HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 3 LOT 1 HOTEL COMMON 1993-1997o o 1993 thru 1997 FILE fiPt D e par t m e nt of Co mm unity D eve lop me nt 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 Octobcr 29.1997 Flonorablc Judgc Buck Allen 'l'own of Vail Municipal Court 108 South Frontagc Road Vail. Colorado 81658 Dear Judgc Allcn, 1-hc purpose of this lcttcr is to inform thc court that thc Town of Vail Community Dcvcloprncnt Dcpat-tmcnt and thc Wcst Vail I-odgc havc rcachcd a rcsolution to thc outdool lighting violation (Summons #M028375) at thc Wcst Vail l-odgc. Thc casc is currcntly schcdulcd lor prc-tlial on Thursday, Novcmbcr' 6, 1997. Thc Wcst Vail Lodgc has changcd thc luminous output and hciglrt of thc outdoor light fixturcs. T'hc Community Dcvcloprncnt Dcparlrncnt staff inspcctcd thc sitc on 'lucsday. Octobcr' 2li, 1997. and has dctcnnincd that thc outdoor lighting is now in compliancc with thc Municipal (lodc. Thc Comrnunity Dcvclopnrcnt Dcpartmcnt no longcr wishcs to pursuc thc outdoof lighting violation. Again, wc havc rcsolvcd thc outdoor lighting violation at thc Wcst Vail Lodge to thc 'forvn's satislaotion. Should thc cour-t nccd any additional information, you can reach mc by tclcphonc at 419-2145. Rcspcctfully Submi ttcd, fL'.'+--?r.**-r Gcolge Ruther, AICP Town Planncr R. Thomas Moorhcad, Town Attorncy Mr. Brucc Chapman xc: {P ^'"""tn"'r -T y7+-{ K, r, wf I Tvurx'c o \t," o;i"&,^l,Irfr- r. FIL E COPY TOWN OF VAIL Deparunent of C ommunity D eve lopme nt 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 August 25,1997 Brucc D. Chapman 143 East Meadow Drivc, Suitc 498 Vail, Colorado 81657 Rc: Wcst Vail Lodgc Lights Dcar Blucc, I rcccivcd thc fax transmittal you scnt mc on Friday, August 22, 1997, rcgarding lhc sourcc lumens of thc light bulbs uscd in thc Wcst Vail Lodge light fixturcs. I havc calculatcd thc luminous output ol'thc light fixtulcs at thc bascd upon thc information you havc supplicd. My calculations arc: Lurncns = 16.000 = 53.33 < 125 luminous output Luminous 300 Arca According to my calculations, if thc lights arc lowcrcd to lcss than fifteen feet (15') in hcight. thc outdoor lights will bc in compliancc with thc Town of Vail Municipal Codc. Oncc thc hcight of thc lights has bccn rcduccd to lcss than fiftccri'fcct in hcight, plcase contact mc so I can inspcct thc complctcd work. You can rcach mc at 479-2145. Thank you for your cfforts in hclping to rcsolve this mattcr. Sinccrcly, R. Thomas Moorhcad, Town Attorney -r' {g r""nuor^r"* t li \ ,D ep:-* T* (w hl_{ Uoil I \ \ e rr I - D oty \ UJ-L_ rJ o,tj_ -o.V,,-,.r./ f r- t *'1a \ o,-nn"..l \.p -. \t:" ,*(. );ffi,':h*'*n,; < lbr*: *--[ w o.,a ,,*.b *.[ -o_ [,^ . /a +-ur J + s* ul-r- L4"^r__er,l^" I. ol q..- .'N-5/^" &4+ . Sr,iacr- .=F%- ;ffifftf.nb,"r:',:."',/4[p"":o o{ D AA gl" s t r qr_ | #..Xt"+;\ ca-,r-ty '4 Ur"^aZ4 "-'t ^'+*hl0-,r.[ - -\\ A{^Y&IJ. oflfuod,+ t.p.4^ e oofr*- ....Jl_ "{,t*- ^1",^W - l"o A ^o"0^ ^,--U1:Vov'.r,i .t\"" *94^r,"1 (< s;'-'{[,'#' ?tOtl' lOV-COlt-Drv-DtFT. 08/LL/97 14:52 a7/3r/L997 18:12 JttL.- 31 -a ? la . tt Doilrtrn3 gcrlit lr brod rlat GoDat'tcia' ir l||ttcd' oN'oF ?l{E REQU€ST: SINCL{IR GROTTP OIAPI.4ANSDRiSKB tD r 9 76{?gaa5t Qucrtlons? full tio PlerrninB Staff rra79'?l2tl APPLICATION FOR I}DSTGI{ REVTEW APPROVAL :::' GENERALIf,E(LMAIIQN tiffi.n}.P'9jetrEquinn8DcaiFqayia1lgtoVa|.Anypnojcctrcquidn8dcs|gnrcvi!'v'n$t rccclvc E1..ig,, Rq4* .ppori pn?io-ffi'ring for " uriiriing pqrtit. Ftlrqocitlc ioforrnrtlon- rc' lhs tubrniBrl rcquiromqrir fbr g1o pr6."t- a#, ;J,Ut lt .qtr.a. Tnc afpiic*ion l,onot tc accArrcd util tll tbc rcqqitgd il";;;;;;;if,oa ncproi"eirnry.l!oncc{ttob.ttvrc.vodbytheTovrrCorurciland/orrhcPhrnrrlgrnd Ar"i''o"no,if Amrniion- neigf ncticw Borfll rgProvrl .rplrar ono ycar rfter lltrt rPprovrl unlcl I B c. F, \.r. lt, I. LOCATION PIffSICAL ^DDRESS:pARCgL #: . , 1la ?. - (Contect Eaglo Co. Attct5orr Oflicc rt C70'3?&t640 for prccl l) ZONING: NAMEOF OWNERTS): MAILINO A PHONE: oei/N ER(S) SIGF{AA URE(S)i FTAME OF APPLIC,{'IT: MAtLINC n'DDt'8SSt FTIONE: ry?€ OF REVIEW AND FEE: O Ncr Cctnctlon -S100 E Addlllon - t50 Ccasmtction of a ncw building; tnclude rrry rddition whtft 3quat6 foage is rddcd to my rcaidanlirj tr corunorcid building. lncludct mincr chtnlEc to buildid9 rnd sitc ifiptovqncnLs' luci r!' rrrooflng. painiing windov dd,tioar, ladrceDiag. fmocc and rrrdnin3 vrlh. cc. Pfi rry Tplictliot vhclc 6c Tgliornt wilhct to mcttwtt[ Dsign Rsviav Boud to dctcnrrino wh{ther or not thc ptojcr gonaally complics ttr thc dcegn guidclincf, The DRB &cs not voG ut concc1durl rc,ricrn, CP*c-rtoD' tm O Corccetorl Rcv{c* - N0 DRB fccr rn ro bc pid c rhc dmo of ail{niual. I:ta. whon rpp}ying fot r! bullding pormlt, plcase fulatd$ thc.acu cyCualon oltho pojct, Tho Torn of Vril e'iu.djust thg f€|a rccotding to thc projcd vdustion. PLEASE SI.'IMIT THTS APPLICATIOII. ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DE?ARIII{ENT OF COITO{UNTTY DEVELOPMENT, ?3 SOUTIT TTONTACE ROAD, varL COLORADO tt6s7. @ 00? PAGE A1 PAOI 2,' . AU6 14 1997 TOl/-CO[|ll|. DE\J. DEPT. 08/12/97 l3:34 t 15,2r "":':'J: i'.: SIN.LAIR ","*, .l"6r ossr @ 002 PACE 2/2 + ./--_-l- 3P.^33 firru( -+r: t3/f Fc -f:,,Rec{Afc 5,AEZ --- 2l-90S Ct 08E rrtT(n TqN anrf aSSCt€Ly l: C.. x 3.75' O.O- lrSE x o.rd P€rt./Fr tlrEq€C FLUIE Sl{a/r. i I l T-_ I +lrl lulhir.lo(,rs o'r{-pdaT ?aot.rer.. 3 /l\t:b/7<-1c13 , -.1 | | + 'Q e --F?-Nti'gLre' t I I ) I-f r.l. rr4 ijr L14-g_,*.r*j BASE lt..lt ftnl|r I r-3 IJFPEn ErlE *filr +tvc/r'^i!Ll ^CCisS oOOF. T-- 2 , I 3 i--],O,,,Ei AA:!e Sf,CTTON v'r-8-D2-r,/8' H..fn- olly luvvtiqovs our1ir,rf 'l t: uu€E:olveof I o o 68/15/1997 69:.28 e76-476U8 CHAPMAT{iDRrsKr'I PAGE 02 (olt),r tnpI.crhtllA PrllctO- f,a*^lA Thtct|tetlraIGAlA a||DtF f ir|rtFd' All septdrr ?, t99,1 ffil'lrdlre Itt lcrt t€.{ Artd. trab lcr Iilrtef+ mnclr t0lol.tlt Olllr (.|l, t||{|7r tG (5|a|ilr-.r|' UrhCd.nrrl|c. lW t|.l15|h Slrrrt 3rn rot Fst Wertr.Tcr|tar@-at$glFc. (tfl, ttt{Oaa F.r (llt, ltt{lf llr. Ji.E clrrurtt! Tom Phw NMI G |nlL 7t seutD lloot {c ld. vall, @ 41657 DGrr F. Gg'mtte: ls Dcr our rrcmt trlophc,nr oouvrr*tioru ettrchcd plrrn f,ind copios of or.rr sitc USbtlnE plan atd pnelLllnartnroposed lardscage plan. In cooperatlon glth thr Tqrn of Vrll yo sortld tolictt any coouents or refinercntr tori blieve to be necolrartr rlth rcArrd to rlthrr of thcrc Dlan.r. Bc vould bc pleesrd if yort uould rac.pt thrr plens ." "113s!uenis .to tbe sets of uorking drauings tbat srn preratrd rt Frt ot th. buildiDg pem!.t ap,plication several. days ago. spcciftcrlll, sltl Fgsrd to tbe slte lightllg plaa, ue believe tirat the Lighting rr yroprrC for tlt rlto tlocc conforn to Gdtrrnnce No. 9, scsies of 1993, gravldltg lcr oqtdoor lightirry. t!6 lightiag plrn rhors thc locttion of thc varl.our t12u of ffu<turrl rrd grovldu fllllure cuts sf the t1'pe of thr -crrrirge tarp' tl'Da tlxturrg to be pnwldcd alorry nlth other rolrtitt hfore'.lon. /r=w Eor yorr lufqntlon sDd trltl Fsrrd to thr fuuetl/ calculation, tbe sizr qf tire globt Dlat d on tog of tbs ringle, double,/and tnll normtcd fixture ls rgprodntrly 25' tell by rn rvcrrgr of ll' uldd- Iu d,oing our calculationr sitb r.gdd to tbc lutnoug erce ard lntonelty, re believq ttrat aach of ttc f$cturw docs not af,Gd thl 12!l unitt rrtlo of soqrcc lrtsons tiat the ordinancc r"qulrc!- ftc ntlntlcr ero rs follosr: ttrlr Fh hp (rg[rco of frmn3) lulnour anr DooDlrlloD? egh rrtttrd ftnturpc lcimur rrt llr.ll ruqtrd firrtqr lilnsur rnr t{,ooo --w 28,(xro 600 9,500 300 {6.66 .16-66 ; 31-O6 F 08/15/1997 69i28 St)ptrbrr 7, 19tl lf. Jir Crrutta Prgc lro e7a-476 U8 l,tdlt d bf[&d hnlmut rnr CT{AFIiIAMDRISK',:I PAGE O3 a I'OO 20.fit rt all qiaaa, mne of tir fbftureg ercc.d thc brtgDt lln(ts aDove grrdc :pcctflcd in tlbp ordtnncc. Tlc flglt t$Gure scloilrlc ldantlflcr tlc DclEht, froa grade, for orol rDrctftc flxturo- In rddttio,a, tltc frcgucncT of liglrtiag is less than or li$t torrcr yrr 1,06 t{urt fcct of lot arca. ngthcr. fon your ldorntton, each of these globes vilt utilize a translrmnt (frotrd) t.1'p. of glor. lb brlitvr tht, u rtrttd rDore, tla 3itc lighting glan is in confornnca slth tho orttnrl er{ rorgocfJully rrguert tbrt tbc *Ite ltgbttng be accoptcd as prrt of tb o'.rfll Dtcttdtry Ftrft prcIago, 5e nould apprccletc your r.\,'tes of tbe att cL.d frilraagc/glaIrtlng pl{t. lbis plan respondr to tJIs phase of i:bs ownll Flprtt rpgrrdr. lddittsnrl plrr:tirg rnd led:crpr rolrtrd to tbe ontlro rltc rlll bc lbosn ar 1nrt of tDe sD suimtttal. rlro, plru bc advtrcd tht rc ntrlEbrhd tta stona netcrlel to be apptted to thr rodrtlq rntrl,eolul. lblt aatcrtal rbould hrvc bcrn not:d as "re1nbog ulx eolomdo ftrld *oor'- lt r&nrrtiqs rrifl bo notrd rccordlagly- sDoutd tou brw rnl' qua*tons, rrquir. furttber lnfotlation, need fi:Gurc suhtttrlr or lrytllry cf tlrt DrtUre gleur do rct hcsitato to contrct ur. 6lrctrcllt. C.!. lsd,t stgt, ?.r. lBact !. Ebd, ill l|*.lcttt a 68122/L397 13:58 nnrcG D. chrp,6ad CHAPMAN&DRISKO, BRUCE D. CHAPMAN o(nDEtogr a Itncn$|l At t f,Fa. lai! Esrt Meadov Driw, Suite 498 Vail, Colorado 6165Z (970) 476-m75 Facsirnilc {97o1 476-0078 E-mail: bd,crtitvail.nct FACSIMII,E TRANIiMITTAL SHEET PI^EAS DH.I\TR, IMMEDIAIILY TO THE FOLII)WING: Ctrgokilln 479-2452 s7CI-476-58 LLC o PAGE 6L gf Counicl Devil P. Rck (ldotttrd ln Colorado rrr{ Acoryia It[. Bdrry l4itz (Fcdcral T.r Dlrttcr3 Adnittcd in Ocorgi4 otnzfn FEtr: BrrpD.Ctpm Par: I Itnli ,, r r, wcdVrilkdp Lu^at+ LqrnicrOct+ *ea* tr UFn XFabrLr trnhrt trOhicbfo}w trF-RECy lbt The following are the specifications rqarding the lights: GE R-t75 Muhi-vaporMVR lTSlCU;geneftrte 16,000 lumen. or client purchascs thc bulbs locrlly at All phase 949-7066 or Srarboard Elcctric 9{91882. Tlrcy crn provided you sny additional information regarding rpocifications. we wortd like to procccd with ordedng the replaccmcnf polcs as soon ar porsible Pleesc call me when you have the information that you neod and arc sdirfied.. Thsnks Bruco. lo,%c 53.