HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL INTERMOUNTAIN BLOCK 6 LOT 11 LEGAL FILE.pdfo MBING PERMIT APPLI PLU I CAT .--) 2 roN Jurisdiction of Appligant to complete numbered spaces only. PLAN CHECK VALIOATION WHEN PNOPERLY VALIOAT€O IIN THIS SPACE THIS IS YOUR PERMIT CASH PERMIT VALIDATION A-;*t f7aay' cnc @u Foim t0O.2 11.73 INSPECTOR IIITERIIATIc|'{AL Cc'r| FEFgXCE OF EP* ,i I D ESC t.aa atTrrcxao 3ttatYl 2 // 5,4 irJr 8 Crass of work: { new D ADotTtoN D ALTEBATT0N tr REpAtR Typ. of Firturr or ltrm SPEC IAL CONOITIONSI WATER CLOSET (TOtLETt LAVATORY (WASH AASIN' KITCHEN SINK & OISP. OISHWASHER aPtrrCATroit aCCEptE O By PL^rrsCx€crcoSY LAUNORY TRAV CLOTHES WASHE R WATER HEATER NOTIC E I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE FIEAO AND EXAMINEO THIS APPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO AE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WOFIK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEO HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHoRITY To VIoLAT€ oR cANcEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. s rc|r A rua a/6 t/ cox yr ^c ror or,rar.Txoqtlao ^car ? UR INAL ORINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR.-5INK OR ORAIN GAS SYSTEMS: NO. OUTLETS WATER PIPING ' TREATING EOUIP. WASTE INTERCEPTOR VACUUM BREAKERS IIWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM SEPTIC TANK ' PIT fUlLOlf{G clF7lClAL3..xc. rr!|..oao. c^!r?. r...! EAGLE COUN Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT Date rc7t AMOUNT ITEM rmit Fee Application For Subdivision A lication Zone Change i Conditional U Spec ial Use Variance Apoeal Fee Code: (Bu ilding) (Zonin (Subdivision) Total Received All items are received for no-pay ment of any item. coll€ction only and this receipt shall be cancelled for ", RECEIVED N9 4004 )m,1';lUlJlTY I T. 0F PL./\itriiIC & DtlVtt0ptl!iuT - nox tzg o AGLE. COLOnADO r]1031 Tf LEPI-|ONE 303/32B-73 r I BOARO OF COI.,NTY co f/t r'4 r55to N E R 5 Eyt 241 ADM rN tST RATt O IJ Ext 24 I ANINlN I- 5}IELTER /t \, t /'./ri tlll il lbl I ,'/ 949-4292 ASSESTO R Ext 202 BUILD II\G IN IN SPECT IO N Ext 226 or 229 CLE R I( & RECORDER Ext 217 CO UNl'Y ATTORNEY Ext 242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONI\4ENTAL HEAL'TI'I Ext 238 EXTENSION t\u a:t\ I fxt 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC FIEALTH Eaqle Ext 252 Vail 4 76-5844 PLAnlt,l ING Exl 2?6 or 229 nuncnasri'rc7 PERSONNEL Ext 245 RO.qO & 13R IDGE Ext 257 SHER IFF Eag lc Ext 2l I Ba13it 9 2 7-32 44 Gilnran 8 2 7-5 751 SOCIAL SERVICEs 328.6328 ttlarch 8, 1979 - Variance from in the RSl4 Zone \ 4l-r At their regular neeting on March 8, 1979, the Eagle County Zoning. Board of Adjustment approved your vari ance. If you have any quest'ions, please contact this office. David Reichardt Box 3867 Vail, Co. 81657 . File llo. Zv-3-79 Minimum Lot Size with Slope JW/j k cc: Zoning Board of Adjustment 9'- vJflir;^ u,rir will iams Zoni ng Inspector .45 'lll il I lt t_ Ext l --t ':\ i.. ;URER I rrl I. t I I t I 1 '..,...\- \ Oo*"u AppLrcAroN ?Fife No. ZU:-3-79 \\ f\ ,,U PoA '0./t /N u Rei chardt . Actiorr of Zcning Board of Acljusiment on Variance Application 6ppro"at f; conditions: h{ Denlal A reaions: (see Order of the Board, attached) Date, Note: Section 9-04.10 Appeals from the Board' Any furth--r appeal from the dccisicn of the Board may be made to the courts, as provided by law, providecj, hov/ever, ll'lat such appeal is made prior to twenty (20; 6"r" followitlg the Cate of the notif ication of the.Boarc|s decision. I') a,;r, 2 rrl ? HAL\ilfr