HomeMy WebLinkAboutGLEN LYON LOT 53 COLDSTREAM COMMON ELEMENTS LEGAL.pdfLr"*a"- TO: George Ruther- Director of Community Development '. I A A FROM: ,kll,ftndv Nonis- Coldstreom Boord of Directors (y- \ SUBJECT: Coldstreom Condominium Redevelopment Proposol DATE: JvlV 22,2ffi9 Summory: The Coldstreom Boord of Directors is investigoting the feosibility to reploce ogeing ond obsolete recreotion omeniiies ond corport porking focilities with o fully enclosed structured porking fqcility on top of which would be opproximotely 3 employee restricted residentiol unils ond B morket priced residentiol uniis which would totolopproximotely 14/W GRFA. In oddition office, housekeeping ond storoge focilities would be constructed to support the property monogement operotions. Project Hlstory: Coldstreom Condominiums includes 45 residentiol condominiums with extensive recreolionolfocilities consisting of pool, spo, cobono, tennis court ond rocquetboll/squosh courts. The project wos constructed in l9B0-1982. With the opening of the Coscode Club [Ario] in l9BZ with its seven tennis courts ond six rocquetboll/squosh courts, the Coldstreom court focilities were no longer utilized for recreotion. Since thot time they hove been odopled to property ond rentol monogement oclivities. In lote 1990 on omendment to SDD4 wos proposed ond recommended by Community Development [9/2a/901to opprove o smollincreose in GRFA ond clorify other development stondords. The plon included the renovotion of the courts building into property monogement fqcilities ond storoge os well os two employee restricted units. Becouse of finoncing difficulties the project wos tobled by Coldstreom. In 2001, Coldstreom owners expended $1.5 million lo reploce the roofs ond moke substontiolsite/londscope improvements. In 2004, the Boord prepored o phosed redevelopment plon for the project. The first phose consisted of replocing oll building exteriors: siding. windows, doors ond extensive londscope ond site improvements ot o cost of $6.2million which wos completed in 2006. The second phose is to reploce the courts building ond corports which qre deterioroting. Coldstreom owners continue to demonstrote their commitment to on oggressive mointenonce ond improvements progrom. Coldstreom hos opproximotely 23 units included in the Voil Coscode short term rentol progrom; totol revenues ore opproximotely $1.3 million per yeqr producing opproximotely $130,000 of soles ond lodging tox revenue. The on-site mqnogement office ond housekeeping focilities ore very importont to its operotion. Development Stondords Coldstreom is situoted on o 4.2 ocre (183,479 sf) porcel designoted os Areo B in Speciol Development District 4. lt does noi hove underlying zoning os it wos onnexed into lhe Town with the creotion of SDD4. Areo B stondords include: Allowed Existinq . Moximum units 65 45 o GRFA - 65.000 sf 66.898 sf o Site Coveroge 64,216 sf 34,878 sf o Londscoping 91,74O sf 98,405 sf o Porking Spoces r Height . Setbocks 84 79 48 ft 48fl 20ft ?ott The odjocent properties to the south, Eogle Pointe Condominiums ond Pork Meqdows, ore both zoned HDMF. Development Plon As illustrofed on the ottoched concepluol plons, o single level porking structure willreploce the existing north corport, fhe courts building ond lhe tennis court. The structure will contoin opproximotely 70 porking spoces replocing the 23 spoces in the north corport, 10 spoces in the corport of fhe entry ond l7 surfoce spoces (iotol of 50 spoces). The remoining 20 spoces will be ossigned to the new units. On the strucfure will be construcled: .3 employee reslricted dwelling units of opproximotely 1040 sf totoling 3,120 sf .8 morket priced dwelling units of opproximotely 1800 sf totoling 14,400 sf. . Contiguous to the structure ol fhe ground level, 1200 sf for reception, odministrotion. housekeeping ond storoge. The corport of the entry will be reploced with o londscoped entry plozo thot will improve outo circulotion, check in process ond esthetic oppeoronce. Building heights, setbocks ond site coveroge willremoin unchonged. Beneflts r Addition of three employee residentiol units in high demond locotion (21% of morket rote residentiol); the Coldstreom Boord desires on employee of the property monoger be locoied on-site. o Replocement of the on-site monoger's office from o residentiol unit to o purpose built reception ond odministrotive otfice; improvement in outo circulotion for guest occess. . Replocement of deterioroting corports with fully enclosed porking structure; replocement of I7 surfoce porking spoces with structured porking. . Replocement of obsolete courts buildings with orchitecturolly ottroctive townhomes compotible with the Coldstreom vernqculor. . Site ond londscope improvements to the entry ond onivol experience. Conclusion The Coldstreom Boord respectfully requests o preliminory evoluotion of this conceptuol plon by Community Development ond on expression of fhe conditions by Community Development to supporf on omendment to SDD4. ? lr lq_ s * F r a , ts_ t+ I B,-r EHi #3 \ E z ($ ./ {; y,.: .:;"J L*ss Design Review Board ACTION FOR]II Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.corn 6ua,r-,- cctfrt trt rt tr\€.LopltE|fi Project Name: COLDSTREAM CHANGEfIREES Project Description: Pafticipants: DRB Number: DR8060095 Removal of maple trees and replacement in similar locations with aspen trees; removal of dead cottonwood at entry and replacement with two 10' spruce trees in same location; transplant of spruce from unit #15 to courtyard area. owNER ANDREW D. NORRIS III REVOCAB04/10/2006 25 W MICHELTORENA ST SANTA BARBAM cA 93101 APPUCANT LAND DESIGNS BY ELLISON, INC04/10/2006 Phone: 970-949-1700 P O BOX 1259 AVON co 81620 License: 130-S 1476 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL Project Address: COLDSTREAM CONDOS Legal Descriptionr Parcel Number: Commentsr Location: LoH 53 Block: Subdivision: COLDSTREAM CONDO 2103-121-0800-1 see conditions Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: APPROVED Date of Approvalz 04/1212006 Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0007938 The applicant shall replace existing maple trees to be removed wlth between six and elght 2-3" caliper aspens in appropriate courtyard locations. Cond: CON0007939 The applicant shall transplant spruce from unit #16 to courtyard area upon the site, The spruce shall be replaced if it does not survive with one 10' spruce in coufiard location. Cond: CON0007940 The applicant shall plant two 10' spruce trees at the entry to the development at the location of the deceased cottonwood. Planner: Elisabeth Eckel DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO p,?sls4l93{?g FIFF 0B gB 92: SgF (|r- Srradr s d ]n^r-V) 6l o r o o -O (t',o tr q Applidon for Defgn RwiGU 6r|rd lrrlt';rtrttoo:[-prt+ |c$"!tu.&ra$ r$rrl m4 ]tairt atrv{ Frb, D thruhg r hfrrE Fgtil filffiL fb.rf,rgrr to !E f,.tuilC /rsffi b thr psrtcd; aprig tut i,.qr*ca An,pFrc{o.l to? Didgn ncv|rry q''d h adTfrd nltd .| cniutrrturnrr[r r riiico tft oi,h,ry or,t6f iri'met ne Ff ilta eb ned b tr.slhrrd br th. r!r4 carrc arira m**,iil *iffir]frilccrngn D-9i rrul.t Fml LF.r rrr|- r t1**rg pnri CiiU -r ah*rr.dn ;;"|nc ,l*n crfrrdglrmrtL P|rrColAb,m (^tFTlt-trtftl 00.r.l$onrrnrrJr,r,,l ._ , Frrtd io.:(ConH E 9h fr. Asesorat 97G32SEF{O tbr pard rE.) lanin9: ftn{c)of lrra.{r.l; hrilqgrddtu t4?L w ,.Iau &t Ontc(tlg1lntrr(f); ttlncdApf,cl* f'hifngEcc F-rnrillddilt : IYF d Lrrlclflr.l;r* O sfns c.ondpt d Rarhil tli, C.qrfflrdon ArrnEoo Hl[nffi (|nJtMamfr/ormccrl) ilnaAffir (#rndtr/dr!b0 F o':rt*=toaeroadn*r O ScDnbraql* _ Olffttnt dbilyxrdty Dar,rbg g'rt rr hdr ffig! nor4t{, ffi uEFz u: gm,fE Ztitg tat rDO{t9.ltS2 S:rrrv.ntw.ctt l5O PIA 31.00 pcr qge foc of frl sijn arcr. Irb Fra f6g, Ffi d|rtucril| d i mr hiE|e O. drnqrtrhdd.tllxl lb f| .d*b hnsC qarr foaCa a !ffi to rrt fr{.tauJ o dilnstti !|*lt!l oncfxF f:n adrb6 f frdor qwUlCr||). tL50 Frtihrdt4r5buJE|gErd thpo n:ng ndr a6, a|I,ot|g, prlrER xihhr dddcr+ l|'rdsDhg, frndi ild frltrilrt iNlr, *,fi10 Fa r$.r drrgaa b hrffi$ ild !f,r lrrFulEtE rrdr q It&olhg, Ffffi, $htbtr ffi|q, l|nrtspfE fdts id |tt'rftg ElE tt. f2O tu rRirh |o Fbffi afidt rymO bt Pk*rg $afl or frc Ddonf,ltbibt( lb FEG Loc#on dffr: p'irDtHl; t-oe_.Bloctc_ q6{ffitqn: TO-d oa6'' 6Lb-oL6-T L !en - ap!sa+! L v€r:59 99-61-.rdy LA}ID DESIGNS BY ELLISON, INC P.O. Box 1259 Avon, CO 81620 9701949-1700 9701949-3288Fax Letter of Transmittal Dat€: 7 April 2006 To: Joe Suther/ Town of Vail From: Pam Granade Project Coldstream Condominiunu Please find enclosed the fotlowing: Copies Of J Remarks: FoTDRB submittal Iandscape Plans *, fun 6-rantJ-- ********+f++++*****f,**+**********ft**+**t***********+++++++***************+**++t************ TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement *** * {' ***** * *i ++tt+ +{.** *** ** * *** * ****+ * *+***t ++****** ** ** *** i*** **+** + ******* ** * ** ** * ** * * **** * Statement Number: R060000350 Amount: Payment Method: Check GRAIIADE $2o. oo o4/ro/200603:26 P|t4 Init: iIS Notation: 1502/PAI4ELA H. Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address : L,ocation: This Palment: DRB06 0 0 9s 2103-121-0800-1 1.476 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL COI,DSTREAM CONDOS rype: DRB-Chg to Appr Plan6 $2o. oo ****+**** **{.** ***** l.+* *+*+** f +*f +*$+*****,}************+*+*+**t*+***,t ** **'}******* ****++ * *a'** * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmt6 DR 00100003 LL2200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 Total Fees : TOIA1 AIJIJ PMtA : Balance : $20.00 $20.00 90.00 fn,p ([b{ -oo4S ' $o?ooLa1 10-o3zn5 lnspcston Equqqt Requesbd Inspec't pab: lu_esday, Octob€r 04, 2005 - Inspec:ton Aroa: cG SIIC Addr$3: 1476 YESTHAVEN DR VAIL COU)STREAil COilDOS€Ulll1NG t t ArFfD lnllormagon Acttvlb^ 806-m8t t*: BELEC ConstTypa: Occupcity: ONI|CT ANDREWO. }rcRRls III REVOCABLE TRUST ADpll€nt D.P. EIECTRIC Cohhador: DP. EIECTRIC Reouesbd Insoec{on(sl lbm: lg0 ELEC.Flnel R.q|xcor: D.P. ELECTRIC Conimonb: Pll / Bulldlng 4 Ashned To: SF!{HN - Acdon:nnc Exp: - Approvod - $rhn fpgont. Acf,on: APAPPROVED Ac0on: APAPPROVED AcOoTt t]N DEMED "ff* sublg: Acorl Phone: 97G946-41,|t} Photrr 97G946-41,O DescdFon: RETIO{/E AtlD REPLACE tlGFfT FIXTI RES, ADD HEAT TAItE FOR EITILUNG t4 ONLY Requestgd Tlme: 0l:00 Pil ' Phon : 904413a Enbred By: tnRMAN Shtrs:Intg&u: Page 14 lsst ED CG 1,v/.* //;--. l,nJ* 8//A + 4 ^fr ,Ip-..n"/ /0-o+-)oog: Insoecton HlsbrY llem: 110 ELEC-TcmD.Pomr hm: 120 ELEC-Rough OE07O6 In p.clor: Commont ok-062906 Inspector: Comnrnt lbm: tg, ELEC€on&[[em: 1.O ELEC-Mbe. 07114106 |nsDecbr:Co|n|r[n[ upon Hoty Itim: 1g) El-EC.Fln l REPT131 Run Id: 3692 &ilL*"s{Ff SVELO6iE}.1 ffi v/ GU,rfrrot, &n/o> Design Review Board ACTIOI{ FORM D€partment of €ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Roa4 Vail, Colorado 81557 tel: 970.479.2139 fax:970.'479.2452 web: www.vailgov.corn Project Name: COLDSTREAM DECKS/BREEZEWAY Project Description: DRB Number: DR8050513 COMMON ELEMENT-FINAL APPROVAL FOR DECK ENCLOSURES; BREEZEWAY/MAILBOX REVISIONS AND INTERIOR ALTEMTIONS AT COLDSTREAM CONDOS: see Ietter in fiIe dated 09.27.05 for soecifics Participants: OWNER ANDREW D. NORRIS III REVOCABO9/Z3I2OO5 26 W MICHELTORENA ST SANTA BARBAM cA 93101 APPLICANT FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHffiCIS 09/2312005 Phone: 970-476-6342 1650 EAEfVAILVALLEY DR, #C-1 VAIL co 81657 License: C000001402 ARCHITECT FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHITECTS 09/23/2005 Phone: 970476-6342 1550 EASTVAILVALLEY DR, #C-1 VAIL co 81657 License: C000001,102 Project Address: 1476 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL CoLDSTREAM CONDOS UNITS 5, 10, 27, 37 AN Location: Legal Description: Lotl 53 Block Subdivision: COLDSTREAM CONDO Parcel Number: 2103-121-0800-1 Comments: Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACIION Action: APPROVED Date of Approvah 0912712005 Cond: 8 (Pl4N): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). C.ond: 0 (P[AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of flnal approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Elisabeth Eckel DRB Fee Paid: S3OO.00 la Application for Design Review DeparIn]ent of Community Development 75 Soutir Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel'. 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a buildinE permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the pafticular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval, Description of the Request: (7 L.,n', "rt-, r-';_ d.j .,, i ,. .;:' Location of the Proposal; Lot:_ i, lt i Physical Address: t- -.,' .' (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning:' -)!,.;./ fi o vl o vl =r trr Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: E-mail Address: Phone: Fax: Type of Review and Fee: tl Signs ! Conceptual Review U New Construction -( naaition fl Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) D Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) E Changes to Approved Plans ! Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, rerooflng, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Boarc. No Fee (r,tzle,. fisrcc- t, fi, "1,$ i,T. ("s qt id if\ r\' l Y q... i'il - ++ + 't* * * * * * * * ** * ** **** ** ** * * * * + + ** * t*++ *+*+************+*****{.****'}*** *** **++** +* + *** ****** * *l. TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Starement **** *** ***** *+** ** * *,t4( **:*** {r *'}+,t +{.+**,1.{.1. *:t ******** ****i** **+++++*+++******* **************,t*r Statement Nurnlcer: R050001524 Amount: $300.00 09/23/200508:49 AM Payment MeLhod: Check Init: iIS Notabion: 133 03 /FRITZLEN PIERCE Permit No: DRB05J5L3 fi4le: DRB - AddiEion of GRFA Parcel No: 2i-03-121_-0800-1 Site Address: 14?6 WESTHAVEN DR VAIIJ Location: COLDSTREAM COIIDOS I]NrTS 5, 70, 27, 37 A\I Total Feea: 5300.00 This Paynent: $300.00 Tota1 ALL pmts: S3OO.O0 Balance: 30.00 *{.*** 't********'} * * *,} * *{. ** * ** * * * *** * ***++++ ++****************ir********** * ** ** +**++************ ACCOI.INT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descript.ion Current pmts DR 00100003172200 DESTGN REVTEW FEES 300-00 ' t E Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. Architectural Floor Plans: Lr Scale of 1/8" = 1'or larger; 1/4" is preferred a Floor'plans of the proposed development drawn to scale and fully dimensioned. Floor plans and building elevations must be drawn at the same scale.n Clearly indicate on the floor plans the inside face of the exterior structural walls of the building.D Label floor plans to indicate the proposed floor area use (i.e. bedroom, kitchen, etc.).o One set of floor plans must be "red-lined" Indicating how the gross residential floor area (GRFA) was calculated. See Title 12, Chapter 15 - Gross Residential Floor Area for regulations.o Provide dimensions of all roof eaves and overhanqs. Architectural Elevations: u Scale of 1/8" = 1' or larger; 1/4" is preferred s All elevations of the proposed development drawn to scale and fully dimensioned. The elevation drawings must show both existing and finished grades. Floor plans and building elevations must be drawn at the same scale. u If building faces are proposed at angles not represented well on the normal building elevations, show these faces also. tr Elevations shall show proposed finished elevation of floors and roofs on all levels. D All exterior materials and colors shall be specified on the elevations. a The following shall be shown graphically and fully dimensioned: fascia, trim, railings, chimney caps, meter locations, and window details. D Show all proposed exterior lighting fixtures on the building. o illustrate all decks. porches and balconies. o Indicate the roof and building drainage system (i.e. gutters and downspouts). B Indicate all rooftop mechanical systems and all other roof structures, if applicable. D Illustrate proposed building height elevation on roof lines and ridges. These elevations should coordinate with the finished floor elevations and the datum used for ihe survey.D Exterior color and material samples shall be submitted to staff and presented at the Design Review Board meeting. Lighting Plan:a Indicate type, location and number of fixtures.tr Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous area a Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. II. IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE (ILC) Once a building permit has been issued, and construction is underway, and before the Building Department will schedule a framing inspection, two copies of an Improvement Location Certificate survey (ILC) stamped by a registered professional engineer must be submitted. The following information must be provided on the ILC: o Basis of bearing and tie to section corner o All property pins found or set o Building location(s) with ties to property corners (ie. distances and angles) o Building dimensions, including decks and balconies, to the nearest tenth of a foot o Building and garage floor elevations and all roof ridge and eave line elevations o All drainage and utility service line as-builts, showing type of material, size and exact location o All easements Page 5 of 12/02107102 Buildinq Materials Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck R,ails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: Please specify the manufacture/s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Page 6 of L40407102 PROPOSED MATERIALS Tvoe of Material F/Er7:au%'e|+r':x-g Wt-rzr+ry6; F/@- a*n,t''*tr- -';t !,t.){ \y-fr I i-:/- 7:" lu Fte C,t^,P tl I,< 3t-,^\-"'1' - Noop Zy' ,-Epl.r.-- 5toFll 4 1:/1::{:L l-lErAc-{:'t t'' 'f, l-.vtt*t--- /trt1t//'4.4fC4J ty!,/rf It S/c/l/4rf "'Ttt':L f-',,,:,-rJ H Eyt4r- tl Botanical Name PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Common Name Size t"tti?24l.tlp l,;,lt#PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS (\. ! EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED I \___.--7-- t Minimum Requirements for Landscaping :Deciduous Trees - 2" C-aliper Coniferous Trees - 6' in height Shrubs - 5 Gal, Tvpe Square Footaqe GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please Speciry other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) PageT of 12102107102 UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION This form is to verify service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. The location and availability of utilities, whether they are main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Siqnature Date QWEST 970.384.0238 (tel) 970.384,02s7 (fax) Contact: Jason Sharp EXCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.262.4077 (tel) Contact: Brian Sulzer HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOC. 970.949.5892 (tel) 970.9a9.4s66 (fax) Contact: Ted Husky EXCEL ENERGY 970.262.4024 (tel) 970.262.4038 (fax) Contact: Kit Bogart EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION DiSTRICT* 970.476.7480 (tel) 970.476.4089 (fax) Contact: Fred Haslee AT&T BROADBAND 974.949.L224 x 112 (tel) 970.949.9138 (fax) Contact: Floyd Salazar *Please provide a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining approval from the Eagle River Water & Sanitation District. Fire flow needs must be addressed. NOTES: 1' If the utility verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed. 2. If a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative shall note directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified oroblems. 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way permit from the Department of Public Works at the Town of Vail. Utility locations must be obtained before diqoinq in any public right-of-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A buildino permit is not a Public Way permit and must be obtained separatelv. Page B of L2/02107/02 VAIL CASCADE CONDOMINIUMS September 21, 2005 Community Development Town of Vail 108 South Frontage Rd West Vail, CO 81657 To Whom It May Concern: The Coldstream Condominium Association has reviewed the attached improvements and has approved them via the Association's design guideline approval process for Coldstream. Those improvements include units 5, 10, 13,27,33,37, and the new Court Building door. t,g Don Maclachlan General Manager Please let me know if you have any questions. 1476 Westhaven Drive.Vail. Colorado 81657 970.476.6106. 800.543.4801 . Fax 970.4/6.4946 Eagle County Government - Property Assessment and Tax Information E*illc se$fNty *ovwnm+fft $rwtr rwilGs$rnsyi$ Page I ofl sFe*c& at$ur;Ts Clirk cn the parcel numbsr& ripyr the Gt$ msp, *,rlil&n basif inftnnntofi djvlslr lsgel dessrlpfion R0130$ Rot30F finr3s0 nfi3&6 RH3$T RSl t8? nfl30t Rfi3OT R0l30r :10312108001 ?1031i't 0s00t xr 031?1osfios 11{t3t ?1080fff ANCIAEWD, NORRIS III R&1/OC,ASLE KATZTL IfiRYC. FLDOFASS REALTYSS Hol-lffiAY, HIC|.aSL 0.. 0snn, 16 0O11T6 IYE$I}*AIEH DR \ IL 0{x 116 ydEfil{*\€x iln vAL 001 1t0 $6sllt vEH 0F VA'L 001 rJ8 rvEwt{Av€N nR VA'L 00t 416 x€sTl!{\€N DR VA|L 'rloJratogoor ?1r!3r ?1{tgg0a ?1031?10s0s? :10313108009 j1!J1r3s€oot-- ROSIN$OI,I, JAN SULN-NAN EUSH. HARYC" OI*XENE, WTLUB t{ORHAf!'l OSORA6$TARPRI$E LTD --.- 001 {ys t w$Tl{AlrEH DR V*tL 00t{76 rrrfis'Il{ v€N nn vAtL 00't 476 n rSTH*vsH DF VA'L 001 {76 }rfEgTHi\EN nR vAtL 001476 WESTFIAVEN BR VAL 0gtil78 Y{ESTH \EN Dn \ffiL R01 Rgt R8t R01 -21031?1tF0t0 oRA8B, DArD W. & t'rrAf.,| &OAL€E, "-rT LTY|{AIM&K R. & ER|H F.'vl mse]SiolTtf'-l fis3lH0Sfi? 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OLDAT<ER, WLLIAX - THEDFORD, JUDI' COII'LES. ETJZANNE H. i KAUFhTAN J ilE8 H. &JANE G. I CHILDRESS-J.IAI{ALD . I.O FIN. FREd OO1 116 It'ESTilA!€N OR V#L 001 {78 ttrFsT}tAlfi N Dn VArL f tll {t6 l&ESTl-li[\€N DR VAIL 001 *78 $tESTt-t{YFN SR \[ill 00'l 478 ll,EFTi{At/EN DR VAIL 00'l {76 vrlEsTHl\EN OR V'UL 00r 47t IIYESIHA\'€N Fn V,A|L ofi{7a wEsT}uvEH nnv$L 0fr1 {76 y{EgTt{ilEN DF VA|L ofl t?a f&8'tHAl{EN DR V&lL 001dt6 vfEsTH$rE[r bFt vAlt _.--- -Al'r0fiELT B. NORnts]lL?FVOqAst*E TF oor*roEffi-leI DRJhtr ?1031 3108{t38 ?1 031?1 {t8{trg ORSE}'|E. 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Ofi {'N Y9ESTHA\dEN DN VAIL tltll,f IS V!€ST|-!A\€N DR VAIL 001 178 $.8€[].t{148X$R yAtL 4lorrfirsorr Ofi {78 VYESTHA\,1TN DR VAIL ?10312't S8038 21031tl08039 ?r 031?1S€011 ?103r ?1 S80{? ?103131090{3 ?t 03121080{a I.OIS H. EAS"TENUNMEECIFIffi I J'tt'|lEg II, }{AUT*A}I TRUSTEE DAVI$ *PENNI}ISTON KOELAELY{ALTEAA $ASEY,.r,'nMFS L SU$AN S. WA$NER 1RUST " WAONSR, 001 f 76 irffisTliA\tEN DR VA|L sol, 78 yrrE8'rl{Av€N OR VAIL 001 {78 ttA!ffIt-u,rlEN oR v tL 0ttl f 78 fwsTHA\EH nn VAIL 001 {78 lt{E8THA\€il sn v$L 001f 76 F{FgT}{A\/Ftrt DR UUL : : ss&ncH &f$t LxE Clidt on the psrud nunbartn view th€ GIS mEp, #VlEw hasic lnfnnnailsn i,,,,Vlsrr, lsgal des$idion 6? r6fordE r$lfisd Fropaty Arsos*m$nt end Tax lrdsrm#on http ://www. eagleco unty.us/patie/index_content. cfm 9/21/2005 Eagle County Government - Property Assessment and Tax Information E*ul$ soutrty f ov*rnm*nt vdwsf,swi{ffs*y.tr$ Page I of I Propwty Aescs$mint rnd Tax lnfonnsfisn sF*nufi *fi$t,|t_Ts lrislr to EsF infiorrnation sbout that propgrtf. Click tn thp psrcsl numbsr h !dB$, the GIS map, *ivl$r basio lnforn*{on *ivlerr IBSEI desfilptif, n IIGSTHA\&HA\#?AIL i 68 racnrds refi,rmpd R{1131{1 R9131{t nfifi4: R8131{t Fl$1S14t R0$016! ?1031?r08s{1 t103'tfi0{04? ?1031flognfS t1031?108S{t 2'1031tl080{f :rfril11n8&7 DtSlS &P l{l-'llNSTO},1 KOrLSEI- !4iqLTER n SASEY,JA},g$ L su$Af'l s. ysA0lrEn TRUST - t\hpNFR, $EfnNS, UaltIlAX L &X'qffYT. -tT xosls€L sHrnRtLLs. ,**I$&+ii;rnr.l.*.-,r.:ia'lir;i Ii:r- 'l',, | - .' , ';; .. . -::; fiot f t6 twsTltA\EN DR V*tL OO1 {IB !\fi $11{^VHN NR VAIL 00r 476 $'€snav€it DFt vA,L 001,f 76 l,!