HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL INTERMOUNTAIN BLOCK 6 LOT 5 LEGAL FILE.pdforf,,rr"r oF coMMUN,r" ouurro'ut \^,r{ ; , B\\tG TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD . vArL.co 81657 970-479-2t38 APPLI CANT Peter Casabonne PO Box 5l-6 VAIL CO 8l-558 License: Status ..: ISSUED Applicd. . : 10/05/2001 fssued..: l0l23l200l Expircs . .: O4l2ll20l2 r0/05/200t Ptrone: 390-8583 Factor Sq Feet Valuation $7, 000 . 00* Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: $7.000.00 Job Address: 2953 BELLFLOWER DR VAIL Location.....: 2953 BELLFLOWER DR Parcel No...: ^ el03 14307006^ ProlecrNo, Pft-tbl - UJI] OWNER Pet.er Casabonne L0/05/200j. Phone: 390-8683 PO Box 515 VAIL CO 81658 License: CONTRjACTOR CASABONNE ENTERPRISES 10/05/200r- Phone: 97O-476-5435 P.O. BOX 836 AVON, CO 8162 0 License:165-B Dcsciption: Re-roof Occupancy Number of Dwelling Units: 0 Type TotaIs... \).^-^\ \"-\ra-\- NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PROJECT TITLE: ADD/ALTSFRBUILDPERMIT Permit #: B0l-0319 Firepface Information: Restricled: Y # ofGas Applianccs: o lJ ofGas bgs: 0 H of Wood Pallc't: 0 Ituilding---.' S115 . oo Rcstuarant Plar Review--- S0 . 00 'lotal Calculated Fees--- S2L2 -15 Plan Check--:' S?4.7s DRB lrec-.-------- 920.00 Additionrl Fee"-------,' $0-00 Investig&tion-:' 90. oo Rqcrealion Fee------- S0. oo 'l'olal Permit l'ee.-----.' S2I2 -'15 Will CalF--:- 93.00 Clcan-up Dcposit------ 50.00 Patrnenl{-------- 1212.'15 TOTAL TTEIIS------ 5212.75 BAI-ANCE D{tli--------.. $0.00 Approvals:IEem: 051-00 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 10/05/2001 DF Action: AP Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEIIT Tt,em: 05500 PUBIJIC WORKS See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hercby acknowledge that I have rcad this application. filled out in full the information required. completed an accurate plot plan, and PAGE 2 , ** *** ** ** ** * * * * + lt** * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * ** * * 't** ***:*** * *** ********** * * * * * * * * + ** * * *** * *** * * * * * * * * * * ** * + * * * * * CONDITIONS OFAPPROVAL Permit #: B0l-0319 as of 10-23-2001 Status: ISSUED * r* * * ** ** 'l* ** + * * * * '* i** * ** * t ** * * ++* *****++** **++****** **** * * i* * * * ** * * ** * * * * * * * * + * * * * * * * * * * * * + * * * * * + + {. * * * * * Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied: lO/05/2OOl Applicant: Peter Casabonne Issued: lO/23lZOOl Job Address: 2953 BELLFLOWER DR VAIL Location: 2953 BELLFLOWER DR ParcelNo: 210314307006 *+*tr****+***+*+*************+* **** ****i***+*****++***** +********* *****:****:i*+*****++*****++*****+*!t***++ CONDITIONS **rF******,***t(*** * ******* ***** * ** * * * ** + * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * *** * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rt ** +**!i* Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQLIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQURED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.6.I OF THE 1997 UBC. state that all the information as required irto. I agree to comply with the info.rutiot plot plan, to oomply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns z,oning and subdivision codes, design review approved, . Uniforrn Buildrng Code and other ordinances of the Town appli REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SI]ALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOLIRS IN Send Clean-up Deposit To: N/A AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. TIIRE OF O\A/NER OR CONTRACI'OR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNE A \f*13- J"5., PrE D r F' n.o",..,?o*, Building Permit #: ll 97 O - 47 9 - 2149 (I nspecdons) T?Pt',t0Fytn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 uired fo Nt ErqrEetrass9 Town of Vail Reg. No.:Contact and phone #'s: 476 5435-Y€+EA- sqO gbg< NS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials BUTLDTNG: E 7m.oo ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $rorAl: $ 7C00. 00 COMPLETE VALUATIO **********************'t***************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY************************************** of Construction:Accepted By: Planner Siqn-o1 F:/everyone/forms/bldgperm a'l )b\p For Parcel # Contact Assessors Otrice at 97O-328-864O or visit l"*:J # .Ttosl4ZOTCoto (application will not be accepted without parcel number) robName: ffisEoNNtrlJ$vorvlArD Qw.rob Address:29 59 wlLFlotuFL&, Legal Description ll Lot: ll Btock: il riting:Subdivision: oryPH#uFosqftaNNFi Address:13.6t^gro U*rL Pnonehlhgd Architect/Designer: ll Address:Phone: Engineer:Address;Phone: Detailed descriotion of work:(-> - z: tr-E- lcQg3 WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodet( ) RepairX) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ff Both ( )Dods an EHU exist at this location: Ves fr) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family [) Two-familV ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildinq: Noffype of Fireplaces Existing: Gas Appliances ( ) cas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood eurninq #) Noffype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No (X Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No (X.l DRB T)g,: lo\3\ol t .4 o 't- ' g :4 * r', - .l "1, l"'t*r r! t ';t, "A.. , ii "'ii$t {g * 'rn ' "'., Oa Langmaid/Casabonne residence Re-roof T0I4'NM Project Name: Project Descriptionl Pafticipants: Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: OWNER Peter Casabonne PO Box 516 VAIL CO 81658 License: APPUCANT Peter Casabonne ABlfl lz00t Phone: 390-8683 081 t7 I2OOI Phone: 390-8683 PO Box 516 VAIL CO 816s8 License: 2953 BELLFLOWER DR VAIL Lo€ataon: LoT 5 BIoCK: 6 Subdivision: VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN DEV S 210314307006 t1 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail,Oolorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 tax| 970.479.2452 web: www,ci.vail,co.us DRBNumber: DR8010264 BOARD/STAFF ACTIOil Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: Charles Acevedo Hans Woldrich 3-0 ACtion: APPROVED Date of Approvalz 091 L9l200L Cond: 8 (PLAN); No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). C.ond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: 320.00 O1 Application for Design Review Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 91657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: This. application E br any project requiring Design Rwiew approval. Any project requiring design rsriew must receive approval prior to submitting a.building permit appliartion. Please reftr to the submittal requiremenb br the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Rwiew cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the -Community Development Departrnint. The prcject may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental commission. o&i!n neview Board approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construcUon commences within one year of the approvat. Description of the Request: oer ruwm Location of the Proposal: Lot: 5 Block: b Subdivision: Physical Address: Parcel No.: Zlo (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zonins: ?tuvn*zt / get:rlvt>ry+.t Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s)r Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Type of Review and Feer E New Construction tr Addition t S Minor Alteration tr Changes to Appmved Plans $200 $s0 $20 $20 For construction of a new building or derno/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes b buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, tsnces and retaining walls, etc. For revbions to phns already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board PLFASE SUBMIT THIS APPUCATION, ALL SUBMTTTAL RE^QUIREEENTS- ,.. AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY D[IVEtbfu4TilIF U RECEIVED AU6 | 7 2001 7s souTH FRoNTAGE RoAD, vArL, coLoRADo tllBr l z zogr oo oo, t' LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIAIS Tvoe of Material Color Buildino Materials -:->a Roof -./\_ _---- Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Ughting Other Notes: f^*lfuI1o sw\r1i roolo b&€E+I', txluaowq cotoE- uttvnnee. 