HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL INTERMOUNTAIN BLOCK 9 LOT 10 LEGAL FILE.pdf6(,r r{rY Ertrop*xt Design Review Board ACTIOH FORM Department of Community Developmgnt 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tef:970.479.2139 tax:970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.cot Project Name: HILB DUPLEX 2755 SNOWBERRY Project Description: Participants: Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: DRB Number: DRB080049 FINA APPROVAL FOR NEW CONSTRUCNON OF A NEW DUPLEX OWNER HILB, DAVID G, 1.165 ASPEN GROVE LN VAIL co 81657 APPUCANT HILB, DAVID G. 1465 ASPEN GROVE LN VAIL co 81657 o2l25|2OOB o2l2s/2oo8 ARCHITECT JOHN G. MARTIN, ARCHITECT LL02125/2008 PO BOX 4701 EAGLE co 81631 License: C000001843 2755 SNOWBERRY DRVAIL Location: 2755 SNOWBERRY DR Lot: 10 BIocK: 9 SubdivisiON: VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN DEV S 2103-143-0104-0 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: GILLETTE DANTAS 4-0-0 Action: APPROVED Date of Approval: 03/19/2008 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). C.ond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond: 202 (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is . commenced and is dilBendy pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0{D9824 Fire sprinkler system requircd and shall comply with NFPA 13R(2002) and VFES standards. Cond: CON0009825 Monitored fire alarm system requircd and shall omply with NFPA 72(2002) and VFES standards. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $650.00 New Construction ft+^ Apptication for Dsisn ffiieru = - \il\Tpy;1rffif ^ffi8ru[Er1l{,5ffi$,tn,{'FE8252008 \!J\ aleb:www.vailgw.com l'JU --rr^,, -\ :1Yy'3- tz Gqreral Information: _ L..:r,ri.. *+ rnnria:,lirn Draacc \l At pojects rcquiring delign retrie|rv must reej\re approt al ptiff b $bmining a hrildirp permit apdkatim' Pbase refer b fie *,bmiuat requir€ripnts 6r the particuhr "pp,*"i'dt"t;-t"qG;td' nn apdriaLn idt oofun ne"io" '--r cannd be a*,66 until a1 r€qulred Informatbn u E*|"gl oy -G cr."r"itv Dg/erprltent oepartnem' rne t-ffi###E grur*t**YffiH'ffi oI) one y€ar d lh€ approyal. .--o Descrlpdoil d $e Request:aig;ad,or) - ae a'ouo t\rIR Cg /A-t,--. phylicalAddrces 2rf5 gScr^t*g;€1e< &'- Vfst' , Qlo 9& V Parce{lfo.: ZtO+ N<e tOlO (contadEagleco'Assessorat97G32&Salotorparel m') /\ <---a ' - 6,, l ----^--. -...,.) - l-! Zoning: €t{ame(s) of Orne{s): f.faifing Address: $20 retainiru walls, eE for mir# Oanges b boiUings ard site impro'ernents' slch as, ]Frodng, Pair6rP, windoYv adiuons, n tr r€tainirq wa[s, em $20 For revtions to plans already apprwed Delign Revieut Board. No Fee 'htr- {tt(ePrvq4-rAd /wrrw<"lsignahr€(c): ilame ofAppficant TWe of Review and Fee: D Signs tr Co(Eptlral Rerkil - 6( rcw Con*uctin - E Addldorl tr Minor Alteration (mufti-family/commerchl) Minoi Aeratbn (gngle-fd$y/dudo0 Changes b Approved Plans Separati:n Rquest $50 Plus $1.(x) per qua]e fuot of btal sign area' No Fee 6:G Fs @nsbudion d a new bullding or (bm/rsuild'*€a For an addfion wtnre square footagp is added b any reddental or ornnerciat building (indudes 250 addiuons & inbrior aom€niions)' $250 For minor charges to buildings and site improv€ments' sudl as' rercofing, puintittg, window addiUons, landscaping, frnces and M,,s^\ ,:/il ofFetfsq$lr-- li 7 I ftid:, b)s o,**., tt; BY:-? | q- (\q Feb 25 08 11:07a John Martin p.1 General Infonnrtiqt: AX pmi€cts rcqurdng (tsCgn rwiew rnust recive atFo!/d prbr to srhriuing a AiBitlg permit appffin. Please retdr 6 fp qflmiaat lequietrns for t'le paniolr approal that is lt$.cstd. An apgftafiq| br Deign R€vlerv cannd be aceFted urtit aC requled inlbnnatbn is r€cen cd bV th Ctnrntfty DetdopttEttt Depirtsn€nt. The projd mry air neeA b be rwiilrd by tfie Town Cound rd/or tfE Pbnr*B and Enviomnenial @|rnb9i)n. i11iign rciir lpqat laps unlcr. dl-ng pgdt le inrcd dtd corln:do comts wltfiir orr teard tlt .pproFl 97G328{5S3 Ilew @nstruction Application for Design Review Deparbn€nt d Csrmunity D€lrelotrn€l|t 75 Sou$ FrontagE Road, vail, cola-do 81657 Ei 97o.4792r2a n* 9mA7ft,2452 web: rtdw.dlgw.dn Decdpdon d UE nqu..t: Ne,^t e$9Teq.fiOn - fuc ?^\E t{-tt3 l-oc.uonotuFPropooft t-dit lO W:-l-arbdivbbn:/*r. dure3rrru^tE-sI- PhysielAddrucc Parccl ilo.:(ffi EAle @. Assorat9zl-!128{6t0fc parcdno.) zsn:vqz frr\oLv / €6cc^tP6;z'l ilrr{e)ofornr{42 Pte)€ Fftt-V ]{ailingld&ece: JlamsdAppllrnG i|anrsrddrdz ?afu* t(zrt ' €aaczr-.fe> -ArUz i,-- Photr, @ ot<-3 Wpcof R€ttidand Fes 0 SiJns tr C.one$ual Revi* B( tcw onsructton - n Addition E i{inor Alteration (m ultff.mily/com.nercbl) Mina Ateation (dnglefffiv/dudoo Ol.ng€s to Approved gat6 Separdbn R€qrrC @ Fo. aoflsructpn of a rg, buiEiqg a tbm/reqr $m fu..n dition vutEe quar€ ffige 15 adG $50 PIl|s $t.q) per sqr.r€ fud of tDtal ggn d€8. o Fe€ qnrErci.l brrlding (iEludes 25l) addids|s & W tor rnlfs dEtEes b buildi1gs ard * ref@f n9, painurg. $ndor adddotts' rEts*ir|g wdb, eiL *20 br nin6 d€ngesb b|rildlEs dd st€ inp.ur€merts, sldl c, rerodEl pahtrE, wi.don addtian* LndsFE, ftnG and relalrlaE rrdlb, €ic. $20 For ladians to pla|s dreadf appoved by Plamng Staff c the DeriJn R€view 8o-d. ilo Fe tr tr n /fi lul 'Jt tl .t,' l= lnna _VAIL r- ^ -'-- lrr ll ' l(=I:= \\, J]J rcdli$rdr5 rrvedos). uch as,@Ue 0fFe ll-Odt: Pdd: - ClEt No.:- BY; Meetirlg Dde:DR,B NO.: Pbn|ET:|@No.: **** ** * * * * *** * ++*'**+******++****t*** * * * * * ******* ***:t****,i*'|.'t'f ** ****t*** * + + * * + **++ +* ** * * * * + * * TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Stat€ment Statement Number: R080000203 Amount: $650.00 02/25/2OO8O3:42 PM Palment Method: HIIJB Cbeck fnit: iIS Notation: rr2r/DAVID Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address : Irocation: This Payment: ACCOI.]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code DR 00100003172200 DR8080049 2103-143-0104-0 2755 SNO!'IBERRY DR \TAII, 2755 SNO$IBERRY DR 95s0.00 Flacnri nt i an t4)e: DRB - New Construction DESIGN REVIEW FEES ToCaI Feea: Total ALIr Pmts : Balance: 95s0.00 95so.0o $0.00 Current Pmts 650.00 PLANNING CHECK SHEET Propert5r Address 2155 Y ail Intermountain Parcel #210314301040 Legal Description Lot 10, Block l, Vail Intermountain Development Site Area Ac | 1.018 Sq Ft | 44,344 Buildable I nla Zonins./ SDD #P/S Land Use Designation Low Density Residential Known Non-Conformities nla Previous Approvals Driveway variance Hazard Zones Sections 12-12. 12-21. 14-6 &. 14-7 Snow Avalanche nJa Debris Flow Hieh Hazard Rockfall nla Excessive Slopes (Site Disturbance l2-21- I 4) Yes 39% Floodplain nla Wetlands Y/N nla Creeks, Streams Section l2- l4- l7 Setback nJa Proposed nla Sidewalks/ Trails nJa Pk"r*/ D"t" Contact Information BG 03/12108 Owner Contact Info Dave Hilb 970-476-7051 Primary Contact/ Owner Representative Info John Martin 97 0-328-0592 Project Inform4tion Proiect Description New primary/secondary Land Use Application(s) #DRBO80049 Proposed Uses (As defrned by Zoning) Two-family dwelling Permitted, Conditional, Prohibited? Permitted Date Routed/ DRT Meeting 02t tzl 08. 02127 I 08. 03 I 07 I 08 Commercial Floor Area Existing nla Proposed n/a Gross Residential Floor Area (Chapter l5) Total Allowed 9 310 -Existing n/a -Proposed I,401 +Credits Primarv -Existing nla -Proposed 4.098 +Credits Secondary -Existing nla -Proposed 3.309 +Credits Total Remaining 1.903 Primary Total Remaining nla Secondary Total Remaining 415 250 or Interior Conversion?n/a Setbacks (perimeter) Projections l4- 10-4 Front 20 Prooosed or YA{Y Side 15&15 Prooosed or YAII Y Rear l5 Proposed or YA.{Y Minimum Lot Area/ Width Required 14,000 Proposed or Y,Ai Cqot dnla (tzZ Site Coverage % Allowed 8,869 (20%)% Proposed -+#qaefi Buildins Height Allowed .JJlJU Proposed Y Landscaping Sections l4- l0-8 & l4-10-9 %o Required 26,606 (60%)%o Proposed 3sB7e€l%) Plant size 6',2",5 eal.Proposed 3s,?erfiu 1g'*1 Fences nla Proposed nla Retaining Walls Sec. 14-6-7 Heieht Allowed 6 Proposed Y Setback 2 Proposed Y Driveway Sections l4-3-l & 14-3-2 Max Curb-cuts Proposed Y Max-Mirr Slope t0%Proposed Y Max-Min Width Proposed Y Heated YA{N Drive Material asphalt Snow Storaee o/o 30%Proposed 30%o+ Parking Sections 12-10 & l4-5 Spaces Required 6 Proposed Loading nla Proposed nla Lighting Section I4-10-7 Allowed 44 fixtures Proposed Y Waste Management Section 5-9 Wildlife Proofl Resistant nla Screened nla Screening Sections 14-10-9 & 14-10-10 Required Proposed Y Roof Material Sections i2-11-3C & 14-10-5 Complies YA{Y Building Separation Section 14-10-6 Complies Y,A{Y Adopted Yiew Corridors Comnlies YAi nJa Utilities (Location, easements) Section 14-10-10 Y Grading (Less than 2:1) Section 14-6 Y Development Impact Fees / Mitigation Employee Housing w..'a Traffic Impact nla Art In Public Places nla Notes NEW CONSTRUCTION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: The review process for new consbuction normally requires two separate meetings of the Deign Revieur Board: a coneptml rsriew and a final revieur. Applicants should plan on presenting their development proposal at a minimum of two meetings before obtaining final approval' I. SUBITIITTALREOUIREITIENTS*'F All pages of Application is complete Checklist is completed and si.'na,,l stamped Topographic survey'* - O tt (t ue Site and Grading Plan* Landscape Plan* Arcfritectural Elevations* Exterior color and material samples and specifications. - Ti, Sy' JUFMf((dp Architectural Floor Plansx Lighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures Title report, including Scneduiei n A e to verify ownership and ea.semen6* - al\ f lL€ Photos of the existing site and adjacent structures, where applicable' - O$ Fl!4 written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable Site-specific Geological Hazard Report, if applicable* The Administratoiand/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a mod€D if deemed necessary to d'etermine wite$rer a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the pnoposal is not clearly indicated. ?lea,v.wbmrl /hree (l) captb o/the nalerthls aaled ,'i/, za aileriet (7' xxFor interior conversions with no exterior dranqes, the submittal requirements include a complete set of odsting and proposed nor ptans, a titte report, and written apprwal from a ondominium association, landlord, aM joint owner, if applicable. I have read and understand the abone tisbd submittal rcquircrnents: Project tlame: Contractor Signature \ * \ \ \ EI '\B b E'. NAO N^o g F:\cdev\FoRMS\Permits\Planning\old iorms\drb-new-consbuction-8-28-2007 ' doc Page 3 of 14 FIRST AMERICAN }IERITAGE TITLE CO 318 Broadway Febnrary 5, 2004 P.o. Box 1980 * Eagle, Co 81631 * (970') 328-52t1 File No: E,S7 67 47803 DAVID G. HILB 159 2 MATTERHORN CIRCLE vArL, co 81557 Dear New Property Owner: Congratulations on your recent real esEate purchase ' Enclosed is your Policy of Title Insurance. This policy contains imporEan! informaEion about Ehe Real Estate Transaction you have just corpleted; it insures you against cerEain risks to your ownership. Please read it and retai-n iE wiEh your oEher valuable papers . A pennanent record of your recorded title documents is accessible through our office. These records wj.ll enable prompt processing of future title orders and save valuable time should you wish to se1I or obtain a loan on your property. Visit or call our office and s i.mp1y give us your personal policy file nrunber when you need assistance. In the event you sel1 your property or borrow money from a mortgage lender you rua.y be enti-tled to a discount rate if you order yor.rr titl-e insurance through this cornpany. We appreciate the opportunity of serving you and will be happy to assist you in any way in regard to your future title service needs ' S incerely, FIRST AMER CAN HERITAGE TITLE CO OWNTRAN Ftcl BS76l4fBfr.3 Frlc t ES?67tflB03 E'IRSA A!{ERICAN TITI,E INAI'R. ICE C-OMFAI\IS OWNER'S POLICY ECI{EDIIIJE } 1m-LM1289-02 / 05 / 04 10 : 17 : 11 order No. F,S? 67 47803 Arcunt of fnEurance 5220, 000 .00 Date of, Policy: ,January 8 , 2004 at 8:00 A.M. Policy No. 'J652588 1. Natoe of InEured: David G, Hilb 2. Your interests in ttte land eorrered bpt this policy is: FEE SIMPLE 3. lFhe land referred to in lhig policy is deecrj.bed as f,ollowg: tots 10, Block 9, Vail Interrnountain Subdivision, Block 9, according tso the recorded plat thereof, county of Eaqle. SLate of Colorado. ItrcooEl File# Es/6747803 FIR8T AI,IERICAIiI TITLE INSURAT{CE COMPAI{y SCEEDUIJE B order No. E,s'7 67 47803 Policy No. ,J652588 Exceptions In addition to the Er<clusionE, you are not insured againEt 1oEs, coEUs, atstsorneyE' fees, altd expenEe E reEulting frdtrr 1. Taxes and Assessments not certified to the Treasurer's Office, 2- A1l- taxes and assessments for the year 2003 and subsequent years, a lien, but not yet due or payable. 3. The right of proprieEor of a wein or lode to extract or remove his ore lherefrom shoufd the same be f or:nd to penetrate or intersect. the prertises as reserved in United Scates Patent recorded April 18, 1-934 in Book 123 at Page 3. 4. Right of way for ditches or canals constructed by the authority of the United States as reserved in United States PatenE. recorded April 18, l-934 in Book 723 at Page 3. 5. covenants. conditions and restrictions, which do not include a forfeiture or reverter clause, set forth in the instrument recorded Septenlcer 6, t9"72 in Book 225 at Page 315 at Reception No. 121-087 and arnendment s EhereEo. 6, Easements, covenant.s, restrictions and reservations as shown on the plat of Vail Intermountain Dewelopment Subdivision, Block 9 recorded Septen cer 7, 3,972 .in Book 225 at Paqe 335 at Reception No. 121108. NOTE: Exceptions numbered 1 is HEREBY DELETED. NOTE: ?he following items have been added to this policy: Preraium: S487.00, oEC S40.00, form 130.3. Filc f ES/6?47803 ENDORSEMENT 130.3 order No. E,S7 67 47803 Attached to PolicY No' ,J652588 Issued by First American Title Insurance Company The above referenced policy is hereby amended by adding following the policy amount: The Policy amount will automatically increase by 10t of each of the first five anniversaries of the policy date. The endors ement is effective only when attached to an ALTA insuring a 1-Eo-4 family residence. This endorsement is made a part of the Policy and is subject provisions Etrereof and of any prior endorsesrents thereto' Except stated, it neiEher modifies any of the terms and provisions of tlre end.orsements, nor does it extend the effective date of the endorsements, rlor does it increase the face arnor:nt thereof. the following Eo Schedule A the amount shown above on Plain Langnrage Pol icY to all of the terms and to the extent e>q>resslY Policy and any Prior Policy and any Prior Dated: ,Jarruary 8, 2004 First American Title Insurance Cornpany (**_ S j-grratory Cdondo F6o 1303 (1T1303 SIL\ERT}Mi'E FP -s Thls bnn sen Es b verfy thrt thc pmperl imFove|fE rt' \ryll nd fnpact any cr(bthg or gropoced ud&y sltt Es' and al$ to . vertfy s€rvtce avalability ard locadoo br rte|r cmsardon !il, *otjld be used F cgtunctbn wfih prepafiO four uulty pbn.aF sdadufng h*albtlom. A stt! C.n, lnctrdlng gr.dhg phn, llmr y'gre and derdons, $all be sbmbd tD the So|owhg udtibs for approval ad rcrndon;. PfEISE ,ILLOW lrP TO 2 frts FOR /IPPROITAL il, COIIHEITIi ROt| fflE UTlllTY of.iieff fes If yqr arc uruble b obtah conunerts wlthln tut dm€ft ntc pLc cd*act Th€ Tovvn of Val Fax: 19704681401 urr uw APPROInL & ItERrFrCrTroll ArSnlEfglEtclc Feb 11 ZJ08 15:(n P. U2 Dewtop b l4ovle Urt Ades ltilffit t wftn-.. 279{ ,Stoakw^ DL -T-r*t,JJ'b ,oo,/O BUI I Commenlr slb QIYEST 970.{66.6860(hl) 970,.158.0622(fao Contacts: Sam Toolcy sarylEl.t6h@.rcst.conr XCEI }TGI+PRESSUREGAS 970.26a{O6 (td) 970.45&1401 (foo C.or|tace RIch Sbnerc W fu'{H\) Qat"S h-Pur-J *u 4y 97O,947.517t(d) 970,9+5.,{}81 (fao ContacU Dirna Crolts doolkoJnlvrmss.om XCIL En rl|y 970.262.4@ (fax) 970.262.4024 (tr*) ontacls; lot Bo9ert l(e$run.BooefO)GEtENERGY.com EAGTE RIVEn.WAIER A SAilNATD}I DISIRIGT 970.476.7,180 (br) 970..176,40€P (rfl) Cont*t Fred Hadee ftaCederwd.oro COMGASTCIBLE 970,.119 82.t8 (H) 9ru.949.9138 (rd)6nffi De\rld h.ans dadd ErrarsocaHe.omcasLom lqlEr L If the uufty approal & verffiion torm h6 r{natuI€s film eadr of the udlv dnpar{eq and no ofiinEnE atr msdc drEdy ofl the ft(m, or m sn b Ebn wlhh 2 rr,leb of dE tfih/s rdpt of the furm wilnn edmalbn the Torvn wll p.lsne tiat thej€ al€ no pfoblenrs and thc derebpment (an prcce€d. Z lf a uflllv oomp y hds corenr with th poposd cDns$udon,. th. rrlltt re''€senbt,i,t $81 notc dlrudy m tte ttdlty vedffcatbn frrm 0ut ttse b a probbn whkfi Decds b be rrsoh,Ed. Thc EsE Cbuld tllen be debled h an Sdted h&r ts ti. Town ol Val[ Howerrcr, plea* keep ]n rnhd that f b the rcspoftluny of d|c utfry conrpany ud thc tpClcat b r€sohr€ kJenEf,ed problems, 3 These t/€rltl€atfofls do not rdleve lfie.contr*tor of $e re+onsb[V to ott*t a PuUts Way Perflm frorn t|e Department of Fjbl|c urb.l(s at the.Toryn of Val,h .ny Fbbdght-of{€y or casernent rYlthln the Tof,n €f VDIL + The DqreloFr b ag:ds o submt ary b drc ul6es fttte $bmttt€d phns rr€ dtemd ln any way after the anthorlaed CanahlG &b (uDless dtetr,rce $edn6fy notrd dtrh th! commcnt arca of thls brm). Dei,E lop.t/s ggnEtr€ FrcrbrlFoRris\P€rrr{tAPlannlnliDRBuEv Appovd_l00f&O7.&c DrtE 0zl90/200! tED !.r:05 PAx t79tzlar06 g(Jl{qAlir qAr|lt3 Lot Addressr QrrEStr A[frgrizBd SioniturE El9Ur/UUr UIILITY APPROVAL & VERIFICATIOI{ This forn servcs b ver,fr S|at th€ proDoced imp.ovemenb wil mt iflpad any sistins or pmpoced t{iity services, ild rlso to verify ssr/ce availabfrly a{t locdtx fof nerv coJlstn dion arxl sho{.dd be used h onjurErbn wlh preparirE rour tsllty plan and sdreduilng hstafhths. A dte plan, 'tndtd/rq gt?dfig fun ,bor pta|l, ad eler,t*bnf, shall be sSrtiEed b tE folo,ving utilitirls fr approval and verrfuati.xr PLEAS€ ^LLqn, UPTO 2 WEE(5 Fil. APPf,WAL OR OO|]IHEITS FROfi rffi UTruTY COl.rtPltlIES. If tou are umble b obbin comllEnts wifrn tfiat UnEfrtrE please conffi The Town of Vail. Dercloper ao Provide l* Addr*s Infrmztion: bt*: /O 9!ll Comments 970.468 5860(rd) 970.458.0672(fil) Corrbcr$ Safi T6Py samuel. toohydoupst. com XCEI- ITIGH PRESSURE GAs 970.2624076 (t€D 90.a68.r40l (fax) contact Rin sisrE 6 riL{radsbnero6oxcehieiw,cofil HOLYCROSSETSGY 970.947.5471 (d) 970.945.4081 (fa) Conb& Diana Crls @lisohokcross-corn xcEL Emr!il 9m.252..1038 (fao 970.262.4024 (Er) Oonbct: K,t Bogert Kattrvn*Eglprto)(CElBhgcf .ftqt E/TGE RIT'ER TYATER& SI||ITATTOII DETRICT 970.