HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL INTERMOUNTAIN BLOCK 9 LOT 8 LEGAL FILE.pdfrl Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 t 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www,ci.vail.co.us September 25, 2001 Mr. Chris Ball 2835 Snowberry Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Completion of Landscape Work Dear Chris, On September 25, 2001, I completed a Final Certificate of Occupancy inspection for your residence located at 2835 Snowberry Drive&ot 8 Block 9, Vail lntermountail Subdivision Upon the completion of my inspection I determined that the work has been completed in accordance with Town of Vail Design Review Board approvals. Therefore, I have started the process to refund your cash deposit. You should receive a check by mail in the next several weeks. ln the meantime, should you have any questions or concems, please do not hesitate to call. I can be reached by telephone ^t 479-2145 . Sincerely, ".-*4.- ?"*'t ChiefofPlanning Town of Vail {p*nouor^o" DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT THIS AQREEMENT,-made and.entepd into this /l^ o"y otMSyi4fli]=-, rs?? , by and among(-litilS l:llll(c.- pto'h6i6tftttercallpd the ;Developer'), and the TOWN oF vAlL (hereinafter called the 'Town') and h ilziT ,/,rAr''( :t L"j: I L-(hereinafter called the "Bank"). WHEREAS, the Developer, as a condition of approval of the l",r|i'ia pfans, dated h) r-', ; i4 , 19ft, wishes to enter into a Developer lmpro Agreement;and WHEREAS, the Developer is obligated to provide security or collateral sutficient in the judgment ol the Town to make reasonable provisions for completion of certain improvements set forth below; and WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to provide collateral to guarantee performance of this Agreement, including construction of the above-referenced improvements by means of the following: Developer agrees to establish a cash deposit with the Town of Vail in a dollar amount of $ 2, tJC, . rr (25% ot the total cost of the work shown below) to provide security for the following: IMPROVEMENT P- rd l7^t r .-tJv -\J :b$' LAunsr.ap ttv) .r \wAI L\OATA\EVERYON E\FOHMS\DIACASH.DOC o o - P;, 1*q =q: S rS r4r d{G rilh,,*a{',. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the following mutual covenants and agreements, the Developer and the Town agree as follows: 1. The Developer agrees, at the sole cost and expenses, to lurnish all equipment anQ.material Lecessiry to perform and complete all improvements, on or before 3, ,l v t jJOc"t ' . The Developer inatt complete, in a good workmanlike manner, all improv'emehts as listed above, in accordance with all plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department, the Town of Vail, and to do all work incidental thereto according to and in compliance with the following: a.Such other designs, drawings, maps, specilications, sketches, and other matter submitted by the Developer to be approved by any of the above-referenced governmental entities. All said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to the satisfaction of, the Town Engineer, the Town Building Official, or other official from the Town of Vail, as alfected by special districts or service districts, as lheir respective interest may appear, and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as completed by the Town of Vail Community Development Department and Public Works Department. To secure and guarantee performance of its obligations as set forth herein, the 2. Developer agrees to provide security and collateral as follows: A cash deposit account in the amount of as escrow agent, shall provide the security fof the improvements set forth above if there is a delault under the Agreement by Developer. 3. The Developer may at any time substilute the collateral originally set torth above lor another form of collateral acceptable to the Town to guarantee the faithlul completion of those improvemenls referred to herein and the performance of the terms of this Agreement. Such acceptance by the Town of alternative collateral shall be at the Town's sole discretion. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any officer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occurring to ihe work specified in this Agreement prior to the completion and acceptance of the same, nor shall the Town, nor any officer or employee thereof, be liable for any persons or property inlured by reason of the nature of said work, but all of said liabilities shall and are hereby assumed by the Developer. The Developer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, and any ot its officers, agents and employees against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to which the F :\EVERYON E1FO RMS\DIACAS H. OOC 2of4 t Town or any of its ofticers, agents or employees may become subject to, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) that arise out of or are based upon any performance by the Developer hereunder; and the Developer shall reimburse the Town {or any and all legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by the Town in connection with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action. This indemnity provision shall be in addition to any other liability which the Developer may have. 5. lt is mutually agreed that the Developer may apply to the Town and the Town shall authorize for partial release of the collateral deposited with the Town for each category of improvement at such time as such improvemenls are constructed in compliance with all plans and specifications as referenced hereunder and accepted by the Town. Under no condition will the amount of the collateral that is being held be reduced below the amounl necessary to complete such improvements. 6. lf the Town determines, at its sole discretion, that any of the improvements contemplated hereunder are not constructed in compliance with the plans and specifications set forth in this Agreement on or before the date set forth in Paragraph 2, the Town may, but shall not be required to, redeem the letter ot credit as necessary to complele the untinished improvements. The Bank shall release such funds upon wriften request from the Town stating that the improvements have not been completed as required by this agreement. The Bank shall not require the concurrence ol the developer prior to release of the funds to the Town nor shall the Bank be required to verify independently that such improvements have not been completed as required by this agreement, but shall release such funds solely upon the Town=s written request. lf the costs ot completing the work exceed the amount of the deposit, the excess, together with interest at twelve percent per annum, shall be a lien against the property and may be collected by civil suit or may be certilied to the treasurer of Eagle County to be collected in the same manner as delinquent ad valorem taxes levied against such property. lf the permit holder fails or refuses to complete the cleanup and landscaping, ad defined in this chapler, such failure or refusal shall be considered a violation ot the Zoning Code. 7. The Developer warrants all work and material for a period of one year after acceptance of all work referred to in this Agreement by the Town if such work is located on Town of Vail property or within Town of Vail right-of-way pursuant to Section 17.'16.250. 8. The pafties hereto mutually agree that this Agreement may be amended from time to lime, provided that such amendments be in writing and executed by all parties hereto. F:\EVERYONE\FORMS\D IACASH.DOC 3 of4 t- Dated the day and year first above written. STATEOFCOLOHADO I ) ss. COUNryOFEAGLE ) wL--,BJ Developer t Planner, Community Development The foregoirlg Developer lmprovement Agreement ggs acknowlgJged before me this /?1A dav ot Vfui ,19? ? bv rha<r Wat*- Witness my hand and officialseal- My commissio n exp,res 4z-;z e, eaa S STATE OF COLORADO COUNry OF EAGLE day of My commission expires: ss. The foregoing Developer lmprovement Agreement was acknowledged before me this 19_ by Wtness my hand and officialseal. Notary Public F:\EVERYON nFORMS\OIACASH. DOC 4of4 oz OD o: F oz o5 lq U EI U !4 a q U E{ F] {ts >o za U ts nz Fi tr zo FT E rr 5 s E{ Ats zz &o otE 2b,!tl)to FE |, az ,{?!o F' FI Ei tlz oo A' )t e FT 74 ts z o ET EU zs7 E'l o orl F 'IA UO H z F' (l|o ^E>E : q.., 840 Fro !&& o Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. December 15, 1999 Mr. Chris Ball 2854 Snowberry Drive Vail, CO 61657 Re: Ball Residence (M&N #4322) Dear Mr. Ball: As requested, Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. recently conducted an observation of the site walls on the north side of the residence's driveway. The purpose of our observation was to observe the grout that had been placed in the walls. Based on our limited visual observation, it is our opinion the grouting of the walls has been done in general compliance with the intent of our letter of November 23,1999. If you have any questions or comments, please call. ENGINEERS,INC. Benchmark Road (97o) 949-7768 o Suite 2O4 . P.O. Box 7597 . Avon. Colorado 81620 o FAX (970) 949-4054 . email: mnengrs@vail.net Very truly yours, 70 1 1 / .).,f .'1 0QQ / - 'r'I'F L r..r'tf i' 0.7 95.6 €8{ J {-'\ J\.1.()&e; \ 14 6.0 4.3 +.2 ?<(/n,_ -\< \r "*''"'k-rr{; :eF$IilA\ dx=ry I 00.6 oo 9^itt qr*ilY fu hg,*"T€' '/--- rfuna K'f'x^t4 fi''nryfl&n,( oo ^ t4 % Vlnllq - \lo'rl /,v vilt fufuuuruttw,* Monroe & Newell Engineer\. Inc. November 23. 1999 Mr. Chris Ball 2854 Snowberry Drive Vail, CO 81657 Re: Ball Residence (M&N #4322) Dear Mr. Ball: Enclosed is a partial site plan of the boulder retaining walls on the north side of the residence. The shaded areas on the plan indicate portions ofthe wall that should be concrete grouted between courses. The grout should frll all voids and locktogether eachboulder such that at least 50 percent of each boulder perimeter is inside the grout. The upper two levels require grouting because the slope between the courses is steeper than design. The lower course requires grouting since it is greater than 4'-0" high and it cannot be verified that the wall base is 4'-0" wide. If you have any questions or comments, please call. Very truly yours, ENGINEERS.INC. .,7d;H:iffij':rtr' Benchmark Road (97O't 949-7 t-68 Suite 204 . PO. Box 1597 . Avon. Colorado 81620 FAX (970) 949-4051 . email: m nengrs @vail. net 70 BIG IXrc EJ(CAVATING, INc' POBOX3910 AVON, CO 81620 (vro)9494sv2 Fax (YtO) 9494E30 November 19,1999 Mcphee Constnr,ction Snoufoerry Dr., Vail Ball Residence Re:Proposal for Rock ura[ r€mq/al md replacement Matt: We prqce thefollowing 1 Remoral of existing rock wall 2 InSall rock wall ,as per or site eqgineer, to exact specificdions d said engineer 3 Clean dected aea to original conditions The total forthis pro,pocal is $9f55.fi). Please note this is a proposal oily and should it be accept€4 a contret will follow. for this eportuity to bi4 --(c-/ t Jol Perry, Prcsident, Blg Dog Excarainj" , P-,ut Inc. Accetredby: Date: . \,rff-i'.' ,'.l ,.{L" \l-!--iLi'' , r,\* I t ii.ril"' 'Fi aZ -= F-D -U El ; ; o Q ; F (J ;c lq |] o ; F ,,2 !() FF 2A (,a t.i E Er o o H U z ;d ir Ful oo llA F ots zz A]E F tsr Ei 2Z EO FE !b ro FE o FF (ll5 oo A' a d F z o F' =U ze1 EI :EI UU a Fi U k F o z Fr o : E> El Eqf, aoi 9ro! Receipl lunds lo. Name: (-h i-t Address: DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT,made and entered into this J9Io"v of [\)Du.'-b "r , E:17, by and among l' hrr.s ai (hereinafter called t[e "Develope/'), and the TOWN and ?, rs\-tra ''k- A L)r: ' I (hereinafter called OF VAIL (hereinafter called the the "Bank"). Developer agrees !o establish a cash deposit with the Town ot Vail in a dollar amount of $ l) t 4 3 7< (25h ot the total cost of the work shown below) to provide security for the following: IMPROVEMENT e)J,.-Jr l[ "Town" ) WHEREAS,theDeveloper,asaconditionof approval olthe CrlcL".^r. l( c-,-{llatr'.-.r^--l- plans, dated N)n c rQ ,19{q, wishes to enterinto a Developer lmprovement Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Developer is obligated to provide security or collateral sufficient in the judgment of the Town to make reasonable provisions for completion of certain improvements set forth below; and wHEREAS, the Developer wishes to provide collateral to guarantee performance of this Agreement, including construction ol the above-referenced improvements by means of the following: f-ea--o- ,,i + i-*fir.--"-".-f WAIL\DATA\EVERYONAFORMS\DIACASH.DOC 1of4 NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the following mutual covenanls and agreements, the Developer and the Town agree as lollows: 1. The Developer agrees, at the sole cost and expenses, to furnish all equipment ang[material necessary to perform and complete all improvements, on or before ,,\,".,-- l, )-Lar) . TheDevelopershall complete,inagoodworkmanlikemanner,all imp-rovements as listed above, in accordance with all plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department, the Town of Vail, and to do all work incidental thereto according to and in compliance with the following: cL-Such other designs, drawings, maps, specifications, sketches, and other matter submitted by the Developer to be approved by any of the above-referenced governmental entities. All said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to the satisfaction of, the Town Engineer, the Town Building Official, or other official from the Town of Vail, as affected by special districts or service districts, as their respective interest may appear, and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as completed by the Town ol Vail Community Development Department and Public Works Department. To secure and guarantee performance ol its obligations as set forth herein, the 2. Developer agrees to provide security and collateral as follows: A cash deposit account in the amount s1 S ; ) ) ri J Y5 to be held by the Town, as escrow agent, shall provide the security for the improvements set forth above if there is a default under the Agreement by Developer. 3. The Developer may at any time substitute the collateral originally set forth above for another torm oI collateral acceptable to the Town to guarantee the faithful completion of those improvements referred to herein and the performance of the terms ol this Agreement. Such acceptance by the Town of alternative collateral shall be at the Town's sole discretion. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any officer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occurring to the work specified in this Agreement prior to the completion and acceptance of the same, nor shall the Town, nor any officer or employee thereof, be liable for any persons or property injured by reason of the nature of said work, but all of said liabilities shall and are hereby assumed by the Developer. The Developer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, and any of its officers, agents and employees against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to which the F:'EVER YON E\FO RMS\DIACAS H. DOC 2 of1 Town or any of its officers, agents or employees may become subject to, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) that arise out of or are based upon any performance by the Developer hereunder; and the Developer shall reimburse the Town for any and all legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by the Town in connection with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action. This indemnity provision shall be in addition to any other liability which the Developer may have. 5. lt is mutually agreed that the Developer may apply to the Town and the Town shall authorize for partial release of the collateral deposited with the Town for each category of improvement at such time as such improvements are constructed in compliance with all plans and specifications as referenced hereunder and accepted by the Town. Under no condition will the amount of the collateral that is being held be reduced below the amount necessary to complete such improvements. 