HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL INTERMOUNTAIN BLOCK 9 LOT 16 LEGAL FILE.pdf75 Soath Frontage Road
Vail, Colorailo 81657
301 -47 9-21 1 I / 47 9-21 19
Dcpartment of Community Deuclopme nt
November 10, 1992
Mr. Enrin Bachrach
PO Box 2236
Avon, Colorado 81620
RE: Town Council Meeting Minutes Amending Town of Vail Rockfall Hazard Map
Dear Mr. Bachrach:
Enclosed please find the Town Council meeting minules from October 6, 1992, which
amended the Town of Vail's Master Rockfall Hazard Map. This amendment officially removed
Lots 10, '12, 13, 14, 15, and 16, Block 9, Vail Intermountain, from their previous designation as
being located in a Moderate Rockfall Zone.
Thanks again for calling this matter to our attention. Please do not hesitate to contact me if I
can answer any questions that you may have.
-// " /t /
'//ilfr/(,#{h'iim o'evtin \!
Town Planner
Kristan Pritz
A regular-meeting of the vail rowa council was held on Tuesday, october 6, 19g2, in the Council Chambers of the vail Municipal Building. Merv LapGGxJ the meeting to order at 7:45 P.M.
ocToBER 6, 1992
7:30 P.M.
Pegry Osterfoss, Mayor
Merv Lapin, Mayor Pro-Tem
Jim Gibson
Tom Steinberg
Rob LeVine
Bob Buckiey
Jim Shearer
IIOWN OFFICIALS pRESENI: Ron philrips, Town Manager
Larry Eskwith, Town At0orney
Pam Brandmeyer, Assistant to the Town Manager
Martha,Raecker, Town Clerk
The first item on the agenda was Citizen Particiiation. John Mueller requested Council reconsider TO! noUW prohibiting street-cuts in r:,.,.,ily
"..oortro.rcJioads within the Town.Council agreed to hear this issue since Mr. Mueler's situation was considered. u-*g"o1 rt"
lequrred.a street-c-ut permit in order to access a sevrer line for B1B0 Booth Falls Road. Mr.Mueller indicated he had been given incorrect sewer inlct elevations Uy UAVWCS, *a li,access for sewer service connection was now too low to conncct. Cotcl, Larry GrJel, aoa Mr' Mueller reviewed site plans of the lot and area in question, analeuiewea three options for correctirt;l iire situation. During discussion, it, becamc clear the ssv7e1 inls! elevations prt*i:l:.u'i.u lrLr. Mueller by UEVW&s were.incorrect, and, irr i".t, qrused the resJiiog (.'.;f i\':" l,oblem. couacil advised Mr. Mu.;ller to pursue'relieilrom uEvw&s. After 1l;i i'i:'r''t'"1r', Rob I"eVine moved to allow Mr. Mueller 1n u-"rg"o.y exception to TOV policy
1, .i:rrCug street-cuts in newly reconstructed roads if there iere-no otler alternativis for r-esolving Mr. Mueller's problem, and with the condition that IMr. Mueller try to coordinatc the possibility of con-necting at l-ot ll., B0l0 Booth Felrs fipsd *itn ffnfrW&S. Jim Gibson seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passeil 4-2, Mayor Osterfoss ana ion DrcrnDerg opposed.
Iten N9. 2 o_n the agend-a was approval of the miqutes of [hc september 1, 1gg2, and leptember l'5, 1992 svsning meetings, and approval of the s"pt"Ju". zg, rrisi, sl""iJ Evening Meeting Minutes. Jim Gi6son -o".a to approvl 1L'o- ^i",rtu" of these three meetings, with a second from Tom SLeinberg. A vote'was taken uoa tn" -otio" pur.ua unanimgugly, g-Q.