effi[it\liiY DEPARTI.4ENT OF PLANNING 8. DEVE 328-73rI 81631 i i;t ? February 22, 1.979 c LOPI'lENT Box 179 EAGLE, COLORADO BOAIlD OF COUNTY C/-l lv't fil lS5l ONE RS 324.6C09 AD I,4 III IST R ATIO N 328-667 4 AN IIIAL 5I-IELTER 949-4292 A55E550 R .tzat-trlv5 BUILDIi.iG lN 5P ECt't O N 328-6339 CLERK &Ftrar\!?nEo Eaqle 32 $.63 7 7 Baialt 927-3244 CO U NTY A'TTORNEY izu-o0 /i ENGINEER Jtal -uJJ / ENVIRONMENTAL H E ALTH 328.771 I EXTENSION AGENT 328-6370 LIBRARY tl28-7787 FueLtc t-ieautH Ea qle 328.6594 Vail 476-5 844 PLANNING JZ''.O J J '' ROAD & BR IDG E 328-65 9 | SHERIFF Eaqle 328.661I Baaalt 927 -3244 Gilman 82 7.5 751 50c tA L SERVICES 328.6328 TREASURER 328-6376 RE: File t{0. 7v-3-79 - Variance from Minimum Lot Size in the RSM Zone with Slope At theirr regular meeting on 21 February 1979, the Eagle County Planning Conmissjon recomrnended approval of your application wjth the condjtion that it never be sold as 2 separate ownershjps. This recommendation rvill be forwarded to the Zoning Board of Adjustment at their meetinq on 8 l,larch 1979 beginning at 10:00 a.m. in the Couniy Commissjoners, I'leet'ing Room #103,550 Broadway, Eagle, Colorado. If you have any questions, please contact this office. 1".'"^ t ,lill^;,^ /,ttm wilt jams Zoning Inspector David Reichardt Box 3867 Vaii, Co. 81657 Jvr/j k CC: Zon'ing Board of Adjustment -.- -*-)'*(i 6r_.,, ,... ,.ri4.ii '. iir. ,l ,'i,,.Jr;,i iii; i"!:,i'ti'\,f [)"partrnent of Pl anni rrg .P.0. Uox 179 Pircne EAGLE, COI.ORADO 81631 anci Dcvelopmcnt 328-731I 8 February 1979 The Vail Trail P. 0. Box 10 Vail, Colorado 8'l657 Re: llotice of Public Hearinq I l'larch 1979 Please publish the attached Notice of Publ .i c Hearing as a "Legal Notjce" in the 15 February i979 publ icat'i on of your paper. Please bill and send affjdavit of publication to this office. Thank you Off i ce Mana ger,/Secretary ROARD OF COUT{TY co f,,1 i,'r r :t5 to i,t E R s 32C,6809 AD II iTI I S'T R ATIO N 329.367rt AIJ I [1/\ L. 5H E L]'E R 949-t+292 ASSf:5SO R BUILDINO li!5PFc'i toN 328-0339 CLE R}( 8, RECORDER Ea clle JZ|i-tr J / /Baialt 927 -3244 COUTITV ATTOITNEY ENGINIER ENVIRONMEI'ITAL I IEN LTH 328-7718 .EXTE I"J S IO N AG E i{T LIBRA RY 328-7787 PUBLIC HEALTH Eaqle 328.6594 Vail 475-5a44 PLANNING 328.6338 ROAD 8. BRIDGE 328-6591 SHERIF:F Eaqle 328-661I Ba;alt 92 7-324 4 Gilman 827-5751 50c lA L SE R \,'IC E5 328.6328 TREASURER I ''il 11 i,1 ,: il ttl {1 {i 1.. ,. :i ;,. t r.. i \1 (, ., t \' \, \,, '<:;:l)\* . .,,"', ; i.r 'N. t' :i , ,,or,,r or FUBLT. HrARriG O COUiII-Y CF tT\GLt-, COLORAD() It9!1c9 is Hereby Givcn lhat the ta911e county Zonjnq Board of Adjustrnent t'rill hold a Pul;.1 ic Hearing beginninq at, 10:00 A.t4.'on g March 1gzg, in accorclance with section 9.04 of the Eagle county Zonino Rcsolution.Said llearing vriil include the follovrino: File ltlo. Zv-I-79 - Sunsh.i ne Builders .Request: Variance fronr Sect.ion 9.04.06(c) (a) Liinjmum Setback in the Residcniial Suburban Medium Zone.Location; Vail Rjdqe Subdivision, Lot 3, Block D File tlo. Zv-Z-79 - Safcr.ray Stores, Inc. Request: Variance fron the Sign Resolution Location: l,lest parcel of the VaiI Das Schone Tract File llo. 7v-3-79 - David and Diana Reichardt Request: va'i ance from r'iinimurn Lot size section 3.05.05 and Sect'ion 4.02.03 in the Residential Suburban l,iediurn Zone.Location: Vail Intermountain Subdivis.ion, Lot 11, Block 6 This.llearins will be held in the I'lcDonald Building, county commissioners Meetinq Room, #103,550 Broadway, Eagle, Colorado] Persons being affected by a decision on this request are invited to make comrnents