€gTl{A\tEN OR V#L 001 476 IrSESrlfivEN DR YA|L 0ltt iltB IWSTHA\€H DR VA,L f"UU3l Ur 0ll1 {I8IIESTH,\\€H DR V#L 001,176 lltf SfHA\fgN DF \tAlL &0l,ll8nG$n IA\EN DRV*IL : OOI 416 WESTI-Ii\EN DR VAIL 0014I6WE$TI{ \ HDRUA|L : 00't 1?s$EsTH.q\Eit DR Vn|L : 001478 trESTl{A\EN A\€ VA|L ' Po3flf;{1 Pfi?,{77{ p024ssi Pntff16{ pB:321{ p0?048? pfil1?0f ffslF li&€sT[FlrTS LLC PFISF$ON.JIRRTfl 8E€Ar|{, OON|{AJ. SJFFTERY}T AHNRf;$ D" NOSRIS III REYOCf,SLF TF P0lfffiLl- FRiAHXL KLElhl,0AIlll€Lil.&SOillAV. .JT LOIS H. EASTERUNO REVOC*BIS TRU http ://www. eagl ecounty.us/patie/index_content. cfm 9/21/2005 -- .'-i- ,t'-tJ'I}I l. l. .-.a u,5rr|9 r@ otx fo 6 twl@FOR 9YREIIRA r{lE6Rrfi Aro RIP FE9 A5 iEA|RE9, 000ut,r r@ l'am fcr{ tAf||€. ,€E 9.r]. AS@ fcR oEl^il5 O/tR gl|R lCE t{r 5.|2 ElC{ t{€tE rO X ror !xnr. !E Rer' 0€6 EXrSr'€ r@ &r ro t awr@F8, SIRIDRA t{l!6R|lt ArO aroturlqaa tu ta\or EX6I, 'EE El.B/, 0'6'5 E 051116 r@O Oet ro 0E I€PECTEO fOR SrREnlRta xrEoFlTY A|o tt6t'€t@ qx ro EE r€Pttl@ toi 9tF rn t xrE6nll AD *lt tcx R^h[rg. gtt ,{llr tEli llalLtl€. tEE 0&o o45f. t@ 9n. ,oa) ftn 'Etaa-s, ovEF EXIR r€€ W5t2 9lt€[19 ro xalct Exlgt 4a flEf. Dt&9 to( Af FE|i,V! aj{5nr€ 6FE6rq6t ,lt!Elll!. REfLrat ,{rx lC 1 ,@ FRA.€D rtAL ArO r.rDor€. rlPttl ar |,ar5 44 . a5 aEf, awJ ON tralacP.fr oit'l€ tott) ottj to 5rEEIr t |lrE6&tt At9 p|faA 91r|d-E5 fo t+\tcA Reo|r'E EX6in9 6Rftra.u,,9E SlEtTlnE Ffq_Lr r{tH rfH r@ FRrf!@ r.{r ^ro t{Do,6 rFrcJt ar ut|15 ia r 4,tRE.Ertv, mcll. rtr€/-l5 fo taf(,l lxt9r. 5tl a!v. 0*56 inWN Of \,?lL D[ ^ ''" i li \/lF-'v"/ ., j o I 41 e</ /-42 FtfER OCr 19 5 rlf,oErl|o dtqet ^th Foer.o''r,tL oooR aro t$Dat 0EYA!5. // I T--- Erl5nr'gDnl' rO EE RE}b'& AI,D FEA-'4€D }tr .lrAF9iR r<.9Dt|5 ?EAiEII,I COOER TEH ',-&" REI€VE IfPEE PORTTOT OF E!|'n€ tor€t ^lo a[D ELIV no|t 6EE.V 550 Fot ravE€9 rt|6{r5. !xttl[6 ral@1r rRF! Io eE RErit/Eo ,no REnAa€D ||11 NEN A9 r€OO r€AD, AI1D gtr lFfl llo 2, )@ J r{b '1/a/oa -(t*rt rr f ) RA.OV@ lr9 REPL/Aa@ Hft '| lDnlrx' 90ll|t TEAIP}f '@E rl||'|. ROa,E fJ.trt€ E€E: EFL a€ '.l}|EX'EE 5 O 'R^.ICO fEiEE Alo ttagD€'!8i5. 9E OIL abr'€t@ &r.fo6 a€Ptcr& 60R 5rr|Enna lltE&tt ao nF^neo RErolYE EX6M€ FO€E. FEL,.I r.rH rc'l 5rEL 5Dp mNt9 fErgt ArD ?EA.90€' 9to6r9. 6€E On oo5rr€ad€ to *lEtovE ro FfF-rce rT|l ]1AF rR lr' tor€ TtALTRDf adcR .lRrt T----- - r tfhrttw o@. EA'l|l|5 0a*-*z v€?o. E&5Ti|5 TOCR AI) A,I' &b,, n4{ tEE rv|550 foR fi€v!'EO rCt6+n9' tbovE r.pPtR FaRrrcN of E)(rgn€ '|oN9 tO 6E N€n !'tax R rt[€. 9{.( z/^!i:o. Rbflrl lr6m6 FErer. FtR aE l€fovEo Ato lEPLra€D '{ra tr^@n '|<' tp r9 ?E{rRftf coRt€R rRht o6lt6 draRDt^Jub To bt ?BO.^EO aE 9Er^l '^t tJ rcR |€r{ aaraaf, rE sx Aro |er 9ro|€ vEnR ro u-fu { EA tufr OJER tt6tr6 9f4. r€H ota* l^t-[|'. raf 2/r5r. Lf l€P€ CORI€F IFtl 4' d,'s/'OE COR'ER IR}t REI€YED AIlo REFlt4€O t{lH ll RtFrr{a<' Sloltt "Rf tmrf coECE IRtt Rw'E Et9ll5@0f ?ER ROOa h_An |€H5rS€{19 rani n 5EEt 5rw FRAto Ft'€I Aro ?EAsp€' ,pt6. 9EE Dn. 6T,A€6 6IE'DIEE TO EE ttrovfo tGPt 6t l{tr xat r@o fF,}tD lqt5 ArD lr@6 ,16 9ttaa l€r ,r., r@ l€ o, ro gf! 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I la,o6 !a I lELEvArOi€ | I saGr r{_EEF I | 43508 | tl tl tl tl tl tl | tu,NF.4d I t.-+ |litr,-,??Jt=t I l55d:trrri.3r-l la&-*-'4 | ffi F =;s E'= fig €€=q 8593 = ffi lJo6 NO.. axEl,4,it' I fg^fE. e/7to5 | lofi^wlr E6^ -- IEHIeKEo - - I O.|AWI'{G PH AE I tc-at -r,-, - -l looqrtxr3 | I B}'EE TITL! | l6(06 ., aacar{c, L!\,!L I l4oor '14{ |I alcEr 8Jr-En I I A210 | Ejll3fft{6 '@ OEa< rO aE r€PEOTEO fOR 5TEEIR - [{lE6Rln AO xrH t€ri FA|LI€, 5EE A[ A'OO FOR OEIAJLS E t5nt6 tlrn of<t ro EE ICJt'IED ffi SrE rt ( !{rE6ftn rro ItPAIIO /r5 REAJ*ED. 3s 39 O,tr Erfl&Ar€E w 5,12 fi\A14ag6 10 tAl/.,r lcr 9r€D 'i{l. A-7@ F8 oEtAlL5 ttt,mo tw wx fo E !€PECIED fOR 5lFtlttA 'nE6RrrY ?\t{t t'"**30 oENERAL NOTE5. r. - aL Dr|ltr9ro|6 t€lll ARE APPROXHAIE. CAlli&tOR to Fl€Lo !,E&FY At EnSr[g C601fKr6, LffiD[t'Art o,)trl6rof6 Axo rffcRir ARtrxrEcJ of, |al ol<ttP^r&rE5. 34 Pllclt 1lr€rJg ro r,r Tcr Er(|.t ,€E R€V D'r55 j i I q/2,/o;- I ai'l- - arc| a+[6f,E5 ro r,r 1or 9rr. A t@ fon r€rafa tto9l -'-',/-\T... -..' r'.| \/ | E 6|t6 t@ tlEaK fO BE II6PE.'IID 'CR Srurl|n f xrE6Rrr/ ArD l \ ] j i t ) i I, i grcato 5ra€ crP Eft n6raL REamtlfxr5 |l lEffAa"E 9U r{r 9TO€ gfL REd'RC}€HTg ?tfrt 6r m' F-Y}ooo LAP FAPEP 6' ( O\GR LAP 6ILOC€ PAPIR OVfR 2L YtlS 0f r9 6rf,D05 P,@. Ofr\ V7 F-rrtXXt tu t&@ sl\D FPAt 16 IAIII I },DRTAA A5 PIR }fR 9TOM VEITER AN }CTAT ftrovE D(l5rn€ 6ictlriuae ||100]6 ao n^lL', r€H r{1006 A}o 60nnA,rm ao o.r€R !€E ELTVAIET€ FOR l0lE REF€R 0€rAr9 t llrFd.6d |o daqlE€f Atl) FlX riT'tOlt-orn ro h4oorr rEr^r!5 rld a/, t*qn6 t6) t*tt to 9IRUCIIJRA '|IE6RIII I'D uarl,l'a.tpuo 'ltr|J FEir daM ffE L <,t5 ^a! ro !l r€.tEo xnr [rra fR+a xrx tor6 .-t!frrrs9.6tci't .. PAiaVEOrroPAtl(.@ ;', rlltY trAlDtu|t, !106 ,. r.rH r. a.&a& frfil ,/ toartS 00r llrr ro raPtL,€o l.n l€r tra ,OOO ICAOiAO !ir! ntl Aro:|r@J }rlr rbl Etlttt{t ttoo{ to n PAa.n& /|liO@t4,b a-^46 dtlbaoat ro !t TGoJEO rFuae 'rlx 16r r@ Ftlleo ,N{J'5 ^ro ,lDo ^5 toar aoo riar 5ioxa vE 6 9roa :!. ro E{go t-.-_ -- ---' ' --"---- ,-row"ro-' A, *ro l\e\, aaw! x^ll Rrra 16 a9ovE ,.o ra-|,ao r.rx iDr ra r@ lc^o, lgo\/i artr|r ra|.! r.rOO rO. ttoa \'AA ^xO ll.laa qt cE. E''ao ar* r,EaEel ^Da* rotroE!.Dc atbrli'r@at roa relcrlo faa trtznn|'mlaltY lro n.i^aE' 5 fr,|'q 'E ^ro Eirt !L!rrEr( !o?r.t|' rEr4arlo ,rrt a&t-lto t 6116 @,9cD ^ro Et ro d, a'av@. @Lraa 90ar in| rGt o. ar*r lF 9rqtrr&5 loo r.'a 5ro[ vt@. a6rr6.@at to6 ra2Lr?o 7d 5rarnta ,'i!6rrw ,rro RtP nEo ,6 t,llrE t16. {rEa StEa E'!. tt rar| r€a 9rE tnD Fgr{@ FoGE ia'rr Rll@ L^n '6 ^ro a'a tl a!5l'6 @ Rta.ED td!;E irro' IrE ttE|, to E}$r Et-rat rarx r9.'rE 3m' fl^rrE F*a r.rx tnYr@ 9l.^n q { a-a-^|r ao.Gi o|r na .6pr |i<{ ^ro 5rora t/aer dr r'l !rrl4 fr<a tlt€t Fr'irlarY eat^fto Fa u-ern P arntr6 r.@r rrri ro ER-&@ rfia rt. ta r.o@ iaro. l|,o t t rFr. ^ro ,?r r!@ xr€ rir t!5rra ra'@r6 io 0l RENb\r'E Ar.| En-ra€O |.rx x6r |.0q4 xtro/! lorrat ara ro t6(lti/t io{ r.@. rPtt-^t Ar er6ta6r.oo,6 ro ia rooi/Eo ^ro rElra.@ ,oo rEx r@ fEA{D |rr ^&\,t od t{nr 9.€l @t ro narcr lrSt}rt @ giaaf, 't 11 - _ iJ AOO [n grr or roca d fo afrttlab a,arzaE 19.r.ro a!4t9. r in,.o crotF No ltn.r<Eo {nr rDa oodg tr'tll 116116 0d rr ro ll taor@ ^to aElJ<2D ,.rx 1t|,{ 116 r@ 'a^0 rntr ^ro ta r@o t^,a ettt'6@ R*@ efr^@ ,6 lEatto arrD lrto|ll art5rzb t@ oa<t to a .ar[crEp roa StEt ItAr xrtaan lro Ft^ltto ,l9 4z,lE I l.ftr otr^r' r Den6d o loi *ar /^J, fon DFa . I cwr ^ro 1.'r ef r^f,9 |Ir qn ro tc EXt-dt. * a--t\ 'i. \. I \ t . -''1 \\X. t". il \ 'l Y. \. \.- \ -'' /t _ ,.It L-<t IL ,' , -"'(,'l- n tl-^.Jl !", - r't" ,' t t, ,,,-,)'' _--l \ tsUILDING i3 \ \\ =u,.)*o \ I .-) \ \'\ \'\ ( ( (7 t l t !t t I tl f ftll ./1 \./-T-:;:i'3.:-".?Y="t?lri-- iii--iT-i ] -il llll fT :-- r---l i I In 'Lllll /ffitii,'6t'-=:iHlll rl ! tauttot^rc *ttl I tl lll 1'/, i.,4 I Hffi F :N''#**"r--- |! l'-'-""'" lH 'r[,]lt-J/'.t',/ | ri\ ('. ...:l lf +,- | I ! :.1 .r' IrA|NTENANCE # /;\ gtrE PLAN N A \t/ TOF IC)Rff I , BU|LDING \co_at<e t--- ifrt^z [] I x I I E I F =;s L.= ZO +, C UIJ €5=q 8593 = ffi lJo€ t{o.. g.t})rDo I lE^rE ----;;- | I DFAWI$ | lcHEcxEp I I DRAWII|<I PHAAC I tca'crF,crq{ orA,re6] I ar.cET TtrLE I F! r.r!N . r'o'.i' -,4 I aJrLor.6 | I 9}IEEI I||JT/EER I [-nrool ADD NEh 2xb lr9OO JAMB TRIM, AND 2xb MOD HEAD TRIM. PAINT TO MATCH DOOR TRIM AT RESIDENTIAL WILDIT!6€. OA5HED LINE5 DENOTEs NEN 3'-O'xb'-b' IIOOD OOORBEYOND TO VATCH DOORS AT RESIDENTIAL EXI5TIN6 CONCRETE oARPORT STRUoTURE, METAL 5TAIR5, CHAIN LINK FEN6E, ETC... TO REMAIN EXI5TIN6 zuILDIN6. 5IDIN6 AND TRIM TO REMAIN AND PAINTED ',,IITH COLORS TO I4ATCH RESIDENTIAL A)ILDITI€6 FRONT ELEVATION h $ I !l N .R U il u d e(!tml, LDoi to E lllrEveo ao REiJa.Eo xrx ta vtw uitl?a) co|lr/lr.aa€ ,f,@{ !€RFY o05m5 }{@ll IO BC tEP!\cEo l.fi !a{l|9ll tt!roo'| vtlrFY ,{ltl AO0 tcl.| Stotc vEtcEi 9TO|{E 9tt rO EXt60 tP lo rrc l!qno|{ ol ,$oott 5lr aoo lar 1@ RooF o/R EalRAl&E lv t,El PraH.t|ltfll5 ro HAroil ExrSt E!9rr6 |@O FRrftt E €d T0 Fa,t i( Axo REP FE rAg l@tiE. D(gnr€r@ DE( tO8Er |l{ fr,AEt.016lq,fi, DASIG? a(tan' ro6,PEO\l@ E 6n boet.fg4 FE'I.X,EO 26 26 mcrt gl{llalg ror.r Tc|r aftl.9eE d.Er. or@ 'r6rct $C tE€rl9 EXEntt 9td{a P vlrs taovE ei|sTtt' ro@ FRA}Co FE|6E FE t at 'ar8 rc,l 9rE 9IlD lP^rl@ FErGE l.alH E Yl.goo SCAl}|r|'' rW 9lot€ ofl nc !€DE ra.€ Ar0 5roc vE CER dr nc E tEitoi fLl qv' |'ftecf.l'o4a{lo5@.ADO t€N l@O FRAttD F@f AOO/E p@R H'|t 9l|€(! R@F tO f|ArCr E tttt€@ 9tcllt l8rtt! 'ta00N ar r,tal tl lo E RE.\E@ m9 td^llri. Et6lt€ 'rDo,r ro lE llEt trvEo Ato iFt,.t9 raDt tll Vil'rra VittLtl)4*l|r/Aatt5 rtoorvafi a6tft rLt#lop rroo6 IO E REIOVED 'IO it6..Arb '{it lBl F€Cr r€tlR ltoo|l rtPr. lao NEa tD w Po)c€.irrax5 t{Da.r rD AOJ&E{I ti|{aa /tRfl ROd AEV! Dooirtrh tt6(E lEoF TOr*rcrl El'5rl|t@ tr€(.E5 ,arooi rlnra Io EE lltovE E{glI€ l@ Ftaro Er€ nELAaS ,|r|l EX51EE 'nt rF n@ 9CAD||E. rO00 iot€ On DC 'EtD! ft4l ltD 5IAC v6a o{ nc El|EFroa 'A'E I'E€€ PIARiATY REr6r@ toR 0[ ml] EO9Ti6 5Dlt5 TO E REI€V€O 'rO Ff?r&ED r'rlll 1 @n-rat' 99rG tf[{ ,t. Er(F06ttE AIO ti|Arr|f ca6e tlr lm) trrr aTlP, 9tot€ vtrEEr AOO r€r 5t0tt v6c!R 9roc 9t! ro lxrDo |P TO DC @TIOH Of ,00anglfL ....- loo l€H r€oo tR}},io eoarF Abft'ooe,t'rl 5II€LE E@f lO |,| l.n axFlt t6 w flic^Es AOD ter gIOi€ VB@ oatrret@ xx Io gE aDol€i Stotc vER r6.(|rE €!6m6 r.@o Ft al@ FEtcE nF_ra€ rrfi NE{ SrEt 'ID fn+,F FE|&E rrlt{ PLll.Foo 9€Ar |', r@o liot|g 0N lrl r6rtE F&€ Alo gtor{t VEleEI Oi NC EXIFOF FACA fl|lE P FnAtY ar€rovE FOF C( EIIJ I = fi=is sEsq 8593 = ffi l.lo€ NO, c{Btao I IDAIE atrr6 | lDFArlll car I tffi--1 ca-!!Er|C,tl 004ttND trlrT T]'!! lL! zl i!-r@!L g.ET ttt/I|EF 4234 T a 7 I a = F =;p L.= ZO +. C UJJ €E.8 6 5E=-oo=-> ffi IJOO NO.. aablra I IDATE. v2t'' I lmaw'l loa I lc+rEcr<o -------- @icliErFEn6a O€'TE\JID tlGtT rrn-l tLool Rrra . 6aHt.llILDlll AGET l'a.Et 4200 Zfum't.aan.mnn EltS €grao$Y. Fr r |G2Z4$C r't{! EtOo EGm€ a4VB8D rwr l3^rn6 to ta4lx E!51mt El|Ftn rqr &r@ fi)l affo|o EXttD€ tooa llctr|rat Aol'ci! (ttaapto E 05ls6 cEr.r6 ro t T'Pa tr otP.@.dl €tr. t atratE|tfr ltra er9m€ |,|At ! 'Io lt tohstD ro ,a<a@NE trE tootrp$ q A b t@D cP Af 4a,r l&* Px A.@R. --_gr5dH+tk ! B 6 t 9 l lDo t€tld mE x 6YP. p. t6 F@'F@ ADO lG{ nZ Lo.r r{a{l ruD ytr ftft't ee, @, E,(A *E fOl$l'tl Dcttlt 'iar fRra.l€ ro 6Lti D(5ri6 EXI8oR f||!! E1{6nr€ COvdlO ,WX'AY FLO'R FRA}'€ao o€trt€ io Fb,ta|l l!!E5l.rIH !2 t@ c*<tE.w!Erv IrbE€e Er(9rr5c@rlEE 6Aa 6E SrRnrt'E FtooF S ro E FIJE|{-saHi#O at6l|tF ca liH to REr.a|l - DA,+€O LaC5 0E|018 r}C cnal| urx FEI6E StoRl6E [ar5. E9t9. fE'€nl' Oooii tl€Es'anN,t&tEa,ata- ro F O,it tY FO,E gtF.E t- @,dteral9E Asr-ap:tcn F@F riain ro rbrrlra oAgrco uc9 &r*!o 2 LAYBS I/2' TIP! t r,r t trll Hll 2t __r45j!!E_qss_+ E a)1# f@ 6 otblr,bti@ ^ E [,'@ rO Eam@ rEt-t6 --ffiE++ gAi@ lllc9 oCr9rt nr al{Alt Lta( F6€E 5rotr6E ''|,'9FJ5,r1t€€,M.d)&,tffi. (ax&rw.efa_ ro F O'IC '' T6EE IIPPLB. ,@xttzttw wo ltll||- Sr ng c$AtN tox fElgE E c- to itl.r !r AND PA*N'I- dtr&R^f, DAE'GO T]{E9 Er6l'{6f@9 m r@ t9t,L9,ft@E N0 aP. D. Fil'l io ta,wr P^rcrt falgt ro * @,olq lo At loH FtooR .|'rrgl /{D a6 rP! 9nD5 ro Ea !'(ln5 hAll ArD FDrr{ iEAA 9 REAMEP aor€RtrE vaa-E r5' <or€FEtE t|r6 AIO [] F=is L.= ZO +, c ulJ €€=8. 8.F93 = ffi I .10! l.o.. a|.E€',p I fDAtE y2r.5 | loF^wl'} lra I I ct'GcrcD. I cactiErlEt|oa 9oqrD|'t q-ET nTt! olL|.c - l'lNtanarao! a||ob6 aGt rlr-Eh A400 t$!t to ts LdrEREo To rcz4xr€ ,{aL EEYOiO ,D' ftPE',r/. 6\?. @. Ar bnaaocSot rt\LL- 116'. 2' OrACrEl fcr^t MLI. FRANIIS 'O RE|iAIX Fro5nt€ ExltRtoR tull- ; I F x z ltr300A1E 1NE 'OO1t10t 6 A b ,|fr) cP ar ay ^&lE F* 4&.. ^DO r€X 5,t' IrPC X 6YP. 0D. A9 R!6t rlt Ato t/D' TIPE X 6tP, EO. !trjl5'*F) rLry3++ l{,lrl fcAtxr€ lo E}1An E,09lr}€ EXrFre r.Au. Ex'rr'€ (O./EF 0 t{lLKr{AY a-@R FR,.|.i5 aro Dt!{[€ ro RfH caEf,crt tqal 15' trtsrr€ coQftlE ana r@ FRr.co L^ror€ I -rrosrn€ Fr-<r6r- - oA5|€O Lr€5 0E €rE n€ cfiar ul{ Fer€E 5toFr6E r E @5D. rb6D6. D@R5, t1t1c'5, CA4&lAb, E1C, tO E€ DOI€ 'I FEICF gRGR- AIO P RI|AI dNA'RAIL ADO l€{ ?|o fOOo XIO EI99EMIA AFv. ' r@-7 ft froof F Lqrjl€ io @1A|l( ro EE lborr'lo -'-##+ |tl^t 9IArF9, c|l^Jn lr( r*zuortji_1, s-ot qe'rl€-1ll*3+ ry,fft#t -#ff df[r€ r'i\anlptrp sErloil w 0t1E .r15i0E riar-ons 3&1F,l1 a+' , m-- I_T]It i I l{htuam@ hoM trr----1G--- rl!6 -!|rr ar 's^a1rto rooo r-0619 d un Q.rED Rod{rrs r66.).ct uefE|ovDaa I E o :tco LDe9 o€lorE rlt cr61x Ll|* aAn4 SrORr.;E t rts. R>5I5,FAl,a.e ,n<tu rtt€:t9, ca*ark*,, arC- |o BE DOIt ET fOI€ 9fPLER alorl sslox rir r91n R r@am.v*.|a RE}INN ATO PA||TEO XII TI E :-' ^3o\/E FrflEd ?blErl 10 4 ErOfte b ALLOIi FLOoR .Dt9l9l AO tl tl tl tl tl tl lIEF"5"'-{---" I toibad'r I r-r-rt-r-t-r-T--r--r'r lkl llllllll |it ll||ll tot&tttttttl t6trt l|||l t9i-H-t-t-ft-t-l tHtit |||tl I t+-t-t+l_u-t-l |Et |||tl f =ap L.= ZO +, c llJJ €E=8 oSEi ()o=- > ffi Foa to. orBoa 1 foATE. anto, I I oF^$,t\l lca I f-r{EcKEp --1 I ItRAWri{<t PHAIa I lca6t=-ti.r.-r'o"--- looartrr9 |I afcEi ?tiLr I l-orr^r-c - "arri'r",xel l&rLor'tr I | 6I.EET rut/aaF I I A400 | REMOVE EXISTINo R.R. TlE5 AND REPLACE l^llTH 6ON6REIE hALL hITH 5TONE VENEER AND STONE CAP PRE_MANUFACTURED MAILBOXE5 zulLT INTO NEl"{ hALL FRAMI}.16 tsELOl"l hlTH VERTICAL hIOOD SlDlt'to TO MATCH NEh I^DOD SIOED FENCE5 ADD NEI4 5TONE VENEER AND STONE 5ILL 6AP. REFER ELEVATION DRAhIN6S FOR HEI6HT, AND EXTENT, BREEZEhAY ADD NEi'.{ 5TEEL FMMED FENCE hITH VERTICAL I,DOD 5l?ll'16 AND METAL cHANNEL TOP TO HAICH NEh FEN6E5 AT PATIOS. TIE NEh FEN6E INT EXI5TIN6 COLUMN AND hALL5 ADD NEh 3"x5" STEEL TUBE PO5T AT cORNER TO MATCH OTHER PO5T5. TIE FENCE INTO PO5T. ADD NEh 2'-6"x6'-0" l0OD DOOR INIO FENCE hITH ^OOD TRIM TO T4AICH $ ! ! EXI5TIN6 6A5 METER ENcLOSJRE TO BE REMOVED VERIFY LOCATION OF EXI5TIN6 ELEC. METER - EIIr,LO5E A5 REOUIRED TO MAT6H METER EN6LO5URE5 THRo.)^A)T PROJEGT oENTER ENLOg-JRE ON METER5 5 ? \:<. B d s fr H $ z/' </ 'l .JO BREEZEWAY PLAN f No*n ,t 'a l $ f,l : I 6 ADD NEh 5TEEL FRAMED FENCE l"llTH 5/4xb VERIICA. V\OOD SIDINO AND METAL cHANNEL TOP 10 MATCH NEI,.I FEN'E5 AT PATIO5. 5IEEL FRAMED 6ATE AITH 5/4xb YERITCAL \SAD SIOINO TO FIT BETI,.IEEN 5TEEL PO5T5,6AfE FRAMIN6 TO BE 5IMILAR TO 645 AND ELECTRI6 METER EN6LO5URE 6ATE5 ADD NE'.'i MOD FRAMED ENCLOSIJRE FOR EXI5TI}.]6 ELEC. METER5. BREEZEWAY ELEVATION Na+lqPE 't EXl5TlN6 StDttlC TO BE REMOVED AND REPLA6ED AITH "HARDIPLANK" 5IDIN6 I,'IITH I" EXPOA,]RE (TYP) ADD NEh 5TEEL FRAMED FENCE AIIH 5/4xb VERTICAL APOD SIDINO AND METAL oHANNEL TOP TO T4AICH NEh FEN6E5 AT PATIOS. ADD NEh STONE VENEER AND STONE 5ILL CAP. REMOVE EXI5TIN6 R.R. TIES AND REPLACE '.IITH CON6RETE },.IALL hITH 9TONE VENEER AND 5TONE 6AP W-a,re EXI5TINO ROOF REPLACE EXISTING 5OFFJI I,.IITH NEA lxb TtG tuFFlT NEh 46 UNIT, HORIZONTAL MAILBOX hITH 4 PARCEL BOXEs, AND ONE I4AII COLLECIION BOX A5 PER MANUFA6]URER. TRIM TO MAT6H OOORS AND '.IINDOI,€ AT AJILDIN65 ADD NE'.I STEEL FRAMED FENOE l"llTH 5/4xb YERIICAL VIDOO SIDINO AND METAL oHANNEL TOP TO MATCH NEh FENCES AT PATIO5. b t N x 3 E $ R $ BREEZEWAY ELEVATION ,1 \06 UPrrld Rt|'t,VE O(|9n6 ROOf 5r €$9 AO EX6Ii€ PLY}OOO 'GAIHTT9 A5 REAIfEO IO ADO IC}.I C]iE |aj{rEp oa{o1l, :fttEfir ,EraltREo a{ 5r |RMY EELO,{Fl gH at FEA'|FEO Bt a(n|6rlT IIANfA'IIJREFS' DEIATATIAT FEd'Ft}EI{I5, 5€E O€IAIL ADO tCX Srofa vtlfER |{r|l RA:EO A5 iEOD, TXT@ l,ro tlAr+1t aoft ro Ratl&E Exr9Tb6 3'6 ltr grEll Fr6€ rv r€lr P6r5 16 tED€o FFl9\r'E Ex6nl5 FEXCE lA*I '.n ei 9|tEL 9nO fRA,tO FEI€E |{1ll REA! llroo 90i!6. a*5f05 t@ oE(t fo ttFtllRAL fiE6Rttt AIO COirTETE CJ\P Ar rto' t€x alt{ afTE PAro ro 9c RATSEO 15 FfA9, nr{EO rlo 5rafEo. 5r_0ft lo D' RE}Or'EO. RE}€VE Exbnr|' ftcx Alo i^f tt5. Er6to5€ Exrtrl€ o€a( r{TH TAUFEIE PATTEFI{ EEI}ISI' IAYOUT riupttgEs/ATtot{ ler cantErt 9:|a To aE Tnott Alp 5TA?Eo FtlXA.a 9€AlXr EED€€x ff la Ilarlit€ alo 5rorc \,tl€Ei Ar aL Lo6 ro€ tt€RE |Cra R nt€ ftl*R' PEXE P^G srOC VtrEB wlCfR Eelofi IC]A! IOP RALII€ EXI€IO. ^ro arn4t To Exl'rr€ Srcrc !1r€ER APPL T A5 FER rfR5 f6r^u^rpra 2 LAYtR5 6f .6 AtLqt€ L2' PLtl@ ga€AtHr6, E,ll9nr6 l'l5' nE 5rtlL n(Ltto 04ro E )5145 D' IR P DEO5FD RAfITE5 ^oo 2t1 AOO |€H 2 FE E 36 :dAFe }|n cElrrER ofixns ARalto lRtE PArrERtt to|l{ t9 oPTrr{ l fD{^L P^ft&t 8l oirFR ad{rR&roc lo wniFY IREE 9raE Arlo 6ealt 9ELE ITOT{ PRTOR lO !€lAr^tltl a' alxrr4lE 9-|8 ar 6 o(5llr€ oPEl{. ExrERm REI.OVE lx6r € F@f AngB ArO EXEI|E PtY,W9 ,tf^tl0[t 16 RltuFEo TO ADO lA'{ CLRlr follEa ro.lao'/- 9|.Tt-,6fit. RA9s€ A5 REdrr€t 6t sffLr6dr EAra'r4tRER9 €)gH5ErEL-%%% I ffi = F =;s L.= _ZO {-, q UJJ €€=q 8593 = | ,z-,r oxl t-Ijt -a: I trrlir t:i I lltlft effl ru#d lJct6 No.. o.trro I f OAIE. sn,o.J I [-oaewr+- ---l |E-crccK@ - - I EIRAYY|N T P|.|AaE I [-t I at{ET rrr\E I l'.r{r,'. I |iooracafid\o I I SHEET 'qJI/EEF| I |---_--1 I 4254A I tl tl II tl tl tl | tu,ddw8 | 15ffi''-r"'-""r-l loi-&{4 | tEITIUlilt t6trt l|||l l-LLllllrrll t'ttttttttl tdtEt ||||tl |'||||t IIiI-I-TTTT_M F eta o.= oE L.= Zo +, c lrlJ SsFq E 6f;=oo3-9 ffi I JO6 t{O.. cxRr.r I fo^rt. snxDs I loFAwt* E3A I lcH€cxrtt I I E'l|AWI|{<i PHAAE I fc-6t -,'o., ------l lDodtENr. I I tl€Et tttt.E I F'., -l FsHGEr-GT]ffiEF-l lnzzo-l I 1,,,-- t4 .L-+WI I IV f€l€t ro tt rtfovtD t4 9lRA4 9ED |{ttl W ef,olEO Lto RtPt-r<,Eo r{l| fE { rDoo FR l,@ *@ Qb,,l- tt) N ,1 1 rflr l|EH r,oooatr r . .nl'1@ A!n. tr Rtora6€|l5 Elotr!|5 r}rEi RtIAlll€ 'lr'!t iVERTFY dIH s ADo 5!At VEr{EER tO Rt|€vE D{9tb6 A'EA Of r@{at t 0R E ^5 a9}a{ APPiO,0| TEtr. AOO l€ti 6fiarw4vB Ao 9arE PLAXIII€ FEA bflITC€N \ I{IH E1/ER6REI IPEE5 REf€Vt O(|gI||b,MEJA Of A5PIiALI DltvE A5 +lt{t APPROT$1AIEL'. AOO r€t G ):v p.d n- ra,a{rn5lRf lE ,cEti EOrDd |.Al'l' rro Exr5rrS Ex9lllt, ExrlRlc* N !1. ooot{ r.arl ro 9E rur'r| r{lll o(5ll€ r{atL, ao BIDF IO F'AI A' '|IH P 1xrO 40 FE N,@ cortRtrE ,la! _rs,!5,r9i14€E!5r!a _ ll---]ill ill Il ltl ffi to&5d.r I flFflTTITIfl |ttst |||tl |iHTTFil.II] |1 lIlItl I lslTl-T-ll ll tl tl tl t-l t- |t-l lF=asl lE'=frel l€€=81 I oEEil lgo=-l l-tl ttl tti ttl a-'-l Etffil lJo! r{o.. r.rrtro ll fo^tE. .t2t6 ll llriAwri. !o^ | | lErGsKEp, ---- | I tBAWI6 FHAa! ||l--l|lco.arnrcY'dr | | loa-'.rer.re | | I SlcEY I|TLE | |l'-'---ll | lHEr i.|',|€eF | |r-_---l|| 4227 ll ,t 'a o@R axE o r,lAlr-s rP 9lREnff5 I urr.E ffi o{trr6, ExrEsol r+t_L 9rE nIE5 ,t@5 ro E t@@Pa€;E ,o0 t1f'.4 4fi'o' ,@ od ro i rcx a[ot6 EXltllS rafo'a{ wRrF loa lltr Aro crnDnl^lt It,.t 9TrRA6a tr€o ,{ar e!'n€tN|lts'-\ aa€*€rE REr [$6xal FR rto ,ir{L Hft r.@ 9olr€ aD rFH TO ftalcJr 5t?P9 EnlEEr |F/EL9 tt PAlb 16 R&runE ralx /J7,r17 /3 .t H r.r| ar{.gll€ O/tR L€ Alo nalER a|ft o!,EF 5/4 PLYr@ 9€ D$|' ortR ?l,r r@ fRAfiM tonq a16. DoE SrEr &9r5 natali g/|r'.oll6 o,lEe aa ^llo lqrE 3{EtD o/ER vD' Rtr9@ e€An € ovtR !l ,o@ IRA{I€ SIrEL PO5t5 33 rl'^9fil^t T 910|t[!5 ro T,AfCTIE .DN O\IERKT AO T.AIEI 9{ELD O/tR t/t' P[Yr@o SriE^ifs ovER la t@o FR ro€ ttt5tl'€ at<l LE\€....-...- a tclt ErAl FRArto ro€t sOCq tr6. iDC tra A[DII€'5 WR LEVIL- l,@orc 9r@r&,,eo t@Ar|lcr.9€D ro DE air :€FftAILEY, IIIX I.'.AEO nr |l FElgl AIO AII/aCrCg ir6 REOD TO Et6nl6 oCrX ,ro{ |tr{ FRI}@ tEt{t 9Dtt€ t16. DB€ gIEEL U \ rr. \\rl/'\\ a6rar-Eo eED,Ei PLY}Ooo traafiIr€,{{'tf60 fo t Qtt al 1 A&VE r,Ar FEI€E €Oqt.l€t6fl V Pr€5I'eo.5|qrt w a-fi'oouz^nl/a,6 er4MG 2t1r@) SrtE r&$a€t |qlctl at |i6 ovER rca A]9IiAIB '{ELD OVEi ,t F Ptn,€@ 9c^tlr€ Or/El Zra I.OOO FR|ri6 rarcH aa.oll€ o/Ell rcE ArO r.AlER tlfLD a/ER ,/t Lfi@oat rN olEe ba t@ fRr+Is IEVEL irrrar EltOIS o\/ER rE lo ,lAItR 9fiEl-O OVER ,D'tufwn4E lltt6 o/ER 2'4 r@ FR HI6 LZ q-tlo@ 9lrE rH[€ EA<t5toE6 2r1@ tEa arl^r|€t a L& altt ot 2x1t@ riarse perru I a i I I a I F =;n L.= Zo +, C EIJ €s.q - s-J _ L fn_ 36=" = ffi l.ro5 t{o.' a}aBrrxr I fo^ra. gnDa I I oFAWI$ | fclt€or.E ---1 I crf,Awa\Kr PHAa! | f.a6trrct-. ---- looo.r.G'{rg I I II}GET I]ILE I Fr rtr rt .10116! I I ErGEt t{rLEF I r-- 1 I A2oo.1 | Departme nt of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com September 27, 2005 Mr. Bill Pierce Fritzlen Pierce Architects 1650 Vail Valley Drive Vail, CO E1657 Re: Coldstream Condomlniums Addition/Changes to approved plans application DRBOSOSI g 1476 Westhaven Drlve/Lot 53, Glen Lyon Subdivision SDD #4 Dear Blll, Thank you for submitting an appllcetion for several exterior changes and additions at the above address, which application I received al our staff meeting this momtng. I have eEffatpr"uid e;ch of the rorrowing ;han'ges: > Construction of breezeway and revislons to the mailbox unit; > Addition of a door to match existrng doors onsrte at the court Buirding; ) Partlal 250 addhions in the form of deck enclosures at the folowing units: o Unit 5 (12 square feet d 2SO allowable)o Unit 10 (20 square feet of 280 allor,lrable) ,o Unit 13i-22iquarefeet{stortlst ti';s()a[owabte) Fn o Unit 27 (28.5 square feet of 2S0 ailowabte) f ll F o Unit33(20squarefeet{storage}of250allowabte -af lla_o Untt37(3Osquarefeetof25oailowabte) - AAP| Please note that the above additions have decreasedthe rpmaining allowablo site coveftgeat the Co6stream Condominiums slte ftom 30,40€ square feet to 30,274 square feet. This is the iesult of thl increase ol 13p square feet of site coverage In the form of GRFA or storage space. Additionally, each of the above-refErenced units have now begun to acc,ess the .2S0 Addition, provision that is available to each unit within amulti-famlly complex which entire comptex has exceeded its GRFA, as doiJ.tr."m did as early as 1990, with the Tolvn's records showing the construction ot oo,ggg square feet upon i site a]oweo only 65,000 square feet. I have enclosed the design review action fom for your records. Please don't hositatc to contact me wlth any remaining questions or ooncoms. f,tp ^^.".,."o ,,,"^ enclosure TOWN OF VAIL 75 S? FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES C..:\c\ 1\--^-r<"--rvr- ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT PCrMit #: B05-0246 +{ .( C) Job Address.: 1476 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL Status.....: ISSUED Location......: COLDSTREAM CONDOS, UNIT 40 Applied...: O8ll7/2W5 Parcel No....: 210312108047 Issued...: 09/2212005 Project No...: ?' - Expires...: O3l2lDm6 frl o S'oA lo OWNER KOELBEI,, SHERRIIJIJ S , 08 / L'7 / 2OO5 529L E YAIJE AVE DENYER co 80222 APPLICAI{T ir.L. VIEI-,E CONSTRUCTTON 08/t7 /2005 Phone: 97O-476-3OA2 1000 S Frontage Road w, #202 Vail co 81657 Iricense: 188-A CONTRACTOR ar.L. VIELE CONSTRUCTION 08/L7/2005 phone: 970-475-3082 1000 S Frontage Road W, #202 vail co 8L657 License: 188-A Desciption: FINAL APPROVAL FOR A 250 ADDITION (122 SQFT) AND EXTERIOR CHANGES Occupancy: R-2 Type Construction: V-A Type Occupancy: ?2 Valuation: $24,078.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: Y Building---> S391.25 Restuaraff Plan Review--> Plan Check--> 5254.31 DRB Fee------ ..----> Add Sq Ft: 122 # ofcas Appliances: 0 # ofcas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 FEE SIJMMARY 90.00 Total Calculated Fees-> 5709.55 $0.00 Additional Fees-----> $0.00 $51- 00 Total Permit Fee-...'---> $709.56 S0 - 00 Payments*- $0.00 Investigadon- > Will Catl---- > $0.00 RecreationFee------.-*--> 93.00 Clean-upDcposit--------> TOTAL FEES------------- > S70e.56 BALANCE DUE..-_'- -> Approvals: Item: 051-00 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 09/L5/2oo5 cgunion Action: cR plan review comments sent to applicant and architect. O9/2O/2OO5 cgunion Action: AP approved corrected p1ans. Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENr O8/L9/2005 bgibson Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENr l!":*;..9-?.u--o*..t*li"tS.J.9l#f.*:r:r:r++:,+:,.,**r:r+*,* See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. PAGE 2 *****,t*************,*:f rf **********'f ******,t(rt *:S**!*,t*;t *{.**{***,t****+****4.****.d.+*+*********,t+****)k**t **!t**:t **{.t CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 805-0246 as of W-22-2005 Status: ISSUED *:i****************lt**tF*****:f,**t *********:F+*t ***r.*****:t**'k*******{r'F+{.***:8*****+***,k{ct ******+*r!