5o ve w nRePNt- kscuc4 Please specify the manufacturer's color and number and attach a color chip. All exterior lighting must meet the Town's regulations regarding lighting (see T'itle 14 - Development Standards). If exterior lighting is proposed, please indicate the number of fixtures and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identify each fixture type and provide the height above grade, lumens output, luminous area, and attach a cut sheet of the light fixtures. euestions? Cattthe ptanning sraff at 47s-2i3s I0l4/N trTA1W MrNoR ExrERroR ALrERArroNs TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterations and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water features, grading, or the addition of retaining walls, I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS o Stamped topographic survey*, if applicable D Photos or plans which clearly convey existing conditionsx o Photos or plans which clearly convey the proposed building or site alteration(s)*o All relevant specifications for the proposal including colors and materials to be used.D Lighting Planx and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures, if applicable tr Written approval from a condominium association or joint owner, if applicable a The Administrator and/or DRB may reouire the submission of additional olans. drawinos. soecifications. samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated, Please sabmit three (3) copies of the materials noted with an asterisk (*). II. REPAINTPROPOSALS For all proposals to repaint existing buildings, the following supplemental information is required: s Color chip or color sample including the manufacturer name and color number(s)o Architectural elevation drawings which clearly indicate the location of proposed colors (ie. siding, stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, soffits, etc.) The following is an example: O waste rubber and plastic. Majestic Slate Tiles are manufactured using Starloy, I a proprietary polymer made from 100o/o recycled post industrial The look and feel of natural slate without the weight or the cost . . . . . . and the satisfaction of making the world a better place to live! EcoStare 230 Center Drive # 201 Vernon Hills, lL 60061 FAx: (888) 780-9870 TEL: (800) 211-7170 1951 Hamburg Turnpike Lackawanna, NY 19521 www.ecostarinc.com Maiestic Slate was designed ro ,,t"? r"", and look of natural slate. lt imitates natural slate so well that it is used extensively lor historical renovation. Majestic Slate Tiles have a life expectancy of greater than 50 years. Starloy was developed over 20 years ago and has been successfully used for roofing tiles for over 10 years, Exten- sive testing shows it to be almost indestructible. Warranted for fifty (50) years against damage from natural elements including hail and winds up to 100 mph. A variety of colors and styles are available, ROOF TILE TESTING INFORMATTON PRODUGT INFCDRMATION DGE TILE THE REMEOIES STATED IN THE ECOSTAR WARRANTY ARE THE SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE BEi/|EDIES FOF FAILURE OF THE TILES. THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES EITHEF EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAF PURPOSE AND MERCHANTABILITY. WHICH EX]ENO BEYOND THE FACE HEREOF, ECOS]AR INC. SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY II{CIOENTAL. CONSEOUENTIAL OR OTHER OAMAGES INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LOSS OF PBOFITS OF DAMAGE TO THE BUILDING OR ITS CONTENTS UNOER ANY THEORY OF LAW W}IATSOEVER. Ecostar makes every effort to insure lhe quality and consis- tency of the Maiestic Slate tiles, but shade variations will occur within any color. This variation is more pronounced between production runs of the product. Because ot these shade variations it is extremely important that all tiles must be blended between bundles and pallets. TILES REOUIRED 6" exposure may be used for roof slopes greather than 6/12. 7" exposure may NqI be used for slopes under 6/12 without the wrilten approval of the Ecostar Technical Depanment. o z 9 o z lrl =a LENGTH 18" WIDTH 12" THICKNESS 114" taperea WEIGHT 1.26 r-es t \HIP / RI an z 9 o z l! =o LENGTH 19" WIDTH 2 angles ea 6" THICKNESS ll4" tapered WEIGHT 1-26 r-es (9 z o I (, E Fire Besistance Wind Driven Rain Nail Pull Through Prolonged UV Exposure ASTM E-108 ASTM E331-93 ASTM D3163 ASTM 626.95 Passed to a level of CLASS C. No leakag€ was detected at conditions equivalent to a wind speed of 140 mph. Nails pulled through the tiles at 107 lb-f After 500 hours of UV with intermittent water spray, lhe surtace sheed faded evenly with no oihei indications ol chanqe. There was no furlher evidence ol chano-e and and additional l5OO hours. - o1 Oj **** * * **+ + +* 'lt * *'t* ** ++ +'ttl * **'*'t* ++ *** *rt,i**'t+*******+**++i*****:ft*++******* + *+ +** f **'* * **+** **'i * * TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement **** tr *'*'* '|! * ** * ***,r ** 'l* *'t* * * {.*** 't* ** * **,* *,} * * **+* * * **,t * * * + ** * ***,} ** * * +* * ** *** *'l+ + * *,} * 't,lr**+ +** '},f Statement Number: R000001245 Amount: $20.00 08/L7/2O0I0l:04 PM Pa)ment Method: Check Init; JAR Notation: 7409 Permit No: Parcel No: Site Addreae : Location I Thi6 Palment: DRB0102 64 210314307006 2953 BEI/IJFIOWER Type: DRB - Minor Alteration DR VAII, s20.00 *+**:f * * ** 'lt * *+ + * * *,f *,t*'lr*t++*********t++***'h'i*'*'***+*******'1.'fi't**+***!************f i*'l*+f +*:t'lr'l t*'i ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descri ptj on Current Pmts DR 00100003112200 OESIGN REVIEhJ FEES 20 .00 Total Feee: Total ALI-, Pmte : Balance: $20.00 $20.00 $0.00 t e fv a't a+ ar*o Hl Fl f.l ?a+fvl tl Ht rA E9 Fl |1 -H t gt :f -Fr ,>\- cl Ft I ts rD lt fr+ -a E9 f{l E g -0 f- HI F t d. Fa v -f :l -rtl E fE' +f I n f+ -a ts -a fg ts -i+ -l<o!*F;+*xi- Fr ='n ()(; :-- .., Fl --ly)-lX ^oZ-;;7: !J 'r ^\-/--ia1 i_, I'.r:'ta*i '9q;z;ii Clr t 4oiR Fr r--.:\J 'i -'i --#.'r=;::t >Q7.< -i r] 7_ :- :v) -.:F=C r:.: ---tszr "roft -l ZI('.\ co'ni a-!-:-x> i* ... tr-Ya2 z::.l -,F^ -\ ltt \J ;-' -rr Zr::-*.-.,i ! ' 'FZ.: ^,^z !arn /-i>U 5S"-:-2:E x<> - '-! A Sro z l { td H z C o - F irl v) H z Fl P t. o a T' I (, = o- t 3 z C) O.F\O H €i:n tp .-.1 p a =.:l .) = -:- 3 to o-o- N) \c) r<t-El tri € H rll F H c)x H z H F] a r-.1 t z I I f lut Itq F 9NJ lH l\o l\o t- I I I -.t=:--.+E?77"7 ''.-;: -., -?=izz== : l r. C?ar'3::r= r:= ! i =' = =7 / F t +'^ = i a =t tit ". <'d?1= -_.- 4 .i _.i .=j:l-=\ ^.7- a L. ^ U''.!:iaa :: = =. a = a ===.!i ?-:7 7 -c- : a s t-:-: t .4 ' -: : l -:. :-i =z -i t tz=?i-.7=.t^-;==-. =. a a ; : = o -{ ; o z vt o c o c t- D o PLANNING AI.ID ENVIRONI,iENTAL COMMISSION August 31 , l98l PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Gerry lrhite Roger Tilkeneier Dan Corcoran Iluane Piper Jfun Morgan COTJNCIL REPRESENTATIVE Todd neeting was called to order at 2:00 p.rn. by the chairrnan, Gerry white. 1. Approval of ninutes of July 27, 1981. Dan cosected a statenent he had made concerning the Hopkins item to read that he fel.t that the Town was gaining by lr{r. Hopkins building enployee units. Roger Tilkerneier hadn't been listed in rrnembers presentrr. Dan lnoved and Jim seconded to aPProve the ninutes with those corrections. The vote was 5-0 in favor. Peter Patten Peter Janlar Dick Ryan Larry Eskwith Betsy Rosolack 2. Appointnent o f nenber to DRB for 3 rnonths. After discussion, Roger moved and Dan seconded to appoint Duane to DRB for Sept,Oct' and November. Dan volunteered to take the nexi 3 raonths- - Decernber, .lanuary and February. The vote was 4-0, Duane abstaining. 3. Request for " rinot rsdiuirion of 1 Cona Peter Patten showed the site plan and explained that everyone thought that the Parties involved had taken care of the ninor subdivision before Ipanerna was constructed.Dan added that a condo rnap would be filed this week that would show the correct I ines . Jim Morgan moved and Roger seconded to approve the minor subdivision request as subnitted in the nemo with the restriction tfrat no additional GRFA be adaed.The vote was 4-0 with Dan abstaining. 4,uest for a density control variance in ss residential floor area in ac-cordance with Section t8.Oo.O20--in-6TEET ro d a sun roorn to unit 9,Vail Fi I ing High condominiums at 2448 Garnisch Road, lots 4 No. 2. Applicants: Richard an<I Lauria Brewer. Q 5, Block G, Vail Das Schone, PEC -2- Peter Patten gave the 6ackground and listed corrections to the meno. They' were that the lot size should be twice as large, or 20,908 sq ft. Dick Brewer introduced hinself and his representative, Ray Storey. Ray explained the Brewerst position, stating that the developrnent was now primarily for employees, and were less expensive unit s- -difficult to sell now because of financing. He added that the porch was already defined, and t,hat it had 4 of the 6 surfaces, and that no nore space would be added, that the entrance would be inproved. Discussion as to whether or not this would be precedent setting followed. Gerry rerninded thern that cost or inconvenience is not considered a hardship. Jin Morgan moved and Dan seconded to deny the variance EE-it was stated in the rnemo dated August 24, 198L The vote was 4-1 to deny. Duane voted against deniat. He felt that the added GRFA was not adding bu1k, nor was it a significant increase. He also felt. that a greenhousers transPalency made-it sonewhat less bulky in aPPearance. 