to the Board by appeari ng at the Hearing, or by submitting rvritten statenrents in person or by ma.i I thru the Secretaiy. Further informat.i on may be obtained, or comnrents subnritted, by contact.ing the_Eag1e-county Department of planning and Developnent, 550 -Broadr,ray, Eagle, Colorado Phone 328-73II - F_xt-. ZZ9 by: Terri l1 Knight Sccretary, Zoning Board of Adjustment, 1]t'lt cATtoi\t FoR vARtANcE v from the Zoning Rcsotution of Eagle County, Colorado Flf e No..Z V- .4- -tq FeePaidSli dA ""rtr.rir%. to the Zoning Boarcl of Adjustments (minimunr 5 copies requircd; print or typer except signatures) . Section 9.04.05 Mail Address Appl ication acceptecl as completc for Pu'c,l ic !-{earing on Application rciccted as incomplete for Public llearing becausc: Phcne: 1. Regulation and Section l.lumber(s)of Zoning Resolution from which V ance ts {oE ,l, /) Presenl a. Subdivision Narne b. metes anC bcunds (may inclucle survey or map: Statement: PflSt g A complete list of ail o\^,ners aCclresses, of tlie property proF'osed for Variance and of Bll owners of _all adjacent properties is attachcd hereto; this signatory is properly a'.rtl'rcriar4 to make aflance off ice usc cation a 5. Etrief Purpose and Reeson for Variarrce (may b-^ attached) : fj l/,t JE 'q I Attach explanation that one or more c--onCitions exist under Sec.Pqr L sought: 3 3. General location of property (in relation to a Townr Road, Stream or other landmark): fl,t,t, rlntdJ/,e f7q/up ltouSE 4. Legal description of property f nouullit otltLawll, o,, I : 7.Tr attached) 9.04.C6r 1-5.6. 7.ltrot date il oy: Plilt,n lnq odnlirtiutr ntor Pir.;.. 1 .rf 2 dirto I 5. Brief Purpose anal Reason for Variance: We bought the lot tbinking that lt was a duplex lot.(accord- ing to the covedence). We built the house and finiehee the apartrnent first. We applieiL for a plumbing permit end addeal the apartrnent in the plunbing perrnit' !{e got the inspections 'and finishecl the apartrnent firgt. We appliedl for a temporary oooupanoy permitl but was notified by the county that we clid - not have a duplex 1ot according to Section 402.03 of the Zoning Requirenents. page 1 ,/,1'7? o j page 6. ,Erplanation that one or more conditions exist under Sec. g.04.06. The apartment is already built and is awaiting ocoupancy.It woulcL d.eprive ne of inoome. ft would cleprive some- one of a place to stay due to the lack of housing in the area. I lras toLcl that I bought a duplex, I was lnformed that I hadt enougb squars footage for a duplex. Howsoever, vrhen I applied for the Tenporary 0ccupancy pernit, I was informed that I d.id not have enough square footage uith theslope requl.rements. The eubdivision was plotted. aud eooepted. before the regulations came in effect. The surfouading neighborhood- is all on the same sJ.ope as my house, so I am not blooking anyoners vieu. I am not d.iminishlng tbe value of the neighboring property because the majority of it is duplexed or greater apartment s . The purpose of the ordinance is to prevent wholesale destruc*ion of lots that are greatly sloped. The characteristics of this Iot are such that it does not destroSr or ohange anything that rve already have built for one (1) ocoupant. Therefor, it is not contrary to the intent anti purpose of this resolution or master plan. 2. q Z'l 'A'7f o EAGLE couNTyo Eogle, Coforodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT Date /'3a , p AMOUNT Building Permit Fee Application For Su bd ivision Application Zone Change Conditional Use Special Use Variance Appeal Fee Code: (Buitding) (Zon in9)(Subdivision) Total Received