**********,F Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BLIILD PERMIT Applied: }gll7tZCfrs Applicant: J.L. VIELE CONSTRUCTION Issued: WtZZl2N5 910-476-3082 To Expire: O3tZllZCf,6 Job Address: 1476 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL Location: COLDSTREAM CONDOS, UNIT 40 Parcel No: 2103121Q8047 Description: FINAL APPROVAL FOR A 250 ADDITION (I22 SQFT) AND EXTERIOR CHANGES Conditions: Cond: 12 (BLDG.); FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQIIIRED TO CHECK FoR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS, CEILINGS, AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: 1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond:40 (BLDG): (MFR/COMM) FIRE ALARM REQUIRED PER NFPA 72. Cond: CON0007557 oPEN HOLE SOrIS REFORT REQLIRED PRIOR TO FOOTING TNSPECTION APPROVAL. SEE PLANS FOR ASSUMED BEARING CAPACITY. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge ttrat I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according toJhe towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordi of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE PM. AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 -FOR HIMSELF AND *+ * + * +* *** * * * * * ****t *******+ *++* **** ***t********* ****+t f ****** * **t * *** ** **+ * ***+** ***** * ** ** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Shtement *** * * *'t*:t***'* * ****++*+ +**** *******r.****** *++*+ ++* ****** **** t** ** *+++** ** * ** * * *** *** **** * + * ** Statement Nurnber: R050001562 Amount: g?09.56 09/22/2OOS}8:19 Atil Palment Method: Check Init : LrT Notation: JI' Viele / ck 57724 Permit No : B0 5 - 024 6 T)4)e : ADD/ALT MF BUII_,D PERMIT . Parcel- No: 2103-121-0804-7 SiTE AddrESS: 1476 WESTIIAVEN DR VAIII Location: COITDSTREAM COI{DOS, ITNIT 40 Total Fees: $709,55 This Payment: $709.56 Total AlIr pmts: g?09,5d BaLance: s0.00 *i(** *****+*++***** ******* * *+* ** + +*+ ********** *** **** ***+** **'t* {.******:}** * + ++**** * ** *** * * * * ** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Elmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PI,AN CHECK FEES RF 111.OOOO3TT27OO RECREATTON FEES V{C OO1OOOO31.128OO WILIJ CAIJT INSPECTION FEE 5>L.42 254.3t OI. UU 3.00 tl ApplrcAroN wrLL Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpLErE oRlr,,rsrerPRi<lr_o}/ 0 NVIIAF 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Buildins Permit #: CA mechanical, etc,! APP rbing, CONTRACTOR INFORMATTON L- Vt ctZ Town of Vail Req. No.:/66 A /lsa ?4ArEs s767SOt COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT & Materials BUILpING: $ aa O?K ELECTRICAL: $ /, OOOu OTHER: $ PLUMBING:$MECHANICAL:$TOTAL: $ Assessors Office at 970-328-e640 or visit www.eaole-countv.con Pai0-b-.1^#ato 3tet cso 40 'tdlffk o, q^n*;Ji;- T robAddress: l+7b uatrtnlcn Dr- Legal Descriprion ll Lot: ll arock: ll ritins:Subdivision; YffEdaTz=- KoaLB,L oo$ 9, Y+cz *tc c*.t)Jcyy.Phone:ntu 66ro o*Wf#jb""*+u*,wzo Address: €ahlrli.Al (o 'no"%6 66qo Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work:fa|tetv'otv fti*Otl*<70^t *BrO"'n),.JJ WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodet (2f Repan( ) Demo( ) Other( ) WorkType: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Both( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Type of Fireplaces Existing: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burnins ( No/Type of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No (Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ) For Parcel # Contact @FOROFFICEUSEONLYffi Planner Date Received:' Document2 05t20t2005 Hug 1O OS O?:3Op Kirk f,krn Rrchit.cts, Ino (S7Ol 926-8694 jl$l!-o! 0l:lts tror-'ff| 0F yrtl tflttill? ElElffit ftatnrn t{l3 ?.D[ZAD, Deeign R€vlew Boad ACTrOlrt FORII Degtmat of furrurfV Devdoemrt 75 Safi Bodeg. Rr4 \r.[ @hrado 8t65z Et 9iN,tT9J14t frx= 970...tD.#2 ffi r,s,w.d.vtJlro.r5 p.l Prcrdrarct KOA.3E-REIDEI{G Proi€Gt Dwcriptfuff ?50 AIDmON" (1r2 sQ,Fr.) Paruaipailt: oYvtffi, tG,EuA-gffiRItIS. 5291 EYAIE AVE DEIII/ER @ 80un 9nBiludcr! DR@35{ oDnfws 07 f?,olzw' Phorc: 97t'9256sgo Iodolu APruCANT AI(ER ARC}ITIECTH(IRKXGR POE0|,z76t $N'ARDS co 81532 FuedA|trcc* 1,+it5r'VE5IflAlGItt DRvaL C(I."oSTRE ilCONm6, UET40 l-egEl DKipdoff loE 53 Elodc $bau|dil: @tD6TREAl.f qXOO Filr.NntnDen aslul@+7 cotnrncntrB ilodm* Sccordb Votcr conilUomc 80 RO/SrlFFrCnOil Acdrift: SrAFFAPR DeeofADplovat? 0ry10200s cofd:8 (PLqN):_.]uo chsngcs b d=se pLns may be rmde vutbout ttle wftt.n con*!0t of Town of Vd sffi and/a ttc apopbE rcrbv comtruc(s).Grd:O (PIAN): DRB apovd .l-r nd corEfrrF . p€r'|e for hjldhg, Fleosc co.rsut $r|or Tofln of V.il gur'Eing personDel prtor to ombrCton aCivtdcr- Conds 201 DRBlpOual $dl not M|E dld fDr ZO days tuIowitg the daE d appwat. Cond:202 Apprord ddris-poftAsb[ bf ard b€lome urtd onc{r)y€erfolilritEthe (ft d M ryl@'/aL u& a b|rttrg Fmt b issxd ard ailnirgqr ts 6nn|€n@d ad ls diligenf pursreo U,Brl coinphdon. Cord:COt{ffiztiD Town of Val Fire Dep.ltnent mrcvlt b requlled prior b ttE bq.ae d a bdtrng permt Departnent of Com m un ity Det/elopment Euilding fufety and Inspxtion kruices 75 SoUh Fronbge Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970479-2452 www.vailgov,am BUILDING SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERWCES PIAN REVIEW COMMENTS: TO:Contractor/Aoplicant JL Viele Construction John King FAX/Email #: 476.3423 NUMBEROFPAGES: 3 FROM: DATE: BUITDING PERMIT #: OWNERS NAME: SITE ADDRESS: OCCUPANCYGROUP: TYPE OF CONSTRUCTIOI{: NUMBEROF STORIES: BUITDING AREA: Architect Aker Architect proj# 926.6649 Chris Gunion, Building Plans Examiner 09/tsl200s 805-0246, 805-0245 Kaufman,Koelbel 1476 Westhaven Drive unit 39 and 40 R-2 V-A 3 260 s.f. The documents submitted for this project have been reviewed for compliance with the 2003 International Building Code, 2003 International Residential Code, 2003 International Mechanical Code, 2003 International Fuel Gas Code, 2003 International Plumbing Code and 2002 National Electrical Code as modified and adopted by the Town of Vail. The following @mmenB will ned to E addrcsd prior b issuana of a building petmit: For processng:. Please submit two comolete sets of revised construction documenb containino the requested information with all olan revision items clouded or othena/se identified. r Please resoond in writinq to each comment bv marking the attached list or creatinq a response letter. Indicate which olan sheet, detail, specification, or calculation shows lEhe reouested information. Please send revisions to the attention of the plans examiner with the building permit aoplication number noted. r Please be sure to include on the resubmittal the enginee/s or architect's "wet" stamp. sionature, reg'stration number and date on the cover &roe of anv structural calculations, all structural details and structural sheeb of the olans. For commercial or multi-family projects all sheets of the olans must be stamoed, 1 An asbestos test and report is required for remodel or addition projecG that will disturb more than 160 s.f. of material per TOV ordinance. Architectural Com ments:2 Amend plans to specifi/ type of construction (V-A) and occupancy type (R-2) for the building per IBC 2003. 3 Include plan details and elevations for the area of remodel at the unit 40 greenhouse. 4 Amend plans to include a complete wall assembly with UL or other t hour fire resistive listing and STC of 50 for the new dwelling unit separation wall between unit 39 and unit 40. Sheet A2.0. IBC 708.1 and 1207. 5 Amend all interior and exterior bearing walls to provide t hour wall types with UL or other fire resistive listing per IBC table 601 (V-A construction). Clearly reference details on the plans. 6 Amend all new floor/ceiling and roof/ceiling to provide t hour assemblies with UL or other fire resistive listing per IBC table 601 (V-A construction). Clearly reference details on the plans. 7 Show crawl space venting for the new unit 39 crawl space area. 8 Provide guard details at new deck. Guards are required at unenclosed floor openings, landings, balconies or porches which are more than 30" above grade or floor below. Specifr minimum 42" height and openings that a 4" sphere cannot pass through. 9 Revise ceiling height in master bedroom unit 39 to a minimum of 7'-6". IBC 1208,2 Structural Comments: 10 SpecifiT design criteria used in structural design: Roof live load Floor live/dead load Deck live load Wind Speed/Exposure 11 Provide specifications for all structural wood framing. Include lumber species and grade for conventional framing and log framing. Also specifo manufacturer. series and design values for engineered lumber products (LVl, Glulam etc.) 12 Amend structural specifications to reference the soils report for this project. 13 SpecifiT connection of 2x8 rafters and ledger to the existing 18" TJI joists on unit 39 roof framing plan. Sheet S1.1 14 Provide a complete roof framing plan for unit 40 new roof area at the old greenhouse location, 15 Provide manufacturer's specification for 10" LVL specified on the ftaming plans. Clarifo beam size. 16 Revise sheet S1.0 foundation plan to reference and show complete details for the new foundation construction. Clearly show all required reinforcing in the foundation section details, anchor bolt requirements at sill plate. 17 Coordinate foundation wall width at the dwelling unit separation wall with the foundation plans. 18 Specif,T all floor joist hangers and ledger connections on sheet S1.0 unit 39 lower and main level floor framing plan Please refer to t{re cover sheet for information on recubmitting plans. In order b avold delays in lssuance of a permi\ please check ell rcquested information ls included with tfte rcsubmitted plans. Please submit rcvised plans as a comglete eeL Partial plan resubrnlttals will not bc rcviewed. Chris Gunion I.C.C. Plans Examiner Town of Vail Building Safety and Inspection Services 970,479.2369 cgunion@vailgov,com F: \odev\CHRIS\PERMIT. COMMENTS\Bo5-0246. DOC -"?i*--1*t ,-Vt I *af- t r, 1 -€ ITJl\Ker (tf I I I archlterts RECD SEP 2 CI 2005 September 16,2005 Chris Gunion Building Plans Examiner Town of Vail RE: Building Permit numbers 805-0246 & B05-0245 ARCHITECTURAL COMMENTS Item #l: Viele Construction has submitted documentation of the asbestos test for the Coidstream Project and all samples have come back negative for asbestos. See attached report dated April 19, 2005. Item #2: Conceming specification of type of construction (V-A) and occupancy type (R-2), see general notes on sheet A0.I . Item #3: The remodel for the "old greenhouse" area is under separated permit. Town of Vail building permit number 805-0069. Item #4: See sheet A4.0, detail 2/A4.0 for reference detail for separation wall between 39 and 40. Refer to Wall Types Schedule, sheet A2.0 for detail and UL and STC listing. Item #5: One hour wall types are now referenced on all details and sections on sheets A4.0 and the plans on sheets A2.0 and 42.L Refer to Wall Types Schedule on sheet A2.0. Item #6: One hour ceiling floor and ceiling/roof assemblies are now referenced on the sections on sheet A4.0. Refer to Wall Types Schedule on sheet M.0. Item #7 : Crawl space venting is indicated on the foundation plan, sheet S 1 .0 as well as Section Unit 39, on sheet A4.0 (l/A4.0). Item #8: See guardrail Oetail, +ie+.0. Item #9: Note the revision to the flat ceiling area in the master bedroom, unit 39 on detaiVsection 21A4.0. The Ceiling is now sloping and complies with 1208.2, exception 2. 0210 Edwards Village Blvd, A203 . P aBax2762 ' Edwards, CO 81632 . 970.926.6690 . 970.926.6694 fax Building Permit numbers B05-0246 & 805-0245 Page 2 of 2 STRUCTURAL COMMENTS: See attached 8 %x I I sheet listing the design criteria used in the Structural Design. Item#ll: See attached 8%xll sheet listingthe specifications forall woodand engineered lumber products used in the Structural Design. Item#12'. An open hoie inspection will be conducted by a licensed geoteclrnical engineer to veriS foundation plan design criteria. Item#13: Seedetaill/S1.1 forconnectiondetailof2x8rafterstoexistingls"TJljoistsonunit3g roof. Item #14: The remodel for the "old greenhouse" area is under separated permit. Town of Vail building permit number 805-0069. Item #15: See attached 8 % x 11 structural specification sheet addressing manufactured wood products. The beam size is to be 3 - I 314" x9 ll4" LYLs as noted on the roof framing plan on sheet Sl.l. Item # I 6: See newly referenced details addressing detailing of the new foundation on sheet S l. I . Item #17: The foundation and framing are aligned to satisfy three separate conditions. I is to provide l-7/2" furringto cover the foundation wall in unit 39. 2 is to align the inside of the furring in unit 39 vith a 5-l/2" exterior wall beyond in unit 39. 3 is to aligr the wall with the existing wall in the,master bath of unit 40. The gap between the two separation walls is the variable for existing construction conditions. Further, any discrepancy within Unit 40 will be covered up with interior framing dt the tub and shower. I feel confident that this is what needs to happen. TOWNOF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970479-2138 OWNER KOEI-,BEL, SI{ERRTLIJ S. 5291. E YAIJE AI/E DBI\/ER co 80222 APPI.IICANT D.P. ELECTRIC P.O. BOX 7L1 EDWARDS co 81532 License: 119-E CONTRACTOR D.P. EIJEETRIC P.O. BOX 711 EDWARDS co 81632 License: 119-E DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 1476 WESTIIAVEN DR VAIL Location.....; COLDSTREAM CONDOS, LJNIT 40 ParcelNo...: 210312108047 Project No ; f-R -S6 Sr -C 5(0 Permit #: Status . . . Applied. . Issued. Expires . LL/to/2005 ttlLO/2005 Phone: 970-926-4L40 Itlto/2005 Phone: 970-926-41,40 E05-0285 'k>S -ai,tCp : ISSUED : 1l/10/2005 : 1.ll[4l20f.5 : 05lI3l2N6 Desciption: ELECTRICAL FOR A 250 ADDITION (122 SQFT) AND EXTERIOR CHANGES Valuation: $7,000.00 Square feet: 1900 r'l++*,t'r*:*ii+,rt:*+t*rt*'r*!t:hr*+:itr'|tr*:rtr*tlt*r.*'t **ti'r++t*****'t**:a**'*t++t FEE suMMARy ElecEical----- > DRB Fee------ > Investigation-- > Witl CalF----- > TOTAL FEES.- > ss6.25 90.00 $0.00 $3.00 $s9.2s $0. 0o $8e.2s $89,2s $0. 00 Total Calculated Fees- > Additional Fees------ > Total Permit Fee------ ) Paymentg---------- > BALANCE DUE--.-.- > Approvals: ftem: 05000 ELECTRfCAI DEPAX,TI{EMr ]-1./Lt/2oos sltAHN ITeM: 05600 FIRE DEPARII4EIIT Action: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIEL,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI{CE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, fitled out in full ttre information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this stnrcture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and ottrcr ordifrnces of the Town \plicable thereto. REQUESTSFoRINSPECTToNSHALLBEMADETWENTY-F0URHouRsINADVANCEBYrrT"**litt*\;* rwyy-PM h \^ '.1 ,rl\l {pr h)An"4 /'u I tUIilN *****+t******+***+++++++************,t,*****++++********t+******+t+++***f***+***.****+*+++***** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement **'l'i**'+'f *****+**++++****'|****t*+*'f *****++++****'|** *l' **{.* *r*++++****** *,}** *****++ + ** * *+* ***** Statement Nunber: R050001959 Amount: 989.25 IL/L4/2O0So3:22 pM Palment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: Dave PeterE on 23472 Permit No: E05-0285 Tl'pe: EITECTRICAL pERMf? Parcel No: 2103 - 121- 08 04 - 7 Site Addrege: 1475 WESTI{AVEN DR VAIIJ Location: COL,DSTREAM CONDOS, UNfT 40 Total Fees: S89.25 This Palment: $89.25 Total ALL Pmts3 gB9.2S Balance: S0.00 *************+++++++**t '***+***+**+*++++*******a***'t*+*+++***+******+***++++*************+*+* ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current pmts EP' OO1OOOO31.111OO EIJE TRICAIJ PERMIT FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CAI,IJ INSPECTTON FEE 86.25 3.00 LL/tql2AA5 L2.37 T97A9264626 DAVE PETERSON ELECT APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR. PAGE A3 - o3/0 Project #: Electrical Permlt #: Building Permit #: F-n6o2tl [a Flprlriral Farrhlt g. f71-1- aZ$,f 97 O - 47 9 -2L49 (Inspections) .<5 BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (l.abor & Materials)sQ.FEET FOR NEW ON bct'Eagle County Assessots Otrtce at 97O-g visit # Paicel .#;:' L),'.'.-r { o Job Address:\\\t- Vj-<-,ho,.,a ^-: N>xxc Block:Flling:Subdivision: Address:Phone: Address:Phono: Addition ( )nemodetfl)Repair( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) Interior F{J Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) ) Duplex () Mutu-family () Gmmercial () Re$aurant ( ) Other (\ No. of Accommodation Units in thls buildino: :Does a Fjre Alarm Exish Yes ( ) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ) oFFICE USE ONLY*****+**************!r******rr*****+*** ffi"> \WailUan\cdorAFORMStpenmfStf mCPERM. DOC "t. t, ,,,< 31 ! i lt : '' ' "i.,r'. , .{ .. . fr : {.. TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT oF COMMUNITY DEVELoPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMFJ MECHANICAL PERMIT PCrMit #: MO6-OOO6 -3o>^'oA'lQ Job Address: 1476 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED [.ocation.....: COLDSTREAM CONDOS, UMT 40 Applied . . : Ot/lO/ZW6 Parcel No...: 210312108M7 Issued . . : 0tll2l2Cf,6 Legal Description: ,i\^ _ Expires . .: 07/lll1C{i6 - ProjectNo ' ?RSoS-O3tO owNER KOEL,BEI_,, SHERRII-,L S. 0L/LO/2OO6 529L E YAIJE AVE DEIiMER co 40222 APPLICA.IIT ROD HAI_,L COMpAIiIy Ot/tO/2OO6 phone: 3O3-777-77OO 255 WYANDOT STREET . DENVER eo 80223 Licenge: l-50-M COMTRACTOR ROD HALL COMPAI{y OL/7O/2OO6 phone: 3O3-777-77OO 255 WYANDOT STREET DENVER co 80223 I-,icense: L50-M Desciption: INSTALL NEW NATLJRAL GAS FIREPLACE Valuation: $2.000.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas l-ogs: O # of Wood Pellet: 0 Mechanical-- > Plan Check-- > Investigation- > Will Call----- > $40. 00 Restuaraff Plan Review- > $10.00 ToTALFEES----------> 90. 00 $3.00 $0. 00 Tohl Calcutated Fees-- > 9s3.00 Additionel Fees------ > $53.00 $s5.00 Total Permit Fee----- > 9108 - 00 Payments------*----- > glos. oo BALANCE DUE-......-. >$0.00 Item: 05100 BUIITDING DEPARTMEN| o!/Lo/2oo6 ce Action: AP ITEM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTI{NTT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIEL,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIAIICE. Cond: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER CHAPTER 7 OF THE 2003 IMC AND SECTION 304 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC AS MODIFIED BY TOWN OF VAII,. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): BOIILTER INSTAIJIJATION MUST CONFORM TO I{AI{UFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS AI.ID CHAPTER 10 OF TIIE 2OO3 IMC. Cond:25 (BI.DG.): GAS APPI-,IAI.ICES SHAIJIJ BE VEMTED ACCOR.DING TO CHAPTER 5 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC. Cond: 29 (BLDG. ) : ACCESS TO MECIIAIIICAIJ EQUIPMEI{T MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2003 IMC A}iID CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC.. Cdnd: 3'1 (BL,DG.): BOII-,ERS SHALL BE MOTNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UNITESs I.,ISTED FOR MOT]NTING ON COMBUSTIBIJE FIJOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANAIJYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAIT ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQTIEST. Cond: 30 (BLDG. ) : BOII-,ER ROOMS SIIALL BE EQUIPPPED WITH A FL,OOR DRAIN OR OTHER APPROVED MEANS FOR DISPOSING OF I.,IQUTD WASTE PER SECTION 1004.6. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct, I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS lN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OllR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. 1 SIGNATURE OF O OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF {.'}t*****+++*****'i****'}*+****++++*****************+*+**************+*****************+:}**,t {.** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement **** * * * ****++******** **********+++********* f*'t,t** * *****i**+ ***** ***** * * ** ** * * * ** * *++* * *** *** Statement Nurnber: ROd0O0OO32 Amount: gL0g.O0 OL/IZ/200603224 pyl Payment MeEhod: Check Init: DDG Not.ation: Rod Hall 4926 Permit. No: M06-0006 T)4)e: MECHANfCAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2L03 -I2L-Ogo4-7 Site Address: 1475 SIESTHAVEN DR VAIL Location: COL,DSTREAM COIIDOS, ItNfT 40 TotaL Fees: 5108.00 This Payment: $108.00 Total AlIr Etnts: S]08.OO Balance: 50.00 *** * {. *** *****++++++*********** *** *******++ +************** ** + ******+* * +* +* *** * * * * * ***** *** *** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current. pmts CIJ 00100003123000 COIITRACTOR IJICENSES 55.00 MP OO1OOOO31111OO MECHANICA], PERMIT FEES 4O.OO PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 10.00 WC OO1OOOO31128OO WIIJIJ CAIIJ INSPECTION FEE 3.OO APPUCATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNEI}'\,rov Project *, flJOf -O320 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Building Permit #: Mechanical Permit #: 97O- 47 9-2149 (Inspections) Permit will not be accepted without the following: Provide Mechanical Room Layout drawn to scale to include:o Mechanical Room Dimensions CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Mechanical Contractor: a l/ :r ./ .:,C// (h // (9- tn- ^._, Town of Vail Reg. No.://-/so Contact Person and Phone #'s:)n 1' nl"r -,D-3 - /) 7' ))3r/ E-Maif Address: ' /Fax#: Contractor Signature: MECHAM-CAL: $ Contact ...;;t.=... F:\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\Building\mechanicalJermit_1 1-23-2005, DOC . COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMiT Labor & Materials * * * * * * * * FOR OFFICE USE ON Ly* * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * AcceptedBy:'.' :. H JAN r 0 t?AV Assesfirc Oflice at or visit for Parcel # Parcel #, i f -z t 2 /a,€0,y' - Job Name:(n/rl.,Jr.uroa un tf FL/r2 no aaar;Vu 6uJ /._,.,.,-, .Dr , # tlf: Legal Description ll Loh ll elock: ll Hlingr Subdivision: ownersNamei r-,-.- P,"nplh:, llndoress:r),, , t-z (o Fh*1qp 3- ,-t - 3sczs Engineer: I t -t ll Address:Phone: -,/I .a/t Ca-<- #'' le t>/at a WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Alteration64; Repair( ) Other( ) Boiler Location: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Other 94 Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) NolSl Typeof Bldg: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) MultFfamily4)<! Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Unils in this building: q No. of Accommodation Units in this building: ? Noffype of Fireplaces Existing: Gas Appliances dJ Cas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( ) Noflype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances (JJ Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) N4 , rL/23/7005 PRE.INSTALIATION INFORMATION Figure 3: Wall & Ceiling Milimum Cloarancec Wall and Ceilinq Clearaocc Requiremcntsl Ensure that minimum clearances shown in Figures 3 are maintained. Left and right clearances are determined when facing the fiont of the appliance. Follow lhese instruotions carefully to ensre safe installation. Failure to follow thcse requirements rnay create a firc hazard. Sidcwall Clearance: The clearance &orn the front edge of the appliarce to any combustible wall should not be less than 4" on both thc left and right side. Ceiling Clcrance: The ceiling must be at least 25" fr.om the top of the front of thi freplace (65" frorn the bonom ofrhe appliance). Refer to Figure 3. Back-well Clearroce: The appliance may be placed against a combusible back wall. NOTE: Therc are ll4" ribdspacers oo tte outer shell of the unit to maimain minimum olearance of the outer shell to combustibles. Combustible Clcaranccs: The appliance is a zero clearance frreplace witb ribs'spacerr defining tie minimum space o the shcet metal outer shell, Combustibles may be placed up agains( thesc spacers. Do NOT place combustibles (i.e., insulation, wood, etc.) closer thau allowed by the spacers or a {ire hazard may exist. The ribs/spacers for thc sidos and rear of tlrc appliancc are l/4" and 0re top spac€rs are 3 l/8", On fte front top edge in front ofthe top framing spacers, a combustible watl (or drywall) may be brought up to the front rop and side edges of the unit. Do not over l€p the black painted face wilh combustible materials. Refer to Figure 4. 