== 1 tzs I''III^ED !{ fI.G FrcII.C IEEE'OE B I{IE'IE) (IlY T<N T}G Tlf€ G IG T€i'f,|,|IT N'TED A!oVE IIIO DC ?q!Fq4!5 rpr C4wFC mnnra n:rurrt'c-ainj-Cii ve-rs'n"e. F r}cpEs}| ^cru lrv nGcGrvi|o tra.^ae oi ArwqDld E||E (r rH€ F^tExr E r5|T1'r !!!P-REoPcxr. oi ni aii.ove m rcsn nssFoE€t€ rD r1r'r€i a ro rr* iremi EcE r. ^rv ur€. r6rnmot arrnlmcr c q*ino or iiiE'comrii:rnor !B srnE\y ra0x-i6. ; r,qr-niiE dciiffiffi 9q$49,,rtoa ll liloi. FtcAlE rlE IEY lolFY us Bv rE EEirG uro nm.nx rra oaoiur- reiirc;e-ro'us Ar nG AslrE A4SYIIHTL llur{( Y(U. Ir llOII EltElt l{ct Atry tlf,r5 ur tSctfr{nc T[raE !AcE$, ?t.E^lD CALL o ffi ffi -c 4 R I -{ 5R g z =5 F ts O) CN () o o c 4 -t m I I r 16 r N r 6 t. F 9l it .l if *l ?l cl Il tl 6l tl tl r. l ol tl t I a f,E F 'o i .ti LQ tl t9 F .[ d $ 5c)t9 tn ttr tz 'lr ge IH -{ lt il Eh tlo tr, = ..t Ft' gL PI A.l rl :k rF 3i Ei 1i r! t. I t a I E t 1..,g ,E l6 t; tE le.t$IF lo tg,l. to t&IT tp sEl s6l <l 6l !l rtl >91 !! Nl lel t -l ol al rl I EEI ol 9I tl 'l o9 IN EE g 1t EEIE: FF e:l eBl rl rt EI 3l ttl t.l EEI *rl 9l QI cl ol ql l$ n IE t" I I I I ! lrl gEl 8 Rt F ol 5l ^l FI ol tl t?l t8 I c E t t5F t8 tc 15 It It tl lt I o,rl E.l 9l *l 5l I ll tl t= j 4 t t, ol t$t 6l 5l Dl ol tsl ta n t- I I I I fd rl I ll ;l ir I l_ 19 IE I' 9c (tl s R g 3tl ;li 8l; Ell tl EI ct EI rl ql 9l 5,1 rl tl 6l EI 6 a t e I I I rt it lt N >e s tr RE \;t; g I s rl IN l\)r F, ql al 6l *t i 5 I f rn -{7 6 al.,2>o-,2 J> Y rN3v{JUVd3o 3cl-lod']lv i)U x\: \Y. 1-. \.\t- i\"T'-./,.*' ; ( i\i:- j= ,l- L". ? '.,..i -: '-.) .\i"\\:;a.--tN'l-(,J:\?tlf i =N) @ ClJ -l c-n fri c;g 'n- -lm fr9 |n-om !+ ;€4z -'n m<o2 --l -lo ni< Y> Ed t1 6E 9t -t 9i e 3F E:Ei 9 -d: I Bc i e?dE :.= 5: !i <6 35 .tP 3: f s t s t = s^-.- l 'j .', '_ |i ". {\ l 1\' ti '.- \' !.- . to --.J i tF.F ,i r^ \'v , -J'\\| i, > ';i \ h\i '\.\ '- i F 5\ r[ ':1 J - \l $ s. 'l \\ J, -l r\l o\' :\ \: I I l',) |q{,r sL I r) .' I l: \l I ^l :7 I '^.: I- -\ ;r\ '\ i t\l 1.,* ) t |.N r. i 'ii \.fi t\\cl *ll iar l' tr..' '_' i \rl F runoc tN3l lrHvd3o 3cl10d -llv^ 9r t\ sl (1. N \f, C.r a \. *-.) __li h \ ! THIS IS A LEGAL OOCUMENT READ BOTH SIOES P 5 @ -t t I 9=l i9l E>v< a= >o n- ci6 >* d< BX ti=26 tn! >q ('!q> ;-l ti . ..1 9=+fi E, R6 >P 6B {1 l-o rd 9l FO zx >z {ln is to \:NF -t>>= Y=9\!roY B,F ;J vo \s l'- t'n \T a \./ f,- $ c t L &( o + 9 \ : 3 s \) r n - !r l :a rJ\s e> iA U:t .l qt =l 9l tl 3l I I I <l al 'l I I I I 7 B -.t C/t 7s rl Cz S F -1 a t (a-E tt x Fq r$ .D !n 0q -tl mv >E !g Y3 I3 (,D 3&3sl z1 r'l 5, :Dq 3,i >= r<25 -9.zz mo m-. a< { =. I a 5 E =' t _g o m -6- 6 s P r ll =l 4l -l tl FI ol .l fi\l \\ N $\ "${ 9 \c\ L\ t ? 6 6 ; 7 6 c_ tr z 3 lnl >€l \-e I Azl hgl T"l I I \-l >l -l l\l ll ol o tl t iE P ; s5 Lr P. tr- i.,a c= ri6 \i \E _\l E NS F, 1 -9. g-- \N' s a I h x +s S,"N:G8 s |: F U6 L,.as i dn N,c \- OE N F\\ N- E' e + \z .1 $F F\r \o .Ae \t< I Nr \€ o -? ! c gNl 3l sl EI "t I I I I crl t a> z' D \/'+ i L tu g. L F \I ? L -t b t h o $e f o_ t \d v6 t 3 @> lf r3 !. s iE >+ -6 Y8 -.9 F;\r \q =N a= ;frd \; -{ 5 A *; \Si.oq R,>3 $ f,F G*= =\i; S.- E+- $ o!D 3B bt <,i 99 3H 5g o 6r zB 6 I I Ao E'; 3:E : 9 =9 E d .-' r 6 -{ 6 a E I I 9. Q 5 B a j\s N3 \3 XE z! E -g €3 o Yo z JI !9:r * lvl a\ e.df 5 o6Q g E6 !i tlitoJ ISINt5nt !3alrllHlol 75 Soutlr Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 D ep artnrc nt of Contmunity Developrne nt July 7, 1997 REAUT Corporation 512 Main Street, Suite 401 Fort Worth. TX. 76102 RE: West Vail Lodge Lighting Dear Charlotte: As you are aware, you have been cited for two violations of the Town of Vail, Colorado Municipal Code. More specifically, Section 18.54.030(8) and Section 18.54.050 J, (2),e, which have been included for your information. Since each day of violation shall constitute a separate offense for the purpose of calculating the penalty, the lights must be turned off immediately and remain off until they are brought into compliance. I continue to recommend bringing the lights into compliance as quickly as possible. Please contact me at (970) 479-2142, if you have questions. Sincerely, Tammie Williamson Town Planner cc: Tom Moorhead Susan Connelly Mike Mollica {gr"n uor*o 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 D eparnne nt of C ommunity D eve lopment July 7, 1997 Brian Smith, General Manager West Vail Lodge 2211 N. Frontage Road Vail, CO.8'1657 RE: West Vail Lodge Lighting Dear Mr. Smith: As you are aware, you have been cited for two violations of the Town of Vail, Colorado Municipal Code. More specifically, Section 18.54.030(8) and Section 18.54.050 J, (2),e, which have been included for your information. Since each day of violation shall constitute a separate offense for the purpose of calculating the penalty, the lights must be turned off immediately and remain off until they are brought into compliance. I continue to recommend bringing the lights into compliance as quickly as possible. Please contact me at (g70) 479-2142, if you have questions. Sincerely,d*; /-aln*;"'- Tammie Williamson Town Planner cc: Tom Moorhead Susan Connelly Mike Mollica {g rr"rrrro ru"r DESCN RE'IEW enlargement of an existing sl,ructure, paving, fencing or other improvements of open space within the corporare limits of the Town of Vail unless design approval has bcen granted as prescribed in this chapter. The addition of plant niarerials to cxisting landscaping, gardening and landscape mainrenance shall be exempt from this provision. B. It shall be a violation of this chapter and the building permit for any person to commence, continuc or complete woik that has not received design approval as prescribed in this chapter and/or is not in conformity with the plans approved and authorized by the zoning ad ministraror and / or DRB and the chief building official. (ord. 3e (1e83) $ l.) t8.54.040 Material to be submitted/procedures. A. .Prc-application conference . Prior to the formal filing of an application for design approval, the applicant should confer with the department of community developmcnt to obtain information and guidance. The purpose of such a conference . is to permit the applicant and thc staff to rcvievr informall.y the proposal before substantial commitments of time and money are made. The departmenr of community development shall indicatc on tile application form appropriate staff with which the applicant shall confer.'Iopics of discussion shall include but not be limited to: l. Charac.teristics of the site and surrounding areas; includ- ing its location, significant natural and man-made fea- tures rvith particular attention to natural hazard areas, the size and accessibility of the site, surrounding devel- opment and land use, and existing zoning; 2. The nature of the development proposed, including land use types and their densitiesl the placement and design of proposed buildings and other improvements of rhe site, ..the location,.type. and tr,eatment,of,open space.areas, the i)i cscivij i i on of l r a l rr r.ill fc ?l lu I cs, prol.i rrscri lLar l, ilrg a rcas and internalcircuiation system, the total ground coverage of paved areas and structures;3. Community policy considerations including the review process and likely conformity of the proposed develop- (Vail ll-15-83) . 'i.ir I 449 Ourro* REVTEW development. In addition, the design review board may require that one or moro of the follorviig common design elements such as fences, walls, patios, dccks, retaining walls, walkways, landscape elements, or other architectural features be incorporated to create unified site development.J. Outdoor lighting. 1. Purpose. This subsection of the design guidelines establishes standards for minimizing the unintended and t'-undesirable side effects of outdoor lighting while errcouraging the intended and desirable safety anci aesthetic . purposes of outdoor lighting. It is the purposc of thc design ' review guidelines to allow illumination which provides the minimum amount of lighting which is needcd for ttre property on which the light sources are located. In addition, the purpose of this section is to protect the legitimate privacy of neighboring residenrs by controlling the intensity of the light source 2. Approval required. All outdoor lighting within the town limits shall conform to the stanclards set forth below. For the purposes of this subsection, residentially zoned properties shall be defined as rhose in hillside residenrial, single family, two-farnily, primary/secondary, residential alcluster, low density multi-family and medium density multi-fanrily zone district, as well as all special development districts which have any of the above- referenced zone districts as the underiying zoning. All other zone districts shall be considered, for the purposes of this section, as being commercial zoned. a. Luminance. Light sources located on all property in the 'Iown of Vail which are nor fully curoff shall exhibit a ratio of source lumens to luminous area not exceeding 125. For examole: - ''luminoLrs area b. Iirccluclrcy. lior ioLs irr rcsidcrrtial zorrt.: riistricts, thc - maximum number of light sources per lot shall be * limited to one light source per one thousancl square feet of lot area. The location of said lights shall be left open s n m source lu 454j-2a (Vail ll-t6-93) ZONING to the discretion of the property owner, so long as the : lights are in compliance with the Torvn of Vail's Municipal Code. Christmas tree lights which are of a temporary nature . ! .i , , section, all outdoor lighting that does not conform to every reguirement of this subsection shall be legal nonconforming A<A: AI 4+ l.ft- /n . ,: J rJ..w ({t-: (Vail 't l-16-93) c. Height Limits for light frxtures. (l) For all light sources located in comrnercial zone districts, the maximum mounting height for light sources on a pole shall not exceed thirty-five :. feet. The maximum mounting height for light ::;. .ji sources affixed to vegetation shall not exceed :. .