5. .Request:for.a variance ,from the covered.parking require{rent il Sectigl 1!.12.080 Of the Vaif Uunicipal Code in order to build a secondary unit on lot 5, Block 6, Vail Intermountiin Subdivision, 1933 Bel1flower. Applicants: Craig and Jan Webb. Peter Jamar presented the memo and reminded the conmissioners of the restrictions of Ordinance 22 of 1981, for lots wrder 15.,000. One restriction was that half of the parking rnust be coveted to have a secondary unit. He added that one of the reasons for '-his criteri.a was aesthetic, but in looking at Bellflower Drive, he discovered that there were no garages at all. Therefore, the staff felt that the variance should be granted, especially i,n light of the fact that the added unit was alteady enclosed in the basernent. The staff also felt that another structure on the site worrld be nore detrinenta-l .to the si.te thai 2 aCCitonal parking spaces would be, and that another employee unit ltas desirable. Duane noved and Roger seconded to approve the request for the parking variance as stated in the staff neno dated 8/24/8I , The vot.e was 5-0 in favor. 7. Request for an exteri_oi altgf+tion an4 modifiqation-to the HilI building to add ' Applicant: Mrs. Cortlandt 1','Hil 1. Dick Ryan stated that the bedroon aiklition was being dropped, and so the request was for the dining room and open gteenhouse only. He expiained the memo and Jack Curtin showed additional p1ans. The addition of the gteen house only needed DRB approval. Roger rnoved to approve the request subject to the conditions in the neno., and as stated in the staff neno daled B/24/8I . Duane seconded. The vote was 5-0, unanj-mously in favor of the request 6. Request for extelior alteration and nodification to the Casino Building to gons ts D and E and a part of lots iJ, C and F, Block 5C, Vail Village First Fi.ling' Appli- cantsi Carlos Agostoni and Jarnes J. Sprowls. Peter Patten explained that the propo-sa1 was a conpletc rcdcvelopment of the C:rsino building. Hc prcsentcd thc site plans and cxplained the floor plans. Gerry l{hite read a lertcr fron the condominiurn association stating that thc alley was col ron pl'opcrty and thlt to build thcre would requirc approval f t'on thern. 'Iltercforc, thc alley proposll r{ls not to be considcred at this mceting, (icrry addcd that wltcn he went out to thc site, he had not bcen,told that thc builtling would bc extended 8 fect on thc soutlu^rcst corncr, 8/3r/81 wa PEC -3- 8/31/81 . Dick Ryan stated that for the 1;!,/1"r:::.: that he had been in the plannins aLleyway a viable waliway. H;that the project to the village. offices, there had been much and rnuch talk of naking the was a trenendous inprovement talk of tryins to improve this fari-oi-iiri'virr"gu Lleyway a viable waliway. Ue flii-ti"t the ,,'..,;-^ Gordon Pierce' architect for the project, showed slides and talked about scheduring the construction. He stated ti,"t'aiiei Labor Day,-the plan was to take out the trash' equipment and partitio"i-ir,"t-ilren't neua-"a. .Hl-aJaea that the contracror felt that he could neet the planned schedule. oiscrrssio.,-f-irrowed with concern expressed that the project not rook r,"ir riniri,;;t;;;ii iinte", and naybe using a finish nateriar. o.t tr," exterior-lf-no"r, r", stopped part way through. The northwest corner of the buirding was discussed, some members feeling that the building should not be extended-oui at-that-p"iri."'-.1"r," Donovan also objected to the extension. others rert irr"t a "}air projection night be better than a flat wa1l in that area. Gordon spoke of lowering the alley 2 or J feet to rnake it lighter and airier,and possibly to have gliss rooki"! inio pistachio,s restauranr. The proposal discussed at this point did not include the alley or the extension i:"t1""::il:hwest corner of the i"iiaine, and these two iterni were to be continued Dan rnoved and Roger.s:.:ld:g to.approve the exterior alteration and nodification to the casino Building as stated in ttr" nemo with t*o "aliiionar conditions:l' That the finished facade u" "orpi.i"d before ch;i=;;;;-;r the appri.cant do a treatncnt simi'Lar to the unfinj.shid comnercial rpn"" oi"tr,e,Gondola bui"lcling,2. That the appricant agreg: to participate finanliarry-in street inprovenehts,e.g. street pavers, street lights, at tha intersection-fr*doru creek Drive and Bridge street if a nini-irp.oi"r"nt aistrict is forned. rhe appiicantsr share would be determined by street r""titg"-"t p"op".ty-"ia'"ai.t properry owners would also have to agree to participate. The vote was 5-0 in favor. The deck area office expansion was continued until the next pEC neeting. 9. Reque-st for an anendnent !9j19-J3ir Liolsheqd_=Vrban..nesign cuide plan for Stuaynffi or al.teration and mo catlon tO conStruCT-nery commercial and office Lodge and Lions pride Robert T. Lazier. space located wouth of Vantage building and northeast of Vail Point, north of Lift House 2l buitding. Appticant: Dick Ryan p'esented the memo and stated that.this-was a significant proposal for vail. He addcd that thc u"[""-p".ign Guide pran aisculses inctuding morc connon spaccand cncourages a new entry conccpt into the nari from the east, and :lt:n:":iffii,lrfiltttrs iome ';i;"-";;j"ctivcs or the uocpl,,a was an inprovenent Much discussion about-parking followed. G::ry f:lt thar parking was a najor.issue in this pronosar, ancl irr".-itt"-i"r.. of_p,,rting;i;;;; justify the pro'osal .Dick fcrt that'this wai the pu"poio-oi-it" ttoo space par.king structurc, t'et it rrras' pranncd kn6ping thcre ,oiriJ-rru-*orc- dcmand rater. Gerry predictcd that the parking structure.was not going to be big ",ro,rg[,-"rra rJon"" or latcr. nore parking was going to be ncectcdl f e* -.- 8/sr/8r pi:::_i"9 a nodet. giqk adcted that the become nore successful' and thJi-J"'ilirrilirli: 9lgg"st conccrn rng significant needed Jin noved and Roger Design c"ri" ir#"i"'ff:iff* T"ff::il*$r:rl;::"i":r*:1". anendrnent to the Urban :.n ravor (Gcrry against). Jay peterson stated that every proi they couldn't make a good entrance ;:":^+:tt.lded.a gornpromise._ He added thar ihf"'j.ffi,'j1,.'n :ntr """;;-;;;; #.,,::jl:,':;ff f::l:,tt.:uru'..*-iiJnJiil"a iorv"a wnii;:r;"i: worsened, he fert. g""ry.rJit..;;;i ""o that the parking :: ':: p';k;";';.'rns another with the Parking. -oi"t-ili."li"f'iili*offilf h.:p"19 t.-p".ir"i".,l ili,ii$,Jl".i:lj.j:".h!ru;*ii^;::1, ti,,t'tr,",e p",p,.uan stated that both parking ;;;,;;;;. were design"; ;;"',::;j"l* ilji:""iJig",.ion. "U:3il!5lli.';"3ii'11:nt or the Lionshead Association or Businesses stated thar nl"li: ;^:j*f: :li"l.li:;;:;:o"le"'3' * to abou'| -iii ;;'; used. rnl p""pi"-jl'ii"i";"jf";'i:l"di:i:T.Tff ilff:d:Ti;J:'H'T;::;':i:l'ecstatic over the nili"g;|t'B iIlegally ',:ii:.ffil ..:ii,;1",ffi::|;:',i:iu;ilS :::::.ure would soon be too crowded to ::-1i: tild that he was in rrror*"t'.fu'11"" members voice tneir opinions.ravor, Jin rert *n.:^ll *;-;;";; ilf#ffiti"oiil"'1.'.o,jl:r r,".''., "ir" i":ttt:.d that he had been working * ,r;"1il51:"1^:"_:1"-situation trtuiJ,-"ii i"'r",breathe some rife into the conrnerciar r:::19 for.thc past 6 years, trying to the.most- serious problen rra-""."r*lrd:;p:::, and that this.appears to address li"liTnli":l;:.'';," ,,,i",i,.;;#Tl"Ti"iofJl,Iii;,"1",:ji;..:ll:.3T1 :1;^ijl*,, Bill Ruoff showed ras that Lionshead to be done there. Duane.noved and Jin seconded for approval of trcation of the prop in the ''u,'o. -'ir,I^;l::?:";:f l;rg"i:, resr Roger moved to adjourn,at 5:lS p.n. .l:-f*_.,"tt9r alteration and modi_wrtn the 6 conditions listed - }4EI\,IORANDUM TO: Planning and Environrnental Cornmission FR0M: Department of C omnunity Developnent/Perer Jamar DATE: August 24, L98I RE: Webb Parking Variance Request on lot 5, block 6, Intermountain. Applicants: Craig and Jan Webb. pEscf.rPrroN 0F v4I.rANcE REQUESTEp The applicants request a variance frorn Section 18.13.080, Density Control of the Primary/Secondary zone district in order to allow a secondary unit as enployee housing without neeting the requirenent that 50% of the required parking for the site must be enclosed. section 18,13.080 states that the community Developnent Department and the Design Review Board rnay grant an additional unit to be used as an employee rental unit on lots of less than 15,000 sq ft. (These lots otherwise would be pernitted one unit. ) There are several criteria which must be rnet in order to be granted the density exception for the second unit, one of uhich is that 50% of the required parking nust be enclosed. (#4, 18.1j.080) The parking required for the site would be 4 spaces (2 per unit), thus Z are required to be enclosed. The Webbs would like to convert the basenent level of their hone now under construction to an employee rental unit. They feel that they need a variance frorn the parking requirement for the following reasons:. 