1'd xuJ rScu3sut dH r.tdEg:' 900? 60 uer PRE.INSTAII..ATION IN FORMATION Mankl Clearancgrj ll'a combustible mantel is installed, it must . get the clearance requ irements detaiied in Figure 4. 12' Figure {: Mantcl Clearancc Floor Clearanccs: The fireplace may bc insulled on a flst' hard combustible surface (i'e' flat wood pl;zwood, or panicteboard)' Be sure that thc fireplace resLt on a solid continuous floor or platform with appropriate framing.supPort. Do NOT install appliancc direcrly on carpeting, vinyt, or other soft floor covering. tf the freplace is to be installed on carpeting 9r tili, or on any combustible marcrial other than wood flooring, rhe fireplace should bc rnsralled on a metal or wood pancl that exteods the full width urd deplh of the fireplace. i Ft rl{ ( 7'd XUI lfCd:lsg-l dH ]{des!t 9OOZ 60 uer The following vcntitrg instructiont are provided ar e general guldeline'Always check wlth pipc nrnufrcturcr \IENT INSTALI.ATION VENT INSTALLATION: I . Beod out lhe four (4) nailing flanges located on the sides of the fueplace. For 5i 8" drywa[ use the two (2) outcr most flanges, For '/z' drpvall use tbe two (2) inner flanges' 2. Stide thc firebox into prepared framing or position fir4lace in its final position and frame laler. Be surc frcplacc is resting on a flat surface'g. Set uoit level andllumb by checking the top and front of unit. Shim side-to-side and front-lo-back as necessary' q- Anchor nailing flanges of the fireplace to the side-framing members using Ed nails or other suilable fasleoers. Ventins Conliquratign : Venicol Vanllnp Stalpht ao (No Elbow): Figure 6: Vertical Ventiog - Strelght Up l0 Positioning The FirePlace: NOTE The lireplace must be instaucd givlng full consideration to the cletraDc€ and beigh( requiremenb idcotilicd ln this manual. WARNING Never usc 90 degree elbows has been tested to use 8' Class &Venl pipe Dim Min Mu 14 feet 40 feer g'd XUJ 13CdISU-] dH l,,tdts:t 900u 60 uec Never use morc than two (2) 45 degrec clbows. Whcn usia! odjusirblc elbows, nwer erceed 45 degrces, VENT INSTALLATION yertical ycntlns t)ttL Tr+9_lA$ DqreeElbov'! NOTE Vl and V2 must setls$ this condiiionl Vl + V2 < 40 feet Mar. Vl + V2 > lC fect Min. Figure 7: Horimntal Venring with Two (2) 45 Degree Elbow INSTALLING VEN T COMPO-N ENTS B€forc You Sta rtl PIaa your installation. Set unit in place and survey how best to venl the unit. Sclcct the appropriate pipe for the installation. Read this manual and ttre rnanual wjtl tle termination cap thoroughly bcfore installing unit or vent system. After vent configuration has been decided, begin attaching pipe to unit. Pipins Installatlons: l. Attachcd the first piece ptping (elbow or straigbt pipe) to the pipe conncctor located above the fireplace. (Secure first section of pipc to damper colar with ttuee (3) Srcws). 2. Continue to add vent components. Be certain that each section is locked properly. 3, Where necessary add supporl brackets. Refer to the Figure E. lncline runs musl be supponcd evcry J fcet. Vertical runs must b€ supported every I fe€t, using wall straps. Slip wall straps loosely on to pipe. Anach straps to framing members using nails or screws, Tighten nut/bolt !o secure pipe. T-'v2" t 1'd ll XUI l:lCUfSU-l dH l,,|dEs:' sooz 60 uec VENT INSTALHTION WALL STRAP VENT PIP€ Figure 8: Inrtalllug Plpc Supports WARNINC Always mrintain minimum clegrcnces rround vent systems. The minimum clesrrnces to combustlbles b t" around vcnt pipc. For ceiling lirestops and vsrtictl sections ofvent pipe a l-inch minimum cleerrncr all around ttc pipc must be maintained. Do not pack the open air spaces wilh insulstio[ or other mrterisb. Thb could cause hlgb tempentures rod miy prcsent r lire hazrrd. NOTE A ceiling fircslop MUST BE Instatled if the vent passes through a celling, Rcfer to lhe instructions from thc manufacturcr. To Locale aad Jwtall Ceillns Flrestoo r For ceiling firestops, position a plumb bob ovcr the center of the vertical pipc; to spot a hole through which thc pipe will penetrare. o Drill a hole through this center point and check the floor for obstruetions (i.e, wiring or plumbing).. Reposition the fircplacc and vent systcm, if necessary, to accommodate ceiling joists or obstructions.. Cuta I l-inch by I l-inch hole through the ceiling using lhe center point. r Frame the hole with framing lumber the same size as the ceiling joists. Refer ro the Figrrre 9. Position firestop as shown in the Figure 9. lf attic is above, mount lirestop on top of framing. lf room is above, mount firestop on rhe bottom of tiaming. Sccure with nails or screws.r Run vent lhrough firestop. ( ( tt s'd xBl l3rdfsu-t dH l{des:t gooe 60 uef \IE}.IT INSTALI.A.TION CEiLll.lC tiRISTOF lF ArTiC ArOVt. MCUN; FROM Ats'V'- i!air !l.At,lf]C ItTMEERS Figurc g: CclllDg Firestop Locotion Vent Terminrtion: For Vetllcal Termino on r,fiEo vft rcAr rEnmA1lo crP _ (ofEsr 0rSO{ iGE / op$ NG I.6IED ors VENI R00F PITCH rS X/12 $ir) - llxrun mc|{r fior iooF r0 LoflEsr oEcnAR0E (FEilrtE ri0r€: VERIICAL !€lLrr{allOl| l/USf 8t ^T LEASr ! FtEr fROu A \lEf,lEr! fAJ, .H lltJ R(DF PIICH $ s/rz ro 7/rx 7/r2 ro vrz aft2 ro g/12 9/t2 16 ro/12 rol 12 E rrlr2 r1/t2 m r2/t?t2/tz to 1.tt2 11/12 fO r6,lt7 1E/1? rO 1glt2 rD/12 ro ?0f12 2O!/r2 rO 21,1r2 FIAT 6f12 drEi ovES o€f, O'ER OyER Or€R or€R ofi OrtR OIER r.oo r.25 t.50 2,m ?.50 3.25 .1.0o s.00 6,O0 t.oo ,.9 !,00 Figure l0: Minimum Veni Hoight for Vrrious Roof Pitcheg WARNING lll,ajor building coder spccify N minimrrm vctrt hcight rbove the rooftop depending on lhe pitch ofthc roof. Refcr to thc abovc figure for minimuo h€ight!, provided the tcrmination cap is at tenst eight (S) fect from a vertical wrll, rDd two (2) fect below a horizontrl overheng, Troes, buitdlngs, rdjoinlng roof lioes, & adveree wind condithns may rcquire teller lhso what is shown iD lhe figure below. 9'd r3 xul 13cu3sg-l dH l.tdEs:t 9002 60 uec VENT INSTALI.ATION NOTE Whcn working on the roof, cover thc opening olthe instlllEd vcnl pipes below to prevent debris falling In. To Locate and hstall l/edical Terminotion o Locale and mark the venl ce er point on the underside of the root and drive a nail tlrrough the centerpoint. r The size of the roof hole framing dimensions depends on the pirch of Src roof . Cut and frame $e roof hole. r Continuc to install vent sections through the roof hole until reachiog the appropriate distance above the roof. o Attach a flashing to the roof using nails, and use a non-hardening mastic around dre edges of the flashing base when it meets the roof. . Anach a storm collar over the flashinS ioint to form a watertight sea[. Place non-hardening masric around the joint, berween the storm collar and rhe vertical pipe, . Attach term ination per pipc manufacturers iostfucdons. Outside Air Kit Installatlon: Waroing To operal€ thk appliance, thc outridc air kit lllUST be Installed and operationel- Opcration without the outslde rir kit may rcsult in hlgb tempe rrture oo combustible mrlerirk rud porslblc spillrge of combu3tlon product into tbc living arta. L Attach alum inurn flexible hose (#2) to outside air door (#l) on th€ appliance, securinB it with a spring clamp (#3) 2. Cut a hole through outside wall, place outside air hood (*t4) in hole and secure w ith sealant. ( 3. Anach other end of flex hose (#2) to outside air hood, sccuring it with a spring clamp (#3). :4 .l--S:: a :; a::: Figure I l: Outsidc Air Kit Installation ( 2'd ra xul tfcdSsut dH HdES:t s00z 60 uec G^&S IINE AND ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION 9AS LrNE ANp ELECTTCAL Gr3 Lln€ lnstdlstiotri NOTE Plumbing connections should only be performed by a quelifred, licenced plumber. Maln gas supply must be off when plurnblng gas line to fircplace or performlng service. Consult all codes. All gas piping must bG installed to comply with local codes, or in thc absonce oflocal code5, with tlre lzrtest edition of the JValiozal Fuel Gas Code ANSI 2223.1. The appliance and its appliance main gas valve must b€ disconnected fiom the gas suprply piping system during any pressure testing ofthat system at test ptessure in excess of | /2 psi (3.5 kPa). The appliance must be isolated from the gas supply piping system by ctosing the equipment shutoff valve during any pressurc testing ofthe gas supply piping system at test pressures equal to ot less than l/2 psi (3,5 kPa). Use new black iron or steel pipe. Intemally tinned copper or copper lubing can be used per y'y'afibr al Fuel Gas Code, section 2.6.J, providing gas mects sulfidc limits, and where peroiGed by looal codcs. An ANSI sppfoved manual shutoff valve must be installed funmediately upstream of the gas supply connection to the fireplace A sedimenr trap may be installed upsueam of the fireplace to prevent moisore and contaminaats from passing tlyough to the fireplace confrol and bumer. Failure to do so could prevent appliancc from opemting reliably. On somc local codes, the gas line must be connected to a gas shut-offvalve recessed flush into thc wall or floor outside tbe fireplace. The valve should be controlled by a removable vdlve key for safety. In this case, remove factory shut-offvalve from the flex line and connect line direct to stub. WARNINC Support tbe shut-offvalve when rttrching l/2" grs line. Usc a wrench lo hold shut-olfvalve stationarl. Do not twist the llex line wlen tigbtening l!,e 1112" gss line. WARNING ConnectiDg directly to an unregulaled propane/L.P,G. tank can cause an explosion.An exlerntl regulrtor 13" w.c, (maxlmum).must be used on all propane/LPG appliances lo reduce the supply trnk pressure to WARNING Do not coaocct directly to netural ges l/2. psl or 2-psi lystems. Alwsys mrke sure ahe natursl gap presrure is reguleted to 10.5 w.c. (naximum) before operating the unit. Check gas type. The gas supply must be the same as statod on the appliance's raring decal. lfthe gas supply is different from the fireplace, STOp! Do not install thc appliance. Contact your dealer immediately. To ease installatioru a 30" flex liae with manual shut-off valve has been insralled on this fireplace. Install l/2" gas line onto shut-off valve. Locate the gas line access bole iu the outer casing of the fueplace. Remove the screw on lhe gas linc cover plate. Open the fireplace door, insert the gas supply line through $e knock oul hole on the gss line cover plaie, and connecl it lo the shut-offvalve. After completing gas line connection, purge air from gas line and test all gas joints fiom the gas meter to $e fireplace for leaks. Use a soap and waler solution or a gas sniff€r. To check gas pressure at valve, hrrn captured screw countcr clockwise 2 or 3 turns and then place tubing to press*" glugl over lest point. Refer to Figure 12: Gas kessure Check at Gas Valve. After taking pr€ssurc- ieaOrng, U'c sure and tunr-caprured scnen' olockwise firmly to te-seal. Do not ovetr torque. Check for gas leaks. WARNING Do not usc open Oame to chcck for gm leelrs. t5 g'd xuJ 13Cil3SU-t dH Hdes 3t 90oe 60 uec G,dS LINE AND ELECTRICAT INSTALLATION Elcctrical Wiring: Stonding Pllot lgnltion Wirint-Millivolt Contrcl: WARNING Do not conncct I lLl20 VAC to the Rcmote Well Switch, DC Re mote Control or the Millivolt conrrot Valve. The appliance will malfunction or the vrlve will be damsgcd. CAUTION Electrical cornsctions should ooly bc performed by a quallficd, licensed etectriclrD. lVlrln power must be off whcn connecling to main el.clracal powcr supply or pcrforming scrvice. All wiring shall be iu compliance wlth all locrlr ciay, Nnd stale codcJ. Thc appllancc, when Installed, must be ctectrically grounded in sccordsnce wath locsl codes, or in the ebsence of locsl codesr with the National Elecnlctl Code ANSI / NFPA 70 (latest cdttton), or the Conadtan Et.ctrtcat Code, CSA C22,t, Labcl all wircs prior to disconnectioo when scrvicing controls. Wiring €rrors can cause impropcr aod drngerous operations. V€rify proper operation after seraicitrg. Remote llull Switch Fifleen ( l5) feet of | 8 Ca. wire is provided as standard with this fireplace, rhat may be routed ro a remote wall switch. The wire has been pre-wired at the valve and routed rhrough rhe righr side, outer shell. (Access is also availablc on the left side lhrough the square hole on that side). Posirion the watl swirch insideofa non-metallic junction box (not provided) at the dosircd location on the wall. Refer to Figure l3: Wiring Diagram for Sranding Pilot - Millivolt Sysiem. Do not extend beyond rhe wall switch wire lcngrh provided. NOTE Ertended lcngths of wire mty cause the llreplace not to fuDction properly. Longer length of r.vire is permitted if thc wire is a hrge r gauge (diametcr) wirc. Alwrys check with local codes,( t6 PlIOT AOJUSTMENT SCREW LOCAT€O EEHINO TERUINALS -9:G Figure 12: Gas Pressure Check rt Gas Valvc 5'd xul lScutsut dH (des:t 90oe 60 uer Figure 13: Wiriog Dirgram for Strndlng puot - Millivolt Sysicm Figure 14: Schemetic Diagram for Millivoh System GAS LINE AND ELECTRICAL INSTALT..ATION PILOT ASSEYBLY TH€RTOPILE SPARKER rt6RMO0tsc PITZO IGNIIOR f- oFlid:l.NAL --l I R€rotE/ r r,t I ' STITCH CARLING swrlcH Rs\Jroil OFF MIILIVOLT VALYE -'AS VALVE i i j rtl /i? | ;;: Q !{ir-:1, f ,3---...--.-'-3 ord t1 xul l3cd3sut dH l.tdls:t 9002 60 uec GAS IINE A}ID ELECTRICAL INSTALIS'TION Opltonel DrC Rcn'd.te Syslcms Tirese instructions supersede the scction entitled "Hearth Mount'' in the Millivolt hand held rcmotc insfi'rctions supplicd with the remotc. l. Mount remote conrol rcceiYcr at junction box (fot your wall switch) 2. Stip back t/4" of the insulation from both cnds of cach wire' 3. lnscn rhe opposite ends ofthe wires into receiver wire terminals and tighten the rcrews .i '' M t0ivolt C onttp! Y!!Y4 199ft lit!! The millivolt (trcnnopile) conrol is a self-pouered combustion gas contol. Refei to Figrre l3: Wiring Diagran for Sranding *lot - Miltivolt System. The nillivolt systcm and individual components may be checked rvi$ a mi ivoh miter hsving I- l0OO mV range. Conducr each check listcd bclow by connecting thc mcter tcst lead5 to the termrnats indicatpd, Refcr ro opfR.lTlNG INSTRUCTTONS for safety and lighting insructions' Themopilc Oatqut Check Pilot musr be lit and thc valvc control knob turncd to th€ '?ILOT' or "ON" position' "RS-ON'OFF'switch must be in rhe 'OFF' position. Meter leads must be connecled to the TP and ths TFVTP tsnninsb on thc control valvc. If thc meter rcading is nor 50&millivott ninimum, then rtadjusr pilot lor maximum millivolt oulput. tf millivolt resdiig is stilfbelow minimurn specified, check wirc connection and then replace thc thermoPile. Cot tplcte Mtulvolt SYs//'m Chcc* eilot musg be lit and ihe valve control knob u.rmed to fte "Olf' position^ Meter leads must bc connectcd to t}c TP and the TIUTP terrninals on dte conEol valve. r Turn RS-ON-oFF switcb to tho "ON" position' r lf mctcr is reading mort dran l?5 millivolt and the main bumer does not come on, then replacc control valve.J If mcrcr is reading lcse tban 175 millivolt, trco refer to TROUBLESH(X)TING scction of this namal to determine the causc of the low reading, o Turn RS-ON.OFF switch to tbe "RS " position and wall switclt to "ON" J lfmetcr is reading morc than 175 millivolt and the main burner docs not come on,lhen r€Placc control valve.r' lf meter is reading lcss rhan l?5 millivolt, thcn refer to TROUBLESH(X)TING section of Btis manual to dstermine the cause of dte lov readiug' { ( ( IE NOTE RcmotG rGceivcr must bc oounted outsidc lhe applirnce, duc to higl temperrturcs insidc thc chambtr. This wiff prcvcn( feiluras cnd longelblnrry lita. II'd xuj r-3cu3sut dH l.tdls:t 90oz 60 uer FIT{AL INSTALLATION F'f,{AL INSTAII.ATION Wrll Flnirbinq: Definltions: Coahustlble Moterials - Materials made of or surfaced with wood, compressed paper, phnt fibers, or other matcrials that are capable ofbeing ignited and bumed. Such materials are considerid combustible ever drough flameproo4 fire retardant, trcated, or plastered, Non-Combuslihle Malerlab . Mrterials which will not ignl'te and bum. Such materials are those consisting entirely ofsteel, iron brick, tile, concrete, slate, glass, marble, or combination thereoi or have a UL Fire rating of Zero (0). High Temperuure Sealanl Materlal - Sealant rhat will with$and high temperature; General Elecnic RTVI03 or equivalent. Finishlns the fireolace llusb with a wall: When finishing the face of the fireplace, combustible matcrial may be brought up to thc side or top edge of the fireplace, but must nev€r overlap the black metal face. fie black metal face mey be covered with noo-combustible material only. After applying the hnishing material, a non-cornbustible sealant, l/8" minirnum, should be used to close off any gaps at the top and sides between lhe fueplace and the finishing to prevent cold air leaks. Refer to Figurs 5: Finishing Material section in this Danual for allowable locations fur combustible materials. Rock Wool Pleccmeot: Rook wool shouid be evenly covering the burner from front to back, The rock wool should be separated into chunks about thc size ofa nickel. The bag supplied has an excess ofrock wool. The remainiag tnay be used as fillerover time. Lavs Rock Placement: "--t- "tt*- *ava rock on the floor of the inner chamber. DO NOT pile up in any sea. It should be placed in a singlc laycr onJy sround but not od any portioo oftle bumer. WARNING Do not sprinkle lhe leva rock on top of thc burner. This mey causc poientia I sooting, ghrs breekage and/or a lire hazard zt 'd l9 xur rscd3sut dH l,ldts:t 9002 60 uec FINAI INSTALI.ATTON Lor Placemcnl: Loe Plscemeot for fiber ccramic logs (VWF2|CS AIID VWftl(rcS): This fircplacc is supplied with a set of fivc (5) Iiber ceramic logs (VWT24CS) for 36" unit or six (6) fiber ceramic logs (VWF30CS) hr 42" ulit. IJo nor handle thcse [ogs with your barc handst Always wear glovcs to prcvcnt skin initadon from ccrarric fibers, After handling logs, wash your hands gently with soap and water to rernove any races of fibcn. Stcp l: Canter r€ar log #l on gratc bars and flush *,ith rear of ihe gare, Step 2: Place front lefr log #2 on the tonr ofthe grate and to the left. Step 3; Place front rigftr log #3 on the front of thc grate and to he righr. (Allow 2" between back tog and front logs) Stcp 4: In*all Crossover log fl4 6s shqwn. Stcp 5: lnstall short top log #5 as shown. (on 42" only) Slep 6: tnsull shon top log ll5 as shown. This log uscd on 42" only. Figurc l8: Fibcr Ccramic Log Phccmcnt ( ( ( 20 EI'd xul I3cd3sur dH l.ldls:f soo? 60 uec FINAT INSTALIATION This fireplace is supplied wirh a.set or s"*n (21 ligtriiiifiii"frairory logs (vwF24MO) for 36,,or eight (8)concrete logs (vwF30Mo) for 42''. Do nor handl; tresc Iogs with your b-are hands! Strp li Center rear log #l on grate bars and flush wirh rcar of the grate. Step 2: Place front lefl log [4 on the ftont ofthe grate and tothe left. slep 3l Place fronr right rog #3. on rhe &ont of the gate and to the right. (Allow 2'' betwcen back log and ftonr logs) Step 4: lnstall lcft crossovcr log #4 as shown. Slep 5: Install right orossover log #5 as shown. Step 6: Install right top log #6 as shown. St€p 7: Install left top log #7 as shown. Step t: Install mid top log #8 (used on 42"only ) Figure 19: Lightweighr Refractory Log plaremert ,N, T.--'i This log used on 42" only. a%^ iw" 'r'd 2l xHJ 13rU3Sg-1 dH l.ldls:t gooe 60 uec FINAL INSTALI.ATTON Glrss BFFold Door Instrllrtion: WARNING Glesr doors murl be ingtelled on all Proplnc/LPc uoits and opcratcd in thc closed porition to c|ininstc rny potcnllal for soot splllagc Into thr roon. Whcn instelling r naturel gas unit wlth glesr door optlon, the uoia musl bc opcrrted ipilh Elsls door!opcned or cornplctcly clced. l. Afiach bottom rail (#l) to unit with 2 sheer me{al scrcws (#3). Refer ro Figwe 20.2. Attach top rail (#2) !o unit with 2 shcct mcial screws (#3). Refer ro Figure 20.l. Place bonom mctal door pin in bonom spring latch then rotate iop ofdoor into top spring latch. Rcfcr to Figure 21. Repeat step 3 for other door. #2 #3 I1 Figure 20: Door Reil Instrllotion Figurc 2l: Glesc Door lnrtellrtioo NOTE Follow inrtrllrtloo Inrt.uctionr locrt d inridc ( ( ( 22 srd xuj 13rU3SUt dH Hdlslt 9002 60 uer FINAL INSTALII.TION Damoer operatiour NOTE For Masracburells rosidente onlyl Inslallatlon of this vented gas frroplacc ln the Commonwealth of Massachuset(s requircs th€ damper to be permanenlly removed or welded ioto thc fully ope n porition. Itr edditioa, a nrturslly yented gas fireplece msy not be installed ln r bedroom or batbroom ln tbr Commonwcalth of Massrch usetts. t. \then damper arm (1) is all dre u'ay to the leR and locked into position, rhe damper systcm is closed. (Refer to Figure 22.) 2. full damper arm.(l) forward and unlock fiom closed position by sw.iuging damper arm (1) to tbe right. (Rcfer ro Figure 22.) 3. Swing darnper arrr (l) to the right, forcing into the locked position, to open damper system. @efer to Figure 22,) NOTE Renrovc daoper instructior trg bdore opgrdtirg the uuil Flgure 22: DamP€r OperstioD Hi Temperrture Cut Off Dirci This unit is equipped wirh a shut off disc thrt helps pr€vent spillage due to a down draft. 11 atso hclps prevent operation of the rurit with damper clos€d" The Hi Tcmp, switch is located on the upper left corner of tbe fireplace opening. DO NOT OPORATE TI|D FIREPLACE WITH THE SWITCII BYPASSED $/ARNING Dampcr m st b€ ia open position when epplilnce mtb burncr is opentlng. The dampGr Byrtem Eust b€ LOCKED tnto the OPEN positi0r durtng operation. If damper is uot oper the sppliance $,ill shut doryn at tho pilot. Scc lighting iostructions if this occurs If dampcr system is not locked into thc open position, the appliance my cause some spillage Into lhe living nrea beforc lbe {emperature s}vltch crtr shqt the pilot o{f. Do not lnsi{ll r dempcr devicc to thc epplirnce. Only use damper device [hrl gomas with th6 unit 9r'd ,3 xuj r3fd3su1 dH t,ldss:t 900e 60 uec OPEMTING INSTRUCTIONS Belorr Liqhtins the Fircplocc:. Read rhc /TUPOf,TANT S,4FETr INFORMATION scction at the bcginning of this horneowner manual. f r Before tighting, check the fireplrce for possiblc gas leaks. ! . Beforc liglting, check for posible obstructions that could bc blocking th€ vent ermination or the &ont louver. ! Any eomponcna ftat is found to bc faulty must bc replsced with an approved comPonent. Tampering with the fircplacc cornponents is dangetous and voids all wananties. r A small amount of air may be pr€sent in the gas linc. lt will takc a few minutes for the lines to purge. Once the purging is complete, the fireplace will light utd will operate normally.. During thc initial purging, never allow the gas valvc contol knob to rcmain depressed in the pilot posilion without pushing dre ignitor bunon oncc cvcry sccond. . Subscquent lighting ofthe fireplace will not requir€ this pwging of air from rhe gas lines, unless ihe gas valve has becn shut-offfor a long period. Lightlng thg Fireplrce: You nuy notlce lhc following: . A slighl odor.* During manufacturing fabricaring and shipping, various components of this fireplacc are lreated with ccnain oils. film, or bondrng agcnts. These chcrnicals are not harmful but may producc annoying smoke and smclls as they are brrmcd off during the initial opastior of the fireplacc. Operate the appljrncc 2 to 3 hours at thc highcst setling to burn offall ftre oils, films, clc. . FogSing on Bi-Fold Door glass. * For rhe first ftw minutcs, after each lighting, vapor may condense and fog the glass. This condensation will disappear in a fcw minutcs. r Noise frorn the fireplace.* This is due to rnctal expanding and contracting as it heats up and cools down, similat to the sound produced by a fumace or heating duct.. Flami appcaranc * tt will teke about t5 to 30 minutcs for the flames to tum yellow and some ponions of drc logs ro glow. u Lt 'd xul lSrdfsu-t dH Hdss:t 9002 60 uec PRE.INSTALhTION TNFOR}TATION rhuft3:w & Cdti.!Mtnto{E Ck r.|* Edd.e '[d d&d@ .arE , rbM Ir F g@ j e rDnnhin.j L.i nd nghr ct.t.