-. eight feet. (2) For all light sources located in residential zone .': . districts, the maximum mounting height for light sources on a pole or on vegetation shall not exceed eisht feet. d. Light sources affixed to structures. For all properties within the Town of Vail, light sources may be affixed to any wall of a structure. Light sources shall not be affixed to the top of a roof of a structure. e. Cutoff shields. All light sources located in commercial zone districts which exceed fifteen feet in height shall . : exhibit a full cutoff shield. : f. I-ights which flash, move, revolve, rotate, scintillate, blink, flicker, vary in intensity or color, or use intermittent electrical pulsation are prohibited.3. Exemptions- The stanclards of this r."tion shall not apply located in residential zone districts, as listed in Section iij ir , , 18.54.050 J, 2, and which are illuminated only ,'1. between November I and April 15 of each year.i, :. b. Christmas tree lights rvhich are temporaq/ in narure and are located in zone districts other than those residential districts Iisted in Section 18.54.050 J,2. c.-';Sign illrunirrlllion; as'sr:l foith in Title 16. . ,. d. Municipal lighting installcd for the benefit of public li i health, safety and welfare. , .4. Nonconformances. As of the effective date of this sub- 75 South Frontagc Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479 -2 I 3 8/479-2 I 3 9 FAX 970-479-2452 Departme nt of Conntunity Developmenl ,- t'^ t-*' , '- t" ' June 18, 1997 Charlotte Young REAUT Corporation 51 2 Main Street, Suite 401 Fort Worth, Texas 76106 RE: West Vail Lodge Lighting Dear Charlotte: This letter is a follow-up to the many conversations and correspondence regarding the lighting at the West Vail Lodge. I have not heard {rom you in several weeks and we need to come to a permanent solution to llris situation as soon as possible. lt appears that the round about construction has caused the lights t0 be turned off, however, you are still in violation of the Town ol Vail's Lighting Ordinance. The Town of Vail will not permit the lights to be turned on at the current height and wattage. ll you recall, we discussed the HADCO light fixture, and the fact that this fixture does not comply witn the Town of Vail's definition of fully "cut-off" (as required for lights greater than 15'.) Given the expense involved in manufacturing a full cut-off shield that meets the Town of Vail requirements, it appears that the practical solution is to lower the poles to the approved height of 14'. ll you do this, the lights will be considered in full compliance, and Design Review Board approval is no longer necessary. As soon as you receive this letter, please contact me at (970) 479-2142 so that we may resolve this issue. Sincerely, Ffq i t- c4*,,,,.: / Lfud*'T^44v- Tammie Williamson Town Planner cc: Tom Moorhead Mike Mollica {P *""'"""' "*'* ZONING 18.04.137 Full cutoff. "Full cutoff' means a light source in which no more than two and five+enths percenr alS@of its total output is'ernined above ninety degrees (90") as rne6,'sured from nadir as shown in the example below: 18.04.140 Grade, exlsting. Th,e exisring grade shall be the existing or natural topog- raphy of a site prior to construcrion. (Ord. 37(1980) $ l.) f8.04.150 Graderfinished. The finished grade shall be the grade proposed upon completion of a project. (Ord. 32(1980) g l.) (ord.9(1993) $ 1.) (Vail 4-95)308 REAUT CORPORATION REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS & DEVETOPMENI lvfay 12,1997 Ms. Tammie Williamson Tovvn Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Tammie: Enclosed is the Application for Desigr Review Approval. As I discussed with you this moming, I will be fonuarding you a cut sheet of a cut-offshield and globe manufactured by Hadco. I was refered to Hadco by Steve Prawdzik at M.H. Lighting in Denver after discovering that the first cut-offshield he recommended is not interchangeable with the Visco poles that are installed without changing all of the components from the ballast up. Hadco can overnight a new globe and cut-offshield to install immediately, and the balance of the fixtures within weeks. Once the sample is approved we will move forward immediately. CC; Paul Reitz 512 Moin Streel, Suite 401 . Fort Worlh, Texos 76102 . (817) 882-9970 . FAX (817) 882-9969 Qucstions? Call flarrning lltafi at 479-2128 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVTEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION I This application is tbr any projcct requiring Dcsigr Rcvicw approval. Any projcct requiring design revicw tttust rccc.ir,c Dcsign Rcview approval prioi to submitting for a building permit. For specific information, scc thc subrnittal .cquircnrcnts= fbr thc particular approval that is rcquested. Thc application cannot bc acceptcd until all thc rcquircd iuibmtation is submiftcd. Thc piojcct may also nectl to bc rcvicwcd by thc Torvn Council and'/or thc Plaruring and Erir.ironmcntal Commission. Dcsign Rcvierv Board approval expires one year after final approval unless a truilding permit is issued and construction is startcd. RIPTION OF THE REQ B.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT: PHYSICAL ADDRESS: ZZtl N ' FILINC: ZONINC: TOWNOFVAN C. D.NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILINC ADDRESS: E. F. OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILINC ADDRESS: TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: PHoNE: 8l-r - 3U? -qq'?o C, tr Addition - $50 Ne: 8l?-88L497O E New Consnuction - $200 Construction of a nclv building. Includes any addition where squarc footagc is added to any residential or comnrercial building. EI Minor Alteration -$20 Includcs minor changes to buildings and sitc improvcments, such as, reroofutg, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and rctaining walls, etc. E Conceptual Revierv - $0 For any application wherc the applicant wishes to lilcct with Dcsip Revierv Board to dctermine whether or not thc projcct gcncrally conrplies with thc desigrr guidelincs. Thc DRB docs not vote on conceptual rcvicws. DRB fccs arc to bc paid at thc timc of submittal. Later, whcn applying tbr a building pcmit, pleasc identifu thc accuratc valuation ofthc project. The Town ofVail will adjust the fbc according to the projcct valuation. PLEASE SUBI\{IT THIS APPLICATION, ALL STJBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND T}IE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, TS SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD' VAIL. COLORADO 81657. Updatcd l/97 E1lLzlL997 ilE:37 817-882-9959 REAJT CTNP PAE gI Fachimile 512 lrfth Srrct- suiE4ol FqtWntL Tcxrc 76102 Tclqfionc: (t I 7) tt2-9Yt0 ro: Tenme. [Jrltt'r*rsprr FAXrYo, QIO -q1q- zqs Z-- PAGif,S: ^ TqrALIrO.orrAGISrnCLIrDIt{cComCmmlJ :o*'pJ# w RE:ll Tl*,ute - n t W , il" ir#'*"I; wilsa'rAAocl -dt" h,{ornin..'i;t'ilr- l,r* a solrJ *.[rrrnr"t/t"P ,r,'") a 5Y6o..J&'t ilo&-' ?lner>< f€ r,rre-r) ,t^,L &^0P I Ltao,'t-t" -- t Ur-*bE r'oouffiulr |llrll ED trn tf,l rrt8 ctE trDn Dn^|. rn r.rrTr r{A}tD Anv!. ttl[r rt DB otErr ftllaor D trOT lf,! lltllllDlD llolcff. (l tlt Uj|lfr't! il rcl[|t' l|Do[lft m !|IrIVtl, tT ro rft rltrtl|DTD llcllrrrT, Ylw /|lt ErllY trolruD EaT Arv Frrr.t^Ttqr. DFtlttET!fi 0 Grr[o c ru oolllumcarro[ rr tTltrcll.t rlffiilD, U UOtg fAvt lrcttvlD rtG rulror N tltfl. tt.r^8 nilrDuTlrrY tfoilrluttyrlrfimlrrlAlEltinnntrroN[cDr Lryractro rrraT tEttrvtaffitl yn lE us, lrrlDtBvrc] lltfiIldr. PAGE 62 lfv 12'7 15:43 REAJT CTFP 817-882-9969 ?t7ffi .J? #t a,l\/J. 'F /. t ii/'i-, n a (' I *{B t J w ,o5lL2/t997 .A5/r21L997 15:37 817-8S2-9969 "1"ffie8rdDco REAIJT CTRP PAGE 03 Jfil t2 ,t? t3t44 T* [ ,SDrchr.e]rn.rrqnn rr.z ffii;ffiEW*, ru?;crqglivncl tEaH rwublc dirFr!. q !,t!, wluout nlylry g| tD inFilt nfhcmr, es in cr+otrgtsb rtdttrr& t-, ,."r*id"T_'iljyoo.Ilrl|t o oc nfrxrirc ttob.. t$, drrlncc' rvtril'Fdf --fu bo;-hFffi'&ivc jrouc, dnrcttu [$t rioo nr rrdp.tournwrd rad r|t tcs Aspry, n riJil;; ffi lrnrrlrl nrrrc "osre Hg--ltrb-ry Fltg.ry!-3ro!6 ronrurcd 3totor,il&H-H-.ffiH m: q*rr E ffifi.t *" Sr pt|!h* of Un fis!|*****g :p_dhT1..c -.rri*tilrr 4frffi.ffi.oE'v'Edrl&lo rrr nors lrlocprr.ttc tryn---tl*,crr." hrvrr .g5lL2lL997 16:37 817-882-9969 """** iF REAJT CTRP PAGE NFil L2'9N o4 l5:44 d* frdb tta euprrira.r d.DGt tec.,r. ff*o rfodn .