{75.7480 (H) 970.476.4{lsl (rax) Contac* Fed Haslee fflagleeoerusdoftr oof,tcAltT C'AELE 970.418,E2/tE (bt) 9m.949.91:i8 (Fax) Cditacc DovH Evans darid evarEocaue.conrcast com l(ytE: ,fNMW ilt/at I ff tne tdtli'ty +p.Evd & rrerificatirn fornr has sifnabres t?om eadl of ttp utittf orpa*:q ard m conurenb are made dkectly m Ure form. 0i m arlion '6 hken tfitfi Z weelts d Ble utmys i"ceipt d the lom u,lB|out sghnauon tr Tqrn w presume ttEt hse ate no probkms and the developmnt cm proceed. 2- If a uutty cooloery has @rEents wfh d|e tropGed cmstnElon, rhe udllty r"presentedve $atl mE drectry on t|e uHllty yerification fom th,t tlre|t is a prcblerh whidr rpeds to be resohred. The hrje $ould dren be detaleat h an afttdErl tetbr to the Towr of vail. tlolvev€r, please ke.p in mind that it is the rcspordulity of the dilty cornpafly ild the applkad b resohe idortificd orotkms. 3. Tlles€ verificatitns (b not re6eve the contractd of the r€sponsibllity to obteh a Puuic way Fsfiiit [fom the Departnent of fubk Works at tr€ Torvn of Vail, lrtlih lodi.rns must b. ohined b€lbE rfodim h any plftic fiSt-of-|tray or casemcnt within tlre Town of VaiL. A brdldino pcrmit ir not a A|bIG Way rgrf|tr tud must bc ohain€d 3€o-aElv. 4. The DeYEloDer is rcqdred and agre6 to sjbmit any rEvisEd drdyrings to ttr utTtir= for re-apmrral & relrrifiotion if the siDmitted phns are altered in any watf after the autlnrized si?nah/re date (unless ofieruise sp€c'hcrfy ret€d witttin the comment trea of thls brm). Develope/s SlgnaUre FlcdcliFORMS\Pgmits\Plannhg'toR8\utilty Approvel_0gl6.Ct.doc 970-476-4089 l1:14:20 06-02-2008 ;s UTIUTY AFPROVAL i VERIFICATIOII Tlis brin srir€s b vetify ttbt the pmpoEed [nploveislts wll! not lm@ ily existhg or propGed djftY servlce6, ad also to verit sewke at aibb0ity nd bcab.r br rEw corEtrudbD ard slurld be rEd In onJurtbn wth H€Padng }!w Uiltry 9bn and sdEdullE instalhtiorE A siE phn, induding graftng pldr, fi@r phn, ar|d elevabns, shal b€ slbmH b the trbvirU utillies for approwl a(d verillc*bn. PLEISE ^Llff UP TO Z WEEG; FOR APPiOYAL On COilI|EIITS FROII TllE UIILITY CoIIIPAI{IH;. If you are uEble b obbin comnEfits withh tlEt timefrarne pbase q*att The Tofin of vaal. Dcvclopd b ffi Int /t&ts htru,ndba: subd.,r.r,'|r\larMbnffi- rotJ, / o CommsEb thts QlrEsrT 9rc.458.5850(ED 97I'.468.06-72(ta0 Cortacts Sam Tooley sarrueltoobr@uresLcotn XCEL HIGfl PAESSURE G'IS 970.26L{076 (Er) 970.468.r$1 (hx) Conbd: Rich Sisneros riLtard.sis€ro6oEderErwdn HOLY CROSS Ef,ERGY 970.9.17.5471 (ED 970.945.4{nl (fn) Contact Diana Gdis doolboholvcross,@m XCg. Etlrgu 970.252.4G8 (fao 970.252.{02.t (teD CortaEts: l$ 8oSe.t Kathrm. BogertOXCRElt ERGY.dn EAG1T RTVER WATER, & SA ITATTOfl DISTRICT 970,+76,7480 (@t) 970.476.4m9 (hx) ' Conlact Fred Hasbe fh6Ee@enrrsd.oro coitrrsTc|aLE 970.418.8248 (ED 970.949.988 (fax) Contact: DavH E\rills (bvid errans@gbb.drEsLdn IIOTE;: 1. If the uEity appoval & wrindbo bfln has signatu.es frqn edr of the udty conrgrle+ ard rr cqmE rts are rrnde dhecfly on tie bm, or rF adon ls taken wfthh 2 weeks of tfrc UUlffi recdpt d tle furm witlnut egbmtion t|e Town will presunrc that there are no probbms and the devEhpilert can trocred. 2. If a utiny company hc conems wfrir ttn poposed @|Etndiru tre uUfV represent*iv€ shalt mE dredy on UE u0'lity verncatlon form that here b a problem whldl rE€d6 b be resohred. The ls1re stFuH then be detaled in an atbdred letter to the Town of Vail. lb{r€l€r, plee keep h mltd thd t is the ,€spooslHlty of tE utllty onpany ild the applhant b re$hre idenuned Fobhms. 3. These v€rncatbns do mt r€llev€ the ortacor of the rcsponslbllty b ottafi| a Pdllc lvay hm[ from ttE Departm$t of Pu ic worts at ttE Town of vail, udfi lo..rb|E rrEt br obtrincd befur dhoino in any publc rght-of-rvay or ea*rnent within the Town of Vall. A hrilfrno lcnnit b not a PuHic Wav osrmit rrd must b€ ohined semraElv. 4. 'Ihe Developer b rcqfed ard agr€es to $bm[ any r€rvised &an tngs to the udlths for re.ppro€l & re€rfkauon f the submitted phns are at€Ied In any way ftr tln autlprlzed sigmaune daE (unbss drerwise speciftafiy nobd within the comment Ejrea of thb bm). &:4:s8 De|\rebper's Slgnature F :bdartFoRMSlPem iBlPla nrf r€lDRBlUliw AppmwLOt+EO7.doc hE Feb. 6. 2008 l:54PM -ffi ll|o.0355 P, 1 UTILITY APPROVAL & VERIFICATIOTI Thls foro serves to verifu that he proposed Inpmt ettlents yvit not inp*l any e)d$.rg o. poposed uulty servkes, and also to vetiFy seMce avrlablllty and location for nelv consfuctbtr and sNtotJld be uied irt csrjunctbn yvith preparfng your utlllty plan ad schedulbg installatirns. A site dan. Inddng gradlng plan. fhor dm, and eldatbns, shall be bmfcd fo thc fo{o{ving u$lfi}s for approvd and v€rmcatlon: PTEASE ArrOW [P TO 2 WEH(S FOft APPtOvaL OR COllt{E{tS FnOtl.TtfE UfILITY OOMFANIES, If you are unablc to ohah ornmenb wllhh that Umefrarc ftasc contxt Tlre Town of Va|l. O€wlopcr to Provffu lot Addtst Intwrrrtllqrt smrvr"ion=VAru lr@r*ril Lotrr--10-CI!K I auliodzed slomturs CommEntr DrL Lot Ad.lr€$r QWE6T 970.{68.6860( tel) 970.{5S.0672(fdo Contacts: Sam Tooley sanud,tooleyoorrest.cem XGEL HICH PRESIIURE GAS 970.262.{076 (tel) 970.460,1401 (fax) Conractr Rlch SGnercs /iciard,sislEros@xceleleror.conl llolY cRosrs Er{ERcY ' 970,9{7.5471 (tel) 970.9{s.408r (foQ Contacti Diana Golls doolls@hoVoos:.corn ICEL En€rgv 970.262.4038 (fax) 970,262.1021 (td) Contads: l0t 8ogert EAGLE RIVER WAIER A SAIIITATION DU'ruCT 970.476.71&! (ct) 970,776.tt089 (hx)'Conhct: Fr€d Hashe fhaslee(Denvsd.ag mlicAsr cAsLE 970,418.8248 (tel) 970.949.gJJe $rx:t Contact Dadd Evans david evaDs@cable.comcast-com NOTES: L If ths dility apprcvd & trrlacatlon fo,rm has cignatures from exfi of the dlty aompanle+ and no arninent5 are made directty oo ihe form, or no Ddion is takln wihin 2 tveets d the UHlq/s ret$t of tt|e hm wi$rout explanatirxr the Town wlll prcsume that $ere are no Wobhms and h€ dt^re*op||tr|t can po<eed, 2. If a udllty conrprny has concerns wih the proposed con$n(.tlon, the rrtilty rprcscflbtitt $lall notc dir€df on the utlflty ve liL?tbn form that there h a problem whlch needs to b€ resolved. Thc ls6ue $ould in€n be detald lo an rR*hed btter to the Town ot Valr. tl'orlan{, please keeg in ,nhd that t E lie r€sponslbltrf of the uhlity corydty and the applcant to ;esohe ldenfffied prablc{ns, 3. These verltbadom do not rdlgre the corE ctpr of thi r€sporElullty to obtalo a Public Way Pelhit froflr the Dcpartmcnt of Publh Wot*s at the Town of Val, lftiftu loc.titn rnurt !r: obtalficd bcforo digoing in any prblt r(gt'of-tvay or easement Wnhin the Town of Vdl. A bulldlno oermlt b not s Publla Wr! orfniit .nd murt Se oltal lad |cbarddv, 4. The Deaglopsr ls rcqulred and 6grees to srbnft any ravtsed dr'wlngs to the tJulides for re-approvd & re-vailication if thb submined plons lrc alhred ln any way aftej ih€ arnhorized sBnattrre dah (unles obrenrlse sp€Efrcaly noted withh ge comr|€ lt area of fils fom). Dareloper! sigrBture F JodcylFORMSlPcmllslPtffn'€\OnBl(nrry App.ovd_o8.zt.07 d0r Dat! UII|ITY APPROVAL & I|ERIEICATIOII Thb b|m serv€s b *crtry ttnt tlE pmpsed imFsrffients wil nct lmpact any erGfrrg d grcpcd dtfty srr/ice+ ild dso b Eriry en iE aydbbilfty and lodon fri rEfl orfucfjon ad dtor5 be used h coqludon tvnfi prcparhg yo(r nuty pbn and schedulhq LrstdHhn$ A sh plan, hclxhg gndng Cil, fl@r pbn, and *lron$ drall be subndted b fu fudovlng udlHes tur appmval and rcrfficdo& PIEIS IU-W uP To 2 WEEICS FOR ApPngLAL of,, OOtf HEffS fnoil THE UTtrJIY OOtlPAlltEi trFr de uEbbbobh orrnents wdrh th* ftefane dease stad The Town cf vaL Mbp b Ptott*k Id Ms InMion tc @!ot#ils- ArdfrorEed Sionztrrs Com|rr|rts Dalg aurEsr 9m.468.5860(rd) 9m..|68.06-/2(bO Cd6dsr Sdn Tooley snud.lm|@.om XTE. HIGII PNESURG GAS 970262.it076 (hI) 97G,468.1$1 (fax) ConF- Rin SFI€rc finad-O$e'dr€denergy.om HOLYCNNEIRGY 970.9475471 (H) 9m9{5.{181 (fiil) ContacE Dboa Gol'a dooligotnlvcr"..E cofll x(E Encrgy c/0-262-.|038(fa) sm.26a{04(d) C.antrds: |(t Bogert faErF.BogErbX€E-EItERCY.cofll ilgIRII'ERITA'IR,& SAtrITATIS DISIIrICT 9ro.4re,7480 (td) 910.{76.r$$Ga) Conbc[ F€d Fldee ftadeedenrd.qr . ooilGtstcrErE 9ru.+1&&l.t8H) e70.949.9138 (fao Contac M BnI|s dayl4.ltransO@bb.@.r6dn OTET %-da-. a*r-rr* No AF? aT:.A,r\tT C'on.rFLrCr OZ-Ob.Og L f the udEy appo\d A lerfidon iom he Sgfla||rs from eadr d Ure Ldfty dnFnk+ and no onrrcnB ae mde &edy on tlc frrq r no rction b bkr yyilrh 2 $€d(s of tsE uffit/s r€oel* d fte lbrm withflt €egbnaftn tic Torvn u,il pr€s,trE ttpt tfiere are rc fodeor tnd ttn delr€lopmert can troceed.Z f a dtity coilpany has consns rilffi th€ Foped oftiln cUon, fte uillfrf rcFrg.fiaHve shal n& dlrctdy on fte utlty rcdfidon fonn tt|at th€re b a rcblen whin needs b be rcolvrd. The is|e $odd tlEn be ffi€d h an atdrcd leter to the Town of ltal. Hovrffi, flee keep h nid ffi ft b tt€ nspondffiy cf Ere uilfity cornpatly ad tlE aff,(ant tD reslre : de'fned protlens. e TheselErffi$s & rlot r€fia€tE offirace d$e rt*onCHny tE oHr a tub[c fflay Pemt frqlt |'|e Depafir€nt d Fffc\fio.b at t|tc Tann drhl. Ittifu !o*c rquft ho obincd beftrc ddro h any trfrfic rlghtd{ay a €rffnt wilhtheTown dVfl. A hqlldFo enrftir lda DrifrcUfrr urnftmd mcst ts: ottainedeerdv. +Tlc Dardopcr's ]€4lked ad agrees b s$rnt any l€lrbed frilffgs b $e utni€sbr rcqpoval A e{,erlficarum f the $bmlted pbns a(t afrred ln a1y uay dter lhe atdro.hd sl$aurc the (unhs otsprwbe speclncaly DoEd wittr t|e onmert alted$bftfln). Deldoge|/sSgrat.se FlcdevlFoRlrs\PermlblPttmirg\ORB{,rtTty Apprurd_m-28{f .doc This form sems to verify f|at dE p.tposed inpro€m€nts vrifi nct impact ary qiding or prof|GEd utitit], services, and also to Ye.rtfy- TMge avaihbifrry and location fur ner, €€nstruction and sfpuH be used in conjunction with preparing your utiliry p|an and sch€duing installatixs. A site plTljncrrdiB graetg pbn, tlor plan, and ebr*irni, *ratt ue subinded u rie foforvrii uuffiiei for approval and verification. DTEASE AIIOW UPTO 2 WEET(S-FOR AppnOvAL dn mnlrffs fnoH TflE UTruTy col'lPANlEs. ff lou are unable to obti$n comments withh that timfiarne ptease contact The To$m of vail. oevatwrbp.o,nide rfr/tddtsrnro,r'tr,tio,r: vAia trtlLRno*r*v/ r."trouroo, Z75S Si.{c..rBffiPt DR UTILITV APPROYAL & VERIFICATIOil SuMividm: Au$o:lecd Siqnatu.e QWEST 970.468.6860(tel) 970..168.0624fax) Conbcb: Sam Tooley samueltooleYoowest com XCEI HIGH PRESSUTE GAII 970.262.4076 (E) 970.468.lrt{t1 (hx) Conbct: Rkh Sisneros ric hard. sisn€ros@xcden€rav. con HOLY CROSS E IR,GY 970.9+7.5471 (H) 970.945.4081 (fax) Crntact: Dbna Golis doolis@holycroes.mrn XCEL Ene|lry 970.262.zlot8 (Fax) 970.262.{0,?4(tA) contacb: Kit Bog€rt Kathrvn.Soo€rt@XCE-EN ERGY.com EAGLE RIT'ER WATER, I SANITATIOfI OISTIICT 970.476.74&r (H) 970.476.q089 (hx) Conbct Fred Hadee ftaslee@erwsd.trg ootrc{rsT clBt"E 970.418.82€ (H) 970.949.9138 (fax) Contacl David Evans david evans@EHe-corncasLaom NOTES: De\rdope/s Slgaature F:lcdev\FoRMs\Pe.rnits\Plarnh g\DRB\Ut fr y Appro\ral08-2&O?.<toc 1. If tlre utifity aPFo\rd & veriftation form h6 slglabrres from €ach of the utility compani€s, and no mrnments tre made directly on the fonn, or rp atlll b bkef| wihln 2 weeks of Ele uuliys recEipt of u|€'brm wttredt exptaration th€ Tot/,n will presurni that there are no Foblems and ttrc devebpmelt {an ptceed. 2. If a utility co.npeny hx concems wiir tlre propced corrsbudron tie uu*y repres€ntativ€ $a[ noE dlrecuy on the utility r/eriftatior fum thd tlse is a protbm whidt needs to be resolved. Tlte issue $a.rH then be deta ed in an *tactr'eC tetter to ttri Tcrvrn of vail. . Howe\6, please keep in mind that it is the respocsibifrty of tte uUlty comparry and the apdkant to resolve idenuRed pobhns. 3. These v€rificattons do nd relieve ttre contractor of h€ rsponsiHfty b ofrin a Public Way pgrmit fnm the Departrnent of tutlic Works at fte Torvn d l/afl. lldltv tctti.nf, fiust t dtaln€d bdo|€ dodi||o in any trItic @htd-r,ray o{. easeflE t within dre Tovvn d Vail. A bulHirrg E€rfldt 'E nd a h5[c Way D€rmit ard rnust be ohbin€d s€parablv. 4. The Devebper is r€qli€d ard agrees b submit ily ie,ised drawiqs to 6e uufres for reapFo\ral & re-vedficatim if the subrdted Cans are aftered ln any way after the authaized 4tnature date (unh$ ohenyise specifically noted within the commmt area of thB foim). CqfinenF S*v,<C'G attj Ld'-l- Wtc tZEetse l'. cAel€ -eW€rsfti ht#: l0 Dat€ = d at ltDctrdtlEz '5i{/tlt<t: iZ f 'tslrEat::Al atQOZ a l!=r<O-ai> Date l'sSaarar l.loqll Kichler Lighting - Night Sky Friendly outdoor wall Lantem (kich-915x-48xx)Page I of2 Indoor Llghbng I Outdoor Lighting I l"ly Guarantee I View Home > Outdoor Wall Lanterns > Kichler Lighting - Night Sk (kich-915x-48rc<) Kiclrler Lighting - l{ight Sky Fdendly Oudoor Wall tantem (kidl Item #: List Price: Size: 11h x 9w #9152 Quantity: 1 G) zi,rnr Night Sky Friendly Outdoor Wall Lantern Heighfl 1 1" \Mdth: 9" #91 54-4809 Height 13" Width: 11" #91554810 Number of Bulbs: 1 Maximum Wattage: 100W Bulb Base: Medium Bulbs: bulb not included Voltage: 120V Style: Casual Back Plate Dimensions: Model 9'153 / 9154 - 4.5" x 7" Model 9155 - 6" x 8.75" Shade or Difftrser: Wtrite Dark Sky Shade (not shown) Body Material: Brass UL ind/or CSA listed use: Suitable for Wet Locations Usually leaves warehouse in: 2 - 3 weeks Checkout our complete collection of night sky friendly outdoor lighting pn Starry Night Lights Our Name Says ltAll Help Support Starry Nights Searclt Product Name Shop B,i T/pe Walr Sccnces Wal l'loLrnted L ghtrng Outdoor lvall Lanterns Cerlinq I'lounted Ltghts Pendant Lrghts Outdoor Li!ht Shades LandscaPe Lrqhtrng Llw Voltage Deck & Pathwav Lightinq Reaessed LrEhting Post Top Lrghts Sr!n LiEhts Address L glrts Mot on Sensors Conrmercia L ghtin,l Ar:hrtectural Ltqhtln g Area Lrghtrr]! BoLlaids Sports Lrght ng Wa lPacks Lor! Press,.rre ScCiunr L qhi ng F[]orescent Lr_lhtrng Hrgh Pressure Sodrum Llgntln! l"letal Ha id€ Lrqhts TLrrtle Frief Cly Li!htrng Inteflcr Llgfrtrng Energy Star Ce{ified L ghtrng Lrght B!lb! Lrchting By Brand Adlusta Post L ght rrg AmeriTec Lightrn_a Besa Lrg.trn! Buibn:t Cab es Plus VU re Delux Custom Lightinq Eiceline Ligft)na Gardco Lightrnq GE Lig"tin! Systems GLareBuster Hadco Lrqhtrn!l Iuitice Desrgn GrcuP Kalc. LrEht!ng Kr.f ler Lrchtrrg LSI Liqhting Solut ons Lunrofcrm LED Light Bulbs Fla gnaray Internatlcnal M nka La',,er/ Piilrlacle Arch tectura Lrqhtrrlg Prolress L ght nq RAB Lrghtrnq http://store.starrynightlights.comlkich-9 I 5x48xx'hfrnl 2/2s/2008 CoAnLJt|:'t €!trLo{.|,flrt Design Review Board ACTION FORM Oepartment of Cornmunity Dev€lopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Color.do 81657 tef : 970.479.2139 taI: 970,479,2452 web: www.vailgov,corn Project Name: HILB CONCEPTUAL Project Description: CONCEPTUAL REVIEW FOR A NEW DUPLD( Pafticipants: DRB Number: DR8080028 OWNER HILB, DAWD G. 1465 ASPEN GROVE VAIL co 81657 APPUCANT HILB, DAVID G, 02111,12008 LN ozlLLl2008 1465 ASPEN GROVE LN VAIL co 81657 ARCHITECT JOHN G. MARTIN, ARCHITECT LLO2/TU2OO8 Project Address: 2755 SNOWBERRY DR Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments; PO BOX 4701 EAGLE co 81631 License: C000001843 2755 SNOWBERRY DR VAIL Location: LoU 10 BIocK: 9 SubdiViSiON: VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN DEV S 2103-143-0104-0 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: CONCEPT Conditions: Cond: 200 (PLAN): A conceptual review is NOTa Design Review Board approval. Cond: CON0009781 Fire sprinkler system required and shall comply with NFPA 13R(2002) and VFES standards. Cond: CON0009782 Monitored fire alarm system required and shall comply with NFPA 72(2002) and VFES standards. Planner: Bill Gibson FEb 06 08 12:37o John Madin 97G.328{593 Gonceprfual Review Applietion for Design Review D€partn€flt of Corlrt|infy Dryehp{f|er* 75 So.r0r rrdlbgE Road, vat, oolordo 81657 tel: 97tr479.2r28 fm 9m.{79,2,s2 w€!; fivrrr.vallgw,6n €anw.llrrtDflrldon: A{ troj6(t3 lq{ftrg &rbn r*ls, tnEt r€a;lvc aptrovd tritt to rrt|riltitg . boitrIng p€mlt dl('tb. t'lca- rd.r lo tfie i,ffi rqrlnanents tbr tle parthrbr ippro/al that F rEquestld. Ar Splotbl for DesEn Ratllclv 6nrd be E€pted rrfrl al rqd'ld trorm*ion b r€c€iyed by tl€ Cdf|mtn|ty Ela,Ebpmed Dep.rtne*. TIE pfqtrt mav dso need to be r6d€'yrr€d by the Tflyo Cound rnd/or t're planninq end Bwlornental brfil&n. Dcd'n rlubry afrcr,'l Fr rt'rtd.bfltrg Fs ttLh,.drd canin dar 6$rnitc riUtr or.FrdltcWorrll OcaFor dlhs Rquect p.'l u r 6)o e o c, tv @ flrydcirthc Prdllor Zlo?tg.?ol c9'o (aonffi E4le Co. Asseery at 97(}32&86/{} br pstd no.) Zqringr 79u+ev /1fouz*vo,. nurc{o) of Owns(r}r DAv€ >+rt-g rane ralJ7r Orng(r) f,Cmbrt(al: ilrnroot^lrlLtnt JUE *21\L 21s S Sa'JqCrz LL(I il v U t;f hr consilJcdd| ca a new b{rllnE or dctnoflb{xld. For a'l adlthn r$€r€ squre fEoitga ts #ded b @rfinnrdd buldng (ltrltdes 250 rdduofis l tur n*ror dtanggs ro odH|ngF and CE FEB 06 2008 OT VruL lhilagAddrcrrr Po 4ou 4zt 'Ht ,cE, aa OiqZ r ,. E-nrrl lddrccrr TvF€dnrrhwud lec: tr Sigl|6 $- Amce$r* ne*or tr t{arv CorxsurEiill tr ffiludl E }{n6AlErr6on (mdu-{btniv/(lmmercial) Mrsllterdon (*gh-filnilyfitupg<) Chrnges b ADp.oEd PlatE Seprnthn RrqPi $s0 E$S S1.C,0 ps rqrat€ foot d total dg.t ater. 1650 $300 l25o p.indng, nlnddr Itutigls' lafi&pitE, fetlces rd rltilning walb, G. $20 Fof r{nof cnriger b DulldlngF and ite lmp.olefi€nt+ 3/dr.