r'rts ,{qareq uolslao.rd {ue 10 Jeede: eq1 .p.lc'uoa, pu'pepedo: 'lo po;eoder uots^o,d aq1 1o onpln {q Jo Jopun pocuauJ.Jog se ouJpeacord Jo uolcp Joqlo Aue JOU 'pacuouuroc uolncesold rue foe.raq Brpp o^!l''ra eq1 01 rolrd po,Jnsco l'ql uor'rot^Iue pasodurt t\np /(ue ,penrcae seq qotqn gq6p lue lcalre lou l1er.ls ocupulpJo stqt ut pepgno.rd sP epoc Jedlclunyl rpn oql 10 uolqno,d rue;o luau;c'uaa, pue peder eq1 .ro Jeedo.r eq1 f Ijslc u^^ol .lor{ey1 Irsto u119i .jolsrupuerg .V Etoured :oleyl ,osog 'u/v\ol €tll 6-m'!i5as-' BUILDING MATERIALS: W TYPE OF MATERIAL:COLOR:* pnf*nl ,4#,r^" 8n,,^,, en,":Lrg,*s y'ltfq,nw Brc*^ Eu{P A,^-t*,n^ n 6rora Alrt t1t+t-,-+t*,.4 Uto@^ A*fu*n 8..^ A+a*eel]tus J*^*- a /aa,tinum __Branze _ Rittev L",.,k- fockg or Yivey rocrL ftuler + Plea-se speciiy the nranufbchrrer's color, number and attach a srnall color chip ** All extcrior lighting must rrreet the Town's Lighting Ordinancc 18.54.050(J). If exterior lighting is proposed, plcase indicate the nuntbcr offixturcs and locations on a scparatc lighting plan. IdenfiQ each fixtue type and provide the height above grade. lunrcns output. luminous arca. and attach a cut shect ofthe lighting fixhres. Roof Siding Othcr Wall Matcrials Fascia Soflits Windows Window Trirn Doors Door J'rinr Hand or Dcck Rai ls l"lucs Fleslrings Chirnncys I rasn Enclosurcs Crecnhouscs Rctaining Walls Exterior Lighting** Other l"d 5;.rro- Pon F;c,'Citr Updated 6/97 5-,, -!' ; !:4eFMrGi?iST EirG.;g-f:l-'.t f;57 Jun. !7 28lE!gti42w :T:'4fi':r;7+. -1t"*, AIU .. c',ftavY l{}g0i'(,4 u(f- \1rV (* "u1,, -\" 419'' N0. : 9?A 476 7426 {7/ Agghglf zcd Simururc Qwcst (970) 314.0238 fix (970) 3844257 Jasoq Sharp Public Scrvicc Cornparry .,(970) 949-578i Garylftll Iloly Crcss ElecEic Assoc" (9?o) 94$'5892 fix(970) 9494s66 Tcd Euelq/Jolut Eoyd .&x(303) 57ngn. .. PrulKcllogg Ea$cRivaWatcr & g&iErion District I (970)4?6-74t0 ' &x (97O) 476-+06e Frcd tlaslct AT:ST Ero*dbatrd (9?0)949.1221 x l12 lex (9?0) 949-9138 Elold Sairzar t Plnsc bdag a sitc plan, floor plao, and gievations wrren obtoining Eugle Rivcr Watcr & Sasitatict signanre+ fire fiow nccds raust be addressed. l/! ,l r + fulttot ../ rcsud consmJstion. theurility reprcsel alive 'm r'rat thcrc is a problern whicb nceCs to bc ro lt:ached letter to thc Town of Vail. :onsibr lity of thr r.rriJ.iry corapany eod 6e of thc respoosibiliry ro obrein a Frrblic Way nc Toqn of Vail, Utiliry looariorrr must be ;3y or easeryleri wirhi:r $e Tour of Vail. A must be obtaiued separatelv. i -',' Djrrq NOTES; 1. *b'ffih$l$?'h* ' om ogch of the utili hr conpanics, and no I cwn wirl p.resr:rne lhat there arc no probiems 7 Authorized Sisnaturc Qwest (970) 384-0238 fax (970) 384-0257 Jason Shaqo Public Service Company e(970) 949-5781 Ga.ryHall Hoiy Cross Electric Assoc. (910) 949-s892 fax (970) 9494566 Ted Huskydohn Boyd E-^-l F---, ^!^we1 !qv.5J (303) 571-7518 fa.x (303) 571-7877 Paul Kellogg Eagle River Water & Sanitarion Disn-ict * (970) 476-1480 , fax (970) 476-1089 Fred Hasiee AT&T Eroadband Q7$ 9ae-122a x lt2 fax (970) 949-9138 Floyd Sa.iazar * Please bring a site plan, tloor plan, and eievations when obtaining Eagle Rjver Warer & Sanitation Date signatures. Fire ilow needs must be addressed. NOTES: s'!tr,effft"S$$,flJo' (97O) 476-1426 1. lf rhe utiliry venficarion forrn has sisna res from each ot the:rility companies, and no com.mellts are made direclly on the form, the Towrr will presume rbat there are no problerns and rhe developmenr crn proceed. ?. If r uriiiry comDany has concens wit5 the prcp_oseC consm.rction. rhe utility represenhtive shall note ciirect.lv on rhe uriiirv ve:-ir'icetton tbrrr rhat *rere is a -oroblem whtch nccds ro be resolved. The issue shouid thcn be Ceaiied in an acached lertei ro the Town oiVail. However. please keep in mind that it is rhe responsibiliry of rhe utiliry company ano rhe aoplicant to resolve idendfied probiems. -1. These verit'ications do not r'elieve the contractor of the responsibiliqr ro obrain a F,rblic Way Perr.rit lrom the Deparment of Public lVcrks at the Town of r/eil. Urrlirv locarions must be obtained before diesine rn any public right-of-wav or easenenl within ihe Town of Vail. d builiine:ermir is nor a Pubiic Wav oemit end must be obt4ined serarately. i I i '//-a Uooared 6/9; q,fr- luL+ ut ttz/ Agt4rqizcd Sisnaturc Qwest (970) 384-0238 tbx (970) 384-0257 Jason Sharp Public Service Company F(970) 949-s781 Gary Hall Holy Cross Electric Assoc. (9'70) 949-5892 fax (970) 9494566 Ted Husky/John Boyd Excel Euergy (303) 571-7518 fa"r (303) 571-787'7 Paul Keilogg Eagle fuver Water & Sanitation Disfict * (970) 476-7480 , fax (970) 4764089 Fred Haslee AT&T Broadband (970)949-1224x I12 fax (970) 949-9138 Floyd Salazar * Please bring a site plan, tloor