HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL INTERMOUNTAIN BLOCK 6 LOT 15 LEGAL FILE.pdf,-ffi Project Name: McDougall Residence Project Description: Fence Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Crmmunity Dwdopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us DRB Number: DR8010288 Participants: OWNER MCDOUGALL, TIMOTHY R. & MARY08/2/2001 Phone: 2955 BASSINGDALE BLVD VAIL CO 81657 License: APPLICANT MCDOUGALL, TIMOTHY R. & MARY08/222001 Phonet 476-L374 2955 BASSINGDALE BLVD VAIL CO 81657 License: Proiect Address: 2955 BASINGDALE BLVD VAIL Location: Legal Description: Lot: 15 Block 6 Subdivision: VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN DEV S Parcel Number: 210314310015 Comm€nts: BOARD/STAFF ACIION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:vote: DateofAPProval:08/28/2001 Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN)I No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Enby: 08/28/2001 By: ao Action: AP Fence must be entirely within lot boundaries Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Allison Ochs DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO OO 't **t *'t't* *'l'l'f,*+ **+*'f ''**l!t*+tt'|*{r**r}*+'}+t***+***** * * + + **r! ** * * ** {.'}* I r t+* * * * ++*** **+*+ *'t,*'it*'**+ *!* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Stete'rnent ,i * * **'l *'i* * t*!i,tri *** * **'r**'t {r **+* *+ !i** t* * + * * * *'r *****+** *+{.*!t*** * + rt**** t* **** *'t* ** *r.*** **'|l ** * **+ statement l{umber: R000001299 Amount: $20.00 08/27/200L03:46 Plr Pa)tment llethod: Check Init: JAR t{otatlon: 4844 Permit No: DR8010288 Type: DRB - Uinor Alt.eracion Parcel No: 210314310O15 Site Addresg z 2955 BASINGDAL,E BrrvD VAIIJ LocatLon: Tota1 Fees: $20.00 T'his Payment: $20 .00 Total, AIrIr lrrnts: $20 ,00 Balance: $O. o0 *+,i***t******||t 'l*,t * *{t*,i* i'F**t + *,F+* + ++ *+ *'f *+**+*,r*|*{.*:t * r + * *'r+'t* * + +,r.r.+** i +*!t*+ i**,** *,f **,1'+'l****'1. ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Current Pmts DR O()1OOO[)31122OO DESIGN REVIEhJ FEES 20. 00 f,TBA]K FirstBank 0f Avon 00ll W. Bcaver Creek Blvd. AvoD CO 61620 (970)949{rr00 "LENDER' CUSTOIIER Tinothy R. ldcDougall l|ary I. McDougall 75 S, Froutage Rd VaiI , co 81657 lElEPdol{E fto. A. ADDFESS IRREVOCA LETTER O CREDIT : 9973s91 3118 Bellflower Vail, Co 81557 T€L6PHOIIE NO.IDENTIFICATION NO, EXPIRATION DA This L€tter of Credit shall expire upon th€ €arlier of: 1. the close of business on ituly 20, 1999 and all drafts and accompanying statements or docum€nts must be presented to Lender on or before that tim6; or 2. the day that Lender honors a draw under which the full amount of this Letter of Credit has been drawn. Lenderhereby e€tablishes at the request and for the account of customer, an lrrevocable LEtter of credit in fiavor of Beneficiary for a sumof seven Thousapd Five Eupdred Fifty apd_De^qo_ ). These funds shall be made available to Beneficiary upon Lender's receipt from Beneficiary of sight drafts drawn on Lender at Lender's address indicated above (or such other address that Lender may provide Beneficiary in wrhing) during regular business hours and accompanied by the signed written statements or documents indicated below. WARNING TO BENEFICIARY: PLEASE EXAMINE THIS LETTER OF CREDIT AT ONCE. lF YOU FEEL UNABLE TO MEET ANY OF ITS REQUIREMENTS, EITHER SINGLY OR TOGETHER, YOU SHOULD CONTACT THE CUSTOMER IMMEDIATELY TO SEE IF THE LETTER OF CREDIT CAN BE AMENDED. OTHERWSE, YOU WILL RISK LOSING PAYMENT UNDER THIS LETTER OF CREDIT FOR FAILURE TO COMPLY STRICTLY WITH ITS TERMS AS WRITTEN. 1. DRAFTTERMSAND CONDITIONS Lender shall honor drafts submitted by Beneficiary under the following terms and conditions: Eech dreft nust be accompaaied by a Etatem€nt by a duly authorized officer of Town of Vail atatilg that this draw ie in coDDectiou with fuads aeeded for tbe accouat of finothy R. ldcDougall aDd Uary I. UcDougalL, #997359L. \i,df"*ot*t" bq- Upon Lender's honor of such drafts, Lender shall be fully discharged of its obligations und€r this Lstter of Credit and shall not be obligated to make any further paym€nts under this L€tt€r of Credit once the tull amount of credit available und€r this LEtter of Credit has been drawn. lf a non-conforming demand is made, Lender shall notify Beneficiary of hs dishonor on or bebre the time specifi€d in Paragraph 5 below. Beneficiary shall have no recourse against Lender for any amount paid under this Letter of Credit once Lender has honored any draft or other docum€nt which complies strictly with this Lefter of Credii, and which on its face appears otherwise in ord6r but which is sign€d, issued, or presented by a party or under th€ name of a party purporting to act for Beneficiary, purporting to claim through Beneficiary, or posing as Beneficiary without Beneficiarys authorization. By payng an amount demanded in accordance with this Letter of Credit, Lender makes no repras€ntation as to th€ correctness of the amount demanded and Lender shall not be liable to Beneficiary, or any oth€r person, ficr any amount paid or disbursed for any reason whatsoevgr, including, without limitation, any nonapplication or misapplication by Beneficiary of the proceeds of such payment. By presenting upon Lender or a confirming bank, Beneficiary certifi€s that Beneficiary has not and will not present upon the other, unless and until Beneficiary meets with dishonor. Beneficiary promises to return to Lender any funds received by Beneficiary in excess of the Letter of Credit's maximum drawing amount. 2. USE RESTRICTIONS Dollars ($7 , s50. oo All drafts must be mark€d 'DRAWN UNDER FirEtBank of Avoa IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT NO.997 359 |Julv 2o, 1998 ," and the amount of each draft shall be marked on the draft. Only Beneficiary or Beneficia4y's TransfereE (if this Lgttor of Credh is transferable) may complote a draft and accompanying statements or documerts requir€d by this Letter of Credit and make a draw underthis Letter of Credit. This original Letter of Credit must accompany any draft drawn hereunder. Partial draws ! are permitted @ are not permitt€d under this Letter of Credit. Lender's honor ot a partial draw shall conespondingly r€duc€ the amount of credit availabla under this Letter of Credit. Following a partial draw, Lender shall r€turn this original Letter of Credh to Beneficiary with the partial draw noted hereon; in the ahernative, and in its sole discretion, Lender may issu€ a substitute Letter of Crgdit to Beneficiary in the amount shown above, less any partial draw(s). 3, PERiTTTEDTMNSFEREES I lf checked, this Letter of Credit may be transferred by Beneficiary upon prior written notice to Lender of the transfrer. The Transleree shall be deemed the new B€neficiary of this Letter of Credit and the documents of the Transferee, including drafts required under this Letter of Credit, will be processed by Lender (or any intermediary) without the original Beneficiarys intervention and without any further obligation of Lender to th€ original Beneficiary. E] lf ch€ck€d, the right to draw under this Letter of Credit shall be nontransferable, except for: A. A transfer (in hs entirety, but not in pan) by direct operation of law to the original Beneficiarys administrator, executor, bankruptcy trust€e, receiver, liquidator, successor, or other representative at law; and B. The first immediate transfer (in its entir€ty, but not in part) by such legal representative to a third party after express approval of a governmental body 0udicial, administrative, or executive). MAST6oa toFonnAtion T€chnologi6s, Inc. (9/3,/86) iSOO) S37-3799 DATED 6. 7. TRANSFEREE'S REOUTRED DOCUE When the presenter is a permrtted Transferee under paragraph 3 above, the documents required for a draw shall include: A. All documents requrred elsewhere in this Letter of Credit, except that such documents may be in the name of and executed by either th€ original Beneficiary or the presenter permitted by paragraph 3; and B. When the presenter is a permitted Transferee under paragraph 3.A. or a third party under paragraph 3.8., a certified copy of the one or more documents which show the presenter's authority to claim through or to act whh authority for the original Beneficiary. TII,IING OF DISHONOR Lender may rely upon any reason for dishonor which h communicates to Beneficiary or the presenter within three (3) Banking Days aftet Lender has received th€ last document forming Beneficiary's presentment (the "Three-Day Period"). Lender shall be entitled to rely upon such reason without regard to either (i) the timing of any presentment made before the Expiration Date, or (ii) the timing inside the Three-Day Period of any preliminary communication(s) from Lender concerning the dishonor decision or any reason lor dishonor. For any reason for dishonor given during the Three-Day Period, Lender shall be conclusively deemed to have mst th€ "reasonable time", 'without delay', and other timing r€quirements as the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credhs, 1993 Revision, ICC Publication No 50O, as most recently published by the International Chamber of Commerce (the 'UCP') may impose. The Expiration Date shall not be extended to accommodate a presentment made less than three (3) Banking Days before the Expiration Date, and Beneficiary shall not be entitled to submit a draw request or provide Lender with any documents in suppoft of a draw after the Expiration Date. Lender shall not be required to communicate a dishonor decision or its reasons within a time less than the Three-Day Period. 'Banking Day' means any day, except Saturday, on whrch commercial banks located in colofadq are open. COMPLIANCE BURDEN Lender is not responsible for any impossibility or other difficulty in achieving strict compliance with the requirements of this Letter of Credit precisely as written. Beneficiary understands and acknowledges: (i) that unless and until the present wording of this Lett€r of Credit is amended with Lender's prior written consent, the burden of complying strictly with such wording remains solely upon Beneficiary; and (ii) that Lender is relying upon the lack of such amendment as constituting Beneficiary's initial and contrnued approval of such wording. NON.SEVERABIL]TY lf any aspect of this Letter of Credit is ever declared unenforceable for any reason by any court or governmental body having iurisdiction, Lender's entire engagement under this Letter of Credit shall be deemed null and void ab initio, and both Lender and Beneficiary shall be restored to the position each would have occupied with all rights available as though this Letter of Credit had never occuned. This non-severability provision shall override all other provisions in this Letter of Credit, no matter where such provision appears within this Letter of Credit. cHorcE oF r-AvJURrsDrcTroN This Letter of Credit is subject to the UCP. This Letter of Credit shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the 5131s e1 Coloradq , United States of America, except to the extent such laws are inconsistent with the UCP. Lender and Beneficiary consent to the jurisdiction and venue of any court selected by Lender in its discretion located in the State of Colorado in the event of any legal proceeding under t\ip Letter of Credit..,. -\,, ., ..i iri compliance with.the lerm+ of this. Letter of Credit will be duly .a ENDORSEMENT OF DRAFTS DRAWN: 9. E)(PIRATIO Lender hereby agrees with Beneficiary that drafts'dra\on under and honored if presented to the Lender on or beiore the Expiration Date. Dated: July 20, L99A LENDER: FirstBaEk of AvoD _,_ Negotiated By Amount ln Words Amount In Figures MAST6O2B t) FormAlaoo Technotogies, Inc. (s/i3l96) (gOO) 937 3799 LETTER OF CREDIT FORMAT Legal Descriplion: t-oil 5 . Stock 6 SubdMsion Vail Internountain Address 2955 Basingdale Blvd Dale of Expkalion: .Tr r 'l y ?O; 1999 DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMEI{T THIS AGBEEMFNT, madq qld entgred into this 20 day of julv . 19-lg by and among frFil8,lExr $' ""a ll"'v r ' ,hereinafter catleit the Devetoper'), and rtte TOWN OF VAIL (hereinafter called the 'Town") afld Fi-rstBank of Avon (hereinafter called the "Bank"). WHEREAS,the Developer, ? as a condition of approval ofthe plans, dated June 19 9L .-, wishes to enter into a Developer lmprovement Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Developer is obligated to provide security or collateral sufficient in the judgment of the Town to make reasonable provisions for completion of certain improvements set forth below: and WHEHEAS, the Developer wishes to provide collateral to guarantee performance of this Agreement, including construction of the above-referenced improvements by means of the following: Developer agrees to establish a letter of credit with a Bank in Eagle County in a dollar amount of $__7_,j5A-_0O_ (25/" ot the lotal cosl of the work shown below) to provide security for the following: IMPROVEMENT Grading Installation of trees olw I jofl1 ?*tr+ Ic u*re*t a.p-. i NOW, THEREFORE, in consideralion ot the following mutual covenants and agreemenF, the Developer and the Town agree as follows: 1. The Developer agreesr at the sole cost and expenses, to furnish all equipment and material necessary to perform and complete all improvements, on or before July 20, 1998 . The Developer shall complete, in a good workmanlike manner, all improvements as listed above, in accordance with all plans and specilications filed in the office of the Community Development Department, the Town of Vail, and to do all work incidental thereto according to and in compliance with the following: a. Such other designs, drawings, maps, specifications, sketches, and other matter , SUbmitted by the Developer to be approved by any of the above-referenced I governmenlal entities. All said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to the satisfaction of, the Town Engineer, the Town Building Official, or other official from the Town of Vail, as affected by special districts or service districts, as their respective interest may appear, and shall not be deerned complete until approved and accepted as completed by the Town of Vail Comrnunity Development Department and Public Works Department. 2- To secure and guarantee performance of its obligalions as set lorth herein, the Developer agrees to provide security and collateral as follows: in the amount of $7 ,550 . 00 lrrevocable lelter o{ cr-edit #-191:f!el With FirstBant of Avon (name of bank in Eagle County) as the security for the improvements set forth above if there is a default under the Agreement by Developer. FLagstorlef 8, fu Curb and pan Exterior rcck f oQ Page I of3 ."r''. '.'ii."' i,r.i trr...1q!' 51.:. ., i.i.t- .i.rrlrltr +'': :-ri5'-. :lc. I 3. The Developer rnay at any time substitute the collateral originally set forth above for another form of collateral acceptable to the Town to guarantee the faithful completion of those improvements referred to herein and the performance of the terms of this Agreernent. Such acceplance by the Town of alternative collateral shall be at the Town's sole discretion. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any officer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occurring to the work specified in this Agreement prior to the completion and acreptance of the same, nor shall the Town, nor any oflicer or employee thereof, be liable for any persons or property injured by reason of the nature of said work, but all of said liabilities shall and are hereby assumed by the Developer. The Developer hereby agrees t0 indemnify and hold harmless the Town, and nay of its officers, agents and employees against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to which the Town or any of its officers, agents or employees rnay become subject to, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) that arise out of or are based upon any performance by the Developer hereunder; and the Developer shall reimburse the Town for any and all legal or olher expenses reasonably incurred by the Town in connection with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action. This indemnity provision shall be in addition to any other liability which the Developer may have. 5. lt is mutually agreed that the Developer may apply to the Town and the Town shall authorize lor partial release of the collateral deposited with the Town for each category of improvement at such time as such improvements are construcled in compliance with all plans and specifications as referenced hereunder and accepted by the Town. Under no condition will the amount of the collateral that is being held be reduced below the amount necessary to complete such improvements. 6. lf the Town determines, at its sole discretion, that any of the improvernents contemplated hereunder are not constructed in compliance with the plans and specifications set forth in lhis Agreement on or before the date set forth in Paragraph 2, the Town may, but shall not be required lo, redeem the letter of credit as necessary to complete the unfinished improvements. The Bank shall release such funds upon written request from the Town stating that the improvements have not been completed as required by this agreement. The Bank shall not require the concurrence of the developer prior to release of the lunds to the Town nor shall the Bank be required to verify independently that such improvements have not been completed as required by this agreement, bul shall release such funds solely upon the Town's written request. I lf the costs of completing the wqrk exceed the amount of the deposit, the excess, together with interest at twelve percent per annum, shall be a lien against the property and may be collected by civil suit or may be certified to the treasurer of Eagle County to be collected in the same manner as delinquent ad valorem taxes levied against such property. lf the permit holder lails or refuses to complete the cleanup and landscaping, ad defined in this chapter, such failure or refusal shall be considered a violation of the Zoning Code. 7. The Developer warrants all work and material for a period of one year after acceptance of all work referred to in this Agreement by the Town if such work is located on Town of Vail property or within Town of Vail right-of-way pursuant to Section 17.16.250. 8. The parties hereto mutually agree that this Agreement may be amended from time to time, provided that such amendments be in writing and executed by all parties hereto. Dated lhe day and year first above written. Page 2 of3 F^ Developer y. R. McDougall ,, The foregoing Developer lmprovement Agreement was acknowledged before me this liOt"day of t\.tq . 19 j6-by -T,t oti' L R. ["\1cDor,\.,uu o',r.L fl1o" t) Witness rny hand and o My commission expires fficial seal. I. McDougall STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE ss. I m.["5rtr . l,fyScnnlioiantfiite$0i)l2zt.,t-$fr STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE Z7 STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: ss. Bank stBank of Avon by Terry L. Halverson, Presldent ss. . The foregoing Developer lmprovement Agreement was acknowledged before me this 2-Ot\ dayof J-.Lu\ .19-f e,-by Tu-rJ l- 1-{c.Lurscnn, Pre:.\) Witness my hand and official seal. My commission "rpir"s' Wf t-ti:titn E 't l:\everyone\formsuovimpag.hr VAIL Quality Guaranteed Licensed - Banded - lnsured VALLEY CONCRETE Vail. CO 81658-2592 Dave (970) 926-3120 Rob (970) 827-4244 -//.. 4O5t a - t /JObLoCation. dL-|2' />.-s5:T.d-te 11^l^.L,,crtE. Engineer / Architect: PROPOSAL OUOTE AMOUNT 6nso,--"-*t f1"..37.4 tq J7 /rt2-t s2f* t /4 .L_/3A 3q2 sal/ /-fo+ -r Chz.-ss B s=oa: /rf **z /t. {/4,/ al '32t-, sr+*Q 2.s9 -b>a5 " (r,urb L 14a-n a, e )"&r e./lo i€r I fzg.'" /a?( fut c/-/z' ( ea.cad-z- *:A u., i,-<- t*.-A o, {-'}*tnA /.J Eyp,.ar,'a-. t'ni* /?a cerf loF ,e.&.-n 6. i.*(rnL #],57tt' ' : PROPOSE hereoy to lurnrsh matenal ancl labol . complete rn ac@toanco wrlh above sp€ctltcattons, lor lh6 slm ol 3a /r^,t"- h. €a^.r"L'-fr- All materal is guaranteed to b6 as sqecilied, All work to b€ compretoc, in a substantral worxrnanlike manner according to sp€crficalions submtll6d. per slandard praciices. Any alteraton or devrato.l from abovg sp€cfrcalioars ilwolving 6xtra costs wrll b6 er€cuted oniy upoar wfltten orcleri. an<t wtll be@ane an enra charg6 orer and aborg ihe estmal6, All agreelh€nts contrnq€nt updr starkes. acodents d cl€lays beyoard o(Jl cmlrcl. Otmar to carry li e. tornado. and other necessary Insurance- Our workgas ar€ lully cov€rod by Workman s Comp€nsalron ffi! i-i: -Not6: This p.oposal may be fi'ldra*n il oot acce9tad within 32 or.. ACCEPTANCE OF PFOPOSAL. The above prrces, specrlicatrons a.td condrlrons are sansladorv anct are herebv accepted. You are aulhonzed to cto th€ work as speoi€d Paymenl signanne wrl b€ mad6 as ouihed aoov6. Date ol Acceotance. Signeturo o April30, 1998 Tim & Mary McDougall 3118 Bellflower #7 Vail, CO 81657 Dear Tim & Mary, As you had requested, this letter shall provide you with the information that you will need in deciding your options to purchase trees for your new home. The pricing structure is based on Land Designs direct cost, therefore our standard warranty period is waived. Delivered & Installed Cost $ 315.00 ea 220.00 ea 180.00 ea 90.00 ea 315 K 3:tUl-o( L -- ' tt€D* A--FQc" 3 Delivered Cost $ 275.00 ea 180.00 ea 150.00 ea 65.00 ea LAND DESIGNS gy ELLISON Colorado Spruce 10 Ft. Colorado Spruce 8 Ft. Aspen 3 inch cal. Aspen 2 inch cal. Sincerely, Land Designs b y Ellison, Inc. Please let me know when you would like us to deliver the trees and if you would like us to plant them too. I have the frees available in our inventory and will hold them back until you are ready. Good luck in completing your new home! s Ao<44= 34,c ,1O -%I(b llison frJ,:wrl P.o. BOX 1259 . AVON. COLoRADO 81620 . (g7O) S49-17OO . FAX t970l 94S€2Bg I March 23, 1-998 Land Designs bY Ellison, Inc. Attn: Glen Ellison Dear GIen: Attached j-s a copy of the site plan for our house' The following is the plant list (I wasn't able to incLude it in the copy) : P],ANT ].IST COMMON NAME BOTAIiIICAI NA}'TE QUAIITITY MTNIMT]M STZE A. colorado Spruce Pj-cea Pungens 3 10' Iligh B. Colorado Spruce Ficea Pungens 2 8' High C, Aspen Populus Tremuloides 2 3u Caliper D. Aspen Populus Tremuloides 3 2' CaliPer Thanks,Glen'Weappreciateanyhelpyoucangj-veusinobtaininq| these tlees. please let me know if you need any further information. s incerely, I Llr*,:A^'M'Cb t"[" .lo rirn McDougarl {tr r \\ /nirn .v Qrtaouga[[Ginis6] 'ltm SvtADouqa[I 3tr8 Re[[f.ower #7 - TaiI, Colorado 8t657 Qofl +75-r3T+ The following are bids for the work to be completed at 2955 Basingdale Blvd' Vail, Colorado: Grading $ 500 Flagstone: $1,000 Rj.ver rock (exterior): $2,000 f,ITBAN( OF AVON July 12, 1999 Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vai1, CO 81657 To Whom It May Concern: The l-etter of credit that corresponds with Loan number 997-359L for Timothy and Mary McDougall; Lot 15, BIock 6, Vail- lntermountai-n/2 9 5 5 Basingdale Blvd. has matured with our bank as of July 01' l-999' We are asking that you release the Irrevocable Letter of Credit at this time. If you have any further questions regarding th.is matter please contact me at (970) 949-0100. { (\1}- ooFs OO1 1 W. BEAVER CREEK BLVD.P.O. BOX 5270 AVON. COLORADO 81620 97G94Sl-0100 Date Received JUL i9 1999 sincerel-y, /1 ,,/i fl lUt^*L-fiehrt uilchelLe Koehn Loan Clerk mmk Encl-o sure TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road VaiI, Colorado 81657 970-479-2100 FAX 970-479-2157 July 1, 1999 First Bank of Avon Attn: Carrie Stamp 11 W. Beaver Creek Blvd. Avo4 CO 81620 SENT VIAFACSIMILE Re: Letter of Credit #9973591; Lot 15, Block 6, Vail Intermountain / 2955 Basingdale Blvd. - the McDangal Residence Dear Carrie: The Town of Vail Department of Community Development requests that First Bank of Avon release the funds held on behalfofthe Town ofVail ($7,550.00) under the above-referenced letter of credit. If you would like to discuss this issue in greater detail, please contact me at (970) 479-2128. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Sincerely, Lr-*'(- Laz/- Brent Wilson Planner II {7 *"""o* rorr* O' Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: McDougall Residence ProjectDescription: Modificationstopreviously-approvedplan Owner, Address and Phone: il[;!#"O McDougall,2955-A Basingdale Blvd., Vail, CO 81657, ArchitectiContact, Address and Phone: same Proiect Street Address:2955 Basingdale Blvd. Legal Description: Lot 15' Block 6, Vail Intermountain Parcel Number: 2103-143-f0-015 Comments: PRJ99-0058 Building Name: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: 3130/99 Board / Staff Action Action: StaffApproved F:\E \TERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL99MCDOUGAL. WPD DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 Qucstionsf thc I'ii,:.r:ing Siaiiui, -, t-- i:S APPLICATION FOR DESIGI{ REVIEW APPROVAL o-r d GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcvicrv approval. Aly projcct rcquiring dcsign revicw must rcccivc Dcsign Review approval prior to submitting for a building pcrmit. Forspecific information, see the subnrittal rcquircnrcnts for thc particular approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc application cannot bc acceptcd until all thc requircd inlbrnration is submittcd. Thc projcct may also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Town Council and/or thc Planning and Environnrcntal Conrrrission. Dcsign Rcvicrv Board approval cxpires one ycar aftcr final approval u[lcss a building pcrmit is issued and construction is startcd. lot qq' o TAW N 0F VUt, B. o k f-- */o--(, o.',r . c. .^-& O.^. J Ol- Z-ts tJ croc"ra 4a.^-ars \- -\(5e*6{,""'er'\, sta(r '-e ' -- o\r'\ , LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT: \5- BLOCK: G FILINC' uc- rL \ r,\+e r !.^oo^&\rl PFrySICALADDRESS: 2?sf 8o-s, ^Ad.-\€ 6 l''-,c,(' e C. D. E. c. 2 t o 3- t '( 3- to -o rs'lConract Eaglc Co. Asscssors Office at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) S€ c- o nd...- r NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILING ADDRESS:fJ Ur A \e .< o q I 6 S? - PHONE: Qlo - t/-to- tZ)V OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S) :{ Cl) .l - NAME OF APPLICANT:-T-,Wl c $o ...r .,'l MAILING ADDRESS: "(-o € I a-s? Construction of a nelv building. Includcs any addition whcrc square footagc is added to any rcsidcntial or comrncrcial buildine. j\tlinor Altcration -S20 lncludes minor changes to buildings and site improvements. such as, rcroofing. painting. window additions. landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. DRB fces are to be paid at the timc of subnrittal. Latcr. whqr applying for a building pennit, please identifi thc accuratc valuation of the projrct. The Town ofVail will adjust thc fce according to thc project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL RNQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COIVIMUNITY DEVELOPMENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, vAIL. COLORADO 816s7. ' | :' I r'::::: Application Datc: - DRB Meeting Date: : i ' Pre-ApplicationMcetingDatc: , , , , PARCEL #: ZONING: H.TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: E Ncw Construction - $200 tr Addition - $50 or oj Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: McDougall Residence - Project Description: minor changes to approved plan Owner, Address and Phone: Tim and Mary McDougall 3ll8 Bellflower #7, Vail, CO (970) 476-1374 Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: same Project Street Addrcss: 2955 Basingdale Boulevard Legal Description: Lot 15, Block 6, Vail Intermountain Parcel Number: 2103-143-10-015 Building Name: nla Comments: Continue siding over areas currently labeled: stucco. Cover exposed foundation with river rock Apply shed roof over french doors on SW elevation. Delete 6x6 posts in railing wherever railing may be connected to house or 6x6 support. Board / StaffAction Motion by: nh Action: Staff Approval Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: as per plans submitted 4/9/98 Town Planner: Christie Barton Date: 4l9l9g DRB Fee pre_paid: $20.00 'l'l Ou.rtifi]ll thc Planning StatTxi 479-:128 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcvicrv approval. Any project rcquiring dcsign review must rcccivc Dcsign Revicrv approval prior to submitting for a building pcrnrit. For specific information, see the submittal rcquircmcnts for thc particular approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc application cannot be acceptcd until all the requircd infornration is submittcd. Thc projcct may also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Town Council and/or thc Planning and Environnrcrrtal Cornnrission. Design Rcvicw Board approval cxpircs onc ycar aftcr final approval unlcss a r..:f r:-- -^--:+:- :--..