&., E dqdinrd rtkn fttrA |,t'. no!| 016. !tptdt(. FoltN th!* m.E!66j cetutty to.dc.ft r rllr|i6 Drihre ro b[.w fidr ..quiEMrs mry cE& . n c nilard. Slrlrd qbrr.!s: Tt. c!.uu.4 frm UE frmt.dt otrtF rrplid!. ro {} c!$buldbh s.lt doutd nor br |€rucr. on hb 6. Lt ud nlhr dd.. C.ilha cL.trr.cr Tb. c.ili.! mtllh..r tat Zt" fn6 dr. rDp orft nlar ofrlr! lcDk (d6"non &!bdrm ofihc +pli.n*,. R.fA to FieuE jt. Lc&-dll CL.ief rts .pplie* dl b. pt ..d l8a!!r . .lrnbotihli b..fi *dL Noli; Th@ e l/4!ribrrpr.dr 6r inr ours jill 6f ih. uoir to m.indn nhirun .h&dc. of th. dt r !h.U r,o coBh8ihLu, Sqn!!rf!!tl!!!!!q! lli. !prli3|.. b . aF crcfl!.c nrph.c rith .ibr,rr4d d.tni,A O. n'rir!!r! +tuG ro |hr .h..r d.id our,'r !nd.CrDbusibL,Dy!.phc.!upagrii.lrhF.!p.c.,DoNOrp|a.!codb.EnbLr(\e.,i!!ula!id.sood. .tc.l croe lhe rlbq.d b' $c {prc.n or r 6F h.,r!d n.y .r'!r. Tb. nb$pr..E tor lh. tid6 .d r ar of lhc lFliw!.rc l/. md$!o9!p.c.rrr.!It/8",Ond'.f6trop.dSclntntofg.ronlhrhr|@4crl..(mbulribt e.ff (a dryq.Il) dt tr 6rouCr up @ dE ti@t to9 ud s& drd ofib. Bi! Do ;di"q t+ b.nhct pdtrtd fs *id ffiti8libt o{di.&. RltrioFirltr.4 )0 1[nsau LI sa6ed lz:t, uo !_leJn0 xsi 1frlEss'r Jk tdcajt soo? Go lra a^ta)au Ndvz:tg:v 9002/6 /I 909 qor uo !1e3 LJ fluapl adfl aull elpo uodeu llec xel lueAu! ild99:t g00z-6-up0 tzvtgLn\L6 N0tllnuLsN0l l'EI/\ ]f ,rem 090€ lefrosE.I drl TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 ; 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M05-0323 Job Address: 1476 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL Location.....: COLDSTREAM CONDOS, UNIT 40 ParcelNo...: 210312108M7 I*gal Description: Project No : "?Rso543\O $?s.00 TOTAL FEES------.--> 53?8.00 Additional Fees------ > $0.oo $3.00 Total Permit Fe€----- > 5378. 00 Paymen6--------------> $378.00 ITEM: 051-OO BUIIJDING DEPARTMENT L2/o7/2o05 cG Action: AP ITEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT : CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 1"2 i (BLDG.): FfEL,D fNSPECTTONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIANCE. Cond: 22 (BLDG. ) : COMBUSTION ArR IS REQUIRED PER CHAPTER 7 OF TIIE 2003 IMe AND SECTION 304 OF TI{E 2OO3 IFGC AS MODIFIED BY TOWN OF VAII,. Cond:23 (BLDG.): BOIILER INSTAL,LATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS AllD CITAPTER 1-O OF THE 2OO3 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG.): GAS APPI,IA}ICES SHAIJL BE VEIITED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 5 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC. Cond:29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO MECITA}IICAI-, EQUTPMENT MUST COMPIJY WTTH CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2OO3 F5 0/'(9 StAfuS...: ISSUED Applied. . : l2/W12ffi5 Issued. . : l2l08l2ffi5 Expires. .: MIM|ZW owNER KOEIJBEI_" SHERRILT_, S. L2/O7/2OO5 529L E YAI.E A1IE DEI{VER co ao222 APPLICAtr1T C&C PIJWBINC & MECIIANICAI, 12/O7/2OOS phone: 927-944j PO BOX 7314 AVON coLoRADO 8L620 I-,icense: 328 -M COMIRACTOR C&C PLUUBING & MECIIANICA! L2/O7/2OO' phone: gz7-9443 PO BOX 7314 AVON corJoRADo 81520 Lricense: 328-M Descipion: COLDSTREAM CONDOS #40-INSTALL HYDRONIC BASEBOARD HEATING SYSTEM AND VENTILATION FOR BATH AND RANGE AND DRYER. Valuation: 514.560.00 Fleplace Infomution: Rcstsicted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 #ofGastogs: 0 #of Wood Pellet: 0 r.'id!:rrr:r**:t:ittt'tt't 't**d.*,r*:**:f +,t'r*'f '*:t{.:r**r+*++t**,i*rtrf,*:i:irtf ++'i*******,i+st FEE suMMARy Mechanical--> 5300.00 Restuarant Plan Review->50.00 Total Calculated Fees-- > S3?8 . o0 Plan Check-- > Investigation- ) Will Call--- > s0, 00 BALANCE DUE.--..-..- >s0,00 II{C AND CHAPTER 3 OF TIIE 2OO3 IFGC.. Cond: 31 (BIJDG.): BOIL,ERS SHAIJL, BE MOIINIED ON FIJOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBIJE CONST. UNITESS I-,ISTED FOR MOI'NTING ON COMBUSTIBIJE FIJOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMrr,Pr'ANs AND coDE ANALysrs Musr BE posrED rNMEcIIANrcAr., RooM pRroR TO AN INSPECTION REQIIEST. Cond: 30 (BL,DG. ) : BOILER ROOMS SIIAIJL BE EOUIPPPED WITH A FI,OOR DRAIN OR OTHER APPROVED MEANS FOR DISPOSING OF IJIQUID WASTE PER SECTION 1004.6. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurare plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. AT 4?9-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEI ** **+*+*+* **** * *{.******* ** *********** *++++* +* **** ******* * **** *,r******* * * *** ***,t***++++++*+* * TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement * *** * + + +***+***** * *+****+*+ * * * * * * ********* *++++ ** *** *** **** **** ***** * ******* * * + *****,t***** ** Stat,emen! Nruriber: R050002119 Amount: Pa).ment Method: Check #5735/Schneider Mech $3z8. oo t2/og/2oosLo:42 AM Init: LC Notation: PermiE No: Parcel No: Site Address : Location: This Palment: MP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 wc 00100003112800 2LO3 -L2r-0804-7 14?6 WESTHAVEN DR VAII., COIJDSTREAM CONDOS , I'NIT 4 O Type: MECHANICA! PERMIT TotaL Fees: Total ALL Pmts : Balance: M05 - 03 23 $378.00 ** + **+**** +** ** * ****** * * * * ************ * ****+** **** **** *****+ +**+** + +++ +++ * ** * * * ***** **** **** ACCOI.]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descript ion Current ftnts $378.00 $378.00 $o. oo MECHANICAI, PERMTT FEES PI,AI\T CHECK FEES WIIJIJ CAIJI.I INSPECTION FEE 300.00 75. 00 3 .00 Mqchanical Contractor: Cr< PLvmB)dG l mfcnnNt(AL Torvn of Vail Reg. No.: 3zB ^m Contact and Phone #'s:(vllT wet-uJ 827.1,1+7 E{aif Addrass: Wetl S€(ar[c p vt +4 tv. Contractor Signafurs: /'/ :'4_Z__-__- . EquipmentCuUSpecShoets CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION ear. DRy.# MECI-fANICAL: $ /4, gbo . oo Dqtaal u Parcef # Zt03l L/ OBO+7 JobName:CoLDST-R€Arn CoN Do t+40 JobAddress:/ +1V W€JfHrt.'/E^l DtZ,4 +O Legal Doscrlptlon I Lot: il Block: fl Filing:Subdivision:c o L D 5 TReT+lh t ON oo5 owners Name:g 1ELB€L I Addre*s:9121 r 6 .. "ylt6 Fi,,-2{Fnone' Engine€r:Addrass:Phono: Detailed d€scription of work:INITAc<- d f D&oN tc- prlJ€Bo4cD ttEATtd6 SLI^?h 4 V€NTtcAVolJ frt EfV WorkChss: Nsw() Artdition( ) AlterationgQ Repair( ) Other( ) Boiler Location: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Other ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yos ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg: Singlo-femily ( ) Duplex ( ) Muttt-famity ( )Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Oh€r( ) l,lo. of Existing Dwelling Units in this buikCing:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Ncr'Tvpe of Fireplaceq Existilg: Gas Appliances ( ) cas Loos ( ) wood/pefiet ( ) wood Bumino ( No/Type of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas LoSs ( ) WoodlPellet ( ) Wood Buming (NOT ALLOWED) ls this a conver$ion ftom a u,ood buming fireplace to an EPA phase ll device? yeal-l No ( ) \\VaiMstabdcdFORMS\PERIt ITSU!{ECHPERITT-DOC 378 RECU DEC - :i 2005 01t24t2n2 E I rl !c t o I t .g (, €o E t a rl !g t t o a { 5 C' F t ;I I c c at o C J o a a o g t C'o a t o. =3 - €s t I f a c .E c E =€ a q f E E ! a f I I ,l !l tl -l rl ,l :t o .D G'o t ll td lf l8 lrr I o !.D o (\l ul c, G, (9 iE lq lE lE l€ IF lcl lF ll"l-l- _l t_f 8 art q o o I o ci I ol c, c; 8 o q o o N o 5 o o ct ts ii ftI ol "l I I @ tr z uI ol ol |(tl (ol "l I I -l-/,/I tl)ct o 818 (\t to ctc olo o N o ct I o N t o I t0 tt ltl I t_ I (tt I €teie - lO lr.ol I 1(\l ff/, E o c c I o q o c,({ o ci c,c,o t\ o FI t It J lc lo tu IF lv,t<ll I r--lo I||l lE Itr Irt IF to t<l.t_ rl ,l .l II 'I ft I Gl; ,-l EI DI 8t8 N iai EIIE "il" I ol g o CD (o o c c c o ct ct !s o a F' o rfl @ Et€(?l.o Fl|r) c c r( G c o o oi I N o d o I q o o N o o I ct f\ {(o aa CO l<lo G, UJ F q, E e o o ct ct (\ o rf) F. o q CD ct I (o ct I $oa 8 lo o c; I ol ct o o I qt ci o (\l o ci o o ci N o G'q.l il 'E 3 o a a E o E g 5 It j E t e E €t E t t a I a I a .l 0 .t ! o !t,,! a I o !t E o a c G E : =fl EI al !l dl €a l|- =5 !a a o A x lrt g 5 E C a J C o ! E t !o (, a |,-tt E o ! E a t s o ) o a,a lt o C a (, g ,! 8 E s (, rl t o g I G c lt I I I e E ! o o E E s F e i t t t 8H Hft tra EI ol @l g e g o CL E g o g c -9 6 o o E g U'a o c o 3 o. I I I I dl ctl tol €l -6 N ol ul g .E ttt c o E at,o E gl I I I I I el utl 3l FI el tl ut o o -s CD c ttl ,. I l:t $;lJg- Sll=t 5 $d,rFfu o 5*l f3l ,61 l-'lc te lg to rlCL gl "E 6t b Fag c ,.9 8l i ..c g$ ol €il ?l g e e g. E g c CD (,o o o o Etn 52.o ..rF ;t <ol J hl =ga t-t E<g() Ftn FCI F9a t r-il b<J € lrJS E T-I - - tEl zl 9l <l 5 L' I I I I U' E 3 ! I (rl url =l (rl .Ul ul o E e U'5 u I I _l HI url 9l 6 E o z A o t- * . =tG1,\X s, $t \)\Fl Fr p r1\ \\t E:I Fi tr5 .-S *r-s ni =-!-l I I =l EI €l |r|l 3l E g E .A o E ah 3 tl, =e fl (Ji t:o o -g C'e tll ro o O C' C' CI r,t o |o d E D a C J i E lt E g (,o B !{c t a E J .c lt E *t {t =ct o :a o- J - E g (,g o t g C o F J o a a o E g (, €o d i It C)G' a t =ii t ql E e g o o o g G o tt o a o o o o l.|- o 6 cl s o (o d G'It cl UJ o E l!o.E 5 q o o g |(t (\l o o d o I to ct e (t o o ro c o I (\l o ci o oa o o o c,o F. t?o a"- (\a (!tt o ut o E ul A q = e @ o o tri GI <)ct CJ I ro q o o ct -c) o o lo o o o o N c,o o (\| o o E o F !t o arl G| dq lrjE RH C o a o o E e c t c I E I E iE s t =E t E g r !t T a a 6 a !o o o o o a lt t a a o a o 8 e It o c J t E a t a u, o t E g E a a I x l|t t: 6 C a J E .9 E E g o (J o t a IL c o E I G !o o I o E =a o o at I IL 8 lt b t ,!c o t I G E t|. I f ! a E t o o E c s g t T o t*l €31 l3l tg IP ts lo rl CL 8l ,E 6t b sg c .o 8l €..E #* I ql ol tl g E s o CI E p e B o o o o o €tn 62.o .. rF ;t <dt J f-t J sq i-r E<&()Fto F$s E r-tl b <ff|o tt t i I .S IJI zl :l 5 (J I I tA o € -(,ul E U €(J o E g ,t t u I I _l ttt I al rr|I ol YI it E o z o o l- s ..,6- h u.l \)\Fl rrr *p r*\s s ca l:\ tl *r-h \nt ils i.l I I =l EI *l rr|l ctt <t E (' E |t,o E U' ,1, H 4 f (J o o E o c tt o (, c It ';i ct o ao ${€t @ rt E s 2 o t g o E o o o 6 o o IL C'o g o g o CL o o E E tr ! at, !t CI ct fl C'cl o Cr| C) € ED L a o (, = 5 qeocccj 9 o qu?qqCCd (r1 6l(r)trf)((tt*F p p pPpPpPE F E dbii6ooo I I 8888888 E E EEgEESS E E ESESEES ro ro ro to ut af, ut ro lt:t FFTTFFFFTFTF Eq g egegsee 'IJ J JJJi===EE rpE E b b b b b E t,i E,i,r,f; f ii iE i: iF ii F: t- 3+::;:.1, +E('b F (f) ur il a (t)8 H H FHEEFFE EH 5a F F g g E EeE=ggE Eg EF E F x E E $EH=HEE E$aEE E $ FgEf Hr =gFF e EF eF ggEE Ef E EE *F ta- s d E*l fBl r3l ls te t0 to rl Cl 8t E 6l a o"9 c ,-9 8l €gg 8# II tql lol lrl lg te ts lo ICL IE le lc tc! IU' 6l t ?I E SE | ,-l lPt ls IP ts to ICL IE lg lc lo '6 at gE EE I zl FI e,l sl lll I ql E o E g,o o th I I I I gl -tl tll I ;l :)l ul c o o s CD c ul I I I l-l s ._l '€ El ,S$l F|c .sE F' U'X,3 ,X ,\l \tl r'l .-S J -lf fll ii el Ss SE lfl € Buderus G8142 Ultra-Efficient 90+ Wall-Hung Heaters g0+ Efficiency Whisper Quiet - Fully Enclosed Housing NG or LP Fired - Sealed Combustion and Direc-t Vent Simple Installation with Pre-piped Boibr Manifold 4 Models with lnputs from 84,800 to t 98,800 BruH I I I I t 'Buderus rqffi.E .4ry \.fr tJ E t'd/: Ultra-Efficient 90+ Wall-Hung Heaters The state-of thc an desigp of the G8142, with cast duminum heat exchanger and integrated controls, is a rarc combination of outstanding qualiw paircd with exceptional valuc. Utilizing advanced condensing technology, the Buderus G8142 Wall-Hung Heater maximizes the heating mlue of errcry cubic fixrt of natural gas or pfl)pane. lts small size and minimal clcarance requirements provide trcmendous installation fl cxibiliw. 'I'hank to the prefabricated manifold the G8142 has the fastest installation in thc indu-str1'. Specially dcsigned with an appropriately sized circulator, this manifold ensures propcr flow-rate through the heater. This feature greadv extends the service lifc of the GB142. By simpliiling the piping, the GB manifold allovs for quicker, easicq and trouble-ftee installation. I, GBI42 fi76./140" D $zrftn"n Rated Efficiency % Mar EquivrlcntVent langth Feot Flue Gas Temperaturcs 'F (1 76'11.O" D (22"1ffi"n CO2 Contant at Full l-od 100 % ppm Rated Emiesion fuctor Qpd NOX Venting ilatsdal Vent Pipe Diameter Air lntafio Dhmetr Boiler Supply Gonnection Soihr Hohrm Connaction System Supply Syetem Ratm Boiler Dimensions Waight Water Content a Heater Out .i Relief Valve i) DHW Supply .i; Purge ,.: System Supply i; System Retum ,'i DHW Betum H Heater In 30 45 qq' 106.000 r60.9m 198.800 28,l(x}0t,5m 42,5{I}t{il,(m 58dx}t?6,tn sr,7{Il.roir,{m 47,axr.t58.0(n 89,2@-t96.c00 Soccificatom Rated Input BruH R6dOuhutBruH 21 84,800 ?,2,71fr73,N 25,Cffit,il s8 t00 155 100 9.2 24 Pl'G 3' 3' 1't' l" t' 2A.t 22.O. 183t4', ll0 br .65 gal Height widrh Depth 97 r00 167 l(x) 9.2 23 nc 3' 3' t' t' 1' t' 28.0' 22.O' 18314 I lO lbc .65 gal 98 r00 r51 97 9.2 23 Ptrc 3's 1' t' 1.5. 1.5. 28.0' 35.5' 18314' l.l3lbo .93 gal 99 @ 151 97 s.2 22 ryc 3' 3' 1' l' t.5' t.$ 28.0' 35.5' r8 3/4' 158 lb. 1 .2 gal i Vent & Gombustion Air Gonnectors ': Heat Erchanger I Silencer rl Bumer Conbol 5 Control Panel i:r Combustion Gas-Air Connoc-tion 5O Wentworth Ave Londonderry NH 03053 Phone: 603-552-1100 Fax 603-421-2719 4.1"1 ()() (X)7 {)2,'0i { lllr(icnl\ llv(lr()rric Svsrcnrs :{)0-i TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBINGPERMIT Permit #: P05-0163 305 _rJr.(G Job Address: 1476 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED [,ocation.....: COLDSTREAM CONDOS, UNIT 40 Applied . . : lltlllzCf,ls Parcel No...: 210312108047 Issued . . : llll4lzms lrgal Description: Expires . .: 05/1312006 Project No ' {?Io5-c'3e OWNER KOEI-,BEIJ, SHERRII'IJ S. 7L/IL/2O05 529L E YA]-IE AVE DENVER co 80222 APPITICANT C&C PLIIMBING & MECHANICAI', ILL/tt/21Os Phone: A27-9443 PO BOX 7314 AVON coIroRADO 81620 License:339-P CoNTRACTOR C&C PLWBING & MECHANICAI, 111111-/2005 phone: 82'7-9443 PO BOX 73r-4 AVON corJoRADo 81620 I-,icense: 339-P Desciption: INSTALL ROUGH PLUMBING, FIXTURES, WATER HEATER, cAS LINE TO FIREPLACE. BASEBOARD HEAT SYSTEM Valuation: $28.000.00 Fireolace Information: Restricted: ll # of Gas Appliances: ?? # of Gas Logs: '1 # of wood Pallet: ?? FEE SUMMARY :* 'fi(,***,i:t:t,i+:trt:t 't+ 'a+++,i:t :i:* ++rt * *,t,t**+tr {.*+ + +r'|1i:i **,i,t,t,*:t* +:t:r * '}'t** Plumbing-- > $420.00 Restuarant Plan Review->$0.00 Toal Calculated Fees--> Ss28.00 Plan Check--> 910s.00 TOI'AL FEES-------> S52g.oo Addirional Fees---------> Investigation- > Will Call--- > s0. 00 $3.00 $0.00 Total Permit Fee----*> $528.00 Paymenls--------- - -------- > S 5 2 8 . 0 0 BALANCE DUE---.-- >$0.00 Item: 051-00 BUIIJDTNG DEPARTMENf 1-1/1-L/2OO5 JS Action: AP ItEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI,IAI.ICE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and stat€ that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. T 479-2149 OR AT OLJR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET ++l'r't+l'***t***{rf++'l{'{.*lr+**{.{.**+*****+l'***r*****++*'t********++++*,i***ii**ff****r*****+*f,+**** TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statemeut ++*{'***t}'+'}l'*+++***a**t'**+++*'}*t'****+++f+**t*t***+f*f***t+*****+++*tt***:}+*t+f****r********** Statement, Number: R050001953 Anount: Payment Method: Check *5 6 5 5 /schneider Mechanical $s28.00 TL/L4/200501 :38 PM fnit: L,C Notation: Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: IJocation: This Payment: PF 00100003112300 PP 00100'003111100 wc 00100003112800 P05 - 0163 TSIE: PIJIJMBING PERMIT 2LO3 -L2t- 0804 -7 ].475 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL COLDSTREN{ COI{DOS, I'NIT 40 $s28 .00 *+*+*****+***++t*+***+**+*tt*****i'lr*+it*++f*+*t******ff****+***++tt*+****!i,*!r******++*******'r ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts Total Fees: Total ALL, FtnEs: Balance: 9528.00 9528 . 00 90.00 PI,AN CHECK FEES PIJI,I{BING PERMIT FEES WII,L CALI, INSPECIION FEE 105.00 420.00 3 .00 TWNW 75 8. Fontrge Rd. V!il, Golordo E1657 ApplrcAnon wrr Nor BE AcceprED rF rrcotplsrE oR Ii""fCRJ O f 9,tra surioinspffitt*@ Ptumbtn!nermn*l-llFnrgJ 9nt4?9-2l4g (lnspcdlons) TION COf, PLETE VALUATIOI{ FOR PLUmBNG PERltllT (Labor E traterids) Plumbing Contreclor: C? c PuurratNG l I scHAnJtca Town dVail Reg. No.: 331- P Contraciand Phone#s: I O{ . 5 la o cvRT We1-LS ZZ1. n++3 E.tall Address: We lls€ Carrd Cp rn, L or^ vislt Parccl# LtoTlztbB0+1 Jobl,lane: COLDJTR€Apl tt *o Job Address: l+1 t, W65JFl+AVeLJ D gr F + 0 tegal ltescrlptbn I Lot: I Block I Filing:Subdivision: C.o L DSTFE.T l,\ C^r{D o oi'nors Nanasg€Bi',} l$€LB€r- | roomss:sf,I lr€i.l?:= {!Zr- | Phone: Engineer: I Arklress:Phone: t)6taiHd€scriptiondwork: INSTALL Rou6 H ?LU Mgl^lc I F.tXTURgJ I w|+Je-R- HCATEF IGAJ LINE T6 FIR€PL&LEII^SgDOA''D }IgAT siv.siT€}T Wor*Cbss: 1.16w( ) Additbn( ) Ator-ati'noo Repair( ) O&sr( ) Type d Bldg.: Sir6l+family ( ) Dudox ( ) MultFfanily ((} Cornrn€rcial ( ) R6taurart ( ) Ofi€r ( } l.lo. cf Existing Dv€ling Units in this building:No. d Accommodatbn Units in this tuilding: lsthisa conversion from a urco<l buming firedaco to an EPA Phase ll device? Y€s ( ) No( ) PLUMBING: g28 rooo,96 tttc!tt.la*at!.****.*r*****ttl*rltrtt*itt*+tFOR OFFICE USE ONLY*.*lttttt*.r.i*tttiitttr**t.trl*tttltft --- rrArr . '. ?llfll PFnn NOV 1 -'- ruuc lLv r., ' - - \W!iMSIdCdCT FORIVIS\PERMITS\PLMBPERM.DOC *8 nn4D@2 fls\# *2*s OltFr-2fi}S in:rpectlan Requer*t Reporting 3 55 pln _ Val! CO - Ctty 0f __ Page nEqile3tcd inspe€t Dat€: Iuesdsif, il€rch sl, lgt$ InrD'+c!,on Arit: Ctt SiteiAlrees. l.i;0 S€S;l+l\lEN DF VAIL ^r"\l n4Ya.rcraa .i^railt\ia l all.lf ..1 \- '-.L.LrJ r ltr.,lrait rJt-tttlarj. r-.t!ar t .F-. . ,rl-! t-a-F-+i--trt ,L. latat't tlagtl.Jtl conrt T''F'a: u'ttt lr , ApFlifird: Cof[r.,i9t: L- llL t ll,lll..l r . i-r,| |lIttltL CorrulrnrL Comnent |.;Ommcnt: :i€m: 20 F.rn' 8() !- !.|l I ta t tat !r. Etfic-Frlundatr'n*€t 1o17ifr lrrrft€li'i: oJr! ll'r rr'E Y!,^. ^ arE lr-..J1r3=-. r t!E- '1-rrl'- lJlLgPtttl.r, NLIELE EL. SNG'fI''I'LL |'.| | t alBl E aN te?Et tFTtnl I rl tnFt F rr.1rlar.frtr tartt'1tl J.L. tlLl.t- i,urtJ tttut ttt tt <r..r 1_t--. ^rat Ga^-E. ac.<!r.ca\'Jr|!' I tl.r=. tall|l Llsl:tt. r'-'-"rLL' !.tt. r.Fr l|rap ttltt!. rr rJ rt-6^-- n?a.r r7lc 1r.ro,r Fhonr: 87G4?G3O0I I IttatL l'taF I \lrttt! I \rt\ tr 4!rl, ril}'I'l ln ll I t44 ina, l, fu\rtl L,\ tLt\nJt\ tr, ttrlllltlrt LtS ttvtltY Lv tr r|B lfflt :1, €t,9trLr ll atltl lt|.ttEtt& 5f I utlfJ L!. 5.utEF tr rlrlrrt At.t-rFtE.oslr.t, l,rJlG'NIs guttffi | lEl. tt$f, ri-r|-, IEu Ir., !-tfilit Ro{JTED ruTFE PIAN RACKE.l, gLLGISSON.FAIE ANDPLBLIChmffi(s. CGI.SfrOI{ ORB & O{fier Plsniconrofid8rcd - EGIBSON al--r t^^ta.a lE-- a^.t^-r-l !:r::1l!ili.llAal!!!tl=:!-g!ll!t !$m: eS BLDC.flnd nequ€stedTlm+: Cli:3CAlf nrqHrtDr: ilvlitical$TniicTtolt Pt'or!.: 37G.7'$5 Co;r cri'irrtE: fctfliiclgd a ?CO A**rrnrl Tu. Cfi/rViS _ Errlcrrd By. DGTALDEFJ H Acibn: Trne Ero:uor ncr{' Fi:*aatEm-iaEci i i-AaLLi, vi-:;TEf-{trf,t. T'i(EL u,njPtcl'ftJhi i{ui.iii(ED To frE (rJ|Flf iTo t rlAt{hf,t{u t |NAL Htut tHtu t. < 0"nJ ,,r\ut' , i;o(t) 'i" i"q""Yil" 'Al !- ---ad^- l.la-h-,i!l-:raEil!!!!.tl!tt!gr n€m: 2aE RRE D€Pf. NOTlf"C*T,oil Item: iC gtDc-Fc.0lh{i}.-Sf€€l " AFFrsve$ " 1 S' i OOr.r inrDactsf : rtHtul r-|,llrtErL 10tA6 |nilr€€i$r: JR$ wt l r||vtt. ttt\ tlt r I r\LnL. I t Ln\ utJrl.\ trtr., A.ibn: AFfilm.AVEgr Coflmoa*: lgtixblkfr aErtrc.'fiil * *rlTrJ!!!iqr. _l54.vnn rJ t, tilltF ,rFip(,Gax. .rtl| LOfima : rrgf,nl\t-' Al1flLrYEl, hem: SO tiL0(ilffi$hii;f,' " AFff,oEd " l, riai'u9 lttlltt !rt. Jt ur ,iE!t tL rtlt tEnicl, Cururrlt*" |.|AIL I4FRE f{GT FtSTitLEDiS PRCIiISED Cfi FEOE AEtr{r: AP#rEC.TED ,tcttrt, /1r r0'rtatJvg|., lcfon: APAFPRI]I/ED Tf'nn. PA PPIqIl|l- APFR''JAL 01;23,ffi lmpedr JRl, comrtl|rt F! fn.F.heafrorI ilrl " APlxotna "'01,2?Orr lnlFfibf, gtx*fi Cc.nuncrd; t*|h not ce|rEl*b{c.nuncrd; t*|h nc't ce|r9l$b$ €*Ia ol:#* .:rg b,!R!.*r'!r€{lr rt}l Ern hdt hig€r.Bc{t n|rgtn8 l.-r,,6i..tr.. IEl| $lln.r lEl IEGtCtl l'El.|..rt,r-.. ,. rt n Y ln'' :'Atfior€d " lrl$'r€,lot: rh.lfi Acteff mISTItg DYfAfit{SFCCnOr{ FOLHDAT|CII t roT P.E DY FOR lll3P€CTl€f,.| AT 3:1 EPu.Connrrt FOLf.lDATiClitlO ,igt$ffi ln3F{rtoi: *61fi Ittll/ll5l Rurr rd: 4:Ji 5 EIE' :pt unu T L' T .t ,{ 'trr-l il -/ -. 't) ,*->=- \ O r\-- \\') \, 1 G;-J.lVlilJ _ r.!_d ts;t :ruEit /r-r\ rrttraal -n'rrt r -,arlrrrtlJ-l ,\tJctr.VJC' IYrnL:l t tti|''\rs t{,'c3i3'Lrus3 -1'| t I tl-t'.ltrltr-t.. r ata.t t -.-t Jiaatt -ta,1, t t ! t t!-!\ t-t , a -l r ata-tnJ t t t -!-!t /n*tl, at{rn J 1trlttDtt..t-. ,..i-ttrrr.r rr.a .rtrJt.ttra [l\t^ . Lt.r:.,tcrtr artt?.:rarrra!\J5trt5,.r I rr-r .-srr9 itiEtr ..wFJ.iyi g\r,iira.v l!p-tJ-3j'tii 06 :urar !t_t a.-.i | | tL, .ttr9arr|tr.'L--r :par?Jc'|.lca a tar rt-\ t^t^r laa^F lnspsctsr Request Thnc Erp: ,',cililt'': w\,,lrrr I nn.Or?f€f: Applica nt: Contacbr: v€*ttPatvrt. Reouested lnsoect Date:' lnspeitlon Area: Slte Addressi FarF ^^t,- ?.,--, 6 Et F^_ r'l{' .__ _ .oic,up.ar1cy: I\I.'E.LE}EL, iNE r\r\ILL J. D.P. ELECTRIC D-P. ETECTRIC Phone: 97S92$412O Hnon€: l'/tj.:rlb-4l.lu ELEC;iiCAL FOti A 25O ADDiTiOI'l r i:: S&FTI AND EXTERIOF CI-IANGES Ressested lnsoec on(s) Item: lEC ELEC"Flnal Requestot; D.P.fLECTRIC n^Fr-.^a^..t1,'t Asslgned To: SI-IAHN Acll,on: e2 -Jg- 2006 Item: 120 Item: 130 Item: 140 Item: 190 ilool /77r"","t 4 lnsoecdon Hlstcrv Et E^ T^F- F^t,,^,LLr-\.- rsrrrF. I L'rrsl ELEC-Rouqh 01,'i 3'05 ir,spsctor: Conrrncnl- ELEe-Condutl ELEC-Mlsc. ELEC-Flnol " Apprgv€d " SFIAHN Aglion' APAPPROVED Tuesday, Febr"*ary 28, 2006 SH t{/() crE)lrv{YctY !fr( YA|L CoLDSTFEA.I" CONDOS, UNIT 40 I l aE c.- a! ta. lrial rel\ lnsp,Aiea: SH Requested Tlme: C9:00 AM ' Phone. 970-92&4140 -or- 90+ 03:3 EnteredBy: DGOLDEN K REPT131 Run Id: 4274 i3-.: ..t R€flrest {t itrrp€ct Drte: iiiaDictl€fi rlrtr:iiitrAilit*i. a f,ta\ t-.^E ^- -6 crl.tg-!!l!Elst!Gr!! A"?fir&f, l#.ffiC$ TtD.: gt;Ecli a!- --. .l\ -:. ^---.-,-L-- .\.vtn I tltt. iJ|tttalatrEt. rJtr-r. '\T.TBLE CL. i'nEnlal|.L it, ADeI€rrt. ROO|-|ALLCOTTPANY Co'r{ncbfi R€IO}IALLCCXP ttIY Phom; 3{XL77?.7700 Phom: Xl:l-777-7?m ITS}IALT TSWI\|^TT,RAL GAS FIREPI.ICE CE'NIRACTOR REI€WAL FEE APFLIED Itl FERHT C€IST. E6.OO - J$UITER ll.t Le^. aarlc *'f6: "ara--8. arF6r lE6 llll, Aall. trrt 0e(820(E In*pecttan Rcquc*tRaForttng PagP9 4;22 sn Ysll, CO -Clbr C}f Fof|dsy, ilafich0B,200S r|l, o tktIttArE$a uta uAlL tr^. a\iFTlrte a aa F1\lt6ric I atttt aa\r,tl/rJrrt I l!|l4Il \ruti|r\rlrr t llaa t .h, R€rueEtsd Insestlgn{el liem: 3ln ffiEcH{lnd R.$r*er: RA? I IALL COSATIY a. ^E^-rr^- /r-lr#-- - /ari rtrlrraaarrrra. LarlrLraiiaaar r.rll A33Ened To: .htClJDfiASN AEbn:rrrt r.iP. illt '---^-rl*^.rl-.-F !!!ltaEr.tE4.Ll.lt!!!41- ttem: lbm: f,..n: ttttr. Req|t3ated Tlroc: Ce :CC Ail rllrti. laLt, t-f ,,ra, -rrt. irf iJ- ?!o5 Ent rsd4: DCOLfftJ K /| ,(C'" ,lro^' 0 "ffi1'o- l aer^Lt Cl^..-ar h Ar-r^r'^.a E rGr, Fa !t tflrl ,|rylrtt vrr. vtr titw |lElrllwi. ,t\t fEln tr. nr nrrr\rJtbll,Curri.:H*, f|ECHft{CfrL FIREPLiCE RO'ii::H APPftOtiED 3rg ftr€€g.rPSk|g 3fl) ilEclFSuEflrAf ,ttt GuFtt-l REPT131 Rurr Id z 4287 AiirrD [ilomedon a -atrarP araE aa Gat ,rr.lrrtl. a tr -!|, |r^,cm{Tni: Rccue.eted lnsf, €ct Dsb: lnrEacuoar Ar|.: tt! ,'ttltra, . tai. 9i.ripffrct: Sloni'.yr H.r€ft 0E, l00E I{'E ESIHAIJE}I DF !'AiL CoN.q9ITSAT CO'{OS. tS$T r0 rFrr.r tra-. AtaG vsv rtl-. ra.r ttta. gilsu|i: |5$UED lr,rpArrr: CG ll:00 AH m?.9*4il €r- 90.1-9S0 Chrtiir: l(O€LBEL.3l{ERRlil S. ' Applcit* CI'C pLl,ISll.lG & lECflAltrAL [.rC. Coilroctot: CEC rLLt|B${CE tlEg'lAlSCAL, ll'lc. DsrcrFthn: IISTALL RC|rc$ FLlrtEll'lO. RXIIJRE9, UATER }CATER, cAg LhG TO nReft.ACE. BASEEoAT - IEATgYgIEU n€ouested lnep€c{or{al Fhon: 8?7€*f3 rr.*, gt,r-9fi! lbm: 200 l'LilB{lnsl n gt|.rbf: C E C PLLmllF & lltcl IAI{CAL, l}.