plan, and elevations whcn obtaining Eagle signatures. Fire flow needs must be addressed. NOTES: Dute b,tl.0 | . ,1:: .. , River Water & Sanitation $hffiffggT*eo l. If the utility verification form has signarures lrom each ofthe utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form. the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed. 2. If a utility company has concems with the proposed construction, the utility representative shall note directiy on the utility verification form that there is a probiem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be deuiled in an attachcd letter to the Town of Vail. I{owever, please keep in mind that it is the responsibiliry of the utility company and the applicant ro resolve identified problems. 3. These vcnfications do not .elicve the contractor of the responsibility ro obuin a Public Way Permit fiom the Depanment of Pubijc Works at the Town of r/ail. Urilirv locations must be obtained befbre diseine in any public right-of-way or easement within rhe Town of Vail. A buildine permir is not a Public Wav lgrmlt and must be obtain . Updated 6/9r ruN . 7. 2AB1 2,?6fl4 FRinl EF.PL0F ,f iOt-l Land Tltle Guarantee Company Date Septeober 2?, 2000 DONALD AT{D SUSA.I I.l|W 1536 B. MII{Eh,AL LAIIIE uTTt groN. cO 80t22 Encloscd pleuo iud rire dir { YOur p-(;ilcrr}, loeaced ar Plcarc.rerigw thir In[c': ia is .otitcf.,'. Ia rbrr areot t:t yor fin^l aay diecrqarcy, !.r if ]ou !sr/c any qnestiors rcgnrd.og yor foal titlc policy, yoc Eay corrafi ?irlE. Drro,artn_-!, Ptronq 970.4?6.225! Fgx: 9?0i?dr i.....: Plusc rehr to cnu Ordcr No. __I/A?jl9S Soo{ you acde ic scu 6c ptopcfiy dclcib?d itr this poligT, or if yilir are rrquirpal to pprchlse a 15T. t.rle co-$f"t'!t-fs tlortB*re po4toscs, yi,u llay bc e$itlerl to a cretlir rorard nrrure ftle iisruare predhres.t"S Tr9 Gcrr*otcc ColoFroy Iill :rEirr a copf, of rhis polisy so wc wil] bc able ro Fovide frnrc producg r'il sarviccs to you qutcUy rlr{t eft;cietily. ftaat yol ftr giviag us de olpor$siry ro stiv. torl SilcrrEly, I lrvl Tide Guanoree Conpaay rlr9 rnt !l€policy i AMERTAT| I.Afu'D NTT,E AESOCIANON ovNEf.'S POUCY (j'0'17-92) CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY SUEJECT TO THE &XCLUSIONS FROM CO}'ENAGE, THE EXCEPNONS FROT{ CO\TER,AGE CONIAI}TED tN SCHEDUIJ B AND TI{E CONDIIIONS ^ND SIDUITTIONS. CT[C...GO Trfl-E INSIJRANCECOMPAIiI'f, a Mrsoud corporarion, bcruin cdlcd the Corrpary. i"r"*.,;;D;olilU-.y J'"ro in sch.&!a A' rEEhsa losr or d!fiagc, noi axcccding the Amornr of ln$;ncc srated ln sctrcluie e, rust$ne.t or lncunut by dle insulld W nsttn of: l, Trd. b $c 05gds or ianrcg d*cribcd in Schcdulc A bcing vcgcd orhcr 6rD as sretcd tbeein: 2. Ary defcd in or lien or encnnbrucc on thc lidot 3. UftnE lsubiliry of thadtlr; 4, lack ofa right of accas o and ftom rtre land, Tht Comprrry $u d5o prytt cctg, amrflcys' ftaa aod expenscs inourred in dc&nsc of hc &la. as insurd, bur *rly o thc crtat proiidd ilttc Conditjor:s and $iFdrfio;6. InwnatWlwwf, CHICAOOTIEEINSURANCECOMpANyhasclrscdthispolicyo bcsig6andsecl6drs of Drtc of hlicy shovo h Scltdulc A, sc policy to becoa6 \alid whlc oflrricrlift.a W - "rrti*r.c sipabry. CHICAGO TTII.E INSUR,AXCE COMPANY By: LAND TITLE GUARAI TEE COBIIPANY 108 S. Frontage B.d, ll, $fte 203 P.O. Box 317 Vatl, Colorado 81658 (9?0) 476-2?51 FarE (9?o) 4?6-4634 {A-r""th U"*-"-(/ sccnrarr 94 B1c ,ruN.7.e6E1 e:e6ft'l FR:flR E{PLLTRHTI,}l N0, err P .Zr'B &T4 Owrr'r Foti6t 0Ot?.91)0€ 008? 106 51S0 ruN. 7.eA61 23??Pl1 PRlm E{PLoR|1TI |x'.,l NO,EST P.5/B " 'f,orn Our ordcr No. Vt03p5 Schedute A hoperly Atldrcss: Lof g. FOLEST GLEN Arnorrlt $435.000.00 1. Pollcy Dste Scplcebcr ZZ t 2000 at 5:00 p,M, 3. N$ne of lasurcd; DONAI.DJ. I.AWAI.ID SUSAI.I C. LAW 3' Tbe eghto or td€rtst h ths hlrd describcd or rcfercd to in ftir sc[edula rrat whic,h b coycrld by thk policy ie: A Fce Siqplc 4. True to thr e#de or htlr€lt cove,rcd by ihis poliry et the datr bemof b rested rn: DOI{ALD I. I,AW AND SUSAI{ C, LAW 5, Tte hrd rcfcrrril to iu thb Dolicl h dessibed as follo*r: LOE 9, FD.IAL PI.AT OF FOR3ST GLEN, ACCORDING TO TITE PI.AT N3COtr.DED AUGUST 19, I,92 IN EOOK587 ATpAcE3?6, Colnrr1r o3EAGI5, SIATE OFCOLOnADO Thir Pollcy valtd only If Scbdule B ir rtrrrlsil. Ienrl Title G{altftce C.Eprry Rrprcseffing Cblcago Tttlr Ilssrre Cslll|rlt JUN. 7, AAB! ?I A7fi4 FRII,F HPLORFTTICN NO.Z97 F,4/e LTGEftcyNo. CTAI2?039S Forr Ao/nlrr L Orr OrderNo, V2zO395 &bcdule I Ti.p.