6. lf the Town determines, at its sole discretion, that any of the improvements contemplated hereunder are not constructed in compliance with the plans and specifications set forth in this Agreement on or before the dale set forth in Paragraph 2, the Town may, but shall not be required to, redeem the letter of credil as necessary to complete the unlinished improvements. The Bank shall release such lunds upon written request from the Town stating that the improvements have not been completed as required by this agreement. The Bank shall not require the concurrence of the developer prior to release of the funds to the Town nor shall the Bank be required to verify independently that such improvements have not been completed as required by this agreement, but shall release such funds solely upon the Town=s written request. lf the costs of completing the work exceed the amount of the deposit, the excess, together with interest at twelve percent per annum, shall be a lien against the property and may be collected by civil suit or may be certilied to the treasurer of Eagle County to be collected in the same manner as delinquent ad valorem taxes levied against such property. lf the permit holder fails or refuses to complete the cleanup and landscaping, ad defined in this chapter, such failure or refusal shall be considered a violation of the Zoning Code. 7. The Developer warrants all work and material for a period ol one year after acceptance of all work referred to in this Agreement by the Town if such work is located on Town of Vail property or within Town of Vail right-of-way pursuant to Section 17.16.250. 8. The parties hereto mutually agree that this Agreement may be amended from time to time, provided that such amendments be in writing and executed by all parties herelo. FlEVEBYONE\FOBMS\DIACASH.DOC J OI4 Dated the day and year first above written. tst*-,b S Developer( STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE SS. The loregoi4 /?t/' day ot-2 Developer lmprovement Agreement w,4s acknowledged before me this Witness my hand and officialseal. .a My commission e\pires U?,u-A 1/ latJ Planner, Community Development STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE ss. The foregoing Developer lmprovement Agreement was acknowledged before me this day of 19_ by Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: Notary Public F\EVERYONE\FORMS\D IACASH. DOC 4 of4 BALL RESIDENCE LOT 8, BLOCKg, INTERMOUNTAIN 2835 SNOWBERRY DRIVE MATERIAL BOARD EXAMPLE OF COLOR/MATERIAL PALLET WINDOWS: METAL CLAD EVERGREEN ROOF: ASPHALT SHINGLES: COMPLIMENTARY GREEN FASCIA TRIM: CEDAR STAINED EVERGREEN STDINGILOG ACCENT: NATIJRAL COLOR STUCCO: MEDIUM TEXTURE OFF WHITE COLOR December 16, 1998 FILE 0npy DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA WednesdaY, January 20,'t999 3:00 P.M. PROJECT ORIENTATION / LUNCH - Community Development Department 12:30 pm MEMBERSPRESENT MEMBERSABSENT Brent Alm Clark Brittain Hans Woldrich Bill Pierce Greg Moffet (PEC) slrE vlslrs 2:oo Pm 1. Arosa/Garmisch Employee Housing Site - Arosa/Garmisch 2. Mereles/Firman residence - 1924 Sunburst Drive 3. Nancy's Nest - 765 Forest Road 4.Driver: Jeff PUBLIC HEARING - TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 3:OO PM j. Nancy's Nest - Final review of a demo/rebuild of a primaryisecondary residene,e, Brent with a Type ll Employee Housing Unit z6s ror;lt noaa i lot 8, Block 2, Vail Mllage 6th Filing. Applicant: Nancy Adam, represented by Fritzlen, Pierce, srnith Architects MoloN: Clark Brittain SECoND: Hans Woldrich VoTE: 4-0-1 APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: 1. That the encroachments on site be removed, as required by staff. 2. Mereles/Firman residence - Conceptual review of an additioniremodel of a Allison primary/secondary residence. i984 Sunburst Drive/Lot 20, Vail Valley 3d Applicant: R. Mereles & R. Firman, represented by Fritzlen, Pierce, Smith CONCEPTUAL- NO VOTE 3. McDonald's - Building addition. George 2171 Norih Frontagehoad WesVLot 28, a Resub of Lot 2, Vail das Schone 3'd Filing. Applicant: George Greenwald MOTION: BillPierce SECOND:Greg Moffet VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: 1. That the approval is for the building only; additional sign approval is required. 4. Ball Residence - Final review of a new single-family residence. Jeff 2835 Snowberry Drive / Lot 8, Block 9, Intermountain' Applicant: Chris & Mary Ball, represented by Beth Levine MOTION: Clark Brittain SECOND: Greg Moffet VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED AS PRESENTED WTH A YOSEMITE GREEN ROOF 5. Arosa/Garmisch Employee Housing Site - Conceptual review of proposed employee Allison housing 6-Plex. Applicant Town of Vail, represented by Andy Knudtsen CONCEPTUAL - NO VOTE Staff Approvals China Garden Express - New signage. Brent '143 E. Meadow Drive/Crossroads East. Applicant: Sharon Mou Beaver Dam. LLC residence - Office addition. Allison 443 Beaver Dam/Lot 4, Block 4, Vail Village 3-. Applicant: Beaver Dam LLC Zevada residence - Revisions to previously approved plans. Brent 1337 Vail Valley Drive/Lot 4, Block 3, Vail Valley 1"t ' Applicant: Spadlniemational,Ltd. Daily Grind - Courtyard iron fence as required for liquor licensing. Brent 288 Bridge StreevRucksack Building. Applicant: Daily Grind Coffee Co. Solar Vail - Revised antenna location. Dominic 501 N. Frontage Rd. West. Applicant: Westem Wireless The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office in the'prqecl planneds office, locaied at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Fr' Road. Sign 1anguage interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 4752356, Telepho the Hearing lmpaired, for information. ao Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Ball residence Project Description: New single family residence Owner, Address and Phone: Christopher G. Ball and Mary M. Ball; Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Beth Levine, PO Box 1825, Avon, CO 81620 Proiect Street Address: 2835 Snowberrv Drive. Vail Legal Description: Lot 8, Block 9, Intermountain Parcel Number: Building Name: Comments: Board / Staff Action Motion by: Clark Brittain Seconded by: Greg Moffett Action: Approval Vote: 5-0 Conditions: Approved as presented; roof to be Yosemite green (dark green). Town Planner: JeffHunt Date: Jan. 20. L999 F:\EVERYONE\DRB\{PPROVAL\99\BALL DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $250.00 o tc 0Py TOITN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 FAX 970-479-2452 December 17, 1998 Beth Levine PO Box .1 825 Avon, CO 81620 Re:Ball Residence, 2835 Snowberry Drive, Lot 8, Block 9, Intermountain Dear Beth: On December 16'h, the Design Review Board (DRB) gave preliminary approval to the plans for the residence, with the following conditions: 1. A 1' wooden post off-set between different materials should be included in the north and south elevations. 2. Samples of roof materials should be presented for final DRB approval. 3. More aspens should be included on the south side of the residence. 4. Grading and retaining walls should be engineered, and address the comments from Public Works. These items need to be addressed by December 28th in order for the Planning Division to o,.iicduic ii re pioposai bci'ure lhe Design rievielv Board (DRB) for final review on January 6th. Otherwise, the items need to be addressed 10 days prior to the anticipated DRB meeting. The next DRB meeting after January 6'h is scheduled for January 20th. Please feel free to contact me aL970-479-2140 to discuss the project. Sincerely, Jeff Hun Senior Planner {p *"n"t"o 'o"^ TOWN OF VAII-, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81557 970-479-2L38 Clean-r-rpi approved amount clate Occupancy Dwellings Privat.e Garages DEPARTMENT OF COMMI]NITY DEVBLOPMENT NOTB: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT AI-,L TOV/Comnr. Dev. pRoJECT TrrLE: BALL RESTDENcE Pertt|.it J.^^t J^\'.-"-r h. 8ltc.( t (+ g TIMES 899-0065 : ISSI]ED : Oa/L5/L999 z O5/20/L999 z LI/L6/1999 SLatus.. Applied. Issued. . Expires. 80550 Numlcer of Dwelling FacEor Sq. FeeE. Deposit RefllnctEw (sFR'P/s'DIIP) PERMTT 4z- 9cb.' ,rnn qddress: 2835 SNOWBERRY DR t.l tl LocaEion. . . : 2835'SNoWBERRY DR av-=-?arcel No. . : 2103-1-43-01-038 Projects No. : PRJ98-0281 APPI-,IEANT BALL CHRISTOPHER G & MARY M 2854 SNOWBERRY DR, VAIL CO 84657 OlrlNER BAI-'L CHRISTOPIIER G & MARY M 2854 SNOWBERRY DR, VAIL CO 81657 CONTRACTOR MCPITEE CONSTRUCTION 1250 RIDGE WEST DRIVE, WINDSOR, CO Descriptsion: NSFR Phone:. 970-38L-9926 Type Zone 1 V-N Zone 1 V-N 81.50 21.30 SubE.otal: Tot.al Valuation: Town of Vall Adjusted Valuat.ion: 3, 095 524 3, 519 Unitss: 001 ValuaEion 252,242.50 LL,1-6L.20 263,403.70 263 ,403 .70 325, 000.000 Table Date: 05/L7/L996 Fir€place InforEatsion: RosErictcd: Y #Of (;a€ Applianceg: *of Oas Lo96: *Of Wood/Pallot: FEE SUI4!{ARY suilding-----> Plan ch6ck- - _ > Inve6tigation> will call- ---> 1, 640 .00 1? 056 . OO .00 t.oo - o0 200 . o0 464 -25 500 . o0 Regtuaranb Plar! Revt 6r- - > DRB F66-------- Recteabion Fee---------- > clean-Up Depoeit--- --- - - > TOXAT, FSES----- lotaL calculated Pee€---> 3,871 .25 Adaitsional Fc.d--- ------> . Oo TotalPcrnj.CFce--------> 3,913.25 Payrnent6-- ----- 3,473,25 BAI.ANCE DI'E.... .OO rt.em: 05100 BUILDTNG DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDTNG Division: O4/L5/L999 .JRM ACtrJ-ON: NOTE PLANS TO CIIARLIE 04/26/1999 CIIARLIE AcEion: APPR charli-e dawis Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARIMENT Dept: PLANNING Diwisj-on: 04/T5/1.999 .]RM ACtriON: NOTE PI,ANS TO PLANNER 04/23/L999 .IHUIVT Action: APPR no lower kitchen Item: 05500 FTRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: 04/26/1,999 CTTARLIE Actj-on: APPR n/a rtem: 05500 PIIBLIC WoRKs Dept: PIIB WORK Division: o4/1-5/L999 JEM Act.ion: NorE PLANS ro GREG ArilD LEoNAR 04/29/t999 r,sAt{DovA AcEion: APPR approved rtem: 05550 ENGINEERING Dept: ENGINEER Division: o4/L5/L999 JRrtl Action: NOTE SAME PI,ANS ROUTED 04/29/1999 JR]II ACEiON: APPR APPROVED PER GREG See Page 2 of this Document. for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS t hcreby acknouledga thats I have r6ad thi6 application, filled ouC in full Lhe infornation required, co,ltPl€ted an accurats plo! pLan, and 6caee Chat all che infornation providcd aB lcquired i5 correct. I agrea tso cotiply riEh lh6 inforaaEiotl and Elots plan, to corrply r.ith all Tortr ordinsncG! and stsatsc 1ar6, and to build Ehj.s struccur.e according co tshe Toth's zoning .Dd t|u.Hirri6ion codc6, deeig'n rcvi.y apptovcd, Unifor[ Buitding Codc and oEh6r ordinancoB of tha fofn applicablc tsherelo. REQLESTS FOR TNSPESTTONS SHATTL BE rrADE I'l{EltTv - FOUR HOURS rN ADVATICE BY S6nd clcan-up D.po6it Tor chriB BalI PAGE 2 **********************:t********************************************************* Permit #: 899-0065 StsaEus: ISSUED **********************:t****************************************************:r:l*** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAI as of O5/2O/99 PETMiT T\PC: NEW (SFR,P/S,DI'P) PERMIT ApplicanE: BALL CHRISTOPIIER G & NIARY M Job Address: 2835 SNOWBERRY DR I.,OCAEiON: 2835 SNOI{BERRY DR Parcel No: 2103-143-0L-038 Applied: O4/L5/L999 Issued: 05/20/L999 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS ******************************************************************************** 1-. THIS PROJECT WII,L REQUIRED A STTE TMPROVEMEI{:T SURVEY. SUCH SIIRVEY SIIALL BE SIJBMITTED Al{D APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR A FRAME INSPE TION. 2. make note of corrections redlined on plans 3. MCPHEE SHOI]LD BE CONTRACTOR. o TO9F{ OF VAIIJ, COLOR.IDO SEaEcEnt gtsacGnnt Nur!b.r: REc-oS2L Anoutlu: at673.25 O5/2O/9t Oet!4 Payuent [t.Ehod: cK NotaEion: 5026 Inir: Lc P€-uiL No: 899-0055 Type: B-BUILD NEI{ (sFR,P,/s,DuP) PE Parccl IiIo : 21,03 - L43 - 01-03 A siE6 Addraad: 2835 SNOWBERRy DR f,ocation: 2835 SNO}IBBRRY DR ToEal Fccs: 3 ' 8?3.25 Ttris Pal,Ilcnt 3,673.2s aoErL tr,L Pals: 1,a12-25 EaJ,aac6: .00 tilitr*rrrit+rr Dcscription BP OO1.OOOO31111OO BUII,DI}IG PERIi'IT FSBS PP ooLoooo3ll2f,oo PLAN CIBC( FEBS Accouttc Code A! D2 -DEPOS loount 1,540.00 1,065.OO 500. o0 161.25 3. OO dIE.ANT'P DEPOSITS RE' 111000031L2700 RECRSATIOIT FEES wc 0010000311,2800 rfrl,r, CALL II{SPECITON FEE IF 'o OE F oz .o "; o B FT o E a 04 U ci tst o tr F (, F "z do F(J tsFr AO l(lq Fi F E tsl o F Fi F lo A zz FIE ) F FF ZA TO F= bF,az dp ro E{= FFI H r.z (,r5 oo A= EI I o F! 6 FI z tit c EO zra R F'Ern o ('I{F. CO tl '{O oo H a F o FI z FI Fl : ,; E>o Fl E {.r ao d Fto t rowN oF vArL?NSrRUcroN 'ERM,, orf,"AroN F'RM Contacl the Eaole Countv Assesso/s Offrce at 970-328-8640 for Parcel # Parcet # J, t o 3 lr{Ju ,J'o.3y-' ,",*,u 3?9- oo(o5 rob Address' 2 I Job Name: BrrrLDrNG: $-,315!8() -PLUMBING $ ' k;13,2b OTHER: $ TOTAL $ GoNTRACTOR INFORMATTON .Lw/r- Generar contracror , n r,fbff=J1o"nuffiR, r,o-l^,rn h ,W,,rt)sn,C,!-- '' VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $ MECHAMCAL$ FOR OFFICE USE . rown orVair RegistratiooNil'"'-- lEt -B pno** 4 70 ' 39 | - 'l'72( €.. At,- r' El^ gr^ {Q.^.,-z -t At,n-, /1 nala 1.\t$Ur"*,tn*, ARNotc, Eler-etc: Address: Pc (3cxsgl- , /ll'(our1o Kolac , Town of Vail Registration No.- pnon"* I ' ? W - 6(0')31 3 -.S..^ - offi m-t rc-t S"r,*r"*ntr*r, Rx,r, /\or*^,nl flrniyn:*,", }y _ fu- 6nu"l*G so$q Town of Vait Resistration No. Y ,oo*n 77O - 33a " F47 C M, ll Hrn;,"rrs,hnlt;ta #o*o,, Po.6x2?. E"ql. r'. &6(a\ ! atrrrqrtatrrrdr Lrrlrtr 4t,tur . -v foql. r'o tl6 UnJ Town of Vail Regisration No.- nnone *-7 / C''- 7 1999 BUILDING: SIGNA ZONING: pate: ACr?.re I Da (ntc Building (/ Plumbing (r-| Electrical (, Mechanical (a) Other ( ) Legat Description: Lot !' Block-f Filing soaai-sionZAtt-Tn'f PRlT,*'rvStt tt't) Description of Job:Srrv6re- Fn utell ttt.t Work Class: New Mf Alteration ( )Additional ( )Repair ( )Other ( ) Number of Dwelling Unis: /Number of Accommodation Units: Number and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances casLogsJ Wood/Pellet a*ners N**LAfut t- Nvtt 6tt^ oo*or, )X 1 S. rr Letrc r,, C8, Va, r - ynoo"* 1 z o -u47 e1'?€ 36 x*;twt: Belti Lc-vrr,t- oo**,PC. 6* ig5 A,l*,i ( o eaore*77o-fi1!;;$p17 SIGNA q*, tcr '*f4 tt" o ?rR-Zs-d*s/.'\ //lJ.4//I h Inter-ltlountain ||*gineeringr.d- Tqq:9?u I\, co?t UPDATE sorls ry"l"Jil3$&T rNVE srrqArroN VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN SUBDIVISION EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO PREPARED FOR: MR. CHRIS BALL 2854 SNOWBERRYDRIVE VAIL, COLORADO 81657 Project No. 98-0293G January 13, 1999 8392 Continental Divide Road, Suite #107 . Uftleton, Colorado 80127 . Phone: 303/948-6220 . Fax: 303/948-6526 77 Metcal{ Road, #200 . Box 978 o Avon, Colorado 81620 . Phone: 970/949-5072. From Denver Direct: 893-1531 'a ,a l{ a, .i t r ra t' TABLE OF CONTENTS SUMMARY. ....'..'..1 PURPOSEAI.ID SCOPE OF STUDY.. .........'..1 srTE coNDITrONS........... ................:.... PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION........... ........................--'.-'..2 SUBSIJRFACE CONDnONS .................. .....'.."..........'...-.2 CONCLUSIONS AIID RECOMMEI{DATIONS '.....'......r'..3 Geologic Hazards ............'.....'.' ..-'.....'..3 Excavation Characteristiss i. $ite Grading ....................3 Foundations. ................:.r.. .....-.-.'.'.-'.-'..4 Concrete Slabs-on-Grade ....'......'.'..'..'..6 Foundation Walls and Retaininc Structures ......'....-'.- 6 Underdrain System .'..'.....7 Surface Drainage --.-'.-..-'..7 LrMITATIONS................... ....-..