HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL LIONSHEAD FILING 1 BLOCK 1 LOT 3 LIONSHEAD ARCADE UNIT 101 LEGAL.pdf-!on4u,at( tr''17"q I I h onalv.arL Arcaap-GrA TOI4'NM Design Review Board ltt3 ACTION FORM Deparbnent of @mmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax:. 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: SLIFER SMITH SIGN DRB Number: DR80,10626 Proiect Description: Slifer Smith Frampton Real Estate projecting/hanging sign; wooden with gold lettering to be hung flush with south-facing wall; no lighting program Pafticipants: OWNER I-AZIER, ROBERT L212212004 Phonei PO BOX 1325 VAIL co 816s8 License: APPUCANTJULIEBERGSTEN 12122/2004Phone:845-2000 PO DMWER 2820 AVON co 81620 License: ProjectAddress: 531 LIONSHEAD MALLVAIL Location: 531 W. LIONSHEAD Legal Descripuon: Lot: 3 Block: Subdivision: UONSHEAD ARCADE CONDO Parcel Number: 210106314015 Comments: seeconditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Actaon: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date of Approval= 1212812004 Conditions: C.ond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. C.ond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0006856 no lighting shall be erected as paft of this proposal Entry: L212812004 By: ee Action: AP Cond: CON0006857 lo*est-nangtrt of sign must always be at least I f*t" pedestrian grade Entryt 1212812004 By: ee Action: AP Planner: Elisabeth Eckel DRB Fee Paid: S53.75 sLrSs|v|rTH& FRAMIPToN RE- o N0.0546-P, WSqu- ntot Application for Design Review Departmenl of Gommunlty Derolopmeat 75 South Fronhge Road, Veil, Cobrado 81657 tcl: 970,4791139 tax: 970.479 2152 web: Wwly,Vailgov'com iir i, General Information: Doslgn revisw opproval laPses unless t bulldlng p.rmlt |3 issued and cd'nitruaion commcncca wlthln onc ya.r of thd .pproval. Descriptlon of the Requesti ots ry n?O u. 'Dic, 17,2004 11:20AM Al projects reqoiring dsign review musl rpoeive appro\€l pdor to submitting a building permi?Fprica6on. irr*rcfer to he submithl tequiremenb for the panlorlar approval that ls regueeied, fu rpOr*iJ" i;r Design Rsvlew cannot be acceptcd until all requircd hhmation is rcceivod by the Cunmunlty DeGiopmsnt Departmint. The ptdcc't nay aleo need to bo rcvlewed by the Town concil ani/or the Plannlni ano -eiivlronmenut Commbsion, Physical Addrsec: Parcel l{o,: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Addrees: Owner(s) $lgnrtura(e) Name of Applicant: Maillng E.mail Address: Type of Revlew snd Fee; p0lal Re\,iew New Construc{on Addltion Mhor Alteration (multi.family/comm. rElal) Minor Alteration (6lngle.hmily/d u plex) Chang€ to Approvcd Plans Separation Request lv, Ir I r r l of thc'Proposall Lot: O N Ur^^t"f ) 00 C bST $50 No Fee $650 $300 $250 $20 $20 NoFe ->D Prus $1.00 pe,squrrefoor of totat aisn area. DA(A, for corrsiruction of a new bulong or domo/rebuild. 'U{#\f&' ' For an addition whcra sqr.nrc foobge b addcd to any ,Eidsntial ot commercial Ullldhg (indud* 250 additiorls & intsrior conwFiorE). For minor char4es b bulldlngs end €lte lmprovelenb, sudr a, rcmofing. painting, wlndow additlom, lan&caplng, f€nc6 and rebining w6lls, elc. For minor ohangcs to buildings and sltc improvernenb. sudt as, retofing, paintlng, wlndow odditions, tandscaplng, fene and retalnlng uralle, etc. fur revlsions to plarB atready rpprorld by Planning $aft or the Design Revlew Board. Co*Jo brff,onte co. Assessor ar s70.32s_8640 "2loT,^lAS tr( ut/ I 'PnlY: Z\61. i-rt-35s".u -Ranner#RoiectNo,: -DEC, 17,2004-11:20AM SLISSMIITH & FRAMPTON RE N0,0546 P, 2 SION APPLICATION SUBM ITTAL REqU IREMENTS , Genenl.lnfotTtli:l-.. ^!dn that is located within the Torrn of Vall. specifio requirements are available | 11s spplicatlon is for anY st1 iffi i#;;;'fient of -corimunltv Development' f, suBMrrrALREourRE*T.^ r.^ W rafrnptsX 44il rffi A Nameof Btrsines'S\Uli^, ,:fn B. Building name and pTJ"l'h address: o]^ '6'Ityf-r ,^t-, ^,^,ner, iI apptiabla.l/ C' Written appro/al from condomlnium assfoation' landlord' and joint ot D. Type ot sign (check all that apply): K, L . Building tdentificatlon . Mural . Window Sign . Sign Program . Gis Filled/Fiber Optic . TemPorary Sign . Other E, F. G, H. l-l J. :il::#llio#sJ* d..1offi]'H*, WY Sign and tetterrng cllmensilns for 6ach nroPredf'n" luY d,swins @%,,=t7: fiffiw,bo xio*i[frT-t:dti-l 1 Length of business fronbge: Drawings shodng how and.where the 6ign or awning will attech to the building and how ti" "Mins will b€ construct€d' ..Freestanding Sign Page 3 of4/0'V0l/04 pFl'n,^, o,:,i:4r_ lrlq lor:i:', \ w .q o . ',1 r?- **7.*, Ir!. [ .ittr*tI-ii " 4 I ill["i ,"E 'Jil I 'b"- t i rJt{. r;;* I J. = Ef t;tl x*** ***** ** *** *****'****'t **'**** ***********,**!***t '**i.*'t t t {.**'t r**r*****rt*************!t(!t*,t!trttli|t**)tt !t TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement *i<*{.****r.*****************x**********'k***x*,t**'t**'t,tt **t(***:**** 'r**** ********* *** *! i.**** t! t!*r!*!i* Statement Number: R040007288 Amount: $54.00 L2/22/2OO4O2:44 PM Palment Method: Check hit: ,fS Notation: #506/KEL,LY PATE Permit No: DRB040625 T)t)e: DRB - Sign Application Parcel- No: 2101,0 531"4 0l- 5 Site Address: 531 LIONSHEAD MALL VAIL Location: 531 W. LIONSHEAD Total Fees: S54.00 This Payment: $54.00 Total AfJIr Pmts: $54.00 Balance: S0 . 00 *:i***:i 't( '* ***r!* * ri * * * * * * * * * r* * * * * * 't*** * * * * * * * {r * * * * * tr,t ****,f **rtr*ri*r***rtr**** t( * * 't * * * * * * *. ,t * * * * t * 'i*<**** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descrjptjon Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DES]GN REVIEtlJ FEES SP OO1OOOO3124OOO SIGN FEES 50.00 4 .00 D e par tment of C ommunity Dev e lopme nt 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2 t 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com December 22,2004 Ms. Julie Bergsten Slifer Smith Frampton Real Estate PO Drawer 2820 Avon, CO 81620 Re: DR8040626, Sign application Lot 3, Lionshead Arcade Condominium Buildino Dear Ms. Bergsten, Thank you for submitting an application for design review oi a new Slifer Smith and Frampton sign at the Lionshead Arcade Condominium Building. However, there is some additional information thal lwill need prior to proceeding with the review/approval process. 1) What is the height above grade of the lowest-hanging part of the sign? A minimum clearance above pedestrianways of at least eight feet is required of all projecting/hanging signs. 2) How many public entrances does the business currently have? A public entrance is defined as follows: "an entrance to a building or business that is customarily used or intended for use by the general public. Fire exits, employee entrances, loading dock entrances not generally used by the public, French doors that open onto a patio but are not used as a primary entrance, and other similar entrances shall not be considered public entrances. A double door shall be counted as one public entrance". My question relates to the fact that only one sign is allowed per public entrance to a business. Therefore, if a sign already exists, the addition of another will not be possible. 3) Where is the exact proposed location? Though the application states that the sign will be hung "by the stairs of the back entrance", it is unclear to which wall plane lhat statement refers. 4) Because no lighting plan was submitted, any future plan to add illumination to the sign of any sort will require an additional design review application. These are all relatively minor issues that I am confident can be resolved in a timely manner. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns regarding any part of this correspondence. I look forward to receiving written or verbal clarification ol these issues soon. f,-p ^"",",",, u o"^ TOI4'Nffi Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 telt 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Projest Name: LIONSHEAD VISION CENTER SIGN DRB Number: DR8040599 Project Description: SIGN FOR LIONSHEAD VISION CENTER Participants: OWNER LAZIER, ROBERT 11/16/2004 Phone: PO BOX 1325 VAIL co 816s8 License: APPUCANT MAURIELLO PLANNING GROUP, LL11/15/2004 Phone: PO BOX 1127 AVON co 81620 License: Project Address: 531 LIONSHEAD MALL VAIL Location: LIONSHEAD ARCADE BUILDING Legal Description: Lot: 3 Block: Subdivision: LIONSHEAD ARCADE CONDO Parcel Number: 210106314015 Comments: o ",r"i#::L BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date ofApproval: 11/30/2004 Conditions: Cond: I (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: George Ruther DRB Fee Paid: $56.00 Application for Design Department of Communify Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Cotorado 81652 tel: 970..179.2139 tax: 970,479,2152 weD: www.ci.vail.co,us iiu V ! General Inform.tion ! All project"s requiring design rcvlew must rec€ive approval pdor to rubmifting a bulldhg permir apptication. please refer to.the submittal reqsirements for the partisulii apprcval that is requested, An applidtion for oesign Review cannot be acc€pted until all requircd .informar;on is riieived by the Communtty Ddlft;;;t Depa ment. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Councit and/or the planning ina -iriufronr.nt"l Commission.Design roview approval.lapsee unless a building pefinit is issued and c6"niiruciJn commenoes within ono ycar o? the approval. Description of the Request: Center. Locatlonof theProposah Lot: l.2.3Block:lsubdlvision: Lionsheadthst#iliec. r{tr^l. f.,Jo Physical Address: 531 W. Lionshead place P.rcel No.: 210.1063140 15. _ (conhct Eagle co. Assessorat 970-328-8640 for parcer no.) Zoning: Lionshead Mixed Us€ 1 District Nam€(s) of Owner(s): Vail Resorts Inc, - Mailing Addrest: PO Box 7. Vatl CO 81658 Maalang Address: PO Box 1127. Avon. CO 91620 phone: __9ZQ:24&0920 _ _E-maif Addrees: mauriello@comcastnet - Faxi gZO.74B.O37l fY.p6 of Review and Fee:ff Signs $S0 E'|!ts g1.00 per square foot of total siqn ar€a.O Conceptual Review No Fee tr New Conshuctlon tr Addition O Minor Alteration (muft i-famfl y/commercial) tr Minor Alteration (single-famjly/duptex) n Changes to Approved plans D Separation Request TOI4'T'M HF_cH.r\IED TOv-c0M.DEV' Owner(s) Signature(s): $550 For construction of a new building or demo/rebutl(,$300 For an addition where squarc footage is added to any residenflal or comm€rcidl.building (lncludes 2s0 additions & interior oonversions).$250 Fof minor changgs to buildings and site improvements, such as, ' rcroofing, paintlng, windew additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc.$20 For mjnot chlngas to buildings and slte improvements, such as,reeofing, printlng, windovv addltions, landscaping/ fencei and retaining walls, eE.$20 For r€vlsions to plans already appmved by planning St€ff or the Dedgn Review Board. No Fee FoF Office Uge Qply: Fee Paidr tt C - Che Application gau:, /L- (, 'd 6l E '0N '/\l0 slu0slu v/\hld0E:t i00l il '/\ON *,i**'**t****,i*+'1.******** ******{.t *********xt {.*r.xr.*'f*******************+**t********.*****:t****{.x TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement !i**,1{(***:}****'l{.*{.**'r***'*x*******,*******r.'ft**,t:t'r**{.{r***'r**********+***{.*'i.** *** ***** r** r*******.** Statement Number: R040007141 Amount: $82.00 aL/LG/2OO4O3:55 pM Payment Method: Check Init: JS Notat ion : #10 73 /MAIJRIELLO PI,ANNING GROUP, IJIJC Permit No: DRB040599 Type: DRB - Sign Application ParceL No: 210l- 06314 015 Site Address : 531 ITIONSHEAD MAIJL VAIIJ Location: LIONSHEAD ARCADE BUILDfNG Total Fees: S52.00 Tlris Payment: $52.00 Total- A-IrIr Pmt6: $62.00 Balance: S0.00 ** ***x't x:i*******'t,*****************,i*************,t,i,t'{.*******************************,rr.,r*,r.,},*:},* ACCOTINT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Curr ent Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIT|l\l FEES SP OO1OOOO3124OOO SIGN FEES 50.00 12.00 Ptriew Center graJ? Sisn OTY: 2 Precision cut metal wall plate Painted: Blac* (Somi gloss) Spot lights: B-K Lighting: Sign Star Rgmote transfomer for lights as required Painted metal support tube: Black (Semi gloss) ' Note: Route power for lighting through tubes Fabricated metal fiame Paint: Black (Semi gloss) Beveled edge Guilded w/ 24k Gold Leaf 1/2' thick precision cut letters rnounted flush to panel Metal panel Paint: Black (Semi gloss) Guilded w/ 24k Gold Leaf sunburst Machine-cut vinyl lefterc rl rrtA m L--11 \.,-, GENERAL NOTES: 1. Sign is Double-sided 2. Suspended from existing ceiling surface. 3. Requires power for spot lights Corwnffilulbn Atts II12Mgt@t ht ldor, Colorah N302 Ji03 447 p02 fbv dtul@ awIor tb sfu puFw of spn*sing fival bwn h tsnl ont,and Es nol lrr tenM Jin aclud Itbliczltum parFm. (ttn t ruc kn ac cep Ar total ,x4nsikltv fin nabnal\ sloctlon, faMc4tbn dnd l$uu^ttMt. Nov 15, 2004 REVISIONS ZL DRAWN BY CHECKED BY Submlttals Reqllrcd Vai[ Squarc Preview Center Btade Sign IOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD yArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: OV|INER LAZIER, ROBERT PO BOX 1325 VATIJ co 815s8 License: CONrRACTOR George cregory P. O. Box L99l- Avon, CO 1321 Winslow Rd. Edwards, CO 8l-620 License: 795-B APPLICANT George cregory P.O. Box 1991 Avon, CO 13 21 Winslow Rd. Edwards, CO 8L620 L,icense:. 795-B Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Job Address: 531 LIONSHEAD MALL VAIL Location.......: 531 LIONSHEAD CR ParcelNo....: 210106314015 Project No . : -fdIO.( _ O.\ \,1 Permit #: 804-0314 Status. Applied Issued. Expires L0/73/2oo4 Phone: LO/t3/2004 Phone: 970-926-L288 IO/L3/2004 Phone: 97o-926-L288 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUT O"U"OPMENT \).,^,\ \"j..r-n-L-l F.\ r 3\\.\, \^.dt1 THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED oN JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES L'..'N-< L-.I -{-^,c..Ar_ ISSUED 10/13/2N4 ru04t2w4 0s/03/2005 Desciption: LIONSHEAD ARCADE-INFILL INTERIOR WINDOW, INSTALL CEILING FIRRING AND DRYWALL. ELECTRIC FIXTI.]RES. DOORS. TRIM AND CARPET Valuation: Rl Multi-Family II 1-HR Type II l-Hour ?2 $60,000.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: Add Sq Ft: # of Gas Appliances: 0 0 # of Gas Logs: 0 Building--- > Plan Check-- > Investigation- ) Will Call---> s7r3 .75 Restuarant Plan Review-> s463.94 DRBFee-----------> go . oo Recreation Fer------- ) 93. oo Clean-up Deposit------> TOTAL FEES,----------- > FEE SUMMARY so. oo Total Calculated Fees- > So. oo Additional Fees-----> $0.00 Total Permit Fee:*---> $0.00 Payments:------:---> $1,1s0.69 BALANCE DttE--------- > # of Wood Pellet: 0 91, 180 . 59 $0.00 91,180.59 s1,180.69 $0.00 Approvals: IICM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMEI\II LL/03/2004 JRlri, Action: AP Item; 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMEMr Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I f,.r"Uy acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOIIRS IN ADV AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. OWNER O CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF PAGE 2 l.***:****!F!t******!***i.*:1.*********************!N.!N.:*'l:F*{.:F**'r{.,F*:t +*****'t<********,tr:f *****'**!t +4.+***'}**t!*:F:k*,t<,t ***** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 804-0314 as of 1l-04-2004 Starus: ISSUED *d.,1'l:l'l****:l.t<************'lct(*{.:******************'}**+***'F{c**t!:t**)t,k{<***********!t *******:F:F***t!**tr**:t **{.****** Permit Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Applied: lDll3/2C04 Applicant: George Gregory Issued: lll04l2|/0/'970-926-1288 To Expire: 05/03/2005 Job Address: 531 LIONSHEAD MALL VAIL Location: 531 LIONSHEAD CR Parcel No: 210106314015 Description: LIONSHEAD ARCADE-INFILL INTERIOR WINDOW, INSTALL CEILING FIRRING AND DRYWALL. ELECTRIC FIXTURES. DOORS. TRIM AND CARPET Conditions: Cond: 1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: t2 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 'F******,N.