HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL LIONSHEAD FILING 1 BLOCK 1 LOT 3 LIONSHEAD ARCADE UNIT 301 LEGAL.pdfo o z a {F c o {6 z !ln F ={ --{ m I4 !-o l.-,, h E l<x f IHE A 19g =-lri g leP o lis I l=F i r! o<ra dE aE aO ctt >t XE iia _rt m + <Iq in2 = ,-\ ,.\I>"'f- T--tnxr L]L Ib4J ?l -E Or z= z2 o"'z nftH --- m l- --t = t- z -{ o -l o 2,-{m 4z >m --l > --m i 'Tl t-z z =IT F z v) ts P z H €(n t, \o l.J !I '! 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H H H I € m c fi |- l z kic) N F Ea R T W; s T L; i i Hg A 9 82. e I l'3: g H I zq Lo o o fi-n z z E€ tr x P..,.-<EL\I/ I -kE$ rA FF:6:f k =1"6 EE "-rF I € o 0 o o z 2 F F z z m o z z 3 .6 I o m -l c)l o: +l 5r -l I I I I I I ol nil I i i F ts rf,F { F] ts x \o -t -{ r- m 3 -{'Tl m m (t m x o m ? m o I m I z m :< l?l t @ m o m o z .n m m o z m a'm J t- t- z I m x :c ='o m = m n 3 ='tl m m U) VALUATION T m 7 =2 9 H - =m o z t- l- = = m t-m -l 6 z !c\F.F'F F cyt ,t.5t+b il tF r v? ,jj., =- 4: ={: =\'".€ \lc-t I -r" /-)r' C)o <.a c c) =o z. + oi E-m;!;^F>-- ; ,-1 . c);. =A :9: ;tl=5 ,'r'El <;-- 6"€!-a_-{==O rni .w! ^:c ><=> -=6 ',-': ttr > --6=.tr tS tsr tn <= ffid i ! m n m - <lc )-=.^: >-f n-,-)1 o; o"z o =ln ell I zn t ll ='i il o t Ifl >ri ll =.l 9; il ;l O!- ll O rl = ll -{1 om ;cj >--c)= oi iil = ll tl ts IE la "ll 9i '{ ll -{-'!- I :l -fiil :-2 r't =ll :-o [ => |-m - t- m (n -n t- (- li' o E F r I I I I I I I I I lo l€ lo t:l> = F" A\ l= lo ll l:lf It lm ? N :ilil U i frl *-f q- ><: !,s :_m X\I o o o 'tt \t ll>l JJO I lldi l- rl I^ll t- tl l-il _rl - tl tl E i;." b\U; =ll t:-t"i -rl :l^"t- - l! I -]f^l:",ll tn l> I _t 'ls 'l:\15 ;IZ i;i Ifl r:l r/:ll 3il ctl t !m irO o -l o z r ln g,z m tn m l<" P-O-.r)< cm i9 : ,-r eq d;_i g 9:; in :o <2, fn 3 i o Ol-!lF I l/r >r:t-l> l=lo t: dl z'2r <l al >t o' I I I I I o z F c 7 z o z m <n -\? ;IN ? € o o ,n 'tt i t l.h ts c) l.- -i l: = l-o l:r l" .'tt I ; m :- '-t rn rn UI ol >l -l vALUArto - ! Q o .- c, tt a, a) rn it t .)(n tll x o I l- m -l n m m U' $ I I I rli lnlYn n TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: l|al 75 3outh lronlage road Yail. colorado 81657 (3031 479-2L38 or 479-2L39 olllce of communlly development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH tlIE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITy DEVELOPMEIIT MARCS 1 6, l_988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL SIORAGE rn sunmary, ordinance No. G states that it is unrawful for any person to litter, track or deposit any soil, r;;k; sand., debris or material, including trash &urnpsters, portable toirets and r.rorkmen vehicles upon. any street, siO""ait, -iff.V-o, public pl?ge or any porti-n theieof" The ri.ghr-"i_;;t-;n arr ?own of VaiJ. streets and,I?ag" is approxinatei-y 5 ft, lff pu.r.*.rrr.This ordinance wi'l be strili:fy enforced by the Towrr of Vail Public works DeDartment. persins found v:_;ra€int this ordinance will be g-iven a 24 hour written ""1i""*t"-;;;;;;'""id materiar.In the event the person so notified d.oes not coinpiy with the notice within the 24 hour.tirne Jpeci;i;,"ii.-irtiic works Departnent r,rill remove said mateiiar-it tir"--."p""1e ot person notified- The provisions of thii ord.inance shall not be applicable to construction, rnaintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the-iighl_._,ouy. To review ordinance. No- 6. in furl, Flease stop by the Town of Vail Building Department to obtain a copy. Thank you for your cooperation on this natter. - t v't 411 -- tt '6n- ;._\ - t!:=>_ _ . fi.t rt- VaiI Building Departuent Project, Requirements - -;;" and contractor Info::mation Town of 1.Building permit applicatlon: A. ) FiIl out \dork sheet.B.) Subrnit two cornplete sets of plans. * If fast-traclcing project see fast-track application. * No permits, including Fast-Track, will be issued without written approval frorn planning departrnent for on site requj.rements. * AlJ. design revier^r board, planning conmission and town council approvals and conditions, if