-8 FIGI]RE I _ SITEPLAN FIGI]RE 2 - TY?ICAL WALL DRAINDETAIL APPENDD( A - FIFI -D INVESTIGATION FIGIJRES A.I THROUGH A-3 _ LOGS OF TEST PITS LEGENDAI{DNOTES APPENDD( B - LABORATORY TESTING TABLEB.I- SUMMARY OF LABORATORY TESTRESIJLTS 2. t. SI.JMMARY Subsurface conditions €ncountered in our ergloratory test pits at the site generally consisted ofapproxirnately 3 to 4 feet oftopsoil underlain by native soils. The native soils generdly "oosirt a of sandy silt and ortended to the maximum S-foot depth of our test pits. Groundwater was not encoufltered in our test pits at the site. We recommend conventional spread and./or continuous footings bearing on native soils or new structural fill be used to support the proposed residence. Fmtings may be designed for a maximum allowable bearing pressure of 2,000 psf. PTJRPOSE A}.ID SCOPE OF STT]DY 'This report prcsents the results of an updarc soils and foundation investigation for the propoced constnrction of a residential structure on lot 8, Block 9, of the Vail Intermountain SuMivision in Eaglc County, Colorado. This report is an updarc of otr October 1986 Strb and Fotudatton Imtestlgation for Proposed Resldence, Lot 8, Block 9, Vatl Internnuntain Development Subdi}dstotl fugte County, Colorado. The project site is shown on Figure l. Thc study wqs conducted in accordance with the scope of work outlined in our December 23, 199E, proposal to Mr. Cbris Batl to satisfy Eagle C-ounty requirements. This report has been prepared to summarize the data obained during the study, and to present or conclusions and rccommendations for the proposed construction based on the subsurhce couditions encountered. The recommendations contained herein are intended to uPdato those of the 1986 r€port with regard to additional information obtained during the surrent investigation and ctcent shndads of practice. Design paramsters and a discussioo of geotecbnical engineering considerations related to the construction of the propoeed residence are included in the report. Tbe scope ofthe study consisted ofa review ofthe 1986 reporq a site reconnaissance and the excavation of tbree test pits within the proposed development area. Laboratory tcsts were performed on sclectcd samples obtained from the test pits to obtain information on pertineot geotcchnical engineering prc'perties. The scope of wor* did not include general or site specific slope stability or geologic hazard analyses. O SITECONDMONS The zubject site consists of an approximately 0.4-acre lot located north of Snbwberry Drive in the Vail Intermountain Subdivision in Eagle County, Colorado. The lot is curreirtly vacant and is vegetated with pine and aspen tre€s as well as brush and weeds. Approximately 2 to 4 feet of snow covered the lot at the time of our field investigation. The lot slopes moderately to the northwest with total eler"ation change across the lot of approximately 30 feet. The site is bound to the south by Snovrberry Drivg to the west and north by cxisting residences, and to tlo east by .vacant land. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION No project plans are ctrreotly available, but it is anticipated tlat development will consist of a two- or tbrec-story structure ticred into the billside with a walk-out basement. It is anticipated tbat significant grading will be rcquired to construct a building pad with cuts and fills of up to approximately 8 fe€t. No information on r€taining walls is availablc, but it is assumcd any walls constructed will be no more ''-n t feet in height. If project plans vary significantly from those described above or depicted in this re'port, Inter- Mountaia Engineering sholld be cofiast€d to review an4 if necess:rry' rwise the recommendations coutained herein. STJBSTJRFACE CONDMONS Information on subsurfrce conditions was obained by logging thr€c test pits at the site. Ad{itional information rcgardi4g the field investigation and logs of the test pits are included in Appendix A. Iaboratory t€st results werc performed on selected samples from the test pits. A description of laboralory testing and test results are included in Appendix B. Generdly' subsurBce conditions coosisled oftopsoil overlying native soil. Underlying approximately 3 to 4 feet of topsoil, native sandy sift was encountered in our crptoratory fest pits. The native soil ortended to the maximum S-foot depth of our test pits. Iaboratory test results indicate the native soils have low plasticity indices. A review ofswell' consolidation tests pcrformed for the 1986 report indicafes the soils bave negligible to vcry low swell poteffial. Groundwater was not €n@untered within our t€st pits and a near-surhcc groundwater table is not anticipated at this site. However, perched grbundwater surhces can develop a.nd are .not gncommon in hillside areas. Groundwater levels may vary seasonally with snowmelt and precipitation. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS Ceolsgie&zale A detailed slope stability or geologic hazard analysis ofthe project site or the area in general was nqt within the scope of this rqtort. Tfu Bedrock Geologic, Surfictal Deposits, and Potenttal Geologtc Heard4 fugle Cottnty, Colorado, nraps by Charles S. Robinson & Associates, Inc. (1975) indicate the sirc is within a slope frilure complo<- This is described as "Large arcas of frilure of sgrficiat and bcdrock units . May consist of a combination of slopc frilure t1pes.' The scope ofthis report did not includc analysis of landstide or slope frilure potemial affecting tho lot or the project area in general. We recommend an engineering geologist be consulted to evaluate potential landslides and/or slope instability atrecting the lot. Excavation Cbaracteristics Excavations into the topsoil and native soils at this site may generally be accomplished with light to moderate effort utilizing conventional heavydutygrading equipment. Large boilden were not encountered within our t€st pits but may be present at other locations undcrlying the sitc. Sitp Grading l. Grading shorld begin with the removal and exportation of vegetation and deleterious maferiat from the ar€as to receive fill or improvernents. Topsoil should be removed to expooe nativc soil. 2. Structural fill underlying foundations and within a l:l zone extending &om the base of footings should be compacted to a minimum 100 percent of the standard Proctor density at a moishue contefr at or slightly above optimum. All other fill, unlcss otherwise specified herein, should be compacted to a minimum 95 percent of the maximum standard Proctor density al or slightly above optimum moistur€ contetrt. 3.Fill materials shoutd consist of a nonenpansive material with a ma,timum liquid limit of 35 and a manimum plasticrty indel< of 10. Fill should be free of organic and deleterious matter' Fill within 5 fcet of foundations or slabs on grade and within 2 feet of surface improvements should not contain rock fragments greater than 8 inches in maximum dimension. Rock pieces may be placed in deep fill or landscape areas. Fill placed on slopes must be benched into the existing hillside. Failure to bench may lead to slope instability and settlemenl Benches should be cut a minimum of 3 feet horizonhlly into the slope and bave a ma:dmum heigbt of 4 feet. Benches should remove any looee soil ergosed on thc slope. 5. Deep cuts in the ste€p hillside may criarc slope instability. Detail€d slope stability analysis was nd within tbe scope of this report. lt is the contractor's responsibility to maitilain crccavation and slope stability during construction. The potential for instability can gencrally bc decrcascd by pcrforming construstion dudry dry wcather, bV limiting the depth of o<carratioos and by maintaining moderate inclinations on excavations and temporary slopes. Forndations l. Convelrtional spread and continuous footings bcaring on bedrock or new structual fill rnay be utilized to support the proposed residence. Footings bearing on native rcils or new structunl fill may be desiped for a ma:rimum atlowable bearing pressure of 2,000 psf. 2. Footings shorld have a minimum width of 16 inches for continuous footings and 24 inches for sprcad fmtings. 3. Exterior footings and footings beneath uheated areas should be provided with adequafe soil cover above thcir bearing elevation for frost protection. Placement of foundations at least 48 inches below o<terior grade is typically used in this alea. 4. 5. 6. 4. The lateral resistance of a fcnting placed on undisturbed bedrock and/or properly compacted structural filt will be a combination ofthe 5liding resistance ofthe foundation materials and passive earth pressure against the side of the footing. Resistance to sliding at the bottoms of the footings may be calculated based on an allowable coefficient of friction of 0.25. Passive pressure against the sides of the footings rnay b calculated nsing an allowable equivalent fluid unit weigbt of 250 pcf. Compacted fill placed against the sides of footings should be a granular material meetiog the requiremsds for stuctural fill underlying footings as gtven under Site Gradinc. Fill should be compacted to a minimum 95 percent of the standard Proctor density at a moisilre conteNf at or sliglrtly above optimum. Appropriate reinforci4g for the footings should be provided by the sEuctural eogineer. Coatinuous foundation walls shorld be reinforced top and bottom to span an unsupported length ofat least l0 f€et. Where improvements are planned near the top of a slope steeper tban 3:l (horizontal:vertical), special foundation and/or desigo considerations are recommended due to the tendency for lateral soil movement. o For slopes less than 20 feet high, luilding footings should be deepened such that the bofiom outside edge ofthe footing is at least 7 feet horizontally from the frce ofslope. r Where the height of thc slope orcecds 20 fect, thc minimum horizontal distance should be increased to II/3 (whcre H equals the vertical distance from the top ofslope to the toe). . Alttough othor improv€rn€nts which are relafively rigid or brittle, such as consrete flatwork or rnasonry walls, may oqerience some distress if locarcd near the top of a slopg it is generally not considered economical to mitigate this potential. It may b€ possible, however, to incorporate design measures which would permit some lateral soil movement without causing erdensive distress. tnter-Mountain Eagineering Ltd. should be contacted for spccific recommendations. A representative of the geotechnical engineer should observe all footing excanations prior to concrste placement. 7. O Concrete Slabs-on4rade l. The native on-site soils, exclusive of topsoil, are suitable to support lightly to moderjtely loaded slab-on-grade construction. To reduce the effects of some differential movement floor slabs should be separ*ed from all bearing walls and columns with expansion joints allowing uorestrained vertical movement. 2. Floor slab control joints should be used to reduce damage due to sbrinkage cracking. The control joint spacing and slab reinforcement requirements should be established by the designer based on experience and the intended slab use. 3. A minimum 4-inch layer of freedraining gravel sbould be placcd beneath the slabs. This material shorld consist of minus 2-inch aggregate with less thrn l0 percent passing the No.4 sievc and less than l0 percent passing the ]{o. 200 sieve. Where moishrre sensitive floor covcrings are plannd a moishre barrier should be placed above the gravel layer. If a moishrrc barrier is usd prmutions should be taken to aroid slab ctrling as a rcsult of differential curing. For instancc, a minimum 2-inch layer of sand rnay tle placed betvreen the moisture barrier and the slab to absorb water during the curing period. Foundation \ilalls and Retaining Structures l. ndaining walls not r€strained at the top and having a lwel bacldll surfaco should be designed for the pressure ocerted by an equivalent fluid pressure of 40 pcf. \{here the bacldll will b€ incline4 at no steeper than 2:l (horizontalvertical), ao equivaled fluid pressure of 50 pcf is recommended. Restrained walls should be desiped using an equiwletr fluid pressure of 50 pcf for level bacldll and of 60 pcf for bacldll inclined at no steeper -qen 2:1. The above pressures assume properly compacted granular bacldll with no hydrostatic forces and no imposed surcbarge load. Bacldll should consist of maferial witb less than ?0 percent passlng the No. 200 sieve' a maximum liquid limit of 35 and a maximum plasticrty index of 10. Most of the on*ite soils are considered suitable for use as bacldll. Howcver, materials over 8 iDches in matcimum dimension should not be placcd within the backfill. Backfill should be compacted to Hween 93 and 97 percert ofthe maximum standard Proctor density. 3. 4. The above pressur€s assum€ drained conditions behind the walls. The buildup of wafcr bebind a wall will increase thd lateral pressure impoced on a foundation or retaining walt. Rctaining walls should be provided with a drainage system as depicted on Figure 2. Waterproofing should be provided as required by the project architect. Retaining wall footings should be designed in accordance with the recommendations given under Foundations. '5. The above recommendations are generally applicable to the design of rigid concrete or nrasonry retaining waUs having a maximum height of t feet. In the event walls higber tban 8 feet or otler tlpes of walls, such as mecbanically-stabilized earth walls, are plaand Inter- Mountain F.ngineering should be contacted for further recommendations. Underdrain Svstem i l. Betow grade structres should bc protected by an underdrain and perimeter drain ryatem' Althougb groundwater was not @countered in orr ocplorafory €xcavations, it has besn our ogerience tbat locat perched water &€quently dwelops in hillside areas subs€quent to development. 2. The underdrain system should consist of the layer of free{raining gravel connected to perimeter drains. The perimeter drains should consist of a minimum 4-inch diameter eloted pipe at the base ofa trench surrounded above thc invert level with free{raining gravel. The gravel should extend up to slab lwel. The drain pipes should be placed at least two f€et bclow the bottom of the floor slab and drain at a minimum gndieot of I perccnt to a posfive drainage outlet. Surhce Drainage l. Adequate drainage is imperative to rcduce the potential for differential soil movement, erosion, and subsurface se€page. Under no circumstances should water be allowed to pod adjacent to footings. Tbe sirc should be gnded and maintained such that surhce drainage is directed away from the strus:hre and the tops of slopes into swales or other controlled drainage devices. The grorod surfrce surrounding the exterior of the building should be stoped to drain away from the foundation in all directions. We reoommend a minimum slope of6 inchcs in the first l0 feet in unpaved areas and 3 inches in the first l0 fe* in parred areai. noof ana pavement drainage should be directed onto sptashblocks or iuto conduits which carry runoffaway from the proposed structure. 