*********+********+***+*+********+*********,!***********+***+*tt:t'i**+***'t 'i{.*********** TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement **'l't,t***************+****+*++****++*****,i*****************+*+****+******+*'t *************+*,t* Statement Nunber: R040007055 Payment Method: Check Gregory Amount: $1, r.80.69 LI/04/200411:22 AM fnlt: LrC Notation: #2089/ceorge $1, t-80.59 * * * * ** *+* * ** + *** '* ****'i* **.1**** * * ******+* * **** * **+** ******* *t * *** * f+* ** +*,N.,t'l ** * * {. *'t******** * * ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Aecount Code Descripgion Current. Pmtss Permit No: Parcel Nor SiEe Address : Location: This Palzment: BP 00r,00003111100 PF 001-00003112300 wc 00100003112800 804 - 03 14 Type : ADD/ALT COMM BUIITD PERI\4I 21010531401_5 531 IJIONSHEAD MAI.jI., VAIL 531 I,IONSHEAD CR Total Fees: TOTAI AT,L PMIS : Balance : BUILDING PERMIT FEES PITAN CHECK FEES WILL CAI,L INSPECTION FEE $1, r-80 . 69 $1,180.69 $0.00 I L5 . t a 453 ,94 3 .00 ttsoT tl MWNOF 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGDIEP Project #: Building Permit #: 97 947 9 -21 49 (tnspectiond LI'ATION nical. etc.t CTOR INFORMATION General Contractor:ail Reg. No.:42, - 4/ 3o Email address: tractor Sign COMPLETE ALUATIONS FOR BUILDING P ERMIT (Labor & Materials BUILDING: $ ZC;. &(2 ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $TOTAL: $ For Parcel # Contact Other Fees: DRB Fees: Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit nner 93 I Z<l . 4aosr'E4/>#Acs7 fAaS //.qrz . r'< Legal Description Filing:Su bdivision: Address: ,fla. tlaa /31 ress.lld. /&,x /97/ Detailed description of worf..l:,' a 7 1.tt'/'----' Dc>OzZg, Al3 /r?z- .- <:€/z-//C6 F/ 34/^J6 /-H > /)at.r 4./-.3 Ez,az:'r7z'/ <: WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodet (rzf Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ,lf Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: single-family ( ) Two-famity ( ) Mutti-famity (f commerciat (v{ Restaurant ( ) other( ) No of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildino: No/Type of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas GasLoqs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurn No/Type of Fireplaces Propose4 Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (,1 No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes *********************************!l**r.*Fo R oFFICE USE ON Ly***********************+************** \\Vall\dala\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM DOC 07 t26t2002 o Team tl ruh[,m Questions? Call the Building at 479-2325 Department of Community Development Project Name: Project Address: { This Checklist must be ompleted before a Building Permit application is 'accepted, o All pages of application is complete D Has DRBapproval obtained (if required) Providea copyofapproval form o Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex D Complete site plan submitted u Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) a Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumoster,parkinq or material storage allowed on roadwavs and shoulders without written aporoval s Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring d Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) o Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(S sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial Buildings) / Window and door schedule o Full structural plans, including design criteria (i.e,loads) o Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) o Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection { fre resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated u Smoke detectors shown on plans n Types and quantity of fireplaces shown Applicant's Signature: Date of submittal: \Vail\date\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\ELDGPERM. DOC Received By: 04r02n003 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks, All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time, However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Project Nu e: Gz,ryn -(L,-2, { fr*- q-,'t Opfto€ ?ou,ouo t.. , ,/Date: ,tn, /t2/oal F:everyone/forms/bldperm3 /'--- \ - ^{.{'r."\N4J NwfrIAEW HOW DID WE RATE WITH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Community D evelopment Department Russell Fonest, Director, (s70147s-2135 Check allthat applies. 1. Which Deparfnent(sldid you confact? Building '/ Environmental _ Housing_ Admin Planning DRB --- PEC _ 2. Was your initial contact with our staff no one available ? 3. lf you were required to wait, how long was it before you were helped? 4. Was your project reviewed on a timely basis? Yes / No lf no, why nof 5. Was this your first time to fle a DRB app_ PEC app_ Bldg Permit N/A Please rate the performance of the staff person who assisted you:54321Name: (knowfedge; responsiveness, availability) 0verall efiectiveness of the Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 2 What is the best lime of day for you to use the Front Service Counter? 9. Any comments you have which would allow us to better serve you nexttime? Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. We are commited b improving our seMce. immediate__rz1 slow 0r 7. L 0ct. 12. 2004 3:39PM Sl if e r o Smith t rampton No, 1085 P, 2 Octobcr 4,2004 Mr. Bob Lazier Itrcsident, Lionshcad Arcade Hand delivered Re: Rernodcl oflcascd space in Lionshead Arcadc, 2* floor Dear Bob: Slifcr, Smith & Frampton intends to makc the following uPgradcs to our leaeed spacc at the Lionshead Aroade huilding: - add electrical wiring und light fixturcs io the oflir* kr bettcf accommodate the offices - add upgraded telephonc lincs - install ncw doors and trim (knotty alder tdrn dglass alder tltxrs) in all officcs, cornfiton hallways, bathrooms, entry rloon, and interior spac€ - rc-tcxturc all interior walls including thc comrnon hullway and bathrooms - add a drop ceiling (no morc than 3") to covel lhe lx{tcom cciliqg n11d 64vpr the sonduit -paint all interior walls and ceilings including the common hallwoys and hathrooms -csrlrd throughoul -Bathroom fixtutcs (loilcts, sinks, tilc) By your signatures below, pleasc approvc thcsc changes- Ifyou havc ury questions plcasc call mc. Sinccraly, Landlord pct thc t casc ard as the Prosident ofthe - N'II''TIIII I- ffi ry nlu.'frlf;* l0 -7-o+w---------l Arcadc Prcaidcnt PO. Rox J669 r ?19 Vest Circ,lc . Vail. Cult'trd,r f l65tt Tr.llphnnc 970.,1?9.0245 . Toll frec t161t.619.8245 . Fax970.479'5911 wuru.gorecreekplxe.com . www,vodr('alcstutc,conr -{r#;: Larry Peterson *rfi.) illll ultililf) o 5 eEa gE g EE FI EFE D ir T E? $ssE g6! ;g$ t !s 3E gE gE E'F : BE Eg i'i o q4 :-:q ,A. t)'Ep s,J F {N ,l$,$ 3$i;\ltn\ { s _7il yx 5<Cq v € ts ti ti lej 6 E E 0 a- E €It s o 7 .g E o n a 3 5 E. E g ! P E 6 o 9 !t o s 1c €! E E It 6 6 e I ii (r, *a 88 Ei I E , at-zz 3 o e o al C , Ec !E o= c o E o o E g 5C !a az I E e o.< EE EE s lt*isg I t E e o €o Eto d a 'tr) \,') U (, $o- "t J j \(, ?'d\ :s ,l s !r.r , /s' \) Plafie Vatley Lumber Inc. 720E. Vine FortColins, CO 80524 Ph- (8oo) 598-s9s2 FaxV|$22A-0AM PlatteVelleylumber.com (, "*'-p , { I'ls J'*wt*Y Pr/-/f .Cl*- b-,,*v*'-/ Sha's "P*J C I.-sS Sr6 t ,t"/4 5\g h IA'4- 'f;;t;" Dd*s' Pl8fie Va[e,y Lumber lrc. 720E.Vine psrtf,sllins, CO 80524 Ph. (800) 598-59s2 Fox(97G22ffiW PlatteVdlcylumba.com PROJECT INFOR]VIATION SLIFER, SMITH AI\D FRAMPTON OFF'ICE REMODEL 531 W. LIONSHf,AD PLAZ,/'. TJNIT #207 &#208, LIONSHEAD ARCADE CONDO ocroBER 13,2004 SCOPE OF WORK: Remodel of office interior to include removal of existing acoustic ceiling tiles and grid. Installation of ceiling fining and drywalL doors, door hardware, casing, baseboard, carpet, electric fixtures, paint, stain and finish. CEILING ASSEMBLY: l. 5/8" Type "X'Drywall - Screwed, Taped, Textured 2. l-5l8" Metal Fining 3. 4" Pre-stressed Concrete Ceiling/Tloor Above BUILDING TYPE: Type IlI, One Hour 'O*" OF VAILFIRE DEPAR 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAtr, co gt6sz 974-479-2135 NOTE: o TMENT ALARM PERMIT 531 LIONSHEAD MALL VAIL s31 LTONSHEAD C& (SSF) 21010631401s VAILFIRE DEPARTMENT THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Job Address: Location.....: Parcel No...: Permit #: Status. . . Applied. . Issued. . Expires. A04-0065 8o'l'oSrl : ISSUED ; 10/08/2004 : 11/19/2A04 : 05/18/2005 Project No t fg ",/ _ o./t 7 OhIXIER LAZIER, ROBERT PO BOX 1325 VAII.,,co 81658 I-,icense: NEW ELECTRTC INC, P O BOX 95? AVON CO 8162 0 rrLcense: tIU-E NEW ELECTRJC TNC, P O BOX 957 AVON CO BT62O License: 1,0 / 08 / 2004 Phone : CONTRACTOR t0/08/2044 Phone: APPLICANT L0/08/2004 Phone: 970-949-465L Desciption: INSTALL SMOKE DETECTOR IN DRYWALL CEILINGS IN EXISTING LOCATIONS Valuation: $2,000.00 FEE SUMMARY Electrical---....> DRB Fee-----> Investigation----> Will Call-----> TOTAL FEES-> s0.00 $0.00 s0 .00 s3.00 $310.00 Total Calculated Fees-> Additional F€s6-----> Total Permit Fe€---'> Payments-----------> BALANCE DUE--.-.--> s3L0.00 (s3.00) s30?.00 $30?.00 s0.00 Approvals: rTEm: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMENT 10/08/2004.tJR Lt/I2/2004 mvaug:han Action: DN Action: AP Plans requlre Nicet level llf stamp. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accwate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. AT 479-2135 FROM 8100 AM - 5 PM.REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR IIOURS{T.I ADVANCE OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HMSELF AND OWNER ***+*+*t***+************+***+******t**+*************+*******i***+***,1"i*********t***++**+**** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement *****+***+*****{.*****+***f***++***'}**+**,}*+*i*****i+t*+*+****f+********+**+***t***+***'f****+ Statement Number: R040007155 Amount: 5307.00 77/19/2004LL:4? AM Palment Method: Check Tnit: LT Notation: New Electric Tt4)e: ALARM PERMTT MALIJ VAIL cR, (ssF) Total Fees:Total AIJL PmIs : Bal-ance:+*****+**********i**********f+******+f***++****,*****++*****+*t*******+***+***+*******,i{.***** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Des cript. ion Current. Pmls Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address : I-,ocation: This Payment: BP 001000031-11100 PF 00100003112300 A04- 005 5 21010 631401_ 5 531 LIONSHEAD 531 LIONSHEAD $307.00 $30?.00 $307.00 $0.00 FTRE ALARM PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES 75.00 232.00 Inslection nequeit neporting -- Page 30 VAIL. CO - TOWN gF Recuested Inspect Drte: Yuesdav. necernber 21. ?004 ' Insnec,ion Area: ,rRM Site Addres:: 5-r1 L!OiISHEAC MALL. VAIL 531 LIONSHEAO CR A/P/D lntormation Arlivity 404-0314 lypc ,l.Cot\,|i, Sub Typ€. ACOM Statu6': ISISUED Consl Tvp€. Occupancv Us€ ill l-HR insp Atea: ifrM olafi'€r. LAZIER ROBERT ApplK6nl. 6€t'19€ Gr€gofv rhoo€. 9irF926.12Bb [.ontraclor G€oig€ Gregory Phone: 97$92F{2Ea I€SCNPI|oN: IIONSHEAF AFCADf.'NFILL IIITERTOR WiNDOW, ITISTALL CEILIIS3 FIRRING AND DFYWALL, ELECTRIC FIXTUR€S. DOORS. TRIM AND CARPET 12:1-:00.t 6.47 anr Item:540 BLDG-Flnel CtO Requsstor Gregory Commenls. Re.lueEted Time: 01:00 P{$ Phone: 97S9?6 1288 -c'r- 37O 471- 4130 cell Erltered BV: DGOLD€N K . ',vlllcall 471-419) Assigned To. CDAVIS Acfuon. rnsDerrngn !!!teIY tt€m' Item l!en' n€m: nem: Item: Item: Item: Item: Item: nem: Item: 10 20 30 ot/ 70 so Acliorr: |.lOi{OT|RED NO ii.rsFEcTlol.l t l ra.t1l1 a lF.F^ t.,' ar.r i.\ Comm;nls. t3' X $HEE1-RO BLA;.Mlsc. BLf,,G-Frncl 11t221O4 lnsDcctor: GCD Comm€it6: PROVID€ VEl.lTlLA BLDG-Tem9 C/o afi/-TEMp C/O PLAI.I.TEMP. CIO pLAt'l-Ftf-lAt cvo FIRE-FINAL ClO .\ct|on: AP APPFCVED OI,I CEILING Aclbn. r.lO l.lOTlFlED FOfT M'DOLE OFFCE SO{.'TH SIDE. 6JCO BLDGFoollnqtsle€l BLDGFountrsflonists€l BLDG-Framino 11;?2!Q4 -lnsDeclor:'r tiJziu4 Inspeclor: Comments: LliilTFD FP RSPT131 Run IC: .2673 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-4't9-2138 NOTE: Parcel No....: 210106314015 ProjecrNo . : -p'{r} r1_O5r.o 6 OIdTIER LAZIER, ROBERT PO Box 1325 VAII, CO 81658 Lt-cense: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNI'T'U"ON'"*' rf,,6\ j, B,lK \ U----\ (^-\t \li- THIS pERMIT MUST BE posrnD oN JoBsITE AT ALL TMES \-.o-lL^L-J A'^-ct^gLr- ADD/ALTCOMMBUILD PERMT PCrMit #: BO4-0313 Job Address: 531 LIONSHEAD MALL VAIL Location......,: 531 EAST LIONSHEAD CR - L.l\ ),n-....\g Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 10/B/2AA4 lssued...: 1110812004 Expires...; 05/07/2005 I0/13/2004 Phone: CONTRACTOR ALLTANCE RESTORATTON SERVICE10/13/2004 Phone: (970) 328-4900 PO BOX 109 Eagle, Co 81631 License: 289-A APPLICANT ALI-,IANCE RESTORATION SERVTCE10/L3/2004 Phone: (970)328-4900 PO BoX 109 Eagle, Co 6IbJI License:289-A Desciption: VISION CENTER-TI OF OLD PASSAGES + LH REAL ESTATE OFFICES Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: R1,B,M II l-HR Type II l-Hour ,|.| Valuation: $180,000,00 Fireplace lnformation: Restricted:# ofGas Appliances: 0 Add Sq Fr 158 # ofGas logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet 0 Building---> Plan Check--> Investigation-> Will Call---> 5L,44!.15 RestuarantPlanReview-> 593'7.14 DRBFee-----------> S0.00 RecreafionFee----------> 53 . 00 Clean-up Deposit------> TOTAL FEES----------> FEE SUMMARY '*r***'r:l'rrrtr***:**r*:r'r.i*'i'r)*'r*:r:*:r***:r*:r:r:*,r,*,r*.'r****:r:|**r**rr*** $0.00 S0.00 Payments---------------> s2.539.89 BALANCEDUE---------> $0.00 90.00 s158.00 Total Calculated Fees-> Additional Fe€s-----> Total Permit Fee-----> * t:t:t** jl,t,t +tl|** *,a**:trt*t t*'**:t* ti.+** ** Approvals: IIEIN: O5]-OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT 11/08/2004 JRM ITCM: O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT I0/20/2004 ceorse Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT rtem: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS L0/15/2004 Is Action: AP Aclion: AP Action: COND l4ust provid,e a staging plan for TOV PW to approve. See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the infonnation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structur€ according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. R5QUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOTJRS IN BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OttR OPFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM- OF OWNERO CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER PAGE 2 ++****:F:f ****:* {.:&****!N:****:**:t **** ***:t**+ +'F+*!t* * 't !t 't****,8*:t,**!t*:******,t*+,t !F+t *!*!t****,t*!t**************!F!t*{.*!t:r* CONDITIONS OFAPPROVAL Permit#: 804-0313 asofll-08-2004 Status: ISSUED {<*'**'t**,*******:f**+**:t**'*:**:}*{.,*!****'******!*,*!*!*!*********'*:f*:t**!i,r******,f:t******:f***'**:f,l***,t't*'t,l(*'*** Permit Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Applied: 1011312004 Applicant: ALLIANCE RESTORATION SERVICES, INc. Issued: 11108/2004 (970)328-4900 To Expire: 05/0712005 Job Address: 531 LIONSHEAD MALL VAIL Location: 531 EAST LIONSHEAD CR ParcelNo: 210106314015 Description; VISION CENTER-TI OF OLD PASSAGES + LH REAL ESTATE OFFICES Conditions: Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CANBE STARTED. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED To CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. * ***** ** *+ *+*** * *'i***** * * * * * * * * ** ** ** * * ******,r * 't,l ** * ****+*** ++ **** *** * * * ** * ***** +*+ * *++*+** * TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement ,s**********:***********+*****+****:tr*+****+***********+++******:t(*************+***+***,t jr,*,l* *,1,,* * Statemenc Number: RA40001072 Anount: 52,539.89 LL/08/200411:30 AIvI Pa).ment Method: Check Init: DDG Notacion: Alliance 7222 $2, 539.89 ** * * * ** **** * * * **** *** * ****:ft* **:t* ******** * * ****** ** *** *:* * *** ***+ * * ** ** **** * * * ** * **** * * * **** * * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Des cript ion Current Prnts PermiE No: Parcel- No:Site Address : Location: This Palment: BP 00r-00003111100 Pr' 001000031-L2300 RF 111000031-12700 wc 001000031_12800 804-0313 Tl4)e: ADD/AI-,T COMM BUTIJD PERIT 2 r_ 010 6 314015 531 LTONSHEAD MALL VATL 531 EAST LIONSHEAD CR ToLal Fees: Tota1 ALL Pmts: Ba]ance: BUII,DING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES RECREATION FEES WTI.JIJ CAIJL TNSPECTION FEE $2, s39. 