1. that another building on our already surall 1ot would clutter up the area nore than the exposure of two additional cars in the driveway. 2. The garage would have to be built on the uphill side of the house which would block out the mrch needed sun that is very nuch lacking in the Intermormtain area. 3. If the garage were built it would block off any rernaining view of the creek for the neighbors that live across the street. 4. since the garage would have to be built on the hillside, it would require a substantial foundation to acconnodate the slope and also to neet proper frost coverage. 7 Webb -2-8/24/8r CRITERIA AND F.INDING o s The intent of establishing cirteri.a for use in deternining whether a lot under 15,000 square feet could or could not handle a second dwelling unit was that while there is a definite need for units as rental housing for pernanent ernployees of the valley, the addition of these units should not create situations which would be detrinental to other property in the area. The parking require- nent was designed to eliminate the situat j-on of 4 uncovered automobiles being parked on each lot which has an ernployee rental unit' The intent was that the aesthetics of the site should not be sacrificed with the granting of the second unit. The ordinance states that "no variances for setbacks, height, parking, site coverage, or landscaping, site development, or gross residential T I ooi-Trea would be approved unless the granting of such a variance benefits the visual appearance of the site and surrounding atea (#3, 18.13.080). In this case, there are currently no other garages in the irunedj.ate vicinity of the Webb residence. AIl parking in the area is currently unenclosed. T'herefore, thj.s is not a case where two additional unenclosed parking spaces r+i1l have any adverse effect uPon other exi.sting or potential uses in the vicini,ty. The alternative of building a two car garage on the site would be extrernely nore difficult because of setback problens. It is the Staffrs feeling that the addition of two unenclosed sPaces along side the approved two spaces would not be detrimental to the adjacent properties' $/ithout approval of the variance request, the applicant would have two options: Upol review of. Criteria'and.Fi.ndings, Section 18.62.069 of the $gric_ip?l . Tequest€d. varlance based upon tne' tolrowlng tactors: Consideration 9f. Factons : the relationship of the requested variance to other existi uses and structures 1n tne v]-c]'n].ty. 1. Build a two car garage and request an emPloyee unit, or 2. Maintain the single famiTy use of the structure' Construction of a EaTage upon the lot would be difficult due to setback require- r"nir,.both frorn tie cieek- side of the structure and fron the front and side p.roperty lines, The site is subject to a 50 foot setback fron the centel of 'Cot"- Creek, a 20 foot setback frorn the front property line along Bellflower Drive and 15 foot setbacks along the side property lines. These setbacks make the construction of a garale inpossible .if it is to be located withln The degT.ee to whi,cL relief fron the strict or literal intelpretation and ffi ano unrtornrty or rreatm.enl ernon g srtes ffihout grant of special Privilege. 7 rrerr -r- s.,i;/sr O the setbacks. The staff feels that the variance to arl0w the unencrosed parking spaces is more_ appropriate .h.n*llt::irg ;-";;;;;ce. to uuild a sarase Hithin the setbacks. we'ieei in"i """tn"r structure upon tne srte wourd f:.'*" detrinentar to the site tr,an"i"" ,ajiir.";i"p;fiI;; spaces 'rourd The staff feers that the addition of two.parking spaces is not a severe enough situation to be an obstacre ;;-;h"-;";;tion of i, IJiirt"ral enproyee rer)tal unit within the varlev. n.op"--iinarJlptg """il ;i;i;ii"'."y inpacts which the two spaces rnight create. we feel tirat the gru"iiri-"i the variance would not constitute the qIT. .f. a special p.ivirege"a;;-;;i;; fact that the applicant does experience physicat traristrrp aiu to-tr," ,i)u'", rhe lot and the inability to .onr.ruct a garage. The effect of the sted variance on I i t and air distribution of ation tran s ortatio! and traffiE-Tit l ities I ic facit itiEFan-d util ities,and public The variance will create the ability for.the applicant to have a secondary rmit as an ernployee rental unit witilin:'ir tori,l -ii"."-ii""secondary unit will be the basernent of trre _horu, -ii."."' wil l be no increase in the size of the structure. The only "reu.i-ir-th!-.,r""iur,.e wilr be ihe addition of the ;H":l;:":;n::ill"- sPaces' rhe starr reers that this wiii not create any %iteria as lhe comnission deens licable to the proposed varj.ance . -+-J FIN.DINGS: That the granting of the variance will not_consitjtute a grant of special n;tJ;j"::.:,:::;i;:;1. with the ii,ii"ti.n" on other f.,p8".r"" classiried That the granting of the variance :lt:*.y, or.welfare, or materially r.n the vicinity. wil l not be detrinental injurious to properties to the public health or irnprovem"nar- -- -"' That the variance is warranted for one or nore of the following reasons: The strict or Iiteral. interPretation and enforcement of the specified reguration i::i$";";*; il..#;:ilil" gijf 'ailiit. :i, ::" ". ". ;;;t -p;;, i"" r i,,r,;i; ;;;;; : ".".. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions appricalbe il :i: :;;: :j"::" variance tr,", Jo-iol appry gu,,u""iiy-io-Jtr,"" properties 7 Webb -4- 8/24/8r The strict or Literat inteapretation and enforcement would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by properties in the same district' STAFF. RECOMMENDAT ION S of the specified regulation the owners of other The Department of Corununity Developnent Staff reconnends approval of the requesied variance. The physical hardshi.p of the size of the 1ot virtually ptohiUits the construction of a garage within the setbacks and the addition of t"o unenclosed parking spaces will not be detrinental to adjacent proPerties. As a condition of ipproval of the variance, the Cornmunity Developrnent DePartment reconrnends that addiaional landscaPing in the forrn of a Planter box to break up the 4 Spaces be constructed and additi.onal trees be planted along the west side of the Parking area' t I PLANNING 3, AI,ID ENVIRONI1f;NTAL CO}I,UISSION Monday, August 3l , l98l ?:00 p.-n. 1. Approval of ninutes of July 27, L98I . 2. Appointnent of nember to DRB neetings for 5 months. Request for a minor subdivision of Lots H and I, Vail Village 2nd Filing, Ipanena Condoniniuns, in order to conbine five feet of the westerly portion of Lot I{ to Lot I, pursuant to the agreement with the Fire District, and sccondly to include nine feet of the southerly portion of Lot I, wltich was orlginally excluded by Vail Associates in 1971 and transferred to the Bank of Vail . Tltis nine feet would be reinstated to Lot I as originally subdivided. Application in accordance with the Vail lrfunicipal Code, Title 17, Subdivision Regulations. Applicant: Dayner Corporation N.V. Request for a density control vatiance in gross residential floor area in accordance with Section 18.60.020 in order to build a sun room to unit 9, Vail Sky High Condorniniuns at 2448 Garnisch Road, lots 4 e 5, Block G, Vail Das Schone, Filing No. 2. Applicants: Richard Q Lauria Brewer. Request for a variance from the covered parking requirement in Section 18.12.080 of the Vail Municipal Code in order to build a secondary unit in accordance with 0rdinance 22, Series of 1981 on lot 5, Block 6, Vail Intermountain Sub- oivisrorr,--I-93J Deilfiower. Applicants: Craig and Jan lVeh-: -- - Request for an exterior alteration and nodification to the Casino buildi.ng to construct three condoniniun units on the 2nd and 3rd floor, a snull office on the 2nd floor and cornner:cial shops on the 1st floor at the southwest corner of Gore Creek Drive and Bridge Street. Applicant: Carlos Agostoni. Request for an exterior alteration and modification to the Hill building to add a greenhouse, dining roon addition and new bedroon located at 5ll Bridge Street. Applicant: Mrs. Cortlandt T. lliLl, Request for an arnendment to the Vail Lionshead Urban Design Guidd Plan for Study Afea #5, and an exterior alteration and modification to construct new cornnercial and office space located south of Vantage Point, north of Lift House Lodge and Lions Pride building and northeast of Vail 21 Building. Applicant: Robert T. Lazier. 