^,r --,r ^^-^.-..^4:^- :^ -4^-.^r ' -lo lo!i. r-uvl t pn4a , h '2* r hr4s r-ohr building permit is issued and construction is startcd. 4o.Je-+S ollZi f:!: ::,'h+ r\n3 :t*:::::,;* if:;s nic i ac tbn^i-+.A +o h.Jre o"€o?Pc.t*6"y6 DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: v<oa . (^-lr s A B. c. D. E. F. c. r O!^ NAME OF APPLICANTi 4 t4r lh€ Do u .tlz<- MAILINC lool.JjsS: ? tt Q Be t/ 4 /o,.t er # 7 H. TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: E Ncw Construction - $200 Construction of a new buildine. tr Addition - f uioo. Altcration - $50 Includcs any addition whcrc square footagc is addcd to any rcsiderttial or comrncrcial bdilding. $20 Includcs minor changes to buildings and site improvcnrents. such as, rcroofing. painting. windorv additions. landscaping. fences and retaining walls. etc. DRB fces are to be paid at thc time of submittal. Latcr. whcn applying for a building pennit. please identiff thc accurate valuation ofthc projcct. Thc Town ofVail rvill adjust the fce according to the projcct valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL. COLORADO 81657. TO|iiN OFVAIT LOCATION OF PRO : LOT: t f BLQCK: 6 FILING' \9S r r- I'.{e r,.'.-.,J.n w. pHvSICALADDRESS: 29 S d (-Zr^. r^1rJ -,\e 9". \e, .a,'( PARCEL A' Z lo3' lr/Z-to-qS(ContactEaficCo. Asscssors Officeat970-328-8640 forparcel #) ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S): MAiLINC ADDRESS:S t t B rk,,J trlo u,e r$),t/4 lL Cs 9/9'5:2 pHONE: 4?6-/37q OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): uA tL t o o 'g/6 rt PH)NE: '/76'f37/ .p - l,'or oo LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS COLOR:t Siding Othcr Wall Matcrials Fascia Sot'fits Windows Window Trinr Doors Door J'rinr lland or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashirrgs Chinrncys. Trash Enclosurc.s Grecnhouscs Rctaining Walls Exterior Lighting+* Other * Please specify the nnnufacturer's color, nunrber and attach a srnall color chip *+ All extcrior lighting must nreet the Town's Lighting Ordinance 18.54.050(J). If exterior lighting is proposed, pleasc indicate thc nunrbcr offixhrrcs and locations on a scparatc lighting plan. Identify cach fixhre type and provide the height above grade, lunrcns output, lunrinous arca. and attach a cut shect ofthe lighting fixhrcs. TYPE OF MATERIAL: < e (1" ! tx . Prcs,,lcnl-,;,| t^teq.*hi reJ a,t, no I Updated 6197 oo oo '.4 - PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: EXISTINC TREES TO BE REMOVED: CROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD EROSION CONTRO OTHER LANDSC bottom clevations o walls elscwhcrc on Botanical Nanrc *Minirrrun: rcqui for landscaping: Conrnron Namc Ouantity Sizci dcciduous trccs - 2 inch calipcr conifcrous hccs - 6 fcct in hcight shnrbs - 5 gallons Souarc Footaec E FEATURES (retainina,*ats. fences, swirmning poors, etc.) ptease speciff. I'dicate top and :nTffi,|lljr*iiimuir height of watls *itr,i" til Cont setback is 3 reet. Maxirnum heisht or Updated,6/97 oo oo .€' -c- G)'\>: \ =---. IO . tF{ l5i IE:t{l( I s5 Eq t,,|F NO o liD |--O l!t l5E li'lr lee l tP- \s \N qt o o E\ o\=\l |\-:- -T \ \e \t9 \'! o .s o\ i +.-l- \\\l\\ \i r\ ''t \\ \t \ \\ I -\; 8g '89 fre PE o5r $e lt D=, $o qe lt2 Fs F3 3.8 g; rX gil .t' CD 76 ii5 i. ci'hit =J 4or g3 @=A oc =o, c, c o o at, !!r o !t i i I i"z ta IF l;td tro to t0, te to io tg r!, r.6 o -tolerly L_'!-". oo oo \a \.e,\E \z .$ \ ,,,?gt'id!$! l' oo =. c> >.-. g#q == 6' *= E AE E.ocL O dl o I 6q I ri ll tl ll tl I -.1 I '1.-.. . (n J 0l o o tl I t, I ii ,.I /l '- -l (' N q g. o HEF (,|5g rDd o l:. -: L E.g -g l-s p 5i g. b.;5 'tg' Q'o A'o.o dgH gFF uiE <F !t lF EEF o !!r 6 ;l-srp -_g_ --5 --s o\ N T 9o N 5 n)+ J ='ct d; o d e a I I I. I \ o o A' at, o o o =o g6 E6' €: RE aE g.e gg 6+ lt o o o ?a 19 6 p. I I . EI x( 69 o,:ol,o.! ='i ior t_-___ -t l- '\ :x! 5X ox tO cl _w -*< Rsi 9{ ES ol9. -rf;:8 fie ta $6 P8. e o3r ^D p* N9. 5c'<9 Ed o1 >6 lt..--+-- uc) L.r l)' -""- \r :a s. ..r F 5:! o :o lor uo irg a6 ,69 q3.:dq Ei A9 oc =lt C D N 7 -r a - c'\' -t \l I ftr ^l -l ( F (.J oo or \(\(a N, c\ oa -s. f.----.- .or tr- o ldfi ld5 lo I l- l| o o o =f GI o 9' 5P ot=tct ;i"x=. aA xGr 5o =<E9 *g q I I I I I tp@ $5 NC :.1 =it rA oci ge^ a6 90 lo xq, E8 o.E =l = v,o d o t 'l ptrt o=1? gv l.o tg Dci rO t{ :a rd ;c. 'Fl I 1 ll .,t'l ,.ttl d<D z sqdo {.€ail E{.lr P 3g'F a4€ i iSei ild.g g qgp J ftgE*A6Os' s I sf,) 9$xt Ei 66 dst r- tD --h (D9 S o< =a.x= o:' N rO Ct - =:: x D at) lai o P i!.Fffi s Hq -B !.. ll a r.'i: I :i ' :,:: 6 0=P g<.ci ap < oE t'- 6'!) o f 3 0) o p P s. a t o = t\) o t o !, CL D' i o .N @ 3 !,o !t IF€r;* 6E E; o tr (D D' x' q 0)g, GI t,o E llr lo t\l5 l8 lFl I i9o' iNE lfrrr iNo r6. g6 a= OY ox anL. CLD ot $t APPLICATION FOR HEVOCABLE PERMIT TO ERECT OR MAINTAIN A STRUCTURE ON A PUBLIC RIGHT.OF-WAY (Please type or print)Fence Wdl Landscaping Other fri4t c Oo.t €-7-j &"r- -e tr. ,.: rt*S r ,-rOO ":r;n D^rE 6/n/q ) OWNER OF PROPERry NAME OF APPLICANT a-- ADDRESS .ud t- '(-6 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERW TO BE SERVED:/ l9Ti- BLOCK I SUBDtvtSloN I /4 r c rn-r€p v,,.o..,,.\.:.....,(lf necessary, attach tegatdiscription on se@ieEFEiI Corner lot fnside lot x' DESnCRtpTtoN oF STRUCTURE OR ITEM(S) lN RIGHT_OF_WAy:\4o.-KS. I G, c,cli*- -rR.,+ ,;*.' i,:?:l P3: : Sowins encroac T:t::1:iif"]g:, 11y. other affected appurtenance in rhe project "i""ilo scate or dimensioned) and section(s) as well as'elevations (it appficalf'el. Does structure presenfly exist? A O Proposed date for "orr"n""rn" ln consideration of the issuance of a revocable permit for lhe structure above indicated,applicant agrees as follows: 1. 2. a 4. That the structure herein authorized on a revocable permit basis is restricted exclusively to the land above described. That the permit is limited specificalry to the type of structure described in this application. That the applicant shail nolify.the Town Manager, or his dury authorized agent, twenty_four hours in advance of the time tor commeniement of conitruction, in oroer that proper inspection may be made by the Town. The applicant agrees to- indemnify and hord harmress the Town of Vair, its officers,employees and agents from and againsl all liabiliry, claims and demands on account of injury, loss.or damage, incruding witnout timitition craims arising rrom bodiry injury,personal injury, sickness, disease, death, property ross or oarige, or any other ross of any.kind whatsoever, which arise out of oi are in any manner connected with applicant's activities pursuanr to this permit, if such injury, ross, or damage is caused in whole or in part by, or is craimed to be caused in wnote or i" p"n ov, l-ne act, omission,error, professionar error,.mistake, negrigence or other faurt or irr" apjrtant, nis conlractor or subcontractor or any onic6r, emptoyee or representative of the applicant,his contractor or his subcontractor. The apprtant agrees to inu"iiigit", handre respond to, and to provide detense for and defend against, any such liabirity, claims, or demands at the sore expense of .the appricant. The ippri"riir*A;, to bear ail otirer expenses rerating thereto, inctuoing court costs anct attorney,s fees, whether or nOt any such liability, claims, or demandi alleqed are oroun.llesq fntco nr irarrr{r,ra^r irte appilcanr agrees to procure and maintain, at its own cost, a p"li"y;; d;;;;i'tnsurance sufficient to ensure against all liability claims, oemairoJano'oiher obligations assumed by the appricant pursuant to this parigraph 4. The appricant further agrees to release the Town of Vair, its officers, a3ents ind emptoyeeJfim any-ano arr liability, claims, demands, or actions or causes of actions wnatsoevei aii"ing ort of "ny 9"r"sg'.t.o:! or injury to the appricant or to the appricant's property caused by the Town of Vail, its officers, agents and emproyees whire engaged in maintenance or snow removar activities or any other activities whatsoeveioi To*rn oi v"ir prop"rty,streets, sidewalks, or rights_of-way. 5. fo That the permit may be revoked whenever it is determined that the encroachment, obstruction, or other structure constitutes a nuisance, destroys or impairs the use of the right-of-way by the public, constitutes a traffic hazard, or the property upon which the encroachment, obslruction, or structure exists is required for use by the public; or it may be revoked at any time lor any reason deemed sufficient by the Town ol Vail. That the applicant will remove, at his expense, the encroachment, obstruction, or struclure within ten days after receiving notice of any revocalion of said permit. That the applicant agrees to maintain any landscaping associated with the encroachment on the right-of-way. That in the event said removal of the encroachment, obstruction, or slructure is not accomplished within ten days, the Town is hereby authorized to remove same and have the right to make an assessment against the property and collect the costs or removal in the same manner as geniral taxes are collected. That the applicant has read and understands all of the terms and conditions set forth in this application. Special conditions: 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 7- *'O*,f-a 6 | tqlcr) Date @l2olq? Date Signature of Property Owner (lf joint ownership, both signatures) APPROVED: T-n t.Poftcr. Town Engineer ,-t / nn tr,1U,-U@4's4t- Project Planner /r/ ts. BkZ O v. 7,s/ri /A/7 Permit #: 897-0141 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 06/04/Ies7 Issued...: 06/L9/1997 Expires. . : 72/16/t991 APPLTCANT Mc DoucALL FTNTSHES phonez 970-476-1374 3118 BELLFLOWER EAST #7, VArL CO 81657 CONTRACTOR MC DOUGALL FINISHES Phone: 97o_476_731 4 3118 BELLFLOWER EAST +7, VAIL CO 81657 OWNER CUMMINGS MARY I - MCDOUGALL TIMOTHY R, 3118 BELLFLOWER DR 7, VAIL CO 81657 Description:NEW SFR Number of Dwellinq Units: 001 Occupancy Type Factor Sq. Feet Valuat.ion Dwellings Zone 1 V-N 80.60 3, ?00 2gB .22O.OO Pri-vate carages Zone 1 V-N 21.30 59: 12 t7l6.j0 Subtotal z 4 ,297 310, 936 . 10 Tabre Date: 05/17 /r99 6 Totar Valuation: 310,936.10 Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: 310,936.100 F i reptace Infornation: Restricted:llOf Gas App I i ances:,lof Gas Logs:dof Uood/Pa L tet :*********************************i************************* tEE SU14l,lARy *********************************i*****i*********t(*t*/rrt** Bui Lding-----) Ptan check---> Investigation> Ui LI, ca L t----> Clean-up De,Bpsit Refund NEW (sFR'P/s'DUP) PERMTT approved amount date DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES TOV/Comm, Dev.PROJECT TITLEI MCDOUGALL RESIDENCE > 3/ E71 .60 3,87't .60 EALANC€ DUE----- Dept: PLANNTNG Division TO TAMMIE Dept: FIRE Division Dept: PUB WORK Division TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 o-41 9-2138 Address: 2955 BASINGDALE BLVD Location...: 2955 BASINGDALE BLVD e1 No..: 2103-143-10-015 ProjecL No. : PRJ97-0083 1,584.00 Restuarant Ptan Reviev--).00 Totat Catcutated Fees---> 3.871 .60 1,029.60 .00 3.00 200.00 555 .00 .00 3,871 .60 Addi tionaL Fees---------> TotaI Per||li t Fee-------->Recreat ion Fee----------> cLean-up Depos i t--------> TOTAL FEES----- 500.00 Payments *********i***************************rr************************i*************t****************i*******t**************************** rtem: 05100 BUTLDTNG DEPARTMENT Dept: BUTLDTNG Division 06/O4/1997 CHARLTE Action: NOTE PLANS TO DAN o6/12/rse7 DAN Acti-on: APPR Item: O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT O6/04/L997 CHARLIE Act,ion: NOTE pLANs 06/Lt/1997 TAMMIE Action: APPR tw Item: O56OO FIRE DEPARTMENT 06/04/1997 CHARLIE Acrion: AppR N/A Item: O55OO PUBLIC WORKS 06/04/1997 CHARLTE Acrion 06/I9/7997 LARRy_p Action Item: 05550 ENGINEERING 06/04/L997 CHARLTE Action 06/09/1997 TERRr Action o6/19/L997 TERRI Acrion NOTE PLANS TO PUBWORKS APPR LP Dept: ENGINEER Division NOTE PLANS TO TERRI NOrE SEE COMMFNTS APPR OK *****************i**i*i*******i********************************t*************f******r**************************i****************** See Page 2 of this oo"une for any conditions th"t I apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknovtedge that I have read this apptication/ fiLted out in futl the inforhation required, compl.eted an accurate ptot ptan, and state that atl the information provided as required is correct, I agree to compty with the information and pl,ot ptan, to compty Hith al.l, Town ordinances and state [aws, and to build this structure according to the Townrs zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Buil.ding code and other ordinances of the Town applicabte thereto. REOUESTS FoR INSPECTIoNS SHALL BE rADE TUENTY-F0UR HoURS tN ADVANCE By TELEpHoNE..A\479-2138 0R At-euR oFFtcE FRo _.g:00 Send Ctean-Up Deposit To: I1CDoUGALL FIN. PAGE 2 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 897-0141 as of 06/I9/97 Status: ISSUED ******************************************************************************** Permit Type: NEW (SFR,p/S,DUp) PERMIT Applicant: MC DOUGAL.,L FINISHES Job Eddress: 2955 BASINGDALE BLVD LocaLj.on: 2955 BASINGDALE BLVD ParceL No: 2103-143-10-015 AppJ.ied z 06/04/1997 Issued:06/L9/199'l ********************************************************************)h*********** CONDITIONS ******************************************************************************** 1. THIS PROJECT WILL REQU]RED A ST?E IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR A FRAME ]NSPECTION. 2' ATTrc SPACES SHALL HAVE A cErLrNG HETGHT oF 5 FEET oR LESS,AS MEASURED FROM THE TOP SIDE OF THE STRUCTURAIJ MEMBERS OF THE FLOOR TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE STRUCTURAIJ MEMEBERS OF THE ROOF DIRECTLY ABOVE. ************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO ***********************************a *** ******************************************* Staternnt Number: REC-0289 Amountt 2, Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #1069 Statemnt ********************* BB3.B0 06/19/97 15:02 Inlt: CD Permit No Parcel No Site Address Location This Payrnent Account Code 01 0000 41310 0t- 0000 41332 01 0000 22002 30 0000 45032 01 0000 41336 897-0141 Type 2103-L43-10-015 2955 BASINGDALE 2955 BASINGDALE NEW (SFR,P/S/DUP) PE : B-BUILD BLVD BLVD Total Fees:2,883.80 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS RECREATION FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3,871.50 3/871.60 .00 **************************************************************** Amount 1,584.00 241.80 500.00 555.00 3.00 ET o2 ;8 'Er oz OE tJ n2 FE o tr F, zo dE o z rlt n| {t!o!, OU ar !l lo ).otr oo I ra o *6 FC oo rl v o t, AI ta t. H a q U ts E c, zz !r iE FH 22 Brp =o tsE E r,F 9E ro H: o Htr HB 8g H F t4 2 o E0i EU z!q t tal o (,Er id e6 tJU H il| tJ n E. EI E z t'r h di EI 1: ; ip Er!E> 9I 5{r 840 {E fr88 EF8 ace OWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTTON APPLICATION FORM PER}IIT # PERMIT fi^^""" u'a''v-2 I -r'\ - rtJl D^rE (b- Ll -77 , APPLfCATIoN MUST BE FILLL'D oUT CoMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE AccEpTED X * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 't rt PERMIT fNFORMATfON * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ***nl I i-Building [ ]-plunbing [ ]-Electricat [ ]-Mechanibar [ ]-other Job Name: McDougall REsidence Job Address:2955__Basinqdale. Vail Co. Legal Description: Lot 15 Block_ s Filing sunnrvrsrou,Vail ain owners Name: Tim and l'4ary McDougat lAddress: lf f g nef lf f ower Or.fi phJ+J_fu_1_31,!_ Vail, Co. 8165i Architect: Pee1,/Lanoenwal-ter Address, p n i"n. v^i r , cn-g pin.4J_6_41-AA_ j General Description: work crass: I x]-New [ ]-Alteration J l-Additionar [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nurnber of Dwelling Units t /Number of Accommodation Units: i,k Con f ac c Eagle CounLy Assessorg I at 970-328-86-40 for Parcel /l .'ir,rncrr ilt ;) ic= - | Ll 3. /C- 0i< N.umber and TvDe of Firepraces: Gas Applj_ances cas Logs.__jf wood/perret_{ __?afnr..Uro_"_ fr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALIJATf ONg- *-********************************I durr-,nrruc z $ 211 ,z-e Fr F^.nRISAL. g 'THER: $ iLUM;;iic' t- ffi;iAilail; i- **-- rorAl: $_--g t*************************** coNTRAcroR TNFSRMATT9N * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Eeneral contractor: Tim l'4cDouqall,/ McDouoal_1 FinishBown of Vail Reg. Nor4l_L Address: f11g Relrflo',e", /17 vair, co_ g1557 phone llurnler:+zo-t:24 Electrical contractor: b?7- atvt ,r^r.,h ^€ ,,-r, .,]--Address, tcL.,r: Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor : Address: ******************************** BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. FOR OFFTCE USE ******************************* BUTLDING P[,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PLAN .CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PI,AN EHECK FEE: RECREATION F!g; .. CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: ToTAL PERMIT FEEsrrUfi - BUTLDING:.SIGNATURE ZONING: VALUATTON CLEAN I'P DEP.OSIT REPI'ND SIGNATURE: TOI'IN OF VAII, DEPARTMENT OF COMMT,NITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONIAGE ROAD vArr.,, co 81-657 970-479-2L38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELE TRIEAL PERMIT Permit #: E98-0025 .fOb AddrCSS: 2955 BASINGDAI,E BLVD SEATUS..,: ISSIJED LocaLion. ..: 2955 BASINIGDALE BLVD Applied. . : O2/25/L998 Parcel No..: 2103-143-10-015 Issued...: O2/26/L998 Project No.: PRiI97-0083 E:<pires..: Og/25/Lg9S APPLICANT SABO ELECTRIC Phone t 970-524-7970 0799 COTTONWOOD PASS RD, cypSIJM CO 81537 phone: 970-524-79'10 CONTRACTOR SABO ELECTRIC 0799 COTTONWOOD PASS RD, GypStM CO 81637 OI,IINER MCDOUGALI-, MARY I & TIMOTHY R -JT 3r_18 BELLFLOWER DR 7, VAIL CO 9L657 Description: ELEC. FOR NEW SFR Valuat,ion:.00 *r*trr}*rr****** FEE sutirMARY ElsctElcal---> 131.00 Tobrl calcul.tscd F.€6---> 18{,00 DRB Fc€ Invc6tslgebion> .00 Totel Pcnnil Fcc--------> 1g4.oo Will Ca11----> 3 .00 P.!m.nC.-------- TOTAL FEBS---> 1g{.00 EAIANCE DUE-------------> .OO r*rr*rr******** a * * r r r r t t t t t t a t i t t t t t ITCM: O6OOO EI,E TRIEAL DEPARTTIIENT DEPI,: BUIIJDING DiVJ-SiON:O2/25/L998 CHARI.IE ACt,iON: APPR CHARI,IE DAVIS Itbm:'.05600 FIRE DEPARTIIENT Dept: FIRE Division:02/25/L998 CfIARIJIE Act,ion: APPR N/A * ** r* i ** * t*t t t I t t * a** l, t**t*+1*tr **** * * * * * * * * * CONDITION OF APPROVAL ].. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. r* !|r r*r*** r ** *J1** * * ** * **|r * * * * DECI,ARATIONS I h.rGby rcknowl€dge that I havs rcad this applleallon, filled ouu in full thc infomaulon rcquircd, co$pl.tcd an accuraE. plo! p1an, and Etsacc ghac all !h€ information plovld.d rs r.quLr.d i. corracC. I rgrcs to coEply nith ths inforortion and plots p1an, co comply wibh all Town oldinanc.E and Etat€ Iar.E, and to build chi6 6tructu!6 according co th. Toren'6 zoning and Bubdivi.ion codes, deaign rcview approvcd, Uniforn Building cod. rnd otsh.r ordLnenc.! of chc Totn altplicqbls lh.r.tso. REQUESTS FoR INSPECIIONS SHAIJIJ BE MADE f9{ENfy-foftR HOURS IN A.Dt eNeE Bt EELEPHONE AT {7t-2138 OR AT oUR OFFICE FROM B:oo AM 5roo PM ?.'*:fS^Lr SICI{ATT RE OF OWNER OR CIONTRICIOR FOR HIMSEITF AND OW!{ER I gErt clIfrC ta4.oo 02/26/9a r3.23 fnlE ! l'lAW Elalancc: .00 * * t * * * r * r * r t + i * t * J r i, * r . * * r a r r t * * i * r . * * * * I r t 'r r r * !r i EP OO1OOOO31114OO EIJBCTRICAIJ PERMIT FEEA wc 00100003r.12800 wrLL cArrr lNspsclroN FEE ELEgfRIC.Ltr PERIIIT ittti*tt*rrrrar foltN oP vArL, coLoRADo gtatGllnC Numb6!: REC-03?g Amount: Pa)m.nt McEhod: CK Notatlon: 1186 P.rolt No: E9g-oo2s Tlrpc I B-ELEC Patcel No: 2L03-143-10-015 SiEs Addrc6E: 2955 BA8INCDAIE BLVD LocaEion: 2955 BASINIGDA',E BI,VD ToLal F6€a: ThlE Pal'n.nE Lg4.o0 focal AiIr PEc6 | Iccoun! codG DcEcriplLon 1S4. O0 194. 00 AnounE 161. 00 3.00 7970 I rncact Eaglc County Agrersors Offlec i1!.0;??fa9' jf LE?"^k"u,9?Y*,i,lXillr3l#i3$,F3ifl "DjrrEr*z-.r3a!lL APPLfcAFron MUST BE FITLED oUtF col.tPtJETELy oR It! Mtr NoT BE AecEpTgD rr*rlttfttt**t* * *r** *.r****** pElllllT fNFORI{ATIoN *t***rl****trrr****r**.**rr*rr .l -.r..rr5r.:.ra^ rlrr! -- rarrlt ' t-eurlarnS 1 1-nlurnuns ,Jff-ttf"otrtcal I l-r{echanttat I l-orher.,___ rb xaaci rnz,Ddlqal TeSr&'tcL\ irob rctdro*r, rgal Defcriptlop; I,ot_ Blooll _ F!.ll.ng suuorvrsloN: _..t.rners ltlrne: 'Tt'wwo '4i _ ,. Addrees: ittf^ir,,aln.,',,or-.Tr Vh'tlb p:n.qta ,r-tl_ 'chitect:Addlreas:Ph. - e E7.l25lL99A 11i26 976524 SABO ELECTRIC PAGE 62 P8NflIT " OFFICE UgB rt* *t*** *rrrr** *****r! ** **i *** *i BUII,DtrNG PI"IN. CHECK FEE: ^!4]!!Plltc pl'il cHEcK fEE3 Ii{E TANTCAL PIAN CHECK FEE!RECREATION FEE:CI.ENI-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL FENUIT FEES: EI'TLDTNG: SIGNATURIs lONItfGr SIGNAEURE! rnctal Descrlpttonz ,b<'-, ?f;t&l*rlr-l _.t--_--- 'rk claEsl Dd*rgeu t J-Alteratlor: t l-eddttlonal f t-n€tl{F r r-.rr.ha.-l-Addttlonal, 1 l-Repatr [ ]-orher_ nter o{ Duelllng Unlte: ,,.1 Number ol Aecotunodation Unttsl nber af Type of Flreplaces: Gas Apprrancea,- car rJogs- Itoodr/p.uet I r*****f *.****l*jr******:r******** VAIJU.f,TfONS *r**/r****l********t*r**********i* IlSl#:l IIreTtIer \, LEl f-{ orHER: r--urnrnc:l t --uEcHANrcAr.: t-:.] ro;il; i-- *****r!rF**t****t*tt******* colflln aeroR rNFonMAl.roN ** ** *t***rrr** *** **r r** **r*neral r$ntractorr i;;;;,T..ersvl.v.. _ Torrn of vail ReE. NO.hL.__- rr r __ unbing Contractor! 'I.r iieaJi-,'1..---.-.!--.---.1I:"Iv.ailReg.No'-_- -_- rhanlcel Contrsctor: 4t^lf3sai Phgne Nurnber: t *tl* * !r rIDTNG JUBINC :HAl{r CCTRJ IER I I'EE: r*r *****r r*t**trr**rrr Ft)R FEE: FEE: PERUIT T]?83 FDE: OF FEE: Etenta: | |l DF TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8165? 910-419 -2138 DRB Fee .lnvestigation> 1.,1 t I Catt --> NOTEI THIS PERMIT MUST ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PERMIT Permit # : 897-01 48 Job Address Location...Parcel No. .Project No. APPLICANT SABO ELECTRIC 0799 COTTONWOOD PASS CONTRAC'TOR SABO ELECTRIC 0799 COTTONWOOD PASS Ol^tNER CUMMINGS MARY I - MCDOUGALL TIMOTHY R, 2955 BASINGDALE BLVD 2955 BASINGDALE BLD 2103-143-10-015 PRJ97-0083 Status. . . App1ied.. Issued, . . Exp j-res . . I S SUED 07 /rB/ree7 a7/rB/Les7 0t/74 /reeB Phone: 9'1 0-524-79'1 0 RD, GyPSUM CO 81637 Phone: 970-524-^1 9"1 0 RD/ GYPSUM CO 81637 3118 BELLFLOWER DR 7/ VArL CO 8165? naca.i n+ i nn' 'nqMP POWBR POR NEW SPR Valuation i 200.00 f '.urvrr. rL ._? *********1*******************************************)t***** FEE SUt4flARY ******** * *****)t)t************)t)t****rt****** ************** r * * E lect ri cat---> -00 .00 ,00 1.00 I4tAr t \ > 51.00 Tota I CaIcutated tees --> Additionat Fees---------> TotaI Perflti t Fee---- ---> Pay|l1ent s IIALAUCE 0UL- 51.00 .00 53 .00 53.00 .00 ********************************************************************************************************tr************************* rtqm: ,06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Dept,: BUILDING Division:O'I/TB/1991 CHARLIE ACtiON: APPR CHARLIE DAViS Itbm:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: **********tr*****************************************************t**********************************rr*****************rr************ CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. F]ELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. ******)t**************)t********i******i*i**rr*************************************i**************r(**************r(******************* DECLARATIONS I.hereby acknowtedge that r have read this appLicat'ion, titLed out in ful,L the information required, compLeted an accurate pLot Pl'an, and state that at( the infornation Provided as required.i-s correct. I agree to compty with tie iniormation and pl.ot ptan,to conpty Hith att Tor,rn ordinances and state LaHs, and to buitd this structure according to'the Town,s zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, uniform BuiLd'ing code and other ordinances of the Town appl,icabLe thereto. REOUESTS FOR 1NSPECTIONS SHALL BE IiIADE TI,IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2158 OR AT OUR OIFICE FROII E:OO AI.I 5:OO PI4 * * * * i* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TOWN OP VArL, COLORADO ****************************** Stat emnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0301 Amount: 53.00 07 /78/97 14:14 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #2883 Init: CD Permit No: Parcef No: Site Address: Location: rfh i q Darrmont Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41336 E97-0148 Type: B-ELEC 2103-143-10-01s 2955 BASINGDALE BLVD 2955 BASINGDALE BLD ELECTRICAL PERMIT Total Fees:53.00 Total ALL Pmtsi Ba lance : 53.00 53.00 .00 ********** Amount 50.00 3.00 ****************************************************** Description TEMPORARY POWER PERMITS WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE r.::5fit,*9;;03';::',f::i";:"Q"" oF vArL coNsrRuc*o"l LPARCEL /l:_ pERMrr AppLrcATroN FoRM ,t IATE: ? -tB _q1 Legal Description: Lot l5 Bloc Owners Nane: -t,^*fn^rn n nrr,.ptt Address:V'Architect:Address: PER}IIT /I Job Addregs 1 l{sS&r.s,," f iling SUBpTVISION: z."r+a hro 4, n,l , bpn.q76- t3-7/ Ph. Wq- 6c93 , APPLTCATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE AqqEPTED lt Er * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * J. * PERMIT TNFORMATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ********ik rl [ ]-Building [ ]-plurnbing _D{-nr".trical [ ]-Mechani-cal [ ]-orher Job Name: Kb General Description: (-,rcr^.r R,c-s,&..-lr. I -Tewf pc,r^r.7- work class: [ ]-New [ ]-Arteration [ ]-Additionar [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nunber of Dwellinq Units: /Number of Accommodation Units: ,Da uqrt. ll P.es, cArnct-- ,fmber and Type of Fireplaces: cas Appliances-_ Gas Logs_ wood/perlet :w ft' * * * * * * * * * * * * tr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * vALUATToNs * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *'t !yMI"": f - Er,EcrRrcA",$.-/ry--@_ orHER: $ uerrer-o.r \-t-lrrt..rcrt;Lrrr : Town of Vail Reo r. ^Aqclressl r.,Phone Number: Plunbing Contractor: Address: Electrical Contractorr S!\L,, El<.A.t;. E7/'Town of VaiI Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Phone Nunber: ***************tr**************** BUTLDTNG PERMIT FEE: FOR OFFfCE USE ***************************rr*** Res. No. n6-E s>*-a1'?o Reg. No. Reg. NO.Mechanical Contractor: Address: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMTT FEE: EI-ECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE O}- FEE: DRB }-EE: BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PI.^AN CHECK FEE:MECHANICAL PI.AN CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN_UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES:l-t- Comrnents: GROUP sQ. FT.BUTLDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEAN IIP DEPOSIT REPITND VALUATION TOWN OF VAII.,, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-21,38 Job Address. . . Location Parcel- No.....Project Number l.lechani ca L---> Ptan check---> Invest i gat ion> DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVEIJOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECHANICAL PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit # : M9 7-011" L APPLICANT ROAD RUNNER PLUMBING, P.O. BOX 18324, AVON, CONTRACTOR ROAD RUNNER PLUMBING, P.O. BOX 1.8324, AVON, OWNER CUMMINGS MARY I _ MCDOUGALL TIMOTHY R, Description: MECHANICAL FOR NEW SFR F i reptace Information: Restficted: Y 2955 BASINGDALE BLVD 2955 BASINGDALE BLVD 210 3-14 3- 10-01s PRJ9?-0083 Status. . . Applied.. Issued... Expires. . Valuation: #01 Gas Logs: 1 I S SUED o7 /14/ree7 INC.co 81620 INC. co 81520 31].8 BELLFLOWER Phone: 970-949-1034 Phone: 970-949-1034 DR 7, VArL CO 81657 30, 952 . 00 flof t,lood/Pa t Let: *********i************************************************* F EE SUl.lHARy ********************************************************** #Of Gas Appt i ances: 620.00 Restuarant Ptan Revi el,-->155.00 DRB .00 TotaL Catcutated Fees--->.00 Additionat Fees--------->77E.00 Total Perm,i t Fee--------> 77E.00 .00 778.00 Payments------- .OO TOTAL FEES-----l.litl caLt----) 3.0O ***************************************************************************************illllii-lli;;;;;;;;;iiiii************il3*** Ite.n: .051-00 EUII-,DING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:07/15/1997 CHARLIE Action: AppR CHARLTE DAVIS Itbm:.05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT DepI: FIRE Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTION$ ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. COMBUSTTON ArR rS REQUTRED pER SEC. 607 0r,rHs 1S91--uMel----'3 . rI{STALLATTON-!4UST qONF,,OBM TO MANUFACTURES rNSTRaCTrOr.rS -Ano TO APPENDTX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 UMC.4. GAS AppLrANqEq_SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDTNG TO CHAPTER 9 AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.9O5 OF THE 1991 UME_.