3. kndscaping irrigation should not be used within 10 feet of the foundations. It is recommended these areas not be vegetirted. If the owner utrderstands the increased risk of foundation and slab distrpss and chooses to vegetate the areas adjacent to the residence, it is imperative tlat vegetation requiring minirnal moisture be used. LIMTATIONS This report bas been prepadd in accordancc with generally acc€pted geotechnical orgine€ring practices in this area to satisry Eagle County requirements. No other warrdnty is ogrcssed or implied. This report is issued with the understanding tlat it is the responsibitity of tbe owacr, or his representative, to @sure that the infornation and recommendations contained hcrein are incorporated into project desigrr and constuction and that the nec€ssary steps are taken to see tbat the coutractor and subcoffactors carry out such reconmlendations in the field. Tbis report bas becu prepared for the orclusivc use ofthe addressee for the proposcd constnrction at Lot 8, Block 9 of the Yail Intermountain Subdivision in Eagle County, C-olorado. The use of this document or thc information containcd herein by any otler Person or eftly is not authorized. In the event any orttrer person or entity desires to use .' is docament or the information contained herein for any purposg Inter-Mountain Engineering must be contact€d to obtain wrifien autlorization. The findings of this report are valid as of th present date. However, cbanges in the conditions of a property can occur with time, whether due to natural proc€sses or the worts of man oo ltis or adjaceut properties. In additioq cbanges in applicable or appropriate stadards may octur, whether thcy resuft from legislation or the broadening of knowtedge. Accordingly, thc findings ef this report may be invalidatcd wholly or partially by changes outsid€ our control. Therefore, tl :s report is subject to rcview and should not be relied upon after a period ofooe year. rt t toT 5 -LOT / TP-3 LOT TP_2 r TP-1 r / / I LOT $ve ,4ed; ^.._ \.uqVt orE$ SCAIE- t': !d O 7hr*tr-tontrin AElu-frccringrn- SITE PLAN ,rdtE na; t Pnol$r tto gg-O2gJG LOT 8, BLOCK 9 VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN SUBDIVISION EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO frAntgE AS onE,"I& 1/13/sg t I N I (t =j 6 a ,/,J :al o ./ o z = 7 o 5 o o Tq I' of boc*fil! drould ba rdauvCy Lrrp$nart tll * pawnat structun gq6 oto)/ trom buldlr1g. ^cotcxtflt (utafl l10N or cgulvdat) J/1-hd, grovd 1' dam.k psforztcd '165 ficxbL plpo slop€d of mhrlnum , pscdrt to Mnrya outlct o ltrtrtcr.uqrtdn frnsinccrrnf I!. T\?ICAL WALL DRAIN DETAIL lAlE Nt: z Pno,Ef tp gg_0293c LOT 8, BLOCK 9 VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN SUBDIVISION EAGLE COUNTY. COLORADO nA* ar AS t'nrcw l/s/ss o APPENDD(A FIELD I}.IVESTIGATION The field investigation was performed on January 12, 1999, and consisted ofa site reconnaissance and the excavation of three exploratory test pits. Tb€ test pits were excavated with a track- mounted backhoe eguipped with a 24-inch bucket at the locatiors indicated on Figure 1. The pits o<tended to depths ofapproximately 5 feet below the existing ground surfrce. The soil conditions encountered ia the exptoratory test pits were visually ocamine4 identified 8nd logged in general conformance with the American Society for Testing and lvlaterials (ASTM) Practice for Description and Identitrcation of Soils (Visualivfanual Procedure D 2488). Distgrbed bulk samples were obtained ftom selected locations within the test pits for taboratory t€sting. Test pit lo$ p€picting the soil types cncountered and the deptbs at vrhich saroplcs wcre obained are presented on Figures A-l through A-3. A legend and ndcs for thc logs follonn. O rEar Prr tto. 1 L DATED LOGGEDT 1/12/99 APPROX. ELEVATION: FIGURE No': A-l DEPTH IN FEEI 5 A an z d, Hl .^-crF to o2 d5 J o E UI DESCRIPIION OF MATERIAL REMARKS I I .-l I I 'r t0 12- 11- Topsoll \ SILT. cloyey, sondy, medium dcnse, virry moisl lo wet, orongc-brown. PIT LOG OF TEST o ltrr*er-rrountain lArngin eringr-ta. PROJECT NO.: DATED LoGGED: 1/12/99 APPROX. ELEVATION: IIE8! PIT XO. 2 FIGURE NO.: A-2 SILT. cloyey, sondy, medium dcnie, viry molsl'lo wel, oronge-brown. LOG OF TEST PIT DATED LOGGEDT r/12/99 APPROX. ELEVATION: O 'Esr Drr !ro. 3 O FIGURE NO.: A-3 DEPTH IN FEET 5 o- =v, z c, Hl o! =t oz d5 J o @ =U' OESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL REMARKS I -.-l -'l I I I -l '- l l E-r : ''_ - '"_ 11- Topsoll \ SILT, cloyey, sondy, medium dcnse, v-ry molsl f o wel, oronge-brown. LOG OF TEST PIT PROJECT NO.: o APPENDXB I.ABORATORYTESTING 1,6bor*ory tests were performed in accordance with generally acpe, ted ASTM test methods or other zuggested procedures. Selested bulk soil samples were tested for plasticity characteristics- Tbe laboratory t€st results arc sumrnarized in Table B-1. o a F F] a fr1 &fr it) frl Ei F.r &ts9 q5 E&ZO an Ft fE o x E a (, m o\N ?oo o\ o z ts 'g A $ll e r E t +a It i., a 4' $o -if a .P vl E a Eg3 t E & i sH#s tl :I ta J -u t F9 Eg Or z z Or z ',R .lt v 6,?"tE t-\o rf* I E 8 E s' E E rFe E€3' I i 3 Ar- Il r c.t cft q E .E F o,|rn EII trfir{ W Synbol Description Strata symbols Topsou silt, clayey, sandy Soil Samplers Bulk/Grab samPle Notes: 1. Exploratory test pits lrere excavated using a track-mounted backlroe equipped with a 24-inch bucket. Groundwater was not ensountered Ln our test Pltq at the site. Test pit locations were paced off from existing features. These logs are subject to the linitations' conclusions and recommendations of this report. 2. 3. 4. TO?$}I DF' VAIL 75 S. T'RONTAGE ROAN VAIL, CO 816s?970 479-2L38 DEPARTT{ENT OF EOMMIJNTTY DE'JEIJOPMB}|TI: NOTE: TI{IS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ETECTR CA,L PERMIT Job .\ddress: 2835 SNoWBERRY DR Locatlon. -. : 2935 Sno$rberry Dr.Parcei llo- . : 2103-143_01_O3g Projecc No. j PRJgg_o281 APPLICAIf,T ARNOI,,D ELEqTRTE P.O. BOX 552, AKRON, co 80?20 COITTRACTOR ARNOLD ELESIRIC P.O. 80x 562, AKP.ON, co 80720 OIINER B},LL CIIRISTOPHER G & MARY M 2854 SNOWBERRY DR. vArL, eo 81657 ON JOBSIIE AT AI,IJ TTMES 899 - 0111_Permit #: StaLu€.-.: ISSUED Applied. - | 07/06/rssg Issued...: 07/0911999 Exlrires-. : OL/05/2OOO Phone: 1-888-660-2843 Phone: 1-898-650-2843 Descr5.ption; ElecErlcal for new sFR and tcmporarf povaluaE,ion:e 8,500.00 Pgo 0uElrlIY El.<t!i.crl - - -> 19? o(,1aa. oo .0c r60 ,0o 160. CC .aJ Dgt t.c in'?.rLi,grt.lcn r lJj, il call----, TOTAL 9EE3- - - r ?oLr1 crlca:,atcd Fc6r - - -t Additiqlal, t€.s-- -- -- -^ -> ?ot.). F.rilit f€.----- ---> Palft.it r " E!,'.t-UcE DUE-- -. - .o0 uo !(6.Ca tt*riaa *rrrrttt tirl *r9a a rr.. +r.r r***iraarttrr)r* I!er-n: .06000.-Fqr-qrRrcAl DEpARruFtrr Dep!: _BurLDrNc Diwision,o't / o? /Lees KATHY -jicr-lonl- ApFH.-lpproveO p6i-- Ica{/etc rrem:' 0s600 Fri€ nep[F.ilffii{. _ _ _ - oepii', FiFn Division:07/07/L999 r(Ail'lrc fCil;;; AppR N,/A -r'J CONDITION OF APPROVAT 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CITECK POR CODE COMPLIANCE. r*t r tfll tf,r*r*tt ''l r*'tt !t !**ati ' rr*iararrrrttr*aa.-a.rrrr**.*r.rr. DBCTARATIOIIS I h.t.by rchno?1cdg. tltaL t tr!. raad thl. ap?licreton, fillrd ouE in lutl Eh! iafor(lElo, r.quiraC,, ccrnFtcL.C rr,l r6cun.t. siot plrt' ''d 'ElE' ih't all uha iafcroacion p!'wic.d.. !.qrrif,.c ic corr.ct. t.gyc. r-c conlrt? r,ira rir. iatotr.lica ;;;"; ;i;,'_6 cotrQly vtch All ?c*n ord:naocila aad t:ai. liY8, lr'd to bui:d thi.r .:r.,,c!rl!.. r€cercrnt !4 r.h. ?grn]t zc,i,.ng ald 6uD:l?'ti.on 6od", coorgn revicr .tplov.d, uni fgrm lulrdtng ccdc rbd cch.i ord{hr.,cco ,rf thc lcrn rpprtarbra chcr.6io- R'QUBST' foR tNsPlclloNs sfiAtJL ct }hDr arcNly ^ loirR Horns tN ADVANCE sl ttl,lpnoNE At rtr.:€ oR at orrR cFFrcg lRgM AX 5!00 ?M .gSTRACTCR FOR Lllf, 9NtttR zsb26Lb6z6, ar IdSO -n3O - l,lOO -AOI, l.lOarl sr,sr €B-60-1nc JUN-2S-9€)15, O5 FROH. TOV-COlt-OEV-DEPT. PBJqS- OeSl PErD,it # /.€s,t)ctt, Archirec{ /**l 1z r, rtr./t r', .z elars' /7 6ov /rf z\ , 2-v:',2 Pt,ond q'/o'q26-,5-oE, ls:1rs FROl,l . TOV-COII-DEV-DEPT. lD,9?O4?92.152 PAGE l./" rowN o F vAll oNsrRuclo N PERMTT APOcotBlfS T1le Ce i Ve t 6 1999 Mad the Eade Coutv Assessors Oflice at 97u32rcd40 fo( Pat@t , Parcztp )/O3/y'3o/ 03K Dare: 'o J zq Job Na.urc: d" PlunbiDg ( )Elefiicd ( '}'Mechaical (Othcr (BuildiDg ( ) PIunbIDg ( ) Elecrtcd ( '}- Mecnancar ( ) (xlct ( ) l-eg.l Descripciou: Lot-.-.----,8- Bl-'u .'1 FilL Subditnsionil t kr tI.urt /a,.- o*rr,rst'tare:@ Address:Pbsrcs JobAd&ess: 7li 3,t Shad lst, r Desuiptioo of Job: 5F Wort Class: Nelw ( ")'- Nonbcr of Dwelling Uuits: Norrber a'ud Typc of Fireplaces: Crat Apdiarces Toon of Vail R4isu-aiou No. lt5-E Ptunbilr CorFrcbr Tonm of Vail Regisa,ion No. llec[adcal Conffior; Tcryo of Vail Regisrraion No. Ntes-dim ( )Additiosl ( )R+ar ( )OdEr ( ) Nunbtr of Accooaodaliotr UntE: Gtl-ogs i Woodr?eller VALUATION:i BUII-DING: $ PLL]MBING $MEC:IIAMCAJ. $ CONTR.ACTOR INFORMATION Gcnerd-Coptr2.ion Address: ELECTNCAL: S--fifuc:- Phooe # OTHER S TOTAL 5 's.u^ Cu t 4ta $ltou- Towa of Vail R.egistrari ^S1o i 8t, - B Ercctricrl contractor- 4 *;. -; *H-' o Address: Phonc # Ad&ess: Phone # Addr6s; Phottc # FOR OFFICE USE SIGMTURE: ZONTNG: SIGI.IATURE: cLEAx UP DEPostT REFIIND TO: _ _ (r 7e,- (r27./- //L-7 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAI) vArL, co 8L657 97 0 -479 -2L38 .fob Address...: Location-.... .: Parcel No.....: Project Number: 2835 SNO}TBERRY DR 2835 Snowberry Dr 2LO3-L43-01-038 PR.t98 - 0281 status...: IssIlED Applied..: 07/06/t999 rssued...: 09/20/L999 E>cpires..: E/a8/2000 DEPARTMEIVT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: TTIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON 'fOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECIANICAL PERMIT PermiE. #: M99-0O72 OWNER BAI,L CIIRISTOPHER G & I{ARY M 2854 SNOWBERRY DR, VAIL CO CONTRACTOR ROCKY MOIJNTAIN PLIil'IBING 5510 KIOgIA DRIVE, GREELEY, 8L657 co. 80534 Phone: Description: Mechanical for new SFR Fireplace Infonhatsion: Restricted: Y +of Gas Appliances: ValuaLion: #of Ga6 IJogB: 970 -33 0 -8470 1_2, 000 . 00 Sof wood/PalleB: rr. FEE SITMMAIIY ***rtri***rt*ti !r**.**,r*itla*i 240 .00 60.oo . oo 3.OO Re6tuaranc Plan Revi€p--> .00 Total calculaEed Fee€-__> 303'00 DRB F!e-------- -oo Additional Fees---------> .O0 ToTA! FEES----- 303-00 Total PcrEit Fe€--------> 3o3.oo Pal|EantB-----_- 303.00 BAraltcE DI,E-- -- -oo BUTLDING DEPARTMEI{.T DCPI: BUILDING DiViSiON:KATI{Y Action: NOTE RouLed to Ctrarlie 'JRM Action: APPR approwed irm -FfNE DEPARTI"IENT -Dept: FIRE DiviSiON:KATITY AcLion: APPR N,/A Mech.nical- -- > P1an chack- - - > InwaaEigation> BilI calL- ---> Item:05L00 07/07/L999 07 /a6 /]-999 Item:05600 07 /07 /L999 t_.2. 3. CONDITION OF APPROVAL FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IANCE. eOMBusrror.r ArR rs REeUTRED pER sEc. 701- oF THE 1997 wc, oR SECTION 701 OF THE 1997 IMC. INSTAI,I"ATION MUST CONFORM TC INSTALI"ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANITFACT'URES INSTRUCTIONS AIiID TO CHAPTBR 10 OF THE ].997 I]MC. C]IAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. 4- 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. TO CHAPTBR 10 OF THE ].997 I]MC. C]IAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. GAS APPLI.ANCES SHATL BE VEIffTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AND SIIALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC,8O6 OF THE 1997 IJMC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE ].997 IMC. ACCESS TO IIEATING EOUIPME}TT MUST COMPTY WITH C]IAPTER 3 AI$D SEC.1O17 OF THE 1997 I]MC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1-997 IMC, BOILERS SHALL BE MOTDTTED ON FTOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST, T'NLESS LTSTED FOR MOT]NTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. PERMIT,PI,ANS AND CODE ANA]-,YSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MEC:IANTCAL ROOM PRTOR TO AN INSPEETION REQUEST. DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS EOTiITAINTNG HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHAI,I., BE EOUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRATN PER SEC.1022 OF'I]HE L997 IJMC, OR SECTION 1004.6 OF THE 1997 IMC. codbusts air mrst meet. code requirements per btsu ratsing *********************************************************************:t********** DECI,ARATTONS I her.by acknovl,edg. ehat I hare read t'hi6 applicaLion, filled out in fuII Lhe infornation requirea, co|trplet.ed an accuraLe plot ptan, and 6tate that alL tshe infontraLion provided as required ie correct. I agree to conply rritsh the inforBaeion and ploc plalt, to conply with all Town ordinanc€a and seate lans, aDd to build this strudture according, lo the Town'6 zoning and subdiviaion codc6, dc6i9n llvicr approwed, Uniforn Euild.ing code and other ordinances of che To!.n applicable tsheteto. REQITESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL gE MADE T'WEMru-FOUR ttOURS IN ADVaICE Bv TBLEPHONE AT 4?9-213e oR AT OUR OFPICE PROM 8:o0 Ati 5rO0 Pll SISNATI'RE OF OWI{ER OR COMTRA$OR FOR HIMSEIJF AND OI{I{BR _ ta*rrti**J+*rri*tirr**rr**rrt+ ****i*i**iri*r***+1 ToltN oF VAIL. coIroRADo stacenDt SEateEnC Nunber: REC-0562 lrnount:303,0o 09/20l99 0S:58 Payuenc M6thod: cK NoEalion: 2440/wIEuER HEAT Init: JN Permit' No: U99-O072 Type: B-MECH I.iBCIIANICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2103-143 -01-O3a slEa addr€es: 2e35 SNoWBERRY DR LocaEioa: 2935 Snogberarv Dr Total Fcea: Ttia PafrdenE 303.00 Total AIJL PntE: Balanc6: AecounE Code 303 - 00 303 . 00 . oo Arnourtt 240.00 ao.oo 3. OO Descripcion MP OOIOOOO3I11300 , MECHANICA! PERMIT FEES pF 00100003112300 Pr,A"[t cHEtr FEES wc 00100003L12a00 WILL caLlr INSPECIIoII FqE JUN - 29 -9SI 1S. OS FROM' TOV-COM-DEV-DEPT.tD'9?@4?92452 PAGE I,/" TOWN OF VAIISNSTRUCTION PERMIT APPOATION FORiIBS. OZ8I nuroRrrArroN MUsr BE corcrrrE oR ruE AlplrcArroN wrLL #l0h-fie C g i Ve C Mad tne Eade CouW Assesstors Offic? at 970-32NgO for Par@l , Porczt b J/ d3 / {-7O / o .7 K . ./ /^^Dare: Lr / 29 /9 2-ftrait# J&Naze,: 44 // t{e- 5 rtXttc z-Job Ad&ess: BEildiB( )Plunbilg (Elecrrical (Mecbanical (.f Othcr ( t err Descriprio s,. t-ot-t- I]lrx'!.:L- F bg-- Suffiritsion Ttt t(rtnci' n '1"', oqm€rsN@e: ( /,,' 5 4"//- Addrcss:Pbsrc# ffchirecr: 4c /, /.a t't t<..ftond-2/!-?t!:'ffif JUL 06 1999 Desoipticn of lob: Work Class: Nell, (4 Nombcr of Dq'elliry Uors: Nunber ald l)tpc of Fire'Placcs:Gas npCianccs BUII,DING: $ Additional ( )Rcpar ( )Otiwr ( ) ldtBb€r of Acco4oodadotr Unlls: GaAl-o|#__J_ woodPdlcl VALUATIot\Ls OTHEK S TOTAL 5 Alteraim ( ) / PLUMBING $ Tosn of Vail Registrarion No./ r/,- B Elcctricd Contnctor: Tou,r of Vail Regisu-aion No. Ptonbile Coltrrcor: Toua of Vail Regisraion No. $303o ilcchadcaj Coltnctor:l" Gcnerrt-Cootr-tor 2?t-Pln< /irn s /,---'/rr, Address: A.ddftss: Phonc * Addts: Ptone # Jldoress: BUIL-D{NG: SIGMTURE: ZONfNG: SIGI-IATURE: CLEAN UP DEPOSTT REFTIND TO: - .. _ ELECTRIC.qL: IVIECIIAMCAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMANON Phooe# 47t> Lt.t- ltlz 2/-. ld//, ?Jv'/'/z a. FatSz {-z--ttvsy TowaofvaitRegisraio.No. l?3-ff) Pholr-# fJo-34'-Jq7o .- Qno-.39 t- Oqqk - Druq -ccrr:S FoR oFFlcE usE q-1O'SCIo-qz t5 - fuJ' fla- zt'-J'v7o o o tsrs.ut,+ '}oQ SO Grcr*,_Vl H J[eie,at- I}'rul . -3 P- -tq)-*-gto's gAgtl- - $orr*< ,to) lo* +"/ (^ 4t PP* 7A p f .-^ /t o 7A'-ql ,odtb ryt;r- t1 'uno fl",'[\ r llt t rfiUf6bPv I l,n il t '(u' ,p\z'fl J\ | l/- rrl llr .^\. t! ^{lr' .lU'- t*tf ^A Rw . (rl' I lv lI' ^^u I\ l r- ^lll I / \ "' s.lur o,J 0 w ur!|c"*n' @ @ t ,., "f 't ,I Rittrq l|lllt d g $llri f $l tl F a. i a t A.I il I 3 J g u t d I q 3 E t I u!@!o f,,] Fl ;l I I Fl (,. I al El I I I I t 1,fl E -,1 Eq g+ 001 I ftl I E E 'iu d rt.. tl 'q i' . --' iE i? !l iI T 1.t d I I I i ! i I t 6 ? TJ T 1 :4 t I co 85919tte4F 6t:zl 566I /i0 i 3a }.icE-ur\ftItrA31llD 5.: *,i{HHt$tF[ h |0 t J { U T l€i { I I a o 3 i t It tn g !l C) t 6 Jil c8 t? ='r TI It tr it l z .t. ,t () a U7 o J :l dl E o 2 o E !q I u I t I 't Fr 4.. !l 6t:zl 6tsilL6 !!?sG-Eli.tIr1A3134D s59t9ge6i.6 TOWN OF VAII 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2A38 Job Address.-.: Location......: Parcel No.....: Project Number: 2835 SNOWBERRY DR 2835 Snowberry Dr 2103-143-01-038 PR,J98 -0281 DEPARTMEI{| OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMEIiIT NCTIE:TTIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MEC]IANICAI, PERMIT ON 'JOBSITE AT Permit #: status...: ISSIIED Applied..: 09/23/1999 Issued-..: 09/28/L999 Expj-res .. z o3/26/2oo0 ALL TIMES M99 - 013 8 APPLICAIIflT TIIE HEARTII EXCTIANGE INC P.o Box 570, MrI{:rIlRN CO 81545 CONTRACTOR TIIE HE.A,RTTI EXCIIANGE INC P.O BOX 670, MINrURN co 81645 OWNER BALI-, CHRISTOPHER G & MARY M 2854 SNOWBERRY DR, VArL CO 8L65'7 Descript,ion: Mechanical for gas fireplace installation Fir€pLace Infomation: RedLricted: y *of Gas AppLianced: Phonez 827-9623 Phone:-827-9623 Valuation: *Of Ga€ Logr6: 2,000.oo i+of wood/Pallcl: FEB SU!'UIIRY ltcchanical_ _- > Plan chcck- -- > InvcsEigatsion> 40.00 10.oo will Call----> l. oo RestuaranL Plan Rcvielr- _ > .O0 Totsal calculat.cd PeeE- - _ > Additional Fees---------> ToEaI PerEiL F6e--------> Pa].menta - ----- - .Oo TOTAT FSES----- .o0 53 -OO 53 .00 .00 53 ,00 53 .00 "...' ;;';;;;;';;;;;;;;;;;;#*. " ".'" *-"-;#';;;;;;;';l;;;,'"'*. o57it t1g99-I(AmV--- -aEt-ion: APPR APPRoVED PER: Kvl ita;;'os6oo-Firu urpeeml1eyi Dept: F1RE Divisj-on: o9/27/a999 KATITY Action: APPR N,/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1-. FrELD TNSPECTTONS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK EQR qODE g9vpr'!Atil($- 2. e0rcusri0N-A-R-rS neourRED PER sEc. 701 oF THE 1997 IlMc, oR SEc TON 701 OF TIIE 1997 IMC.3. rNsrArr-,ari6w-uruSr couFong ro MANITFACTUREg I{srRucrroNs AND -- To-ctiEprrn-ro 6r'-rtrn 1g9z uuc, CI{APTER 10 oF T}IE 1997 rMe. 4. GAS _APFi,iATCTS SIIALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO qIIAPTER B AND -- SHAT,L-teRMfNEie-As Specrpruo rn sEc.806 oF THE 1997 IlMc' oR CHAPTER B OF TIIE 1997 IMC.s. ACcESS- To AEAfTNG sQurpFIeNT MUsr coMPLY wrTll cIIAPT"ER 3 AND Sse.l0r7 oF TI{E 1997 uMc AND cHAPTER 3 oF,.TIIE 1997 rMg. 6 . BoiLERS'ssalt -Ee t{[ItNTeD oN rr,oons oF NoNcoMBUsrrELE coNsr.wtrss-r,isrED FOR MOUNTTNG ON COMBUSTTBLE E'LOORTNG.