*eilr!lrat iucisr oddi| ilrnd ofbbrr,uofiir. nai,uErrt rf,Itr Fsyits r ffill' od dmblc tlob+ rnolrlne n€ad tpf rttd trorir cqt rftqbu rccrl**i b i.la.a ;Um, ltdr frqt dhlwr ttE b tu&rytci t nO,ndmllrcvirwgi i |dtrr|cn drt r rn rvrilrUe b *ry',c, rtht vltt cvrr y:lbtrnd polfrilos+ wticl ir vrdil nfile .65112/1997 16:37 817-882-9959 ?1?SEE89 ry REAJT ctNP PAG A5 mY 12 ':n 15:4s t7s)o ltrilFdF: Itut tt tlrrd fiUIfra F bl Sq!Bradriffr rhrsDldf fihi d tunstn llbbmtdrolt|hbtr Ctu qdn*. ffr*r GLb d r|ir-r ar{lbrllrdroribedo. t-r lfidr mr DrO !c thb 1frfrctlr#ilrrflldqf,rJ*i CryrUr!oclqffrFhrea ftb. N* Eb rrt[: qrlb'r jdc n['r rl&, hrr 6!yhtqtdalf cfrjr fuuyrpu b tEt h t dr,...o lld trn! ri t t ard ZbTSdr*hF*auifirra &rrf[|l br[ U ofr&. lrsnrb ltcc b d4ffihUlcdrs!0tbalw d tiid da rfr, Dvdirr lHrficbldb dryur t qlitl cf Co*t d rcd or rsy&,ddrdfucr*rb&f ddol*drr rru|rDfut&tdlbTrgn"t. ,t c@5l|r|rnCrlitbcdpnb lt r b rb ltt Vhntll rit r I bd !d, tDc XtFv Had dLl bctr*de Trl. ttr HdO 6riid. eAtd*rdbB|bt! hl d$.hfd*o(prffi. b€rr tbl pr our ir qlfrj 1 1s5r tl r hta n d UyEeq, 1u nd cf mr tb E ClOo furEDeE'-EGGr| q srE ddrlffitdilFrltad 'MgEtrAlE lG lrql rur* cbcdr rU tr fr.b.t N, I*4 tt+ atnt (rr rhl rbr on ODtlcrt IerpCerra) Epfr.rlg'r6'',g. T'lrv (ulrlr) Qttc|rr'4 ryp.Y(rl&)Offitd) Ilprltr(l5c) (riaclra*) O5ll2/L997 16:37 817-882-9969 ?r?tr trtge8:' JEo REAJT ctNF PAGE 85 IEH LZ'Ct 15:46 f* QTrUrV(Wdo) (ltc!!. lipcft!!b.I (Tf teP or reelrrl Dtr.l tHr ||*T.[d l!.Fl Ect . Ittrpr0rRTlilfil (R.d thir for plop.r urr of R.fhrcdvr Globct) F* F pqa sllhet d Erdcot t@ jtu! pfr, fu roc&ct nurt bo ?*ltig'rd a 0r comcs opricrt pornu brucrhc aton, r- nJ rre-m "o*-"ilii *lu trfLor. \ttttu to*te*3 of d'c locr.r hrlro cf ur rrob+ wi[ rnory ttn rc co,,cr o, b! FT.{rrd ry dlFnadd irr' ns oprim'q to,clr. propr phpmcnr raxru tirr d|| rr lwlll oa rQf(*Ed to ilt' nltjr$r! rrn3c, a1d 611 lhn tJill ba cottolLd drr ctoerr yor lrpprc$ttulLlL 7b mt tt',totrwrtl3 6.r dltb'ld [rhdriE * dilhra rrq:q tf(afhllr.rE IFa ftnr Error ndhatudrb, ntolo 60 dn$'itr$ o t irirr.E'iuoorr blirildm or irnqulri* pla* ccirtrt fu frclry J: rf*tLl (lcrc! riportbbl TlArV0krr) gdoqrGEilLYTf t0 Cnftrryto,9ox Lhhsro'PA litlro ItooG (7tDlt$713t FAX; pl[!!9.92t1$hr crlrHr*t,t*t "AilL2/L997 16:37 817-882-9969 "**""d'D(! oomPl||y REAJT ctNF /,/ D rE:,...w9- -- roF00Pt8s: 0ttdudng oonrerepj f*tooilrtt.O. trrt . t htbr},trr:1o ;rrtrr.t*iltt lr"?t-tdi6i'iE nr{*rrroFi--; PAGE 67 lftt LZ '!J7 15:zl3 FRCf,I; o o ito W r)n 4 ?/rd,\, p>s'dv /rut.) XCMshtx. s,\b +25 ,#frffip*d, lsrur'', p"hn frr Aok/ u rrn) /,t t t /"finrho d lapuf . l/,,vi,t*/ oW# ""- C[,"au5 arcin,/<"f5 ilsto n, . | , .[ C lUrnon iX (9rner5 a PruiecY ry - 'l sJg,N &/g , [,A{ Srdl- lun, A LL],} Wi- end &Jq,.rrrrpts ,rufr$|, ,djr Ko,nwrcr ;"q" *S ?tanv*r {9 nntu'wnnen o o From the desk of. .. tila;f lre;t Lodoa Clvsp L1? e* /'y nud Sho+- boundai"i es Sah{uiE,ax btJS /erri /' 6, /i5M(n5arr1*), /tnl. Sh;tr aftcss e,t'(, Uanarut^/"* Tammie lililliamson {g ntc"ra.w rtcsa THE SINCLAIR BUILotNG 5.I2 MAIN STREET, 14* FLooR FoRT WoRTH, TExAs 76102 (817) 332_6400 FM.: (817)B7O-2527 /1 / .\ /-'(Y\" ,' - "*oUY ^\prill7,1997 nN S/'..fl',*L' AnrtrcwKnuciisen P "' dr' <DD i:X'#U:le P"ri.v Pranner +t )t, ,\.; S\nt, 75 South Frontage Road * t/' \ ,y' n, C Vair,co8r657 6f ,r,e " /. *n |n*Y'RE.: Employee Housing at West Vail Lodge, Vail, Colorado 0-f\ ,) \ ^ t, , d DearAndy: "/' s Dl' ..n, /' \I./ ))^14 ,..,/.{ It rvas a pleasure meeting.you last Tucsday and I truly appreciated you taking tr.T,-. to "iri, , 'l"r'0 \l with me considering the short notite and your rt*uy ,"r,aur". l'oppr".iut"i vo;;;;;;r"rrlii' p .with me on the development process in thc Town oi vuir u, *.rr u. youi p.rr'o*i ro.,o*t.age of the I p-history of this project. I'vrr qr Ji vt'r Pur'vrr'rr fl, B-, I do expect to assemble my dcvclopment team within the next 4 to 6 weeks and, upon approval u u h" lfjlt o"uttoo-ent budget by the owner, i.out -o.po.ution, we will stari tii. prq*, moving forward . k I 100k forward to working with you toward the rearization of a successful projcct.e{ o N w <rp // C"/(J f.lcx & AssocrATrs, INC. /., Sincerely, ,54.-<- e-AS}^lA Jerome C. Nathin Presidcnt TILE COPYO 75 South Fronrage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479 -2 | 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-24s2 May 1.1997 (lharlottc Young RIIAUT Corporation 512 Main Strcct. Suitc 401 Forl Worth, Tcxas 761 06 Departtnent of Connnunity Development RE: Conference Call F-ollorv-tip Dctr Charlottc: Thank you lbr taking thc tirnc to discuss thc Wcst Vail Lodgc lighting. In sunrnraty, tlrc Torvn of Vail is ol'thc opirrion that thc lights in thc Wcst Vail Lodgc parking lot wcrc approvcd at a maxilllunr hcight of 1.1 l'cct abovc gradc. not 17.(r t'cct, as currcntly installcd. Thc'l'orvn of Vail Municiptl Codc rcquircs that lights ovcr l5 li'ct in hcight nrust havc a l'ull cut-off shicld. I havc lcamcd fronr Stcvc Prarvrlzick of M.l{. Lighting. that thcy can proviclc a tirll cut-olTshicld rvlrich will rncct thc rcquircnrcnts ol'our codc. Sirrcc thc cut-ofl'shiclds nray bc sonrcthing that can quickly bc rcsolvcd, I arr cnclosirrgr a Dcsign Rcvicrv Board (DRB) application and nrccting schcdulc. 't'hc DRB nlust approvc this changc to plans, with rcgard to thc prcscnt lrcight of thc lights. Thc applicirtion fcc is $20.00 ancl I will rctirnd thc diftbrcncc lirr thc variancc application prcviously suburittcd. Ilncloscd plcirsc find thc cut-ol't'shicld spccifications I rcccivctl liortr I\4.11. Lig.hting in Dcnvcr, Coloredo. Plcasc rcvicw thc spccilications, and inlbrnr nrc as to l,our intcndcd coursc ol'actiotr. as wcll as tlrc tinrc lranrc in which this conrpliaucc will occur. 'Ihank you lbr your coopcration, Ifyou havc any qucstions, plcasc contact rnc at (970) 479-2142. Sinccrcly, C&;tJ t/-tlt;'- Tammic Williarnson 'l-own Planncr Enclosurcs cc: Tom Moorhcad Susan Connclly Mike Mollica {P *""'"""'u" 75 Sotrllt I'-rontage Road Vail, Colorado 8i,657 970-479-2 I 38/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Departncnt of Conununity Dcvelopnrcnt CON'I I\I UNI'I'Y DIIVE LO PNI IIN'I' I.'A X TRANSII'I IT"I'AI, S}I E I{f ro: C tJARt-ortu lc,uNG COMI'ANY NnNn: RtActf GVP FAX',r'Dr-Bf'rf oNri Nux'rvu.'i'.: (917) af/Z - 91a1 t RoM -ftrlwru tE--ldu,t | &t'l'Ls o fJ DA':'F.: 4- 3p - -?-7 SPECIAL COMMENTS AND NO TES: 5krc H-owJz, t- t\itffl ,Llf i/ l,atr,nr, /M bratudk' lS Ttf" Lttnffia7, 4 tt- pfiaue Ar Lt tltlzEt1- / s Qol) .t73 - oz.ZZt Ptzrv ccM*iir t10 /l: {b,^- tln e @uesl ion^: 'f-lN'rll: 4|CO 6,a, // OF PACIIS lN DOCIUMIINT(S) (NO'l'lN(ll-Ul)lNC COVljll Sltnr.rrU_ IIESPONSERI]QUill'[D'/_ N0 -'-'^l SENTBY: / W' TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNI'I'Y DEVELOPMEN'l'FAX /l:- L910\ 479-2452 TOWN OFVAILCOMMUNIl'Y DEVELOPMENTTEI.EPIIONE#: (970\479-2138 {g rorororuo 75 Soutlt Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479 -2 I 3 8/479-2 I 3 e FAX 970-479-2452 Departnent of Connnunity De veloprnent COMM UNI'I'Y D IIVELOPMITNT FAX TRANSM ITTAT, STIEEI TO: COMPANY NAtvlE: I.-AX TEI,III'I ION B N Uill BEt{: FROM: DA'I'E:'nMu: # OIT PAC[S IN DOCUM RESPONSE RDQUlRID? r-iNr'(s) (No]' rNCLUDtNG COVUr Sr.r D[T) SENTBY: ]-OWN OF VAll- COMMUNITY DEVET,OPMENT FAX #:_-- (.910\ 419-2452 TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNIl'Y DEVELOPMENT TDI.EPHONE #: (970\ 419-2138 SPECIAL COMMENTS AND NOTES: {g ^trro"orut* Exceptional Performance The ContraCline optical system incorporated in both the Washington Globe and lhe Savannah Lantern is a patented arrangement o{ stacked rellecting surfaces that controls virtually all of the lamp lumens. This unique system provides: o lmproved Visibility o Superior Glare Control o Even, Luminous Appearance o Life Cycle Economies lmproved Visibility Higher Light Levels t he high coeff icient of ulilization ol the Contra Cline optical system in combination with high lumen HID lamps (up to 400W) provides higher light levels than uncontrolled systems. This in- creased illumination resulls in improved visibility as well as an increased sense of safety and security. Uniform Distribution The ContraCline is designed to distribute light into highly unilorm patterns. This not only makes the site appear better lit, but eliminates the dark areas between posts bnd at site perimeters. Superior Glare Control The reflector elements of the ContraCline are precisely positioned to sharply cut off light lrom the arc tube or rellected images above 75o. This design significantly reduces high angle brightness, improving visibility and creating a more comfortable visual environment. In addi- tion, the ContraCline system allows control ol light trespass beyond the property line. Uplight provides sott glow to upper globe Overlap of light rays provides a full, luminous appearance Sharp cutoff at normal viewing angles for greatly reduced glare Optimized candlepower peak for maximum spacing and efficiency r\ ot/ol/s1 12:03 if"rr Cao ,rrt t- SINCLAIR GROUP E oorzooz F acsimile 512 Main Street - l4u Floor Fort Wortb, Texas 76I02 Telephono: (8 t7) 3324400 Fa:r: (817) 870-2927 a'64. PAGf,S: f,ROM: RE: TEr TNtrONMATTON AONTAINTD IN TEIS FACI{MILA MESSACE TS PnIVU,EItrEII AT{D OONTTDENTIAL INT\ONMATK'N' N'TTNDEDC{LY rcTIATIB OT TBE TNIXVDT'ALOf,E{T|TY NANIEDAEOI'D- IF Tf,B NEADBR, OF TtrIE MESSACE IS NOT rt|E|!