-s. AqgEss lo HE4,TINq EQUTPMENT MUST COMpLy WrTH SEC.sos AND 703 OF THE 1991 UMC.6. BOTLERS SHAL_L EE_MqUNIED qN FLQORS Or NONCOMBUSTTBLE CONST.UNI,ESS I,ISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. -_ --'7. P_EB!4IT'P!4\NS_AND QQDE ANALYSI$-MIUST BE POSTED rll-lrnCHe}{rCar,ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REOUEST:B. DEAII{AGE QF _UTECEAN_rqAL ROOMS qoNTAINTNG HEATTNG OR HOT_WATER SUPPLY BOILEBq 9H4LL BE EOUIPPED WITfi A F-OOR- DRAJII"FEN"SiSdI 211_9 0F THE 1.991 UMC. ******************************************************************************** DECi,ARATIONS I hefeby acknowtedge that I have read this apptication, fitl,ed out in futt the information required, cornpteted an accurate ptot ',1 .;' ptan. and state thrt atl the information provlded as requircd is corrcct. I agre! to compl,y uith the information and ptot pl,an, to compty rlith atL Toun ordinances End state [avs, and to buitd this stnucture according to the Townrs 2oning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Euitding code ahd other REOUESTS TOR INSPECTIOT.IS SHALL BE I'IADE TIIENTY-TOUR HOURS IN AOVANCE TELEPHONE 2138 oft AT ouR OFFICE FRor'l 8:00 Al'r 5:00 pr,l ?-: SIGNATURT OF OI.INER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HTIISELF AND OI.INER **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAII-,, COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0311 Amount: Payment Method: CHECK Notationr #1952 778.00 08/12/97 14: 1B Init: CD Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41372 01 0000 41332 01 0000 41336 M97-0111 Type: B-MECH 2103-143-10-015 2955 BASTNGDALE BLVD 2955 BASINGDALE BLVD MECHANICAL PERMIT 778.00 Total Fees: Total ALL Pnts: Balance: Description MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 778.00 778.00 .00 **************************************************************** Amount 620.00 155.00 3 .00 .E: TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE ! THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBS ITE Permit PLUMBING PERMIT AT #: ALL TIMES P97-0082 APPLICANT ROAD RUNNER PI.JUMBING, INC. P.o. BOX 18324, AVON, CO 81620 CONTRACTOR ROAD RUNNER PL,,UMBING, INC. P.O. BOX 18324, AVON, CO 81620 OWNER Description: PLUMBING FOR NEW SFR *********************************************************tr* F EE P Lumbi ng-----)285.00 Restuarant Plan Revi ew--> Phone: 970-949-1034 CUMMINGS MARY I - MCDOUGALL TIMOTHY R, 3118 BELLFLOWER DR 7, VAIL CO 81657 Job Address Location... Parcel No..Project No. 2955 BASINGDAI-,E BI,VD 2955 BASINGDALE BI,VD 210 3 - 14 3- 10-01s PRJg 7_OOB3 Status. . . Applied.. Issued... ExpJ-res . . Phone z 970-9 Totat Calcul,ated t€es---> Addi tionat Fees---------> Total. Permit Fee--------> Payments r S SUED 07 /14/res7 o7 /rs/Lee7 or /tr / reeB 49-1034 359 _75 .00 359 .25 Valuation r 18, 150 . 00 sul..lltARY ********************************************************** TOTAL FEES----- .00 359 .25 Ptan Check---) 71.25 .00 3.00 Investigation> Ui l. L ca l,l,---->> 359.25 **********************************r****************************************************lllllff-lli;;;;;;;;***ii'*************ill*** Ite{ri.95100 PUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUTLDING Division:O7/Is/1997 CHARLIE Action: AppR CHARLIE DAVIS-It'em:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: **************************************************i**********************************************f,***t**************************** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ******************************************************************t*******************************************************i******* DECTARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have read.this apptication/ f il.l.ed out in futl, the infornation requined, compteted an ptan, and state that atl the informati.on provided as requi red is correct. I agree to compty riith the iniormation to conPty uith atl' Town ordinances _and state [aws, and to buiLd this structure according io'the Townis zonin! anO codes, design revie$ approved, uni{onn Bu.i tding tode and other ordinances of the T i cabte REOUESTS FOR INSPECTTONS SHALL BE TIADE TI.IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE 38 orrucffioilioo m FOR HII'ISELF AND OIINER accurate ptot and ptot ptan, subdi vi si on TOWN OF VArLf COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0311 Amount: 359,25 O8/IZ/97 14:19 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #1952 Init: CD Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: Thi6 Payment Account Code 01 0000 41311 01 0000 41332 01 0000 41336 359.25 Total" Fees:Total ALL PmIs: Balance: Description PLUMB]NG PERMIT FEES PI-,AN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE P97-0082 Type: B-PLMB PLUMBING PERMIT 210 3-14 3 - 10-0l- s 2955 BASINGDALE BLVD 2955 BASINGDALE BLVD **r.************************************************************* 359.25 3s9.2s .00 Amount 285.00 77.25 3.00 .. l=*u; Hr,::l;:y;:*f Bzr^ " , r, PERI'IIT i/ PeJqT - u,83 DATE:- t APPLfCATION MUST BE FTLLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT lrtAy NoT BE ACSEpTED U x***************************** PEIWTT TNFORMATION *****************************tl \-/[ ]-Building t{-efurnling { l-Electrical lft-Mectranicat [ ]-other r\r - r / / /)- 7 \ Job Name: Me D^'IG'.qLL /es, rob Addre==l _)ltt gqsr,; Legal Description: r,ot |S Sfockj ,rrrrn oh'ners Name: I\ '' .D"rt;(Address: Architect: ceneraL Description: Address:pn. 42//so<i Nurnber of Accommodation Units: Electrical Contraccor: Address: Contractor: BUILDTNG PERMIT FEE: PLWBTNG PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAI.I PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATIIRE: work class: |f,-uew [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional J j-Repair [ ]-other Nuhber of Dwelling Unitsl. I f*"t and Tlpe of Fireplaces: cas Appriances cas r,ogs I wood/perlet_ {********************************* VALUAIIONS ********************************* OTHER: TOTAL: *************************** f;own o{ vail Reg. No. :*P Phone Number: Town of vail Reg. No.Phone Number: Plurnbing Address: Mechanical ]gontractor : - utl Address: ******* * ********* ******* ****.1***FoR oFFrcE usE * !r,r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * -({-U?-f{.. "BUTLDING PIAN CHECK FEE:PLI'I,'BING PI,AN CHECK FEE: I'TECHANTCAL PI.AN CHECK FEE:RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: GLEAN llP DEPOSIT REFITND TO! VALUATION 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 3 I / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 1 TTFORUATION }|EEDED T|ItEtr APPLTITTG FOR A De pa rtn e nt of C omnruni4' D eve lo Dnte nt I.IECIIAIITCAL PERIIIT HEAT LOSS CAICULATIONS.&{",rzf.-S TO SCALE FLOOR PLAN OF MECHANICAL ROOM VIITH EOUIPMENT DRAWN IN TO SCALET WITH pgysrcA], DIMENSIONS exo BTU,_-RATINGS OF AIL EQUIPMENT IN MECHANICAL RooM. Aoo,A gTz< /, s'ow srz' AND LOCATION OF COMBUST.T'N ArR. D'qrs, FLUE?,ffi\off VENT CONNECTORS A {.,^y'a.n ,2.\ r N|!Aj "TT;- r1/-o aa't '$fA miTs *e(en @,-,(e,s NOTE WHETHER ELEVAT 3. 4.ffiFk€"#:ffi'fffiF'ftf"r, AL s o BE r Ns rALLl"-^'z FATLIIRE ro PRovrDE lHrs rf,FoRuAtroN lrrrr DEr,ay rouR pEntrrr. jo, , s L ,;fl lo <'f o< ^:'7w qer< G)oQ, gk " ftsf /o€r'- futa' ( o I I t /-r Iru a' L u ols il 3o t t'e/L-C -Ser t k-e e""'L u#'J,", 24/dk f,orEe-f*4 .luly 16, 1997 'l'inr r&. Mary McDoug:rll 3 I l8 Bcllflower /17 Vail, CO 81657 RII: Open llolc Observation l.ot 15. Block o. Vail-l ntcrnrounlain 'l'own of Vail Fiagle County, Colorado Projcct No. 9749 Dear'l'inr & Mary: At yorrr re(ltrcst, on July 9 and | 5, l997, wc visited thc construction site on l.ot | 5, lllock (r,inthcVail-lntcrrttorrrrtainStrbdivision,'l'ownolVail,EaglcCounty,(loloraclo'fheprrr'1toscol' ottl sitc visits rvas to obscrvc thc soil exposcd in thc lirundation cxcavation nncl contparc it with thc lindings artcl rcc<lttt tttcn(lat ions ol'tlrc Soils an<l lioundation lnvcstigation llcport by Intcr- Mountairr l3ngincerirrri, l,t<1, Plo.icct No V-2 l6(r(i, rlatcd Septcrnbcr 1982 'l ltcry trsctl stlrp,irrg lirt lltc (rxr:rrvrttiorr. Al tlrc trruc o1'oul sccorrrl sitc: visit, llrc:y lrlvc cottrltlctccl tltc excavatiott lirr tlrc nrnin part ol'thc rcsirlcncc. 'f lrc cxcavatiorr lilr the garagc will bc tlonc altcl llto cotrcl'cte rvalls and lootings lor thc nrain rcsiclencc arc complctccl. We observccl, silty to claycy Sand r'vith rrravel and largc lock l-r'agnrcnts (of bouldcr size) in thc excavati6n, as anticipated in lltc abovc nanrecl soil's rcport. The bottonr of thc cxcavation was 1trool'cornpactecl. l)tte to tlte high cut on the south sidc of tlre excavation, and the possibility fbr a ground water seep gc cluling spring snonrelt, we reconlmend a cltange in thc perirneter clrain. Detail fbr the wall attd perirtteter drain is included with this letter. Follow lhc recontmqrclations of the above named soil's rcport during the remainder of the construction. 1'his report has been prepared according to locally acceptcd prolbssional Geotcchnical engineering standards fbr similar rnethods of testing and soil conditions at this time. Thcrc is no other warranty either exprcssed ol implied. ,1 $llL t ti '',gg? Enclosure l).O. lJrrr 1j51, -{urn. Colomdo fil(r2() . (9-0) 8l:-9088 Tcl . (()10182--9flg9 Fl_r DAHL/AvoN P.O. BOX 18306 AVON, CO 81520 (970) 949-9L01 04/L4/97 DRwcs 05-09-1997 ROADRUNNER MCDOUGAT-,L RESIDENCE 2955 BASINGDA-i-,8 DR, VATL, CO tleatloss is based on a Design Temp- Differenee of 90 ic.r-f, LL BEDROOM CEILING HEIGHT IS 8.OO FEET, VOLUME IS 1,488 CUBIC FEET L EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTAI_,ING EXPOSED WAl,Ls,above grade not including openings L33.0 SQUARE FEET ToTAI SQUARE FEET, of walls bel-ow grade 55.0 SQUARE FEET FLOOR AND CEILING SIZE IS 185.0 SQUARE FEET CEILING TYPE 1S: U-VaLue = 0, Conditioned space above FLOOR TYPE fS: U-Value = .024, Concrete Floors WA]-,L 1 WTNDOWS DOORS 35 sq ft, U-.551 ABOVE GRADE 77 sg ft, V-.67 55 sg ft, V-.67 56 HEATI-,OSS 8,O20 627 L ,736 0 409 L,926 L2,'7L8 BELOW GRADE sq ft., U-.124 lhe Total BTUH for the walls abowe grade are The Total BTUH for the wa1ls below grade are The Total BTUH for the Exposed Openings are The total- BTUH for the ceilings The total BTUH for the floors The BTUH infiltraLion for the openings is THE TOTAL BTUH FOR THIS ROOM IS Required Radiant floor output, BfU's /square foot is 5 2-e 6 )-n^ LL BR BTII CEILING HEIGHT IS 8.OO FEET, O EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTALTNG EXPOSED wAl-,IrS,above grade not including openj-ngs TOTAL SQUARE FEET, of walls below grade FI,OOR AND CEILTNG SIZE IS CEILING TYPE IS: U-Value = 0, Condicioned space above FLOOR TYPE IS: U-Value = .024, Concrete Floors WINDOWS TotaL BfUlI for Tota1 BTIIH for Total BTUH for total BTUH for DOORS walls above grade walls below grade Exposed Openings ceilings VOLI]ME IS ABOVE 5 sq ft, are are are CUBIC FEET SQUARE FEET SQUARE FEET SQUARE FEET SQUARE FEET BELOW GRADE 35 sq ft, U--087 480 n11 5.0 35 .0 60.0 WAI,L L GRADE tJ-.67 HEATI,OSS 302 273 0 0 The The The 'l ne the the the the (rr { orfffiHdbpv Hydraunic heating on this house is broken down and bid for three different temperatures tbr three different installations. All under floor installation which is approx. 1,976 ft. at $7.00 per square ft. All in slab installation which is approx. 1,900 sq. ft. at $6.00 per square ft. Den and office approx. 3,645 sq. ft. fbr a base board zone at $5 00 per square ft. Backup heat zone for dining, great room, and foyer to be baseboard or floor vectors, with on t-stat for all three areas. Under floor installation to be ran at 160 degrees to heat. ln slab ran at 120 degrees. Base board zones and hot water maker ran at 190 degrees. This system is designed to run on 2 GV6 Weil Mclain boilers. These are sealed combustion and direct vents through garage wall, No B-vent required or extra combustion air. For the best application with energy conservation in mind, this system will have two 4 way Tekmar mixing valves with accuating motors and 153 set point controls. A 252 Tekmar two stage boiler control and with this the hot water maker will be proioritized with 2 relays. The base board zones which are fwo, will be piped into manifolds with its own pump such as hot water maker loop. There is only one HL60 triangle tube hot water maker figured in price. sdge .l ' ; ;;mi,:ls,::r,:1".:*:32 0 openings is rHE .TOTAL BTIIH FOR THIS ROOM IS Required Radiant floor output, BTU,s ,/square foot is 1t-.8 (=''y' O EXPOSED OtrENINGS,TOTALING EXPOSED WA-LLS,above grade not. including openings TOTAI SQUARE FEET, of walls below grade FLOOR AND CEILING SIZE IS CEfLfNG TYPE fS: U-Value : 0, .Conditioned space above FLOOR TYPE IS: U-Value - .024, Concrete Floors STORAGE CEILING IIEIGI{T IS 8. OO FEET, WALL WINDOWS 1 2 VOIJ]ME IS ABOVE GRADE 5.5 sq fc, CUBIC FEET SQUARE FEET SQUARE FEET SQUARE FEET SQUARE FEET BELOW GRADE 108 sq ft, U-.087 38.5 sq ft, U-.08 po( 592 0.0 qq 145 - 5 74 -O DOORS The Total BTUH for the wal1s above grade are The TotaL BTUH for t.he wal1s below grade are The Total BTUH for the Elq)osed Openings are The total BTttH for the ceilings The total BTTIII for the floors The BTIIH infiltration for the openings is THE TOTAL BTI]I{ FOR THIS ROOM TS Reguired Radiant floor output, BTU,s /square foot is u- .67 HEATLOSS 332 1, 143 0 0 153 0 1, 639 22.L 3 EXPOSED OPENINGS, TOTAI,ING EXPOSED WAIrLS,above grade not includi.ng openings TOTAL SQUARE FEET, of walIs below grade FLOOR AND CEIIJING SIZE IS CEILING TYPE IS: U-Val-ue = 0. Conditioned epace above FLOOR TYPE IS: U-Value = .024, Concrete Floors REC ROOM CEILING HEIGHT IS 8.OO FEET, WA],L WINDOWS DOORS 1 65 sq ft, U-.551 2 LS eq f t, U- .551- 3 The Total BTIIH for the walls above grade are The Total BTIJ}I for Ehe walls be]ow grade are The Total BTUH for the Exposed Openingfs are The total BTIIH for the ceilings The total BTUH for t,he floors The BTUH infj.lEration for the openings is THE TOTAL BTUH FOR THIS ROOM IS Reguired Radiant floor output, BTU'e /square VOIJI]ME IS 4, 359 80_0 228 -0 208.0 546. 0 ABOVE GRADE l-43 sq ft, U- .57 85 sq ft , V- -67 CT]BIC FEET SQUARE FEET SQUARE FEE" SQUARE FEET.- SQUARE FEET BELOW GRADE 208 sq ft, U--087 HEATLOSS L3,749 !,622 3 ,959 0 1, 201 l_ 4 ,4OL 24,942 L foot is 45 -7 6*( Page 3 I I OFFICE/DEN CETLING HEIGI{T IS 8. OO FEET,4 EXPOSED OPENTNGS,TOTALING EXPOSED WALIJS,above grade noE including openings TOTAI SQUARE FEET, of walls below grade FLOOR AND CEILING SIZE IS CEILING TYPE IS: U-VaIue = 0, Conditioned space above FLOOR TYPE IS: U-Vatue = .024, Concrete Floors WALL WINDOWS I 75 sg ft,'U-.551 2 20 sq {t, u-.ssl VOI,IIME IS 3 ,456 95. 0 265.0 124 .0 432.O ABOVE GRADE 145 sq ft., U- .67 i-20 sq ft, U- .67 CI,BIC FEET SQUARE FEET SQUARE FEET SQUARE FEET SQUARE FEET BELOW GRADE 104 sq ft, U-.087 DOORS The Tot.al The Total The Total The total The total The BTUH THE TOTAI Required BTUH for the walls above grade are BTIIH for the wa]-ls below grade are BTUH for t,he Exposed Openings are BTUH for the ceilings BTIIH for the floors infiltration for the openings is BTUH FOR TIIIS ROOM IS Radiant floor output, BTTt's /square foot HEATLOSS 15, 980 2, QL1 4,'7L2 0 950 5,226 28 ,886 is 66 -9 & MASTER SUTTE CEILING HEIGHT IS 8.OO FEET, VOLIruE IS 1,835 CUBIC FEET 2 EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTAJ,ING 2 EXPOSED WALLS, not including openings,ToTAlfNc >>>> 1G9.0 SQUARE FEET RooM sIzE Is 15.0 TtoNG by L5.3 WIDE, TOTALING >> 229.5 SQUARE FEET WINDOW TYPE IS: U-Value = .551-, Double Pane, Clear Glass WALL TYPE IS: U-Value = -06, Frame fnsulated CEILING TYPE IS: U-Value = 0, Conditioned space above FLOOR TYPE IS: U-Value = 0, Floor over any Conditioned Space HEATLOSS 913 3,323 t\ o 3, 595 '7 ,922 is 34 .5 The Total BTUH for the outside walls are The Total BTITH for the Exposed Openings are The total BTUH for the ceilings The total BTUH for the floors The BTUH infilt.ration for the openings is THE TOTAL BTTJH FOR THIS ROOM IS Reguired Radiant floor output, BTU's /square foot t'( MASTER CT,OSET CETI,TNG IIEIGHT IS 8. OO FEET,VOLI]ME IS O EILCIC'EET gE Ellt-l'?ClO, EOt-rE -tYCt 0 EXPOSED WALLS, not including openings,TOTALING >>>> 480 :I'BIC I r I Cr g\tattr;E 0.0 SQUARE 50.0 SQUARE FEET rlSEr FEET FEET ROOM SrZE rS L0.0 r,ONG bv 5.0 WIDE, TOTALING >> JW TYPE IS: ,L TYPE IS: JTLING TYPE IS: T.LOOR TYPE IS: Page 4 E-Y3113 l.)"":ffi:T:"U,5h'"'""f U-value = 0, Conditioned space above U-va1ue = 0, Floor over any Conditioned Space HEATLOSS The Total BTUH for the outeide walls are The Total BTIIH for the $rposed Openings are The tocal BTUH for rhe ceilings The total BTUII for trhe floors The BTIIH infiltracion for Lhe openings is THE TOTAL BTT'H FOR THIS ROOM IS Required Radiant floor output, BTU's /square foot is 0 0 0 0 0 0 0_0 p"{ MASTER BTH CEILING HEIGI{T IS 8.OO FEET, VOLUME IS 949 CI'BIC FEET 1 EXPOSED OPENINGS, TOTAJ,ING 2 EXPOSED WA],L,,S, nots including openings,TOTAJ,fNG >>>> 160.0 SQUARE FEET ROOM SIZE rS 10.5 LONG by 11 .3 WIDE, TOTALING >> l-18.7 SQUARE FEET WINDOW TypE IS: u-value = .551, Double Pane, Clear Glass IIAI-,L TYPE fS: U-Value = .06, Frame Insulated CEILING TYPE IS: U-Value = 0, Conditioned space above FLOOR TypE IS: U-Value = 0, Floor over any Conditioned Space The Total BTUH for trhe ouEside walls are The Totat BTIIH for Ehe Exposed Openings are The total BTIJH for the ceilings The Eotal BTUH for Ehe floors The BTUH infiltrauion for the openings is THE TOTAJ-, BTUH FOR THIS ROOM IS Required Radiant floor ouEput, BTU's /square foot HEATLOSS 854 992 0 0 1, l-00 2 ,956 is 24.9 7./ I,AIJNDRY CEILING IIEIGHT IS 8.OO FEET, VOLI]ME IS 624 1 EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTAJ,ING L EXPOSED WAL,,LS, not including openings,TOTAI-'ING >>>> 31'0 ROOM SIZE IS 5.5 LONG by 12.0 WIDE, TOTALING >> 78'0 wINDOw TYPE Is: U-VaIue = 0, No openings in tshis room CUBIC FEET SQUARE FEET SQUARE FEET SQUARE FEET WALI, TYPE IS: CEILING TYPE U-Value = .05, Frame Insulated IS: U-VaIue = 0, Conditioned space above FI,OOR TYPE IS:U-Value = 0,' Floor over any Conditioned Space HEATLOSS The Total BTUH for t'he outside walls are L67 The Total BTUII for t'he Exposed Open5-ng:s are 869 The totsal BTUII for the ceilings 0 The Lotal BTUIT for the floore 0 The BTUH infiltration for the openings is 1,155 THE TOTAL Bfi'I{ FOR THIS ROOM IS 2,L9L Recruired Radiant floor output, BTU's /square foot is 28.1 v U ,rd, t 1 EXPOSED OPENINGS, TOTAJ,ING 1 EXPOSED WAILS, not including openings,TOTALING >>>> ROOM SIZE IS 10.0 LONG by 1l-.8 WIDE, TOTALING >> WINDOW TYPE fS: U-VaIue = 0, No openings in this room WAJ-,L TYPE IS: U-Value = .06, Frame Insulated CEII,ING TYPE IS: U-Value = 0, Conditioned space above FLOOR TYPE IS: U-VaIue = O, Floor over any Conditioned Space HEATLOSS The Total BTUH for the outside waLls are The Total BTUH for the Exposed Openings are The total BTUH for the ceilings The total BTCIH for the floors The BTUH infiltration for Lhe openings is THE TOTAI BTT]H FOR THIS ROOM TS Required Radiant floor output, BTU' s /square foot is Page 5 HALL CEILING HEICHT IS 8.OO FEET,VOI,UME IS 944 21.0 3,.0 l_1_8 . 0 CUBIC FEET SQUARE FEET SQUARE FEET SQUARE FEET l_5 869 0 0 r, l-t5 2,O4O L7 -3 lc r{ POWDER ROOM CEILING HEIGHT IS 8.OO FEET, The Total BTUH for the ouLside wa1ls are The Total BTTIH for the Exposed Openings are The t.ot.aL BfUg for the ceilings The t,otal BTUH for the floors The BTUH infiltration for Ehe openings is THE TOTA]-, BTUH FOR THIS ROOM IS Required Radiant floor output, BTU's /square O EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTALING 1 EXPOSED WAI,LS, not including openings,TOTALING >>>> ROOM SIZE IS 10.5 LONG by 6-0 WIDE, TOTAI,ING >> WINDOW TYPE IS: U-Value = 0, No openings in this room WAI,L TYPE fS: U-Value = .05, Frame Insulated CEfLING TYPE fS: U-Value = 0, Condi-tioned space above FLOOR TYPE IS: U-Value = 0, Floor over any Conditioned Space I{F"A,TIJOSS 454 11 v 0 0 0 454 foot is 7.2 VOLUME IS 504 CT]BIC FEET O.O SQUARE FEET 84.0 SQUARE FEET 53.0 SQUARE FEET !/ I / 1,"' q /'t' /( / ' L- GUEST BEDROOM CEILING HEIGHT IS 8.OO FEET, VOLT]ME IS L,620 CI'BIC F'EET 2 EXPOSED OPENINGS, TOTAIJING 3 EXPOSED WAI-,LS, not including openings,TOTALING >>>> 350.0 SQUARE FEET ROOM SIZE IS 15.0 LONG by L3.5 WIDE, TOTALING >> 202-5 SQUARE FEET wINDOw TYPE fS: U-Value = .551, Double Pane, Clear Glass WALL TYPE fS: U-va1ue = .05, Frame Insulated CEILING TYPE IS: U-falue = 0, Conditioned space above FLOOR TYPE IS: U-VaIu€ = O. Floor over any Conditioned Space Tha Tnl-a] EfiTff fnr.. f ha nrrl- ci rla r.r='l 'l c ara I{EATLOSS 1 eqn ..:..f Hage b *''i,3i3l B;H ::: :*: :::*,oPenn6E-are r t,ot,al BTUH for the floors- .,/re BTUH infiltration for the openings is THE TOTAT BTUH FOR THIS ROOM IS Required Radiant floor output, BTU,s ,/square foot 'l3 0 t,6fl s,gza is 2+.a 4 ) )L *ri ,r- /tu& ry67ffi-_+-- pp'" /oc ( '----+'i'--- GUEST BTH CEILING HETGHT IS 8. OO FEET, O EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTATING 1 EXPOSED WALLS, not including openings,TOTAlING >>>> ROOM SIZE rS 5.0 LONG by 9.0 WIDE, TOTAIING >> WINDOW TYPE IS: U-Va1ue = 0, No openings in this room WAJ,L TYPE fS: U-VaIue = .05, Frame Insulated CEILING TYPE IS: U-Value = 0, Conditioned space above FLOOR TYPE IS: U-Value = 0, FLoor over any Conditioned. Space HEATLOSS VOIJUME TS 360 CUBIC FEET O.O SQUARE FEET 4O.O SQUARE FEET 4s.0 SQUARE FEET Ihe TotaL BTUH for the outside walLs are Ihe Total BTUH for the Exposed Openings are Ihe total BTUH for the ceilings Ihe totaL BTUH for the floors Ihe BTUI{ infiltration for the openings is IHE TOTAI-, B:rUH FOR THIS ROOM IS R.equired Radiant floor output, BfU's ,/square foot is 21"6 a 0 0 0 tL ttL * *4" IIURSERY ]EILING HEIGHT IS 8.OO FEET, VOLUME IS 1.,535 2 EXPOSED OPENTNGS,ToTAJ,ING 1 EXPOSED WALLS, not. including openings,TOTAlfNc >>>> 66.0 rOOM SIZE IS 12.0 LONG by 15.0 WIDE, TOTALING >> LiZ.O {INDOW TYPE IS: U-Value = .551, Double Pane, Clear Glass 'IAIL TYPE IS: U-Value = .05, Frame Insulated :EILfNG TYPE IS: U-Value = 0, Conditi_oned space above ILOOR TYPE IS: U-Value = 0, Floor over any CondiLioned Space HEATIJOSS 356 1, 4gg 0 v 1, 550 3 ,494 foot is L8.2 ihe Total BTUH for t.he outside walls are lhe Tot.al BTUH for t.he Exposed Openings are lhe total BTIIH for Ehe ceilings lhe total BTUH for the fl-oors lhe BTUH infiltration for the openings is ]I{E TOTAT BTUH FOR THTS ROOM TS leguired Radiant, floor outpuE, BTU,s /square CUBTC FEET SQUARE FEET SQUARE FEET SQUARE FEET /a'( )INING ROOM :EILING HEIGHT IS 9. OO FEET, 2 EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTALING VOLI]I{E IS L,256 CUBIC FEET 83.0 SQUARE FEET rr)! r iir.; '' sdr:' lxPosED wArrJs,i*r' .JM srzE rs g IINDOW TYPE IS: WA],L TYPE TS: CEILING TYPE IS: FIOOR TYPE IS: The Tota1 BTUH for the outside walls are The Total BTUH for the Exposed Openings are The total BTUH for the ceilings The total BTUH for the fLoors The BTIIH infiltration for the openings is THE TOTAL BTT]H FOR TIIIS ROOM IS Reguj.red Radiant floor output, BTU's /sguare L73.5 SQUARE FEET 139.5 SQUARE FEET U-VaIue = .551, Double Pane, Clear Glass U-Value = .A6, Frame fnsulatsed U-Va1ue = .035, No Attic space, Roof -- Ceiling Combinat.ion U-VaIue = 0, Floor over any Conditioned Space HEATLOSS 937 4,tL7 445 0 4,566 L0, 066 foot is 72.2 ,rg4 u \- \- l"/lr, I l KTTCI{EN CEII,ING HEIGHT IS 9.OO FEET, VOLI]ME IS 1,688 CUBIC FEET 2 EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTAIJING 2 EXPOSED WALLS, not including openings,TOTALfNG >>>> 162-A SQUARE FEET ROOM SIZE IS 15.0 LONG by 12.5 WIDE, TOTALING >> 187.5 SQUARE FEET WINDOW TYPE IS: U-Value = .55L, Double Pane, Clear Glass WALL TYPE fS: U-Value = .06, Frame fnsulated CEILING TYPE IS: U-VaIue = .035, No Atstic Space, Roof -- Ceiling Combination FLOOR TYPE IS: U-Value = 0, Floor over any Conditioned Space HEATLOSS The Total BTUH for the oulside wal]s are 875 The Total BTUH for Ehe Exposed Openings are 2,232 The Eotal BTUH for the ceilings 600 The total BTUH for the floors 0 The BTUH infilt,ration for the openings is 2,476 THE TOTAI, BTI]H FOR THTS ROOM IS 5,].83 Required Radiant floor outputs, BTU's ,/square foot is 33.0 6u {' STAIR CEILING HEIGHT IS J-5.00 FEET, VOLUME IS ]-,050 CI'BIC FEET 2 EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTALING 1 EXPOSED WALLS, noE including openings,TOTALING >>>> 40.0 SQUARE FEET ROOM SIZE IS 7-0 L,ONG by 10.0 VIIDE, TOTAIING >> 70.0 SQUARE FEET wINDoW TYPE IS: U-VaIue = .551, Double Pane, Clear Gl-ass WALL TYPE IS: U-VaIue = .05, Frame fnsulated CEfLING TYPE IS: U-Value:-.035, No Attic Space, Roof -- Ceiling Combination FLOOR TYPE IS: U-Va1ue = 0, Floor over any Conditioned Space ..?( ( The Total BTUH for the outside walls are The Total BTTJH for the Exposed Openinge are ?he total BTUH for the ceilings The total BTUH for the floors The BTUH infiltration for Ehe openings is THE ?OTAI, BTT'H FOR THIS ROOM IS Required Radiant floor output, BTU's ,/square foot HEATLOSS 2l.6 3,224 224 0 3,576 7,24O is 103.4 u]tt- sage 6 CLOSET CEILING HETGI{T IS 9.OO FEET,VOIJUME IS O EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTAIING 1 EXPOSED WALLS, not including openings,TOTALINc >>>> ROOM SIZE IS 5.5 LONG by 3.0 WIDE, TOTAJING >> WINDOW TYPE fS: U-Value = 0, No openings in this room WAI,L TYPE TS:U-VaIue = .06, Frame fnsul-ated CEILING TYPE IS: U-Value = .035, No Attic Space, Roof -- Ceiling combination FLOOR TYPE IS: U-Value = 0, Floor over anv Conditioned Space HEATI,OSS The ?otal BTUH for the outside walLs are 145 The Total BTUH for the Exposed Openings are 0 The total BTUH for the ceilings 62 The total BTLIH for the floors 0 Ll The ETUH infiltration for the openings is 0 lL TIIE TOTAI, BTT]H FOR THIS ROOM IS 2OB Required Radiant floor output, BTU's /square foot is 10.7 L76 CUBIC FEET O.O SQUARE FEET 27.0 SQUARE FEET r-9.s SQUARE FEET Cf-l I GREAT ROOM CEILING HEIGHT IS 15.00 FEET. VOLUME IS 6,540 CITBIC FEET 3 EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTAIING 2 EXPOSED WALI-JS, not including openings,TOTALING >>>> 409.0 SQUARE FEET ROOM SIZE rS 21.8 LONG by 20-0 WIDE, TOTAI,ING >> 436.0 SQUARE FEET WfNDOW TYPE IS: U-Value = .551-, Double Pane, Clear Glass WALI-T TYPE IS:U-Value = .06, Frame Insulated CEIT,ING fyPE IS: U-Value = .035, No ALtic Space, Roof -- Ceiling Combi.nation FIJOOR TYPE IS: U-Va1ue = 0, Floor over any Conditioned Space HEATLOSS The Total BTLrl{ for the outside wa}}s are 2,209 The Tot,al BTUH for the Exposed Openings are 5,754 The tot.al BTUH for the ceilings 1,395 ( The toLal BTUH for the floors 0 The BTUH infiltration for the openings is 6,382 THE TOTAI, BTI]I{ FOR THIS ROOM IS L5,740 Required Radiant floor output,, BfU's /square foot is 36.1 , *qttr r*r- .rct'(u {\-- !-r ,ad:g tb'1t)ad 6"{ FOYER CEII-,ING I{EIGHT IS 15.00 FEET,VOL{'ME IS 3 EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTALING 1 EXPOSED.WALLS, noE including openings,TOTALfNG >>>> ROOM SrZE rS 11- 0 T,ONG bv 5.0 wrDE, TOTALING >> WINDOW TYPE IS: U-Val-ue = .551, Double Pane. Clear Giass WALL TYPE fS: U-Value = .06, Frame Insul-ated CEILfNG TyPE IS; U-Value = .035, No Attic Space, Roof -- FLOOR TYPE IS: U-Value = 0, Floor over any Conditioned 990 CUBIC FEET 35.0 SQUARE FEET L52.5 SQUARE FEET 65.0 SQUARS FEET Ceiling Combination Space ;,!t'. ,,,{ t'- #| fl ,e TotaL ,.he'Tota1 The total The total The BTIIH THE TOTAJ, Reguired walls are Openings are .---^-^"v:;; o 2., 1 E4? 2LL 0 L ,926 . 4,524 foots is 58 .5 a f t- BTUH for ehe ou#ide BTUII for the Extrlosed BTUH for the ceilings BTIIH for the fl"oors Page 9 infiltrauion for the openings is Bfi'I{ FOR THIS ROOM IS Radiant floor output, BTU's ,/square \"f, g(* jf" ,fq UPPER I,VI, POWDR CEILING HEIGHT IS 9-OO FEET,VOLI]ME IS 1 EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTALING 1 EXPOSED WAL,,LS, not including openings,TOTAlING >>>> ROOM SIZE IS 5.0 LoNG by 6.0 WIDE, TOTAI-.,ING >> WINDOW TYPE IS: U-Value = .551-, Doubl-e Pane, Clear Glass WAI,L TYPE IS:U-Value = .06, Frame InsuLated The ToLaL BTUH for t.he outside walls are The ToLaL BTUII for the Exposed Openings are The total BTUII for the ceilings The total BTUH for the floors The BTUH infiltration for the openings is TI{E TOTAL BTUH FOR THIS ROOM IS Required Radiant floor outpuL, BTU's /square foot is 270 CUBIC FEET 4.0 SQUARE FEET 41.0 SQUARE FEET 30. O SQUARE FEET -- Ceiling Combination CEILING TYPE fS: U-Value = .035, No Attic Space, Roof FLoOR TYPE IS: U-Value = 0, Floor over any CondiEioned Space HEATI,OSS 22L J_vt' 95 0 220 735 24.5 , I u"'q'"l GAXAGE CEII-,ING HEIGHT IS 8 . OO FEET,VOLI]ME IS 4 EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTALING 4 EXPOSED wAl,LS, not including openings,ToTAllNc >>>> ROOM SIZE IS 20.0 i,ONG by 30.0 WIDE, TOTALING >> 4, 8OO CT]BIC F'EET 1_89.0 SQUARE FEET 4LL.O SQUARE FEE? 500.0 SQUARE FEET- WINDOW TYPE IS: WALI, TYPE IS: U-Value = .551, Double Pane, Clear Glass U-Val-ue = .06, Frame fnsulated CEILING TYpE IS: U-VaIue = .035, No Attsic Space, Roof -- Ceiliug Combination FLOOR TYPE Is: U-Value = .8L, Concrete Floors The Total BTUII for the outside walls are The Tot.al BTUH for the Exposed openings are The total BTUH for the ceilings The total BTIIH for the floors The BTUH infiltration for Ehe openings is THE TbTAI BTTfi FOR THIS ROOM TS Required Radiant floor output, B1Id' s /square HEATLOSS 2,2L9 6 ,678 L,920 5 ,468 1,0,399 26 ,583 foot is 44 -s 6"( TOTALS Page 10 EXPOSED WALIJS,above grade not including openings TOTAL SOUARE FEET, of walls below grade FI-,OOR AND CEILING STZE fS The Total BTUH for uhe wall-s above grade are The Total BTUH for uhe wal1s below grade are The Total BTUH for the Exposed openings are The tsotaI BTUH for Lhe ceilings The total Bf{/}I for the floors The BTUH infilcraEion for the openi-ngs is TOTAL BTUH, THIS BUILDING ***************************rt*********************** End of report 764 E1 o BTUI{ lr,f* * ** * * * * ** * ** * * * * ***** * * **. c\* ?