HomeMy WebLinkAboutUnit 2 - 199475 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 1 38 / 479-2 1 39 FAX 303-479-2452 Depa rnne nt of C omnun iry D eve lo pme nt May 5, L994 Dave Hilb 2923 Bellflower vail, co 81657 Re: Expiration of PermiL tto. 6108 Dear Mr. Hi1b, The above referenced permit has expired per Section 303 (d) of the 1991 Uniform Building Code. Before any work can recommence, a new permit, shall- need to be obtained. rf you have any questions, please don't hesitate !o contact our of f ice aL 4'19 - 2138. Sincerely. d/^z-fud* Chuck Feldrnann Town InspeeEor CF/TL xc: Files DAVID C. HILB 2923 Beflflower, Unit Vall CO 81657 303/,t76-7051 &{ May 4,1994 Mr. Gary Munr ian Town 0f Vail Department of Conmun 1t y 75 South Frontage Road ValI C0 81657 Dear Mr. Murrian, I an writing to the town to request an extenslon on ny constructlon permit. Job Nane ItHl1b Deck Repairrr, perEit #6108. I did not undergtand that bhe job nust be sbarted slx months fron the date of issue. Wtth the extenslon, I wilI start the project prlor to the June 8, 1994 docunenfed starting dafe. I would also llke to inform the town that I am releiving Honestake Building, Reg. /1 100-Br as contractor. I will be undertaking fhe project myself and I realize that I will be taklng fu11 1iab111ty. I also understand bhat the projecb nust be conpleted to proper building code. If you have any questlons, please donrt hesitate to contact ne at the number above. Thank you in advance. incerely, E*- David Hilb \Ad/- MAY C ,an,,' Jt IOV.COi\4lVi. DEV. DEPT. tfitu I(}, t , DEV. U". ,, 't'Wm,za.. Ac1,rl Homestake Builders Corporation Box 762 Edwards, CO 8L632 KarI Hochtl h- 476-LL25 Stephen C. Beck h. 476-4tts ) o ilry: rqF Hay 3, ]-994 Town of Vail Building Department 75 South Frontage Road VaiI, CO 81557 To tJhom It May Concern, Homestake Builders Corporation wiIl not be the general contractor or do any work on the Halb Deck permit *610e at 2923 BeIIFIower Drive VaiI, CO 81657. o o { o O t-JLE]E -E o o z v,{n c c){o z T tn 7 =-{ -.t (D. m Ig l-o .;E liHt'l<x a tlY=lm: 6 1.1^t fix a lri g ItrP o llmO t< -r =l--l r- 3 o.< :to (J<_-o ad >=:o _n ! m = =FP T \' F in2 = -r .'\9I "', t- fIftl r IL]L ] Tt 1l Or- z< 22 o-'z Za\ >= 3 m o _r z o z o -l z;--l c 3= -1 z -m >= o>n- o Za uz >m --,t > I m or- aA o>'r --t r- -n r-z ir lr {D r p F ti fr p t,. z 3 T o o F P.rt E t>|< l" lp t< t: IE I F F F D n B N NJ -n lti mlO 5t€'lz lo ll l> t; lm lo r lz le I I I I I I l-r |o l= lz lt t> lr II IlT| lF) lz l+to l{ lz le t<t> l-II lE lz t-i lo l{ lz lo lI t> l- ld lz F' I F. ld t*It 13 lzl t9t l<P l>H l- l; tm h\ l!"'F lz [u tsL ts/ r.trts trD IH tr tl tt tl 3Et;*Fl= pl rl -ll I 9z -{Y llt F sl ?o qoY l<FF s:l \D w-o m ; i m x m .lT -1 z C- a =m o =z f-.It m ll =-t U)z m m o m o z a^lIl { zz io R =r =)> -mr)(/)m:au)O z Otrr* 3 H=n 9.H >g - -tt \-, r>-n =2c)dQo o'<z Io 6l A<GX za ^=='n2z € ^ : iio o - * iE 3 a j'o9o *:d*s :;q ii 8E€T9 -ar 3 d *;iae I U, (D:1 J Hb *o - +S:3{,X^-=oo iHgan OO^.(/,X g;.g g; iagig ArEiF 3dq:g 9id9ii 5=s31 f-':J5= i J-o o * dseii s.:55i +- :ttt -.d1'6' --.r * ,;': 3 l{$r I H5 * 6 t;:3n 3 3 3;E j FqdsS 11 o I 3 a m t- "Yt O IH F:C'z'E =lE z lP Qtr i ir ;ir = t3 9le z;F itd (/, lP :-j | ,!-:' il I tl ru lu al ;l I I I I I VALUATION L/ V'T m n =..'t z o o t Q @ 4 uro( ' (rrt t I Oto* oF vArL coNsrRucrrp PER!,IIT APPLICATION FORM DATE: F-I I /I] ll ,- r APPLTCATION MUST BE FILI,ED OUT COUPLETELY OR IT I.[.AY NOT BE ACCEPTED t f I********!t***:****************** PEII!