*y does mr iosu$ agaiasr los or de;:ragr (rotl rhc Ccopaay wil $'rucn Srse by Eason of Garrrl E*crptioall Riglr or clains of pcties ia porsesdon aor sbom by Oe pnblic mcorits, F*rybqo' ovetlr'prl, ho-sDtlEry lilc disprrrs;,-. ur r:hcr matcr8 wbicl uryccrioa of rhc Fndsas. gaseoeu, or cleins of erscoenal !o! sbow'. b, rbe puhliE Ecorls- Aty liHr, or ri*t to a li.,r, ior sgrrfu€c, ltbor, ol mat*irl bcretofore ort Aoc shoqa.by &a trrbfuc rccords 2OOO TAIGS Ndr YEr DT.'E A}{D PAYABLE. NGITT OF WAY FOR D1TTHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED SY T1 UNTTBD STATES AS RESER\IED IN UNJTED SIATES PATENTREC 1912, IN BOOK 4g AT PAGE 492, ll9ql oF PRoIRIEToR OF A'v'EIN OR L0DE To EXrrAcr AND : THEREEROM SHOI'ID IIIE SAME BE FOUND TO PENEIRAIE OR AS RESERWD Di LhIITED STATES pATENt RECoRDED Nov$/a AT PACE 492. EASBMENI AS GRAI{TED TO iJPPER EA(II.Ii VAIISY SA}.IITATIO RECORDED JUNE 13, 1973 IN BOOK ?29 A'I' PAGE 550 AND 551. RESERVATION OF A lEN PERCENT NON-PART'CIPATING ROYAI RBcoh.DED NQwMBER 2, l9d2 lN BooK t 65 AT pAGB 4ot. EAIEMENTS, !.ESERIV'AT]ONS AI{D RESTRICTIONS AS StIOl[?.J OT FI.AT OF FOTES? 6I.EN RECORDED AUGUST 19. 199? IN EOOK 58 TERMS, CONDIrIONS Ar{D PR,OVISiONS OF DECIJRAIIO}i 08 CC RESIBICNONS A!{D EASEMENTS OF FOREST OLEN RECORD3D.I 587 AT FAGE 37' A}ID A}@iIDME}n RECORDED NOl'EildBER. IE, PAGE 534 AID AI{EX,IDMENTRECORDED SEPTEMBER 1?, 1998 R] 1. 5, 9. 11. lot pey c4s6r rnorosys' fom or oqeiues) ylould be dlsclo$d by ra ac€or.rc zurvef and creafter ftraishcrL imposd by lrw and E AT.}:IT{ORITY OF TIIE ORDEDNOVEMBER I?, REMOIfE HIS ORE . IMIERSECT TIG PREMISE5 ER 1?, l9@. rN BOOr,48 N DISINSI IN INSTR,UME}rT ,T':'.AS RESERVED IN DEED :R.ESBRIIED ON ]TTE FSIAI 7 AT PAGE 376. l\/E!{A}rrs, coNDmoNs, T'GUST 19, 1992INBOOE 1992 IN BOOE 594 AT EcEgnol.r No. 669632. JUN. 7.eag1 ZraEPH FRIi.Fl D{PLORATIOIJ NO, e97 P.5,'8 tr'rm OuordeNo, Vn$95 tz. Scbadule B TERMS' coNDmor{s A]ID px.ovnroNs oF TRENCH, CONDLIIT Jcl.fD VALTLT AGREEMENT RECORDED AUGUST 18, rgg2INEOOIi 587 AT PAGE !45, UN.DERR,OIJND SIGIIT OF WAY EASEMENT AS GRANTED IO HOLY CI.OSS EI.ESTRIC ASSOCIANON, INC. IN NSTR.UMENT RECORDED AUGU8T 13, 1992 DT lOOi '86 AT IAGE 9a3. ffElvl NOS, I rulOUGH 3 OF IIIE GENErr.iii_ EXCEPTIONS ARE gEREBy DET.ETED. ITEM NO, 4 OF TITE CENER.AL EXCEPTIONS IS DELEf,ED AS TO A}TY UA{S RES!.I.TINC FR.O.!4 WORK OR MA1ERIAL COI.ITRACTED FOR OR FUR.NISHED Ir NC NrqdST Or TIMERSATLS ASSOCTATES, A COLORADO CENEML PARTNERSHIP. CHICAOO TTru $SURA}ICE COMPA}IY SHALL HAYS NO LIAEILIIY FOR A]iY LIE},IS ARJSING FROM WORK OR MATERIAL S'URNTSHED AT THE X5QUEST Or dOr.IEr.N I, rrW AIiJD SUSAN C, I.AW. t? JUN. 7. ZEB! 7t 29ft1 mr IG D{FLIRA o Tl0f{NO. aErT P .6/E E(CLUSIONS FFOII COVERAGE llf tllqing mntfrE r|r axDFEty_rrclud.d tEn 0|r Euufilr cl rhb polley.nd thr co rptrty uff |'oC pal. t*a o,6rnr|r , :rtth ttterrlrF. frr ar -ryugr m,iir ii;il;:;;;, t. (rl Attt lru, ordhlncr or (nllmrrr rl rlul 06 (incudln! L"i lg_]tT-t_d .ro buitdtng lnd tontng drs,oftr*rE-, c. Fflhddru|. Furctrn!, ?a';iiiiri-, nio'ii'liung. o, ltrd,n u fl) rir dcruernry, ur, ar 'r{!t rnt ot,r: hnd: ''' rha chr'G;trG inranfr6,is ;i-6'ouorr cf rny i.prEUrmant rory o. hJrrttrr mcr'onth'l rdrntnrrprntbalnoi"intripoiic-rrii-f"r"urorJiriiifdo-ili-riiii[.j.nuorr,,y trF,S"T:ilUgoJ_11.*rr r pttr orlii ii,irii",lrirr pmtrcroq ii-di irilli J'.'# uors* or dilr-;;iffi frftroif ffffi $,[H,$';ffi llu,_1l-oa*-uiri;"iff ;iril'drom;;i ttrrrna trii'ifrilEs rntrpuuicr*o*., *r."r-##Ylol ono? .lod vlddlon rfi6{n9 (bl Ary gorinfir j Dott- !*'#fr; ffirn'filigi','tr#siffif; 2. nlgtla ot rntrurtd rdn unh|| mdop_of th! lrc|lLa rhgEot har b|dr1|ocrd..l h thcFubltc |tcordt,t DttE ol Forict' bur not 'tcrdno rrom mirgr atil-brdilEtri;;'ili'oE,rr.o pn* ro 'rrc ar ,.fiov whrch rcurd lr bhcrne on tt,'i aghrcri punrrr-rEifri.,r. yiiiili il;fffii:t. lhtaaL, lhm, tnrfltbnffi.r, ldtinr cllmt o? orta, lnittn, Fl E r|q'd, rslf.ild. uur d or rgrrd ra Uy $r trurrnd drnrrrn$(b! tr'tt lstwn b th' coirD'.rvr,ltott€edfd tn th. public r.cords at Dr!r- ol Follcy, bur tnorrn to lh.lnlric dr|mrhr .nd nor d*-t.ll r{try p U;-qa-'nF;i by itin.u,.o.,.,r,,..,r prtorro rh. drr. rh, r,ou,'.l cbtnrnt bacrnr rn Inru|td urldt iirl| poi*y; -. -" -, ""' (C) rEltlrt h m torr o11tr;q56 1s gl* ln.|||t6 gy5hq61. (d) fitrclrlng or crrfbd ,ubrqDrr io Djr s, Follry; 6r (.1 rdutt In lot| .rrjrrrE -x ch.Eu.frot h.va D|.r Hrst lhld f, Ur. ln3| l ohir|rrit hrd FJd vrtu, t!'ttf ari.tr or h|L|!l tnrtnO ry rtrti patky; * - --- " .-r*E " e' rr'-'rlq s'rmr ntq F||G 4. ArUe,rlft lch |'irae ola !t tfit [|Irr*tcr rrdlt|g In th l J|tdI .i,'or ih;-d;i;i t-iiJir u*'et"y,'dTill,ffillil#,$H$Fffitrrgfii#S# O d;hrnrrotloncr lndurl o, trrluLnt lnnj.r _ l .ttata cr hlana hEsnd by ihta pol6y brlng d..nrd r l utruhm cont.|yrncr riD th! r'nr'ct6n 3nltlni thf .fill. pr iaE,.rt Inrunc by ihr3 por.y batng t.o ad r Frralrntirr rnrnrrr dolpl llttr 0t. F.liOnrdtrl tatrd.r ,r na mm :ne iifrlri (r) to $tn ry r.ootd th. h|trurffi ol trririrri o. (b) ot rudt nori on to lrrF|l notE to I Dur€h*ar fot vJua or a lud$ irt 01 lhn citcttor, ruN. 7.eBE1 elegPF Il€ DtPLt'jr{FlTI0f1 rr o COT.IDITIONS AND STIPULAI'IONS O NO. e97 P.?.