HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL INTERMOUNTAIN BLOCK 7 LOT 4 UNIT 1 LEGAL FILE.pdfProlect Appllcatlon Proiect Name: Project DescriPtion: Contact Person and Architect. Address and Phone: Lesal Descriptio nttot / , atoct< 7 , Fttins -f4/7vRtr/4ot/74/r1/ , zone Design Review Board Molion by: Comments: Dale Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL .l ,tr ." ."k o, otf"- r.iltt 4{'\' Name of Company: Address: Phone #: Must be received and approved prior to issuance of registration Submit to Town of Vail Building Department PLEASE SUBMIT COPY OF ANY PERTINENT REGISTM ON WITH APPLICATION Type of registration being affiiea fo Appllcation made by: Date of Birth Regular Cost Renewal Cost Genera'l Contractor Genera'l Contractor Plumbing.. Mechani cal 75.00 El ectri cal .A or Construction Management (val uati'on over $'l ,000,600) .$l75.OO -B or Construction Management (valuation under 91,000;000) 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 50.00 Special (includes drywal l,glass, masonry, concrete,elevator, etc-.... $r 25.00 75.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 ':,1 Excavation.. 0wner/Bui I der. IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT ALL CONTRACTORS HAVE THE FOLLOWING INSUMNCE CERTIFICATES: Registration Fees NOTE: Liability - 0ption #l: $'l'000'000 in the aggregate for Bodi'ly Injury $l,000,000 in the aggreiate ror FrJpeity bamige ,. Combined single limit of gl "000,000. - Show that you are covdred in the State an -electrical .or plumbing registratlon, you a t'taster Registration tiom-itrMil ;t' 0ption #2: l.lorkmen 's Compensati on of Colorado If you are purchasing must provide a copy of Col orado. .a l\ c{! By:fu....ilUp///na/?'Z-.... ..... A corporation A Partnership An Individual Principal 0ffice: (AIA Document Number A-305 79 Edition may be l. How many years has your organization been in business as a :::::::::: :::::.:::. T:: :::.:::: ::::. ::T:',. .'.'..M 1, .: : . : : : : : 2. How many years experience in the proposed type and size of ::::::::::::.::::. ::: .t::: :::::: ::::::.:::' . ru,.ft,: : : : . : : . : : : : 3. List the most recent projects your organization has had in construction work similar in type and size: Type and Class of work l,lhen Compl eted Name and Address of 0wner EXPERIENCE QUESTIONNAIRE used in lieu of- .N:lt' 4. List municipalities you have licenses and current status: N.,:fr I *-_ 5. What other important projects of simi'lar magnitude has your organization compl eted? Type and Class of work Comp'l eted Name & Address of 0rner llhen 6. Have you ever fai'led to complete any work awarded to you? .............If so, where and why? ....ot,hj \\I { 7. Name the Surety Company, bonding capac.i ty,I' and the name and address of the local agency you expect to use: . 8. What is the construct'ion and exDerience of the principal individuals of your organization and those individuals to be directly involved in any project in the Town of Vai'|. ' Present Yrs. of Con- Magnitude Individual's Positjon struction & Type of In llhat Name or Office _Expe"l3nce_ ilbrf Capacity? ... {zo.n r furL . . . fum. . . . . . .. 7.(ru.m, 9. Do you hold any valid'l icenses, i.e. Master Plumber, Architect, Electrical? ' t-r f'. q 10. List the major or corporation own items of equipment or will be used in which you, or your company,the Town of Val.l : .. . . ElC.rttaA, .p//.iflA. rZZ.4?