applicable, between the Town of Vail and the developer, shall be acquired with written agreenents concernj.ng these matters before building pernits are issued. * Condorninium approval for anv work in a condonriniurnized,building Architects & Engineers stamps reguired on all plans: * Exception: R-3 single family & duplex.R-l one story- structures Conttactor registration with Town of Vail building d,epartment: A.) 91 nillion liability insurance. B. ) Worknen conpensation insurance.c.) T.o,v. registration. * All insurances nust be kept up to date if working in the Town of VaiI . On site project reguirements ; .' A" ) Posting of pennit in a clear weather protected cover,- visible fron road or hallway if condorniniura or torunhouse.B. ) Set, of stamped approved plans nust be' on site for duration of project. No inspections can be done if prans are not on site. Fast-Track projects to have plans ;;- - site as approved. 2. 3. 4. 5. Required insp.ections: A. ) Excavation and footing rebar Foundation rebar Masonry fireplace ( structural design & chirnney liners )Underground-blw,.water, gas, c efeciric j Temporary electric service Rough plurnl:ing ( DWV, water, gas, & hot tubs)Rouqh elecrric ( see'orainincE-"1. -:.i-i " Rough rnechanical { gas ,,s" vent;l'ailtr"ork, combustion } l"usl :p::"I+:: r (nlill'Sli::li;:":': $::iil-i;;;;^;;" i Rough fire alann l;:fll"fiilt"n ( property improvernenr survey when res. )Fireproofing ( if required for structural cornponents )Sheetrock scre!/ 7 naii otf Exterior Lath Final plumbing Final rnechaniial Fina1 electrical XiHi ?*^r-l:13:.:upl"g, .exterior rinishes, pavins, Finar o"iioiif"rtmenr ( if required ) \r 1- 6.Property irnprovement sur,/ey; l.) !"Sired on aJl new construction.B. ) Subnritted and appro""a-'O"iJr-a r.!!,.rh "') :l$':i:;:i.lYl'av tu i;;i;;i-1;iiilI cons rruc.i;il'31"1il";# i:"3i;d:$engi.neer. frarning inspection.of ridges, base footprint of new by a licensed 7. l'ire departnent inspections: A. ) shop u"1-111g: on fire alarm sysrem.B. ) Shop drawings on sprinii.er =y;t;;..-'* shop drawings to be submitted.to building d,epartnent and nust be approved before r*ork is "t;;;;:. 8. Street cut permits: A.) fssued by the Tosrn of VaiI-public Works Department.No work may starr without rirsi-oui;ili"g a permit. * Dates: Street.cuts are permitted between Apri1 15 to Novernber 15 only. .i. . 9' Town of valr- amendrnents to the 1985 editions of uniforrn -1 building code, unitorn prrrli"q---ode, unifoir--*""nurrical code and 1987 national eLectric coOe: A. ) ordinance no. 12 LgB7, Arnendments to 'the 1987 National Electric.Code for the Town of Vail X.) A11 electrical wiring_in groups ArB,E,I & H occupancies as defined in-the Uniiorar-Auifaing Code, shalt_ be incas-ed-ll .gn*uia;; raceuays,or in approved arm-or. Af f .wiiing-i" nrorrp R_1 shall be encased in- conduit=, ,i""rays or i.n approved arnor to the circuii breaker box for each_unit No aluminum wire ". ""pp"._clad . aluninurn wire smaLler ttran =ii.-i-iilr l.pennitted within the Town oe-viii." 2. ) persons engaged in the installation of remote control , low energy po!^rer and signal circuits as defined in artilrl zzs i"a ii6".r 1987 NEC,need not be licensed electricians;-norr.v"rr-ai:-, such persons sharr be registeiea-wittr the state ' electiical Uoura.- frgof of registrati_on shall be produced when asked. ly ttre-ioii or vaif Building Official . 3.) aft such installations of rernote control, low . energy power and signal systerns are subji"i-io ttr-e perrnit and insp5ctio"= ,.e"ii!i"rrt= ot section L}_23_LL6 L.n.s.. acJorainely all installations of remote control, low energy power-and signal systems must be performe6..in ' accordance with thl mini_murn stanalias ."t-tlitU in the National Electric coda. B.) Underground gas piping: . f.) public service co. reguires all gas piping installed, unde,:qround to be weld6a, the ?own of VaiI .aeknowledgis and supports this fequirement. 