89 52, s39.89 $0.00 L,44L.15 937 .L4 158.00 3.00 ApplrcArroN ,;- nor r, llJtt'J,i,n.o" r..re u "r, Building Permit #: NWNOFVAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd.vail, Colora-do 81657 49 (Inspections) TI nical. etc. ! Contact Assessorc Offrce at 97O-328-864O or visit for Parcel f Parce,# Zto I o 63 lu o ts /A, tT. tA Job Name: 32-7Fn- Y*" <-EP(az- + *ttas ffi.Job Address: 53t f:. zJbpt+ta.> ea-t-Z., = Legal Description ll Lot: r,z,r ll abck: r ll niting: Fr= -- ll subdivision: /3'a1.t gH &D apca* Owners Name: q-Tbt Z-flddress:Phone: A rc h itect/ Des i g ner /J _, L anrl3=Address:Phone: ?26. zlv/ Engineer: /r4ouize <_ /J;4s4e Address:Photf:4 #B 7"aB Detailed description of work: a-7 OF oz-w ?a>*ce= +- Z.tt- z,ac &,zxrE coa.= WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel (1) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) WorkType: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Both(x)Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( t ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi{amrly ( ) Commercial (x) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: /q No. of Accommodation Units in this building I O Noffype of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Lrgs ( ) Wood/pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( Noffvpe of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appli{"# t j cu, Loq, ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NoT ALLO!{/ED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( x) COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materiats) BUILDING: $ MECHANICAL: $T0 l-AL: S REFUND CI,F]ANUP DEPOSIT TO: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor:,/1 AtLflw(E ,<q- Town of Vail Reg. No.:282-A Contact and Phone #'s: 4oe 74'oz?4 Contractor Signature: *?r*****rr****************rr**,1***********FOR OFFICE USE ONLY***:f **************rs*********ir***-!*:t** 4. Public Way eermit 11: F:leveryone/forms/OlOgp".m ! OCT I 1 2,,, TOV4OM.DEI ofConstruction: 'bn\; Vail, (lo lo rad o Denver, Colorad<r Dillon, (:olorado Monroe & Newell Enginet.rs, Inc. *4"co J STRUCTURAL PLANS, DETAILS, AND GENERAL NOTES Prepared By: Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. PO Box 1597 Avon, CO 81620 (--r-lr* t i! -: Wq.63t7 mF'*' t''n'{bPY FOR VAIL ASSOCIATES LIONSHEAD VISION CENTER M&N #6567 Date: October 10,2004 n .ll frm rl lllttttttt/|r\t1Et't r. r 20(|l Pr.[.{'n Storr'r It. Colordo (:tnpr.r or Ilc Aftrl&r hitir{(c of Attttrc.rt sJw\!'. m(Jn roe - new cl l. com 70 Benchrnark Roacl o Suite 204 c P.O. Box 1597 . Avon, Colorado 81620 (970) 949-7768 0 FAX (.970) 949-4054 0 ema il: a10n@rronroe-nt:well.com PROJECT: V.A. LIONSHEAD VtStON CENTER M&N #6567 DATE: OCTOBER 4, 2004 '1. LIVE LOADS USED IN DESIGN: A. ryPICAL FLOOR-OFFICE B. IMPORTANCE FACTORS CATEGORY sEtsMtc FAcToR tE sNow FACTOR ts WIND FACTOR IW c. wtND 3 SECOND GUST FASTEST MILE EXPOSURE D,SNOW GROUND SNOW LOAD Ps GENEML NOTES 60 PSF 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 80 MPH 1OO MPH B 1OO PSF E. F, LIVE LOADS ARE REDUCED PER CODE IF APPLICABLE. CODE USED IN DESIGN IS THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE,2OO3 EDITION. TESTING. INSPECTIONS AND OBSERVATIONS: THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER DOES NOT PROVIDE INSPECTIONS OF CONSTRUCTION. STRUCTURAL ENGINEER MAY MAKE PERIODIC OBSERVATIONS OF THE CONSTRUCTION, SUCH OBSERVATIONS SHALL NOT REPLACE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS BY THE GOVERNING AUTHORITIES OR SERVE AS "SPECIAL INSPECTIONS'AS MAY BE REOUIRED BY CHAPTER 17 OF THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE COORDINATTON FOR SPECIAL INSPECTIONS OF THE CoNSTRUCT|ON (pAtD FOR By OWNER) AS OUTLTNED tN THE PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS AND LISTED BELOW IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 17 OF THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE. SPECIAL INSPECTION SHALL BE PROVIDED BY A QUALIFIED SPECIAL INSPECTING AGENCY AS APPROVED BY THE LOCAL BUILDING OFFICIAL. THE FOLLOWING WORK SHATL BE TNSPECTED BY THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR: 1. SOIL PREPAMTION A. EARTHWORK EXCAVATION, FILLING AND COMPACTION BELOW FOOTINGS ANO SLAB ON GRAOE. 2, CONCRETE a. THE TAKTNG OF TEST SPEC|MENS TO DETERMTNE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH.b. PLACEMENT oF REINFORCEMENT: spEcrAL rNspEcfloN NEED Nor BE 2. A. B. c. 3. CONTINUOUS, BUT MUST BE DONE ONCE PLACEMENT IS COMPLETED AND PRIOR TO CLOSING THE FORMS. ITEMS TO BE CHECKED INCLUDE BAR SIZE, GRADE, QUANTITIES, SPACING, LAP SPLICE LOCATIONS, EXCESSIVE RUST, AND PROPER CONCRETE COVERAGE.c. EMBEDDED ANCHOR BOLTSAND STUDS: SPECIAL INSPECTTON SHALL BE DONE ON A CONTINUOUS BASIS. ITEMS TO BE CHECKED ARE PROPER ANCHOR DIAMETERS, EMBEDMENT LENGTFIS, SPACING BETWEEN ANCHORS, EDGE DISTANCES AND CONCRETE CONSOLIDATION AROUND ANCHORS. FOUNDATIONS A. THE ALLOWABLE SOIL BEARING PRESSURE ASSUMED IN DESIGN IS 25OO PSF. THE CONTMCTOR SHALL RETAIN A LICENSED SOILS ENGINEER TO INSPECT THE FOUNDATION EXCAVATION. SOILS ENGINEER SHALL VERIFY IN WRITING THE ACTUAL SOILS CAPACIry IS EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN ASSUMED. B. ALL FOOTING BEARING ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE ASSUMED. EXACT BEARING ELEVATIONS SHALL BE VERIFIED IN THE FIELD WITH ACTUAL CONDITIONS BY CONTMCTOR WITH APPROVAL OF SOILS ENGINEER AND ALL BOTTOMS OF FOOTINGS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 48" BELOW EXTERIOR GMDE. C. ALL FOOTINGS ARE TO BE PLACED ON FIRM, UNDI9TURBED, NATURAL SOIL OR PROPERLY COMPACTED BACKFILL, APPROVEO BY THE SOILS ENGINEER. BACKFILL SHALL BE COMPACTED TO 95% (MINIMUM) MODIFIED PROCTOR DENSITY PER ASTM Dl557 UNLESS OTHERWISE RECOMMENDED IN THE SOILS REPORT. IF SOFT SPOTS ARE ENCOUNTERED REMovE sotL AND REcoMpAcr wtrH AppRovED F|LL (RE: sotL REPORT FOR DESCRIPTION OF BEARING SOIL). D. CONTRACTOR SHALL BACKFILL EQUALLY ON EACH SIDE OF FOUNDATION WALLS IN 12 INCH MAXIMUM VERTICAL LIFTS OR AS RECOMMENDED IN THE SOILS REPORT. REFER TO SOILS REPORT FOR BACKFILL MATERIAL. E, CENTER ALL FOOTINGS UNDER WALLS, COLUMNS OR GRID LINES UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON PLANS. F. CONTRACTORTO PROVIDE, AT HIS EXPENSE, FIELD DENSITY TESTS ON COMPACTED FILL UNDER FOOTINGS AND INTERIOR SLABS-ON-GMDE. G, NOTIFY SOILS ENGINEERWHEN EXCAVATION IS COMPLETED SO THAT CONOITIONS MAY BE INSPECTED PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF ANY FILL OR CONCRETE. SLAB ON GRADE A. THE PREPAMTTON OF THE SUBGRADE FOR THE SLAB ON GRADE SHALL BE IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROJECT SOILS REPORT REFERENCED ABOVE. THE CONTMCTOR SHALL DIRECT QUESTIONS REGARDING THE SUBGMDE PREPAMTION REOUIREMENTS TO THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. MOVEMENT OF.THE SLAB ON GRADE MAY CAUSE DAMAGE TO ANYTHING CONNECTED TO BOTH THE SLAB AND OTHER PORTIONS OF THE SUPERSTRUCTURE. ISOLATION DETAILS FOR PARTITION WALLS, BASEBOARDS, PIPING AND OTHER ITEMS MAY BE REQUIRED. REFER TO THE APPROPRIATE DRAWINGS OR CONSULT WITH THE RESPONSIBLE MEMBER OF THE DESIGN TEAM PRIOR TO CONNECTING ITEMS THE SLAB ON GMDE AND OTHER PORTIONS OF THE SUPERSTRUCTURE. ! 4. B. 5. CONCRETE A. ALL CAST.IN-PLACE CONCRETE SHALL BE MADE WITH TYPE I/II PORTLAND CEMENT, STONE AGGREGATE AND SHALL SATISFY THE FOLLOWING REQUINSTUETTS: CONCRETE ITEM FOOTINGS FOUNDATION WALLS INTERIOR SLABS ON GRADE EXTERTOR CONCRETE (**) F'C MIX TYPE 3000 psiSTD 3000 psi STD 4000 psiSTD 4500 psi STD MAX WC RATtq % AtR REQ. 0.50 0.45 6o/o-80/o o. +* MAXIMUM SLUMP SHALL NOT EXCEED 4'. B. IF CONCRETE SUPPLIER PROPOSES USE OF FLYASH HE SHALL PROVIDE OWNER WITH LETTER INDICATING COST REDUCTION AT TIME OF BID. THE MODULUS OF ELASTTCIrY OF ALL CONCRETE SHALL EXCEED WC1.5 33 {F'C (OR 57,OOO r/r'C ruORURI- WEIGHT coNcRETE). C. CONTRACTOR SHALL SAWCUT OR TROWELCUT JOINTS IN SLABS ON GMDE. JOINTS SHALL BE SPACED 1O FEET AND SAWCUT OR TROWELCIJT 114 OF SLAB DEPTH X 3/16" WIDE WITHIN 12 HOURS AFTER POURING. CARRY ALL SLAB REINFORCEMENT THROUGH JOINT. D. SLABS, FOOTINGS AND WALLS SHALL NOT HAVE JOINTS IN A HORIZONTAL PLANE. ANY STOP IN CONCRETE WORK MUST BE MADE AT THIRD POINT OF SPAN WITH VERTICAL BULKHEADS AND HORIZONTAL SHEAR KEYS UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN. ALL CONSTRUCTION JOINTS SHALL BE AS DETAILED OR AS REVIEWED BY THE ENGINEER. E. ALL CONCRETE WORK AND REINFORCEMENT DETAILING SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ACI BUILOING CODE 318 LATEST EDITION, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. USE STANDARD HOOKS FOR DOWELS UNLESS OTHERWTSE NOTED. ALL EXPOSED EDGES OF CONCRETE WORK SHALL HAVE 3/4 INCH CHAMFER. REINFORCEMENT A. ALL REINFORCING SHALL BE HIGH-STRENGTH DEFORMED BARS CONFORMING TO ASTM A615, GRADE 60 EXCEPT TIES, STIRRUPS AND PLATE ANCHORS WHTCH SHALL BE DEFORMED BARS, ASTM DESIGNATION A615, GRADE 40 OR ASTM A706 GRADE 60. B. WELDED WIRE FABRIC SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A185 GRADE 65 AND SHALL BE LAPPED ONE FULL MESH AT SIDE AND END SPLICES AND WIRED TOGETHER. C. REINFORCEMENT PROTECTION:1. CONCRETEPOUREDAGAINSTEARTH 2. CONCRETE POURED IN FORMS(EXPOSEDTOWEATHEROR EARTH)3. COLUMNS AND BEAMS (TIE BARS)4. SLABS AND WALLS (NOT EXPOSED TOWEATHER) 3n 1-112" 3l{ D. REINFORCEMENT PLACEMENT AND TOLERANCES SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTIONS 7.5, 7.6 AND 7,7 OF ACI 318, LATEST EDITION. NO SPLICES OF REINFORCEMENT SHALL BE MADE EXCEPT AS DETAILED OR AUTHORIZED BY THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. LAP SPLICES, WHERE PERM F. G. BE A MINIMUM OF 48 BAR DIAMETERS FOR #6 BARS AND SMALLER UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. MAKE ALL BARS CONTINUOUS AROUND CORNERS. PLACE TWO #5 (PER 8- THICKNESS) WITH 2'-0" PROJECTION AROUND ALL OPENINGS IN CONCRETE WALLS, SLABS, AND BEAMS. ALSO PROVIDE TWO #5 X 4'-O'DIAGONALLY AT EACH CORNER. CONTINUOUS TOP AND BOTTOM BARS IN WALLS AND BEAMS SHALL BE SPLICED AS FOLLOWS: TOP BARS AT MIDSPAN, BOTTOM BARS OVER SUPPORTS. WOOD A. ALL FMMING LUMBER SHALL BE DRY DOUGLAS FIR, LARCH, GRADED BY WESTERN WOOD PROOUCTS ASSOCIATTON AND CONFORMTNG TO INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE AS FOLLOWS: 7. 2" THICK - 4'TO 6" W|DE (WALL STUD ONLY) 2" TO 4'THICK - 6" AND WIDER 5'THICK - 5" AND WIDER STUD Fb = 700 PSt NO.2 Fb = 900 PSI NO. 1 Fb = 1350 PSI NOTED ALLOWABLE STRESSES ARE MINIMUMS AND FOR NONREPETITVE USES PRIOR TO ALLOWABLE STRESS INCREASES. B. WHEN PRESERVATIVE TREATED LUMBER IS REQUIRED BY CODE ALL CONNECTIONS AND NAILING SHALL BE ADEQUATELY GALVANIZED (DOUBLEDIPPED OR BETTER). C. TREATED SILL PLATE LUMBER MAY BE HEM-FIR, STRUCTURAL #2 GRADE, D. FASTEN ALL WOOD MEMBERS WITH COMMON NAILS ACCORDING TO THE IBC SCHEDULE TABLE 2304.9,1 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. E. PLYWOOD DECK AND/OR ORIENTED STRAND BOARD.1. PANEL THICKNESS SHALL BE AS SHOWN ON THE DRAW|NG. APPLICATION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE AMERICAN PLWVOOD ASSOCIATION.2. EACH PANEL SHALL BE IDENTIFIED WITH THE GRADE-TRADEMARK OF THE ANIERICAN PLYWOOD ASSOCIATION AND SHALL MEET THE REQUTREMENTS OF U.S. PRODUCTS STANDARD PSI, LATEST EDITION FOR PLYWOOD, ALL PANELS WHICH HAVE ANY EDGE OR SURFACE PERMANENTLY EXPOSED TO THE WEATHER SHALL BE OF THE EXTERIOR ryPE.3. EXTERIORWALLS SHALL HAVE ONE LAYER OF 112" EXPOSURE I PLYWOOD OR OSB SHEATHING NAILED AT 6'ON CENTER ALONG PANEL EDGES.4. INSTALL SUITABLE EDGE SUPPORT BY USE OF PLYCLIPS, TONGUE AND GROOVE PANELS OR SOLIDWOOD BLOCKING SUPPORTS. NON-STRUCTUML ELEMENTS A. ELEMENTS SUCH AS NON-BEARING PARTITIONS, ETC. ATTACHED TO AND/OR SUPPORTED BY THE STRUCTURE SHALL TAKE INTO ACCOUNT DEFLECTIONS AND OTHER STRUCiURAL MOVEMENTS. B, FIRE PROTECTION FOR ALL STRUCTURAL PARTS SHALL BE PROVIOED AND SHALL MEET ALL CODE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE ryPE OF CONSTRUCTION SPECIFIED BY THE ARCHITECTUML DRAWINGS, STRUCTURAL STEEL MEMBERS SHALL BE UNRESTRAINED UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 8. 7.GENERAL c. A. B. D. E. ENGINEER'S ACCEPTANCE MUST BE SECURED FOR ALL STRUCTUML SUBSTITUTIONS. VERIFY ALL OPENINGS THROUGH FLOORS AND WALLS WITH MECHANTCAL AND ELECTRICAL CONTMCTORS. VERIFICATION OF LOCATIONS, SIZES, LINTELS AND REQUIRED CONNECTIONS ARE CONTMCTOR'S COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY. PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT OR OTHER ITEMS TO BE ATTACHED TO THE STRUCTURE, ENGINEER'S APPROVAL OF CONNECTIONS AND SUPPORTS SHALL BE OBTAINED. UNLESS SPECIFICALLY OETAILED ON ARCHITECTURAL AND STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS, RESPECTIVE SUBCONTMCTOR SHALL FURNISH ALL HANGERS, CONNECTIONS, ETC,, REQUIRED FOR INSTALLATTON OF HIS ITEMS. PROVIDE ASPHALTIC MASTIC-COATING ON ALL STEEL AND WOOD EXPOSED TO EARTH. WATERPROOFING, VAPOR BARRIERS, WATERSTOP, ETC., SHALL BE AS SHOWN ON THE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS AND AS INDICATED IN THE SPECIFTCATIONS. ALL DIMENSIONS ON STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS SHALL BE CHECKED AGAINST FIELD AND ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL ASSUMED EXISTING CONDITIONS. IF CONDITIONS ARE DIFFERENT THAN ASSUMED, NOTIFY ENGINEER. F. G. tJ4u :r)ALu f= L{ P€P- AS-< vAD€?+t$ faan*1a 'fvu A 1-l)c=..s=r-* r nl+1 al-+s *A lLg" ata1la Cet+4t-ew iqlrfJ >t+-a!- 4.P+DV -ldntr-.'14Pe HlTtf N t'F[-sf[glFlk- (a-+4 *d-J G." psrF lFlt.= €/;+I $la Foc.r J6>ETte$ i a1?tcpv 4= ' 4-*.ag F= I ryt, I ffil "-l,t U-rf-f z l-1-4|. cg L€vErT A -.:u xiOsf loil "r Azsgaror.l4 lt-zc-o*/e'L ll-.- *_ raWn{ jeu.lsr l\l Lz*6)laoil -:-? c-JT A .*t,sTvJa// |E,i"l"ll--r T tAsvs I / -Px,rz;1rA<-/ ( -.--.-. ,.,r,.-az- 1 Monroe & Newell FtginOcm, lag. P.O. Box 159t 70 Bd.h|lt Ro.d, Sotb 2O4 Av(rr Oolddo 81620 (9?O) 949.?768 FA)( (9?O) 949{054 EvlAlL rvo@ryo6-lGrrllc@ VAILASSOCIATES LIONSHEADVISION GNTB. NO. #6557 TITLB: OFEICB LE\rEL FR.AMINC AND FOUNDATION PI.A.AI 5t D^rA rotlow 5V:,t vtall lt _+ . oa SCALE: U8"/m.Df,AXD{BY: TJM Monroe erlewell Engheers, Inc. ,ot V,A' l-lo EHEET NO. OALCULATEO 8Y CHECKED BY SCALE Psorxna+l F* $d) el {hfd) Monroe f*Iewell Engfreers. Inc. o^r= l.=- | .-- .4 DATE- nouD2!+l lshdt$a) 6t lhdrd) Monroe fYewell Engineers, Inc.OF SHEET NO. CALCULATED AY CI'IECKED BY SCALE l-- [o- o4 OATE DATE Monroe OF [-- l-- o4 OATE DATE (shlh stL.r) mt {rul 0 ,R 7nr /l \\VT Monroe Ovewett Englneers, Inc, vl=\d{ 4f OATE DATE mqfi2oa 1 l5|{L 9s)20t1 (ffi) q n AI In {/$ Monroe frv.wtt Endllneers, Inc.:ffi Pidma+t 6|*aic)aotr lAed) q ^ Tftf f/ \\(/V sHEEr NO. ll oF r.*-"r.";F;-@ GHEC|(EOBY ll oATE--.-.--- Monroe On.wru EnEilneers, lnc. *" Aol.Alq],VVa o ;l c.aIrry- t' t N \ A F\ \ \N \t IN \( z N\ I'L lu li vr IY H t .l 0 il|s |{ ti 1 \| E o e.lrl J FJ il+ 22 9=lrl O s N (J t! c o) 'fJ \t A\\a\E\ ?N ,fiN \i...\q .\ FT 7 ,.\O> '\&$ds'D\ (J Z- ----.--b P x? d3 tt (LO (LO <o h-r *.- f!-r ! '9 -t,-. gH cH tF ?'. iu;rE =p ?J l :! t J z O J .n .-) ! 0a o- ^t 3 ?i * of ?2,aa X trJ E E.o LL a z CT !: o F:I LrJ -l: (!._i ., : ,' i' ", i,; r , :-. l-/^ , - UJ .q ::r o I o F ; 'i& na) Lt"r ifJC . \, '\o rsf ffB I :m nf,5r il #f !, .i? # I ** { I -{ -\.. -,,--* .fuh\ The 38HDL Coolonly Condensing Unit is the best choice for your residential and light commercial applications. the 38HDL offers several features like horizontal discharge air flow, a small footprint, low sound levels and above all, low cost - which makes this unit unique in the market today. Specifically designed for use with the popular Carrier Duct- free Split Systems, the 38HDt is quiet and unobtrusive wherever it is used. Adtlit iorral li'alrrrcs: . 