$, r+rooft& pa||uttg, Yrftdofl adtbnq, larbopittg frnoes and r€frJltng salb dc $20 For rcvhbm to da|i dr€sdy approad uy Phnnhg $Jf ff fic Oedgn Rartetv 8o61d. ilo FeG forOtlioUf.AilY: Fee hH: - |,le€!fing Dde:Z-29-otou . T3l--,,hdedNo.: ooz \:: u t W '*t t rs t"l s Page I of I Bill Gibson - Fwd: Hilb DRB08-0O28 From: To: Date: Subject: Attadrments: Bill Gibson John G Maftin OAI3/2OOS l:15 PM Fwd: Hilb DRB08{028 Hey John, Please see the attached Fire Department comments conceming the proposed Hilb Residence on Snowberry Drive. Bitl Bill Gibson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81557 (97O) 47s-2173 (970) 479-2452fax file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\TempD0grpwise\47828... A211312008 ,lrJ}.4 i\r From: .. rr"\ hritiapaugtt To: . i ,,,r.t,,]'_;'il Bill Gibson oate: i t +' ozlt3t2w812:11 PM Suhist t-lilb DRB08{028 Has b€en reryiewed and apprryed. FJre s$inkler rystem and monitored fne ahrm,tXsEm requi@, J,R. Rulapaugh Rre Inspector Vall Fire & Emergency Servhes 42 W. Meadorv Dr. \Pail, CO 81657 9704n-34L6 jrulapa4h@vaihov.com Page I of2 G .tt Bill Gibson -RE,.Hilb i q : .: From: Chad Salli To: Bill Gibson; John G Martin Date: 0211812008 2:47 PM Subject RE: Hilb Attachments: John Attached are PW comments. Chad Chad Salli, PE Project Engineer Town of Vail - Public Works Office 970/479-2169 C-ell 9701376-2389 Fax 9701479-2L66 >>> "John G Martin" <john.martin@centurytel.net> 021l4l2O0B 4:14 PM >>> Hl Bill. One of these DWF files is the 2-D plan set. The other is the 3-D model which can be manipulated and rotated by the user. Hope this works well. By the way, the design is continually developing and what I bring into DRB next Wednesday will look similar in massing, but different in materials and colors. John. From: Bill Gibson fmailto:BGibson@vailgov.com] Sentr Thursday, February 14, 2008 3:45 PM To: John G Martin Subject: Hilb Hey John, Would you email the conceptual ,dwf files for Hilb to me - Public Works would like to try out that Autodesk Design Review program. Thanks, Bitl file:/iC:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\47B99A... 02/1812008 zftzfot J ll '5 x: lltlj Ell;r?;s..;rF#f.?x?"'d.T€5r- | I 'i]:>1'.'.....::.ffi-JLl#ffi-li|ffiiF]'WR;-..t'..... \:,/ " lti---|-*.-t--..].--.,W^,,,, -fffi<ffi .-'.-. -N-.-.\Rx1]Wff\,, rc-ii; ..\___ _ - __--B_ sNowBERRyDRrvE \ ,, \ .... .. :i.- ;r/.' .'ooo ,\'w'\'v'f"/ \ \'- . xii\i . 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N0 pLRsoN, wI]EIHER HA!1NG c{r!L}t t\€ AREA'. lScro 9_F. \. -o, \coME Rrcl{Ly lNTo posstssEr{ xtREot 0R 0r{Rr6E. sHAr Etptoy T(!st DocusENrs o NyoTHtR pRoJtcT. o6oF 41jr9t oatnvw.r) \ lJ7 floF Fod rDoior{s ro rfrs pRoJtcr froR Fon rHt cdrftrtor{ 0f ft4s pRoJEcr sy orBms, oNLtss *tTH ni! \ \"/ _ \ PROF txPR€SS mfrrtN ConS€Nr of ft{ ^hormcT a\ro uPon ^PPRopRrE co|/PrNs Totr To THE accHrracT rN A algf.:11tr,?jTc* ERc'5rc?i ca{Ror, \ rloJNl ^x0 KrNo s^nsF^cToRY ro llt ARcBrTEcr rHE rRojrtcr txmassty curus ArL pRoFRFnFy Rra,rfis \ / rHt NATIEA fircH ls |ssuaD rN COiFrDfrCt rOR 0t9O{ |n!/oR COllniUCTON puRposas 0F rHls pROJtCr S NorlD THlst rrallRras rl^y r{ot at co'rao. mdltto, nfi Eiployro r a{y r y filHo(r ll]E sprcrFc pRoR ,. i,l."H;. * ,. #.i,L?Xff;*rftTltn cofistNt ^No PtRr/rssro{ s lHf lRo{TtcI PROJECT NORTH 7t8,3'.#\w*" ,. ffi#,ffi;^.I tatlTtlta I EalElrr\ ,-..ffi'**.* DATUM REFERENoE LIGHTING LEGEND (?tffi*'**To{rEPr'^NoRiR'EY :y-=1yT-,:Tl-:Y---._- - Hffi e),j]PO" € d co" *"'$ UTILITY LEGEND 9 - *t1FR e 615 _E _ EtEcrLlcrrr -rv- a,Atlr lv BT IELEPTq€ DRAWING INDEX ARCHITECTURAL DRAIIIII{G5 trt 4^x LA^€R ROOR PLAN IAIT A E2 MAIN FLOOR PLAN . U{IT A L}fER FT'@ PLAX - 6TII A A.25 LOI^ER FLOOR PLAN - I}11I8 I'{AIN FLOC'R PLAN - UNII' B i'a o UPPER FL'OR PT AN UN]I 6 A3.l ELEVATI016 ELEVATIOI€ A33 ELEVAIOT6 A35 OVERAIL ELEVA'IIA€ ^12- AJILDIN6 :ECNON9 E ILDINA,ECI1oN5 ^45 altLDtt€ gEcTtoHg At2 O€TAIL5 rry.zlr nA' !a E t E I H 'e & 2 I q = !t € .Ea E =0 € 6s ss ee !e =€E:=EE =d 3[ E E e '€ _a E e e e. E l:€ d Ct ,R E c c) -gB +i=;8 -oE-I EEg E€ F 6= -r 'sE 66 lK .s z T - ZONING STATISTICS LEoA tEgCRlFIlOli: IOT 10, V IL OarEAflO|,aTAll StEIXUgo|ll q-@|( I e755 €no|igERf{r m\iE' class oF tvo&( t€w @|{trTRJCTroi ZOI{FIG FRIYARY I A€OOIOARY REEDET'TAL LOT IREA = I tlt rCRElS . aa.!l. aF gTE @VERAGE I m (2OI)GLOT^FE . !.!a,l 9.F, PROPO€ED gTE @VERIC -_af. B{.,llDl|{G HEGHI: 3"-l|r(llt{ AX}STOBES: 2+gToFlEs PER ovtEt l-tt€l GRFA GALCULATIONS: GRfAtll-OIYED Li l{tT AffEA < lo.C) &F..4.@ S.f.3!l LOr A8EA < 15.@ 9.f. r l-qD 3t .l LO'IFE < I.0O Af. = l-qb AF. lJia F-bcl-t -GEF bcaducr !n d.-ot.trr, ULT A . {or . !S! LF. AlJltuED LOIIER I.EIE. (os* ocDd) ll^|a{ tFrE- GARIG€ GARAGE CFEEIT VA.LTEO rota UPPER TE1/8. : Z5€l 3.F.. 1.0t2 S.F. . 1,171 A.F.r +7$ A.F. = - qx| S.F.. +210 8.f.. 2,!6a lF. . Z|! S.F. lqr t u{rTA Urflr ! - 10* r !Je! !,F, AlJ.o|rED t roytER tEvE G'f -sa.d) x I{ LE\,E- GIiAG€ GARAGE GR€DIT VAITID 1!T f I'PPER IEVEL r lru, S.f..1ZAat. . 1,a$ S"F.. rc'e8-F.. -@a-F.r rZ@ af. ' !,tSt 8-F. .G&F. roT t u{r a .3,6413.F, lgRar.tTsTL .1.Erza.F.l TTTOEtC€. l'llo lt FIRE PROTECTION Fn€ qrPPfgssg{ sYaT* t-tf, F-oGrcEt.fi g tasaatY: flFE ESAIEN(E IE&(lt I|{(|^|- flmt ^.Ir IIO. FC.5IG. oRAPPFOVED AIEEIATE F|RE RESSIENCE EStGtt rtl{U t- l{mt ^rD.o. nP-3510, m APPRiIVED AIEnt{ lE t.flRw ll.lssaa-Y: EC[rAll ACIUA BrVA]ni Of llg PEF qrRvEY EEr{C|l[rE( /nfsmoutrfiin ' /oflo, a/,Lf Planning and Environmental Commisson ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 97O.479.2L?9 taxi 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov,com Project Name: HILB VARIANCE PEC Number: PEC070052 Project Description: FINAL APPROVAL FOR SITE ACCESS VARIANCE Participantsr OWNER HILB, DAVID G, 1455 ASPEN GROVE LN VAIL co 816s7 APPLICANT HILB, DAVID G. 0912s12007 09/zsl2007 1465 ASPEN GROVE LN VAIL co 81657 2755 SNOWBERRY DR VAIL LOCAtiON: 2755 SNOWBERRY DR Lot: 10 Block: 9 Subdivision: VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN DEV S 2103-143-0104-0 Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: KJESBO Second By: PIERCE Vote: 6-0-0 Conditions: Action: APPROVED Date of Approvalz L012212007 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 300 PEC approval shall not be not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: CON0009524 This approval is contingent upon the Applicant providing the Town of Vail an easement for those existing portions of Snowberry Drive located on Lot 10, Block 9, Vail Intermountain prior to submittal of any building permit applications for Lot 10. ) Planner: Bill Gibson PEC Fee Paid: $500,00 Variance Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Com Deparfnent of @mmunity De\relopm€nt 75 South FrontagE Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 97 0.479.2128 faxj. 970.479.2452 rveb: www.vailgw.com Genenl Information: All prol-ts requiring Planning and Environmental Oommission revieiv must receive building permit applkatirn. Pl€ase r€fer to the $bnittal requirer€nts for the partif,Jlar appro.\rafffifFtEltEsteft An applicauon for Planning and E'|vimnr|stal Commision rerri€ry camot be repted util all rcquired irformauon is received by the Community Oevelopment Deparunent The project nny abo need to be revield by the Tovrn Council and/or the Design Re\ri€vr Board. Type ofApplkation and Fee: fl Rezoning $1300 D Major Subdivision $1500 ! Minor Subdivision $650 D Exemption Plat $650 E Minor Amendment to an SDD $1000 D New Special Development District $6000 ! Major Amendment to an SDD 96000 tr Major Amendment to an SDD $1250 ( no exteior md i f ica tio ns ) Description of the Request t>...a -..-!\ - crr. ,\ tr Conditional Us€ Permit tr FloodplainModification E Minor Exterior Alterauon tr Major Exterior Alteration O Development Plan E tunendment to a Development Plan E lzoning Code Amendment U Variance - Sign Variance $6s0 $400 $6s0 $800 $1s00 $2s0 \ s\UU ) $200 --l tl g' o o D fu sEP e 4 2001 Location of the Proposal: Lot: \$ Block: C!| Subdivision:Vf- f r \ +'r!-./n 7 wAl.'. a Physical Addrcss:- aT. -r t '- Parcel No.: L\ Q ->\q3 C)\ J 1 O (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zonang: f\ lr r /\ Name(s) of Orner(s):).r". \ I q \S fl 1 rr-n 'i\f , *, a L/-/ Mailing Mdress: E-maitAddress. D, *,rt.\<.,.^..-rI n. tar, 1J-, --.17(- C 33\ \+.\\ /os( _ 'l\"rr Check No.: ' Bv: F: \cdev\FoRlAslPermits\Plarning\PEclvariance 1 G'l &2006.doc +- Yn "j^? ta, t:t". f1, l*., tjl ffE r!lt/,l'., TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department A ?r'o') r', * J;^ Y\ilb"{rto' ?p ?i er tc G-D.D October 22,2007 A request for a final review of a variance, from Section 14-3-1, Minimum Standards, pursuant to Chapter 12-17,Yariances, Vail Town Code, to allow for deviations from minimum deflection angle for driveway access, located at 2755 Snowberry Drive/Lot 10, Block 9, Vail Intermountain Subdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC07-0062) Applicant: Dave Hilb, represented by John Martin, Architect, LLC Planner: Bill Gibson SUMMARY The Applicant, Dave Hilb, represented by John Martin, Archiiect, LLC, is requesting a variance from Section 14-3-1 , Minimum Standards, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Variances, Vail Town Code, to allow for deviations from minimum deflection angle for driveway access, located at 2755 Snowberry Drive/Lot 10, Block 9, Vail Intermountain Subdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Based upon Staff's review of the criteria in Section Vll of thls memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented, the Community Development Department recommends approval, with conditions, subject to the findings noted in Sections Vlll of this memorandum. DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST The Applicant, Dave Hilb, represented by John Martin, Architect, LLC, is requesting a variance from Section 14-3-1 , Minimum Standards, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Variances, Vail Town Code, to allow for deviations from minimum deflection angle for driveway access, located at 2755 Snowberry Drive/Lot 10, Block 9, Vail Intermountain Subdivision. The applicant is proposing to construct a new two-family residence on Lot 10. The site has excessive slopes (as defined by Chapter 12-21, Hazard Regulations), to address this the applicant is conceptually proposing to cnnstruct the new residences with a single, joint-access driveway on the less severe slopes located on the northeastern portion of the site. The Snowberry Drive road platform is not constructed within its platted right-of-way boundaries. Instead the road encroaches upon the southeastern portion of Lot 10 and then veers away from Lot 10 at the northeastern portion of the site. The contradictions between the platted right-of-way and the actual location of the road create practical difficulties in accessing Lot 10. Therefore, the Applicant is requesting a variance to allow for the construction of a new driveway with a sharper deflection angle off Snowberry Drive, for a shorter distance, than is prescribed by the driveway standards of Section 14-3-1 . Vail Town Code. il. I lt. A vicinity map (Attachment A), the applicant's request (Attachments B), the proposed architectural plans (Attachment C), and the public notice (Attachment D) are attached for reference, BACKGROUND The subject site and the Snowberry Drive right-of-way were platted as part of the Block 9, Vail lntermountain Subdivision, under Eagle County jurisdiction on September 5, 1972. Snowberry Drive was also constructed under Eagle County jurisdiction; however, the road was not constructed within the platted right-of-way and encroaches onto Lot 10. The Block 9, Vail Intermountain Subdivision was later annexed into the Town of Vail on June 24, 1987, through Ordinance No. 15, Series of 1987. The subject property, Lot 10, is located within the Two-Family Primary/Secondary District and is currently undeveloped. APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS Staff believes that the following provisions of the Vail Town Code are relevant to the review of this proposal: TITLE 12: ZONING REGULATIONS Section 1t4-1-1: Purpose and lntent It is the purpose of these rules, regulations, and standards to ensure the general health, safety, and welfare'of the community. These rules, regulations, and standards are intended fo ensure safe and efficient development within the town of Vail for pedestrians, vehicular traffic, emergency response traffic, and the community at large. The development standards will help protect property values, ensure the aesthetic quality of the community and ensure adequate development of propefty within the town of Vail. Sectrbn 1tl-3-1 (in part) Driveway/Feeder Road Standards For Single-Family, Two-Family, Primary/Secondary: Entry angle minimum deflection for first 30' of driveway lenglh (detail 5) = 45" Section 1t1-11-2: Exhibits (in part) DetailS: lv. K tn trff f'|rY, tp flfY, l xrr /:€coorrr fltr||oe, DEG tu|r. r ^rr3|||l ,.n.. Of atr rm|a Ix€ collElr€(c$ a n€ fl|l,E ro |r€ Pmlt.lIL ru 0f Ir€ Erfl& lor A Sltl Gtrt tI of $ urlt tttt, llf rmr rl. lc r|E l.lto floa. If t.Cr e|: O€ IrG cofff€ 03/f tlL, ?tt.t iorD*ll Itlf mrlt Y Chapter 12-17: Variances (in part) 12-17-1: Purpose: A. Reasons for Seeking Variance: ln order to prevent or fo /essen such practical difficulties and unnecessary physical hardships inconsistent with the obiectives of this title as would resuft from stict or literal interpretation and enforcement, vaiances from certain regulations may be granted. A practical difficulty or unneceasary physical hardship may resuft from the size, shape, or dimensions of a sife or the location of existing structures thereon; from topographic or physical conditions on the site or in the immediate vicinity; or from other physical limitations, street locations or conditions in the immediate vicinity. Cosl or inconvenience to the applicant of strict or literal compliance with a regulation shall not be a reason for granting a vaiance. v.SITE ANALYSIS Address: Legal Description: Zoning: 2755 Snowberry Drive Lot 10, Block 9, Vail Intermountain Two-Family Primary/Sec,ondary Residential Land Use Plan Designation: Low Density Residential Current Land Use: Undeveloped Lot Size:44,344 sq. ft. (1.018 acres) Environmental Hazards: Excessive Slopes and High Hazard Debris Flow Standard Minimum driveway deflection angle Required Prooosed 45" 360 vt.SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING North: South: East: West: Current Land Use Zoninq Multiple Family Residence Two-Family PrimarylSecondary District Undeveloped Two-Family Primary/Secondary District Two-FamilyResidence Two-FamilyPrimary/SecondaryDistrict Undeveloped Two-Family Primary/Secondary District vil.REVIEW CRITERIA The review criteria for a request of this nature are established by Chapter 12-16, Vail Town Code. 1. The relationshtp of the requested variance to other existing or potentlal uses and structures in the vicinity. The proposed driveway is located enlirely within the Lot 10 development site; therefore, Staff does not believe approval of this variance request will have a significant negative affect on the existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the obiectives of this title wlthout a grant of special privilege. The subject site, Lot 10, was platted under Eagle County jurisdiction in 1972. The site consists entirely of excessive slopes (i.e. slopes greater than 30%) as defined by the Vail Town Code. Since Lot 10 does not have a minimum of 15,000 sq. ft. of "buildable" lot area (buildlable = slopes less than 30%), the subject site could not be platted today under the Town's current zoning and subdivision regulations. However, as a legally platted existing lot, the Applicant has the right to develop the property in the same manner as any other Two-Family Primary/Secondary District zoned lot. The Snowberry Drive road was also constructed under Eagle County jurisdiction; however, it is not located within the platted rightof-way boundaries. Staff believes the excessive slopes of the subject site and the contradiction between the platted Snowberry Drive right-of-way and the consiructed location of the road are unique circumstances that create practical difficulties in developing Lot 10 within the specific parameters of the Town's development standards. Therefore, Staff does not believe the approval of this variance request would constitute a grant of special privilege. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. Staff does not believe the requested minimum driveway deflection angle variance will have any negative effect on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic utilities, or public facililies and utilities. Since the subject site, Lot 10, is located on a dead-end road with minimal vehicular traffic, Staff does not believe approval of this variance request poses a significant negative effect on public safety. 4. Such other factors and criteria as the commission deems applicable to the proposed variance. The Town of Vail Public Works Department and the Town Engineer recommend approval, with conditions, of this variance request. VIII. STAFFRECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends approval, with conditions, of a variance, from Section 14-3-1 , Minimum Standards, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Variances, Vail Town Code, to allow for deviations from minimum deflection angle for driveway access, located at 2755 Snowberry Drive/Lot 10, Block 9, Vail Intermountain Subdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto. This recommendation is based upon the review of the criteria outlined in Section Vll of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this variance request, the Community Development Department recommends the Commission pass the following motion: "The Planning and Environmental Commission approves the Applicant's request for a variance, from Section 14-3-1 , Minimum Standards, pursuant to Chapter 12- 17, Variances, Vail Town Code, to allow for deviations from minimum deflection angle for driveway access, located at 2755 Snowberry Drive/Lot 10, Block 9, Vail lntermountain Subdivision, and sefting forth details in regard thereto. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this variance request, the Community Development Department recommends the following conditions; "1 . This approval is contingent upon the Applicant providing the Town of Vail an easement for those existing porlions of Snowberry Dive located on Lot 10, Block 9, Vail lntermountain pior to submiftal of any building permit applications for Lat 10." tx. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this variance request, the Community Development Department recommends the Commission makes the following findings; "The Planning and Environmental Commission finds; 1. The granting of this variance will not constitute a granting of special pivilege incansistent with the limitations on other propefties classffied in the Two-Family Primary/Secondary District, based upon the review outlined tn Section VII of the Staffs October 22, 2007, memorandum to the Planning and Environmental Commission. 