^}Xr gr- 36,006 936.0 2,955.5 569.5 3, 953 .1 CUBIC SQUARE SQUARE SQUARE SQUARE FEET FEET FEET FEET FEET HEATLOSS 50,905 5, 683 43, 211 4,954 8,323 ql aq? Agcnda last rcviseil 5/ll/97 3 Ptn DESIGN RBVIEW BOARD AGENDA Wedncsday, May 7,1997 3:00 P.M. PROJECT ORIENTATION / LUNCH - Community Development Department l2:00 . Northwoods - Discussion of minor addition.s and dcck cnclosurcs - Mikc/Dirk (10 min.) . DRIP - Updatc ( l5 minutcs) MEMBERS PRESENT Brcnt Alm Bill Picrcc Clark Brittain Gcnc Usclton (PEC) SITE VISITS. t. 2. _1. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8, Drivcr: tv|EMBERS ABSENT Ted Hingst l:15 I-'Ostcllo - 705 Wc.st Lionshcad Circlc Middlcton - 1865 Wcst Gorc Crcck Drivc McDougall - 2955 Basingdalc Blv<I. Public Works - 1309 Vail Vallcy Drivc I'lovclstcn - 2830 Aspcn Court Kirch - 1082 Riva Glcn Logan - 815 Potato Patch Drivc Eaclc Rivcr Watcr & Sanitation District - Cortina Drivc and Davos Trail Dorninic _ PUBLIC HEARING - TOWN COUNCIIL CTIAMBERS 3:00 Dominic 1 t.Larson - Final review of a singlc family residcncc. 1685 Larkspur Lane/Lot 8, Block 2, Vail Intcrmountain Applicant: Eric Larson MOTION: Clark Brittain SECOND: Gcnc Usclton VOTE: 4-0 APPROVED WITII 2 CONDITIONS: l. That 3 cvergreens be rclocatcd. 2. That thc overhangs around the chimney bs eliminatcd, 2. Kirch - Final revicw of a ncw single family. 1082 Riva Glen/Lnt 3, Spraddlc Crcek Applicant: Lce Kirch, rcpresentcd by Gorclon Pierce MOTION: Clark Brittain SECOND: Gene Uselton VOTE: 4-0 CONSENTAPPROVED Latuen 3. Accarclo - Changc to approvcd plans. Laurcn l99tt Sunburst Drivcil.ot 19, Vail Vallcy 3r<l Filing Applicant: Natc Accardo, rcprcscntcd by Bill Picrcc MOTION: Clark llrittain SECONI): Gcnc Usclton VOTE: 3-0-l (Bill Picrcc abstaincd) CONSBN'I'APPROVBD 4. tlaglc Rivcr Watcr' & Sanitation District - Construction of a ncw boostu pump station. Tarrrrnic Intcrscction of'Corlina Drivc & Davos Trail/Vail Das Schonc, Applicant: Eaglc Rivcr Watcr and Sanitation Dish'ict MOTION: Clark Brittain SECOND: Cicne Usclton VOTE: 4-0 CONSENT AI'PROVBD 5. l-'Ostcllo - Conccptual rcvicw of pool irnlrrovcmcnts and parking addition. Laurcn 705 Wcst Lionshcad Circlc/Lot I, Block 2, Vail Lionshcad 3rd Filing. Applicant: Estaquio Cortina, rcprcscntcd by llill Piucc MOTION: Clark Brittain SIICOND: Ccrrc Usclton VOTE: 3-0-l (Bill Picrcc abstainccl) TABLIID UNTII, MAY 21,1997 6. McDougall - Nc"v singlc-family rcsidcncc. Tarrrrnic 2955 Basingdalc lllvd./Lot 15, Block 6, Vail Intcrmountain. Applicant: J'im ancl Mary McDougall, rcprcscntcd by Davc Pccl MOTION: Bill Picrcc SECOND: Clark Urittain Vol'll:4-0 APPROVBD WI1'II 2 CONDI'I'IONS: l. That thc applicant put up a construction fcncc around thc cxisting trccs. 2. 'l'hat thc trccs on thc south sidc bc 8'-10' in hcisht. 7 . J lovcrstcn - Ncw singlc-farnily rcsiclcncc. Laurcn 2830 Aspcn Court/l-ot 15, Tract E, Vail Villagc I lth Filing. Applicant: Philip I lovcrstcrr, rcprcscntcd by Craig Snowdon MOTION: Clark Brittain SECOND: BillPicrcc VOTE:4-0 APPROVED WITH I CONDITION; l. That fcncing bc placcd around all trces during construction. 8. Middlcton - Conccptual rcview of a ncw rcsidcncc with a Type I EHU. Tammic 1865 W. Gorc Crcck Drivc/Lot 23, Vail Villagc Wcst Filing #2 Applicant: Kathryn Lohrc Middlcton, rcprescntcd by Erich Hill MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: CONCEPTUAL - NO VOTE 1.,I g. l-ogan - Conccptual rcvicrv of a ncw singlc-farnily rcsidcncc with a carctakcr unit. Tammic 8 | 5 Potato Patch Drivc/Lot 2, Block l, Vail Potato Patch Applicant: Kcnt and Vicki Logan, rcprcscntcd by Picrcc Scgcrbcrg & Associatcs MOTION:SECOND:VOTE: CONCEPTUAL - NO VOTE I 0, Public Works housing - Final rcvicw of Employcc l lousing | 309 Vail Vallcy Drivc/legally dcscribcd as: Dominic bcginning at thc Northwest corncr of Scction 9, Township 5 South, Rangc 80 west of thc Sixth Principal Mcridian thcncc S U9"3 l'49" E 2333,84 l'cct, along thc North linc of said Scction 9, to a point on thc northcrly right-of-way fcncc linc of lntclstate Highway No. 70 thcncc along thc northcrly right-of-way fcncc line ollntcrstatc Highway No. 70 as follows: S 67.41'13" W 4 t 5,82 fcct; thcncc 57ti" l3'02" W 1534.29 fcet, to a point of curvaturcl thcncc 456.43 fcct on a curvc to thc right with a radius of 5580.00 fcct, thc chord of which bcars SlJ0'33'38" W 456,30 fcct to a point on thc Wcstcrly linc of said Scction 9: thcncc dcparting thc northcrly right-of-way fcncc linc of Intcrstatc Highway No. 70 and following thc Wcstcrly linc of saicl Scction 9 N00"i8'21,'E 565.1 I fcct to thc point of bcginning' Applicant: Town of Vail, rcprcscntcd by Andy Knudtscn and Susic Hcrvcrt MOfloN:SECOND:VOTE: CONCEPTUAL - NO VOTE Staff Approvals Vail Associatcs - Changc to thc prcviously approvcd landscapc plnn for thc gondola building. Georgc 600 Lionshcad Mall/Tract D, Vail Lionshcad lst Iriling. Applicanl Vail Associatcs, rcprcscntcd by Torn Allcndcr Scott - Landscaping. Dirk | 150 Ca.solar Dcl Nortc Drivc/Lot | 0, Casolar Vail Applicant: Russcll T. Scott Vail Trail Chalcts - Rcpaint. Dirk 413 Gorc Creek Drivc/Lots 1-15, Block 4, Vail Villagc lst Filing. Applicant Vail Trail Chalcts Condominium Association May residence - Changes to approvcd plans, Georgc 1067 PtarmiganlLot4l/2/5, Block 5, Vail Village 7th. Applicanl Roy May, represcnted by Dalc Smith Barrctt - Adtlition, Dirk 600 Vail Valley DriveNorthwoods, Unit D-12 Applicanl Dick and GailBanett '.I Apollo Park - Whccl chair ramp. Dirk 442 S. Frontagc Rd./Tract D, Vail Villagc lst. Applicant: Apollo Park Condo Association Rapson - Dcck cnclosurc. Dirk 1476 Wcsthavcn Drivc/l-ot 53, Glcn Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: WRR/KSR, LLC clo William R. Rapson Vail Villagc lnn - Ncw sliding glass doors. Dirk 100 E. Mcadow Drivc/Lot O, Block 5D, Vail Villagc lst Applicant: I. Scoppoti, Inc. Swcct Basil - Ncw accordian door. Dirk 193 Corc Crcck Drivc/Block 58' Vail Villagc lst Applicant: Mat Morgan Toffcri/Facsslcr Rcal Estatcs (Swiss chalct Building) - Sign application. Dirk 82 East Mcadow Drivc/Lot K, Block 5E, Vail Villagc I st Applicant: Johanncs Facsslcr Mango - Window addition. Dirk | 8 I 7 Mcadow Ridgc/Lot 21 , Buffcr Crcck Applicant: Phyllis Mango Padilla - Convcrt crawl spacc to CRFA. Laurcn 4532 Strcamsidc Circlc East/Lot 15, Bighorn 4th Applicanl Ed Padilla l-lufflard - Dcck stair addition. Dir.k IU5-5 A Sunburst Drivc/Lot 6, Vail Vallcy 3rd Filing. Applicanl Jay C. Huffard Kclton - Rcsidcntial addition. Dirk 1034l-lomcstakc Circlc/Lot 5, Block 6, Vail Villagc 7th Filing. Applicant: Elainc and Ar1 Kelton Jacklin - Window/door change. Dirk 548 S. Frontagc Rd.AVcstwinds Applicant: Bob Jacklin Davis/Segal - Intcrior and window addition, Dirk 790 B Potato PatcVlot 12, Block l, Vail Potato patoh, Applicanl Robin & Jean Davis & Scott Segal Thc applications and inforrnation about the proposals are availablc for public inspection during rcgular olficc hours in thc projoct planner's ofiicc, locatcd at ths Torvn of Vail Community Dcvclopment Departmcnt, 75 South Frontagc Road. Sign fanguage intcrpretation available upon request with 24 hour notilication. Please call 479-2ll4voiceor479-2356TDD for information. G,nn Review Action rfn TOWN OF VAIL Category Number Date fi!1t,1 | ,,),1,,' Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: Owner. Address and Phone: ArchitecVoontact, Address and Phone: Project Street Address: . ' .' Motion by: r ' Board / Staff Aetion Vote: Seconded by: E Approval ! Disapproval fl StaffApproval Conditions: 'r r l._i Town Planner Date: ' f :1 . DRBFeePT-Paid t .', '' peel/langenwalter architects, l.l.c. david mark peel, a.i.a. kathy langenwalter, a.i.a. 2588 arosa drive p.o. box 1202 vail, co 81658 970-476-4506 97O 476'4572 tax April26,1997 Ms. Tammie H. Williamson Department of Community Development TOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: McDougallResidence Lot 15, Blk. 6, Vail Intermountain Dear Ms. Williamson: This letter is in response to the TOV Public Works and Planning Staff comments in your letter dated 4-23-97, regarding the above project. Public Works: l. The bridge abutment wall has an approximate TOW elevation of 7429.67 (the actual TOW bearing elevation may be somewhat lower depending on bridge structure bearing conditions and topping slab thickness). Assuming TOW at 7 429 .67 , the height of the wall above natural grade varies fiom 2'+/- at the south-west end (BOW 7427.67) to 3'-8" +/- at the north-east end (BOW 7426.0). This wall has previously been determined by Planning Staff to be an integral part of the building structure and not an independent site retaining wall in the front setback. After a telephone discussion with Mr. Greg Hall , Town Engineer, and verifying that both phone and water service were located in the adjacent Right-of-way, it was determined that it was best not to locate a permanent retaining structure (i.e., concrete wing walls angling out from the bridge abutment wall) in the Right-of-way. Hence, the minimal stacked boulder transition walls shown on each end of the abutment wall. An engineered detail of the bridge abutment wall will be provided with the structural engineering documents for building permit application. 2. See Site Plan Sheet A-1, revised 4-26-97 . 3. The driveway slopes down approximately 4" flom the edge of existing asphalt to the top ofthe bridge at the property line (el. 7430 to el.7429.67). This represents an 4. 5. average slope of approximately 4o/o. The swale indicated on the site plan is nothing more than a slight drainage pitch in the asphalt driveway on the roadway side of the abutment wall, ranging from a high point of el. 7429.67 in the center to et.7429.46 +l- at each end (l/4"/foot slope). "Swale" may not be the correct word. "Diverter" may be more appropriate. See Site Plan Sheet A-1, revised 4-26-97. See Site Plan Sheet A-1, revised 4-26-97. Planning Staff: Due to the steepness ofthe site topography, this setback issue was discussed at length in previous meetings with Mr. Dirk Mason of the TOV Planning Staff, and a setback of24' from the edge ofasphalt to garage door was verified during a phone conversation with Ms. Teni Partch of the TOV Public Works Department. During phone conversations with Ms. Tammie Williamson of the Planning Staff on Friday, 4-25-97, it was determined that the setback from garage door to edge of property was no longer an issue and was witlfn required limits as presented. Catalog cuts of exterior wall mounted lighting fixtures on the building will be provided along with color samples at the time of the DRB meeting. Yours truly, 1. 2. mffi' PEEL/LANGENWALTER ARCHITECTS, L.L.C. Ms. Teni Partch Mr. and Mrs. Tim McDoueall tucoPY 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 3 9 FAX 970-479-2452 Dcpartnent of Connunity Developnrent April 23, 1997 Tirn and Mary McDouglll 3l ltt Bcllflowcr Drivc, #7 Vail, Co. tll657 RE: Lot 15, Block 6, Viril Intermountain Dcar Mr. and Mrs. McDoLrgall: -I'hc Town of Vail Cornnrunity Dcvcloprncnt Dcpartrncnt is in rcccipt of your appiication tbr tltc Dcsign Rcvicw Boarcl (DRB). Thc rnccting is schcdulcd for May 7, 1997 , Thc Public Works, Plarrning and Firc Dcpartnrcnts havc idcntifictl thc following issucs during thc rcvjcw: Public Works: l.Plcasc show dctail on thc sitc plan as it rclatcs to thc rvall for thc bridgc clcck to acccss thc propcfty. Show thc hcight ofthc rvall antl providc sonrc dctail offootcr, ifnccdccl: Tfrc drivc cntrancc curb cut can a maximum of 24 f'cct including thc llurcl Is thc drainagc swalc at your propcrty linc, in thc drivcway or at 5 fcct off thc cdgc ol asphalt? l)lcasc dctlnc this with conl.ours: Lay the proposcd rock rvalls back at l:1. Shorv thcnr accordingly on thc sitc plan: Thc cdgc of the rock wall must bc a minimum of 7 fcct away fnrm thc cxisting cdge of asphalt tbr snow plorv clcarancc. Planning: L. -1. 4. 5. l. v In ordcr to mcct thc parking rcquircnrcnts for this dcvcloprncnt. you must havc an additional spacc on your propefiy. Thcrc must bc at lcast l9 fcct from thc garagc door to thc cdgc of your propcrty. Thc sitc plan shows l5 fcet. Thcre must to bc an incrcasc of 4 fcct: {p ^'"'""o'*u* Yq:::'t 2. Plcasc providc dctails on thc proposcd lighting for this projcctl Fire: Thc Fire Dcpartment has no issucs at this time, In ordcr to kecp you on the schcdulc for thc May 7, 1997 DRB mccting, plcasc providc rcviscd plans by noon, Monday, April 28,1997, If you havc any qucstions, plcasc contact Tcrri Paftch lf lrUiir Works at 479-2'169 or myself 479-2142. Plcase bring any color samplcs you may have and stakc thc property prior to thc meeting. Sinccrcly, I 1*;#ila*;*- Tammic Williamson Town Planncr cc: David Pccl I I I ZONE CHECK oorc, 4-/6- ? 7 Addrcss L1q5 a€ Et t lr. hoposcd usc Buildablc arca / gsobT Allorved Existing Proposcd Total rorarGRFA 3Zf_?J * 4z{ =j7o_B_+ 3LQL = Prinury CRFA _+ (425) (675*) Sccondary GRFA + (425) (675+) =_ * 67 5 = 425 crcdit plus 250 addition Docs this rcqucst involvc a 250 Addition? M O Remaining -- tP Horv much of thc allorvcd 250 Addition is uscd with this rccucst? N /A SitcCovxagc 2oo/s, Hcight Sctbacks 2loZ L, b (30)('1) Frorrt Sidcs Rcar l7f1s 33' 0 = l7B.S 20' I5' l5' zo' ga /Srl5 t@ 5l r-A9e *'fiHty'. Se'fktt-tc L:ndscaping RctainingWall Hcights Parking 4 t- trDcloscd Garagc Crcdit Drivc*ay Complics rvith TOV Ligbting Ordinancc Arc finishcd gradcs less than 2:l (50%) Enrironmcn tal4{azards I ) Pcrccnt Slopc (< >30%) 2) Floodplain 3)wctlnds N/rt 4) Watcr Course Sclback (30) (50) N / * 5) Ccologic Hazards b) Rocldall c) Dcbris Flow Prcvious conditions of approval (cbcck property file): /lt 0 Al E Minimum 1frbZ.L ilLz78 J/O Required 7-, 5 V Ycs__ r,,-1_ No (3oo)(600)(eoo)d@ se"f Permitted Slopc -% proposcd. Stope bZ, I U" Ycs No___JNt, )g7vps) Is tbc propcrty non-conforming? Dcscribc; frzop,.ny (s /.3)//3 DESIGN REVIEW CMCKLIST Projcct: LI SL]RVEY Benchmark I . Legal dcscription I i, LOt Slze Buildable Area Eascmcnts Topography 100 yr. flood plain Water Cou$e Setback Environmen tal Hazards Trees Utility locations Spot clcvations tr SITEPLAN O FLooRPLANS Scalc GRFA 250 additional GRFA Crarvl\Atfic Spacc EHU Q BUILDhic ELEVATIoNS (nala Col or\lr4ateri als Roof Pitch tr LA.NDSCAPEPLAN Existing tces Proposed trees Legend MISCELLANEOUS Condo Approval Title rcport (A & B) Uti lity.verifi cati on form photos ofsitc Buii ding mata-ial samplcs C.O. Verification Sun\Shadc AngJcs Utiliti es (un derground) Vierv Corridors Varianccs plat resfictions Scale Building Height Encroachments Setback Site Coverage Eaves/Ovcrhangs (4) Decks/Balconies Carage connection Site Grade\Slope Retaining lValls Fences Tuming Radius Driveway (access and grade) Snorv Storage Fire Access o Routin Community Development Plan g F;rm Approved Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions Routcd To:Greg Hall, Public Works Terri Partch. Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Works Mike McGee- Fire Rctum To:Communitv Dcvclopmcnt Datc Routcd: Rcturn By: Projcct Namc:o*q..-Q-{ Projcct Addrcss:--f3osr.^oJo-Q- {31,.^} Prqcct Lcgal:ZS A/, Projcct Dcscription: L-' Datc rcccivcd: Rcviovcd by:Datc rcviewcd: I I o Qucstions? cJftpnnnin g Staff at 479'2128 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL B.LOCATION OF pROpOSAL; LOT; 15 BLOCK: 6 ppry6: Vai,l fntermouqtain , pHySICALADpgg5g. 2955'Baqingdale Boulevard ZONING: Tim and Mary McDougall c. D, TOWNOFVATT CENERAL TNFORMATION fftir uppf i*ti* is for any projcct requiring Dcsign Rcvicw approval, Any projcct rcquiring dcsign rcvicw lnust rcccivc Dcsign Rwicw approval prioi to submitting for a building pcrmit. For spccilic infornration, scc thc submittal rcquircrncnts-for thc partiiular approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc application caunot bc acccptcd until all thc rcquired ilfornration is submittcd, fhc piojcct rnay also nccd to bc rcvicwcd by thc Town Corurcil and/or thc Planning and Envirolrncltal Comrnission, Dcsign Rcvicrv Boartl approval cxpircs onc ycar aftcr final approval unlcss a buiklng pcrmit is issued and construction is started' E. E NAMEOF OWNER(S): MA1LINC4pp11B55. 3118 Bellflower Drive, #7 MAILINQ ADDRESS: (Apolicant rep.: David M. Peel- Peel /Langcnwal tcr Architects, L.L.Cl POB 1202, Vai1, Co 81658 PHONE: 970-476-4506 C. TYPEOFREVIEWANDFEE: D! Ncw Construction - $200 Construction of a ncw building. $50 Includcs any addition whcrc squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or conuircrcial building. $20 .Includcs minor changcs to buildings and sitc illlprovctllcnts, such as, rcroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fcnccs and rctaining walls, ctc. E c onccptuar Rcvicw - $ 0 ;::ff {,Tij:ffi : ;*l;.lT,T3l fiffij*nnffii::'ffi,Tj *il",l:- dcsigrr guidelincs. Thc DRB docs not votc on conccptual rcvicws. DRB fecs arc to bc paid at tho timc of subnrittal. Latcr, whcn applyirrg for a building pcrmit, pleasc idcntis tho accuratc valuation ofthc projcct. The Town ofVail will adjust thc fec according to thc projcct valuation. PLEASESUBMITTHIS APPLICATION,ALL SUBMTTTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVDLOPMENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD' VAIL, COLORADO 81657. tr Addition - tr Minor Altcration - Updaled l/97- o o \ o LIST OF PROPOSE'N MATERI{LS Roof Sidittg Othcr Wall Matcrials Fascia Sofllts Windows Window Trinr Doors Door Trinr Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chimncys . Trash Enclosurcs Crccnhouscs Rctaining Walls Extcrior Lighting** Othcr TYPE OF MATERIAL: Vert. R.S. Pine Board and Batten Stucco * Plcasc.spccify thc manufacturcr's color, numbcr and attach a snrall color chip *+ All cxtcrior lighting must mcct tho Town's Lighting Ordi4anco 18.54.05o(J)._If cxtcrior lighting is proposcd,' plcase indicatc thc.number of fixtures and tocations on a scparatc lighting plan' Idt$fy cach fixture typc and provido i'ir ft.igftt uU*c gade, lumcns output, luminous arc4 and attach a cut shcct of tho lighting fixturcs' == : i E TuilE-up colilroof R.S. r.rood f ascia R.S.T&GPine Clad Double Hung R. S: 2x6 Head,/Jamb, 2x8 Si11 Wood R.S.2x6 Head/Jarnb Sheet metal Sheet metal- N/A N/A N/A Stacked boulders Per Plan Wal-1 nounted downlight fixture per Tvpical at decks and ext. stairs' R.S. exposed beam ends CQI.QR:+ Celotex Presidential i..,Irm#ffi-,'Aurunn Bror+n, 50% 71OO "Anber Huett --_-__-_- LaHabra X-86 "Sandstone"___--_- Match siding. ldatch siding Eagle |tGreentt or equal Match siding Match clad ttGreentt Match siding Match siding Match adjacent material Match.adjacent material owner . Match siding 2x4 verticals '-__:__-:ri!6'Ir . /" PROPOSBD LANDSCAPING BotanicalNamcConrmonNamcouantitySizc* 'RO'OSEDTREES Picea Pungens Colorado Spruce 3 8t min. height AND SHRUBS: Picea Pungens CoLorado Spruce 2 6r min. height Popul-us Trenul-oides . Aspen 3 2fr caliper Populus Tremuloides Aspen 2 3tt cal-iper ' Per topo. loqqlq_ Pine : JJ,*24n caliper BEREMOVED: Misc. as per DRB stakeo$-- *Mininrunr rcquirenrcnh for landscaping: dcciduous trccs - 2 inclr calipcr conifcrous trccs - 6 fcct in hcight shrubs - 5 gallons,' Typc Sqlrarc Footagc EXISTINC TREES TO GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION . Native seed qrix all disturbed areas. includinS uti li ty;,t.iranches. ryPE OR METHOD OF EROSIONCONTROL Mulch and control bl-ankets as required. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATUR-ES (retaining walls, fcnccs, swimming pools, ctc.) Plcasc spccify. Indicatc top and bottom clcvations of retdining walls. Maxinrurn hcight of walls within the front sctback is 3 fcct. Maxinrum hcight of rvalls clscwhcrc on thc propcrty is 6 fcct. Stacked boulder retaining wall per site plan. il Golt. Stains Caps Cod Gray' Monterey Gray Beachwood Heritage Blue Deep Charcoal Aocado UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION This form is to veriSr service availability and location for new conshuction and should bc used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. The location and availability of utilities, whethcr they be main tunk lincs or proposed lines, must be approved urd verified by the followng utilities for the acconrpanf ng sitc plan. U.S, West Comrnuuications r-800-922-t987 468-6860 or949-4530 Public Service Company 949-5781 Gary Hall Holy Cross Elcctric Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Husky/John Boyd T.C.L 949-5530 Floyd Salazar Eaglc Rivcr Watcr & Sanitation District * 476-7480 Frcd Haslcc l. Date -1:?- q I 4*-z *z-q r ,{/ 3. Ifthe utility vcrification fornr has signatures from cach ofthe utiliry companics, and no c.om]nonJs are nradc dircctly.on thc fbrm, the Town will prcsume that thcre arc 11o problcrns and the dwcloprncnt can procecd. If a utility company bas conccms with the proposed conshuction, the utility rcprescntativc shall note .directly on the utility verification form thit thcrc is a problcm which needs to bc resolvcd.The issue should then be dctailed in an attached letter to thc Town of va . However, prcasc kcep in rnind that it is the responsibility ofthe utility collpa'y and thc applica't to resolvc idcntified problcrns. These verifications do not relieve the conhactor of the respo*sibility to obtain a pubtic way ::H:iliii: ?:r-,TtTent of public Works-at thc Town of vair. Utilitv locations must be in any public right-of-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A ingJrcrmit is not a Public wav nermit and must bc obtaincd -.rrrrt"r. - " " 4 1tr7_ *. Please bring a site plan, floor ptan, and elevations when obtaining upper Eaglc valley water & sanitation signafures. Fire flow needs must be addressed. NOTES: o i have read the survey Hequirements stipulated in the Town of vail memorandum dated .January 22, 1996 and commit to adhere t0 them. Tim McDougall PrintName . '' '' April 14, 1997 Date McDougall Residence Permit Number Legal Description: .L Lot-9, Block o ' trilinn Vail Interrnountain ldor|w rocl y66-r ' ALIA OWNER'S POLICY . ]GI7-92 o POLICY OF TITLE INSUBANCE ISSUED BY STE.\VAFTT TITLE GIIA RA N TY COMPANY SUBJECT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM SCHEDULE B AND THE CONDITIONS AND corporalion, herein called the exceeding lhe Amount of 1. Title lo the eslate 2. Any defect in or lien or 3. Unmarketability ot the titls; 4. Lack of a right of The Company will als lo the extent provided in IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Stewart T|IIE.GU duly authorized otficers as ol the Dale ol City, State FROM COVERAGE CONTAINED IN TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY, a Texas A, against loss or damage, not by the insured by reason of: as slated th€rein; de{ense of the title, as insured, but only policy to be signed and sealed by its The following matters are expressly excluded lrom the coveiaoe_ot thls policy and the Company will not pay loss or damage, costs, attorneys' fees or expenses $/hich arise by reason ot: 'i,],t ...'i'j.1. (a) Any law. ordinance or governmental regulation (including but not limited lo building and zoning hws, ordinances, or regulations) restricting, rcgulaling, prohibiting or relating to (i) the occupancy, uso, or onioylnent ol thD land; (ii) the charactsr, dimensions 0r l0cation ol any imprcvement now or hereafler erected on the land; (iii) a separation in ownership 0r. a change in lhe dimensions or area 0f the land or any parcel ol which lhe land is or was a part; or (iv) environmental protection, or lhe effect of any violation.of lhes6 larys, ofdinances or governmental reguhtions, except lo tre extent thal a notice the enforcement lhereof or a notice ol a defect, lien or encumbrance resulting trom. a violation or alleged violation atlecting the land has been recorded in public records at oate of Policy. (b) Any governmental police power not excluded by (a) above, except to the extent that a nolice ol lhe e)crcise lhereof or a nolice 0t a defect, lien or encumbrance resulting fmm a violation oi alleged violation aftecting the land has been recorded in the public records at Date of Policy.2. RiShts of eminent domain unless nolice of the oarcise thereot fias been recorded in the public records at Date of Poliry, but nol excluding trom coarage arry hking which has occured prior to Date ol Policy which would be binding on the rights of a purchaser tor \alue withoul knowledge,3. Delects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or olher mallers: (a) created, suffered, assumed or agreed to by lhe insured chimanl; (b) not known to the Company, not recotded in the public records at Date of Policy, but known to the insured claimant and not disclos€d in writing t0 the Company by the insured claimanl prior l0 the date the insured clairnant becam€ an insured under this policy; (cl resulting in n0 loss 0r damaqe to the insured claimanq (d) attaching 0r created subsequent t0 oate ol Policy; or (e) resulting in loss or damage which would not have been suslained if the insured claimanl had paid value for the estate or interest insured by this policy. 4. Any claim, which arises out 0f the transaction vesling in the Insured the estate or interest insured by this policy, by reason 0f the operalion 0t ledeBl bankuptcy, state insolvency, or similar creditors' rights larlB, that is based on: (a) lhe tnnsaction creating the estate 0r interest insured by this policy being deemed a fnudulent conveyance 0r fraudulent transler; or (b) the tnnsaction creatin0 the estale or interest insured by this policy being deemed a preferenthl transler except where the prelerential transfer results from the lailure: (i) to timely record the instrument of tnnsfe[ or (ii) ol such recordalion to impart notice to a purchaser for value or a iudgmenl 0r lien creditor. 17 3202 0Ol lFw. 10.17.92) I. DEFINIIION OF TERMS.' The following terrns when uIed in thir policy meon: (o) "insured": the insured nomed in Schcdule A, ond, subiect to ony rights or delenses the Compony would hove hod ogoinsf lhe nomed insured, those rvho succeed to lhe inlerest of fie nomed insured by operolion ol low os distinguished from purchose including, but nol limited tq heirs, dktribulees, devisees, survivors, persoirol representotiyes, next o{ kin, or corporole or fiduciory :uccesors, (b) "insured cloimonl": on insured cloiming loss or domoge. icj "knowledge" or "lnown": octuol knowledge, nol conslructive knowledge or noiiie which moy be imputed to on insured by reoson of lhe public records os delined in this poficy or ony olhe. records which imporl construclive notice ol mofiers of{eclino lhe lond. (d) 'lond"ithe lond described or referred to in Schedule A, ond improve- menti iffixed lhereto which by low conslilute reol property. The term "lond" does not indude ony property beyond fhe lines of the oreo described or referred lo in Schedule A, nor ony righl, tifle, inferest, estole or eosemenf in obutling streeh, roods, ovenues, olleys, lones, woy: or woferwop, but nolhing herein sholl modify or limil lhe extenl fo which o dghl of occess io ond from the lond is insured by lhis policy. . (e) "mortgoge": morfgoge, deed of lrust, frust deed, or ofher recudty inslrumenl. (l) "public records": records estoblished under slofe slotufer ot Dote of Pol- icy for the purpose ol imporling construclive nolice of motlers relofing fo reol property to purrhosers lor volue ond without knowledge. Wth resped lo Section l(o)(iv) of fhe Exclusions trom Coveroge, "public records" sholl olso include environmenlol protection liens filed in the rxords o{ the clerk ol the United Slotes dislricl court for lhe dhkicl in which the lond is locoted. . .