/4.: 11.-_ Li:! be'tow the Contracts which you, or our corpora ti on were pa rty, to, uu rini -it,."p'".ui ou s that were involvei in' r itigiiion"oi"r=ni typ", companyr or ten (10) years, 12. The'foilowinq ig f9r all .contraca, :l].:!_ygu,.or your companyr or corporation weie party io-ai;;;"ffi prevrous five (5) years. A) percentage of projects completed within schedule. ""N't\':....2 13. How much of the work will you 14. Banking Reierences a- /sr rgn rz B. WL .7y477vX74t4 15. Trade References A. B. c. D. E. ao aiti:ectlv compared to sub-contractors? /e"fi - t f t. a .).'. 16. Have you ever had a'license in our area or any other area under any name that was: A0.t'A) Revoked B) Denied C) Suspended If so, p'l ease explain: 18) What is your postion in this registration? A) officer B) Stockholdep C ) Pri nci pa'l @ othen. .-u: , 19) sociat Security #z ...*z-.f6.-.2->.2p.. 17)_If registrant is Corporation or Partnership" please state appl icant rel ationship/position : . ....4- ! .. ...t\l.l\""""tY" LIST OF MATERIALS MME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF P The following information is required for submittal Board before a fjna'l approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MTERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL Roof Siding Other Wal 'l Materi al s by the applicant to the Design Review COLOR B. Fascia Soffi ts t,li ndows l^lindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues FI ashi ngS ,. Chimneys Tras h Enc'l osures Greenhouses 0ther LANDSCAPING: Name of a Des i gner : phone: PLANT MTERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botani'cal Name Commiln Name Quani ty Si ze* EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate ca]iper for deciducious trees. Indicate height for conifers. ,ao*, *rr*rorr, (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS Botanical Name Common Name Tvpe Quani ty Si ze Square Footage SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. 0THER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wal'ls, fences, swimming poo1s, etc.) please specify. a \ ,---t-\,/ a \y frtluyry qot PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEl^l DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING K.o[u,, At(fl'ltn''G l5 (lercvcot't5 Bgrat..ut^relL Bu7 7/14-/ C44,/ EF -ooa't{ .,' w eLc-.. r4wo ry'hr't 4!ut cs)tr a//.' Date POLICE DEPARTT4ENT Reviewed by: Comments: Date RECREATION DEPART14ENT Reviewed by: Comments: PUBLIC l^lORKs ,.) /1 / , Reviewed or, # ff' ,ateJJkl&Comments: -7- >f ' f*rr-o (4s€mc*z / xtTo FIRE DEPARTMENT O€,"e T&g,-e 7 Pe-ilat/ 1fla Reviewed by: Comments: Date : "- \gt fit )4 ret;t )"t=B.!j) ryee. tr{, ,*)!d-- /-! !-.*T '&4F!i7 o .|t c a ! 6 , ot, o 0tivE Y AI I R.C te AR et ,UErl 8Er AillEtlCAN 1. 2. 3. fi ttlo R!t!toa nd. (Atr!d., t000e l2a:01?l Crc!!rctd! cl V.ll 8or ?at tlltT Itorlt0S INTTITU'E Of ARCHITECIS COMMENTS RECARDING TSE PROPOSED PARKING SOLUTIONS FOR THE RIVENDELL CONDOMINIT'M DATED OCtoBER L8, 1973 SCHEME ONE 1. A workable scheue, in that county lntends to keep the dead end (according to ?lannlng Conrmlssion) . 