2. The granting of this variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to propefties or improvements in the vicinity, based upon the review outlined in Section Vll of the Stafifs Ocfober 22, 2007, memorandum to the Planning and Environmental Commission. 3. Ifris variance is wananted for the following reasons.' a. The stict titeral interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of Title 12, Zoning Regulations, Vail Town Code, and the objectives of Title 14, Development Standards, Vail Town Code, based upon the review outlined in Section Vll of the Staff's October 22, 2007, memorandum to the Planning and Environmental Commission. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the vaiance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same district, based upon the review outlined in Section Vll of the Sfaff's Ocfober 22, 2007, memorandum to the Planning and Environmental Comm ission. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specifred regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enioyed by the owners of other properiies in the same district, based upon the review outlined in Section Vll of the Sfafls October 22, 2007, memorandum to the Planning and Environmental Commission.' ATTACHMENTS A. Vicinity Map B. Applicant's Request C. Architectural Plans D. Public Hearing Notice Attachment A l.-o o (\l c.'i (\l o o o o I .9 o a .E o () (u o E o .= ul E (! ct '= _e (L o '=o o .cl =o o ro ro N o6 o'6 L> V'E Ell .==v, u,lrt c IIt! .cr=.-o *E o =|E 6t .!(u o 6 d o lOIq ltOl l!b'(Irara YIL'a]FY2 9Il'328{St3 k ter S€ptemb€r 20, 2007 Projec{: Locatbn: Address: Mr. Dave Hilb, Bimary/Secondary ResiJence Lot 10, Vail Intenrnuntain Subdivision, Block 1 2755 Snofteny Drive Vail, CO 81631 Description of the variance requested and specific regulations invplved: The krt orvner Dave Hib b respectirfy recn esling a \rabme Fonr lhe sficl anbrpetalion of tfre ress standard for a Prinrary/Secondary Lot torn TlUe 14 Chapbr 3 of the Torvn Code unds 14.31: Minimum Standards wtridr reads: Enfy argb rlir5rurt denedion br ffi gI d dtittt'tilay lergilh shail be ,{,5 degrees. Thb standard is rcprmented by ffe fic[ownrE detail 5. FOR E'GIE F'IdLY. N$ FA[Y. FfIIIAFY / sEcoa{DlRr uffiLl.Jr{Gs. nGRg sxll. E A xt}{uura a*tt (F ,ttt FFoll l[€ carE'll{E (CD Of TXE ORTI/E IO THE PARATUT EDG€ dF nc RflDU y roR l ra|ltu! DET racE OF JO TiE'R FEET. T€ rl|GI,E rlIT BE TEASJRED FROT' IHE 8EI( EC€ f THE CONICR€IE OR E P'I{. @iICREIE PA Prt4lc uoYtAY We have strdierJ the inpad of thb aocess bsue on our excessively steep M and hwe colrE to the cordus'pn 1161 a varbnce b required in order to keep the ddvermy pbform fqn exceedirq 12 feet or more o\rer exislirg Sades at Ute pdnt of 30 fuet didarrce at a 45 @ree agb. A serbs of drawirq exhftrits (see E fiibil A) dearty denmts{rate that tE sfid interpr€{albn of thb enby arBleldstarrce at sewrd dihrent pairrts along the loa<trffay edge will place te <tiveuray edge 12 feet or rue over existirg grades wtrir*r make the ergineedrg and corstudirn of fte diwway compEcated and costy as wel c crelirB a hardstrip in keeping sib trtrals b a ma)drum hdght d 6 eryced bet- Even with several benctpd wdb it b dimcilft io catch up b the cpiclOy reeding gmde [nes beltu, and lhe walls look very tal and massiye atd bnd b disreg6rd fE nafural g"ades ba negAtive aesfie4ic eftct We Equest lfiat a tttiler access angb thil aS degrces be granted and ||rat fi|e 3lt foot minimum bngl6 be cfrzrged b a shoiler dtstance appovaUe tytn Ton of Vail engirering departnent Page 1 of4 r0,lq lilt A description of tlrc rclationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity: The reHionstip of fE 45 degree/30 fuot rub vadance b off|er exiding or pobnlid uses lrrcdd have a possibb fut regligiHe eftd on batrc sabty at tne intersedim of anr ddveuray wifr| lhe nnin re<l Sno,vberry Ddve. orrr sumf,irn b |ffi the 45 degreeB0 bot rule b h flace !o keep aubnobile sight lines b a safe angle. l-lo\w€ry€r a fthbr degree and sfprbr distance urculd rnt necessarily be ursafe and srdy rsry eJsnpbs d rp*oobrirB ddveury ar4fes abound in lle Vd aea and do notcreatehazardqsintersedbrs(seebfiibitD). AbotEfacfffitisfopertybatlheveryendof Snolvbeny Drive wifrr ordy a dupbx and a sirgileffiy honc h(fcr up on lhe rcad rneans lhat vsy lit[e autonrobfe haffic wil ever be inpacied bV tp dtivenrry ms yarbnce- Anoffpr issue bthatthepUbSrorrrbetryDrivebacnraily patlidlysffiywihfin fE plivabproeerty lines at lhe arca best snibd fs lhe <tiventay lmlt<m which ]re creabd maHrnde gra& lrEs even steeper than the drdy sbep nabrd gn''ad€s and pu*ted tfrce sbep€r grades deeper inb the private poperty exa+eraliU an aleady difficnlt access issrc (see Erfdbtl C). f the burn's red was bult to tre edge dfre privab poperty Fp and not carpl#y ittb it tis traire nry nct hat e been needed. The degrce to whhh relief ftorn the strict or literal infierprefiation and enforcement of a specified rcgulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and unifonnity of Mnent antong sihs in the vidnity or to afrain the obiec{ives of thb ti0e without grant of spedd Fivilege. Many properlies ln ftb ne$t$utrood d Irilsnuntain abrq tE sbeeb of Snotvbery Ddve, Basdngdab Bhd., l-at<sg.r tane and Betfrourer Drive have rrery #p a6 issues and ha\re dealt with them h any nwrSer d r,rrays. Mily lod( b be rprroffirming sinpay because te rewrebo dlfficllt fur a sfii* inbrgetalim of lhe re nles (see E:dfrit D)- In otr cae we ae tyhg b keep the retainiry nrdb ftd hod rp trp <liueuay b shorbr heights wl*$ lnff be a wrrrrcn obpiive of many lots dag tFsteets of td ne*$Scttood and nuld rdappeob $arlta sped{ pivilese. The effec{ of the wriance on liglrt and air, disfiibulbn d poprlation, transportation, fficfacilitieq utilitbs and pHb sarft{y. The recpesbd rraeme wouffi orily irpact tre iEnF of ffic factrlies and pbEc s*ty in ierrns of slght lines and haffc saHy as desoibed aboe. eaglezof-4 IdqG DOlq ttl lhoc oo ara8l ioll.uh@adqtd-d A description of how lfie request complies with adopted Town of Vail planning policies and development objectives. Our variarrce requestwouH acfi.Scorplywilfi set erd cf|heTorfi of Vd platr{ng pdicks in a positive way, wtrerea if the vadare b nc* granted these pdicies wouH be eftcbd in a regative way. Please rev&w the ercerpb frrorn lhe b'vn de bebl wtti* are pcitively efrecied by the access varbnce. Design Revkilr Slandatds and Guidelines excerS: Any burlding site in Vail is likely to have its own rmique land forms and features- Whenevcr possible, these existing fearures shorld be prcsewed and reinforced by rew cons[uction- The objective is to fit the buildings to treir sit€s in a way that leaves the natural land form and f€atures intact, rreating the buildings as an integral part ofthe site, rather than as isolated objects at orlds with rheir srroundings- The location and configuraion of structutes atrd access w-tys shall be responsive to the existing topography of the site upon which they are to be located. Grading rcquirements resulting fiom developenent shall be designed to blend into thc existing or natural landsc4e. Any cua or flls shall be scrilptual in form atrd contour€d to ble,nd with the oristing natural undishubed terrain within the plopeltyboudary. Building siting and access tkreo shall be resporive to eristing featnres of terrain rock outcroppings, drainagc pattems, and vegetation- Building footings md formdatiols shall be designed in accordance qrl1fo f1s minimrrm shndards of the adopted building code. Footings and formdations $all also be fuigned to be responsive to the nanrral to,pogrAhy of the site, md shall be designed and constucred in srch a Ererm€r as to rninimize the necessaqr amount of ercavation atd sitc disffibmce. Retaintng Wall,s (GenereD All retaining walls are reviewed by thc Design Review Board or the Administrator to determine cornpatibility to the €xisting tspogdphy and tbe maferiab in usc- Rctaining wells shall not exceed aD exposed frce height ofsix (O feer Within a ftont setback, retaining walls shall not excced m erymcd face height ofthee (3) fcet, unless related to acc-ess to a sbrEhre costuated m excessive slopes (in ercess of $iny (3O) pexc€nt). Retaining walls associated with a steet locared within a public right-of-way or access to an undergrouod covcred pa*ing sfruc:turc are ex€mpt from th€se hcight limits, but must b6 approved by ttc Desip Review Board. Retaining walls stall be localed a minirm'm of two (2) fcet from a4iacent pdye ptop€rty bomdaries and should be ten (10) feet ftom th€ cdgp of a public street rmless ofihersise qroved by fte Town F.ngineer. All tetaining walls over fou (4) feet in heig![ seanrred tw tbe bottom of a foding to tb top of wall as per the adopted Town of Vail Building Code, $all be engineq€d aod staryed by a liceosed Colorado Professional Enginecr (P-E. stary) except in the rigbt-of-way, where retaining walls over three (3) feet in heighg m€asured in the same mannet, shall rcqrire a P.E. Stary. All rctaining walls rcquiring a P.E *ary shatl be required to srbmit and have approvd pir to Building Permit relcase, eogineered s'-'tqEd plms, Irofil€& s€ttio6, deh\ ad errgtneering amlyses md calcrrlations for each wall type as rcquired by the Town F-ngtneer. Paqe 3of4 .J@G tol[{il|Phoc tl,-34{Eql oo$ctl 9tt-320{I5tr3 ,&.ntil@.llry.d At a minimln, 1a[6ss otberwise directe4 the engineering srbmiual shall inctude P.E. sam@ plans, and P-E. stamped typical details with all engineering design paramaers and calculated Factor ofSafety provided on the details. Plans and d€tails shll be cross-refercnced. (OFd t4(2006) $ 5) Boulder Retrining Wdlr Boulder rer,ining walls shall coryly with all the standads of rvlaining walls (general). The height listed for retaining walls is the exposed heigbt of either a single or cmbined height of combindion wdls. If the batter (slope of the face of the wall) is greater lhan l: l, a P.E. samp is rcquired. Combinetion Retainirg We|Is A retaining wall should be comidered a combinarion wall if the upper wall falls within a prism defined as starting 1' behind the bce ofthe lower wall at the lowest finished grade lire md then back at a 1.5:l aogle from rhis siarting poinl The minirnurn benct of combination retaining w'alk shall be four ($ feet. All combination retaining walls sball have a P.E. Stary- Similar Review Standards for garqes on sileep lo[s: The presence of sipificant site constraints may permit the physical separation ofmits aryl garages on a site. The detsrminalion of whether ormt a lot hns sigDificaot site constraints shall be made by the Desigp Review Bo6rd. Sipificat sit€ c@stuaints sha[ be definod as mnral features of a lot such as $an& of matwe trees, natural drainages, silream courses rnd othsr natural water features, rock outcroppingq wedands, other natural features, ad existiry stnrchres that may create p'actical difficulties in the site planning and development of a lot. Slope may be considered a physical site constraint rhar allows for the scparafion ofa garage ftom a rmit. It shall be the applicaafs rcsponsibility to tcquest a determinati@ fiom tbe Desip Review Boed as to whether or not a site bas sipificant site consfaints befme fin"l design wo* m 6e goject is presented. This detemination shall bc 'rqde at a cmcepenl review of 6e propoml tased m rcview of the site, a de{ailed survcy of the lot *nd a pnslirninrry site pbn of the popced stuctur(s). Page4 of4 Attachment G September 20, 2007 Projed: Locatbn: Address: Mr. Dave Hilb, Rimary/Secondary Residence Lot 10, Vail lnbrmountain SubdMs'pn, Block 1 2755 Snoubeny Drive, Vdl, CO 81631 t. 2. 3. 4. Exhibit A1 Analysis ofconforming driveway access points. Exhibit B: Analysis ofnon-conforming driveway access point Exhibit C: Analysis of Snowberry Drive crossing private property. Exhibit D:in the Intermoutain Exhibit A z-/ tt \ r., \'-"-- --J/SNOWBERRY DRT\iE (5d R.o-w.) ANALYSIS: c A CONFORMING DRIVEWAY STARTING AT THE 1 008 GRADE LINE' o THE DRIVEWAY PLATFORM IS LOCATED ATAN UNACCEPTABLE 12 TO 13 FEET OVER EXISTING GRADES BELOW. Page 1 ofG ----*_---. : '...'..---'l .r' - - / \-r: l2' --'--- ANALYSIS: --\r,,.._,- \ -.i r A CoNFORMING DRIVEWAY STARTING AT THE 1.010 GRAOE LINE. r TH€ DRIVEWAY PLATFORM lS LOCATED AT AN UNACC€PTABLE 1O TO 12 FEET OVER EXISTING GRAOES BELOW. ,/__./ ----..2. Sr'O{rBEf,RY ORfi,E (5CR.O.W-) __ _.r 1o_ a ANALYSIS: . A CoNFoRMING DRIVEWAY STARTING AT THE 1.o12 GRADE tlNE. . THE ORIVEWAY PLATFORM lS LOoATED AT AN UNACCEPTABLE 1O TO 12 FEET OVER EXISTING GRADES BELOW. Pagp 2 of6 l(lid fml Exhibit B r--/ \E".-.r -/. A NON.CONFORMING DRIVEWAY STARTING AT THE 1,008 GRAOE LINE. THE DRIVEWAY PLATFORM IS LOCATED AT AN ACCEPTABLE 6 TO 8 FEET OVER EXISTING GRABES BELOW. THE ANGLE FROM THE ROAO SHOV\I}I tS 36 DEGREES. A TIGHTER ANGLE WOULD ACHIEVE EVEN SMALLER RETAINING WALLS. ANALYSIS: Page 3 of 6 Xlldfll ItFc tertlQ.a!ryd'* Exhibit C I I r tl i I t,ll -|-F - tl lr---l--ri I r! r ANALYSIS: . TOWN OF VAIL FEEDER ROAD'SNO\ /BERRY ORIVE" lS LOCATED PARTIALLY OR COMPLETELEY ON THE PRIVATE PROPERTY IN THE SHADED AREAS. THE AREA SHOWN SHADED IS 2.950 SQ. FT. Pagp4 of 6 m,Eqftl lhmc 97ll-32t{59!' Exhibit D Page 5 of6 Page 6 of6 H-l 'i I ':,I -/, ir /i. ,,ii '/i l ,:'ll 'iffi ffi : - --f-:T::g --f--- - -i- q"--"+--' --i--'-1 .- - -*i--. -- J_ _ -$_ - -t-- ---l -*.t---l __i - itl r7i I -, 1 , ).i ,il t,t 'ti tjlt liF Ii ll I ti,z I tEl I; E:iil Fi ill *F 'ill * ,irl ril ,ll lil i:l: riti;: l\tii i il,' :al ;tl ,l ;,\, i ti i.* ; !' ,,1 : #i',#i:i;E-;7:r;1;::1,,;'t1 ,,,i,i,,, i i i,' : i.xtrtt: ;;n,,,;::.=ia ffi,,: H.,ii"*ffi ffiru,.,ifl WI*lili ffi/x1 ili ffi,l,,ffi -lr,; ;t'';m',i \Fi '(.':;.:a1':,.r''' riii'.'../ € t.'i1 n c r*rGrh*lr ft IIff'ETffqllf *r#bh A1 M[I.llTlhr-*hl AhDa!|(on ----r=q-FT Lt T r.r{6fi III';F .s J i ,rtrllllr lll l , , r | , I i I eFoftilrf r..,rxf I I r- i: T---l;; - ;;'----l: -ijrllllllillll irrll;lll;,rt irtilllllllll irtiillllllt illllrlrlrlrrllLll rlirrtllllllllrll rilrrlllllltrtlll tiitllllllllirllrll rirllillllllttrtt ttittilllllllllli tltlllllll'lltlrl irtlltllllll r r t I I i I I l"il^,-l ' I -1 - - I-.j - L I J !Eq44'5Fl irrrilililllr I itlillllllil irrililll,irl irtllllillll irtrllllllllt liltl' lllrl rttllllll,irl'lllllllt' +sl€ -T tll trlil illl lllii iriii illi tlv +rolE ffi ol ln l/ | /,p' |/,+ lz-.$ /:\'t-* 5 fr/frl m ft/-/ | 1'-0' I I I I i1 li ti ti tl jl tl il tl ll N 5 o ||ti ilti l1l1 llli illi tilr ||l llll |Itl lili lllr ||i tilt r l rl i | | ri I I I I i iii lll ii iii ir! iii iil lll irl lli + 3lE YlB o{', t-O/>T m n/ l-'m,6/rr Attachment D THIS ]TEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with section 12-3-6, Vail Town Code, on October 22,2007, at 1:00 pm in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, in consideration of: A request for a flnal review of a variance, from Section 14-3-1 , Minimum Standards, 'ulP ^r pursuant to Chapter 12-17,Yariances, Vail Town Code, to allow for deviations from ^y'-.lo4f Ll minimum deflection angle for driveway access, located at2755 Snowberry Drive/Lot 10, O' \t{l t E Block 9, Vail Intermountain Subdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto. \"- \ (PEC07-0062) Applicant: Dave Hilb, represented by John G. Martin, Architect Planner: Bill Gibson A request for a final review of a major exterior alteration, pursuant to Section 12-7H-7. Major Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of a dwelling unit at the Lionshead Inn, located at 705 West Lionshead Circle/Part of Lot 1, Block2, Vail Lionshead Filing 3, and setting forth details in regardthereto. (PEC07- 0061) Applicant Lionshead Inn, LLC, represented by Mauriello Planning Group, LLC Planner: Bill Gibson A request for a final review of a variance from Section 12-6D-6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17,Yariances, lo allow for an addition within the west side setback, located at257O Bald Mountain Road/Lot 33, Block 2, Vail Village Filing 13, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC07-0036) Applicant: Ed Williams, represented by William Hein Associates Planner: Bill Gibson A request for a final recommendation to the Vail Town Council, pursuant to Section 12-3- 7, Amendment, Vail Town Code, for prescribed regulation amendments to Title 12, Vail Town Code, to require public art for certain development and redevelopment projects in Lionshead Mixed Use 1, Lionshead Mixed Use 2, Public Accommodations, Public Accommodations 2, Commercial Core 1, Commercial Core2, Commercial Core 3, Ski Base Recreation, Ski Base Recreation 2 and Special Development Districts, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC07- 0033) Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Rachel Friede A request for a final review of a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-9C-3, Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code, to allow for modifications to a public building (emergency power generator), located at 75 South Frontage Road West (Town of Vail Administration Building)/Unplatted, and setting forth details in regard therelo. (PEC07- 0063) Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Nicole Peterson Page 1 TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement l,Irxiber: R0700019?3 Arnount: $500.00 09/25/200707 :47 Alt! Statsment Init: JS Notation: 1001/RiAfirCH Payment. Metshod: Check CREEK DEV ACCOI.INT ITEM LIST: Account Code PV 00t-00003U-2500 PEC0?0052 qt)e: PEC - Variance 2103 - 143 -0104- 0 2755 SNOWBERRY DR VAIIJ 2755 SNOI{BERRY DR $5oo. oo De script ion PEC APPLICATION FEES Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address : Location: This Payment : Total Fees: Total AifJ Pmts : Balance : $s00.00 $500.00 $0.00 Current Pmts Application for a Variance Submittal Requirements GEiTAL IIFOII|AIIOT VaftnG r|ey be granEd in ader b pre\,€rt or b lessen sdr p-el dffioni= dd rrtEcEssary physit haGlip as rvold r€srft frsn the suict itrpetatin a|d/a enfu.cernert d the zo.ing rcgrlati'|s irwr*stent wfi the (brcbpngt oUedives of the Town of Vail. A practid dimo*y q unGary dvsi(d harGhip may r€s,t frun UE s&8, shape, q dirsdors of a db or tE locatin of eristip suucbl€s thersu ftqn bpogr+tic 6 ptrylid qrdliIrs q| the ft a in ttE irrrEdaE yitt'ty; d frqn otter phFid l|fnafixlt sH locdirEacmdinshttE irilEd# vitity. Cd tr irsry€r*rr b tne apdizt of strn or literal 6ndian@ with a r€gdation $aI nd be a reGq| fur gfarthg a rrariire. I. SUBTIIITAI- REOItrREl|trN; Ef Fc€: $s00.00 [r StampeA, addr€ssed enyelopes and a list ot th€ prcp€rtt owners adjac€Nrt to the subJect property, inctuding properties behind and across sbeets. The list of property owners shall include the owners' narne(s), conesponding mailing addess, atd t'|e pbiicd ddess ad legd desoipticr of the pWerty owned by edr. The epldrt b r€spmslte fur con€ct ndrE dd ndftg ad&ess€s, This irfumation b av;daue frun tl|e Eagle Cortty Assesso/s fi@. Ef fiUe feport, irduding Sdredules A & B g- U|rittert .pprcyat from a condominium associatim, hndlord, and joint owner, if applicable. M t 4 q-a -titEn desctip{ion of ttte natur€ ot ttr€ yadance |rqu€3tEd and th€ ip€.tfic rcgulaton(3) lnvolvd, irduding an oelanation of wfiy tfie variance is required ard wlry the strict or lfcral inBpr€btion of the specific regulatton(s) would resuft in a phFicd hardstip o. prdtcd diffiodtY. 