-7. FERMIT.FLANS-AIID-CODE er.rar-,ySrS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAI-, RooM PRroR To AN rNsPEgrroN REQIIEST' e . DRir-NAGU-or-trtecrierdcar-,-n00Ms c0NTATNTNG HEATTNG oR HQT:wAaER -' SUpFLV-eoiLuiis-S r, Es EOUTpPED wrrH A !'!oqB DRArN PEB sEc.1022-or'-flre-lgg1 ulaC, on SscrroN 1004.5 oF TIIE 1997 rMc- **************************************************************it***************** DECI,ARATIONS f hcrcby ackaoi ledgc thats I have read t'hi6 applicatsion, fi1led out in fu11 the infonatsion rcquired, coinplctsed an accqratc p1o! plan, and st.at€ Lhat all tsh6 infonnation providad as requj.r€d i6 corract. I agree to col|lpty qith the informat.iotr arld plot p1an, tso conply lrith all Tofrr ordin.aces and slate La!r6, and to build uhi6 alructure according !o the To{n'B zobj,nE and aqbdivision code6, deBign review approwgd, Ufij.forlr Aui]ding code and oLher orai')ances of lhe Town aPPlicable thertlo. REQUESTS FOR INSPEqIIONS SHAI,L BE MADE TWEI{If-FOI'R HOURS IN AD\IANCE BY TELEPIIONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OOR OFFICE FRoU a:00 AU 5:00 PU SIGIR.TI'RE OF OHNER OR COIVTR,AFOR EOR IIIMSE',F AND OI{TER TOInI OF VITIJ. L3LOF}DO scaEemnt, gtsatetlttt NuEbcr I REC-0555 AEounE:s3. oo 091/2e/99 09 tL3 Pay[cnr. Mcchod: C.K lilot-aE ion: ?7?3/HEARTH BXCH Init: JN Plrllit IiIo: t{99-oL38 T\p. I B'fltscE !{Ecll,utfcrn PaRurT Parcel No: 2L03-143-o1-03s sile addreae: 2435 SNO9IBERRY DR LocaLion: 2835 gnowberry Dr Descriptsion ToEaI Feea: TtriB Pafnaent 53.00 Total, .ALL IhEa: Balance: AccounE code 53. O0 53.00 .00 Anount, {o. 00 10. oo 3. 00 IltP OOLOooo3l].L3oo I4ECHAI{ICAL PER|IT FEES PF 00L00003r12300 PLAN alEe( FEES ItC OO10OOo3112AOO WIIr! CILIr INSPECTION f'EE pg5qg. oa8l TowN oF vArCoNsrRUctoN 'ERM,, orl,aATroN F.RM INFORIV1ATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR THE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTED Contact the Eagle County Assessors O,ltce at 970-328-864O for Parcel # Parcelr 2lO3 - \H3 -O\.D38 Dare: j - 2o-, a Permit# B 7'2 a/2 a; Job Name: C,/z t- t I 8e.t/ (r's ,./e'* z <:. Building ( )Plumbing ( )Electrrcal ( )Mechanical ( 'Il Other ( ) Legal Descriptio n: LU-t- Block 9 Filing Subdtvision OEQ-I- rto''u'*-zaz--.-t Owners Narne: C/znt t B a. //6641ssg ?/:;-1 /''.c..,--t,-.-.<', Dr Phone# Architect:Address: phone# lob A rexs: .;l b J{ 9+r.--*-.+.-z--+.-.*r 1)f' U Elecrrical Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. P-!gls.D!q-@: Tovvn of Vail Regisrration No. 7t.. Alteration ( ) Description of Job: Work Class: New (tJ- Number of Dwelling Units: Number and Type of Fireplaces:rxar*l tTrc/za"r7 c BUILDING: PLTJMBING Town of Vail Registration No. la- t /a.fz z->t-- Additional ( )Repair( )other ( ) Number of Accommodalion Units: 1< BV-3oR Gas Logs Wood/Pellet Gas Appliances $ $ VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $ MEC}IANICAL $pcP6.ec CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Address: OTFIER: $ TOTAL S Phone # Address: Phone # Address: Phone # ,r . , I t-l-l - lft lrc Mechanicd contractor H ct r{ I ,4xz h a o.t c- Town of Vail Rcgisratron No. / 7 /' z4 Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: OZa At r-*.-'r'< FZZ -74 > 2 CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: SIGNATURE: SEP z 3 1999 Date Receive TOWN OF VAII, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2L38 APPLICANT CONTRAETOR OWNER Descripti.on: PLUMBING PERMIT ilob Address: 2835 SNOWBERRY DR LocaEion.. .: 2835 Snowberry Dr Parcel No. . : 2LO3-L43-01--038 Project No. : PRJ98-0281 .]OBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: P99-0067 Status. . AppIied. Issued.. Expires. DEPARTI,IETiM OF COMMI]NTTY DEVEI,OPMENT NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ISSIJED 07 / 05 /L99e 07 /09/L999 oL/ os /2000 ROCKY MOI]NTAIN PLI]MBING 5510 KIOWA DRIVE, GREELEY, ROCKY MOUNTAIN PLUMBING 5510 KIOWA DRIVE, GREELEY, BALL CHRTSTOPHER G & MARY M 2854 SNOWBERRY DR, VAIL CO Plumbing for new SFR co 80634 co 80634 8r-557 Phone: 970-330-8470 Phone: 970-330-8470 PLuu.bing-----> Plan check- -- > Inwe st iga! i on > Iti11 CaLl----> Tot.a1 Calculated Fee€- - - > Additional !ee6------- --> Tota1 Penrit. Fee--------> Palzoenta------- 28s .00 .oo 3. OO .00 359 .25 75.00 434 .25 Valuat.ion:l_8, 500 . 00 *+r* rEE Re€tuarabt PIan R6viev- - > IOTAL FEES.---- accula!€ plot a'rd plot plan, eubdivieion 8:oO AM 5: o0 Pli .,....--,."fHfi*;;;:::;;;;;;:.-..,,.""",.;31"., ITEM: O51.OO BUILDING DEPARI14EMT DEPE: BUILDING DiViSiON:07/O7/L999 KATIIY Action: APPR Approved per-KW IE-b,M:"O56OO FIRE DEPARITIIENT -, -DCPT: FIRE DiViSiON:07/O7/L999 KATITY ACtsiON: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAI 1. FIETD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODB COMPLIANCE. DECI,ARATIONS I hercby acknot|ledgc !ha! I have leaa Lhis appLication, fil1ed oul in ful] the iitformation required, conpletsed an pla[, and staCe ghat all the infontratsio! provided as required is correct. I agree to conply t itsh Ehe inforrnatiotl fo conFl,y rrith all Tolrn ordinances and stsate lawe, and bo build Ehie elructr:le according to Ehe Toun's zoni.ng and REQUESTS FOR INSPECTTONS SHALI BE MADE TWE}ITY-FOUR HOURS TN ADIENCE BY OUR OFFICE F'ROU FOR HIUSEI,F AND OW}IER v rr. i lr rr irr ''i rli+ towlt og vArL, coLoRADo SEaiellac Nur!b.!: REC-0539 AEou!! : PayucnE McEhod: CK lloeaEion: 247L/Y|gPHEE Stateu.t 434.25 o7 /o9/99 16 t76 rnit: irN PGr.Bi! llto: P99-OO57 T)/pe: B-9L}B 9IJI'!{BING PERIIIT Palc€j. lgo: 2103-1{3-O1-033 si-!e Addrer6. 2835 SNOgIBERRI DR Locat.ion: 2935 Saorbqrry Dr Total Fe€a i lTliq pa]^1icnt 434.2s Total Ar,Ir p!.Es: Balatce: 4tr4 - 25 434.25 .oo Acco&E Code Dcscliplion PP OO1OOOO31112OO PIJI]IEING PERIITT FEES PF O010OOO3t-123OO PI4N CllECK FEES s, 00100003123000 coMtRAcTon LrcENsEs wc 001000031L2s00 rl$,L cALL sPserroN FEE leount 285.00 7L.25 75. 00 3.00 JUN-2S-99 15, OS FROM, rOV-COM-DEV-DEPT.lD '9?@4?92452 PAGE T/? ,.s3s sruoc fr.qowN oF vA,rOoNsrRUcloN pERMrr l,pfrerroN FoRM Pz;q8-oa8 ceivet JUL 06 19gg Mad the Eagle Coultfy Assessors-Office at 970-32wffi fq Patcel * Pucetr a)/b3/</rc/O3F Date:PErEdt #B_.iq- aobf Job Na.crc; Building ( )PtrurbtusQ.f Electrical ( )Mechilical ( )Oher( ) t-egal Dcscripriorl, lnr---,g- E;ldlc:I- FL Sutilfrsioo 7n k. +t,:s a A; o*xrsNr,e:@ Ad&ess:Pb6c# uan*.-6.t/ L*lrre lri:i,rr:s;: 4:'r1oz ifz.S, &an hudgn'q/h-5cq, Desriptioa of Job:.\ PA WortCtass: Nect (t{Alteraim ( )Additional ( )Rlpair ( )Otir€r ( ) Nrobcr of Dwe[iry Uoits: ,/ -NuDber of Acc@odari,otr Unhs Nmrber and T;9c of Fir?laces: Cas epflialccs crsLogs___J!WoodrPdlct VALUAT|Otgs BIIILDING: $_ PLUMBTNG S__J8'aO_:"' _ ^^Zb 643{ Phnbils Corrrctor ELECTRICAL: $ MECTIANICALT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION / Alx, OTHER 3 Job Address: i/t J)' JTlatatlx rr TOTAL ' Gcneret Contnctor: c P/lce- Tcnu of Vail Rcgisu'arioo No. /Ko,-B Phoue # Elcctricd Contr#tor:Addrcss: Twa of Vail Regisraion No. _.qL zZ!*,-Jl,:- EoEst: Ad&css: To*r of Vai! Regisaioo No.lz3 P M€cha.lical Cortrrctor: Pbose# qtC.. '1 40. ii/lo _qq0- 3Bt -oqql! *DouQ rP;L\J* Addnss: Totrm of Vail Rcgi*ration No.Pbone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGMTURE: ZONING: SIGITIATURE: CLEAN UP DePOstT REFT ND TO: _ -_ . _ 5lO kior.'"r? Dr^ REpTlJl 'l'trtdN OF VFIIL-, COLORAnO rl it|."/ 1399 |el7:;icj IIEQUESTS - INSF,EUTN 'rtORH SHEE-I-S FfiR:111161199S F,AGE 3A flREfl: JRM ; IS$UEII Constr": NSFR l.Ise: $e 7-95;:3 fr37-96eJ AFTERNOtrN F,honE : 97rZr-f,61*OTBJ amrnents *:ti;,rtv: r499-fr138 1t/16i1B Type; B-FIHCH Statr-Ls Flddr'ess: i:835 SNOI^JBERRY DR l--ocat i on : frl.i5 Snowberry Dr' f.t,-rr(:Fl: ;:llt63-'143-rzr1-fiS8 Or-'cI Descript ion r lYler.han ical f oi' gas f ir"eplace instal lat i on ftpprl ir,:rnt : THE tlHllllTH EXCFIANGF: INC Flrone: Owripr': ItFtL..l... {-lHRISTtlpHER n S. FIARY f'1 phone: Conti.ar-.t.r:i.: THE HEflRTH EXCHFI|'|GE Ildtr F'hone: Inspectiorr Request lnfr:i-mati.on. . . Requestor- :" MIHF fi1[:FEE Req Time: tltl rtAA f,omDents; MID Iterns reqr-res,tprJ to be Insper:t ed, . raftS9A ME.CH-Firral . A*b i Ti me Exp I nspect i Ltem Item on f{i st : fltltltZlkl I OtZtl4tl TfrIAT f'lotss I tZttZtSlO : rfirZt,l;:tZt ; tZttitJ.r-tt : itrE3rrtZt : OO39tzt Itenr Item Item Iterr Item $i'y. .'-. trlEtlH-Ra r-rgh F,Ll'4Fl*Gas tri ping ./99 1n spect on I DD : MUIST t:RnVInH AIRTEFI BFtrAU$E TITEFL.EX I.{AS ItlE{]H-].ieat ing MECH-Exhar-rst Ho r:d s f4ECll-5,_rtrply fiir MEf,H-frli sc, fiECH*F i na I Acbion: AF:FR AFTER SIJEETROCK EEEN USED FTR F,/F' HRs BEEN INSTTILI_ED 0+35-?001 7:43 am llsr: ]hfi: nam: lhm: lnrns"Jlon Reaup-rt -'06/2sn,g nrperior: co vAlL' co - Commrnts: ADDTL COlfilS - cO0lTRAcToR AROJND FIRE HYDRANT. 52O PLAI+LC Sfte Phn * APP{wd * 0f,,EzlE,f, FEsBclor: GEORGE COI| TFTilS: ADD{- INFO REOD l{yo#Elg hip.clor: ALLISO'{eo.nmslL; ll*t rueplld g) BLDeFr.mhg " Approtrrd * ffJfals,-FEpffir: JRU Cofln€rlb: [.c tl91 4rP6gvEg GY:XYg!, hip.cbr: JRlr Cofimcnlt: APPRqTED FRAillilG REvlSl Pagc 1E OS3IXD lnrpocbt: JRM Acton: t{ol.lOTlFlED comrnonb: RElnsloNs To FRAltllltG Gt/:Fngg hs!.ctor: JRM Ac{on: CoCERTIFGATEOFOGCtPAIICY Conments: ADbTL COITMS - ALOI{G WALL,SENT TO Pt I{NER AND BI-DG RE\tSlOilS AFFROVED PER RADIT'S Aclbn: DN DEMED Aclh'n: APPRAPPROVED Ac{on: DNDENED Adoo: l{Ol\|c)TlFlED Ac{on. AI'PR APPROVED ACiloN: APCR APPRC'VESCORRECTK'N REOD Ac{on: AFPRAFPROVED Adbn: CO CERTIFICATE OF OCCI PAIICY A.Ibn: APPRAPPROVED Acuon. APPR APPRC}I/ED Ad|on. APPRAPPRO{,ED 10 t1/!99 Commonts: 1(y01/99 Coflrmd$s: BLDG.T 11t1 5Sl PVrr-FhtAL CvO 310 ALDGftrnl C/O JRMAAIDALLFON Inspcctor: CO SEE hIOTE lnt9octor: CD Acdon: CO CERTIFICATE OF OCCT PAI\ICY ADDTL OONHAS . FRA,TIIT{G }IAS BEEN APPROVED h'CLI'DINC REVISED WALL TO REIPTIE FROTI STBACK. THIS FRAMING INSPECT|ON IS APPROVED PEND$IG T}G [-C APPROVA CORRECTP|{S: -ADD POSffIVE CO}.INECTIONAT GLU l-AtlAAIDLOG COLl,f,I[{ llilSULATlOf't WILL BE USED FOR FllE BLOCKIiIG AT DROF CElLltlGS A D STAR SIR'{GER lbflr: 6(} A|.DGfrrauHon toyosr*t hrp.ctof: CD cofimer 3: SEE tfOTE 1(y06/!9!t hsD€ctor: CD Acdon: COCERTIFICATE OFOCCUPAI.ICY Conments: ADDTL COiilt€ - APPROIED VUITH CORRECTIO$I €OMPLETE CElLhlG ltltlt.fl-ATptl il C'ARAGE COI,IPLETE FIRE BLOCKhIG lilSTAl-ATbN (lMit llTlOlt AT - DROP CE[-hlG ASSEMBLIES - STAIR STRINGERS - FLonvCEll-hlG JoISTS ASSEITFUES O/eR 10 ht LET.IGTH 60 BLDGShe€0ocft nllfi " ADprov€d - 1U12n*' hspector: JRM '- Commentr: APPR ALL EXCEPT 'IECI-IANI lAtzg Ineloctor: JRM Comnr€nF: ADDTL COftf,lS - ROOM 70 ELDGMbG. " ApproY.d " 07nt/99 ItEDebr: CD' Commdrls: FOt NDATIOI.{ OAMP PRoOFltlG t0,ol/gg IncDo6r: CD Co rm.itr: STIJCCCT/LATHE NSPECTICN - epprwed- ACUon. APPR AAPROVED HAS BEEN occuPAt{cY - FOSTED FOR LANDSCAPhE AND RETAIN WALL PER PLAT.I'FW Aclbn: APPRAPPRO\GD AcIIon: APPR AITPROVED lbm: llc|n: * . $EPT131 Run Id: 962 I4ta?NiAt/t AIP/D In ltormatl,on Actlvlv: BS(F66 Corfil T\rDe: Paicel: AD,pllcrnt Cffirclor: Ouner: Drrcrlnflon: N.tlcD: Ir'lotcs: 210014301038 BALL CHRISTOF}ER G & MARY H ilcPHEE COI{STRTfTTON ; BALL CHRISTOPTER G A MARY M NSFR lowtf lriral kllclr.fi nol rllo,rhd - JHUNT O9-2S.20O1 Inspe&n Request Reportlng -?ilg-ery! - ltAll, ga iTgIY?{ OE - Requested Inspect Date: lnsp€d8on Areo: SlbAddressl Tuesday, September 25, A)01 CD 2835 SITIOWBERRY DR VAIL 2835 SNOYYBERRY DR Sub Tvno: NSFR (Ae: VN Requ€sbd The:oEoo At Phono: !fto€7+1167 Entet€dBy: DFLORES K BBr.[LD mo7 SSr;f|rpA|r:lsST.,ED CD l.fcdhe: l.lollce: ALL R€oueeed Inso€cdon{El Item: 537 PLANfINALCp Phone: 970'381-9925 :- A CONDITIO}I AFPROVEDwlTH BETH - LSANDO/A ON WEST SIDE OF LOT IS TO BE . LSA}OOVA I q ,4 06/0SS hiD€cior: JRM fiirnents: ADTL Col/nrc E.o{r nelrls: AI]DTL COTN/|S . RATSE REBAR iIATS FOR PROPER CLEARAI.ICE PRC}UDE So|LS ASIP Aclho: A)PRAPPROVED Acilon: ilO l.lOTFlED ilc0on' A9PRAPPRO\GD Aclbf'r: OO CERTIFTCATE OF OCCI PAI{CY Ac0on. PA PARTTAL APPROVA Og21/99 lrspoclor: ..RM Acfon: COCERIFICATEOFOCCTIPAIICY cortm6d3: ADDTL COMMS - 1\|€ED TO UTISPECT COLUI0{S (n/ey99 lrEg.cioc CD A.rbn: APPR APPROVED Conrflrs a: FO{riDATION&@LUMNS Requesbd Tlmc: 08:fl1At ' Plrone: 97057+1167 Eril.r€dBf Df,LOf,ES K /1 btt:lmr: nffir: lhnr: Item: 20 BlDG-Fo.cdctlorvsbel _ I ApfoveO " 0821/9!l InrDocbf: JRM Commgnts: PARTIAL o|( AL WALLS Og21/99 lnsooclor: .RU !O! B1V-!enp rcecntUnhagE 5&l F$r-Roudr or.d. 5()3 nilfincltffilcwrygnde -Agpro\rod" 11/19!F) nspealoe TK cofim|cnb: ADDFOI,led 10 BLEfgFodrEfu "foorrffi-04'2499- lnsD3clon CD '. Comn 3: Sdt-S REPORT REOT RED Oeo8,gg h.!.&r: JRltl Coorm.ril!: APPR WITH CORRECTIONS *7ffi& (.- rl')Lf,, Lttvtat"4 I f^t 4lr; 4 /,i'.tl [- !il'i\;'.rF. r. ? -: : --_r.: :i '.trast: t7 !i:'i ;!{,q1.,r5', ii., "*i gr I q-r. ; c ! {?.rllirllrrllii$ : -.t| jnr -$i .. -1114 . . - i ' (';at J.- 1.1q1r.11j;1 :]:.:r.:',1 l-.,;]i.i : r^r.-.:ii..:rr, :i!f i:iar,,'.n: ::'.. i.l:!,:.ir:'l(.t i r ,: _. .:.:. '.ii.: i,:"i .';:t: '_.i,.ii; :i I ji-;t!ei:ir1 'r _:i r,,,\i'.- r..,irj ,.rl,l ;iy':rul:Fr:i . I i? i'.rri: r{:: ilrfrj,! f\i r;lfr ! -*:: 'j-;.i'. "..ijI.t i:.jr't:ir. -;: )! jrl i i".:r L, rl i -*-*---.- .i -- - .:'i..* - - r']';* ;- 'Ft .1:: ;. ..1 :rriir3"11 r .-)' ' '::r l-,,:r.r \:l i;.Fi 'i . _ ..:;1,11.,3; 11; 1_r.:ij:r i ;'l::j :i,tslit: ig';ci irqfl j.r.. !,1_!.:11:,rli:r-,1.,1 -rr:,..: ;.; r:i l: - . r.,,. ri'. i.,r I i,iii-'' 1..;: ; |:' 1i.t.:tTFi-lc.l:i_.rt.t , l;- . 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[:1:Si';r!r r: - - 1;r:r:,:i :.:;': :''r''rrl.., ji' :;i . .. ...: ,'!:'^f li.. " .i^r r.i\i, iit:.]Ji:. qf- .'l': :,'.jl_'.:_-1 :': i ..: l.l j ,.. r"r ..\.,:L .i :', ;i';!:' ir; ii ) i;) i-: .. ii ii r,,:.,1 ,.,'t ,,!l i f- 7\-/ \ !{ "f t-t -,,-,-jJ-: r,,tr.:| "i. j+. itrr';.:').; iil i RHF'T 1;3 1 TOI4N OF VAIL. fiDL.ORADN F,f,GE S HREAI CD 11/16./1999 O7:89 REIIUF:STS - INSI-'EC]-N UIFRH SHHFT$ FOR:11./16./1999 *===::= =::==i:==i -::=:: -- ,--- --- -:::::==**r==:::l:=:::::===L---- ---;=============Aetivity: ltlli9-.Ofl7i 1I/16/19 Type: B-l4ECl] $tatr-ts: ISSIJED fisnstr': NSFR Acldress: l&.i5 SNfit4BERRY DF l*oL-at i orr: il'S35 Snotabrerny Dr Farcel: I 1 O3- 1 43-A 1 -!339 Oee: tjser Descr.ipt ion; Mechanical fnr new 5FE Appl icarrt l F'hrrne: ljwnerr BAI-.|-- CHRISTOFHER F & MARY M F'i"rone: f,ont i-act or' : RUCHY MOUltlT Fl I N F,LUMF i NF F:'h ort e : 97O-33PJ-Bzr7t?t In*pec't i on Reqltest Reqr-1e,s1or: MIKE RecL T'imer O1:Et} Itprns neqr-rested to rZrESSflt MEUH-Final Inf orrr"-lt i on. . Comment s r MIII be Inspect ed. Fhone: 97O-JB1-rZtTBJ NFTHRNI]ON , flct i on Ti me Exp Inspecticrn Histor"y., .. . It em r &tZtl::ffl?t MEtIH-Ror-Lgh Item I rlrfi:4rlr F,L_fvlB-Gas F,iping lOl 1.9,/Bq Inspertor": Jill4 ltem I rzr0f,1fi MECH-F{eat ing Itefl : lztttJfitzl MECH*ExhauEt Hoodg Itemr klraSSO MECH-$uppIy f;ir- .[tem: tZtOIrttZt MECH-lvli sc. Item: OIA39A MECH'-F inal Aetionr AtrFR AFFROUED 15# AIR TEST T { v .t l Cr.,mments REF,T:. 3 1 TOWN gF V6tIt_.' COLilRtlDO F'A6E J AREA: CD tI/t{,/ 1999 E7ri:9 REIIUESTS - INSFFCTN TJORK SHFETS FOR:11/16,/1999 ==5=* = =:* = i= = =::E = = = =:: == == = === = == =- = = = = =:.:: = == = =:: =':: =:::= = =:: = =:: 5i ===== e::= =F3 ==*=== ========Activity: F,9F-OOC.'7 LIlIt,/15 Type: L1-FLF1B Statr-rs: I$$UED Constnr NSFR FlddreE:: lB35 SNOI^,BERRY DR l-ocat i on r 3835 $nr:wber'r'y Dr F';*r'cel : l1E3-143-At-rZt3S Oer: Use: Desrr'iption! FlLrmbj.ng for nei.r 5[:R ffppl icant: FOCKY MOUNTAIN FLI"JI4BING Fhone: 97P.t-3i3tZt*S47til Owner*r FALL CI{RIST0FHER ti & MARY f'l Fhone: Contractor': ROI]KY til0l"iNTAIN FI-UI4BING Phorre: 97O-33O-847fi I nspect i nn Reqr-test Reqr-1651or: triIKE Req Time: tZtiltZlEt Iterns f"€qr.rested to tz zrg9rzr FrL_MF,".F i n a I Inf or*nat i cn. . . . . 