2, ProvLdes a cul-de-sac couparable to existltrg, iu an atea where it can be easily coastructed and maiotalned. SC}IEME TWO 1. Slnplest, most dlrect solutlon to the problem, requlrLng no revisioa to exlsting road, rnLalmum expense. SCHE}IE THREE Requ{res no revlelons to exlstlng road. Provides somenhat lnefficlent parking scheme, more expense tha[ e chemee one and two. Destroys a beautlful stand of treesr a very important stand of treea as they are nal or vlew co-{ng down road. SCEEME FOUR Most destructlve and most expensLve scheme. Destloys trees at end of cul-de-sac, and the merits of hanglag cars out over Gore Creek are obvlous. The existing rubble whlch was dumped onto slte while constructiug cul-de-sac rnakes this scheme even more difficult and expensive. CoBstructing this structure this close to creek is not advlsable, Dotlng danger of debrl ln flood condltlons, unpredictabllity of bearlog soils. This s cheme is drawn not because architect conslders lt advisable solutlont but because lre nere asFed to draw all alternatlves as discuseed by P 3-annlng Cormlssion. 1. 2. 3. :.. RHB/Kt cc3 Box 386 . Eagte, Colorado 81tX!1 August I3, 1979 Eagle County Plannlng Comnlsslon Box ?89 Eagle, Colonado 81651 Genblemen; The Rlvenclell (John Mouw) revtsoa plan was subrxltted.to the So11 Conse::vatlon Dlstnlct for revlew and. corment. Tho So11 Conservatlon SenvLce staff made an lnvostlgatlon of the creek for this subd.l-vlslon, and foudd that tbe northwest corner of the bulldlng is 2 feet above the pnoJocted lOO yoar fLood llne. i.,nth tho addltlon of the proposed rock wallr'protectlon should. be ad.equate. Ttro wal1 sb.ould. be constructed. of laaee boulders. or.GabLon bype woven wl:re. Care sboul-d. b; teken to 6.ssure that the creek ls not forced to move to the north. Ross E. Chambens Pnestd.ent il '.'.:i l 'i ! ooe6!^s !.!^uoHrrN VAIL AF|CAOE e. o. Eox r40a vArL, coLoFADO ClrOsT 303 476-4447 llgl-.rucgr-rN & HART ATTORN EYS AT LAW Sincerely, August 8t L973 Eagle County Planni.ng Cormnission Box 789 Eagle, Colorado ATTN: Robert Barr 81631 RE: Rivendell Condominiums John Mouw Se-16-73 cc: 5 extras John Mou\^t RHH/jb Gentlemen: Under separate cover, you will receive copies of drawings showing the developer's proposils in response to the flooding and parking concerns expressed earlier by the PJ-anning Commission. We hereby reguest resurrection of the developerrs March L2' L973 application for exemption which was tabled at the Commissionrs April LL, Lg73 meeting. I expect the matter can be on the agenda for August 15. Presumably the parking problem can be handled by vacation of a portion of th" Lounty-road as shown in one of the aLternatives. A usable roadway will remain of approximately twenty fi-ve feet width at the nairowest point. In tieu of vacation' a parking easement from the County would satisfy the developer. The encroachment measures about I foot by Lhe first and second floor over a utilitV easement. There is no surface encroachment and utilities are i-n place. Utility companies have expressed no concern and letters t6 this effect are expected before August 15. The possibilitv of flooding is treated by a berm along streamside with a draj-naoe swale between the building and the berm. Contours and. elevationi are shown in detail-. Box 789, 1973 . Mlchael S. Blalr Plannlng Dlr.ector MsB,/kt 8 4Z' Ew*zt 6d,P/ -tt-- e//g/rT n/hu, ?hhj/+ @aAIaKnarud'ea Miaa"ftr/Alh.,{,alArz- /o "O*a /ob dJ*rrr*ab^t- &/a-< ons7r6//, /,/frd/MJ,,fu-a- ful^rffifufuctrah te/,tufu@ti4 @/a.a-Vaa 6,er/** aofua7,/ Arn//t)' @ rha^ aeVaa^tvlVaaldrc 4y"z. o.,o ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Box 8ll - Eagle Couaty Courthouse Eagle, Colorado 81631 Vail 47G5613 Eagle 328-771E Basalt 927-3322 ..