€ 1. gEFNnto OF TEFllg (c) Wtl€oav.r. ih. Coirpary rhdl.hlva doughi rn rcrion o( lnt rgd€o s Tho_rdtoruint h'rf* wh.n u|€d in-rtu! polioy n u!: dciq'nc! EEtsqrdt.d oi petrFO Wtrc prrfrio-nj-or-trrFiJUd'.rii;Co,rrrnv -_L1J!$jgslr11lr-iru d rrrr.d tn 6ch.dutrA, rrd, rub.car ro 6ry ?is.ri' Tq, FUrEu.erry li$uin ornrttionriiniUon +Ioilioiliii'illnluT+ 310_.lM F!.?9P.-try woild l}!v. hrd rglird tfp nrnrd ir|5ilrfi, thos,€ crctor| rnd rxPr..dy rlssllr.3,th. dllrt, in lfr rolc dsa',rr'sr, to .ppcrlilDm mo ruoorat b ltl inbr.al ol hr mirad Inuiftt Dy opardion of taw ?s |rry tdvrE€ judt .frl oa othr,qla n9uiahtd trqtr purrhrrr ioclrrClog, hi na mrua'to, h*e. dtcrfb.tc.r, iol tn attciaignrrt thi! Fticy p.flntF or requkea lt5 Ccmprnyo prEE+dri'|t .., ruwirort' P.rtcnd ttp*lrdv$, ng|fi ol bn. oi -rpoma o1 cidcbr prwrdibr fi. catcnii ciinv a*ioir oiroiiirng,-ditii-nilno rrrort riducirry ruccr$on - se*,re io ur atnpaniUc rl-gttt ro'ro plsrocire or p'roriii oiirnra io rp (b) ''ir||urrd clrl[!rt": ||r Inrurd Etrining lo.s or dflt|age, qctron o/.Fros.€.lirlg, ind rfl eF.rb rhcnln, ano drrntrjtrJdiiirpsny o (c) "knarlrogo" or "kn*n": tclud ls|owlidg., aot co|Er,uctir,€ xna^'b tEe' rl lts optl$' lho nam. of ht In*rd lor lnir puryoa} Whgniwr 6caa c' ffi. wtlictr nlry br iilpu.d Ffi Inruiei qr reacoa ot mc puor'c nq'4Erd bythcEdnF Ul thr intutcd, !: thc oompanytciprnrr, rhal'9it6 Fcorlla. rt Calhtad in hF polist q rlry ofirr raroe wtri*r rnprn corisrnro l_i?"9r0.rfiFll| ll nrt3onrbie lid 0 h alt acliofi- or prpcragng. rtcu-dm ftvt notic. d mlru'|f ficfng fia l&d. yl:l?' 9D9n|,{|e s,*1tr.ff,.prtr€guling a dd.ndlog iE rsto'r or prD (d) "ierE"r tnc lrnd .tcrbad of ieft.t to in s.fi.dut. A. lnd l,re6,,.- ce]lng' or allcul'tg rrlHnanl' rilll (ii) in iny olhit hx.ful acl whlrh in thc nrmr fix|c thrrtr rhlcn byhu,co sifura 'isr o',E;ttl.. il;;.;;[a,;i' *lnpi or nc Eorhtltv.rlt|yoa !!04!EE yof oosirrbh b est$llil thc dtL b &c nc Inc,udt rny rcpcriy uannd thr thea or ils iuri oEcl,ma or lMTlglp.IlJ:,nrl'rd, nlnecqtFfnv ii Plriudit l!yt$ hll0rr C tlhntd b in gdrrdtb A. wgry rlgil. drh, Inrrrsn, *le or'eiulrilnr rn :l:'IyI9 "_ylgr-ryjf"]IY:cTlqb$ thf -comFsn!'t sligrlisrb lDuttirtt dlrot!, tDrda, |Y.nua6, altrtr, t!tu, w116 sr 6tr6r$r8Fs. )ui n;h. M ,FYqo urbr lra Porsy fit{ lct|inlt, anoludine 8ny lirbilily or oulgr- ing tr9;n 6o11 torltyor i|m[the€rtrnt ag whldl rignt ot rcc-.; r and tro rrcrr. rc oBrlnE. Pr$rc![e' ot corltFilE lny lllnallOn, e/ili rgad b fa rnalrat lha ljnd lt Inas€C by tir Flicy. rr f'all6ri requiflng ruEi c060rreli0n. , -(!) 'fiongrg.": noftfAt, r|.|d of tru$, hisl deed, or ol,rq €eorrflry 5. PHOOF OF tj8g OB SAUAGE hEtrumafit. _,(.0'publc nood3", rrootd..n!rirh.., mder rrr.raut r ar Dar, or ,Jj:Tf;':l$ffiy,]'S#$*#:ltr8lrtffiltfliif8gi; F.!l?-g-tF-?.rpq3 0f rmpfirni ooidructiw rrra ot nrrmrs rcrrr"'o r aanage ignir rnc rworn ro !rythe insu,bd crrl'anrrhatr bofumiShrc b rn,t'rl PtoF'fiy E Ft'rTEnrlrr tolvrlur m! without kllowicdgt' whl lgpda! conr-Cini iitnrli i.w'illi'nc nr,reo EtaimEn! Bhl .ecairin rhr rsb s.dtron tF)0v) d th. Ercrurionr Fnrr Conngs, ,,prrltic-r.€oruii lhiri cso g,vtng ds.g rb Xre to$-oilirijg.. ne e,E, cf lcrr or danrlp shall Carrib,inclut .nvlroimtnt flbtsctbn lirnr llhd In ine &ccrdr ot tn chliot dp i,. .?iri:i n, i; ifeo -ciniii or.n"r on !r tgr. o, oihBr nratLr tircurec unftrd e |r dE6ct oourl tsr tb d'nblct h wt{oh th. hnd i5 leraiEc, .1s.v 'unmldd"rirtrin'irrc'irnrn'srdorrgpar'hr m€uir 6ir.crns iliii?il8fl8$ifl,f;!?*F:'?':iifdl'ir:"Tgiliff#i"S"f ltr ti{1 1s tha lrtrd, rEr Grcludrd ot rrcrpE<t {rom covcrega, wtrich wosrl a#lCi. trrhioo;E,ly-tr i.iuo,cto oy,n" r"i,rrior:* tDsund c|.imant b E titls I pu?ch .r ol thc .drl. o. hFfdn d.*rbe. rn sEhrdt ir A ri be ;'ov'i;-ih!-rqu-h'lri-p"fi &-til ;1iilae6;C co.eiiii i-Af6iqons to "rlBar.d hoa !h| olllOtflon 16 turshfl. by ytaE ol a cootr|ctrJll ct.rjidorr urs_ msuno unir thd poltc rlnl r.rnhrB, Inclt6ing rny ljrtil y b! obllg3.nquHle lia dtifi A r['bti c f$b, loo to daftfit. prprocutr, or comtnu. art , $girlon, *tfi rrrrfi, E ltg rnsnr e. coilnilulTtoll oF nsuinltc€ AF1ER @1vEr$tcE oF rrLE sr mantrt I'louftlnc rlch pfd ol loss or.trm{r. . rhr-aovrns. a. thir porcy:nrtt-ooatnu. in roi"" al o. DiF or Foriq, in ff"-lffi.tild:iltlHfr"li.?il:S,fi:l,jl!?#H"HffiTii3S::illJ,i lavgt ol rn lfiuEd oniy ro loi|! ar tha lmufed f.lrirr ra .*aE or irurrt,i in ind shdt p:oduca br-;i#ineiron, impreuon rnd eopying, c rdr ,,",a,*'J!' hn", dhodr rn incd'rdn'3..? l-t r gutEhrs€ nron v moneaga ;#irrt'eJifiFfi& ilfrii &o"so*r"d w3ny.utho r.d r.pa3on6rivr givrn Dy r putph$rt furn h. i un_{-or only ro long ar.rrrc niunC -*iatt or rne comprriyitt ncoihi, ooor". 