14t:F'EE Commentsr MID AFTERNOON Fhene: 970t*381-O783 be Insperted.Ftct i on Cornme ts Tine Exp Inspect i on It€m! H i r+t ory. , , , . AIAA, 1 tZ E'LMF-Und erqr*o r.rnd A7 / 16 r'99 Insoect or s ART firzrilF:fi F,LMF-Ro r_r gli,/D" t^I. V, flg,/1rit./98 Inspeetor.; CL) Notes: INCREASE VENT SIZE rarA€:3'a F,L- MEr* Ro Lr gh,/l,.Ja t e r- tA9 / 1fi/95 Ins;pect or: UD or7't4ri' F,l_MB-6as F,i pi ng tA1/ 1&/99 1n*pector: FlRl' BTAESO F'LFIB-Foo]-/Hot Tt..th tAflfGtzt F,L-frlB-f'1 i se. il9 / 7f: /99 Inspector-:0RT fi9,/16/99 Insnector! ART ori.rtgrzr F,LMB-F i na i Act i on: AFF'R Flppr'cved LlndB trLMB It em ; f t em r It em: Item: Itent: Tt en: Act i an: fiFf,R AT FOETF TFJ ,:', FOF Act i. on r l'lR Ftrh i nn r QF trR fl*Lion: AF'FR Action: IlF,trR hIATEF COLUMN TEST FRfiST F,ROTET]TIDI'J t]NN] EACTNft NDT RERDY Fl2pr- air test LIES#,/15min Appr- l-reat pigiinq 4rZr*psi l"DtltJ thI'or-rqfi l'oa f LOT 4 FOUND CAP No.5 L-S. REBAR W/ PLASTIC ztoJ LOT 5 -- __SZ9B7,ne,n .__r{ L _7JJ.1g, FOUND No.5 REBAR cAP L.S. 11024 _\_- w/ ALUM. LOT 11 I ls al'-s', fl Fr' ..arl .i" ,'_3t't gi' LOT 8 17,899 SQUARE FEET 0.411 ACRES LOT 7 [: R_ t- - CH 12'41'10" 142.OO' 31.44' 15.78' = 31.38' lir/ It' CB = N74'16'58"W NOTICE: According to Colorodo low you must commence ony legol oction bosed upon ony defect in this survey within three yeors ofter you first discover such defect. In no event, moy ony oction bosed upon ony defect in this survey be commenced more thon ten yeors from the dote of certificotion shown hereon. A I .I c9 t A E t - ts{a I k q)€s4 E l.{ \^,N/s/ <rt/ atv/ ,**/q"/h-a /l // //,"s / /^d"l /,'/.r*/8 z'^.Sr3' ,' o= ,o ,'s /**. Lor s /8 ,/ ,5 ,',f / W-oaor /-\ / - t September 30, 1999, except utility connections, ore entirely within the boundories of / / the porcel, except os shown, thot there ore no encroochments upon the described , d/ premises by improvements on ony odjoining premises, except os indicoted, ond thot <qr/ 9f there is no opporent evidence or sign of ony eosement crossing or burdening ony -.-/ -v '.- /P/ /fr.,//a//r'4'h - \<k / / | hereby certify thot this improvement locotion certificote 4y'os prepored for McPhee / --- _ | Construction, thot it is not o lond survey plot or improvement survey plot, ond thot / ,- it is not to be relied upon for the estoblishment of fence, building, or other future , ,,. f imProvement lines. '.t Q1..t tl I further certify thot th€ improvements on the obove described porcel on this dote .' Tlis certificote does not constitute o title seorch by Inter-Mountoin Engineering to I determine ownership or eosements of record. For oll informotion regording H o TL tE lll o 6 ? q 2 tu lu d r o -E -aO >v n-x> lz "' l RzR a<"CO F L,r -2.7 tdx L- > trJ QU JuJr Fa 4> <U =o F 9CA f: )^ir rssJEr' m/3ol,99 99-01 21S @)-2xb COIIJMN bc* tc'o harq Lev& Pccrr'- '^ Tolvn of OFFICE F,, t*4 - 6bpfW'Do'o9 #,\rY^ 04l'{ 5 l/6" X r5" 6I. ?" - 6" COT.ICIRETE SLPIE t^ltTH 6><6 t^12.1 x hl2.l l^t-P{.F. J ii k9 PT oa lu o a'ev4fr j AT. t,-4' t 6 3/4" X t2" 6L. PLY|-€OD lto'-q' T@ OF Monroe & Newell EnAinecrs, krc. P.O. Bor r 597 70 Sffrrrldt R6d- Suir. 2O4 AvGr. Col6ldo El62O (9.|o) 919-TrA FAX (970) 949-46,1 BALL RESIDENCE 2835 SNOWBERRY DR- VAIT - (-.) s2 't I X o ; c3>1 V4' -{ o :II N N X t to o J o { ; X {() o v o o I F o x N Dc^,.f*rc^lr Ro{ Ftart-'i''?lqn Monroe & Newell Fn8in€crs, Inc. p.O. Eox tjy, 70 Bco.lEdt Rdd. Suirc zIX Avd\ Coldrdo 81620 (979) 9-Tt6a F^X (qm) 9.,19-4lltl BALL RESIDENCE 2835 SNOWBERRY DR. vAlr - co S3 Monroe & Newell F,nginecrs, Inc. P.O. Bor lsY, 70 Bcd.lfirdt Rdd" SoiL 2O4 Avq\ Colqrdo tr62o (97O) 949-716a FAX rqr'$ 949{{)tl BALL RESIDENCE 2835 SNOWBERRY DR. vAn- rr).l/4" - l'-O'DRAWNBY: S1 cilil rnity Development run nouting #D Routed To:Leonard Sandoval, Public Works Return To:JeffHunt Date Routed:r-20-99 Retum By:Asap Project Name: Project Address: Project Legal: hoject Description: Ball Residence 2835 Snowberry Drive Lot 8, Block 9, Intermountain New SFR Approved Denied (cite detailed reasons) _X_Approved with conditions South west side ofproperty a2:l grade must be meet. L Sandoval received 1-20-99 reviewed,/ retumed 1-20-99 F:\E\TERYONE\DRIP\ROUTING\98ROUTNG\PUBLICWO\ 1 MASTER. FRM C#u'lty Development nlu' no,rtl'g S Routed To:Leonard Sandoval, Public Works Return To:Jetf Hunt Date Routed:t-14-99 Return Bv:Asap Project Name: Project Address: Project Legal: Project Description: Ball Residence 2835 Sno,uvberry Drive Lot 8, Block 9, Intermountain New SFR Approved _x_Denied (cite detailed reasons) _Approved with conditions COMMENTS Please provide a survey stamped by a licensed sun'eyor. Please correct proposed grading and rock walls on south west side . Needs to meet layout of stamped design and 2:1 max grading, or provide walls to match existing rvhere steeper. Please remove all boulders and landscaping that would be damaged by a plow or large amounts of snorv within 1 0' of existine edee of asnhalt. L Sandoval received l-11-99 reviewed/ retumed l-14-99 Date received: Revieu,ed by:Date revierved: F :\EVERYON E\DRIP\ROUTING\98ROUTNG\PUBLICWO\ I MASTER.FRM ZONE CHECK Datc: Lcgal dcscription: Lot B, Bloct t Filing Addrcss aE'3s S,^.- 5s. Architc,ct Zonc distict Lot sizc 8t-O Phonc Phonc Proposcd usc 31q,+ )Bbrtlo3 Total GRFA lo3L +85o Allorved Existing n L.,/ + Primary GRFA _+ (425) (6tS*; - Sccondary CRFA + (425) (675+)=_ * 675 = 425 credit plus 250 addition ss12 ---L--:- (30(31) Front Sidcs Rear 20' i5' 15' * \x38 = tl 3V lt 3+ * ?,2,.c Encloscd 545 Proposcd Slopc _% .l 5) Gcologic Haz:rds N D a) SnorvAvalanchc b) Rocldall c) Dcbris Florv Pro'ious conditions of approval (chcck propcrly filc): uAq,na- Yes- No Ycs- No- I ) Pcrccnt Slope (<f,30%)_ 2) Floodplain 1t !vatttnnc 4) Watcr Coursc Sctback (30) (50) - = 18Eu ooor@ror@ Permittcd Slooc % Proposcd Total Rcmaining 3t5 I = 3t5[ 1,,735 Docs this rcqucst involvc a 250 Addition? Horv much of thc allowcd 250 Addition is uscd ivith this requcst? Sitc Covcragc 20% Hcigbt Sctbacks 06 Landscaping RctainingWall Heighb Parking .) { rro ceeA I aOt Minimum @ /o 3',/ 6' n qu*a- 3 Caragc Credit Drivclvay Complics with TOV Lighting Ordinancc Arc finishcd gradcs lcss than 2:1 (50%) Environm cntal,&Iaz:rds Is thc propcrty non-conforming? Dcscribc:\/to ss3ccYcrrJ 7 cSBrolS ^rous ,/ FF6Ttft.-ssar.€) {earaau6 v' oi+..|d? \t2 Sw'wtY\-l . suorJJr4scl lBJd scJueuen sroPlxo3 ^\cr^ (puno-6:cpm) seFllltn scpur4 cpeg5iung uoqs3lrue^.o.3 scldrues pprleur Europng cIsJ0 soloqd uuoJ uog€f,gua^ /qlpn (g:y y) Ioda-r cprl pao:ddy opuo3 ,' A / snog.,\Y1'ISSSiN ..1 v 4' ," ,4 /, ," NV'IdSIIS tr NV'-ids(IycsaNY]E qclldJoou sPF.lel^Ar0loc crece ,.,/ sNorJvns.ls CJqo.irns tr Itn.1 ./r '. ccedg crgl4laruC ,Z- vf{c puopppe 092 .v- Ydu9 ,, cl€f,s ,' sNY'rduoo.IJ tr suops.,Lclc lods suogrcoldtlJgO seaJI sPJezeH lslururuoJr^ug :lJEqlcs csrnoc laIP^I, uegd poog .:d ggl r,.qda6odo1 slututcsBa ecrv clqspFg cz!s 1o-I uo4ducscp pfal Ireurqcucg CIsCS nua8al scc-g pasodo.q scc.q SugsF:l " ,' ,/l -A a' a- .r' a-.-^g^uns n snDeuSululnJ, oSaegpuqre6 secrla{ s1p1tr 5urure1cX cdols\opEtC ctrs uoq?awoc aSarPD ScluOcJeg//5-{coO (2) s8ueg.nr'gTscaeg aiErc^oC atls s{ceqlcs sjuaurqJeoJrug lq8ng Surppng CIe3S JSITXJSHC AISIASU NCISSC :1ccfor4 Jt+Fll-l:r':tt lt'i <.f Otoot* & Nctlu rogto"*(t ?0Drcfurknor4S!frc2Oa . AnErColondoEldl0 nwvur-Tlf! 97ol9t$464prr Ead:gsgEl1gq.Ll.reE FACSIMIIJ TRArSI,IITTAL I"ETTER r,,* -j-_,lLgR Pr,sE(irctdiq3E@ftnl) 7 A,acadoa Coryay' Td+ffi Frx Froqo Srrbjcct Messagc Tclqbotu Fax Projoct r €tIE wAU,aBp!!., IfErnsnittel ir not rs itdic.tcd plcesc uotify scndcr Jl-*Fl l-r:':tt rY,;.|\?r*r"*gH,Hffil Jr,l!|r--.ff S*tt.r+ calar rlosY a&cx(o lY 7 z :Q t sz u,ht z4LQ * , orr! TOTA- P.@ Oec-15-98 I I :29A 115 ne Ck- Rd- Roserr 1Ju o e7o-fr-2ess 1i*;llD.g2&!Ot!t Frr: lE9iF-llll P -Ol ft :rir {.1-/ ,"-.aeunJ h lrt . truril Y3"* trbffit trbffit cth# # rn. g-h*rl ?*+4- d1w:r vr t_rrl J rl 'g4t @l.ttan't -f ,\' a phte*tl +oruJ.4 + Lbt i.4 4o,rvto'rnod'YVU-.+I *1 I()/vLO tl vQ(4r ' J?q' f-"? !;f.!,Y,:#-. 3fq ){zlt Y''" - 'u' I r h +tn' w'&'' ulaafr ''tlutilwY''n 14' bI - v4+t/,t.n d_ t+ d,tu |J^f alwhu 3t**rb= L --\.-=--t.---\ \ lAi L-, I \-1 (o -e O \h $h x rl nl t \ ru I,F'*r..... :\ )i+ ffi l'Js ,, /=r r\ \! t-.\ ,l \"i-- .#__ 1t*+ 1lS r I (\ 'lJ h;L't \j,i*-\-$ $ .t. t*\ ,*-$...'ll F$,\ s:s \ \ -'. I sr\t+i ''.. tl\IF\ r.\' ;\""+T t$-,v; E66Z-916-G)L6 uasou 'PU '>|3 aune ISTT !/62:Ir B6-9I-DEO zC,'d b -h \rn (tf a \-- #.unir, Development rhn no'tingt- Routed To:Terri Partch. Public Works Return To.JeffHunt Date Routed:l2/08198 Return By:Asap Project Name: Project Address: Project Legal: Project Description: Ball Residence 2835 Snowberry Drive Lot 8, Block 9, Intermountain New SFR Approved _x_Denied (cite detailed reasons)Approved with conditions All walls that are 4' in height must be laid back at 1:1 (l foot horizontal to 1 foot vertical) unless the walls are designed and stamped by a registered engineer. Please revise your site plan accordingly. Please provide a survey stamped by a licensed surveyor. Please show the proposed gading on the benches between the rock walls as well as the top and bottom elevations of the rock wall. Walls in the front set back cannot exceed 4' in height. Walls around the rest of the site cannot exceed 6' in height. Any wall over 4' in height must be deigned and stamped by a Colorado licensed engineer. "Stacked walls" must also be designed by an engineer. The minimum bench allowed between walls is 3'. Please remove all boulders and landscaping that would be damaged by a plow orlarge amounts of snow within 10' ofthe existing edge ofasphalt. TL Partch received 12/08/98 reviewed/ returned 12/08/98 F : \EVERYONE\DRIP\ROUTING\9 SROUTNG\PUBLICWO\ I MAS TER, FRM FILE6pi TOITN OFVAIL Department of Cont;tunity De",elof ment 75 South Frontage Road lhil, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 FAX 970-479-24s2 December 9, 1998 Beth Lavine PO Rox 1825 Avon, CO 81620 Re: Ball Residence, 283 5 Snor'vberry Drive' Lot 8, Rlock 9. lnterntountain Dear Beth: The revised plans that were submitted for the residence were reviewed today by the D-esign Revier.v Team, The rolo*i,rg items need to be addressed by December I lth in order for the planninq Division to sctreclul! the proposal before the Design Review Board (DRB) for final revierv on Decernber i 6th. Othenvise, the items need to be addresscd l0 du-" ' prior to the anticipated DRB meeting. ff,. n"O ORn meeting after December I6d' is scheduled for January Ttlt o TheplansneedtobeamendedinaccordancewiththecommentsfromthePublicWorks Department. 'i he comments at e attae itct'i Please feel free to contact me at 479-2140 to discuss the project' Sincerelv. t / ---',x,41- 14,,.-u (,/-10 / t JeffHunt Senior Planner {P *""'""n 'o'"* rq !Conr munity I)cvrl,r pru li o uting Fornr RoutedTo: ; * -I 1'c lri Pll'lch, Pu!rii: 1]'or'l;s Return To:Jcffl-{unt Date Routed: _ Return By: _ Project Name Project Address: Project Desc: iTtion: t2l08/98 .,\ sap Ball Residencc 2S35 Snor-vberry Drive Lot 8, Block 9, Irriermountrin Nlv SFR Approved Denied (cite detailcd reasons) Approvcd rvith condirjo:s All rvalls that ere 4' in height must be laid back at l: I ( I foct horizonhl to I foot ver:ical) L:rless the 1.alls are Cesig;:cd r:-^J ...r:r:t:;lil L} .. registered engineer. Pieasc u i:.'your sirc i,:ian accordirrslr'. Walls in the f:.rrt set ba.li ctilnol l:cccC 4' in hcighi. \\'r.lls e cund Lhe rcst ofthe s;te cannol exccetj tj' in heiehr. Any wall over.l' in height must be deigned and stamped by a Colorado licensed engincrr. "stacked rvails" must also be designcd by an engineer. The minimrrm henel' allnr. o,t hn111'^^ ^" ' ' ' ' Please remove all boulders and landscaping that rvoLri.l be danrar:ed by a plorv or large anrounts of sncr.,v within 10' ofthe exisiing edge ofasphalt. TL Partch I2l08/98 Date received: Please proviclc a survey stamped by a licenseC sun,c.i,lr. Please shorv the proposed grading on the benches bet\\'ccn the rock r,.alls as rvel! as the toD anri botto' : tlcv:rli,,rns ofthe rock rvlll. revierved/ rett'rncd Rcr,ic''vctl b :Date revierved: t EC OPY TOWT,I OFVAIL ' Department of Conmwtity Development 75 Sodh Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213E FN( 970-479-2452 SincerelY,rg,ff//x v_ f __"Jett tlunt Senior Planner November 25,1998 Beth Lavine PO Box 1825 Avon, CO 81620 Re: Ball Residence, 2835 Snouiberry Drive' Lot 8, Block 9, Intermountain Dear Beth: The following items have come to light since the letter dated November 19h regarding the residence. If the plans indicate a building height of 32' or more' then an improvonent location survey will be required at the building permit phase' Also, standards provide for a maximum 24' curb cut on the road frontage' Please feel fte€ to contact me at 479-2140 to discuss the project' {1*o' to"uo I I FILE cdly Dtltartntent of Comntunity Developntent 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2I38 FAX 970-479-2452 November 19, 1998 Beth Lavine PO Box 1825 Avon, CO 81620 Re. Ball Residence, 2835 Snorvberry Drive, Lot 8, Block 9, lnteruountain Dear Beth: The plans that were submitted for the residence were revierved yesterday by the Design Review Board (DRB). The following items need to be addressed by December 7th in order for the Planning Division to schedule the proposal before the DRB for final review on December l6th. Otherwise, the items need to be addressed l0 days prior to the anticipated DRB meetinq. The plans need to include a grading plan. The grading plan should conform with regulations such as a maximum 2:1. The grading should be pulled back and minimize impacts to trees. The house strould be shifted; and the garage should be raised in elevation and/or steppc,..l tiuvrri to address the driveway grade. The south elevation ofthe residence should show more articulation, expression, variation of materials, and be accented and detailed; although simplicity was okay. It was suggested that the spirit ofthe east and lvest elevations be applied to the north and south elevations, and that hearry trim such as the log columus and rails be used. The roofslope should be steeper and/or stepped and become the center point ofentry. Consideration should be given to running the roof pitch parallel with the slope. lt rvas questioned whether asphalt shingles were feasible for the proposed roof pitch and whether there rvill be enough room for the clear story windows. There was concern with how the extra parking space would interact with the residence and it's effect on the garage elevation and roofeaves. There was also concern with the length ofthe curb cut and a suggestion that it be broken with a planter. A landscape plan should be submitted that indicates the interaction between the house and forest. The plans should address the comments from Public Works, which were provided at the DRB meeting. {1 *rrtr"r"o,^,"* 'l r" n t,.