1O.O SEER . 100 ft. equivalent line length . 208/230-1-60 voltage . Low pressure safety switch . Extremely low sound levels - patented cowl induction fan system . Scroll compressor for reliability and quietness with l0-year warranty I . Available in I l/Z-ton, Z-ton, 3-ton and 5-ton capacities )? Available accessorir.s include: ' low ambient controller G20' F) . Winter-start & Hard-start kits . Snow stand, wind ballle, stacking kit and wall mount kit I I ia a fr DrMEt{STONS l D00R (in) DrMENSt0l{S 0UTD00R (in)REFRIGERAI{T TUEIiIG SOUI{D DATA 0urD00R (d8) !rA)( l/tRI un(n)' It'lAX TUBI tGrH (n)OUTDOOR 38H01018 40QN8024 38H01018 _10QA8060 10QAB02{ _ 40QKB036 _4E!804 40QA8036 40QK8036 40QAm36 _40QK8036 _ {!qA804! ' Maximum helght diffor6nce dopends on conliguration. Full expanded ratings available l38HDL036 Comprsssor is recjprocating type smunerro -_l -^^;"I"33f;'H',"!5-, ..'.!'#fiif,f'* lo -l u.o 50 ___l - ,t4 - 40 | 23,3 rn - | - uzq _ j:40 | 28.2 --;; -1 - - -^^lu I JJ.o - 40 __-l -rr.s - io _-l -lr.o - _1o- I -46L 50 55.4 - tA - Ca" 50 66.3 SATUMTEO TEMPERAIURE LVG COMPRESSOR (n 122.3 TOTAL POWER (rw) 119.5 119.3 _ '123.1 _ 124.7 _ 130.i 121.0 124.8 119.0 ttt.5 120S- 2.55 _ 3.12 4.01 4. t8 Specifications subiect to changs without notice @ 1999 Carrier Corporation, Syracuse, NY 18,000 17,800 17,600 23,000 24.000 22,600 29,000 29,000 34,000 34,400 45,500 58,500 s!1 /t .r1 e.e1 ./5 icu 25.13 25.13 ol 25.13 65 65 65 1 1600 92.001 23.',12 9.94 44.56 117 Rgfer io S€rvice & lnstallation lnstructions. 100 100 '100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 'r 00 130 r30 130 tJo tJo IJD tol tol 185 185 222 r.6r 1.64 @@ 124.5 Printed in U.SA. 63&875 From: To: Date: Subject: Todd Goulding" <TGoulding@vailresorts.com> <GRuther@vailgov.com> 121161200410:17:39 AM Lazier Arcade Building, Vision Center AC Condenser Location George- This email is in reference to the discussion and plans we discussed earlier this week. As requested, we would like to relocate the AC Condenser to the North East side of the Vision Center, adjacent to the existing electrical transformer. The unit will be painted to resemble the color scheme of the existing building and adjacent area ( a muted neutral color). Please let me know if this amendment to approved plans meets your needs. lf you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at lour earliest convenience. Thanks tg Todd Goulding Project Manager Vail Resorts Developmenl Company PO Box 959 '137 Benchmark Rd. Avon, CO 81620 970.845.2369 970.845.23s8 (f) El}Ff5---_---tncpeetton Request Rcportlng *-FAseT9 -4?E-un---- -- v+, co-- ctty of- Requested Insp€ct DatE: Tuesday, June 14, 2005 lnso€cdon Area: .,lRM Slte Address: 531 LIoNSHEAO MALL VAIL 53I EAST LIONSI{EAD CR ArPrD lnformetiln Acllvlty: 8O+0313 TyD€: A-COir,lM ComtTyp6: Occupohby: Owner: l"AzlER. RoBERI' Ap,plic€nt ALLIANCE RESTORAIIOI{ SE RVICE S,, l}JC. Ccntaclor: ALLIANCE RE STORA nON SERVICES. lt,lc. Req u?sted _hsoecqenligl Iter: $40 BLDc-Flnal CrO Requestor: ALLIAI{CE RESTORAION SE RVICES. ll-lc. Comm€nls: will call 33i -3182 Asslgnod To: CDAVIS Acllon: D€scrlptlon: Vls|oni CENTER'fl OF OLO PASSAGES + LH REAL ESTATE C,fFICES Nothe: Alr cordtUonet tstocstion to north slde of the buildln adiacentto U'te transfom€r approvsrj by Flannlrg 12t14|44. - ORUTHER liotic€: changn of sldlnq on th€ norlh sitle ot lh€ buildrrrg ilom stucco to wood ls apDr)v€d bv Ptannlnq aft€r consuluno wllh Mlke McG6€ on slt€. \,\rood sldlno shrll b€ D(tlntad Drior to TCO - GRU'rHER - COMM€NI: ROIJTEdTO JR, GEORGE RUI}IER, FIRE ANdPUBLIC h,ORK9. JSUT}IER Sub Typ€i ACOM Ueer ll 1-HR Phonei i97o)328-4glo Phone: (970)32&4S Stolus: IS$UED In$D Arroi JFIM Requeeted Tlmer 02:00 Pff ' Ptnna: 331'3482 enter€d By: DGOLD€N K lnsopcdof i"fistory . !t€m: l0 Blf,f,FFootlngsi/Stsel . l tr 12.'O4- lnspocor: "lime E:xp: - Appfov€d " JRM ' Actlon: APAPPROVED Actlon' AP 4PPP6YSP Action: APAFPROVED A ila rt" I I I $ /'i/l tl [ /t (b./ ,l/"\n "4t ,fl lu ,4,1-. u#/' lt' V Comm€nll 1?/05/04 Inspoc{or: JRM Commant: 12:AtM InspoctDr: ictsvll Comrnerit Formg and $teel phcsm€nt ior $trlrs approv€d ftem: 20 BLDG-Fr.,undatbry'Sleel *- Approvod " 11t16D4 Insp€ctot: JFiM Aclbn: APAPPROVEO Csmm€nt l2t16tH lirpeclof: GCO Acllon: APAPFROVED Co'NMenT NEW FDfiI WALL PEii REVISIOhI 5 DATED 1?-OS(X Item: 30 ELDGFramlng " Apfiroved * 12/03104 lnsp€ctor: GCD Acffon: CONDAPPROVEDiCONSnONS COMM€NI: SI'EEL STUO FRAJT,IING APPROVED l.SHEF:aocK FRT \ IIOOO FRAMING TO CElLltlC D€CX AT 8O{LER ROOI'. ?.NRE STOP PENETRATIOfiIS AT CEILIhIG DECK AND EOILER ROOiiI I,VALLS. OK TO HAI{G GYP LEAVE OPEN FOR INSPECTION. FIRE STCP ASSEMBI.IES PROVIIJED IN FIELD. REPT131 12j09/O4 ln$o'ectcf: GCD Acdon: AP APPROVErI COMMENi: PENETRANONS ANO PR€ROCK AT BOILER ROOM APP.{OVED, Run fd: 3304 Page 20 tlem: 60 Bl-DGshaefock hlall " Approvod -'t2,'{0r04 lnspsclor: Art ' Actioh: AP APPROVED Comrnent: APPROVEO SHEETROCK FASTENll,lc 12J10/O{ lh$D€dor: Art Aclioh: |\|c) NOnFiEo CsmIi.€Nt: I NOTE THAT THERE IS hIO RECORD OF AN INSULANON INSPECT1ON OF THE EXTERIOR WALLS Itenr: 70 BLDC>-Mlsc. li'am: 9O BLDGFinsl tlem: *3O BLDG"Tamp. C,O " Appoved * l2!Z3tD4 lnsoector: cd€vis Action: AP APt ftOVED coclment: Itcm: 538 FIRE-RNAL cio llem: 539 PI1/-FINAL cro , Oai23lo5 lnso€ctor: ls Actton: Df,l DEN|ED i It6m: 132 PI^/-TEMP. c/O * Apprcved '" 121?310.4 InsF€ctor: b Action: CONDAPPROVEC'/COND{TIONS Commonl: Mugt lernov€ rock qnd dirl u9 roa|n$t trse. Mttsl fltl In hob on ecsl sHe bf hrtHlngNrotkway I Pick uptssh. rr Item: 537 PI.Ai+FINAL Cio I I Itcm: 538 FIRE-RNAL C'O I I llem: 539 PI1/-FINAL CrO , r ilr OZiaS1OS lnsp€clor: ls Actton: D|,IDEN|ED '-r'|l\ComnFnt: t"{ot R€ady. Landrcaplng ls not csmplste, BdcX payq titlbrll on stdewatk ld iriplfornpht€.Item: SC BLEC;Fh'|C;O r '!'r I \J"f- ItEm: 534 PI^AN-FINALC'C "Al''povsd* , _{ \ i I t OZi?U*5 lnso€ctor: ls Actlon: DN DENI QgqrE-snt; -ruot Ready. Landrcaplng ls not csmplste, Brlck pa'/E r2;21.:A4 lnsDoclor; Georoe , \Ac{ion: DN Commeri!: Worh ls not compbte. Compl€te roqk or bond c r2;21.:A4 ln$Doclor; Georoe , \Ac{ion: DN DENIED \ l\ Commeri!: Worh ls not comD&ts. Compl€t€ ptirk ot bond outsbMtno lrhboveme nts. "lfifr.,.;H hsp€clof: c'€drg8 , , 4ton' AP tPPRovED, ' I i.l ',r \\ [f'r I r^\ b\.'-rrr '.-'\', \ "'Fr ,r\\' t,,', t\ tl (. ,, \J ".. ; REPT131 Run Id: 3304 TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2135 VAILFIRE DEPARTMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Job Address: Location.....: Parcel No...: Project No : OI4II'IER LAZIER, PO BOX VAIL VISION CENTER 210r 06314015 Pgtf- asol ROBERT 1,325 Permit #: Status . . . Applied. . Issued . Expires . . A04-0089 6"4- osrZ : ISSUED : 12/09/2004 : 12/21/2004 : 06119/2005 ALARMPERMIT 53I LIONSHEADMALLVAIL c0 81658 I-,icense: CONTRACTOR ACME ALARM COMPANY P.O. BOX 883 RIFLE, CO d.l.bfu I-,icense: 154-S APPLICANT ACME ALARM COMPANY P.o. Box 883 RIFIJE, CO d-LbJU License: l-54- S 1,2/09/2004 Phone: L2/09/2004 Phone: 974-625-3398 L2/09/2004 Phone: 970-625-3398 Desciption: EXTERIORALTERATION Valuation: $2,100.00 **ltr**t*,t:*:**:**'*,i*:*:****'t,r****:***,t,t***'t'a*:t,*'*+*****,t****+j*:t *t ti.tt***t!*,t:** FEE SIIMMARY Electrical-----> DRB Fee-------> Investigation--> Will Call---------> TOTAL FEES-> s0. oo s0. oo s0.00 s3.00 s0.00 $313.75 $0.00 Total Calculated Fees-> Additional Fees-----> Total Fef,mit Fee-----> Paym€nts----------------> BALANCE DUE---.-.--> **l*'f:}+++:t:*i'**,r****:}:*****|.)t:|:l*+*'}*++:|.,}:J,*:}||*|t*t't***lt*,t:t,|*+*x.|.{.,}lt+:},*,i|'|t***********+* Approvals: ITCm: O56OO FIRE DEPARTMENT L2/13/2004 mcsee Action: AP Plan check apporved under condit,ions: 1 . Pro j ect \^/a s start.ed without permj.t .2. Work was covered up prior to inspection. 3. A11 work performed prior to permit i.ssuance is subject to detaiLed field inspec removal , repair, replacement or mitigaEion. 4. Panel has aclivated twoice in'12 hours, both tirne indicating panel and field de wiring rnay be unreliable.5. Security to panel is reguired.Casual access is not permitted. '*rt* *t,itri'* *:l +t:l*,lt * r r* r*:t *:t *.* * *,t:l * **'*{t t**l,la | * *'**,t*'ht.** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this sfiucture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Torvn applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR TNSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTr-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2135 FROM t:00 AM - 5 PM. '!* **** * '1. **** * ***** * * + * ********* * *tr* * ** ** ***,t*** ** **** ** * * ** * * **** * **** * N * * * ****+ *+t** ** * * * * * TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement * ** * * **** * * ***+ + ******++* *,' * +***** *** **** * * *** ** *** * *:* ******** ***** *+ * ******* * +*** **'t *:!** ** * Statement Number: R040007282 Amount: 9313.75 L2/2I/200402t44 py! Pa)rmenE Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: Acme Alarm 2708 Permit No:Parcel No:Site Address : L,ocation: This Payment: BP 001000031-7L1,00 PF 001000031-12300 wc 00100003LL2800 A04-0089 Tt4)e: ALARM PERMIT 21010 63l-4 015 531 LTONSHEAD MALL VATL VISION CENTER Total Fees: FTRE A-I,ARM PERMTT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WTLL CAI,L TNSPECTTON FEE (?'t 2 ?q )JrJ. /f )JrJ. /5 TOTAI ALL T{NIS :Balance: $0.00 *******{.:}****:1.*******+++**********************************+********t ***++++***************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts 78 -75 232.00 3.00 Hluttun%ala't -oscE n@ required at time of listed on the without this Permit Submittal to: Vail Fire and Emergency Services Vision Center & Sales Office Lionshead Centre December 9. 2004 s'q' 1{l'tt" g';is' ACME ALARM COMPANY PO BOX 883 RIFLE, CO 81650 970425:3398 FAX 970-625-0870 EI\{AIL clint@acmealarm. com .q b$bsll Acme Alarm Company PO Box 883 Rifle, CO 81650 Phone 970625-3398 Fax 97G62!0870 "We Ser The Strndards for Securitv!" t 0LofiH0Ll ffimE '-'^r,ts,#+@6ffi Permit Scope and Sequence Vision Center 178/04 Ovewiew: Due to the agc and the tlpe of wiring in the Msion Center remodel, the old wiring will be removed and new wiring installed to current code rcquirements. Thc wiring will be completed by Arch clcctric to Acme Alann Standards and currcnl code requirelncnls. Componcnt Confi guration: The initiating devices installed shalt be Gamewcll conventional smoke detectors and pu.ll stations and are listed for use with thc existing Gamewcll fire control pancl, The new notihcation circuits will be comprised of Syste Sensor strobes and horn strobcs. Scooc and Sequence: l. Install ncw wiring conduit and back boxes. (Arch Electric) 2. set up temporafy coverage with 135 degree fixed tcmperature ard ratc of rise heat detcctors. 3. Remwe old wiring and devices. 4. Reprogram fire control panel rvith proper labeling. 5. Install ucw initiating devices after the cornplction offinal cleanup of all trades. 6. Check and documcnt sound levels throughout the facility. 7. Test and inspect entire syslsm per NFPA and local codes. Device Box Schedulc I All dcvices shall be mounted to back boxcs. 2 Back boxes for cach pull station shall be single gang deep. 3 Back boxes for each smokc detector shall bc 4-inch metal octagonal. or four square with a p ring. 4 Back boxes for each horn slrob shal I be four sqr.rare 2 I /8 inch deep or double gang standard depth. 5 Back boxes for each strobe shall be four inch square 2 l/8 irrch deep or doublc gang standard dcpth. Notes 6 Smoke dctectors shall bc located a minirnum of 3' from any air supply or retum. 7 Alt spacing specihcations are to scalc on the prints. 8 All iniliating loops shall be wired in l6awg 4 conductor FPLR firc wire. 9 Alt rough-in wiring slr:all be labeled at each device and iunction. 10 All rough-in wiring shall be mounted to structural framing. I I Any wiring below finishcd ceiling lwel stull be housed in rigid eml conduit. 12 Any devices falling on ligtrting frxtures or othsr obsrruclions to be moved according to the above pamrnctcrs. Pull Stations 13 Double action pull stations shall be located 46" AFF to bottom ofoull slation- 48" to actuating mcchanism. 14 Pull stations are to be clear of obsuuctions a minimum of 3" surrounding the device. Notification Circuits 15 Sffobes shall be mounted 80 inches AFF to botlom ofthe appliancc. l(t Wirc for horn notilication circuits slull be 14 awg FPLR two conductor fire wire. l7 Wire for strolg notification circuits shall be 14 awg FPLR two conductor fire wire. l8 All notification cfucuits shall be CLASS B wiring lmps. Initiation Circuits 19 All initiation circuits slull be CLASS A wiring lmps. 20 All initiating circuit wiring is to bc run a minimum of 6 inches from AC power and cross AC power at righl ansles. NAC Circuit Calculalion Project Name Date Circuit Number Area Covered Nominal System Voltage Minimum Device Voltage Distance from source lo 1 Tolal Circuit Cunent Wire Gauge for balance of circuil Circuit is within limits Distance from previous device Lionshead Centre 1?,8/2004 Hom CIt 1 Vision Center 24 Wire Resistance 20 Per'1000 5.08 st device 30 14 0.057 ance Note. Wire resistance is based 000 on the 1996 NEC Ch. I Table I 5.08 Uncoated DC resistance. Solid conductors except gauges 10 and 12 are for slranded. 5.08 Per 1000 is for both ways (x2) Device Device numbe Cunent Device 1 END END END END END END END END END END END END END END END END END END END END END END END END END END END END END END END END END END Totals 0.057 0.057 Percent Drop 0o/o 0o/o Oo/o 0o/o 0o/o 0o/o ATo Oo/o 0o/o 0o/o 0olo 0%o Oo/o Oo/o 0o/o 0o/o 0o/o 0o/o Oo/o 0o/o 0o/o 0o/o 0o/o 00h 0o/o Maximum DistanceCalculations 0% Voltage at Device 23.99 23.S9 23.99 23.99 23.99 23.99 23-99 23.99 23.99 23.99 23.99 23.99 23.99 23.99 23.99 23.99 23.99 23.99 23.99 23.99 23.99 23.99 23.99 23.99 23.99 23.99 23.99 23.99 23.99 23.99 23.99 23.99 23.99 23.99 23.99 2.00 Drop from souroe 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.0'l 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.0'1 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.0'l 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.0'l 0.01 0.01 0% Maximum 0o/o Resistance 0o/o 70.17544 0o/o Oo/o Maximum Wiring Ooh Distance in Feet 0o/o 27628.13 0o/o 0% Rpu 2.54 Max. Cunent Draw (amps) 30 NAC Circuit Calculation Proiect Name Date Circuit Number Area Covered Nominal System Voltage Minimum Device Voltage Distance from source to 1 Total Circuit Cunent Wire Gauge for balance of circuit Circuit is within limits Distance from Lionshead Centre 1A8t2004 Strobe Ckt 1 Vision Center 24 Wire Resistance 20 Per 1000 5.08 st device 30 14 o.225 ance Note. Wire resistance is based 000 on the 1996 NEC Ch. 9 Table 8 5.08 Uncoated DC resistance. Solid conduc{ors except gauges 1 0 and 12 are for slranded. 5.08 Per 1000 is for both ways (x2) Maximum Distance Calculations Device Device numbe Cunent prevrous device 0.107 0.059 30 0.059 25 0.225 Device 1 Device 2 Device 3 END END END END END END END END END END END END END END END END END END END END END END END END END END END END END END END END Totals Vohage at Device 23.97 23.95 23.94 23.94 23.94 23.94 23.94 23.94 23.94 23.94 23.94 23.94 23.94 23.94 23.94 23.94 23.94 23.94 23,94 23.94 23.54 23.94 23.94 23.94 23.94 23-94 23.94 23.94 23.94 23.94 23.94 23.94 23.94 23.94 23.94 Drop from Percent source Drop 0.03 0o/o 0.05 0% 0.06 006 0.06 OYo 0.06 0% 0.06 Oo/o 0.06 0o/o 0.06 00/o 0.06 0o/o 0.06 Oo/o 0.06 0% 0.06 0o/o 0.06 Oo/o 0.06 0% 0"06 0o/o 0.06 0% 0.06 0o/o 0.06 Oo/o 0.06 00,6 0.06 0o/o 0.06 0o/o 0.06 0% 0.06 0o/o 0.06 0% 0.06 Oo/o 0.06 0% o.ffi 0% 0.06 0o/o 0.OO OVo 0.06 00/6 0.06 Oo/o 0.06 0% 0.06 00/o 0.06 Oo/o 0.06 0% Maximum Resistance 17.77778 Maximum Wiring Distance in Feet 693S.125 Rpu 2.54 Max. Current Draw (amps) 85 2.00 Cramel^reil Cl Battery Calculation Chart oo ldentiflex 63?650 PAGE 1 Modie atv Normal Cwrent t ot .ctlv€ cHt etlral cX lod Alarm Curent Normal Tffil Alarm Total BDM 1 0.205 1.164 337+ s|gn l cfirJt pdar + .m2 lc. nastr hd dld .02, t r r€\/ss€ poba'd 02(F(m 1.501qD CPtJ '|oo70 o.0lo 0.o7ffi)o.o70mo S+ S-0lm 0.00 0.00o(m 0.000000 A+ A-0.