16dgr.rr, crlgckt, cofnspatrdrpo ",.d rrvl ltrl|ll? by 6on of cG,r n! ol xrr.tti)r_rnaddby uro inrtusot.nffi', msmorEnda. wh.ur3r_baaring a Eue bdor€ o? iftcr patt ol Folicy, wticr itltrhl or ronvaytrtca of thr rrub or intrilil ihla pCi4, ahEti nc! crnd."luo rsasonsbly podrln b Ure loss-ol o:mags. Fun[eq tr rqu6l.d byrny rulh]in lDrE lF irvor ol rny gutciaD? tom lh| irrrsted ba eitlre' (i) e'rsl5rct flz€d e-trlEi.lfi-orlni6mpanv, rn€ insurnd drinrltdnrl Ennt itg iillorlrt in lh| h|tc, Of 0D et inCabldnor r*urud by e pviitrora rnorry eormfsion. fn *rffi"g, foiiLri-iUmottr fcp,€|g| rtii,. oF tfr Conrpny to mofilElt etuft b t|| lt!{(l' brrrnrnc, rrieeccr inE-,[py-iir ,""org., boor{r. rrdgfi. ctrrc,lr:, cod:rpon. !. t{OTtc! Of clllX TO E trIrEx !y IiISURED EN-Atf,aNT dlnolrnd m;nurndr tn thr nrbqy_or conld ol rthlftt p|ny, r,'hirhEsrgrr .. . Tlr hrunrr rhrr noritv rn conrp.ry p.oripry h ,r'lins (i) ir, i,,:. cr any il'LltiH,fr'lirl#"?'r*5!: f"Jlt"g#:XffirfltH? f,f,lg?l5;ltle$--?:{!oq ln 6.bdon (t) d*in'q tdcda trnnt&1ir erllticor'; to *ral not bc dhd-orld idilrrn unlcn, h fts ,r6q,gb6 lud'maqt o, rha rn htu d hGr.ur* 0t ary Clairn 6l tfrt or rnh?.rt wi,cil 6 r6egr.r ts the Co;;*n i ii-;;i;iry;'i* 6Cminisl6tion of ths ctch. FrIuF or rba lillr tolh! 3t E or Inbtrr' 13 hrl|t|6, uld whici miglx cau6s risrorcatr- hrwrrc ciairnrnt to ruun it loi aranrnation uncErEth, pmduc! odrr€agoft rsshtw ch tht 6omF.utnrvb. lrbb-!ry vinuo ot r.h-ir potrv, e'llt) [ tlrt;fo ;lti ililffiilffi;iiinlr"er.i pa,'rnr65ron ro s€cL|E Ersnebtymca6,thr srblr or lBFnc' |r l und' E r.l.ctrd ar unmartcriun itpcnr'trno:tc1 ilri 66nlirtld i'd;ti'# plrii.o r. ,rqurao h ''t'is grnqnph shrn lormF rhJl nol b. 9lv.n !o trc Cqrprry, qT _T- !c_S? i*_,lr"c r labfil' or tr. nrF any lltbliiv of rh. Coflip{V uodrr rhb polica ar to lf|!l drim.FIppyd|liltqrtdnrbulth |tg!'Itbth. mr[srorflrattgrr rorrr ctr' ornpt nolrc. E ?rqulrlrl,frerkbd, h6y,,rv.r, th|l bllurr ror|ow l|cofiFfiy thrtr G, oFT|or$ To Frv oF oTlGRuflsE gGl?LE Ct Altgi TERIUIHATpN |n ro c|Ea prduatha ttr dgltB of .|ry In&jrrd undar th-rr polcy uatdr rrr OF LfAElLt t;|rnDmyEnaloo D|ljlElcto Dy lir tdlrts Indt€nontyrotir on itot t.1o ,n.c6r, ot t ddm u|Ih(t|1i, pgtis?, thc Ogmprny shal hav8 ths 'r|tou{flg p iudca, roCilprEt oprorl!: {, gEFE?iSE |lnD PEOgECttaOfl ol acnoils! uun oF w$uRED 16, Il l'ty lrtndrr Prynrnt ol orr anosnt ol In3uEnc.. 0|I|[AI{T fE OOOFER{I! 'ro pey or brrdar psFns ol h. 3mo$! of hauBnsa |lndrr r'.ls Flloy (!) Upm tritt n rrqulrt b!, thg In$rsC rr: ruilEi tr I ta or[en! c6ri togelnar w1111.11y 63, rtlorneyE t rr lnd erptneeE ! outod by Ue fi.roii tdfitd In 3actfi.6 ol lhB. Cardidont snd StFotarrune, ::rt .ionirs,tr,. r ns -TT Fg,!:! 1rqjnD.t Ey-thr co.DFnyiuP lo lhr dnr 0! Pryrn3 ol oilr cfit rnd wlllT,ul mfi tfi&h drlry rhrtipr:vrde iorrrreari.enn- oi ir En6er ot_ptldr3l"I $rd lrhleh fi Co.np|t|y h obligrltd lo P.y,lfiJrd in lrbdion h t'rldr rrvfiird priy r'*'a adrtniaivEa r"ii. :lili [JPon lh..lrohe rytn._Coipdny othL ordon..]ltiabitityid ob'iort'rors or inta€ltal lEut*, b4onltlr b tho$ 6{aled cruirr ot frh- albglFc a lo Or inll'.rl q.terlhls Folloy, olhcr ttran bmrh nr pry ltiequl|ta, rilEtl d0r3ct' [.n dltcgtn$tnor Oro|hrrlr|tllr insul|d AgBrnfiby th'ta; diri, T-:".r |rr,nlntc, |nclt ging .lry fisDiity o. oblig3ton lO dahrd. preraqlc, or can- CofiPfny ahall hryr fhe dghl b lltcl ccun$t oa di cho'ci asubjre1 -to thc ll_u9,-qtly_ rttjcdlo.rr rnC [r. Polliy shrll bG runEldrEd E the ConpEny lof n!!r|ofthlt 9tfi holitBl to? rro bl{cl.g)b rtgrcrpnt tne inrqrro * cancO[trcn lo lhotr a|'t.dcltrL ol |!ton ei rhru nq !glllblolEr tnc wt! nor prtihq lb) To Fty or Oiharylr edil. wtd'l Prdat Orhat lh|n th. Insflr|d or laar ol e;ty othr? .Ogi31L Tht Comprny vrll nr, pay {rr! roar, cx'n cr Wlth iha halrd fia;nxni.txpcnt.j Incurfid W ttl InrJ'.d h rhc dgferrra or ttr6* ria.trd o' *tlon ir) to ply or Chiryi'! Eotdo wlth Clhat 9€ni€s litr cr h th€ ,rrrnr o, !n wl clr-rllrgr m$lrn ltt i3r.d rerirr by ftlr poltry, ,"s.iid.oir6ut!.|lyCtitm ino'uroo rsrin*iuiacr',r*ootisy, toe€tH;p, ary l.l) Tlto Cofiprtt ,hrll hrY| tho dgi , rt ib o n rifl... rr: rffitru& and oostq rllsmryr' rrir erld rrEasco-incunoc'iv ini 7"-iiiffiit-ririirii *niar Drgrac,sra rtD, ra on ?rFfllrEol!?da.nyGrltrc!which ln 1..+oprFron rvtrr eulnclbd q, lha CortrF.f,y ltp !6 th. dtrt3 d prymfin fnd rrfiCfi th, IryDr.nac*rrfy il cdllblc h Gallilh thd [ri6ro thrGrtlE cr in:artlr, a! comprrry ls obllegbd to F3yi or r hq'orfiF/nt etltds(.l:.aof dl|llaea b ?h€.i 5utEd. 