-l tr- , ,*4 rlii I Finally, samples of colors and materials should be submitted at the DRB meeting. Please feel free to contact me at 479-2140 to discuss the project. Sincerely, , / d ffi/W JeffHunt Senior Planner t""rO I)evelopment run noutingt'n Routed To:Terri Partch. Public lVorks Retum To:JeffHunt Date Routed:rt/ro/98 Retum By:asap Project Name: Project Address: Project Legal: Project Description: Ball Residence 2835 SnowberryDrive Lot 8, Block 9, Intermountain New SFR Approved _x_Denied (cite detailed reasons)Approved with conditions All walls that are 4' in height must be laid back at 1:l (1 foot horizontal to 1 foot vertical) unless the walls are designed and stamped by a registered engineer. Please revise your site plan accordingly. Both driveways are over grade. The first 10' of any drive must be 8%o or less, however, and then the drive can go to l0olounheated or l2Yo heated. The first 10' of driveway atBYo is measured from the back side of the parl (the side that faces the house, instead ofthe side that connects to the roadway asphalt.) A 4'pan with a 2"invert in the center is required for both drives. Walls in the front set back cannot exceed 4' in height. Walls around the rest of the site cannot exceed 6' in height. Any wall over 4' in height must be deigned and stamped by a Colorado licenced engineer. "Stacked walls" must also be designed by an engineer. The minimum bench allowed between walls is 3' . It looks like the western most top of wall elevation is supposed to be l0'. The 12 contour ties into this wall, making the ground elevation higher than the wall. Please revise. On the west side of the house, it looks like you have drawn two proposed contours which tie into one existing contour at the 8002 elevation. Please revise. Most of the site grading exceeds the maximum allowable grade of 2: I (horizontal to vertical) Please revise and resubmit. Please have the survey stamped by a licenced surveyor. This site should be checked for rock fall, debris flow and avalanche hazzards. TL Partch received 1ll10/98 reviewed/ retumed lllll/98 O bcrto rxtfnr LAND TTTLE GUARANTEE COMPANY Representing title Insurance Company of Minnesota THANK YOU FOR YOI'R ORDER July 10, L992 our order No.: vL9L44-2 BUYER/OSINER: CHRISTOPHER G. BALL AND I'IARY M. BALL SELLER: JIMMIE C. ANDERSON AND SHIRLEY J. ANDERSON ADDRESS: CLOSER 1 AttN: KERRY COPIES 1 Attn: PICKED I'P FOR DELIVERY AI'1 PM COVENANTS ATfACHED YES NO FOR TITLE QUESTIONS CALL KAREN FLETCHER 3O3 476-225L FOR CI,OSING QUESTIONS CAI'L KERRY LOETSCHER MINNESOTA TrTrF l$ HOME OFFICE 3033 East First Ave.,Suite 600 Denver, CO 80206 P O. 8ox 5440 Denver, CO 80217 321-1880 I FAX 322-7603 ARAPAH OE 7700 E. Arapahoe Rd., #150 Englewood, CO 801 12 770-9596 / FAX 290-9040 ARVADA 5440 Ward Road, #200 Arvada, CO 80002 420-0241 / FAX 423- 1 365 DRY CREEK 26 W. Dry Creek Circle, #520 Littleton, CO 80120 794-5307 I FAX 794-5802 EAST 3300 5. Parker Rd., #105 Aurora, CO 80014 751-4336 I FAX 7 4s-2669 FIDDtERS GREEN 6400 S. Fiddlers Green Circle, #103 Englewood, CO 80111 771-4s39lFAX 771-4526 LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COil4PANY P O. Box 357 108 S. Frontage Rd. W. Vail. CO 81658 47 6-2251lDirect 595-951 3 FAX 476-4534 BRECKENRIOGE P. O. Box 2280 200 North Ridge Breckenridge, cO 80424 453-22s5 / FAX 453-6014 CASTLE ROCK 512 Wilcox Castle Rock, CO 801 04 688-5363 / FAX 688-0143 COLORADO SPRINGS 102 5. Tejon, #100 Colorado 5prings, CO 80903 634-4821 /Direct 595-41 13 FAX 534-3190 PARKER 19590 E. Main 51., #105 Parker, CO 80134 84'l -4900 VAIL P O. 8ox 357 108 S. Frontage Rd. W. Vail, CO 81558 47 6 -2251 I Di ect 595-96 1 3 FAX 476-4s34 AGENTS OURANGO 'I 201 Main Avenue Durango, CO 81301 247 -5860 I FAX 247 -9089 CommitmentTo Insure lssued thtough the qffie of: GLENWOOD SPRINGS 817 Colorado Avenue, Suite 203 P. O. Box 2102 Glenwood springs, CO 81602 945-2610 / FAX 945-4784 HAM PDE N 8821 E. Hampden, # 100 Denver, CO 80231 7 50-4223 I FAX 750-4267 JEFFERSON 710 Kipling, #202 Lakewood, CO 80215 232-3111 / FAX 238-2956 NO RTH 9101 Harlan, #100 Westminster, CO 80030 427-9353|FAX 430-1572 SOUTHWEST 3509 5. Wadsworth, #1 l5 Lakewood, CO 80235 988-8550 / FAX 980-8324 YOSEMITE 3600 5. Yosemite, #255 Denver, CO 80237 694-2837 / FAX 843-0402 BOULDER 2425 Canyon Blvd., #230 Boulder, CO 80301 444-4101 I FAX 786-8423 LAND TTTLE GIJARAI{TEE coi^?ANf - charges - ALTA owner Policy Tax Report --TOTAL-- o ALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE A our Order No. V19144-2 For Information only $438. oo $2O. o0 $458. oo ****WITH YOI]R REMTTTANCE PLEASE REFER TO OIIR ORDER NO. V19144-2.iC*I'11" 1. Effective Date: JuIy 01, 1992 at 8:00 A.l'1. 2. Policy to be issued, and proposed Insured: rrALTAtr Ownerrs Poticy $45,000.00 1987 Revision (Amended 199o) Proposed fnsured: CHRISTOPHER G. BALL AND MARY M. BAI,L 3. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to in this Connritment and covered herein is: A Fee Sirnple 4. Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at the effective date hereof vested in: JIMMIE C. ANDERSON AND SHIRLEY J. ANDERSON 5. The land referred to in this Cornnitrnent is described as follows: LOT 8, BLOCK 9, VAIL INTERMOTJNTATN DEVELOPMENT SUBDIVISION' ACCORDING TO THE PI,AT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 7, 1972 IN BOOK 225 AT PAGE 335, COtNTy OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. PAGE 1 o v ALTA COMMIT}.1 ENT SCHEDULE B-]. (Requirements) Our order No. V19l-44-2 The following are the requirements to be complied with: 1. payment to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors of the full consideration for the estate or interest to be insured. 2. Proper instrument(s) creating the estate or interest to be insirred must be exetuted and duly filed for record, to-wit: 3. EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TO THE COMPANY THAT THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. 4. THIS PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO THE JOINT RESOLUTION AND NOTICE OF ENCI'MBRANCE OF ttPPER EAGLE VALLEy CONSOLIDATED SANITATION DISTRICT AND VAIL VALLEY CONSOIJIDATED WATER DISTRICT RECORDED APRTL 30' 1991 IN BOOK 552 AT PAGE 977. 5. WARRANTY DEED FROM JIMMIE c. ANDERSON AND SHIRLEY J. ANDERSON TO CHRISTOPHER G. BALL AND MARY M. BALI-, CONVEYING SUBJECT PROPERTY. : THE COI'NTY CLERK AND RECORDERS OFFICE REQUIRES RETI]RN ADDRESSES ON DOCI'MENTS SENT FOR RECORDING! ! PAGE 2 v ALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions) Our order No. V19L44-2 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the ioffbr.ring'unle-ss ttre same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the company: 1. Standard Exceptions 1 through 5 printed on the cover sheet, 6. Taxes and assessments not yet due or payable and special assessments not yet certified to the Treasurer's office. 7. Any unpaid taxes or assessments against said land' B. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any' g. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOUI,D THE SAME BE FOI'ND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN I]NITED STATES PATENT RECORDED APTiI 18, L934' IN BOOK ]'23 AT PAGE 3. 10. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE I]NITED STATES AS RESERVED IN I'NITED STATES PATENT RECORDED APTi]. 18' L934' IN BOOK 123 AT PAGE 3. ].1. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS I^THICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITIIRE OR REVERTER CLAUSE' BIII OMITTING RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED ON RACE, COLOR' REI-|IGTON' oR NATTSNAL oRrcrN, AS coNTAiNED rN iwsrnuMnNT REcoRDED sePtenber 06' L972, rN BOOK 225 AT PAGE 315. /r/. en EA5EMENT t5 FEET rN wrDTH, coNsrsrrNc oF A srRrP oF LAND LYrNG 7.5 FEET T- ly wiDnH ALoNG AtL srDE Lor LrNEs rs DEDTcATED As AN urrlrrY EAsEI'IENT FoR THE USiE O}' PUBLTC AND PRIVA'I'E UTII,ITY AND DRAINAGE WAYS, AS RESERVED ON THE PLAT OF VArL INTERMOUNTAIN DEVELOPI'IENT SUBDMSTON, BLOCK 9. r/. TESTUENT ].5 FEET ON EACH SIDE OF ROAD RIGHT OF WAY FOR ROADWAY STRUCTURES' 7 Fanxrtqc, pRrvATE AND puBt,rc urrlrrrEs AS RESERVED oN THE Pr,AT oF vArL INTERMOUNTA]N SUBDIVISION' BLOCK 9. 14. EASEMENTST RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED oN THE RECORDED PLAT OF VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN DEVETOPI'IENT SUBDIVISION. TERMS| CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF THE JOINT RESOLUTION AND NOTICE OF ENCWBRANCE OF UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSOLIDATED SANITATION DISTRICT AND VAIL VALLEY CONSOIJIDATED WATER DISTRICT RECORDED APRIL 30' 1991 IN BOOK 552 AT PAGE 977. NOTE: UPON EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TO THE COMPANV THAT SAID ENCTJMBRANCE HAS BEEN PAID IN FULL, SAID EXCEPTION WILL BE DELETED. PAGE 3 -ALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions) our order No. V19144-2 NOTE: ITEM 5 OF THE STANDARD EXCEPTIONS WILL BE DELETED IF LAND TITLE RECORDS THE DOCIJMENTS REQUIRED T'NDER SCHEDULE B-1. NOTE: UPON PROOF OF PAYMENT OF ALL IAXES, ITEI,I 7 UNDER SCHEDULE B-2 WILL BE DELETED AND ITEM 5 WILL BE AMENDED TO READ: TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS FOR THE YEAR 1992 AND SUBSEQUENT YEARS. PAGE 4 lo LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY DISCI.',OSURE STATEX4ENT Required by Senate Bill 91-14 A) The subject real property may be }ocated in a special taxing district. B) A Certificate of Taxes Due }isting each taxing jurisdiction may be obtained from ttre County Treasurer or the County Treasurer's authorized agent. C) The information regarding special districts and the boundaries of such districts may be obtained frorn the Board of County cornmissioners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or the County Assessor. Reguired by Senate Bill 92-143 l : A) A Certificate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdiction shall be obtained from the County Treasurer or the County Treasurerts authorized agent. OT BETH LEVINE, ARCHITECT P.O. BOX 1825 AVON, CO 81620 (e70) e26-s099 TRANSMITTAL TO: T.O.V. FROM: BETH LEVINE, ARCHITECT RE: BALL RESIDENCE PRSLIMINARY DRC REVIEW INCLUSIVE: APPLICATION $2OO FEE 3 SETS OF: T, S1,S2,A1,A2 GRFA CALCULATION COPY: BALL eu.rrio,r$rhc phr;r n ing sr urT :r l,;i 7.,:-l i ?.J APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIE}V APPROVAL 1t 'oLB \ This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dc.sigrr Rcvicrv aSproval. Any projcct rcquicing dcsigr rcvicrv rnust rcccivc Dcsign Rcvicrv approval prior to subnritting fora building pcrnrit. For'spccific infomtation, scc lhc subprittal rcquirctttcnts for thc particr,rtar approval that is rcqr.qstcd. Thc application cannor bc acceptcd until allthcrcquircd itrfbrnration is subnrincd. Thc projcct uray also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Torvn Council and/orthc planning and ErrvirorrnrcutaI Corurrri.ssion. Dcsign Rcviov Boerd approvtt cxpircs one.ycar after final approval unleis a building pcrmit is issucd end construction is stat tcd. DEscRrprroN oF rHE REeUEST: ?*t--, EaEaUZ, B. LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL: PARcEL#._(conlactEag|cCo.Asscssor5officeat970-32E-8640fo7parcc|#) zoNrNc. flhprr|al /?€&lw,Y CENERAL INFORMATION ?nr 'c. D. E, F. c. OWNER(S) STGNATURE(S) : NAME OFAPPLICANT: MAILINC ADDRESS; t1,TYPE OF REVIEW AND F E Ncrv Construction - 5200 E Addition - D I\f inor Altcrafion - FlLING: PHONE: PHONE: Construction ol'a nerv building. lncludcs any.artlition rvhcrc squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidcnrial or corrrrncrcial building. PI+YSICAL ADDRESS: NAME OF OW}{ER(S): MAILINC ADDRESS: s50 S20 lncludcs rninor changcs to buildings and sitc inrprovcnrcnts. such as. rcroofing. painting. rvirrdorv additions. landscaping, fcnccs and fcraining walls, ctc. DRB fccs arc to bc paid at thc tinrc of subnrittal. Lalcr. rvhor applying for a build,ing pcnnit. plcasc idcnti! tlrc accuratc valuation of thc projcct. Thc Torvn of Vail rvill a-djust the fcc according to the proj cct valuation. PLEASg SUBI}TIT THIS APPLICATION. ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREN'ENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPIVIENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD. vAlL, coLoRADo El657. TVI//NOFUAIL BLOCK: Roof Siding Othcr tffall Matcnals Fs.scia Soffrts Windows Window Trinr f)oors DoorTrim Hand or Dcck Rails Fluc.s Flashings ChirnneYs Trash Enclosurcs 6rccnhouscs Rctaining Walls Extcnor Lightingr+ Othcr hN'aaoa Leder COIQB:' tha&- nctfue4 Ate/M'3 I t Plcasc spwify the nunufachrrcr's color' numbcr and attach a small color chip +|Al|cxtcriortightingmustnrectthcTown.sLightingordinancc|8.54o50(J)..|fcxtcriorlightingisproposed' orcasc indicatc thc numbcr "ii*** -a rocarions on u".frfr,J,giii"g pr"i . racirify "actt-fi"n rc type and providc it c t.lgt t abovc gradc. tu'n-, *,pu,, lurninous arca. -Jitttth "iut thttt of the lighting fixnrrcs' ,'Updatod 6/9? -rt r$.Eio''5jni*J.i . \xi\-t*lNr**r: da\-Ltr \lr':. -\\xri; .t*1t;S\"1 *r-*o;!p+{ -]{:bl*t\* G*q{' , l-rbb*irt * ::l rrht$ti\ l-$t*h!.gt ri t$r\fi.*' "l rt"f* '.l'il.}*'t'{. *.1 i..bfi. . .'"llFhtt' )ro _l,,ot ,t. *.)''i*.-? \ rry\\ ,.' . ,J".*t tr'$I,,,,:'*:i$; ,Lr^'..+}:ffi " ir"-bt:tq '.f' j+ l$': ,11."''l$1i .-l:$qt\ _ ;b i rrTl,q-*i',o' * uis" ,, {"io -:fiq; I a . ''. $r- tlt -). l ...i. ..f .I\raE ' s".-ir aO Ouanliw frz!: ConrmonNamc Rotanical Narnc ? PROPOSEDTREES ANDSHRUBS: EXISTINO TREES TO BEREMOVED: GROUNDCOVER SOD SEED TRRIGATION rM inimum rcquircnrcnts for landscaptng:'r^-irt'nns trccs - 2 inch calipct ' ::,;;;;;"ss - 6 fcct in hcight "f,*U* - 5 gallons TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL "tffiff; FEATuR;;"d"''s 11li.l"n"o' swimming poorll:) P*"* spcciff' Indicatc top and botrom ctcvarions orrc,"rnrns,,,'1,: "Io,,,.,r* r'oeht;i:;;ri' *iiitiiittt ront *'rb;;f i rt' i'r*itrrm height of ffi;;;tt* on thepropcny ls 6fcct' W rh'in*t*-e=-- Squarc FootaEC t *dtt"\ry:*Lrt,:f\"1 tr,Es.xitf:." }*t;S, r'3-\"1t.* ', . ,," .o'r,s. r. _ '\i.iur*_ \ h*.t, qt -,- Pr, This form i.s to vcrifi scrvicc availability and location for ncw construction and should hc uscd itr conlttnctlon with prcparing your utilaty pi* ""J *r,lauling installatio"t'' rtt"'i"*ii"n and availabitity of utilit'cs' whc'thcr thcy bc rnain tn.rnk tincs * pr"p*.Jf i".., .,irt U" .pprit"U -J "tlnta by thc fotlowing utilitics for thc acconrPanYrng sitc Plan' Authorizcd Sicnaturc Dalc U.S. Wcst Communications t-800-922-1987 468-(t860 or 949-4530 Public Scrvicc ConrPanY 949-5781 Cary Hatl Holy Cross Elcctric Assoc' 949-5892 Tcd lluskY/John BoYd T C.l 949-5510 Floyd Salazar Eaglc Rivcr Watcr & .Strnitntiorr District t 476-7480 Frcd Haslcc ,( ilbqy 4:-6-- zE- 1/- 6 7.r I plcasc bring a sitc plan. tloor plan. and clcvations whcn obtaining Uppcr Eaglc vallcy watcr & sanitation *ig;i tur"*. F'irc flow trccds ntust bc addrcsscd' NOTES: lf thc utility vcrification form has signalurcs fronr cach,of thc utility companics' a.d tro cornmcnts arc madc oir""uy'o. ti" iomr, thc To*,r will prcs.unrc that thcrc arc no problcnls and thc dcvcloPmcnt can Procccd' Ifautilitycornpanyha.sconccmswiththcproposcdconstruction.thcuti|ityrcprcscnta|iveshal| notc drrcctly on thc utility ""ni,"uii"|r tr. that thcrc is a problcrn which nccds to bc resolved' Thcissucshouldthcnbcdclailcdinanattached|cttcrtothcTownofVail.Howcvcr.plca.sc kccp in mind rhar it is thc rc.sfonsibility of thc utiliry company and the applicant to rcsolvs idcntificd Problons. Thc-sc verifications do not rclicve thc contractor of thc rcsponsib.{i[1? ob:aina}rr-blic Way pcrmit from th" o.pr.n-"rrt oiputti. works at lhc Town of Vail. utiliw locations must bc obtained bcforc digsing t "tty ptUfi" right-of-way or.cascnrcnt wilhin thc Town of Vail' A iliiljili".*it i* not " h'hlii' wty F"titit und tttt'*t b" nt'tuin"d ""P"'t"t"' W7fr{tr /4&a UFrlited 6'9" t. 2. 3. t l. 06. tg l?t52 DU FO2 SMALL 2('0(' sERlEs 20:to Ht I Br2' Wid 6t/2' Collar 3" 2(':tt Hr 13' Wld: 6Yz' overall: 18" &. Hl: I3" Wid: 6L/2" Ertend: B" Top to outlet: 71,/2" 2(X3tl Bt 23' Wid: 61,/2" Ext€nd: 9%' Top to oullel 13" 2C99 Ht 't9 Wid: 612 Extend: 9l/1" Top to oullef 13" zicto:l Ht: 15" Wid: 6Y2" Extend: I 1rl2" Top to oullel: B' 20:toa lll.17t/2' Widr 6y2" Exlend. 10' Top lo oullet: 5' >qk ,),. Yat ao:ros q Hl: 18v2" Wid: 6r2" Extend: 10" Top to oullet; 10t?" 4E*P Ht 14" Wid: 672" Exlend: 10" Top to outlet: 4" 2r)E'.t7 lll 1l t/2" Wid: 672" Extend. 10" Top to outlet: 1372' 20:to€ Ht: 14" wtd 6r.2' Extend 1l t2' Top to outlet 61.,?' 2(Xlo64 Hr 11 Wid 61 r" Extend; l1r'2' Top to oudel. I' 20:r Hl r5" Wid: 67?" Exlendr 10" Top to ouUet: 5rl2" 2(Xt@ HI: l71h' Wid: 6/2" Ext€nd:872' Top lo ou €tr 13k' zo:toc:t Ht 1814" Wid: 6 t'2" Exlend 11" Top to oullet: 15" t( MEDIUM zcl{to Hlr 25" Wid: 8r2,, Collar 3" aosr Hl 16" Wid: Br2" 0verall: 28" *A Ht: 31k' Wid 8 72' Extend:12' lop to outlet 16' 20et6 Hl: 181/2 Wid: 8Y2' Efiend: 12 Top to outlel: 11" 2()59 tll: 231,/2' Widr I72" Ertend:12" lop lo outlet: 16' 2(,5{'ia Ht; 28' Wid: 81,/2" Extend:12' Top to olllelr 21" 20so/r Hl:22" Wid: 872" Extendi 13" Top lo outlet t2 2()50Ei r:7' W(lr 8i2" Ertend: 12" To[ tr] outletr 16" 2(t6(Irt Ht IB" Wid: 872" Extend: '12" Top lo ouilet I l" zdxnf Ht 28" Wid; 8Y2" Extend: ll72' Iop to oudet 24" &E Ht. 21" Wid: 8Y2" Exlend: 12" Top to outlet: 9" 20cto63 Hl 251/2" Wid: Bt?" Extend: 1372' Top to ou elr 19' 2cl50c6 Hr l8t2 Widr 8Y2" Extend: 15Y2 To! to outlet B' ( t l',/ / 2000 sE]|lEs Panels: Sl;lltdatd panels - Seudy Acrylic Aptorrs - C ear Acrylic. Rrpple. Opa Pebb l Socket Sazes: Small Standaftl - 1 Liqht Edisoil i60 Vialt Max) ]ptnns - 3 Lillhl Clustef i3 25 Watt l,4ax) PL 7.9 13. Ouad I fluad 13 Medium Standard - 1 Light Edison (150 V/alt [,lax) Aphons - 3 Lrght Clusler (3 60 \ryalt l,4axl PL 7, I 13, Ouad 9. Ouad 13. Doub e '13, Quad 22 7/ 2n/ / t O TRANSMITTAL November 4,1998 TO: TOWN OF VAIL FROM: BETH LEVINE, ARCHITECT 926-s0e9(PHONE) RE: BALL RESIDENCE INCLUSIVE: 3 COPIES - SI AI A2 APPLICATION FORM PHOTOGRAPHS THE ENCLOSED APPLICATION IS FOR CONCEPTUAL REVIEW AT THE NOVEMBER 18, 1998 DESIGN REVIEW MEETING. PLEASE CALL ME IF ANYTHING ELSE IS NEEDED FOR THE REVIEW. THANK YOU BETH gr.