(m 0.m 0.00(xro 0.m0000 1zVDC 0.'t20 o.oo 0.1axm 0.300(no 4 CKt CONV. ZONE MOD.0.@ o .086 r .clw ctl 0.([)odto 0.qmm I CKT CONV. ZONE MOD.0.r@ 16 086 pa. actle c|(l 0200000 1.3760fl) 4 CKT CONV ZONE MOD, class A 0 0.060 0 086 p6r actve cfi 0.000000 0.00m00 8 CKT CONV ZONE MOD. class A 0 o.1m o 086 q acnt c|(0.o|)(xm 0.(xxxm USM 4 class I 0 0.02E 0 .o2a PER CKr +ld qrd 0.(xxxm 0.(xxxm USM 8 class B 1 o.Gt6 o.282 .026 PER cKI +Toial $snal 0.03m00 0.360000 USM 4 class A 0 0.02+.005 Dor aclivo ch 0 .98 PER CKI +Iord srg.d 0.(xxxm 0.00m USM I class A 0 -02() + .000 l{ esdr irEdi'r€ l6e(E( arn O12 lor lecl| rddJl 0 0{8 PER CKI +Td qrd l6d 0_flnm 0.000(m CITY TIE Expander 4 ckt .020 + .0Og lor each imclive feefiGck rnd .012 loa each 6c[\€ 0 .0m filix 046 p€r actve CK 0.000000 0.000000 4 CKT RELAY MOO.0 020 + .0G to. eadr ildive lee(D.a|( and .012 toa €odl rcltv€ o 02 Dar !<1h,9 cld 0.00d00 0.(nxno 8 CKT RELAY MOD, ()20 + 004 ld 6oii hc{ve toe66d( d|d 012 lor eaci acfi/c 16 (}2 paf acte dl 0.1400(x)0.352ffi) BCM 4 0 020 + o(P lor eddl in cdw tee(b6ck ard 012ld each acli\e 0 022 p€r edjle cK 0.0000cx)0.0m000 BCM 8 1 .(}20 + mg ior €!d' lnrct\r! La(D6d ar|d 012 trtdr acn! 0A p€. *{v€ cld 0.'101(m 0.0660q) CAAINET EXPAI'IOER 0.m1 0 0.ml 0.m1(m 0.m1(m SUBTOTAL'{ORI/TAI. CI.RRENT 03rum SUB-TOTAL ALI.RM CURRENT 1.g?f,(l/J CranrevrdE o ldentflex 632650 Batery Calcudation Chart PAGE 2 SU&TOTAL t{ORttlAL CURRENT trom pg 1 SU8-TOTA A.ARll CURRENT frqn pg I APOLLO CARC o 0.0350 0.cts 0.000000 0.0m000 APLILLO CARD 4 LINE BACF o 0.(F50 0.uts o.omo o.0000()() MS 95 o 0lxxltl .m14 pef acliYe dsyrce o.(xxn00 0.0m Pross 0 0.0fi)4 .ml 4 per aclivs devics o.modx)0.000000 cE95 0 0.(nF -m15 per active dGvbs 0.00(xm 0.000000 czl 0 o.ol(x)O-(E Fr aclrve dovbe 0.(m(xto o.mflm toN 95 0 0.dD280 .00228 p€r aclive dg/ica 0.0000fi)0.000000 Sounder Base (Ar,( Polwr SuDDly) 0 0.OOO2/|a .036d) par a{iive ddice 0.mflm o.ooqm PHOTO 95 o o.(xD 0 .O,|.tf p€t di$s doYice o.(xxm 0.dxxm HEAT 95 0 0.0fl'250 .00225 p€r acti'6 device 0_m{xno 0.000q)0 SU&TOTAL NORMAL CURRENT frotn pg 2 SUBTOTAL ALARM CURRENT from pg 2 ToTAL NoRMAL CURRENT pag€ 1+ psge 2 TOTAL AI-AF rl CLFRENT paga 1+ Fge 2 a.&t6o0o HOURS OF STANDBY TIMES TOTAL NORMAL CURRENT EOUAIS NORMAI AIIP llouRs 21 o.87Am MNUTES OF AARM TIUES TOTAL ALARM CURRENI EO{JAIS A.ARI' A"P HotJRS 5 4.@6m hbmalAll phs Abnn AH 6quabual Atl tits 1 25 oqueb total Arl Baltorb r€quiFd l2oszom' Gamq44eJl 6 Data Sheet 700 Non-Goded Century Station Features Durable construction. Compact design, blends with surroundings. . Recessed pull lever prevents accidental ooeration. r Seltclearing breakglass design. . Shock and vibration resistant, . Available with wire leads or screw terminals. . Surface or semi-flush installation. . Optional general alam kepwitch. r Double Action option. ' Key Reset option. . Die cast aluminum construclion. r U.L. Listed . CSFM . ADA Approved Dssc.htion Of modern. compact design, the non- coded tire alarm Century Station satisfies architectural reqoirements for a manual alarm initiating device which does not detract lrom the decorative aspects of a building interior, yet is easily observed. The Gentury Station is shock and vibration resistant as no mercury element type contacts are used. A toggle switch ot rugged construction provides exceptionally high resistance to accidental operation from suclden shock. Accidental operation from contact with rnoving obiects also is virlually impossible as the pull lever does not protrude. The Century Stations are available in three models which can be used for both surface or semi-flush installation. Model M46- 28 has a wfO alafm contact with 4-wire leads for in and out conn€ctions. Model M46-29 and M46- 30 use screul tsrminals tor in and out alarm connections and an extra a a Form C auxiliary contact. In addition, Model M46-30 provides a Form C genetal alarm keyswitch which is mounted behind the pull lever. The keyswitch is not accessible until the pull lever isoperated. The general alam keyswitch is provided with duplicate terminals for in and out wiring. Operation The station is essentially a switch. en- closed in the fire alarm box shell. lt is operaled by the simple act of pulling forward a readily identifiable bullseye alarm lever marked "Pull". Upon operation, this lever locks in the alarm position and remains so until reset by ao aulhotized person. Resetting is accomplished by either releasing the screw at the top right hand edge of the station, or using the CAT60 key with the Key Res€t option. Both ol these actions release the front of the station which is hinged at th€ bottom, therebyexposing the toggle switch which can then be manually reset, permitting the cover to be replaced in its normal position. An optional breakglass rod may be used with all stations; hoyyever it does not detract from the station's appearance when il is not us6d. The breakglass type station is fiequently specified ficr its psychological valu6 in tho prevention ot malicious talse alarms. It also provides additional protection against tampering. The self-clearing design prevents iamming of th€ Station and th€re is no danger to the operator from broken particles ol glass. Space is provided within the station housing for storage of one replacernent glass rod. . Standard Applicalion The Century Station provides a non- coded manual alarm initiating input to a Gamewell conventional lire alarm system; i.e., Flex 300/3O0O, Flex 50O/ SimpliFire, Zans 4@. INS-2 CZI's. Enginee/s Specificatlrn The manualfire alarm station shall be a Gamewell Century Station model numtrer M-46 and shall be listed by U.L. Inc. The single/double action non-coded station shall consist ot a die-cast aluminum horising fifted with a pullout lever which, when operated, locks in position after activating alarm initiating contact. The body of the manual station shall be hinged to a backplate assembly wfiich is locked by a slot head screw. Resetting th€ station after operation shall require opening the fiont cover for access to the alarm switch. The manual fire alarm station shall be adaptable for surface or semi-llush installation. In addition, there shall tre proris'rons for a self-clearing breakglass mechanism and a keyoperated g€neral alarm swilch accessible only after the pull out lever has been activated. /r> I lt I , ' ,,', "u t Tochntcal Specili€tions o hstallatbn llstGrial: Box face, pull lever. larget background. and backbox for surface mounting are die-cast aluminum. (backbox sold sep€rately) Flnish: Fire alarm red. smooth gloss enamel. Raised cast lettering is high- tighled,Targetbackground for pull lever is white gloss enarnel. Dlmenslons: M-46-4-5/s' high by 3-r/.' wide by r5l,"' deep. M-46 with key reset option-&1/4' high by 3r4'wide by rsl,u'deep. Surf ace backbox pin 28762,4-%' high by 3-t/.'wide by 2-3l"' deep. Gontac{ Rating: SPST, DPDT 6ampsat 125VAC /DC 3 amps at 250 VAC/VDC SPDT (keyswitch) 3 amps at 125 VAC Shipping lueiglts: All llush stations 1 lb.. surface backbox .l lb. The Century $tation should be installed ap p(oximately f ive feetfrornthe frnished floor level. For surtaca type stations, a die-cast backbox pln ?€762 must be orclered separately. This backbox has tapped holes top and bottom for 3/4' conduit. Conduit bushings must be used lo avoid abrasion of the incoming wires. The unused conduit entrance should beclosed with a 3/4'llush pipe plug, not lumished. Also 1/Z or 1'conduit can be used with proper bushings. Weatherproof Ga6kct: Neoprene gasket pin 50397with adhesive backing provides for weatherproof installalion on surface backbox p/n 28762. For semi-flush lnstallation. a standard 4' or 4- I 1 /1 6' square box with single gang plasler ring is recomrnended. The total depth between the back ol the wall box and lace of the plaster rang must be at least 2-112'. lf a 1-1/2 deep box is used, the plaster ring must b6 at least 1'deep. lf a Z deep box is used, the plaster ring must be at least 1lZ ddep, A single gang swilch box cannot be used. BrskgLs3 Option Place the glass rod in the slots on the hinged {ront. Be sure the 'PULL" lever is always behind the glass rod. Retum the hinged front to the station and tighien thg glothead scrcrvr€currlytoassure proper BngagenEnt ol thc !ffion .ssambly. Doubl€ Acton Optlon Require$ lifting double action l€ver belore pulling down 'PULL" lever. Key Reaet Option Requires turning a standard GAT60 key (included) to res€t station. Key reset option for flush mounted installations only. KEY OPERATED .GENERAL ALAFM SVVITCH' %{ NC AUX. CCI ^,r*{*l I*lo ",,i:f[)'cl:y LH NoFMAT €NC NC rGA l.No J NO lNtf. ccr.M.&29 AUx wI' Part Number Description M46-28 M4G28T M4G29 M4S30 SPST Switch with in and out leads on initiating circuit SPST Switch with terminals DPDT Switch with in and out terminals on initiating circuit DPDT Switch with in and out t€rminals on initiating circuit and SPDT general alarm keyswitch with in and out terminals Options for above stations: Double Action Key Reset Key Feset/Double Action Backbox, surface mounting Weatherprooi Gasket Glass Rod tr tr tr t]u tr tr tr tr 306s3 3065$.01 30653-02 28762 50397 2706/J Gatneutell Specltications and wirhg infomation are provided for intormation mly and are believed to be accurat€. However, Garnewell assumes rE responcibility lor lheir use. Specifications are subiect to changg without notice; installafon and wiring instructions shipped with th€ product WOiLDWIDE Ashland, Massachusetts 01721 tqnA\ 211-lrnn FaY tqnA\ ,"1-noryr b€ us€d fo{ actual installation. Oaia and d€sign subioct to dlgte. Supply subitct to availabiliry GtaV U99 (revised) prinH in U.S.A. U.1.. CSFM Gamevuell wohLDwrDt or"r"o 6 Sheet 615 Series 60 Conventional Smoke Detector Heads/Bases/ Tester F6alur€s . Compatible with all Gamewell conventional systems . Full range of detectors including: - lonization - Photoelectric - Combination Photo/Heat - Rate of Rise/Fixed Temperature . Full range of bases, including: - Standard 4'.6'or 6'low profile - 6'base with flashing red or green LED - 6'base with sounder - 6'base with relay and flashing green LED Desoiption Gamewell's Series 60 conventional Smoke Detectors provide a range of detectors designed tor the highest Bffectiveness by utilizing the latest technology. The s€lies is comprissd ol an lonization, Photoelectric, Cofirbination Photo/Hoat. and Rats ot Rise,l Frxed Temperature thermal detactors (13$F, 16OF,21Gf). These detectors have be6n carefully r€searched and have unclergone rigorous testing to ensure that lhey meet not only existing standards and codes but also the demands ot today'6 high t€chnology environments. The detector is designed tor lwo wirg operation. All ol the dotectors in the S€ties 60 product line have lhe same external dimensions, wilh the housingof the lonization and Photoelectric being identical. The extemal alarm ifldication is by rneans of a light emitting (red) diode (LED) mounted on the printed circuit boerd within the housing and protruding through the housing to b€ easily visible. The lon Delectot is distinguishable from the Photoeleotric Detector by the color of the alarm indicating LED; tho tont LEO appeac r6d versus the Photo's clear color during norma.l operation. Thermal detectors are r€edily distinguished from srnoke detectors by having op€n webs to allow the free movernont ot air around the exposed thermistor. Op€ralion Garnewe 's 71031 lonization Smoke Detector op€rates on the lonization Chember principle utilizing twin compensating chamb€rs with one single.sided ionizing radiation source. The ionization chamber system is an inner relerence charnbsr contained inside an outer smok6 chamber. The outer smoke charnbet has smoks inlet apertures which are fitted with an insect resistant mesh. At the iunction betweon the reterence and srnok€ chambets is the s€nsing electrode which is used to convert variations in the chamber currents to a voftage. This voltage is monitofed ancl produces a signalwhich latches the dstector into alarm when a preset threshold lsvel is rsached. Gamewell's 71033 Photoelectric Smoke Dotector operates on the forwafd light soattering principle. lt utilizes a horizonlal optical bench which houses an infra-red emitt€r and seffior ananged radially to cletect foMard scatbred light. The sensing charnber ts a black rnolding configured as a labyrinth which pre\ients ambiBnt lighttrffi penetrating into the chamber. Tho labyrinth has a fine gauze corerto preventinsectiE ftom migrating into the chambor. The detedor will ohang€ to the alarm state when r€flected light is ot sufiicient amplitude lo tum on the SCR that sends the alarm signal. Gamewell's Series 60 Thermal Detector ooerates as a combination Rate of ftise/ Fixed Temperature detector (71035 O 135f, 71035-160 @ 160#. 71035-210 @ 210F). lt contains a pair of matched negative temperature coetf ici€nt thermistors mount€d on a prinled cirouil board within a white poly- carbonate housing. One thermistor is exposed and is therefor€ in good thermal contactwfth th€ sunounding airand responds quickly to changes in air temperature. The other thermistor is insulated from the surrounding air and responds rnore slowly. The detector responds as a Rate of Bise detector when a temperature difference develops rapidly, causing lhe ratio of the resistanc€s of the thermistors to exceed the factory presel level. The detector responds as a Fixed Temperature detector when the sum of th€ resistances of the insulated thermistor and tixed resistor cornDatsd lo lhe registance ol th€ exposed themistor reaches a pres€t level. Gamewell's 7 lO{1 Combination Photo/Fleat Det€ctor incorporates the pdnciples ot the 71033 Photoelectric Smoke D€tector lvith the Fixed Tempgrature characleristics tound in the 71035 Thermal Detector. The Series @ Conrrentlonal Detector Baseg will accept any of the Series 60 detector heacls. The basss have a wicle interior diameter for eas6 of acc€ss to wire and terminals. The design of the base is such that the clgtector will lit in one way only ancl lhat a simple clochrise motion without force is required to plug in a detector. The 71036 base (4') will mount ditectly to a 3.5' octagon box (Raco 1 1 0 or equal) or a 4' octagon box (Raco 125 or equal) with a round oov€r/plaster ring (Raco 727 orequal). The other Selies 60 bases (6') will mqA gxffiy I a iP #itgtlTJ(ffi""i i;tr eciuali; or to a a'squere backbox (Raco 190 or equal). Enoin€a/B Sp€dncadons Generat Specilication: The contractor shall furnish and install where indicated on plans' (lns€rt TYPE/MODEL NUMBER b€low). The dombination detector head and twist lock base Ehall be uL L'|stod and uL Listed as compatible with the alarm panel. The base shali petmit int€rchang€ with Gamewell's other'Series 60 Detectors to simplity finditications to the installation. The detector shall contain an integral LED that shall latch in when the unit goes into alarm. RF transient techniques shall be employed to minimize false alarms. TYPE/MODEL NUMBER: . lonization (Dual Chamber) Smoke Detectors Gamewetl Modol71034 ' Photo€t€ctric Smol(e Det€ctors Gamewell Model 7103:| utilizing a horizontal optical bench housing the tn{ra-red ernitter and sensor alrangdd radially to detect forward scatterino lioht . ComOinitlon pnotoelectsic/l-leat Detector Gamewelf Model 71443 utilizing a horizontal ootical bench along with Fixed Tems€raturb (1350 F) capabilRies . Fixe'd TemoeraturenaFof Riss Electronic Thermal Heat Detector Gamewell Model 71035 (1350 F) or 71035-150 (16cPF) or 7103$210 (21sF) crimp style terminals and shall provide n1F.'::i:::11i53,'in.,,n" "ono"",o,shall tumish bas€s with a porrer indicating flashino LED in the base (Gamewell Model 710S6-aED or 7108GGREEN) which shall us€ standarcl sc(edcrimp