|TE{D[DNa|CINTT{T.q,TBEEMPTI'YBONAOETTT NESTIONSIILETODET.IVERITTOTRE INTEIYDEII NECIPITNT. YOU A8E NENETY NOTr TTD TEAT AT{Y DTSSEMINATION. D$'fnIEUTION ON CI'FTING OF T8ls COMIIIINICATTON IS sff,rcrly tf,o|u$rD. rryoo BAVE nrcErvEn TE$l ooMltttMcATloN lN EIRO& ?LEASE IMMEDh'IELY NoTlrr US fY TE!P|!(,N!. AT{I' TATUNN flT! OIIGINAL MESSAGE TO US AT TSI AEOVE ADDNESS VIA TUB U.S. IOSTAL SIRVTCT- IEANKYOU. 03/03/s7 l2: 04 -8sr f SINCIAIR GROUP @ooztooz .+- D-C ERASS FU||r,L +- t1t6/t FoLYCAREOU\IE ClrgE 2527 PAINT SPECIFICATTON:ffi | - | a'.,- l!!lt rtaltqa*y'ffi lt-'g*"''- t I | ! l--r- ^ra sr!. tur lll-^9-" -t*. B|sE PIAIE DETNL rr-E UPPTR 6A5E wlTll R€vor' BLE ^CC€ss DooR' 10-B r-otER BASE SE6nOll l75r u-H- r20 VOLI, Tr?E V, u*Ffl/ds6ItEAJsE"st' <_- ?1-€06 ct oBE mrER <- t 0-DZ ,TWIN' aRr. ASSTUTSLY 1r ca x 3.7t 0.0. BAsg X o.1f PER/Fr. T^e€,R€o rttmD *iArr. l-.,.-,,,r"J F4lqD 75 Sotrth l;rontage Road Vnil, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 B/479 -2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Departtne nt of Connunity Developncnt CONI I\I IJNI'I'Y D IiVE LO PM IIN'T FAX TITANSMITTAI, S}IIiEI t,RoM. -rA/nlnltr M,-ttarytQtu---- lF Ttte cuT- lFtr 1ilta-D lNbrcrt\iL 0A/ 5pt'cs. lrttr-t rtceorvrft-tslt TttE lN-lq/T oF ro: -Skvtr f Rt+Nhz$-- COMPANY NAlvlE:/1,t, H. LrCtrtNa FAx'r'of.rlf,rroNri NuNlrERt (Vc3,) 5 7 3 - oq Z L omn, 1-zl-?jl __rtN4t.:_9!,/5_e - l/ OF PAGUS lN DOCUMtiNT(S) (NO'l'lN(ll-Ul)lNG COVIilt Sllljlj'l') RUSPONSU RItQUrr{t:D'i SuNT Bv: 7M ]'OWN OF VAII- COMMUNI]'Y DEVELOI'MENT FAX II:(970\ 479-2452 TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNIl'Y DEVELOPMENT'IEI,EPHONE #: SpECTALC0MMENT.SANDNO'IES: €TEV6 r Hm tNTLKtsTtA n kuayu' tlfttt 's beftrurrroN of C&T-oW Stlrci-a If lo^ ha(e: Qraasrorls l^6i /,lt k"o*l . Yh+ru b*, Tlte Lto*f FtxTuEa Tlttr TDwu er {g rr"r"rroru* I 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479 -2 r 3 8/47e-2 I 3 9 FAX 970-479-2452 Departuent of Connuutity Developnent COMt\I UNII'Y DIiVELOPM ENT FA X TRANSM ITTAL SIIIiB_T TO: COMPANY NAlvlE: FAX TEl,Ol'l l0NE N UtVl llliR: FROM: DATE:'t'tMlt: # OF I'ACJIS IN DOCUM rr ESPONSE RriQU I tiltD'? SENTBY: ENT(S) (NO'r' rNCr-UDTNC COVIr{ Sr I Erjr) ]'OWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DIIVELOPMENT FAX #:-_- (.970\ 479-2452 TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNII'Y DEVELOPMENT TET.EPHONE #: (970) 479-2t38 SPECIAL COMMENTS AND NO TES: {g ^r"r""rorurr 18.04.140 Grade, existing. The existing grade shall bc the existing or natural topog- raphy of a site prior to construcrion. (Ord. 37(1980) $ l.) 18.04.150 Grade,Iinished. The finished grade shall be the grade proposed upon completion of a project. (Ord. 37(1980) g l.) (Vail /t-95) (ord. 9(1993) $ l.) 308 DESIGN REVIEW ' development. In addition, the design review board may : reguire that one or more of the followilig common design ftt. elements such as fences, walls, patios, decks, retaining walls, walkways, landscape elements, or other architectural . features be incorporated to create unified site development. Outdoor lighting.l. Purpose. This subsection of the design guidelines establishes standards for minimizing the unintended and b-undesirable side effects of ourdoor lighting while errcouraging the intended and desirable safety and aesthetic '. purposes of outdoor lighting. It is the purpose of the design ' t yi:* guidelines to allow illumination which provides the mrnimum amount of lighting which is needed for the property on which the light sources are located.ln addition, the purpose of this section is to protect the legitimate privacy of neighboring residenS by controlling the intensity of the light source.2. Approval required. All outdoor lighting within the town limits shall conform to the standards set forth below. For the purposes of this subsection, residentially zoned properties shall be defined as those in hillside residential, single family, two-family, primary/secondary, residential rcluster, low density multi-family and medium density multi-family zone district, as well as all special development districts which have any of the above- referenced zone districts as the underlying zoning. AII other zone districts shall be considered, foi tire purpo-ses of this section, as being commercial zoned.a. Luminance. Light sources located on all property in the Town of Vail which are not fully cutoff shall exhibit a ratio of source lumens to luminous area not exceeding 125. For example: ; source lumens < 125."luminoDs'afta'"' :'i '':'-'- b. Frequency. For lots in residential zone districts, the - maximum number of light sources per lot shall be ' timited to one light sourcJper one thousand square feet of lot area. The location of said lights shall be left open 454j-2a (vail I l-16-93) ZONING d. e. to the discretion of the property owner, so tong as the lights are in compliance with the Town oi Vail,s Municipal Code.c. Height Limits for light frxrures.(I) For all light sources located in commercial zone districts, the maximummounting height for light sources on a pole shall not exceed thirty_five feet. The maximum mounring height foi tigtrt sources affixed to vegetation shall not excJed eight feet. Q) For all light sources located in residential zone districts, the maximum mounting height for light sources on a pole or on vegetation shall not exceed eight feet. Light sources affixed to structures. For all properties within the Town of Vail, light sources may Le affixed to any wall of a structure. Light sources shall not be afhxed to the top of a roof of a structure. Cutoff shields. All light sources located in commercial zone districts which exceed fifteen feet in height shall exhibit a full cutoff shield.f. Lights which flash, move, revolve, rotate, scintillate,blink, flicker, vary in intensity or color, or use interminent elecnical pulsation are prohibited.3. Exemptions. The standards of this s"riion shall not apply to:" ''a- christmas tree rights which are of a temporary nature Iocated in residential zone districts, as listed in-section . , 18.54.050 J, 2, and which are illuminated only between November I and April 15 of each year.b. christmas tree lights which are temporary in nature and are located in zone districs other than thbse residential districts listed in Section 1g.54.050 J, 2.'c:-.;Sign illumination;zs,set,forthinTitle,16. .. . .. i :. :d. Municipal lighting instailed for the benefit of public health, safety and welfare.4. Nonconformances. As of the effective date of this sub-' section, all outdoor lighting that does not conform to every requ.lrcment of this subsection shall be legal nonconforming (Vail tl-15-93) 4s4j-2b DESIGN REVIEW outdoor lighting. Legal nonconforming outdoor Iighting shall not be moved in any direction, nor shall there be any " change in use or light type, or,any replacement or structural , alteration made to the nonconforming outdoor lighting, without the outdoor lighting conforming to all applicable requirements of this chapter.5. Penalty. The penalty for violating this chapter shall be a fine of not less than fifty dollars nor more than one . thousand dollars per violation. Each day of violation shall . constitute a separate offense for the purpose of calculating . the penalry. (Ord. 9(1993) $ 8: Ord.46(1991) $$ 2, 3: Ord. 12(1988) g 2: Ord. 24(1985) $ 1: Ord.9(1985) gg 2,3: Ord.39(1983) $ 1.) 18.54.051 Park design guidelines. A. Purpose. These guidelines shall be used by the design review board in reviewing any proposals for the development of Town of Vail park land. The guidelines shall be used in conjunction with the general design review guidelines found in Section 18.54.050 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. It is the intent of these guidelines to leave as much design freedom as possible to the,individual designer while at the same time encouraging park development that will complement the natural beauty of our park land. The purpose of the guidelines is to provide continuity in the character of the parks which will be developed over many years. The guidelines will provide consisrent design . criteria to maintain the quality of Town of Vail parks through all phases of developrnent. B. Building materials and design. l. General. a- Natural materials are strongly encouraged iin park construction. Materials and detailing must complement ". "-the park:s'environment as,well"as be'functional and attractrve. b- Materials and designs should be chosen that are eronomical to maintain. 454j-2c (Vail ll-16.93) . ,- -, O4/t8/97 11:41 '8817 870 2527 SINCLAIR GROUP oo E oorzooe X'acsimile 512 Mri! Sfrect - Suite 40f FtrtWorth, Texrs 76102 Tclcphorc: ($ln 882-9970 FEr (tl7) 882-9969 T(): TAMMYWIIJ.IAIIIS0N CE: lllR. Tf,OMAIIMOOREIXAI) FN(: (n0r.7rA9 DAI[: 'Ultl97 P.{GES: TOTALNO.OFPACESINCLUIINGC{)VERSHDDT(6) IROM: CUARIOTTEYOIING NDAUTCONPORATION RE:WESTVAILI.I)IIGE Tanmy, As we discussed ttis momin& cnoloscd you will find several options available from the light manufbcturer and a lighting distnbrtor. I think that there are ssv€ral options available to reduce the glare, luminous outpuq and 0re top shield. Pleasc rcviewthe errclosed and let me know if any of the opions seem acc€ptrble, we will then ordcr samplc of the chosen prodrrcts and have 6em instNtled before procceding with the entirc parking lot. n|ll Dn olllY lon rf,r ul8 0 rEt ITDIVTDUAL on, t! rrr la^l[D AX{ryr, rF lri ntADrR Or El8 reacr |3 I{OT TBI TlNlt{'lD lIcIPIlNT, OB Tf,I TI|DLOIIE (N, AGIII'T IXTP(IHIII TO D!I.N'IN, |f TO IEE [\rB{DrD llCDrNr. Y@ Af,l EruAY !