=rQ'utl rhc pl,r.raing S(:rr?.:r..;i7:.-l lf J APPLICATION FOR DESTGN REYIE}V APPROVAL CFNFRAL NFNRM.T,ON I hrs appltcition is for any 11ojc;r rcruiring Dcrign Rcvicrv sppisvar. Anylrojccr rcquiring dcsigr rcvicrv nrusr rcccivc Design Rcvicrv approvat prto. ro siun;ffi;';;. I hr,ird,ing pcrnrir. ioi'rpi.in. infomratron. scc lhc subrrrrnat rcqttrrcrtrctrts for thc panicrrtarTg::"t rrt",.;, r"q,i".i.a rrt"lp"pii.o',i*;;"J1. acccplcd unrir a, rhc rcquircd irtforntatiorr is subnrincd' Thc projcct rray also nc{d to bc rcvicwcd u, ,t. io-ri'iounsir and/or thc pranni'g and ilfiXT:',11,:ii'il::':fl"r""Tlm:i:jlinm:p,.o,.i.,pi,i,'"". r.", ""n* nnrr rpprovzt u,,rcir e A. DESCRTPTION OF THE REQUEST: MWil OFUAIL 'c. D. E. B LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL: PFYSICAL ADDRESS: PARCEI, #: ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S}: MAILINC ADDRESS: 9E::,-1.1"Jo. Asscssors ofricc ar 970_32t_8640 fo?parcct #) PHONT: F. c. OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S,t : NAME OFAPPLICANT: MAI l{.TYPE OF REVIEW AND FdE:B Ncrv Conrrruction - 3200 E Addition - S50 C! Minor Alrcrufior - t20 Construclion ol'a nerv building. lncl.dcs any adrlrtron rvhcrc squarc fooragc is addcd fo any rcsidcntiar or corrrrncrcial building. lnclud-cs rrrinor changcs to buildings and silc irrrprovcntcnts. such as.rcroofing. p.rrnting. rvrrrdorv additions, taldscaplng. fcnccs and rc13ining walls. ctc. DRB fcrcs erc lo bc paid at thc tinrc of subnrirt.l !11.1: rvhcn appfying for a buittting pcnnit. plcasc idcnti!lhc acctrralc valuation of thc projcct. Thc Torvn of Vail rvilt najutitr,Jr"ca.cordrng ro thc projccr valuation. PLEASE SUEIUIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBil'ITTAL REQUIREAIENTS AND TTIE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT oF cotltMuNlTY DEvELoPivtEnr, zi soUrriFRoNTAGE RoAr),vArL, coLORADO rt657. BLOCK: November 4, 1998 BALL RESIDENCE LOT 8, BLOCK 9, VAIL INTERMOI.INTAIN DEV. SUB. VAIL, COLORADO SITE PHOTOGRAPHS -t November 4, 1998 BALL RESIDENCE LOT 8, BLOCK 9, VAIL INTERMOI.N.{TAIN DEV. SUB. VAIL, COLORADO DESIGN ELEMENTS O O November 4, 1998 BALL RESIDENCE LOT 8, BLOCK 9, VAIL INTERMOI-INTAIN DEV. SUB. VAIL, COLORADO ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS O November 4, 1998 BAIL RESIDENCE LOT 8, BLOCK 9, VAIL INTERMOLINTAIN DEV. SUB. VAIL. COLORADO ADJACENT PROPERTY O RS November 4, 1998 BALL RESIDENCE LOT 8, BLOCK 9, VAIL INTERMOI.JNTAIN DEV. SUB. VAIL, COLORADO INTERMOLINTAIN STRUC TURE S I , F--\, -s- ----"-"Ltt$teyqL--, ---r-. - .-'.\ ,l - -i-- .--'\ I --- ' - -l _-' ./.' V-\\r=.'!.,,.1.:l: i. ,t-..--'rd ,' / rl-l \ 7 wnrrnltnrX \ -7 t-'ft-_ --*.fpOrr a ltt 11 /t rtt 1t 1l rl Itl ' - -'\ t ,t t t 1' t --;I J,',, ,' , .l --\ I t t --.t i \. t I ,t \. -/ / / z- \ t \r ./\ \ \ --- ---t* I- ->-:i3i$.g*'*\ - --. RES IDENCE rna r \Jt I HR. & I-IRS. JII,I RNDERSON B" R" FROBERG & RSSOC IRT ES SEPTE}IBER 15, I988 * - _b- -,,/ .',,,'ek : - 4r;.\,ii1-::i:-,f - a: ; :Y: - <- {t;i;- - 3v i' i,' /- ,{ 186r--------:j_-Q_ '. - --t:-- :: _>() fr - - ---- = {A'][- - ;t.,, =-rx.:E rft''t-l scRLE: 1" = 28'.:JI5 l,bn*o EDGE OF PRVEO RORO o o I ---- ---)+ I -l- I I i I I \ 'n- L0trER SCRLE: I/8" = LEVEL PLRN [a" ( 663 S0. FT. ) f,W::;ffi il il il vv MR IN LEVEL PLRN SCftLE: T/8" _ 1' ( L tv rNG t+1l FT. ) FT. )( GRBFGE _+73 SQ. fl Oi IlFSTEF BEDBOOM ty',t E unHnt]t J/x;4 c- 5- BEDROO14 /s.r /5 BEDROOM // lt3 v\1 f- AF' IlETRL ROOF IN6 I/OOD FRSC IR STUCCO l/|lOOD LOUVER Rfl IL ING STEEL TUBES METRL ROOF ING STUCCO \II RERR ELEVRT ION SCFLE:I/8"=YA" o FRONT ELEVRT ION SCflLE: l/8" = 1' Z" <v Ir r ,,..{,it I I -4'"1"* i LEFT S IDE ELEVRT ION SCRLE: I/8" = 1,' A" ELEVRT ION o o o o OE.] VEVAY + LhITPY I?LILI NG ?tL€ol..tY R.AILI I-TG lt/2" nl'-a" Project Application ProJect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: B lock , Zone - Co m men ts: Motion by: Seconded by: AP PROVA L S u m mary: Date: Town Plan ner ! Statt Approval IDRB rlzr lw /pDaleboJ ?r:s,p6r)c-F I R^,sq \y*da de-f",.l -P-o h-5 (,^al,-1 G*l.^"t"it,^,-./s.r1p"rF d*trrlS /\<A ,-^Grrn^o.*krr..-., ov- {ef=-.1 ,,-.1 -f d*ii^ - y'q.\,.^&5, r^:*[ lu , Stuco, Cr-,R *\ h,o-t y'e'-te-,-) - /og .-,rJ , -g Ccr..<@'{- .: , tt tl t( \Vellrcc,ttV , ceJlA- Ie- u^oL vAql<- I 6, fe-- 34-r.\S, f,,<- l.nlrt,dtJtc-\roa.- art \oc/et lq J,< QvtJvt>vr,u,r^c,.n("".,(,lV se,,^.t"*r"le- NtrD - G,t'( - Puth"F , pp - "{t,&Y Xo&\ t =,1:1 o A^Je"rs-. - u/ar Co'.r\\-- [o-Jt.-f,n . A^ (--,{Ga ( ,' \ csg.,r[d- q"'a''a6 k aq-- /'.@\ .; ,t{'-- /\'tr"^r<- 0 1rq Si ' L6"/Y * /,tDf,o ^- afr)t *<- .e sOb*, ild. .-..& C,scos*{ C-tlt^*ry 5to^d \,b{a- 3} ^ ^//GrDcJtF.+ &serxsucrr Wl I LJ Ga..o* Sa..,u1 l<ola,f c.5 fo.f,,.^1 f*:.t4. )r 1o , )r Q o\"'4r t'+ ' Sp K+ 6 f.x$ S4q,lr\ Q,r dra.,.^:t-!5 g,\'-.1 t5 q /e<{-{"/ ,n PPr,^'.dr -J{tt ,1" D.rlq"/t- {$[e- r! l,tf{z- +,All --' tl^t""r- *-l l,€^J,$tP'6o-5{+r ,"*& d.o-[*"\ Ldrrndo'L\,) cqbr\S ilf 2X b} tJ't'a-c3 oP$&-- }6-- silged elr."te.- ,"^,c.{qt po'.'^ led t" /nc, fetr--- 6€ -Wq fo-S \e-- t he^r<- fa rr..* !tcc-e5 'A,"1xJ P-fu'&.W t"rF t"it-r conc,nel<_-, I Llf \,x.- I t["{!t/t tr\ o EAGLE COUNTY State of Colorado [, Johnnette Phillips, Clerk and Recorder of the of Eagle, State of Colorado, do hereby certify attached is a full, true, and complete copy of CERTIFICATION WARRANTY DEED County that the recorded on DECEMBER 7, 198I upon the records of my office. Book No.11?Page No. Reception set my hand and affixed as appears 973 229330 I have hereunto the Seal of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, this day of 8rh AUGUST A.D. 19 tt . JOHNNETTE PHILLPS Clerk and Recorder ffiffietu Soof !U Prgc 973 fff|t|f, of' Crb ,., Orc-er ?.i'.ro tt.Qd l98l l. ootnrttr'PtrllllFl |'4 6t{. at .-fd Fl lr ni,r '-a If rf th. r.fr.d rLrt, th rEr't t||.ta\ t, ' |t|l|dL lq.nsl sH &a,i{|tr .a. !d I'J| th|I Fdr & I ,i;:i Gr. |l. -rl fl lf .e tl. hco.{ p.r, tlt|||. ra .atn ,|.. fFl .t lrr{, $|r.:... Iti$t !|. t.i.fi tr lL . i " :t : Hr. aS |l. ot th.|r t!r?r"r'h, b l!| t&ll .c.r. t ot tlr ]rrr!r!,6 .rl{rt,. .on!-!t.ll .r of r,,od.4i!, t.,tt{I, dr.'ols?{ a,r, i ;ndrtr$ll& $lrr. {t irhcrit rE . in b*, ri fQ lad!..,r.1 h. I Bn{ rifll, r{U p,'*|! rna lrf ol rutln.rtlt lo Staa!, b$I!ar, adl -!'il aartrrtt lL 'lrrur iI aa''rt $rl tlrqt !r $|rr'r$.1, .rd rLtri thr rai. lr$ li|. rFd .baf lreB rll l,rtmlr rrd otkt SllDtar lNrS|rn!, Ll.+,g.xr. r5r, r,. r;:' r 'h, ,,t| d d .rEur.rt.6n dt,.t rb&'r,.f. li6d ar nilira |.,a$rr, ., ."': l'lt tlc aL6!. b{rrl&da p.$rrn* io . h. {ulrt rnl f*e.Ll , t ol*loa oi Or qld pa 16g o! th. rr.ord pan, . LtEif l&b. rtd IriB' rtr ir.l r,U atd*ta?Ftr.$ .r} Fr.€lr l|rtully .b;.$'!$ at ro .l.Lia tL $bol. or rnr ts rLrnef, l|r'dd i.rr Y :' ol rk ofii }.rr rln{ od rll t^llltJtNT iND ForEv}:x' rrD}l:J{lr. lN I*I'INUSS $ HdlnUl'. rlls lrid pr6y : od ttf,6':t lgl,r h. a b.lit''rr{, ':r l8t hrn t rlid.t l th! {ry ir{ t}|r tl$\ rh)\ $r,(i.n tlr$l tl|llJrtt ala-tr. dharrf f-.a.-L-t ?atrtb o.r t|t]aa tb-t t{* D-r.r. rt|...i. F'? '/ Ur/l*4nao44h ^ L:'&J/Ftr'* 4 Tsf ai<efrytA s1^raorco!,rr.r'. , l,l, &t"T+R . rb lorqUt r ilrtn|D d.*tu r.kni,rlidtld l,rto; !n" tt,ir lSth ,tr of GtObef ,, r98l ,q $notlry R. Glrtfir, a FNrtrEr of Drrt tb\EfoFEtt (b., the stesrrlt f'.,. f{o st ,TE =E t t=! !E EI Ei -rt -:!F $c!N \\N n 'x !n |rl \.\ HE:E:T Eg33;8fi c)(D o" ul <c llJ -R;t;xo ox tE -' ul r-lr L a- UJ a) ]u 'nE SF xLz l--2 '=Y \J O-lll -r Yts t!o ccry Y=<l-3E uiH l;4a <E -r >= o-a\ a =F ;t ro -. lu '(f cc Lu at CE ttJ CE l z rt .qj J r- (! .c r- cr G- O\ .t F- lrr \O F- F*rtaaaraalara <- Cr 'G Ct \C u.1 e- l-l trr |\l n \tfWF F_ r_ .o f\l =f O, s- r- 'T t\n .N {Eit \ r!, ,& l-, ru rY { .. t A' -f e rV'5 1!-u\rc>.a\-,n.r;r\rCNFri4\tO-f,+ F* F--. r- C i- .|J {-: nJ c- O Cl m s >\t a.Ir-S-t C rn ln L)v1 iu\) Z..YU.Z.Z>JF!u={rur!oc)(/}>- c'ultri/TFFLJL)\* o:- <aa ttr z, I uj rf r3=8. 'o = (-)ot> \uJ>I {) v"t F .<(z:F t\ e} 2[trli>F<t!cE '1 c{= cE= u.r !r a!= e F u.=J rr1 FJUIOZ .UJr!t, rJ ZF!(L JFt>O-.{€Lrrr-{<(LO\.O-(J LLll.)Cy=>f(J>>f,u: lJl (J c( llJ ac - .E F o z ; )z - o - z f ,tP F- |.4nPl .l.l.l -rhrF)l :FNI ttl o .o co r\.l iHFEI4EH @ .{) 1 e ,rF 'ig 69 cn- eg 6t EE ol!8a :E :45 sI t{ Bi. t: I o | .t) :"1 _ :).t t/r lF.rtr O\ >OOrrJ CJ .\rl I rrj >r .9<t<F cz J >(c 1rraJo rJ t'! :E F rnEct <OurJ rP I Zo'UJH F!< *<IOJL'FOHO taE)<.J >o E z .ffg 64 Ii- ';u F ?!*?- -/ -l UJ J H r ra oaU 2 .<.,l6 t(n 'r, I lO.E S E -+ e tra rl- F a.o=ICE rl!'z 9-<D r o+lJ !rr$ I ;s.F | ;url* |cr*{ :zql I <dr< l rl Lsl z 6;) @ o z I t R"l $l Fl GJ 1l NI \JI -l i3l EI rl r,l I ;s !q 5l {rr ;\6|rr z 1 o..o rE o\ H14 EO 2A t! C) e u, u,l [-r A<;ru ic |'r .c ho Eo t2 f Ls,trIatj 6tucco llouehSflnee1t9l2;6 X-93 PALE MINT {8/\sE 1O0) X-73 EGGSHELL (BASE 100'l X-72 ADOBE (SAgg:r00) x-l2 CHABLTS {BA5E 1{lC) X-85 PUEBLO (BASE 200) X-79 VILLA (BASE 100) X-53 PURE IVORY IBAg[ 1Oo) x-64 SEOUOIA (BASF 3001 x-855 SUNBURST (B.ASE 100) X-Sl OATMEAL (EASE 2CO) x-17 MTSTY (IJAsE 2i]ti X-48 MEADOWBROOK 1i].A5r 1f;01 X.56 FRENCH GREY {BASE 2OO) X-34 SAN SIMEON (BASE 20O) X-94 TETON (BASE 1C0) X.55 FRENCH VANILLA (BASE 1OC) o Dlvbton of La llabtt Mucts Inc' o o o -.- Lallabea 6tucco Dlvlrilonof La l{abru Ptudlrcts Inc- Exterfler Stue@oGoilors ffie trflnflshf,ng1 ftueh Sflnee !912;6 ,;is,"r' / APPLICATION DATE: DATE OF DRB MEETII.IG: DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION l/\lILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBI{ITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting with-a planning staff member is strongly suggested to aetermihb ir any"alJiiionat information is needed. No application wjll. be.accepted unless it is compi.i"-irrit include all items required by the zoning administrator). ii is tne appriclniil ieiponsibjlity to make an appointment with the staff to find out auout uibitionaf submittal requirements. Please note that a C0MPLETE applica- tion will streamiin" ine approvai process for.your proig!! by decreasing the number of conditions of upp"ouit tirat the'DRB may stiiulate. ALL condjtjons of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued' A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: R C. NAME OF u/tu,./t 7-30 €f lrrrz to-t JtAddress Zon ing Addres s APPL I CANT : iz 7a S,sai7rao',z Dz e t < t' 1 /z C4 €zzs'z ? : tzt ,6,Q - '. t2t't; ':2 o "^ t7cnl l'< "/ ''? 76 - 7,F.29 tel ephone 723_Z_44- { r' 4 D. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: F NAME 0F 0WNERS: '."1 S i gnatur Addres DRB FEE: The fee wi I I VALUAT ION $ o-$ 10,000 $i0,001 -$ 5o,ooo $50,001 -$ 15o,ooo $i50,00i - $ .500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000 $ Over $1'000,000 tel ephone -/76-2 &)7 n* ?;ag tel epho ne773r434=6r s t /aItr F.be paid at the time a building permit is requested. FEE $ 10.00 $ 2s.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $2oo. o0 $300.00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submjttal requirements, the applicant must stake the site to indicate property Tines and bujldjng corners. Trges, that will be removed should also be inart<ira. This work must be compieted before the DRB visits the si te. Z. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS wi'l I normally involve two separate meetings of the Design neview Board, so plan on at least two meetings for thejr approval' 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Revjew Board at their scheduled r"eiing and'who have'not asked for a postponement will be required to be republ i shed. 4. The fol|owing items no longer have to be presented to-the Des'i gn-RevieW Board- iney, nowevei, have to be firesented to the Zoning Administrator for approval: a. Windows, skylights and similar exterior changes that do not alter the existing plane of the building; and b. Building add'itions that are not viewed from any other lot or public space' which hive had letters submitted from adjoining property owners approving the addition; and/or approval from the agent for' or manager of a condominium associ ati on . 5. You may be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property. You should check with a Town Planner before proceeding. T LIST /ao.ezsa-r) information is requ'i red for submittal by a final approval can be fiven: MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL OF MATERIALS NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION STREET ADDRESS: OESCRIPTION OF PR The fol lowing Board before A. BUILDING Roof Si di ng 0ther Wa] I Materi al s Fasci a Soffi ts VJi ndows l,li ndow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashi ngs Ch i mneys Trash Encl osures Greenhouses 0ther B. LANDSCAPING: Name ,45/D Et?/C e- the applicant to the Design Review Fz-z.z ( " " -.r1 ^ / t' ' t n /'1 . t fl -*r*e<-p /llr-troy ffi of Des'i g ner : phone: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name Common Name Quani ty Si ze* /21 ,.rt22 /t//&y///U ,4-uz"/o T0 ,?tcl4 .4 j/l / - 2.1 n rZ_z__-___-J-__!_ ./o 5A for conifers. (over) "z/P7- ,,{r*o-t52urre=o/ f .f/rnerrz 57 - z/u--Ez rd //Zsz- 5,,a2 ,4/ ,4zsr4z,'/c-r' ''% .,/FraZuz,rY Z/azZ EXISTING TREES BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees- Indicate height PLANT MATERIALS: (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS SEED Botanical Name Common Name Quani ty Si ze ,,06rry- //, -t Souare Footaqe 't,rl ?)_ tD SOD azizzZ TYPE OF IRRiGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL ,gz,z &xa.n C. oTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wa1ls, fences, swjmming pools, etc.) Please specify. UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDIVIS JOB NAME Mountain Bel1 468-5500 Western Slope Gas Co. L 800 922-1987 Harry Moyes Public Service Company 949-57 8r Gary Hall Holy Cross Electlrc Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Husky/Mlchael Laverty Herltage Cablevision T.V. 949-5530 Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Va11ey Water & Sanitat l-on Dlstrlct 4to-t4du Fred Haslee Lor_I_BLocK_J_rfimc l/,/ //t Jtrraz zzaaztt riz.y' ADDRESS The locarion of utilitles, whether they be maln trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verlfied by the followlng utllities for the accompanying slte plan. Authorlzed Slgnature Date 1"1"* R'.r,, V ? /4,- e-o--Pr 8-s-- I I ('5'89 NOTE: These verifications do not relleve the contractor of his responsibtlity to obtain a street cut permit frour the Tovrn of Vail, Departrnent of public works and to obtain utility locat.ions before digging in any public righr-of-way or easement in the Town of Vail. A building permlt is not a street cut permit. A street cut permit nust be This form Ls to verify service availabiliEy and 1ocaElon. This should be used in conjunctlon wlth preparing your utillty plan and scheduling lnstallatlons. *(Please brlng a site plan when obtaining Upper Eagle Valley Warer & Sanitation s ignature s ) ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS DATE: -_-leeRt@etoct< ) F i1 ing //t /L 4/ z-2,4 tvl /// 7>t,//// ADDRESS: OWNER Ji ARCHITECT ZONE DI T' PROPOSED LOT SIZE USE Al I owed (30)(33) Proposed Hei ght Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear Water Course Site Coverage Landscapi ng Fence/Retaining llJal I Heights Parki ng Credi ts : Garage (3oo)(600) (eoo)(1200) (50 ) ( 1oo) (25)(50) (2oo)(4oo) Mechani cal Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat Drive: Slope Permitted Envi ronmenta'l /Hazards : Slope Actual Aval anche Flood Plain Sl ope lJetl ands Geol ogi c Hazards Comments: 20' 15', L5' (30)(50) Zoni ng: Approved/Di sapproved Date:11E1tt' \ socat ---t' 31$> aBl Ll05 Crs) (.'{St;ff5sneture "$iqY t ctP+ drra^I$