4. 5, 6. ,| 8, To the members of the Connission, l'ly 'ife and r rsorrld 1ir<e to have a secondary unit in our si.nEle fanilv horne. I'Ie are oresently in the process of constructing our house at 293), Bellfloqer in the rnternountain subd.ivision Lot 5 B'r[. 6, l'l e have cone to the rearizati-on as cormon. nan of this valley that we need the incone fron a secondn.rv unit to help pay the morrgage on our pernenant loan- our lrt ls under l!rc,)o sq. ft. and we realize r,re havo . to neet certain criteria to have a secondary on a lot thi.s size.after Roi.ng over the criteria with peter Jamar we know that we can 1egal1y have a seccndary on our 1ot but we would like to ap.1y for a,-variance that would allow us to have the secondary unit without cover_inq 2 of the oarking sDaees. The following exol,r j.ns our reasons:1) ile feel that another brrilding on our already smrrr lot would clutter uo the area inore than the exnosure of two a.dditionar cars in the drive wav z) rne addition of a ..''ora4e would have to be built on the uohi11 eide of our house which would brock out the much needed sun that is very much lacking in the fntermountain area.J) rf the f,araqe vrere bui-lt it wculd block off any remaining view of the creek for the nei.qhbors that live across tire street 4 ) Since tho ;r.*aqe wruld have to be buitt on the hilrside it would require a srrbstantial eoundation to occornmodate the slope and.afso to meet oroper frost cou;rage. l.Iith the EaTage itself and the foundation this ad'led financi:l burden r,'ou1cl be veiy haril for us to neet at this t ime but the adrli tional rnone.,/ .qenerated fro,r the sec_ondar:y unit is v.ry much ncedcd. Both rvc and the enplo:/ee housing nroblel r rul.il bencfit. Planning Comniclion Town of Vail Vail , Co. As r.sidcnts of Vail for the 1.est 1) .,re..rrs the Co ri.rsion to ;rllow us to beve a sccondarv ths 9sy1"1s6 carking rule. July 2J, 19J1 we are pleading wi th unit without meeting -Tl:e-TOTTo't1-- lisi a;e tr.-,e nuneE "i o-"ner. arljacent to our lotl .Ierrr and 'lusie Ilustcd 295, rlel l fLor+cr Brr.d iuayle 2943 Be I l. f l.oser ,Jo Bronn 2.1J2- jell flower ,Tay lbedrics ?q4L Bellflovrer Craig iebb Box 591 Vai1, Co. 31658 tr_ t\l'Pl,ICA'|ION FOP. SLCOND;\Ry UNI't I;OR LOI'S Of LISS 'llliN 15,000 SQUAIIE Fl:li'f IN'lllt; ltl;SIlrl:N'l'1,\1, ZONlj l)lS1 lilCT A\D tN ltll; PRIIIq,RY/SECONDT\RY RISTDLNTIAL ZOiil: DISIRiCf I.NAIIE OF PETITIONER ADDRESS NA}IE OF ADDRESS PETITIONER I S REPRESENTATIVE c.AUTHORIZATI OF PROPERTY OIVTIER SIGNATURE ADDRESS D.I,OCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION: E. FEE:$100 plus an amount.equal to rate for each property ownelr A. B, PHONE PHONE PHINE.2t2:.?)3_6 Lot--..S- Brock-1Q- nfline Zn/4.ra..--Etn/ t-he then current first-c1ass postage to be notified hereunder. A list of the names and rnailing addresses adjacent to the subject property. of owners of all property II. CRITERIA The connunity Development Departnent and Design Review Board may grant an exception to allow the addi.tion of a second drvelling uni-t if the following criteria are net : l. The second unit shall not exceed forty percent of the total GRFA allowed on the lot; and 2, The conmun ity Development Departnent shall find that the granting of the e'xception will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other pr:operty in the area in which thc subject property is siiuated; and 3. That no vuriances for setbacks, height, parking, site coverage or landscaping,sjte dovelopmcnt or gross residential floor area would be approved unless thc grirnt ing of such a variance benefits the visual appearance of the site and surrounding arca; and Application rot s".J.-,.Y Unit '2-t, 4. 5. 6, 7. That fifty percent of the required parking rntrst be enctosed' and ThearchitectulaldesignoftheStructureandthenaterialsandcolors mrst be vi.sua1ly },"rn oi iou, with their sites and with surrounding sitcs andstructures,andnustnotunnecessarilyblockscenicviewsfronexisti-ng buildings; and Access to the secondary unit must not adversely affect the privacy of adj acent stlcuctures; and The applicant nust denonstrate that the site has the ability to double its capacity for handling trash and outdoor storage' III, RESTRICTIONS Pursuanttoordinance22,SeriesoflgSloftheTownofVail,priortoissuance ofabuildingperrnit,anagreenentto.thefollowingcorrditionsnustbesigned by the proPerty ";;; ;; oiners on a forrn provided by the Departnent of ConununitY DeveloPnent : l.Thatthesecondarydwellingunitshallnotbesold,transferredorconveyed separately fto;;it"*;;itati t"'it ror " period of not less than the life ofTrentlVilliamRuder,alifeinbeing,p]'ustwenty-one(21)years.frort the date that the certificate of occupincy is issued for said second unit, and 2,Thatthesecondarydwelli-ngunitshallnotbeleasedorrentedforany period ot rurs-if,an thirty (30) consecutive days' and that if it shall be rented, :.t srrari be rented only to tenants who are full tine enployees in the Upper Eagle Valley. t'e "UpPer-itq}9-'t{-f 19y" shall be deerned to include the Gore Valtey, rr,rintuti-r, n.a drirr, Gilman, Eagle-vail,_and Avon and thei-r surrounding areas.. A ttfrrll-tite enployeet' is a person who works ut, """tug" of tiirty (30) hours per week' and That the secondary dwelling unit shalL not be lirurh"t"t, interval ownership or fractional 4. That a declaration of covenants and restrictions shall be filed of rccord in the office of the Eagle county cl;;k";;;-n".o.a"".in a foro approvcd by the Town Attorney for the benefit-;; ;; Town to insure that thc rlstrictions herein shall run with the land' 5.divided into anY foru of fee, and and Sth l{cdncsdaYr of *ttlt"ti"rt 6rst bc luh=rt:t'd IV. The Design Review Board neets on the lst' 3rd'. each rnonth. The proposed plan and all required 17 days Prior to the dxte of the meeting' I NUDI,IC N{IIICII N01'I(:l: ls l :l :lll GIVI:N ttrat ths I'trrnning ntl [:nvirrrtlmcltt:tI (jorurission ol' ttrc '[.wrr of Vril wil t lolti :r prrbl ic hclrirti: itt accordrt;tcc witll S:ction lti.('lr'i't;0 of thc :onin8, corlc of the 'l'or,nr of Vnil on t\tt8ust 3t, 198 I :rt 2:(10 P.t!. itr tllc Tonn of v il cotrnc il chanbcrs in thc v;ri I itkrrricipal lhtil rlin;. Public llcaring dnd Consitlcrxtion of: l. Rcqucst for a ninor subdivision of lots ll and I, Vail Village Second filirrg, Ipanena Condomin iuns, ; in order to cornbinc five feet of thc wcsterly Portion of lot H to Lot I, pursuant to thc agreemcnt with the Fire District' and seccndly to include nine feet of the southerly Portion of lot I, which was original ly excluded by Vail Associates in 1971 and transferred to the Bank of Vail. This nine feet would be reinstated to lot I as original ly subdivided. Application in accordance with the Vail l4r,rnicipal Code, Title 17, Subdivision Regulations. Applicant: Dayner Corporation N'V' 2. Request for a density contTol variance in gross residential floor area in accordance with Section 18.60.020 in order to build a sun Toon to Unit 9, Vail Sky High Condorniniums at 2448 Garnisch Road, lots 4 6 5, Block G, Vail Das Schone, Fil ing No. 2. Applicants: Rj-chard & Lauria Brewer. Request for a variance from the covered parking requirenent in Sect ion 18.12.080 of the Vail I'tunicipal Code in order to build a secondary unit in accordance with ordinance 22, series of 1981 on lot 5, block 6, vail InteTmountain subdivision, 2933 Bellflorver. Applicants: Craig and Jan }lebb. 4. Request for an exterior alteration and nodification to the Casino buildi.ng to construct three condoniniuro units on the second and third floor, a small office on the second floor and comnercial shops on the first floor at the southwest corner of Gore Creek Drive and Bridge Street. Applicant: Carlos Agostoni. J.Request to add Bridge for an exterior alteration and nodification to the Hill building a greenhouse, dining roon adalition and new bedroon