'Lte Canrpan;r 0l bpEyorothc is6id r ntth fl. in€sred cleirnrt thr lore or drlorgt m_t-y lrb r|tyrFFrD.l$r s|'arsod.r th. rtrns o? ihG.Fotlcy, '"hernsr ri ncjr o,ovtried -loi utdji h:ii-p,rrcy,-he.thci *i['inv cd#, j6,i-t ,r; r;;r ."d nrhrllbr ltrbl. tntlunCrc tndlr|fl ndthf,rUyconcr$ rialitri qr walwery cxpon$r incuni ry r[J tn'jr;* cuimrnr wtr'tir'iiir rurfroiiba ry rns ?9tl{-0t-tlt po{b./' rl..thr comtrlt.hdt')oftlrr it ris,;!B ,r.,rtsi iiii c,imfar"y uiE ril i'Jni'iriiiiirrniana whlctirdcl;F6ny-il oE6urd p prrEt|lct. lr rhdl do !, ditlgonu$ oav JUN. 7,e461 P:3AFf1 FRItlF E.iPL.-rRsitTl ^. lpon lr il$k.-rv rt Oornpcny ot drh#thc o.rlmr providod tpr r1 plr4rlphr (D)O of 0i), tnr Comdrnfr orfoEricilr; il'il',,H'u',t-"i,n,, 9oliry ltr the drfn.d tole or drdiqd,.othcr' [,rar rm prffi',iC r-i.iJio o,mrr|r, lheli Emtoris, inclu6irE r-ny t;abl;lry o, olitilt'ron nliojii"-, -oirr" ErlL er Etrrlnur r4, lignton. - r, gErEFltnATDt{. EXTET{T OF uAEtLtTV A D CO|I{3UBiNCE - j!l1191tcV lcr.col'lcr o, ifiC.|?rntry sgeiFrt ecijr, non61atior" u-. c*.*ry_ $rltflxl or luJrfi by rh. In u-nd'oEtfin-;# il;,i,i;,-eiiol" * -stT||: _by, fpon -df r E'! tricu d rFt,,st ty ih; lricl ;;;;,r'fi ,_a8tnl hl'l|n dclcdb.al. ,. lr, Thr li$lllv ot tt3 conprny urdor thia po$oy dElt nor exo.cd lhc F€sl 0n !!Ltf! lfl|Iiq r:lrrnm ! at€d iF scfi.cttJr' A; ol ,__ {r|) qt otntrrrEs bgwccr rht veh.E or rrc insur;a ieEt€ or ln crd!r a:ir{1ld_and_tirntur otfi€ Inrutd,lrrt or hd€i-a&jedi ; ;h;;;i;.,,,8l:l_1i"_{DtTt tnsurc lerin|l by rtr porlcy. _ (DJ Intl|fiitnt tha AnEuntot Inttlrencr rtihd scr.dulaAat lt e s8t6o,Fctity_ ic L$'th.n tD p.rc.nt dtE vatrl orr: rnruia iiraij; i;;J;i *F gtL coqld!ilron F.td k tlr3 tE r4 n hicn ,.l. ilo*, Jiiii jii#i,if; o rlo Dr. ot Fonoy &r inpnrnra r rrrcrd o" r,Jr,i,c i_iiiiri-ril-"',il o" 11 |-OJf hruGd qltr0 cf tatbrert Dy rt t!r!!to FrEant ov. rths,irtoon o,rnirrnc dnrr In gcnrdub A, rh.n ihh potbt riiu-b-;;i; il*i.;';;;; nffikffigiltffiftffitr1r,,"tffi . (u. YtnlrC ! ruD,aqtr| irnpror'lmmr hrs b€€n F|(ll, |e lo env oafiial litr, :hr c.ofipqy rhll.onty p.yrtD b.s pn nre in'ir iifriiid.i'iilirio p-erEltt o(rhr AnEtnt of Inirnic, $rEd in scn&,jE e [iE rijt " "-ri,i or n3 Amount ot Inrnnoa nand in &trdr.rta A j* rr t"-_ni ldi-" jt'to.lltim'|drmffi. -_l..!.qH?* o!.tla pllrgr.Dh rh nq rFpry ro corEtr, en/I?|iy3 i.'|E !ld,!plnT_'r.Elwlt'9h rhc airdnyE tirH" ufri trri, piGV. am;i"rr "-n,V rPPry b nr| Fonirn ol ury Fr! wtlieliarcroCs, tn tre sggffii, t O p"Ei:, or li'rt A|nount of lffiJEnas AtlaC in SchgCete A, ,_ j_cllll Tt.9aly wlll pry crv thosr o$r, bmlys' fEr, r,rd €r0enses loc|Jmd |n loootdlncs Wltl SCAin 4 Ol tllOsa Condtians rrd SUp-uEl",r:' 6. APpOHTlo|tif ENt _f1,6€ hrd dffi h gchEdd€ A conslBE ot 1wo of mo.€ Lffr.E vr:ikn tj: l1-:Fj!-!!lrlqk.!it ,rnd a brE i! Grab{"i,.d rrr*ilns j,iiil,;;-o: rne.prrEEtr ow ncl a[, tht lort lhrli br coflputrd rnd $ndd on r m tr:Drlr lslf rhr qnorntot Insurmcc u6err;G;arbvwii dt -il;ilTli-";* t!?.gT^!l9!! of poticy ot.aor 8.flr:e Darcri rc dp who|6, e""rGJi or rnl, rfl9lgveFl,1lt |'||aoa robla(Nafit @ ooto ol Follcy, ud|!s E ;iaO,riru or .v3!? f]T +lt.cldr-. boon 4rac<i upon * r eacn pamei ryrhc Corp nnv ird ln!.iflur.d at ttr. tim€ ot tha i3lurnca ot $tr poltcy irr ariorii rV a,irii,i"$ttema'll or ry In andor'3rn;nt Atlch.A m mis irollcy.l. uflnl tx oF L|ABIL|TY -- ir! tfrha CottTrny .tfrlfrrhlE thr tl$|. 01 '3mor€E rh6 flbgso d€fscr, ri.n l11111lbll'11l,-f s{Et th. lrc-k of r rjgni ot rcccss ro or fi;r rni rdc, o. ,_ (bj\whln llr:lmry am h. drnt Ol locJ or oamagE nsr befi Oefintrrly frxEd In rccottrnc. *i!h rhclo Condh.nrsed Suudtd;;;lG'# ii".e"snB[ b3 ]r|}tbte r,'thin g0 dq,E thor!|n3,: 11. St BFOE Ttot,t ilPON FrvilE {TOg SETtLatiErlr (r) fhr Comp.nyl fi3m of Sub,ogrdon.Wh.rsrr tie funprnt $rlr nlt!ryfg .nd F dd a ciElm under rht!p cy,,rt ,isht ot subrcili6n rhrlvssr in rh. co,rp"i., inid#"a'l'i'.L o.r Ol lh. |ngul|d clalmar Tha Gomplry Ena ba aubrEa frffiffim'-:d#f*;i Hnd nmtdies rsrttsl ury pltron or.pioponv necii.ii-"y Li'o,[iid iin*t lltr nght ot sub{os$on. Ttra tno"mo- ctrrrrrrnt dE]i;;;il';;A;finy !o ru€, clmFron 0a or ronb ln tt€ neme or ttrr inruco ilalnbi .n-:i id'iji ,m nars oi th. tnsrrid ctlt enl in .ny ranrr.uon cili;Fiffil,il];[s.Th.""?ighB or Fmcdhs. . lf r Fcym.4t on 6flt1t cf a clatn doos not fulv cDvrr th€ tJrs ri the imur.d drinrnr, fi6 corrpmy srrrn x ari*olirr.,a dtr"iJ rilillila i,r"*tfter tn $€ proportlon s'hich iha €orrpqnyfpryns1 56rrs-'ii' ini wnot.adEnt ol th! lss. -- lt lar3 tloutd ||Eult fifir rfl' rcr ot tr,s insursd cielmanl, rs fiat€d BDovg,r1er ret rhrlt not volc ti, psl'rcy, uut t|l ::ompert, In lh;r-dfr:d;t D.rsq.r'td b 9ry only that Frt ot r yI errsrexo.oinerhan.