(-?t s c r' ltrrtcn 22, !973 Re: rrRivendellrr, exemp tion from Subdivision Regula tlons. Applicant: John F. l4ouw Box 945 Vail, Colorado 8L657 Ife have revlewed the plans and supporting informatl-on for the above referenced subdivislon exerp tion and have the following connent: A11 plrmrbing, including vrater and sewer, conform to the Colorado Health Department. Plunbing Code. Sincerely, €;( 4/&,4 Erik I.l. Edeen, R.P.S. Environnental Heal th EWE/bnv cc: State tlealth Department G. T. Misbacb, P.E. 1.1r. John F. llo w Box 386 - Eagle, Colorado 81631 Mareh 2L, L973 Eagle County Plannlng Comrlsslon Eagle, Colorad.o 81631 Gentlemen: Tb.e RlvendelL Subdlvlslon vras subnitted. to hhe Eagle County So11 Conservatlon Dlstrlct fon nevLerv and - connent. ll thoueh thls bu1ldi.ng was startsd ln JuIy, I9?2, tt J,n- encnoachlng- on the gO ft, setback from- 6or"e Ci,eelr,yllch was required. by County regulations of Novonber l-6r-1971, Section F of A:rticls IIf. The county englneer" should. bo sattsfied that the bulldlng- wil1 be ;rotected. Bare areas to the east arrd. wesE of the bulId.lng should be seed.ed. and. mulched irmod.latoly o:r pnotected by cntbbing. Tho neanly vertlcel cuts Just south of the bulldtng and. across the ::oad. should be Fotected. by cnlbbing.Rock fllled. wine baskets are good., but other metJrods are also available. We ane encloslng some Job sb.eets to show how tnee roots may bo protected. near tb,ese vertlsal outs.Sono tree :r.oots are badly d.a:naged, but it may be posslble to savs them. Sinc eneIy, Ross E. Chambers Presid.ont Enc. 54. t9 ?? lrrE c. i. noro(rr co.. oatvai (T 3} 23010 Eagle County, Colorado cob., hatz<i9 /{ ,192_9. i8rrriuril nf A/ ' ,+"--, @ ' ,Treasurer F,v,/?, @*&----'-* , Deputy DOLLARS :ry,_. JOHN A. LOVE Governor JOHN W. ROLD Director 5c/t "/ 3 COLOBADO GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 254 COLUMBINE BUILDING - 1845 SHEFMAN STREET DENVER, COLORADO 80203 PHONE 892-2611 lGrch J.5, 1973 Mr. Michael S. Blair Planning Dlrector Eagle County Planning Conrmisslon Eagle, Colorado 81531 re: Rivendell Condominium ExemptLon Eagle Couoty Dear Mr. Blair: tr{e received your info. relatLve to an application for exemption fron Eagle County Subclivision regul-at.ions on the RlvendeLl Condonlntrms. Since the proposed construction is essentlally compJ-ete accordlng to the deveJ.oper it appears to us that It is prLmarily axr aduinLstratlve decLsion wlth Eagle County. There Ls no technical data upon whlch to base an evaluatl.on, but the detalled topography of the {rnmedLate site indlcates the buLldlng sl.te to be approxlnately 7 ft. above Low water and the drawings lndlcate basenent 1eve1 at approximateJ.y the sane elevatlon. hle have seen no flood plala studles of the Gore Creek Ln the viciulty of Vall but it would seem most advlsable to have this lnforrnatlon if pressure for development on the flood plaln and flood fringes continues. The Flood ProtectLon Elevatlon ls usually des- ignated at 2 ft. above the 100 year flood 1lne. There ls a large amouDt of useful Lnfornation on flood plaln problens aad mrnagement applicable to the Golorado area cootaioed io the D.R.C.O.G. DraLnage Criterl-a ManuaL (2 Vol., published March, L969). If ve can be of further service, please let us knorr. fours very truly, 4Yrtaa* f {a*1v<- Willian P. Rogers u Engineerlng Geologlst Colorado GeologLcal Survey WPn/J" cc: Land