Item No. 3 was ordinance No. J.0, series of 1^9gi, fiist reading, 3. or:din4sgs ,-ending Section 3.48.40 and 3'48.090 of the Municipal Code or tle rowo"or vuit to p*"ia" tu"t r[!Beal Estate Transfer Tax may be used for tie acqui-sition_and irnprovemcnt of real p-p",.,y within the limits of the Town or w:thin a mile-of the Town Uo.,oau.iur; proyiaiiig -;o.u
specifrcity as to whut th9 fuacls received by the Town pursuant ; th; Reat Estate T\.ensfer Tax can l:'t' uscd for; and setting !,.,rth details in regard thcrrc[.i. Mayor Osterfoss ,"ua in.tifln 1r tr^ii. Lary Eskwith explained this ordiaanie would.*uJilo RDTI ord.inance to .'i'I'f iunds to be used within the limits of the Town or wi[hin a mile of the Town itotr::car-ir:s. lt, would als-o clarify pur?oses for RETI funds. ,rifrCilson cxpressed opposition to rse of-the FF "public rights-oGway" in this ordinaacc. llc fclt the concept implied was too broad,.and landscaping of public rights-of-way was a Public works nupa"tneoTp.":"..r"not sornething to expend RETT funds on; how^everj Mayor osferfoss felt^landscapfig;;
Snqropriate in conjunction with development of recieational bike paths. Bill Wilto sia ne
lad n9 objection to the use of RETT fuads for appropriale projects iritnil a mile of the Town boundaries, but was strynctr opposed to use of i;:tirr funds ou-p"rrii. "igtts-oi-wul,,-.1,m $i!s-o1, BiIl Wilto, and Jo Brown asked for a clear de6nition or "puUtic righls-of-way.'i ertu"brief discussion, Rob Levi''e-moved to approve ord.inance No.^lo, series of 1g9f, on first
leading, with the addition of landscaping olrecreation paths as aa appropriate use of RETI funds. Tom Steinberg seconded the motion. A vote was taken a"d ihe motion passed, b-1,
aqt rJouar 01 la8pnq aq3 aSu'qa olJJe?s parJp of parpBar s'na snsuasuoc [cunoc .lq8rsraAo 8ut1e5pnq aW uT p"?f15^"-:"itpl *s eaalg paqsanbor os1e ruoJ .ura?sds lrsrre4 s'trl roJ aueu Sursseduocua-11e aroru B go uotlaelas eq? o. 1s"re1oi possi.rdxa "q,
,"Jiilpp,i uI 'stJnsar paFdwoc,aqlJ::I"(,F": ea1e1 pue 1"a*'irnq1 -.y "rroy:ls'? oqt ot aIqBIJB^E appu oq tuaurrut""t tfT pasodord aq11eq1po1se sso.;ro*O *r"ru .Lrs1 ot a11t,rper1 Eo{u€ql am PEyI Eo{I IIEA 04 srapF arour orois, ordql ,tql 1noq" rrr.,i,rl s.uoJ o} puodsar o1 foa'ms dgqs.rep-r-r B roJ op.Ew se.,t1sanba.r v 'snq aqrJo j"o".raro.** pue uope.rodo .ro3 Eur{ed oll pBazJJo u,$,oJ qll,\ .iugoldxa qgo^!, se,s, Bapr leq? peor8e 11coot3 .orqsraplr anl^pe€ll asBaraur pue arrordur 01 snq raql'rr' ruaql uEoI_ or p'r{ AoJ Jr uo^o .a.req1 ualsfs dool e e1e'rod'rocul ol peae.rnoc'o E alr p'q pjsouo"i a"a'q"i"iiH"t t"r*qr-d;r;;il,ffi
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'(e1ap '(z) pu' 'ruerfi*asea1 oa pi""go ngJ sasnq 616r orrA? rq pocelda.r oq plnoi^qcrqrtr o4nor €llJ^p'ql aql roJ pasn s_asnq orrq u_o sas'alJo u6peuiu.ral 111 :uelsfs .qunoc oqt roJ le8pnq leuoqBrado pasodo.rd aqi q s?sT?qc