(ttrnD maT /rNY D|t$ilrM.rro|rr DltmE uor c c|orrrNc q ED cofxul c tlo|l t! a cl1.Y rilxlnlxt |r y(n, EA\IE rrctrytrD ms coruuucArrq{ rr rnnq, n rrc IUTIIX'IATILY T'GNTT T'E BY TN'M'NI, A!II} RIf,I'IIf Tf,T (NTqt|tAL UI3SAGT TO TR AT If,r Alo|tYI EDDNI83 VIA TEI tt !,ltxtfAt lByrct Tf,aNxy(nl o4/LE/97 ll:{l lBgL7 870 2s27 SINCLAIR GROUP E o02,/ooG 22_C BRASS FINIAL (STYLE #199 TLLUSTRATED) 24_C FILIGREE RING rAMP (BY OTHERS) OPTIONAL HARP ACCEPTS HOUSESIDE SHIELD socKET (MOGUr./MED|UM BASE) BALLAST BRACKTT H.I.D. BATLAST COMPONETS 21-C CAST IRON GLOBE FITTER '19-C CAST |RON 1 |/4" LOCKNUT POLE TOP TENON BALLAST HOLDER & WASHER #I99 TYPE V FD(TURE ASSEMBLY 29f19 Awbrcy Lane. Eugcne, OR 974{D 00000 Phom: (503) 6EE-7?41 o psn; 1503),161-0951 11: 42 :aFP-rArB? O9.Ol FR 16 'gt 8lEr7 870 zszl #:#U*'R*n", SINCI.AIR GROUP o1/tE/97 Eooi/oo6 PAGE '/A ro' r s1}er osst P.16 CBrr,..frfil NONru COASr EHfTHC COMPANY tbr. Ordr SUD?g!' - - - ffis IE rrqE sctlrc$ C /U-t| rhr lgt+u4:ocnqf*SrlcrGrrql Aldirn Ct*t" .T Couour: Vltco Pl6cooGErocddoffliifu (ar) *rfla'tl3$rE-, F!oj*srr t!0 C,arfitld 5L .Iur$rc, O[ ?2402 ,. p.O- fra rrO. ts SINCLAIR GROUP [tr o04looo PAGE 3/g P-Z/5 "id^rD'r EUtBr ossr Metal Halide Lamps {t le , 'r. lro r...F :{[?tt on. S ,etilk rr*f i[e ar ,itht !5% a 39'. wua ina rc.tg iip sct/r tsq |:tm. ..:, J (il,ue tluartpt nnal lulitlp lampr trc mily i&otliexl by the hipfily rc{Itr'tive alvmiaizxl gcytingcn tep o( d,e b'lb- $irrspdrrs coatingisfuh opque rd rdlaiw itdk- tilrcly r&tcrrghnwhile n'd. rffiiry t E tp.ll iigftt bac*, inn thc lirtuv rt/flcr,*lr.llrc rgg.th is rdrrrdglarcrlndamo,e uni(onn ligllingprcnt on lhe illuminaldta cfueGwfl turytre WrqdbWi@trd uaWgatt7inttgdfu arhtta{rnat fig$ftg' 4 !ryr' Fealures: r ( il,r:r' lrdur tirur . \rill liqlrr ( txrr.( iof llg,ht rrc+g.r.rss . -\k|'(' unrkrm illuolnlrttktn \rr 1r't i<rl trallav requircd I ull r.rng'rf <;rrl.rrrl wattagcr Applications lnrkru Mrlls . (;\ ||rrl.r(rrrr'nt . ( tultncrr i.tl ( )rtlrhxrt atr h ru tur.rl \rnt. lighring . lrxl.xn - ( )ulrhrrr 04/L8/97 11:43 qe8L7 870 2527 SINCI TR cf,OUp APE-rs# '::# trl&"T"'[o^ n. . tD' I sUr-r oEEr G'rA,4(ilJASO. ENCLOSU' FIXTURE TATET) &oo5/oos PACE 4/6 P-'y, E ti b D tdd 14 0rtattb q( €*rdr t.Fb .tr$rt te rali TE rll tfr fFt C-t+q r*n&frr h DHDS6 r{t lcl frJ' '6r t;l Ir:arl tl $: t:fl:,|r.t:$i,rrr6d.bo tq ''gn m 'lEa 3t lb.r,I I Ytl I rI *t,flr D''||.rf,L l.:!rt q*rc)16 m tf,ll r'lr ,t fbr\'l :aflt I 6 .'|1,Bn;rolt tirq,(rl I {o qr.l-ra0l !r rs tnr GT t'IrFrc I lllr 3 to ,atb ra5 ,r,1-l'tlsr{!u9 qrtr||t-rrtF uq uE ctt o{t lbd {t5..f(l ftE *.||a zttt r.rroa,tt t t.l .r'qdbfrrtF!q uls $D'tra a)l|rrtl a r a tla tr.'dlrrf fEh*e l$'a 1..*l!fsrcttl -.r- uctrrtgAlgrF+ f II th'4,ct6@8t'{4l'aJfo,|/b q& d:, -N-as, fi$t q E* t{fit{6 t.Wl ra 04/IE/97 113 4{APE-te-97 09'03 FR 16 ',gl .88L7 870 2527 ;5'U;||E*'tft*,'. . SINCI,ITIR GROUP @ oos/oos PAGE E/S .'.4/> rD.r El)6r ossr Energy Master'"' Metai Halide Lamps ,kval hlirl.lus long lxrn crxr tk'kfi.t at, crr3.I#t*:vilry pt&tt'r vhidt otun rylacr:thlgh v$gng? ilarrodExr,n srxarrr ja a l6ttt*tgc*rlq1t r**, tantwtto attdy trut a nud luli& itnnlladal can als r&ng o !$n,ccr,en rrror ctlcrgyrtlh Erlrlpyi/rrr.rmcralfrr/I& laryfunretuneti$Ary. Ercgylvl*rlazrpcaremil afuin l5O, 225 ad J60 Yrr6 d3Fwtory/d!'et75.25oatd @vrantufudbntp,Thc E'E'gttttttuq/gd'dsa/c. dasfls rro|qltpodrcr dry qe *tr6Ayarrydfr/levithdE ffiAfuc,ueard&e/l!ae. t"tat,a*ytillffiintry" tifrlltttryal-led Feal'-t: -'- ' lrx'r;rrr r.tr in,s\ o[ u1r lO {Q tn,.rtls lxf Stxket . limr' li;r' .rs .tnn(Lrtd l.rnll( . hiEt n{l.rht ltn CDCr!r.\, \Walt&\ Appit,:.:ziic:;tt: (,ommcrr r.,l htdusn.ri hr$itutirxlrl ip.i lr?t.r { 'r+.Ft'-,aa -5 E-17 HALARC- LAMPS This family of high-performanc€ metal halide lamps features higher lumens-per-watt and lumen maintenance, more consistant color, warmer, incsndescent{ ike appearance - and generally provides lower cost-of-light - than other metal halide or mercury lamps of equal wattage. Howev- er, a momentary shift of pastel pink color may infrequently occur as this lamp stabilizes during operation. 32 WATTS - HALARC' LAMP (Open and Enclosed Fixtures - Base Up + 15' Burning only. Use With GE Approved Ballast BASE: MEDIUM(NPBB) 1OO WATTS - HALARC- LAMPS ENCLOSED FIXTURES ONLY - VERTICAL + 15' BURNING ONLY. Use Metal Halide ballast (ANSI spec. "M90") BASE: MEDIUM (NPBB) 175 WATTS - HALARC" LAMPS ENCLOSED FIXTURES ONLY - VERTICAL + 15' BURNING ONLY. Use Metal Halide ballast (ANSI spec. "M57"1 WARNING:DO NOT USE lN EXPLoSION PROOF OR HAZARDOUS DUTY FIXTURES BECAUSE HALARC LAMPS HAVE HIGHER BULB TEMPERATURES THAN STANDARD 17s.WATT METAL HATIDE T.AMPS AND MAY EXCEED THE TEMPERATURE RATING OF THESE FIXTUBE TYPES. BASE: MOGUL (NPBB} STANDARD.LINE MULTI.VAPOR' LAMPS 175 WATTS - MULTI-VAPOR - ENCLOSED FIXTURES ONLY. Use Metal Halide Ballast (ANSI spec. "M57"1 BASE: MOGUL n C} t zJv2 ,fr' W a-17 6's f, Eulb (?{9) 0rdering Cods 0escription At{sl Cods Rsf. 0nlI Cass otY Additional lnlornation Sae Hl0 footnotes Page 84 M0t ln. tcr. ln. Ratsd Avg. Lifs Hours {.} Refersnce Lumens (Any Burn Por.)Int. I Mean {244} | (205) Dosign factor 12r 0l B-17 > 18680 MXRlOO/BU/BO M90TW.1O0/8U-BO Clear-Ven, i 16'5t/ta 326/s,10000 9000 6800 NA > 18679 MXR1Oo/C/BU/BD M90TX-100/BU.BD Coated-Von, t 15'5'ho 326/at t 0000 8000 6400 NA E-23v,'t1417 MXRl75/BU M57PE-176/XgU 6 Clear-Venical t t5'12771 73L 5 10000 16600 13300 0.90 '| 1203 MXR175/C/BU M57PF-175/XBU 6 Coatsd-Vertical *.16'12711. 7Vt 10000 15760 r 2150 o.s0 11420 MXR175/BD M57P€.17s/XBD Cloar-V6nicsl * 15'i277l. 7v4 r0000 16600 r3300 .0.90 l t4tg MXR175/C/BD M57PF- r 7slxBO coated-V6rtical i 15'12'l7l 7 3/.'too00 15 750 12 r60 0.90 E-24 47760 MVR175/U M57PE-175/U Clear (260)av.10000v 6000H 14000v 12000H 10350V 8300H 0.70 47 761 Mt:7rtu M57PF-175/u t2 Cosied (260)av.10000v 6000H lrlOoOV 12000H 9950V. 7800H ., 0.70 17 634 MVRr75/SP3O/U M57PF-175/SP30 12 coated {260)AY.10000v 6000H 12000v t0300H 8300v 7100H o.8b 74 > New Product Listing. ' See pago 73 for definition of "Rated Lif€'' s /'i ( (i l/Vy' t' ,tirI 1 C(" vrltt ll I; ila '\ o o - /gtt+= qppra,'o/ a-/ /4 ' qhre ,erack V/r; z t (o " c oncre/<. hs- doos nD7 almr,h ha-v. &"q q-pproue/ ttA'o"yka"cf Yrt, /tf V* mry. d"{";/ 4,/'(" a /t&a/ rWA l" Vt* k i,'- C /,o, lo {le fur,., *1-ru4,Cr /Ytu\/) {an r fit eda ''fl|r= n tinj/u spoflent ilrc 'tr) *#"1r,- po /eS ;*lrtftd ^$rtr q il on- k'd,w& zsh,e// u{ t{ /,i,t{ ftsn+ o- f,o^t q t{6\r ^J- b*tS o &/o, gradu z I ClulL wf K,n ' gtc,r-ll*// ru*, Wtt U --4 otp a n'e*5 a/lo-- C-\,ec k',4 rU|K e' s"c>'fia/*< Tll'4^.r %$,k"n \ *\-r 6P t o o this /75 ssyg + K*,f ,/1 Jim Hprore/ /,gnf frrh,u %"1 ^)ere.Jr'k//and fz" w,de ,%, qrc/4,/tc/'r greaf,""hunrs Jto^t l;gh/s 11,'ts"fu( an/ /(,5" II//DL onf a{- f,ad Ne- 'all ooct' ee^ 0r u,h+ul (4n u, ttk /r ,\s a YAt diuror" crnAlia^rcz {d AorqLlrn r. {ap.-1o -{ntt+ aJ swn a,s 6pstble. /a,*b/e po/ts (r) iluw vdpt- /nd4- ft4,e ef /€/?fo - /60oo /urrtePs e< /a3eo - /4e0 /bGoo X z p"/c /;ut ls 6 BB,67s d*'c /, gills .+7 /3 /'ghb /v'or /a,0oq * 6;;'J;/,*"* 7 8. /? la-e,vs I o MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: File Tammic Williamson, Vn*", /J|/L March 28, 1997 Status of Wcst Vail Lodge Variancc Request I spokc with Charlottc Young, Project Managcr and Paul Reitz, owncr of thc West Vail Lodgc via conferencc call on Weclnesday, March 26, 1997. At this timc, Mr. Rcitz cxpresscd concern rcgarding the lighting plan for the West Vail Lodgc. More specifically, his recollection of cvents was that thc West Vail t odge wcnt through a process and subsequently rcceivcd approval from thc Town of Vail for the lights and othcr improvements as part of a rcmodel. Both Ms. Young and Mr. Reitz made rcference to a fax that Ms. Young scnt to mc on March 3,1997. This fax shows a dctail of lights that were at a height of l7'6". Ms. Young contends that this is sheet Al.1 of plans submittcd by thc Company, Sinclair Resorts. The faxcd lighting detail, she contcnds was approved by thc Town of Vail. I havc looked at sheet Al.I and sheet 42. I she says provides details on the mounting of the lights. While thc mounting of thc lights was supposed to bc 2'6", the approved lighting plan clcarly shows thc lights at a hcight of l4' above grade. Just as clarification, I randomly chcckcd the light heights on orher pagcs ofthc approvcd plans in our offices. The lights are at a height of 14'on various pages of thc approvcd plans. The conversation continued with Mr. Reitz stating that hc felt that the Town of Vail requiring them (West Vail I-odge) to go through yct another proce$s was cssentially "railroading" them, when in fact an approval had alrcady becn given to the project by the Town of Vail. He sccmed willing to listen to ideas that may result in "down lighting" the property. He suggcstcd that this could occur by painting the globes on the lights. I explained my position, by saying that I was given this projcct in response to numerous complaints by Wcst Vail residcnts and that I havc checked thc file scvcral times. I have bccn unablc to find any rcfcrence to a lighting approval by the Town of Vail to thc West Vail Lodge for lights at a height greater than l4' above grade. The convcrsation was cordial and Mr. Reitz praised my cfforts