(9) "unmorkelobility oI the.ti e": on olleged or opporent motter offecting the tille lo the lond, not exduded or excepted fiom mveiioe, which would entitl! o purchoser of lhe estste or inleresl desciibed in Schedule-l to be releosed lrom the. obligotion lo purchose by virtue ol o conlroctuol condilion requiring lhe delryery ot morkeloble lille.2. CONTINUATION OF INSUIANCE AT'ER CONVEYANCE Of TITE. The coveroge ol thh polky sholl continue in force or of Dote ol Policy.in fovor of on insured only so long os the insuled refoinr on estote or inleresl in'lhe lond, or hold-s on indebtedness secured by o purchose money mortgoge given by o purchoser from the insured, or only so l6ng or the insured ihollhad liobility bi reoson ol covenonfg of worronty mode by the insured in ony lronsfer or convey. once of lhe eilot€ of inlereil. Ihh policy sholl not confinua in force in foyor of ony purchoser lrom lhe insured of either (ilon eslote or interesi in $e lund, or (ii) on indebledness seqJred by o ourchose money mortoooe oiven l,o the insured. ' 3. NOTICE OF CI.AI'$ IO BE GIVEN 8Y INSURED CIAIAIANT. ... The insured_sholl norify.the Com_pony pronptly in writing (i) in.cose of ony liligqtion os lel forth in Sedion 4(o) below, (ii) in cose knowledge sholl come to on insured hereunder of ony cloim of title or interesi which is odverse lo the title lo lh€ estote or inleresf, os insured, ond which might couse loss or domoge for whith the Compony moy be lioble by virtue ol fiir policy, or (iii) it tille to the eslole or inlerest, os insured, is reieiled os unmorketoble. lf prompt notice sholl not be given to the Compony, lhen os fo the insured oll liobility of the Compony rholl ferminole wilh regord to the motler or molters for which prompt nolice is required; provided, however, thol foilure to notify the Compony shol[ in no cose prejudice lhe rights ol ony insured under this policy unless the Compony sholl be preiudiced by the loilure ond then only to the extent of lhe preiudice.1. DETENSE AND PROSECUIION OF AC||ONS; DUTY OF INSURED CIAIMANT TO COOPERAIE. (o) Upon written requerl by the insured ond subject to the opfions confoined in Seclion 6 of these Conditionr ond Slipulotions, fie Compony. ot its own cosl ond without unreorcnoble deloy. sholl drcvide for lhe delinse of on inrured in litigotion in which ony third poa| osedi o cloim odvere to the title or interest os insured, but only os 1o lho;€ rtoted csuses of oclion olleging o defe4 lien or encumbronce or other motfer insured ogoinsl by this policy. The Compony sholl hove lhe right to select counsel of its choice (subjed to'the iight ol the'insuied to obiect lor reosonoble couse) lo represent the insured os lo those stofed couces ol qclion ond sholl nor be lioble {or ond will not poy lhe {ees o{ sny other counrer. The Compony will nol poy ony fees, costs or eipinses incured bi, the insured in lhe defense of lhose couses of oction which olleie motters not insirred ogoinsi by lhis policy. (b) The Compony sholl hove the right, ot its own cosf, to institute ond prose. cule ony oclion or proceeding or to do ony other oct which in itr opinion moy be necessory or desiroble to estoblish lhe titlclo $e eslote or interest os insured, or to prevent or reduce loss or domoge lo the insured. The Compony moy toke ony oppropriote oclion under the lerms of this policy, whelher or not it sho be liobli hereunder, ond sholl nol lhereby concede liobility or woive ony provision of thil policy. lf the Compony sholl exercise ih righh under lhis porogroph, it sholl do so drlrgenfly, (c) Whenwer fhe Compony sholl hove broughl on oclion or inlerposeo o defense os required or permitted by the provhions ol this policy, lhe Compony moy pursue ony litigotion lo finol determinction by o courl of compefenl iurisdic. lion ond expresslyreserves the right, in ils sole discrelion, lo oppeol from ony odverse iudgmenl or order. (d) In oll coses where ltris policy permitr or requires the Gmoony lo Drole- cute oi provide for the delcnse of -oiy oaion or irocecding, thi iniured $olt secure lo lhe Compony lhe right 1o so prose<ute or providc defense in thc ocfion or proceeding, ond oll oppeols therein, ond permit the Compony to use, ot itg option, the nome ol lhe insured for thir purpose. Whenever re{uerted by fie Compony, lhe insured, ot the Cornpony's expense, sholl give the Compony oll reosonoble oid (i) in ony oction or procieding, securing ey'rdence, obtoiiring wit. nesses, proseculing or delerding ihe odion or proceeding, or effecfing rehle. ment, ond (ii) in ony other lowful oa which in the opinion of the Compqny nqy be necessory or desiroble to estoblish the title to the estote or interest ds iniured, lf the Compbny is prejudiced by fhe foilure ol the insured to {urnish $e required cooperofion, the Compony's obligotions to the insured under the policv sho'll ter. minote, including ony liobility or obligotion to defend, prosecute, ir coirtinue ony lilig otion, -with reg-oJd lo_lhe_ mctt_er or motters requiririg such cooperolion.5. PROOT OF TOSS OR DAMAGt. ln oddition to ond ofler ihe nolices required under Section 3 ol these Condi. f;ons ond Slipulolionr hove been provided ihe Compony, o proof of loss or dom- oge signed qnd sworn to by the insured <loimont shollbe firrnished to the Com. pony wilhin 90 doys olter the insured cloimont sholl oscertoin fhe focts qivino fte lo the los or dornoge. The proof of los or domoge sholl desrribe the ?efei in, or lien or encumbronce on the litle, or olher molfer insured ogoinst by $is policy which constitutes the bosk of loss or domoge ond sholl stote, to fhe e'xtent 'posi. ble. the bocis of ccleuloting fhe omounf of the los or domoge, lf the Compiny h preiudiced by the foilure of the insured cloimonl fo provide ihe reouired orool of loss or domoge, lhe Compony's obligotions to the insured under the policy #oll lerminole, including ony liobility or obligotion to defend. proeecufe.6r continus qny liligqtion, wilh regord to the motler or motleri requhing such proof of locs or 0omo9e, In oddition,. the insured cloimont moy reosonobly be required to 3ubmit to exominofion under ooth by ony oufhorized reDresenlolive o{ lhe Comoonv ond sholl produce for exo minoiion, 'inspection ond lopying, ol such reosondble'timer ond ploces os moy be designoled by ony oulhorized reprerenlotive of lhe Com. pony, oll records. books, ledgers, checls, correspondenre ond memorondo, whelher beoring q dote before or ofler Dote ol Policy, which reolonobly pertoin lo the lors or domoge, Further, if requested by ony outhorired represerititive ol lhe.Compony, lhe insured cloimont iholl gronl its permhsion, in iriting, for ony outhorized rePresenfotive of lhe Compony fo exomine, inspect ond copy oll records, books, ledgers, checks, correspondgnce ond memorondo in lhe cuslody or conlrol of o thhd porty, which reos6nobly pedoin lo the loss or domooe, All informolion designotbd o's mnfidentiol by thi intured doimonl provided -to the Compony pursuont to thk Section sholl not be disclosed to otheil unless, in the reosonoble iudgment of the Compony, it ir necessory in the odminisfrolion of ifro cJoim. Foilure of lhe insured cloinonl'to submit {or exominotion under oolh, pro. duce- other reosonobly requesfed inlormolion or gronl pernisrion to secure teo- sonobly necesiory informolion from lhird porlies os requhed in this porooroph rholl terminote ony liobility of the Comporiy under this dolicy os to th;l clo'in.'6. OPTIONS IO PAY OR OIHERWISE SEITI.E ClAllitS; TERI INAIION OF I.IABIUTY. , ,.]l .o:. 9f o cloim under this policy, the Compony sholl hove rhe following ooomonot oofiont: (o) lo Poy or Tendcr Pcyment ol the Amount ol Insuronc., To poy.or tender poymenl of lhe omount of insurqnce under thi: policy togefher wilh ony €osts, otlorneys'fees ond erpenses incurred by the iniured cloimont, which were oulhorized by the Componi, up lo lhe dme of ooymenl or lender of poyment ond which the Compony is oSligdted to poy, Upon fhe exercise by the Compony ol ihis option; oll liobilitv ond obliootions lo the insured under thk'policy, other ihon b mbke the poyme'nt requireJ, oll lerminote, incluiling ony liobility or obligolion to delend, pro:ecule,'or conlinue ony litigolion, ond lhe policy rholl be surrendered io fie Compony for concellolion- (b) Io Poy or Otherwice Seltle With Portie: Other fhon the Inrurcd or With the lnruid Cloimsnt. (i) to poy or otheruise settle with ofher porties for or in the nome of on insured doimonl_ony cloim insured ogoinst under thh policy, together with ony (osts, otlorneyi'tees ond erpenrer incurred by lhe insured cloimonl which were oulhorized.bi the Compony up to the lime of'poynent ond which the Compony rs oblrgoled lo poy; or (ii) to poy or olherwise settle with the insured cloimont the loss or dom. oge provided lor under this policy, logether with ony cosh, ottornep'fees ond expenses incurred by the insured cloimont which were outhorized by lhe Com. pony up to the lime of poynent ond whkh the Compony is obligoted to poy, Upon lhe exercke by the Compony of either of $C options provided for in porogrophr (b)(i) or (ii), the Compony's obligofionr to lhe insured under this pol. icy for the cloimed loss or donroge, olher thon lhe poyments required to be mode, sholl lerminote, induding ony licbility or obligotion to defend, pro:ecule or conlinue ony liligotion.7. DETERMIiIAIION, EXTENI OI UAEITIIY AND COINSURAT{CE. This oolicv is o €onhocl of indemnitv ooointl octuol monefory lort or dom- oge sustoined'or incurred by the i*ured'cbllnont who hos suflcrel loss or dom' oge by reoson of mo ers iirsured ogoinsl by rhh pollcy ond only lo thc ertcnt herein described, (continued and concluded on last page of this policyl oRDER NO.: 94010328-C3 DATE OF POLICY: MaY 13' AII{OUNT OF INSURANCE: $ SCHEDULE A POLICY NO. : O-99s3-L73202 1994 at 10:30 A.M. 48, 000. 00 OF T. 1. IN:3. NAI{E MARY INSURED: CUMMINGS AND TIMOTHY R. MCDOUGAI,L 2. 4. EHE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LAND WHTCH IS COVERED BY IS: Fee Simple TTTI,E TO THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE I,AND IS VESTED I{.ARY I. CuMMTNGS and TIMOTHY R. McDOUGALL THIS POLICY THE LAND REFERRED TO TN THIS POLICY IS IN THE STATE OF COLORADO, COT'NTY OF EAGLE, AND IS DESCRTBED AS FOLLOWS: LOT 15 BI,OCK 5 VAIL INTERMOT'NTATN DEVELOPMENT SUBDIVTSTON according to the recorded plat thereof. STEWART TITLE CUARANTY COMPANY SCHEDULE B POLICY NO. : O-9993-L732O2 THIS POLICY DOES NOT INSI,RE AGAINST LOSS OR DAI"IAGE (AND THE COMPANY WILL,NOT PAY COSTS, ATTORNEYS' FEES OR EXPENSES) WHTCH ARTSE BY REASON OF: 1. RTGHTS OR CI.,AIMS OF PARTIES IN POSSESSION NOT THE PUBLIC RECORDS.2. EASEMENTS, OR CLAIMS OF EASEITIENTS, NOf SHOWN PIJBLTC RECORDS.3. DISCREPANCTES, CONFLICTS IN BOTTNDARY LINES, SHORTAGE IN AREA, ENCROACHMENTS, AND ANy FACTS WHICH A CORRECT SURVEY AND INSPECTTON OF THE PREMISES WOULD DISCLOSE AND WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS.4. ANY LIEN, OR RIGHT TO A LIEN, FOR SERVICES, LABOR OR MATERIAL HERETOFORE OR HEREAFTER FTJRNTSHED, IMPOSED.BY LAW AND NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS.5. ITNPATENTED MINING CI"AIMS; RESERVATIoNS oR EXCEPTIONS rN PATENTS oR AN ACT AUTHORTZING THE TSSUANCE THEREOF' WATER RIGHTS CI.AIMS OR TITLE TO WAT8R. 6. Any and all unpaid taxes and assessnents and unredeemed tax sales. 7. The effect of inclusions in any general or specific water conservancy, fire protection, soil conservation or other district oi'inclusion in any'water service or street improvenent area. 8. Reservations or exceptions contained in U.S. Patents, or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof, recorded Septembei 28, 1904 in Book 123 at Page 3 reserving 1) Rights of the proprietor of a vgilr or lode to extract and remove his ore therefron-and 2)rights of way for ditches and canals constructed under the-authority of the United States. g. Restrictions, as contained in instrunent recorded JuLy 24, LITO in Book 218 at Page 281 as Reception No. LL3872, and instiunent recorded November 17, 1970 in Book 219 at Page 120 as Reception No. 114734, also affidavit recorded April zB; L9TL in Book-220 at Page 379 as Reception No. 116033, and Amendment recorded April 28, 1971 in Book 220 at Page 380 as Reception No. 116034. 10. Easements, restrictions and rights-of-ways , including but not lirnited td easements for utillty and ariinige purpos6s 5 feet in width along the interior lot iines as set out oir pJ.at recorded October 1, 1970 in Book 218 at Page 799 as Reception No. 114403. SHOWN BY BY THE 11. Easement granted to Vail Internountain 7, 1970 in Book 218 EXCEPTIONS NI'IUBERED Uppe5 Eagle Valley Sanitation District, by Associatesf in the instrurnent recorded August at Page 4].7 as Reception No. 114008. ARE IIEREBY OMTTTED ATTACHED TO AND MADE A PART OF STETfART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY POLTCY NO. O-9993-L732O2 CONTTNUATION OF SCHEDULE B 12. A Deed of Trust dated May 9 | L994, executed by Mary I. Cunrnings and Tinothy R. McDougall, to the Public Trustee of Eagle County,to secure an indebteClness of $33,428.oo, in favor of FirstBank Of Avon recorded May L3, L994 in Book 640 at Page L91 as Reception No. 536240. 13. Assignrnent of Rents of Other Rights recorded May 13, L994 Ln Book 640 at Page 192 as Reception No. 536241. CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS Continued .! (continued and concluded from revene side of policy Facet . (o) The liobility of the Compony under lhis policy sholl not exceed the leo$ ot: (i) the Amount ol Insuronce sfored in Schedule A; or, (ii) the difference between the volue of the inrured estole or interest os insured ond lhe volue of lhe insured estote or interesl subiect lo lhe defect, lien or encumbronce insured ogoinst by thk policy. (b) In the event the Amount of Insuroncd sfoted in Schedule A ol fie Dole of Policy is les fhon 80 percenf of fhe volue ol the inrured estote or inleresf or fhe full considerofion poid lor the lond, whichever is less, or il rubsequenl to the Dote ol Policy on improvement is erected on the lond which increoseithe volue of the insured eslole or interesl by ot leorf 20 percenl over fhe Amounl of Insuronce sloled in Schedule A, $en thk Policy h subiect to the following:' (i) where no rubsequent irnprovehent hos been mode, os lo ony por- tiol lors, lhe Compony sholl only poy the loss pro rolo in the proportion thLi the omounl o{ insuronce ot Dote o{ Polic} beors lo the btol volui of the insured estole or interesl ol Dole ol Policy; or (ii) where o subsequenl improvement hos been mode, os lo ony portiol loss. the Compony rholl only poy fhe loss pro roto in the proportion fhbf 120 percenl of lhe Amounl of Insuronce stoted in Schedule A beon lo the sum ol the Amount of Insuronce sfofed in Schedule A ond the omounl exoended ,or the improvemenl, The provisions of this porogroph sholl not opply to costs, ottorneys'lees ond expenses for which the €ompony is lioble under this policy, ond sholl only opply lo lhol porlion ol ony los which exceeds, in the oggregote, l0 percent o{ the Amounl ol Insuronce rfoled in Schedule A. _ (c) The Com_pony will poy only those cosh, otforneys'Iees ond expenses incurred in occordonce with Section 4 of these Condilions ond StiDulotions.S. APPORIIONMENI. lf the lond described in Schedule A consirh of tuo or more porcels which ore nol ured os o single rile, ond o loss is estoblished offecting orie or nore ol fhe porcels but not oll, lhe loss sholl be compuled ond se led on o pro roto bosis os if the omount o{ insuronce under lhh policy wos divided pro rotl os to the volue on Dote of Policy of eoch reporole porcel to lhe whole, exclusive of ony improvemenls node subsequent to Dofe of Policy, unles o liobility or vclue hoi olherwise been ogreed upon os lo eoch porcel by the Compony ond the insured ot lhe time of lhe isuonce of lhh policy ond shown by on expres slotemenf or by on endorsemenl ottoched to thh bolicv.9. IMIIAT|ON 0r UABtilTY. ' (o) lf the Compony estoblishes the title, or removes the olleged defect, lien or encumbronce, or cures lhe lock ol o dght of occess fo or from fhe lond, or cures fhe cloim o[ unmorketobility ol title, ollos insured, in o recsonobly diligent nonn-er by on/ method,. includin'g litigotion ond the completion of ony oppeoh lherefrom, it sholl hove fully performed it obligotionl wilh respecf to fiot niofier ond sholl nol be lioble for ony loss or domoge ccused thereb!. (b) ln lhe event of ony litigolion, including liligolion by lhe Compony or with lhe Componyt consenf, lhe Compony iholl hove no liobifity for loss or domoge unlil lhere hos been o.finol determinotion by o couf o{ compelent iurhdicfion, ond dispodtion of oll oppeok lherefrom. odv'erse lo the title o's inlurid. (c) Ihe Compony lholl nof be lioble lor loss or domoge fo ony insured for liobility voluntorily ossumed by the insured in seflling ony cloim or suit wilhout he prior written consenl of lhe Compony, 10. REDUCIION OF INSURANCE; REDUCIION 0R TERMINAIION 0F uABrUrY. All poymenh under thir poliq, except poymenls mode {or corls, otlorneyl' fees ond expenses, sholl reduce lhe omounl ol the insuronce pro lonlo. I I. 1IAENIIY NONCU'AUIAIIVE. . .. h is expressly underslood thol the omounl of insuronce under lhis polky sholl be redirced 5y ony omounl fhe Componpmoy poy under ony policy rnsunng o morlqoqe lo which exceplion k loken in Schedule B or lo which the insured hos ogiee-d, ossumed, or ioken subiect, or which is hereolter executed by on insured ond *hich is o chorge or lien on lhe estote or inleresl described or relerred to in Schedule A, ond lhe omounl so poid sholl be deemed o poyment under lhis policy to the insured owner. I2. PAYMENT OF I,O5S. (o) No poynenl sholl be mode wilhout producing lhis policy lor endorse. menl ol the poymenl unless lhe policy hos been lost or deslroyed. in which core proof ol loss or deitruction sholl be furnished to lhe sothfodion of the Compqny.' (b) When liobilitv ond the exlent of loss or domooe hos been definitelv fixed'ii occordonce with these Conditions ond Stipulotiois, the los or domogl sholl be poyoble w hin 30 doys thereofler. A copy of the Rules moy be obtoined {rom thc Compony upon rcquerr, 15. tlAslUIY llMlIED lO IHIS POllCY; POl,lCY El{IlnE CONrnACi, (o) This policy logether wilh oll endoruements, if ony, ofioched hereto by the Compony h lhe cntire policy ond confroct bekeen fhgincured ond the Com'. pony.In ipterpreling ony provision of thir policy. this policy:holl be <onstrued or o rvhole. _ .(b) Any cloim ol loss or dornoge, whether or nol bosed on negligence, ond which oriles oul ol lhe slotus of lhe tille r thc eetol€ or inler$t coveied heraby or by ony oclion orserting ruch cloim, sholl be restricted io thls policy. (c) No omendment of or endonemenl lo lhis policy <on'be mode excepl by o writing endoned hereon or otloched herelo siqied 5y either the President, i Vic.e President. lhe Secretory, on Assisront Secretory, br volidoting ollker or outno_flzeo rgnorgry ot Ine Lompony. I6. SEVENABII.IIY. In the event ony p.ovision of the policy is held involid or unenforceoble under opplicoble low, the policy sholl be diem6d nof to include thot provision ond oll other provisions sholl remqin in lull force ond eflea. r7. NoTtcES. WHEXE SE!{I. All nolices requked b be oiven fre Comoony ond onv stotemenl in wrilirp required to be furhhhed the Cimgony slroll'incfude the iumber of this Doli; ond sholl be oddressed to the Crimpbny ol P.O. Box 2029, Houston, Iexo! 77252-2029. STI.)\VART 'I'ITLE OUARANTY COMPANY 13. SUEROGATION UPON PAYMENT OT SETTEMENI, (o) Ihe Compony'r nighr ol.Subrogotion. _ Whenever fhe Compony.sholl hove iettled ond poid o cloim under thb ool. isy, oll righf ol iubrogotion sholl vest in the Comporiy unolfected by ony oci ol lhe insured cloimonf, The Compony sholl be subrogoted to ond be entitled to oll dEhh ond reme. dies which the insured cloimont would hove hod ogoinst ony ters-on or orooerly in respect to the cloim hod this policy nof been issu-ed. ll reiuisted bv the tom'. pony, the insured cloimont sholl tronsfer to the Compony oll'rightt oni remedies ogotnst ony p€rson or properfy necesrory in order to oerfed thh riqhl of rubrc . golion. The insured cloimonl iholl permit the Conpo:ny lo rue, co-noromisc or seflle in fhe nome ol the insured cloimont ond to ise ihe nqme ol the insured cloimont in on!, tron3oclion or liiigotion involving fhese righb or remedies. .-.' 'll o poymenf on occounl of o cloim does not fully cover lhe loss ol lhc insured doimcnl. the Compony sholl be rubrogoted b thlse rights ond remedies ' in the proportion which lhe Compony! poymenf beors lo lhe whole omounl ol the loss. . ll loss should resufi {ronr ony od of the insured cloimonf. os rloted obove, thot oct shall not void this policy, but the Compony, in thot erent, sholl ba required to poy only thot port of ony losles insurdd ogoinst by this policy which rholl exceed the omount, if ony, losi lo the Componiby reoion of'fie rnporr. ., menl by fhe insured cloimonl of lhe Componyt riiht b{ silbroootion. :,' (bi Thc Compony'r Rightr Agoinit'No;-inr-ured ObliEoir. . Tie.Componyt right of lubrogotion ogoinst non-inrured obligor sholl erist ond.sholl include, without limilotion, th€ righh ol th€ insured to indemniti$, guo. 1 ronliel, olher policies of insuronce or bonds. nofw hslondino ony lerms or condi- . . fions confoineil in lhose instruments which povide for tubroloti6n righr! by reo- qi son ol this oolicv. S rl. risrThAilbx i Unles prohibited by opplicoble low, either the Compony or the insured moy ! demond orbitrotion punuonl to lhe fille Insuronce Arbilrolion Rules of lhe Ameri. i; con Arbitrqtion Asrocistion. Arbikqble motte$ mqy include, but ore not limiled ;, lo, ony controyersy or cloim betueen fhe Compony bnd the insurcd orising out of or reloting to thir policy, ony tervice of fhe Comiony in connecfion withlts issu. once or lhe breoch ol o policy provision or othei obfigoiion, All orbitroble mof. lers when fhe Amount of Insuronce is $ 1,000,000 or less sholl be oAihoted of the option ol eifher lhe Compony or the insured. All orbihoble molers when the Amounl of Insuronce is in excess of $1,000,000 sholl be orbitroled only when ogreed to by bolh tha Compony ond the insured, Arbitrolion pursuoni lo thir "poliry ond uirder the Rules in effect on the dote the demond fbr orbitrotion is mode or, ol the option o{ the insured, the Rules in elfect ot Dote ol Policy sholl be binding upon lhe porties. The oword moy indude ohorneys' lees only if the lows ol the stote in which the lond is locoted permit o court ld oword oHbrneys' fees to o prevoiling porty. Judgment upon thi oword rendered by the Arbitro. to(r) moy be enlered in ony court hoving iurisdiction thereol. The low ol the ritus of ihe lond sholl dpply to on orbitrotion undcr thc fitle Iniuronce Arbilrolion Rulei. v rNTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW {V,OV\ DATE SUBMITTED: COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: Wi^/'d, ()artvrt Nt( . PUBLIC WORKS --,,',l t Date: +l LL /4 Z I comments' D,.r.*-7 G.* L [t *l bZ Fn,.*'iL*t Cz.r.t-.y a-L ^- ff^-;, t^-f 7".- t<-. Ir.., p At rc) t ,,st.--A.r...V* PROJECT: 6)T +t1 ol lla,-.t- ATE OF PUBLIC HEARING )I + a(?a)?) +- A.-- a tc I dn,^-"^o..u, e-'t aflLt I FIRE DEPARTMENT :-t--1 .^-f b.L c,.. t :, Reviewed by: Comments: POLICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: RECREATION DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: Dale: Date: Date: a I Project Application Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: atocu h , rit,ng Legal Description: Lot Commenls: Design Review Board DISAPPROVAL r [oLrv D statt Approval looew? ?€€ PA I ?*, *, -ffiorrr*r.ri ,t | /.'-\ ,DArE: Ll I Ja (( t?--tl \\j't r - LEGAL DESCRTPTION: Lot ADDRESS: I r-\2 /' il^ i .t Block (n Eilinq \-/it,{ \ . ,.1\-l .1i- OWNER ARCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE lja i rrl.f Total GRFA Primary GRFA +425= Secondary GRFA + 425 Setbacks Front Sides Rear Water Course Setback Qi fo t/-nrrorrrra ,''' fl1 ^tL1 lU Landscapi-ng Retaining Wall Heights Parking /:a1.ad^ l,- rad i f Drive: Existinq Proposed Total- PFiONE rr'01 AIIowed lr'\..t30(g1p <Fr't1 A .JJJJ+J_ 20' 15' 15' (30) (s0) \L\ r,,l,t I llt/W 3' /6' r) aeqro i\ --<=\(300r(600u900) (1200) Pe-mi ttod Q l nnc 8? D:fp :nnroved hv TOwn \ I ') zlr- CA- Y Actual- Slope Englneer: 9tL l / tA l-rlre): /.-,L rw(-- I // .4' L/lLt l\ View Corridor Encroachment: Yes No Environmental/Hazards: 1) Flood Plain - /1 ^/l ) \ D6 rr.an1- e l nno .1'/ n r, 4 \'I t't M U J. I t.' 3) Geoloqic Hazards a) Snow Avalanche b) Rockfall c) Debris FIow 4) Wetlands Previous conditions of approval (check property Does this request involve a 250 Addition? lV I k How much of the allowed 250 Addition is used with this request? **Note: Under Sections 78.L2.090 (B) and 1B .13.080 (B) of the Muni-cipa1 Code, lots zoned Two Family and Primary/Secondary which are less Lhan 15r000 sq. ft. j.n area may not construct a second dwelling unit. The Community Development Department may grant an exception to this restriction provided the applicant meets the criteria set forth under Sections 18.12.090 (B) and 18.13.080 (B) of the Municipal Code includin-o pernanently rest.ricting the unit as a long-term rental unit for ful1- time employees of the Upper EagLe Valley. NA jn1t. I1-1/^|L-t\/ |/ l tr/- 1t'u i',''l tq&r./trC3-/ , -\ .\ (t l\ Dr 17..0 rtl'vc, cu-CL=) 10 PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCR]PTION OF PUBLTC WORKS Reviewed by: Reviewed by: Comments: POLTCE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: RECREATION DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: ^v_ INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW THE PROPOSAL: Date: Date: Date: .4 (>orrts oF PUBLTc HEARTNG cornments : -fi +L at& )o" <no+.cw4n T* ?*f. $1 ,"'-t '1}**t-'7 16- '7'-1i';J. it a*,s ' 7,4pu.n ) -tl z) Tl 4n(Vq, Ju, u. r.5 ",.1 1% 45 c.L :,/r^.1 wt- a,r-l-J -f^^-* )t- v>oJ-.-1 h it* lrL* .u T( *l*1 Ur-l 1;i iV c.t- o/v-- fo,+FrRE pE'ARTMENT -":,n'*7 , ,u^'' ,'-rh'' ,7 '' ;- (/vL I i {- wv,-tl t n- lc. +t/- J* r.- u'n' lt I. A. NAME OF ADDRESS PETITIONER B. Lb /51(1,5 vnoxr /{/ o 7'rZt NAME oF pETrrroNER's REIRESENTATTvE til l y, , llr[tQvr.. C. NAME OF Ol,lNER (t eorpn SIGNATURE D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL moanss P .0 i5 t,t +a t l./,.,,1 (cL, 0, i (, ;'1, pnosn +7(, 7'+? t , F'L 1-2t< - 4ct- ??7 r APPLICATION FOR SECONDARY UNIT FOR LOTS OF LESS THAN ].5,OOO SQUARE FEET IN THE RESIDENTIAL ZONE DISTRICT AND IN TTIE PRIIUARY/SECONDARY RESIDENTIAL ZONE DISTRICT uL ADDRESs Lrt I i LEGAL DESCRIPTION: E. FEE: $100 Lot Block L ^t rlIIng L'il .l I:)fNi-!-. rr.--rt,,,. F A list of the names and adj a.cent to the subject lL," |z(n fi w: mailing addresses of ovmers of all property property, II. CRITERIA The Corrnunity Development Departrnent and Design Revjew Boaid may exceptr-on to allow the additio:i of a second dweiling unit if the criteri.a are met: l. The second unit shal 1 not exceed forty percent of the total on the lot; and grant an fol l owing GRFA allowed 2. The conmunity Development Departnent shall f i.nd that the granting of the exception will not be detrinental to the public welfare or injurious to other property in the area in which the subject properry is siiuated; and 3. That no variances for setbacks, height, parking, site coverage or landscapins,,site developnent or gross residential floor area would be approved unless the granting of such a variance benefits the visual "pp"rt"ttu of the site and surrounding area; and (0vER ) Application fo" sut"ry Unit -2- That fi.fty percent of the required parking rnust be enclosed, and The architectural design of the structure and the rnateri.als and colors mrst be visually harmonious wi.th their sites and with surrounding sites aJld structures, and nust not unnecessarily block scenic views fron existing buildings; and 6' Access to the secondary unit nust not adversely affect the privacy of adj acent structures; and applicant nust denonstrate th."-t the site has the ability to double capacity for handling trash and outdoor storage. III. RESTRICTIONS Pursuant to ordinance 22, series of 1981 of the Town of vail , prior to issuance of a- building perrnit, an agreement to the following conditions nust be signed by the property owner or owners on a form provided by the Departnent of Comrouni.ty Devel opment : 1. That the secondary dwelling unit shal1 not be sold, transferred or conveyed separately from the primary unit for a period of not less than the life of Trent willian Ruder, a life in being, plus twenty-one (21) years fron the date that the certificate of Occupancy is issued for said second trnit- and 2. That the secondary dwelli-ng uni-t shall not be leased or rented for any period of less than thirty (30) consecutive days, and that :.f it shati be rented, lt sha1l be rented only to tenants who are full tine ernployees in the upper Eagle valley. The "upper Eagle valrey,' sharl be deened - to include the Gore Valley, Minturn, Red Cliff, Gilrnan, Eagle-Vail, and Avon and their surrounding areas. A ttfull-tiure enployee. is a person who works an average of thirty (S0) hours per week, and 3' That the secondary dwelling unit shall not be divided into any form of timeshares, interval ownershi.p or fractional fee, and. 4, That a declaration of covenants and restrictions sha1l be filed of record in the office of the Eagle county clerk and Recorder in a form approved by the Town Atto-rney for the benefit of the Tor4m to insure that ihe restrictions herein shall run with the l"and. 1,. 