|C. tleouccted Tlmc:- Pirom: Coflrrtsrils: rttlcolg)+t0m, t4C l-----al-- ua-&-.lltE5am!!ll!!r lbm: ?10 gu$atrl" lbtt: Errn: **1$*: t t ttttrttL flonERA,COil -t- tr,| 3tifitt Ent3rsdb: DcoLDEt{ K llm. Erp; - Affrqr.6 " ,j A€tofi:AFAFFno\/ED Lr.: !4C bm: 280 tbtrr: 2€o P|.lBlrrc.lbm: & Ptl!.Ftnl (Btllr{E Coflna|t ol&^^Q 0 t' ['Tt'r ,U l2il&fE hrgitlsr: Slii{}tl ,lr$ofi: FAFAF;iIILAFFROIAL i,t l||5* rlGrc|g tcu ta,rttq'.E tl'{tEFr rEot trt.'fot. FtfiECtED BAS€8oARDS AL rofiEg tgorlfl .FLrrF-Cosf'$m -Apptomo- |A2&EE lnrc$r: SllAlF{ A.flril FAFflTIULAFmOJIL Cinnllit $IEFECIED CAS FtrSEl FOF l$g. EU? 9,18 ROirTllF !5t FEADY FOn S$FEcnOlt Oa/l00e hsrcbr: riln lr&n: AFAPFRO/EO Connsrt tffig An TESTFOR CAS IG G€ ATmil-ER LOCAtlOll) PtFl96siHs1Tu!' kspscfor JRU nor f.ary REPTl31 Aclbn: 9flD€MED Run Id: 4287 ,t^ a) 030$2tffi Inrpoclton RrquedRupodng PagaT 4:?? prn Vall*CO -ClBr Of Requeeia'l lftspstDatc: *ondet, Fan* Oq:oCC lna$gllur Ara.; r.r' It! fn.lttEaar ttrl' tElt I nAtBn lJi uful ^a.tt 6rFfiF!e aL traLta,irtc r -r.? aat vuaJs I rrltlt vt ,urirJr iJrr r !n a iirt\ t-a^---i^-E!-&-lttrltrlxas A'ctl''f,y *lilE-CC€ Ttte: [i-litcH $st Tyre: AtlF $Efir3: iggljED CfiilT6ar; _Qcupriii: [fr: h'iptu o: CG irtltr, |\r.rglE GL. itnErtti||-|- g. ApplkrnL C&CPl,t.hlBl]{G&MECTtA|{CAt Phoru 8i!7-{14{il Cfitncior CECPLUTIEIIE&MECHAIS,AL PlEm: 8it7-94r3 Do$flnn: C()L&iIREAH C()iEOS r{),lt*)IALL HYDR0MC 8A,$E8{)^R[, }EAlp{G SySrEr ANO VEhf llLAIlON FOR BATH AAP RAT{GE AI€ D$IYER. Reorestad lfi5o€ctlon{ei lh-. arri6 ali:.-ar Frr-r alJElll. irw Llrrl Fl llrar Rcguil,5i: C & C FLUHglt{G A llEcl iAl{iCAL, li€,Rcqucstad Tlme: ll:El Afl - a\---.rtn tf. a.ra t -tFh, c-a^t^a tx! *ii\t Faar It L.attaati/r t tr- l Jarla/t tra at CoiflflrGia: i{f,1€rt90+S0. lrl0 Aidgr*dTo: .IIS.|DRACoSJ ^ rirflorr '-r'--''$., Tht| Crg: lLrrtltEtt- trtftitat n|L, I ttE trt () v/ t--- ^irl-a lrl-.^F.lllflEgt!-oI'rsarr ra--' .r^.r t.r^t-r 6, !t-A l-all. 3ut ni!.lrr nrvnfl.l r&atas, ||lttlPt. rrt t t l|t ,r9tnnrr rtt rtl|\ I ItL 'rirrtvtrll t t ttBtrtr- ItatEta tEn|t tn|g?Et lEu.c JtLErr rEn|l llraittE\- lcu. *am: ftafiii lbmr: ttttt, iLt L^s. ataYa a ac^a-t tt-^a tIttt. t !-, !*'\, ra tpa 801,00 l$rp.cror: #tlt r-vrtrtFtL StE rlt r rlltu/ | Aidon: Dl{ Del{ED REpr131 Rurr fd: 4287 A t/s/r.*rt Carrtlo s unfs 5, to,l-7,37 Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 t 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com October 6, 2005 Mr. David Viele JL Viele Construction lnc 530 S Frontage Road East Vail, CO 81657 970.476.3423 Re: ColdstreamCondominiums Addition/Changes to approved plans application DR8050513 1476 Westhaven Drive/Lot 53, Glen Lyon Subdivision SDD tl4 Dear David, Thank you for submitting an application for several exterior changes and additions at the above address, which application I staff approved last week. Per our discussion several weeks ago, these changes will need to continue through the building permit process and eventually receive a building permit before they have technically received design review approval. Regarding the possible eventual need to execute a performance bond at the time of Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (TCO) or a Final Certificate of Occupancy (CO) for the entire site, I have included the applicable text from Title 12, Zoning Regulations, Vail Town Code, for detailed explanations of that process: 12-11-8: PERFORMANCE BOND: The building official shall nol r'ssue a final certificate of occupancy for slrucfures which have obtained design review approval until upon inspection it is determined that the project is constructed in accordance with the approved design review application and plans, and all improvements, amenities and landscaping have been installed. The building official may issue a temporary ceftificate of occupancy not to exceed two hundred ten (210) days upon the applicant posting with the depaftment of community development a pertormance bond or other secuity acceptable to the town council in the sum of one hundred twenty five percent (125%) of the bona fide estimate of the cost of installing landscaping and paving and other accessory improvements provided for in the approved design review application and plans. lf said landscaping, paving, and other accessory improvements are not installed by the applicant within the period allowed, the temponry ceftificate of occupancy may be revoked until the same are installed by the applicant or by the town pursuant to the terms of the peiormance bond or other accepted security that has been approved by the town. 12-11-11: ENFORCEMENT; INSPECTION: Before occupying or using any structurc included in a design review application, the applicant must obtain an occupancy ceftificate after inspection by the department of community development. The depaftment of community development shall inspect the slte to ensure that the work has been completed in accordance with the application and plans appnved by the design review board. lt shall be the duty of tha properly owner or his/her authorized agent to notfu the depaftment of community development that such work is rcady for inspection in order to ascertain compliance with approved plans. lf the project is found upon inspection to be fully completed and in compliance with the approved design review application and plans, the depaftment of community development shall lssue a final certificate of occupancy. lf the project is found to be completed in such a manner that a temporary ceftificate of occupancy may be r.ssued as specified by the adopted building |\ .-. '4F: b f-p nu","''to,un"^ ? .|I code, the applicant shail post a bond as set forth rn section 12-1 1-8 of this chapter. Upon fofieiture of said bond or surcty, the town shall proceed to install the improvements for which bond or surety was posfed. ln the event that the cost of installing the improvements exceeds the amount of the bond, the owner of said prcperty shall be individually liable to the town for the additional costs thereof. Furthermore, the amount that the cost of installing said imprcvements exceeds the amount of the pefiormance bond shall automatically become a lbn upon any and all property included within the design rcview application. Please note that the performance bond will in no manner be applicable to construction which has not yet received complete design review approval and cannot apply to improvements aside from "landscaping, paving, and other accessory improvements", as listed above. I have enclosed the original lefter/description of approval dated September 27,2005, which was sent to Bill Pierce for confirmation. Please don't hesitate to contact me with any remaining questions or cone€rns- enclosure EI tamPrru hNm From: To: Date: Subject: Thank you, Tom: I will include this correspondence in our files for future reference and will assume that should any substantial changes to the lighting be proposed, such changes would be communicated in the simple form of a "changes to approved plans" application. Thank you for your thoroughness! Elisabeth >>> "Tom Jarmon" <tom@esapc.com> 06/1412005 5:13:08 PM >>> Hi Elisabeth. As we discussed, we will proceed with the new, approved pole lights at the existing locations and heights above finished grade (approximately 10'). Also per our discussion, we will proceed with the approved pole light and wall light fixtures (that are cut off down light fixtures) with higher levels of lighting than existing. These lights will be located in existing locations with some exceptions. Thanks. Tom Jarmon Eric Smith Associates, P.C. www.esapc.com /ar 5a t-tart fuwu,stdil Elisabeth Eckel Tom Jarmon 06/15/2005 8:49:49 AM Re: Coldstream Lighting ra February 2003 < ^ \o--'-\'t'- t3 1-\.\-.{ ':.,-,u,., (.rro\. -, C^ ----n'--t^t^\ ,.>a I( I Co[dsmCondommrimr[ms ARCHITECTS flO E Vrl V*y Dr. P*ldgc G-t V{, CO lft lFracolor.dgr.t trr{tto) ,l'6-,f90t |Jr!.l 1r5.5:Az FRITZLEN PIERCE DeSIEN Ei uI DELINES AN D STaN D,A,RDS February 2003 FRITZLEN PIERCE Introduction: These Cuidelines are divided into three parts: .Application Procedures . I nstal lation Standards . Strategies for Building Expansion Purpose: The Purpose of these Cuidelines is to provide a basis for evaluation and approval of requests to alter the exterior of the Coldstream Condominiums. lt is the goal of the Association to permit alterations that do not detract from the positive aspects of the unique architectural character of the complex nor lesson the value of the neighboring Coldstream Condominium Units. Pursuant to Section 19 of the Condominium Declaration for Coldstream Condominiums, the Board of Directors (BOD) is charged with the responsibility to review and approve or disapprove changes to exterior elements of Coldstream. The Board has adopted these Cuidelines to assist Owners in the identification of design elements that will assure compatibility with the above stated goals. The Board has also appointed an Architectural Control Committee (ACC) to review Applications for remodeling and provide the Board with guidance as to their acceptability. The Town of Vail has provided the opportunity for each Condominium Unit in the Town to apply for a remodel of 250 square feet or less. These Cuidelines provide Strategies for these Building Expansions that reinforce the affirmative architectural character of the complex. In addition to gaining approval from the BOD, the Unit Owner must gain approval of the Town of Vail. The Application process and Installation Standards are also included in this document. ,t AICHITCCT5 alo E vrl vAr D. lttat C-l V.a. CO tld lt a.L*t i tslrr!, 16{!.r !m, .r.{rll l. Appl ication Proced ures : .This Section establishes requirements for submittal, and outlines the review process for proposed exterior modifications. An Application Form can be found at the end of the Cuidelines. I n stallation Standards : .This Section establishes rules for construction of exterior modifications approved by the Association. Strategies for Building Expansion: .This Section provides examples of how building expansions can be accomplished that compliment the positive aspects of the architectural character of Coldstream Condomi niu ms. Introduction t Minor Alterations Applications for Minor Alterations, (which do not add floor area to a Unit), will be accepted at any time by the Association. The ACC may employ a Consultant to expedite the review process. Minor Alterations will be reviewed as quickly as possible. Notice will be given to adjacent Unit Owners. The decision of the Board will be forwarded to the Applicant within 30 days. Major Alterations Applications for Major Alterations, (which add floor area to the Unit), will be accepted until October 1, for construction the following year. This will permit the fusociation to evaluate the Applications within the context of other Applications as well as within the context of the existing structures. The ACC may employ a Consultant to expedite the review process Applications are to be submitted to the Board of Directors for consideration by the ACC. In addition to the Application Form, it is the responsibility of the Applicant to provide a preponderance of information (in text and graphically) that will accurately illustrate the nature of the proposed modification. Both two dimensional and three dimensional graphics are required for all but the most minor changes. These graphics may be drawings or photographic representations of the existing conditions and proposed modifications. The ACC will evaluate the Application to assure that it contains adequate information for review. The ACC may make recommendations that enhance compliance with the goals of the Association in terms of Alterations. The ACC may request changes to the application or request additional information. The ACC or the Applicant has the right to appeal the actions or decisions of the ACC to the BOD. An Initial Submittal must be made prior to October 1. The Initial Submittal should contain enough information for the ACC to have a clear understanding of the nature of the proposed modification. Rough plans and elevations or photographic overlays should be sufficient for the Initial Submittal. The ACC will request additional information if necessary. lt is recommended that detailed plan preparation be postponed until after the Initial Submiftal Review is complete. The formal Application must be made to the Association prior to November 15. The formal Application must include scaled floor plans and elevations (:114", 118" -1') as well as photographs of the existing conditions and accurate photographic representations or renderings of how the proposed modification will look after implementation. Interior details and dimensions are not required and it is suggested that detailed plans, specifications and engineering not be completed until the exterior design is approved by the Association and Town of Vail. The material required for this Application will be needed for submittal to the Town of Vail. The Association will distribute copies of the Application to adjacent Unit Owners and issue a list of all potential Alterations to all tusociation Members. Interested Members can request more information on the Applications from the ACC. The ACC will solicit comments from Association Members until December 5. Prior to December 20, the ACC will submit a recommendation to the Board of Directors (BOD) on each Application. The ACC will either recommend Approval of the Application as submitted, Approval of the Application with conditions, or Denial of the Application. The results of the ACC review will also be forwarded to the Applicant. The BOD will review the Applications and the recommendations of the ACC and prior to January 15 will either Approve the Application as submitted, Approve the Application with conditions, or Deny the Application. The BOD will inform the Applicant of the status of the Approval after this review. Prior to January 31, the BOD will issue a letter to each Applicant that receives approval that confirms its approval by the Association. The Applicant may then submit that letter, along with other required information, to the Town of Vail (TOV) Design Review Board (DRB). There are about 24 submittal deadlines for the TOV DRB, the first one after January 31, is the second Monday in February (for a meeting on the first Wednesday in March). Approval by the Association is not an assurance that the modification will receive approval by the Town of Vail. The Association will require submittal of detailed plans and specifications from the Applicant that indicate compliance with the "lnstallation Standards" Section of these Cuidelines. In addition the Applicant must also submit evidence of a review by a Structural Engineer that confirms that the proposed modification is compatible with engineering principals. These materials must J be provided to the ACC two weeks prior to commencing construction. Minor Afteration, (No New Area): May be submitted at anytimc. Review will be as prompt as possible. Involves notification of adjacent unils only. Submiftal Schedule for Major Alterations: Ocl 1't: lnitial Subnrittal Deadline Oct 201h: Initial Subnrittal Review complete Nov 1Sth: Final Association Submittal Distribute plans to adjacent owners lssue list of potential additions to all Association Mcmbers Solicit comments fronr Association Members Dec Sth: Association Member Comments Deadline Dec 20th: Recornmendation by Architectural Control Committee (ACC) 1. Approval as Submitted 2. Approval with Conditions 3. Denial Forward Recommendation to Board of Directors Jan 1Sth: Review by Board of Directors Jan 31st: lssue Lel"ter of Approval by Association. The ACC will stamp approval on drawings for Town of Vail subnrittal. 2nd Mon in Feb: Applicant can make Town of Vail (TOV) Design Rcview Board (DRB) Submittal (Other application dates are possible, contact TOV) l sr Wed in Mar: DRB Mceting if TOV application is subrnitted on 2nd Mon in Feb. *2 weeks prior to application for building permit: ACC receives final construction plans and enginecring review. ACC will stamp approval of drawings that will be subrrritted to TOV for Building Pennit. *1 week prior to receipt of Certificate of Occupancy by TOV: Applicant requests Certificatc of Compliance from ACC based on ACC approved plans. February 2003 FRITZLEN PIERCE ATCHITECIS ro E v.l v-r D. taq. c.l v.l, CO lrt t a..hb-t ld@io, 16<'r tq ar'}.'ar 2.Application Procedures I Elements, Materials, Paints Roofing: Sidine: Other Walls: Fascia: Soffits: Window Sash: Trim: Doors: Hand/Deck Rails: Flues: Carports: Retaining Walls: Trash Enclosures: Chimnevs: SW indicates Sherwin Williams **Refer to Association color hoards for siding color location Type: Fiberglass reinforced asphalt shingles Name: Prestige ll by Elk Corporation Color: "Weathered Wood" Underlayment: 40 milshield w/ P-3000 Bituthane Primer Wood: 1x6 Beveled Edge Tongue & Croove Siding to match exist. Paint: SW 2053 = B1** sw 2051 - B2** sw 2050 - 83,'* Concrete: SW 2047 Wood: 2x8 Redwood Install to match exist. Paint: SW 1195 Paint: SW 1634 Paint: SW 1195 Paint: SW 1634 Garage: SW 2053 Solid: SW 1195 Trim: SW 1634 Paint: SW 1195 Paint: SW 2050 Exterior: SW 2050 Interior: SW 2053 Paint: SW 2047 Paint: SW 2051 Paint: SW 2050 In order to maintain the unified architectural character of the Complex, it is essential that all building materials and installation methods associated with an exterior modification match existing exterior building materials in every manner. The requiremens of this part of the Cuidelines supercede any oversight on behalf of the ACC and BOD. Failure of the ACC or BOD to recognize that any addition specification is in non-compliance with these Cuidelines does not relieve the Applicant of compliance with these Cuidelines. Exterior windows must be "Architect Series Wood" by Pella Window Corporation. Clad Windows will have a different profile and will not match existing windows. Exterior Patio Doors shall be "Clad Designer Series French Sliding Doors," "Clad Designer Series French Swinging Doors," or "Clad Designer Series Smartsash French Swinging Doors," by Pella Window Corporation. The color of the cladding shall be "Poplar White". In that, there are a number of existing window and door sizes associated with the original buildings, the Association will entertain new door or window sizes with great reluctance. When a modification involves new exterior walls, the new wood siding must "course" (align horizontally) with existing wood siding. Where a new wall becomes an extension of an existing wall, the siding on the extension must be "feathered in" to the existing siding. This will be accomplished by removing every other course of existing siding to its next vertical ioint on the existing wall. New siding would be installed where the existing siding was removed and continued on to the extension. Installation of a vertical trim board over this joint or creation of a vertical siding joint at this location is not an acceptable remedy. In that, new exterior surfaces and roofs will be Common Elements after completion of the modification, it is important that these materials are installed to the highest industry standards. For example, wood siding must be primed on all sides and receive 2 coats of semi-gloss paint in the color specified. New roofing must match existing details, be installed to the same standards as the current roof assembly, and must be patched in to provide a permanent waterproof installation. February 2003 FRITZLEN PIERCE t ATCHITECTS L L vra v*r D. talt ct r{@a5 HEt--. bE!01 aa{r Fl '|'.-.!.f 3.Installation Standardst Materials and Paint Colors t In all cases, windows and greenhouse enclosures must match existing finish and installation methods. Slide A represents an addition that did not match the existing enclosure to its right. Window, door, and greenhouse enclosures must match existing finishes and installation methods unless the ACC specifically approves a request for a deviation submitted as a part of the Application. Window and door alignment is critical to assure integration of these elements into the context of the existing architectural character. New door and window head and sill heights must match existing installations and profiles. Slides B and C show the result of failure to comply with this requirement. lt appears that the new window (left) in Slide C is a clad window with a different frame profile than the original window on the right. February 2003 FRITZLEN PIERCE 4. ARCHITECTS llb t v.a v-t D. F.llt C-l v.a. aO ,ld lt a..h|rl r@!| ,l'6-'nl trot /ua-a!at Unit B unit 34 & 35 Unit 3B & 39 Installation Standards I Window Alignments 1 In Slide A it appears that the head of the new upper windows installed during the deck enclosure match adjacent installations but the width does not match the original windows below. A common characteristic of the original design is alignment of width and head height. Cenerally speaking, the window assemblies in the original design have a vertical orientation. The windows installed during the enclosure of the upper level deck shown in Slide B deviate from this norm. February 2003 The upper and lower windows installed during the alteration of Unit 38 align horizontally and vertically with each other and maintain the vertical orientation of the original building windows. lt is important that any expansion of Unit 37 , to the right in Slide C, match the corresponding installations of Unit 3B exactly. FRITZLEN PIERCE Match Width of Lower Window t. AtcHtTtctS re a va v-r D, tft. Gr V.l cO trt hao.lnLt Liltlil ,6{r it'd .n-$.r Unit 38 Unit 6 Unit 36 Installation Standardst Window Alignments 2 Additions must Portions of the this goal. always appear to be existing construction part of the original Building Construction. may have to be eliminated to accomplish February 2003 FRITZLEN PIERCE The original deck flashing should have been removed during the enclosure of the deck shown in Slide A. A similar installation shown in Slide B is more consistent with the original architectural intent. In Slide C the end of the balcony railing was altered from the original design. The siding installed should have been "feathered in", eliminating the vertical trim board between the existingwall and the extension of the wall. Furthermore the installation should have eliminated the remnans of the deck and flashing protruding beyond the wall. ATCHITECTS s ava Vlr E- rrait CJ l|a aO lr la..lrad sfi c-r Fl arcqr 6. .a Installation Standards I Trim Alignments Additions must always appear to be part of the original building construction. Wall alignment is crucial to making an addition appear to be part of the original construction. Slide A shows that, in some cases, a remodel involving an existing deck may require a deck support post to be relocated. At the right side of the greenhouse enclosure shown on Slide B, the enclosure does not align with the existing wall. Misalignments such as this and as shown on Slide C are not allowed. February 2003 FRITZLEN PIERCE Unit 8 Unit 35 7. ATCHITECTS rn e ri q D, tart cl Yl, @ aF L-L..4.{.1 ffiia r*rr m.r.!.. Unit 18 Installation Standardsr wall Alignments Adclitions There are desirable, must not extencl beyond the boundaries of a Unit's Limited Common Elcrnent (LCE). a number of locations where adclitions to a Unit woulcJ be acceptable, and possibly as shown on the right side of this Slide. Each Application will be judged orr its particular merits. February 2003 FRITZLEN PIERCE b =""--*\ ARCHITECTS r$ L vrl vJ.r Dr- fLl'|t ci v4 co.*s lF/acd.rart hdrm, .r6at0t tFl .rt ayr 8. Unit 6 Installation Standards. View Corridors 1 Additions should not block views from adjacent Units. ln Slide A, it may be desirable to add a one story space to the lower level, but a two story addition would compromise the view from the upper level of the Unit on the right. Unit 39 February 2003 FRITZLEN PlERCE 9. AtcHtTtcT5 l- a r v-r D, tali. Cr llfOlr h*rar-.llt'fD r.|tr-r |lnl '!|lrataa Installation Standardst View Conidors 2 What is'Negative Space"? -Volumes that recede from the primary plane of a faEade. What is uPositive Space"? -Volumes that extend beyond the primary plane of a fagade. The elimination of "Negative Space" is discouraged unless it is replaced with "Positive Space." This slide indicates these concepts graphically. Negative Space Positive Space '': :::-t::: ) - ::t' =:::'r I February 2003 FRITZLEN PIERCE I ARCHITECTS 15 e. Y.l Y-t Or. tart Cl V{.