6- I .rtitt-, rtaE.t-,t addresing the following:a. Th€ relationship of the requested variarEe to oOEr eristing or potential uses and sfuucbr€s in tt|e vicinity.b. The degr€e b rr'hin r€f€f ftqn EE sbtt or ltErd'@joar ard etfrcernert of a sperlid rc$fatio.r b necessary b adiere qryatiulry and uifrrrfty d tea[nent anqE G in llt vitity fi b &h the objectives d Sis tiue witurt grilt of speciai trivilege.c. The €ftd d tl|e variance ql ldrt atd .f, disuhttim d popdatbn, traEpo.tatist, ffic tdclities, l|timi€s, and puuic saftty.d. How tie rcqEst qryl€s wfitr afttred Toryn d Vail Cduing polcies ild G,€Sprnert o]Fctirres. tr Stanpea fopographic Su ey (Four omplcte scts of plaN). E ErBting and Propced Site and Gradlng Pkr|B (Four compl€te tet3 of pl s), O Erlsfing and PropGed Archatectural Elevaddrs (FoUr compl€te s.ts of pL|c), El Existing and PtopGGd &rtrlbchrral Floor Pla1|5 (Four @mplete rets of plans). E tll 4ans must also be suhnitted in 8.5- x 11'Educed format. These arc required for the Planning and Environmend Cornmission rnembers' info rmation packets. O Addruonat l{aterial: The Mminisbator and/or PBC rnay require the sjbmisdm of additional plans, drawings, specificatbns. samfles and otier maEdals if deern€d necessary b properly evaluate the proposal, I have read and understand tlre aborrc lisbd submittal rcquirenrents: '-) -1 i- -Proiectilame: ,1 / ) \ \A.'.^-b{i-llZ -tl*f,..6.q- ApplacantsirJ*tr", J * DaE Signed:-\e0L A )-.>7 F:bd€v\FORMSM\PlannanS EC\yai celtr1&a[6.d@ Page3d6 'TITLE DEPARTiv-IENT' DELwERY TRANSVIITTAL ' FtRSl.'IVIERICAN HERITAGE TITLE co 100w. Be:rver Creek Btvd., {ttl .\r.on.(lo 31620. Ph: (9?O) 949-.l40d ' Fax: (9ir)) 949-{069 DATE: NoVEMBER 3' 2003 ORDER NO; Es7 67 47803 PRoP.ADDR: 2755 Snowberry Drive, vai1, colorado 81557 OWNER/tsUYER: David G- Hilb PLEASE DELIVER TO THE CUSTONIER LISTED BELOW: CLOSING First Am€rican HeriEage litJ.€ co -orncE tl3"*l'EIl$"?'*::*';i;u::**tSio Avon, co Af620 ATTN: Mj.chel1e Hudspeth/Avon PHoNE: (97Oj 949-44O6 FAX: (970 ) 949-4069 ROII|ING METHOD: DEIJIVER * CoPIES: 1 A,g .) (_ 1970 chamonix Lane vai1, co 81557 # COPIES: 1 PHoNE: (970\ 475-7OSt FAI(: (970) 47 6-027 t RoI'TING METHOD: FAX TO: David W€bst er 9 Amelia Drive Nantuckec. l4A 02554 * CoPIES: 1 ATTN: PHONE: FAX: ROUTING METIIOD:MAII., THE ABovE rs A IrIsT oF CLrE!C|S TO WIIOM THE ATTACIIED MATERIALS IIAVE BEEN DEIrI\IERED ' ssoulrD you HAVE AIry QUESTToNS REGARDING TTIESE MATERIA&S. PLEASE CONTACT FIRST AIIIERICAN HERITAGE TITLE CO AT THE ABovE PHONE MJMBER. PLEASE RSITTSW TI{E ENCLOSED MAAERIAL CaREFUTJIJY A$ID IAKE NOTE OF THE FOIJIJOWING ITEMS CONTAINED THEREIN: F le * ES767alB0i FOR YOUR INFORIVIATION Closers' email addresses: : Avon Office Beth-boneill@tirstamheritage. c om Vlichetle-miche lle@fi rstamheritage. com Nola-nsmith@fi rstamheritage. c om S tefa nie-spoupore@firstamheritage' c om Closing documents email: Avon@tirstamheritage. com Eagle Ofiice E i lee n-eduke@tirstamheritase. c om Ja n-jj ackson@tirstamheritage.com Closine documents email: Ca rl-cbarela@tirstamheritage.com Elaine-esatterf@tirstamheritage.c om Sales Representative: C h ristie-banowetz@firstamheritage. c o m LaVe rle-lfautkne@firstamheritage.c om T ric ia- pke;*es@tirstamheritage.com VP/Regional lvlanager: Arleen-amontae@tirstamheritage.com E agle@fi rstamheritage. com Edwa$ls Office Jo h n-jserba@ fi rstamherirage -com Sh eilah-sgordon@fi rstamheritage. com Closing documents email: E dwards'1i' tirstamheri nge. c o m Title department @ I f,aP :Saris*aq Customers through Superior Sen ice b-"- P:oole Who Care" INFORMATTON ft:I,l'.:?"Jilli:;:11*"ft":i,::",i;i,:1ffffiJ:1;1.;.1:;:T,fJ;.,jf;;;:.::1yt:,hebasison,vhichwewi,rissuearj,,e rnsuranceporicvroy.'u. n"poii*'.';i-""*.l:;fiilJ:ii1.;'i:;:T#Jijj.ffi..:,r"fi*:;,,i""lil;.::*.l,.wlrissuearjt fhe Companv rvill r,ive w^,, '"- quJs!( ru (oe nmltanons shown in the Polic;r.The Company rviU givc vou a sample r rhe policy form. if you ask. n-r.-cnmges in iirc IaDd tife ot rne fiarsacri(Jrt m4y affect lhe 'ie commitment is "-ubject to itr 1agu11s lcnrs, Exceptio[s and c,nditi'ns. ffii,lff#J;n"u,*" Otarner's Extended Coverage,OEC,, COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE ISSUED BY Fr R sr AM E :, co f i,f i.tl,{53f;oNcE coMpA N y AGREEMENT TO IS.SUE POLICY FIiSTAIVTERICAN TTTLE INSURANCE COMpANy. rer.errc, r #'.|fi:il,i::*T;ffi*:*";;;il i; I i,,T'lll"]"l]::tr^T.'Jj:Ij::""f,0"* ,hrough i,s asen, FrRsr corunirmen,beco.."",r;l;:Ji;tJ:iffi,*:ilTl n_::ff;i;fil1,1T;;:i::",TnT;1fftr::Tf If tbe ftequtgnsnLs shown in the his cou'rLiureniwi;:;;'' ;."'.:-:TTirm€nr have nor been met ! you w'r be **.,0" r"u"r]"- 'rurobriga(onundil;;;"i;#li"i.trHl:rT,ir"ilSjll5;"J;ytrff:r::r; Our obligation under this Cornmitrlent is limited by thc followins: FIRST AMERTCAN HEBITAGE TITLE COMPANY The Recluiremeats jn Schedule B-l The Disclosunx and Conditions contaned i! this Com&itment. The Provisions in Schedule A. Tbe Exceptions in Scheduie B-2. Endorsement 130.3 (Inflation) wi be attached to the Owner.s policy ff:ffiffi,;:"iliJliillrour SCHEDULE A antr se*ions r anrr luf scHEDULE B attached. q if rrc raod is o ,.r File t E57674780-1 CONDITIONS I. DEFINITIONS (al'lvlonsase' mcans mongage. (lc.d ot trust or o{her sccurity instrunlent. (br "pubtic Recrrrds mcuns title records that grvc constructive notice of maners alfecti.ng the title according to state law where the land is located. Lc r "L,rnti" mcans the iund or condomrnium unit Jescribed in Schedule ,{ lnd irny imProvements on thc land rvhich are real PruPcrtY 2. INTERVENINC DEFECTS The Companv hcrsbl- insures a-[ainst loss or llanratc by rea-"on r-ri there being recorded any rieeds. mongages. lis pcndens' liens or ,.rrher titlc cncumbrirnces lvhich lirst appelr in the public records subsequent ro lhe cffective Date of Commitment' but pn.rr t() lhc !l-lecti!.e Drte rrl Policv. "Public records" as used herein means those records in which under statules rleeds. rnon!:ases. Jud{nrcnt liens or lis pendens murrt bc rccordeLl in order lo imPan constructive notice to purchirsers of thc land tirt \.aluc without knorvlcdgc. The Compan;- dLres not insurc against ruch loss or damage if the existence of such deeds. mortgases, lis pendens. liens or other tilld encumbranccJ is actuall-,- knorvn to fhc proposed Lnsured prior to or ll rhe dtne oi closing. Thc closing is derined herein as being rhe tinle of thc execution and deliven' lo the ProPosed of the documcnts creating rhe interest oi tbe proposed insure. 3. L\ISTINC DEFEC-TS If any deltds. liens or encumbnnces cxisting at Commitmcnt Date ure nol sholvn in Schedule B. we mav amend Schcdule B to show them. [f ue elo amend Schedule B to showthese (lei'ects. liens or cncumbrances. rvc sha.ll be ]iable to you according lo PlmgraPh 'l belorv unless }'ou knerv of this intbrmutit-rn and ,.lid not tell us nbL'ut it in rvritinl:. 4. LIMIT.{TIoN oF oUR LII\BILITY Our only obligarion ls to issuc to vou the Policy referred to in this Commirment. rvhen you have met its Requiremenrs. [frve haveany tiabiJ.itv ro 1.ou lbr inv loss vou incur because ol an enor in this Commitment our liabilit]' \!ill be limrred to vour actual loss caused by your reiyng on this Commitmcnt when ,vou acted in Sood lbilh lo: comply wrth (hi Rcquirenrents shorvn in Schetluie B - Section I or eliminals wilh our wntten conscn( uny ExcsPlions shorvn in Schedule B - Scct. l. We shall nor be liable lor more than the Policy .{mount shown in Schedule -\ ofthis Commitment and our liabiliry is subject to the terms of thc Policr tbrm ro bc issued lo vou. 5. CL.{ItrtS }ruST BE BASED ()N THIS CON{lvltTlvIENT .\ny claim. rvhether or not based on ner:ligence. which \'ou n)av have agirinst us conceming the title to lhd land mus( be bascd on this Commitmcnt.rn.i is.iubjcct lo iri tcmu. DISCLOSURES SPECTAL TAKING DISTRICT NOTICE The subject land m:rr he located in r speciul taxing district: a certificate of lares due listing each taxing jurisdiction shall be obiained from the county treasurer or thr county trersurer's aulhorized agent: .rnd information regarding sPecial districts and th€ boundari€s of such districts may be obtained from the board of count:/ commissionrrs. the qounty clerk and recorder, or the cluntv risessor. PRIV.\CY PRON{ISf, FOR CUSTONIERS We will not reveal nonpuhlic personal information to any external non-afEliated otganization unless rve hirve betn authorized by the cuilomer, or irre required bY law. CONSUMER DECL{R{TION ST.{TE}IENT This Commitment for Title lnsurrncc mayinclude r Schedule B exception reference to recorded evid€nce thrt a mineral estat€ h|5 be€n seyered,leased, or otherwise conv€ved from the surfacc esbte. If such reference is mude, there is a substantial likelihood that a third partv holds som€ rrr rll interest in oil. grts. other miner:rls or gcothermal energy in the prDPerty, Thc referenced mineral estate may inctude thc right to ent€r and use the property without the surface estate own€r's permission. You may be able to obtain title insurance coverage regurding any such refcrenced mineritl eshte severance and its affect uPon your ownershiP. Ask your title company representatiYe for assistancc with this issue. Fiie f ES76-t47803 . .F'IR.ST AIVIEzuCAN HERITAGE TITLE CO 318 Broaclway P.O. Box 1980 . Eagte, co 8163 I . Phone: (970i 328-521,1 . FAX: (97O) 328-5224 COIVTMITIVIENT SCHEDIIIJE A comitmenE No: Es'l 51 47803 1. comitm€nt Dat€: october 15, 2003 at 7 :29 A'M' 2. Follcy or Policies to be ieeued: Pollcy enouBt (a) owners Policy - Propoaed Insured: S 220 '000'00 David G. H: ib (b) Loan Policy - ProposEd Insur€d: $ - 0 - NONE 3. Fe6 simple lntereet ID the lanil tleecribed ln this cotDol tmeut ls owned,, at Cb6 co[DL Ement Date bY: David E.',tlebscer, Jr. 4. the l aJtd ref errad to ln this comit$€nt is descrlbed aa fo110wa: Lot lc, Block 9, vail Intermountain subdivision, Block 9, according to the recorded plaE thereo f, r/-^!rh Frr a€ Fralo vvqrr vt state of Co Iorado . /F^- in€am I nrrrnnqa< an'l rr) 2755 Snnr^rhc-*w .)riwe t LU! trlJ-v--Lt -vu!vv-sr vrrlJ , PREMIUM: owner'' s Policw S 48?.00 Tax certificate S 15.00 Fo rrn 130.2 - oEc EndorsemenE S 40.00 71-/03/03 74t4!:32 cb lf LI/03 /03 1"4:4L:33 cb 1f . .Fd*! liro. 1344-81- (Co-88) ALrA PlaiR Language Conmi lment' SCIIEDUI-.EB-S€ctionl ordar No. ES76747803 Requi!eDontss The f,ollowing r€guilements muat be met: (a) pay the agr:eed amounEs for the interest in the land andlor for the mortgage to be insured . ahr De\.' rrs Fhe orerni ums, f ees and charges f or che poLicy- (c) obtain a cererficate of Eaxes due from Ehe counEy Lreasurer or Ehe counEy Ereasuler's auEhorized agent. {d) provide us the ,,Af f idavit. and Indemnity" signed by :he par:ies listed in Daracrranh 3. Schedule A of chis Comrn::menE and noca:ized. (The fcrm will be ^-^r?i .]aA al- alncjh.r h\/ tha A.tent)vrvv lqEs q! v !v€ A.r! r^\ r'r1- ^ n-^Ff. mrr-! ^.n.lir.1. Fhc r.losino of Ehe transaction Eo b: inSUred Undel: this \ e./ fr:= Avcrrg rrru- Com1nitmenE or prcperly executed. instrumencs creaEing the esEate or interest to be insured must be delivered to the Agent issuinq the Comnj-tment wiLhin 24 bours of Ehe c los ing . rF\ rFL^ F^" ^,ri rr, ,,inr-r*ran-. safi<f:-*^n' r-,rq.nr,<f '|^'o Signed, deliVefed and l!, ruc !u!!vw!rrY recorded: l. Warranty Deed sufficient t.o convey the fee simple escate or inEerest in tshe land. descri.bed or referred Eo herein, to tbe P:cposei Insur=d, Schedule A, IEem 2 a. 2. Release of the Deed of Trust from Davii E. Webster, Jr. to the Public TrusEee of Eagle Couney for the benefit of First WesEern MolEgage Servj-ces, Ine., to secure an i-ndebEedness in the principal sum of 5115,250.00, and any other amounts and/or obligaEions secured Ehereby, dated May 26, 1999 and recorded June 4, 1999 at Reception No. 598541-' The Deed of Trust was assigned to Independent MorCgage Company recorded June 4, t999 aE Reception No. 598542' .FL o tn' -'-=*ial which 'naw noE necessarily be reccrded. must be rIY !!Lq e!r furnished Eo Ehe Company eo iEs satisfacEion to-wit: trrt Frzi,lence FhaL all assessments for common expenses due under the Declaratsion referred Eo as Item No. 4, of Schedule B, section 2 have been paid. (h) Ccmpliance with i-he provisions of Section 39-14-702, Colorado Revised Statutes, requj-ring comc:ecion and filing of a Real Property Trans!=r DeclaraEion. /.i\ Erridanra -rri <iar{-nr\/ Fo Fhe (:omban\-r ni Cnmn'r anr.o wiih ar n-iina'1-6 a.A^l_ i '1n y uv L^rL v I vvrLLP ! rq'r a real estate transfer tax wiEhin the Town oE Vail together with all amendments --faneinrrari File # ES76I+7801 LI/03/A3 L4:4L:36 cb lf ' Fdlm No, L344-BL (CC-88) ALTA Plain lJaDgnragE Cormitrnent File * ES76747803 SchgdulE B - Sectsion 1 continued order No. ESi 6'7 478a3 there to - NOTE: The Plain Langruage Policy will be issued. NOTE: IF THE SAL,ES PRICE OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY EXCEEDS $1OO,COO.OO THE SELLER SHALL BE REQUTRED TC CQMpLy WITH fHE DISCLOSURE OR WTTIiHOLDING PF.OVTSTONS OF C.R.S. 39.22'604. 5 (NONRESIDENT WITHHOIJDING ) . lL/03/03 L4:4!:34 cb lf rFdlD t't, !344-P.2 (cO-88) AIJTA Plain lrangruags Cotuit[ent Filc I ESTt/rtBo3 SCgEDttIJEB-S€ction2 ord€r No. Es76?47803 Ilxceptions Arry Dolicy sle isau6 rsi11 harg the follorringt exceptsions unl€ss they are taken care of go ou! satisfaction: 1. Any and a1J- unpaid taxes, assessments and unredeemed tax sales' 2.. The right of prcpri..ecor of a vein cr lode Eo exEracE or ramove his ore Eherefrom shculd Ehe same be found Eo peneErate or intersec! Ehe premises as reserved in United StaEes PaEenE recorded April 18, 1934 in Book L23 aE Page 3. 3. RighE of way for diLches or canals constructed by Ehe auEhoriEy of Ehe UniEed States as reserved in United States Patent recorded April i8, L934 in Book 123 at Page 3. 4. covenants, conditions and restrictions, which do not include a forfeiture or revereer clause, se! forth in the instnrment recorded Sepiexnber 6, L912 Ln Book 225 aE Page 315 at Recepeion No. 121087 and amendmen*'s EhereEo. 5. Easemenls, covenants, restricEions and reservaEions as shown on the plat of VaiI InEermounEain DevelopmenE Subdivision, Block 9 recorCeC Septendcer 7, 1912 in Book 225 at Page 335 at Recepcion No- 121108. XIlc l[l S€ptember 20, 2007 Prqect Location: Address: List of Pro Owners Mr. Dave 1-&, ninarylSeonOary Reilerrce Ld 10, Vail lnbnrnrntah $$dvbi:n, Block 1 -Parod#210314301UO 2756 Sno$ery Drive, Val, CO81tXl1 Dantas Builders, Inc. 1936 W Gore Creek Dr. Vail, CO 81657 Ikistine Cashman 3103 Maplewood Wayzat4 MN 55391 Robert & S-sa" Clark 5452 Dayton Ct Greenwood Villagg CO 801 I I Lot 9, lntermountain Development Subdivision Block 9 2801 Snowberry Drive - Parcel # 210314301039 Iot l2A" Intempuntain Devebpnent SuMivisbn Block 9 2735-,{ Snowberry Drive - Parcel # 210314301070 I-ot l2B,Intermomtain Developrent SuMivision Block 9 2735-8 Snowberry Drive - Pacel # 2103l430l07l Pagel d2 Gary&Jwlfucbco 285 Jaclsm St Denver, C0 t{D06 ParftWiffi 25BayhntaRil Jpih, FL33469 2ru LakporCorrt,LLC 392 Mitl CrcdrCtucle Vail,@81657 Lot 16 hsrrrrnteinDadrycC S6dividm Bloct9 279+ Smc'tcrry Ddrt- Fdcel # zl|El4EOl|J45 Ld I, Hemcfofi Sohlvisin 2684I-.'*TECt - Prrd #21031€0f65 Cmlo-Vail WildqnessTocrtrhf,sc t trils t, 2" 3 2ilO r,l'tyur Ciort - M # 2llBl43l600l Frccl # 210314316fl12 Pracl # 210314316003 P?ga2d2 Flom: To: Datei Subject: Tom Kassmel Bill Gibson IOlLZnOa7 3:52 PM Hilb Dwy Public Works will support a ydrhnce for drhrer ray entrance angle, based on the hardship of public roach encroachtnent. The curent alignment of Snowberry Drit/e encroaches signincantly into the private property. If it were not for this encrorhment we belie\re the driveway could meet standards, The Public Works D€partment requests that a roadway easement be granted for the portion of roadway that is currently not within town Right of Way, Thomas K6md, P,E, Town Engineer Town of vail Public Work Department 13@ Elkhom Dr. Vail, @ 81657 (970) 479-223s Lcgal dcscription: Lot I o Block -Filhg lNTeGn o.., ,./ Ta tl ZONE CHECK Datc:il lrr l1( Addrcss O*ncr Pbonc Phonc Architcct Zonc disrict koposcd usc Flt Lotsizc L'o Allorvcd Existing Proposcd TotarGRFA Sq(t * B5o =-L-El)_ Primary CRFA _+ (425) (6lS*1- Sccondary GRFA + (.125) (675*) - + 6'15 = 425 crcdit plus 250 addition Docs this rqucst involvc a 250 Addition? Horv much of rhc allorvcd 2i0 Addition is uscd rvith this rcqucst? Sitc Covcratc 5 rtow Hcight Sctbacks Landscaping RctainingWall Hciglts (30x33) Front Sidcs Rcar " 20' ,15' l5' Garagc Crcdit Drivcrvay Complics rvith TOV Liglting Ordinancc Arc finishcd gradcs less than 2:l (50%) Environmcntal4lazards 3', l6' G00) (500) (e00) (i200) Pcrmittcd Slopc _-yo proposcd Slopc .