5. 7, The its IV. The Design Review Board meets on the lst, 3rd, each month. The proposed plan and a1 I required 17 days prior to the date of the rneeting. and Sth Wednesdays of materials must be subnitted a I -{- \) o\ \ ;. (b \ A c -\ c\s $' (.G t .\ >-G>srs (N Lr:{rr e "+2 (\ SDJ ;.i'.N, v A'-.- ,lR -_'6 J-) R -i s f.) + \}\ If thls appllcatlon requlres a geparate review by any local, State o! Federal agency other than the Torn of Vai)., the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may includer but are note limited to: Colorado Department of llighway Access Perm.its, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50t of the application fee. Tf' at the applicant's request, any matter is postponed fol hearing, causing the matter to be reipublished, then, the entire fee for such re-pubfication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Conrr,:nity Development DePartment to have significant design, land use o! otirer issues which gaY have a significant trnpact on the corrnunity may require review by consultants other than town staff. Should a determination be made by the town staff that an outside consultant is needed to revlew any application, the Community DeveLopment may hire an outside consultant, it shall estimate the amount of money neiessary to pay hin or her and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time he files his application with the Community Development DePartment. Upon completion of the review of the application by the consultantr aDY of the funds forwarded by tfte applicant for payrnent of the consuftant which have not been paid to the consultant shall be returned to the applicant. Expenses incurred by the Town j.n excess of the amount forwarded by the apPficant shall be paid to tire Tovrn by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. _('l -N \so .\' I t)C\! 5 c, S- rs -T-- o e (n ,/a r -r bJ f\) N o s \ - c\t- =(\ o\ ! F l:- I \--:J L^.t Ov + L}l + c)\, N \N ,:e \. J J G: r-N;- "^LN d'" -s G\T (t c :L2' l^) I i <.-nt cN !\ _s >Sr-c |\ i=. r\>F5 f<-i .-- v'l -A(- /.\ -J-sA- - r. G (-l -rc -'\s c5-{. a' +5S q- 1^!' t\c) 9' a\ O !N {I f\J 1;6 s t'-- )<- CLu* (.5,, CNd-t 4-7e. L lo* 7L 4?a 7L++zsLt Sb- 47t- t$1o l!|""k q '; 5len x Qo U "l\ <Ii n 15ol- (^, ft L,,n.ur/ L+LT 4ltsq 6lo,t hP-F",l 6 - l"t- Croi2 2_q6?_ Va;l lL T, $ri1ft"*'. Dr Co. n | 6qz 6l"ok 6 ftf [,rrf 3qo y^il lo1' ) + L"grr+ L' € Lt o^r Fe'r{ cir^ hr . 4l[ 5? '/ 6lo'k 6 loL l7 \en nun g, € l;s., zq XL Be(( trlo,*tn Bl""t V^: ( a, qtt zl 6lo,a 6 5 q+-"n*,| P- o. 6uf 4ltrS l"r l3 tanobe 3 qq| ,/ k. .F$,r,.r.{-l^"r, 6. Vo;l A. - '!' a PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GrVEN that the Planning Staff will be reviewing a Design Review Board application on April 1, L992 in the Town of VaiI Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A request for a second unit on a Primary,/Secondary zoned Iot which is less than 15r000 sq. fE., located at 2955 Basingdale BIvd. Lot 15, Bl-ock 6, Vail Intermountain. Applicant: Mr. Bryan Hutchinson The applications and information about the proposals are available in the zoning adminlstrator's office during regular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the Vail Trail on March 13, 1992. \Sr \'-s\r \ \\ . .:-,qN \', \\ \*.\ \)r-tr\\\:' \rr \rttrt\i'\\ Y\ . \.. \- r \\A f;trrt"t-uo..rrt# 1]\".-crineerintrLrd. I'tarcln 27, l99Z Mr. Brian Hutchinson c/o Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd. W. Vail, CO 81657 Re: Lot 15, Block 6, Vall Internountain Development Subdivision Project No. 91286S Dear Brian, Thls is to verify that the computed area of the above referenced lot is l3,ll4 square feet or 0.301 acres' more or 1ess. If you have any further questions please call. Box No. 978 . Avon, Colorado 81620 . 949-5072 Denver 893-1 531 1420 Vance Street . Lakewood, Colorado 80215' Phone: 232-0158 o o rNTER-DEPARTMEhITAL'REVI EW PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: PUBLIC WORKS Revlewed by: Comments: FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments:.,I /I / -J.| ..s t' ^///, ( zL'i-x : ,//i'""2'"7 .-/5(?4' *:-' A 'r'1''->; " POLICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: RECREATION DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: Date: nJU/\) TE OF PUBLTC HEARING .---- Date: Date: I t1 Date: The printed portion of this form approved by I}IID TITLE q,IARANIEE M,IPAI'IY #1 mx 357 \ATL, @. 8L657 ESCROW# l_l-805v oRDER# LL805 PROPERIY AMESS LOT ]-5, BIOCK the Co(orado ResI Estate Cffmission (sS-60-7-71) REPRESEIITIXG TIILE I IISURAIICE @I,IPANY OF I,I I IINESOTA STATEMENT OF SETTLEMENT PURCIN.Sm'IS 6, VaiI Intermountain Development Subdivision ELB{ORE TR?iIffiR SE.;LER, H,'I'ER, RYAI{ HT}I'CIIINSOII SEIrLEMENI DNrE Mareh L5, 1-988 DNIE OF PRORItftON l,Iar.cfr l-5, L988 Contract. Sales kice. Deposit. GORE RAIIGE PROPRTTES TT:ust Deed. \UAIL NT\TTONAL BANK Title Instu:ance. I4ORIGAGETS TffLE POLTCY Recordirgs: Warranty Deed. Recordirgs: ftust Deed. b(rfiEntary Fee. Tax Certificate. Tax Pnoration for Crrrrent Yr. 1988 TN(ES 74 DAYS € 2.1988 Special Taxes Fayoff. l/2 oF 1* TN( IRANSFm. FEE SIjEIErIAI^S Balance due frun Bryer TC'IA[,S SHARMAN KELLER-GREEN €scRow oFFrc€R 108 Souih Frontage Ro.d W, P. O. Box 357 Vail, CO 81658 1762251 FAX 1303: r'76-153.1 1987 TNGS @LLESIED A}ID PAID AT CIO6I}IG S709.86 RENIS ArrD/OR SECrJRny DmOSIIS IF APPL,ICaBLE TO BE SEIILED BEIWmN H,jYER AIID SE[.;LER CIIISIDE OF CI-6I}XG. lhe above figures do not inclrde sales or use ta.res m persornt property. APPROVED AND ACCEPTED trrrchaser/Seller F:rctnser/Seller 1_8,900.00 40.00 3.00 L2.00 L.89 5.00 94.50 1, 000 . 00 9 , 500. 00 r6L.97 L9, 056.39 19,056.39 LO,66I.97 I t394.42 19 , 056. 39 BROKR, B/ Form No. 4 @l,IEUIm. GclRE RAT.IGE *$|.lg record tne-dav orO--,^.0- le-.or cl oc RECORD€R. DEPUIY. THIS DEED , rsde this day of batrc€n EINORE TR!iI{oCTN }larcb 15, L988 of the ard State of STATE OF COLMADO coety of lhe foregoirp instrlment rras scknorledged before ne thls day of Mardr 15, 1988 cornty of EAGLE Colorado. of thc first partr and BR:{AN HTIICHINSOD{ P.O. FX 471_ rdAIL @IORAD 81658 *rose Legal address is of thc County of EAGIX and State of Cotorsdo, of the secorid part: IIITIIESSETH, Ihat the said party of the first part, for ard in cmsideratim of the sun of SfGHIm{ $ICI'SAND NINE HLJNIRED Al{D }|o/].00- DoLLARS, to the said party of the first part in hand paid by the said party of the second pert, the receipt rhereof is hereby acknor t edged and confessed. has bsrgained, grantd, sotd ard conveyed, 8rd by these Fresents do€s grant, bargain. sett, convey ard cmf inn, l,to the said party of the secorid part, his heirs and assigns forever, atl the fottoring described tot or parcqt_ of tard. situate, tying and beirg in the coqrty of EAGLE and state of cotorsdo, to yit: I'T 15 BIOCK 6 \ATL INTER!'TUNIAIN DEVEIOPME}IT SI,'BDT\rrSTOT,I AC@RDII.IG 1() IHE RE@RDED PIAT THRDF qJNIY OF EAGIX ST]|IIE OF @I3RAM llso knorn as street n nber TOGETIIER t ith 8tt and singutar the her€ditmnts srd apFJrtenan€es thereto betorging, or in anylise appertaining. ard the reversion ard reversions, renra i nder ard remairders, rents, i ssues and profits thereof; ard rtl the estater right, titl,e intcrcst, cl.aim ard defiErd Hhatsoever of the said party of the first p€rt, either in lar or cqui ty,of, in ard to the *ovc bsrga ined prenises, yith the hereditamnts and apglr t enances.Io HAVE AxD To HoLD the said prenises sbove barg€ined and described, rith the apFrrtenarEes, unto the said party of the secord part, his heirs ard assigns fcrever. And the s6id party of the first part, for himetf, his heirs. executors,rnd adlinistrators, does covenent, grant, bargain, ard agree to ard rith the s.id party of thc aecord prrt. his heirs and !8sigrE, that at the tirE of the enscal irg ard det ivery of these FrresentB, he is rclt scized of th. prenises sbove convq/ed, as of good. sufe, perfect. lbsotute Erd irdefeasibte estate of inherituEe. in lar. in fce sinple, ard has good rjght,- futl. Poxer ard larful authority to grdrt, bargain, sell, ard cdrvey the sanp in marner and forn !g atorcs8id, and thrt the same are free and ctesr fron atl fonner ard other grents. bargainsr sales, liens, taxes, lssessnEnts and etrcur6rarEes of *ratever kird or nature so€yer. ard_th€ aboved bargained prernises in the quiet ard peaceable possession of said part), of the secdld Fft, his heirs and rssigtE agairct .11 ard every person or Frsfis laHfut ty claimir4 or to claim the rhol.e or arry pert itreri.ot. thc said party of thc first part shatt ard ritt yARRAIIT AllD FOREVCR DEFEID. The singutaf nu&er shatl irrtr.le ihe pturat, ihe ptural the singutr|", ard the us" of any gender shatt b€ appticabte to 8t( genders, Itl ulTilEss gltEREOf, the said party o{ the fiist part has hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year lirst above rr i tten. I > ss. I (SEAL) (sEAL) (SEAL) 'ftr-*E TRAr{ccm, lly cdmissi(r'l expi res I4l{D TrItE qnRANIE OCr,rPArrY #1 FX 357 VAIL. @. 8L657 ::T#r copurER TJARRA[tt oti?;t3l photTifit&Record \.r ,tR\.Vitness ry hand and official seal. e"*"""ENr FoR TAxEs It is hereby understood and agreed between the Buyer(s) property known as VACANT LAND that the taxes for the current year have been adjusted the basis of: and Seller(s) of as of this date on 1987 (xx) (xx) ( ( Most recent assessment and most recent rrill levy. Assessment for Land $l-7|L10.OO Inprovements MilI Levy 46.A2L L987 $709.86 The above figures were obtained by telephone from the County Assessors office and Land Title euarantee Company assumes no responsibiJ.ity or any liability in the event the County Assessor misguoted the assessments and/or urill levy figures. Any adjustnent shalt be made between the Buyer(s) and Seller(s) if necessary, and Land Title cuarantee Company, or Title fnsurance Company of Minnesota will not make or be responsible for this re-adjustnent or any liability in connection therewith. ) Estinate for ) taxes of and shall be ( XX ) A final settlement. ( ) Re-adjusted between the Buyer(s) and Seller(s) as soon as the taxes have been billed by the County Treasurer. If a re-adjustment is necessary, Land Title Guarantee Conpany will not make or be responsible for this re-adjustnent. It is further understood and agreed between the Buyer(s) and ( XX ) A11 special improvenents and assessments by any body taxing autlrority for improvements now in,full. March t-5, 1998 Seller(s) that governmental are paid in Special improvements now in and being paid in annual installments are to be assumed by the Buyer(s). Land Title Guarantee Company or Title fnsurance Company of Mj-nnesota assumes no responsibility or any fiability in ttre event a special assessment is assessed or the County Treasurer nisguoted any special assessments via our telephone conversation regarding sane. Any adjustment shall be made between the Buyer(s) and Seller(s), if necessary, and Land Title Guarantee Company, or Title Insurance Company of Minnesota will not make or be responsible for the re-adjustment or liability in connection therewith.llarsh 15, 1988 This Agreement made and executed this day of ( Note: BRYAI.I HUTCIIINSON BUYER 4,t I --fr.(e*r5l,t< aW SEI,L,ER BUYER BUYER SELLER BUYER SELIJR eh"*"""ENr FoR rAXES It is hereby understood and agreed between the Buyer(s) ana Sefferlsl of property known as VACANT I-,AND that the taxes for the current year have been adjusted as of this date on the basis of: (xx) (xx) ( ) Estimate for () Most recent assessment and nost recent nilL levy. Assessnent for Land 9L7,LLo.00 Improvernents Mill Levy 46.82L L987 = $709.86 1_987 The above figures were obtained by telephone from the County Assessors office and Land Title cuarantee Company assumes no responsibility or any liability in the event the County Assessor rnisquoted the assessments and/or rnil1 levy figures.Any adjustment shall be made between the Buyer(s) and Seller(s) if necessary, and Land Title Guarantee Company, or Title Insurance Company of Minnesota will not make or be responsible for this re-adjustment or any liability in connection therewith. taxes of It shall be ( XX ) A final settlement. ( ) Re-adjusted between the Buyer(s) and Seller(s) as soon as the taxes have been billed by the County Treasurer. If a re-adjustnent is necessary, Land Title Guarantee Cornpany will not make or be responsible for this re-adjustrnent. is further understood and agreed between the Buyer(s) and Se11er(s) that ( xX ) A11 special improvements and assessments by any governmental body taxing authority for improvements now in, are paid in fu1l. March 15, 1988 Special improvernents now in and being paid in annual installrnents are to be assumed by the Buyer(s). Land Title Guarantee Company or Title Tnsurance Company of Minnesota assumes no responsibility or any liability in the event a special assessment is assessed or the County Treasurer nisguoted any special assessments via our telephone conversation regarding same. Any adjustrnent shall be made between the Buyer(s) and Sel1er(s), j-f necessary, and Land Title Guarantee Company, or Title Insurance Company of l,[innesota will not make or be responsible for the re-adjustment or liability in connection therewith.llarch 15, 1988 This Agreement made executed this day of ELENORE TRAWOGER SELLER BUYER SELLER BUYER SELLER ( Note: HUTCHTNSON BUYER SELLER COLORADO DEED OF TRUST 15TTI THIS IIIIDENTURE made this day of I,IARGI 19 88, by ano batween BRrAN HUIGIINSCN whose addres is PO BOX 471 W\TL, @IORADO 81658 (hereinafter relerred to as "Grantor"l and the Public Trustee of the County in wttich the real property hareinafter described is located, State of Colorado (hereinafter referred to as 'Trustee"). WITNE$SETH: WHEREAS, Grentor has ex€culed one certain Promissory NolB, dat€d MARGI 15, 1988 , mad6 payable to the orderot vAlL NATIONAL BANK (hereinatler ref€rred to as "Ben€ficiary") at itsotticeat 108 South Frontage Road West, P. O. Box 2638,-y3-iLOqLg1q_d_o_8105!., iryt_s_u_ch e!h!,r plqqe,qg !]e-holder thereof may designate in writing r.rrrha ^'in.i'\ar a,,ri ^r NINE TIIOUSAI\D FfVE HUNDRED AI'ID NO/100-tor the princiqal Sum Ot NrNE rruuDrrt\'|-r rrv]l nuNuJqiu flNj"J Nt/ -LUU------------------------ ($ .lr1u=u:uu = ==.) with inter€st thereon as provided in said Promissory Note and having a maturity dete of -IARCFI 15, 1998 .ano WHEREAS, Grantor desires to secure the prompt payment of the aforesaid indebtedn*s and the repayment of any advances made pursuant to this Deed of Trust. NOYY, THEREFORE, in consideration of Ten Dollars and other good and valuable consideration and for the purpose aforesaid, Grantor hereby grants, bargains, sells and conveys unto Trustee in trust forever the real property located in the County of EAGT,E , Colorado, described as follows: I{n 15, BLOg{ 6, \ZAIL INIEFI\OUMIATN DEVEIOPMm{T SUBDfyISICI\, AC@RDING TO TTIE RECORDED PIAT ITIEREOF, COIArIY OF EAGLE, STASE OF COI.ORADO. and all of Grantor's right, title and interest therein. Thrs Indenture inctudes all buildings. structures and improvements now or herealter placed lhereon and all fixtures, equ'pment' apglrances ".O ;;;;,r;j;;;;"w or hereafrer attached thereto, and all rhe rights lincluding water righls), permiis, hereditaments and apputtenances thereto b.longrng or in any wav apperlarnrng, together with any alter acquired property interesl in lhe above described real eslate which Gtantor may ar any lrme herea.lter haw or acquire, anJ also all of the rents, issuet, uses, profils and income of lhe above describ€d real estate and mortgaqed ofogefty l.om^ow untrt the debt secured hereby is paid in tull. Atl the above described propertv (whether real or personal) is relerred to below as rhe "Mortgpged ProPerlY" To have and to hotd the same, logether with all the privileges and appurtenances lhereunto belonging: In trust nevertheless' in case ol derautt bv Granro. hereuhdef, ,rr".r upo; notice and demand rn writrng liled with Trustee as pfovaded by law, it shall and may be lawful for Trusteeloforec|oselhlsDeedorTrusl.andtose||anddisposeoftheMortgagedProperry(oranYpartthrreo'asmayb€designatedi.the ^"r." "i ,"o satel and all the righr, title and interest o, Grcr,tot therein, in the manner as may then be provided bY law and to 'ssue. execule ,i'a o""i""r-ii, cerrit,c.t" of purchase, trustee's deed or certilicate ot redemplion all as then mav be provided by law' Trustee ihall' out of the oroceeds or avails of such sate, afrer first pavinq and retainrng all teei, charges, the costs of making said sale and advertising the MorrgEged property, and attorney,s tees as herein provided, pav lo Beneticiary lhe amount of such indebtedness, and all moneyi advanced by Eeneficiary tor anv purpose authorized herern or by law, wrih rnteresl thereon at 15% per annum, rendering lhe overplus, il any, as p'ovided by apglicable ,;-;;" ;;;"; sates and said deed or deeds so made shatt be a perperual bar, both in law and equilY' agEinst Granlor and all other peBons ctarmfng the Mortgaged Property or anv parr thereof bv, from. through or undef Grantor' 'rhe bgal holdet ol lhe indebtedness may purchase the Morrgaged ProperlY or anv part lhereof; and it shall not be obligatorY upon the purchaser or purchaseE al any such sale to see to the applrca|on o{ the purchase money. lf a release deed is required, Granlor herebY agrees to pay all the expenses theteol' Grantor hereby warranrs ulle to the Morrgaged property, subiect only to taxes not yet due and payable and to anY other matters consented to tn wrtting by Eenefrc'ary' Grantor hereby turther covenants, acknowledges and agrees: 1. promrssorv Note. To pay rhe pnncipat of and the anterest on the indebledness evidenced bv lhe Promissory Nole secured hereby at lhetimeandInthemannelprov|dedthereinandloperformeveryotheragreementconta.nedinsuchPromissorYNote.Privi|egeisleservedto make grepavmenls onlv as permltled rrl luch Promissgry NoIe' 2. payment ol charggs. To pay and drscharge when due and before penalty atlsches all ground rents, taxes, assessments, water rents and other governmental or munropal charges, frnes and rmposrtions levied upon the Mortgaged Propertv and to promptly deliver the ofliciel recerpts therefor to BeneflcrarY; provided that GrantOr need nOt pay anv such amount so long as the validrly lhereot is being Conlelled in good fa,lb and prov|s|on lor tne payment thereol is made bv Grantor in a manner satislaclory to Eene|iciarY 3. Insurance TO contrnuouslv maintain hazard. ltability and other ansurance, of such lype or tvpes and amounls as BeneliciarY may ,rom rme to trme require. on the improvements norru or herealter placed on said real property, and to pav promptly urhen due any premiums therelor All insurance shall be carried with companres approved by Beneliciary aod the policies and renewalt thereof (or certilicates satrsfaclorv ro BeneficrarY) shall be held bY Benelrcrary and have attached thereto loss paYable clauses in lavor ot and in lorm acceptable to Benetic€ty. ln eveftt of los5 Grantot r.rill give rmmediale notice bY mail to Eenef iciary, who may make proof of loss if not made promptly bY Grantor. Each insurance company "on""..rJd is hereby aurhorized and directed to make paYment for such ioss clrectlY to Eeneliciary instead of to Grantor and Benelacrarv lornfly. The insurance proceeds, or any part thereo{, mav be applied by Beneliciary at rts option to lhe teduct'on of the rddebtedness herebv secured, or to lhe restoratron or repair ol the property damaged, or released to Grantor to make lhe necessafv repair' or re5loralron. 4. No Waste_ That Granlor shall not commrt or permtt waste and shalt mairtain the Mortgaged Propetly In good repalr and condition' reasonab|en,earandtearexcepted.onany|aiIuresoloma|ntain,Beneficiary,at|tsoption'maycau'ereasonab|emaintenanceandrepa|lwor|( to be Derforrned at the cost of Granlor. 5. Emanent Domain.Thatall iudgments, decrees and warrants for injury or damage tothe Morlgaged PropertY andall awards pursuant to proceedings lor condemnarron o, und"i porn ", ot ehrnent domain are hereby assigned to Beneficiarv bY Grantor in their enlirety and shall be paid to Benefrcrary wno, at rts option. may apply the same to the.educlion of the indebredn€ss secured hereby, or to the resloraiion or reDair of the propertv damaged, or rerease said payment to Granto, lo make the necessary resloration or repairs. BeneficiarY is hereby empo$rered' in the name of Grantor, to recerve and give acqurttance lor of to appeal from any such award, judgmenl or decree whether ir be ioint ol several' 6 Oj91 Lrens. That Granlor will pay when due any Indebredness which may be secured bv lien or charg€ on the Mortgag€d Propertv or "ny g" r;n"oli,.,re."rt ti,rrejnlanJ ulon ,"ou"tt exhibir sarislactory evidence to Eeneticiary ol the discharge of any such lien or charge' 7R|ghrlo|nspect'TharBeneficiarY|sherebygivenrher|ghrolentryontheMo'tgagedPropertvatanYreasonab|etimeforthe purpose ol Inspecttng sard prooertY g. complrance wrth Governmental Requlatrons. That Grantor will comply wilh all the laws. acts. rules' regulaligni and orders of anv lederal. star€, municrpat, teg,rtar*e3drn,n,sfitG o, ildtcal body, commiision ot otlicer exercising any power ol regulation or supervisron over Grantor or the Mortgaged property for the constructron, use or ope.ation lhereof; provrded, however, that Grantor may contest anY such law, act, rule, regutatron o. oroe.''n anv reasonable manner which will not aftect the inlerest of BeneticiarY to any patl of the Mortgaged Progerty. 9_ perlormance ot Defaulted Covenants. That Beneliciary may, at its option, even alter delault bv Granror ot alter maturitv of the rndebtedness iecured herebv, mat"lttVJ"vt*rrr or perform any defaulted covenant, agteement or act of Grantor herevndet ot unctet any olner agreements securing, evidencrng or relating to the indebtedness secured herebv, and any money! advanced bY Beneficiary tor such purpose shall bear inreresl at the rate ot l5% per annum and shall lhereupon become a part of the indebledness secured herebY (even if in exce$ ol the face amounl of the above describ€d Promissory Note)and shall be immediately due and payable without notice' '|o.PaYmentofEene|icoty,sE!P9!!9!.ThatGrantorag'eestoandwi||prompl|ypaya||costs,chargesandexpenlesincurredby Benefrcrarv, incruding reasonab,"iiffii:t"", "ro,ng outot J, ,n connection with any action, proceedinq or hearing. in anY '^ay affecting or re|alinglotheModgagedp,op",rv,rheabovedescribedPromissoryNore,rhisDeedo|Trust,olanYolheragreementsecuring.evidencingo. relalrng to the indebtedners secured hereby 11 D,q&glts.Thal in the event of erther (a) delatlll in lhe trmelY payment ot lhe indebtedness secured heJeby' or anY part thereof; (ri) breach or violation of anV of the other covenants or agreements contalned herein: {ii,l breach or violatron ot any of the covenants or agreemehts contaaned in anv other ag.eement secuting, evidencing or relatinE to ihe indebledness secured hereby (unless cured within anY applicable grace periodl; or livl defaull in the pavment oJ ahy othe. indebtedness lrom Grantor to Beneticiary' or anY parl thereot' the who|e of the Indebtedn€ss iecu'ed herebY and lhe 'nte'est thereoo may at ooce, at the oplion of 8€neficiary, be dec|a'ed due and payab|e, and the Morrgagied proo"rv *-roiJ-in rtr" -"nn", and with the same eftect as if the indebledness had metured and remained unpaid atter maluflty. lf foreclosure is mad€ by Truslee a reasonable atlorney's tee for se.vices in the supervilion of such foteclosure proceedings slrall be allot red and added by Truslee as a part of lhe cost of loreclosure. ll foreclosure b€ by aclion in court, reasonable attorneys' lecs Shall be taxed by the court as a part ot the cost of such loreclosure proceedings. All such attorneys' fees (as $rell as rhe costs. charges and €xpense3 rel€rred lo in the preceding paraqraphl ,tr"ir-u" "ia b""o-" " pan of the indebtednesi secu.ed herebY ratably and on a paritY with other indebtednell secured herebv. 12.@Thallhe|ienofthisoeedo|Trustsha||remaininfu||'orceandeffecldurln9anymodi'|cat|on. postponement, extension or renewal ot the time of payment of the Indebledness or any part thereot secured hereby. Eeneliciary rs hereby iubrogated ro rhe lien ot any morlgage, de€d of lrust or other lien discharged, in whole or in part, bv the proceeds ot the loan 5ecured hereby. 13. Right lo Polsession; Receiver. That, in case ol delault. whereby the right ot foreclosu.e occurs hereunder. Beneficiary, or the holder ol the certilicate of purchase, shall at once become entitled to the possession, use and enioyment ot th€ Mortgaged ProFlerty, and to the renti, rssues and prof its thereof. f rom the accru ing ot such righ t and during the pendency ol toreclosu re p.oceedi ngr and the period of redempt ion, it an V . Such posiession, use. enioyment, rents. issues, and profits shall at once be delive.ed 1o Bene{iciary or rhe holder of the certiticate ol purchase on request. On retusal , the delivery ol such possession may be en forced by the party en litl ed thereto by any appropria te c iv il su it or proceedr ngi, and such party shall be entitled to a receav€r lor the Mortgaged Property, and of the rents, issues and prolits thereo{, after any such default. including the time cov- ered by foreclosure proceeding5 and the period o{ redemptioh, il any. Such entatlement shall exist as a malter of right without regard to the solvencv or insolvency of the Grantor or of the then owner ol the Mortgaged Property and without regard lo the adequacy of the security fo. the Indebted" ness secured hereby. Such recerver may b€ appointed bv any court ol competent iurisdiction upon ex parle application, notice thereof being hereby expressly waived, and the appointment ol any such receiver, on any such applicataon with or without nolice. is herebv codsented to- All rents, rssues and prol(s, income ard reven(E ol tlE Mortgoged Property shall be applied by srrh receiver according to law ard the orders afiJ direclons of lfE court. 14. Homestead Exemption; Marshalling of Assets. That Grantor shall nol have nor asiert any right under any stalute or rule of law pertarning to the marshalling or separate sale of Granlor's assels, includrng the Mortgag€d Property, or lo the exemptron o'f homestead or otirer exemotion under and by virlue of any law of the State ol Colorado now exrsting or which mav herealter be passed in relatron therero. Beneticiary shall have the .rght lo make partial release or releases o{ the Mortgaged Property agreeable to Eeneficiary wrthout notrce lo, or the consent, approval or agreement of others in Interest. which parlial release or releases shall not imparr In any manner the valrdity of or prrorrty of this D€ed oJ Trust on 1hg 5E6erity remaining, nor telease the personal liabilirv of Grantor for repavment of the Indebledness secured hereby. 15. No Convevance or Encumbrance. Thal if the Mortgaged Property, or anV part thereol, rs sold. conveyed. translerred, leased, encumbered, mortgaged or pledged lo aoy other pe6on or entalv, the entire indebtednesr secured hereby shall tEcome rmmedrately due and payable, al Beneficiary's option. unless wntten consenl tor such sale, conveyance, transfer, lease, mortgage or pledge hai been oblarned frofir Beneficrarv. 16. No Waiver by Beneliciarv. That no failure by Beneficrary to insrst upon the strict performance ol anv covenant, agreemenl, terrh or condition of thrs Deed ol Trust or the PromissorY Note secured hereby or to exercise any option, righr or remedy aflsrng on accounr ol any breach thereof shall conslitute a warver of any tuch breach or of such covenant, ag.eement, lerm or conditron. No covenant, agreement, term or condition In this Oeed of Trust or the Promissory Note secured hereby ro be Fer{ormed or complred lvrth by Grantor, and no breach thereof, shall be waived, altered or modilied except by a writted Instrument executd by Eeneficiary. No warver of any breach shall aflect or ?lier thrs Deed of Trusr, but each and everv covenanl, agreement. term and condr|on of thrs Oeed of Trust and the Promrssory Nole teclred fiereby shall conlinue In full force and e{tect with respect to any other then exrst|ng or iubiequent b(each thereof. 