Use Co'nmisslon GEOLOGY SToRY oF THE PAST . . . KEY TO THE FUTURE # ;(:'st"urlarch 1J, re?3*th.rollowing 5er ('77 Colo State Forest lierv. Colo State Health Dept. Colo Geological SurveY Colo State lnginee- lrik Edeen ilealth iJoly Cross lIec licuntain Bell Tele Public Service Co. Torvn of Vail Upper i;qle Val1ey San Dist. U.S. Forest Servi"ce -Soi1 Conservation Di-st. Sehool Dist ReJOJ a EAGLE 5 e rt'aV COUNTY PLANNING COUATHOUS€ P, C. Bo:< 789 E"ql", CJ.""J" 81631 lt-areh 1.2, A9l) coMMtsstoN Phnr,rc ?2R-"1 OR ^\\y ,3\ RE: rBivende1Ut, exenption from Subdivision Regulations. APPLICAA,T: John F. Mouw Box )4J Vail, Colorado 8165? Enclosed herewith is an gpplication and olan subrrritted to the Eaele counly Planning cornni-ssion for review and recornrnendatlon at theii regular neeting on the ll-th of AprIL 1923. In accordance with C.R.S. 106-2-9, lO6-Zi3 and 106-2-34, 1963, as anended and Eagle ftllty Subdivision degulations, sectlon 6.OOi t972,you have 24 days r+ithin which to respond or the proposal_ ld1l be deemed to have been approved by you, The Pl-anni-ng conrnission wourd sincerely aopreciate your comrents and recormnendations prior to the meeting date. lf you deslre additlonal_lnformation or tine, please advise this office. Thank you very rmrch, ',4 l/, '/+/<- ,/a v\-/ I'iichael S. Blair ?lanlring Director 1J -.-. - -.-.-,- -- -- JDla Gu '-: :::'..';-:I:; rcl. EXI:.if':'lo\ fScir: :;'ci:-cc;l:: srllD:vrs]cN rail \: tJ L.r.I - U-\ D - ort'|/.)u::g *;:-': to Sec:iol 6.01 o:- 't::e Eag:e Ccu;':1, Su:ii v:sion J Lecu:a;:ons I he=cby applY icr e:<er,,:-.-ic:r frcn the provisions -l.,': -:-: sa'i regur a'Eio:rs as go ii::l prcposeC ievel-o,cinent hnown as ;r5e3i31! Lo c a'ie i : :ot 1, _B:o9l*_71 yaSi_Igrgqiognlain_ogvglgtSegt_ and cc:.'.' :-:: s' i s :p.?rg]:5r,:tgly gng-guirgel Scge-agci_one j.rqi 1ding _ i.:r':c.ec' i.1"3o air-croximateiy logr-sgp3rgcg interests for the ,:--, -._..,i_._ :cason The buiiding is nea::.-y coir,::Ieie, having been -v-*\-.!lrrlY ir.;::-j-e!: i-l-:_Ji-.1y..,_lfZ! gngel gi3tg gt-_cg1g::3do,_D:rDg._o! logsi::S """ I -:i..- le:::ii'i 592-2776. I rvould like to selL these units as :: *-:- : - ::Y _j go3cLgi:i3::=u3s* -: :s u:rderstooc 'Ehat anl,z action by this Coi:';iris s i o:1 Era:irnq sa:a :ecuesu ic= said regurations exerilptio:l appiies oniy to the ;;ccosed ievelopnent i:.s shoSrn on the sl:etch pian or other i:r:o:ne.,i.on a.*eched here,;q. 4rL1,:UM^;- _ I I -\r -( l.lus: be signed. by all record or.rners of tl:e prope=ty)It ):;ec -3/ WF- Recommended for denial by the 3ca:i ci .lc:-::Y C::"'::':3"?::e:; c:- Eagle County Planning Commission at their _ f:.c-j e Ccu:::v ;:'5:=.rdd1#j}tfl:= ,, IN";t ?.- €,qu*W Recei'.reC...' - By RfsoLU:rotd I'-':. ;c:^:.-:r'i nc L.lriica,cion has beea conside::ed brr iire 3oa;d ) t'fr i --- ^.E A-_*-+- 'r ,^'A'------ --* '- .. \-c.r of O-qq=ER 19 12 \/nrcji -=ini.s aaC ie-te::nires 5e,E::E},?T:O"\ FliC:{ EAGL: COUN:Y Si,SDIVIS:O:{ r\-: (i |J J-'- - i- V :\: J ./.7 ?So" J;:sua:l: ';.o Sect,io:: 15.Ci cr- '5::e E-g'ic Cou:-:l' Su;clvis:or. lot {, _Blo 9k _7 t Vaii_rgtgr:J:oLn:a:n_Dgvgigple :'}:_ and cc.'.i-o:as::lc a':o=oxiriiteiv cre-cuaner F-c=e aiti one tuiiding E.l.€. .: -'\,,r F -:i i n!^ rrr---..-rvi.rn:!!.:'l rr .c.rr--\^- \ *!.sL. rr,: e\r i^-J_J_\J.r\;ruq e(=tr! ;"!__45r.;-3rg .j-il e\=..i-eJ t-o r_v_ L.l(:; ic : J-orri ir9' xea son ihe gullgrg.l_i: ge:j:y_cg.:f.sr-grg, _hgviirg gegn -,-: -'.r .':.