2') u"p.c. requires a 60 psi test for 30 rninutes. C. ) Fireplace chirnney chases: .f.) AfI-fireplace ./vood stove chases to be sheetrockea witn s/g" Type x gvpsum board and f.i.reraped. rnspections arl- r"q"ii.;d. 10. Inspection requests: A.) t_If_inspection reguest shall be called in at in_advance uy trre "r;*i;;t ;;"i;;filr-lnii.Ieast 24 hr B.) 1 reinspecti6r, t""ffi each inspection or for which when corrections reinspection when suci portion of work rnspectron is called is not complete or called for are not rnade. l: I Siiili#"i.iffffi8";.i::,lli;ll reinspection $30:oo. c') Electrical inspections are-_on Monday, wednesday & fridav ?l1ll_9:oo AM ro 3:3o pM. No speciii; AM or pM rnspections can be granted during p"af'luifding season. 11- Special construction request for vail virlage & rrionshead,: A- ) Approvals frorn the Tor.rn of vair conr:nunity deveropment,police, Fire and public works a"p.iir"ii" ,u required,before construction is to beqin.B.) Any heavy equipnrent ie: cranes, backhoes, concrete pumps etc-.. used in the core areas must'be pre-ipprov"a by ttre building departnent. 12' Holiday cl0sures for vair village & Lionshead core areas: A. ) No construction work wil.l be conducted d.uring the foll.owing holidays. l:l f3ffii'lro3il"{ three dav holidav weekend )3.) Coors Bicycle Classic ( as scheduled )4. ) Labor Day ( three aay rioiiaiy-'"".r.na 1 5.) special Events 1 proper,,otil" wiLl ie,given ) 13 ' Construction working hours in for vait village & Lionshead core areas: 1.1 yglduy thru Friday 7:00 A.H. to 7:oo p.M..' B') Qff season and sumner core c10s,r." irioo e.u. to 2:oo p.M daily,-no vehicles are atrowea-i;t.-il;;. core areas during these hours. rn adeiti""-ii"-r"ili".oir.= such as jackhamrnering and other noiuy."onrtiilii.n activities will be al,lowed during ttris iime c' ) Deriveries of construition materials and trash removar shalL be between the hours of TzOO e.ll.-to 11:OO A.M. and 2:oo P.M. to 7:Oo P.M.. t j. 1 a ):' . .i' \.1 14. Certificate of oceupancy. A. ) certifLcate rnay be issued when it is, found that the building or structure complies with the provisions of the U-.8.C., U.M.C., U.p.C., U.F.C., & N.E.C. as adopted by The Tovrn of Vai1.B.) No building or structure of group A,E,I,H,B, or R_l occupancy, shal1 be used or occupied, and no change in the existing occupancy crassiricition oi a buiraing oi structure or_portion thereof shar.r be rnade until the building official has issued a certificate oi-;;";;;".y.c-) ryo R-3 occupancy sha1l be used or occupied. untir a'rinii.inspection has Leen cond.ucted and .pp.orr.a by the buildinE official. D- ) Tenporaly certificate of occupancy may be issued. provided no substantiar hazard exist in tni ruitoing or structure. AITPROVAL O[ l,Ropo sED II\{r'ROVEMENTS, MATNTENANCE ANI) INDEMNIIY AGREE]VIENT TIIIS AGREEMENT'is made ancl entered into this 5 ,. day of _Ju1y r 1991_, by Sori.n Iremia ("Otvner") wlrost: acldr css(cs)arc (1) (2) arrd Lionshead Arcade Condominju_m B :llY11:]::r^.:-ot" (1)P"."9.Ilox.e, vail, co st(;s6;Atur: Klt wiltiarns, and (2) in care of the registered agcnt and office of the Associati.n a$ maintainett ut th" oili;;;f liiE"r"l"oJ Secretary of State, ITECI'fALS . (u.) The Association is tlte Association nanre cl and referred to in the Condominium Deslareltion for Lionsheacl Arcacle Contlominium BuilJing, recordetJ Ifi LgTzin the records of tho clerk and Recorder .f Eugre county, cororado ("Decraration,,). (b) as followsl Sorin Iremt'_a ("Owncr") is the <lwner of the property dcscribed Coldominiurn tlnir 301. Lionshead Arcade Condfui,r irrn Builcling, as shown on lhe Condominiuru MtrD ancl rcfcrenced in tlre Dee-laratiorr. Counfy of Eagle, Statc of Colorado (") additional U:ili"ff'-"iy*i(iil'il?lf3.il',i: as 301 (un,,),' 1''''un"":?$'!'