[rr6,;d,ru1"'Tr#,ililHJ]",ft#ff I nel! !y gt hrJrd otr,mad !i rhc Gompqryb ncrrr dr arb,oo;iii " '' (b) Tho Oomprqyl futrtr lgntnrr ionin.uiro clf-to-J"-'' _ ,ll! TTppyl ight ct i|lb.og.tifi rgairre nontns..r,rC *{ioar ,iat,arll rnd lhlll indu(b ry|tn6ui tlnr[*irh, rlc agtc ot rtii,iiurct-E"i"i"r|F nltl.s, gElrrnics, otl3r roflctes d tnru r.nil oiboncs; noil;;nii ni..ny rormr or condiuonr Er,rdinu ln rrse inrrurnen;-;i6 ;;iH;; ;Jrhs..thn righl! by r€uson of ?fiis F + 1I. AFEITRAIIO'{ . UnlFapEtibtEd ryrFpltcrblr trry,.jthsr th€ Ccnprnyortho lnEurea ry dcrrmd Irbnn{on pu.surFt lo the Tnh. ln.rsnc. ADir;t,m Buj;;;t ,,"Am!rlcln tubitnrlon Arroaj{hn. Atttsrble mrtt8|B tTHy inctt"ao.6r-ig. nr,lifirtcd to. Eny controuar3y of dJm be 6n ths CorrrE;^, iJlfi'rill ariqnsqr dbr rchune m:rnE Folcy-;d;'h,il; "fiiiE!fi;"Tff;R:tjon r'ih tlt isruens! or rhr umcr ot tg6tioy prov.rlon oranlr-o'6 ij.rid i. nrr atlrrblc mSlEr rfi.n the arEum o nsu|rnoa iE $1,ooo,o0o of loss Ehatl be Errirrcd ,r $.e rpr:on orsifher hr cdnpraibi nli"irlii]r]j lfiitfi" "D:lurc wrEn rh€ Amtun o? rnerrEnc.,r is in ricii oiaibod,b'do1fiii ""rlbltrrt c ontyrvhsn rerasd lo by bour rr Comp"r,V'"r,A tl ,iii.,]ili iEi r'" I?1lur.5yant ]c- th.F poriry an6 unoer uro nuira ln ,ncc1- in -d.t-r-i"r""in. 0rfirnd ?or sbitrdbn h nudr or n.rhs oprion ot thD i,i,.ur"i, ir,l ir.i"" ,n 9_tl9Bt, at -Drrt ol.Folicy Enrll 5a unalng.upon tm p.rt.s. -h;il;;ry nctuucdtonp6, taer onry tr rhc letE ot-rhi sare " liitllnl'fr" firnO' ,e-il "o p€rfilt I cqri to u!fijsb,emyd fbes.m a gsvlrng pini, lu?iiiln];p"n rhe esifit Encdnd bv rhe r6irao4r; mry be ene-ric rri rrti fid tallng Jsrisietion tnsml, . Thg b'y ?f.lit€ ctus dlrhg E rc rhrll *Ffy lo an bitrErixr unc.r thc Ti e ha|fancs AfthrElifi FU.s. A clpy al th8 Rul6 fity bc obtriflod lrom toa Comprqy r.pqn cqueu. 15. LlASlLlTf LliilTEE TO THF FOLtGy; FOLtCt EltTIaE CONTFAGT ^ (a) Th''€ Foiicytogrlhlr rrth ! rn.lor63msftr,lt any, rttrch.d ni*, ly inE compr_ny E rhc .fltir pdtoy anc corTrracr er*.dan int ;i"r-ii-fid i;;e;"p3ny. In InErFrttrng tny troyisbn ot hit ptrey, rnis pottcy inarrlit'rsiieo ei t whob. O) Any crrlm ol bts or da.yagr, whather or nit bt3Bd En n€gliqalce, sid v.nbi Ari# ou: ol tr sEtuf st !h. tttte lo rhr .3tate or tadffi'ooJcr€t hat*y or by any r6ion srsurdnE sscrr ct*nr, snerrril, ,iiti#a*riirrripojry (ci-No amendnr€ft otorrndotarsnl to.thi6 policy can bt m!0. "rcgpiOy a_wrrin! rn6oE€6 h.Eon or errclr.d her*o-rtgn.d ii eitil ,Iil p;Jdri;r, .vrc. Prssibnr. rhe Ssqlrer-v, an Ag3itrrrrt $&:il]oJ fiiJffii'orq"rlll'",turbnrFd aignrrory of rh€ conFeny. 16. 5FVERAIruTY .h lh" qFrl.rt y pfwlson ot r.rr po'icy ir hatg ir|\Elid or sncntrrcorDB Lncer€pCicrble lr'r rhr pttsy or"d r br o;ril"d nor trl;;oifii;l;fi""arE llr oths'rovldq|! lhr rflrtin rn ru[ fprce ang'lfiit] fl qT|ces , rvt{!i! sEifr All rstic!! roquird b ba gl|'.n thr Cofiplny etd any e|st€,nsnr in lr,dins rlqui]ld r0 br tumtsh.d ri. eorno6ny ahrl ictrdr th6humbe; oi ifiii'pol,,cy snd rhd h lddrs$rd ro the C.imdny ai ffi Eautnto'fr;;;;;,'"" -'' Chhgo Tldr hruruEt Ccmoarry Clthht O.Ctn mr ffl o|ur Ctrrt S0t€t ClliEtor hinoii E[F01-t29{ l',1r 1 2'1? t' R.4 ffg"l1.*:pg.:11.jgp1ry-q-irq rr, il,,,;,,"d fi'; ;;;iabiy 9LISS lry+r.rv qny mrtrrod, Initurrrrd rrird,rron.i.i dnili'.ffi ilffi :i :I1rll-ryqpCr, i!:frlr hrw ruty prrfrrrnid rrs obr6.;-"ls rffi .iti;ci r"E$ obf0adons wlth r€specr ti ,hil$Hll_lgr nar F iiorr t6iinil;,, oia',;i,EciiftH fi""r,; lion, t|lC r:'dff-t'*Hl',{rdi*Jt#:tt;1,'tg*iitlgl"*";,"",m1 :.,f ylltl:l^11"tl-!:.r-."fi nrr dorr6inrrion d aco.ti ot d;.bG;,;,i;;; ||Difity rotrrmiiiy ir3urro W grji;u |q nt Pmf rilan oon-nr ot tit CofiD||ry. [*;ifr 'Jffi ir*;#r,t##ffi#$#d :'l1y^:o_!1l31!iil_rr3lttr6 Df rh. imu rE h rciling ir,r'c-ufi;i ;,h ;;i;b afiy lrB.md bf or !u[ Mthqll r0. r.E-ElJ_CTtOr{ oF tilSUnA cft REOIJCTpI OR triltF{lTtoN or LtAli-tTY ._ AllFyfii. a snCsf thl!pctiry, c:crpi pgyntn!! nrdg fDr costJ anomeys tr.6 a l .rp.;.or, rha ncuol rhe inbrii ot ttio iniu-nn* ;, ;;;,; ", IT. LIAIIUTY IIORqJilU LANVE -. I it lrprr$ly_und.trboO thal th€ e] gunt of inslranod under ihiE potic]6lrell_b. trds*d by rry anoum tne Compmy ,l,t p"y ";;: i1f i;ii"v illp! 111qq.C! to hhioh.xlrFtoh tr cklnin Sciljd;rr i*t" Jiir,-rr," 'glij-l{ rg .!'.lLufn d' or bkrn rubj.cl, fi ryhich k hc.'ttdf .x.sqrlE Dy rn Infu ! fl1|l ryhisl h | 6hff" or ;rn on th, afr€ Er inErrsl q:?l|qod o, r€t fls !c in Esh.dut e, ina rni ano,j|,,r ,o oilo-'rira*i-bg (kttnld I FEyrt nl uidgr thb pollcy to thr inrune-ornei rz Ptv El'l? oF tos8 0)N.o. prymantrhd b. firdc rrthout groduciT tht. poltcy ro, ardo,!..nnnl o{ lhr prylrafi unlci| thr pofry n.r Eaan |cst or dcatroyed, In whial 6ir€ pfoof 0t tors ordrffirotion;h.tiD. rnrinrd ti ric-ii;i#d;;;i"Company, nr.ftr Foni r/e, &!rita. Io.t?