-% Ycs- No Ycs-. No 2) Floodplain 3) Wctlards 4) Watcr Course Sctback (30) (50)_ 5) Gcologic Hazards a) SnorvAvalanchc b) Rocldall Minimum Parking Requircd Encloscd Prcvious conditions ofapproval (cbcck propcrty file); Is thc propcrty non-conforming? Dcscribc: c) Dcbris Florv DESIGN REVIE1V CHECKLIST Projcct: U SURVEY tr SITEPLAN Scalc Scalc B cnchmark Lcgal deso-iption Lot Sizc Buildablc Area Eascmcnts Topography ruv )T. Ilood plaln Watcr Coursc Setback Environmenal Hazards Trees Utility Iocations Spot clcvations Building Height Encroachmcnts Sctbacks Site Covcrage EavcVOvcrbangs (4) DeckVBalconics Gangc conncction Sitc Gradc\Slopc Rctaining Walls Fenccs ____:_ Turning Radius Drivcrvay (access and gradc) Snorv Stonge FircAcccss U FLooRPLANS Scalc GRFA 250 additionat CRFA Crarvl\Arfic Spacc Q BUILDn.IG ELEVATIoNS Scale -:- Color\Vaterials Roof pitch O LANDScAPEPLA.N Edsting trccs proposed trees Lcgcnd MISCELLA}I"EOUS Condo Approval TitJc rcport (A & B) Utility.verifi cation form Photos ofsitc Buil ding material sampl cs C.O. Vcrification Sun\Shadc Anglcs Utilities (undcrground) Vierv Corridors vananccs PIat restictions --i_ 19 ct ar i, t lE: rr0P t*nfl-EnE APPLICATfON Parcd*:E E t-"q B' mffi^tt5:#n ,"9- Bds.Pemit*:El ! t lEtt 0es. 1. Y I r,l\ I G, VnlllEltIrtr-|\E|r(:t tt -:rcb- I tbst 0 n-Gg@ P. r fl il -[ tr []-E tn! naa-E!9ffi 4. Wofi b bf (dtclsoir)\rJater Sqcr Grs Elsdric T€l€phone CATV Lfficaphg &t" Trench-wklltt (min.4) Length DAft T06l SF $ TOTNI LF S BondArnount $PermltFee S Tolal Formit Fee $ AU- MtrTERnt, EOUIPMENI, AND TRAFFrc CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE ON THE JOBSm BEFORE THE JOB IS STAR.TED. Fubber ort-riggete ets r€qlrgd on cx€qv8tine eguhmgrt urtlen utod(Flg on sphalt' Asphah surtaceo rn&rfl€afi fte hd(el and bgs shdl be prot€cbd d elllime8. A signat re below ind'rales a revieye of the a]ea and udoty bcations and altprgvgb. Qncs all ulny.gnpeny s|gnatrcs atD obtalned, permittr tus option ot qihg appilcathn ttYough lho P|lth wodts dlics to offiln t|e neceeeary Towr of vhil dgnatwee. pleese allotr lptg+Qe1llePl(b pmc+t.; € 4: € ,5e 6, 8. rcceseary rowrof vhilisnatr.res.lli:",*,r13ff$b wo?F>t fr -j f Pubrc Se|vCompany (1€OGg22i1987l *:t | "'s 3 r rt t " Pubtc Sarvice l,lstrral Gas GoLrp (r €(X}e2- 1987) U.S. Weel (1 -lxn-P2-l 984 TCI Cqblavirion of lhe Ro*ies (1{0(}s22-1987) Eagle River ll,l$r & Sanitaion District (92F47€-7480) Holy Crcs Eleotrb Company {97}$t+5692) Town of Vsil Eloclrhians (97(>t0792158) Toilrn ol \/hil Inigatlon (97G47F2158) Town of Vail Public Wotl$ Conslnrction Inspectot (CtG479e1 9. THERE Wltt BE llO TOTAL STREET CLOSURESI A conetnrtioo coilrol dan rtrret b€ apFo\rsd by th€ Public Ufoda Departrnent pdor io hsuatlae of lhe pomlt 10, All ercavailon m.Et be done by hand hfftrh 18'ot utllitios - (S€oele tlill 172). 11. Parmittee mURt conH Publc Wo.ts O€p.rhrent at 47$alS 24 hdlrs orlor io corrnglchg of wor|c Faihrc b ndlfy ttro Town will reErlt h brbitrrs of bmd morny. Scieduled hspectims whifi qr€ not r€ady rqt resdt In lha ToUn drerglng the conlraotor a mf,|apedion be. raad d ctnptsrs ol TrUe I - Pi*rh Ways and Prtperty, ot Ote Vhl lltur*id Code attd aX udlfry sQned by mr, end wll by the Earn€, and thet all utlltb8 hew be€n nodied s requFed. P rt name olestt ot Sg|gura ATT^CH P|lN OFUORK NCLUDII{G COilSTn CnOI TRAFHC CONTROL FLA}l 1f ( YYtila - Arilc YYolts \ftH-conracb( Date Receive, Show smots wiur nerE8, bdldhg9, and localion cf cus. IFE D Sll LnEg FOR CttT. Noy 10 ru99 TOTIN OF VAIIJ ?5 S. FROIT}TAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-4?9-?138 !..'.r..trrn...r.t+;...t..."rrt"''""ft'r"trr"ttttrttr Erbi'lc ll5z"-r "l'oo Itw.aEig.Cl€i> tlOIB: TEIB PEnUIt HUSI 8B POSTBD 0N PUBI.,IC ltAY PBRIfIT JOb AddTESS: 2?55 SNOIIBERRY DR Irocation. ..: 2?55 SII(IBERRY DR Parcel lfo. -: 2103-r43-01-040 APPIJICANI' VAIIDBRflALTER CtNSIRUCTION P O BoX 35?1, VAIL' Cb 81658 CONfIRJLCTOR VINDBRMIfiBR CINSIRI'SIION P O BOl( 35?lr VAIT, CO 81658 ONNEN, I.R UOnICAGIB INC - PYIIIA}I RICEARD SARA G, PO BOX ?2?, r,ANE enY c1c 81235 Description: TEIP SITB ACTBSS SOU.S TtsST E. V NII.I.'C.KI NL '\E I(?-z DEPERI'!{ET{T OF EOtil{TINI1'.l| DBITBTJOE!|BM i'OBSI1E TT AI.I, TIITIES Pelilits *: Pll99-0064 SEAEUE...: ISSIIED Aoplied. .r Q5lz0lt999 riiued...: 05/20/19ee Erqrires.. : 05/19/2000 Pboae: 970-926-1465 Plrone:970-926-1465 tlE g|lnr$l ...irrFtt'-'rtsttr"tt'to'tt" ""'t"}' CUIDITIO}I OF APPROT'AI, art,v vct i'at |lrc a t i,u t :r tu-:rco- I .tbit o t' ffif,"ffi$t#HmFffi AF'ER r*sr ARB ctrrP'.,sr', srrB DlcI{TTtrlG t c.tt'iry lh.t t hrt! !.|d.u dt4t.Er o! tltl. le^.'tt-ot rh. v.il Ea:clFl ccd. rnd rll |eiliuy Gdl|3q r't..48.. .iga.d tv rr, rna rtli .b{tL ft !h. a..., .nd ff.g .ll trllltlltt' rt |n{iriErd' arUttc xortr rill brr. r 4x/-ad1 belc rrrilrbh l'o lE ril ol lt's' iii.-*n SaBf'EEoE9fiofi$'iET+SlrgEH iF ffi%$Fffi*"f;ffi'Tfl8*f;"fu ,, oo'li* !{|rr.Irt.------ -- - - ---- --> ?S.OO ltdrd bun!--> 'eg rll.rtr OO8"--- ---'- --- ' '0O tot L "t't---' ts'oo ftt"a!*tt'it"r'itttttt"t'rtrrtrrtt'rltiti""'rr it"'ts:"rt'ttrlttt""rlttttt DeDt: POB HORf, Dirrisioa: APPR eX#12373 DepE: BIGINEER Divlslon:iEH?,flggg:'ffifffidffii""' att.rrtrrraaaataaaatarari.E.rrttlatatttltltttltt"ttttttttt..trt?tttt'it"!'-ittotr"'lttttllttr"t'rtr sr3mrlRa ot olrl8R m carnlcmR ton llllsl! rE qf,ER vY '- r YYF o *t*t***ttt statemt rt t * *i* **t * t *****t** t *i t *i t ** a TOICN OF VAIL' COIOR'ADO *r * tl}t* **tttt *** l}t*t'l* *t** *t *!l't**t'** t***+itttf *rti*****i***t*:l******************l******!t*t Statemt ltrmber: REC-0521 .lnouat,:?5.00 o5l20l99 07:55 Init: LS PayGnt lleEbod: Cf,NoEatLon: cr*12373 Permir No: PT99-0054 T}'pe: PuBtlAY PI'E&IC rnC PERilIT Parcel No: 2103-143-01-040 site AaLlress: 2755 SNOIIBBRRY DR Iocacion: 2755 SNOBTRRY DR 'Tbis Patnneat, Total Fees: 75.00 Total ALrL PaEa: Balanee: 75.00 7s.00 .00 .**********tl'i***t*tt|t****:l*****f i*t *tt*tl** ** t*t* t ****t*++ !t*tlf **t* Aceount code gr 00100003112100 DescripEloD PT'gLTC NAY gEES Attbunt, 75-00 ZONE CHECK Lcgal dcscription: Lot [ 0 Atoct Jihng OO**t G*oo pbon. Architcct phonc zoncolshcr vl) Froooscd usc p{q ' _---------totsizc l.ot? <cl ** r\kk * Buildabtearca rorarGRFA tJ-L7-* ? f 6 Pdnary€*f-+ (425) (t575*; = Total Rcrnaining -\t-1 7 4 sz-s : .. -t- Allorvcd =I*6tz Existin e Proposcd ,,n> [af r tb- ll I l, ob + 675=425 creditplus 250 addition -!tff* Q-r. a-ei'- o C'h'tz uocs thls rcqucst nvolvc a 250 Addition? Horv much.of tbc allorvcd 250 Addition is uscd with this rqqucst? 8,8a1 (30x33) Fron t Sidcs Rcar Sitc Covcragc Hcight Sctbacks Landscaping RctainingWall Hcigtts " l,4Tt = 20' .t 5' t5' Minimum Parking Required_ Encloscd 3'/6', (300) (600) (900) (1200)Caragc Crcdit Drivcrvay Complics with TOV Lighting Ordinancc Arc finishcd gradcs lcss than 2:l (50%) EnvironmcnlaWlazards Pcrmittcd Slopc _yo Ycs_- Nq Proposcd Slopc _% Ycs- No I) Pcrccnt Slopc (< >307") 2) Floodplain 4) Watcr Course Sctback (30) (50)_ 5) Geologic Haz:rds a) SnorvAvalanchc b) Rocldall Prcvious conditions of approval (cbcck property filc); Is thc propcrty non-conforming? Dcscribc: (a'r)Ft 3.>lo t (f oo .) )).L 4.rrr ) ct) 511('). c) Dcbris Florv DESIGN REVIE}V CMCKLIST Projcct: Q SIRVEY Scalc --- Benchmark t _ Lcgal dcscription Buildablc Area Eascmcnts Topography 100 yr. flood plain Watcr Coursc Sctback Environmental Hazrrds Trees Utility Iocations Spot clcvations tr strgpl-AN Scal e Building Height Encroachmcnts Sctback Site Covcrage EavcVOvcrhangs (4,) DeckVBalconics U FLOORPLANS Scalc GRFA 250 additionat CRFA Crarvl\Anic Space .E,t:I U Q BULDING ELEVATIONS Scale - .- ColorMaterials Roof pitch tr I,ANDSCAPEPLAN Existing rccs proposed hex Lcgend MISCELLANEOUS Condo Approval Titlc rcport (.A & B) Ufility.vcrifi cation form Photos ofsitc Building material samplcs C.O. Vcrification Sun\Shadc Anglcs Urilities (undcrground) Vierv Corridors Varianccs Plat rcstrictions Gangc conncction Sitc Cradc\Slopc Retaining lVails Fences Tuming Radius Drivcrvay (acccss and gradc) Snow Storagc Firc Acccss ,,",,,",,(47,-3I;:*=,,,'fu-,=, APPLICATION FOR DESIGT..{ REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct requiring Design Rcvicw approval. Any projcct rcquiring desigt review must rcccivc Design Review approval prior to submitting for a building pcrniit. For specific information, see the subnrittal rcquircnrcnts for thc particular approval that is rcquasted. Thc application cannot bc acceptcd until all thc requircd inlbrnration is submittcd. Thc projcct may also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Town Council and./or thc Planning and Envirounrcntal Coninrission. Dcsign Rcvicrv Board approval cxpircs onc ycar aftcr final approval unlcss a building permit is issued and construction is startcd. A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: TOWN OFVAIL LOCATION OF PROPOSAT-: tOr: l0 BL B. C. D. E. F. G. PKVSTCAL ADDRESS:2?s5 SAbw gcWf OErye PARCEL #: 3 I O e I +i .,1 Oq-c{Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Office at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) ZONINC: NAME OF OWNER(S):au tP wld">lfrA MAILING ADDRESS: 1 Ai-ITCT'I,E T1Y'VT ALlnr*nz-, L4r, r'Zss4 PHoNE: 5bt,' zzb'<boo OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): Construction of a new building. Includcs any addition whcre square footagc is added to any rcsidcntial or comrncrcial building. lncludes minor changes to buildings and site improvemenB. such as, reroofing, painting. window additions. landscaping. fences and retaining walls, ctc. H. NAME oF ^PPLI;^NT (.lhP W k'btw MAILINC ADDRESS: .,*t4K b &VE PHONE: TYPE OF REVIEWAND FEE: u{ Ncw Construction - $200 tr Addition - $50 E Minor Altcration - $20 DRB fces are to be paid at the time of submittal. Latcr. whcn appllng fora building pennit. pleaseidendry thc accuratc valuation ofthe projcct. Thc Town ofVail will adjust the fce according to thc project vaiuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION., ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF CONIMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. TS SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL., COLORADO 8I657. eCetVOt ()cT 2 2 1999 o TYPE OF MATERIAL:COLOR:* Cltt*ax h{zt7 ,LT.rw\^thfrc/ 1Jur 2Y lo - tu P.-s ctotz Lr- hfzw zXto TIh ca,r,Lf- r-rlze/ I A':'.rt-l,i L1tu0 /tht|./( ahiff 'l zx4 t zx6 Cftfre. LLjylht a-b0 z*4 tu( cftrlur Lr. c^wy. Lr. WkY BUILDINC MATERIALS: Roof Siding Othcr Wall Matcrials Fascia Sof.fits Windows Window Trint Doors Door J'riru l'land or Dcck Rails Flucs Fllslrings Chinrncys Trash Encldsurcs Crccnhouscs Rctaining Walls Exterior Lighting** coQ(/4- wcw (]/ba Uxntctrn a - ?tfitsP &tv rt 4. r'r&ft'/ / r /.^t7 z L/ plcase irdicatc the nunrbcr offixhucs and locations on a separatc lighting plan. Identifu cach fixturc type and provide thc height above grade, lunrens outpirt, luminous arca. and attach a cut shect of the lighting fixtures. Updated 6/97 PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Nanrc Conrnron Namc Ouanfity PROPOSED TR.EES AND SHRUBS: EXISTINC TREES TO BE REMOVED: CROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRICATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL +Mininrum rcquircmcnts for landscaping:dcciduous trccs - 2 inch calipcr conifcrou.s hccs - 6 fcct in hcight shnrbs - 5 gallons Squarc Footacc Sizc* I +-a"------:- AsPre"ts 3-1 " OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURESlretaining walls,fences, swirnming pools, etc.) please speciry. lndicate top and bottom clevations of retaining walls. Maximunr hcight of walls within the front setiack is 3 f:eet. ivtaxirnum height of walls e lscwhcre on the propcrty is 6 fect. Updatcd 6197 0 PLANNING o COMMISSION AND ENVIRONMENTAL PUBLIC MEETING SCHEDULE Monday, November 22, 1999 MEETING RESULTS Proiect orientation / PEc LUNCH - Communiw Development Department MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT John Schofield Galen Aasland Diane Golden Brian Doyon Tom Weber Chas Bernhardt Doug Cahill Site Visits : 1 . Rezoning - 1950 Chamonix 2. Webster - 2755 Snowberry Drive 3. City Market - 2109 N. Frontage Rd. West 4. Ski Club Vail- 598 Vail Valley Drive Driver: Brent Applicanl: David E. Webster Planner: Brent Wilson MOTION: Brian Doyon SECOND: Diane Golden VOTE:6-0 APPFOVED WITH 1 CONDITION: 1. That the applicant provide the Town of Vail Department of Community Development with a revised final plat with all required signatures for recording, prior to final Design Review Board approval for any improvements on the property. o(t coPr 12:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. Kex NOTE: If the PEC hearing extends until 6:00 p.m., the board will break for dinner from 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. Public Hearina - Town Council Chambers 2:00 p.m. 1. A request for a minor subdivision, to allow tor the re-alignment ot the right-of-way, located at2755 Snowberry Drive/Lot 10, Block 9, Vail Intermountain. 2.A request tor. , u"r,atfrom Section 1i-4B-3, to attow ,or, one o,,,onat buitding identification sign, located al 2109 N. Frontage Rd. WesWail Commons City Market, Vail das Schone 3'o Filing. Applicant: City Market, Inc.Planner: Allison Ochs MOTION: Brian Doyon SECOND: Diane Golden VOTE:6-0 TABLED UNTIL DECEMBER 13, 1999 3. A request for a worksession to discuss a redevelopment proposal involving a rezoning, conditional use permit revision and development plan approval for Ski Club Vail, located at 598 Vail Valley Drive i Part of Tract B, Vail Village 7'n Filing. Applicant; Ski Club Vail, represented by Snowdon & Hopkins Architects Planner: Brent Wilson WORKSESSION - NO VOTE 4. A request for a rezoning from Primary/Secondary to Outdoor Recreation, located at 1950 Chamonix/Lot 34, Buffehr Creek Subdivision. Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by Gregg Barrie Planner: Allison Ochs MOTION: Brian Doyon SECOND: Chas Bernhardt VOTE: 6-0 RECOMMENDED APPROVAL TO TOWN COUNCIL 5. A request for a worksession to review a major amendment, to allow for the proposed redevelopment of the Vail Village lnn, Phase lV, within Special Developmenl District No. 6, and a conditional use permit, to allow for the operation of a fractional fee club in the Public Accommodation Zone District. located at 100 East Meadow Drive/Lots M, N, & O, Block 5-D, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Daymer Corporation, represented by Jay Peterson Planner: George Ruther TABLED UNTIL DECEMBER 13, 1999 6. lnformation Update -White River National Forest Plan amendments. 7 . Approval of November 8, 199S minutes. The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language Interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notificatjon. Piease call 479-2356. Telephone for the H earing lmparred, for information. Community Development Department COPY FILE Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 November 15, 1999 Michael Pukas 2526 Arosa Drive Vail, CO 81657 Re: Lot 10, Vail Intermottntain / 2755 Snowberry Drive Following are strff s comments regarding the proposed plat for the minor subdivision: . Please show the edge of pavement on the plat. Apparently this layer was not shown when the plat was plotted out. ' Thc "Planning and Environmental Certificate" should be amended to read "Planning and Environmental Commission Certificate." The notes within this cenificate still read "...approvedbytheVailTownCouncil." Theseshouldhavebeenctrangedto"...approved by the Planning and Environmental Commission." The signafure block should read "Chairman, Planning and Environmental Commission," not "Mayor, Town of Vail, Colorado." Atthough the right-of-way easement was amended to rcad "16.00' right-of-way easement." it is still dimcnsioned at 15.00'. Please revise. , Note # I ref'ercnccs two different road names - "Snorvbenv Road" and "Snowberrv Drive." "Sno',vberry Road" does not exist. Plcase lcvise . If vou would like to discuss this projcct in greater dctail. plcase contact me at 479-2 140. S inccrc lv. 6'4- c+z^- Brcnt Wilson, Planner II aarraaaatlaaaaaaarrr {g *""rr""or^r"o COPY T ILE Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 FAX 970-479-2452 November 15, 1999 Michael Pukas 2526 Arosa Drive Vail, CO 81657 Re: Lot 10, Block 9, Vail Intennoantain / 2755 Snov,berry Drive Deal Michael: Following arc comments from the Town of Vail Public Works Department regarding the above- referenced application. . Driveway grades should be shown on plans. Pleasc note that the maximum cross-slope is 8%, while the plans show a cross-slope gradc ofjust over 8olo. Please correct. r The 4'valley pan should not cxceed 48' in front ofthe driveway access. The length shown on the site plan is 50', Elevations of front and back of pan should be the same. See TOV Development Standards Handbook, Detail4. Please provide drainage control from end ofvalley pan, across landing, down and around suucturc. Please provide erosion control for drainage coming off the parking structue. Grading must show that all disturbed areas will be refumed to a 2:l slope orbe retaincd. Plcasc submit all sections for parting stlucturc. Pleasc provide a detail f'or road stabiiization during parkin-q stlllcturc excavation. Please provide a revised geotechnical study for new parking and residential structure locations. {7 *un""'^"o l,c t'' ii ,'I , .,. -i,,*' I These items need to be cotrected prior to final Design Review Board approval ftorrever, the revised geotechnical report is not required until building permit submittal). If you would like to discuss these items in gteater detail, please do not hesitate to contact me at (970) 479-2140. Sincerely, Bn --f C4/4=- Brent Wilson Planner tI Ftt I c,TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Dev elopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 138 FAX 970-479-2452 November 5, 1999 Michael Pukas 2526 Arosa Drive Vaii, CO 81657 Re: Lot 10, Vail Intermountain / 2755 Snowberty Drive At their November 3d meeting, the Town of Vail Design Review Board @RB) conceptually reviewed the above-referenced application. The project was very well received with no major issues identified. Following is a brief synopsis of the DRB's requested revisions prior to final development plan approval: . "Please try not to impact the trees adjaccnt to the proposed parking area. A bridged parking strucrure would be preferable to a retaining wall scenario." Following are staff comments after a preliminary review of the DRB plans submitted: ' Pleasc provide elevations for all roofridges on your site plan. The elevation given for the ridge at thc northwest corner of the structure shows a proposed building height of 34'9" (above the 68' contour). The maximum allowable building height in the Primary/Secondary zone district is 33'. Please adjust and revise these roofelevations on the site plan. . Please show the locations ofany proposed exterior lighting on the site plan. Pursuant to the Town's exterior lighting ordinance, one exterior light pcr 1,000 square feet of lot area is permitted. Cut sheets or specs are also re quired to determine lumens output for any proposed fixture. . Plcasc show all proposed grading on thc site plan. Any disturbed arcas/grading rnust be retumcd to a 2: I grade. . Pleasc show a "limits of disturbance" fence and some fbrm of erosion control on your site plan. . Please show a 4' vailey pan at the parking/driveway enffance. . Please define the parking/driveway entrance and grade. {,2 u""uo 'o"* I Following are staff s comments regarding the proposed plat for the minor subdivision: ' Per our previous discussions, please show the proposed 16' right-of-way easement from the property line. A 15' dimension is drawn but a notation indicates an 1l' easement width (notation contains a typographical error as well). Please adjust and revise. r Please show the edge of pavement on the plat. Apparently this layer was not shown when the plat was plotted out. . Two different lot square footages are listed on the plat. Please correct. . What is the suweyor's basis of bearings? This note was left blank. . The "Town Council Certificate" should be amended to read "Planning and Environmental Commission Certificate." Although the Town Council will ultimately be responsible for the approval of the swap of Town property, the PEC is respousible for approval of the subdivision request. . The title block forthe plat should be centered (not rightjustified). . Please delete the identification of building setbacks on the plat. These will be identified by Town staff pursuant to Chapter 12, Town of Vail Code. If you would like to discuss this project in greater detail, please contactme at 419-2140. Sincerely, 19^-*-r Brent Wilson, Planner II ,.. revised 10/12192 A. APPLICANT MAILING ADDRESS trt.PROPERTY OWNER OWNER'S SIGNATUR APPLICATION FOR MINOR SUBDIVISION REVIEW CHAPTER 17.20 VAIL MUNICIPAL CODE (4 OR FEWER LOTS) (please print or type) PHONE 3B- zzt' 3@ D. E. F. 1. z. a 4. 