located at 311 Street, Applicant: Mrs. Cortlandt T. Hill. 6, Request for an anendnent to the Vail Li.onshead Urban Design Guide Plan for study area #5 and. an exterior alteration and modification to construct nev{ co$rercial and office sPace located south of Vantage Point, north of Lift House Lodge and Lions Pride building and northeast of Vail 21 Building. Also a request for a conditional use pernit to al'low off.ice space on the third floor.. Applicant: Robert T. Lazier. Ttre applications and information relating to the proposed changes are available in the Zoning Adninistrator's office during regular business hours for review or inspection by the public. TO}IN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF CONOIIINIIY DEVELOP}IENT A. PETER PATIEN, JR. Zoning Adninistrator ! Published in the Vail Trail August 14, 1981. I. od NPPI.,ICATIOIT This proccdurc is rcquired The application will not be Application foi'}i{ l'OR A V:lRIi'.,\lCE for any project requesting a Variance. accepted until alL information is submitte. A. B. NAI'IE OF ADDNESS NAI{E OF ADDFESS APPLICANT APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE HoNEfl9 -{A38 PlrONE c.AUTTIORIZATIOI{ OF PROPERTY OWNBR SIGNATUF.E ADDRESS PHoNt.q4r-/232, D. 1. LOCATIOI'I OF PROPOSAI ADDR,ESS t': ' a-\ \i ) /t? 4 - /r't / lt E. FBE. $rc0.00 pJ-*s 18+ for each property owner to be notified., A list of the narnes of or;ners of al.l property adjacent to the subject property and their addresses- r.,EcAI, DBSCRrprrol.l rot s bLock__1Q_ Filin _rA __ J-uz=a r-..,,-Jt':{, S.r-*-.o-,rfl 5ry8*"-- jn'' ' { l.- i- tL l) ll ,lVr.' I 'l N 4d?L.. -.4- u:: :,'," d;.::i.1 g^::f: i"r dt?il,"111u8' - : P"qe lio ..ici,,.ii:.;', ri: r.; ;'li ;.'i r': r. llllllDrTlLrl:s 1':'i0 3IS9,RVI.TIOIIS RECITALS 1 . Cr:ig' a.:d ,Jarr :'Iebb, ( "I)eclarants" ) are the onners of the real prc:tcrt:l siiuatcd in the Oounty of Eagle, State of Colorado' describeil n.s T,ot !., [31ocl< 6.; , I'a i ] f ntcr:rountain. 2. Deolalr.lts hl're conctructed. on Lot !, Block 5, Vail Interrnountain, a builrlin,S consistin,g of trvo units, each desi;ned and intenilecl for use a.nd. occrrnc.nc:t i.,,.s e resi:1entui.1 Cvelling unit. The larger bei-ng herein- af ter terre d. 't:sri.n::.:'r" :.:td tl:e snal ler being hereinafter termed- 'tsecond 3. Th:it the buil4irg r'r:-- s constructed under an exception 4ranted' by the Toi.in of' Vail- under the rrovisions of Vail i.luni-cipal Code sl8-I3-CACt DECL.{RATTOi'I \ Dcclar:nts, do heleb''r publish and declare that the following terns, covcnents, condition!:r ? e..:lencn ts. restrictions ' uses t reservations t lj-rnit;rtions ;rnd ob1-iqaticns shall be a burden and a benefit to Declarants, his personal representatives,' heirs, successors and assigns and. any peTSon acquiring or o-;.;ning an interest in the real pro-certy which is cescribed herein and imorovenents brri-lt tltereon, their granteest personal repre- sentatives, heirl , s;uc.:cssors lnd assigns, ,ru.!!iJl!l_al 'iaifltlil'llf.riil: Inat the real property may not be subdivid- erl or either ,-rnit iolil-tt.t""f crcd or conveyed seperatel:/ fron the other durin,,i the durati^n of this declaration. The property shall for :r I l nurrosr:s :e d ct;cr I be.'rl and conve:red as : Lot J, Block 5, Vai-1 Internoun- 1;ain. 'lorrnf,'t o fl 'l,rr-l.c , 'icTqr:'.Jo, .'-r rf ttt.f conve:fance of the property rhal,lcont'lin:.r'ei':r'oneeto+'nisDecl:rrationandthedatetbookand- r:.:e c,[ rccoldinr i n i.l .: cf fico o f the Clerk and ]lecorCer of Eagle Court'7 , Co I or^ do . ?:iiiTlil, r?:l.l'lillCTTO I: Thrt ihe secondary drrelling unit shal1 not be leasecl or rented ffi-iiv leri.od of l.ess than thirty consecutive da.ys r and. that if it sh:l1 be rented it sha11 be rented only to tens'nts who are full-tine c'rn1o,rce: in t,he t-l 'r'rcr ;ie;:le Yalley. The Upnor Bagle Valley shall. be deened tn inclrtce tile 'lore Valley ' i'linturn' Red Cliff t Gilnan' i;1a..:1. e-Vri-l , 'r'1c .{von ':.nrl their- surrounding areas ' A- fu11-tine onolo-ree i.:; .r le;.lon ',-hr: trork: .1n evera,ge of thirt.y hours per week' ; : -' : ,-r (") lio 'ttine sharinq'r, r' ' lcrval orrnelirir-r'r or sinil-irr i.nterest, ;"-hereb',' owrership of a unit is r ' 'red b'z o'.rnc:'i on a ti:re basis, sha11 be estrbliched on r''it,horrt nr:rli f i . ii cn of t'.i. Declelation. lihich nod- i-fjc,r.tior :-ii::.'l I be 7'n 1?. ,'i;r,'cr. j_1 , .locu.nc:lt c I reco:rd. lr-?'r'-fiI^:i ll lrilT, i:i:,.lIOli: Ijaci, nr,rvi :i on conteine d in ihis lecl.rr- ation riitTclls -;tie,ct +," the 1:r.:s or rul -: slonetines referred to as the rull 'l:.inst reinetui.ti.is ot the ni1 e tobibitin,q unreasonacle restr:rints on : l i.cn-.tion sr.-..11coni i nue ..ld ren::.in in f'111 force and effect for tle lcricd of 21 :tcrrs ic llo:.rrn,i tne death 'rf i'rent lluder, or until tnis )ec1:.r'.rt-i.or i.r teninrierl rs ierein:.fter lrovideo, r.rhichever first occurs. 'l:ll :1]:iT:lICl t(.'t : c-ueLt in:--F, ".-iEr.., lT. cessoT.y uses shall be lestrictions anC C o rre' (t) 'io enterio- r teri cf a-tenna. :rh"tsoerrer or rk or cl oLhcsline or inci:cr of any oers;cna1 pro;rc:.t'r ::;:. l r,'itnor.lt, tne rlrior ircitien a onl-; ur";on unzni:nous l.'riiien a:oro.ral lll r :enor:- holdini .-- ri r.rt ro:-i{ale o. ::1.t' ocrtion of ti:e lioncrtt/, p-nd shal L lie enforceabl.e :;'i for : rro jribi.t;i-r'e clt', i, covei 'l r-ia{es. Tf ': r'rr' the ri " rts o f enf orc :ncr, i, (.) ---reh unit :ia11 be restrj-cted to e resid.ential use, :lnd such us 3 :-s ',i911 as corditi?nal and ac- fined b-.. the Torsn of Vail Zoning Oldinances and s for t/.r i 1 Inter orrntain, !a6le County, Co. rldio', sho"' :rave, te'r-evj-sion or other type r>f a n,' ki. lr ' e i. |; 1er e1 eva t':d or buri eC. ,rf ';.nw <i nc r.h:'t:ncver or oui,side storar-e be oermitted or nainta-ined on ei-ther unlt .'vrl of ti:c o: , ^r of the f,rorert:I. Deolrr,'rtion .rt', v be aneri.ed rir revoked. in iecorCable forn of :11 ozner:j t or first deed of trust of record the 'lorin oi I/:.i.1.. ;lir a'rrrl0T OIi i-?Cilf 'if .'l:'; OI DriliL,"ill,-TToll: l:.r.ch nrovisi-on of t'nis DecIar- e. t i. oal-Lna -i,EF"ti@nd. u nc er t :king t c conpl;r ;ri th r':.:ch nro','i:'-on of uhi. leclr:r.ticn, rnd ,lry nccr j .1r.'/ exce:tion or re:crv-ltion or .,1rxt of title, errt.:1,e, rigtrt or interest to effectuate an;/ Drovision of this leclaration: (f) sha1l be deemed incorporated irr each d.eed or other insttumer'u by vhich any right, title or interest i-n an'y' -oortion of tho rronort.'/ ir granteo, devised or conveyedr whether ol 4o+, set forth or reft::rcd to in such deed or other instr'.rrnent; (ii ) shaf f , b.v virtue of :;-cccrte,ncc of 1',.n:y' right, title or intercst in a r1y portion of thr Dronc'rt.'f b./ .r.n o:;ncr, be d.eened accepted, ratifiedr adonted and dccl;rerl ,1:; a .De?ional covenent of such or'rner andr as a personal coven.lli',,, sn:r'l be 'cirdinIT ori iuch orner and'his'heirst personal reDre= sentatives, .ilcccsrriot': inrl :ssi4ns; end, shafl be deemed a personal cow- c::3nt ',o, :.ritil ::,nd fo: :^c benefit of e:rch oT.iner of any ilortion of the r)roDertr,'i :lna (iii) sr:li be ,leered a reaL covenent by Dec).arants, for the:rsel''-es, their heirs, nelrio:a1 repres entatives , successors and' aslii,.ins' and also al] couit.,b]-e :ervi+,ude, running !n each caser as a burden r.rith and r,rron t,he title to each and every portlon of the prop- t (r) llach provision of'this Declaration -,1-,r:::er cr t re Toun of [ai-l by a proceeding ',.,:''; l.,riunciion ot: bv a suit or acticn to re- rrlcr:e:riings are instiiuted in connection irith ?.nd re'nedics provj-ded in this Declaration, the )' t prev:r r ' ;..:rq rart'y' sha.l. l. l: e':ii tled to recover its costs and expenses in coli::cctirn ',,..ere',. i t:r, ! tcluCing rersona'ole attorney fees. (i ) nach o:;ner 1r:-:")-r'r ..'-qrees ihat an'r and all actlons in eo-uity or a-t -':.: rhich at:c ' : r'-- -i;r': c,1 lo erifolce any provision hereunder shal1 t: e brrugh'u in 'r;;ri .rn1'.' i'- ihe District Court of 5ag1e County, State cf Co]orado. ( " ) :'a i Lure t': cn lo:rle ':':,,' orovisi.on of tiris Deelaration sha1l not opcr':te as a r,;l, i. ,cr ,r:' :i:r'l r:uch lroyisicn, the right to enforce such Dro'./i,1 j on lh ereaftcr, or: of 'rn-r other provision of this Declarat,iolT. !!i , Jn.y 3tr{jrci,se of arly nighi granted heround.er hi. ncler t cha11 ire exe.cis ed in a. manner ';rhich shalL no t unreasonabl.y irnlede or inc'ose ucon 1...e ol..':rerts use oi' his pro:lerty. SUOtESSOits .q i.iD AalSIGi',lS: ilxceot as otherrise provi-ded hereint tni=ffiindirqupcnandshaIlinsrrretcthebenefit of Dccla:':r:ts :ind each ol,rner i:ud the heirs, nersonal repres entat ives t succeslsDltsj e.nd assi,qnl of each. Ci'irTI!'iS: The cariions ard headings in this j.nstrunent are for' c'lnve'lience onlll ;r-nd s:tia1l n.:t be considered in construing a r\y provisions of ihis Declar:tion. iirTI?ABILITY: Invaliii.ty thi-s Declaration in rihole or in enforce,-:bl-e nart of a nro.ricior C 0lliiTRUCTI0l{: l,rh en of any i.ord used in this .