@.9 ha..L..a\-r ld!!l ra{r lttlt an"Bar Strategies for Building Expansion: positive and Negative Spaces I 10. In Slide A, the upper and lower decks contain "Negative Space" as outlined in red. This "Negative Space" can be converted to interior floor area if the "Negative Space" is re-established through creation of new decks, as shown on Unit 9,(see Slide B) Slide C indicates (in gray) the walls that can be extended to provide more interior floor area. New roof over new decks (Do not extend beyond t.C.E.) -i\ ! foot from the front elevation. February 2003 FRITZLEN PIERCE AICHITECT5 aS E Vrl v-t O. t-il|t C-l v.l, @ t:t hra.d.!b-l L!|,to orqr |'nl .trrxr Unit 17 .{". Unit 9 Strategies for Building Expansion:Positive and Negative Spaces 2 11. Subconsciously, we expect to see a shadow below a deck, as shown on Slide A. Slide B is a photo of an existing condition where the volume below the deck is enclosed. Although this is contrary to our visual expectations, these existing conditions extend only about three feet beyond the adjacent walls, minimizing the impact of this visual contradiction. Caution should be exercised in escalating this condition. Unit'19 Unit 16 February 2003 FRITZLEN PI E RCE AtcHrttcrr EEvJ va.t F. l{it C-r V{OaF i.a!drra..a HtD '6{l Ft ana!.!Strategies for Building Expansion:Positive andNegative Spaces 3 t2. This addition to the lower level, (Slide A), lacks the shadow line that we subconsciously expect below a deck. The overhang of the deck shown in Slide B provides a desirable shadow below the deck. February 2003 As shown in Slide C, an addition done to the first level should leave an architectural relief of at least 2 feet, maintaining a shadow line over the lower elevation. Unit 14 FRITZLEN PIERCE Unit 8 Units 2 & 3 AICHIlECTS toE vdvt *. radt C;l v{ CO aLt Flff-t ird''q .tr{r tll an a!.r Strategies for Building Expansion:Positive and Negative Spaces 4 13. _a February 2003 FRITZLEN PIERCE Slide A shows a remodel strategy which eliminates the visually expected shadow below the upper deck and would be discouraged. A strategy such as depicted in slide C, page 13 would be a much better choice. Unit 16 Slide B shows an enclosure of the upper level deck depicted in Slide A. This modification is an enhancement. Although the enclosure reduces "negative space", the volume becomes "positive space" on the faEade. Slide C on this page depicts an acceptable remodel strategy for expanding an upper floor. Unit 19- after Unit 6 AtcHtTECts ro E Va Y-r D. lq. C.r V{ Ca .lt fa..l-r.g1 sr-r trl da]lr.:r Unit 19- before Strategies for Building Expansion: Positive andNegative Spaces 5 14. I Unit 38 Caution must be used in the loss of "Negative Space". The addition of a deck outside of the deck enclosed on Unit 38 would have restored the "Negative Space" lost by the deck enclosure. Negative Space Deck enclosure, now "Positive Space" Unit 38 February 2003 Addition of "Positive Space" improves fagade. FRITZLEN PIERCE The original faEade of Unit 38, Slide C, and the modification, Slide D, serve as a good example of the architectural impact of "Positive Space" on the buildings. The shed roof over the addition is a continuation of the roof over the entry enhancing the original architectural character. AtcHrTtctS re E v.r v-r D. tat Cr Va CO aE l-d..l{rl 6-r trt o.{!.|15.Strategies for Building Expansion: Positive and Negative Spaces 6 I : rilling in lower decks ' that extend past existing upper decks. Filling in lower decks that eliminate lower shadow lines and relief. February 2003 FRITZLEN PIERCE New additions that enhance existing elevations and maintain view corridors. These slide renderings are for illustrative purposes only, and do not express ACC views of any individual unit or owner. UNACCEPTABLE Filling in lower decks to within 2 feet of upper level line to maintain shadow lines and relief. Filling in upper decks to match existing lower facades. Filling in upper decks when small "bump out" exists from lower level. Upper level enclosures that leave lower shadow lines and relief are acceptable. Unit 19, Pg. 14 (Enhanced) rL AICHITECTS E a Yra Yrr D. rll|ir C-r v{@aF ia**-ldll '6{r Fl ,6a!ar Unir 8, Pg. 13 Unit 14, Pg. 13 (Enhanced) Unit 39, Pg. 9 Unit 14, Pg. 13 (Enhanced)Unit 38, Pg. 5 Unit 6, Pg. 14 Unit 6. Pg. I (Enhanced) ACCEPTABLE Strategies for Builditg Expansiont Summary of Conditions 16. Slide A is an example of the existing conditions at a general deck fagade. The LCE/CCE boundary rests along the edge of the decks. This plan will serve as both the ground and upper levels. Slide B: With a maximum of 250 sq.ft. to add to a unit, two combinations exist to meet that number: One method is splitting the addition between the top and bottom lev_els. This is represented by units@and @ (112 or 12\sq.ft. on first level, same on second) (Notice how unit@ addition still provides Architectural Relief along the faEade.) The other method would be adding the maiority of the allowance to the top level, ur rho*n in unit@ and Slide C, @ ([he remaining sq.ft. can be added to the bottom level, leaving a shadow line intact) Arch. Relief ADDITION = 2OO Ea.fl. February 2003 FRITZLEN PIERCE ADDITION =sq.Ft. l ae A'E | /= a-/ E .l AICHITECTS ro L vrl v-r a. talt Gr V.L @ aP la..|.rbrt Mtll '6{l trt ilt {al ADDITION = 125 sa.fl., Strategies for Buildittg Expansion: Addition Methods 17. Fascia and fireplace flue Railing and deck termination at privacy wall Outside corner of railing and deck Acceptable patio surfaces and low privacy wall February 2003 FRITZLEN PIERCE ,t rl AtcHttEcrs 1D.. v.a v-r or. t-lt c-l v{ CO ald lt /ad-.r-l tdoro .r.Fr F!,.n-.r.r Typical Typical full height privacy wall Typical privacy wall and door Strategies for Builditrg Expansion. Details 18. ('oldstrea 1476 Westhaven Dr. Vail Colorado 81657 Unit #: ( ondominium Association p:97O.476.61O6 f: 97O.476.4946 Unit Remodel Form R-l Titular Holder: Tel(w): Email: Contacts: Company: Owner of Unit: Tel (h): Fax: Primary Billing Address: (lf different from unit) Architect: Address: Tel: Fax:Tel: Fax: Email: Company:Contractor: Address: Email: Representative: Address: Company: '\ rl Tel:Fax:Email: Application Forrn February 2003 Please write below or attach a written description of the projecr including all modifications to general common elements such as exterior walls and roofs and the construclion schedule for the project. By signing this application, the owner acknowledges familiarity with the procedures for remodeling. Signed by Owner:Date: Application Approval by the Board is given with the following understanding: 1) The applicant will supply the Coldstream Architectural Control Committee with a complete set of the final architectural drawings for the prolect no later than 10 days prior to commencement of construction. These drawings will be compared with the preliminary documents submitted with this application to insure that no significant differences exist between the preliminary and final drawings for the project. 2) The applicant will notify the ACC ten days prior to the scheduled date for the final Town of Vail Building Department inspection of the project. The ACC will compare the final plans, previously submitted by the applicant, to the completed project.. The signature of any current member of the ACC, in the space provided below, will indicate that there are no significant deviations between the final plans and the actual construction and that all conditions required by the Coldstream Board for construction of the project have been met. Failure to secure this final signature prior to obtaining a Certificate of Occupanry from the Town of Vail will cause any Coldstream Board conditional approval indicated below, to be withdrawn. It is noted that the applicant should discuss with and obtain approval from the ACC for any changes made during construction of the project, that alter the external appearance of the project as portrayed in the project's final architectural drawings. Doing so will avoid last minute problems in obtaining final Board approval. FRITZLEN PIERCE AtcHrTtcrs rl! E vi v-r D. rart cn v{ o rg lt a..L-r.. tdtlt C{r tll ,lra-ait.l I Board Action: Application Date: Board Review Date: Remodelto Begin: Remodelto End: Application Conditionally Approved: Coldstream Board President Date of Conditional Approval: Approval Expiration Date: Comments: The Final Plans have been received by the Architectural Control Commiftee and agree with Original Preliminary Proposal in all significant respects. ACC Member: Date: There are no significant unapproved deviations between the Final Plans and the Constructed Project. ACC Member: Acting for the Board of Direclors l t I Date: February 2003 APPTICATION FEES: lnitial Application: $500 (Non-Refundable) due upon initial submittal Other Fees: After issuance of Town of Vail Building Permit, but prior to initiating construction, the applicant shall remit to the Association 50% of the total fees associated with the Town of Vail Building Permit Other fees based on extraordinary time spent on the project by the professionals including architects and billed time by management Permit Fee: Performance Deposit: The Applicant shall provide the tusociation a deposit in the amount of $5000.00. The deposit will be reimbursed to the owner once the ACC has determined the project has been completed as approved lf. m Ud rqH sfu n&!ZH H ;ffi rq Fi(r-w frP 7 iIFi,ofu mp IH z il#r TH.N .@.UE ; iER UJ iH{i}J u? i, r\ c\ al- \ .n ir'f F g I \.f i IA- F f\41 lf 6\Lu P t-<rJ\'/ o gi r :lii i ;EI: E 'TI -n ml FN r)E rnZ 2=.P il3€€. - s= (aoo 8F*if 8ia iaiii Fp q *F E.*S ri.E.r=. erE- 3-;gE i€E5n +3+ iiiSr &3H?E +^.[ ^];c-iln*E ;F ::i;E i.+qX5 o,d 6-={d ;ia{ -E: A'=E;+g€ xr ''58€ =.rD;- X - nii ='3=q in j:; i3= +: nE j ;Q: 93 iii ;i rq g- bE;iE= ga ie==EdF 3'. i*i = Eg ils €+3ilFi ilEBAgf,E+q $[iiEF ;=P *1gqi3 E6s.==r==;eq #E(59: g+i;sd;!r s=15ii : t;i{;= u3*++69ri +:i?Ei i iEIF;E €if +ieii iEa€i+I 1e,Fa; +iIiqE;3 eeiiIg =i R+iA€ *9?Filii= +eA3!e ;=re.+ *=1 :Bif$= 5e.e.oY * iilg3 Fq#+;!Y* isi{t H ii;-FH lqsiAlFI i;€Aq * i?g$i Ei$1H€ ii E++gil * Elf*i 6'='ft3iA;i+E r + E. f = s ;;i a v1 qi d = :r 6 = = ile j 6 lr f-l (t. C) Ir ! ii; il;tl! 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Ft pr) U) o t\' erJ liii ;li: \ Fq =-1 a tlt .d < '" o I o- 'H.eoe=> -ru {= ;'isnr?t=i.:=-+d,=r 9 6 o-69R !c P 5 i: P f S:i;-i --rQ l- o Jla q + =; F i+6 c P 9* *-o - o '"1 ;' E 1"? F; $$ii{t+*i[+iss ;;gir $P igEF + I I $$mF es $Ei$ r;81 3d- * ; r al !a_ (A r-t CD 0a CD u) oq F]X U) r+ (D q) ol- !\1s.'rnlrn i Ii! :a.'r 6 l.I : rlt l lll :llt - = ^l 9.tr- s'ts'!"lF I =o z l.J -rR ./7 \J \J I o z. I {P* e \J o =o z N o o e {UJ I \J (] =4\>R'-/ " o -N \ --l o-el f. { a- o-o o '.n a. =a_ =,i o !,- c o <P to--o-o .D 3 -' =.f, vwa a-b o t\ (t) _,1 CD oa CD o f+ |-: oa X (A o V) I !:i I't -t 9 !ta :1{!lt ; 5> =i;_o o- Q -o o' c l o- o 5_ N Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us TOI'[N Project Name: COLDSTREAM CONDO CHANGE Project Description: Participantsl DRB Numben DRB050244 Extension of lower roofs along building (though not exceeding four feet overhang from building face); replacement of existing standing light fixtures with metal post/pole mounted lighting. owNER ANDREW D. NORRTS rrl REVOCAB06|03|2005 26 W MICHELTORENA ST SANTA BARBAM cA 93101 APPUCANT COLDSTREAM CONDOS 06/03/200s 1476 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL co 81657 1476 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL Project Address: COLDSTREAM CONDOS Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: Location: Lot:53 Block: Subdivision: COLDSTREAM CONDO 2103-121-0800-1 see conditions Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: APPROVED Date of Approval: 06/09/2005 Cond: B (PIAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0007181 All proposed roof overhangs shall not extend further than four feet (4') from the ., building facade. Entry: 0610912005 By: ee Action: AP Planner: Elisabeth Eckel DRB Fee Paid: $20,00 Jun-02-05 03:lOpm Fron-TOllfl 0F VAI L COTIIUNITY DEVELOP}f,iIT 8704782L2 T-853 P.002/004 F-323 Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Desisn Review General Infomationl lLlt-"1* requiring,design review Tust recelve approrral prlor to submitung a building permrt appilcation. ptease rerer to me submlcEl requirements for the partjcular approval that is requested. Rn apptication ior Design Review cannot be accegted until all required ,lnformation is received by the Community Development Departm-ent. The project may also need to be rcview€d by the Town council and/or the planning and Envlronmental commission.Design review appmval lapses unless d building pernit is issued and dnstruction *rnrnen.o ,"itt in one year of the approval. : Depdrbnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, V6il, Colorado 81652 ' t€,li 970,479.2128 rax: 970,479.2452 web: www,vailcov,com Location of the proposatz tot: 53 Btock:_ Subdivisiqn:Gl4J LYoN physicarAddress: l+?6 tl**ftht/eX fultE parcef No.: 2.t63 tc( o gqt t Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning:gDD #+ Name(s) of Owner(s): t+76 Wtug o vt vt &o o 3 .c Phoner Owner(s) Signature(s)! Name of Appl'cant' C.d t+7c NF*nWeu /e Phone: )oaddhe"rt(?7a,) I *6 - +? *6 6-6 Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs ! Conceptual Review B New Construction tr Addition tr Minor Alteration (multl-family/commerotal) tr ylinor Aheration f si ngl+.family/duplex)I t,Q/ Changes to Approved Plans v tr Separation Request herels. 6h $s0 No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 I $20 $20 No Fee ebs $1.00 per square foot of total slgn area. Consfucuon of a new building or demo/rebuild. An addition where sguare footage is added to any residen al or commercial bullding (indudes 250 additions & inteiior conversions). Minor dranges to buildings and site improvements. such as, re-roofing, paintlng, window additlons, ldndscaoing, fences and retaining walls, etc. i Minor changes to brrildings and site improvemenS, strctr as, re-rooflng, painting, window additions, land{qaping, fences and rerahfng wallt etr. t Revisions to plans already approved by plannir& Stad'oi the Design- Review Board. I .i Mailing Addrcss: vk(.L-, c). E-mail Address: ilt""r q. r4th. ';f,*. 'itt''oJ l" ? frl ''.,} ,p' wl fl-?, i .r-. ., ,t. Jun'02-05 03:llpm From-T0[tt{ 0F VAI L COWUIIITY DEVELOPTEI{T 9701792452 JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAT LETTER T-853 P 003/004 F-323 I, (print namejTit description) l4'?6 whl a joint owner of pruperty tocated at (address/legaf G,, y'*tu, h, provide this letter as written approrrol of the plans dateo which have been submifted to the Town of Vall community Development Deparunent for the proposeo irnpfovements to be completed at the address noted above- I understand that the proposed improvsrnsn6 incrude: 7E 4@ Ldde*,, Wts 7fE futu41g,(gttL ePuoeo 4:-o" ou'r FBapt@ I fudher understand trat minor modificauons may be macle to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town,s applicable codes and regulations. Page 2 of l3hzll\lM Jun-02-05 03:llpm F ron-TOltll 0F VA I L COIl4Utl I TY DEVEL0PIiEiIT st0lts24a2 MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGSAND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIR"EM ENTS : General Infurmationl This application is required for proposals rnvolving rninor exterior alterations and/or site improvements.Proposals. to add landscaplng do not require DRB approlral unless they invorve ir,. iaaiti*-;ft;;;water feafures, grading, or the addition of retaining wails. I. suBMrrAt FEOUIREMEI|TS*'*./ o /,@ped Topographic Survey+d/5ftejilnd Gradin g pta n * D<E-lrctsca pe planr a ArdlitecturalBevationst D Exterior cqlor and rnaterial samples and specifications, o ,,fuch itectural Floor Plans+il Ughting planx and Cut*heet(s) for proposed fixtures o TiUe report, including Schedules A & B to verifl ownership and easements*tr Photos of the existing sjte and adjacent stucturu, where applicable.o Written apprornl flom a condominium association, landlord. ind joint owner, if applicable o Site-specific Geologicat Hazard Report, if applicable*o The Adminishator ay/or ?Rq. may require the submissiqn of additional plans, drawings,spedfications, samples and other materials (including a modet) if deemid n6.....ny io determine whether.a proiect will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of th;proposal is not dearly indicated. Please submit three (31 copies of the materiak noted with an asterisk (x) **For interior conversions with no exErior chanqes. the submitEl requirements include a complete set of exist.ing and proposed floor plans, a tide report, and written approval from a condominirm iooouton,landlqrd, and jolnt owner, if applicable. I have read and snderstand the above listed submittal requircments: Proiect Namgl b Contractor T-853 P 004/004 F-323 Page 3 of L3lLzlOzlU ' .: BAgELITE NI.455 ATTAcHED TO BASELITE I.4FR,'5 sTANPARD POLE ARM ADAPTER BASELITE ROADI]'o/1]5,EI4CI' 4' DIA, SIEEL PIPE COLIJMN BASELITE MFR.'5 STANDARD POLE / ARM ADAPTER DE-qi'-:st.1;Ail ,rtEW 'lAL '/- at or LIOHT POLE ELEVATION 61,1F. *******+++*******+{',}*******+*****************+*+*****+**********t****************+*****1.f,+** TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement :l*'****i*******t***'t+**++t*****r*++*******+****+***+t*+***'r**f+******+tt****************+rS*** Statement. Number: R050000754 Amount: $20.00 06/03/2OOSO3:12 pM Pa)ment Metlrod: Cash col{Dos Assoc Init: rfS Notation: $/COLDSTREAM Permit No: Parcel No: Site Addrees : Location 3 Thia Pa)ment: DRB0 5 024 4 2103-121-0800-1 1475 WESTHAVEN DR VAII, COLDSTREJM CONDOS rype: DRB-Chg to Appr Plans $2o. oo ***t***+*+**f*******+*****+*+**t*+++********+***+****+********+*{'******ti+************f***** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descripbion Current Pmts DR 001000031]-2200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 Tota1 Fees: Tota1 ALL Pmts : Balance: $20.00 $20.00 $0.00 Departmerrt of Com munity D evelopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 t 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com May 1 1, 2005 Mr. Tom Jarmon Eric Smith Associates, PC 2241 17'n Street Boulder, CO 80302 Fax: 303.442.4745 Re: Coldstream CondominiumtORB050l03 1476 Westhaven Drive, VFil CO 81657 Area B, Special Developnlent District lI4 Dear Tom, Thank you for your patience as the Planning Staff reviewed the building permit set of plans which were submitted on May 2, 2005. Per our conversation last week, the following definition of Site Coverage found in the Vail Town Code, will provide a helpful explanation: The ratio of the total building area of a site to the total are of a site, expressed as a percentage. For the purposes of this definition, "building area of a site" shall mean that poftion of a site occupied by any building, carpoft, porte cochere, arcade, and covered or roofed walkway constructed at, below, or above grade as measured from the exterior face of the sheathing of the perimeter walls or supporling columns. For the purposes of this definition, a balcony or deck projecting from a higher elevation may extend over a lower balcony, deck or walkway, and in such case the higher balcony or deck shall not be deemed a roof or covering for the lower balcony, deck, or walkway. ln addition to the above, building area shall also include any pot'tion of a roof overhang, eaves, ot covered stair, covered deck, covered porch, covered terrace or covered patio that extends more than four (4) feet from the exterior face of the perimeter building walls or suppofting columns (Section 12-2-2, Vail Town Code). Therefore, the following items will be counted as site coverage: . Any new roof overhangs which area underneath does not currently constitute site coverage: this would include any new overhang of a second level deck, which floor plate does not currently constitute coverage over the first level deck or patio; and/or ' Extensions of existing overhangs beyond four feet from the building. Because the Coldstream Condominiums were approved as part of a Special Development District, the amount of site coverage allowed upon the four (4) acre site is 65,500 square feet. As of 1990, 34,878 square feet of site coverage existed upon the site. Therefore, the addition of approximatelyl63 square feet of site coverage would make a minimal difference in the site coverage amount remaining to Development Area B (Coldstream Condominiums), assuming that a comfortable margin of approximately 30,000 square feet of remaining site coverage exists today. However, in order to conectly document this project, graphic representation of the ftP *"'"'"' "'"^ amount of increased sife coverage approved as a paft of this proposal rnust be submitted to the Community Deve I op m e nt De pa rtme nt. In response to another topic of discussion, further research of the Special Development District (SDD) lelded that 65,000 square feet of Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) was approved for Development Area B of SDD #4. As of 1990, 66,898 square feet of GRFA existed. Hence, the Condominiums' excessive GRFA qualifies each unit for up to two hundred fifty (250) square feet of additional GRFA, per the allowance of the underlying zoning for this Development Area (Medium Density Multiple Family [MDMFj). I will plan to review a slightly-revised set of building permit plans which reflects the addition of new site coverage upon the lot. Meanwhile, please feel free to call me with any further questions or concerns. Thank Elisabeth Eckel 970.479.2454 Department of Comnanity Development 75 South Frcntage Road. Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.va:ilgoucam May 20, 2005 Mr. Tom Jarmon Eric Smith Associates, PC 2241 17b Street Boulder, CO 80302 Fax: 303.442.4745 Dsar Tom, Thank you for submitting a sheet indicating the amount of new site coverage being added to the Coldstream Condominiums as the result of several new deck overhangs which were part of the aforementioned approval. The Planning Department has documented the addition of hro hundred sixteen (216) square feet of site coverage, or nine (9) two feet by twelve feet (2' x'12'l decks, to the existing site coverage. Therefore, after the completion of this project, a comfortable margin of 30,406 square feet of site coverage will remain from the 65,500 square feet originally allotted to the Coldstream Condominiums site area. Please feel free to call me with any further questions or concerns. All the best throughout the continuance of the project. Best Eckel 970.479.2454 Re:ndominiums DRB0501 03, 8050069 S*t*ott"t e, /y''tt Suntnnon 6nc!,0= l"t-rs Project Namel DRB Number: DR8050131 Project Description: COMMON ELEMENT- WINDOW REPLACEMENI SIDING REPLACEMENT WITH CEMENTATIOUS LAP SIDING, ADD STONE VENEER AND STONE TO FENCES, REPLACE BUILDING LIGHT FIXTURES, REPLACE SITE LIGHNNG POLES, ADD VERITCAL SIDING TO FRONT OF CARPORT; REDUCTION IN HEIGHT OF Participants: OWNER ANDREW D. NORRIS III REVOCABO4IO4I2OOS 26 W MICHELTORENA ST SANTA BARBAM cA 93101 APPLTCANT COLDSTREAM CONDOS 041041200s 1476 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL co 81657 Project Address: 1476 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL COLDSTREAM CONDOS Location: Legal Description: Loti 53 Block: Subdivision: COLDSTREAM CONDO Parcel Number: 2103-121-0800-1 Comments: seecondition BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion Byr Dunning Action: APPROVED Second Byi Dorward Vote: 4-0-0 DateofApprovalz 0412012005 Conditionsi Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0007054 Prior to final inspection by the Community Development Staff, the applicant shall ensure that all trim applied to the building and its related structures as part of the proposal consists of real wood. Entry'. O4lltl2005 By: ee Action: AP l Planner: Elisabeth Eckel DRB Fee Paid: $250.00 one yoar of the approval. General lnformation: iliJJ?f:n'."