5. B. Date Receive. i=. lrl0V o1 1g9g Nil,6&. ffi! nY lRr qg- o eto DATE RECEIVED BY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MAILING ADDRESS ? Af4a)a q-Nr pH}NE5,/^.?2je3ooo ATION OF PROPOSAL (street address) 2'755 AowFazv &we RcEt- LtDltllotD*o LOTS /O BL SUBDIVISION Ylt txTftguor{*A FEE $2s0.00 PAID ol A6v 11 CHECK #_)5@_DATE ^t Nw fr The first step is to request a meeting with the zoning administrator to assist the applicant in meeting the submittal requirements and to give the proposal a preliminary review. SUBM ITTAL REQUIREMENTS The applicant shall submit three copies, two of which must be mylars, of the proposal following the requirements for a final plat below. Certain of these requirements may be waived by the zoning administrator and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission if determined not applicable to the project. A list of all adjacent property owners (including those behind and across the street)WITH COMPLETE ADDRESSES shallalso be submitted. In addition, submit addressed, stamped envelopes for each of the above. Title Report verifying ownership and easements. (Schedules A & B) An environmental impact report may be required as stipulated under Chapter 18.56 of the zoning code. FINAL PLAT. REQUIREMENTS AND PROCEDURE: (Some of these requirements may be waived.) a. The subdivider shall submit four copies of the final plat, two of which shall be mylars, twelve copies of the final EIR (if required) and any additional material as required below. Within thlrty days of receiving the complete and correct submittal for a final plat, the zoning administrator shall cause a copy of a notice of the time, place and general nature of the hearing and proposal to be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the Town of Vail at least fifteen days priorto said hearing. Also, adjacent property owners to the proposed subdivision shall be notified in writing at least seven days prior to the public hearing. Final Plat - Staff Review. The final plat shall be circulated to and reviewed by the town's departments, including, but not limited to Public Works, Transportation, Community Development, Recreation, Administration, Police and the Fire Department. Comments and concerns of these departmenls will be forwarded to the PEC prior to the public hearing. C. Final Plat and Suoplementary Material - contents. I./..l,'./,/t// / ,/./,/ ,/./ ,/,a ./ ;, t T t 'lK :i i F, 5 .../ii:,/ \. i.,4 iftj ,,# J I * -1 a t .. I .,n ' t'-)\--1. tl tt i'l * ie T 4 -<4 -p ,r1 {'0 2 ksq 4 -B ""*ulz {nu I I It l,r ll ls ,\ It K l) t i t lt it ;l it it I I I I I j I I t I I I I I I I I I E li ll t n't 0 s q o \ f, q =qt ?J (\t tt -t z I ) i i\(^i ir a .t\ -'l m c)r,.Y lh a o ''\ \I t ;, ,f (\,FiP ftl -t c(ll qi I -r1 N .G d V cr\V (\ K x (tl z -l G\ F\ 5 F t€ It F F F I E =It rl' l-at cl F- lr, =>< 4 a5 l4J =JPg O=F .F -e, s, c<o< (\l ErE4 += =EE 9= =ur <r c< -at t!=\D oz,f.y e,= F F= ta 9 rtt F!a. ..r ('t ++|'t Lt <t <t | ^.-r l/-.l,Jl lv 2755 tsl-C)C,( 9 f EXIsT. KOtJ 20020 F-F-PROJECTED LINE e)\q 4--iKo € \%\a \v ../--)f1,/\ &) .P \'/: '/ *'/ LoT16 #e 2744 -'t\4" UNoER -f gt gt t.l1 = <l' <!. LOT J5 \2734 \ ql z,OF =F q< r!d ev > :..1 6;!r B 43*:.E2 E cr ---,r - B o56 =sJ-- =E-F E -F(' =f (J< =O rrr -r -.rJJ J c- =-erfJv -r a9 El-oct( 9 X OF EG- AREA ,ED IN PLAN Gt t9 oex 9\e (o: =Y !\P Tfi gdE o&fr tn F-g zea 5 P >= E ii 5'o o F** F ' Qg \o F: q €60 !)o E (A o N (^F A d z \o \o 5 s U)g (D c) s,P g 6-6;! rf o Ero=O- (A qe t -+, =1 E :rt 9?B F!1 g6' { r--r =. \,, =.(D lt 0a '5 l$-..J r?r (Jr rr-9t()aP BF {o *N ;i(D >1 v1 <a- bH 6-(D -"5 -o I-*'[$'gE'gEgEEIEi$FgF€F EeeFEsi gFE*EEiFgFFEEEiiEEFFEF e FC F e E r' grFgggglgrgrggg,ggggg IgEgggggFgggIgggagIg I =Ol o ,.+<@ 5z -. (D €g (D = ;' ;5C i i:i EE* $E EF -gF{ i3 Tg 9b P or- tr )-J q3 B€t-r8{ -(D \o9 \o i.d \o '|-1 *EggEFr€t$gHFgfg nsEsssEFE€3fi g ggEa cra;EEEFEEn€FEgr iElHiF3Eiei3.l gIEr B Fg'g E E E*ir+ar*iF;$g iEI ?llsaE$u$$l'$ iigE gEEsg; a a assn*3g; s Ei$ifl1;E 3F;t € qg;E:a;H'[*e$ErF*i3 E;tptirFe€i$e g ilfra sL;rt*ifr g g$$3eFil i$[E.*FFaE er€ H a*i:;EE3 sssFF raar3€€ ; Hgc3si€3+gf a i$=r *&E""'3- Fgggg$E3rEIgFFEfi ;rEEiFE+iIH$il f,xgg g;B€n.frseQl;rtagf ra;iaHsE*tsdua* afne [$gF;Eili$fH5a[;+ FF{l€iAAFE33fi Fisi [;€ rggggrgf,g r€g E gEg *'i''rdn* s;g F*"*' eFe* *EF+=H, ur$Ei eiEg;5'Egg[;c usas r o n {n aflggEga,aF Fa nH8 FsEHsasgEgIE--F F3EEEFEBEF,F Bfi*Frgraggr 'B3[FFIElEE $FEEgIE[[1 €FEF*s tfl$ A Efi [:EIeEH ngilgIF EHES if F8E.E;EE [d.i?8.+ HEE ;qtingEgIIgaEIg[*[[3F gr3[iiF 6Eal€E gH"3i figia[gfl t,eggEi Hsc g:,eAgi'6: f,F=;EF gq= ru n$acIir E*:F+E f gl 6H gfr.E7e?€ A71q'Ef 1€F'?-i enFrfi*E' e[3EH$ 3Ea g* ==EZ,sFq't'o 'aP &eH gt*gF FrciEIa E€sd*: r'ur 1e E*ij;eEE Fg${f;9 ;Ha F'H gxggl;r s:EErE Ei3 n,. sH6HgEH €3g€. Fs FaE €e H'rBi;HF gg$B.IF iFE xF e6E:H:q HBaEAf +34 ii 'saleqg SgXAaF eEF sfi FsnEea ;FeEaE ;sE Eg [E+F+= pFHSeE FaH H{< 'd.dEg H.a HH He o F '" rrE rJ'F I ! ;) TI f {TI :)t F[.:::1FFFugF*[[fiE[gFEE"*F !Ut35'Fg"i fi,$ t$Er3$E$EEFEilFlFi gFEEBHEFEgH$l+E E$ ='E arss$FErIgEgrg gp*Fg[-igFgEIEI 6$ ? gcsg FEilc*rre I g[ggg gglIgggg igg[[FgggragfgIgggg.gggEgggF;r q*eFr*enErgEr€[afiIfgErH=-;sH raEEeF,T*errugrgE+ng*ggHEFEE E o ;)n ) n c Chip Webster June 30, 1999 Page 5 warranry either expressed or implied. The conclusions and recommendations submitted in this report are based upon the data obtained from the exploratory pits excavated at the locations indicated on Fig. 1 and to the depths shown on Fig. 2, the proposed type of construction, and our experience in the area. our findings include interpolation and extrapolation ofthe subsurface conditions identified at the exploratory pits and variations in the subsurface conditions may not become evident until excavation is performed. If conditions encountered during construction appear different from those described in this report, we should be notified at once so re-evaluation ofthe recommendatiom may be made. This report has beeu prepared for the exclusive use by our client for design purposes. We are not responsible for technical interpretations by others of our information. As the project evolves, we should provide continued consultation and held services during construction to review and monitor the implementation of our recommendations, and to verify that the recomrnendations have been appropriately intelpretd. Significanr design changes may require additional analysis or modifications to the recommendations presented herein. We recommend on-site observation of excavations and foundation bearing strata and testing ofstructural fill by a representative of the geotechnical engineer. If you have any questions or if we may be of further assistance, please let us know. Sincerely, HEPWORTH - P Steven L. Pawlak, P.E. DAY/ksm attachments H-P GFnrFrH APPROXIMA1E SCALE 1'- 4O' ROADWAY CONSIRUC]ION AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT 70 I ll I /.-ri=xi-.{'(i ii,'*-l.i :-':-:--\\ \\i /'r..r" \ \ \ t, '-.r. \ ", \-.tr \\ \i\\\\\\ i') i\\\:l {.,,,i i i ii llin'.***J,*ii\ / li'{r)^-7:::,,i j I //"'"':',' "' *-l Ii ',{i(Xiffi# /' I I \'..)2.," ," ," ;i,,1 ,.Xt* " , '" "' to'^'#/ ^,.,rk'r" *',r,'t*,*_,,.,50 \i,fl lrJ E o G u trl {D =o z.a LOT 12 199 40+HEPWORTH _ PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL. INC.LOCATION OF EXPLORATORY PITS Fig. 1 PIT 1U ELEV. : 78' PIT 2 ELEV. - 72' + /+-,1.:t - 2O0r'tO FI6.J DD-102 - zOO-tfE IXC=26.7 tD-105 I LEGEND: TOPSOtti sondy silty cloy. qrcvelly, orgonic, very moist, block. SAND AND CLAY (SC-CL); grot,elly, scottered cobbles, medium densc/stiff' moist, brorrn- GRA\EL AND SAND (GC-SC): cloycy. with cobbles ond snroll boulders. loose to medium dense with depth, moist to very rnoist, brown. SILTSTONE/SANDSTONE: wedtherd to medium hord. moist, grofbrown. Mintum Formotion. rl b 2' Diometer hond driven lincr somple. l--,f l_ -.: Disturbed bulk somple. NOTES: I 'l . Explorotory pite wcre excowtcd on Moy 19, '1999 with o bockhoe. 2. Locotions of explorctory pits yr€re meosured opproximctely by pocing from feotures on the site plon provided. 3. Bevotions of the explorotory pits rere obtolned by interpolotion betraen contours on tha site plon providad. 4. The explorotory pit locotions ond elewtions strould be consldered occurote only to the degree implled by the method used. 5. The lines between moteriols shown on the explorotory pit logs represent the opproximote boundories betreen moteriol tlpes ond tronsitions moy be groduol. 5. No tree woter wos encountered in the pits of the tirne of ercdvoting. Flucfuotions in woter level moy occur vfith tlme. 7. Loborotory Testing Results: lllC=WoterContent(Z) DD = Dry Density ( pcf )*4 = Percent retoined on No. 4 sicve -2OO : Porcent possing No. 200 sieve v o e,L I -c CL o o o s L! I -E c\o n w ffi ffi 199 40+HEPWORTH _ PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL, INC. LOGS OF EXPLORATORY PITS Fig. 2 N c .9 n m !t CL E o o o I 2 a 4 5 6 7 I nt 1.O 10 APPUED PRES9.JRE - ksf 100 N c .o I)o 0, CL E o (t o.1 1.0 APPuED PREssuRE - k=Jo 100 Moisture Content = 18.5 percent Dry Denslty = 102 pcf Sornplc of: Sond ond Cloy From: Pit 2 ot 2 F eel I I r Cornpression uPon wetting \ \ \ \ \ \I Moisture Content = 26.7 percent Dry Density : 1O5 Pcf Scmple ot Sondy Cloy Frorn: Pit 2 ot 5.5 Feat I \ No movemon uPon uetting \ I 199 404 HEPWORTH _ PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL. INC.SWELL-CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS Fig. J 2t ,fi, 7 ltt ,$ gra fi l|t| @rl.r9Ll rl . Inr.r0offi z CA v, F z LJ ()u IrJ c a t-u z. F lrj E F z.td o G L.l .L .o1 .t9 J@ .to lJl 2! .'79 allaa tLo DIAMflER OF PARIICLES IN MiII-IMETERS tat tl!12' GRA\EL +3 UOUID LIMIT SAND 47 SILT ANO CLAY 10 PLASTICIW INOEX SAMPLE OF: Slightly Cloyey Sond ond Grovel FROl,t: Pit 1 ot 4 thru 5 Feet vith Cobblcs 199 404 HEPWORTH _ PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL. INC.GRADATION TEST RESULTS Fig- 4 B EE HE o, (o o o (u C) .q6 (', o, I o o -(q @ o c) .tt o g ! E >E EgE' 5 F 5s' 3=a =r FE:;o @ rt a o o gt !e T\\t ZA I (Y'rt eE,G z o ro o iE5 IEE€< oo z =o (f) dt N d N E 'q = FI u-.! (o st (!}s to (\ $ \t o,o, ..i z 00 -) U z U' JJ 4f <-ln z ;t '@ EH F o# U;P YdE 1F8 =1 to tL FCC G o 3=frlo I + E!g ls ig li ) I I I I o \x \= I I I I ct al o U'c)-tq = =o o 7 o a tn o m g o z c 3 ,T =6) g v G c,e v m I i :g I -\. ttl \F Itr t'< gE flE I + I IF ts 12 l3- d t7 zo) =6'I-lo E8 o + IF :6 ii t' + iE t' o El$ :l il \ a C)I m D () C)n ct U'o o I o z @ e I 7 ==c, vl c v I c v FI 5 i d I I cH ) I flH -o F {,, '( )\i !Eg CIE fl H:E I + 'F E l- lo- s I rr It to l' i;' t' 5iH 4;2t t.'o; ls T.I iH 6r\ | o c)-FI = =c) 5 z G) =g 7 -o tfl 1I {o z. () e ! 7 5 -ct I v c a e n Irl E t { I t- iE le iE ti # ). iE Pls qi{a t-iI it4 t2 sis {H I n i1/ = \ nnto randum Chip Webster & Associates 2526 Arosa Drive Vail CO 81657 Tel:970477-0763 Fax:97U477-0764 e-mail: cma@taba.com web: www.taba. com Date 0l November 1999 To TownofVail Department of Community Development Tel 970-479-2138 Fax 970-479-2452 From Mchael Pukas Project Lot 10, Block9,2755 SnowberryLane Subject Adjacent properfy owners Here is the required list ofadjacent property owners and addresses. West lot Lot 9, Block 9 Parcel # 210314301039 Hackman, David C. & Patricia A. POBox4272 Avon" CO 81620 Nodh West lot Lot ll Parcel # 2 I 03 143 I 6001 -003 Sonneualp hoperties, Inc. 20 Vail Road VaiL CO 81657 North lot Lot I Parcel # 210314301065 HemreichBob-H&H PO Box 19000 Avon, CO 81620-9010 North East lot Lot 12, Block 9 Parcel # 210314301042 Cahill" Daniel Douglas & Michelle Jandreau PO Box 1077 Vail, CO 81658 Summitlbbitats DRB Mee,ting Nctes FarEect lot I,ot 15, Block 9 Parcel # 210314301045 Mller, VictoriaM. 7473 Park LnN Ilaywr4 WI54843 South Erst bt Lot 16, Block 9 Parcel # 210314301046 Ivlanc,hester, Cary P. & Jeane l[- 4631 Phfllips Pl Littlefoq CO 80122-3910 Sonth Wcst lot Lat17, Block 9 Parcel # 210314301047 Henkes, Andreu, F. PO Box 5623 Vail, CO 81658 Sfucerely snow memo 02 trfichael P Pukas 2 Monday, November 01, 1999 C ,r=" MAY AFFE.T "ou, ,.orrl PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on November 22, 1999, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for a minor subdivision, to allow for the re-alignment of the right-of-way, located at 2755 Snowberry Drive/Lot 10, Block 9, Vail Intermountain. Applicant: David E. Webster Planner: Brent Wilson A request for a variance from Section 11-4B-3, to allow for one additional building_identificafion sign,'located at 2109 N. Frontage Hd. WesWail Commons City Market, Vail das Schone 3'" Filing. Applicant: City Market, Inc.Planner: Allison Ochs A request for a rezoning from Primary/Secondary to Outdoor Recreation, located at 1953 N. Frontage Rd. and 1950 ChamonitLots 34 and 40, Buffehr Creek Subdivision. Applicant: Town ol Vail, represented by Gregg Barrie Planner: Allison Ochs A request for a worksession to discuss a redevelopment proposal involving a rezoning, conditional use permit revision and developmenl plan approval for Ski Club Vail, located at 598 Vail Valley Drive / Part of Tract B, Vail Village 7"' Filing. Applicant: Ski Club Vail, represented by Snowdon & Hopkins Architects Planner: Brent Wilson The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular'office hours in the proiect planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 tor information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published November 5. 1999 in the Vail Trail. /$f'+'l( l,t {-att-:ttt I l ! Jrr Ft(rrtt. LAt|l, ,f I ra-E LillAl(A}rrEE llr! lltTE|l7lt{tsJ{IJA|;II '? /r 7 LAND TTTLE GU^RANTPE COMPANY DFCT.OSUNBSTAEMEITIT ncqultntg CLS.llU'l2r A) Ttc nliGtrt rcd propary nry belccdin rq'*ill ||dB di$ft*' B) A @ri6cuc of Tucc Dsli$dlt atD Ei4iridicdoDneytc oDoid too lbl emtv ftulucr's ldcizod 4u" C) Thc iofrmdoa[8gd{sDcdi (i$hc d thatoufuicr of sucldislrsoy -' b;ffi fr-frEc*y c-rc, tu c@ry cxail udRccu&' ot S. CesY Astlslot. Eftcrivescecobcrl,lgqT,cRs3Gl04}6Hl[instr'drmomrc*aftrrccorr|ilgorfi|4bfu ,r.,t rd remrrb," om." Ai'ili r lQrtUo * " foc * U.U rDn' dCtt rdt@rrghof rt 116 oEblf of il d- TbE;;-ffi cv r* b rccofrt c Glc q dod lbt its d c6fto' qoGel tbt, tu t ql;;; ftt tl bE rrJ" tur u rpply o dooru uiqr ffi c viilih il;T;ffi;iGt ttdfit;ni4 htuidm * tb h nryir or thF do@' f.bs: Colod Dtvldo of IME r8olqioBS-$l' hir$-C { A{+ tr rEqdttt is Bt'crv tr, d, *otr nepomc tr.n urrtn rrua mcuof rtrho pas b tc tic of tmrdqg sbvtt ac ffa .dtr .otra 6t troi-i ld I tiin*u tu nisdry c- fht of bal rbru noting t* m ilgdil'tfrA * *isal'. Plod{bd tu lld ltth Gsnce tfr 6.iffit" clodE,-of-b ffid rerlE P-rr $sDoillc hr FtrdDS tte rcd &ct6rs ts E -J;h", *t.p.;* tts. 5 cdlt Ft-.pp.* o b ouncr'l 1.rtlc POn"y rUt t ags Folicilt d.oid- r,Ioe AfEdvc Es&.s lei lror.c.im fu rte oeu ury bc ndlrDU(taic|ny.b Ffu ;-hffi--. 4 of sdcdEtc 4 -senico 2 d oc€onim a@ tu o6's EolLT o bc tu;F.Ob;.-Ptb* rirl taftllgseg codid(G ft frU-*Gtre h Sddtl"-A 0f til .om6to ost bc e si*!a *rnilv rtdhos sbi.5 ffiacuitoiaioorwrdmcuit' E. No lrb"; ; ;d* b*-b--tuM Ur oc.1& c ncrbl.g. tu pyeor1 f wuin n Dc u *ffia i" so.dro Aofthis comitoa qish ft6 FNr 6 Dods c- ffiffi;;;d'" -;E Dd; rru.t't ncmomvq e cquv rFilstefb{r rocdrd;'s rd nEhLru!'l IicB O.E Cqoy -t* nrdv. pryu'il of U rprryirclrlniu' B. tf &15c lst€cgo"trir,-Urw.olo q uriu rWda eutcod &c P80[til1y D -' i pO*d um e rGF; o,u 9q or'U -i-uiw, tlc rrsirru b 6Dqir iffiG waaa u;Jtr LHe dbbs of cat|tu mqudm hiomdoc ftrdd ifitlSod rt to Sa $trtr' rle tdilt ut a tu comtq !'yd of 6G ;"ad* ;"d; mrv oi*pc iuruolv A1rcrocc ffirort o b cry' ad' "ry ddtuf rcqdr@ ;-;rt tG 6iry rtu u cruidm of tnc domarial idoutioabYtaCt4ttY- No corurgr will bc gtvln4s rDt circumcsfc bbdornEid ftr qfrh'h 6c iu[ttl bscoffiftrurg*doPY' Noting Lcrdn codd utilltcM b obligta ec 04ry ofrovids rry of tb ;;ffi "di b Dcdrdcts tic so't sD'iliru an fiuy sd$al ALTA COMMITMENT S&iNlB -Scttior2 (tDTttE)Our0rdcrNo- VTF26@I l3- Ttc !oUC' a folHcl b bG rei til din's$!