style terminals and shellprovide terminals tor rbmote LEO'S. When required, the confactor shall furnish Gameweli Model 71393 bases with a power indicating flashing green LED in the base olus a rdlay with-tio sets of voltagefree bhanqeovei contacts (Fotm c) and may be used-as a 2 o. 4-wtrc base and shall use standard screwcrimp styla lerminals and shall Drovide telminais loi remote LED's The contractor shall fumish and installwhere Where indicated on the plans, the contractor indicated on plans bases which are shallfurnish bases Gamewell Model 7108F compatible with sll the Series 60 cletectors SNDR with a ssparately powered (24 Volt)svailable. internal sounder rated at 85 Db @ 1 0 feat and Standard 4', 6'and 6' low profile bases shall use standard screwcrimp style (Gam€well Models 7 t 036, 7 l 086 and 7lt)BG terminals and shall provide tenninals for LOW, respectively) shallus6 standard gctev rernote LED'S. Technical Ouiescent Current; Alarm Voltage: Normal Alarm Output: Remote Alarm outpul: Temperature Bange: Humidity: Recommended SPacing: Alarm Current: Contact Rating: Decibel Raling: Photo, Comb. Photo/Heat and lon Thermal Photo, Comb. Photo/Heat and lon Therrnal 6' Detector Base wnelay 6' Detector Base dnelay 6' Detector Base with Sounder 30 to 45 pA at 24 Volts 55 pA at 24 Volts 6 to 28 Volts 52mA at 24 Volts 20 mA maximum, dtode gated 3?Fto14SF -5' F to +195" F 0% to 95% relative humidity (no condensation) Per NFPA Codes 72 mA @ 24 Volts 1 Amp @ 24 Vdc / 120 Vac 85 Db @ 10 teet 60 Pleasant Street Ashland, Massachusetts 01 721 (508) 231-1400 FAX (508) 23'l-0900 Conventional Photoelectric Snoke Detector Head Corwentional lonization Srnoke Detector Fl€ad Comrenrional Combination Photo/Heat Smoke Detector Head Convenlional Themal Heat Dotector Head (1350F) Conventional Thermal Heat Oetector Head (16O'F) Conventional Thermat Heat Detector Head (21CFF) Co,nventional 4 Detectol Base Conventional 6" Detectol Base Conventional 6'Detector Bese vFlashing power indicating Bed LED Conventional 6' Oetecto( Bas€ dFlashing po,ri€r indicating Green LEO Conventional 6' Detector Base with Sounder Conventional 6' Detector Base dRelay and Flashing power indicating Green LED Conventional 6'Low Profile Detsctor Base Aerosol for Oetector Tesl Addressable base tor use with lN$2 Addressable Cirouit ft tr tr tl D tr a t] tr tr tr tr D u tr 71033 7108/ 71443 71035 7103F.160 71tr15-210 71036 71086 71086-RED 71O8reREEN 71O8GSNDR 71393 71o8CLOW 713/.3 ZNS-86 55000-350 5500G250 55m380 5500G.'r50 5500G151 55000-152 45681-200 45681-220 45681-230 45681-231 MB-1721€O 4sffi1-227 456A1232 ZNS.B5 Gamevrcllfr :;ffJfl:ffiHffi{iliil.sf #:i+T#[{p.r::*iJf.;;-f***1ffi woilowlDE E should always be used for actual installatnn UL, CSFM, FM Modeb Avdl$le Strobes Red sr224MC s1224MCP s1224MCK s1224MCSP Horn/Strobes White s1224MCW s1224MCPW Red P1224MC PL224MCP PI224MCK P1224MCSP Horns White P1224MCW P1224MCPW Red Ht2/24 Ht2 / 241\ Product Ovorvl€w White HL2/24W Ooerates on either L2Y ot 24V Widest range of candela options: 12V: 15 and 15;75 candela 24Y: !5. !5,t75.30. 75. 11O candel3 Easy candela selection Lower current draw Easy DIP switch selection for horn oDtions Easy mounting with QuickClickr* Synch ronizable with MDL Sync. Circuit'* module MECTS U11971. NFPA7z. ANd ADA signaling requirements All strob d1d lwn/strobe nfrdels ittol@rate a new r€tent-o€ttditg voltage boa6te( &*n that has a rnore conistent flEh bdb vdtqe owr tlre r ge ot catdela serections. The Mt to the customer is a high guality strobe device. tt/lEA rtprored 172\>ZE [26Ai.E z- \.7 ff SpectrAlert' Selectable output Horns. Sttobes. and Horn,rStrobes otfer onhanced fea- tutes that include the widest range of candela options available and thc capablllty to recogni2e and selt-ad.,ust tor eltbet 12 or 24 volt opefailon. wlth an overall teeiure set that combines performance. installation ease, tlexibility. and a cansisteot, aesthetically pleaging appearance. the SpecttAleri Selectable Output devices rrfovide both the innovation and elficiency synonyrnous with the SpectrAlett name. Pertormance. SpectrAlert selectablc output wall-rnount ltortrs, strobcs, and horr/strobes ofler key performance features long, associated with the SpectrAlert name. 'l he select- able candela strobcs and horry'strobes offer averafie curent draws that are not only lower than conventionirl fixed-candela SpcctrAlert products, but also lower tl,an similar sclectable candela products. By consuming, less clrrent, the ability to c([De'ct even more devices per loop is possible, resulting in a lower installed cost- lfistallatlon. SpectrAlert selectable output horns, strobes. and honr-/strobes offer the samc installation-friendly features synonymous with the SpectAlert namc, such as thc option of 2- and 4-wire operation; the ability to use standard srze backboxes with no encroachment Into the box; and universal mounting incorJxrrating the la[ror-savtng QuickClick" fcature. Such labor-saungs features make wire connections simplc and tast, further reducing installed cost. Ftexlbltlty. SpectrAlert selecable outPut stobes and horn/strobcs offcr thc broadest range of candcla options. In addition, the selectable output strobcs and horn/strobcs can op€rate on either l2Y or 24Y, with no setting required; the dence recognizes and sclf-adiusts to the corrrct current automatically. Temporal -1 or Continuous tone optlons continue to be available, in either an Electromechanical or 3kHz panern. Aesthetics. SpectrAlert selectable output horns, strobes, and horrr/strobes lncorporate thc samc stylish, low profile destgn of the conventional SPectrAl€tt Pr(xlucts, lot a con sistent and aesthetically pleasing, appearance across the entire product line..,,4)\\Z tr Englnocdng Sp.clfi cadom General SpectrAlert horns, strobes and horry'strobcs shall be capable of mounting to e standard 4' x 4' x ltlz' back box or a single gang 2' x 4" x 14e' back box using the universal mounting plate included with each SpectrAlert Product. Also, SPectrAl€rt Prod- ucts. when used in conlunction with the accessory SyncoCircuit Module, shall be powcrcd fronr a non-coded power supply and shall operate on 12 or 24 volts. 12 volt ratcd dcvices shall have an operating voltage range of 9-17.5 volts. 24-volt rated devices shall have an operating voltage range or 17-33 volts. SpectrAlert products shall have an oPerating temperaturc of 32'to 120'F and operate from a regulated DC or full wave rectified, unfiltered power supply. Strobe Strobe shall be a System Sensor SpcctrAlert Model listed to ll[. l97l nd be approved for fire protective servie. The strobe shall be wired as a primary signaling notification appliance and comply with the Amencans with Disabilities Act requirc- ments for visible signaling appliances, flashing at lllz over the strobe's entire operating voltage rangc. Thc strobe light shall con- sist of a xenon flash tube and associated lenJreflector systcm. Horn/Strobe Comblnatlon Horn/Strobe shall be a System Sensor SpectrAlert Model listed to UL 1977 and Ul. 464 and shall be approved for fire protective servicc. Horn/strobe shall be wrred as a primary signaling noufication appliance and comply with the Arnericans with Dsabilities Act requhements for visible signaling appliances, Ilashing at lFlz over the srobe's entire qrrating voltage rang,e. The strobe light shall consist of a xmon nash tube and assmiatcd lenVreflector system. Thc horn shall have two tone options, two audibility options (at 24 volts) and the option to switch between a tempofal 3 pattern and a non-temporal continuous pattern. Srobes shall be powered independently of the sounder wrdr the rcmoval of factory installed iumper wires. The horn on horn/ strobe models shall operate on a coded or non-coded power suF ply (the strobe must be powered continuously)' Synchronl2ttlon Module Module shall be a System Sensor Sync.Circuit - listed to Lll- 464 and shall be approvcd for fire protective service. The module shall synchronizc SpcctrAlert strobes at lHz and horns at temporal 3. Also, the module shall silence thc horns on horn/ strobe models, whilc operating the strobes, over a single pair of wires. The module shall be capable of mounting to a 4rrltr" x 4trlftr t 2tha back box and shall control two Style Y (class B) or on€ Styl€ Z (class A) circtit. M<xlule shall be capable of multiple zone synchronization by daisy chaining multiple modules together and re-synchroniz.ing each other along the chain. The modrrle shall not operate on a coded powcr supply. Spoclficatlom Walh Test SpectrAlert horn/sirobe and horn only work on "ryalk tests" with tirne dura tions of 4 seconds or greater Inpu! Ternr r'r.l ls 12 to 18 AWG Lllntens ons Strobe and horn/strobe with universal plate 5' x 55/a' .2t51s" Strob€ and horn/strobe with small footprint plate 33/8" xss/E' x2s/16" Horn with uniyersal rnountirEi plate 5.xbb/E"x1sl16" Horn without rnountirui plate 215/ $r x 55/$" x Ls/i6' Welglll. I r0rr t {]t'tl) 7 ,2 oz, l\ priirr'. sl'obr) and'rol.r.'slrol,e 8.8 oz. Operdt t.rg '" olt,i(.) rar'lila',- 12V: 8-17.5V: 24V: 16-33V l,la,tifitrrg 4" x4. xL1/2' ot 2' x 4" xtt/s' standard boxes lrrdoor OF.irdti.g l rjn:trct al uall 32"F to 12O'F (O"C to 49'C) Mar inldm hurnldr! r 95% as tested pe. U1464 0pera'.lng Tenr pcra'. ure Weath€rproof (horn and horn/ st robes) 32"F to 15O'F (O'C to 66'C) ( orrtdoo, strobe only) -4O'F to tsa"F (-4OoC to TOoC) ULC Canadian Models -4O"C to 66"C Vol: agr?s 12 or 24VDC and FWR unfihered uperatl4( voltalge,ange- r'1 t'r 5,,ric.6,.,l.,., nlodul.;. N|D[ : 12V: 9-17.5V; 24Y:, L7-33t1 tNote for Strobes: Do not exceed: 1) 16-33 or &17.5 voltagle rarge limit; 2) maxinum number of 70 strobe lights when connecting the MDL Sync rnodule with a maxirnfil line impedance of 4 ohms per loop and; 3) maximum line impedarrce as required by the fire alarm control manrtacturer U.S. P-iert \Jnrbers 5,s93,559 5,914,665 6,049,446 SpecftAlsrt Cu?rent Draw Series Candels FWR Operitina Cu rrent-St ro be lmA RMS) DC Operatlng Currcnl- Strobe lmA RMSI FwR Operating Curent-florn {mA RIUSI DC Opcrating Csrrent-Hom (mA RM9) Hom Audibility t:2v 2'lV LzV 24V t2v 24V 72V 24V s1224MC Strobes 15 172 64 r27 59 135 74 30 o?90 r5 158 160 110 208 209 Pt224MC Horn,/Strobes t5 trz 64 t27 59 45.7 57.5 44.4 57 75 135 74 r27 5 7.5 44.4 57 75 30 90 57.5 75 75 158 160 5 7.5 57 75 110 208 209 57.5 57 75 H!2/24 Horns 45.7 5 7.5 44.4 57 75 SpecEAlort Mountlng end Oparttlon Cadela Sebctiom Seloctdl For strob€ candela selection, adjusl slide switch loc ated on the lerrpor.l rear of the product while watchirg the viewing window on the side of the reflector. Pe|nbsibb M S.tth33 C.nd.l.sltling opardint Voltel. 12v 21U 15 OK OK L5/75 OK OK 30 OK 75 OK OK NotlfcmDo?al DIP Ss'ltch Opelatlon Vrewing Window LOY Tenporal Electromedr. #&36 x 12' Flal Hoad Scrow (4 tolal) Low Volume Electromechanical 3000 Hz Interrupted Electromechanical 3OOO Hz lrierrugled Electromechanical 3000 Hz lnterrupted High Volume 3000 Hz lnterrupted Fadory OFF Ottl gn,bdt lDlP Swilch lmrlu*r,,*o,l ffil @l saouu lffi l**,"", Soloc"tablo Horn Tonea SpectrAlort Orderlng Iniormatlon PL224MCPW Selectable Output Horn,/Strobe, a2/24 volr, (ed Selectable output Horn/Strobe, 12,/24 volt, while Selectable output HornlSlrobe, t2/24 voll, white, plain housing Selectable Output Horn,/Strobe, !2/24 vol1, ted, " FU EGO" housing Selectable Output Strobe, !2/24 uolt, rcd Selectsble Outout Strobe, 12l24 volt, white 72/24 uoll, red, plain Selectable Output Strobe, 12124 volt, yrhite, pl6in housing Selectable Oulput Slrobe, 12/24 voll, ted, weatherproof Selectable Output Strobe, 72/24 voll, (ed, "FuEGO" housing Ho.n, 72/24 volt, ted Horn, 72/24 volt, white Hr2/24K Horn, 72/24 volt, r€d, we8therproof Svnc.Circuit Module, red SYnc.Circuit Module. white Sync.Circuh Module, red, Canadian model Sync.Circuit Module, white, Canadian model Small Footprint Mounting Plate, red, for single Small Footprlnt Mountlng Pl8te, white, for single- Surface Mounl Back Box Skirt. red Surface Mount Bask Box Skirt. white universal Mounting Plate (replacement), red Universal Mounting Plate (r€placemenl), white Weatherproof Eack 8ox Agency Listings - Indoor models: UL, ULC, FM, CSFtvl, MEA. We.rthcrproof nrotlels: tll, CSFM (strot'e orrly), MEA, tlLC. All of thesr Spe(trAlert produds are designed for wall mount only. All weatherproof models EugL use weatherproof back box model VEB. Installatton of less then 75 candela strobe$ ruy be permissiblc under thc c<luivalent facilitation clause of th€ A-DAAC (Sec. 2.2). Howevcg it is the rcsponsibility of thc percon or enrity dcsigning the fuc ahrm systcm to fucrmioe tlre acccptability of lcse than 75 ..adeb strobes. All 1575 candcla strobes or horry' srrohes arc recommended for 2(y x 2o roon$ or lcis. SFtom Somor Sdsr end Sorvlc€ syatefi Saoaor llaadquartors 3825 Ohio Avcnuc St. Charl6s. lL 60174 Ph: 800/SENSOR2 Fx: 630,/377€495 Documenigon-Domand 800/736-7672 r3 www.systemsensor.com syJirn Sa.|aoi Carada Ph:9O5.812.0767 Fxi 9O5.872,o777 3y.tqr Sanaor Elropa Ph:44.14O3.891920 F)(:44.1403.891921 Syitdn S$.or h Cbh! Ph: 86-29.524.6253 Fx: 86.29.524.6259 std.||! s or b 3htl.ror. Ph:65,6273.2230 Fx: 65-6273.2610 Statarn Saaraor - Faa Eaat Phr 85.22.1S1.9003 Fx:85-22.736.6540 Itddn S.naor - ^ud'il Ph: 613.54.281.142 Ft:6L3.54-28!.772 Sy.tdn S.n.or - Indl. Pht 9t.124.237 .7770 x.27OO Fx, 97.724.237 .3L78 3yatafi Sdrror - Ruatla Ph:70.95,937.7982 Fx:70-95.937.7983 A |}5$:r2:'OO:r.5/ r )4. { I 2(X)o 2oo4 s{llcln Scnss. Ihc cdnrEny reac,rv.s tho fl(hl lo chan/,c prutucl specrioatroos wrthoot nol!ce. Models Avallable Strobe Models Wft1|e sc2415W sc241575W sc2430w sc2475W sc2495W sc24115W sc24177W Red sc2415 sc241575 sc2430 sc2475 sc2495 sc24115 sc24r77 Horn/ Strobe Models White PC2415W PC241575W PC2430W PC2475W PC2495W PC24tt5W PC24\77W Red PC24t5 PC24t575 PC2430 PC2475 PC2495 PC24tt5 PC24t7f Accessory Mounting Plates White Rcd BBSCW BBSC Product Ovcrvlcw Lorver current draw Availal)le in 15, 15./?5,30.75,95, 115. and 177 candela Horn,,strol)e models include a three lrosition swltch fot lield-selccting horn tones: Electromec h an ic a | .'3XHr - Temporal 3 /'Non-temporal 3 . HighT'Low dBA output Ceilang-specific shape. profile. and aestlretics Synchronlzable with MDL Sync. C ircuit" module Mounts to 4 x4 xIt'. l)ack Llox Round shape ofJers greater placement llex ibility Systc|rr Scnsor's SpectrAlert ceiling nrount scrics strobes and hoin'stlobes offcr.l frcsh apf,roach t+ ;rtldressing the uniqlre needs tor ceiling nlount applications. Technotogy. Like the original SpectrAlert, the SpectrAlert ceiling mount series offer signifcant current draw reductions over other ceiling mount strobes and horn-/strobes. Instatlation. SpectrAlert's compact design also offers installation savings. The strobe and horn/strobe models mount to a 4'x4ox1Yz'back box, and take up little room in the back box, making connections easier. And with SpectrAlert's round shape, it is not necessary to align the back box with the room's walls. SpectrAlert always lines up. Ftexibitity, SpectrA.lert ceiling mount strobes and horn/strobes are available in seven different candelas, including 177 candela for sleeping areas. The horn/ strobe's tones are field-selectable through thc use of a three position switch located on the back of the unit. Selections include electromechanical and 3 KHz tones, temporal 3 and non-temporal 3 patterns, and high and low volume. Aesthetics. SpearAlert ceiling strobes and horr/strobes offer a design that is sensitive to the aesthetic demands of ceiling mount applications. The round shape maintains a low profile appearance, similar to that of a smoke detector. Its stylish curves and design funher refine the aesthetics over other generic walV cciling mount designs. Yet SpectrAlert's round shape providts clearly visible '!-lRE" identification from all angles. 