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'pos!€J a.raal epua8e oql uo lou sura4r lero^as .lueuumofpe aroJag
uogour aqr p.'s ua{q uoql s€,t! aro^ v .oogo:^":1lu!.ro"",
"*nSrnrj$":#:H*rt:tfrJ o1 sFtduel 'rc ruo{ ra$ol '266I 'g i'r*f ar{r uo paseq palsanbii-se o"ry prBzEI-J nBJ:rJou JalsEtr J sa\o.L puaurB 01 po^ou urdel a-rary .s-aluaio"a pa'cuaraJar
"noq, "q1
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uorrrpp' a$ qrl.ra .0-g.,qsnouJu'rm passed uoqour aqr_pue ,""d"::,P #lf tiltllff;oql pa[Ec urdel a-re141 'Surpueds pue sbxel IEJapaJ]ro rcedLt rue al*nq 1.oq1* suep'roloc a-rnfan rlarairas plnoir.or^--"A-1llTr!W r; iaessed ai un"moi .6 66t ,zz .raqrueldag palep .II4IC .(q paredo.rd luauncop ri uar.1 uirlr*,o;o, ppe 01 gle1s papa.,rp uaql uosqrp rtrrf 'uoqElI.oII x'l Jo lrmo.o' a*os q'.r,* 'rorluoc [Bcor ulplal puisuorlenlrs lBcor ssarpp' ol sarlrledrrrunu 'ro5 '{1g1qpog "qr parag6 1r isnecaq 1 'o11 luewpua*V ol pareduoc alqelepd seon psodo'rd l'ql llal qou 'loll'q aq? uo 1a31ou pq qcH,* (TIAIb) enierl [BolcJunIll op'roloc oql rq papoddns pue pasodo.rd s'^i leqt "*r"iilidqt"T*ii#i;;,o"", .sB/t\ araql Eu-r,(es ss procor uo oE o1 po{se aurA€.I qoQI .paAIoAa spapu faapn{ p"rr"""il, y, pa.rmbe.r oq pFora l'ql sa'e{owq
8up.re€e.r uraauoc-papnlcw uorsincilp ""qur,.l
.sroaod pdnrrmu
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"l*s pazrpr'doaf go dlgrqrssod aqr sulpndu-r''r 'wi""'ili""-v i s-{c'q&Erp I'lruorod lnoqe fgeFq olods qcpu'reg o^a?s 'lFJ-u-r- anrl aqr psar 1s6g"asg lorury .roll'g uogcolg terouao 'u66I 'g ""qTi:I_"_T_13-:_"$9" ntlr rpFl,u ,I oN liewpueury o1 uorlrsoddo s.Fcunoc u,,roJ' ge6Sulrsl?op uoqnlosa.. 4 'AOOrp int"s .gr .ii1 ,'0u.,10rag se.u g .o11 ua11
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-epog pdri-mnry aqr jo 'uoilemiieS- ol,r.?0.9 uorrcas Eurpuatse orrrerrrDro ue sufirya.r 1s*g .a6oi io iar:aj .!6 .o1*1 'acriewpJo
sena p .oN ru"ll
'pasoddo uosqrC rmf
Fri_[ fiffFV
75 Soatb Frontage Rotd
Vail, Colortdo 81657
t 0t -47 9-21 t I / 47 9 -2 1 1 9
D epartment of Commanity Dcoelopment
August 4, 1992
David N. and MaryAnn Morgan
P. O. Box 1483
Vail, CO 81658
Re: Lot 16, Block 9, Vail Intermountaln
2744 Snowberry Drlve
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Morgan:
The Vail Town Council will meet on Tuesday evening, September 1, 1992, at
7:30 p.m. Included in the agenda will be an amendment to the town's Rockfall
Hazard Map to remove your property from rockfall designation.
Should you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at
the above address or phone number.
a,+"*.A'Dr"L^.p*Timothy N. Devlin
Town Planner