17. QlrnClf!ryg llg!9. Thal each nghl and rernedy of Benefrcrarv provided fo. In thrs Deed ol Trusl shall be cumulatrve and shall be In addilaon to every other right or remedv provrded tor rn this Deed of Trust or now or herealter exirting at law, or In equrty. or by slatute o. otherwrse. The exercrse or begrnning of the exercise by Beneftctary ol any one or more of the rights or remedres provrded lor rn rhrs Deed of Trust, or now or hereafter existrng at law. or in equity, or bv Statute or otherwrse, shail not preclude lhe srmultaneous or later exercrse by Beneticiary ot anv or all other rrghts or remedies provrded lor In thrs Deed ol Trust. or now or hereafter exrstrng at law, rn equrty, or bv gtatute or otherwrse. 18. Estoppel Statement. That Grantor, wrthrn srx days alter Benelaciary'r request, wrll furnrsh an acc{,rate w.rtlen statgnEnl, dulV &knowledged, to Benefrcrary or to anv proposed assignee of this Deed ot Trust statrng the amounl of pftncrpal and Interesl then owrng on lhe above described Promrssory Nore and descnbrng ahy olfsets or delenles which may then exrst agarnst rhe Indebledness secured hereby. 19. Riqhts Under Orher AgreemenE That tf the Indebtedness secured hereby or any other Indebtednegs ot Grantor to Benefrcrary rs now cr hereafter lurther Secu.ed bv any other agreement of any nalure whatsoever {whether perlarning to real or personal propertvl and there exrsts anv delault by Granror under the provisions ol th.s Deed ol Trust or of any such agreement, Benefrcrarv mav, at ris oplron. enlorce atlV one or more of such agreements as well as thrs Deed of Trust, erlher concurrentlv or Independently and In such order as rt may determrne, and mav apply rhe proceeds recerved theretrom agarnst such indebtedness wrthout waiving or affectrng the status of anV breach or default ot any gther right or power whelher contarned herern or exercrsed hereunder or whether contarned in or exercised under any other tuch agreement _ 20 Gender; Titles- That pronouns of anv gender shall Include the other genders. and erther the srngular or plu.al shall Include lhe other. as lhe identifrcalron ol Grantor reeurres; and lhat lhe term "BenelicrarV" shall Include any subsequent holder of the Indebredness secured hereby; that ihe trtles of the paragraphs hereof are for relerence purposes onlV and do nol conslrtute oarl ot lhrs Deed of Trusl. 2l. ParttalLJnen f orce_qbr\y. That r{ any term or provrsron ol thrs Deed ol Trr.rst or the applrcal|on thereol to any person or crrcumslance shall. lo any extent, be invalid, unenforceable or rnapplicable, the remainder of thrs Deed of Trust, or the appl'carron ol such term or provrsron to persons or crfcumstances other than those as lo whrch rt rs held invalrd, unenlorceable or Inapplrcable rhall nor be atfected thereby, and each term and provrsron ol rhrs Deed ol Trust shall be valrd and be tnforced to the fullesl extent perrr|rtted by law. 22. T{!9_9ll$!!!-e. That time rs of the essence hereof . 23. Eenefit. That the covenants contarned herern shall brnd, and lhe bEnelits and advantages contarned herein. shall Inure to the benelit of lhe respective heirs, executors, adminrstrators, successors and aSSrgns ol Granlor. Trustee and Benefrcrary. 24. Propertv Tax Delerral. That no clarm wrll be made lor.eal property tax deferral wrth respect ro lhe Mortgaged Prooerty pursuant to House Bill No. i112 p6sed by the 1978 Colo.ado General Assemblv for anv year which begins less lhan five yeari after the close ot lhe calendar year in which this Deed ol Trust is executed unless, pnor thereto, lhe Note secured hereby is pard in lull and this Deed ol Trusl ir releared. 25. qgl:rrlSlfgl l,rg!g9_Sg. That rhrs instrument is a "construction mortgage" (as detined in Sectron 9.313(1)(c) ot the Colorado Uniform Commercial Code) to the extent that it secures an obliqation incurred for the const.uction ot an rmpro\rement on lhe Mongaged Property. including the acqursitron cost of lhe Mortgaged Property. 26. fuglgllsqelement. That this inslrument is Intended to be effective as a linancrng statement whrch i! liled as a "fixture filrng" pursuant lo Section 9402(6) ot lhe colorado uniform commercial code vvith respecl lo the following types of goods n'hrch are or will be fixtures related to the MorlgEged Property: Fixtures, equipment, appliances and lurnishings. For the purpo6es ot this Paragraph, Grantor is the Debtor, and Beneficiary is the Secured Party. 27. Additional Pavments for Taxes .nd Insurance. ThEt, subject to ihe limitalions ol applicable law. il requested by Seneficia.Y, together with and in addilton to each monthly installme^t payable under the terms ol rhe abo\€ described Promissory Note, G.antor will paY to Seneticiary. a sum equal to tne ground rents next due. if any, plus premiums that will next become dve a^d paval'e on all pol|c,es ot insutance requi.ed by Beneficiary. plus taxes and special assessments nexl due on the Mortgaged Property (all as eslimated by Benefrcaary) les! all sum! already paid rherelore divided by the number of months to elapse b€fore two months prior to the dale when such ground rents insurance premiums, taxes and assgisments will become delinquent. said sums to be hetd by Beneficiarv to pay sard ground ienti, insurance p.emrum!' taxos and assFerents b€fo.e the same b€come delinquent. l^ holdiog such paymen8, BeneJiciary rhall nol b€ liable to Granlor for interest o. other cornpensation, and such pavments shall not be held in trust and may be mingled with Beneliciary's genet8l funds. lf Eeneticiatv d€termin63 that the monthly payments paid by Grantor to Beneliciary for groqnd rents, insurance premiurns. tar€s and astessmenlg undet ltlrs prragrrph shrl not b. aufticirnt to prv 5!.m wtran duc end payrble, Grtntor rhall, att!. ryritton nolica thcfaot |nd togrthar wifi thr naxt drra montily inttalm.nr,9€y to Ban.ficirry lny hount n.c.r$ty to mak. up th! dlfici.nc.t Dticip.d by B.mficirry. ! - 28. gglt 449l-!9!q-!t9Ci!i9n. Thrt if 8nv ind.bt.dn6r scurcd h.Eby constituta l "corurDr loeo" lorner tha"'lo.n Firn rily :gcured by en inr.rait in llnd"l a drfin.d in tht Colotsdo Unilorm Comumor Crudit Codc, ttc tollowing provitiom thtll b. fplicrbl.: (i) ldylnctt, if !ny, W thG Bcnrticiary to p[rform my datruh"d cov"nrnl ot th. G.lntor '' pGrmittrd |bow rhtll bo mrd in .ccordancc with Color.do Rcvis.d StErutG (1973) t$3-2O8.8t the rrna may b. tncnd.d; and (iil the amount ot any ettornay'r he tor wftich tha Grrntor ir obligatcd to reimbuGc thc Banaficirry hG.eundcr thall not ucrcd fitlxn oer ccnt ll5*l of th€ unpsid indebtodn63 rGcurud har.by €fl€r dctault ard r"t€rr.l to !n attorney not s aalsrild arnploycc ot thr Btnaficiary. 29. Nrtura ol Urc. That thc nature of th€ us€ of thc i/tonga{pd Pr@€rty shall not b€ alte.d without thc prior wyiltan comant oi B.neficisrY. 30. Other Pro\ri3ioni' lN WITNESS WHEREOF. G.antor has executed this Oeed of Tru on the day and year trrst a9pearing above. BIUTAN HT}TC{INSCN WITNESS my hand and oflicial My commisiion atgtres: ---=l tt .ra c() E 3'o 3 c ID .E 9or 5(l aE (DE -c lt !l sb 9U EC' o tr tt 6o EF o2 J]oo o(J l!o u.,F F an u u, v, F;Fl o(J:)s o:r6 A'ts trJ a o 3 E lt o o uJ t!o q)tt o (, (1, G 3 k e ul I t\r E o l! o) J o o ;it tt o l,t, : ;E =;s c(!-a ah o a,t! rA ^Ee; EE:E F"F .o oo AFFIDAVfT (fndividual Transferor) TO: BRYAN HUTCHINSON Transferee (Buyer) Section 1445 of the Internal Revenue Code provides that a (buyer) of a U.S. real property interest rnust withhold tax if feror (seller) is a foreign person. To inforrn the transferee that withholding of tax is not required upon my disposition of real property interest, I ELENORE TRAWOGER transferee the trans- (buyer) a U.S. transferor) ,ereby certify the follow I am not a nonresident alien for purposes of taxation;U.S. income Security f' l-. J. My U.S. taxpayer indentifying number) is 52 t- 3 number (Social and and My home address is P.O. BOX 177 VAIL, COLORADO 81558 I understand that this certification rnay be disclosed to the Inter-nal Revenue Service by the transferee and that any false staternent I have nade here could be punished by fine, irnprisonrnent, or both. under penalties of perjury r declare that r have exarnined this certification and to the best of rny knowledge and belief it is true correct and complete. DATE:March 15 198I Sworn to before me on by ELENORE TRAWOGER this day of My commission expi.res: The real property referred to herein is located at: VACANT I"AND I r' -'/1.. Q'r rf-,vl /\? ,"' (L j-v,' AELENORE TRAWOGER re (seIIer) (sel ler) d official seal . and is legally BLOCK 6 LOT 15, VAIL RECORDED PLAT THEREOF INTERMOI'NTAIN SUBDIVISION, DEVEIOPMENT ACCORDING TO THE coItNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COIORADO. ESCROW #l_1805V revised COLORADO flt0'D hiAai -l 4l?slgt I nna tvJ4 DRB APPLICATION - TOWN OF VAIL, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: I. *****t**** TBTS EPPLICATION WILL NOI BE ACCEPTED I'NTII, AI,L REQUIRED INFORIIATTON IS SUBMITTED *****ttt** PROJECT INFORMATION: A. DESCRIPT]ON: 4INGL.E T.:A1t,.\IIY F.EiIVE:r,)t:E Wfft1 B. TYPE OF REVTEW: ) uew Const.ruction Addition ADDRESS: 2?55 tlaSlnrbuis Alvd U";\ [.1,., LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot i9 Block /-? Subdivision VA;L .t ',7k1;.t;.\ -"V,,,'", -'E,/E-.-1-.t ',q,+ - -;i5i],,..;1su- If property is described by a meets and bounds legal description, please provide on a separate sheet and attach to this application. ZONING, Pr',r'ot u - 5r,,,/,,, [es',Jul'," 1 Ui:]r',r-l LOT AREA: If required, applicant must provide a current stamDed survey shorving lot. area. 13, ji 3. qq._ft4T-._ NAME OF APPLICANT:Mailing Address: Phone - j-!3 4-/ b -) 4al Minor Alteration _ Conceptual Review D. b. F. +7b-cioL( VALUATION $ 0 - s 10,000 $ 10r 001 - s 50,000 $50,001 -$ 150f000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500, 001 - $1, 000, 000 I over $1r 000,000 *NO IPPLICAIION NIIJL BE PROCESSED REPRESENTATIVE z 4T4g; AS AP/E FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 s400.00 $500.00 NITEOUT OIfNER' S SIGNATUNE H.NAME OF Mailing APPLICANT' S Address: ; I. Phone NAME OF Ov{NERS: bF.,4N H271H7n57,9' J. v rsrcNArnRE tq z /i--. .#fr t-Mailing Addressz P.c. t;,,., iW Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE:.DRB.fees are paid at the time of submittal of DRB application ,.,) FEE SCHEDULE: ? ITNL o with the design guidelines. The DRB does not vote on conceptual reviews. The property owner or his representative shall be present lt tne DRB heiring. NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: LIST OF MATERIALS BLOCK IJ. SUBDIVISION DESCRIPTToN oF PROJECT: The following information is Review Board before a final A. BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other 9ta11 Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rai 1s Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other for submit.taL to can be given: required approval_ TYPE OF the Design MATERIAL COLOR j ,:.t LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: PLANT MATERIALS: Botanical Name PROPOSED TREES (, I T ):e. Common Name (,Oua,ntitv Si?e* EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED i.! o UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION ,O / SUBDIVISION ll | , ,t I JOB NAME lJv I5t"',r^c,a- | (e ,ttt,t,,, t /'\T | (-I J BLOCK FILING V ^',\T N+"' lnot^f^;n . rr -- t, ,..ADDREss t- I 5F l:r,55," r,l)^\+ i, In/, ,n. ro.. trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Siqnature U.S. West Communications r-800-922-t987 458-6860 or 949-4530 Public Servj-ce Company 94 9-5781 Gary Hall Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Heritage Cablevision T.V. e4e_-553 q_ -$eeve +l{€ftr _i ':t j: !: " ,r, Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation District * 47 6-7 480 Fred Haslee NOTE: Date L.L.t2 - 71- J --4("4r- L -14, - tt_, 2-A6-?) xb z-75-nz These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit from the Town of Vai1, Department of Public Works and to obtain utilitv locations before diqqinq in any public right-of-way or easement in the Town of Vail. A . A street This forn is to verify location. This should preparing your utility installations . servj.ce availability and be used in conjunction wit.h plan and scheduling * Please bring a site p1an, floor p1an, and elevations when obtaining Upper Eagle Val1ey Water & Sanitation signatures. Fire fLow needs must be addressed. Po\e- Lo* 15. B\roI- L r D^\=-w&'" \^'a u-rolor e}.Lo'rd qis'€s$'NQ'ifr aXo'..*eil tl /)t 'tL' Zea "(GtaT %- cL- $ 1.,st5.ts cut permit must be obtained separately. '-"*";-J',-'('z' atfr, F!\ \ ,'} ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P,/S ZONE DISTRICTS I hrrF. - / ' LEGALffi,:-'/ lt | 1'Block G titing [/c-lI J n-l-t, c"o'^*'.,i 'zct 45 L'"'s,.-,3(..1s \',iot t/",,\ hlo "nlts'1 ADDRESS: Lor srzE l)'r,ll 7 3Q ruol Height Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks Front Sides Rear Water Course Setback Qi f a /-nrrarrrra vv!e:v Landscaping Retaining Wall Heights Parking Garage Credit Drive: Allowed (30) (33) + teml PHoNE 2''-'-'J4--?;)) Existinq Proposed TotaI z,a zoNE DrsrRrcr P, "', PROPOSED USE l-{'. ',' :' ,\,': i/l t, 20' 1qf r,5, (30) (50) / ?., / 6l View Corridor Encroachment: Yes Environmental,/Hazards: 1) Does this request involve a How much of the allowed 250 (300) (600) (900) (1200)_ Pernitted Slope 8t Actual Slope Date approved by Town Engineer: wo D( zrz Flood Plain Percent Slope Geoloqic Hazards a) Snow Avalanche b) Rockfall c) Debris Flow 4) Wetlands 250 Addition? Addition is used with this request? Reqrd - 14 ') ::,.-/ z) 3) 10 LJI l,ijJ,l! u r- Jlr:l s (( for Title lnsurance. USLTFE Trlre InsL:.ance Companv of Callas, hererfl aalled the Cornp:,ny. lo, !al(;ebie co.s :r. '.jlroi herebv comrrls to issue rls policy or pclrc'?s of ir!te r.sura.1ce. .1s ijentif'ed in Schedule A, in lavor ol the proposed Insured named rn Schei-,le A as ov,r:er or morlg3gee ol th€ ett,rle cf r.le.esl covered h.:eby in lhe land described of .eferred lo In Schedule A. upon paln)ent ol th: p,:-:niums and charges theiefor. aIl sublecl lo lhe pro!is,ons ol ScheCries A and B and io lhe Cond;i;ctrs and Sl'pulalioas nereof Thr5 Co-rm,tmenl shaJl be ef-ir..iive only when the rdenlily ol the prc,pos:d Insured a.rd rhe 3nc!nl of rhe pol,cy or pol c es cc;r:rr,l!tC fot h3re bren iiserieJ rn Suhedule A he,eol b\' the Con'rpany. either al th9 trrl1e of lhe rssrence cl th's Corrrr,l,nent or by srrbsequcnl enao'ie.nenl This Corr)mrtmenl s prelimirary to lhE issLronce ol such policy or pol c es ol t ile insurance and all IiabilLly and obligalrdns hercunder shall ceise -^.{.4r^- ^:tn .'t r6l manlhs ailt?r lhe etlective CJle i.i.eol or wllen lhe oclicv or oclicies com:.iiied lor shall iss!e \\hrche\,er fir51 occLrrs TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMTINITY DEVELOPMENT SALES ACTION FORM NAI,IE '--j L. /c l-DATE: J ,^)'i,) ::-:--': -E-S::' .-:==-.6 7.V-rr\ .- i The polrcy or polrcres lo be issued v!,rll ci.:llarn exceplrons C o mpan y: 7. Right of a proprietor of ore lherefrom should the the premj-ses as set forth April B, 1934 in Book 123 'Sr, eer a c o, ".. r r, " "J.|3' dispos;d ol to lhe si'ii:!:ltgn or r^e lo the iollc\ ing un:ess lhe same are a vei-n or lode to extract and remove his same be found to penetrate or intersect in Patent from United States recorded at Paqe 3. 1 R,ghti g, ci3rrns of pa.l'es in possessign nol shown bv the OUblic reaords. 2 Ease'.- rS or claims ol easements. nol shc,r.rn br 1-e r,!biLC .:.-o:.s 3 Disc:ei-:ncreS, COnflrcls in bci-rndary lrnes, shortage In a,ee, encroaahrients. ard any lacls !r.hrcn a co eal sufve). a:ld r.s:.:1 On o,ir,e p E.nises $,ould d sciose and which are not shown by the pubirC reaords 'i' A'y i'E'r or rrght to a lren. lor services ia5or or malltral theretofore or herea{ler lurntshecl. irnposed by law and nol srctln b} tile fr,blrc records. 5 Dele:ts. lrens. encunrbrances. ad!,erse clairns or other m3liers. if any cre;tt'C. firsl 6pp""r,rrn in the pubtic ,eaords o, a 3ch,no subs.e?.,:nr lo l'ie ei:ci1 'e d:r9 h?reot but prior to the daie lhe propised insJ.€d aaqurres oJ reco,d for !,arue lhe esrate or intt-.cst-or mori!:ire lf e eon cc!.".'eC b; lhis Q6m611rn9n1 E"cepl,cr's nr./mbered.- llOne. _-_---- --af e hereby omr:led 5. Any and all unpaid taxes and assessments and unredeemed tax sales.Tax Certificate has been ordered. Right of v;ay for ditches and canals as constructed by the autir,Jrity of the United States as reserved in patent recorded April B, 1934 in-Book 123 at Paqe 3. 9. Easements for Green Be1t, Pedestrians and Utilities as shown on plab of Vai-l Tntermountain Subdivision, 10. Restrictions as contained in instrument recorded July 24, 1970 in Book 218 at Page 281 and amended in instrument recorded Noverrber L7, 1970 in Book 219 at Page 120 and April 28, 1971 in Book 220 at page 378. 11- Easernent 5 feet wide along al-l interior lot lines for utilities and drainage purposes as reserved on plat of said subdivision and as recorded in Paragraph 21 of said instrument recorded in Book 218 at Page 281. 12- Easement to Holy cross Electirc Association, rnc., from Vail rnter-mountain Association for a right of way to construct, reconstruct,repair, enlarge, rephase, operate and maintain an overhead electric transmission or distribuiion Iine or system recorded November 22, 1971-in Book 222 at Paqe 344. l3' Right of way easement f rorr Creekside Associates, granted to Iioly Cross Electric Association, Inc,, as recorded September 27 | 1,97 8 in Book 275 aL Page 833. :r,C (. hich aS!:rl'.3 lh s CDrn'n,t.:1ent to ba s,3nad in eai:l'Cance rrrlh [! 3].L3,,.,.s. of lia- s:Jtu5 oJ lr e s: il l: tle rtSlr'.-i,:C irl e tc l:: f ::: l: C. 1c ll,. p,t r s o:rs 3nl such cli,,Y1 \ ',,,,,i;ESS !iiiip€OF rhe Con,p3oy h3s c;r.ised ;i. aJi',o'r:eC c,t ier cr i,l.nr ol llre CCripJny. all ,n !cleJ-ie A ils !llc.tr;e DJ:e '- USI-lFE Tr::e lr)sJr!nae CompanT of Oall3s and sealc.d. lo I gcaoe \-:l,C .,..-,En c3J-iars.r. ri Fr Th'5 CO.r,mrl1,1..tt 'S ctr :1,!e aa.-t .,., -.l,.i:. t.,.,- '/^ r,,. ... z/., ./ /. - ,1 -trt-.-!. (./ ; .7 -^- s' '|!:.-: 6 C'.,!,-:-t... i.1 .., ,-)t' -\/-^< z ,..?,--r^ /'- y*J --<_..,,,,,.,, _,.,,... ;.;,.;, i,,.... ",,,,..,. . ,. 'a ENGINEERING CHECK TIST VA rc /z,t'/e'Y'r7a < r,qJ 74/n/Subdivision Lot 8'lock Filing 1. Submit-.." .tq (A) lo- t "-..(B) Sif^ Ptan (C) Utr t t ry Plair (D) ti ti " ' .'-1 (fi -suUurvrsion Agreement (if applicat>le) 2. [,nqineertny xequirements (A) Cu:vert Size N4' in) Orivsr"ev !i-:'-' - =;'-i--'I-i-;';il e-lZ--l,lZ, 3. Source of Utilitip' E'lectri c Gas Ser.rer l{a'"er Tel ephcrie T. V. (Acceptable) (l{ot Accon+rhl ., t/,...:-- ---7-l-/ (A (B (c (D (E (F v/ t. Approved: Di sapproved: _zfuez- '.1 n ,F f1 ::/:/ t ,/).tlJ. ',u-*ie__-DA,arrr,,Jffi Ei I I Arr drc ,*s Single Family Res idence l'lrc f o I I r.,t; i rr1', in Forrnlrt i.on i:; Rourd lrcl'rrrr: a filral approvu I A. Bl,lt.t, rii(; lt\'fcRIALS Roo f Siding l'c<1u i;'1;11 [or s;ulrrn i t t;r I by c;r rr bc lj ivcll : 'fync of l.ql_c.r'ia I Cedar Shingles Lhc upl)l j(:irnL to the Dcs irt;r licvi r_^ (:r__l_" r, Natural I X 8 Channel Lap Cedar Clear Seal er )/Project Application o^t" /l/tt7 - ?, /? rL -T'^^t proiecrName: I i1 A Woe e R tTts l,l r,t,c, Project Description: ' t -1 / /-* contact person and phon. Llrl t/ I -l /f E/Cn,(Pr// f-nE., 4 Et f=tual1 f-nauro GE/l Owner, Address and Phone: QLt 5Tfl4l-,'4 Architecl, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot /s Block Vl r I T tTe tl 'unu,y Er,'Ilo"" _Filing Comments: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded nf,+,DISAPPROVAL F4rznf ,rZ_ by: COfl.,T/2-^,/L-"T ION OU/',1 A.-- / ta 3tJA /i 1'"^ Summary: 5-' Fosr: rtw p-a;JcE- . .4t-t-- f <T'JA-bb ,*.t <r,n*- AatA 9 To &L 4E3F t{D{ Planner To \iYfi Date::J z- E Statt Approval ,ffuOooroo, SQUARE FOOTAGE lypg Native grass seed mixture (high alti-SQUARE FoOTAGE as required tude) with jute netting (staked) as required at a.l I disturbed areas for temporary erosion control and permanent erosion control as per Town of Vail Eng ineer. Non e s00 )t E U TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR I'lETHOD OF IROSION CONTROL Nat ura I Other Landscape Features AI1 land (retaining wal ls scaping to be as fpnce< close to swimmi ng pool s , etc. ) Pl ease speci fy. natural as possible. t I I I I z0NE clr[cK sF[t, for P/S ZONE DISTRICTS LegaI Description: Lot /,f Block (c' Fit'f n9 /4tc- #/T.r/-l,ovtff, atner TPA'NCr.l),2- nichitcct Zone'District c/t'Proposed Use Cl{\trLF ' *-AHItt Sidcs-Required'15, proposed Rear -RequireC l5' proposed l,laterccu rse-requ'i re d 'Proposed R,R Primary Al'lor,led Secondary rii'lor'red Site Coverage; A'l'loived GRFA: GRFA: Landscap'ing: Parking: A'l'loued i 3T78 Secondary Primry Propo.; ed Propcs ed Propcsed Proposed Proposcd Propl: ed ActuaI ttt ^tq1 t- /+Fg Required Requi red I)rive: Slope permitted Environniental/llazards: .Ava'lanche Slope Flood Pl ain ' Sl ope 4r2z-l:t'r*';r= D.it r.: , l.ll'l t,1 lY l.Oil,\'!'l(rll t/l:lill:l(l/r'l'l()rt su,r, rv r r;r o*_!!fut_t -I ZI_2A &u,t zykil^ to, -. /"fi- Df.ocK anon':,'s__ J ?.fq- *t l;r rv:+/_a_tz_ Bo a ll:/ 4 R J The loc;rtio:r of utilities, rvhcthcr they lincs. nr-rst be approvcd and verified by accorpanf ing s i-te p l an . be nu..in trlurL thc following l. inu s r: r plopos ed utiLitics for the Date l'{ountain Bel1 Western Slope Gas Public Servi-ce Cornpany IJol y Cross Electric Assoc. Vaii Cable T.\'. Upper Eagle Vai. ley Water and Sa.nitation Di.strict NOT'E: t7 - // -g/ ?-13-81 t / t>-' ^ t ,' /! - ' / 5z-.'-^ /s-ao' tn tt<^ l! z " Al E-Tc R /\ o + 1t.fztr These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility' to obtain a streec cut perrnit from the Torrn of Vail , Depa.rtment of Publ ic ltiorks and to obtain utili-ty locations before digging in an1' pubiic right- of-r,ray or casement i.n the Tnr,r'r of Vail. A, building permit j-s not a street cut perrnit. obtained separately. A street cut pernit must be lhis form is to ver:ify service availablity and location. This should be used in conjurction with preparing your utility plan and scireduling installati.ons. .{.ut ho r i:- c d !1'hlN]t o ltfEll'hlNlf3 GOLD I Easy to Install I Easy to Service I Made with Weil-Mclain Quality o GU SERIES 2 GAS BOILER 4 sizes 53,000 To 133,000 BTU/Hr. Hot Water 4s a, ETVERG )/ S fA R padnet Wel-McLanl has detemined that !h,s Droduct ftcels lhe ENERGY STAR gudehnes lo, eneEy ellEencf €@DoE & Add 'with F ll-GV wilh Fii -Trol Syslem (shipped in separate carton). i Based on standard test procedures prescdbed by the United States Oepartmenl of Eneey.* Net l-B-R ratings arc bas€d on net nstalled radialion of suffrcient quanttyforlhe requirements ot the building and nothing need be added lor norma p ping ard pickup. Ratings are based on a p,p ng and pichp allowance ot 1.15. An addilional allowance should be made lor unusual piping and pick!p loads. **GVboilermust be v€nted directly oulside iIOTES: A'G.A. desgn certilied for installation on cohblslible flooring. Tested for 50 PSI workang pressure. GV automatically compensates for alttude resulting in €duced inpll as fo lows: 2000 ft. - 93%i 3000 ft. - goo/a; 4000ft. - 87o/a; and 3% for each addilional 1000 fl. For boilers used at allitud€s abov€ 5500 tt., a high alltude kit must b€ insta led. IIANUAL MAIN SHUTOFF GAS VALVE (BY OTHERS) 4 - i t UNIoN (8Y oIHERS) t3vL - 1 i a- 16'h -1 . vi /- ;----:= 1 il I t. 'fi-,i,l rrg.ggrrl .ii. -'i ${.- f-w !rfi-: I MINIMUM CLEARANCE FOR CLOSET INSTALLATION l ir) lla.r4ll ${'- l- YtL: I , ()1il i:l | 281tr 23\ |,. 1 'ur ,t I irl i llcv r r r -p---J__,,, TOP VIEW DRIP LEG FRONT - 17ft .-l SIDE ELEVANON SIDEWALL TERMINATION KIT TOP VlEll' THROTJGH WALL \rent Cap is 744 x 1d,6 LEFT SIDE 3' DIA. AIN ffTAKE shipped protective Factory Water-TesH lnsulated Steel Jacket Cast lron S€ctions Steel Base GCM GOLD Conbol Moduleo with Indicator Lights Blower Assembly with Observation Port Gas/Air Manitold Assembly Gas/Air Orifice Plate tor Natural Ga€ (separate plate turnished tor conversion to propane) Stainless Steel Burner Cone and Ring Assembly Negafve Regulation Gas Valve Hot Surlace lgnition System Air Pr€ssunE Switch Circulator - l" All Sizes* Mixing Valt e Vbnt El with Condensate Diain and Trap Sidewall ltent Temination Kit** rO VA Transtonner El€clrical Junction Box BuiltJn Ar Separator A United Dominion Company ln the inter€st of continual improverrent in prc(h|cts and p€rtomance, WeiFMclain reserves the right to change specifications witfiout notice. llfEll'll}lilll 30 P.S.l. ASME Reliel Valve (boiler sections tested for 50 P.S.l. working pressur€) Water Temperature Limit Switch Section Block Temperature Limit Switch Combination Pr€ssure-Temperalure Gauge Drain Valve * Circulator supplied with boiler cannot be removed and cannot be used as a zone circulaior in multiple zone systems. **lncludes inside and outside plates, vent cap and hardware. Weil-McLain $Year Homeowner Prolection Plan Woil-McLain Indirect-Fired Water Heaters Expansion Tank PackagG (erpansion tank, fill and check valve, automatic air vent and frttingsl #lOg - Sizes 3 through 5; fl10 - size 6. Shipped in sepaEte carton Through-the-Roof Termination Kit - includes 5' x 5" x 3" tee, 5" cap, flue support, spacer clamps, debris sdeen and hadwar€. 5" Type B venl pipe and frttings musl be tumished by installer. High Altitude Kh WeiFMcLain 500 Blaine Street Michigan City. lN 46360-2388 DOE Heating Capacity BTU/Hr.i Net l-B-R Ratings-Water 8TU/Hr.* DOE Seasonal Efficiency (AFU9 Boiler Water Conted (GalsJ Water Boibr Number Boibr Lengul L Natural Gas Connection Sizet Crate Dimensions (oubide .neasur€ments - in.)Approx. Shipping Un. - Lbs.Length Widtrl Heig11** GV-3 '/i 32 22 270 GV-4 3G/i ,/i 37 320 GV-5 uth"'/1 GV4 37W ..'.d--\32 44 410 'Gas piping from meter to boiler to be tized accordi4g{o local dility requkements. * Boiler shiDoed on back in orotective crM Fonn No. C-7@R8(9961 O1996 Wbil-Mct3rn utho in u.sA. V s S* {,;3N v ?a \a d{; ,\P Si fr.€ .EJ**.-of-,$.*! ="*t.$-<-; + 'd.- E- t - fi s?&- a o.--)^I \SD +"c --{"k rtr=ilf {+FJ $-q- d e> \ \ * oL :qo l, v2 S s;. \r, (' ,*\ i '.+- t:d w fi:t ul'*.\r -43 \A- \rl. s).o i -r,-ti- $\,a-,F f L lo;qq \ tt --\t\- / o .*'./ ."* l{L ?r cl-I.= 5rr- o tll Inter-Mountain Engineering ua VAIL BOX C-100 AVON, CO 81620 019-5072; DENVER 893-1 53r SOILS AND FOUNDATION INVESTIGATION FOR LOT 15, BLOCK 6, INTERMOUNTIAN DEVELOPIIENT SUBDIVISIOII vAIL, C0L0MD0 PREPARED FOR DAVID REICHARDT PROJ ECT NUIIBER v-2166G SEPTEMBER, 1982 tneDD,tctIJL tiiZ-ofcf l 1420 VANC€ STREET . uexewooo. co eozrs'. 232-015E o o Jdsuofl.)rvl lltf s *ffg o CONCLUS iONS i. Soil conditions are fajrly uniform over the site with topsoil to a depth of one foot underlain by silty sand with qrave'|.. 2. The proposed residence should be founded on. conventjonal spread footings designed for an'iaximum soil beaiing nri:ssurd of- 2000 pif . 3. This .report is based on the observation of i. material from a six inch diameter test ho'le dug to foundation depth. An inspection of the foundation excavation should be made to varify the recomendations of this report. l,lo sl ope stabi'l i ty analys i s of the s i te was performed. SCOPE Th'is report presents the results of a Soils and Foundation Investigation for the proposed residence at Lot 15, B'l ock 6, Vail Intermountian Development Subdjvision, Vail Colorado. The investigation was prepared by means of a test hole and laboratory testing of samp'les obtained from this test ho'le. .Aslope stability analys'is ot the site was not performed. SITE LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION The site is located on Basingdale Boulevard in Vail Colorado. The 'lot llias'a slopir oF about 25 percent draining to the llorth. It , Vegetation consist of natiretrees and under-growth. 'i !.' 1 SITE I}IVESTIGATION The field investigation performed on September 22, t982, consist of hand digging a six inch diameter hole at the approximate center of the South garage foundation. The location of the test ho'le is detailed on Figure No. L. A summary of the test results is sholn on Figure No. 2. ' o ^-t(SUBSURFACE AND GROUNDHATER CONDITIOi{S Refer to the sunrnary of boring 1ogs, F'igure Nol 1.. The soi'ls encountered at the site were topso'i1 to a depth of one foot, underlain by silty sand with gravel. N0 over'lot grading has been done prior to this investigation.' No ground water was encountered in the test hole at the time of the i nvesti gat ion, PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION No specfic design data has been provided, but for the propose of this analysis, it has been presumed that the propoesd residence wj] I consist of two floors vrith a basement, and that loads will be light. If the proposed project djffers significantly from this understanding, a review should be rnade after the plans are more compl ete. FOUNDAT I ON RECOI.IENDATIONS Low to moderate conso'l idatjng soils wi'l I be encountered in the excavation. The proposed residence should be founded on conventional type spread footings designed for a maximum soil bearing pressure of 2000 psf. At this pressure, foundation sett'lements will be to] erable. It would be adviseable to proportion footings so as to mjnjmize differential settlememts. The bottom of the footing should be placed a minimum of 48 inches below final grade for frost protestion. SLAB CONSTRUCTION The upper natural soils will provide adequate support for slab- on-grade construction. If, clean, granular soils are imported to be used as select fill no problem with capillary rise of moisture wi'l'l occure.. However, if the se] ect fill contains some clays or fine materia'ls there is a'lways the possibility of capillary rise of moisture. l^le suggest that the plans and specfications be prepared vrith a specified minimum of 4 inches of c1ean, washed gravel immediately under the flodr slabs. The propose of this c'lean, washed materia'l is to break capil'l ary rise of moisture to avoid problems with bonding of aspha'lt tiles to floor slabs and other problems associated wjth minor amounts of moisture. !'le suggest densifying the surface of fill or natural soils with a virbratory type compactor immediately prior to placement of floor s'l abs. Slabs should be constructed in accordance with ACI recommendations to minimize the risk of shrinkage problems. 