6;l ffi tr':1 ii*ix& (G\ \7 ffiii @!!F.,+ffi ,1'&,, fr:\t7 F,3 Engnoo.lng Sp.clf,cetlonr Sttobe Strobe shalf be a System Sensor SpectrAlert Model - listed to W l97l and be approved for fire protctive service where ceiling mount strobes are permitted. The strobe shall be wired as a primary signaling notification appliance and shall flash at lHz over the strobe's entire operating range. The strobe Light shall consist of a xenon flash tube and associ- ated lenJrefl ector system. HornT'Strobe Combination Horn/strobe shall be a System Sensor SpectrAlert Model - listed to UL 7977 and UL 464 and be approved for fue protective service where qeiling mount horn/strobes are permined. The horn/strobe shall be wired as a primary signal- ing notification appliance and shall flash at 1Hz over its entire operating range. The strobe light shall consist of a xenon flash tube and associated lenJrefloctor system. The horn shall have two tone options, two audibility options, and the option to switch between a temporal 3 pattern and a non-temporal continuous panern. These options shall be selected by a multi-position switch. Strobes shall be powered independently of the sounder with the removal of factory installed jumper wires, The horn on horr/strobe models shall operate on a coded or non<oded power supply. Note The strobes must be powered continuously for the horn to operate. Gen rd Spoclfic.flom [)rrr]cr'srons 6,8' diarneter lr r Ll,lL)r L)r-rff,rtrng Tc'jfj,rr;rlU'a 32'to 120" F (o. to 49"C) We r6l't 5.3 oa (15O Elrams) NloLro,i1l4 4'x4'x11/e' back box SpectAhrt l{our|tlng [rl4lanl3 \l ax. l lrfr'l.lrly 95% as tested per UL4g ,'t \" :\-, u,,t ir, strob. or Homlstrob. dtfi llounthg Plrt t 6 Stpbr or llon/Strob. rldr Aocaaaort B.c{( 8or Sth Eloctlcd Spcclfrcdont Operat ing Voitage 24 VDC and FWR unfiltered lnput Tc| nrinals 12 to 18 AWG Operat Ing Voltage Il af rge 24V, 16-33 V Note: 177cd models tesfed at 20-33 V FWR and 16-33 VDC eurcnt Drau Operating Voltage Range w/Sync.Circuit U.S. Patent Nurrbers lV odule 6,049,446 24V, t7-33V 6,057,77A tf,ote: 177cd npdels tested at 21-33 V D424.465 FWR and 17-33 VDC ilOIE: || 3C r|d prc .Od.. ref. ody t.|t d .t lh. t&i|:| Uoat+TR/DC frb. T|rl do- oot hcld. [|r !O* lor rtd or anot hltr ana vo|.laf I|t*.. Modol No. Voltage Candela FWR Max. Operatlng Current - Strobe (mA RMs) DC Max. 0peratlng Current - Strobe (mA RMS) FWR Mar. 0perating Curenl - Horn (mA RMS) DC Max. Operatlng Current - Hotn (mA RMS) Hom Audlbllity (d8A)Rcd Whlte Ceilingfiour Strobes sc 2415 sc2415W 24 L5 ott 64 *24j.575 sc241575W 24 L5/75 ff 7A sc2430 sc2430w 24 5U ro7 113 sc2475 sc2475W 24 75 197 205 sc2495 sc 2495W 24 95 239 274 sc24115 sc24115W 24 115 298 325 sc24L77 sc24177W 24 L7f 399 449 Ceilingfiount Hom/Strobes* PC24L5 PC2415W 24 15 66 64 75 PC24L575 PC24L575W 24 77 78 57.5 q7 PC2430 PC 2430W 24 30 ro7 113 57.5 5f 75 PC2475 PC2475W 24 75 197 205 57.5 R7 75 PC2495 PC2495W 24 95 239 274 57 75 PC241,L5 PC24115W 24 115 298 325 R'R 57 75 PC24L7 7 PC24777W 24 r77 399 449 D T.5 57 tc SJnc.Circuitfl M odule MDL MDLW Avclage Current (mA)Peak Current (mA)lrrrush Csrrent (mA) DC FWR DC FWR DC FWR 10 L2 30 31 a7 L22 24 u 15 35 198 262 tHorn/strob€ currer draws assurne horn is set at temporsl 3, electrornechanicol tone, and high audibllity. SeLctbL Hon Toncr 3000 Hz Interrupted 3000 Hz lnterruoted 3000 Hz Interruoted SpectlAlert Dlmenalono t 2,4, -t/1 \ ill N \\ -J|+N\\\\\\\ / tltttH Illtlllllh lt I t], I tH wl) Y|f / ,,ll_ So||nt Hon/Etrcbc T 6.8', I T 6.4' I SpcctrAlert Cc nt ttrount Stob. (hdcrlng Informetlon strobe, 24 volt, 15 candela, red slrobe, 24 volt, 15 csndela, white Ceilingflount strobe, 24 volt, 15/75 candela, red ceilingflount strobe, 24 volt, 15175 candela, white Ceilingnount strobe, 24 volt,30 candela, red Ceilingflount strobe, 24 volt,30 candels, white ceilingflount strobe, 24 volt, 75 candela, red ceilingflount strobe, 24 volt, 75 candela, white Ceilingflount strobe, 24 volt, 95 candela, red CeilinS{ount strobe,24 voh,95 candela, white Ceilingfiount strobe, 24 volt, 115 candels, r€d CeilinSfiount strobe, 24 volt, 115 candela, white Ceilingfiount s'trobe, 24 volt, 177 candela, red Ceilingfiount strob6, 24 volt, 177 candela, v{hite Ceiling-rnount horn,/strobe, 24 volt, 15 candela, red Ceilingfiount horn,/strobe, 24 volt, 15 candels, t{hite CeilinS-rnount horn/s,trobe, 24 volt, 30 candela, red CeilinSflount horn/strobe, 24 volt, 30 c8ndela, while Ceilingfloum horn,/strobe, 24 voh, 75 candela, red Ceiling{nount horn/strobe, 24 volt, 75 candela, white Ceilingfiount horn/strobe, 24 volt, 95 candels, red Ceiling,fiount hornlslrobe, 24 volt, 95 candela, white Ceiling{nourlt horn/strobe, 24 volt, 115 candela, red ceifingflou.rt horn/strobe, 24 uoll, L77 candela, red Sync.Circuittu Module, red Sync.Circuitr Module, white Surfacefiount bsck box skirt, red Surfscemount back box skirt, white Syrtem Sensor Sdo3 and Sorvloe ttdd|| tx..r $adq||flart 3825 Ohio Avchuc St. Charl6s, lL 60174 Ph:8oO/SENSOR2 Fx: 630/3775,495 Oocumontson-Domrnd 8OO/7&7672 x3 www.sy3tomScnsor.com ttrtr|! tdor C.rdr Ph; 905.4r.2.0767 Fx:905.812.0771 ttd.|| taraor EloD. Ph:44.1403-891920 Fx:44.1403.491921 ayd..r| t r.or h Clrh. Ph: a6.29.524.6253 Fx: 86.29.524.6259 sy.t r liror h tLttsF. Ph:65.6273.2230 Fx: 65.6273.2610 Syrtrr 3d|tor - Fr Ead Ph: Fx: 85.22.736.6580 ttdan t-!or - lratfaL Ph:613.54.281.142 Fx:613.54.24L.772 tyd.n t tro( - ltdtr Phi 97. !24.237.17 7 O x.27oo Fx:91-124.237.3114 tyd.r| lfi.or - &rrt|! Ph: 70.95.937.7982 Fx:70.95.937.7943 o 2oo4 $stem serBor. rho comp&y r6€ry6 tha right to chargo ptodt ct 3l6ci6c€tirJa9 without tDtic€. ilodelc Avdlable MDL (Red) MDLW (White) Canadifi ilodeb MDLA (Red) MDLWA (White) Product Overylew Two \rrire opetation fiom module to the devices Silences horns over a two wire loop Synchronizes strobes at 1H: Synchronizes horns to tempofal 3 pattern Patented technology Allows slave module operation Generates synchronized temporal 3 tone for Multi-Alert ' and PA40O horn pioducts Englnoorlng Spoclficc0om technology. Thc Sync.Circuit module synchronizes SpcctrAlert' strobes at 1 Hz and horns at temporal 3 over a single pair of wires. Patentcd module tech- nology also allows the silencing of horns on horn/strobe models over a pair of wires. Application Flexibility. The Sync.Circuit module is dcsigned to Power and syn- chronize either rwo 3-amp circuits wired in Class B or one 3-amp circuit powered as Class A. Should more than two zorles require synchronization, additional modulcs can lrc added by interconnecting thc "slave" inpur and output terminals between modulcs. Additional capabilities. Thc Sync.Circuit module is also dcsigncd to generate tem- poral 3 tone for System Sensor's Multi-Alert and PA400 Mini-Alert sounders. Existing installations can be upgraded to comply with M-PA 72. \!Z CSsa6/5,19 I Synchronization Circuit Module shall be a System Scnsor Sync'Circuit Model listed to UL464 anrl shall be approved fot fue protectivc service. The modulc shall synchronize SpectrAlert" strobcs at 1 Hz and horns at temporal 3. Also, the module shall bc capable of silencing the horns on hortr/strobe models. while operating the strobes, over a single pair of wires. The module shall bc capable of mounting to a 4rr/r""x 4tr(6nx 2r/i back box and shall control two Sryle Y (class B) or onc Style Z (class A) circuit- The module shall be capable of multiple zone synchronization by connccting multiple modules together via a slave-in/slave-out arrangement and re-synchronizing each other along the chain. Notc: The module shall not operate on a coded power sr4pply. tr/rEA .pproYd o General Soecifications 5\/q" L x 5t/{ W Oporatlng Specificatlon3 tv! ir,r:r.a 4LL/16r x4rlA$, \2hr back box {tlit!.ji apiiirl ri{ Itnl!e' ,r..r- 32" to 12o" F (0" to 49' C) ,r:J ..,r' Ir:t \!)rrrl, 12 ot 24YOC ard FwR unfiltered Horns Silenced Over TwoWlre Glrcult ij.r.:"rl:.: \'.,11.r: _ Fj:,c. '.i:: \ 17 to 33 VoC 5.598,139 5.850.178 ilil,'ir j; i;.r-: :.:',1 11!l I to 17-5 vDC :'lra'r',,.I ..r..l 3 Amps/zono 1. Any mix of Horn/Strobes or Strobo only dovices is acceptable 2. Horn control connects to interruptiblc polver source llACl G) *o?, G) xac3 TO l|€XjI 9PECTAAIENT .'EYICE OB EOL All SgectrAlsrl horns, homr!ilmb... rrd slrob.g wii op.nlo In syiE. -- te ;j'"-Hlf; tor.r r -" J9 8]*=* Temp 3 CodlnE of Multl-Ale and PAIIOO Soundere Strobes must be powered from non-coded supply 4[ "*" ronE t o, c..nnor out 20,tE I zo||E 2 $;r"-* fi Itd|r fl b. T.||ro..l TEUP, JIIPEN O" Systom S€nsot Selo3 aDd Sorvlco Oldo?lng Info?matlon/Cuttsnt Draw Model No. {Red) lModel t{o. (lryhite)VoltaBe Average Cuneni (mA Peak Currcnt (mA lrFrush Cunent DC FWR FWR DC FWn MDL, IMOLW L?10 30 31 a7 MDLA (Canadian) | MDLWA (Canadisn)LT 15 35 198 262 Sy3io|n Sooaor [crdquttata 3825 Ohio Avenu€ Si. Charles, lL 60174 Ph:800/SENsoR2 Fx: 630/377$495 Documentg!r|Demand aOO/ 7&7€,72 \3 www.systemsensof.com Stdaatr saoror Gnid Ph:9O5.812.0757 Fr:9O5.s12.o??1 Syrtdn Sirtor ErroDa Ph:44.1403.891920 Fx:44.1403.891921 Sy.f.n S tor h Cfih. Ph: 86-29.524.6253 Fx: a6.29.524.6250 Statoar Eaarrot In Slngloora Ph:65.6273.2230 Fx:55.6273.2610 Staaan Sdno, - Fd Ead Ph: S.22-191.9OO3 Fx: S5.22.736.65S0 Syttdr Soarrol - Aualralla Phi 613.54.28r.r42 Fxi 6! Std{rr Saitoa - lidl. Ph. 9L.L24.237 .!77O t .27OO Fri 91,.124.237.3114 Syatdn Sanror - Rut'la Ph:70,95-937.7982 Fx: 70.95.937.7983 AO5 1m a{x)4.5/Or1.f 1287 O 2OO4 99em Sensor. Tl€ compafly l€licrv€s llE .Ehl to chat{le Foducl q)ecficats)s wniod ffarco o MMUNTTVD TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENTOFCO EVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES DEMO.OFPART/ALLBLDG. PCNNit #: DO4-0022 Job Address: 531 LIONSHEAD MALL VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.......: 531 E. LIONSIIEAD CR Applied. . : 09/02/2004 ParcelNo....: 210106314015 LF( * .^x-o&o-- Issued. . . : 09/1312004 hojectNo.: Z? ?kSOqArc1 Expires...: 03/1212005 OWNER LAZIER, ROBERT 09/02/2004 Phone: PO BOX l_325 VAII,co 8t-658 License: CONTRACTOR ALLIANCE RESTORATION SERVICE09 / 02 /2004 Phone: (970) 328-4900 PO BoX 109 Eagle, Co 81531 L,icense : 2 89-A APPLICANT ALI-,IANCE RESTORATION SERVICEO9 / 02 /2004 Phone: (970) 328-4900 Po Box 109 Eagle, Co 81631 License:289-A Desciption: REMOVE DRYWALL FROM WALLS IN SPACE Occupancy: Type Construction: Type0ccupancy: ?2 Valuation: $12,075.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: Building---> 5223.25 R€stuarant Plan Review-> PlanCheckr-> 5145.11 DRB Fee-------------> lnvcstigation) S0 , 00 ResrEetion Fe€"---------> Will Call--->93 . 00 Cl€an-up Deposit----> AddSqFt 0 # ofcas [ogs: 0 # of Wood Pellet 0 FEESTjMMARY:rl'ra!|tr'r'rlf+rt'r+'rrtt**||trr!r'riaaa*ai***t*rt*'r*'r*:r*'*a:*'l'*:**'*'r**** 50.00 Tot8l Calculated Fe€s-> 5371.36 S0.00 AdditionalFees------>$0.00 S0.00 Total Permit Fee-----> $3?L.36 $0 . 00 Paymcnts----------> $371.35 TOTAL FEES------> 5371.36 BALANCE DUE-*---->s0.00 # of6as Appliances: 0 Approvals: IIEN: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMEIiIT 09/10/2004 Ic Action: AP building is not required.. IIEN: O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMEIiIT Iten: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEI{T 09/09/2004 mvaughan Action: AP rtem: 05500 PuBr,rc woRKs See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the infornation as requircd is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved" Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQIJEIITS FOR INSPECITON SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOLJR HO|JRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER PAGE2 **:t!|'i'i'|'f*'t*{t'i:}'*'t'}'}'i!t't*'t't'.'***'}**,|''++*+'}+++++*+************!t**********{t***!t*!*'t!t*!***{.!t:t!t'}*!t*:*,t,t*** CONDITIONS OFAPPROVAL Pemrit #: D04-0022 as of 09-13-2004 Status: ISSUED 't*I**{t*:i!t,t'i't:1.*'t{r'lr***,lcii't:1.{.*,}**:t *t t'f 'trt PennitType: DEMO. OFPART/ALLBLDG. Applied: O9/O2\2OO4 Applicanr ALLIANCE RESTORATION SERVICES, INC. Issued: Q9/13/2004 (970)328-4900 To Expire: 03/t2t2005 Job Address: 531 LIONSHEAD MALL VAIL Location: 531 E. LIONSHEAD CR ParcelNo: 210106314015 Description: REMOVE DRYWALL FROM WALLS IN SPACE Conditions: Cond:38 (BLDG.): THIS PERMIT IS GOOD FORASBESTOS ABATEMENT ONLY. ANASBESTOS ABATEMENT CERTIFICATE SHOWING THE AREAFREE FROM ASBESTOS IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO ANy FURTHER WORK occuRING oN THIS SITE. IF FURTHER QLJESTIONS ARISE, CONTACT THE VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT AT 479-2250. Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQI.]IRED BEFORE ANY WORKCANBE STARTED. Cond: 12 @LDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR coDE COMPLIANCE. o *********{r***f***{.t*t****f****t'**tt************ *****************++*****+*+** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO +++++*++++**it*l*t****f*********************'l*'t***************************** R040006537 Amounts: $371.36 09/1,3/200401 :38 PM Check hit.: DDG Notation: Alliance 1205 Statement Stauement Nurdber: Pa)'menL Method: Permit No: D04-0022 TlT)e: DEMO. OF PART/ALL BLDG.Parcel No: 21010 6 314 015 Site Address: 531 LIIONSHEAD MALL VAIL Location: 531 E. LIONSHEAD CR Tota1 Fees:)J /J_. JO This Payment: $3?1.36 Total ALL Pnts: 5371.36 Balance: S0.00 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++**+++**+++++++++fr+*++++|+++++++++++++++++++++++*+++*++++++ ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts BP 00100003111100 PF 00r.00003112300 wc 00100003112800 BUIIJDING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CA]-,L INSPECTION FEE zz5. z) L45.LL 3.00 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 **i ApprrcArroN *?, no, BE AccEprED rF rNcoMprErr! un"rnnro Project #: mrvnFv/n TOWN OF VAIL ASBESTOS ABATEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION Required per Orlinance No. 19, Series of 1998 pplication will !t be accepted without the follorqing: no nts of the structure in unaffected areas. Buildinq Permit #:r.u"Jl-r'p"ilit;IFt=@=: disabling of the and contact load out area for the CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION On Site Abatement Contractor:G.C. a qLLrAFt4e R €.9roe^f }oN 3,6 CoNTEW- 3 H}<G 6ESTbS Town of Vail Reg, No.: z8?- n Conbct and Phone #.'s: E-MailAddress: (bb+ @, allrcrc€ 1g31ufol,oo. cor.\ Contractor Signature:F+- COMPLETE VALUATION FOR ASBESTOS ABATEMENT PERMIT (Labor & Materials) Asbestos Abatement: $ 12,o75,a> Parcel #o \) :obAddress: 531 U-, LIoNSREftO 4 VAI r-- .D ylbST Job Name: Ltoxs5k€.lp Vt5ros'\ 4l{1--EA- zrFR- -&JrLDr subdivision: Llo6lw AeeDE Filins: 6ASf t-ot: lr2rb t 17o - gLfS-2 Phone: 4 7O+ZA-./?@ Phone: 4 3o3 - Sl,t -z?s1 AddrcsF)!3s gfi|w*lgt, 7tpt Air Monitoring Specialist: ;j oetaited description of work: fleuote DH -Xu- fer- A/&LLS t t't SPft(5 . Startllme: 91e. fu Amount of Asbestos: Linear Feet:square Feet: lbo 55/Gal Drums: WorkClass: New( ) _{ , ) .- , B9.tl,(r ) .'t-{vojfahtlv f ') uulti-familv (X) Commercial System Exist: Yes ( ) No Contad Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit for Parcel OFFICE USE ON LY** * * * * * * * * * * * r. *,! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * !t * * * * ** \wail\data\cdev\FoRMS\PERMITS\ASBEPERM. DOC RECEIVED 07126/2002 oo DEPARTMENT OF COMMT]NITY DEVELOPM-ENT NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E04-0247 6o4-oeE 531 LIONSHEAD MALL VAIL LIONSHEAD ARCADE VISION CENTER 210106314015 ProjectNo , ?(Jo4_ eug Electrical------> DRB Fee------> lnvestigation-..-> Will Call------> TOTAL FEES--> s4s0.00 90.00 $0.00 53.00 s453.00 Status. . . Applied. . Issued . Expires . : ISSUED : 10/28/2004 : 1110812004 : 0510712005 TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Job Address: Location.....: Parcel No...: OWNER LAZIER, ROBERT PO BOX 1325 VAIL co 81658 I-,1cense: ARCH ELECTRIC INC P.O. BOX 6522 VAIL, CO 81,65'7 License:335-n ARCH ELECTRIC INC P.O. BOX 6522 VAIL, CO 81657 LaCense: JJb--Ei 10/28/2004 Phone: CONTRACTOR I0/28/2004 Phone:97 0-31 6-47 97 APPLICANT 10/28/2004 Phone: 970-3'76-4797 Desciption: VISION CENTER-ROUGHAND TRIM ELECTRICAL-INSTALL LIGHTING Valuation: $25,000.00 + * :1,* *:r '*:*,* * * :* *:r * :* r. Total Calculated Fe€s-> Additional Fees-----> 'l otal Permit Fee-----> Payments--------------> BALANCE DUE---.