-o-da7 rrrd tho ci-r-'1.-r 4Li5 u !L J!..r'iqrar or unenforceabili tv of a:ry oro'risions of cart sball not effect the validit.T or of this Declaration. necessar.y for ltoler constructi.on' the masculine Dec]aration shal1 include the feninine or neuter the plura1 anC vice versa. Ill !iI'|:'I;SS 'iilSREOF Declerants have executed this Declaratiorr this 29th d.ay'of liertenbe'r, 1182. ;iTIT['lF f]cr,lii:!l)() ci)iiliTY tr,' :t \rll,n ) ) iub:cribed r.nd srro.rn to br>forc ne this Z)th da:;7 of Serteinber., ' ] t2 b't ':r-' i tr -.ro J" n . r.bb. .i rtness n:/ h,1nd ',.nrl cf lici.:I seal . idy connisslor? exrrires , itzq;u{ 27, /f gd /'t .iiiress 4Z'A-- lSfa 644il4'+,{f "I f€r/tz{.R a/.gaZ2-? I I undersigncd, as owncr of t.ot S, Btock 6 Z-offg"nne-rr/L^n/_ Subdi.vision, do hereL;y agree that : The secondary dwelling unit shall not be sold, separately from the prinary unit for a period of Trent l{illian Ruder, a life in being, plus the date that the Certificate of Occupancy is e Pulsualrt to Ordinance 22, Serics of 1981, of thc Town of \tail, l, thc transferred or conveyed of not less than the life twenty-one (2J.) years fron issued for said second unit, and 2. The secondary dwelling unit sha11 not be leased or rented for any period of less than thirty (30) consecutive days, and that if it shall be rented, . it shal1 be rented only to tenants who are full time enployees in the upoer Eagle valley. The "upper Eagle va1 ley. shall be deerned to inclurle the Gore Valley, Mi-nturn, Red Cliff, Gilnan, Eagle-Vail, and Avon and their surrounding areas. A ttfull-time employee, is a person who works an average of thirty (30) hours per week, and 3. The secondary dwelling unit shal1 not be divided into any form of tineshares, interval ownership .or fractional fee, and 4, A declaration of covenanis and restrictions shall be filed of record jr the 0ffice of the Eagle county clerk and Recorder irr a forni approved by the Torrn Attorney for the benefit of the Tohr to insure that the restrjctions herein shal 1 run with the land. The recording shall occur prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for said unit. a box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 47Ss613 April 6, l98l Craig € Jan Webb Box 591 Vail Co 81658 Lot 5, Block 6, Internountain Dear Mr. € l{rs. Webb: At the April lst aeeting of the DRB, the above project received fi.nal approval with the condition that the following changes will be subrnitted to staff: Protection of trees, revegetation, timber retai-ning walls on driveway, 6x6 posts, additional aspens planted and notations on plan. GRFA approval was for 1189 square feet under Prinary/Secondary zoning , With this approval, you may move on to working drawings and plan check submittal. Sincere\y,, i t. l/ r,LF.!:' '1 ,',',.'- '. l\:' PETER'JAMAR Town Pl anner PJ:bpr department of community development /; .l a o '1 Project Application oLL /.,,u=-,J Project Name: Pro,ect Description:1- q2? Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: t-ot S- , awcx ./? , riting zoning Approvef Design Review Board Motionby: frz*a seconded or, BDW &ztffi-\__-!t94rE9y4! UA/,+^//fnad9 Chief Building Off icial CO +IST OF I'TATERIALS (a 7L"./ ty'l ct NAIvIE OF PROJECT LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Ul.:Dt-K l. r l .l tJr\ vl' f Kl J r.:L I |',./LOT .S BLOCK C' FILING LI The following information is Board before a fi.nal approval A: BUILDING YIATERIALS Roof Siding Other Wa1 I l"laterials requ ired can be for subnittal given: by the applicant to the Design Revj.ew Color Fasc ia Soffits lliindows Window Trirn' Doors Door Tririr Hand or Deck F lues Flashings Chimneys B, !'iaterial s including Comnon Name Trees, Shrubs, Quantity and Ground Cover) Size -ilzf WwW Rai 1s Trash Enclosures Greenhous e s Other PLANT I.IATERIALS (Vegetative, Landscaping 'h'{ Ll fl-( fi/o" ,tn},-/*{. Botanical Name o c. oTilrR lArypscAP[ FEATURES (Retaining WalLs, Fences, Swimrning PooIs, etc.) Please specify' \ Ct SUBD IVISION JOB LOT ADDRESS The location of utilities, whether they lines, nust be approved and verified by acconpanying site Plan. Mountain Be11 Western SloPe Gas Public Service ConPanY Holy Cross Electric As soc. Vail Cable T.V. Upper Eagle ValleY Water and Sanitation District NOTE: Ihese veri-fications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut pernit fron the Town of VaiI, Departnent of Public Works and to obtain utili.ty locations before digging in any public right- of -way or easenent in the Tor'vn of Vai I . (1 I LITILIfi LOCATION VERIFICATION be main trunk the following lines or proposed utiliti.es for the FIL ING Date Wr w =-rr-z W, 3-/4rt rl ,root ,. nr* .r,o husband and wi fe whose address is SUSAN HUX, County of St. Louis , State of Mi ssouri , for the consideration of TEN DOLLA and other good and valuable consideration---- dd3}oxs, in hand pnid, hereby sell(s) and convey(x) to CRAIG L. !JEBB and JAN L. WEBB, as joint tenants, rvhose address is , and State of Colorado County of Eagl e $TIIII t$il1tilfl{Iiil ttt JAN Uttr,'n I County of the following real property in the , and State of Colorado, to wit : l() and Susan llux, t'll!r|irrlIrrr; C(l., Iir:,,t,aC fitout lrtrA.t, l)rtlv.ir, Colornrlo- |(r.rj Eagle ; . l: tr. . ._i- l-', ., L' I ,r v,lv i ') r' An undi vi ded 1/3 i nteres t i n Lot 5, Bl ock 6, VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN DEVELOPTlENT SUBDIVISION Susan Hux joins'in this conveyance for the sole purpose of rel inquishing any homestead interest she may have. rvith all its appurtenances, and vrarrant Qs) the title lo the same, subject to e as emen ts and restrictions of record. if any. Signed this \0 day of STATE i{o' fi9?. \f i.rontr t)r(d--}{l!ort l:trrr,r-lirc- | i-l.tt. (;.It,g. t:r;! ttr,L iior(l ,(,1'i ., I -:/ (,.r $40 D STANLEY G. LUSH and KAREN K. LUSH,husbarrd and wife, whose address is Coloraclo and other good dpllaqx, in hand paid, CRAIG L. l,lEBB whose address is Eagle County of Jefferson , for the consideration of TEN DOLL and valuab'l e consideration---- hereby sell (n) and convey (d to and JAN L. l,JEBB, as joint tenan , and SLtte County of 3rd day of An undi vj ded 1/3 interest i n.Lot 5, Bl ock 6,VAIL INTERMOUNTA]i,I DEVELOPMENT SUBDIViSION Karen K. Lush jofns in this conve.yance for the sole relinqujshing any homestead intel.est shc-nray have. vdth all it-s apprtrtenances, and warrantJ*) the title to the san.re, subject to easements and restrictions of record, jf"any. Sis'ned this STATE OF'COLORADO, - Cou,itv of Jef l e rson ]". The foreg-oing instrumen t rvas:ckuo'w)edgcd bcfore mc this 3 r d dayof January ,r977 ,lry sl,anley G. Lush and Karen K. Lush,husband and vrife. .r,).t.;"'rillji1r'cornmission t-':<pires J.-/, t/, /?72 '.. /ilot$ 1,'rli / ci n.|.rln.tu rtrt1 ._ I ,, '. ; t,',.",tt,"' r,rrn,l,rri lL sIArE Egtt,ililInny ffr rAN 24'77 , Shtte of +^L> of Col orado Eagle t'u fotto*ine *" ,*r":;:";: , and State of Colorado, to wit: purpose of ol Duoh r{'r- I I ll ll' lt rl ,I t l I I' I I t I I I I I I I 4 n I llucaptlon H0........---l/J-{J??5... ""'-""M*;c*r:l-L"ll'"'B;r*:a"'-""""""""rlocotdcr' /1 T'rs l)r:no, ltntlo ttis /,-tl\- !"v lf @ irr thc l'cnr of our I-''ord ohc thousond- , r L;;.lrt.t ottrl ;r""f1 <u<?e bctrvcen ,.4 { .: trrt ! . 6i.RV ttl , d uti dot't ' ',1,r r\er tOfk Couutyof 0nondaga' ; ,';;;, ii,.-'l t!rt'first ;rrrt, and r:; L. e!Lt$ and JilN L' l'IEBB ,l CountYof Eagle , . | (".i. r*.to. ol lLt' $ddond part : of the first part, for and in considcration of the sum of ,: n I ..,.,r:".! ond other good and valuable consideration-----dddiy$r{s . ., . *, .i :;r. .i .. .,f t!.r f imt part iu hand paicl by the said parties of -the seconil part, the reccipt "-..,., .r ; ,..i r rr.r:/rr.rerl drrd ut lirrorvledged, haS remised, released, sold, conveyed. and quit ..... .'..:., ?::*{, !,rir,.1!s do €Srt'nrise, release, sell, convey anil rluit claim unto the saicl parties of . . ,.ji.rr1, tirir:r srr.l dcnraud rrhich the said partI of the first part has in ancl to the ., .. j .',* ,:.,.t l.rt or parccl of land situate, lying and being in the - "..