Att items ur.,"."iufi-liffi only and this recerpt shall be cancett,eO -tJ no-payment of any item. Ne 4bg0 By page 3 l.St,atement of all ajoining propertY owners: BLOCK 5 Lo+ ii Lot # Lot ;f q 6 10 T2 I3 I4 Craig L. & Jan L, Webb Susan A. Corrock Mervyn Lapin Jack Crosby Wesley R. & Darsie B. Beese t{ilLiam ldatthews Roudebush Thomas R. Brisoo tyews & Ifarlyn Flynn Box 591 Vaill Co1o. Box 3583 Vai1, Co1o. Bor 1228 Vail, Co1o. Boz 2234 Vail, CoIo" #4 E. 66 New lork, N.T. Box 2617 Vail, Colo. 8ox L955 Vail, Colo. 81657 8L657 81657 8165? 10021 8:.:657 8!657 8r657 15 o/o Ced.ar Mountain Construotion 5960 E. Uclid Place l Engleuood, Colo. 80110 Vail Intermountain Developenent Subdivision Bor fOl Vail, Colo. 8L657 BLoCK g 2L 22 11 BLOCK 10 Vail Intermountain Developement Subd,ivislon 14 Box 7O5 Vail, Colo. 6,7q 3'l ' / .o box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 0ctober 6, 1981 Ms. Susie Vaughan, County P'lanner Eagle County Box 179 Eagle, Colorado 81631 ll /^ department of community development h fi/o r r/- 2fi* RE: Problem at \..- Dear Susie: Today I met with David Reichardt regarding the street problem at 2995 Bassingdale Blvd. It was my understanding after the jojnt Town Council/County Commissioners meeting that it was probably a County overs'ight and you were going to do further research on the 'i ssue. The change in road grade occurred a couple of years ago while in the County and in the winter just about makes Mr. Reichardt's driveway not usable. If the problem is not resolved, the Town wjll have problems p'l owing snow this winter as Mr. Reichardt's only alternative is to park on the street. This will just about make it impossible to do a good job clearing snow fron the street and he will get a ticket for parking on the street. I would appreciate your immediate attention on this matter so the prob'l em can be resolved before w'i nter. Sincerely, --"--a. . / 4t-.LL--.1 tt, ^-- Dick ftyan,-Director Department of Community Development DR: df I )L' , \-- fs aurrinso.t..\--z Bl vd. BUILDING DIVISION OF Elcu couxry; Ro. Box 789 CoURTHOUSE, EAGLE; CO.-PH. (303) 328'633e "r"rr,rro@,L-, "ro""(IYPE Of IMPROVEMENTI NO. BUILDING PERMIT 10 65 oare August 1 = rs{r8= ,-- ".-",1,1?; ( ro.)(sTREET)( C ONTF'S LICEN5E' NUMBER OF OWELL ING UI{ITS Intermoun 161 11 alocx SASEMENT WALLS OR F OUNOAT ION FT, IN HEIGHT ANO SHALL COI'IFORM IN CONSTRUCTION (TYPE) Plan Check Fee $58.75 EsrrMArEo cosr $ 1?r000-00 FEEt't $: 11?'50 BU ILO ING il oo roycrro ride ol opplicotion io be compleled by outhorized ogenf of owner) ZON ING o lsTR lcT AT ( LOCAT IOHI ( CROSS sTFEET (cRos5 srREEr) u BUILDING PERIVIIT APPLI toN a CAT .O Applicent to comptete numbered spaces only, PLAN CH€CK VALIDATION A-.-"+t-l sruJ WHEN PJTOPEFLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PERMIT VALIDATION ^tlacxEo sxtE1'l viJ _f4 LICEN3C NO. c .-s4 EI{CINEER 5 use of aurlDtNc 7 8 Class of work:O ASOITION tr ALTERATIoN tr REPAIR o MOVE f] REMOVE 9 Describe work: l0 Change ot use from 11 Valuationof work:g f ,,bbz:;;PLAN cHEcK FEE SLry {PERMIT FEE SPECIAL CONDJTIONS: Sire ol Btdg, (Totat) 5q. Ft. No. of Stories Fire Sprinklers Required Eyes ENo APPI'CATIOrt ACC€PIED AY PLANS CXECXEO 8Y APPROVEO FOF ISSUANC€ BY No. ot Owelting Unit' OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: NOTIC E SEPARATE PEFMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL. PLUMB-ING, HEATING, VENTTLATING OR AtR CONOITIONING. THIS PERIVlIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTBUC-TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED IIJITHIN 120 ONVS, ON IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR EAEA'OONCO FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIIIIE AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO AND EXAMINEO THIS APpLrcArroN AND KNow rHE sAME rb ae iRUE Ai\jiJ tb-n-n ecr.A-LL pRqvtstoNs oF LAws ANo oRotNANces coveFrlrr.r--c ixrs IYqE oF woRK wtLL BE coMpt.tEo witx wxErxel- jpedrrrEo HERETN oR Nor- THE GRANTTNG oF A pECMt.'ooES ruoi ?EEsuVE To grvE AUTHoRtry ro VtoLAra oR ca-r.lcEl rxE lEpyLsroNs oF AN...'