|.:rTiil: i::lll#::: *:1.:":::y:^illrovar prior.to submittins a buirdins permit applcatio,] p,oi,s,l :^'':;J,"Ji""I':iliffifrTi[Jlli:'*:,::l*l il :ri:i{ t;l: ':d:il:l; H'ffi,T.i^'iJi31],':',i, l";;ll ;il:l l"Jffi:1:#11 *1""1,1"^",i T3'jy',:lj1 :;:;f; ;;"il;,;#ft;i,TlJ5,ilnll:? l.#:,il,ili""iil 8,".1ff:T:J,:f."l"iJ:,i:j:::H^ll Illlyl C",*ti-"''1r",'"t#,#1ffi; fiJ"lKff*3f,:? Si.fii..illl l;:';;'":"JJ:f"TJ#""1,rapses unless " n"rroi"g ;;,;';';J"J;"0-'l'J'['J":il,".i:f:Tfffl,:?:',J::lli,i Application for Design Review _- Dopartmont of Community Devalopment /c rouln Frontage Road, Vajl, Colorado 81657 tel: 970,479.2139 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www,vailgov.com I t.'/replace s ldlng wlth Description of the Request: ,Rehl add stone veneerF ,hFd stone Locatlon of the Proposal: Lot: {__ Block:. . Physlcal Address: 1476 West Haven Drive parcer No.:Z(O3 talo Boo ( (contactEagreco.Assessoratnro-uru-u*r*r*,,, Zoninq: SDD /14 Name(s) of Owner(s):Coldstream Condominium Assn. c/o Don Macl,achlan Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s) : Name of Applicant: Coldstream Condominium Association Mailing Address:1476 West Haven Drive Vail , CO g1657 <lmacl achlan@des t initioffiteTsl corn rrrrv Lsf D I L\Jlll ph , ,tone: g7n_r76_6106 F_h^it A.rr-^^^. %__.E-mail Address:Fax: 970-47 6-,-4g!S_ Type of Review and Fee:. Slgns . Conceptual Reviow . Now C,onstructlon . Addition Minor Altoration (nru lti-family/commerclal) ap s idi ne g/6-itc U el w o u) o Q w ^) windowe cementatious 1 to fences,reqtrace bldg light ures, ieplac *_-:*::::2 Minor Alteration (singleJamily/duplex) Changos to Approved plans $50 No Foo $650 $3oo $2oo $20 $20 No Feo Plqs $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. For construction of a now bulldlng or domo/robuild. For an addition whsre squaro footage is addod to any residonttar ol :::::r^.j1j-119]ns (inctudos 200 addiflons & interior "onu.,.,ln.y For minor changes to bulldlngs and sito improvomonts. such as rorooltng, painung, wlndow addltions, landscaping, f.n"os ,,,, ,rotalning walls, otc. For mlnor changes to buildings and sile improvomonts. such as rerooflng, pain ng, window additions, landscapjng, fenccs irr..:relainlng walls, otc. For. rovisions to plans alroady approvod by planning Staff or li)()Design Roviow Board. ViIla Soparatlon Request ,, ..-.;)s a_ttD I^,it L .I w _e iv G J^ tA^l aP* . 1-, -? o';'t'' a-..-. t . r,- . -1 'fi1. -' '" i t to ?o6nq -r';f. '' s.J,. i:.. ****t***+****************:i**************+**********,t:t***f**********+****'lr*********:**'t*t ***** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement ***+***** ** ****** ** ***'l* *,*** * +**+********* ***'l*'l *****'** ***** +**** ** ++ * * **!++** *'t** *:**** *** *** Statement Nurnber: R050000324 Amount: $250.00 04/04/2OO5L2:35 pM Pa)rment Method: Check CASCADE CONDOS Init: JS Notation: 37 667 /vAI Permit No3 Parcel, No: Site Address : Location: This Pa)rment: DRBo501,31 TIT)e: DRB-Minor Al-t,Cornm/MuLti 2r03L2108001 1.475 WESTHAVEN DR VAIIJ COLDSTREAM CONDOS TotaL Fee6 ! 5250.00 Total. ALI.I Pmts: Balance : $2s0.00 $2s0.00 *** 't* * *** ***** * +:f * *** '1. ** * ****** ++**** ** * * **** * * **+** ** * * *** ** *+*****+**:*:ti *,* *{.'}* * *** * *** * * *,} * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descript ion Current Pmts DR 001_00003 rL2200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 250.00 Building ![aterials btD ffiwAaq CAMDOS PROPOSED MATERIALS Type of ldatenal Color Roof Sing Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Dmrs Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: \.- STow ueflc.e?xar"ox,urr-(wfl, E/X?+-W hr"W oFMz) ANanoN ttl Wt4tTt fr"s Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. To P-?,ffutt( ( Page 6 of '12104101104 VAIL CASCADE CONDOMINIUMS April4,2005 Elizabeth Eckles Town of Vail Community Development 108 South Frontage Rd West Vail, Colorado 81632 Dear Elizabeth: The Coldsneam Association has approved the exterior renovation plans for work this summer, pursuant to the attached application, plans, and product choices. Please let me know if you have any questions. Don Maclachlan General Manager 1476 Westhdven Drive . Vail, Colorado 81657 970.476.6106. 800.543.4801 . Fax 970.47 6.4946 03/15/05 14:07 FAI 303 442 4745 ERIC SMITH ASSOC I0l,lN wi trl ,l\ U Application for Design Review Departmenl of Community Developmenl 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 8'1657 tel: 970.479,2139 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General I nformatlon: Ajl projecls requiring design rcview must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An applicatlon for Design Rsview cannot be accepted until all required informalion is receivad by the Cnmmunity Developmenl Departmont. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commlssion. Design roview approval lapse6 unless a building pormlt is issued and construction commencei withln one yerr of th6 approval. t lD lvov\) , . LPLj, PZ I V__tottTYV W [Lt'p p @oo2 '''.'l /1t r r. r' | .: l.lt Eagle Co, Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) o- Owner(s) Signature(s): lr ot o :)i j lst( J "' .: v B a f*#f d ti..I -( O-.r.-..y, $.1 t6ij, f 6SlU '? i-;,f - ?.o1;;:: 03/15/05 14:08 FAX 303 442 4745 ERIC SMITH ASSOC VAIL CASCADE CONDOMINIUMS March 9, 2005 Community Development Town of Vail South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 To Whom It may Concern: The Coldstrearn Condominium Association approves the Design Review Board application dated March 9, 2005 for the exterior improvernents to the Coldstream prop€rty. Tliank you. @ ooa *ffiT#4 Don Maclachlan General Manager 1476 Westhaven Drive . Vail, Colorado 81657 97 O -47 6,61 06 . 800.543.480 1 . Fax 97 O -4 7 6.4946 -'-tih*. h : _-{th{,_ #r #z ER ;q_* . .-r;&u; . . llr #3 0l/2s/o5 14:51 FAI 903 442 l?46 EAgELITE ROAPIIOIJSE mrc sflrt Assoc @oor Arr'*''"-'-1 r....'-|..18 D: D- Pi,....-. .. ,I) I 1,ffi .h\N .^\ \. _)'> \ l ffi;, tf ',/ \,\ Fe.:1,) \/|. ./'.\!.'itr ffirl ffi,, lr lr l, Ei l,; t l,I !\ @ -. I..t ! t i I et $o €lt E o E F* l.o F,f n5${"i *$ "$LF*-.',f\ -,Lr ft"fo-S s N $ nN'\N N\N l.g ffil-! Ii Ii I.fi -*F n$ €1l:r, r l=s- I*l IeI t t t n$ E o ET € r t /. t -$ u$ l-5i--., t\ **l.i l*l-e I = l==q= Ls ffil-! e*f! I.u--E ne Ig ta a U.i !-, !* lg 4nl.-'.-.,, ,_r , '',.'n t.t j,rr,Rt)r' ll-l n f, t-,.icrr. rr.r ----*-. - ---=_" Status: I Approved Conltnltuuw DEVELopMENT Roulnc Fonna I Approved with conditions I Denied Routed To:Public Works Date Routed:04t13t05 Routed By:Planner Date Due:04t15105 Description of work:exterior alterations including re-fagade with rock and hardiplank Address:1476 Westhaven Drive Legal:Lot:Block:Subdivision:Cascade Villase, SDD 4 Comments: Fire Date Reviewed: ent lssues. Need additional review bv Fire Provide construction staqi Provide top and bottom of wall elevations and details. Retaining walls must not exceed 6' in height and walls over 4' in height are required to be designed and stamped by a professional red in the state of Provide detail for the "revised entrv" * What does the note "drive.:rriew" refer Department of Community Deve lopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 t 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com April 5, 2005 Mr. Tom Jarmin Eric Smith Associates, PC Re: Coldstream CondominiumsDRB050l03 1476 Westhaven Drive, Vail CO 81 657 Oear Tom, Thank you for submitting an application for conceptualdesign review of a minor exterior alteration at the above address. Per our conversation yesterday, I have scheduled the application to be heard by the Design Review Board at their meeting tomorrow, Wednesday, April 6'n at 3pm. The Design Review Board will visit the site at their pre-meeting tomorrow morning and will then discuss the application at the public hearing in the Town Council Chambers tomorrow afternoon, at which time they will provide comments which will likely be helpful in directing the final application submittal materials. Please be prepared to give a brief and informal overview ot the proposal and bring any associated samples or boards which have not already been submitled to our Department. To get to the Council Chambers, take exit #176 from l-70. Head soulh under the highway and then right at the main round-about. The municipal building is the second possible right turn from the South Frontage Road and the meeting will be held in the Chambers, which is inside the building at the east side of the large parking lot. This item is currently scheduled as the eighth item on the agenda. Therefore, you will likely not need to arrive at the Chambers,before 3:30pm. Please don't hesitate to contact me this afternoon or tomorrow morning with any queslrons or concerns you may nave. -r"" e.y( {! *"t"'"' "'n"t ,, TOIfIIOF I/AII D epartment of Commun ity D eve lopme n t 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 138 MX 970-479-2452 w'ttw.vailgov.com April 7, 2005 Coldstream Condominium Association c/o Mr. Don Maclachlan 1467 Westhaven Drive Vail, CO 81657 Fax:970.476.4946 Re: Coldstream CondominiumsDR805-0131 Conceptual review of a minor exterior alteration Dear Don, Thank you for attending the Design Review Board meeting yesterday at which time the Board visited the site and discussed its concerns with you during the public hearing. As you know, the Board's comments were generally strongly in lavor ol the project. However, some items remain to be resolved before final review may occur by Staff and/or the Design Review Board: '1 . The Board expressed concerns with the proposed lighting fixtures based on two reasons: the fixtures boast a more contemporary flair than the rest of the proposal and their snow-carrying capacity does nol seem particularly obvious. Please consider the integration of lighting fixtures that may be more suited to the semi-alpine style that is being incorporated throughout the remainder of the project. 2. The Board expressed significant concerns with the proposal to add Hardi-plank siding to the exterior of the Condominiums. As we discussed, only natural malerials are allowed for exterior use within the Town of Vail, pursuant to Vail Town Code Section 14-10-D, Building Materials and Design: Building materials shall be predominantly natural such as wood siding, wood shakes, and native stone. Brick is acceptable. Where stucco is utilized, gross textures and surlace features that appear to imitate other materials shall be avoided. Concrete surtaces shall be treated with texture and color if used, however, exposed aggregate is more acceptable than raw concrete. Neither aluminum, steel, nor plastic siding, nor simulated stone or brick shall be permitted. Plywood siding shall not be permitted. Hardi-plank siding has been approved in lhe past for a multi{amily complex within the Town but was approved paying strong consideration to fire and safety concerns which were expressed trom the Town of Vail Fire Department. Coldstream Condominiums may or may not be in as Jire-sensitive a location, which may faclor into any Council decision on the application, should that stage ever be reached. Staff will be contacting the Fire Department to explain the proposal as it currently stands. The Design Review Board stated that il (and Staff) would be in lavor of the proposal if the Hardi-plank application occurred only at the second level or above, with natural wood siding or rock application on the f,tp o"t"""o ""'^ ,, lowest level of each building. The Board also expressed that no tim on any level, either at building corners or around the windows, would be allowed using the Hardi-plank siding. Because this review was a conceptual review, no vote was given by the Board yesterday. However, the Board instructed Staff to approve the application if the suggested changes are made. Therefore, if such changes are deemed feasible, I will expect new plans lrom you as soon as they are available, which I would be able to review etficiently. It such changes are not deemed feasible, the current proposal must relurn to the Design Review Board at its next meeting on April 20, 2005. At that time, the Design Review Board would deny the application based on the proposal to use Hardi-plank siding, and the Association is allowed a twenty day period within which to file an appeal to the Town Council. All property owners adjacent to the Coldstream Condominiums property boundaries must be notified of the appeal by the applicant through a public notice (which Staff would provide) at least fifteen (15) days prior to the appeal being heard by Council. Therelore, the earliest date that the Council could hear the item would be Tuesday, May 17'n. In sum, I will wait to receive revised plans from Eric Smith Associates, provided that is the route that is decided upon. Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have and thank you for your continued patiqnce in what is not alw_ays a simple design review process. cc: Mr. Tom Jarmon do Eric Smith Associates:303.442.4745 ORDINANCE NO. 25 SERIES OF 2OO1 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE VAIL TOWN CODE, TITLE 14 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS HANDBOOK, SECTION 10 DESIGN REVIEW STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES, D. BUILDING MATERIALS AND DESIGN, AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN REGARD THERETO. WHEREAS, the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail has held public hearings on the proposed amendments in accordance with the provisions of the Town Code of the Town of Vail; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail has recommended approval of these amendments at its September 10, 2001, meeting, and has submitted its recommendation to the Vail Town Council; and WHEREAS, the Vail Town Council finds that the proposed amendments are consistent with the development objectives of the Town of Vail; and WHEREAS, the Vail Town Council finds that the proposed amendments are consistent and compatible with existing and potential uses within the Town of Vail and generally in keeping with the character of the Town of Vail; and WHEREAS, the Vail Town Council finds that the proposed amendments will make the Town's development review process less problematic and more "user friendly''; and WHEREAS, the Vail Town Council finds that the proposed amendments are necessary to ensure the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Vail. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLOMDO, THAT: Section 1. The purpose of this ordinance is to amend the Town Code to clarify the existing regulations regarding the use of building materials, to create review criteria for the proposed use of building materials, to codify existing unwritten Design Review Board policies into the Development Standards, to allow the Development Standards to be more responsive to L the requirements of building and fire codes, and to allow the Development Standards to be adaptive to changing building material technologies. Section 2. Title 14 Development Sfandards Handbook, Section 10 Desrgn Review Sfandards and Guidelines, D. Building Materials and Design, is hereby amended as follows: (Text that is to be deleted is strieken. Text that is to be added is italicized.\ 1' Building materials shall be predeminantly natural sush as woed siding, wee*shakesr @mitaeetnermate hewever, expesed aggregate is ing--n€r 1. Predominantly natural building materials shall be used within the Town of Vail. The exteior use of wood, wood siding, wood shingles, native stone, brick, concrete, stucco, and EIFS may be permifted. Concrete surfaces, when permifted, shall be treated with brture and color; however, exposed aggregate is more acceptable than raw concrete. The exterior use of sfucco or EIFS with gross textures or surface features that appear to imitate other materials shall not be permitted. The exterior use of simulated stone or simulated brick shall not be permitted. The exterior use of aluminum, steel, plastic, or vinyl siding that appears to imitate other materials sha// not be permifted. The exterior use of plywood siding shall not be permifted. The exterior use of any building material, including those nof specifically identified by this Secfion, shall only be permitted, unless otherwise prohibited by this Code, where the Design Review Board finds: a. that the proposed material ls safisfacfory in general appearance, quality over time, architectural style, design, color, and texture; and, b. that the use of the proposed material complies with the intent of the provisions of this Code; and, c. that the use of the proposed mateial is compatible with the structure, site, surrounding structures, and overall character of the Town of Vail. 6, Reef surfaeirg surfaee materials shall be eempatible with the site and surreunding in_ne i permi lew gless finish er ing-€eam i re teet anO are ef a des ien 6. The use of wood shake, concrete tile, slate, metal, asphalt shingle, fiberglass shingle, and built-up tar and gravel roofing may be permitted. Metal roofing, when permifted, shall not reflect direct sunlight onto an adjacent property and shall be surfaced with a lowgloss finish or be capable of weathering to a dull finish. Metal roofing, when permifted, shall be of a heavy gauge and designed to provide visual relief to the roof surface (including but not limited to a standing seam). Asphalt and fiberglass shingles, when permifted, shall weigh no /ess fhan three hundred (300) pounds per roofing square. The use of rolled roofing shall not be permitted. The use of any roofing material, inctuding fhose not spe cificalty identified by this Section, shall only be permifted, unless otheryyise prohibited by this Code, where the Design Review Board finds: a. that the proposed material is satisfactory in general appearance, quality over time, architectural style, design, color, and texture; and, b. that the use of the proposed material complies with the intent of the provisions of this Code; and,c. that the use of the proposed material is compatible with the structure, site, surrounding structures, and overall character of the Town of Vail. INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READING, APPROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE lN FULL ON FIRST READING this 2nd day of October, 2001 and a public hearing for second reading of this Ordinance set for the 16th day of October, 2001 , in the Council Chambers of the Vail Municipal Building, Vail, Colorado. Ludwig Kurz, Mayor Attest: Lorelei Donaldson. Town Clerk READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED this 16th day of October,2001. Ludwig Kurz, Mayor ATTEST: Lorelei Donaldson. Town Clerk April20,2005 Design Review Board Goldstream Condominiums DRB05-01 31 ' Background: On April 6, 2005, the Design Review Board tabled DRB05- 0131 based on the idea that the hardi-plank siding proposed as part of the original application was not acceptable according to Title 14, the Development Standards Handbook. However, the applicable text from Title 14, Development Standards Handbook, was amended by Ordinance No. 25. Series of 2001. as follows: 1. Predominantly natural building materials shall be used within the Town of Vail. The exterior use of wood, wood siding, wood shingles, native stone, brick, concrete, stucco, and EIFS may be permitted. Concrete surfaces, when permitted, shall be treated with texture and color; however, exposed aggregate is more acceptable than raw concrete. The exterior use of stucco or EIFS with gross textures or surface features that appear to imitate other materials shall not be permitted. The exterior use of simulated stone or simulated brick shall not be oermitted. The exterior use of aluminum, steel, plastic, or vinyl siding that appears to imitate other materials shall not be permitted. The exterior use of plywood siding shall not be permitted. The exterior use of any building material, including those not specifically identified by this Section, shall only be permitted, unless otherwise prohibited by this Code, where the Design Review Board finds: a. that the proposed materialis satisfacfory in general appearance, quality over time, architectural style, design, color, and texture; and, b. that the use of the proposed material complies with the intent of the provisions of this Code; and, c. that the use of the proposed material is compatible with the structure, site, surrounding structures, and overall character of the Town of Vail. . Alternative suggesfed conditions of approval, should the application not be able to be approved as presented originally: 1. Prior to building permit plan submittal, the applicant shall indicate on the plans the existence of the Hardi-plank application only at the second level or above, with natural wood siding or rock application on the lowest level of each building and upon each of the garage facades. 2. Prior to building permit plan submittal, the applicant shall indicate on the plans that no trim on any level, either at building corners or around the windows, will make use of the Hardi-plank siding. E_ckel - Re: Coldstream commenfs From: To: Date: Subject: Chad Salli Elisabeth Eckel 0411512005 5:01:32 pM Re: Coldstream comments ;r""'iT:J'::,HixT:: in: B:Tl"flJfllli:,;fil.ilf lxare exisring rhere was one retainins wa,l Chad >>> Elisabeth Eckel 04/1812005 4:S8:10 pM >>>Hi chad:Firsily, thank you :?:::f_f"r res.ponding so quickry to the cordstream prans. I spoke with rom Jarmon' the architect' this afternoon aboui your c'omments ind "orrrni"uiJi'ufiin ni, that the onrv issue $:l:"' likelv need to be resolved with PW i,ii"r i"'rjiie is t'" iirst, in" ,ri"riti"r'"r " contsruction siasins 'T"Jffi;:,fi::T;: ;:ilT f"'ff"H,T; *li[ilil];3::fl::,"n"0 in anv manner other than beins The third condition' about the "revise.d entryway" deals with the entryways of the individual units and not the grading' etc' He did sav that fre "reviseJ ofii.u-Jn-wrv' reant that they were pranning to bring the ramp that leads to the officL into conforman"" *itn in" or,,orng code. The fourth comment about the "drive view" was intended to crarify for the homeowners which picture corollated to which view corridor on tre ilans. t *oiii""rur" that this wourd not be a probrem either.Anvwav, I tord rom I was ooins to "*pLin "or"'ffi& thinss to d;il;;; ;ii"y,ur" sti, issues in your mind. Thanks again Jnd i"u" "!r"ri*""i""jiEii""o"tn T T t I t t t I I I I t I I t I I t I PHOTOGRAPHS AND PROPOSED REVISIONS EXISTING I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t T I I ooNDlTloN #l \''r'r !l i\ I I I I I I t I T T I T I I I T I I I ooNDlTloN #2 (\ \c\ f Q\,/-\-\- co N = sr -\n \__\ O \J \\_\Z \r\ \l SZ L (\./ o \_) t I I I I T I I t I I I I t I T I t I ooNDlTloi\t #3 t I I t I I t t I I I I T t I t 'l :E t 4 .-, *tp '. \C\ Z.c F S Z-o t\\J €==-:::- t I t I T I I I I t t T I I I I I T t I I I I t I T I I I I I I ool\DlTloN #4 I I t t I t t T I t T I t I I I t I I t ls.-,' 5l 3t I I I I t I t I T I I I I I T I I T I ENTRY l I T I t t T t I 2RlVr VVW CCr? SfKVAM 4l TA?,U 42 NAI_K rflROUOl ARrA IOO<I NO NORTI--+ t r I I I I N t I T I I I I I $1 $l =/ t I T I T \s $F- \'\l \$ ,-Yt U) t T I T t t I I t t T I t ^ALK rflRouoH AREA I-OO<I NO 3OtJTl-j I I I t t I I t I t t I ll t t t t I B \I $ il g S I N $ \ $r Y si N $ I I \\. \ \.*, t I t I 'a- t1 -.--, Ii i t I T t :. I I t t I T t t I t I t I I t I OTFIO= ENTRY t N KN $$ NN N* ( \, I I I I I I T l4 {. CD \ ln L \ N \N $ R N \) \ \ I ,t \\\\ I I I t I I I I I I I t DRIVE VIEA '/.,/' f, I .* I I t I t lwtnuo A?atUAe l't'tur, ?# l: I I I I rw r'reo tgluL U t,4il coLDvptul 4o DRIVE VIEA OOV=R=D PARKINO I t t I I ( I I T I t I t l t I Hwa zb{tutr sPil(G \9 t4Prur-. fu op 2 ?T?4tont,ErE D/ ilArU qr Ft,elrae il4u) rtilH.I I t,xffi bp,ry UE4tl Clykab ?4eaue F-eTF*,ttzp Arl%Ae fr(&aK fr&rl Ltil/T 4z EA3T VIEA