&'ial'lli v^9f 81 6'' The O'wner has recerrtly requested 3Jl b"throom witirin'sairl (the "propos"a irnprouements',) t" b" ,,rrt,ll.,l lrv tbe Or','ner at the property. (d) 'fhe Associati'rt ltas exptcsse cl c'onccnr that the propose<l in:provernenls may jeopardize the structural irrtcgrity oi'ii'. n.i.rlrg in rvhich the'pr<iperty is rocated and may cause additionar'raintenrrncc, riik, and riabiriry tbr the Association, (") The owrte,r desires t0 protect anr.l hold hannless the Association from all claints, daurages, risks, liability "rra iiinirt*rance associated with, reasonably necessary,incrrrred or rcquired bv virtuc of tlrc orunerls irrstail.tjon of the proposeo rmprovements and any othcr ruodjficatic,ns the Owlei,;";';;; rr) irs properry. SvodnJilG\o&.\li,rrult!d that the Association allow unit.cLtl 4 503 ltoma C lL., Marina De1 Rey, CA (f) The parties desirc to arnicably rcsolve between themselves all matters relating to the proposed imProvolnclrts and any other modilication the Owrlcl nlake to the Property' NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideratioq tltc roceipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the partics aSree as follorvs: 1, Proposed. InrDroJcments. Subject to tlle tentts of ASsociation approues.tit" Owrers rcquest for i'stallatio' of --gn this Agteement' the addltional 314 bathrobir within said uniL (the "proposed improvenrents") at the Property. 2. Structrrral Integritv/S0untI Proofing. 'flte Owner warrallts and represents that the proposeO improuenrerttslas ttr,'ry 'ar- instaltea aucl, when installed, will not effect the ,trurtu*l integriry of the guilding inwhich the Property is located and tltat those propose-d inprovementituiren insralled, rv-ill coruply with cxiecc!, tlte requirements of all applicable UuilAlng codes. Furthcr, rvitlr respect of ilie sound prooting qualities of amy sub-flooring, the Owiter-represents and warrants ihat the pruposcd improvements to be installed will meet or exceedtlte specitications ancJ pcrfortnance of the existirrg improvements. 3, Ivlninterrqrtce and Repairs. '['he Owner agrees to maintain the proposcd improvements, ihe frop"rty, and zrll areas of the Lionshead Arcade Conrlominiums effected by the proposed irnprouetnents in a good antl satisfactory [lanner, so as to pre_servo- and piotect the value of the Propcrty and to preserve ancl protect the value of the Uonshead Arcade Cgrrdonriniums. ThJ Olner tirrthcr agrees that in the event any repalrs reasonably neccssary to such are not pcrforrnerl in a tirnely nranncr, but in no caso less than thirty (30) days after such condition becornes reasonably apparent, the Association may undertake to cause repairs to be completecl, rvithout n()tice to Owner, In such event, the Association shall be entitled to recovery of all of it's costs jncurre d theretry from the Owner of the Property' and such obligation of the Owner shall be secured by the lien and other rights granted and allowed the Association in the Dccltrratit:rr. 4. Building llermit, Should a buildilrg permit be required for the proposed improvements, the Owner agrees to seek and obtain a building pennit from tlte appropriate governmental oftices. 5. Irtiorrnification. The Orvner agrees to and shall indemuify and hold harmless the Association of and from any and all liability, loss, damage, (including reasonable attorneys tees), ntanner of action, inactions, cause and causes of action, suits, controversies, claims and demands or chiur of loss wllatsocvcr, in law or equity, against the Associatioil or rvhiclt the Association may suffer as a result of or in any way related to the proposed improvements sought to be installcrd at the Property, the Owner's installation and maintenance of the proposed irnproven)ent$ at the Property and arry other modification of the Property as may be macle by the Owner. 