. orHER srATE oR LocAL LAw CecuLirrr{c coNsl:{tucT I oN O ttlqHE pE R FO RiVIANCE OF- CONS-dUCT| ON. Srotrarun€ oF coN ZONING F IRE OEPT. 50IL REPORT OTHER (Specilyl Form I OO.I 1.77 INSPECTOR EAGLE COUI\TY Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT ITEM Buildinq Permit Fee Application For Su bdivision Appl ication Zone Change Conditional Use Soec ia I Use Aooeal Fee Code: (Bu ilding) Total Received All items are received no-payment of any item. Ne 3864 L-nL.* I (' oate-$*y-zz-, n 7Y AMOUNT for collection only and this receipt shall be cancelled for CHECK EAGLE FINAL: Beview ation COUNTY BUILN C/O INSPECTION, Routing Form ( ) PERMIT APPLICATION LANDSCAPE INSPECTION FORM PrimaryRouting ( ) Rerouting Review and return to the County Buildirrg Official within 6 working days loe{ Permit No. 3/16 t . Plannirg Commission File No. Planning: Complies with: Subdivi sion Regul ations Zoning Regulations Site Pl an (Landscaping) Commerrts: Yes M E M fr - fl-n."Ommend Approvat : No E tr Reviewed by:Date: County Engineer: Roads Grading Drainage Comments: Recommend Approval : n D n n n tr il D County Health: Water Sanitation Perc. test Comments: //n Recommend tr tr n n tr m tr E /- 3/-qf App val : Final lnspection: C/O Recommend Approval Comments: I Firral Inspection: Landscapi Recommend Approval Commerrts: n C/O lssued Final Filing Date by Date I A t ( County of ELECTRICAL Eagle PERIT{IT rob Name....Q?gi4 B.eLeb-er4l-.-..?.9-99--Fe#ls'44e-'{lY$: """"""""". Lot 11, BIk.6 Vail Intermountain Date of Application-.-. Electrical Contractor. -. -- -.--. -.--' F-91-f"' Applicant.....-. S18nature Ne 1204 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee $....... ... ...............- $........-...............-... APPROVALS PlrD Checker $..?6., Q0 Date paid....,9 / ?.p./.1.8-. .- -.. - Received By....,. J'.Keller- -..-----.'.--.--.-. -.. Receipt #4004 Bldg. Permit #1065 FORM IS TO BE POSTED ON SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION .I8 HOURS AI}VANCE NOTICE REQUTRED FOR INSPECTIONS ... ...a/..?9/,7e Datg THIS JOB $...4q.,.Q.9..........,... Jurisdiction; fyr0" - >Applicant to complete numbered spaces only, WHEN PROPEFLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE) THIS tS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION INSPECTOR I NTERN ATI ON A L CON FERENCE OF BU t LOI NG PERMIT VALIDATION ELEcTfcAL ?EilMrT npprltnmoN 3 M.O.M.O. Au&#4aay' /e4 fr",-;*tttr 4- I,U aLr a 0 1 t'tt, ttt / \,141 'ttiff'2^fii72';'i J"*l rr,Jf GmDr/ n -S/ LICEN3E NO. ENGINEER LICENSE NO. 54 A,t t- USE OF EU II.OI N G 7 flr rstunl ;f / alppt,r 8 Crass ol work: frrufw tr A00tTt0N n ALTERATT0N fl BEpAtR PERMIT FEES € 4 Total RECEPTACLE -' 6i,r,"," LIGHT #ffiE-Tr- ?d SPECIAL CONOITIONS: L IGHTING FIXTURES Total Fixtures o.,-.'4c, APPROVEO FOR,SSUA"C€ BY RANGES CLO. ORYER WTR. HTR. NOTICE I HEREBV CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. t2€o /rcEtr .""-;J,' | | F /.c/{a ",/1 .9, /. J GARBAGE OlsP. SE'=CC€R|P OI5H. WASH. CLOTHES WASH, SPAC€ HTR. 5TA. APPL. % H.P. MAX. NEW CHANGE PERMIT ISSUING FEE Form lOO.3 l1-73 OFFICIALS