-' tr : + ; I * and State of Colorado, to-wit: ",n unrl ivided l/3 interest in !"<li 5. Eltrck 6' ',IiI iIiIIRi'IOUNTAIN DEVELOPMENT SUBDIVISION Ilccorder's Stamp $Tillt lJiUiltlll/'ilY m JAN ,?,4,'77 l.l : ,a of the first part ha s n'ritten. s..,/q/*..-*-,-...-. hereunto set fug y ., . ."' ',' - ir':,vnrrd ll:rrrcrrDto appcltaining, a]1d. all thc cstate, rigrrt, title, iuterest, .' I i r''i$!.Y - of tlre first part, eilher in larv or equityl u.nto the said parties , r r :, ,.: I ::::.1 nr.r jFlts forL,yer. ',j ltll.l:.,,i....'l'l:,. rnid pnrt y . 1 :-: ,i.,i.r, ntrd -v*ar f irit aboTe .. , r 1 .. r.,.: lsEAr-',1 SD.,1.Irl l Jss' | .' ' r |"." lr t|, r$.I,.,J Hed l)(-f.rr-(.! rrre tbis -'i. .i ,i l rlr',iv.anv t ifu....o.LJ'(:./ /, /,/. ).1' /;, ...; - !, ; . r r . r...:y: J.._..... ......':rl /,. tl.;i-r., r-^.: ::J: ) ll.,r!!z/l'ut,It\x I |,'t.' 'r-r li"Iirr:!:r l.rr,rtrr,F r:irr,t,.tlrr.,litt.td I,nr{t titr.r,t. trrrrvcrr (hturrrlo (o s1:,lq i:i|ititlttiflt tit JAN Z 4,"/7 , EXECUTRIX'S DEED THIS DEED is .made by JANE I. GARVIN, as Executrix of the Estate of s. Jack Garvin, deceased, Grantor, to cRAIG L. l,lEBB and ,lAN L. l.lEBB, as joint tenants, Grantees, whose address .i s Vai'l , Eagle County, Colorado. |,.|HEREAS, the above-named decedent in his lifetime made and executed h'is Last }Jill and restament dated september 4, 1g73, which !{ill was duly admitted to probate on September 2, 1975, by the surrogates court in and for 0nondaga county, state of New Yo rk ; and, }rJHEREAS, neither of the Grantees is the spouse, agent or attorney of the Executrix or any corporation or trust in which the Executrix has a beneficial interest; N0l,'l, THEREF0RET puFsuant to the power conferred upon Grantor by Article 12, section 7ll of the colorado probate code, and for the consideration of ren Doilars and other good and valuable consideration, Grantor sells and conveys to Grantees, in joint tenancy, the following real proper.ty in Eagle County, State of Colorado. An undi vi ded I /3 i Lot 5, Block 6,VAIL INTERI,lOUNTAIN wi th al I appurtenances. rj STATE OF County of , ..,1 ss The of ego i for I 'Lxecutri x of |,'',hand'ancJ off i // N"r-ili?;fit u" b* $ tlo i,the ri.e l'ly cornrni ssion expi res : Istate of 5. I seal, ''t('tltl -;t f nteres t 'i n DEVELOPMENT SUBDIVISION \+-/.:i)(ULL\_,,\ S. Jack Garvi ng instrument was acknovrleclged before me this z-4,(, 19,1'7 . bY JAI{E I. GARVIN, AS Jack Garvir.r, Deceased. Witness nly Executed rh is (;{Lday of nL.^.-.,,.,,,* , 1977 ,t -I 4-S'ri-as Lxecutrix NEI^I YORK 0nonda ga -1- of the Es tate Deceased y'/hrL.;u., t twz 7 (,o z0r,lE clrtcK SFR, R,R ,-/Description: Lot ) Block (? Fil ing Archi tect Zone District Proposed Use Height A1lowed 30' Proposed Front-RequiiJa 2ot"-Proptsed A Legal Owner Lot Area Setbacks: GRFA: GRFA: Sides-Required l5' Proposed /7 Rear -Requ'ired l5'. Proposed 6t llatercourse-requ'ired Proposed Alroned i&//7 Primary Allov;ed _/atz Primary Secondary Ailor'led S'ite Coverage: AJ I oived Landscaping: Requir "a 6a"4 Parking:Required Drive: Slope Permitted SIope Envi ronmenta I ,/Ha za rcls : . Ava I a nche Flood Plain Sl ope Propc: ed Proposed - 8oS- secondary proposec :t' -Proposed o\ lO4(fl Proposcd Prop<;'. ed ActuaI = (o for P/S ZONE DISTRICTS Corrments : i'P1';'P1'-f),ltr-': l-- Gt 7- ENGINEERING CHECK LIST Subdivision Lot Bl ock Filing 1. Submittal Items (A) Topo Map (B) site Plan P4\"^4 'r..'t (c) utility P'lan .-."^,(- (D) Title Report €ry (E) Subdivision Agreement (if 2. Engineering Requirements appf icable) (A) Culvert Size (e) Driveway GradE (8% max) (Actual ) 3. Source of Utilities Wr& €Amte 147'+zeg (Not Acceptab'le) Boe tS (Acceptabl e) --7- '/' c ne (A) Electri (B) Gas (c) sewer (D) Water (E) relepno (F) T.v. 4. Comments: 4 t/ L- ,< 4+\.rJ feo fo kv2 =6t--L<z Ct"i Approved: Di sapproved: =r"', ' 1)+'4---. Publ ic Works l .'rn N" ( -ltJ''- Inansa Qrca lltle lnsur'{n-ce Fpany BUILDING UNIT A Box 1700 vAlL, c0L0RAD0 81657 (303)476-5922 Pleose oddress correspondence to the-office n7 600 EAST MAIN STREET 80x 2230 ASPEN, COLORADO 8I51I (303) 925-1766 checked below: ..tr 507 LINCOLN STREET 80x 280 STEAMBOAT SPRINGS, COLORADO 80477 (303)879-1611 AIUOUNT PREITTIUM ! r OwNER S16,000.00 gtl8.20 LToRTGAGEg 12.8oo.oO g ZO.oo-ADDTTToNALcHARGEs s -- coSToFTAXCERTTFICATE 5 5.OO SUR\IEY COSTS S rorALS i=---.- CC's To: Sheet 1 of. 4 COIIIIIIIT]TIENT To INSURE Transamerica Title Insurance Company, a California corporation, herein called the Company, for a valuable consideration, hereby commits to issue its policy or policies of ti e insurance, as identified in sch.edule A, in favor of the proposed insuled named in Schedule A, as o*ner or mortgagee of the estate or interest covered hereby in the land described or referred to in Schedule A, upon payment of the premiums and chatges therefor; all subject to the provisions of schedules A and B and to the conditions and stipula_tions shown on the inside of the cover. Your Reference No.46, 5O1 934 llheefrectivedateofthiscommitment;s October 2g ,1926 s1 g:OO Agy1.At which time fee tiUe was vested in: STANLEY G. LUSH AND JERRY M. HIIX, AS TCNANTS iN COTNTNON CACh as to an undivided 1/3th interest and JANE I. GARVIN, a;Executrix for S. JACK GARVIN, as to an undiviOeA l/3ih interest . SCHEDULE A l. Policies to be issued: (A) Ou-ners': @'erc L. I;EBB AND JAN L. ti,EBB. (B) l\fortgagee's: TBD po. 46, 5O1,934 g Sheet 2 of 4 SCHEDULE A-Continued 2. Covering the Land in the State of Colorado' County of Eagle Described as: LOT 5 BI,OCK 6 VAIL INTERI,IOUNTAIN DEVELOPIIENT SUBDIVISION ForlD No. C-la2-2 J No.46 , 501, 934 7.- c SCHEDULE A-Continued REQUIRENIENTS Sheet 3 of 4 B. The following are the requirements tc be complied with prior to the issuance of said policy or policies. Any other instrument recorded subsequent to the date hereof nray appear as an exception under Schedule B of the policy to be issued. Unless other.rvise noted, all documents must be recorded in the office of clerk andirecorder of the county in rvhich said property is located. ,a{. Release of subject property from the lien of the Colorado Inheritance Tax. B. Executrixrs deed from Jane I Garvin, as Executrix of said Estate of s. Jack Garvin also known as stanley J. Garvin, deceased, conveying an undivided 1,/3 interest in the subje ct property to Graig L. tfebb and Jan L. lYebb. c. Deed frorn stanley G, Lush, Jerry Il . Hux and Jane I. Garvin and their spouse, n'ith recital in body, signature and acknorvledgment that thl grantors and respective spouses, are husband and lvife' to draig L. tTebb and Jan L. it'ebb. If either grantor is not- married then a reeital should be made in the body, signature and acknowledg- nent that said grantor is aD unmarried person. i: D. Deed of Trust from : to the Public Trustee of the for the use of : to secure : Graig L. Ifebb and Jan L. lVebb' County of Eagle TBD 912, 800.00 -l !t\'*--:--- No.46,501, g3n Sheet 4 s1 4 "HE po.,lcy c)R pnr,^-_, S.HED'LE B j 3::lt ";#i::;fi::,::: rssuED HE^E'\DER ,,,,r r rr^_ ; ry * lttu;#t i* t'ht$u*',"tfiiffi ffi;; ;',1,,#, *H** lf*i *H***L{.ffi to rore or h e, ea rte*u -,"n "0,, 6 ' Restrict i rtstt'ict' -"' Lrtdrge or lien imposed for *'ater or- sen. g;t:**TUlkT.*r"lllu:"lur:,1:"r,:+:0" j""rr jr." li*:;: ti,,;;j"ff ""; ;;il"j";# ",",":, rI ffi 7' f;sT,;f l;"."-,"; $;;'"*,T,";",:;j;ji.,i"i5'f,'j,;", ;T]1, ofn,.8 fd':ffi i#iiii"'frr"*iff# ;#rh: ;,: i*T,;i. -,?e fgi$;,.,#-;,g;d,"i,,:j,}.ii}# .,fi?.. of -io"rJ r"".*"tlif:".i"i, "*: r*, For r,r No. C-t{Z.a RGr. a-t6-?5 f *ot ESrAr,E rAX AGREn4EI{, e i and agreed between the Buyer and Vail Intermountain taxes for the current year have been adjusted as of this date on the basis of: Taxes have been prorated on an esti-nate of $- for the year I9-e and are to be considered a final settlement. Taxes have been prorated on al estj-mate of $ 317.99for the year 19?€-, and r,rill- be readjusted between the buyer and sell-er when the actual tax statenent becomes available, Buyer Buyer dayor /, LgJ1. CAUTION; taxes subject to either increase or decrease by reason of reassessnent by C ounty Assessor. Forrn No. C-75O { It is hereby understood A t SeLLers of tie property lmown as:Lot 5 Block 6 that () ( ) Taxes have been prorated on the basis of the previous yearrs taxes and are to be considered a final settlernent. ( ) Taxes have been prorated on the basis of the previous yearrs taxes and wiIL be readjusted between the buyer and seller when the actual tax statetnent becomes available. 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