-.--> s4s3.00 s0.00 s453.00 s453.00 $0.00 Approvals: Item: 05000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 11l08/2004 JRM Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Action: AP 't,|.*'t**'*,}',t,*:t't||.,*:|'l't|'|l|||*r**||r*rl'***,l|||i.*''*1'|'t:l,***'t'*,|'*'l**'}***** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond:12 *!?*o*9-;].;..1*Il?..1T.:lgqlT.gI-s*.*I..T.19L,t.11?J1.9.,,ci]P,9.{-.T.9*--99r?.I..99y-P*}-H.c*"-,***************"*,.,.:,*,r**i,,.,,:,.,., DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, frlled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as requted is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this struchre according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENry-FOI.JR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FRoM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTORFORHIMSELF AND OWNER ****** * ******* *** ******* ** * * ** ** ************ * *** ***********++** *+*+* ** * *********+ **++,! +++,t** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement ****+* *** +++** * ** * * **+** ** * * ** * * ** **** * **+*+ 'lr * +* **+** *,i******** ***** * *+ ** * ****** * *** * * ****** Statement Number: R040007077 Amount: 9453.00 II/08/200401:01 pM Payment Method: Check Electric TNfC: LU Notati-on: #1536/Arch 804-0247 T\4>e: ELECTRICAI-, PERMIT 21010 6314 015 531 I,IONSHEAD MALL VAIL LIONSHEAD ARCADE VISION CENTER Total Fees: $453.00 'l ocar ALL .h,Int s l Balance: ** **** * ** ***** *****,1**** **** ** * * ** **** * ********* * ** **** * ** **+ *** + ***+*** *** * * * * * **** 't!i* ** * * * ACCOLINT ITEM LIST: Account. Code Des cript i on Current Pmt.s Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address : Locat ion : Thi s Pa).ment : EP 00r_00003111100 wc 001-000031_12800 TEMPORARY POWER PERMITS WI]-,,I, CALL INSPECTION FEE $4s3.00 $4s3 .00 $0.00 450.00 3.00 $rr02-0{ l0:rl'|r Fril-T0fl 0F Y IL CdtllTY ElEtOmiT T-tr7 ?,00znu F037 orl -o 3L8 t7u1r2rr2 I|{COHPITTE 45t AppLrcATroCu. ilor BE A..EPTED rF IWTOF 75 S. Frontlge Rd. Vail, Colorado htd offe Yet ftF2rd# lobllarner \,ji.,\ cw Uvv\'L(JobAddress:rrai E L, crrgkrr,rcl Ctv r 11 lr9.l Descrlpdo$ I ue f , i,;l mac r Ffrnsz l*$tdrrlcoft: Vvvrt l,- ttiLA( Lui l Engineer:Ad<F:Plror: Dciailed descriptkrn ol work :l r r, r , i1 tr,l (i-f{itli'+ t't't ril -(t-tr'itv tLl(I -l-Il''t(4(.1 L'l((11'TtLt^ .f WortCtass: l{eri,() Afi'fbn( ) R€lnodd(vt Repak( ) fempForver( ) O6ter( ) WorkType: Inhrlor( ) B(Erld( ) Eoth( )DrcanElUsi*athblocat*tn: Y*( ) ltto( ) Typeorgdg.: sngb+amtty( ) Dupb(( ) mdi{.nily( )ffitM R"rt..tt{ ) otrrcrl 1 No. of Existing Oudftttg UniE in thb bulldmg:lrlo. of Awnnrodatirn Urits in 8tis buildim: Is thb oennit fur a hot tub: Yes ( ) t{o ( ) osaTlreTErm Bdst Yes( ) t{o(DoesaFrc$nlders@mEbe Yes( ) t{o( ) rrrrre'| r*.ai*r+rl.*.r.*******rr *.+.*rnlFoR, oFFICE USE OiILY*rr!aa*r*rrtf lrt* t"a'**a"atr3x Bulldirrg Pennt*: CO]{TRASrOR INFOR|IIATIOII Eledrical Contrador: Arr:vt '(.lt tlvt c'r Ltanfr tt, To$rn of Vall Reg. tilo.: -l ,-?cit c. CooEctard Phone #3:1i'ft Avrttrtl-t\rL lt (u'1'{17- ffi @ v 1, t,tit41_r2,, AftLLttLclzr COITIP1ITE SQ. FEET FOR TIEW BI'NDS ANd VALUATIO]IS FOR ALt OTHERS (|lbo] & H'Ed'E) ELECTRTCAf- vAtuATIoN. + ?-5' D OO At4orrirr oF sQ FT lN STRUCTURE; REG,frWED OCl ;r7 i,l TOV.COM.DEV. $vr kIDt&I\FOR}ISIPERMIfS\EIECPERIr',T{)C TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Job Address: Location.....: Parcel No...: Project No : Electrical--------> DRB Fee----> Investigation----> Will Call-----> TOTAL FEES..> D TMENT OF COMMI.INITY DEVELOP T NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES o MEN Permit #: E04-0202 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 09/29/2004 Issued. . : 0912912004 Expires. .: 0312812005 s144.00 s0.00 s0.00 s3.00 s147.00 s t-4? .00 So.oo s147.00 s 14? .00 s0.00 Total Calculated Fees--> Additional Fees-----> Total Permit Fee------> Paym€nts------------------> BALANCE DUE---....-> Approvals: IICM: O6OOO ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 09/29/2004 Js Action: AP ]TeM: 056OO FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BLDG. ) : FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE 'N*,N*+****)*)t**,t*+,*,*+ji*:*;r*r.:r*t :*rt|*||||r***:*,****'*,*'r:*****,t't**t )t:t t:l +)t,l+* **ti't,t,t* a | ** r,r,*,1,* 't * * i r* * t**r '** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. COMPL]ANCE. o EPAR ELECTRICAL PERMIT 53I LIONSHEADMALLVAIL 53I EASTLIONSHEAD CR 210106314015 C ksoq- osG & OWNER LAZIER, ROBERT PO BOX 1325 VAIL CO 81558 Lacense: STONE CREEK ELECTRIC P 0 BOX 519 VAIL CO 816 58 License:108-E STONE CREEK ELECTRIC P O BOX 519 VAIL CO 81558 License: 108-E 09/29/2004 Phone: CONTRACTOR 09 /29 /2004 Phone:97 0-926-200I APPLTCANT 09/29/2004 Phone: 910-926-200L Desciption: TAKE DOWN OLD FIXTURES, ADD SWITCHES, HANG NEW FIXTURES AFTER CEILINGS ARE REDONE. RUN NEW CIRCUIT FOR PHONE SYSTEM Valuation: $8,000.00 * 'l * * ** * * * )t* *** * * * * * +,t +,t* *,t** * r*** ** OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM.REQUESTS ITOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENry-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY l. * t l. *** * ** * * * * * ** * * * *** **** **** ** * ***** ** * l. *** ******** ** * *** * ***** * * ** * ** * * * ******* ** ** **** * TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement ********************************************.****++t*+******f*+**+*+************1.'t '1.*,t 'N.{.:}'N.*{r** StaLement Number: R040006775 Amount: 9147.00 09/29/2004O3:08 pM Pa).menE Method: Check o,4?o hit: DDG NotaL.ion: Stone Creek PermiL No: Parcef No: SiEe Address : Locat.].on: This Payment: EP 00100003111100 wc 00100003112800 E04-0202 210106314015 531 LIONSHEAD MALL VATL 531 EAST LIONSHEAD CR TyPC: ELECTRICAL PERMIT Total Fees:Total ALL Pmts : $147.00 $r-47 . 00 $147 . 00 Balance: S0.00 i..* * * ** * * *i! * * * {. * * * * * * + * * * * * * *'} * * ** * **** {. ** * * *** ***** ** * ** * **'t* * **** * * ** ** * * * ++****** * * ** ****,t ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts TEMPORARY POWER PERMITS WILL CALL INSPECTIO\ FEE 144.00 3.00 APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIG Building Permit #: Electrical Permit #: 970-479- TOWNOF 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 8 Electrical Contractor: $,oc's. Ctq( tlttl.,q, Town of Vail Reg. No.: ro8 - €-Contact and Phone #'s: B,.LL Lna^r\sn 3lb-Zo(o I E-Mail Address:S(rPcintA hJ. NSL tAr, Contractor Signature: .,/ )- 4/ uMnnr- COMPLETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUITDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (Labor & Materials) AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE: f ELECTRICAL VALUAION: $ $ Contact Assessorc Otrice at 970-328-864O or visit for Parcel ,# Parcel# Jla/OFZ ?2ooltl,.n 2ZAt9 rob Name: S/{r^ R-olrl Job Addressi/tn? t er ,l rc,a/" . ./,snl An,/ Legal Description Lot!Blockl Filing:Subdivision: Owners Name:Address;Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detaired de;cription or work: ^T- ./1iL_ J)o r.,,r :, /r.1#oYry , !:: ,ry.L*l]lclf rAl n;AAy k/{ao^n cQ'z/' fr Art WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel (ry' Repair( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( v/ Exterior ( ) Eoth ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial 7J Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildinq: Is this oermit for a hot tub: Yes (l,lo (,21 Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( r) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes (,4 No ( ) \\Vail\data\cdcv\FORMSWEIIM ITS\ELITCPL:llM. DOC IttT -- 01/26t2002 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970-479-2r38 o"t*r*r oF coMMrJNrr" ouu"ror#*, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICALPERMIT Permit #: M04-024'7 fu( -ocr3 Job Address: 531 LIONSHEAD MALL VAIL Stahrs . . . : ISSUED Location.....: VISION CENTER Applied. . : 1110112004 ParcelNo...: 210106314015 Issued. . : 1110812004 ProjectNo :?rtnrL _Az, ?) Expires. .: 05/0712005 ' ttJo* +'og OWNER LAZIER, ROBERT II/OI/20Q4 PhoneI PO BOX l-325 VA L L co 81658 License: CONTRACTOR DESIGN MECHANICAL, INC. LL/0I/2004 phone: (3931449-2092 168 CTC Blvd. Ste. D Louisville, Colorado 80027 License ? 2'17 -M APPLICANT DESIGN MECHANICAIJ, INC. t\/01,/2004 phone: (393)449-2092 l-68 CTC B]vd. Ste. D Louisville, Colorado 80027 License : 2'7'7 -M Desciption: VISION CENTER-ONE HEATING ONLY FAN COIL WITH CONTROLS, GRILLES, REGISTERS Valuation: $16,122.00 fir€place Information: Restricted: Y # ofcas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pelleti 0 *if +,f i*,t;;***,*,*:t *'t*l Mechanical---> 5340.00 Restuarant Plan Review-> 50.00 Total Calculated F€€s--> 5428-00 Plan Check--> 585.00 DRB Fee-----------> $0.00 Additional Fees--------> S0.00 lnvestigation-> S0.00 TOTAL FEES--------> $428.00 Total Permit Fee-----> $428.00 Will Call---> 53 . 00 Pa''rn€nt6------------> 54 28 . 00 BALANCTjDUE-----> $0.00 Item: 05100 BUII-.,DING DEPARTMENT 1,1/08/2004JRM Action: AP IIem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BLDG. ) : FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 22 (BLDG.): CoMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 llMC, OR SECTTON 701 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond:23 (BI-.,DG. ) : INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CIIAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 I]MC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE ]-997 IMC. Cond:25 (BLDG. ) : GAS APPIJ]ANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AND SHALL TERMfNATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF THE 1997 TJMC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1991 IMC. Cond:29 (BI-,DG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUTPMENT MUST COMPI,Y WITH CHAPTER 3 AND SEC.1O17 OF THE 1997 UMC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 u -(BLDG. ) : BOILERS SHALIJ BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS 0F NONCOMBUSTTBLE CONST. UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNT]NG ON COMBUSTIBLE FI-,OORING.Cond:32 (BLDG'): PERMIT,PIJANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAI-, ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond:30 (BLDG. ) : DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. 1.022 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR :F..9I*:I-*P-9*;-9--.o.T-.IT.T..1i?.J..LYS;. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOtiRS lN AD#NCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OtrR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 pM. >ab qAc*\-- SIGNATURE OF OWNER ORCONTRACTORFOR HIMSELF AND OWNER *:* * * * * ** * * ******** **** ****** *.* *** ** ** ***,*** *,1* *** * * **** * * *** **** * ***** ** * ** ** ** *******+* * * *+ TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement * * * * * *** * * * ***{.*:* * * ** * * *** ** * * * ** * *** ***** *** * * *** * **** **** * **** * +**** * * *** *** * * ** * * ***** *** Statement Number: R040007078 Anount.: S428.00 77/08/200401 :19 pM D.\rman i Maf h,,\,.l . Mechani ca I Check J_nIE: LJC Notarion: #3 981-2 /Design Permi t No: Parcel No:Site Address : l,ocation: This Payment: MP 001-00003111100 PF 00100003112300 wc 00100003112800 l'/i04-0247 T\4re: MECHANTCAL PERMTT 21010 6314 01s 531 LIONSHEAD MALL VAIL VISION CENTER Total Fees; MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WIL].J CAIJL INSPECTION FEE $428.00 $428.00 s428.00 Total Al,L Pmts: Bafance: $0.00 * * * * * **** * * **** *** * *** * *+* ** * * * ** *++t ***+t * *** * *** *** ****** * * **:r:*:r*'l**,f 'r,l******** **** * * **** * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descript ion Current Pmts 340 . 00 85.00 3.00 o N WILL a PzraT otL TVWNOFVIN 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail. Colorado t(u, APPLICATIO NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGN Project #: Building Permit #: Mechanical Permit #: 97 0 -47 9 -21 49 (l n spectio n s) TOWN OF VAIL MECHANEAL PERMIT APPLICATION not be ical Room Flue, V Heat Lr I Gas Line lcs.:ff::Equipment CuUSpec Sheets CONTRACTOR INFORMATION T0v-c0M.D Mechanical Contractor: Ce=rce [\61 ,-.,p"..6,o.. --\r,-;c Town of Vail Reg. No,: )-11- tA L,lla"l* Contact and Phone #'s: 3.ts ->(lAt1s,l ci?C'98 Gi9) E-MailAddress: b3f.f{\e- (, .",...,..:, \S }5.\,-{1S! SA. ( o.v1 contractorsignature: -4=_.- # MECHANICAL: $V IZZ COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT & Materials FOR O FFIC E U SE ON Ly""***************i***r******* Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www..com for Parcel # Parcef #'1tolOr..,3 lqOlS )h-v aL.) Job Name: U.tsro- C*-ai. :.91 <--\ii L--l ('"rs n?;\' c K. Joo Aooress: v ryru . Lr, grLsT . Llt.Jir(JaD Ffl"CJvf DUDO|VTS|On: ( i._ ,,:i 7.r 1,J-T _ '.\s Legal Description Lot:Filing:Block: Phone: 1174, g1;_ Zfu.t Owners Name: U fDC Address: | 97 t<'Qr(d/^AILL Ki, ai) uc. r)ib 9l Ensineer: AaC lleooress: uj,Ttd-' "-X;.'t," ll Pno"", .m - Zgd .1f 2 | Detailed description of work: t) i;- |l/(A'i 1':5 c\JL\ I A,\J ( L-1L *3-\ tt ( cr-TCj!5 t .\r.L(Lt , F ... l:is ,.. t9 Work Class: New( ) Addition ( ) Alteration (7<) Repair( ) Other( ) Boiler Location: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Other (y)Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( X) Type of Bldg: Singlejamily ( ) Duplex( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial (X) Restaurant ( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: A No. of Accommodation Units in this building: O No/Type of Fireplaces Existinq: GasAppliances( ) GasLoqs( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burnino( ) lJ/A No/Type of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) ls this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase ll device? Yes ( ) No (X DRB Fees: \\Vail\data\cdev\FORMS\PIIRMITS\I4ECHPERM.DOC Date 01/24/2007 ?; 12-22-200/'"-'ifff#?B;fi,"E?""n Re<luested lnspect Date: Wednesdav. December t2.2001 ' lnsoectlon Area: JF!!l llta Address: 53{ LIONSHEAD M.ALL V.AIL 53J EAST L|OIISHEAO CR Page 43 Slatus. ISSUED lnsp Ar€e: JRt{ 6.52 arrr Ali-iD Iniorni4tion Acllvrlv.go sl Typ€: C)wfi€t. Apptrcanl: L:oRlractoi Descript on: No0c€: f.:i,mmsnl. B0+o3t3 typ€. &{;OMM Sub lipe: ACOM Us€i ll i-HR {f,ccupiftsy. LAZIER. ROBIRT ALL|AIICE RES |ORATION SERVICES. ltlr Phon€: tg70r.j2&49(n ALLIAI.ICE RESTORAT|ON SERVICES, It',lC. Frtooe: (970,328-49{A VISIOf{ CENTER.TI OF OLD PASSAGES + LH REAL ESTATE OFFICES Alf condttlon€r rslocaton to north 3ld€ of th€ buildln adla€ent b thc irsnsfom€r approvad bv plsnntng 1?/1ClO4. . GRUTHER ROUTED TO -IR, GEOR(iE FUTHER. FIRE Ai.ID PUBLIC WOR(S. JSUTHER Item: Requestol gommrnts. /rssigrtad Tc'. Aclixr. RequEsted Tlme: 08:00 Afl 331-3482 DGOLDE}.I K ftam: 20 lbm' 3O BLDGFt9mIno :'ADoroirsd " 12l&1'(}4-rrr3pecror: GCD' Actkn: CONDAPPROVFT)rCOi|DITIOI'|-q COM'N€NIS: STEEL STUD FRAMhJG APPROVED 1 . SHEE TROCK FRT WOOD FFIAIVIiNG TO CEILIIIG DECK A T 6O|LEF ROOII. z,FIRE STOP P€NETRATICNS AT C€ILf{6 DECX AND BOILER FOOT' WALLS, ltcm: 5O lbrn: 60 Gsho€kock Noil " ADgroved " 12/10/(N Inspector: ,qil Asuoni l.|c, tlOTtFlE {nments: I NOTE THAT THERE lS l.lC RECORD OF A}l f.lSUlJTl W;.LLS THE EXTERIOR l?,i0i0/. lnsleutor: Art Ac$on: .APAPPRO\GD Co.nnl3nF: APPROVED SI.IEETROCK FASTElllhlG Ite.n: 70 BLDCr-Mlec.llGm 90 BLDG-Finrl nem: 53t) BLOGTemD. C/O fiern 532 PW TEMP. CJO Item: 537 PLAN-FINALC/O n€m' 536 FIRE-ni{AL C/O Item: 539 RV-RNALC/O ?lanr S.iC BLDG-Flrul C0 hem r34 Pr-AlJ - FINAL C/O I i.'21 /O4 Inspecltt :.:o.le lonments: Wdrt ii no, cc:plble. - PT.*-i'cK5: REPT131 l:5af Flrt6 Drl.ll lrl Id: 2677