to work with his staff in trying to complctc thc variancc application process and in explaining thc issuc in an effort to rcsolvc thc problem. I told him that I would talk overthe Town of Vail's position with my superiors and call thcm back at my earlicst convcnicnce. Printeil by Tarunie Williamson L4/9't 2:0lpm From: Mike Molllca To3 Suzanne silverthorn gubject: west vail Lodge ===NoTE=-========-====3 / 14 / 97 = L2 z 2/pr1t== CC: Susan connelly, Tamlrd e Wil-Iiamson As a follor,J-up to A1len Best'a query a few -weeks aEo, tha weEt vail Lodge has submitte'l variance requestE for thei! exterior llghtlng. ttre pec will hear this on April 14th. The variances are fot llqhtlng- -heiqht and Luminous output ' Taruni e is the planner if you need details' I assume you wL1I contact Allen on this issue. ri he needs specifics, he should call me, at x2I44. we have not developed a staff position on this yet. Thanks. Page: 1 Printed by Tanmie wi l l iamson 25 /97 10:2Oam From; Tanmie williamson To: Mike Mollica Subject: fwd: West vail Lodge ===No1'E===============3 / 2 6 / 97 =--8 z Q5 am== I vrnated to inform you that I spoke with Charlotte Young re: submitt.al of the adjacent prop. owners. she says they have been unable to get the adjacents from Eagle county with the legats I gave them because there are too many adjacent property owners. Brian Smith, general manger of the Lodge has been unable to come into our office and look at the maps because they are short staffed- I told her the situation and my willingness to hrork with botb her and Brian in any vtay possible to keep the apptication on the current time 1ine. She said she understood and would contact BrLan in order to get this .i hf ^ ht' E ri d:r' T e] So called Brian and Ieft yet another message which he has yet to return. Let me know if you thjnk I should i"rke additional- steps. Thanks Tw F wd=by: =Mike=Mollica==3/ 26 /97==8:4lam== i ,,/d to: Tanmie Williamson Tiranks for the update. How many adjacents d.e there? can't be more than a half dozen? Is Friday the day the adjacents need to be sent? If so, and if they do not submit the list, and the envelopes by Friday (AM), then f suggest we cite them into District court. we are getting Lhe major runaround here! 75 South Frontagc Road Vail, Colorado 8ji657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 1 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Departnrent of Connnunity Deve loprnent COM I\,I I.JN I'I'Y DIIVO I-OPM ONT FAX TII ANSM I'I"I'AI, S HE I'-[ '. COMPANY Nhl.ltr;: 3t Nc-t-*tQ KWP-I- z\ FAXrELril,froNn NUNTBF,k (8 tA 81o' 7121 frRoM: -E+Ye ilrt-rnoaSeN/ omr.: 7- )1- 11 rtMl.:*-/ ZlETfnt # oF PACES rN DOCUMENT'(S) (No',r'INCLUr)rNC COVET{ Srilt[l.)- / RESPONSERT]QUII{ED'?_ NO SENT BY: I ',trlLSO d TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENl'FAX #:(970\ 479-2452 TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNIl'Y DEVELOPMENT TEt.EPIIONE #: (970) 47q-2138 SPECIAL COMMENTS AND NOTES 7t-4sz co^nncf /UE /F You il4'e @utesT/oN S ' Pepvtoe Tttts t / N trO ruO LJftET_ N*nt:t+1 / 3'Zb tN o4bEk- 77) 118 R@qtec> Puzrt- 61671P7aYfV oN 4fl4at1s. ?t-e6e .--a1t /'l lfiftN r)Etrr ,,n ^"rrr****fu| tP *'"'""o'u'* 75 South Frontnge Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 B/479-2 I 3 9 FAX 970-479-24s2 D e p art nrc nt of C o m nruni ty D eve lopm e n t COM IVI I.J NITY D EV IILOPM ENl' FAX TRANSM I'TTAI, SHIEI /'ll COMPANYNATvtE: SrNcr-a tL K-L5D14]5 FAX TBI,EPIIONE NUMBBTT: - tnttnrf U l",J,trr *rl,tssLj FROM: DATE:TIMD: # OF PACES IN DOCUM RESPONSE REQUrrrID'/ ENT(S) (NO]' lNCI-UDINC COVER SI llllrT) SENI'BY: TOWN Orr VAll_ COMMUNtTy DEVELOpMENT FAX #:.-_ (970\ 479-2452 TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNII'Y DEVELOPMENT TET.EPHONE #: (970\ 479-2138 SPECIAL COMMENTS AND NO IES: {P o''""o'u" tf X X X suBr!1 r'r'r'Ar, ri,EQU I REM ENTS FOR A VA RIANCE I. PRE-N PPLICATION CONI?ERENCE A prc-application corrf'crclrcc rvith a planning stafTrrrcrnbcr is strongly cncourngcd. No application can bc acccptcd unlcss it is cornplctc. It is tlrc applicant's rcsponsibility to nrakc an appointmcnt rvith thc staff to dctcrnrinc additional subnrittal rcquircrrrcnts. II. STJBMITTAL REOUIREMEN'IS FEE: $250.(X). 'fhc l'ec nrusl trc paid at thc tinrc of subrnittal. Starnpcd, acldrcsscd crrvclopcs ctd a list ofthc nanrcs and mailing addrcsses ofall propcdy owncrs adlaccnt to thc subjcct propcrty, including propcrtics hchirrd and across strccts. Thc applicant is rcsporrsiblc fbr corrcct namcs and nrailiug addrcsscs. This infornration is availablc fronr thc Eaglc CountyAsscssor'sollicc. Ep;t /ou rvtl Assec,eoLs 0lO) 3L8 - gb4o A writtcn statcrncnt of thc prccisc naturc of thc variancc requcstcd and the spccilir: rcgrrlation involvcd. A writtcn statcrncrrt addrcssirrg thc tirllorving: . Thc rclationship ol'thc lcqucstcrl valiarrcc to othcr cxisting or potcntial uscs and struoturcs in thc vicirrity. . 'l'hc dcjrcc to rvhich lclicf fltnr thc strict or litcral intcrprctation atrd ctrfbrcctncnt ofa spcciticd rcgulation is ncccssary to achicvc conrpatibility and Lrnit'rrrrniry of tt'catnrcnt arlrong sitcs irr thc vicinity or to attain thc ob.jcctivcs of this titlc rvithout grurnt ofspccial privilcgc. . Thc ctlbct olthc variancc on light and air, distribution ofpopulltion. trinsportation. traffio lacilitics, utilitics, and puhlic sat'cty. . Horv your rcqucst coruplics with Vail's Conrprchcnsivc PIan. A A prclinrinary titlc rcport. inoluding schcdulcs A iurd ll, to vcrifo owncrship arrd cascnrcuts. O Clorrdorniniunr Association approval (ifapplicablc). B Any additional nratcrial neccssary for thc rcvicw ofthc application as dctcnnincd by the Adruinistrator. Four (4) copics olthc lbllowirr$. A topographic and/or inrprovemcnt survcy at a scalc ofat lcast l" = 20'starnpcd by a Colorado liccrrscd survcyor including locations ofall cxisting improvcmcnts, including gradcs and clcvations. Othcr clcnrcnts rvhich rlust bc shorvn arc parking and loading arcas, ingrcss and cgrcss, landscapcd arcas aud utility and drainage fcatures. A sitc plan at a scalc ofat lcast l " = 20' showing cxisting and proposcd buildings. o fl Pagc I of 2 o tluilding clcvations and floor plans sufllcicnt to indicatc thc dintcnsions, gcncral appctuancc, scalc and usc ofall btrildings and spaccs cxisting and proposcd on thc sitc. * For intcrior nrodillcations. an ilrrprovcnrcnt survcy and sitc plan ntay bc rvaivcd by thc Administrator III. PLEASE NOTE THAT ONLY COMPLETB APPLICATIONS CAN BE ACCEPT'ED. ALL OF TI{E REQUIRED INFORMATION MUST t]E SUI]MITTED IN ORDER FOR THIS APPLICATION TO BE DEEMED COMPLETE, IV. TIME REOUIREMENTS A. Thc Planning and Environurcntal Conrnrission nlccts orl thc 2nd and 4tlr Mondays of cach nrontlr. A conrplctc application ibrm and a[[ accornpiurying matcrial (as dcscribcd above) nlusf bc acccptcd by thc Colurnurrity Dcvclopnrcnt Depirtnlcnt by thc appropriatc submittal datc. which is a nrinimuln of four (4) wceks prior to fhc datc of thc PEC public hcaring. Incornplcte applications (as dctcrnrined by thc planning staff) will not bc acccptcd. B. AII PEC approvcd varianccs shall lapsc ifconstruction is not cotnntcttccd within onc year of thc datc ofapproval and diligcntly pLrrsucd to conrplction, or if thc use lbr which thc approval is grantcd is not 0olrllrlcllccd within onc ycar. V, ADDITIONAL REVIEW AND FEES A. tf this applicatiorr rcquirr;s a scpirratc rcvicw by any local, Statc or Fcdcral agcncy othcr than thc Town of Vail, thc application lbc slrall bc incrcascd by $200,00. Exanrplcs ofsuch rcvicw. rnay includc, but irc not linritcd to: Colorado Dcpartnlcnt of Highway Acccss Pcrntits. Arnry Corps of Enginccrs 404, ctc. B, Thc applicant shall bc rcsponsiblc fbr paying any publishing fccs which arc in cxccss of 50'2, of thc application [cc. lf. at thc applicant's rcqrlcst" any nrlttcr is postponcd for hcaring, causing thc ntattcr to bc rc-publishcd, thcn, thc cntirc fbc fbr such rc-publication shall bc paid by thc applicant. C. Applications dccrncd by thc Conrnrunity Dcvclopnrcnt Dcpartnrcnt to havc dcsigrr, larrd use or othcr issucs which nray havc a significant inrpact on thc conrmunity may rcquirc rcvicw by oonsultants in addition to Town staff. Should a dctcrrniniltion bc ntadc by thc Town staff that an outsitlc consultarrt is trccdcd, thc Conrnrunity Dcvclopnrcnt Dcparttrlcnt rnay hirc the cousultant. Thc Dcparturcnt shall cstinatc the amount of trotroy neocssary to pay thc consultant and ttris anrount shall hc tbrwarded to thg Town by thc applicant at the tinrc of filingan application. Expcnscs incurrcd by thc Town in cxccss of thc arnount forwarded by the applicant shall bc paid to the Town by fhe applicant within l0 days of notification by the Town. Any exccss fturds will be rehrmcd to the applicant upon rcvicw completion. Page 2 of 2 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 r 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Departntent of Conuunity Developnrcnt COM I\,I I,J N ITY D IIVR LO PM IiN'I' FAX TIIANSM I'I'TAI, SHEIiI ro: CilftRlo1fE Youil c COMPANY NANII]: IIAXrtf.riprroNn NUMBnT{: (8 r7) A% -7q^,7 rnora:-liuMtL M onre: 3- /9- ?7 TIMti: // OF I'ACES lN DOCTJMIINT(S) (NOr' INCI.UDINC COVbllt SllEIrT)-1 llflsl'}ONSll l{EQUll{l:l)'/ - NO ttl r' rt, T W,utPx.