51abs should be scored into _ maximum 200 square foot areas to localize and control any.cracking. GROUNDI.IATER AND DMIN SYSTEM llhile litt'l e or no groundwater was encountered at the time the field investigation was conducted, it is possib'l e that seasonal variations'r, will cause fluctuations, or a water table to be present.i n the upper soils durjng the spring months, or after a prolonged period of rain. A periphera'l drain system as detajled'in Figure l'lo. 3 should be insta'l ed. REI NFORCING Foundation walls should be we]l reinforced so as to minimize the effects of differentia'l movements. Refer to foundation designs for ' reinforcing details. CRAI.JL SPACE COVER l{hen moist soils are encountered in the excavation, the ground surface in crawl space areas should be covered with an imperviouse moisture barrier sealed against the footings. Thjs will help to reduce humidity in the crawl space area and wi'll also prevent the moist foundation soils,from drying and shrinking, which could possib'ly cause the structure to settle, BACKFILL AND SURFACE DMINAGE The potentially consolidating foundation soi'ls encountered in portions of the site should be prevented from being wetted after / construction. Genera'l ]y this can be accomplished by insuring that the backfil'l placed around the foundation wal'l s wi'l I not setile after completion of construction and that the. backfill rnaterial is relativel! impervious. During the backfill'ing operations, the addition of water to the backfill soils should be only enough so as to increase the moistur content to optimum levels to aid in obtaining proper compaction -- do not pudd 1 e. Surface water running toward the structure from upslope areas should be diverted around and away from the building by means of drainage swales or other simular meastures. The fina1 grade should have a positive ,toO. ,"u, from the foundation wa] ls on all sides. A mimimum of 12 inches in the first ten feet is recommended. Downspouts and si'l I cocks should discharge 'into splach b'l ocks that extend beyond the'limits of the backfil'l . Sp1 ash blocks shou1d slope from the foundat'ion walls. The use of long downspouts extensions in-p'lace of splash blocks is advisab'le. LAI.III IRRIGATION Do not install sprinkler systems next to foundation walls, porches or patio slabs. If sprinkler systems are instalJed, the sprinkler heads should be placed so that the spray from the heads, under fu1 1 preasure, does not fall withjn five feet of foundation wa'l 1s, porches or pati o s'labs. Lawn i rrigation nust be contro'l I ed. If the owners desjr to p'l ant next to foundatjon walls, porches or patio s'labs, and-are wilfing to assume the risk ofstructural damage, ect., then 'it is advisable to p1 ant only (no lawn) of varieties that require very f]owers and shrubs should be hand-watered flowers and shrubbery litt'le moisture. These on1y. M ISCELLAIIEOUS Some of the soils at the site are potentialy conso'l idating and the owners should be cautioned that there is some risk of future damage. The contractor is directed to those items conered under BACKFILL AND SURFACE DRAINAGE, and LAWN IRRIGATI0N. Our experience has shown that damage due tQ swelling or consolidating soils usually results from saturation of the foundation soils caused by improper drainage, excessive 'irrigation, and poorly consolidated backfil'ls. The e'limination of the potential sources of excessive water w'i 'l 1 greatly min'imize the risks of construction of this site. The findings and recommendations of this report have been obtained in accordiance wjth accepted professional engineering practices in.the field of Foundat'ion Engineering and Soil l{echanics. There is no other warranty, either expressed or implied. S i ncer'ly, ENGINEERING LTD. s Al]en Reviewed and Approved By: pane'l ,DF )t t' u--$ii}'rr,;ffi3',' 4;;N dent I o Lor 14 W.t :. \ /\ LOTIT \///\ I -zz Lor ls \ --'\ \.\\../ \ TEsr HoLE a \./ \4,/Lor13 \ ,<"Y ""!."9 ./. uor$*./ N.T.S. --.rrsi- uor r *"oi*" LoT 15, BLoCK.6, VAIL INTERI,IOUNTIAN OSVETOPNSHT SUBDIV IS ION moreci ro., V-2166G DNA|Y'{ IV:SCALC:oarE oa^*,.ri ro.. 1 I BoRTNG No.a 6""F)'f/ri DESCRT?trOL OF r ATfAl^t SUMMARY OF TEST BORINGS LOT 15, BLOCK 6, . VAIL INTERMOUNTIAN DEVELOPMENT SUBDIVISION ?Rorecr rcl/-2166G TrcuaE rao.: 1 t . lq0taA Ig .,crroog luer.rrd r fi,l]*;I'l l;l l:l L-Ll lffi r rrrr,r r tl'l <5 1O ,\p F/ o z F o lrJ -l o (r o- c! d z lrJ G 0 tr F E I () z. v) UI F =lrl E o-o J lrJ (oF '' 2,!z=c)c o=JE F ^z lc). H rl .J F '--.r o<.J> fr Ht6 fi ",1 ll lF ; =l |l IE E '1 1-l l;' fl'Hlg s$ | I I I s ;l H IE ="ll;lI =l :' lll I s" "lFl L HL'',E -|il!I IfTffi I =H ll0rr.f, Ig rauH ,lur',|d Polyethe lene lr{cisture 'Barri e glued to foundation wall Backf | |mo I sfened compa cted #15 Felt Paper Mlnlmum of 6rt of 3/4 lnch gravel 4rt Diameter Perforated pipe sloped a minimum ol O.?5$to sewer lateral subd ra i n, sump pump or daylighted DETA I LS OF PER I PHEML DRA I N SYSTEIi FOR FOOTING TYPE FOUNDATION F IGURE3 Town of Vail 25 SouLh Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81-557 (303) 479 -2138 Plan analysis based on the 1991 Uniform Building Code Project Number: PR'J9 7 0 083 Address 3 2955 BASINGDALE Contractor: MCDOUGALL FINISH ATChitECT : PEEI.,/I'ANGENWAI.'TER Engineer: MICHAEL GORMAN Name: MCDOUGALL RESIDENCE Dater June 9, f997 occupancyr R3,M1 Type of ConsE: V-N Plans Examiner: DAN STANEK NoTElThecodeaLemslistedinthisreportarenotintended listing of all possible code requirements in the 1991 UBC' selected. sections of the code' SE PARATION DIRECTION BOUNDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE PROTECTION - -iiontn Propertv rine 13 ' 0 FeeL 13 ' 0 Feet EAST Property line 12 ' 0 Feet 12 ' 0 Feet SOUTH Property line 24 ' 0 Feet 24 ' 0 Feet WEST Property line 55 ' 0 FeeL 55 ' 0 Feeb NORTH OCC BRG NON.BRG OPNG WALL V'IALL PROT R3 Ohr Ohr None M1 Ohr Ohr None The exterior waLls may EAST BRG NON'BRG OPNG WALL WALL PROT Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None SOUTH BRG NON-BRG OPNG WALL WA],], PROT Ohr ohr None Ohr Ohr None be a comPlebe is a guide to WE ST BRG NON- BRG OPNG WALI, WAI-,I PROT Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None EGRES S Tb EXTERIOR WALI-, FIRE RATINGS AND OPENING PROTECTION Table 17-A & Table 5-A Ft be of cotttBusTlBLE material ' sec'220I' AREA MIN.I,IGHT MIN.VENT NO. EXITS 2 Garage 2 Kitchen 2 Dining room 2 Great roon 2 Powder room 2 Ha11s. cfosets, etc. TOTAL FOR FLOOR 1 Guest bedroom 1 Bath room 1 NurserY 1 LaundrY room 1 Master bedroon l- Master batb 1 Bath room #2 1 Halls. closets. etc. TOTAI, FOR FI.,OOR B of f ice B Rec room B Bedroom B Storage room B Hal1s, cfosets ' etc. TOTAI, FOR FI,OOR BUII,DING TOTAL 595 19 3 191 415 52 224 to , r 207 I tttl a2 109 58 433 t 335 344 494 ac,A 't9 119 L29 0 3005 0.00 19.30 19.10 41.50 0.00 0.00 20.70 0.00 l-8.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 34.40 49.40 25.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.55 9.55 1n 7( z.ov 0.00 1n 1q 2.30 9.40 4 .10 10.50 5.45 2.90 0.00 11 .20 24.7 0 L2.70 0.00 0.00 Yes No Yes No Yes No No No No No Yes No No Yes 1 t- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t- 1 1 1 1 1 L 1 I 1 1 L 1 No No No No No No li%E#::'_ o. on".ubre window or door rhar opens direcrrv ro rhe exrerior is required rto. lii" toom' the minimum cllar openable area nust meet the following. -- Sec' 1204' ri rne nininun clear height is 24 inches z i rn" minimum clear r'ridth is 2 0 inches 3) The minimum clear area is 5'7 square feet ai tft" maximum si1l height is 44 inches 2) The number of exits is based on Table 33-A (Dwellings) 3) A mechanical ventii"lio" "yst"m may be used in in lieu of exteri'or -' op".ri.rq" for ventilation' -- Sec' 1205' (c) 4) The requirement fot "tt egress wind'ow in the basement is based on Sec. 12 04. ROOM DIT.ENSIONS : Habitabfe space shal"1 have a ceiling height of not less than 7 feet 5 inches. Kitchens, halIs, bathroons and toilet comparLments may have a ceiling height ot 7 feet measured to the lowest projection' If the ceiling is sloping, erren che minimurn height is required in only I/2 of the area' - Sec. 12 07. (a) Every dwelling unrt shall have at least one room which has not less than 120 square feet of ri""r-"i"u. other habitable rooms except kitchens shall have an area of not less than 70 square feet' -- sec' 120?' (b) Habitable rooms other than a kitchen sha1l not be less than 7 feeE in any dimension. -- sec. L2O7 ' (c') GLAZING REQUIREMENTS : AII qlazing in hazardous locaLions is required to be of safety glazing material ' -- Sec' 5405' ('l)--ii ci""i.rg in ingress and egress doors except jarousies' 2) Glazing in fixed and sti-ing panels of sliding door assemblies and ' panefs-in swinging doors other than ward'robe doors' 3) Glazing in storm doors' 4) Glazinq in all unframed swinging doors' 5) Glazing in doors and enclosures for hot bubs' whirlpools' saunas' steam rooms. babhtubs and showers' Glazing in any portion of a building wall' enclosing these compartments where Lhe bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less tha; 50 inches above a standing surface and drain inlet- 5) Glazing in fixed or operable panels adjacent to a door where the nearest exposed edge of the glazxing is within a 24-inch arc of either vertical edgeofth"aoo':-n""ros"apositionandwherethebottomexposededge of the glazLng is less than 50 inches above bhe walking surface' 7l G1azLng in an individual fixed or operable panel' other bhan those Iocations ctescribed in items 5 and 5 above' than meets all of the following conditions: A. Exposed area of an individual pane greaEer than, 9 square feet' B. Exposed bottom edge less than 18 inches above the floor' C. Exposed top edge greater than 35 inches above Lhe floor' D.oneormorewalkingsurfaceswithin3Sincheshorizontallyofthe Plane of the glazing ' 8) clazi-nq in railingi ..g"idlt"t of height above a walking surface' Included are structural baluster panels and nonstructural in-fiI1 panels. See exceptions ' area. -- sec- 1210. (a) 4' A smoke detector is required in the basement' -- A smoke detector is required on aI1 stories ' -- if an" upper 1eve1 contains sleeping room(s) ' a --Ln tfr"'Leilinq of the upper level close to the "*o*"t;!;"1?ll;t:|"nr"quired ro be wired ro rhe buildins's power source and shall be equipped ;ith-; batterv backup' -- sec ' L2L0 ' (a) 3' Detectors shal-f sound-"t' "futrn ""dibt" in aIl sleeping area of the dwelling in which they are located' -- Sec' 1210' (a) 4' OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Between bhe q'arag'e and the residence' materials approved for thr fire conscruction are required. on the grarage side only and any doors between the garage ana tne iesia"""" "t" Lo be a self-closinq l 3/8 inch solid core door or a 20 minute fire door' -- Table 5-B & sec' 503' (d) exc' #3 SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS : A smoke detector is required located in the corrid'or or '- Sec. 1210. (a) 4' A smoke d.etector is required STAIR REQUIREMENTS : A stairr^ray in a dwelling must The maximum rise of a step rs -- sec. 1705. (c) 3) Shafts for gtas vents, not extend through not on the ceiling or wall aC a point centrally area qivinq access to each sleeping area' on the ceiling or wall in each sleepj-ngl Sec. 1210 . (a) 4. Sec. 1210 . (a) 4. smoke debecEor is reguired stairwaY - -- Sec. 3305. (c) exc. #1 provid.e a hand.rail or-or" side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosj'ng if there is 4 or more risers. -- Sec' 3306' (i) Provid.e a guard r"i1 ;;;;e drop off is greater than 30 inches' Minimum height = 36 inches. rnaximum opening size = 4 i"nches ' -- sec' I'7L2' (al exc' #1 The minirnum headroorn is .5 ft'l 8 inches' -- sec' 3305' (o) Enclosed usable tp"""*rrna"a the stairs is required to be protected as required ior thr fire-resisbive construction' -- sec' 3305' (1) SHAFT ENCI,OSURES: 1-) Chutes and dumbwaiter shaEts with a cross-sectional area of not more than 9 square feet may lined on the inside with not less than 26 qaqe galvanized. sheeL metaf with all joints ]ocklapped' Ttre outside must be lhrconslruction.Atlopeningsintoanysuchenc].osureshallbeprotected by not less ttran " ""ft-cf""inS solid wood door 1 3/8 inches thick or equivalent. -- sec. 1705' (f) 2) Gas vents and .torr.o.Urr. t ib I e piping installed in walls passinq through 3 ftoors or less do not need to be in t hour straf ts' be at feast 35 inches wide' -- Sec' 3305' (b) 8 inches and the minimum run is 9 inches' factory-bui1t chimneys, piping, or ducts t-ha! do .ot" Lh"n 2 floors need not be in t hour shafts' - - sec. 1706. (c) 4) All other shafts are required to be enclosed in a t hour assembly' -- sec. 1705. (a) ADDITIONAI., REQUIREMENTS : For R3 occupancy This project will requi-re a srte sha11 be submitted and approved insPec E ron . improvemen t surveY' Such surveY prior to r€lquest for frame A1l erawl spaces within tshe Town Of Vail are linited !o a earth to structural ,toot ""iiing-heiqht of 5" be erarth floor only' be venbiraced as per iii- iits (cis witrr minimun access as per uBc iiiiicl 2 and maximum access of 9 sq' ft' Any building sate wihh a slope of 30 degrees or more sha11 require an engineer design. st-'"i' -a""is" shal1 addrlss drainage' soil retainage and structural design ' ExcavaEionbelowslabsongradeshallno!})epernittedwithou!prror approval . Address numbers shalI be posted pJ'ain1y visible and legible from the s treet . For M1 occupancy slope garage floor !o al1ow for drainage b<: oubside to provide a floor drain with sand and oil inlercepcor to dry well or to sewer' erry-g"t"ga floor drain connected to sewer Inust be approved' by naqfe River Water & Sanibation DistricL' In garages lvith riving area above' the wal Ls of the garage wiich are bearing the area abov6 shall be protected r"ith one hour fire resistive construction' UBc 503 (B) ' Town of Vail 25 South Frontage Road Vai1. Colorado 81557 (303 ) 479 -2138 Plan review based on the 1991 Uniform Building Code Project Number: PRJ970083 Address t 2955 BASINGDALE Contracbor: MCDOUGALL FINISH Architect : PEEL/LANGENWALTER Engineer: I"IICHAEL GORMAN Name I MCDOUGALL RESIDENCE Date: June 9' 1997 OccuPancY: R3,M1 Type of Const: V-N Ptins Uxaminer: DAN STANEK # SHEET IDENTIFICATION CORRECTION REQUIRED r Exterior surfaces wibh stucco shall be provided with exberior metal i;t; as per UBc 4705 with 2 lavers of paper- Windows and doors are required to be adequately flashed(not with just screed metal) ' A Iath inspection is required prior stucco aPPI icaLion ' Bathrooms are required' to have an openable window or -"-*"att-..ica1 ventilation system' -- sec' 1205' (c) Domestic clothes dryer exhaust ducts shal1 be instal,led as per uMC 1104 and 1903' Flexible duct connectors may not exceed 5' in Ieng:th and shall not l. "ott"euf"d within consLruction' Ducts shall l"t.ir,"t" outside the building and not exceed 14 | l ength . Heating and. cooling eguipment located-in the qfarag'e shall ie installed with the pilots and burners or ;;;li"; elements and switches at least 18r' above Lhe floor ievel of the garage' UMc 508' Supply a mechanical drawing indicatinq design of "vti"^, size (BTU and volume) of equipment' vent llcation and termination, and combusbion air to be supplied prior to any installation' Gas pipinq shall not be installed in or on the ni"""d.,rni"t ".ry buildinq or structure and exposed i"s pipi"q shatl be kept at least 5n above gTrade ' u}4c 2 213 (b) The garage must be separabed from the dweLling by thr iire-resistive construction on the garage side' -- Table 5-B & 503. (d) exc'f3 The door between the garage ancl Lhe dwelling is t"q"it.a to be a f 3/A inch thick solid core or 20 minube self cl-osrng door. -- sec' 503' (d) exc'#3 The enclosed usable space under the stairs is required Lo be protecbed by thr fire-resisbive construction. -- 3306. (I) 11 There shall be a floor or landing on each side of a aoo. t.*""pt at the top of stairs. provj'ded door does .rot "ti"s Lver stairs) ' uBc 3304(i) ' The open side of all decks. porehes' stairs' eLc' *fri"it- are more bhan 3 0 " above grad'e shal l be protected with a guardrail ' Openinq's can not exceed 4,,. Within R-1 occ. and all R-3' heiqhL min' is 35" -outside R-1 occ. height rnin' is 42n ' IJBC 777L' r',f' - .tr'o o 02/20/98 15:51 FtLe t!970 984 J53J TRLTSFAB INc. llcDotle tzt-*es @ ool TRUSFA.B INC. 6181 -- 335 RD. NEW CASTLE, CO 81647 PHONE : (970)984-2336 FAX: (970)984-3s33 FAX COVER SHEET DATE: 2o {a qa' TO: nmr n FROM: -7-uno SUBJECT: 1-e-+a T?Awtil65 0^l rnLlj- R8 PAGES TO FOLLOW: 5 {b ' r,{ ',' " },* a I l a11 |l-.l'r aa .t ir I " ^-ti t i'*tJ .i l': : 02/20/58 15:51 8970 984 3533 TRUSFAB INC.@ ooz 8o tir ;EB HUB bbH €48 gH IE HXHH nflnE FEFF HEF ffirE*fi li*HB iiiiF ei:eF ietiE iir;E irbbhB :ilrd8 trtr f,f, Ht H$Efr u*f,|l e9 H$9F F H a $ BH$$fr EH6 .58 b8E EE EH i:E iE 99 cE 6- I b ? b f H E f, I q n tl tl oo€oo fP?? ?F9l o ooS r-l ol il ol cl \o pN ibl :. \o ;\ ;t {v tr 5 It l| E I 2 a IEH fra o +E 5 5 I EFEE SiiF i egt ilEi gEF$ sEiE' lsEi cEE.$:' €ii F i[E$ ig$$EC 5'[: tE f, iEii *5 qE Es$[ EiEE EEII EEII gglc iEEl F3*E IFiE T9:9 F',c =EI EEg Eit iiE EeE I5e :qg l3F iIF ?FF 3gE o 6-. E;g rFl Eri TEE cz- Eqg E9h gu9 =Er =fr? <,8, I -t 7 t F 6 E,F E t' a e g E ! t a J 6 a a' 2 E ? il '!'; E E I t'5 a t -d F 8 t E € t al !i I E EEdd . 8F,8E t<ta ct o.c I Bll - F i tt Ict ul cl blbbbb EIEEET iilh ri ri nt r E 3S f E Ss r il .lI|ll o l.lfr E E,FEr -P ll o '.b I Ef ;-' >orc Ern 6!-o ct Pil Hs F TRUSFAB INC.02/20/98 15:52 !E!970 984 3533 tfrH A T-.E \ --2 a iit oclo o o arrt Fal rurNPo r.r>,8 He isH $8 biBiBbE birkbE qCH ed'E ffiffiill 8.. BE fii dt to xS I4 ri d$dB $$$$f, i;g 'nbbtF bisbF shhbE titsbg ffiHE' ii6 tcH t[6 HEB iBB PlEE8; Ff$trfi I3l3r rrrrI oooo' irEiuEF rll iiTE :IE ''qn lot I l-a hg" E.o.-r.t HfFrr rrrrr ll ooo oo ll l]J EF Ff lrt ('r ;l crl ol ,l l"l rl o D o t o n \o N f.l \o \ dl ol rtl z l| : ;o frl {{e l|I E I$ o q l9 E I !l n o s \N o o N 'tl :c LC tbr EEHEAiE $FEE g[EF iiii tgr$ F rtE. gs r: EEEi g3F+ iE?$ Fr*s E9 S' SE E6 F H ! xxra 'gr5F at &t I E[- r. rD (nllo |' o L['obLb Irt ll! ts E It t I I t !rtU}llr|tF 594 F--ir Eo i 1E:EH aa F; .tl 6 9SFf,atlnc E f ,rrt !.F d o r.b ct Elt' Ct c|oro I oo.r EII F ob BF He F 02/20/9E 15:53 tl970 984 3533 TRUSFAB INC.@ ool Fn prt *,F.e --+ :TH Esn !8 be 6[H €q€ *ffiffiffi;i; ffiTfiEHfi tttuH "'8"'E wB$t: rH *f, bF bF !E bE i6 rH bE u X !t IA $B ?o5 is- il h F t? ili !i ct oo o [l r-s -------?5\FE-T I '-[.---------- T I \o pN Erd -to {{ g o It z D 3 !! tl O f.l -{ e s - P f.l p a lrl E 3 l! n o \0 \N o o N ti \I o c + tiH iW t I .2 a H I BxBB - BETE 0<t<ot ro I r.ll OIIP F Q rrlo r' o blbbbb ? IE T T I rr|| ri lr rt r! FPE 5;"E-' t r r:5H I 5$ s H f,srsi I o -L <l l!l\,. o ulnrP !! tt :tct|l'gtr! OL gil $; F 02/20/98 15:53 t1970 984 3533 TRUSFAB INC.@ oos H6 EB 3IE b.ts ;3 'Fi h6" ?? Er.T ;*E siB I ti |+ I eH rnf, hF bFF bA iNE ?t? FEO r':''qtu o f? t? rto us ibB 6UH EEg gf,t['BE 'xtto Hgn tr $tHtxxH FffiFH$N iBE I sxu f E;I'EE :r.s; *rh r,II G L Is b9 HE IH bg *mffiE*fi --l 81. EFFI{funE [. F-'d"H t $wBssi 'E .8. if, * 8 l,l--i ? rrr FIr FH trn F$ F;.8t at tl '86 tr- Ef, -! Fr EF H$ E; Fll'ui A'R pn E;' Ir0, EE rr5 tl rt .X !l.l F* 't! |+ U it ,E ,ll 'n piE n!!.i *g !En "El FHT EH HEI Fifr di Fi -..bbbb { o{ct Eoo o (o -119 -l bbiiE 8tsdd fif6fi atarl?rr \o FN lrd ;\o >\ J o F 2 al I t ld E {E I UI I + -l F E a 5 fll t!t I z o iEH Fpd EI:!"z E-g i, E E8E '8!B t<t attr l EI- F :"1P. r'oll o o o E TE E iI I [t t a rrtrhniri :S F ,brH llna 9.t !!F ,n sg r,b rct o.E rl oi o <l I g f, E f; 02/20/98 15:54 8970 984 3533 TRUSFAB INC.@ ooe rlf,IA r tr\FF'6V/t sw -w7 \ II z n iEH tr"B oct r-+ ;IH EeB I"PE qEH €Es gflfl['EE :.!lfn $FTFrsx H$-:FHHA LF8;gHH F[Tg$H T_- II PF ;r.$ k'F rF-L n P otP at 't; E H H a .A : !9 Hg $8 irPlt ilH HF bbF bE iArg kg inb8 f,H *H H $a d F (.rr nxB EN* &__ nE$ E P F nl fr I $ F F I'II EH fffia-igffiEf F H [85.B;(r irii;frliinl EIggHE[4FI vtvr" ifrfisI - r?f 9F i r" Hl ur('rv1nr'_ | i{ - nnrrFi iEE;E brl hB igT "'iH iig IH tso IJl It ra ct PO tno a --'t ol .l tt t -li' F_fi +?FE+ o \o rN lbl -to {\ 0 c tl {I E U|5 tr P q I' =n o o \o \N o|gi N |.l \I c c or EEHEiEi $F$H gIEF EiFs EE[$ EEEi E$EF igiE FE 3' RP T A E Esdd - ttFttF I58 f Etr6 I El- Fo ul I rcr qr Gl LILtLt uiuouu D [b o 6 o |r I r.rr r.i rt ;t EFH E-"-u E-r, :" r [;,rE I S,b r F F sBil { oto o,l ..F H.v ct Po ttttlt.ct |,n'tt ![o E?T F C,. C' g! la E REpr131 TOWN 0F VAIL, C0LORRDo A7/?g/9A ttr7:19 REGIUESTS FUR INSF'ECTION bIORK SHEETS FORz 7/?Q/i8 pR6E r8 AREAT DS Activity: Flddress: Locat ion: Farce I : Descri pt i on : Appl icant ; Ewner l Contraet or r 897-8141 7/eg/98 Type: B-BUILD Status: ISSUED Constr: NSFR 8955 BASINGDALE BLVD 8955 BASINGDALE BLVD e 143- 143- 1o-Cr 15 NEt^l SFR MC DOUGRLL FINISHES CUMMINGS MRRY I _ MC DT]UGALL FINISHES Occ: Fhone: Fhone; Fhone c oo07 Use: V N 97o-476-1374 97A-476-1374 InEpeet ion Request Requestor: t in Req Time: O8:00 Items re ted to Infornation... Comnents:e Exp be I n speet ed.#oL, Item:-Iten: Iteml Iten: H..;flTFE -*rtu------ 04501 FW-Tenp. accese/dreinage OA5AE trLl-Rough grade 04863 F,H-Final driveway grade ADOIA BLDB-Foot ings/5t ee I A6/3A/97 Inspeetor: CD 67leLl97 Inspeetor: CD 67/ee/97 Inspector: DS tZ7/?3/97 Inspeetor: LtrV frA/ t5/97 Inspector.: LtrV SOILS REF.c}ftT RECEIVED REVISED UNDERDRAIN REC' D NOT READY PARTIAL. COMPLETE TIE-UF.S CT]IYIPLETE trANEL, ST]NT] TUB DRI VEI.IAY RETAINING I^IALL Itern : OOO€A BLD6-Fot"rndat ion/SteeI A7/36/97 Inspector: LtrU 68/?,4/97 Inspector: trD Act ion: NO Action: NO Action: DN Action: AF,trR flct ion: AFPR Action: AtrtrR Aetionr fftrtrR Notes: STAB DOWELS pER AF|F'ROUED PLAN Item: tarzrsger F,LAN-ILC Site F,Ian @e/eW/94 Inspector: KATHLEEN 6'c/ e4/98 Inspector: DOI4INIC Item : Aon3A BLDB-Framinq We./87 l9A InEpectorl CD Notesr TRUSS REtrORT RECEMD Item r Agq5A FLDG-Ins'-rlat i on O3/A4/98 Inspect or': ART Not es: tr0MF,LETE VAF'OR BARRIER COMF.LETED. 0A06A ELDG-Sheetroek Nail 6e/ [Ti/98 tnspector: JRM AAATA BLDG-Misc. 0AEgE BLD6-Final raSSsO BLDG-Temp. trlE AlassE trt^l-TElYlp. C/0 OO533 PLAN-TEMtr. tr,/O IZIA537 F,LAN-FINAL C/A 40539 pH-FINAL C/0 AO54O BLD6-Final C/O Aetion: N0 ILC routed to planner Action; AtrFR AtrtrROVED Actiorr: APPR APPROUED Act i on: APtrR flpproved w/correct ionsr OVER I^|OOD FRAI{ING IIHERE NOT ACtiON: AF'trR H*ECI GYF' NEED IN BATHS Item r Item: Item: Item: Item: Item: Item: Iten: Iteml --fCD nts';s\Or nJr, I o I I eq Dsi -----l PAGE 9S AREA:6/]E3/ REFiT 1*.] 1 Q6/'e3/94 rZrT;3rZr ============Activity: Adclress: Loca.t i on : F arc'e I : De scr i pt i on ! A;rpI icant: Own er; Cont ract or : TOI^'N OF UAIL.' CULURRDO REGUESTS FOR INSF.ECTION WORK SHEETS FOR: M97-41 I I 6/:P-3/95 Type: B-MECH Statr-rs: ISSUED Constr: NSFR E955 BASINGDALE BLVD P955 BASINGDALE BLUD elAS-143-14-rZ'15 MECHANICAL FOR NEI.I SFR ROAD RUNNER F,LUI4BIN6! CUMMINGS FIRRY I - ROAD RUNNER PLUMBIN6t I Ntr. I NC. Occ:Use I Fhone:97O-949-1O34 Fhone: Fhone: 978-949-1O34 ----'l Inspect i on Req ue st Reqr.lgs;or: TIM Req Time: OB:OO Items requested to rzrtZt3g?t MECH-FinaI Information..... Connents: MEUHANICAL Fhone & FIRE F'LACE i on Donm ent s : 479-664fr FINAL be Inspected.Act Time Ex1 : ---] : ---*l -------1 Inspeetion History. . . . . It em : OEEEO MECH-Ror-rgh A7/7.A/98 Inspector': CD Iten: ftAE4A trLMB-Gas tripinq It em: tZtflt3l tl MECH-Heat ing A8l19/97 Inspectot': LtrV I L /-cI /97 Inspect or': ART fi[/A9/98 Inspector': CD It em : lal}SBIA MEIH-Exharist Hoods $'A /'E:,A 19A I n s pect or : CD Item : ta'z'33cr lrlECH-supply Rir. 1t em : An34tZ MEtrH-Mi sc. fr'A/8fr/9$ Inspectot': CD Item : Ala3g0 |4ECH-Finerl Iten: rz'tZl538 FIRE-FINAL C/A Action: AtrFR BOILER UENTS Aetion: AFtrR ffetionr AFtrR Action: AFFR Actisn: AFFR Act i on: AtrF'R NEED TO ASK UN U,IET FTROOF Garage heat piping/10t€t* lAO F'S] AIREST KITHCEN HOOD UENT ENUIRMENTAL -DUCTS I REPT131 TOrn oF YArL, CoLORADO PAGE T AREA: CD O2|2I|2OOO O9tO4 RECUESTS - IXSPECTII HORK SHEETS FORz 2/21/2O =============================================================================-==Activl.ty: Bl7-OI4l 2/2Lt2O Type: B-BUILD Statue: ISSUED Conetr: IISFR Addreeg: 2955 BASIIIGDALE BLVD Locatlon: 2955 BASITIGDALE BLVD Parcel : 2lO3-143-1O-Ol5 DeacrJ-ption: llElf SFR Appllcant: llC DOUGALL FIIIISHES Ovner: CUttllIltGS IIARY I - Contractor: llC DOUGALL FIHISHES o,cct OO67 Phone: 97O-476-L374 Phonel Ptrone: 97O-476-t374 Uge: V ll Inspection Request Requeator l tin Req Tlne: O8:OO Iteng requeated to oo54f,-Flnal C/ Infornation.... Counentg: rl.ll be fnepected... Phone: cal..L pleaee on Connents 472-?::_ ,/)+-t _.i'l Tl.re Erp Inepection Hiatory Iten: OOSOI PT-Tenp. accese/drainage 07 l2L/9A Inapector: LP Action: APPR APPROYED Iter: 06302 Pt-Rough grade fter: OO5O3 PI-FLnaL drl.veray grade 07 l2I/9a Inepector: LP Action: APPR APPROVED Iterr WOIO BLDG-Footlnge/SteeI 06lg197 fnspector: CD Acti.on: ll(l SOILS REPORT RECEMD O7/2I/97 Inepector: CD Action: ll0 REYISED UXDERDRAIII REC'D 07/22197 fnepectorl DS Action: Dll tlOT READY 07 123/97 Inspector: LPV Actt.on: APPR PARTIAL. 0A175197 Inspector: LPV Act1on: APPR COIIPLETE TIE-UPS Iten: 06020 BLDGi-Foundat{onlSteeL 67 130/gl Inepectorl LPY gAf2A/97 Inapector: CD Ilotes: STAB DO|ELS PER APPROVED PLAH Iter: OO52O PLAll-fLC Site Plan O2/2O198 Inepector: KATHLEEII Acti-on: 6212419A Inepector: DOIIIIIIC Action: Iten: OOOSO BLDG-Franing Action: APPR COI1PLETE PAIIEL? SOXO TUB ACtlon: APPR DRIYEHAY RETAIilIIG TALL ItO ILC routed to planner APPR APPROYED APPR APPROVED 02/27/95 Inepector: CD llotees TRUSS REPORT RECEIYED Iten: OOOSO BLDG-Ineul.atlon O3/O4/98 fnspector: ART Actlon: ActJ.onl APPR Approved r/correctione: OYER trOOD FRATIIIIg TJHERE IIOT Iter: Iten:Iten:Iten: llotee: COIIPLETE VAPOR BARRIER CONPLETED. 0@69 Bl.DG-Sheetrock llail O3|LO|9A Inapector: JRlt OWTO BLDG-l{l.ec. OOO9O BLDG-Final Action: APPR H-2O 6'IP IIEED Iil BATHS 0,O53O BLDG-Terp. CIO O7l2lfgA fnepector: CD Actlonr APPR SEE IIOTES llotee: PLAllllIllG HAS GfVEil VERBAL APPROVAL (nO SIGII OFF) TCO IS APPROVED PEDDTilG Ail ELECTRTCAL FTilAL CUIIPLETE RATIGE BURIIER II{STALA'I'IOII gosilltETrcs noT cot{PLETE so532 PU-TEilP. C/O Iter: i n"*"t"t rorx oF vArL, colonaDo 'AGE z OZ|ZL|ZM O9tO4 RE0UESTS - fnSPECTf, UORI( SI|EETS FIOEI 2lZllVD ABBAg GD G==============t=========E=========E-======== ========== =Er==-=EAE=-=3!t!-gE=!Eltt3!!3 e7l2t/% Inapectorr LP Actt'onr APPR APPROVED Ite,rr Oe53il PLAII-TEIP. CIO Iterr @537 PLAII-FIIIAL CIO Iter: eOS3:t PI-FIilAL C/O Iterr @5{O BLIXi-F{naL CIO .i''j,'1 -1,,1 o REPT131 TOUil OF VArL, COLORADO PA6E 3 AREA: CD oZrzllzW O9tO4 RECUESTS - TllSPECTr{ rOnK SHEETS FORz 2/21/2O Actl.vl.ty z P97-OO82 2121126 Type: B-PLtlB Ststua: ISSUED Conetr: IISFR Addreee: 2955 BASITIGDALE BLYD Locatl.on: 2955 BASfIGDALE BLVD Parcel z 2LO3- L43-1O-O15 DeecrlptLon: PLUIIBIIIG FOR IIEI SFR rlpplicant: ROAD RUllllER PLUllBIllG, IllC. Ornerr CUllllIllGS IIARY I -Contractor: ROAD RUlttlER PLUllBIllG, IllC. Occ: Phone: 970|-949-1o34 Phone: Phone: 97td-949-tO34 Uge: fnepection Requeet Requeator: Tir Reg The: o'8zOA I tene requeeted to OO29O PLIIB-Final Inforrstlon. . .. Conrents: vLll be Inepected. -. Phone: call pleaee Action Commentg 4Wr-$'GAtL q%-t3vt TLre Exp /l /^\ Inapectlon Hietory Itenr O62Lg PL|tB-Underground OAlL3l97 fnepector: LPY lter: OO22O PLIIB-Rough/D, U. Y. 62/26/9A fnepector: CD Iter : OO23O PLIIB-Rough/Iater 112/26/98 Inepector: CD Iteu: o'o.249 PLIIB-Gae PJ.ping 6l/0919A Inepectorl CD Iter: O0.25O PLItB-PooI/Hot Tub Iter : 00260 PLIIB-lligc. Iten: OO29O PLIIB-FinaI O7/2L/94 Lnapector: CD Actlon: APPR Actl.on: APPR Act{on: APPR Act1on: APPR APPROVED UATER COLUTII TEST lOO PSI AIRTEST 30 PSr FOR 15 ilIrl Action: PA SEE IIOTES }{otes: IIASTER SHOIER STALL l{OT COIIPLET POTDER ROOII IIOT CO}IPLETE ALL OTHER BATHROOITS CO}IPLETE