-lrz i972 l-.:rcer S,;:-.:G c: Coior:ado, Dcpt. oi- _'lousincl :--::-:-: ;.---':-;t- _ - ;-'----;-;-_, _-:r'_ l',u- l-ci nc; D3::i1i-t gg2-2775, I i.Ioulc iihe -to sei: ii:ese una'ts its --.-,..-.--.' .-. ;,.-.-r?v--L.r':-:-:!- \---iJ . *::-; l::-rce:stoci. t:1a': a::y Eci.-:c:: bl/ this Ccrrr.lss-l on g:lanL:.i:g sc.:i :cc'.lec| io= said ::eEulalio::s e:(eti"3'i: on apirlies only to tl-e =11 .-,=rr:.-A r\!,7i... - i 3y RESCLUT;CN lrrr .:-'n a F n:: --F .!.^-- - -.- -r ;^i.^.a-t.^^,--l--:ur c-llg L-.: er= J--r.* --\j.> r, + \;--: ec:!, \!-i----sJ ]ca:::;: u,.',-?r=*.Fo"=. -:.:1;clrcgi- r'cc:i;ed: I l^. a1571 arr-::r.::.1 a- .: i-la /-: J --* - !,, -),: -... -: ..-_- - --^ ,:^ !-^;-:!- u--s- \: -\/-\= le.i .i.i l U. -q. DEPrXnTir':Ei'{T OF .AGR IC'-r:-TUllE SO !:-, C!i'.l SIFI''/.Pr.TI ti'i S 3:l"r'iC3 l:.ficf:t iY -' lf*:it3';Y ir-fu2yy e . str tA,J I C,iic.iE0 aY [ ;:'i',vil,G iiC. I -ar i-: t_:_1-.l -;-ir,i .i o d.!. €otr;lrlnt trrnnnc on r€! ! tr;o ot-rrt-tao Co/,v*)o C. s,;, e//ot- 4-/a-zs 'P. I tt n lTi vun d .-// L',,,, J) z, in- iu tot_.s joa/'5= O, '.5/",oe /o./o. aazT// = #"= tl'ol t2- A t - - trP Y.Z -'A = 6, aZ6 = 2,/? 7 c.ts Hydr-*/t2-s tn Goro !s-cn,fr l, .-, . I .,uJ/hJ J//aT-e.r 3*p/a_c.e a-J s /"Ve. -- I.y , ..$: a.ao/ A = 3-s-o /t lt = o, o€,j WP = tr7.3 F: 4.a/ v= /,4-96 rt y = J.qY6- q.il 7s o,o5o o.oo/2' V -- (tz.z:) Q. -ri^t) 'L a. o tu /.7) A= IzA (6."2e)G,sq) ffi;rw-f %*,tr -Etr*wa#-Ie*^*J* -E-t K-//:- o Rlwnilell Coniloalnluns ?F73 V. Bellflorer lFlve InternountaLn Yelfr Colorado 815J8 ****+I.** ltr. ElIl Antlrcre Torn of, Vall Val1, Colorado Novenber 15, 198l+ Ibar !lr. Antlrerer- Ii ras alce telklng on the phone rlth you yesterlty regardlag the retalalag rell to be bullt et the ebove addrese. Stuart Frlth hes elready hae ataff epproral end the drarlng lt nor to be eubultted to you. After rcvelwlng the attached pleaee let nc knor rhat re do to precceal rlth thc rall. Ae you kaor the saor has bcea flylng and rc vcry auch roulit llke to stlU fl.nlsh lastalllng thls raIl. I can be reeched at The Hlllors, 4?6-ZZ3L, pleaee 61ve ae e celL a,fter you have revlered the drarlng. Iooklag fonard to hearlng froa you eoon. Slncercly, Flar$ke Brofos P.0. 8ox 97 Vatt, Co 81.658 (htner of Unlt I et RLvendell. J ,4 lqfj'q J rtlr€ilDtrLt CorvU ,), JPr'4! h/af €asT 245 coa. '64AaE /z'o.c.e/do #4aAR@ q'ac, e/oo 45EAR@ ?,ac. e/eo @--- 4" on4ut T- \ ..\? _.'t_ 'i,prR 4'@ /2" 5-8 2pp1. laat o -{T tn T 9r rjr oz Hg o 9p SF gB m ]-m C)J 3 o ct o 2c)im uz >m c,D -l>Or-D c)t -l In o { Ql r-mm U'C)o>'t- q o TD z =m o -.1 trt t- I !Q; .: fD t, I vrl t o 1 4 U J @ ror -T CL o !t Ot 3 ID o o o 3 3 t :' IL o g o !,'3 o t fFi-'-.J=tE ot lt -r rn pJ(D(D l! g, c+ .+ -n l:F € (n c+c ts J- (Dr-| = oT-r-| (o -ir O | -., l5 f c+OOz | 5€ = -| -+ a') Fr I o(Do(,I o.i=| =(Do-=I rt" orn I 'O- rrr ' (D-t>e <+lU(,m .D€(,e J.o o=o-Tl x(o^o 'E tn -r. :f, -r^+l Ora -1 5 {r 9r r-o 16 t-.f=13r< -r. O J= o J.6) 5C)A,-o g fil -h -)n rD= LJLJLJ ffi:,l-tr_ .-f, 3E m:o9i T:€m-'o g*e 4 -*ffi t ><<o *FC ->at'rz >R :oo FTII .-!'-g 3 fifl8 3-E 6ge - tr!D 3P cc zg Oct . 3=do z { o FiEe$gi;frf . daiE* .E gcF E 5;:F $j +gEF * g3iE= F Bsg5; = r$e*i =,f F5F{g $€l I Sdqs$ $N+e$ilr gBfr$s nl $$$is ! -z o B .. =z a -a o<'n!|n tn x ir F F -ut z m m o m l*9 lz t{ IF ! F - tn 6le slF :J o z Rtlur zo{m(':l .<E Cd E as E as 2c)ia,.;; e 6 i: g F>_ No=P-= lrt-- E< s*ll lg ! =-l n a,t)