*x-t TOWN OI; VAII. COMMUNITY DI]VELOPMENI'FAX #:(970\ 479-2452 TOWN OF VAIL COMMLJNII'Y DDVELOPMENT TET,EPHONE #: SPECIAL COMMEN'I'S AND NO-TES: (970\ 479-2138 Ttase bNTAtt- lrtE ttr ,/ot, f/Ws Qufltop9. {g rr"r"rro r*r, 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 3 9 FAX 970-479-2452 D e p artn e nt of C onunun ity D eve lop r n e n t COMM TJNITY DEVELOPMIINT FAX TRANSM ITTAI, SHEIII TO: COMPANY NANIE: FAX TIILEPI IONE NUiVI BER: FROM: DATII:TIMI]: # OF PAGES IN DOCUM RESPONSE REQUIIIT]D'? llNl'(S) (NOT' TNCLUDING COVET{ Sl lEIrl') SENT BY: TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FAX #:- (970\ 47q-2452 TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNII'Y DEVELOPMENT TELEPFIONE #: (970\ 479-2138 SPECIAL COMMENTS AND NO'TES: {p r"'""uo'u"r 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8i,657 970-479-2 t s 8/479-2 1 39 FAX 970-479-2452 MEMqBANDUM TO: Charlotte Young, Sinclair Resorts FROM: Tammie Williamson, Town Planne r|'lt\'a." Departrnent of Community Development DATE: March 18. 1997 SUBJECT: Adlacent properties for the West Vail Lodge Charlotte, this is a list of legal descriptions for adjacent properties to the West Vail Lodge. This list may be incomplete, and it is your responsibility to make sure of the accuracy. lf you have any questions, please let me know. Provide the legal descriptions to the Eagle County Assessor's Office, and the names and addresses of the property owner's should be provided to you. Brian Smith may be able to come into our office and look at the address maps to obtain a more accurate listing. Address 2172 North Frontage Rd. West 2199 Chamonix Lane 2239 Chamonix Lane 2249 Chamonix Lane 2278 Chamonix Lane 2288 Chamonix Lane 2298 Chamonix Lane Legal Lot 2, Vail Das Schone Filing No.3 Lot 4 Vail Heights Tract A (unplatted) Block A, Lot 4, Vail Das Schone Filing No. 'l Block A, Lot 3, Vail Das Schone Filing No. 1 Block A, Lot 2, Vail Das Schone Filing No. 1 Block A, Lot 1, Vail Das Schone Filing No. 1 {g ou"rrrro,*", TO: FROM: DATE: MEMORANDUM File Tammie Williamson, Town Plann.rlg)fu 1 ) '-AI t "'" March 14,1997 SUBJECT: Adiacent ProPerty owners The west vail Indge submitted an application for a variance on March 12, ll, 1997 for the April 14,l9g7 Fhnning and Environmental Commission meeting. The application was submitted and the appropriate fee was paid, however, they did not submit the list of adiacent prop.tty o*r,.r, to be nolified of the hearing. I hayg notified several neighbors by phone, ihat have contacted me about the brightness of the lights' I called the contact person in Fort Worth, Texas, charlotte Young, however, she is not at the office. I left a message on the above referenced date for her to retum my call' TO: FROM: DATE: MEMORANDUM Tamrnie Williamson, Ytan""r ;/!1rJ Filc March26, 1997 SUBJECT: Wcst Vail Lodge Update On Tuesday, March 25, 1997,1spoke to Charlotte Young and she informed mc that they have spoken to thc Eagle Counry Assessor's Office. Eagle County contends that there are too many adjacent owners to be given ovcr the telephonc. They suggested that Charlotte hire a titlc company to secure the adjacent property owners list. I called Charlotte with a list of adiacent propenry owners and tlreir legal descriptions that I pulled from our map. Eagle County says that. the list is incornplete and tllat drerc are still too rnany, and again suggested drat Charlottc hire a title company. Brian Smith, General Manager of thc West Vail Lodgc, has been unable to cornc into our officc and look at the address maps bccause hc is simply too brrsy as they have been shon staffcd. I have called Brian on at least fivc separat-e occasions arrd I lrave copit:d him on every correspondence written to Charlotte Young. He has contactcd me once and dris was approxilnately a month ago, to let rnc know that Charlotte was going to file thc variance application. o (rE LL Bruce M. Carlgon, AIA Palrlck G. Blees, AIA Tlmolhy E. Pslmqulst, AIA Slephen A. Nordgaard, AIA PRCJEL-T +I9:]II3-6 DATE: PROJECT HE}IL\: PROJECT: SUBJECT: FP-ESENT: CMA P.A. Norlhweslern Bulldlng 219 Norlh Second Slreel, Sulle 301 Minneapolis, Mlnnesota 55401-1454 Olf lce (612) 338-6677 Fax (612) 338-2995 .JAnrrerv '16 l qqi n11 fiY5,_ vc-L .|\]g(r liot-e 1 Rencvations Vail, Co l orado E..,{ 6'^i^', r i^\t.rh^ rri.Jlations lpyn of Vai. I Jim Curnu L l-e fl .ll . Ar r-hllclttrrc P.A. ;.; n. uurltin Dre'; ll . Mart- i rr CMA P.A. Waler Gardens Place 100 Easl 15lh Street. Sulle 105 Forl Worlh. Texas 76102-6500 Of lico (817) 877-0044 Fax (817) 877-0418 EY: Jim (lnr:nuti-e cal lei on .'lanuary 24, 7995, to discuss three areas irr which Town of Vail iorrnd the worl: being done wri.h regard Lo ei:ter.j.or ligrting Lo be ir. viciation of t-he zoning ordinance and the construction perrnit-. Ttre lhree issues are as follows: 1. The location of four wall mounted fixtures deviated from the approved plan. 1'lr. Curnut,te ras informed that this had occurred through a contr-aclor oversight and would be correcf-ed as soon as possible. 2. The color of the fixtures wer:e questioned due to lhe color being a reddish-orange. I1r. Curnutt-e was inforned that there had been an over- sight that ailowed the fi>ltures to be installed before they had receivecl a final finish coat. l1r. Curnutte was informed the fixtures would be painted a dar!:. green that uould match the existing color scheme. This wi.ll be done as soon as weather permits. PROJECT t1Erlo #93113-6 January 27, L995 Page Two 3. The way in which light is presently being emitted througtr the globes is a concern, The globes under the Toun of Vail's definition are not translucent enough but seem to be more transparent and therefore when the fj.xture is illuminated, i.t is possible to see the bulb. nr. curnutte was informed that se uere unaware of this problem and would begin to eorrect it at once, and that he uould be updated at such a time as to revisit the site, on January 25, 1995, the architect spoke with tlark Dreher of l{accregor/l.Iathen and inforned him of the issues that Jim Curnutte had. }{r. Dreher inforrned the architect that the first two items were k-nown and were scheduled to be corrected as soon as possible. llith regard to the lights themselves, the contractor wlll install a frosted bulb and then have the Town of Vail revisit and evaluate the issue at that time. cc: Paul A. P.eitz, REAUT Corporation Jim Curnutte, Town of Vail Ctrarlotte Young, Sinclair llanagernent Services, Inc. Derek Shannon, llacGregor/lJathen llark Dreher, llacGr egor/Wathen cnA (2) o Des ign Review Action TOWN OF VAIL o For l",rnoo Number:t7 o"" torGt/q{ Project Name; Building Name: Project Description: s)d Owner, Address and Phone;-6{oo * <{TG. r E ArchilecVHrC, Address and Phone: ePorhor ) Legal Description: Lot ' '@ C Block /f Subdivision Zone District C@_ Project Street Address:Jes a.sJ. Board / Staff Action -tte(C t 7elt. ,, frt ' /mofionoy: y'/ft vote: il /4 t' DRB Fee Pre-paid -lrc Town ofVail plrs A - ll , p41 RECEIVED FROM N9 47821 ADDRESS w*s sZSD.L Permit Numbers Police Rcceipt Numbers -T/T N How P^.ID_ cash-orcc k "ttt7+t3 SINCLAIR GROUR INC. The Sinclair Building .512 Main Street, 14lh Floor. Fort Worth, TX 76102 . 817-332-6400 . F March 4,1997 Ms. Tammie Williamson Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Rd. Vail. Colorado 81657 Re: West Vail Lodge Lighting Dear Ms. Williamson: I am enclosing a Variance Request Form, along with a $250.00 check, for the above- referenced request. We are somewhat confused after reviewing your correspondence, because the approved drawing shows the overall height of the lighting fixtures at 17' 6, not 14'as stated in your letter. We did place them on concrete bases to protect them from automobiles, which raised the approved height. If you should need any additional information, please feel free to contact me. WM Encls. cYjp Iir: iir c. D. Anonnss,Zzll N. Fonlnga Ed. BUrLDrNcNApm, nht V*.'1 b4c- ZONING: q*o call the Plaming Staff at 479'2138 PLICATION FOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION ,APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any project requiring approval by the Planning and Environmental Commission. For specific information. sec thc submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. The application can not be accepted until all requircd information is submitted. The projcct may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Design Rwiew Board- I ^AP A. TYPE OF APPLICATION: tr Additional GRFA (250) - tr BedandBrealdast tr Condrtional Use Permit tr Major or E Minor Subdivision tr Rezoning tr Sign Variance -Ef Variance tr Zoning Code Amendment B, DESCRIPTION OF THE REQTIEST: nc\t y(<l/l,L . 'OSAL: LOT_BLOCK- FILING tr Amendmcnt to an Approvcd Dcvelopment Plan tr Employee Housing Unit (Iypc: tr Major or tr Minor CCI Extcrior Alteration (VailVillage) tr Major or tr Minor CCII ExtcriorAlteration (Lionsheadi tr Special Development Distict tr Major or E Minor Amendment to an SDD E.NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILINGAD 6lo F. OWNER(S)SIGNATURE(S): G, NAMEOFREPRESENTATTVE: PHONE: FEE - SEE THE SI.JBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE APPROPRTATE FEE. SIJBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQTIIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. T5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD. VAIL. COLORADO E1657. For Office Uee Only: Fee Paid:_ Cld:By: Application Date :PEC Mecting Date: oNn: xl?-33L-6c{csG H. rviAilu{G ADDRESS: Rcvied 6196