| b th3 ftlort[ ds th' sil ut d'pFA ofbftr|ffiffioftbCw ErsErffitlT l5 FEr u{ EA$I SIDE oP ROAD RIjtLoF wAY FoR ROA'DWAY SIRUCTIIRES' PATXING. PRN,UT ATTP TiTTJfffiTiMS ES RBSR\IED ODI TIIE PTAT OF VAIL iffiiirnmen suDDMsIot{, Bloca e' BASEMS}MS, RESERVATIONS A}'ID FENSICIIoIIS A'S $IOV/N OR'RESERVED ONTIIE RECOBDBD PLAT Or VEN.iiffit,IbrNiiEW DEVEI'PME!$ SIJBDMIITON. RoADT'AYcotIsTRucuo}lAl{DDnAI}IA(EE$-E1BI[r'AssErFoRltlAIDDESCHBEDoN THE ptAT oF vArL Nrniififfift-nitrslwErrt srrorvlsoN, uocr l. t4. 15. ALTA COMMITMENT ScDcrhlcB - Scqion2 @4dN)kordaNo. \rlF26@ffi ThcnnEcycpd|#|oD.ind1's|dhcF!4doEtobfo|lo'isdctlcmugdfloccd of to-ttc drffn of ih C.o4oY: I . RijB c clriur of prrdcr in psioo mt rhoqt! by iDl Ftlb rcords' 2.Ews'ucldolotcg,ptiaclbydhcpolilbrcords' 3.ni$Gprricrr,gm0i$bbotoduyrb*lbqr[ch-altl.tomuraru,.r$e'hldichrcoirc.'g,rt,L'd in*ocdmof rbc pt -*-il'"rlE1"ro" rd tticl uc mt $moDy fu gdilic ntonh' 4. AwlilqarigBorlico'fusrioca'l$aorPrcdrl ficrcoftlacD:tttlt'rfotOeGinporcOblrord ufumUY thc Ddic |!cords' 5' Dcftcs, ttccmbnm'rdvutc^r'iqrgor*Irn*'if uy' crcaod' nncncarisiatsnhEcncorla trtt* rorow* rEffi deb!'' t*e;; ;6 [t Dtq"s.difurrcl rcqutcs ottlcdd tu lnhc lb G$$ q ir,lls *ttrglg" rtcfcq cor'crea Uy fiis Cwiu' 5- Tlxcs u sprdrl nscrqru qfiirjL dl ld Soqln rs rxising lh tg Oc lublig lttod& 7. rJcm ftt qrrirl *rr d tcro elrFs' if rry' E.Itr|.tililion'rbwu'rpdicylrilltcsbjll:tFrtonmrg;'ifuy'nnodhsctriollofsdortolcBbetuf. 9'RIGIIIoFPRonRlEToRoFA\'E[NGrnD€ToExCrRAcTAri|DREMovBmsoRE fiBlEFROlr sHourJffi lila rs plxrDr6 rmrsrnere m' IMERSEf TIfr PnE|ISES As RESERVEp nr uffisiffi-pnram REoRDED APRIL 18, 1934' N mG |zt ATPA(fi3. r0.RI@IToFWAYFtRDIIcIIHtmcAtlAIscoNsIRI'ct@l|YTtIBAUxHoRITYoPTgB rrNIrD srArs AS Rfr;iip i{ Uxfro Srrrss PAI"I,m ntronDED APRIL 18' rgBir' D{ Boot( 129 AIPAGE3. tr.REsTl.Ic$vEcovEN^ItITs}wrcHDoNoTco}lTAlrirAFoREIIURPoRREi/ERTER.c[Ats' BUr OMnTh{c Ar,rT iivafunbn nrsrrrnol BdSsD Or RACB cols, RELIoI(I{' SEX, IIANDICsF, FA}frJ,'LIiATT]S ORNATIONAL ORIdN I,NIBSS AI.ID ONLY TO TIIE HffENT IHAT SAD 6GAirr tll nqcelql tnTDEn CIIAPTB' 42' SEIIoN 3fln OF THE UNITED SIAIES ft'PS Oi t$ ftTLfiSS.TO HANDICAP BTN DOES NOT DISCRIMNATE AGAdi{I'AIbEAP PERSONS' Ai CO}TTAINED IN INSMUMENT RECORDED sr nsn,m' lyl4INBooKzlsATPA(F3r5' t2.ANEASEMEI{Tl5FEETBrwIDTlI,costlstttsooFAsnIPoFI.At{DLYING?.5FEET rN v,rDlfl Ar.ONo Arl'sld'Is'r iffi rs orp_rcATp As At{ ItT[-llY EASEMENf Fm' THB USE OF t{rDLrc ilE-rRl-vnrs uqryAND DRANAOE WAI-S, AS RES8RVED ON TnE pl.llT oF vArL ffiidolrftrAnl DBT'goPMENT s[tBDrvlsloN' BLocK 9' ALTA COMMITMBNT Scl€ddGB-Secdorl Go$rim'd!)Orr(hiaNo. vfHl66ffE Cofrctf: WIIEN ISSUED. ALTA COMMITMENT ScDlfticB ' Sdir f Gqr&d)(h0rd.rl'b. VrF26da0E Th fb||orhg ut rh nqubd to Dc oq[od rflb: Ieo(r)PryubcfurGpuofilcgwrcDolts*gilsoffuHlmnrldmbrtbecc bfcsoDcbdrul lGDo)PllF.rhdutEds)cildlsGstloridcllsttobGlwcdugtocrcm.lrd(tlyfldlbrfEEo!|' u*it ' -r-* - ---.e.rerr' l:t rbttlpcokcc dhL rc .* Inn ($ nrprot ddt c, ct4ci a rllcscnrlE la'ld nd erwd rgliDst ft o ro,lprnu.' h:o (O mdtml rcqUrem' if ty drlosrdbdo*: r. RsrAsE oF DlsD oF TRI'ST DAlp l{t:Y 4lleeE Ff,OM DAVID E wEBsrEr" IR. TO nc puBrc rRucrd oi-riid.i-couqqor iiir-rrre or msr wrsrmu MoRltrAGE SERVICES, trIC.. A C;I;Rffi;?CIIPCfrATION TCI SEUNB IIIE SUM OF EITq2sO'M R8@RDED IIINE on' i999'r'xDER'AECrrTrou NO' 698641' sArD DEIED OF l3u$twAs AsslsIBD'!=g-qPjPEllDlnff MORTGAOB coMPAlrY IN ASSrOrrvrB{f Brcoi;b-trffiof , rstg uNDER REFttot No. 6986+2- Z. DED OF TRUSf FROId DAVID E. WEESIER' JR TO TUE PT,BUC TRUSTBE OF EAd.E corrp.y FoR. rrrg u# 6F'ffisi ii4qgqi xqnroxn sERvIcGs' INq' rs snccEssoRs ^ND/OR AslIa[tTO SKrnn nu suu oF lJm'000'00' IF TTIERE IS A CHAT'IG IN OITNETSIIIP OFqTI.PROFRTT TOBE NST'RED IIEREXN rROM Tr|E \rESfgD ffi.rB&i 6;iilnl rrnr +_o^T scnours A I|E*EIN, fllE rtRMS' ?Rovt$$ttt At{D conbiTrdn OF rrfg iounr or 'AIL 134}tsFEB TAI( MAY BB ATPI.ICABLE. NoTeII€MSl.3oFtl|B@{BE.ALEccEF-noNswuIBEDEI,ET@UFoNRE.cgPfoF A}.i ATPROVEDSIJRVH. Dt,EToTI|EPRoPtsRrrToBEINSI'RED||EREINCoNTAIIIINGNBIIIcs.Is|IRUcTIoN'lN oRDER FOn, r4d f{ oF'iffiAbIDAtiD prePTrors ro BE DEURM' A sAl'u}FIrcaOBY LrEN AFFrDAvrr d;iemiffiii-m I @ oF occt'PAl'lcY WILL BBNPQUIRF. UPoNRECEIPToFAsATIsFACnoRYIMERoVEME}imIl)cAJnoNCBRIIFICAjI?' E{Des6rs}ffs ld;jilil Eiil-roo ldi nnAoop ro rrlB MoRToAGEES Poucr @rondc@Cqrnt ALIA COMMITMENT Sttciilt A OcOrrhNo. \|Itlddl0t Cu.Rcf.: "ffitrim vAn trrr'R'onrrrArN DExrE',DErsI.tr suBDrvlsloN ryEL5:ooP'M'f. EflddtcDdc€ I f. htct to bG 1rc0.4 rolf ftqmrf Inmuil: i5(x),0m.00 'ALTA' I.mr Folicry ISV-92 ffi.ffi" MoBtcAGE s*vrc's; NC' ITS s'ctEsso*s Al'rD'oR Asst${s 3.Ilcr*lbchlrr*btb-r-'ldr$rlcrfutdtohddrGrulduicolt'IdHfu: A Fcc Sirndc 4. ItbtD0.t*i.orGt't colG'tdh'tth bd tL'fiG'ftlGddrbeuf cr'cd b: DAVID E- WEBSIER"JL 5. Tb ld rCrrnn braB Coffu t dql rs hllowll toT 10, Bt cK 9, VA!' IMAUOUNTAIN PnHf|Prmlf suBDMstoN' A@RDING ro TsB praT RECoRDED StPTrilia;, ryiix uoor, ui lr pecs ns' cq.tNrY oF EAoII' srrtlE oFcol,fiADo- ''rY/. 7 i.:/rl Bi &* 3- I t I I ,t / a-t /t$(+t E $*e-$BrB o \/ Scale: l/4" = 1L0" Main Floor Plan - 1,523 S Scale: 1/4' = l'-0" J- i I -!--\l j _ -i---\ +- I I I I lt 'I I il t1I ti tl i ),1 tl tl r T t---.-----'I ir \ i\i\ tl tl ii 11 tl ll -_JJ___.:.=,::_ I I I I I I -.- l ll I ir i ll rf I rulli,,g u,,o (o Environmental Commission Action Form TOWN OFVAIL ApplicationType: MinorSubdivision Project Name: Webster Residence Project Description: Property Line / Right-of-Way Re-Alignment Architect/contact, Address and Phone: Michael Pukas, 2526 Arosa Drive, vail, co 81657 Owner, Address and Phone: Chip Webster, g Amelia Drive' Nantucket' MA 02554 Project Street Address: 2755 Snowberry Drive Legal Description: Lot 10, Block 9, Vail Intermountain Parcel Number: 2f m-143-01-040 Project#: PRJ99-0320 Motion bY: Seconded by: Vote: 6-0 Conditions: Brian Doyon Diane Golden Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: November 22'1999 F:\EVERYONE\PEC\APPROVAL\PECAPPRFRM Commission Action Action: Approved with Condition ThattheapplicantprovidetheTownofVailDepartmentofCommunityDevelopment with a revised tinal plat lvith all required signafures for recording, prior to final Design Revierv Board approval tbr any improvements on the properq' PEC Fee Pre-Paid: $250.00 7l Soatb Frontage Road Vail, Cdlorado 81657 t 0 t -479-2t t 8 / 47 9-2 I r9 D cp artm ent of Commtaity D ca e I o pm cnt November 10, 1992 Mr. Enrvin Bachrach PO Box 2236 Avon, Colorado 81520 RE: Town Council Meeting Minutes Amending Town of Vail Rockfall Hazard Map Dear Mr. Bachrach: Enclosed please lind the Town Council meeting minutes from October 6, 1992, which amended he Town ol Vail's Master Rockfall Hazard Map. This amendment officially removed Lots 10, 12,13,14, 15, and 16, Block 9, Vail Intermountain, lrom their previous designation as being located in a Moderate Rockfall Zone. Thanks again for calling this matter to our attention. Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can answer any questions that you may have. Sincerely, -//" /t/t/n/il/(,[k ' I ih r lrtr rl irr Town Planner enclosure Kristan Pritz I I MINUTES VAIL TOWN COIJNCIL MEETING ocToBER 6, 1992 7:30 P.M. I recul.ar.meeting o! the lql towl council was held on Tuesday, oc-tober 6, 1992, i-u th,e council Cha:nbers of the vail Municipal Building. tu.* r.pi"liirJ r,nu -"uti"gl" *a.i at 7:45 P.M. MEMBERS PRESEI{T: MEMBER-S ABSENT: Peggy Osterfoss, Mayor Mew Lapin, Mayor Pro-Tem Jim Gibson Tom Steinberg Rob LeVine Bob Buckley Jim Shearer TOWN OFFICIAIS pRESEI{I: Ron philtips, Town Manager Larry Eskwith, Town Attorney Pam Brandmeyer, Assistant to the Town Manager Martha Raecker, Town Clerk i The first item on the agenda was Citizen Particiiation. Joha Mueller requested, Cogncil reconsiderTOV policy pro-hibiting street-cuts in r:*-wly **"rt*.t"aloads within the Town.Oouncil agreed !o hear this issue since Mr. Muellet's situatio" *.s consid.ered. ".".g";; H; lequtred.a street'cut permit in order to access a sewer line for B1B0 Booth fa1s nola- nrr.Mueller indicatBd he had been giveu incorect sewer inlet elevations Uy 1;SVW-&S, ""a Ui,access for sewer service connection was now too low to connect. co"""if, f,a*v Cr'"f*f, *]il Mr. Mueller reviewed site plans of the ,lot and area in question, u,rarerri"rrua in uu opiioo,for corree!,ir:;i iite situation. During diicussion, it became clear the sewer inlet elevations prcnidr.ii iu }Ir. Mueller by uE\r!v&s were incorrect, and,-in iu*, orrr"a the resultiug r.;i''',' !', r:''oblem. couacil advised allr. Mu.rller to pursue'relieiiro- uEwv&s. Aft€; 1i1'':1"'i1";;r1.1r',, Rob Levine moved to allow Mr. Muell_er in_emergency exception to rov policv r..;;rCug street-cuts in newly reconstructed, roads if there iere no otier altera;dv;-i;;resolving Mr. Muellet's problem, and with the condition that Mr. Mueller t"y to coordinate the possibifitv of connecting at Lot 11,3010 Booth Falls Road with UEVW&S. Jim Gibson seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passeaa-C, fvfayor Osterfoss ""d i;;D[ernDerg opposed lbT Ng. 2-o-n !!9 agendS was approval of the Jrinutes of the september 1, 1992, and september tb, 1992 eveuing geetings, and approial of the s";;;b;ats, ilisi, sp"l;j Evening Meeting Minutes. Jim Gibson -o*d to "pp.o* tnl--miorrtus of these three meetings, with a second from Tom steinberg. A vote was taken and the ;"ti";;;;;uaanirngusly, g-Q. Item No' 3 was ordinance No. 10, series of l_ggf, first reading, an ordinanco o-ending Section 3.48.40 and 3.48.090 of the Municipal Code orthe rown?rVu to fi;dft"tJh;Real Estate Ttansfer Tax may be used for the acq ,isition nnd i-p"ore-"nt of real prope:.t.y within the limits of the Town or w:thin a mile of the Town b6"oa-ari"r; p*"iai-"g';"r!specifrcity as to what th9 funds received by the Town pursuant l" trr" n""r Estate T;;i;;Ta-x can l.'.+ uscd for; and setting !,,rth details in regard tttc,rer.r. -tvlayor Osterfoss ,*d th;firlln tI tr.i;. Larry Eskwith explained this ordinanle would *uoa tilu RETI ordinance to -.:'-'I'.1' i'uncls to be used within the limits of the Town or within a mile of the Town tiotrncanvs' lt would "Fo d*iry pu4)oses for RETT funds. Ji;Gibson expressed opposition to 'se of-the F1m :pubu,c rights'of-way" in this ordinance. He felt the concept imilied was too broad,-and landscaping of public rights-of-way was a public works o"p"fo^-"Jipio:".t,not something to e:cpend RE!! $nds on; however, Mayor oscerfoss rcrujanascap;;-;;appropriate in conjuaction with_development of recreational bike paths. Bill Wittir sia ne lad n9 objection to the use of RETI funds for appropriate projects *itUn a mile of the Towa bouudaries, but was strongly opposed to use of iiETT f;ds" o"-p"uti" .igut.-i_*o:,. - lj* $ibso1, Bill wilto, and Jo Brown asked for a crear_definition of;,priblic righls-of-way.; 41b;brief discussion, Rob Levine_moved to approve ordinance No.'10, series of lggi, "-il;reading, with the addition of landscapingblrecreation paths u" uo upp*pria1e use of RETT funds. Tom Steinberg seconded tb.e motion. A vote was taken and ihe motion passecl, b-t, o z aql paUar o? la8pnq t! "j*qt olJels ?Jarrp ol paqrBar s'ia snsuasuoc FrunoC .lqSp.raao Euqaipnq a.R u-r p"il:ir euoceq {"r ,*tr o^als pqsanbar osp uo;, .ualsds lrsu'rt srql roJ oueu Sursseduoaua-ge aroru E Jo uoll:ol"1 ar{r o, 1rn e1.ri possJ.rdxo "q" ,.roi1pl"q 'slrnsor pegduoa aq1 gro srsdpuy rol'I puu 1.,uu1'"1aq1 "og "ri,ig ,1*1 oql or aIqEIIBAB aP'ux aq luaru.rlsq fluns pasodo.rd aql 1Br{1 perlse sso3.ro1ig..-oreffIIBA 01 aunpBa.I uorJ usql o[F pBqI uo{I IIBA oq srep.rr ororu ararr ariql rql 1"{r rrrl"i"I s.rrroJ 04 puodso.r o4 i(erms dwsrapFr e JoJ ap€'u se,n lsanba"r v 'snq oq?Jo arueuaru.rg* p.,' uorlerado.ro, Sur,ted aIF pEa'J Jo urro; qll,r\ '3ur:o1dxa quona serrd. enpt rlqr poa.rSe ip.r"bc .aiq"."p1" ;ilFi;a as'a,rn pue eaordul .o? snq raql.ue .ooql l'or, 01 p'q AoJ JI uo^o .oroql ualsfs dooJ u a1e'rotuocul ol peiernocua oq ollapurl pjsouo.ri a""q"i"rb"#.[ t"r"nq, ilr;;;;; ^\or^ar l'u'rlrpp' .razgry. '1Uc-r5 v.L{ uB Br o[qE[rB^E aq ppo,r,r sa-snq ^o., acurs sosnq o^q Jo Surqsrq.rn,a.ryo felap ,(U) puB ,urofrisee1,o1 pir"go r\61 sasnq 616I o^u dq paceldor aq p.o/*qrtqra a4nor allr^peoll aql roJ paln 1asnrtr olra.? uo saseal Jo uoqeuiru.al (I) :Ealsds flunoC aI{' roJ la8pnq F"o.q"i1g:_!i:"d9"{ "qt T sfq,W o^t p;;.rip, o*o.o oql palou qqu 'ualsfs t(1uno36a3png lpue4g aql au5i.reb'a.r'.ra8ulery iloJ-;'o'";.sauBf fiIs 01 .uoay;o rr.uo'1, aql 1" sacralas iedprun4go.ro4aanq .s{ooJg {.r.rsi -og-o*"* " poaal^ar sdugu4 uq1 'paslEr era.u ypuaSe aql uo lou srua4r lEro^as ,luouu.rnofpe oroJag uorlorq aqr prr' uo{El uaqr s'ra o1o^ v .oo$o:^":1^p_"!oor"r_L5n$rn-ff":#:Hl}"tffii o4 s.urdurel 'rc Eo.rJ ra?Tal ,666r .g ilnf rqr "o poieq palsenndi-sd qetr^tr prBzBH IIB.;:Icou JaISBIAI s.AoJ puarrrB q paAoru ugde-I a.raltrl's'argaio"ru fecuaraJar a^oqg ar{? uro{ po^ouar aq uorleuirsap IIBIt?ou atBrapotrAl oql aqpuaLruoca.r.ra4lal e pa4fuqns i11".1nlur{"!;6;'rC 'auoz IIEJ::tcor due u-r lou_ara& ,urstunoE-ralul IIeA^,6 {colg ,gI puB .gI ,VI ,gI ,Zl '0r slql 'uorlsanb ur salgedo.rd aqr papa^ar f1_r1;uiigearir"l.,,oi*"1.r-oo ruorar or{? EuFnc '796r uI pa.rede.rd dery pllcog aq130 uope.redoJd ur parsrsss pEq or{rf\ .1sr3010a3 Suqlnsuoa oql 'sT'*due1 s'IoqrrN '.rqxq uorlebgsaio, a1ls-uo 1uaca" e u6 piseq uorr'utrsap rnpfiro?r al€ropol{' aql tuorJ sap:edord cgpeds_ Buraouar fq dew pre";H IIB3:tcoU ralsEI4I s.r'aoJ oql pualrre ot serrr rsalbar slqg paupldxa "ll":g *q .-d;I I p*;;ii IIsJ:IroeI ralsel4l AO;oql PuaurB ol qc'rl{c'g uraa-r1 1uec11dde fq 1s-anbar d}"tp"'6s'a" oo,ri.,rrrp p sB^,r, g .oN EalJ uor?Ipp' orn,qlFr .g-9 .,{lsnoru_ruetm pessed uorlou aql_p*e .""Jr":X,f #lf qiffi*; aql paIIEc urdel a-ro141 'Sulpueds pue s-axe1 p"ap-oJ uo puoial rue a'u1,req lnoql!,, susp'roroc a-rnfur flaraaos pFo,$,,I^--"^{_1^11T"r*v ;,i iaessec airr"r.p"i .z 66r ,z6.raqwe1dag polEp TIAIC fq pa.reda.rd luaunrop B rrro{ u-or1ew.ro3,ur ppe ol g"i, pu1rn".p uaql uosgg urf 'uorlellruq relJo lunorrru aruos qlr.a ,1o.r1uan IBDoI ulelar puisuorrrnlrs Jprol ssarppe o?sarltpdrcrunu.roy d1;gqgeg oql paralo 1r isnecaq 1 .olq luaupuauv 01 pa.reduoc olqelepd sen' psodord r'ql rIoJ qou 'lorl'q aql uo 1ba 1ou pq qcH' (TI Ic) anSBa-I [BoprunIAJ op'roroc aql ,{q pauoddns puu pesodo.rd sBni teqt ornseaul uor}Elrrull xB? raqlouB €Bi$, araql 8u-L(Bs se procor uo o3 o1 pa{se^aur^arl qog 'pealoaa spoilu feafn{'p".""""ii13, po.rtnbe.r oq p.o^r leql sa*B4lo'u'x 3w?oa*3urp.re3er nraauor _popnlcm uorssnclSp Jaglmd .s.raaaod pd5cgnu ,I€roI PIrE alru-a'oqJo ruawlrslmr ptlualoc s.1 'oN ruo'pua";v qrr rl'ap qcqrr uorrnlosar slw uI suorsraord prauoS oruos araa a.req1 pelecppuT qll,s{ss ,t "r1 .o"4r1 s'^a o10A E OroJag 'fa[{cng qog ucE puoms B qlln ,266_rJosiueg;ir'.oi; offi1orq1^"n*ddu o1 paaoru uosqrc u-rf '966I .ro3 peuueld g ,(uarqi.rHJo iuruap.u pus qlpd e1-rg uoEiunf p,,aoc aql roJ Eupung "lets pozprpdoaf go dlpllqpsod aq1 EuSpnlaur-,1 .,i1ql""i[**Vi st?Bq,rrsrp pqualod lnoqu fgeFq aqods qcr,u-reg a als 'Il'u-ul-on.' aql pBar,ssiy,.a1sg .roreia :prdg'.'od{; IBrauac '266r 'g JaqEsa^oN arn uo .rdadde -m,o wFlru 't nN lieupoa-y o1 uorlrsoddo s.Fctrnoc uruo;, ge6 Sulrelaap uoqnlosar s .u 66I JO se.r.rag .g1 .o1.1 uoqnlosag sBra g .oN EslI 'aur1 r(ue 1e popuaruB aq pFoc eSueqc srql pa10u s'na 1r'a40A orrl rog:y .posoddo urdel ua;41 ?d-,e;;;uorlour aql pue ua{q uoqt se,ra. qoa y .uonsanb aq1 palpJ uosqrg ir;zooi;g "rtil"nolrl uo uoqcalg lerauac arll 1B passed rlua*puo*v acn:g oq1" ,1 .oplia*puourvJ:r {rr'pcrl.red 'sraloa pag;pnb puB quapFar se pagpeds aq ppoc x'r ;ql smied s.rarlro ssaursnq osoql roqlaqir Surp're8or uorssncsrp Jal-rq rauv Aotr o? alqer.norcs (aru A) preog EuqallreI{i("IFA L.EA 9rn Sutdael Jo flr'aru e se u@;;r o1 uorir,ro.rd rasfrll,ear rnoJ aql palu'^r aq Pa?Els urdel ,r:e141 'ua{Bl sB/r1, a10A B'oroJag,_au-r^a'I qou EO,rJ puoJos B r{lT.ta.8urpBoJ ls'rg uo '266I Jo sauas '82 'oN acu'lrrprg elo:dde or paAo.o uosqid *lr _.llnJ uI onll or{l PBar ssoFalsg -ro.{e1q 'Euqaq.rery roJ osuocn ssauTsng l'nuuv - }[9 .ro1ae{i rlia,iili"p.ii Eurpua?:o 'LreA Jo o og,^aqi ;o-apog pai-rrnp aqt Jo ,uorleurruia;,_ 0rl,?0.g qorlJas Surpuaue aJrr'rrrpro ue 'Fuo'eir rsrs 'z'6ai yo sauaj ,bz .oti ""fourpro sE^{ , .oN uEI 'pasoddo uosqrC qrf c0P y Ffl_t 7 5 Sottth Frontage Roail Vail, Colorailo 81657 t 0t -479-21 t 8 / 47 9 -21 1 9 Departmcnt of Commanity Dcaclopmcnt August 4, 1992 Dennis G. and M. J. Cleland P. O. Box 95 Manhattan Beach, CA 90226 Re: Lot 10, Block 9, Vall Intermountaln 2755 Snowberry Drlve Dear Mr. and Mrs. Cleland: The Vail Town Council will meet on Tuesday evening, September 1, 1992, at 7:30 p.m. Included in the agenda will be an amendment to the town's Rockfall Hazud l'rlap to remove your property from rockfall deslgnation. Should you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at the above address or phone number. Sincerely, @,r Timothy N. Devlin Town Planner TND4h luwn u l|al 75 south lronlaEe road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 olflce of communlty develoPmenl May 26, 1988 Mr. Peter Jamar Peter Jamar Associates Suite 308 l-08 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado eiesz Re: Lot L0, Block 9,VaiI Intermountain Subdivision Dear Peter: I have received the topographic survey for Lot 10, Btock 9,rntermountain subdivision and i.t appears that a re-subdivision of this lot wilr not compry with the rown of vail subdivision Regulations. There is a requirement of L5,OOO square feet of buirdable area per rot in the primary/secondary ione district.The 1ot in question contains only 5,660 square feet of site area that contains slope of less than 4O?. If you have any questions, please contact me a 476-7000. Sincerel-y, (t,o 'tru"^l Rick Pyhnan Town Planner RP:br : tnt';n u !fil Ti.l$",,o" r.luu' t303) 476-5613 Itay 11, 1981 Janlce CiatrPa ir,:':'. 816s8 Dear Jani ce *':r:: llu'?1""H"f;:*::'?'#:"#':' 44 '344 square reet Trr e total G:g'-' 1:.: id""?::?i t H:',:::i.:*"::t,t:L::: ;:' llil'.il"ti?3t";oli;"' "i'i cnrn' Senior Planner PP:bPr \...'t,Peter Paiten Scnror Pr!hncr DeParlmenl ol Comrnunrly Develcpmenl ciepartment of community development {': Hl"ll;-ll:*