{IT INFORMATION ***************************** tt //-ti,J-suifaing [ ]-Plurnxfng., b+-gfectrlcal [ ]-I,techanicat [ ]-other ,i ,'T.t' '/t,i'n,rZ- Job Narne: f\i \S L)::< ?:g-"; Job Addre"s: 2'\ Z3 iic t\C\*.,",rl - Owners Name: Architect: MEC}IANICAL: $ Plunbing Address: Contractor: Hechanical Contractor: Address: *************************:l****** FOR Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUTLDTNG pr.eN cHEcK FEE: i.V.4d PLWBTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: I.IECHANICAIJ PIAN CHECK FEE: - RECREATION FEEs CI,EAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERI.IIT FEES: BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLI'MBING PERI.IIT FEE: HECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ETECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: 5-f, a Legal Description: uQ arockl Firing "\,r*,:';- /l'l{u'r Address: .Lr\: J Flc t\( 1.,....,,, ph.r I X /i)\{ Address:Ph. General Description: I{ork class: [ ]-New (fl1-ttt"tution [ ]-Additional ffi-Repair [ ]-Other Number of Dwelling Units:Nurnber of Accommodation Units: Gas Logs_ I{oodr/Pellet ********************************* OTHER: $ Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: ***** 1)ryU"r and Tlpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances {* * * * * * *....i3JJ l: BU * * * * * * * * * * * * vALUArroNs EUILDING: $ !dJF+-' ELESTRIqAL: $_TOTAL:ffi oN ********************A****** Town of Vail Reg. Ho.f1 tDb <-.€- a' BUILDING: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURS! Conments: CLEAN I'P DEPOSIT REFIII{D TO: 74t -'.{'z .a- BEt LFIO HEA COilDOf,dIH IUIT A SSOCI ATI OT{ AtrI{UAL I{EETITG APnrL 13, 1993 I, Dave Hilb, am seeldng ttl+ approval of the associatlon for the modification of the existing deck surrounding Unit 2. The difficulty in shoveling, and the lack of sun on the stainrny"rnake it a hazard during the winter. I propose Lo close off the existing strjrwell, and extend a n+w stairway towards the parking lot. This will resemble the original stairway, and will insure a saf+r enkance to th+ unit. ASSOCIATION MEMBERS OR PROXIES: p t t TOWN OF VAIL D EPA RT;\{EN T OF CO rvf )vlLiNITY D EVELO P}IENT' S,ILES ACTION FOR}T 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD LOMDO 8I657 zclT\c tu\D ADDRIJS !,'A-PS 0t c/J0041510 0l croc124t5 LINT.EO L\ { E UTLDL\*G COD E UMFOR.\{ PLUIr';B[\G CODE 0l 0000 {2415 0l 0000 4 2.1 I 5 UM FoL\'l IwECH}}'1ci.L coDE 0t co00i2{l5 UNIFO&\{ FIRE CODE OI OOOO {2{ 15 I N,\NONAL ELECTRJCAL CODE OTI.IER CODE EOOKS 0t 0000{21l5 0t 0fo0 .r 1543 BLUE PRD{TS (TIY].AI{ 0l oom.t21l2 | >:e aox coPEs / s'iuDrEs s0.5 0l 00co !2li I i pux.rt.ry FEES / RE.r.,.'^'spEcroNs 0l CC,ig.rt-ij2 i pL,r"v REvIgrv RE.CHECK FEg ts.(o FER HR.l 0l c'oco 42323 OFF I-IOURS L\-SPECTION FEES CONTL\ CTORS L]CE\s EJ FEIS 0l 00.30 .r l{ t2 0r c{00 j 1330 | oTitER FTES .cl c\ro01l4r3 | stcN Appl-lcA]loi{ FtE 0t co004r{t3 ADDITION.\'- SIGNAGE FEE ISI.03 PER. SO.IT. 0l ocsc r2i.t0 \TC A RT PRO'F.CT DONATON 0t 0000.r1331 PRE P.AJD DF-SICN R,E\']ElV BOARD TEE OI OOOO424I2 I BUILDING-CONSTRUCTION PERMIT COMPUTER DI PLEASE MAKE 0000 410 0rx(42) * * * * 'i * * * * BUIT ]TAL DUE: T{]bJT.I OF UFl I1- t4isrel lsneous Cash ;14-.;;r-.'.+1 i4:,i.Er Ii F:e':Eit,t. * 1;i:t:1f,+ l:t':,:r'r-rn t. $ |--ti. # bt' I iiFll.rIt:' Hl.LE'.tlF:Er F:[E Flrir,:iLrT'1 t !:'t.ri'l* re,-j Item PEid B1 t-i!;1f1t:1.1 1I;ll. [18i:l |.l-r::trr!-lF ri:tttt-rrr-r'-l-' IrJ . [i8 RmDUn t paid