2Vo nnfilA'nitc\tiod ha id e 6, Bclcusg Thc owner lrereby rqleirses and forever discharges,.tho Assoclation and by these presents -a*s, tor itsef,'its successols and assigns, officers' directors' shareholders, and agents, demise, release and forever discharge the Associatlont its successors and assigrrs of and from any and all-liability, loss, darnagi, (incl.uding t:1?:*]-" attorney fCes) manner o1 actiOn, inacti.rns, "uuS" und causes of action, suitgt contfoverslesr claims and demands or clairrr and loss whatsoever, in law or equity, against-tlte Association that owner ever had, now has, or which its successors and assigns, officersr directorst shareholders and agent$ hereinaiter can, shall or may have, fgr, upon or by reasort oft any *uit*r, cause or things-rvtratsoever, relaiing to the propo.sed-improvements at the Properly ooO "n'y ottter modifttation of the Propert! ^t rnay previously have been made or may yet be mude by the Owner. l.CovenrrntNot-toMlkcNe.wjt|ditions,Allentirrnsor.MtxlificqtiJrns{jt[q,u! ttre prinrWrirt*rr.ponse,Ut oittre A*ixiuiiun. 'fit" O*ner agrees and acknowledges that the termsandcondjtions@ilbitatlditions,alterationsormodificationsto the Properfy without the prior written consent of the Association, as ilore fully pl"i!t-q11 the Decjaraiion. In t5is regard, any further nrodifications desired or feque$ted by the Qv"ner to the Properg or otherwiie will not be rnrlcle by the Owner rvithout application to 8nd the prior written approval of the Associatictn. L Denefit, This Agreement shall he binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns. g. I'[to1gggbi4!& 1-he irrvalirJity or unenforceability of any partisular provision of this Agreenrent shall not in any way afl'ect the other provisions hereof, and this Agreement shall be construed in all respects as if such invalid or unenforceable provision rvere orlritte d, 10. Ggvcr.nirrs.L4y/. This Agreernent shall b0 governed by and construed itt accordance with ths laws of the State of Colorado. 11- Remedies. In the event of a default under the breach of this dreement, tie remedies available to tlre non-clefaulting party shall include all those reruedies provided in the Declaration, or other legal documents of the Association, together with specific performance, damages or both, lncluding reasonable attorney's fees. L2. Amendn-qr& This Agreernent may not be arnended except by a written instrurnent signed by all of the parties. - 13. Feeording. This Agreemellt may bc recorded with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, or a memotandum hereof rnay be recorderJ, in the sole discretion of the Associlrtion. Afor$frle\nlJc\llo$ft cnd I IN WITNESS WI-IEREOF, .and ycar first above written, OWNER: the parties have executecl this Agreement as of the day ASSOCIATION: LTONSEEAD ARCADE BUIilDING coNDoMrNruM AssoctAlION' n Colorado nonprolit corporation ATTEST: , President (Seal) By Secretary STATE OF COUNTY The OF )) ss. ) Sccretary ,t-L me rhis /51|aal ot as Authorized Agen eg nr] / av Witness my hanci and official seal, My conurissisp expires: tfu' ,rc- .2 (., //l/ (/ (-,.'j r---\ff--\f I f n'tn -\_)" \_-,L./v' By Authorized Agent ATTEST:(Seal) By mnuujw0E0lf Nollff fralc. c^trfiiln fiYE8SOf, GDIJNIY Cornr E$hrlm f6. I evottnllk\'ll(.Ui6ruh.6d ) .r. ) T}cforegoilrgwasackrlowledgcclbcforeurethisday-of-=4 19 bv as President and bY as Secretary of the Lionshead Arcade lorado non'Profi t corPoration' Witrtess my hand and ofticial seal' My comrnission expiresl STATE OI.- COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE 2Vonrfdr\mbc\loruhort t I INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL 4Qgz PERMIT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: BER F PROJECT INSPECTION: ' t 4r -./.../ JOB NAME MON NU l(Lt^-a',& trle -/ rUES WED / THUR it.o/.'<. J' ful n 7D) *3D> -.-TTTAPPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING T'l -"" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION - EI SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER D ROUGH tr CONDUIT t-l tr FINAL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND p+oucu/DWV. lftoucu / wArER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB D tr tr tr tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL ome t//ts-/7/ rNSPEcroR ,// -L-a/"'- y'r'(' PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ),;DATE '___ /,- JOB NAME INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL r-.r(,,.r INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED READY FOR LOCATION: MON " ,!, /. THU.R BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W,V, tr ROUGH / WATER I D tr D tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH.tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D FINALT.O FINAL PPROVED O DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED I ///'^3 -1 /i?t DATE / ri :-"+ft INSPECTOR "\\\ t PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oor. \- N\ JoB NAME --^*.\'^*\S" CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: \.&'lON ,/ TUES 0.n'.r rr ii\LOCATION: i'\\\ \ :-\).L PM AM INSPECTION REQUEST WED THUR FRI \_,, r BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W,V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING D INSULATION tr SHEETBOCK n D POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr n tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: E] TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING {^ouo^- E] EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT o_ tr SUPPLY AIR E- tr FINAL tr FINAL ,<tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED niffis*np / ) | i'/: 'DATE,/ J - ( . /!_- INSPECTOB ,* PERMIT DATE _ READY FOR INSPECTION: OF PROJECT MON CALLEF TUES /2-// ?/ JoB NAME -Zfuzet4A LoCArloN: -Z-*;/,'"/ 224'Z? - APPROVED D DISAPPROVED NUMBER /2-4 - INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL <_ AM BUILDING: EI FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, D ROUGH / WATEB tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION (sHeernocr tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr ! tr o tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: - D HEATING tr tr n ROUGH - ! EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUP tr_ PLY AIR tr FINAL - O FINAL tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR READY FOR LOCATION: CALTER -MON TUES WED THUR INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL -- --@ PM tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED )(neenovro CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED PERMIT INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND E ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEI tr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION N POOL / H, TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr !tr D FINAL tr FINAL =.5 trl DF D( tr CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oo,.N\,ou INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL AM PM tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED il INSPE TION:MON r.rnrr,re\C>\SSS READY FOR LOCATION: @ THUR FRI APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED CALLER TUES BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEI. D FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL EI FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: E1 HEATING C EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL INSPECTOR nfrSsa"r o o 4?t-z PERMIT NUMBER OF PBOJECT omt /Z -,/a -?/ JoB NAME ; READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN oF VAIL ,n^ZF '2 - .4 --1 ./ 2,a2 f l\\-/' ;dneenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED qi RErN$PECTTON REQU I RED =o/- 3d2- t\ CALLER - TUES @# t BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING _ BOOF.& SHEER " plvwdoo NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL D tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING l-l o o ROUGH f] EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr e* If,sP8srloN's co,rPLErcD Thc lteos belo'v iccd to bc coaplctc bofore glvtng I pcrolt a flnal C of O. Please checlc off la the box provided. rINAL PUHBINC DATE: FINAI I.IECEANICAL DATE: II.{PROVEUEM SI'RVEY RESID. f,A}IE: DATE: FINAI ELECTRICAI I I i CERTTFTcATE oF occlrPAlrcr DATE: I,AI{DSCAPING DT'E DATEs IILE ITAI{E:\\\T&