& 75 South Frontage Road Vail. CO 81657 970-479-2138 FAX970-479-2452 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FAX TRANSMITTAL SHEET TO: COMPAITYNAME: FAX TELEPHONE NUMBER: FROM: DATE:TIME: # oF PAGES rN DOCUMENT (NOT TNCLTTDTNG COVER SHf,ET) RESPONSE REQIJIRED? SENT BY TOWN OF VAIL COMMUMTY DEYELOPMENT F'AX # 970.1,79.?;4,52 TOWN OF'VAIL COMMIINT Y DEYELOPMENT TELEPHOFTE #_ PZC4?94T38 SPECIAL COMMENTS AND NOTES: F:EVERYONE\FORMS\FaxSheet 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 970-479-2138 F AX970-479-24s2 COMMTJNITY DEVELOPMENT FAX TRANSMITTAL SHEET COMPAI\-Y NAME: .l FAX TELEPHONE NUMBER: LITV- UJ,7J( FRoM, fili:A?n 0/49 DATE:TIME: # oF PAGES rN DOCUMENT (NOT TNCLUDTNG COVER SHEET) RESPONSE REQI]IRED? SENT BY TOWN OX'VAIL COMNTUNITY DEVILOP}IENT F.AX # 970479-2452 TOWN OF VAIL COM]VIUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tf,LEPHONf, #_ 9Aq479-2I38 SPECIAL COOIMENTS AND NOTES: F:EVERYONE\FORMS\FaxSh€et a Susan Law 5536 E. Mneral Lane Littleton, CO 80122 June 7, 2001 Exterior Light Fixtures 2 of #9809 Vintage Pewter One centered above East Elevation Portico One centered above North Elevation front door 5 of #9707 Vintage Pewter North Elevation: Left end of entry porch Left of lower level entry door East Elevation: Left of garage doors South Elevation: Left of French doors Left of back door from sport storage 'b6,1( Uru ?e'- l-'1lt f,'*t',cng ;.' l-2,5 D Susan Law 5536 E. Mineral Lane Littleton, CO 80122 June 7, 2001 Exterior Light Fixtures 2 of #9809 Vintage Pewter One centered above East Elevation Portico One centered above North Elevation front door 5 of #9707 Vintage Pewter North Elevation: Left end of entry porch Left of lower level entrv door East Elevation: Left of garage doors South Elevation: Left of French doors Left ofback door from sport storage FzS l,^16-+l uft 7.* Lllt $;*t''n's Susan Law 5536 E. Mineral Lane Littleton, CO 80122 June 7, 2001 Exterior Light Fixtures 2 of #9809 Vintage Pewter One centered above East Elevation Portico One centered above North Elevation front door 5 of #9707 Vintage Pewter North Elevation: Left end of entry porch Left of Iower level entry door East Elevation: Left of g:uage doors South Elevation: Left of French doors Left of back door from sport storage l;&* g'^ll'+ t-zS t ',lt g^ft fF l-1h+ t; xt"ue o t- z i irlsEfilf;l;= il; ElslElr otot0t9 :EEI: fIEIEIE Elsr.'';eciEglilEliliEliE$r_:Fli,L ,.,i+ o o to ! rrl z z tl o D rrfl EAifi F:: + ;3cf 6;.5 :E i eic ='g J a 5 i i;E glElElEl€ 4iEe$lslelels aeEiflnl;lelq ' i l=lq' " 'lE (f)o tr U IE 7a at't V) '...-- F€Eg$FEEIi fiiEfEElili FiiFflili $ilry$li x - Ou. -: --:-aZ, ^ e h-;.'- i-'frr) **'t'**'|* ** **** t:i ** * **'tt f!t**** {t'* ** * * t't'l '* *lr l' 't*:} * + * * +* *'f*+* * ***'* *!t * lt * * * * * t**ri* *'}**r} ***'** f *tf * *!t,$* TOWN OF VAIL, COLOMDO statement '* t**:| f * *'l*'|*'i**+*{t*+'t{t***'* t'i* *** '}* ** + + ** +* ** * **** * * 'r * * * * * *'t* r* +* ****!i * t +r r+i r:}!*r ir,r,i* r** * *,t* Statement. Number: R0OOO0O929 Anbunt: $2OO.O0 OG/LZ/200L03:3Z pM Palment Method: Check fnit : .fAR !{otation i 2L64 Permit No: DRBO1O1SO Type: DRB - New Const.ruct.ion Parcel No: 2101123130 0 9 Site Addrees: 4460 GLEN FALLS tN VAIIr Lrocation: Total Feee: 9200. OO Thi6 Payment: $200.00 Total ALL pmts: S200.00 Balance; $0.0O *'l't * *'*'t** * * **'f ** +***++'t*** +**** + * ***** * f **+*r ** * + * +'i f i{.**** * i * **'*** r* f 'tr*r r,r*+* * i r*i + *** *tt** | ACCOUNT ITEM I.IST: Account Code Description Current pnts DR OO1()()OO31122OO DESIGN REVIE|,,II FEES 200.00 * *+*'t't*'t,*+ *'i* + i*,i*,t**'t * * * **,t* **+ *** * {.,}**,** *+ !i****r, +i* *f * * * *:t**** +***,t* * *ir** **{.+ * {r:t{r,t * !t,i,t *{r* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO SIAIEME,Nt +******{r{'*i*:l**'lt**+lt*{t*!***{t***+******++***++*'}*t****'t rr *,}*+ * t* * +** * rt*'tr!t,** +,r*+* *'i*'t* +'i ** ***{,*t Statement. Number: ROOOO0OgZg Amount: $200.00 06/L2/ZOOLO3:32 pll n"^"tt: lilethod: check ttttt "To.".rorr, 2L64 Permit No: DR8010150 Tlpe; DRB - New Construction Parcel No: 210112313 009 Site AddresB t 44GO GLEN FALI,S LN VAIL, Location: TotaL Fees: $200,00 ?tris Payment: $200.00 Total AIrIJ pmt8: S2O0.OO Balance: $0.00 'i*+**+'lt*********'l****+****++'t*tf +'*** ** * +** *'t* * * ++*:t+f t*** +{' *i ** t **+ i ***if i 'r * *i i+** * t't *:tr * ** tl ACCOUNT ITEMLIST: Account Code Descrjptjon Current pmts DR OO1OOOO3I122OO DESIGN REVIEhI FEES 200 .00 A6''LJ_I4VL gCI 4'/HN FRUI1 LRI,JNFEXFLORR I ION 79?A4792452 P.Ar Status: I Approved cor"i*rry DEVELopMENT norfinc Fonn I Approved with conditions I Denied Routed To:Leonard Sandoval. PW Date Routed:06h?,01 Routed By:Allison Ochs Date Due:06t20t01 Description of work:new sfr Address:z1460 Glen Falls Lane Leqal:Lot:I I Block:I Subdivision:Forest Glen Sub Comments:Date Reviewed: t lssues. Need additional review Fire